eX2e3CXXfQu-00000-00000000-00000200 http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EIE8SR2FT7ww8gEiiMQSQ Học tập Bác Là học tư tưởng, thế giới quan và nhân sinh quan cách mạng, đạo đức cách mạng và phong cách của người chiến sỹ cộng sản chân chính. Thúc đẩy việc học tập Bác trở thành lối sống, nếp nghĩ, cách làm của từng cán bộ, đảng viên và người dân. Làm cho tư tưởng, đạo đức, phong cách của Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh thực sự thấm sâu vào đời sống xã hội, thật sự trở thành nền tảng tinh thần vững chắc, cội nguồn sức mạnh to lớn, để toàn Đảng, toàn dân và toàn quân ta phát huy nội lực, vượt qua khó khăn, thách thức, hoàn thành mọi nhiệm vụ cách mạng trong giai đoạn mới. Làm theo Bác Là thúc đẩy, tạo chuyển biến mạnh mẽ từ "học tập" sang "làm theo", hiện thực hóa bằng những chương trình hành động cụ thể, việc làm cụ thể, thiết thực trong thực hiện nhiệm vụ chính trị của địa phương, cơ quan, đơn vị và công tác xây dựng, chỉnh đốn Đảng, gắn với đề cao chức trách, đạo đức công vụ của mỗi cán bộ, đảng viên; giải quyết hiệu quả các khâu đột phá và các vấn đề trọng tâm, bức xúc trong thực tiễn, trên nền tảng, kim chỉ nam là tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh cùng với chủ nghĩa Mác - Lênin trong mọi hành động. Nêu gương Là thực hiện đồng thời, gắn kết việc học tập với làm theo Bác và nêu gương. Phát huy hiệu quả mối quan hệ giữa ba nhiệm vụ này, trong đó đề cao vai trò, trách nhiệm tiền phong, gương mẫu với nêu gương của cán bộ, đảng viên, nhất là người đứng đầu cấp ủy, chính quyền, cơ quan, đơn vị, mà trước hết là các đồng chí Ủy viên Bộ Chính trị, Ủy viên Ban Bí thư, Ủy viên Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng. Trong quá trình thực hiện ba nhiệm vụ nêu trên: Cần kết hợp chặt chẽ giữa "xây" và "chống," trong đó "xây" là cơ bản, chiến lược; "chống" là quan trọng, cấp bách. Đề cao tinh thần "nói đi đôi với làm," "rèn luyện suốt đời," thường xuyên "tự soi," "tự sửa." Đấu tranh, ngăn chặn, đẩy lùi tình trạng suy thoái về tư tưởng chính trị, đạo đức, lối sống, những biểu hiện "tự diễn biến," "tự chuyển hóa" trong nội bộ; kiên trì, kiên quyết đấu tranh phòng, chống tham nhũng, tiêu cực với tinh thần không có vùng cấm, không có ngoại lệ, không bị tác động bởi bất cứ tổ chức, cá nhân không trong sáng nào. Tăng cường công tác kiểm tra, giám sát. Nâng cao tính cảnh tỉnh, răn đe đối với những tư tưởng, biểu hiện tiêu cực; đồng thời khuyến khích, cổ vũ cán bộ, đảng viên suy nghĩ, hành động vì lợi ích chung, vì hạnh phúc của nhân dân, làm cho Đảng ta thật sự trong sạch, vững mạnh. (CỘNG ĐỒNG YÊU THƯƠNG http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EIE8SR2FT7ww8gEiiMQSQ) eaVa2xVt-sc-00000-00000000-00000250 - The three options a divorcing couple has, eaVa2xVt-sc-00001-00000250-00000463 and this seven things you must know eaVa2xVt-sc-00002-00000463-00000664 when selling a house as part of that divorce. eaVa2xVt-sc-00003-00000664-00000885 And there are three options a divorcing couple has eaVa2xVt-sc-00004-00000885-00001002 when a house is involved. eaVa2xVt-sc-00005-00001002-00001324 The first option is if one person does not wanna sell, eaVa2xVt-sc-00006-00001324-00001508 they actually have the option of buying out eaVa2xVt-sc-00007-00001508-00001794 the other partner's legal interests and keeping the home. eaVa2xVt-sc-00008-00001794-00001994 The second option is to negotiate eaVa2xVt-sc-00009-00001994-00002215 and occupy the house for a period of time. eaVa2xVt-sc-00010-00002215-00002389 We see this option many times eaVa2xVt-sc-00011-00002389-00002532 when there are children involved. eaVa2xVt-sc-00012-00002532-00002783 In many situations, there are times eaVa2xVt-sc-00013-00002783-00003007 when children maybe are close to graduating eaVa2xVt-sc-00014-00003007-00003158 or just maybe the divorcing couples eaVa2xVt-sc-00015-00003158-00003436 attempting to provide some sort of familiarity eaVa2xVt-sc-00016-00003436-00003600 during these challenging times. eaVa2xVt-sc-00017-00003600-00003892 And the third option is to sell the house and move on. eaVa2xVt-sc-00018-00003892-00004163 In this option, both parties will receive a fair share eaVa2xVt-sc-00019-00004163-00004414 that many will use to invest in a new home. eaVa2xVt-sc-00020-00004414-00004712 Option three is by far the most common solution eaVa2xVt-sc-00021-00004712-00004938 to a divorcing couple that owns a property. eaVa2xVt-sc-00022-00004938-00005233 And if that is the case, then there are seven things eaVa2xVt-sc-00023-00005233-00005471 that this divorcing couple must know. eaVa2xVt-sc-00024-00005471-00005692 The first must know is that you need to pick eaVa2xVt-sc-00025-00005692-00005931 a real estate agent that is objective qualified eaVa2xVt-sc-00026-00005931-00006022 in divorce sales. eaVa2xVt-sc-00027-00006022-00006190 It's worth the time to find an agent eaVa2xVt-sc-00028-00006190-00006456 who specializes in working with separating couples. eaVa2xVt-sc-00029-00006456-00006753 As the situation can present a unique set of challenges. eaVa2xVt-sc-00030-00006753-00006990 And in many cases, a real estate agent will double eaVa2xVt-sc-00031-00006990-00007280 as a mediator when working with a divorcing couple. eaVa2xVt-sc-00032-00007280-00007645 You'll also wanna find an agent that both parties trust eaVa2xVt-sc-00033-00007645-00007750 and feel comfortable with. eaVa2xVt-sc-00034-00007750-00008047 Choosing an agent that neither person could feel eaVa2xVt-sc-00035-00008047-00008418 that is on the other person's side is absolutely essential. eaVa2xVt-sc-00036-00008418-00008705 It's always recommended to pick a fair and neutral realtor eaVa2xVt-sc-00037-00008705-00008941 instead of hiring a friend, family friend, eaVa2xVt-sc-00038-00008941-00009260 a mutual acquaintance, and especially a family member. eaVa2xVt-sc-00039-00009260-00009483 Picking an agent where there's no connection eaVa2xVt-sc-00040-00009483-00009806 will help build each person's trust and make sure eaVa2xVt-sc-00041-00009806-00010092 they feel confident that their personal situation eaVa2xVt-sc-00042-00010092-00010337 is not getting back to their personal sphere eaVa2xVt-sc-00043-00010337-00010507 of friends and family members. eaVa2xVt-sc-00044-00010507-00010701 It's important that both parties are present eaVa2xVt-sc-00045-00010701-00010869 for any listing interview. eaVa2xVt-sc-00046-00010869-00011107 And if they both are not able to be present, eaVa2xVt-sc-00047-00011107-00011310 because maybe there's a tense situation, eaVa2xVt-sc-00048-00011310-00011452 then to have that agent eaVa2xVt-sc-00049-00011452-00011679 meet with both people at separate times, eaVa2xVt-sc-00050-00011679-00011921 it's essential that the divorcing couple understands eaVa2xVt-sc-00051-00011921-00012277 that their agent represents both of them equally. eaVa2xVt-sc-00052-00012277-00012541 Oftentimes when one party selects the real estate agent, eaVa2xVt-sc-00053-00012541-00012715 the other, they just feel slighted. eaVa2xVt-sc-00054-00012715-00012988 This sense of mistrust is setting everyone up eaVa2xVt-sc-00055-00012988-00013109 for a miserable process, eaVa2xVt-sc-00056-00013109-00013411 which will only make the situation more tense. eaVa2xVt-sc-00057-00013411-00013652 The second must know is that the divorcing couple eaVa2xVt-sc-00058-00013652-00013804 needs to provide their agent eaVa2xVt-sc-00059-00013804-00014110 with all the relevant details about the divorce decree. eaVa2xVt-sc-00060-00014110-00014403 It's very important that your agent communicate with you, eaVa2xVt-sc-00061-00014403-00014616 but it's also imperative for you eaVa2xVt-sc-00062-00014616-00014758 to communicate with your agent. eaVa2xVt-sc-00063-00014758-00015021 You'll need to share any stipulations regarding your house eaVa2xVt-sc-00064-00015021-00015222 that have been laid out in this divorce decree. eaVa2xVt-sc-00065-00015222-00015481 These decrees often include maybe which spouse eaVa2xVt-sc-00066-00015481-00015646 has been appointed to act on behalf eaVa2xVt-sc-00067-00015646-00015772 of the couple and has items eaVa2xVt-sc-00068-00015772-00016003 typically relating to the listing price, eaVa2xVt-sc-00069-00016003-00016327 as well as the points in which price reductions happen eaVa2xVt-sc-00070-00016327-00016419 should they be needed. eaVa2xVt-sc-00071-00016419-00016656 Another example of what a divorce decree can say eaVa2xVt-sc-00072-00016656-00016887 is maybe who's responsible for home repairs eaVa2xVt-sc-00073-00016887-00016991 and the accessibility eaVa2xVt-sc-00074-00016991-00017230 that must be provided for all showings. eaVa2xVt-sc-00075-00017230-00017485 The third must know is that the divorcing couple eaVa2xVt-sc-00076-00017485-00017836 needs to come to an agreement before that house is listed. eaVa2xVt-sc-00077-00017836-00018073 It's very important that everyone agrees eaVa2xVt-sc-00078-00018073-00018329 to the key details before that property is listed, eaVa2xVt-sc-00079-00018329-00018564 as this will help ensure a smoother process, eaVa2xVt-sc-00080-00018564-00018736 with less issues down the road, eaVa2xVt-sc-00081-00018736-00018971 and less issues is always a good thing eaVa2xVt-sc-00082-00018971-00019197 when you're talking about two of the most stressful things eaVa2xVt-sc-00083-00019197-00019435 a person can go through, divorce and moving. eaVa2xVt-sc-00084-00019435-00019635 And let alone doing them at the same time. eaVa2xVt-sc-00085-00019635-00019940 Some of these items to consider and agree on eaVa2xVt-sc-00086-00019940-00020209 are the list price and the lowest offer eaVa2xVt-sc-00087-00020209-00020378 that you'd be willing to accept. eaVa2xVt-sc-00088-00020378-00020647 A price reduction strategy should it be needed. eaVa2xVt-sc-00089-00020647-00020871 How involved in the marketing and process eaVa2xVt-sc-00090-00020871-00021037 will each person wanna be? eaVa2xVt-sc-00091-00021037-00021302 For example, the person who's not living in the house, eaVa2xVt-sc-00092-00021302-00021600 do they wanna be notified of every single showing? eaVa2xVt-sc-00093-00021600-00021861 If so, then great, what are the responsibilities eaVa2xVt-sc-00094-00021861-00022207 of each spouse for staging, cleaning and minor repairs, eaVa2xVt-sc-00095-00022207-00022489 which spouse, if any, will be staying in the house eaVa2xVt-sc-00096-00022489-00022627 while it's being sold. eaVa2xVt-sc-00097-00022627-00022977 The fourth must know is to consider the tax implications eaVa2xVt-sc-00098-00022977-00023168 of the move, as we all know, eaVa2xVt-sc-00099-00023168-00023357 death and taxes are life certainties. eaVa2xVt-sc-00100-00023357-00023500 And in the case of divorce, eaVa2xVt-sc-00101-00023500-00023683 we are really praying for no death. eaVa2xVt-sc-00102-00023683-00023915 And we just need to know what the tax implications eaVa2xVt-sc-00103-00023915-00024207 can become as they could become more complicated, eaVa2xVt-sc-00104-00024207-00024383 depending on how the sale is handled. eaVa2xVt-sc-00105-00024383-00024633 Now capital gains tax is a tax that you pay eaVa2xVt-sc-00106-00024633-00024907 on the profit that you get when selling an investment. eaVa2xVt-sc-00107-00024907-00025069 There are short-term capital gains, eaVa2xVt-sc-00108-00025069-00025234 as well as long-term capital gains, eaVa2xVt-sc-00109-00025234-00025362 with those rates changing eaVa2xVt-sc-00110-00025362-00025541 depending on the political landscape. eaVa2xVt-sc-00111-00025541-00025769 If you can avoid this capital gains tax, eaVa2xVt-sc-00112-00025769-00026063 then you will walk away with more proceeds in the end. eaVa2xVt-sc-00113-00026063-00026289 This could be tens of thousands of dollars. eaVa2xVt-sc-00114-00026289-00026493 For real estate, there's actually a capital gain eaVa2xVt-sc-00115-00026493-00026787 tax exemption of $250,000 for the individual eaVa2xVt-sc-00116-00026787-00027029 and a half a million for a married couple, eaVa2xVt-sc-00117-00027029-00027142 if not done correctly, eaVa2xVt-sc-00118-00027142-00027464 you could lose $250,000 of the exemption. eaVa2xVt-sc-00119-00027464-00027656 So it's important to structure your divorce eaVa2xVt-sc-00120-00027656-00027883 and home sale to preserve this exemption. eaVa2xVt-sc-00121-00027883-00028060 You'll wanna talk with a tax professional eaVa2xVt-sc-00122-00028060-00028304 to create a strategy for the best way eaVa2xVt-sc-00123-00028304-00028573 to ensure that you limit this tax exposure. eaVa2xVt-sc-00124-00028573-00028783 So fifth must know is that both people eaVa2xVt-sc-00125-00028783-00028899 must find a middle ground, eaVa2xVt-sc-00126-00028899-00029158 otherwise that is gonna be made for them. eaVa2xVt-sc-00127-00029158-00029343 And most likely, it's gonna be one eaVa2xVt-sc-00128-00029343-00029477 that neither person will like. eaVa2xVt-sc-00129-00029477-00029710 While some divorces happen where both parties eaVa2xVt-sc-00130-00029710-00029981 are able to handle a situation peacefully and reasonable, eaVa2xVt-sc-00131-00029981-00030277 there are many times where the division of property eaVa2xVt-sc-00132-00030277-00030461 is not so cut and dry. eaVa2xVt-sc-00133-00030461-00030770 If both parties are not able to agree on a resolution eaVa2xVt-sc-00134-00030770-00031064 which includes by yourself or through mediation eaVa2xVt-sc-00135-00031064-00031257 with your attorney, then the court, eaVa2xVt-sc-00136-00031257-00031419 they're gonna make that decision for you. eaVa2xVt-sc-00137-00031419-00031618 A judge, they'll make these decisions for you eaVa2xVt-sc-00138-00031618-00031802 and can even allow your spouse eaVa2xVt-sc-00139-00031802-00032014 to make all the decisions relating to the sale. eaVa2xVt-sc-00140-00032014-00032192 It's rarely a pleasant experience. eaVa2xVt-sc-00141-00032192-00032502 And the judge rarely decides like either party would like, eaVa2xVt-sc-00142-00032502-00032758 it's also important to know that in most states, eaVa2xVt-sc-00143-00032758-00032990 if one party has the means to pay out eaVa2xVt-sc-00144-00032990-00033326 the other partner's interest and wants to keep the property eaVa2xVt-sc-00145-00033326-00033506 while the other party wants to sell, eaVa2xVt-sc-00146-00033506-00033746 then the court will not force the sale eaVa2xVt-sc-00147-00033746-00033920 and will allow this buyout to happen. eaVa2xVt-sc-00148-00033920-00034016 The sixth must know eaVa2xVt-sc-00149-00034016-00034282 is that you should not completely move out of the house. eaVa2xVt-sc-00150-00034282-00034524 Experts recommend that at least one person eaVa2xVt-sc-00151-00034524-00034696 stay in the house until it sells. eaVa2xVt-sc-00152-00034696-00034877 The reason for this is that vacant homes eaVa2xVt-sc-00153-00034877-00035006 do not show as well. eaVa2xVt-sc-00154-00035006-00035288 And that it has been proven that stage homes sell faster eaVa2xVt-sc-00155-00035288-00035395 and for more money. eaVa2xVt-sc-00156-00035395-00035624 Having one person stay in the house will mean eaVa2xVt-sc-00157-00035624-00035860 that there is that remains in the house, eaVa2xVt-sc-00158-00035860-00036120 and this will help ensure that any maintenance items, eaVa2xVt-sc-00159-00036120-00036236 they won't be neglected. eaVa2xVt-sc-00160-00036236-00036530 Staging a house, it can cost thousands of dollars. eaVa2xVt-sc-00161-00036530-00036753 So one person remaining in the house eaVa2xVt-sc-00162-00036753-00037038 can be a prudent financial decision for both parties. eaVa2xVt-sc-00163-00037038-00037329 If it is at all possible to keep some nice furniture, eaVa2xVt-sc-00164-00037329-00037518 fixtures and maybe some home accessories, eaVa2xVt-sc-00165-00037518-00037761 then this will help keep your seller's costs down, eaVa2xVt-sc-00166-00037761-00037953 while helping them net more on the sale. eaVa2xVt-sc-00167-00037953-00038195 Not to mention that if both parties move out, eaVa2xVt-sc-00168-00038195-00038384 three housing payments each month eaVa2xVt-sc-00169-00038384-00038695 could be very expensive and may not be sustainable eaVa2xVt-sc-00170-00038695-00038836 for most divorcing couples. eaVa2xVt-sc-00171-00038836-00039041 It's always best for a divorcing couple eaVa2xVt-sc-00172-00039041-00039376 to wait until the sale is close to being guaranteed, eaVa2xVt-sc-00173-00039376-00039530 before moving out of the house. eaVa2xVt-sc-00174-00039530-00039673 Now the seventh must know eaVa2xVt-sc-00175-00039673-00039962 is to never give the reason of divorce eaVa2xVt-sc-00176-00039962-00040072 as to why you're selling. eaVa2xVt-sc-00177-00040072-00040241 This really should be obvious, eaVa2xVt-sc-00178-00040241-00040503 but it is amazing how many times an agent eaVa2xVt-sc-00179-00040503-00040722 will provide a perspective buyer this information. eaVa2xVt-sc-00180-00040722-00040985 And sometimes they do it without even being provoked. eaVa2xVt-sc-00181-00040985-00041270 Any agent that discloses this is inexperienced. eaVa2xVt-sc-00182-00041270-00041484 And doesn't understand that the implications eaVa2xVt-sc-00183-00041484-00041747 of saying this can cost a seller thousands of dollars. eaVa2xVt-sc-00184-00041747-00041933 When a potential buyer hears divorce, eaVa2xVt-sc-00185-00041933-00042224 they assume that they have some leverage in this sale. eaVa2xVt-sc-00186-00042224-00042401 As the divorce makes people assume eaVa2xVt-sc-00187-00042401-00042640 that the divorcing couple, they must sell eaVa2xVt-sc-00188-00042640-00042760 and must sell quickly. eaVa2xVt-sc-00189-00042760-00043029 This oftentimes can result in buyers offering less eaVa2xVt-sc-00190-00043029-00043212 than they might otherwise would have. eaVa2xVt-sc-00191-00043212-00043474 Many factors play a role in the divorce sale. eaVa2xVt-sc-00192-00043474-00043620 It's important to work closely eaVa2xVt-sc-00193-00043620-00043910 with your divorce real estate agent and our attorneys eaVa2xVt-sc-00194-00043910-00044228 to ensure selling your house during your divorce eaVa2xVt-sc-00195-00044228-00044351 will be worth it. eaVa2xVt-sc-00196-00044351-00044581 For a free, no obligation consultation eaVa2xVt-sc-00197-00044581-00044736 for owners wishing to sell, eaVa2xVt-sc-00198-00044736-00045170 please contact me at 617 480 2600 eaVa2xVt-sc-00199-00045170-00045496 or by email at Jeff@Boston2.com. eaVa2xVt-sc-00200-00045496-00045798 All conversations are completely confidential. eaVa2xVt-sc-00201-00045798-00046134 My name is Jeffrey Chubb, my team, The Chubb Homes Team, eaVa2xVt-sc-00202-00046134-00046399 we're brokered by EXP Realty, and we're here to help. eb0dlxWr1f4-00000-00000000-00000066 Some People call it political stunt, Educating the people about cleanliness, brave action, spreading love among community, discipline, style, smart actions, art but I personally consider as passion and persistence, ebe3axPTPIu-00000-00000480-00001112 the sound of the eruption was heard in many parts of the world as far away as the U.S ebe3axPTPIu-00001-00001112-00001760 on Saturday January 15th the underwater volcano at Tonga erupted about 65 kilometers north of ebe3axPTPIu-00002-00001760-00002408 the capital Nuku'alofa triggering a tsunami that flooded pacific coastlines from japan to the U.S ebe3axPTPIu-00003-00002608-00002984 it caused waves higher than a meter to crash into Tonga ebe3axPTPIu-00004-00003072-00003624 detailed information about its impact on Tonga is yet to emerge as communication remains cut off ebe3axPTPIu-00005-00003960-00004584 GOES satellite imagery captured the eruption of the underwater volcano early Saturday morning ebe3axPTPIu-00006-00004696-00005184 Tongans living overseas are facing an anxious wait for news of loved ones ebe3axPTPIu-00007-00005184-00005840 as the eruption cut the internet to Tonga even government websites and other official ebe3axPTPIu-00008-00005840-00006536 sources remained without any updates according to the tonga geological services ebe3axPTPIu-00009-00006536-00007184 the plumes of gas smoke and ash pouring from the volcano reached 20 kilometers into the sky ebe3axPTPIu-00010-00007440-00008112 about 100 000 tongans living in the 170 scattered islands are advised to drink bottled water and ebe3axPTPIu-00011-00008112-00008856 wear masks as dust from the volcano could contaminate water supplies the shock wave ebe3axPTPIu-00012-00008856-00009984 generated by the massive volcanic eruption in donga was felt in many parts of the globe ebe3axPTPIu-00013-00012240-00012896 in india it was recorded in chennai which is located 12 000 kilometers away from tonga it ebe3axPTPIu-00014-00012896-00013528 was recorded as a blip in the atmospheric pressure that suddenly spiked by around two hectopascals ebe3axPTPIu-00015-00013528-00013896 this was around 10 hours after the eruption happened in tonga ebe3axPTPIu-00016-00014056-00014704 according to "S Venkat Ramanan" a PHD scholar from "IIT Madras" the shockwave traveled at a speed of ebe3axPTPIu-00017-00014704-00015328 around 1200 kilometers per hour to reach the skies of the city 10 hours after the event ebe3axPTPIu-00018-00015416-00016696 he also said that the rare event was yet another reminder that nature had no boundaries eeeDiLiqiIo-00000-00000160-00000896 hey everybody welcome to monday morning good to have you here uh please make use of that eeeDiLiqiIo-00001-00000896-00001416 chat section there put any comments questions suggestions i don't tell me what the weather is eeeDiLiqiIo-00002-00001416-00001880 where you're at doesn't really matter but just make sure you participate i've got it set up eeeDiLiqiIo-00003-00001880-00002424 here where i can chat back and forth with you we're live on facebook we're live on youtube eeeDiLiqiIo-00004-00002424-00002904 uh should we be live more places that's enough i think that's enough okay um today we're going eeeDiLiqiIo-00005-00002904-00003376 to be talking about some tricks some tricks and tips that you can use to really explode eeeDiLiqiIo-00006-00003376-00003904 your website traffic uh if you have a website tell me about it put it in the chat section eeeDiLiqiIo-00007-00003904-00004272 let me know i know some of you guys are going to be watching live you're going to be watching eeeDiLiqiIo-00008-00004272-00004880 the recorded version and that's fine too i come back i go into those comments i answer you guys eeeDiLiqiIo-00009-00004880-00005344 got a bunch to do this morning i think i got a couple hundred i've got to respond to this morning eeeDiLiqiIo-00010-00005344-00005720 and that's exciting for me i love doing that i love getting questions from you guys eeeDiLiqiIo-00011-00005720-00006232 i love getting your comments i love getting your input so please please please make good use of eeeDiLiqiIo-00012-00006232-00006888 that chat box make your good use of those comments if it's recorded um and yeah we want to talk about eeeDiLiqiIo-00013-00006888-00007368 websites oh yeah i also want to talk about the fact the fact that you need to subscribe you need eeeDiLiqiIo-00014-00007368-00007831 to hit that subscribe button down there turn it from red to gray if you don't mind by clicking it eeeDiLiqiIo-00015-00007904-00008280 and as soon as you click it a bell is going to pop up a bell that looks eeeDiLiqiIo-00016-00008280-00008784 identical to this well not exactly identical but there's going to be a bell next to it eeeDiLiqiIo-00017-00008784-00009256 and you need to turn all bell notifications that way you're going to be notified every eeeDiLiqiIo-00018-00009256-00009824 time i go live every time i upload a video you guys will know about it so please please please eeeDiLiqiIo-00019-00009928-00010264 turn all that stuff on make it a whole lot easier for you you don't have to go hunting eeeDiLiqiIo-00020-00010264-00010792 and searching for my stuff it'll just be there all right so let's check this out today guys eeeDiLiqiIo-00021-00010792-00011600 if you've got a website uh sophia sharp what's going on uh bas tech okay cool so that that may eeeDiLiqiIo-00022-00011600-00012048 be her website right there sophia good to have you here i really appreciate you being here today eeeDiLiqiIo-00023-00012048-00012632 um and you are with us on youtube you're on youtube okay because we got facebook and we got eeeDiLiqiIo-00024-00012632-00013056 youtube going so we got to both going so guys really you don't want to miss today's session eeeDiLiqiIo-00025-00013056-00013752 um today's session is so very helpful these are some um i guess tips and tricks but also eeeDiLiqiIo-00026-00013752-00014296 mistakes that people make you know sometimes the work you do is actually a mistake and i want you eeeDiLiqiIo-00027-00014296-00014856 guys to know about it uh when you're doing websites i've been online since 2009 and i eeeDiLiqiIo-00028-00014856-00015376 say online i mean i've used the computer online much longer that but actually earning a living eeeDiLiqiIo-00029-00015376-00016008 since 2009 um so i'm going on uh 12 years if i can do the math right at 12 years of making some eeeDiLiqiIo-00030-00016008-00016520 money online i've sold millions of dollars about digital physical products this channel is really eeeDiLiqiIo-00031-00016584-00017024 y'all's channel it's not my channel you can tell i'm from the south by saying that right eeeDiLiqiIo-00032-00017024-00017656 but it is really a channel that i want to be a resource for you guys to keep coming back to to eeeDiLiqiIo-00033-00017656-00018168 learn different things you can do to make money online i think it's it's an awesome thing to be eeeDiLiqiIo-00034-00018168-00018680 able to make money online i think that's really really cool to be able to do that so that's why i eeeDiLiqiIo-00035-00018680-00019064 have this ship all right so let's jump right into it i want to i want to go through this list here eeeDiLiqiIo-00036-00019064-00019680 i've compiled a list of different things but i know a lot of you just really struggle with eeeDiLiqiIo-00037-00019680-00020168 what you want that website to look like and these items are going to really help you out a whole lot eeeDiLiqiIo-00038-00020256-00020664 the first thing i'll tell you is that when you're doing a website and you're doing facebook and eeeDiLiqiIo-00039-00020664-00021104 you're doing instagram and you're doing all these different things keep things consistent eeeDiLiqiIo-00040-00021104-00021624 that's number one keep things consistent a consistent brand is more than just a logo eeeDiLiqiIo-00041-00021624-00022120 okay so don't think well i snap my logo on there so it's consistent no that's not consistency eeeDiLiqiIo-00042-00022120-00022752 um you want to have something that people can easily recognize easily recognizable eeeDiLiqiIo-00043-00022752-00023336 keep your style keep your font keep your color and logo consistent okay so all of these things eeeDiLiqiIo-00044-00023336-00023992 it's not only your your online store but all your other platforms social media like i said facebook eeeDiLiqiIo-00045-00023992-00024672 instagram whatever you're doing tik tok make sure they're all consistent okay um and if you have a eeeDiLiqiIo-00046-00024672-00025336 hard time with this um what i suggest you do is do one platform okay let's say you take your website eeeDiLiqiIo-00047-00025336-00025704 and you get the fonts you like and you get the logos you like and you get the colors you like eeeDiLiqiIo-00048-00025704-00026239 and you set that aside maybe on another computer and then you pull up your instagram then you pull eeeDiLiqiIo-00049-00026239-00026792 up your facebook make sure they all look the same okay you want to be recognizable guys if you're eeeDiLiqiIo-00050-00026792-00027327 not recognizable it's really hard to build a brand and i'm doing another video this week eeeDiLiqiIo-00051-00027400-00028008 i'm going to be live today wednesday friday and saturday okay so if you missed any of these you eeeDiLiqiIo-00052-00028008-00028536 can go back and watch some of them but i'm going to be live four days this week so you can get some eeeDiLiqiIo-00053-00028536-00029048 really good information but i'm going to be doing one on branding uh and it's an entire half hour on eeeDiLiqiIo-00054-00029048-00029536 just brand new which i think is pretty cool uh stuff that you really need to know all right so eeeDiLiqiIo-00055-00029536-00030264 you need to number two develop a brand voice okay a brand really goes way beyond your name and logo eeeDiLiqiIo-00056-00030264-00031008 okay it really tells the people out there who you are um uh how you're gonna show up in the world eeeDiLiqiIo-00057-00031008-00031448 um what do you want to say to the world what is your message you know my message for survival k eeeDiLiqiIo-00058-00031448-00032095 food which is my e-commerce business that i sell survival food on is helping families prepare and eeeDiLiqiIo-00059-00032095-00032583 that's what we do whether it's a hurricane whether it's a tornado a fire or a flood whatever it is eeeDiLiqiIo-00060-00032583-00033008 we want to make sure people have food so survival cave food and you guys can check that out too eeeDiLiqiIo-00061-00033008-00033696 that's survivalcavefood.com but you'll see the branding there all right so your brand is really eeeDiLiqiIo-00062-00033696-00034264 an exciting opportunity to connect with your customers you can tell people why your product eeeDiLiqiIo-00063-00034264-00034912 is unique and you can gain customer loyalty you do want to try to set yourself apart from everybody eeeDiLiqiIo-00064-00034912-00035456 else explain why you're different okay if it's the same thing over and over again you know they eeeDiLiqiIo-00065-00035456-00035936 could go anywhere to get it why are you different maybe you have better services maybe you uh have eeeDiLiqiIo-00066-00035936-00036448 better customer support maybe you have really fast shipping maybe you have a higher quality product eeeDiLiqiIo-00067-00036448-00036976 you know survival okay food that's what we we go to is we have a higher quality product we have eeeDiLiqiIo-00068-00036976-00037408 some of the best canned meats in america we've been there for you know over a decade now eeeDiLiqiIo-00069-00037480-00037952 and it's funny because i see people trying to do knockoffs over product and it's not even survival eeeDiLiqiIo-00070-00037952-00038416 food you know they'll take some company and can some meat for them and they go look it is survival eeeDiLiqiIo-00071-00038416-00038920 food no it's not okay it doesn't last as long as our food it's not processed the same way it's not eeeDiLiqiIo-00072-00038920-00039576 good um and i see this over and over again so make sure your branding matches what your message is eeeDiLiqiIo-00073-00039576-00040088 um when it comes to shopping online i mean guys this is a different arena okay you can eeeDiLiqiIo-00074-00040088-00040672 develop that voice and the key design elements which are available you know no matter what eeeDiLiqiIo-00075-00040672-00041144 website platform you're using whether you're using wordpress or whether you're using wix or google or eeeDiLiqiIo-00076-00041144-00041656 magento or whatever it is but there's so many tools out there now you can set yourself eeeDiLiqiIo-00077-00041656-00042144 apart from everybody else and that's what you've got to do you got to set yourself apart um guys eeeDiLiqiIo-00078-00042144-00042544 don't forget to use that chat section i don't see a lot of people using it i want to make sure you eeeDiLiqiIo-00079-00042544-00043104 get your questions answered you're putting out the name of your website there um you're commenting on eeeDiLiqiIo-00080-00043104-00043512 what you like what you don't like what you would like to see training on so make sure you use that eeeDiLiqiIo-00081-00043512-00044112 that is true also if this is a recording you're listening to um now right now just so you know if eeeDiLiqiIo-00082-00044112-00044920 it's recording or not it's 1007 central standard time right now in beautiful downtown george eeeDiLiqiIo-00083-00044920-00045352 georgetown texas i guess we're really downtown i don't want to say that but we're in georgetown eeeDiLiqiIo-00084-00045352-00046000 texas which is just north of austin um but your your brand when it comes to shopping online eeeDiLiqiIo-00085-00046000-00046672 you can deliver that voice and design elements rich just as rich as you can possibly make it eeeDiLiqiIo-00086-00046672-00047160 so that people really know who you are um to get started okay now if you're wondering about how do eeeDiLiqiIo-00087-00047160-00047728 i get started doing all the share use a custom font and color palette to connect your brand eeeDiLiqiIo-00088-00047728-00048328 across all your different platforms you can choose from unlimited number of colors and plenty eeeDiLiqiIo-00089-00048328-00049008 of typography options right from the internet okay uh defont is a really good site to go to eeeDiLiqiIo-00090-00049176-00049560 uh it has all kinds of different fonts in there the one thing i'll tell you and i see people do eeeDiLiqiIo-00091-00049560-00050032 this and it makes it look so horrible is don't mix a whole lot of different fonts on your eeeDiLiqiIo-00092-00050032-00050672 website don't do that what you can do is you can take your font and you can make it italicized or eeeDiLiqiIo-00093-00050672-00051264 bold in different places on your page but keep consistent with the same font when you use a eeeDiLiqiIo-00094-00051264-00051840 whole bunch of different fonts it just it just comes out ugly okay so that's really important eeeDiLiqiIo-00095-00051840-00052352 that you understand that you can't mix all these fonts guys it just doesn't look right next thing eeeDiLiqiIo-00096-00052352-00052824 i'm going to tell you number three i think i'm up to number three yes i am number three is eeeDiLiqiIo-00097-00052824-00053608 use really high quality photography okay now all of us now have these these phones okay and these eeeDiLiqiIo-00098-00053608-00054312 phones can really give you beautiful pictures um i have the iphone 13 pro max whatever the heck it eeeDiLiqiIo-00099-00054312-00055264 is biggest you know best one they have and it can take um videos in cinematic uh uh mode which means eeeDiLiqiIo-00100-00055264-00055744 the background is kind of blurred out uh but the person that you focus on is very crisp and clear eeeDiLiqiIo-00101-00055824-00056352 um you can do the same thing and what do we call that let me pull something up here guys i want to eeeDiLiqiIo-00102-00056352-00056920 i want to make sure to tell you the right thing uh portrait mode when you're taking pictures you can eeeDiLiqiIo-00103-00056920-00057496 do it in portrait mode what portrait mode means is it really focuses on whatever the object is eeeDiLiqiIo-00104-00057496-00058136 and blurs out the background so it makes it stand out okay images can draw users to your website eeeDiLiqiIo-00105-00058136-00058791 quicker than almost any single element you could possibly use as a matter of fact 90 of shoppers eeeDiLiqiIo-00106-00058791-00059504 believe that the quality of the product photos is extremely important to their purchase or at least eeeDiLiqiIo-00107-00059504-00059991 very important they're not going to buy if you have bad pictures i see a lot of people will have eeeDiLiqiIo-00108-00059991-00060536 a product in these stock pictures that's on the manufacturer's website now we are the manufacturer eeeDiLiqiIo-00109-00060536-00061112 so i've got no excuse for that however guys you want to have really great pictures and you don't eeeDiLiqiIo-00110-00061112-00061520 want to have one or two you want to have a bunch of them okay you would have numerous pictures eeeDiLiqiIo-00111-00061520-00062136 of your product super important that you do that presentation is sometimes as important as eeeDiLiqiIo-00112-00062136-00062560 the product itself matter of fact i would say that's more important than the product itself eeeDiLiqiIo-00113-00062560-00063120 you want to be meticulous about the way your product looks in the photographs on your site eeeDiLiqiIo-00114-00063191-00063567 you don't have to have a lot of equipment like i said one of these cell phones it has a great eeeDiLiqiIo-00115-00063567-00064104 camera on it but your lighting is super important so make sure you have the right lighting don't eeeDiLiqiIo-00116-00064104-00064536 back light things i see a lot of people do that where they'll have a light behind it and then they eeeDiLiqiIo-00117-00064536-00064928 take a picture of it you get all these shadows in the front you want to make sure it's lit from eeeDiLiqiIo-00118-00064928-00065367 the front you can have a light behind you but you need front lighting to get a really good picture eeeDiLiqiIo-00119-00065464-00066168 just as important as how you take the photos is how you create the overall design of those photos eeeDiLiqiIo-00120-00066168-00066792 um you want a couple your product shots uh and lifestyle together so you know if you have um i eeeDiLiqiIo-00121-00066792-00067304 don't know some exercise uh gadget let's say let's say some weights okay um pictures of the weights eeeDiLiqiIo-00122-00067304-00067840 are good but pictures of people using those weights is so much better okay because they can eeeDiLiqiIo-00123-00067840-00068320 actually see it in action they can actually you know impose themselves into that picture and say eeeDiLiqiIo-00124-00068320-00068760 hey that's what i'm gonna look like doing that um you can do some before and after pictures if you eeeDiLiqiIo-00125-00068760-00069376 want to do that if you're doing the exercise thing but basically you need to have great pictures eeeDiLiqiIo-00126-00069376-00069792 and if you have a lot of distracting things in the background that's not good you want to crop all eeeDiLiqiIo-00127-00069792-00070256 that stuff out you also want to have some images where it's just the image on a white background eeeDiLiqiIo-00128-00070256-00070840 you want to have some png images png images means there is no background whatsoever and that's what eeeDiLiqiIo-00129-00070840-00071376 a lot of websites like google are going to require you to do is to have um you know the eeeDiLiqiIo-00130-00071376-00071872 background blown i said google excuse me amazon is going to require you to do that you want to eeeDiLiqiIo-00131-00071944-00072312 fix the pictures okay and how do you fix them you want to adjust the color the brightness eeeDiLiqiIo-00132-00072312-00072984 the contrast and even add text and images right in your photo editor now i use photoshop eeeDiLiqiIo-00133-00073048-00073424 uh however there's a lot of photo editors out there now there's a lot of cheap ones you can eeeDiLiqiIo-00134-00073424-00073992 get for nine or ten bucks why have you know a picture that you took and you didn't retouch eeeDiLiqiIo-00135-00073992-00074584 it why have it i don't understand that you want to make sure it looks as good as it possibly can okay eeeDiLiqiIo-00136-00074584-00075224 now the next thing i'm going to tell you number four is i want you to share your work now this eeeDiLiqiIo-00137-00075224-00075776 may seem like a really really obvious things but a lot of website owners forget to share their eeeDiLiqiIo-00138-00075776-00076376 website and promotions with people they know it all starts with a single person you know i can't eeeDiLiqiIo-00139-00076376-00076904 count how many times i've been out in public and talked to somebody about online stuff and said hey eeeDiLiqiIo-00140-00076904-00077344 this is my channel and they said well i'll check it out when i get home i say no pull it up right eeeDiLiqiIo-00141-00077344-00077880 now on your phone and hit subscribe i've got a lot of subscribers doing that now you may say jr that eeeDiLiqiIo-00142-00077880-00078312 sounds kind of cheesy and i would be embarrassed doing that well then you're going to be more eeeDiLiqiIo-00143-00078312-00078840 embarrassed when you get bills in the mail and you can't pay them okay i would rather tell somebody eeeDiLiqiIo-00144-00078840-00079328 about the channel and watch them subscribe as i'm standing there than to be scared to say eeeDiLiqiIo-00145-00079328-00079688 anything about it and then never they're going to go home and forget about it they're never going to eeeDiLiqiIo-00146-00079688-00080136 look for your channel you know so if you're out in public somewhere you know it's a one-on-one eeeDiLiqiIo-00147-00080136-00080608 thing every subscriber i have i got one at a time i didn't get 50 subscribers at the time i didn't eeeDiLiqiIo-00148-00080608-00081320 get 100. i got one um we're approaching 6 000 now which isn't huge i understand that however eeeDiLiqiIo-00149-00081320-00081792 i started with zero and i'm going to keep going and going and going as we build the channel and eeeDiLiqiIo-00150-00081792-00082280 help you guys out so you got to share your work you can't be scared to share your work eeeDiLiqiIo-00151-00082536-00082984 if your website is connected to different social media platforms talk about it on eeeDiLiqiIo-00152-00082984-00083648 those other social media platforms you can also add uh social media integrations um i have one eeeDiLiqiIo-00153-00083648-00084200 and i can't pick the main one now that i brought it up this is what happens when you go live okay eeeDiLiqiIo-00154-00084200-00084704 you've got this information in your head but it's hard to get it out your mouth um i'll think of it eeeDiLiqiIo-00155-00084704-00085192 though i will think of it you know i'll i'll cover it but you want to make sure you do that you want eeeDiLiqiIo-00156-00085192-00085792 to make sure that all of your viewers can connect with you okay if you don't have a link going to eeeDiLiqiIo-00157-00085848-00086320 you know your social media platforms um on your website you need to have that okay that needs to eeeDiLiqiIo-00158-00086320-00087088 be there now i am not a proponent of having huge logos for facebook and instagram and you know eeeDiLiqiIo-00159-00087088-00087496 youtube at the top of my website because what that's going to do it's going to pull them away eeeDiLiqiIo-00160-00087496-00087960 from your website you want to have those links down in the bottom somewhere so they can find them eeeDiLiqiIo-00161-00087960-00088360 but you want to make sure that they're not leaving your website to go there because they will do that eeeDiLiqiIo-00162-00088360-00088944 they will do that yeah actually okay and guys this you know some people will say to me well jr i've eeeDiLiqiIo-00163-00088944-00089384 done that i did that three years ago i did this and this and this you got to go back and revisit eeeDiLiqiIo-00164-00089384-00089864 you will be surprised how many things break on a website i don't know why i don't know why i don't eeeDiLiqiIo-00165-00089864-00090328 know if there's some demon that comes in there and messes up the website or not but somehow eeeDiLiqiIo-00166-00090328-00090784 things always seem to break on your website they break on your emails they break on your links eeeDiLiqiIo-00167-00090784-00091224 you've got to go back and check these things and you've got to update them you know it's funny eeeDiLiqiIo-00168-00091224-00091656 i can go to a website that was made 10 or 15 years ago and i can look at it and go eeeDiLiqiIo-00169-00091656-00092168 yeah that was made 10 or 15 years ago it's really pretty obvious when you see some of these websites eeeDiLiqiIo-00170-00092168-00092768 how old they really are you've got to update your website you got to keep it fresh um you know and eeeDiLiqiIo-00171-00092768-00093296 if it's not something you want to do go to upwork go to fiverr hire somebody i have a couple people eeeDiLiqiIo-00172-00093296-00093760 that help me out on my website well i got actually four people five five people that help me out on eeeDiLiqiIo-00173-00093760-00094480 my website and i need that help i know i can't do all this on my own my job is to create content now eeeDiLiqiIo-00174-00094480-00094968 that's not to say that i shouldn't know what they're doing or how long it takes or you know eeeDiLiqiIo-00175-00094968-00095520 any of those things because if you don't know that you can't manage them okay you can't manage them eeeDiLiqiIo-00176-00095520-00095936 if you don't understand what they're doing it's so crazy i see people go out and hire people to build eeeDiLiqiIo-00177-00095936-00096336 websites and do seo and do all these things but they don't know how to do it themselves eeeDiLiqiIo-00178-00096336-00096696 so how do they know if they're being charged right how do they know if the work is even getting eeeDiLiqiIo-00179-00096696-00097264 done if they don't know how to do it you know selling online guys is is you got to wear a lot eeeDiLiqiIo-00180-00097264-00097672 of hats okay you've got to be the marketer you're going to be the sales person uh you got to be the eeeDiLiqiIo-00181-00097672-00098104 seo person you got to be the designer and i don't mean you have to do all those jobs every day but eeeDiLiqiIo-00182-00098104-00098584 i mean you've got to understand all those jobs and what they entail because if you don't do that eeeDiLiqiIo-00183-00098584-00099088 you're not going to be successful all right number five we're already down to number five i only had eeeDiLiqiIo-00184-00099088-00099792 only had five however i've got some bonuses for you so hang on um be very direct and deliberate eeeDiLiqiIo-00185-00099792-00100392 what do i mean by that every element in the design should exist for a reason i see a lot of people eeeDiLiqiIo-00186-00100392-00101016 putting fluff on there and animations and stuff if it's not going to help you if it doesn't lead eeeDiLiqiIo-00187-00101104-00101592 that person to getting something of value or purchasing your product get it off your site eeeDiLiqiIo-00188-00101656-00102192 because if you put a lot of that stuff on there and the site loads really super slow you're going eeeDiLiqiIo-00189-00102192-00102832 to lose people don't use color or font or picture just because it's trendy i see that all the time eeeDiLiqiIo-00190-00102832-00103400 don't do that do it because it's deliberate do it because it serves a purpose for you use it eeeDiLiqiIo-00191-00103400-00104048 because it means something for your end user okay your brand what are they gonna get out of it if eeeDiLiqiIo-00192-00104048-00104408 you look at an element on your site and you feel like well that's not gonna lead to a sale or lead eeeDiLiqiIo-00193-00104408-00104911 to them knowing my brand or giving them any good content get it off get it off your site i think eeeDiLiqiIo-00194-00104911-00105311 that's one of the hardest things for people to do is to delete stuff from their site they put eeeDiLiqiIo-00195-00105311-00105720 a lot of time and effort in it they want to leave everything there sometimes you gotta clear house eeeDiLiqiIo-00196-00105720-00106359 you just do every decide excuse me every design decision you make should be deliberate choice okay eeeDiLiqiIo-00197-00106456-00107000 think about the goals that you have for each page why what you know if they go to my category page eeeDiLiqiIo-00198-00107000-00107416 why are they on my category page if they go to the sales page why are they on that sales page eeeDiLiqiIo-00199-00107416-00107920 if they go to let's say describing my chicken or something in a can what what is it what's eeeDiLiqiIo-00200-00107920-00108472 the goal for that you know you've got to ask yourself that um creating deliberate design eeeDiLiqiIo-00201-00108472-00109104 elements okay is very very important okay there's apps for this that can help you with this stuff eeeDiLiqiIo-00202-00109104-00109568 but bottom line is if you're not good at it don't be afraid to hire somebody just understand what eeeDiLiqiIo-00203-00109568-00110152 they're doing how long it's going to take for them to do those things okay now a couple of bonuses eeeDiLiqiIo-00204-00110152-00110920 for you i just i just want to let you know you can move copy delete a lot of things on your website eeeDiLiqiIo-00205-00110920-00111496 okay uh most of these website builders now whether it be wordpress or whether it be you know kartra eeeDiLiqiIo-00206-00111496-00112088 or magento you can make a lot of changes in there and you should it should look very clean and neat eeeDiLiqiIo-00207-00112088-00112696 think about where the eye travels to i see a lot of people will put let's say a buy button okay on eeeDiLiqiIo-00208-00112696-00113200 their website but they put it below the fold well eighty percent of the people never scroll and if eeeDiLiqiIo-00209-00113200-00113552 eighty percent of the people never scroll they're never even going to see your buy button they don't eeeDiLiqiIo-00210-00113552-00114224 have a chance to it keep it above the fold that's super important move elements with more precision eeeDiLiqiIo-00211-00114224-00114952 okay um make sure that everything is precisely set in the right spot where is their eye traveling to eeeDiLiqiIo-00212-00114952-00115528 where is that h1 tag at where's the h2 tag at uh we're just going through all of my websites now eeeDiLiqiIo-00213-00115528-00116080 and we're redoing a lot of this stuff and it takes a lot of work and i understand that i i talked eeeDiLiqiIo-00214-00116080-00116696 saturday about a friend of mine and i went to see him on friday and he's been working i would say 14 eeeDiLiqiIo-00215-00116696-00117296 hours a day seven days a week for over 30 years 30 years it took him now i'm not going to say eeeDiLiqiIo-00216-00117296-00117920 it didn't pay off i mean he has he has huge homes mansions at different places uh he's done really eeeDiLiqiIo-00217-00117920-00118592 really well for himself but i would say also don't do this to yourself and not get some value out of eeeDiLiqiIo-00218-00118592-00119040 it it's hard i mean he's a tough guy and he can do it but it's it's hard to work 14 hours a day seven eeeDiLiqiIo-00219-00119040-00119656 days a week and stay motivated okay my motivation is on fridays we go out to lunch every single eeeDiLiqiIo-00220-00119656-00120192 friday we go out to lunch i've done that for about six or seven years my wife and i will go out and eeeDiLiqiIo-00221-00120192-00120696 just enjoy ourselves sometimes we'll just go shopping afterwards for no apparent reason but i eeeDiLiqiIo-00222-00120696-00121120 work all week long i work on the weekends too some people don't work on the weekends they say well eeeDiLiqiIo-00223-00121120-00121559 monday through friday is good for me nine to five you're not gonna get a whole lot accomplished eeeDiLiqiIo-00224-00121559-00121952 monday through friday nine to five because there's a lot more hours in a week matter of fact let's eeeDiLiqiIo-00225-00121952-00122568 calculate the hours in a week right now now we sleep roughly one third one third of the time we eeeDiLiqiIo-00226-00122568-00123544 sleep uh but um there's a lot of time we're awake so let's take that 16 hours okay 16 times seven eeeDiLiqiIo-00227-00123616-00124288 okay that's 112 hours if you're only working 40 hours a week you ain't gonna get much done eeeDiLiqiIo-00228-00124288-00124848 this is it's not going to be that helpful to you right if you're only working 40 hours a week what eeeDiLiqiIo-00229-00124848-00125392 time are you wasting you say well jr i'm just so busy really do you watch any tv shows how much tv eeeDiLiqiIo-00230-00125464-00126032 are you watching do you fart around on youtube now i spend a lot of time on youtube but i spend more eeeDiLiqiIo-00231-00126032-00126559 time creating content on youtube than i do spend watching youtube so that's the one thing i'll tell eeeDiLiqiIo-00232-00126559-00127135 you social media platforms are okay but make sure you're spending more time creating than you are eeeDiLiqiIo-00233-00127135-00127680 watching because you're either building your business by creating content or you're helping eeeDiLiqiIo-00234-00127680-00128183 another business build their business by watching their content now i'm not saying don't watch it i eeeDiLiqiIo-00235-00128183-00128576 look at my competition i look at other companies out there i try to see what they're doing i try eeeDiLiqiIo-00236-00128576-00129200 to learn from it okay and i have another channel which i'm coming out with guys it is a cooking eeeDiLiqiIo-00237-00129200-00129568 channel uh it's actually already there i already have the first video shot i'm gonna be uploading eeeDiLiqiIo-00238-00129568-00130128 that soon uh but i i'm into cooking so whatever whatever you're into i would suggest you doing eeeDiLiqiIo-00239-00130128-00130568 a channel so you have some information on that let me get back over to my live stream there and eeeDiLiqiIo-00240-00130568-00131080 guys before i get out of here if you have any questions whatsoever if you have any comments eeeDiLiqiIo-00241-00131080-00131776 whatsoever please put that in the chat box if you're watching this and it is uh already recorded eeeDiLiqiIo-00242-00131776-00132208 you can put it in the comments section i do come back through and answer all those comments um but eeeDiLiqiIo-00243-00132208-00132584 you guys have been great today i really appreciate you being here it's been a great session i hope eeeDiLiqiIo-00244-00132584-00132968 you've gotten something out of it if you did get something out of it please comment there uh put eeeDiLiqiIo-00245-00132968-00133392 something in the chat box put something in the comments section below i really appreciate your eeeDiLiqiIo-00246-00133392-00133832 comments they mean a lot i want to thank everybody for being here today uh it's been a great session eeeDiLiqiIo-00247-00133832-00134248 i'm leaving a little bit early today i'm normally about 30 minutes and we're 22 minutes into it eeeDiLiqiIo-00248-00134248-00134760 but you guys aren't talking much so you know not a lot i can do about that if you aren't talking much eeeDiLiqiIo-00249-00134760-00135168 but we did go through five things if you missed any of these go back to the beginning of the video eeeDiLiqiIo-00250-00135168-00135696 and watch them they're all super important for you having a successful website so make sure you eeeDiLiqiIo-00251-00135696-00136256 go back check those out um guys thank you so much for being here i will be here again on wednesday eeeDiLiqiIo-00252-00136256-00137160 wednesday is the 15th uh if you're not on my email list go to jrfisher.com and spell jrfisher.com eeeDiLiqiIo-00253-00137160-00137680 uh and get on my mail list i gotta do is opt-in for anything okay get a freebie from me uh and you eeeDiLiqiIo-00254-00137680-00138208 can certainly get on the email list okay so that's it for today i hope you enjoyed it don't forget eeeDiLiqiIo-00255-00138208-00138832 to subscribe hit that subscribe button down there turn on all bell notifications so you're notified eeeDiLiqiIo-00256-00138832-00139672 each and every time i go live guys thank you so much for being here i will see you on wednesday egxyAzeJsm8-00000-00000312-00000579 - Let's now do the calculations for procedure B. egxyAzeJsm8-00001-00000579-00000877 It says, take the average of your two measurements. egxyAzeJsm8-00002-00000877-00001377 So our two measurements were 99 watts and 96 watts. egxyAzeJsm8-00003-00001605-00001911 So I'm just gonna put 99 and 96 here. egxyAzeJsm8-00004-00002001-00002501 Those are in watts, and they're also in joules per second. egxyAzeJsm8-00005-00002973-00003165 And if you wanna copy anything, egxyAzeJsm8-00006-00003165-00003345 you can always just highlight it, egxyAzeJsm8-00007-00003345-00003717 hit copy, then paste down below. egxyAzeJsm8-00008-00003717-00003951 So those are the same sets of units. egxyAzeJsm8-00009-00003951-00004425 Now what I need now is, I need to take an average egxyAzeJsm8-00010-00004425-00004782 and I'll write average, right-well, yeah. egxyAzeJsm8-00011-00004782-00004905 Let's do it this way. egxyAzeJsm8-00012-00004905-00005004 Cut and paste. egxyAzeJsm8-00013-00005004-00005148 Let's do the average there. egxyAzeJsm8-00014-00005148-00005278 And we'll do =, egxyAzeJsm8-00015-00005460-00005865 and you can do this in your calculator, egxyAzeJsm8-00016-00005865-00005994 on your pieces of paper. egxyAzeJsm8-00017-00005994-00006468 It's fine, as sad as this little face looks right now, egxyAzeJsm8-00018-00006468-00006729 with the parenthesis and the equals, but it's fine. egxyAzeJsm8-00019-00006729-00006843 And so I'm just gonna go egxyAzeJsm8-00020-00006843-00007343 and click on 99 plus 96 cell location. egxyAzeJsm8-00021-00007443-00007593 Close the parenthesis. egxyAzeJsm8-00022-00007593-00007845 This tells Excel order of operations egxyAzeJsm8-00023-00007845-00008112 that you're gonna do the addition first, egxyAzeJsm8-00024-00008112-00008302 and then we're gonna divide it by two. egxyAzeJsm8-00025-00008445-00008748 And that works out to be 97.5 which is fine. egxyAzeJsm8-00026-00008844-00009030 You can also do the average, egxyAzeJsm8-00027-00009153-00009648 average using the =average command. egxyAzeJsm8-00028-00009648-00009882 And you can see, as soon as I start typing this, egxyAzeJsm8-00029-00009882-00010134 it comes up with a bunch of different functions egxyAzeJsm8-00030-00010134-00010281 that you can use. egxyAzeJsm8-00031-00010281-00010476 I'm gonna click on AVERAGE, egxyAzeJsm8-00032-00010476-00010707 and then it automatically sets it up for me. egxyAzeJsm8-00033-00010809-00011082 This time, I'm gonna click and drag. egxyAzeJsm8-00034-00011247-00011628 Close the parenthesis and you get the same thing. egxyAzeJsm8-00035-00011628-00011838 So here's the formula one. egxyAzeJsm8-00036-00011838-00012036 Formula is just take the two, egxyAzeJsm8-00037-00012036-00012258 add them up and divide by two. egxyAzeJsm8-00038-00012258-00012384 That works. egxyAzeJsm8-00039-00012384-00012723 Then here's the formula two =average, egxyAzeJsm8-00040-00012723-00013053 and then you click and drag over the data that you want. egxyAzeJsm8-00041-00013053-00013515 And these copy and paste have the same watts egxyAzeJsm8-00042-00013515-00013746 and joules per second units. egxyAzeJsm8-00043-00013746-00013935 That was the first calculation. egxyAzeJsm8-00044-00013935-00014172 Let's see about the next one here. egxyAzeJsm8-00045-00014172-00014255 So it says, egxyAzeJsm8-00046-00014955-00015156 calculate the total energy for grinding. egxyAzeJsm8-00047-00015156-00015288 To do this, multiply the energy egxyAzeJsm8-00048-00015288-00015488 times the seconds of grinding, egxyAzeJsm8-00049-00015488-00015705 assumed to be 10 seconds. egxyAzeJsm8-00050-00015705-00015900 Well, it doesn't matter how much. egxyAzeJsm8-00051-00015900-00016400 So what we found is that each second, it was about the same. egxyAzeJsm8-00052-00016410-00016662 And this'll play in because when you make your coffee, egxyAzeJsm8-00053-00016662-00016992 when you grind the beans, whatever grind you use, egxyAzeJsm8-00054-00016992-00017292 the longer you grind, the more energy you take. egxyAzeJsm8-00055-00017292-00017480 So this is going to be... egxyAzeJsm8-00056-00017790-00018290 Call it Cumulative Energy for 10 seconds of grinding. egxyAzeJsm8-00057-00018642-00019038 And I'm just hitting Tab, Tab, Tab, egxyAzeJsm8-00058-00019038-00019296 or arrow, arrow, arrow to get over here. egxyAzeJsm8-00059-00019296-00019639 And I put an equal sign there egxyAzeJsm8-00060-00019788-00019884 and then I come all the way over here egxyAzeJsm8-00061-00019884-00020070 so it doesn't hide anything. egxyAzeJsm8-00062-00020070-00020421 I'll write =, and I'm gonna take my average, egxyAzeJsm8-00063-00020421-00020734 either one, and times it by 10 egxyAzeJsm8-00064-00020835-00021300 and I'm multiplying joules per second times second. egxyAzeJsm8-00065-00021300-00021594 So my units here will be just joules. egxyAzeJsm8-00066-00021594-00021783 And I will now point out to you, egxyAzeJsm8-00067-00021783-00021921 by bolding them, egxyAzeJsm8-00068-00022116-00022551 the amount of energy it takes for grinding 975 joules egxyAzeJsm8-00069-00022551-00023043 and the cumulative energy for heating the water, egxyAzeJsm8-00070-00023043-00023433 bold, 468,000 joules. egxyAzeJsm8-00071-00023433-00023730 So grinding, not a big contribution egxyAzeJsm8-00072-00023730-00023925 to the total energy for this process. egxyAzeJsm8-00073-00024297-00024612 And let's see if I can do this. ejb1m8F_lBc-00000-00000000-00000381 Hey guys welcome back to my channel. If you're new here karibu sana. My name is ejb1m8F_lBc-00001-00000381-00000803 Doris and I make a bunch of videos online and today I'm sharing my simple ejb1m8F_lBc-00002-00000803-00001266 bullet journal supplies for the year 2020. Thank you so much Elizabeth for ejb1m8F_lBc-00003-00001266-00001444 suggesting in this video. ejb1m8F_lBc-00004-00001444-00001818 I start off with a 200 page square ruled exercise book ejb1m8F_lBc-00005-00001818-00002378 I got this at Naivas for about 50 shillings. I like that it's really really ejb1m8F_lBc-00006-00002378-00002864 bright. Kasuku has done such an amazing job in having the squares ejb1m8F_lBc-00007-00002864-00003479 aligned or maybe I'm just lucky this time round. I can carry it in my handbag it's ejb1m8F_lBc-00008-00003479-00003744 small enough and works on a low budget. ejb1m8F_lBc-00009-00003972-00004194 This is what a splurge for this 24 piece ejb1m8F_lBc-00010-00004194-00004668 Pelican colour pencils and I love that there's different shades of the colours. I got ejb1m8F_lBc-00011-00004668-00004995 these over at Tuskys for six hundred and sixty shillings. ejb1m8F_lBc-00012-00004995-00005457 I also saw this in Naivas but I'm sure there's other places you can get ejb1m8F_lBc-00013-00005457-00005938 these and for all the supplies that I'm... I am using here today. ejb1m8F_lBc-00014-00005938-00006094 Let's see how they ejb1m8F_lBc-00015-00006100-00006530 look on the inside. They're really sealed there we go! ejb1m8F_lBc-00016-00006664-00007145 I am loving this they look really really nice. I'll see how these one's work with ejb1m8F_lBc-00017-00007145-00007248 my journal. ejb1m8F_lBc-00018-00007422-00007597 I had two hundred and fifty shillings ejb1m8F_lBc-00019-00007597-00008237 left to spare when I saw this also at Tuskys so I got them because I really ejb1m8F_lBc-00020-00008237-00008603 loved the experience when I used the fiber pens and I thought this would ejb1m8F_lBc-00021-00008603-00009122 come in really handy when I wanted to highlight the the lines properly. I love ejb1m8F_lBc-00022-00009122-00009827 the packaging and also could see that this is a better choice than using highlighters ejb1m8F_lBc-00023-00009827-00010280 because there is more range of colour and I'll see how this one goes ejb1m8F_lBc-00024-00010976-00011543 Next are rulers. My 15 centimeter pelican ruler. I got this ages ago and ejb1m8F_lBc-00025-00011543-00012025 its edges can tell I've been using this for quite a while I think it was around ejb1m8F_lBc-00026-00012025-00012532 forty five shillings. Then my Haco 30 centimeter ruler for the ejb1m8F_lBc-00027-00012532-00012962 long lines. This should be around twenty to thirty bob at a local shop or supermarket. ejb1m8F_lBc-00028-00013244-00013451 Most of my work goes down using an ejb1m8F_lBc-00029-00013451-00013949 ordinary Bic pen. I prefer black but there're days I use a blue pen. I love that ejb1m8F_lBc-00030-00013950-00014530 doesn't smudge or bleed through my pages and it's affordable cost me about 20 shillings only. ejb1m8F_lBc-00031-00014580-00014947 Here's my sketching friend who has seen better days. ejb1m8F_lBc-00032-00014972-00015566 My faithful pencil I like using any HB pencils they are just right for me. ejb1m8F_lBc-00033-00015566-00015868 I'll replace this guy when it's as long as my thumb. ejb1m8F_lBc-00034-00015978-00016169 Next is my eraser or rubber to ejb1m8F_lBc-00035-00016169-00016643 remove all those pencil marks to leave my work neat. I think it cost me about 30 ejb1m8F_lBc-00036-00016644-00017120 shillings and I've used this for ages it's also from the Pelikan brand. ejb1m8F_lBc-00037-00017182-00017758 I got myself a razor blade to sharpen the pencils I'm just so bad and using the sharpener. ejb1m8F_lBc-00038-00017792-00018168 This is really sharp. I break the core of pencils so I thought this ejb1m8F_lBc-00039-00018168-00018576 would be more economical and efficient for me. Who knew I'd be searching for ejb1m8F_lBc-00040-00018576-00019166 blades after high school I got this for twenty shillings at my local shop. ejb1m8F_lBc-00041-00019532-00020032 And that's it for my bullet journal haul. I hope you draw some inspiration to ejb1m8F_lBc-00042-00020032-00020479 start wherever you are in whatever passion and allow growth. I have so much ejb1m8F_lBc-00043-00020480-00021020 more than when I started and I'm looking forward to gaining more. So thank you so ejb1m8F_lBc-00044-00021020-00021512 much for watching. Like comment subscribe and also share until the next video. ejb1m8F_lBc-00045-00021538-00021670 Bissous bye elcBRYlLGDM-00000-00001016-00001536 Welcome to the deadox guys in this channel i am uploading videos regarding tips tricks elcBRYlLGDM-00001-00001536-00002032 mods hacks and various gameplays of mobile games if you are new to the channel please subscribe elcBRYlLGDM-00002-00002032-00002616 and press bell icon for receiving notification of my latest videos. In this video we will see elcBRYlLGDM-00003-00002616-00003240 5 tips and tricks which helps you for growing faster in HayDay. No. 5 - farm wheats for coins elcBRYlLGDM-00004-00003328-00004112 wheat is the fastest growing crops in heyday it grows within just two minutes like noodles if you elcBRYlLGDM-00005-00004112-00004656 are in need of coins you can earn them by growing lots of wheat crops and sell them in market elcBRYlLGDM-00006-00004880-00005488 this is the easiest way to get coins in heyday how can you do that elcBRYlLGDM-00007-00005720-00006088 just farm wheat farm wheat farm and farm and farm elcBRYlLGDM-00008-00006224-00006816 then sell them in market you can choose whatever price but if you wants faster choose lesser price elcBRYlLGDM-00009-00006928-00007768 the lesser the price faster you can sell and earn more coins this is the easiest way to get coins elcBRYlLGDM-00010-00007984-00008632 number four get more diamonds you are getting one or two diamonds in starting when you levels up elcBRYlLGDM-00011-00008704-00009512 but that's not enough so what's our other ways to get diamonds let's see we can get five diamonds elcBRYlLGDM-00012-00009512-00010184 for sign into facebook you can also get some diamonds to watch trailer on theater elcBRYlLGDM-00013-00010360-00010968 you maybe get some diamonds by tapping this button it shows like this when you tap on balloon elcBRYlLGDM-00014-00011256-00011568 you can get some diamonds from mystery packages also elcBRYlLGDM-00015-00011968-00012424 if you got a level 24 you can get many diamonds from mining in the mine elcBRYlLGDM-00016-00012752-00013272 and the best way you get diamonds are from your achievements so whenever you go far you elcBRYlLGDM-00017-00013272-00013784 can get many diamonds from achievements so the best is to get diamonds is keep playing elcBRYlLGDM-00018-00014016-00014400 the diamonds really helps you in many ways like to use storm elcBRYlLGDM-00019-00014672-00015272 number three newspaper trick newspaper is the best way to buy construction items elcBRYlLGDM-00020-00015384-00016000 but sometimes the deal is not worth it to buy anything so how to refresh deals let's see elcBRYlLGDM-00021-00016240-00016864 go to your game info and tap on 4 stop or restart your mobile and see the newspaper elcBRYlLGDM-00022-00016864-00017504 the deals will refresh and you can buy what you want number two night or inactive farming elcBRYlLGDM-00023-00017784-00018384 farm those crops which takes longest time in night or when you are inactive on game elcBRYlLGDM-00024-00018488-00019424 this will save your efforts on game number 1 best way to use tom tom as the npc in-game elcBRYlLGDM-00025-00019424-00019992 the developers made him for finding items for players you can use the tom after level 14. elcBRYlLGDM-00026-00020256-00020856 for hiring tom we have to use some diamonds for it but you can also get him in booster storage elcBRYlLGDM-00027-00020984-00021344 it means you have to just activate from there if you had that boost elcBRYlLGDM-00028-00021520-00021960 apart from getting items for us he also buys the items from our market elcBRYlLGDM-00029-00022136-00022648 if you wanted to use tom for searching items just make search of high valued items and elcBRYlLGDM-00030-00022648-00023384 please don't call him for low valued items you can also buy from tom and sell same items elcBRYlLGDM-00031-00023384-00024072 at higher amount it may get sold if item is higher demanded items you can use this tips elcBRYlLGDM-00032-00024072-00024584 and tricks in heyday you can get positive result and can able to grow your farm fast elcBRYlLGDM-00033-00024704-00025192 please don't forget to like subscribe and click on bell icon for receiving more tips elcBRYlLGDM-00034-00025192-00025752 tricks hacks and mods of various games and comment down what content do you wanted next elcBRYlLGDM-00035-00025752-00027216 thank you guys see you in next videos be safe be healthy be happy and keep you em6N-Sd2FaI-00000-00000000-00000403 ENGO Smart Mobile App – how to get started? em6N-Sd2FaI-00001-00000503-00001303 When you launch the application, the welcome screen will appear em6N-Sd2FaI-00002-00001403-00001803 Select your property (home, office) and add devices em6N-Sd2FaI-00003-00001903-00002839 You can add devices manually or search automatically em6N-Sd2FaI-00004-00002978-00003569 Thermostat main screen em6N-Sd2FaI-00005-00003600-00004073 Once you added the temperaturę thermstat, enter its main screen. You will find the following options here: em6N-Sd2FaI-00006-00004108-00004403 Return to the main application screen em6N-Sd2FaI-00007-00004476-00004730 Set temperature em6N-Sd2FaI-00008-00004854-00005154 Room temperature em6N-Sd2FaI-00009-00005225-00005552 Device data and management em6N-Sd2FaI-00010-00005603-00005913 Changing the set temperature em6N-Sd2FaI-00011-00005964-00006264 Selected operation mode em6N-Sd2FaI-00012-00006340-00006643 Current status em6N-Sd2FaI-00013-00006703-00007003 Installer settings em6N-Sd2FaI-00014-00007103-00007403 Operating mode settings em6N-Sd2FaI-00015-00007503-00007903 Control mode em6N-Sd2FaI-00016-00008284-00008584 In the Mode Settings section, select the appropriate function for you: em6N-Sd2FaI-00017-00008703-00009039 Off (standby) em6N-Sd2FaI-00018-00009103-00009403 Manual mode em6N-Sd2FaI-00019-00009476-00009803 Schedule em6N-Sd2FaI-00020-00009847-00010159 Holiday mode em6N-Sd2FaI-00021-00010233-00010503 Room temperature history (graph) em6N-Sd2FaI-00022-00010623-00010929 Heating Time Ratio (thermostat operating history) em6N-Sd2FaI-00023-00011003-00011503 Management mode em6N-Sd2FaI-00024-00011691-00012303 By clicking on the pencil icon, you will enter management mode: em6N-Sd2FaI-00025-00012352-00012667 Change name, Icons em6N-Sd2FaI-00026-00012738-00013080 Access to rules and scenes em6N-Sd2FaI-00027-00013106-00013451 Works with voice assistants em6N-Sd2FaI-00028-00013482-00014071 Offline notification (when the device has no access to the network for more than 30 minutes) em6N-Sd2FaI-00029-00014159-00014781 Sharing the device via communicators or via TUYA em6N-Sd2FaI-00030-00014856-00016056 Adding a shortcut to the start screen em6N-Sd2FaI-00031-00016244-00016967 Using the created shortcut, the main screen of the device is opened directly from the desktop em6N-Sd2FaI-00032-00017074-00018074 Basic screen of the ENGO Smart Application (with previously added thermostat) em6N-Sd2FaI-00033-00018248-00018748 When you enter a location, current weather information appears em6N-Sd2FaI-00034-00018838-00019503 Shows rooms with functioning devices em6N-Sd2FaI-00035-00019631-00020187 Devices installed in home em6N-Sd2FaI-00036-00020283-00020903 Create scenes and rules em6N-Sd2FaI-00037-00020993-00021603 Main application settings em6N-Sd2FaI-00038-00021768-00021968 Weather panel em6N-Sd2FaI-00039-00022036-00022436 You can use current weather data to create scenes and rules em6N-Sd2FaI-00040-00022503-00023303 Scenes and rules panel em6N-Sd2FaI-00041-00023432-00024103 With the Tap to Run rule, you can, for example, quickly start or stop the thermostat em6N-Sd2FaI-00042-00024270-00025003 Here you can create rules depending on sunrise, sunset, for example em6N-Sd2FaI-00043-00025103-00025803 Set a schedule of any scenes and rules that will be repeated once a day or on selected days em6N-Sd2FaI-00044-00025963-00026603 You can also build rules/scenes in conjunction with the status of other devices em6N-Sd2FaI-00045-00026703-00027546 Main application settings panel em6N-Sd2FaI-00046-00027609-00028444 Configure alarms, events and push notifications as needed f5FoaATrKY4-00000-00000000-00000468 The hare is a type of large, fast-running mammal found in many parts of the world. f5FoaATrKY4-00001-00000468-00001032 They are similar to rabbits, but are generally larger and have longer ears and legs. There are f5FoaATrKY4-00002-00001032-00001482 several different species of hare, each with its own unique characteristics and behaviors. f5FoaATrKY4-00003-00001482-00001986 Hares are known for their incredible speed and agility. They are able to run at speeds f5FoaATrKY4-00004-00001986-00002424 of up to 45 miles per hour, making them one of the fastest animals in the world. f5FoaATrKY4-00005-00002424-00002964 This speed is essential for their survival, as they are preyed upon by a variety of predators, f5FoaATrKY4-00006-00002964-00003588 including foxes, wolves, and birds of prey. Hares are herbivores, feeding mainly on grasses, f5FoaATrKY4-00007-00003588-00004092 leaves, and other plant matter. They are able to survive in a wide range of habitats, f5FoaATrKY4-00008-00004092-00004608 from open grasslands to forests and mountains. They are also able to adapt to changing f5FoaATrKY4-00009-00004608-00005064 environmental conditions, which has helped them to survive in many different parts of the world. f5FoaATrKY4-00010-00005064-00005514 One of the most interesting things about hares is their behavior during the breeding season. f5FoaATrKY4-00011-00005514-00006060 Male hares will engage in a frenzied display of aggression and competition in order to attract f5FoaATrKY4-00012-00006060-00006558 a mate. This behavior is known as "boxing", and involves two males standing on their hind f5FoaATrKY4-00013-00006558-00007062 legs and striking each other with their front paws. While this behavior may seem violent, f5FoaATrKY4-00014-00007062-00007548 it is actually a way for the males to establish dominance and avoid physical confrontation. f5FoaATrKY4-00015-00007548-00008034 Female hares give birth to litters of up to five or six young, known as leverets. f5FoaATrKY4-00016-00008034-00008466 These young are born with their eyes open and are able to move around on their own f5FoaATrKY4-00017-00008466-00008922 within a few hours of birth. They are fully weaned and independent within a few weeks, f5FoaATrKY4-00018-00008922-00009312 but will stay with their mother for several months before venturing out on their own. f5FoaATrKY4-00019-00009312-00009786 Hares have been an important part of human culture for thousands of years. They have been f5FoaATrKY4-00020-00009786-00010314 hunted for their meat and fur, and have also been featured in art and literature. In some cultures, f5FoaATrKY4-00021-00010314-00010770 hares are seen as symbols of fertility, and are associated with the goddess of the moon. f5FoaATrKY4-00022-00010770-00011256 Unfortunately, hares are facing a number of threats in the modern world. Habitat f5FoaATrKY4-00023-00011256-00011742 loss and fragmentation, climate change, and hunting are all taking a toll on hare f5FoaATrKY4-00024-00011742-00012288 populations around the world. In some areas, hares are also being targeted by invasive f5FoaATrKY4-00025-00012288-00012774 species such as the European hare, which can outcompete and hybridize with native species. f5FoaATrKY4-00026-00012774-00013350 Overall, the hare is a fascinating and important species that plays an important role in many f5FoaATrKY4-00027-00013350-00013806 ecosystems around the world. By learning more about these animals and working to protect f5FoaATrKY4-00028-00013806-00014268 their habitats, we can help ensure that they continue to thrive for generations to come. f9P794I5y-0-00000-00000000-00000324 happy new year! I have a new idea... f9P794I5y-0-00001-00000324-00000708 In this bowl I have got uh f9P794I5y-0-00002-00000708-00001191 all of Hans Christian Andersen's and the Grimm brothers fairy tales and I'm gonna f9P794I5y-0-00003-00001191-00002114 do them one by one pick them out read them so we're starting with... f9P794I5y-0-00004-00002376-00002516 a microphone falling off.. right f9P794I5y-0-00005-00003294-00003614 so I just picked out of the box the puppet show man f9P794I5y-0-00006-00003738-00003897 which is a Hans Christian Andersen book f9P794I5y-0-00007-00004120-00004292 On board the steamer was an elderly man f9P794I5y-0-00008-00004293-00004668 with such a joyful face that if it didn't belile him he must have been f9P794I5y-0-00009-00004668-00005171 the happiest person on earth in fact he said he was the happiest - I heard it from f9P794I5y-0-00010-00005171-00005580 his own mouth he was a Dane a countryman of mine and a f9P794I5y-0-00011-00005580-00006035 traveling theatrical producer his whole company was with him and lay in a large f9P794I5y-0-00012-00006035-00006647 box for he was proprietor of a puppet show he said that his natural f9P794I5y-0-00013-00006647-00007002 cheerfulness had been enlightened by a polytechnic student and if the f9P794I5y-0-00014-00007002-00007488 experiment had left him completely happy at first I didn't understand what he f9P794I5y-0-00015-00007488-00008127 meant but later he explained the whole thing to me and here's his story in the f9P794I5y-0-00016-00008127-00008511 town of Slagelse he said I gave a performance in the post-office courtyard f9P794I5y-0-00017-00008511-00009078 before a brilliant audience all juvenile except for two old matrons suddenly a f9P794I5y-0-00018-00009078-00009593 person in black looking like a student entered the hall and sat down he laughed f9P794I5y-0-00019-00009593-00009975 at the right places and applauded appropriately he was an unusual f9P794I5y-0-00020-00009975-00010299 spectator I was anxious to know who he was f9P794I5y-0-00021-00010299-00010689 and I learned that he was a student from the Polytechnic Institute of Copenhagen f9P794I5y-0-00022-00010689-00011154 who had been sent out to teach the people in the provinces my performance f9P794I5y-0-00023-00011154-00011538 ended promptly at eight o'clock for children must go to bed early and a f9P794I5y-0-00024-00011538-00012060 manager must consider the convenience of his public at nine o'clock the student f9P794I5y-0-00025-00012060-00012621 began his lecture and experiments and now I was one of his spectators it was f9P794I5y-0-00026-00012621-00013067 all extraordinary to hear and see most of it went way over my head and into the f9P794I5y-0-00027-00013067-00013391 Parsons as one says but it made me think that it f9P794I5y-0-00028-00013391-00013827 we mortals can learn so much we must surely be intended to last longer than f9P794I5y-0-00029-00013827-00014328 the little span were here on earth what he performed were miracles and though f9P794I5y-0-00030-00014328-00014787 only small ones everything was done as easily as a foot fits into a stocking as f9P794I5y-0-00031-00014787-00015318 naturally as nature functions in the days of Moses and the prophets such a f9P794I5y-0-00032-00015318-00015681 man would have been counted among the wise men of the land in the Middle Ages f9P794I5y-0-00033-00015681-00016203 he would have been burned at the stake I didn't sleep that whole night and the f9P794I5y-0-00034-00016203-00016503 next evening when I gave another performance and the student was again f9P794I5y-0-00035-00016503-00017028 present I was an exuberant ly good humour I once heard from an actor that f9P794I5y-0-00036-00017028-00017388 when he played the part of the lover he always thought of one particular lady in f9P794I5y-0-00037-00017388-00017789 the audience he played only to her and forgot the rest of the house f9P794I5y-0-00038-00017789-00018372 now the Polytechnic student was my she my only spectator for whom alone I f9P794I5y-0-00039-00018372-00018900 performed after the performance when the puppets had taken their curtain calls f9P794I5y-0-00040-00018900-00019310 the Polytechnic student invited me into his room to have a glass of wine f9P794I5y-0-00041-00019310-00019779 he spoke of my plays and I spoke of his science and I think we were equally f9P794I5y-0-00042-00019779-00020250 pleased but I had the better of it for there was much of what he did that he f9P794I5y-0-00043-00020250-00020648 couldn't explain to me for instance a piece of iron that falls through a f9P794I5y-0-00044-00020648-00020976 spiral becomes magnetic now why does that happen f9P794I5y-0-00045-00020976-00021468 the spirit enters it but where does it come from it is just as it is with the f9P794I5y-0-00046-00021468-00021860 humans in our world I think our Lord lets them fall through the spiral line f9P794I5y-0-00047-00021860-00022437 of time the spirit enters them and there then stands a Napoleon a Luther or some f9P794I5y-0-00048-00022437-00022965 such person the whole world is a series of miracles said the student but we're f9P794I5y-0-00049-00022965-00023385 so used to them we call them everyday things and he continued talking in f9P794I5y-0-00050-00023385-00023835 explaining until finally my skull seemed lifted from my brain and I honestly f9P794I5y-0-00051-00023835-00024273 confessed that if I weren't already an old fellow I would at once attend the f9P794I5y-0-00052-00024273-00024695 Polytechnic Institute and learned to examine the world more closely even f9P794I5y-0-00053-00024695-00025281 though I was one of the happiest of men one of the happiest said the student and f9P794I5y-0-00054-00025281-00025679 seemed quite thoughtful about it are you really happy f9P794I5y-0-00055-00025679-00026289 he asked me yes I said I'm happy all the towns welcomed me whenever I come with f9P794I5y-0-00056-00026289-00026683 my company but I do to be sure have one wish f9P794I5y-0-00057-00026683-00027136 which sometimes haunts me like a goblin a nightmare that rides on my good nature f9P794I5y-0-00058-00027136-00027639 I would like to be a real theatrical manager director of a troupe of real men f9P794I5y-0-00059-00027639-00028164 and women you wish your puppets would come to life you wish they would become f9P794I5y-0-00060-00028164-00028633 real actors he said and you'd be their director and then would you be f9P794I5y-0-00061-00028633-00029178 completely happy do you think he didn't believe it but I believed it and we f9P794I5y-0-00062-00029178-00029700 talked back and forth about it without coming any nearer a solution still weak f9P794I5y-0-00063-00029700-00030150 linked glasses together and the wine was excellent the must have been some magic f9P794I5y-0-00064-00030150-00030706 in it for otherwise the story would have been that I got drunk that didn't happen f9P794I5y-0-00065-00030706-00031203 though I kept my clear viewpoint somehow there was the sunlight in the room and f9P794I5y-0-00066-00031203-00031627 it shone from the face of the Polytechnic student it made me think of f9P794I5y-0-00067-00031627-00031975 the old tales of the gods in their eternal youth when they wandered on f9P794I5y-0-00068-00031975-00032565 earth I told him that and he smiled I could have sworn that he was one of the f9P794I5y-0-00069-00032565-00032943 old gods in disguise or at least that he belonged to their family and he f9P794I5y-0-00070-00032943-00033286 certainly must have been something of that sort for my greatest wish was to be f9P794I5y-0-00071-00033286-00033733 fulfilled the puppets would come to life and I would be the director of real f9P794I5y-0-00072-00033733-00034450 people we drank to that he packed all my puppets into a wooden box strapped it on f9P794I5y-0-00073-00034450-00034902 my back and then let me fall through a spiral I can still hear how I tumbled f9P794I5y-0-00074-00034902-00035409 and then I was lying on the floor this is positively true and the whole company f9P794I5y-0-00075-00035409-00035956 sprang from the box the spirit had come upon all of them all the puppets had f9P794I5y-0-00076-00035956-00036546 become great artists at least so they said and I was the director everything f9P794I5y-0-00077-00036546-00036888 was ready for the first performance but the whole company wanted to speak to me f9P794I5y-0-00078-00036888-00037408 and the public to the prima ballerina said that the house was going to fall if f9P794I5y-0-00079-00037408-00037800 she didn't stand on one leg in the show she was mistress of the whole company f9P794I5y-0-00080-00037800-00038319 and insisted on being treated as such the lady who played the Empress wanted f9P794I5y-0-00081-00038319-00038787 to be treated as an empress offstage or else she would get out of practice f9P794I5y-0-00082-00038787-00039286 the man who had only to deliver a letter made himself as important as the leading f9P794I5y-0-00083-00039286-00039753 man for the little parts were just as important as the big ones and all were f9P794I5y-0-00084-00039753-00040021 of equal consequence in making up an artistic f9P794I5y-0-00085-00040021-00040510 he said the hero would play only parts composed of nothing but exit lines f9P794I5y-0-00086-00040510-00040993 because those brought him the applause the prima donna would only play act in a f9P794I5y-0-00087-00040993-00041416 red light for that suit at her best she refused to appear in a blue one f9P794I5y-0-00088-00041416-00041812 they were like a troupe of flies in a bottle and I was in the middle of the f9P794I5y-0-00089-00041812-00042400 bottle with them for I was the director my breath stopped and my head was dizzy f9P794I5y-0-00090-00042400-00042900 I was as miserable as a man can be it was quite a new kind of people among f9P794I5y-0-00091-00042900-00043363 whom I found myself now I only wished I had them all back in their box and that f9P794I5y-0-00092-00043363-00043834 I'd never been a director at all I told them straight out that they were all f9P794I5y-0-00093-00043834-00044109 nothing but puppets and so they killed me f9P794I5y-0-00094-00044109-00044653 I found myself lying on my bed in my room how I got there f9P794I5y-0-00095-00044653-00045256 or how I got away from the Polytechnic student he may know but I don't the moon f9P794I5y-0-00096-00045256-00045643 shone in on the floor where the box lay over turned and all the dolls great and f9P794I5y-0-00097-00045643-00046188 small was scattered about in confusion but I wasn't idle I jumped out of bed f9P794I5y-0-00098-00046188-00046531 and popped them all back into the box some on their heads and some on their f9P794I5y-0-00099-00046531-00046999 feet then I slammed down the lid and seated myself on the box it was a f9P794I5y-0-00100-00046999-00047272 picture worth painting can't you just see it f9P794I5y-0-00101-00047272-00047803 I can now you'll all just have to stay in there I said and I'll never again f9P794I5y-0-00102-00047803-00048253 wish that you have flesh and blood I was in such a relieved frame of mind f9P794I5y-0-00103-00048253-00048619 I was the happiest of men the Polytechnic student had entirely f9P794I5y-0-00104-00048619-00049119 purified me i sat there in a state of utter contentment and fell asleep up by f9P794I5y-0-00105-00049119-00049725 the box the next morning it was really noon for I slept wonderfully the late f9P794I5y-0-00106-00049725-00050196 that day I was still sitting there by tarted and conscious that my one former f9P794I5y-0-00107-00050196-00050772 wish had been foolish I asked for the Polytechnic student but he was gone like f9P794I5y-0-00108-00050772-00051163 the gods of Greece and Rome and since that time I have been the happiest of f9P794I5y-0-00109-00051163-00051633 men I'm a happy director my company never grumbles on my public either f9P794I5y-0-00110-00051633-00052120 they're amused to their heart's content I can put my plays together just as I f9P794I5y-0-00111-00052120-00052519 like taking out of other plays anything that pleases me and no one is annoyed to f9P794I5y-0-00112-00052519-00053041 it plays that nowadays are disdained in the big theatres but the public ran to f9P794I5y-0-00113-00053041-00053620 sea and wept over 30 years ago those plays I now put on I perform them f9P794I5y-0-00114-00053620-00053891 for the little ones and the little ones weep just as Papa f9P794I5y-0-00115-00053891-00054394 and Mama did I give them your hand monster song and Divac but in f9P794I5y-0-00116-00054394-00054889 abbreviated versions for the youngsters don't want long-winded love stories what f9P794I5y-0-00117-00054889-00055426 they want is something sad but short I've traveled through Denmark from one f9P794I5y-0-00118-00055426-00055894 end to the other I know everyone there and everyone knows me now I'm on my way f9P794I5y-0-00119-00055894-00056279 to Sweden and if I'm successful there and make good money I'll be a man of f9P794I5y-0-00120-00056279-00056836 Scandinavia otherwise I weren't I tell you this because you're my countrymen f9P794I5y-0-00121-00056836-00057433 and I as his countrymen in turn naturally tell it just for the sake of f9P794I5y-0-00122-00057433-00058768 telling it and I'll pick out next week's one which is going to be I say next week f9P794I5y-0-00123-00058768-00060031 next time the sparrow and his four children by the Grimm brothers see you f9P794I5y-0-00124-00060031-00060261 next time f9P794I5y-0-00125-00060954-00061160 you frbdHyFp9nM-00000-00000132-00000316 I'm Oksana and I'm from Olds and I frbdHyFp9nM-00001-00000316-00000580 Heard about Dodge on Facebook for the $10 Oil Change fs6LZZREGfu-00000-00000000-00000182 (Today’s content) fs6LZZREGfu-00001-00000182-00000430 (What if the music students recreate a scene from a movie?) fs6LZZREGfu-00002-00000430-00000622 You both graduated from Korea National University of Arts fs6LZZREGfu-00003-00000790-00000943 and the same middle and high school, right? (They both graduated Yewon School and Seoul Arts High School) fs6LZZREGfu-00004-00000943-00000993 Yup fs6LZZREGfu-00005-00001139-00001281 Stop making us do things like this! fs6LZZREGfu-00006-00001281-00001360 (It our first time asking) fs6LZZREGfu-00007-00001383-00001594 (They did not know…) fs6LZZREGfu-00008-00001594-00001796 (About the future this video is about bring) fs6LZZREGfu-00009-00001796-00001984 First take a look at this video fs6LZZREGfu-00010-00002000-00002131 What video? fs6LZZREGfu-00011-00002131-00002210 (Alarmed) fs6LZZREGfu-00012-00002210-00002305 No, what video is it? fs6LZZREGfu-00013-00002305-00002500 (What is she doing) Talk to me first. What video is it? fs6LZZREGfu-00014-00002500-00002651 (Tone of a comedy) I can’t trust you anymore fs6LZZREGfu-00015-00002758-00002902 (He wasn’t even fooled once) You can’t fool me twice fs6LZZREGfu-00016-00002914-00003053 It’s a scene from “Secret” fs6LZZREGfu-00017-00003053-00003165 You’re making us do this? fs6LZZREGfu-00018-00003165-00003215 Are you telling us to do this? fs6LZZREGfu-00019-00003215-00003265 (Correct!) fs6LZZREGfu-00020-00003369-00003514 Stop making us do things like this fs6LZZREGfu-00021-00003514-00003600 (It’s our first time asking) fs6LZZREGfu-00022-00003600-00003798 I don’t remember anything. I watched it too long ago fs6LZZREGfu-00023-00003798-00003920 Me.. me too fs6LZZREGfu-00024-00003920-00004083 (lololololol) fs6LZZREGfu-00025-00004083-00004218 I watched it maybe 10 minutes ago? fs6LZZREGfu-00026-00004218-00004331 (She watched it during a break) fs6LZZREGfu-00027-00004331-00004400 (Shameless) fs6LZZREGfu-00028-00004400-00004512 I can’t imagine us playing fs6LZZREGfu-00029-00004512-00004640 I can’t either fs6LZZREGfu-00030-00004773-00005175 (Mr. Ice-cream) fs6LZZREGfu-00031-00005503-00005693 (He’s handsome) fs6LZZREGfu-00032-00005773-00006126 (Trying to explain) I think this is the part where Ye Xiang Lun challenged Yu Hao into a piano battle fs6LZZREGfu-00033-00006126-00006200 (Doesn’t care) Mr. Ice-cream fs6LZZREGfu-00034-00006459-00006560 (Damnnn) fs6LZZREGfu-00035-00006560-00006750 (So cringe) Mr. Ice-creamThe piano prince fs6LZZREGfu-00036-00006811-00006927 (Obsessed) So who’s the ice cream brother today? fs6LZZREGfu-00037-00006943-00007263 (Anyways that’s how the battle started) fs6LZZREGfu-00038-00007263-00007500 I wanna be Ye Xiang Lun fs6LZZREGfu-00039-00007519-00007608 (Whatever) fs6LZZREGfu-00040-00007620-00007670 Black keys fs6LZZREGfu-00041-00007670-00007823 Yeah, doesn’t he change it into white keys? fs6LZZREGfu-00042-00008126-00008240 You’re not gonna make us do this, are you? fs6LZZREGfu-00043-00008240-00008311 (No comment) fs6LZZREGfu-00044-00008321-00008807 If Yu Hao was in our school, I probably would have like him, like a lot fs6LZZREGfu-00045-00008856-00009111 Yeah? I mean you had me fs6LZZREGfu-00046-00009111-00009280 (Allergic reaction) fs6LZZREGfu-00047-00009582-00009853 (In love) Did you see him smirking? fs6LZZREGfu-00048-00009853-00010240 When we were doing the robot vs human battle, I was like that the whole time fs6LZZREGfu-00049-00010265-00010449 You were making that face? fs6LZZREGfu-00050-00010549-00010720 You can’t do that fs6LZZREGfu-00051-00010788-00011141 (This part right here is the mission today) fs6LZZREGfu-00052-00011141-00011322 (Can they master this in 30 minutes) fs6LZZREGfu-00053-00011322-00011490 (And make complete pairs of shoes?) fs6LZZREGfu-00054-00011563-00011773 (This…?) fs6LZZREGfu-00055-00011773-00012010 It’s almost imposs… fs6LZZREGfu-00056-00012127-00012282 It’s possible fs6LZZREGfu-00057-00012303-00012454 Hey hey hey hey, look at this fs6LZZREGfu-00058-00012780-00013000 (They’re not frozen) fs6LZZREGfu-00059-00013510-00013627 That’s super cool fs6LZZREGfu-00060-00013654-00013761 How long would it take for you to master this? fs6LZZREGfu-00061-00013806-00013864 This? fs6LZZREGfu-00062-00013960-00014122 Like a lot of time and a lot of practice fs6LZZREGfu-00063-00014150-00014521 These notes sound more beautiful but it’s super hard to play fs6LZZREGfu-00064-00014521-00014904 Yeah, it’s literally impossible to play it like that fs6LZZREGfu-00065-00014904-00015009 (Uh-huh) I agree fs6LZZREGfu-00066-00015110-00015347 Anyways, you watched the scene fs6LZZREGfu-00067-00015347-00015397 yup fs6LZZREGfu-00068-00015397-00015843 And do you, as classical music majors, think that this is actually plausible? fs6LZZREGfu-00069-00015843-00016213 I mean I don’t have that ‘I’m going to defeat you today’ sort of mindset fs6LZZREGfu-00070-00016413-00016539 There are a lot of kids like that fs6LZZREGfu-00071-00016539-00016626 (What?) fs6LZZREGfu-00072-00016686-00016794 (He’s slow on social cues) I mean on test days fs6LZZREGfu-00073-00016794-00016885 (Trying to make it right) But, you see, fs6LZZREGfu-00074-00016908-00017053 (Too late) fs6LZZREGfu-00075-00017053-00017246 Are there people like ‘the piano prince?’ fs6LZZREGfu-00076-00017246-00017427 I mean, people who come in as first place are princes fs6LZZREGfu-00077-00017427-00017806 It’s not. The piano prince has to be visually… that(?) fs6LZZREGfu-00078-00017832-00017933 (Out of nowhere) The prince was! fs6LZZREGfu-00079-00017933-00018193 (Thinking back to the good ol days) The prince was whoever that was the best at playing the piano fs6LZZREGfu-00080-00018304-00018380 (Typical test prince) fs6LZZREGfu-00081-00018380-00018551 That’s just for you guys fs6LZZREGfu-00082-00018551-00018686 Then were you the piano prince? fs6LZZREGfu-00083-00018686-00018769 Exactly right! fs6LZZREGfu-00084-00018769-00019195 (Even before he finished his sentence…) I wasn’t always first fs6LZZREGfu-00085-00019268-00019421 (So much pride) but I was pretty popular back then hehe fs6LZZREGfu-00086-00019421-00019521 (I’ve never heard of it) Were you? fs6LZZREGfu-00087-00019557-00019663 (speechless) fs6LZZREGfu-00088-00019663-00019830 We will give you the mission fs6LZZREGfu-00089-00019976-00020134 There is a duet scene in the movie, right? fs6LZZREGfu-00090-00020151-00020323 Why do you sound so awkward when you talk? fs6LZZREGfu-00091-00020323-00020510 (I’ve never seen anyone more awkward than me) fs6LZZREGfu-00092-00020510-00020973 There are a lot of people who are skeptical about the duet song fs6LZZREGfu-00093-00020973-00021133 (Firm) It’s impossible fs6LZZREGfu-00094-00021149-00021257 What is? What is?! fs6LZZREGfu-00095-00021257-00021637 We will give you the music sheet because we’d feel guilty if we didn’t fs6LZZREGfu-00096-00021637-00021823 (That’s sooo kind of you) Thank you soooo much fs6LZZREGfu-00097-00021823-00021908 (mission start!) fs6LZZREGfu-00098-00021908-00022112 (both scheming the music score) fs6LZZREGfu-00099-00022112-00022314 (By the way, it’s their first time seeing the music score) fs6LZZREGfu-00100-00022678-00022813 (curious) Hey, what are the finger numbers here? fs6LZZREGfu-00101-00023047-00023248 (keeping him in check) Don’t ask me that and figure it out yourself fs6LZZREGfu-00102-00023248-00023378 (Shame on you) fs6LZZREGfu-00103-00023378-00023600 (It’s a cooperative mission…) fs6LZZREGfu-00104-00023822-00024000 (Someone is having a tough time) fs6LZZREGfu-00105-00024021-00024202 (Found it) fs6LZZREGfu-00106-00024202-00024324 (Keeping him in check) When do you finish? fs6LZZREGfu-00107-00024398-00024543 (2nd round of attack) I can play only when you’re done fs6LZZREGfu-00108-00024668-00024800 (3rd round of attack) Can I rearrange the music? fs6LZZREGfu-00109-00024934-00025084 You can rearrange. Re..rearange? fs6LZZREGfu-00110-00025084-00025157 (huh?) fs6LZZREGfu-00111-00025157-00025369 (They’re on the same team) fs6LZZREGfu-00112-00025500-00025720 For me it’s (I think she’s trying to divide up left and right hand on the parts that are impossible) fs6LZZREGfu-00113-00025983-00026198 (Too bad) It’s cooler to play this with only my left hand fs6LZZREGfu-00114-00026198-00026424 (He plays it with one hand in the movie) fs6LZZREGfu-00115-00026433-00026550 (I’ll give it a try!) fs6LZZREGfu-00116-00026720-00026948 (Is it possible?) fs6LZZREGfu-00117-00027164-00027280 (A speedy surrender) I’ll do it with both hands fs6LZZREGfu-00118-00027318-00027600 (looking around) (It seems like 30 minutes is enough time…) I don’t think it’s possible. fs6LZZREGfu-00119-00027769-00027924 (Will they fail the mission just like that?) It just isn’t fs6LZZREGfu-00120-00027924-00028009 (20 minutes later) fs6LZZREGfu-00121-00028009-00028203 (they practiced without saying a word) Let’s actually do it. Play in the original tempo fs6LZZREGfu-00122-00028203-00028403 (the staff went to eat lunch) fs6LZZREGfu-00123-00028649-00028801 (Woah…) fs6LZZREGfu-00124-00029000-00029220 (How do they do this in 30 minutes?) fs6LZZREGfu-00125-00029351-00029583 (Finally showing something professional) fs6LZZREGfu-00126-00029934-00030110 And somebody has to turn the page for me fs6LZZREGfu-00127-00030110-00030302 Do we not have a page turner here? fs6LZZREGfu-00128-00030302-00030384 (They ate fast) Do we have to? fs6LZZREGfu-00129-00030384-00030552 Do we have to give it our best? fs6LZZREGfu-00130-00030552-00030628 Yup (firm) fs6LZZREGfu-00131-00030628-00030750 (Pressure x 100) fs6LZZREGfu-00132-00030750-00031028 Then I’ll have no excuse for making a mistake lol fs6LZZREGfu-00133-00031028-00031162 (Restart) fs6LZZREGfu-00134-00031294-00031410 (No excuse at all) fs6LZZREGfu-00135-00031410-00031534 (Last practice) fs6LZZREGfu-00136-00031546-00031715 (Showing side effects) fs6LZZREGfu-00137-00031715-00031840 (I think we have to finish this fast…) fs6LZZREGfu-00138-00031840-00031983 Are you guys ready by any chance? fs6LZZREGfu-00139-00031983-00032033 Yup we’re ready fs6LZZREGfu-00140-00032033-00032087 Nope fs6LZZREGfu-00141-00032087-00032262 I mean, yeah we’re ready fs6LZZREGfu-00142-00032262-00032372 (Are you two actually close?) fs6LZZREGfu-00143-00032372-00032802 Because your time is up, please try your best for complete pairs of shoes… fs6LZZREGfu-00144-00032802-00032864 (Before shooting) fs6LZZREGfu-00145-00032864-00033006 (It’s actually before we gave them the shoe) You took one shoe each right? fs6LZZREGfu-00146-00033006-00033067 Oh, yea… fs6LZZREGfu-00147-00033067-00033189 (Intercept) Yes! My feet are really cute and precious fs6LZZREGfu-00148-00033269-00033453 Please try your best so we can give you the other shoe fs6LZZREGfu-00149-00033453-00033542 (Demanding the privilege to speak) fs6LZZREGfu-00150-00033542-00033625 For real? fs6LZZREGfu-00151-00033625-00033778 (Intercept) Yes! My feet are really cute and precious fs6LZZREGfu-00152-00033841-00034030 It was really uncomfortable walking with just one shoe fs6LZZREGfu-00153-00034030-00034080 (We actually never gave them the shoes) fs6LZZREGfu-00154-00034080-00034206 Yeah, it’s really tough walking with one foot fs6LZZREGfu-00155-00034206-00034298 (Shameless) ye… yeah(?) fs6LZZREGfu-00156-00034306-00034428 (They’re too into their characters…) fs6LZZREGfu-00157-00034440-00034640 (They have to walk around with just one shoe if they fail) (The present) fs6LZZREGfu-00158-00034695-00035078 You go first (Will they be able to complete the mission successfully?) fs6LZZREGfu-00159-00035425-00035680 (Name: Na Wu Lee, so-called the piano prince) fs6LZZREGfu-00160-00037743-00037950 (Ye Xiang Lun…) fs6LZZREGfu-00161-00041124-00041366 (Yes, they did this in under 30 minutes) fs6LZZREGfu-00162-00043456-00043668 (A perfect ending) fs6LZZREGfu-00163-00043668-00043841 (Did we pass?) fs6LZZREGfu-00164-00043841-00043985 (Weird) fs6LZZREGfu-00165-00043985-00044087 We got it, right? fs6LZZREGfu-00166-00044087-00044198 (Success!) fs6LZZREGfu-00167-00044206-00044320 I could’ve played it faster fs6LZZREGfu-00168-00044337-00044602 (She’s seems a little disappointed) fs6LZZREGfu-00169-00044613-00044693 Let’s play it faster then fs6LZZREGfu-00170-00044779-00044898 (Out of nowhere?) fs6LZZREGfu-00171-00045177-00045400 They are going off out of nowhere fs6LZZREGfu-00172-00045586-00045885 (They’re playing better now that the mission is over) fs6LZZREGfu-00173-00046785-00047028 (Students of Korea National University of Arts are on another level) fs6LZZREGfu-00174-00047472-00047571 You made a mistake at the end, right? fs6LZZREGfu-00175-00047571-00047621 Yeah fs6LZZREGfu-00176-00047621-00047671 It’s ok fs6LZZREGfu-00177-00047741-00048000 You’ve achieved the other shoe fs6LZZREGfu-00178-00048304-00048453 Finally you can walk with two feet fs6LZZREGfu-00179-00048453-00048562 (I always walked with two feet…) fs6LZZREGfu-00180-00048562-00048612 Thank you so much fs6LZZREGfu-00181-00048653-00048979 Honestly, I didn’t wanna do this at first fs6LZZREGfu-00182-00048979-00049204 But they ask for too much all the time fs6LZZREGfu-00183-00049204-00049338 You know what I mean, right? fs6LZZREGfu-00184-00049338-00049786 I would do it by myself but I don’t wanna do it when others tell me to do it fs6LZZREGfu-00185-00049786-00049902 What do you think now? fs6LZZREGfu-00186-00049953-00050156 Now? It’s so damn fun hehe fs6LZZREGfu-00187-00050156-00050262 I had fun too fs6LZZREGfu-00188-00050348-00050472 Congratulations fs6LZZREGfu-00189-00050736-00050889 (After the shooting…) fs6LZZREGfu-00190-00051087-00051690 (From here on, there is a paid promotion) (There is a festival where you can get a Grand Piano from Yamaha with a special offer) fs6LZZREGfu-00191-00051690-00051818 Have you seen any pianos like this? fs6LZZREGfu-00192-00051818-00052227 No. I did see a silent piano with a speaker attached to it fs6LZZREGfu-00193-00052227-00052973 It’s called a ‘trans acoustic piano’ where you can digitalize the acoustic piano and play fs6LZZREGfu-00194-00053166-00053694 Wait, then can it produce electronic sounds too? fs6LZZREGfu-00195-00053694-00053760 Yup! fs6LZZREGfu-00196-00053877-00053986 How about the MIDI signal? fs6LZZREGfu-00197-00053986-00054403 It produces MIDI signals and when you’re recording, it can produce both MIDI signals and audio fs6LZZREGfu-00198-00054510-00054662 How can there be a piano like this? How much is it? fs6LZZREGfu-00199-00054662-00054792 (He’s suddenly interested) fs6LZZREGfu-00200-00054870-00055707 I was actually looking for this! I think it’d be really awesome if I play it during a big concert when I’m having problems with binaural sounds fs6LZZREGfu-00201-00055810-00056093 (In fact, a lot of professional pianists are using this piano) fs6LZZREGfu-00202-00056128-00056225 I think it’d be really awesome <3 fs6LZZREGfu-00203-00056225-00056341 (I’m loving it) fs6LZZREGfu-00204-00056341-00056572 I was actually looking for a piano like this(For real) fs6LZZREGfu-00205-00056572-00056755 (Why did we see each other now <3) But I didn’t know I’d find it here fs6LZZREGfu-00206-00056850-00057231 There should’ve been this piano when I was in Purple Rain… the band I was in fs6LZZREGfu-00207-00057231-00057694 I was frustrated because I couldn’t hear the actual notes right away fs6LZZREGfu-00208-00058055-00058666 (The band Na Wu is in, Purple Rain) fs6LZZREGfu-00209-00058954-00059283 (That’s such a great song…) fs6LZZREGfu-00210-00059672-00060100 (We ask for your support and interest in the Yamaha GP Fair ) fs6LZZREGfu-00211-00061033-00061444 Thank you Na Wu for shooting this with us even though it was a sudden request fAI7kG1Vj_U-00000-00000071-00000171 45. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00001-00000171-00000271 The Attitude of a Linguist. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00002-00000271-00000599 Human Culture is Universal Just as with genes, human culture has passed fAI7kG1Vj_U-00003-00000599-00001235 from generation to generation, its form and content constantly evolving. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00004-00001235-00001898 Like the genetic makeup of people, human culture is universal despite its variations. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00005-00001898-00002421 The source of world culture is everywhere the same: human creativity. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00006-00002421-00002992 Twenty-five hundred years ago, philosophers in China, India and Greece dealt with the fAI7kG1Vj_U-00007-00002992-00003568 same human issues as we do now, and their thoughts are readily understood by people fAI7kG1Vj_U-00008-00003568-00003884 of many different cultures today. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00009-00003884-00004576 In fact, a closer study of the thoughts of Heraclitus, Zhuangzi, and Buddha show remarkable fAI7kG1Vj_U-00010-00004576-00004846 similarities between them. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00011-00004846-00005325 Their philosophies are not just accessible to Greeks, Chinese or Indians. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00012-00005325-00005865 These thinkers have had an influence that greatly exceeded their time and country. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00013-00005865-00006531 The explanations that humans have sought to solve the riddles of human existence are universal. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00014-00006531-00007017 It is precisely this universality of human thought and feeling that makes learning foreign fAI7kG1Vj_U-00015-00007017-00007450 languages such a natural and rewarding adventure. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00016-00007450-00007586 All cultures are connected. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00017-00007586-00008301 The ancient civilizations of the Middle East spawned a literary revolution that dramatically fAI7kG1Vj_U-00018-00008301-00008558 influenced the course of history. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00019-00008558-00009252 The Semitic alphabet, the mother of all alphabets, indirectly made possible Greek and Indian fAI7kG1Vj_U-00020-00009252-00009776 philosophical writings and the books of the great religions. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00021-00009776-00010336 As thoughts were written down, it became possible for others to read them, ponder them and comment fAI7kG1Vj_U-00022-00010336-00010475 on them. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00023-00010475-00010890 Chinese writing had the same effect on East Asian cultures. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00024-00010890-00011283 It is on these foundations that the modern world is built. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00025-00011283-00011837 In more recent times, the development of European science and the industrial revolution were fAI7kG1Vj_U-00026-00011837-00012532 dependent on Chinese technology, Indian mathematics and Arabic cultural influence. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00027-00012532-00013030 Religions created in the Middle East and India dominate the world, while much of the world's fAI7kG1Vj_U-00028-00013030-00013438 popular music is influenced by African rhythms. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00029-00013438-00014037 Our modern world is the result of an ongoing process of cultural creativity and interaction fAI7kG1Vj_U-00030-00014037-00014334 that started with the first humans. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00031-00014334-00015101 Migration, trade, conquest, cultural exchange, cultural synthesis and assimilation have been fAI7kG1Vj_U-00032-00015101-00015456 the constant pattern of history on all continents. fAI7kG1Vj_U-00033-00015456-00016106 Globalization is not a recent phenomenon, it is just that the speed and the scale have fAI7kG1Vj_U-00034-00016106-00016476 increased as modern communications have shrunk the globe. fDyQMPnndA4-00000-00000513-00000898 NAVY RECRUITING COMMAND LAUNCHED A NEW SOCIAL MEDIA INITIATIVE MAY 1ST. fDyQMPnndA4-00001-00000898-00001320 "PROJECT ARCHITEUTHIS" GIVES YOU A LOOK INTO THE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE INFORMATION fDyQMPnndA4-00002-00001320-00001442 DOMINANCE CORPS. fDyQMPnndA4-00003-00001442-00001947 THE ONLINE CRYPTOLOGY GAME RUNS FOR 18 DAYS AND GIVES PLAYERS DAILY PUZZLES TO SOLVE TO fDyQMPnndA4-00004-00001947-00002086 "SAVE YOUR SHIPMATES." fDyQMPnndA4-00005-00002086-00002543 INFORMATION ABOUT THE CRYPTOLOGY CAREER FIELD MAY BE HARD TO FIND AND THE GOAL IS TO GENERATE fDyQMPnndA4-00006-00002543-00002925 AWARENESS AND EDUCATE THE PUBLIC ABOUT THE INFORMATION DOMINANCE CORPS. fDyQMPnndA4-00007-00002925-00003452 NAVY CRYPTOLOGISTS ANALYZE ENCRYPTED COMMUNICATIONS, DECIPHER FOREIGN LANGUAGES, JAM THE ENEMY fDyQMPnndA4-00008-00003452-00003929 RADAR, AND MAINTAIN THE EQUIPMENT AND NETWORKS NECESSARY FOR CLASSIFIED INTELLIGENCE. fDyQMPnndA4-00009-00003929-00004358 TO SEE IF YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO "SOLVE THE PUZZLES, AND SAVE YOUR SHIPMATES", VISIT fDyQMPnndA4-00010-00004358-00004591 THE PROJECT ARCHITEUTHIS FACEBOOK PAGE. fDyQMPnndA4-00011-00004591-00004861 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER JEN BLAKE. fH3UDjroc5k-00000-00000000-00000344 LBW: As is mentioned in the book the capitalist mode of production when it fH3UDjroc5k-00001-00000344-00000747 comes to agriculture is really just based on kind of a you know it's a fH3UDjroc5k-00002-00000747-00001404 growth model it's like how can we maximize agricultural production how can fH3UDjroc5k-00003-00001404-00001782 we push that as far as possible and it doesn't take into account the health of fH3UDjroc5k-00004-00001782-00002118 the soil if the soil is depleted of nutrients then they're just gonna dump a fH3UDjroc5k-00005-00002118-00002532 bunch of chemical fertilizers or you know pesticides and herbicides on this fH3UDjroc5k-00006-00002532-00002951 land of course that has detrimental impacts to the people that work fH3UDjroc5k-00007-00002951-00003389 those fields that live on that land and of course it has long-term implications fH3UDjroc5k-00008-00003389-00003864 for the soil itself and the health of the soil and then you take also the fact fH3UDjroc5k-00009-00003864-00004203 that massive regions have been deforested in order to make room for fH3UDjroc5k-00010-00004203-00004782 these monoculture projects so I can imagine that the work is that you're fH3UDjroc5k-00011-00004782-00005205 doing and it will not just you obviously but you and everyone that is there that fH3UDjroc5k-00012-00005205-00005894 that is you know what what I find so I guess in international and its scope fH3UDjroc5k-00013-00005894-00006348 what I see is that so many parts of the planet are experiencing being similar to fH3UDjroc5k-00014-00006348-00006825 what the people in this region in Rojava have experienced you know I could fH3UDjroc5k-00015-00006825-00007128 say that where I live I live in a part of the United States that's very fH3UDjroc5k-00016-00007128-00007686 agricultural and almost all of it is monoculture and when I think about when fH3UDjroc5k-00017-00007686-00008100 the capitalist system stops functioning and how are people going to know how to fH3UDjroc5k-00018-00008100-00008475 grow food you know people aren't going to know because we've relied so fH3UDjroc5k-00019-00008475-00009104 thoroughly on monoculture agricultural methods that we won't know what to do in fH3UDjroc5k-00020-00009104-00009597 the face of something like that so I think the value of yeah and I see I see fH3UDjroc5k-00021-00009597-00010035 the value of what not only of what you're doing just ecologically but how fH3UDjroc5k-00022-00010035-00010511 those decisions are made right this is a collective decision-making process this fH3UDjroc5k-00023-00010511-00011025 is this is something that I am deeply inspired by so I want to ask you know fH3UDjroc5k-00024-00011025-00011414 when decisions like this are need to be made right how are we going to use the fH3UDjroc5k-00025-00011414-00011820 soil how are we going to reforest how are we going to bring about fH3UDjroc5k-00026-00011820-00012318 excuse me biological diversity in the region you know how are those decisions fH3UDjroc5k-00027-00012318-00012914 made how is the ecological dimension of this revolution presented within the fH3UDjroc5k-00028-00012914-00013455 context of of a kind of an egalitarian social model fH3UDjroc5k-00029-00013455-00013866 does that make sense like how do our collective decisions yeah how our fH3UDjroc5k-00030-00013866-00014258 collective decisions made in regards to this fH3UDjroc5k-00031-00014258-00014369 XABAT: Well first of all we we have to say fH3UDjroc5k-00032-00014369-00014885 like the principle of this the three principles of this revolution and fH3UDjroc5k-00033-00014885-00015422 like to build an ecological society like the pillar of women's revolution fH3UDjroc5k-00034-00015422-00015944 like the women's revolution their women's liberation and radical democracy fH3UDjroc5k-00035-00015944-00016647 so already in the pillars like this aspect of ecology to overcome the fH3UDjroc5k-00036-00016647-00017073 inhalation of the human being of the nature's already implemented but of fH3UDjroc5k-00037-00017073-00017508 course like we have to see how does in practice and daily life and of course fH3UDjroc5k-00038-00017508-00017988 it's a it's a difficult process at some it's a revolution so that means like to fH3UDjroc5k-00039-00017988-00018420 change also the mentality of the people so to change the way people are thinking fH3UDjroc5k-00040-00018420-00019107 to how they address nature and when like when we see fH3UDjroc5k-00041-00019107-00019710 the impact of all those policy I just mentioned is kind of like that the fH3UDjroc5k-00042-00019710-00020193 society just got disconnected from the land so also you mentioned the knowledge fH3UDjroc5k-00043-00020193-00021027 about and like the desertification of Agriculture fH3UDjroc5k-00044-00021027-00021582 and the knowledge about like producing their own food and stuff like this and fH3UDjroc5k-00045-00021582-00022038 as over the years with this policy of the centralized nation-state it got lost fH3UDjroc5k-00046-00022038-00022497 in society so also this is something we have to claim back we have to recover fH3UDjroc5k-00047-00022497-00023127 again here like what were traditional ways of production of like agriculture fH3UDjroc5k-00048-00023127-00023631 production here in this region what kind of like tradition of crops were growing fH3UDjroc5k-00049-00023631-00024159 here and trees were growing here all the things that has to be recovered new but fH3UDjroc5k-00050-00024159-00024642 of course that knowledge is still in the society does we have to just like dig it fH3UDjroc5k-00051-00024642-00025464 out again to the question of the like really like the principle of the radical fH3UDjroc5k-00052-00025464-00026141 democratic way of making decisions like that the smallest entity is the commune fH3UDjroc5k-00053-00026141-00026678 like it can be like one one street in a city it's kind of like one Street fH3UDjroc5k-00054-00026678-00027102 and the village is kind of like one neighborhood stuff like this so really fH3UDjroc5k-00055-00027102-00027545 on the bottom on the society people are discussing the problems they are facing fH3UDjroc5k-00056-00027545-00028025 and daily life and trying to find solutions for this and if they cannot fH3UDjroc5k-00057-00028025-00028400 reach solutions because also maybe the problems or the questions are related to fH3UDjroc5k-00058-00028400-00028859 the bigger frame for example to the city to the municipality to maybe even fH3UDjroc5k-00059-00028859-00029456 the whole Canton like this questions and discussions are passed on to like the fH3UDjroc5k-00060-00029456-00029903 next level where not only like one street or one neighborhood is sitting fH3UDjroc5k-00061-00029903-00030284 together but maybe like representatives like people from the whole neighborhood fH3UDjroc5k-00062-00030284-00030665 or from the whole city so this is kind of like the way how decisions are made fH3UDjroc5k-00063-00030665-00031331 here in the context of the ecological works we have to say that and many fH3UDjroc5k-00064-00031331-00031715 points like we are facing the problem of the awareness of the people and also fH3UDjroc5k-00065-00031715-00032349 they like the economical aspect and like now to diversify the agriculture fH3UDjroc5k-00066-00032349-00033099 also means like to find new like with the traditional like not fH3UDjroc5k-00067-00033099-00033587 a traditional how the agriculture system works right now like with the there is a fH3UDjroc5k-00068-00033587-00033983 need for crop as a need for wheat and the region so it is like also something fH3UDjroc5k-00069-00033983-00034602 really easily for farmers to produce so they it's also more risk fH3UDjroc5k-00070-00034602-00035021 for them to change the system right now if they just see their personal fH3UDjroc5k-00071-00035021-00035493 interests and their personal situation so it was also to like to change the fH3UDjroc5k-00072-00035493-00035966 awareness of the people like here you mentioned already this revolution is fH3UDjroc5k-00073-00035966-00036525 fascinating because this is really something fundamental not to implement fH3UDjroc5k-00074-00036525-00037224 laws and by force like changing the way of production changing the structure of fH3UDjroc5k-00075-00037224-00037818 society but more with long term discussions so in some villages you have fH3UDjroc5k-00076-00037818-00038375 to discuss for years to implement a new way of like a more ecological and fH3UDjroc5k-00077-00038375-00038880 cooperative way of production but it works like we can see many examples fH3UDjroc5k-00078-00038880-00039599 where after this long process now there are cooperatives like for the for work fH3UDjroc5k-00079-00039599-00040175 on the land but also for example like domestication of animals and stuff fH3UDjroc5k-00080-00040175-00040745 like this and this is kind of like the way the system here like is fH3UDjroc5k-00081-00040745-00041485 functioning but it takes a long time and it needs a lot of patience for all of us fH3UDjroc5k-00082-00041485-00042173 like you are working living here but like this is kind of like the general fH3UDjroc5k-00083-00042173-00042920 understanding of not only in the context of the ecological aspect but fH3UDjroc5k-00084-00042920-00043511 for example and in the sense and the case of water now like the fH3UDjroc5k-00085-00043511-00044096 committee that is responsible for this area as like two years ago counted all fH3UDjroc5k-00086-00044096-00044564 the wells that are existing to get an overview and sometimes like fH3UDjroc5k-00087-00044564-00045062 implementing watches to see how much water is actually used to get an idea fH3UDjroc5k-00088-00045062-00045695 what is like what is the need and what is like to prove the how can we reduce fH3UDjroc5k-00089-00045695-00046214 the use of water in the sense and now you are not allowed to open new worlds fH3UDjroc5k-00090-00046214-00046784 without getting rest rate and like I'm registered in it so that there's fH3UDjroc5k-00091-00046784-00047369 actually an overview about it in some areas also on the control of Cizire like fH3UDjroc5k-00092-00047369-00047840 is an implementation of like natural reserves and sometimes of course there fH3UDjroc5k-00093-00047840-00048479 are conflicts like from one day to another day and like farmers cannot use fH3UDjroc5k-00094-00048479-00049022 their tradition like their monocultural way of production this areas like fH3UDjroc5k-00095-00049022-00049493 anymore because it's forbidden to use kind of fertilizer - it's forbidden to fH3UDjroc5k-00096-00049493-00050086 use pesticides so like now that we have to find solutions like how can like a fH3UDjroc5k-00097-00050086-00050756 more ecological way of production look like but like and in most of the cases fH3UDjroc5k-00098-00050756-00051217 like or in all the cases actually try to do this process together with a society fH3UDjroc5k-00099-00051217-00051740 on the bottom like on the really the people who are first affected by the fH3UDjroc5k-00100-00051740-00052310 questions and I'm actually - like the need also for them to find new ways and fH3UDjroc5k-00101-00052310-00052550 solutions for the problem fHLbWWj2x50-00000-00000212-00000867 There are two ways to kill a cockroach, one way involves the same way to prevent its intrusion fHLbWWj2x50-00001-00000867-00001273 in the first place: starvation. fHLbWWj2x50-00002-00001273-00001973 If we don't have food or water sprinkled all over our floors and in the cracks of our sofas, fHLbWWj2x50-00003-00001973-00002588 they won't last more than a month and they probably won't move in to begin with. fHLbWWj2x50-00004-00002588-00002989 The second way is with poison. fHLbWWj2x50-00005-00002989-00003381 Cockroaches poop and pee and make our houses stink. fHLbWWj2x50-00006-00003381-00003922 Outside, they keep the world clean because the rain cleans up after them. fHLbWWj2x50-00007-00003922-00004511 They'll only visit to clean up houses whose keepers don't clean up after themselves. fHLbWWj2x50-00008-00004511-00004801 And, that is The Point. fHLbWWj2x50-00009-00004801-00005081 I'm Jesse Steele, jessesteele.com. fIiXFnQPQpA-00000-00000539-00001134 D: We have been talking a lot about trolls and their mischievous behaviour on SoloQ fIiXFnQPQpA-00001-00001134-00001536 D: This story is one of them fIiXFnQPQpA-00002-00001536-00002115 D: "Is damage dealt to champions in post game a legitimate standard of how well you played?" from Mr. Kim fIiXFnQPQpA-00003-00002115-00002442 C: Not an easy question to answer fIiXFnQPQpA-00004-00002442-00003156 D: "Hello. Is damage dealt to champions a legitimate standard of judging your gameplay? fIiXFnQPQpA-00005-00003156-00003729 Sometimes I get matched with people who like to feed the enemy by charging into them fIiXFnQPQpA-00006-00003729-00003963 without a shred of calculation fIiXFnQPQpA-00007-00003963-00004423 These guys always say "I dealt more damage than you noob" fIiXFnQPQpA-00008-00004423-00004863 Does a player who dealt more damage contribute the most to the game, fIiXFnQPQpA-00009-00004863-00005150 even though this player died more than anyone? fIiXFnQPQpA-00010-00005150-00005836 Please figure this out" fIiXFnQPQpA-00011-00005836-00006218 C: So in a way, it's a question about KDA fIiXFnQPQpA-00012-00006218-00006740 C: It's the comparison between importance of KDA and overall damage dealt fIiXFnQPQpA-00013-00006740-00007231 C: It's a tricky issue, especially from a commentator's perspective fIiXFnQPQpA-00014-00007231-00007427 D: Depends on the situation fIiXFnQPQpA-00015-00007427-00007885 C: True. Just because your KDA is good, it doesn't automatically mean that you carried the game. fIiXFnQPQpA-00016-00007885-00008429 C: Same goes for total damage dealt. You know how it goes fIiXFnQPQpA-00017-00008429-00009066 C: We use data to find a general pattern. Nothing more conclusive than that fIiXFnQPQpA-00018-00009066-00009163 D: That's right fIiXFnQPQpA-00019-00009163-00009314 C: Precisely fIiXFnQPQpA-00020-00009314-00009800 D: It's like how a good soccer player isn't always the one that scores goals fIiXFnQPQpA-00021-00009800-00010334 C: Not really. KDA and damage dealt are even more unreliable than that fIiXFnQPQpA-00022-00010334-00010688 C: At least in soccer, you're definitely a good player if you score fIiXFnQPQpA-00023-00010688-00011239 D: You are. But just because you don't score, it doesn't mean you're bad fIiXFnQPQpA-00024-00011239-00011578 D: So ultimately it comes down to this fIiXFnQPQpA-00025-00011578-00011901 D: If you dealt a lot of damage with a champion that requires damage dealing, then you've done well fIiXFnQPQpA-00026-00011901-00012572 D: But in many other situations, it depends fIiXFnQPQpA-00027-00012572-00012891 C: It depends on what happened in game and what position you played fIiXFnQPQpA-00028-00012891-00013270 C: Supports and jungles generally can't deal a lot of damage fIiXFnQPQpA-00029-00013270-00013697 C: Poking champions usually deal a lot as well fIiXFnQPQpA-00030-00013697-00014176 C: That in no way indicates the quality of your gameplay fIiXFnQPQpA-00031-00014176-00014361 C: You are expected to deal most damage in a situation like that fIiXFnQPQpA-00032-00014361-00014691 D: Again, damage dealt and KDA are often referenced fIiXFnQPQpA-00033-00014691-00015040 D: because they can be quantified unlike many other important factors in League fIiXFnQPQpA-00034-00015040-00015328 C: It's not abolute. By that logic, supports always suck fIiXFnQPQpA-00035-00015328-00015712 D: But some people just babble on about how well they played solely based on damage dealt.... fIiXFnQPQpA-00036-00015712-00015893 just ignore them fIiXFnQPQpA-00037-00015893-00016106 C: Ridiculous fIiXFnQPQpA-00038-00016106-00016276 D: You wanna know what happened to me? fIiXFnQPQpA-00039-00016276-00016503 D: I played a placement match on support Alistar fIiXFnQPQpA-00040-00016503-00016899 D: Top Riven had lower damage dealt than me fIiXFnQPQpA-00041-00016899-00017075 C: Disgusting fIiXFnQPQpA-00042-00017075-00017327 D: In this case, isn't total damage dealt a somewhat reliable indicator? fIiXFnQPQpA-00043-00017327-00017501 C: I'm so triggered right now fIiXFnQPQpA-00044-00017501-00017683 C: I hate Riven and Yasuo mains fIiXFnQPQpA-00045-00017683-00018249 D: He wasn't even some weird troll. It was his first ranked game ever fIiXFnQPQpA-00046-00018249-00018625 D: This guy went with a wrong item build.. fIiXFnQPQpA-00047-00018625-00019095 D: He had to sell everything in the middle of the match and buy new items fIiXFnQPQpA-00048-00019095-00019317 C: Then he's not guilty... fIiXFnQPQpA-00049-00019317-00019603 C: It's not wrong to be bad if you can't help it fIiXFnQPQpA-00050-00019603-00019997 D: But why did I have to be the one matched with him? fIiXFnQPQpA-00051-00019997-00020485 C: You think you're the first guy playing with a novice? fIiXFnQPQpA-00052-00020485-00020866 C: I got unlucky in my placement matches, too fIiXFnQPQpA-00053-00020866-00021327 C: We all had terrible placement matches so let's just move on fIiXFnQPQpA-00054-00021327-00021709 D: Producer of this show apparently ended up on Bronze 5 fIiXFnQPQpA-00055-00021709-00021888 C: Woah.. I feel much better now fIiXFnQPQpA-00056-00021888-00022068 D: I do, too fIiXFnQPQpA-00057-00022068-00022456 D: I was wondering why he looked so triggered fIiXFnQPQpA-00058-00022456-00022661 D: Damage dealt is not a reliable standard of how well players do fIiXFnQPQpA-00059-00022661-00022850 C: Do not fight over it fIiXFnQPQpA-00060-00022850-00023263 D: Don't fight over these things. Fight in game... with your game abilities fIiXFnQPQpA-00061-00023263-00023492 D: Onto the next story fIiXFnQPQpA-00062-00023492-00023756 D: This one comes with a game replay fIiXFnQPQpA-00063-00023756-00024183 C: Last week, we discussed a lot about grouping for team fights fIiXFnQPQpA-00064-00024183-00024433 C: A lot of people have trouble with this fIiXFnQPQpA-00065-00024433-00024552 D: It's all because of LCK fIiXFnQPQpA-00066-00024552-00024773 D: People think it's easy to group up at the perfect moment fIiXFnQPQpA-00067-00024773-00025037 D: People take one look at Mata and think oh, supports are supposed to roam around! fIiXFnQPQpA-00068-00025037-00025214 C: Supports in my placement matches.. fIiXFnQPQpA-00069-00025214-00025366 D: and every single top thinks he's supposed to take teleport! fIiXFnQPQpA-00070-00025366-00025507 C: ....they were perky fIiXFnQPQpA-00071-00025507-00025755 C: Anyhow fIiXFnQPQpA-00072-00025755-00026074 C: This is also a story about grouping for a team fight with tp fIiXFnQPQpA-00073-00026074-00026230 D: But it's a bit different from our usual submissions fIiXFnQPQpA-00074-00026230-00026988 C: Titled "quality tp play from a placement match" fIiXFnQPQpA-00075-00026988-00027621 "I often play top Lulu, but this was the single most memorable moment in my League playing years fIiXFnQPQpA-00076-00027621-00027832 so I had to submit it to your show fIiXFnQPQpA-00077-00027832-00028369 Leona's clever roaming, Lulu's precise use of tp, Kassadin's damage dealing fIiXFnQPQpA-00078-00028369-00029359 and Rengar's timely map reading! You can see all of them here fIiXFnQPQpA-00079-00029359-00030099 Please judge whether this is as thrilling for you to watch as it was to play for me" fIiXFnQPQpA-00080-00030099-00030613 D: Wow. Judging by the story, it sounds like a moment from World Championship final fIiXFnQPQpA-00081-00030613-00031016 C: So everyone except for ADC grouped to fight fIiXFnQPQpA-00082-00031016-00031360 C: Let's watch the replay first fIiXFnQPQpA-00083-00031360-00031449 D: Still very early in game. 4:1 in kill score fIiXFnQPQpA-00084-00031449-00032042 C: Teams are less afraid to engage in early game fIiXFnQPQpA-00085-00032042-00032473 D: Lulu in top against Darius. Darius doesn't have tp fIiXFnQPQpA-00086-00032473-00032820 C: Lulu does! is she grouping? fIiXFnQPQpA-00087-00032820-00032941 C: Fight escalates fIiXFnQPQpA-00088-00032941-00033267 D: Lulu joins immediately with tp fIiXFnQPQpA-00089-00033267-00033571 D: Wow nice skillshot from Lulu fIiXFnQPQpA-00090-00033571-00033874 D: She gets Lissandra fIiXFnQPQpA-00091-00033874-00034159 C: Is it over..? fIiXFnQPQpA-00092-00034159-00034961 C: Lissandra respawns, about to join again fIiXFnQPQpA-00093-00034961-00035318 D: Does Nidalee get away? does she? She gets away! fIiXFnQPQpA-00094-00035318-00035468 C: Fight continues fIiXFnQPQpA-00095-00035468-00036014 D: Lissandra comes back, so Leona stays put fIiXFnQPQpA-00096-00036014-00036163 C: Rengar on his way fIiXFnQPQpA-00097-00035999-00036229 D: Stun fIiXFnQPQpA-00098-00036229-00036360 D: Flash! fIiXFnQPQpA-00099-00036360-00036440 D: Wow fIiXFnQPQpA-00100-00036440-00036715 D: They get one more kill fIiXFnQPQpA-00101-00036715-00037071 D: So.. what did he say? fIiXFnQPQpA-00102-00037071-00037616 D: Leona's clever roaming, Lulu's precise use of tp, Kassadin's damage dealing fIiXFnQPQpA-00103-00037616-00038029 D: and Rengar's timely map reading.. fIiXFnQPQpA-00104-00038029-00038204 D: I do see all of them here fIiXFnQPQpA-00105-00038204-00038360 D: Yup, all of them fIiXFnQPQpA-00106-00038360-00038595 C: This is also a match on Diamond fIiXFnQPQpA-00107-00038595-00038990 D: This guy wanted to know if it was speedy and thrilling fIiXFnQPQpA-00108-00038990-00039263 C: I wouldn't say it was fast-paced fIiXFnQPQpA-00109-00039263-00039593 D: No.. it was too early in game for that fIiXFnQPQpA-00110-00039593-00039941 D: Anyhow let's watch it again in slow-mo fIiXFnQPQpA-00111-00039941-00040369 C: First of all, things were really tough for Nidalee fIiXFnQPQpA-00112-00040369-00040717 C: She hit her powerspike, so she tried to actively gank enemy lanes fIiXFnQPQpA-00113-00040717-00040835 D: It was reasonable to do so fIiXFnQPQpA-00114-00040835-00040966 C: True fIiXFnQPQpA-00115-00040966-00041140 C: She needed to go in fIiXFnQPQpA-00116-00041140-00041337 D: Nidalee is super strong in early game. Besides, she saw Leona use her flash fIiXFnQPQpA-00117-00041337-00041635 D: Lulu teleported in immediately fIiXFnQPQpA-00118-00041635-00042443 C: It would've been fine if Nidalee got Leona right away, but Lissandra took some time to back up.. fIiXFnQPQpA-00119-00042443-00042698 D: Kassadin dealt a lot of damage in the meanwhile fIiXFnQPQpA-00120-00042698-00042960 C: Lissandra used flash, but in vain fIiXFnQPQpA-00121-00042960-00043150 D: It was very well played, overall fIiXFnQPQpA-00122-00043150-00043547 C: Everything here was high-quality League. Nidalee got screwed over, though fIiXFnQPQpA-00123-00043547-00043911 D: It's not easy to use tp at level 4 fIiXFnQPQpA-00124-00043911-00044189 C: True. Especially if you don't have full mana.. fIiXFnQPQpA-00125-00044189-00044575 D: Look. Kassadin did really well here fIiXFnQPQpA-00126-00044575-00045055 C: He managed this when he didn't have full HP and mana fIiXFnQPQpA-00127-00045055-00045363 D: Lissandra noticed that enemy team had low HPs fIiXFnQPQpA-00128-00045363-00046001 D: So Leona stayed to help fIiXFnQPQpA-00129-00046001-00046279 D: Used stun as soon as Lissandra came in fIiXFnQPQpA-00130-00046279-00046464 C: Very well executed fIiXFnQPQpA-00131-00046464-00046680 D: And.. oh, Rengar used flash fIiXFnQPQpA-00132-00046680-00047413 C: Leona was supposed to be dead but her HP slowly regened and she managed to survive until the end fIiXFnQPQpA-00133-00047413-00047720 D: Ultimately, it was a huge win for the team fIiXFnQPQpA-00134-00047720-00048253 D: Darius couldn't join because he didn't have teleport as his Summoners fIiXFnQPQpA-00135-00048253-00048503 C: All in all, it was pretty awesome fIiXFnQPQpA-00136-00048503-00048743 D: I agree fIiXFnQPQpA-00137-00048743-00049466 C: Personally, I think Nidalee has a strong case against her teammates here fIiXFnQPQpA-00138-00049466-00049755 D: Nidalee? Why? fIiXFnQPQpA-00139-00049755-00050363 C: Darius was behind in lane to Lulu when he had exhaust as the Summoners fIiXFnQPQpA-00140-00050363-00051061 C: Had he been more aggressive, things would have been better fIiXFnQPQpA-00141-00051061-00051390 D: Darius allowed his enemy to use tp and join lane without giving up anything fIiXFnQPQpA-00142-00051390-00051712 C: He did nothing to damage the enemy tower or cost the enemy cs fIiXFnQPQpA-00143-00051712-00051836 D: He farmed... fIiXFnQPQpA-00144-00051836-00052142 C: It's not like he farmed really well fIiXFnQPQpA-00145-00052142-00052857 C: Bot didn't do much to exploit Leona's absence. Must be because they're Tristana and Soraka fIiXFnQPQpA-00146-00052857-00053030 D: True fIiXFnQPQpA-00147-00053030-00053639 D: You see Lucian hesitated whether to join or not fIiXFnQPQpA-00148-00053639-00053994 D: Enemy bot did not even flinch fIiXFnQPQpA-00149-00053994-00054567 C: They were glued to their lane. Not sure if it's because of the comp fIiXFnQPQpA-00150-00054567-00055283 C: Ultimately, blue side showed superb teamplay while red side played League in a very different way fIiXFnQPQpA-00151-00055283-00055534 D: Polar opposites fIiXFnQPQpA-00152-00055534-00055987 C: It was an accurately described submission fIiXFnQPQpA-00153-00055987-00056571 C: There were few moments of crisis but the team managed to pull through fIiXFnQPQpA-00154-00056571-00056959 C: Moments like this truly show why you play League fIiXFnQPQpA-00155-00056959-00057274 D: You suddenly love your teammates when something like this happens early game fIiXFnQPQpA-00156-00057274-00057464 D: Leona came to salvage mid fIiXFnQPQpA-00157-00057464-00057754 D: ADC can be a bit annoyed that his support left him in lane but if this happens, all is well fIiXFnQPQpA-00158-00057754-00057969 D: They pretty much won the game there fIiXFnQPQpA-00159-00057969-00058182 D: I want my SoloQ to be like this fIiXFnQPQpA-00160-00058182-00058370 C: Not a chance on your tier fIiXFnQPQpA-00161-00058370-00058638 D: I badly want my SoloQ to be like this... fIiXFnQPQpA-00162-00058638-00058986 D: Let's rate this story fIiXFnQPQpA-00163-00058986-00059447 D: Even though we personally admire great gameplays, we need to be very objective when judging a submission fIiXFnQPQpA-00164-00059447-00059654 C: True fIiXFnQPQpA-00165-00059654-00059907 C: You always make me judge first. Why don't you go first this time? fIiXFnQPQpA-00166-00059907-00060065 D: You cast LCK! fIiXFnQPQpA-00167-00060065-00060229 C: Why does that even matter? You go first! fIiXFnQPQpA-00168-00060229-00060626 D: Okay. I personally think it should be on Gold fIiXFnQPQpA-00169-00060626-00061148 C: Good, good fIiXFnQPQpA-00170-00061148-00061461 D: There were things to learn here fIiXFnQPQpA-00171-00061461-00062838 C: I mean, you could be a bit more generous but the story lacks quality of entertainment fIiXFnQPQpA-00172-00062838-00064201 D: Just like in LCK matches.. or even Challengers matches, good games sometimes lack entertainment fIiXFnQPQpA-00173-00064201-00064569 C: Are you calling this story boring? fIiXFnQPQpA-00174-00064569-00064802 D: No, no... you know what I mean fIiXFnQPQpA-00175-00064802-00065684 D: Sometimes shitfest is more fun to watch fIiXFnQPQpA-00176-00065684-00066188 C: This was too clean.. too neat fIiXFnQPQpA-00177-00066188-00066453 D: So you agree on Gold? fIiXFnQPQpA-00178-00066453-00066807 C: I do. Completely fIiXFnQPQpA-00179-00066807-00067188 D: Anyhow, congrats! fIiXFnQPQpA-00180-00067188-00067508 ALL: D.C X-File! fIWV636qt9A-00000-00000000-00000200 sub fLukUhKciZg-00000-00000042-00000569 Welcome to AIM Under 5, a series of video briefs produced by the Maine AIM Program. fLukUhKciZg-00001-00000569-00001037 The topic of this AIM Under 5 is "AIM for Student Transition." fLukUhKciZg-00002-00001037-00001437 Regardless of the path a student takes, it's likely that less intensive and less frequent fLukUhKciZg-00003-00001437-00001791 supports will be available after leaving high school. fLukUhKciZg-00004-00001791-00002196 To prepare for this transition, students need opportunities and practice to be self-aware, fLukUhKciZg-00005-00002196-00002750 independent, and - particularly for students with disabilities - flexible. fLukUhKciZg-00006-00002750-00003409 "Transition services" is defined by the 2004 Reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities fLukUhKciZg-00007-00003409-00004112 Education Act, or IDEA 04, as "a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability fLukUhKciZg-00008-00004112-00004642 that is designed to be within a results-oriented process, that: is focused on improving the fLukUhKciZg-00009-00004642-00005069 academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the fLukUhKciZg-00010-00005069-00005562 child's movement from school to post school activities; and is based upon the individual fLukUhKciZg-00011-00005562-00006267 child's needs, taking into account the child's strengths, preferences, and interests." fLukUhKciZg-00012-00006267-00006714 Transitioning from high school to post-secondary or vocational education settings presents fLukUhKciZg-00013-00006714-00006947 challenges for all students. fLukUhKciZg-00014-00006947-00007363 And students with disabilities have even more considerations to make. fLukUhKciZg-00015-00007363-00007777 For one thing, the law that has guided their education program through high school no longer fLukUhKciZg-00016-00007777-00007929 applies. fLukUhKciZg-00017-00007929-00008479 Special education support and services provided under IDEA are replaced by the Americans with fLukUhKciZg-00018-00008479-00008775 Disabilities Act, or ADA. fLukUhKciZg-00019-00008775-00009192 Accommodations under the ADA protect against discrimination and guarantee equal access fLukUhKciZg-00020-00009192-00009707 to education; the law, however, does not provide for additional services that students may fLukUhKciZg-00021-00009707-00010020 have received in K-12. fLukUhKciZg-00022-00010020-00010182 Another challenge for students is to self-advocate. fLukUhKciZg-00023-00010182-00010753 In post-secondary settings, it's the student's responsibility to self-disclose a disability fLukUhKciZg-00024-00010753-00010988 and to request accommodations. fLukUhKciZg-00025-00010988-00011481 While families and educators can support students in the months leading up to the transition, fLukUhKciZg-00026-00011481-00011985 students need to be prepared to use their accommodations independently and to communicate fLukUhKciZg-00027-00011985-00012321 with disability support personnel as needed. fLukUhKciZg-00028-00012321-00012884 A challenge that particularly affects families relates to confidentiality fLukUhKciZg-00029-00012884-00012994 and student privacy laws. fLukUhKciZg-00030-00012994-00013466 Without their child's consent, parents and guardians will not have access to information, fLukUhKciZg-00031-00013466-00013701 including disability services. fLukUhKciZg-00032-00013701-00014215 Finally, post-secondary academic and related demands are typically greater than fLukUhKciZg-00033-00014215-00014348 those experienced in high school. fLukUhKciZg-00034-00014348-00014790 Students who aren't prepared often struggle to succeed. fLukUhKciZg-00035-00014790-00015325 Academic accommodations in the post-secondary setting are designed for equal access. fLukUhKciZg-00036-00015325-00015831 Disability support providers work interactively with students to determine reasonable fLukUhKciZg-00037-00015831-00016445 accommodations based on a combination of documentation, and interviews with the fLukUhKciZg-00038-00016445-00016591 student, family, and relevant specialists. fLukUhKciZg-00039-00016591-00017112 Typical accommodations include audio recording of lectures, note-taking services, accessible fLukUhKciZg-00040-00017112-00017779 classroom furniture, extended time on exams, a distraction-reduced exam setting, use of fLukUhKciZg-00041-00017779-00018376 assistive technology or AT, and text materials in alternative format. fLukUhKciZg-00042-00018376-00018917 This final example, alternative format, is the post-secondary term for what we call accessible fLukUhKciZg-00043-00018917-00019209 instructional materials, or AIM, in K-12. fLukUhKciZg-00044-00019209-00019939 AIM is a provision of IDEA and thus appears in Section 3D of Maine's IEP form. fLukUhKciZg-00045-00019939-00020354 Teams are required to consider a student's need for AIM fLukUhKciZg-00046-00020354-00020543 as part of their special education program. fLukUhKciZg-00047-00020543-00021061 AIM consists of four specialized formats, known as alternative formats by post-secondary fLukUhKciZg-00048-00021061-00021793 disability support providers: digital text, audio, large print, and braille. fLukUhKciZg-00049-00021793-00022311 Regardless of a student's age, qualifying for AIM requires a need related to a reading fLukUhKciZg-00050-00022311-00022817 disorder, blindness or low vision, or a physical condition that impairs the ability to use fLukUhKciZg-00051-00022817-00023248 standard print materials, such as holding a book or turning its pages. fLukUhKciZg-00052-00023248-00023834 So, the question becomes, "How can families and educators of K-12 students who need AIM fLukUhKciZg-00053-00023834-00024331 assist them in preparing for a post-secondary alternative format accommodation?" fLukUhKciZg-00054-00024331-00024929 First, if you haven't already, follow the four steps to AIM to determine students' needs. fLukUhKciZg-00055-00024929-00025365 The Maine AIM Program has numerous resources and offers free technical assistance fLukUhKciZg-00056-00025365-00025503 to families and schools. fLukUhKciZg-00057-00025503-00025867 The website is maine-aim.org. fLukUhKciZg-00058-00025867-00026383 This is a critical first step because students who need AIM in K-12 will need alternative fLukUhKciZg-00059-00026383-00026664 formats after high school. fLukUhKciZg-00060-00026664-00027007 Students who need AIM should lead the selection of the specialized format fLukUhKciZg-00061-00027007-00027117 that works best for them. fLukUhKciZg-00062-00027117-00027569 Based on their need, allow them to try at least two if not all four formats of digital fLukUhKciZg-00063-00027569-00028014 text, audio, large print, or braille. fLukUhKciZg-00064-00028014-00028511 If possible, provide opportunities for students to use AIM on more than one device. fLukUhKciZg-00065-00028511-00029062 For example, if the school distributes tablets, give the student access to AIM on a laptop. fLukUhKciZg-00066-00029062-00029488 This will prepare the student to use AIM across devices as they advance from school to school fLukUhKciZg-00067-00029488-00029907 and, ultimately, to post-secondary settings. fLukUhKciZg-00068-00029907-00030404 Bookshare and Learning Ally are two prominent organizations that provide K-12 and post-secondary fLukUhKciZg-00069-00030404-00031039 textbooks and related curriculum materials in digital text and human-narrated fLukUhKciZg-00070-00031039-00031139 audio formats, respectively. fLukUhKciZg-00071-00031139-00031541 In addition to organizational memberships, both Bookshare and Learning Ally offer individual fLukUhKciZg-00072-00031541-00031914 memberships for qualifying students. fLukUhKciZg-00073-00031914-00032381 To prepare students who need AIM for the process of receiving alternative formats in post-secondary fLukUhKciZg-00074-00032381-00032776 settings, make sure they leave high school with a record of their use of AIM. fLukUhKciZg-00075-00032776-00033338 In the IEP, mark "yes" to the Section 3D question regarding AIM, and clearly address the student's fLukUhKciZg-00076-00033338-00033508 need for it. fLukUhKciZg-00077-00033508-00034044 Section 8 of the IEP, Post-secondary Transition Plan, is required once a student reaches 9th fLukUhKciZg-00078-00034044-00034416 grade or turns age 16, whichever comes first. fLukUhKciZg-00079-00034416-00034897 In this section, include AIM in the description of transition services. fLukUhKciZg-00080-00034897-00035404 The Summary of Performance, also required under IDEA 04, is another important form for fLukUhKciZg-00081-00035404-00035666 documenting a student's need for AIM. fLukUhKciZg-00082-00035666-00036250 The two most relevant sections are: II, Summary of Functional Performance and III, Recommendations fLukUhKciZg-00083-00036250-00036634 to Assist the Student in Meeting Post-secondary Goals. fLukUhKciZg-00084-00036634-00037208 Finally, teach self-advocacy skills to K-12 students by including them in decisions regarding fLukUhKciZg-00085-00037208-00037855 their educational programming; promoting self-awareness, independence, fLukUhKciZg-00086-00037855-00038316 and flexibility; and preparing them to articulate their need for alternative formats fLukUhKciZg-00087-00038316-00038590 when requesting accommodations in their post-secondary setting. fLukUhKciZg-00088-00038590-00038938 For technical assistance, please contact the Maine AIM Program. fLukUhKciZg-00089-00038938-00039336 We serve schools throughout the state and look forward to the fLukUhKciZg-00090-00039336-00039436 opportunity to support you. fLukUhKciZg-00091-00039436-00039778 Our website is maine-aim.org. fLukUhKciZg-00092-00039778-00040777 Our email address is info@maine-aim.org or you can call us at 207-621-3195. fLukUhKciZg-00093-00040777-00041163 Thank you for watching this AIM Under 5 video brief by the Maine AIM Program. fLukUhKciZg-00094-00041163-00041578 We hope it was helpful on your journey to successful AIM implementation. fNXtMa8E48y-00000-00000002-00000372 This is a paid promotion by Paradox Interactive because although my videos are free food is not fNXtMa8E48y-00001-00000374-00000710 and if I'm gonna sell out my incredibly tight glooty artistic and comedic talent. fNXtMa8E48y-00002-00000710-00000988 I might as well do it for something I actually like more than morning doughnuts. fNXtMa8E48y-00003-00000988-00001106 Mmmmmmmmm fNXtMa8E48y-00004-00001106-00001214 Morning doughnuts... fNXtMa8E48y-00005-00001214-00001366 Download link in the description. fNXtMa8E48y-00006-00001386-00001630 Sometimes game night doesn't happen because of scheduling issues. fNXtMa8E48y-00007-00001632-00002034 Like maybe you forgot your dice, or maybe your dog ate all your rule books, or maybe all your friends were busy fNXtMa8E48y-00008-00002034-00002384 or you don't have any dice, or books, or friends, or any money to buy any of those things fNXtMa8E48y-00009-00002384-00002656 but you still want to be able to play a tabletop role-playing game anyway fNXtMa8E48y-00010-00002656-00003166 or at least an accurate virtual simulation of what it's like to have dice, books, and friends to play a tabletop role-playing game with fNXtMa8E48y-00011-00003166-00003400 while you cry on the toilet over your lack of them in the real world. fNXtMa8E48y-00012-00003400-00003504 Too dark? Possibly. fNXtMa8E48y-00013-00003504-00003996 But I can't hear all those tears over the sound of all this loot and experience I'm getting from all the troglodytes I've just slaughtered. fNXtMa8E48y-00014-00003996-00004192 Welcome to a Crap Guide to Knights of Pen & Paper 2. fNXtMa8E48y-00015-00004208-00004878 (Triumphant 8-bit music) fNXtMa8E48y-00016-00004882-00005212 After kicking out that guy that everybody hates who brings his overpowered character fNXtMa8E48y-00017-00005212-00005500 that's totally legit You Guys! His previous Dungeon Master signed off on it! fNXtMa8E48y-00018-00005500-00006006 You put together a team of 100 percent accurate customizable players with a variety of characters, races and classes fNXtMa8E48y-00019-00006006-00006079 except for the best one fNXtMa8E48y-00020-00006079-00006252 but Bards are so powerful that it's understandable fNXtMa8E48y-00021-00006252-00006616 the devs wouldn't want to break their game with a sheer amount of stocky charismatic powers it would bring. fNXtMa8E48y-00022-00006616-00006956 For characters. You can choose unlikely nerds such as "afro science man", "Jack Black", fNXtMa8E48y-00023-00006956-00007300 "Some dork whose favorite RPG's that one you've never heard of but is obviously way more fNXtMa8E48y-00024-00007300-00007558 Intelligent and complex and the one you're playing your filthy peasant", fNXtMa8E48y-00025-00007558-00007816 "dudebro", "aquatic dudebro", and even a big dice goth gf fNXtMa8E48y-00026-00007816-00008014 and the best part is you can give every single one of them fNXtMa8E48y-00027-00008014-00008154 DWARFY BEARDS! fNXtMa8E48y-00028-00008159-00008638 For classes you've got your usual suspects magic-user, physical bruiser, specific designated role confuser fNXtMa8E48y-00029-00008638-00008880 and they even play accurately to their real-world counterparts fNXtMa8E48y-00030-00008880-00009310 Like how my mage is only useful half of the time and how my party's rogue runs for the treasure first and then fNXtMa8E48y-00031-00009310-00009380 DIES! fNXtMa8E48y-00032-00009380-00009712 In fact there's a lot of nods to classic and modern tabletop RPGs that you pick up on fNXtMa8E48y-00033-00009712-00009914 if you ever touch a die that has more than six sides fNXtMa8E48y-00034-00009914-00010322 for example, you spend a majority of the time emotionlessly killing things that are minding their own business fNXtMa8E48y-00035-00010322-00010566 said things spontaneously always turn into gold for some reason fNXtMa8E48y-00036-00010566-00010896 The Paladin can never find a weapon that they want while the rest of the party is rolling in loot fNXtMa8E48y-00037-00010896-00011320 and BEES are the ultimate enemy of all life that will absolutely turn you into a pile of dice and mush fNXtMa8E48y-00038-00011320-00011640 If you try to fight it at level 3 like the Dungeon Master advised you NOT TO DO! fNXtMa8E48y-00039-00011640-00011862 HEY, stop poking fun at RPG tropes that's my job! fNXtMa8E48y-00040-00011862-00012268 Now obviously mobile games have a bit of a reputation for eating your wallet and a few of your neighbors cats fNXtMa8E48y-00041-00012268-00012720 but one bright side is that you've got another hand free so you can maybe do some taxes, eat a sandwich, or play second download fNXtMa8E48y-00042-00012721-00012869 of Knights of Pen and Paper 2 fNXtMa8E48y-00043-00012869-00013429 Simultaneously because it means twice the virtual gaming groups to fill that lonely void in your sad schedule that even buying a fifth or sixth fNXtMa8E48y-00044-00013429-00013580 Sword and shield won't be able to satisfy. fNXtMa8E48y-00045-00013580-00013686 Am I projecting a little bit? fNXtMa8E48y-00046-00013686-00013708 NO! fNXtMa8E48y-00047-00013708-00014219 I'm projecting a whole lot and I'm only a little bit salty because I had to take a loan out to pay the bridge troll his bridge toll fNXtMa8E48y-00048-00014222-00014597 This is why everybody thinks overs are cooler than you stupid algae-skinned piece of shit! fNXtMa8E48y-00049-00014610-00014791 And now you know how to play Knights of Pen and Paper Two fNXtMa8E48y-00050-00014796-00015006 Free to download on iOS and Android app stores fNXtMa8E48y-00051-00015006-00015113 Link in the description below fNXtMa8E48y-00052-00015113-00015184 You're welcome fNXtMa8E48y-00053-00015196-00017200 (Triumphant 8-bit music) fPcRJRw2TAy-00000-00000382-00000639 I love my association with the university. fPcRJRw2TAy-00001-00000639-00001204 The young men I have coached, C.J. Lee, my own son Andy, and how they grew during fPcRJRw2TAy-00002-00001204-00001610 their time involved with the Gerald Ford School of Public Policy. fPcRJRw2TAy-00003-00001610-00002361 C.J. was a leader, probably as good as I've ever had, and I think that has a lot fPcRJRw2TAy-00004-00002361-00002957 to do with why he was so successful in the Ford School, why he pursued his Masters there fPcRJRw2TAy-00006-00009104-00009536 There's so many great things about this university, so each and every day, we say it every day fPcRJRw2TAy-00007-00009536-00009807 in practice, and we mean it with everything that we have fPcRJRw2TAy-00008-00009807-00010170 "Go Blue!" fSGFtgQzVdc-00000-00000000-00000200 Jalanandana piritha - ජලනන්දන පිරිත fUSL_16vatM-00000-00000000-00000210 Why is Tesla down? fUSL_16vatM-00001-00000210-00000329 Most people would tell you fUSL_16vatM-00002-00000329-00000456 it's because fUSL_16vatM-00003-00000456-00000624 Elon (Elon Musk) bought Twitter fUSL_16vatM-00004-00000624-00000716 and then fUSL_16vatM-00005-00000716-00000819 pulled the curtain out fUSL_16vatM-00006-00000819-00000969 and unveiled the deeds fUSL_16vatM-00007-00000969-00001159 of the deep state, fUSL_16vatM-00008-00001159-00001343 proving every conspiracy theory fUSL_16vatM-00009-00001343-00001565 was in fact true. fUSL_16vatM-00010-00001565-00001690 The more likely reason fUSL_16vatM-00011-00001690-00001890 for Tesla being down fUSL_16vatM-00012-00001890-00002060 is that some of the people that fUSL_16vatM-00013-00002060-00002224 Elon (Elon Musk) offended fUSL_16vatM-00014-00002224-00002274 by fUSL_16vatM-00015-00002274-00002343 exposing fUSL_16vatM-00016-00002343-00002560 the deep state fUSL_16vatM-00017-00002560-00002635 turned around fUSL_16vatM-00018-00002635-00002903 and don't want to buy cars anymore. fUSL_16vatM-00019-00002903-00002995 Free speech fUSL_16vatM-00020-00002995-00003151 and free markets: fUSL_16vatM-00021-00003151-00003217 they go fUSL_16vatM-00022-00003217-00003417 both ways! fUSL_16vatM-00023-00003417-00003510 Now, I'm neutral fUSL_16vatM-00024-00003510-00003608 on whether Tesla fUSL_16vatM-00025-00003608-00003712 is overvalued fUSL_16vatM-00026-00003712-00003895 or undervalued. fUSL_16vatM-00027-00003895-00003978 There's support fUSL_16vatM-00028-00003978-00004108 around $97 fUSL_16vatM-00029-00004108-00004286 and $106. fUSL_16vatM-00030-00004286-00004354 So, hopefully, fUSL_16vatM-00031-00004354-00004437 you're not laughing fUSL_16vatM-00032-00004437-00004607 if you're watching this video fUSL_16vatM-00033-00004607-00004743 a month from now, fUSL_16vatM-00034-00004743-00004854 but the real reason fUSL_16vatM-00035-00004854-00005035 Tesla is down fUSL_16vatM-00036-00005035-00005218 is because the free market fUSL_16vatM-00037-00005218-00005391 brought sellers in, fUSL_16vatM-00038-00005391-00005472 and Elon (Elon Musk) fUSL_16vatM-00039-00005472-00005553 unfortunately fUSL_16vatM-00040-00005553-00005743 probably brought those sellers in fUSL_16vatM-00041-00005743-00005943 himself. fZqedenmB_y-00000-00000488-00000715 Valeriy, from Borisoglebsk fZqedenmB_y-00001-00000743-00001027 We came to Moscow to tell about the decision to extract nickel. fZqedenmB_y-00002-00001058-00001451 We are protesting, but our protests are hushed up. fZqedenmB_y-00003-00001478-00001658 Yevgeniy from Novohopersk fZqedenmB_y-00004-00001658-00001953 This nickel brings us death. It is dangerous by itself. fZqedenmB_y-00005-00001982-00002727 Everybody knows from school, that during extraction fZqedenmB_y-00006-00002757-00003416 Arsenic and sulphur also rise to the top. fZqedenmB_y-00007-00003456-00004271 If the enrichment plant is built, all of this will be in the atmosphere. fZqedenmB_y-00008-00004319-00004757 It turns out, that the entrepreneurs do not care about people? fZqedenmB_y-00009-00004781-00005088 They do not care about lives. If this happens, fZqedenmB_y-00010-00005088-00005752 The greatest national park Hopersky, will be ruined. fZqedenmB_y-00011-00005752-00006800 People and animals will die and soil will be ruined. fZqedenmB_y-00012-00006800-00007241 Our soils are feeding practically all the country. fZqedenmB_y-00013-00007263-00007740 We could get extinct like the Hazars, we do not want this fate. fZqedenmB_y-00014-00007761-00008026 We are absolutely against any extraction of nickel. fZqedenmB_y-00015-00008047-00008502 If only this nickel was for our country. fZqedenmB_y-00016-00008502-00009152 95% of it is planned for the export. fZqedenmB_y-00017-00009188-00009618 Even from Norilsk Nickel, almost everything is exported. fZqedenmB_y-00018-00009639-00010164 Cobalt is also exported. We will see nothing of it. fZqedenmB_y-00019-00010191-00010489 So, it seems that the country is being used fZqedenmB_y-00020-00010489-00010703 almost as the occupied territory? fZqedenmB_y-00021-00010743-00011266 They want to extract profits, line their pockets, and just leave. fZqedenmB_y-00022-00011289-00011652 Leave for better countries and we will be left with ruins fZqedenmB_y-00023-00011652-00011963 To die, together with our kids and grandkids. fZqedenmB_y-00024-00011963-00012113 Oleg Nikolayevich, from Uriupinsk fZqedenmB_y-00025-00012133-00012318 The most important is the river Hoper. fZqedenmB_y-00026-00012339-00012593 It flows into the Don, then into Azov and the Black Sea. fZqedenmB_y-00027-00012616-00013195 They are going to dig the 600 meter deep shafts, fZqedenmB_y-00028-00013239-00013654 it will all get into Hoper, fish will die. fZqedenmB_y-00029-00013682-00014155 Then Don, then Azov and so forth. fZqedenmB_y-00030-00014179-00014696 In the XIII century Batiy invaded here, in the XX - Hitler, fZqedenmB_y-00031-00014696-00015032 But there was no such danger as this one. fZqedenmB_y-00032-00015053-00015402 It is threatening our nature, our people and our lives. fZqedenmB_y-00033-00015428-00015874 The nickel extraction decree was signed by Putin. fZqedenmB_y-00034-00015894-00016451 He practically has sold our land without asking the people about it. fZqedenmB_y-00035-00016494-00016938 We labored on this land as our ancestors did for centuries. fZqedenmB_y-00036-00016969-00017879 We wrote lots of letters, but nobody wants to hear about it. fZqedenmB_y-00037-00017918-00018180 If you are fed up with unaccountability of the authorities, fZqedenmB_y-00038-00018180-00018529 If you do not like the reign of lawlessness in Russia, fZqedenmB_y-00039-00018554-00018847 Welcome to Moscow, to the March of the Millions. fZqedenmB_y-00040-00018873-00019219 If you could not make it here today, fZqedenmB_y-00041-00019241-00019862 I am am inviting you to walk together with Politvestnik TV. fZqedenmB_y-00042-00024105-00024531 It is nice to see guys from the Navy reserve. fZqedenmB_y-00043-00024531-00024795 What made you come here, to the March of the Millions? fZqedenmB_y-00044-00024827-00024897 Alexei Tulayev fZqedenmB_y-00045-00024923-00025134 We do not agree with politics of the government. fZqedenmB_y-00046-00025159-00025376 We are not happy with some things going on the contry, fZqedenmB_y-00047-00025403-00025994 Like some recent court trials and the yesterday story with Gudkov. fZqedenmB_y-00048-00026028-00026312 It is just a political pressure. fZqedenmB_y-00049-00026366-00027311 We know situation in the Navy very well. The river fleet is no more. fZqedenmB_y-00050-00027332-00027769 All the fleet is over 30 years old, which leads to tragedies, like Bulgaria. fZqedenmB_y-00051-00027802-00028342 I was involved with the Northern Deliveries to Kamchatka fZqedenmB_y-00052-00028342-00028873 And Yakutia, the situation with the river fleet there is bad. fZqedenmB_y-00053-00028902-00029226 There are no ships younger than 20. fZqedenmB_y-00054-00029247-00029378 And the government does nothing? fZqedenmB_y-00055-00029378-00029769 They know about it. All ships are mortgaged twice. fZqedenmB_y-00056-00029769-00030355 Northern Deliveries are managed horribly, through the third parties, fZqedenmB_y-00057-00030377-00030902 Their owners are local government members. fZqedenmB_y-00058-00030902-00031164 There are two or three middle men and this is why fZqedenmB_y-00059-00031191-00031697 Petrol there is 42 rubles per litre. This leads to high utility prices. fZqedenmB_y-00060-00031719-00032052 Bedlam is everywhere. Like the situation in Rostov. fZqedenmB_y-00061-00032077-00032504 They do not talk about it on TV. We find out on the internet. fZqedenmB_y-00062-00032504-00032944 Lots of national projects are in ruins. fZqedenmB_y-00063-00032964-00033721 Do you think that Marches like this one can change things? fZqedenmB_y-00064-00033721-00034309 Yes, that is why we came up. There is more and more of us. fZqedenmB_y-00065-00034309-00034869 People wake up and start understanding what is going on. It is inspiring. fZqedenmB_y-00066-00034962-00035084 Konstantin Krylov fZqedenmB_y-00067-00035115-00035390 While people are still in prison and the political system fZqedenmB_y-00068-00035390-00036351 is still a shameful affair, we would be a part of the protest movement. fZqedenmB_y-00069-00036387-00036811 Perhaps even longer, because we have our political program. fZqedenmB_y-00070-00036833-00037226 Sergey Nefedov, a Hero of Russia fZqedenmB_y-00071-00037413-00037610 It does not matter, whether it is a hundred, fZqedenmB_y-00072-00037636-00037779 or a hundred thousand peole. fZqedenmB_y-00073-00037808-00038090 What matters, is concentration of will and aspiration in the society. fZqedenmB_y-00074-00038114-00038467 When the authorities compare protestors to bedbugs, it is a cover up. fZqedenmB_y-00075-00038493-00038747 They are cowards, they do not want to talk fZqedenmB_y-00076-00038769-00039017 to the real people, anarchists, nationalists. fZqedenmB_y-00077-00039046-00039508 Everybody has the right for a place under the sun, fZqedenmB_y-00078-00039508-00039993 including a homeless and a president in Kremlin. fZqedenmB_y-00079-00040015-00040599 They both have a right to live. They both are entitled fZqedenmB_y-00080-00040599-00041288 To what is written in our great Constitution. fZqedenmB_y-00081-00041310-00041744 What is written there, is not being followed and we can see that. fZqedenmB_y-00082-00041767-00041997 This is why we came here to talk. fZqedenmB_y-00083-00042024-00042444 It would be great, if the authorities came here to talk to the people. fZqedenmB_y-00084-00042464-00042878 If they could just get over themselves, over their arrogance. fZqedenmB_y-00085-00042878-00043177 It would have been the best change, it could fZqedenmB_y-00086-00043206-00043927 Get some steam off and accomplish something real. fZqedenmB_y-00087-00043927-00044396 Sergey Udaltsov fZqedenmB_y-00088-00044416-00044619 If the dialog does not begin, fZqedenmB_y-00089-00044642-00044909 The people will not be patient forever. fZqedenmB_y-00090-00044937-00045229 Sooner or later the notorious million will show up fZqedenmB_y-00091-00045251-00045712 And then there will be no negotioations, just an ultimatum. fZqedenmB_y-00092-00045733-00046059 We do not want the confrontation. fZqedenmB_y-00093-00046079-00046396 We will be here for a long time today. fZqedenmB_y-00094-00046418-00046673 We will be waiting for the federal authorities, fZqedenmB_y-00095-00046697-00047053 So we could start negotiations on live camera. fZqedenmB_y-00096-00047053-00047169 Michael Vistitsky fZqedenmB_y-00097-00047193-00047740 We would like to protest the thieving government and thieving authorities. fZqedenmB_y-00098-00047740-00048267 Like many others, we want democratic changes in the country. fZqedenmB_y-00099-00048296-00048388 Natalia Chernysheva fZqedenmB_y-00100-00048411-00048675 I am protesting the reckless robbing of the country, fZqedenmB_y-00101-00048675-00048882 I am here because I love my country. fZqedenmB_y-00102-00048882-00049242 We came to say that we are in power here, fZqedenmB_y-00103-00049242-00049596 We have our opinion and we need to be heard. fZqedenmB_y-00104-00049689-00049982 The Authorities were prepared. Unoriginally, but reliably. fZqedenmB_y-00105-00049982-00050374 They gathered up the police, the special forces and even the military. fZqedenmB_y-00106-00050374-00050718 The Kremlin hysterics are understandable, so much is stolen, fZqedenmB_y-00107-00050741-00051129 That loss of power can endanger their freedom and lives. fZqedenmB_y-00108-00051183-00051335 Dmitry fZqedenmB_y-00109-00051365-00051656 Free person does not do whatever his left foot wants. fZqedenmB_y-00110-00051656-00051929 A free person does what he believes in. fZqedenmB_y-00111-00052001-00052852 Hello, you came here, does this mean that you have changed? fZqedenmB_y-00112-00052852-00053128 Mishania, Surkov's propaganda man fZqedenmB_y-00113-00053128-00053342 Excuse me, I am not going to answer your questions. fZqedenmB_y-00114-00053342-00053661 Oh, then you have not changed. All the same. fZqedenmB_y-00115-00053661-00053892 Will you make more wonderful films? fZqedenmB_y-00116-00053892-00054093 I have answered your question, that I will not answer any questions, fZqedenmB_y-00117-00054115-00054333 Why are you asking me again? fZqedenmB_y-00118-00054355-00054565 It was a different question! fZqedenmB_y-00119-00054565-00054775 Do you know what it looks like? fZqedenmB_y-00120-00054775-00055098 I do not care, I do not watch NTV. fZqedenmB_y-00121-00055098-00055311 I will not answer your questions, do you nderstand? fZqedenmB_y-00122-00055333-00055538 Why are you here? Are you making another film? fZqedenmB_y-00123-00055538-00055636 What's the name of it? fZqedenmB_y-00124-00055636-00055937 Have you heard me? Nobody will answer your questions. fZqedenmB_y-00125-00056014-00056099 Good Bye. fZqedenmB_y-00126-00056099-00056382 He does not answer, because he is being shy, fZqedenmB_y-00127-00056382-00056620 Must be a masterpiece in the works. fZqedenmB_y-00128-00056920-00057301 I want fair elections. I want smart peole to rule the country, fZqedenmB_y-00129-00057301-00057533 Not the crooks. fZqedenmB_y-00130-00057565-00057849 The person, calling himself the president, likes birds. fZqedenmB_y-00131-00057849-00058069 Opposition loves them too. fZqedenmB_y-00132-00058091-00058285 By setting the white dove free, fZqedenmB_y-00133-00058307-00058536 The people were freeing themselves. fZqedenmB_y-00134-00058574-00058967 That's not just a symbolic gesture, these days calls for freedom fZqedenmB_y-00135-00058990-00059273 in Russia can spell real prison time. fZqedenmB_y-00136-00060438-00060747 No matter, how much the authorities tell the people, fZqedenmB_y-00137-00060770-00061093 that they can't change anything, that it is dangerous, fZqedenmB_y-00138-00061093-00061638 People do not believe those threats anymore. fZqedenmB_y-00139-00061675-00061984 People do not believe authorities, people stopped being afraid, fZqedenmB_y-00140-00062007-00062405 They willingly went to the March of the Millions in Moscow fZqedenmB_y-00141-00062428-00062817 To tell to the authorities their «No! We are fed up!» fZqedenmB_y-00142-00062846-00063200 «We are the power! We are the power!» fZqedenmB_y-00143-00063200-00063517 Yesterday, you being thrown out of Duma, fZqedenmB_y-00144-00063539-00063812 Will that break apart the political elites in Russia? fZqedenmB_y-00145-00063842-00063955 Gennadiy Gudkov fZqedenmB_y-00146-00063955-00064403 It has already started. The head of the Putin's electoral committee fZqedenmB_y-00147-00064403-00064954 Was the only one who voted against my removal. It means a lot. fZqedenmB_y-00148-00064979-00065118 You mean Govorukhin? fZqedenmB_y-00149-00065118-00065270 Yes, I mean Govorukhin. fZqedenmB_y-00150-00065270-00065598 I was approached by people from the United Russia, fZqedenmB_y-00151-00065618-00066262 Govorukhin, Hinshtein, Boris Reznik, they do not need an introduction. fZqedenmB_y-00152-00067365-00068937 «Freedom to Political prisoners! Freedom to Political prisoners!» fZqedenmB_y-00153-00068965-00069363 This is the Solidarity column. There are many others. fZqedenmB_y-00154-00069388-00069901 Putin's propaganda men often talk, that all these protests fZqedenmB_y-00155-00069901-00070245 Are paid for by the United States State Department. fZqedenmB_y-00156-00070266-00070781 Tell me please, how one can buy this number of citizens? fZqedenmB_y-00157-00070781-00071038 What kind of money are we talking about? fZqedenmB_y-00158-00071038-00071582 I doubt, that the budget of the State Department would be enough. fZqedenmB_y-00159-00071864-00072150 The merging of the Left and the Right columns fZqedenmB_y-00160-00072150-00072452 Happened on the Turgenev Square. fZqedenmB_y-00161-00072452-00072727 The authorities are afraid of precisely such unity. fZqedenmB_y-00162-00073995-00074752 «Putin is a thief! Putin is a thief!» fZqedenmB_y-00163-00074778-00074908 Pavel fZqedenmB_y-00164-00074928-00075236 I can change things, by bringing up my children, fZqedenmB_y-00165-00075259-00075775 so they know that freedom is the most important inalienable right. fZqedenmB_y-00166-00075845-00076328 When there are many of us, all together, fZqedenmB_y-00167-00076349-00076803 We can chage things in this country. fZqedenmB_y-00168-00076842-00077046 In other words, the State Department does not pay you? fZqedenmB_y-00169-00077068-00077349 No, I could pay them instead. fZqedenmB_y-00170-00077771-00078574 Election observers are needed for the United Election day. fZqedenmB_y-00171-00078609-00079108 Thieves and crooks are stealing our votes. fZqedenmB_y-00172-00079140-00079359 We need to observe the municipal elections in Khimki, fZqedenmB_y-00173-00079359-00079868 Pushkino, Ryazan, Saratov region. People are needed everywhere. fZqedenmB_y-00174-00081353-00081720 Please, tell me, what made you come here to the March of the Millions? fZqedenmB_y-00175-00081747-00081893 Andrey Mikhailovich fZqedenmB_y-00176-00081921-00082318 I am protesting since the end of the 80-s. fZqedenmB_y-00177-00082375-00083201 I have the Russian flag from when it was not the state flag yet. fZqedenmB_y-00178-00083238-00083756 It was gathering dust, I never thought I'd use it for protests. fZqedenmB_y-00179-00083808-00084335 Are you unhappy about something going on in Russia? fZqedenmB_y-00180-00084388-00084766 I am unhappy about lies, lies and lies. fZqedenmB_y-00181-00084808-00085133 How to prevent this? What should be done? fZqedenmB_y-00182-00085163-00085970 It is difficult, because Russia watches mostly the state TV. fZqedenmB_y-00183-00085996-00086417 It is not mass media, it is mass propaganda. fZqedenmB_y-00184-00086576-00087131 Because of that most of people do not know all the truth. fZqedenmB_y-00185-00087152-00087530 We should fight for the freedom of speech and for glasnost. fZqedenmB_y-00186-00087559-00087673 Alexander fZqedenmB_y-00187-00087698-00087870 We should take the responsibility fZqedenmB_y-00188-00087892-00088071 And change what we can everywhere. fZqedenmB_y-00189-00088096-00088359 If you do not agree with something, fZqedenmB_y-00190-00088359-00088856 You should say that aloud, it is important. fZqedenmB_y-00191-00088920-00089086 The more people would be like me, fZqedenmB_y-00192-00089124-00089277 The sooner everything will change. fZqedenmB_y-00193-00089334-00089775 «Away with the police state! Away with the police state!» fZqedenmB_y-00194-00089801-00092039 «Putin must go, hey-hey! Putin must go, hey-hey!» fZqedenmB_y-00195-00092547-00092789 We must come and show that we still fZqedenmB_y-00196-00092820-00093066 do not like what is going on in our country. fZqedenmB_y-00197-00093092-00093255 And we want to change that. fZqedenmB_y-00198-00093281-00093514 People came here not to listen to speeches. fZqedenmB_y-00199-00093539-00093734 We just need to be here and show that nothing fZqedenmB_y-00200-00093793-00093957 has changed yet from the last winter. fZqedenmB_y-00201-00093996-00094204 There were a few similar protests. Is it true, fZqedenmB_y-00202-00094231-00094398 That nothing has changed? Should we carry on? fZqedenmB_y-00203-00094428-00094538 Boris Akunin fZqedenmB_y-00204-00094538-00094711 The authorities have decided to scare us. fZqedenmB_y-00205-00094740-00095033 They could make the idiotic laws, they could throw a few people in jail. fZqedenmB_y-00206-00095033-00095387 I think that people came here to show that it is not so. fZqedenmB_y-00207-00095421-00095753 One has to negotiate with the people. fZqedenmB_y-00208-00095782-00096024 And if the authorities are not willing to negotiate? fZqedenmB_y-00209-00096050-00096178 Then the authorities ought to be changed. fZqedenmB_y-00210-00096178-00096299 There is no other way. fZqedenmB_y-00211-00096326-00096405 To change how? fZqedenmB_y-00212-00096427-00096729 The peaceful way. If the whole country would come out fZqedenmB_y-00213-00096755-00097038 Like that, the next day the authorities will be changed. fZqedenmB_y-00214-00097077-00098168 «Equal rights without compromise! Equal rights without compromise!» fZqedenmB_y-00215-00098208-00098328 Nina Yevgenyevna fZqedenmB_y-00216-00098355-00098523 We are all people, we have different opinions, fZqedenmB_y-00217-00098551-00098843 Not like in Duma, where they are voting to orders. fZqedenmB_y-00218-00098877-00099239 When was the beginning? With the Duma election. fZqedenmB_y-00219-00099239-00099434 We sort of woke up. fZqedenmB_y-00220-00099456-00099589 You were sleeping before that? fZqedenmB_y-00221-00099609-00099896 No, I was not sleeping, but stagnation was everywhere. fZqedenmB_y-00222-00099919-00100296 And then it was so shameless and disgusting, it became too much. fZqedenmB_y-00223-00100296-00100518 You were fed up with livivng in stagnating atmosphere? fZqedenmB_y-00224-00100546-00101024 It was becoming worse, militaristic. fZqedenmB_y-00225-00101048-00101449 And trying to divide people from above, fZqedenmB_y-00226-00101470-00101895 That was the most horrible. fZqedenmB_y-00227-00101895-00102119 Here all the faces are so alight. fZqedenmB_y-00228-00102152-00102382 There are very few bad people here, like in every society. fZqedenmB_y-00229-00102827-00102894 Alexander fZqedenmB_y-00230-00102918-00103322 We came here to state our position on the healthcare, fZqedenmB_y-00231-00103353-00103659 Particularly in the regions. fZqedenmB_y-00232-00103681-00103962 We represent a few cities from the Central region. fZqedenmB_y-00233-00103985-00104310 There is a horrible lack of human resources in the regions. fZqedenmB_y-00234-00104333-00104742 Some places lack up to 50% of medical staff. fZqedenmB_y-00235-00104767-00105082 Those who do work, our deepest bow to the doctors, fZqedenmB_y-00236-00105103-00105308 the nurses and the caretakers. fZqedenmB_y-00237-00105330-00105565 Half of them are already the retirement age. fZqedenmB_y-00238-00105585-00105774 Another quarter is getting close to it. fZqedenmB_y-00239-00105796-00106038 Young people do not go into medicine in the regions, fZqedenmB_y-00240-00106038-00106304 Because it is easier to go to Moscow and St. Petersburg, fZqedenmB_y-00241-00106331-00106537 Where wages are good. fZqedenmB_y-00242-00106559-00107022 The local authorities are lying to us about the doctor's wages, fZqedenmB_y-00243-00107050-00107236 They inflate the real numbers a few times. fZqedenmB_y-00244-00107258-00107516 We are standing for decent wages for medical workers fZqedenmB_y-00245-00107516-00107890 And for decent healthcare. fZqedenmB_y-00246-00108027-00108139 Where are you from? fZqedenmB_y-00247-00108139-00108259 I am from Bryansk. fZqedenmB_y-00248-00108259-00108319 And you? fZqedenmB_y-00249-00108319-00108444 From Smolensk. fZqedenmB_y-00250-00108444-00108524 You? fZqedenmB_y-00251-00108524-00108789 I am from Bryansk, from the Civil Movement fZqedenmB_y-00252-00108789-00109100 Together for Decent Healthcare. Stop the decline of healthcare! fZqedenmB_y-00253-00109100-00109293 In spite of all reassurances from the authorities, fZqedenmB_y-00254-00109293-00109925 The wages of the fully qualified doctor in the regions fZqedenmB_y-00255-00109925-00110249 Is less that 10 thousand rubles ($330). fZqedenmB_y-00256-00110272-00110606 How do you live on that? fZqedenmB_y-00257-00110606-00110978 One has to survive. It is a dependency on relatives fZqedenmB_y-00258-00110978-00111414 and additional income. fZqedenmB_y-00259-00111435-00111953 Night work, side work, all that affects the quality. fZqedenmB_y-00260-00112027-00112490 We apoligize for the falling quality, the organizers are to blame. fZqedenmB_y-00261-00112532-00112902 People are leaving medical profession. fZqedenmB_y-00262-00112902-00113449 Those who know how to handle the sick fZqedenmB_y-00263-00113475-00113716 Would always be able to handle the healthy. fZqedenmB_y-00264-00113738-00113962 They leave to sales, to business. fZqedenmB_y-00265-00113962-00114225 We are losing the medics and we are losing healthcare. fZqedenmB_y-00266-00114225-00114471 Education is in real trouble in our country. fZqedenmB_y-00267-00114495-00114682 And these people have come here to declare fZqedenmB_y-00268-00114708-00115345 That they do not want to live in a stupid country. fZqedenmB_y-00269-00115387-00115632 Hello, what brought you here to the March of the Millions? fZqedenmB_y-00270-00115632-00115744 Leonid fZqedenmB_y-00271-00115744-00116078 The mutual interests. My occupation is of importance fZqedenmB_y-00272-00116078-00116401 to the millions and the millions of their children. I am a teacher. fZqedenmB_y-00273-00116426-00116563 Where do you work, in which school? fZqedenmB_y-00274-00116563-00116695 In the Moscow Lyceum. fZqedenmB_y-00275-00116789-00116998 What problems do you have in the Moscow Lyceum? fZqedenmB_y-00276-00116998-00117355 All the old ones plus some new ones. fZqedenmB_y-00277-00117355-00117683 The reasons are the changes in the teacher wage system fZqedenmB_y-00278-00117683-00118383 And horrible administration of this field. fZqedenmB_y-00279-00118419-00118704 Teachers do not have time for pedagogy, fZqedenmB_y-00280-00118704-00118936 Pedagogy gets exchanged for economy. fZqedenmB_y-00281-00118964-00119458 Today the education priorities are purely economical. fZqedenmB_y-00282-00119458-00119769 The word «pedagogy» is not even said. fZqedenmB_y-00283-00119789-00120044 It is harmful for the children and it is harmful fZqedenmB_y-00284-00120065-00120244 For the future of the country. fZqedenmB_y-00285-00120271-00120519 September 15th March of the Millions has brought fZqedenmB_y-00286-00120539-00120788 The federal workers to the streets. fZqedenmB_y-00287-00120809-00121011 It is a serious wake up call for the Kremlin. fZqedenmB_y-00288-00121045-00121311 Dissatisfaction is simmering even where just a year ago fZqedenmB_y-00289-00121311-00121592 People believed all Putin's promises. fZqedenmB_y-00290-00121623-00122173 Today nothing has left from the faith in those promises. fZqedenmB_y-00291-00124682-00124805 Michael Novitsky fZqedenmB_y-00292-00124832-00125558 We are in the occupied territory. The people in power are illegitimately elected, they are in fact not elected and we are in the occupied country. fZqedenmB_y-00293-00125582-00125981 Over empty streets fZqedenmB_y-00294-00125981-00126193 Black car is flying fZqedenmB_y-00295-00126213-00126392 It carries nasty tsar, fZqedenmB_y-00296-00126415-00126610 And he is gloating. fZqedenmB_y-00297-00126641-00126850 Everything is blocked, fZqedenmB_y-00298-00126871-00127083 The city has died out. fZqedenmB_y-00299-00127108-00127329 Anything could happen! fZqedenmB_y-00300-00127329-00127443 Putin is afraid! fZqedenmB_y-00301-00127443-00128169 Afraid! Afraid! fZqedenmB_y-00302-00128331-00128522 He is stepping over carpet, fZqedenmB_y-00303-00128522-00128728 Afraid to misstep, fZqedenmB_y-00304-00128756-00128940 Afraid to make mistake, fZqedenmB_y-00305-00128968-00129240 Afraid to piss the pants. fZqedenmB_y-00306-00129240-00129430 Enemy faces fZqedenmB_y-00307-00129451-00129639 And handshakes all around. fZqedenmB_y-00308-00129663-00130215 A shaft may fall or a brick. fZqedenmB_y-00309-00130239-00130928 Afraid! Afraid! fZqedenmB_y-00310-00130949-00131123 Money and the daughters fZqedenmB_y-00311-00131143-00131339 Shipped to foreign lands. fZqedenmB_y-00312-00131339-00131538 Doubt that any migrant fZqedenmB_y-00313-00131566-00131774 Would want to marry them. fZqedenmB_y-00314-00131795-00131999 The principal nation fZqedenmB_y-00315-00131999-00132213 In Russia is Police. fZqedenmB_y-00316-00132213-00132425 Whenever there is a protest, fZqedenmB_y-00317-00132445-00132832 Putin is afraid! fZqedenmB_y-00318-00132871-00133451 Afraid! Afraid! fZqedenmB_y-00319-00133498-00133894 Moscovites and guests fZqedenmB_y-00320-00133920-00134134 Of the scared city fZqedenmB_y-00321-00134134-00134340 Are looking from behind fZqedenmB_y-00322-00134361-00134558 The curtains in the madhouse. fZqedenmB_y-00323-00134558-00134771 They look and decide, fZqedenmB_y-00324-00134792-00134980 What’s best to throw? fZqedenmB_y-00325-00135001-00135206 Maybe a TV, huh? fZqedenmB_y-00326-00135206-00135622 Or perhaps an iron? fZqedenmB_y-00327-00135622-00136247 Afraid! Afraid! fZqedenmB_y-00328-00136274-00136682 No dogs, no cats. fZqedenmB_y-00329-00136703-00136903 No bird is chirping. fZqedenmB_y-00330-00136924-00137114 Everybody is arrested, fZqedenmB_y-00331-00137135-00137336 Putin is afraid. fZqedenmB_y-00332-00137336-00137553 The third term in prison, fZqedenmB_y-00333-00137553-00137783 And he is gloating. fZqedenmB_y-00334-00137783-00138112 Nobody wants to play with him. fZqedenmB_y-00335-00138146-00138410 His words are just water. fZqedenmB_y-00336-00138410-00139709 Afraid! Afraid! Afraid! fZqedenmB_y-00337-00139909-00140458 Vladimir Vladimirovich, do not be afraid! fZqedenmB_y-00338-00140458-00140926 You are in a mask now, maybe soon you will come out without it! fZqedenmB_y-00339-00141485-00141769 The opposition leaders did not listen to the guests fZqedenmB_y-00340-00141790-00142148 From Novohopersk and Uryupinsk. fZqedenmB_y-00341-00142178-00142545 It is understandable that the protest effect fZqedenmB_y-00342-00142567-00142743 Was on everybody's mind. fZqedenmB_y-00343-00142779-00143466 But what is the point of gathering the people if not to listen to them? fZqedenmB_y-00344-00143168-00143596 September 15, 2012 March of the Millions has gathered fZqedenmB_y-00345-00143622-00144134 From 60 to 100 thousand people from the different cities. fZqedenmB_y-00346-00144168-00145172 The main lesson of this March is that the civil society in Russia exists. fZqedenmB_y-00347-00145211-00145579 And it is capable of unity in order to get through fZqedenmB_y-00348-00145622-00145931 To the authorities with their demands. fZqedenmB_y-00349-00145988-00146270 So far, in a peaceful way. fZqedenmB_y-00350-00146320-00146589 Sasha Sotnik, Dmitry Melekhin, Politvestnik TV. fZUBbZO2qE4-00000-00000000-00000497 200g of crushed rotus fZUBbZO2qE4-00001-00000497-00001120 The smaller the rotus is, the better the tart shape is maintained and the crumbs don't come off fZUBbZO2qE4-00002-00001120-00001388 80g melted salt-free butter fZUBbZO2qE4-00003-00001388-00001785 Mix rotus and melted butter well. fZUBbZO2qE4-00004-00002793-00003392 Press the butter-mixed rotus powder into a tart pan to form a tart fZUBbZO2qE4-00005-00004383-00004880 If you press it hard with your hand, the shape becomes harder fZUBbZO2qE4-00006-00005600-00006221 Milk chocolate 200g + dark chocolate 40g + fresh cream 180g + salt-free butter 42g + starch syrup 18g fZUBbZO2qE4-00007-00006221-00006718 Add them all, melt them and mix them well fZUBbZO2qE4-00008-00007076-00007536 I added rotus for decoration fZUBbZO2qE4-00009-00007536-00008003 Maybe it's because I poured the last chocolate randomly, but there's some air bubbles fZUBbZO2qE4-00010-00008003-00008426 Let it harden for an hour in the fridge and it's done fZUBbZO2qE4-00011-00008429-00008729 Hello 🤗 Today, I prepared a homemade rotus chocolate tart fZUBbZO2qE4-00012-00009398-00009767 The chocolate filling is very chewy😋🍫 fZUBbZO2qE4-00013-00009767-00010168 It's very thick and sweet like raw chocolate! fZUBbZO2qE4-00014-00013664-00014064 I think the tart will be made solid when I break the Lotus into small pieces fZUBbZO2qE4-00015-00014064-00014863 This is the second time I made it, but the first time I made it, I roughly broke the rotus, and the tart was easily crushed and the rotus powder fell off fZUBbZO2qE4-00016-00014863-00015463 But it was delicious! Since there's a lot of chocolate in the filling, the taste can't fail fZUBbZO2qE4-00017-00022894-00023291 I prepared my favorite strawberry, too fZUBbZO2qE4-00018-00023550-00023949 It's cool and sweet😋 fZUBbZO2qE4-00019-00028168-00028466 Chocolate tart with rotus fZUBbZO2qE4-00020-00028875-00029373 The chocolate flavor is strong, so the toppings only add crunchy texture fZUBbZO2qE4-00021-00030122-00030620 I think nuts like almonds and walnuts would go well with it fZUBbZO2qE4-00022-00053636-00054239 Thank you for watching today❤️ fcAE4zTad6y-00000-00000000-00000231 on september 3rd shangchi opens the door fcAE4zTad6y-00001-00000231-00000472 to a new world and lands in theaters fcAE4zTad6y-00002-00000472-00000544 he's here fcAE4zTad6y-00003-00000544-00000863 [Music] fcAE4zTad6y-00004-00000863-00001024 get ready to meet your favorite new fcAE4zTad6y-00005-00001024-00001248 avenger i love that fcAE4zTad6y-00006-00001248-00001688 marvel shangchi RPG-13 Get tickets now feDassfAiRu-00001-00002884-00003084 Hey Guys, Welcome Back to the Motor Torsion. fgTw2hY7dUk-00000-00000107-00000186 We are live fgTw2hY7dUk-00001-00000378-00000834 on YouTube now fgTw2hY7dUk-00002-00001092-00001416 Good morning everyone or good afternoon or good evening wherever you are in the world fgTw2hY7dUk-00003-00001482-00002022 my name is Matt Grainer, we've got a tale of Two Matts today, Matthew Page is joining fgTw2hY7dUk-00004-00002022-00002610 us for this workshop on reporting guidelines to ensure transparency of evidence synthesis: when fgTw2hY7dUk-00005-00002610-00003228 and how to use them. The session is being live streamed and if you have any questions for for fgTw2hY7dUk-00006-00003228-00003732 Matt you can ask them via the eshackathon Twitter account by commenting on tweet about the session fgTw2hY7dUk-00007-00003924-00004320 and also in the slack, we would like to draw your attention to our code of conduct fgTw2hY7dUk-00008-00004320-00004950 which is available at the ESMARconf website www.esmarconf.org so have a look at that if you fgTw2hY7dUk-00009-00004950-00005550 if you have any concerns , so without any further for me talking let's get on with our interesting fgTw2hY7dUk-00010-00005550-00006174 workshop on reporting guidelines, thanks Matt. Great thanks so much Matt so welcome everyone fgTw2hY7dUk-00011-00006270-00006809 to this workshop on reporting guidelines to ensure transparency of evidence syntheses fgTw2hY7dUk-00012-00006906-00007481 and so I'm based in Melbourne in at Monash University and so it's late afternoon for us fgTw2hY7dUk-00013-00007481-00007992 here or early evening I should say and welcome to everyone else around the world wherever you may be fgTw2hY7dUk-00014-00008202-00008904 so just want to declare that currently I'm supported by a Monash University fgTw2hY7dUk-00015-00008904-00009588 future leader postdoctoral Fellowship and I'm going to largely focus on one fgTw2hY7dUk-00016-00009588-00010116 of the reporting guidelines available for evidence indices the PRISMA 2020 statement fgTw2hY7dUk-00017-00010206-00010488 and I just need to declare that I co-led the development of that fgTw2hY7dUk-00018-00010488-00010992 statement but had no commercial interest in the use of this reporting guideline fgTw2hY7dUk-00019-00011328-00011994 so for this Workshop what I'm going to do is I'm going to start off by introducing fgTw2hY7dUk-00020-00011994-00012462 attendees to different reporting guidelines for evidence syntheses fgTw2hY7dUk-00021-00012564-00013308 that are available with a particular focus on the PRISMA 2020 statement. I'm going to give you all fgTw2hY7dUk-00022-00013308-00014094 an opportunity to apply the PRISMA 2020 checklist to a published systematic review so there'll be a fgTw2hY7dUk-00023-00014094-00014886 20 minute small activity of active activity that you'll each be able to do individually and then fgTw2hY7dUk-00024-00014886-00015468 I'll bring everyone back and we can go through I guess what my assessment of that paper was fgTw2hY7dUk-00025-00015558-00016163 compared to what you all found and then I'll just finish off with just a couple of slides outlining fgTw2hY7dUk-00026-00016163-00016734 some future Tech developments plan to better Implement reporting guidelines like PRISMA into fgTw2hY7dUk-00027-00016734-00017316 practice and it might be good to get some ideas that you might have or any hear of any challenges fgTw2hY7dUk-00028-00017316-00017760 you have with using reporting guidelines if you've already become familiar with them. fgTw2hY7dUk-00029-00017994-00018876 So why the focus on good reporting of systematic reviews essentially systematic reviews need to fgTw2hY7dUk-00030-00018876-00019554 be well reported because those people who end up using our reviews be they patients, clinicians, fgTw2hY7dUk-00031-00019554-00020148 guideline developers or other researchers effectively need to know what we did and fgTw2hY7dUk-00032-00020148-00021012 what we found as clearly as possible because if we have clear reporting of our review fgTw2hY7dUk-00033-00021012-00021456 then this should enable the use of our review in evidence-based decision making fgTw2hY7dUk-00034-00021588-00022236 so people can I guess trust the findings of our review or or not necessarily trust what we found fgTw2hY7dUk-00035-00022236-00022926 because they determined that we end up using methods that were not necessarily on optimal. fgTw2hY7dUk-00036-00023040-00023538 Clear reporting also enables others who might be interested in replicating our methods to see fgTw2hY7dUk-00037-00023700-00024114 if they find the same result and I think that's something that's one of the main fgTw2hY7dUk-00038-00024186-00024900 I guess causes of the reproducibility crisis in Healthcare sorry not in healthcare in all types fgTw2hY7dUk-00039-00024900-00025554 of research is the fact that, it's hard to just know what people actually did in terms of what fgTw2hY7dUk-00040-00025554-00026172 databases they searched and what outcomes they were interested in extracting from the papers fgTw2hY7dUk-00041-00026304-00027222 and and things like that and the other things about clear reporting is that it enables fgTw2hY7dUk-00042-00027282-00027660 us to assess the trustworthiness of the review findings and the applicability of fgTw2hY7dUk-00043-00027660-00028194 the findings. If authors sorry if readers know that our findings only extend to a particular fgTw2hY7dUk-00044-00028194-00028770 population then they're more likely about to use that those findings appropriately to guide their fgTw2hY7dUk-00045-00028770-00029789 their practice and policy ,so I'll go to the next slide and so another issue about reporting is that fgTw2hY7dUk-00046-00029789-00030372 we have pretty good evidence from many studies conducted over time , I'm including this recent one done fgTw2hY7dUk-00047-00030372-00030954 by one of my colleagues Phoebe Newin at Monash that have evaluated how well systematic reviews fgTw2hY7dUk-00048-00031044-00031674 are currently reported nd so down the left hand side we just have some items recommended fgTw2hY7dUk-00049-00031674-00032244 for reporting in a systematic review and we've got a comparison of the reporting of systematic fgTw2hY7dUk-00050-00032244-00032862 reviews in 2020 versus an earlier sample in 2014 and as you can see across the different fgTw2hY7dUk-00051-00032862-00033486 items, there's quite a bit of variability in terms of what things are reported so if some things tend fgTw2hY7dUk-00052-00033486-00034260 to be reported quite frequently so I think because of journals we often see a lot of authors are fgTw2hY7dUk-00053-00034260-00034716 prompted to report their conflicts of interest but things like reporting whether they worked fgTw2hY7dUk-00054-00034716-00035412 from a protocol or how they prepared the data for meta-analysis is reported much less frequently fgTw2hY7dUk-00055-00035568-00036054 and things haven't really improved that much over time so many of these items fgTw2hY7dUk-00056-00036138-00036564 that were poorly reported in 2014 haven't really seen a large increase fgTw2hY7dUk-00057-00036678-00037560 in more recent years so a way to help prompt better reporting in systematic reviews has been fgTw2hY7dUk-00058-00037560-00038298 to develop reporting guidelines for authors and and other people in the publication process fgTw2hY7dUk-00059-00038412-00039024 and so what reporting guidelines are designed to do is to provide guidance to authors on what fgTw2hY7dUk-00060-00039024-00039756 should appear in a systematic review manuscript and they're effectively designed to improve fgTw2hY7dUk-00061-00039756-00040434 the accuracy completeless completeness I should say and transparency of manuscripts and and most fgTw2hY7dUk-00062-00040434-00040884 reporting guidelines are typically presented in the format of a checklist of recommended items fgTw2hY7dUk-00063-00040962-00041718 several include a template flow diagram to help authors display the flow of records and fgTw2hY7dUk-00064-00041718-00042420 reports throughout their study selection process as well as some explanatory text and examples or fgTw2hY7dUk-00065-00042420-00043260 I should say exemplars of of of high quality reporting. Now what might surprise some people fgTw2hY7dUk-00066-00043260-00043728 is that there's quite a large number of reporting guidelines available for evidence syntheses fgTw2hY7dUk-00067-00043812-00044364 I would say at least in medicine PRISMA is probably the most well-known guideline but other fgTw2hY7dUk-00068-00044364-00045030 disciplines have have made their own guidelines before their for their area research so we fgTw2hY7dUk-00069-00045030-00045576 have ROSES developed for reviews focusing on Environmental Research and conservation research fgTw2hY7dUk-00070-00045672-00046422 Cochrane the Cochrane