kYbt_q2ONjI-00000-00000589-00001280 Good morning. Good morning it is Thursday, March 26 and welcome to my daily kYbt_q2ONjI-00001-00001280-00002118 check-in for today on my reading. So I finished the story that is the Knight of kYbt_q2ONjI-00002-00002118-00002651 the Cart or the story of Lancelot. And before I get into that I wanted to kYbt_q2ONjI-00003-00002651-00003035 circle back on the matrilineal conflict between the nephew and the king thing, kYbt_q2ONjI-00004-00003035-00003609 because I realized the obvious answer for why that's related. Because basically kYbt_q2ONjI-00005-00003609-00003989 the idea is is that if the reigning king and queen don't have a child of their kYbt_q2ONjI-00006-00003989-00004680 own then the inheritance of power, if it's matrilineal, will go to the kings in kYbt_q2ONjI-00007-00004680-00005268 law's side of the family instead of to his own family line. Hence the conflict. So kYbt_q2ONjI-00008-00005268-00005589 when it's between -- when the conflict between the nephew and the king sort of kYbt_q2ONjI-00009-00005589-00006194 comes about, it's because it's the nephew on the wife's side of the family and so kYbt_q2ONjI-00010-00006194-00006642 it's sort of like taking the inheritance away from the Kings side of the family. kYbt_q2ONjI-00011-00006642-00006984 Which is really interesting because on one hand it's a very nice balance of kYbt_q2ONjI-00012-00006984-00007467 powers between sort of like the Kings ultimate power even over the Queen, even kYbt_q2ONjI-00013-00007467-00007839 though the Queen has a lot of power, but then the Queen's sort of like family in kYbt_q2ONjI-00014-00007839-00008331 line having a sense of power and as well. And that perhaps would have been really kYbt_q2ONjI-00015-00008331-00008697 useful for someone like Henry the eighth or something like that. kYbt_q2ONjI-00016-00008697-00008993 And then the other thing about it is that it's like super practical, because kYbt_q2ONjI-00017-00008993-00009653 you always know who your mom is. So tracing the matrilineal line is like kYbt_q2ONjI-00018-00009653-00010359 really easy compared to trying to track the father's line and potentially kYbt_q2ONjI-00019-00010359-00010818 with infidelity which of course is like what these stories deal with a lot. Okay kYbt_q2ONjI-00020-00010818-00011427 so back to Lancelot and the Knight of the Cart. So one thing that I wanted to kYbt_q2ONjI-00021-00011427-00011892 talk about is the way that sexuality is explored in these books because these kYbt_q2ONjI-00022-00011892-00012290 stories are little bit saucy. They're a little bit kYbt_q2ONjI-00023-00012290-00012906 spicy. They're a little bit sexy. Even in Cliges there's like this you know kYbt_q2ONjI-00024-00012906-00013391 there's the scene where the two lovers and since that's been it like three days kYbt_q2ONjI-00025-00013391-00013872 I don't remember their names are like they finally like make a plot so that kYbt_q2ONjI-00026-00013872-00014160 they can be together and they hide together in this like tower that they've kYbt_q2ONjI-00027-00014160-00014513 constructed and they have this beautiful garden and there's this giant tree which kYbt_q2ONjI-00028-00014513-00014891 has this beautiful bower and they like make love under there and then it's like kYbt_q2ONjI-00029-00014891-00015440 that you know she's always naked underneath the tree and they have their kYbt_q2ONjI-00030-00015440-00015966 pleasure and one another as they say. So these books are definitely very or kYbt_q2ONjI-00031-00015966-00016464 these stories are definitely very sexual even though like compared to modern kYbt_q2ONjI-00032-00016464-00016863 romance books or obviously erotica they're not nearly as like explicit kYbt_q2ONjI-00033-00016863-00017208 talking about the sex itself, but it's like you they're very clear that like kYbt_q2ONjI-00034-00017208-00017795 certain characters have are having sex in certain scenes so they're very spicy. kYbt_q2ONjI-00035-00017795-00018438 And the other thing like no this is like whoa Lancelot must be a really tasty kYbt_q2ONjI-00036-00018438-00018936 snack because there's like all these ladies like when he runs into them kYbt_q2ONjI-00037-00018936-00019551 they're like we'll help you but also first we must get naked you know and kYbt_q2ONjI-00038-00019551-00020376 there's this one lady who offers him like to stay like in her house you know kYbt_q2ONjI-00039-00020376-00020715 for the evening -- what's the word? Hospitality! She offers some hospitality kYbt_q2ONjI-00040-00020715-00021228 for the evening if you know what I mean. Some hospitality. And basically she like kYbt_q2ONjI-00041-00021228-00022101 sets it up so that she has her own soldiers like pretend to attack her in kYbt_q2ONjI-00042-00022101-00022497 her bedroom in such a scenario where she's basically like completely naked kYbt_q2ONjI-00043-00022497-00022890 and it's like absolutely topless and like Lancelot has to like charge and be kYbt_q2ONjI-00044-00022890-00023286 like, "Oh get off her, you fiend!" and even though he's totally not interested and kYbt_q2ONjI-00045-00023286-00023793 other women because he's absolutely in love with Guinevere you know he actually like kYbt_q2ONjI-00046-00023793-00024030 kills a cover for men before she like calls it off kYbt_q2ONjI-00047-00024030-00024468 she's like oh it was just a you know a little thing to see if he would come in kYbt_q2ONjI-00048-00024468-00025041 and save me or whatever and she's like nakey which was just really funny and like her kYbt_q2ONjI-00049-00025041-00025329 whole thing it's like oh you can stay the night of my house but we have to kYbt_q2ONjI-00050-00025329-00025745 share a bed and like you have to promise that you'll share a bed with me. So and kYbt_q2ONjI-00051-00025745-00026091 then that happens you know with another character in the book where she's like kYbt_q2ONjI-00052-00026091-00026391 oh we'll give you your freedom I'll let you it's like prison where you're kYbt_q2ONjI-00053-00026391-00026781 imprisoned but you have to like swear your body to me you know. So it's just a kYbt_q2ONjI-00054-00026781-00027324 very funny Lancelot was apparently a tasty snack. That's what I'm getting out kYbt_q2ONjI-00055-00027324-00027882 of this story. So yeah. So sexuality and I think you know that holds true for a lot kYbt_q2ONjI-00056-00027882-00028277 of other medieval literature. So even like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight when he kYbt_q2ONjI-00057-00028277-00028932 goes to the castle of the king who ends up being the Green Knight and transforms kYbt_q2ONjI-00058-00028932-00029433 into him later, where he has the game of courtliness with the wife while he's kYbt_q2ONjI-00059-00029433-00029895 like recovering from his journey and like she's very sexy and seductive and kYbt_q2ONjI-00060-00029895-00030456 is basically naked in certain scenes. And then you know obviously we have the kYbt_q2ONjI-00061-00030456-00030945 Wife of Bath in Chaucer, very baudy tales and then if you've ever read The kYbt_q2ONjI-00062-00030945-00031329 Decameron, I mean like that's like off the charts like just dirty dirty stories kYbt_q2ONjI-00063-00031329-00031983 dirty jokes we might even say. So it's really interesting to see like how even kYbt_q2ONjI-00064-00031983-00032451 though these are stories of courtliness, how much sexuality is like really kYbt_q2ONjI-00065-00032451-00033033 being intertwined in these stories and along with obviously some of these kYbt_q2ONjI-00066-00033033-00033455 religious themes like we talked about yesterday with this sort of like Moses kYbt_q2ONjI-00067-00033455-00033978 allegory here. So. Always so so interesting these stories are really kYbt_q2ONjI-00068-00033978-00034407 good. I highly recommend. Alright I'll talk to you tomorrow for our last kYbt_q2ONjI-00069-00034407-00034784 check-in for the week. kaoSBDmPMyE-00000-00000388-00000756 Hey guys, I'm Austin and I wanna show you guys a super cool tornado maker kaoSBDmPMyE-00001-00000756-00001253 So if you don't know how tornadoes are formed when you mix warm air from the south, cold air from the north, kaoSBDmPMyE-00002-00001276-00001703 and they're flowing really fast at just the right speed, they'll start to rotate and kaoSBDmPMyE-00003-00001717-00002285 Then that creates a low-pressure system and a funnel and if that funnel reaches the ground you've got a tornado. kaoSBDmPMyE-00004-00002285-00002570 You're super fast, super dangerous, and super wild! kcxQWuFn2II-00000-00000080-00001013 In Romans chapter 3, verse 28 Saint Paul writes 'we know that all in all things kcxQWuFn2II-00001-00001013-00001446 God works for the good of those who love Him. who have been called according to kcxQWuFn2II-00002-00001446-00002102 His purpose'. When I was talking about this passage just a few months ago I had kcxQWuFn2II-00003-00002102-00002718 no idea that we would find ourselves in today's situation. It's difficult to see kcxQWuFn2II-00004-00002718-00003342 how God can be working for good; we hear so much bad news. Part of the answer, of kcxQWuFn2II-00005-00003342-00003755 course, is that we don't have God's perspective; we can't see everything that kcxQWuFn2II-00006-00003755-00004244 He sees and of course our view stops at death, which we know is not the end, kcxQWuFn2II-00007-00004244-00004880 although that's easy to forget at times like this. But there are hints of good: kcxQWuFn2II-00008-00004880-00005321 there have been stories in the news about a major reduction in air pollution. kcxQWuFn2II-00009-00005321-00005898 In Venice they can see the bottom that canals were the first time in years. In a kcxQWuFn2II-00010-00005898-00006397 world where global warming and pollution are an increasing worry they offer a hope that kcxQWuFn2II-00011-00006397-00006825 companies will realize they can use video conferencing rather than flying kcxQWuFn2II-00012-00006825-00007293 people around the world for meetings. That people will realize they don't have to kcxQWuFn2II-00013-00007293-00007884 fly abroad for holidays quite so often. On a smaller scale we tend to see kcxQWuFn2II-00014-00007884-00008463 stories of hoarding and people putting lives at risk by ignoring advice. Yet if kcxQWuFn2II-00015-00008463-00008895 you look among the news stories you can see your items of hope. People holding kcxQWuFn2II-00016-00008895-00009345 concerts with the balconies in Italy. Communities organising themselves to kcxQWuFn2II-00017-00009345-00009797 help people can't go out to shop. People realizing they've got more than they kcxQWuFn2II-00018-00009797-00010485 need and giving to those who are without. These are only hints that God's working kcxQWuFn2II-00019-00010485-00010977 and we don't know what they will come to. The world will be different when we come kcxQWuFn2II-00020-00010977-00011520 out of this, it's up to us play our part to take the opportunities God provides and kcxQWuFn2II-00021-00011520-00012197 make His love known. We mustn't forget all the bad things that are happening or kcxQWuFn2II-00022-00012197-00012729 make light of their effects on people, but we have our part to play in bringing kcxQWuFn2II-00023-00012729-00013282 good out of the situation, so let's do our part and trust God to do kcxQWuFn2II-00024-00013282-00013512 His kd1G3A-afdk-00000-00005190-00005913 You made it to the end! Why???? Now go do yourself a favour and go watch something else. kgoFKdUZZc4-00000-00000021-00000930 BREAKING: Look Who Just Got LIFE IN PRISON! kgoFKdUZZc4-00001-00000930-00001078 HELL YEAH!!! kgoFKdUZZc4-00002-00001078-00001665 Earlier today, a Guatemalan national was sentenced to life in prison following a March 2016 trial kgoFKdUZZc4-00003-00001665-00002196 that resulted in a conviction for his participation in an international drug trafficking conspiracy. kgoFKdUZZc4-00004-00002196-00002614 He was responsible for the distribution of multi-ton quantities of cocaine for illegal kgoFKdUZZc4-00005-00002614-00002886 importation into the United States. kgoFKdUZZc4-00006-00002886-00003264 Acting Assistant Attorney General John P. Cronan of the Justice Department’s Criminal kgoFKdUZZc4-00007-00003264-00003747 Division and Special Agent in Charge Raymond Donovan of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration kgoFKdUZZc4-00008-00003747-00004180 (DEA) Special Operations Division made the announcement. kgoFKdUZZc4-00009-00004180-00004776 Waldemar Lorenzana-Cordon, 53, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly kgoFKdUZZc4-00010-00004776-00005112 of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. kgoFKdUZZc4-00011-00005112-00005549 “Waldemar Lorenzana-Cordon was a drug kingpin whose criminal organization had close ties kgoFKdUZZc4-00012-00005549-00006040 to the violent Sinaloa Cartel and was responsible for transporting massive amounts of cocaine kgoFKdUZZc4-00013-00006040-00006493 to be sold on our streets,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Cronan. kgoFKdUZZc4-00014-00006493-00006986 “Lorenzana-Cordon’s life sentence sends a powerful message to leaders of drug trafficking kgoFKdUZZc4-00015-00006986-00007364 organizations that, if they send their poison to our country, the United States and our kgoFKdUZZc4-00016-00007364-00007770 international partners will work tirelessly to bring them to justice, no matter where kgoFKdUZZc4-00017-00007770-00007953 in the world they may reside. kgoFKdUZZc4-00018-00007953-00008415 I thank the dedicated prosecutors of the Criminal Division’s Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section kgoFKdUZZc4-00019-00008415-00008903 and law enforcement officers with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Bilateral Investigations kgoFKdUZZc4-00020-00008903-00009164 Group for their outstanding work on this important case.” kgoFKdUZZc4-00021-00009164-00009647 “One of the world’s most influential drug traffickers now faces American justice and kgoFKdUZZc4-00022-00009647-00010125 DEA is pleased he will never be in business again,” said DEA Special Agent in Charge kgoFKdUZZc4-00023-00010125-00010239 Donovan. kgoFKdUZZc4-00024-00010239-00010675 “Lorenzana-Cordon imported huge amounts of cocaine to the United States for over a kgoFKdUZZc4-00025-00010675-00010957 decade, helping fuel our nation’s drug epidemic. kgoFKdUZZc4-00026-00010957-00011422 He conspired with some of the most brutal and destructive drug networks in history, kgoFKdUZZc4-00027-00011422-00011850 facilitating and coordinating huge shipments for the Sinaloa Cartel, among others. kgoFKdUZZc4-00028-00011850-00012382 DEA’s work will always focus on these types of investigations: attacking the most powerful, kgoFKdUZZc4-00029-00012382-00012817 influential global criminal networks and their many facilitators and associates.” kgoFKdUZZc4-00030-00012817-00013247 The defendant was convicted on one count of conspiring to unlawfully distribute cocaine kgoFKdUZZc4-00031-00013247-00013544 for illegal importation into the United States. kgoFKdUZZc4-00032-00013544-00014103 As proven at trial, the defendant along with his brother, co-defendant Eliu Lorenzana-Cordon, kgoFKdUZZc4-00033-00014103-00014613 led an international drug trafficking organization with close ties to the Sinaloa Cartel. kgoFKdUZZc4-00034-00014613-00015269 Between 1996 and 2009, the defendant and his co-conspirators received, stored, and distributed kgoFKdUZZc4-00035-00015269-00015806 multi-ton quantities of cocaine from Colombia at their properties in Zacapa, Guatemala, kgoFKdUZZc4-00036-00015806-00016188 for importation into Mexico and then ultimately into the United States. kgoFKdUZZc4-00037-00016188-00016813 In February, Eliu Lorenzana-Cordon was sentenced to life in prison following a March 2016 trial kgoFKdUZZc4-00038-00016813-00016985 resulting in a conviction. kgoFKdUZZc4-00039-00016985-00017521 On April 27, 2010, the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control designated kgoFKdUZZc4-00040-00017521-00018071 the defendant and his brother, Eliu Lorenzana-Cordon, as Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers kgoFKdUZZc4-00041-00018071-00018509 pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act due to their significant roles kgoFKdUZZc4-00042-00018509-00018965 in international narcotics trafficking and their ties to the Sinaloa Cartel. kgoFKdUZZc4-00043-00018965-00019413 The DEA’s Special Operations Division’s Bilateral Investigations Unit and Guatemala kgoFKdUZZc4-00044-00019413-00019840 City Country Office led the investigation, which was supported by the Organized Crime kgoFKdUZZc4-00045-00019840-00020359 Drug Enforcement Task Force program, the Criminal Division’s Office of International Affairs, kgoFKdUZZc4-00046-00020359-00020794 the Chicago Police Department and the governments of El Salvador and Panama provided support kgoFKdUZZc4-00047-00020794-00020906 and assistance. kgoFKdUZZc4-00048-00020906-00021406 Finally, and in particular, the Justice Department wishes to convey its gratitude to the government kgoFKdUZZc4-00049-00021406-00021915 of Guatemala for its steadfast commitment, collaboration and assistance in the investigation, kgoFKdUZZc4-00050-00021915-00022268 extradition, and prosecution of this case. kgoFKdUZZc4-00051-00022268-00022696 Assistant Deputy Chief Michael Lang and Trial Attorney Emily Cohen of the Criminal Division’s kgoFKdUZZc4-00052-00022696-00023983 Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section are prosecuting the case. khQKcOHni44-00000-00000000-00000192 >> On today's Visual Studio Toolbox, khQKcOHni44-00001-00000192-00000531 Part 3 of our overview of Entity Framework Core, khQKcOHni44-00002-00000531-00001287 Phil is going to us Querying Data. khQKcOHni44-00003-00001287-00001470 Hi. Welcome to Visual Studio Toolbox. khQKcOHni44-00004-00001470-00001590 I'm your host, Robert Green. khQKcOHni44-00005-00001590-00001870 Joining me today is Phil Japikse. Hello, Phil. khQKcOHni44-00006-00001870-00002046 >> Hey, Robert. How are you? khQKcOHni44-00007-00002046-00002077 >> How are you? khQKcOHni44-00008-00002077-00002106 >> I'm right. khQKcOHni44-00009-00002106-00002188 >> I'm doing good. khQKcOHni44-00010-00002188-00002559 >> This is Part 3 of our multi-part series khQKcOHni44-00011-00002559-00002758 on Entity Framework Core. khQKcOHni44-00012-00002758-00002925 So far, in Part 1, khQKcOHni44-00013-00002925-00003315 we looked at connecting to the database. khQKcOHni44-00014-00003315-00003536 We looked at scaffolding. khQKcOHni44-00015-00003536-00003795 So we took an existing database, khQKcOHni44-00016-00003795-00004020 ran a single command line, khQKcOHni44-00017-00004020-00004403 and then got classes or objects for each of the tables khQKcOHni44-00018-00004403-00004472 in the database. khQKcOHni44-00019-00004472-00004631 We looked at what to do with those. khQKcOHni44-00020-00004631-00005108 Then in Part 2, we looked at change tracking, which is important. khQKcOHni44-00021-00005108-00005262 You going to be making changes. khQKcOHni44-00022-00005262-00005594 It gives you the ability to save changes all at once. khQKcOHni44-00023-00005594-00006022 Then today, we're actually going to start querying data. khQKcOHni44-00024-00006022-00006475 >> Yeah. Just to be clear, this is Part 3 of the Intro to EF Core. khQKcOHni44-00025-00006475-00006839 So if you're an experienced Entity Framework user, khQKcOHni44-00026-00006839-00007145 this probably, you want to jump in a little later, khQKcOHni44-00027-00007145-00007337 and up on the site will tell you khQKcOHni44-00028-00007337-00007872 which episode starts with the more advanced features. khQKcOHni44-00029-00007872-00008055 >> Once we do them. khQKcOHni44-00030-00008055-00008202 >> Once we do them. khQKcOHni44-00031-00008202-00008450 >> Once we record them, we'll let you know where they are. khQKcOHni44-00032-00008450-00008654 >> We're doing a little time-travel editing here. khQKcOHni44-00033-00008654-00008915 >> Right now, they're all up here. khQKcOHni44-00034-00008915-00008996 >> Correct. khQKcOHni44-00035-00008996-00009569 >> Actually, they're in your head. Okay. Let's go. khQKcOHni44-00036-00009569-00009809 >> All right. So like Robert said, khQKcOHni44-00037-00009809-00010016 we talked about getting the database khQKcOHni44-00038-00010016-00010274 scaffold up so we have the code around it, khQKcOHni44-00039-00010274-00010697 change tracking, which really provides the power of an ORM. khQKcOHni44-00040-00010697-00011018 So we don't have to do all that plumbing work manually. khQKcOHni44-00041-00011018-00011225 What I want to talk about today is khQKcOHni44-00042-00011225-00011576 query execution and not just how to query, khQKcOHni44-00043-00011576-00011825 but when the queries happen. khQKcOHni44-00044-00011825-00012059 This is extremely important, khQKcOHni44-00045-00012059-00012383 especially in Entity Framework world, khQKcOHni44-00046-00012383-00012599 whether you're doing EF Core or not, khQKcOHni44-00047-00012599-00012875 or any ORM for that matter. khQKcOHni44-00048-00012875-00013229 So let's start with just a very simple query to talk khQKcOHni44-00049-00013229-00013569 about how query execution happens. khQKcOHni44-00050-00013569-00013775 An important thing to know before we get khQKcOHni44-00051-00013775-00013963 into the code is that there are khQKcOHni44-00052-00013963-00014202 certain triggers that will actually have khQKcOHni44-00053-00014202-00014477 a query execute it against the database. khQKcOHni44-00054-00014477-00014722 It doesn't happen immediately. khQKcOHni44-00055-00014722-00015035 So I have a little sample here and we'll put khQKcOHni44-00056-00015035-00015366 the link up to the GitHub repo in the show notes. khQKcOHni44-00057-00015366-00015784 The method is called link execution timing. It's very simple. khQKcOHni44-00058-00015784-00016319 When we create a query in link with the EF Core, khQKcOHni44-00059-00016319-00016502 nothing actually happened to the time. khQKcOHni44-00060-00016502-00016751 We're just building up an IQueryable. khQKcOHni44-00061-00016751-00016958 Up to here, I have the Person table, khQKcOHni44-00062-00016958-00017144 which we're going to be working with throughout khQKcOHni44-00063-00017144-00017614 this series and I'm just returning it as queryable. khQKcOHni44-00064-00017614-00017921 So this tells EF Core that at some point khQKcOHni44-00065-00017921-00018179 in time, you're going to want to run a query against this. khQKcOHni44-00066-00018179-00018504 Now, when the query executes, khQKcOHni44-00067-00018504-00018743 if it gets iterated over, khQKcOHni44-00068-00018743-00019343 if you call to list on it or if you bind it to a data grid. khQKcOHni44-00069-00019343-00019544 So at this point here, khQKcOHni44-00070-00019544-00019710 we want to call query.ToList, khQKcOHni44-00071-00019710-00020051 It goes ahead and executes our query server-side. khQKcOHni44-00072-00020051-00020583 Also, if I foreach over it, then it executes. khQKcOHni44-00073-00020583-00020834 Then there's certain constructs where I say, khQKcOHni44-00074-00020834-00021216 give me the first one or give me the single one, khQKcOHni44-00075-00021216-00021429 and those will execute at that time. khQKcOHni44-00076-00021429-00021791 Now, here's why I'm stressing this because as we go khQKcOHni44-00077-00021791-00022232 into a further code samples, khQKcOHni44-00078-00022232-00022448 we want to make sure we control khQKcOHni44-00079-00022448-00022708 the timing of when the query executes. khQKcOHni44-00080-00022708-00022985 I've got a customer working with right now, khQKcOHni44-00081-00022985-00023208 who they were building up khQKcOHni44-00082-00023208-00023586 this big long fancy query through multiple steps. khQKcOHni44-00083-00023586-00024014 But what they were doing on the very first core was they were khQKcOHni44-00084-00024014-00024541 doing the equivalent of context.Person.ToList. khQKcOHni44-00085-00024557-00024843 What this was doing, was bringing back khQKcOHni44-00086-00024843-00025194 every single record in the Person table into memory, khQKcOHni44-00087-00025194-00025610 and then they we're adding link where clauses and order bys. khQKcOHni44-00088-00025610-00025889 So that was all happening client-side. khQKcOHni44-00089-00025889-00026123 So the number one place where I see khQKcOHni44-00090-00026123-00026324 people really shooting themselves in khQKcOHni44-00091-00026324-00026481 the foot performance-wise is not khQKcOHni44-00092-00026481-00026794 understanding how this whole thing happens. khQKcOHni44-00093-00026794-00027465 >> So does query represent an actual query or does it represent khQKcOHni44-00094-00027465-00028279 a promise that you're going to be querying the Person table? khQKcOHni44-00095-00028279-00028530 >> So the answer is yes. khQKcOHni44-00096-00028530-00028748 The reason I say it that way is because khQKcOHni44-00097-00028748-00029002 the term query here is overloaded. khQKcOHni44-00098-00029002-00029325 So we have the LINQ query, khQKcOHni44-00099-00029325-00029675 which is defined by the IQueryable, khQKcOHni44-00100-00029675-00029881 and that is just, khQKcOHni44-00101-00029881-00030103 like if you're doing link to objects. khQKcOHni44-00102-00030103-00030453 It's linked with some extensions for Entity Framework Core, khQKcOHni44-00103-00030453-00030889 but when you actually go to execute that query, khQKcOHni44-00104-00030889-00031406 the DbContext then resends that link statement to khQKcOHni44-00105-00031406-00031714 the database provider for the link translation engine to khQKcOHni44-00106-00031714-00032087 turn that into SQL or no SQL depending on your provider, khQKcOHni44-00107-00032087-00032267 but in our case is SQL Server. khQKcOHni44-00108-00032267-00032504 So it'll take that link statement, khQKcOHni44-00109-00032504-00032685 however complex it is, khQKcOHni44-00110-00032685-00033095 and turn it into SQL to execute in the database. khQKcOHni44-00111-00033095-00033263 >> Okay. So put another way. khQKcOHni44-00112-00033263-00033740 If I'm going to run multiple queries against person, khQKcOHni44-00113-00033740-00034002 one to bring down last name, khQKcOHni44-00114-00034002-00034194 first name to put in a list, khQKcOHni44-00115-00034194-00034389 one to bring down khQKcOHni44-00116-00034389-00034700 a particular person that gets selected from the list, khQKcOHni44-00117-00034700-00035066 etc, one to bring down persons in a particular state. khQKcOHni44-00118-00035066-00035588 Would I have one query object and then use it three times, khQKcOHni44-00119-00035588-00036025 or would I have three IQueryable of person objects? khQKcOHni44-00120-00036025-00036457 >> Well, because of the scenario you just gave, khQKcOHni44-00121-00036457-00036640 you would have three different IQueryables khQKcOHni44-00122-00036640-00036938 because they're very different scenarios. khQKcOHni44-00123-00036938-00037399 >> Okay.>> So before we get into building up query statements, khQKcOHni44-00124-00037399-00037549 let's just talk about how they work. khQKcOHni44-00125-00037549-00037717 If you're familiar with link to objects, khQKcOHni44-00126-00037717-00037950 it should be very clear to you. khQKcOHni44-00127-00037950-00038196 So we can add wheres. khQKcOHni44-00128-00038196-00038755 So here, I'm selecting a person where the PersonType is employee, khQKcOHni44-00129-00038755-00039198 and they have opted into the e-mail promotion. khQKcOHni44-00130-00039198-00039502 By the way, if you're not familiar with this font, khQKcOHni44-00131-00039502-00039788 this is a new font by Microsoft. khQKcOHni44-00132-00039936-00040171 Patty should have changed it for this. khQKcOHni44-00133-00040171-00040415 So there's a single equal double equal. khQKcOHni44-00134-00040415-00040640 It actually changed it. khQKcOHni44-00135-00040640-00040831 >> What font is that? khQKcOHni44-00136-00040831-00041317 >> Cascadia. So the other thing that's cool about it, khQKcOHni44-00137-00041317-00041474 and is because I'm a nerd. khQKcOHni44-00138-00041474-00041624 So if I do not equal, khQKcOHni44-00139-00041624-00041807 it actually does that. khQKcOHni44-00140-00041807-00042070 But then I always forget when I'm presenting this, khQKcOHni44-00141-00042070-00042227 sometimes, it can be a little confusing, khQKcOHni44-00142-00042227-00042393 but it's too late to change it now. khQKcOHni44-00143-00042393-00042722 So know that is a double equal and not an assignment. khQKcOHni44-00144-00042722-00042983 So here, I am saying where person type equals khQKcOHni44-00145-00042983-00043376 employee and they are opted into the promotion. khQKcOHni44-00146-00043376-00043847 Now, because queries don't execute until I ask them to, khQKcOHni44-00147-00043847-00044060 whether I know that I'm asking or not, khQKcOHni44-00148-00044060-00044417 I can build up queries dynamically. khQKcOHni44-00149-00044417-00044643 So I can start with khQKcOHni44-00150-00044643-00045131 this where clause and then I can add another where clause. khQKcOHni44-00151-00045131-00045375 So a good scenario for this khQKcOHni44-00152-00045375-00045692 is you're building a Dynamic Search Screen, khQKcOHni44-00153-00045692-00045941 and you want them to be able to pick khQKcOHni44-00154-00045941-00046307 different fields that limit to search. khQKcOHni44-00155-00046307-00046604 So they have to be in the state of Washington. khQKcOHni44-00156-00046604-00046865 They have to be an employee and these different things. khQKcOHni44-00157-00046865-00047397 So instead of building this huge if switch statement, khQKcOHni44-00158-00047397-00047922 I can just say, let me do this. khQKcOHni44-00159-00047979-00048683 Query2 equals query2.Where. khQKcOHni44-00160-00048690-00048976 I can build it up dynamically saying, khQKcOHni44-00161-00048976-00049102 "Okay. Here's the first. khQKcOHni44-00162-00049102-00049334 Yeah. They want to know the employee type, khQKcOHni44-00163-00049334-00049591 they want to have them opted in." khQKcOHni44-00164-00049591-00049934 So those are equivalent queries. khQKcOHni44-00165-00049934-00050169 >> Then what's the difference between khQKcOHni44-00166-00050169-00050436 that and just doing a simple And? khQKcOHni44-00167-00050436-00050642 >> Nothing. It is an And. khQKcOHni44-00168-00050642-00050689 >> Okay. khQKcOHni44-00169-00050689-00050869 >> So when I chain these together, khQKcOHni44-00170-00050869-00051143 but what it allows me to do is, khQKcOHni44-00171-00051143-00051382 let's say we had 10 different things that they could khQKcOHni44-00172-00051382-00051686 choose from in their search. khQKcOHni44-00173-00051686-00051922 This is really where the most power comes in. khQKcOHni44-00174-00051922-00052147 Because if I'm just coding against khQKcOHni44-00175-00052147-00052384 a particular screen as a developer, khQKcOHni44-00176-00052384-00052552 I'm going to know what I'm searching for, khQKcOHni44-00177-00052552-00053055 so I'll probably use this syntax here because it's more readable. khQKcOHni44-00178-00053055-00053505 But if I'm looking at a form collection coming across, khQKcOHni44-00179-00053505-00053738 let's say it's an ASP.NET Core application, khQKcOHni44-00180-00053738-00054030 and they had picked four identify fields, khQKcOHni44-00181-00054030-00054502 I could say, "If Person type is not null, khQKcOHni44-00182-00054502-00054769 then add a Where clause for khQKcOHni44-00183-00054769-00055088 a Person equals the Person type that comes across. khQKcOHni44-00184-00055088-00055394 If e-mail promotion is not null, khQKcOHni44-00185-00055394-00055682 then add a Where clause for e-mail promotion." khQKcOHni44-00186-00055682-00056098 As opposed to having to look at all of these things together, khQKcOHni44-00187-00056098-00056386 and if you've got 10 items that could be khQKcOHni44-00188-00056386-00056671 10 factorial changes that you would have khQKcOHni44-00189-00056671-00056974 to write if you had to build these up in one fell swoop. khQKcOHni44-00190-00056974-00057079 >> Got it. khQKcOHni44-00191-00057079-00057445 >> Now, the thing that you have to watch out for our Ors. khQKcOHni44-00192-00057445-00057714 So when I chain them together, khQKcOHni44-00193-00057714-00057966 like I did here and here, khQKcOHni44-00194-00057966-00058177 then those are Ands. khQKcOHni44-00195-00058177-00058591 So chaining is always an And if you want to build in khQKcOHni44-00196-00058591-00059000 an Or you actually have to put that in here. khQKcOHni44-00197-00059000-00059300 So there's an Or. So I want person type equals em. khQKcOHni44-00198-00059300-00059639 Or they've opted into the e-mail promotion. khQKcOHni44-00199-00059639-00059691 >> Okay. khQKcOHni44-00200-00059691-00059960 >> So a little less changeability with the Ors, khQKcOHni44-00201-00059960-00060244 but total chainability with the Ands. khQKcOHni44-00202-00060244-00060724 Now, none of these will actually execute because I've never khQKcOHni44-00203-00060724-00061162 called two lists or bound it or iterated over it. khQKcOHni44-00204-00061162-00061354 So none of these have actually fired. khQKcOHni44-00205-00061354-00061760 So I have not hit the database at all of any of these samples. khQKcOHni44-00206-00061760-00062139 I just want to keep stressing that because so often, khQKcOHni44-00207-00062139-00062373 I see performance problems. khQKcOHni44-00208-00062373-00062865 Let's be frank, Entity Framework Classic khQKcOHni44-00209-00062865-00063125 got a really bad name for performance issues. khQKcOHni44-00210-00063125-00063289 Some of that was deserved. khQKcOHni44-00211-00063289-00063632 A lot of that was because people were using it wrong. khQKcOHni44-00212-00063632-00064076 EF Core, and as we get into the more advanced shows, khQKcOHni44-00213-00064076-00064394 I'm going to show a performance demo between khQKcOHni44-00214-00064394-00064819 EF Core and EF6 to show you how much faster it is, khQKcOHni44-00215-00064819-00065091 like it's an order of magnitude faster. khQKcOHni44-00216-00065091-00065412 But if you are still pulling back 100,000 khQKcOHni44-00217-00065412-00065714 records in your first call and then sorting and filtering, khQKcOHni44-00218-00065714-00065851 then it's not going to be fast. khQKcOHni44-00219-00065851-00066187 So I really want to stress this in this episode. khQKcOHni44-00220-00066187-00066469 Ordering is very, very simple, khQKcOHni44-00221-00066469-00066652 we do an OrderBy. khQKcOHni44-00222-00066652-00066871 Then if we have multiple, khQKcOHni44-00223-00066871-00066982 then we can do ThenBy. khQKcOHni44-00224-00066982-00067342 So here's our first-order by ThenBy, khQKcOHni44-00225-00067342-00067792 we can also do OrderByDescending, ThenByDescending. khQKcOHni44-00226-00067792-00068027 So you can chain as many of these orders, khQKcOHni44-00227-00068027-00068347 OrderBys and OrderByDescendings as you want. khQKcOHni44-00228-00068347-00068644 >> Do you have to use an IOrderedQueryable khQKcOHni44-00229-00068644-00068815 as opposed to an IQueryable? khQKcOHni44-00230-00068815-00069040 >> Well, so what we would normally do khQKcOHni44-00231-00069040-00069295 in real life is use var for this, khQKcOHni44-00232-00069295-00069629 because var was really designed for link. khQKcOHni44-00233-00069629-00070026 As we get into more complex queries, khQKcOHni44-00234-00070026-00070324 the IOrderedQueryable actually based khQKcOHni44-00235-00070324-00070636 on multiple types can be much more complex. khQKcOHni44-00236-00070636-00070865 So what we really want to use is var. khQKcOHni44-00237-00070865-00071093 I'm not using var because I want khQKcOHni44-00238-00071093-00071461 your viewers to see what we're actually creating. khQKcOHni44-00239-00071461-00071806 So yes, once you add an OrderBy statement into it, khQKcOHni44-00240-00071806-00072059 it actually returns an IOrderedQueryable khQKcOHni44-00241-00072059-00072230 as opposed to an IQueryable. khQKcOHni44-00242-00072230-00072311 >> I see. khQKcOHni44-00243-00072311-00072674 >> As a developer building line of business applications, khQKcOHni44-00244-00072674-00072883 for the most part, you don't khQKcOHni44-00245-00072883-00073057 care about the type that's coming back. khQKcOHni44-00246-00073057-00073183 You really just want the data, khQKcOHni44-00247-00073183-00073363 you want to bind it to something, khQKcOHni44-00248-00073363-00073693 whether it's a view model or a grid or something like that. khQKcOHni44-00249-00073693-00073853 >> Sure. khQKcOHni44-00250-00073881-00074278 >> All right. So there are some C-Sharp like khQKcOHni44-00251-00074278-00074681 functionality that we can use within queries, khQKcOHni44-00252-00074681-00074923 at link queries to be specific. khQKcOHni44-00253-00074923-00075268 Now, this is much improved in 3.x. khQKcOHni44-00254-00075268-00075722 A 2.x will up until 2.2. khQKcOHni44-00255-00075722-00076034 You could make C-Sharp and khQKcOHni44-00256-00076034-00076474 link code and really caused performance problems. khQKcOHni44-00257-00076474-00076657 They corrected that problem in 3.0. khQKcOHni44-00258-00076657-00076939 So I don't want to go into great detail in 3.0. khQKcOHni44-00259-00076939-00077242 >> But EF Core 3.0, right? khQKcOHni44-00260-00077242-00077365 >> EF Core 3. khQKcOHni44-00261-00077365-00077476 >> EF Core, okay. khQKcOHni44-00262-00077476-00077663 >> EF Core 3.0 and later. khQKcOHni44-00263-00077663-00077975 So we're in 3.1, which is the LTS release. khQKcOHni44-00264-00077975-00078358 So I know the versioning thing is all caddy want this. khQKcOHni44-00265-00078358-00078880 So there are certain functions that you can use that are khQKcOHni44-00266-00078880-00079430 C-Sharp functions that translate perfectly into SQL, khQKcOHni44-00267-00079430-00079961 by the SQL translation engine within the SQL Server provider. khQKcOHni44-00268-00079961-00080164 There are some that don't. khQKcOHni44-00269-00080164-00080521 So I have some examples here of ones that do, khQKcOHni44-00270-00080521-00080842 and I'm going to show you later a couple that don't. khQKcOHni44-00271-00080842-00081151 So we can use for example, khQKcOHni44-00272-00081151-00081572 we want to get a person khQKcOHni44-00273-00081572-00082264 where the last name contains the letters uf. khQKcOHni44-00274-00082264-00082616 Remember, it's case insensitive in SQL, khQKcOHni44-00275-00082616-00082807 so we don't have to worry about case khQKcOHni44-00276-00082807-00083177 changing as we would in C-Sharp. khQKcOHni44-00277-00083177-00083684 Now, this translates into a like statement, khQKcOHni44-00278-00083684-00083938 but we also have some EF functions. khQKcOHni44-00279-00083938-00084190 This is a static class that provides khQKcOHni44-00280-00084190-00084727 a like function that makes database people more comfortable. khQKcOHni44-00281-00084727-00085114 So here, we have EF.Functions.Like. khQKcOHni44-00282-00085114-00085576 In LastName, now, we have to add in the percent signs ourselves, khQKcOHni44-00283-00085576-00085849 but this makes it starts with ends khQKcOHni44-00284-00085849-00086297 with all of those things you can do with the like operator in SQL. khQKcOHni44-00285-00086316-00086723 Another built-in function is, IsDate, khQKcOHni44-00286-00086723-00086944 which this is really nice because it khQKcOHni44-00287-00086944-00087266 translates to the TSQL is date function. khQKcOHni44-00288-00087266-00087565 So if you have a string field and you khQKcOHni44-00289-00087565-00087841 want to know if it's a date, typically, khQKcOHni44-00290-00087841-00088229 you would have to pull that back into your client code, khQKcOHni44-00291-00088229-00088439 run some C-Sharp against it. khQKcOHni44-00292-00088439-00088747 But the helper function IsDate will then khQKcOHni44-00293-00088747-00089161 translate to the IsDate function on the SQL server site, khQKcOHni44-00294-00089161-00089600 we can also do the aggregate functions that you would expect. khQKcOHni44-00295-00089600-00090034 So sum, count, average, max, min, khQKcOHni44-00296-00090034-00090761 any in all, all translate to the correct SQL on the server site. khQKcOHni44-00297-00090761-00091177 Now, the watch out here is if khQKcOHni44-00298-00091177-00091532 you don't know whether or not it's going to translate or not, khQKcOHni44-00299-00091532-00091675 go ahead and write it, khQKcOHni44-00300-00091675-00091906 but make sure you have an integration test khQKcOHni44-00301-00091906-00092156 around that so you can exercise that code. khQKcOHni44-00302-00092156-00092343 Because if it can't be translated, khQKcOHni44-00303-00092343-00092669 then you'll get an exception saying, "This doesn't work." khQKcOHni44-00304-00092669-00092785 >> Right. khQKcOHni44-00305-00092785-00092986 >> So an example of that, khQKcOHni44-00306-00092986-00093331 let me scroll down here to my problem queries. khQKcOHni44-00307-00093331-00093761 There's a FirstOrDefault which we'll talk about shortly. khQKcOHni44-00308-00093761-00093988 But FirstOrDefault is a LINQ thing khQKcOHni44-00309-00093988-00094192 that says "Give me the very first one." khQKcOHni44-00310-00094192-00094384 or if there aren't any, khQKcOHni44-00311-00094384-00094639 return me to default for that data type. khQKcOHni44-00312-00094639-00094883 Now, these are all objects, so that would be a null. khQKcOHni44-00313-00094883-00095624 So it would make sense that we have a last or default, we don't. khQKcOHni44-00314-00095624-00095890 So if I were to run this code right here, khQKcOHni44-00315-00095890-00096367 we would get an "InvalidOperationException" and the message says, khQKcOHni44-00316-00096367-00096559 "This can't be translated into SQL khQKcOHni44-00317-00096559-00096781 by the SQL Server translation engine." khQKcOHni44-00318-00096781-00097246 So it's very clear at runtime what works and what doesn't work. khQKcOHni44-00319-00097246-00097541 However, it's not clear at design time. khQKcOHni44-00320-00097541-00097851 I can't stress enough how much you have to have some testing. khQKcOHni44-00321-00097851-00097995 Now technically, that'll be integration khQKcOHni44-00322-00097995-00098097 testing because according to khQKcOHni44-00323-00098097-00098373 your database by unit testing, testing wherever. khQKcOHni44-00324-00098373-00098632 Just have test around these so you can know khQKcOHni44-00325-00098632-00098969 whether or not you're pushing the limits of what LINQ can do. khQKcOHni44-00326-00098969-00099256 >> So is there a way to khQKcOHni44-00327-00099256-00099746 see what the translated SQL is for each of your queries? khQKcOHni44-00328-00099746-00100244 >> In EF core 3.1, not really. khQKcOHni44-00329-00100389-00100772 We can talk about it when we get into later episodes, khQKcOHni44-00330-00100772-00100969 it's a lot of unicorn, khQKcOHni44-00331-00100969-00101182 fairy dust magic to get it to work, khQKcOHni44-00332-00101182-00101386 and it doesn't work all the time. khQKcOHni44-00333-00101386-00101758 However, in EF Core 5, khQKcOHni44-00334-00101758-00102001 which is the next version because we're skipping khQKcOHni44-00335-00102001-00102301 for kind of like we skipped through with a holy hand grenade. khQKcOHni44-00336-00102301-00102647 In EF Core 5, there is going to be khQKcOHni44-00337-00102647-00102871 an extension method off of khQKcOHni44-00338-00102871-00103219 your query that will then output the string. khQKcOHni44-00339-00103219-00103319 >> Okay. khQKcOHni44-00340-00103319-00103598 >> The other option is, with logging turned on, khQKcOHni44-00341-00103598-00103972 EF Core will log the SQL that is khQKcOHni44-00342-00103972-00104420 built at runtime when that SQL is executed. khQKcOHni44-00343-00104420-00104782 So you can see the query in the log, khQKcOHni44-00344-00104782-00105079 so you have console logging turned on or things like that. khQKcOHni44-00345-00105079-00105244 The other option, khQKcOHni44-00346-00105244-00105584 the traditional way is pull up SQL Server Management Studio, khQKcOHni44-00347-00105584-00105877 turn on Profiler and see what comes across. khQKcOHni44-00348-00105877-00105968 >> All right. khQKcOHni44-00349-00105968-00106282 >> Now that will only work if it can be translated. khQKcOHni44-00350-00106282-00106405 If it can't be translated, khQKcOHni44-00351-00106405-00106643 it'll never come across SQL Server Management Studio khQKcOHni44-00352-00106643-00106858 and then you'll get the "InvalidOperationException" khQKcOHni44-00353-00106858-00107061 >> That's a good thing to know, right? khQKcOHni44-00354-00107061-00107194 >> Yes. khQKcOHni44-00355-00107194-00107539 >> If you're new to khQKcOHni44-00356-00107539-00107932 LINQ or you're just not sure if you got the statement right, khQKcOHni44-00357-00107932-00108701 but you know SQL, then that would seem to be a good way to check? khQKcOHni44-00358-00108701-00109024 >> Yeah. You should be checking anyway. khQKcOHni44-00359-00109024-00109195 Now these are very simple queries khQKcOHni44-00360-00109195-00109369 and it's really hard to mess them up. khQKcOHni44-00361-00109369-00109693 But when you get into a really complex queries. khQKcOHni44-00362-00109693-00109898 >> Is not that hard to mess things up. khQKcOHni44-00363-00109898-00110203 >> Right. But when you get khQKcOHni44-00364-00110203-00110540 into much more complex, real world situation. khQKcOHni44-00365-00110540-00110891 Sometimes, you're not going to like to query generates. khQKcOHni44-00366-00110891-00111188 Most of the time, I think you will. khQKcOHni44-00367-00111188-00111607 I've talked to a lot of my friends who are khQKcOHni44-00368-00111607-00111858 hardcore DBAs and we've looked at khQKcOHni44-00369-00111858-00112187 the output and more often than not. khQKcOHni44-00370-00112187-00112354 I won't put a percentage because khQKcOHni44-00371-00112354-00112594 90 percent of all statistics are made up anyway. khQKcOHni44-00372-00112594-00112744 But more often than not, khQKcOHni44-00373-00112744-00113053 the query that gets generated is really, really well done. khQKcOHni44-00374-00113053-00113216 But sometimes, it's not. khQKcOHni44-00375-00113216-00113356 There are some things in khQKcOHni44-00376-00113356-00113692 the two dot X world that cause M plus one issues. khQKcOHni44-00377-00113692-00113920 So you do want to examine the queries khQKcOHni44-00378-00113920-00114161 that are generated and what I would recommend khQKcOHni44-00379-00114161-00114529 in the three dot X world or three dot one world is go khQKcOHni44-00380-00114529-00114901 ahead and fire a Profiler and just watch your queries come across. khQKcOHni44-00381-00114901-00114958 >> Okay. khQKcOHni44-00382-00114958-00115118 >> If you don't like to query, khQKcOHni44-00383-00115118-00115337 we'll talk about in a later episode, khQKcOHni44-00384-00115337-00115597 there's ways that you can build your own query and get khQKcOHni44-00385-00115597-00115868 the same benefit of using LINQ. khQKcOHni44-00386-00115868-00116005 >> Okay. khQKcOHni44-00387-00116005-00116290 >> So now, let's get into some more samples. khQKcOHni44-00388-00116290-00116473 I'm going to jump down here to line 101 khQKcOHni44-00389-00116473-00116726 in the sample if you're following me along at home. khQKcOHni44-00390-00116726-00117019 I want to talk about getting my primary key. khQKcOHni44-00391-00117019-00117509 There's a find method that I could always do as we saw before, khQKcOHni44-00392-00117509-00117841 person dot where, primary key value, khQKcOHni44-00393-00117841-00118115 equal, equal, the number we're passing in. khQKcOHni44-00394-00118115-00118359 Find is a special function. khQKcOHni44-00395-00118359-00118611 What find does is first looks khQKcOHni44-00396-00118611-00118864 in the change tracker to see if you already khQKcOHni44-00397-00118864-00119383 have this object in a DB set. khQKcOHni44-00398-00119383-00119639 If it does, it returns the object that you have. khQKcOHni44-00399-00119639-00119953 If it doesn't find it already retrieved, khQKcOHni44-00400-00119953-00120064 then it will go retrieve it. khQKcOHni44-00401-00120064-00120395 So it can be a site performance boost. khQKcOHni44-00402-00120395-00120728 We can also use Find with complex keys. khQKcOHni44-00403-00120728-00121331 So we just have to pass in each of the properties in order. khQKcOHni44-00404-00121331-00121571 So we have to get the order right. khQKcOHni44-00405-00121571-00121846 That's again, just a shortcut for khQKcOHni44-00406-00121846-00122299 doing a where clause with FirstOrDefault. khQKcOHni44-00407-00122299-00122484 >> All right. khQKcOHni44-00408-00122484-00122729 >> So we can do FirstOrDefault, khQKcOHni44-00409-00122729-00123088 which says get me the first one that matches this khQKcOHni44-00410-00123088-00123455 or if none of them match, then return NULL. khQKcOHni44-00411-00123455-00123926 There's also a first which if it doesn't find one, khQKcOHni44-00412-00123926-00124316 will then except or throw an exception. khQKcOHni44-00413-00124316-00124723 Now, we can shortcut the syntax these two lines, khQKcOHni44-00414-00124723-00125023 113 and 114 are exactly the same. khQKcOHni44-00415-00125023-00125407 It just shorthand, if khQKcOHni44-00416-00125407-00125773 the where clause can fit into the FirstOrDefault, khQKcOHni44-00417-00125773-00125971 we can do it right there. khQKcOHni44-00418-00125971-00126422 Then SingleOrDefault, I don't recommend using. khQKcOHni44-00419-00126422-00127000 What SingleOrDefault does server side is select the top two, khQKcOHni44-00420-00127000-00127418 pull those two records back if there are two records, khQKcOHni44-00421-00127418-00127579 and if there's more than one, khQKcOHni44-00422-00127579-00127748 then it throws an exception. khQKcOHni44-00423-00127748-00128216 So it's actually doing the checking for this single on khQKcOHni44-00424-00128216-00128641 the client and pulling back two records from the server. khQKcOHni44-00425-00128641-00128819 Now, is that a huge performance problem? khQKcOHni44-00426-00128819-00129200 No. But again, it's all about critical thought khQKcOHni44-00427-00129200-00129656 and if you need to have that type of accepted behavior, khQKcOHni44-00428-00129656-00130004 then go ahead and use Single or SingleOrDefault. khQKcOHni44-00429-00130004-00130335 All right. Last thing I want to talk about is paging. khQKcOHni44-00430-00130335-00130536 Paging is extremely simple. khQKcOHni44-00431-00130536-00130892 Now, this is using skip and offset in SQL, khQKcOHni44-00432-00130892-00131051 but I can say, khQKcOHni44-00433-00131051-00131437 "Skip" or type "Skip" and it's going to skip a certain number of khQKcOHni44-00434-00131437-00131879 records and then take the number of records that I want. khQKcOHni44-00435-00131879-00132043 Obviously, you probably want to have khQKcOHni44-00436-00132043-00132230 an order by to have that makes sense, khQKcOHni44-00437-00132230-00132625 otherwise it's going to skip and take in database order. khQKcOHni44-00438-00132625-00132899 So that's a quick whirlwind tour khQKcOHni44-00439-00132899-00133306 around querying records in Entity Framework Core. khQKcOHni44-00440-00133306-00133571 >> So it's LINQ, it's just LINQ? khQKcOHni44-00441-00133571-00133712 >> It's LINQ, Yeah. khQKcOHni44-00442-00133712-00133826 >> Sweet. khQKcOHni44-00443-00133826-00134224 >> The important takeaway from this is when it executes. khQKcOHni44-00444-00134224-00134470 I can't stress that enough because it can really crush khQKcOHni44-00445-00134470-00134806 your performance if you don't understand that process. khQKcOHni44-00446-00134806-00135056 >> Right. The docs, khQKcOHni44-00447-00135056-00135310 there are pretty good docs on this? True or false? khQKcOHni44-00448-00135310-00135425 >> There are pretty good docs on it, khQKcOHni44-00449-00135425-00135709 I don't know if it calls out as khQKcOHni44-00450-00135709-00136070 strongly as I do about when the execution happens, khQKcOHni44-00451-00136070-00136450 but the docs on querying data are really, really good. khQKcOHni44-00452-00136450-00136780 >> All right. This is khQKcOHni44-00453-00136780-00137152 the same LINQ that we've been enjoying for many, khQKcOHni44-00454-00137152-00137501 many years or is this a new and improved LINQ? khQKcOHni44-00455-00137501-00137680 >> It is the same LINQ with khQKcOHni44-00456-00137680-00138023 extensions built-in for Entity Framework Core. khQKcOHni44-00457-00138023-00138275 >> Okay. Awesome. khQKcOHni44-00458-00138275-00138356 >> All right. khQKcOHni44-00459-00138356-00138623 >> So that's a good overview of querying. khQKcOHni44-00460-00138623-00138709 >> Yes. khQKcOHni44-00461-00138709-00139043 >> That'll cover us for this episode. khQKcOHni44-00462-00139043-00139361 So in Part 4, we're going to look at what? khQKcOHni44-00463-00139361-00139546 >> We're going to look at getting khQKcOHni44-00464-00139546-00139859 related data in queries and creating projections. khQKcOHni44-00465-00139859-00140122 >> Fantastic. So I hope you guys are enjoying this khQKcOHni44-00466-00140122-00141500 and we will see you next time on Visual Studio Toolbox. km0cXpSgYrA-00000-00000000-00000458 Asalaamu Alaikum guys and welcome to another episode of smile2jannah km0cXpSgYrA-00001-00000851-00001341 Coronavirus is spreading in every country. Many civilized nations have km0cXpSgYrA-00002-00001341-00001788 accepted this inevitable fate and are actively trying to contain it. On the km0cXpSgYrA-00003-00001788-00002280 other hand the useless Indian government, are using this as an excuse to play the km0cXpSgYrA-00004-00002280-00002658 blame game. And when they can't blame everything on Pakistan km0cXpSgYrA-00005-00003504-00003686 yep you've guessed it, km0cXpSgYrA-00006-00003686-00003914 it's the Muslims. km0cXpSgYrA-00007-00004108-00004416 Might I add it's the same government that was km0cXpSgYrA-00008-00004416-00004676 promoting cow urine as a cure km0cXpSgYrA-00009-00004676-00005001 but another BJP MLA in Guwahati Suman Haripriya km0cXpSgYrA-00010-00005001-00005456 claimed that cow urine and dung can cure the virus. km0cXpSgYrA-00011-00005584-00005792 And talking the virus into leaving km0cXpSgYrA-00012-00006204-00006376 Oh my God km0cXpSgYrA-00013-00006431-00006954 And their followers are stupid enough to fall for the same trick every time. km0cXpSgYrA-00014-00007590-00008070 In this particular scenario they're blaming missionary Muslims who km0cXpSgYrA-00015-00008070-00008406 just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. km0cXpSgYrA-00016-00008406-00009000 because of the singular determination of the Tablighi Jamaat to spread the coronavirus in my country km0cXpSgYrA-00017-00009022-00009492 One group has put all of India at risk. These are dangerous people. km0cXpSgYrA-00018-00009492-00009870 These lockdown cheats they have compromised us all km0cXpSgYrA-00019-00009870-00010012 What are you talking about? km0cXpSgYrA-00020-00010018-00010432 We were just winning, when they did everything to defeat us km0cXpSgYrA-00021-00010432-00010756 oh my... God km0cXpSgYrA-00022-00010764-00011108 Wow that is something and a half km0cXpSgYrA-00023-00011186-00011516 And to be just they weren't the only ones km0cXpSgYrA-00024-00011538-00012162 Ram Navmi, a celebration and it was celebrated at Shirdi without any social distancing. km0cXpSgYrA-00025-00012178-00012552 These villagers were taking part in a religious procession and when km0cXpSgYrA-00026-00012552-00012990 the police tried to stop them they pelted stones at the police km0cXpSgYrA-00027-00012990-00013210 They pelted stones at the police km0cXpSgYrA-00028-00013210-00013556 They pelted stones at the police km0cXpSgYrA-00029-00013556-00014141 Hindu and Sikh events were also taking place during the lockdown but mentioning km0cXpSgYrA-00030-00014141-00014762 that who would be the right thing to do. And obviously the BJP is not necessarily km0cXpSgYrA-00031-00014762-00015146 known for that now are they. Well I know what you guys are thinking. km0cXpSgYrA-00032-00015146-00015722 Who cares who started it? Shouldn't the priority be to contain the virus? km0cXpSgYrA-00033-00015722-00016212 I mean why dissect and divide the population as if to say certain people km0cXpSgYrA-00034-00016212-00016408 are better than other people? km0cXpSgYrA-00035-00016408-00016692 Muslims do not deserve equal rights to apply...? km0cXpSgYrA-00036-00016692-00017010 There's no such as equal rights, they are not in an equal category km0cXpSgYrA-00037-00017010-00017260 Dang km0cXpSgYrA-00038-00017282-00017596 It's ironic how they're bashing Muslims for coming too close km0cXpSgYrA-00039-00017596-00017931 but here on camera these guys km0cXpSgYrA-00040-00017931-00018184 are guilty of doing exactly the same thing. km0cXpSgYrA-00041-00018184-00018528 Even the incompetent Sky News is doing that. km0cXpSgYrA-00042-00018528-00018945 Listen to this guy emphasize the word Islamic, as if he's placing an km0cXpSgYrA-00043-00018945-00019172 order to someone who can't speak English. km0cXpSgYrA-00044-00019172-00019476 Islamic congregation alone. km0cXpSgYrA-00045-00019476-00019884 This Islamic congregation. km0cXpSgYrA-00046-00019884-00020217 And then he pauses for effect as if leaving the words to km0cXpSgYrA-00047-00020217-00020472 marinate in some sort of masala (sauce) or something km0cXpSgYrA-00048-00020472-00020879 this Islamic congregation km0cXpSgYrA-00049-00020928-00021488 Should the news be using cheesy slogans when reporting serious stories? km0cXpSgYrA-00050-00021488-00021840 Coronavirus super spreader km0cXpSgYrA-00051-00021840-00022156 I mean what's gonna be the headline when a murder takes place? km0cXpSgYrA-00052-00022156-00022686 The mega murderer murders the president km0cXpSgYrA-00053-00022922-00023164 They are broken every law of this country... km0cXpSgYrA-00054-00023164-00023396 because they happen to be amongst the people who km0cXpSgYrA-00055-00023397-00023949 spread the virus, suddenly they... suddenly they qualify for breaking every law. km0cXpSgYrA-00056-00023949-00024452 They have been spreading hate against the lockdown km0cXpSgYrA-00057-00024452-00024659 Hate against the lockdown? km0cXpSgYrA-00058-00024659-00025236 Mate you don't know Tablighis yeah, Tablighis are like the most passive bunch of people out there. km0cXpSgYrA-00059-00025236-00025718 Just thinking about it now I realize I'm raising my voice so I'm sorry. km0cXpSgYrA-00060-00025732-00026233 They're criticized for not getting involved in politics, for not getting involved in km0cXpSgYrA-00061-00026233-00026656 controversial matters, all they do is just stick to basic issues. km0cXpSgYrA-00062-00026656-00027157 That being said I do have a question for you guys. Do you think India cared about the sect km0cXpSgYrA-00063-00027157-00027766 when they had stuff like "corona-jihad" trending and Nizamuddin Idiots km0cXpSgYrA-00064-00027766-00028219 trending? Of course not, as Muslims we should be standing up for anyone being km0cXpSgYrA-00065-00028219-00028839 discriminated, be it non Muslim, a Muslim that you share common beliefs with or km0cXpSgYrA-00066-00028839-00029136 even a Muslim that you don't share common beliefs with. km0cXpSgYrA-00067-00029136-00029245 Oh I was saying that I was having km0cXpSgYrA-00068-00029245-00029506 a good time with the brothers and alhumdulilah km0cXpSgYrA-00069-00029506-00029748 -Yeah what sect were they? -I don't know km0cXpSgYrA-00070-00029748-00029933 you need to find out then bro. km0cXpSgYrA-00071-00029933-00030283 I mean you gotta be looking at the bigger picture. If you decide not km0cXpSgYrA-00072-00030283-00030763 to stand up for somebody just because they believe in something slightly km0cXpSgYrA-00073-00030763-00031411 different to you, mate you are a messed up individual, that just doesn't have the km0cXpSgYrA-00074-00031411-00031620 bigger picture in your mind km0cXpSgYrA-00075-00031620-00031922 Alhumdulilah they gave me food, water, dates km0cXpSgYrA-00076-00031922-00032342 -material like books... -what sect are those authors? km0cXpSgYrA-00077-00032342-00032704 -I don't know -why don't you find out? km0cXpSgYrA-00078-00032730-00033458 I do hope the situation in India becomes better because India is definitely km0cXpSgYrA-00079-00033459-00034000 burning. It is just going through a mad period at this time especially for km0cXpSgYrA-00080-00034000-00034509 the Muslims. Do remember them in your prayers to show them your support. km0cXpSgYrA-00081-00034509-00034738 And inshaAllah I'll leave it there guys km0cXpSgYrA-00082-00034738-00035176 until next time Asalaamu alaikum l78-fQPqLMk-00000-00000000-00000200 Egg rice l78-fQPqLMk-00001-00000200-00000400 Street food lsYkLGb4AhE-00000-00000012-00000300 How much does a funeral cost in the U.S? lsYkLGb4AhE-00001-00000300-00000599 The range is six to ten thousand dollars. lsYkLGb4AhE-00002-00000599-00000975 It all depends on the exact products and services you choose. lsYkLGb4AhE-00003-00000975-00001444 All customers must pay the "basic services fee", which is around one to two thousand dollars. lsYkLGb4AhE-00004-00001544-00002132 It covers things like the professional services of the funeral director and staff, planning, lsYkLGb4AhE-00005-00002132-00002761 permits, death certificate copies, storage of the body, and coordination with the cemetery or crematory. lsYkLGb4AhE-00006-00002911-00003344 You really don't have to go with the funeral home's suggestion on the hospital or nursing home's list. lsYkLGb4AhE-00007-00003482-00003809 You can compare prices from other funeral homes. lsYkLGb4AhE-00008-00003809-00004387 When you speak to a funeral director, remember, they are not clergy but a business owner. lsYkLGb4AhE-00009-00004387-00004796 You have the final say on the services and products you choose. lsYkLGb4AhE-00010-00004796-00005230 For instance, the choice of casket or urn is entirely yours. lsYkLGb4AhE-00011-00005230-00005448 Choose one within your budget. lsYkLGb4AhE-00012-00005448-00005955 If you're not satisfied with the caskets or urns available at the funeral home, you can even buy your own and ship it in. lsYkLGb4AhE-00013-00006310-00006611 The funeral home shouldn't charge extra for this. lsYkLGb4AhE-00014-00006611-00007084 Funeral directors are required to provide a written, itemized price list for all their lsYkLGb4AhE-00015-00007084-00007400 products and services under FTC rules. lsYkLGb4AhE-00016-00007400-00008087 To get in touch with funeral homes in your local area, please type in your browser call.funeral.centre lsYkLGb4AhE-00017-00008087-00008472 Or just tap or click the link on or under this video. lsYkLGb4AhE-00018-00008472-00008553 Thanks for watching. ltlyF7tbb_0-00000-00000008-00000688 to dr zahi hawas an award-winning world-renowned archaeologist his life's work has been dedicated ltlyF7tbb_0-00001-00000688-00001400 to the discovery and research of ancient egyptian antiquities not surprisingly his office is full ltlyF7tbb_0-00002-00001400-00002064 of books on the topic some of which depict dark-skinned ancient egyptians but he says ltlyF7tbb_0-00003-00002064-00002648 there's an explanation no they were dark skinned but they were not black but they are not legal ltlyF7tbb_0-00004-00002744-00003215 because look at the length of the the negroes like that and the nose ltlyF7tbb_0-00005-00003215-00003728 like this is not really the egyptian origin at all it's different completely different ltlyF7tbb_0-00006-00003864-00004520 and that's why we have you cannot connect the egyptian civilization with the african ltlyF7tbb_0-00007-00004520-00005056 at all it's different all from syria palestine it's different completely lvJGP7cKpvk-00000-00000000-00000200 Youtube: Click, Subscribe, Listen, Like, and Share. JESUS ONLY IS OUR MESSAGE Please join our online prayer meeting on Thursday. USA: 6.00pm - 7.00pm 712 775 7035 Access Code 344823# Nigeria; 10.00 pm - 11.00 midnight From Nigeria +234 1 440 5221 Access Code 344823# United Arab Emirates +971 600 521269 344823# KINDLY PRAY FOR US FOR SOULS THAT ARE THIRSTY FOR WORDS OF GOD AND COMMITTED WORKERS @ DLBC CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA, USA. We need devoted Christian workers @ DLBC, Charlottesville. Please come and join us. (;009 1 434 9626622) Always Fellowship with us @ Deeperlife Chalottesville 4656 Briarwood Dr. Charlottesville, VA 22911. Sunday Worship: 8.50am- 11.30am, Monday Bible Study 6.50pm- 8.30pm , Thursday Conference Payer Meetings :6.00pm-7.00pm. (Sub. Prayer Request @, USA: 6.00pm - 7.00pm 712 775 7035 Access Code 344823# Nigeria; 11.00 pm - 12.00 midnight From Nigeria +234 1 440 5221 Access Code 344823# United Arab Emirates +971 600 521269 344823# DLBC CHARLOTTESVILLE PRAYER REQUEST 1) PROVISION OF PLACE OF WORSHIP MIRACULOUSLY 2)PROVISION OF CHURCH VAN 3)CHURCH'S WORKERS I am using this medium to encourage whosoever loves to serve God and want to settle down in or visit USA ( either from Africa, any part of the world or within the USA) to come to Charlottesville. ( LEGAL DOCUMENTS IS NEEDED) Apply to below school for associate degree nursing program in USA Apply to below school for degree nursing program in USA Apply @ below website to practice as a Registered Nurse in USA. 1) 2) What I request from you is to come one come all to join us in Deeper Life Bible Church, Charlottesville, VA, USA to work for God together. Pas. Matthew Akanmu (Eph.6:9)// lxNgO22O5_Y-00000-00000072-00000451 PRESENTER: This is a schematic of the climate system. lxNgO22O5_Y-00001-00000451-00001056 We can think of the climate as representing essentially four lxNgO22O5_Y-00002-00001056-00001557 subsystems that are coupled together. lxNgO22O5_Y-00003-00001557-00001948 Among those subsystems are the atmosphere-- lxNgO22O5_Y-00004-00001948-00002133 so that's one of the spheres. lxNgO22O5_Y-00005-00002133-00002550 And that, of course, represents the chemistry lxNgO22O5_Y-00006-00002550-00002811 and the dynamics of that component lxNgO22O5_Y-00007-00002811-00003060 of the system, the atmosphere. lxNgO22O5_Y-00008-00003060-00003246 Then we have the hydrosphere, which lxNgO22O5_Y-00009-00003246-00003528 is all the water that exists on the face lxNgO22O5_Y-00010-00003528-00003665 of the earth in liquid form. lxNgO22O5_Y-00011-00003665-00004254 So that would be the oceans and seas, rivers, lakes, et cetera. lxNgO22O5_Y-00012-00004254-00004596 Water that exists in vapor form-- water vapor-- lxNgO22O5_Y-00013-00004596-00004983 is part of the atmosphere. lxNgO22O5_Y-00014-00004983-00005316 Then we have the cryosphere, which lxNgO22O5_Y-00015-00005316-00005796 is all of the water that exists in the form of snow and ice. lxNgO22O5_Y-00016-00005796-00006045 That would include mountain glaciers, that lxNgO22O5_Y-00017-00006045-00006264 would include the major ice sheets, lxNgO22O5_Y-00018-00006264-00006900 and that would include snow that falls in the extra tropics lxNgO22O5_Y-00019-00006900-00007041 during the winter. lxNgO22O5_Y-00020-00007041-00007329 Finally then we have the biosphere, lxNgO22O5_Y-00021-00007329-00007608 and that represents all living things lxNgO22O5_Y-00022-00007608-00007713 on the face of the earth. lxNgO22O5_Y-00023-00007713-00008061 And as we'll see in this course, the biosphere lxNgO22O5_Y-00024-00008061-00008445 does indeed play a key role. lxNgO22O5_Y-00025-00008445-00008742 It influences the composition of the atmosphere lxNgO22O5_Y-00026-00008742-00008979 through the global carbon cycle, it lxNgO22O5_Y-00027-00008979-00009228 influences the surface characteristics lxNgO22O5_Y-00028-00009228-00009579 of the land, which has implications for climate. lxNgO22O5_Y-00029-00009579-00009948 So ultimately what we have are these four systems-- lxNgO22O5_Y-00030-00009948-00010416 the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the cryosphere, lxNgO22O5_Y-00031-00010416-00010602 and the biosphere-- lxNgO22O5_Y-00032-00010602-00010860 interacting with each other to form what lxNgO22O5_Y-00033-00010860-00011129 we call the climate system. lyimy3MwHgk-00000-00000002-00000202 Hi, I’m Jiwon. lyimy3MwHgk-00001-00000240-00000532 Today I’m going on a day trip in a city nearby. lyimy3MwHgk-00002-00000538-00000876 This city isn’t actually the place where the most tourists go in Germany. lyimy3MwHgk-00003-00000882-00001172 So I can say that it’s kinda rare trip for a Korean tourist. lyimy3MwHgk-00004-00001204-00001440 It’s called Quedlinburg. lyimy3MwHgk-00005-00001873-00002005 In German, lyimy3MwHgk-00006-00002150-00002320 Yeah, it's the name of the city. lyimy3MwHgk-00007-00002348-00002548 This is known for its half-timber houses. lyimy3MwHgk-00008-00002548-00002666 Oh, just like this! lyimy3MwHgk-00009-00002850-00002946 We’ve just passed by. lyimy3MwHgk-00010-00003032-00003452 ‘Fachwerk’ is the traditional way of building houses in Germany. lyimy3MwHgk-00011-00003486-00003779 There’s a national park on the way there, which is called ‘Harz’. lyimy3MwHgk-00012-00003786-00003926 We’re gonna stop by there lyimy3MwHgk-00013-00003929-00004504 to see the biggest dam and the longest bridge in the whole of Germany. lyimy3MwHgk-00014-00008988-00009204 This one is the way too old. lyimy3MwHgk-00015-00016568-00016660 I’m just so happy now. lyimy3MwHgk-00016-00019032-00019626 (Please subscribe my channel for more videos.) l-cOdvP4V50-00000-00001888-00002459 Narrator: The St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair and the Detroit River, also known as the Huron-Erie l-cOdvP4V50-00001-00002459-00003077 Corridor, are the international waters that connect Lake Huron to Lake Erie. l-cOdvP4V50-00002-00003077-00003632 Environmental changes in the Corridor over time have resulted in a loss of habitat for l-cOdvP4V50-00003-00003632-00003901 fish and other organisms. l-cOdvP4V50-00004-00003901-00004431 This video is focusing on the successful St. Clair River fish habitat restoration project l-cOdvP4V50-00005-00004431-00004839 and the science and collaboration that made it a success! l-cOdvP4V50-00006-00004839-00005465 Dr. Bruce Manny: We were so surprised that lake sturgeon found the habitat and were spawning l-cOdvP4V50-00007-00005465-00005751 on it even though it wasn't completely constructed. l-cOdvP4V50-00008-00005751-00006240 We wanted to make sure that the materials we used were suitable for fish spawning. l-cOdvP4V50-00009-00006240-00006715 We have been perfecting the habitat materials and determined that a certain size and shape l-cOdvP4V50-00010-00006715-00007234 of rock was important to maximize the space between the rocks. l-cOdvP4V50-00011-00007234-00007706 If there is too much space, the eggs could be washed out by the water; but if the spaces l-cOdvP4V50-00012-00007706-00008437 are too small, the eggs would not be adequately protected from fish and other organisms. l-cOdvP4V50-00013-00008437-00008990 The Project Team developed a plan and methods to build new spawning habitat to increase l-cOdvP4V50-00014-00008990-00009667 lake sturgeon, lake whitefish, walleye, and other native fish populations. l-cOdvP4V50-00015-00009667-00010270 We learned that water flow, water depth, and water temperature were all important in the l-cOdvP4V50-00016-00010270-00010563 placement of a spawning reef. l-cOdvP4V50-00017-00010563-00011031 Another important factor is the available nursery habitat downstream that is crucial l-cOdvP4V50-00018-00011031-00011467 for the survival of young fish produced on the spawning reefs. l-cOdvP4V50-00019-00011467-00011961 One of the most important components of these habitat restoration projects is the monitoring l-cOdvP4V50-00020-00011961-00012378 that we do before and after the reef is constructed. l-cOdvP4V50-00021-00012378-00012955 In this way, we know whether any fish were there using the area before we construct the l-cOdvP4V50-00022-00012955-00013584 reef, and we can document the success of our spawning habitat projects. l-cOdvP4V50-00023-00013584-00014066 This video shows that there were lake sturgeon eggs among the rocks and adult lake sturgeon l-cOdvP4V50-00024-00014066-00014453 in the area – before the construction was even complete! l-cOdvP4V50-00025-00014453-00015101 Dr. Jennifer Read: Human alterations in the system in the late 19th and early 20th century l-cOdvP4V50-00026-00015101-00015296 resulted in many changes. l-cOdvP4V50-00027-00015296-00015857 One of the largest was the result of widening and deepening for commercial navigation. l-cOdvP4V50-00028-00015857-00016389 In the Detroit River alone, a major modification in the lower river resulted in the removal l-cOdvP4V50-00029-00016389-00017057 of over 300 million cubic meters of limestone rock and other material from the bottom of l-cOdvP4V50-00030-00017057-00017161 the river. l-cOdvP4V50-00031-00017161-00017844 The result was a dramatic reduction of fish populations throughout the entire Huron-to-Erie l-cOdvP4V50-00032-00017844-00018017 corridor. l-cOdvP4V50-00033-00018017-00018648 In 2004, a collaborative group of University, Government, Industry, and non-governmental l-cOdvP4V50-00034-00018648-00019163 organizations established the Huron-Erie Corridor initiative. l-cOdvP4V50-00035-00019163-00019620 The first two projects, one at Belle Isle in the Detroit River, the other at Fighting l-cOdvP4V50-00036-00019620-00020132 Island, also in the Detroit River, but in the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge l-cOdvP4V50-00037-00020132-00020498 have significantly improved fish habitat. l-cOdvP4V50-00038-00020498-00020888 And we have seen fish responding to our latest project in the St. Claire delta while it was l-cOdvP4V50-00039-00020888-00021067 under construction. l-cOdvP4V50-00040-00021067-00021630 Fish habitat restoration is a key part of U.S. EPA's Strategy to restore impaired, beneficial l-cOdvP4V50-00041-00021630-00021846 uses in the system. l-cOdvP4V50-00042-00021846-00022363 These restoration efforts will provide cultural and economic benefits, bolster commercial l-cOdvP4V50-00043-00022363-00022899 and sport fishing and contribute to a higher quality of life for the people living in the l-cOdvP4V50-00044-00022899-00023063 corridor. l-cOdvP4V50-00045-00023063-00023473 All of these projects are part of our long-term goal to replace some of the habitat that was l-cOdvP4V50-00046-00023473-00023960 removed 100 years ago to support commercial navigation. l-cOdvP4V50-00047-00023960-00024376 The next steps for the partnership are to choose the restoration sites base on this l-cOdvP4V50-00048-00024376-00024794 model and build on our past successes. l-cOdvP4V50-00049-00024794-00025180 This is science in action, and this is the kind of research project where we're not just l-cOdvP4V50-00050-00025180-00025663 performing research to learn about new things, but we're applying the results for the benefit l-cOdvP4V50-00051-00025663-00025895 of the larger community. l-cOdvP4V50-00052-00025895-00026445 Our approach in the Huron-Erie Corridor is a potential model for success for other locations. l-cOdvP4V50-00053-00026445-00027070 We are making sure that our work builds on the science that has gone before, so we are l-cOdvP4V50-00054-00027070-00027350 learning and adapting as we move forward. l-cOdvP4V50-00055-00027350-00028058 Narrator: The Huron-Erie Corridor is the epicenter of fish populations and fish habitat restoration l-cOdvP4V50-00056-00028058-00028304 in the Central Great Lakes. l-cOdvP4V50-00057-00028304-00028844 The fish spawning habitat restoration successes in these connecting channels can have positive l-cOdvP4V50-00058-00028844-00029544 impacts on Lakes Erie and Huron as well as the entire Great Lakes basin. l-cOdvP4V50-00059-00029544-00030120 The Huron-Erie Corridor Initiative partners will continue to work together to manage, l_2_VMrF0tc-00000-00003883-00004104 Hi, everyone :) l_2_VMrF0tc-00001-00004104-00004341 I made some summer food this week. l_2_VMrF0tc-00002-00004441-00004637 First, smoked duck with cold vegetables(Naengchae) l_2_VMrF0tc-00003-00004729-00005005 Prepare colorful vegetables. l_2_VMrF0tc-00004-00005146-00005380 Slice pepper into this long pieces. l_2_VMrF0tc-00005-00005889-00006122 Place it on a plate l_2_VMrF0tc-00006-00006218-00006406 Next, red pepper l_2_VMrF0tc-00007-00006539-00006719 Cut off the top and bottom, l_2_VMrF0tc-00008-00006969-00007190 and remove the seeds. l_2_VMrF0tc-00009-00007219-00007453 Slice it into this long pieces, too. l_2_VMrF0tc-00010-00007453-00007661 I feel really good l_2_VMrF0tc-00011-00007661-00007841 when I cut all the vegetables into the same size l_2_VMrF0tc-00012-00008049-00008241 For green color, I’ll put a cucumber. l_2_VMrF0tc-00013-00008454-00008692 I can make a traffic light l_2_VMrF0tc-00014-00008692-00008929 just with this peppers and cucumber. l_2_VMrF0tc-00015-00009200-00009476 Again, slice it into long pieces. l_2_VMrF0tc-00016-00009934-00010139 yes, I know this is white. l_2_VMrF0tc-00017-00010139-00010326 But I just wanted to put it into this dish. l_2_VMrF0tc-00018-00010523-00010660 Cut it in half l_2_VMrF0tc-00019-00010660-00010856 Remove the green part in the center l_2_VMrF0tc-00020-00010994-00011190 Slice it thinly. l_2_VMrF0tc-00021-00011319-00011574 My hands are suffering by not buying a ‘Chaekal’ l_2_VMrF0tc-00022-00011711-00011970 Well,, but I won’t buy it forever I guess l_2_VMrF0tc-00023-00012053-00012224 Vegetables done! l_2_VMrF0tc-00024-00012224-00012420 Sauce for ‘Naengchae’ l_2_VMrF0tc-00025-00012504-00012641 1tsp of mustard l_2_VMrF0tc-00026-00012641-00012808 1tsp of soy sauce l_2_VMrF0tc-00027-00012808-00013029 2tsp of vinegar l_2_VMrF0tc-00028-00013029-00013246 1tsp of sugar syrup l_2_VMrF0tc-00029-00013246-00013380 1tsp of sugar l_2_VMrF0tc-00030-00013380-00013596 Mix it well l_2_VMrF0tc-00031-00013659-00013901 Kind people won’t see any mustard lump lol.. l_2_VMrF0tc-00032-00014030-00014168 It’s time l_2_VMrF0tc-00033-00014168-00014368 to grill l_2_VMrF0tc-00034-00014456-00014635 I got this new cooking tweezers! l_2_VMrF0tc-00035-00014635-00014914 Mrs.macaron made me want it for a long time l_2_VMrF0tc-00036-00014914-00015148 I’m really satisfied with it! l_2_VMrF0tc-00037-00015202-00015440 (Sizzle) l_2_VMrF0tc-00038-00015724-00015961 Grill smoked duck as much as you want l_2_VMrF0tc-00039-00015961-00016216 But I like it crispy, so I grilled it for a long time l_2_VMrF0tc-00040-00016445-00016700 Put it onto a round-shaped plate l_2_VMrF0tc-00041-00016750-00016900 Yellow pepper l_2_VMrF0tc-00042-00017096-00017271 Green cucumber l_2_VMrF0tc-00043-00017525-00017709 White leak l_2_VMrF0tc-00044-00017784-00018047 I can just put it the way I want, l_2_VMrF0tc-00045-00018047-00018259 but I feel good when the dish is beautiful! l_2_VMrF0tc-00046-00018414-00018626 That makes me feel as a chef. l_2_VMrF0tc-00047-00018781-00018993 and it’s good to upload on Instagram! l_2_VMrF0tc-00048-00019235-00019427 Put smoked duck in the center l_2_VMrF0tc-00049-00019573-00019836 You can make it with ‘Jokbal’ l_2_VMrF0tc-00050-00019903-00020145 A lot of sauce l_2_VMrF0tc-00051-00020466-00020666 Smoked duck with chilled vegetables done! l_2_VMrF0tc-00052-00020666-00020866 Let’s go eat! l_2_VMrF0tc-00053-00020900-00021062 With Heineken l_2_VMrF0tc-00054-00021204-00021367 Wow l_2_VMrF0tc-00055-00021396-00021609 Bon appetite! l_2_VMrF0tc-00056-00021709-00021921 Put some vegetables on the spoon l_2_VMrF0tc-00057-00022409-00022614 and a piece of smoked duck l_2_VMrF0tc-00058-00022839-00023043 Crunchy, greasy, spicy, and sour! l_2_VMrF0tc-00059-00023152-00023365 There are not that many delicious and healthy food, l_2_VMrF0tc-00060-00023365-00023561 but this is it! l_2_VMrF0tc-00061-00023773-00023969 I really don’t eat raw vegatables l_2_VMrF0tc-00062-00023969-00024165 but I like this because I can eat it in a plate! l_2_VMrF0tc-00063-00024165-00024361 a sip of Heineken l_2_VMrF0tc-00064-00024945-00025129 well… way more than a sip… l_2_VMrF0tc-00065-00025129-00025538 To make a balance, I need to drink some beer with healthy food (lol l_2_VMrF0tc-00066-00025538-00026021 This ‘Naengchae’ is a well-known summer food in Korea. l_2_VMrF0tc-00067-00026021-00026530 If you can get smoked duck easily, try this :) l_2_VMrF0tc-00068-00026530-00026960 The most important thing is colorful vegetables! l_2_VMrF0tc-00069-00026960-00027352 Thanks for today’s meal :) l_2_VMrF0tc-00070-00027652-00027882 I’ll make some desert with this peach l_2_VMrF0tc-00071-00027882-00028111 Cut it in half l_2_VMrF0tc-00072-00028169-00028399 Twist it like trimming an avocado. l_2_VMrF0tc-00073-00028607-00028778 It’s a bit hard l_2_VMrF0tc-00074-00028778-00029008 when you cut it in half by twisting it l_2_VMrF0tc-00075-00029029-00029258 You can skip it if you think it’s hard for you l_2_VMrF0tc-00076-00029391-00029546 But if you do this, l_2_VMrF0tc-00077-00029546-00029775 it becomes a cute and round stewed peach l_2_VMrF0tc-00078-00029821-00030050 Peel it off l_2_VMrF0tc-00079-00030409-00030705 You can get pink color by boiling the peel, l_2_VMrF0tc-00080-00030705-00031001 But I don’t like the fuzz… so I just peel it off l_2_VMrF0tc-00081-00031001-00031289 I’ll make it pinky by using Hibiscus tea l_2_VMrF0tc-00082-00031689-00032006 I’ll make it pinky by using Hibiscus tea l_2_VMrF0tc-00083-00032140-00032353 Ahmad rosehip hibiscus and cherry l_2_VMrF0tc-00084-00032565-00032778 soak it out a little bit to make it pink l_2_VMrF0tc-00085-00032999-00033212 Put peaches in it l_2_VMrF0tc-00086-00033362-00033591 I prepared three peaches l_2_VMrF0tc-00087-00033591-00033821 But since there’s not enough room in the pot, I ate one haha l_2_VMrF0tc-00088-00034054-00034225 sugar l_2_VMrF0tc-00089-00034426-00034680 Boil it for 30~40 mins, and it’s done! l_2_VMrF0tc-00090-00034680-00034893 It takes a while, l_2_VMrF0tc-00091-00034893-00035155 but it’s worth it! l_2_VMrF0tc-00092-00035189-00035397 When the peaches get softer, put 1tsp of lemon juice l_2_VMrF0tc-00093-00035443-00035693 and let it cool. l_2_VMrF0tc-00094-00035693-00035890 Stewed Peach is done! l_2_VMrF0tc-00095-00035944-00036131 Put it in a sterilized glass bottle l_2_VMrF0tc-00096-00036252-00036440 I like this pink color! l_2_VMrF0tc-00097-00036603-00036820 It’s easy to eat when you want something sweet l_2_VMrF0tc-00098-00036916-00037074 Put some juice together l_2_VMrF0tc-00099-00037237-00037433 I tried a spoon of juice l_2_VMrF0tc-00100-00037433-00037658 and it’s just so good, so sweet! l_2_VMrF0tc-00101-00037796-00037962 Close it tight l_2_VMrF0tc-00102-00037962-00038188 and let it cool in the fridge l_2_VMrF0tc-00103-00038484-00038709 But I can’t wait it, l_2_VMrF0tc-00104-00038867-00039093 so I’ll try one! l_2_VMrF0tc-00105-00039168-00039360 Because it’s so soft, l_2_VMrF0tc-00106-00039360-00039552 I don’t have to put that much effort on this l_2_VMrF0tc-00107-00039806-00039902 Yum-yum! l_2_VMrF0tc-00108-00039902-00040052 Wow…. it’s just so delicious l_2_VMrF0tc-00109-00040240-00040423 It’s similar to Canned peach l_2_VMrF0tc-00110-00040423-00040636 But this has non-artificial taste! l_2_VMrF0tc-00111-00040899-00041070 A shot of juice l_2_VMrF0tc-00112-00041195-00041303 Yay, so nice! l_2_VMrF0tc-00113-00041303-00041604 Today is pollack-roe day! l_2_VMrF0tc-00114-00041604-00041937 I’ll make a pollack roe egg roll and Ochazuke l_2_VMrF0tc-00115-00042129-00042375 Chop a leak into small pieces. l_2_VMrF0tc-00116-00042667-00042821 chop-chop-chop l_2_VMrF0tc-00117-00043218-00043422 Put it in a wooden bowl l_2_VMrF0tc-00118-00043422-00043589 Next, salted pollack roe! l_2_VMrF0tc-00119-00043651-00043885 I bought this from Market Kurly l_2_VMrF0tc-00120-00043885-00044098 It’s 3 times bigger than normal salted pollack roe! l_2_VMrF0tc-00121-00044144-00044294 I love it! l_2_VMrF0tc-00122-00044294-00044465 Get one l_2_VMrF0tc-00123-00044494-00044665 Cut it in half l_2_VMrF0tc-00124-00044811-00044982 and remove the peel l_2_VMrF0tc-00125-00045120-00045320 I’ll buy this again! l_2_VMrF0tc-00126-00045320-00045516 Even though it’s expensive, I think it’s worth it! l_2_VMrF0tc-00127-00045633-00045829 Let’s make an egg roll than l_2_VMrF0tc-00128-00045862-00045979 (plop) l_2_VMrF0tc-00129-00046091-00046233 (plop again) l_2_VMrF0tc-00130-00046275-00046504 Because pollack roe is salty, I’ll put 3 eggs l_2_VMrF0tc-00131-00046550-00046688 Grind the pepper l_2_VMrF0tc-00132-00046901-00047130 and mix the egg well l_2_VMrF0tc-00133-00047576-00047806 Put some oil in the pan l_2_VMrF0tc-00134-00047822-00048002 and spread it evenly l_2_VMrF0tc-00135-00048131-00048335 Put some egg mixture l_2_VMrF0tc-00136-00048406-00048611 Put the pollack roe at the edge l_2_VMrF0tc-00137-00048903-00049107 I’m so happy that I can put pollack roe this much l_2_VMrF0tc-00138-00049245-00049449 Fold the edge and roll it l_2_VMrF0tc-00139-00049858-00050024 mission complete! l_2_VMrF0tc-00140-00050024-00050179 add more oil l_2_VMrF0tc-00141-00050212-00050412 Put egg mixture again, l_2_VMrF0tc-00142-00050412-00050613 and do this again. l_2_VMrF0tc-00143-00050692-00050892 Rolling l_2_VMrF0tc-00144-00051196-00051380 It’s 2 times bigger than I usually made l_2_VMrF0tc-00145-00051643-00051826 Let it cool on the wooden board l_2_VMrF0tc-00146-00051935-00052118 Next is grilled pollack roe! l_2_VMrF0tc-00147-00052160-00052398 It’s better if you grill it with sesame oil l_2_VMrF0tc-00148-00052502-00052723 pollack roe l_2_VMrF0tc-00149-00052723-00052994 Because it’s popping everywhere, be careful! l_2_VMrF0tc-00150-00053103-00053290 For grilled pollack roe, use less salty one l_2_VMrF0tc-00151-00053290-00053470 or remove seasoning on it. l_2_VMrF0tc-00152-00053570-00053778 I really want a cup of beer… l_2_VMrF0tc-00153-00053778-00053987 cut the egg rolls then! l_2_VMrF0tc-00154-00054070-00054279 Wow… l_2_VMrF0tc-00155-00054316-00054491 Can’t you see the pollack roe…? l_2_VMrF0tc-00156-00054692-00055004 Cut it a bit thickly not to lose pollack roe. l_2_VMrF0tc-00157-00055146-00055321 I can eat 2 bowls of rice with this l_2_VMrF0tc-00158-00055321-00055530 Put it on the plate l_2_VMrF0tc-00159-00055951-00056085 and place it on the table. l_2_VMrF0tc-00160-00056085-00056293 Let’s make a Ochazuke l_2_VMrF0tc-00161-00056414-00056660 Ochazuke is a dish pouring green tea on rice. l_2_VMrF0tc-00162-00056660-00056906 You might be surprised if you don’t know, but it’s good! l_2_VMrF0tc-00163-00057111-00057373 Infuse the green tea l_2_VMrF0tc-00164-00057444-00057653 Cut the pollack roe l_2_VMrF0tc-00165-00057703-00057874 CAREFULLY l_2_VMrF0tc-00166-00058062-00058258 It’s better to grill it in a short time. l_2_VMrF0tc-00167-00058258-00058445 Because it gets crispy outside l_2_VMrF0tc-00168-00058445-00058633 and soft inside. l_2_VMrF0tc-00169-00058683-00058846 Perfect! l_2_VMrF0tc-00170-00058846-00059021 Put some rice in the bowl l_2_VMrF0tc-00171-00059213-00059388 I usually eat a bowl of rice, l_2_VMrF0tc-00172-00059388-00059563 but today, I’ll eat more..! l_2_VMrF0tc-00173-00059801-00060005 Furikake l_2_VMrF0tc-00174-00060139-00060351 Top the pollack roe this much l_2_VMrF0tc-00175-00060489-00060702 It’s simple l_2_VMrF0tc-00176-00060731-00060944 because all you need is green tea and pollack roe l_2_VMrF0tc-00177-00061035-00061248 Pour the green tea at the edge l_2_VMrF0tc-00178-00061457-00061594 Pollack roe Ochazuke is done! l_2_VMrF0tc-00179-00061594-00061761 Let’s go eat! l_2_VMrF0tc-00180-00061811-00062003 Bon appetite :) l_2_VMrF0tc-00181-00062095-00062262 Put the pollack roe on the rice l_2_VMrF0tc-00182-00062420-00062587 Yum yum! l_2_VMrF0tc-00183-00062695-00062916 It you like pollack roe, you’ll definitely like this! l_2_VMrF0tc-00184-00063037-00063259 Green tea goes well with salty pollack roe. l_2_VMrF0tc-00185-00063384-00063609 Let’s try some pollack roe egg roll. l_2_VMrF0tc-00186-00063809-00063997 As you may know, it’s so delicious!! l_2_VMrF0tc-00187-00064064-00064222 It’s soft and delicious l_2_VMrF0tc-00188-00064222-00064539 It was so nice dinner with this pollack roe l_2_VMrF0tc-00189-00064539-00064877 Ochazuke makes me warm and comfortable l_2_VMrF0tc-00190-00064877-00065106 Thanks for today’s meal! l_2_VMrF0tc-00191-00065106-00065407 For today’s dinner, let’s make summer pasta. l_2_VMrF0tc-00192-00065444-00065665 I saw this recipe a lot on Instagram! l_2_VMrF0tc-00193-00065673-00065894 Chop the half of onion into really small pieces l_2_VMrF0tc-00194-00065894-00066091 Make cuts vertically l_2_VMrF0tc-00195-00066224-00066420 and horizontally l_2_VMrF0tc-00196-00066666-00066862 and then chop it l_2_VMrF0tc-00197-00067317-00067513 into tiny small pieces. l_2_VMrF0tc-00198-00067842-00068038 Put it in a bowl l_2_VMrF0tc-00199-00068084-00068280 and pour water to remove some spicy taste l_2_VMrF0tc-00200-00068389-00068585 For perfect cold pasta, cherry tomatoes! l_2_VMrF0tc-00201-00068706-00068889 Remove the stalk l_2_VMrF0tc-00202-00068889-00069023 Cut it in half l_2_VMrF0tc-00203-00069569-00069719 Put it in a bowl l_2_VMrF0tc-00204-00069828-00069978 3 pieces of garlic l_2_VMrF0tc-00205-00070082-00070261 Chop-chop-chop l_2_VMrF0tc-00206-00070420-00070599 Let’s make minced garlic! l_2_VMrF0tc-00207-00071041-00071296 Olive l_2_VMrF0tc-00208-00071367-00071513 I’ll just use 3 pieces of it l_2_VMrF0tc-00209-00071513-00071725 Slice them thinly l_2_VMrF0tc-00210-00072430-00072630 Pasta sauce l_2_VMrF0tc-00211-00072630-00073168 5tsp of olive oil l_2_VMrF0tc-00212-00073168-00073348 1tsp of honey l_2_VMrF0tc-00213-00073348-00073510 1/2tsp of minced garlic l_2_VMrF0tc-00214-00073510-00073765 1tsp of lemon juice l_2_VMrF0tc-00215-00073765-00073982 a pinch of salt l_2_VMrF0tc-00216-00073982-00074165 Mix it well l_2_VMrF0tc-00217-00074207-00074445 cast iron pan which I haven’t used for a year. l_2_VMrF0tc-00218-00074516-00074737 Stir-fry minced garlic with olive oil l_2_VMrF0tc-00219-00074920-00075141 Make the garlic go into the oil l_2_VMrF0tc-00220-00075229-00075417 Shrimp l_2_VMrF0tc-00221-00075571-00075767 I actually wanted to put more shrimps l_2_VMrF0tc-00222-00075767-00076017 but 5 is enough to make it pretty. l_2_VMrF0tc-00223-00076088-00076280 grind the pepper l_2_VMrF0tc-00224-00076334-00076526 When it’s cooked enough, flip it over l_2_VMrF0tc-00225-00076814-00077031 No no don’t be burned, garlic! l_2_VMrF0tc-00226-00077227-00077427 Put the shrimps on the plate l_2_VMrF0tc-00227-00077427-00077627 and let’s boil pasta. l_2_VMrF0tc-00228-00077756-00077957 I’ll use thin pasta, spaghettini. l_2_VMrF0tc-00229-00078073-00078261 Please just put pasta for one… l_2_VMrF0tc-00230-00078407-00078616 Boil it for 6 to 7 mins l_2_VMrF0tc-00231-00078678-00078887 and rinse it into cold water l_2_VMrF0tc-00232-00079095-00079304 Put the pasta in the plate l_2_VMrF0tc-00233-00079333-00079516 cherry tomato l_2_VMrF0tc-00234-00079717-00079900 chopped onion l_2_VMrF0tc-00235-00080109-00080292 Pasta sauce l_2_VMrF0tc-00236-00080505-00080688 Let’s clean it… l_2_VMrF0tc-00237-00080764-00080947 My love, shrimps l_2_VMrF0tc-00238-00081122-00081306 Olive l_2_VMrF0tc-00239-00081456-00081639 Burrata cheese l_2_VMrF0tc-00240-00081769-00081952 I thought that I won’t be full enough with pasta l_2_VMrF0tc-00241-00081952-00082136 but with this cheese, I was full! l_2_VMrF0tc-00242-00082248-00082432 Put it on the pasta l_2_VMrF0tc-00243-00082432-00082603 Basil pesto l_2_VMrF0tc-00244-00082603-00082799 from Fattorie Umbre l_2_VMrF0tc-00245-00082941-00083137 Mix the solids with olive oil l_2_VMrF0tc-00246-00083316-00083512 and I’ll use just one spoon l_2_VMrF0tc-00247-00083641-00083837 Lastly, grind the pepper l_2_VMrF0tc-00248-00083929-00084142 Cold pasta is done! l_2_VMrF0tc-00249-00084292-00084505 I really love this moment I cut Burrata in half l_2_VMrF0tc-00250-00084505-00084713 Soft and lumpy….! l_2_VMrF0tc-00251-00084805-00085072 It’s perfect dish for instagram l_2_VMrF0tc-00252-00085164-00085435 I’ll drink passion fruit ade with this l_2_VMrF0tc-00253-00085848-00086115 Mix the pasta carefully l_2_VMrF0tc-00254-00086227-00086436 I actually am not familiar with this green dish l_2_VMrF0tc-00255-00086469-00086644 I was worrying about this dish at that moment, l_2_VMrF0tc-00256-00086644-00086832 but right after a bite, my thoughts totally changed! l_2_VMrF0tc-00257-00086941-00087116 With cheese l_2_VMrF0tc-00258-00087153-00087328 and plump shrimp l_2_VMrF0tc-00259-00087558-00087733 and cherry tomato. l_2_VMrF0tc-00260-00087733-00087862 Let’s eat it! l_2_VMrF0tc-00261-00087967-00088188 I thought this is just for Instagram, l_2_VMrF0tc-00262-00088188-00088371 but it’s way more delicious than I expected! l_2_VMrF0tc-00263-00088409-00088592 I think it’s good for home-party l_2_VMrF0tc-00264-00088959-00089143 This time, with this tiny little olive l_2_VMrF0tc-00265-00089305-00089418 Yum-yum l_2_VMrF0tc-00266-00089418-00089660 It’s fresh like summer! l_2_VMrF0tc-00267-00089752-00090269 Don’t forget lemon juice! l_2_VMrF0tc-00268-00090269-00090799 With grilled shrimps, the texture and the taste gets better! l_2_VMrF0tc-00269-00090799-00091253 With many solids, any pasta can be delicious actually :) l_2_VMrF0tc-00270-00091253-00091779 I highly recommend this to all of you! l_2_VMrF0tc-00271-00091779-00092087 For today, I’ll just make a peach Greek yogurt salad l_2_VMrF0tc-00272-00092208-00092438 leftover cherry tomatoes from pasta l_2_VMrF0tc-00273-00092592-00092901 Cut it in half l_2_VMrF0tc-00274-00092976-00093238 Peach l_2_VMrF0tc-00275-00093485-00094152 Make cuts vertically l_2_VMrF0tc-00276-00094152-00094477 and horizontally l_2_VMrF0tc-00277-00094894-00095182 then you can get this l_2_VMrF0tc-00278-00095307-00095633 a pack of salad l_2_VMrF0tc-00279-00095945-00096166 wash it l_2_VMrF0tc-00280-00096166-00096508 and put it in a bowl l_2_VMrF0tc-00281-00096508-00096775 cherry tomatoes l_2_VMrF0tc-00282-00096846-00097113 balsamic sauce l_2_VMrF0tc-00283-00097180-00097447 peach l_2_VMrF0tc-00284-00097760-00098006 a scoop of Greek yogurt l_2_VMrF0tc-00285-00098152-00098435 For sweeter taste, I’ll add stewed peach. l_2_VMrF0tc-00286-00098598-00098844 Put it on the yogurt l_2_VMrF0tc-00287-00098844-00099086 and of course, add syrup of it, too. l_2_VMrF0tc-00288-00099086-00099311 Peach Greek yogurt salad is done! l_2_VMrF0tc-00289-00099386-00099628 Let’s cut it l_2_VMrF0tc-00290-00099749-00100066 You can see that I cut it smoothly l_2_VMrF0tc-00291-00100216-00100533 With Greek yogurt and peach, l_2_VMrF0tc-00292-00100650-00100971 you can feel the taste of summer l_2_VMrF0tc-00293-00100971-00101272 For today’s dinner, tribe rice l_2_VMrF0tc-00294-00101272-00101618 Because I ate salad and made myself clean, l_2_VMrF0tc-00295-00101680-00102026 I’ll eat a greasy dish today! l_2_VMrF0tc-00296-00102081-00102427 Slice the onion thinly l_2_VMrF0tc-00297-00102598-00102827 because it’s this thin, it’s not that spicy. l_2_VMrF0tc-00298-00102898-00103119 Put it in a bowl l_2_VMrF0tc-00299-00103198-00103503 and pour some water to remove the spicy taste l_2_VMrF0tc-00300-00103503-00103807 chives go well with today’s dish l_2_VMrF0tc-00301-00104012-00104304 I’ll make a seasoned chives l_2_VMrF0tc-00302-00104441-00104633 Put it in a bowl l_2_VMrF0tc-00303-00104633-00104804 A little bit of soy sauce l_2_VMrF0tc-00304-00104804-00104992 A little bit of vinegar l_2_VMrF0tc-00305-00104992-00105146 A little bit of chili powder l_2_VMrF0tc-00306-00105146-00105301 A little bit of sugar syrup l_2_VMrF0tc-00307-00105301-00105492 A little bit of sesame oil l_2_VMrF0tc-00308-00105492-00105684 Mix it well l_2_VMrF0tc-00309-00105909-00106101 Now, I’ll grill the tribe l_2_VMrF0tc-00310-00106264-00106502 Why it gets smaller after it’s cooked l_2_VMrF0tc-00311-00106502-00106781 even though it was really big tribe! l_2_VMrF0tc-00312-00106915-00107107 Grill it until it’s golden brown l_2_VMrF0tc-00313-00107369-00107607 It’s… just…. greasy l_2_VMrF0tc-00314-00107715-00107953 When it’s cooked enough, cut it into a bite-sized pieces l_2_VMrF0tc-00315-00108412-00108737 Wow.. I can’t believe that I can eat it in home l_2_VMrF0tc-00316-00108871-00109108 (Sizzle) l_2_VMrF0tc-00317-00109129-00109367 Remove all the oil from the tribe l_2_VMrF0tc-00318-00109509-00109747 It’s essential because if you don’t do this, it gets more