collaboration had their MECIR standards and the American fgTw2hY7dUk-00071-00046422-00047160 Psychological Association have the meta-analysis reporting standards and and MAER-NET fgTw2hY7dUk-00072-00047160-00048072 reporting guideline for evidence synthesis conducted in economics and so we I fgTw2hY7dUk-00073-00048072-00048510 published a paper a couple years ago in research synthesis methods which has a table at least fgTw2hY7dUk-00074-00048510-00049206 back around 2020, 2021 illustrating different reporting guidelines for different disciplines fgTw2hY7dUk-00075-00049206-00049860 so it's worth looking at that but in addition a good library of reporting guidelines not only for fgTw2hY7dUk-00076-00049860-00050532 systematic reviews but for other types of research is the equator network library which fgTw2hY7dUk-00077-00050532-00051324 includes a database I think in total of about 500 reporting guidelines drop various study fgTw2hY7dUk-00078-00051324-00051858 designs and this is where this this number of 30 reporting guidelines for evidence emphasis fgTw2hY7dUk-00079-00051858-00052386 is where I essentially got that information from and there's many more being developed as we speak fgTw2hY7dUk-00080-00052614-00053166 and so what about PRISMA for those who haven't heard it I really like this joke from Andrew Booth, fgTw2hY7dUk-00081-00053255-00053934 where I think it resulted from the fact that a lot of people tend to include on Twitter fgTw2hY7dUk-00082-00054036-00054570 as a way to visually represent their systematic review rather than presenting say fgTw2hY7dUk-00083-00054570-00055182 a forest plot for a meta-analysis more often now people present a flow diagram showing the fgTw2hY7dUk-00084-00055308-00055560 the flow of studies throughout the study selection process fgTw2hY7dUk-00085-00055667-00056238 which led to this observation that this is a PRISMA might be standing for fgTw2hY7dUk-00086-00056328-00056855 people letting readers know that please realize I screened many articles and that's fgTw2hY7dUk-00087-00056855-00057348 why I want to show you this on as a key figure from my systematic review fgTw2hY7dUk-00088-00057522-00058020 but no prisoner does not stand for that what it actually stands for is the preferred fgTw2hY7dUk-00089-00058020-00058614 reporting items the systematic reviews and meta-analysis statement and so originally it fgTw2hY7dUk-00090-00058614-00059255 was published in 2009 and so I think it was one of the earliest reporting guidelines for fgTw2hY7dUk-00091-00059255-00059940 systematic reviews and was very influential over the subsequent decade but my colleagues and I fgTw2hY7dUk-00092-00059940-00060666 convened a group to essentially update it to PRISMA 2020 over a period of a few years fgTw2hY7dUk-00093-00060767-00061338 recently and PRISMA 2020 essentially is an update of the original PRISMA statement fgTw2hY7dUk-00094-00061428-00062141 which we published in 2000 , 2021 and and since that time it's already gone on to be cited fgTw2hY7dUk-00095-00062141-00062832 more than 23 000 times which I think reflects that there's a a lot of systematic reviews are fgTw2hY7dUk-00096-00062832-00063678 being conducted and because we know in in in some of that previous work looking at the fgTw2hY7dUk-00097-00063678-00064170 quality of reporting of systematic reviews I think we noticed that not not all review fgTw2hY7dUk-00098-00064170-00064740 authors do actually sign a reporting guideline um I think it was about only maybe it's about 70 fgTw2hY7dUk-00099-00064872-00065286 so there's still another large group of review authors out there who don't actually consult or at fgTw2hY7dUk-00100-00065286-00065874 least don't acknowledge whether they consulted a reporting guideline so PRISMA 2020 was fgTw2hY7dUk-00101-00065874-00066564 essentially designed primarily for authors who are doing a systematic review of studies that fgTw2hY7dUk-00102-00066564-00067092 evaluate the effects of Health interventions irrespective of the design of the included fgTw2hY7dUk-00103-00067092-00067614 studies so it could be a systematic review of randomized Trials or non-randomized studies fgTw2hY7dUk-00104-00067674-00068406 but we do know that a lot of the items that appear in PRISMA 2020 are applicable to different fgTw2hY7dUk-00105-00068490-00069114 different to other types of systematic reviews and even in the development process for fgTw2hY7dUk-00106-00069174-00069642 coming up with PRISMA of 2020 we did do a mapping exercise where we essentially looked fgTw2hY7dUk-00107-00069642-00070068 at all the items across existing reporting guidelines and noticed there was quite a lot fgTw2hY7dUk-00108-00070068-00070662 of similarity so if there's not a suitable reporting guideline developed specifically fgTw2hY7dUk-00109-00070662-00071280 for your area then of course I'm going to be biased and say consider Consulting PRISMA 2020. fgTw2hY7dUk-00110-00071352-00071670 but definitely make use of the ones that are available for your discipline first. fgTw2hY7dUk-00111-00071922-00072300 So who should use PRISMA 2020 and for what purpose? fgTw2hY7dUk-00112-00072396-00072744 Effectively I think, there's several parties who might fgTw2hY7dUk-00113-00072744-00073308 find it useful to access a reporting guideline like PRISMA 2020 first of all authors when they're fgTw2hY7dUk-00114-00073308-00073842 actually drafting their review manuscript and that it should help prompt them to what should fgTw2hY7dUk-00115-00073842-00074424 appear in their manuscript as they're going along writing it in addition, peer reviewers fgTw2hY7dUk-00116-00074424-00074940 who are submitting a submitted manuscript might find it helpful to fill out a checklist fgTw2hY7dUk-00117-00075030-00075558 to so that they can they can convey to the authors what's missing in their report. fgTw2hY7dUk-00118-00075678-00076350 We know a lot of methodologists have very much taken up uh checklist like PRISMA 2020 to fgTw2hY7dUk-00119-00076350-00076902 assess the report and completeness of published reviews so that we can essentially evaluate fgTw2hY7dUk-00120-00076968-00077550 I guess the lay of the land when it comes to systematic reviews and to determine what, where fgTw2hY7dUk-00121-00077550-00078084 are the areas that people are struggling to report their methods and and how what methods are they fgTw2hY7dUk-00122-00078084-00078756 effectively reporting very consistently and well what we would not recommend is people to use fgTw2hY7dUk-00123-00078756-00079422 PRISMA 2020 when they're interested in assessing how well a systematic review was conducted fgTw2hY7dUk-00124-00079506-00080196 and the reason for that is that for the most part PRISMA 2020 is at least aspires fgTw2hY7dUk-00125-00080196-00080934 to be agnostic towards the particular types of methods used it can't fully be agnostic in that fgTw2hY7dUk-00126-00081000-00081660 including a recommendation to report for example the methods used to assess the quality fgTw2hY7dUk-00127-00081660-00082164 or risk of bias in your included studies is effectively providing guidance that you fgTw2hY7dUk-00128-00082164-00082770 should have assessed risk of bias or conduct of your of the included studies but it doesn't fgTw2hY7dUk-00129-00082872-00083340 it doesn't necessarily say that you should report how many authors do It fgTw2hY7dUk-00130-00083418-00083940 have conduct that assessment and what tool you should have used to assess risk of bias fgTw2hY7dUk-00131-00084018-00084720 so there is a effectively it's a prompt to indicate what methods were used under these fgTw2hY7dUk-00132-00084720-00085248 broad categories of steps in a systematic review rather than providing a list of what fgTw2hY7dUk-00133-00085248-00085860 which particular methods you should use so other methods have been designed to indicate what fgTw2hY7dUk-00134-00085860-00086436 methods those authors believe everyone should use for to in order to conduct a high quality review fgTw2hY7dUk-00135-00086568-00086880 that essentially outside the context of PRISMA fgTw2hY7dUk-00136-00087048-00087798 and how to use PRISMA 2020 effectively what we see most people end up doing is pretty much fgTw2hY7dUk-00137-00087798-00088446 coming or their first exposure to it is at the point of submitting their article to a journal so fgTw2hY7dUk-00138-00088446-00089148 some journals will actually ask you to fill out a checklist and and submit it along with your fgTw2hY7dUk-00139-00089148-00089730 manuscript files. I think the problem with that is that if that's the first exposure to it, you're fgTw2hY7dUk-00140-00089730-00090312 probably got to the point where you've worked on your paper hours and hours and days and days fgTw2hY7dUk-00141-00090420-00090936 with all your collaborators and you've essentially you know you've made the decision that fgTw2hY7dUk-00142-00090936-00091368 my paper is ready for submission so you probably already think it's perfect and you're probably fgTw2hY7dUk-00143-00091368-00092100 less or or more resistant to actually making any changes just to adjust or just to comply with fgTw2hY7dUk-00144-00092100-00092700 what PRISMA recommends so I think accent accessing it early in that writing process means that it fgTw2hY7dUk-00145-00092700-00093312 won't come as a shock at the end when you come to submit your paper and suddenly realize that you fgTw2hY7dUk-00146-00093312-00093930 are meant to have documented x, y and z and and even I should say it's probably useful to consult fgTw2hY7dUk-00147-00093930-00094452 it even earlier than the writing process because there are some items recommended in PRISMA that fgTw2hY7dUk-00148-00094536-00095202 suggests that you have collected information on certain steps of your review process at fgTw2hY7dUk-00149-00095202-00095718 the time that it was being conducted did so it when it recommends that you report the number fgTw2hY7dUk-00150-00095718-00096276 of records that you screened, hopefully you will have had that information available to you fgTw2hY7dUk-00151-00096348-00096900 before you sit down and start writing so our reading it earlier as possible is is the way to go. fgTw2hY7dUk-00152-00097086-00097452 So I'll just give you a bit of an overview of um the contents sorry fgTw2hY7dUk-00153-00097452-00098052 this content and structure of PRISMA so it's effectively divided into seven sections fgTw2hY7dUk-00154-00098142-00098850 and it contains 27 items but there are some items that have sub items where we broke down fgTw2hY7dUk-00155-00098850-00099510 certain steps into their component parts as a way to help increase the clarity of the guideline fgTw2hY7dUk-00156-00099666-00100488 we have effectively fitted across two pages and it's essentially provides recommendations on fgTw2hY7dUk-00157-00100488-00100950 all the components that you would expect to see in a systematic review manuscript fgTw2hY7dUk-00158-00100950-00101652 that's I guess following your introduction methods results discussion format and fgTw2hY7dUk-00159-00101652-00102210 the checklist itself provides space for you to indicate where the item is reported in the paper fgTw2hY7dUk-00160-00102324-00102990 if that's if that's something that the journals want you to produce for them so that was fgTw2hY7dUk-00161-00102990-00103433 the first page before the second page looking at the results and discussion and then some general fgTw2hY7dUk-00162-00103433-00104244 administrative or other sections at the end you can access thePRISMA checklist at the PRISMA fgTw2hY7dUk-00163-00104244-00104783 statement website um which some of you might have been aware that it was down for a couple of weeks fgTw2hY7dUk-00164-00104844-00105318 last month but it's now back and available so um we have PDF and word fgTw2hY7dUk-00165-00105318-00105816 versions of the PRISMA checklist so that you can freely access and download fgTw2hY7dUk-00166-00105978-00106583 Luke McGuinness was a colleague of ours who hopefully created a shiny app for those who fgTw2hY7dUk-00167-00106583-00107148 don't want to fill out the checklist as a Word document, there is this shiny app where you can fgTw2hY7dUk-00168-00107202-00107772 fill in your PRISMA checklist online available at the link down here at the bottom fgTw2hY7dUk-00169-00107868-00108683 and another helpful group Neal Haddaway, Chris Pritchard and Luke McGinnis have created a fgTw2hY7dUk-00170-00108683-00109194 an app for you to produce a shiny app for you to produce PRISMA 2020 flow diagrams fgTw2hY7dUk-00171-00109272-00109842 and we've also got a link down here to a paper published in Campbell systematic fgTw2hY7dUk-00172-00109842-00110364 reviews which outlines how how to use the app and what some of the functionality fgTw2hY7dUk-00173-00110435-00110933 is. I will also point out I will put all these slides up to the open science framework fgTw2hY7dUk-00174-00110994-00111474 at the end of the session and hopefully it'll be included out there at the bottom of fgTw2hY7dUk-00175-00111474-00111785 the YouTube I'm underneath the YouTube video of this as well. fgTw2hY7dUk-00176-00111935-00112752 Now there's two main papers for PRISMA 2020, a checklist paper which really just is just a simple fgTw2hY7dUk-00177-00112824-00113424 outline of the content of PRISMA and then a much larger document called an explanation and fgTw2hY7dUk-00178-00113424-00113994 an elaboration document which essentially goes into great detail, what needs to be reported fgTw2hY7dUk-00179-00113994-00114678 in a paper and give some exemplars that have been picked up from the published literature and fgTw2hY7dUk-00180-00114678-00115374 so for each of the the 27 items in PRISMA 2020 we have in the explanation in an elaboration document fgTw2hY7dUk-00181-00115470-00116088 the item itself so item 4 asks people to provide an explicit statement of the objectives or fgTw2hY7dUk-00182-00116088-00116658 questions that the review addresses, an explanation as to why we think people should report that fgTw2hY7dUk-00183-00116748-00117246 and then a list of what we call Elements which really just break down in a bit more detail what fgTw2hY7dUk-00184-00117246-00117744 the reporting recommendations are and some have a couple of bullet points and some have fgTw2hY7dUk-00185-00117744-00118211 several more especially when we get down into the meta-analysis component for which there's fgTw2hY7dUk-00186-00118211-00118661 several options for what could be reported and then finally we have an Example to show fgTw2hY7dUk-00187-00118661-00119250 an example of good reporting that people might help consolidate their understanding. fgTw2hY7dUk-00188-00119472-00120168 All right so I might just stop there and see if there are any questions people have, fgTw2hY7dUk-00189-00120288-00120930 I think you can raise your hand or maybe you had to unmute yourself fgTw2hY7dUk-00190-00121428-00122238 no I think everyone's good all right so what I want to do is now turn to the Practical exercise fgTw2hY7dUk-00191-00122382-00122898 and what I'm going to do is I've put up onto this website here, oops I see something in the fgTw2hY7dUk-00192-00122898-00124061 chat all very clear thanks Wolfgang. So on the on the open science framework, I've put a fgTw2hY7dUk-00193-00124133-00124764 two files a PDF of an article that we're going to have a go at assessing and fgTw2hY7dUk-00194-00124764-00125688 a Word document which um essentially includes the prisoner 2020 checklist with options for you fgTw2hY7dUk-00195-00125688-00126222 to fill out whether each item in this systematic review on the effects of wine on blood pressure fgTw2hY7dUk-00196-00126354-00126864 has been completely or partially reported or not and gives some support for that judgment. fgTw2hY7dUk-00197-00126983-00127535 So I'll put the link in the chat in a second but essentially what I want you to do fgTw2hY7dUk-00198-00127535-00128004 is to see whether um you think the authors have reported their review in accordance with the fgTw2hY7dUk-00199-00128004-00128592 items recommended in the checklist and you would select completely if all components of that item fgTw2hY7dUk-00200-00128592-00129126 were reported, partially if only some of the items um sorry some of the components of the item were fgTw2hY7dUk-00201-00129126-00129846 reported or know if you think the item hasn't been reported at all and then in that final column you fgTw2hY7dUk-00202-00129846-00130511 can indicate the page number and maybe include direct quotes to support your judgment for that fgTw2hY7dUk-00203-00130511-00131742 item. I'll stop share just to show you a link to the website so here is the what it should fgTw2hY7dUk-00204-00131742-00132354 look like when I get you the when I put the link in the chat and essentially if you go down fgTw2hY7dUk-00205-00132354-00133158 to Workshop material, you can download the the word template for the checklist as well as the fgTw2hY7dUk-00206-00133230-00134616 um the PDF so um stop sharing and go back and the link uh to the files is I'll put in the chat yeah fgTw2hY7dUk-00207-00134796-00135660 and after that everyone, so that's that's the link to the chat so what I'm going fgTw2hY7dUk-00208-00135660-00136446 to do is effectively ask you to do this um at your own pace by yourself I know some fgTw2hY7dUk-00209-00136446-00137040 people are doing this string on YouTube as well and what we'll do is we'll come back in fgTw2hY7dUk-00210-00137130-00138078 let's say 20 minutes and what I'll do is we'll go through what we found so fgTw2hY7dUk-00211-00138078-00138696 yeah if you can have a go at that and if you have any questions I'll stay on for a fgTw2hY7dUk-00212-00138696-00139494 little bit but then I'll just make myself muted for a bit too, but any questions for now fgTw2hY7dUk-00213-00139896-00140382 so we'll I'll go through the answers to everyone and I'll put all the the documents online at fgTw2hY7dUk-00214-00140382-00141030 the end as well but yeah so it'd be good to stick in to have your own go seeing how well you fgTw2hY7dUk-00215-00141030-00141750 think this systematic review has been reported and then and then see what what we all found fgTw2hY7dUk-00216-00141750-00142326 so I'll put the I'll leave the instructions up as well um just so you can see them, fgTw2hY7dUk-00217-00237402-00237816 Hey I'll just give a couple more minutes and then no matter where you got up to don't worry fgTw2hY7dUk-00218-00237876-00238206 then I'll start going through some the answers well fgTw2hY7dUk-00219-00238278-00238752 my assessment I guess and answers just a few more minutes. fgTw2hY7dUk-00220-00255912-00256506 Okay I'm back now to go through answers first of all I just want to check fgTw2hY7dUk-00221-00256596-00257417 you can hear me, if Matt if you can let me know I'm actually broadcasting yep you're still doing fgTw2hY7dUk-00222-00257484-00258054 fantastic so when I came back to my computer I found that there was a it said Zoom unexpectedly fgTw2hY7dUk-00223-00258054-00258612 crashed three times apparently during the time I stepped away from the computer so I did fgTw2hY7dUk-00224-00258612-00259890 jump back in um so yes um good all right then what I will do is start going through some fgTw2hY7dUk-00225-00259890-00260406 of the answers for this activity first things first, I want to point out a couple of things fgTw2hY7dUk-00226-00260466-00261269 this review that I have asked you to take a look at it was published before PRISMA 2020 fgTw2hY7dUk-00227-00261269-00262002 was released so there are several items in PRISMA 2020 that weren't in the original Prisma statement fgTw2hY7dUk-00228-00262098-00262722 so it's it I I just want to point out it's not as if I expected the authors to have reported fgTw2hY7dUk-00229-00262722-00263310 everything that was recommended in PRISMA 2020 given it didn't exist at the time the review was fgTw2hY7dUk-00230-00263310-00263976 conducted. However there were some items that are that have been around and recommended for fgTw2hY7dUk-00231-00263976-00264534 many years that I was surprised to see missing in this report and one other thing I should note fgTw2hY7dUk-00232-00264534-00265176 is that what's interesting about this report and I I've started seeing it more commonly fgTw2hY7dUk-00233-00265176-00266076 in the last a few years, authors sometimes um are putting things like a PRISMA compliant fgTw2hY7dUk-00234-00266172-00266922 review in their in the title of their review I'm not sure why they or I'm not sure who sort fgTw2hY7dUk-00235-00266922-00267540 of recommended that they do that but I I I don't I strongly advise against doing that fgTw2hY7dUk-00236-00267624-00268098 just because I think as you'll see in this example that this review that claims to fgTw2hY7dUk-00237-00268098-00268590 have been PRISMA compliance and many elements it unfortunately was not even the original fgTw2hY7dUk-00238-00268590-00269166 one so I don't think that we need to be putting that indication in our titles for our review. fgTw2hY7dUk-00239-00269346-00269784 So yes but some people start seeing that others are doing it and they think they should fgTw2hY7dUk-00240-00269784-00270210 start doing it so it has increased slightly over the last few years and I'd hope it would stop fgTw2hY7dUk-00241-00270324-00270918 so what I'll do is go through some of the items fgTw2hY7dUk-00242-00270996-00271380 um or I've essentially got answers to all the items and as I said I'll be able to give you a fgTw2hY7dUk-00243-00271380-00272064 completed assessment or at least completed by myself and I'll put that on the on onto the fgTw2hY7dUk-00244-00272202-00272592 open science framework at the end but it would be good to hear your thoughts as well fgTw2hY7dUk-00245-00272682-00273162 for certain items I don't know if we'll be able to speak about every single fgTw2hY7dUk-00246-00273162-00273870 one of them um given the time but um I'm very happy to hear any counterpoints to my assessment fgTw2hY7dUk-00247-00273978-00274470 and any sort of questions for clarification about the items in the checklist themselves fgTw2hY7dUk-00248-00274572-00274956 some of it you might have found some more difficult to assess than others fgTw2hY7dUk-00249-00275106-00275712 I'll start off just with the capacity ones essentially I didn't ask you to assess the fgTw2hY7dUk-00250-00275712-00276312 abstract but at least I'll show you my assessment so for whether they indicated fgTw2hY7dUk-00251-00276420-00276834 that this is a systematic review on the title they actually didn't they called it a fgTw2hY7dUk-00252-00276834-00277788 meta-analysis, we were a bit more I guess made a more like a strict recommendation in fgTw2hY7dUk-00253-00277788-00278364 PRISMA 2020 encouraging people to use the term systematic review rather than meta-analysis if fgTw2hY7dUk-00254-00278364-00278916 they have in fact conducted a systematic review given that we would see a meta-analysis as one fgTw2hY7dUk-00255-00278916-00279486 component of a systematic review that is the statistical combination of studies fgTw2hY7dUk-00256-00279594-00280152 and so that's why we're a bit I guess maybe harsher than the original PRISMA statement was fgTw2hY7dUk-00257-00280266-00280752 so in that sense we didn't say that they had reported the term systematic review on the title fgTw2hY7dUk-00258-00280860-00281262 and just for I didn't ask you to assess it because I didn't include the checklist fgTw2hY7dUk-00259-00281262-00281766 for abstracts, there were a few things that weren't um covered in there abstract fgTw2hY7dUk-00260-00281766-00282288 which I know is sometimes hard to convey all in when you have journalists word limits but fgTw2hY7dUk-00261-00282288-00282828 certain things we wanted to see were an indication of whether a risk of bias was fgTw2hY7dUk-00262-00282828-00283500 assessed what the actual direction of effect was any limitations of the methods and and special fgTw2hY7dUk-00263-00283500-00283992 by the funding or registration of the review, these sort of things we know that a lot of review fgTw2hY7dUk-00264-00283992-00284448 offers sorry a lot of people throughout the world don't necessarily have access to the full review fgTw2hY7dUk-00265-00284526-00284862 and so that's why we want to see as much information and Abstract as possible. fgTw2hY7dUk-00266-00284976-00285642 Alternatively people could start hosting preprints of their static reviews for which fgTw2hY7dUk-00267-00285696-00286044 the authors would be able anyone in the world should be able to access them freely fgTw2hY7dUk-00268-00286134-00286758 ideally in future, say something's come in the chat, yep just a question I will be sharing all fgTw2hY7dUk-00269-00286758-00287388 my slides as well I'll put the slides and the answers um up on the open science framework. fgTw2hY7dUk-00270-00287532-00288246 So that was those first two items, I'll probably just stop for a few ones to open them fgTw2hY7dUk-00271-00288246-00288882 to discussion damn track whether the rationale and objectives of the review were fgTw2hY7dUk-00272-00288882-00289536 reported, I thought that they were completely reported having included all the introduction fgTw2hY7dUk-00273-00289536-00290040 texts but I think they gave, I mean when I'm saying recorder completely I'm not necessarily fgTw2hY7dUk-00274-00290040-00290472 saying that they're the way that I would have reported them but I would say that I'm comfortable fgTw2hY7dUk-00275-00290472-00291378 with the information that's provided is enough for certain items um I see Wolfgang's raised fgTw2hY7dUk-00276-00291378-00292278 his hand can I yeah I just asked my question directly so with okay this meta-analysis fgTw2hY7dUk-00277-00292278-00292908 is pretty pretty succinct right pretty brief right so the introduction is it's pretty short fgTw2hY7dUk-00278-00293022-00293676 and yeah we're struggling about the rationale like is that so efficient what they are providing, fgTw2hY7dUk-00279-00293676-00294408 I did say completely actually so I was trying to be generous here but one could also argue fgTw2hY7dUk-00280-00294408-00295068 about I don't know I mean you need to embed this much more broadly much more detail is needed so fgTw2hY7dUk-00281-00295158-00295962 when it comes to sort of assessing whether somebody has followed these guidelines would you fgTw2hY7dUk-00282-00295962-00296544 recommend that actually two people independently do this and sort of compare their results. fgTw2hY7dUk-00283-00296640-00297108 Absolutely I mean I think in most of these sort of studies where we're having fgTw2hY7dUk-00284-00297180-00297690 um trying to document reporting quality of reviews we do tend to recommend two people fgTw2hY7dUk-00285-00297690-00298386 do it because there is an element of subjectivity in all of this so, yeah I'd strongly recommend fgTw2hY7dUk-00286-00298386-00298980 having two people do that and coming to discuss their discrepancies and trying to resolve them. fgTw2hY7dUk-00287-00299082-00299520 I will also say to one other things that one I've essentially asked you to fgTw2hY7dUk-00288-00299520-00299928 do is just look at the sort of the the standard PRISMA checklist we do have fgTw2hY7dUk-00289-00300036-00300510 a lot more guidance in the explanation and elaboration document which puts in bullet points fgTw2hY7dUk-00290-00300510-00300996 some more detailed recommendations on what a rationale section just effectively should include fgTw2hY7dUk-00291-00301080-00301626 and so there is an expanded checklist that's also available on the PRISMA website but fgTw2hY7dUk-00292-00301626-00302034 I just mean just the time I didn't get people to assess that but that does sort of include things fgTw2hY7dUk-00293-00302034-00302526 like indicate sort of what's the I guess the theoretical rationale for why this intervention fgTw2hY7dUk-00294-00302526-00303222 might be effective and why a review needs to be done on this topic at all so there's a lot fgTw2hY7dUk-00295-00303222-00303792 more they probably could have included but yes sometimes I think I'm somewhat inconsistent fgTw2hY7dUk-00296-00303792-00304512 across this Workshop whether I'm generous or harsh so we'll see as we go along okay yeah fgTw2hY7dUk-00297-00304680-00305286 and in terms of an objective they have a very I thought that it was complete enough in terms fgTw2hY7dUk-00298-00305286-00305730 of saying that their objective is to carry out a meta-analysis of the effects of wine intake fgTw2hY7dUk-00299-00305730-00306540 on blood pressure and so effectively including at least in medicine we use the sort of the fgTw2hY7dUk-00300-00306540-00307116 PICO framework for participants intervention, comparator and outcome that effectively fgTw2hY7dUk-00301-00307116-00307716 included their participants as in people with type 2 diabetes evaluating effects of wine fgTw2hY7dUk-00302-00307716-00308256 in them and on the effect of these certain outcomes so I was relatively okay with that. fgTw2hY7dUk-00303-00308466-00308964 Now the next item on eligibility criteria fgTw2hY7dUk-00304-00309114-00309798 has essentially two components that were the ladder which was introduced in PRISMA 2020, it's fgTw2hY7dUk-00305-00309798-00310428 essentially asking people to consider eligibility criteria for the review as a whole but then also fgTw2hY7dUk-00306-00310428-00310956 sort of say up front how they would be grouping studies if they were to come and do some syntheses fgTw2hY7dUk-00307-00310956-00311502 down the track so which is effectively defining eligibility criteria for the syntheses themselves fgTw2hY7dUk-00308-00311616-00312222 and so I thought the the first component of what sort of studies they would want to fgTw2hY7dUk-00309-00312222-00312960 include as a whole was effectively okay but there wasn't really an indication of what sort of fgTw2hY7dUk-00310-00312960-00313638 studies would be grouped so how you would consider if you were to do a meta-analysis of wine the fgTw2hY7dUk-00311-00313638-00314214 effect of wine does it have to be they have to be all red or certain over a certain duration of fgTw2hY7dUk-00312-00314214-00314850 time and and things like that and so saying a front what's the decision rules you have fgTw2hY7dUk-00313-00314910-00315498 to sort of combine the studies and and essentially defining the symptoms that it says fgTw2hY7dUk-00314-00315498-00316020 you plan to conduct, we think would be quite useful um worth getting another question so fgTw2hY7dUk-00315-00316188-00316998 so I'm just just as a general question say so people are supposed to now this comes a fgTw2hY7dUk-00316-00316998-00317586 bit later but just to give an example as opposed to maybe indicate how they assess risk of bias fgTw2hY7dUk-00317-00317586-00318186 and what was used so that's supposed to be in the method section now let's say that you say anything fgTw2hY7dUk-00318-00318186-00319002 about it but in the results section then they they explain we used the Cochrane risk of bias tool fgTw2hY7dUk-00319-00319002-00319494 blah blah blah here are the results now how would you score that would you still say in the method fgTw2hY7dUk-00320-00319494-00320130 section they fail to report what they will do even though it's fully explained in the results section. fgTw2hY7dUk-00321-00320292-00320934 No I would not say they failed to report it the thing is it I know that the way the checklist fgTw2hY7dUk-00322-00320934-00321600 is designed looks like it's suggesting that one must follow this structure to the to the letter fgTw2hY7dUk-00323-00321708-00322278 that's not the case we essentially would say we do even say we do say in fgTw2hY7dUk-00324-00322278-00322746 the PRISMA of statement papers that as long as the information is reported somewhere fgTw2hY7dUk-00325-00322812-00323418 then we're happy with that, we know that not everyone can include all this information in the fgTw2hY7dUk-00326-00323418-00324114 main manuscript file and sometimes the information has to go on to appendices or into repositories so fgTw2hY7dUk-00327-00324114-00324756 I don't have I would if I feel like the information was reported elsewhere it's fgTw2hY7dUk-00328-00324756-00325452 not necessarily a method section I would still say yes but that has been reported so yeah. fgTw2hY7dUk-00329-00325776-00326094 Any other questions so far people might have if you can raise your fgTw2hY7dUk-00330-00326094-00326412 hands so I can see or you can just start speaking I think you can unmute yourself. fgTw2hY7dUk-00331-00326628-00327552 Nope all right, okay so information sources effectively asking whether the database what fgTw2hY7dUk-00332-00327552-00328470 databases were consulted so for this one, I consider this was partially reported fgTw2hY7dUk-00333-00328470-00328932 this item here is effectively wanted to know what databases were consulted and when they fgTw2hY7dUk-00334-00328932-00329424 were actually consulted is pretty much the authors have just briefly indicated fgTw2hY7dUk-00335-00329532-00330096 that they've used PubMed and EMBASE and Scopus and specified it was published fgTw2hY7dUk-00336-00330096-00330714 up to November 2018. What we strongly advise people now is to actually specify the actual date fgTw2hY7dUk-00337-00330816-00331458 given that it could be any date within that period for which the actual search was done fgTw2hY7dUk-00338-00331458-00332046 and in terms of being able to reproduce it , it would be just much better if the actual dates were fgTw2hY7dUk-00339-00332046-00332754 provided and sometimes there's an issue too where some people some authors will say they've fgTw2hY7dUk-00340-00332754-00333270 sort of done their search for articles published up to a certain date they don't tell you when fgTw2hY7dUk-00341-00333270-00333786 they actually ran that search it could have been a month or two later during that time more and more fgTw2hY7dUk-00342-00333786-00334626 records can be input into those databases so being a bit more explicit about those dates is useful. fgTw2hY7dUk-00343-00334788-00335610 Now the search strategy itself um are what did I'll go to the fgTw2hY7dUk-00344-00335610-00336246 audiences it is anyone how do they rate this particular item did anyone want to have a go, fgTw2hY7dUk-00345-00337032-00337506 I said completely but I was trying to also be a bit generous here fgTw2hY7dUk-00346-00337632-00338268 right you can always say there should be much more detail here right I mean it's this was a fgTw2hY7dUk-00347-00338268-00339198 nice example of a PDF that you could read in in 20 minutes right if if it was a lot longer fgTw2hY7dUk-00348-00339198-00339726 yeah we would we would need more time so but with any of these I felt like well yeah there should fgTw2hY7dUk-00349-00339726-00340626 be more detail provided but yeah I said okay I mean they just specified the databases, fgTw2hY7dUk-00350-00340770-00341406 they they mentioned that they sort of like screened the the references fgTw2hY7dUk-00351-00341484-00341946 yeah filters limits use, they didn't quite I don't think I fgTw2hY7dUk-00352-00342006-00342744 say that explicitly but okay I feel like you also sometimes have to read between the lines if if fgTw2hY7dUk-00353-00342744-00343524 they don't specify that they right do you have to explicitly say we didn't use any filters or limits? fgTw2hY7dUk-00354-00343524-00344466 To what extent do you have to read between the lines sometimes which you of course fgTw2hY7dUk-00355-00344466-00345012 always have to do when you're assessing the the articles themselves you're often reading between fgTw2hY7dUk-00356-00345012-00345570 the lines, to what extent do you do this when you are sort of checking here whether people fgTw2hY7dUk-00357-00345570-00346272 comply it with with these guidelines So It's Tricky generally right it is and it depends fgTw2hY7dUk-00358-00346272-00346848 explicit right it's write it down explicitly that's always better and don't make people fgTw2hY7dUk-00359-00346848-00347370 guess right but yeah yeah that's the ideal and I think that there are there are those fgTw2hY7dUk-00360-00347370-00348030 of us who would be more expecting that explicit information just so they can indicate whether fgTw2hY7dUk-00361-00348030-00348402 it was appeared or not but I do realize that there are challenges with reporting in general. fgTw2hY7dUk-00362-00348522-00349260 I mean with this one my problem was more about the fact that what I'm expecting or fgTw2hY7dUk-00363-00349260-00350016 encouraging for this is that people give the full line-by-line search strategy as exactly as run and fgTw2hY7dUk-00364-00350016-00350574 the thing that I found problematic about this was they gave you some MeSH and inventory terms fgTw2hY7dUk-00365-00350574-00351096 but not exactly how they were combined and run in the databases and I think that would be fgTw2hY7dUk-00366-00351186-00351702 the original PRISMA was sort of saying at least provide one of those line by line fgTw2hY7dUk-00367-00351702-00352350 search strategies but nowadays we think that I've given you can upload and export your whole search fgTw2hY7dUk-00368-00352350-00352944 strategy after you've run it and include it as a text file on the open science framework to fgTw2hY7dUk-00369-00352944-00353382 allow people to actually take it and and if they want to update your review they can essentially fgTw2hY7dUk-00370-00353382-00353970 rerun it exactly as run or look through the search strategy to see if there are any errors fgTw2hY7dUk-00371-00353970-00354660 in how it was constructed that are likely to have led to certain papers being missed so fgTw2hY7dUk-00372-00354756-00355566 definitely wanted a bit more information for this one here so yeah yeah Matt fgTw2hY7dUk-00373-00355776-00356514 yeah on this one do you then recommend them having like a appendices with the search in or as you fgTw2hY7dUk-00374-00356514-00357030 say linked to somewhere else that's that's what they should be that's the ideal thing is as you have fgTw2hY7dUk-00375-00357030-00357642 your search somewhere findable and usable, yeah absolutely I think that's like the ideal scenario fgTw2hY7dUk-00376-00357642-00358266 and I think I think even Neal Haddaway has been working with some Librarians like Melissa Melissa fgTw2hY7dUk-00377-00358266-00358782 Rethlefsen. I think they've created a special repository of search strategies that people fgTw2hY7dUk-00378-00358782-00359274 can upload their search strategies they've used in their review so that they're findable and reusable fgTw2hY7dUk-00379-00359376-00359970 and yeah I think that's a good way forward, given that we it's sort of similar to the the fgTw2hY7dUk-00380-00359970-00360654 encouragement to share data for studies it's sort of like this is an underlying material that played fgTw2hY7dUk-00381-00360654-00361140 a significant probably likely played a significant role in the identification of your studies so fgTw2hY7dUk-00382-00361224-00361578 yeah I think that's something we'd want to see more of, thank you. fgTw2hY7dUk-00383-00361902-00362622 All right now the next question about selection process, I didn't I didn't really see anything fgTw2hY7dUk-00384-00362622-00363192 about the selection process in this review as in how many authors screened articles, fgTw2hY7dUk-00385-00363252-00363636 whether they use this two test stage approach screening titles and abstracts fgTw2hY7dUk-00386-00363636-00364182 versus full text. I might be wrong if people disagree they can say this is a text but I fgTw2hY7dUk-00387-00364182-00364596 remember when I looked through it I was not really I didn't come across it I thought fgTw2hY7dUk-00388-00364698-00365514 but yeah if you if you found something then you definitely I'm happy to be proven wrong with that fgTw2hY7dUk-00389-00365574-00366120 but I was expecting to see how many people and who's acting who's involved in this process fgTw2hY7dUk-00390-00366198-00366870 and and didn't on the other hand there was a lot more information about the data extraction fgTw2hY7dUk-00391-00366870-00367482 process which I kind of see them as separate steps and I mean I know that you could assume fgTw2hY7dUk-00392-00367482-00367896 that it complies to all of them but at least in this instance on where I'm being fgTw2hY7dUk-00393-00367896-00368484 kind of harsh or or demanding I guess not demanding I don't want to say in demanding fgTw2hY7dUk-00394-00368550-00369012 expecting more explicit information and sometimes it can just come down to saying fgTw2hY7dUk-00395-00369012-00369468 things like across all these multiple steps including risk of bias, data collection and fgTw2hY7dUk-00396-00369468-00370134 screening two people were involved and this was how the information happened. I've got fgTw2hY7dUk-00397-00370134-00370854 a question, did you want to ask that question by by person instead you can unmute yourself. fgTw2hY7dUk-00398-00371220-00371766 Take that as a no and I'll just read it out one human plus machine learning counts as two for you fgTw2hY7dUk-00399-00371766-00372468 for screening yeah I mean it doesn't it's not so much the number it's the the who was involved fgTw2hY7dUk-00400-00372468-00372990 in the screening so if they indicated that one or one human and a machine was used to sort of fgTw2hY7dUk-00401-00372990-00373728 roll out clearly ineligible articles then that would be fine, that's providing the information fgTw2hY7dUk-00402-00373728-00374382 so I don't need to know the actual numbering I guess, two entities I guess you could call them fgTw2hY7dUk-00403-00374466-00375024 a human and machine so yes as long as it's clear how that was done then that's good. fgTw2hY7dUk-00404-00375150-00375804 Yeah I've been super hard harsh here and I I probably will get rid of that not clear if fgTw2hY7dUk-00405-00375804-00376176 data was sort from study authors like going back to Wolfgang's question about do you have fgTw2hY7dUk-00406-00376176-00376770 to explicitly say we didn't actually do that because I think there are certain elements where fgTw2hY7dUk-00407-00376866-00377370 yeah it just never occurred to you because you didn't need to do it then do you really fgTw2hY7dUk-00408-00377370-00377958 need to say it probably not I'm sort of just going through if you were taking a very fgTw2hY7dUk-00409-00377958-00378540 harsh lens and wanted to know then yeah that sort of information was not there in this item fgTw2hY7dUk-00410-00378696-00379242 and then the data items what all the effort specifically the outcomes they're interested in fgTw2hY7dUk-00411-00379404-00380022 but this one I was sort of like to say that well they've given us sort of some information fgTw2hY7dUk-00412-00380022-00380610 such as like what the outcome domains of interests were such as fast and glucose and fgTw2hY7dUk-00413-00380610-00381288 insulin and HbA1C C but what we encourage is authors to provide a bit more information fgTw2hY7dUk-00414-00381288-00381702 such as what are the sort of eligible time points at which they extracted the data fgTw2hY7dUk-00415-00381756-00382140 and sometimes we know that people in certain Fields I know that people fgTw2hY7dUk-00416-00382140-00382644 essentially extract every single result available for an outcome and they might do fgTw2hY7dUk-00417-00382734-00383514 meta-analysis, use models that accounts for the dependency between them but in other fields fgTw2hY7dUk-00418-00383514-00384162 we know at least in medicine a lot more people tend to do meta-analysis where they're kind of fgTw2hY7dUk-00419-00384162-00384750 including a study only once in the analysis so by default they have to only include one time point fgTw2hY7dUk-00420-00384750-00385410 or one measurement instrument if say depression is measured using three different scales and that fgTw2hY7dUk-00421-00385410-00385920 the hardest part know that is when they're doing that, why they're actually selecting those time fgTw2hY7dUk-00422-00385920-00386478 points and analyzes is it because of some clinical rationale or is it because those measures and time fgTw2hY7dUk-00423-00386478-00387168 points had the most favorable results so that's this type of thing that we encouraging fgTw2hY7dUk-00424-00387168-00387702 people to provide a bit more information about maybe any decision rules they use to extract the fgTw2hY7dUk-00425-00387702-00388224 data for or extract the results from their studies prior to doing their analyzes fgTw2hY7dUk-00426-00388362-00389046 and then in terms of other items other variables again that kind of provided a summary fgTw2hY7dUk-00427-00389046-00389742 of certain variables for which they selected information on such as publication, location, age fgTw2hY7dUk-00428-00389838-00390360 it was unclear if any assumptions about missing or unclear data items were mad. Again I think that fgTw2hY7dUk-00429-00390360-00390840 is another one where it could fall into the potentially assume that given they didn't fgTw2hY7dUk-00430-00390840-00391380 say anything then that therefore they did not have make any assumptions about say missing age fgTw2hY7dUk-00431-00391380-00392076 values or missing sex and gender and things like that but again keeping that if we want fgTw2hY7dUk-00432-00392076-00392538 to follow the the guideline to the letter this is what we just want to see a bit more information on fgTw2hY7dUk-00433-00392718-00393480 and in terms of the risk of bias assessments, this one also found a bit reading between the fgTw2hY7dUk-00434-00393480-00393918 lines this sort of said that there was disagreements addressed between fgTw2hY7dUk-00435-00394008-00394536 by containing consensus between reviewers I think it was still a bit unclear to me whether fgTw2hY7dUk-00436-00394536-00395028 that was done independently or whether they were just sitting side by side and doing it together so fgTw2hY7dUk-00437-00395028-00395736 some parts of it were a bit unclear for risk of bias assessment and things like as I say just fgTw2hY7dUk-00438-00395736-00396408 sort of a blanket sort of or more encompassing statement sort of pointing out which methods or fgTw2hY7dUk-00439-00396408-00396906 processes were used that were similar across all stages of the review could have accounted for that fgTw2hY7dUk-00440-00397014-00397602 so I know that we're not sort of saying that everyone has to say the screening tool fgTw2hY7dUk-00441-00397602-00397974 has independently did XYZ and then for data exception two authors independently fgTw2hY7dUk-00442-00397974-00398490 did that even you can do that if you want but it sometimes can be easier just to fgTw2hY7dUk-00443-00398490-00399330 use more to text that sort of covers multiple steps at once in that in that process. fgTw2hY7dUk-00444-00399606-00400494 In terms of effect measures used in their analyzes, I think this was more fgTw2hY7dUk-00445-00400494-00400896 straightforward I thought they said they were using a main difference for their continuous fgTw2hY7dUk-00446-00400896-00401622 meta-analysis and so that's essentially all I'm needing to see for that particular item. fgTw2hY7dUk-00447-00401778-00402618 Now then I'm gonna go I'll go go through some of the synthesis methods again for the grouping fgTw2hY7dUk-00448-00402618-00403014 of studies I think it kind of was still a bit of a black box of whether they're just gonna fgTw2hY7dUk-00449-00403074-00403506 be happy to include everything into the into an analysis or whether they were going to fgTw2hY7dUk-00450-00403506-00404052 subdivide by certain times and whether that was done sort of pre-specified or or done fgTw2hY7dUk-00451-00404052-00404706 post hoc after taking a look of look at the interventions and the outcomes that were measured fgTw2hY7dUk-00452-00404802-00405006 so I wanted a bit more information there. fgTw2hY7dUk-00453-00405150-00405708 In terms of whether they needed to prepare the data for the synthesis in certain ways or fgTw2hY7dUk-00454-00405708-00406596 again oh let me see what people thought about this one any any thoughts on the data preparation item? fgTw2hY7dUk-00455-00406860-00407748 So I assume since the tables were showing sort of means and standard deviations that fgTw2hY7dUk-00456-00407748-00408582 these were sort of reported directly and so there wasn't a need to sort of convert fgTw2hY7dUk-00457-00408582-00409224 data maybe like medians and so on like right sometimes you can convert those but fgTw2hY7dUk-00458-00409278-00410039 yeah so I as always I would have liked to see more details but in in general I thought like okay fgTw2hY7dUk-00459-00410039-00410964 just pretty pretty okay so either actually or completely yeah. Any other counterpoints to that? fgTw2hY7dUk-00460-00411402-00412085 Definitely like so I was a bit more like I'm not sure because I'm kind of taking the I feel fgTw2hY7dUk-00461-00412085-00412662 like maybe you've worked too long in this area of reporting methods where I kind of just assume if fgTw2hY7dUk-00462-00412662-00413202 I don't I guess it's more thinking about having worked on many reviews myself and knowing how fgTw2hY7dUk-00463-00413202-00413766 often I come across having to do all these data conversions at least in my field and working with fgTw2hY7dUk-00464-00413766-00414372 so many authors as well I kind of feel like it's so often happening uh to me that I kind of assume fgTw2hY7dUk-00465-00414372-00414834 that it will be a common occurrence that people are having to sort of impute missing standard fgTw2hY7dUk-00466-00414834-00415397 deviations or converting medians to means and so in that sense that's why I wanted to see that fgTw2hY7dUk-00467-00415397-00415950 information or even an indication that this is the data that we we need to do anything we fgTw2hY7dUk-00468-00415950-00416592 just kind of use what we had so I think in that having that information provided can fgTw2hY7dUk-00469-00416592-00417185 be useful if you want to sort of backtrack and see whether the the data that has been entered fgTw2hY7dUk-00470-00417185-00417726 has been imputed in some way and and whether you would have used something alternative fgTw2hY7dUk-00471-00417780-00418524 so yeah I just make sure the next time I submit my meta-analysis I at least you as an excluded review fgTw2hY7dUk-00472-00418524-00419268 but I'm here to help Wolfgang, I'm here to help improve the manuscript fgTw2hY7dUk-00473-00419592-00420347 so yeah in terms of tabulation and visualization methods this was a bit this is fgTw2hY7dUk-00474-00420347-00420780 I've said knowing that they haven't really specified how they've sort of structured the fgTw2hY7dUk-00475-00420780-00421284 information but I've kind of backed I might Backtrack on that and yeah I'll think more fgTw2hY7dUk-00476-00421284-00421908 about that one the way that things were prepared so let me think more about that fgTw2hY7dUk-00477-00421908-00422424 but I will go to the next one and want to know if people thought the meta-analysis methods were okay. fgTw2hY7dUk-00478-00422982-00423288 Come on Wolfgang I can see you desperately trying to say something there, fgTw2hY7dUk-00479-00423443-00424235 well I'm just not a great fan of this sort of data dependent selection of models so if there's fgTw2hY7dUk-00480-00424235-00425022 a certain amount of I Square then we use a random I just don't I just I'm not a big fan of that fgTw2hY7dUk-00481-00425118-00425808 so yeah I mean I agree and I I agree that that's I'm not a fan of that either I guess, fgTw2hY7dUk-00482-00425934-00426600 coming back to that distinction between whether it's completely reported versus whether it's done fgTw2hY7dUk-00483-00426600-00427176 well or appropriately, I think yeah that's the thing that we're kind of would need to focus on fgTw2hY7dUk-00484-00427176-00427752 with PRISMA at least so I mean I mean I totally agree with and in fact I said completely actually fgTw2hY7dUk-00485-00427752-00428466 because I mean you can debate about methods and approaches and strategies and I think what is fgTw2hY7dUk-00486-00428466-00429174 crucial is the the completeness of the reporting which makes it possible to have even a discussion fgTw2hY7dUk-00487-00429174-00429846 about differences and results depending on how you do things so I think that is I I I'm fgTw2hY7dUk-00488-00429846-00430643 not critiquing the reporting here right and I said this is fine the way they did it yeah so fgTw2hY7dUk-00489-00430643-00431226 completely reported but not necessarily done well and I think that's the case in in various fgTw2hY7dUk-00490-00431226-00431735 items you could say that when people indicate that only one author extracted data you wouldn't fgTw2hY7dUk-00491-00431735-00432360 necessarily, I agree that that's an optimal method but at least you know that they've done it fgTw2hY7dUk-00492-00432360-00432924 and then it enables you to assess how much you trust you might place in those findings so fgTw2hY7dUk-00493-00433284-00434082 now I know with any I think we've still got plenty of time hopefully, I didn't really see fgTw2hY7dUk-00494-00434082-00434814 anything about exploring heterogeneity any methods used to explore heterogeneity in this paper fgTw2hY7dUk-00495-00434814-00435468 whereas they did indicate some type of sensitivity analyzes of sort of taking out each study one fgTw2hY7dUk-00496-00435468-00436043 by one again they could have done other analyzes it's not the Beyond end-all but at least fgTw2hY7dUk-00497-00436097-00436626 yeah I'm assuming that they've indicated that completely so it wasn't so harsh on that one there. fgTw2hY7dUk-00498-00436782-00437262 Now in terms of reporting bias assessment following up from our the webinar we had fgTw2hY7dUk-00499-00437262-00437934 earlier this early this or earlier today I think I mean they've indicated what sort of fgTw2hY7dUk-00500-00437934-00438347 methods that these statistical methods have used I mean I know personally I wouldn't say that they're fgTw2hY7dUk-00501-00438347-00438942 the greatest things they could have done and they could have used some other approaches but uh I fgTw2hY7dUk-00502-00438942-00439680 was indicating that was complete. Now in terms of certainty assessment this is a bit more maybe fgTw2hY7dUk-00503-00439680-00440142 it's more specific to health and medical reviews where we recommend people are using sort of fgTw2hY7dUk-00504-00440142-00440568 a grade approach to assessing how confident or certain they are in the body of evidence fgTw2hY7dUk-00505-00440676-00441216 unless it's kind of expected more in medical reviews and I didn't see any indication of that fgTw2hY7dUk-00506-00441216-00441906 in in this paper, any reference to considering certain factors that indicated how confident or fgTw2hY7dUk-00507-00441906-00442938 certain they were in the in the events so that's all the methods items.In terms of the flow fgTw2hY7dUk-00508-00442938-00444042 diagram did we see a flow diagram in this review, yeah so yep there was a flow diagram indicating fgTw2hY7dUk-00509-00444138-00444750 um well the studies in this particular systematic review. The next one though where was pretty much fgTw2hY7dUk-00510-00444852-00445535 what we've what's different about PRISMA 2020 compared to previous iterations is that fgTw2hY7dUk-00511-00445535-00446256 now rather than just sort of indicating the sort of reasons for exclusion in a flow diagram we fgTw2hY7dUk-00512-00446256-00447000 think it's helpful to cite some of these sort of near maybe nearness excluded studies just so fgTw2hY7dUk-00513-00447089-00447689 readers can actually follow up and see if they actually agree with the eligibility the degree fgTw2hY7dUk-00514-00447689-00448385 that those studies are actually ineligible so I didn't really see any excluded studies cited in fgTw2hY7dUk-00515-00448385-00448889 this particular review and it's not as if you cite every paper you excluded kind of just thinking fgTw2hY7dUk-00516-00448889-00449562 Some ones that and you think that a reader who's knowledgeable in this area would possibly at fgTw2hY7dUk-00517-00449562-00449946 least maybe come after you if they noted that you didn't include their study in their review fgTw2hY7dUk-00518-00450012-00450552 so that you can at least back up yourself and provide justification for that. fgTw2hY7dUk-00519-00450750-00451482 In terms of study characteristics and risk of bias, I thought that was pretty clearly reported fgTw2hY7dUk-00520-00451554-00452112 in table one and it had some traffic light plots for the risk of bias tables as well fgTw2hY7dUk-00521-00452268-00452880 so the information on that as a whole is reported, results of individual studies fgTw2hY7dUk-00522-00452993-00453582 I was relatively so I was fine with that too, you can sort of see this information such fgTw2hY7dUk-00523-00453582-00454085 as this the means and standard deviations and the main differences appear in these fgTw2hY7dUk-00524-00454085-00454710 Forest plots so that's hard to emit that information if you're using software fgTw2hY7dUk-00525-00454793-00455742 most of this meta-analysis software, speaking of that the more is setting the the chances at the fgTw2hY7dUk-00526-00455742-00456402 standard deviation was exactly the same in the two groups is pretty I would say so maybe that's fgTw2hY7dUk-00527-00456402-00457080 some kind of poor standard deviation right so that there's maybe some some missing data and some some fgTw2hY7dUk-00528-00457080-00457710 may have fudging or some approximations that are being used so yeah I didn't look at it carefully fgTw2hY7dUk-00529-00457710-00458424 but now that I'm looking at it no and then I mean even yeah so Gepner as well has the same as day fgTw2hY7dUk-00530-00458597-00459239 so yeah maybe this is one of those things where maybe when I read this thing it's completely fgTw2hY7dUk-00531-00459239-00459756 impossible that the standard deviations were exactly the same in the two groups yeah yeah yeah fgTw2hY7dUk-00532-00459756-00460385 and so that goes back to that earlier item on data preparation and in this case it looks like they've fgTw2hY7dUk-00533-00460385-00460878 done something, there must be some explanation for that that has not been declared so that could be fgTw2hY7dUk-00534-00460878-00461442 because I think they included like crossover studies so for me I don't know anyway right fgTw2hY7dUk-00535-00461496-00462108 yeah yeah yeah yeah I think that's right so yeah now results fgTw2hY7dUk-00536-00462108-00462552 of syntheses characteristics, I want to know if people thought of this one 20a, fgTw2hY7dUk-00537-00463368-00464039 I said partially because they didn't do this percentages they did some overall sort of fgTw2hY7dUk-00538-00464118-00464754 risk of bias assessment but they didn't sort of tailor it for each specific analysis that they did. fgTw2hY7dUk-00539-00464826-00465539 Yeah actually my conclusion as well so that wasn't that's sort of something with this is another new fgTw2hY7dUk-00540-00465539-00466092 thing recommended in PRISMA because a lot of people do a great job of saying okay these 40 fgTw2hY7dUk-00541-00466092-00466668 studies the average age was X and there was this many people from this certain countries but then fgTw2hY7dUk-00542-00466668-00467076 when they're sort of reporting the results of a meta-analysis of say five of those studies it's a fgTw2hY7dUk-00543-00467076-00467693 bit of a unclear what sort of how representative the patients in those five studies are for the fgTw2hY7dUk-00544-00467693-00468143 population to which you're trying to extrapolate the results and so we're not necessarily saying fgTw2hY7dUk-00545-00468143-00468606 you have to make do it in a very cumbersome way of every meta-analysis you presents you have to go fgTw2hY7dUk-00546-00468666-00469116 essentially create a characteristics table but at least some indication of fgTw2hY7dUk-00547-00469116-00469470 how they differ across the meta-analyzes could be fgTw2hY7dUk-00548-00469542-00469962 a way of summarizing that just so that then people can interpret the results fgTw2hY7dUk-00549-00470064-00470778 appropriately so if the result is basically based on one and ended up the included studies fgTw2hY7dUk-00550-00470778-00471468 for which that had data amenable demand analysis all tend to be very young people in Australia fgTw2hY7dUk-00551-00471468-00472062 then your inclusions of generalizability would be quite different compared to say what all the fgTw2hY7dUk-00552-00472062-00472584 other studies in the review town so that's why we want this small synthesis reporting fgTw2hY7dUk-00553-00472722-00473147 results of the meta-analysis. I think for fine in terms fgTw2hY7dUk-00554-00473147-00473520 of let's sort of standard statistics presented on your Forest plot here fgTw2hY7dUk-00555-00473652-00474360 so that one says okay assessments of heterogeneity given there was no real mention fgTw2hY7dUk-00556-00474360-00475176 of exploring heterogeneity, they said no for that um whereas for sensitivity analysis they have fgTw2hY7dUk-00557-00475176-00475668 sort of indicated nothing really changed once they took out each study and this is the results fgTw2hY7dUk-00558-00475668-00476226 of they even put supplementary table showing the results when each one was taken out as well fgTw2hY7dUk-00559-00476435-00477180 so it's helpful indications of reporting bias uncertainty of evidence that you give I think fgTw2hY7dUk-00560-00477180-00477924 the the p-values from the bag and Egger test in their table 2 again not necessarily fgTw2hY7dUk-00561-00477924-00478397 saying it's the greatest way to assess reporting bias but at least they've reported consistently fgTw2hY7dUk-00562-00478397-00478860 what they said they were going to do whereas there's no information on certain being evidence, fgTw2hY7dUk-00563-00479039-00479652 they're nearly done in terms of it General interpretation I thought it was relatively fine fgTw2hY7dUk-00564-00479652-00480354 it's pretty I think it's hard to sort of not do this one where I guess well we're kind fgTw2hY7dUk-00565-00480354-00480906 of just providing your interpretation of the results. They did provide him a discussion fgTw2hY7dUk-00566-00480906-00481439 and some indication of some of the limitations of the included studies but what I didn't think fgTw2hY7dUk-00567-00481439-00481914 they did very well was provide any reflection of possible limitations of the methods that they used fgTw2hY7dUk-00568-00481914-00482447 themselves I didn't really see them say anything about the possible problems of the methods they fgTw2hY7dUk-00569-00482447-00482880 use such as whether they thought search that they did was sufficient enough ,whether they'd search fgTw2hY7dUk-00570-00482880-00483539 from published data for example and things like that and implications I thought were fgTw2hY7dUk-00571-00483539-00484338 relatively fine, there's a lot more information in the document I've put online as well and then fgTw2hY7dUk-00572-00484338-00484860 the last few items which are more administrative information I didn't really see anything about fgTw2hY7dUk-00573-00484860-00485418 registration of the review, I didn't see the mention that they worked from a protocol and fgTw2hY7dUk-00574-00485418-00485976 as a result there's no indication of any changes between registration and protocol and the final review. fgTw2hY7dUk-00575-00486216-00486816 The funding source of the review, I didn't really see anything about funding source either fgTw2hY7dUk-00576-00486816-00487343 I mean I think sometimes it can be I think a lot of reviews are unfunded and so it can be fgTw2hY7dUk-00577-00487343-00487818 just default to just assume that it wasn't funded but I think it's better to just fgTw2hY7dUk-00578-00487818-00488400 say that up front if there was no funding received and they have indicated that they fgTw2hY7dUk-00579-00488400-00489180 didn't have any declaration committing interest to declare and then finally fgTw2hY7dUk-00580-00489180-00489684 whether they actually made sort of reusable data files available and code and other materials fgTw2hY7dUk-00581-00489762-00490470 I said no in this instance and haven't shared any files on in certain repositories, how to fgTw2hY7dUk-00582-00490470-00490914 always share code depending on the software they've used but I think this is something fgTw2hY7dUk-00583-00490914-00491447 you we added to PRISMA that we want to see a bit more of especially I think it's more valuable for fgTw2hY7dUk-00584-00491447-00492330 reviews that are using more complex methods and and code for their review so we've got about fgTw2hY7dUk-00585-00492330-00492930 a few minutes left so that's essentially just a whirlwind examination of this particular review. fgTw2hY7dUk-00586-00493074-00493578 I just want to finish off by just I guess sign posting a couple other developments fgTw2hY7dUk-00587-00493674-00494250 so as I said as I said earlier I think most people kind of just are exposed to guidelines like fgTw2hY7dUk-00588-00494250-00494730 PRISMA at the journal submission stage when which is I think a bit too late for them to actually fgTw2hY7dUk-00589-00494730-00495330 make those changes and I think there's also not really other than kind of getting to fill out fgTw2hY7dUk-00590-00495330-00495797 this sort of standard checklist, there's not really tools available for peer reviewers to efficiently fgTw2hY7dUk-00591-00495852-00496326 as well as sort of assessing the sort of the importance of the question and the rigor of fgTw2hY7dUk-00592-00496326-00496878 the methods to see whether to indicate whether that's actually being completely reported fgTw2hY7dUk-00593-00496878-00497406 that's not necessarily easy to do and so we've just received funding from the fgTw2hY7dUk-00594-00497406-00498150 Australian national health and medical research Council to develop some web apps to help uh fgTw2hY7dUk-00595-00498150-00498708 better Implement these guidelines into practice sort of PRISMA web app to help essentially fgTw2hY7dUk-00596-00498810-00499530 encourage people to report their review completely at the writing stage and then a different app fgTw2hY7dUk-00597-00499530-00500039 for peer reviewers to help generate sort of customized reports that indicate what's fgTw2hY7dUk-00598-00500039-00500502 missing from a manuscript and we'll also be doing some randomized trials with authors fgTw2hY7dUk-00599-00500502-00501246 to see if these apps that we create are actually more beneficial than just what's standard practice. fgTw2hY7dUk-00600-00501402-00501804 Another thing that's where we want to try and work on too fgTw2hY7dUk-00601-00501906-00502416 a lot there's a there's some of you might be aware there are now many extensions to PRISMA fgTw2hY7dUk-00602-00502416-00503064 that focus on particular components of the review or particular areas and the slight problem with fgTw2hY7dUk-00603-00503064-00503682 that is that sometimes people need to consult multiple PRISMA guidelines for a single review fgTw2hY7dUk-00604-00503682-00504324 so if you're say doing a systematic review with network meta-analysis of individual patient data fgTw2hY7dUk-00605-00504324-00504900 on the hands of say COVID-19 vaccines then you effectively have to look at PRISMA 2020 PRISMA fgTw2hY7dUk-00606-00504900-00505368 IPD, NMA and PRISMA harms and so we want to try and get a harmonize the guidelines fgTw2hY7dUk-00607-00505458-00506262 and and create in these online systems more customizable checklists that only fgTw2hY7dUk-00608-00506262-00506892 pick out the most relevant items that are unique across all of the these guidelines. fgTw2hY7dUk-00609-00507060-00507618 so that's wherefore we've embarking very soon and carrying on over the next few years fgTw2hY7dUk-00610-00507750-00508278 but just to summarize the take a message from this is that we've got in PRISMA fgTw2hY7dUk-00611-00508278-00508668 2020 some reporting guideline, guidance that reflects advances over the last fgTw2hY7dUk-00612-00508739-00509364 decade or so in methods to identify select, appraise and synthesize studies. We have fgTw2hY7dUk-00613-00509364-00509916 shiny apps of people to use to complete their checklists and flow diagrams, any information fgTw2hY7dUk-00614-00509916-00510426 on the latest version of all these checklists is available of the PRISMA statement website you can fgTw2hY7dUk-00615-00510426-00510984 also always contact me by on Twitter or email if you have any questions about the guidelines fgTw2hY7dUk-00616-00511182-00512256 but so if there's any questions people have or any feedback for this session as I fgTw2hY7dUk-00617-00512256-00513120 said I will post both these slides and sort of an answer sheet into up out into the the open fgTw2hY7dUk-00618-00513120-00513834 science framework so you can take a closer look if you're interested in doing, so coming back to fgTw2hY7dUk-00619-00513834-00514608 my question from earlier have do you know of any any studies research where multiple people filled fgTw2hY7dUk-00620-00514608-00515364 out these sort of checklists and then results were compared to see how how consistent fgTw2hY7dUk-00621-00515693-00516539 I'm not aware of yeah yeah it's they're probably are some studies fgTw2hY7dUk-00622-00516600-00517062 at least there's definitely not studies on PRISMA 2020 yet because it's new but the older ones there fgTw2hY7dUk-00623-00517062-00517566 might be have been some studies looking at the integrator agreement but I don't yeah it's funny fgTw2hY7dUk-00624-00517566-00517932 I can't think of any that comes straight to mind. I know there's quite a lot of studies that have fgTw2hY7dUk-00625-00517932-00518526 evaluated inter-aid agreement for risk of bias tools and so there's that I can easily pull up fgTw2hY7dUk-00626-00518526-00519006 then but I'm not sure if people when they're evaluating reporting quality they tend to just fgTw2hY7dUk-00627-00519072-00519635 kind of expected there'll be sort of some disagreements and that they just need to resolve fgTw2hY7dUk-00628-00519635-00520128 them they'll just report that rather than sort of giving you like a cabin statistic for the fgTw2hY7dUk-00629-00520128-00521118 preliminary assessment between the two but yeah I'm not aware of that sorry. I think fgTw2hY7dUk-00630-00521118-00521747 this this would make for an interesting project right just to see which items are easier to rate fgTw2hY7dUk-00631-00521747-00522443 for people consistent versus others and yeah yeah definitely no that would help getting fgTw2hY7dUk-00632-00522443-00522989 give feedback to us in terms of how we've put the items together and yeah what needs work fgTw2hY7dUk-00633-00523722-00524022 yeah any other questions? fgTw2hY7dUk-00634-00524706-00525162 well in that case I think I might close the session a minute before it's finished so thanks fgTw2hY7dUk-00635-00525162-00525762 everyone for saying, I will say I'm stunned at the the last time I did a workshop like this fgTw2hY7dUk-00636-00525762-00526254 where as soon as I said the word we're going to do a small exercise practical exercise nearly fgTw2hY7dUk-00637-00526254-00526806 everyone left so I'm glad that you've stayed online and and some several of you have fgTw2hY7dUk-00638-00526806-00527430 contributed to the discussion that's been really helpful so thanks I'll let you wrap up Matt. fgTw2hY7dUk-00639-00527496-00528006 Yeah just just finally think he's doing for attending and thank you so much to fgTw2hY7dUk-00640-00528006-00528582 Matt to for that wonderful session, I've learned loads so it's a really useful thank you so much fkqXKPRdwk8-00000-00000000-00001592 intro music fkqXKPRdwk8-00001-00003128-00003720 now before the stories i tell go back in time to fkqXKPRdwk8-00002-00003896-00004600 not stories that i experienced or heard from people who did experience them fkqXKPRdwk8-00003-00004760-00005448 to stories that were passed down i have to like a good history teacher fkqXKPRdwk8-00004-00005608-00006368 put the stories in context and give you a little bit of information, ... well that's not fkqXKPRdwk8-00005-00006368-00007504 true a lot of information about the life that the pioneers led and the territory of new mexico fkqXKPRdwk8-00006-00007623-00008472 as a whole. Now we're mostly going to be concerned with Lincoln county and particularly that part fkqXKPRdwk8-00007-00008472-00009472 of Lincoln county where i live, so one of the places that is very important to the stories fkqXKPRdwk8-00008-00009472-00010536 is fort Stanton, Fort Stanton was established in the 1850s um and it was primarily to protect the fkqXKPRdwk8-00009-00010536-00011408 stagecoach lines one ran to the south of where Fort Stanton was established one to the north fkqXKPRdwk8-00010-00011408-00012184 and then down the valley and they joined up in the Hondo valley and and uh took the same path fkqXKPRdwk8-00011-00012184-00013016 from from there on back east uh one went northwest one went southwest you know from fort stanton in fkqXKPRdwk8-00012-00013016-00013704 the other direction also in the beginning to provide protection for the pony express fkqXKPRdwk8-00013-00013872-00014576 the secondary reason for establishing the fort was to protect the settlers who were fkqXKPRdwk8-00014-00014640-00015376 coming in and and settling in the area so they established this nice little fort there's a fkqXKPRdwk8-00015-00015440-00016224 big huge meadow great place for their cavalry horses to graze a nice little river well in fkqXKPRdwk8-00016-00016224-00016752 new mexico we call it a river um the rest of the country would probably call it a creek fkqXKPRdwk8-00017-00016824-00017512 bonita and bonita means pretty in spanish so it's a pretty little river cottonwoods and fkqXKPRdwk8-00018-00017512-00018472 nogale trees on either side and uh perfectly a place to be in between the two stage lines so fkqXKPRdwk8-00019-00018472-00019184 they established the fort and they manned the fort and unfortunately uh they sent to command the fort fkqXKPRdwk8-00020-00019296-00020160 commanders who were used to being back east and by back east i mean on the other side of fkqXKPRdwk8-00021-00020160-00020752 the pecos river some of them came from as far back as the other side of the mississippi river fkqXKPRdwk8-00022-00020848-00021856 and they did not understand the apache they thought of the apache as a homogeneous group fkqXKPRdwk8-00023-00022024-00022704 all tied together under the label of apache but that's not the way the apache worked i mean fkqXKPRdwk8-00024-00022704-00023408 there's the mescalero apache and the hickoria apache and the white mountain apache and all fkqXKPRdwk8-00025-00023408-00024264 of those are large bands of apache that live in certain areas and claim certain territories fkqXKPRdwk8-00026-00024408-00024800 for their for their use they don't own it fkqXKPRdwk8-00027-00024800-00025776 they simply claim it for their use but within each of these larger bands are smaller family units fkqXKPRdwk8-00028-00025864-00026383 let's call them a clan uh just because i'm scottish and clan comes easy to the tongue fkqXKPRdwk8-00029-00026439-00027352 i don't know how an apache would would name it but smaller groups within the larger group so fkqXKPRdwk8-00030-00027352-00028144 the the apaches that they dealt with here in this area were the mescalero apaches they had settlers fkqXKPRdwk8-00031-00028144-00029016 all over in what is the apache sacred mountains every once in a while these apache would do to the fkqXKPRdwk8-00032-00029016-00029880 white american settlers what they had done to the early spanish let's call them now because spain fkqXKPRdwk8-00033-00029992-00030816 uh mexico got its independence from spain so then they became mexicans this was a part of mexico uh fkqXKPRdwk8-00034-00030872-00031727 so to the the mexican the latin american uh settlers in the area and these settlers had fkqXKPRdwk8-00035-00031727-00032880 learned over time that there is a rhyme and a rhythm and what is to be expected so um fkqXKPRdwk8-00036-00032936-00033784 in the fall as tribute because these settlers are settling on what the apache think of as their land fkqXKPRdwk8-00037-00033960-00034320 they would come and raid they weren't interested in killing fkqXKPRdwk8-00038-00034384-00035256 that's not what they wanted they simply wanted their share of what had been raised and fkqXKPRdwk8-00039-00035256-00035808 kind of like a tax you know here's the apache this is their land you're moving fkqXKPRdwk8-00040-00035808-00036584 in okay but you have to pay some rent and so they would keep a lookout especially in the fall fkqXKPRdwk8-00041-00036656-00037328 and when they would see the um apaches coming most of the villages had what was called a toriyon fkqXKPRdwk8-00042-00037400-00038192 uh atorion was a tower that was built in the center of the village and it had little holes fkqXKPRdwk8-00043-00038192-00038800 where they could shoot muskets out if they needed to but all the village would go to the torreon fkqXKPRdwk8-00044-00038800-00039280 and they would close this big wooden door and the apache would come and they would go through fkqXKPRdwk8-00045-00039280-00040080 the houses and they would take some corn here and they would maybe take a lamb or maybe they would fkqXKPRdwk8-00046-00040208-00040912 take a horse or a mule or or something else they would go through and they would take what fkqXKPRdwk8-00047-00040968-00041648 they needed uh that they didn't have to help them survive and once they had gathered up all of their fkqXKPRdwk8-00048-00041648-00042376 loot they would leave and the mexicans would come out of the torion and they were never left with fkqXKPRdwk8-00049-00042528-00043248 less than enough to survive the apache always left behind as much or more fkqXKPRdwk8-00050-00043248-00043912 than they took and they didn't come every year they might hit this little village this year and fkqXKPRdwk8-00051-00043912-00044592 i mean maybe la placita this year and arabella next year and hondo the next year and fkqXKPRdwk8-00052-00044680-00045424 so on and so forth and uh it was just kind of the apaches way of taxing these people fkqXKPRdwk8-00053-00045424-00046096 that were moving in and and living on their land but the soldiers didn't understand that fkqXKPRdwk8-00054-00046160-00046776 and so when the white settlers came in and they would try to do the same thing the white fkqXKPRdwk8-00055-00046776-00047480 settlers would get their guns out and bang bang bang shoot and kill some apache so the apache fkqXKPRdwk8-00056-00047544-00048352 got to where when they went to the white settlers homestead or whatever they came in shooting fkqXKPRdwk8-00057-00048416-00049064 the soldiers or whoever was in charge of the fort would go and they would they would meet with this fkqXKPRdwk8-00058-00049064-00049664 one group and they would say you know you can't do this and they would come up with a treaty and fkqXKPRdwk8-00059-00049664-00050328 and here pretty soon here's another group that comes in and they're raiding a white settler well fkqXKPRdwk8-00060-00050328-00050944 the the soldiers did not realize that these are different groups and they would go find fkqXKPRdwk8-00061-00050944-00051624 the first band of apache they could and punish them for something they probably didn't even do fkqXKPRdwk8-00062-00051736-00052279 they didn't stop to ask questions you know where have you been let me look at the horses let me fkqXKPRdwk8-00063-00052279-00052824 see what you guys have nope they just went in and shot them up so there was a lot of fkqXKPRdwk8-00064-00052879-00053591 discord caused unnecessary discord caused between the apache and and the soldiers fkqXKPRdwk8-00065-00053712-00054824 and then along comes the civil war and a lot of the soldiers and officers were recalled fkqXKPRdwk8-00066-00054824-00055872 uh to fight the civil war and what was left behind was a very skeleton crew at at fort stanton fkqXKPRdwk8-00067-00055976-00056679 um enough maybe to protect the stagecoaches pony express had ended by then they couldn't possibly fkqXKPRdwk8-00068-00056679-00057616 protect the settlers and then they were recalled and told to abandon the fort but but to leave it fkqXKPRdwk8-00069-00057616-00058232 uh so that it couldn't be used so i don't know if the commander just thought that fkqXKPRdwk8-00070-00058320-00058984 the monsoons weren't due yet or if he was new and didn't understand about the monsoons fkqXKPRdwk8-00071-00059040-00059584 but they loaded up everything that they could in wagons in order to start down toward fkqXKPRdwk8-00072-00059640-00060167 uh the rio grande fort bliss and and join up with the rest of the union army fkqXKPRdwk8-00073-00060288-00061167 and as they did they lit port stanton on fire well they got up on the port stanton mesa and fkqXKPRdwk8-00074-00061224-00062112 headed over into the canyon for little creek and dropped down in and along comes monsoon rain and fkqXKPRdwk8-00075-00062112-00063032 puts the fire out well um it wasn't too long after that that a couple of confederate soldiers who fkqXKPRdwk8-00076-00063160-00064040 had somehow got separated or whatever showed up at fort stanton and there was food stores and there fkqXKPRdwk8-00077-00064040-00064704 was ammunition stores and there was cannons and holy cow a whole fort just set up for him fkqXKPRdwk8-00078-00064760-00065616 so they moved in and the confederate army manned port stanton for a while uh until the the uh fkqXKPRdwk8-00079-00065616-00066440 apache realized hey there aren't enough soldiers to fend us off and so they started raiding well fkqXKPRdwk8-00080-00066440-00067184 the confederate troops didn't want to put up with that so they left and finally in order to have the fkqXKPRdwk8-00081-00067184-00068120 fort manned someone from the union army contacted kit carson who was up in northern new mexico fkqXKPRdwk8-00082-00068208-00069152 where he had established a home and was a member of the new mexico militia and asked him to take fkqXKPRdwk8-00083-00069152-00069768 command of port stanton so for the rest of the war kit carson and new mexico regulars fkqXKPRdwk8-00084-00069832-00070616 uh manned fort stanton after the war was over uh kit carson received orders from washington fkqXKPRdwk8-00085-00070688-00071256 to uh round up all the apache and take them to fort sumner to the reservation fkqXKPRdwk8-00086-00071336-00072000 so he did it in most cases he talked him into going with him uh in some cases there fkqXKPRdwk8-00087-00072000-00073008 was some force used but uh he took uh all of the mescalero uh apache up to the reservation fkqXKPRdwk8-00088-00073008-00073856 at fort sumner and lo and behold when he got there some fool had brought in a whole bunch of navajos fkqXKPRdwk8-00089-00073920-00074888 well putting navajos and apache on the same reservation and expecting peaceful coexistence was fkqXKPRdwk8-00090-00074888-00075416 not the smartest thing ever anyone ever came up with because the navajo and the apache fkqXKPRdwk8-00091-00075416-00076240 are traditional enemy under the eyes of the soldiers they coexisted for some time but the fkqXKPRdwk8-00092-00076336-00077000 food that was promised to them and that kind of thing did never materialize fkqXKPRdwk8-00093-00077112-00077736 they didn't have they were never given enough uh cattle meat uh their diet was fkqXKPRdwk8-00094-00077808-00078624 um wheat instead of corn and um they a lot of them got sick and died fkqXKPRdwk8-00095-00078624-00079400 and eventually the mescalero apache and several other groups decided enough is enough fkqXKPRdwk8-00096-00079480-00080184 and they packed up and one night they just disappeared and i'm sure the hickory group fkqXKPRdwk8-00097-00080184-00080920 went back toward the hickory reservation and the white mountain group went toward arizona and white fkqXKPRdwk8-00098-00080920-00081784 mountain and the mescalero came down here and and other groups as well went their separate ways once fkqXKPRdwk8-00099-00081784-00082712 they got back to their homeland they simply went into hiding i don't know for sure but i know that fkqXKPRdwk8-00100-00082712-00083496 grandfather's grandfather had been a boy when they went to the reservation but he was a grown man fkqXKPRdwk8-00101-00083592-00084352 well for an apache a grown man is in his teens and was working as an indian scout at the time the fkqXKPRdwk8-00102-00084352-00085056 mescalero and the other apaches disappeared from the reservation leaving only the navajo behind fkqXKPRdwk8-00103-00085200-00085720 and so since he was working as a scout for the army i don't know for sure fkqXKPRdwk8-00104-00085784-00086496 but it wouldn't surprise me at all if they led the army who were out looking for the the fkqXKPRdwk8-00105-00086496-00087296 mescal the apache uh on a wild goose chase said taking them here and there and giving um their fkqXKPRdwk8-00106-00087408-00088032 relatives and brothers and sisters and and and other apache members a pretty nice fkqXKPRdwk8-00107-00088104-00088912 head start and and allowed them to get away without being caught but at any rate the fkqXKPRdwk8-00108-00088912-00089672 mescaleros came back to their sacred mountain and eventually a reservation was established for them fkqXKPRdwk8-00109-00089672-00090416 and that's the mescalero reservation that exists today which does include uh their sacred mountain fkqXKPRdwk8-00110-00090416-00091016 sierra blanca so after the civil war they wanted to remand fort stanton fkqXKPRdwk8-00111-00091112-00091568 and so they brought cavalry soldiers out and and established them there fkqXKPRdwk8-00112-00091640-00092280 and sent out a new commander letting kit carson go back to his home back to his ranch fkqXKPRdwk8-00113-00092280-00092944 back to his life and they sent out a man by the name of fritz who was a a soldier fkqXKPRdwk8-00114-00093120-00094104 and a civil war veteran and he um arrived at fort stanton took one look at his troops and fkqXKPRdwk8-00115-00094160-00094920 turned in his resignation while he was waiting for his replacement to arrive he looked around fkqXKPRdwk8-00116-00094920-00095192 because he liked the the area of the country fkqXKPRdwk8-00117-00095288-00095872 land was more or less free and he he thought he could make a good living so fkqXKPRdwk8-00118-00095944-00096896 he managed to buy um a homestead off of somebody who wanted to go back east and looked around and fkqXKPRdwk8-00119-00096896-00097616 and decided well you know port stanton needs a mercer um that's a kind of the forerunner um fkqXKPRdwk8-00120-00097688-00098456 military term i suppose for a mercantile which you know provides the things for the soldiers fkqXKPRdwk8-00121-00098520-00099304 that the army doesn't provide for them you know like tobacco and and candy and shaving cream or fkqXKPRdwk8-00122-00099360-00100144 razors boot strings those kinds of things that the the soldier would need and also um fkqXKPRdwk8-00123-00100144-00100752 the kinds of things that settlers in the community would need because they would come to the fort to fkqXKPRdwk8-00124-00100752-00101464 trade the things that they produced for things that they needed well eventually his replacement fkqXKPRdwk8-00125-00101544-00102456 arrived and his replacement was a man named murphy and he took one look at the soldiers fkqXKPRdwk8-00126-00102456-00103383 that were stationed there and he turned in his um resignation as well and he he and prince pritz got fkqXKPRdwk8-00127-00103383-00104048 together and decided that they would that they would form a company and since fritz had this fkqXKPRdwk8-00128-00104048-00104735 this ranch and they had this kind of military mercantile uh there at fort stanton as well fkqXKPRdwk8-00129-00104880-00105568 uh they decided to bid on the contract to provide beef to the reservation fkqXKPRdwk8-00130-00105640-00106335 so that the apache would stay on the reservation and not leave and and raid the settlers well fkqXKPRdwk8-00131-00106392-00107056 having inside information having been commanders of the port they pretty much knew how to bid and fkqXKPRdwk8-00132-00107056-00107880 what to bid to get that contract and so they did and finally the next commander came and fkqXKPRdwk8-00133-00107880-00108552 took one look at his troops and said oh well i'll do the best i can you see the troops that fkqXKPRdwk8-00134-00108552-00109304 were stationed at port stanton after the civil war were buffalo troops all of them were black fkqXKPRdwk8-00135-00109304-00110240 and these men even though they were members of the union army not the confederate army the union army fkqXKPRdwk8-00136-00110368-00111192 and had fought to free the black man from slavery they weren't willing to associate with them fkqXKPRdwk8-00137-00111192-00111959 or to command them that was something that was simply beneath them so now there is a fkqXKPRdwk8-00138-00111959-00112704 second opinion and i'm going to jump forward at least 50 maybe more years well about 50 years fkqXKPRdwk8-00139-00112856-00113576 uh young lieutenant graduated from west point and was sent as his first tour of duty out to fkqXKPRdwk8-00140-00113576-00114416 fort stanton and he uh had a company of these buffalo soldiers and the fort was still up and fkqXKPRdwk8-00141-00114416-00115024 running and they were still making sure that the apache stayed on the reservation they were fkqXKPRdwk8-00142-00115024-00115759 keeping the peace and among the settlers they were guarding from outlaws and stuff like that the fkqXKPRdwk8-00143-00115759-00116520 the stagecoaches and and stuff and this young lieutenant served his tour at port stanton fkqXKPRdwk8-00144-00116520-00117600 and went back east and started bragging back east about his soldiers at port stanton and he said fkqXKPRdwk8-00145-00117600-00118400 at the time they were the best the most disciplined uh the least trouble makers fkqXKPRdwk8-00146-00118456-00119224 and the best fighters of any soldiers that you could imagine and people laughed at him fkqXKPRdwk8-00147-00119280-00119848 quite a bit because he he bragged about about his soldiers he actually came back as the captain fkqXKPRdwk8-00148-00119904-00120583 went back east and bragged even more about the soldiers his soldiers at at fort stanton and so he fkqXKPRdwk8-00149-00120648-00121448 got the name a nickname that has come down through history uh and that probably most of fkqXKPRdwk8-00150-00121448-00122264 you have heard his name was his nickname was blackjack pershing because he was so proud fkqXKPRdwk8-00151-00122344-00123040 of his black soldiers but that's not the way it was right after the civil war after the civil war fkqXKPRdwk8-00152-00123040-00123688 it was almost impossible to find an officer who would be willing to command a troop of buffalo fkqXKPRdwk8-00153-00123688-00124616 soldiers no matter how good they were okay so back to prince and murphy i think that prince probably fkqXKPRdwk8-00154-00124711-00125440 wanted to be an honest broker but he wanted to do stuff on the cheap because he wanted to make money fkqXKPRdwk8-00155-00125440-00126224 and so in order to supply the reservation with cattle in the beginning they would go fkqXKPRdwk8-00156-00126224-00127000 from homestead to homestead to little ranch whatever and uh if they found a cap that fkqXKPRdwk8-00157-00127000-00127528 wasn't branded yeah well they put pritz's brand on it and that became part of his herd fkqXKPRdwk8-00158-00127528-00128544 but for the um the beef that went to the reservation they found sick cattle and old cattle fkqXKPRdwk8-00159-00128544-00129320 and that were past their prime and even milk cows that weren't giving milk anymore anything that the fkqXKPRdwk8-00160-00129432-00130088 settlers the homesteaders wanted to get rid of and were willing to take very little money for fkqXKPRdwk8-00161-00130168-00130992 that's what pritz and murphy bought and delivered to the reservation and rumor has it that fkqXKPRdwk8-00162-00130992-00131784 they were pretty much short on the amount of beef that they delivered so i i don't know for sure fkqXKPRdwk8-00163-00131856-00132816 but i know that fritz developed tuberculosis and so he retired to his ranch and murphy fkqXKPRdwk8-00164-00132872-00133512 took over the business and also the contract for delivering beef to the reservation fkqXKPRdwk8-00165-00133600-00134584 and that's when corruption set in because murphy was not an honest broker okay fkqXKPRdwk8-00166-00134952-00135832 back to the history so with fritz retiring because of ill health murphy was left in charge of the fkqXKPRdwk8-00167-00135832-00136656 company by himself and it was pretty hard to run it uh with just one person because you can't be in fkqXKPRdwk8-00168-00136656-00137584 two places at once so murphy hall hired a young man with the same business ethics as as himself fkqXKPRdwk8-00169-00137664-00138448 um this young man's name was dolan dolan worked for murphy for a couple of years and then um he fkqXKPRdwk8-00170-00138448-00139064 got into a fight with one of the soldiers and uh murphy was told either dolan goes or you both go fkqXKPRdwk8-00171-00139168-00139952 and since dolan had as a clerk too much information on murphy and his crooked fkqXKPRdwk8-00172-00139952-00140656 business practices to fire him and let him go they packed up shop and they moved over to fkqXKPRdwk8-00173-00140656-00141360 lincoln at that time lincoln was the county saint of lincoln county being at that time pretty much fkqXKPRdwk8-00174-00141360-00142184 in the middle of the county and they built the big house it was one of the largest structures fkqXKPRdwk8-00175-00142184-00142856 in the state or in the territory of new mexico at that time that's why they call it the big house on fkqXKPRdwk8-00176-00142856-00143624 the bottom floor in the front was the mercantile uh there was a center section and then on the left fkqXKPRdwk8-00177-00143624-00144328 as you entered was the bank and you go through the bank and back into the back or you could go fkqXKPRdwk8-00178-00144328-00144976 around and there's a door in the back and that was living quarters and storage and that kind of stuff fkqXKPRdwk8-00179-00145040-00145928 up on top go up the stairs and up on top there was the they built a masonic hall uh and then on fkqXKPRdwk8-00180-00145928-00146776 the other end a courtroom and in between was an area you can still see it today that had fkqXKPRdwk8-00181-00146872-00147536 big i'm not even sure what they're called but where you could chain a prisoner to the floor fkqXKPRdwk8-00182-00147672-00148088 he could get up and walk around it wasn't like a jail with bars and stuff like that fkqXKPRdwk8-00183-00148088-00148776 it was these metal loops in the floor that had chains attached to them and then you would fkqXKPRdwk8-00184-00148864-00149600 put the chain shackle around the prisoner's legs so that he couldn't go anywhere and fkqXKPRdwk8-00185-00149600-00150496 a little chamber for the judge in little office for the judge and so basically if you wanted to do fkqXKPRdwk8-00186-00150496-00151264 business in lincoln you had to do business with murphy and dolan uh they there was a fkqXKPRdwk8-00187-00151264-00152144 little store down the road where the mexican americans the the old mexican residents of um fkqXKPRdwk8-00188-00152224-00152888 of lincoln did their shopping very limited amount of stuff compared to what was what was in the big fkqXKPRdwk8-00189-00152888-00153744 mercantile in order to continue having insight into who was bidding how much for providing the fkqXKPRdwk8-00190-00153800-00154672 apache with their meat um murphy applied for and got the license or whatever it was that you had fkqXKPRdwk8-00191-00154672-00155592 to have to become the postmaster so he was also the postmaster and so he has now two scams going fkqXKPRdwk8-00192-00155592-00156424 because all of the bids all the mail comes into lincoln and then um then it was sent on to port fkqXKPRdwk8-00193-00156424-00157168 stanton so when the bids came in murphy could open the bids steam them open whatever you had to do fkqXKPRdwk8-00194-00157224-00157720 check the bids and when he submitted his bid it was always just a little bit lower fkqXKPRdwk8-00195-00157720-00158544 than the lowest bid but the other scam they had going was the one that really really made the fkqXKPRdwk8-00196-00158544-00159072 money for them homesteaders would come out and there were certain things that you had to do fkqXKPRdwk8-00197-00159072-00159608 to prove out your homestead and you i think you had like five years to prove out your homestead fkqXKPRdwk8-00198-00159608-00160128 you had to build a house you had to build a barn you had to clear land you had to have so much fkqXKPRdwk8-00199-00160128-00160744 land under cultivation i'm not sure what other other things but i i know that this much was true fkqXKPRdwk8-00200-00160824-00161712 and so when somebody went bust and if you had to buy your goods and sell your goods to murphy and fkqXKPRdwk8-00201-00161712-00162288 dolan you went bust pretty easy but homesteaders would come out and and they would go bust or they fkqXKPRdwk8-00202-00162288-00162896 the man of the family would die and the widow wanted to sell and whatever reason it was fkqXKPRdwk8-00203-00162976-00163712 murphy was always there with his bank to buy these homesteads and then when new homesteaders came in fkqXKPRdwk8-00204-00163824-00164688 uh he would sell uh a half-proofed homestead to them and uh and give them all the credit fkqXKPRdwk8-00205-00164688-00165200 they wanted you want plows you can have plows you want shovels you can have shovels fkqXKPRdwk8-00206-00165280-00165984 you want uh dry goods for um fixing up your house you can have and you can have it all fkqXKPRdwk8-00207-00165984-00166456 on credit and will settle up at the end of the year when your crop comes in well fkqXKPRdwk8-00208-00166456-00167144 when the crop comes in uh the the homesteader had two choices he could either sell to murphy fkqXKPRdwk8-00209-00167248-00168032 or he could pay the freighting charge to get his uh crops to el paso or fkqXKPRdwk8-00210-00168032-00169128 las cruces was in las cruces then it was messiah um or to santa fe or back east or he could sell to fkqXKPRdwk8-00211-00169128-00169904 murphy and and carting grain and stuff like that was pretty expensive so basically they were left fkqXKPRdwk8-00212-00169904-00170816 with selling to murphy well you know murphy always had an excuse why the prices for that crop were so fkqXKPRdwk8-00213-00170816-00171448 low this year so don't worry don't worry don't worry you know i'll give you this much for your fkqXKPRdwk8-00214-00171448-00172136 crop will pay off this much of your debt to me and you go ahead and get what you need for the winner fkqXKPRdwk8-00215-00172136-00172872 and we'll settle up next year the prices will be higher well after two or three years of this the fkqXKPRdwk8-00216-00172872-00173472 homesteader would be so indebted to murphy that he would foreclose on the on the homestead and the fkqXKPRdwk8-00217-00173472-00174072 homesteader was left with nothing and then murphy would go through the same thing selling it over fkqXKPRdwk8-00218-00174072-00174824 to another homesteader giving them all the credit they need and once they're so deep in debt to him fkqXKPRdwk8-00219-00174824-00175520 taking over the homestead and reselling it and he did this over and over and over and over as fkqXKPRdwk8-00220-00175520-00176536 well as he found a new way to supply meat to the to the reservation uh there was gang of outlaws fkqXKPRdwk8-00221-00176536-00177280 called the seven rivers gang now it's said that billy the kid rode with this gang and he did fkqXKPRdwk8-00222-00177368-00177880 he joined up with him in las cruces and they were heading over toward seven rivers which fkqXKPRdwk8-00223-00177880-00178680 is just off the pecos pecos river it's under a reservoir now so the town no longer exists but he fkqXKPRdwk8-00224-00178760-00179600 murphy met up with these guys and he paid them to steal cattle from this rancher and that rancher fkqXKPRdwk8-00225-00179600-00180136 and another rancher and a couple here and a couple there and three or four here and three or four fkqXKPRdwk8-00226-00180136-00181056 there to hide them uh until they could be branded rebranded and the brands healed enough that nobody fkqXKPRdwk8-00227-00181056-00181976 could uh claim that this was their cattle and then once he had enough cattle then he would he would fkqXKPRdwk8-00228-00181976-00182704 deliver them to the reservation and make good on on his contract and and it is true that billy the fkqXKPRdwk8-00229-00182704-00183376 kid did ride with the seven rivers gang they had been over in las cruces and he joined up with them fkqXKPRdwk8-00230-00183456-00184080 he was a young kid they figured that um they could make him their gopher and their scapegoat if they fkqXKPRdwk8-00231-00184080-00185008 needed one but halfway back across the sacramento mountains heading back down into the pecos valley fkqXKPRdwk8-00232-00185008-00185696 uh billy's horse went lame and so they left him behind i don't know uh how fkqXKPRdwk8-00233-00185696-00186352 uh he got out of that situation they left him with no food and very little water and fkqXKPRdwk8-00234-00186352-00187360 in indian territory with a lame horse but obviously he made it to safety i was told by fkqXKPRdwk8-00235-00187360-00188128 wilbur coe that the ko brothers were out gathering cattle and found him wandering around fkqXKPRdwk8-00236-00188128-00188928 aimlessly and took him home with them and that he lived with the cows and worked for the cows fkqXKPRdwk8-00237-00188992-00189848 for a couple of years before moving on to greener pastures though he always stayed in contact with fkqXKPRdwk8-00238-00189848-00190432 and came back to visit the codes how true this is i don't know it was a story that wilbur coe fkqXKPRdwk8-00239-00190552-00191352 had heard from his father and grandfather shared with me when i was probably about a senior in fkqXKPRdwk8-00240-00191352-00192248 high school so at any rate so that sets up how the county is operating if you want to do any business fkqXKPRdwk8-00241-00192248-00192888 at all you have to do it with murphy dolan uh and dolan became by the way a partner in the business fkqXKPRdwk8-00242-00192888-00193960 so it became murphy dolan uh and then along came um mr mcsween scott who set up a store across the fkqXKPRdwk8-00243-00193960-00194608 street from well not across the street but across the street and down the road from the big house fkqXKPRdwk8-00244-00194672-00195472 the animosity between murphy dolan and mcsween who was an honest broker and gave honest prices fkqXKPRdwk8-00245-00195528-00196584 for um harvests and charged on honest prices for his merchandise led to the lincoln county war fkqXKPRdwk8-00246-00196584-00197360 that's something you can read about the stories that i have heard from people whose ancestors were fkqXKPRdwk8-00247-00197360-00198224 there matches not at all with what you read in the history book so i'm not going to go there because fkqXKPRdwk8-00248-00198224-00198888 that gets too confusing and i don't want to have to argue with people about what happened and why fkqXKPRdwk8-00249-00198888-00199608 and how it just did and everybody thought well okay the lincoln what county war happened and then fkqXKPRdwk8-00250-00199664-00200328 the history books tell you and that was the end of it but i'm here to tell you that wasn't the end of fkqXKPRdwk8-00251-00200328-00201384 it and some of what happened later is where my next story will take us okay so murphy and dolan fkqXKPRdwk8-00252-00201384-00202080 pretty much financially run the county but as more and more settlers come in fkqXKPRdwk8-00253-00202216-00203200 there's more and more demand for law enforcement murphy had to find a way to control the law fkqXKPRdwk8-00254-00203200-00203832 enforcement because he's dealing all the time with the seven rivers gang and he doesn't want fkqXKPRdwk8-00255-00203832-00204568 them caught because they're providing him with cattle to meet his contract to feed the apache fkqXKPRdwk8-00256-00204568-00205160 and at no cost to him by the way or very little cost because he just has to pay a little bit to fkqXKPRdwk8-00257-00205160-00206200 the cattle wrestlers you know give them their fair share and what he does is he uses his contacts fkqXKPRdwk8-00258-00206200-00207208 and the trust engendered by being a member of the brotherhood of masons to further his agenda now fkqXKPRdwk8-00259-00207264-00208016 i am not saying that the masonic lodge is bad that's absolutely not true but in every orchard fkqXKPRdwk8-00260-00208096-00208888 there's a few bad apples and in this particular case in the territory of new mexico the santa fe fkqXKPRdwk8-00261-00208888-00209696 gang in santa fe who were systematically looting spanish land grants from the rightful owners fkqXKPRdwk8-00262-00209856-00210736 and running the territory pretty much however they wanted to were contacts through the masonic lodge fkqXKPRdwk8-00263-00210736-00211632 of murphy and dolan not only that in order to tie the sheriffs and deputies to fkqXKPRdwk8-00264-00211744-00212384 uh to them if they weren't already masons they initiated them into the masonic lodge fkqXKPRdwk8-00265-00212456-00213136 and then on top of that they paid them off so that the law enforcement in lincoln county was bought fkqXKPRdwk8-00266-00213136-00213928 and paid for and by that i don't mean they gave them money per se but in two cases that i know of fkqXKPRdwk8-00267-00214071-00215016 they forgave debts and made it possible for these people to make money uh for example fkqXKPRdwk8-00268-00215016-00215767 pat garrett had a ranch on the upper little creek but he was such a bad rancher that fkqXKPRdwk8-00269-00215767-00216616 he never not even one year that he owned the ranch was able to make that ranch pay money he was fkqXKPRdwk8-00270-00216616-00217416 always always in debt to murphy dolan therefore when he was sheriff he was bought and paid for fkqXKPRdwk8-00271-00217471-00218256 because he owed them such a big debt uh the same thing uh with deputy poe um he was first fkqXKPRdwk8-00272-00218256-00219144 deputy i think he became i think he became sheriff in the early 1900s murphy made him fkqXKPRdwk8-00273-00219144-00220128 made poe his ranch manager on a ranch that he owned and let him keep any money that the ranch fkqXKPRdwk8-00274-00220128-00220752 made so he said i'm going to lease you the ranch but he didn't charge him any lease and not only fkqXKPRdwk8-00275-00220752-00221352 that am i not charging you any lease uh if you may if the ranch makes money you get to keep the money fkqXKPRdwk8-00276-00221352-00222032 so that's the way that that particular one was paid for i don't know about all of them uh but fkqXKPRdwk8-00277-00222112-00222888 but those two stories i had not only from grand ad but from henry clary fkqXKPRdwk8-00278-00222952-00223712 and also from mr pinkston so i'm pretty pretty sure that that those stories are true fkqXKPRdwk8-00279-00223792-00224552 so okay so that he owns the county financially he owns the county legally and he so he can pretty fkqXKPRdwk8-00280-00224552-00225216 much do anything he wants to do not only that whenever something happened in lincoln county fkqXKPRdwk8-00281-00225344-00226071 he sent an account to dona anna to the newspaper in dona ana and to santa fe to the newspaper in fkqXKPRdwk8-00282-00226071-00226840 santa fe telling his side of the story so before anything even came to trial the word is out that fkqXKPRdwk8-00283-00226840-00227656 this is what happened and that became the official story of what happened in in lincoln county fkqXKPRdwk8-00284-00227656-00228416 well my great great grandfather benjamin lewis breathes as the head cattle guard for chisholm fkqXKPRdwk8-00285-00228416-00229064 had ridden with the regulators uh a couple two or three times i don't know how many times but fkqXKPRdwk8-00286-00229064-00229808 a couple two or three times and he was also pretty good friends with the ko brothers who fkqXKPRdwk8-00287-00229808-00230344 were almost always riding with the regulators now everybody says the regulators was billy the kids fkqXKPRdwk8-00288-00230400-00231200 outlaw band but that's not true they were in one way vigilantes in another way they weren't fkqXKPRdwk8-00289-00231200-00231888 but since murphy and dolan controlled the law the sheriff and the deputies who could never fkqXKPRdwk8-00290-00231944-00232648 arrest a bad guy if the bad guy was working for murphy and dolan a bunch of ranchers got sick and fkqXKPRdwk8-00291-00232648-00233480 tired of it and banned together and they would go out and arrest the bad guy and bring him back to fkqXKPRdwk8-00292-00233552-00234160 the sheriff turn him over to the sheriff and then guard the jail to make sure he didn't escape fkqXKPRdwk8-00293-00234160-00234984 until the judge got there they didn't enforce any justice like in hanging or something like that and fkqXKPRdwk8-00294-00234984-00235544 none of the people that they arrested were killed with one exception and unfortunately that was the fkqXKPRdwk8-00295-00235544-00236104 one exception when billy the kid was riding with them uh one of their prisoners tried to escape and fkqXKPRdwk8-00296-00236208-00237000 and was shot in the attempt but they weren't an outlaw gang they were again a group of ranchers fkqXKPRdwk8-00297-00237000-00237728 that band together to try to help the bot and paid for sheriff's enforce the law so their fkqXKPRdwk8-00298-00237728-00238944 stands lincoln county up until about and in 1883 after having lived for about 15 years in texas fkqXKPRdwk8-00299-00238944-00239632 and raising his family and getting them all married benjamin lewis uh decides to come back fkqXKPRdwk8-00300-00239632-00240352 and homestead in lincoln county in the mountains because he had seen this area when he worked fkqXKPRdwk8-00301-00240352-00241119 for chisholm and and loved it and wanted to give his family a new start where they could have all fkqXKPRdwk8-00302-00241119-00241871 the land that they needed and spread out and make successful lives for themselves but being wise to fkqXKPRdwk8-00303-00241976-00242744 the way of murphy and dolan when they came they came prepared uh benjamin lewis knew fkqXKPRdwk8-00304-00242744-00243584 that he needed homesteads that bordered on water because drilling a well in an area where there fkqXKPRdwk8-00305-00243584-00244184 isn't any water is an awfully hard way to farm it's awfully hard way to raise crops fkqXKPRdwk8-00306-00244184-00244904 and sometimes the water is very very deep so he knew he was going to have to spend money fkqXKPRdwk8-00307-00244904-00245696 to to buy homesteads that had already been worked partly worked partly proven out or maybe fkqXKPRdwk8-00308-00245696-00246480 all the way proven out in order to get on water so he wouldn't have they wouldn't have a lot of money fkqXKPRdwk8-00309-00246480-00247248 to spend on the things that they would need for the first couple of years so enoch stayed behind fkqXKPRdwk8-00310-00247384-00248152 on the farms that they had established in texas and took over the management of those while fkqXKPRdwk8-00311-00248152-00249176 benjamin lewis and leander and adam and elijah and deborah came with him to homestead they knew fkqXKPRdwk8-00312-00249176-00249656 pretty much what they were going to need that wasn't as if they were tender foots who had fkqXKPRdwk8-00313-00249656-00250400 never been in the area never tried to live off the land didn't know what the area was like fkqXKPRdwk8-00314-00250456-00251352 so they brought one wagon that was pulled by a team of oxen that wagon was still parts of it fkqXKPRdwk8-00315-00251352-00252040 still used upon the hill they took off the wooden wheels that were on it originally and put on metal fkqXKPRdwk8-00316-00252040-00252632 wheels i still have the metal wheels that they put on it uh i still have the replacement tongue fkqXKPRdwk8-00317-00252728-00253576 as a matter of fact and then they brought four smaller wagons the the big wagon pulled by the fkqXKPRdwk8-00318-00253576-00254408 oxen had blacksmithing tools it had tools for farming it had tools for building it had all of fkqXKPRdwk8-00319-00254408-00255032 the stuff that they would need to take a partially proved out homestead and finish proving it out fkqXKPRdwk8-00320-00255032-00255800 that means finishing houses that weren't finished adding on rooms building barns cutting down trees fkqXKPRdwk8-00321-00255919-00256832 chains for dragging stumps out of the ground as well as it had uh martha's loom in it her big loom fkqXKPRdwk8-00322-00256832-00257528 not the little traveling loom but the but the big loom and it had other things that they they might fkqXKPRdwk8-00323-00257528-00258192 need you know on the homestead buckets for example pots and pans and kettles and cauldrons and fkqXKPRdwk8-00324-00258280-00258944 and all of the things that they would need to set up a homestead and then there were four smaller fkqXKPRdwk8-00325-00258944-00259896 wagons each couple leander and sarah and martha and adam and elijah and deborah and then benjamin fkqXKPRdwk8-00326-00259952-00260623 lewis and martha each had their own wagons some of them had a team of mules some of them had fkqXKPRdwk8-00327-00260719-00261304 teams of draft horses because they knew that they would need mules and draft horses as well fkqXKPRdwk8-00328-00261304-00261976 as the oxen to clear the land and plow the fields and get everything planted because they weren't fkqXKPRdwk8-00329-00261976-00262608 going to have one homestead they were going to have four homesteads that all joined together fkqXKPRdwk8-00330-00262704-00263712 and the plan was to buy uh land on our homesteads on the river or to get or to homestead fkqXKPRdwk8-00331-00263712-00264448 land that was on a river and according to a letter that benjamin lewis wrote to fkqXKPRdwk8-00332-00264448-00265440 his cousin back in ohio uh in the 1890s he was explaining to him that they they had to have fkqXKPRdwk8-00333-00265440-00266344 they wanted to have land on the on the water with a flowing stream so they uh were forced to buy a fkqXKPRdwk8-00334-00266456-00267176 a homestead that had failed and that's why we ended up in this area and i know that they took fkqXKPRdwk8-00335-00267176-00267896 money from the farm in texas and use that money to pay for the homestead but even at fkqXKPRdwk8-00336-00267896-00268832 the end of the first year they st they already had things to sell at fort stanton at the fort fkqXKPRdwk8-00337-00268832-00269456 they did not do business unless they absolutely had to in lincoln with murphy and dolan they did fkqXKPRdwk8-00338-00269544-00270176 business with with the port they brought with them some young piglets when they came fkqXKPRdwk8-00339-00270248-00270912 they raised the piglets and butchered them and made ham out of them and sold the ham to the fkqXKPRdwk8-00340-00270984-00271816 to the fort that's ham and bacon is something that um that was needed by the soldiers uh i'm not sure fkqXKPRdwk8-00341-00271816-00272448 what else they raised that first year i do know that they took a couple of days went down and took fkqXKPRdwk8-00342-00272448-00273008 what they had raised and could spare that first summer and traded for the things that they needed fkqXKPRdwk8-00343-00273088-00273696 what they didn't have they did without luckily grandfather's grandfather showed up and took fkqXKPRdwk8-00344-00273696-00274584 them out hunting and so they had meat and they had fat and lard and from left over from the pigs and fkqXKPRdwk8-00345-00274672-00275072 i'm sure they had milk cows and chickens that uh they brought with them as well fkqXKPRdwk8-00346-00275200-00275720 it was be it would have been like a whole almost like a wagon train fkqXKPRdwk8-00347-00275720-00276504 because you had all of the breezes and elijah peebles and and deborah and then i believe fkqXKPRdwk8-00348-00276576-00277368 some of sarah greer's that sarah was leander's wife i think her father and some of her siblings fkqXKPRdwk8-00349-00277368-00277880 came with them too and settled i don't think they settled in this area they made fkqXKPRdwk8-00350-00277880-00278472 may have been in this area for a little while but i i think they settled over closer to the fkqXKPRdwk8-00351-00278472-00279008 las cruces area i'm not sure but they were here for a while and they certainly traveled with them fkqXKPRdwk8-00352-00279008-00279728 so they had pretty much their own wagon train coming from north central texas across west texas fkqXKPRdwk8-00353-00279728-00280632 and and into new mexico and as i said they were wise to murphy and dolan and didn't fall into that fkqXKPRdwk8-00354-00280632-00281312 trap however murphy and dolan kept looking for ways to get the upper hand over benjamin lewis and fkqXKPRdwk8-00355-00281312-00282072 his family i have always thought it just a little bit funny that it seems to be a case of the scots fkqXKPRdwk8-00356-00282072-00282632 against the irish because you had the cows and the mcsweens and the tyndales fkqXKPRdwk8-00357-00282720-00283496 and the peebles and the breeze which isn't really scots it's welch but oh well close enough against fkqXKPRdwk8-00358-00283568-00284408 murphy and dolan irish now isn't that funny i have nothing against the irish as a matter of fact fkqXKPRdwk8-00359-00284408-00285048 my grandmother said that her family was black irish but i've always thought it funny and well fkqXKPRdwk8-00360-00285136-00285784 that's a story for another day so i'll talk to you again soon fkqXKPRdwk8-00361-00289200-00289250 you fkyAr0bbutM-00000-00001002-00001398 As Salaamu Alaykum Sayyidi Wa Alaykum As Salaam wa rehmatullah fkyAr0bbutM-00001-00001398-00002149 Forgive me for my ignorance but is there any truth behind reincarnation? fkyAr0bbutM-00002-00002149-00002382 Wa Alaykum Salaam wa rehmatullah. fkyAr0bbutM-00003-00002382-00003746 Right any time, any time a shaykh – a guide at those times like saints if they described fkyAr0bbutM-00004-00003746-00004596 realities and there’s a living shaykh, a living guide, a living saint amongst the people fkyAr0bbutM-00005-00004596-00005657 who can see and hear when they describe a reality, they’re inside that reality. fkyAr0bbutM-00006-00005657-00006472 And what’s happened to many peoples and nations is once the pious from amongst them fkyAr0bbutM-00007-00006472-00007108 begins to lift from the earth and Allah (AJ) doesn’t replace because Allah (AJ) want fkyAr0bbutM-00008-00007108-00007902 them to continue on with the messages and the prophecies that were coming at those times. fkyAr0bbutM-00009-00007902-00008495 And if they don’t what they have become stale because Allah (AJ) doesn’t send a fkyAr0bbutM-00010-00008495-00009207 new, because He wants one river to close and everyone to flow to the next river so that fkyAr0bbutM-00011-00009207-00009735 everyone’s flowing to the ocean but many don’t accept and they stay within their fkyAr0bbutM-00012-00009735-00010364 own river, and it dries up and they begin to teach each other, but they’re not from fkyAr0bbutM-00013-00010364-00010978 that level of knowledge so it’s not something that they witness and something that they fkyAr0bbutM-00014-00010978-00011146 understood and tasted. fkyAr0bbutM-00015-00011146-00011613 They didn’t have ilm ul-yaqeen (knowledge of certainty) – the knowledge of realities. fkyAr0bbutM-00016-00011613-00012136 They weren’t trained in ayn ul-yaqeen (vision of certainty) – to have the vision of realities, fkyAr0bbutM-00017-00012136-00012506 and the knowledge and the vision is what makes it to be haqq ul yaqeen (Certainty of truth) fkyAr0bbutM-00018-00012506-00012828 – the knowledge of certainties and the truth of certainties. fkyAr0bbutM-00019-00012828-00013408 So, when they say a truth is they witnessed it from all that they were taught through fkyAr0bbutM-00020-00013408-00013704 their muraqabah (spiritual connection), through their heart and through their training they fkyAr0bbutM-00021-00013704-00013887 witnessed that reality. fkyAr0bbutM-00022-00013887-00014559 So, when somebody who’s not from that tries to describe, ‘Oh yeah! remember this one fkyAr0bbutM-00023-00014559-00015306 came and he described this and described that…’ and then before you know it, it became a recycling. fkyAr0bbutM-00024-00015306-00015850 That all these people are come they had to get recycled and then they reused them because fkyAr0bbutM-00025-00015850-00016464 maybe at that time recycling was economically feasible in their village and they… something fkyAr0bbutM-00026-00016464-00017133 of a point of reference from their understanding they try to understand explain a deep reality fkyAr0bbutM-00027-00017133-00017829 from the heavens, and that’s when everything goes wrong and then the people become misguided fkyAr0bbutM-00028-00017829-00018262 and whatever then they propagate is continuous misguidance. fkyAr0bbutM-00029-00018262-00019001 So, it lost its blessings, it lost its reality and then shaitan (satan) plays with it and fkyAr0bbutM-00030-00019001-00019478 makes it all sorts of stuff. fkyAr0bbutM-00031-00019478-00019765 For Allah (AJ) there is no need to recycle. fkyAr0bbutM-00032-00019765-00020398 From whatever Allah (AJ) brings out from the ocean of creation we have to know that nothing fkyAr0bbutM-00033-00020398-00020576 is ever diminished. fkyAr0bbutM-00034-00020576-00021245 So, for our mind to even try to understand what the heart should be understanding, whatever fkyAr0bbutM-00035-00021245-00021676 Allah (AJ) takes from creation is never as if He never took it. fkyAr0bbutM-00036-00021676-00022098 Whatever Allah (AJ) gives from ocean of generosity as if He never gave it – it’s never diminished, fkyAr0bbutM-00037-00022098-00022347 it doesn’t take anything away from Allah (AJ). fkyAr0bbutM-00038-00022347-00022979 So, when Allah (AJ) want to create there’s no need to recycle, He just keep creating. fkyAr0bbutM-00039-00022979-00023528 So, there’s no need for recycling in this spiritual reality. fkyAr0bbutM-00040-00023528-00024226 Now, trying to understand the world of light then that’s the importance of taking the fkyAr0bbutM-00041-00024226-00024984 way of tafakkur and meditating, contemplating, trying to open the heart, trying to open the fkyAr0bbutM-00042-00024984-00025596 connection and bring yourself deeper into the world of light and then in your heart fkyAr0bbutM-00043-00025596-00026012 keep these understandings that ‘What is this and how was that and what was the reality fkyAr0bbutM-00044-00026012-00026188 of that.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00045-00026188-00026872 And through the heart and through the training we begin to understand that you have a timed fkyAr0bbutM-00046-00026872-00026972 existence. fkyAr0bbutM-00047-00026972-00027250 So, this is a skinny person [shaykh referring to a pencil he is holding] because it’s fkyAr0bbutM-00048-00027250-00027604 just this little stick. fkyAr0bbutM-00049-00027604-00028074 This on this insan (human being) he’s.. has a timed existence. fkyAr0bbutM-00050-00028074-00028875 If he leaves this existence through his meditation and through his practices, he has a soul and fkyAr0bbutM-00051-00028875-00029538 this soul can be trained to use all its force and begin to come out. fkyAr0bbutM-00052-00029538-00030079 As soon as his soul and his light comes out now he’s in a timeless reality. fkyAr0bbutM-00053-00030079-00030827 So, his body is timed because its diminishing and dying, his soul is timeless. fkyAr0bbutM-00054-00030827-00031456 Then when he’s training or she’s training and to a timeless reality their soul is entering, fkyAr0bbutM-00055-00031456-00031713 they’re entering into a world of light. fkyAr0bbutM-00056-00031713-00032591 So now, imagine the... when you operate from your soul in the world of light then all, fkyAr0bbutM-00057-00032591-00033142 all of this life and existence are just pages. fkyAr0bbutM-00058-00033142-00033592 And if they enter into the world of light which has no time; they can go all the way fkyAr0bbutM-00059-00033592-00034247 back to the first page or if Allah (AJ) allows, they can go to the last page. fkyAr0bbutM-00060-00034247-00034585 They see Armageddon, they see all of these realities. fkyAr0bbutM-00061-00034585-00035013 Or they go to the first page and they see that when Allah (AJ) was giving knowledges fkyAr0bbutM-00062-00035013-00035197 to Sayyidina Adam (as). fkyAr0bbutM-00063-00035197-00035756 These are just pages from the mulk (earthly realm), from the world of time. fkyAr0bbutM-00064-00035756-00036378 When they’re timeless they can enter into any of these realities to learn, to understand. fkyAr0bbutM-00065-00036378-00037140 Then when we understand even deeper that your soul and the immensity of the world of light fkyAr0bbutM-00066-00037140-00037731 means your molecule has existed for all of eternity. fkyAr0bbutM-00067-00037731-00038187 Where was it at the time of Sayyidina Adam (as)? fkyAr0bbutM-00068-00038187-00038685 Just a molecule of your light was in existence. fkyAr0bbutM-00069-00038685-00038876 Where was it at the time of Sayyidina Adam (as)? fkyAr0bbutM-00070-00038876-00039118 Where was it at the time of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as)? fkyAr0bbutM-00071-00039118-00039705 Where was it in the time of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Awliyaullah (saints) teaching all the fkyAr0bbutM-00072-00039705-00040379 time that from the people of tariqah (spiritual path), the people of ishq and muhabbat of fkyAr0bbutM-00073-00040379-00041216 the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, they have to know that their atom of their reality were fkyAr0bbutM-00074-00041216-00042055 all in the cave, in the cave with Sayyidina Abu Bakr as Siddiq and that was the cave of fkyAr0bbutM-00075-00042055-00042169 all realities. fkyAr0bbutM-00076-00042169-00042737 When Allah (AJ) took His beloved friend Sayyidina Abu Bakr as Siddiq on the hijrah (migration) fkyAr0bbutM-00077-00042737-00043312 and they entered into the cave and that’s when we teach about the second month, the fkyAr0bbutM-00078-00043312-00043797 reality of 18, Ashab ul Kahf – the people of the cave. fkyAr0bbutM-00079-00043797-00044375 All of that and the reality of entering into the cave of that love, every ‘ashiqeen’s fkyAr0bbutM-00080-00044375-00045157 (lovers) molecule had to be inside that cave, witness what Prophet ﷺ wanted to witness, fkyAr0bbutM-00081-00045157-00045761 be dressed by what Prophet ﷺ wanted them to be dressed, and that’s enough. fkyAr0bbutM-00082-00045761-00046444 Just the molecule received it and it stored all of that reality, and that’s why part fkyAr0bbutM-00083-00046444-00046803 of it is the same as the whole of it. fkyAr0bbutM-00084-00046803-00047581 So, if one molecule is dressed by Prophet ﷺ that goes back to your entire wujud (existence) fkyAr0bbutM-00085-00047581-00047696 and your entire being. fkyAr0bbutM-00086-00047696-00048258 So, it means then your soul was fully loaded with all those realities. fkyAr0bbutM-00087-00048258-00048755 So, then imagine and contemplate then when you come into your physical world that the fkyAr0bbutM-00088-00048755-00049187 time that Allah (AJ) has destined for you to come into your physicality, if you the fkyAr0bbutM-00089-00049187-00049771 break the confines and the boundary of your physicality and you’re not lost to a physical fkyAr0bbutM-00090-00049771-00050383 life, and that’s why Allah (AJ) wants everyone to get their, their… the bounty and all fkyAr0bbutM-00091-00050383-00050559 the reality. fkyAr0bbutM-00092-00050559-00051053 That ‘I gave you everything and you’re just fascinated by the physicality.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00093-00051053-00051559 Then He inspires some to ascend, ‘Sit with them, learn from them, they’ll teach you fkyAr0bbutM-00094-00051559-00052016 the manners that are required, the character that’s required, so that you can make an fkyAr0bbutM-00095-00052016-00052128 ascension.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00096-00052128-00052769 And then you’re trained on this little bird within your heart has to be free, and that’s fkyAr0bbutM-00097-00052769-00053350 why the bird is always singing and they are.. that’s what we said the people of tafakkur, fkyAr0bbutM-00098-00053350-00053509 we gave that the night before. fkyAr0bbutM-00099-00053509-00054142 So, in Surah Ali’ Imran 190-191, Allah (AJ) describes these people that we’re talking fkyAr0bbutM-00100-00054142-00054500 about because this is tafakkur, this is the people of contemplation. fkyAr0bbutM-00101-00054500-00054832 They contemplated and now they operate by their soul. fkyAr0bbutM-00102-00054832-00055233 Allah (AJ) gives their criteria they are people of immense zikr (Divine remembrance) not just fkyAr0bbutM-00103-00055233-00055337 little bit zikr. fkyAr0bbutM-00104-00055337-00055600 Just not somebody at the coffee shop says, ‘No, I mention Allah. fkyAr0bbutM-00105-00055600-00055721 When we say: Allahu Akbar! fkyAr0bbutM-00106-00055721-00055988 I get ready for my salah (prayer) that’s zikr of Allah (AJ).’ fkyAr0bbutM-00107-00055988-00056088 No. fkyAr0bbutM-00108-00056088-00056783 Allah (AJ): ‘Zakiroon, these people of zikr they’re making zikr standing, they’re fkyAr0bbutM-00109-00056783-00057341 making zikr sitting and even in their lying and restful state they’re in continuous fkyAr0bbutM-00110-00057341-00057441 zikr.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00111-00057441-00057938 That can’t be salah because that’s not a... you don’t go like that in praying. fkyAr0bbutM-00112-00057938-00058441 So, means these people their heart is in a continuous zikr of Allah (AJ), a continuous fkyAr0bbutM-00113-00058441-00059059 state of love and ishq and as a result Allah (AJ) open for them sincerity and their soul, fkyAr0bbutM-00114-00059059-00060024 their little bird comes out because the bars on their cage of their desires has been weakened. fkyAr0bbutM-00115-00060024-00060364 And that’s when we talked before also that’s why the shaykh is giving you all these like fkyAr0bbutM-00116-00060364-00060884 scary videos and talks, and sometimes the talks are jalali (majestic) and they sound fkyAr0bbutM-00117-00060884-00061275 tough and ‘He sounds arrogant and why he’s like that, he’s so tough.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00118-00061275-00061697 And then the other times they’re jamali (beatific) because the jalali they burn the fkyAr0bbutM-00119-00061697-00061797 cages. fkyAr0bbutM-00120-00061797-00062514 You know when something’s a bit tough, it’s meant to break the cage down inside so that fkyAr0bbutM-00121-00062514-00062719 the bird can become free. fkyAr0bbutM-00122-00062719-00063504 Then the jamali and beatific talks and emanation is to entice the bird to come out. fkyAr0bbutM-00123-00063504-00063936 And they begin to feel the tajalli (manifestation), feel the ecstasy and feel that love and that fkyAr0bbutM-00124-00063936-00064078 state of love. fkyAr0bbutM-00125-00064078-00064541 But you have to burn the cage too so the two work it at the same time. fkyAr0bbutM-00126-00064541-00065140 Jamali means ‘Majestic might’ which is usually sounds like punishment, sounds very fkyAr0bbutM-00127-00065140-00065815 tough, sounds very authoritative and that’s meant to break down these cages so the bird fkyAr0bbutM-00128-00065815-00065944 can become free. fkyAr0bbutM-00129-00065944-00066621 If the bird becomes free and the soul is moving into that ocean of reality it experiences fkyAr0bbutM-00130-00066621-00066883 what Allah (AJ) wants it to experience. fkyAr0bbutM-00131-00066883-00067477 So, then these awliyaullah whom they operate through their soul they can be many places fkyAr0bbutM-00132-00067477-00067606 at the same time. fkyAr0bbutM-00133-00067606-00067903 They are not reincarnated, it’s the same creation. fkyAr0bbutM-00134-00067903-00068592 Allah (AJ) can give them the power and authority to have many forms because the form is of fkyAr0bbutM-00135-00068592-00068925 no significance. fkyAr0bbutM-00136-00068925-00069577 We have a category of awliyaullah in Islam called Budala – means the changed ones that fkyAr0bbutM-00137-00069577-00069813 they’re continuously changing. fkyAr0bbutM-00138-00069813-00070569 They can appear in different places with a different image, and so the Budala whom forty fkyAr0bbutM-00139-00070569-00070957 of them their base is in Damascus. fkyAr0bbutM-00140-00070957-00071876 And Imam (Religious leader) of the Budala was Imam Shaykh Luhafi (Q). fkyAr0bbutM-00141-00071876-00072595 The one that there was an image very old, his turban, his he wears like a kippah a fabric fkyAr0bbutM-00142-00072595-00073283 over his head and would give water and teach hadith in the masjid, Imam of the Budala. fkyAr0bbutM-00143-00073283-00074002 And there’s forty mihrabs in the association where they meet and they have their spiritual fkyAr0bbutM-00144-00074002-00074396 meeting, they get their orders and they’re moving. fkyAr0bbutM-00145-00074396-00075064 Many of them don’t even know that they’re Budala, and many of them don’t know what fkyAr0bbutM-00146-00075064-00075412 their soul and where it’s appearing and where it’s doing. fkyAr0bbutM-00147-00075412-00075649 That’s under Allah’s (AJ) command. fkyAr0bbutM-00148-00075649-00076067 If they reach to a state in which they know then Allah (AJ) will give them an understanding fkyAr0bbutM-00149-00076067-00076167 of knowing. fkyAr0bbutM-00150-00076167-00076896 But the reality and the immensity of Islamic knowledge in these subjects it cannot be compared fkyAr0bbutM-00151-00076896-00077602 to anything, everything else is like in the complete dark closet, Islam is the shining fkyAr0bbutM-00152-00077602-00077831 bright light of all realities. fkyAr0bbutM-00153-00077831-00078462 So, these Budala they’re appearing all over the earth in different images, different forms fkyAr0bbutM-00154-00078462-00078968 doing whatever Allah (AJ) wants, so we have that in Islam. fkyAr0bbutM-00155-00078968-00079510 And Prophet ﷺ even mentioned the Budala that, ‘Don’t speak bad about Damascus fkyAr0bbutM-00156-00079510-00079877 ever because there are a category of rijal (people of maturity) called Budala. fkyAr0bbutM-00157-00079877-00080455 Don’t talk bad about the people in Iraq because there’s Nuqaba.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00158-00080455-00081193 So Prophet ﷺ described these categories of awliyaullah and for that our understanding fkyAr0bbutM-00159-00081193-00081445 and the daleel (proof) that no, no this exists. fkyAr0bbutM-00160-00081445-00082212 And there are servants of Allah (AJ) when Allah (AJ) want to grant somebody servanthood fkyAr0bbutM-00161-00082212-00082676 and Say, ‘You are My servant,’ we’ve discussed in other talks this is not something fkyAr0bbutM-00162-00082676-00083081 demeaning like you have in your house saying, “I have a servant.” fkyAr0bbutM-00163-00083081-00083717 When Allah (AJ) gives servanthood to a servant means He’s given them ancient knowledges. fkyAr0bbutM-00164-00083717-00084440 An ‘Abd’ they reached to Allah’s (AJ) ‘Ayn’ like the four holy companions. fkyAr0bbutM-00165-00084440-00085188 Sayyidina Abu Bakr (as) which was Abdullah, Sayyidina Umar (as), Uthman (as) and Ali (as) fkyAr0bbutM-00166-00085188-00085905 – these are the four great ayns of Prophet ﷺ and they carry immense Divinely realities fkyAr0bbutM-00167-00085905-00086439 and knowledge from the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. fkyAr0bbutM-00168-00086439-00087042 And Allah (AJ) want to grant a servant, He grants them this ayn – ancient knowledges. fkyAr0bbutM-00169-00087042-00087686 So, with knowledge comes all power because how can there be a power if there’s no ilm fkyAr0bbutM-00170-00087686-00088050 and knowledge and reality behind it. fkyAr0bbutM-00171-00088050-00088551 So no, these are, these are immense realities, so Allah (AJ) doesn’t need to recycle anything. fkyAr0bbutM-00172-00088551-00089182 They appear as any form they want and all our lives in travelling we came across many fkyAr0bbutM-00173-00089182-00089502 of them. fkyAr0bbutM-00174-00089502-00090129 You meet them and say this is shaykh so and so and he has completely different image. fkyAr0bbutM-00175-00090129-00090496 And this not something hard for them, this is the… fkyAr0bbutM-00176-00090496-00091486 Allah (AJ) Ask, ‘Is your creation harder or the heavens and all of its majestic lights fkyAr0bbutM-00177-00091486-00091826 and planets and stars and universes and galaxies?’ fkyAr0bbutM-00178-00091826-00092422 So, and in every moment my Lord is in a new tajalli. fkyAr0bbutM-00179-00092422-00092693 What does that mean? fkyAr0bbutM-00180-00092693-00092987 Somebody whom Allah (AJ) Has granted that, ‘I am your hearing.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00181-00092987-00093474 He’s granting them a Divinely lordly dress. fkyAr0bbutM-00182-00093474-00093625 ‘I am your seeing. fkyAr0bbutM-00183-00093625-00094260 I am the hands in which you touch, the feet in which you walk, the mouth in which you fkyAr0bbutM-00184-00094260-00094374 speak.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00185-00094374-00094937 All of the faculties that Allah (AJ) want to give in Hadith al-Qudsi to the servant fkyAr0bbutM-00186-00094937-00095410 and then Allah (AJ) describing, ‘At every moment I’m in a new tajalli, and at every fkyAr0bbutM-00187-00095410-00095894 moment I can make a new creation, new creation is continuously coming.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00188-00095894-00096383 So, for ever that servant goes they can become something new. fkyAr0bbutM-00189-00096383-00097034 So, nothing, nothing is hard for Allah (AJ) and these realities are not through the head fkyAr0bbutM-00190-00097034-00097218 but they’re through the heart. fkyAr0bbutM-00191-00097218-00097931 And the purest, highest level of its understanding is through the tariqahs and Islam, but Islam fkyAr0bbutM-00192-00097931-00098592 now is something that’s unknown to people and is empty because we are in the second fkyAr0bbutM-00193-00098592-00099005 jahiliya (Time of ignorance) and the arrival of Sayyidina Mahdi (as) where Islam comes fkyAr0bbutM-00194-00099005-00099335 as something that is something foreign. fkyAr0bbutM-00195-00099335-00099712 People think they’re practicing Islam and then the shaykhs talk about realities, they fkyAr0bbutM-00196-00099712-00099846 say, ‘What are you talking about. fkyAr0bbutM-00197-00099846-00099967 This is not Islam.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00198-00099967-00100079 It’s actually the reverse. fkyAr0bbutM-00199-00100079-00100736 It’s what you understand is incorrect and the depth of Islam is what they’re teaching. fkyAr0bbutM-00200-00100736-00101262 That it’s an ocean that has no limit, no right and no left, no forward and no back fkyAr0bbutM-00201-00101262-00102002 its immensity, inshaAllah. fkyAr0bbutM-00202-00102002-00102557 Can the Shaykh please elaborate on the reality behind having connections to ancient locations fkyAr0bbutM-00203-00102557-00102701 and people? fkyAr0bbutM-00204-00102701-00102827 Alhamdulillah. fkyAr0bbutM-00205-00102827-00103131 Wa alaykum Salaam wa rehmatullah. fkyAr0bbutM-00206-00103131-00104166 I think we went into that, that was the whole concept is that when we operate from our molecular fkyAr0bbutM-00207-00104166-00104731 level – our light level, I don’t know how people want to understand it. fkyAr0bbutM-00208-00104731-00105094 You know our atomic reality so when we say light people say, ‘Maybe it’s hocus-pocus, fkyAr0bbutM-00209-00105094-00105194 what are you talking about?’ fkyAr0bbutM-00210-00105194-00105852 So no our atoms, our atoms are ‘Quantum’ – “Kuntum tuhibbon Allah.” fkyAr0bbutM-00211-00105852-00106186 Our quantum reality is the atoms. fkyAr0bbutM-00212-00106186-00106867 When we operate from our atoms then what is that reality that they don’t understand fkyAr0bbutM-00213-00106867-00107184 and they can’t see but yet it’s there. fkyAr0bbutM-00214-00107184-00107753 All they see is a form that manifest but our atoms are right there and science knows them fkyAr0bbutM-00215-00107753-00107894 to be there. fkyAr0bbutM-00216-00107894-00108400 When you operate from your atoms then imagine what type of realities. fkyAr0bbutM-00217-00108400-00109045 Ehen they enter into a holy maqam (station) what is happening in the atoms of that maqam. fkyAr0bbutM-00218-00109045-00109591 If those shaykhs they reached their sainthood means they reached the heart of Prophet ﷺ fkyAr0bbutM-00219-00109591-00109864 and they reached the Divinely Presence. fkyAr0bbutM-00220-00109864-00110578 So, imagine then just the atomic reality of that soul that’s in that grave is in the fkyAr0bbutM-00221-00110578-00111229 orbit of Prophet ﷺ, in the orbit of Allah (AJ) Divinely Presence, and you have it right fkyAr0bbutM-00222-00111229-00111472 there in front of you. fkyAr0bbutM-00223-00111472-00112123 Like a sun trying to capture the sun inside the sky and bring it down onto earth more fkyAr0bbutM-00224-00112123-00112888 powerful are their souls than the sun, the sun is only a manifestation of a reality. fkyAr0bbutM-00225-00112888-00113393 And that’s how it teaches you also how the sun is appearing. fkyAr0bbutM-00226-00113393-00113920 They still don’t understand how the sun is appearing, right because they didn’t fkyAr0bbutM-00227-00113920-00114181 understand what a black hole was. fkyAr0bbutM-00228-00114181-00114827 If you annihilate and you take a life in which to annihilate yourself and the annihilator fkyAr0bbutM-00229-00114827-00115440 of all creation, the maqam of the Akhfa (most hidden) reality is the hand of and the reality fkyAr0bbutM-00230-00115440-00115686 of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. fkyAr0bbutM-00231-00115686-00116899 Every Prophet is to perfect the creation to bring them all to the one whom annihilates fkyAr0bbutM-00232-00116899-00117261 and brings them into the Divinely Presence of their reality. fkyAr0bbutM-00233-00117261-00117807 So, Prophet ﷺ is the reality of the black hole. fkyAr0bbutM-00234-00117807-00118657 Anyone whom approaches that reality Prophet ﷺ will annihilate them, leave nothing for fkyAr0bbutM-00235-00118657-00119238 them that’s why his companions and his holy family are actually a physical example of fkyAr0bbutM-00236-00119238-00119338 that. fkyAr0bbutM-00237-00119338-00120193 That his grandson was annihilated on the physical desert of Karbala to show that this is not fkyAr0bbutM-00238-00120193-00120910 a family that is entitled but the family that lays the example, ‘We stand forward and fkyAr0bbutM-00239-00120910-00121328 we go and we show by example of our own existence.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00240-00121328-00121975 Imam Hussain’s (as) sacrifice is recognized throughout the world that how do you do that, fkyAr0bbutM-00241-00121975-00122560 how do you take yourself, your family, your children and you sacrifice yourself for your fkyAr0bbutM-00242-00122560-00122723 Lord’s command. fkyAr0bbutM-00243-00122723-00123201 So, that was a symbol of the reality of annihilation. fkyAr0bbutM-00244-00123201-00123875 So when everything is going to be annihilated what happens if you reach to the fana (annihilation)? fkyAr0bbutM-00245-00123875-00124499 If you reach to the door of Prophet ﷺ and he takes your wujud and says, ‘I’m going fkyAr0bbutM-00246-00124499-00125117 to make you because it cannot be two in the Presence but you’re coming to be nothing.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00247-00125117-00126173 That’s why in the abidah, surma that these awliya are the surma (kohl) of the Rauza Sharif fkyAr0bbutM-00248-00126173-00126273 (Holy burial chamber). fkyAr0bbutM-00249-00126273-00126758 The dirt on the Rauza Sharif is the surma of their eyes. fkyAr0bbutM-00250-00126758-00126858 Why? fkyAr0bbutM-00251-00126858-00127340 Because their annihilated have no form, how can anyone stand. fkyAr0bbutM-00252-00127340-00127829 When they enter into that presence their begging Prophet ﷺ let them to be annihilated, take fkyAr0bbutM-00253-00127829-00128223 away my entire existence to mean not to be in existence. fkyAr0bbutM-00254-00128223-00128818 “Nasyam mansiyya” what Sayyidina Maryam (as), the blessed and holy Sayyidina Maryam fkyAr0bbutM-00255-00128818-00129134 (as), ‘Nasya, Oh I wish I was something non-existent.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00256-00129134-00129688 Was it nasyam mansiyya, mansiyya nansiyya, nansiyya mansiyy? fkyAr0bbutM-00257-00129688-00130466 [shaykh laughs] “Nansyam manisyya,” that I wish I was something non-existence. fkyAr0bbutM-00258-00130466-00130880 What type of reality Sayyidina Maryam (as) is teaching us and what these awliyaullah fkyAr0bbutM-00259-00130880-00131466 are reciting in all these na’ats (Prophetic praising) and all of these qissah’s (stories) fkyAr0bbutM-00260-00131466-00131794 is that they became nothing. fkyAr0bbutM-00261-00131794-00132250 And if they become nothing, they become khashiya like when Nabi Musa (as) wanted to see Allah fkyAr0bbutM-00262-00132250-00132814 (AJ) he saw Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ - the Great Annihilator. fkyAr0bbutM-00263-00132814-00133610 As a result, he became khashiya – powder, and he lost himself, his identity, his whole fkyAr0bbutM-00264-00133610-00133975 existence was completely annihilated. fkyAr0bbutM-00265-00133975-00134518 And as a result of the one whom annihilates for everything for Allah (AJ), he brought fkyAr0bbutM-00266-00134518-00134748 him back from baqi (eternal existance). fkyAr0bbutM-00267-00134748-00135251 He brought him back into existence from the other side. fkyAr0bbutM-00268-00135251-00136008 He lost the reality of the physicality because once you’re annihilated in the mulk Prophet fkyAr0bbutM-00269-00136008-00136606 ﷺ will raise you in the Divinely light and Divinely Presence and then you’re from the fkyAr0bbutM-00270-00136606-00137072 people of baqi – the people of eternity, people of oceans of power. fkyAr0bbutM-00271-00137072-00137559 And that’s why at that time “Anna awwal ul-Muslimeen,” he took the shahadah (testimony fkyAr0bbutM-00272-00137559-00138077 of faith) and then at that time accepted to be under the flag and the feet of Sayyidina fkyAr0bbutM-00273-00138077-00138177 Muhammad ﷺ. fkyAr0bbutM-00274-00138177-00138857 So, it means that if they don’t understand the sun that how that sun is appearing, their fkyAr0bbutM-00275-00138857-00139640 must be a black hole up there that annihilates and as a result, it brings out a najm (star). fkyAr0bbutM-00276-00139640-00140431 And Prophet ﷺ annihilated all his holy companions and he then told us, ‘All of them are stars, fkyAr0bbutM-00277-00140431-00140688 anyone of them you follow you’ll be guided.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00278-00140688-00141205 And that’s why if you study the levels of the heart that is the way of annihilation, fkyAr0bbutM-00279-00141205-00141765 how to be crushed, how to be tested, how to be nothing, how to be nothing so that they fkyAr0bbutM-00280-00141765-00142204 bring us into the threshold of the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. fkyAr0bbutM-00281-00142204-00143080 And say that to take away everything, take away our sins – Mahi that he destroy everything fkyAr0bbutM-00282-00143080-00143707 of manifestation and that’s the reality of the Sha’ban that the month of Sayyidina fkyAr0bbutM-00283-00143707-00144496 Muhammad ﷺ is that he dress us and bless us and bless us and the reality of the holy fkyAr0bbutM-00284-00144496-00145166 month of Ramadan is the crushing where Allah (AJ) in Ramadan as a gift to the nation of fkyAr0bbutM-00285-00145166-00145963 Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ will completely annihilate all the servants, whatever sins they have, fkyAr0bbutM-00286-00145963-00146597 whatever characters they have everything will be annihilated by the reality of Ramadan because fkyAr0bbutM-00287-00146597-00147116 it’s not an action that you can achieve by your salah, by your zakah (charity), by fkyAr0bbutM-00288-00147116-00147216 nothing. fkyAr0bbutM-00289-00147216-00147804 Allah (AJ is Saying, ‘I’m only giving this as a gift to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00290-00147804-00148485 And the legal contract for this gift to come to you is that enter into siyam (fasting) fkyAr0bbutM-00291-00148485-00149057 because siyam is a state in which in a legal contract Allah (AJ) will give the reward without fkyAr0bbutM-00292-00149057-00149316 accountability. fkyAr0bbutM-00293-00149316-00149738 No intention needed, no accountability everything else is contractual. fkyAr0bbutM-00294-00149738-00150054 If you say it was salah then there’s the laws and the shari’ah (Divine law) because fkyAr0bbutM-00295-00150054-00150497 Allah (AJ) won’t go outside of the shari’ah of what He gave to Prophet ﷺ. fkyAr0bbutM-00296-00150497-00151076 So, it can’t be an usool (principles) to reach this reality, it can’t be a salah fkyAr0bbutM-00297-00151076-00151475 to reach this, it can’t be a zakah to reach this so Allah (AJ) said, ‘For this reality fkyAr0bbutM-00298-00151475-00152114 to be given to your nation as a favor from My Divinely Presence just tell them siyam fkyAr0bbutM-00299-00152114-00152653 because I will then gift that no eye has seen, no ears have seen, no angel will know, no fkyAr0bbutM-00300-00152653-00152800 Prophet will know.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00301-00152800-00153207 The siyam is a direct gift from Allah (AJ) directly. fkyAr0bbutM-00302-00153207-00153307 Why? fkyAr0bbutM-00303-00153307-00153989 To give the gift to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and say, ‘Look your nation on this earth fkyAr0bbutM-00304-00153989-00154488 will always be observing Ramadan until the day of judgement. fkyAr0bbutM-00305-00154488-00154990 Every nation I asked them, they stopped it but I don’t want your nation to stop it fkyAr0bbutM-00306-00154990-00155446 to show your greatness on the day of judgement that this is the Prophet, his nation that fkyAr0bbutM-00307-00155446-00155687 continuously fasted.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00308-00155687-00156265 And as a result, we’re rewarded with lights and with blessings and the inner realities fkyAr0bbutM-00309-00156265-00156936 Allah (AJ) will annihilate them and give them the ability now to enter in and make a complete fkyAr0bbutM-00310-00156936-00157036 hijrah. fkyAr0bbutM-00311-00157036-00157865 Because 9 is the destruction, the destroyer of anything that is not Divine and that’s fkyAr0bbutM-00312-00157865-00158267 why the 9 is the one that annihilates and makes everything into a nuqt (dot), that’s fkyAr0bbutM-00313-00158267-00158512 why it’s the highest number. fkyAr0bbutM-00314-00158512-00158947 Anything that approaches the 9 will actually be destroyed into nothing. fkyAr0bbutM-00315-00158947-00159432 That’s why anything multiplied by 9 it becomes 9. fkyAr0bbutM-00316-00159432-00159647 9 times 1 is 9. fkyAr0bbutM-00317-00159647-00160119 9 times 2, 18, 8 and 1 is 9. fkyAr0bbutM-00318-00160119-00160435 So anything that is now approaching that reality will be nothing. fkyAr0bbutM-00319-00160435-00160963 If it’s nothing, it’s actually the reflection of the divinely lights that Allah (AJ) wants fkyAr0bbutM-00320-00160963-00161063 it to have. fkyAr0bbutM-00321-00161063-00161784 So, the immensity of Ramadan is a gift for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ to show his nation fkyAr0bbutM-00322-00161784-00162349 to have his nation to shine, to have his nation to be blessed and to show all the other nations fkyAr0bbutM-00323-00162349-00163054 look how this nation stays on this earth 1.5 to 2 billion people will be fasting in the fkyAr0bbutM-00324-00163054-00163337 next 15 to 16 days. fkyAr0bbutM-00325-00163337-00163884 It’s immense, immense gift for all creation to always see and be astonished at ‘What fkyAr0bbutM-00326-00163884-00164305 is this Muhammadan Nation.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00327-00164305-00164910 And that’s the gift to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ from Allah (AJ). fkyAr0bbutM-00328-00164910-00165663 And because Prophet ﷺ is the one whom annihilates all creation and brings them into the Divinely fkyAr0bbutM-00329-00165663-00166118 Presence of Allah (AJ), inshaAllah. fkyAr0bbutM-00330-00166118-00166497 As Salaamu Alaykum wa rehmatullahi barakatuhu Ya Sayyidi fkyAr0bbutM-00331-00166497-00166709 Wa Alaykum As Salaam wa rehmatullah. fkyAr0bbutM-00332-00166709-00167349 Can someone without training experience a bit of this timeless reality without understanding fkyAr0bbutM-00333-00167349-00168046 it and lose the seeing due to attraction of dunya (material world)? fkyAr0bbutM-00334-00168046-00168912 Wa Alaykum As Salaam wa rehmatullah. fkyAr0bbutM-00335-00168912-00169480 Allah (AJ) can do whatever Allah (AJ) wants. fkyAr0bbutM-00336-00169480-00169807 So, the question ‘Can,’ most definitely. fkyAr0bbutM-00337-00169807-00170180 Allah (AJ) is free to do whatever Allah (AJ) wants. fkyAr0bbutM-00338-00170180-00170502 There are the rules and there’s the exception. fkyAr0bbutM-00339-00170502-00171519 The rule is that we should train and be good and Allah (AJ) will clean, grant sincerity fkyAr0bbutM-00340-00171519-00171710 and begin to open. fkyAr0bbutM-00341-00171710-00172590 But Allah (AJ) attracts through many different realities and He gives a kashf and gives a fkyAr0bbutM-00342-00172590-00173357 person to witness, to taste, to experience as a way in which to draw them to the reality. fkyAr0bbutM-00343-00173357-00174348 We said that if Nabi Musa (as) was destined to meet with Allah (AJ) in Baqa valley wherever fkyAr0bbutM-00344-00174348-00175145 they were meeting at that time, if he was hot, he wouldn’t have been drawn to Allah’s fkyAr0bbutM-00345-00175145-00175730 (AJ) burning bush and the image of a burning bush because he was hot and look at a bush fkyAr0bbutM-00346-00175730-00176080 and, ‘I’m not interested, I’m already hot.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00347-00176080-00176505 So Allah (AJ) creates a condition, “Ya musabbibal asbaab (O’ Originator of causes), Ya mufattihul fkyAr0bbutM-00348-00176505-00177217 abwab (O’ Opener of doors)” that He’s going to create a condition for that servant fkyAr0bbutM-00349-00177217-00177635 and that condition has a door that’s why He’s creating that condition. fkyAr0bbutM-00350-00177635-00178278 So, many people had dreams of Prophet ﷺ being guided towards that reality. fkyAr0bbutM-00351-00178278-00178942 Had visions, had a experience of light, could hear creatures talking, somebody went to a fkyAr0bbutM-00352-00178942-00179133 forest where the trees talking to them. fkyAr0bbutM-00353-00179133-00179688 Many of these different things that Allah (AJ) give them an experience that there’s fkyAr0bbutM-00354-00179688-00179964 something much, much, much greater than yourself. fkyAr0bbutM-00355-00179964-00180374 And it was not that you lost it but it was never given to you. fkyAr0bbutM-00356-00180374-00181105 It was just merely to entice you to come towards this path because it’s not given to somebody, fkyAr0bbutM-00357-00181105-00181529 Allah (AJ) knows that that person is not prepared to be given anything because if they give fkyAr0bbutM-00358-00181529-00182037 you that ability to hear and see and you’ve not been dressed, you’ve not been protected fkyAr0bbutM-00359-00182037-00182380 every type of demon would be sort of ravaging you. fkyAr0bbutM-00360-00182380-00182887 Imagine how bad people are being attacked now by shayateen (devils) and they don’t fkyAr0bbutM-00361-00182887-00182987 see them. fkyAr0bbutM-00362-00182987-00183427 You just feel itching, you feel attacked, you feel sick, you feel horrible. fkyAr0bbutM-00363-00183427-00183842 Now multiply that by a thousand, ten-thousand if you could see them. fkyAr0bbutM-00364-00183842-00184214 If you could sit in your house and see all these things and then they’re coming at fkyAr0bbutM-00365-00184214-00184950 you and now all your senses will also be working against you because now you see it, you scream. fkyAr0bbutM-00366-00184950-00185302 You see them bite your leg and you start to yell and shout. fkyAr0bbutM-00367-00185302-00185589 So, everything about you would flip upside down. fkyAr0bbutM-00368-00185589-00186252 So, Allah (AJ), one of the immense mercy just “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” that we fkyAr0bbutM-00369-00186252-00186705 don’t understand how much Allah (AJ) has saved us by veiling us. fkyAr0bbutM-00370-00186705-00187336 So, these are not things anyone’s ever lost because Allah (AJ) doesn’t let anyone lose fkyAr0bbutM-00371-00187336-00187997 anything, but they were merely something to entice us and people would come towards that fkyAr0bbutM-00372-00187997-00188292 reality and to seek it. fkyAr0bbutM-00373-00188292-00188651 Now shaitan knows the same story that we’re telling you. fkyAr0bbutM-00374-00188651-00188815 He knows the same talk. fkyAr0bbutM-00375-00188815-00189551 So, he tries to gather his people through drugs and alcohol and all of his vices and fkyAr0bbutM-00376-00189551-00190107 he tries to.. because he doesn’t have access to the heavens but he understands that there’re fkyAr0bbutM-00377-00190107-00190947 certain chemicals that you can put onto a person, entice them to use and destroy these fkyAr0bbutM-00378-00190947-00191185 veils. fkyAr0bbutM-00379-00191185-00191564 And that’s how he’s operating because he doesn’t have access to Allah (AJ) but fkyAr0bbutM-00380-00191564-00191999 he wants to give spiritual people and say, ‘Come you know come my way and you’ll fkyAr0bbutM-00381-00191999-00192284 have sorts of spiritual experiences.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00382-00192284-00192869 And he then introduces them to hallucinogenics, hallucinogenic, genics or genic, genie, hallucinogens fkyAr0bbutM-00383-00192869-00193059 [shaykh laughs]. fkyAr0bbutM-00384-00193059-00193446 Yeah, and all sorts of materials. fkyAr0bbutM-00385-00193446-00193546 Why? fkyAr0bbutM-00386-00193546-00194040 To pierce the veil and then they start to see and feel and they say, ‘Oh my God, I’m fkyAr0bbutM-00387-00194040-00194524 going to into the Congo and Peru and I drank this thing and I saw heavens,’ that was fkyAr0bbutM-00388-00194524-00194724 not heavens at all. fkyAr0bbutM-00389-00194724-00195229 You know that was a crazy bunch of spiritual beings that you don’t even want to see their fkyAr0bbutM-00390-00195229-00195458 reality what they look like. fkyAr0bbutM-00391-00195458-00195913 But there’s a you know magic show going on, it’s like a child you’re acting like fkyAr0bbutM-00392-00195913-00196277 a child in a magic show thinking, ‘Look he’s really cutting the guy’s leg off, fkyAr0bbutM-00393-00196277-00196452 he’s really doing these things with the cards.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00394-00196452-00196796 No, he’s not doing anything, it’s all just an illusion. fkyAr0bbutM-00395-00196796-00197484 So, shaitan is also trying to entice his audience to stay with him and smoke this, drink this, fkyAr0bbutM-00396-00197484-00198417 you know do this, do that and then give them delusional and mental understandings. fkyAr0bbutM-00397-00198417-00198900 But the real way is towards the heavens in which Allah (AJ) want to clean the servant, fkyAr0bbutM-00398-00198900-00199539 perfect the servant and that which Allah (AJ) opens for them is their training, their energy, fkyAr0bbutM-00399-00199539-00200001 the ability to defend themselves and that’s why the strong connection with the shaykhs fkyAr0bbutM-00400-00200001-00200384 that you have to be strong with the shaykh, dedicated with the shaykh. fkyAr0bbutM-00401-00200384-00200553 You have to be loyal to the shaykh. fkyAr0bbutM-00402-00200553-00200937 That’s why there’s some people email that, ‘Oh I don’t know about this dedication fkyAr0bbutM-00403-00200937-00201449 that you want and the loyalty and I love to bounce around to many different people and fkyAr0bbutM-00404-00201449-00201709 do this, do this, do this.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00405-00201709-00202417 You’re free to do as whatever you like but this way is not something you should be playing fkyAr0bbutM-00406-00202417-00202836 with; you should leave and go and be free to do whatever you like. fkyAr0bbutM-00407-00202836-00203301 But this way of opening your heart, taking this training to open your heart, to open fkyAr0bbutM-00408-00203301-00203819 your meditation you are now in a big fight with devils. fkyAr0bbutM-00409-00203819-00204232 If you’re not sure on who your shaykh is and that your shaykh knows you and you know fkyAr0bbutM-00410-00204232-00204719 your shaykh and you don’t know how to keep your connection, you don’t know how to.. fkyAr0bbutM-00411-00204719-00205273 who to listen to for your teachings, who’s the one who’s going to be teaching you all fkyAr0bbutM-00412-00205273-00205785 these realities, then you can imagine the extent of the difficulty that you are opening fkyAr0bbutM-00413-00205785-00205906 upon yourself. fkyAr0bbutM-00414-00205906-00206515 That you want to now go to a hornet’s nest of devils, hit it and then say, ‘I don’t fkyAr0bbutM-00415-00206515-00206855 know who my shaykh is, I’m listening to 20 different people, I don’t know how to fkyAr0bbutM-00416-00206855-00206955 be protected. fkyAr0bbutM-00417-00206955-00207235 I don’t know who’s teaching me how to breathe, who’s teaching me how to be connected, fkyAr0bbutM-00418-00207235-00207437 who am I connecting with.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00419-00207437-00207948 So, all of this was meant not to say, ‘Oh this is your way is tough.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00420-00207948-00208436 No, but this was the way of the turuqs (spiritual paths) is that you go to a doctor’s office fkyAr0bbutM-00421-00208436-00208844 and you say you take this medicine, you take the treatment, you take all the practices fkyAr0bbutM-00422-00208844-00209285 that the doctor’s giving then the doctor can vouch safe that, ‘Yes, this student fkyAr0bbutM-00423-00209285-00209525 is with me, this is what I’ve been training. fkyAr0bbutM-00424-00209525-00209846 I don’t know what they’re listening to they shouldn’t have mixed anything else fkyAr0bbutM-00425-00209846-00209946 with our training. fkyAr0bbutM-00426-00209946-00210163 They shouldn’t have mixed anything else with our awrads (daily practices).’ fkyAr0bbutM-00427-00210163-00210575 Our awrads that we’re giving they’re from Sultanul Awliya (King of Saints), and we haven’t fkyAr0bbutM-00428-00210575-00210830 touched them, those are the awrads that they’re giving. fkyAr0bbutM-00429-00210830-00211321 So, they stand behind their awrad, if you add three other things into it, twenty other fkyAr0bbutM-00430-00211321-00211669 practices, you listen to this shaykh for one week then you listen to another shaykh for fkyAr0bbutM-00431-00211669-00212148 two weeks and then you have you know all sorts of different difficulties and attacks. fkyAr0bbutM-00432-00212148-00212767 Then you can understand why the system is… then nobody knows who you’re following and fkyAr0bbutM-00433-00212767-00212917 who you’re listening to. fkyAr0bbutM-00434-00212917-00213369 That’s why it’s this because of the unseen world and the difficulties that are around, fkyAr0bbutM-00435-00213369-00213839 that’s all they ask is listen to the teachings, follow the practices, here’s the awrad, fkyAr0bbutM-00436-00213839-00214127 here’s the app, here’s this, here’s the wudu (ablution), here’s your ta’weez fkyAr0bbutM-00437-00214127-00214592 (prayer for protection) and keep your practices and keep your line of communication. fkyAr0bbutM-00438-00214592-00215060 You sit with somebody else and they tell you ten other things and do like this and give fkyAr0bbutM-00439-00215060-00215446 here, and go there and do this then you’re on your own. fkyAr0bbutM-00440-00215446-00215894 And it’s not that the shaykh is being mean it’s just that we don’t understand what fkyAr0bbutM-00441-00215894-00216285 you’re doing anymore and you’re mixing many different things and then you’re thinking, fkyAr0bbutM-00442-00216285-00216626 ‘Well oh…’ and then they emailed that, ‘Uh I’m having this battle that it’s fkyAr0bbutM-00443-00216626-00217079 so difficult and I don’t want to be with just this, I want to do like this and this.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00444-00217079-00217502 And that’s exactly the danger that you’re in now because you’re not being consistent fkyAr0bbutM-00445-00217502-00218286 and loyal and istiqam and firm, shaitan now came in between and he’s wedging in between fkyAr0bbutM-00446-00218286-00218536 that ‘Don’t follow, don’t do it, don’t do it.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00447-00218536-00219169 So, that you cut off from this connection and that’s you know that’s your big danger. fkyAr0bbutM-00448-00219169-00219691 The fact that even shaitan is coming and whispering and inspiring you all of these waswas’s fkyAr0bbutM-00449-00219691-00220113 (whisperings) this not your mind thinking it’s clever, it’s that you’re allowing fkyAr0bbutM-00450-00220113-00220526 waswas to enter and now shaitan bite your hand to let go of their rope. fkyAr0bbutM-00451-00220526-00220883 So that’s, that’s you know it’s a system. fkyAr0bbutM-00452-00220883-00221485 If you work it alhamdulillah and if you want to enter into that realm of tafakkur and contemplation fkyAr0bbutM-00453-00221485-00222090 and how to open that reality it requires that system and that’s for your safety. fkyAr0bbutM-00454-00222090-00222598 You know so the bungee rope and say, ‘I don’t know who put the vest on me and I fkyAr0bbutM-00455-00222598-00222978 don’t know who put the chain on me and I don’t know who’s been checking this bungee.’ fkyAr0bbutM-00456-00222978-00223538 So, you’re about the jump but who’s put this all on, on this person. fkyAr0bbutM-00457-00223538-00224267 So, it can be difficult and that’s the extent of you know all these difficulties that open fkyAr0bbutM-00458-00224267-00224866 and we find that the most from the south east Asia, the Asian population right. fkyAr0bbutM-00459-00224866-00225313 They’ve had twenty different shaykhs all along the street of their home, ‘I got ta’weez fkyAr0bbutM-00460-00225313-00225716 from this shaykh, I got a du’a (supplication) from this shaykh, my sister’s shaykh he fkyAr0bbutM-00461-00225716-00226217 gave me this, my grandma’s shaykh did this and baba ji shaykh did this and I got them fkyAr0bbutM-00462-00226217-00226571 all now here’ and they have the most problems. fkyAr0bbutM-00463-00226571-00227031 So, how come with all these shaykhs they’re not, they’re not fantastic you know floating fkyAr0bbutM-00464-00227031-00227413 and all their children you know floating and seeing the seven heavens. fkyAr0bbutM-00465-00227413-00227804 They are in the most amount of difficulty. fkyAr0bbutM-00466-00227804-00227984 Why? fkyAr0bbutM-00467-00227984-00228169 Because they don’t know who their shaykh is actually. fkyAr0bbutM-00468-00228169-00228625 They got twenty different mixtures, twenty different soups that they’re making and fkyAr0bbutM-00469-00228625-00228796 they don’t know what soup they have. fkyAr0bbutM-00470-00228796-00229054 It’s like you go to someone and say, ‘What soup is this?’ fkyAr0bbutM-00471-00229054-00229154 “I have no idea?” fkyAr0bbutM-00472-00229154-00229296 ‘What ingredients is in this?’ fkyAr0bbutM-00473-00229296-00229396 “I don’t know. fkyAr0bbutM-00474-00229396-00229537 Ten people told me to put different things in here.” fkyAr0bbutM-00475-00229537-00229741 And that’s the problem. fkyAr0bbutM-00476-00229741-00230183 It become like a soup that nobody understands and that’s why the family is in problem, fkyAr0bbutM-00477-00230183-00230636 the children are in family and all their practices are all over the place, inshaAllah. fkyAr0bbutM-00478-00230636-00231369 As Salaamu Alaykum Sayyidi Wa Alaykum As Salaam wa rehmatullah fkyAr0bbutM-00479-00231369-00231998 Does gossiping or listening to gossip drain our energy and lower our frequency? fkyAr0bbutM-00480-00231998-00232498 Wa Alaykum As Salaam. fkyAr0bbutM-00481-00232498-00233244 Most definitely that’s, that’s definite, that’s Prophet’s ﷺ command that to gossip fkyAr0bbutM-00482-00233244-00234126 and backbiting and if you’re backbiting somebody and listening to the gossip it definitely fkyAr0bbutM-00483-00234126-00234836 is destroying the heart and pulling away all the spiritual energy of the person. fkyAr0bbutM-00484-00234836-00235380 And if it’s, if it’s gossip means it’s something real and you’re talking about fkyAr0bbutM-00485-00235380-00235927 the faults of the person, worse is if it’s not real and you’re hearing these stories fkyAr0bbutM-00486-00235927-00236403 from that person now you’re slandering and Allah (AJ) will begin to punish the servants. fkyAr0bbutM-00487-00236403-00236928 The one hearing it, listening to it, partaking in it, it’s like being involved in narcotics fkyAr0bbutM-00488-00236928-00237131 and alcohol. fkyAr0bbutM-00489-00237131-00237971 Anyone selling it, trafficking it, being involved in it are all sort of under Allah’s (AJ) fkyAr0bbutM-00490-00237971-00238250 Nazar (gaze), that this not right. fkyAr0bbutM-00491-00238250-00238687 Because imagine you’re spreading something that’s not true, it’s not longer backbiting fkyAr0bbutM-00492-00238687-00239140 that’s actually slandering, you’re destroying the character of that person. fkyAr0bbutM-00493-00239140-00239617 So, definitely those things are dangerous and that’s why dajjal (man of deceit) his fkyAr0bbutM-00494-00239617-00240053 media now is only that and we have talks on that. fkyAr0bbutM-00495-00240053-00240321 That news is not the news anymore. fkyAr0bbutM-00496-00240321-00240810 There’s not a single thing that the news is talking about, it’s just every man coming fkyAr0bbutM-00497-00240810-00241551 up and just backbiting, backbiting, backbiting so it’s a completely backbiting program. fkyAr0bbutM-00498-00241551-00241921 And then slandering all of it because most of it’s not true what they say about the fkyAr0bbutM-00499-00241921-00242050 person they’re talking about. fkyAr0bbutM-00500-00242050-00242777 And that’s all shaitan wants is get everybody to be burned, burn, burn, burn. fkyAr0bbutM-00501-00242777-00243296 That’s the difficulty and the deceit in which we live in now. fkyAr0bbutM-00502-00243296-00243561 We live in, in the time of deceit. fkyAr0bbutM-00503-00243561-00243969 Haji Shamash has a episode coming out when? fkyAr0bbutM-00504-00243969-00244413 When Lloyd and Shamash are coming out, it’s tomorrow the episode? fkyAr0bbutM-00505-00244413-00244607 The deceit, the deceit yeah. fkyAr0bbutM-00506-00244607-00245292 Nice trailer ‘Boww, bow, bow’ Haji Shamash like Alex Jones now [shaykh laughs]. fkyAr0bbutM-00507-00245292-00245985 Anyone doesn’t like that trailer please contact Haji Shamash. fkyAr0bbutM-00508-00245985-00246958 Anyone likes it then please contact Shaykh Nurjan [everyone laughs]. fkyAr0bbutM-00509-00246958-00247323 Bas inshaAllah. fkyAr0bbutM-00510-00247323-00248426 Allah (AJ) dress you, bless you all inshaAllah and give us life to see tomorrow. fkyAr0bbutM-00511-00248426-00248996 Ila sharifin Nabi (SallAllahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) wa ila aalihi wa sahbihil kiram, Wa fkyAr0bbutM-00512-00248996-00249242 ila mashayikhina fit tariqatin Naqshbandiyatil ‘aaliyah. fkyAr0bbutM-00513-00249242-00249446 Wa sayiri sadatina wa Siddiqin. fkyAr0bbutM-00514-00249446-00249527 Al Fatiha. fm81tHzvIUA-00000-00000024-00000368 I draw honourable senators to chapter four of the standing orders. fmT2YwBm5DE-00000-00000532-00000802 In Python, you can put *if* statements fmT2YwBm5DE-00001-00000802-00000971 inside of *if* statements, fmT2YwBm5DE-00002-00000971-00001171 and that’s called a “nested if.” fmT2YwBm5DE-00003-00001324-00001523 Here’s a program that asks for fmT2YwBm5DE-00004-00001523-00001723 a price and quantity, fmT2YwBm5DE-00005-00001723-00001923 and calculates the subtotal, fmT2YwBm5DE-00006-00001923-00002150 the tax, and the total, fmT2YwBm5DE-00007-00002150-00002416 and prints them out. Let’s run it. fmT2YwBm5DE-00008-00002416-00002813 If I have a unit price of $4.50, fmT2YwBm5DE-00009-00002813-00003060 and I order seven of them, fmT2YwBm5DE-00010-00003060-00003417 there’s my subtotal, tax, and total. fmT2YwBm5DE-00011-00003566-00003834 I’d like to be sure that both the price and quantity fmT2YwBm5DE-00012-00003834-00004034 are greater than zero. fmT2YwBm5DE-00013-00004119-00004444 Let’s add an if/else for the price. fmT2YwBm5DE-00014-00004562-00004740 I’ll ask for the price, fmT2YwBm5DE-00015-00004740-00004940 and then *if* the price is fmT2YwBm5DE-00016-00004940-00005140 greater than zero, fmT2YwBm5DE-00017-00005140-00005436 I want to do everything else. fmT2YwBm5DE-00018-00005436-00005732 I could indent them all by hand, one by one, fmT2YwBm5DE-00019-00005732-00006062 but Thonny gives me a helping hand--- fmT2YwBm5DE-00020-00006062-00006270 if I highlight all the lines, fmT2YwBm5DE-00021-00006270-00006576 and press TAB, it indents them all. fmT2YwBm5DE-00022-00006576-00007010 Let me hide the shell here so you can see the whole program. fmT2YwBm5DE-00023-00007170-00007429 If the price is greater than zero, fmT2YwBm5DE-00024-00007429-00007674 continue with everything else. fmT2YwBm5DE-00025-00007673-00008035 Otherwise, print fmT2YwBm5DE-00026-00008034-00008446 'Price must be greater than zero.' fmT2YwBm5DE-00027-00008484-00009149 Let’s go back to the shell and run the program... fmT2YwBm5DE-00028-00009149-00009491 This time if I enter a unit price fmT2YwBm5DE-00029-00009491-00009804 of negative $4.95, fmT2YwBm5DE-00030-00009923-00010296 It’ll immediately tell me that the price must be greater than zero. fmT2YwBm5DE-00031-00010296-00010612 Cool. That handles negative prices. fmT2YwBm5DE-00032-00010612-00010905 But what about negative quantrities? fmT2YwBm5DE-00033-00010986-00011274 If I give a valid unit price, fmT2YwBm5DE-00034-00011274-00011552 and a negative quantity, fmT2YwBm5DE-00035-00011552-00011752 it still goes through with a bad fmT2YwBm5DE-00036-00011752-00011952 calculation, so I need another fmT2YwBm5DE-00037-00011952-00012152 if/else to handle that. fmT2YwBm5DE-00038-00012343-00012497 After I get the quantity, fmT2YwBm5DE-00039-00012497-00012697 I have to ask it the quantity fmT2YwBm5DE-00040-00012697-00012838 is greater than zero. fmT2YwBm5DE-00041-00012838-00013038 If that’s the case, fmT2YwBm5DE-00042-00013114-00013380 I’m able to do all this stuff. fmT2YwBm5DE-00043-00013513-00013893 Otherwise (the quantity is zero or negative) fmT2YwBm5DE-00044-00013893-00014093 and I print fmT2YwBm5DE-00045-00014093-00014401 'The quantity must be greater than zero.' fmT2YwBm5DE-00046-00014700-00014932 I have an *if* fmT2YwBm5DE-00047-00014932-00015179 from lines 9 through 18, fmT2YwBm5DE-00048-00015179-00015379 inside an *if* fmT2YwBm5DE-00049-00015379-00015579 from lines 7 through 19. fmT2YwBm5DE-00050-00015801-00015994 Let’s run the program, fmT2YwBm5DE-00051-00015994-00016284 with a valid unit price fmT2YwBm5DE-00052-00016284-00016484 and quantity. fmT2YwBm5DE-00053-00016484-00016739 Everything works nicely. fmT2YwBm5DE-00054-00016848-00017164 With an invalid price, fmT2YwBm5DE-00055-00017164-00017462 it gives me an error right away; fmT2YwBm5DE-00056-00017687-00017930 and with a valid price fmT2YwBm5DE-00057-00017930-00018130 and a negative quantity, fmT2YwBm5DE-00058-00018130-00018412 it gives me an error message as well. fmT2YwBm5DE-00059-00018412-00018716 The program is now working the way I want to, fmT2YwBm5DE-00060-00018716-00018916 because I have a nested condition: fmT2YwBm5DE-00061-00018916-00019116 an *if* within an *if*. fmT2YwBm5DE-00062-00019221-00019553 Can you have an *if* statement inside the *else* portion? fmT2YwBm5DE-00063-00019553-00019753 Yes, indeed. fmT2YwBm5DE-00064-00019753-00019953 Here’s another way I could have fmT2YwBm5DE-00065-00019953-00020153 written the price program. fmT2YwBm5DE-00066-00020296-00020491 In this program, I’m asking for fmT2YwBm5DE-00067-00020491-00020746 both the price and quantity before I do fmT2YwBm5DE-00068-00020746-00020855 any testing. fmT2YwBm5DE-00069-00020920-00021162 Then I ask: is the price fmT2YwBm5DE-00070-00021162-00021382 greater than zero *AND* the quantity is fmT2YwBm5DE-00071-00021382-00021477 greater than zero? fmT2YwBm5DE-00072-00021477-00021677 If both of them are OK, fmT2YwBm5DE-00073-00021677-00021965 it’s OK to do the calculations. fmT2YwBm5DE-00074-00022086-00022297 Otherwise, one or both of the fmT2YwBm5DE-00075-00022297-00022497 price or quantity must be wrong. fmT2YwBm5DE-00076-00022732-00022972 In the *else* portion, I’m going to have fmT2YwBm5DE-00077-00022972-00023141 a nested *if* statement fmT2YwBm5DE-00078-00023141-00023297 -- a unary *if*. fmT2YwBm5DE-00079-00023297-00023567 If the price is less than or equal to zero, fmT2YwBm5DE-00080-00023567-00023767 then it’s bad; fmT2YwBm5DE-00081-00023767-00024099 I need to make a print statement for that. fmT2YwBm5DE-00082-00024246-00024451 Separately, I have to ask if fmT2YwBm5DE-00083-00024451-00024651 the quantity is less than zero. fmT2YwBm5DE-00084-00024651-00024807 If it is, fmT2YwBm5DE-00085-00024813-00024968 I give an error message. fmT2YwBm5DE-00086-00024968-00025227 There’s no *else* needed for either fmT2YwBm5DE-00087-00025227-00025427 this *if* in line 18 fmT2YwBm5DE-00088-00025427-00025653 or this *if* in line 21, fmT2YwBm5DE-00089-00025652-00025873 because the only way I can get fmT2YwBm5DE-00090-00025873-00026157 here is if the price is less than or equal to zero, fmT2YwBm5DE-00091-00026157-00026406 or the quantity is less than or equal to zero. fmT2YwBm5DE-00092-00026406-00026654 If they were both greater than zero, fmT2YwBm5DE-00093-00026654-00026854 I would have handled it here. fmT2YwBm5DE-00094-00027025-00027166 Let’s view the shell, fmT2YwBm5DE-00095-00027166-00027537 clear it, and run the program. fmT2YwBm5DE-00096-00027631-00027917 If the unit price is $4.50 and I fmT2YwBm5DE-00097-00027917-00028117 order ten of them, fmT2YwBm5DE-00098-00028117-00028317 everything works great. fmT2YwBm5DE-00099-00028383-00028661 If the unit price is negative, fmT2YwBm5DE-00100-00028746-00028914 and I order ten of them, fmT2YwBm5DE-00101-00028968-00029288 it tells me the price must be greater than zero; fmT2YwBm5DE-00102-00029288-00029645 if the unit price is OK, fmT2YwBm5DE-00103-00029645-00029845 but the quantity is bad, fmT2YwBm5DE-00104-00029845-00030116 it tells me the quantity must be greater than zero. fmT2YwBm5DE-00105-00030240-00030556 And if both the unit price and quantity fmT2YwBm5DE-00106-00030556-00030756 are bad, fmT2YwBm5DE-00107-00030756-00030956 it gives me both error messages. fmT2YwBm5DE-00108-00031180-00031379 There’s an important point here. fmT2YwBm5DE-00109-00031379-00031579 In order to do a good test fmT2YwBm5DE-00110-00031579-00031779 of my program, I have to test all the fmT2YwBm5DE-00111-00031779-00031979 combinations of good and bad input fmT2YwBm5DE-00112-00031979-00032212 to make sure I’ve covered all the cases. fmT2YwBm5DE-00113-00032388-00032547 Another thing to notice is the fmT2YwBm5DE-00114-00032547-00032838 difference between this program and the other one. fmT2YwBm5DE-00115-00032862-00033057 In the first version of the program, fmT2YwBm5DE-00116-00033057-00033242 as soon as I got an error, fmT2YwBm5DE-00117-00033242-00033400 I gave the error message. fmT2YwBm5DE-00118-00033449-00033685 In this program, I wait until I have fmT2YwBm5DE-00119-00033685-00033885 all the input before I give fmT2YwBm5DE-00120-00033885-00034062 any of the error messages. fmT2YwBm5DE-00121-00034069-00034258 Which approach is better? fmT2YwBm5DE-00122-00034258-00034458 That’s a design decision. fmT2YwBm5DE-00123-00034698-00034891 The take-away from this video fmT2YwBm5DE-00124-00034891-00035066 is that it’s possible to have fmT2YwBm5DE-00125-00035066-00035266 *if* inside of *if*, fmT2YwBm5DE-00126-00035266-00035571 and *if* inside of *else* fmT2YwBm5DE-00127-00035632-00035892 and, if the occasion warrants it, fmT2YwBm5DE-00128-00035892-00036111 you could even have an *if* inside of the fmT2YwBm5DE-00129-00036111-00036381 *if* as well as an *if* inside of the *else*. fmT2YwBm5DE-00130-00036381-00036660 Whatever the design of the program fmT2YwBm5DE-00131-00036660-00036860 requires, you may nest fmT2YwBm5DE-00132-00036860-00037102 *if*s and *else*s inside of one another fmT2YwBm5DE-00133-00037102-00037302 to get the effect you need. g0-NGLkekJU-00000-00005563-00007326 Dab brush g20rTWRvNmg-00000-00000567-00002111 Lucy Mecklenburgh, 26, and Mark Wright enjoyed a short-lived fling in 2010, a romance they later re-ignited while dating other people and then had a furious spat where he branded her 'a kiss and tell girl'. g20rTWRvNmg-00001-00002228-00003304 But the fitness bunny has proved she has completely put the past behind her, as she praised Michelle Keegan's husband for his presenting career in America. g20rTWRvNmg-00002-00003421-00004291 Ryan Thomas' girlfriend said she is 'really proud' of Mark, 30, and congratulated him on his success. g20rTWRvNmg-00003-00004408-00005139 'What Mark has done shows that hard work pays off if you have goals,' she told The Sun g20rTWRvNmg-00004-00005256-00005632 'Everyone is smashing it in their own way.' g20rTWRvNmg-00005-00005749-00006792 Lucy went on to praise the rest of her The Only Way Is Essex co-stars, adding: 'Everyone from the original Towie cast is doing really well. g20rTWRvNmg-00006-00006909-00007505 'People have a stereotype about Essex, it makes me feel really proud g20rTWRvNmg-00007-00007622-00008941 We're all really hard workers.' Lucy and Mark briefly dated during the first series of TOWIE, while he was on a break from his nine-year relationship with Lauren Goodger. g20rTWRvNmg-00008-00009058-00010007 The former couple had an on-off fling, which came to a head when Mark lashed out at Lucy on for speaking about him in an interview. g20rTWRvNmg-00009-00010124-00011023 Meanwhile, Lucy is in a happy relationship with Ryan Thomas and Mark has been married to Michelle for two years. g20rTWRvNmg-00010-00011140-00011924 Lucy and Ryan spent New Year's Eve together last year, surrounded by the soap star's family. g20rTWRvNmg-00011-00012041-00012957 The couple have made their relationship work long-distance, after Ryan landed a job on Australian soap Neighbours. g20rTWRvNmg-00012-00013074-00013778 After Ryan first made the move, the pair were constantly quashing split rumours. g2pjT1Y0zNI-00000-00000059-00000425 Your healthcare system should let you decide when and where you get your care. g2pjT1Y0zNI-00001-00000425-00000647 With Kaiser Permanente, you've got it. g2pjT1Y0zNI-00002-00000647-00001035 Whether you want to chat with your doctor by phone, have a virtual visit by video, g2pjT1Y0zNI-00003-00001035-00001287 or meet in person, it's all up to you. g2pjT1Y0zNI-00004-00001287-00001771 No matter what, you can count on us for personalized care that's delivered on your terms, that g2pjT1Y0zNI-00005-00001771-00001923 works with your schedule. g2pjT1Y0zNI-00006-00001923-00002288 So when it comes to your healthcare, you're in the driver's seat. g2pjT1Y0zNI-00007-00002288-00002596 Visit kp.org/careondemand to learn more. g4qiLensNou-00000-00000352-00000554 -Hello, how are you? Welcome back. I'm Dr. Marco. g4qiLensNou-00001-00000571-00000811 Today we are going to be discussing about diets, g4qiLensNou-00002-00000827-00001052 a topic that is not controversial at all g4qiLensNou-00003-00001069-00001230 and we should be able to get g4qiLensNou-00004-00001247-00001577 all our information from a 12-minute video on YouTube. g4qiLensNou-00005-00001594-00001812 I thought it was a good idea to talk about diets, g4qiLensNou-00006-00001829-00002167 specifically diets for patients with hypertension. g4qiLensNou-00007-00002184-00002280 What is the best diet? g4qiLensNou-00008-00002296-00002579 What should a person with hypertension eat g4qiLensNou-00009-00002596-00002902 that can help them manage their condition? g4qiLensNou-00010-00002975-00003470 If a person already wants to have a diet in their life, g4qiLensNou-00011-00003486-00003639 obviously, each person is very different, g4qiLensNou-00012-00003656-00003941 and therefore, everyone is going to need different things. g4qiLensNou-00013-00003958-00004247 That is where our nutritionists g4qiLensNou-00014-00004264-00004446 or our nutrition specialists g4qiLensNou-00015-00004462-00004808 can help us find the right diet g4qiLensNou-00016-00004825-00005113 for ourselves based on what we need, g4qiLensNou-00017-00005129-00005480 based on whether we have a disease or not, whether we want to lose weight or not, g4qiLensNou-00018-00005497-00005677 and so on. g4qiLensNou-00019-00005694-00005877 However, today we are going to talk about g4qiLensNou-00020-00005893-00006113 the famous DASH diet. g4qiLensNou-00021-00006130-00006389 The famous DASH diet specifically stands for g4qiLensNou-00022-00006406-00006647 Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. g4qiLensNou-00023-00006664-00006995 That is, dietary activities or approaches g4qiLensNou-00024-00007012-00007260 to stop or prevent hypertension. g4qiLensNou-00025-00007277-00007768 This was research that was conducted in the United States, g4qiLensNou-00026-00007785-00007883 which is where it started. g4qiLensNou-00027-00007899-00008200 In 1996 it was presented at one of the largest g4qiLensNou-00028-00008217-00008390 cardiology congresses. g4qiLensNou-00029-00008406-00008885 There it was mentioned in the original study, g4qiLensNou-00030-00008902-00009112 later published in 1997 g4qiLensNou-00031-00009129-00009265 in the New England Journal of Medicine, g4qiLensNou-00032-00009282-00009655 one of the most important medical journals in the world. g4qiLensNou-00033-00009697-00009976 What they did was to take three different groups. g4qiLensNou-00034-00009993-00010502 The first group was given a normal diet, typical diet for the United States, g4qiLensNou-00035-00010518-00010805 the famous American diet with all its characteristics. g4qiLensNou-00036-00010848-00011084 It is usually a diet that is high in sodium, g4qiLensNou-00037-00011101-00011364 high in ultra-processed foods, g4qiLensNou-00038-00011381-00011764 fats, especially trans fats, which are, not to mention, the most harmful, g4qiLensNou-00039-00011780-00011906 and so on. g4qiLensNou-00040-00011923-00012122 It doesn't mean that this diet is exclusively a US diet. g4qiLensNou-00041-00012139-00012319 Many countries-- Mexico, of course, g4qiLensNou-00042-00012335-00012673 has a very similar diet and in the Western world in general g4qiLensNou-00043-00012690-00012815 we have a very bad diet. g4qiLensNou-00044-00012831-00013156 That is the first group: a normal diet. g4qiLensNou-00045-00013172-00013467 The second group had the same normal diet, g4qiLensNou-00046-00013484-00014056 but they asked for more servings of fruits and vegetables. g4qiLensNou-00047-00014073-00014296 That was the only difference. g4qiLensNou-00048-00014312-00014652 In the third group, which was the DASH group, g4qiLensNou-00049-00014696-00014941 it was a much more varied diet. g4qiLensNou-00050-00014958-00015280 They controlled the portions that they were serving to people. g4qiLensNou-00051-00015297-00015725 They had a lot of fruit servings, a lot of vegetable servings. g4qiLensNou-00052-00015742-00016029 Although in limited amounts, but they still had dairy products g4qiLensNou-00053-00016046-00016417 that were very controlled to be low in fat. g4qiLensNou-00054-00016433-00016843 They had a lot of nuts and a lot of other kinds of g4qiLensNou-00055-00016860-00017035 mostly whole-grain carbohydrates. g4qiLensNou-00056-00017051-00017390 Not refined sugar, not things like that, but carbohydrates, g4qiLensNou-00057-00017407-00017753 nuts and legumes that were high in fiber, g4qiLensNou-00058-00017770-00017952 again, whole grains. g4qiLensNou-00059-00017968-00018387 During that time, they followed up on those patients g4qiLensNou-00060-00018403-00018592 and saw how the three groups were doing g4qiLensNou-00061-00018609-00018911 in terms of different health outcomes. g4qiLensNou-00062-00018928-00019330 It is important to mention that since it was published in 1997, g4qiLensNou-00063-00019347-00019765 this diet has continued to be studied and different outcomes have been observed; g4qiLensNou-00064-00019781-00020128 and not only for the original aspect, which was the control of hypertension, g4qiLensNou-00065-00020145-00020499 how the patients' blood pressure went up or down, g4qiLensNou-00066-00020516-00020806 but over time they began to study g4qiLensNou-00067-00020823-00021183 other cardiovascular and metabolic health markers, insulin resistance, g4qiLensNou-00068-00021199-00021429 the appearance of diabetes, the appearance of heart attacks g4qiLensNou-00069-00021446-00021624 and strokes, g4qiLensNou-00070-00021701-00022044 the development of hyperuricemia and later of gout, g4qiLensNou-00071-00022060-00022156 et cetera. g4qiLensNou-00072-00022173-00022325 A whole host of markers and things g4qiLensNou-00073-00022342-00022584 have been studied with this specific diet. g4qiLensNou-00074-00022601-00022968 In that original study, the amount of sodium in the diet g4qiLensNou-00075-00022985-00023205 was somewhat limited to 3,000 milligrams. g4qiLensNou-00076-00023222-00023369 It was still a little high. g4qiLensNou-00077-00023385-00023647 However, it was much less than a normal diet. g4qiLensNou-00078-00023664-00023865 Essentially, what was found g4qiLensNou-00079-00023881-00024228 in this original study was that patients g4qiLensNou-00080-00024245-00024633 on the DASH diet were able to control g4qiLensNou-00081-00024649-00024802 their hypertension level with diet alone. g4qiLensNou-00082-00024819-00025013 This, of course, was true only for patients g4qiLensNou-00083-00025030-00025212 who had grade 1 hypertension. g4qiLensNou-00084-00025229-00025404 That is, they did have hypertension, g4qiLensNou-00085-00025421-00025667 but they were just starting out, g4qiLensNou-00086-00025683-00025863 they did not have such high levels, g4qiLensNou-00087-00025863-00026252 and they did not require as much medication to control g4qiLensNou-00088-00026279-00026423 their blood pressure. g4qiLensNou-00089-00026494-00026880 Over time, the DASH diet evolved g4qiLensNou-00090-00026880-00027167 and today it is recommended that patients g4qiLensNou-00091-00027183-00027574 with hypertension should not have more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium g4qiLensNou-00092-00027591-00027998 in their entire diet, and ideally, especially high-risk patients g4qiLensNou-00093-00028015-00028212 should not have more than 1,500. g4qiLensNou-00094-00028229-00028636 This, of course, helps to control hypertension even better. g4qiLensNou-00095-00028653-00028968 It is recommended that all patients with hypertension g4qiLensNou-00096-00028985-00029177 follow some type of diet, again, g4qiLensNou-00097-00029193-00029520 with the DASH diet being the one that has shown the most efficacy g4qiLensNou-00098-00029537-00029827 and benefit for this specific population. g4qiLensNou-00099-00029890-00030235 They should in any case maintain it throughout the entire length of treatment g4qiLensNou-00100-00030235-00030459 from the time of the onset of their hypertension until - g4qiLensNou-00101-00030459-00030593 hopefully it never happens - g4qiLensNou-00102-00030619-00030793 but they have severe hypertension. g4qiLensNou-00103-00030810-00031172 However, as monotherapy, that is, as the only treatment, g4qiLensNou-00104-00031188-00031555 it is only recommended at the beginning and when the hypertension is not so severe. g4qiLensNou-00105-00031572-00031783 Further down the road we are already requiring the drugs, g4qiLensNou-00106-00031800-00032085 because otherwise the patient is going to have a serious complication. g4qiLensNou-00107-00032171-00032542 But, again, monotherapy at first, and then later on your medication g4qiLensNou-00108-00032559-00032878 and also the DASH diet can do wonders to boost g4qiLensNou-00109-00032895-00033128 the drugs that we give to our patients g4qiLensNou-00110-00033145-00033332 to control their hypertension. g4qiLensNou-00111-00033349-00033470 Now, generally speaking, g4qiLensNou-00112-00033487-00033827 for the DASH diet in a person that requires 2,000 calories - g4qiLensNou-00113-00033827-00033964 I'm not going to go into that too deeply. g4qiLensNou-00114-00033964-00034278 That's something that we physicians calculate with patients g4qiLensNou-00115-00034295-00034777 or nutrition staff calculate with their patients - but a 2,000-calorie diet, g4qiLensNou-00116-00034794-00035030 which is an average requirement for many people, g4qiLensNou-00117-00035046-00035497 is going to require four to five servings per day of vegetables. g4qiLensNou-00118-00035514-00035923 Every day they need to eat four to five servings of vegetables g4qiLensNou-00119-00035940-00036172 and four to five servings of fruits. g4qiLensNou-00120-00036188-00036630 Two to three servings a day of fat-free or low-fat dairy products g4qiLensNou-00121-00036647-00036879 and never trans-fat. g4qiLensNou-00122-00036895-00037389 Grains six to eight servings a day and three servings should be whole grains, g4qiLensNou-00123-00037406-00037644 not refined grains. g4qiLensNou-00124-00037661-00038226 Fish, lean meats and poultry, two servings or less per day. g4qiLensNou-00125-00038243-00038440 In other words, it is a diet that is much more plant g4qiLensNou-00126-00038457-00038802 and seed based than meat based, although it does allow meat. g4qiLensNou-00127-00038819-00039072 You will notice that we have not mentioned red meat. g4qiLensNou-00128-00039089-00039551 Generally speaking, red meat is not really indicated in the DASH diet. g4qiLensNou-00129-00039568-00039972 Legumes, seeds and nuts, four to five servings a week. g4qiLensNou-00130-00040030-00040440 Fats and oils, two to three servings a day. g4qiLensNou-00131-00040479-00040626 Sweets or added sugars, g4qiLensNou-00132-00040643-00040929 less than five servings a week. g4qiLensNou-00133-00040946-00041111 In other words, cut down on desserts. g4qiLensNou-00134-00041128-00041485 You can see that it is not an extremely restrictive diet, g4qiLensNou-00135-00041502-00041703 that does not make us eat absolutely nothing, g4qiLensNou-00136-00041720-00042156 but it does require that we calculate g4qiLensNou-00137-00042172-00042468 the portions and do not exceed the portions that we are taking in this type of diet. g4qiLensNou-00138-00042485-00042635 What are some of the portions? g4qiLensNou-00139-00042652-00042803 Again, I'm not going to get into this too much. g4qiLensNou-00140-00042820-00043082 I'll leave a link at the bottom so you can check out g4qiLensNou-00141-00043098-00043225 the whole list there. g4qiLensNou-00142-00043242-00043669 It is a process that we usually also discuss between doctor and patient, g4qiLensNou-00143-00043686-00043969 or the nutritionist and patient. g4qiLensNou-00144-00044026-00044379 Essentially, I will mention only the most important ones. g4qiLensNou-00145-00044396-00044707 For vegetables, one serving is equal to a cup of 70 grams. g4qiLensNou-00146-00044724-00045265 For vegetables it's a 70-gram cup of raw leafy vegetables or a half cup g4qiLensNou-00147-00045282-00045596 of 90 grams of raw, cooked or chopped vegetables. g4qiLensNou-00148-00045613-00045844 For fruit, one medium fruit, g4qiLensNou-00149-00045861-00046400 either 168 grams or half a cup of 70 grams of fresh, g4qiLensNou-00150-00046417-00046559 frozen or canned fruit. g4qiLensNou-00151-00046576-00046878 In dairy products, it's one cup of 240 milliliters, g4qiLensNou-00152-00046895-00047070 either yogurt or milk. g4qiLensNou-00153-00047087-00047234 In whole grains, g4qiLensNou-00154-00047250-00047578 basically it's all these grains that contain more fiber g4qiLensNou-00155-00047594-00047856 and have more protein than refined grains, g4qiLensNou-00156-00047873-00048103 which lose a lot of this fiber and a lot of this protein, g4qiLensNou-00157-00048120-00048315 which of course, is in the shell. g4qiLensNou-00158-00048331-00048602 A slice of bread or half a cup of cooked rice, g4qiLensNou-00159-00048619-00048819 pasta or cereals. g4qiLensNou-00160-00048836-00049245 It is 85 grams of lean meat, g4qiLensNou-00161-00049262-00049595 fish or poultry. g4qiLensNou-00162-00049611-00049780 Of nuts, seeds and legumes g4qiLensNou-00163-00049797-00050256 half a cup of 90 grams of cooked legumes with beans or peas. g4qiLensNou-00164-00050273-00050765 