greasy! l_2_VMrF0tc-00319-00110001-00110239 When it’s cooked enough, add white wine l_2_VMrF0tc-00320-00110514-00110960 and put 2tsp of teriyaki sauce l_2_VMrF0tc-00321-00110960-00111227 Stir-fry them l_2_VMrF0tc-00322-00111519-00111740 Wow it just looks so delicious l_2_VMrF0tc-00323-00111740-00111920 Put the rice in the bowl l_2_VMrF0tc-00324-00112312-00112491 and put seasoned chives a lot l_2_VMrF0tc-00325-00112587-00112775 It’s greasy when you eat tribe, l_2_VMrF0tc-00326-00112775-00112979 but the chives make me refresh l_2_VMrF0tc-00327-00112979-00113113 Put some onions l_2_VMrF0tc-00328-00113429-00113684 and a lot of tribe l_2_VMrF0tc-00329-00113934-00114126 wipe the sauce l_2_VMrF0tc-00330-00114247-00114355 plop l_2_VMrF0tc-00331-00114451-00114672 Egg yolk is essential for this dish! l_2_VMrF0tc-00332-00114672-00114889 Tribe rice is done l_2_VMrF0tc-00333-00115060-00115273 I’ll drink blanc with this l_2_VMrF0tc-00334-00115548-00115761 Let’s drink some beer first l_2_VMrF0tc-00335-00115986-00116178 Bon appetite! l_2_VMrF0tc-00336-00116291-00116520 Mix the egg yolk with tribe l_2_VMrF0tc-00337-00116649-00116879 Start with the rice l_2_VMrF0tc-00338-00116966-00117104 and put onion l_2_VMrF0tc-00339-00117104-00117333 and a piece of tribe l_2_VMrF0tc-00340-00117454-00117680 It just remove the whole stress from work l_2_VMrF0tc-00341-00117680-00117834 so delicious l_2_VMrF0tc-00342-00118092-00118318 It’s good if you add wasabi, l_2_VMrF0tc-00343-00118318-00118543 but I forgot this because I was so hungry l_2_VMrF0tc-00344-00118660-00118885 I love it when the oil comes out of tribe…! l_2_VMrF0tc-00345-00119106-00119269 I can’t stop eating them l_2_VMrF0tc-00346-00119561-00119790 I’ll eat it again….! l_2_VMrF0tc-00347-00119890-00120049 When you think it’s too greasy, drink some beer l_2_VMrF0tc-00348-00120265-00120441 Then you can start again! l_2_VMrF0tc-00349-00120441-00120904 It’s simple but delicious! l_2_VMrF0tc-00350-00120904-00121429 I think of this when I got stress from work, l_2_VMrF0tc-00351-00121429-00121809 so I think I’ll make this often l_2_VMrF0tc-00352-00121809-00122067 Thanks for the meal :) l_2_VMrF0tc-00353-00122067-00122326 It’s rainy today. l_2_VMrF0tc-00354-00122443-00122701 I really miss the sun in the sky… l_2_VMrF0tc-00355-00122701-00123002 Because it’s rainy, I’ll make shrimp chives pan cakes and tofu-kimchi l_2_VMrF0tc-00356-00123002-00123256 slice the onion l_2_VMrF0tc-00357-00123852-00124107 Long time no see, red pepper l_2_VMrF0tc-00358-00124174-00124461 Actually I don’t buy this red pepper usually l_2_VMrF0tc-00359-00124461-00124707 but I bought this for decoration l_2_VMrF0tc-00360-00124749-00124995 It’s easy to use if you slice them and put it in the freezer l_2_VMrF0tc-00361-00125125-00125262 chives l_2_VMrF0tc-00362-00125262-00125508 Cut it into 5cm sized pieces l_2_VMrF0tc-00363-00125971-00126217 I’ll make fried tofu, too. l_2_VMrF0tc-00364-00126347-00126593 Cut it in half l_2_VMrF0tc-00365-00126859-00127106 Cut it into this size l_2_VMrF0tc-00366-00127690-00127906 Put the chives in the bowl l_2_VMrF0tc-00367-00128069-00128232 Onion l_2_VMrF0tc-00368-00128232-00128394 Little bit of minced shrimp l_2_VMrF0tc-00369-00128470-00128661 pancake powder l_2_VMrF0tc-00370-00128761-00128953 water l_2_VMrF0tc-00371-00129070-00129262 Mix it well l_2_VMrF0tc-00372-00129425-00129642 I usually make this quickly, l_2_VMrF0tc-00373-00129642-00129858 so I don’t know the exact recipe…! l_2_VMrF0tc-00374-00130109-00130326 Put some oil in the pan l_2_VMrF0tc-00375-00130392-00130609 and grill the tofu l_2_VMrF0tc-00376-00130822-00130980 Be careful when you use oil! l_2_VMrF0tc-00377-00130980-00131197 I usually think of this on rainy day! l_2_VMrF0tc-00378-00131331-00131548 When it’s golden brown, flip it over l_2_VMrF0tc-00379-00131694-00131910 I’ll use two spatulas l_2_VMrF0tc-00380-00131977-00132194 to flip it over easily l_2_VMrF0tc-00381-00132432-00132649 Put the fried kimchi in the bowl l_2_VMrF0tc-00382-00132782-00132891 ( A LOT ) l_2_VMrF0tc-00383-00133037-00133253 Place the tofu next to it l_2_VMrF0tc-00384-00133587-00133804 It just goes well with kimchi l_2_VMrF0tc-00385-00134188-00134367 Tofu-Kimchi is done! l_2_VMrF0tc-00386-00134367-00134580 Let’s make chives pan cake! l_2_VMrF0tc-00387-00134730-00134943 Make it round with spoon l_2_VMrF0tc-00388-00135239-00135451 Add more oil l_2_VMrF0tc-00389-00135639-00135852 Put the shrimp on the chive-pancake like this l_2_VMrF0tc-00390-00135956-00136169 Push it like this l_2_VMrF0tc-00391-00136169-00136382 then the shrimp sticks to the pancake l_2_VMrF0tc-00392-00136457-00136636 top the red pepper on it l_2_VMrF0tc-00393-00136832-00137070 It’s better with red color! l_2_VMrF0tc-00394-00137095-00137287 (Sizzle) l_2_VMrF0tc-00395-00137399-00137654 I actually am not good at flipping over l_2_VMrF0tc-00396-00137654-00137908 but it’s easy with this small pancakes l_2_VMrF0tc-00397-00137962-00138167 The whole shrimp makes it more delicious! l_2_VMrF0tc-00398-00138258-00138463 Put it in the plate l_2_VMrF0tc-00399-00138855-00139059 Today’s dinner is ready! l_2_VMrF0tc-00400-00139209-00139414 Ta-dah… food is gone…! l_2_VMrF0tc-00401-00139414-00139618 Because I realized that mic was turned off while I’m eating it l_2_VMrF0tc-00402-00139727-00139968 Dip the pancake into the soy sauce l_2_VMrF0tc-00403-00139968-00140210 I love the texture with shrimp l_2_VMrF0tc-00404-00140348-00140590 Let’s try some tofu-kimchi l_2_VMrF0tc-00405-00140849-00141090 Crunchy and greasy! l_2_VMrF0tc-00406-00141224-00141441 Today’s drink is sparkling water :) l_2_VMrF0tc-00407-00141578-00141837 I didn’t understand that sparkling water is delicious, l_2_VMrF0tc-00408-00141837-00142112 but I do… these days… haha l_2_VMrF0tc-00409-00142112-00142542 It’s a perfect menu on rainy day! l_2_VMrF0tc-00410-00142542-00142934 BTW, I want to know when the rain is over… l_2_VMrF0tc-00411-00142934-00143293 I wish I could see the sun soon l_2_VMrF0tc-00412-00143293-00143589 Today’s desert – Einspanner and cheesecake l_2_VMrF0tc-00413-00143589-00143868 Pour some whipped cream in the cup l_2_VMrF0tc-00414-00144348-00144561 Turn on the mini whipping machine l_2_VMrF0tc-00415-00144802-00145040 Until it doubles l_2_VMrF0tc-00416-00145391-00145628 Put a lot of ice in the cup l_2_VMrF0tc-00417-00145883-00146120 omg,, l_2_VMrF0tc-00418-00146254-00146421 Coffee l_2_VMrF0tc-00419-00146488-00146654 Water l_2_VMrF0tc-00420-00146746-00146971 and mix them l_2_VMrF0tc-00421-00147213-00147476 Put whipped cream on the top l_2_VMrF0tc-00422-00147593-00147810 cinnamon powder l_2_VMrF0tc-00423-00147960-00148152 Einspanner is done! l_2_VMrF0tc-00424-00148277-00148548 I bought this from Market Kurly because it’s on promotion. l_2_VMrF0tc-00425-00148548-00148731 It’s $7 normally, but it’s too expensive l_2_VMrF0tc-00426-00148731-00148952 because it’s too small….. l_2_VMrF0tc-00427-00149290-00149511 blueberry compote l_2_VMrF0tc-00428-00149511-00149774 Like blueberry cheesecake in Starbucks! l_2_VMrF0tc-00429-00150170-00150400 Today's video is done! l_2_VMrF0tc-00430-00150400-00150846 Thanks for watching :) lCz4TJcL07E-00000-00000090-00001400 Carolina what can you tell us about the warning that appears at the beginning of movies, which reads that piracy is comparable lCz4TJcL07E-00001-00001400-00002120 to robbery or murder? There are a lot of people that are shocked by this, and some people might think lCz4TJcL07E-00002-00002120-00002830 that both are felonies, but to go as far as comparing them in the same way...? No I definetely don't agree with this; it is just lCz4TJcL07E-00003-00002830-00003592 impossible to compare the two of them, because their mechanics of circulation are different.You can't compare the lCz4TJcL07E-00004-00003592-00004172 spread of knowledge, to the idea of robbery or murder. It definitely can't be compared to murder, lCz4TJcL07E-00005-00004172-00005301 I think we have to discard this idea, we don't even need to explain further. In the case of robbery, which it is a very common felony, it is just not the same lCz4TJcL07E-00006-00005301-00006206 because it is about belongings or tangible property. On one hand, It is like when I take something from you. if I lCz4TJcL07E-00007-00006206-00006703 take a chair from you, then you don't own the chair anymore. On the other hand, when we talk about intangible lCz4TJcL07E-00008-00006703-00007288 property, the ability to re-produce is part of its nature; it is not the same because lCz4TJcL07E-00009-00007288-00007799 it means that when I take a verse from you, you still have it. Even if I share a verse lCz4TJcL07E-00010-00007799-00008969 [from a poem] with others - it isn't like I know too many- it is not the same. There is a verse from a Colombian poet that died not long lCz4TJcL07E-00011-00008969-00009257 ago who worked on children's poems and he had a really easy verse, do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, yes my lCz4TJcL07E-00012-00009257-00009833 sun yes. He shared it with me, I wrote it down and after that I shared it with you, now the three of us have it, lCz4TJcL07E-00013-00009833-00010637 and now all of us have it, you learned it too, and that's it. It is not like I am going to steal the lCz4TJcL07E-00014-00010637-00011296 verse from him, we can't make that comparison. Piracy is a felony, and there is a legitimate property lCz4TJcL07E-00015-00011296-00012007 right behind it, it is true, but it is not comparable and I think we need a more profund discussion lCz4TJcL07E-00016-00012007-00012694 about economic and social issues, so we can keep supporting a mechanism of criminalization of this lCz4TJcL07E-00017-00012694-00013957 kind of behaviour, that I am sure, when it reaches these lenghths, affects, not only the authors, but also their relationship with the public. lCz4TJcL07E-00019-00014100-00014400 Subtitles by the community lCTBiwLwEoU-00000-00000801-00001110 There are currently eight planets in the solar system. lCTBiwLwEoU-00001-00001110-00001576 The rocky terrestrial inner planets, and the gas giants and ice giants that make up the lCTBiwLwEoU-00002-00001576-00001676 outer planets. lCTBiwLwEoU-00003-00001676-00002210 Have you ever wondered how the planets were created and why they look so different? lCTBiwLwEoU-00004-00002210-00002698 To find out, you must first go back to the formation of the solar system, to a time even lCTBiwLwEoU-00005-00002698-00002974 before our Sun was born. lCTBiwLwEoU-00006-00002974-00003507 This is a molecular cloud, a cold and dense collection of gas and dust floating in space. lCTBiwLwEoU-00007-00003507-00003908 It is the birthplace for stars such as our Sun. lCTBiwLwEoU-00008-00003908-00004415 Due to higher density in this region of space, the gas and dust slowly contract due to their lCTBiwLwEoU-00009-00004415-00004673 mutual gravitational attraction. lCTBiwLwEoU-00010-00004673-00005243 Such a collapse can be triggered by many events; for example, an explosion from a nearby star. lCTBiwLwEoU-00011-00005243-00005753 As the gas cloud contracts and falls inward towards the centre, it heats up and start lCTBiwLwEoU-00012-00005753-00005986 spinning faster and faster. lCTBiwLwEoU-00013-00005986-00006554 Over time, the gas cloud flattens into a thin disk with a high density of compressed matter lCTBiwLwEoU-00014-00006554-00006761 concentrated in the centre. lCTBiwLwEoU-00015-00006761-00007291 A protostar forms at the centre of this disk, which will eventually become our Sun, while lCTBiwLwEoU-00016-00007291-00007933 the seeds of the planets, called planetesimals, start to form in the disk.The gas cloud consists lCTBiwLwEoU-00017-00007933-00008483 of many microscopic dust particles; over time they collide and ‘stick’ together due lCTBiwLwEoU-00018-00008483-00008754 to mutual gravitational attraction. lCTBiwLwEoU-00019-00008754-00009225 They become larger and heavier, attracting more and more particles. lCTBiwLwEoU-00020-00009225-00009506 This process is known as Accretion. lCTBiwLwEoU-00021-00009506-00010095 Over time, these clumps grow large enough to become planetesimals, and eventually planets. lCTBiwLwEoU-00022-00010095-00010577 Near the centre of the spinning disk, the gas cloud spins faster, causing the region lCTBiwLwEoU-00023-00010577-00010728 to become hotter. lCTBiwLwEoU-00024-00010728-00011335 Here, it is too hot for substances with low melting points such as water and methane to lCTBiwLwEoU-00025-00011335-00011942 form solid ice, so the terrestrial planets that formed near the sun are smaller and denser lCTBiwLwEoU-00026-00011942-00012224 and mainly made of metals and rocks instead. lCTBiwLwEoU-00027-00012224-00013004 Due to their small masses, they gravitationally attract less gas and hence form thin atmospheres. lCTBiwLwEoU-00028-00013004-00013559 Further away from the protostar, the temperature is cool enough for ice crystals to form. lCTBiwLwEoU-00029-00013559-00013998 These ice crystals are more abundant, thus the planetesimals can grow massive enough lCTBiwLwEoU-00030-00013998-00014574 for their gravity to attract large amounts of gases such as hydrogen and helium, lCTBiwLwEoU-00031-00014574-00014731 forming a thick atmosphere. lCTBiwLwEoU-00032-00014731-00015396 As a result, the gas giants are larger than terrestrial planets.Meanwhile, as the protostar lCTBiwLwEoU-00033-00015396-00015938 contracts due to gravity, its temperature and pressure increases until a point where lCTBiwLwEoU-00034-00015938-00016276 hydrogen can start fusing to become helium. lCTBiwLwEoU-00035-00016276-00016781 This process is known as Nuclear Fusion, which releases large amounts of heat and light. lCTBiwLwEoU-00036-00016781-00017137 The protostar has evolved into the Sun. lCTBiwLwEoU-00037-00017137-00017707 Radiation from the Sun starts to push the lighter gases such as Hydrogen and Helium lCTBiwLwEoU-00038-00017707-00018340 out of the Solar System.According to current planetary models, Neptune and Uranus formed lCTBiwLwEoU-00039-00018340-00018822 after most of the gas in the solar system is gone; as a result, they are mainly composed lCTBiwLwEoU-00040-00018822-00019212 of heavier elements such as oxygen, carbon and nitrogen. lCTBiwLwEoU-00041-00019212-00019726 Neptune and Uranus are also thought to have formed nearer to the Sun in the order of Neptune lCTBiwLwEoU-00042-00019726-00019912 and Uranus. lCTBiwLwEoU-00043-00019912-00020509 Eventually, the combined gravitational influence of Jupiter and Saturn pushed Neptune and Uranus lCTBiwLwEoU-00044-00020509-00020740 further out into their orbits. lCTBiwLwEoU-00045-00020740-00021262 This caused gravitational disturbances that flung much debris into the inner solar system, lCTBiwLwEoU-00046-00021262-00021512 resulting in the Late Heavy Bombardment. lCTBiwLwEoU-00047-00021512-00021956 The Late Heavy Bombardment is a period in the Solar System’s history when the inner lCTBiwLwEoU-00048-00021956-00022559 planets suffered a lot of asteroid impacts.As Uranus and Neptune were pushed further away lCTBiwLwEoU-00049-00022559-00023098 from the Sun, they entered a region of dense rocky debris left over from the early formation lCTBiwLwEoU-00050-00023098-00023268 of the Solar System. lCTBiwLwEoU-00051-00023268-00023832 Their gravity ended up flinging most of the debris out of the solar system or into large lCTBiwLwEoU-00052-00023832-00024318 inclined orbits around the sun, forming the Oort cloud we know today. lCTBiwLwEoU-00053-00024318-00024792 This also accounts for why the ring of debris surrounding the solar system today, known lCTBiwLwEoU-00054-00024792-00025479 as the Kuiper belt, contains less material than expected.Throughout the past 4.6 billion lCTBiwLwEoU-00055-00025479-00026064 years, our Solar System has changed a lot, and we expect it to continue changing in the future. lCTBiwLwEoU-00056-00026166-00026600 So the next time you look up at the planets, take a moment to appreciate the long process lCTBiwLwEoU-00057-00026600-00026694 that went into its making. :) lGIxbS6RRXY-00000-00000039-00000276 Standup on Beach So what am I doing, sitting here at the beach lGIxbS6RRXY-00001-00000276-00000458 in Ocean City, on a ball? lGIxbS6RRXY-00002-00000458-00000915 Well, I'll tell you and I'm going to start by showing you this picture. lGIxbS6RRXY-00003-00000915-00001115 This is Pluto. lGIxbS6RRXY-00004-00001115-00001819 This is the best view of Plutoman has had and it was taken from the Hubble Space Telescope, lGIxbS6RRXY-00005-00001819-00002149 but this summer we are going to get a much better view. lGIxbS6RRXY-00006-00002149-00002698 For the first time a spacecraft is going to fly right by Pluto, and your going to hear lGIxbS6RRXY-00007-00002698-00003143 that it's millions and millions of miles away but that means nothing. lGIxbS6RRXY-00008-00003143-00003860 I want to SHOW you how far away Pluto is, so what we're going to do here is make a scale lGIxbS6RRXY-00009-00003860-00004185 model of the solar system and that's our sun (Dan points to large blue ball). lGIxbS6RRXY-00010-00004185-00004607 Now, I've already done the maths for you and we are going to show you haw far away the lGIxbS6RRXY-00011-00004607-00004786 different planets are. lGIxbS6RRXY-00012-00004786-00004948 Prepare to be surprised! lGIxbS6RRXY-00013-00004948-00005450 Rachel Dypskey and her son Ethan were enjoying the sun and sand, and I asked here to make lGIxbS6RRXY-00014-00005450-00005710 a guess about our scale model solar system. lGIxbS6RRXY-00015-00005710-00006178 SOT Rachel Dypskyvideo 1241) Dan: If that's the sun how big do you think Earth would be? lGIxbS6RRXY-00016-00006178-00006442 Rachel: Maybe about this big? lGIxbS6RRXY-00017-00006442-00006715 (Hold up fingers) Dan: Well see this dime? lGIxbS6RRXY-00018-00006715-00006858 That's almost too big! lGIxbS6RRXY-00019-00006858-00007023 Rachel: Wow! lGIxbS6RRXY-00020-00007023-00007477 Dan and the answer is we''re going to walk 193 feet to Earth. lGIxbS6RRXY-00021-00007477-00007813 Dan Standupvideo 1247) So this is why you can't have a scale model lGIxbS6RRXY-00022-00007813-00008002 of the solar system in class room. lGIxbS6RRXY-00023-00008002-00008581 If our sun is that big (points to blue ball), then to get to Earth, I have to walk 200 feet! lGIxbS6RRXY-00024-00008581-00009135 The New Horizon's Spacecraft has been traveling at about 30,000 miles per hour. lGIxbS6RRXY-00025-00009135-00009559 At that speed you can get from the Earth to the moon in about 8 hours! lGIxbS6RRXY-00026-00009559-00010236 Pluto is so far away though, it's taken ten lonely years in the cold inky black of space, lGIxbS6RRXY-00027-00010236-00010560 and all for a few precious hours. lGIxbS6RRXY-00028-00010560-00010869 No one understands this better than Michael Buckley. lGIxbS6RRXY-00029-00010869-00011286 When I spotted the sticker on his laptop that said “my other vehicle is on the way to lGIxbS6RRXY-00030-00011286-00011518 Pluto”, I knew I had to chat! lGIxbS6RRXY-00031-00011518-00011990 He has spent the last ten years working on New Horizons and I talked with him last December lGIxbS6RRXY-00032-00011990-00012270 at a major science meeting in San Francisco: SOT Michael Buckley: lGIxbS6RRXY-00033-00012270-00012783 You get one shot at the flyby, but there's the entire approach as we get there, so we're lGIxbS6RRXY-00034-00012783-00012885 going to start to see Pluto come to life! lGIxbS6RRXY-00035-00012885-00012985 2015 is the year of Pluto! lGIxbS6RRXY-00036-00012985-00013085 Dan Stand up: Well we finally made it- I am at Pluto. lGIxbS6RRXY-00037-00013085-00013185 It's so far distance we're going to use chopper 16 to show you the entire distance back to lGIxbS6RRXY-00038-00013185-00013285 the pier, where are sun is. lGIxbS6RRXY-00039-00013285-00013385 Chopper 16 video: Can you see me waving?? lGIxbS6RRXY-00040-00013385-00013852 I am 1.3 miles from the pier and Pluto on our scale would be half the size as your smallest lGIxbS6RRXY-00041-00013852-00013952 fingernail. lGIxbS6RRXY-00042-00013952-00014387 If jet planes could fly in space, I could reach the astronauts on the international lGIxbS6RRXY-00043-00014387-00014755 space station in just 30 minutes and the Moon in two weeks. lGIxbS6RRXY-00044-00014755-00014981 To get to Plutothough, would take 675 years! lGIxbS6RRXY-00045-00014981-00015543 Stand up Dan: video 1257 at 00:40 So I hope this gives you an idea of how vast lGIxbS6RRXY-00046-00015543-00016048 and empty our solar system is how far awayPluto really is. lGIxbS6RRXY-00047-00016048-00016560 You might wonder where is Voyager 1, the farthest man made object from Earth, and it's about lGIxbS6RRXY-00048-00016560-00017314 two miles farther down the beach and up about 2,000 feet- and the nearest star to our sun? lGIxbS6RRXY-00049-00017314-00017633 9,900 miles that way. lGIxbS6RRXY-00050-00017633-00017909 Sitting in the Ural Mountains of Russia. lGIxbS6RRXY-00051-00017909-00018405 One last thing- in the past few days we got our first images from New Horizons, and we lGIxbS6RRXY-00052-00018405-00018775 now have a new best picture of Pluto. lGIxbS6RRXY-00053-00018775-00019356 Here it is and I hope you can now appreciate how very far away that blurry object is! lI1RG8nBt0E-00000-00000320-00000960 Exporthub trade happens here export hub is a diverse B2B marketplace an international lI1RG8nBt0E-00001-00000960-00001600 marketing agency and an export facilitation expert with you can easily get lI1RG8nBt0E-00002-00001600-00002256 a customized one window solution catering to all your business needs ExportHub works as your sales lI1RG8nBt0E-00003-00002256-00002752 marketing and export department helping you market yourself internationally lI1RG8nBt0E-00004-00002752-00003288 making it easy for you to connect with global buyers helping you reach more engage more and lI1RG8nBt0E-00005-00003288-00003888 sell more helping you develop business-to-business connections strengthening your online identity lI1RG8nBt0E-00006-00003952-00004600 building potential buyers trust in you saving your time and money maturing orders for you lI1RG8nBt0E-00007-00004600-00005256 and ensuring your returns on investment enrol for our VIP service today and do business smartly lI1RG8nBt0E-00008-00005480-00005784 for more details you can contact us on lI1RG8nBt0E-00009-00006248-00006895 you can also follow us on social media platforms lLv1N3Cql7g-00000-00000032-00000903 Video Download Description Have Link lLAzsyAuztk-00000-00000368-00000536 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00001-00000816-00000960 i deserve this life lLAzsyAuztk-00002-00001248-00001592 i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00003-00001744-00001968 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00004-00002248-00003192 i will make today meaningful i can do it god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00005-00003479-00003815 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00006-00004096-00005032 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00007-00005256-00005784 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00008-00005952-00006200 i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00009-00006488-00006872 my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00010-00007159-00008584 start from small things start from myself and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00011-00008728-00008896 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00012-00009176-00009320 i deserve this life lLAzsyAuztk-00013-00009600-00009984 i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00014-00010112-00010336 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00015-00010616-00011560 i will make today meaningful i can do it god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00016-00011840-00012184 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00017-00012464-00013391 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00018-00013624-00014184 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00019-00014312-00015688 i will make sure i have to try my dream will come true from this day forward start from small things lLAzsyAuztk-00020-00015928-00016063 start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00021-00016352-00016984 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00022-00017088-00018384 today is my day i deserve this life i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00023-00018480-00019920 i am precious and amazing i will make today meaningful i can do it god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00024-00020208-00020552 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00025-00020832-00021184 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it lLAzsyAuztk-00026-00021456-00021760 if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00027-00021992-00022584 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00028-00022680-00022928 i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00029-00023224-00023600 my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00030-00023888-00024056 start from small things lLAzsyAuztk-00031-00024296-00024432 start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00032-00024720-00025384 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00033-00025456-00025624 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00034-00025904-00026048 i deserve this life lLAzsyAuztk-00035-00026336-00026783 i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00036-00026839-00027064 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00037-00027344-00027568 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00038-00027848-00028288 i can do it be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00039-00028568-00028912 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00040-00029192-00029583 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it lLAzsyAuztk-00041-00029816-00030127 if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00042-00030352-00030983 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00043-00031048-00031295 i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00044-00031583-00031968 my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00045-00032256-00032416 start from small things lLAzsyAuztk-00046-00032664-00032792 start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00047-00033080-00033824 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00048-00033824-00033984 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00049-00034264-00035432 i deserve this life i am happy with my body i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00050-00035712-00035936 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00051-00036216-00036304 i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00052-00036544-00037280 god be with me as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00053-00037560-00038488 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00054-00038720-00039408 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00055-00039408-00040328 i will make sure i have to try my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00056-00040624-00040784 start from small things lLAzsyAuztk-00057-00041024-00041160 start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00058-00041448-00042184 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00059-00042280-00042352 is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00060-00042632-00042776 i deserve this life lLAzsyAuztk-00061-00043064-00043296 i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00062-00043568-00043792 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00063-00044072-00044304 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00064-00044584-00044672 i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00065-00044904-00045016 god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00066-00045304-00045648 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00067-00045920-00046856 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00068-00047080-00048024 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00069-00048320-00049184 my dream will come true from this day forward start from small things lLAzsyAuztk-00070-00049392-00049520 start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00071-00049816-00050016 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00072-00050552-00050712 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00073-00051000-00051144 i deserve this life lLAzsyAuztk-00074-00051432-00051655 i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00075-00051936-00052664 i am precious and amazing i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00076-00052944-00053040 i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00077-00053272-00053384 god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00078-00053664-00054008 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00079-00054288-00055216 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00080-00055448-00055848 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00081-00056136-00057064 i will make sure i have to try my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00082-00057352-00057888 start from small things start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00083-00058176-00058384 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00084-00058912-00059079 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00085-00059360-00060024 i deserve this life i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00086-00060296-00060528 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00087-00060800-00061032 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00088-00061312-00061400 i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00089-00061640-00061784 god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00090-00062032-00062376 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00091-00062655-00063184 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it lLAzsyAuztk-00092-00063279-00063584 if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00093-00063816-00064752 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00094-00065048-00065424 my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00095-00065712-00066248 start from small things start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00096-00066544-00066744 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00097-00067280-00067872 today is my day i deserve this life lLAzsyAuztk-00098-00068160-00068384 i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00099-00068664-00068888 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00100-00069168-00069392 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00101-00069680-00069768 i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00102-00070000-00070184 god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00103-00070400-00070736 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00104-00071016-00071952 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00105-00072176-00073120 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00106-00073408-00073792 my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00107-00074080-00074608 start from small things start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00108-00074904-00075112 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00109-00075648-00076752 today is my day i deserve this life i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00110-00077032-00077256 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00111-00077536-00078136 i will make today meaningful i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00112-00078368-00078584 god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00113-00078760-00080008 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it lLAzsyAuztk-00114-00080008-00080320 if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00115-00080544-00080944 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00116-00081232-00081480 i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00117-00081776-00082152 my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00118-00082448-00082984 start from small things start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00119-00083272-00083480 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00120-00084008-00084184 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00121-00084456-00084608 i deserve this life lLAzsyAuztk-00122-00084888-00085120 i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00123-00085392-00085584 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00124-00085896-00086128 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00125-00086408-00086496 i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00126-00086728-00086984 god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00127-00087128-00087472 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00128-00087752-00088680 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00129-00088912-00089312 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00130-00089600-00090520 i will make sure i have to try my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00131-00090808-00091352 start from small things start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00132-00091640-00091840 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00133-00092376-00092584 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00134-00092824-00093480 i deserve this life i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00135-00093760-00093984 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00136-00094264-00094480 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00137-00094768-00094864 i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00138-00095096-00095384 god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00139-00095496-00096456 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it lLAzsyAuztk-00140-00096736-00097048 if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00141-00097272-00097672 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00142-00097960-00098184 i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00143-00098504-00098888 my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00144-00099176-00099632 start from small things lLAzsyAuztk-00145-00099632-00100208 from myself and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00146-00100744-00100984 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00147-00101184-00101848 i deserve this life i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00148-00102120-00102384 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00149-00102624-00102848 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00150-00103135-00103224 i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00151-00103464-00103783 god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00152-00103856-00104200 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00153-00104480-00104824 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it lLAzsyAuztk-00154-00105104-00105408 if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00155-00105640-00106040 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00156-00106328-00106583 i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00157-00106872-00107248 my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00158-00107544-00107704 start from small things lLAzsyAuztk-00159-00107944-00108080 start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00160-00108368-00108576 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00161-00109104-00109383 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00162-00109552-00110216 i deserve this life i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00163-00110488-00110783 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00164-00110992-00111216 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00165-00111504-00111592 i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00166-00111824-00112224 god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00167-00112224-00112559 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00168-00112840-00113183 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it lLAzsyAuztk-00169-00113464-00113776 if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00170-00114000-00114408 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00171-00114696-00114983 i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00172-00115240-00115616 my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00173-00115904-00116072 start from small things lLAzsyAuztk-00174-00116311-00116935 start from myself and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00175-00117472-00117783 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00176-00117920-00118064 i deserve this life lLAzsyAuztk-00177-00118352-00119183 i am happy with my body i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00178-00119359-00119583 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00179-00119864-00120928 i can do it god be with me long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00180-00121208-00121552 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it lLAzsyAuztk-00181-00121832-00122144 if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00182-00122368-00122768 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00183-00123056-00123383 i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00184-00123600-00123983 my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00185-00124272-00124432 start from small things lLAzsyAuztk-00186-00124680-00124783 start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00187-00125096-00125304 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00188-00125832-00126183 today is my day lLAzsyAuztk-00189-00126280-00126432 i deserve this life lLAzsyAuztk-00190-00126711-00126944 i am happy with my body lLAzsyAuztk-00191-00127216-00127583 i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00192-00127720-00127952 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00193-00128232-00128320 i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00194-00128552-00128672 god be with me lLAzsyAuztk-00195-00128944-00129296 as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00196-00129576-00130504 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00197-00130735-00131136 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place lLAzsyAuztk-00198-00131424-00131784 i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00199-00131968-00132344 my dream will come true from this day forward lLAzsyAuztk-00200-00132632-00132800 start from small things lLAzsyAuztk-00201-00133040-00133184 start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00202-00133464-00133664 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00203-00134200-00134792 today is my day i deserve this life lLAzsyAuztk-00204-00135080-00135984 i am happy with my body i am precious and amazing lLAzsyAuztk-00205-00136088-00136304 i will make today meaningful lLAzsyAuztk-00206-00136592-00136688 i can do it lLAzsyAuztk-00207-00136920-00137656 god be with me as long as i believe then nothing is impossible lLAzsyAuztk-00208-00137936-00138280 if i don't pursue what i want i will never have it lLAzsyAuztk-00209-00138560-00138872 if i don't ask i will never know the answer lLAzsyAuztk-00210-00139096-00140184 if i don't take a step i will always be in the same place i will make sure i have to try lLAzsyAuztk-00211-00140336-00141160 my dream will come true from this day forward start from small things lLAzsyAuztk-00212-00141408-00141584 start from myself lLAzsyAuztk-00213-00141824-00142984 and starting from this moment lLAzsyAuztk-00214-00144952-00144960 you lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00000-00001121-00001405 Back to Debussy lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00001-00001405-00001712 Bach to da Pussy lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00002-00001923-00002072 New album lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00003-00002072-00002391 Carpets & Tapestries Those who stand, those who don't... lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00004-00002391-00002745 Concerto for bumper cars and whorehouse orchester. Coming fall 2015 lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00005-00013646-00014242 Preorders opening on 1st of april 2015 (earth calendar) lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00006-00014242-00014730 Follow the countdown with Tupac Promo on lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00007-00014731-00015174 Possibly maybe, follow us and get some news on lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00008-00015174-00015631 Don't follow us on facebook, we could unleash the pig men for much less lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00009-00015631-00015875 Get someone to translate that shit for you... lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00010-00015875-00016052 ... or don't lp5Qj2SkMQ4-00011-00016053-00016552 This is free art, feel free to use it under the terms of the free art license ( lO04ny-GapE-00000-00000000-00000200 Insan Jatuh Cinta - by Miftachul Wachyudi Yudee | indonesiabesardanmaju lO04ny-GapE-00001-00000200-00000400 Insan Jatuh Cinta - by Miftachul Wachyudi Yudee | indonesiabesardanmaju lO7lfwCBlTA-00000-00000016-00000496 today i'm taking you for a tour in princess bay neighborhood in staten island new york lO7lfwCBlTA-00001-00000496-00000864 we're going to be visiting one of my favorite communities lO7lfwCBlTA-00002-00000864-00001592 captain's quarters which is on the waterfront right after this lO7lfwCBlTA-00003-00001816-00002336 thanks for stopping the scroll i'm a Esphir Popilevsky with supreme home sales as a staten lO7lfwCBlTA-00004-00002336-00003000 island realtor i love helping you navigate the home selling process today i'm excited to have lO7lfwCBlTA-00005-00003000-00003624 you join me on a tour to this private community located in princess bay neighborhood on staten lO7lfwCBlTA-00006-00003624-00004384 island a majority of princess bay is made up of ponds creeks and wetlands the beautiful waterfront lO7lfwCBlTA-00007-00004440-00005152 of princess bay is completely changed with the development of this captain's quarters private lO7lfwCBlTA-00008-00005152-00006032 community in 1986. we have 266 townhomes here they are in town house style they are available lO7lfwCBlTA-00009-00006032-00006728 in two bedrooms three baths and three bedrooms four baths the best location to be in if you lO7lfwCBlTA-00010-00006728-00007400 are seeking water view is on a commodore drive but only a couple of blocks give you unobstructed view lO7lfwCBlTA-00011-00007400-00008104 of the water captain's quarters is inside between Hylan boulevard bayview avenue johnson lO7lfwCBlTA-00012-00008104-00008800 terrace and indale avenue the main entrance to captain's quarters is located on indale avenue lO7lfwCBlTA-00013-00008888-00009496 the community is beautifully landscaped captain's quarters will truly give you the feeling of lO7lfwCBlTA-00014-00009496-00010200 living at a vacation resort with amenities such as olympic size swimming pool clubhouse lO7lfwCBlTA-00015-00010200-00010944 jacuzzi gym saunas tennis courts oh and did i mention waterfront views lO7lfwCBlTA-00016-00010944-00011648 the hoa fee is low at approximately 250 per month you can expect to pay for a three bedroom lO7lfwCBlTA-00017-00011712-00012448 at captain's quarters as low as 525 000 to as high as 745 000 depending on the lO7lfwCBlTA-00018-00012448-00012960 condition of the townhouse and the location within the captain's quarters community lO7lfwCBlTA-00019-00013032-00013840 if a two-bedroom is enough for you you can expect to pay as low as 480 000 to as high as 550 lO7lfwCBlTA-00020-00013840-00014632 thousand did you fall in love with this gorgeous amenity field waterfront community in princess bay lO7lfwCBlTA-00021-00014632-00015584 of our beautiful staten island yet who wouldn't fall in love with captain's quarters right lO7lfwCBlTA-00022-00027448-00028183 so lO7lfwCBlTA-00023-00028504-00028976 let's chat about the possibilities by calling or texting me at lO7lfwCBlTA-00024-00028976-00029927 917-579-4455 or use the comment section below with questions or commentary and if you live in lO7lfwCBlTA-00025-00029927-00030480 captain's quarters already i would love to hear from you in the comment section lO7lfwCBlTA-00026-00030544-00031160 about what you love about the community the lifestyle in captain's quarters thank lO7lfwCBlTA-00027-00031160-00031912 you for touring captain's quarters with me today and i will see you in monday's video lQ7wkYHlrRu-00000-00000050-00000308 (gentle music) lQ7wkYHlrRu-00001-00000470-00000726 - Okay so the idea of a pre-event is very simple, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00002-00000726-00000877 it's an event before an event. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00003-00000877-00001135 (gentle music) lQ7wkYHlrRu-00004-00001398-00001632 The key thing is to give people time and space to lQ7wkYHlrRu-00005-00001632-00001876 hang out and socialize and get to know each other lQ7wkYHlrRu-00006-00001876-00002083 before the mad rush of the big event, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00007-00002083-00002304 people could break off into groups lQ7wkYHlrRu-00008-00002304-00002581 and do things like inspire each other, educate each other. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00009-00002581-00002726 People are traveling a long way lQ7wkYHlrRu-00010-00002726-00002836 and before the event starts, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00011-00002836-00002964 people gather from different countries lQ7wkYHlrRu-00012-00002964-00003178 and the idea of a pre-event is a thing you can go to lQ7wkYHlrRu-00013-00003178-00003364 before it starts. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00014-00003364-00003749 - So, what makes live events so much more valuable lQ7wkYHlrRu-00015-00003749-00003921 than watching content on video lQ7wkYHlrRu-00016-00003921-00004210 is having the opportunity to meet people. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00017-00004210-00004389 When I first heard this idea, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00018-00004389-00004666 I just immediately thought it was brilliant lQ7wkYHlrRu-00019-00004666-00004854 and it became clear to me that this is something lQ7wkYHlrRu-00020-00004854-00005088 that can be done as a part of any conference, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00021-00005088-00005314 any event, any time or place lQ7wkYHlrRu-00022-00005314-00005491 where people are traveling from far away. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00023-00005491-00005633 They want extra, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00024-00005633-00005838 they want an extra bonus opportunity lQ7wkYHlrRu-00025-00005838-00005975 to interact with each other. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00026-00005975-00006180 So many events that I've been to, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00027-00006180-00006403 including 12 TED's and more other lQ7wkYHlrRu-00028-00006403-00006590 conferences than I can count, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00029-00006590-00006786 is that everyone arrives, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00030-00006786-00006892 you don't know anyone, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00031-00006892-00007104 you're in a room full of people, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00032-00007104-00007248 it's an enormous crowd lQ7wkYHlrRu-00033-00007248-00007352 very intimidating, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00034-00007352-00007675 so the pre-event extends one of the most valuable lQ7wkYHlrRu-00035-00007675-00007859 parts of the event for me. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00036-00007859-00008093 Many events have a calendar that's so dense, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00037-00008093-00008304 that there isn't really much social time lQ7wkYHlrRu-00038-00008304-00008555 or opportunity to meet the other people. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00039-00008555-00008818 - It was amazing because I already had a little posse, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00040-00008818-00009093 already knew a little bit to share lQ7wkYHlrRu-00041-00009093-00009193 with other people as well, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00042-00009193-00009370 other organizers so it was great. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00043-00009370-00009628 (upbeat music) lQ7wkYHlrRu-00044-00009866-00010026 - The pre-event had in this case, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00045-00010026-00010150 had Open Space Technology, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00046-00010150-00010277 that's the "un-conference" idea, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00047-00010277-00010465 so the people in the room had a huge influence lQ7wkYHlrRu-00048-00010465-00010669 on what the scheduling was. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00049-00010669-00010818 The idea is the people in the first session, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00050-00010818-00011038 people nominate topics, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00051-00011038-00011145 they pin them up lQ7wkYHlrRu-00052-00011145-00011273 with Post-it notes, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00053-00011273-00011445 put them on a board, on a flip chart, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00054-00011445-00011597 and then people can put their names against it, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00055-00011597-00011776 say, "Yes, I wanna do that thing". lQ7wkYHlrRu-00056-00011776-00011971 So there's a kind of a mixture between lQ7wkYHlrRu-00057-00011971-00012115 democracy and persuasion. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00058-00012115-00012219 Like you can pitch a topic, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00059-00012219-00012321 if no one's interested in your topic, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00060-00012321-00012494 that's probably not gonna happen. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00061-00012494-00012678 But if this is a topic that everyone wants to go for, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00062-00012678-00012869 then that will happen. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00063-00012869-00012966 Some of it was social, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00064-00012966-00013065 some of it was know-how sharing, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00065-00013065-00013296 some of it was brainstorming together, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00066-00013296-00013441 but it was very much up to the character lQ7wkYHlrRu-00067-00013441-00013599 of the individual person. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00068-00013727-00013985 (upbeat music) lQ7wkYHlrRu-00069-00014118-00014275 There were people like Anne from Denmark, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00070-00014275-00014367 who were here for the first time, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00071-00014367-00014638 and she said it was wonderful for her because, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00072-00014638-00014783 it would be quite intimidating to walk lQ7wkYHlrRu-00073-00014783-00015013 into a room with 500 people she doesn't know, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00074-00015013-00015179 and this gave her like a stage where lQ7wkYHlrRu-00075-00015179-00015331 she could get to know a core of people lQ7wkYHlrRu-00076-00015331-00015489 who became like the social glue for lQ7wkYHlrRu-00077-00015489-00015687 the rest of the event. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00078-00015687-00015810 Maybe that's an exaggeration but lQ7wkYHlrRu-00079-00015810-00015973 I heard that from multiple sources. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00080-00015973-00016235 - Pre-event was good for me as a first timer, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00081-00016235-00016542 cause it gave me a chance to connect to a lot of people, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00082-00016660-00016834 so that when I got to TEDFest, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00083-00016834-00017047 I had, you know, some familiar faces lQ7wkYHlrRu-00084-00017047-00017298 that I could connect with, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00085-00017298-00017555 and that gave me a great way of lQ7wkYHlrRu-00086-00017555-00017794 sort of bonding with the whole community. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00087-00017794-00018123 - We created an army of connectors, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00088-00018123-00018221 who helped facilitate it. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00089-00018221-00018408 So that boosted the confidence of the people lQ7wkYHlrRu-00090-00018408-00018634 who were in the pre-event and made them lQ7wkYHlrRu-00091-00018634-00018856 more useful for everyone else when they came lQ7wkYHlrRu-00092-00018856-00018946 to the main event. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00093-00019043-00019126 - Getting to know them, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00094-00019126-00019329 and actually getting to have some fun with them, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00095-00019329-00019558 discuss the things that bring us together lQ7wkYHlrRu-00096-00019558-00019825 allowed me to enjoy the main event much better. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00097-00019825-00020129 I already knew that I had some fast friends, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00098-00020129-00020312 so it was pretty cool. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00099-00020483-00020742 (upbeat music) lQ7wkYHlrRu-00100-00021258-00021500 - So, part of what's special about the pre-event lQ7wkYHlrRu-00101-00021500-00021589 the way that we did it, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00102-00021589-00021793 is that it was very much self-organized, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00103-00021793-00022074 the attendees all participated. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00104-00022074-00022308 In fact, we didn't let anybody sign up lQ7wkYHlrRu-00105-00022308-00022582 without agreeing on the registration form lQ7wkYHlrRu-00106-00022582-00022793 that they are not an attendee but lQ7wkYHlrRu-00107-00022793-00022959 they are a co-organizer. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00108-00022959-00023073 Everyone who came helped, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00109-00023073-00023218 and so what happened is, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00110-00023218-00023422 as people arrived, they walked in the door lQ7wkYHlrRu-00111-00023422-00023626 and instead of saying "Where's my stuff?" lQ7wkYHlrRu-00112-00023626-00023766 or "What do I get?" lQ7wkYHlrRu-00113-00023766-00023885 "Where do I go?" lQ7wkYHlrRu-00114-00023885-00024228 each person walked in and said "How can I help?" lQ7wkYHlrRu-00115-00024228-00024356 We didn't pay for caterers, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00116-00024356-00024644 we told each person that they needed to take a role, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00117-00024644-00024830 whether in helping to clean up, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00118-00024830-00024964 or helping to set out the food, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00119-00024964-00025138 or helping to receive it, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00120-00025138-00025538 and similarly on all of the parts of the event, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00121-00025538-00025692 capturing the event on video, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00122-00025692-00025779 recording it... lQ7wkYHlrRu-00123-00025779-00025952 This video that you're watching right now, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00124-00025952-00026188 was done by one of the people at our event, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00125-00026188-00026323 who happened to have the right expertise, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00126-00026323-00026552 and volunteered to help us out. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00127-00026552-00026813 The spirit of bringing people together lQ7wkYHlrRu-00128-00026813-00027124 is very strong with the unofficial pre-event. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00129-00027124-00027308 If somebody had an idea, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00130-00027308-00027595 every time we got a request that someone said lQ7wkYHlrRu-00131-00027595-00027689 "Hey, you should do this." lQ7wkYHlrRu-00132-00027689-00027779 "You should do that." lQ7wkYHlrRu-00133-00027779-00028080 "I wish your event would have such-and-such in it." lQ7wkYHlrRu-00134-00028080-00028341 We said "Great, you're in charge of creating that!" lQ7wkYHlrRu-00135-00028341-00028450 "Let's make that happen." lQ7wkYHlrRu-00136-00028450-00028618 and each time we did that lQ7wkYHlrRu-00137-00028618-00028760 it grew the size of the team, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00138-00028760-00029039 so that by the time the event actually began, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00139-00029039-00029299 we went from one person's idea, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00140-00029299-00029427 two people, three people, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00141-00029427-00029686 up to, we were having a dozen members or more lQ7wkYHlrRu-00142-00029686-00029919 participating in our weekly calls, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00143-00029919-00030030 as available, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00144-00030030-00030327 and the people who had visions for executing lQ7wkYHlrRu-00145-00030327-00030435 different parts of it, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00146-00030435-00030630 each took responsibility for their own. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00147-00030805-00031063 (upbeat music) lQ7wkYHlrRu-00148-00031183-00031339 We worked together with the event's producers lQ7wkYHlrRu-00149-00031339-00031726 to create an authorized adjunct activity, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00150-00031726-00032001 and then each week we had a Google Hangout, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00151-00032001-00032266 where everyone who wanted to have a say lQ7wkYHlrRu-00152-00032266-00032451 in how the pre-event happened, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00153-00032451-00032575 was welcome to join. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00154-00032575-00032798 One of our priorities was making sure that lQ7wkYHlrRu-00155-00032798-00032987 this pre-event would have lasting value. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00156-00032987-00033337 So we made sure that someone's role was to lQ7wkYHlrRu-00157-00033337-00033549 photograph copies of all of the notes lQ7wkYHlrRu-00158-00033549-00033717 that we're taking in all of the sessions, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00159-00033717-00033886 which created deliverables that we have lQ7wkYHlrRu-00160-00033886-00034204 shared with everybody who participated. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00161-00034204-00034383 - I think anyone organizing an event, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00162-00034383-00034602 where there are gonna be people traveling, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00163-00034602-00034774 should consider the evening before lQ7wkYHlrRu-00164-00034774-00034958 having some kind of time and space lQ7wkYHlrRu-00165-00034958-00035099 for the people that are attending from afar lQ7wkYHlrRu-00166-00035099-00035266 to get to know the local community. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00167-00035266-00035526 - I think that the people that went to the pre-event lQ7wkYHlrRu-00168-00035526-00035674 now actually form a "cluster." lQ7wkYHlrRu-00169-00035674-00035922 And you can see that they are much closer, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00170-00035922-00036243 much nicer and friendlier to each other. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00171-00036243-00036404 - One of the outcomes I'm the most proud of, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00172-00036404-00036709 is that right now I'm at the main event, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00173-00036709-00036983 and I see our participants lQ7wkYHlrRu-00174-00036983-00037337 in the crowd walking around and sharing with others how lQ7wkYHlrRu-00175-00037337-00037590 amazing this pre-event was. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00176-00037590-00037887 It's as if we've created a small tribe lQ7wkYHlrRu-00177-00037887-00038087 within this larger community lQ7wkYHlrRu-00178-00038087-00038409 and to me this is incredibly rewarding to see lQ7wkYHlrRu-00179-00038409-00038744 and I feel like we've had a success, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00180-00038744-00038932 so that's what pre-events do, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00181-00038932-00039097 we've done this one as an experiment lQ7wkYHlrRu-00182-00039097-00039491 and we're exploring ways to extend the model lQ7wkYHlrRu-00183-00039491-00039620 to other conferences. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00184-00039620-00039901 - This is a potentially scalable idea lQ7wkYHlrRu-00185-00039901-00040038 that could be done in any country, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00186-00040038-00040126 in any culture, lQ7wkYHlrRu-00187-00040126-00040302 anywhere on planet earth. lQ7wkYHlrRu-00188-00040496-00040754 (upbeat music) lRgJc2ljteu-00000-00000000-00000785 just mean you have a list I made a full along let's yeah everything right we're lRgJc2ljteu-00001-00000785-00001484 gonna go through turning into a drama channel I'm about to take Jake Paul to lRgJc2ljteu-00002-00001484-00003275 teach you about why anxiety is awesome as well as some neuroscience this is lRgJc2ljteu-00003-00003275-00003657 Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem let's focus on lRgJc2ljteu-00004-00003657-00003980 the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about mental lRgJc2ljteu-00005-00003980-00004335 health so what I like to do is pull things from the YouTube community I've lRgJc2ljteu-00006-00004335-00005394 made a ton of videos to teach you how to improve your mental health because I lRgJc2ljteu-00007-00005394-00006629 have a ton of videos so this is about you know we those of us who struggle lRgJc2ljteu-00008-00006629-00007877 with anxiety actually some benefits to having anxiety lRgJc2ljteu-00009-00008261-00008900 neuroscience first and kind of explain Jake Paul's reckless behavior okay now lRgJc2ljteu-00010-00008900-00009315 something I always say is I'm gonna give you a reason I'm not gonna give you an lRgJc2ljteu-00011-00009315-00010017 excuse I don't think that this is a good excuse for is the Martinez twins they lRgJc2ljteu-00012-00010017-00010764 came out the videos you were destroying that room we were you know chaining them lRgJc2ljteu-00013-00010764-00011964 to things subscribers the other day was the prefrontal cortex and how some of lRgJc2ljteu-00014-00011964-00012459 Jake's behaviors can be explained by the prefrontal cortex so real quick recap of lRgJc2ljteu-00015-00012459-00012839 the prefrontal cortex prefrontal cortex is a part of the brain that separates us lRgJc2ljteu-00016-00012839-00013244 from the animals the prefrontal cortex is responsible lRgJc2ljteu-00017-00013244-00013729 like self-awareness emotional regulation impulse control all of that lRgJc2ljteu-00018-00013729-00014245 well the prefilter cortex doesn't fully develop until your mid to late 20s some lRgJc2ljteu-00019-00014245-00014647 journals say that it doesn't fully develop in men until your early 30s okay lRgJc2ljteu-00020-00014647-00015068 so when you look at this when you look at somebody like Jake Paul who's had all lRgJc2ljteu-00021-00015068-00016091 this reckless behavior lighting beds on fire jumping off these is pain this pain lRgJc2ljteu-00022-00016091-00017381 man now this is Pedro legal drinking is there they can legally join the military lRgJc2ljteu-00023-00017381-00017977 their brain is still not fully developed so the one function of the prefrontal lRgJc2ljteu-00024-00017977-00018481 cortex that I want to talk about specifically is fear modulation okay lRgJc2ljteu-00025-00018481-00019054 fear modulation what does that mean fear modulation is the brain's ability to lRgJc2ljteu-00026-00019054-00019588 tell you what you should and should it be afraid of right so one of the reasons lRgJc2ljteu-00027-00019588-00020029 that young people are so reckless is because they don't process fear in the lRgJc2ljteu-00028-00020029-00020428 same way this is something that drug addicts and alcoholics also struggle lRgJc2ljteu-00029-00020428-00020788 with science has proven that drug addicts and alcoholics have a prefrontal lRgJc2ljteu-00030-00020788-00021178 cortex that is not functioning properly so they don't get scared the way they lRgJc2ljteu-00031-00021178-00021484 should so for example drug it's an alcoholic they don't think that they're lRgJc2ljteu-00032-00021484-00021787 gonna get in a whack while driving drunk they don't think they're gonna overdose lRgJc2ljteu-00033-00021787-00022300 but with young people such as Jake Paul and other reckless young people they lRgJc2ljteu-00034-00022300-00022693 don't think that speeding around is gonna involve a car accident they don't lRgJc2ljteu-00035-00022693-00023095 think the jumping off a roof is a bad idea they're not afraid young people lRgJc2ljteu-00036-00023095-00023497 think they're invincible like this isn't just a cliche thing it's actually how lRgJc2ljteu-00037-00023497-00023994 the brain works so again these are reasons but they're not excuses lRgJc2ljteu-00038-00023994-00024460 something that came up in this video which was interested Goods my last video lRgJc2ljteu-00039-00024460-00024889 I talked about how Shane Dawson kept calling Jake out on different things over and lRgJc2ljteu-00040-00024889-00025276 over and over again Shane talked about how one of his lRgJc2ljteu-00041-00025276-00025770 friends was pregnant like a couple years prior one of Shane's friends was lRgJc2ljteu-00042-00025770-00026289 pregnant okay and in a parking lot and Jake Paul and his friends they weren't lRgJc2ljteu-00043-00026289-00026689 even vlogging or anything but they were speeding through the parking lot and lRgJc2ljteu-00044-00026689-00027226 like she's food like hit em up and said yo Jake Paul almost killed me right and lRgJc2ljteu-00045-00027226-00027760 she was like that Jake Paul can literally kill me my baby I'm so pissed lRgJc2ljteu-00046-00027760-00028341 like what do I do like I don't know I was just like whoa so I think it's one lRgJc2ljteu-00047-00028341-00028695 of those things where I don't think you would do that stuff now from what I saw lRgJc2ljteu-00048-00028695-00028936 yesterday but why do you think you were do lRgJc2ljteu-00049-00028936-00029350 stuff like that that's right so immediately like Shane's office is like lRgJc2ljteu-00050-00029350-00029940 what the heck and this this is an issue this is an issue and by the way this is lRgJc2ljteu-00051-00029940-00030264 one of the reasons why young people need to meditate I've been teaching my son lRgJc2ljteu-00052-00030264-00030738 meditation since he was like five or six years old because meditation actually lRgJc2ljteu-00053-00030738-00031174 helps strengthen their prefrontal cortex every time you meditate from anywhere to lRgJc2ljteu-00054-00031174-00031458 five to ten minutes it's like doing a bicep curl lRgJc2ljteu-00055-00031458-00032040 for your prefrontal cortex so a lot of Shane's not change but Jake's behaviors lRgJc2ljteu-00056-00032040-00032708 can be explained due to the lack of lRgJc2ljteu-00057-00032720-00033497 what's the word I'm looking for is that what's the word I'm looking for lRgJc2ljteu-00058-00033746-00034256 of maturity of the prefrontal cortex again it's a reason it's not an excuse lRgJc2ljteu-00059-00034256-00034712 but like I think this is a good thing to talk about we need to understand how the lRgJc2ljteu-00060-00034712-00035200 brain works like I made a video a long time ago called the brain mechanic the lRgJc2ljteu-00061-00035200-00035644 more you understand how the brain works the better your mental health will be lRgJc2ljteu-00062-00035644-00036088 it's the same thing as a mechanic a mechanic doesn't get as nervous when lRgJc2ljteu-00063-00036088-00036538 their car breaks down because they understand the vehicle you will not be lRgJc2ljteu-00064-00036538-00036991 so stressed about your mental health when you understand how the machine lRgJc2ljteu-00065-00036991-00037490 works that is one of the reasons we'll have such a big neuroscience nerd I want lRgJc2ljteu-00066-00037490-00037984 to know how this thing works so I can work on ok should I be freaking out lRgJc2ljteu-00067-00037984-00038372 about this should i well I can say oh this is just my prefrontal cortex not lRgJc2ljteu-00068-00038372-00038659 working the way it should oh this is my amygdala making me anxious lRgJc2ljteu-00069-00038659-00039115 oh my default mode network is going nuts right now you know what I mean like I lRgJc2ljteu-00070-00039115-00039572 can understand what my brain is doing so I don't get anxious about what my brain lRgJc2ljteu-00071-00039572-00040369 is doing and that transitions smoothly transitions smoothly over to the topic lRgJc2ljteu-00072-00040369-00041083 of why anxiety is awesome so did you know did you know that on average people lRgJc2ljteu-00073-00041083-00041566 with anxiety like moderate anxiety I'm not talking severe anxiety but but lRgJc2ljteu-00074-00041566-00041971 moderate anxiety these people are statistically more lRgJc2ljteu-00075-00041971-00042358 likely to live longer alright and and the reason why remember we're talking lRgJc2ljteu-00076-00042358-00042736 about fear modulation well anxiety is a fear-based lRgJc2ljteu-00077-00042736-00043252 mental illness so this is what anxiety is good because when we have anxiety we lRgJc2ljteu-00078-00043252-00043699 don't do stupid stuff like Jake Paul we're afraid we're afraid we are the lRgJc2ljteu-00079-00043699-00044182 people who always put our seatbelts on we're the people who are defensive lRgJc2ljteu-00080-00044182-00044635 drivers out on the road we are the people who make sure our doors are lRgJc2ljteu-00081-00044635-00045097 locked you know what I'm saying like anxiety is saving their life a little lRgJc2ljteu-00082-00045097-00045613 background and evolution science for you is if you look at our brains and how lRgJc2ljteu-00083-00045613-00045979 they've been evolving for all of these years right and there's something called lRgJc2ljteu-00084-00045979-00046411 natural selection right so if you imagine I make this video a long time lRgJc2ljteu-00085-00046411-00047008 ago but real quick if you imagine two cavemen walking past a cave right lRgJc2ljteu-00086-00047008-00047356 they're walking past a cave and one of those like hey let's go inside that cave lRgJc2ljteu-00087-00047356-00047755 and explore it well the other one with a more active amygdala what triggers lRgJc2ljteu-00088-00047755-00048199 anxiety the other one is like nah man there might be some lion or something in lRgJc2ljteu-00089-00048199-00048883 there right well the other cave man who doesn't overly he's gonna walk into that lRgJc2ljteu-00090-00048883-00049600 cave and he gets eaten by a lion so a lot of us our ancestors actually anxiety lRgJc2ljteu-00091-00049600-00050014 because it helped them survive you see what I mean so those of us who have lRgJc2ljteu-00092-00050014-00050419 anxiety to this day anxiety is something that's actually help keeping us alive I lRgJc2ljteu-00093-00050419-00050974 think it's important to understand this like I'm all about empowering people who lRgJc2ljteu-00094-00050974-00051441 struggle with mental illness like I get it I get it mental illness sucks mental lRgJc2ljteu-00095-00051441-00051877 illness sucks at certain points but we also benefit in ways that other people lRgJc2ljteu-00096-00051877-00052554 don't for example people with depression are much more kind and empathetic than lRgJc2ljteu-00097-00052554-00053141 other people people with bipolar disorder are known to be more creative lRgJc2ljteu-00098-00053141-00053677 people with an ADHD they're more of a go-getter and they get stuff done lRgJc2ljteu-00099-00053677-00054151 because their attention gets locked in on something so I think it's a very very lRgJc2ljteu-00100-00054151-00054716 important subject for us to like sit back and look at like okay like what is lRgJc2ljteu-00101-00054716-00055250 my mental illness doing is it all bad or is some of it good like what what are lRgJc2ljteu-00102-00055250-00055841 the pros what are the benefits like a good example is my addiction I used to lRgJc2ljteu-00103-00055841-00056275 think that having an addiction was a curse you know even when I got clean I'm lRgJc2ljteu-00104-00056275-00056620 like this is a curse like man you know we get into that pity party we go to a lRgJc2ljteu-00105-00056620-00057031 pity party of like man what can I drink like everybody else what can't I use lRgJc2ljteu-00106-00057031-00057655 drugs recreationally right and like all I think is poor me poor me poor me but lRgJc2ljteu-00107-00057655-00058138 like the way I have to look at it had I never developed an addiction what I have lRgJc2ljteu-00108-00058138-00058649 never made this channel if I ever recovered from my addiction in started lRgJc2ljteu-00109-00058649-00059107 working on my mental health would I have this channel where I'm able to reach lRgJc2ljteu-00110-00059107-00059588 thousands and thousands of people all over the world to help them right if I lRgJc2ljteu-00111-00059588-00059963 didn't recover from addiction like what I have ever when I've ever had to lRgJc2ljteu-00112-00059963-00060425 reflect on myself I tell people like at the treatment center I was working out I lRgJc2ljteu-00113-00060425-00060793 was oh tell my groups I said you are some of the luckiest people on the lRgJc2ljteu-00114-00060793-00061235 planet I'm like there are so many people out there who are just forever going to lRgJc2ljteu-00115-00061235-00061754 be oblivious about their problems because it didn't manifest into an lRgJc2ljteu-00116-00061754-00062111 addiction like a life-threatening thing so there are people who are going to go lRgJc2ljteu-00117-00062111-00062672 to the grave still miserable because they never they never woke up to the lRgJc2ljteu-00118-00062672-00062941 fact that they had these issues are their struggles in their lives lRgJc2ljteu-00119-00062941-00063388 so I want to end this video by saying you know I hope you're all proud of lRgJc2ljteu-00120-00063388-00063688 yourself like the fact that you're watching this video whether you're lRgJc2ljteu-00121-00063688-00064100 subscribed or not but I hope you subscribe the fact you're watching this lRgJc2ljteu-00122-00064100-00064438 video the fact that you're watching my content the fact that you even care lRgJc2ljteu-00123-00064438-00064852 slightly about your mental health even if you came here for Shane Dawson or Jay lRgJc2ljteu-00124-00064852-00065332 Paul caring about your mental health even this much is leaps and bounds ahead lRgJc2ljteu-00125-00065332-00065776 of the rest of the world and you should always always be proud of that lRgJc2ljteu-00126-00065776-00066137 okay and that's why I try to make these videos and reach as many people as lRgJc2ljteu-00127-00066137-00066443 possible because we more people to care about their mental lRgJc2ljteu-00128-00066443-00066897 health okay anyways did I tell you did I tell you in that intro all of you who lRgJc2ljteu-00129-00066897-00067242 thought this was a drama channel we just talked about anxiety as well as lRgJc2ljteu-00130-00067242-00067889 neuroscience mic drop anyways anyways I want to hear from you guys down in the lRgJc2ljteu-00131-00067889-00068456 comments below okay let's do this how do you think your anxiety has kept you safe lRgJc2ljteu-00132-00068456-00068999 alright down in the comments let me know how you think your anxiety has kept you lRgJc2ljteu-00133-00068999-00069447 safe in certain situations maybe you didn't walk down a dark alley or maybe lRgJc2ljteu-00134-00069447-00069773 you didn't do something else risky I can't wait to see what you guys say lRgJc2ljteu-00135-00069773-00070079 alright anyways that's all I got for you with this video if you liked this video lRgJc2ljteu-00136-00070079-00070416 please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe and ring that lRgJc2ljteu-00137-00070416-00070874 notification bell and a huge thank you to everybody over on patreon we have a lRgJc2ljteu-00138-00070874-00071207 ton of new people supporting the channel over on patreon if you would like to lRgJc2ljteu-00139-00071207-00071541 help me spread a message of hope go ahead and click the top on that icon lRgJc2ljteu-00140-00071541-00072130 right there alright thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time lRj6JMsaOTQ-00000-00000019-00000619 we will be discussing themes of an adult nature so this is not suitable for children viewers lRj6JMsaOTQ-00001-00000619-00000771 discretion is advised lRj6JMsaOTQ-00002-00000771-00002123 Asalaamualaikum guys and welcome to another episode of Smile to Jannah. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00003-00002123-00002272 The Qur'anly App. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00004-00002272-00002508 Subscription cheaper than Netflix. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00005-00002508-00002692 Encouraging Qur'an reading. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00006-00002692-00002915 Modern, engaging and fun. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00007-00002915-00003094 Download it today. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00008-00003094-00003751 Santa Claus: a large father-like figure with the white bead and to some degree I guess lRj6JMsaOTQ-00009-00003751-00004167 to Christians, symbolizes a godlike figure. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00010-00004167-00004798 Superman: the man of steel who represents truth, justice and hope. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00011-00004798-00005589 007: The debonair who is the saviour of the United Kingdom who works for the MI6. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00012-00005589-00005689 And then, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00013-00005689-00006282 Dumbledore: the greatest wizard in the Harry Potter franchise. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00014-00006282-00007418 Well it seems all of them have become a victim to the LGBTQ lobby and Santa Claus is only lRj6JMsaOTQ-00015-00007418-00007526 the latest one. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00016-00007526-00007912 First we heard that Superman's son is bisexual. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00017-00007912-00008170 Dumbledore was marked as gay by JK Rowling. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00018-00008170-00008599 The actor that plays 007, apparently likes hanging out in gay bars. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00019-00008599-00009221 And now Santa Claus- according to a Norwegian advert- shared a kiss with another man in lRj6JMsaOTQ-00020-00009221-00009416 a Christmas advert. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00021-00009416-00009516 You know what? lRj6JMsaOTQ-00022-00009516-00009802 It's clear what the game that's being played here is. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00023-00009802-00010260 And that is, they're taking children's inherently good characters. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00024-00010260-00010925 Characters that are- let's face it- inherently masculine, they have superpowers, they are lRj6JMsaOTQ-00025-00010925-00011142 looked up to, adored, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00026-00011142-00011287 Their movies watched. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00027-00011287-00011546 The toys played with. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00028-00011546-00011729 Magazines bought. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00029-00011729-00012153 And they're taking these things- to which a lot of marketing has been done- and then lRj6JMsaOTQ-00030-00012153-00012469 they are just just converting them. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00031-00012469-00012569 Why? lRj6JMsaOTQ-00032-00012569-00012765 To make it seem normal to us. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00033-00012765-00012865 Look! lRj6JMsaOTQ-00034-00012865-00013036 Superman is homosexual. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00035-00013036-00013136 Dumbledore's homosexual. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00036-00013136-00013669 Mate- 007 likes... it's normal mate, it's happening everywhere, so therefore it should lRj6JMsaOTQ-00037-00013669-00013769 be all right. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00038-00013769-00013941 I mean what sort of world are we living in? lRj6JMsaOTQ-00039-00013941-00014400 In which people have make their identities their sexuality. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00040-00014400-00014900 We also saw in the US presidential campaign where Kamala Harris, before even starting lRj6JMsaOTQ-00041-00014900-00015191 a speech, she's like these are my pronouns mate. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00042-00015191-00015579 Thank you for joining us how are you lRj6JMsaOTQ-00043-00015579-00015820 And uh thank you guys. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00044-00015820-00016241 And my pronouns are she/her and hers. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00045-00016241-00016717 Mine too. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00046-00016717-00017444 People calling himself bisexual, homosexual, heterosexual, pansexual, I mean flaming-Nora lRj6JMsaOTQ-00047-00017444-00017544 mate, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00048-00017544-00018013 if somebody likes pineapple on pizza, it doesn't now mean that on every form he has to write lRj6JMsaOTQ-00049-00018013-00018264 down "yep, a pineapple pizza lover". lRj6JMsaOTQ-00050-00018264-00018751 Before even starting a conversation "yup, just a disclaimer I identify as a pineapple lRj6JMsaOTQ-00051-00018751-00018884 pizza lover". lRj6JMsaOTQ-00052-00018884-00019288 Like why are you making these things the centre of your life? lRj6JMsaOTQ-00053-00019288-00019649 And then they ask "why does sex matter to God" lRj6JMsaOTQ-00054-00019649-00020493 Well sex matters to God, because you and I matter to God lRj6JMsaOTQ-00055-00020493-00021004 And because human beings are a product of sex, the process by which a person is made lRj6JMsaOTQ-00056-00021004-00021231 is also sacred as well. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00057-00021231-00021429 He's absolutely right sir. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00058-00021429-00021763 There should be no limits mate, why are you putting limits ! lRj6JMsaOTQ-00059-00021763-00021879 Really? lRj6JMsaOTQ-00060-00021879-00022057 Let's look at secular societies. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00061-00022057-00022316 They've also put limits on sex also yeah. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00062-00022316-00022416 Consent. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00063-00022416-00022516 That's a limit. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00064-00022516-00022806 Not having intercourse with minors, that's a limit. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00065-00022806-00023076 Not having intercourse in public is also a limit. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00066-00023076-00023470 Are you now going to say "why does the government care you sleep with?" lRj6JMsaOTQ-00067-00023470-00023931 We should be able to be free to do whatever we want because after all, there are no limits lRj6JMsaOTQ-00068-00023931-00024031 right? lRj6JMsaOTQ-00069-00024031-00024587 All this 'do whatever you want as long as it feels good' has its roots in Liberalism lRj6JMsaOTQ-00070-00024587-00024687 and Atheism. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00071-00024687-00025495 And they in essence propagate 'oh we are made from unguided unconscious mindless material lRj6JMsaOTQ-00072-00025495-00025595 matter, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00073-00025595-00026216 there is no necessary being that has facilitated all that you can see so do what you want accept lRj6JMsaOTQ-00074-00026216-00026427 when we tell you not to do it'. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00075-00026427-00026988 And because of this cage of materialism, we're seeing that it's just not working. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00076-00026988-00027649 You even got proponents of neo-atheism like Sam Harris, who are now teaching meditation lRj6JMsaOTQ-00077-00027649-00027749 online. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00078-00027749-00027860 Good Lord. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00079-00027860-00028402 You even have other atheists like Alain de Botton, who says he wants to enrich the lives lRj6JMsaOTQ-00080-00028402-00028855 of atheists by stealing these practices from religion yeah, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00081-00028855-00029444 and he admits this in his best-selling book 'Religion for atheists: a non-believer's guide lRj6JMsaOTQ-00082-00029444-00029669 to the uses of religion'. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00083-00029669-00030144 And for some of these atheists because they have no connection with people, no impetus, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00084-00030144-00030377 no reason, no justification, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00085-00030377-00030952 that's why they've started initiatives like Sunday Assembly where they meet up on Sundays lRj6JMsaOTQ-00086-00030952-00031189 and just sing and just chill out, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00087-00031189-00031720 just so they can have a feeling of of the community that religion gives to people. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00088-00031720-00031969 And it's not even confined just to our lifestyles. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00089-00031969-00032563 You look into medicine where science tries to confine the mind and consciousness only lRj6JMsaOTQ-00090-00032563-00032763 to brain activity, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00091-00032763-00033236 and because of that, all our ailments can be solved by popping pills. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00092-00033236-00034042 When we know well, science causes a placebo effect that we know faith, belief, love, relationships, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00093-00034042-00034426 family can also increase healing as well. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00094-00034426-00034695 And now we're seeing sex is being used as just an act. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00095-00034695-00035046 I mean essentially we're talking about fluid exchange right, so can we just go straight lRj6JMsaOTQ-00096-00035046-00035176 to the sex? lRj6JMsaOTQ-00097-00035176-00035522 The whole spirituality has been taken from it. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00098-00035522-00036175 People abuse it at the wrong time, become bored of it and relationships break, the family lRj6JMsaOTQ-00099-00036175-00036348 unit breaks down, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00100-00036348-00036542 when in reality you're supposed to wait. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00101-00036542-00037021 You're supposed to develop yourself, and then when you're in a committed relationship, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00102-00037021-00037206 this is a sign of your commitment. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00103-00037206-00037324 This is a seal. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00104-00037324-00037729 This is a special gift that you give to the other person. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00105-00037729-00038255 However here it's being treated like an act that can be bought and sold like a transaction. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00106-00038255-00038480 Love is being bought and sold. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00107-00038480-00038733 But love cannot be bought and sold, sex can. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00108-00038733-00039143 Purity cannot be bought and sold, yes, a soap can. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00109-00039143-00039552 A home cannot be bought and sold, yes a house can. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00110-00039552-00039707 May Allah protect us. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00111-00039707-00040222 Of course as parents, be very careful with what your child watches and of course we're lRj6JMsaOTQ-00112-00040222-00040421 going to be seeing more and more of this. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00113-00040421-00040966 But as soon as you see it, you should have a filtering mentality that you're able to lRj6JMsaOTQ-00114-00040966-00041356 see decipher, discuss it as a family, lRj6JMsaOTQ-00115-00041356-00041863 so your children and yourselves do not fall into this trap. lRj6JMsaOTQ-00116-00041863-00042357 Let's leave it there guys until next time, Asalaamu alaikum. lTWCcUxOM30-00000-00000010-00000350 BEMIDJI. lTWCcUxOM30-00001-00000350-00000357 BEMIDJI. lTWCcUxOM30-00002-00000357-00000417 BEMIDJI. IF YOU WENT SHOPPING THROUGH lTWCcUxOM30-00003-00000417-00000423 BEMIDJI. IF YOU WENT SHOPPING THROUGH lTWCcUxOM30-00004-00000423-00000487 BEMIDJI. IF YOU WENT SHOPPING THROUGH CENTRAL SQUARE MALL IN GRAND lTWCcUxOM30-00005-00000487-00000493 IF YOU WENT SHOPPING THROUGH CENTRAL SQUARE MALL IN GRAND lTWCcUxOM30-00006-00000493-00000557 IF YOU WENT SHOPPING THROUGH CENTRAL SQUARE MALL IN GRAND RAPIDS OVER THE WEEKEND, YOU lTWCcUxOM30-00007-00000557-00000563 CENTRAL SQUARE MALL IN GRAND RAPIDS OVER THE WEEKEND, YOU lTWCcUxOM30-00008-00000563-00000724 CENTRAL SQUARE MALL IN GRAND RAPIDS OVER THE WEEKEND, YOU MIGHT HAVE NOTICED MULTIPLE lTWCcUxOM30-00009-00000724-00000730 RAPIDS OVER THE WEEKEND, YOU MIGHT HAVE NOTICED MULTIPLE lTWCcUxOM30-00010-00000730-00000790 RAPIDS OVER THE WEEKEND, YOU MIGHT HAVE NOTICED MULTIPLE ACTIVITIES GOING ON IN lTWCcUxOM30-00011-00000790-00000797 MIGHT HAVE NOTICED MULTIPLE ACTIVITIES GOING ON IN lTWCcUxOM30-00012-00000797-00001007 MIGHT HAVE NOTICED MULTIPLE ACTIVITIES GOING ON IN CELEBRATION OF EARTH DAY. lTWCcUxOM30-00013-00001007-00001014 ACTIVITIES GOING ON IN CELEBRATION OF EARTH DAY. lTWCcUxOM30-00014-00001014-00001127 ACTIVITIES GOING ON IN CELEBRATION OF EARTH DAY. THE THIRD ANNUAL EARTH DAY AT lTWCcUxOM30-00015-00001127-00001134 CELEBRATION OF EARTH DAY. THE THIRD ANNUAL EARTH DAY AT lTWCcUxOM30-00016-00001134-00001214 CELEBRATION OF EARTH DAY. THE THIRD ANNUAL EARTH DAY AT CENTRAL SQUARE MALL TOOK PLACE lTWCcUxOM30-00017-00001214-00001221 THE THIRD ANNUAL EARTH DAY AT CENTRAL SQUARE MALL TOOK PLACE lTWCcUxOM30-00018-00001221-00001337 THE THIRD ANNUAL EARTH DAY AT CENTRAL SQUARE MALL TOOK PLACE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TO lTWCcUxOM30-00019-00001337-00001344 CENTRAL SQUARE MALL TOOK PLACE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TO lTWCcUxOM30-00020-00001344-00001451 CENTRAL SQUARE MALL TOOK PLACE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TO CELEBRATE EARTH DAY AND RAISE lTWCcUxOM30-00021-00001451-00001458 ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TO CELEBRATE EARTH DAY AND RAISE lTWCcUxOM30-00022-00001458-00001514 ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TO CELEBRATE EARTH DAY AND RAISE AWARENESS OF ENVIRONMENTAL lTWCcUxOM30-00023-00001514-00001521 CELEBRATE EARTH DAY AND RAISE AWARENESS OF ENVIRONMENTAL lTWCcUxOM30-00024-00001521-00001851 CELEBRATE EARTH DAY AND RAISE AWARENESS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES. lTWCcUxOM30-00025-00001851-00001858 AWARENESS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES. lTWCcUxOM30-00026-00001858-00002001 AWARENESS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES. THE EVENT HAD TALKS FROM AUTHORS lTWCcUxOM30-00027-00002001-00002008 ISSUES. THE EVENT HAD TALKS FROM AUTHORS lTWCcUxOM30-00028-00002008-00002075 ISSUES. THE EVENT HAD TALKS FROM AUTHORS OF ENVIRONMENTAL BOOKS, A MOVIE lTWCcUxOM30-00029-00002075-00002082 THE EVENT HAD TALKS FROM AUTHORS OF ENVIRONMENTAL BOOKS, A MOVIE lTWCcUxOM30-00030-00002082-00002228 THE EVENT HAD TALKS FROM AUTHORS OF ENVIRONMENTAL BOOKS, A MOVIE SHOWING FOR KIDS, AND A BAKE lTWCcUxOM30-00031-00002228-00002235 OF ENVIRONMENTAL BOOKS, A MOVIE SHOWING FOR KIDS, AND A BAKE lTWCcUxOM30-00032-00002235-00002305 OF ENVIRONMENTAL BOOKS, A MOVIE SHOWING FOR KIDS, AND A BAKE SALE, IN ADDITION TO LITERATURE lTWCcUxOM30-00033-00002305-00002312 SHOWING FOR KIDS, AND A BAKE SALE, IN ADDITION TO LITERATURE lTWCcUxOM30-00034-00002312-00002412 SHOWING FOR KIDS, AND A BAKE SALE, IN ADDITION TO LITERATURE ABOUT WAYS TO PROTECT THE lTWCcUxOM30-00035-00002412-00002419 SALE, IN ADDITION TO LITERATURE ABOUT WAYS TO PROTECT THE lTWCcUxOM30-00036-00002419-00003183 SALE, IN ADDITION TO LITERATURE ABOUT WAYS TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT. lTWCcUxOM30-00037-00003183-00003189 ABOUT WAYS TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT. lTWCcUxOM30-00038-00003189-00003426 ABOUT WAYS TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT. >> I THINK OUR MAJOR MISSION IS lTWCcUxOM30-00039-00003426-00003433 ENVIRONMENT. >> I THINK OUR MAJOR MISSION IS lTWCcUxOM30-00040-00003433-00003606 ENVIRONMENT. >> I THINK OUR MAJOR MISSION IS TO RAISE COMMUNITY AWARENESS, lTWCcUxOM30-00041-00003606-00003613 >> I THINK OUR MAJOR MISSION IS TO RAISE COMMUNITY AWARENESS, lTWCcUxOM30-00042-00003613-00003857 >> I THINK OUR MAJOR MISSION IS TO RAISE COMMUNITY AWARENESS, BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE AREN'T lTWCcUxOM30-00043-00003857-00003863 TO RAISE COMMUNITY AWARENESS, BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE AREN'T lTWCcUxOM30-00044-00003863-00004020 TO RAISE COMMUNITY AWARENESS, BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE AREN'T REALLY THINKING ABOUT WHAT'S lTWCcUxOM30-00045-00004020-00004027 BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE AREN'T REALLY THINKING ABOUT WHAT'S lTWCcUxOM30-00046-00004027-00004217 BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE AREN'T REALLY THINKING ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING BY PAYING TOO MUCH lTWCcUxOM30-00047-00004217-00004224 REALLY THINKING ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING BY PAYING TOO MUCH lTWCcUxOM30-00048-00004224-00004357 REALLY THINKING ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING BY PAYING TOO MUCH ATTENTION, AND WE WANT AWARENESS lTWCcUxOM30-00049-00004357-00004364 HAPPENING BY PAYING TOO MUCH ATTENTION, AND WE WANT AWARENESS lTWCcUxOM30-00050-00004364-00004534 HAPPENING BY PAYING TOO MUCH ATTENTION, AND WE WANT AWARENESS TO INCREASE, SO WE ARE TRYING TO lTWCcUxOM30-00051-00004534-00004541 ATTENTION, AND WE WANT AWARENESS TO INCREASE, SO WE ARE TRYING TO lTWCcUxOM30-00052-00004541-00004734 ATTENTION, AND WE WANT AWARENESS TO INCREASE, SO WE ARE TRYING TO GET PEOPLE IN, SHARE INFORMATION lTWCcUxOM30-00053-00004734-00004741 TO INCREASE, SO WE ARE TRYING TO GET PEOPLE IN, SHARE INFORMATION lTWCcUxOM30-00054-00004741-00005171 TO INCREASE, SO WE ARE TRYING TO GET PEOPLE IN, SHARE INFORMATION WITH THEM, HOWEVER WE CAN. lTWCcUxOM30-00055-00005171-00005178 GET PEOPLE IN, SHARE INFORMATION WITH THEM, HOWEVER WE CAN. lTWCcUxOM30-00056-00005178-00005245 GET PEOPLE IN, SHARE INFORMATION WITH THEM, HOWEVER WE CAN. WHILE THE EVENT IS TYPICALLY A lTWCcUxOM30-00057-00005245-00005251 WITH THEM, HOWEVER WE CAN. WHILE THE EVENT IS TYPICALLY A lTWCcUxOM30-00058-00005251-00005315 WITH THEM, HOWEVER WE CAN. WHILE THE EVENT IS TYPICALLY A ONE-DAY EVENT, THIS YEAR WAS lTWCcUxOM30-00059-00005315-00005321 WHILE THE EVENT IS TYPICALLY A ONE-DAY EVENT, THIS YEAR WAS lTWCcUxOM30-00060-00005321-00005385 WHILE THE EVENT IS TYPICALLY A ONE-DAY EVENT, THIS YEAR WAS MOVED TO TWO DAYS IN ORDER TO lTWCcUxOM30-00061-00005385-00005392 ONE-DAY EVENT, THIS YEAR WAS MOVED TO TWO DAYS IN ORDER TO lTWCcUxOM30-00062-00005392-00005742 ONE-DAY EVENT, THIS YEAR WAS MOVED TO TWO DAYS IN ORDER TO NOT INTERFERE WITH GRAND RAPID'' lZbAVdRGfy4-00000-00000070-00000864 13.2b Compounding Inequalities of OR that go in one direction. lZbAVdRGfy4-00001-00000864-00002477 With an OR if both graphs go the same direction, then we use the larger or longer graph. lZbAVdRGfy4-00002-00002477-00003246 Because remember, an OR statement just says that one of the two inequalities must be true. lZbAVdRGfy4-00003-00003246-00003636 Let's look at this in example one. lZbAVdRGfy4-00004-00003636-00004098 Let's start by adding six to both sides of the first inequality, lZbAVdRGfy4-00005-00004098-00004452 this gives us 4 x is greater than sixteen. lZbAVdRGfy4-00006-00004452-00005326 We then divide both sides by four giving us x is greater than four or we solve the second one lZbAVdRGfy4-00007-00005326-00005916 by subtracting five, which gives us negative 2 x is less than or equal to two, lZbAVdRGfy4-00008-00005916-00006196 then we divide both sides by a negative two. lZbAVdRGfy4-00009-00006196-00006656 We just divided by a negatives so we need to make sure to flip the symbol, lZbAVdRGfy4-00010-00006656-00007416 giving us x is greater than OR equal to one. lZbAVdRGfy4-00011-00007416-00008338 We get our line out and remember, we need to mark zero and the numbers we're using on our graph. lZbAVdRGfy4-00012-00008338-00008610 Let's float the first one above the graph. lZbAVdRGfy4-00013-00008610-00009342 We have x is greater than four which means, an open dot that points towards the right. lZbAVdRGfy4-00014-00009342-00009806 Next we have x is greater than or equal to negative one, lZbAVdRGfy4-00015-00009806-00010270 which means a closed dot that also goes to the right. lZbAVdRGfy4-00016-00010270-00010888 As you can see, the one that starts at negative one starts much further left and is longer lZbAVdRGfy4-00017-00010888-00011304 or covers more of the graph than the other. lZbAVdRGfy4-00018-00011304-00012252 This means this is the one that we will be drawing down on the graph, lZbAVdRGfy4-00019-00012252-00012662 then we can write our interval notion. lZbAVdRGfy4-00020-00012662-00012947 We start by writing a bracket for the closed dot. lZbAVdRGfy4-00021-00012947-00013288 Negative one because, that's the point on the graph we are. lZbAVdRGfy4-00022-00013288-00014030 We're going towards positive infinity, which always gets a parentheses. lZbAVdRGfy4-00023-00014030-00014541 This is therefore our answer. lZbAVdRGfy4-00024-00014541-00014813 Let's look at example two. lZbAVdRGfy4-00025-00014813-00015416 Here's example two, let's solve each of the inequalities. lZbAVdRGfy4-00026-00015416-00016126 Subtract 2 x, which gives you x plus five is less than negative nine. lZbAVdRGfy4-00027-00016126-00017244 Subtract five from both sides, gives you x is less than negative fourteen OR; lZbAVdRGfy4-00028-00017244-00017628 we first must distribute before we can move on any further. lZbAVdRGfy4-00029-00017628-00018188 So we get 5 x minus five, and everything else stays the same. lZbAVdRGfy4-00030-00018188-00019586 We can now subtract 5 x from both sides, giving us 2 x plus three is less than or equal to negative five. lZbAVdRGfy4-00031-00019586-00020272 We then subtract three from both sides and we get 2 x is less than or equal to negative eight. lZbAVdRGfy4-00032-00020272-00021184 Dividing both sides by two, we get x is less than equal to negative four. lZbAVdRGfy4-00033-00021184-00021794 Now let's graph these. lZbAVdRGfy4-00034-00021794-00022498 We first draw a zero, a negative four and a negative fourteen on the graph. lZbAVdRGfy4-00035-00022498-00023222 The negative fourteen is a less than so, we leave an open dot going towards the left. lZbAVdRGfy4-00036-00023222-00023790 The second one is less than are equal to so, it's a closed dot negative four, lZbAVdRGfy4-00037-00023790-00024038 also going towards the left. lZbAVdRGfy4-00038-00024038-00025046 As you can see, they both overlap so, we draw the bigger one, so we cover more the possibilities. lZbAVdRGfy4-00039-00025046-00025374 We now see that we've gone towards negative infinity. lZbAVdRGfy4-00040-00025374-00026102 So now, we can write our interval notion, which is parentheses, negative infinity, comma, lZbAVdRGfy4-00041-00026102-00026904 negative four bracket, and this is our answer. lZbAVdRGfy4-00042-00026904-00027570 Remember when solving compound inequalities that are OR's, if they go in the same direction lZbAVdRGfy4-00043-00027570-00028414 you choose the longer option as only one of the two inequalities has to be true. leyBgIXOHPQ-00000-00000210-00000543 To set restrictions on Installing Apps on an iPad. leyBgIXOHPQ-00001-00000543-00000680 Open settings. leyBgIXOHPQ-00002-00000680-00000803 Select "General." leyBgIXOHPQ-00003-00000803-00000978 Select "Restrictions." leyBgIXOHPQ-00004-00000978-00001211 Make sure restrictions are enabled. leyBgIXOHPQ-00005-00001211-00001585 Toggle the "Installing Apps" switch so that there is no green. leyBgIXOHPQ-00006-00001585-00001942 Now it is impossible to install apps unless you enter the restriction code leY-0kO-i4y-00000-00000461-00000496 [Music] leY-0kO-i4y-00001-00000496-00001104 hi there dr rose here from dr rose's perfume corner if you are new here welcome for my lovely leY-0kO-i4y-00002-00001104-00001600 return subscribers thank you so much for coming back i appreciate you i love reading your comments leY-0kO-i4y-00003-00001600-00002440 today's video is about 10 loudest fragrances in my collection also known as nuclear fragrances leY-0kO-i4y-00004-00002496-00003120 these are those fragrances that are very loud very strong that you must have somewhere to wear them leY-0kO-i4y-00005-00003120-00004120 to uh they can be wear uh you know indoors but sometimes it's best to just wear them outdoors leY-0kO-i4y-00006-00004120-00004784 because they are so loud and so strong and i refer to them as nuclear fragrances before we get into leY-0kO-i4y-00007-00004784-00005784 the video and share those fragrances with you i want to talk about the safety tip for this video leY-0kO-i4y-00008-00005928-00006592 the safety tip for this video is uh is very short it's called don't be flashy by being flashy i what leY-0kO-i4y-00009-00006592-00007376 i mean is never be flashy with items like your smartphone your purse jewelry when you are out leY-0kO-i4y-00010-00007376-00007936 working by yourself always when you are in in the public place where you think that you know leY-0kO-i4y-00011-00007936-00008536 there's a lot of people around that someone may just you know try to rob you uh smartphones are leY-0kO-i4y-00012-00008536-00009040 very expensive you know where they are two very expensive smartphones burn out there leY-0kO-i4y-00013-00009040-00009576 the minute you pull them out you know people are looking at them and you know someone will leY-0kO-i4y-00014-00009576-00009976 bound to say hey you know i want that phone even though they know nowadays there's nothing they can leY-0kO-i4y-00015-00009976-00010704 do with that phone because once you reported it stolen or missing the phone it becomes unusable leY-0kO-i4y-00016-00010704-00011104 but you know that's not going to prevent someone from trying to take it from you or leY-0kO-i4y-00017-00011104-00011432 while they are taking it you know breaking your fingers to take the fun from you your leY-0kO-i4y-00018-00011432-00012024 purse you know we know like ladies we carry a lot of expensive purses and people know this person so leY-0kO-i4y-00019-00012024-00012440 don't be very flashy with them and i'm not saying that not to carry an expensive first but just be leY-0kO-i4y-00020-00012504-00013200 uh worried about your surroundings and jewelry you know people know what whether your jewelry leY-0kO-i4y-00021-00013200-00013847 is expensive or not uh so be very careful where you are with your jewelry but you know nonetheless leY-0kO-i4y-00022-00013847-00014544 enjoy your things because you purchase them they are yours but the safety thing is if someone leY-0kO-i4y-00023-00014544-00014991 uh were to pull a weapon on you and ask you for any of those things the first thing you need to leY-0kO-i4y-00024-00014991-00015624 do is to give it to them do not uh try to fight the person because your life your safety is more leY-0kO-i4y-00025-00015624-00016288 important than any of those things that you carry around with you all right when we come back i'm leY-0kO-i4y-00026-00016288-00016984 going to share with you 10 nuclear fragrances that you know you will need in your collection not all leY-0kO-i4y-00027-00016984-00017536 ten of them maybe one because i think i believe we each need to have a powerhouse frequency nuclear leY-0kO-i4y-00028-00017536-00018032 fragrance something very strong that we can work when we want to we feel like we're gonna take leY-0kO-i4y-00029-00018032-00019832 uh a whole black from someone right all right i will be back stay tuned thank you [Music] leY-0kO-i4y-00030-00019832-00020240 [Music] all right we are back so we are talking about nuclear leY-0kO-i4y-00031-00020240-00020928 fragrances loud frequencies fragrances that project very far the very strong leY-0kO-i4y-00032-00021064-00021616 people could actually be really upset with you when you wear them so go if you have those these leY-0kO-i4y-00033-00021616-00022208 fragrances in your collection go easy on the sprayer because they are very strong fragrances leY-0kO-i4y-00034-00022280-00023008 less is better than if you're on heavy sprayer uh those frequencies shouldn't be sprayed a lot leY-0kO-i4y-00035-00023096-00023744 minimum three sprays should be enough for any of those fragrances the first one is ember wood by leY-0kO-i4y-00036-00023744-00024688 woja dove this is a beautiful amber fragrance from men and women this one was lunch in 2012. leY-0kO-i4y-00037-00024688-00025240 the news behind the fragrance is rojadov of course it has some bergamot some lime some lemon leY-0kO-i4y-00038-00025240-00025864 i will post all the notes for you up here or up here or somewhere in the description box you leY-0kO-i4y-00039-00025864-00026527 will have access to the notes guys uh it has some saffron and uh and patchouli so this is leY-0kO-i4y-00040-00026527-00026983 very strong it's one of the strongest frequencies that i have in my collection i love wearing it but leY-0kO-i4y-00041-00026983-00027736 i don't wear too much too often it's a beautiful perfume very well blended and you can tell that leY-0kO-i4y-00042-00027736-00028352 you know when this fragrance was created they used some really quality ingredients regardless leY-0kO-i4y-00043-00028352-00029080 of the price there's no denying that this is a well blended wood fragrance and i love wearing leY-0kO-i4y-00044-00029080-00029944 it it's very nuclear very strong so go easy on the spray the second nuclear bomb fragrance that leY-0kO-i4y-00045-00029944-00030616 i have in my collection is uvertube by sergioff and this is also an amber floral fragrance for men leY-0kO-i4y-00046-00030616-00031136 and woman this one was released in 2019 this is a little bit lighter than the previous fragrance leY-0kO-i4y-00047-00031136-00031744 the nose behind these fragrances are chris morris it has some fig notes in it some magnolia some leY-0kO-i4y-00048-00031744-00032600 cinnamon some sandalwood some incense in it it's uh it's a wonderful fragrance for the cold mods of leY-0kO-i4y-00049-00032600-00033152 the year there is no question about this this is the masterpiece fragrance okay it's well blended leY-0kO-i4y-00050-00033152-00033904 the bottle is kind of like a piece of art it's fruity it's spicy and also ambery at the same time leY-0kO-i4y-00051-00033904-00034584 it has some roots it's a very warm fragrance you know in the bottle it's beautiful i cannot stress leY-0kO-i4y-00052-00034584-00035168 enough the fact that this is a seasonal fragrance okay it's very it's a heavy fragrance and because leY-0kO-i4y-00053-00035168-00035856 of that i would not wear this in the spring or the summer i would wear this in the fall or the winter leY-0kO-i4y-00054-00035912-00036672 months uh do not wear this in the spring of summer because it will not do you any justice but if you leY-0kO-i4y-00055-00036672-00037312 wear this in the fall or the spring or even during the holidays maybe christmas holiday uh thanks leY-0kO-i4y-00056-00037312-00038048 even holiday this fragrance will give you tons of compliments it's such a beautiful fragrance guys leY-0kO-i4y-00057-00038048-00038712 the third nuclear fragrance is actually is not a um niche fragrance this is one of the leY-0kO-i4y-00058-00038800-00039192 high-end designer fragrances from this is oat bouquet leY-0kO-i4y-00059-00039192-00039984 i love uh everything from especially oat bouquet this one uh was released in 2016. leY-0kO-i4y-00060-00040072-00040728 uh this is an amber woody fragrance it's for men and women the nose behind the fragrance is leY-0kO-i4y-00061-00040728-00041688 a fabrice pelegra this is intoxicating okay it's amazing uh it's sweet it has some uh leY-0kO-i4y-00062-00041688-00042312 woody nuts and it also has some praline accord uh this is an absolute beast of a fragrance guys leY-0kO-i4y-00063-00042392-00043112 and first way you get a woodsy note with some rose in it in the background you get some sweet notes leY-0kO-i4y-00064-00043112-00043600 then after an hour it starts getting very loud and making its presence none so when you first leY-0kO-i4y-00065-00043600-00044320 spray this you don't get uh the full force of the fragrance after an hour you start uh smelling this leY-0kO-i4y-00066-00044320-00045040 fragrance and put the projection is heaven on the swelling people can smell you from everywhere it leY-0kO-i4y-00067-00045040-00045704 lasts about 24 hours on the skin and five days on your clothes i i made the mistake of spraying this leY-0kO-i4y-00068-00045704-00046288 fragrance all over my all of my coat over the winter it lasted five days on that coat i had leY-0kO-i4y-00069-00046288-00046768 to send it to the cleaners because i couldn't wear it again a second time because this is one leY-0kO-i4y-00070-00046768-00047408 of the reasons why i do not spray frequencies on my clothes because especially my coats because i leY-0kO-i4y-00071-00047408-00048176 do not want to smell the same fragrance again when i wear something else so wood bouquet is leY-0kO-i4y-00072-00048360-00048760 an absolute heaven of a fragrance i love this fragrance i love wearing it leY-0kO-i4y-00073-00048760-00049304 and the bottle is also beautiful gorgeous bubbles fragrance number four oh my gosh leY-0kO-i4y-00074-00049472-00050288 this is oh black phantom by killian this is an ember vanilla fragrance for men and women again leY-0kO-i4y-00075-00050352-00051232 this one was released in 2017 by sidoni lancashire this is freaking amazing it's a beast mode of a leY-0kO-i4y-00076-00051232-00052112 fragrance okay stunning fragrance on me it's i smell dark chocolate coffee and caramel it has leY-0kO-i4y-00077-00052112-00052696 some parsley note in it oh my god definitely one of the greatest caramel scent fragrances leY-0kO-i4y-00078-00052696-00053424 in my collection this is an absolutely major compliment getter when you wear these people will leY-0kO-i4y-00079-00053424-00053920 come around you and ask you what the heck are you wearing because it's such a beautiful fragrance leY-0kO-i4y-00080-00053920-00054784 it lasts a very long time also and projects very very well again black phantom by killian fragrance leY-0kO-i4y-00081-00054784-00055720 number five is golden ode by ammo oda this is a floral fully guma fragrance for men and women leY-0kO-i4y-00082-00055720-00056184 this one was released in 2019. this actually was the first one that i purchased from this house leY-0kO-i4y-00083-00056248-00056767 and uh following after this purchase i purchased two other fragrances because i just love leY-0kO-i4y-00084-00056767-00057167 the fragrance i love the house this one has some violet it has some champagne leY-0kO-i4y-00085-00057224-00057888 it has some gold patchouli you also have some madagascar vanilla and some it has a little bit leY-0kO-i4y-00086-00057888-00058448 of tobacco but i don't smell the tobacco a lot from this fragrance this fragrance is so well leY-0kO-i4y-00087-00058448-00059040 blended that you know if if i did not read the nuts to you it makes it very difficult to pick leY-0kO-i4y-00088-00059040-00059704 out a single note in this fragrance because when when uh mr la casa or miss lancaster i don't know leY-0kO-i4y-00089-00059704-00060455 if it's a man or woman uh blended this fragrance i mean the job was just so wonderful the fragrance leY-0kO-i4y-00090-00060455-00061152 is wonderfully made it is such a beautiful fragrance the vanilla in this fragrance is leY-0kO-i4y-00091-00061152-00061960 is nice the patchouli i find it very hard to pick out the nuts because of the way this fragrance was leY-0kO-i4y-00092-00061960-00062664 blended and the craft behind this fragrance in my opinion this is the perfect full 4d guma fragrance leY-0kO-i4y-00093-00062720-00063344 very long lasting again because it just be not only because i said it's flawed food leY-0kO-i4y-00094-00063344-00063912 but it is still considered a very heavy fragrance so be careful on the sprayer leY-0kO-i4y-00095-00063912-00064552 here's the bottle look at it it's such a beautiful bottle and a beautiful fragrance all right leY-0kO-i4y-00096-00064552-00065520 powerhouse nuclear loud fragrance number six is menoir by the beautiful the late monadi oreo we leY-0kO-i4y-00097-00065520-00066248 all know that monadio passed away at a very young age but she left some masterpiece of fragrances leY-0kO-i4y-00098-00066248-00066808 this one is one of them this one has some orange blossoms some ginger cardamom and orange you leY-0kO-i4y-00099-00066808-00067312 also have some tuberose in this fragrance some leather amber i can smell the lettuce i can smell leY-0kO-i4y-00100-00067312-00068168 the tonka bean in this fragrance but it's warm it's spicy it's a little bit animalic meanwhile leY-0kO-i4y-00101-00068168-00069208 is beautiful uh it's an amber floral fragrance for men and women anybody who loves strong frequencies leY-0kO-i4y-00102-00069208-00069760 powerhouse of a fragrance they will enjoy this fragrance it's not for everyone because of the leY-0kO-i4y-00103-00069832-00070520 animalic notes if i wasn't into fragrances let's just say maybe five years ago i would i would leY-0kO-i4y-00104-00070520-00071088 probably would not purchase this fragrance because of the animalic notes and snack of this fragrance leY-0kO-i4y-00105-00071088-00071688 but now that i am enjoying fragrances more and more i would definitely see myself buying this leY-0kO-i4y-00106-00071688-00072232 again the way that i refer to this fragrance i refer to it as an animalic showstopper it's a leY-0kO-i4y-00107-00072232-00072944 perfection it's a work of art by monadi oil she was extremely talented and she left us with some leY-0kO-i4y-00108-00072944-00073480 very nice beautiful fragrance if you don't have any other fragrances i would say to check them out leY-0kO-i4y-00109-00073480-00073800 because they are worth at least you know give it give them a try leY-0kO-i4y-00110-00073864-00074400 i have two of them and i'm hoping that i will end up buying maybe one more later this year just to leY-0kO-i4y-00111-00074400-00075064 make it three i think three can consider uh a collection again numi noir by monadio leY-0kO-i4y-00112-00075152-00075864 so who would have thought that uh a bond number nine fragrance would be considered a showstopper leY-0kO-i4y-00113-00075864-00076480 in nuclear fragrance um i would never thought that i would ever pick one of their fragrances to be leY-0kO-i4y-00114-00076480-00077224 that type of fragrance but this one is this is saks fifth avenue for her by one number nine this leY-0kO-i4y-00115-00077224-00077840 is a floral fragrance a white floral it has some tubules some vanilla it's a little bit animalic leY-0kO-i4y-00116-00077944-00079024 but my gosh this is so good and strong and long-lasting this is why i refer to this as a leY-0kO-i4y-00117-00079024-00080072 showstopper animalic fragrance as a fragrance that projects very well very far it lasts a very long leY-0kO-i4y-00118-00080072-00080784 time on the skin i love wearing it but i wouldn't wear this everywhere because i don't think this is leY-0kO-i4y-00119-00080784-00081352 a daily fragrance for anyone by any chance i think you know this is a special occasion fragrance leY-0kO-i4y-00120-00081352-00082440 fragrance number seven is oh renia j amber loop oh my gosh this is dark chocolate it's embery leY-0kO-i4y-00121-00082440-00083160 it's woody it's balsamic it's padre it has some vanilla in it the dry down is absolutely beautiful leY-0kO-i4y-00122-00083216-00083920 lovely amber fragrance the spice uh since combo uh give this almost this and the dark chocolate leY-0kO-i4y-00123-00083920-00084504 vibe you know uh of this fragrance uh there's also a slight booziness in the back of this leY-0kO-i4y-00124-00084560-00085208 uh even though the notes do not call for any kind of buzzy uh not fragment nuts but i think you know leY-0kO-i4y-00125-00085208-00085800 it has it it just makes you feel like you are smelling some really great expensive liquor leY-0kO-i4y-00126-00085976-00086672 and this lasts a very long time to skin this is a very lovely fragrance well balanced sweet leY-0kO-i4y-00127-00086672-00087544 spicy and woodsy anyone who is into strong embryo fragrances balsamic fragrances would enjoy this leY-0kO-i4y-00128-00087544-00088168 and i can see a well-dressed gentleman wearing this fragrance in the winter this is not a spring leY-0kO-i4y-00129-00088168-00088848 and summer fragrance guys this is definitely heavy heavy winter fragrance it's perfect for leY-0kO-i4y-00130-00088848-00089560 the right person this is one of the very few main fragrances fragrances that are marketed directly leY-0kO-i4y-00131-00089560-00090344 for men that i enjoy wearing that i love on this is tom ford noir extreme i'm on my third or fourth leY-0kO-i4y-00132-00090344-00091224 bottle of this oh my gosh it's warm it's sweet it has some vanilla some woody notes some pajamas it leY-0kO-i4y-00133-00091224-00092000 has some amber some white floral and also some citrus it is very strong very nice it has some leY-0kO-i4y-00134-00092000-00092864 saffron mandarin orange this is beautiful okay it's so dark and rich and also slightly boozy leY-0kO-i4y-00135-00092960-00093496 if you are into data fragrances i would say you need to get your nose on this and guys leY-0kO-i4y-00136-00093496-00094200 i think every man should own one of these fragrances because it's absolutely gorgeous i call leY-0kO-i4y-00137-00094200-00094832 this the gorgeousness of fragrance from tom ford i love this and it's also very long-lasting all leY-0kO-i4y-00138-00094832-00095880 right the last fragrance from this video is less absolutely santa why y'all from girl this is oh leY-0kO-i4y-00139-00096096-00096792 this is so nuclear guys it has some wood some rose some warm spices leather in it leY-0kO-i4y-00140-00096856-00097656 pajamas cinnamon it's it it's very animalic it also has some ember that you know kind of like leY-0kO-i4y-00141-00097656-00098304 you know makes it a little bit lighter to wear but it is still one of the loudest fragrances that i leY-0kO-i4y-00142-00098304-00098896 have in my collection i said this is variable and this fragrance does not apologize to anyone leY-0kO-i4y-00143-00098896-00099704 okay and when you wear this uh you get to a place everyone will say what are you wearing this person leY-0kO-i4y-00144-00099704-00100568 smells wonderful i mean it's strong it's a very love for me it's absolutely something to leY-0kO-i4y-00145-00100568-00101176 at night do not what is during the day i want this to work once and i think i remember uh i told you leY-0kO-i4y-00146-00101176-00101664 guys this guy at work was following me around because of the fragrance he kept telling me how leY-0kO-i4y-00147-00101664-00102192 nice i smelled finally i said you needed to leave me alone i mean this fragrance will drive your leY-0kO-i4y-00148-00102192-00102952 partner crazy okay the projection uh and longevity is i mean crazy projection on this fragrance okay leY-0kO-i4y-00149-00103008-00103456 i wrote this to the movies once and then there were people sitting in front of me leY-0kO-i4y-00150-00103456-00103928 and behind me and this lady was saying how strong that fragrance was but they didn't leY-0kO-i4y-00151-00103928-00104583 know who was wearing the fragrance because i told you it projects very very far out and i heard uh leY-0kO-i4y-00152-00104583-00105096 a lady said uh i just love it i love that focus i think it's very strong and very leY-0kO-i4y-00153-00105096-00105696 nice and and whoever's is wearing it you know it's probably smell wonderful and this guy said leY-0kO-i4y-00154-00105696-00106056 well uh if you were to wear this fragrance out with me i probably would not go out with you leY-0kO-i4y-00155-00106056-00106520 and she said that would be your problem because i want my fragrance for me i don't want them for you leY-0kO-i4y-00156-00106520-00106992 and he got upset and i was kind of like smiling behind i was like yeah girl go for it leY-0kO-i4y-00157-00107135-00107896 i mean it's it's so nice it's such a strong fragrance i would say uh this is one of the ones leY-0kO-i4y-00158-00107896-00108400 that i will buy over and over again i would always have this in my collection as long as they keep leY-0kO-i4y-00159-00108400-00109096 making it and the bottle is also i mean absolutely gorgeous guys i love this fragrance if you are leY-0kO-i4y-00160-00109096-00109744 into strong powerful fragrances i would say to try any of those fragrances that i just mentioned leY-0kO-i4y-00161-00109744-00110200 you would love them because all of those are wearing them i don't wear them often as often leY-0kO-i4y-00162-00110200-00110840 as i should but i do wear them every chest that i get all right this is it for me thank you so leY-0kO-i4y-00163-00110840-00111511 much for watching this video i have tried to make this video four times and couldn't make it leY-0kO-i4y-00164-00111511-00112256 work finally i think i've done it i've got it so again thanks for watching remember to uh buy the leY-0kO-i4y-00165-00112256-00112840 fragrance wear the fragrance buy the shoes eat the dessert as long as your body can handle it leY-0kO-i4y-00166-00112896-00113583 and forget about the haters wear your frequencies in good health and be happy be healthy and leY-0kO-i4y-00167-00113664-00115245 love one another thank you so much for watching i will see you next time take care now [Music] leY-0kO-i4y-00168-00115245-00115583 [Music] bye lgRm5D5h3jU-00000-00000101-00000672 The power of exponents: taking numbers to new dimensions. lgRm5D5h3jU-00001-00000672-00000933 Hello out there! lgRm5D5h3jU-00002-00000933-00001144 Yeah, that's me! lgRm5D5h3jU-00003-00001144-00001522 This little "2" digit hovering above that four down there? lgRm5D5h3jU-00004-00001632-00002327 I'm an exponent I'm not like a regular number I follow my own set of rules. lgRm5D5h3jU-00005-00002327-00002770 I'm up here because I have higher powers lgRm5D5h3jU-00006-00002770-00003297 That four down there? That's just a count up to me number. lgRm5D5h3jU-00007-00003310-00003787 I'm about action and power lgRm5D5h3jU-00008-00003787-00003982 Don't call me 2! lgRm5D5h3jU-00009-00003982-00004710 Say "4 to the second power" or 4 squared lgRm5D5h3jU-00010-00004710-00004968 because when I use my power lgRm5D5h3jU-00011-00004968-00005326 there's no number too involved. lgRm5D5h3jU-00012-00005326-00005574 The 2 is the number of times you'll see 4 lgRm5D5h3jU-00013-00005655-00006228 multiplied by itself. So 4 to the second power lgRm5D5h3jU-00014-00006228-00006681 is 4 times 4 or 16 lgRm5D5h3jU-00015-00006681-00006904 and 4 times 4 lgRm5D5h3jU-00016-00006904-00007281 can look just like a square. lgRm5D5h3jU-00017-00007281-00007697 I'm an exponent let me get your attention lgRm5D5h3jU-00018-00007697-00007886 I take a number out to new dimensions. lgRm5D5h3jU-00019-00007886-00008438 Leave my value up on the shelf. you've got to multiply it by yourself. lgRm5D5h3jU-00020-00008438-00008856 But seriously, this teenly little number means a lot. lgRm5D5h3jU-00021-00008888-00009474 3 to the fourth power is 3 times 3 times 3 times 3 lgRm5D5h3jU-00022-00009474-00009878 9 times 9 81 lgRm5D5h3jU-00023-00009878-00010226 you can know how to read these. lgRm5D5h3jU-00024-00010234-00010500 Use your powers wisely! lgRm5D5h3jU-00025-00010560-00010868 The legal stuff... lh4th6VtMey-00000-00000000-00000270 Wait a minute! Are you going to order food today? lh4th6VtMey-00001-00000270-00000697 If you order with the simple mindset of “I’ll just order and eat less” lh4th6VtMey-00002-00000697-00000857 You will most definitely binge eat lh4th6VtMey-00003-00000857-00001084 Eating delivery food until you can’t eat anymore lh4th6VtMey-00004-00001084-00001374 And eating in moderation without ruining your diet lh4th6VtMey-00005-00001374-00001725 The results are out depending on “how” you order your food! lh4th6VtMey-00006-00001725-00002108 If you want to lose weight AND order delivery at the same time lh4th6VtMey-00007-00002108-00002258 Order like “this”! lh4th6VtMey-00008-00002258-00002682 Achieving weight loss while eating good food can be done by hitting two birds with one stone! lh4th6VtMey-00009-00002899-00003340 Hello, this is Jiny from Jiny Diet V^_^V lh4th6VtMey-00010-00003340-00003463 Hello~! lh4th6VtMey-00011-00003463-00003760 There are two broad categories in ordering in delivery food lh4th6VtMey-00012-00003760-00004074 When you’re eating by yourself or with someone else or a group lh4th6VtMey-00013-00004074-00004444 I'll let you know the most important point in these two scenarios lh4th6VtMey-00014-00004444-00004741 Firstly, the most important point when ordering in for yourself! lh4th6VtMey-00015-00004741-00005145 It’s to only order a quantity that you’re okay with eating all at once lh4th6VtMey-00016-00005145-00005525 You can request to add less rice when you’re ordering one roll of kimbap lh4th6VtMey-00017-00005525-00005922 You can request for less rice when you’re ordering 10 pieces of sushi lh4th6VtMey-00018-00005922-00006356 If you’re eating bibimbap, dupbap or fried rice, request for half a bowl of rice! lh4th6VtMey-00019-00006356-00006830 I’m sure my viewers are aware of these examples that I just gave lh4th6VtMey-00020-00006830-00007267 But the most crucial part is when you want to order pizza or tteokbokki! lh4th6VtMey-00021-00007267-00007884 Firstly, you have to give up large pizza or tteokbokki for more than 2 people lh4th6VtMey-00022-00007884-00008511 If you convince yourself that you’ll eat less regardless, you’ll eventually end up eating a lot after you order it lh4th6VtMey-00023-00008511-00009109 If your appetite is stable and you can eat in moderation, you can order whatever you want! lh4th6VtMey-00024-00009109-00009215 But that’s not us! lh4th6VtMey-00025-00009215-00009456 If there are amateurs in fitness lh4th6VtMey-00026-00009456-00009999 We are like the amateurs of appetite control… lh4th6VtMey-00027-00009999-00010593 So for us, we need to set up a meal that’s easy to portion control lh4th6VtMey-00028-00010593-00011017 If you’re craving tteokbokki, rather than ordering a large size for two lh4th6VtMey-00029-00011017-00011381 If you search well enough, you could look for tteokbokki in a cup! lh4th6VtMey-00030-00011381-00012145 It’s even better these days where you can search for a roll of kimbap with half a tteokbokki as a set menu lh4th6VtMey-00031-00012145-00012332 These are great options! lh4th6VtMey-00032-00012332-00012979 If you want to eat pizza, rather than ordering a whole pizza, you can now order by the slice! lh4th6VtMey-00033-00012979-00013556 By finding options like these, you can eat 1-2 slices accordingly! lh4th6VtMey-00034-00013556-00014157 Now there must be some of you who must think, “If you’re ordering tteokbokki, you need to order the real deal at Yupdduk!” lh4th6VtMey-00035-00014157-00014944 If you don’t care about weight loss or if you are confident to eat in moderation in front a large tteokbokki, by all means, order anything you want! lh4th6VtMey-00036-00014944-00015405 However, if you want to lose weight but you really want to eat something GOOD lh4th6VtMey-00037-00015405-00015882 But if you feel like you’ll binge eat after ordering and if you don’t order it, you might end up binge eating something else lh4th6VtMey-00038-00015882-00016499 If you are someone like that, then it’s important to appease your appetite in a controlled manner lh4th6VtMey-00039-00016499-00017120 There might be a minimum order amount for food delivery which could be harder to find lh4th6VtMey-00040-00017120-00017754 But since food delivery apps are quite advanced now, you can search for a minimum of $5 to a maximum of $10 lh4th6VtMey-00041-00017754-00017941 You can use these advanced filters lh4th6VtMey-00042-00017941-00018441 After applying these settings and searching, it might be easier to find the right menu! lh4th6VtMey-00043-00018441-00018852 Last year, I released content on the Formula to Eat Less lh4th6VtMey-00044-00018852-00019462 From there I mentioned complimenting foods like pickles to a pizza, pickled radish to fried rice and chicken lh4th6VtMey-00045-00019462-00019883 These complimentary foods make us eat even more of the main food lh4th6VtMey-00046-00019883-00020196 So when you order, don’t order these at all! lh4th6VtMey-00047-00020196-00020523 Only focus on the main menu! lh4th6VtMey-00048-00020523-00020844 Now, when you’re eating with someone else or a group lh4th6VtMey-00049-00020844-00021404 Unlike when you’re eating by yourself, you won’t have 100% of the power to order what you want lh4th6VtMey-00050-00021404-00021895 At the same time, you do have some say in what to order! lh4th6VtMey-00051-00021895-00022409 In this case, try to steer the conversation to order individual meals lh4th6VtMey-00052-00022409-00023093 Most people who have difficulty eating in moderation tend to eat more when they’re with others lh4th6VtMey-00053-00023093-00023586 Not only is it hard to keep track of how much you’re eating when you’re with others lh4th6VtMey-00054-00023586-00024030 When someone else eats faster than you, their speed affects your appetite and you eat faster as well lh4th6VtMey-00055-00024030-00024197 Which makes you eat even more lh4th6VtMey-00056-00024197-00024641 Lastly, if you had to compete for food with your siblings when you were young lh4th6VtMey-00057-00024641-00025398 Because of that experience, even if you aren’t greedy for food, you’ll find yourself eating faster lh4th6VtMey-00058-00025398-00026072 So by choosing individual meals helps to prevent these difficulties lh4th6VtMey-00059-00026072-00026639 I don’t recommend foods that you eat together like tteokbokki, spicy chicken stew, braised chicken or malatang lh4th6VtMey-00060-00026639-00027347 I recommend individual meals like hamburgers, sandwiches, sushi, rice bowls or fried rice! lh4th6VtMey-00061-00027347-00027967 If you tried and failed to convince the other party and you ended up ordering tteokbokki, pizza or chicken lh4th6VtMey-00062-00027967-00028538 Before the food arrives, run a simulation in your head on how much you will allow yourself to eat lh4th6VtMey-00063-00028538-00029112 If it’s chicken with bones, just two pieces! If it’s boneless, I’ll eat three! Like this lh4th6VtMey-00064-00029112-00029702 By setting up a threshold of the amount of food you eat, you won’t need to compete with others lh4th6VtMey-00065-00029702-00030203 You can eat in moderation so that it won’t bother your diet in a comfortable manner lh4th6VtMey-00066-00030203-00030593 An additional tip is if you happen to eat food with a lot of sauce lh4th6VtMey-00067-00030593-00030817 Make sure to look at the reviews! lh4th6VtMey-00068-00030817-00031454 Even if it’s the same food, depending on how it’s made, it could really change your meal experience! lh4th6VtMey-00069-00031454-00032028 From your search, if you see reviews like, “it was salty” or “it was too saucy but it was good” lh4th6VtMey-00070-00032028-00032352 It means that this place is good from the strong taste lh4th6VtMey-00071-00032352-00032859 These places will numb your palate and make you eat faster and more lh4th6VtMey-00072-00032859-00033600 Conversely if you see reviews like, “it’s not salty and it’s very savoury!” lh4th6VtMey-00073-00033600-00033830 It means that the sauce isn’t very strong lh4th6VtMey-00074-00033830-00034287 For example, if you’re ordering spicy chicken stew, always check the reviews! lh4th6VtMey-00075-00034287-00035014 Look for places that aren’t salty but more savoury in general lh4th6VtMey-00076-00035014-00035422 How did you find the tips for ordering delivery food during weight loss? lh4th6VtMey-00077-00035422-00035905 If you are craving something but you’re scared of binge eating lh4th6VtMey-00078-00035905-00036399 Always set yourself up in an environment that you can eat in moderation lh4th6VtMey-00079-00036399-00036853 It will be a much more enjoyable meal as you maintain your weight! lh4th6VtMey-00080-00036880-00037237 Starting last year, I have prepared diligently and quietly for this lh4th6VtMey-00081-00037237-00037774 We’ve finally opened the 3 week training for a lifestyle to lose weight! lh4th6VtMey-00082-00037774-00038198 With 15 courses to stabilize your appetite and with 1:1 coaching with a master lh4th6VtMey-00083-00038198-00038555 This will help you to succeed losing weight as you eat regular foods lh4th6VtMey-00084-00038555-00038978 It’s a type of coaching that you’ll be able to take away with you as you graduate lh4th6VtMey-00085-00038978-00039739 It’s not easy to start controlling your appetite on a whim but it can be done naturally through regular lectures over the course of 3 weeks lh4th6VtMey-00086-00039739-00040009 Since this is our first opening, we won’t be able to gather too many members lh4th6VtMey-00087-00040009-00040483 I do promise the 3-week transformation for the first recruits! lh4th6VtMey-00088-00040483-00041367 In the next episode, we’ll discuss how to have a zero appetite for those who eat nonstop at home! lh4th6VtMey-00089-00041367-00042118 I hope all of you watching this video will find your respective ways to maintain your health and happiness! lh4th6VtMey-00090-00042118-00042435 I’ll see you in the next video! Bye~! lh4th6VtMey-00091-00042649-00042849 How to take care of situational, environmental and food-related issues lh4th6VtMey-00092-00042859-00043059 How to be happy with what I eat lh4th6VtMey-00093-00043086-00043269 Every third Monday 8PM KST lnJCH_SNXBy-00000-00000000-00000120 Real People, Real Results lnJCH_SNXBy-00001-00000170-00000370 Before lnJCH_SNXBy-00002-00000618-00000818 Day of the Session lnJCH_SNXBy-00003-00002746-00002946 12-month result m31Qzrj4m2U-00000-00000758-00001572 Sadhguru: In the making of a nation, there are three fundamental aspects, which we struggle with m31Qzrj4m2U-00001-00001572-00002480 in the beginning. When we say a nation, the first and foremost thing is the territory, the bod... the borders, m31Qzrj4m2U-00002-00002480-00003446 the boundaries of a nation. It is... (Laughs) It is sad that we have to divide the globe into nations, m31Qzrj4m2U-00003-00003446-00004060 but right now there is no other way to operate. Right now nation is the largest segment of humanity m31Qzrj4m2U-00004-00004060-00005120 that we can address, so nations are needed for now. So when we say a nation, it is a question of territory. m31Qzrj4m2U-00005-00005120-00006274 When it comes to territory, the very first step of starting India as a nation come with… m31Qzrj4m2U-00006-00006274-00007226 came with breaking up of the territory, not in a geographically sensitive way, simply m31Qzrj4m2U-00007-00007226-00008002 breaking up of the territory in a most insensitive way. Which killed over 600,000 people, m31Qzrj4m2U-00008-00008002-00008706 because the partition took that many lives, and millions of lives were uprooted. m31Qzrj4m2U-00009-00008706-00009666 There is still a generation of people who experienced that, their memories are terrible. m31Qzrj4m2U-00010-00009666-00010456 We tore up the nation into three pieces without any sensitivity to the people who existed there. m31Qzrj4m2U-00011-00010456-00011402 Above all, the success of a nation depends today or for anytime, the success of a nation m31Qzrj4m2U-00012-00011402-00012376 does not depend on its military exploits, or political processes, but on the success of its businesses. m31Qzrj4m2U-00013-00012376-00013028 India as a nation has known this better than everybody, because just about two-hundred-fifty m31Qzrj4m2U-00014-00013028-00013732 years ago this was the largest economy on the planet; over thirty percent of the world’s exports were m31Qzrj4m2U-00015-00013732-00014897 from India. But when we made the nation, unfortunately we cut of all of our trade routes and made m31Qzrj4m2U-00016-00014897-00015888 a nation – our trade routes which went into central Asia, into Europe, into Arabia were cut off. m31Qzrj4m2U-00017-00015888-00016652 Our trade routes which we… went into Southeast Asia were cut off, only that was left is the maritime routes. m31Qzrj4m2U-00018-00016652-00017302 Otherwise, all trade routes were cut off because people – for whatever reason, I don’t m31Qzrj4m2U-00019-00017302-00017964 want to go into that (Laughs) but we cut off our trade routes and made a nation, and we m31Qzrj4m2U-00020-00017964-00018576 struggled for over three decades, not knowing how to do business. m31Qzrj4m2U-00021-00018576-00019188 What we had done for over 10,000 years suddenly we did not know how to conduct business because m31Qzrj4m2U-00022-00019188-00019794 all trade routes were cut off. Even if you gave away the land, m31Qzrj4m2U-00023-00019794-00020604 at least you should have kept a highway, or a railway, which went into Arabia, central Asia and Europe. Today.. m31Qzrj4m2U-00024-00020604-00021154 Or many years ago, we would have highways and railways going into the European capitals m31Qzrj4m2U-00025-00021154-00021624 from India. It would have been a completely different nation. m31Qzrj4m2U-00026-00021624-00022462 So we cut off our trade routes because, tch it’s like this – you okay for a story? Or will you fall asleep? m31Qzrj4m2U-00027-00022462-00023278 No because for most people once I say once upon a time, they think it’s bedtime (Laughter). m31Qzrj4m2U-00028-00023278-00024246 Not so long ago… Hello? A pirate entered an Irish pub – when I say pirate, m31Qzrj4m2U-00029-00024246-00024882 these days you think of the Somali pirates, not like this - a classic pirate. m31Qzrj4m2U-00030-00024882-00025950 So he entered the Irish pub, he had lost his right leg so he was on a wooden stump. m31Qzrj4m2U-00031-00025950-00026870 His right hand was gone so he had a hook, and he had a eye patch – classic pirate. m31Qzrj4m2U-00032-00026870-00027439 He walked in and sat down and ordered a drink, the bartender looked at him and said, m31Qzrj4m2U-00033-00027439-00027710 “Hey Jack! What is the problem? m31Qzrj4m2U-00034-00027710-00028276 Last time I saw you, you were fine, how did you lose your leg?” m31Qzrj4m2U-00035-00028276-00028922 He said “Oh, what to do we were in the high seas and Her majesty’s canon ball came and m31Qzrj4m2U-00036-00028922-00029700 took off my leg - but no problem, the carpenter on the ship fixed me up pretty good. m31Qzrj4m2U-00037-00029700-00030260 This stump works as good as a leg, I can even dance.” m31Qzrj4m2U-00038-00030260-00031032 Then he served him a drink and when he saw he had a hook for a right hand, m31Qzrj4m2U-00039-00031032-00031538 he said “What happened to your hand?” He said, “Oh, I was in a sword fight, m31Qzrj4m2U-00040-00031538-00032222 you know some fools don’t know that you have to hit the sword with the sword, they hit my hand. m31Qzrj4m2U-00041-00032222-00033218 So I lost my hand but no problem, my blacksmith fixed me up with a hook, this works better than the hand.” m31Qzrj4m2U-00042-00033218-00033652 Then as he was drinking he asked him, “But what happened to your eye?” m31Qzrj4m2U-00043-00033652-00034604 He said, “I was trying to navigate and I was looking up and the bird poo came and fell in my eye.” m31Qzrj4m2U-00044-00034604-00035062 The bartender said, “But the bird poo will not take off your eyeball.” m31Qzrj4m2U-00045-00035062-00035656 He said, “Yeah but I was new to the hook” (Laughter). m31Qzrj4m2U-00046-00035656-00036868 So we were new to freedom, so we cut ourselves up without knowing what we’re doing (Applause). m31Qzrj4m2U-00047-00036868-00037454 The next aspect of making of a nation is the systems and processes that we follow – our m31Qzrj4m2U-00048-00037454-00038132 administrative systems, our education systems¸ our political system, the executive aspect m31Qzrj4m2U-00049-00038132-00039252 of it, our military, and our judiciary. These are all different systems. m31Qzrj4m2U-00050-00039252-00040368 When someone occupies a nation, they will form certain systems. Those systems are created for control. m31Qzrj4m2U-00051-00040368-00041249 Unfortunately, without much modification, almost ditto, as it was during the British m31Qzrj4m2U-00052-00041250-00042104 er… era, we just took the rules as they were and continued the same systems. m31Qzrj4m2U-00053-00042104-00042804 Because of this - it was like we were driving with our brakes on. m31Qzrj4m2U-00054-00042804-00043292 Doesn’t matter what we do, it goes only at that speed. m31Qzrj4m2U-00055-00043292-00044052 It doesn’t pick up speed because all the system were designed to control, never designed m31Qzrj4m2U-00056-00044052-00045248 to liberate the people. All the systems were shackles, so many shackles within a shackle, that no matter what m31Qzrj4m2U-00057-00045248-00045638 you do – you're doing… you're thinking you're doing the right thing but it’s not moving m31Qzrj4m2U-00058-00045638-00046566 ahead, because we did not reinvent the systems for a free nation, we imported, or we inherited m31Qzrj4m2U-00059-00046566-00047152 systems of an occupied nation and tried to run a free nation. m31Qzrj4m2U-00060-00047152-00047787 I think India, one or two generations of people, have lost possibilities and have suffered m31Qzrj4m2U-00061-00047788-00048102 immensely because of these kind of systems. m31Qzrj4m2U-00062-00048102-00049106 I’m saying, this is the mentality of the occupier –that everybody, every citizen is a criminal. m31Qzrj4m2U-00063-00049106-00049524 If you tell me the rules, why will I not follow it? m31Qzrj4m2U-00064-00049524-00049984 The rules were made so ambiguous, nobody knows what’s the damn rule. m31Qzrj4m2U-00065-00049984-00050234 No matter what you do, you feel like a criminal m31Qzrj4m2U-00066-00050234-00050698 because you do not know what the rules are, they’re so complicated. m31Qzrj4m2U-00067-00050698-00051378 I was talking to a very top corporate lawyer and something they were trying to interpret to me, m31Qzrj4m2U-00068-00051378-00052050 I listened to this whole interpretation. I believe if somebody says something I can understand, m31Qzrj4m2U-00069-00052050-00052812 but I did not understand, so I asked him, “See you're the top corporate…corporate lawyer in the country, m31Qzrj4m2U-00070-00052812-00053324 do you really understand what is it that you're telling me” (Laughter)? m31Qzrj4m2U-00071-00053324-00053836 He said, “No Sadhguru, I don’t understand” (Laughter/Applause). m31Qzrj4m2U-00072-00053836-00054817 I said, “Okay (Laughs), so even you don’t understand, then what is it?” He said, “That’s how it is.” m31Qzrj4m2U-00073-00054817-00055660 So these systems now we are trying to clean up a few major moves have been made, m31Qzrj4m2U-00074-00055660-00056458 unshackling India’s business so that it can go up. It is… m31Qzrj4m2U-00075-00056458-00057136 At the same time going through this endurance test on a daily basis, Indians have become m31Qzrj4m2U-00076-00057136-00058188 super resilient - wherever they go (Laughs)… running an obstacle course on a daily basis. m31Qzrj4m2U-00077-00058188-00058812 If you take them to a place where there are no obstacles, they are a super hit (Laughs). m31Qzrj4m2U-00078-00058812-00059682 Anywhere in the world, they are going and succeeding in a big way (Applause). m31Qzrj4m2U-00079-00059682-00060255 Simply because daily obstacle course has made them into such great drivers (Laughs) m31Qzrj4m2U-00080-00060255-00061034 With third… you know, with a sixth sense. We are not just seeing what’s coming ahead, m31Qzrj4m2U-00081-00061034-00061266 what’s coming on the sides, what’s coming behind, m31Qzrj4m2U-00082-00061266-00061804 we also know what’s coming from the top, when we’re driving. m31Qzrj4m2U-00083-00061804-00062294 So it’s fine but we are coming to a place where these things are being… m31Qzrj4m2U-00084-00062294-00062724 the structural aspects of the nation are being cleaned up(Applause). m31Qzrj4m2U-00085-00062724-00063226 And the third and the most important thingis the people. m31Qzrj4m2U-00086-00063226-00063744 See people are trying to build a nation, people are trying to transform humanity, m31Qzrj4m2U-00087-00063744-00064564 there is no such thing. There are only human beings. m31Qzrj4m2U-00088-00064564-00065182 If you want a great nation, you must do something to produce great human beings, m31Qzrj4m2U-00089-00065182-00066456 there is no other way (Applause). If you want to produce great human beings, m31Qzrj4m2U-00090-00066456-00067380 we have to facilitate and structure methods and systems where human beings are not curtailed m31Qzrj4m2U-00091-00067380-00068154 – every human being can find full expression to who he or she is. m31Qzrj4m2U-00092-00068154-00068870 This is a structural thing which needs to happen, which is beginning to happen, but m31Qzrj4m2U-00093-00068870-00069582 India has had a… a traditional system that people don’t necessarily depend upon, except m31Qzrj4m2U-00094-00069582-00070336 for external activity, for their own development they don’t depend on any particular outside system. m31Qzrj4m2U-00095-00070336-00071056 This is the reason no matter what happens, you will see the country is not disturbed in a real sense, as other m31Qzrj4m2U-00096-00071056-00072254 nations would be disturbed, because there is an organic sense of being completely organized within myself. m31Qzrj4m2U-00097-00072254-00072798 This is something that the entire world should get, this will be India’s greatest offering m31Qzrj4m2U-00098-00072798-00073278 – how an individual… individual human being can be fully organized within himself m31Qzrj4m2U-00099-00073278-00074086 or herself, in such a way that no matter what happens, they will stay their course. m3ofNkVX5rE-00000-00000080-00000624 how many of you in the school this year you have either you've heard m3ofNkVX5rE-00001-00000784-00001336 you've seen but somebody in this school not you but you have have seen or heard m3ofNkVX5rE-00002-00001472-00002088 a classmate talking about or entertaining the idea and i need you to be honest m3ofNkVX5rE-00003-00002152-00002608 how many of you in this school this year you have heard one of your classmates talking m3ofNkVX5rE-00004-00002608-00003136 about or pondering the idea of maybe committing suicide and ending your life raise your hand m3ofNkVX5rE-00005-00003376-00003600 hold those hands high hold them high m3ofNkVX5rE-00006-00003815-00004000 because every one of those hands right now m3ofNkVX5rE-00007-00004144-00004760 represents a heartbeat in this school every one of your hands represents a young man and m3ofNkVX5rE-00008-00004760-00005536 a young lady in here that has been contemplating maybe giving ups an option maybe they feel like m3ofNkVX5rE-00009-00005536-00006064 life's just too difficult and too tough and they feel alone and they feel isolated and they've seen m3ofNkVX5rE-00010-00006064-00006512 it on social media and they've seen it on tv and they've got the idea that maybe i should just end m3ofNkVX5rE-00011-00006512-00006888 my life and i see tears and i see the emotions because i know it's real and i want all of you m3ofNkVX5rE-00012-00006888-00007328 that pick on kids and how you treat people and how you are tearing people down you need to realize m3ofNkVX5rE-00013-00007328-00007920 how you are treating us is causing some of us to think that possibly ending our life is a solution m3ofNkVX5rE-00014-00008320-00008800 your words hurt us and you know what the truth is a lot of you wear masks m3ofNkVX5rE-00015-00008976-00009552 and you treat people a certain way but the truth is you hide behind your mask because you probably m3ofNkVX5rE-00016-00009552-00010224 have battled suicidal thoughts yourself and so you mask it and you act like your thick your m3ofNkVX5rE-00017-00010224-00010912 skin's thick but really on the inside there's times you feel alone and feel abandoned and i m3ofNkVX5rE-00018-00010912-00011472 hear the tears man all of you listen to me young men and young lady that's in the school right now m3ofNkVX5rE-00019-00011640-00012248 any of you that have been contemplating and you've actually thought about m3ofNkVX5rE-00020-00012352-00013200 maybe i should just end my life i would be the very first one to look at you face to face m3ofNkVX5rE-00021-00013280-00013872 and tell you very boldly but very matter-of-factly don't you dare die m3ofNkVX5rE-00022-00014032-00014808 don't you dare believe the lie the ending your life don't you dare believe the lie m3ofNkVX5rE-00023-00014808-00015344 that ending your life is in the answer or any solution because inside of every single one of you m3ofNkVX5rE-00024-00015344-00015824 that have been contemplating maybe i'm alone and i'm isolated and nobody cares about me and i feel m3ofNkVX5rE-00025-00015824-00016319 is a lie you are not alone you are not by yourself there are people and friends and m3ofNkVX5rE-00026-00016319-00016724 family and teachers people here that believe about you [Music] m3ofNkVX5rE-00027-00016928-00017320 and if you end your life and i know this is painful it's wrong the emotion is here m3ofNkVX5rE-00028-00017456-00017896 but these are real issues that you and i and we are struggling with and you need to understand m3ofNkVX5rE-00029-00017896-00018440 every one of you that have been contemplating and even embracing or entertaining the idea you need m3ofNkVX5rE-00030-00018440-00019256 to know inside of every one of you is something so special and so great and if you rob yourself m3ofNkVX5rE-00031-00019256-00019728 of what you were destined to be if you when you listen you know i talk about suicide i talk about m3ofNkVX5rE-00032-00019728-00020152 suicide not because i read books about it because i wanted to talk about it i didn't want to get m3ofNkVX5rE-00033-00020152-00020536 educated about suicide so i wanted to learn about it i talked about it because i know when those m3ofNkVX5rE-00034-00020536-00020904 kids use how they treated me and the words they used to say to me i know what it was like when m3ofNkVX5rE-00035-00020904-00021360 i was living with my sister and she went to work and i climbed up into the garage when she was gone m3ofNkVX5rE-00036-00021360-00021860 and i climbed that ladder and i grabbed that rope i know what it's like to be on the break [Music] m3ofNkVX5rE-00037-00021936-00022312 and i'm telling all of you in here young men and young ladies m3ofNkVX5rE-00038-00022448-00023352 that have been battling some of these thoughts [Music] it's a lie look at me and i can i can m3ofNkVX5rE-00039-00023352-00023696 spot out many of you that i know that these are the thoughts that you've battled with this year m3ofNkVX5rE-00040-00023888-00024632 they're lies don't you dare rob you of what you're born to be listen m3ofNkVX5rE-00041-00024736-00025472 you're not alone there are many of us that battle these same thoughts these same pains m3ofNkVX5rE-00042-00025472-00026039 these same struggles but inside of every one of you m3ofNkVX5rE-00043-00026208-00027048 i promise you if you believe the lie and actually try to take your own life out you're robbing this m3ofNkVX5rE-00044-00027048-00027839 this community this school your family and you're robbing yourself of what you were destined to be m3ofNkVX5rE-00045-00027839-00028400 because inside of all of you who are battling the ideas of giving up on life you're robbing m3ofNkVX5rE-00046-00028400-00028944 some of you are born to be doctors and scientists and teachers and entertainers and musicians and m3ofNkVX5rE-00047-00028944-00029512 radiologists and social workers counselors some of you are born and destined to do amazing things m3ofNkVX5rE-00048-00029512-00030112 that can impact and change this world and if you believe the lie and you let the life and the world m3ofNkVX5rE-00049-00030112-00030568 try to take you out you are robbing us of what you were born and destined to be listen my little m3ofNkVX5rE-00050-00030568-00031024 girl i have a little girl it's 18 months in the future she could get sick and have some disease m3ofNkVX5rE-00051-00031024-00031527 and maybe you're the one that's born and destined to create the cure and if you end your life and m3ofNkVX5rE-00052-00031527-00032383 you rob us of what you were born to be i need you and those next to you need you you're not alone m3ofNkVX5rE-00053-00032600-00033784 don't believe those whispers and don't entertain those thoughts m3ofNkVX5rE-00054-00034732-00034832 [Music] m3ofNkVX5rE-00055-00034832-00034840 you m4r2MEP8iVg-00000-00000047-00000382 Music m4r2MEP8iVg-00001-00000382-00001013 Today is Commencement, and I'm graduating with my Liberal Arts degree and a Certificate in Global Leadership. m4r2MEP8iVg-00002-00001013-00001540 I didn't really connect necessarily with most of my peers, and I thought that college wasn't for me. m4r2MEP8iVg-00003-00001540-00001930 I thought that I was going to be a writer, and I didn't have to go to college. m4r2MEP8iVg-00004-00001930-00002941 I realized how important a formal education is and I decided to enroll at Bristol Community College, and I was very thankful for the second opportunity that I received. m4r2MEP8iVg-00005-00002941-00003146 Congratulations, You made it! m4r2MEP8iVg-00006-00003146-00003433 Clapping. m4r2MEP8iVg-00007-00003433-00004033 Ian Fifield Borim, Summa Cum Laude, Liberal Arts and Global Leadership. m4r2MEP8iVg-00008-00004033-00004645 Today represents a dramatic change from where I was in 2011 when I graduated from high school. m4r2MEP8iVg-00009-00004645-00005092 At Bristol Community College, I grew substantially. m4r2MEP8iVg-00010-00005092-00005800 I had the opportunity to participate in the honors program, to be the starting goal keeper for the Bristol Community College men's soccer team. m4r2MEP8iVg-00011-00005800-00006890 The Commonwealth Honors program at really improves the quality of classes at BCC and you can really do something special. m4r2MEP8iVg-00012-00006890-00008293 In my case, I studied Arabic with the contemporary Arabic short story, so I worked with my professor Fadia Youssef to look at Arabic short stories, read them in translation, and work through a couple of them in Arabic. m4r2MEP8iVg-00013-00008293-00009515 And then I wrote an original short story in Arabic, which was new and really exciting, and I wouldn't have been able to do it without the Commonwealth Honors Program. m4r2MEP8iVg-00014-00009515-00010316 In August, I will be flying to Cairo for my orientation at the American University in Cairo where I will be studying Arabic intensively. m4r2MEP8iVg-00015-00010316-00011469 Hopefully I will be using that information in my career in International Studies or working as a diplomat, who knows. m4r2MEP8iVg-00016-00011469-00012194 That's my goal. I just want to create relationships between the United States and the Arab world. m4r2MEP8iVg-00017-00012194-00013106 My name is Ian Fifield Borim and, I'm very glad to stand here today to stand here today graduating Summa Cum Laude as an honor scholar. I'm very proud. m4r2MEP8iVg-00018-00013106-00013506 Music m7SPvJddpuE-00000-00000144-00000579 In this lesson we will learn how to log in to Moodle using the username and m7SPvJddpuE-00001-00000579-00001279 password provided by your institution. On your institution Moodle home page click on the login link m7SPvJddpuE-00002-00001346-00001819 in the top right corner. You can also click on the login link m7SPvJddpuE-00003-00001819-00002411 in the footer area. In the username field m7SPvJddpuE-00004-00002411-00002565 enter your username provided by your institution m7SPvJddpuE-00005-00002565-00003111 or instructor. Similary enter the password in the field m7SPvJddpuE-00006-00003111-00003370 provided for the password m7SPvJddpuE-00007-00003370-00003476 and then click m7SPvJddpuE-00008-00003476-00004176 login button. Congratulation you have successfully logged in the Moodle m7SPvJddpuE-00009-00004276-00004363 Thank you for watching. m9grHv4JbzU-00000-00000000-00000454 Today I bring you a TOP 10 of the saves that I have saved in PES 2019 m9grHv4JbzU-00001-00000454-00000919 I also feel that the animations are very clean and realistic, I hope and like them :D m9grHv4JbzU-00051-00019300-00019680 THANKS FOR WATCHING! m9AG5-LBZNg-00000-00000000-00000200 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00001-00000200-00000400 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00002-00000400-00000600 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00003-00000600-00000800 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00004-00000800-00001000 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00005-00001000-00001200 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00006-00001200-00001400 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00007-00001400-00001600 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00008-00001600-00001800 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00009-00001800-00002000 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00010-00002000-00002200 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00011-00002200-00002400 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00012-00002400-00002600 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00013-00002600-00002800 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00014-00002800-00003000 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00015-00003000-00003200 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00016-00003200-00003400 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00017-00003400-00003600 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 m9AG5-LBZNg-00018-00003600-00003800 Cooking Simple Ikang cue Orek tempe dicabein Bumbu simple Bahan: ikan cue 1/4 Tempe 1 Cabe 1/4 Bawang merah 10 Masako 1 garam 1sendok Minyak goreng 1/4 mqLC9NITSJ4-00000-00000333-00001151 Here's a demo of dimming an LED using an Arduino. mqLC9NITSJ4-00001-00001151-00001880 I have a turning potentiometer that dims the red LED. mqLC9NITSJ4-00002-00001880-00003354 I am turning the knob and the LED goes dim or bright as the resistance changes. mqLC9NITSJ4-00003-00003354-00004005 The potentiometer is connected to pin A0 and the LED is connected to pin 9. mqLC9NITSJ4-00004-00004005-00004497 I also have a 330 Ohm resistor connected to the LED. mqLC9NITSJ4-00005-00004497-00004916 This is the code that runs it. mqLC9NITSJ4-00006-00004916-00005383 Line 6 has the sensorPin set to A0 for the potentiometer. mqLC9NITSJ4-00007-00005383-00005857 Line 7 has the ledPin set to 9. mqLC9NITSJ4-00008-00005857-00006372 Line 10 captures the changing values as we turn the knob. mqLC9NITSJ4-00009-00006372-00007136 Line 19 reads the changing values and line 21 outputs it to the LED pin. mqLC9NITSJ4-00010-00007136-00007380 Let me expand the setup code. mqLC9NITSJ4-00011-00007380-00007706 Line 12 is not needed. mqLC9NITSJ4-00012-00007706-00008458 Line 14 sets the ledPin to OUTPUT mode. mqLC9NITSJ4-00013-00008458-00009840 This is the breadboard diagram using Fritzing and this is the schematic. mrNY6xyDlgo-00000-00000656-00001127 Host On ‘The View’ Just Suddenly Confirmed She’s Leaving The Show, Viewers Shocked mrNY6xyDlgo-00001-00001127-00001510 Faith Family America is now reporting that a host from “The View” will be leaving, mrNY6xyDlgo-00002-00001510-00002020 but sadly it’s not the hateful, low-class Whoopie Goldberg or Joy Reid. mrNY6xyDlgo-00003-00002020-00002350 Co-host Sara Haines who will be leaving the show in order to join Michael Strahan on the mrNY6xyDlgo-00004-00002350-00002671 new third hour of “Good Morning America” in September. mrNY6xyDlgo-00005-00002671-00003139 So in other words, she will be trading one show (Whose viewers are most likely unemployed mrNY6xyDlgo-00006-00003139-00003383 welfare recipients), for another. mrNY6xyDlgo-00007-00003383-00003754 Haines’ exit from “The View” or “The Yentas” as I prefer to call them, comes mrNY6xyDlgo-00008-00003754-00004148 as we get news that co-host Paula Faris will leave the show as well as her job at “Good mrNY6xyDlgo-00009-00004148-00004401 Morning America” as weekend anchor. mrNY6xyDlgo-00010-00004401-00004765 ABC News did announce back in May that they would be launching a third hour of “Good mrNY6xyDlgo-00011-00004765-00005228 Morning America,” in order to keep welfare recipients occupied with fake news as it also mrNY6xyDlgo-00012-00005228-00005527 announced that it would cancel its daytime show “The Chew.” mrNY6xyDlgo-00013-00005527-00005845 Am I the only one here who hasn’t heard of that show? mrNY6xyDlgo-00014-00005845-00006251 Although ABC News did announce the third hour for of “Good Morning America,” which will mrNY6xyDlgo-00015-00006251-00006715 run in the 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time timeslot they have yet announce or confirm any of the mrNY6xyDlgo-00016-00006715-00007090 hosts and when a network representative was asked for a statement they said they had no mrNY6xyDlgo-00017-00007090-00007320 comment at this point in time. mrNY6xyDlgo-00018-00007320-00007742 Haines is said to have been an audience favorite since joining “The View” back in 2016 mrNY6xyDlgo-00019-00007742-00008204 and has appeared multiple times on “Good Morning America” as a fill-in weekend anchor. mrNY6xyDlgo-00020-00008204-00008478 Who cares about this show or what their hosts do? mrNY6xyDlgo-00021-00008478-00008922 After the way Whoopi Goldberg treated Judge Pirro, what little credibility they had is mrNY6xyDlgo-00022-00008922-00009022 gone. mrNY6xyDlgo-00023-00009022-00009468 And if you do care, and you do what this garbage show promotes, maybe it’s time you go out mrNY6xyDlgo-00024-00009468-00009650 and find yourself a job. mrNY6xyDlgo-00025-00009650-00009982 Here is more on Sara Haines via Married Biography: mrNY6xyDlgo-00026-00009982-00010171 Sara Haines is a married woman. mrNY6xyDlgo-00027-00010171-00010359 She is married to Max Shifrin. mrNY6xyDlgo-00028-00010359-00010710 The couple got married on November 22, 2014. mrNY6xyDlgo-00029-00010710-00010995 There is no information about their dating history. mrNY6xyDlgo-00030-00010995-00011438 The couple together had a son named Alec Richard Shifrin March 5, 2016. mrNY6xyDlgo-00031-00011438-00011699 No news came out about her divorce til now. mrNY6xyDlgo-00032-00011699-00012082 The couple is still together and there is no sign of separation at all. mrNY6xyDlgo-00033-00012082-00012428 Currently, the couple resides in Brooklyn, New York. mrNY6xyDlgo-00034-00012428-00012610 Who is Sara Haines? mrNY6xyDlgo-00035-00012610-00012960 Sara Haines is an American television host and journalist. mrNY6xyDlgo-00036-00012960-00013509 She is best known for her work as a correspondent on Today, ABC News and Good Morning America. mrNY6xyDlgo-00037-00013509-00013906 She is currently working as a co-host of American talk show The View. mrNY6xyDlgo-00038-00013906-00014513 Sara Haines: Birth Facts, Family, and Childhood Sara Haines was born as Sara Hilary Haines mrNY6xyDlgo-00039-00014513-00015019 on September 18, 1977, in Newton, Iowa, United States. mrNY6xyDlgo-00040-00015019-00015426 Her nationality is American and she is of North American ethnicity. mrNY6xyDlgo-00041-00015426-00015790 She is the second daughter of four children of American parents Dick Haines and Sandy mrNY6xyDlgo-00042-00015790-00015918 Haines. mrNY6xyDlgo-00043-00015918-00016383 She grew up in Newton, Iowa, where she grew up with her parents and three siblings. mrNY6xyDlgo-00044-00016383-00016839 Sara Haines: Education History She completed her high school education in mrNY6xyDlgo-00045-00016839-00016987 her native place. mrNY6xyDlgo-00046-00016987-00017426 She attended Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts and graduated with a Bachelor mrNY6xyDlgo-00047-00017426-00017719 of Arts degree in Government in 2000. mrNY6xyDlgo-00048-00017719-00018156 During her university days, she played basketball and volleyball. mrNY6xyDlgo-00049-00018156-00018728 Sara Haines: Professional Life and Career After university graduation, Sara began her mrNY6xyDlgo-00050-00018728-00018986 career at the NBC’s Page Program. mrNY6xyDlgo-00051-00018986-00019426 After ten months in the program, she became the production coordinator for NBC’s Today mrNY6xyDlgo-00052-00019426-00019745 at the Rockefeller Center in 2002. mrNY6xyDlgo-00053-00019745-00020012 She worked on the show until 2013. mrNY6xyDlgo-00054-00020012-00020501 She became the show’s fourth-hour contributing correspondent until she departed in 2013.She mrNY6xyDlgo-00055-00020501-00021020 joined ABC News as a correspondent in 2013 and became an ABC News pop news anchor for mrNY6xyDlgo-00056-00021020-00021334 the weekend editions of Good Morning America. mrNY6xyDlgo-00057-00021334-00021625 She left both positions in 2016. mrNY6xyDlgo-00058-00021625-00022095 She joined The View as a permanent co-host in the show’s twentieth season in 2016. mrNY6xyDlgo-00059-00022095-00022429 Since then, she works as a co-host of the show. mrNY6xyDlgo-00060-00022429-00022887 Sara Haines: Salary and Net Worth It is estimated that she has a good salary mrNY6xyDlgo-00061-00022887-00023181 but information about her salary is not available. mrNY6xyDlgo-00062-00023181-00023542 Her net worth is estimated to be around $1 million. mrNY6xyDlgo-00063-00023542-00024073 Sara Haines: Rumors and Controversy Currently, there are no desperate rumors regarding mrNY6xyDlgo-00064-00024073-00024327 her personal and professional life. mrNY6xyDlgo-00065-00024327-00024739 It seems she is doing best job without harming others and has been a straight person in her mrNY6xyDlgo-00066-00024739-00026044 life, for which she has not been in any controversy yet. mzkz2NHPRFU-00000-00000003-00000395 Want to make them an offer they can't refuse? Today I'm going to share six mzkz2NHPRFU-00001-00000395-00000681 steps to make your offer seem irresistible! mzkz2NHPRFU-00002-00000681-00001907 So get ready.. here we go! I'm Lisa Kelly Lakeland Homes and Lifestyles with mzkz2NHPRFU-00003-00001907-00002360 Premier Realty. I'm here every single Monday with a new video to help you make mzkz2NHPRFU-00004-00002360-00002786 smart decisions when buying or selling a house And sometimes I just talk about mzkz2NHPRFU-00005-00002786-00003165 what's hot and what's not in the Greater Lakeland area, so if you'd like to know mzkz2NHPRFU-00006-00003165-00003539 when my next video is published just hit the subscribe button and make sure you mzkz2NHPRFU-00007-00003539-00003905 hit the little red bell...The more intentional you are when making an offer mzkz2NHPRFU-00008-00003905-00004389 the better your chances of creating the winning bid so make an offer like a Boss mzkz2NHPRFU-00009-00004389-00004928 by following these six steps: Hopefully you've chosen a seasoned realtor who you mzkz2NHPRFU-00010-00004928-00005357 can trust to give you solid advice on contractual terms contingencies and mzkz2NHPRFU-00011-00005357-00005957 price. But it's you who ultimately decides how much to offer. This is the mzkz2NHPRFU-00012-00005957-00006417 time to focus on your lifestyle "Musts", meaning if you're saving for retirement mzkz2NHPRFU-00013-00006417-00006947 or like to take three week vacations to Europe every year , have a top limit price mzkz2NHPRFU-00014-00006947-00007404 and stick to it! Maybe you want to raise a herd of alpacas and paint your house mzkz2NHPRFU-00015-00007404-00007803 polkadot purple.. just make sure the HOA allows you to do the things that are mzkz2NHPRFU-00016-00007803-00008277 important to you. ..If a dog community is important to you make sure your 120 mzkz2NHPRFU-00017-00008277-00008636 pound German Shepherd will be welcomed. HaHa, now I know these examples are a little mzkz2NHPRFU-00018-00008636-00009129 extreme, but you get the idea..You know your financial and lifestyle limits mzkz2NHPRFU-00019-00009129-00009564 stick to them! The first thing that seller looks at on your offer is the mzkz2NHPRFU-00020-00009564-00009915 amount of the purchase price the second thing they're looking at is how much mzkz2NHPRFU-00021-00009915-00010257 you're putting down. Essentially, they're looking to see how much skin you're mzkz2NHPRFU-00022-00010257-00010739 putting into the game. Of course cash is king!, but if you're financing, your seller mzkz2NHPRFU-00023-00010739-00011132 is going to be looking at the amount that you're putting down. This indicates mzkz2NHPRFU-00024-00011132-00012177 to the seller how strong you are financially. For example, say you received two offers same price same terms and both were financing but one offer is mzkz2NHPRFU-00025-00012177-00012711 going FHA financing which is only 3.5% down the other one's going conventional mzkz2NHPRFU-00026-00012711-00013259 which could be up to 20% down. The seller might be apt to take the conventional mzkz2NHPRFU-00027-00013259-00013576 loan offer. Don't worry.. hang in there with me mzkz2NHPRFU-00028-00013576-00013927 because I am going to tell you how you could still have the winning bid without mzkz2NHPRFU-00029-00013927-00014356 having the strongest form of financing. Before I forget to tell you later, mzkz2NHPRFU-00030-00014356-00014769 below in the description you're gonna find a link to my new 2020 buyer's guide. mzkz2NHPRFU-00031-00014769-00015151 In it you're going find loads of information and money-saving tips that will mzkz2NHPRFU-00032-00015151-00015559 get you through the entire buying process. So check it out!...Part of your mzkz2NHPRFU-00033-00015559-00016000 purchase offer is going to include an earnest money deposit. This has nothing mzkz2NHPRFU-00034-00016000-00016383 to do with your down payment and you'll get credit for this amount at closing. mzkz2NHPRFU-00035-00016383-00016915 Show the seller you mean business!, Deposit like a BOSS! Instead of the mzkz2NHPRFU-00036-00016915-00017488 typical 1% that most people deposit, show the seller at least 5% deposit,if you mzkz2NHPRFU-00037-00017488-00017839 have it. For example if you're purchasing a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar mzkz2NHPRFU-00038-00017839-00018148 home, that's going to be a deposit of twelve thousand five hundred dollars. mzkz2NHPRFU-00039-00018148-00018481 Essentially you're telling the seller that you're putting your money where mzkz2NHPRFU-00040-00018481-00019069 your mouth is!! This speaks volumes in a seller's mind. I also use a strategy that mzkz2NHPRFU-00041-00019069-00019540 most sellers never expect. If you'd like to learn more about my top secret weapon; mzkz2NHPRFU-00042-00019540-00019906 and it's a good one!, you'll want to check out my earlier video. It has all the mzkz2NHPRFU-00043-00019906-00020503 details. Make your offer as clean as possible with as few contingencies as mzkz2NHPRFU-00044-00020503-00021034 possible. Contingencies are contractual provisions that must be met in order for mzkz2NHPRFU-00045-00021034-00021379 the transaction to move forward and close, like...Your offer might be mzkz2NHPRFU-00046-00021379-00021723 contingent on a home inspection and if this is going to be your primary mzkz2NHPRFU-00047-00021723-00022198 residence you never want to waive your right to a home inspection. However you mzkz2NHPRFU-00048-00022198-00022669 can make your offer appear stronger than your competitors. Impress the seller mzkz2NHPRFU-00049-00022669-00023095 with a shorter inspection period. Your Realtor should be able to facilitate mzkz2NHPRFU-00050-00023095-00023515 this for you by making sure your inspector can be scheduled immediately mzkz2NHPRFU-00051-00023515-00024007 and also have quick negotiations if there's any repairs needed..The one mzkz2NHPRFU-00052-00024007-00024476 contingency that always makes sellers cringe is to see a home sale contingency. mzkz2NHPRFU-00053-00024476-00025009 If you have to sell your existing home in order to buy the new home make this mzkz2NHPRFU-00054-00025009-00025681 contingency as sweet as possible. Timing is crucial here! It's best to have your mzkz2NHPRFU-00055-00025681-00026097 current home under contract and the home inspection and appraisals out of the way mzkz2NHPRFU-00056-00026097-00026569 so you can show the seller that you have already passed the major inspections and mzkz2NHPRFU-00057-00026569-00027037 have documentation to prove it. This is a lot stronger especially mzkz2NHPRFU-00058-00027037-00027327 when you're making a home sale contingency and your house has only been mzkz2NHPRFU-00059-00027327-00027718 on the market for a few days and you don't have any offers yet. Just make sure mzkz2NHPRFU-00060-00027718-00028087 that you fully understand all the risk when making contingencies in your mzkz2NHPRFU-00061-00028087-00028527 purchase offer..Most sellers want to close as soon as possible but if you're mzkz2NHPRFU-00062-00028527-00028906 financing your lenders going to need time to prepare your mortgage loan which mzkz2NHPRFU-00063-00028906-00029383 can take up to 30 days. Have your Realtor talk to the sellers representative to mzkz2NHPRFU-00064-00029383-00029749 find out what their plans may be. Maybe the seller is building a new mzkz2NHPRFU-00065-00029749-00030244 construction home and has a 45 day finish date. Try to be flexible with this mzkz2NHPRFU-00066-00030244-00030645 closing date and show them you could compromise to maybe accommodate their mzkz2NHPRFU-00067-00030645-00031108 situation. Sellers appreciate this, opposed to other terms in the contract mzkz2NHPRFU-00068-00031108-00031612 especially if their move is taking them out of State. ... I can't tell you the number mzkz2NHPRFU-00069-00031612-00032103 of times the seller has chosen an offer based on the buyers personal letter to mzkz2NHPRFU-00070-00032103-00032662 the homeowner. It's not always about the money~ when submitting a purchase offer, mzkz2NHPRFU-00071-00032662-00033265 have your genuine, heartfelt letter attached to the offer. Tell the seller a mzkz2NHPRFU-00072-00033265-00033652 little bit about your family and lifestyle and tell them how you can mzkz2NHPRFU-00073-00033652-00034090 envision future memories made in the home and compliment the seller on how mzkz2NHPRFU-00074-00034090-00034453 well they care for the home and also that you appreciate all the little mzkz2NHPRFU-00075-00034453-00034927 details and maybe name a few of those details. Then close your letter by saying mzkz2NHPRFU-00076-00034927-00035362 that you hope they choose your offer so you can start loving the home like they mzkz2NHPRFU-00077-00035362-00036007 obviously have all these years...Believe me, by doing this small genuine humble mzkz2NHPRFU-00078-00036007-00036390 thing, it is guaranteed that your seller will want to entertain your offer. mzkz2NHPRFU-00079-00036390-00036883 I'm Lisa Kelly and thank you for joining me today. And just as a reminder you'll mzkz2NHPRFU-00080-00036883-00037324 find the access link to my 2020 buyer's guide all the videos that I talked about mzkz2NHPRFU-00081-00037324-00037722 here today and also all my contact information down here below in the mzkz2NHPRFU-00082-00037722-00038322 description.Rremember, I'm here to help :) Until then, I'll see you on the next mzkz2NHPRFU-00083-00038322-00038547 one. m-SCHYZdzlg-00000-00000864-00001360 when you think of being in a place where you have lots of beautiful soil basically we're on m-SCHYZdzlg-00001-00001360-00002096 what i think is an old coral bar as we're about 10 miles from the ocean and it's just a hillside that m-SCHYZdzlg-00002-00002096-00003112 is pretty much gravel and the soil is shallow this is kind of what our soil looks like rocky m-SCHYZdzlg-00003-00003112-00003647 and so what i started out with because there's very little soil is i started out planting m-SCHYZdzlg-00004-00003647-00004552 banana trees which are the basic of central piece in tropical natural farming and centro p is to m-SCHYZdzlg-00005-00004720-00005312 mimic what the forest does now this is really cool the the banana trees have done well when m-SCHYZdzlg-00006-00005312-00005904 we planted them they were each just maybe a three foot long trunk that had had the roots m-SCHYZdzlg-00007-00005904-00006623 mostly chopped off and the top chopped off so i dug a hole and put soil in it that i got m-SCHYZdzlg-00008-00006623-00007288 from a neighboring area and just stuck that banana tree in the ground and this is about a m-SCHYZdzlg-00009-00007288-00007936 year ago so we have these gorgeous banana trees growing but what's happening is they're running m-SCHYZdzlg-00010-00007936-00008696 out of nutrients and some of the leaves are turning yellow and so i've been learning about m-SCHYZdzlg-00011-00008696-00009424 korean natural farming which is really amazing what i've done is i've made a formula pour m-SCHYZdzlg-00012-00009424-00010136 on the plants and start developing the roots i've also made some of the other korean natural farming m-SCHYZdzlg-00013-00010136-00010896 formulas that i'm going to begin foliar spraying and regular watering with but for today this is m-SCHYZdzlg-00014-00010896-00011688 what our banana trees look like and our centropic gardening area and this is the rest of our yard m-SCHYZdzlg-00015-00011800-00012344 and i've also got an area with tomato plants in this area this is the area that gets the gray m-SCHYZdzlg-00016-00012344-00013168 water from our showers and kitchen sink and so it really has grown well we've had a huge m-SCHYZdzlg-00017-00013168-00013672 bunch of bananas off this one tree and we've eaten about 10 papayas off this other tree m-SCHYZdzlg-00018-00013752-00014424 so it's really an exciting thing that we have going on we have a baby cacao tree growing here m-SCHYZdzlg-00019-00014424-00015016 that i started from a seed from a neighbor's tree so let's look at the formula that i'm going to m-SCHYZdzlg-00020-00015016-00015863 add today to help the roots grow korean natural farming was developed by master cho a korean man m-SCHYZdzlg-00021-00015928-00016696 and he was the teacher of chris trump and many other people and then jadam was developed by his m-SCHYZdzlg-00022-00016696-00017504 son and so the practices are similar um that they have varying names to things etc so what i did is m-SCHYZdzlg-00023-00017504-00018264 i made a really simple jadam formula and let's see how this looks it's been fermenting about 48 hours m-SCHYZdzlg-00024-00018264-00019088 and part of the idea of getting the microbes going is that it will begin to nourish the roots in new m-SCHYZdzlg-00025-00019088-00019616 ways they'll grow new root hairs and they'll be able to pick up nutrients better so this m-SCHYZdzlg-00026-00019616-00020144 is really beautiful it's bubbling away there you can kind of see it is you want to do it when the m-SCHYZdzlg-00027-00020224-00020912 the microbes are alive and active so this is a combination cooked potato and soil from an m-SCHYZdzlg-00028-00020912-00021472 area in my garden so there and you put each one of them in a cheesecloth bag and hang them and kind m-SCHYZdzlg-00029-00021472-00022152 of squeeze them into the water and after about 36 hours i actually dump them into the water so it's m-SCHYZdzlg-00030-00022152-00022816 a continual mixture and then i've added a number of the other korean natural farming formulas m-SCHYZdzlg-00031-00022872-00023608 maybe just an ounce each of the fpj which is the fermented fruit juice of the humic acid which m-SCHYZdzlg-00032-00023608-00024496 is from worm water i added some of my imo which is my fermented rice you might that's fermented m-SCHYZdzlg-00033-00024496-00025064 with microbes you might think of it sort of as a living miso kind of but a living miso of the m-SCHYZdzlg-00034-00025064-00025856 microbes of the forest and so this is really cool i am so excited it is so beautiful and then this m-SCHYZdzlg-00035-00025856-00026736 is to be applied at 20 to 1. so it would be 1 20th of this formula which i have in a 5 gallon bucket m-SCHYZdzlg-00036-00026736-00027424 take a quart of this to five gallons of water so i'll have 25 gallon buckets and i'm going to go m-SCHYZdzlg-00037-00027424-00028048 around to all my garden areas here's the area with my tomatoes in it yes i actually have tomatoes m-SCHYZdzlg-00038-00028048-00028808 growing there's tomatoes on the tomato plant and some little blossoms so everything is doing well m-SCHYZdzlg-00039-00028912-00029560 ohn which is the herbal protective formula i had just an early phase tincture of that so i put m-SCHYZdzlg-00040-00029560-00030176 a little of that in here so i put a lot of the different korean farming natural formulas into m-SCHYZdzlg-00041-00030176-00030983 this so we're going to take one quart out of here and put it in this five gallon bucket of water m-SCHYZdzlg-00042-00031088-00031912 and we're going to take that and dump it on my on this area here where my tomatoes are m-SCHYZdzlg-00043-00031992-00032383 and then that my entire syntropic area i'm going to go along m-SCHYZdzlg-00044-00032576-00033248 heartbeat of the heartbeat and fungus that's growing in there that's what you inoculate this m-SCHYZdzlg-00045-00033248-00034080 with so i've kind of tricked it a little bit i've grown my own imo microbes from the little bit i m-SCHYZdzlg-00046-00034080-00034672 could find in the area on some rice and then i've added a little bit of that to this potato dirt m-SCHYZdzlg-00047-00034672-00035272 formula and then i've added a little humic acid soil so this is going to help the roots grow and m-SCHYZdzlg-00048-00035368-00035824 into more little tiny root hairs and then i've actually also used a little m-SCHYZdzlg-00049-00035824-00036432 bit of plasma water in this as well so we're kind of combining everything that we know m-SCHYZdzlg-00050-00036432-00036960 and turning it into something that hopefully will produce an identic kind of garden here m-SCHYZdzlg-00051-00037072-00037888 in the womb i feel the heartbeat of my mother in the womb i feel protected and m-SCHYZdzlg-00052-00038096-00038888 in the womb i feel the heartbeat of my mother in the womb i feel the comfort m-SCHYZdzlg-00053-00038888-00039880 and love sweet love let's go do more in the back our beat of the uh heartbeat m-SCHYZdzlg-00054-00040088-00040784 heartbeat of the uh heartbeat m-SCHYZdzlg-00055-00041624-00042184 to remember who you are m-SCHYZdzlg-00056-00042752-00043624 and these words can take you far i am the 21st century superhuman m-SCHYZdzlg-00057-00043624-00044984 and i know that the answers are inside i am 21st century superhuman now now now is the time m_XZkRx_Ckk-00000-00001983-00002511 CORRECTION! station: World Christian Broadcast mBqofAfm9Xo-00000-00000491-00000756 Each time we become aware that the mBqofAfm9Xo-00001-00000756-00000802 participation in organizations is very mBqofAfm9Xo-00002-00000802-00001070 participation in organizations is very mBqofAfm9Xo-00003-00001070-00001297 producers especially from this area. mBqofAfm9Xo-00004-00001312-00001652 Regarding the seed issue mBqofAfm9Xo-00005-00001711-00001782 It is also important because it allows us mBqofAfm9Xo-00006-00001782-00002069 know a variety of seeds and others mBqofAfm9Xo-00007-00002069-00002356 possibilities of growing seeds in mBqofAfm9Xo-00008-00002356-00002676 our own region since we have the mBqofAfm9Xo-00009-00002676-00002940 inconvenient that when sowing mBqofAfm9Xo-00010-00002940-00003225 we lack seeds and we can't have mBqofAfm9Xo-00011-00003225-00003474 access to the purchase of new seeds mBqofAfm9Xo-00012-00003474-00003778 for the costs that we having are lately. mBqofAfm9Xo-00013-00003778-00004031 This meeting and this mBqofAfm9Xo-00014-00004031-00004245 seed exchange seems very mBqofAfm9Xo-00015-00004254-00004577 important because it opens new mBqofAfm9Xo-00016-00004586-00004905 possibilities and other doors mBqofAfm9Xo-00017-00004908-00005163 to keep cultivating mBqofAfm9Xo-00018-00005163-00005464 and having the possibility of mBqofAfm9Xo-00019-00005464-00005771 a better crop or a better planting, and mBqofAfm9Xo-00020-00005771-00006041 also thus being able to provide our mBqofAfm9Xo-00021-00006041-00006357 seeds for the community mCjaBbNTEcy-00000-00000179-00000846 Hello! So, last week we talked about volcanoes, earthquakes, and the origin and mCjaBbNTEcy-00001-00000846-00001292 evolution of the ocean floor. These are all different phenomena that result mCjaBbNTEcy-00002-00001292-00001736 from plate tectonics, and we ended the ocean floor lecture by talking about mCjaBbNTEcy-00003-00001736-00002303 what happens as an ocean basin closes due to continued subduction. And that mCjaBbNTEcy-00004-00002303-00002949 leads us into today's topic, which is mountain building! So we'll start by just mCjaBbNTEcy-00005-00002949-00003453 talking a little bit about mountain building: what different types of mCjaBbNTEcy-00006-00003453-00003951 mountains look like around the world. We'll look at the different forces that mCjaBbNTEcy-00007-00003951-00004641 go into building mountains, either in subduction zones or in collision zones mCjaBbNTEcy-00008-00004641-00005207 between two different continental plates. We'll talk about some different mountain mCjaBbNTEcy-00009-00005207-00005571 building episodes that have shaped Europe over the course of the Earth's mCjaBbNTEcy-00010-00005571-00006366 history, and we'll finish by talking about the principle of isostasy. mCjaBbNTEcy-00011-00006366-00006959 So if you look at this map, you'll see a number of different geologic features that are mCjaBbNTEcy-00012-00006959-00007520 highlighted by different colors. So in red we have young mountain belts. These mCjaBbNTEcy-00013-00007520-00008028 are mountain belts that have formed in the last hundred million mCjaBbNTEcy-00014-00008028-00008640 years, and they are continuing to form today. So we're looking at things like mCjaBbNTEcy-00015-00008640-00009267 the North American Cordillera in the western part of North America, as well as mCjaBbNTEcy-00016-00009267-00009740 the Alps or the Himalayas. What characterizes these mountains is the mCjaBbNTEcy-00017-00009740-00010311 fact that they're very jagged - they're rough topography, they're very tall, and mCjaBbNTEcy-00018-00010311-00011228 they are continuing to grow through the present time. We can contrast that with mCjaBbNTEcy-00019-00011228-00011714 old mountain belts - these are mountain belts that are no longer forming mCjaBbNTEcy-00020-00011714-00012347 actively. The forces that shape them have now sort of gone away, and we mCjaBbNTEcy-00021-00012347-00013031 end up with these smoothed-out mountains. So this example here comes mCjaBbNTEcy-00022-00013031-00013341 from the Appalachian Mountains in Eastern North America, mCjaBbNTEcy-00023-00013341-00013827 and they've been smoothed out due to erosion, they tend to have lower mCjaBbNTEcy-00024-00013827-00014369 topography, again because of different forces that we'll talk about later in mCjaBbNTEcy-00025-00014369-00014816 the lecture. You can see that here because we have trees covering the mCjaBbNTEcy-00026-00014816-00015381 summit of most of these mountains, which is not something that we see in the much mCjaBbNTEcy-00027-00015381-00016166 taller mountains in, for example, Central Asia. So we've got shorter mountains or mCjaBbNTEcy-00028-00016166-00016623 less topographically prominent mountains that have been smoothed out mCjaBbNTEcy-00029-00016623-00017177 over time as a result of erosion and other forces. We also have mCjaBbNTEcy-00030-00017177-00017615 highlighted some different examples of what are known as shields. I'm mCjaBbNTEcy-00031-00017615-00018087 pointing here at the Orinoco shield, and there's the Greenland and Canadian mCjaBbNTEcy-00032-00018087-00018606 shields here hidden by this image, and other examples around the world. mCjaBbNTEcy-00033-00018606-00019341 So shields are stable, very old portions of continental crust. Most of them mCjaBbNTEcy-00034-00019341-00019986 are pre-Cambrian in origin, so they are over 570 million years old, and they have mCjaBbNTEcy-00035-00019986-00020607 changed very little in that time as a result of tectonic forces. They might mCjaBbNTEcy-00036-00020607-00021189 still have erosion and other forces acting on them but they haven't mCjaBbNTEcy-00037-00021189-00022520 been shaped tectonically. All of this is a process that is known as "orogenesis". mCjaBbNTEcy-00038-00022520-00023126 Orogenesis is just a word that means building mountains or creating mountains. mCjaBbNTEcy-00039-00023126-00023920 So these are the processes that collectively produce a mountain belt mCjaBbNTEcy-00040-00023972-00024837 An example here on the left is a mountain in Canada called Mount Kidd and mCjaBbNTEcy-00041-00024837-00025341 you can see that there are some sedimentary layers in the mountain that mCjaBbNTEcy-00042-00025341-00025908 we can see, and you can also see that those layers have been deformed. So this mCjaBbNTEcy-00043-00025908-00026556 is a mountain that displays the deformation processes that shaped it. We