One-third cup of nuts and one tablespoon of seeds. g4qiLensNou-00165-00050781-00050964 All of these are some of the servings. g4qiLensNou-00166-00050981-00051073 Again, I'm not going to get into it. g4qiLensNou-00167-00051090-00051329 I'll leave this guide for you at the bottom. g4qiLensNou-00168-00051346-00051640 Now, how does this diet work and what does it do? g4qiLensNou-00169-00051657-00051876 Essentially, having a combination g4qiLensNou-00170-00051893-00052322 of many types of foods and many of them g4qiLensNou-00171-00052339-00052720 coming from plants and nuts will provide us g4qiLensNou-00172-00052736-00053065 not only with a large amount of micronutrients, g4qiLensNou-00173-00053082-00053515 which other products, especially ultra-processed ones, g4qiLensNou-00174-00053532-00053788 do not have, but will also give our body the energy g4qiLensNou-00175-00053805-00054075 it needs through different biomolecules, g4qiLensNou-00176-00054092-00054399 carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, everything we need. g4qiLensNou-00177-00054416-00054780 It's not going to be as super easy to digest as the ultra-processed food that, g4qiLensNou-00178-00054796-00055179 therefore, gives us all the calories we want and even more. g4qiLensNou-00179-00055255-00055401 It's also going to limit-- g4qiLensNou-00180-00055417-00055712 Because we don't have ultra-processed food or have very little of it, g4qiLensNou-00181-00055729-00056178 that limits the amount of other substances that can easily accumulate g4qiLensNou-00182-00056195-00056462 and even be toxic, such as sodium which, again, g4qiLensNou-00183-00056478-00056678 is going to lead to different vascular problems, g4qiLensNou-00184-00056694-00056903 including, of course, hypertension. g4qiLensNou-00185-00056953-00057098 What is the DASH diet not good for? g4qiLensNou-00186-00057115-00057437 The DASH diet is not necessarily for weight loss. g4qiLensNou-00187-00057454-00057681 We can have a DASH diet g4qiLensNou-00188-00057698-00057904 for the calories our body requires. g4qiLensNou-00189-00057921-00058276 Our body will stay exactly where it is. g4qiLensNou-00190-00058292-00058542 If we want to lose weight, of course, g4qiLensNou-00191-00058558-00058874 it can be adjusted with the amount of servings and calories g4qiLensNou-00192-00058891-00059177 we are taking in but, again, that is an extra calculation to do g4qiLensNou-00193-00059193-00059421 to see how much we want to lose g4qiLensNou-00194-00059437-00059578 and how fast we want to lose. g4qiLensNou-00195-00059595-00059844 Generally speaking, the DASH diet is highly rated g4qiLensNou-00196-00059860-00060058 because it helps control hypertension, g4qiLensNou-00197-00060075-00060383 has shown benefits in numerous other pathologies, g4qiLensNou-00198-00060400-00060699 both in the prevention of diabetes and in the prevention of gout. g4qiLensNou-00199-00060716-00060886 There are even some neurodegenerative diseases, g4qiLensNou-00200-00060903-00061180 such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, g4qiLensNou-00201-00061197-00061428 being studied to see if the DASH diet g4qiLensNou-00202-00061445-00061771 could prevent them from appearing later in life, g4qiLensNou-00203-00061788-00062099 as well as some types of cancer and kidney damage. g4qiLensNou-00204-00062116-00062331 The latter being more under research, g4qiLensNou-00205-00062347-00062568 cardiovascular health is the main thing g4qiLensNou-00206-00062568-00062831 that has already been demonstrated with the DASH diet. g4qiLensNou-00207-00062858-00063320 Evidently, a varied diet rich in carbohydrates that are whole grains, g4qiLensNou-00208-00063337-00063514 removing ultra-processed food, g4qiLensNou-00209-00063531-00063761 fruits and vegetables is healthy for everyone g4qiLensNou-00210-00063778-00064242 and we should all try to seek that kind of diet. g4qiLensNou-00211-00064258-00064651 It has many health advantages, regardless of weight. g4qiLensNou-00212-00064668-00064862 We can stay exactly the same weight, g4qiLensNou-00213-00064878-00065305 but if we have a type of diet more in line with this DASH diet g4qiLensNou-00214-00065321-00065544 and other diets that we may talk about in the future, g4qiLensNou-00215-00065560-00065806 our health will surely improve. g4qiLensNou-00216-00065823-00066267 One of the problems with the DASH diet is that it is not so well structured. g4qiLensNou-00217-00066284-00066585 We know that the big problem with diets is attachment. g4qiLensNou-00218-00066602-00066923 Trying to stick with that diet over time g4qiLensNou-00219-00066940-00067216 is what gives the best results, but also where we lose g4qiLensNou-00220-00067233-00067515 most patients and where most of us g4qiLensNou-00221-00067532-00067815 who try to follow these much healthier diets g4qiLensNou-00222-00067832-00068002 fall down. g4qiLensNou-00223-00068019-00068216 Of course, any effort is good. g4qiLensNou-00224-00068233-00068708 Any modification or adoption of this type of healthy habits g4qiLensNou-00225-00068725-00068915 will benefit everyone, g4qiLensNou-00226-00068932-00069334 but in particular the DASH diet for patients with hypertension g4qiLensNou-00227-00069351-00069697 gets the five stars, as it has the most evidence g4qiLensNou-00228-00069713-00070009 and the greatest benefit for this type of patients. g4qiLensNou-00229-00070025-00070237 That's basically the information that I had. g4qiLensNou-00230-00070253-00070552 Let's always remember to give our patients medications g4qiLensNou-00231-00070569-00071042 for most diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, g4qiLensNou-00232-00071059-00071291 in addition to pharmacological management. g4qiLensNou-00233-00071308-00071682 Habit and lifestyle changes are fundamental g4qiLensNou-00234-00071699-00071969 and we should always encourage them and follow up on them, g4qiLensNou-00235-00071985-00072408 just as we follow up on the medication that we send to these patients. g4qiLensNou-00236-00072425-00072687 I thank you very much for watching up to this point in the video. g4qiLensNou-00237-00072704-00073100 I want to thank in particular the people who have subscribed, g4qiLensNou-00238-00073117-00073304 but have also decided to support the channel g4qiLensNou-00239-00073321-00073666 through a donation of $1 or $2 a month. g4qiLensNou-00240-00073683-00073985 This particular video is dedicated to Javier Mejía, g4qiLensNou-00241-00074002-00074244 Luis Ernesto Peraza, Matías Hernández, g4qiLensNou-00242-00074261-00074644 Hernán Gustavo, Sandy Oliva, Ana Karen Tejera Ramírez, g4qiLensNou-00243-00074660-00074993 Jorge C Beltrán, Henrique Zegarra y Susana Vidal. g4qiLensNou-00244-00075010-00075138 Thank you very much for your support. g4qiLensNou-00245-00075155-00075559 I hope you found this content useful and I hope you can share it g4qiLensNou-00246-00075575-00075875 with others who might need to know a little more about g4qiLensNou-00247-00075892-00076104 how to take care of their hypertension. g4qiLensNou-00248-00076121-00076467 Remember also that we already have a whole video about hypertension above g4qiLensNou-00249-00076484-00076798 explaining what it is and why it can be so harmful to health g4qiLensNou-00250-00076814-00077171 and also some pharmacological treatments g4qiLensNou-00251-00077188-00077424 for the management of this serious pathology. g4qiLensNou-00252-00077441-00077582 That concludes it. Thank you very much. g4qiLensNou-00253-00077598-00077782 As always, help us change the world. g4qiLensNou-00254-00077799-00077951 Share the information. g7-7KNsKTIE-00000-00000083-00000349 [Music] g7-7KNsKTIE-00001-00000808-00001368 Hello everyone, my name is Naiad Wong. I teach History at Leeward Community College, and today g7-7KNsKTIE-00002-00001368-00002048 my activity is making rabbit lanterns for the chinese autumn moon festival. And now this is a g7-7KNsKTIE-00003-00002048-00002760 tradition that goes back more than 2,000 years to the Han dynasty, when people would honor the gods g7-7KNsKTIE-00004-00002760-00003352 by lighting hundreds and hundreds of lanterns. The higher up the lantern went, you know the closer g7-7KNsKTIE-00005-00003352-00003920 it would be to the gods and they made wishes on these lanterns and it represented peace and g7-7KNsKTIE-00006-00003920-00004560 good luck, and forgiveness and at the same time this festival became more and more popular. g7-7KNsKTIE-00007-00004560-00005152 People made it into a ten-day festival where they would also go moon gazing and eat moon cakes. g7-7KNsKTIE-00008-00005240-00005920 It happens right around February, and one of the stories is that a very loyal rabbit impressed g7-7KNsKTIE-00009-00005920-00006408 and pleased the gods, so there is a rabbit in the moon. This is what the Chinese say, g7-7KNsKTIE-00010-00006408-00006920 and as they gaze at the moon they do see a rabbit. So a lot of children will hold rabbit g7-7KNsKTIE-00011-00006920-00007608 lanterns as they go through this very popular festival. And I'm going to show you how to do this. g7-7KNsKTIE-00012-00007608-00008264 So you don't need that many items, you do need some index cards or some kind of cardboard g7-7KNsKTIE-00013-00008328-00008872 because you're going to use this as the face of the rabbit. You're going to fold the card in half, g7-7KNsKTIE-00014-00009016-00009720 and you want to draw the face of the rabbit onto the card, but you want to make sure that g7-7KNsKTIE-00015-00009720-00010296 the nose of the rabbit is attached to the fold of the card,because you're going to cut this out. g7-7KNsKTIE-00016-00010424-00010792 Now, I'm going to show you, of course, you do, of course, need a scissors, g7-7KNsKTIE-00017-00010864-00011384 and I'm just going to cut this out to show you how that works. g7-7KNsKTIE-00018-00011784-00012464 And here we have the rabbit face, then you need some markers so that you can draw the g7-7KNsKTIE-00019-00012464-00013408 face onto the rabbit like I've done here. And you also need some sort of cup or a little cardboard g7-7KNsKTIE-00020-00013408-00013928 box of some sort. You could just use muffin tins or something stiff like this g7-7KNsKTIE-00021-00013928-00014280 because this will be the body of the rabbit, that you're going to make into the lantern g7-7KNsKTIE-00022-00014496-00015176 Parents, you can help, you know, your children with this. You can attach the face of the rabbit g7-7KNsKTIE-00023-00015176-00015824 with tape, maybe staplers would be better, and the rabbit face goes on here. You can cut out some g7-7KNsKTIE-00024-00015824-00016256 designs, you can just print them out from the internet. I printed out this Chinese design. You g7-7KNsKTIE-00025-00016256-00016776 can just Google "Chinese designs". And then I colored it, and then of course, do the same with the tail. g7-7KNsKTIE-00026-00016776-00017328 So you just cut out a tail in whatever shape you want, or maybe even a cotton ball would be fun and g7-7KNsKTIE-00027-00017328-00017864 you attach it the same way with tape or staplers. The other thing that you can do of course is get g7-7KNsKTIE-00028-00017864-00018312 some ribbon like I've done here, so that you can carry the lantern, because that is traditionally g7-7KNsKTIE-00029-00018312-00019024 what is done with the children during moon gazing. And again, same thing, just staple or glue. g7-7KNsKTIE-00030-00019144-00019496 You can put them in many different shapes. So I've done several different types here. g7-7KNsKTIE-00031-00019600-00019992 This one is a little bit larger and maybe, you know, you can put a bigger light in there g7-7KNsKTIE-00032-00020088-00020840 and you can do them in different colors, so here you go, and again decorate and color as you see fit. g7-7KNsKTIE-00033-00020896-00021600 And go out and have some fun gazing at the moon. Carry them out into the yard and have a good time. g7-7KNsKTIE-00034-00021600-00022184 Maybe gazing at the moon in the dark with your lantern lights, and of course, I do suggest finally g7-7KNsKTIE-00035-00022184-00022864 that you don't use real candles obviously so use some kind of LED light and that'll be much safer, g7-7KNsKTIE-00036-00022864-00023512 or maybe even some blinking LED lights which could be a lot of fun. Thank you, this is my activity. g7-7KNsKTIE-00037-00023568-00024072 Hopefully, you will try it out because it's a lot of interesting fun for the kids and everybody else. g7-7KNsKTIE-00038-00024128-00025384 And obviously check out our other videos, have some fun. g7-7KNsKTIE-00039-00025384-00025584 [Music] g9eZp9hMdg8-00000-00003040-00003260 Hello, welcome. Hello guys. g9eZp9hMdg8-00001-00003272-00003479 -Hello Abu Samir. -Have a seat. g9eZp9hMdg8-00002-00004268-00004420 -Welcome. -Hello. g9eZp9hMdg8-00003-00004420-00004608 Why are you late today? g9eZp9hMdg8-00004-00004624-00004828 I hope there wasn't a problem with the traffic or someting? g9eZp9hMdg8-00005-00004840-00005180 It was more than just a problem! g9eZp9hMdg8-00006-00005180-00005568 We have just witnessed a terrible accident. g9eZp9hMdg8-00007-00005604-00005844 Some people had been hurt, there was blood in the street... g9eZp9hMdg8-00008-00005880-00006140 ...and then there was a fight. g9eZp9hMdg8-00009-00006140-00006428 It was very sad, some people were dead and some were hurt... g9eZp9hMdg8-00010-00006428-00006784 ...and other people were fighting, it was all very bad. g9eZp9hMdg8-00011-00006820-00007440 We see problems like this every day in the city. It's horrible. g9eZp9hMdg8-00012-00007492-00007748 People's problems are definitely getting bigger g9eZp9hMdg8-00013-00007836-00008152 and there are more difficulties and problems around us. g9eZp9hMdg8-00014-00008200-00008700 When you listen to the news on TV you'll only find bad news. g9eZp9hMdg8-00015-00008892-00009732 Wars, hunger, terrorism, diseases like AIDs... g9eZp9hMdg8-00016-00009780-00010292 ...and all the different problems that people suffer everywhere. g9eZp9hMdg8-00017-00010304-00010784 Sometimes I try to think about why people have all these problems g9eZp9hMdg8-00018-00010784-00011120 and I honestly don't know. Why are there all these problems? g9eZp9hMdg8-00019-00011120-00011256 The real reason for all problems is sin g9eZp9hMdg8-00020-00011332-00011756 ...sin leads to a seperation of people from God. g9eZp9hMdg8-00021-00011784-00012064 When a person lives without God in his life g9eZp9hMdg8-00022-00012124-00012316 You can imagine anyting could happen with him. g9eZp9hMdg8-00023-00012420-00012800 Life is full of problems because of the sin of man. g9eZp9hMdg8-00024-00012824-00013672 In the Bible, God says that sin caused a split between man and God. g9eZp9hMdg8-00025-00013716-00014000 So when there is this split between man and God... g9eZp9hMdg8-00026-00014036-00014480 ...he is living in darkness and everything he does is in darkness g9eZp9hMdg8-00027-00014500-00014576 ...far away from God. g9eZp9hMdg8-00028-00014700-00014876 So, Abu Samir, there isn't a solution? g9eZp9hMdg8-00029-00014988-00015156 There are many solutions. g9eZp9hMdg8-00030-00015200-00015540 People try to create their own solutions but God has His own. g9eZp9hMdg8-00031-00015668-00015996 One of man's solutions is to try just being religious. g9eZp9hMdg8-00032-00016024-00016632 Doing duties like fasting, praying, going to special places to worship g9eZp9hMdg8-00033-00016636-00017136 and he thinks that this takes his problems away g9eZp9hMdg8-00034-00017136-00017404 ...and that God will be pleased. g9eZp9hMdg8-00035-00017492-00017868 Even some people who are religious injure themselves. g9eZp9hMdg8-00036-00017964-00018340 So when he sins and does wrong... g9eZp9hMdg8-00037-00018340-00018792 ...he tries to sacrifice himself on his own, without God g9eZp9hMdg8-00038-00018824-00018980 ...by causing pain to himself. g9eZp9hMdg8-00039-00019124-00019336 Those are some of the many solutions that people have tried. g9eZp9hMdg8-00040-00019364-00019772 Others give up on religion and they go to be with the devil. g9eZp9hMdg8-00041-00019792-00019884 They worship the devil. g9eZp9hMdg8-00042-00020012-00020524 Some others run from their problems and commit suicide g9eZp9hMdg8-00043-00020628-00021276 ...acting like an ostrich when it hides its head in the sand... g9eZp9hMdg8-00044-00021336-00021580 ...to avoid the hunters. g9eZp9hMdg8-00045-00021644-00022028 These are all man's solutions, but God has another solution. g9eZp9hMdg8-00046-00022184-00022644 Talking about religious people: in India alone there are... g9eZp9hMdg8-00047-00022712-00023256 ...more than 3200 different religions... g9eZp9hMdg8-00048-00023256-00023624 ...that they have created to save themselves... g9eZp9hMdg8-00049-00023624-00023960 ...from the problems that surround them. g9eZp9hMdg8-00050-00024008-00024340 Some religions even worship cows. g9eZp9hMdg8-00051-00024476-00025476 Others injure themselves to try and take away their sins. g9eZp9hMdg8-00052-00025532-00025952 One of the country's Presidents, who was very religious... g9eZp9hMdg8-00053-00026008-00026352 ...used to wash his hands about 20 times a day... g9eZp9hMdg8-00054-00026412-00026992 ...because he felt guilty. He was trying to get rid of the guilt he felt g9eZp9hMdg8-00055-00027016-00027388 ...about killing a lot of his people. g9eZp9hMdg8-00056-00027464-00028100 Those are all the rules that men have put into religion. g9eZp9hMdg8-00057-00028304-00028836 Today I brought you to this place so we can look at this scenery g9eZp9hMdg8-00058-00028892-00029280 ...but, also, I have something that will surprise you later on. g9eZp9hMdg8-00059-00029356-00029908 We were just speaking about the solutions that men make g9eZp9hMdg8-00060-00029980-00030276 ...to take away the problems they face. g9eZp9hMdg8-00061-00030376-00031112 However, all these solutions are not a true solution for man. g9eZp9hMdg8-00062-00031168-00031476 Do you remember when we spoke yesterday about the Old Testament g9eZp9hMdg8-00063-00031476-00031739 and the New Testament and the Holy Bible? g9eZp9hMdg8-00064-00031744-00032272 Yes, so today we'll speak about God's solution, not man's... g9eZp9hMdg8-00065-00032339-00032700 ...God's solution to man's problem, which is sin. g9eZp9hMdg8-00066-00032808-00033264 We will see the solution that God gave man in the Old Testament. g9eZp9hMdg8-00067-00033324-00033932 You mean by the Old Testament, before the coming of Jesus? g9eZp9hMdg8-00068-00033932-00034432 How did God give the people a solution for the sin in their lives? g9eZp9hMdg8-00069-00034652-00035108 We have agreed that the biggest problem for people is sin g9eZp9hMdg8-00070-00035200-00035664 ...so let's see what the Holy Bible says about the problem of sin: g9eZp9hMdg8-00071-00035772-00036340 'The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; g9eZp9hMdg8-00072-00036340-00036540 there is no one who does good. g9eZp9hMdg8-00073-00036544-00037360 The Lord looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, g9eZp9hMdg8-00074-00037360-00037460 any who seek God. g9eZp9hMdg8-00075-00037460-00037816 All have turned aside, they have together become corrupt; g9eZp9hMdg8-00076-00037816-00038216 there is no one who does good, not even one.' Psalms 14:1-3 g9eZp9hMdg8-00077-00038416-00039512 It also tells us in another place, in Psalm 143: g9eZp9hMdg8-00078-00039636-00039916 'O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; g9eZp9hMdg8-00079-00039916-00040216 in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. g9eZp9hMdg8-00080-00040216-00040900 Do not bring your servant into judgement, for no one living is righteous before you.' Psalms 143:1-2 g9eZp9hMdg8-00081-00040992-00041544 So all men are sinners; it says something similar in another place... g9eZp9hMdg8-00082-00041696-00042048 ...In Ecclesiastes chapter 7: g9eZp9hMdg8-00083-00042104-00042712 'There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins.' Eccesiastes 7:20 g9eZp9hMdg8-00084-00042840-00043268 We can see then that sin has control over man. g9eZp9hMdg8-00085-00043512-00043896 There are some other verses in the Bible about this subject. g9eZp9hMdg8-00086-00043968-00044180 In Isaiah 59 it says: g9eZp9hMdg8-00087-00044184-00044804 'Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. g9eZp9hMdg8-00088-00044804-00045400 But your iniquities have seperated you from your God; g9eZp9hMdg8-00089-00045400-00046000 your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.' Isaiah 59:1-2 g9eZp9hMdg8-00090-00046144-00046540 By the way, sin means disobeying God. g9eZp9hMdg8-00091-00046608-00046852 ...disobeying God's system and God's will. g9eZp9hMdg8-00092-00046912-00047396 Also the New Testament speaks about this subject g9eZp9hMdg8-00093-00047396-00047628 in Romans chapter 3: g9eZp9hMdg8-00094-00047684-00048284 'Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by the observing of the law: g9eZp9hMdg8-00096-00048980-00049384 A lot of people think that they can do good things g9eZp9hMdg8-00097-00049424-00049608 and that those things are paying for their sins; g9eZp9hMdg8-00098-00049628-00049876 saving them from judgement... from their final judgment. g9eZp9hMdg8-00099-00049952-00050572 In the New Testament it says that even our good deeds... g9eZp9hMdg8-00100-00050588-00050912 ...can't take away the final judgment. g9eZp9hMdg8-00101-00051004-00051332 There is one very clear verse on this subject... g9eZp9hMdg8-00102-00051364-00051804 in the letter that the Apostle Paul sent to the people of Ephesus. g9eZp9hMdg8-00103-00051836-00052252 '...it is not by works, so that no one can boast.' Ephesians 2:9 g9eZp9hMdg8-00104-00052252-00052408 So we can't be proud about out good deeds... g9eZp9hMdg8-00105-00052408-00052604 ...because it can't help us at the final judgement. g9eZp9hMdg8-00106-00052667-00053220 'For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, g9eZp9hMdg8-00107-00053220-00053720 which God prepared in advance for us to do.' Ephesians 2:10 g9eZp9hMdg8-00108-00053796-00054100 So our good deeds can't take away our sins. g9eZp9hMdg8-00109-00054252-00054520 Just a few minutes ago we were talking about the solutions g9eZp9hMdg8-00110-00054524-00054879 ...that men have made themselves to take away their sins... g9eZp9hMdg8-00111-00054879-00055155 and to try and help at the final judgement. g9eZp9hMdg8-00112-00055220-00055872 But now let's look at God's solution in the Old Testament g9eZp9hMdg8-00113-00055924-00056420 ...to save people from their sins and from the coming judgement. g9eZp9hMdg8-00114-00056555-00057320 The solution that God ordered to save people from sins... g9eZp9hMdg8-00115-00057320-00057688 ...and from hell, was blood. g9eZp9hMdg8-00116-00057708-00058136 So in the Old Testament it was blood... g9eZp9hMdg8-00117-00058152-00058688 ...through killing sheep, cows, goats or other animals. g9eZp9hMdg8-00118-00058736-00059004 This was the solution God gave in the Old Testament... g9eZp9hMdg8-00119-00059052-00059216 ...for taking away sin. g9eZp9hMdg8-00120-00059264-00059488 I'm going to take you to another place now g9eZp9hMdg8-00121-00059540-00059867 ...so we can see what men used to do in the Old Testament... g9eZp9hMdg8-00122-00059920-00060512 ...and some still do even today for the blood of animals. g9eZp9hMdg8-00123-00060536-00060640 OK, let's go. g9eZp9hMdg8-00124-00061084-00061364 Saleh and O'da, do you know why we came here? g9eZp9hMdg8-00125-00061424-00061700 It's a farm, a very nice farm. g9eZp9hMdg8-00126-00061700-00062272 Yes, actually we've come here to understand how people... g9eZp9hMdg8-00127-00062355-00063048 ...in the Old Testament used to kill animals back then... g9eZp9hMdg8-00128-00063108-00063332 ...so that it would take away their sins, using the animal's blood. g9eZp9hMdg8-00129-00063367-00063691 They would kill the animals and then blood would pour out g9eZp9hMdg8-00130-00063755-00064128 ...of goats, of sheep or of cows, g9eZp9hMdg8-00131-00064167-00064367 ...so that it would take away their sins. g9eZp9hMdg8-00132-00064432-00064588 Can you bring the goat, Isam? g9eZp9hMdg8-00133-00065900-00066152 OK, this is a goat... g9eZp9hMdg8-00134-00066180-00066564 ...it's an animal that God created as He also created man. g9eZp9hMdg8-00135-00066632-00067276 But in the Old Testament they used to kill these animals... g9eZp9hMdg8-00136-00067372-00067744 ...and their blood would take away the people's sins. g9eZp9hMdg8-00137-00067944-00068360 By the way, sacrificing animals in the Old Testament g9eZp9hMdg8-00138-00068412-00068820 ...in the days of the Torah, wasn't for eating the meat... g9eZp9hMdg8-00139-00068900-00069112 ...and not for any other reason than the blood... g9eZp9hMdg8-00140-00069164-00069632 ...which came out was for taking away their sins. g9eZp9hMdg8-00141-00069708-00070172 Let me read you something from God's Word in the Torah. g9eZp9hMdg8-00142-00070232-00070664 Let's see what it says about the blood. g9eZp9hMdg8-00143-00070800-00071048 It says in Leviticus 16: g9eZp9hMdg8-00144-00071056-00071472 'He shall then slaughter the goat for the sin offering for the people g9eZp9hMdg8-00145-00071472-00072036 and take its blood behind the curtain and do with it as he did with the bull's blood: g9eZp9hMdg8-00146-00072036-00072512 He shall sprinkle it on the atonement cover and in front of it. In this way he will make g9eZp9hMdg8-00147-00072512-00072712 atonement for the Most Holy Place g9eZp9hMdg8-00148-00072712-00073312 because of the uncleanness and rebellion of the Israelites, whatever their sins have been. g9eZp9hMdg8-00149-00073316-00073680 He is to do the same for the Tent of Meeting, which is among them in the midst of their uncleanness. g9eZp9hMdg8-00150-00073680-00074308 No one is to be in the Tent of Meeting from the time Aaron goes in to make atonement for himself, g9eZp9hMdg8-00151-00074308-00074708 his household and the whole community of Israel. g9eZp9hMdg8-00152-00074712-00075372 Then he shall come out to the altar that is before the Lord and make atonement for it. g9eZp9hMdg8-00153-00075372-00075904 He shall take some of the bull's blood and some of the goat's blood and put it on the horns of the altar. g9eZp9hMdg8-00154-00075904-00076356 He shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times g9eZp9hMdg8-00155-00076356-00076976 to cleanse it and to consecrate it from the uncleanness of the Israelites.' Leviticus 16:15-19 g9eZp9hMdg8-00156-00077072-00077244 So this was God's command. g9eZp9hMdg8-00157-00077276-00077760 The law of God, to take away the sins of men by the blood g9eZp9hMdg8-00158-00077800-00077892 ...by the killing of certain animals. g9eZp9hMdg8-00159-00077924-00078004 God also says: g9eZp9hMdg8-00160-00078060-00078892 '"This is to be my lasting ordinance for you: On the tenth day of the seventh month you must deny yourselves g9eZp9hMdg8-00161-00078896-00079752 ...whether native-born or an alien living among you because on this day atonement will be made for you to cl g9eZp9hMdg8-00162-00079756-00080236 Then, before the Lord, you will be clean from all your sins. g9eZp9hMdg8-00163-00080236-00080760 It is a sabbath of rest, and you must deny yourselves; it is a lasting ordinance. g9eZp9hMdg8-00164-00080760-00081476 The priest who is anointed and ordained to succeed his father as high priest is to make atonement. g9eZp9hMdg8-00165-00081480-00082040 He is to put on the sacred living garments and make atonement for the most Holy Place, g9eZp9hMdg8-00166-00082044-00082784 for the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and for the priests and all the people of the community. g9eZp9hMdg8-00167-00082784-00083464 Atonement is to be made once a year for all the sins of the Israelites." g9eZp9hMdg8-00168-00083464-00083884 And it was done, as the Lord commanded Moses.' Leviticus 16:29-34 g9eZp9hMdg8-00169-00083960-00084180 So this is God's command. g9eZp9hMdg8-00170-00084232-00084592 This is the law of God that He gave to Moses g9eZp9hMdg8-00171-00084628-00084792 ...for the people to take away their sins. g9eZp9hMdg8-00172-00084828-00085360 In the Torah, this command, using blood by killing animals... g9eZp9hMdg8-00173-00085408-00086064 ...as a sacrifice for their sins was for the prophet and priest to do. g9eZp9hMdg8-00174-00086132-00086600 This law was for everyone because everyone was a sinner g9eZp9hMdg8-00175-00086616-00087284 and they needed their sins forgiven through the blood. g9eZp9hMdg8-00176-00087328-00087736 The Bible says that without blood there is no forgiveness. g9eZp9hMdg8-00177-00087792-00088180 That was all from the Old Testament, the Torah. g9eZp9hMdg8-00178-00088320-00088724 So that's why I wanted you to see the goat... g9eZp9hMdg8-00179-00088776-00089228 ...to remind you about what they used to do to take away their sins. g9eZp9hMdg8-00180-00089356-00089576 Thank you Isam, you can take it back. g9eZp9hMdg8-00181-00090628-00091028 So now we've seen how important blood is in the Old Testament. g9eZp9hMdg8-00182-00091092-00091432 Even today so many people in our Arab countries... g9eZp9hMdg8-00183-00091488-00091792 ...still think that the blood is important. g9eZp9hMdg8-00184-00091856-00092228 If someone buys a new car he puts blood on it. g9eZp9hMdg8-00185-00092272-00092708 If someone builds a new house he throws blood on the walls. g9eZp9hMdg8-00186-00092712-00093004 Even shame is meant to be taken away by blood. g9eZp9hMdg8-00187-00093060-00093748 Sometimes when there is a celebration people say: g9eZp9hMdg8-00188-00093792-00094244 'We will purify you with our spirits and blood.' g9eZp9hMdg8-00189-00094296-00094720 Blood is very important, even today. g9eZp9hMdg8-00190-00094748-00094988 So that means that we've found the solution to the problem of sin... g9eZp9hMdg8-00191-00095004-00095196 ...killing an animal and then everything will be OK? g9eZp9hMdg8-00192-00095236-00095516 No, that was in the Old Testament. g9eZp9hMdg8-00193-00095628-00096004 So what should be the thing that we kill then? g9eZp9hMdg8-00194-00096024-00096608 Let me read the Gospel of John to you. At the beginning it says: g9eZp9hMdg8-00195-00096712-00097428 'The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of g9eZp9hMdg8-00196-00097460-00097792 So Jesus Christ is now the only blood sacrifice... g9eZp9hMdg8-00197-00097832-00098212 ...that can take away the sins of all people. g9eZp9hMdg8-00198-00098288-00098692 It also says in the New Testament in Hebrews: g9eZp9hMdg8-00199-00098732-00099056 'In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, g9eZp9hMdg8-00200-00099016-00099456 and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.' Hebrews 9:22 g9eZp9hMdg8-00201-00099492-00099752 So the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross... g9eZp9hMdg8-00202-00099788-00100040 ...was for taking away the sins of all mankind. g9eZp9hMdg8-00203-00100132-00100476 John the Baptist said this: "He is the Lamb of God... g9eZp9hMdg8-00204-00100476-00100688 ...meaning Jesus, and the lamb which is a sheep. g9eZp9hMdg8-00205-00100752-00101252 The one lamb which can take away all the sins of man... g9eZp9hMdg8-00206-00101272-00101480 is the Lamb of God who'll take away everone's sins." g9eZp9hMdg8-00207-00101608-00101984 So when John the Baptist said this is the Lamb of God... g9eZp9hMdg8-00208-00102000-00102500 ...he meant a lamb, a sheep that would take the sins of the world... g9eZp9hMdg8-00209-00102540-00102804 ...so that means this one lamb will be the sacrifice... g9eZp9hMdg8-00210-00102804-00103204 ...who will take away the sins of all mankind. g9eZp9hMdg8-00211-00103264-00103752 Even in the Old Testament when the law was telling us about... g9eZp9hMdg8-00212-00103792-00104276 ...the sacrificing of animals, there were prophecies about Jesus... g9eZp9hMdg8-00213-00104311-00104600 ..and that He would be the only sacrifice... g9eZp9hMdg8-00214-00104659-00105008 ...that would take away the sins of every human being. g9eZp9hMdg8-00215-00105024-00105620 I will read to you from Isaiah 53. It writes about Jesus. g9eZp9hMdg8-00216-00105664-00105992 This prophecy was before the coming of Jesus, Isaiah 53:4-5: g9eZp9hMdg8-00217-00106068-00106911 'Surely He took up out infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered Him stricken by God, smitten b g9eZp9hMdg8-00218-00106911-00107380 But He was pierced for our transgressions He was crushed for our iniquities; g9eZp9hMdg8-00219-00107380-00107892 the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.' Isaiah 53:4-5 g9eZp9hMdg8-00220-00107968-00108124 That means that He was wounded to bring us healing. g9eZp9hMdg8-00221-00108172-00109020 'We all, like sheep have gone astray each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the g9eZp9hMdg8-00222-00109020-00109392 He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth, g9eZp9hMdg8-00223-00109396-00110259 He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He did not open Hi g9eZp9hMdg8-00224-00110392-00110892 A lot of prophecies were written about Jesus in the Torah. g9eZp9hMdg8-00225-00110924-00111483 It tells us that Jesus will be the sacrifice to take away our sins... g9eZp9hMdg8-00226-00111508-00111880 ...so now there is no need for each person to kill an animal... g9eZp9hMdg8-00227-00111888-00112483 ...to take away his own sins because Jesus was sacrificed for us all; g9eZp9hMdg8-00228-00112496-00112711 everyone, throughout every generation. g9eZp9hMdg8-00229-00112783-00113216 So it doesn't matter what religion or cultural background you have? g9eZp9hMdg8-00230-00113216-00113752 Jesus died for everyone, so whoever will accept... g9eZp9hMdg8-00231-00113759-00114196 ...His sacrifice will be saved and whoever does not, will lose out. g9eZp9hMdg8-00232-00114264-00114672 I want to tell you that the animal sacrifices... g9eZp9hMdg8-00233-00114672-00114916 ...in the time of the Torah, g9eZp9hMdg8-00234-00114932-00115556 were all symbols of the only sacrifice which would come through Jesus... g9eZp9hMdg8-00235-00115580-00115811 ...to take away the sins of all mankind. g9eZp9hMdg8-00236-00115976-00116432 And something else, when they used to make the animal sacrifices g9eZp9hMdg8-00237-00116432-00116640 ...in the Old Testament... g9eZp9hMdg8-00238-00116672-00116959 ...it wasn't healing the people from their sins forever. g9eZp9hMdg8-00239-00117032-00117272 So a person would sacrifice his sins for that day g9eZp9hMdg8-00240-00117304-00117583 ...and he would need to do that again the next week or month... g9eZp9hMdg8-00241-00117608-00117808 ...to take away his sins again. g9eZp9hMdg8-00242-00117840-00118308 All throughout their life, they had to do this on a regular basis. g9eZp9hMdg8-00243-00118392-00118796 But now Jesus is the only sacrifice g9eZp9hMdg8-00244-00118835-00119283 ...which will take away our sins forever, the sins of everyone... g9eZp9hMdg8-00245-00119352-00120032 ...because of the finished work of Jesus when He dies for our sins. g9eZp9hMdg8-00246-00120083-00120268 He was the Ultimate Saviour. g9eZp9hMdg8-00247-00120428-00120892 The holiness of the blood of Jesus was very special and perfect... g9eZp9hMdg8-00248-00120896-00121124 ...when He was sacrificed on the cross. g9eZp9hMdg8-00249-00121183-00121476 Notice that the sheep in the Old Testament g9eZp9hMdg8-00250-00121476-00121920 ...should have nothing wrong with it; it shouldn't be damaged in any way... g9eZp9hMdg8-00251-00121976-00122176 ...or hurt or have any kind of disease or sickness. g9eZp9hMdg8-00252-00122268-00122632 So today we've focused on taking away of sins by blood g9eZp9hMdg8-00253-00122711-00123083 ...blood from killing animals which was for taking away sins... g9eZp9hMdg8-00254-00123128-00123652 ...in the Old Testament. It was not a solution that would last forever. g9eZp9hMdg8-00255-00123744-00124140 The blood of Jesus is the final sacrifice... g9eZp9hMdg8-00256-00124180-00124680 ...which takes away our sins completely and forever... g9eZp9hMdg8-00257-00124740-00124908 ...the sins of all people. g9eZp9hMdg8-00258-00124944-00125276 So the Holy and complete Christ, the pure one... g9eZp9hMdg8-00259-00125300-00125708 ...is our sacrifice that lasts forever. g9eZp9hMdg8-00260-00125756-00126080 It doesn't need to be repeated in our lifetime. g9eZp9hMdg8-00261-00126080-00126340 I hope that everything was clear today... g9eZp9hMdg8-00262-00126388-00126676 ...and that you have understood everything? g9eZp9hMdg8-00263-00126708-00126940 This is the first time in my life that I have understood... g9eZp9hMdg8-00264-00126940-00127256 ...the meaning of the blood and the meaning of sacrifice... g9eZp9hMdg8-00265-00127256-00127556 ...and all these things. Thank you. g9eZp9hMdg8-00266-00127556-00127835 We will hear more about salvation through the blood of Christ... g9eZp9hMdg8-00267-00127835-00127940 ...in our next meeting. g9eZp9hMdg8-00268-00127940-00128208 -Yes. -Thanks Abu Samir. g9eZp9hMdg8-00269-00128208-00128392 -God bless. gqm1PpL8YT8-00000-00000022-00002554 1. Is the conception of human too idealistic? // 2. How high should a BIG be? // 3. How could a BIG be funded? // 4. Who would still be working? gs3-kDDpFSg-00000-00000010-00000063 TWO CODEFENDANTS WHO FILMED THEM gs3-kDDpFSg-00001-00000063-00000070 TWO CODEFENDANTS WHO FILMED THEM gs3-kDDpFSg-00002-00000070-00000323 TWO CODEFENDANTS WHO FILMED THEM WILL STAND TRIAL LATER. gs3-kDDpFSg-00003-00000323-00000330 TWO CODEFENDANTS WHO FILMED THEM WILL STAND TRIAL LATER. gs3-kDDpFSg-00004-00000330-00000460 TWO CODEFENDANTS WHO FILMED THEM WILL STAND TRIAL LATER. >> DENNIS: THERE ARE NOW MORE gs3-kDDpFSg-00005-00000460-00000467 WILL STAND TRIAL LATER. >> DENNIS: THERE ARE NOW MORE gs3-kDDpFSg-00006-00000467-00000577 WILL STAND TRIAL LATER. >> DENNIS: THERE ARE NOW MORE QUESTIONS SURROUNDING THE gs3-kDDpFSg-00007-00000577-00000583 >> DENNIS: THERE ARE NOW MORE QUESTIONS SURROUNDING THE gs3-kDDpFSg-00008-00000583-00000657 >> DENNIS: THERE ARE NOW MORE QUESTIONS SURROUNDING THE POSSIBLE MOVE OF THE gs3-kDDpFSg-00009-00000657-00000663 QUESTIONS SURROUNDING THE POSSIBLE MOVE OF THE gs3-kDDpFSg-00010-00000663-00000897 QUESTIONS SURROUNDING THE POSSIBLE MOVE OF THE INTERNATIONAL EELPOUT FESTIVAL gs3-kDDpFSg-00011-00000897-00000904 POSSIBLE MOVE OF THE INTERNATIONAL EELPOUT FESTIVAL gs3-kDDpFSg-00012-00000904-00001231 POSSIBLE MOVE OF THE INTERNATIONAL EELPOUT FESTIVAL FROM WALKER TO BEMIDJI. gs3-kDDpFSg-00013-00001231-00001237 INTERNATIONAL EELPOUT FESTIVAL FROM WALKER TO BEMIDJI. gs3-kDDpFSg-00014-00001237-00001378 INTERNATIONAL EELPOUT FESTIVAL FROM WALKER TO BEMIDJI. OUR JOSH PETERSON SAT IN ON THE gs3-kDDpFSg-00015-00001378-00001384 FROM WALKER TO BEMIDJI. OUR JOSH PETERSON SAT IN ON THE gs3-kDDpFSg-00016-00001384-00001481 FROM WALKER TO BEMIDJI. OUR JOSH PETERSON SAT IN ON THE BELTRAMI COUNTY COMMISSIONERS gs3-kDDpFSg-00017-00001481-00001488 OUR JOSH PETERSON SAT IN ON THE BELTRAMI COUNTY COMMISSIONERS gs3-kDDpFSg-00018-00001488-00001608 OUR JOSH PETERSON SAT IN ON THE BELTRAMI COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING TODAY WHERE MANY gs3-kDDpFSg-00019-00001608-00001614 BELTRAMI COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING TODAY WHERE MANY gs3-kDDpFSg-00020-00001614-00001811 BELTRAMI COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING TODAY WHERE MANY QUESTIONS STILL REMAIN REGARDING gs3-kDDpFSg-00021-00001811-00001818 MEETING TODAY WHERE MANY QUESTIONS STILL REMAIN REGARDING gs3-kDDpFSg-00022-00001818-00001895 MEETING TODAY WHERE MANY QUESTIONS STILL REMAIN REGARDING THE EVENT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00023-00001895-00001901 QUESTIONS STILL REMAIN REGARDING THE EVENT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00024-00001901-00002118 QUESTIONS STILL REMAIN REGARDING THE EVENT. >> FOR MANY, IT WAS THEIR FIRST gs3-kDDpFSg-00025-00002118-00002125 THE EVENT. >> FOR MANY, IT WAS THEIR FIRST gs3-kDDpFSg-00026-00002125-00002232 THE EVENT. >> FOR MANY, IT WAS THEIR FIRST OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR ANY DETAILS gs3-kDDpFSg-00027-00002232-00002238 >> FOR MANY, IT WAS THEIR FIRST OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR ANY DETAILS gs3-kDDpFSg-00028-00002238-00002399 >> FOR MANY, IT WAS THEIR FIRST OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR ANY DETAILS ON THE PROPOSED MOVE OF THE gs3-kDDpFSg-00029-00002399-00002405 OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR ANY DETAILS ON THE PROPOSED MOVE OF THE gs3-kDDpFSg-00030-00002405-00002545 OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR ANY DETAILS ON THE PROPOSED MOVE OF THE INTERNATIONAL EELPOUT FESTIVAL gs3-kDDpFSg-00031-00002545-00002552 ON THE PROPOSED MOVE OF THE INTERNATIONAL EELPOUT FESTIVAL gs3-kDDpFSg-00032-00002552-00002769 ON THE PROPOSED MOVE OF THE INTERNATIONAL EELPOUT FESTIVAL FROM WALKER TO BEMIDJI. gs3-kDDpFSg-00033-00002769-00002776 INTERNATIONAL EELPOUT FESTIVAL FROM WALKER TO BEMIDJI. gs3-kDDpFSg-00034-00002776-00002926 INTERNATIONAL EELPOUT FESTIVAL FROM WALKER TO BEMIDJI. AFTER A QUICK BRIEFING TO COUNTY gs3-kDDpFSg-00035-00002926-00002932 FROM WALKER TO BEMIDJI. AFTER A QUICK BRIEFING TO COUNTY gs3-kDDpFSg-00036-00002932-00003039 FROM WALKER TO BEMIDJI. AFTER A QUICK BRIEFING TO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON THE PUBLIC gs3-kDDpFSg-00037-00003039-00003046 AFTER A QUICK BRIEFING TO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON THE PUBLIC gs3-kDDpFSg-00038-00003046-00003236 AFTER A QUICK BRIEFING TO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON THE PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT APPLICATION, gs3-kDDpFSg-00039-00003236-00003243 COMMISSIONERS ON THE PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT APPLICATION, gs3-kDDpFSg-00040-00003243-00003369 COMMISSIONERS ON THE PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT APPLICATION, MANY QUESTIONS WERE RAISED AS TO gs3-kDDpFSg-00041-00003369-00003376 GATHERING PERMIT APPLICATION, MANY QUESTIONS WERE RAISED AS TO gs3-kDDpFSg-00042-00003376-00003576 GATHERING PERMIT APPLICATION, MANY QUESTIONS WERE RAISED AS TO WHY AND HOW AND WHAT IT WOULD gs3-kDDpFSg-00043-00003576-00003583 MANY QUESTIONS WERE RAISED AS TO WHY AND HOW AND WHAT IT WOULD gs3-kDDpFSg-00044-00003583-00003873 MANY QUESTIONS WERE RAISED AS TO WHY AND HOW AND WHAT IT WOULD COST TO HOLD THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL gs3-kDDpFSg-00045-00003873-00003880 WHY AND HOW AND WHAT IT WOULD COST TO HOLD THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL gs3-kDDpFSg-00046-00003880-00003953 WHY AND HOW AND WHAT IT WOULD COST TO HOLD THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL ON LAKE BEMIDJI. gs3-kDDpFSg-00047-00003953-00003960 COST TO HOLD THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL ON LAKE BEMIDJI. gs3-kDDpFSg-00048-00003960-00004124 COST TO HOLD THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL ON LAKE BEMIDJI. UNTIL NOW, VERY LITTLE gs3-kDDpFSg-00049-00004124-00004130 ON LAKE BEMIDJI. UNTIL NOW, VERY LITTLE gs3-kDDpFSg-00050-00004130-00004264 ON LAKE BEMIDJI. UNTIL NOW, VERY LITTLE INFORMATION HAS BEEN MADE gs3-kDDpFSg-00051-00004264-00004270 UNTIL NOW, VERY LITTLE INFORMATION HAS BEEN MADE gs3-kDDpFSg-00052-00004270-00004401 UNTIL NOW, VERY LITTLE INFORMATION HAS BEEN MADE AVAILABLE, BUT WITH TIME RUNNING gs3-kDDpFSg-00053-00004401-00004407 INFORMATION HAS BEEN MADE AVAILABLE, BUT WITH TIME RUNNING gs3-kDDpFSg-00054-00004407-00004527 INFORMATION HAS BEEN MADE AVAILABLE, BUT WITH TIME RUNNING OUT, IT HAS LEFT AN gs3-kDDpFSg-00055-00004527-00004534 AVAILABLE, BUT WITH TIME RUNNING OUT, IT HAS LEFT AN gs3-kDDpFSg-00056-00004534-00004641 AVAILABLE, BUT WITH TIME RUNNING OUT, IT HAS LEFT AN UNCOMFORTABLE FEELING WITH SOME gs3-kDDpFSg-00057-00004641-00004647 OUT, IT HAS LEFT AN UNCOMFORTABLE FEELING WITH SOME gs3-kDDpFSg-00058-00004647-00004808 OUT, IT HAS LEFT AN UNCOMFORTABLE FEELING WITH SOME COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. gs3-kDDpFSg-00059-00004808-00004814 UNCOMFORTABLE FEELING WITH SOME COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. gs3-kDDpFSg-00060-00004814-00005161 UNCOMFORTABLE FEELING WITH SOME COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. >> THIS IS A HUGE gs3-kDDpFSg-00061-00005161-00005168 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. >> THIS IS A HUGE gs3-kDDpFSg-00062-00005168-00005345 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. >> THIS IS A HUGE COMMUNITY-BASED EVENT THAT gs3-kDDpFSg-00063-00005345-00005352 >> THIS IS A HUGE COMMUNITY-BASED EVENT THAT gs3-kDDpFSg-00064-00005352-00005625 >> THIS IS A HUGE COMMUNITY-BASED EVENT THAT ALREADY HAS A WHOLE BUNCH OF gs3-kDDpFSg-00065-00005625-00005632 COMMUNITY-BASED EVENT THAT ALREADY HAS A WHOLE BUNCH OF gs3-kDDpFSg-00066-00005632-00005792 COMMUNITY-BASED EVENT THAT ALREADY HAS A WHOLE BUNCH OF IMPETUS BACK IN WALKER, AND THEN gs3-kDDpFSg-00067-00005792-00005799 ALREADY HAS A WHOLE BUNCH OF IMPETUS BACK IN WALKER, AND THEN gs3-kDDpFSg-00068-00005799-00005972 ALREADY HAS A WHOLE BUNCH OF IMPETUS BACK IN WALKER, AND THEN IT'S GOING TO ROLL INTO BEMIDJI. gs3-kDDpFSg-00069-00005972-00005979 IMPETUS BACK IN WALKER, AND THEN IT'S GOING TO ROLL INTO BEMIDJI. gs3-kDDpFSg-00070-00005979-00006166 IMPETUS BACK IN WALKER, AND THEN IT'S GOING TO ROLL INTO BEMIDJI. IT JUST DOESN'T FIT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00071-00006166-00006172 IT'S GOING TO ROLL INTO BEMIDJI. IT JUST DOESN'T FIT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00072-00006172-00006386 IT'S GOING TO ROLL INTO BEMIDJI. IT JUST DOESN'T FIT. >> FOR SOME OF THOSE WHO ARE IN gs3-kDDpFSg-00073-00006386-00006393 IT JUST DOESN'T FIT. >> FOR SOME OF THOSE WHO ARE IN gs3-kDDpFSg-00074-00006393-00006486 IT JUST DOESN'T FIT. >> FOR SOME OF THOSE WHO ARE IN ATTENDANCE, QUESTIONS gs3-kDDpFSg-00075-00006486-00006493 >> FOR SOME OF THOSE WHO ARE IN ATTENDANCE, QUESTIONS gs3-kDDpFSg-00076-00006493-00006589 >> FOR SOME OF THOSE WHO ARE IN ATTENDANCE, QUESTIONS SURROUNDING THE EVENT REMAIN, gs3-kDDpFSg-00077-00006589-00006596 ATTENDANCE, QUESTIONS SURROUNDING THE EVENT REMAIN, gs3-kDDpFSg-00078-00006596-00006740 ATTENDANCE, QUESTIONS SURROUNDING THE EVENT REMAIN, RANGING FROM THE EVENT ITSELF, gs3-kDDpFSg-00079-00006740-00006746 SURROUNDING THE EVENT REMAIN, RANGING FROM THE EVENT ITSELF, gs3-kDDpFSg-00080-00006746-00007033 SURROUNDING THE EVENT REMAIN, RANGING FROM THE EVENT ITSELF, TO THE EXPENSE OF OVERTIME FOR gs3-kDDpFSg-00081-00007033-00007040 RANGING FROM THE EVENT ITSELF, TO THE EXPENSE OF OVERTIME FOR gs3-kDDpFSg-00082-00007040-00007143 RANGING FROM THE EVENT ITSELF, TO THE EXPENSE OF OVERTIME FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00083-00007143-00007150 TO THE EXPENSE OF OVERTIME FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00084-00007150-00007300 TO THE EXPENSE OF OVERTIME FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT. >> IS THIS EVEN HAPPENING? gs3-kDDpFSg-00085-00007300-00007307 LAW ENFORCEMENT. >> IS THIS EVEN HAPPENING? gs3-kDDpFSg-00086-00007307-00007457 LAW ENFORCEMENT. >> IS THIS EVEN HAPPENING? I THOUGHT THIS WAS A JOKE. gs3-kDDpFSg-00087-00007457-00007464 >> IS THIS EVEN HAPPENING? I THOUGHT THIS WAS A JOKE. gs3-kDDpFSg-00088-00007464-00007597 >> IS THIS EVEN HAPPENING? I THOUGHT THIS WAS A JOKE. PEOPLE DON'T REALIZE THAT THIS gs3-kDDpFSg-00089-00007597-00007604 I THOUGHT THIS WAS A JOKE. PEOPLE DON'T REALIZE THAT THIS gs3-kDDpFSg-00090-00007604-00007731 I THOUGHT THIS WAS A JOKE. PEOPLE DON'T REALIZE THAT THIS ISN'T A JOKE. gs3-kDDpFSg-00091-00007731-00007737 PEOPLE DON'T REALIZE THAT THIS ISN'T A JOKE. gs3-kDDpFSg-00092-00007737-00007881 PEOPLE DON'T REALIZE THAT THIS ISN'T A JOKE. >> EELPOUT DOES GET OUT OF HAND. gs3-kDDpFSg-00093-00007881-00007887 ISN'T A JOKE. >> EELPOUT DOES GET OUT OF HAND. gs3-kDDpFSg-00094-00007887-00008037 ISN'T A JOKE. >> EELPOUT DOES GET OUT OF HAND. THERE'S NO TWO WAYS AROUND IT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00095-00008037-00008044 >> EELPOUT DOES GET OUT OF HAND. THERE'S NO TWO WAYS AROUND IT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00096-00008044-00008184 >> EELPOUT DOES GET OUT OF HAND. THERE'S NO TWO WAYS AROUND IT. THE SHERIFF, YOU'RE GOING TO gs3-kDDpFSg-00097-00008184-00008191 THERE'S NO TWO WAYS AROUND IT. THE SHERIFF, YOU'RE GOING TO gs3-kDDpFSg-00098-00008191-00008368 THERE'S NO TWO WAYS AROUND IT. THE SHERIFF, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE YOUR HANDS FULL. gs3-kDDpFSg-00099-00008368-00008375 THE SHERIFF, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE YOUR HANDS FULL. gs3-kDDpFSg-00100-00008375-00008531 THE SHERIFF, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE YOUR HANDS FULL. I DO BELIEVE THAT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00101-00008531-00008538 HAVE YOUR HANDS FULL. I DO BELIEVE THAT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00102-00008538-00008782 HAVE YOUR HANDS FULL. I DO BELIEVE THAT. >> EELPOUT ORGANIZERS JARED gs3-kDDpFSg-00103-00008782-00008788 I DO BELIEVE THAT. >> EELPOUT ORGANIZERS JARED gs3-kDDpFSg-00104-00008788-00008988 I DO BELIEVE THAT. >> EELPOUT ORGANIZERS JARED OLSON STEPPED FORWARD TO ANSWER gs3-kDDpFSg-00105-00008988-00008995 >> EELPOUT ORGANIZERS JARED OLSON STEPPED FORWARD TO ANSWER gs3-kDDpFSg-00106-00008995-00009155 >> EELPOUT ORGANIZERS JARED OLSON STEPPED FORWARD TO ANSWER MANY OF THE QUESTIONS RAISED. gs3-kDDpFSg-00107-00009155-00009162 OLSON STEPPED FORWARD TO ANSWER MANY OF THE QUESTIONS RAISED. gs3-kDDpFSg-00108-00009162-00009312 OLSON STEPPED FORWARD TO ANSWER MANY OF THE QUESTIONS RAISED. OLSON SAYS AFTER TWO YEARS OF gs3-kDDpFSg-00109-00009312-00009319 MANY OF THE QUESTIONS RAISED. OLSON SAYS AFTER TWO YEARS OF gs3-kDDpFSg-00110-00009319-00009439 MANY OF THE QUESTIONS RAISED. OLSON SAYS AFTER TWO YEARS OF ONGOING ISSUES WITH CASS COUNTY, gs3-kDDpFSg-00111-00009439-00009446 OLSON SAYS AFTER TWO YEARS OF ONGOING ISSUES WITH CASS COUNTY, gs3-kDDpFSg-00112-00009446-00009602 OLSON SAYS AFTER TWO YEARS OF ONGOING ISSUES WITH CASS COUNTY, THE FESTIVAL IS READY FOR A gs3-kDDpFSg-00113-00009602-00009609 ONGOING ISSUES WITH CASS COUNTY, THE FESTIVAL IS READY FOR A gs3-kDDpFSg-00114-00009609-00009829 ONGOING ISSUES WITH CASS COUNTY, THE FESTIVAL IS READY FOR A CHANGE OF VENUE AND CREDITS gs3-kDDpFSg-00115-00009829-00009836 THE FESTIVAL IS READY FOR A CHANGE OF VENUE AND CREDITS gs3-kDDpFSg-00116-00009836-00009986 THE FESTIVAL IS READY FOR A CHANGE OF VENUE AND CREDITS BEMIDJI'S INFRASTRUCTURE AS ONE gs3-kDDpFSg-00117-00009986-00009993 CHANGE OF VENUE AND CREDITS BEMIDJI'S INFRASTRUCTURE AS ONE gs3-kDDpFSg-00118-00009993-00010116 CHANGE OF VENUE AND CREDITS BEMIDJI'S INFRASTRUCTURE AS ONE OF ITS HIGHLIGHTS. gs3-kDDpFSg-00119-00010116-00010123 BEMIDJI'S INFRASTRUCTURE AS ONE OF ITS HIGHLIGHTS. gs3-kDDpFSg-00120-00010123-00010266 BEMIDJI'S INFRASTRUCTURE AS ONE OF ITS HIGHLIGHTS. >> ANOTHER BIG REASON WHY THE gs3-kDDpFSg-00121-00010266-00010273 OF ITS HIGHLIGHTS. >> ANOTHER BIG REASON WHY THE gs3-kDDpFSg-00122-00010273-00010296 OF ITS HIGHLIGHTS. >> ANOTHER BIG REASON WHY THE MOVE. gs3-kDDpFSg-00123-00010296-00010303 >> ANOTHER BIG REASON WHY THE MOVE. gs3-kDDpFSg-00124-00010303-00010503 >> ANOTHER BIG REASON WHY THE MOVE. YOUR GUYS' INFRASTRUCTURE IS gs3-kDDpFSg-00125-00010503-00010510 MOVE. YOUR GUYS' INFRASTRUCTURE IS gs3-kDDpFSg-00126-00010510-00010577 MOVE. YOUR GUYS' INFRASTRUCTURE IS VERY GOOD HERE. gs3-kDDpFSg-00127-00010577-00010583 YOUR GUYS' INFRASTRUCTURE IS VERY GOOD HERE. gs3-kDDpFSg-00128-00010583-00010774 YOUR GUYS' INFRASTRUCTURE IS VERY GOOD HERE. YOU HAVE THE SANFORD CENTER gs3-kDDpFSg-00129-00010774-00010780 VERY GOOD HERE. YOU HAVE THE SANFORD CENTER gs3-kDDpFSg-00130-00010780-00010927 VERY GOOD HERE. YOU HAVE THE SANFORD CENTER ALONG WITH A PARKING LOT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00131-00010927-00010934 YOU HAVE THE SANFORD CENTER ALONG WITH A PARKING LOT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00132-00010934-00011157 YOU HAVE THE SANFORD CENTER ALONG WITH A PARKING LOT. SO IF WE DO RUN INTO A HIGH gs3-kDDpFSg-00133-00011157-00011164 ALONG WITH A PARKING LOT. SO IF WE DO RUN INTO A HIGH gs3-kDDpFSg-00134-00011164-00011297 ALONG WITH A PARKING LOT. SO IF WE DO RUN INTO A HIGH SITUATION, WHICH IN THE LAST gs3-kDDpFSg-00135-00011297-00011304 SO IF WE DO RUN INTO A HIGH SITUATION, WHICH IN THE LAST gs3-kDDpFSg-00136-00011304-00011421 SO IF WE DO RUN INTO A HIGH SITUATION, WHICH IN THE LAST COUPLE YEARS IT HAS GOTTEN gs3-kDDpFSg-00137-00011421-00011428 SITUATION, WHICH IN THE LAST COUPLE YEARS IT HAS GOTTEN gs3-kDDpFSg-00138-00011428-00011728 SITUATION, WHICH IN THE LAST COUPLE YEARS IT HAS GOTTEN WARMER, THERE IS THE IS SANFORD gs3-kDDpFSg-00139-00011728-00011735 COUPLE YEARS IT HAS GOTTEN WARMER, THERE IS THE IS SANFORD gs3-kDDpFSg-00140-00011735-00011815 COUPLE YEARS IT HAS GOTTEN WARMER, THERE IS THE IS SANFORD CENTER PARKING LOT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00141-00011815-00011821 WARMER, THERE IS THE IS SANFORD CENTER PARKING LOT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00142-00011821-00011998 WARMER, THERE IS THE IS SANFORD CENTER PARKING LOT. >> IF THE PERMIT IS GRANTED AND gs3-kDDpFSg-00143-00011998-00012005 CENTER PARKING LOT. >> IF THE PERMIT IS GRANTED AND gs3-kDDpFSg-00144-00012005-00012222 CENTER PARKING LOT. >> IF THE PERMIT IS GRANTED AND THE FESTIVAL COMES TO BEMIDJI, gs3-kDDpFSg-00145-00012222-00012228 >> IF THE PERMIT IS GRANTED AND THE FESTIVAL COMES TO BEMIDJI, gs3-kDDpFSg-00146-00012228-00012355 >> IF THE PERMIT IS GRANTED AND THE FESTIVAL COMES TO BEMIDJI, ORGANIZERS UNDERSTAND IT WILL BE gs3-kDDpFSg-00147-00012355-00012362 THE FESTIVAL COMES TO BEMIDJI, ORGANIZERS UNDERSTAND IT WILL BE gs3-kDDpFSg-00148-00012362-00012552 THE FESTIVAL COMES TO BEMIDJI, ORGANIZERS UNDERSTAND IT WILL BE A DIFFICULT CHANGE FOR THE CITY gs3-kDDpFSg-00149-00012552-00012559 ORGANIZERS UNDERSTAND IT WILL BE A DIFFICULT CHANGE FOR THE CITY gs3-kDDpFSg-00150-00012559-00012609 ORGANIZERS UNDERSTAND IT WILL BE A DIFFICULT CHANGE FOR THE CITY OF WALKER. gs3-kDDpFSg-00151-00012609-00012615 A DIFFICULT CHANGE FOR THE CITY OF WALKER. gs3-kDDpFSg-00152-00012615-00012752 A DIFFICULT CHANGE FOR THE CITY OF WALKER. >> I KNOW IT DOES HAVE A LOT OF gs3-kDDpFSg-00153-00012752-00012759 OF WALKER. >> I KNOW IT DOES HAVE A LOT OF gs3-kDDpFSg-00154-00012759-00012899 OF WALKER. >> I KNOW IT DOES HAVE A LOT OF HISTORY, AND IF IT DOES MOVE IT gs3-kDDpFSg-00155-00012899-00012906 >> I KNOW IT DOES HAVE A LOT OF HISTORY, AND IF IT DOES MOVE IT gs3-kDDpFSg-00156-00012906-00013103 >> I KNOW IT DOES HAVE A LOT OF HISTORY, AND IF IT DOES MOVE IT WILL BE A TOUGH THING, BUT I'M gs3-kDDpFSg-00157-00013103-00013109 HISTORY, AND IF IT DOES MOVE IT WILL BE A TOUGH THING, BUT I'M gs3-kDDpFSg-00158-00013109-00013219 HISTORY, AND IF IT DOES MOVE IT WILL BE A TOUGH THING, BUT I'M DEDICATED TO THE CONTINUED gs3-kDDpFSg-00159-00013219-00013226 WILL BE A TOUGH THING, BUT I'M DEDICATED TO THE CONTINUED gs3-kDDpFSg-00160-00013226-00013343 WILL BE A TOUGH THING, BUT I'M DEDICATED TO THE CONTINUED SUCCESS OF THIS EVENT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00161-00013343-00013349 DEDICATED TO THE CONTINUED SUCCESS OF THIS EVENT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00162-00013349-00013516 DEDICATED TO THE CONTINUED SUCCESS OF THIS EVENT. >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, gs3-kDDpFSg-00163-00013516-00013523 SUCCESS OF THIS EVENT. >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, gs3-kDDpFSg-00164-00013523-00013576 SUCCESS OF THIS EVENT. >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. gs3-kDDpFSg-00165-00013576-00013583 >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. gs3-kDDpFSg-00166-00013583-00013730 >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: THE BELTRAMI COUNTY gs3-kDDpFSg-00167-00013730-00013737 LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: THE BELTRAMI COUNTY gs3-kDDpFSg-00168-00013737-00013847 LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: THE BELTRAMI COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION HAS YET TO gs3-kDDpFSg-00169-00013847-00013853 >> DENNIS: THE BELTRAMI COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION HAS YET TO gs3-kDDpFSg-00170-00013853-00013970 >> DENNIS: THE BELTRAMI COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION HAS YET TO SCHEDULE A MEETING TO DISCUSS gs3-kDDpFSg-00171-00013970-00013977 PLANNING COMMISSION HAS YET TO SCHEDULE A MEETING TO DISCUSS gs3-kDDpFSg-00172-00013977-00014050 PLANNING COMMISSION HAS YET TO SCHEDULE A MEETING TO DISCUSS THE PERMIT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00173-00014050-00014057 SCHEDULE A MEETING TO DISCUSS THE PERMIT. gs3-kDDpFSg-00174-00014057-00014127 SCHEDULE A MEETING TO DISCUSS THE PERMIT. TOMORROW OUR JOSH PETERSON WILL gsG9VYMOeE8-00000-00001963-00002663 In our last lecture, we defined vector norm and induced matrix norm. So, here in today's gsG9VYMOeE8-00001-00002975-00003675 lecture, whenever I talk of vector norm, unless it is specified otherwise, it is going to gsG9VYMOeE8-00002-00003686-00004387 be either 1 norm, 2 norm or infinity norm. A matrix norm is going to be always the corresponding gsG9VYMOeE8-00003-00004617-00005317 induced matrix norm. We are considering solution of system of linear gsG9VYMOeE8-00004-00005436-00006136 equations; we have seen methods to solve these. So, these methods, they are exact method, gsG9VYMOeE8-00005-00006190-00006890 the error is going to be because we do the computations using computer, so, you have gsG9VYMOeE8-00006-00007006-00007706 got finite precision and that is what introduces the error. So, today we want to look at the gsG9VYMOeE8-00007-00007853-00008553 error in the computation. So, we will start with a system A x is equal to b, because of gsG9VYMOeE8-00008-00008878-00009578 finite precision, the matrix A, the coefficient matrix A, in fact is going to be A plus delta gsG9VYMOeE8-00009-00009721-00010311 A. Each entry of the matrix can have some error; gsG9VYMOeE8-00010-00010311-00010936 similarly, on the right hand side b, instead of the vector b, we will be looking at vector gsG9VYMOeE8-00011-00010936-00011636 b plus delta b. So, you have exact solution x, your computed solution is going to be x gsG9VYMOeE8-00012-00011750-00011779 cap. gsG9VYMOeE8-00013-00011779-00012479 So, we will like to look at the error norm of x minus x cap. Now that is going to be gsG9VYMOeE8-00014-00012590-00013290 absolute error, so it is more appropriate to look at the relative error. So, our assumption gsG9VYMOeE8-00015-00013441-00014141 is Ax is equal to b, A is n by n matrix, which is invertible matrix and the right hand side gsG9VYMOeE8-00016-00014290-00014990 is a non-zero vector. So, as a consequence, our exact solution x is also going to be non-zero, gsG9VYMOeE8-00017-00015137-00015837 in practice you are going to solve a plus delta A x cap is equal to b plus delta b and gsG9VYMOeE8-00018-00015866-00016566 our aim is to bound x minus x cap, its norm divided by norm x. And as I mentioned, the gsG9VYMOeE8-00019-00016883-00017583 norm is going to be either 1 norm or 2 norm or is going to be infinity norm. gsG9VYMOeE8-00020-00017636-00018336 Now, what we are going to do is, in order to simplify our analysis, first we will assume gsG9VYMOeE8-00021-00018559-00019259 that there is only error in the right hand side; next, we will consider the case when gsG9VYMOeE8-00022-00019493-00020193 there is error also in the coefficient matrix delta A; so, this is for simplification. Finally, gsG9VYMOeE8-00023-00020625-00021325 we are going to look at the general equation, that is A plus delta A is the coefficient gsG9VYMOeE8-00024-00021490-00022190 matrix right hand side is b plus delta b, but to start with exact equation is Ax is gsG9VYMOeE8-00025-00022241-00022941 equal to b and we look at only perturbation or error in the right hand side. gsG9VYMOeE8-00026-00022978-00023678 So, we have the error delta b, it is supposed to be a small error. This is your computed gsG9VYMOeE8-00027-00023775-00024475 error x cap, so a computed solution x cap. So, let me write x cap is equal to x plus gsG9VYMOeE8-00028-00024532-00025232 delta x, where delta x is equal to x cap minus x. Now, this is our claim that norm delta gsG9VYMOeE8-00029-00025691-00026391 x by norm x is less than or equal to norm A into norm A inverse into norm delta b by gsG9VYMOeE8-00030-00026447-00027147 norm b; norm delta b by norm b is the relative error in the right hand side. gsG9VYMOeE8-00031-00027297-00027918 Norm delta x by norm x is the relative error in the computed solution and we are going gsG9VYMOeE8-00032-00027918-00028618 to show that norm delta x by norm x is less than or equal to norm delta b by norm b and gsG9VYMOeE8-00033-00028645-00029345 it gets multiplied by this number norm A into norm A inverse. So, this number is going to gsG9VYMOeE8-00034-00029358-00030058 play an important role that is going to be our condition number of the matrix. So, let gsG9VYMOeE8-00035-00030087-00030787 us derive this formula, that norm delta x by norm x is less than or equal to norm A gsG9VYMOeE8-00036-00030789-00031125 into norm A inverse into norm delta b by norm b. gsG9VYMOeE8-00037-00031125-00031825 So, we have our A x is equal to b, then A x plus delta x is equal to b plus delta b. gsG9VYMOeE8-00038-00031958-00032594 So, using the fact that A x is equal to b, you get A delta x is equal to delta b. Now gsG9VYMOeE8-00039-00032594-00033294 look at norm b; norm b is equal to norm A x, norm A x is less than or equal to norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00040-00033303-00034003 A into norm x. So, it is here that I use the fact that we are using the induced matrix gsG9VYMOeE8-00041-00034188-00034663 norm, that is why we have got this fundamental inequality. gsG9VYMOeE8-00042-00034663-00035354 Now from here, you get 1 upon norm x to be less than or equal to norm A divided by norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00043-00035354-00036054 b, our assumption is norm b is not equal to 0 that implies x not equal to 0, so we make gsG9VYMOeE8-00044-00036081-00036781 sure that we are not dividing by 0. This equation A delta x is equal to delta b, we write as gsG9VYMOeE8-00045-00036881-00037581 delta x is equal to A inverse delta b, then take the norm of both sides and use the fundamental gsG9VYMOeE8-00046-00037744-00038215 inequality, so you will get norm A inverse into norm delta b. gsG9VYMOeE8-00047-00038215-00038915 Now, combine the equation 1 and 2 to obtain norm delta x by norm x is less than or equal gsG9VYMOeE8-00048-00039030-00039730 to norm A into norm A inverse into norm delta b by norm b. Norm A into norm A inverse that gsG9VYMOeE8-00049-00039915-00040615 is called a condition number. And if this condition number, if it is small, so we will gsG9VYMOeE8-00050-00040891-00041591 specify what we mean by small, then norm delta b by norm b small will also imply that norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00051-00041648-00042348 delta x by norm x is not too big and which will mean that the system is not overly sensitive gsG9VYMOeE8-00052-00042428-00043128 to perturbations in b. First thing we are going to show is that condition number of gsG9VYMOeE8-00053-00043262-00043900 a matrix A is always going to be bigger than or equal to 1. gsG9VYMOeE8-00054-00043900-00044600 Condition number is defined for invertible matrices; it is defined as norm A into norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00055-00044608-00045308 A inverse. We look at induced matrix norm, so the induced matrix norm has got consistency gsG9VYMOeE8-00056-00045654-00046354 condition; that means, norm A b is less than or equal to norm A into norm b. So, we will gsG9VYMOeE8-00057-00046447-00047147 make use of this relation and also the fact that, if you are looking at induced matrix gsG9VYMOeE8-00058-00047176-00047865 norm, then norm of the identity matrix is going to be equal to 1. gsG9VYMOeE8-00059-00047865-00048565 So, using these two results we will show that condition number is always bigger than or gsG9VYMOeE8-00060-00048682-00049382 equal to 1. And this is something consistent that you are starting with some error norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00061-00049687-00050387 delta b by norm b. You are doing some computations, so this result or the error we start with, gsG9VYMOeE8-00062-00050750-00051438 if at all it will get increased it cannot reduce. So, norm delta x by norm x is less gsG9VYMOeE8-00063-00051438-00052138 than or equal to some number which is bigger than or equal to 1 into norm delta b by norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00064-00052213-00052875 b. So, the best result will be when your matrix gsG9VYMOeE8-00065-00052875-00053575 has condition number to be equal to 1, then norm delta x by norm x will be less than or gsG9VYMOeE8-00066-00053611-00054311 equal to norm delta b by norm b. So, let us first show that condition number is always gsG9VYMOeE8-00067-00054563-00055263 bigger than or equal to1. We are looking at the induced matrix norm, so norm A is maximum gsG9VYMOeE8-00068-00055350-00056050 of norm A x divided by norm x x not equal to 0. Here, norm A x will be a vector norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00069-00056233-00056746 you can keep in mind that it is either 1 norm or 2 norm or infinity norm. gsG9VYMOeE8-00070-00056746-00057414 So, if I look at identity matrix, then you have got norm i is equal to maximum norm x gsG9VYMOeE8-00071-00057414-00058073 by norm x x not equal to 0, so it is going to be equal to 1. So, this is the first result. gsG9VYMOeE8-00072-00058073-00058773 And then you have got 1 is equal to norm identity which is equal to norm A A inverse, which gsG9VYMOeE8-00073-00059046-00059700 is less than or equal to norm A i to norm A inverse. So, that is the consistency condition gsG9VYMOeE8-00074-00059700-00060400 and this is our number of A. So, the best possible condition number is going to be kappa gsG9VYMOeE8-00075-00060525-00061136 A is equal to 1. Norm of identity matrix is equal to 1 that gsG9VYMOeE8-00076-00061136-00061836 is true for induced matrix norm, if you consider some other norm then, this result may not gsG9VYMOeE8-00077-00061991-00062616 be true, like remember we had defined for frobenius norm. gsG9VYMOeE8-00078-00062616-00063316 So, the frobenius norm was defined as norm of A F is equal to summation i goes from 1 gsG9VYMOeE8-00079-00063516-00064216 to n, summation j goes from 1 to n a i j square whole thing raise to half. So, this frobenius gsG9VYMOeE8-00080-00064742-00065442 norm or it is like for the vector that is the euclidean norm. And here you treat A as gsG9VYMOeE8-00081-00065545-00066135 a vector of length n square then, you have got this frobenius norm. When you look at gsG9VYMOeE8-00082-00066135-00066835 the identity matrix it is 1 along the diagonal and 0 elsewhere. gsG9VYMOeE8-00083-00066954-00067654 So, norm I frobenius norm is going to be square root of n whereas, if you consider norm I gsG9VYMOeE8-00084-00068224-00068924 2 which is equal to norm I 1 which is equal to norm I infinity these are going to be equal gsG9VYMOeE8-00085-00069089-00069789 to 1. So, if you consider the condition number with respect to the frobenius norm that means gsG9VYMOeE8-00086-00070026-00070726 norm A F norm A inverse F this is going to be bigger than or equal to root n. Let us gsG9VYMOeE8-00087-00071008-00071708 look at some examples of matrices for which the condition number is going to be equal gsG9VYMOeE8-00088-00071847-00072547 to 1 that is the best possible condition number. So, I am going to look at two examples, so gsG9VYMOeE8-00089-00072743-00073443 one is orthogonal matrix. So, the orthogonal matrix has the property that if I call it gsG9VYMOeE8-00090-00073606-00074306 matrix q, then it is q transpose q is equal to identity. So, we are going to show that gsG9VYMOeE8-00091-00074398-00075098 condition number with respect to 2 norms of orthogonal matrix is going to be equal to gsG9VYMOeE8-00092-00075192-00075892 1 and then we will look at permutation matrices. So, the permutation matrix is obtained from gsG9VYMOeE8-00093-00076107-00076807 the identity matrix by finite number of row interchanges. So, let us first look at orthogonal gsG9VYMOeE8-00094-00076944-00077016 matrix. gsG9VYMOeE8-00095-00077016-00077716 So, let me recall that on R n we have got, we have defined inner product. So, inner product gsG9VYMOeE8-00096-00078126-00078826 of x with y vectors in R n, it is defined as y transpose x. So, it is summation j goes gsG9VYMOeE8-00097-00078983-00079683 from 1 to n x j y j, then norm x 2 is the matrix norm induced by this inner product. gsG9VYMOeE8-00098-00080016-00080716 So, it is inner product of x with x and its positive square root, so it is x transpose gsG9VYMOeE8-00099-00080732-00081432 x raise to half. This is going to be equal to summation j goes from 1 to n x j square gsG9VYMOeE8-00100-00081501-00082201 whole thing raise to half. Look at matrix Q, which is of size n by n and which satisfies gsG9VYMOeE8-00101-00082272-00082972 the property that Q transpose Q is equal to identity then, our claim is that condition gsG9VYMOeE8-00102-00083095-00083795 number of this orthogonal matrix with respect to 2 norm, it is going to be equal to 1. gsG9VYMOeE8-00103-00083858-00084551 So, for an orthogonal matrix, if you consider condition number with respect to some other gsG9VYMOeE8-00104-00084551-00085251 norm like our 1 norm, infinity norm then that need not be equal to 1, but if you are looking gsG9VYMOeE8-00105-00085589-00086289 at the induced matrix norm induced by Euclidean vector norm, then the condition number is gsG9VYMOeE8-00106-00086808-00087508 going to be equal to 1. Why are these matrices with condition numbers equal to 1 important? gsG9VYMOeE8-00107-00087976-00088676 Because they do not augment the error you start with; you start with error norm delta gsG9VYMOeE8-00108-00088879-00089579 b by norm b if the computed solution error is less than or equal to the error you start gsG9VYMOeE8-00109-00089674-00090117 with. So, that is why if you can work with orthogonal gsG9VYMOeE8-00110-00090117-00090726 matrices or if you can work with matrices with condition number is equal to 1 that will gsG9VYMOeE8-00111-00090726-00091383 be best computationally. Now, in order to show that condition number of orthogonal matrix gsG9VYMOeE8-00112-00091383-00092083 is equal to 1, we will first show that 2 norm of orthogonal matrix is equal to 1 and from gsG9VYMOeE8-00113-00092089-00092789 that it will follow that the condition number is equal to 1 and then we will consider an gsG9VYMOeE8-00114-00092801-00093095 example of an orthogonal matrix. gsG9VYMOeE8-00115-00093095-00093795 So, look at norm of Q x 2 norm square that is equal to inner product of Q x with itself. gsG9VYMOeE8-00116-00094114-00094814 By definition of inner product this is Q x transpose into Q x, now Q into x its transpose gsG9VYMOeE8-00117-00095085-00095785 is equal to x transpose Q transpose the order gets reversed. So, you have x transpose Q gsG9VYMOeE8-00118-00096014-00096714 transpose Q x Q transpose Q is equal to identity, so that means this quantity is equal to x gsG9VYMOeE8-00119-00096922-00097622 transpose x, but x transpose x is nothing, but euclidean norm of x square. So, thus for gsG9VYMOeE8-00120-00097888-00098588 a non-zero vector x norm Q x by norm x is going to be equal to 1. What is the matrix gsG9VYMOeE8-00121-00098805-00099505 norm? It is maximum of such quotients over all possible x not equal to 0 vector, but gsG9VYMOeE8-00122-00099729-00100429 the quotient is equal to 1, so that will give us norm Q 2 is equal to 1. gsG9VYMOeE8-00123-00100458-00101158 If Q is orthogonal matrix, Q transpose also is orthogonal, because look at Q transpose gsG9VYMOeE8-00124-00101352-00102052 its transpose into Q transpose. That will be nothing but Q Q transpose and orthogonal gsG9VYMOeE8-00125-00102170-00102870 matrix is such that Q transpose Q is identity, Q Q transpose is identity. And hence if Q gsG9VYMOeE8-00126-00103003-00103695 is orthogonal Q transpose is also orthogonal, then by this result you get norm Q transpose gsG9VYMOeE8-00127-00103695-00104395 its 2 norm is equal to one, but orthogonal matrix means inverse of Q is nothing but Q gsG9VYMOeE8-00128-00104500-00105200 transpose. So, thus norm of Q inverse its 2 norm is equal to 1. gsG9VYMOeE8-00129-00105208-00105908 And then the condition number with respect to 2 norms of Q which is norm Q multiplied gsG9VYMOeE8-00130-00105933-00106633 by norm Q inverse, so that is going to be equal to 1. So, now, let us look at an example gsG9VYMOeE8-00131-00106789-00107489 of an orthogonal matrix. So, I am going to look at 2 by 2 matrix and for that matrix gsG9VYMOeE8-00132-00107541-00108241 we will also calculate its 1 norm and infinity norm. In our last lecture, we had seen that gsG9VYMOeE8-00133-00108524-00109224 for 1 norm and for infinity norm you have got a formula, when you want to look at 1 gsG9VYMOeE8-00134-00109792-00110382 norm then, that is nothing but the column sum norm. gsG9VYMOeE8-00135-00110382-00111051 Look at each column take the modulie of the entry sum it up. So, like that you will get gsG9VYMOeE8-00136-00111051-00111751 n numbers, look at the maximum and that is a 1 norm. If you want to look at infinity gsG9VYMOeE8-00137-00111935-00112635 norm then it is the row sum norm; that means what we did for columns you have to do it gsG9VYMOeE8-00138-00112697-00113397 for rows. So, in each row you consider the modulie of the entries, sum it up, there are gsG9VYMOeE8-00139-00113528-00114228 n rows, so you are going to get n numbers the maximum among that is going to be your gsG9VYMOeE8-00140-00114238-00114784 infinity norm. On the other hand, for 2 norm we do not have gsG9VYMOeE8-00141-00114784-00115484 such a formula, we have to be satisfied only with an upper bound and that upper bound is gsG9VYMOeE8-00142-00115716-00116416 the frobenius norm. For orthogonal matrix we have seen that 2 norm of the matrix Q is gsG9VYMOeE8-00143-00116584-00117284 going to be equal to 1. So, here is an example of 2 by 2 orthogonal matrix. gsG9VYMOeE8-00144-00117461-00118073 It is 1 by root 2, 1 by root 2 first columns 1 by root 2 minus 1 by root 2 is equal to gsG9VYMOeE8-00145-00118073-00118773 second column it is a symmetric matrix. So, Q transpose is equal to Q and you can verify gsG9VYMOeE8-00146-00118808-00119508 that Q square is equal to identity matrix, because it is a orthogonal matrix norm Q 2 gsG9VYMOeE8-00147-00119514-00120214 is equal to 1. On the other hand, when you want to consider norm Q 1, look at the first gsG9VYMOeE8-00148-00120258-00120958 column sum of the elements is going to be root 2 the second one also the sum of the gsG9VYMOeE8-00149-00121133-00121833 modulie. So, modulus is important that is again root 2, so norm Q 1 is going to be equal gsG9VYMOeE8-00150-00121879-00122579 to root 2 and norm Q infinity where you have to look at the rows that also gives you root gsG9VYMOeE8-00151-00122624-00123324 2 the matrix is symmetric. So, this is for orthogonal matrix. gsG9VYMOeE8-00152-00123369-00124069 Now, we will look at permutation matrix. So, you start with identity matrix and to start gsG9VYMOeE8-00153-00124338-00124964 with you interchanging only 2 rows, any 2 rows you interchange. The matrix which you gsG9VYMOeE8-00154-00124964-00125664 get it is going to have property that P square will be equal to identity, because have identity gsG9VYMOeE8-00155-00126091-00126791 matrix, you interchange to rows. Now, if you interchange these 2 rows again, then you are gsG9VYMOeE8-00156-00126916-00127616 going to get back to your identity matrix. So, your P square is going to be equal to gsG9VYMOeE8-00157-00127654-00128354 identity matrix and your matrix P is going to be a symmetric matrix, so P transpose is gsG9VYMOeE8-00158-00128560-00129260 equal to p. So, this matrix is being a orthogonal matrix, its 2 norm is going to be equal to gsG9VYMOeE8-00159-00129360-00130060 1, because that we have proved just now that for any orthogonal matrix the 2 norm is going gsG9VYMOeE8-00160-00130161-00130861 to be equal to 1. Then, you look at 1 norm, so it is a special matrix, we had identity gsG9VYMOeE8-00161-00131377-00131847 matrix and then we are interchanging the rows. gsG9VYMOeE8-00162-00131847-00132547 Look at the matrix, so it is this is my starting matrix. Now, what I am doing is I am interchanging gsG9VYMOeE8-00163-00133078-00133778 2 rows. So, let us interchange first row and third row for example. So, the third row is gsG9VYMOeE8-00164-00134202-00134902 0, 0, 1 and then remaining entries 0. The second row will remain as it is 0, 1, 0, 0 gsG9VYMOeE8-00165-00135202-00135902 and third row we are interchanging first and third row. So, third row now becomes 1, 0, gsG9VYMOeE8-00166-00135976-00136676 0 and then remaining entries 0 and remaining part of the matrix is remaining unchanged. gsG9VYMOeE8-00167-00136910-00137610 So, here you have all 0s, so this is my matrix P. Now, if I want to look at its 1 norm I gsG9VYMOeE8-00168-00138313-00139013 have to look at, it is a column sum norm. Now, in each column there is only 1 entry gsG9VYMOeE8-00169-00139098-00139798 which is non-zero and that is equal to 1. So, norm P 1 is equal to 1, norm P infinity gsG9VYMOeE8-00170-00140350-00141050 also will be equal to 1, because in each row you have got only one non-zero entry and that gsG9VYMOeE8-00171-00141150-00141850 is equal to 1. You have P square is equal to identity, because if you interchange again gsG9VYMOeE8-00172-00142024-00142724 the same rows, you are going to get back the identity. So, you have norm P 2 is also equal gsG9VYMOeE8-00173-00142736-00143436 to 1. Now, P inverse is equal to P, because P square gsG9VYMOeE8-00174-00143553-00144253 is identity and that gives us condition number of P with respect to 1 norm or 2 norms or gsG9VYMOeE8-00175-00144687-00145387 infinity norm is equal to 1. So, these permutation matrices they came into picture when we wanted gsG9VYMOeE8-00176-00145774-00146474 to look at gauss elimination with partial pivoting. So, there at each stage we may need gsG9VYMOeE8-00177-00146819-00147519 to interchange the rows, these interchanging rows they were accounted for by pre-multiplying gsG9VYMOeE8-00178-00147674-00148374 your matrix by a permutation matrix. So, by a matrix obtain from the identity matrix by gsG9VYMOeE8-00179-00148634-00149334 interchange of 1 row. Then, what we wanted to do was, take all permutation gsG9VYMOeE8-00180-00149438-00150138 matrices together and take all lower triangular matrices together. So that, we did it using gsG9VYMOeE8-00181-00150420-00151120 the fact that our P square is equal to identity and then we got the result that gauss elimination gsG9VYMOeE8-00182-00151550-00152250 with partial pivoting it amounts to u decomposition of matrix not A, but P into A where P is going gsG9VYMOeE8-00183-00152820-00153520 to be product of these matrices P 1 , P 2 , P n. So, let me just look at 2 such matrices. gsG9VYMOeE8-00184-00153740-00154440 So, I have got P 1. So, this is obtained from the identity matrix by 1 row interchange. gsG9VYMOeE8-00185-00155428-00156128 P 2 is again a matrix obtain by from identity by 1 row interchange. These two rows they gsG9VYMOeE8-00186-00156891-00157591 will now be different, so we have got P 1 square is equal to identity P 2 square is gsG9VYMOeE8-00187-00157832-00158532 equal to identity. Let us look at matrix P 1 P 2 and then we gsG9VYMOeE8-00188-00158552-00159252 also have P 1 transpose is equal to P 1 P 2 transpose is equal to P 2. So, I look at gsG9VYMOeE8-00189-00159664-00160364 matrix P 1 P 2, I take its transpose and then I look at P 1 P 2. This is going to be equal gsG9VYMOeE8-00190-00160810-00161510 to P 2 transpose P 1 transpose P 1 P 2, but P 1 transpose P 1 is going to be identity, gsG9VYMOeE8-00191-00162214-00162914 because P 1 square is identity and P 1 transpose is equal to P 1. So, you have got P 2 transpose gsG9VYMOeE8-00192-00163107-00163807 P 2 and P 2 transpose P 2 is nothing but P 2 square, so it is identity and which will gsG9VYMOeE8-00193-00164047-00164747 mean that P 1 P 2 is orthogonal matrix. So, the condition number of P 1 P 2 will also gsG9VYMOeE8-00194-00165432-00166086 be equal to 1. And in this case even the condition number gsG9VYMOeE8-00195-00166086-00166751 with respect to 1 norm or infinity norm is going to be equal to 1. Let us found find gsG9VYMOeE8-00196-00166751-00167451 a lower bound, it is not always possible, but in this case, because see what the result gsG9VYMOeE8-00197-00167489-00168137 which we are getting is norm delta x by norm x is less than or equal to condition number gsG9VYMOeE8-00198-00168137-00168837 of A into norm delta b by norm b. So, this less than or equal to, it means that may be gsG9VYMOeE8-00199-00169080-00169780 condition number of A into norm delta b by norm b that product is big, but still norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00200-00169845-00170545 delta x by norm x can be small. So, what is ideal is to have an upper bound gsG9VYMOeE8-00201-00170760-00171460 and also a lower bound. Now in numerical analysis such a thing is not always possible. In fact, gsG9VYMOeE8-00202-00171490-00172190 most of the time you have to be satisfied with only upper bound and then one tries to gsG9VYMOeE8-00203-00172459-00173133 give the upper bounds which are tight or which are the best possible and so on. So, now we gsG9VYMOeE8-00204-00173133-00173833 are going to look at the lower bound in the case when A x is equal to b and A x plus delta gsG9VYMOeE8-00205-00174174-00174815 x is equal to b plus delta b. We have already found an upper bound and now we are going gsG9VYMOeE8-00206-00174815-00175348 to find lower bound, the method is similar. gsG9VYMOeE8-00207-00175348-00176048 So, you have A x is equal to b; that means, x is equal to A inverse b, so that gives you gsG9VYMOeE8-00208-00176282-00176917 norm x to be less than or equal to norm A inverse into norm b. From this we will get gsG9VYMOeE8-00209-00176917-00177617 1 upon norm A inverse into norm b to be less than or equal to 1 upon norm x. Then A delta gsG9VYMOeE8-00210-00177835-00178526 x is equal to delta b, so norm delta b will be less than or equal to norm a into norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00211-00178526-00179155 delta x and then that gives you norm delta b by norm A to be less than or equal to norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00212-00179155-00179855 delta x. When we obtained upper bound we had done other way, we had written norm b to be gsG9VYMOeE8-00213-00179908-00180608 less than or equal to norm A into norm x and delta x to be equal to A inverse delta b. gsG9VYMOeE8-00214-00180671-00181371 Now, we apply the fundamental inequality to x is equal to A inverse b and A delta x is gsG9VYMOeE8-00215-00181427-00182127 equal to delta b. And then combine these 2 results, so you will get norm delta x by norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00216-00182251-00182951 x the relative error in the computed solution to be bigger than or equal to norm delta b gsG9VYMOeE8-00217-00183123-00183823 by norm b from here and then 1 of upon norm a into norm a inverse. This upper bound we gsG9VYMOeE8-00218-00183924-00184624 had already found. So, here condition number of A is in the numerator, here condition number gsG9VYMOeE8-00219-00184688-00185388 of A is in the denominator. If the condition number of A is equal to 1 gsG9VYMOeE8-00220-00185471-00186171 then you are going to have norm delta x by norm x is equal to norm delta b by norm b. gsG9VYMOeE8-00221-00186285-00186985 So, this is the best situation possible that you start with some error and you do computation. gsG9VYMOeE8-00222-00187408-00188108 So, we are going to perform various operations, but then in the end the relative error in gsG9VYMOeE8-00223-00188141-00188841 the computed solution is the same as the relative error in the relative error which we started gsG9VYMOeE8-00224-00188908-00189608 with. So, this is for this A x is equal to b and only the perturbation in the right hand gsG9VYMOeE8-00225-00190015-00190085 side. gsG9VYMOeE8-00226-00190085-00190785 Now, let us look at an example. So, this condition numbers of A norm A into norm A inverse. If gsG9VYMOeE8-00227-00191159-00191859 it is big, so afterwards we will see what we mean by big and small, but I want to give gsG9VYMOeE8-00228-00191989-00192653 you an example, where the condition number is of the order of 10 raise to 6. So, it is gsG9VYMOeE8-00229-00192653-00193353 really a big number. And then you perturbed the right hand sides slightly, so your norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00230-00193553-00194253 delta b by norm b is going to be small, but the error in the computed solution it becomes gsG9VYMOeE8-00231-00194474-00194982 very big because of your big condition number. gsG9VYMOeE8-00232-00194982-00195682 So, look at this example A is a 2 by 2 matrix. This matrix its inverse is given by minus gsG9VYMOeE8-00233-00196102-00196802 998, so 999 then 999 and then minus1000. So, when you look at norm A 1; so, look at the gsG9VYMOeE8-00234-00197352-00197916 first column, look at the second column and add up the entries look at the maximum. So, gsG9VYMOeE8-00235-00197916-00198616 norm A 1 is going to be 1999. Then when you consider infinity norm, you have to do it gsG9VYMOeE8-00236-00198929-00199552 with the rows. So, again norm A infinity is 1999. gsG9VYMOeE8-00237-00199552-00200242 Norm A inverse, its 1 norm and infinity norm they are the same. So, when you consider the gsG9VYMOeE8-00238-00200242-00200904 condition number, you have to look at norm A into norm A inverse, so that means, it is gsG9VYMOeE8-00239-00200904-00201604 going to be 1999 square. So, that is approximately equal to 4 into 10 raise to 6 or to be more gsG9VYMOeE8-00240-00201861-00202561 precise 3.996 into 10 raise to 6. Now, you look at this system, we choose right gsG9VYMOeE8-00241-00202839-00203539 hand side so that the exact solution is 1 1. If x 1 1 is equal to 1 1, x 2 is equal gsG9VYMOeE8-00242-00203599-00204299 to 1 1 you are going to get the first entry to be 1999, second entry to be 1997. Perturbed gsG9VYMOeE8-00243-00204742-00205442 system has right hand side to be 1998.99 and the second one is 1997. 01. So, it is a very gsG9VYMOeE8-00244-00206428-00207128 small perturbation. So, your delta b is going to be equal to minus 0.01 and 0.01 so very gsG9VYMOeE8-00245-00208011-00208104 small number. gsG9VYMOeE8-00246-00208104-00208804 When you solve the perturbed system, so your exact solution is 1 1 and you are changing gsG9VYMOeE8-00247-00209066-00209766 the right hand slightly and computed solution which you are getting is 20.97 and minus 18. gsG9VYMOeE8-00248-00210227-00210347 99. gsG9VYMOeE8-00249-00210347-00211047 So, your exact solution is 1 1 and you are getting the solution which has nothing to gsG9VYMOeE8-00250-00211284-00211984 do with your earlier solution. Your starting error was 5.0 into 10 raise to minus 6 and gsG9VYMOeE8-00251-00212269-00212969 now your error is norm delta x infinity by norm x infinity is 19. 