mCjaBbNTEcy-00044-00026556-00026844 call these compressional mountains because it's mCjaBbNTEcy-00045-00026844-00027633 displaying this visual evidence of compressional forces. We may also see mCjaBbNTEcy-00046-00027633-00028345 indications of metamorphism or other or igneous activity. I'll have an example mCjaBbNTEcy-00047-00028345-00028992 coming up in a few slides showing some more of that, but the big the big takeaway mCjaBbNTEcy-00048-00028992-00029562 from all of this is that plate tectonics provides a model for how to build mCjaBbNTEcy-00049-00029562-00030222 mountains or how mountains are built on the surface of the Earth. Because if you mCjaBbNTEcy-00050-00030222-00030654 look at this figure, for example, you see that all of these mountains that are mCjaBbNTEcy-00051-00030654-00031137 forming, so all of the young mountain belts, are forming in places where we mCjaBbNTEcy-00052-00031137-00032082 have different plates coming together so we have major mountains mCjaBbNTEcy-00053-00032082-00032613 that have formed or are forming along convergent plate boundaries. So the mCjaBbNTEcy-00054-00032613-00033132 question that I'd like you to just take a minute to think about is how you would mCjaBbNTEcy-00055-00033132-00033561 explain the formation of mountains without the principles of plate mCjaBbNTEcy-00056-00033561-00034239 tectonics. So if we don't think that mountains are being formed by different mCjaBbNTEcy-00057-00034239-00034839 plates of lithosphere being pushed together by tectonic forces, how do we mCjaBbNTEcy-00058-00034839-00035570 get tall mountains? So go ahead and pause the video and we'll continue after that. mCjaBbNTEcy-00059-00035747-00036486 So the main theory that was put forth in order to explain how mountains were mCjaBbNTEcy-00060-00036486-00037122 formed on the Earth before we had the theory of plate tectonics was that when mCjaBbNTEcy-00061-00037122-00037779 the earth was still young and forming it was very hot - this is something that mCjaBbNTEcy-00062-00037779-00038370 we also talked about in the initial solar system lecture in this course - and mCjaBbNTEcy-00063-00038370-00039006 so the earth was very hot, it was covered in a layer of molten rock and as it mCjaBbNTEcy-00064-00039006-00039783 cooled it contracted and that contraction was thought to have produced mCjaBbNTEcy-00065-00039783-00040283 sort of wrinkles that show as mountains on the surface. So you can think mCjaBbNTEcy-00066-00040283-00040697 about this as well if you have for example an orange that you've let sit mCjaBbNTEcy-00067-00040847-00041318 out for a long time. As it dries it sort of shrinks and hardens and maybe you'll mCjaBbNTEcy-00068-00041318-00041768 see some bumps coming up on the surface. So that was the theory that was mCjaBbNTEcy-00069-00041768-00042467 booked for us to explain how mountains formed. It's not a very satisfactory mCjaBbNTEcy-00070-00042467-00043232 explanation and it doesn't answer a lot of the questions that came up in terms mCjaBbNTEcy-00071-00043232-00044144 of asking how different features formed. So again we're just looking here at the mCjaBbNTEcy-00072-00044144-00044708 map of the world with the different major mountain belts labeled and you can mCjaBbNTEcy-00073-00044708-00045193 see that they're forming - the mountains that are currently forming are mCjaBbNTEcy-00074-00045193-00045725 forming along convergent plate boundaries. So, either along subduction mCjaBbNTEcy-00075-00045725-00046232 zones like the North American Cordillera here or the Andes Mountains, or along a mCjaBbNTEcy-00076-00046232-00046634 boundary between two different continental plates - so the Alps and mCjaBbNTEcy-00077-00046634-00047614 Caucasus, Himalayan Mountains are all examples of a colliding plate boundary. mCjaBbNTEcy-00078-00047875-00048412 So if you think back to the lectures on plate tectonics when we talked about mCjaBbNTEcy-00079-00048412-00049001 subduction zones - hopefully you'll remember some of the different features of subduction mCjaBbNTEcy-00080-00049001-00049625 zones, or some of the different features that form in subduction zones. We have mCjaBbNTEcy-00081-00049625-00050012 two different examples here where we have a convergent plate boundary: where mCjaBbNTEcy-00082-00050012-00050648 ocean oceanic lithosphere is subducting underneath other oceanic mCjaBbNTEcy-00083-00050648-00051065 lithosphere, or we have oceanic lithosphere subducting underneath mCjaBbNTEcy-00084-00051065-00051551 continental lithosphere. So in both of those cases we have the formation of mCjaBbNTEcy-00085-00051551-00052187 a volcanic arc - when it's occurring on an oceanic plate it forms an island mCjaBbNTEcy-00086-00052187-00052658 arc or a volcanic island arc, and when it's forming on a continent it forms a mCjaBbNTEcy-00087-00052658-00053271 continental volcanic arc. We also get the formation of a deep ocean trench mCjaBbNTEcy-00088-00053271-00053661 at the boundary, where the one plate is subducting underneath the other mCjaBbNTEcy-00089-00053661-00054573 one. In the case of the oceanic- oceanic convergence we have a forearc mCjaBbNTEcy-00090-00054573-00055158 that forms between the trench and the volcanic island arc; in the continental-oceanic mCjaBbNTEcy-00091-00055158-00055554 case we have the forearc forming between the trench and the mCjaBbNTEcy-00092-00055554-00056229 continental volcanic arc. And then on the opposite side of the of the volcanic arc mCjaBbNTEcy-00093-00056229-00056816 from the trench, we have the formation of a back-arc, so in this example for the mCjaBbNTEcy-00094-00056816-00057239 oceanic-oceanic convergence, that back-arc is forming in between the volcanic mCjaBbNTEcy-00095-00057591-00058191 island arc and the continental margin, and in the oceanic-continental case it's mCjaBbNTEcy-00096-00058191-00059169 forming on the continent itself. So when we get mountain building in volcanic mCjaBbNTEcy-00097-00059169-00059792 island arcs, this is again where we have subduction of oceanic lithosphere under mCjaBbNTEcy-00098-00059792-00060369 other oceanic lithosphere, so in this case the growth is coming from primarily mCjaBbNTEcy-00099-00060369-00061116 a few different sources. We can have growth of mCjaBbNTEcy-00100-00061116-00061566 the island arc coming from volcanic activity, which we've talked about in mCjaBbNTEcy-00101-00061566-00061965 past lectures; we can also get the placement of what are called igneous mCjaBbNTEcy-00102-00061965-00062802 plutons - this is magma that has risen into the rocks or mCjaBbNTEcy-00103-00062802-00063588 into the crust at the surface and cooled, which causes some uplift; or we can get mCjaBbNTEcy-00104-00063588-00064044 sediment that scrapes off of the subducting lithosphere and then accretes mCjaBbNTEcy-00105-00064044-00064752 onto the island arc over time. If we get continued growth we end up or can end up mCjaBbNTEcy-00106-00064752-00065412 with parallel belts of igneous and mCjaBbNTEcy-00107-00065412-00066027 metamorphic rocks. This is, for example, what you see in the islands of Japan so mCjaBbNTEcy-00108-00066027-00066609 Japan is an example of this sort of island arc-type mountain building. mCjaBbNTEcy-00109-00066609-00067083 But really this is just sort of one phase in the development of mountain mCjaBbNTEcy-00110-00067083-00067551 belts - it's sort of how you start building the raw materials to build mCjaBbNTEcy-00111-00067551-00068223 bigger mountains if you want to think of it like that. So the first type of mCjaBbNTEcy-00112-00068223-00068544 mountain building, or the next type of mountain building that we'll talk about mCjaBbNTEcy-00113-00068544-00069084 is Andean-type modeling. This is where we have subduction happening underneath mCjaBbNTEcy-00114-00069084-00069813 a continent, so the example here is the Andes Mountains in South America, where mCjaBbNTEcy-00115-00069813-00070356 the name comes from. So we start off with a passive continental margin mCjaBbNTEcy-00116-00070356-00071142 think back to the ocean floor lecture last week where we talked mCjaBbNTEcy-00117-00071142-00071529 about the different types of continental margins - this is the continental mCjaBbNTEcy-00118-00071529-00072195 margin where we don't have tectonic activity taking place. After some period mCjaBbNTEcy-00119-00072195-00072828 of time, the tectonic forces may change direction and we initiate mCjaBbNTEcy-00120-00072828-00073398 subduction underneath the continent. This only will happen of course if the mCjaBbNTEcy-00121-00073398-00073848 oceanic lithosphere is dense enough to sink or to subduct underneath the mCjaBbNTEcy-00122-00073848-00074496 continent, but over time this forms a continental volcanic arc. We can get mCjaBbNTEcy-00123-00074496-00075027 emplacement of crystallized magma, again this is what's known as a mCjaBbNTEcy-00124-00075027-00075633 batholith, and eventually we have some uplift and mCjaBbNTEcy-00125-00075633-00076221 erosion that exposes the batholith at the surface. I should also mention that as mCjaBbNTEcy-00126-00076221-00077196 magma is intruding into the crust, or rather, as the subduction is happening, mCjaBbNTEcy-00127-00077196-00077754 we have water on the surface of the subducting plate that lowers the melting mCjaBbNTEcy-00128-00077754-00078537 temperature of the surrounding rock, triggering volcanism. We then mCjaBbNTEcy-00129-00078537-00079083 have magma that rises up into the crust and it sort of pools there. This is mCjaBbNTEcy-00130-00079083-00079629 what's known as a primary magma - this is the the initial magma that has formed. mCjaBbNTEcy-00131-00079629-00080314 As it starts to cool you get crystallising of some of the, or you mCjaBbNTEcy-00132-00080314-00080845 can get crystallizing of some of the heavier minerals, which makes the magma mCjaBbNTEcy-00133-00080845-00081445 less dense, and it rises or it can rise even higher. This is what's known as a mCjaBbNTEcy-00134-00081445-00082312 secondary magma. So once once you have this magma that's rising, mCjaBbNTEcy-00135-00082312-00083008 it eventually crystallizes and forms, again, these batholith features. mCjaBbNTEcy-00136-00083008-00083446 So this is a diagram of what this looks like. We're starting again with a mCjaBbNTEcy-00137-00083446-00083920 passive continental margin we have continental lithosphere and we have mCjaBbNTEcy-00138-00083920-00084525 oceanic lithosphere off to the one side. After a period of time we end up with mCjaBbNTEcy-00139-00084525-00085219 the plates changing direction and we get the initiation of subduction underneath mCjaBbNTEcy-00140-00085219-00086035 the continent. We get the formation of an accretionary wedge, so this is where mCjaBbNTEcy-00141-00086035-00086530 sediment is being scraped off of the subducting plate, we get this partial mCjaBbNTEcy-00142-00086530-00087532 melting again and we get these batholith or pluton features forming in the mCjaBbNTEcy-00143-00087532-00088504 continental volcanic arc after some period of time subduction ceases and we mCjaBbNTEcy-00144-00088504-00089122 get some uplift of this accretionary wedge and erosion which eventually mCjaBbNTEcy-00145-00089126-00089920 exposes the batholith features that have been placed during the active volcanism. mCjaBbNTEcy-00146-00089930-00090638 So another look at what this might look like mCjaBbNTEcy-00147-00090639-00091162 in the real world, this is an example from Torres del Paine in southern Chile, mCjaBbNTEcy-00148-00091162-00091690 and what you see in this mountain is two different types of rocks first you see mCjaBbNTEcy-00149-00091690-00092200 these dark rocks which are metamorphosed sedimentary rocks and you see this mCjaBbNTEcy-00150-00092200-00092812 cream-colored rock which is a granite that formed as a magma intrusion into the mCjaBbNTEcy-00151-00092812-00093441 sedimentary rock. Because the granite, or the magma, was partially mCjaBbNTEcy-00152-00093441-00093991 molten, it metamorphosed this sedimentary rock. Eventually the whole thing was mCjaBbNTEcy-00153-00093991-00095052 uplifted, and erosion exposed these features of the surface. Another type of mCjaBbNTEcy-00154-00095052-00095367 mountain building that can take place is what's known as Cordilleran-type mCjaBbNTEcy-00155-00095367-00096030 mountain building. So this is where we also can get subduction mCjaBbNTEcy-00156-00096030-00096723 underneath a continent but hat we have here is subduction zones that mCjaBbNTEcy-00157-00096723-00097368 form an island arc so we get volcanic islands that are forming off mCjaBbNTEcy-00158-00097368-00098130 the coast and as we continue subduction of those islands, they're sort of accreted on mCjaBbNTEcy-00159-00098130-00098811 to the continent - they're sort of just smashed into the continent as the two mCjaBbNTEcy-00160-00098811-00099339 plates are coming together. So you can see that in this map here you have all mCjaBbNTEcy-00161-00099339-00099789 of these different colors representing rocks of different origin, so these are mCjaBbNTEcy-00162-00099789-00100449 all different either old crustal fragments or volcanic mCjaBbNTEcy-00163-00100449-00100986 islands that formed in some cases what are known as micro-continents - so mCjaBbNTEcy-00164-00100986-00101523 something like Madagascar - that has eventually just been sort of shoved into mCjaBbNTEcy-00165-00101523-00102105 the North American continent as the Pacific Ocean, or as the Pacific plate mCjaBbNTEcy-00166-00102105-00102741 has continued to open up and then subduct underneath North America. So mCjaBbNTEcy-00167-00102741-00103890 these individual blocks are known as terranes (t-e-r-r-a-n-e-s) mCjaBbNTEcy-00168-00103890-00104469 these are just sort of rocks that are different from the continent that they mCjaBbNTEcy-00169-00104469-00104784 are attached to - so they've formed in a different way or mCjaBbNTEcy-00170-00104784-00105276 in a different place. They're what's known as exotic material so mCjaBbNTEcy-00171-00105276-00105941 something that's come from far away, if you like. mCjaBbNTEcy-00172-00106157-00106823 What this looks like in a diagram - so we have again a subduction zone, we have a mCjaBbNTEcy-00173-00106823-00107294 subducting oceanic lithosphere underneath a continent, mCjaBbNTEcy-00174-00107294-00107767 formation of a continental volcanic arc, we have a trench, and then we have these mCjaBbNTEcy-00175-00107767-00108283 inactive island arcs that are being subducted, as well as eventually this mCjaBbNTEcy-00176-00108283-00108997 microcontinent. So as this all moves towards this continental margin mCjaBbNTEcy-00177-00108997-00109682 for example, you have the volcanic arc that ends up getting sort of sheared off mCjaBbNTEcy-00178-00109682-00110194 of this subducting plate - it kind of plugs up the trench and it eventually mCjaBbNTEcy-00179-00110194-00110917 can cause subduction to cease. So you end up again, you just sort of smear this mCjaBbNTEcy-00180-00110917-00111664 island arc onto the continent that is formed here on the on the mCjaBbNTEcy-00181-00111664-00112250 right. Over time, eventually, we also see this microcontinent - so again think mCjaBbNTEcy-00182-00112250-00112951 something like Madagascar - that moves into this continental margin. We might mCjaBbNTEcy-00183-00112951-00113466 get the reactivation of subduction, the re-formation of an ocean trench and mCjaBbNTEcy-00184-00113466-00114023 eventually this microcontinent will also be accreted onto the continental mCjaBbNTEcy-00185-00114023-00114797 margin. Okay so this is probably a good place to take a pause, so go ahead and mCjaBbNTEcy-00186-00114797-00115984 pause the video, and go stretch your legs and come back in a few minutes. mCjaBbNTEcy-00187-00115984-00116476 Okay, so another type of mountain building that we'll talk about today is what's known mCjaBbNTEcy-00188-00116476-00117032 as Alpine-type mountain building. So this is where we have two mCjaBbNTEcy-00189-00117032-00117698 pieces of continental lithosphere that are coming together. Another definition mCjaBbNTEcy-00190-00117698-00118247 here is that the area where the two continents come together - so where they mCjaBbNTEcy-00191-00118247-00118788 sort of weld on to each other - is what known as a suture, and where that suture mCjaBbNTEcy-00192-00118788-00119349 forms we can also find what are called ophiolites. These are preserved mCjaBbNTEcy-00193-00119349-00120051 portions of oceanic lithosphere that help us identify where that mCjaBbNTEcy-00194-00120051-00120689 original continental boundary was. If you remember to last week's mCjaBbNTEcy-00195-00120689-00121527 lecture on the ocean floor you have so all of these all of these boundaries are mCjaBbNTEcy-00196-00121527-00122126 sort of starting as an ocean basin separating two continents and eventually mCjaBbNTEcy-00197-00122126-00122739 the continents as they come together it sort of folds and pushes all of these mCjaBbNTEcy-00198-00122739-00123390 ocean sediments into the continent that's being collided with. In this case mCjaBbNTEcy-00199-00123390-00123992 we have the African plate that is sort of compressing the Mediterranean Basin mCjaBbNTEcy-00200-00123992-00124416 into southern Europe. mCjaBbNTEcy-00201-00124426-00125240 So one of the features that we can see in these sorts of compressional mountain building episodes is mCjaBbNTEcy-00202-00125240-00125952 what's known as a fold-and-thrust belt. So we have here these originally horizontally placed mCjaBbNTEcy-00203-00125952-00126675 sedimentary layers, and as we apply a compressive force to them, we get mCjaBbNTEcy-00204-00126675-00127283 thrust faulting that happens along weak spots in the different layers, and we get mCjaBbNTEcy-00205-00127283-00127958 this sort of build up and folding that occurs as well as the thrust fault. As we mCjaBbNTEcy-00206-00127958-00128520 continue applying the compressive force we see additional thrust faults forming, mCjaBbNTEcy-00207-00128520-00129260 more folding and this keeps going and we get these nice sort of wavy ridge-like mCjaBbNTEcy-00208-00129260-00129809 features that can develop, where we have multiple thrust faults sort of built up mCjaBbNTEcy-00209-00129809-00130241 on top of each other alongside these folds. You can see that in the mCjaBbNTEcy-00210-00130241-00131049 schematic here (right) as well as in this cross-sectional view that you can see down at mCjaBbNTEcy-00211-00131049-00131892 the bottom of the of the slide here. I mentioned last week during the ocean mCjaBbNTEcy-00212-00131892-00132747 floor lecture that the Himalayas were formed, or began forming as a result of a mCjaBbNTEcy-00213-00132747-00133329 collision that started about 50 million years ago. So India broke off of the mCjaBbNTEcy-00214-00133329-00134067 supercontinent Pangea and moved rapidly northward, and it closed in this ocean mCjaBbNTEcy-00215-00134067-00134934 basin that separated it and the continent of Eurasia. As time went on the mCjaBbNTEcy-00216-00134934-00135569 ocean basin grew smaller and smaller until eventually what you see is that mCjaBbNTEcy-00217-00135569-00136371 the ocean basin closed off, we ended subduction, and we got this large mCjaBbNTEcy-00218-00136371-00137043 collision between these two pieces of continental lithosphere. So we have a mCjaBbNTEcy-00219-00137043-00137511 major uplift event that occurred and as a part of this, forming the Tibetan mCjaBbNTEcy-00220-00137511-00138333 Plateau. A big reason for the way that this has formed is because of the mCjaBbNTEcy-00221-00138333-00139209 different lithologies (rock types) that are involved. So the subcontinent of India or the mCjaBbNTEcy-00222-00139209-00139881 continental lithosphere that makes up India is made of Precambrian rock and if mCjaBbNTEcy-00223-00139881-00140480 you remember I mentioned earlier that Precambrian rock is this very old, very mCjaBbNTEcy-00224-00140480-00141333 very rigid material that formed about 570 million years ago, and so India has mCjaBbNTEcy-00225-00141333-00142020 largely resisted deformation because of the type of rock that that makes it mCjaBbNTEcy-00226-00142020-00142650 up. So as it has collided with Eurasia it sort of acted as this large solid block mCjaBbNTEcy-00227-00142650-00143310 that has kind of compressed and caused all sorts of different thrusts and fold mCjaBbNTEcy-00228-00143310-00144003 belts that have built up the Himalayas over this time. India is still moving mCjaBbNTEcy-00229-00144003-00144663 northward at this time so we still see this upward growth of the Himalayas as a mCjaBbNTEcy-00230-00144663-00145323 result of this ongoing collision. If we look at this in a map view mCjaBbNTEcy-00231-00145323-00146263 what we can see is that we have this again cold, dense, rigid slab that makes mCjaBbNTEcy-00232-00146263-00146878 up India moving northward into Eurasia. you can see the very large uplifted mCjaBbNTEcy-00233-00146878-00147361 area that is now the Tibetan Plateau, as well as the main arc of the Himalayan mCjaBbNTEcy-00234-00147361-00147852 mountains. But in addition to that, you also see that we've developed these mCjaBbNTEcy-00235-00147852-00148462 faults off to the southeast from where the main interaction is mCjaBbNTEcy-00236-00148462-00149038 occurring. What's happening is that as India is pushing or continuing to mCjaBbNTEcy-00237-00149038-00149665 push into Eurasia, we're seeing that in Southeast Asia this area with mCjaBbNTEcy-00238-00149665-00150180 Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand is moving off towards the southeast - it's mCjaBbNTEcy-00239-00150180-00150991 sort of being squeezed out as the as the Eurasian bloc is compressed, and the same mCjaBbNTEcy-00240-00150991-00151534 thing is happening with most of mainland China - it's being pushed off a little bit mCjaBbNTEcy-00241-00151534-00152332 more towards the east rather than sharply to the southeast. So if we look mCjaBbNTEcy-00242-00152332-00152920 at some examples of the Himalayan mountains today, you can see again these mCjaBbNTEcy-00243-00152920-00153502 are very sharp, jagged peaks, very tall mountains indicating that they're still mCjaBbNTEcy-00244-00153502-00154359 very young - they're still forming. If we look back to Europe now, what we can see mCjaBbNTEcy-00245-00154359-00154858 is that there have been a number of different what are called orogenies or mCjaBbNTEcy-00246-00154858-00155541 mountain-building phases that have formed Europe. So we'll talk about a few of mCjaBbNTEcy-00247-00155541-00155911 those. The first is the Caledonian orogeny, which formed a lot of the mCjaBbNTEcy-00248-00155911-00156496 mountains that we see in Scotland and Northern Ireland, as well as Scandinavia. mCjaBbNTEcy-00249-00156496-00156958 this is the same mountain building episode that formed mCjaBbNTEcy-00250-00156958-00157444 parts of the Appalachian Mountains in eastern North America. There's also the mCjaBbNTEcy-00251-00157444-00157945 Variscan or Hercynian orogeny, which formed parts mCjaBbNTEcy-00252-00157945-00158365 of more central southern and western Europe. mCjaBbNTEcy-00253-00158365-00158770 And then there's the Alpine orogeny, which is forming the Alps today and is mCjaBbNTEcy-00254-00158770-00159565 continuing. So starting with the Caledonian orogeny - this formed lots of mCjaBbNTEcy-00255-00159565-00160065 or large parts of Northern Europe as I mentioned, so Scandinavia we get mCjaBbNTEcy-00256-00160065-00160714 mountains along the east coast of Greenland as well and the mCjaBbNTEcy-00257-00160714-00161344 mountains in Scotland and Ireland. So this is a mountain building episode that mCjaBbNTEcy-00258-00161344-00162061 took place between about 490 and 390 million years ago, this occurred after mCjaBbNTEcy-00259-00162061-00162643 the closure of the Iapetus ocean - this is the the ocean that formed some of the mCjaBbNTEcy-00260-00162643-00163363 sedimentary rocks that we saw on the field trip last week - and we got this mCjaBbNTEcy-00261-00163363-00163921 sort of three-way collision between the continents of Laurentia, Baltica - which mCjaBbNTEcy-00262-00163921-00164593 formed sort of eastern and northern or eastern and mCjaBbNTEcy-00263-00164593-00165181 northeastern Europe, a large part of North America and Greenland and then mCjaBbNTEcy-00264-00165181-00165774 parts of sort of Western Europe as well in this continent called Avalonia. So this mCjaBbNTEcy-00265-00165774-00166363 mountain building episode formed among other things the Sperrins and the mCjaBbNTEcy-00266-00166363-00167052 Donegal mountains here in Ireland as well as the Newry granodiorite complex, mCjaBbNTEcy-00267-00167052-00167659 another formation that we'll talk about, here in Northern Ireland. So the Sperrins mCjaBbNTEcy-00268-00167659-00168010 Rocks, or rather the Sperrin Mountains are this mCjaBbNTEcy-00269-00168010-00168540 mountain range sort of to the south of us here in Coleraine, and it bends off mCjaBbNTEcy-00270-00168540-00168901 towards the southwest until it's eventually headed west mCjaBbNTEcy-00271-00168901-00169531 into County Donegal. These rocks were originally deposited in mCjaBbNTEcy-00272-00169531-00170350 pre-cambrian times, so 700 to 600 million years ago, and they were originally sandstones, mCjaBbNTEcy-00273-00170360-00171114 mudstones, and limestones, so these are sedimentary rocks that are forming in river deltas, mCjaBbNTEcy-00274-00171114-00171690 they're forming in shallow, warm, seas because remember that all of Ireland and Britain mCjaBbNTEcy-00275-00171690-00172281 were much closer to the equator at this time. As a result of the Caledonian mCjaBbNTEcy-00276-00172281-00173040 orogeny, we have these rocks metamorphosed and forming schists and mCjaBbNTEcy-00277-00173040-00173529 quartzites that make up the mountains today, or rather make up the rocks that we can mCjaBbNTEcy-00278-00173529-00174537 see there today. Further to the west in County Donegal, we have limestones that mCjaBbNTEcy-00279-00174537-00175164 have metamorphosed into marbles, we get slates that were originally mudstones, mCjaBbNTEcy-00280-00175164-00175488 and we have quartzite that was originally formed with sand stones - but mCjaBbNTEcy-00281-00175488-00176022 again, we have the same sedimentary rocks that were making up mCjaBbNTEcy-00282-00176022-00176631 this part of Ireland that are being transformed in similar ways as a result mCjaBbNTEcy-00283-00176631-00177630 of this as a result of this mountain building episode. And then in the mCjaBbNTEcy-00284-00177630-00178113 mountains of Mourne, so down here to the south of Belfast, we have what's called mCjaBbNTEcy-00285-00178113-00179298 the Newry Granodiorite complex - so these are igneous intrusions mCjaBbNTEcy-00286-00179298-00179916 at depth, again similar to the example that we saw from Chile earlier, and then mCjaBbNTEcy-00287-00179916-00180453 are eventually brought to the surface as a result of uplift and erosion. You can mCjaBbNTEcy-00288-00180453-00181191 see an example here of a dolorite dyke, this black stripe or this very dark mCjaBbNTEcy-00289-00181191-00181724 stripe of rock in this lighter stripe, you can also see a nice little fault mCjaBbNTEcy-00290-00181724-00182661 here as well. So again we see evidence of metamorphism, we see evidence of igneous mCjaBbNTEcy-00291-00182661-00183348 rocks intruding into the sedimentary rocks, we see evidence of uplift and all mCjaBbNTEcy-00292-00183348-00184371 of these other sorts of forces coming together. Later on we have what is called mCjaBbNTEcy-00293-00184371-00184803 the Variscan or Hercynian Orogeny, so this mCjaBbNTEcy-00294-00184803-00185460 is what has formed mountains in parts of southern and southwestern Europe, so for mCjaBbNTEcy-00295-00185460-00186261 example, Spain and Portugal, France, parts of Germany, sort of more north of the mCjaBbNTEcy-00296-00186261-00186912 Alps and to the northwest of the Alps. So this is during the mCjaBbNTEcy-00297-00186912-00187290 Carboniferous era, which is if you remember from our field trip mCjaBbNTEcy-00298-00187290-00187935 when the sandstones in Ballycastle were formed, and this is a result of the mCjaBbNTEcy-00299-00187935-00188472 collision of two continents: Laurussia and Gondwana, mCjaBbNTEcy-00300-00188472-00189144 and this is actually what helped form the supercontinent of Pangea, and in mCjaBbNTEcy-00301-00189144-00189939 Ireland it formed the mountains of South Munster. So in Ireland we get again in a mCjaBbNTEcy-00302-00189939-00190386 couple of different areas we have these very nicely folded mCjaBbNTEcy-00303-00190386-00190841 sedimentary layers in an area called Loughshinny just north of Dublin, and mCjaBbNTEcy-00304-00190841-00191498 these are originally sedimentary rocks that were folded and thrusted in a very mCjaBbNTEcy-00305-00191498-00192135 very nice way, and they're originally again Carboniferous that are formed at mCjaBbNTEcy-00306-00192135-00192705 about the same time as the sandstone that we saw in Ballycastle. We also see mCjaBbNTEcy-00307-00192705-00193290 similar folding or evidence of folding in the hills near Bantry Bay down here mCjaBbNTEcy-00308-00193290-00194406 in the southwest of Ireland. In central sort of southern central France we have mCjaBbNTEcy-00309-00194406-00194943 an area that's known as Massif Central. This is a highland area in southern mCjaBbNTEcy-00310-00194943-00195404 France that is composed mostly of granitic metamorphic rocks and mCjaBbNTEcy-00311-00195404-00196164 these were uplifted and formed at the same time as the folds that we just saw mCjaBbNTEcy-00312-00196164-00197064 from parts of Ireland. Finally, we're now looking at the Alpine Orogeny so mCjaBbNTEcy-00313-00197064-00197601 this is affecting among other places southern Europe, starting from about 65 mCjaBbNTEcy-00314-00197601-00198088 million years ago so as the North Atlantic is opening up. mCjaBbNTEcy-00315-00198088-00198650 Around the same time that we're also seeing large amounts of volcanic mCjaBbNTEcy-00316-00198650-00199112 activity in Ireland, for example what formed the Giant's Causeway that we saw mCjaBbNTEcy-00317-00199112-00199904 last week on the field trip. It's also forming mountains in Turkey, Iran, all mCjaBbNTEcy-00318-00199904-00200447 the way through to the Himalayas. This is where we have the African plate and mCjaBbNTEcy-00319-00200447-00201053 the Indian plate moving north, colliding with Eurasia, forming lots of different mCjaBbNTEcy-00320-00201053-00201707 mountain belts and eventually closing off the Mediterranean Basin. So you can mCjaBbNTEcy-00321-00201707-00202232 see here some just some images of the Pyrenees and the Alps and one thing that mCjaBbNTEcy-00322-00202232-00202706 you can see is that these are still very young mountains much like the Himalayas. mCjaBbNTEcy-00323-00202706-00203171 They're still forming, there's not been a ton of erosion to mCjaBbNTEcy-00324-00203171-00204068 really smooth them out over time. You can also see this nice thrust feature here mCjaBbNTEcy-00325-00204068-00204569 on this image where we have some sedimentary layers that have been pushed mCjaBbNTEcy-00326-00204569-00205325 up on top of this this other layer, this other rock, over here. So this is again mCjaBbNTEcy-00327-00205325-00206294 another example of a compressional mountain. So that brings us to the mCjaBbNTEcy-00328-00206294-00206975 principle of isostasy. Remember that we have the less dense lithosphere that mCjaBbNTEcy-00329-00206975-00207560 is essentially floating on top of the much denser rocks of the mantle and so mCjaBbNTEcy-00330-00207560-00208169 much like when you float a block of wood in water or ice in water you know that mCjaBbNTEcy-00331-00208169-00208975 that rock is effectively displacing what's beneath it in order to stay mCjaBbNTEcy-00332-00208975-00209612 floating. That concept, that everything is sort of in gravitational mCjaBbNTEcy-00333-00209612-00210253 balance, is what we call isostasy. When when we apply this to mountains, mCjaBbNTEcy-00334-00210253-00211001 what that means is that as we're compressing these plates together, as mCjaBbNTEcy-00335-00211001-00211707 we're building up these mountains, we have to displace material in the mCjaBbNTEcy-00336-00211707-00212109 mantle in order to compensate for that weight. So we actually get mantle that mCjaBbNTEcy-00337-00212109-00212875 flows away from where we have the mountain range forming. And so over time mCjaBbNTEcy-00338-00212875-00213553 we have erosion that then sort of reduces the weight of the mountain range mCjaBbNTEcy-00339-00213553-00214039 because it's moving, it's taking material and it's putting it off into the ocean mCjaBbNTEcy-00340-00214039-00214639 or further into the continent and so we actually end up with mantle flowing back mCjaBbNTEcy-00341-00214639-00215191 in and uplifting parts of this mountain range. Eventually over very long mCjaBbNTEcy-00342-00215191-00215769 periods of time this sort of eventually goes away, and you have sort of a normal mCjaBbNTEcy-00343-00215769-00216604 balanced or a normal crust thickness that forms. This is a similar process to mCjaBbNTEcy-00344-00216604-00217150 what happens when glaciers and large ice sheets melt - so when you put the weight mCjaBbNTEcy-00345-00217150-00217702 of a massive glacier or ice sheet on top of the lithosphere that also will mCjaBbNTEcy-00346-00217702-00218596 displace (material in the) mantle and cause different flow patterns in the mantle. So one thing mCjaBbNTEcy-00347-00218596-00219381 that happens as well is that as mountains are growing, gravity is trying mCjaBbNTEcy-00348-00219381-00220007 to pull them down, right? Much the same way that gravity gets everyone down. mCjaBbNTEcy-00349-00220007-00220375 gravity is trying to pull these mountains down, and mCjaBbNTEcy-00350-00220375-00220857 because of the pressure overhead, they're a bit warmer, they tend to be a little mCjaBbNTEcy-00351-00220857-00221377 bit weaker, and so that actually can cause some flow in the mountains that mCjaBbNTEcy-00352-00221377-00221742 causes subsidence as a result of their weight. So they're mCjaBbNTEcy-00353-00221742-00222560 sort of flowing outwards and that helps to sort of mCjaBbNTEcy-00354-00222560-00223248 bring things back into balance a little bit. So this spreading that happens mCjaBbNTEcy-00355-00223248-00223731 and the subsidence that happens because of the the spreading that occurs, is mCjaBbNTEcy-00356-00223731-00224302 what's called gravitational collapse. So when you have older mountains that's mCjaBbNTEcy-00357-00224302-00225036 another process that is occurring. So that leads us to looking at a mCjaBbNTEcy-00358-00225036-00225451 couple of the highest mountains in the world. We have of course Mount Everest, mCjaBbNTEcy-00359-00225451-00225917 nearly 8900 meters and it's still growing at about mCjaBbNTEcy-00360-00225917-00226652 four millimeters per year. So that's Mount Everest here, its location in the mCjaBbNTEcy-00361-00226652-00227248 map here, and it's growing at four millimeters per year. But there's mCjaBbNTEcy-00362-00227248-00227653 a bit of an open-ended question of how much longer is that sustainable? mCjaBbNTEcy-00363-00227653-00228421 Similarly we have the amount of called Nanga Parbat here in Pakistan that is a mCjaBbNTEcy-00364-00228421-00228752 bit shorter than Mount Everest - it's "only" mCjaBbNTEcy-00365-00228752-00229336 8100 metres tall but it is growing at over seven millimeters per year, so it's mCjaBbNTEcy-00366-00229336-00229955 almost double as fast as Mount Everest. And again, it's just a question of how mCjaBbNTEcy-00367-00229955-00230409 much longer is that a sustainable thing? mCjaBbNTEcy-00368-00230491-00231244 So that's it for the mountain building lecture. Here's a list of some different mCjaBbNTEcy-00369-00231244-00231881 videos and other things that you can go look at to learn a little bit more. If mCjaBbNTEcy-00370-00231881-00232508 you have access to the textbook it's chapter 14 which covers the same mCjaBbNTEcy-00371-00232508-00233059 material that we've gone over today. Otherwise, I hope that you enjoyed mCjaBbNTEcy-00372-00233059-00233827 it, and please email me and if you have any questions. Thanks, Bye! mCUYwHge7VA-00000-00005286-00005552 Yes, this is good, this is good. mCUYwHge7VA-00001-00005552-00005732 I'll probably stream the campaign when it comes out mCUYwHge7VA-00002-00005732-00005990 because I think it's a good- mCUYwHge7VA-00003-00007326-00007590 Because it should destroy them, right? mCUYwHge7VA-00004-00007590-00007830 Let's just try like a really big YOLO jump mCUYwHge7VA-00005-00008486-00008804 Someone said "I'm super drunk and I just got here" mCUYwHge7VA-00006-00008804-00009248 "Ates this trash pickle." Ates this trash- what? mCUYwHge7VA-00007-00009248-00009448 -to the right. I'm like, "oh". mCUYwHge7VA-00008-00009734-00010118 Yeah, we are not taking that car. Aww, never mind, whatever, it's passed. mCUYwHge7VA-00009-00010118-00010318 Why am I doing so many runs today? I don't know, I just- mCUYwHge7VA-00010-00015446-00015622 -pure vinegar. Ooh. Eugh. mCUYwHge7VA-00011-00015841-00015919 Go. mCUYwHge7VA-00012-00015924-00016030 Listen, shh shh- mCUYwHge7VA-00013-00016030-00016230 It's about to disappear behind the label. mCUYwHge7VA-00014-00016282-00016412 He's doing it. He's got it. mCUYwHge7VA-00015-00016412-00016612 You can hear it inside him. Chug chug chug. mCUYwHge7VA-00016-00016680-00016932 Alright. We're up to 30. Quick, chase it- mCUYwHge7VA-00017-00018644-00018726 Wow. mCUYwHge7VA-00018-00021676-00021944 -one point it was the most prominent thing on the track. mCUYwHge7VA-00019-00021948-00022428 The Truffade Nero. I have to say it wasn't as popular as the others. mCUYwHge7VA-00020-00022428-00022874 Probably because it had the same downfalls of the car's sister, the Adder, mCUYwHge7VA-00021-00022874-00023256 being fast as hell on long straights, but lacking in every other category. mCUYwHge7VA-00022-00023256-00023396 I didn't really see many- mCUYwHge7VA-00023-00026589-00026774 Payday fellas. mCUYwHge7VA-00024-00027189-00027389 I smashed straight into the Lamppost. mCUYwHge7VA-00025-00027389-00027594 Cause the next one is just around the corner here. mCUYwHge7VA-00026-00027726-00027858 And it's right here. mCUYwHge7VA-00027-00027858-00028058 Is the stunt jump- are we supposed to jump it? mCUYwHge7VA-00028-00028214-00028550 So what's the- what's the next big game we all play? I had a long day. mCUYwHge7VA-00029-00028610-00028706 I don't know. mCUYwHge7VA-00030-00028750-00029014 Oh, ahh, I need a third smoke actually. mCUYwHge7VA-00031-00029089-00029176 It's been a really hard d- mCUYwHge7VA-00032-00029295-00029556 And it counted as a kill from me. And you killed me. mCUYwHge7VA-00033-00029933-00030094 Ohh nice! mCUYwHge7VA-00034-00030094-00030422 Not only did I clear the next gap, but I went up a floor. mCUYwHge7VA-00035-00030422-00030506 Oh. mCUYwHge7VA-00036-00030568-00030804 So the meme is like, no Oddjob allowed. mCUYwHge7VA-00037-00031006-00031212 *laughs* mCUYwHge7VA-00038-00031212-00031268 Ow. mCUYwHge7VA-00039-00031268-00031388 Wouldn't you like to know. mCUYwHge7VA-00040-00031444-00031880 Ooh, now you're coming out, cause the doors just opened for no reason. mCUYwHge7VA-00041-00032702-00033026 Stop the vehicle and get out. mCUYwHge7VA-00042-00033144-00033358 Okay, that cop just came out of a mountain. mCUYwHge7VA-00043-00033422-00033608 *laughs* Question mark. mCUYwHge7VA-00044-00033780-00034076 Oh wow, my bus spawned *in* Fort Zancudo. mCUYwHge7VA-00045-00034216-00034472 Oh, oh, I'm glitching through. I just fell out. mCUYwHge7VA-00046-00034554-00034604 Oh. mCUYwHge7VA-00047-00034604-00034712 And I survived! mCUYwHge7VA-00048-00034770-00035002 Did you land outside Fort Zancudo as well? mCUYwHge7VA-00049-00035150-00035300 What a waste of a server. mCUYwHge7VA-00050-00035588-00035722 That was a perfectly good server rack in- mCUYwHge7VA-00051-00035722-00036086 Oh, darn it! Wow, I hit the wrong button. I'm so sorry about that. mCUYwHge7VA-00052-00036198-00036456 I went to hit F to get of the vehicle and I hit G. mCUYwHge7VA-00053-00036456-00036616 Setup passed. Okay What?? mCUYwHge7VA-00054-00036814-00036864 Okay. mCUYwHge7VA-00055-00036864-00037380 Firstly, stay the fuck away from my Green Juice, okay? mCUYwHge7VA-00056-00037420-00037764 Secondly, stand exactly here. mCUYwHge7VA-00057-00041132-00041190 Yeah. mCUYwHge7VA-00058-00041358-00041598 Oh Jesus, oh Jesus, oh Jesus, oh Jesu- mCUYwHge7VA-00059-00041598-00041810 You'll survive Tony, don't worry. Oh Jesus. I know I will. mCUYwHge7VA-00060-00041810-00042010 Oh no I might not! Okay. mCUYwHge7VA-00061-00042010-00042108 You will. mCUYwHge7VA-00062-00042108-00042250 Oh God oh God oh God. mCUYwHge7VA-00063-00042334-00042592 And no, I say I might not because I was about a foot and a half mCUYwHge7VA-00064-00042594-00042860 away from hitting the helicopter blades. Oh. mCUYwHge7VA-00065-00042860-00043148 Ahh yeah, on a bike but just mash left and right click mCUYwHge7VA-00066-00043148-00043524 and if you do it like, fast enough, or slow enough, I don't know if it is, mCUYwHge7VA-00067-00043524-00043842 Uh, your guy will not finish the full animation and it looks like he's just like mCUYwHge7VA-00068-00043842-00044232 switching and- Oh yeah. Oh my God, wow. mCUYwHge7VA-00069-00044352-00044478 Wait, how do you do it? mCUYwHge7VA-00070-00044478-00044672 So you like- I think you just have to mash it fast enough. mCUYwHge7VA-00071-00044726-00044964 It's really hard, by the way. Yeah, I don't know if it's fast enough, cause sometimes mCUYwHge7VA-00072-00044964-00045164 he does a kick, but he does like- mCUYwHge7VA-00073-00045210-00045680 I'm cycling along boys! Here we go! Wow. Pedal the bike! So what do you- mCUYwHge7VA-00074-00045680-00045880 I fucking felt that. mCUYwHge7VA-00075-00045960-00046192 Oh Jesus, what? Oh God, wh- mCUYwHge7VA-00076-00046336-00046572 Something Jack can't relate to. mCUYwHge7VA-00077-00046872-00047106 Oh yeah, *that* was beautiful! mCUYwHge7VA-00078-00047106-00047306 I turned around just in time to see that. mCUYwHge7VA-00079-00047306-00047420 Well, it's straight enough. mCUYwHge7VA-00080-00047420-00047470 Whoa, that was- mCUYwHge7VA-00081-00047528-00047578 Oh no! mCUYwHge7VA-00082-00047608-00047658 Oh God! mCUYwHge7VA-00083-00047932-00048256 Ohhh, ow! Ow oh Jesus ow! Ow! mCUYwHge7VA-00084-00048436-00048686 Wait, what? Okay- oh God. mCUYwHge7VA-00085-00048686-00049010 Did you climb on it? Wait what the fuck, what happened? Uh... mCUYwHge7VA-00086-00049068-00049250 I did minus two. mCUYwHge7VA-00087-00049322-00049498 I am doing- ow! mCUYwHge7VA-00088-00049582-00049766 I got on the train! mCUYwHge7VA-00089-00049766-00049858 That was a good one. mCUYwHge7VA-00090-00049858-00050006 That was a really good one. mCUYwHge7VA-00091-00050144-00050414 The vehicle you wish what? Were not in the game. mCUYwHge7VA-00092-00050492-00050578 Yeah. mCUYwHge7VA-00093-00050612-00051032 Uh, please kill these cops. Ow! Ple- ow! mCUYwHge7VA-00094-00051032-00051346 Oh my God, I just got hit by your flaming bike and died. mCUYwHge7VA-00095-00051538-00051724 Uh oh. Aaaaaand... mCUYwHge7VA-00096-00051860-00052132 I dunno why I fell off on that one. Oh- oh- mCUYwHge7VA-00097-00052276-00052414 Oh no! mCUYwHge7VA-00098-00052414-00053116 Also, watch this uh, Vigilante make like- freak out because it exists in the same place. mCUYwHge7VA-00099-00053284-00053379 Wait for it. mCUYwHge7VA-00100-00053470-00053528 Bdrdrdrdrdrdm. mCUYwHge7VA-00101-00053591-00053846 Oh Jesus, oh God! mCUYwHge7VA-00102-00053846-00054046 Wait, it's upside down, just hovering- okay. mCUYwHge7VA-00103-00054700-00055267 These guys have got a lot of health so I'm just like, shooting them a few times with the Minigun. mCUYwHge7VA-00104-00055708-00056288 Oh, I just got- aww, I almost flew through the hole in the statue. mCUYwHge7VA-00105-00056288-00056338 *Discord noise* mCUYwHge7VA-00106-00056444-00056779 Oh I just ASSASSINATED that woman, did you see that? mCUYwHge7VA-00107-00056832-00057302 I hit that bike and it flew into the woman and slammed her up against the wall li- mCUYwHge7VA-00108-00057302-00057394 Oh what the fuck? mCUYwHge7VA-00109-00057394-00057864 Yeah I've- I've seen it. I've seen videos of- of people just like, being like mCUYwHge7VA-00110-00057864-00058308 Don't put your PCs on glass desks, and then it's just a PC through the desk. mCUYwHge7VA-00111-00058310-00058438 Like, good job! mCUYwHge7VA-00112-00058791-00058841 *Windows noise* mCUYwHge7VA-00113-00058916-00059167 Oohhhh- Cool. Hooray. mCUYwHge7VA-00114-00059267-00059334 Cool. mCUYwHge7VA-00115-00060386-00060504 Everyone done? mCUYwHge7VA-00116-00060550-00060600 Yep. mCUYwHge7VA-00117-00061036-00061226 I just killed myself! mCUYwHge7VA-00118-00061454-00061534 I think I sh- mCUYwHge7VA-00119-00062041-00062152 It's payday today. mCUYwHge7VA-00120-00062404-00062667 Imagine someone- imagine you ring someone, alright? mCUYwHge7VA-00121-00062714-00063005 They answered it, and then they just hung up. Whoa, what the fuck? mCUYwHge7VA-00122-00063222-00063648 I thought- I thought I was the only one that heard that, and then you were like, freaking out as well, like, "What the hell?" mCUYwHge7VA-00123-00063648-00063858 Max level in Borderlands 1 is 69. mCUYwHge7VA-00124-00063858-00064058 Whoa, nice truck over there. mCUYwHge7VA-00125-00064258-00064426 Whoa, he fell off! Wait, what the fuck? mCUYwHge7VA-00126-00064520-00064616 It didn't explo- mCUYwHge7VA-00127-00064616-00064916 I have O- Osteoporosis. mCUYwHge7VA-00128-00065029-00065212 I have crippling depre- What? mCUYwHge7VA-00129-00065258-00065336 Oh I killed him. mCUYwHge7VA-00130-00065448-00065664 Whoa! *laughs* Whoa! mCUYwHge7VA-00131-00066016-00066216 Ow, I'm getting shot. mCUYwHge7VA-00132-00066382-00066516 "The Barrage was destroyed"... mCUYwHge7VA-00133-00066610-00066890 "The Barrage was destroyed". Huh? What? mCUYwHge7VA-00134-00067002-00067390 Oh! It dropped into- it dropped into a fucking swimming pool! mCUYwHge7VA-00135-00067390-00067590 *laughs* mCUYwHge7VA-00136-00067682-00068146 I just saw it when my camera- when my camera went up, I just saw it sitting in a fucking swimming pool. mCUYwHge7VA-00137-00068208-00068418 Aw, for FUCK'S sake! mEYZ04laT7E-00000-00000808-00001001 somewhat loud=funny incoming (also epilepsy too btw) mEYZ04laT7E-00001-00001985-00002140 (lord forgive me for what i'm about to do) mJA2ZL4EfX8-00000-00000032-00000368 Welcome to this lecture in which I give an overview of some of the most mJA2ZL4EfX8-00001-00000368-00000960 important issues regarding the production and recycling of batteries. My name is Auke Hoekstra mJA2ZL4EfX8-00002-00000960-00001368 and I’m an expert on electric mobility at the Eindhoven University of Technology. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00003-00001488-00001672 People often say that battery production is mJA2ZL4EfX8-00004-00001672-00001816 polluting the environment. That is true and that is mJA2ZL4EfX8-00005-00001936-00002528 where much of this video is about. But it’s good to stress that batteries are less bad than fuel. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00006-00002624-00003247 Let's take a car that drives 300 thousand kilometers and uses 1 liter of gasoline mJA2ZL4EfX8-00007-00003247-00004040 for every 10 kilometers. Over its lifetime it would require over 25 thousand kilogram of oil mJA2ZL4EfX8-00008-00004104-00005112 and emit over 75 thousand kilogram of CO2. An electric vehicle with an average 60 kWh mJA2ZL4EfX8-00009-00005112-00005768 battery would need a 250 kilogram battery that it simply recharges about a thousand times. There is mJA2ZL4EfX8-00010-00005768-00006056 no emissions during the use phase, and we can recycle the battery. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00011-00006495-00006856 What we see here is the global process of producing batteries. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00012-00007000-00007528 I've taken an illustration of Volkswagen. It starts with mining raw materials. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00013-00007528-00008064 For the cathode of a so called NMC or Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt lithium battery mJA2ZL4EfX8-00014-00008456-00008912 these are the materials you need to mine. Then you must refine these materials, mJA2ZL4EfX8-00015-00008984-00009536 produce the cathode, produce the cell, assemble the entire pack and integrate it into the vehicle. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00016-00009640-00010088 I've taken this illustration because it clearly shows that getting the raw materials mJA2ZL4EfX8-00017-00010088-00010624 is the focus of many car manufacturers right now. Here you see that Volkswagen mJA2ZL4EfX8-00018-00010624-00011112 basically promises its investors to move its focus to the start of the supply chain, mJA2ZL4EfX8-00019-00011224-00011488 including mining, refining and cathode production. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00020-00011672-00012336 We know how to find enough material to make billions of large car batteries. The problem mJA2ZL4EfX8-00021-00012336-00012784 is scaling up production of many materials and doing so in the most sustainable way possible. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00022-00012872-00013296 The most talk is about cobalt and lithium. But with cobalt mJA2ZL4EfX8-00023-00013416-00014056 it's mostly about avoiding child labor and that mainly occurs when the poorest of the poor in mJA2ZL4EfX8-00024-00014056-00014632 the failed state of Kongo mine cobalt - often illegally. So it’s clear we have to do better, mJA2ZL4EfX8-00025-00014632-00014936 but I think it's not accurate to say this is a problem specific to car batteries. First mJA2ZL4EfX8-00026-00014936-00015272 of all because cobalt is also used for many other purposes such as refining oil mJA2ZL4EfX8-00027-00015368-00015760 and second of oil because this is mostly related to the political situation in Congo. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00028-00015840-00016280 By the way, the Cobalt in Nickel-Cobalt-Manganese batteries is being phased out mJA2ZL4EfX8-00029-00016384-00016664 and the batteries can be replaced with the slightly heavier but longer mJA2ZL4EfX8-00030-00016664-00017216 lasting iron phosphate batteries. For the energy transition as a whole, mJA2ZL4EfX8-00031-00017216-00017816 the IEA singles out copper, rare earths, and lithium. But copper can almost universally mJA2ZL4EfX8-00032-00017816-00018336 be replaced by abundant elements like Aluminium and rare earths are called rare earths but they mJA2ZL4EfX8-00033-00018336-00019536 are not actually that rare and could be replaced by using motors without magnets. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00034-00019672-00020312 So that leaves lithium as the biggest problem child. We usually have enough lithium to last us mJA2ZL4EfX8-00035-00020312-00021056 a thousand years, and currently we have already found enough for 10 billion electric cars. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00036-00021136-00021704 The US has enough known deposits to supply its own demand for over a century and in Europe there is a mJA2ZL4EfX8-00037-00021704-00022512 lot of Lithium in Ukraine. But the biggest known deposits are in South America (mainly Bolivia, mJA2ZL4EfX8-00038-00022512-00023200 Argentina, Chile) and Australia. Recently Australia stepped up because South America mJA2ZL4EfX8-00039-00023200-00023720 had problems scaling up production and Australia now produces over 50% of worldwide lithium. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00040-00023872-00024152 But what if production cannot scale up fast enough or mJA2ZL4EfX8-00041-00024216-00024624 if there are questions with the sustainability of lithium from South America? mJA2ZL4EfX8-00042-00024736-00025248 The first alternative could be to get lithium from geothermal brine and the mJA2ZL4EfX8-00043-00025248-00025880 first experiments are going on with that. Another possibility is lithium from the ocean. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00044-00025968-00026720 There is 5000 times more lithium in the ocean than we know how to find on land (so enough for mJA2ZL4EfX8-00045-00026720-00027336 50 trillion cars) and some researchers think it can become economically viable in the short term. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00046-00027336-00027920 And when that fails we could temporarily switch to sodium batteries. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00047-00028239-00028504 Mining is our biggest problem in terms of availability and mJA2ZL4EfX8-00048-00028504-00029416 CO2 emissions so I spend some time on that. Refining is basically a relatively simple mJA2ZL4EfX8-00049-00029416-00029952 low-tech process that can be quickly scaled up. You often hear that we get half of our battery mJA2ZL4EfX8-00050-00029952-00030624 materials from China because that country currently does refining most cheaply mJA2ZL4EfX8-00051-00031056-00031292 but we could easily scale it up elsewhere. Now we get to the actual battery manufacturing. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00052-00031292-00031324 Here there is an abundance of plans. This inventarisation from mJA2ZL4EfX8-00053-00031324-00031366 shows plans for more than one terrawatt hour per year by 2025 in Europe and that's enough for 150% mJA2ZL4EfX8-00054-00031366-00031408 of European car sales in 2025. Many of these plans will not materialize but it gives an impression. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00055-00031408-00032120 It used to be that 90% of CO2 emissions from batteries where caused by cell manufacturing. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00056-00032232-00032712 But with new so called gigafactories that balance has shifted dramatically. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00057-00033104-00033800 This picture from the 2021 Tesla Impact report shows that only 23% of CO2 is now caused by the mJA2ZL4EfX8-00058-00033800-00034368 factory, up to the point of cell assembly. This in turn enables battery to be produced mJA2ZL4EfX8-00059-00034368-00035120 with less than 75 kg CO2 emissions per kWh and we expect cell production to become much mJA2ZL4EfX8-00060-00035120-00035848 more efficient still. So pretty soon, running mines and refineries on low carbon electricity mJA2ZL4EfX8-00061-00035848-00036432 needs to be the priority because that will be where over 90% of battery emissions are. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00062-00036808-00037400 With that in mind I for example find extraction of lithium from sea water, using floating wind mJA2ZL4EfX8-00063-00037400-00037984 farms a very enticing proposition, but I haven't seen any plans for that yet and they mJA2ZL4EfX8-00064-00038096-00038648 might triple the price of lithium and raise the battery price by a few percent. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00065-00038760-00039376 Before we get to recycling I would like to point out that the BIGGEST win we could possibly get mJA2ZL4EfX8-00066-00039376-00040216 is to buy less and smaller cars. We recently did three articles mJA2ZL4EfX8-00067-00040216-00040824 based on a literature survey and agent-based simulation on shared autonomous electric vehicles. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00068-00040960-00041560 You would not own your own vehicle, but you could travel just a quickly and comfortably at mJA2ZL4EfX8-00069-00041560-00042272 a fraction of the cost and without having to worry about parking your car. We found this would could mJA2ZL4EfX8-00070-00042272-00043200 lead to much more car travel at lower costs but would require only 6% of resources. And it would mJA2ZL4EfX8-00071-00043200-00043920 take less road space, a hundred times less parking space and make cities healthier and safer. I think mJA2ZL4EfX8-00072-00043920-00044520 this is the future we should create, not one in which every household owns a Ford 150 lightning. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00073-00044632-00045200 And if you think an SUV is such a nice car to drive in, just think what it means for others in mJA2ZL4EfX8-00074-00045200-00045992 the city. Here a mother demontrates the number of kids that can hide in her blind spot. Smaller cars mJA2ZL4EfX8-00075-00046152-00046528 are vehicles are definitely safer for pedestrians and cylists. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00076-00046712-00047424 So that about production and how to reduce demand by sharing stuff. Now let's talk about sharing mJA2ZL4EfX8-00077-00047424-00048080 with future generations through the use of recycling. What we should understand first mJA2ZL4EfX8-00078-00048080-00048816 is that right now, recycling battery materials is relatively unimportant. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00079-00048816-00049184 In this picture you see a conservative estimate for the growth of electric vehicles. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00080-00049288-00049856 Now I will add the amount of scrapped vehicles. Because cars are used at least 16 years on mJA2ZL4EfX8-00081-00049856-00050288 average - and with electric vehicles this might be longer because of the lack of mJA2ZL4EfX8-00082-00050288-00051016 maintenance - it will take many years before the number of batteries available for re-use mJA2ZL4EfX8-00083-00051016-00051391 will be a significant percentage. And we are not even talking about mJA2ZL4EfX8-00084-00051391-00051984 second life here. That would of course make the resources last longer mJA2ZL4EfX8-00085-00052120-00052328 and is almost always a better idea than recycling right away. A good example is a project in the mJA2ZL4EfX8-00086-00052328-00053055 Amsterdam Arena I visited recently where they do peak shaving with old Nissan Leaf batteries. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00087-00053367-00053879 Regarding recycling I cannot go into details here because there are too many chemistries mJA2ZL4EfX8-00088-00053879-00054479 and approaches and it's all still in it's nascent stages. I'll link to a recent overview in Nature mJA2ZL4EfX8-00089-00054696-00055240 in the description. But there are already many recycling project. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00090-00055424-00055991 HB Straubel, the former CTO of Tesla famously went from Tesla to starting his battery recycling mJA2ZL4EfX8-00091-00055991-00056648 company and many others also see a business case. That is not pie in the sky thinking either. Lead mJA2ZL4EfX8-00092-00056648-00057184 acid batteries are recycled for over 98% in western European countries and NREL in the US mJA2ZL4EfX8-00093-00057184-00057943 has the goal of 90% recycling and the EU even has 95% for many material, a number already achieved mJA2ZL4EfX8-00094-00057943-00058520 in the lab. So I think that we will certainly see recycling of the vast majority of batteries mJA2ZL4EfX8-00095-00058520-00059424 once they become available en-masse. We've seen that in an low carbon future, mJA2ZL4EfX8-00096-00059424-00060064 electric vehicle replace 75 tons of carbon dioxide with 250 kilogram of batteries. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00097-00060240-00060736 We've seen that mining for resources is the biggest bottleneck. There is ample material mJA2ZL4EfX8-00098-00060736-00061336 but scaling up production is a challenge and mining is also where most CO2 emissions occur. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00099-00061432-00061960 We saw that there are many plans to build battery manufacturing plants and that these plants mJA2ZL4EfX8-00100-00061960-00062376 are quickly becoming so efficient that their greenhouse gas emissions are less of a concern. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00101-00062536-00063167 I've cautioned that giving everybody a large car might not be a future to aspire to and sharing mJA2ZL4EfX8-00102-00063167-00063744 would reduce needed resources to 6% or so and that we could reduce resource use to less than one mJA2ZL4EfX8-00103-00063744-00064176 twentieth of that by recycling, making it possible to heal the earth. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00104-00064391-00064784 Is that future I envision likely to come true? mJA2ZL4EfX8-00105-00064912-00065424 I don't know but you know what they say: the best way to predict the future is to invent it. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00106-00065536-00065992 And it's clear that this future would be comfortable and technologically possible. mJA2ZL4EfX8-00107-00065992-00066712 So I say: let's make it come true. Thank you very much. mRC8DZDV2BE-00000-00000504-00000706 Welcome to my channel! mRC8DZDV2BE-00001-00000744-00000876 My name is Lymari Santiago. mRC8DZDV2BE-00002-00000890-00001056 I’m a musician and writer. mRC8DZDV2BE-00003-00001120-00001388 And today I’ll be doing a short tutorial mRC8DZDV2BE-00004-00001388-00001536 from the piece of Adelita mRC8DZDV2BE-00005-00001536-00001718 written by Francisco Tárrega. mRC8DZDV2BE-00006-00001766-00002004 I’ll start talking about some exercises mRC8DZDV2BE-00007-00002052-00002250 That I think must be incorporated mRC8DZDV2BE-00008-00002268-00002532 before starting to practice the piece. mRC8DZDV2BE-00009-00002600-00002728 The first exercise… mRC8DZDV2BE-00010-00002888-00003024 If you have a tremolo mute mRC8DZDV2BE-00011-00003078-00003268 They sell it in Strings by Mail. mRC8DZDV2BE-00012-00003288-00003510 I’ll add the link in the description box below. mRC8DZDV2BE-00013-00003526-00003794 I made this because the original broke. mRC8DZDV2BE-00014-00003800-00003900 This was made with foamy. mRC8DZDV2BE-00015-00004094-00004310 The first exercise is a basic exercise. mRC8DZDV2BE-00016-00004468-00004540 You’ll do it… mRC8DZDV2BE-00017-00004710-00004890 I’ll do the example. mRC8DZDV2BE-00018-00005092-00005360 From the first position go to the fifth position. mRC8DZDV2BE-00019-00005652-00005864 And then go to the ninth. mRC8DZDV2BE-00020-00006050-00006216 Then go to the second string. mRC8DZDV2BE-00021-00006430-00006678 Go to the fifth position and finally to the first. mRC8DZDV2BE-00022-00006736-00007040 And the same pattern you’ll continue to do until the sixth string. mRC8DZDV2BE-00023-00007078-00007312 And from the sixth string go down until the first one. mRC8DZDV2BE-00024-00007368-00007700 You’ll do it with fingers IM and MA. mRC8DZDV2BE-00025-00007838-00008222 This exercise doesn’t only help with coordination of both hands, mRC8DZDV2BE-00026-00008236-00008450 but you can practice a little the glissando mRC8DZDV2BE-00027-00008516-00008890 from the first position to the fifth mRC8DZDV2BE-00028-00008912-00008990 and from the fifth to the ninth. mRC8DZDV2BE-00029-00009124-00009472 The glissando is a technique that will be used in Adelita piece. mRC8DZDV2BE-00030-00009490-00009732 I’ll do the exercise quick one time mRC8DZDV2BE-00031-00009746-00009834 so you have an idea. mRC8DZDV2BE-00032-00009890-00010052 Obviously when you practice the exercise mRC8DZDV2BE-00033-00010066-00010186 you’ll do it with the metronome. mRC8DZDV2BE-00034-00010202-00010594 Start with a comfortable tempo for you mRC8DZDV2BE-00035-00010620-00010986 and gradually increasing the speed of the metronome. mRC8DZDV2BE-00036-00014234-00014590 The next exercise that I recommend is of slurs. mRC8DZDV2BE-00037-00014600-00014650 You can use, mRC8DZDV2BE-00038-00014654-00014790 if you have a teacher, mRC8DZDV2BE-00039-00014802-00015128 and that teacher gave you some slurs exercises, mRC8DZDV2BE-00040-00015136-00015232 you can use them. mRC8DZDV2BE-00041-00015297-00015472 I prefer a lot the ones from Pumping Nylon. mRC8DZDV2BE-00042-00015484-00015656 The ones from the book from Scott Tenant. mRC8DZDV2BE-00043-00015732-00015944 I’ll do a short demonstration, mRC8DZDV2BE-00044-00015958-00016490 but obviously Scott Tenant’s book have more combinations. mRC8DZDV2BE-00045-00016566-00017154 Focus a lot the third and fourth finger, the second and the third. mRC8DZDV2BE-00046-00017154-00017260 Are the hardest, mRC8DZDV2BE-00047-00017318-00017434 specially the third and fourth, mRC8DZDV2BE-00048-00017462-00017676 because in the measures eleven and twelve, mRC8DZDV2BE-00049-00017954-00018042 this slurs from here mRC8DZDV2BE-00050-00018130-00018338 are challenging. mRC8DZDV2BE-00051-00018530-00018644 I’ll present only mRC8DZDV2BE-00052-00018960-00019026 the third and fourth. mRC8DZDV2BE-00053-00020916-00021018 I did them in triplets. mRC8DZDV2BE-00054-00021040-00021228 Obviously you can do them in eighth notes. mRC8DZDV2BE-00055-00021488-00021552 Like that. mRC8DZDV2BE-00056-00021570-00021620 And then. mRC8DZDV2BE-00057-00021858-00021984 And I’ll say again, mRC8DZDV2BE-00058-00021994-00022292 the Scott Tenant’s book have excellent slurs exercises. mRC8DZDV2BE-00059-00022410-00022772 Another exercise that you should include mRC8DZDV2BE-00060-00022824-00022936 is of barre. mRC8DZDV2BE-00061-00022950-00023274 The barre, at first when one is starting to play guitar mRC8DZDV2BE-00062-00023328-00023482 Is also challenging. mRC8DZDV2BE-00063-00023570-00023800 There’s one exercise from Julio Sagreras, mRC8DZDV2BE-00064-00023818-00023946 the second book. mRC8DZDV2BE-00065-00023958-00024064 I’ll not be doing it. mRC8DZDV2BE-00066-00024104-00024222 I’ll be doing a variation, mRC8DZDV2BE-00067-00024234-00024462 that is a exercise that I learned at University. mRC8DZDV2BE-00068-00025346-00025510 And that you keep moving mRC8DZDV2BE-00069-00026026-00026324 until reaching the fifth or sixth position. mRC8DZDV2BE-00070-00027456-00027689 And there’s also another exercise mRC8DZDV2BE-00071-00027689-00028010 that McAllister do. mRC8DZDV2BE-00072-00028122-00028252 It’s very easy mRC8DZDV2BE-00073-00028277-00028458 and I also recommend it. mRC8DZDV2BE-00074-00028466-00028612 You start in the first string. mRC8DZDV2BE-00075-00028714-00028936 Like if you were going to do the tremolo: mRC8DZDV2BE-00076-00028936-00029186 Thumb, AMI mRC8DZDV2BE-00077-00029192-00029286 in the same string. mRC8DZDV2BE-00078-00029506-00029710 I’ll do it faster. mRC8DZDV2BE-00079-00029822-00030006 In the description box I’ll add the link mRC8DZDV2BE-00080-00030006-00030239 so you can watch the entire exercise by McAllister. mRC8DZDV2BE-00081-00031830-00031945 The idea in this exercise mRC8DZDV2BE-00082-00031952-00032395 is to keep the barre sounding, every string, mRC8DZDV2BE-00083-00032570-00032794 while, at the same time you play mRC8DZDV2BE-00084-00032882-00033256 fingers two, three and four. mRC8DZDV2BE-00085-00033344-00033612 And those are the exercises that I recommend to practice. mRC8DZDV2BE-00086-00033626-00034094 You can add it to your practice routine, or warm-up mRC8DZDV2BE-00087-00034100-00034434 Before starting to play the piece of Adelita. mRC8DZDV2BE-00088-00034482-00034814 Now, at last, I’ll be talking about the Adelita piece. mRC8DZDV2BE-00089-00034822-00035156 The Adelita piece is very melodic. mRC8DZDV2BE-00090-00035160-00035412 And it’s really important to highlight the melody. mRC8DZDV2BE-00091-00035422-00035548 For example, Part A. mRC8DZDV2BE-00092-00036722-00036896 That’s the melody from the first part. mRC8DZDV2BE-00093-00036962-00037174 Eventually, I’ll talk about the second part. mRC8DZDV2BE-00094-00037224-00037514 What I recommend is that you practice the melody apart. mRC8DZDV2BE-00095-00037614-00037814 Get familiarized with the melody mRC8DZDV2BE-00096-00037828-00038050 because when you add the rest of the notes, mRC8DZDV2BE-00097-00038118-00038318 that forms what it is the harmony, mRC8DZDV2BE-00098-00038602-00038750 this two notes, for example, mRC8DZDV2BE-00099-00038876-00039074 try to play them softer, mRC8DZDV2BE-00100-00039088-00039354 so that it doesn't surpass what is the melody. mRC8DZDV2BE-00101-00039664-00039940 And that happens throughout the entire piece. mRC8DZDV2BE-00102-00040096-00040328 Another thing that I want to talk about too mRC8DZDV2BE-00103-00040336-00040644 is about what is the mazurka. mRC8DZDV2BE-00104-00040732-00040970 The mazurka, originally is a dance. mRC8DZDV2BE-00105-00040970-00041448 Thus, the piece, per se must be faster. mRC8DZDV2BE-00106-00041514-00041928 Now, the original transcription from Tárrega, mRC8DZDV2BE-00107-00041934-00042256 he added the tempo, mRC8DZDV2BE-00108-00042300-00042476 the tempo indication Lento (slow). mRC8DZDV2BE-00109-00042544-00043046 Which it’s not very characteristic of the mazurka. mRC8DZDV2BE-00110-00043058-00043178 That’s why you’ll hear recordings mRC8DZDV2BE-00111-00043178-00043432 in which they play Adelita faster, mRC8DZDV2BE-00112-00043532-00043864 and you may also find recordings in which you’ll hear it slow. mRC8DZDV2BE-00113-00043964-00044162 Both ways isn’t wrong. mRC8DZDV2BE-00114-00044196-00044538 And not because it says Lento mRC8DZDV2BE-00115-00044590-00044836 means isn’t completely a mazurka, mRC8DZDV2BE-00116-00044836-00045162 because there are also other elements mRC8DZDV2BE-00117-00045168-00045432 that are taken into consideration too. mRC8DZDV2BE-00118-00045438-00045500 For example, mRC8DZDV2BE-00119-00045548-00045748 in the second beat of the mazurka mRC8DZDV2BE-00120-00045756-00045842 there’s an accent, mRC8DZDV2BE-00121-00045846-00046244 and in Adelita piece come up that accent. mRC8DZDV2BE-00122-00046244-00046294 For example, mRC8DZDV2BE-00123-00046566-00047020 in this note that is in the second beat. mRC8DZDV2BE-00124-00047052-00047102 One. mRC8DZDV2BE-00125-00047136-00047190 Two. mRC8DZDV2BE-00126-00047232-00047282 Three. mRC8DZDV2BE-00127-00047328-00047378 One. mRC8DZDV2BE-00128-00047408-00047458 Two. mRC8DZDV2BE-00129-00047672-00047914 That accent, too, is important that, mRC8DZDV2BE-00130-00048058-00048310 that you emphasize when you’re playing the piece. mRC8DZDV2BE-00131-00048356-00048648 And, obviously, the glissandos. mRC8DZDV2BE-00132-00048662-00048784 I want to talk too mRC8DZDV2BE-00133-00048804-00048916 about apart that mRC8DZDV2BE-00134-00048954-00049236 I took the freedom to change the fingering. mRC8DZDV2BE-00135-00049282-00049490 If you saw my video playing. mRC8DZDV2BE-00136-00049578-00049860 It’s in the fourth measure mRC8DZDV2BE-00137-00049954-00050186 that there’s a crescendo. mRC8DZDV2BE-00138-00050566-00050616 I… mRC8DZDV2BE-00139-00050654-00050796 To avoid breaking, mRC8DZDV2BE-00140-00050796-00051124 what would be the arpeggio. mRC8DZDV2BE-00141-00051288-00051394 I decided to do it like this. mRC8DZDV2BE-00142-00051394-00051514 There are other ways to do it. mRC8DZDV2BE-00143-00051929-00052062 Because of the original sheet music mRC8DZDV2BE-00144-00052074-00052240 have a glissando that goes mRC8DZDV2BE-00145-00052338-00052598 from B to E. mRC8DZDV2BE-00146-00052658-00052858 If you want to do it with the glissando mRC8DZDV2BE-00147-00052934-00053044 but don’t want to break, mRC8DZDV2BE-00148-00053170-00053314 what will be the arpeggio phrase, mRC8DZDV2BE-00149-00053314-00053510 you can also do it like this. mRC8DZDV2BE-00150-00053850-00054144 Then you do B with the fourth finger mRC8DZDV2BE-00151-00054228-00054394 and taking advantage of having the fourth finger mRC8DZDV2BE-00152-00054478-00054528 you get to E. mRC8DZDV2BE-00153-00054704-00054798 And you continue to play it. mRC8DZDV2BE-00154-00054850-00054972 Those are other forms to do it. mRC8DZDV2BE-00155-00054972-00055294 I chose to do it like this, mRC8DZDV2BE-00156-00055294-00055410 but you can do it mRC8DZDV2BE-00157-00055741-00055955 how was originally written in the sheet music mRC8DZDV2BE-00158-00055966-00056016 or mRC8DZDV2BE-00159-00056412-00056590 that way too, you can do it. mRC8DZDV2BE-00160-00056682-00056917 When the first part ends, mRC8DZDV2BE-00161-00056926-00057160 and that happens in the second part, mRC8DZDV2BE-00162-00057250-00057479 obviously not with these same notes. mRC8DZDV2BE-00163-00057755-00057932 There’s a glissando here in the first part. mRC8DZDV2BE-00164-00058062-00058128 And these notes, mRC8DZDV2BE-00165-00058128-00058302 there’s a little ritardando mRC8DZDV2BE-00166-00058391-00058744 and also the sound decrease. mRC8DZDV2BE-00167-00058946-00058996 It’s important mRC8DZDV2BE-00168-00059005-00059066 the string E mRC8DZDV2BE-00169-00059262-00059364 don’t play it too loud because mRC8DZDV2BE-00170-00059364-00059658 obviously is not what indicates the piece. mRC8DZDV2BE-00171-00060026-00060272 Then, the second part mRC8DZDV2BE-00172-00060272-00060332 the same. mRC8DZDV2BE-00173-00060391-00060555 Practice the melody apart. mRC8DZDV2BE-00174-00061674-00061836 Then there’s a little arpeggio. mRC8DZDV2BE-00175-00061929-00062052 And the same, mRC8DZDV2BE-00176-00062054-00062276 Suppress the rest of the notes mRC8DZDV2BE-00177-00062288-00062517 so they don’t overshadow the melody. mRC8DZDV2BE-00178-00062517-00062648 The melody generally is mRC8DZDV2BE-00179-00062654-00062882 Is the upper voice of the piece. mRC8DZDV2BE-00180-00062914-00063212 The first two measures are exactly the same. mRC8DZDV2BE-00181-00063776-00064034 If you want to add a little variation mRC8DZDV2BE-00182-00064038-00064236 so that everything doesn’t sound linear mRC8DZDV2BE-00183-00064236-00064536 you can do the first strong (loud) mRC8DZDV2BE-00184-00064834-00065066 and then the second a little softer. mRC8DZDV2BE-00185-00065441-00065796 And then comes the two famous measures mRC8DZDV2BE-00186-00065796-00065956 eleven and twelve mRC8DZDV2BE-00187-00066062-00066218 that is the more challenging. mRC8DZDV2BE-00188-00066788-00066994 That the reason because it’s harder it’s mRC8DZDV2BE-00189-00066996-00067130 First, because of the slur. mRC8DZDV2BE-00190-00067480-00067592 And then the jump. mRC8DZDV2BE-00191-00067704-00067884 My recommendation for the jump mRC8DZDV2BE-00192-00068148-00068372 it’s putting first the finger three. mRC8DZDV2BE-00193-00068396-00068490 It worked for me. mRC8DZDV2BE-00194-00068998-00069258 Putting the third finger creates a little more stability mRC8DZDV2BE-00195-00069534-00069734 which facilitates you then mRC8DZDV2BE-00196-00069772-00070010 the transfer from here to here. mRC8DZDV2BE-00197-00070130-00070320 Then, another thing that mRC8DZDV2BE-00198-00070358-00070802 I used a different fingering is what comes next mRC8DZDV2BE-00199-00070802-00071020 which is also a small arpeggio. mRC8DZDV2BE-00200-00071156-00071264 I decided, of course, mRC8DZDV2BE-00201-00071264-00071474 if you have the easiness of doing it. mRC8DZDV2BE-00202-00071774-00071900 I decided to do this. mRC8DZDV2BE-00203-00072018-00072254 Instead of what was originally written. mRC8DZDV2BE-00204-00072360-00072410 You can do it… mRC8DZDV2BE-00205-00072410-00072654 I recommend doing it this way. mRC8DZDV2BE-00206-00072692-00072932 Doing a short barre in the first string mRC8DZDV2BE-00207-00072966-00073098 using this part of here. mRC8DZDV2BE-00208-00073522-00073656 You can also do it like this. mRC8DZDV2BE-00209-00073806-00074010 But I recommend doing it like this mRC8DZDV2BE-00210-00074072-00074218 because when you come from here mRC8DZDV2BE-00211-00074218-00074332 you already have a barre mRC8DZDV2BE-00212-00074594-00074782 and you don’t have to this jump mRC8DZDV2BE-00213-00075102-00075456 but you can create continuity. mRC8DZDV2BE-00214-00075504-00075554 Then… mRC8DZDV2BE-00215-00075592-00075732 The next part. mRC8DZDV2BE-00216-00075738-00075912 You can do it in the first position mRC8DZDV2BE-00217-00076326-00076522 or how was originally written. mRC8DZDV2BE-00218-00077058-00077230 The advantage of doing it here mRC8DZDV2BE-00219-00077430-00077636 is that you have more resonance. mRC8DZDV2BE-00220-00077676-00077878 But there’s no problem if you want to do it here. mRC8DZDV2BE-00221-00078574-00078740 Then you have a glissando mRC8DZDV2BE-00222-00079066-00079452 from the fret number four until the fret number thirteen. mRC8DZDV2BE-00223-00079664-00079822 And, here finally mRC8DZDV2BE-00224-00079996-00080134 I decided to do it with finger two mRC8DZDV2BE-00225-00080134-00080254 because I move it here mRC8DZDV2BE-00226-00080254-00080480 and I have the finger free to do the barre. mRC8DZDV2BE-00227-00080644-00080880 And there’s also a slur. mRC8DZDV2BE-00228-00081144-00081276 This combination of notes, mRC8DZDV2BE-00229-00081446-00081724 this notes has a fermata mRC8DZDV2BE-00230-00081724-00081988 and is important to wait for it mRC8DZDV2BE-00231-00082318-00082424 for various reasons. mRC8DZDV2BE-00232-00082716-00083026 Because you’ll jump from here to the first position. mRC8DZDV2BE-00233-00083126-00083374 Obviously, you’ll do it with finger three. mRC8DZDV2BE-00234-00083956-00084056 And here occurs the same. mRC8DZDV2BE-00235-00084154-00084438 The string E that does not sound too loud, mRC8DZDV2BE-00236-00084474-00084664 but lower. mRC8DZDV2BE-00237-00085200-00085342 And there’s a ritardando here. mRC8DZDV2BE-00238-00085688-00085738 The end, mRC8DZDV2BE-00239-00085762-00085900 those last notes mRC8DZDV2BE-00240-00085990-00086190 The fingering that I used mRC8DZDV2BE-00241-00086612-00086802 allows you doing it playful, mRC8DZDV2BE-00242-00086822-00086970 that I actually like how it sounds like that. mRC8DZDV2BE-00243-00086980-00087228 I played it both ways mRC8DZDV2BE-00244-00087230-00087348 recorded it and hear it myself mRC8DZDV2BE-00245-00087348-00087534 to see which of the two forms mRC8DZDV2BE-00246-00087578-00087778 I was finally going to incorporate to the video. mRC8DZDV2BE-00247-00087822-00087984 You can do it like this jumpy mRC8DZDV2BE-00248-00088046-00088176 or that there’s more continuity. mRC8DZDV2BE-00249-00088878-00089160 Then, when the piece gets to the end, there’s a D. C. mRC8DZDV2BE-00250-00089162-00089280 It means Da Capo. mRC8DZDV2BE-00251-00089280-00089596 You start the piece from the beginning until the end. mRC8DZDV2BE-00252-00089638-00090136 You’ll find transcriptions from the piece that says D. C. al Fine mRC8DZDV2BE-00253-00090198-00090436 and the Fine is at the end of the first part. mRC8DZDV2BE-00254-00090546-00090714 The original transcription, mRC8DZDV2BE-00255-00090714-00090988 Tárrega’s indication said D. C. mRC8DZDV2BE-00256-00090992-00091240 From the beginning, you repeated the piece entirely mRC8DZDV2BE-00257-00091242-00091386 Part A and Part B mRC8DZDV2BE-00258-00091502-00091828 And since, I don’t know at what time mRC8DZDV2BE-00259-00091906-00092054 they started to play the piece mRC8DZDV2BE-00260-00092058-00092152 repeat the… mRC8DZDV2BE-00261-00092214-00092386 You play the entire piece, mRC8DZDV2BE-00262-00092450-00092710 you play the Part A and finalize the piece. mRC8DZDV2BE-00263-00092902-00093108 I leave it at your discretion. mRC8DZDV2BE-00264-00093156-00093360 If you want to play the piece two times entirely mRC8DZDV2BE-00265-00093364-00093708 or if you want to play the piece the first time entirely mRC8DZDV2BE-00266-00093708-00094036 and the second time only Part A. mRC8DZDV2BE-00267-00094084-00094200 That’s everything for today mRC8DZDV2BE-00268-00094208-00094376 From the short tutorial of Adelita. mRC8DZDV2BE-00269-00094416-00094570 I hope you liked it. mRC8DZDV2BE-00270-00094594-00094728 You can subscribe to my channel mRC8DZDV2BE-00271-00094788-00095002 and share this video with your friends. mRC8DZDV2BE-00272-00095032-00095088 Thank you! mRC8DZDV2BE-00273-00095120-00095244 Thanks for watching this video. mRC8DZDV2BE-00274-00095246-00095342 If you like it mRC8DZDV2BE-00275-00095428-00095628 I invite you to subscribe to my channel, mRC8DZDV2BE-00276-00095628-00095720 like this video mRC8DZDV2BE-00277-00095720-00095930 and share it with your friends. mRC8DZDV2BE-00278-00095952-00096256 Also, I invite you to read my most recent book mRC8DZDV2BE-00279-00096312-00096566 Beat The University! As a Classical Guitar Student mRC8DZDV2BE-00280-00096566-00096738 Available on Amazon. mRC8DZDV2BE-00281-00096786-00096952 In the description box I’ll add the link mRC8DZDV2BE-00282-00096952-00097074 so you can get it. mS8MRJeEuIg-00000-00000048-00000848 hi i'm Donely with guiding wallet and today I have a wild story about how scammers mS8MRJeEuIg-00001-00000903-00001839 helped create Monero. It is a story about anonymous founders and serious privacy technology mS8MRJeEuIg-00002-00001960-00002248 so get comfortable and let's get started. mS8MRJeEuIg-00003-00002800-00003215 The year is 2014 and you're just browsing the internet, mS8MRJeEuIg-00004-00003304-00004024 you go to a bitcoin forum and you come across this new thing called Bytecoin it seems interesting mS8MRJeEuIg-00005-00004079-00004848 so you read on it claims to solve all of the privacy issues that plague bitcoin, mS8MRJeEuIg-00006-00004920-00005704 but every new coin says that so you keep scrolling down the thread and it seems to be the real deal. mS8MRJeEuIg-00007-00005768-00006472 Top Bitcoin devs like Gregory Maxwell say the cryptography is solid. "The privacy achieved by mS8MRJeEuIg-00008-00006472-00007312 bytecoin is better than any existing in production privacy tools" - gregory maxwell. It has even been mS8MRJeEuIg-00009-00007312-00008112 used on secretive online markets to facilitate illegal transactions for years. No one has ever mS8MRJeEuIg-00010-00008112-00008712 been caught using bytecoin so it has a track record to support his bold claims about privacy. mS8MRJeEuIg-00011-00008904-00009392 As you go further down the page you start reading about the tech behind bytecoin and mS8MRJeEuIg-00012-00009392-00010128 you're amazed at what you find. the bytecoin tech actually solves a lot of bitcoin's privacy issues. mS8MRJeEuIg-00013-00010224-00010696 Privacy issues that prevent bitcoin from being used for everyday transactions. mS8MRJeEuIg-00014-00011280-00012368 bitcoin is new internet money but it should not be used for everyday transactions due to privacy mS8MRJeEuIg-00015-00012368-00013352 issues. See all of bitcoin's transactions are open for everyone to see; they have this basic format mS8MRJeEuIg-00016-00013352-00014263 there is a from column a to column and an amount column. that's pretty much it every transaction mS8MRJeEuIg-00017-00014319-00015080 follows this pattern and all the transactions are open for anyone to see and verify for themselves mS8MRJeEuIg-00018-00015191-00015784 this openness seems great at first, you can check all transactions and that no one is mS8MRJeEuIg-00019-00015784-00016536 up to any funny business until you realize that anyone can see how much money you have mS8MRJeEuIg-00020-00016600-00017344 and what you do with your money although no names are used people can still follow your transactions mS8MRJeEuIg-00021-00017432-00018272 using the to and from identifiers this means that people can track how much money you have mS8MRJeEuIg-00022-00018272-00018960 and where you spend it. For example let's say that your grandma gives you nine thousand dollars mS8MRJeEuIg-00023-00019016-00019816 as a graduation gift if you send money using that account to anyone else they can trace mS8MRJeEuIg-00024-00019816-00020792 the transactions back and see that nine thousand dollar gift. this is bad because people might ask mS8MRJeEuIg-00025-00020792-00021440 you for money, someone might even attempt to rob you since they can see that you have so much money mS8MRJeEuIg-00026-00021592-00022336 you do not want people to track your spending habits for many reasons bytecoin solves mS8MRJeEuIg-00027-00022400-00023120 a lot of the privacy problems that affect bitcoin by using private identifiers and other techniques mS8MRJeEuIg-00028-00023240-00023656 this means that you can still check all transactions and make sure that mS8MRJeEuIg-00029-00023656-00024472 no one is cheating. this level of privacy is only possible through the new cryptocurrency bytecoin. mS8MRJeEuIg-00030-00024576-00025384 Criminals have been using bytecoin for years for its privacy technology so the thread says. mS8MRJeEuIg-00031-00025839-00026688 as you read on about bytecoin someone says that bytecoin has been used on darknet markets mS8MRJeEuIg-00032-00026688-00027448 for years since it has great privacy technology dark net markets mS8MRJeEuIg-00033-00027520-00028288 are online marketplaces similar to ebay but on these marketplaces people can offer mS8MRJeEuIg-00034-00028352-00029320 anything for sale you can find ads for hitmen drugs guns and many other frowned upon services mS8MRJeEuIg-00035-00029400-00030039 since bytecoin was used on these markets 80 % of the coins have already been claimed and mined mS8MRJeEuIg-00036-00030176-00030768 bytecoin is a great cryptocurrency and you wish that you had heard about it earlier you mS8MRJeEuIg-00037-00030768-00031592 might still buy some bytecoin since it has great privacy technology and you can see it being used a mS8MRJeEuIg-00038-00031592-00032392 lot more someday but you read on and the dark net market story does not have anyone supporting it mS8MRJeEuIg-00039-00032536-00033232 no one outside of a few people on the thread have ever heard about bytecoin and no one mS8MRJeEuIg-00040-00033232-00034120 claims to have used it before this perfect private crypto seems to be a pre-mine scam unfortunately mS8MRJeEuIg-00041-00034760-00035704 well what is a pre-mine scam it is kind of complicated but i will give you a simple mS8MRJeEuIg-00042-00035704-00036456 definition a pre-mine scam is where someone fabricates a fake mS8MRJeEuIg-00043-00036456-00037200 background story for a cryptocurrency in order to convince you to buy the cryptocurrency mS8MRJeEuIg-00044-00037400-00038208 the truth is that they own most of the cryptocurrency already. that mS8MRJeEuIg-00045-00038208-00038912 was a mouthful so i will use an example with a car company to help you all understand mS8MRJeEuIg-00046-00039120-00039872 let's say a guy came to you and offered you the ability to invest in a new electric car mS8MRJeEuIg-00047-00039872-00040840 company that is a big deal in dubai they tell you that the car company has been around for years mS8MRJeEuIg-00048-00040920-00041776 but is only big in dubai but the car company is looking to expand to other places very soon mS8MRJeEuIg-00049-00042000-00042632 he offers you one percent of the company for a hundred thousand dollars mS8MRJeEuIg-00050-00042720-00043352 since most of the local dubai investors have bought up most of the company over the years mS8MRJeEuIg-00051-00043552-00044384 this sounds like a tempting investment but the person's story is all a lie this company mS8MRJeEuIg-00052-00044384-00045056 is fake and if you invest in this company you'll just be giving him a hundred thousand dollars mS8MRJeEuIg-00053-00045112-00046096 and not getting much in return a similar thing has happened with bytecoin bytecoin's history is all mS8MRJeEuIg-00054-00046096-00047176 made up it was not used on dark markets and was just recently created the creators already own mS8MRJeEuIg-00055-00047232-00047936 eighty percent of it and they hope that people will just buy bytecoin from them in exchange mS8MRJeEuIg-00056-00047936-00048608 for real money so they created this thread and filled it with a bunch of interesting stories mS8MRJeEuIg-00057-00048688-00049368 like stories about secret online crypto organizations you know really play it up mS8MRJeEuIg-00058-00049552-00050272 although the background story is fake the technology is very real the privacy mS8MRJeEuIg-00059-00050272-00051040 technology is open it has been checked by many people and it has been deemed to be trustworthy mS8MRJeEuIg-00060-00051176-00051479 so people copy a bunch of code from bytecoin mS8MRJeEuIg-00061-00051552-00053184 and make some changes we now have the new cryptocurrency bitmonero so now we have bitmonero mS8MRJeEuIg-00062-00053296-00053984 which was created and copied from bytecoin by a developer called thankful_for_today mS8MRJeEuIg-00063-00054160-00054896 the idea behind bitmonero was to have all the great technology of bytecoin but without mS8MRJeEuIg-00064-00054960-00055752 any of the pre-mine scam issues i wish that i could say that bitmonero fulfilled his goals mS8MRJeEuIg-00065-00055848-00056591 but it is clear that it didn't since its name is not monero well what happened was mS8MRJeEuIg-00066-00056591-00057328 that thankful_for_today was also a scammer they constantly went against the community's wishes mS8MRJeEuIg-00067-00057400-00058088 and did other sus things so the community came together and changed the name of the coin to mS8MRJeEuIg-00068-00058391-00059128 monero the same monero that we all have come to love along with the name change came new mS8MRJeEuIg-00069-00059128-00059912 leadership the community star fluffypony took over as the lead maintainer and the monero dev team mS8MRJeEuIg-00070-00059967-00060448 continued to develop and improve monero the team's hard work and commitment mS8MRJeEuIg-00071-00060520-00061152 has made monero the best privacy cryptocurrency on the market today mS8MRJeEuIg-00072-00061760-00062544 so let's have a quick recap of the story bytecoin is released and it has great privacy tech mS8MRJeEuIg-00073-00062608-00063584 but an unclear background bytecoin is then found to be a scam so bitmonero is created mS8MRJeEuIg-00074-00063720-00064328 the founder behind bitmonero is also sus so we finally get mS8MRJeEuIg-00075-00064416-00065384 monero thank you for taking that journey with me i hope that it was entertaining and educational mS8MRJeEuIg-00076-00065512-00066256 that is what this channel is all about it was my first video so i would love any feedback mS8MRJeEuIg-00077-00066256-00066936 that you can leave for me in the comments below if there is something that was not clear in the video mS8MRJeEuIg-00078-00067016-00067472 or a topic you would like for me to cover more just let me know mS8MRJeEuIg-00079-00067648-00068392 and if you enjoyed this video i have a trivia show where you will learn more about monero mS8MRJeEuIg-00080-00068464-00069048 and maybe win some crypto if you get enough answers correct the link for the trivia mS8MRJeEuIg-00081-00069048-00069888 show is in the description below thank you again for watching and i will see you soon mSySRJhj4ho-00000-00000000-00000189 Today I want to talk about a technique mSySRJhj4ho-00001-00000189-00000389 that will help you change the way you mSySRJhj4ho-00002-00000389-00000641 see the world. mSySRJhj4ho-00003-00002412-00002814 Hi my name is Adam Thomas and welcome to mSySRJhj4ho-00004-00002814-00002994 the Life as Usual video blog where we mSySRJhj4ho-00005-00002994-00003204 talk about self-awareness execution and mSySRJhj4ho-00006-00003204-00003375 direction to help you become a better mSySRJhj4ho-00007-00003375-00003576 leader. The thing I want to talk about today mSySRJhj4ho-00008-00003576-00004014 is how we see problems. Usually we see mSySRJhj4ho-00009-00004014-00004272 problems as they're given. So mSySRJhj4ho-00010-00004272-00004437 when somebody gives you a problem you mSySRJhj4ho-00011-00004437-00004635 say I have to solve this here. mSySRJhj4ho-00012-00004635-00004869 "Hey I need to go to the store to get mSySRJhj4ho-00013-00004869-00005316 some food" and the problem isn't mSySRJhj4ho-00014-00005316-00005580 exactly what the problem "is" if you do a mSySRJhj4ho-00015-00005580-00005832 little thought you'll find out that you mSySRJhj4ho-00016-00005832-00005973 don't need to go to the store, exactly, mSySRJhj4ho-00017-00005973-00006183 it's just that you're hungry. mSySRJhj4ho-00018-00006183-00006405 So what I did there was a technique I mSySRJhj4ho-00019-00006405-00006789 call reframing and what reframing does mSySRJhj4ho-00020-00006789-00007050 is it allows you to take a step back and mSySRJhj4ho-00021-00007050-00007370 ask yourself what do I really want to mSySRJhj4ho-00022-00007370-00007806 solve? So like when you say that you're mSySRJhj4ho-00023-00007806-00008235 hungry,you think you have to go to the store you mSySRJhj4ho-00024-00008235-00008390 don't necessarily have to get in your mSySRJhj4ho-00025-00008390-00008478 car mSySRJhj4ho-00026-00008478-00008697 turn the ignition drive where you're mSySRJhj4ho-00027-00008697-00009048 going to drive? You can order delivery or mSySRJhj4ho-00028-00009048-00009213 you can have you can talk to your mSySRJhj4ho-00029-00009213-00009480 neighbor and get some food or you can find something mSySRJhj4ho-00030-00009480-00009633 in your cabinet to eat. They say mSySRJhj4ho-00031-00009633-00009861 there's a million ways to skin a cat. And, mSySRJhj4ho-00032-00009861-00010014 by using reframing you can think about mSySRJhj4ho-00033-00010014-00010230 each and every one to make sure you're mSySRJhj4ho-00034-00010230-00010401 picking the right one to make the right mSySRJhj4ho-00035-00010401-00010593 decisions have the most impact.I use mSySRJhj4ho-00036-00010593-00010845 this in my daily life all the time and mSySRJhj4ho-00037-00010845-00011052 not just went hungry. There's a great mSySRJhj4ho-00038-00011052-00011229 saying: when you're nailing something mSySRJhj4ho-00039-00011229-00011397 you're not looking for a nail mSySRJhj4ho-00040-00011397-00011583 you're looking for a hole and reframing mSySRJhj4ho-00041-00011583-00011772 allows you to pull back and see what mSySRJhj4ho-00042-00011772-00011943 exactly your problems are you can mSySRJhj4ho-00043-00011943-00012153 accomplish them in more novel ways. So mSySRJhj4ho-00044-00012153-00012354 remember your problem might not be a mSySRJhj4ho-00045-00012354-00012426 problem mSySRJhj4ho-00046-00012426-00012615 and by reframing you might actually find mSySRJhj4ho-00047-00012615-00012845 a way to solve the real problem in a mSySRJhj4ho-00048-00012845-00013059 real novel way. My name is Adam Thomas mSySRJhj4ho-00049-00013059-00013203 and thanks for watching the life as mSySRJhj4ho-00050-00013203-00013440 usual video below you can find me at the mSySRJhj4ho-00051-00013440-00013676 Adams Thomas com or blog that the atom mSySRJhj4ho-00052-00013676-00013893 well write daily about a mSySRJhj4ho-00053-00013893-00014880 million things including this. mTqmKYJT3xE-00000-00002118-00002693 Birds are chirping. They're singing because it's a lovely day. Today is also the mTqmKYJT3xE-00001-00002693-00003307 second day of Summer. Summer in New York City is glorious. Oh we gotta max it mTqmKYJT3xE-00002-00003307-00003757 out as best we can. It's one of the longest days of the year today, so what better mTqmKYJT3xE-00003-00003757-00004181 day to take you around to some of the best places in the city to drink mTqmKYJT3xE-00004-00004181-00004550 and eat outside. We're gonna do it all in Queens, so we're starting right here in mTqmKYJT3xE-00005-00004550-00004859 Astoria. We're gonna get something in our stomachs first. We're gonna take you to mTqmKYJT3xE-00006-00004859-00005258 some old-school and new-school spots. We're not gonna tell you what they are yet, mTqmKYJT3xE-00007-00005258-00005849 you just gotta stay tuned and watch. Let's do this. So eating outside means lots of mTqmKYJT3xE-00008-00005849-00006293 street food, so we're gonna start here in Astoria with some Greek Street food. mTqmKYJT3xE-00009-00006293-00006617 We've taken you on a tour of Greek Astoria before I check out the video mTqmKYJT3xE-00010-00006617-00006953 right up here, we're gonna put a card there. It's gonna be a different spot than mTqmKYJT3xE-00011-00006953-00007470 any the place we took in the video. And we also got a freddo cappuccino, the iced Greek cappuccino right here. mTqmKYJT3xE-00012-00007547-00007891 It's hot out, it's perfect. Mm let's go. mTqmKYJT3xE-00013-00010220-00010854 Ooh that smells good! Alright, so we're here at Elpida aka The Souvlaki Lady. A famous souvlaki mTqmKYJT3xE-00014-00010854-00011094 cart here in Astoria. So we're starting off here with the mTqmKYJT3xE-00015-00011094-00011442 classic pork souvlaki just with lemon salt and oregano - that's the way to get mTqmKYJT3xE-00016-00011442-00011769 it. And we're also waiting on something else, we'll show you in a second, but let's take mTqmKYJT3xE-00017-00011769-00012257 a bite of this delicious classic souvlaki. mTqmKYJT3xE-00018-00012704-00013100 It's so nice and juicy, really taste the lemon. Not too salty, it's got the right amount mTqmKYJT3xE-00019-00013100-00013556 of salt in it, oregano. Oh the meat is nice and well marinated - good stuff right here. mTqmKYJT3xE-00020-00013593-00013905 So, Summertime you think of barbecues, right? mTqmKYJT3xE-00021-00013905-00014229 But we don't have access to a backyard, so we have the next best thing. We're at mTqmKYJT3xE-00022-00014229-00014666 the cart. So we got here we got soutzoukakia. My Yiayia, my grandma she made it mTqmKYJT3xE-00023-00014666-00015219 stewed with tomato before, but this is minced meat this is actually grilled mTqmKYJT3xE-00024-00015219-00015734 like kebab. So this one looks more like a Middle Eastern style kebab which makes mTqmKYJT3xE-00025-00015734-00016176 sense because it actually has some Asia Minor roots to it. So let's take a look. I mTqmKYJT3xE-00026-00016176-00016578 never had this grilled before, let's try it out. It smells really good - really nicely mTqmKYJT3xE-00027-00016578-00016774 grilled. A lot of herbs here, let's take a look. mTqmKYJT3xE-00028-00017217-00017481 Oh wow! So many herbs and spices in here. mTqmKYJT3xE-00029-00017481-00018072 Very fragrant. It's very moist and tender. This is like a meatball on steroids right here. mTqmKYJT3xE-00030-00018072-00018795 It's got that crispy outside, the inside is so so tender. Oh it's delicious. mTqmKYJT3xE-00031-00018795-00019200 I was just in Athens a few months, she made it with tomato yeah. mTqmKYJT3xE-00032-00019200-00019524 It's either on the grill or inside the sauce. It looks good! mTqmKYJT3xE-00033-00019641-00020438 How about you, where are you from? Thessaloniki. Ohh Thessaloniki, haven't been yet, I want to go. It's a beautiful city. mTqmKYJT3xE-00034-00021393-00022212 So you've seen guides of Summer drinking outdoor places here in New York City mTqmKYJT3xE-00035-00022212-00022973 focusing on Manhattan and Brooklyn. But today, we're just focusing in Queens. mTqmKYJT3xE-00036-00022973-00023491 This is our home borough. We are outside the oldest beer garden in New York City, Bohemian Hall. mTqmKYJT3xE-00037-00023491-00024048 It's a Czech beer garden. It's over 100 years old, it's a classic. I grew up right mTqmKYJT3xE-00038-00024048-00024420 down the block from here. My neighbor growing up was Czech she would come here mTqmKYJT3xE-00039-00024420-00024904 many years, so we're gonna show this to you. It's very popular, it's awesome. This is mTqmKYJT3xE-00040-00024904-00025150 the spot you want to check out. You want to go to a beer garden, this is the real deal right here. mTqmKYJT3xE-00041-00025832-00026208 Alright, so we are here at the Bohemian Hall beer garden. mTqmKYJT3xE-00042-00026245-00026613 This place is awesome for many reasons. It's the most classic beer garden in New York. mTqmKYJT3xE-00043-00026613-00027052 It's family-friendly, you can go out with your friends. You have all ages here. mTqmKYJT3xE-00044-00027052-00027316 As a matter of fact, there's a big children's party right next to us going on right now. mTqmKYJT3xE-00045-00027316-00027760 It's a great spot to watch sports. Copa America's going on right now. There's mTqmKYJT3xE-00046-00027760-00028411 some Brazil and Peru fans here. This is a classic spot. World Cup gets wild here, mTqmKYJT3xE-00047-00028411-00028936 especially for a lot of the European teams, a lot of the South American teams. You know we mTqmKYJT3xE-00048-00028936-00029283 have that heavy contingent here in Queens. You know we're very diverse. Without further mTqmKYJT3xE-00049-00029333-00029566 ado, let's take a sip of our drinks. mTqmKYJT3xE-00050-00029919-00030295 I got rose cider. I am not a beer person, I love my red wine. mTqmKYJT3xE-00051-00030295-00031019 It's a beer garden so rose cider it is. Yep. I got a Czechvar, it's a Czech mTqmKYJT3xE-00052-00031019-00031258 beer here. Had to go with a Czech beer at this mTqmKYJT3xE-00053-00031289-00031482 beer garden. Why not, right? mTqmKYJT3xE-00054-00031718-00031910 So salud! In Czech, Na zdraví mTqmKYJT3xE-00055-00032168-00032272 Oh that's good. mTqmKYJT3xE-00056-00032436-00032627 Oh it's smooth, refreshing. mTqmKYJT3xE-00057-00033797-00034197 That was fun at the beer garden. Now we're trying to catch our ferry. mTqmKYJT3xE-00058-00034197-00034549 Yeah catching the ferry taking the scenic route over to Long Island mTqmKYJT3xE-00059-00034549-00034984 City to our next spot. But, the ferry we're gonna be talking about we're gonna mTqmKYJT3xE-00060-00034984-00035481 show you the beautiful views. This is the Astoria ferry right here. Love the scenic route. mTqmKYJT3xE-00061-00036350-00036790 A day like today a beautiful Summer day. Yes, it is summer! We're so mTqmKYJT3xE-00062-00036790-00037009 happy about that! On a beautiful Summer day like today, mTqmKYJT3xE-00063-00037009-00037509 you can catch the bridges, the skylines, just take in some sun. Some vitamin D is mTqmKYJT3xE-00064-00037509-00037915 good for you. And what's cool about the ferry too if you wanted to drink they do mTqmKYJT3xE-00065-00037915-00038334 have beer and wine on board. But, we're gonna drink some more. We already drank a mTqmKYJT3xE-00066-00038334-00038688 little before and we're only going two stops, we're not gonna do that now. But, mTqmKYJT3xE-00067-00038728-00038880 this ferry is awesome. mTqmKYJT3xE-00068-00040919-00041469 The ferry ride was awesome. It was the quickest way to get from Astoria to Long Island City. mTqmKYJT3xE-00069-00041469-00042069 So the N train's had so many issues over the mTqmKYJT3xE-00070-00042069-00042465 past few years as Astoria residents will know very well, so it's not even mTqmKYJT3xE-00071-00042465-00042828 running between Astoria and Queensboro Plaza in Long Island City, so mTqmKYJT3xE-00072-00042828-00043199 this is the fastest way to get here. And it's the most scenic and enjoyable. mTqmKYJT3xE-00073-00043199-00043656 Especially the weather like today. So now we're gonna head to our next drinking spot, mTqmKYJT3xE-00074-00043656-00044138 which will also have some food. I'm excited it's one of our favorites, yes! mTqmKYJT3xE-00075-00044138-00044553 It's got a great view of the city. That's enough. Hold on, we're gonna show you all the good stuff mTqmKYJT3xE-00076-00046009-00046574 It's so sunny, I love it! We're currently at Anable Basin. It's a beautiful mTqmKYJT3xE-00077-00046574-00047065 beautiful outdoor place in Queens and it's the best place to drink and eat and look at the scenic mTqmKYJT3xE-00078-00047185-00048028 beautiful skyline view. I would like to take the credit of introducing this place to Greg mTqmKYJT3xE-00079-00048028-00048845 five years ago. This has been the place every summertime outdoor drinks for the last five years. mTqmKYJT3xE-00080-00049144-00049520 So what's cool about Anable Basin I believe it's the only mTqmKYJT3xE-00081-00049520-00050168 spot on the water where you can drink in this kind of setting. It's cool, it's mTqmKYJT3xE-00082-00050168-00050558 like it's a small low-key joint. It's been here for several years. You get mTqmKYJT3xE-00083-00050558-00050927 this beautiful view of the city. You've got some stuff on the grill. We mTqmKYJT3xE-00084-00050927-00051205 ordered something very special, you're gonna see what it is in a second. We've got some mTqmKYJT3xE-00085-00051205-00051875 beer on draft. That's what's cool, it's a very low-key spot. mTqmKYJT3xE-00086-00051875-00052196 It's not a pretentious kind of place, it's very chill. You see you've got people here all mTqmKYJT3xE-00087-00052196-00052472 ages. You've got kids, you've got families, you've got younger people. mTqmKYJT3xE-00088-00052472-00052796 It's a cool spot. And this part of Long Island City is cool, too. It's a little more mTqmKYJT3xE-00089-00052796-00053155 low-key than the other part of of Long Island City further south that has the bigger mTqmKYJT3xE-00090-00053155-00053525 buildings. So this is a spot we like just to chill in the Summertime. This is a mTqmKYJT3xE-00091-00053525-00054030 good spot in Queens if you want to view of the city, you want some drinks, come to Anable Basin. mTqmKYJT3xE-00092-00054040-00054272 Can bring the pets, the dogs, kids. mTqmKYJT3xE-00093-00054272-00055019 It's a very nice place to get drunk and to enjoy the scenic New York City skyline. mTqmKYJT3xE-00094-00057224-00057680 Cold beer in the Summertime, not much better than that! Ooh straight off the draft, too. mTqmKYJT3xE-00095-00057800-00058120 (Beeps) Know what this means, our food is ready. mTqmKYJT3xE-00096-00058773-00059245 So another cool thing about Anable Basin - they've got a lot of stuff on the grill. mTqmKYJT3xE-00097-00059245-00059536 They've got your basics. They even have stuff like bison burger, but they mTqmKYJT3xE-00098-00059536-00059935 have something very special. It's called cevapi. So cevapi, for mTqmKYJT3xE-00099-00059935-00060552 those who don't know is a Balkan skinless ground meat sausage. It's often mTqmKYJT3xE-00100-00060552-00061464 found in Bosnia and other countries in the Balkan region, too.(laughs) Alright, so the mTqmKYJT3xE-00101-00061464-00061839 ground meat sausage is fresh off the grill and they put it in this flatbread that's mTqmKYJT3xE-00102-00061839-00062200 also been griddled, it's called lepinja. So it's got a nice little crisp on the mTqmKYJT3xE-00103-00062200-00062716 outside. On the side they give you raw red onions and ajvar, it's a red pepper mTqmKYJT3xE-00104-00062716-00063120 spread. We're hungry, we love it. Again, it's like if you if you don't have a mTqmKYJT3xE-00105-00063120-00063424 backyard for a barbecue, come to a place that's gonna grill some food for you. And mTqmKYJT3xE-00106-00063424-00063945 that's what we did. Beer and barbecue, not our own backyard, but this is better. mTqmKYJT3xE-00107-00063945-00064726 Let's do this. Let's get a bite. Just gonna grab this thing right here. mTqmKYJT3xE-00108-00064726-00065091 Try a bite by itself first before I add some sauce. mTqmKYJT3xE-00109-00065163-00065699 It smells so good. These are really nice. They have mTqmKYJT3xE-00110-00065699-00066047 a nice crisp on the outside from the grill, but they're still juicy. mTqmKYJT3xE-00111-00066047-00066506 These aren't aggressively spiced, you taste the meat. I believe this is beef. Sometimes mTqmKYJT3xE-00112-00066506-00066988 they do a mix of beef and veal, sometimes little lamb, but usually there's beef and veal. mTqmKYJT3xE-00113-00066988-00067319 Think this is a beef one. So now I'm gonna add some of the ajvar mTqmKYJT3xE-00114-00067319-00067663 Just gonna just dip it. And now we got some of the ajvar on the outside, that red mTqmKYJT3xE-00115-00067663-00068007 pepper spread. Let's take a bite of that. mTqmKYJT3xE-00116-00068073-00068457 Oh I like that. You look at that red pepper spread, you're gonna think it's gonna be mTqmKYJT3xE-00117-00068457-00068775 spicy. It's not at all. It's got that roasted red bell pepper flavor. mTqmKYJT3xE-00118-00068775-00069204 The roasted red bell pepper flavor is nice. It complements mTqmKYJT3xE-00119-00069204-00069576 it well. This is not gonna be some aggressively spiced. It's just simple done mTqmKYJT3xE-00120-00069576-00070053 well food. This bread is very pillowy, I like that. It's light but it's still mTqmKYJT3xE-00121-00070053-00070470 pillowy. Let's take a look at that there. Now I'm gonna add a little bit with some red mTqmKYJT3xE-00122-00070470-00070872 onions and I'm gonna put a little of the ajvar too. Gonna go in with the hands. You know us, mTqmKYJT3xE-00123-00070872-00071469 we're not shy to use our hands. Now what those red onions do, that red onion mTqmKYJT3xE-00124-00071469-00071748 will add a little bit of a kick and it adds some crunch to it too. mTqmKYJT3xE-00125-00071748-00072663 It's the whole package. This is great. So it is my turn to eat. Greg left me a tiny mTqmKYJT3xE-00126-00072663-00073418 piece, well he left me a lot. You know a lot of it is for you. mTqmKYJT3xE-00127-00073764-00074108 Isn't that what Summer's all about? Summer is all about beer and barbecue, am mTqmKYJT3xE-00128-00074108-00074342 I right? mTqmKYJT3xE-00129-00074736-00075177 We've transported to our favorite ultimate favorite mTqmKYJT3xE-00130-00075177-00075714 food market in New York City. Queens International Night Market. The third mTqmKYJT3xE-00131-00075714-00076196 stop of the day. We're gonna eat and drink here, outdoors. mTqmKYJT3xE-00132-00078122-00078492 We did a whole video on the Queens Night Market last year in the Fall. mTqmKYJT3xE-00133-00078492-00079008 Should be up here, click it if you'd like to see the crazy food roundup. But we had mTqmKYJT3xE-00134-00079008-00079371 to just include this on the best places in Queens to eat and drink outdoors. I mTqmKYJT3xE-00135-00079371-00079782 mean look at this - it's the best food market in New York City. We've got over 50 mTqmKYJT3xE-00136-00079782-00080145 vendors here every week from all over the world. We've got new ones - got some new mTqmKYJT3xE-00137-00080145-00080472 ones here tonight, too. We're trying a Cambodian vendor. You can't get Cambodian mTqmKYJT3xE-00138-00080472-00080808 food here in New York City, it's very hard to find. You gotta go to Philly to mTqmKYJT3xE-00139-00080808-00081399 get it. And now you can drink anywhere in the spot as long as you have this snazzy mTqmKYJT3xE-00140-00081399-00081735 wristband. So you could walk around, you can sit on the grass like a picnic. mTqmKYJT3xE-00141-00081735-00082059 That's what's cool too. You don't have to go to a park for a picnic, you can just come right here. mTqmKYJT3xE-00142-00082059-00082383 Queens Night Market picnic and get all the food you want. Get your wine, get your mTqmKYJT3xE-00143-00082383-00082764 beer. Everything is just five or six bucks, you can't beat it here. This is the mTqmKYJT3xE-00144-00082764-00083130 spot. It's family friendly, you get the one of the most diverse crowds in the mTqmKYJT3xE-00145-00083130-00083538 city. You get all types of people coming here, it's amazing. We're here on the grass mTqmKYJT3xE-00146-00083538-00084054 folks. We've got one of the newest vendors here at the night market. Cambodian mTqmKYJT3xE-00147-00084054-00084519 vendor here. This dish we actually had in Cambodia back in 2015 when we visited mTqmKYJT3xE-00148-00084519-00085071 Siem Reap. This is called fish amok or amok fish. Smells good, it's got that mTqmKYJT3xE-00149-00085071-00085593 curry, that orange color. Looks like there's some chopped peppers, coconut mTqmKYJT3xE-00150-00085593-00085947 milk, let's try it out. We've got some rice. Rice is life - Jumi's excited from mTqmKYJT3xE-00151-00085947-00086671 behind that camera. Yes, I know it! Oh, it smells really good. mTqmKYJT3xE-00152-00086671-00087212 Oh that coconut curry, kaffir lime leaves in there. Oh yeah. Know we love those kaffir lime leaves. mTqmKYJT3xE-00153-00087305-00087593 Of course, we saw Burmese Bites didn't have mTqmKYJT3xE-00154-00087593-00087988 the crazy lines they normally have, so we had to get it. It's always good got our mTqmKYJT3xE-00155-00087988-00088448 favorite Keema Palata right here. We got that curry flavor coming out in that mTqmKYJT3xE-00156-00088448-00088672 chicken. Chicken's just bursting with flavor right there. mTqmKYJT3xE-00157-00088788-00089044 I am most especially excited about the mTqmKYJT3xE-00158-00089044-00089964 dessert. It's from our friend Nigel, Hello Moonman. Look at that it's so pretty. mTqmKYJT3xE-00159-00090173-00091122 So delicate, wow. That coconut is so powerful. We love coconut. It's really good quality coconut milk here. mTqmKYJT3xE-00160-00091122-00091533 A little saltiness there too, like that. The little tapioca, it's like caviar. mTqmKYJT3xE-00161-00091533-00091766 Should cost a few grand, but just five bucks mTqmKYJT3xE-00162-00092412-00092508 Alright folks mTqmKYJT3xE-00163-00092508-00093048 We have come to our last stop of the day and I'm really exhausted. Yeah we're at mTqmKYJT3xE-00164-00093048-00093411 this hotel. We're gonna check in. Pretty tired but Jumi's exhausted. We're gonna check into mTqmKYJT3xE-00165-00093411-00093996 this hotel. Not really, but we've got this last stop here. We're gonna class it up a little mTqmKYJT3xE-00166-00093996-00094281 bit here folks. New York is known especially in the mTqmKYJT3xE-00167-00094281-00094632 summertime for this that we're gonna check out right now. You're gonna see in a few mTqmKYJT3xE-00168-00094632-00094995 minutes what that is. And we'll take you there. The entrance to this place is mTqmKYJT3xE-00169-00094995-00095457 actually - it's a weird entrance. Interesting the first time we've come mTqmKYJT3xE-00170-00095457-00095934 here it was we were like we felt we were lost, but now we'll show you how to get here. mTqmKYJT3xE-00171-00096706-00097386 Press Leaf Lounge elevator. And you go in the elevator like this. And you gotta press the button again. mTqmKYJT3xE-00172-00098530-00098890 Queens doesn't really have many rooftop bars, except mTqmKYJT3xE-00173-00098903-00099317 when you get to Long Island City. There's a couple of rooftops of hotels there. So this is mTqmKYJT3xE-00174-00099317-00099692 on top of a hotel too. But Flushing this is the only one we know of so far. mTqmKYJT3xE-00175-00099692-00100028 That might change in the next few years. Flushing is changing very fast. But the beautiful mTqmKYJT3xE-00176-00100028-00100334 thing about this rooftop is that you get the view of the city unobstructed. mTqmKYJT3xE-00177-00100334-00100724 There's nothing in the way like when you get closer to the city in Queens by mTqmKYJT3xE-00178-00100724-00101087 new buildings in say Long Island City. And then you get to see Citi Field if you're a Mets mTqmKYJT3xE-00179-00101087-00101524 fan, if you want to check that out too. Planes coming in at LaGuardia mTqmKYJT3xE-00180-00102056-00102440 And you get the hustle and bustle of Main Street Flushing. mTqmKYJT3xE-00181-00102671-00102886 This is the Cho Cho San. I love how mTqmKYJT3xE-00182-00102886-00103720 fragrant that lemon hits you right away. It's lemon rind in here too. mTqmKYJT3xE-00183-00103720-00104619 The Amaretto comes in underneath too. We got that tanginess from the lemon. It's a little sweet. This is really a perfect summer drink. Just look at this view! mTqmKYJT3xE-00184-00105810-00106616 I'm so tired, exhausted even. We made it. Yeah so we hit up four spots mTqmKYJT3xE-00185-00106616-00107219 to eat and drink today from Astoria to Long Island City to Corona to Flushing mTqmKYJT3xE-00186-00107219-00107633 And we had our little Greek food to start. It was cool to show you Queens. mTqmKYJT3xE-00187-00107633-00108056 It's like we had a nice mix today of some old school, some new school, some high-end mTqmKYJT3xE-00188-00108056-00108310 some chill. That's what Queens is all about, right? mTqmKYJT3xE-00189-00108310-00108773 Queens is all about diversity. We love to showcase it to you. So it's a beautiful mTqmKYJT3xE-00190-00108773-00109151 time, it's Summer in the city. We encourage you to come out and enjoy. mTqmKYJT3xE-00191-00109151-00109561 If you're in New York City, Manhattan is cool, Brooklyn is cool. Come to Queens too mTqmKYJT3xE-00192-00109561-00109889 And give Queens some love. Definitely we deserve it mTqmKYJT3xE-00193-00109889-00110255 as a borough. We hope you enjoyed this video today. Thank you so much for mTqmKYJT3xE-00194-00110255-00110734 watching. Smash that like button, as always. And subscribe, hit the bell, you mTqmKYJT3xE-00195-00110734-00110968 want to be the first to comment, right? Yes you do. mTqmKYJT3xE-00196-00111158-00111342 Thanks for watching, peace mTqmKYJT3xE-00197-00111711-00112008 It was a bad decision to untie my hair hahaha. mTqmKYJT3xE-00198-00112120-00112280 Hey! Where'd you see us? mTqmKYJT3xE-00199-00112624-00112953 Talking about not pretentious. We're sitting in chairs that I feel like I sat in elementary mTqmKYJT3xE-00200-00112953-00113340 school in Astoria over here. It's cool it's just like they mTqmKYJT3xE-00201-00113340-00113679 making use of what they got here. Yeah I feel like I'm in school, but school would be a mTqmKYJT3xE-00202-00113679-00114038 lot cooler if we had beers like this, right? Hahahaha mTba8WTSJwo-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello guys, mTba8WTSJwo-00001-00000200-00000400 welcome to the felly celluler channel. mTba8WTSJwo-00002-00000400-00000600 This time I will refair the imei samsung sm-a325f/ds mTba8WTSJwo-00003-00000600-00000800 Using the cimera tool mTba8WTSJwo-00004-00000800-00001000 Tool sultan mWzL5m19MmU-00000-00000032-00000568 i hate myself 50 times. this is because every single time i go into shorts on any device, mWzL5m19MmU-00001-00000624-00001296 including the youtube app, i will hit myself a total of 50 times with or without an exception. mWzL5m19MmU-00002-00001384-00002039 the only exception is the watch page, as a normal one, but the shorts player will count, mWzL5m19MmU-00003-00002039-00002504 and it will be black. the black shorts logo is really bad, and i think youtube needs to mWzL5m19MmU-00004-00002504-00003112 revert the colors back to normal, and it was like it was eight months ago, so if it's not mWzL5m19MmU-00005-00003112-00003615 changed, i'm gonna be really sad and i'll be three steps away from putting youtube instead of four. mWJB80_07N4-00000-00000003-00000423 I'm going to show you how you're gonna just use $700 and enjoyed first-class mWJB80_07N4-00001-00000423-00000894 experience on Japan Airlines JAL hello everyone welcome to daily tips with mWJB80_07N4-00002-00000894-00001179 Chloe I set up this channel so that everyday I can share some tips and mWJB80_07N4-00003-00001179-00001529 knowledge of using help to improve your wealth health and relationship this mWJB80_07N4-00004-00001529-00001998 early morning I took a flight on Jil to go to Tokyo and I booked the ticket mWJB80_07N4-00005-00001998-00002475 which cost me about $700 but to my surprise I was basically stuffed with mWJB80_07N4-00006-00002475-00002889 first-class Center when I go to the check-in counter I was there like pretty mWJB80_07N4-00007-00002889-00003339 early and I asked oh is it okay if I take the emergency set so the counter mWJB80_07N4-00008-00003339-00003732 stop was saying that um there is actually one person sitting next to the mWJB80_07N4-00009-00003732-00004251 emergency said why not I place you to an out that currently no one is sitting of mWJB80_07N4-00010-00004251-00004635 course I still don't quite get what he means I was like emergencies should be a mWJB80_07N4-00011-00004635-00005021 better better place right because I have more less space and stuff but after then mWJB80_07N4-00012-00005021-00005436 show me there are no other people sitting next to me so I have the whole mWJB80_07N4-00013-00005436-00005952 row by myself as a result the whole flight I can sleep very well because I mWJB80_07N4-00014-00005952-00006443 am one person of Ukraine three sets I'm really really grateful to this gentleman mWJB80_07N4-00015-00006443-00006942 I think it's just this little kind of kindness from the stranger that just mWJB80_07N4-00016-00006942-00007379 makes you feel so happy about your life sometimes when it comes to happiness you mWJB80_07N4-00017-00007379-00007758 really don't need to look very far I feel every day there's stranger mWJB80_07N4-00018-00007758-00008208 extending help to you maybe your family spend quality time with you and that can mWJB80_07N4-00019-00008208-00008592 just make you so happy so don't forget to extend your kindness mWJB80_07N4-00020-00008592-00008988 to someone else today so that you can also brighten up that day if you find mWJB80_07N4-00021-00008988-00009386 this video helpful share out to inspire more people around you so that we can mWJB80_07N4-00022-00009386-00009678 make the world a better place and don't forget to subscribe to my youtube mWJB80_07N4-00023-00009678-00010196 channel as well as like my Facebook page and I will see you tomorrow bye mWJB80_07N4-00024-00010282-00010488 you mfM-Zst4bMU-00000-00000115-00001230 Remember, with Chef Pachi, delicious diets sustainable diets. Chef Pachi. Check out the mfM-Zst4bMU-00001-00001230-00001604 the full recipe on Youtube. mnqQHR4zHNI-00000-00001207-00001716 In today's lesson we'll be talking about integrity. mnqQHR4zHNI-00001-00001716-00002121 Integrity as far as personal integrity. mnqQHR4zHNI-00002-00002121-00002791 So I'm not talking about the eye in the CIA triad which [inaudible] for System Integrity. mnqQHR4zHNI-00003-00002791-00003113 I'm talking about personal integrity. mnqQHR4zHNI-00004-00003113-00003439 And why we need it in System Administration, mnqQHR4zHNI-00005-00003439-00003634 or really in any career. mnqQHR4zHNI-00006-00003634-00003838 So no matter what you're doing right now, mnqQHR4zHNI-00007-00003838-00004019 if you're a student in school, mnqQHR4zHNI-00008-00004019-00004220 you can still have integrity. mnqQHR4zHNI-00009-00004220-00004406 So, I'm going to discuss why we need it, mnqQHR4zHNI-00010-00004406-00004622 why we need it in our career, mnqQHR4zHNI-00011-00004622-00005403 and how having personal integrity will map to System Integrity. mnqQHR4zHNI-00012-00005403-00005620 So, integrity in general. mnqQHR4zHNI-00013-00005620-00006426 Integrity is defined, really is making sure you are doing the right thing all the time. mnqQHR4zHNI-00014-00006426-00007090 Think about how we translate that into integrity for the CIA triad, so System Integrity. mnqQHR4zHNI-00015-00007090-00007604 It's making sure that systems are running and they are running smoothly, mnqQHR4zHNI-00016-00007604-00007831 they don't have vulnerabilities. mnqQHR4zHNI-00017-00007831-00008171 Same thing with your personal integrity as well. mnqQHR4zHNI-00018-00008171-00008587 Making sure you're honest. mnqQHR4zHNI-00019-00008587-00008896 My current boss who's the CIO, mnqQHR4zHNI-00020-00008896-00009136 has said many times, one of his mentors, mnqQHR4zHNI-00021-00009136-00009609 way back when told them 'if you tell the truth all the time, mnqQHR4zHNI-00022-00009609-00009910 you only have to remember one version of it'. mnqQHR4zHNI-00023-00009910-00010310 Those individuals that don't have integrity, and are not honest, mnqQHR4zHNI-00024-00010310-00010809 have to remember all different versions of the truth. mnqQHR4zHNI-00025-00010809-00011345 So have integrity, be honest. mnqQHR4zHNI-00026-00011345-00011779 So personal integrity within computer science is huge. mnqQHR4zHNI-00027-00011779-00012095 It will get you places in your career. mnqQHR4zHNI-00028-00012095-00012760 Making sure that you're honest translates into System Integrity overall. mnqQHR4zHNI-00029-00012760-00013149 So, if we're honest about what we're doing with our systems, mnqQHR4zHNI-00030-00013149-00013938 we're going to become more trustworthy as individuals and others will see that. mnqQHR4zHNI-00031-00013938-00014379 Personal integrity can be compromised if you are not honest. mnqQHR4zHNI-00032-00014379-00014970 In the same way that if we don't have integrity in our systems, mnqQHR4zHNI-00033-00014970-00015281 they will become compromised. mnqQHR4zHNI-00034-00015281-00015551 Computers can always find you out. mnqQHR4zHNI-00035-00015551-00016359 So, let's say that we decide to cheat on an exam, for example. mnqQHR4zHNI-00036-00016359-00016722 Had to do investigations before when I mnqQHR4zHNI-00037-00016722-00017115 was the information security officer about students cheating. mnqQHR4zHNI-00038-00017115-00017353 I doesn't get you very far. mnqQHR4zHNI-00039-00017353-00017474 I also have three kids, mnqQHR4zHNI-00040-00017474-00017718 I know that, you know, mnqQHR4zHNI-00041-00017718-00017928 we can usually, my wife and I, mnqQHR4zHNI-00042-00017928-00018261 can usually find them out. OK. mnqQHR4zHNI-00043-00018261-00018862 Having integrity and honesty will get you far in your career. mnqQHR4zHNI-00044-00018862-00019247 Integrity is so important. mnqQHR4zHNI-00045-00019247-00019781 It is baked in to most of the code of ethics everywhere. mnqQHR4zHNI-00046-00019781-00019981 So think about were you bake, mnqQHR4zHNI-00047-00019981-00020733 think about were you- the police force. mnqQHR4zHNI-00048-00020733-00021486 All those institutions have some kind of code of ethics that deals with integrity. mnqQHR4zHNI-00049-00021486-00021961 If you're in the computer science field, it's huge. mnqQHR4zHNI-00050-00021961-00022284 So I'm a member of ISSA which mnqQHR4zHNI-00051-00022284-00023018 has a code of ethics that we will make sure our systems have integrity. mnqQHR4zHNI-00052-00023018-00023533 OK. I'm going to read here for a second off of the ACM. mnqQHR4zHNI-00053-00023533-00023709 OK? Some of you are familiar with mnqQHR4zHNI-00054-00023709-00024237 this organization and I will post the reading of this as well. mnqQHR4zHNI-00055-00024237-00024534 The ACM code of conduct 2.6, mnqQHR4zHNI-00056-00024534-00025070 the honor contracts, agreements and assigned responsibilities. mnqQHR4zHNI-00057-00025070-00025863 It says that honoring one's commitment is a matter of integrity and honesty. mnqQHR4zHNI-00058-00025863-00026222 For the computer professional this includes mnqQHR4zHNI-00059-00026222-00026804 ensuring that system elements perform as intended. mnqQHR4zHNI-00060-00026804-00027266 Also when one contracts for work with another party, mnqQHR4zHNI-00061-00027266-00027772 one has an obligation to keep that party mnqQHR4zHNI-00062-00027772-00028365 properly informed about the progress toward completing the work. mnqQHR4zHNI-00063-00028365-00028808 This again is baked into all kinds of code of ethics. mnqQHR4zHNI-00064-00028808-00029209 U.S. Students have signed a code of ethics for Coursera. mnqQHR4zHNI-00065-00029209-00029443 Here at the university, mnqQHR4zHNI-00066-00029443-00029906 we have a code of ethics. mnqQHR4zHNI-00067-00029906-00030742 Consequences. Majority of the code of ethics out there have consequences to them. mnqQHR4zHNI-00068-00030742-00030912 So if we're not honest, mnqQHR4zHNI-00069-00030912-00031285 if we don't have integrity, mnqQHR4zHNI-00070-00031285-00031531 those mean that we could actually lose our jobs, mnqQHR4zHNI-00071-00031531-00031807 we can lose our certifications. mnqQHR4zHNI-00072-00031807-00032294 Look at politics, what happens if we don't have integrity? mnqQHR4zHNI-00073-00032294-00032575 Or what happens if you have a government contract? mnqQHR4zHNI-00074-00032575-00032826 You're working for a government institution. mnqQHR4zHNI-00075-00032826-00032946 If you don't have integrity, mnqQHR4zHNI-00076-00032946-00033370 what happens? Systems may fail. mnqQHR4zHNI-00077-00033370-00033712 And in fact, we've seen this in mnqQHR4zHNI-00078-00033712-00034100 a lot of code of conduct of computer science organizations. mnqQHR4zHNI-00079-00034100-00034449 What they say specifically, mnqQHR4zHNI-00080-00034449-00034905 systems may fail, data breaches may occur. mnqQHR4zHNI-00081-00034905-00035167 Careers are going to be destroyed, mnqQHR4zHNI-00082-00035167-00035520 if we don't have personal integrity. mnqQHR4zHNI-00083-00035520-00036314 So in conclusion, ethics and security absolutely need to be thought about all the time. mnqQHR4zHNI-00084-00036314-00036953 Making sure that you have personal integrity when your contracting with other entities, mnqQHR4zHNI-00085-00036953-00037424 or when you are dealing with your systems, mnqQHR4zHNI-00086-00037424-00037722 or dealing with other people's systems. mnqQHR4zHNI-00087-00037722-00038231 Make sure that you have good system integrity. mnqQHR4zHNI-00088-00038231-00038581 Even if you're facing your boss on something that mnqQHR4zHNI-00089-00038581-00038994 you didn't mean to do or accidently did, mnqQHR4zHNI-00090-00038994-00039287 having integrity will still get you far, mnqQHR4zHNI-00091-00039287-00039565 even though it may not seem like it. mnqQHR4zHNI-00092-00039565-00040137 Lastly, own up to your mistakes. It's gotten me far. nooBte-C9Xg-00000-00000200-00000400 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Creating Classes nooBte-C9Xg-00001-00000500-00000700 In this tutorial, we will learn about nooBte-C9Xg-00002-00000800-00000900 A class in real world nooBte-C9Xg-00003-00001000-00001100 A class in Java nooBte-C9Xg-00004-00001200-00001300 Structure of a Java class nooBte-C9Xg-00005-00001400-00001500 Syntax for a Java class nooBte-C9Xg-00006-00001600-00001800 And A simple example of Java class nooBte-C9Xg-00007-00001900-00002900 Here we are using Ubuntu version 11.10 JDK 1.6 and Eclipse 3.7.0 nooBte-C9Xg-00008-00003000-00003600 To follow this tutorial you must know how to write, compile and run a simple Java program in Eclipse. nooBte-C9Xg-00009-00003700-00004500 If not, please see the spoken-tutorial on these topics available at nooBte-C9Xg-00010-00004600-00004900 Now let us see what is a class in real world. nooBte-C9Xg-00011-00005000-00005300 Whatever we can see in this world are all objects. nooBte-C9Xg-00012-00005400-00005800 And All the objects can be categorized into special groups. nooBte-C9Xg-00013-00005900-00006100 Each group is termed as a class. nooBte-C9Xg-00014-00006200-00006400 For example human being is a class. nooBte-C9Xg-00015-00006500-00006700 We are all different objects of this class. nooBte-C9Xg-00016-00006800-00007200 We all have different properties like eyes, legs, hands etc. nooBte-C9Xg-00017-00007300-00007400 Which are common to the human being class. nooBte-C9Xg-00018-00007500-00008100 Seeing, eating, walking etc are behaviors that are common to the human being class. nooBte-C9Xg-00019-00008200-00008500 Now let us see what is the class in Java? nooBte-C9Xg-00020-00008600-00009000 A class is the blueprint from which individual objects are created. nooBte-C9Xg-00021-00009100-00009400 Structure of a Java Class; A class defines: nooBte-C9Xg-00022-00009500-00009600 A set of properties called variables nooBte-C9Xg-00023-00009700-00009900 And A set of behaviors called methods. nooBte-C9Xg-00024-00010000-00010300 Now, let us see the syntax for declaring classes nooBte-C9Xg-00025-00010400-00011100 modifier â class -classname within curly brackets variable, constructor and method declarations. nooBte-C9Xg-00026-00011200-00011700 We will learn about these in detail in the coming tutorials. nooBte-C9Xg-00027-00011800-00012200 Now let us create a simple class using Eclipse. nooBte-C9Xg-00028-00012300-00012800 I have already opened Eclipse. nooBte-C9Xg-00029-00012900-00013000 Now let us create a Project. nooBte-C9Xg-00030-00013100-00013900 So click on File, go to New and click on Java Project. nooBte-C9Xg-00031-00014000-00015300 In the New Project Wizard, enter the Project name as ClassDemo with C and D in capital. nooBte-C9Xg-00032-00015400-00015700 Then click on Finish. nooBte-C9Xg-00033-00015800-00016200 We see that the Project ClassDemo is created. nooBte-C9Xg-00034-00016300-00016600 We will now create a Java class name Student. nooBte-C9Xg-00035-00016700-00017500 So right click on ClassDemo, go to New and click on Class. nooBte-C9Xg-00036-00017600-00018200 In the New Java Class wizard type the Name as Student. nooBte-C9Xg-00037-00018300-00018600 We can see that the modifier here is public. nooBte-C9Xg-00038-00018700-00019000 This shows that the class is visible to all the classes everywhere. nooBte-C9Xg-00039-00019100-00019700 If a class has no modifier which is the default , it is visible only within its own package. nooBte-C9Xg-00040-00019800-00020200 We will learn about packages in the later tutorials. nooBte-C9Xg-00041-00020300-00020500 Here I have selected public. nooBte-C9Xg-00042-00020600-00021000 In the method stubs select public static void main. nooBte-C9Xg-00043-00021100-00021500 Then click on Finish. nooBte-C9Xg-00044-00021600-00021900 We can see that the class named Student is created. nooBte-C9Xg-00045-00022000-00023000 Now, let me remove the comments. nooBte-C9Xg-00046-00023100-00023600 A Student class can contain properties like Name, Roll Number, Marks etc. nooBte-C9Xg-00047-00023700-00024300 So inside this class Student let me declare two variables Roll Number and Name. nooBte-C9Xg-00048-00024400-00025300 So, I will type int roll underscore number semicolon. nooBte-C9Xg-00049-00025400-00025800 String name semicolon. nooBte-C9Xg-00050-00025900-00026100 So I have declared two variables. nooBte-C9Xg-00051-00026200-00026400 Now a class also contains methods. nooBte-C9Xg-00052-00026500-00026900 So let me create a method named StudentDetail. nooBte-C9Xg-00053-00027000-00027300 This method will give the detail of each student. nooBte-C9Xg-00054-00027400-00028800 So let me type,' void studentDetail then opening and closing brackets, curly brackets open. nooBte-C9Xg-00055-00028900-00029200 Now, this method will give the roll number and name of the Student. nooBte-C9Xg-00056-00029300-00032200 So, type System dot out dot println within brackets and double quotes The roll number is we can type it as number is; close the double quotes plus roll_number semicolon. nooBte-C9Xg-00057-00032300-00033900 Next line type System dot out dot println within brackets and double quotes The name is plus name and semicolon. nooBte-C9Xg-00058-00034000-00036900 Now, inside the main method we will type System dot out dot println within brackets and double quotes We have created a class with two variables and 1 method. nooBte-C9Xg-00059-00037000-00037900 Thus We have created the class student. nooBte-C9Xg-00060-00038000-00038500 Now let me, save the file by pressing Control and S keys simultaneously. nooBte-C9Xg-00061-00038600-00039200 Let meRun the program by pressing Control and F11 keys simultaneously. nooBte-C9Xg-00062-00039300-00039340 We get the output as: nooBte-C9Xg-00063-00039400-00039700 We have created a class with 2 variables and 1 method nooBte-C9Xg-00064-00039800-00040500 just as we had typed in the main method. nooBte-C9Xg-00065-00040600-00040900 Thus we have successfully created a class. nooBte-C9Xg-00066-00041000-00041800 So, in this tutorial we learnt about a class in java and how to create a class in java. nooBte-C9Xg-00067-00041900-00042900 For self assessment create a class named Employee with variables emp underscore number and emp underscore name . nooBte-C9Xg-00068-00043000-00043500 And Method printEmployee which displays the Employee information. nooBte-C9Xg-00069-00043600-00043800 To know more about the spoken-tutorial project. nooBte-C9Xg-00070-00043900-00044100 Watch the video available at nooBte-C9Xg-00071-00044200-00044400 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project nooBte-C9Xg-00072-00044500-00044900 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it nooBte-C9Xg-00073-00045000-00045100 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team nooBte-C9Xg-00074-00045200-00045400 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials nooBte-C9Xg-00075-00045500-00045700 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test nooBte-C9Xg-00076-00045800-00046300 * For more details, please write to nooBte-C9Xg-00077-00046400-00046700 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project nooBte-C9Xg-00078-00046800-00047400 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India nooBte-C9Xg-00079-00047500-00048300 More information on this Mission is available at nooBte-C9Xg-00080-00048400-00048600 Thus We come to the end of this tutorial. nooBte-C9Xg-00081-00048700-00049200 This is Arya Ratish from IIT Bomaby signing off. Thanks for joining us. nosysa4MWau-00000-00000342-00000442 Blurb: A question from social media is posed to Sadhguru at College of Engineering, Guindy, nosysa4MWau-00001-00000442-00000542 Anna University in Chennai about time travel. nosysa4MWau-00002-00000542-00000642 Sadhguru talks about the dimensions of time and space and one’s relative experience nosysa4MWau-00003-00000642-00000742 of time. nosysa4MWau-00004-00000742-00000842 SG/TW: Your sense of time right now is only because of your physical identity. nosysa4MWau-00005-00000842-00000942 If you can sit here without any sense of body, then you don’t know time. nosysa4MWau-00006-00000942-00001042 Questioner: From yogis of ancient times to popular movies like “Interstellar”, there nosysa4MWau-00007-00001042-00001142 have been stories and some seemingly real instances about time travel. nosysa4MWau-00008-00001142-00001242 Is time travel really possible? nosysa4MWau-00009-00001242-00002199 If yes, how can I make myself capable of time travel (Laughter)? nosysa4MWau-00010-00002199-00003089 Sadhguru: See, these things have been misunderstood very badly because science and mysticism is nosysa4MWau-00011-00003089-00003621 coming to you from Hollywood movies unfortunately. nosysa4MWau-00012-00003621-00004394 In this culture, we’ve had people whom we referred to as Trikalagnanis. nosysa4MWau-00013-00004394-00004879 There are three dimensions of experience in your life. nosysa4MWau-00014-00004879-00005703 There is something called as past, which is a bank of memory within you. nosysa4MWau-00015-00005703-00006395 There is something called as present, which is a living experience right now. nosysa4MWau-00016-00006395-00007006 There is something called as future, which is the power of our imagination. nosysa4MWau-00017-00007006-00007745 So your life experience is happening between memory, present experience and imagination. nosysa4MWau-00018-00007745-00008453 The problem with most people is, these three things are not clearly distinguished in most nosysa4MWau-00019-00008453-00008652 human beings. nosysa4MWau-00020-00008652-00009259 This is why, something that happened ten years ago, you can still suffer, isn’t it? nosysa4MWau-00021-00009259-00009359 Hmm? nosysa4MWau-00022-00009359-00009459 Participants: Yes. nosysa4MWau-00023-00009459-00010118 Sadhguru: Something that may happen day after tomorrow, you already suffer (Few laugh). nosysa4MWau-00024-00010118-00010647 What happened ten years ago or even ten days ago, does it exist right now? nosysa4MWau-00025-00010647-00010788 Does it exist right now? nosysa4MWau-00026-00010788-00010928 Participants: No. nosysa4MWau-00027-00010928-00011258 Sadhguru: What may happen day after tomorrow, does it exist right now? nosysa4MWau-00028-00011258-00011358 Participants: No. nosysa4MWau-00029-00011358-00011458 Sadhguru: No. nosysa4MWau-00030-00011458-00012253 So if you suffer something that does not exist, should we call you sane or insane (Applause)? nosysa4MWau-00031-00012253-00012379 I’m ask… nosysa4MWau-00032-00012379-00012793 Hey, it’s a question, don’t clap (Laughter)! nosysa4MWau-00033-00012793-00013019 It’s a disgrace (Laughs). nosysa4MWau-00034-00013019-00013140 If... nosysa4MWau-00035-00013140-00013688 If you are suffering something that does not exist, is it sanity or insanity? nosysa4MWau-00036-00013688-00013816 Participants: Insanity. nosysa4MWau-00037-00013816-00014428 Sadhguru: How many people that you know including yourself are insane like this, they suffer nosysa4MWau-00038-00014428-00014687 things which don’t exist. nosysa4MWau-00039-00014687-00015101 Nearly 99.99, isn’t it? nosysa4MWau-00040-00015101-00015201 Happening all the time? nosysa4MWau-00041-00015201-00016037 So, these are all idiots who are doing time travel (Laughter/Applause). nosysa4MWau-00042-00016037-00017126 Time in the yogic sciences... modern physics always grapples with these two dimensions nosysa4MWau-00043-00017126-00017298 – time and space. nosysa4MWau-00044-00017298-00017878 Or space and time, that’s how they refer to it. nosysa4MWau-00045-00017878-00018462 In yoga, we see... we call this “kala”. nosysa4MWau-00046-00018462-00019031 The word “kala”, even in Tamil, means time. nosysa4MWau-00047-00019031-00019330 But kala also means emptiness. nosysa4MWau-00048-00019330-00019713 Kala means darkness. nosysa4MWau-00049-00019713-00020118 Darkness means nothing is there – no light, no nothing. nosysa4MWau-00050-00020118-00020254 That is empty space. nosysa4MWau-00051-00020254-00020462 Kala means time. nosysa4MWau-00052-00020462-00021001 So we are using the same word for time and space. nosysa4MWau-00053-00021001-00021521 We just have a distinction called kala and mahakala. nosysa4MWau-00054-00021521-00022148 There is time which is caused by revolutions of physical dimensions of life. nosysa4MWau-00055-00022148-00022718 When I say revolutions of physical dimensions, everything that’s physical is in a circular nosysa4MWau-00056-00022718-00023203 movement whether it’s an atom or it’s a whole cosmos, everything is in circular nosysa4MWau-00057-00023203-00023677 movement – the planets, the universes, everything. nosysa4MWau-00058-00023677-00024118 Everything that’s physical essentially is in circular movement. nosysa4MWau-00059-00024118-00024797 So this is kala – the time that you know because of rotation of physical objects. nosysa4MWau-00060-00024797-00025104 If the planet spins once, we call it a day. nosysa4MWau-00061-00025104-00025515 If the moon goes around, we call it a month. nosysa4MWau-00062-00025515-00025760 If the planet goes around the sun, we call it a year. nosysa4MWau-00063-00025760-00026070 This is the only way you know time. nosysa4MWau-00064-00026070-00026474 So time that you know, is only by cycles. nosysa4MWau-00065-00026474-00027319 There is a time which is beyond physical nature, which is not because of circular motion of nosysa4MWau-00066-00027319-00027513 physical objects. nosysa4MWau-00067-00027513-00027833 This we call as mahakala. nosysa4MWau-00068-00027833-00028291 Mahakala includes the space also. nosysa4MWau-00069-00028291-00028841 Generally in modern physics, the general understanding is, because there is space, because there nosysa4MWau-00070-00028841-00029193 is distance – there is time. nosysa4MWau-00071-00029193-00029631 You want to travel from point A to point B, you need time. nosysa4MWau-00072-00029631-00030225 But in the yogic sciences from our experience we see it like this, because there is time, nosysa4MWau-00073-00030225-00030481 there is a possibility of space. nosysa4MWau-00074-00030481-00031210 It’s very beautifully put by Adiyogi fifteen… over 15,000 years ago, when these seven sages, nosysa4MWau-00075-00031210-00031613 his first disciples asked him, “What is the nature of this cosmos? nosysa4MWau-00076-00031613-00031766 Where does it begin? nosysa4MWau-00077-00031766-00031866 Where does it end? nosysa4MWau-00078-00031866-00032060 How big is it?” nosysa4MWau-00079-00032060-00032793 He laughed and he said, “Your cosmos, I can pack it into a mustard seed.” nosysa4MWau-00080-00032793-00033086 Very efficient packing, isn’t it? nosysa4MWau-00081-00033086-00033772 He said, “This entire cosmos, I can pack it into a mustard seed because it is only nosysa4MWau-00082-00033772-00033962 a consequence of time.” nosysa4MWau-00083-00033962-00034709 The space and the distance is only a consequence of time, so we call people Trikalagnanis and nosysa4MWau-00084-00034709-00035666 we also call people as Akalagnanis, that means timeless people, people who are timeless. nosysa4MWau-00085-00035666-00035797 Timeless means what? nosysa4MWau-00086-00035797-00036346 You are sitting here right now, if I make you sit here for another six hours – no nosysa4MWau-00087-00036346-00036847 it doesn’t take that much for you – if I make you sit here for another two hours, nosysa4MWau-00088-00036847-00037344 “Sadhguru (Few laugh), at least... at least water (Laughter)!” nosysa4MWau-00089-00037344-00037543 “Okay, drink water.” nosysa4MWau-00090-00037543-00038038 Drink water means, “Sadhguru (Gestures need to go to toilet) (Laughter).” nosysa4MWau-00091-00038038-00038421 That calls, “Okay, go and come.” nosysa4MWau-00092-00038421-00038678 Another two hours, “Sadhguru (Gestures) (Few laugh)!” nosysa4MWau-00093-00038678-00038994 Okay, we’ll give you that. nosysa4MWau-00094-00038994-00039449 After that, you don’t ask permission (Laughter). nosysa4MWau-00095-00039449-00039738 Your body is cycles of time, isn’t it? nosysa4MWau-00096-00039738-00039987 You don’t have to look at the watch. nosysa4MWau-00097-00039987-00040378 If you observe your bladder, you know how much time (Few laugh). nosysa4MWau-00098-00040378-00040688 Yes or no (Laughs)? nosysa4MWau-00099-00040688-00040941 It’s keeping time. nosysa4MWau-00100-00040941-00041721 So, your sense of time right now is only because of your physical identity. nosysa4MWau-00101-00041721-00042194 If you can sit here without any sense of body, then you don’t know time. nosysa4MWau-00102-00042194-00042865 You’ve heard of people who sat for hours on end, days on end. nosysa4MWau-00103-00042865-00043134 I… nosysa4MWau-00104-00043134-00043344 This happened to me. nosysa4MWau-00105-00043344-00043959 At a certain point when I was a little older than you, I was twenty-five, I just sat in nosysa4MWau-00106-00043959-00044238 one place and suddenly I did not realize time. nosysa4MWau-00107-00044238-00044784 I thought it’s ten-twenty minutes, about four-and-a-half hours had passed and I was nosysa4MWau-00108-00044784-00045121 like blowing with ecstasy. nosysa4MWau-00109-00045121-00045318 Then this started happening more often. nosysa4MWau-00110-00045318-00046049 If I wa… just sat in one place and I think it’s two minutes, hours, seven, eight hours nosysa4MWau-00111-00046049-00046227 have just passed away. nosysa4MWau-00112-00046227-00046640 One day I sat down and I thought it’s maybe twenty-five, thirty minutes, I was sitting nosysa4MWau-00113-00046640-00047634 in a rural space around Mysore and when I opened my eyes, the big crowd. nosysa4MWau-00114-00047634-00048001 India being what it is, there are garlands around me, people are trying to molest my nosysa4MWau-00115-00048001-00048250 feet (Few laugh). nosysa4MWau-00116-00048250-00048734 Then I say, “Where the hell did you come from?” nosysa4MWau-00117-00048734-00049197 Then they say, “You’ve been sitting here for thirteen days!” nosysa4MWau-00118-00049197-00049552 I thought it's only twenty-five, thirty minutes. nosysa4MWau-00119-00049552-00049943 Only when I tried to open my legs, I found my knees were locked up. nosysa4MWau-00120-00049943-00050284 It took (a?) lot of effort to straighten them. nosysa4MWau-00121-00050284-00050646 But in my experience I thought it’s only twenty-five, thirty minutes. nosysa4MWau-00122-00050646-00050746 But… nosysa4MWau-00123-00050746-00051222 When I say this, this may be (a?) little difficult to grasp, but have you noticed on a particular nosysa4MWau-00124-00051222-00051772 day you were very joyful, twenty-four hours, poof (Fingers snap) went off like ten minutes, nosysa4MWau-00125-00051772-00051891 is that so? nosysa4MWau-00126-00051891-00051991 Participants: Yes. nosysa4MWau-00127-00051991-00052475 Sadhguru: Another day, you’re a little depressed (Laughter), twenty-four hours feels like a nosysa4MWau-00128-00052475-00052652 lifetime, yes or no? nosysa4MWau-00129-00052652-00052752 Participants: Yes. nosysa4MWau-00130-00052752-00053058 Sadhguru: Time is a very relative experience. nosysa4MWau-00131-00053058-00053660 People say, “How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you are nosysa4MWau-00132-00053660-00053885 (Laughter).” nosysa4MWau-00133-00053885-00053989 You go there and knock and they say, “Hey, just one minute, wait! nosysa4MWau-00134-00053989-00054089 (Laughter)” One minute! nosysa4MWau-00135-00054089-00054189 Title: Is Time Travel Possible? nosysa4MWau-00136-00054189-00054289 Blurb: A question from social media is posed to Sadhguru at College of Engineering, Guindy, nosysa4MWau-00137-00054289-00054389 Anna University in Chennai about time travel. nosysa4MWau-00138-00054389-00054489 Sadhguru talks about the dimensions of time and space and one’s relative experience nosysa4MWau-00139-00054489-00054589 of time. nosysa4MWau-00140-00054589-00054689 Questioner: From yogis of ancient times to popular movies like “Interstellar”, there nosysa4MWau-00141-00054689-00054789 have been stories and some seemingly real instances about time travel. nosysa4MWau-00142-00054789-00054889 Is time travel really possible? nosysa4MWau-00143-00054889-00054989 If yes, how can I make myself capable of time travel (Laughter)? nosysa4MWau-00144-00054989-00055089 Sadhguru: There are three dimensions of experience in your life. nosysa4MWau-00145-00055089-00055189 There is something called as past, which is a bank of memory within you. nosysa4MWau-00146-00055189-00055289 There is something called as present, which is a living experience right now. nosysa4MWau-00147-00055289-00055389 There is something called as future, which is the power of our imagination. nosysa4MWau-00148-00055389-00055489 So your life experience is happening between memory, present experience, and imagination. nosysa4MWau-00149-00055489-00055589 The problem with most people is, these three things are not clearly distinguished in most nosysa4MWau-00150-00055589-00055689 human beings. nosysa4MWau-00151-00055689-00055789 This is why, something that happened ten years ago, you can still suffer, isn’t it? nosysa4MWau-00152-00055789-00055889 Hmm? nosysa4MWau-00153-00055889-00055989 Participants: Yes. nosysa4MWau-00154-00055989-00056089 Sadhguru: Something that may happen day after tomorrow, you already suffer (Few laugh). nosysa4MWau-00155-00056089-00056189 What happened ten years ago or even ten days ago, does it exist right now? nosysa4MWau-00156-00056189-00056289 Does it exist right now? nosysa4MWau-00157-00056289-00056389 Participants: No. nosysa4MWau-00158-00056389-00056489 Sadhguru: What may happen day after tomorrow, does it exist right now? nosysa4MWau-00159-00056489-00056589 Participants: No. nosysa4MWau-00160-00056589-00056689 Sadhguru: If you are suffering something that does not exist, is it sanity or insanity? nosysa4MWau-00161-00056689-00056789 Participants: Insanity. nosysa4MWau-00162-00056789-00056889 Sadhguru: How many people that you know including yourself are insane like this, they suffer nosysa4MWau-00163-00056889-00056989 things which don’t exist. nosysa4MWau-00164-00056989-00057089 Nearly 99.99, isn’t it? nosysa4MWau-00165-00057089-00057189 Happening all the time? nosysa4MWau-00166-00057189-00057289 So, these are all idiots who are doing time travel (Laughter/Applause). nosysa4MWau-00167-00057289-00057389 Time in the yogic sciences... modern physics always grapples with these two dimensions nosysa4MWau-00168-00057389-00057489 – time and space. nosysa4MWau-00169-00057489-00057589 Or space and time, that’s how they refer to it. nosysa4MWau-00170-00057589-00057689 In yoga, we see... we call this kala. nosysa4MWau-00171-00057689-00057789 The word “kala”, even in Tamil, means time. nosysa4MWau-00172-00057789-00057889 But kala also means emptiness. nosysa4MWau-00173-00057889-00057989 Kala means darkness. nosysa4MWau-00174-00057989-00058089 So we are using the same word for time and space. nosysa4MWau-00175-00058089-00058189 We just have a distinction called kala and mahakala. nosysa4MWau-00176-00058189-00058289 So this is kala – the time that you know because of rotation of physical objects. nosysa4MWau-00177-00058289-00058389 If the planet spins once, we call it a day. nosysa4MWau-00178-00058389-00058489 If the moon goes around, we call it a month. nosysa4MWau-00179-00058489-00058589 If the planet goes around the sun, we call it a year. nosysa4MWau-00180-00058589-00058689 There is a time which is beyond physical nature, which is not because of circular motion of nosysa4MWau-00181-00058689-00058789 physical objects. nosysa4MWau-00182-00058789-00058889 This we call as mahakala. nosysa4MWau-00183-00058889-00058989 Mahakala includes the space also. nosysa4MWau-00184-00058989-00059089 Generally in modern physics, the general understanding is, because there is space, because there nosysa4MWau-00185-00059089-00059189 is distance – there is time. nosysa4MWau-00186-00059189-00059289 You want to travel from point A to point B, you need time. nosysa4MWau-00187-00059289-00059389 But, in the yogic sciences from our experience we see it like this, because there is time, nosysa4MWau-00188-00059389-00059489 there is a possibility of space. nosysa4MWau-00189-00059489-00059589 The space and the distance is only a consequence of time, so we call people Trikalagnanis and nosysa4MWau-00190-00059589-00059689 we also call people as Akalagnanis, that means timeless people, people who are timeless. nosysa4MWau-00191-00059689-00059789 Timeless means what? nosysa4MWau-00192-00059789-00059889 You are sitting here right now, if I make you sit here for another six hours, you don’t nosysa4MWau-00193-00059889-00059989 have to look at the watch. nosysa4MWau-00194-00059989-00060089 If you observe your bladder, you know how much time (Few laugh). nosysa4MWau-00195-00060089-00060189 Yes or no (Laughs)? nosysa4MWau-00196-00060189-00060289 It’s keeping time. nosysa4MWau-00197-00060289-00060389 So, your sense of time right now is only because of your physical identity. nosysa4MWau-00198-00060389-00060489 If you can sit here without any sense of body, then you don’t know time. nosysa4MWau-00199-00060489-00060589 This happened to me. nosysa4MWau-00200-00060589-00060689 One day I sat down and I thought it’s maybe twenty-five, thirty minutes, I was sitting nosysa4MWau-00201-00060689-00060789 in a rural space around Mysore and when I opened my eyes, the big crowd. nosysa4MWau-00202-00060789-00060889 India being what it is, there are garlands around me, people are trying to molest my nosysa4MWau-00203-00060889-00060989 feet (Few laugh). nosysa4MWau-00204-00060989-00061089 Then I say, “Where the hell did you come from?” nosysa4MWau-00205-00061089-00061189 Then they say, “You’ve been sitting here for thirteen days!” nosysa4MWau-00206-00061189-00061289 When I say this, this may be (a?) little difficult to grasp, but have you noticed on a particular nosysa4MWau-00207-00061289-00061389 day you were very joyful, twenty-four hours, poof (Fingers snap) went off like ten minutes, nosysa4MWau-00208-00061389-00061489 is that so? nosysa4MWau-00209-00061489-00061589 Participants: Yes. nosysa4MWau-00210-00061589-00061689 Sadhguru: Another day, you’re a little depressed (Laughter), twenty-four hours feels like a nosysa4MWau-00211-00061689-00061789 lifetime, yes or no? nosysa4MWau-00212-00061789-00061889 Participants: Yes. nosysa4MWau-00213-00061889-00061989 Sadhguru: Time is a very relative experience. nosysa4MWau-00214-00061989-00062089 Title: Is Time Travel Possible? nosysa4MWau-00215-00062089-00062189 Blurb: A question from social media is posed to Sadhguru at College of Engineering, Guindy, nosysa4MWau-00216-00062189-00062289 Anna University in Chennai about time travel. nosysa4MWau-00217-00062289-00062389 Sadhguru talks about the dimensions of time and space and one’s relative experience nosysa4MWau-00218-00062389-00062489 of time. nosysa4MWau-00219-00062489-00062589 Watch the full video here: [link] nosysa4MWau-00220-00062589-00062689 Sadhguru: Time in the yogic sciences... modern physics always grapples with these two dimensions nosysa4MWau-00221-00062689-00062789 – time and space. nosysa4MWau-00222-00062789-00062889 Generally in modern physics, the general understanding is, because there is space, because there nosysa4MWau-00223-00062889-00062989 is distance – there is time. nosysa4MWau-00224-00062989-00063089 You want to travel from point A to point B, you need time. nosysa4MWau-00225-00063089-00063189 But in the yogic sciences from our experience we see it like this, because there is time, nosysa4MWau-00226-00063189-00063289 there is a possibility of space. nosysa4MWau-00227-00063289-00063389 The space and the distance is only a consequence of time, so we call people Trikalagnanis and nosysa4MWau-00228-00063389-00063489 we also call people as Akalagnanis, that means timeless people, people who are timeless. nosysa4MWau-00229-00063489-00063589 So, your sense of time right now is only because of your physical identity. nosysa4MWau-00230-00063589-00063591 If you can sit here without any sense of body, then you don’t know time. n1sZO_2Va3o-00000-00000023-00000310 ♪ n1sZO_2Va3o-00001-00000310-00000613 ♪ n1sZO_2Va3o-00002-00000613-00000917 ♪ n1sZO_2Va3o-00003-00000917-00001224 ♪ n1sZO_2Va3o-00004-00001224-00001524 ♪ n1sZO_2Va3o-00005-00001524-00001828 Lakeland Public Television n1sZO_2Va3o-00006-00001828-00002132 presents Currents. n1sZO_2Va3o-00007-00002132-00002439 ♪ n1sZO_2Va3o-00008-00002439-00002742 ♪ Hello, n1sZO_2Va3o-00009-00002742-00003046 welcome to Lakeland Currents. I'm Bethany Wesley. In n1sZO_2Va3o-00010-00003046-00003353 2002 the city of Bemidji received more than 3.8 million n1sZO_2Va3o-00011-00003353-00003656 dollars in local government aide. But by 2008 n1sZO_2Va3o-00012-00003656-00003960 Bemidji's LGA had dropped by just about 1 million dollars. n1sZO_2Va3o-00013-00003960-00004267 In response the city raised it's property tax levy and n1sZO_2Va3o-00014-00004267-00004567 cut overtime for all departments among other actions. n1sZO_2Va3o-00015-00004567-00004871 Bemidji is not unique. There is clearly a link between n1sZO_2Va3o-00016-00004871-00005178 fluctuating LGA amounts and cities property taxes particularly n1sZO_2Va3o-00017-00005178-00005482 in out state Minnesota. The coalition of greater n1sZO_2Va3o-00018-00005482-00005785 Minnesota cities reports that 65% of cities increased n1sZO_2Va3o-00019-00005785-00006089 their tax rates in the year before LGA was partially restored. n1sZO_2Va3o-00020-00006089-00006393 The following year once additional LGA funds were n1sZO_2Va3o-00021-00006393-00006700 in hand, nearly 63% of cities decreased their n1sZO_2Va3o-00022-00006700-00007003 tax rates. Today the coalition continues to lobby state n1sZO_2Va3o-00023-00007003-00007310 law makers to restore LGA to it's 2002 funding n1sZO_2Va3o-00024-00007310-00007617 levels. Asking the legislature for a 45.5 n1sZO_2Va3o-00025-00007617-00007931 million dollar increase in LGA funding. n1sZO_2Va3o-00026-00007931-00008234 To talk us through this proposal and it's potential impacts I welcome to the n1sZO_2Va3o-00027-00008234-00008545 program Bradley Peterson, the executive director of the n1sZO_2Va3o-00028-00008545-00008848 coalition of greater Minnesota cities and Nate Mathews n1sZO_2Va3o-00029-00008848-00009159 the Bemidji city manager. Welcome! Bradley: Thank you Bethany. n1sZO_2Va3o-00030-00009159-00009469 Bethany: Thanks for coming up. [Thank you] As we get started Bradley, why n1sZO_2Va3o-00031-00009469-00009779 don't you start by telling us a little bit about what the coalition is and what you n1sZO_2Va3o-00032-00009779-00010090 guys set out to do? Bradley: Sure, ah the coalition is a group n1sZO_2Va3o-00033-00010090-00010400 of cities across greater Minnesota. We've got currently n1sZO_2Va3o-00034-00010400-00010713 88 ah, 89 members and it's cities n1sZO_2Va3o-00035-00010713-00011030 everything from the size of Wrenville which is about n1sZO_2Va3o-00036-00011030-00011347 1000 people all the way up to Rochester which is of course over n1sZO_2Va3o-00037-00011347-00011664 100,000 and just about everything in between. And Bemidji has been n1sZO_2Va3o-00038-00011664-00011971 one of our long time strong members. Bethany: Ok, and Nate how long n1sZO_2Va3o-00039-00011971-00012278 have you been with the city? Nate: I've been with the city of Bemidji for about 2 n1sZO_2Va3o-00040-00012278-00012585 years now. Bethany: Ok, and then prior to that you were still in city n1sZO_2Va3o-00041-00012585-00012896 services? Nate: Yes. I've been, this is the 3rd community I've worked for. n1sZO_2Va3o-00042-00012896-00013206 Previously I worked in the city of Staples for almost 8 years n1sZO_2Va3o-00043-00013206-00013510 from 2007 to 2015. n1sZO_2Va3o-00044-00013510-00013823 And then earlier than that in the city of Winnebago. n1sZO_2Va3o-00045-00013823-00014127 In southern Minnesota for about 5 years. Bethany: Fair to say LGA is a conversation n1sZO_2Va3o-00046-00014127-00014431 in all cities and all sizes. Nate: Everywhere I've been. n1sZO_2Va3o-00047-00014431-00014734 Bethany: Let's talk a little bit about what LGA is first. n1sZO_2Va3o-00048-00014734-00015038 Bradley, why don't you give us a brief history in terms of what LGA n1sZO_2Va3o-00049-00015038-00015341 is, when was it started? Bradley: Sure, well the local government aide program n1sZO_2Va3o-00050-00015341-00015662 started in the early 1970's at the same n1sZO_2Va3o-00051-00015662-00015969 time that ah, we had the vaunted Minnesota miracle n1sZO_2Va3o-00052-00015969-00016269 where we ah, rejiggered how we fund schools and local n1sZO_2Va3o-00053-00016269-00016573 services. And the state took on ah, n1sZO_2Va3o-00054-00016573-00016880 a lot more of the burden in terms of doing n1sZO_2Va3o-00055-00016880-00017180 those rather than having those ah, local property tax payers. At the time n1sZO_2Va3o-00056-00017180-00017487 there was a human cry over the burden of property taxes n1sZO_2Va3o-00057-00017487-00017791 for these services. And so, ah n1sZO_2Va3o-00058-00017791-00018094 when the school funding formulas were changed they also added a n1sZO_2Va3o-00059-00018094-00018398 component for cities ah, called local government aide. And n1sZO_2Va3o-00060-00018398-00018701 so since then the program has evolved into n1sZO_2Va3o-00061-00018701-00019005 what we see today. And the basic goal of n1sZO_2Va3o-00062-00019005-00019309 the program is to ensure that no matter what kind of community you n1sZO_2Va3o-00063-00019309-00019612 live in, ah, you're able to have quality public services n1sZO_2Va3o-00064-00019612-00019916 and quality infrastructure for a reasonable property tax n1sZO_2Va3o-00065-00019916-00020220 ah, price. Bethany: Ok. So, Nate you've obviously worked with the n1sZO_2Va3o-00066-00020220-00020533 cities, different sizes. Is LGA crucial no n1sZO_2Va3o-00067-00020533-00020847 matter whether you're small, whether you're big? I mean, have you seen how your n1sZO_2Va3o-00068-00020847-00021164 budget could be impacted if there wasn't LGA? n1sZO_2Va3o-00069-00021164-00021468 Nate: Absolutely. Local government aide is a pivotal part of n1sZO_2Va3o-00070-00021468-00021781 every cities budget. Particularly in greater Minnesota. [Ok] n1sZO_2Va3o-00071-00021781-00022095 Um, and the city of Bemidji represents about n1sZO_2Va3o-00072-00022095-00022398 35% of our entire general fund. And n1sZO_2Va3o-00073-00022398-00022702 smaller cities it can make up a bigger percentage of the budget because n1sZO_2Va3o-00074-00022702-00023006 the tax bases of those communities are much smaller. n1sZO_2Va3o-00075-00023006-00023309 So, yes in all the 3 cities I've worked at n1sZO_2Va3o-00076-00023309-00023613 local government aide is tremendously important n1sZO_2Va3o-00077-00023613-00023920 and is a major factor of our ability to n1sZO_2Va3o-00078-00023920-00024220 deliver services. Bethany: Ok. And so I know you n1sZO_2Va3o-00079-00024220-00024524 mentioned that it's especially crucial in greater Minnesota but n1sZO_2Va3o-00080-00024524-00024831 there's actually a big number of cities get this cities and n1sZO_2Va3o-00081-00024831-00025135 out state Minnesota, correct? Bradley: Yup, overall about 90 n1sZO_2Va3o-00082-00025135-00025438 percent of the cities in Minnesota there's 850 n1sZO_2Va3o-00083-00025438-00025742 some odd cities across the whole state, about 90% of those get n1sZO_2Va3o-00084-00025742-00026049 local government aide in some form. [Ok] Ah, in terms n1sZO_2Va3o-00085-00026049-00026352 of the dollars it varies widely across the state n1sZO_2Va3o-00086-00026352-00026656 depending on what the strength of your tax base is and what the ah, n1sZO_2Va3o-00087-00026656-00026960 LGA formula evaluates your needs to be. Bethany: Do you n1sZO_2Va3o-00088-00026960-00027260 sometimes find as you're talking about this issue that there's a misconception n1sZO_2Va3o-00089-00027260-00027567 that it...that cities that metropolitan cities don't n1sZO_2Va3o-00090-00027567-00027867 get LGA? Bradley: There definitely is. And for sure it n1sZO_2Va3o-00091-00027867-00028184 is a program that is especially critical to greater Minnesota. n1sZO_2Va3o-00092-00028184-00028488 Um, if you look at the distribution of property n1sZO_2Va3o-00093-00028488-00028795 tax base across the state, ah n1sZO_2Va3o-00094-00028795-00029102 greater Minnesota communities get about 65% of the total n1sZO_2Va3o-00095-00029102-00029405 LGA pot but that's because we only have about 25% of the total n1sZO_2Va3o-00096-00029405-00029712 tax base. And so it's especially critical for cities n1sZO_2Va3o-00097-00029712-00030016 in greater Minnesota. But there are a number of cities in n1sZO_2Va3o-00098-00030016-00030323 metro area for whom it's also very important. Bethany: Ok. We know n1sZO_2Va3o-00099-00030323-00030627 that the, one of the primary goals is to try to keep you know n1sZO_2Va3o-00100-00030627-00030930 could have good services in rural n1sZO_2Va3o-00101-00030930-00031237 good services in n1sZO_2Va3o-00102-00031237-00031544 what is the danger if there is no LGA? We've heard that n1sZO_2Va3o-00103-00031544-00031855 Bemidji for instance raised it's property tax levy to make up n1sZO_2Va3o-00104-00031855-00032158 for the difference, correct? [Correct] What is the danger in having n1sZO_2Va3o-00105-00032158-00032472 ever sky rocketing property tax increases? n1sZO_2Va3o-00106-00032472-00032782 Nate: The danger of having a much higher property n1sZO_2Va3o-00107-00032782-00033096 tax burden in rural areas is that it would n1sZO_2Va3o-00108-00033096-00033409 be harder to attract jobs and investment. Particularly n1sZO_2Va3o-00109-00033409-00033713 in housing. Particularly in manufacturing. And n1sZO_2Va3o-00110-00033713-00034020 so we need that assistance to help reduce property tax n1sZO_2Va3o-00111-00034020-00034324 burden. Because we just don't have that ability. It costs n1sZO_2Va3o-00112-00034324-00034627 the city of Bemidji, costs the city of Staples the n1sZO_2Va3o-00113-00034627-00034934 same amount to buy a firetruck as it does Moundsview n1sZO_2Va3o-00114-00034934-00035235 or the metropolitan areas. Um, n1sZO_2Va3o-00115-00035235-00035538 it costs us the same. But we do not have the same power in n1sZO_2Va3o-00116-00035538-00035842 our tax base. [Ok] Bradley: I think one of the things that actually makes n1sZO_2Va3o-00117-00035842-00036146 Minnesota pretty unique is that we've got cities of n1sZO_2Va3o-00118-00036146-00036449 every size in every corner of our state. n1sZO_2Va3o-00119-00036449-00036753 And if you go to other states they don't invest in their n1sZO_2Va3o-00120-00036753-00037057 rural cities ah, like we do. And I think it's one of the things that makes n1sZO_2Va3o-00121-00037057-00037360 Minnesota a truly a unique place. n1sZO_2Va3o-00122-00037360-00037670 Bethany: Have you been able to hear, you know anecdotally n1sZO_2Va3o-00123-00037670-00037981 or statistically from cities you know, when LGA n1sZO_2Va3o-00124-00037981-00038288 is higher, tax rates are lower? When LGA is lower n1sZO_2Va3o-00125-00038288-00038591 tax rates go up? Bradley: That's...that's definitely true. I mean, there very n1sZO_2Va3o-00126-00038591-00038905 much is a correlation in terms of the investment that the state makes in local government n1sZO_2Va3o-00127-00038905-00039219 aide and what happens with tax rates. The statistics that n1sZO_2Va3o-00128-00039219-00039532 you mentioned at the top of the show, shows that. And that n1sZO_2Va3o-00129-00039532-00039846 was the last time that ah, aide n1sZO_2Va3o-00130-00039846-00040163 was increased substantially in 2013. The n1sZO_2Va3o-00131-00040163-00040477 cities do their budgets then for the next year 2014 and what we saw was n1sZO_2Va3o-00132-00040477-00040794 that for LGA receiving cities n1sZO_2Va3o-00133-00040794-00041114 most of them decreased their rate of taxation against their n1sZO_2Va3o-00134-00041114-00041424 market value. And so there is a correlation. And on top of that n1sZO_2Va3o-00135-00041424-00041728 and certainly Nate can speak to this, but there's just a huge n1sZO_2Va3o-00136-00041728-00042031 quality of life issue in terms of these n1sZO_2Va3o-00137-00042031-00042338 rural communities. Um, you know when I talked to n1sZO_2Va3o-00138-00042338-00042642 cities and they're looking at what would we do with an LGA increase n1sZO_2Va3o-00139-00042642-00042946 um, the answers are as varied and diverse as all the n1sZO_2Va3o-00140-00042946-00043249 communities across the state. But they talk about investments n1sZO_2Va3o-00141-00043249-00043553 in parks. They talk about maintaining their streets. n1sZO_2Va3o-00142-00043553-00043870 Other infrustructure, ah the police n1sZO_2Va3o-00143-00043870-00044177 service officer at the school. All of those things that make n1sZO_2Va3o-00144-00044177-00044481 strong communities, LGA is the foundation for. n1sZO_2Va3o-00145-00044481-00044784 Bethany: I know you weren't with Bemidji at the time you know n1sZO_2Va3o-00146-00044784-00045091 when some of those cuts went through prior to two years ago, but n1sZO_2Va3o-00147-00045091-00045391 have you heard like what some cities or Bemidji n1sZO_2Va3o-00148-00045391-00045698 or maybe the city you were with, what they do in response to cuts? n1sZO_2Va3o-00149-00045698-00046005 Nate: Absolutely. What happened in 2002 n1sZO_2Va3o-00150-00046005-00046309 to 2004 when the local government aide program was cut in n1sZO_2Va3o-00151-00046309-00046616 Bemidji, Bemidji rose it's tax rate. It n1sZO_2Va3o-00152-00046616-00046923 had to do that. Ah, we have a tremendous seasonal n1sZO_2Va3o-00153-00046923-00047227 population swell in Bemidji that relies on n1sZO_2Va3o-00154-00047227-00047530 our police needs to provide that service and our parks really are very n1sZO_2Va3o-00155-00047530-00047837 very busy, we need to provide and have that public service n1sZO_2Va3o-00156-00047837-00048141 expectation. We didn't receive that state aide and our n1sZO_2Va3o-00157-00048141-00048448 tax levy rose 22% n1sZO_2Va3o-00158-00048448-00048751 20% each year while we were receiving those cuts. n1sZO_2Va3o-00159-00048751-00049062 So we had to provide that money. Um, n1sZO_2Va3o-00160-00049062-00049372 when I was in Staples in 2009 during the n1sZO_2Va3o-00161-00049372-00049679 unallotment that occurred with the legislature n1sZO_2Va3o-00162-00049679-00049986 we actually ah, shut the street lights off n1sZO_2Va3o-00163-00049986-00050296 in Staples. We figured that we could n1sZO_2Va3o-00164-00050296-00050603 shut off about...I can't remember the number...I think it was about n1sZO_2Va3o-00165-00050603-00050914 181 street lights. And it saved us about 38 thousand n1sZO_2Va3o-00166-00050914-00051227 dollars. It was a tremendously n1sZO_2Va3o-00167-00051227-00051538 educational period in Staples when we did that. People didn't n1sZO_2Va3o-00168-00051538-00051851 like it. But we tied it directly to our loss in aide. n1sZO_2Va3o-00169-00051851-00052165 It costs money to have street lights. It costs money to n1sZO_2Va3o-00170-00052165-00052479 have cops. It costs money to pull firetrucks out n1sZO_2Va3o-00171-00052479-00052789 of the fire hall when we have the calls. And when we were n1sZO_2Va3o-00172-00052789-00053102 receive a promise from the state that is reneged n1sZO_2Va3o-00173-00053102-00053416 on, we have to do what we can do to keep n1sZO_2Va3o-00174-00053416-00053720 funding ah, city services. And so n1sZO_2Va3o-00175-00053720-00054023 those are some of the things that I know Bemidji raised it's levy n1sZO_2Va3o-00176-00054023-00054327 and correlated...correlates it's levy all the time n1sZO_2Va3o-00177-00054327-00054631 to what LGA does. But in some cities as well they will n1sZO_2Va3o-00178-00054631-00054934 cut services, delay purchases of vehicles. n1sZO_2Va3o-00179-00054934-00055238 And in our case in Staples, took a drastic measure n1sZO_2Va3o-00180-00055238-00055542 shutting street lights off. Bradley: I think one of the things that n1sZO_2Va3o-00181-00055542-00055845 um, happened especially during that early 2002, n1sZO_2Va3o-00182-00055845-00056149 2003 time period was you had cities n1sZO_2Va3o-00183-00056149-00056449 really working hard to figure out how they could re-evaluate the delivery n1sZO_2Va3o-00184-00056449-00056756 of services. You had a lot of cities that looked at n1sZO_2Va3o-00185-00056756-00057066 um, you know whether or not they needed a n1sZO_2Va3o-00186-00057066-00057377 police department or could those services be contracted with n1sZO_2Va3o-00187-00057377-00057690 the county? Um, you had a lot of n1sZO_2Va3o-00188-00057690-00058001 consolidation of administrative services n1sZO_2Va3o-00189-00058001-00058314 within cities. And a lot of cities across the state are running much n1sZO_2Va3o-00190-00058314-00058628 leaner and meaner than they were ah, now than n1sZO_2Va3o-00191-00058628-00058935 they were 15 years ago. Um, one of the things n1sZO_2Va3o-00192-00058935-00059252 that I often get asked at the legislature is well, isn't there more n1sZO_2Va3o-00193-00059252-00059559 cities can do to consolidate services and n1sZO_2Va3o-00194-00059559-00059876 ah, become leaner and meaner? And I think a lot of that n1sZO_2Va3o-00195-00059876-00060193 work was already done. And so, you know we had n1sZO_2Va3o-00196-00060193-00060500 one of our city mangers a couple of years ago say you know, often n1sZO_2Va3o-00197-00060500-00060804 times were expected to do more with less. There's a point at which you n1sZO_2Va3o-00198-00060804-00061107 can you're at...just doing less with less. n1sZO_2Va3o-00199-00061107-00061421 Nate: That's a good point. In Bemidji you know looking at n1sZO_2Va3o-00200-00061421-00061738 our data for the last 17 years we've n1sZO_2Va3o-00201-00061738-00062045 grown a lot in population. Our service area has n1sZO_2Va3o-00202-00062045-00062345 grown with annexation. We've not added any new employees. In n1sZO_2Va3o-00203-00062345-00062649 fact were, we have one less employee than we did in n1sZO_2Va3o-00204-00062649-00062952 2000. And um, so n1sZO_2Va3o-00205-00062952-00063256 we're trying to do the best we can. But we still have costs n1sZO_2Va3o-00206-00063256-00063560 that go up every year. Our materials, our n1sZO_2Va3o-00207-00063560-00063863 labor. A 1% cost of living adjustment n1sZO_2Va3o-00208-00063863-00064167 just for our employees in an equivalent of n1sZO_2Va3o-00209-00064167-00064474 53,000 dollars. That's just 1% n1sZO_2Va3o-00210-00064474-00064781 um, to keep our labor happening in n1sZO_2Va3o-00211-00064781-00065088 Bemidji. We've received in 4 years n1sZO_2Va3o-00212-00065088-00065391 from the state ah, 11,000 dollars of n1sZO_2Va3o-00213-00065391-00065695 new LGA. So the amount of money we're receiving n1sZO_2Va3o-00214-00065695-00065999 for property tax reduction and this n1sZO_2Va3o-00215-00065999-00066302 partnership with the state isn't keeping up with n1sZO_2Va3o-00216-00066302-00066606 inflationary costs that we have with the city for labor and n1sZO_2Va3o-00217-00066606-00066916 materials. Bethany: Is it fair to say, too, that regional n1sZO_2Va3o-00218-00066916-00067217 centers like Bemidji are even almost doubly hurt n1sZO_2Va3o-00219-00067217-00067524 because we know we've heard you say this before, n1sZO_2Va3o-00220-00067524-00067827 50% or more of your land is nontaxable. So, n1sZO_2Va3o-00221-00067827-00068131 if you lose LGA and you raise taxes you n1sZO_2Va3o-00222-00068131-00068444 almost have to do it even more so. Nate: We've done that, we've had n1sZO_2Va3o-00223-00068444-00068758 Bemidji is a tricky city because of that. Because of n1sZO_2Va3o-00224-00068758-00069075 our university our school systems and our county government n1sZO_2Va3o-00225-00069075-00069389 buildings are here. They generate jobs, they generate n1sZO_2Va3o-00226-00069389-00069692 activity. It's a great vibrant community. n1sZO_2Va3o-00227-00069692-00069999 However it doesn't generate a lot of property tax. Ah so one of the things n1sZO_2Va3o-00228-00069999-00070303 we've had to do as well [excuse me] during this time is n1sZO_2Va3o-00229-00070303-00070607 we've looked at alternative revenues. Franchise fees, cable n1sZO_2Va3o-00230-00070607-00070910 access fees ah gas franchise fees. We've n1sZO_2Va3o-00231-00070910-00071214 had to find other ways to make up for n1sZO_2Va3o-00232-00071214-00071514 where the state has not kept up with inflation with us. n1sZO_2Va3o-00233-00071514-00071825 Bradley: And you know, for regional centers especially those n1sZO_2Va3o-00234-00071825-00072135 over 10,000 the formula really does try to figure out n1sZO_2Va3o-00235-00072135-00072435 count for those needs of, you're a center of activity n1sZO_2Va3o-00236-00072435-00072742 in your region. You've got a lot of folks coming in from outside of n1sZO_2Va3o-00237-00072742-00073059 this city who aren't paying property taxes in the city. n1sZO_2Va3o-00238-00073059-00073363 Like Bemidji, you've got a lot of your property that's nontaxable n1sZO_2Va3o-00239-00073363-00073666 and so that's a very common story in a lot of our n1sZO_2Va3o-00240-00073666-00073973 regional centers. And something that the LGA formula n1sZO_2Va3o-00241-00073973-00074280 tries to account for as it distributes the dollars that are available. n1sZO_2Va3o-00242-00074280-00074594 Bethany: We've talked a lot about what happens when LGA gets cut, there actually n1sZO_2Va3o-00243-00074594-00074908 was a reinvestment in LGA recently n1sZO_2Va3o-00244-00074908-00075221 that was in that 2013 effective 2014. n1sZO_2Va3o-00245-00075221-00075528 But, your position is that's not quite enough. n1sZO_2Va3o-00246-00075528-00075839 Bradley: Right, we're still 45.5 million dollars below where we n1sZO_2Va3o-00247-00075839-00076146 were at in 2002. Ah, and you know n1sZO_2Va3o-00248-00076146-00076463 state government has continued to grow in terms of n1sZO_2Va3o-00249-00076463-00076773 um, how much they're spending on programs generally. Ah, I think n1sZO_2Va3o-00250-00076773-00077076 you know since 2002 that ah, state governments grown by n1sZO_2Va3o-00251-00077076-00077387 about 20%. Ah, LGA is still 10% or so n1sZO_2Va3o-00252-00077387-00077704 below ah, where it is. And that's not even accounting for inflation. n1sZO_2Va3o-00253-00077704-00078017 Ah, so the annual LGA n1sZO_2Va3o-00254-00078017-00078334 appropriation from the state right now and there are no n1sZO_2Va3o-00255-00078334-00078651 changes this year, which we're hoping there will be, is n1sZO_2Va3o-00256-00078651-00078972 519 million dollars. Had you ah, started n1sZO_2Va3o-00257-00078972-00079289 and accounted for inflation since 2002 the LGA program n1sZO_2Va3o-00258-00079289-00079592 would actually be over 800 million dollars. So, n1sZO_2Va3o-00259-00079592-00079896 we're not asking to get back to 800 million dollars we're just asking to get back to n1sZO_2Va3o-00260-00079896-00080200 where we were at 15-16 years ago. n1sZO_2Va3o-00261-00080200-00080510 Bethany: What did you see as a city administrator when some n1sZO_2Va3o-00262-00080510-00080817 of those funds did come back? I mean, even if it wasn't n1sZO_2Va3o-00263-00080817-00081121 quite enough? What kind of happened you know within a city operation n1sZO_2Va3o-00264-00081121-00081428 when you did get a little bit of a boost in LGA? Nate: Levies n1sZO_2Va3o-00265-00081428-00081734 went down. [Ok] That's primarily my initial n1sZO_2Va3o-00266-00081734-00082041 reaction in the communities I worked for. We reduced our n1sZO_2Va3o-00267-00082041-00082348 levies when LGA was restored. Because n1sZO_2Va3o-00268-00082348-00082659 we had those funds. We were able to purchase n1sZO_2Va3o-00269-00082659-00082969 our vehicles. You know, we took a look at our 5 year n1sZO_2Va3o-00270-00082969-00083279 CIP and maybe made it a 7 or 8 year CIP but n1sZO_2Va3o-00271-00083279-00083583 we're able to get our trucks back on our schedules. n1sZO_2Va3o-00272-00083583-00083893 Um, but fundamentally though in Bemidji specifically n1sZO_2Va3o-00273-00083893-00084204 local government aide in 2017 n1sZO_2Va3o-00274-00084204-00084517 is just a little under what it was in 2004. n1sZO_2Va3o-00275-00084517-00084828 So 13 years we're basically at n1sZO_2Va3o-00276-00084828-00085135 the same exact place we were 13 years ago. n1sZO_2Va3o-00277-00085135-00085448 And that's really not a long term sustainable n1sZO_2Va3o-00278-00085448-00085762 solution. Because the property tax payers in Minnesota n1sZO_2Va3o-00279-00085762-00086072 are very burdened right now. Bradley: In terms of the n1sZO_2Va3o-00280-00086072-00086376 investments that other cities made, I was amazed in n1sZO_2Va3o-00281-00086376-00086683 2014 how many folks bought fire trucks. Ah, that was a very n1sZO_2Va3o-00282-00086683-00086986 common thing that you people did. They've been trying to extend n1sZO_2Va3o-00283-00086986-00087290 the life of that fire truck, and maybe it was 3 or 4 n1sZO_2Va3o-00284-00087290-00087597 or 5 years beyond where it should have been that they were keeping with it. n1sZO_2Va3o-00285-00087597-00087901 Ah, so when the money came in a lot of them ah n1sZO_2Va3o-00286-00087901-00088208 bought fire trucks. They replaced other vehicles. n1sZO_2Va3o-00287-00088208-00088515 They rehired staff that maybe they had let those positions n1sZO_2Va3o-00288-00088515-00088818 ah, lapse through attrition. Ah, a lot of communities n1sZO_2Va3o-00289-00088818-00089125 reinvested in their parks and their streets. n1sZO_2Va3o-00290-00089125-00089429 Ah, two of the things that were sort of the first to get reduced n1sZO_2Va3o-00291-00089429-00089736 when times were tighter. n1sZO_2Va3o-00292-00089736-00090043 Ah, so there was a lot of catch up that was being played at that time. n1sZO_2Va3o-00293-00090043-00090343 Nate: A common position that I could say that n1sZO_2Va3o-00294-00090343-00090650 is sus....or you know is subject to LGA cuts n1sZO_2Va3o-00295-00090650-00090954 is the school resource officer position. It's a n1sZO_2Va3o-00296-00090954-00091257 preventative, proactive way for police officers n1sZO_2Va3o-00297-00091257-00091564 to get into the school to build relationships with n1sZO_2Va3o-00298-00091564-00091865 the children and the administrators. When local government aide n1sZO_2Va3o-00299-00091865-00092168 is cut, it's very common for those positions n1sZO_2Va3o-00300-00092168-00092475 to go away. Because they are not a fundamental n1sZO_2Va3o-00301-00092475-00092786 response position for policing. A triaging so n1sZO_2Va3o-00302-00092786-00093089 to speak. Ah, but it's a good example in my n1sZO_2Va3o-00303-00093089-00093393 mind. I know a number of cities that when local government aide was n1sZO_2Va3o-00304-00093393-00093696 restored they were able to put some of those positions back n1sZO_2Va3o-00305-00093696-00094000 ah, that enhance the public service delivery n1sZO_2Va3o-00306-00094000-00094304 particular in this case for police. n1sZO_2Va3o-00307-00094304-00094607 Bethany: Ok. We've talked a little bit about that rural versus metro, we've covered n1sZO_2Va3o-00308-00094607-00094911 that. Let's talk a little bit about is it bipartisanship, n1sZO_2Va3o-00309-00094911-00095215 is it cross aisles, is it a one n1sZO_2Va3o-00310-00095215-00095515 party issue? Bradley: It shouldn't be and you know n1sZO_2Va3o-00311-00095515-00095822 going way back in history it hasn't been. And what we've n1sZO_2Va3o-00312-00095822-00096126 seen in the last couple of years is that there is n1sZO_2Va3o-00313-00096126-00096429 a lot of support for the local government aide program on the n1sZO_2Va3o-00314-00096429-00096733 part of individual let...legislatures both. Ah, republicans n1sZO_2Va3o-00315-00096733-00097040 and democrats. Ah, and so the support is there n1sZO_2Va3o-00316-00097040-00097343 and I think you know, certainly our coalition n1sZO_2Va3o-00317-00097343-00097650 ah, relies on folks like Nate and his colleagues n1sZO_2Va3o-00318-00097650-00097957 around the state to help educate local legislators when they're back here at n1sZO_2Va3o-00319-00097957-00098264 home and then we work on them when they're at the capitol in St. Paul. n1sZO_2Va3o-00320-00098264-00098571 Ah, but it's...sometimes I think n1sZO_2Va3o-00321-00098571-00098878 gets framed as a democrat n1sZO_2Va3o-00322-00098878-00099182 republican issue especially from a couple of years ago. n1sZO_2Va3o-00323-00099182-00099492 When you did have ah, Governor Pawlenty n1sZO_2Va3o-00324-00099492-00099799 who ah, targeted LGA for cuts and was n1sZO_2Va3o-00325-00099799-00100109 not a fan of the program and made no bones about being a fan of the program. n1sZO_2Va3o-00326-00100109-00100420 Um but I don't think fundamentally at the individual n1sZO_2Va3o-00327-00100420-00100730 legislator level it is. Ah, what I think needs to happen then is that n1sZO_2Va3o-00328-00100730-00101040 those rural legislators both republicans and democrats who n1sZO_2Va3o-00329-00101040-00101347 believe in local government aide, who understand it's importance to their communities n1sZO_2Va3o-00330-00101347-00101661 they really need to speak up now as n1sZO_2Va3o-00331-00101661-00101975 the process goes forward during this legislative session. And as n1sZO_2Va3o-00332-00101975-00102288 we start to roll out budget bills and tax proposals. n1sZO_2Va3o-00333-00102288-00102599 Ah, it's important that those individual legislators speak up n1sZO_2Va3o-00334-00102599-00102906 on behalf of their community. That is how it gets done. n1sZO_2Va3o-00335-00102906-00103206 Nate: My observation ah... n1sZO_2Va3o-00336-00103206-00103509 when you get out state in greater Minnesota it's not a very partisan n1sZO_2Va3o-00337-00103509-00103813 issue. And Bradley could speak to this cause n1sZO_2Va3o-00338-00103813-00104117 he works much more closely with the n1sZO_2Va3o-00339-00104117-00104420 politics of this. As you're in the metro area n1sZO_2Va3o-00340-00104420-00104724 and the metro cities it feels a little more partisan. n1sZO_2Va3o-00341-00104724-00105028 In that the republican caucus n1sZO_2Va3o-00342-00105028-00105338 in their metro area is a little more hesitant to n1sZO_2Va3o-00343-00105338-00105642 support local government aide. And the democrats n1sZO_2Va3o-00344-00105642-00105945 in the metropolitan area seem to be much more receptive to it. But that's n1sZO_2Va3o-00345-00105945-00106249 a generality in my perception as a city manager who's worked n1sZO_2Va3o-00346-00106249-00106556 out state ah, my entire career thus far. n1sZO_2Va3o-00347-00106556-00106863 Um, I don't know what you think about that Bradley but n1sZO_2Va3o-00348-00106863-00107177 I generally feel out state it crosses n1sZO_2Va3o-00349-00107177-00107480 party lines, both sides of n1sZO_2Va3o-00350-00107480-00107794 the political parties understand the importance o local government aide in the rural n1sZO_2Va3o-00351-00107794-00108097 communities in my observation. Bradley: And I think from the suburban n1sZO_2Va3o-00352-00108097-00108404 republicans point of view they represent a lot of the communities that n1sZO_2Va3o-00353-00108404-00108705 don't get local government aide. They come from communities that have n1sZO_2Va3o-00354-00108705-00109008 ah, more property tax wealth and can provide n1sZO_2Va3o-00355-00109008-00109315 services a lot more easily at a lower cost n1sZO_2Va3o-00356-00109315-00109626 burden than you can otherwise in ah, n1sZO_2Va3o-00357-00109626-00109936 greater Minnesota. Bethany: Is the challenge with that, then to convince n1sZO_2Va3o-00358-00109936-00110243 them that if they still want to keep you know coming up for fishing and hunting n1sZO_2Va3o-00359-00110243-00110553 and using the amenities that are here you know n1sZO_2Va3o-00360-00110553-00110864 you want them to still be strong and in a good space n1sZO_2Va3o-00361-00110864-00111177 for when they do visit. Nate: There's that but there's n1sZO_2Va3o-00362-00111177-00111491 also the perception and Mayor Albrecht does a great job of n1sZO_2Va3o-00363-00111491-00111805 speaking to this. We're one Minnesota. You know, n1sZO_2Va3o-00364-00111805-00112118 we are one Minnesota. We make decisions together we're n1sZO_2Va3o-00365-00112118-00112432 better when we think of ourselves as that. Bethany: Ok. Talk a little n1sZO_2Va3o-00366-00112432-00112739 about how the process is going down in St. Paul. I mean, are n1sZO_2Va3o-00367-00112739-00113046 you feeling fairly confident? Are people being pretty receptive to the n1sZO_2Va3o-00368-00113046-00113349 idea of a reinvestment? Bradley: Well, ah we introduced n1sZO_2Va3o-00369-00113349-00113660 ah...some legislation that had strong bipartisan n1sZO_2Va3o-00370-00113660-00113973 support to get back to the 2002 level, the 45.5 n1sZO_2Va3o-00371-00113973-00114280 million dollars that you mentioned. Ah, there's been a lot of n1sZO_2Va3o-00372-00114280-00114591 discussion. Newspapers across the state have been very supportive of our n1sZO_2Va3o-00373-00114591-00114901 position. Ah, but at least right now where we're at in session n1sZO_2Va3o-00374-00114901-00115215 decisions are still being made. Ah, they've got until the 3rd week in May n1sZO_2Va3o-00375-00115215-00115528 to wrap up the legislative session. And this is going to be a hard n1sZO_2Va3o-00376-00115528-00115842 year. Ah, in terms of getting things done I think. n1sZO_2Va3o-00377-00115842-00116152 Because you've's a budget year, you've got a n1sZO_2Va3o-00378-00116152-00116456 legislature that is dominated by one party with a governor of an opposite party. n1sZO_2Va3o-00379-00116456-00116769 Ah, when we've had those situations in the past n1sZO_2Va3o-00380-00116769-00117083 ah, it has taken a lot of time and effort and work to n1sZO_2Va3o-00381-00117083-00117400 get just the regular state budget done. In n1sZO_2Va3o-00382-00117400-00117717 2011 and 2015 we had special sessions, we had shut downs. n1sZO_2Va3o-00383-00117717-00118037 Um and so it's going to be difficult n1sZO_2Va3o-00384-00118037-00118341 and you know the local government aide program is usually n1sZO_2Va3o-00385-00118341-00118648 carried in what is called the tax bill ah, proposal that deals with n1sZO_2Va3o-00386-00118648-00118952 tax issues of all sorts. Not only property taxes but n1sZO_2Va3o-00387-00118952-00119255 ah, income tax, sales tax, tax increment financing n1sZO_2Va3o-00388-00119255-00119559 issues that individual communities need. There's a whole laundry list n1sZO_2Va3o-00389-00119559-00119862 of things that end up in these bills. And the issue ends up being n1sZO_2Va3o-00390-00119862-00120166 is, for state government to continue to run you don't n1sZO_2Va3o-00391-00120166-00120470 need a tax bill. And so what we saw both n1sZO_2Va3o-00392-00120470-00120777 in 2015 and 2016 is that it's very difficult n1sZO_2Va3o-00393-00120777-00121090 to kind of come together on a tax bill. Ah, in n1sZO_2Va3o-00394-00121090-00121397 2015 when they were doing the state...the last state budget ah n1sZO_2Va3o-00395-00121397-00121701 it was just too hard and issues of ah... n1sZO_2Va3o-00396-00121701-00122001 taxes and transportation got put on the shelf. Last year there was a n1sZO_2Va3o-00397-00122001-00122308 tax bill ah that had a 20 million dollar increase in local n1sZO_2Va3o-00398-00122308-00122615 government aide. Ah, but due to a drafting error n1sZO_2Va3o-00399-00122615-00122922 ah, that would have cost the state 100 million dollars over 3 years n1sZO_2Va3o-00400-00122922-00123229 it had to be vetoed by the governor. Um, and so n1sZO_2Va3o-00401-00123229-00123536 its not easy and it's not one of those things n1sZO_2Va3o-00402-00123536-00123843 from the perspective of keeping the doors open n1sZO_2Va3o-00403-00123843-00124153 in state government is necessary. But boy it sure is important to the n1sZO_2Va3o-00404-00124153-00124457 communities around the state that it gets done. n1sZO_2Va3o-00405-00124457-00124761 Bethany: Fair to say that you know, there is a surplus. n1sZO_2Va3o-00406-00124761-00125068 You know predicted, quite a big one. It's ah, 1.65 n1sZO_2Va3o-00407-00125068-00125371 I think is the last number we heard, billion. [Yup] n1sZO_2Va3o-00408-00125371-00125675 