99. So this situation, gsG9VYMOeE8-00252-00213426-00214126 this is something one has to be careful about, that you want to solve some system. Now, if gsG9VYMOeE8-00253-00214416-00215044 it perturbs slightly and that is bound to happen, you are using computers so there is gsG9VYMOeE8-00254-00215044-00215665 going to be always some error. Now, whether this error gets magnified by gsG9VYMOeE8-00255-00215665-00216365 such an amount that you get a completely different solution; so, when we looked at our error gsG9VYMOeE8-00256-00216490-00217190 norm delta x by norm x it was about 20, that means the error is of the same order as a gsG9VYMOeE8-00257-00217552-00218252 solution. So, that is why the big condition number that is something one has to worry gsG9VYMOeE8-00258-00218392-00219092 about. Here, remember there is no approximation the 2 by 2 matrix you are doing exact calculations, gsG9VYMOeE8-00259-00219777-00220477 but there is an error which is not acceptable. Now, what we could have done this case? The gsG9VYMOeE8-00260-00220732-00221270 matrix A is given to us. So, if the matrix is given to us, its condition gsG9VYMOeE8-00261-00221270-00221899 number is fixed. So, what can I do? I have been given a system I solve it and then it gsG9VYMOeE8-00262-00221899-00222599 happens. So, if such is the case, then you cannot do much, but what you have to be careful gsG9VYMOeE8-00263-00222984-00223684 is your starting matrix is well conditioned, but in the process you are making it to be gsG9VYMOeE8-00264-00224147-00224819 ill conditioned, so that is what happens when you divide by a small number. gsG9VYMOeE8-00265-00224819-00225472 So, we are considering gauss elimination method. In that gauss elimination method when you gsG9VYMOeE8-00266-00225472-00226172 determine the multipliers, you consider a to 1 by A 11 1 that was our multiplier M 21. gsG9VYMOeE8-00267-00226214-00226914 So, if you divide by a small number your starting system is well conditioned, but you are making gsG9VYMOeE8-00268-00226966-00227477 it ill conditioned, so this is something you should avoid. gsG9VYMOeE8-00269-00227477-00228177 Another is there are some ways to make the matrix to be well conditioned, it may not gsG9VYMOeE8-00270-00228396-00229096 work for all matrices, but for some matrices it will work. So, that part we will see how gsG9VYMOeE8-00271-00229124-00229824 to do it. So, here it was I wanted to give you an example where the condition number gsG9VYMOeE8-00272-00229853-00230553 is big and that affects your solution in such a manner that you get completely unacceptable gsG9VYMOeE8-00273-00230819-00231519 solution. So, now we had looked at perturbation only gsG9VYMOeE8-00274-00231640-00232340 in the right hand side. Now, let us look perturbation in the coefficient matrix. Actually the most gsG9VYMOeE8-00275-00232600-00233300 general condition is you will you are going to have perturbation in the coefficient matrix, gsG9VYMOeE8-00276-00233319-00233841 you are going to have perturbation in the right hand side. What I am going to do is, gsG9VYMOeE8-00277-00233841-00234541 now consider only perturbation in the coefficient matrix with right hand side to be exact, obtain gsG9VYMOeE8-00278-00234794-00235285 the result and then state the result in the general case. gsG9VYMOeE8-00279-00235285-00235985 The methodology is the same it is just question of writing it down. So, now, A x is equal gsG9VYMOeE8-00280-00236194-00236894 to b is our original system, the perturbed system is going to be a plus delta A x is gsG9VYMOeE8-00281-00236907-00237607 equal to b. Our assumption is that A is invertible. So, first we have to make sure that our perturbed gsG9VYMOeE8-00282-00237999-00238623 system the coefficient matrix a plus A delta A is going to be an invertible matrix. gsG9VYMOeE8-00283-00238623-00239323 So, we are going to find a condition on delta A which will imply that A plus delta A is gsG9VYMOeE8-00284-00239467-00240167 going to be invertible. These perturbations whether it is in the right hand side b or gsG9VYMOeE8-00285-00240223-00240855 whether it is in the coefficient matrix, they are supposed to be small perturbations. If gsG9VYMOeE8-00286-00240855-00241483 you change your right hand side drastically then of course, the solution which you get gsG9VYMOeE8-00287-00241483-00242169 is going to be something totally different. Then, we do not expect it to have any relation gsG9VYMOeE8-00288-00242169-00242695 with our original solution. So, what we are doing is when you are perturbing gsG9VYMOeE8-00289-00242695-00243395 it slightly how does the computed solution behave? So, we are first going to find a condition gsG9VYMOeE8-00290-00243617-00244317 on delta A which will guarantee that A invertible implies A plus delta A invertible. So for gsG9VYMOeE8-00291-00244651-00245351 that we are going to prove a result that if a matrix C has norm less than 1, now which gsG9VYMOeE8-00292-00245644-00246344 norm? Any induced matrix norm, so if norm C less than 1 then i plus C is invertible. gsG9VYMOeE8-00293-00246438-00247010 So, this is the first result we will prove and then we will prove, then we will obtain gsG9VYMOeE8-00294-00247010-00247582 a sufficient condition for invertibility of A plus delta A. gsG9VYMOeE8-00295-00247582-00248282 So, C is an n by n matrix such that norm of C is less than 1. I want to show that i plus gsG9VYMOeE8-00296-00248534-00249234 C is invertible, so I will show that it is 1 to 1. In order to show that is 1 to 1, consider gsG9VYMOeE8-00297-00249351-00250051 I plus C x is equal to 0 vectors that will mean x is equal to minus C x. Take a norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00298-00250099-00250765 of both the sides, so you will have norm x is equal to norm C x and by fundamental equality, gsG9VYMOeE8-00299-00250765-00251465 it is less than or equal to norm C into norm A. That is why I said that consider any induced gsG9VYMOeE8-00300-00251476-00251992 matrix norm. Now, here norm of C is less than 1. So, this gsG9VYMOeE8-00301-00251992-00252692 relation implies that norm x has to be equal to 0 vector, because if norm x is not equal gsG9VYMOeE8-00302-00252942-00253607 to 0 then I can say that 1 is less than or equal to norm C cancel norm x, but then norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00303-00253607-00254233 C is less than 1 and I am getting 1 less than or equal to norm C. So contradiction, so norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00304-00254233-00254873 x has to be equal to 0, not A 0 vector it should be norm x is equal to 0 it is a scalar. gsG9VYMOeE8-00305-00254873-00255542 And this implies that x is equal to 0 vector by property of norm. So, i plus C is 1 to gsG9VYMOeE8-00306-00255542-00256242 1 and hence it is invertible. Now, we use this fact to obtain a sufficient condition gsG9VYMOeE8-00307-00256295-00256948 on delta A which will guarantee invertibillity of A plus delta A. gsG9VYMOeE8-00308-00256948-00257648 So, let A be invertible and delta A be such that norm delta A by norm A is less than 1 gsG9VYMOeE8-00309-00257801-00258501 upon condition number; that means, 1 upon norm A into norm A inverse. So, this condition gsG9VYMOeE8-00310-00258726-00259426 I can write or it will imply that delta A into norm A inverse is less than 1. gsG9VYMOeE8-00311-00259555-00260255 So, we have norm delta A to be less than norm A inverse. We have norm delta A into A inverse gsG9VYMOeE8-00312-00260756-00261456 to be less than 1. So, actually norm delta A is less than 1 upon norm A inverse. Now, gsG9VYMOeE8-00313-00261735-00262435 I look at A plus delta A, this will be identity plus delta A into A inverse A. I take A common gsG9VYMOeE8-00314-00263560-00264260 I know that this is invertible, this is my matrix C. So, what is norm of C? Norm of C gsG9VYMOeE8-00315-00264564-00265264 is norm of delta A into A inverse, which is less than or equal to norm delta A into norm gsG9VYMOeE8-00316-00265541-00266241 A inverse by consistency condition and then from this condition, you get this to be less gsG9VYMOeE8-00317-00266399-00267099 than 1. So, you will get I plus C to be invertible and A is already invertible. gsG9VYMOeE8-00318-00267954-00268654 So, A plus delta A inverse will be equal to A inverse into I plus C inverse. Using the gsG9VYMOeE8-00319-00269208-00269908 fact that if A and B are invertible matrices, A B inverse is equal to B inverse A inverse. gsG9VYMOeE8-00320-00270188-00270888 We look at the perturbation in the coefficient matrix A and we assume that norm delta A is gsG9VYMOeE8-00321-00271269-00271969 less than 1 upon norm A inverse or equivalently, norm delta A by norm A is less than 1 upon gsG9VYMOeE8-00322-00272357-00273057 condition number of A. So, norm delta A by norm A, it is the relative error in the coefficient gsG9VYMOeE8-00323-00273338-00274038 matrix and we assume that it is less than 1 upon condition number of A and that will gsG9VYMOeE8-00324-00274223-00274490 guarantee that A plus delta A is invertible. gsG9VYMOeE8-00325-00274490-00275190 So, A x is equal to b A plus delta A x plus delta x is equal to b, then A x is equal to gsG9VYMOeE8-00326-00275472-00276172 b will give us A times delta x is equal to... So, A x is equal to b so that will get cancelled. gsG9VYMOeE8-00327-00276366-00277066 And then A delta x is equal to minus delta A into x plus delta x taking this on the other gsG9VYMOeE8-00328-00277273-00277973 side. Now, A is invertible, so take A on the other side and then you will get norm delta gsG9VYMOeE8-00329-00278095-00278795 x to be less than or equal to norm A inverse norm delta A using the triangle inequality gsG9VYMOeE8-00330-00278968-00279668 here, norm x plus norm delta x. Now, I multiply and divide by norm A and then write norm a gsG9VYMOeE8-00331-00279791-00280460 into norm A inverse to be condition number. So, I have condition number of A delta A by gsG9VYMOeE8-00332-00280460-00281160 norm A norm delta A by norm A, norm x plus norm delta x. Whatever is related to delta gsG9VYMOeE8-00333-00281214-00281889 x I take it on the other side, so I will get 1 minus condition number of a norm delta A gsG9VYMOeE8-00334-00281889-00282589 by norm A into norm delta x to be less than or equal to condition number of A norm delta gsG9VYMOeE8-00335-00282684-00283384 A by norm A into norm x. That will give us norm delta x by norm x to be less than or gsG9VYMOeE8-00336-00283549-00284249 equal to this condition number of A, this bracket and then norm delta A by norm A. gsG9VYMOeE8-00337-00284407-00285107 Remember that, this quantity we are assuming it to be less than 1. So, even in this case gsG9VYMOeE8-00338-00285330-00286030 what is going to matter is the condition number. You have got the relative error is less than gsG9VYMOeE8-00339-00286132-00286832 or equal to condition number of A divided by something into norm delta A by norm A. gsG9VYMOeE8-00340-00286898-00287598 So, tomorrow we will consider some conditions or we are not going to calculate the condition gsG9VYMOeE8-00341-00287795-00288380 numbers. So by looking at matrix, we should be able to sort of guess or we should have gsG9VYMOeE8-00342-00288380-00289080 some way of knowing, whether it is ill conditioned or well conditioned, so some geometric picture. gsG9VYMOeE8-00343-00289143-00289591 These are the thing we will do in our next lecture. So, thank you. guPFcTwShLA-00000-00000022-00000466 Your Natchez History Minute is brought to you by Natchez National Historical Park. guPFcTwShLA-00001-00000632-00001076 Professional baseball player, Nook Logan made his major league debut for the Detroit Tigers guPFcTwShLA-00002-00001076-00001688 against the Kansas City Royals on this day, July 21, 2004. Born Exavier Prente Logan in guPFcTwShLA-00003-00001688-00002282 Natchez on November 28, 1979, Logan attended Copiah-Lincoln Community College and was named guPFcTwShLA-00004-00002282-00002818 the Tigers’ rookie of the year for 2004. In 2006, Logan was traded to the Washington guPFcTwShLA-00005-00002818-00003290 Nationals where he impressed the club with his spectacular catches and speed. That year, guPFcTwShLA-00006-00003290-00003682 Logan was recognized as the fastest player in Major League Baseball and ended the season guPFcTwShLA-00007-00003682-00004257 hitting 300 and making several impressive catches in the field. On opening day in 2007, guPFcTwShLA-00008-00004257-00004714 Logan crashed into the wall in the outfield, injuring his foot. Even though the was out guPFcTwShLA-00009-00004714-00005268 for over a month, Logan still managed to hit 265 that season. After signing a minor league guPFcTwShLA-00010-00005268-00005921 contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2008, Logan became a free agent in 2008 and signed guPFcTwShLA-00011-00005921-00006374 with the Long Island Ducks of the independent Atlantic League where he finished out the guPFcTwShLA-00012-00006374-00006867 season. Currently, Logan owns a motivational consulting business that focuses on mentoring guPFcTwShLA-00013-00006867-00007065 young people to achieve their goals. guPFcTwShLA-00014-00007430-00007792 I’m Kayleb Mcgee, a senior at Natchez High School and this has been your Natchez History guPFcTwShLA-00015-00007793-00007843 Minute. guXwD4knyfu-00000-00000006-00000537 how the Trump campaign can help you grow your business now no matter what you guXwD4knyfu-00001-00000537-00001044 think of Donald Trump he won the election the question is how could he guXwD4knyfu-00002-00001044-00001526 win this election when everybody said he couldn't win the election in this video guXwD4knyfu-00003-00001526-00002025 I'm gonna show you growth hacking that Donald Trump used in his campaign and guXwD4knyfu-00004-00002025-00002331 how you can use some of the same principles to help you grow your guXwD4knyfu-00005-00002331-00003289 business and we're starting right now guXwD4knyfu-00006-00003476-00003939 hey guys J.R. Fisher here and if you're new to my channel do me a favor and guXwD4knyfu-00007-00003939-00004527 subscribe go down there and hit that subscribe button next to it you got to guXwD4knyfu-00008-00004527-00004848 ring the bell how do you ready to value click it and it's gonna make that ring guXwD4knyfu-00009-00004848-00005348 noise right there just like this then you gotta turn on all notifications that guXwD4knyfu-00010-00005348-00005676 way when I do these videos you'll be the first one to know about it you'll be guXwD4knyfu-00011-00005676-00006153 part of the Fisher family and you'll be in that VIP group in this video we're guXwD4knyfu-00012-00006153-00006533 gonna talk about Donald Trump now I don't care what your politics are he guXwD4knyfu-00013-00006533-00006897 makes no difference to me well what do you think about the way he ran his guXwD4knyfu-00014-00006897-00007286 election put your comments below do you think he did a good job you think he did guXwD4knyfu-00015-00007286-00007638 a bad job he won we know that and he got a lot of guXwD4knyfu-00016-00007638-00008004 attention but the question is how did he do it let's examine that in this guXwD4knyfu-00017-00008004-00008409 particular video now also if you're new to this channel I've been selling online guXwD4knyfu-00018-00008409-00008832 since 2009 and I've sold millions of dollars of both physical and digital guXwD4knyfu-00019-00008832-00009327 products and on this channel what I do is I share with you all of those things guXwD4knyfu-00020-00009327-00009677 that I've learned over the years so then you can start run and grow guXwD4knyfu-00021-00009677-00010082 online business now let's check out this campaign at Donald Trump right now I'm guXwD4knyfu-00022-00010082-00010460 sure by now you know the news because he's been in office for a few years but guXwD4knyfu-00023-00010460-00010949 Donald Trump won the 2016 election against Hillary Clinton guXwD4knyfu-00024-00010949-00011417 now he's now the 45th President of the United States but the question is how guXwD4knyfu-00025-00011417-00011753 did he do it what growth hacking did he do that you guXwD4knyfu-00026-00011753-00012086 can learn from that you can apply in your business now I'm gonna remain guXwD4knyfu-00027-00012086-00012539 totally neutral about you know by political leanings and I really don't guXwD4knyfu-00028-00012539-00012901 have much because I don't really think that levers in office is really gonna guXwD4knyfu-00029-00012901-00013397 affect me much most of what's gonna come in my life at almost everything is to guXwD4knyfu-00030-00013397-00013772 become in my life is not based on some politician and I want you to understand guXwD4knyfu-00031-00013772-00014156 your future is not based on some politician either it's based on what you guXwD4knyfu-00032-00014156-00014588 do every single day that that effort that you put forth every single day will guXwD4knyfu-00033-00014588-00014941 have more effect in your life than anything else you can do okay so it guXwD4knyfu-00034-00014941-00015301 really doesn't matter which way you lean on this political thing but the question guXwD4knyfu-00035-00015301-00015838 is how did Donald Trump use growth hacking to actually win this election guXwD4knyfu-00036-00015838-00016343 because he obviously did something that worked out pretty well for him he came guXwD4knyfu-00037-00016343-00016769 from nowhere he had no background whatsoever of politics but he did guXwD4knyfu-00038-00016769-00017204 exhibit that entrepreneurial spirit and he used growth hacking to win this guXwD4knyfu-00039-00017204-00017737 election yeah most successful businesses used growth hacking growth hacking is a guXwD4knyfu-00040-00017737-00018335 strategy most commonly used by startups to get going real fast so to sum it up guXwD4knyfu-00041-00018335-00018959 growth hacking basically is setting up a strategy you decide what your main goals guXwD4knyfu-00042-00018959-00019357 are going to be you decide what shelves you're gonna use whether it's Twitter or guXwD4knyfu-00043-00019357-00019820 Facebook or web pages or whatever and then you go out and test to all those guXwD4knyfu-00044-00019820-00020270 there is several different things once you figure out the things that work you guXwD4knyfu-00045-00020270-00020687 double down on those things and you spend more time and more money just on guXwD4knyfu-00046-00020687-00021097 those items and drop everything else and that's basically what growth hacking guXwD4knyfu-00047-00021097-00021742 is in a nutshell companies like air B&B PayPal Dropbox they've all used the same guXwD4knyfu-00048-00021742-00022093 strategy to grow their business extremely fast and it's been very guXwD4knyfu-00049-00022093-00022591 successful for all now I'm gonna talk about politics and how this growth guXwD4knyfu-00050-00022591-00022981 hacking was used but these same ideas you can apply to your business and get guXwD4knyfu-00051-00022981-00023428 the same results now the first thing I want to talk about is having a specific guXwD4knyfu-00052-00023428-00023941 target and identifying your audience the problem that most businesses have is guXwD4knyfu-00053-00023941-00024337 that they go after everybody they say hey I want a big audience so I want to guXwD4knyfu-00054-00024337-00024673 sell to everybody and the thing is if you don't take a side if you don't make guXwD4knyfu-00055-00024673-00025084 a stand if you don't have some type of meaning to your business you're guXwD4knyfu-00056-00025084-00025543 basically speaking to nobody if you speak to everybody so what you need to guXwD4knyfu-00057-00025543-00026089 do is focus on a smaller group of people that are more passionate or that have guXwD4knyfu-00058-00026089-00026464 more need for whatever your product or services that's exactly what Donald guXwD4knyfu-00059-00026464-00026932 Trump did to tap into that audience out there that is sick and tired of the kind guXwD4knyfu-00060-00026932-00027333 of politicians we had before who doesn't like politicians who is for guXwD4knyfu-00061-00027333-00027727 the working man and the blue-collar worker that he knew exactly the audience guXwD4knyfu-00062-00027727-00028237 he was going after when he got started initially Donald Trump's target was guXwD4knyfu-00063-00028237-00028651 Republicans he went after Republicans now keep in mind Donald Trump used to be guXwD4knyfu-00064-00028651-00029110 a Democrat but he decided he wanted to be the nominee for the Republicans so he guXwD4knyfu-00065-00029110-00029558 had to go after Republicans he didn't care the Democrats liked him or loved guXwD4knyfu-00066-00029558-00029957 hayden made no difference to it he knew what it started was his target was to guXwD4knyfu-00067-00029957-00030398 get the nomination which is the first step and then in order to do that you're guXwD4knyfu-00068-00030398-00030710 gonna have to get the Republicans to like you and that's when he would have guXwD4knyfu-00069-00030710-00031163 to now the next step is really studying your target and knowing your audience guXwD4knyfu-00070-00031163-00031472 now here's what he knew about Republicans and I'm not talking about guXwD4knyfu-00071-00031472-00031883 people in office I'm talking about people who identify as Republicans he guXwD4knyfu-00072-00031883-00032348 knew that those people don't trust politicians he knew it that was the guXwD4knyfu-00073-00032348-00032758 biggest thing he knew they didn't trust politicians so instead of going out guXwD4knyfu-00074-00032758-00033035 there and saying you know I don't have any experience but I think I could do guXwD4knyfu-00075-00033035-00033476 the job he immediately would bring that up and even say I don't have experience guXwD4knyfu-00076-00033476-00033905 and that's why I can do the job because I'm not your common politician the guXwD4knyfu-00077-00033905-00034454 person you can't trust I'm somebody you can trust so he was tapping in to that guXwD4knyfu-00078-00034454-00034862 need they had that pain point they had that they don't trust any politicians guXwD4knyfu-00079-00034862-00035276 whether Democrats or Republicans so he immediately said I'm not a politician guXwD4knyfu-00080-00035276-00035792 I'm gonna go to DC and I'm gonna drain the small the next thing is to define guXwD4knyfu-00081-00035792-00036221 your message and find your value proposition what was this value guXwD4knyfu-00082-00036221-00036722 proposition well his value proposition was I'm not part of the establishment guXwD4knyfu-00083-00036722-00037160 I'm not an establishment person you can vote for me you could trust me because guXwD4knyfu-00084-00037160-00037661 I'm not part of them so instead of trying to make himself liked by all the guXwD4knyfu-00085-00037661-00038129 politicians no matter which party it was he said I'm not part of either one of guXwD4knyfu-00086-00038129-00038528 them I'm there to clean all this up he really defined his proposition to the guXwD4knyfu-00087-00038528-00038867 audience and that made him even more likable to that audience that's going to guXwD4knyfu-00088-00038867-00039185 be voting for Trump did something that I don't think I've guXwD4knyfu-00089-00039185-00039644 ever seen in my lifetime before and he didn't try to be loved by everyone and guXwD4knyfu-00090-00039644-00039950 you know it's so funny over the years as I've listened to politicians where guXwD4knyfu-00091-00039950-00040259 there's Democrat or Republican or independence they all sound the same guXwD4knyfu-00092-00040259-00040688 it's really hard to distinguish what they really want to do and what they're guXwD4knyfu-00093-00040688-00041068 going to do and Trump came right out and he said what he wanted to do guXwD4knyfu-00094-00041068-00041518 what he was going to do so he really tried to separate himself from all the guXwD4knyfu-00095-00041518-00041950 other paths now in doing so he got a lot of resistance he got a lot of people who guXwD4knyfu-00096-00041950-00042406 didn't like it and that just made the people who did like him thank you even guXwD4knyfu-00097-00042406-00042715 more they're like well those are my opponents out there those are the people guXwD4knyfu-00098-00042715-00043084 I don't like them if they don't like this guy he's the guy for me that's the guXwD4knyfu-00099-00043084-00043561 way he what about next thing you need to do is define your metrics your KPIs your guXwD4knyfu-00100-00043561-00043975 KPIs is basically your key performance indicators so a key performance guXwD4knyfu-00101-00043975-00044305 indicator is you need to get a certain percentage you need to set what that guXwD4knyfu-00102-00044305-00044628 percentage is when you need to get a certain dollar or whatever it is and he guXwD4knyfu-00103-00044628-00045133 determined upfront what percentages he need so he could go after that and set guXwD4knyfu-00104-00045133-00045646 all of his KPIs and hit him on a regular basis so one of the KPIs that donald set guXwD4knyfu-00105-00045646-00046180 up was how many Republicans would vote for him if he was on the ticket his guXwD4knyfu-00106-00046180-00046630 whole goal was to have the highest number of Republicans that would vote guXwD4knyfu-00107-00046630-00047200 for him if he was on the ticket so that was his KPI now check out this graphic guXwD4knyfu-00108-00047200-00047665 right here this is amazing there's nowhere in here that anybody is even guXwD4knyfu-00109-00047665-00048147 close to him he's a twenty seven point seven percent of the Republicans that guXwD4knyfu-00110-00048147-00048528 were polled on this said they would vote for him and as you can see below that guXwD4knyfu-00111-00048528-00049006 the next one is unsure that's not even a candidate at the time of this poll below guXwD4knyfu-00112-00049006-00049393 that they had Scott Walker which was at fifteen percent which is less than half guXwD4knyfu-00113-00049393-00050013 then they had Ben Carson at seven point eight Jeb Bush at six point eight Marco guXwD4knyfu-00114-00050013-00050691 Rubio at five point four Rand Paul at three point nine Ted Cruz was at three guXwD4knyfu-00115-00050691-00051124 point seven Rick Perry three point three and the rest of them can't even I mean guXwD4knyfu-00116-00051124-00051579 they don't even go up to two percent it's ridiculous so he was just crushing guXwD4knyfu-00117-00051579-00051996 it when they asked these people who were going to vote for president who would guXwD4knyfu-00118-00051996-00052259 you vote for he crushed it this was his KPI that guXwD4knyfu-00119-00052259-00052664 was most concerned about because he knew if he could get this then he can get the guXwD4knyfu-00120-00052664-00053041 nomination now he was smart technology wise I wouldn't have never guessed this guXwD4knyfu-00121-00053041-00053513 because he's an older man but technology wise he was on top of us he defined his guXwD4knyfu-00122-00053513-00053999 channels what channels was he gonna use to get his message out to the people and guXwD4knyfu-00123-00053999-00054404 certainly we all know he's famous for his tweets so those tweets go out all guXwD4knyfu-00124-00054404-00054947 the time but he figured out SEO he figured out social media he figured out guXwD4knyfu-00125-00054947-00055253 Facebook Ads he knew what he was doing to get the guXwD4knyfu-00126-00055253-00055780 message across and he was going after those people who were Republicans and guXwD4knyfu-00127-00055780-00056174 for those people who were undecided yet because that's where you're gonna win an guXwD4knyfu-00128-00056174-00056669 election with all of undecided people now Trump actually selected four guXwD4knyfu-00129-00056669-00057130 different channels that he was going to use he decided on social media now under guXwD4knyfu-00130-00057130-00057557 that umbrella of social media there's a lot of social media platforms of course guXwD4knyfu-00131-00057557-00058030 Twitter is the one that he use the most it was a most successful way on top of guXwD4knyfu-00132-00058030-00058490 that he did PR public relations okay he was all over public relations and how guXwD4knyfu-00133-00058490-00058787 people thought about him and he didn't care that some people didn't like it guXwD4knyfu-00134-00058787-00059201 didn't matter to him he just needed a good base of people that did like him guXwD4knyfu-00135-00059201-00059645 that did support him he also did offline marketing what's offline marketing this guXwD4knyfu-00136-00059645-00060023 is unheard of for anybody do this he went out and did conventions he did guXwD4knyfu-00137-00060023-00060379 these huge rallies all around the country and he would get people all guXwD4knyfu-00138-00060379-00060902 stirred up and they were all excited and he filled stadiums with people so that guXwD4knyfu-00139-00060902-00061226 they can see him and they could hear his message and then they went out and guXwD4knyfu-00140-00061226-00061571 talked about it and that spread and then the last thing he did was video guXwD4knyfu-00141-00061571-00061958 marketing he did a lot of videos folks there was a lot of sound bites that guXwD4knyfu-00142-00061958-00062375 Donald Trump did and those video marketing sound bites he had went all guXwD4knyfu-00143-00062375-00062791 over Facebook so he kind of combined all of these channels together to make for guXwD4knyfu-00144-00062791-00063224 one successful campaign that that is exactly what you need to do with your guXwD4knyfu-00145-00063224-00063505 business also now the next thing he did was guXwD4knyfu-00146-00063505-00064024 be testing what say be testing he would take a platform such as Twitter and he guXwD4knyfu-00147-00064024-00064384 would put a bunch of positive stuff on there about how he was going to help the guXwD4knyfu-00148-00064384-00064717 economy in business and all that and then he would put a lot of negative guXwD4knyfu-00149-00064717-00065176 stuff on there about immigrants about you know trade wars with china whatever guXwD4knyfu-00150-00065176-00065689 it was he went in both directions to see which one's work best for him obviously guXwD4knyfu-00151-00065689-00066187 i think some of those negative ones working really well for him so you've guXwD4knyfu-00152-00066187-00066562 got to kind of think about this in your business too you want to push away from guXwD4knyfu-00153-00066562-00066994 things that you don't like and you want to support things you do like in doing guXwD4knyfu-00154-00066994-00067330 that you're gonna have some people just like you he has people who just like him guXwD4knyfu-00155-00067330-00067786 but also you're really gonna build up that loyalty that people that already do guXwD4knyfu-00156-00067786-00068188 like you now look at your data analytics here's the funny thing when he did some guXwD4knyfu-00157-00068188-00068635 negative stuff he really got a lot of press out of that all the reporters guXwD4knyfu-00158-00068635-00068959 would jump on it all of his opponents would jump on it and they would talk guXwD4knyfu-00159-00068959-00069259 about the negative things that Trump was saying about the country about guXwD4knyfu-00160-00069259-00069874 immigrants about China about Iran and as they did that they were giving him free guXwD4knyfu-00161-00069874-00070189 advertising he knew exactly what he was doing he knew if he said something guXwD4knyfu-00162-00070189-00070564 controversial that people were gonna print it they were gonna talk about it guXwD4knyfu-00163-00070564-00070909 he was gonna be on the news shows over and over again their thought was that guXwD4knyfu-00164-00070909-00071305 would tear him down she knew in the back of his mind that would actually build up guXwD4knyfu-00165-00071305-00071812 his audience once he figured out what really worked he doubled down on it guXwD4knyfu-00166-00071812-00072133 every time he got caught saying something that was controversial and guXwD4knyfu-00167-00072133-00072451 then say oh my god she's gotta apologize for that one he would do just the guXwD4knyfu-00168-00072451-00072925 opposite and he would come out stronger because he knew that that's gonna make guXwD4knyfu-00169-00072925-00073270 the news he's famous for some of his tweets I've got a couple of them right guXwD4knyfu-00170-00073270-00073777 here one of them said he was talking about Mexicans he says they're bringing guXwD4knyfu-00171-00073777-00074354 drugs they're bringing crime they're rapists that was actually one of guXwD4knyfu-00172-00074354-00074804 tweets amazing right okay what do the other tweets he says and you're not guXwD4knyfu-00173-00074804-00075131 gonna believe this cuz I just looked at myself and I thought wow he didn't say guXwD4knyfu-00174-00075131-00075536 this but here's what he said you know it really doesn't matter what the media guXwD4knyfu-00175-00075536-00076049 right as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass that's what he guXwD4knyfu-00176-00076049-00076538 actually said about his wife so that's that's a pretty out-there tweet but he guXwD4knyfu-00177-00076538-00077030 did it he doubled down on it amazing the Trump also had to optimize his channels guXwD4knyfu-00178-00077030-00077395 in other words once he figured out which ones were working better for him than guXwD4knyfu-00179-00077395-00077669 others don't try to in your business I see so guXwD4knyfu-00180-00077669-00078007 many businesses do this though they'll be on like 20 different channels and guXwD4knyfu-00181-00078007-00078275 trying to do all these things and they don't really do any of them that well guXwD4knyfu-00182-00078275-00078727 you want to figure out which ones maybe the best response for your time and guXwD4knyfu-00183-00078727-00079160 really focus on those and that's exactly what he did and obviously Twitter was guXwD4knyfu-00184-00079160-00079499 working really well for him now what happened next was really pretty amazing guXwD4knyfu-00185-00079499-00080342 his PR campaign worked so well that he won the Republican primaries with 45% guXwD4knyfu-00186-00080342-00080741 which is amazing because his next closest contender was Ted Cruz and he guXwD4knyfu-00187-00080741-00081307 had 25 percent let's not forget the wall the wall he said he's gonna build a wall guXwD4knyfu-00188-00081307-00081722 which he's actually started construction and there's been a lot of controversy a guXwD4knyfu-00189-00081722-00082226 lot of court cases and all that but he was gonna build a wall between the u.s. guXwD4knyfu-00190-00082226-00082720 and Mexico and have Mexico pay for it that's a pretty controversial thing but guXwD4knyfu-00191-00082720-00083117 understand what we can learn from this election what we can learn from his guXwD4knyfu-00192-00083117-00083501 campaign is that you can apply a lot of these tactics to your business and guXwD4knyfu-00193-00083501-00083918 that's all he really did he's a business guy and he knew what would work and he guXwD4knyfu-00194-00083918-00084289 knew being controversial wouldn't really help him out and that's kind of what you guXwD4knyfu-00195-00084289-00084750 have to do in business too now in my trainings I'm not overly controversial guXwD4knyfu-00196-00084750-00085107 but I'm not the guy who's gonna say hey you could work four hours a week and get guXwD4knyfu-00197-00085107-00085476 rich you can't do it and you know I talk about that all the time I'm like it's a guXwD4knyfu-00198-00085476-00085827 lot of hard work you got to spend a lot of time I'm doing this video right now guXwD4knyfu-00199-00085827-00086283 and I'm filming for hours today to do this video it takes a lot of time it guXwD4knyfu-00200-00086283-00086736 takes a lot of work and it doesn't mean that you can only you know have to work guXwD4knyfu-00201-00086736-00086982 like two years and then you'll never gonna have to work again I mean I've guXwD4knyfu-00202-00086982-00087333 been doing this ten years and at this point I'm still working hard and that's guXwD4knyfu-00203-00087333-00087675 the way it is it doesn't mean I can't take some time off when I want can I guXwD4knyfu-00204-00087675-00088095 certainly do that but what it does mean and what it does speak to is those guXwD4knyfu-00205-00088095-00088440 people out there that understand when I say you got to do hard work they're a guXwD4knyfu-00206-00088440-00088848 little bit more believing about my message those people who you know want guXwD4knyfu-00207-00088848-00089142 to work four hours a week and make a million dollars a year hear my message guXwD4knyfu-00208-00089142-00089568 and they go away they don't want to buy my stuff because they know that I'm guXwD4knyfu-00209-00089568-00090042 gonna actually ask them to work but it builds that trust and that loyalty with guXwD4knyfu-00210-00090042-00090486 the people who do know that that's a true message so growth hacking can you guXwD4knyfu-00211-00090486-00090852 use it in your business yeah you can use it as a matter of fact I want to know guXwD4knyfu-00212-00090852-00091227 which parts of this and you're gonna use in your business put your comments below guXwD4knyfu-00213-00091227-00091797 if you had questions about this video or how Donald Trump use all this put your guXwD4knyfu-00214-00091797-00092205 questions below hopefully we won't get too many political things down there but guXwD4knyfu-00215-00092205-00092631 we make and if we do that's okay you know don't forget if you haven't done so guXwD4knyfu-00216-00092631-00092964 already and you're not part of the Fisher family you're not part of those guXwD4knyfu-00217-00092964-00093447 VIPs you need to hit that subscribe button so you can join the family and guXwD4knyfu-00218-00093447-00094005 you need to come on your bail notifications right next to it market guXwD4knyfu-00219-00094005-00094542 for get all notifications that way you do become a VIP that way you do get guXwD4knyfu-00220-00094542-00094965 notified every time I do a new video also don't forget I have a free guXwD4knyfu-00221-00094965-00095616 e-commerce course below it's $197 value you can get it absolutely free by just guXwD4knyfu-00222-00095616-00096001 clicking the link you do is click and learn thank you so much guXwD4knyfu-00223-00096001-00097483 for watching this video and I'll see you in the next video also click one of guXwD4knyfu-00224-00097483-00097752 those videos there gv0OHK-0Tp8-00000-00000010-00000029 MARSHAL. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00001-00000029-00000036 MARSHAL. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00002-00000036-00000196 MARSHAL. GRAND RAPIDS LOOKING FOR THEIR gv0OHK-0Tp8-00003-00000196-00000203 MARSHAL. GRAND RAPIDS LOOKING FOR THEIR gv0OHK-0Tp8-00004-00000203-00000617 MARSHAL. GRAND RAPIDS LOOKING FOR THEIR FIRST STATE TITLE BERTH SINCE gv0OHK-0Tp8-00005-00000617-00000623 GRAND RAPIDS LOOKING FOR THEIR FIRST STATE TITLE BERTH SINCE gv0OHK-0Tp8-00006-00000623-00000714 GRAND RAPIDS LOOKING FOR THEIR FIRST STATE TITLE BERTH SINCE 2005. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00007-00000714-00000720 FIRST STATE TITLE BERTH SINCE 2005. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00008-00000720-00000954 FIRST STATE TITLE BERTH SINCE 2005. >> AJ: BRAINERD VOLLEYBALL HAS gv0OHK-0Tp8-00009-00000954-00000960 2005. >> AJ: BRAINERD VOLLEYBALL HAS gv0OHK-0Tp8-00010-00000960-00001207 2005. >> AJ: BRAINERD VOLLEYBALL HAS BEEN ON QUITE A STREAK LATELY. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00011-00001207-00001214 >> AJ: BRAINERD VOLLEYBALL HAS BEEN ON QUITE A STREAK LATELY. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00012-00001214-00001364 >> AJ: BRAINERD VOLLEYBALL HAS BEEN ON QUITE A STREAK LATELY. THEY WILL LIKELY HAVE THE 2 SEED gv0OHK-0Tp8-00013-00001364-00001371 BEEN ON QUITE A STREAK LATELY. THEY WILL LIKELY HAVE THE 2 SEED gv0OHK-0Tp8-00014-00001371-00001574 BEEN ON QUITE A STREAK LATELY. THEY WILL LIKELY HAVE THE 2 SEED IN THE SECTION TOURNAMENT AND gv0OHK-0Tp8-00015-00001574-00001581 THEY WILL LIKELY HAVE THE 2 SEED IN THE SECTION TOURNAMENT AND gv0OHK-0Tp8-00016-00001581-00001768 THEY WILL LIKELY HAVE THE 2 SEED IN THE SECTION TOURNAMENT AND TONIGHT THEY HOSTED ROCORI. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00017-00001768-00001775 IN THE SECTION TOURNAMENT AND TONIGHT THEY HOSTED ROCORI. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00018-00001775-00001975 IN THE SECTION TOURNAMENT AND TONIGHT THEY HOSTED ROCORI. IT WAS BRAINERD SENIOR NIGHT, gv0OHK-0Tp8-00019-00001975-00001981 TONIGHT THEY HOSTED ROCORI. IT WAS BRAINERD SENIOR NIGHT, gv0OHK-0Tp8-00020-00001981-00002192 TONIGHT THEY HOSTED ROCORI. IT WAS BRAINERD SENIOR NIGHT, AND THEY FOUND THEMSELVES DOWN. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00021-00002192-00002198 IT WAS BRAINERD SENIOR NIGHT, AND THEY FOUND THEMSELVES DOWN. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00022-00002198-00002338 IT WAS BRAINERD SENIOR NIGHT, AND THEY FOUND THEMSELVES DOWN. ABLE TO GET THE KILL FOR THE gv0OHK-0Tp8-00023-00002338-00002345 AND THEY FOUND THEMSELVES DOWN. ABLE TO GET THE KILL FOR THE gv0OHK-0Tp8-00024-00002345-00002385 AND THEY FOUND THEMSELVES DOWN. ABLE TO GET THE KILL FOR THE WARRIORS. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00025-00002385-00002392 ABLE TO GET THE KILL FOR THE WARRIORS. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00026-00002392-00002662 ABLE TO GET THE KILL FOR THE WARRIORS. THEY LEAD 23 TO 16. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00027-00002662-00002669 WARRIORS. THEY LEAD 23 TO 16. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00028-00002669-00002826 WARRIORS. THEY LEAD 23 TO 16. A FEW POINTS LATER, BRAINERD gv0OHK-0Tp8-00029-00002826-00002832 THEY LEAD 23 TO 16. A FEW POINTS LATER, BRAINERD gv0OHK-0Tp8-00030-00002832-00003022 THEY LEAD 23 TO 16. A FEW POINTS LATER, BRAINERD WITH A CHANCE TO CLOSE OUT THE gv0OHK-0Tp8-00031-00003022-00003029 A FEW POINTS LATER, BRAINERD WITH A CHANCE TO CLOSE OUT THE gv0OHK-0Tp8-00032-00003029-00003166 A FEW POINTS LATER, BRAINERD WITH A CHANCE TO CLOSE OUT THE SET AS THEY COMBINE FOR THE gv0OHK-0Tp8-00033-00003166-00003173 WITH A CHANCE TO CLOSE OUT THE SET AS THEY COMBINE FOR THE gv0OHK-0Tp8-00034-00003173-00003343 WITH A CHANCE TO CLOSE OUT THE SET AS THEY COMBINE FOR THE BLOCK TO TIE THE MATCH AT 2. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00035-00003343-00003350 SET AS THEY COMBINE FOR THE BLOCK TO TIE THE MATCH AT 2. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00036-00003350-00003606 SET AS THEY COMBINE FOR THE BLOCK TO TIE THE MATCH AT 2. DOWN 13 TO 12 IN THE FIFTH SET, gv0OHK-0Tp8-00037-00003606-00003613 BLOCK TO TIE THE MATCH AT 2. DOWN 13 TO 12 IN THE FIFTH SET, gv0OHK-0Tp8-00038-00003613-00003817 BLOCK TO TIE THE MATCH AT 2. DOWN 13 TO 12 IN THE FIFTH SET, THE SPIKE CANNOT BE RETURNED BY gv0OHK-0Tp8-00039-00003817-00003823 DOWN 13 TO 12 IN THE FIFTH SET, THE SPIKE CANNOT BE RETURNED BY gv0OHK-0Tp8-00040-00003823-00003877 DOWN 13 TO 12 IN THE FIFTH SET, THE SPIKE CANNOT BE RETURNED BY ROCORI. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00041-00003877-00003883 THE SPIKE CANNOT BE RETURNED BY ROCORI. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00042-00003883-00003963 THE SPIKE CANNOT BE RETURNED BY ROCORI. TIED UP AT 13. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00043-00003963-00003970 ROCORI. TIED UP AT 13. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00044-00003970-00004147 ROCORI. TIED UP AT 13. MATCH POINT FOR BRAINERD. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00045-00004147-00004154 TIED UP AT 13. MATCH POINT FOR BRAINERD. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00046-00004154-00004240 TIED UP AT 13. MATCH POINT FOR BRAINERD. THE SERVE. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00047-00004240-00004247 MATCH POINT FOR BRAINERD. THE SERVE. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00048-00004247-00004457 MATCH POINT FOR BRAINERD. THE SERVE. ROCORI'S ATTACK ON THE OTHER gv0OHK-0Tp8-00049-00004457-00004464 THE SERVE. ROCORI'S ATTACK ON THE OTHER gv0OHK-0Tp8-00050-00004464-00004607 THE SERVE. ROCORI'S ATTACK ON THE OTHER SIDE, JUST A LITTLE TOO LONG. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00051-00004607-00004614 ROCORI'S ATTACK ON THE OTHER SIDE, JUST A LITTLE TOO LONG. gv0OHK-0Tp8-00052-00004614-00004868 ROCORI'S ATTACK ON THE OTHER SIDE, JUST A LITTLE TOO LONG. IT GOES OUT, AND BRAINERD WINS A gv0OHK-0Tp8-00053-00004868-00004874 SIDE, JUST A LITTLE TOO LONG. IT GOES OUT, AND BRAINERD WINS A gv0OHK-0Tp8-00054-00004874-00004928 SIDE, JUST A LITTLE TOO LONG. IT GOES OUT, AND BRAINERD WINS A THRILLING MATCH IN FIVE SETS ON gzFISH90M28-00000-00000677-00001041 The Gospel began with the trial of Jesus. gzFISH90M28-00001-00001041-00001268 The trial of Jesus. gzFISH90M28-00002-00001268-00001717 When there is trial, there is judgement. gzFISH90M28-00003-00001717-00002593 But is He the only being tried? gzFISH90M28-00004-00002593-00003200 Is He the only one being tried and the answer is no. gzFISH90M28-00005-00003200-00003446 The Jewish leaders were also being tried. gzFISH90M28-00006-00003446-00003725 They were also being tried because they lied. gzFISH90M28-00007-00003725-00003829 They envied Him. gzFISH90M28-00008-00003829-00003932 They were jealous. gzFISH90M28-00009-00003932-00004664 Pilate with the Romans were also tried because of their corruption. gzFISH90M28-00010-00004664-00005896 And they lived their lives insensitive to the plight gzFISH90M28-00011-00005896-00006162 of their countrymen. gzFISH90M28-00012-00006162-00007008 They twelve apostles were also being tried. gzFISH90M28-00013-00007008-00007195 For denial. gzFISH90M28-00014-00007195-00007415 For betrayal. gzFISH90M28-00015-00007415-00007878 For abandoning a friend in need. gzFISH90M28-00016-00007878-00008966 And the passers-by were also being tried because they of little faith ridiculed Jesus in saying gzFISH90M28-00017-00008966-00009407 – You should come down from there. gzFISH90M28-00018-00009407-00009700 Afterall, you are God. gzFISH90M28-00019-00009700-00010534 The sins of the Jewish leaders, the sins of the Roman leaders, the sins of the apostles, gzFISH90M28-00020-00010534-00011266 the sins of the passing by crowd continue to be the sins of us all. gzFISH90M28-00021-00011266-00011532 Dishonesty. gzFISH90M28-00022-00011532-00011797 Hypocrisy. gzFISH90M28-00023-00011797-00012064 Jealousy. gzFISH90M28-00024-00012064-00012330 Envy. gzFISH90M28-00025-00012330-00012564 Insensitivity to the poor. gzFISH90M28-00026-00012564-00012738 Corruption. gzFISH90M28-00027-00012738-00013107 Abandoning a friend who is in need. gzFISH90M28-00028-00013107-00013207 Denial. gzFISH90M28-00029-00013207-00013472 Betrayal for 30 pieces of silver. gzFISH90M28-00030-00013472-00014597 They were of shallow faith that is why when thrust in a difficult situation, they had gzFISH90M28-00031-00014597-00014905 no principle to uphold. gzFISH90M28-00032-00014905-00016028 My dear brothers and sisters, in this Gospel trial of Jesus, we are also on trial. gzFISH90M28-00033-00016028-00017155 Jesus is declared innocent and the Jewish leaders, the Roman leaders, the apostles, gzFISH90M28-00034-00017155-00017680 the crowd were on trial also and they were guilty. gzFISH90M28-00035-00017680-00018613 But in the biggest contradiction of all contradictions, the one who had a huge debt was no longer gzFISH90M28-00036-00018613-00018776 required to pay. gzFISH90M28-00037-00018776-00019718 The one who had no debt, He paid for everything. gzFISH90M28-00038-00019718-00020131 That is the mystery of Holy Week. gzFISH90M28-00039-00020131-00020868 The innocent pays for the punishment of the guilty. gzFISH90M28-00040-00020868-00021866 And the guilty whose punishment has been paid for, continue to be numb, continue to be ungrateful, gzFISH90M28-00041-00021866-00022361 continue to be forgetful. gzFISH90M28-00042-00022361-00022848 Thank you for listening. gzFISH90M28-00043-00022848-00023012 Thank you for watching. gzFISH90M28-00044-00023012-00023426 Please look for Father Soc on YouTube. gzFISH90M28-00045-00023426-00023876 And I hope you can subscribe to the channel. gzFISH90M28-00046-00023876-00024476 There I can meet you with more reflections, with more homilies and then we can interact. gzFISH90M28-00047-00024476-00025123 And you can also tell me the questions in your heart, the questions in your mind which gzFISH90M28-00048-00025123-00025532 I hope, I can also answer in the same channel. gzFISH90M28-00049-00025532-00026083 It is not technology that brings us together, it is the Lord. gzFISH90M28-00050-00026083-00026693 It is not technology that has brought us together, it is our love for the Lord and our love for gzFISH90M28-00051-00026693-00026833 the Church. gzFISH90M28-00052-00026833-00027149 May the Spirit continue to work in all of us. gzFISH90M28-00053-00027149-00027258 God bless you. gzUUBJVwVC0-00000-00000019-00000706 It's crazy, when I first started business, it's such a ... This is 10 years ago, and gzUUBJVwVC0-00001-00000706-00001779 it was such a tough thing to do, is to find a mentor because when we start off as a business gzUUBJVwVC0-00002-00001779-00002304 owner or when you first start off as a budding entrepreneur, you're wanting to find a mentor gzUUBJVwVC0-00003-00002304-00002528 who's going to validate your thoughts. gzUUBJVwVC0-00004-00002528-00002720 Who's going to understand what you've been through. gzUUBJVwVC0-00005-00002720-00003180 Who's going to tell you, hey, this is the right step and give you the confidence in gzUUBJVwVC0-00006-00003180-00003575 doing so. gzUUBJVwVC0-00007-00003575-00004304 I just think the mindset that no one has the answers to your problem, and the problem that gzUUBJVwVC0-00008-00004304-00004685 you want to solve to the world, no one has the answer to it. gzUUBJVwVC0-00009-00004685-00005294 Just because I've been there and done that, does not mean that in today's landscape, in gzUUBJVwVC0-00010-00005294-00005760 today's environment, we can do the same thing to have the same results. gzUUBJVwVC0-00011-00005760-00006615 Things change all the time and even if you coy exactly what I do 100%, you're not going gzUUBJVwVC0-00012-00006615-00007061 to be able to achieve the same type of results it could be more, it could be less, it doesn't gzUUBJVwVC0-00013-00007061-00007664 really matter, but at the end of the day, every entrepreneur, they understand that. gzUUBJVwVC0-00014-00007664-00008108 People who are successful, they understand that you can't replicate the same type of gzUUBJVwVC0-00015-00008108-00008304 success. gzUUBJVwVC0-00016-00008304-00008767 Everyone does things a little bit differently and my whole point in saying that is, as an gzUUBJVwVC0-00017-00008767-00009346 entrepreneur and as a mentor, we cannot give answers. gzUUBJVwVC0-00018-00009346-00009654 We cannot tell you exactly what to do. gzUUBJVwVC0-00019-00009654-00010111 We can only point you towards the right direction. gzUUBJVwVC0-00020-00010111-00010275 That's what we do. gzUUBJVwVC0-00021-00010275-00010799 Is point you towards the right direction for you to explore what would work with how you gzUUBJVwVC0-00022-00010799-00011396 do things and what you're doing and what technology you have in place. gzUUBJVwVC0-00023-00011396-00011824 The landscape is changing so fast, whether it be selling on Amazon, digital marketing, gzUUBJVwVC0-00024-00011824-00012425 sales funnels, Facebook ads, everything is always changing and understanding this fact gzUUBJVwVC0-00025-00012425-00012906 is so important when it comes to finding a mentor. gzUUBJVwVC0-00026-00012906-00013709 It would set yourself to have the right expectation of when you are to engage with a mentor, how gzUUBJVwVC0-00027-00013709-00014022 would it feel like, what would it be like. gzUUBJVwVC0-00028-00014022-00014719 For me, when I first started off, I was always on the hunt of exactly what I've been saying gzUUBJVwVC0-00029-00014719-00014831 and what I'm sharing with you. gzUUBJVwVC0-00030-00014831-00015241 I'm on the hunt of someone that can tell me the answer and I feel like people are keeping gzUUBJVwVC0-00031-00015241-00015356 everything to themselves. gzUUBJVwVC0-00032-00015356-00015553 They're not willing to share. gzUUBJVwVC0-00033-00015553-00016004 They're keeping their secret sauce, why are they not willing to share? gzUUBJVwVC0-00034-00016004-00016378 They're telling me the fluff things. gzUUBJVwVC0-00035-00016378-00017143 Be committed, have determination, just try thing out and for me at that time, I'm just gzUUBJVwVC0-00036-00017143-00017506 like, dude, why are you holding out on me? gzUUBJVwVC0-00037-00017506-00018049 Why are you being so stingy, tell me more? gzUUBJVwVC0-00038-00018049-00018498 That's the reason why I reserved back to books. gzUUBJVwVC0-00039-00018498-00018763 I went out and networked for six months straight. gzUUBJVwVC0-00040-00018763-00019190 I met so many different people and networking events, they all suck. gzUUBJVwVC0-00041-00019190-00019650 What I mean by that is 99% of the people in that room are in the same boat as you. gzUUBJVwVC0-00042-00019650-00020359 So, basically it's like the blind leading the blind and the 1% seems to untouchable. gzUUBJVwVC0-00043-00020359-00020727 So, at the end of the day, going to these networking events it seems like that I'm wasting gzUUBJVwVC0-00044-00020727-00020885 my time. gzUUBJVwVC0-00045-00020885-00021500 That's the reason why I reserved back to books as my mentors and I read tons of books to gzUUBJVwVC0-00046-00021500-00022215 learn, to see what kind of trade I can pick up and the mindset that I should pick up. gzUUBJVwVC0-00047-00022215-00022634 In collaboration of all the books that I've read, that really formulated the character gzUUBJVwVC0-00048-00022634-00022778 that I have today. gzUUBJVwVC0-00049-00022778-00023418 By understanding the different types of mindset I should pick up, the different types of processes. gzUUBJVwVC0-00050-00023418-00024169 One book that's changed my life, that started my first business, is E Myth Revisited by gzUUBJVwVC0-00051-00024169-00024476 Michael Gerber. gzUUBJVwVC0-00052-00024476-00025126 This book talks about the foundation of starting a business, which is being an entrepreneur, gzUUBJVwVC0-00053-00025126-00025743 being a mechanic and a manager and the different roles that it takes to succeed in these roles. gzUUBJVwVC0-00054-00025743-00026107 Being an entrepreneur you need to be putting on different hats at different times. gzUUBJVwVC0-00055-00026107-00026700 Whether sometimes I'm an entrepreneur, sometimes I'm a manager and other times I'm a mechanic gzUUBJVwVC0-00056-00026700-00027245 because you got to have the skill set and you got to be the jack of all trades. gzUUBJVwVC0-00057-00027245-00027802 That's what the book teaches and teaches you about how to build procedures and processes gzUUBJVwVC0-00058-00027802-00028330 so then that way it takes you out of the equation and allows the business to run as an engine gzUUBJVwVC0-00059-00028330-00028564 itself. gzUUBJVwVC0-00060-00028564-00029173 For me, that's how I kick started my first business and that was my mentor. gzUUBJVwVC0-00061-00029173-00029960 So, the whole question about finding a mentor is to really understand the expectation and gzUUBJVwVC0-00062-00029960-00030463 to set that out right from the get go, is that no one has the answers for you and no gzUUBJVwVC0-00063-00030463-00030724 one can you lead you along the way. gzUUBJVwVC0-00064-00030724-00031266 It's all you, you've got to do everything yourself and believe in yourself. gzUUBJVwVC0-00065-00031266-00031366 It doesn't come easy. gzUUBJVwVC0-00066-00031366-00032025 Now, you might be thinking, dude, I just started business, how do I start believing in myself? gzUUBJVwVC0-00067-00032025-00032368 Who is to tell you what's right and what's wrong? gzUUBJVwVC0-00068-00032368-00032913 Your manager's not going to approve your purchase order because you're now spending your hard gzUUBJVwVC0-00069-00032913-00033594 earned money paying $5,000 for your first batch of inventory sending to Amazon. gzUUBJVwVC0-00070-00033594-00034029 Your manager's not going to be like, this is a go, this is a go, this is a no go. gzUUBJVwVC0-00071-00034029-00034690 It's from your pocket and you get to decide how much you spend, how much inventory you gzUUBJVwVC0-00072-00034690-00035040 get to buy, where you're going to send it to. gzUUBJVwVC0-00073-00035040-00035518 You absorb the rewards and also you take on the risk as well. gzUUBJVwVC0-00074-00035518-00035697 Whether your supplier's going to scam you. gzUUBJVwVC0-00075-00035697-00035949 Whether the product has good quality assurance. gzUUBJVwVC0-00076-00035949-00036075 It's all you. gzUUBJVwVC0-00077-00036075-00036482 A mentor's not going to solve any of that for you. gzUUBJVwVC0-00078-00036482-00037059 How you build confidence is making these decisions every single day. gzUUBJVwVC0-00079-00037059-00037675 Cautiously making decisions and being accountable for it and understand that it's on you and gzUUBJVwVC0-00080-00037675-00038045 you only that it comes back down to. gzUUBJVwVC0-00081-00038045-00038699 As you make a decision and as it works out, then now you gain a little bit more confidence gzUUBJVwVC0-00082-00038699-00039048 to make the next decision and that stacks up. gzUUBJVwVC0-00083-00039048-00039585 When you make the wrong decision, then you slide back down, but you don't stop there. gzUUBJVwVC0-00084-00039585-00040157 You make better decisions in the future and you make better decisions, better decisions, gzUUBJVwVC0-00085-00040157-00040662 and that's how you're able to gain the confidence to make the right decisions for yourself and gzUUBJVwVC0-00086-00040662-00041046 to validate your questions that you have. gzUUBJVwVC0-00087-00041046-00041353 So, then that way people don't have to hand hold you. gzUUBJVwVC0-00088-00041353-00042078 A mentor is all about pointing you towards the right direction and to share their experience gzUUBJVwVC0-00089-00042078-00042896 of what it was like being in that situation, in that crossroad, that you are now in. gzUUBJVwVC0-00090-00042896-00043575 Whether it works for you or not, whether it works in today's environment, no one knows. gzUUBJVwVC0-00091-00043575-00044312 It is speaking from experience that, for example, if you're ordering, let's say, inventory. gzUUBJVwVC0-00092-00044312-00044858 Instead of ordering 10,000 units right from the get go, maybe you should be ordering, gzUUBJVwVC0-00093-00044858-00045514 let say, only 500 as a test run because now you can test how the packaging works, how gzUUBJVwVC0-00094-00045514-00045987 the delivery system works, how the storage fees are working, how your product is selling. gzUUBJVwVC0-00095-00045987-00046646 Now, these are things that I can share with you from my experience as to what is working, gzUUBJVwVC0-00096-00046646-00046956 but at the end of the day, it might be different for you. gzUUBJVwVC0-00097-00046956-00047218 It might be different for your product. gzUUBJVwVC0-00098-00047218-00047690 You could be selling something at, let's say, 5,000 units and it sells out within two, three gzUUBJVwVC0-00099-00047690-00047818 day, who knows? gzUUBJVwVC0-00100-00047818-00048566 So, I'm just sharing with you how I'm doing things and why I did things my way. gzUUBJVwVC0-00101-00048566-00049031 It's up to you to make the decisions and it's up to you to start making your own decisions gzUUBJVwVC0-00102-00049031-00049447 so you can gain the confidence to make your own decisions in the future. gzUUBJVwVC0-00103-00049447-00049625 That's what a mentor is for. gzUUBJVwVC0-00104-00049625-00050291 Finding a mentor is ... See there's many types of mentors out there. gzUUBJVwVC0-00105-00050291-00050788 There are the people who are truly, genuinely wanting to help and you can ask some one off gzUUBJVwVC0-00106-00050788-00051056 questions because it doesn't really take them that much time. gzUUBJVwVC0-00107-00051056-00051703 There are the people who actually take payment as being a mentor and they're more invested gzUUBJVwVC0-00108-00051703-00051807 in you and your business. gzUUBJVwVC0-00109-00051807-00052189 So, I think it really comes back down to your perspective. gzUUBJVwVC0-00110-00052189-00052801 Do you want someone in your corner to walk you through your business with you or do you gzUUBJVwVC0-00111-00052801-00053133 want someone that's free? gzUUBJVwVC0-00112-00053133-00053999 If, for example, when I mentor people who are free, I'm much less invested. gzUUBJVwVC0-00113-00053999-00054454 I'm much more surface because at the end of the day, my time is valuable. gzUUBJVwVC0-00114-00054454-00055049 Where as when I'm coaching my clients who are paying me a couple grand a month, I'm gzUUBJVwVC0-00115-00055049-00055419 much more invested because I want them to succeed because when they succeed they'll gzUUBJVwVC0-00116-00055419-00055594 be paying me. gzUUBJVwVC0-00117-00055594-00055760 It's simply as that, right? gzUUBJVwVC0-00118-00055760-00056425 So, when it comes down to it, if you are looking for mentors who are willing to mentor you gzUUBJVwVC0-00119-00056425-00056823 for free, which I don't think there are a lot, but if you're looking for that one off gzUUBJVwVC0-00120-00056823-00057600 questions, then really adjust your mindset of asking the right questions. gzUUBJVwVC0-00121-00057600-00057926 What I mean by that is, you're not asking questions of, hey, you know what, I want to gzUUBJVwVC0-00122-00057926-00058047 start an Amazon business. gzUUBJVwVC0-00123-00058047-00058250 How do I start an Amazon business? gzUUBJVwVC0-00124-00058250-00058645 Frickin' Google it, go YouTube it, there are 10 million different articles out there of gzUUBJVwVC0-00125-00058645-00058832 how do you start and Amazon business. gzUUBJVwVC0-00126-00058832-00059476 Be fully informed when you go seek a mentor and when you're asking a question. gzUUBJVwVC0-00127-00059476-00060401 It is about presenting a question with your solutions and now that gives context to your gzUUBJVwVC0-00128-00060401-00060969 mentor to be like, hey, I would choose solution A based upon my experience. gzUUBJVwVC0-00129-00060969-00061401 Pretty much like do your homework first. gzUUBJVwVC0-00130-00061401-00061626 Do your homework first, that is so important. gzUUBJVwVC0-00131-00061626-00062000 So many people come up to me and they're like, "Hey Wilson, I want to start and eCommerce gzUUBJVwVC0-00132-00062000-00062204 business, how do I do it? gzUUBJVwVC0-00133-00062204-00062435 What's the different between Shopify and Amazon?" gzUUBJVwVC0-00134-00062435-00062662 I tell them, frickin' find Google. gzUUBJVwVC0-00135-00062662-00062935 I'm like, what's wrong with you. gzUUBJVwVC0-00136-00062935-00063461 Dude, I charge people $200, $300 per hour for consultation and you're asking me stupid gzUUBJVwVC0-00137-00063461-00063614 questions that you can find online. gzUUBJVwVC0-00138-00063614-00063920 You're just being lazy, that's the reason why you're asking me this question. gzUUBJVwVC0-00139-00063920-00064744 It's a very, very different feeling to a mentor when you go approach them and you ask them, gzUUBJVwVC0-00140-00064744-00065438 hey Wilson, I have $5,000 and I'm planning to start an Amazon business and I plan on gzUUBJVwVC0-00141-00065438-00066158 being in this specific niche selling travel products and this is my strategy of starting gzUUBJVwVC0-00142-00066158-00066393 out this whole campaign. gzUUBJVwVC0-00143-00066393-00066560 What do you think about that? gzUUBJVwVC0-00144-00066560-00066958 Do you think I should be starting off with a Kickstarter campaign first or do you think gzUUBJVwVC0-00145-00066958-00067431 I should be doing 100 free giveaways to gain that traction on Amazon? gzUUBJVwVC0-00146-00067431-00067791 Okay, that's a very, very different question. gzUUBJVwVC0-00147-00067791-00068026 Now, I can share with you my experience in doing so- gzUUBJVwVC0-00148-00068026-00068131 It's actually helpful. gzUUBJVwVC0-00149-00068131-00068243 It's super helpful. gzUUBJVwVC0-00150-00068243-00068756 I can share with you, hey, in today's world, what's working and what's not working and gzUUBJVwVC0-00151-00068756-00068906 how we can tweak your strategy. gzUUBJVwVC0-00152-00068906-00069344 You were doing your homework, I'm sharing with you what works and what doesn't work. gzUUBJVwVC0-00153-00069344-00069845 That's very, very different from asking the question of, hey Wilson, you know what I'm gzUUBJVwVC0-00154-00069845-00070273 starting an Amazon business, I have $5,000, how do I start? gzUUBJVwVC0-00155-00070273-00070534 Do you see the difference? gzUUBJVwVC0-00156-00070534-00070634 Yeah. gzUUBJVwVC0-00157-00070634-00071057 Very, very different and mentors are there and people who are more experience are willing gzUUBJVwVC0-00158-00071057-00071157 to share. gzUUBJVwVC0-00159-00071157-00071374 They're very, very much willing to share. gzUUBJVwVC0-00160-00071374-00071557 So many people have dumb questions. gzUUBJVwVC0-00161-00071557-00071832 So many people are not willing to put in the work, and they want people to do the work gzUUBJVwVC0-00162-00071832-00071951 for them. gzUUBJVwVC0-00163-00071951-00072276 That's the reason why they have so much difficulty finding a mentor. gzUUBJVwVC0-00164-00072276-00072831 It is because all in their own mindset and their perspective, that's the reason why it's gzUUBJVwVC0-00165-00072831-00072931 so difficult. gzUUBJVwVC0-00166-00072931-00073305 So, if you're trying to find a mentor, do your homework. gzUUBJVwVC0-00167-00073305-00073892 Provide that solution and better yet, actually invest in a mentor. gzUUBJVwVC0-00168-00073892-00074074 People who have been there, done that. gzUUBJVwVC0-00169-00074074-00074680 It's going to save you so much more time, energy, and money in the long run. gzUUBJVwVC0-00170-00074680-00075426 You paying someone $200, $300 or let's say $2,000 a month, you're paying for their experience. gzUUBJVwVC0-00171-00075426-00075889 You're not paying for them to talk to you for two hours and that's it. gzUUBJVwVC0-00172-00075889-00076343 You're paying for their 10 plus years of experience of running a business and what they have done gzUUBJVwVC0-00173-00076343-00076843 in the past and them being in your corner to tell you, hey, potentially this is a good gzUUBJVwVC0-00174-00076843-00077518 way, potentially this might be a way that's going to save you from spending $50,000 on gzUUBJVwVC0-00175-00077518-00077979 your first batch of inventory, which is going to go to trash because of the fact that it gzUUBJVwVC0-00176-00077979-00078274 doesn't pass the compliance with Amazon. gzUUBJVwVC0-00177-00078274-00078700 That's going to save you $50,000 by investing $2,000. gzUUBJVwVC0-00178-00078700-00079114 Those are the things that people need to understand. gzUUBJVwVC0-00179-00079114-00079511 It's not about that $2,000, it's not about the hour that you're spending with you're gzUUBJVwVC0-00180-00079511-00079637 mentor. gzUUBJVwVC0-00181-00079637-00079795 It is about their experience. gzUUBJVwVC0-00182-00079795-00080319 It is about the mistakes that it may potentially save you. gzUUBJVwVC0-00183-00080319-00080855 That's the value of a paid mentorship. gAuSuS7bZAy-00000-00000000-00000200 Roblox Prelaženje prepreka📱 gAYCdMBkMOu-00000-00001125-00001418 - Welcome back to week one. gAYCdMBkMOu-00001-00001418-00001822 This week we are exploring the normative gAYCdMBkMOu-00002-00001822-00002079 and theoretical basis for the protection gAYCdMBkMOu-00003-00002079-00002228 of freedom of expression. gAYCdMBkMOu-00004-00002228-00002516 Why shall we value free speech? gAYCdMBkMOu-00005-00002516-00002880 We've looked at several theories including gAYCdMBkMOu-00006-00002880-00003102 that on the search for truth. gAYCdMBkMOu-00007-00003102-00003465 The theory on the importance of freedom of expression gAYCdMBkMOu-00008-00003465-00003634 for good governance gAYCdMBkMOu-00009-00003634-00003726 for proper, gAYCdMBkMOu-00010-00003858-00004096 government decision making gAYCdMBkMOu-00011-00004096-00004504 and we've also looked at a third theory gAYCdMBkMOu-00012-00004504-00004850 which is that through freedom of expression gAYCdMBkMOu-00013-00004850-00005088 we create, we build, gAYCdMBkMOu-00014-00005088-00005283 tolerant society. gAYCdMBkMOu-00015-00005283-00005695 That as I had mentioned in a previous segment gAYCdMBkMOu-00016-00005695-00006077 is a very complex theory but we are very lucky gAYCdMBkMOu-00017-00006077-00006310 in that the person behind it gAYCdMBkMOu-00018-00006489-00006631 is with us today. gAYCdMBkMOu-00019-00006727-00007144 It is President Lee Bollinger of Columbia University, gAYCdMBkMOu-00020-00007144-00007481 very well-known noted First Amendment scholar gAYCdMBkMOu-00021-00007481-00007806 and the author of The Tolerant Society. gAYCdMBkMOu-00022-00007932-00008215 President Bollinger will gAYCdMBkMOu-00023-00008215-00008323 explain to us gAYCdMBkMOu-00024-00008514-00008673 what brought him to gAYCdMBkMOu-00025-00008760-00009229 developing this very interesting and creative approach gAYCdMBkMOu-00026-00009229-00009587 to why we should value free speech. gAYCdMBkMOu-00027-00009587-00009856 So we're very fortunate to have you here gAYCdMBkMOu-00028-00009856-00010264 because most of the theorists we have considered gAYCdMBkMOu-00029-00010264-00010589 are all dead (laughs) from the 18th and 19th centuries. gAYCdMBkMOu-00030-00010589-00011045 So it's fantastic to be able to talk to you directly gAYCdMBkMOu-00031-00011045-00011347 and particularly about this theory gAYCdMBkMOu-00032-00011347-00011489 which as you know gAYCdMBkMOu-00033-00011596-00012056 is something that I am very interested in personally. gAYCdMBkMOu-00034-00012056-00012503 But before going, jumping into tolerance and free speech, gAYCdMBkMOu-00035-00012503-00012959 I was wondering whether you could tell us a little bit more gAYCdMBkMOu-00036-00012959-00013042 about gAYCdMBkMOu-00037-00013167-00013275 your personal gAYCdMBkMOu-00038-00013384-00013534 views on the other gAYCdMBkMOu-00039-00013670-00013769 theories, gAYCdMBkMOu-00040-00013769-00013988 the other doctrines regarding free speech. gAYCdMBkMOu-00041-00013988-00014382 Particularly the importance of the search for truth. gAYCdMBkMOu-00042-00014382-00014524 Personal autonomy gAYCdMBkMOu-00043-00014655-00015054 or the importance of building good governance gAYCdMBkMOu-00044-00015054-00015286 through free speech. gAYCdMBkMOu-00045-00015286-00015402 - So, gAYCdMBkMOu-00046-00015402-00015544 as you say Agnes, gAYCdMBkMOu-00047-00015651-00015961 there have been three primary theories gAYCdMBkMOu-00048-00015961-00016116 about freedom of speech gAYCdMBkMOu-00049-00016116-00016332 that have developed over many centuries gAYCdMBkMOu-00050-00016332-00016706 but really crystallized in The United States, gAYCdMBkMOu-00051-00016706-00017187 in the cases going back 100 years now, almost 100 years. gAYCdMBkMOu-00052-00017187-00017378 The search for truth is gAYCdMBkMOu-00053-00017512-00017783 a classic kind of way of thinking gAYCdMBkMOu-00054-00017783-00018145 about freedom of speech and press. gAYCdMBkMOu-00055-00018145-00018386 The notion is that you cannot gAYCdMBkMOu-00056-00018649-00018980 really hope to achieve over time gAYCdMBkMOu-00057-00018980-00019150 an understanding gAYCdMBkMOu-00058-00019150-00019283 of what is truth gAYCdMBkMOu-00059-00019413-00019708 without having the opportunity to test your ideas, gAYCdMBkMOu-00060-00019708-00020033 to hear ideas, to discuss things with people, gAYCdMBkMOu-00061-00020033-00020166 to think freely, gAYCdMBkMOu-00062-00020304-00020562 and that we value truth so much gAYCdMBkMOu-00063-00020675-00020864 that we are prepared to live in a society gAYCdMBkMOu-00064-00020864-00021043 that may seem somewhat chaotic gAYCdMBkMOu-00065-00021043-00021428 and may actually be dangerous at times gAYCdMBkMOu-00066-00021428-00021704 and maybe offensive at times. gAYCdMBkMOu-00067-00021704-00021927 But our commitment to understanding the truth gAYCdMBkMOu-00068-00021927-00022190 and all that will come from that gAYCdMBkMOu-00069-00022190-00022448 requires this kind of openness. gAYCdMBkMOu-00070-00022630-00022921 I am very attracted to that idea. gAYCdMBkMOu-00071-00022921-00023338 I think anybody in sort of modern life feels that that is gAYCdMBkMOu-00072-00023495-00023704 the basis of a good life. gAYCdMBkMOu-00073-00023820-00024010 The second theory, gAYCdMBkMOu-00074-00024010-00024415 and I think the one that has most captured gAYCdMBkMOu-00075-00024415-00024570 the essence of freedom of speech gAYCdMBkMOu-00076-00024570-00024862 and press in the last 50 years gAYCdMBkMOu-00077-00024862-00025035 and the one we're really working with today gAYCdMBkMOu-00078-00025035-00025277 I think is the primary theory, gAYCdMBkMOu-00079-00025277-00025540 is that if you're committed to a democracy, gAYCdMBkMOu-00080-00025540-00025849 if you're committed to self-government gAYCdMBkMOu-00081-00025849-00026159 then you really have to allow the public gAYCdMBkMOu-00082-00026159-00026422 to be able to debate, to express their views, gAYCdMBkMOu-00083-00026422-00026870 and to come up with what they think the policies gAYCdMBkMOu-00084-00026870-00027180 and practices of the government should be. gAYCdMBkMOu-00085-00027180-00027575 So it follows from a commitment to democracy gAYCdMBkMOu-00086-00027575-00027915 that you will then have a commitment to free speech. gAYCdMBkMOu-00087-00027915-00028285 The third rationale and I think probably, gAYCdMBkMOu-00088-00028285-00028663 it's fair to say the least subscribed to, gAYCdMBkMOu-00089-00028663-00029091 at least in the jurisprudence of free speech, gAYCdMBkMOu-00090-00029091-00029175 is that gAYCdMBkMOu-00091-00029320-00029537 free speech is expression, gAYCdMBkMOu-00092-00029672-00029914 is part of the essence of being a human being, gAYCdMBkMOu-00093-00029914-00030198 part of our sense of self-determination, gAYCdMBkMOu-00094-00030198-00030527 part of our sense of our own autonomy gAYCdMBkMOu-00095-00030527-00030851 and that you don't have to justify free speech gAYCdMBkMOu-00096-00030851-00031180 by looking at the benefits to society of truth gAYCdMBkMOu-00097-00031180-00031430 or democracy or good policies. gAYCdMBkMOu-00098-00031531-00031900 It really springs from what it means to be human gAYCdMBkMOu-00099-00031900-00032217 and that that is sufficient to justify gAYCdMBkMOu-00100-00032306-00032608 the principles that we have. gAYCdMBkMOu-00101-00032608-00032982 My own view is that the search for truth gAYCdMBkMOu-00102-00032982-00033324 and the self-government democracy rationales gAYCdMBkMOu-00103-00033324-00033499 are the most I think, gAYCdMBkMOu-00104-00033694-00034101 they're the soundest really for modern life. gAYCdMBkMOu-00105-00034101-00034218 I think that's gAYCdMBkMOu-00106-00034328-00034487 principally because gAYCdMBkMOu-00107-00034612-00034742 the gAYCdMBkMOu-00108-00034742-00034825 appeal gAYCdMBkMOu-00109-00034912-00035229 of those notions, of those principles, gAYCdMBkMOu-00110-00035347-00035578 has struck a chord gAYCdMBkMOu-00111-00035578-00036001 with both, not only judges, but I think the broader society. gAYCdMBkMOu-00112-00036001-00036242 It's brought about a collective commitment to this gAYCdMBkMOu-00113-00036242-00036483 that I think is very valuable. gAYCdMBkMOu-00114-00036483-00036900 So those are the theories, that's my general view. gFNjFV17p20-00000-00000000-00000192 Hi everybody! Pastor Ken here at Faithbridge. gFNjFV17p20-00001-00000192-00000362 I wanted to bring you a little gFNjFV17p20-00002-00000362-00000842 year-end update. So, several weeks ago I gFNjFV17p20-00003-00000842-00001062 gave a two-fold challenge to our whole gFNjFV17p20-00004-00001062-00001365 church. The first part of that challenge gFNjFV17p20-00005-00001365-00001716 was for everybody who's maybe got a gFNjFV17p20-00006-00001716-00002043 little rusty in some of the tried and gFNjFV17p20-00007-00002043-00002576 true, just age-old, well-tested spiritual gFNjFV17p20-00008-00002576-00002841 disciplines or spiritual rhythms that gFNjFV17p20-00009-00002841-00003261 are always found in growing Christians. gFNjFV17p20-00010-00003261-00003588 What are those? Daily prayer, daily bible gFNjFV17p20-00011-00003588-00004040 reading, and generosity. And just said, you gFNjFV17p20-00012-00004040-00004196 know what? I just have a feeling that gFNjFV17p20-00013-00004196-00004569 throughout our whole church any number of gFNjFV17p20-00014-00004569-00004739 people have kind of fallen off the wagon on gFNjFV17p20-00015-00004739-00004887 those—maybe got a little rusty. gFNjFV17p20-00016-00004887-00005193 Why don't we just renew our commitment gFNjFV17p20-00017-00005193-00005475 to stepping back into those rhythms, gFNjFV17p20-00018-00005475-00005712 without which, we just really can't grow gFNjFV17p20-00019-00005712-00005976 stronger in our faith, in our gFNjFV17p20-00020-00005976-00006273 relationship with the Lord. I said no gFNjFV17p20-00021-00006273-00006530 guilt, no embarrassment, no shame. gFNjFV17p20-00022-00006530-00006663 Let's just roll up our sleeves and let's gFNjFV17p20-00023-00006663-00006861 just get back into those rhythms of gFNjFV17p20-00024-00006861-00007136 daily prayer, bible reading and gFNjFV17p20-00025-00007136-00007373 generosity. And, so I'm trusting that gFNjFV17p20-00026-00007373-00007704 you're making progress with that, and if gFNjFV17p20-00027-00007704-00007881 you haven't, I hope that you'll step in gFNjFV17p20-00028-00007881-00008154 even now. We sent out a second challenge gFNjFV17p20-00029-00008154-00008424 on the same day. We call that the "Stand gFNjFV17p20-00030-00008424-00008724 in the Gap" challenge. Realizing how much gFNjFV17p20-00031-00008724-00009036 of our congregation is vocationally gFNjFV17p20-00032-00009036-00009429 employed in the oil and the gas world—or gFNjFV17p20-00033-00009429-00009807 as it is with any number—not employed gFNjFV17p20-00034-00009807-00010092 right now in those industries due to the gFNjFV17p20-00035-00010092-00010322 economy. And we realized there was going gFNjFV17p20-00036-00010322-00010764 to be a shortfall created from those gFNjFV17p20-00037-00010764-00011010 people who several of whom met with me gFNjFV17p20-00038-00011010-00011189 and said, even in tears, gFNjFV17p20-00039-00011189-00011463 we feel so badly, but we can't make a gFNjFV17p20-00040-00011463-00011709 year-end donation. We can't make a year-end gFNjFV17p20-00041-00011709-00011874 gift because we don't—we're not even gFNjFV17p20-00042-00011874-00012078 earning any money—we're living off of gFNjFV17p20-00043-00012078-00012329 savings. And we just realize, you know gFNjFV17p20-00044-00012329-00012632 what? We're we're a large church now and gFNjFV17p20-00045-00012632-00012845 there's any number of other people who gFNjFV17p20-00046-00012845-00013116 have jobs that are going fine and and gFNjFV17p20-00047-00013116-00013284 people who are doing well, gFNjFV17p20-00048-00013284-00013484 and we said, why don't we just come gFNjFV17p20-00049-00013484-00013716 around these families and we can fill gFNjFV17p20-00050-00013716-00014009 this gap so that the whole church gFNjFV17p20-00051-00014009-00014501 finishes strong. And we set out a second gFNjFV17p20-00052-00014501-00014769 'bucket,' or a second fund, and we named it gFNjFV17p20-00053-00014769-00015029 the "Stand in the Gap" fund and we put a gFNjFV17p20-00054-00015029-00015173 number on it which is a big number—a gFNjFV17p20-00055-00015173-00015726 stout number—of $500,000 but we said, you gFNjFV17p20-00056-00015726-00015984 know what, we just believe that if people gFNjFV17p20-00057-00015984-00016308 will be faithful to respond to the gFNjFV17p20-00058-00016308-00016617 promptings, to the nudging of the Lord , and gFNjFV17p20-00059-00016617-00017054 give as he nudges us to do—this is gFNjFV17p20-00060-00017054-00017445 very, very attainable. And so, that was gFNjFV17p20-00061-00017445-00017775 with 27 days left in the year. Today, when gFNjFV17p20-00062-00017775-00018032 I'm recording, we have ten days left in gFNjFV17p20-00063-00018032-00018281 the year. So there's been a passing of 17 gFNjFV17p20-00064-00018281-00018423 days. gFNjFV17p20-00065-00018423-00018819 A lot's happened in 17 days! We just gFNjFV17p20-00066-00018819-00019112 crossed the $420,000 gFNjFV17p20-00067-00019112-00019584 dollar mark on this $500,000 goal—which gFNjFV17p20-00068-00019584-00019917 says to me, I believe it is absolutely gFNjFV17p20-00069-00019917-00020156 attainable. I have every anticipation that gFNjFV17p20-00070-00020156-00020295 we're going to be able to close the gap gFNjFV17p20-00071-00020295-00020670 a hundred percent before we finish the gFNjFV17p20-00072-00020670-00020940 year. And, all finished together strong, gFNjFV17p20-00073-00020940-00021188 and what a blessing that will be as we gFNjFV17p20-00074-00021188-00021857 roll into 2017 as a healthy, functioning gFNjFV17p20-00075-00021857-00022223 church in our community. And so, I want to gFNjFV17p20-00076-00022223-00022451 say thank you to the many of you who gFNjFV17p20-00077-00022451-00022748 have said I'm going to be part of the gFNjFV17p20-00078-00022748-00022953 gap front and you've given above and gFNjFV17p20-00079-00022953-00023148 beyond your normal giving, extra gFNjFV17p20-00080-00023148-00023313 offerings. gFNjFV17p20-00081-00023313-00023487 Thank you, thank you, thank you, many of gFNjFV17p20-00082-00023487-00023676 you who stepped in and said I've never even gFNjFV17p20-00083-00023676-00024054 made a gift before , but I want to do that gFNjFV17p20-00084-00024054-00024270 now—it's time for me to do that. And gFNjFV17p20-00085-00024270-00024423 you've done that and I want to say thank gFNjFV17p20-00086-00024423-00024687 you to you. Any number of us still gFNjFV17p20-00087-00024687-00024948 haven't, you know, taken part of it yet. gFNjFV17p20-00088-00024948-00025137 Maybe just 'cause of busyness, any number gFNjFV17p20-00089-00025137-00025269 of people probably saying, you know what, gFNjFV17p20-00090-00025269-00025494 that's on my list of things to do, of gFNjFV17p20-00091-00025494-00025713 about a hundred things I got to do here gFNjFV17p20-00092-00025713-00025907 in the Christmas week , and I understand gFNjFV17p20-00093-00025907-00026195 that it's a busy season, but we still got gFNjFV17p20-00094-00026195-00026502 10 days so there's time yet to do it. Uou gFNjFV17p20-00095-00026502-00026581 could even do it right now gFNjFV17p20-00096-00026581-00026731 if you just follow the link on your gFNjFV17p20-00097-00026731-00026863 phone or your computer (or whatever gFNjFV17p20-00098-00026863-00027091 you're watching on) and you could even do gFNjFV17p20-00099-00027091-00027291 it right now. So you be prayerful and gFNjFV17p20-00100-00027291-00027556 just step faithfully into whatever the gFNjFV17p20-00101-00027556-00027832 Lord says this is what I would like for gFNjFV17p20-00102-00027832-00028093 you to do, and together, we'll finish the gFNjFV17p20-00103-00028093-00028399 year strong and fill that gap all the gFNjFV17p20-00104-00028399-00028750 way. So good news! I'll give you another gFNjFV17p20-00105-00028750-00028908 update as we come towards the end of the gFNjFV17p20-00106-00028908-00029119 year, and I look forward to seeing you at gFNjFV17p20-00107-00029119-00029391 Christmas Eve, at one of our services. Be gFNjFV17p20-00108-00029391-00029583 thinking about—and praying about—who you'll gFNjFV17p20-00109-00029583-00029863 bring. A neighbor, or relative a friend—or gFNjFV17p20-00110-00029863-00029997 all the above! And we'll see you gFNjFV17p20-00111-00029997-00030079 Christmas Eve. gFNjFV17p20-00112-00030079-00030602 Merry Christmas! gKXjbgVdwDE-00000-00000000-00000882 Alright. Here we are. Top 10 Sins and Struggles. This is lesson number 5. We gKXjbgVdwDE-00001-00000882-00001428 continue with our survey. Survey results taken in this congregation. Today we're gKXjbgVdwDE-00002-00001428-00002100 going to look at the number 6 sin. Let's go, there we go. If we count them down, 10- gKXjbgVdwDE-00003-00002100-00002630 laziness, 9- anger, 8- cursing and gossiping, 7- pride, coming in at number 6- gKXjbgVdwDE-00004-00002630-00003354 neglecting church. Neglecting church. So this is a pretty common problem. So we're gKXjbgVdwDE-00005-00003354-00003750 going to look at some of the reasons why brethren do this and why we need to make gKXjbgVdwDE-00006-00003750-00004209 an effort at attendance and service and all that good stuff. Obviously I'm gKXjbgVdwDE-00007-00004209-00004830 preaching to the choir, because you're here, but there's some gKXjbgVdwDE-00008-00004830-00005244 aspects about church attendance that sometimes we don't think about that gKXjbgVdwDE-00009-00005244-00005705 creep into our lives, so I think be a good thing to talk about that. gKXjbgVdwDE-00010-00005705-00006314 People said a variety of things in their comments about this particular struggle. gKXjbgVdwDE-00011-00006314-00006818 They didn't just say missing church, but neglecting church services or gKXjbgVdwDE-00012-00006818-00007329 neglecting to give regularly, I kind of put all that together, neglecting to gKXjbgVdwDE-00013-00007329-00007734 serve in some way, I'm not doing as much as I ought to do, all of gKXjbgVdwDE-00014-00007734-00008433 that I kind of group this under neglecting church, but all these other gKXjbgVdwDE-00015-00008433-00008993 ancillary things, they all start with the habit of neglecting to gKXjbgVdwDE-00016-00008993-00009549 come regularly to the services of the church, these other things. Note that the gKXjbgVdwDE-00017-00009549-00009921 Hebrew writer says in Hebrews 10:25, we always quote this scripture and gKXjbgVdwDE-00018-00009921-00010268 we're going to talk about it in a minute, he said, "Let us consider how to stimulate gKXjbgVdwDE-00019-00010268-00010757 one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together as gKXjbgVdwDE-00020-00010757-00011361 is the habit of some." So in speaking of the worship and other gatherings of the gKXjbgVdwDE-00021-00011361-00012177 church, the writer here in Hebrews encourages them not to change the habit gKXjbgVdwDE-00022-00012177-00012771 of coming to church for the habit of not coming to church and that's what gKXjbgVdwDE-00023-00012771-00013122 usually happens. We have this habit of coming to church and gKXjbgVdwDE-00024-00013122-00013334 then all of a sudden for whatever reason we start gKXjbgVdwDE-00025-00013334-00013829 getting the habit of not coming to church and therein lies the answer to gKXjbgVdwDE-00026-00013829-00014341 the problem of neglecting worship and other problems that stem from this; gKXjbgVdwDE-00027-00014341-00014879 neglecting in our giving, neglecting and our serving that type of thing. So if gKXjbgVdwDE-00028-00014879-00015391 one can cultivate the habit of coming to church rather than the habit of not gKXjbgVdwDE-00029-00015391-00015797 coming to church or not attending, then the other stuff kind of falls gKXjbgVdwDE-00030-00015797-00016286 into place. Of course regular church attendance has always been a problem. gKXjbgVdwDE-00031-00016286-00016886 Like this is nothing new, if the Hebrew writer was writing about it in the first gKXjbgVdwDE-00032-00016886-00017307 century it means they were having the problem of people not coming to services gKXjbgVdwDE-00033-00017307-00017881 back in the first century, because he had to encourage them not to lose gKXjbgVdwDE-00034-00017881-00018395 the habit of coming to the church and believe it or not the gKXjbgVdwDE-00035-00018395-00018878 excuse has always been pretty much the same. So to help us become a little more gKXjbgVdwDE-00036-00018878-00019345 faithful in this area I've compiled ten of the most common excuses and if gKXjbgVdwDE-00037-00019345-00019778 there's anybody in this room who would know excuses for not coming to church gKXjbgVdwDE-00038-00019778-00020131 usually the preacher collects these, other people collect gKXjbgVdwDE-00039-00020131-00020653 stamps, I collect excuses that people gave for not coming to church, and maybe gKXjbgVdwDE-00040-00020653-00021276 I'll also give you ten reasons for not coming to church that people give me and gKXjbgVdwDE-00041-00021276-00021829 3 for actually coming to church and maybe it'll help shed the light on this, gKXjbgVdwDE-00042-00021829-00022223 help us to overcome some of the issues when they happen in our lives. Alright, gKXjbgVdwDE-00043-00022223-00023270 top 10 reasons, top 10 reasons for missing church. Number 10 - I'm Jewish. gKXjbgVdwDE-00044-00023270-00023672 Obviously the main reason why people don't come to church is because the vast gKXjbgVdwDE-00045-00023672-00024166 majority of people in the world are not Christians, so this lesson is not for you. gKXjbgVdwDE-00046-00024166-00024545 If you're in the room and you're not a Christian, this lesson is gKXjbgVdwDE-00047-00024545-00025025 not for you. If you're watching this on online or on video later on and gKXjbgVdwDE-00048-00025025-00025473 you're a Mormon, not a Mormon, but a Hindu or something, this gKXjbgVdwDE-00049-00025473-00026181 lesson is not for you. The number of believers in the world today, interesting gKXjbgVdwDE-00050-00026181-00026988 statistic, is about the same as it was in 1830, but the world's population has gone gKXjbgVdwDE-00051-00026988-00027597 from two billion to six billion. See the problem there? This is why the Great gKXjbgVdwDE-00052-00027597-00028080 Commission is still in force today. There are more souls to reach out to, but there gKXjbgVdwDE-00053-00028080-00028638 are less Christians to bring the gospel to them. So we need every Christian in gKXjbgVdwDE-00054-00028638-00029591 church, because we need every Christian. OK, number 9 - I'm sick. Each week someone, gKXjbgVdwDE-00055-00029591-00030030 somewhere among those who regularly attend are ill or they're taking care of gKXjbgVdwDE-00056-00030030-00030566 somebody who is ill, that's normal. Preachers would love to have one gKXjbgVdwDE-00057-00030566-00031050 hundred percent attendance, but it just never happens, there's always somebody gKXjbgVdwDE-00058-00031050-00031674 who's sick or somebody taking care of somebody who's sick. Statistics in church gKXjbgVdwDE-00059-00031674-00032043 surveys tell us any given time that number is five to ten percent. gKXjbgVdwDE-00060-00032043-00032666 Interesting that number used to be in our assemblies at any given gKXjbgVdwDE-00061-00032666-00033113 time eight to ten percent of the people were absent for a variety of reasons 20 [to] gKXjbgVdwDE-00062-00033113-00033828 25 years ago. Today it's closer to twenty percent. That's why we put in gKXjbgVdwDE-00063-00033828-00034278 our statistics potential attendance, that means counting all the families and gKXjbgVdwDE-00064-00034278-00034581 their children that count themselves as members in this gKXjbgVdwDE-00065-00034581-00035522 congregation; potential attendance 410, actual attendance 301, that's a hundred and gKXjbgVdwDE-00066-00035522-00035916 nine people that have publicly stated they've been baptized or their gKXjbgVdwDE-00067-00035916-00036540 children, part of a family, it's 109 of them not here. So we need to kind of keep gKXjbgVdwDE-00068-00036540-00037046 that in mind. Of course, the danger is that a period of illness gKXjbgVdwDE-00069-00037046-00037590 breaks the cycle of regular attendance and a member picks up the habit of gKXjbgVdwDE-00070-00037590-00038025 irregular attendance, that's the thing about being sick, especially long-term gKXjbgVdwDE-00071-00038025-00038394 illness or taking care of someone long term and then finally that person gets gKXjbgVdwDE-00072-00038394-00038793 better or that crisis is over, you found yourself for the last couple gKXjbgVdwDE-00073-00038793-00039138 of months kind of being spotty, skipping here, skipping there, coming only once gKXjbgVdwDE-00074-00039138-00039726 out of three times and pretty soon that becomes the habit. So the crisis is over, gKXjbgVdwDE-00075-00039726-00040167 but during the crisis while we had a legitimate reason not to gKXjbgVdwDE-00076-00040167-00040677 come, once the crisis is over, we we carry on with that bad habit of being gKXjbgVdwDE-00077-00040677-00041822 irregular. Number eight - I'm changing. Life is a continual process of change. Moving, gKXjbgVdwDE-00078-00041822-00042405 going off to college, getting married, getting divorced, having babies, new jobs, gKXjbgVdwDE-00079-00042405-00043092 having more babies, in our case haviing still more babies and with these changes gKXjbgVdwDE-00080-00043092-00043614 come interruptions in our routines and in our habit and as I said in the gKXjbgVdwDE-00081-00043614-00044100 previous reason, one habit that suffers during a period of change is usually gKXjbgVdwDE-00082-00044100-00044676 church attendance, just like it does when there's long-term illness. So coming to gKXjbgVdwDE-00083-00044676-00045225 church sometimes it gets packed away with other items that we've promised gKXjbgVdwDE-00084-00045225-00045741 ourselves that we're going to sort it all out once we get settled and lots of gKXjbgVdwDE-00085-00045741-00046281 times church attendance never gets unpacked. We kind of get settled into a gKXjbgVdwDE-00086-00046281-00046924 new routine, a new job, a new this,a new that and all of a sudden whoops. gKXjbgVdwDE-00087-00046924-00047508 Number seven - I'm working. Remember excuses for not coming. I didn't say they gKXjbgVdwDE-00088-00047508-00047943 were bad excuses. I'm just saying they're excuses. Now there was a time when gKXjbgVdwDE-00089-00047943-00048468 industry and government recognized that this was a Christian country and working gKXjbgVdwDE-00090-00048468-00049071 on Sunday or irregular shifts was less prevalent. When I was younger, I used to gKXjbgVdwDE-00091-00049071-00049566 hate Sundays because nothing was open on Sundays, there is nothing to do on Sunday, gKXjbgVdwDE-00092-00049566-00050004 everything was closed, even the movie house, where I was anyways in Canada, there was gKXjbgVdwDE-00093-00050004-00050496 no movies, you couldn't even go to the movies on Sunday, everything was shut gKXjbgVdwDE-00094-00050496-00051087 down, but that's not like it is today, right? Today we live in a gKXjbgVdwDE-00095-00051087-00051621 multiracial, multi-religious country where people accommodate schedules and gKXjbgVdwDE-00096-00051621-00052004 not the other way around. So providing for family, that gKXjbgVdwDE-00097-00052004-00052407 it's a priority, absolutely. First Timothy 5:8, Paul tells us the gKXjbgVdwDE-00098-00052407-00052788 one who doesn't care for his family is worse than an infidel, so yeah, providing gKXjbgVdwDE-00099-00052788-00053255 for our family, that is important. It's just unfortunate that society makes that gKXjbgVdwDE-00100-00053255-00053804 something that interferes more and more with our spiritual lives. Sometimes gKXjbgVdwDE-00101-00053804-00054245 however we work because we'd rather get ahead in the world than get ahead in the gKXjbgVdwDE-00102-00054245-00054819 kingdom. Sometimes we don't have to volunteer for that overtime shift, we gKXjbgVdwDE-00103-00054819-00055748 don't have to volunteer to work on Sundays, but we just do. Number six- I'm new. gKXjbgVdwDE-00104-00055748-00056276 One of the most embarrassing moments for the preacher is announcing the good news gKXjbgVdwDE-00105-00056276-00056622 that we have a new brother or sister in Christ, they've been baptized, gKXjbgVdwDE-00106-00056622-00057122 and we ask them to stand up at the morning service, they're not there and gKXjbgVdwDE-00107-00057122-00057744 then they don't show up on Wednesday either. So young Christians, they gKXjbgVdwDE-00108-00057744-00058214 may know about the gospel and they may have understood how to be saved, but they gKXjbgVdwDE-00109-00058214-00058614 also need to be trained in Christian living and patiently taught about the gKXjbgVdwDE-00110-00058614-00059079 need and the rewards of regular church attendance, because they're their faith gKXjbgVdwDE-00111-00059079-00059547 is weak, because they're new, they don't know everything. They gKXjbgVdwDE-00112-00059547-00060072 need to be strengthened. So coming to church regularly is an acquired habit gKXjbgVdwDE-00113-00060072-00060702 developed by word and example, but it has to be taught. It doesn't come gKXjbgVdwDE-00114-00060702-00061133 automatically with baptism; just because somebody accepts to be baptized doesn't gKXjbgVdwDE-00115-00061133-00061719 mean that they automatically know about all the services that are available at gKXjbgVdwDE-00116-00061719-00062114 the church or automatically feel that they ought to be at all the services of gKXjbgVdwDE-00117-00062114-00062847 the church, they need to be taught that. Number five- I'm busy. Now there's a gKXjbgVdwDE-00118-00062847-00063764 difference between I'm working and I'm busy. One is need, the other is want. The gKXjbgVdwDE-00119-00063764-00064370 busy person, not a bad person, they're just busy. In the parable of the gKXjbgVdwDE-00120-00064370-00064929 sower and the seed in Matthew 4:18 and 19, Jesus describes that busy person to a gKXjbgVdwDE-00121-00064929-00065524 T. That person's busy concerned with problems, busy getting ahead, busy gKXjbgVdwDE-00122-00065524-00066189 building a place for himself here in this world, I'm busy. Of course, this gKXjbgVdwDE-00123-00066189-00066748 person here has a priority problem; he or she allows the urgent things in this gKXjbgVdwDE-00124-00066748-00067435 life to take over the important things, you've heard that before. Busy people gKXjbgVdwDE-00125-00067435-00067885 don't realize that God has promised that if we put kingdom things first, and gKXjbgVdwDE-00126-00067885-00068350 kingdom things, well, like church attendance, that's a kingdom thing, He gKXjbgVdwDE-00127-00068350-00068863 says if we put kingdom things first He is going to find a way to provide all of gKXjbgVdwDE-00128-00068863-00069412 these other things that we're so busy trying to acquire for ourselves, you know gKXjbgVdwDE-00129-00069412-00069904 the promise and it's a promise He makes. He says, 'You make Me first, you make the gKXjbgVdwDE-00130-00069904-00070276 kingdom first, you make that a priority, and all those other things that you're gKXjbgVdwDE-00131-00070276-00070681 sweating about: a place to live, food to eat, all those other things, I'll gKXjbgVdwDE-00132-00070681-00071275 make sure you get those. You know JC Penney? The Penney stores? JC gKXjbgVdwDE-00133-00071275-00071773 Penney, that was a real person obviously, JC Penney was a very religious man and gKXjbgVdwDE-00134-00071773-00072513 he said, 'If a person is too busy to worship that person is just too busy.' And gKXjbgVdwDE-00135-00072513-00073069 isn't it interesting Chick-fil-a, they're closed on Sundays. Doesn't seem to be gKXjbgVdwDE-00136-00073069-00073549 hurting their bottom line, they're the fastest growing fast food chain gKXjbgVdwDE-00137-00073549-00074145 in America. And look at all the bad press they got because of the gKXjbgVdwDE-00138-00074145-00074797 owner, the top guy, did not say anything about homosexuals or gay gKXjbgVdwDE-00139-00074797-00075252 marriage, he just said he favored traditional marriage, that he favored traditional gKXjbgVdwDE-00140-00075252-00075625 marriage. He was an old-fashioned kind of guy. They close down their stores on gKXjbgVdwDE-00141-00075625-00075964 Sunday because they feel it's important that families have a day, Sunday gKXjbgVdwDE-00142-00075964-00076402 is a day for family. He didn't push his religion on anybody and he sure gKXjbgVdwDE-00143-00076402-00076926 puts his money where his mouth is. Can you imagine shutting down on Sunday? And gKXjbgVdwDE-00144-00076926-00077494 boy did he ever take a lot of flak and I remember when that thing happened and gKXjbgVdwDE-00145-00077494-00077914 and people pushed back right? I mean Lise and I, we went to a gKXjbgVdwDE-00146-00077914-00078280 Chick-fil-a just for lunch when all of that was happening, are you kidding me? gKXjbgVdwDE-00147-00078280-00078660 The line was out the door. gKXjbgVdwDE-00148-00078660-00079368 So here's a guy who he makes the priorities and maybe the gross gKXjbgVdwDE-00149-00079369-00079827 amount is less than perhaps another corporation, but really do you really gKXjbgVdwDE-00150-00079827-00080251 need the extra two billion if you've already got a couple of billion? gKXjbgVdwDE-00151-00080251-00081316 I mean. Number four, yes, I forgot I put that there. Number four- I'm hurt. Remember gKXjbgVdwDE-00152-00081316-00081939 reasons for not coming to church, I'm hurt. Many people come less and less to gKXjbgVdwDE-00153-00081939-00082648 church, because they've been genuinely hurt; hurt by another members comment or gKXjbgVdwDE-00154-00082648-00083239 attitude, hurt by a perceived lack of attention by the leaders or the gKXjbgVdwDE-00155-00083239-00083737 ministers, hurt by some things that are being done in a way that they don't gKXjbgVdwDE-00156-00083737-00084336 agree with, whatever that might be, hurt by the preacher or teacher in a lesson, gKXjbgVdwDE-00157-00084336-00084783 the preacher says something in the pulpit and they really feel 'Wow, he's gKXjbgVdwDE-00158-00084783-00085174 talking to me,' and they're hurt, they get their feelings hurt and gKXjbgVdwDE-00159-00085174-00085522 you've heard me say this I don't know how many times, there's no name on the gKXjbgVdwDE-00160-00085522-00086370 bullet. Preachers do not preach to 400 people just to talk to one person, unless gKXjbgVdwDE-00161-00086370-00087180 it's Bud, but other than that, you know what I'm saying, right? If gKXjbgVdwDE-00162-00087181-00087660 I have something to say as a minister to one person, I will go to that one person gKXjbgVdwDE-00163-00087661-00087955 and say, Brother, sister, I think this thing in your life, you need to be paying gKXjbgVdwDE-00164-00087955-00088288 attention.' I'm not going to waste an entire sermon just to talk to one person, gKXjbgVdwDE-00165-00088288-00088762 but some people actually think that the preacher's going, 'Oh man, gKXjbgVdwDE-00166-00088762-00089335 this is going out to you. This one's for you,' no, but some people get hurt, they gKXjbgVdwDE-00167-00089335-00089947 take it personally. Now it's unfortunate when this happens and I'm gKXjbgVdwDE-00168-00089947-00090507 persuaded that when there is an offense I don't think it's intentional and it's gKXjbgVdwDE-00169-00090507-00090892 sad when people leave the church and it's unfortunate when they leave for gKXjbgVdwDE-00170-00090892-00091438 these reasons, but there's two reasons why it's terrible that they would leave gKXjbgVdwDE-00171-00091438-00091931 in such circumstances; number one, leaving the church because you're offended gKXjbgVdwDE-00172-00091931-00092723 will not justify you before God. Jesus warned his disciples that gKXjbgVdwDE-00173-00092723-00093365 they would be subjected to persecution, false teachers, and sufferings of all gKXjbgVdwDE-00174-00093365-00093920 kinds, spiritual, physical, even environmental, and what does He say at gKXjbgVdwDE-00175-00093920-00094631 the end?" But the one who endures until the end, that one will be saved." So gKXjbgVdwDE-00176-00094631-00095240 regardless of the offense, leaving the church is not the answer, nor is it God gKXjbgVdwDE-00177-00095240-00095843 excuses. Sister so and so, you got crossways with sister so and so for gKXjbgVdwDE-00178-00095843-00096218 whatever reason and you left in a huff and never came back to church, you think gKXjbgVdwDE-00179-00096218-00096539 you're going to go before the Lord in judgment and He's going to say, 'Oh, gKXjbgVdwDE-00180-00096539-00097002 Susie that's fine. Well I was offended too. She shouldn't have said that'? No! gKXjbgVdwDE-00181-00097002-00097664 That's not how it works. And another reason that it's sad when somebody leaves under gKXjbgVdwDE-00182-00097664-00098120 these circumstances, stopping a regular attendance because we are hurt or gKXjbgVdwDE-00183-00098120-00098672 hurting, sometimes we're hurting because of some loss or tragedy or gKXjbgVdwDE-00184-00098672-00099428 disappointment and we decide to take it out on God by ignoring Him. My gKXjbgVdwDE-00185-00099428-00099875 child died, whatever, got hit by a car and died and that's gKXjbgVdwDE-00186-00099875-00100283 terrible and I'm mad and 'God, why did you do this? I'll show you. I'm never gKXjbgVdwDE-00187-00100283-00100973 coming back to church,' really? You're going to punish God this way? That's not gKXjbgVdwDE-00188-00100973-00101837 the answer. The answer is if we're offended by someone is to go to that gKXjbgVdwDE-00189-00101837-00102224 brother or sister one-on-one and say 'brother, sister you know when you said gKXjbgVdwDE-00190-00102224-00102680 this I just felt that that offended me, that hurt my feelings, so on and so forth.' gKXjbgVdwDE-00191-00102680-00103064 if they don't they don't accept that, bring another, bring a witness, bring gKXjbgVdwDE-00192-00103064-00103742 two, we have a way of handling offenses between ourselves. And if you're gKXjbgVdwDE-00193-00103742-00104081 hurt because of something that's happened that you feel is unfair in life, gKXjbgVdwDE-00194-00104081-00104798 you're mad at God, whatever, what does James tell us? Call on the elders, have gKXjbgVdwDE-00195-00104798-00105172 them pray with you, counsel with you, see one of the ministers, whatever, gKXjbgVdwDE-00196-00105172-00105916 but abandoning the church, that's never the answer to taking care of a hurt, of gKXjbgVdwDE-00197-00105916-00106891 hurt feelings. Number 3- I'm lazy. I've only met one person in my career gKXjbgVdwDE-00198-00106891-00107317 who actually sincerely acknowledged that this was the cause of many of his gKXjbgVdwDE-00199-00107317-00107842 problems, it was a man. Many of his problems and failures, and actually I gKXjbgVdwDE-00200-00107842-00108251 admired this person for at least he coughed it up, 'I'm just lazy. gKXjbgVdwDE-00201-00108251-00108841 I'm bone lazy. I just find it hard to make the effort you know?' Let's face it gKXjbgVdwDE-00202-00108841-00109496 going to church on a regular basis requires physical and mental effort. It gKXjbgVdwDE-00203-00109496-00110300 does. Preparation and travel. multiplied way over if you have small children. gKXjbgVdwDE-00204-00110300-00110638 Jesus said there's a there's a room in My Father's house for gKXjbgVdwDE-00205-00110638-00111074 you, there's a special spot for mothers who have brought small children gKXjbgVdwDE-00206-00111074-00111647 regularly to church, and that room up in heaven doesn't have any children in it. I gKXjbgVdwDE-00207-00111647-00112329 think that's the reward. It requires discipline to sit and to listen. gKXjbgVdwDE-00208-00112329-00112951 It requires work if you're teaching; imagine, you have to prepare your class gKXjbgVdwDE-00209-00112951-00113260 that you're going to be teaching, Sunday school, whatever, and then gKXjbgVdwDE-00210-00113260-00113641 after that taking care of your own kids and then after that there's the service gKXjbgVdwDE-00211-00113641-00114188 and huh and that's multiplied even more if you happen to be if it's a gKXjbgVdwDE-00212-00114188-00114583 sister, she's married to a man who's not gKXjbgVdwDE-00213-00114583-00114988 a member of the church and who doesn't come to church, whoa! Then she has to gKXjbgVdwDE-00214-00114988-00115349 get home at a reasonable time. She wants to make lunch, keep him happy as gKXjbgVdwDE-00215-00115349-00116282 well. Not easy, not easy at all. And then of course mental effort. I mean it's a gKXjbgVdwDE-00216-00116282-00116929 it's a Bible class, you're learning stuff and spiritual effort that comes with the gKXjbgVdwDE-00217-00116929-00117391 continual adjustments and changes demanded by not the preacher, but by the gKXjbgVdwDE-00218-00117391-00117896 Holy Spirit as He molds us into a Christ-like image. I want to be like gKXjbgVdwDE-00219-00117896-00118339 Christ, but I tell you one thing the transformation from Mike Mazzalongo gKXjbgVdwDE-00220-00118339-00118759 as he is naturally into a more Christ-like human being, that's a very gKXjbgVdwDE-00221-00118759-00119785 painful process because I have to, as you do too, overcome my flesh and I say to my gKXjbgVdwDE-00222-00119785-00120221 flesh, 'From now on we're going to be doing this,' and my flesh says, 'Over my dead gKXjbgVdwDE-00223-00120221-00121111 body you will,' right? So the definition of a lazy person according to the gKXjbgVdwDE-00224-00121111-00121909 dictionary is "one who dislikes physical or mental effort." Proverbs says gKXjbgVdwDE-00225-00121909-00122570 it this way, "The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; He is weary of bringing it gKXjbgVdwDE-00226-00122570-00123056 to his mouth again." Proverbs 26:15. What is he saying here? Well he's saying the lazy gKXjbgVdwDE-00227-00123056-00123661 man won't even feed himself, that's how lazy he is. So the Lord provides for the gKXjbgVdwDE-00228-00123661-00124139 nourishment of the only thing that will survive this world and that is a person's gKXjbgVdwDE-00229-00124139-00124943 soul and what the writer here is saying is that laziness keeps so many people gKXjbgVdwDE-00230-00124943-00125330 from actually feeding themselves on a regular basis, not talking about just gKXjbgVdwDE-00231-00125330-00125954 regular food here, he's saying the lazy man's soul, they won't even... The word is gKXjbgVdwDE-00232-00125954-00126497 there, the teachers are there, they won't even take the food into their gKXjbgVdwDE-00233-00126497-00127151 