Um, got to be an easier position to be in to ask for more n1sZO_2Va3o-00409-00125675-00125979 money than if there was fewer dollars coming through. n1sZO_2Va3o-00410-00125979-00126292 Bradley: Oh absolutely. And you know our position is that you know, with a n1sZO_2Va3o-00411-00126292-00126603 1.65 billion dollar surplus there's no reason that we can't n1sZO_2Va3o-00412-00126603-00126916 finally get back to this 2002 level. Ah, they've got the resources n1sZO_2Va3o-00413-00126916-00127220 there to do it. Um, but I think then what we get n1sZO_2Va3o-00414-00127220-00127533 into know that divide again between n1sZO_2Va3o-00415-00127533-00127847 the republican legislature and the democratic n1sZO_2Va3o-00416-00127847-00128151 governor. And there are a lot of claims on the 1.65 billion dollars. n1sZO_2Va3o-00417-00128151-00128468 Ah, and a lot of folks with different ideas on how to spend it. n1sZO_2Va3o-00418-00128468-00128788 And I think what you will see as the n1sZO_2Va3o-00419-00128788-00129102 session progresses is that there will be this tension between n1sZO_2Va3o-00420-00129102-00129422 ah, the republicans wanting to do n1sZO_2Va3o-00421-00129422-00129729 ah, large tax cuts as well as n1sZO_2Va3o-00422-00129729-00130033 use some of that surplus money for transportation. n1sZO_2Va3o-00423-00130033-00130336 Ah versus the governors priority which is going to be to increase n1sZO_2Va3o-00424-00130336-00130643 spending on a number of different programs including local government aide n1sZO_2Va3o-00425-00130643-00130947 um and do new revenue n1sZO_2Va3o-00426-00130947-00131247 for transportation. Um, and so that's why I think it's n1sZO_2Va3o-00427-00131247-00131551 going to be difficult no matter what. n1sZO_2Va3o-00428-00131551-00131858 Um, so but it should be n1sZO_2Va3o-00429-00131858-00132161 with a 1.65 billion dollar surplus we should be able to get there. n1sZO_2Va3o-00430-00132161-00132475 Nate: And our ask isn't that big of that pie. n1sZO_2Va3o-00431-00132475-00132779 And we're really feeling hopeful that we n1sZO_2Va3o-00432-00132779-00133086 can get back to where we were. Um, when we n1sZO_2Va3o-00433-00133086-00133389 had Bemidji day at the capitol we were fortunate to have the speaker n1sZO_2Va3o-00434-00133389-00133693 come visit us. And I asked him that question, n1sZO_2Va3o-00435-00133693-00133997 are you confident that you're going to be able to help us with property tax n1sZO_2Va3o-00436-00133997-00134300 relief? And he indicated to Bemidji n1sZO_2Va3o-00437-00134300-00134607 he thinks we'll be able to get there. With all n1sZO_2Va3o-00438-00134607-00134911 the devil is in the details. Bethany: Tell me a little bit about the budget n1sZO_2Va3o-00439-00134911-00135218 process from a cities perspective and at what point n1sZO_2Va3o-00440-00135218-00135521 do you really need to know what your LGA is to n1sZO_2Va3o-00441-00135521-00135829 help plan appropriately for the future? Nate: We start a budget n1sZO_2Va3o-00442-00135829-00136129 process in Bemidji next month. n1sZO_2Va3o-00443-00136129-00136432 We have our first budget workshop and we start n1sZO_2Va3o-00444-00136432-00136743 our capital improvement planning now. We adopt our preliminary n1sZO_2Va3o-00445-00136743-00137050 levy in September. And so that's usually n1sZO_2Va3o-00446-00137050-00137353 our kind of our drop dead deadline that we need n1sZO_2Va3o-00447-00137353-00137657 to know what the local government aide forecast is for the next n1sZO_2Va3o-00448-00137657-00137961 fiscal year. And our fiscal year is on the calendar year. n1sZO_2Va3o-00449-00137961-00138268 The states is on the fiscal year. n1sZO_2Va3o-00450-00138268-00138575 And so they usually are ah certify our local n1sZO_2Va3o-00451-00138575-00138882 government aide amount in the summertime, in July. And n1sZO_2Va3o-00452-00138882-00139189 so we...that's when our budgeting n1sZO_2Va3o-00453-00139189-00139489 we start to fine tune much more carefully. n1sZO_2Va3o-00454-00139489-00139799 Because we receive that notification from the state. So n1sZO_2Va3o-00455-00139799-00140106 September is our time. However we do not adopt n1sZO_2Va3o-00456-00140106-00140413 our final levy until December. [Ok] n1sZO_2Va3o-00457-00140413-00140717 Bethany: And as you've talked to legislators you know you're local n1sZO_2Va3o-00458-00140717-00141024 legislators, and I know recently there's been some changes because of the n1sZO_2Va3o-00459-00141024-00141324 election this past fall, do you find that they're generally supportive of n1sZO_2Va3o-00460-00141324-00141628 LGA? Nate: We have a new legislator representative n1sZO_2Va3o-00461-00141628-00141941 in Bemidji and he is ah, still n1sZO_2Va3o-00462-00141941-00142255 learning about the merits of local government aide. n1sZO_2Va3o-00463-00142255-00142569 And so, um but he's very receptive to it. n1sZO_2Va3o-00464-00142569-00142872 As well as our state senator. Um, but we haven't we n1sZO_2Va3o-00465-00142872-00143186 really have not pushed it right now. There's so much coming n1sZO_2Va3o-00466-00143186-00143503 at him, both of...our senator and n1sZO_2Va3o-00467-00143503-00143806 our representative. In this session as first time n1sZO_2Va3o-00468-00143806-00144113 legislators. But I do believe that they n1sZO_2Va3o-00469-00144113-00144417 will be receptive to ah....increasing local n1sZO_2Va3o-00470-00144417-00144727 government aide for us. Bethany: Do you find, Bradley that when you sit down with n1sZO_2Va3o-00471-00144727-00145041 like perhaps a new sen..a new legislator or somebody who's not as n1sZO_2Va3o-00472-00145041-00145351 familiar with the issue but you kind of start to work with them to get them familiar n1sZO_2Va3o-00473-00145351-00145658 they understand more? Bradley: Yeah and you know being in the n1sZO_2Va3o-00474-00145658-00145959 legislature is a learning process and I... n1sZO_2Va3o-00475-00145959-00146279 it's got to be incredibly difficult to be a new member. You're trying n1sZO_2Va3o-00476-00146279-00146583 to figure out where your office is, you're trying to figure out how the procedure works. n1sZO_2Va3o-00477-00146583-00146886 And you've got ah, group after group, lobbyist after n1sZO_2Va3o-00478-00146886-00147193 lobbyist, constituent after constituent coming to talk to you n1sZO_2Va3o-00479-00147193-00147497 about a whole bunch of different issues. And so what we n1sZO_2Va3o-00480-00147497-00147800 find is certainly those legislators who have some local government n1sZO_2Va3o-00481-00147800-00148111 experience ah, have a little bit of a leg up in terms of their understanding. n1sZO_2Va3o-00482-00148111-00148421 Ah, but often times when you n1sZO_2Va3o-00483-00148421-00148721 work with folks and you know it takes a couple of meetings sometimes n1sZO_2Va3o-00484-00148721-00149028 to kind of walk them through issues. Ah you give them a little n1sZO_2Va3o-00485-00149028-00149335 bit of a time they sort of digest it, and then you go back and give them n1sZO_2Va3o-00486-00149335-00149639 a little bit more and ah...they begin to gain n1sZO_2Va3o-00487-00149639-00149946 a fuller picture. And so over time and I think what we've seen n1sZO_2Va3o-00488-00149946-00150253 um, with the group of legislators that are there n1sZO_2Va3o-00489-00150253-00150563 now from rural Minnesota is that the n1sZO_2Va3o-00490-00150563-00150873 ah, folks who have been there for along time who are much more seasoned who n1sZO_2Va3o-00491-00150873-00151184 ah, have been involved in n1sZO_2Va3o-00492-00151184-00151491 ah, the cities across their districts um n1sZO_2Va3o-00493-00151491-00151801 have a much greater appreciation. And so that's a n1sZO_2Va3o-00494-00151801-00152111 there's a learning curve to being a legislator. And there's a maturity curve I think to n1sZO_2Va3o-00495-00152111-00152428 being a legislator as well. Um, and but most of them n1sZO_2Va3o-00496-00152428-00152732 get there. Bethany: Fair to say that is there a danger in LGA becoming n1sZO_2Va3o-00497-00152732-00153036 too politicized? You know, we know that representative Steve n1sZO_2Va3o-00498-00153036-00153349 Drazkowski has introduced different bills trying to tie n1sZO_2Va3o-00499-00153349-00153663 LGA to certain policies. You know, taking money away n1sZO_2Va3o-00500-00153663-00153983 if you're spending money on lobbying and stuff like that. Is there a danger n1sZO_2Va3o-00501-00153983-00154290 in that? Bradley: Absolutely. And we really try to downplay the n1sZO_2Va3o-00502-00154290-00154601 political elements of local government aide. What we say is, you know n1sZO_2Va3o-00503-00154601-00154904 it is a formula that evaluates a communities needs versus n1sZO_2Va3o-00504-00154904-00155211 their tax base and that has the impact on what their LGA is. n1sZO_2Va3o-00505-00155211-00155515 And that's been what has worked for the last 40 years n1sZO_2Va3o-00506-00155515-00155825 in terms of the program. When it becomes political n1sZO_2Va3o-00507-00155825-00156129 then it becomes dangerous. And it's really too important I think to n1sZO_2Va3o-00508-00156129-00156439 the communities that we represent for it to be political. This should n1sZO_2Va3o-00509-00156439-00156749 be good solid bread and butter stuff that government n1sZO_2Va3o-00510-00156749-00157060 does. Um, and it shouldn't get tied up in democrat republican n1sZO_2Va3o-00511-00157060-00157370 metro/rural all of that. Bethany: Every so often you hear n1sZO_2Va3o-00512-00157370-00157680 talk about possibly tinkering with the formula? When was the last time the formula n1sZO_2Va3o-00513-00157680-00157984 was really taken a look at? Bradley: So the last major ah, n1sZO_2Va3o-00514-00157984-00158288 overhaul of the formula was in 2013. Before that it had n1sZO_2Va3o-00515-00158288-00158591 been in 2002. Ah, and so kind of n1sZO_2Va3o-00516-00158591-00158898 on a schedule of every 10-15 years there's a major look n1sZO_2Va3o-00517-00158898-00159205 at the formula. But the basics of it remain the same. It looks at n1sZO_2Va3o-00518-00159205-00159512 a communities needs and their tax base. Ah the n1sZO_2Va3o-00519-00159512-00159819 need factors might change and how you evaluate the needs of a community n1sZO_2Va3o-00520-00159819-00160126 might change. But that basic model has been n1sZO_2Va3o-00521-00160126-00160436 what has prevailed the last ah, couple of decades. n1sZO_2Va3o-00522-00160436-00160747 Um, and so there are always tweaks here and there n1sZO_2Va3o-00523-00160747-00161057 that are needed as you, you know, get into it and see how it actually n1sZO_2Va3o-00524-00161057-00161367 works versus the models that you do. Um, n1sZO_2Va3o-00525-00161367-00161678 but I don't anticipate there being a need for a major overhaul anytime n1sZO_2Va3o-00526-00161678-00161988 soon. Bethany: From your perspective Nate, from what you've heard and what you've seen n1sZO_2Va3o-00527-00161988-00162292 the formula seems to be working fairly well? Nate: The formula works. It's n1sZO_2Va3o-00528-00162292-00162595 a difficult, tricky beast to tame because there's a lot n1sZO_2Va3o-00529-00162595-00162899 of competing interests. But largely it does n1sZO_2Va3o-00530-00162899-00163203 work. needs to be a reliable n1sZO_2Va3o-00531-00163203-00163506 and a stable element of the city's financial n1sZO_2Va3o-00532-00163506-00163810 understanding. And if it gets n1sZO_2Va3o-00533-00163810-00164113 tinkered with too much, we in my chair n1sZO_2Va3o-00534-00164113-00164420 as a city manager get very nervous because we n1sZO_2Va3o-00535-00164420-00164724 are concerned about the reliability of that n1sZO_2Va3o-00536-00164724-00165031 partnership and that funding. Bethany: Well n1sZO_2Va3o-00537-00165031-00165331 listen, I want to thank you guys both for joining me today. I thank n1sZO_2Va3o-00538-00165331-00165645 you for tuning in. If you're interested in learning more about LGA or n1sZO_2Va3o-00539-00165645-00165962 the coalition in greater Minnesota cities I encourage you to n1sZO_2Va3o-00540-00165962-00166269 visit the website on the bottom of the screen. There's a link on that n1sZO_2Va3o-00541-00166269-00166569 website that will take you specifically to a site that discusses the LGA. n1sZO_2Va3o-00542-00166569-00166876 Thank you join me next time. n1sZO_2Va3o-00543-00166876-00167180 ♪ n1sZO_2Va3o-00544-00167180-00167483 ♪ n1sZO_2Va3o-00545-00167483-00167787 ♪ n1sZO_2Va3o-00546-00167787-00168091 ♪ n1sZO_2Va3o-00547-00168091-00168191 ♪ n4aohYzcKgo-00000-00000000-00000248 September 2019 Astrological Events n8JmVzA3Nby-00000-00000000-00000288 Bathad Water Fall in Tirthan Valley of GHNP n8JmVzA3Nby-00001-00000288-00000408 by- Daulat Bharti n8JmVzA3Nby-00002-00000408-00000560 Apna himachal Digital nq_jIdtfdjA-00000-00000040-00000364 Hello. I'm Judy Garber, the ambassador of the United States nq_jIdtfdjA-00001-00000364-00000680 of America to Cyprus, and I'm here today with Dr. nq_jIdtfdjA-00002-00000680-00001172 Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis, former foreign minister and former nq_jIdtfdjA-00003-00001172-00001456 ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to the United States. nq_jIdtfdjA-00004-00001480-00001932 Today, we'll be reflecting on the events of 9/11 on this 20th nq_jIdtfdjA-00005-00001932-00002328 anniversary of this horrific event in which nearly 3000 nq_jIdtfdjA-00006-00002328-00002712 people from over 90 countries tragically lost their lives. nq_jIdtfdjA-00007-00002824-00003012 Doctor, may I call you Erato? nq_jIdtfdjA-00008-00003012-00003279 Of course, Judy. nq_jIdtfdjA-00009-00003279-00003515 Erato, you were the ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus nq_jIdtfdjA-00010-00003515-00003732 in the United States at the time of 9/11. nq_jIdtfdjA-00011-00003768-00003992 What do you remember from that day? nq_jIdtfdjA-00012-00003992-00004260 And that was a day that I will never forget nq_jIdtfdjA-00013-00004304-00004700 the pain and the suffering that I have seen and witnessed. nq_jIdtfdjA-00014-00004700-00005052 And, of course, the whole world witnessed that day nq_jIdtfdjA-00015-00005112-00005580 because of the horrific attacks against the United States in nq_jIdtfdjA-00016-00005748-00006220 three different locations with the loss of so many Americans. nq_jIdtfdjA-00017-00006220-00006744 But not only as you mentioned, there were citizens from nq_jIdtfdjA-00018-00006888-00007452 nearly 90 countries that perished that day, including one Cypriot. nq_jIdtfdjA-00019-00007559-00007812 And I want to talk a little bit about him. nq_jIdtfdjA-00020-00007964-00008316 Michael Tarrou. He was a flight attendant nq_jIdtfdjA-00021-00008348-00008720 of the United Airlines 175, nq_jIdtfdjA-00022-00008772-00009240 the second plane that crashed on the South Tower. nq_jIdtfdjA-00023-00009356-00009672 And he and his fiancee perished. nq_jIdtfdjA-00024-00009788-00010488 So I do remember Michael Tarrou. nq_jIdtfdjA-00025-00010488-00010812 On that specific day, nq_jIdtfdjA-00026-00010812-00011100 I had a visit from the former nq_jIdtfdjA-00027-00011160-00011464 president of Cyprus, George Vasiliou nq_jIdtfdjA-00028-00011464-00011820 and we had an early meeting around 8:00 o'clock. nq_jIdtfdjA-00029-00011820-00012068 And as we were leaving the room, nq_jIdtfdjA-00030-00012236-00012516 the secretary of the director nq_jIdtfdjA-00031-00012516-00012840 of the center, she came to me. nq_jIdtfdjA-00032-00012844-00013028 She was in a frantic situation. nq_jIdtfdjA-00033-00013028-00013400 And she said, please call the embassy, something is very wrong. nq_jIdtfdjA-00034-00013447-00013847 And I took the former president and we went to the embassy. nq_jIdtfdjA-00035-00013847-00014288 And, of course, we witnessed as millions of people nq_jIdtfdjA-00036-00014340-00014836 around the world, we witnessed from our TV sets the attacks. nq_jIdtfdjA-00037-00015163-00015584 It was I mean, I will I will never forget the images. nq_jIdtfdjA-00038-00015600-00016147 I will never forget that pain, the anger, the agony, nq_jIdtfdjA-00039-00016244-00016676 the fear that we all felt that day. nq_jIdtfdjA-00040-00016680-00017044 My husband was in New York, so I had a problem nq_jIdtfdjA-00041-00017136-00017436 communicating with him for almost two days. nq_jIdtfdjA-00042-00017436-00017660 I was not able to communicate with him. nq_jIdtfdjA-00043-00017660-00018080 I knew that he was working in upper Manhattan. nq_jIdtfdjA-00044-00018116-00018200 But you never know. nq_jIdtfdjA-00045-00018200-00018560 I mean, he could have passed from the area for, nq_jIdtfdjA-00046-00018608-00018948 you know, visiting a patient or visiting a medical center. nq_jIdtfdjA-00047-00018948-00019464 So I was in agony also about my own person, my husband. nq_jIdtfdjA-00048-00019708-00020264 Then you know about the churches and Nicholas Church, which was demolished nq_jIdtfdjA-00049-00020264-00020548 because of the collapse of the South Tower. nq_jIdtfdjA-00050-00020616-00021156 And of course, the days that followed, trying to find survivors, nq_jIdtfdjA-00051-00021220-00021448 trying to identify the remains. nq_jIdtfdjA-00052-00021500-00021692 The stories, the victims, nq_jIdtfdjA-00053-00021792-00022080 the images, those images. nq_jIdtfdjA-00054-00022080-00022452 Sometimes I still feel, you know, I have nightmares. nq_jIdtfdjA-00055-00022640-00023096 And this is this is a moment that changed our lives. nq_jIdtfdjA-00056-00023100-00023432 I think that changed the lives of humanity nq_jIdtfdjA-00057-00023556-00024052 with witnessing the epitome of of these nq_jIdtfdjA-00058-00024052-00024600 the crime of international terrorism, which we are suffering still now. nq_jIdtfdjA-00059-00024636-00024864 Many other countries followed nq_jIdtfdjA-00060-00024976-00025452 France, U.K., Belgium and other countries nq_jIdtfdjA-00061-00025504-00025964 suffered the same consequences of this horrific crime. nq_jIdtfdjA-00062-00026100-00026456 But also, I will never forget nq_jIdtfdjA-00063-00026504-00026804 the determination of the American people. nq_jIdtfdjA-00064-00026900-00027283 And of course, Cyprus, as you probably know, was one of the first nq_jIdtfdjA-00065-00027327-00027748 to join this alliance of countries nq_jIdtfdjA-00066-00027780-00028064 against international terrorism. nq_jIdtfdjA-00067-00028064-00028495 We worked with the United States very closely, and of course, nq_jIdtfdjA-00068-00028495-00029016 we continue to work to combat this this situation. nq_jIdtfdjA-00069-00029148-00029424 Thank you very much for sharing those memories. nq_jIdtfdjA-00070-00029424-00029952 What I remember so much is the outpouring of international support, and you're nq_jIdtfdjA-00071-00029952-00030236 right, Cyprus was one of the countries that was right there with us. nq_jIdtfdjA-00072-00030236-00030656 At the time I was serving in our embassy in Madrid. nq_jIdtfdjA-00073-00030756-00030992 I was in Brussels, actually, when it happened. nq_jIdtfdjA-00074-00030992-00031180 And someone came racing into the room nq_jIdtfdjA-00075-00031180-00031472 where we were meeting and said, you're never going to believe this. nq_jIdtfdjA-00076-00031504-00031732 A plane hit the Twin Towers. nq_jIdtfdjA-00077-00031783-00031964 And we went and we watched on TV. nq_jIdtfdjA-00078-00031964-00032383 And as we watched as the second plane hit and we looked at each other nq_jIdtfdjA-00079-00032383-00032836 and one of my clear thinking colleagues said, we need to get back to Madrid now. nq_jIdtfdjA-00080-00032928-00033224 We were able to get a flight back and aviation kind of shut down nq_jIdtfdjA-00081-00033224-00033496 soon afterwards. We certainly got the last plane back. nq_jIdtfdjA-00082-00033548-00033872 And I remember being because things were different then, right? nq_jIdtfdjA-00083-00033876-00034096 We didn't have Wi-Fi on the airplane. nq_jIdtfdjA-00084-00034096-00034540 And I remember sitting on the airplane having no idea what was going on. nq_jIdtfdjA-00085-00034572-00034792 What does this mean for the future of my country? nq_jIdtfdjA-00086-00034828-00035076 Who is attacking my country? What was happening? nq_jIdtfdjA-00087-00035164-00035344 I'm a native New Yorker. nq_jIdtfdjA-00088-00035344-00035876 And the pain of watching those iconic symbols of my city, nq_jIdtfdjA-00089-00035916-00036376 of my birthplace just collapse, knowing I probably knew people that had perished. nq_jIdtfdjA-00090-00036424-00036588 And just that emotion. nq_jIdtfdjA-00091-00036588-00037152 I remember so much also is that outpouring of support for over a week. nq_jIdtfdjA-00092-00037204-00037712 We had Spaniards lining up, waiting hours, hours nq_jIdtfdjA-00093-00037808-00038252 in the heat to sign our condolence book to personally express those condolences. nq_jIdtfdjA-00094-00038300-00038520 And it was so moving. nq_jIdtfdjA-00095-00038520-00038980 I was still in Spain when what they call 3/11, nq_jIdtfdjA-00096-00039068-00039420 the bombings of the trains coming into Atocha station happened. nq_jIdtfdjA-00097-00039464-00039664 And I was driving to work at that time. nq_jIdtfdjA-00098-00039692-00040032 I had tears streaming down my face as the live nq_jIdtfdjA-00099-00040032-00040276 reporter was reporting on the deaths. nq_jIdtfdjA-00100-00040352-00040820 We had three embassy employees that were commuting to work on that train. nq_jIdtfdjA-00101-00040852-00040996 Thankfully, none of them perished. nq_jIdtfdjA-00102-00040996-00041104 There didn't seem to be nq_jIdtfdjA-00103-00041104-00041392 a single person I talked to that had been directly affected. nq_jIdtfdjA-00104-00041416-00041728 And it reminded me so much of all my friends that I grew up with. nq_jIdtfdjA-00105-00041756-00041980 And how many knew someone in 9/11. nq_jIdtfdjA-00106-00042028-00042492 I had a very close colleague who lost their brother, and it goes on and on. nq_jIdtfdjA-00107-00042572-00042784 There's so many. There are so many. nq_jIdtfdjA-00108-00042784-00042932 There are so many. nq_jIdtfdjA-00109-00042932-00043384 And it's it was it was an important moment for all of us. nq_jIdtfdjA-00110-00043384-00043796 And I think it gave a new determination to the United States nq_jIdtfdjA-00111-00043796-00043908 to work with our partners. nq_jIdtfdjA-00112-00043908-00044216 We're so thankful for a partner like the Republic of Cyprus nq_jIdtfdjA-00113-00044288-00044752 and seeing our cooperation grow and what we've been able to do together. nq_jIdtfdjA-00114-00044888-00045132 But it's important to remember, 20 years on, nq_jIdtfdjA-00115-00045232-00045468 to remember those people that lost their lives nq_jIdtfdjA-00116-00045520-00045884 and to renew that determination to make sure that these terrorist attacks nq_jIdtfdjA-00117-00045972-00046100 don't happen again. nqZrn8YUsXk-00000-00000102-00000408 This is Tivi the Small Clawed otter nqZrn8YUsXk-00001-00000408-00000730 He is very aggressive and irritable nqZrn8YUsXk-00002-00000730-00000994 when he locked in the steel cage nqZrn8YUsXk-00003-00000994-00001278 Just wait for Merman Tiun nqZrn8YUsXk-00004-00001278-00001594 to playing with the water nqZrn8YUsXk-00005-00002492-00002806 Although he has already a year old nqZrn8YUsXk-00006-00002806-00003150 Tivi doesn't know how to catch fish nqZrn8YUsXk-00007-00003150-00003384 he was used to being a vegetarian nqZrn8YUsXk-00008-00003384-00003768 so this otter hasn't been released yet nqZrn8YUsXk-00009-00003996-00004370 He is looking for more toys nqZrn8YUsXk-00010-00004476-00004648 Whenever Merman Tiun nqZrn8YUsXk-00011-00004648-00004848 invites more siren students to visit him nqZrn8YUsXk-00012-00004854-00005150 otter Tivi is very happy and friendly nqZrn8YUsXk-00013-00005240-00005574 Otter Tivi only gets angry when he locked in the cage nqZrn8YUsXk-00014-00005574-00005826 and not eating enough calories nrrfLGi5DqM-00000-00000145-00000353 Steuler Fliesengruppe Laying paving slabs nrrfLGi5DqM-00001-00000606-00001000 Starting position Paving slab on a gravel bed nrrfLGi5DqM-00002-00001789-00002037 Solution Steuler paving slab supports nrrfLGi5DqM-00003-00002184-00002460 Apply tile adhesive to slabs with a toothed spatula nrrfLGi5DqM-00004-00002580-00002848 Apply tile adhesive to paving slab supports with a toothed spatula nrrfLGi5DqM-00005-00003032-00003272 Place tiles onto the paving slab support nrrfLGi5DqM-00006-00003457-00003747 Tap with a rubber mallet nrrfLGi5DqM-00007-00004760-00005084 Alternatively use a suitable cartridge adhesive nrrfLGi5DqM-00008-00005404-00005628 Position the levelling cap nrrfLGi5DqM-00009-00005848-00006172 Level the paving slabs nrrfLGi5DqM-00010-00007120-00007492 Result Stability as slabs are grouped together nrrfLGi5DqM-00011-00007728-00008127 Steuler Fliesengruppe nwFvsAWmYi8-00000-00000000-00000200 Bihać🌊Nivo vode pokraj Une nwOsILi9s-E-00000-00000001-00000106 (male narrator) In this video, nwOsILi9s-E-00001-00000106-00000309 we will continue factoring special products, nwOsILi9s-E-00002-00000309-00000709 but we will do so when there's a greatest common factor. nwOsILi9s-E-00003-00000709-00000909 As always, it is important nwOsILi9s-E-00004-00000909-00001207 before we do any other type of factoring, nwOsILi9s-E-00005-00001207-00001702 we always factor the greatest common factor first. nwOsILi9s-E-00006-00001808-00002205 This means, in an expression like 8x cubed minus 18x, nwOsILi9s-E-00007-00002205-00002507 before we worry about any other type of factoring, nwOsILi9s-E-00008-00002507-00003202 we first identify that the greatest common factor is 2x. nwOsILi9s-E-00009-00003202-00003905 Factoring out a 2x will leave us with 4x squared minus 9. nwOsILi9s-E-00010-00003905-00004104 Once we have done this, nwOsILi9s-E-00011-00004104-00004400 we can take a look at that parentheses nwOsILi9s-E-00012-00004400-00004609 and decide if we can factor further. nwOsILi9s-E-00013-00004609-00005002 Notice, we have a difference of squares. nwOsILi9s-E-00014-00005002-00005407 We can take the square root of 4x squared, which is 2x, nwOsILi9s-E-00015-00005407-00005804 and the square root of 9, which is 3. nwOsILi9s-E-00016-00006102-00006502 Finishing our factoring with the greatest common factor in front, nwOsILi9s-E-00017-00006502-00006705 the difference of squares will factor nwOsILi9s-E-00018-00006705-00007102 to the sum and difference of the square roots: nwOsILi9s-E-00019-00007102-00007509 2x plus 3 and 2x minus 3. nwOsILi9s-E-00020-00007509-00008006 And now, our expression is completely factored. nwOsILi9s-E-00021-00008400-00008506 Let's try another example nwOsILi9s-E-00022-00008506-00008806 where we have to look for the GCF first nwOsILi9s-E-00023-00008806-00009102 before we apply a different factoring method. nwOsILi9s-E-00024-00009303-00009801 In this problem, you notice we have a GCF of 2y. nwOsILi9s-E-00025-00010009-00010302 Factoring out the 2y leaves us nwOsILi9s-E-00026-00010302-00010900 with x squared, minus 6x, plus 9. nwOsILi9s-E-00027-00011107-00011307 We now have a trinomial nwOsILi9s-E-00028-00011307-00011803 inside the parentheses left to factor. nwOsILi9s-E-00029-00011803-00012107 We do this by using the AC method, nwOsILi9s-E-00030-00012107-00012703 where we multiply to 9 and add to -6. nwOsILi9s-E-00031-00012703-00013304 Notice those numbers will be -3 and -3. nwOsILi9s-E-00032-00013304-00013807 What's important about those is that they are a perfect match. nwOsILi9s-E-00033-00013807-00014006 When we have a match, nwOsILi9s-E-00034-00014006-00014302 we stop factoring by the AC method nwOsILi9s-E-00035-00014302-00014700 and instead factor it to a perfect square. nwOsILi9s-E-00036-00014700-00015102 Remember, the 2y--the GCF-- will always be in front. nwOsILi9s-E-00037-00015102-00015302 We factor the perfect square nwOsILi9s-E-00038-00015302-00015609 by taking the square roots of the first and last terms. nwOsILi9s-E-00039-00015609-00015905 The square root of x squared is x, nwOsILi9s-E-00040-00015905-00016202 and the square root of 9 is 3. nwOsILi9s-E-00041-00016202-00016409 Finally, the middle term gives us the sign nwOsILi9s-E-00042-00016409-00016809 that must go between them in our factors. nwOsILi9s-E-00043-00016809-00017209 And now, our expression is completely factored. nwOsILi9s-E-00044-00017401-00017705 As you can see, by remembering the GCF first, nwOsILi9s-E-00045-00017705-00018109 we can quickly factor several expressions. nxvV42OpYnu-00000-00000024-00000272 Hey there. My name is Kendra Legrand and I nxvV42OpYnu-00001-00000272-00000760 work for the Online Bible Studies and First 5 team here at Proverbs 31 Ministries. nxvV42OpYnu-00002-00000760-00001072 I wanted to personally invite you to study "Seeing Jesus in the nxvV42OpYnu-00003-00001072-00001312 Old Testament," beginning January 10th. nxvV42OpYnu-00004-00001368-00001816 This study was written by Lysa TerKeurst and Joel Muddamalle, and together they will help nxvV42OpYnu-00005-00001816-00002352 us see that Jesus has been part of Scripture since the beginning. I don't know about you, but I often nxvV42OpYnu-00006-00002352-00002848 think of Jesus as only being physically present in the New Testament ... you know, Matthew through nxvV42OpYnu-00007-00002848-00003415 Revelation. But did you know He was actually active in the Old Testament, too? Over a few weeks nxvV42OpYnu-00008-00003415-00003952 together, we'll journey through the Old Testament looking for Jesus. We'll see rich evidence over nxvV42OpYnu-00009-00003952-00004584 and over again of just how present Jesus is and was. Jesus is never hiding from us; He's nxvV42OpYnu-00010-00004584-00005232 waiting to be seen by us. He's in the hard places, in the hurting places, in the uncertain places, in nxvV42OpYnu-00011-00005232-00005848 the waiting places, and especially in the everyday places. Let's see Jesus together, shall we? nxvV42OpYnu-00012-00005848-00006864 I can't wait for this study. Go to to learn more. See you on January 10. nzxmWdYa-F8-00000-00001614-00002138 I think you're doing well nzxmWdYa-F8-00001-00002368-00002882 People tell me about you nzxmWdYa-F8-00002-00002982-00003492 A lot of days have passed nzxmWdYa-F8-00003-00003778-00004162 The day we broke up feels like yesterday nzxmWdYa-F8-00004-00004888-00005476 I've been with you all day nzxmWdYa-F8-00005-00005644-00006138 I think it's a lie that you're not here nzxmWdYa-F8-00006-00006290-00007031 I've spent a lot of nights feeling stuffy nzxmWdYa-F8-00007-00007123-00008134 When I hear about you, I miss you nzxmWdYa-F8-00008-00008598-00008798 When it's too hard nzxmWdYa-F8-00009-00008968-00009550 I'll see your pictures from time to time nzxmWdYa-F8-00010-00009630-00010122 A lot of days have passed nzxmWdYa-F8-00011-00010418-00010978 You're still beautiful nzxmWdYa-F8-00012-00011524-00012146 I've been with you all day nzxmWdYa-F8-00013-00012284-00012868 I think it's a lie that you're not here nzxmWdYa-F8-00014-00012913-00013700 I've spent a lot of nights feeling stuffy nzxmWdYa-F8-00015-00013747-00014896 I'm crying when I hear about you nzxmWdYa-F8-00016-00015866-00016646 I've spent a lot of nights since you left nzxmWdYa-F8-00017-00016706-00017580 When I hear about you, I miss you. nzWirUvinFU-00000-00000000-00000200 First Programming Language of the world n-4P90iuZM0-00000-00000924-00001254 BRIAN: I'll kick things off here with the first of two looks that I'll be showing you n-4P90iuZM0-00001-00001254-00001727 guys. So, I am a firm believer, especially on New Year's Eve, that you can make the n-4P90iuZM0-00002-00001727-00002139 occasion whatever you want it to be. You don't have to dress up, but if you're n-4P90iuZM0-00003-00002139-00002613 feeling, it by all means do so, Personally, I always like to do something elegant n-4P90iuZM0-00004-00002613-00003066 for New Year's Eve and that's what this look is all about. Starting things off n-4P90iuZM0-00005-00003066-00003453 with the undisputed centerpiece here, my burgundy dinner jacket from our upcoming n-4P90iuZM0-00006-00003453-00003896 collection with Michael Andrews. Beautiful VBC fabric with a satin shawl n-4P90iuZM0-00007-00003896-00004562 lapel. Super classic, sophisticated, and fun at the same time. Underneath, also n-4P90iuZM0-00008-00004562-00004937 from the collection, we have a dinner shirt with three-quarter inch pleats. Bow n-4P90iuZM0-00009-00004937-00005328 tie is velvet. Perfect option for New Year's Eve. This one is by Le Noeud n-4P90iuZM0-00010-00005328-00005603 Papillon. Cummerbund and tuxedo trousers are n-4P90iuZM0-00011-00005603-00005994 both by Polo Ralph Lauren. And then finishing things off with the perfect n-4P90iuZM0-00012-00005994-00006561 velvet slippers for New Year's Eve. These are by Stubbs and Wootton. n-4P90iuZM0-00013-00006561-00007035 STEVEN: Hi, guys. I'm Stephen Elliott, Managing Editor here at He Spoke Style. Obviously, n-4P90iuZM0-00014-00007035-00007438 lots of different ways to approach dressing for New Year's Eve. For my first n-4P90iuZM0-00015-00007438-00007872 look, it's all about keeping it elegant and casually sophisticated. Here, I'm n-4P90iuZM0-00016-00007872-00008292 wearing a six-button double-breasted suit from Club Monaco. I love the subtle n-4P90iuZM0-00017-00008292-00008689 herringbone pattern in the fabric. The jacket is unlined. It also has patch n-4P90iuZM0-00018-00008689-00009120 pockets, which give it a more casual overall feel. Underneath, I paired it with n-4P90iuZM0-00019-00009120-00009577 a cream merino wool turtleneck from Uniqlo. Turtlenecks are a great way to n-4P90iuZM0-00020-00009577-00010006 sort of take a little bit of a formality out of a double-breasted suit and also n-4P90iuZM0-00021-00010006-00010528 protect this kind of stylish ease and casual sophistication. On my wrist, just a n-4P90iuZM0-00022-00010528-00011022 very simple dress watch. And then, finally, finished off with a classic pair of n-4P90iuZM0-00023-00011022-00011787 tassel loafers. These are the Deerfield by Johnston and Murphy. CORY: Hello, everyone. I'm n-4P90iuZM0-00024-00011787-00012207 Cory Sylvester, Chief Operating Officer and Partner for Michael Andrews Bespoke. n-4P90iuZM0-00025-00012207-00012636 I like to think of my style as something of a rockabilly version of Ralph Lauren. n-4P90iuZM0-00026-00012636-00013081 Basically, I like the idea of combining elegant and casual elements. And, for me, n-4P90iuZM0-00027-00013081-00013488 New Year's Eve is a great time to do just that. For my first look here, I'm n-4P90iuZM0-00028-00013488-00013835 wearing a dinner jacket from Michael Andrews Bespoke made with Dormeuil Tonik. n-4P90iuZM0-00029-00013835-00014325 Absolutely legendary cloth in terms of formalwear. Instead of the matching trousers, I went n-4P90iuZM0-00030-00014325-00014982 with my trusty jeans, also bespoke, which is a very Ralph movem some might say. Here, n-4P90iuZM0-00031-00014982-00015357 with the raw hem in the jeans and pointed toe of the boots, I tried to take part of n-4P90iuZM0-00032-00015357-00015856 Ralph's iconic style and make it my own. Speaking of the boots, they're from n-4P90iuZM0-00033-00015856-00016363 Heritage Boot Co. from Austin, Texas. And on my wrist is a vintage Cartier n-4P90iuZM0-00034-00016363-00016711 Tank given to me by my wife on our wedding day. A great everyday watch n-4P90iuZM0-00035-00016711-00017252 that's perfect for a look like this. BRIAN: Alright, so my second look is n-4P90iuZM0-00036-00017252-00017726 admittedly not that quote-unquote festive, but again, as Steven said, there n-4P90iuZM0-00037-00017726-00018005 are lots of different approaches to dressing for New Year's Eve. n-4P90iuZM0-00038-00018005-00018437 This is definitely an evening look and it's all about elegant sophistication n-4P90iuZM0-00039-00018437-00018929 and casual confidence. Both those things are really easy to capture when you keep n-4P90iuZM0-00040-00018929-00019208 things simple. Now, the suit and I'm wearing, a medium n-4P90iuZM0-00041-00019208-00019646 grey flannel, is an absolute must-have for your winter wardrobe. This is another n-4P90iuZM0-00042-00019646-00019991 piece in our collection with Michael Andrews. Very classic styling here with n-4P90iuZM0-00043-00019991-00020501 notch lapel and two flap pockets. Super versatile. Underneath, a simple black n-4P90iuZM0-00044-00020501-00020915 merino wool turtleneck from Uniqlo. I've tucked it into the trousers here to both n-4P90iuZM0-00045-00020915-00021338 show off the pleats and for a little sartorial touch. You'll notice that I'm n-4P90iuZM0-00046-00021338-00021617 not wearing a pocket square. Totally intentional. And meant to n-4P90iuZM0-00047-00021617-00022019 sort of double down on the minimalist approach to this look. Decided to add a n-4P90iuZM0-00048-00022019-00022391 little bit of intensity here with the glasses. They are by Persol. n-4P90iuZM0-00049-00022391-00022799 Now speaking of intense, on the wrist, we have a pretty intense watch. The Datograph n-4P90iuZM0-00050-00022799-00023162 by A. Lange and Söhne. And then simple and classic black n-4P90iuZM0-00051-00023162-00023858 Oxfords by Cole Haan to finish things off. STEVEN: So my second look is for everyone n-4P90iuZM0-00052-00023858-00024176 who doesn't intend to leave the house to ring in the New Year but still wants to n-4P90iuZM0-00053-00024176-00024560 do it in style. Throwing a New Year's Eve party can be stressful, so keeping your n-4P90iuZM0-00054-00024560-00025025 outfit simple and laid-back is always a good idea. Here, I'm keeping it seasonal n-4P90iuZM0-00055-00025025-00025505 and festive with a casual plaid button-down shirt. It's by Land's End. Then n-4P90iuZM0-00056-00025505-00025960 over that, I've got a green merino wool cardigan, which is a great cozy, casual, n-4P90iuZM0-00057-00025960-00026391 and stylish substitute for a blazer. The one I'm wearing is by Uniqlo. I'm n-4P90iuZM0-00058-00026391-00026877 pairing those items with some dark grey flannel trousers. A winter staple if n-4P90iuZM0-00059-00026877-00027225 there ever was one. Now, you can definitely go a little more n-4P90iuZM0-00060-00027225-00027630 casual and swap out the grey flannel for a pair of corduroys or dark denim, but n-4P90iuZM0-00061-00027630-00028050 for New Year's Eve at home, I like the casual elegance of the flannel. And then n-4P90iuZM0-00062-00028050-00028857 I'm anchoring the look with a classic penny loafer from G.H. Bass. CORY: My second n-4P90iuZM0-00063-00028857-00029241 look here is all about making a monolithic statement. Honestly, I feel my n-4P90iuZM0-00064-00029241-00029661 best in all black. For me, nothing says more without saying anything at all than n-4P90iuZM0-00065-00029661-00030077 walking into a room in a sharply tailored all-black ensemble. When wearing tonal n-4P90iuZM0-00066-00030077-00030414 looks like this, I like to play around with different textures and accessories. n-4P90iuZM0-00067-00030414-00030792 My jacket is made with the black velvet from Ariston. Underneath, I'm wearing a n-4P90iuZM0-00068-00030792-00031158 sample from our upcoming custom knitwear collection with the vintage Celine scarf n-4P90iuZM0-00069-00031158-00031530 I picked up on a recent trip to Paris. My trousers are made from black n-4P90iuZM0-00070-00031530-00031895 corduroy, also by Ariston. And I mention Ariston again simply because I find n-4P90iuZM0-00071-00031895-00032283 their cloth to be absolutely exceptional and extremely comfortable. And, you know, n-4P90iuZM0-00072-00032283-00032535 if your clothes aren't comfortable, then what's the point? n-4P90iuZM0-00073-00032535-00033027 Finally, a badass pair of Python zipper boots by Saint Laurent. These were my 30th n-4P90iuZM0-00074-00033027-00033460 birthday present to myself. And not a bad way to leave my 20s behind. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00000-00000034-00000610 In this video, we're going to look at solving exponential equations that don't have a common base. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00001-00000610-00001108 We found out that if the base is in common then we could just set the exponents equal. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00002-00001108-00002462 If the don't have a common base, we can try and find one by finding the prime factorization of the base. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00003-00002462-00003054 And then we'll be able to use an old exponent property that says if we have an exponent raised to an exponent nJPS6cTT0ZM-00004-00003054-00003594 we simply have to multiply those exponents together. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00005-00003594-00004526 Well now our exponents are going to be a little more involved so when doing this we may have to distribute. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00006-00004526-00005068 To be sure we're multiplying by the entire exponent and not just the first term. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00007-00005068-00005728 So for example, we have twenty-seven to the 2 x equals nine. Those are not the same base. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00008-00005728-00006172 So what we'll do is we'll look at twenty seven and find it's prime factorization. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00009-00006172-00006820 Divided by three, is nine divided by three is three divided by three is one. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00010-00006820-00007795 Twenty seven is three to the third power, and then there is still a 2 x on the outside of that. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00011-00007795-00008302 Which is equal to nine, which we can find it's prime factorization as well by nJPS6cTT0ZM-00012-00008302-00008656 dividing by three and by dividing by three again. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00013-00008656-00009230 Nine is three to the second power. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00014-00009230-00009852 Notice that we almost have that common base we want we just have to combine, nJPS6cTT0ZM-00015-00009852-00010468 just have to combine those exponents and we can do that by multiplying. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00016-00010468-00011068 So we have three to the 6 x equals three to the second power. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00017-00011068-00011446 Now we have that common base we wanted. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00018-00011446-00012350 With the common base, the exponents must be equal. 6 x must equal two. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00019-00012350-00013434 Quickly solve by dividing by six, and we find out that x is equal to the reduced fraction one-third. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00020-00013434-00014210 Let's try another example. Here we've got eight to the 2 x minus four equals sixteen to the x plus three. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00021-00014210-00014858 Let's rewrite this, hopefully we'll get the same base if we do the prime factorization trick. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00022-00014858-00015560 Well eight divided by two is four, four divided by two is two, and two divided by two is one. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00023-00015560-00016113 Which means the eight is really two to the third power nJPS6cTT0ZM-00024-00016113-00016656 and then it still has 2 x minus fourth on the outside. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00025-00016656-00017004 Sixteen also has a prime factorization, divide by two is eight, nJPS6cTT0ZM-00026-00017004-00017460 divide by two is four, divide by four is two and divide by two is one. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00027-00017460-00017720 Sixteen is two to the fourth. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00028-00017720-00018528 So the sixteen is two to the fourth and there's still the x plus three on it. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00029-00018528-00019202 Again, we're going to have to multiply our exponents together, we've got that common base we want, nJPS6cTT0ZM-00030-00019202-00019768 but want to simplify a bit and as we multiply we don't just want to multiply the three by the first term, nJPS6cTT0ZM-00031-00019768-00020346 we want to multiply it by the entire exponent. It's going to distribute through. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00032-00020346-00021072 So we have two to the three times two is 6 x minus three times four is twelve nJPS6cTT0ZM-00033-00021072-00021930 equals two to the 4 x, distributing again, plus sixteen. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00034-00021930-00022374 Now we noticed that we've got that common base that we wanted, nJPS6cTT0ZM-00035-00022374-00023040 both have a base of two which means the exponents must be the same. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00036-00023040-00023788 6 x minus twelve must be equal to 4 x plus twelve. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00037-00023788-00024366 We now have a linearly equation we can quickly solve to find our solution. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00038-00024366-00025382 First get the variable on one side by subtracting 4 x from both, 2 x minus twelve is equal to twelve. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00039-00025382-00026527 Adding twelve to both sides, 2 x is equal to twenty four and finally dividing both sides by two. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00040-00026527-00026998 We found out the x is equal to twelve. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00041-00026998-00027768 We found the solution for the variable that makes this equation into a true equation. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00042-00027768-00028188 If we don't have the common base we want to set the exponents equal, nJPS6cTT0ZM-00043-00028188-00028989 we will try to find a common base using the prime factorization of the numbers. nJPS6cTT0ZM-00044-00028989-00029689 If we do end up with that common base, then we can solve the exponential equation. nplneYaVKvU-00000-00000323-00000818 Two critical Seattle Public Schools levies are on the February 12 2019 nplneYaVKvU-00001-00000818-00001254 ballot for renewal. The district's educational programs and operations levy nplneYaVKvU-00002-00001254-00001794 and building excellence five capital levy or Bex five. The BEX five levy nplneYaVKvU-00003-00001794-00002325 will replace or modernize eight aging schools. Montlake is a wonderful nplneYaVKvU-00004-00002325-00002799 community students are very warm and inclusive but we are a 94 year old building. nplneYaVKvU-00005-00002799-00003272 These old radiator systems make all these really wonderful unique noises nplneYaVKvU-00006-00003272-00003779 and there is just like a pop and then Shhh. The average hours are probably two hours nplneYaVKvU-00007-00003779-00004668 a day for me to maintain the boiler. It's like over 100 years old. nplneYaVKvU-00008-00004668-00005114 Every single one of our entrances has stairs in it and our solution was to build ramps on the portables. nplneYaVKvU-00009-00005114-00005612 We have more than half of our classrooms are out in portables so right now. nplneYaVKvU-00010-00005612-00005868 There's like always like kids running nplneYaVKvU-00011-00005868-00006318 outside and you can hear them yelling and screaming. Electronic devices and some nplneYaVKvU-00012-00006318-00006984 file cabinets ruined again after big rains just from leaking because the portables are old. nplneYaVKvU-00013-00006984-00007448 We have a pretty small gym there's also basically a walkway in nplneYaVKvU-00014-00007448-00007838 the gym space so half the gym pretty much is not usable. nplneYaVKvU-00015-00007866-00008262 This is our instrumental music classroom as well as our lunchroom. nplneYaVKvU-00016-00008286-00009104 if you got more room then maybe it would be easier to do projects, and maybe like we could have a bigger library. nplneYaVKvU-00017-00009104-00009716 In spite of the facility and that we know we need improvements we love nplneYaVKvU-00018-00009716-00010322 being together and teachers are committed to learning. nR8CokbuTlo-00000-00000096-00000440 welcome to drinks made easy because cocktails don't have to be complicated nR8CokbuTlo-00001-00000440-00000888 today we're taking a look at a great mocktail that is fantastic for a single serving or you nR8CokbuTlo-00002-00000888-00001320 can also scale it up if you're expecting to have a lot of guests if you enjoy coconut nR8CokbuTlo-00003-00001320-00001655 water and you're looking for something to integrate that into your next party nR8CokbuTlo-00004-00001655-00001984 this coconut lime cooler is exactly the drink you need nR8CokbuTlo-00005-00002624-00003160 to build the coconut lime cooler we're going to start with four to five wheels of cucumber nR8CokbuTlo-00006-00003160-00003784 depending on how thick you cut these and next we're gonna add six to eight mint leaves if they nR8CokbuTlo-00007-00003784-00004368 are huge mint leaves go with six if you want a lot of mint add more next we're going to add nR8CokbuTlo-00008-00004368-00004920 three quarters of an ounce of fresh lime juice and then we're going to muddle these ingredients if nR8CokbuTlo-00009-00004920-00005424 you add too much liquid before you muddle there's going to be a really good chance that it is going nR8CokbuTlo-00010-00005424-00006064 to spray up out of the glass and make a mess which is not what you want unless you're planning nR8CokbuTlo-00011-00006064-00006520 on having a gallagher show in the middle of your party then knock yourself out next we're going to nR8CokbuTlo-00012-00006520-00007264 add half an ounce of simple syrup it's just equal parts sugar and water six ounces of coconut water nR8CokbuTlo-00013-00007536-00007936 and then we're going to cap that off into a shaker tin full of ice and give it a quick shake nR8CokbuTlo-00014-00008320-00008584 pour that into the double rocks glass of your choice nR8CokbuTlo-00015-00008976-00009336 garnish with a mint sprig through a piece of cucumber nR8CokbuTlo-00016-00009616-00009984 and easy as that you have the coconut lime cooler nR8CokbuTlo-00017-00010816-00011264 it's light crisp and very refreshing and fantastic whether the weather is hot or cold nR8CokbuTlo-00018-00011264-00011656 a great thing with this drink as well is you can always scale this up into large pitchers nR8CokbuTlo-00019-00011656-00012288 or if you have one of those large multi-gallon agua fresca style jugs if you just combine all nR8CokbuTlo-00020-00012288-00012752 of your ingredients minus the ice and give it a couple of hours for all those flavors to integrate nR8CokbuTlo-00021-00012752-00013208 it will be good to go and then just add the ice when your guests arrive it's always great to have nR8CokbuTlo-00022-00013208-00013640 something like this if you expect a large crowd and folks who aren't drinking can have this and nR8CokbuTlo-00023-00013640-00014232 folks who want a little bit of booze can always add it to a fantastic mocktail like this anywho nR8CokbuTlo-00024-00014232-00014504 cheers from drinks made easy we look forward to seeing you next time nR8CokbuTlo-00025-00014960-00015584 yeah it's folksy oh yeah nR8CokbuTlo-00026-00015824-00015832 you nVXSa6o1lsQ-00000-00000000-00000200 R9 7900X3D vs R9 7950X | Horizon Zero Down @1080p | RTX 4090 nXi29IL43Bo-00000-00000172-00000507 Now it's time to lift the grain bag up and let the liquid nXi29IL43Bo-00001-00000507-00000895 drain out. There's two ways to do this. The easiest way is nXi29IL43Bo-00002-00000895-00001209 to just to wear your gloves and lift the bag and hold up nXi29IL43Bo-00003-00001209-00001477 there as long as you can. A lot of liquid is going to drain nXi29IL43Bo-00004-00001477-00001780 out. Once it stops draining out, or your hands gets tied, nXi29IL43Bo-00005-00001780-00002065 take it out, put into a bucket or try out something's going nXi29IL43Bo-00006-00002065-00002207 to stop the drips in this. nXi29IL43Bo-00007-00002207-00002487 Top your brewing product down to quarter. You want to nXi29IL43Bo-00008-00002487-00003000 get 4.2 gallons or 16 liters in the brew pot. The other way nXi29IL43Bo-00009-00003000-00003292 to do is a bit more advance. You'll get more sugars out of nXi29IL43Bo-00010-00003292-00003587 the grain. This involves suspending the grain bag over the nXi29IL43Bo-00011-00003587-00003954 brew pot, rinsing some of the sugars and slightly lifting it nXi29IL43Bo-00012-00003954-00004247 up as liquid rises. You need a hook, or beam, or nXi29IL43Bo-00013-00004247-00004505 something solid above your brew pot and you use this to nXi29IL43Bo-00014-00004505-00004802 ratchet it or pull up the grain bag. nXi29IL43Bo-00015-00004802-00005035 There's heap of different ways you can do this. You can nXi29IL43Bo-00016-00005035-00005460 tie a series of loops in the rope and hang that off a knob or nXi29IL43Bo-00017-00005460-00005738 something above your brew pot, as the liquid rises just nXi29IL43Bo-00018-00005738-00006018 take it up to the next loop, and keep doing that. You can nXi29IL43Bo-00019-00006018-00006402 also use a ratchet, but the basic principle is just to suspend nXi29IL43Bo-00020-00006402-00006755 it above the liquid, rinse it with hot water, and as the nXi29IL43Bo-00021-00006755-00007027 liquid rises, slightly ratchet #[01:09]. nXi29IL43Bo-00022-00007027-00007233 If you got any concerns about whether this can take nXi29IL43Bo-00023-00007233-00007490 weight of the wet grain bag, just hold it up with the hands nXi29IL43Bo-00024-00007490-00007843 instead. Once you've got 4.2 gallons or 16 liters in the nXi29IL43Bo-00025-00007843-00008130 brew pot, take the bag away and take a reading with the nXi29IL43Bo-00026-00008130-00008274 hydrometer. najyWpwLaQM-00000-00004025-00004125 Where is the earth in space? najyWpwLaQM-00001-00004125-00004225 Details. najyWpwLaQM-00002-00004225-00004325 Earth is the third planet from the Sun with an approximate distance of 149.6 million kilometres najyWpwLaQM-00003-00004325-00004425 (93.0 million miles), and is traveling nearly 2.1 million kilometres per hour (1.3 million najyWpwLaQM-00004-00004425-00004525 miles per hour) through outer space. najyWpwLaQM-00005-00004525-00004625 From space, Earth looks like a blue marble with white swirls. najyWpwLaQM-00006-00004625-00004725 Some parts are brown, yellow, green and white. najyWpwLaQM-00007-00004725-00004825 The blue part is water. najyWpwLaQM-00008-00004825-00004875 ... Mapmakers use the line to divide Earth into two halves napgR54cZxu-00000-00000262-00000689 I used to have an old grey horse, He weighed ten thousand pounds, napgR54cZxu-00001-00000689-00001245 Ev'ry tooth he had in his head, Was eighteen inches around. napgR54cZxu-00002-00001245-00001602 I'm a-goin' down to town, I'm a-goin' down to town, napgR54cZxu-00003-00001602-00002208 I'm a-goin' down to Lynchburg town, To carry my tobacco down. napgR54cZxu-00004-00002208-00002636 That horse he had a holler tooth, He could eat ten bushels of corn, napgR54cZxu-00005-00002636-00003065 Ev'ry time he opened his mouth, Two bushels and a half were gone. napgR54cZxu-00006-00003065-00003514 I'm a-goin' down to town, I'm a-goin' down to town, napgR54cZxu-00007-00003514-00004044 I'm a-goin' down to Lynchburg town, To carry my tobacco down. napgR54cZxu-00008-00004044-00004482 I had a very pretty gal, I brought her from the south, napgR54cZxu-00009-00004482-00004842 The only fault I had with her, She had too big a mouth. napgR54cZxu-00010-00004842-00005232 I'm a-goin' down to town, I'm a-goin' down to town, napgR54cZxu-00011-00005232-00005825 I'm a-goin' down to Lynchburg town, To carry my tobacco down. napgR54cZxu-00012-00005825-00006231 I took her down to the blacksmith shop, To get her mouth made small, napgR54cZxu-00013-00006231-00006694 She opened her mouth to get a long breath, And swallowed blacksmith, shop and all. napgR54cZxu-00014-00006694-00007056 I'm a-goin' down to town, I'm a-goin' down to town, napgR54cZxu-00015-00007056-00007656 I'm a-goin' down to Lynchburg town, To carry my tobacco down. napgR54cZxu-00016-00007656-00008072 I'm a-goin'o get me some sticks and sand, To make any chimney higher, napgR54cZxu-00017-00008072-00008581 To keep that dog-goned old torn cat, From puttin' out my fire. napgR54cZxu-00018-00008581-00008928 I'm a-goin' down to town, I'm a-goin' down to town, napgR54cZxu-00019-00009026-00009384 I'm a-goin' down to Lynchburg town, To carry my tobacco down. napgR54cZxu-00020-00009522-00009894 I'm a-goin' down to town, I'm a-goin' down to town, napgR54cZxu-00021-00009924-00010352 I'm a-goin' down to Lynchburg town, To carry my tobacco down. nbcH8dydFs8-00000-00000014-00000430 Hello, my name is Dallas Everhart, and I'm very humbled to be here with you today. nbcH8dydFs8-00001-00000430-00000834 I'm very honored to be a part of the University of Northern Colorado nbcH8dydFs8-00002-00000834-00001121 Extended Campus. It's an exciting role, it's an exciting nbcH8dydFs8-00003-00001121-00001494 time for the University, and I just can't be more ecstatic or more nbcH8dydFs8-00004-00001494-00001982 passionate about what we have in our future. One of the first things that nbcH8dydFs8-00005-00001982-00002367 everybody's asked us about is what's our vision for extended studies, or nbcH8dydFs8-00006-00002367-00002757 Extended Campus at the University of Northern Colorado. Let me share with you nbcH8dydFs8-00007-00002757-00003081 a little bit of the research that I've done just to help us get grounded. We nbcH8dydFs8-00008-00003081-00003392 start with the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, and we understand their nbcH8dydFs8-00009-00003392-00003872 master plan. We understand the policies that they have for the Extended Campus, nbcH8dydFs8-00010-00003872-00004194 and then we go and we look at the University of Northern Colorado, and we nbcH8dydFs8-00011-00004194-00004527 understand their mission and their vision. And boy, the first thing that nbcH8dydFs8-00012-00004527-00004842 stands out to me is being student-centered. I cannot be more nbcH8dydFs8-00013-00004842-00005259 ecstatic - I'm excited. This idea, this concept of being student-centered nbcH8dydFs8-00014-00005259-00005648 is nothing new to the University of Northern Colorado. We're just very nbcH8dydFs8-00015-00005648-00006018 excited about taking it to the next level. So what we talk about is nbcH8dydFs8-00016-00006018-00006332 creating a culture of being student-centered and having a strategic nbcH8dydFs8-00017-00006332-00006776 innovation approach towards what we do. nbcH8dydFs8-00018-00006809-00007377 Benefits of culture in organization is it helps elevate our brand image. We're nbcH8dydFs8-00019-00007377-00007767 excited about what we can do to reach more people across the state of Colorado nbcH8dydFs8-00020-00007767-00008243 to help fulfill the mission of UNC. The number one thing that we all have to do: nbcH8dydFs8-00021-00008243-00008733 we need to recruit, retain, and graduate students from the University of Northern nbcH8dydFs8-00022-00008733-00009186 Colorado. That is first and foremost in our mission. Now how do we go about nbcH8dydFs8-00023-00009186-00009707 serving the other students is part of the Extended Campus mission, but we have nbcH8dydFs8-00024-00009707-00010356 to be a part of the larger campus in the first place. So the approach that we're nbcH8dydFs8-00025-00010356-00010718 going to take towards this is what we describe as an entrepreneurial approach. nbcH8dydFs8-00026-00010718-00011088 And that's going to be a little bit different. It's going to require some nbcH8dydFs8-00027-00011088-00011397 passion, it's going to require some change, it's going to require some risk. nbcH8dydFs8-00028-00011397-00011888 Being an entrepreneur is a different mindset. One of the things that's a real nbcH8dydFs8-00029-00011888-00012293 advantage of an entrepreneurial approach is we want to be scalable with our nbcH8dydFs8-00030-00012293-00012675 programs. As I read the master plan for the Colorado Commission on Higher nbcH8dydFs8-00031-00012675-00013125 Education, they talk about reaching the markets and providing the services that nbcH8dydFs8-00032-00013125-00013663 are needed immediately. We have to be able to respond quickly. We can't just nbcH8dydFs8-00033-00013663-00014018 say well we're going to do one class for a while and then another class for a while nbcH8dydFs8-00034-00014018-00014483 because the need for what our citizens have today, you know, is really here nbcH8dydFs8-00035-00014483-00014876 immediately, and so we need to be scalable in how we go about reaching nbcH8dydFs8-00036-00014876-00015287 those citizens. Now emerging trends and issues for student success - nbcH8dydFs8-00037-00015287-00015613 we've all talked about being new traditional students or serving new nbcH8dydFs8-00038-00015613-00015962 traditional students. What does that really mean and how do we go about nbcH8dydFs8-00039-00015962-00016412 changing the way that we provide services? And also, how does that impact nbcH8dydFs8-00040-00016412-00016945 the way that we teach in the classes? So our program - what we're really going to nbcH8dydFs8-00041-00016945-00017525 focus on - is finance, marketing, and management. When we talk about the finance we're nbcH8dydFs8-00042-00017525-00017888 going to understand the total cost of programs that run through Extended nbcH8dydFs8-00043-00017888-00018176 Campus and the contribution that we can make to the University of Northern nbcH8dydFs8-00044-00018176-00018701 Colorado. First and foremost, we have to be a part of a stronger University of nbcH8dydFs8-00045-00018701-00019112 Northern Colorado, and that requires managing our finances and so we're going to nbcH8dydFs8-00046-00019112-00019586 elevate our awareness as to the direct and indirect costs associated with each nbcH8dydFs8-00047-00019586-00020132 program. As we go about marketing our programs, we want to build relationships nbcH8dydFs8-00048-00020132-00020531 across the state. We want to build positive, professional relationships nbcH8dydFs8-00049-00020531-00020906 where we can modify the message that goes out so it's understood by different nbcH8dydFs8-00050-00020906-00021254 target markets. And the most important thing is we want to listen to those nbcH8dydFs8-00051-00021254-00021575 different target markets. We want to listen to people's needs and desires. nbcH8dydFs8-00052-00021575-00022103 What are the programs that they're looking for? When we get into management I'm nbcH8dydFs8-00053-00022103-00022498 going to talk about how do we actually deliver a lot of these courses. We're nbcH8dydFs8-00054-00022498-00023081 excited about the opportunities that we have for online programs, hybrid programs, nbcH8dydFs8-00055-00023081-00023648 face-to-face programs. It's not one size fits all. Each different market will have nbcH8dydFs8-00056-00023648-00024044 a different need and desire that we have to fulfill, and that's important because nbcH8dydFs8-00057-00024044-00024529 we want to build long-term relationships. We call that building bridges, and you nbcH8dydFs8-00058-00024529-00024881 know the first place I need to start building bridges is across the campus. nbcH8dydFs8-00059-00024881-00025469 I don't know most of you and I would like to get to know you. The result is going to nbcH8dydFs8-00060-00025469-00025879 be change. There are two different types of change. There's exhausting change and nbcH8dydFs8-00061-00025879-00026276 there's motivating change, and we're going to go for the motivating change. nbcH8dydFs8-00062-00026276-00026641 By creating a culture that's student- centered with strategic innovation, nbcH8dydFs8-00063-00026641-00026962 we want to get excited about what we do. We want to be fired up about it. We want nbcH8dydFs8-00064-00026962-00027414 to have some passion for it. And so - you know - things are gonna change a nbcH8dydFs8-00065-00027414-00027667 little bit. You know I heard once that everybody loves change until they find nbcH8dydFs8-00066-00027667-00028051 out that oh, I've got to change as well. So, I probably have to change some of my nbcH8dydFs8-00067-00028051-00028417 perceptions about programs, and I'm asking everybody to come and share with nbcH8dydFs8-00068-00028417-00028957 me your ideas about programs. I'd love to hear from you. I cannot promise that I'll nbcH8dydFs8-00069-00028957-00029358 do exactly what every single person tells me. That would be a very bad nbcH8dydFs8-00070-00029358-00029785 approach. But what I will do is I'll listen to everybody, and I'll mold it nbcH8dydFs8-00071-00029785-00030102 together into the best program I can for the University of Northern Colorado. nbcH8dydFs8-00072-00030102-00030511 Please feel free to reach out and contact me. I'm going to try to meet as nbcH8dydFs8-00073-00030511-00030991 many people as I can in the next 30 days. It's going to be a little bit wild and nbcH8dydFs8-00074-00030991-00031402 crazy, but we'll have fun doing it. I'm probably going to make a few mistakes nbcH8dydFs8-00075-00031402-00031849 along the way, but we cannot be afraid of that if we want to create a new culture. nbcH8dydFs8-00076-00031849-00032205 Thanks and have a good day. nfvILo4SwxM-00000-00000000-00000112 makeup tutorial nfvILo4SwxM-00001-00000112-00000200 how to makeup nfvILo4SwxM-00002-00000200-00000288 kylie jenner nfvILo4SwxM-00003-00000288-00000448 how to apply foundation nfvILo4SwxM-00004-00000448-00000560 makeup tutorial nfvILo4SwxM-00005-00000560-00000610 makeup nfvILo4SwxM-00006-00000610-00000674 tutorial nfvILo4SwxM-00007-00000674-00000762 party makeup nh-s7OaxNwI-00000-00000043-00000656 Hey everybody! Today’s video is about my trip to the Tōdaiji Temple in Nara city. nh-s7OaxNwI-00001-00000656-00001216 This temple is known for its huge Buddha Statue originating in the late 8th century. nh-s7OaxNwI-00002-00001216-00001926 The statue is around 15 meters tall, and is gilt-bronze, meaning it’s got gold finish to the surface. nh-s7OaxNwI-00003-00001926-00002756 Also in the Tōdaiji compound is the beautiful Nigatsu-dō hall with its iconic lanterns and the view from the terrace. nh-s7OaxNwI-00004-00002756-00003120 In addition, I’ll include some footage from the Kasuga Taisha shrine, nh-s7OaxNwI-00005-00003120-00003893 before finishing off by showing you the delicious udon noodles I had. nh-s7OaxNwI-00006-00003893-00004526 The Tōdaiji Temple is located right by the Nara Park, where there are so many ultra-cute deer. nh-s7OaxNwI-00007-00004526-00004963 They are wildlife, and designated as a natural monument by the government, nh-s7OaxNwI-00008-00004963-00005590 but they are also very friendly to us as they have been intimately interacting with us for over a millennium. nh-s7OaxNwI-00009-00005590-00005906 The people in Nara have had a lot of respect for the deer. nh-s7OaxNwI-00010-00005906-00006859 According to the legend, Takemikazuchi, one of the gods enshrined at Kasuga Taisha which is also adjacent to the Nara Park, arrived here riding one of them. nh-s7OaxNwI-00011-00006859-00007656 Therefore, since the foundation of the shrine in the 8th century, they have been considered sacred, and protected accordingly in Nara. nh-s7OaxNwI-00012-00007656-00008336 I got off the bus at the stop called Todaiji-Daibutsuden/Kasugataisha-mae, and I’m sorry about the long-ass name, nh-s7OaxNwI-00013-00008336-00008733 and I’m walking to the north towards the Nandaimon gate of Tōdaiji. nh-s7OaxNwI-00014-00008733-00009266 Nandaimon, or the Great South Gate, originates in the 8th century like the rest of the temple, nh-s7OaxNwI-00015-00009266-00009663 but it was destroyed by a typhoon in the late 10th century. nh-s7OaxNwI-00016-00009663-00010513 The structure standing today was completed in 1203, based on the style that was prevalent in the Song Dynasty in China at the time. nh-s7OaxNwI-00017-00010513-00011203 After passing the Nandaimon, there’s another stretch towards Chūmon, or the Middle Gate. And yes, the deer are everywhere. nh-s7OaxNwI-00018-00011203-00011763 If you wanna feed them, you must only feed the official deer treat available at the shops nearby. nh-s7OaxNwI-00019-00011763-00012326 It’s made from rice bran, and without any sugar, so it’s optimized for the deer’s wellbeing. nh-s7OaxNwI-00020-00012326-00013036 Feeding them anything else is prohibited. Remember, these creatures are a natural monument protected by the government. nh-s7OaxNwI-00021-00013036-00013766 At the Middle Gate, you must pay for the ticket to see the Buddha Statue, which is 600 yen and quite reasonable, actually. nh-s7OaxNwI-00022-00013766-00014353 There are also tickets for some of the other components of the temple, and I think they are all available at the ticket counter here. nh-s7OaxNwI-00023-00014353-00015063 Having said that, if you’re tight on budget like me, pay only for the statue, and then go check out the parts available for free, nh-s7OaxNwI-00024-00015063-00015563 such as the Nigatsu-dō that I’ll show you later. You are very welcome, my dear. nh-s7OaxNwI-00025-00015563-00016516 That’s the Daibutsu-den containing the statue. This person is burning incense. I said hello to him and surprised the heck out of him, apparently. nh-s7OaxNwI-00026-00016726-00017066 From what I’ve read on the web, and I hope this is correct, nh-s7OaxNwI-00027-00017066-00017890 the Daibutsu-den at Tōdaiji is the world’s largest wooden building by volume that has the traditional post-and-beam structure. nh-s7OaxNwI-00028-00017890-00018450 Its current building is about 57m wide, 50m deep and 48m tall. nh-s7OaxNwI-00029-00018450-00019443 Its original structure completed in 752 was even bigger and 88m wide, but it was destroyed by fire later, man. nh-s7OaxNwI-00030-00019443-00019876 Destroyed not just once, but twice. Dayum. nh-s7OaxNwI-00031-00019876-00020463 Here we go inside the hall. Can you see the statue coming slowly out of the shadow for my camera? nh-s7OaxNwI-00032-00020463-00020970 Also notice the size of the person captured on the right side, for comparison. nh-s7OaxNwI-00033-00020970-00021730 The head itself is 5 meters tall. Frankly, it looks mad now, and it must have been frickin’ mad in the 8th century. nh-s7OaxNwI-00034-00021730-00022020 Sir, sir, sir, who built all this shit? nh-s7OaxNwI-00035-00022020-00022626 It was Emperor Shōmu, who wanted to bring peace to his nation that had been suffering from a political turmoil, nh-s7OaxNwI-00036-00022626-00023096 a smallpox epidemic and a rebellion in the short span of 10 years or so. nh-s7OaxNwI-00037-00023096-00023753 Personally, I’m most intrigued by the smallpox epidemic that began in 735 and lasted two years. nh-s7OaxNwI-00038-00023753-00024520 According to author William Wayne Farris, the epidemic might have killed as much as a quarter of the entire population in Japan at the time. nh-s7OaxNwI-00039-00024520-00025380 Four important politicians as well as many others lost lives to the disease too, which forced the government to postpone some businesses. nh-s7OaxNwI-00040-00025380-00025980 What we’re seeing right now is the statue of Kōmokuten, one of the four guardian gods in Buddhism, nh-s7OaxNwI-00041-00025980-00026296 and this is another one of them called Tamonten. nh-s7OaxNwI-00042-00026296-00027203 Tamonten is the Japanese name of the god of wealth in Hindu mythology, called Vaiśravaṇa. I just spoke Sanskrit! nh-s7OaxNwI-00043-00027203-00027489 In Japanese, it’s also called Bishamonten. nh-s7OaxNwI-00044-00027566-00028116 After leaving the statue, I walked around the Kagami-Ike pond and walked towards the Nigatsu-dō hall. nh-s7OaxNwI-00045-00028116-00029033 “Nigatsu” is February in Japanese. This hall is called “Nigatsu” dō because they hold an annual event in February in the lunar calendar here. nh-s7OaxNwI-00046-00029033-00030016 February in the lunar calendar is around March in the modern calendar, and the annual event called Shuni-e is held from March 1 to 14 nowadays. nh-s7OaxNwI-00047-00030016-00030770 From the photos I see on the web, the nightly proceedings during this period, involving torches, must be amazing to watch. nh-s7OaxNwI-00048-00030770-00031520 I feel like a complete loser having been there on the wrong days and not seeing it. That’s so classic me, dayum. nh-s7OaxNwI-00049-00031750-00032089 I’ve just passed through the gate before the stairway to the hall. nh-s7OaxNwI-00050-00032089-00032720 The standing stone poles you see here are to show thanks to those who donated funds to build this place. nh-s7OaxNwI-00051-00032720-00033160 Each of them displays the amount of donation, as well as the name of the donor. nh-s7OaxNwI-00052-00033160-00033523 Yeah you know, like, “Two billion dollars. Masa.” nh-s7OaxNwI-00053-00033806-00034186 These lanterns must look beautiful when lit at night. nh-s7OaxNwI-00054-00034186-00034780 Nigatsu-dō is accessible 24 hours, so you can visit in the evening if you wanna see the lights, although, nh-s7OaxNwI-00055-00034780-00035260 as you can see, the view from its terrace during the day is also wonderful. nh-s7OaxNwI-00056-00035260-00035583 Lanterns are called “Tōrō” in Japanese, by the way. nh-s7OaxNwI-00057-00035583-00035943 This was at 10am, and I’m facing the west, I think. nh-s7OaxNwI-00058-00035943-00036270 Oh! There’s the same woman I saw before the statue, remember? nh-s7OaxNwI-00059-00036270-00036876 I recognize the down jacket in navy. No man, she wasn’t with me or anything, unfortunately. nh-s7OaxNwI-00060-00036876-00037246 I don’t seem to get a girlfriend no matter what I do on Tinder, man. nh-s7OaxNwI-00061-00037246-00038280 The hall originates in the 8th century, but it was, you guessed it, say it with me, “lost to a fire” in the 17th century after which it was rebuilt immediately. nh-s7OaxNwI-00062-00038280-00039320 The Tōdaiji website says the Nigatsu-dō has great acoustics, that is, great acoustics inside, I guess. Somebody please book a live concert for me to play. nh-s7OaxNwI-00063-00039320-00039896 I won’t take any money. Just hook me up with a girl so I don’t have to get on Tinder again. Dayum. nh-s7OaxNwI-00064-00039896-00040926 Ladies and gentlemen, I ran out of stuff to say about Nigatsu-dō. Can I just be silly for a minute? I mean I am silly, but can I be, like, deliberately silly? nh-s7OaxNwI-00065-00040926-00041276 And say something like “yeah yeah hum hum, yeah hum hum?” nh-s7OaxNwI-00066-00041360-00042103 Aww, adorable, right? Deer groom each other for communication, and to remove mites from their body. nh-s7OaxNwI-00067-00042103-00042576 The Bell Tower stands in the middle between the Daibutsu-den and the Nigatsu-dō. nh-s7OaxNwI-00068-00042576-00043410 Its huge bell, which is 3.86 meters tall and weighs 26.3 tonnes, is the original from the 8th century. nh-s7OaxNwI-00069-00043410-00044016 It’s struck at 8pm everyday, and is regarded as one of the three best bells in Japan. nh-s7OaxNwI-00070-00044016-00044586 The current Bell Tower structure was built around 1210. And yes, there are deer here too. nh-s7OaxNwI-00071-00044586-00045440 Tōdaiji is one of the most visited sites by junior high school students for their shūgaku ryokō, or multi-day school trip, by the way. nh-s7OaxNwI-00072-00045440-00046240 Okay, let’s check out the Kasuga Taisha real quick. This is the Main Approach, or Omote-sandō, which leads to the shrine compound. nh-s7OaxNwI-00073-00046240-00046983 In 1998, Japan got a UNESCO World Heritage inscribed as Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara, nh-s7OaxNwI-00074-00046983-00047853 which comprises eight sites including the Tōdaiji and Kasuga Taisha, as well as the Kōfukuji Temple that was a subject of my previous video. nh-s7OaxNwI-00075-00047853-00048756 This is the Central Gate, or Chūmon, but you can’t go through it as the Main Sanctuary is strictly off limits. You’re not allowed to take photos through it, either. nh-s7OaxNwI-00076-00048756-00049626 But instead, you are entitled to perform a Special Worship with the fee of 500 yen, which allows you to kind of go around the Sanctuary. nh-s7OaxNwI-00077-00049626-00050433 I’ll spare my time and yours by not going into details about this place. It is beautiful, but I find it a bit boring, to be honest. nh-s7OaxNwI-00078-00050433-00051183 If you wanna check out historic sites near the Nara Park and you’re tight on schedule, do prioritize the Tōdaiji first and foremost. nh-s7OaxNwI-00079-00051183-00051890 It’ll take about the same amount of time and energy to walk to Tōdaiji from the bus stop, as the time and energy to the Kasuga Taisha, nh-s7OaxNwI-00080-00051890-00052666 and the 600 yen you’ll spend for Tōdaiji’s Buddha Statue is money better spent than the 500 yen you’ll spend at Kasuga Taisha. nh-s7OaxNwI-00081-00052666-00052986 In my opinion anyway. nh-s7OaxNwI-00082-00052986-00053443 And if you have some time left after Tōdaiji, check out the Kōfukuji temple for free. nh-s7OaxNwI-00083-00053443-00054360 That one looks interesting too, and it’s also closer to the city center, so you won’t miss your bus or train by mistake. There’s a frickin’ Starbucks near Kōfukuji too. nh-s7OaxNwI-00084-00054360-00054740 Attention, please. Here comes the Fujinami-no-ya Hall. nh-s7OaxNwI-00085-00054740-00055286 Kasuga Taisha has around 3,000 lanterns that have been dedicated to it since the late 8th century. nh-s7OaxNwI-00086-00055286-00056106 Of those, 2,000 are the stone lanterns that you put on the ground, and 1,000 are the hanging lanterns, most of which are made of copper. nh-s7OaxNwI-00087-00056106-00056703 Some of the hanging lanterns are lit in the darkness of this hall to entertain me and you, uh. nh-s7OaxNwI-00088-00056703-00057416 When it comes to the lanterns made prior to the 14th century, a massive 60 percent of them are at Kasuga Taisha. nh-s7OaxNwI-00089-00057416-00058829 And uh, I’ve run out of stuff to say about lanterns too, unfortunately. I guess I’ll do some beats or something. I hope you don’t mind. (Beatboxing) nh-s7OaxNwI-00090-00058829-00060033 What? I thought it was dope. What, man? (Beatboxing) nh-s7OaxNwI-00091-00060033-00060503 Alright, finally some food. It’s noodle porn, biatch. nh-s7OaxNwI-00092-00060503-00061353 As I watch this footage, I’m actually getting the mouth water. I’m a slave to my dietary desire. Can’t you see my lustful fire? nh-s7OaxNwI-00093-00061353-00061829 I randomly walked into a restaurant called Kasuya near the JR Nara station. nh-s7OaxNwI-00094-00061829-00062440 It was right on the main street and easy to find, plus they had a toilet I urgently had to use. nh-s7OaxNwI-00095-00062440-00063253 But this turned out to be an excellent choice as the Kasu Udon noodle bowl that they specialize in is such a unique delicacy. nh-s7OaxNwI-00096-00063253-00063626 I mean I’d never had it in my entire life up to that point. nh-s7OaxNwI-00097-00063626-00064270 Okay first off, the basics about what udon noodles are. They are similar to ramen noodles, but they’re thicker. nh-s7OaxNwI-00098-00064270-00065029 And they are served in a bowl of soup just like ramen, but the flavor of the soup is more based on fish rather than pork. nh-s7OaxNwI-00099-00065029-00065660 Now, here’s the twist of this particular restaurant, a restaurant chain rather, as they seem to operate in multiple cities. nh-s7OaxNwI-00100-00065660-00066196 What they do differently is that they deep fry the chopped beef guts, yes the intestines, nh-s7OaxNwI-00101-00066196-00066810 and use these flakes of flavorful fried meat as a topping for the noodles in soup. nh-s7OaxNwI-00102-00066810-00067623 There are many variations to choose from the menu here, but the one I ordered was the Dote-ni Udon, which has stewed beef tendon. nh-s7OaxNwI-00103-00067623-00068103 This was a great meal, also inexpensive, for just about 1,100 yen. nh-s7OaxNwI-00104-00068103-00068680 Thank you very much for watching this video! Please give it a thumbs up if you found it useful. nh-s7OaxNwI-00105-00068680-00069436 Please subscribe to my channel for more videos on culture, travel and music. Have a nice one, Bye! nlZlb06Fn6y-00000-00000060-00000413 SINCE 1980 MORE THAN 4,600 WOMEN HAVE GRADUATED FROM nlZlb06Fn6y-00001-00000413-00000620 THE NAVAL ACADEMY AND HAVE CONTINUED TO EXCEL IN nlZlb06Fn6y-00002-00000620-00000820 THEIR MILITARY CAREERS AND BEYOND. nlZlb06Fn6y-00003-00000820-00001051 CLASS OF 1981 GRADUATE REAR ADMIRAL MARGARET nlZlb06Fn6y-00004-00001051-00001281 KLEIN WAS THE FIRST WOMAN TO SERVE AS COMMANDANT OF nlZlb06Fn6y-00005-00001281-00001488 MIDSHIPMEN AND IS NOW SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE nlZlb06Fn6y-00006-00001488-00001685 SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR MILITARY PROFESSIONALISM. nlZlb06Fn6y-00007-00001685-00001885 VICE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS ADMIRAL nlZlb06Fn6y-00008-00001885-00002085 MICHELLE HOWARD, WHO GRADUATED IN 1982, nlZlb06Fn6y-00009-00002085-00002322 CURRENTLY HOLDS THE SECOND HIGHEST POSITION IN THE nlZlb06Fn6y-00010-00002322-00002575 NAVY AS THE VICE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS. nlZlb06Fn6y-00011-00002575-00002799 HOWARD MADE HISTORY AS THE FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN nlZlb06Fn6y-00012-00002799-00003119 WOMAN TO REACH THE FLAG RANK AND THE FIRST WOMAN nlZlb06Fn6y-00013-00003119-00003246 TO WEAR FOUR STARS. nlZlb06Fn6y-00014-00003246-00003533 TODAY MIDSHIPMAN 1ST CLASS MEGAN MUSILLI IS THE ONLY nlZlb06Fn6y-00015-00003533-00003820 SERVICE ACADEMY STUDENT TO BE SELECTED FOR A 2016 nlZlb06Fn6y-00016-00003820-00003940 RHODES SCHOLARSHIP. nlZlb06Fn6y-00017-00003940-00004154 TO LEARN MORE ABOUT FEMALE NAVAL ACADEMY STUDENTS AND nlZlb06Fn6y-00018-00004154-00004381 GRADUATES VISIT THE UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY nlZlb06Fn6y-00019-00004381-00004881 WEBSITE. ooNYGrG5z0u-00000-00000491-00000826 >> Close Reading Packs engage your students in structured, ooNYGrG5z0u-00001-00000826-00001207 self-directed, collaborative discussions of high interest, ooNYGrG5z0u-00002-00001207-00001546 grade appropriate, literary, and informational text ooNYGrG5z0u-00003-00001546-00001847 to help them meet common core state standards. ooNYGrG5z0u-00004-00001954-00002357 The Close Reading Packs feature cross-disciplinary content ooNYGrG5z0u-00005-00002357-00002558 that will help your students practice ooNYGrG5z0u-00006-00002558-00002845 close reading of text to get at meaning, collaborate, ooNYGrG5z0u-00007-00002845-00003146 and share ideas using evidence from texts they read, ooNYGrG5z0u-00008-00003146-00003338 think critically about text, ooNYGrG5z0u-00009-00003338-00003497 and answer essential questions ooNYGrG5z0u-00010-00003497-00003635 that lead to life-long learning. ooNYGrG5z0u-00011-00003870-00004221 Each Close Reading Pack is organized around a key question. ooNYGrG5z0u-00012-00004302-00004676 First, students read on their own one of four passages in a pack. ooNYGrG5z0u-00013-00004772-00005087 Student's must read carefully to analyze or evaluate ooNYGrG5z0u-00014-00005087-00005298 the text to answer the key question. ooNYGrG5z0u-00015-00005438-00005733 Student response sheets with graphic organizers ooNYGrG5z0u-00016-00005733-00006035 and text dependent questions support students ooNYGrG5z0u-00017-00006035-00006357 as they come up with the best answer to the key question. ooNYGrG5z0u-00018-00006492-00006741 After reading their individual passages, ooNYGrG5z0u-00019-00006741-00007034 students come together into groups to discuss what they read. ooNYGrG5z0u-00020-00007101-00007400 They must find evidence from all the passages ooNYGrG5z0u-00021-00007400-00007614 that support answering the key question. ooNYGrG5z0u-00022-00007784-00008198 Groups practice collaboration and teamwork using speaking ooNYGrG5z0u-00023-00008198-00008543 and listening skills important for 21st Century careers ooNYGrG5z0u-00024-00008543-00008953 and beyond to come to a consensus answer on the key question. ooNYGrG5z0u-00025-00009101-00009491 Finally, the teach facilitates a whole class discussion ooNYGrG5z0u-00026-00009491-00009701 and students read a connecting passage ooNYGrG5z0u-00027-00009701-00010016 as a culminating activity to apply what they've learned. ooNYGrG5z0u-00028-00010106-00010289 They discuss the connecting passages ooNYGrG5z0u-00029-00010289-00010607 evidence for supporting or changing their class ooNYGrG5z0u-00030-00010607-00010781 answer to the key question. ooNYGrG5z0u-00031-00010954-00011340 Teaching tips contain many lessons on valuable comprehension, ooNYGrG5z0u-00032-00011396-00011526 author's craft, ooNYGrG5z0u-00033-00011526-00011673 or critical thinking skills. ooNYGrG5z0u-00034-00011756-00012127 These skills sharpen students focus with note taking ooNYGrG5z0u-00035-00012127-00012607 and re-reading strategies to achieve a deeper understanding of the text. ooNYGrG5z0u-00036-00012757-00012934 The passages within each pack ooNYGrG5z0u-00037-00012934-00013226 are level to help differentiate instruction within groups. ooNYGrG5z0u-00038-00013305-00013531 Levels are represented by small dots. ooNYGrG5z0u-00039-00013586-00013965 Generally, the low-level passages are one grade level below ooNYGrG5z0u-00040-00013965-00014202 while the high passages can one grade level above. ooNYGrG5z0u-00041-00014354-00014608 Close Reading Packets are a terrific resource ooNYGrG5z0u-00042-00014608-00014865 to help you differentiate your reading instruction, ooNYGrG5z0u-00043-00014927-00015241 engage students in deep, lively discussions of text, ooNYGrG5z0u-00044-00015303-00015687 and meet critical, informational text, literature, speaking, ooNYGrG5z0u-00045-00015687-00016022 and listening standards key to achieving success ooNYGrG5z0u-00046-00016022-00016141 with common core ooNYGrG5z0u-00047-00016141-00016297 and 21st Century skills. o1ueF8oJmNY-00000-00000674-00000872 How many of you here have ever been in love? o1ueF8oJmNY-00001-00000872-00000982 Raise your hands o1ueF8oJmNY-00002-00001170-00001264 Ok, that's about it o1ueF8oJmNY-00003-00001422-00002204 And how many of you here have ever had that love affair go...? o1ueF8oJmNY-00004-00002436-00002496 Ok o1ueF8oJmNY-00005-00002682-00003026 Didn't you know, though, before it went...that it was going...? o1ueF8oJmNY-00006-00003311-00003511 You all sensed' it, right? o1ueF8oJmNY-00007-00003604-00004266 And in that sensing you decided "Oh, I won't say anything. I'll continue on with this masquerade. " o1ueF8oJmNY-00008-00004388-00005106 "It isn't working. But, till a better one comes along I'd better hang on to what I've got." o1ueF8oJmNY-00009-00005304-00005828 Well, I'm not too sure that we should hang onto anything o1ueF8oJmNY-00010-00005890-00006394 It seems like when you hang on you get hung up, right? o1ueF8oJmNY-00011-00006431-00007018 Sometimes we're all in the process of mending a broken heart from something or another, haven't we? o1ueF8oJmNY-00012-00007112-00007431 How many of you would like to learn how to fall out of love? o1ueF8oJmNY-00013-00007756-00007956 Well, you fall in love how to fall out of love o1ueF8oJmNY-00014-00008104-00008496 I'm sure you didn't go into it sensibly and rationally because love doesn't work that way o1ueF8oJmNY-00015-00008496-00008746 It works as some sort of attraction and you got to have them o1ueF8oJmNY-00016-00008854-00009054 And after you have them you got to get rid of them o1ueF8oJmNY-00017-00009306-00009506 Before you're had o1ueF8oJmNY-00018-00009660-00010228 If you're going to live with somebody and if you're going to love somebody, why not live with them and love them? o1ueF8oJmNY-00019-00010384-00010742 Or, tell them you're going to go eighty percent and that's it o1ueF8oJmNY-00020-00010892-00011588 They may not be able to go along with that idea but, it's being honest with them. o1ueF8oJmNY-00021-00011588-00011788 Not getting caught in the honesty trap o1ueF8oJmNY-00022-00011986-00012556 Because sometimes the emotions go up and down according to the time of the day and if it's raining or if the sun is shining o1ueF8oJmNY-00023-00012838-00013168 You see, what happens is that we've learned to love a person o1ueF8oJmNY-00024-00013350-00013980 We learn to feel them, we learn to have their hands on us, to touch our body o1ueF8oJmNY-00025-00014040-00014219 And we grow very accustomed to that o1ueF8oJmNY-00026-00014232-00014432 Plus, we fantasize about it. o1ueF8oJmNY-00027-00014550-00014922 When they're not around we're thinking about them being around o1ueF8oJmNY-00028-00014922-00015197 and and all of the things we'd do to them if they were around o1ueF8oJmNY-00029-00015319-00015669 And when they are around we never do those, we do some of them o1ueF8oJmNY-00030-00015790-00016060 It's a process of being honest with them o1ueF8oJmNY-00031-00016118-00016766 So when they leave us and they go to someone else, and you still love them and they love someone else o1ueF8oJmNY-00032-00016928-00017634 The thing that happens here is you keep going back into those patterns of fantasizing and drawing theirs to you in your mind and your emotions o1ueF8oJmNY-00033-00017728-00017832 And it's called unrequited love o1ueF8oJmNY-00034-00017992-00018588 You see, we can un-learn loving the same way we learned that o1ueF8oJmNY-00035-00018636-00019492 And the first key to this is that whenever that person in any way, shape or form comes into your mind you say o1ueF8oJmNY-00036-00019492-00019628 You just say: "Stop." o1ueF8oJmNY-00037-00019862-00019962 "Stop." o1ueF8oJmNY-00038-00020046-00020246 And drive the thoughts right out of your mind o1ueF8oJmNY-00039-00020586-00020886 You get a little three by five card and you carry it in your pocket. o1ueF8oJmNY-00040-00020944-00021248 And every time they come into your mind - like on Monday, you write "One." o1ueF8oJmNY-00041-00021256-00021698 if they come five times, you have live little marks there o1ueF8oJmNY-00042-00021698-00022154 Until you get down to the day where there's only four marks on a day o1ueF8oJmNY-00043-00022346-00022746 And then that person is not being seen in an unloving quality o1ueF8oJmNY-00044-00022764-00023072 They're just being seen in a different emotional light o1ueF8oJmNY-00045-00023170-00023766 That you see them more clearly as a person rather than as that that you idolize and that you worship o1ueF8oJmNY-00046-00023930-00024484 So you get to be friendly with them instead of grieving with them and missing them and feeling lonely o1ueF8oJmNY-00047-00024848-00025432 We like to think that we're immune to hurts o1ueF8oJmNY-00048-00025576-00026086 and that maybe we won't get caught up in the new hurt of a new romance o1ueF8oJmNY-00049-00026144-00026344 Maybe this will help you o1ueF8oJmNY-00050-00026364-00027426 Every time their thoughts comes into your mind say "Stop" and substitute some pattern that you've already thought ahead of time o1ueF8oJmNY-00051-00027448-00027960 that is really fine, that is fantastic, that is wonderful that does not include them o1ueF8oJmNY-00052-00028048-00028600 Like a walk at the beach, looking at a beautiful tree, anything. o1ueF8oJmNY-00053-00028688-00029402 So as soon as you stop and drive that thought out of your mind, immediately pull the new one in that is fresh, invigorating o1ueF8oJmNY-00054-00029416-00029527 and pull it to you o1ueF8oJmNY-00055-00029608-00029972 And hold that, and then let it go o2p6y1QmNac-00000-00000115-00000463 In this video we'll talk about LU factorization. o2p6y1QmNac-00001-00000463-00001142 This is a technique to increase the efficiency of Gauss Elimination for certain applications. o2p6y1QmNac-00002-00001142-00001760 After studying this video you should be able to perform an LU factorization on a matrix. o2p6y1QmNac-00003-00001760-00002297 And when I say that, do it by hand to make sure that you understand how it works. o2p6y1QmNac-00004-00002297-00002870 You should be able to identify when LU factorization is useful and why it's useful in those cases. o2p6y1QmNac-00005-00002870-00003501 You should also be able to implement LU factorization in MATLAB to solve a linear system and explain o2p6y1QmNac-00006-00003501-00004089 conceptually how MATLAB left division works. o2p6y1QmNac-00007-00004089-00004296 So what is LU factorization? o2p6y1QmNac-00008-00004296-00004875 LU factorization factors the matrix A. The coefficient matrix for a linear system. o2p6y1QmNac-00009-00004875-00005964 So still in that context of a linear system AX equals B. A is factored into a lower triangular o2p6y1QmNac-00010-00005964-00006337 matrix L and an upper triangular matrix U. o2p6y1QmNac-00011-00006337-00006744 So before we talk about why it's useful let's go through how that works. o2p6y1QmNac-00012-00006744-00007461 So here we have a matrix A expressed as a product of L times U. o2p6y1QmNac-00013-00007461-00007741 So let's go through and see how these are related. o2p6y1QmNac-00014-00007741-00008288 So we can write, just by implementing the definition of matrix multiplication we can o2p6y1QmNac-00015-00008288-00009610 say A11 is equal to 1 times U11 and then we see zeros as we go down the rest of that column. o2p6y1QmNac-00016-00009610-00009867 So that's it. o2p6y1QmNac-00017-00009867-00011864 A12 is equal to, and again we'll go zero times U11, plus 1 times U12 plus again, zero times o2p6y1QmNac-00018-00011864-00012373 U plus zero. o2p6y1QmNac-00019-00012373-00013577 So A12 is equal to U12 and similarly doing the same thing you will find that A13 equals o2p6y1QmNac-00020-00013577-00013716 U13. o2p6y1QmNac-00021-00013716-00014463 So these three elements in the upper triangular matrix are the same as these three elements o2p6y1QmNac-00022-00014463-00014616 in the lower triangular matrix. o2p6y1QmNac-00023-00014616-00015334 Or sorry, in the original matrix A. So let's move down and work through the next row. o2p6y1QmNac-00024-00015334-00016771 So we get A21 is equal to now we're in the second row, first column, so it'll be L21 o2p6y1QmNac-00025-00016771-00017625 times U11 plus 1 times zero plus zero. o2p6y1QmNac-00026-00017625-00020518 And A, let's go ahead and do A31 next A31, that will equal L31 times U11 plus L32 times o2p6y1QmNac-00027-00020518-00020814 zero plus zero. o2p6y1QmNac-00028-00020814-00021445 So we see here if we go through U11. o2p6y1QmNac-00029-00021445-00023274 I'm sorry, recall that U11 is equal to A11 and so we can rewrite this as solving for o2p6y1QmNac-00030-00023274-00023392 L21. o2p6y1QmNac-00031-00023392-00024054 L21 is equal to A21 over A11. o2p6y1QmNac-00032-00024054-00024934 And similarly L31 is equal to A31 over A11. o2p6y1QmNac-00033-00024934-00026002 And if you recall from Gauss Elimination these are the elimination factors that we would o2p6y1QmNac-00034-00026002-00026625 be using in the forward elimination step of Gauss Elimination and we could actually use o2p6y1QmNac-00035-00026625-00027402 that to develop our technique to compute an LU factorization. o2p6y1QmNac-00036-00027402-00027855 And it turns out that that is also the case for L32. o2p6y1QmNac-00037-00027855-00028385 So the end result is L21, L31, and L32. o2p6y1QmNac-00038-00028385-00029539 Those are our elimination factors as we reduce the rows under the pivot elements U11 and o2p6y1QmNac-00039-00029539-00029639 U22. o2p6y1QmNac-00040-00029639-00030351 So the pivot elements were A11 and A22. o2p6y1QmNac-00041-00030351-00031019 So before we get in to more how to do this and do an example with numbers let's talk o2p6y1QmNac-00042-00031019-00031170 about why we do it. o2p6y1QmNac-00043-00031170-00031645 So many problems in engineering and numerical methods involve the solution of a system of o2p6y1QmNac-00044-00031645-00032044 equations for multiple righthand side vectors. o2p6y1QmNac-00045-00032044-00032602 So this is a case where we might have the same coefficient matrix but have the system o2p6y1QmNac-00046-00032602-00033172 AX equals some B1, AX equals some B2, all the way to some N different righthand side o2p6y1QmNac-00047-00033172-00033309 vectors. o2p6y1QmNac-00048-00033309-00033980 