spirit. So the Lord provides the nourishment of the only thing that will gKXjbgVdwDE-00234-00127151-00127667 survive this world, a person's soul, and yet laziness keeps so many from feeding gKXjbgVdwDE-00235-00127667-00128231 themselves on a regular basis. So the best way to deal with laziness is to gKXjbgVdwDE-00236-00128231-00128738 acknowledge it as sin and ask God's help to overcome every day, especially on gKXjbgVdwDE-00237-00128738-00129610 Sunday. Number two reason- I'm worldly. One of the saddest stories in the Bible is a gKXjbgVdwDE-00238-00129610-00130333 reference to Demas in Colossians chapter 4 verse 14 and in Philemon verse 24, gKXjbgVdwDE-00239-00130333-00130958 Demas is counted among Paul the Apostle's helpers and as a faithful disciple of gKXjbgVdwDE-00240-00130958-00131567 the Lord and then in his very last letter from Rome, Paul refers to Demas, gKXjbgVdwDE-00241-00131567-00132128 but this time he says, "for Demas having loved this present world has gKXjbgVdwDE-00242-00132128-00132659 deserted me and gone to Thessalonica," Second Timothy 4:10. Isn't it amazing you gKXjbgVdwDE-00243-00132659-00133079 have a guy who's helping one of the inspired apostles, observing the miracles, gKXjbgVdwDE-00244-00133079-00133673 part of the work, mentioned in an inspired letter, this is a gKXjbgVdwDE-00245-00133673-00134324 guy, he's a disciple, he's one of us and then a couple of epistles later gKXjbgVdwDE-00246-00134324-00135008 the same apostle speaking about the same guy says he's abandoned me, he's gone gKXjbgVdwDE-00247-00135008-00135560 back to the world. Wow, that is sad. So some Christians they don't come gKXjbgVdwDE-00248-00135560-00135995 regularly, because, well, they love the the world just more gKXjbgVdwDE-00249-00135995-00136511 than they love the Lord. They love the smell of money more than the smell of gKXjbgVdwDE-00250-00136511-00136976 sacrifice of praise, they love the activity and the allurements and the gKXjbgVdwDE-00251-00136976-00137408 pleasures of this world more than the activities and pleasures and promises of gKXjbgVdwDE-00252-00137408-00137939 the next world. John says it this way in John 3:19, "This is the judgment, that the gKXjbgVdwDE-00253-00137939-00138508 Light has come into the world, and men love the darkness rather than the Light, gKXjbgVdwDE-00254-00138508-00138836 for their deeds were evil." Some people say, 'Why do so many people gKXjbgVdwDE-00255-00138836-00139259 reject the gospel? Why won't my uncle accept the gospel?' And usually the gKXjbgVdwDE-00256-00139259-00139676 answer is well because he likes sin more than he likes the gospel, period, he likes gKXjbgVdwDE-00257-00139676-00140605 the darkness more than he likes the light. So when we're involved in gKXjbgVdwDE-00258-00140605-00141104 some kind of a sin of some kind, especially if it's a Christian and gKXjbgVdwDE-00259-00141104-00141746 this is your secret life of sin, if you have no desire to let go gKXjbgVdwDE-00260-00141746-00142244 of that sin, then you have less and less desire to come to church, because when gKXjbgVdwDE-00261-00142244-00142622 you come to church, what happens? Well the big flood lights go on and gKXjbgVdwDE-00262-00142622-00143075 they're shining on your life, all of our lives, and they're exposing the darkness gKXjbgVdwDE-00263-00143075-00143627 and people who want to maintain that secret sin, they don't like the darkness gKXjbgVdwDE-00264-00143627-00144086 being exposed and so they just come less and less and less. It's not a nice gKXjbgVdwDE-00265-00144086-00144671 experience for them. So worldliness is such an insidious vice because gKXjbgVdwDE-00266-00144671-00145154 it eats away at our spiritual life quietly and without pain until we're gKXjbgVdwDE-00267-00145154-00145454 cold and dead in Christ, but we don't even realize it gKXjbgVdwDE-00268-00145454-00146051 until it's too late. We just keep making one little concession to the world after gKXjbgVdwDE-00269-00146051-00146651 another until we're no longer of the kingdom, but of the world and usually the gKXjbgVdwDE-00270-00146651-00147278 first thing to go is regular church attendance. Satan's number one point of gKXjbgVdwDE-00271-00147278-00147797 attack is to diminish your exposure to the Word of God and your exposure to gKXjbgVdwDE-00272-00147797-00148349 other Christians and he does that by finding all kinds of reasons to take you gKXjbgVdwDE-00273-00148349-00149102 out of church. And then the number one reason for not coming to church, number gKXjbgVdwDE-00274-00149102-00150095 one excuse, well, you fill in the blank. That's your excuse, your reason for not gKXjbgVdwDE-00275-00150095-00150442 being faithful to all the services of the church, whatever reason that may be. It gKXjbgVdwDE-00276-00150442-00150803 could be any of the nine that I just mentioned or one I haven't mentioned, but gKXjbgVdwDE-00277-00150803-00151492 it's the number one reason if it keeps you out of services. Maybe you don't gKXjbgVdwDE-00278-00151492-00152060 think you need to be here every time. Maybe you're not convinced the Lord gKXjbgVdwDE-00279-00152060-00152477 wants you to be at all the services. Maybe you don't get anything out of gKXjbgVdwDE-00280-00152477-00153017 church services, whatever. You fill it in. So whatever the reason, Satan gKXjbgVdwDE-00281-00153017-00153470 has managed to find an opening in your spiritual defense and convinced you gKXjbgVdwDE-00282-00153470-00154226 somehow that not coming to church well that's OK. Well in the last section of gKXjbgVdwDE-00283-00154226-00154670 this lesson I want to give you three reasons why you should come. So those are gKXjbgVdwDE-00284-00154670-00155055 some of the common excuses, so let me give you three reasons why you should come. gKXjbgVdwDE-00285-00155055-00155675 Some people ask and I get this question, 'Well, do I have to be there Sunday and gKXjbgVdwDE-00286-00155675-00156629 Wednesday? Do I have to come to all the services?' And if you're expecting an gKXjbgVdwDE-00287-00156629-00157127 answer from me, this is the answer I give when they ask me that question. If you gKXjbgVdwDE-00288-00157127-00157811 ask this question, your problem is not church attendance, your problem is love gKXjbgVdwDE-00289-00157811-00158525 and gratitude and respect for the Lord, that's your problem, and we'll deal with gKXjbgVdwDE-00290-00158525-00159108 that later. For now, three reasons to come regularly. gKXjbgVdwDE-00291-00159108-00160291 Reason number one - it pleases God. God is pleased. In Psalm 69, the writer says, "I gKXjbgVdwDE-00292-00160291-00160728 will praise the name of God with song And magnify Him with thanksgiving. And it gKXjbgVdwDE-00293-00160728-00161352 will please the Lord better than an ox Or a young bull with horns and gKXjbgVdwDE-00294-00161353-00161968 hoofs." God has always desired that His people gathered to worship Him and that gKXjbgVdwDE-00295-00161968-00162925 they do it often. He's always wanted that. Isaiah 56 says, "Also the foreigners who gKXjbgVdwDE-00296-00162925-00163320 join themselves to the Lord, To minister to Him, and to love the name of the Lord, gKXjbgVdwDE-00297-00163320-00163812 To be His servants, every one who keeps from profaning the sabbath And holds gKXjbgVdwDE-00298-00163812-00164290 fast My covenant; Even those I will bring to My holy mountain And make them joyful gKXjbgVdwDE-00299-00164290-00164704 in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be gKXjbgVdwDE-00300-00164704-00165262 accepted on My altar; For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the gKXjbgVdwDE-00301-00165262-00165883 peoples." God was always very specific about keeping the people true to the day gKXjbgVdwDE-00302-00165883-00166366 of worship and He was pleased with those who kept it and He's saying here, Isaiah gKXjbgVdwDE-00303-00166366-00166768 one day God will bring everybody to His house, it won't be just exclusively for the gKXjbgVdwDE-00304-00166768-00167202 Jews, everybody will have that privilege and God wants that from everyone. gKXjbgVdwDE-00305-00167202-00167758 Ephesians chapter 5 Paul says, "So then do not be foolish, but understand what the gKXjbgVdwDE-00306-00167758-00168268 will of the Lord is." So if you're parsing this sentence gKXjbgVdwDE-00307-00168268-00168708 here, this this little sentence here, you realize what he says, right? gKXjbgVdwDE-00308-00168708-00169294 "understand what the will of the Lord is," period. So he's now going to explain what gKXjbgVdwDE-00309-00169294-00169771 is the will of the Lord. Well here it is. "Do not get drunk with wine, for that is gKXjbgVdwDE-00310-00169771-00170170 dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit," that's what the Lord wants and gKXjbgVdwDE-00311-00170170-00170527 then he says, "speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs," gKXjbgVdwDE-00312-00170527-00170983 that's what the Lord wants, "singing and making melody with your heart to the gKXjbgVdwDE-00313-00170983-00171739 Lord;" that's what the Lord wants. So God desires that we be involved in this type gKXjbgVdwDE-00314-00171739-00172262 of activity when we are together rather than worldly pursuits. You have gKXjbgVdwDE-00315-00172262-00172828 a choice of activities on Sunday, on Wednesday, whatever. The Bible gKXjbgVdwDE-00316-00172828-00173588 says but this is what God wants you to choose. Hebrews 13 says, "Through Him then, gKXjbgVdwDE-00317-00173588-00174026 let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of gKXjbgVdwDE-00318-00174026-00174509 lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for gKXjbgVdwDE-00319-00174509-00175084 with such sacrifices God is pleased." God is pleased to see us offering His praise, gKXjbgVdwDE-00320-00175084-00175590 He loves to see it and God is the same in the Old and the New Testament. If you gKXjbgVdwDE-00321-00175591-00176333 think for a second, OK? What God deserves is that we worship Him 24 hours gKXjbgVdwDE-00322-00176333-00176926 a day, non-stop, every day of our life, that's what He deserves. That's how great gKXjbgVdwDE-00323-00176926-00177640 God is. That's how, there's no word for it. That's how awesome God is. He is worthy gKXjbgVdwDE-00324-00177640-00178313 for us to be praising Him continually all the time. He's worth it. The problem gKXjbgVdwDE-00325-00178313-00178867 is we just can't do that. We neither have the strength nor the spiritual ability to gKXjbgVdwDE-00326-00178867-00179614 be able to do that and so we select times when we offer a portion of what we gKXjbgVdwDE-00327-00179614-00180032 ought to be offering and by offering Him a portion of what we ought to be gKXjbgVdwDE-00328-00180032-00180838 offering, He blesses us and permits us to continue living in this world without gKXjbgVdwDE-00329-00180838-00181477 continually worshiping and worshiping Him instead of by praise and song and so gKXjbgVdwDE-00330-00181477-00181838 on and so forth, we worship him by doing our jobs properly, loving our wives gKXjbgVdwDE-00331-00181838-00182398 properly, and taking care of our children and all in His name and depending on Him. gKXjbgVdwDE-00332-00182398-00183001 So pleasing God is what our life is really about. To know and glorify Him is gKXjbgVdwDE-00333-00183001-00183659 the essential meaning of life. When we worship Him, we know we are doing the gKXjbgVdwDE-00334-00183659-00184204 right thing. When we worship we have reached the zenith of what life is all gKXjbgVdwDE-00335-00184204-00185267 about, the highest thing. Not coming to church requires an excuse, good or bad, gKXjbgVdwDE-00336-00185267-00186045 but being here never requires an excuse. Have you ever had to have an excuse that gKXjbgVdwDE-00337-00186045-00186803 you're here studying or worshiping? Our conscience is clear because we are doing gKXjbgVdwDE-00338-00186803-00187560 the absolute right thing tonight. Absolutely. You want to please someone gKXjbgVdwDE-00339-00187560-00187986 you love, this is the plain truth, then being here and being here every time gKXjbgVdwDE-00340-00187986-00188544 pleases God and demonstrates our love for Him. Now the problem many times is gKXjbgVdwDE-00341-00188544-00188961 that we would rather please ourselves or make church attendance we'd gKXjbgVdwDE-00342-00188961-00189464 rather make that convenient and fun and easy and pleasant so on and so forth, but gKXjbgVdwDE-00343-00189464-00189962 we need to remember that the object of worship is to please God, not us. I'm not gKXjbgVdwDE-00344-00189962-00190538 here to please me, I'm here to please Him. So number one reason, why should we come? gKXjbgVdwDE-00345-00190538-00191138 God loves it when we come. He wants us to come. It's not a 'thou shalt be here,' gKXjbgVdwDE-00346-00191138-00191595 it's not that, it's 'I love when you're with Me. I love when you're talking to Me. gKXjbgVdwDE-00347-00191595-00192161 I love when you're praising me. I love this and I'll bless you for this.' Number gKXjbgVdwDE-00348-00192161-00192953 two, being here strengthens our faith. When people have problems and you ask gKXjbgVdwDE-00349-00192953-00193299 them what they need aside from physical help, usually they say, 'Would you pray gKXjbgVdwDE-00350-00193299-00193734 that I have more faith? Ask God to help me have a stronger faith so I can get gKXjbgVdwDE-00351-00193734-00194208 through this thing,' whatever that thing is. The apostles, they witnessed gKXjbgVdwDE-00352-00194208-00194607 the miracles and yet when it came time to ask Jesus for something, what did they gKXjbgVdwDE-00353-00194607-00195324 ask Him? They said, 'Lord please increase our faith,' Luke 17:5. So faith is not gKXjbgVdwDE-00354-00195324-00195788 only necessary for salvation, but it's also necessary to be able to persevere gKXjbgVdwDE-00355-00195788-00196304 through the ups and downs of life so we can obtain that salvation. You gKXjbgVdwDE-00356-00196304-00196746 know such an important thing, faith, how do you acquire it? How do you gKXjbgVdwDE-00357-00196746-00197382 strengthen it? What Paul says in Romans 10, he said, "Faith comes from hearing," what gKXjbgVdwDE-00358-00197382-00198120 kind of hearing? Well, "hearing by the words of Christ." So all the activities in gKXjbgVdwDE-00359-00198120-00198637 the world combined do not add a single drop to your faith, but gKXjbgVdwDE-00360-00198637-00199051 hearing and sharing and learning God's Word, this sparks faith and it helps it gKXjbgVdwDE-00361-00199051-00199633 to grow. So what you're able to do in the name of the Lord, whether it's to resist gKXjbgVdwDE-00362-00199633-00200080 sin or persevere in suffering or to do good or to bear spiritual fruit, whatever, gKXjbgVdwDE-00363-00200080-00200563 all of these things are based on the strength of our faith and the strength gKXjbgVdwDE-00364-00200563-00201001 of our faith is proportional to our exposure to God's Word and God's people. gKXjbgVdwDE-00365-00201001-00201760 I mean there are no shortcuts. Weak attendance usually equals weak faith gKXjbgVdwDE-00366-00201760-00202195 which usually equals a weak Christian and very little fruit. I mean I've seen gKXjbgVdwDE-00367-00202195-00202767 it over and over again. Strong faith is usually a result of much teaching and gKXjbgVdwDE-00368-00202767-00203194 for most Christians that only comes through regular attendance. Some of you, I gKXjbgVdwDE-00369-00203194-00203647 know some of you, great Bible students, I mean what you get here, maybe one thing a gKXjbgVdwDE-00370-00203647-00204028 week during, but you're at home reading your Bibles, you've got to study plan, gKXjbgVdwDE-00371-00204028-00204337 some of you even teaching your own children, of gKXjbgVdwDE-00372-00204337-00205194 course. Some will inevitably ask if I only come to Sunday morning worship gKXjbgVdwDE-00373-00205194-00206066 and skip the rest can I still go to heaven? And my personal answer to this, gKXjbgVdwDE-00374-00206066-00207046 'Probably not, but not because you don't come regularly, but because your question gKXjbgVdwDE-00375-00207046-00207757 tells me that you're a legalist and a Pharisee, that's why.' Doing only gKXjbgVdwDE-00376-00207757-00208119 what you have to do. You know the kid in class, the teacher says, 'Alright, we gKXjbgVdwDE-00377-00208119-00208501 want you to write a you know an essay about to go to Crystal Bridge, gKXjbgVdwDE-00378-00208501-00209139 and write an essay,' and there's always one guy right? Just one gKXjbgVdwDE-00379-00209139-00209673 sheet of paper? Does it have to be written on the back too? Right away you gKXjbgVdwDE-00380-00209673-00210060 know that guy's got a problem right? Not the right attitude. gKXjbgVdwDE-00381-00210060-00210550 Well that's exactly the attitude we have with God when we say, 'Do I have to come gKXjbgVdwDE-00382-00210550-00211567 to the other days too?' People who are legalists they do the minimum, they want gKXjbgVdwDE-00383-00211567-00211971 to know what the minimum is and they want to do that and gKXjbgVdwDE-00384-00211971-00212334 I say to you if that's your attitude, you've fallen from grace and trying to gKXjbgVdwDE-00385-00212334-00212791 get to heaven through religious works and minimum religious works at that; at gKXjbgVdwDE-00386-00212791-00213219 least if you saw coming to church three times a week gKXjbgVdwDE-00387-00213219-00213823 was like a work, well at least you're doing a good work, but the person gKXjbgVdwDE-00388-00213823-00214231 who asked this question he wants to do the least amount and get to heaven and gKXjbgVdwDE-00389-00214231-00214873 that's just not the way is it? It's not the most or the least. This kind of gKXjbgVdwDE-00390-00214873-00215263 question usually shows a lack of knowledge regarding the faith. You need gKXjbgVdwDE-00391-00215263-00215667 to come to church, not to increase your attendance level, you need to come to gKXjbgVdwDE-00392-00215667-00216246 church so you can learn about God's grace and be free from the law. If you gKXjbgVdwDE-00393-00216246-00216798 keep this attitude, no amount of church attendance will save you. I'm not saying gKXjbgVdwDE-00394-00216798-00217090 if you don't go to wednesday Bible class, you're going to hell, that's not what I'm gKXjbgVdwDE-00395-00217090-00217539 saying, I'm saying that if this is your attitude, you're more of a legalist. gKXjbgVdwDE-00396-00217539-00218317 You're trying to be saved through works rather than through faith. We're saved by gKXjbgVdwDE-00397-00218317-00218914 faith. We see by faith. We walk by faith. We can cast mountains into the ocean by gKXjbgVdwDE-00398-00218914-00219523 faith. And that faith is conceived and nourished every time we come here to gKXjbgVdwDE-00399-00219523-00220248 this place, every time we come to church. Why? Because every time we leave, we leave gKXjbgVdwDE-00400-00220248-00220954 with a faith that is stronger and that's what we need in this life. I don't know gKXjbgVdwDE-00401-00220954-00221329 about you, but when I'm on my death bed I want my faith to be at its strongest gKXjbgVdwDE-00402-00221329-00222304 level, not its weakest level. Number three, being here builds the church. Hebrews 10, gKXjbgVdwDE-00403-00222304-00222708 again, I read it, "Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering," gKXjbgVdwDE-00404-00222708-00223069 in other words I believe in Jesus, I believe He died for my sins, I believe I gKXjbgVdwDE-00405-00223069-00223489 am saved because He died for me, not because I'm good, not because I've done gKXjbgVdwDE-00406-00223489-00224077 anything good, no, that's the hope that I have despite my imperfection I am gKXjbgVdwDE-00407-00224077-00224610 saved, why? Because I believe that the Lord has saved me. So "Let's hold fast the gKXjbgVdwDE-00408-00224610-00225084 confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;" Jesus is gKXjbgVdwDE-00409-00225084-00225541 faithful, "and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and gKXjbgVdwDE-00410-00225541-00226054 good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of gKXjbgVdwDE-00411-00226054-00226713 some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near." gKXjbgVdwDE-00412-00226713-00227242 The problem was that there were Jewish Christians, this passage here, gKXjbgVdwDE-00413-00227242-00227623 there were Jewish Christians who were weak in the faith and they were being gKXjbgVdwDE-00414-00227623-00228180 tempted to return to Judaism and their absence contributed to this weak faith gKXjbgVdwDE-00415-00228180-00228605 that they have and they're weak faith would not sustain them under pressure. So gKXjbgVdwDE-00416-00228605-00229000 in addition to this and I'm talking about the people that the Hebrew writer gKXjbgVdwDE-00417-00229000-00229469 is writing to here, in addition to this their absence was hurting other people. gKXjbgVdwDE-00418-00229469-00229942 This is why the writer encourages them not to abandon the assembly and he gKXjbgVdwDE-00419-00229942-00230326 exhorts them to give an example and a word of encouragement to who? To the gKXjbgVdwDE-00420-00230326-00230967 other people. So your presence at all services is critical in the building up gKXjbgVdwDE-00421-00230967-00231454 of the church because through regular attendance at all services, here are some gKXjbgVdwDE-00422-00231454-00231969 of the things that happen. First of all, you're proclaiming Christ to each other gKXjbgVdwDE-00423-00231969-00232477 and the community. First Corinthians 11:26. When I come to church, the reason I'm gKXjbgVdwDE-00424-00232477-00232836 coming to church is why? I believe in Jesus. I may not be up in the pulpit gKXjbgVdwDE-00425-00232836-00233191 preaching, I may not be doing anything except sitting and listening, but it gKXjbgVdwDE-00426-00233191-00233602 doesn't matter, my family, my friends, my people, my whoever they are, they know gKXjbgVdwDE-00427-00233602-00234052 Wednesday night, 'You coming bowling Wednesday?' 'Is it in the gKXjbgVdwDE-00428-00234052-00234514 afternoon?' 'No, no. It's Wednesday night at seven.' 'Sorry, we have a class. We've got church.' 'Oh okay okay.' gKXjbgVdwDE-00429-00234514-00235042 Have you preached the gospel to them? No. Have you explained the details gKXjbgVdwDE-00430-00235042-00235567 of salvation? No. What have you done? You've just separated for yourself, you gKXjbgVdwDE-00431-00235567-00236200 said, 'Yeah, this is my priority,' why? Because I'm a Christian, that's why. Secondly gKXjbgVdwDE-00432-00236200-00236880 you're providing an example to other people. What do you think your absence gKXjbgVdwDE-00433-00236880-00237459 says to the children and the younger Christians in this congregation? Well it gKXjbgVdwDE-00434-00237459-00238027 says, 'Boy, when I grow up or when I'm an experienced saint, it'll be okay for me to gKXjbgVdwDE-00435-00238027-00238608 skip church too because this guy over here he says he's been a Christian for gKXjbgVdwDE-00436-00238608-00238882 30 years, but he only comes like on Sunday morning, I gKXjbgVdwDE-00437-00238882-00239242 never see him Sunday night, so I guess that's the reward when I gKXjbgVdwDE-00438-00239242-00239596 grow up and I'm a big strong Christian, I'll be able to stay home to on Sunday gKXjbgVdwDE-00439-00239596-00240556 night. I won't have to come.' Well it's not OK, and your example is one of weakness gKXjbgVdwDE-00440-00240556-00241306 and immaturity, not strength. It also contributes towards the needs of the gKXjbgVdwDE-00441-00241306-00241828 saints, First Corinthians 16:1. Not just money, but knowing who needs help gKXjbgVdwDE-00442-00241828-00242185 and learning how we can serve. Can you imagine, you're not here tonight, you gKXjbgVdwDE-00443-00242185-00242694 didn't hear that dear brother Mike M. died suddenly, well he'd gKXjbgVdwDE-00444-00242694-00243429 been sick a while, but he just died and you run into his widow at gKXjbgVdwDE-00445-00243429-00243880 Target, she happens to be going in there to get some things, 'Hey, how's it going gKXjbgVdwDE-00446-00243880-00244500 Nell?' Big smile on your face. 'So how's Mike?' 'You didn't hear?' 'Well, hear what?' I gKXjbgVdwDE-00447-00244500-00245290 mean I'm taking a real out of left field example, but you know, can't build up the gKXjbgVdwDE-00448-00245290-00245839 church if you don't know what's going on in the church. Again, it's not gKXjbgVdwDE-00449-00245839-00246529 just about money, who needs the help? How can we help? How can we serve? Alright, gKXjbgVdwDE-00450-00246529-00246969 need to move quickly here. Number four, and of course, we support the church gKXjbgVdwDE-00451-00246969-00247396 leadership. In Montreal, right, the church leadership decided we don't have Sunday gKXjbgVdwDE-00452-00247396-00247956 night service. Why? Because the majority of our people take public transportation. gKXjbgVdwDE-00453-00247956-00248569 So it takes them an hour and a half to get to church, many of them, Sunday gKXjbgVdwDE-00454-00248569-00248959 morning for 9:30, so they leave at eight o'clock to get to church at 9:30, gKXjbgVdwDE-00455-00248959-00249398 and church is over around 11:30, noon, and they don't get back home gKXjbgVdwDE-00456-00249398-00250555 till two with their kids on the subway in the winter, yeah. And so the church, we gKXjbgVdwDE-00457-00250555-00250869 didn't have elders, but the men's meeting, they said you know what? gKXjbgVdwDE-00458-00250869-00251377 This would not be a good thing to ask people to by the time they get home gKXjbgVdwDE-00459-00251377-00251838 at two in a half hour or so to turn around and come all the way back; that gKXjbgVdwDE-00460-00251838-00252426 doesn't make any sense for what we are, urban church, downtown, public gKXjbgVdwDE-00461-00252426-00252810 transportation type congregation. So we don't have church on Sunday night, that's gKXjbgVdwDE-00462-00252810-00253641 fine. We decided that. Well in this congregation many years ago, the elders gKXjbgVdwDE-00463-00253641-00254103 decided we are going to have a Sunday evening service and we are going to have gKXjbgVdwDE-00464-00254103-00254415 a Wednesday night service, we think this is a good tradition, Wednesday nights, gKXjbgVdwDE-00465-00254415-00254862 but it's a good one, it's a healthy, spiritual one and this is what we've gKXjbgVdwDE-00466-00254862-00255419 decided to do and we're going to do it. And the rest of us by attending are gKXjbgVdwDE-00467-00255419-00255912 saying to our leaders, 'We agree. We're following your lead.' They're here, we're gKXjbgVdwDE-00468-00255912-00256590 here. So we support the leaders of the church. The Bible says we must submit to gKXjbgVdwDE-00469-00256590-00257133 those whom the Lord has set over us in Christ. Hebrews 13:17. Church attendance is gKXjbgVdwDE-00470-00257133-00257573 a way that we support their leadership. We've built the building with wood and gKXjbgVdwDE-00471-00257573-00258033 brick, but faithfulness to all services is the cornerstone upon which the gKXjbgVdwDE-00472-00258033-00258582 building of the congregation rests. I'll tell you something, why do you think gKXjbgVdwDE-00473-00258582-00259121 people are so excited, there's such a sense of excitement when we have those gKXjbgVdwDE-00474-00259121-00259602 congregational sing-along things at the beginning of the year? Two years ago it gKXjbgVdwDE-00475-00259602-00260169 was here. 450 people in this building on a Wednesday night, man a lot of people gKXjbgVdwDE-00476-00260169-00260610 were pumped, the singing was awesome, people were red-cheeked. It was gKXjbgVdwDE-00477-00260610-00261194 just so great to have so many people and then the following week we went gKXjbgVdwDE-00478-00261194-00261671 back to being maybe a quarter of the congregation here. And we didn't gKXjbgVdwDE-00479-00261671-00262062 do anything different, nothing different. We sang the songs that are familiar, gKXjbgVdwDE-00480-00262062-00262461 somebody prayed, somebody preached a really great lesson, we offered an [invitation], we gKXjbgVdwDE-00481-00262461-00262740 do exactly what we do every single Wednesday, what was the difference? gKXjbgVdwDE-00482-00262740-00263517 Everybody was here. Everybody was pumped. Everybody was encouraged. So as I close I gKXjbgVdwDE-00483-00263517-00263925 want to say to all those who put down church attendance as a problem, gKXjbgVdwDE-00484-00263925-00264458 that their struggle is nothing new, OK? So don't feel like 'Whoa, this is just me.' gKXjbgVdwDE-00485-00264458-00264927 It was there when the church was established, we read about it in Hebrews gKXjbgVdwDE-00486-00264927-00265427 10, and the Bible says it will be there until the end of the world. gKXjbgVdwDE-00487-00265427-00266256 Matthew 24:12 Jesus says, "In the end the love of many will grow cold." The solution gKXjbgVdwDE-00488-00266256-00266848 then now and in the future has always been and will always be the same. Number gKXjbgVdwDE-00489-00266848-00267325 one, begin to cultivate the habit of regular attendance to all services. gKXjbgVdwDE-00490-00267325-00267817 Number two, get involved in the work of the church. And number three, realize gKXjbgVdwDE-00491-00267817-00268454 that coming to church is always the best choice and God will reward you for it. gKXjbgVdwDE-00492-00268454-00269127 I've never met anybody who got poorer because they decided to attend all of gKXjbgVdwDE-00493-00269127-00269652 the services of the church. I never met anybody, no one, in 38 years has ever come gKXjbgVdwDE-00494-00269652-00269931 up to me and say, 'You know, well, I tried that coming to church all the time and gKXjbgVdwDE-00495-00269931-00270429 boy my total income dropped by twenty-five percent.' Never, not one person. gKXjbgVdwDE-00496-00270429-00271083 I'm still waiting for that guy. Alright, so that's number six, neglecting church. gKXjbgVdwDE-00497-00271083-00271716 We move on to number five next week. Thank you for your attention. gLmHhCerBpu-00000-00000300-00000482 The initial inventor chose not to gLmHhCerBpu-00001-00000482-00000698 patent it, leadingto someone eventually gLmHhCerBpu-00002-00000698-00000881 deciding to patent the concept, and gLmHhCerBpu-00003-00000881-00001154 sell it under the name of Lucifers gpib1JKFXdk-00000-00000264-00001238 This video is copyrighted by the General Council of Dentists of Spain/Spanish Dental Association. The total or partial reproduction of its content is strictly forbidden, except with the express authorization of the aforementioned General Council. Our thanks go to Professor D. Guillermo Pradíes, for the coordination in the realization of the project, and to the company INFOMED, for its technical development. gpib1JKFXdk-00001-00001350-00002148 Reconstruction of an anterior tooth with direct veneer restoration, with in-clinic CAD/CAM technology gpib1JKFXdk-00002-00002340-00002744 Medical history, examination and diagnosis - Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00003-00002890-00003334 Colour selection with shade guide – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00004-00003396-00003792 Automated colour selection – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00005-00003947-00004784 Anaesthesia – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00006-00005224-00006868 Retraction of flabby tissues – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00007-00006906-00007686 Tooth preparation – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00008-00007890-00008770 3D preparation scan – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00009-00009026-00010856 Obtention of the 3D digital file - Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00010-00010984-00011402 Digital scan of the antagonist – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00011-00011460-00011782 Digital scan of the occlusion – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00012-00011862-00013140 Design of the final restoration – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00014-00016514-00016894 Complete isolation – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00015-00017022-00017660 Restoration test – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00016-00017744-00019038 Engraving preparation – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00017-00019088-00020222 Cementum application – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00018-00020338-00021096 Cementum removal – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00019-00021158-00023174 Occlusal adjustment and final polishing - Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00020-00023210-00023492 Prosthesis instructions for the patient – Dentist gpib1JKFXdk-00021-00023492-00024214 The dentist will be responsible for giving instructions on hygiene, maintenance of the prosthesis and check-up of the treatment, periodically gpib1JKFXdk-00022-00024370-00025204 Reconstruction of an anterior tooth with direct veneer restoration, with in-clinic CAD/CAM technology gPIT5XMohmk-00000-00000000-00000444 This video ad is going to suck and if you're anything like me you've tried ads, gPIT5XMohmk-00001-00000444-00000959 marketing and SEO and never saw results! Hey there my name is Brad Smith and I'm gPIT5XMohmk-00002-00000959-00001542 just like you I've worked 1-on-1 with clients 14-16 hour days and always gPIT5XMohmk-00003-00001542-00001889 feeling like there's just no room to grow. I've recently stopped working gPIT5XMohmk-00004-00001889-00002301 1-on-1 because I figured out a system that automatically grows my gPIT5XMohmk-00005-00002301-00002801 business, this system includes setting up automation on your website to continue gPIT5XMohmk-00006-00002801-00003243 building relationships with your potential clients. So if you're ready to gPIT5XMohmk-00007-00003243-00003714 blow by the hype online, start growing your business with automation and real gPIT5XMohmk-00008-00003714-00004239 systems (like the big dogs have) I hope you join me! Connect with me below and I gPIT5XMohmk-00009-00004239-00004593 look forward to meeting you... Hey there my name is Brad Smith owner and founder of gPIT5XMohmk-00010-00004593-00004878 HylthLink.com it's my mission and my passion to help gPIT5XMohmk-00011-00004878-00005294 others with their business so if I can be your coach your mentor help you in gPIT5XMohmk-00012-00005294-00005628 any way that's my goal my goal is to bring you value so let me know if gPIT5XMohmk-00013-00005628-00006098 there's anything I can help you with and I look forward to working with you. gUug8rKhskg-00000-00002568-00003168 My name is Kieron Fitzgerald Pigus. I'm 27 years old and I'm from Ireland and I've been wanting gUug8rKhskg-00001-00003168-00003768 this procedure the last four to five years and I came across Hair of Istanbul through my friends gUug8rKhskg-00002-00003768-00004264 who came over last year and had the procedure done from their results it looked amazing and of course gUug8rKhskg-00003-00004264-00004784 I done my research looked online and looked seen on their instagram page and all the procedures gUug8rKhskg-00004-00004784-00005256 looked amazing so I thought why not bite the bullet and finally get it done myself I basically gUug8rKhskg-00005-00005256-00005872 have been wanting the procedure the last four to five years I moved to Australia two years ago gUug8rKhskg-00006-00005872-00006344 and it was always been on my mind slightest bit of wind hit my hair it'd fly back and it gUug8rKhskg-00007-00006344-00006840 just lacked self-confidence so my fiancee has always been pushing me to bite the bullet and gUug8rKhskg-00008-00006840-00007328 get it done as I said so as soon as I got back to Ireland first chance I had I booked it and gUug8rKhskg-00009-00007431-00007880 I couldn't be happier even just now I suppose it's put a smile on my face so gUug8rKhskg-00010-00007880-00008280 I already have more confidence I've already had loads of messages of friends from back gUug8rKhskg-00011-00008280-00008672 home asking me where I've had it done I've told them my message is just bite the bullet gUug8rKhskg-00012-00008672-00009104 get it done honestly it's the best thing you'll ever do and I think they done their gUug8rKhskg-00013-00009192-00009752 research and I think they found on I think it was instagram as well and then from instagram then gUug8rKhskg-00014-00009752-00010304 they just kind of found on youtube more videos and stuff so and I wouldn't say I was afraid gUug8rKhskg-00015-00010304-00010760 there's always that kind of stigma in the back of your head you're going to a different country and gUug8rKhskg-00016-00010760-00011432 is the procedure going to go 100 correct but from the moment I landed and then welcomed gUug8rKhskg-00017-00011432-00012000 shown all around the clinic everything seemed 100 perfect and I couldn't be happier. gW_3h8O_cxM-00000-00001446-00001639 Wanna keep a dry roof over your heads, literally. gW_3h8O_cxM-00001-00001639-00001923 When you need a reliable roofing solution. gW_3h8O_cxM-00002-00001923-00002191 Our experienced team of professionals are ready gW_3h8O_cxM-00003-00002191-00002335 to solve your needs. gW_3h8O_cxM-00004-00002335-00002602 No job is to big or to small. gW_3h8O_cxM-00005-00002602-00003025 Our experienced craftsman have years of experienced on all sorts of buildings. gW_3h8O_cxM-00006-00003025-00003364 We are confident you will be completely satisfied. gW_3h8O_cxM-00007-00003364-00003551 Don't delay and contact us today! gW_3h8O_cxM-00008-00003551-00003844 Tile Roofing Los Angeles CA Hey there thanks for watching our video to gW_3h8O_cxM-00009-00003844-00004122 get more fresh content regularly, the subscribe gW_3h8O_cxM-00010-00004122-00004236 button below. gW_3h8O_cxM-00011-00004236-00004722 And then also, like us on Facebook and engage with us through social media by clicking these gW_3h8O_cxM-00012-00004722-00004869 icons that are popping up. gd-tM6ZGKeM-00000-00000568-00001112 welcome to midnight mule fpl i'm midnight mule and this is the video where i go through gd-tM6ZGKeM-00001-00001112-00001639 your team selections for all those people following this series and i know some are gd-tM6ZGKeM-00002-00001639-00002176 to hopefully finish in the top five percent globally but if you're not part of this series gd-tM6ZGKeM-00003-00002176-00002528 you still might want to watch it you still might learn something it might be interesting gd-tM6ZGKeM-00004-00002528-00003224 i'd find it interesting if i was on youtube looking at fpla's so uh let me get into this gd-tM6ZGKeM-00005-00003328-00004152 somebody kindly asked me to create a mini league which i've now done so the code is zx0wgs gd-tM6ZGKeM-00006-00004152-00004592 and i've put it down here in the bottom right in nice big characters so hopefully you can see that gd-tM6ZGKeM-00007-00004688-00005208 i've also created five playlists to put my videos into because the videos gd-tM6ZGKeM-00008-00005208-00005920 are very different so how did we do in game week three lots of people did bad in game week three gd-tM6ZGKeM-00009-00005920-00006552 so we don't need to feel bad that we did bad so our bankers cancellous got zero trent got zero gd-tM6ZGKeM-00010-00006640-00007184 uh jesus got four martinelli got six salad got eight harland got six gd-tM6ZGKeM-00011-00007295-00008023 sellers our captain so he gets 16. so we had a minimum of zero for all of these maximum of 16 gd-tM6ZGKeM-00012-00008023-00008632 average of 5.3 given that there are six players here but one is the captain which is seven and gd-tM6ZGKeM-00013-00008632-00009176 we really want to be getting five points for each player we kind of want to be getting 35 for these gd-tM6ZGKeM-00014-00009280-00009840 so our bankers this week got 32 points ideally we want to be getting at least 35 there gd-tM6ZGKeM-00015-00009840-00010144 but it was a bad week for many many teams so it's okay gd-tM6ZGKeM-00016-00010248-00010856 goalkeeper you'd have got either six or two that's an average of four defender number one you had one gd-tM6ZGKeM-00017-00010856-00011776 of these five trippier on six walker on one cooler belly got minus two zinchenko got six dunk got six gd-tM6ZGKeM-00018-00011864-00012344 so you got between minus two and six for your defender an average of two point eight gd-tM6ZGKeM-00019-00012416-00013104 second slot defender is james you got one or diaz you got one so whoever you had out of those two gd-tM6ZGKeM-00020-00013104-00013896 you got one the midfielders none of these returned diaz ii sacko three foden two kulaszewski three gd-tM6ZGKeM-00021-00013960-00014240 so you've got an average of two and a half whichever one of those you had gd-tM6ZGKeM-00022-00014384-00014863 now i suggested you play your weak defender and right until near the end of the game gd-tM6ZGKeM-00023-00014863-00015191 they both had clean sheets they would have been on six and seven point each gd-tM6ZGKeM-00024-00015247-00015663 and then near the end of the game because they were playing each other they both let in a ghost gd-tM6ZGKeM-00025-00015663-00016256 they ended up with two points for patterson one for williams which is an average of one and a half gd-tM6ZGKeM-00026-00016256-00016792 so that was a shame now the midfielder that you would have had on the bench because of gd-tM6ZGKeM-00027-00016792-00017464 my suggestion was either almeron who got seven points or bayley who got five points but because gd-tM6ZGKeM-00028-00017464-00017896 they were benched they were no good to us because we had enough of the other players you are playing gd-tM6ZGKeM-00029-00018096-00018608 so we had a minimum of 36 points if you had the worst possible team out of the suggestion for this gd-tM6ZGKeM-00030-00018608-00019288 five percent game you'd have had 36 points the average was 43 and a half the maximum was 50. the gd-tM6ZGKeM-00031-00019288-00020040 global average for fpl this week was below 50 but it wasn't a great week transfer for game week four gd-tM6ZGKeM-00032-00020120-00020752 if you have cooler bailey sorry about that my fault he got sent off and got minus two so get in gd-tM6ZGKeM-00033-00020752-00021360 carl walker if you can but if you've already got three man city players get zinchenko from arsenal gd-tM6ZGKeM-00034-00021360-00021704 but if you've already got three arsenal players get dunk from bryson gd-tM6ZGKeM-00035-00021904-00022376 now all we need to do is set the bench and the other 11 players would be right gd-tM6ZGKeM-00036-00022376-00022600 so the bench goalkeeper for you is going to be ward gd-tM6ZGKeM-00037-00022752-00023160 the third place in the bench would be archer or taylor depending on which one you've got gd-tM6ZGKeM-00038-00023272-00023776 and then bench number two and one position number two you want to put williams or patterson gd-tM6ZGKeM-00039-00023840-00024248 position number one andreas and i think you're all gonna have andres gd-tM6ZGKeM-00040-00024248-00024744 i think we're set but just in case i've gone wrong somewhere and your bench isn't yet full gd-tM6ZGKeM-00041-00024856-00025256 then bailey would be the next choice for the bench and then it would be elmer on gd-tM6ZGKeM-00042-00025336-00025695 but i think your bench will be full before we have elm ron or bailey playing gd-tM6ZGKeM-00043-00025880-00026472 captain choice best two players are salah and harland salah is expected to be the highest gd-tM6ZGKeM-00044-00026472-00027016 scorer player this week he's going to be the most captain player you want to put the captain's hat gd-tM6ZGKeM-00045-00027104-00027672 the old mule hat he wants to go on seller so even if seller blanks and has a really bad week gd-tM6ZGKeM-00046-00027783-00028360 you're not going to fall behind the pack because so many people are going to have salah your vice gd-tM6ZGKeM-00047-00028360-00028888 captain i'm suggesting goes on harland that other there are other players in your squad that are gd-tM6ZGKeM-00048-00028888-00029416 expected to score higher but i personally like harland and in any case seller really gd-tM6ZGKeM-00049-00029416-00029904 should be playing so thank you to everyone who is playing this five percent like i said i'm aware of gd-tM6ZGKeM-00050-00029904-00030520 a handful of people that are doing this and as i wild card in week nine of course more people can gd-tM6ZGKeM-00051-00030520-00031000 join in at that point i can't guarantee we've finished top five percent but i do think it's gd-tM6ZGKeM-00052-00031000-00031472 feasible and it doesn't matter at all that at the moment you're likely to be outside the top five gd-tM6ZGKeM-00053-00031472-00032024 percent you may even be halfway down globally with just three weeks in really really doesn't matter gd-tM6ZGKeM-00054-00032112-00032560 if you enjoyed this video please do like it please also subscribe to the channel if you gd-tM6ZGKeM-00055-00032560-00033080 haven't already and i read all my comments and i reply if it's applicable that is if it's a gd-tM6ZGKeM-00056-00033080-00033784 statement i might not reply all right thanks and don't forget to join the mini league if you can ge6kJ_j-KCy-00000-00000049-00000709 I'm gonna be down to a low of 20 views in one hour because I couldn't leave any new links, and ge6kJ_j-KCy-00001-00000709-00001453 this is a very sad moment for me 35 views per hour, and that's I think around half of where it ge6kJ_j-KCy-00002-00001453-00002053 was before with my links. that's all because the new ones were not making super changes. ghh7xVGCZZI-00000-00000110-00000550 So in this first example, we're just simply showing how to use ghh7xVGCZZI-00001-00000550-00000880 the LDR. So, here basically what we see is... ghh7xVGCZZI-00002-00000990-00001111 we print a message if there's too much light ghh7xVGCZZI-00003-00001111-00001515 or if it's too dark. I have already uploaded the code into ghh7xVGCZZI-00004-00001515-00001818 the board. So, let's switch to the overhead camera to see how ghh7xVGCZZI-00005-00001818-00002222 this works. So, this is the board and this is just a box that ghh7xVGCZZI-00006-00002222-00002525 I use because of the conditions here we have in the studio, ghh7xVGCZZI-00007-00002525-00002828 there's too much light. Usually you can cover with your hand ghh7xVGCZZI-00008-00002828-00003232 the LDR sensor and then the light varies a lot, so it's quite ghh7xVGCZZI-00009-00003232-00003535 dark, but because of the light we have here in the studio I prefer ghh7xVGCZZI-00010-00003535-00003939 to use this box. Ok, so let's just to ghh7xVGCZZI-00011-00003939-00004444 the console and see how this works, ok? So, right now, as you can ghh7xVGCZZI-00012-00004444-00004848 see here, we're measuring too much light. We are receiving a message ghh7xVGCZZI-00013-00004848-00005252 of too much light. I can actually clear the... the console ghh7xVGCZZI-00014-00005252-00005555 and you see that we receiving this message. If we put ghh7xVGCZZI-00015-00005555-00005959 the box on top of it, then it's too dark. ghh7xVGCZZI-00016-00006060-00006464 And then there will be a situation in which it will stop ghh7xVGCZZI-00017-00006464-00006969 printing messages when neither is too dark neither it's too ghh7xVGCZZI-00018-00006969-00007473 much light there. So, here, there's a light, let's say suitable light ghh7xVGCZZI-00019-00007473-00007979 condition and then if I increase the amount of light then is too ghh7xVGCZZI-00020-00007979-00008383 much light and then if I just cover a little bit, then stops printing it. ghh7xVGCZZI-00021-00008585-00008888 Ok. So, thank you very much. gkYv4AgBr8I-00000-00000069-00000655 Hi, so now we're going to get started on the automation part of software testing. gkYv4AgBr8I-00001-00000655-00001071 In the previous videos we've thought about testing using our human intelligence, gkYv4AgBr8I-00002-00001072-00001456 and now it's time to make the machine to run those tests for us. gkYv4AgBr8I-00003-00001456-00002002 And we're going to use JUnit which is the standard way of writing unit tests in Java. gkYv4AgBr8I-00004-00002002-00002134 And so let's get started. gkYv4AgBr8I-00005-00002134-00002376 So we have the Roman numeral problem, gkYv4AgBr8I-00006-00002376-00002554 and this is my implementation. gkYv4AgBr8I-00007-00002554-00003093 You don't really need to understand it now because we are now using the testing hat. gkYv4AgBr8I-00008-00003093-00003354 But if you really pay attention or if you quickly pay attention, gkYv4AgBr8I-00009-00003354-00003715 you can see that my implementation is about getting the current number. gkYv4AgBr8I-00010-00003715-00003928 Then I look to the next number. gkYv4AgBr8I-00011-00003928-00004180 And then I decide if I should add gkYv4AgBr8I-00012-00004180-00004642 or if I should subtract because of the subtractive notation that we discussed. gkYv4AgBr8I-00013-00004643-00004930 But now as testers, we just want to make sure that this works. gkYv4AgBr8I-00014-00004930-00005463 So what I'm going to do is create a different class, so the RomanNumeralTest. gkYv4AgBr8I-00015-00005463-00006126 And I put this in the test folder usually that you can see on the left side of my IntelliJ. gkYv4AgBr8I-00016-00006126-00006515 So in the Roman package I have the class there and it is empty, gkYv4AgBr8I-00017-00006515-00006726 so let's get started with JUnit. gkYv4AgBr8I-00018-00006726-00006844 How does this work? gkYv4AgBr8I-00019-00006844-00007134 It is very simple, we basically write methods, gkYv4AgBr8I-00020-00007134-00007352 and these methods will do the test for us. gkYv4AgBr8I-00021-00007353-00007981 So the first one will be I want to try a single number, so I create a method. gkYv4AgBr8I-00022-00007981-00008247 It has to return void. gkYv4AgBr8I-00023-00008247-00008634 And it has to be annotated with @test, gkYv4AgBr8I-00024-00008634-00009230 and I'm going to import this from our Junit Jupiter API because I'm using the JUnit 5 version. gkYv4AgBr8I-00025-00009230-00009680 And this @test indicates to JUnit that this is a test. gkYv4AgBr8I-00026-00009680-00010030 Then the first step is I need to instantiate the class I want to test, gkYv4AgBr8I-00027-00010030-00010485 and in this case is the RomanNumeral class. gkYv4AgBr8I-00028-00010485-00011080 I'm going to store this into a variable, and I'm going to call it just Roman. gkYv4AgBr8I-00029-00011080-00011406 Second step is to invoke the methods we want to test. gkYv4AgBr8I-00030-00011407-00012020 So Roman.convert, and I'm going to pass now a single number, gkYv4AgBr8I-00031-00012020-00012442 that is the test I'm doing right now, so "I", for example. gkYv4AgBr8I-00032-00012442-00013196 And I know that in RomanNumeral, this result, it needs to be equals to 1. gkYv4AgBr8I-00033-00013196-00013990 But that I'm going to write using the JUnit functionality, which is Assertions.assertEquals(). gkYv4AgBr8I-00034-00013991-00014256 Then I pass what I expect, which is 1, gkYv4AgBr8I-00035-00014256-00014794 and the variable that stores the result, so which is named result. gkYv4AgBr8I-00036-00014794-00015238 So take a look at this because all your unit tests will look like the same. gkYv4AgBr8I-00037-00015238-00015591 So we basically think about one of the cases, gkYv4AgBr8I-00038-00015591-00016001 in our case we started with a single number that we discussed in the previous video. gkYv4AgBr8I-00039-00016001-00016401 I invoke the method I want to test passing this data. gkYv4AgBr8I-00040-00016401-00016602 I get the result. gkYv4AgBr8I-00041-00016602-00016848 And then I assert, and that's the verb we use, gkYv4AgBr8I-00042-00016848-00017179 we assert that the result is as we expect. gkYv4AgBr8I-00043-00017179-00017590 So "I" needs to be 1. gkYv4AgBr8I-00044-00017590-00017806 IntelliJ already knows how to play with JUnit. gkYv4AgBr8I-00045-00017806-00018326 So as you can see, there's even this green run button in here, run test, as it says. gkYv4AgBr8I-00046-00018326-00018644 If I click on it, and then I click on, run single number, gkYv4AgBr8I-00047-00018644-00018958 IntelliJ will automatically run this test for me. gkYv4AgBr8I-00048-00018958-00019283 And you see the green results at the bottom of my screen? gkYv4AgBr8I-00049-00019283-00019615 So this means that IntelliJ executed this method. gkYv4AgBr8I-00050-00019615-00020009 It compared the result with the number 1, and they were the same. gkYv4AgBr8I-00051-00020009-00020416 So this means, for this behavior, my software works as expected. gkYv4AgBr8I-00052-00020416-00020847 So we see that our tests are green, and this means we are happy. gkYv4AgBr8I-00053-00020847-00020966 But one test is not enough. gkYv4AgBr8I-00054-00020966-00021229 In the previous video we came up with many, right? gkYv4AgBr8I-00055-00021229-00021454 So let's go to the second one. gkYv4AgBr8I-00056-00021454-00021793 I'm going to minimize this and I'm going to write the next. gkYv4AgBr8I-00057-00021793-00022080 So @test again, void, gkYv4AgBr8I-00058-00022080-00022606 and the second scenario I'm going to automate is when I have more than one digit. gkYv4AgBr8I-00059-00022606-00022840 So like "VI", for example. gkYv4AgBr8I-00060-00022840-00023241 So number with many digits. gkYv4AgBr8I-00061-00023241-00023368 And this is a nice information. gkYv4AgBr8I-00062-00023368-00023608 The name of the method doesn't matter. gkYv4AgBr8I-00063-00023608-00024165 So as developers, we use these to try to express what we want to test. gkYv4AgBr8I-00064-00024165-00024405 So a number with many digits is my case. gkYv4AgBr8I-00065-00024405-00024806 I'm going to, again, create the RomanNumeral class, gkYv4AgBr8I-00066-00024806-00024980 that's the class I want to test. gkYv4AgBr8I-00067-00024980-00025750 I'm going to invoke the method, and now I'm going to pass, for example, VIII. gkYv4AgBr8I-00068-00025750-00025863 Let me store this in a variable. gkYv4AgBr8I-00069-00025863-00026077 I'm going to store this in the result. gkYv4AgBr8I-00070-00026077-00026427 And I know that VIII in Roman is eight. gkYv4AgBr8I-00071-00026427-00027183 So again, Assertions.assertEquals eight result. gkYv4AgBr8I-00072-00027183-00027283 I have a button here. gkYv4AgBr8I-00073-00027283-00027543 I'm going to run it again, or actually, gkYv4AgBr8I-00074-00027543-00027812 for the first time, this is the first time I run this test. gkYv4AgBr8I-00075-00027812-00028360 And wow, it is red right now, and this means that JUnit executed my test, gkYv4AgBr8I-00076-00028360-00028686 but then the result wasn't eight, and this is a bad sign, right? gkYv4AgBr8I-00077-00028686-00028981 This means that I have a bug in my software. gkYv4AgBr8I-00078-00028981-00029156 And as a developer, this is actually a good thing, gkYv4AgBr8I-00079-00029156-00029495 because I found this bug before sending my software to production. gkYv4AgBr8I-00080-00029495-00029806 My final user didn't see it. gkYv4AgBr8I-00081-00029806-00030247 So what we need to do is to go back to the source code and find the bug. gkYv4AgBr8I-00082-00030247-00030722 So pause this video and try to find the bug. gkYv4AgBr8I-00083-00030722-00031016 Okay, I'm back, and the bug is actually here. gkYv4AgBr8I-00084-00031016-00031582 So it shouldn't be just greater than, but greater than or equals. gkYv4AgBr8I-00085-00031582-00031905 Pause this video, understand why, but that is the bug. gkYv4AgBr8I-00086-00031905-00032094 And that's a common bug, gkYv4AgBr8I-00087-00032094-00032489 we have been discussing that developers do lots of these kinds of bugs, gkYv4AgBr8I-00088-00032489-00032744 and yeah, this is just another one. gkYv4AgBr8I-00089-00032744-00032957 So, I fixed the bug. gkYv4AgBr8I-00090-00032957-00033472 What I usually do is to run it again, to see if I really fixed it. gkYv4AgBr8I-00091-00033472-00033587 Result is green. gkYv4AgBr8I-00092-00033587-00033788 Another tip for you as a developer, gkYv4AgBr8I-00093-00033788-00034172 I'm just running one test as you can see in my left bar, gkYv4AgBr8I-00094-00034172-00034562 but it's nice if you run all of them. gkYv4AgBr8I-00095-00034562-00034863 Nice, the two tests are passing. gkYv4AgBr8I-00096-00034863-00035334 Let's just write one more. gkYv4AgBr8I-00097-00035334-00035812 So @test again. Void. gkYv4AgBr8I-00098-00035812-00036412 Now I'm going to play with the number with a subjective notation. gkYv4AgBr8I-00099-00036412-00036624 And if you remember, the subjective notation gkYv4AgBr8I-00100-00036624-00037041 is the thing in Roman numerals that you need to put the numbers before, gkYv4AgBr8I-00101-00037041-00037262 you're going to see it now. gkYv4AgBr8I-00102-00037262-00037784 So, I'm going to create the Roman numeral again. gkYv4AgBr8I-00103-00037784-00038353 I'm going to convert, and the number I'm going to try is IV. gkYv4AgBr8I-00104-00038353-00038484 Let me store this. gkYv4AgBr8I-00105-00038484-00038815 So IV, and then this number is four, right? gkYv4AgBr8I-00106-00038815-00039344 So let's make sure it is four, and we do this by means of assertions. gkYv4AgBr8I-00107-00039344-00039675 So the result needs to be four. gkYv4AgBr8I-00108-00039675-00039944 And this is actually the order that you pass the parameters, okay? gkYv4AgBr8I-00109-00039944-00040193 It seems not intuitive, gkYv4AgBr8I-00110-00040193-00040508 but it's what you expect and then what you calculated, okay? gkYv4AgBr8I-00111-00040508-00040786 So four result, and not result four. gkYv4AgBr8I-00112-00040786-00041179 Let's see if our software works. gkYv4AgBr8I-00113-00041179-00041865 Running the tests, they all run and also pay attention how fast it is. gkYv4AgBr8I-00114-00041865-00042218 IntelliJ says that it took 27 milliseconds to run, gkYv4AgBr8I-00115-00042218-00042575 this is definitely faster than a human. gkYv4AgBr8I-00116-00042575-00042807 Okay, so the three tests are green. gkYv4AgBr8I-00117-00042807-00043258 And this means so far our implementations seems to work. gkYv4AgBr8I-00118-00043258-00043682 And what I want you to do now is to continue writing many tests. gkYv4AgBr8I-00119-00043682-00043955 In the previous video, we thought about many of them. gkYv4AgBr8I-00120-00043955-00044122 Your task is to continue. gkYv4AgBr8I-00121-00044122-00044514 So this is a very simple introduction to JUnit throughout the course, gkYv4AgBr8I-00122-00044514-00044610 you're going to see more features. gkYv4AgBr8I-00123-00044610-00045002 JUnit is an amazing framework, go look at the documentation. gkYv4AgBr8I-00124-00045002-00045318 But this is what we will do from now on. gkYv4AgBr8I-00125-00045318-00045574 So we're going to discuss how to think about tests gkYv4AgBr8I-00126-00045574-00046072 using our intelligence that the human part of doing tests, as we discussed. gkYv4AgBr8I-00127-00046072-00046459 And as soon as we have a test in hand, we're going to automate it. gkYv4AgBr8I-00128-00046459-00046752 Always, always, always using JUnit, yeah? gkYv4AgBr8I-00129-00046752-00046858 Ready for it? gkYv4AgBr8I-00130-00046858-00046936 See you in the next video. gm0QY9npzz8-00000-00000006-00000720 welcome back this is Chris your Boomer Tech guide and today I'm going to share with you gm0QY9npzz8-00001-00000720-00001602 a recipe from my new cookbook it's spicy holy sin stir-fried pork with vegetables so we're gm0QY9npzz8-00002-00001602-00002292 gonna do that with steamed rice so why don't we get started with that first so remember always gm0QY9npzz8-00003-00002292-00003318 use a hand that's at least two-thirds more than the volume of the rice so you'll have a chance gm0QY9npzz8-00004-00003318-00004425 to get a head of steam I'll generally use between 1/4 and 1/2 cup of raw rice per person realizing gm0QY9npzz8-00005-00004425-00006105 that it's gonna double in bulk so that when you touch the top of the rice like that it covers the gm0QY9npzz8-00006-00006105-00006900 first joint of your index finger so don't touch the bottom of the pan touch the top of the rice gm0QY9npzz8-00007-00006900-00007992 and what we'll do is we'll just put this on our burner and we're going to bring that to a boil gm0QY9npzz8-00008-00007992-00009258 covered as soon as it begins to bubble or steam what you'll want to do is turn the heat down to gm0QY9npzz8-00009-00009258-00009951 low and if you wait just for 10 minutes or 15 minutes if you won't like your rice a little gm0QY9npzz8-00010-00009951-00010623 softer it will be steamed but don't take the cover off because if you do that the steam escapes and gm0QY9npzz8-00011-00010623-00011181 you're basically just boiling the outside of the rice you're not actually steaming the rice under gm0QY9npzz8-00012-00011181-00012348 pressure so we'll try to remember that that's on there and let's move over to the pork what we want gm0QY9npzz8-00013-00012348-00013054 to do with the pork is we're going to marinate it and and and tenderize a little bit and what I'm gm0QY9npzz8-00014-00013054-00014731 using is is a boneless southern style spareribs and if you'll notice there's a grain to the meat gm0QY9npzz8-00015-00014731-00015352 and what we want to do is we want to cut across the grain so the grain is going this way on the gm0QY9npzz8-00016-00015352-00016060 meat you see that there and so we're going to cut it across the grain and that will keep it tender gm0QY9npzz8-00017-00016060-00016966 so usually those spareribs come in a in a stripped like this so I'm going to cut that strip right gm0QY9npzz8-00018-00016966-00018304 in half and Here I am I'm going to cut across the grain and this is probably eight inch thick slices gm0QY9npzz8-00019-00018996-00019386 there we go gm0QY9npzz8-00020-00020195-00021362 and to that we're going to add some rice wine and some corn starch just to coat gm0QY9npzz8-00021-00021362-00022460 that we're going to put that right in up there Ziploc bag tablespoon of corn starch gm0QY9npzz8-00022-00023253-00024588 and a couple tablespoons of rice wine so this this is Xiao Qing rice wine which is a classic Chinese gm0QY9npzz8-00024-00027600-00028338 room temperature so you want to take it out of the refrigerator a little bit so that it warms up you gm0QY9npzz8-00025-00028338-00030057 don't want to stir fry them in cold ingredients so just set that aside so we're ready for it so gm0QY9npzz8-00026-00030057-00031572 here's our wok and I always preheat my wok because what you want to do is you want to make sure that gm0QY9npzz8-00027-00031572-00032414 the wok is hot before you put oil in what happens is the surface of the wok opens up kind of gm0QY9npzz8-00028-00032414-00033060 microscopically when you when you heat it so that when you put the oil in it actually will slightly gm0QY9npzz8-00029-00033060-00034272 sink into and bake into the surface of the wok and what we're going to do is we're going to flavor gm0QY9npzz8-00030-00034272-00035364 our oil with ginger and garlic and I'd like to use avocado oil because it gets to 500 degrees before gm0QY9npzz8-00031-00035364-00036244 it starts to smoke so it's it's really good for stir-fry and it doesn't break down easily so I'm gm0QY9npzz8-00032-00036244-00037102 just gonna put in a couple tablespoons we'll get that to heat up and what you want is you want it gm0QY9npzz8-00033-00037102-00037873 to to shimmer so you want it to be hot enough so it's shimmering so I know if you didn't see it yet gm0QY9npzz8-00034-00037873-00038575 or not but the surface of the oil is beginning to to move a little bit and that's that's from gm0QY9npzz8-00035-00038575-00039643 the heat so let's um let's take some fresh ginger this is you can pick this up right at gm0QY9npzz8-00036-00039643-00041047 the produce department or most grocery stores and we are going to smash that whew that was exciting gm0QY9npzz8-00037-00041047-00042943 wasn't it let me get on to the big surface here so doing that that that you can see it breaks gm0QY9npzz8-00038-00042943-00044851 up the the ginger and it releases a lot of the flavor and let's do the same thing to our garlic gm0QY9npzz8-00039-00045526-00046993 and what we'll do is we're going to whip the ginger and the garlic wavering oil we're also gm0QY9npzz8-00040-00046993-00048034 going to put in carrot just cut that into half-inch size this is called a roll cut and gm0QY9npzz8-00041-00048034-00049039 I'm cutting it at a 45-degree angle but I'm rolling it in between each cut so you heard gm0QY9npzz8-00042-00049039-00049732 the rice what came to a boil we didn't panic we just turned it down to low and kept the gm0QY9npzz8-00043-00049732-00051040 cover on so that will keep cooking so let's put in our carrot nicely and put in our ginger and gm0QY9npzz8-00044-00051040-00052285 our garlic to flavor that oil just give that a stir so what's nice about the wok because of the gm0QY9npzz8-00045-00052285-00053128 shape is that any liquid or oil will always go to the hottest part of the wok so things tend to gm0QY9npzz8-00046-00053128-00054028 not burn when you cook them in high temperature with the wok not telling you that you can't burn gm0QY9npzz8-00047-00054028-00054814 things in a while you can and I have but it's less likely to do that so we put those carrots gm0QY9npzz8-00048-00054814-00055429 in first because we want them to cook up we want them to soften up a little bit so when gm0QY9npzz8-00049-00055429-00056257 you stir-fry it's it's a it's a good practice to time your ingredients based on how long you gm0QY9npzz8-00050-00056257-00057247 want them to cook with the things that you want to cook longest going in first and the carrots gm0QY9npzz8-00051-00057247-00057799 you know they have a little liquid in them so they're gonna keep that heat down so that the gm0QY9npzz8-00052-00057799-00058723 garlic which can burn won't and before we even get to that point what we do is we're gonna put gm0QY9npzz8-00053-00058723-00059419 in some onions people generally like the onions to be sweet I'm putting in the equivalent of a gm0QY9npzz8-00054-00059419-00060579 medium onion and I like to use red onions they look nice and there they have a slightly stronger gm0QY9npzz8-00055-00060579-00062098 flavor than the yellow onions and you can see the carrots they've started to brown up a little bit gm0QY9npzz8-00056-00062098-00063379 so we'll put in our onions and that sizzling sound is exactly what you want me to stir-fry gm0QY9npzz8-00057-00063379-00064159 you don't want things to be really wet so we're going to be having a sauce later that we'll be gm0QY9npzz8-00058-00064159-00064960 adding the hoisin sauce but you add that at the end so you don't cool that process down gm0QY9npzz8-00059-00066652-00068022 right and this is on high heat sister you'll know so meat has gm0QY9npzz8-00060-00068022-00069498 been marinating there you go get that nice sibling sound wine smells great gm0QY9npzz8-00061-00070125-00070425 they will spread this in a layer gm0QY9npzz8-00062-00071180-00071660 so you can you can kind of imagine that if this were if the meet have been refrigerated gm0QY9npzz8-00063-00071660-00072281 they would have spot that sizzling so you don't want you don't you don't want to have gm0QY9npzz8-00064-00072281-00073286 it cold and because it's cut out it's gonna cook pretty quickly so let's take the outside gm0QY9npzz8-00065-00073286-00074273 in you can kind of see the pork that's in the middle down here he's already started to brown gm0QY9npzz8-00066-00074981-00075788 and the combination of the the wine and the cornstarch is giving it a light blaze gm0QY9npzz8-00067-00075842-00076643 so it's coating it and it's ceiling in a lot of that moisture that we see gm0QY9npzz8-00068-00077235-00077298 Hey gm0QY9npzz8-00069-00077512-00078934 so well that's anything up let's put in some putting some sweet red peppers and what I do gm0QY9npzz8-00070-00078934-00079606 is I just cut the pepper in half and I just kind of rip out the core take the seeds out gm0QY9npzz8-00071-00080666-00081530 and you'll just I like the cut these up into what I call chopsticks size pieces gm0QY9npzz8-00072-00081530-00082805 half-inch and then let's give this one more stir how quickly gm0QY9npzz8-00073-00082805-00083555 that pork is cooked up again that's sizzling that continues which is great gm0QY9npzz8-00074-00085432-00085999 to get all on high heat and you can kind of see how dry that process is as gm0QY9npzz8-00075-00085999-00086596 I kind of push out from the middle there's not a lot of liquid there gm0QY9npzz8-00076-00087188-00087260 right gm0QY9npzz8-00077-00087762-00088851 so let's cut up some scallions again as before I like to save this part so we gm0QY9npzz8-00078-00088851-00089655 can plant that get some more scallions and what I'll do is I'm going to cut this again gm0QY9npzz8-00079-00089655-00090600 in chopsticks sized pieces I'm again in a pinch I like to do at any angle gm0QY9npzz8-00080-00091386-00092253 so what's gonna happen now is that heat is gonna release the flavor of the scallions gm0QY9npzz8-00081-00092253-00093564 still on high heat and what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to add my sauce and gm0QY9npzz8-00082-00093564-00094194 you're gonna find out that as soon as I do this we're gonna lose ice Italy which gm0QY9npzz8-00083-00094194-00095629 is fine so the pork is cooked the carrots are nice and soft and let's go is face off gm0QY9npzz8-00084-00096340-00097192 and placed an equal parts of soy sauce and voice in is about three tablespoons gm0QY9npzz8-00085-00098258-00099263 and the last thing I'm going to add will be my spice which will be so you can see that's gm0QY9npzz8-00086-00099263-00100241 quieted down quite a bit you got a nice glaze it smells pretty good to do some hot sesame gm0QY9npzz8-00087-00100241-00101015 oil and so this is sesame oil that's been heated with hot chili pepper I'm gonna put gm0QY9npzz8-00088-00101015-00101783 in about a teaspoon if you don't want the heat you can actually get sesame oil that's gm0QY9npzz8-00089-00101783-00102559 not spicy just regular toasted sesame oil and if you like it hotter just add another gm0QY9npzz8-00090-00102559-00104024 teaspoon or two so that he's done I'm gonna shut my walk right off right and I think gm0QY9npzz8-00091-00104024-00106067 I've been talking enough so that the rice just about ready so what's so steamed rice gm0QY9npzz8-00092-00107767-00109150 go forgot my chopsticks so I'm gonna have to go with a fork so let's give gm0QY9npzz8-00093-00109150-00109567 this a try so the pork should be nice and tender kind of hot gm0QY9npzz8-00094-00110781-00111369 I don't know whether it's hot temperature or a spiciness a little bit of both so that's gm0QY9npzz8-00095-00111369-00111710 it for now thanks for stopping by and we'll see you next time gm4C7LTYfxA-00000-00000597-00001116 Discipline or freedom, you're saying that as though it's like, I can either have everything gm4C7LTYfxA-00001-00001116-00001501 structured, which is kind of frustrating or I can have freedom. gm4C7LTYfxA-00002-00001501-00001722 But discipline creates freedom. gm4C7LTYfxA-00003-00001722-00002036 Like discipline is the ultimate freedom. gm4C7LTYfxA-00004-00002036-00002264 How do you say that you would have freedom within your boundaries? gm4C7LTYfxA-00005-00002264-00002638 And how do you implemented that in your life? gm4C7LTYfxA-00006-00002638-00003133 So the best example was with 75 Hard. gm4C7LTYfxA-00007-00003133-00003794 Being in a post 75 Hard environment now, I feel lost. gm4C7LTYfxA-00008-00003794-00004040 And I'm eating things I shouldn't eat. gm4C7LTYfxA-00009-00004040-00004310 I'm skipping workouts I shouldn't skip. gm4C7LTYfxA-00010-00004310-00004772 Simply because I don't have that structure and accountability in place to know that like, gm4C7LTYfxA-00011-00004772-00005257 Oh, wait, I have to do this because I have to do it. gm4C7LTYfxA-00012-00005257-00005952 Taking that away, it's it's almost like I didn't even go through the I don't think I gm4C7LTYfxA-00013-00005952-00006428 fully learned what I needed to learn to the first round the 75 Hard and that's why I'm gm4C7LTYfxA-00014-00006428-00006684 going to do it again next year. gm4C7LTYfxA-00015-00006684-00007095 Because the whole goal is for you to come out of 75 Hard with this intense structure, gm4C7LTYfxA-00016-00007095-00007605 these two workouts a day, the sticking to a diet, your progress pic, your reading. gm4C7LTYfxA-00017-00007605-00008139 And then for that to become just these habits that are natural to you after. gm4C7LTYfxA-00018-00008139-00008239 They didn't. gm4C7LTYfxA-00019-00008239-00008862 Like, I went right back to where, you know, I'm not doing some of these things. gm4C7LTYfxA-00020-00008862-00009506 And so, again, that gets back to if you're if you know your natural position is laziness gm4C7LTYfxA-00021-00009506-00010072 like and you know that putting that type of structure in your life will force the the gm4C7LTYfxA-00022-00010072-00010724 right activities and the right behaviors, then you just know that you have to have that gm4C7LTYfxA-00023-00010724-00010824 structure. gm4C7LTYfxA-00024-00010824-00011665 And this idea of like structure, and especially the word discipline has a negative connotation gm4C7LTYfxA-00025-00011665-00011986 when it comes to freedom. gm4C7LTYfxA-00026-00011986-00012491 But like structure and discipline creates freedom. gm4C7LTYfxA-00027-00012491-00012914 And that can be very Hard for a lot of people understand. gm4C7LTYfxA-00028-00012914-00013293 "Like, okay, so you're saying I've gotta put all of these rules and these processes in gm4C7LTYfxA-00029-00013293-00013774 places, in place to force me to do things, but that's gonna make me feel more free?" gm4C7LTYfxA-00030-00013774-00013922 And it does. gm4C7LTYfxA-00031-00013922-00014413 And you'll never really, you'll never really understand until you experience it. gm4C7LTYfxA-00032-00014413-00014626 But discipline equals freedom. gm4C7LTYfxA-00033-00014626-00015050 Like putting in processes to keep disciplined on doing the things you know you're supposed gm4C7LTYfxA-00034-00015050-00015657 to do, puts you in a place where there is no backing down. gm4C7LTYfxA-00035-00015657-00015935 There is no not doing it. gm4C7LTYfxA-00036-00015935-00016445 Especially when you're being held accountable in a public way, which we were in 75 Hard. gm4C7LTYfxA-00037-00016445-00016852 There was no way I was not going to do something. gm4C7LTYfxA-00038-00016852-00017448 But this morning when I something I shouldn't have eaten for breakfast. gm4C7LTYfxA-00039-00017448-00017548 Poptarts. gm4C7LTYfxA-00040-00017548-00017673 I did eat Poptarts for breakfast. gm4C7LTYfxA-00041-00017673-00017786 It's so funny you say that. gm4C7LTYfxA-00042-00017786-00018031 And I feel terrible for it. gm4C7LTYfxA-00043-00018031-00018482 But I did, and I would have never done that, you know during 75 Hard. gm4C7LTYfxA-00044-00018482-00018782 And so, for me, it's an easy solution. gm4C7LTYfxA-00045-00018782-00019520 I just need to adopt a 75 Hard type structure if it's not actually set 75 Hard, but it's gm4C7LTYfxA-00046-00019520-00020062 something that I adopt and hold myself accountable to publicly then, then that's just what I gm4C7LTYfxA-00047-00020062-00020109 have to do. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00000-00003261-00003334 *Disgruntled Cry of Pain* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00001-00003400-00003647 *Anonymous Man Stuck with Robin Hood Arrow* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00002-00004072-00004136 Oh my Gawd! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00003-00004292-00004452 Don't worry, I'll help you! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00004-00004797-00004909 This may hurt... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00005-00005034-00005094 *Match Cut on Sound of Over Acting Anguish with unhygienic bucket hitting prop set table* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00006-00005324-00005740 *Return of Majestic Electronic Pan Flute Soundtrack* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00007-00007498-00007587 *Continues* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00008-00009894-00010018 What would you have of me? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00009-00010042-00010257 I would have you to be my husband! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00010-00010304-00010556 Truly fair maiden, I cast myself never to be a wedded man! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00011-00010608-00010720 Then be my lover! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00012-00010788-00011120 Then I would be rewarding your father and brother with evil in exchange for their great goodness. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00013-00011154-00011228 Well, alas! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00014-00011258-00011452 Must I die for your Love?! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00015-00011542-00011646 *Spoiler Alert* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00016-00011698-00011860 The answer is yes. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00017-00012604-00012764 I'm 1/2 sick of shadowz. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00018-00013694-00013878 You seem to be doing better! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00019-00013934-00014002 I had a good "healer". hoBiYO3Dh3A-00020-00014062-00014226 *Dramatic Smile of Reassurance* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00021-00014288-00014408 What is your name? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00022-00014450-00014568 I'm Elaine of Shit-Lot. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00023-00014732-00014782 *Hi Cameraman!* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00024-00014922-00015035 I'm in Shit-Lot? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00025-00015156-00015212 *Scoff* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00026-00015263-00015356 Wow!!! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00027-00015425-00015616 Shat down so close to home!!! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00028-00015830-00015934 Do I have my "belongings"? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00029-00016006-00016118 I set them in the corner. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00030-00016543-00016671 Where are you from? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00031-00016798-00016926 I'm from Came-Alot hoBiYO3Dh3A-00032-00017828-00017878 * WTF? * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00033-00018122-00018250 Who are you anyway? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00034-00018352-00018544 Some people call me... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00035-00018570-00018620 anal hoBiYO3Dh3A-00036-00018628-00018678 Wart hoBiYO3Dh3A-00037-00018742-00018824 Wart! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00038-00018902-00018994 What kind of a - hoBiYO3Dh3A-00039-00019002-00019094 *Acting* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00040-00019096-00019152 Well... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00041-00019243-00019325 I'm sure it's a lovely name hoBiYO3Dh3A-00042-00019338-00019399 In Came-Alot! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00043-00019514-00019618 It's accepted. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00044-00019724-00019868 What is it like there? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00045-00019912-00020186 Is Arthur really the King stories say he is? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00046-00020212-00020275 Came-Alot... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00047-00020275-00020325 *Orgasmic Line Delivery* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00048-00020325-00020523 Is lovely! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00049-00020643-00020707 Butt.... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00050-00020790-00020920 The King is passive... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00051-00021058-00021186 He tries to be good. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00052-00021196-00021246 Butt... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00053-00021453-00021741 He's not so fearless as they say in stories. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00054-00021882-00021986 That's a shame. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00055-00022214-00022436 You've a beautiful view of Came-Alot here. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00056-00022619-00022731 I would not know! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00057-00022806-00023006 I'm forbidden to look upon Came-Alot. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00058-00023068-00023118 Y? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00059-00023142-00023247 To protect myself. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00060-00023322-00023402 I am cursed. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00061-00023426-00023498 *Emoting* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00062-00023514-00023682 If I were ever to look upon Came-Alot... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00063-00023730-00023864 The curse would cum upon me. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00064-00023910-00024068 *Confusion* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00065-00024096-00024162 Sow... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00066-00024211-00024499 Why do you live just across the lake from it? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00067-00024526-00024682 Uh like knowing it's there. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00068-00024718-00024902 And now my husband is there! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00069-00024924-00025140 Serving in the King's stead as he "searches" for the Grail! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00070-00025506-00025706 *Attacking Camera Approach* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00071-00026366-00026542 I can look upon Came-Alot here! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00072-00026582-00026688 IN YOUR MIRROR?!?! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00073-00026848-00027024 It's ah "Scrying Mirror"! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00074-00027052-00027236 I can see anything I want to! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00075-00027277-00027381 Wut haz pazt... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00076-00027424-00027688 Wut is going on now in a far away place... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00077-00027712-00027986 Sometimes I can even see what's to cum! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00078-00028045-00028450 *Rain Forest Cafe Sound Effect* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00079-00028598-00028804 Here I can summon the shadows of the world! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00080-00028902-00029082 That is my husband: Lances-Alot! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00081-00029283-00029372 He'll cum home soon. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00082-00029398-00029526 I just know he will. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00083-00029699-00029851 Would you be able to... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00084-00029851-00029901 *Wink Wink* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00085-00029927-00030023 See the Queen? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00086-00030550-00030610 That's her! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00087-00030610-00030745 The Lady Gwen-Her-Rear! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00088-00031686-00031854 You need to get some rest. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00089-00033002-00033142 *Reverse footage of waking up* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00090-00033468-00033652 *Erotic Reading* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00091-00034054-00034240 * Acting * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00092-00034748-00035020 * Renewed Attacking Approach to Camera * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00093-00036294-00036454 * Oh yeah, I can't read! * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00094-00036678-00036896 Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... hoBiYO3Dh3A-00095-00038500-00038580 Excalibur? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00096-00038815-00039583 * Acting * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00097-00040945-00041073 Ur doing very well. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00098-00041176-00041324 I heal very quickly. Always have. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00099-00041360-00041452 INDEED. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00100-00041552-00041840 The man that possesses Excalibur possesses many powers! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00101-00041880-00042007 What are you doing?! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00102-00042064-00042114 Stahp! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00103-00042114-00042192 Where did you get it? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00104-00042195-00042245 Elaine! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00105-00042246-00042310 Didja steel it? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00106-00042352-00042474 Are you an enemy to the King? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00107-00042474-00042578 I'm not an enemy to the King! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00108-00042578-00042628 Elaine! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00109-00042628-00042686 Then who are you!? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00110-00042686-00042735 Speak clearly- hoBiYO3Dh3A-00111-00042736-00042850 I AM THE KING! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00112-00042864-00043140 *Electronic Music Climaxes* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00113-00043170-00043258 I'm so sorry. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00114-00043356-00043548 You have nothing to b sorry 4. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00115-00043644-00043892 Your loyalty and love is impressive. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00116-00044030-00044230 You saved the King of Britain. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00117-00044272-00044428 You are a hero and a Queen in waiting. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00118-00044722-00044850 * Improvised Kiss * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00119-00044964-00046028 * Electronic Climax Continues * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00120-00046142-00046360 * Rain Forest Cafe Sound Effect * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00121-00047012-00047236 * Actor Whimpers in Desperation* hoBiYO3Dh3A-00122-00048112-00048202 * Definitely Not A Stock Sound Effect * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00123-00048224-00048322 * Acting * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00124-00048362-00048514 I WAIT FAITHFULLY!!!! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00125-00048576-00048734 * Incomprehensible Exclaims * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00126-00048762-00049370 I WAIT FOR FIVE YEARS ON THIS GAWD-FORESAKEN ISLAND, WHILE MY HUSBAND TAKES YOUR QUEEN AT NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00127-00049412-00049502 What're you talking about? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00128-00049544-00049652 * Dramatic Finger Pointing * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00129-00050988-00051056 Leave me be! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00130-00051072-00051146 LET GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00131-00051168-00051272 LOOK AT ME!!!!! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00132-00051302-00051462 THEY DON'T DESERVE US!!!!! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00133-00051578-00051688 Cum b w/me. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00134-00051816-00051912 B my Queen. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00135-00052020-00052148 My faithful Queen. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00136-00052196-00052306 A FAITHFUL QUEEN!?! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00137-00052316-00052366 * DRAMATIC CUT * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00138-00052382-00052711 A QUEEN THAT WOULD LEAVE HER HUSBAND FOR YOU IS NOT A FAITHFUL QUEEN AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hoBiYO3Dh3A-00139-00053048-00053267 * Acting * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00140-00053291-00053365 The "curse". hoBiYO3Dh3A-00141-00053574-00053741 * Dramatic Breathing * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00142-00054458-00054572 What curse? hoBiYO3Dh3A-00143-00054688-00054904 That I'm to die of a broken heart. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00144-00055228-00055278 PLEASE hoBiYO3Dh3A-00145-00055278-00055350 PROMISE ME hoBiYO3Dh3A-00146-00055350-00055596 That when you return to Came-Alot that you'll take me. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00147-00055596-00055791 I want to be there and lie with my husband. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00148-00055829-00055986 * Acting * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00149-00056041-00056132 I promise. hoBiYO3Dh3A-00150-00056386-00056776 * She ded * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00151-00056776-00057205 * Indifferent French Ducks * hoBiYO3Dh3A-00152-00058702-00059084 *Picture* Edited on Final Cut Pro hoBiYO3Dh3A-00153-00059591-00060052 * End of Electronic Pan Celtic Soundtrack * h1S_zb3xVvA-00000-00000000-00000477 WikiFundi, the offline editing plate-forme of Wikipedia and Vikidia. 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at Core Power so I'm h2U66vQvW-8-00004-00004334-00005005 exhausted and I'm ready for bed I've been up since 6am I'm trying to get up at 5am for h2U66vQvW-8-00005-00005005-00005637 5 a.m February so I thought why not share my little nighttime routine for my early early h2U66vQvW-8-00006-00005637-00006077 morning and then I figure we can just start with my skincare typically my nighttime routine h2U66vQvW-8-00007-00006077-00006601 which you can see here starts with dinner but I just feel like it's a little too early h2U66vQvW-8-00008-00006601-00007442 to eat right now so let's get into this hair before we do my hair I wanted to show you h2U66vQvW-8-00009-00007442-00007997 guys this outfit how cute is it I honestly I got it from Amazon so I'll put the links h2U66vQvW-8-00010-00007997-00008631 down below and I just think it is so cute like a nice floating robe and then the silky h2U66vQvW-8-00011-00008631-00009090 set came in a set of three so I actually have a color that matches the strobe and then I h2U66vQvW-8-00012-00009090-00010056 have another like pinky color so I am obsessed oh and I want to change out my flowers as h2U66vQvW-8-00013-00010056-00010918 well [Music] h2U66vQvW-8-00014-00010918-00013450 [Music] thank you h2U66vQvW-8-00015-00013450-00014704 while I am taking my hair down I also wanted to share with you guys just like some tips h2U66vQvW-8-00016-00014704-00015445 for self-love and like okay so I always want to encourage my friends like take some time h2U66vQvW-8-00017-00015445-00016122 to really like take care of yourself this Valentine's Day season like I love love love h2U66vQvW-8-00018-00016122-00016533 buying myself flowers and like that's not something that I used to do like I used to h2U66vQvW-8-00019-00016533-00017060 think it would be a waste of time or that like they just didn't count if I bought flowers h2U66vQvW-8-00020-00017060-00017590 for myself but girl if you don't love yourself how are you gonna love somebody else if you h2U66vQvW-8-00021-00017590-00018269 can't love yourself how in the hell you gonna love somebody else that's what so seriously h2U66vQvW-8-00022-00018269-00018739 leave there's something that you h2U66vQvW-8-00023-00018739-00019134 for the guy you're dating or your boyfriend or your husband or anyone to get it for you h2U66vQvW-8-00024-00019134-00019967 another thing that I think is so so important when it comes to like cultivating self-love h2U66vQvW-8-00025-00019967-00020539 and like just really being content with where you are in the moment is truly cultivating h2U66vQvW-8-00026-00020539-00021254 a routine that like helps you love yourself that helps you challenge yourself I think h2U66vQvW-8-00027-00021254-00021856 I love myself the most and I feel the most like safe and secure in who I am when I'm h2U66vQvW-8-00028-00021856-00022375 continuously challenging myself to be better but then also rewarding myself for being better h2U66vQvW-8-00029-00022375-00023112 as well I'll even take today like I go out and buy myself flowers every Wednesday and h2U66vQvW-8-00030-00023112-00023893 that's like a way that I treat myself but I only buy myself flowers if I take my Berry's h2U66vQvW-8-00031-00023893-00024541 boot camp class and I'm like hell yeah girl you're getting flowers like you worked hard h2U66vQvW-8-00032-00024541-00025229 for this you deserve this and sometimes even when you didn't work hard you still deserve h2U66vQvW-8-00033-00025229-00025782 these things but you know like that just being able to treat myself and reward myself or h2U66vQvW-8-00034-00025782-00026441 pushing myself to that next level like one of my goals for this year is just to be healthier h2U66vQvW-8-00035-00026441-00027094 and stronger than the girl I was yesterday so I love to reward myself when I do things h2U66vQvW-8-00036-00027094-00027760 that help me fall into that mindset another thing that I feel like really helps with just h2U66vQvW-8-00037-00027760-00028552 challenging me and getting me to be the girl that I want to be it's also just like routine h2U66vQvW-8-00038-00028552-00029330 like I am in love my skincare routine and I also use it as a way to like reward myself h2U66vQvW-8-00039-00029330-00030406 as well like I am just obsessed with the results that I see when I know I'm on top of my skincare h2U66vQvW-8-00040-00030406-00030908 it's like nature and my body is like rewarding me for being consistent and like taking care h2U66vQvW-8-00041-00030908-00031889 of myself you know and I am obsessed with this moisturizer it smells so but I think h2U66vQvW-8-00042-00031889-00032249 I mentioned it and um like I always feels like a day in my life New York City Vlog I'll h2U66vQvW-8-00043-00032249-00032816 put the link up even though I think this video might go live before that video but but don't h2U66vQvW-8-00044-00032816-00033531 intimidate yourself or like challenge yourself too much like it should be an easy easy thing h2U66vQvW-8-00045-00033531-00034105 like I wouldn't recommend someone who barely you know washes their face or takes off their h2U66vQvW-8-00046-00034105-00034794 makeup before they go to sleep to do my like 500 step nighttime skin routine like let's h2U66vQvW-8-00047-00034794-00035506 start small let's just wash our face and put on some moisturizer and then go to sleep and h2U66vQvW-8-00048-00035506-00035952 then once we get back down let's watch our face add on a serum and then go to sleep and h2U66vQvW-8-00049-00035952-00036377 then once we get back down let's wash our face put on some toner do a serum add some h2U66vQvW-8-00050-00036377-00036899 scents don't challenge yourself too much don't bite off more than you can chew like your h2U66vQvW-8-00051-00036899-00037597 nighttime routine should be easy and it should be rewarding like but it should not be intimidating h2U66vQvW-8-00052-00037597-00038193 one of the yoga sutures of patanjali is actually your yoga practice should be pleasant but h2U66vQvW-8-00053-00038193-00039074 firm and I feel like that's a great way to live life like your routines the way you challenge h2U66vQvW-8-00054-00039074-00039613 yourself it should be pleasant like don't do anything you don't want to do don't do h2U66vQvW-8-00055-00039613-00040171 anything um for the sake of like grinding and for the sake of doing something and for h2U66vQvW-8-00056-00040171-00040980 the sake of working 50 hours a day do something because it's Pleasant to you or it helps you h2U66vQvW-8-00057-00040980-00041586 become the person you want to become but also because it's firm like it helps you ground h2U66vQvW-8-00058-00041586-00042325 in yourself I might be getting a little too Spacey here but if you know you know God my h2U66vQvW-8-00059-00042325-00042766 face is kind of red after that guasha but I think that means it's working one thing h2U66vQvW-8-00060-00042766-00043706 I did realize I forgot to do was massage my scalp I am like a little paranoid that I'm h2U66vQvW-8-00061-00043706-00044468 balding and like thinning here so I like to just put this serum on my edges from the ordinary h2U66vQvW-8-00062-00044468-00044984 I'm not seeing the results that I truly want to see but I am noticing like more hair growth h2U66vQvW-8-00063-00044984-00045831 I'm like can we grow more hair where I feel like my hair is thin at the point but I'm h2U66vQvW-8-00064-00045831-00046387 saying like more hair growth like around here like I feel like there's more hair that's h2U66vQvW-8-00065-00046387-00047075 like growing towards my eyebrows and I'm like oh well that's nice I guess I'm going to have h2U66vQvW-8-00066-00047075-00047662 a burger and fries because you know what why not let's let's get into it I deserve you h2U66vQvW-8-00067-00047662-00047836 deserve we deserve h2U66vQvW-8-00069-00050894-00051496 [Music] h2U66vQvW-8-00070-00051496-00052096 [Music] h2U66vQvW-8-00071-00052096-00052745 okay so I just finished it's supposed to be a page I'm like nearly two pages but I'm gonna h2U66vQvW-8-00072-00052745-00053327 turn in anyway because I'm obsessed and I love it hopefully my professor isn't too mad h2U66vQvW-8-00073-00053327-00053885 um the food was done a long time ago but I just wanted to get this done before I eat h2U66vQvW-8-00074-00053885-00054829 so an authentically empowered person lives and love I use this cashew cheese um I'm really h2U66vQvW-8-00075-00054829-00055458 excited to try it it's my first time I'm not really a vegan but I just like to you know h2U66vQvW-8-00076-00055458-00056149 eat a little healthier every once in a while so vegan mayo oh my God I sweared guys I'm h2U66vQvW-8-00077-00056149-00056861 not vegan I just don't even like regular Mayo I think vegan Mayo just tastes better I will h2U66vQvW-8-00078-00056861-00057283 use like Miracle Whip I do really like that but I don't even know where to get it in New h2U66vQvW-8-00080-00060497-00061091 [Music] h2U66vQvW-8-00081-00061091-00061686 [Music] h2U66vQvW-8-00082-00061686-00062892 [Music] okay so I'm feeling pretty good there was a lot of things that I wanted to do before h2U66vQvW-8-00083-00062892-00063758 I sat down and have dinner like my homework for psychology of the United Nations and h2U66vQvW-8-00084-00063758-00064536 and what's your YouTube videos hi Cat part of being at peace santosha that contentment h2U66vQvW-8-00085-00064536-00065158 energy and just truly loving yourself is acknowledging that you know what hey maybe tonight I've h2U66vQvW-8-00086-00065158-00066089 done all I can do and I do have the space to do more tomorrow also I got the poppy pop h2U66vQvW-8-00087-00066089-00066870 that I've been seeing everywhere and h2U66vQvW-8-00088-00066870-00067563 okay it has like this really weird artificially like sugary taste that I don't like it's also h2U66vQvW-8-00089-00067563-00068336 pretty flat I don't know maybe if mine is just flat but I'm like wow I'd rather would h2U66vQvW-8-00090-00068336-00068902 have kombucha I also don't really like pop but I'm trying not to drink wine so this is h2U66vQvW-8-00091-00068902-00069514 helping I also feel like every YouTuber ever does this so yeah drinking things that aren't h2U66vQvW-8-00092-00069514-00070363 wine inside of a wine glass h2U66vQvW-8-00093-00070363-00070899 but it's fine if I had one I would have one honestly I'm not that type of like treat yourself h2U66vQvW-8-00094-00070899-00071938 girl if you want a glass of wine have a glass of wine who cares all right well let me watch h2U66vQvW-8-00095-00071938-00072046 Grace h2U66vQvW-8-00096-00072046-00072837 guys I'm literally crying like over Izzy and Danny ducat's love story like it's so good h2U66vQvW-8-00098-00076713-00077087 is h2U66vQvW-8-00099-00077087-00078345 thank you okay so we are hearing up towards of the night I've nearly finished everything h2U66vQvW-8-00100-00078345-00079179 on my nighttime routine checklist and it's time for one more thing I prefer to use red h2U66vQvW-8-00101-00079179-00079848 lights at night it just helps to like cue to my security and Rhythm that like it's night h2U66vQvW-8-00102-00079848-00080726 time it's time to go to sleep so I'm going to turn off the other lights that I have and h2U66vQvW-8-00103-00080726-00080981 it's just gonna be red Night Lights here on out guys it's it's literally 7 47 but I'm h2U66vQvW-8-00104-00080981-00081647 so tired like I just I worked out so much today my tea is going and as soon as it's h2U66vQvW-8-00105-00081647-00082172 done I'm probably gonna snuggle in bed h2U66vQvW-8-00106-00082172-00082651 okay so it is h2U66vQvW-8-00107-00082651-00083504 nearly bedtime I guys it's literally 8 14. h2U66vQvW-8-00108-00083504-00085200 I'm tired I'm done for the day um one of the last things I do before I go to bed is practice h2U66vQvW-8-00109-00085200-00087047 my language I'm currently trying to learn Evo which is a Nigerian language that my father h2U66vQvW-8-00111-00091148-00091949 I use the app drops do it Marble Marble h2U66vQvW-8-00112-00091949-00092073 I don't know [Music] I don't know if my screen's recording though oh I think it is okay easy h2U66vQvW-8-00113-00092073-00092173 no Italian [Music] h2U66vQvW-8-00114-00092173-00092273 uh Yuri Eerie he said h2U66vQvW-8-00115-00092273-00092373 he say he say h2U66vQvW-8-00116-00092373-00092473 I don't know h2U66vQvW-8-00117-00092473-00092573 and you do um h2U66vQvW-8-00118-00092573-00092673 eerie Erie h2U66vQvW-8-00119-00092673-00093226 it's 8 30 now I set my phone to charge and actually I want to turn on the lights because h2U66vQvW-8-00120-00093226-00093468 I want to talk to you all about something we need to we need to have a conversation h2U66vQvW-8-00121-00093468-00093725 right now I'm reading the silent partner so good love it so far I'm only 20 pages in but h2U66vQvW-8-00122-00093725-00094760 I had read it ends with us and it starts with us January and y'all you don't lie to me these h2U66vQvW-8-00123-00094760-00095760 books the hike was so astronomical and the way I was let down the way half of these books h2U66vQvW-8-00124-00095760-00096570 are journal entries written to Ellen DeGeneres bro who cares I cannot believe you guys went h2U66vQvW-8-00125-00096570-00097275 so hard for these books like I it ends with us was by far the better of the two I would h2U66vQvW-8-00126-00097275-00098063 rate it like seven out of ten um the English is very basic if English is your second third h2U66vQvW-8-00127-00098063-00098599 fourth fifth sixth language then like you will not have a problem reading this book h2U66vQvW-8-00128-00098599-00099200 but for someone who's a native English speaker I was like I don't know when I like to read h2U66vQvW-8-00129-00099200-00099830 I want to Google words I want to learn a new word if it's a professionally written book h2U66vQvW-8-00130-00099830-00100338 and I know all the words I just feel like that's a problem like I just don't like stuff h2U66vQvW-8-00131-00100338-00101032 like that so it was good trigger warning if you don't like like domestic violence there h2U66vQvW-8-00132-00101032-00101832 is some stuff of that in here um but overall like would I recommend this to a friend no h2U66vQvW-8-00133-00101832-00102444 and I cannot believe you all recommended it to me this book is a continuation of that h2U66vQvW-8-00134-00102444-00102951 and it just leaves a lot to be desired I mean I was already disappointed by this one but h2U66vQvW-8-00135-00102951-00103485 I had already bought it so I was like let me just read it and yeah half of this book h2U66vQvW-8-00136-00103485-00103935 is this book we're just reading the journal entries again from now on the point of view h2U66vQvW-8-00137-00103935-00104358 of someone else why are we reading the same journal entries can we not get new journal h2U66vQvW-8-00138-00104358-00105028 entries like it just seems so lazy to me um but I mean honestly good for her get your h2U66vQvW-8-00139-00105028-00105368 bad girl because you literally copied and pasted this put it in here and like made a h2U66vQvW-8-00140-00105368-00106010 made a coin I mean honestly she didn't have to put much work into this one the ending h2U66vQvW-8-00141-00106010-00106670 was sweet it was nice but I did find myself staying up really late because I just wanted h2U66vQvW-8-00142-00106670-00107217 it to be over like I did not want to spend another night reading this book um but it's h2U66vQvW-8-00143-00107217-00108021 cute so if you like this one more than a seven I guess because I did I give it a seven yeah h2U66vQvW-8-00144-00108021-00108730 I think I would give it a sub ah maybe a five maybe a five and a three I know it's there h2U66vQvW-8-00145-00108730-00109248 was one point and I think it was this one where she was like I don't want a ride or h2U66vQvW-8-00146-00109248-00109898 die friend because a ride or die person means they're not gonna tell you when you're wrong h2U66vQvW-8-00147-00109898-00110534 and I'm just like why is this white lady using like African vernacular English like that's h2U66vQvW-8-00148-00110534-00111204 not what writer dying means but because you're now co-opting a phrase that doesn't belong h2U66vQvW-8-00149-00111204-00111917 to your culture and now giving it a new meaning I'm totally not with you and maybe that was h2U66vQvW-8-00150-00111917-00112408 why I didn't like it so much it just seemed so oh it was just gross if I take these gummies h2U66vQvW-8-00151-00112408-00112841 I love them I think they're so good okay guys thanks for hanging out with me we really did h2U66vQvW-8-00152-00112841-00113399 my entire nighttime routine I think it's truly like I don't even think it's nine o'clock h2U66vQvW-8-00153-00113399-00114274 yet but I'm trying to wake up at five so let's see if it happens today is I'm going to bed h2U66vQvW-8-00154-00114274-00114904 like an hour earlier than usual but I'm also very exhausted it worked out so much so I'll h2U66vQvW-8-00155-00114904-00115461 see you guys on the flip side in like five seconds hopefully it's 5 a.m and I'm waking h2U66vQvW-8-00156-00115461-00116308 up I died in bushy tailed. h2U66vQvW-8-00157-00116308-00116728 It's 5:19. h2U66vQvW-8-00158-00116728-00117986 I'm counting this as a win. h2U66vQvW-8-00159-00117986-00118197 [Music] h3unSRkAGbk-00000-00000250-00000388 down h3unSRkAGbk-00001-00000895-00001028 always h3unSRkAGbk-00002-00001522-00001665 face h3unSRkAGbk-00003-00002110-00002233 often h3unSRkAGbk-00004-00002632-00002773 sea h3unSRkAGbk-00005-00003149-00003277 keep h3unSRkAGbk-00006-00003682-00003813 hear h3unSRkAGbk-00007-00004218-00004354 real h3unSRkAGbk-00008-00004842-00004962 together h3unSRkAGbk-00009-00005474-00005599 still h3unSRkAGbk-00010-00006054-00006167 those h3unSRkAGbk-00011-00006631-00006770 grow h3unSRkAGbk-00012-00007230-00007373 open h3unSRkAGbk-00013-00007799-00007938 life h3unSRkAGbk-00014-00008397-00008518 found h3unSRkAGbk-00015-00009084-00009207 country 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h3unSRkAGbk-00784-00450446-00450590 stop h3unSRkAGbk-00785-00450988-00451128 sea h3unSRkAGbk-00786-00451510-00451646 care h3unSRkAGbk-00787-00452061-00452199 left h3unSRkAGbk-00788-00452620-00452730 white h3unSRkAGbk-00789-00453174-00453312 down h3unSRkAGbk-00790-00453767-00453876 night h3unSRkAGbk-00791-00454318-00454428 write h3unSRkAGbk-00792-00454864-00454992 stand h3unSRkAGbk-00793-00455457-00455577 paper h3unSRkAGbk-00794-00456003-00456136 new h3unSRkAGbk-00795-00456538-00456680 draw h3unSRkAGbk-00796-00457155-00457275 found h3unSRkAGbk-00797-00457758-00457897 walk h3unSRkAGbk-00798-00458364-00458503 room h3unSRkAGbk-00799-00458997-00459119 cross h3unSRkAGbk-00800-00459566-00459702 few h3unSRkAGbk-00801-00460099-00460232 own h3unSRkAGbk-00802-00460663-00460778 learn h3unSRkAGbk-00803-00461230-00461371 both h3unSRkAGbk-00804-00461773-00461896 let h3unSRkAGbk-00805-00462299-00462432 begin h3unSRkAGbk-00806-00462920-00463048 second h3unSRkAGbk-00807-00463508-00463646 far h3unSRkAGbk-00808-00464043-00464174 head h3unSRkAGbk-00809-00464574-00464712 next h3unSRkAGbk-00810-00465156-00465271 watch h3unSRkAGbk-00811-00465736-00465864 stand h3unSRkAGbk-00812-00466282-00466405 cut h3unSRkAGbk-00813-00466846-00466967 friend h3unSRkAGbk-00814-00467382-00467523 sea h3unSRkAGbk-00815-00467881-00468012 feet h3unSRkAGbk-00816-00468366-00468484 eat h3unSRkAGbk-00817-00468868-00468985 never h3unSRkAGbk-00818-00469430-00469568 walk h3unSRkAGbk-00819-00470023-00470138 letter h3unSRkAGbk-00820-00470574-00470713 fish h3unSRkAGbk-00821-00471172-00471303 book h3unSRkAGbk-00822-00471778-00471919 both h3unSRkAGbk-00823-00472408-00472536 second h3unSRkAGbk-00824-00472990-00473132 saw h3unSRkAGbk-00825-00473544-00473664 since h3unSRkAGbk-00826-00474181-00474304 school h3unSRkAGbk-00827-00474782-00474908 eye h3unSRkAGbk-00828-00475323-00475456 word h3unSRkAGbk-00829-00475934-00476057 answer h3unSRkAGbk-00830-00476546-00476666 paper h3unSRkAGbk-00831-00477131-00477272 draw h3unSRkAGbk-00832-00477697-00477836 left h3unSRkAGbk-00833-00478256-00478379 dont h3unSRkAGbk-00834-00478829-00478957 took h3unSRkAGbk-00835-00479445-00479565 found h3unSRkAGbk-00836-00480048-00480171 often h3unSRkAGbk-00837-00480654-00480777 cross h3unSRkAGbk-00838-00481253-00481397 open h3unSRkAGbk-00839-00481896-00482029 always h3unSRkAGbk-00840-00482619-00482742 country h3unSRkAGbk-00841-00483280-00483395 learn h3unSRkAGbk-00842-00483860-00483990 door h3unSRkAGbk-00843-00484445-00484558 start h3unSRkAGbk-00844-00484989-00485098 white h3unSRkAGbk-00845-00485568-00485688 story h3unSRkAGbk-00846-00486140-00486279 far h3unSRkAGbk-00847-00486715-00486853 grow h3unSRkAGbk-00848-00487269-00487392 let h3unSRkAGbk-00849-00487796-00487906 might h3unSRkAGbk-00850-00488369-00488507 four h3unSRkAGbk-00851-00488967-00489077 night h3unSRkAGbk-00852-00489513-00489622 their h3unSRkAGbk-00853-00490038-00490166 keep h3unSRkAGbk-00854-00490615-00490740 study h3unSRkAGbk-00855-00491185-00491315 hear h3unSRkAGbk-00856-00491801-00491911 thought h3unSRkAGbk-00857-00492418-00492556 once h3unSRkAGbk-00858-00493078-00493204 children h3unSRkAGbk-00859-00493734-00493865 began h3unSRkAGbk-00860-00494372-00494484 should h3unSRkAGbk-00861-00494988-00495132 city h3unSRkAGbk-00862-00495539-00495678 tree h3unSRkAGbk-00863-00496088-00496205 while h3unSRkAGbk-00864-00496683-00496801 close h3unSRkAGbk-00865-00497284-00497402 horse h3unSRkAGbk-00866-00497835-00497966 head h3unSRkAGbk-00867-00498358-00498520 idea h3unSRkAGbk-00868-00498940-00499066 still h3unSRkAGbk-00869-00499499-00499638 life h3unSRkAGbk-00870-00500063-00500200 mark h3unSRkAGbk-00871-00500625-00500759 own h3unSRkAGbk-00872-00501190-00501304 river h3unSRkAGbk-00873-00501712-00501845 new h3unSRkAGbk-00874-00502253-00502386 begin h3unSRkAGbk-00875-00502799-00502942 seem h3unSRkAGbk-00876-00503412-00503533 together h3unSRkAGbk-00877-00504060-00504178 father h3unSRkAGbk-00878-00504614-00504752 run h3unSRkAGbk-00879-00505171-00505283 those h3unSRkAGbk-00880-00505701-00505837 few h3unSRkAGbk-00881-00506244-00506380 hard h3unSRkAGbk-00882-00506801-00506936 real h3unSRkAGbk-00883-00507341-00507477 car h3unSRkAGbk-00884-00507882-00508026 last h3unSRkAGbk-00885-00508446-00508556 write h3unSRkAGbk-00886-00508987-00509131 face h3unSRkAGbk-00887-00509585-00509708 music h3unSRkAGbk-00888-00510176-00510314 down h3unSRkAGbk-00889-00510740-00510868 late h3unSRkAGbk-00890-00511265-00511385 got h3unSRkAGbk-00891-00511824-00511962 room h3unSRkAGbk-00892-00512428-00512537 under h3unSRkAGbk-00893-00512963-00513101 sure h3unSRkAGbk-00894-00513546-00513681 food h3unSRkAGbk-00895-00514089-00514204 an h3unSRkAGbk-00896-00514554-00514692 sun h3unSRkAGbk-00897-00515105-00515248 stop h3unSRkAGbk-00898-00515685-00515821 care h3unSRkAGbk-00899-00516294-00516422 second h5iPrEL_2OY-00000-00000126-00000600 started. Morning routine for Forte h5iPrEL_2OY-00001-00000630-00000744 Unexpectedly it was taken because night routine was popular h5iPrEL_2OY-00004-00001348-00001574 One muscle training in the morning to make the most out h5iPrEL_2OY-00008-00002532-00002742 I'm sorry lie h5iPrEL_2OY-00010-00003254-00003340 Forte will see h5iPrEL_2OY-00011-00003508-00003746 You look like a pure boy h5iPrEL_2OY-00012-00003942-00004180 Welcome to Animal Zoo h5iPrEL_2OY-00014-00004618-00004854 Play with mini and mugi h5iPrEL_2OY-00025-00008308-00008378 sit h5iPrEL_2OY-00026-00008480-00008714 Good thing h5iPrEL_2OY-00032-00010476-00010776 Wake up with coffee h5iPrEL_2OY-00037-00011740-00011940 On the day of the game I eat fruit h5iPrEL_2OY-00060-00018272-00018482 Chicken breast salad h5iPrEL_2OY-00068-00020626-00020870 Toothpaste after eating h5iPrEL_2OY-00075-00022586-00022888 Before the production carefully h5iPrEL_2OY-00116-00034790-00034990 I can not get behind h5iPrEL_2OY-00122-00036238-00036416 Don't watch this h5iPrEL_2OY-00145-00042480-00042908 Appearance is important h5iPrEL_2OY-00153-00044826-00045288 Dress change time h5iPrEL_2OY-00161-00047930-00048222 Practice before production h5iPrEL_2OY-00164-00049166-00049366 At first finger ring h5iPrEL_2OY-00167-00051736-00051990 My finger does not move in the morning h5iPrEL_2OY-00178-00056248-00056546 Looking back on your performance h5iPrEL_2OY-00183-00057694-00058026 Self suggestion before departure h5iPrEL_2OY-00200-00061741-00061854 Departure h6VO_7jb30y-00000-00000554-00001028 THE 20TH ANNUAL EXERCISE COOPERATION AFLOAT READINESS AND TRAINING, OR CARAT PHILIPPINES h6VO_7jb30y-00001-00001028-00001223 2014 ENDS JULY 1ST. h6VO_7jb30y-00002-00001223-00001810 MORE THAN 1,000 SAILORS AND MARINES PARTICIPATED IN OPERATIONS AT SEA, AMPHIBIOUS LANDINGS, h6VO_7jb30y-00003-00001810-00002208 DIVING AND SALVAGE, AND MARITIME PATROL AND RECONNAISSANCE FLIGHTS. h6VO_7jb30y-00004-00002208-00002750 CARAT IS A CLEAR EXAMPLE OF THE U.S.-PHILIPPINES' LONG-STANDING NAVY-TO-NAVY RELATIONSHIP. h6VO_7jb30y-00005-00002750-00003278 ARMED FORCES VOTERS WEEK AND OVERSEAS CITIZENS VOTERS WEEK BEGIN JUNE 30TH. h6VO_7jb30y-00006-00003278-00003790 VOTING IS ONE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS ENJOYED BY U.S. CITIZENS AND A FREEDOM THAT WE DEFEND. h6VO_7jb30y-00007-00003790-00004469 YOU AND YOUR FAMILY CAN COMPLETE A FEDERAL POST CARD APPLICATION ONLINE AT WWW.FVAP.GOV h6VO_7jb30y-00008-00004469-00004790 TO REGISTER FOR THE NOVEMBER 4TH GENERAL ELECTION. h6VO_7jb30y-00009-00004790-00004985 READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. h6VO_7jb30y-00010-00004985-00005202 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. h9tawK_f6l8-00000-00000968-00001448 welcome to eco sy today we have a hero conversation i'm very excited to have with h9tawK_f6l8-00001-00001448-00002224 us mr tim wilburn who is the industrial sorcerer at tw controls so welcome tim thanks for having h9tawK_f6l8-00002-00002224-00002808 me chris i must admit that is the most unique uh title i've ever seen on linkedin i love it man h9tawK_f6l8-00003-00002896-00003600 well thank you so get us started we love these conversations to share with our our listeners h9tawK_f6l8-00004-00003600-00004216 about your journey to where you're at now well i would love to tell you that i went through school h9tawK_f6l8-00005-00004216-00004776 and knew exactly what i wanted to do and i went to college for this but now my journey was not h9tawK_f6l8-00006-00004776-00005432 like that i grew up in a machine shop actually and really i was i was helping out in my dad's h9tawK_f6l8-00007-00005432-00006168 machine shop when i was about 12 years old and when i turned 16 my dad actually made me go get h9tawK_f6l8-00008-00006168-00006664 a job in the service industry and that was actually true for all our siblings some of h9tawK_f6l8-00009-00006664-00007128 us worked at grocery stores some of us worked at the mall some of us worked at the restaurant and i h9tawK_f6l8-00010-00007128-00007744 started off washing dishes and eventually waiting tables and this might seem like a small side note h9tawK_f6l8-00011-00007808-00008488 but it's the one time in my career that i had to engage with the public both in their best and h9tawK_f6l8-00012-00008488-00009320 their worst moods and that probably helped me more today as far as communicating with people than h9tawK_f6l8-00013-00009320-00009904 anything i ever learned anywhere else but when i turned 18 i was allowed to go back and work h9tawK_f6l8-00014-00009904-00010632 at the machine shop so i went back and i started learning more about machining and fabrication and h9tawK_f6l8-00015-00010632-00011344 i always tell people i wasn't a good machinist but and i always tell people that are in a father-son h9tawK_f6l8-00016-00011344-00011928 relationship you can never pass your parent at a skill because they're they have 30 years h9tawK_f6l8-00017-00011928-00012480 experience on you so i always encourage them to find some lane that they can kind of kick out and h9tawK_f6l8-00018-00012480-00013240 maybe become a compliment to their parent and so at that time my dad was wanting to switch over h9tawK_f6l8-00019-00013240-00013728 and do turnkey automation at that point they did really the mechanical part and somebody h9tawK_f6l8-00020-00013728-00014112 else did the electrical and someone else did the controls well they wanted to do it all in house h9tawK_f6l8-00021-00014168-00014632 and they didn't have anybody for programming and so i thought well okay here's here's an h9tawK_f6l8-00022-00014632-00015376 opportunity let me see if i can program plc's and so my first project actually was probably one of h9tawK_f6l8-00023-00015376-00016160 my my most complicated projects even today and i went in at nights to work on the machine that way h9tawK_f6l8-00024-00016160-00016552 everybody wouldn't know that i didn't know how to program and i went in there by the time you h9tawK_f6l8-00025-00016552-00016952 know we didn't have the internet so i went in there with all the manuals and everything and h9tawK_f6l8-00026-00016952-00017496 i sat down there and i figured out how to program this machine and so i started seeing that i kind h9tawK_f6l8-00027-00017496-00018344 of had a knack for this and i it just seemed to be something i was interested in so that kind of h9tawK_f6l8-00028-00018344-00019032 got me down this road to get started okay now now the how about tw controls how did it lead to that h9tawK_f6l8-00029-00019112-00019576 well i uh worked at my dad's shop until actually it closed and then i h9tawK_f6l8-00030-00019576-00020472 went and worked for a local manufacturer and long story short uh with amber and i are pregnant uh h9tawK_f6l8-00031-00020472-00020856 either seven or eight months with our first son and we both quit our jobs and started the company h9tawK_f6l8-00032-00020960-00021752 wow wow okay uh we definitely didn't have a plan we definitely did not have a uh um a structure h9tawK_f6l8-00033-00021752-00022256 we definitely did not have any of the things that you'd check the boxes to start this company but uh h9tawK_f6l8-00034-00022312-00023112 we uh we had heart i hear you i hear you so what is the focus of tw controls for the listeners that h9tawK_f6l8-00035-00023112-00023968 may maybe knew well tw controls probably the the part that most people don't know is our primary h9tawK_f6l8-00036-00023968-00024656 focus is actually building ul 508a control panels and building simulators and testers that are used h9tawK_f6l8-00037-00024656-00025368 in our industry and the most two biggest ones would be our sim alp2 analog simulator that can h9tawK_f6l8-00038-00025368-00025927 simulate a four to twenty milliamp signal or a zero to ten volt signal and our sim ipe which h9tawK_f6l8-00039-00025927-00026568 is used to troubleshoot and configure ethernet ip devices okay but most people probably know us for h9tawK_f6l8-00040-00026568-00027192 our training that's where they hear from us which actually is not a revenue stream our training is a h9tawK_f6l8-00041-00027192-00027760 is an outreach program that we use just to get people into our industry okay so it's two h9tawK_f6l8-00042-00027848-00028512 basically separate different entities within that tw control umbrella yes okay very cool and i love h9tawK_f6l8-00043-00028512-00029136 the service component that uh your dad made that kind of forced you into yeah i was the same way i h9tawK_f6l8-00044-00029136-00029695 had actually i worked at a at a service station so the old style you know where you pull up and h9tawK_f6l8-00045-00029695-00030048 it ring the bell and we'd come out and clean your windshield and check your oil and things h9tawK_f6l8-00046-00030048-00030439 like that and i'll tell you what working for the public i think everyone should have to do it once h9tawK_f6l8-00047-00030639-00031136 you know just because it's uh it does teach you so much but it helps you in that communication it's h9tawK_f6l8-00048-00031136-00031568 definitely i can just tell by your heart you know you you love serving people and helping people so h9tawK_f6l8-00049-00031568-00032176 that's great now i did notice on linkedin i got to ask you about it you put the college of hard h9tawK_f6l8-00050-00032176-00032832 knocks man so what what's up with that on your linkedin profile well uh so i did i did go the h9tawK_f6l8-00051-00032832-00033392 traditional school method to start with um and i got three and a half years in and decided i knew h9tawK_f6l8-00052-00033392-00034072 it all and i quit and pressed on and learned that i didn't know it all and looking back that may h9tawK_f6l8-00053-00034072-00034688 be one reason that i have such a focus on helping people get into this industry because really when h9tawK_f6l8-00054-00034688-00035384 i was coming up it was you finish high school you go to a four-year school and you start a career h9tawK_f6l8-00055-00035384-00035888 well i i wasn't cut out for a regular college i should have somebody should have told me that h9tawK_f6l8-00056-00035888-00036496 there were technical colleges i didn't even know they existed and you know i could do the work but h9tawK_f6l8-00057-00036496-00037096 i needed that hands-on component i mean i couldn't i couldn't take a test and just to give you an h9tawK_f6l8-00058-00037096-00037744 example of it 20 years ago it's kind of starting to show my age there i took a class on motors h9tawK_f6l8-00059-00037824-00038344 and this was a remote learning class and there was probably my second downfall is yeah i was h9tawK_f6l8-00060-00038344-00038680 doing remote learning 20 years ago and they definitely didn't have it then i don't know h9tawK_f6l8-00061-00038680-00039296 that they have it now right but we did it on motors and it's like i just don't think i'll h9tawK_f6l8-00062-00039296-00039976 ever understand how a motor turns and last year my kids were interested in motors well you know me h9tawK_f6l8-00063-00039976-00040488 if you've seen most of my videos it's okay well let's go cut one apart and figure out how it works h9tawK_f6l8-00064-00040488-00041112 and i cut that motor apart and all of a sudden those equations from 20 years ago and everything h9tawK_f6l8-00065-00041112-00041824 i mean probably with 90 accuracy i remembered them and all of a sudden i grasped oh my goodness this h9tawK_f6l8-00066-00041824-00042424 is how a motor works i needed that hands-on component so the college of hard knocks are h9tawK_f6l8-00067-00042424-00043080 really those hands-on learning experiences that i've had on the way that really i think have been h9tawK_f6l8-00068-00043080-00043808 probably more important in building my career no doubt man and i tell you what that the traditional h9tawK_f6l8-00069-00043808-00044352 uh path that the high school counselors they they're pushing everybody towards that h9tawK_f6l8-00070-00044352-00044760 that's not always right because you know there's there's so much there's so much h9tawK_f6l8-00071-00044816-00045256 uh that could be learned in these trade schools and i think just the work that you're doing h9tawK_f6l8-00072-00045256-00045912 and advocating for the you know people to to learn the skill set and uh trade i mean you h9tawK_f6l8-00073-00045912-00046384 will always have a job you know if you learn some of these the things that you're teaching h9tawK_f6l8-00074-00046456-00046928 absolutely so how about you know you're serving industry in so many ways what are you hearing h9tawK_f6l8-00075-00046928-00047296 out there from a challenge standpoint what do you what do you see down the pipeline from h9tawK_f6l8-00076-00047296-00047952 that they're facing right now well i think we just walked walked right into this question is people h9tawK_f6l8-00077-00047952-00048648 yeah i mean there is such a shortage of people in this industry that i hear of companies that h9tawK_f6l8-00078-00048648-00048992 are making decisions not to do capital improvement projects h9tawK_f6l8-00079-00049048-00049696 because they wouldn't be able to get the people to run it or maintain it i mean and that's just h9tawK_f6l8-00080-00049760-00050232 that is just a sickening feeling that people are well one they're wanting to spend money h9tawK_f6l8-00081-00050232-00050848 they're wanting to improve their processes and the one factor that they can't get is the people h9tawK_f6l8-00082-00050904-00051455 to support it right i mean it's we're hearing it too that workforce attrition i mean people h9tawK_f6l8-00083-00051455-00051984 are retiring faster and they're coming in and you know those mentors are leaving and uh you know so h9tawK_f6l8-00084-00052064-00052560 when i see stuff like what you're doing at tw controls it's it it just gives me hope h9tawK_f6l8-00085-00052560-00053000 you know that you're going to touch that that next generation and really give them that information h9tawK_f6l8-00086-00053000-00053520 that they need to uh to pursue this industry because i think there's there's two tim you h9tawK_f6l8-00087-00053520-00054032 maybe what do you hear about this is there a misperception about industry do you think that's h9tawK_f6l8-00088-00054032-00054608 what's holding some people back from wanting to come into it absolutely i mean and you know we h9tawK_f6l8-00089-00054608-00055320 we watch you know these history documentaries and you see you know this tall person that weighs 250 h9tawK_f6l8-00090-00055320-00055912 pound all muscle and he's covered in dirt and then people think that that's what manufacturing is and h9tawK_f6l8-00091-00055912-00056832 manufacturing is a clean comfortable environment that we really have got to show more yeah yeah no h9tawK_f6l8-00092-00056832-00057567 doubt no doubt now how about i know you you mentor a lot of the next generation what's some common uh h9tawK_f6l8-00093-00057567-00058048 tips that you're giving people to when they want to start thinking about coming this route versus h9tawK_f6l8-00094-00058048-00058744 a traditional uh you know college path or things like that it's not it's not as hard as you think h9tawK_f6l8-00095-00058744-00059336 i mean i think if there's anything i can tell everyone out there it is not nearly as hard as h9tawK_f6l8-00096-00059336-00059864 you think you know everybody says well you've got to be you know super good at math no you don't h9tawK_f6l8-00097-00059928-00060479 there may be there may be certain focuses that you have to be exceptional amount but i will say h9tawK_f6l8-00098-00060479-00061224 that most of them you absolutely do not and you'll probably find as you get in you're actually better h9tawK_f6l8-00099-00061224-00061896 at math than you realize you've just never had a practical application where you can be like oh h9tawK_f6l8-00100-00061952-00062608 that is why we would do that yeah that's right and then when you can actually see h9tawK_f6l8-00101-00062608-00063079 it work and like you said on a practical application it seems like that's when it clicks h9tawK_f6l8-00102-00063079-00064096 it that's why that teacher made me do that years ago you know yeah very cool so tim man h9tawK_f6l8-00103-00064096-00064504 you're you're helping people you're giving them these advice and you're being mentors and you've h9tawK_f6l8-00104-00064504-00064984 talked about that so does do you have any mentors that stand out that have helped you along the way h9tawK_f6l8-00105-00065200-00065832 well yeah there's been a lot uh pro well probably since we started off with me working in my dad's h9tawK_f6l8-00106-00065832-00066560 machine shop he definitely was one and uh you know probably more than anything i was never taught h9tawK_f6l8-00107-00066560-00067160 that there was anything i couldn't do i mean i it just wasn't in our vocabulary i mean my dad h9tawK_f6l8-00108-00067160-00067536 was a firm believer that you could do anything all you had to do was set your mind to it and that's h9tawK_f6l8-00109-00067536-00068288 what i try to make sure i tell people today but probably more broadly is people in the plc forums h9tawK_f6l8-00110-00068288-00068856 which they're not as popular as they used to be that's a little concerning to me but over the h9tawK_f6l8-00111-00068856-00069384 years you know they've encouraged me and they've guided me and you know and even they called me out h9tawK_f6l8-00112-00069384-00070008 when i've got something wrong and you know the forums were they're a two-way street they are h9tawK_f6l8-00113-00070008-00070528 conversation just like you and i are having now and i worry about you know now we're more of in to h9tawK_f6l8-00114-00070528-00070968 consumer social media don't get me wrong i do need some people to watch my videos if you will h9tawK_f6l8-00115-00071032-00071536 but it's a lot of one-way street you're just looking at it and you're like oh well i've got it h9tawK_f6l8-00116-00071536-00072296 and those relationships um are still you know actually it just popped in my head h9tawK_f6l8-00117-00072296-00072784 you know we talk these relationships are you know virtual but they're not a lot of the products that h9tawK_f6l8-00118-00072784-00073376 even you see on tw controls we have partnerships with people that we met on the forums and they h9tawK_f6l8-00119-00073376-00074112 are real you know physical genuine relationships yeah and i i will worry a little that we're not h9tawK_f6l8-00120-00074112-00074712 getting that today right now the forms that you're talking about you know maybe share some what are h9tawK_f6l8-00121-00074712-00075208 some of them that you that you frequent that you find people still use maybe not not quite h9tawK_f6l8-00122-00075208-00075784 as often but be curious to know what some of those forms are uh well you have um phil malor's plc's h9tawK_f6l8-00123-00075840-00076600 that is probably i'll say has a good broad um variety of people uh there's one ever on reddit h9tawK_f6l8-00124-00076600-00076952 uh that's a plc forum and there's you know there's a few on linkedin h9tawK_f6l8-00125-00077072-00077600 i can't think of any number off the top of my head but yeah probably probably my favorite one still h9tawK_f6l8-00126-00077600-00078104 which was my favorite 20 years ago or well maybe it was 20 years ago whenever he started it it was h9tawK_f6l8-00127-00078104-00078712 plcs.net yeah yeah okay well we'll definitely make sure we put those links in our show notes h9tawK_f6l8-00128-00078768-00079136 tim for the people who want to check them out and encourage them to go there h9tawK_f6l8-00129-00079136-00079816 uh and participate and learn more so good stuff man now how about you know for h9tawK_f6l8-00130-00079816-00080224 for when you're the happiest and you're doing the work that you enjoy and you got a smile on h9tawK_f6l8-00131-00080224-00080856 your face man what are you doing in those moments probably helping somebody um probably not for pay h9tawK_f6l8-00132-00081032-00081640 i mean really if i you know if i can get an email later and it may be a year or later it may be two h9tawK_f6l8-00133-00081640-00082160 years later i'm getting emails that were ten years later and somebody suddenly at least says hey that h9tawK_f6l8-00134-00082160-00083064 advice you gave me helped me get a job or hey i just used that that um answer that you gave so h9tawK_f6l8-00135-00083064-00083584 many years ago i just used it to fix my machine i mean those are just the moments that i still get h9tawK_f6l8-00136-00083584-00084224 butterflies over and that awesome man that's that is so great now i am curious since you do have the h9tawK_f6l8-00137-00084224-00084872 the panel side of your business and the education side how are you splitting your time up there um h9tawK_f6l8-00138-00084872-00085408 well amber will tell you i probably spend way too much time helping people for free um h9tawK_f6l8-00139-00085408-00086208 we don't do a good job with that but i i think that part's important yeah and yeah there will h9tawK_f6l8-00140-00086208-00086728 probably never be a revenue stream that really you can look at excel spreadsheet and justify it h9tawK_f6l8-00141-00086800-00087496 but we spend insanely too much time on it well i'm sure it's got to be leading you though h9tawK_f6l8-00142-00087496-00087920 with with potential leads and connections for your business and you know i just h9tawK_f6l8-00143-00087920-00088384 know but like you said the piece that you're helping people is is so fulfilling in itself h9tawK_f6l8-00144-00088512-00089096 now how about highlights man when you look back across the things you've done uh what stands out h9tawK_f6l8-00145-00089096-00089600 or maybe videos that that uh perform better than you than you thought they were performed just h9tawK_f6l8-00146-00089600-00090360 curious on what your your take is here hmm well i mean there's plenty of highlights uh you know uh h9tawK_f6l8-00147-00090360-00090712 our first job was probably a big highlight because we realized we weren't going to go under h9tawK_f6l8-00148-00090816-00091392 our first international job that was that was a big deal but probably the one that sticks out h9tawK_f6l8-00149-00091392-00092144 the most to me is we had a job locally that some of the top engineers really couldn't make work h9tawK_f6l8-00150-00092216-00092680 and they spent a year battling it and actually they you know they brought in every manufacturer h9tawK_f6l8-00151-00092680-00093360 and they couldn't and finally myself and three others were challenged with fixing it they're h9tawK_f6l8-00152-00093360-00093848 like whatever you gonna do figure out how to fix this thing and so we spent about a year h9tawK_f6l8-00153-00093848-00094424 really planning it and then we had seven days to shut the system down and bring the next one h9tawK_f6l8-00154-00094424-00094856 online and i would love to say that we flipped the switch and it worked great but uh no it h9tawK_f6l8-00155-00094856-00095576 didn't work that way 33 days later we actually did get it working and working really well and h9tawK_f6l8-00156-00095672-00096384 in that though we took that system from an uptime of 50 to an uptime of over 99 oh wow h9tawK_f6l8-00157-00096472-00096912 and actually it's you know and that's what actually talk about i guess the control h9tawK_f6l8-00158-00096912-00097328 panel side of it really my favorite jobs are the ones where i work my way out of a job h9tawK_f6l8-00159-00097424-00097888 i mean i was there religiously for so long and we got done with that and it was over h9tawK_f6l8-00160-00098032-00098280 i mean i go in there but once a year right h9tawK_f6l8-00161-00098592-00098968 well that sounds like a great story man you said the international job so where was your h9tawK_f6l8-00162-00098968-00099584 international at uh it was in el salvador that was our first international job that's awesome h9tawK_f6l8-00163-00099584-00100232 man congratulations that's that's great stuff now we we love to talk on the the hero episodes h9tawK_f6l8-00164-00100232-00100848 tim a little bit outside of work and and in our careers just to just to get to know the people h9tawK_f6l8-00165-00100848-00101312 so man outside of uh when when you don't have the camera on and you're making awesome videos that h9tawK_f6l8-00166-00101312-00101840 help people or you're not building these these great panels in your shop any hobbies you got well h9tawK_f6l8-00167-00101896-00102632 mostly i enjoy doing things with my kids okay and they never obviously uh and really i enjoy trying h9tawK_f6l8-00168-00102632-00103224 to push them a little bit trying to get them to explore something expose them to something new h9tawK_f6l8-00169-00103328-00103983 their project right now actually so they're um they are being homeschooled just for this year h9tawK_f6l8-00170-00103983-00104448 and i didn't like the amount of screen time they had i just didn't think well obviously you h9tawK_f6l8-00171-00104448-00105024 can tell that i'm a hands-on learner and i didn't feel they were getting all that they could out of h9tawK_f6l8-00172-00105024-00105744 school so we got them a 47 plymouth and by the end of the school year they have to have that restored h9tawK_f6l8-00173-00105744-00106296 oh wow okay so here is the type of things we end up doing so yeah they've learned how to h9tawK_f6l8-00174-00106352-00106783 you know cut floors out how to weld them they had a budget and they couldn't afford h9tawK_f6l8-00175-00106783-00107272 the floors so they had to go buy steel they had to learn how to bend their own steel and h9tawK_f6l8-00176-00107344-00107935 they're uh they're working on the brakes now and yeah before before the end of the school year h9tawK_f6l8-00177-00107935-00108648 for them to pass according to dad they um they have to have it ready to sell man okay okay that h9tawK_f6l8-00178-00108648-00109240 sounds like a fun project man now does dad jump in and help him from time to time or is it all them h9tawK_f6l8-00179-00109296-00109952 um it is mostly them i like to say i guide them in the right direction in fact i'll um i'll send h9tawK_f6l8-00180-00109952-00110592 you a link to a video where they were they were learning how to use a brake drum puller h9tawK_f6l8-00181-00110592-00111104 and i gave them enough to realize how to put it on and how to start tightening them uh-huh h9tawK_f6l8-00182-00111104-00111448 and tell them that you know it was going to suddenly pop off for any of those things h9tawK_f6l8-00183-00111640-00112064 i let them explore a lot of it but yeah we have a good time with that h9tawK_f6l8-00184-00112064-00112592 also amber and i we do a lot of drinking water and sanitation projects that's kind of a h9tawK_f6l8-00185-00112664-00113288 ministry that we really enjoy and actually that came out of me working in el salvador h9tawK_f6l8-00186-00113359-00114159 we were doing a high purity water and a wastewater system at an industrial facility and we were like h9tawK_f6l8-00187-00114159-00114511 all right where do you want to put the effluent or really the treated water and they're like h9tawK_f6l8-00188-00114511-00114880 yeah we're going to put it into this gutter and it goes out to the street and like you h9tawK_f6l8-00189-00114880-00115488 can't do that it's got to go into you know your municipal sewer and they're like no no come here h9tawK_f6l8-00190-00115552-00116135 and we walk over the river and you can see the drain pipe from the sewage and everything else h9tawK_f6l8-00191-00116135-00116608 out of the plant and it just goes right in the river like it goes to the same place and it was h9tawK_f6l8-00192-00116608-00117152 the first time i really started thinking you know what it what is is everybody not h9tawK_f6l8-00193-00117152-00117864 have water out of the tap and it just never had occurred to me before right right so how often do h9tawK_f6l8-00194-00117864-00118408 you guys get to do those types of projects well we're always involved in something um h9tawK_f6l8-00195-00118704-00119208 probably more than we should it's probably exactly the same as our plc training we're involved more h9tawK_f6l8-00196-00119208-00119704 than we should we got you well if it's a ministry that's that's that's important to you and that you h9tawK_f6l8-00197-00119704-00120256 have a passion for i mean i think that's uh that speaks to your character thank you now you've h9tawK_f6l8-00198-00120256-00120808 mentioned your family and so your wife's she's part she's part of tw controls right and then you h9tawK_f6l8-00199-00120808-00121535 have two is it two kids yes we have two kids okay our son michael is 14 and our daughter wendell h9tawK_f6l8-00200-00121535-00122200 is 12. okay now where's uh where are you from originally uh well i'm from right down your way i h9tawK_f6l8-00201-00122200-00122864 was born in rocky mountain north carolina okay and your wife she was born here in roanoke virginia h9tawK_f6l8-00202-00122864-00123383 she's from roanoke so you guys got family pretty close and local to where you're at yes we do h9tawK_f6l8-00203-00123383-00123959 that's very awesome very awesome so how about when you think about things that you consume because h9tawK_f6l8-00204-00123959-00124488 you're you're on youtube i mean all the time with your stuff but what are things that you watch or h9tawK_f6l8-00205-00124488-00125120 that you find value in from podcasts or youtube or even books that you find may be helpful for others h9tawK_f6l8-00206-00125120-00125704 and it could be professional or just personal stuff you enjoy well obviously echo asks why h9tawK_f6l8-00207-00125983-00126896 there you go that's the right answer man but yes we i actually listen to a large variety of content h9tawK_f6l8-00208-00126896-00127535 and the main reason i do is i want to try to take ideas from other industries and try to figure h9tawK_f6l8-00209-00127535-00128135 out how to use them in you know our industry you know different ways of teaching different ways of h9tawK_f6l8-00210-00128135-00128592 usually more it's trying to keep people captivated yeah because you know there's nothing worse h9tawK_f6l8-00211-00128592-00129056 than listening to a dry lecture about motors trust me i did it 20 years ago it didn't work h9tawK_f6l8-00212-00129135-00129928 but so we're so that's that's probably it but usually it's something unrelated i do enjoy you h9tawK_f6l8-00213-00129928-00130480 know in automation i probably enjoy chris lukey's uh manufacturing happy hour that's a fun one h9tawK_f6l8-00214-00130600-00130992 ray and alice and i were manufacturing out loud they're they're doing some great things h9tawK_f6l8-00215-00131072-00131736 uh but really i enjoy i don't know what how do i enjoy i enjoy crime podcasts those are those h9tawK_f6l8-00216-00131736-00132320 are something i enjoy there you go yeah there you go i mean and chris over there at manufacturing h9tawK_f6l8-00217-00132320-00132808 happy hour does a great job he's he's been on we've been on his show and then even ray h9tawK_f6l8-00218-00132864-00133520 uh zignano he's been on eco ecoassy so i mean i love what they're doing in manufacturing out loud h9tawK_f6l8-00219-00133520-00134168 so uh that's good stuff man good stuff well how about we we'd like to play a game tim if you're h9tawK_f6l8-00220-00134168-00134768 willing to play just okay lightning round we just ask a bunch of random stuff and whatever comes h9tawK_f6l8-00221-00134768-00135384 up comes up how about that okay i'm just gonna fire from the hip man so let's see what happens h9tawK_f6l8-00222-00135448-00136096 so starting easy favorite food buddy pizza pizza all right now is that deep dish or does it matter h9tawK_f6l8-00223-00136184-00136744 um pizza is pizza and even bad pizza is good pizza that's right it doesn't even have to be warm right h9tawK_f6l8-00224-00136744-00137488 right that's right how about adult beverage man um either cheap beer or probably good bourbon h9tawK_f6l8-00225-00137560-00138344 what a spectrum okay okay uh sports teams ah you know what don't follow a lot of sports i do enjoy h9tawK_f6l8-00226-00138344-00138856 watching it but i i don't get as big into it as some people in fact usually if i see somebody h9tawK_f6l8-00227-00138856-00139272 that's like really good with the numbers yeah my head goes into recruiting and writing and h9tawK_f6l8-00228-00139272-00139792 i'm like hey let's talk about what you can do with that map did you know the amazing h9tawK_f6l8-00229-00139792-00140632 engineering things that you can do with that there you go i have that all-time favorite movie oh man h9tawK_f6l8-00230-00140632-00141088 all-time favorite movie that is a tough one so i'm just going to have to throw what just came at h9tawK_f6l8-00231-00141088-00141680 the top of my head and i don't even know why i did but walk the line walk the line okay how about um h9tawK_f6l8-00232-00141776-00142376 favorite tv show of all time oh favorite tv show probably star trek you can tell i'm a little geeky h9tawK_f6l8-00233-00142376-00143000 okay okay okay how about music man i like anything rock and roll anything rock and h9tawK_f6l8-00234-00143000-00143656 roll so favorite rock and roll band what would it be oh my that is so difficult h9tawK_f6l8-00235-00143720-00144728 amber's over here laughing now what i i love them all and why can't i not even think of a band now h9tawK_f6l8-00236-00144832-00145376 so is this 80s band or or 80s wrong well i did grow up in the late 80s so yeah probably 80s h9tawK_f6l8-00237-00145376-00145960 and 90s i do love but yeah okay i didn't know if like metallica was that list yeah i definitely am h9tawK_f6l8-00238-00145960-00146448 a fan of metallica yeah i'd even get mega death that wouldn't even go to nor the hard rock yeah h9tawK_f6l8-00239-00146448-00146856 okay okay well we're getting to know a little bit more about you tim so it's starting to h9tawK_f6l8-00240-00146912-00147632 we're peeling back the layers my friend how about a destination man somewhere you've never been but h9tawK_f6l8-00241-00147632-00148400 you hope to go one day um well it needs to be warm to her for amber's requirement and probably h9tawK_f6l8-00242-00148400-00148912 have water because amber and i we love the beach we were actually married barefoot on the beach h9tawK_f6l8-00243-00148912-00149424 okay so yeah it would definitely be warm and have water i got you now all right so you want h9tawK_f6l8-00244-00149424-00149984 to take amber out and have a wonderful night where are you going and what are you doing well h9tawK_f6l8-00245-00150096-00150592 we are probably going to start at a nice restaurant and probably h9tawK_f6l8-00246-00151272-00151784 i mean it's been so long since we've been out but though realistically you know because she did kind h9tawK_f6l8-00247-00151784-00152368 of say it real you know and here's where it's more about the preparation than where we go is if we're h9tawK_f6l8-00248-00152368-00153048 going out we're separating by by three or four and it's like okay one of us is finishing up work h9tawK_f6l8-00249-00153048-00153552 one of us is going to handle the kids right just because we are we're she's right here we're six h9tawK_f6l8-00250-00153552-00154112 feet apart from each other all day but then yeah we would probably pick somewhere probably semi h9tawK_f6l8-00251-00154112-00154600 quite where we can just have some conversation without the kids because obviously the kids are h9tawK_f6l8-00252-00154600-00155264 right here right um and you know we're you know it just just we just love to converse really that's h9tawK_f6l8-00253-00155264-00155960 awesome man it's so good that you guys have that relationship so last one dogs are cats man ah h9tawK_f6l8-00254-00155960-00156448 dogs all right there's only one right answer and you got it right so man that was awesome so h9tawK_f6l8-00255-00156448-00157104 thank you tim that was a lot of fun buddy thank you now we we call eco ass why we we love to h9tawK_f6l8-00256-00157104-00157592 end with the y tim and uh it talks about your passion you know what drives you so if somebody h9tawK_f6l8-00257-00157592-00158160 were to want to know what tim wilbur's why is what would that be you know amber and i h9tawK_f6l8-00258-00158264-00158952 really enjoy being part of something bigger than ourselves and you know i would urge everybody h9tawK_f6l8-00259-00159024-00159784 to find your passion and make it your purpose you know that that is just such a need in our industry h9tawK_f6l8-00260-00159784-00160184 and in fact i would urge you you know i would urge everybody out there you know you need to start h9tawK_f6l8-00261-00160184-00160616 find some way to volunteer and one don't told me that you don't have time because yeah amber h9tawK_f6l8-00262-00160616-00161184 and i don't have time but we still volunteer so you know i i am a firm believer in the 10 h9tawK_f6l8-00263-00161240-00161896 rule and i believe that is money and time and so if you are you know in high school and you're h9tawK_f6l8-00264-00161896-00162488 working 20 hours a week at night you need to find two hours somewhere to volunteer and do something h9tawK_f6l8-00265-00162488-00162992 you know if you've got a 40 hour work schedule you need to find somewhere to volunteer h9tawK_f6l8-00266-00162992-00163792 and yes if you're an executive and you are wide open running 70 hours a week you need to find h9tawK_f6l8-00267-00163792-00164376 seven hours somewhere to volunteer your time no doubt no doubt it's so important to pour back h9tawK_f6l8-00268-00164376-00164880 into others and particularly you know for the industry that we that we support tim you know h9tawK_f6l8-00269-00164880-00165432 just trying to help people be get better and then recognize the the greatness that it is and and h9tawK_f6l8-00270-00165432-00166032 debunked those pers uh perceptions that we talked about earlier so you're doing a phenomenal job how h9tawK_f6l8-00271-00166032-00166448 will people get in touch with with with you and tw controls if they want to learn more h9tawK_f6l8-00272-00166512-00167040 well you can go to twcontrols.com and i would love for you to look at our products but i would love h9tawK_f6l8-00273-00167040-00167536 it even more if you looked at our lessons and started learning and get into our industry no h9tawK_f6l8-00274-00167536-00167952 doubt and we'll make sure we link all that in our show notes for our listeners and tim this has been h9tawK_f6l8-00275-00167952-00168464 a blast i had a wonderful time you know getting to know you and thank you for being such a wonderful h9tawK_f6l8-00276-00168464-00169312 guest on eco sy thanks for having me chris yes sir thank you for listening to eco s y this h9tawK_f6l8-00277-00169312-00169912 show is supported ad free by electrical equipment company eco is redefining the expectations of an h9tawK_f6l8-00278-00169912-00170520 electrical distributor by placing people and ideas before products please subscribe and share with h9tawK_f6l8-00279-00170520-00171080 your colleagues and friends also leave comments feedback any new topic that you would like to hear h9tawK_f6l8-00280-00171136-00172384 to learn more or to share your insights visit ecosy.com that's e-e-c-o a-s-k-s-w-h-y dot com h9tawK_f6l8-00281-00172872-00172880 you hsp_tQdAKyg-00000-00000072-00000288 Let's look at an example hsp_tQdAKyg-00001-00000288-00000488 of an inner product hsp_tQdAKyg-00002-00000488-00000728 other than the dot product; hsp_tQdAKyg-00003-00000888-00001200 it will be closely related hsp_tQdAKyg-00004-00001200-00001592 to the dot product. We'll look at a few hsp_tQdAKyg-00005-00001944-00002400 more dissimilar examples later, hsp_tQdAKyg-00006-00002568-00003304 but for now suppose you have hsp_tQdAKyg-00007-00003584-00004047 been taking observations hsp_tQdAKyg-00008-00004280-00005312 over a long time period, hsp_tQdAKyg-00009-00005712-00006256 say fifty years, hsp_tQdAKyg-00010-00006440-00007072 and now you want to use those observations hsp_tQdAKyg-00011-00007072-00007320 to do with something, hsp_tQdAKyg-00012-00007495-00007959 for example maybe hsp_tQdAKyg-00013-00008208-00008584 you want to do regression hsp_tQdAKyg-00014-00008944-00009360 and regression, we now know, hsp_tQdAKyg-00015-00009552-00010160 involves a dot product. hsp_tQdAKyg-00016-00010432-00010928 Let's put a wrinkle in this however; hsp_tQdAKyg-00017-00011048-00011280 because you've been performing hsp_tQdAKyg-00018-00011280-00011672 these observations so long, hsp_tQdAKyg-00019-00011920-00012784 your newer observations hsp_tQdAKyg-00020-00012912-00014696 are more reliable than your older observations. hsp_tQdAKyg-00021-00015096-00015336 Because, for example, hsp_tQdAKyg-00022-00015336-00015584 improvements in technology hsp_tQdAKyg-00023-00015680-00015928 have improved your ability hsp_tQdAKyg-00024-00015928-00016247 to make reliable measurements. hsp_tQdAKyg-00025-00016720-00016984 For a situation like that hsp_tQdAKyg-00026-00017272-00018384 we have the weighted dot product hsp_tQdAKyg-00027-00018688-00019168 Suppose for example hsp_tQdAKyg-00028-00019336-00020368 you have ten thousand observations hsp_tQdAKyg-00029-00020640-00021284 Then these are stored in a hsp_tQdAKyg-00030-00021368-00022584 ten thousand by one vector. hsp_tQdAKyg-00031-00022744-00025384 The usual dot product would look like this hsp_tQdAKyg-00032-00025920-00026432 However let's make the following declarations: hsp_tQdAKyg-00033-00026736-00028183 The first 5 000 observations hsp_tQdAKyg-00034-00028527-00029816 are only three fifths as reliable hsp_tQdAKyg-00035-00030120-00030983 as the other observations. hsp_tQdAKyg-00036-00032039-00032592 We define a new inner product hsp_tQdAKyg-00037-00032712-00033144 that looks basically like the old one, hsp_tQdAKyg-00038-00033424-00034032 except that these older observations hsp_tQdAKyg-00039-00034272-00035184 have a three-fifths in front of them hsp_tQdAKyg-00040-00035552-00036232 to reflect the fact that they are less reliable, hsp_tQdAKyg-00041-00036320-00036960 and should not be influencing the sum as much. hsp_tQdAKyg-00042-00037112-00037984 In front of the remaining observations hsp_tQdAKyg-00043-00038048-00039408 we'll put a 1. hsp_tQdAKyg-00044-00039408-00040200 And obviously you can modify this example hsp_tQdAKyg-00045-00040320-00040744 to fit your needs; maybe the first hsp_tQdAKyg-00046-00040744-00041344 1 000 observations are even worse, hsp_tQdAKyg-00047-00041344-00041768 maybe there only one fifth as reliable, hsp_tQdAKyg-00048-00041880-00042368 so you have one-fifths, then you have three-fifths, hsp_tQdAKyg-00049-00042424-00042952 then you have ones, and in this way hsp_tQdAKyg-00050-00043008-00043376 you get to control how much hsp_tQdAKyg-00051-00043376-00043808 each observation matters. hsp_tQdAKyg-00052-00043968-00044688 Going back a ways now to our document vector example, hsp_tQdAKyg-00053-00044880-00045376 I said in that lecture that you don't want to bother hsp_tQdAKyg-00054-00045376-00045952 looking at words like “and” and “the” and “she”; hsp_tQdAKyg-00055-00046056-00046600 you only want to use signifiers. hsp_tQdAKyg-00056-00046680-00046984 But with the weighted dot product hsp_tQdAKyg-00057-00046984-00047264 you could look at every word; hsp_tQdAKyg-00058-00047360-00047792 you'd just weigh words like “the” hsp_tQdAKyg-00059-00047792-00048088 which you don't think are very important hsp_tQdAKyg-00060-00048160-00048680 by a very small amount hzzKnVIl_EE-00000-00002493-00003081 Manchester United vs Liverpool match was fierce. hzzKnVIl_EE-00001-00003081-00003613 You have to be satisfied with being beaten by liverpool 5-0 The lack of strategy by Sokljaer hzzKnVIl_EE-00002-00003613-00004011 to you makes Manchester United, who fielded their best squad, conceded in the early minutes hzzKnVIl_EE-00003-00004011-00004560 through two quick goals by Liverpool, namely Keita and Jota The match, which took place hzzKnVIl_EE-00004-00004560-00005037 at Old Trafford, took place at a high tempo Both teams have played attacking football hzzKnVIl_EE-00005-00005037-00005282 since the early minutes. hzzKnVIl_EE-00006-00005282-00005812 Unfortunately for Manchester United, they had to concede first when the game had only hzzKnVIl_EE-00007-00005812-00006032 been running for 5 minutes. hzzKnVIl_EE-00008-00006032-00006529 Nabi Keita scored the first goal after using Mohammed Salah's through ball that escaped hzzKnVIl_EE-00009-00006529-00007048 Harry Maguire's control Liverpool again scored the second goal in the 13th minute, the weak hzzKnVIl_EE-00010-00007048-00007467 coordination of Manchester United's back line made the MU defense pass by the Liverpool hzzKnVIl_EE-00011-00007467-00007584 striker. hzzKnVIl_EE-00012-00007584-00008505 Roberto Firminho released a mature pass into the MU penalty box which was immediately grabbed hzzKnVIl_EE-00013-00008505-00008623 by Digo Jota. hzzKnVIl_EE-00014-00008623-00008793 Again, MU had to concede in the 38th minute. hzzKnVIl_EE-00015-00008793-00008909 Mohammed Salah managed to bring Liverpool away. hzzKnVIl_EE-00016-00008909-00009072 Manchester United is getting more and more depressed. hzzKnVIl_EE-00017-00009072-00009172 Left behind by 3 goals makes MU more frustrated. hzzKnVIl_EE-00018-00009172-00009500 Due to your defense and your fragile midfield, Cristiano Ronaldo has been unable to penetrate hzzKnVIl_EE-00019-00009500-00009984 Liverpool's defenses many times Cristiano ronaldo finally had to commit a hard foul hzzKnVIl_EE-00020-00009984-00010565 on the Liverpool defender until he was given a yellow card. hzzKnVIl_EE-00021-00010565-00010971 Disastrous for MU came back in the 45+3 minute. hzzKnVIl_EE-00022-00010971-00011563 Mohammed Salah scores Liverpool's fourth goal again after exploiting the weakness of United's hzzKnVIl_EE-00023-00011563-00012071 back line Cristiano ronaldo had scored 1 goal but the referee saw the goal as offside, then hzzKnVIl_EE-00024-00012071-00012966 pogba was given a red card, making you inevitably have to play defensively until the game ended hGUdTUyh9Yy-00000-00000074-00000700 If the motors fit in well, what will the next steps in cooperation with these customers be? hGUdTUyh9Yy-00001-00000700-00002400 You know, we do not set the goal to cooperate with these customers, our goal is organizing mass production of these motors. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00002-00002400-00003500 And then, who will buy them, how they will buy - all of this will be the matter of the relationship between the manufacturer and the consumer, to be honest. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00003-00003500-00005000 The manufacturer must sell the product at a reasonable price, provide warranty, servicing, maintenance, technical support, and everything else as expected. And we need to get it on the right track. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00004-00005000-00006000 In other words, for a better understanding, motor production is just one of the necessary parts of what we need to do to develop this area. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00005-00006000-00006200 Yes, absolutely! So, servicing should also be provided? hGUdTUyh9Yy-00006-00006200-00006300 Yes, it should. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00007-00006300-00006900 And we do not make it our mission to produce, because the company aims at something else, at development. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00008-00006900-00008600 Therefore, if we get involved in production now, there will be a conflict, because the economy and labor management for the developer and the manufacturer are different, absolutely different. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00009-00008600-00009100 This means that our task is not to sell separate motors, but to sell the technology. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00010-00009100-00009700 And selling the technology does not mean that we wind the motor, and then you study how it's done - here is a coil, here is another one... hGUdTUyh9Yy-00011-00009700-00011100 The customer will say: "No, it won't do. First, you should provide me with the documentation, technical specifications for the motor, manual, technical passport, test protocols, final reports, certificates." hGUdTUyh9Yy-00012-00011100-00011700 All of these must be fully registered. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00013-00011700-00013900 You should give me the production machinery and tooling, because a machine without tools is scrap metal, I want a well-established technology and trained people who can work with it, and also show me that it is really implemented. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00014-00013900-00014600 This is a development, this is something that sells. And all of this should be geared to specific production volumes. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00015-00014600-00015300 Not like "this is what I did, it's a great motor, here you are". The customer will ask: "Why do I need it?" I don't need it. hGUdTUyh9Yy-00016-00015300-00016600 And we have already observed that manufacturing one motor is one thing, but to develop the same motor to the level of certification is a far more labour-intensive process. hIXvKVx6YCM-00000-00000183-00000308 Abitbol hIXvKVx6YCM-00001-00000421-00000621 Georges Abitbol hIXvKVx6YCM-00002-00000832-00001009 Class man, top of the pop hIXvKVx6YCM-00003-00001189-00001598 has disappeared, hair in the ass hIXvKVx6YCM-00004-00001698-00002033 off the port of Valparezo hIXvKVx6YCM-00005-00002093-00002238 ha, it's beautiful hIXvKVx6YCM-00006-00002389-00002718 but all this takes us away from Georges hIXvKVx6YCM-00007-00002876-00003040 woua pa-pa-dou-la hIXvKVx6YCM-00008-00003083-00003378 anxiety, false anxiety hIXvKVx6YCM-00009-00003420-00003946 I no longer have a landmark, for the moment, woua-dou-da-dou-dou hIXvKVx6YCM-00010-00003946-00004273 Steven, please stop, I've never been able to supervise Michel Legrand hIXvKVx6YCM-00011-00004348-00004677 Okay, okay, cha-bou-ta-dou-tiia hIXvKVx6YCM-00012-00004730-00005000 When I'll be famous, I'll make myself girls hIXvKVx6YCM-00013-00005055-00005435 hmm, I'll splurge hIXvKVx6YCM-00014-00005792-00006070 Steven, stop it's unbearable hKXaCpRVewE-00000-00000054-00000750 books are great allies to help us to move our career as software engineer to the next hKXaCpRVewE-00001-00000750-00001386 level it has several good practices it has several shortcuts to us become more hKXaCpRVewE-00002-00001386-00002064 effective and more productive today let's talk about Java what are amazing Java books hKXaCpRVewE-00003-00002064-00002706 that I can use regularly I will talk about four and at the end I will give an extra hKXaCpRVewE-00004-00003594-00004248 hello everyone welcome to my YouTube channel my name is Otavio Santana and if you want to be more hKXaCpRVewE-00005-00004248-00004968 productive more effective and write better codes to give better results in your organization and hKXaCpRVewE-00006-00004968-00005838 move your career to Next Level welcome to the engineer group so please subscribe give hKXaCpRVewE-00007-00005838-00006695 the like and put your thoughts talk about those books around Java words I recommend to start four hKXaCpRVewE-00008-00006695-00007434 the first one is clean code especially because we work in a team and we need to pay attention hKXaCpRVewE-00009-00007434-00008268 how to write a better code and to share the knowledge inside your organization so as much hKXaCpRVewE-00010-00008268-00008934 readable you can do your code better for everybody inside your organization and also for yourself I hKXaCpRVewE-00011-00008934-00009570 mean you don't like to try to understand the code it's much better when a code explained about it hKXaCpRVewE-00012-00009648-00010512 self so clean code can help you to explore a nomenclature and why we should avoid something like hKXaCpRVewE-00013-00010512-00011442 interface and implementation with "imp" at the end or a list of strings with the variable name "list" hKXaCpRVewE-00014-00011550-00012192 it should be meaningful it may need to make sense to the business and for you remember when you talk hKXaCpRVewE-00015-00012192-00012954 about the DDD that we will cover today we need to think about the ambiguous language so clean hKXaCpRVewE-00016-00012954-00013782 code is a good one to start in Java then my second favorite books around Java is the Effective Java hKXaCpRVewE-00017-00013782-00014519 right now it is on the Third Edition it has several good practices to write a better Java hKXaCpRVewE-00018-00014519-00015318 code and be more effective so it has tips around collections tips around Streams uh several ways hKXaCpRVewE-00019-00015318-00016224 to use enum so you can use an as a Singleton if you wish strategy, why should I use enum instead of a hKXaCpRVewE-00020-00016224-00016938 constant and so on so Effective Java is a great book where you should read other devices hKXaCpRVewE-00021-00016938-00017682 I recommend to you to review this book more often I mean you read a book you don't but hKXaCpRVewE-00022-00017736-00018180 usually return to this book to check if you are doing a great job on the Java side hKXaCpRVewE-00023-00018288-00019188 then the design patterns I love this book because this book has a amazing storytelling where you can hKXaCpRVewE-00024-00019188-00019944 understand why you are doing design patterns besides the simple product so you you move hKXaCpRVewE-00025-00019944-00020790 your uh code to that idea the main goal of this book and that's why I love so much is because it hKXaCpRVewE-00026-00020790-00021468 has a reason behind any kind of Partners you don't need to memorize the name you will need hKXaCpRVewE-00027-00021468-00022080 to understand the reason any principle to use design patterns like make the code more easier hKXaCpRVewE-00028-00022080-00023124 and and this book is great for that the fourth one is learning domain driven design of course we are doing hKXaCpRVewE-00029-00023124-00024072 code for a reason and this reason is a business as much time we put a new technical closer to the hKXaCpRVewE-00030-00024072-00024846 business is more effective to achieve the results so DDD is a good book I enjoyed this book because hKXaCpRVewE-00031-00024846-00025614 it has more uh experience it has more idea I like it more than the classic one is easier hKXaCpRVewE-00032-00025614-00026370 to understand so my recommendation is okay I did not read the classical one yet and I want you to hKXaCpRVewE-00033-00026370-00027012 learn more about DDD please pay attention on this book it's a great one it has the same definition hKXaCpRVewE-00034-00027012-00028248 around strategic and tactical books, so uh uh by Vlad I love it, so use this book acidity hKXaCpRVewE-00035-00028380-00029189 the last one but before let's return enumerator's books so clean codes to be more readable to write hKXaCpRVewE-00036-00029189-00029916 more readable a more clear code to go through meaningful names and so on Effective Java to write hKXaCpRVewE-00037-00029916-00030750 Java more optimize it your codes where you can send more about collections how to use single uh hKXaCpRVewE-00038-00030864-00031572 single collection empty list and so on why you should avoid a null collection hKXaCpRVewE-00039-00031668-00032388 and so on design Partners to understand more why you're doing that it's more important to hKXaCpRVewE-00040-00032388-00032982 understand why and when to use the name itself so this book will bring you this storytelling hKXaCpRVewE-00041-00032982-00033570 it's amazing way to apply to understand okay I don't know I have no idea what strategy is hKXaCpRVewE-00042-00033648-00034338 be honest I don't care if you don't remember the name if you can't do it on the real life it's fine hKXaCpRVewE-00043-00034338-00035046 okay sometimes I go to uh to read some design partners hKXaCpRVewE-00044-00035196-00035850 I go to the Google to find the name and then I discovered that I'm doing already so hKXaCpRVewE-00045-00035850-00036624 uh San Newman said once the partners is not something that you created but discovered okay hKXaCpRVewE-00046-00036690-00037422 the fourth DDD bring your code close to the business on the Tactical and strategic perspective hKXaCpRVewE-00047-00037482-00038160 and the last one there is now on the list is concurrence in practice by Brian Getz hKXaCpRVewE-00048-00038160-00038742 don't worry I'm gonna put the list the whole list with a friend to pay attention on it again hKXaCpRVewE-00049-00038742-00039354 clean code Effective Java design partner learn domain driven design and concurrence hKXaCpRVewE-00050-00039354-00040104 in practice where it has several ideas to make your code is more uh effective inside concurrence hKXaCpRVewE-00051-00040170-00041124 Brian get is you working on the open jdk side so it has valuable ideas to use it more minded hKXaCpRVewE-00052-00041220-00041844 and how about you do we have any another one documentation around Java books hKXaCpRVewE-00053-00041844-00042540 did you read those books please let me know what you think uh what do you enjoy most around these hKXaCpRVewE-00054-00042540-00043200 books and give us more suggestions I love to look to read to learn so what book do we hKXaCpRVewE-00055-00043200-00043716 recommend to read and hopefully you enjoyed this video please give your like And subscribe the hKXaCpRVewE-00056-00043716-00044448 channel to know more about become an ultimately sophisticated engineer that's all for today bye hpOWevaMwVU-00000-00000746-00001172 I know that some of you may be frightened by the appearance, of the grave hpOWevaMwVU-00001-00001173-00001526 but don't worry everything is fine with me, hpOWevaMwVU-00002-00001526-00002144 except for the fact that I've been buried under several tons of Earth hpOWevaMwVU-00003-00003068-00003599 I don't want to upset you, but a few years ago it just happened hpOWevaMwVU-00004-00003599-00004184 I died, the fact is that I was a solitary soldier in one of the combat units hpOWevaMwVU-00005-00004184-00004778 of the Israeli army. The war 2006 took away not only my life, but also hpOWevaMwVU-00006-00004778-00005375 the life of other young guys, but unlike them my parents didn't come to my hpOWevaMwVU-00007-00005375-00005962 funeral and for some reason now my soul doesn't want to leave this world hpOWevaMwVU-00008-00011776-00012296 enclosed within the walls of the cemetery I have two live until my hpOWevaMwVU-00009-00012296-00012961 parents visit me, but you don't think I'm not at all bored here and sometimes even hpOWevaMwVU-00010-00012962-00013354 a lot of fun. hpOWevaMwVU-00011-00013354-00013984 somehow here one elderly couple forget a book and I decided to read it hpOWevaMwVU-00012-00013984-00014522 how many interesting things are writte there, the great man was Dale Carnegie. hpOWevaMwVU-00013-00014522-00015062 I hope that in the near future here again someone will forget the book, hpOWevaMwVU-00014-00015062-00015616 because using Carnegie's knowledge from how to make friends here doesn't help me much hpOWevaMwVU-00015-00015616-00017397 how I would like to feel like an ordinary person even for a moment hpOWevaMwVU-00016-00017428-00017996 sometimes I try to walk past the central gate, with the hope that the cemetery hpOWevaMwVU-00017-00017996-00020119 keeper will not notice me but I have never managed to pass them. hpOWevaMwVU-00018-00020194-00020821 Climbing the fence of the cemetery i can watch the life of living people. hpOWevaMwVU-00019-00020821-00021451 I like to see the peace and tranquility that they experience every day. hpOWevaMwVU-00020-00021451-00022018 Every morning I watch on the woman and men going to work, unfortunately often the face are hpOWevaMwVU-00021-00022018-00022642 full of not contentment and sadness, but what can you do, such is the life all, hpOWevaMwVU-00022-00022642-00023012 every time said my father. hpOWevaMwVU-00023-00023060-00023490 Dad, how i would like to have from you and mom embarce me. hpOWevaMwVU-00024-00023798-00024186 This time will be succeed, I'm sure! hpOWevaMwVU-00025-00024788-00025106 Holy shit! I did that! hpOWevaMwVU-00026-00025288-00025414 How it is possible? hpOWevaMwVU-00027-00025458-00026176 How I did this. Why, why now? hpOWevaMwVU-00028-00026252-00026452 I'm free, I'm free! hpOWevaMwVU-00029-00026602-00026680 Yeah! hpOWevaMwVU-00030-00026956-00027245 Thank you, thank you so much, thank you! hQcY6XZ3q7o-00000-00000000-00001080 Es toda una experta en sorprender con estilismos que hacen un guiño a estéticas rompedoras, como la roquera o aquella que recupera cortes del vestidor masculino, pero con detalles feminizadores. hQcY6XZ3q7o-00001-00001286-00001944 Una cualidad que ha quedado patente a su paso por el Gran Premio de Fórmula 1 de Abu Dhabi en el circuito de Yas Marina. hQcY6XZ3q7o-00002-00002149-00003142 Allí, una de las elecciones de moda de Charlene de Mónaco seguía este gusto por la innovación con una imagen muy cañera que recreaba uno de sus looks de alfombra roja más transgresores, hQcY6XZ3q7o-00003-00003347-00004217 una apuesta que se convirtió en viral y que llevó durante la cita de día con motivo de los Premios Princesa Grace de 2017, en Los Ángeles. hQcY6XZ3q7o-00004-00004422-00005106 Ambas elecciones tienen en común la misma fórmula estilística que viene definida por combinar un blazer de hombros armados, hQcY6XZ3q7o-00005-00005311-00006050 un top encorsetado en tono gris y con estampado de cuadros, unos pantalones pitillo en negro y unos salones de alto tacón y a juego. hQcY6XZ3q7o-00006-00006256-00006865 También comparten la presencia del cuero como género que impulsa aún más ese acabado rompedor del estilismo. hQcY6XZ3q7o-00007-00007070-00008052 Sin embargo, no se dispone de la misma manera esta elección, pues la versión de estilismo en 2018 prefiere que sea su chaqueta la que se confeccione en este material. hQcY6XZ3q7o-00008-00008257-00008949 Como joyas, Charlene se decanta por unos pendientes de perlas, una de las tendencias en joyería que más le gustan. hQcY6XZ3q7o-00009-00009154-00009690 En esta ocasión, se trata de un diseño con botón de diamantes del que cuelga una gran perla. hQcY6XZ3q7o-00010-00009895-00010496 Curiosamente, guardan similitud con los que llevó en los Premios Princesa Grace de 2017. hQcY6XZ3q7o-00011-00010702-00011193 Sin embargo, prescindió de este colgante nacarado hace un año sobre la alfombra roja. hQcY6XZ3q7o-00012-00011398-00011994 Volviendo al look de hace un año, en aquella ocasión, la fuerza visual de su look la acaparaban sus leggings. hQcY6XZ3q7o-00013-00012199-00013307 Se trataba de un diseño de Ralph Lauren que se confeccionaba en cuero y con los que conseguía mostrar es innovadora y transgresora imagen poco habitual para una royal y menos sobre una alfombra roja. hU5MgDSNy40-00000-00000000-00000200 Day Night Jcb Working Clips hXfXDGPjQKg-00000-00000487-00000683 Lita Proctor: Just before you go to lunch I just want a hXfXDGPjQKg-00001-00000683-00000783 couple minutes of your time. hXfXDGPjQKg-00002-00000783-00001140 Just a couple housekeeping things, or kind of interest points. hXfXDGPjQKg-00003-00001140-00001672 You know, each day we've been calling out how many people have joined the webcasts, hXfXDGPjQKg-00004-00001672-00002323 so on Wednesday, it was on the order of hundreds; yesterday it was on the order of 250 people hXfXDGPjQKg-00005-00002323-00002788 joining the webcast, watching the webcast; and today the numbers have steadily increased, hXfXDGPjQKg-00006-00002788-00003192 and now we're back to the 250, so there's tremendous interest outside this room. hXfXDGPjQKg-00007-00003192-00003399 I think that's very gratifying. hXfXDGPjQKg-00008-00003399-00003888 A particular housekeeping point, several people have asked us what's going to happen to the hXfXDGPjQKg-00009-00003888-00004073 webcasts. hXfXDGPjQKg-00010-00004073-00004769 Our team back here is going to have the webcasts available on the same link, or on the genome.gov hXfXDGPjQKg-00011-00004769-00005116 link, the same webcast number. hXfXDGPjQKg-00012-00005116-00005842 The talks will be linked to the agenda so you can actually go to the agenda and review hXfXDGPjQKg-00013-00005842-00005942 specific talks. hXfXDGPjQKg-00014-00005942-00006146 So I think that's very nicely organized. hXfXDGPjQKg-00015-00006146-00006800 As I understand it, the webcasts, the videos will be available starting the week of August hXfXDGPjQKg-00016-00006800-00006962 5th. hXfXDGPjQKg-00017-00006962-00007354 And NIH always makes transcripts whenever they do a webcast, so the transcripts from hXfXDGPjQKg-00018-00007354-00007800 all the talks will be available starting the week after, beginning the week of August 12. hXfXDGPjQKg-00019-00007800-00008335 So a good deal of the meeting will be archived and recorded. hXfXDGPjQKg-00020-00008335-00008846 Third housekeeping point: Today's the last day to vote for your favorite poster. hXfXDGPjQKg-00021-00008846-00009036 And be sure and vote. hXfXDGPjQKg-00022-00009036-00009234 At the end of lunch is when we cut off voting. hXfXDGPjQKg-00023-00009234-00009617 There's a ballot box right outside the poster room, so please be sure and vote. hXfXDGPjQKg-00024-00009617-00010067 And the individual who wins will actually get a plaque or a certificate, so it's worthwhile. hXfXDGPjQKg-00025-00010067-00010167 Gilman? hXfXDGPjQKg-00026-00010167-00010432 Gilman Grave: Are the slides available on the webcast, too? hXfXDGPjQKg-00027-00010432-00010666 Lita Proctor: So we haven't decided what to do about that. hXfXDGPjQKg-00028-00010666-00010984 We'll contact the speakers and figure out how they want to handle that. hXfXDGPjQKg-00029-00010984-00011495 So we'll be able to post a notice or something to the participants and let you know what hXfXDGPjQKg-00030-00011495-00011595 we're going to do with the slides. hXfXDGPjQKg-00031-00011595-00011787 Gilman Grave: Especially the references. hXfXDGPjQKg-00032-00011787-00011968 Sometimes it went by so fast -- hXfXDGPjQKg-00033-00011968-00012068 Owen White: Yeah. hXfXDGPjQKg-00034-00012068-00012168 Lita Proctor: I know what you mean. hXfXDGPjQKg-00035-00012168-00012399 So we never negotiated that with the speakers, so we want to try to work with them to see hXfXDGPjQKg-00036-00012399-00012594 how they feel about sharing their slides. hXfXDGPjQKg-00037-00012594-00012695 So we'll get back to you. hXfXDGPjQKg-00038-00012695-00013156 We'll probably send like a global email or whatever to let you know what we're planning hXfXDGPjQKg-00039-00013156-00013256 to do. hXfXDGPjQKg-00040-00013256-00013525 And we're going to send out a survey to the participants anyway, so we'll probably add hXfXDGPjQKg-00041-00013525-00013931 some follow-up items about this meeting after the meeting is over within the next week. hXfXDGPjQKg-00042-00013931-00014031 Gilman Grave: Great. hXfXDGPjQKg-00043-00014031-00014409 Lita Proctor: So, actually, I also want to take this opportunity hXfXDGPjQKg-00044-00014409-00014634 to thank a lot of people, a lot of people. hXfXDGPjQKg-00045-00014634-00015262 I mean, I certainly was called out as a person during the speakers, but I want to make sure hXfXDGPjQKg-00046-00015262-00015671 you folks here to understand that this was a major undertaking involving a lot of people. hXfXDGPjQKg-00047-00015671-00015940 It took about a year to organize. hXfXDGPjQKg-00048-00015940-00016409 And I just want to point out that probably the genesis of this meeting was about two hXfXDGPjQKg-00049-00016409-00016809 years ago when Jeff Gordon was talking to me one day and gave me this charge. hXfXDGPjQKg-00050-00016809-00016989 And I thought, oh, my God. hXfXDGPjQKg-00051-00016989-00017370 "You have to get all the," he said, "You have to get all the NIH directors in the room together hXfXDGPjQKg-00052-00017370-00017470 to talk about this." hXfXDGPjQKg-00053-00017470-00017871 And I said, "Well, I can't do that," but the idea kind of started to grow in my mind about hXfXDGPjQKg-00054-00017871-00017977 how could we get the NIH together. hXfXDGPjQKg-00055-00017977-00018562 And the second piece that fed into the development of this meeting was we really started to see hXfXDGPjQKg-00056-00018562-00018874 this tremendous increase across the ICs on the microbiome. hXfXDGPjQKg-00057-00018874-00019200 So it clearly seemed like the time was ripe. hXfXDGPjQKg-00058-00019200-00019862 And then I went to a AAAS symposium last year that Jeff Gordon organized, and he had this hXfXDGPjQKg-00059-00019862-00020337 structure where he had each speaker call out a current gap, need, or challenge in the context hXfXDGPjQKg-00060-00020337-00020437 of the talk. hXfXDGPjQKg-00061-00020437-00020699 And I thought "Bingo, that's what we can do with all the speakers." hXfXDGPjQKg-00062-00020699-00021077 So really, we have to credit, even though Jeff's not here, we have to credit him with hXfXDGPjQKg-00063-00021077-00021337 really planting the seed for this idea. hXfXDGPjQKg-00064-00021337-00021665 So what I want to do, though, is because I pointed out that there were so many people hXfXDGPjQKg-00065-00021665-00022096 that were involved, if you could just raise your hand, or stand up, or, in some way, acknowledge hXfXDGPjQKg-00066-00022096-00022479 your presence in the room, I think it would be great for all the participants. hXfXDGPjQKg-00067-00022479-00022750 But first of all, Owen's here to my left. hXfXDGPjQKg-00068-00022750-00022943 Owen, and Michelle Giglio, is she in the room? hXfXDGPjQKg-00069-00022943-00023043 Owen White: Michelle? hXfXDGPjQKg-00070-00023043-00023143 Michelle's in the back. hXfXDGPjQKg-00071-00023143-00023243 Okay, there she is. hXfXDGPjQKg-00072-00023243-00023343 Lita Proctor: Oh, great, great. hXfXDGPjQKg-00073-00023343-00023852 They were tasked with organizing this meeting, and I don't know that they understood what hXfXDGPjQKg-00074-00023852-00024218 they were going to undertake when I made that request of them. hXfXDGPjQKg-00075-00024218-00024655 And Michelle has been absolutely -- I had no idea she had this kind of organizational hXfXDGPjQKg-00076-00024655-00025316 skill set, so she's been amazing at keeping us on track, and probably on budget. hXfXDGPjQKg-00077-00025316-00025613 Let's see. hXfXDGPjQKg-00078-00025613-00025718 So it wasn't just us. hXfXDGPjQKg-00079-00025718-00025919 There was a core committee -- so there's two layers. hXfXDGPjQKg-00080-00025919-00026194 There was a core committee, which involved Rob Knight and Jacques Ravel. hXfXDGPjQKg-00081-00026194-00026493 So Jacques Ravel's here, and I think Rob is in the room, perhaps. hXfXDGPjQKg-00082-00026493-00026899 They helped a lot in terms of really brainstorming about the structure of the meeting, and who hXfXDGPjQKg-00083-00026899-00027252 we should invite, and what are the goals of the meeting. hXfXDGPjQKg-00084-00027252-00027816 Also, that core group was part of a larger committee that involved representatives from hXfXDGPjQKg-00085-00027816-00028189 16 different institutes at the NIH that were part of the organizing committee. hXfXDGPjQKg-00086-00028189-00028608 We had lots of conference calls, and Google docs and spreadsheets and all that to try hXfXDGPjQKg-00087-00028608-00028789 to make this agenda happen. hXfXDGPjQKg-00088-00028789-00029116 So you've seen -- I'm not going to ask you to raise your hand, but you've seen many of hXfXDGPjQKg-00089-00029116-00029722 these same committee members serving as session co-chairs, or co-moderators, or running the hXfXDGPjQKg-00090-00029722-00029958 mics around as we had open floor discussions. hXfXDGPjQKg-00091-00029958-00030468 So they've been engaged on all levels to make this meeting a success. hXfXDGPjQKg-00092-00030468-00030994 I do not want to forget the strategic results meeting contractor, Sue Dilly [spelled phonetically], hXfXDGPjQKg-00093-00030994-00031374 and I think I am going to garble Jeanine's last name, Obizitsky [spelled phonetically], hXfXDGPjQKg-00094-00031374-00031579 and Don, and Janet Burke [sp]. hXfXDGPjQKg-00095-00031579-00032081 They've been in the back, but they were very collaborative in helping us make this meeting hXfXDGPjQKg-00096-00032081-00032487 happen, making lots of creative suggestions about how to make it successful. hXfXDGPjQKg-00097-00032487-00032674 So I really appreciate their input. hXfXDGPjQKg-00098-00032674-00033227 The sponsors, you know, they've been kind of silent partners here, but they contributed hXfXDGPjQKg-00099-00033227-00033569 a lot of money, and they've been in the back here, they want to sell their products, but hXfXDGPjQKg-00100-00033569-00033986 they've been an important financial support for this meeting. hXfXDGPjQKg-00101-00033986-00034333 And I want to call this out. hXfXDGPjQKg-00102-00034333-00034683 Chris Wellington and Nick DiGiacomo, they're in the back. hXfXDGPjQKg-00103-00034683-00034891 Chris and Nick, raise your hands. hXfXDGPjQKg-00104-00034891-00035503 Shaila's not in the room, but Shaila Chhibba was also an analyst at the HMP, and they are hXfXDGPjQKg-00105-00035503-00035966 the, you know, the backbone that keep all these activities going, so they really help. hXfXDGPjQKg-00106-00035966-00036197 But they also contributed in two ways. hXfXDGPjQKg-00107-00036197-00036858 Both Dr. Collins' slides and Eric Green's slides included data that Nick and Chris collected, hXfXDGPjQKg-00108-00036858-00037424 like, for example, the HMP citation data, or the distribution of funds across the NIH hXfXDGPjQKg-00109-00037424-00037524 in the microbiome area. hXfXDGPjQKg-00110-00037524-00037958 So they actually contributed data to their talks, which I really want to commend them hXfXDGPjQKg-00111-00037958-00038154 for that. hXfXDGPjQKg-00112-00038154-00038813 In the back, another set of silent people are the NHGRI team: Maggie Bartlett, Alvaro hXfXDGPjQKg-00113-00038813-00039288 Encinas, and Steve Benowitz, I think Steve is still in the room. hXfXDGPjQKg-00114-00039288-00039500 They have been running all the webcasts. hXfXDGPjQKg-00115-00039500-00040011 They came Tuesday evening at 9:00 and spent four hours setting up the cameras, setting hXfXDGPjQKg-00116-00040011-00040555 up the stage, the lighting, and all that so that just became a seamless process for our hXfXDGPjQKg-00117-00040555-00040822 webcasting, broadcasting across the web. hXfXDGPjQKg-00118-00040822-00041125 So I commend you folks in the back. hXfXDGPjQKg-00119-00041125-00041403 Common Fund, I know Mary Perry's in the room. hXfXDGPjQKg-00120-00041403-00041955 Mary Perry not only provided the lion's share of the funding to make this meeting happen, hXfXDGPjQKg-00121-00041955-00042509 but also encouragement and real excitement, and was very interested in the new model of hXfXDGPjQKg-00122-00042509-00042668 this meeting that we really wanted to develop. hXfXDGPjQKg-00123-00042668-00042950 So I really appreciate that, Mary. hXfXDGPjQKg-00124-00042950-00043485 And the invited speakers: you know, you really embraced the charge for this meeting, and hXfXDGPjQKg-00125-00043485-00043853 really worked hard to share your thoughts about current gap, needs, or challenges so hXfXDGPjQKg-00126-00043853-00044228 we can all really think about if those are things that we need for the field. hXfXDGPjQKg-00127-00044228-00044608 I really appreciate your embracing the spirit of the charge. hXfXDGPjQKg-00128-00044608-00044909 Ed Yong is in the room somewhere, I hope. hXfXDGPjQKg-00129-00044909-00045009 Maybe he's not. hXfXDGPjQKg-00130-00045009-00045133 He was here earlier. hXfXDGPjQKg-00131-00045133-00045272 He'll come back in the afternoon. hXfXDGPjQKg-00132-00045272-00045728 We called Ed right away when we realized we wanted to have these open floor discussions. hXfXDGPjQKg-00133-00045728-00046262 And he had moderated the Paris meeting, the International Human and Microbiome Congress hXfXDGPjQKg-00134-00046262-00046406 in Paris last year. hXfXDGPjQKg-00135-00046406-00046768 And it occurred to us that, you know, he might be a great person to do this for us. hXfXDGPjQKg-00136-00046768-00047322 So I really appreciate -- it's not his normal role, he's a journalist, but he has a tremendous hXfXDGPjQKg-00137-00047322-00047893 interest in the microbiome, so we really appreciate his willingness to be game to achieve our hXfXDGPjQKg-00138-00047893-00048041 results. hXfXDGPjQKg-00139-00048041-00048436 And all you participants in the room, you know, when I think about it, I was saying hXfXDGPjQKg-00140-00048436-00048762 this to a couple of people, most of us do not go to the same meetings. hXfXDGPjQKg-00141-00048762-00049234 If you look at the distribution of expertise and disciplines across this room, we're looking hXfXDGPjQKg-00142-00049234-00049680 at four, or five, or six different scientific communities that come around around the microbiome. hXfXDGPjQKg-00143-00049680-00050249 So that requires the interest and willingness to, in fact, go across disciplines, and so hXfXDGPjQKg-00144-00050249-00050696 I think to have all these different scientific communities coming together to talk about hXfXDGPjQKg-00145-00050696-00051181 the microbiome, you folks really made this a successful meeting. hXfXDGPjQKg-00146-00051181-00051717 And Jeff, I do want to say this, wherever you are, I hope that you feel that we've met hXfXDGPjQKg-00147-00051717-00052252 your challenge, and I'm very proud to be part of it. hXfXDGPjQKg-00148-00052252-00052430 Thank you. hXfXDGPjQKg-00149-00052430-00052530 [applause] hXfXDGPjQKg-00150-00052530-00053101 Owen White: Let me just add a little more color to this. hXfXDGPjQKg-00151-00053101-00053754 I wanted to just to talk briefly about the successes of this meeting. hXfXDGPjQKg-00152-00053754-00054172 I am mightily impressed by how many people are still in the audience. hXfXDGPjQKg-00153-00054172-00054375 I think it's absolutely amazing. hXfXDGPjQKg-00154-00054375-00054982 And the data point of 250 people watching, I just can't believe that. hXfXDGPjQKg-00155-00054982-00055538 And obviously, we've had just an incredible collection of luminaries to present, and I hXfXDGPjQKg-00156-00055538-00055948 think it's just an incredibly successful meeting from that angle. hXfXDGPjQKg-00157-00055948-00056401 Let's not forget that we're also going to get a report out in Nature. hXfXDGPjQKg-00158-00056401-00056754 I'm really excited that last night I attended a dinner where people were sitting down and hXfXDGPjQKg-00159-00056754-00057050 talked about protocol standardization. hXfXDGPjQKg-00160-00057050-00057494 And I just couldn't believe how much it touched my heart to hear Julian Davies say that this hXfXDGPjQKg-00161-00057494-00057827 is the most exciting time in his whole life. hXfXDGPjQKg-00162-00057827-00058438 And since this is the most exciting microbiome meeting ever, he must be at an absolute peak. hXfXDGPjQKg-00163-00058438-00058594 Right, this is it, right now. hXfXDGPjQKg-00164-00058594-00058694 [laughter] hXfXDGPjQKg-00165-00058694-00059295 So I just want to say I think what's so interesting about this community is it reminds me a little hXfXDGPjQKg-00166-00059295-00059872 bit of one of the slides that said that bacteria are both competitive, but they're also highly hXfXDGPjQKg-00167-00059872-00060000 cooperative. hXfXDGPjQKg-00168-00060000-00060254 And I think that's very true for everybody out here. hXfXDGPjQKg-00169-00060254-00061032 I think the vibe of this consortium or this group of people is that we're just so supportive. hXfXDGPjQKg-00170-00061032-00061479 Lita has really rigged everything so we've really been listening to each other, and we're hXfXDGPjQKg-00171-00061479-00061815 establishing this great relationship to NIH. hXfXDGPjQKg-00172-00061815-00062466 So all of these elements that we've just been talking about, Lita has played an instrumental hXfXDGPjQKg-00173-00062466-00062663 role in it all, okay? hXfXDGPjQKg-00174-00062663-00063227 I marvel at the thought that this group of people, we don't hate each other. hXfXDGPjQKg-00175-00063227-00063813 [laughs] We really seem to be getting along very nicely, and that's because of the tone hXfXDGPjQKg-00176-00063813-00064267 and the vibe, and what you've just absolutely brought to -- so let's just thank Lita for hXfXDGPjQKg-00177-00064267-00064367 it. hXfXDGPjQKg-00178-00064367-00064467 [applause] hXfXDGPjQKg-00179-00064467-00064737 Now what do we do about lunch? hXfXDGPjQKg-00180-00064737-00065088 Lita Proctor: Thank you. hXfXDGPjQKg-00181-00065088-00065601 Another housekeeping, because we're running late, what I'm going to recommend is that hXfXDGPjQKg-00182-00065601-00065935 we have lunch for an hour, because I don't want to torture you for the rest of the day, hXfXDGPjQKg-00183-00065935-00066514 have your one-hour lunch, but come back at 1:00, rather than 12:45. hXfXDGPjQKg-00184-00066514-00066851 So the rest of the schedule for the remainder of the afternoon will be shifted now by fifteen hXfXDGPjQKg-00185-00066851-00066951 minutes. hXfXDGPjQKg-00186-00066951-00067051 Okay? hXfXDGPjQKg-00187-00067051-00067151 Thank you. hXfXDGPjQKg-00188-00067151-00067251 So come back at 1:00. hXfXDGPjQKg-00189-00067251-00067251 Thank you. ha6M9-4spuy-00000-00000118-00000496 Create or Open Dashboard with Table ha6M9-4spuy-00001-00000526-00001002 Click Preview to Show Dashboard ha6M9-4spuy-00002-00001024-00001346 Double Click on Table to Call Editor ha6M9-4spuy-00003-00001370-00001673 Select Measure Field and Click Data Bars Button ha6M9-4spuy-00004-00001700-00001955 Now, Data Bar Will Be Displayed For the Each Field Value ha6M9-4spuy-00005-00001980-00002248 Select Measure Field and Click Color Scale Button ha6M9-4spuy-00006-00002266-00002544 Now, Back Color Will Be Applied For the Each Field Cell, Where Red Back Color is Min Value and Green Back Color is Max Value ha6M9-4spuy-00007-00002572-00002774 Select Measure Field and Click Indicator Button ha6M9-4spuy-00008-00002808-00003164 Now, Each Field Value Will Have Positive or Negative Indicator hb-lZv93kn8-00000-00000259-00001040 hi I'm Gary from organicweb.com.au and hb-lZv93kn8-00001-00000614-00001271 I'm a Mailchimp partner. If you would hb-lZv93kn8-00002-00001040-00001513 like me to cover in a video how to use hb-lZv93kn8-00003-00001271-00001655 certain aspects of Mailchimp please hb-lZv93kn8-00004-00001513-00001894 leave a comment in this video and hb-lZv93kn8-00005-00001655-00002119 subscribe to my channel. In this hb-lZv93kn8-00006-00001894-00002456 particular video I'm going to show you hb-lZv93kn8-00007-00002119-00002693 how we can crop images in Mailchimp. hb-lZv93kn8-00008-00002456-00003383 It's actually really really simple. So hb-lZv93kn8-00009-00002693-00003569 I'll go into Mailchimp itself; we're in hb-lZv93kn8-00010-00003383-00003857 the "Content studio" at the moment in hb-lZv93kn8-00011-00003569-00004044 Mailchimp where our images are kept. I'll hb-lZv93kn8-00012-00003857-00004372 click on an image that I want to crop. hb-lZv93kn8-00013-00004044-00004612 This particular image is from Wikipedia hb-lZv93kn8-00014-00004372-00004679 and it's from my hometown of Brisbane hb-lZv93kn8-00015-00004612-00004979 Australia. hb-lZv93kn8-00016-00004679-00005758 I want to crop the image so what I'll do hb-lZv93kn8-00017-00004979-00006050 is click "Edit image". The trick here, and hb-lZv93kn8-00018-00005758-00006472 some people just don't know how to do it, hb-lZv93kn8-00019-00006050-00006818 is to click "Custom" so make sure your hb-lZv93kn8-00020-00006472-00007076 "Custom" is selected and select or hb-lZv93kn8-00021-00006818-00007331 deselect the "lock dimensions" and then hb-lZv93kn8-00022-00007076-00007628 all we need to do is just drag however hb-lZv93kn8-00023-00007331-00007841 we'd like to crop our image. That's all hb-lZv93kn8-00024-00007628-00008003 we need to do but where most people are hb-lZv93kn8-00025-00007841-00008351 going wrong is that they don't have hb-lZv93kn8-00026-00008003-00008549 "Custom" selected and they have "lock hb-lZv93kn8-00027-00008351-00008738 dimensions" selected. Make sure that's not hb-lZv93kn8-00028-00008549-00009041 selected. So all we need to do is click hb-lZv93kn8-00029-00008738-00009365 "Save" and now Mailchimp will keep the hb-lZv93kn8-00030-00009041-00009551 original version of our image and the hb-lZv93kn8-00031-00009365-00009877 new version. And that's all there is to hb-lZv93kn8-00032-00009551-00009877 it. Thanks for joining me.