Example situations would include calculating a matrix inverse where to calculate the inverse o2p6y1QmNac-00049-00033980-00035059 of A we can successfully solve for each column is going to be o2p6y1QmNac-00050-00035059-00035786 AX equals B where B is equal to 100. o2p6y1QmNac-00051-00035786-00036269 That would give us the first column of A. It's equal to 010. o2p6y1QmNac-00052-00036269-00037086 That'll give us the second column of A. So we call that B1, B2, B3 is equal to 001. o2p6y1QmNac-00053-00037086-00037944 Gives us the third column of A. And each of those corresponding X values build that inverse o2p6y1QmNac-00054-00037944-00038074 A minus 1. o2p6y1QmNac-00055-00038074-00038561 And we're not going to do calculating of matrix inverses in this class but I just wanted to o2p6y1QmNac-00056-00038561-00038788 point that out as an example situation. o2p6y1QmNac-00057-00038788-00039346 You can imagine calculating the inverse of a 100 by 100 matrix all of a sudden we have o2p6y1QmNac-00058-00039346-00039735 100 different righthand side B vectors. o2p6y1QmNac-00059-00039735-00039949 Also parametric analysis of a linear system. o2p6y1QmNac-00060-00039949-00040266 We'll be looking at that in a programming assignment. o2p6y1QmNac-00061-00040266-00040727 And down the road in this class we'll see how several differential equation algorithms o2p6y1QmNac-00062-00040727-00041390 can include multiple solutions of the same linear system with the only thing changing o2p6y1QmNac-00063-00041390-00041627 being the righthand side vector. o2p6y1QmNac-00064-00041627-00042238 So recall that the computational cost of Gauss Elimination is concentrated in the forward o2p6y1QmNac-00065-00042238-00042417 elimination step. o2p6y1QmNac-00066-00042417-00043064 And in that previous video we saw that that was order N cubed. o2p6y1QmNac-00067-00043064-00043444 That back substitution step was only order N squared. o2p6y1QmNac-00068-00043444-00044049 And what LU factorization does for us is it separates the time consuming elimination step o2p6y1QmNac-00069-00044049-00044991 from the eliminations of the righthand side factor B. So once we factor A and as we saw o2p6y1QmNac-00070-00044991-00045309 that is an elimination operation. o2p6y1QmNac-00071-00045309-00046247 So factor A. So that factorization is going to be order N cubed operation but we only o2p6y1QmNac-00072-00046247-00046465 have to do it once. o2p6y1QmNac-00073-00046465-00047278 Then we can solve for multiple righthand side vectors using now two triangular matrices o2p6y1QmNac-00074-00047278-00048066 and that's a substitution process only. o2p6y1QmNac-00075-00048066-00048544 So that's order N squared. o2p6y1QmNac-00076-00048544-00049125 So, we'll look more into that in a minute but first let's do an example of doing that o2p6y1QmNac-00077-00049125-00049308 LU factorization. o2p6y1QmNac-00078-00049308-00049988 So here's a matrix A and what I would do is set this up as follows. o2p6y1QmNac-00079-00049988-00050227 So I'm going to write this as the product of two matrices. o2p6y1QmNac-00080-00050227-00051124 And I'll start by just having the identity matrix o2p6y1QmNac-00081-00051124-00051613 multiplied by A. So we know that this is true because a matrix multiplied by the identity o2p6y1QmNac-00082-00051613-00052349 matrix is equal to itself. o2p6y1QmNac-00083-00052349-00053041 And then I'm just gonna start doing forward elimination on A which is that righthand side o2p6y1QmNac-00084-00053041-00053141 matrix. o2p6y1QmNac-00085-00053141-00053576 So we'll start under the pivot element 4. o2p6y1QmNac-00086-00053576-00054672 And we know that we could write row 2 is equal to row 2 minus, and then our elimination factor o2p6y1QmNac-00087-00054672-00055477 would be negative 2 over 4 times row 1. o2p6y1QmNac-00088-00055477-00056008 And then that elimination factor, as we've talked about a few minutes ago, is going to o2p6y1QmNac-00089-00056008-00056825 be the element here L21. o2p6y1QmNac-00090-00056825-00057354 So if we write that result again our first row is going to be unchanged. o2p6y1QmNac-00091-00057354-00058263 So we have 1, 0, 0, 4, 3, -1. o2p6y1QmNac-00092-00058263-00058687 And then we'll put the negative one half here. o2p6y1QmNac-00093-00058687-00059161 And then going through and executing the rest of the eliminations. o2p6y1QmNac-00094-00059161-00059261 Subtractions here. o2p6y1QmNac-00095-00059261-00059519 We end up with -2.5. o2p6y1QmNac-00096-00059519-00059619 I'm sorry. o2p6y1QmNac-00097-00059619-00059876 That's still our lower triangular matrix. o2p6y1QmNac-00098-00059876-00060069 So this is still 1, 0. o2p6y1QmNac-00099-00060069-00061185 And then we've eliminated the first element under the pivot and -2.5, and 4.5, is what o2p6y1QmNac-00100-00061185-00061491 we have left. o2p6y1QmNac-00101-00061491-00062092 Next we'll go to row three and we get row three is equal to row three minus, and our o2p6y1QmNac-00102-00062092-00062908 elimination factor in this case is going to be one fourth times row one, so we'll go ahead o2p6y1QmNac-00103-00062908-00063185 and put that elimination factor there. o2p6y1QmNac-00104-00063185-00063533 That's again, L31. o2p6y1QmNac-00105-00063533-00063804 So that goes into our lower triangular matrix. o2p6y1QmNac-00106-00063804-00064220 And the rest of that lower triangular matrix is as follows. o2p6y1QmNac-00107-00064220-00064344 The zero and the one. o2p6y1QmNac-00108-00064344-00064812 We've now completed our operations under the first pivot. o2p6y1QmNac-00109-00064812-00065462 And the right upper triangular matrix we have a zero because we've eliminated that element. o2p6y1QmNac-00110-00065462-00066330 And then 1.25 and 6.25 again carrying out that operation. o2p6y1QmNac-00111-00066330-00066661 So all that's left now is to move down to the next pivot. o2p6y1QmNac-00112-00066661-00066935 The -2.5. o2p6y1QmNac-00113-00066935-00067899 Doing that we still have our second row is done. o2p6y1QmNac-00114-00067899-00067999 There's the one fourth. o2p6y1QmNac-00115-00067999-00068430 We're going to have another elimination factor to come in. o2p6y1QmNac-00116-00068430-00069267 This is 4, 3, -1, 0, -2.5, 4.5, 0. o2p6y1QmNac-00117-00069267-00070008 And then our elimination factor now will be row three is equal to row three minus, and o2p6y1QmNac-00118-00070008-00071064 this is going to be a 1.25 divided by -2.5 times row 2 and again that's just a negative o2p6y1QmNac-00119-00071064-00071164 one half. o2p6y1QmNac-00120-00071164-00071844 So negative one half and, sorry that's still a one on the diagonal, so there's our lower o2p6y1QmNac-00121-00071844-00071975 triangular matrix. o2p6y1QmNac-00122-00071975-00072792 And going through those subtractions we get a zero under the pivot element and an 8.5 o2p6y1QmNac-00123-00072792-00072999 which is what's left. o2p6y1QmNac-00124-00072999-00073480 So there's our LU factorization. o2p6y1QmNac-00125-00073480-00074098 That is our lower triangular matrix L and our upper triangular matrix U. o2p6y1QmNac-00126-00074098-00074770 So then let's look at how we would use this LU factorization to solve a linear system. o2p6y1QmNac-00127-00074770-00075363 So here's our linear system AX equals B. And we'll do that one factorization of A and again o2p6y1QmNac-00128-00075363-00075762 that's going to be N cubed approximately N cubed operations. o2p6y1QmNac-00129-00075762-00076129 And so we factor it into L and U. o2p6y1QmNac-00130-00076129-00076686 So now we have LU times X is equal to B. And the way that we're going to solve this is o2p6y1QmNac-00131-00076686-00077402 we'll solve the intermediate system if we write this as UX is equal to D. So we get o2p6y1QmNac-00132-00077402-00078051 this intermediate system UX is equal to D. And this is an upper triangular matrix. o2p6y1QmNac-00133-00078051-00078662 So that upper triangular matrix now, and we have a lower triangular matrix LD equals B. o2p6y1QmNac-00134-00078662-00079229 So each of these triangular matrices we can solve with substitution only. o2p6y1QmNac-00135-00079229-00079877 So in order to do that before we can solve for X we need to solve for D. So the first o2p6y1QmNac-00136-00079877-00080842 system that we solve will be LD equals B. So we do forward substitution in L to solve o2p6y1QmNac-00137-00080842-00081711 for D and that's gonna be order N squared because it's a substitution algorithm only. o2p6y1QmNac-00138-00081711-00082393 Now that we have D we can bring that over here and use back substitution in U to solve o2p6y1QmNac-00139-00082393-00082850 for X and again it's order N squared. o2p6y1QmNac-00140-00082850-00083613 So the bottom line is we've done the factorization once and then we can solve for as many righthand o2p6y1QmNac-00141-00083613-00084505 side vectors B, B vectors, as we want using substitution only. o2p6y1QmNac-00142-00084505-00084944 So recall one of the things about Gauss Elimination though, is that we might have had to do some o2p6y1QmNac-00143-00084944-00085731 partial pivoting to avoid problems of zero or near zero as a pivot element. o2p6y1QmNac-00144-00085731-00086763 And to keep track of that, now that we've decoupled the righthand side from the lefthand o2p6y1QmNac-00145-00086763-00087144 side we need to keep track of any partial pivoting that we do. o2p6y1QmNac-00146-00087144-00087544 So in order to do that we use what's called a permutation matrix. o2p6y1QmNac-00147-00087544-00088143 And the permutation matrix again is going to basically keep track of the row shifts o2p6y1QmNac-00148-00088143-00088857 that we do when we're doing partial pivoting on the matrix A during Gauss Elimination. o2p6y1QmNac-00149-00088857-00089323 So we actually do the partial pivoting during the LU factorization. o2p6y1QmNac-00150-00089323-00090193 So this partial pivoting now we're still going to do it but now it's during the factorization o2p6y1QmNac-00151-00090193-00090829 which recall is basically just a Gauss Elimination process where we keep track of the elimination o2p6y1QmNac-00152-00090829-00090995 factors. o2p6y1QmNac-00153-00090995-00091529 And so then we can apply the permutation matrix as follows. o2p6y1QmNac-00154-00091529-00092381 So we would replace our linear system by multiplying both sides by P. So P times AX is equal to o2p6y1QmNac-00155-00092381-00093474 P times B and our LU factorization would be of the matrix PA and all PA is doing is mathematically o2p6y1QmNac-00156-00093474-00093666 implementing those pivots. o2p6y1QmNac-00157-00093666-00094523 And then we'll solve the system LUX equals P times B. So test yourself to make sure you o2p6y1QmNac-00158-00094523-00094664 understand how this is working. o2p6y1QmNac-00159-00094664-00095416 You can try out multiply P times some generic vector X. Here's an example P and you should o2p6y1QmNac-00160-00095416-00096263 see that this permutation matrix would switch rows one and two. o2p6y1QmNac-00161-00096263-00096702 So let's look at how you keep track of all this implementing it in MATLAB. o2p6y1QmNac-00162-00096702-00097285 You can do an LU factorization in MATLAB with the built in function LU. o2p6y1QmNac-00163-00097285-00098157 It has the permutation matrix as an optional third output but it in general is a good idea o2p6y1QmNac-00164-00098157-00098300 to use it. o2p6y1QmNac-00165-00098300-00099038 So here's an example solve the same linear system A for two different righthand side o2p6y1QmNac-00166-00099038-00099281 vectors, two B's. o2p6y1QmNac-00167-00099281-00100399 So we'll do the factorization once and remember you're defeating the point if you do the factorization o2p6y1QmNac-00168-00100399-00100566 for every different B vector. o2p6y1QmNac-00169-00100566-00100945 So this affects how you write code using LU factorization. o2p6y1QmNac-00170-00100945-00101248 You might be looping through a number of B factors. o2p6y1QmNac-00171-00101248-00101801 You want to make sure you're not also computing the LU factorization with each iteration of o2p6y1QmNac-00172-00101801-00101901 that loop. o2p6y1QmNac-00173-00101901-00102693 So we do one factorization and then solve for our first D1 and again there's that permutation o2p6y1QmNac-00174-00102693-00103686 matrix which we need to keep track of any row shifts in B. Then we can solve for X1. o2p6y1QmNac-00175-00103686-00103924 Second time, solve for D2. o2p6y1QmNac-00176-00103924-00104448 Again, with the permutation matrix to keep track of the row shifts for B and then solve o2p6y1QmNac-00177-00104448-00104548 for X2. o2p6y1QmNac-00178-00104548-00105257 So, you might be wondering well, it seems like now we're having to do two processes o2p6y1QmNac-00179-00105257-00105484 to solve, how is this more efficient? o2p6y1QmNac-00180-00105484-00106051 Well, consider an example where we need to solve a 100 by 100 system for 50 different o2p6y1QmNac-00181-00106051-00106310 righthand side vectors. o2p6y1QmNac-00182-00106310-00106818 So in the case where we do that without LU factorization we're going to have for every o2p6y1QmNac-00183-00106818-00107352 Gauss Elimination operation, we're gonna have 100 cube operations, approximately. o2p6y1QmNac-00184-00107352-00108161 So we have 100 cubed operations times 50 systems, that's gonna be about 50 million FLOPs. o2p6y1QmNac-00185-00108161-00108781 If we use LU factorization then we're gonna have those hundred cubed operations but we're o2p6y1QmNac-00186-00108781-00109569 only gonna do it once because we only have one factorization. o2p6y1QmNac-00187-00109569-00110551 Then for those additional systems we'll have, for 50 righthand side vectors, we have 100 o2p6y1QmNac-00188-00110551-00110651 squared. o2p6y1QmNac-00189-00110651-00111093 That's our order N squared substitution cost. o2p6y1QmNac-00190-00111093-00111999 But we have it twice because we have one for U and one for L. So we have to go for each o2p6y1QmNac-00191-00111999-00112335 of those triangular matrices. o2p6y1QmNac-00192-00112335-00112976 But we still have a huge savings because we end up with only two million FLOPs. o2p6y1QmNac-00193-00112976-00113529 So this is a 96% reduction in the computational cost. o2p6y1QmNac-00194-00113529-00114077 And it just gets even greater if we're increasing the size of the system or if we're increasing o2p6y1QmNac-00195-00114077-00114360 the number of righthand side vectors that we solve for. o2p6y1QmNac-00196-00114360-00115052 So the bottom line is whenever you are solving a system for multiple righthand side vectors o2p6y1QmNac-00197-00115052-00115649 it's a good idea to use LU factorization. o2p6y1QmNac-00198-00115649-00116085 So this is a good time to talk about how MATLAB left division works. o2p6y1QmNac-00199-00116085-00116599 It's actually a lot going on with this little operator here. o2p6y1QmNac-00200-00116599-00116836 More than meets the eye. o2p6y1QmNac-00201-00116836-00117332 And we can also talk about why this is preferred to the matrix inverse. o2p6y1QmNac-00202-00117332-00117755 So MATLAB left division uses the following algorithm. o2p6y1QmNac-00203-00117755-00117979 It starts by checking if A is triangular. o2p6y1QmNac-00204-00117979-00118759 If it's triangular it just can go right through with the substitution algorithm that has operation o2p6y1QmNac-00205-00118759-00119079 costs approximately N squared. o2p6y1QmNac-00206-00119079-00119306 Next it checks if A is a symmetric matrix. o2p6y1QmNac-00207-00119306-00119745 If it is it uses what is called a Cholesky factorization which we're not going to cover o2p6y1QmNac-00208-00119745-00120281 but it takes advantage of the fact that A is symmetric and actually is another N squared o2p6y1QmNac-00209-00120281-00120610 calculation. o2p6y1QmNac-00210-00120610-00120986 Next it checks if A can be transformed to be a triangular matrix. o2p6y1QmNac-00211-00120986-00121375 For example, by some pivoting. o2p6y1QmNac-00212-00121375-00121848 And if so, again it's a substitution algorithm that's order N squared. o2p6y1QmNac-00213-00121848-00122635 Lastly, if A is square MATLAB left division is Gauss Elimination with partial pivoting. o2p6y1QmNac-00214-00122635-00122969 So the pivoting happens automatically. o2p6y1QmNac-00215-00122969-00123839 And like we saw before that's gonna be order N cubed. o2p6y1QmNac-00216-00123839-00124407 If A is not square, if it's an overdetermined matrix, left division actually implements o2p6y1QmNac-00217-00124407-00124855 a QR factorization which is a least squares solution. o2p6y1QmNac-00218-00124855-00125256 And we're not going to get into the details of how that works but what that least squares o2p6y1QmNac-00219-00125256-00126492 solution is, is it's going to minimize the squares of the residuals. o2p6y1QmNac-00220-00126492-00127109 Remember, there's no perfect solution if the matrix system is overdetermined but we can o2p6y1QmNac-00221-00127109-00128084 find a best, we can call it a best fit solution, and something that minimizes the total residuals o2p6y1QmNac-00222-00128084-00128402 in our result. o2p6y1QmNac-00223-00128402-00128695 So this is why left division is preferred to the matrix inverse. o2p6y1QmNac-00224-00128695-00129250 As we talked about a little bit earlier in this video, the matrix inverse, first and o2p6y1QmNac-00225-00129250-00129751 foremost, is going to require the solution of the system from multiple righthand side o2p6y1QmNac-00226-00129751-00129895 vectors. o2p6y1QmNac-00227-00129895-00130463 And those multiple righthand side factors in MATLAB's matrix inverse algorithm, it does o2p6y1QmNac-00228-00130463-00131316 use LU factorization to do that but ultimately it has more computational cost than left division o2p6y1QmNac-00229-00131316-00132041 and does not go through and check to make sure that it can't take a more quick substitution o2p6y1QmNac-00230-00132041-00132351 approach or Cholesky factorization approach. o2p6y1QmNac-00231-00132351-00133180 So again, matrix left division, that's our preferred mode, preferred method for linear o2p6y1QmNac-00232-00133180-00133536 systems. o2p6y1QmNac-00233-00133536-00133672 And that concludes this video. o2vv6JQacHo-00000-00000000-00000196 Lovely bubbly chacha! o2vv6JQacHo-00001-00000692-00000892 She's been out for a walk for a long time. o2vv6JQacHo-00002-00001250-00001986 Today, you know. I will introduce you to the hot place in Seoul. o2vv6JQacHo-00003-00002366-00002566 an ant garden o2vv6JQacHo-00004-00002924-00003911 This place is called the "Ants Garden." It's a small but very fruitful park. If you follow the road, you'll find an ant garden. o2vv6JQacHo-00005-00005024-00005614 If you follow Metasequoire Road, you can come to Seoul Dulle-gil. o2vv6JQacHo-00006-00005684-00005884 Jangjicheon-gil o2vv6JQacHo-00007-00006062-00006830 Jangjicheon-gil is one of the sections of Seoul Dulle-gil. Follow me! o2vv6JQacHo-00008-00007420-00007868 It's a two-pronged road. I'll go to the park on the Dulegil this time. o2vv6JQacHo-00009-00007966-00008526 Dad, it's not this way. Dad looking for directions. o2vv6JQacHo-00010-00008994-00009400 When you get lost, you can find your way with the sign in the park. o2vv6JQacHo-00011-00009518-00009756 Dad doesn't seem to know. o2vv6JQacHo-00012-00010184-00010384 i'll guide for you! o2vv6JQacHo-00013-00010774-00010974 Gaenong Park o2vv6JQacHo-00014-00011354-00011554 Gaenong Park. It was named in commemoration of a village called "Gaenong" in 1992. o2vv6JQacHo-00015-00011770-00011970 General Im Gyeong-eop, the Manchu Invasion of Korea, built it after seeing the armor of Longan. o2vv6JQacHo-00016-00012310-00012748 It's good to have a lot of forests. But there are no children. o2vv6JQacHo-00017-00013018-00013576 Gaerong Park has the most forests among the parks I go to. Let's go to the next place! o2vv6JQacHo-00018-00013741-00014024 I came back to the Dulegil. o2vv6JQacHo-00019-00014890-00015078 Where am I? o2vv6JQacHo-00020-00015272-00015472 Munjeong Neighborhood Park o2vv6JQacHo-00021-00015686-00016522 Munjeong Neighborhood Park is the biggest park I go to. It's nice because the weather is clear. o2vv6JQacHo-00022-00016638-00017004 It's suddenly windy. o2vv6JQacHo-00023-00017156-00018688 This is the park that built an uncompleted railway site as a resting place until 2009. There are not only fountains but also public parking lots and subway stations. Also, you can rent a bike or walk to Seongnae Stream. o2vv6JQacHo-00024-00018734-00019030 Let's withdraw because of the wind! o2vv6JQacHo-00025-00019584-00019760 Sori Park o2vv6JQacHo-00026-00020238-00020438 Sori Park is the cleanest park I've ever been to. o2vv6JQacHo-00027-00021100-00021300 The night view is so nice here because it's next to the law complex o2vv6JQacHo-00028-00021726-00021926 There is a forest road where you can experience various things. o2vv6JQacHo-00029-00022286-00022486 It's a small park in the city, so it's full of charm. o2vv6JQacHo-00030-00023108-00023308 I love the smell of nature. o2vv6JQacHo-00031-00023574-00024250 Oh, right! This isn't the end! Once again, I'll follow the Dulegil. o2vv6JQacHo-00032-00024634-00024968 Dad: I'm tired. Follow me. o2vv6JQacHo-00033-00025078-00025278 Ogeum Park o2vv6JQacHo-00034-00025568-00026464 This is Ogeum Park! It's kind of hard because it's located at 200m above sea level. However, it can run around and has plenty of sports facilities. o2vv6JQacHo-00035-00028120-00028320 Garak Neighborhood Park o2vv6JQacHo-00036-00028548-00029210 Dad: The stairs are too high. You just have to go up without hesitation. o2vv6JQacHo-00037-00029527-00030370 This is Garak Neighborhood Park! It's higher than Ogeum Park. The ground is so high that you can see the surrounding city center like this. o2vv6JQacHo-00038-00030695-00031044 I achieved my goal today. My movements are as follows. o2vv6JQacHo-00039-00031114-00031848 The parks are connected to Seoul Dulle-gil course 3. I use Jangjicheon-gil a lot. o2vv6JQacHo-00040-00032114-00032494 There are Ogeum Park, Garak Neighborhood Park, and Gaerong Park in the north and west of Dulegil. o2vv6JQacHo-00041-00032804-00033212 To the south, you can walk around Dulle-gil - Munjeong Neighborhood Park - Sori Park. o2vv6JQacHo-00042-00033430-00033630 Each park is in a walking distance, so it's good to exercise. o2vv6JQacHo-00043-00033894-00034544 Did you enjoy the video? There are many good places, so come visit often. o2vv6JQacHo-00044-00035104-00037720 Please subscribe and like! o4fulzryXkc-00000-00000000-00000200 hi guys o5xJSpVXzwI-00000-00000475-00000649 QSO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00001-00001499-00001681 QRM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00002-00002523-00002713 QSG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00003-00003484-00003672 QTC o5xJSpVXzwI-00004-00004450-00004638 QRG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00005-00005496-00005680 QSX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00006-00006460-00006641 QTX o5xJSpVXzwI-00007-00007324-00007504 QSS o5xJSpVXzwI-00008-00008168-00008348 QRI o5xJSpVXzwI-00009-00009012-00009189 QSA o5xJSpVXzwI-00010-00009895-00010090 QRY o5xJSpVXzwI-00011-00010877-00011056 QSM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00012-00011891-00012075 QRH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00013-00012821-00012992 QTA o5xJSpVXzwI-00014-00013667-00013854 QTC o5xJSpVXzwI-00015-00014641-00014836 QRX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00016-00015687-00015866 QRS? o5xJSpVXzwI-00017-00016699-00016890 QSG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00018-00017740-00017924 QRK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00019-00018696-00018877 QRA o5xJSpVXzwI-00020-00019571-00019774 QSW o5xJSpVXzwI-00021-00020537-00020716 QSM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00022-00021480-00021660 QSB o5xJSpVXzwI-00023-00022352-00022529 QUA o5xJSpVXzwI-00024-00023238-00023420 QRO o5xJSpVXzwI-00025-00024137-00024319 QTX o5xJSpVXzwI-00026-00025098-00025282 QSX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00027-00026124-00026309 QSD? o5xJSpVXzwI-00028-00027159-00027354 QRX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00029-00028196-00028378 QSN? o5xJSpVXzwI-00030-00029126-00029313 QSM o5xJSpVXzwI-00031-00030069-00030238 QSU? o5xJSpVXzwI-00032-00031009-00031199 QRK o5xJSpVXzwI-00033-00031978-00032168 QTC? o5xJSpVXzwI-00034-00032948-00033133 QRL o5xJSpVXzwI-00035-00033857-00034057 QRX o5xJSpVXzwI-00036-00034828-00035005 QSA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00037-00035753-00035949 QRS o5xJSpVXzwI-00038-00036641-00036837 QRM o5xJSpVXzwI-00039-00037592-00037774 QSN? o5xJSpVXzwI-00040-00038530-00038728 QRH o5xJSpVXzwI-00041-00039452-00039653 QRQ o5xJSpVXzwI-00042-00040424-00040614 QTA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00043-00041432-00041617 QRH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00044-00042363-00042534 QTA o5xJSpVXzwI-00045-00043294-00043477 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00046-00044327-00044496 QRN? 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o5xJSpVXzwI-00076-00072829-00073024 QRP o5xJSpVXzwI-00077-00073804-00073972 QRN? o5xJSpVXzwI-00078-00074744-00074934 QSP o5xJSpVXzwI-00079-00075697-00075871 QRI? o5xJSpVXzwI-00080-00076609-00076796 QTH o5xJSpVXzwI-00081-00077479-00077677 QRH o5xJSpVXzwI-00082-00078377-00078559 QTX o5xJSpVXzwI-00083-00079339-00079528 QSP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00084-00080316-00080505 QSX o5xJSpVXzwI-00085-00081300-00081482 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00086-00082285-00082478 QRZ o5xJSpVXzwI-00087-00083272-00083460 QRG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00088-00084310-00084500 QTC? o5xJSpVXzwI-00089-00085334-00085513 QSM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00090-00086331-00086524 QRT? o5xJSpVXzwI-00091-00087366-00087551 QRO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00092-00088346-00088535 QSP o5xJSpVXzwI-00093-00089226-00089411 QRT o5xJSpVXzwI-00094-00090109-00090291 QRO o5xJSpVXzwI-00095-00091078-00091268 QTC? o5xJSpVXzwI-00096-00092102-00092287 QSD? o5xJSpVXzwI-00097-00093074-00093269 QRY o5xJSpVXzwI-00098-00093975-00094155 QRI o5xJSpVXzwI-00099-00094900-00095082 QUA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00100-00095924-00096109 QSX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00101-00096942-00097124 QSS? o5xJSpVXzwI-00102-00097888-00098078 QRK o5xJSpVXzwI-00103-00098857-00099026 QSB? o5xJSpVXzwI-00104-00099852-00100037 QTH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00105-00100871-00101051 QSZ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00106-00101893-00102062 QSU? o5xJSpVXzwI-00107-00102833-00103018 QSZ o5xJSpVXzwI-00108-00103805-00103995 QRV? o5xJSpVXzwI-00109-00104756-00104935 QRI o5xJSpVXzwI-00110-00105610-00105787 QUA o5xJSpVXzwI-00111-00106543-00106719 QTB? o5xJSpVXzwI-00112-00107577-00107759 QRY? o5xJSpVXzwI-00113-00108624-00108804 QSL? o5xJSpVXzwI-00114-00109583-00109773 QSP o5xJSpVXzwI-00115-00110568-00110753 QRO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00116-00111532-00111714 QSD o5xJSpVXzwI-00117-00112388-00112573 QTR o5xJSpVXzwI-00118-00113248-00113430 QSD o5xJSpVXzwI-00119-00114105-00114284 QRI o5xJSpVXzwI-00120-00115022-00115215 QRT? o5xJSpVXzwI-00121-00115986-00116186 QRX o5xJSpVXzwI-00122-00116895-00117090 QRS o5xJSpVXzwI-00123-00117783-00117970 QTC o5xJSpVXzwI-00124-00118726-00118910 QTH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00125-00119648-00119828 QSS o5xJSpVXzwI-00126-00120588-00120776 QRG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00127-00121547-00121729 QSD o5xJSpVXzwI-00128-00122404-00122599 QSN o5xJSpVXzwI-00129-00123290-00123501 QRV o5xJSpVXzwI-00130-00124287-00124475 QRG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00131-00125262-00125452 QRK o5xJSpVXzwI-00132-00126215-00126397 QSS? o5xJSpVXzwI-00133-00127153-00127343 QRU o5xJSpVXzwI-00134-00128044-00128231 QTC o5xJSpVXzwI-00135-00128995-00129177 QUA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00136-00130019-00130204 QSX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00137-00130990-00131175 QSZ o5xJSpVXzwI-00138-00131946-00132116 QSU? o5xJSpVXzwI-00139-00132871-00133069 QRN o5xJSpVXzwI-00140-00133841-00134030 QSP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00141-00134873-00135052 QRS? o5xJSpVXzwI-00142-00135831-00136031 QRX o5xJSpVXzwI-00143-00136748-00136933 QSV o5xJSpVXzwI-00144-00137634-00137823 QRU o5xJSpVXzwI-00145-00138587-00138769 QUA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00146-00139533-00139714 QTX o5xJSpVXzwI-00147-00140509-00140705 QRQ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00148-00141562-00141731 QSU? o5xJSpVXzwI-00149-00142580-00142771 QSY? o5xJSpVXzwI-00150-00143540-00143719 QRI o5xJSpVXzwI-00151-00144473-00144665 QSW? 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o5xJSpVXzwI-00180-00171267-00171456 QRU o5xJSpVXzwI-00181-00172180-00172381 QRQ o5xJSpVXzwI-00182-00173160-00173337 QSA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00183-00174171-00174356 QRK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00184-00175221-00175403 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00185-00176261-00176451 QSG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00186-00177230-00177414 QSZ o5xJSpVXzwI-00187-00178123-00178305 QTX o5xJSpVXzwI-00188-00178980-00179152 QTA o5xJSpVXzwI-00189-00179913-00180089 QRZ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00190-00180884-00181098 QRW o5xJSpVXzwI-00191-00181893-00182075 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00192-00182925-00183104 QSM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00193-00183876-00184089 QRW o5xJSpVXzwI-00194-00184806-00185000 QRG o5xJSpVXzwI-00195-00185725-00185915 QSY o5xJSpVXzwI-00196-00186710-00186897 QRG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00197-00187692-00187874 QRO o5xJSpVXzwI-00198-00188669-00188843 QSO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00199-00189677-00189859 QSN? o5xJSpVXzwI-00200-00190709-00190904 QRQ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00201-00191681-00191860 QSS o5xJSpVXzwI-00202-00192524-00192704 QRI o5xJSpVXzwI-00203-00193386-00193571 QSK o5xJSpVXzwI-00204-00194327-00194509 QSN? 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o5xJSpVXzwI-00255-00243419-00243614 QRX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00256-00244393-00244591 QRN o5xJSpVXzwI-00257-00245276-00245458 QSD o5xJSpVXzwI-00258-00246222-00246404 QRM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00259-00247182-00247363 QSO o5xJSpVXzwI-00260-00248079-00248274 QRG o5xJSpVXzwI-00261-00249053-00249246 QSW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00262-00250080-00250257 QTB? o5xJSpVXzwI-00263-00251013-00251210 QRN o5xJSpVXzwI-00264-00251911-00252096 QRL o5xJSpVXzwI-00265-00252875-00253068 QSW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00266-00253917-00254097 QSZ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00267-00254900-00255095 QRY o5xJSpVXzwI-00268-00255812-00256009 QTB o5xJSpVXzwI-00269-00256780-00256968 QRL? o5xJSpVXzwI-00270-00257810-00257984 QRA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00271-00258763-00258953 QSY o5xJSpVXzwI-00272-00259693-00259888 QRY o5xJSpVXzwI-00273-00260667-00260852 QTR? o5xJSpVXzwI-00274-00261694-00261876 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00275-00262742-00262942 QRW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00276-00263745-00263940 QRY o5xJSpVXzwI-00277-00264743-00264933 QSP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00278-00265775-00265949 QRA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00279-00266720-00266915 QRG o5xJSpVXzwI-00280-00267687-00267866 QRS? o5xJSpVXzwI-00281-00268653-00268848 QRY o5xJSpVXzwI-00282-00269580-00269771 QSP o5xJSpVXzwI-00283-00270495-00270695 QRX o5xJSpVXzwI-00284-00271490-00271690 QRW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00285-00272532-00272702 QSU? o5xJSpVXzwI-00286-00273465-00273649 QSV o5xJSpVXzwI-00287-00274421-00274600 QSL? o5xJSpVXzwI-00288-00275442-00275632 QSG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00289-00276490-00276672 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00290-00277459-00277644 QSK o5xJSpVXzwI-00291-00278326-00278503 QSA o5xJSpVXzwI-00292-00279256-00279441 QRH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00293-00280220-00280410 QSX o5xJSpVXzwI-00294-00281100-00281280 QRI o5xJSpVXzwI-00295-00281955-00282150 QRS o5xJSpVXzwI-00296-00282929-00283111 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00297-00283961-00284143 QUA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00298-00284977-00285146 QSB? o5xJSpVXzwI-00299-00285918-00286105 QTC o5xJSpVXzwI-00300-00286798-00286993 QRS o5xJSpVXzwI-00301-00287678-00287876 QRN o5xJSpVXzwI-00302-00288569-00288772 QSW o5xJSpVXzwI-00303-00289480-00289660 QSO o5xJSpVXzwI-00304-00290361-00290543 QRA o5xJSpVXzwI-00305-00291291-00291475 QTR? o5xJSpVXzwI-00306-00292232-00292429 QRH o5xJSpVXzwI-00307-00293138-00293328 QRK o5xJSpVXzwI-00308-00294107-00294291 QRH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00309-00295142-00295342 QRW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00310-00296192-00296371 QSV? o5xJSpVXzwI-00311-00297213-00297398 QSK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00312-00298224-00298416 QRT? o5xJSpVXzwI-00313-00299251-00299435 QRK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00314-00300188-00300360 QTA o5xJSpVXzwI-00315-00301016-00301212 QSN o5xJSpVXzwI-00316-00301980-00302165 QRO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00317-00303029-00303218 QRL? o5xJSpVXzwI-00318-00303997-00304176 QSB o5xJSpVXzwI-00319-00304893-00305075 QRO o5xJSpVXzwI-00320-00305773-00305958 QRT o5xJSpVXzwI-00321-00306695-00306880 QTR? o5xJSpVXzwI-00322-00307706-00307891 QSK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00323-00308654-00308850 QRS o5xJSpVXzwI-00324-00309566-00309766 QRQ o5xJSpVXzwI-00325-00310561-00310746 QSK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00326-00311517-00311720 QSW o5xJSpVXzwI-00327-00312403-00312588 QTR o5xJSpVXzwI-00328-00313278-00313468 QSP o5xJSpVXzwI-00329-00314185-00314369 QRL o5xJSpVXzwI-00330-00315164-00315346 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00331-00316212-00316412 QRW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00332-00317262-00317441 QSL? o5xJSpVXzwI-00333-00318291-00318476 QRK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00334-00319326-00319505 QSL? o5xJSpVXzwI-00335-00320363-00320545 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00336-00321332-00321527 QRM o5xJSpVXzwI-00337-00322228-00322410 QTX o5xJSpVXzwI-00338-00323119-00323308 QSX o5xJSpVXzwI-00339-00324017-00324220 QSW o5xJSpVXzwI-00340-00324991-00325173 QRM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00341-00326039-00326229 QRJ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00342-00327086-00327266 QSM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00343-00328022-00328204 QRA o5xJSpVXzwI-00344-00328878-00329055 QSA o5xJSpVXzwI-00345-00329761-00329957 QRY o5xJSpVXzwI-00346-00330759-00330946 QRG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00347-00331788-00331968 QSM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00348-00332732-00332927 QRM o5xJSpVXzwI-00349-00333609-00333786 QSA o5xJSpVXzwI-00350-00334531-00334706 QRA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00351-00335540-00335709 QSB? o5xJSpVXzwI-00352-00336480-00336665 QSK o5xJSpVXzwI-00353-00337420-00337597 QSA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00354-00338353-00338541 QTC o5xJSpVXzwI-00355-00339312-00339497 QRH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00356-00340330-00340515 QSD? o5xJSpVXzwI-00357-00341334-00341510 QSA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00358-00342274-00342459 QRL o5xJSpVXzwI-00359-00343160-00343358 QTB o5xJSpVXzwI-00360-00344058-00344272 QRW o5xJSpVXzwI-00361-00344962-00345139 QSA o5xJSpVXzwI-00362-00345876-00346061 QTR? o5xJSpVXzwI-00363-00346809-00347007 QTB o5xJSpVXzwI-00364-00347763-00347931 QSU? o5xJSpVXzwI-00365-00348711-00348906 QRP o5xJSpVXzwI-00366-00349685-00349864 QRS? o5xJSpVXzwI-00367-00350699-00350878 QSV? o5xJSpVXzwI-00368-00351720-00351900 QRU? o5xJSpVXzwI-00369-00352695-00352892 QRJ o5xJSpVXzwI-00370-00353687-00353856 QSB? o5xJSpVXzwI-00371-00354635-00354849 QRW o5xJSpVXzwI-00372-00355643-00355825 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00373-00356620-00356800 QSO o5xJSpVXzwI-00374-00357491-00357667 QSA o5xJSpVXzwI-00375-00358444-00358634 QRJ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00376-00359492-00359665 QRA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00377-00360516-00360710 QRX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00378-00361568-00361750 QRM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00379-00362529-00362719 QSX o5xJSpVXzwI-00380-00363420-00363615 QRS o5xJSpVXzwI-00381-00364395-00364571 QRZ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00382-00365341-00365525 QRT o5xJSpVXzwI-00383-00366286-00366486 QRW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00384-00367281-00367463 QRO o5xJSpVXzwI-00385-00368235-00368417 QSN? o5xJSpVXzwI-00386-00369154-00369339 QTR o5xJSpVXzwI-00387-00370091-00370290 QTX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00388-00371132-00371311 QSV? o5xJSpVXzwI-00389-00372161-00372361 QRW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00390-00373218-00373406 QRL? o5xJSpVXzwI-00391-00374193-00374404 QRV o5xJSpVXzwI-00392-00375121-00375316 QRG o5xJSpVXzwI-00393-00376024-00376204 QSB o5xJSpVXzwI-00394-00376959-00377144 QTH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00395-00377978-00378168 QRV? o5xJSpVXzwI-00396-00379033-00379224 QSY? o5xJSpVXzwI-00397-00380019-00380208 QSX o5xJSpVXzwI-00398-00380995-00381183 QRG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00399-00382025-00382193 QSU? o5xJSpVXzwI-00400-00383035-00383210 QSO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00401-00383989-00384166 QSL o5xJSpVXzwI-00402-00384914-00385104 QTA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00403-00385833-00386013 QRI o5xJSpVXzwI-00404-00386782-00386958 QRZ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00405-00387808-00387990 QUA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00406-00388824-00389006 QRM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00407-00389855-00390044 QRL? o5xJSpVXzwI-00408-00390839-00391021 QRO o5xJSpVXzwI-00409-00391719-00391898 QRI o5xJSpVXzwI-00410-00392635-00392820 QTH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00411-00393655-00393839 QRK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00412-00394618-00394805 QSG o5xJSpVXzwI-00413-00395522-00395723 QRX o5xJSpVXzwI-00414-00396439-00396637 QRH o5xJSpVXzwI-00415-00397416-00397601 QSX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00416-00398442-00398619 QTB? o5xJSpVXzwI-00417-00399391-00399581 QRK o5xJSpVXzwI-00418-00400272-00400456 QRT o5xJSpVXzwI-00419-00401146-00401336 QSX o5xJSpVXzwI-00420-00402026-00402222 QSN o5xJSpVXzwI-00421-00402897-00403094 QTB o5xJSpVXzwI-00422-00403850-00404035 QSD? o5xJSpVXzwI-00423-00404892-00405074 QRY? o5xJSpVXzwI-00424-00405869-00406049 QSB o5xJSpVXzwI-00425-00406812-00406997 QSD? o5xJSpVXzwI-00426-00407742-00407919 QSA o5xJSpVXzwI-00427-00408594-00408776 QSD o5xJSpVXzwI-00428-00409547-00409721 QSO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00429-00410579-00410780 QRW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00430-00411551-00411728 QUA o5xJSpVXzwI-00431-00412499-00412684 QRK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00432-00413479-00413674 QRP o5xJSpVXzwI-00433-00414469-00414643 QSO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00434-00415438-00415633 QRP o5xJSpVXzwI-00435-00416404-00416581 QSA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00436-00417344-00417524 QSO o5xJSpVXzwI-00437-00418233-00418413 QSB o5xJSpVXzwI-00438-00419105-00419303 QRN o5xJSpVXzwI-00439-00420051-00420236 QTR? o5xJSpVXzwI-00440-00421000-00421184 QSZ o5xJSpVXzwI-00441-00421885-00422067 QSD o5xJSpVXzwI-00442-00422839-00423039 QRW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00443-00423888-00424078 QTC? o5xJSpVXzwI-00444-00424897-00425087 QTA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00445-00425929-00426124 QRQ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00446-00426911-00427098 QSU o5xJSpVXzwI-00447-00427870-00428054 QSX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00448-00428904-00429097 QSW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00449-00429868-00430055 QSG o5xJSpVXzwI-00450-00430756-00430959 QSW o5xJSpVXzwI-00451-00431723-00431902 QRS? o5xJSpVXzwI-00452-00432648-00432832 QRT o5xJSpVXzwI-00453-00433569-00433754 QTH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00454-00434526-00434708 QRO o5xJSpVXzwI-00455-00435406-00435585 QSS o5xJSpVXzwI-00456-00436331-00436500 QRN? o5xJSpVXzwI-00457-00437263-00437442 QSB o5xJSpVXzwI-00458-00438143-00438320 QSL o5xJSpVXzwI-00459-00439076-00439250 QRI? o5xJSpVXzwI-00460-00440006-00440204 QRH o5xJSpVXzwI-00461-00440897-00441079 QRA o5xJSpVXzwI-00462-00441842-00442027 QSK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00463-00442799-00442989 QRU o5xJSpVXzwI-00464-00443689-00443877 QSG o5xJSpVXzwI-00465-00444632-00444814 QSS? o5xJSpVXzwI-00466-00445586-00445786 QRX o5xJSpVXzwI-00467-00446511-00446695 QRL o5xJSpVXzwI-00468-00447412-00447602 QSP o5xJSpVXzwI-00469-00448318-00448508 QRK o5xJSpVXzwI-00470-00449198-00449378 QSS o5xJSpVXzwI-00471-00450042-00450222 QRI o5xJSpVXzwI-00472-00450928-00451128 QRQ o5xJSpVXzwI-00473-00451845-00452040 QRS o5xJSpVXzwI-00474-00452725-00452907 QSD o5xJSpVXzwI-00475-00453616-00453808 QRZ o5xJSpVXzwI-00476-00454603-00454788 QRK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00477-00455549-00455733 QRT o5xJSpVXzwI-00478-00456439-00456640 QRQ o5xJSpVXzwI-00479-00457451-00457635 QRO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00480-00458501-00458680 QSZ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00481-00459467-00459657 QRK o5xJSpVXzwI-00482-00460421-00460597 QSA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00483-00461335-00461530 QSN o5xJSpVXzwI-00484-00462307-00462497 QRJ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00485-00463299-00463489 QSP o5xJSpVXzwI-00486-00464198-00464393 QRM o5xJSpVXzwI-00487-00465188-00465378 QRJ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00488-00466251-00466441 QSP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00489-00467202-00467397 QSN o5xJSpVXzwI-00490-00468080-00468259 QSB o5xJSpVXzwI-00491-00469039-00469213 QSO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00492-00469984-00470166 QRA o5xJSpVXzwI-00493-00470946-00471122 QRZ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00494-00471902-00472079 QUA o5xJSpVXzwI-00495-00472842-00473021 QSV? o5xJSpVXzwI-00496-00473863-00474048 QSK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00497-00474801-00474989 QTH o5xJSpVXzwI-00498-00475765-00475947 QRY? o5xJSpVXzwI-00499-00476820-00477000 QSZ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00500-00477795-00477987 QRZ o5xJSpVXzwI-00501-00478774-00478972 QTX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00502-00479744-00479928 QSV o5xJSpVXzwI-00503-00480692-00480861 QSU? o5xJSpVXzwI-00504-00481606-00481791 QTR o5xJSpVXzwI-00505-00482552-00482742 QSP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00506-00483521-00483708 QTC o5xJSpVXzwI-00507-00484488-00484688 QRW? o5xJSpVXzwI-00508-00485521-00485706 QTR? o5xJSpVXzwI-00509-00486454-00486631 QUA o5xJSpVXzwI-00510-00487410-00487595 QRO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00511-00488453-00488632 QRU? o5xJSpVXzwI-00512-00489482-00489672 QRV? o5xJSpVXzwI-00513-00490514-00490690 QTB? o5xJSpVXzwI-00514-00491541-00491735 QRX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00515-00492609-00492785 QRZ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00516-00493627-00493804 QSA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00517-00494552-00494734 QSD o5xJSpVXzwI-00518-00495490-00495669 QRS? o5xJSpVXzwI-00519-00496488-00496665 QSA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00520-00497444-00497644 QRQ o5xJSpVXzwI-00521-00498369-00498551 QTX o5xJSpVXzwI-00522-00499322-00499502 QSL? o5xJSpVXzwI-00523-00500351-00500526 QSO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00524-00501321-00501513 QRZ o5xJSpVXzwI-00525-00502230-00502414 QSV o5xJSpVXzwI-00526-00503131-00503326 QRP o5xJSpVXzwI-00527-00504121-00504305 QRK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00528-00505171-00505353 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00529-00506195-00506372 QSA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00530-00507205-00507393 QRL? o5xJSpVXzwI-00531-00508165-00508347 QSD o5xJSpVXzwI-00532-00509032-00509219 QSM o5xJSpVXzwI-00533-00509983-00510152 QSB? o5xJSpVXzwI-00534-00510916-00511113 QTB o5xJSpVXzwI-00535-00511806-00511994 QSG o5xJSpVXzwI-00536-00512765-00512950 QRH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00537-00513775-00513960 QTH? o5xJSpVXzwI-00538-00514732-00514932 QRX o5xJSpVXzwI-00539-00515743-00515925 QRY? o5xJSpVXzwI-00540-00516775-00516967 QRT? o5xJSpVXzwI-00541-00517723-00517908 QSK o5xJSpVXzwI-00542-00518609-00518798 QRU o5xJSpVXzwI-00543-00519585-00519768 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00544-00520547-00520724 QUA o5xJSpVXzwI-00545-00521417-00521596 QSB o5xJSpVXzwI-00546-00522297-00522479 QTX o5xJSpVXzwI-00547-00523266-00523448 QRP? o5xJSpVXzwI-00548-00524227-00524409 QSD o5xJSpVXzwI-00549-00525118-00525311 QRZ o5xJSpVXzwI-00550-00526027-00526215 QSG o5xJSpVXzwI-00551-00526971-00527145 QRI? o5xJSpVXzwI-00552-00527978-00528166 QRL? o5xJSpVXzwI-00553-00529023-00529214 QRV? o5xJSpVXzwI-00554-00530063-00530245 QRM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00555-00531087-00531256 QSB? o5xJSpVXzwI-00556-00532098-00532277 QRU? o5xJSpVXzwI-00557-00533031-00533218 QTH o5xJSpVXzwI-00558-00533995-00534190 QRQ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00559-00534985-00535161 QSL o5xJSpVXzwI-00560-00535926-00536094 QRN? o5xJSpVXzwI-00561-00536944-00537121 QRZ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00562-00537986-00538160 QSO? o5xJSpVXzwI-00563-00539002-00539179 QTB? o5xJSpVXzwI-00564-00539998-00540172 QRI? o5xJSpVXzwI-00565-00541006-00541190 QRK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00566-00542024-00542209 QTR? o5xJSpVXzwI-00567-00543044-00543228 QSX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00568-00544000-00544197 QTB o5xJSpVXzwI-00569-00544961-00545151 QSG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00570-00545922-00546112 QRU o5xJSpVXzwI-00571-00546875-00547050 QRA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00572-00547907-00548090 QRY? o5xJSpVXzwI-00573-00548876-00549074 QRN o5xJSpVXzwI-00574-00549862-00550056 QRQ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00575-00550914-00551094 QSM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00576-00551873-00552065 QRZ o5xJSpVXzwI-00577-00552829-00553019 QTA? o5xJSpVXzwI-00578-00553837-00554022 QSK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00579-00554793-00554991 QRH o5xJSpVXzwI-00580-00555779-00555955 QRZ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00581-00556812-00557010 QTX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00582-00557845-00558024 QSM? o5xJSpVXzwI-00583-00558866-00559053 QRG? o5xJSpVXzwI-00584-00559895-00560064 QRN? o5xJSpVXzwI-00585-00560843-00561025 QRO o5xJSpVXzwI-00586-00561758-00561947 QSY o5xJSpVXzwI-00587-00562656-00562844 QSM o5xJSpVXzwI-00588-00563545-00563729 QSZ o5xJSpVXzwI-00589-00564412-00564583 QTA o5xJSpVXzwI-00590-00565352-00565547 QRQ? o5xJSpVXzwI-00591-00566342-00566519 QSL o5xJSpVXzwI-00592-00567202-00567378 QSA o5xJSpVXzwI-00593-00568139-00568324 QSX? o5xJSpVXzwI-00594-00569119-00569314 QRP o5xJSpVXzwI-00595-00570101-00570291 QTC? o5xJSpVXzwI-00596-00571141-00571325 QRK? o5xJSpVXzwI-00597-00572113-00572307 QRG o5xJSpVXzwI-00598-00573016-00573201 QSK o5xJSpVXzwI-00599-00573980-00574181 QRW? o8srb8lTrEM-00000-00000032-00000528 i need to go to school today. i'm gonna come back at 12 30, but tomorrow i'm going to come back o8srb8lTrEM-00001-00000528-00001064 at 2 30 because there will be two extra hours of school, although nothing else will change, o8srb8lTrEM-00002-00001064-00001616 it will go back to normal, and then i'll have extra time for new messages. o8srb8lTrEM-00003-00001616-00001928 i'll have to make 60 minute sessions so that i can work the same amount, o8srb8lTrEM-00004-00002000-00002576 and sorry for the exposure guys. it's just how it works these days. ot_7yDD9GlA-00000-00000236-00000720 >> CATHY: Reading can really help you because then it makes you, like, read some books so ot_7yDD9GlA-00001-00000720-00000880 you can get prizes. ot_7yDD9GlA-00002-00000880-00001438 After you find out how reading books is really fun, you can keep reading more books. ot_7yDD9GlA-00003-00001438-00001769 >> CHIEU: Are you the Summer Reading Teen Reader? ot_7yDD9GlA-00004-00001769-00002012 Are you a teen reader? ot_7yDD9GlA-00005-00002012-00002112 >> CATHY: Yeah. ot_7yDD9GlA-00006-00002112-00002212 >> CHIEU: Did you win the random prize? ot_7yDD9GlA-00007-00002212-00002481 >> CATHY: Yeah, I won the prize. ot_7yDD9GlA-00008-00002481-00002735 >> CHIEU: How do you feel about summer reading program? ot_7yDD9GlA-00009-00002735-00003527 >> CATHY: It's really fun, and you just need to write, like, a review to, like, five reviews ot_7yDD9GlA-00010-00003527-00003809 about five boooks to get a book. ot_7yDD9GlA-00011-00003809-00003968 >> CHIEU: Thank you, Cathy. ot_7yDD9GlA-00012-00003968-00004068 Congratulations! ot_7yDD9GlA-00013-00004068-00004307 >> CHIEU: Hi, can you tell us your name and who you are? ot_7yDD9GlA-00014-00004307-00004407 >> ERIC: My name is Eric. ot_7yDD9GlA-00015-00004407-00004884 >> CHIEU: Are you an eighth grader? ot_7yDD9GlA-00016-00004884-00004984 Ninth grader in school? ot_7yDD9GlA-00017-00004984-00005171 >> ERIC: I'm an eighth grader. ot_7yDD9GlA-00018-00005171-00005539 >> CHIEU: Okay, how do you like about summer reading program? ot_7yDD9GlA-00019-00005539-00006005 >> ERIC: It's cool, and it's fabulous. ot_7yDD9GlA-00020-00006005-00006105 >> CHIEU: Okay. ot_7yDD9GlA-00021-00006105-00006205 Did you win something this summer? ot_7yDD9GlA-00022-00006205-00006305 As a teen reader? ot_7yDD9GlA-00023-00006305-00006768 >> ERIC: Yeah, I won AMC tickets and a Barnes & Noble gift card. ot_7yDD9GlA-00024-00006768-00006884 >> CHIEU: Oh, wow! ot_7yDD9GlA-00025-00006884-00006984 Congratulations! ot_7yDD9GlA-00026-00006984-00007007 Thank you, Eric. o-KAUgI2bik-00000-00000002-00000376 I've got a cute little mathematical fact for you which you might like. o-KAUgI2bik-00001-00000394-00000868 Every positive integer can be written as the sum of three o-KAUgI2bik-00002-00000900-00001360 palindrome numbers. And I've learned that cute little mathematical fact from this paper. o-KAUgI2bik-00003-00001372-00001662 A palindrome number is something we have talked about before, o-KAUgI2bik-00004-00001662-00002320 it's a number that's the same forwards and backwards. As an example, something like 121 or o-KAUgI2bik-00005-00002342-00003004 937,739 would be a palindrome number, o-KAUgI2bik-00006-00003006-00003760 they go forwards and backwards. This paper states that any positive integer can be written as the sum of three o-KAUgI2bik-00007-00003786-00004538 palindrome numbers. And just to show you, let's do an example. So I actually set brady up for this, we did an example in advance. o-KAUgI2bik-00008-00004538-00005322 I asked you for a significant number. I was hoping for your bank details or something like that, but you gave me a date. And o-KAUgI2bik-00009-00005322-00005642 actually I was quite surprised that you gave me this date. I like it, o-KAUgI2bik-00010-00005652-00005898 I like it a lot. You gave me this date which was o-KAUgI2bik-00011-00005920-00006398 30 04 1777. o-KAUgI2bik-00012-00006420-00006986 I had to ask you what that date was and you told me it was Gauss' birthday! Gauss, one of our great mathematicians, o-KAUgI2bik-00013-00007014-00007294 I'm finally converting you Brady. You wouldn't have said that o-KAUgI2bik-00014-00007348-00007576 seven years ago. So o-KAUgI2bik-00015-00007598-00007984 let's, let's do this. We're gonna write this number, we just treat it as a number. o-KAUgI2bik-00016-00007995-00008440 We're gonna write it as the sum of three palindrome numbers just to give you the idea. o-KAUgI2bik-00017-00008444-00008936 20100102 o-KAUgI2bik-00018-00008996-00009180 plus, the next number will be, o-KAUgI2bik-00019-00009196-00009900 9305039. o-KAUgI2bik-00020-00009938-00010146 And the third number will be o-KAUgI2bik-00021-00010170-00010608 636636. o-KAUgI2bik-00022-00010622-00010926 Each one of those is a palindrome number, forwards and backwards, o-KAUgI2bik-00023-00010926-00011460 they are the same. And if you add them up you get our target number here at the top. o-KAUgI2bik-00024-00011512-00012236 The thing is, the reason I didn't do this live is because in this paper it explains how to do it which involves o-KAUgI2bik-00025-00012264-00012394 40 pages o-KAUgI2bik-00026-00012422-00013218 of algorithms and special cases. So if you want to learn how to do this, great, go for it - but you're going to have to memorise o-KAUgI2bik-00027-00013260-00013702 40 pages of special algorithms. So I didn't do that, o-KAUgI2bik-00028-00013724-00014200 what I did do is I used a website that was made by a friend of mine, o-KAUgI2bik-00029-00014224-00014406 so, Christian Lawson-Perfect o-KAUgI2bik-00030-00014406-00014647 made a website so that you can try this out for yourself. o-KAUgI2bik-00031-00014668-00015381 And you can enter any number you want and it's going to give you the three palindrome numbers, as described by the algorithms in o-KAUgI2bik-00032-00015430-00015773 this paper. Let's do an example here, o-KAUgI2bik-00033-00015774-00016384 I'm going to enter the first few digits of pi: 3141592. o-KAUgI2bik-00034-00016384-00016852 The website will run these algorithms for us so that I can write it out for us. o-KAUgI2bik-00035-00016872-00017518 So we've got 2200022 o-KAUgI2bik-00036-00017518-00018116 plus 926629 o-KAUgI2bik-00037-00018160-00018360 plus, and here's our third number, o-KAUgI2bik-00038-00018466-00018828 14941. o-KAUgI2bik-00039-00018828-00019080 Palindrome numbers, three of them, and if you add them up you o-KAUgI2bik-00040-00019095-00019751 get our target number. The paper guarantees that you can always do this. You can do this in any base as well. o-KAUgI2bik-00041-00019751-00020153 This is not just base 10. So the paper actually proved it for any base, o-KAUgI2bik-00042-00020154-00020549 in fact the paper proved it for any base greater than 5. And o-KAUgI2bik-00043-00020593-00021072 the small bases; 2, 3 and 4, that was done by someone else in a different paper. o-KAUgI2bik-00044-00021073-00021645 But it's kind of unsatisfying when I'm saying these algorithms exist, and I'm not even showing you them. o-KAUgI2bik-00045-00021645-00022220 So I thought I would show you one of them. I'll do an example with the algorithm as explained in the paper. o-KAUgI2bik-00046-00022220-00022727 So let's do the example I've just done here with the first few digits of pi, and o-KAUgI2bik-00047-00022782-00023234 we'll see how it works out according to the paper. Ok, that's our target. So that's our, o-KAUgI2bik-00048-00023266-00023522 that's our n, let's call it n that's our number. o-KAUgI2bik-00049-00023584-00023814 We're going to create three palindrome numbers. o-KAUgI2bik-00050-00023874-00024260 I'm going to call them x, y and z. o-KAUgI2bik-00051-00024260-00024680 If you use the paper each number is categorised into a type. o-KAUgI2bik-00052-00024685-00024968 So you're gonna have to find out what type of number this is, o-KAUgI2bik-00053-00024979-00025460 so you go through the paper and you look it up. And if you do that, it's called a type A3 o-KAUgI2bik-00054-00025540-00026100 number. So this is Type A3. And that means you have a 1 in the second place, o-KAUgI2bik-00055-00026164-00026877 it means the two ends are different, and it means the first digit is greater than 2. So with those conditions o-KAUgI2bik-00056-00026947-00027320 that's called a type A3 number. And then if you look at the paper o-KAUgI2bik-00057-00027325-00027804 it tells you how to start off the three palindrome numbers. And it tells you that the first o-KAUgI2bik-00058-00027835-00028121 number is going to start with a 2, it's going to be one less. o-KAUgI2bik-00059-00028152-00028485 The first digit will be one less than the first digit of your target. o-KAUgI2bik-00060-00028537-00028929 Your second palindrome number is going to start with a 9, o-KAUgI2bik-00061-00028948-00029586 here, in the second column. And that's always going to be true in this type of number, A3. And the third o-KAUgI2bik-00062-00029620-00030380 palindrome number is going to start with a 1. And that has come from the difference between the two ends of the target number. o-KAUgI2bik-00063-00030385-00030552 So we're starting with a 1. Now o-KAUgI2bik-00064-00030552-00030752 you have to use the paper and look up which o-KAUgI2bik-00065-00030781-00031220 algorithm to use, 'cause there's a whole bunch of algorithms to use. This is actually algorithm 1. o-KAUgI2bik-00066-00031233-00031692 So let's use algorithm 1 to complete these palindrome numbers. For free, you o-KAUgI2bik-00067-00031714-00031991 automatically get the last digits - because they're palindromes. o-KAUgI2bik-00068-00032005-00032154 So if it starts with a 2 o-KAUgI2bik-00069-00032154-00032414 it ends with a 2. Here, if it starts with a 9, o-KAUgI2bik-00070-00032455-00032976 it ends with a 9. Starts with a 1 here, ends with a 1 here. And does this add up? o-KAUgI2bik-00071-00033001-00033371 It looks like it does. I've got 1 plus 9 plus o-KAUgI2bik-00072-00033439-00033881 2 would give me a 2 here, and I carry a 1 - actually I might write that down. o-KAUgI2bik-00073-00033892-00034433 I'll put a carry of 1, I'll have a carry row. Also if you use this algorithm, it tells you to put in the first number o-KAUgI2bik-00074-00034474-00034866 right in the middle, which if I get, get the middle of this, o-KAUgI2bik-00075-00034963-00035433 so it must be there. It puts, it tells you to put a 0 right there in the middle. o-KAUgI2bik-00076-00035433-00035578 (Brady: It's like you're doing a sudoku) o-KAUgI2bik-00077-00035578-00036054 It is a bit like a Sudoku, yeah. If you look up the algorithms in the paper they're really mind-bending, o-KAUgI2bik-00078-00036054-00036189 you're there like, what's going on now? o-KAUgI2bik-00079-00036189-00036758 They're doing this, they're doing that - because they're explaining every step in really particular mathematical language. o-KAUgI2bik-00080-00036805-00037203 Especially because they're trying to do it so that you can do it for any base as well. o-KAUgI2bik-00081-00037210-00037667 But this, what I'm doing, it's kind of like a Sudoku. That's kind of the gist of it. o-KAUgI2bik-00082-00037668-00038045 So we've got our gap to fill in the second column. I want a 1 up there. o-KAUgI2bik-00083-00038074-00038391 Let's just fill it with a 2. Then I would have 9 plus 2, o-KAUgI2bik-00084-00038410-00038855 would give me 11. There'd be a 1 there, there would be a carrier 1, and that's good news. o-KAUgI2bik-00085-00038908-00039368 Because that means that column, that first column, adds up nicely. And for that second column o-KAUgI2bik-00086-00039369-00039777 we don't want to carry, because then it wouldn't work. Let's put a 0 here for the carry. o-KAUgI2bik-00087-00039777-00040560 Is there anything else we can discover? Well automatically you have a 2 over there, which puts a 2 over there as well. o-KAUgI2bik-00088-00040613-00040917 Now at this point, I think it gets a little bit difficult. o-KAUgI2bik-00089-00040918-00041391 I think for this digit here, the second digit of the second palindrome, o-KAUgI2bik-00090-00041392-00041842 I think we're going to have a choice for this. Now the algorithm tells you what to put in, o-KAUgI2bik-00091-00041852-00041998 so I'll just follow the algorithm. o-KAUgI2bik-00092-00041998-00042191 I think you could perhaps have a choice. o-KAUgI2bik-00093-00042191-00042835 But the algorithm tells you to put a 2 in that position. If you get a 2 over there you automatically get a 2 o-KAUgI2bik-00094-00042896-00043010 over here. o-KAUgI2bik-00095-00043010-00043383 So maybe we can complete this column now - we want a 9. o-KAUgI2bik-00096-00043448-00043758 I've got a carrier 1. I've got a 2 and a 2, o-KAUgI2bik-00097-00043823-00044023 so I must need a 4 o-KAUgI2bik-00098-00044048-00044421 here. And the next carry would be a zero down here, I believe. o-KAUgI2bik-00099-00044522-00044722 Automatically you get a 4 o-KAUgI2bik-00100-00044804-00045315 over there. For this column, let's see - I want a 4. I've got most of it. o-KAUgI2bik-00101-00045395-00045946 Depends what the carry number is down here. I'm going to assume, and this is what the paper tells you to do, o-KAUgI2bik-00102-00045965-00046438 it tells you to assume it's a 1. And if it's, if it's not a 1 you're going to fix it later. o-KAUgI2bik-00103-00046460-00046908 That means if I add that column up, I'll need a 0 in that position o-KAUgI2bik-00104-00046961-00047428 so that adds up to 4. And automatically you get a 0 in that position; o-KAUgI2bik-00105-00047428-00047970 we've completed the first palindrome. Now what's missing? Well, we've got this missing digit here. o-KAUgI2bik-00106-00047987-00048663 The paper does tell you to put in a carry of 1 if you don't know, so we say that's a carry of 1. o-KAUgI2bik-00107-00048692-00048973 We want this to add up. Well we've got o-KAUgI2bik-00108-00049031-00049217 5 - we want a 1 o-KAUgI2bik-00109-00049217-00049419 so we're going to have to put in a o-KAUgI2bik-00110-00049487-00049687 6 there. And o-KAUgI2bik-00111-00049691-00050406 then automatically a 6 there. And that completes the second palindrome number. And now we just want, got one last digit to fill in. o-KAUgI2bik-00112-00050432-00050632 So we want to fill in this last column, o-KAUgI2bik-00113-00050660-00050919 so we need a 5. I've got a 6, o-KAUgI2bik-00114-00050999-00051199 I've got a carry of 0, o-KAUgI2bik-00115-00051200-00051861 so that must be a 9 right there. That fills in the last palindrome number. And you should double-check that it works out, o-KAUgI2bik-00116-00051878-00052486 but in this case, we've been lucky. It does work out if you add up these numbers you get our target number. o-KAUgI2bik-00117-00052508-00052834 These were a couple of assumptions that we made, if they were wrong o-KAUgI2bik-00118-00052847-00053436 we can fix it at this step. And the paper does tell you how to fix the number if you need to make an o-KAUgI2bik-00119-00053452-00054150 adjustment, but we have been lucky here. That completes it and that is an example of the kind of algorithms o-KAUgI2bik-00120-00054152-00054541 you would have to memorise if you want to do every possible number. o-KAUgI2bik-00121-00054541-00054691 (Brady: How many have you memorised?) o-KAUgI2bik-00122-00054691-00054891 I've memorised o-KAUgI2bik-00123-00054899-00055132 one? Which I've just done there! o-KAUgI2bik-00124-00055204-00055650 Hi everyone, we'd just like to say our thanks to Brilliant for supporting this episode. o-KAUgI2bik-00125-00055717-00056272 Brilliant is a website that I completely love. I love just browsing it. They've got lots of stuff on there. Stuff that's free, o-KAUgI2bik-00126-00056272-00056814 you can look at any time. I particularly enjoy their problem of the week, which come at different levels of hardness. o-KAUgI2bik-00127-00056821-00057243 I'd recommend having a look at that one. But they've also got these great courses and lessons and quizzes o-KAUgI2bik-00128-00057244-00057922 which are just beautifully designed - really elegant. But also designed very cleverly to make you smarter. That's what Brilliant's all about, it's o-KAUgI2bik-00129-00057922-00058435 not just about doing tests and seeing what your scores are. It's about changing the way you think, o-KAUgI2bik-00130-00058487-00058610 changing the way you attack o-KAUgI2bik-00131-00058610-00059232 problems - getting you to think a little bit more outside the box. And if you enjoyed the video you just watched the Number Theory course o-KAUgI2bik-00132-00059233-00059836 in particular might be one for you. Go and have a look at them at o-KAUgI2bik-00133-00059836-00060102 As I said, there's loads of stuff on the site that's free. o-KAUgI2bik-00134-00060113-00060382 But if you go to o-KAUgI2bik-00135-00060386-00061078 you can actually sign up to their premium service for 20% off, and that gives you access to everything - all the good stuff. Our o-KAUgI2bik-00136-00061103-00061329 thanks to Brilliant for supporting this episode. o-KAUgI2bik-00137-00061400-00061917 [Outtakes] ...people who wrote the paper said that this was a kind of a mathematical folklore thing. o-KAUgI2bik-00138-00062000-00062610 So it was something that they had heard of before, and obviously if you play around with it, you can always do it, o-KAUgI2bik-00139-00062611-00062762 it's always true. o-KAUgI2bik-00140-00062762-00063385 But it hadn't been proven to be true before this - and apparently took them all these o-KAUgI2bik-00141-00063464-00063687 algorithms to prove every possible case. oAUGc5JNMBg-00000-00000082-00000273 Laboratory training through simulation and image in medicine and health oAUGc5JNMBg-00001-00000426-00001370 High-fidelity simulation room oAUGc5JNMBg-00002-00001414-00001923 Debriefing room oAUGc5JNMBg-00003-00001982-00002586 Manikins control room and multimedia oAUGc5JNMBg-00004-00003972-00004252 Story boards oAUGc5JNMBg-00005-00007944-00008240 Difficult intubation oAUGc5JNMBg-00006-00013410-00013706 Breathing oAUGc5JNMBg-00007-00017352-00017552 Cardiac failure oBW_13fTwzI-00000-00002042-00002752 I'm going to use a leap motion sensor and an instrument called "Neutral", which I oBW_13fTwzI-00001-00002752-00003301 built with a programming language called SuperCollider, to perform experimental oBW_13fTwzI-00002-00003301-00003814 music. And I'm also going to use the programming language QuaverSeries oBW_13fTwzI-00003-00003814-00004380 series that I created to create some music too. oBW_13fTwzI-00004-00006132-00006722 In my own setup I will be using some resonators that will create sound out of oBW_13fTwzI-00005-00006723-00007347 everyday objects as a measure of physical resonance and movement through oBW_13fTwzI-00006-00007347-00007817 other objects which resonate to the voice. oBW_13fTwzI-00007-00009591-00010404 All of us together are trying to create a world in which a mind-body unity can oBW_13fTwzI-00008-00010404-00010904 be demonstrated through music playing that is intuitive because of using oBW_13fTwzI-00009-00010904-00011772 sensations and data from the body as movement, and we're hoping that it's an oBW_13fTwzI-00010-00011772-00012581 illumination of how music is an activity of the mind-body, creating a utopia. oBW_13fTwzI-00011-00014136-00014800 Okay, so MusicLab is not only about arts, it's also about science, and one of the oBW_13fTwzI-00012-00014800-00015312 things we are trying to do is to figure out how the audience responds to the oBW_13fTwzI-00013-00015312-00015690 music being performed. So during MusicLab we are going to oBW_13fTwzI-00014-00015690-00016272 video record and do some video analysis on how the audience moves. We are also going to oBW_13fTwzI-00015-00016272-00016693 equip some of the audience members with these small accelerometers which oBW_13fTwzI-00016-00016693-00017229 capture the motion of the people. So it's kind of like oBW_13fTwzI-00017-00017229-00017743 an armband that you that you can wear, but they give us a very high accuracy oBW_13fTwzI-00018-00017743-00018166 and precision data about the movements off of the audience members. We are going to oBW_13fTwzI-00019-00018166-00018517 analyze that, and compare it to what's going on in the music, and try to oBW_13fTwzI-00020-00018517-00018882 understand more about exactly what's going on when you experience this oBW_13fTwzI-00021-00018882-00019140 type of music. oISt3NaQi4A-00000-00000536-00001032 My name is Angela Whitlow and I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I recently completed oISt3NaQi4A-00001-00001032-00001549 the Media and Communications master's degree program. The advantage for me and oISt3NaQi4A-00002-00001549-00001921 in a online learning program has definitely been the flexibility and the oISt3NaQi4A-00003-00001921-00002687 schedule. Being able to take classes at 2 a.m. if that's when I'm available, and to oISt3NaQi4A-00004-00002687-00003329 pace it so that it worked with my schedule. I was frequently unable to oISt3NaQi4A-00005-00003329-00004004 commit to a regular or routine schedule, so the added benefit of being able to, oISt3NaQi4A-00006-00004004-00004911 not just schedule classes as it fit, but to actually dig deep when I had time. oISt3NaQi4A-00007-00004911-00005363 Which might have been an early Sunday morning or a late Saturday night. What has oISt3NaQi4A-00008-00005363-00005925 appealed to me most has been the reputation of the university, and I oISt3NaQi4A-00009-00005925-00006759 really love the idea of global learning. I really enjoyed being in discussions oISt3NaQi4A-00010-00006759-00007170 with people who were in other parts of the country with perspective on local oISt3NaQi4A-00011-00007170-00007668 issues. When the protest happened for instance in Ferguesson and I was in oISt3NaQi4A-00012-00007668-00008102 class, there were perspectives from Switzerland, there were perspectives from all of oISt3NaQi4A-00013-00008102-00008696 these other places, where I would have not thought they had an opinion. oISt3NaQi4A-00014-00008696-00009136 And it was really enlightening and it made me feel like I was part of something bigger. oISt3NaQi4A-00015-00009136-00009727 What I feel is important to share about an online learning experience is, oISt3NaQi4A-00016-00009727-00010039 definitely that this is not for the faint of heart, oISt3NaQi4A-00017-00010039-00010855 this is not the easy way out, nor is it a lesser experience in anyway. So you are oISt3NaQi4A-00018-00010855-00011286 you are definitely accountable and that I found was a significant difference. oISt3NaQi4A-00019-00011286-00012000 Although I was verbal in all of my classroom experiences, I found a certain oISt3NaQi4A-00020-00012000-00012782 freedom to be able to express myself more fully in the discussion posts, oISt3NaQi4A-00021-00012782-00013234 because I am a strong writer. So that was really a great opportunity for me. oISt3NaQi4A-00022-00013234-00013513 My name is Angela Whitlow and I'm proud to be a GORLOK! oJG786tvzG0-00000-00000014-00000190 you buy, you win! oJG786tvzG0-00001-00000294-00000522 the gift promo is live again! oJG786tvzG0-00002-00000656-00000840 see the full list: oJG786tvzG0-00004-00002197-00002327 nooo... oJG786tvzG0-00005-00002584-00002812 now you will fight, now you will fight oJG786tvzG0-00008-00003406-00003634 customer exclusive giveaway! To participate: oJG786tvzG0-00009-00003634-00004040 buy a skin in neshastore in October and tweet us showing your new item you got with the code "FELPS" oJG786tvzG0-00010-00004079-00004262 4 winners will be drawn for this 4 prizes: oJG786tvzG0-00011-00004712-00005256 [singing] oJG786tvzG0-00012-00005270-00005458 can imitate any other person, Donald? oJG786tvzG0-00013-00005458-00005664 "bee hey patrick" oJG786tvzG0-00014-00005690-00005800 "hey spongebob" oJG786tvzG0-00015-00005991-00006267 -imitate Bolsonaro please -I can't oJG786tvzG0-00016-00006267-00006445 can you imitate any other character? oJG786tvzG0-00017-00006476-00006968 "oh, let's play some cs:go, felps" oJG786tvzG0-00019-00007297-00007593 hey, you have to speak 90% of the time imitating Donald duck oJG786tvzG0-00020-00007594-00007889 ok, ok, ok oJG786tvzG0-00021-00007890-00008092 -are you streaming? -yeah -sh*t oJG786tvzG0-00022-00008159-00008260 f*ck oJG786tvzG0-00025-00008919-00009083 hey motherf*ckers! oJG786tvzG0-00026-00009133-00009384 [singing] oJG786tvzG0-00028-00009712-00010012 -nice, nice -hey Donald -what? oJG786tvzG0-00029-00010016-00010242 he makes the question oJG786tvzG0-00030-00010242-00010455 and answers himself oJG786tvzG0-00031-00010502-00010782 where's spongebob? oJG786tvzG0-00032-00010782-00011081 hey Donald oJG786tvzG0-00033-00011081-00011279 what's up Spongebob oJG786tvzG0-00034-00011390-00011695 -have you seen gary? -no oJG786tvzG0-00036-00011978-00012210 you're felps, show us what you got oJG786tvzG0-00037-00012352-00012646 -one mid -killed one oJG786tvzG0-00039-00013120-00013420 knife him, knife him! -oh Felps... oJG786tvzG0-00040-00013444-00013711 it was easy, easy peasy oJG786tvzG0-00041-00013718-00013970 do a beatbox oJG786tvzG0-00042-00013970-00014275 [impossible to understand] oJG786tvzG0-00043-00014275-00014595 it sounds like he's spitting on the monitor oJG786tvzG0-00053-00016686-00016924 no way I can do this oJG786tvzG0-00054-00017068-00017372 your mouth doesn't hurts for doing this? oJG786tvzG0-00055-00017372-00017658 no, my d*ck's head does. oJG786tvzG0-00056-00017658-00017917 only the head of it oJG786tvzG0-00057-00017999-00018122 palace oJG786tvzG0-00059-00018488-00018755 -go back, go back! -did you hear that? oJG786tvzG0-00060-00018755-00019049 -yeah yeah yeah -did you really hear that? -F*CK, YES! oJG786tvzG0-00061-00019267-00019577 drop, motherf*cker oJG786tvzG0-00062-00019577-00019771 f*ck! oJG786tvzG0-00063-00020016-00020116 A ramp oJG786tvzG0-00066-00020442-00020703 my god.. you scared me son of a b*tch oJG786tvzG0-00068-00021351-00021464 one's on cart oJG786tvzG0-00069-00021739-00021876 smoke connector oJG786tvzG0-00070-00022116-00022320 the perfect flash oJG786tvzG0-00071-00022744-00023028 -wtf was that flash? -where are you aiming, Donald? oJG786tvzG0-00072-00023081-00023358 your a*s oJG786tvzG0-00073-00023600-00023739 B, B, B!! oJG786tvzG0-00074-00023788-00024040 come to B, B, B!!! oJG786tvzG0-00076-00024499-00024653 f*ck you! oJG786tvzG0-00077-00024789-00024932 palace oJG786tvzG0-00079-00025749-00025899 I would trashtalk on him oJG786tvzG0-00080-00026408-00026567 be careful with this smoke oJG786tvzG0-00081-00026801-00026928 let's go! oJG786tvzG0-00082-00026959-00027089 it's showtime oJG786tvzG0-00083-00027165-00027265 f*ck! oJG786tvzG0-00085-00027867-00028059 -palace -I saved you oJG786tvzG0-00086-00028059-00028315 I'm blind AF oJG786tvzG0-00089-00029459-00029609 f*ck you, I wanna kill somebody oJG786tvzG0-00090-00029931-00030245 holy... oJG786tvzG0-00091-00030395-00030612 motherf*cker oJG786tvzG0-00092-00030792-00030960 hey hey hey, felps is gay oJG786tvzG0-00093-00030980-00031186 imitate Babidi oJG786tvzG0-00094-00031283-00031842 how we gonna play the next match, Majin Boo? oJG786tvzG0-00095-00032274-00033958 [brazilian song/meme] oJG786tvzG0-00097-00034154-00034360 the perfect flashbang, pt. 2 oJG786tvzG0-00098-00034423-00034712 throw your AK and rush him with the USP oJG786tvzG0-00099-00034712-00035020 go Duck, go, go, go! oJG786tvzG0-00102-00035409-00035553 I'm so f*cking good! oJG786tvzG0-00103-00035603-00035841 I'M. GOOD. AF. oJG786tvzG0-00105-00036567-00036762 knife him oJG786tvzG0-00106-00037044-00037170 my god... oJG786tvzG0-00107-00037414-00039628 [music] oJG786tvzG0-00109-00040070-00040325 f*ck you, stop stealing my kills oJG786tvzG0-00111-00040802-00040917 f*ck you! oJG786tvzG0-00117-00045620-00045752 nooo... oJG786tvzG0-00118-00046007-00046235 now you'll fight them oJG786tvzG0-00122-00047315-00047427 lower B, awp oJG786tvzG0-00123-00047495-00047821 no, no, no oJG786tvzG0-00125-00048654-00048854 I can't kill anyone! oJG786tvzG0-00126-00049054-00049846 thanks for watching! oMSephmH3s8-00000-00000076-00000256 ­Who owns big business? oMSephmH3s8-00001-00000332-00000716 Today, the answer must be: passive investors. oMSephmH3s8-00002-00000870-00001280 They are large shareholders in countless firms all over the world. oMSephmH3s8-00003-00001331-00002329 In the USA the three biggest passive investors already constitute the single largest shareholder in 40% of all listed firms. oMSephmH3s8-00004-00002355-00002457 How did this happen? oMSephmH3s8-00005-00002560-00002944 The financial crisis of 2008 changed everything. oMSephmH3s8-00006-00003020-00003660 After the financial market crashed, investors fundamentally changed the way they buy stocks. oMSephmH3s8-00007-00003763-00004096 Before, they invested in actively managed funds. oMSephmH3s8-00008-00004198-00004608 Active fund managers buy stocks they believe will outperform. oMSephmH3s8-00009-00004684-00004864 And they get paid well for this. oMSephmH3s8-00010-00004889-00005299 But after the crisis, passively managed funds grew rapidly. oMSephmH3s8-00011-00005401-00006067 Passive funds basically buy stocks of all firms that are part of an index, such as the S&P 500. oMSephmH3s8-00012-00006195-00006579 They are much cheaper, but perform as well as most active funds. oMSephmH3s8-00013-00006758-00007731 As a result, investors sold off $800 billion of actively managed mutual funds, while passive funds attracted 1000 billion. oMSephmH3s8-00014-00007782-00008422 This huge and growing market of passive investment is dominated by only three big American asset managers: oMSephmH3s8-00015-00008499-00008806 Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street. oMSephmH3s8-00016-00008883-00009216 What are the consequences of this shift in corporate ownership? oMSephmH3s8-00017-00009241-00009804 This is a key question for the CORPNET research team at the University of Amsterdam. oMSephmH3s8-00018-00009907-00010521 Using data analytics, they uncovered this intense concentration of corporate ownership. oMSephmH3s8-00019-00010624-00011392 Together, the Big Three are the dominant shareholder in 88% of the 500 largest US firms. oMSephmH3s8-00020-00011417-00012006 Of all US listed corporations, they are the largest shareholder in 1600, oMSephmH3s8-00021-00012057-00012672 which together employ 23 million people and have a market capitalization of 17 trillion dollars. oMSephmH3s8-00022-00012851-00013235 That is the same as the GDP of the whole United States. oMSephmH3s8-00023-00013440-00013798 And with the ownership of firms comes shareholder power. oMSephmH3s8-00024-00013875-00014489 This means that the Big Three can vote on important issues such as: oMSephmH3s8-00025-00014489-00014668 Who runs the corporation or executive compensation. oMSephmH3s8-00026-00014771-00014924 But do they use their power? oMSephmH3s8-00027-00015027-00015334 In fact, this is not so easy for them. oMSephmH3s8-00028-00015360-00015744 The shares they own are divided over many separate funds. oMSephmH3s8-00029-00015795-00016109 If they want to maximize their shareholder power, oMSephmH3s8-00030-00016110-00016716 they need to make sure all shares they own through all their different funds vote in the same way. oMSephmH3s8-00031-00016819-00017305 CORPNET found that The Big Three indeed coordinate their voting oMSephmH3s8-00032-00017331-00017561 and thus centralize their shareholder power oMSephmH3s8-00033-00017740-00017996 Does this worry the CEO’s of big business? oMSephmH3s8-00034-00018073-00018150 Maybe not. oMSephmH3s8-00035-00018227-00018636 The Big Three vote against management in only 10 percent of all votes. oMSephmH3s8-00036-00018790-00019097 But they do influence management behind closed doors, oMSephmH3s8-00037-00019148-00019276 through private engagements. oMSephmH3s8-00038-00019328-00019558 The Big Three may be passive investors, oMSephmH3s8-00039-00019584-00019840 but they certainly are active owners. oMSephmH3s8-00040-00019916-00020275 This means that the fundamentals of corporate governance are changing. oMSephmH3s8-00041-00020300-00020710 Regulators and the public had better wake up to this new reality. oMSephmH3s8-00042-00020864-00021656 And at CORPNET we continue our quest to better understand who rules big business today and tomorrow. oNA0ILZQYQo-00000-00001280-00001435 I like Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00001-00001440-00001566 I... I love diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00002-00001597-00001694 If I think Of Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00003-00001736-00001919 Then I am so Close to you oNA0ILZQYQo-00004-00001918-00002076 I like diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00005-00002079-00002186 I... I love Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00006-00002237-00002559 When I think of diamonds, then I am so Close to you oNA0ILZQYQo-00007-00002563-00002696 I like Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00008-00002702-00002853 I... I love Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00009-00002878-00003022 if I think of Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00010-00003028-00003187 Then I am so close you oNA0ILZQYQo-00011-00003193-00003364 I like diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00012-00003365-00003529 I... I love Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00013-00003529-00003656 If I think of Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00014-00003656-00003835 Then I am so Close to you oNA0ILZQYQo-00015-00006201-00006403 D-D-D-D-DROP THE BASS oNA0ILZQYQo-00016-00007662-00007693 Emergency Dubstep System Engaged oNA0ILZQYQo-00017-00009601-00009764 I like diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00018-00009762-00009803 I... oNA0ILZQYQo-00019-00009801-00009929 I love Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00020-00009925-00010054 if I think of Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00021-00010056-00010243 Then I am so close to you oNA0ILZQYQo-00022-00013111-00013284 Skrillex: CALL 911 NOW oNA0ILZQYQo-00023-00014522-00014565 Emergency Dubstep System Engaged x2 oNA0ILZQYQo-00024-00015647-00015700 WINDOWS 7.EXE HAS STOPPED WORKING. oNA0ILZQYQo-00025-00015804-00015853 BASS DROP ALERT oNA0ILZQYQo-00026-00018220-00018250 windows 10.exe has crashed oNA0ILZQYQo-00027-00018366-00018412 Skrillex Bass drop System Engaged oNA0ILZQYQo-00028-00019042-00019082 I oNA0ILZQYQo-00029-00019084-00019123 Like oNA0ILZQYQo-00030-00019121-00019195 Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00031-00019196-00019239 I... oNA0ILZQYQo-00032-00019240-00019280 I love oNA0ILZQYQo-00033-00019279-00019361 Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00034-00019361-00019405 if I oNA0ILZQYQo-00035-00019403-00019440 think of oNA0ILZQYQo-00036-00019439-00019483 diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00037-00019500-00019727 then I am so close you oNA0ILZQYQo-00038-00021122-00021282 I like Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00039-00021281-00021444 I... I love Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00040-00021443-00021582 if I think of Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00041-00021582-00021763 then I am so close to you oNA0ILZQYQo-00042-00021765-00021920 I like diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00043-00021922-00022080 I... I love Diamonds oNA0ILZQYQo-00044-00022081-00022400 if I think of Diamonds then I am so close to you oNA0ILZQYQo-00045-00023676-00023925 hope you enjoyed this song. oNA0ILZQYQo-00046-00024003-00024252 LapisStep is made by Diamondstep. oNA0ILZQYQo-00047-00024315-00024553 song Art by Diamondstep oNA0ILZQYQo-00048-00024636-00024799 Lyrics by Diamondstep oNA0ILZQYQo-00049-00024797-00024957 Captions by Diamondstep oNA0ILZQYQo-00050-00025228-00025583 Song available on BandLab (Link in Description) opy02GHOMFE-00000-00000580-00000697 God Speak opy02GHOMFE-00001-00000738-00000912 Share your transformation experience. opy02GHOMFE-00002-00001405-00001922 Before I didn't know anything about God but one day when I heard about my God, opy02GHOMFE-00003-00001935-00002262 from Sunday school and from my dad I tried to be closer to him. opy02GHOMFE-00004-00002282-00002584 And from that day until now I have a great relationship with him. opy02GHOMFE-00005-00002610-00002891 I was into worldly things and I was totally different. opy02GHOMFE-00006-00002911-00003417 But one night when I was reading the Bible God spoke to me and since then I am changed. opy02GHOMFE-00007-00003429-00003829 When I was not succeeding in my examination I thought to leave this world opy02GHOMFE-00008-00003840-00004289 and there is no one for me. And on that day Jesus Christ spoke to me through his word, opy02GHOMFE-00009-00004301-00004471 that I am with you, do not fear. opy02GHOMFE-00010-00004485-00004941 And from that day I changed my life, and accepted Jesus as my saviour. opy02GHOMFE-00011-00005433-00005935 When I was depressed and feeling unworthy God spoke to me through his word saying, opy02GHOMFE-00012-00005946-00006119 that I am the salt of the earth. opy02GHOMFE-00013-00006133-00006512 And then I knew my word and it completely changed my life. opy02GHOMFE-00014-00006548-00006798 I knew about God but never bothered. opy02GHOMFE-00015-00006823-00007302 But when my friend spoke to me I realised Christ's love for me and that changed me completely. opy02GHOMFE-00016-00007348-00007723 Even though I knew God since my childhood I wasn't close to him. opy02GHOMFE-00017-00007739-00008090 And I was constantly attracted to the worldly pleasures. opy02GHOMFE-00018-00008103-00008370 But then, one day he talked to me through his words, opy02GHOMFE-00019-00008390-00008590 I will never leave you nor forsake you. opy02GHOMFE-00020-00008601-00008811 And those words changed my life forever. oPTPyypTuiM-00000-00000107-00000772 Every year 22,000 employees and 440,000 volunteers put countless hours into our national parks. oPTPyypTuiM-00001-00000772-00001102 Here at Harpers Ferry our park is made up of: Living History, oPTPyypTuiM-00002-00001186-00001322 Administration, oPTPyypTuiM-00003-00001416-00001540 Facility Management, oPTPyypTuiM-00004-00001648-00001823 Natural Resources, oPTPyypTuiM-00005-00001912-00002026 Education, oPTPyypTuiM-00006-00002152-00002276 Law Enforcement, oPTPyypTuiM-00007-00002398-00002554 Volunteer Management, oPTPyypTuiM-00008-00002638-00002806 Visitor Services, oPTPyypTuiM-00009-00002870-00003002 Archeology, oPTPyypTuiM-00010-00003102-00003232 Social Media, oPTPyypTuiM-00011-00003332-00003468 and even more. oPTPyypTuiM-00012-00003582-00003958 We pass this stewardship to future generations. oPTPyypTuiM-00013-00003958-00004130 Your Park, Your Future. oU0fYODn3f4-00000-00000000-00000556 thank you for being here I just tell you very briefly about the oU0fYODn3f4-00001-00000556-00001409 panelists who we have today and who you'll be talking to. So um the first oU0fYODn3f4-00002-00001409-00001800 person is that you're speaking to is me. Nice to meet everyone um I'm the oU0fYODn3f4-00003-00001800-00002322 public lead for Creative Commons USA and I'm a lawyer who works on issues related oU0fYODn3f4-00004-00002322-00002880 to copyright fair use Creative Commons licenses and open education program and oU0fYODn3f4-00005-00002880-00003246 information justice and intellectual property at American University oU0fYODn3f4-00006-00003246-00004182 Washington College of Law I'm joined by my colleague Peter Jaszi who is a professor emeritus of oU0fYODn3f4-00007-00004182-00004542 copyright law at American University where he helped found the Glushko oU0fYODn3f4-00008-00004542-00005003 Samuelson intellectual property clinic and the program on Information justice and oU0fYODn3f4-00009-00005003-00005828 intellectual property he's an expert on copyright law and fair use and a leader oU0fYODn3f4-00010-00005828-00006203 of our ongoing project work with communities to draft best practices in oU0fYODn3f4-00011-00006203-00006750 fair use including for the oer community I'm also joined by Michael Carroll a oU0fYODn3f4-00012-00006750-00007154 professor of law and the director of PIJIP he teaches and writes about oU0fYODn3f4-00013-00007154-00007575 intellectual property law and cyber law and is one of the founding directors for oU0fYODn3f4-00014-00007575-00007995 Creative Commons and his work is generally on copyright in the digital oU0fYODn3f4-00015-00007995-00008372 world I'm also joined by Prue Adler who currently works with us at the Law oU0fYODn3f4-00016-00008372-00008822 School on our best practices work prior to that she was the associate executive oU0fYODn3f4-00017-00008822-00009140 director of the Marrakesh treaty an international copyright oU0fYODn3f4-00018-00009140-00009567 sorry -she was the associate executive director of the association of research oU0fYODn3f4-00019-00009567-00010125 libraries and at ARL she worked on the Marrakesh treaty an international oU0fYODn3f4-00020-00010125-00010436 copyright treaty to facilitate access to published works for people who were oU0fYODn3f4-00021-00010436-00011028 blind visually impaired or otherwise print disabled we also have well cross oU0fYODn3f4-00022-00011028-00011457 who is the director of copyright and digital scholarship and the copyright in oU0fYODn3f4-00023-00011457-00011921 digital scholarship Center at the NC State University Libraries and we our oU0fYODn3f4-00024-00011921-00012393 research fellow he's trained as a lawyer and librarian and is a collaborator in oU0fYODn3f4-00025-00012393-00012866 our project to create this best practices for oer we have Prenille Ripp ban oU0fYODn3f4-00026-00012866-00013337 expert in literacy and technology integration whose research is dedicated oU0fYODn3f4-00027-00013337-00013590 to developing engaged and empowered students and oU0fYODn3f4-00028-00013590-00014043 communities Prenille is also the founder of the global read aloud and the author oU0fYODn3f4-00029-00014043-00014591 two books passionate readers and passionate learners Carrie Russell is a oU0fYODn3f4-00030-00014591-00015005 senior program director and copyright specialist for the American Library oU0fYODn3f4-00031-00015005-00015603 Association's public policy and advocacy office in Washington DC her policy oU0fYODn3f4-00032-00015603-00015981 portfolio includes copyright licensing and accessibility and she's also the oU0fYODn3f4-00033-00015981-00016350 author of two books copyright and everyday guide for K through 12 oU0fYODn3f4-00034-00016350-00016787 librarians and complete copyright an everyday guide for librarians and oU0fYODn3f4-00035-00016787-00017295 finally I'm happy to be joined by Kristina Ishmael who serves as the oU0fYODn3f4-00036-00017295-00017580 senior project manager of the teaching learning and tech team for oU0fYODn3f4-00037-00017580-00017979 the education policy program at New America which allows her to support oU0fYODn3f4-00038-00017979-00018303 states districts and educators and rethinking the role of instructional oU0fYODn3f4-00039-00018303-00018648 materials to create deeper learning opportunities for students before oU0fYODn3f4-00040-00018648-00019020 joining New America Kristina was the K through 12 open education fellow at the oU0fYODn3f4-00041-00019020-00019467 office of ed tech where she developed and grew that go up in movement and I oU0fYODn3f4-00042-00019467-00019860 want to take a moment and thank Kristina and our ongoing partnership oU0fYODn3f4-00043-00019860-00020250 with the education team at new America they've been our longtime collaborators oU0fYODn3f4-00044-00020250-00021081 and without them this project would not be possible so very briefly I'm just going to let oU0fYODn3f4-00045-00021081-00021438 you know we're gonna cover so Mike if you can go ahead to the slide with the oU0fYODn3f4-00046-00021438-00021848 agenda oh so that's been taken out so I'll just let you know what we're gonna oU0fYODn3f4-00047-00021848-00022380 cover and so first we have this introduction we're doing we're going talk a oU0fYODn3f4-00048-00022380-00022995 little bit about why questions about copyright are even sort of in this space oU0fYODn3f4-00049-00022995-00023487 when teachers are trying to make this transition we're gonna hear from Pernille oU0fYODn3f4-00050-00023487-00023988 and Kristina about by reading aloud is a really crucial practice for teaching oU0fYODn3f4-00051-00023988-00024405 and creating educational communities and from Kristina about why in this moment oU0fYODn3f4-00052-00024405-00024923 of transition it's really important to carry those practices forward Peter oU0fYODn3f4-00053-00024923-00025407 is going to talk about the relationship between the long history of reading oU0fYODn3f4-00054-00025407-00025851 aloud and copyright law and we're going to hear from Carrie about specifically oU0fYODn3f4-00055-00025851-00026439 the fair use analysis that goes on in that copyright law Will is going to talk about oU0fYODn3f4-00056-00026439-00026752 questions that come up about how fair use applies and different oU0fYODn3f4-00057-00026752-00027233 technologies and formats and how you can basically think through the same oU0fYODn3f4-00058-00027233-00027691 questions to understand things even though the technological formats seem oU0fYODn3f4-00059-00027691-00028118 really different and then finally I'm going to talk a little bit about some oU0fYODn3f4-00060-00028118-00028577 specific scenarios that have come up over and over again for teachers and how oU0fYODn3f4-00061-00028577-00029099 to think through those in a copyright framework and finally we'll hear a oU0fYODn3f4-00062-00029099-00029516 little bit from Carrie about a sort of bigger perspective of how it's important oU0fYODn3f4-00063-00029516-00030062 to rely on the limitations and exceptions built into the copyright oU0fYODn3f4-00064-00030062-00030779 system to continue providing access to students for whom day-in day-out lack of oU0fYODn3f4-00065-00030779-00031298 access is an ongoing emergency so I hope that's useful will be about an hour and oU0fYODn3f4-00066-00031298-00032077 a half and as we said at the beginning all of the notes sorry all of the links oU0fYODn3f4-00067-00032077-00032537 for the slides and for the recorded webcast and to submit more questions are oU0fYODn3f4-00068-00032537-00033179 in the original document with the guidance and we'll be taking questions oU0fYODn3f4-00069-00033179-00033605 at the end we'll be going over questions at the end so up next we had Professor oU0fYODn3f4-00070-00033605-00034169 Michael Carroll right thank you so much Meredith and hello everyone thanks for oU0fYODn3f4-00071-00034169-00034718 being with us I'm a lawyer and I'm also an educator and I want to talk to you in oU0fYODn3f4-00072-00034718-00035141 both capacities and I've got five minutes so just have a couple of oU0fYODn3f4-00073-00035141-00035672 preliminary things that we need to think about there as a lawyer we think about oU0fYODn3f4-00074-00035672-00036083 what we do and and when we give legal advice it is applying the law in oU0fYODn3f4-00075-00036083-00036659 particular people's facts what what has prompted us to want to do this is there oU0fYODn3f4-00076-00036659-00036959 are a lot of people out there who claim they're not lawyers but then are out oU0fYODn3f4-00077-00036959-00037447 there giving legal advice about how copyright applies to reading aloud in oU0fYODn3f4-00078-00037447-00038053 the online environment and a lot of a lot of that advice is simply wrong and oU0fYODn3f4-00079-00038053-00038543 it's causing turmoil it's causing stress where it doesn't need to be and so as oU0fYODn3f4-00080-00038543-00038983 attorneys were a little bit at a disadvantage because we cannot directly oU0fYODn3f4-00081-00038983-00039455 point to someone applying the law to a particular set of facts it and say oU0fYODn3f4-00082-00039455-00040097 that's wrong but what we can do and and the attorneys on this call have come together oU0fYODn3f4-00083-00040097-00040713 to sort of forcefully put forward legal information and a legal explanation oU0fYODn3f4-00084-00040713-00041244 about how copyright and fair use applies to common educational practices even as oU0fYODn3f4-00085-00041244-00041634 they get translated into the online environment and this legal explanation oU0fYODn3f4-00086-00041634-00042150 is there to provide guidance and confidence that if your practices in oU0fYODn3f4-00087-00042150-00042612 your own classroom in your own teaching is similar to the use cases that we're oU0fYODn3f4-00088-00042612-00043002 discussing then then you have fair use rights and you should feel confident and oU0fYODn3f4-00089-00043002-00043449 this is regardless of what the publishers are saying is permitted or oU0fYODn3f4-00090-00043449-00043896 not because fair use is your right under the copyright law to make uses of oU0fYODn3f4-00091-00043896-00044424 copyright copyrighted material regardless of what the publisher or the oU0fYODn3f4-00092-00044424-00045136 copyright owner wants so think of this as the legal explanation that will tell oU0fYODn3f4-00093-00045136-00045522 you what what the do's and don'ts are and there are a lot of people who want oU0fYODn3f4-00094-00045522-00046002 really bright line really crisp do's and dont's and so when when we tell them oU0fYODn3f4-00095-00046002-00046497 well fair use does a contextual analysis we look at why you're doing what you're oU0fYODn3f4-00096-00046497-00046797 doing how you're doing it they don't like that so they make up their own oU0fYODn3f4-00097-00046797-00047223 rules but those are made up rules so what you're going to hear today is what oU0fYODn3f4-00098-00047223-00047676 the law really is and how the law really applies to common educational practices oU0fYODn3f4-00099-00047676-00048309 and how copyright is a more reasonable law than some people presented when on oU0fYODn3f4-00100-00048309-00048801 social media or otherwise you say you can't do this and you can't do that oU0fYODn3f4-00101-00048801-00049368 and so now we will periodically maybe use some qualifying language like it's oU0fYODn3f4-00102-00049368-00049980 probably it's likely I want to be clear that when when we're using that language oU0fYODn3f4-00103-00049980-00050526 it is because we can't predict what each and every use case might be but I don't oU0fYODn3f4-00104-00050526-00051018 think you should take that as any signal of our lack of confidence in the legal oU0fYODn3f4-00105-00051018-00051354 explanation that we're giving you about what fair use permits oU0fYODn3f4-00106-00051354-00051819 we're just hedging on in the sense that we can't predict each and every possible oU0fYODn3f4-00107-00051819-00052245 use and there might be some unforeseen use out there that we're where there'd oU0fYODn3f4-00108-00052245-00052624 be an issue but that's not we're going to we're going to deal with the common oU0fYODn3f4-00109-00052624-00053086 cases and show well why the common cases are perfectly legal and under the oU0fYODn3f4-00110-00053086-00053637 copyright law and part of the and the folks who are saying oU0fYODn3f4-00111-00053637-00054033 you can't do this you can't do that they might have a variety of motivations but oU0fYODn3f4-00112-00054033-00054680 one of the confusions that we've seen in that is that a failure to oU0fYODn3f4-00113-00054680-00055128 understand that there's a big difference between a teacher recording an audio oU0fYODn3f4-00114-00055128-00055626 book and putting it out commercially to you know compete with an existing audio oU0fYODn3f4-00115-00055626-00056129 book there the mere fact that you're a teacher doesn't protect you from there oU0fYODn3f4-00116-00056129-00056601 being a problem but that's not what's going on we are reading aloud as part of oU0fYODn3f4-00117-00056601-00057066 the educational practices and you'll hear about why it's educationally oU0fYODn3f4-00118-00057066-00057414 important to read aloud and the educators in the audience are going to oU0fYODn3f4-00119-00057414-00057951 be well I know that's why I'm doing it but as the lawyers we say but but you're oU0fYODn3f4-00120-00057951-00058383 the reasons why you are doing it the educational purpose the educational oU0fYODn3f4-00121-00058383-00058974 benefits are part of why we're confident this is a fair use it's part of why we oU0fYODn3f4-00122-00058974-00059372 think this is exactly the kind of use that copyright law is designed to permit oU0fYODn3f4-00123-00059372-00059895 and so if you get a little impatient with us telling you why it's important oU0fYODn3f4-00124-00059895-00060540 it's because it is actually part of the legal explanation now I think that's oU0fYODn3f4-00125-00060540-00061016 essentially my role here I actually have to teach a class a little bit later this oU0fYODn3f4-00126-00061016-00061377 afternoon and won't be able to stay all the way through to the question and oU0fYODn3f4-00127-00061377-00061911 answers but I am thrilled that my colleagues really took the initiative oU0fYODn3f4-00128-00061911-00062415 and made this happen we hope that this is helpful I want to take off my lawyer oU0fYODn3f4-00129-00062415-00062895 hat for a minute put on my educator hat and say I'm one of you I'm struggling to oU0fYODn3f4-00130-00062895-00063327 adapt my classroom to the online environment I've got 72 adult learners oU0fYODn3f4-00131-00063327-00063747 I've got to go address in a few minutes you've got a lot of hungry young minds oU0fYODn3f4-00132-00063747-00064224 with attentions that's all over the place and I just want to thank you thank oU0fYODn3f4-00133-00064224-00064686 you for all the work you're doing and if we can at least alleviate a little bit oU0fYODn3f4-00134-00064686-00065154 of stress or confusion around copyright we hope that that will at least lighten oU0fYODn3f4-00135-00065154-00065595 the load just a little bit but we think the work you're doing so very important oU0fYODn3f4-00136-00065595-00065943 and that meeting aloud is such a very important fundamental educational oU0fYODn3f4-00137-00065943-00066504 practice that the idea that somebody may be well intentioned but misinformed is oU0fYODn3f4-00138-00066504-00067052 inhibiting teachers from doing just we can't we can't do that the last oU0fYODn3f4-00139-00067052-00067664 thing I'll say is this is not a lesson about how to do copyright in a pandemic oU0fYODn3f4-00140-00067664-00068136 this is a lesson about how copyright and fair use work together period there oU0fYODn3f4-00141-00068136-00068645 might be one or two things where the context of the pandemic adds a little oU0fYODn3f4-00142-00068645-00069081 bit to the fair use analysis but in general most of what you're hearing oU0fYODn3f4-00143-00069081-00069614 today is general copyright and fair use analysis that applies to the practice of oU0fYODn3f4-00144-00069614-00069981 reading aloud because the purpose of doing it remains the same the oU0fYODn3f4-00145-00069981-00070437 educational benefits remain the same and that's why the law remains the same oU0fYODn3f4-00146-00070437-00070964 thank you so much and I hope the rest of the webinar goes great and and I'll be oU0fYODn3f4-00147-00070964-00071402 ready willing and able to participate in any follow-on activities that could oU0fYODn3f4-00148-00071402-00072162 arise from this thanks thank Oh next up we have a Pernille Ripp who's going to oU0fYODn3f4-00149-00072162-00072663 talk a little bit of the purposes of reading aloud hi Pernille hi everyone I oU0fYODn3f4-00150-00072663-00073133 hope you can hear me okay and my computer does not like zoom so we'll oU0fYODn3f4-00151-00073133-00073695 make the best of it here so the purpose of reading aloud it seems incredibly oU0fYODn3f4-00152-00073695-00074364 urgent right now right as we're sitting in our classrooms convey created our oU0fYODn3f4-00153-00074364-00074789 houses as we're trying to figure out what this remote learning looks like I oU0fYODn3f4-00154-00074789-00075318 have had so many educators how have reached out to me just wondering how can oU0fYODn3f4-00155-00075318-00075912 you the read aloud and yet also abide by the and so that's what we wanted to talk oU0fYODn3f4-00156-00075912-00076224 about today because there are so many things that we can do with the read oU0fYODn3f4-00157-00076224-00076698 aloud when we're in our classrooms we use it to build community we use it and oU0fYODn3f4-00158-00076698-00077172 still a love of reading we use it as a way to start inquiry units start hard oU0fYODn3f4-00159-00077172-00077586 conversations and all of the things that we hope our students and our own oU0fYODn3f4-00160-00077586-00078030 children will be immersed in in our classrooms those purposes have not oU0fYODn3f4-00161-00078030-00078507 changed the read aloud is an incredible way of course of building in and oU0fYODn3f4-00162-00078507-00078912 bringing in community into these very scattered learning communities we're now oU0fYODn3f4-00163-00078912-00079374 sitting with however now more than ever we really have to think about what are oU0fYODn3f4-00164-00079374-00079808 those purposes of read aloud that we can use you can go to the next slide please oU0fYODn3f4-00165-00079808-00080358 thank you so for right now what I'm one back please for what oU0fYODn3f4-00166-00080358-00080841 I'm thinking about right now is that we need to still speak books together we oU0fYODn3f4-00167-00080841-00081297 need to create new shared experiences within this new world that we're sitting oU0fYODn3f4-00168-00081297-00081819 in and that is where read aloud comes in we can continue the read aloud that oU0fYODn3f4-00169-00081819-00082221 perhaps we were already doing in our classrooms so that kids feel that oU0fYODn3f4-00170-00082221-00082677 they're still connected to that we can start a new read aloud like I'm planning oU0fYODn3f4-00171-00082677-00083172 on doing as a way to build community but we can also use short stories and oU0fYODn3f4-00172-00083172-00083586 picture books to create a new language together so that if we come back oU0fYODn3f4-00173-00083586-00084039 together or when we come back together we can say remember what happened in oU0fYODn3f4-00174-00084039-00084614 that story it also continues our shared emphasis of the value of reading when oU0fYODn3f4-00175-00084614-00084990 students have an adult that they trust and hopefully have a good relationship oU0fYODn3f4-00176-00084990-00085524 with continues to read aloud even in all of this craziness it shows that we see oU0fYODn3f4-00177-00085524-00085914 that this whole idea of coming together through a read aloud has not left our oU0fYODn3f4-00178-00085914-00086406 minds we can continue to build our community and not just rest on the oU0fYODn3f4-00179-00086406-00087024 community that we already had this also gives us a chance to continue to reframe oU0fYODn3f4-00180-00087024-00087444 and discuss the impact of the dominant culture in our society and how it oU0fYODn3f4-00181-00087444-00087888 influences our understanding of the world right now is a great time to start oU0fYODn3f4-00182-00087888-00088323 inquiry projects with students and right now it is a great time to think about oU0fYODn3f4-00183-00088323-00088782 the inequities that present themselves in our world we can do the beginnings of oU0fYODn3f4-00184-00088782-00089154 those conversations through our read-alouds and so when I think about my oU0fYODn3f4-00185-00089154-00089550 own practice as a classroom teacher the read aloud was one of the first tools oU0fYODn3f4-00186-00089550-00090108 that I embraced in order to continue the learning that we've already done. My oU0fYODn3f4-00187-00090108-00090501 students can access a hard text without having to worry about whether or not oU0fYODn3f4-00188-00090501-00090909 they can decode it they can connect through this text that can ask questions oU0fYODn3f4-00189-00090909-00091347 and they can also continue that comprehensive decoding analysis and oU0fYODn3f4-00190-00091347-00091743 critical thinking that we've already paved the way for but finally why are we oU0fYODn3f4-00191-00091743-00092091 doing read aloud's my six-year-old daughter sat today and oU0fYODn3f4-00192-00092091-00092496 watched her kindergarten teacher read a picture book aloud to her in Spanish and oU0fYODn3f4-00193-00092496-00093003 there is no way I could have replicated the smile she saw when she saw her oU0fYODn3f4-00194-00093003-00093387 teacher do exactly the same thing that she has done all those day oU0fYODn3f4-00195-00093387-00093786 in their classroom but now coming through a computer screen she tucked in oU0fYODn3f4-00196-00093786-00094149 a little closer to me and said there's my teacher mom and so I think right now oU0fYODn3f4-00197-00094149-00094479 as we continue to navigate all of this new it's so important that we keep oU0fYODn3f4-00198-00094479-00094956 something central that we've used before the read aloud to keep our to keep oU0fYODn3f4-00199-00094956-00095700 connecting with our students and with the world thank you I think it's really oU0fYODn3f4-00200-00095700-00096057 great to hear about you know the big picture but also the individual stories oU0fYODn3f4-00201-00096057-00096447 are I think really crucial to this discussion and so thank you for bringing oU0fYODn3f4-00202-00096447-00096876 that in as well um next up we have Kristina who's going to talk a little oU0fYODn3f4-00203-00096876-00097362 bit about this sort of current moment yeah so I'm so glad that pernil shared oU0fYODn3f4-00204-00097362-00097911 that personal anecdote as far as her her own daughter and thinking about my own oU0fYODn3f4-00205-00097911-00098460 experience in the classroom in early childhood and elementary classrooms and oU0fYODn3f4-00206-00098460-00099015 then even as recent as -- as late January getting to do a read aloud in oU0fYODn3f4-00207-00099015-00099372 the kindergarten classroom which is what you see here and the joy that we know oU0fYODn3f4-00208-00099372-00099888 read alouds can bring so we already do this as as we've already mentioned we oU0fYODn3f4-00209-00099888-00100266 know know the importance or read alounds and thinking about the why of all of oU0fYODn3f4-00210-00100266-00100671 that so Pernille specifically called out the US Department of Education thought oU0fYODn3f4-00211-00100671-00101223 on on read-alouds as well as her own research and expertise than that but it oU0fYODn3f4-00212-00101223-00101544 does start with the whys so we are an emergency right now and we want to be oU0fYODn3f4-00213-00101544-00101970 able to continue that community building and kind of that safe space and we just oU0fYODn3f4-00214-00101970-00102276 have a different platform or a different learning environment that we're doing oU0fYODn3f4-00215-00102276-00102672 that right now but we also know that there are a number of schools that have oU0fYODn3f4-00216-00102672-00103068 made the transitions to blended learning or even online learning and online oU0fYODn3f4-00217-00103068-00103578 schools for the past 10 to 15 years and so we've had to consider these cases oU0fYODn3f4-00218-00103578-00103947 long before just where we are right now but it seems that more people are paying oU0fYODn3f4-00219-00103947-00104373 attention to it so it starts with our wide and Pernille's already outlined the oU0fYODn3f4-00220-00104373-00104850 reasons why and for most educators it is for that continuity of learning right oU0fYODn3f4-00221-00104850-00105327 now but then when we are outside of a pandemic or outside of an emergency oU0fYODn3f4-00222-00105327-00105780 situation we can certainly think about what read-alouds can do for learning and oU0fYODn3f4-00223-00105780-00106239 how we contribute to the read-aloud itself where we stop and we ask oU0fYODn3f4-00224-00106239-00106632 questions and we're giving context closer we're asking students to focus on oU0fYODn3f4-00225-00106632-00107046 context clues really apply their their skillset to be oU0fYODn3f4-00226-00107046-00107574 able to decode and and comprehend the things that are happening in a book but oU0fYODn3f4-00227-00107574-00107979 it's not about the tools right now and that's what's really important and so we oU0fYODn3f4-00228-00107979-00108611 have a tendency in the EdTech land to be drawn in by the shiny things and there oU0fYODn3f4-00229-00108611-00109041 are a lot of ed tech providers that are providing a whole slew of different oU0fYODn3f4-00230-00109041-00109497 tools right now and sometimes it just comes down to the basics and going back oU0fYODn3f4-00231-00109497-00109989 to what we know and so it's important to think about our books and whether they oU0fYODn3f4-00232-00109989-00110478 are digital or in print and how we are providing that as a tool for our kids oU0fYODn3f4-00233-00110478-00110916 that is not something necessarily shiny and new and so being able to use oU0fYODn3f4-00234-00110916-00111444 different platforms like Instagram and Facebook and YouTube to be able to share oU0fYODn3f4-00235-00111444-00111900 those those read-alouds are certainly important next slide please oU0fYODn3f4-00236-00111900-00112460 when we think about moving to an online learning environment we actually have oU0fYODn3f4-00237-00112460-00112851 the opportunity to really think about serving every learner and this is oU0fYODn3f4-00238-00112851-00113210 actually one of my last group of students that I had in Omaha Nebraska oU0fYODn3f4-00239-00113210-00113679 and the majority of my students I was an English language teacher and so the oU0fYODn3f4-00240-00113679-00114059 majority of my students were newcomers and this is a group of newcomers that oU0fYODn3f4-00241-00114059-00114483 got to experience snow for the first time and so in order to like we stopped oU0fYODn3f4-00242-00114483-00114939 our lesson we were in a small group working on reading and I noticed it was oU0fYODn3f4-00243-00114939-00115314 snowing outside we ran outside and had the opportunity to experience that for oU0fYODn3f4-00244-00115314-00115596 the first time but then of course we brought that back into the classroom and oU0fYODn3f4-00245-00115596-00116060 then we pulled all the books that we had around snow and like the science of snow oU0fYODn3f4-00246-00116060-00116607 as well as just snow day and poems and and pieces that accompany that and so we oU0fYODn3f4-00247-00116607-00117104 contribute so much more to our students learning experiences whenever we can add oU0fYODn3f4-00248-00117104-00117519 those extra pieces and so we know that we want that to continue online so we oU0fYODn3f4-00249-00117519-00117945 have some of those additional tools maybe not the shiny shiny tools we have oU0fYODn3f4-00250-00117945-00118508 the capacity to be able to build on what our students are learning through some oU0fYODn3f4-00251-00118508-00118872 of these digital tools so that we can scaffold vocabulary that we can send oU0fYODn3f4-00252-00118872-00119370 them to an online dictionary and that we can show different vocabulary words that oU0fYODn3f4-00253-00119370-00119814 they can add to their repertoire just because we have access to these tools we oU0fYODn3f4-00254-00119814-00120153 can also think about our students that may need to hear things oU0fYODn3f4-00255-00120153-00120611 multiple times for it to kind of stick and so we have the opportunity right now oU0fYODn3f4-00256-00120611-00121085 hope to be able to record some things or even just go live and that kids could oU0fYODn3f4-00257-00121085-00121581 then go back and listen to it again or for comprehension and so we have again oU0fYODn3f4-00258-00121581-00122001 this opportunity to think about this as meeting students where they are and oU0fYODn3f4-00259-00122001-00122721 being able to serve every single learner thanks Kristina I think that that final oU0fYODn3f4-00260-00122721-00123083 point is really important and just to keep that in mind as we go forward of oU0fYODn3f4-00261-00123083-00123540 how we're using you know what we're learning about fair use today and what oU0fYODn3f4-00262-00123540-00124176 that enables to make sure that we are really trying to serve everyone and meet oU0fYODn3f4-00263-00124176-00124617 them where they are um next up we have Professor Peter Yazzie who's going to oU0fYODn3f4-00264-00124617-00125172 tell us a little bit about sort of the look back at the sort of purposes of oU0fYODn3f4-00265-00125172-00125526 reading aloud and how reading aloud practices have related to copyright law oU0fYODn3f4-00266-00125526-00125992 thank you Peter Thank You Meredith and and Thank You oU0fYODn3f4-00267-00125992-00126547 Pernille and Kristina because really you you as as will soon become a parent oU0fYODn3f4-00268-00126547-00127134 you've done most of my work for me and I will turn in a moment to the connection oU0fYODn3f4-00269-00127134-00127741 between your eloquent presentations and the the things we know about the law oU0fYODn3f4-00270-00127741-00128458 first though I I need to hear the four words that that always drew groans from oU0fYODn3f4-00271-00128458-00129421 my own students and that is first a little history so if we can look at the oU0fYODn3f4-00272-00129421-00130306 next slide we'll see that the history of copyright in the United States has oU0fYODn3f4-00273-00130306-00130860 always been education friendly and that's in part because we have a oU0fYODn3f4-00274-00130860-00131463 copyright law that's based on a constitutional clause that identifies oU0fYODn3f4-00275-00131463-00132058 what has come in our time to be called access to knowledge as the primary oU0fYODn3f4-00276-00132058-00132676 mission of our copyright system now for most of the history of copyright in the oU0fYODn3f4-00277-00132676-00133180 United States the issues we're talking about today simply weren't on the radar oU0fYODn3f4-00278-00133180-00134013 and that's because for most of that time non-commercial readings and displays of oU0fYODn3f4-00279-00134013-00134686 printed material weren't regulated by copyright law under the laws that stood oU0fYODn3f4-00280-00134686-00135310 up till 1978 the only performances and displays that to which copyright applied oU0fYODn3f4-00281-00135310-00136039 were those that were done themselves for commercial purposes so in '78 when there oU0fYODn3f4-00282-00136039-00136648 was a new copyright law with a lot more detail and some additional protections oU0fYODn3f4-00283-00136648-00137125 for rights holders built into it the Congress realized that there needed to oU0fYODn3f4-00284-00137125-00137761 be a generous carve out for a range of different face-to-face classroom oU0fYODn3f4-00285-00137761-00138484 teaching practices including of course reading aloud and they designed that law oU0fYODn3f4-00286-00138484-00139104 accordingly so in in effect just as was true before 1978 so it continued to be oU0fYODn3f4-00287-00139104-00139665 after that reading aloud in the physical classroom the only kind of oU0fYODn3f4-00288-00139665-00140482 classroom we had of course in that moment was not a regulated activity of oU0fYODn3f4-00289-00140482-00141123 course the nature of the classroom changed and what we've referred to lately oU0fYODn3f4-00290-00141123-00141786 back in those days as distance learning became an issue in reality and also in oU0fYODn3f4-00291-00141786-00142850 anticipation and in 2002 the Congress tried to update the law to authorize our oU0fYODn3f4-00292-00142850-00143596 variety of uses of copyrighted material in specific terms in the virtual oU0fYODn3f4-00293-00143596-00144066 classroom and the results weren't great those of you who had to grapple with the oU0fYODn3f4-00294-00144066-00144873 so-called TEACH Act know that it's confusing and often frustrating and oU0fYODn3f4-00295-00144873-00145614 being gentle in my description it didn't do a good job in other words of bringing oU0fYODn3f4-00296-00145614-00146249 copyright law up to date for 2002 and it didn't do a very good job at all of oU0fYODn3f4-00297-00146249-00146874 anticipating the next 18 years of development which have been rapid and oU0fYODn3f4-00298-00146874-00147520 dramatic in so far as the application of new technology to educational practice oU0fYODn3f4-00299-00147520-00148542 is concerned but one very good thing did happen in 2002 as this ultimately oU0fYODn3f4-00300-00148542-00149151 unsuccessful amendment was being debated and that is that the Congress recognized oU0fYODn3f4-00301-00149151-00149985 that in addition to looking to the the specific provisions of what came to be oU0fYODn3f4-00302-00149985-00150848 section 110- 2 of the Copyright Act educators could also look in order to oU0fYODn3f4-00303-00150848-00151735 justify and and find a legal authorization for their virtual teaching oU0fYODn3f4-00304-00151735-00152422 practices to the general very use doctrine that was codified oU0fYODn3f4-00305-00152422-00153078 in Section 107 of the Act now that was a an important coincidence because around oU0fYODn3f4-00306-00153078-00153828 the same time the law of fair use which isn't just for education but applies oU0fYODn3f4-00307-00153828-00154675 with special force in education began to change as well even 25 years of very oU0fYODn3f4-00308-00154675-00155425 rapid development in the courts in which fair use has become a more clearly oU0fYODn3f4-00309-00155425-00156153 understood and a more useful tool for all kinds of cultural practitioners oU0fYODn3f4-00310-00156153-00156607 including teachers and as well see librarians oU0fYODn3f4-00311-00156607-00157752 what then does the law of fair use today amount to Mike can we have the next slide I oU0fYODn3f4-00312-00157890-00158446 should begin this description by saying that again what I've said a moment ago oU0fYODn3f4-00313-00158446-00158890 this is a really really good moment in the history of fair use fair use has oU0fYODn3f4-00314-00158890-00159504 become over the last 24 years 25 or so years thanks to the courts easier oU0fYODn3f4-00315-00159504-00160252 to understand and especially more predictable and indeed quite a lot of oU0fYODn3f4-00316-00160252-00160861 what we're going to be talking about later today is an implementation of the oU0fYODn3f4-00317-00160861-00161434 very positive developments that have marked that the evolution of the fair oU0fYODn3f4-00318-00161434-00161962 use doctrine in the last quarter century if you look at section 107 which many of oU0fYODn3f4-00319-00161962-00162597 you are familiar with the statutory embodiment of fair use you'll know oU0fYODn3f4-00320-00162597-00163225 you'll learn that there are four so-called factors listed there why are oU0fYODn3f4-00321-00163225-00163660 you doing something what are you doing it to what kind of oU0fYODn3f4-00322-00163660-00164122 material you're using that is how much are you using and what economic effect oU0fYODn3f4-00323-00164122-00164753 on the rights holder is your use having that's what the statute says it's a oU0fYODn3f4-00324-00164753-00165453 comprehensive list and in its own way it's not a terribly useful one because oU0fYODn3f4-00325-00165453-00166084 the criteria are so broad and the statute is so vague about their relative oU0fYODn3f4-00326-00166084-00166639 importance and their interaction that much of the work of trying to understand oU0fYODn3f4-00327-00166639-00167146 what fair use really means and how it really applies was thrown back on to the oU0fYODn3f4-00328-00167146-00167608 courts and that's where as I said earlier he's very positive developments oU0fYODn3f4-00329-00167608-00168172 have occurred right now in a situation like the one we're discussing reading oU0fYODn3f4-00330-00168172-00168774 aloud using new technologies in a virtual classroom or a virtual library oU0fYODn3f4-00331-00168774-00169302 storytelling the cases tell us that they were there really two important oU0fYODn3f4-00332-00169302-00169858 functional questions that we need to ask in order to get to a reliable answer and oU0fYODn3f4-00333-00169858-00170587 that is are you doing something new and different something transformative to oU0fYODn3f4-00334-00170587-00170989 use the legal jargon that the courts have developed with the material you're oU0fYODn3f4-00335-00170989-00171753 using and are you providing a substitute a commercial market oU0fYODn3f4-00336-00171753-00172567 substitute for the work as it was originally offered to be in the best oU0fYODn3f4-00337-00172567-00173053 possible position the answer to the first question should be yes and the oU0fYODn3f4-00338-00173053-00173656 answer to that second question should be no now sometimes in in fair use analysis oU0fYODn3f4-00339-00173656-00174210 this issue which I referred a moment ago of whether you're using the right amount oU0fYODn3f4-00340-00174210-00174787 also comes up is the amount you're using appropriate to the purpose for which oU0fYODn3f4-00341-00174787-00175431 you're using it in the case of reading aloud that isn't often going to be a oU0fYODn3f4-00342-00175431-00175945 dominant issue because generally speaking of course the unit the oU0fYODn3f4-00343-00175945-00176377 appropriate unit for a read aloud is going to be the whole book whether oU0fYODn3f4-00344-00176377-00176797 you're reading a picture book at one sitting or a chapter book over the oU0fYODn3f4-00345-00176797-00177412 course of the semester let's see then a little bit more about how all of this oU0fYODn3f4-00346-00177412-00178213 applies we'll take the next slide and I want to oU0fYODn3f4-00347-00178213-00178765 emphasize before I get into the specifics here that there has never been oU0fYODn3f4-00348-00178765-00179695 a safer time in terms of risk analysis than the present for educators to engage oU0fYODn3f4-00349-00179695-00180265 with the fair use doctrine to take advantage of it to enable their reading oU0fYODn3f4-00350-00180265-00180658 aloud practices and when I say there's never been a better time I mean of oU0fYODn3f4-00351-00180658-00181280 course that the conditions of the present emergency change in some ways oU0fYODn3f4-00352-00181280-00181972 the the perspective which we analyze these questions I also mean that for all oU0fYODn3f4-00353-00181972-00182788 the reasons that I outlined previously in general even when the emergency is at oU0fYODn3f4-00354-00182788-00183594 an end this will still be a golden moment for exercising fair use rights oU0fYODn3f4-00355-00183594-00184428 responsibly to engage in reading aloud virtually as well as once again finally oU0fYODn3f4-00356-00184428-00184963 physically now it's true that these days many publishers are opening up their oU0fYODn3f4-00357-00184963-00185794 books for limited times and in limited ways for read-alouds that's great of oU0fYODn3f4-00358-00185794-00186515 course and you should all take advantage of those offers if they suit your needs oU0fYODn3f4-00359-00186515-00186815 but oU0fYODn3f4-00360-00186893-00187449 if you look and I we've we've got a URL here to an excellent school library oU0fYODn3f4-00361-00187449-00188082 journal blog entry which collects some of these policies you'll oU0fYODn3f4-00362-00188082-00188618 see that they don't cover all the books you want to read and that they are oU0fYODn3f4-00363-00188618-00189300 loaded more in some cases less in other cases with occasionally onerous and oU0fYODn3f4-00364-00189300-00190092 often inconsistent conditions and limitations and so the the point that I oU0fYODn3f4-00365-00190092-00190917 want to make in in closing is that although publishers deserve great credit oU0fYODn3f4-00366-00190917-00191532 for making this effort it's also true and important for educators and oU0fYODn3f4-00367-00191532-00192165 librarians to remember that none of these temporary licenses limit the scope oU0fYODn3f4-00368-00192165-00192729 of your ability to rely on fair use to read aloud online they don't live in it oU0fYODn3f4-00369-00192729-00193227 now and they won't limit it later and that is because as as Mike Carroll said oU0fYODn3f4-00370-00193227-00194049 earlier fair use is a statutory right not a concession by rights holders now oU0fYODn3f4-00371-00194049-00194586 I'm gonna turn things over to Carrie in a moment but by way of transition let me oU0fYODn3f4-00372-00194586-00195033 say one thing and that is that when we heard Kristina and Pernille talk so oU0fYODn3f4-00373-00195033-00195596 eloquently about the purposes of reading aloud we were actually hearing them oU0fYODn3f4-00374-00195596-00196454 develop, articulate the most important premise or proposition for the oU0fYODn3f4-00375-00196454-00196992 application of fair use to virtual reader alouds and that's because as I oU0fYODn3f4-00376-00196992-00197457 mentioned earlier the first question you asked in assessing whether a use you're oU0fYODn3f4-00377-00197457-00198045 considering is fair is whether it's a transformative use and as Carrie is oU0fYODn3f4-00378-00198045-00198906 going to explain transformative use analysis is a function of what you know oU0fYODn3f4-00379-00198906-00199832 and believe and can articulate about the purposes of your activity oU0fYODn3f4-00380-00199832-00200083 and I'll stop there oU0fYODn3f4-00381-00200105-00200616 thank you Peter um Carrie will be up next Carrie I see that you're unmuted oU0fYODn3f4-00382-00200616-00200880 but I don't know if you're able to unmute your video as well oU0fYODn3f4-00383-00200880-00201573 I have unmuted myself okay thank you Peter I'm going to talk as you oU0fYODn3f4-00384-00201573-00202182 said about some of the transformative purposes which you've heard earlier why oU0fYODn3f4-00385-00202182-00202743 the why in education and in libraries these uses are transformative socially oU0fYODn3f4-00386-00202743-00203181 beneficial and then to consider whether or not we're having an impact on the oU0fYODn3f4-00387-00203181-00204198 market for the original use that the book or work served next slide reading oU0fYODn3f4-00388-00204198-00204636 aloud transform earnest and the market when teachers and students read aloud in oU0fYODn3f4-00389-00204636-00205176 the classroom it's a more of an interactive experience that serves a lot oU0fYODn3f4-00390-00205176-00205721 of different functions it's not like silent reading for example sometimes oU0fYODn3f4-00391-00205721-00206196 when we're reading aloud would become very very text specific over a very oU0fYODn3f4-00392-00206196-00206694 special part of the book for English as a second language for people that are oU0fYODn3f4-00393-00206694-00207258 slower readers highlighting task text as one speaks aloud repeating oU0fYODn3f4-00394-00207258-00207821 pronunciations is a transformative way of using a work to help people learn oU0fYODn3f4-00395-00207821-00208308 very different than listening passively to a professional reading for just oU0fYODn3f4-00396-00208308-00208911 anybody in a philosophy class a student might be invited to share a reading of oU0fYODn3f4-00397-00208911-00209379 an essay and the teacher might stop to prompt questions of the audience of the oU0fYODn3f4-00398-00209379-00209948 other classroom again it's totally unlike reading by yourself concentrated oU0fYODn3f4-00399-00209948-00210498 reading studying by yourself another time you might see a reading aloud being oU0fYODn3f4-00400-00210498-00210990 used as a textual analysis not really getting into the expression of the work oU0fYODn3f4-00401-00210990-00211521 but more of how certain words are used and it's again it's kind of a different oU0fYODn3f4-00402-00211521-00212117 thing than just plain reading we know that just because students here these oU0fYODn3f4-00403-00212117-00212544 read aloud's that does not mean that they're not going to buy books or buy or oU0fYODn3f4-00404-00212544-00213144 not buy ebooks these these kinds of activities with read aloud's oU0fYODn3f4-00405-00213144-00213515 do not affect the market for the commercially produced oU0fYODn3f4-00406-00213515-00214115 readings next slide please I have to talk about story time because oU0fYODn3f4-00407-00214115-00214744 I'm a librarian and as Peter was mentioning educational uses are pretty oU0fYODn3f4-00408-00214744-00215315 special in the copyright law and libraries are the same we are treated oU0fYODn3f4-00409-00215315-00215780 different in the copyright law because we are special sites where people learn oU0fYODn3f4-00410-00215780-00216380 and engage with content just as in an educational situation which is a favored oU0fYODn3f4-00411-00216380-00216923 use under copyright it's really why we have a lot to begin with to advance oU0fYODn3f4-00412-00216923-00217505 learning so for many people for lots of kids they've grown up when they grew up oU0fYODn3f4-00413-00217505-00217928 their parents were available to read to them individually as a child which is oU0fYODn3f4-00414-00217928-00218323 a wonderful thing bonding with your mom or your dad oU0fYODn3f4-00415-00218323-00218846 sharing the story together wonderful experience but for a lot of kids this oU0fYODn3f4-00416-00218846-00219571 doesn't always happen story time at the library can fill a gap so every every oU0fYODn3f4-00417-00219571-00220190 child can build a love for reading story time also provides this early community oU0fYODn3f4-00418-00220190-00220691 experience and is often interactive and allows children to play roles in the oU0fYODn3f4-00419-00220691-00221213 story which is different than if you're reading just by yourself I'll recall oU0fYODn3f4-00420-00221213-00221654 going to the main branch of the Brooklyn Public Library and oU0fYODn3f4-00421-00221654-00222182 glancing in a room that was the size of a small parking lot and seeing hundreds oU0fYODn3f4-00422-00222182-00222719 of strollers in that room and going what's going on oh it's story time there oU0fYODn3f4-00423-00222719-00223331 were hundreds of children there for storytime and together that group of oU0fYODn3f4-00424-00223331-00223985 kids made a little community and enjoyed the story together and that storytellers oU0fYODn3f4-00425-00223985-00224444 were able to link the images to the words which is shown to be a very oU0fYODn3f4-00426-00224444-00224981 important part of early media literacy the other thing about libraries oU0fYODn3f4-00427-00224981-00225458 storytime is that libraries select and purchase children's books that are the oU0fYODn3f4-00428-00225458-00225890 best for their communities that reflect the diversity and the life circumstances oU0fYODn3f4-00429-00225890-00226409 of their individual communities and a library book is that's purchased for the oU0fYODn3f4-00430-00226409-00226792 library is extra special because it has an added social value oU0fYODn3f4-00431-00226792-00227298 when parents come to storytime they discover books that they want to buy oU0fYODn3f4-00432-00227298-00227731 from home because if that book was read in the library and if that book was oU0fYODn3f4-00433-00227731-00228250 purchased by the library that means that that book is a quality book and it leads oU0fYODn3f4-00434-00228250-00228964 to discovery and more purchases so I see that there's really no impact on the on oU0fYODn3f4-00435-00228964-00229603 the work in terms of sales thank you Carrie oU0fYODn3f4-00436-00229603-00230215 and so Carrie's given us sort of this overview of how you take the fair use oU0fYODn3f4-00437-00230215-00230644 analysis that Peter sketched out the sort of basic questions and how you then oU0fYODn3f4-00438-00230644-00231009 apply that to this question about reading aloud and thinking through that oU0fYODn3f4-00439-00231009-00231403 and next we're lucky to have my colleague Will Cross who's going to talk oU0fYODn3f4-00440-00231403-00231835 a little bit about sorry I think there's a slide out of order and Mike just to oU0fYODn3f4-00441-00231835-00232282 the next slide please yeah talking a little bit about putting the theory into oU0fYODn3f4-00442-00232282-00232678 practice and thinking through some considerated considerations about how oU0fYODn3f4-00443-00232678-00233200 this is done in the school thank you very much Meredith thank you all for oU0fYODn3f4-00444-00233200-00233440 being here and thanks to my collaborators for that oU0fYODn3f4-00445-00233440-00233734 excellent introduction to the pedagogical values and importance of oU0fYODn3f4-00446-00233734-00234169 reading aloud and to sort of the way fair use connects with those issues I've oU0fYODn3f4-00447-00234169-00234469 been charged with talking a little bit about what fair use looks like on the oU0fYODn3f4-00448-00234469-00234913 ground for educators and particularly the broad scope and reach of fair use to oU0fYODn3f4-00449-00234913-00235437 support reading aloud as a practice so next slide please oU0fYODn3f4-00450-00235544-00236140 fair use covers a broad range of materials as Peter and Carrie made clear oU0fYODn3f4-00451-00236140-00236536 the core question that fair use asks is about the purpose and character of your oU0fYODn3f4-00452-00236536-00236827 use what are you doing and why are you doing what you're doing oU0fYODn3f4-00453-00236827-00237169 so what that means is when your purpose is transformative as it often is with oU0fYODn3f4-00454-00237169-00237396 reading aloud in the ways that we've already discussed oU0fYODn3f4-00455-00237396-00237835 fair use broadly supports your use regardless of the type of materials oU0fYODn3f4-00456-00237835-00238269 being read aloud so if for example fair use powerfully supports oU0fYODn3f4-00457-00238269-00238669 reading aloud for both fiction and nonfiction texts for narrative or oU0fYODn3f4-00458-00238669-00239131 expository purposes a purchase copy a library book a book found online or oU0fYODn3f4-00459-00239131-00239533 elsewhere where you supports all of those the integration of texts and oU0fYODn3f4-00460-00239533-00239921 illustrations from picture book art to graphs and tables and a STEM oU0fYODn3f4-00461-00239921-00240350 material a STEM book of some sort and it also supports that reading whether it's oU0fYODn3f4-00462-00240350-00240713 done by teachers or students or others I'll say a little bit more about that in oU0fYODn3f4-00463-00240713-00241115 a minute we did want to note though that when you talk about textbooks and oU0fYODn3f4-00464-00241115-00241567 commercial learning materials it's not a no from fair use but you want to be oU0fYODn3f4-00465-00241567-00241976 extra careful because there's a greater risk of that market substitution that oU0fYODn3f4-00466-00241976-00242417 Carrie mentioned a minute ago so fair use covers this wide range of materials with oU0fYODn3f4-00467-00242417-00242836 a little sort of an extra eye towards carefulness when you deal with textbooks oU0fYODn3f4-00468-00242836-00243257 or commercial learning materials so that's one way in which the scope of oU0fYODn3f4-00469-00243257-00243679 fair use is very broad next slide please oU0fYODn3f4-00470-00243727-00244321 similarly fair use covers a wide range of platforms your fair use analysis is oU0fYODn3f4-00471-00244321-00244735 going to be less impacted by the type of platform you select to read aloud on if oU0fYODn3f4-00472-00244735-00245042 you have the option obviously it certainly makes sense to read aloud over oU0fYODn3f4-00473-00245042-00245467 a platform like a learning management system an lms that is limited to oU0fYODn3f4-00474-00245467-00245809 enrolled students or on a YouTube channel that's unlisted in some way to oU0fYODn3f4-00475-00245809-00246164 sort of limit the availability beyond the folks that you're trying to support oU0fYODn3f4-00476-00246164-00246559 with your pedagogy and it probably strengthens your hair use analysis but oU0fYODn3f4-00477-00246559-00246905 it's important to say that that limitation is by no means necessary oU0fYODn3f4-00478-00246905-00247304 you might also choose to share your read aloud activities on a dedicated website oU0fYODn3f4-00479-00247304-00247873 in school or hosted by the teacher or even a dedicated YouTube channel and if oU0fYODn3f4-00480-00247873-00248171 you make that choice it's important to note that developing and using those oU0fYODn3f4-00481-00248171-00248600 platforms doesn't create any special obligation to monitor those platforms oU0fYODn3f4-00482-00248600-00249121 going forward so again it's it's a wide scope there's sort of a gold-star best oU0fYODn3f4-00483-00249121-00249571 way to do it but even if you can't follow that best practice fair you still oU0fYODn3f4-00484-00249571-00249973 gives you a lot of space to do what's best for your students not just what the oU0fYODn3f4-00485-00249973-00250358 lawyers would really like best if they were writing up a brief next slide oU0fYODn3f4-00486-00250358-00250754 please and then a third way that fair use is oU0fYODn3f4-00487-00250754-00251117 gives you broad space to do what's right for your students is that fair use oU0fYODn3f4-00488-00251117-00251591 covers a wide range of readers we've talked a lot about teachers reading oU0fYODn3f4-00489-00251591-00251971 aloud and the way that teachers can sort of bring context or make choices but we oU0fYODn3f4-00490-00251971-00252302 want to be clear that just like in the classroom reading aloud is an activity oU0fYODn3f4-00491-00252302-00252791 that can and should be done by a variety of educational participants teachers oU0fYODn3f4-00492-00252791-00253108 reading aloud for the reasons that Carrie Pernille and Peter described certainly oU0fYODn3f4-00493-00253108-00253369 we have a straw fair-use claim but so do students oU0fYODn3f4-00494-00253369-00253834 reading aloud for example to build and demonstrate fluency librarians similarly oU0fYODn3f4-00495-00253834-00254158 do reading aloud that's clearly in line with the transformative pedagogical oU0fYODn3f4-00496-00254158-00254512 activities supported by fair use and there are certainly others as well who oU0fYODn3f4-00497-00254512-00254996 can and do read aloud in pedagogically valuable ways such as guest speakers oU0fYODn3f4-00498-00254996-00255439 invited experts and those sorts of folks the picture I have here is actually it's oU0fYODn3f4-00499-00255439-00255841 from Scott Air Force Base there's a program where the enlisted folks come in oU0fYODn3f4-00500-00255841-00256213 and they read to individual students who live and learn on the base it would be oU0fYODn3f4-00501-00256213-00256540 hard to argue that that's not also supported by fair use that's sort of oU0fYODn3f4-00502-00256540-00257005 reading so I think that's most of what I wanted to say in terms of the oU0fYODn3f4-00503-00257005-00257425 on-the-ground the scope of the ability that fair use gives to you I'm going to oU0fYODn3f4-00504-00257425-00257755 turn it over now to Meredith to talk some about some specific practices to oU0fYODn3f4-00505-00257755-00258462 think about thank you so I'm always aware that when we do these webinars oU0fYODn3f4-00506-00258462-00259108 when we talk to teachers about fair use there's a hunger for sort of concrete oU0fYODn3f4-00507-00259108-00259633 yes and no answers and as Michael Carroll said earlier you know we're not your oU0fYODn3f4-00508-00259633-00260140 individual lawyers and so we can't give you specific legal advice but what we oU0fYODn3f4-00509-00260140-00260584 think can be very useful is to talk through a set of scenarios that oU0fYODn3f4-00510-00260584-00261244 hopefully represent um questions and practices that you see in your work and oU0fYODn3f4-00511-00261244-00261784 talk through what parts of those scenarios can be relevant and to think oU0fYODn3f4-00512-00261784-00262108 about sort of what teaching purpose is being served and how are those oU0fYODn3f4-00513-00262108-00262618 considerations and questions cut through in these hypotheticals and hopefully oU0fYODn3f4-00514-00262618-00263143 that between the sort of fair use background that Peter and Carrie gave oU0fYODn3f4-00515-00263143-00263719 earlier and the sort of scoop that we'll just did to taking that and using it in oU0fYODn3f4-00516-00263719-00264292 the context of the purposes that Pernille and Kristina talked about in your own oU0fYODn3f4-00517-00264292-00264793 teaching purposes can get you to a point where you feel as Peter said that there oU0fYODn3f4-00518-00264793-00265327 is predictability in understanding when what you are doing is fair use and when oU0fYODn3f4-00519-00265327-00266014 it may not be and so in these scenarios in the first five I'm going to talk oU0fYODn3f4-00520-00266014-00266386 through situations in which if you've thought about your purpose and you have oU0fYODn3f4-00521-00266386-00266966 a clear understanding of that transformative purpose and you have done oU0fYODn3f4-00522-00266966-00267278 the analysis that these scenarios have many instances that are likely to be oU0fYODn3f4-00523-00267278-00267746 fair use so we'll start with the first scenario now and next slide please oU0fYODn3f4-00524-00267746-00268058 Mike um so the first practice we're going to oU0fYODn3f4-00525-00268058-00268616 talk about is um when a teacher reads an introductory segment of a nonfiction oU0fYODn3f4-00526-00268616-00269015 text provide students with some background material and then offers oU0fYODn3f4-00527-00269015-00269366 different pre-recorded segments for students to choose to listen to next so oU0fYODn3f4-00528-00269366-00269783 they can select their own learning paths and so here the first question oU0fYODn3f4-00529-00269783-00270464 would be what is our purpose what is our educational purpose here and so there's oU0fYODn3f4-00530-00270464-00270886 the purpose of getting the students sort of oriented in the text to model the oU0fYODn3f4-00531-00270886-00271190 reading of the beginning to get everybody on the same page with like oU0fYODn3f4-00532-00271190-00271489 you're learning and then there's a second purpose which is to allow oU0fYODn3f4-00533-00271489-00272096 different students to take charge of their learning and to have some control oU0fYODn3f4-00534-00272096-00272498 over what they learn next so it's important to think about not necessarily oU0fYODn3f4-00535-00272498-00272942 just replicating what you do in the classroom but also taking advantage of oU0fYODn3f4-00536-00272942-00273329 the flexibility offered online so students might be able to click through oU0fYODn3f4-00537-00273329-00273752 and hear different recorded segments whereas in class you might just have to oU0fYODn3f4-00538-00273752-00274214 read from the beginning to the end but so in this context if you're reading it oU0fYODn3f4-00539-00274214-00274709 and then sort of transforming your names this student - student exploratory oU0fYODn3f4-00540-00274709-00275285 work um it's if you've got a clear teaching purpose and it's not oU0fYODn3f4-00541-00275285-00275870 substituting for having a copy of the text that you would read aloud and oU0fYODn3f4-00542-00275870-00276369 then go into the next scenario so this is one of the questions it's oU0fYODn3f4-00543-00276369-00276690 sort of how you translate what you might do in class to this new online oU0fYODn3f4-00544-00276690-00277101 environment so a teacher might regularly begin a class session with a chapter of oU0fYODn3f4-00545-00277101-00277461 my novel to orient students in the physical classroom and to get them oU0fYODn3f4-00546-00277461-00277968 focused for learning and you want to adopt adapt to that practice for virtual oU0fYODn3f4-00547-00277968-00278469 learning so as Pernille said earlier you want to replicate that sense of oU0fYODn3f4-00548-00278469-00278964 community and that sort of anchoring in the classroom that you do in person to oU0fYODn3f4-00549-00278964-00279597 this new online platform and so you might do this by posting one chapter per oU0fYODn3f4-00550-00279597-00280134 day on a learning management system as an introductory exercise in the virtual oU0fYODn3f4-00551-00280134-00280683 world you might also decide that you wanted to stream this through your oU0fYODn3f4-00552-00280683-00281058 Facebook or Instagram live or something like that to get all your students oU0fYODn3f4-00553-00281058-00281565 online and paying attention at the same moment and as will said earlier in that oU0fYODn3f4-00554-00281565-00281943 situation if you're doing distribution not through an LMS you want to make sure oU0fYODn3f4-00555-00281943-00282450 that um you've got a clear sort of community purpose there and that you're oU0fYODn3f4-00556-00282450-00283074 targeting those on Facebook or Instagram links or whatever as closely as you can oU0fYODn3f4-00557-00283074-00283542 to your students and so this isn't a question necessarily of having a strict oU0fYODn3f4-00558-00283542-00284088 it has to be logged in or you have to use some specific rights management but oU0fYODn3f4-00559-00284088-00284517 if your purpose is to create a community above your classroom then the way you oU0fYODn3f4-00560-00284517-00285234 should distribute that should be roughly contiguous with that purpose um on to a oU0fYODn3f4-00561-00285234-00285675 next example we're going to talk a little bit about a situation in which oU0fYODn3f4-00562-00285675-00286143 you could use some selections from a commercial text so as Will mentioned oU0fYODn3f4-00563-00286143-00286599 earlier you need to be really careful with commercial teaching and learning oU0fYODn3f4-00564-00286599-00287181 materials to not do things that sort of directly substitute for the original oU0fYODn3f4-00565-00287181-00287589 because they're intended to be classroom materials and you're using them in that oU0fYODn3f4-00566-00287589-00287943 same way but that doesn't mean that they're not eligible to be considered oU0fYODn3f4-00567-00287943-00288645 for fair use and so one example might be in a middle school classroom for example oU0fYODn3f4-00568-00288645-00289119 you might read the beginning section of a commercial textbook you write read a oU0fYODn3f4-00569-00289119-00289444 couple of paragraphs and then go through the chapter oU0fYODn3f4-00570-00289444-00289873 and highlight areas in the text that you want students to pay extra attention to oU0fYODn3f4-00571-00289873-00290314 you might call out examples you might read the first few discussion questions oU0fYODn3f4-00572-00290314-00290800 aloud and there you're doing this transformative thing of providing your oU0fYODn3f4-00573-00290800-00291328 students with a roadmap through the text you're not substituting for them reading oU0fYODn3f4-00574-00291328-00291981 directly through that text and then the next example we'll talk about is we've oU0fYODn3f4-00575-00291981-00292473 got a lot of questions about reading storybooks too early grade readers and oU0fYODn3f4-00576-00292473-00292986 here for example a teacher might read through a book and discuss it with their oU0fYODn3f4-00577-00292986-00293400 class and then talk about its connection to a second book and read that out loud oU0fYODn3f4-00578-00293400-00294033 so there they're providing context for the books the connection and explanation oU0fYODn3f4-00579-00294033-00294697 for their students and that purpose is their purpose we're connecting the two oU0fYODn3f4-00580-00294697-00295007 books we're getting the students thinking and we're providing the oU0fYODn3f4-00581-00295007-00295361 explanation connection between the teachers and the students oU0fYODn3f4-00582-00295361-00295942 you might also in that situation do a practice for English language learners oU0fYODn3f4-00583-00295942-00296296 where you interspersed reading from the book in English with scaffolding oU0fYODn3f4-00584-00296296-00296634 questions and a student's home language so you're providing a really different oU0fYODn3f4-00585-00296634-00297193 purpose there in helping them build their reading competency one more oU0fYODn3f4-00586-00297193-00297420 example oU0fYODn3f4-00587-00297424-00297805 so another might be that this is not just practices for teachers so teachers oU0fYODn3f4-00588-00297805-00298165 and students might collaborate to read text in parallel where students go oU0fYODn3f4-00589-00298165-00298734 around and they read pieces to the group and contributing to a reading project oU0fYODn3f4-00590-00298734-00299227 and sort of building that classroom connection and again it's important to oU0fYODn3f4-00591-00299227-00299728 think that this as we'll said it is not format dependent so depending on your oU0fYODn3f4-00592-00299728-00300397 students connectivity depending on their device access depending on a lot of oU0fYODn3f4-00593-00300397-00300901 things you might do this in an outloud soom session or you might do it in a oU0fYODn3f4-00594-00300901-00301228 situation where students recorded themselves and sent it in if that gave oU0fYODn3f4-00595-00301228-00301678 them the ability to do work asynchronously and if it fit your oU0fYODn3f4-00596-00301678-00302056 teaching purpose of having the students all experience themselves and their oU0fYODn3f4-00597-00302056-00302449 classmates reading to each other so in all of these situations if you have a oU0fYODn3f4-00598-00302449-00302843 really clear idea of your teaching purpose oU0fYODn3f4-00599-00302843-00303308 either your educational purpose or the community purpose and it's not directly oU0fYODn3f4-00600-00303308-00303779 substituting for the normal market so this isn't normally how people buy or oU0fYODn3f4-00601-00303779-00304310 consume these works you have a strong fair use justification another way to oU0fYODn3f4-00602-00304310-00304739 think about this here is that the purpose that your new transformational oU0fYODn3f4-00603-00304739-00305287 purpose can be clear in a couple of different ways so it can be clear in the oU0fYODn3f4-00604-00305287-00305842 context of the new thing you've created so in the example where a teacher is oU0fYODn3f4-00605-00305842-00306293 introducing a text and then highlighting pieces your transformational purpose is oU0fYODn3f4-00606-00306293-00306737 sort of clear on the face of that that you're doing these this explanatory oU0fYODn3f4-00607-00306737-00307298 roadmap not substituting for reading the text itself that transformational oU0fYODn3f4-00608-00307298-00307562 purpose may also be clear in the audience and the interpersonal oU0fYODn3f4-00609-00307562-00308216 connections between the reader and the listener and so as I think Pernille and oU0fYODn3f4-00610-00308216-00308648 Carrie really highlighted the importance not just of hearing the text spoken but oU0fYODn3f4-00611-00308648-00309071 hearing it spoken in a way that is with someone you have a connection to with oU0fYODn3f4-00612-00309071-00309518 someone in your community with someone who has anchored it in the context of oU0fYODn3f4-00613-00309518-00309869 what you are learning also serves a transformational conserve a oU0fYODn3f4-00614-00309869-00310220 transformational purpose so in that context if you're reading to the oU0fYODn3f4-00615-00310220-00310601 students in your classroom in your school you're creating this new oU0fYODn3f4-00616-00310601-00311150 community context and your educational purpose can be the community tie and the oU0fYODn3f4-00617-00311150-00311734 classroom continuity and the interpersonal relationship um and so oU0fYODn3f4-00618-00311734-00312269 we've told you a lot about what fair use can do but it's important to say that oU0fYODn3f4-00619-00312269-00312857 you really do need to think this through and there are things that we should oU0fYODn3f4-00620-00312857-00313538 caution you that either fair use doesn't sort of broadly enable or that the oU0fYODn3f4-00621-00313538-00314026 specifics really matter and so you have to dig in and be really careful about oU0fYODn3f4-00622-00314026-00314393 understanding your purpose and examining whether or not it's substitutional so oU0fYODn3f4-00623-00314393-00314942 let's talk about the first of those cases here - can we have the next slide - oU0fYODn3f4-00624-00314942-00315464 thanks Mike um so what an example that we get that I think is really attractive oU0fYODn3f4-00625-00315464-00316146 to people um is an instance where our teacher just uh sort of oU0fYODn3f4-00626-00316146-00316680 side-project or to get a lot of things in one place creates a free personal oU0fYODn3f4-00627-00316680-00317172 public YouTube channel where they read picture books out loud and comment on oU0fYODn3f4-00628-00317172-00317585 the reading as they go but it's a wide range of picture books and though they oU0fYODn3f4-00629-00317585-00318093 use it in their classroom perhaps it's also sort of generally promoted as a oU0fYODn3f4-00630-00318093-00318645 public resource and isn't specifically them talking to their class or another oU0fYODn3f4-00631-00318645-00319323 class in their school and also doesn't add a lot of sort of other context to oU0fYODn3f4-00632-00319323-00319755 the books and so in that situation you might also have a public you might post oU0fYODn3f4-00633-00319755-00320424 ads in that broad public YouTube performance then you need to be really oU0fYODn3f4-00634-00320424-00321005 clear about what your purpose is because there you know you run this real risk of oU0fYODn3f4-00635-00321005-00321536 not having a clear enunciated teaching and learning purpose if you're just oU0fYODn3f4-00636-00321536-00321963 doing this because you're like I think these are generally useful that's really oU0fYODn3f4-00637-00321963-00322596 different and so in that situation I would question people that you need to oU0fYODn3f4-00638-00322596-00323148 have a much sort of tighter focus on what your purpose is there so I don't oU0fYODn3f4-00639-00323148-00323574 think that this webinar should be in the sort of the guidance taken as sort of oU0fYODn3f4-00640-00323574-00323981 you know yes you can do it in all contexts we've talked up above about oU0fYODn3f4-00641-00323981-00324693 very specific community and teaching and learning purposes that are different oU0fYODn3f4-00642-00324693-00325065 than those have sort of broadly commercially available audio books oU0fYODn3f4-00643-00325065-00325556 audiobooks and here with a sort of public YouTube channel and you're oU0fYODn3f4-00644-00325556-00325953 getting a little closer to that relationship there the other practice we oU0fYODn3f4-00645-00325953-00326640 want to talk about is and the next slide is um if for example you just decided oU0fYODn3f4-00646-00326640-00327257 that instead of purchasing textbooks for other learning materials you would oU0fYODn3f4-00647-00327257-00327738 purchase one copy for your teacher and your teacher would read that out loud oU0fYODn3f4-00648-00327738-00328227 and they would you know read questions from commercial worksheets instead of oU0fYODn3f4-00649-00328227-00328650 getting copies to give out to students and so in that context of what you were oU0fYODn3f4-00650-00328650-00329274 doing is using fair use just to avoid paying for more copies of stuff that is oU0fYODn3f4-00651-00329274-00329787 generally not fair use and so we want to say if you're oU0fYODn3f4-00652-00329787-00330150 just saying I want to do exactly what the original thing did and I'm not oU0fYODn3f4-00653-00330150-00330627 adding thing anything except making another copy then that's often um not oU0fYODn3f4-00654-00330627-00331008 fair use and what's important to remember as we compare these two oU0fYODn3f4-00655-00331008-00331407 practices that we say are less likely to be very used with the ones at the oU0fYODn3f4-00656-00331407-00331890 beginning is to think that it is not about the amount you are using right oU0fYODn3f4-00657-00331890-00332346 there are a couple of different contexts in the beginning where we say yes you're oU0fYODn3f4-00658-00332346-00332709 using the whole book but you're reading it to your students or the students in oU0fYODn3f4-00659-00332709-00333479 your school or your community and you're providing all of the same modeling and oU0fYODn3f4-00660-00333479-00333951 context and community that you are in the classroom and in those situations oU0fYODn3f4-00661-00333951-00334310 there are absolutely lots of times where reading the whole book is fair use and oU0fYODn3f4-00662-00334310-00334787 here if you're not doing that if you don't have your clear idea what your oU0fYODn3f4-00663-00334787-00335211 educational purposes even though you're using the same amount or perhaps less oU0fYODn3f4-00664-00335211-00335576 but if you don't have a really clear grasp on what that transformational oU0fYODn3f4-00665-00335576-00336348 educational purpose is your fair use rationale is less strong and so we're oU0fYODn3f4-00666-00336348-00337128 gonna go ahead and go we have a final word from Carrie talking a little bit I oU0fYODn3f4-00667-00337128-00337602 think that's like it moves sorry so I'm gonna close that I guess um so going oU0fYODn3f4-00668-00337602-00338163 forward I think I want to just go into these questions here we realize this is oU0fYODn3f4-00669-00338163-00338583 a huge transformation for a lot of people and so um we've answered oU0fYODn3f4-00670-00338583-00339054 questions that were pre submitted but there'll be a link sent out after the oU0fYODn3f4-00671-00339054-00339699 webinar with a it's an automatic email from zoom but it'll have a link to form oU0fYODn3f4-00672-00339699-00340041 to submit some more questions going forward we're gonna try to continue and oU0fYODn3f4-00673-00340041-00340602 updated FAQ and some follow-on webinars so there's some questions we're gonna oU0fYODn3f4-00674-00340602-00340989 cover today and if we don't cover your question there'll be an opportunity to oU0fYODn3f4-00675-00340989-00341544 do that then um but what I want to focus on as we go into the questions is as oU0fYODn3f4-00676-00341544-00342105 Mike said at the beginning all of these practices that we're talking about that oU0fYODn3f4-00677-00342105-00342519 are core to the teaching and learning relationship between teachers and oU0fYODn3f4-00678-00342519-00342884 students our practices that fair use enables oU0fYODn3f4-00679-00342884-00343389 before the emergency it enables during the emergency and there I think the oU0fYODn3f4-00680-00343389-00343863 urgency is increased and the risk is lowered but this is all continues oU0fYODn3f4-00681-00343863-00344475 afterwards and so as we think through understanding fair use and understanding oU0fYODn3f4-00682-00344475-00344910 how it can improve online teaching and learning I would just echo a sort of oU0fYODn3f4-00683-00344910-00345573 earlier call to make sure that we're being brave about understanding oU0fYODn3f4-00684-00345573-00346014 copyright law so that we do the best job reaching all of our students even oU0fYODn3f4-00685-00346014-00346665 students who may in sort of regular situations have an emergency of lack of oU0fYODn3f4-00686-00346665-00347217 access so students with disabilities students who have illness that causes oU0fYODn3f4-00687-00347217-00347712 them to miss school and students and other vulnerable populations who may not oU0fYODn3f4-00688-00347712-00348288 have the same access to reading a lot of materials or the same ability to attend oU0fYODn3f4-00689-00348288-00348807 in person school reliably so that being said we have a number of questions that oU0fYODn3f4-00690-00348807-00349416 um I'm going to read out loud for a bit on the phone and then we will go ahead oU0fYODn3f4-00691-00349416-00350169 and talk through the answers and then we'll have a brief moment at the end for oU0fYODn3f4-00692-00350169-00350643 everyone to follow up so let's start with the first question the first oU0fYODn3f4-00693-00350643-00351105 question was someone who wrote that I would love the clear yes/no answer as to oU0fYODn3f4-00694-00351105-00351501 whether or not it's fair used to read a book aloud and post on a closed platform oU0fYODn3f4-00695-00351501-00351927 such as Google classroom or Schoology and to delete at the end of the year oU0fYODn3f4-00696-00351927-00352281 regardless of publisher the information that has come out so far is very oU0fYODn3f4-00697-00352281-00352674 confusing and complicated when each publisher has different rules and so oU0fYODn3f4-00698-00352674-00353214 there's two parts to this question the first question is is it fair use to do oU0fYODn3f4-00699-00353214-00353607 this thing and the question is is it fair use to read this whole book out oU0fYODn3f4-00700-00353607-00354180 loud and post it on a closed platform and as we just said you have to have a oU0fYODn3f4-00701-00354180-00354585 good idea of why you're reading that book out loud so if you're reading it oU0fYODn3f4-00702-00354585-00355350 out loud because you want to continue the teacher-student relationship that oU0fYODn3f4-00703-00355350-00355932 you've had in the classroom and because you would normally read this book about oU0fYODn3f4-00704-00355932-00356430 frogs to introduce your frog lesson in person and now you are doing that oU0fYODn3f4-00705-00356430-00356901 same work online and so you want to read it to get students thinking about frogs oU0fYODn3f4-00706-00356901-00357267 and you want them to get them thinking about pond ecology and you would have oU0fYODn3f4-00707-00357267-00357729 done that in the classroom and now you're doing it online then yes in those oU0fYODn3f4-00708-00357729-00358425 situations you have a strong fair use argument for that and you have a oU0fYODn3f4-00709-00358425-00358881 reasonable idea here about how you're going to deliver that material to your oU0fYODn3f4-00710-00358881-00359232 audience um the other questions that are there oU0fYODn3f4-00711-00359232-00359625 you know should you delete at the end of the year what are you how do you oU0fYODn3f4-00712-00359625-00360033 evaluate these publisher policies are really actually a separate branch oU0fYODn3f4-00713-00360033-00360723 because um as you heard earlier when you think about can I do this thing the oU0fYODn3f4-00714-00360723-00361167 question of do I have permission is really you don't have to get to that oU0fYODn3f4-00715-00361167-00361674 question if the first answer is I have the right to do this under fair use and oU0fYODn3f4-00716-00361674-00362274 so um as you think through what you can do it's important to remember that if oU0fYODn3f4-00717-00362274-00362754 you have the ability under fair use to do something it doesn't matter what oU0fYODn3f4-00718-00362754-00363255 permission you have been given um the flip side of that is if you have clear oU0fYODn3f4-00719-00363255-00363612 permission to do it you don't have to dig into the fair use analysis but those oU0fYODn3f4-00720-00363612-00364008 two don't affect each other just because what you think you can do under fair use oU0fYODn3f4-00721-00364008-00364374 is different than what someone who has given you permission to do it doesn't oU0fYODn3f4-00722-00364374-00364971 mean that you can't do that those to run sort of in parallel and so not to take oU0fYODn3f4-00723-00364971-00365448 up all the time we're gonna go on to the next question and the next question is oU0fYODn3f4-00724-00365448-00365955 for Peter which is would reading several chapters of a chapter book qualify as oU0fYODn3f4-00725-00365955-00366194 fair use oU0fYODn3f4-00726-00366243-00367069 Thank You Meredith this has been - listening to my my fellow participants oU0fYODn3f4-00727-00367069-00367761 has been you know in a way in education in itself today because what we've heard oU0fYODn3f4-00728-00367761-00368607 about in in in every presentation has been the the range and and breadth of oU0fYODn3f4-00729-00368607-00369340 the different positive value-added uses that teachers and librarians and oU0fYODn3f4-00730-00369340-00370267 students engage in through reading aloud and I hope that if if there is one oU0fYODn3f4-00731-00370267-00371004 message that has come through these presentations it is that transformative oU0fYODn3f4-00732-00371004-00371794 use that concept that is the key to contemporary fair use analysis comes in oU0fYODn3f4-00733-00371794-00372231 many many varieties and flavors and we've heard about some of them today and oU0fYODn3f4-00734-00372231-00372810 I hope that as we carry on and this you you you helped us by submitting oU0fYODn3f4-00735-00372810-00373361 additional questions we will be able to consider and and highlight still others oU0fYODn3f4-00736-00373361-00374365 this is an interesting question because it goes to the issue of purpose there is oU0fYODn3f4-00737-00374365-00375073 no categorical answer to this question it depends on why you're doing it but oU0fYODn3f4-00738-00375073-00375828 let's say for example that you are reading a chapter book to your students oU0fYODn3f4-00739-00375828-00376441 as a way of as a turn of a turn that I've learned in the in the last few days oU0fYODn3f4-00740-00376441-00377098 that that seems very important to me reading them into the class building a oU0fYODn3f4-00741-00377098-00377872 community of expectation and of of shared enjoyment which connects students oU0fYODn3f4-00742-00377872-00378381 who may have different backgrounds and different abilities together as a oU0fYODn3f4-00743-00378381-00379485 community well that is a transformative purpose and if we query the other fair oU0fYODn3f4-00744-00379485-00379740 use criterion that I mentioned earlier and oU0fYODn3f4-00745-00379740-00380515 that we've been rehearsing since is this going to be a a significant substitute oU0fYODn3f4-00746-00380515-00381504 for the the purchase of volumes or commercially books or even commercial oU0fYODn3f4-00747-00381504-00382026 audiobooks I think we all know that in almost every imaginable classroom oU0fYODn3f4-00748-00382026-00382695 setting the answer to that question is going to be no so let's go back then to oU0fYODn3f4-00749-00382695-00383292 the phraseology of the question would reading several chapters of a chapter oU0fYODn3f4-00750-00383292-00383844 will qualify as fair use the answer I think is likely depending on purpose to oU0fYODn3f4-00751-00383844-00384750 be yes and moreover if the answer is yes then it is difficult or impossible to oU0fYODn3f4-00752-00384750-00385383 understand in terms of the sort of fair use analysis that we have been modeling oU0fYODn3f4-00753-00385383-00386450 for you today why the whole book parsed out in chapters would not also be oU0fYODn3f4-00754-00386450-00387429 eligible to read aloud online in a chapter by chapter rendition thank you oU0fYODn3f4-00755-00387429-00388142 Peter the next question it would be if someone records a zoom discussion and oU0fYODn3f4-00756-00388142-00388680 copyright material is discussed or read aloud in full such as like a poem for oU0fYODn3f4-00757-00388680-00389073 example would that be permitted and Peter I think this question would also oU0fYODn3f4-00758-00389073-00389689 be for you if you're capable to come back on and unmute of course and it's a oU0fYODn3f4-00759-00389689-00390471 wonderful question because it implicates several different underlying issues one oU0fYODn3f4-00760-00390471-00391218 thing that one question that a number of you have asked in advance of the webinar oU0fYODn3f4-00761-00391218-00391932 and that is incorporated here is all right maybe it's okay to do these things oU0fYODn3f4-00762-00391932-00392595 live but but can we record them and make those recordings available to our oU0fYODn3f4-00763-00392595-00392873 students the ones who may not be in class oU0fYODn3f4-00764-00392873-00393658 the ones who may want to watch again the ones who would benefit from a an oU0fYODn3f4-00765-00393658-00394490 opportunity to view this content asynchronously and the answer to that oU0fYODn3f4-00766-00394490-00395132 question embedded so to speak in this one is of course as we've tried to oU0fYODn3f4-00767-00395132-00395765 explain the various analysis that we've been modeling is largely although not oU0fYODn3f4-00768-00395765-00396599 entirely independent of the kind of material being read or shown and largely oU0fYODn3f4-00769-00396599-00397261 if not entirely independent of the particular medium that is being used to oU0fYODn3f4-00770-00397261-00398171 make it available and that means that potentially a recording or a recorded oU0fYODn3f4-00771-00398171-00399100 session designed for the use of students would be as eligible as a live one now oU0fYODn3f4-00772-00399100-00399722 here we have another example of an entire let's say an entire work being oU0fYODn3f4-00773-00399722-00400432 used but of course the fact that a literature class let's say it's a let's oU0fYODn3f4-00774-00400432-00400976 say it's an you know it's a it's a high school English course let's the fact oU0fYODn3f4-00775-00400976-00401552 that it literature class in which the goal of the class session is to critique oU0fYODn3f4-00776-00401552-00402259 or to break down or to interpret a poem necessarily involves the reading of the oU0fYODn3f4-00777-00402259-00402967 poem itself well that's like almost that kind of classic garden-variety oU0fYODn3f4-00778-00402967-00403456 non-controversial example of fair use and I mentioned something else too in oU0fYODn3f4-00779-00403456-00403904 connection with this question and that is that especially in the this time of oU0fYODn3f4-00780-00403904-00404456 emergency but even beyond this time of emergency I also think it's probably oU0fYODn3f4-00781-00404456-00405305 just fine for the teacher in this case to distribute the text of this poem to oU0fYODn3f4-00782-00405305-00405931 facility in advance to facilitate the online reading and discussion oU0fYODn3f4-00783-00405931-00406705 fair use has a lot of flexibility and it's that flexibility that makes it oU0fYODn3f4-00784-00406705-00407379 particularly attractive in contrast or comparison to some of the more specific oU0fYODn3f4-00785-00407379-00407959 exceptions of copyright law light for instance that the provisions of the oU0fYODn3f4-00786-00407959-00408730 teach act that I was mentioning earlier thank you Peter and our next question is oU0fYODn3f4-00787-00408730-00409285 for Carrie Russell and so for Carrie we're gonna ask the question of you know do oU0fYODn3f4-00788-00409285-00409705 you need to wait for an approval response from publisher before doing oU0fYODn3f4-00789-00409705-00410476 your reading out loud thank you the answer to the question is no if you have oU0fYODn3f4-00790-00410476-00411004 decided that your use is a fair use there's no need to contact the publisher oU0fYODn3f4-00791-00411004-00411391 to begin with because you've made that determination and fair use is a right oU0fYODn3f4-00792-00411391-00411991 that you should exercise now if you do ask a publisher for permission you might oU0fYODn3f4-00793-00411991-00412549 not hear back from them they may never reply they may reply and say no you oU0fYODn3f4-00794-00412549-00412933 can't do this but again it's not something that should oU0fYODn3f4-00795-00412933-00413556 change your fair use determination I always think of it when I'm talking to oU0fYODn3f4-00796-00413556-00414108 librarians and educators is that you approach fair use from the position of oU0fYODn3f4-00797-00414108-00414571 what you are trying to achieve as a mission in your library or in your oU0fYODn3f4-00798-00414571-00415072 school you know what you're doing more than the publisher knows what you're oU0fYODn3f4-00799-00415072-00415605 doing you know why you need to use the materials and you know what the goal is oU0fYODn3f4-00800-00415605-00416095 you might talk to a publisher who has absolutely no idea of what you do in oU0fYODn3f4-00801-00416095-00416622 your school they might have absolutely no idea what fair use is so there's no oU0fYODn3f4-00802-00416622-00417088 need to wait for approval from a publisher before doing your reading if oU0fYODn3f4-00803-00417088-00417589 you have already determined that your use is fair thanks very and we have a oU0fYODn3f4-00804-00417589-00417976 follow-on question for that if you can see the next slide which is is there a oU0fYODn3f4-00805-00417976-00418368 special way we need to give credit to authors or publishers when we read a oU0fYODn3f4-00806-00418368-00418891 book that well online this is not a copyright question but really more of an oU0fYODn3f4-00807-00418891-00419322 ethical kinds of kind of consideration and I feel that you oU0fYODn3f4-00808-00419322-00419782 always should give credit to the author or to provide the bibliographic oU0fYODn3f4-00809-00419782-00420277 information it acknowledges the publisher whenever you use any protected oU0fYODn3f4-00810-00420277-00420862 work whether online or in your classroom or on course reserves it's just a good oU0fYODn3f4-00811-00420862-00421435 idea to give people the fact the fact that these ideas and materials came from oU0fYODn3f4-00812-00421435-00422043 these people and you want to acknowledge that work that they did do you also it's oU0fYODn3f4-00813-00422043-00422743 just part of like being a good scholar or a good student to always cite where oU0fYODn3f4-00814-00422743-00423196 you get your material so I think it's definitely a thing that you should do is oU0fYODn3f4-00815-00423196-00423667 there a special way that you should do it I think that's up to you I think what oU0fYODn3f4-00816-00423667-00424276 makes things most understandable for your listener or your reader is the best oU0fYODn3f4-00817-00424276-00424720 thing to do you don't have to do all kinds of fancy legal language or oU0fYODn3f4-00818-00424720-00425131 anything like that you can just say this is the author this is the publisher you oU0fYODn3f4-00819-00425131-00425560 can get this book from this library if you want or you can get it online from oU0fYODn3f4-00820-00425560-00425905 this publisher so that's the kind of thing that I think you always should do oU0fYODn3f4-00821-00425905-00426273 and do it in a way that makes sense to the people that are receiving that oU0fYODn3f4-00822-00426273-00426826 message great thanks and up next we'll have well with the next question oU0fYODn3f4-00823-00426826-00427333 which says what about recording a read-aloud session and emailing it to oU0fYODn3f4-00824-00427333-00427921 the individual students in a class thanks Meredith so as we've discussed oU0fYODn3f4-00825-00427921-00428335 already if there's an option where you can retain some control of the recording oU0fYODn3f4-00826-00428335-00428800 and explicitly situated in the educational context like an LMS that's oU0fYODn3f4-00827-00428800-00429229 probably best practice in some sense but if that's not available for some of the oU0fYODn3f4-00828-00429229-00429522 reasons Meredith talked about before because of their issues of bandwidth oU0fYODn3f4-00829-00429522-00429910 because it's not possible for your students etc there's nothing in fair use oU0fYODn3f4-00830-00429910-00430300 that limits your ability to record a read aloud ahead of time and email it to oU0fYODn3f4-00831-00430300-00430666 individual students in the course as long as the purpose is supporting the oU0fYODn3f4-00832-00430666-00431059 transformative sort of stuff that you're doing and you're sort of doing best oU0fYODn3f4-00833-00431059-00431422 practice so going back to that North Star of what's the purpose that you're oU0fYODn3f4-00834-00431422-00431884 doing that for thanks well and I think I'm gonna take moderator privileges add oU0fYODn3f4-00835-00431884-00432379 one comment to that but it's really important right now you know we've oU0fYODn3f4-00836-00432379-00432814 talked about how these practices are really oU0fYODn3f4-00837-00432814-00433500 enabled for schools and for teachers in general they're not something that oU0fYODn3f4-00838-00433500-00433977 you're allowed to do just because it's an emergency right now but one thing I oU0fYODn3f4-00839-00433977-00434580 would say it is particularly important right now to make sure that you're not oU0fYODn3f4-00840-00434580-00435065 letting caution about for example keeping something carefully closeted oU0fYODn3f4-00841-00435065-00435501 within LMS you're not letting that caution keep you from reaching all of oU0fYODn3f4-00842-00435501-00435980 your students so if you already had an LMS set up and all your students had oU0fYODn3f4-00843-00435980-00436380 devices and they were regularly used to accessing that that's a really good oU0fYODn3f4-00844-00436380-00436892 distribution channel but if you know that your students mostly don't have LMS oU0fYODn3f4-00845-00436892-00437376 logs and logins and they are using you know their parents phones or they're oU0fYODn3f4-00846-00437376-00437805 using a computer in a library or libraries are closed now but they're oU0fYODn3f4-00847-00437805-00438359 using intermittently accessible materials but in those situations you oU0fYODn3f4-00848-00438359-00438869 should absolutely feel like fair use enables you to do what you need to do to oU0fYODn3f4-00849-00438869-00439205 reach those students and if that's emailing or if that's having something oU0fYODn3f4-00850-00439205-00439709 that might be on an unlisted YouTube channel instead of a private one those oU0fYODn3f4-00851-00439709-00440336 things are are enabled and it's really important that you're putting the the oU0fYODn3f4-00852-00440336-00441010 goal of reaching all of your students up at the top of that fair use analysis oU0fYODn3f4-00853-00441010-00441330 yeah yeah I think that's such a good point I've talked to somebody yesterday oU0fYODn3f4-00854-00441330-00441746 who's parking in the parking lot of buildings to borrow their Wi-Fi for a oU0fYODn3f4-00855-00441746-00442196 little bit right so so how do you reach that student in this time of crisis in oU0fYODn3f4-00856-00442196-00442446 particular but how do we know there are students who wrestle with that all the oU0fYODn3f4-00857-00442446-00442664 time so what do you need to do to connect oU0fYODn3f4-00858-00442664-00442892 with your students is the touchstone for sure oU0fYODn3f4-00859-00442892-00443238 right and so I think if you've made that fair use analysis that says yes I can do oU0fYODn3f4-00860-00443238-00443592 it over the LMS and you hear from a student that's like I can't stay logged oU0fYODn3f4-00861-00443592-00444005 in I need to have a copy I can download you shouldn't feel like fair-use oU0fYODn3f4-00862-00444005-00444665 ties you into one technological route absolutely so the next question after oU0fYODn3f4-00863-00444665-00445136 I've derailed Will on that is doesn't matter what source material you're using oU0fYODn3f4-00864-00445136-00445588 for reading aloud whether it's a personal copy or a library copy or an e-book and oU0fYODn3f4-00865-00445588-00446025 the answer there is it does not I think this question comes from the fact oU0fYODn3f4-00866-00446025-00446349 that there are a lot of copyright exceptions that do have something to say oU0fYODn3f4-00867-00446349-00446727 about that like section 108 the library exception talks about from the oU0fYODn3f4-00868-00446727-00447129 collections in different ways section 110 talks about a lawfully acquired copy oU0fYODn3f4-00869-00447129-00447435 so there are places in the Copyright Act that they asked that question oU0fYODn3f4-00870-00447435-00447795 specifically what's the source of the material fair use is not one of those oU0fYODn3f4-00871-00447795-00448032 places fair use asks that why question that oU0fYODn3f4-00872-00448032-00448359 we've talked about and if your use is transformative and the ways that we've oU0fYODn3f4-00873-00448359-00448899 talked about you're in good shape thanks well and so let's go into the oU0fYODn3f4-00874-00448899-00449547 next question which is we had a question from someone who said that their concept oU0fYODn3f4-00875-00449547-00449991 was to have poets read their own poems or a poem of their choosing which would oU0fYODn3f4-00876-00449991-00450389 focus on fostering a connection amidst the loneliness and social distancing of oU0fYODn3f4-00877-00450389-00450912 coded 19 their audience would be adult and young adult patients at their oU0fYODn3f4-00878-00450912-00451404 hospital their platform would be Facebook and so the question here is oU0fYODn3f4-00879-00451404-00451701 what if you don't have a teacher meeting what if you have someone else I guessed oU0fYODn3f4-00880-00451701-00452164 like poet reading another's work and so this is a question that sort of oU0fYODn3f4-00881-00452164-00452616 broadened the scope a little bit and so we're gonna call on our deep expert oU0fYODn3f4-00882-00452616-00453209 bench and ask Peter to answer that Thank You Meredith I should say that that oU0fYODn3f4-00883-00453209-00453963 reading reading all of the questions that work were submitted in advance many oU0fYODn3f4-00884-00453963-00454866 of them very very poignant this was perhaps the one that really grabbed my oU0fYODn3f4-00885-00454866-00455574 heartstrings the the the question is being asked on behalf of a of us a small oU0fYODn3f4-00886-00455574-00456183 library embedded in a large Medical Center and this is a program that they oU0fYODn3f4-00887-00456183-00457085 are imagining for the moment in which we all now find ourselves and embedded in oU0fYODn3f4-00888-00457085-00457751 and I think our our a lot of the points that that we've been talking about in oU0fYODn3f4-00889-00457751-00458487 the last few minutes so the first thing that I want to emphasize in in thinking oU0fYODn3f4-00890-00458487-00459082 about not so much in giving the answer to the question because although oU0fYODn3f4-00891-00459082-00459601 we can do that and and and I will suggest what my view is in a moment the oU0fYODn3f4-00892-00459601-00460230 real point of this webinar of course is to help you to become more confident and oU0fYODn3f4-00893-00460230-00461073 more more engaged in thinking through these issues for yourselves and making oU0fYODn3f4-00894-00461073-00461605 good decisions which at least in the present moment will also be low risk oU0fYODn3f4-00895-00461605-00462507 decisions so it isn't a conventional audience it's not students and it's not oU0fYODn3f4-00896-00462507-00463335 a a group of attendees at a at a regularly scheduled public library read oU0fYODn3f4-00897-00463335-00463997 aloud both of which we've talked about here we are talking about an audience of oU0fYODn3f4-00898-00463997-00464985 adult and young adult hospital patients and the goal isn't to teach a lesson as oU0fYODn3f4-00899-00464985-00466078 it would be in the case of a - a school-based online read aloud it is to oU0fYODn3f4-00900-00466078-00466852 as the questioner put it better than I can address the the loneliness and oU0fYODn3f4-00901-00466852-00467878 isolation that both hospitalization and social distancing in it generate is this oU0fYODn3f4-00902-00467878-00468713 kind of building of a community is this kind of addressing through an activity oU0fYODn3f4-00903-00468713-00469521 the the the fears and anxieties of the temporary community of of hospital oU0fYODn3f4-00904-00469521-00470257 patients eight transformative purpose if if I could do it I would ask for a show oU0fYODn3f4-00905-00470257-00470992 of ents and if if I won't predict to that we would get an overwhelming oU0fYODn3f4-00906-00470992-00471648 response favoring this as a transformative use so then we have this oU0fYODn3f4-00907-00471648-00472485 question of platform his Facebook in in the normal circumstance the best vehicle oU0fYODn3f4-00908-00472485-00473560 for engaging a reading community in a read aloud activity we've already talked oU0fYODn3f4-00909-00473560-00474085 about some reasons why that might be so although obviously there are ways of oU0fYODn3f4-00910-00474085-00474921 managing of Facebook distribution or Facebook performance that are more and oU0fYODn3f4-00911-00474921-00475717 ways that are less conducive with fair use but the point here is the point mill oU0fYODn3f4-00912-00475717-00476455 made so well earlier on and that is the in this in this case the the best is the oU0fYODn3f4-00913-00476455-00476863 enemy of the good Facebook is what is available the oU0fYODn3f4-00914-00476863-00477297 purpose is clearly a transformative value a transformative value added oU0fYODn3f4-00915-00477297-00477921 purpose and the likelihood that there is going to be some kind of competition for oU0fYODn3f4-00916-00477921-00478627 the the the booming market in the booming market in pre-record read alouds oU0fYODn3f4-00917-00478627-00479281 of poetry is small so then we have the last question doesn't matter who's the oU0fYODn3f4-00918-00479281-00479718 reader and here we've already addressed the question but I want to make the oU0fYODn3f4-00919-00479718-00480522 point literally extremely clear it's great for teachers to do realize it's oU0fYODn3f4-00920-00480522-00480810 great for librarians degree to let do read aloud's oU0fYODn3f4-00921-00480810-00481405 and it's great for guests in the classroom there were physical classroom oU0fYODn3f4-00922-00481405-00482031 and in this case the virtual classroom or guests in the library in this case oU0fYODn3f4-00923-00482031-00482878 the the poets who are going to select and read aloud and in so doing interpret oU0fYODn3f4-00924-00482878-00483447 since every read aloud is an interpretation one another is work they oU0fYODn3f4-00925-00483447-00484215 are fully qualified so again this this example moved me when I read it and I oU0fYODn3f4-00926-00484215-00485008 hope that the the the confidence-building function that that oU0fYODn3f4-00927-00485008-00485707 we have intended for this webinar will make it possible to go forward in in oU0fYODn3f4-00928-00485707-00486336 this in this enterprise with - with - with with no anxiety and a oU0fYODn3f4-00929-00486336-00486965 and a you know head held high thank you Peter oU0fYODn3f4-00930-00486965-00487651 so we really have one last question and we have two panelists who will sorry oU0fYODn3f4-00931-00487651-00488085 next slide please two panelists who will take that in turn oU0fYODn3f4-00932-00488085-00488874 and the question is do you predict that current copyright concerns over sharing oU0fYODn3f4-00933-00488874-00489567 books online will shift due to covin 19 second stances in other words since we oU0fYODn3f4-00934-00489567-00490041 have to share online to do our jobs and to serve our educational mission which oU0fYODn3f4-00935-00490041-00490434 benefit society you know will this sort of broaden our interpretation of fair oU0fYODn3f4-00936-00490434-00490876 use and so to talk about sort of the current moment and then the emergency oU0fYODn3f4-00937-00490876-00491286 going forward we have first Kristina Ishmael and then we'll have through oU0fYODn3f4-00938-00491286-00491830 Prue Adler, so Kristina please go ahead yeah I think this goes back to thinking about oU0fYODn3f4-00939-00491830-00492334 serving every student so this certainly applies again in in this instance oU0fYODn3f4-00940-00492334-00492660 whether we're in an emergency whether there were applying blended learning oU0fYODn3f4-00941-00492660-00493305 techniques or even online learning or online school more specifically that we oU0fYODn3f4-00942-00493305-00493635 are serving all students and every student for that matter I also think oU0fYODn3f4-00943-00493635-00494126 that this is a great conversation starter and kind of starting point for oU0fYODn3f4-00944-00494126-00494610 talking about copyright various and Creative Commons with educators in oU0fYODn3f4-00945-00494610-00495009 general so this comes up a lot in the trainings that I do I know it comes up oU0fYODn3f4-00946-00495009-00495526 in trainings that you do Meredith with with educators but we need to start oU0fYODn3f4-00947-00495526-00495786 having a conversation smell with in-service teachers but also with oU0fYODn3f4-00948-00495786-00496140 pre-service teachers so that we can reach out to colleges of education to oU0fYODn3f4-00949-00496140-00496828 address this so that educators have more confidence in being let's just say going oU0fYODn3f4-00950-00496828-00497284 through the four factors of fair use and really making sure that they are are you oU0fYODn3f4-00951-00497284-00497634 know using transformative kind of practices when they're doing things oU0fYODn3f4-00952-00497634-00498318 online or even in the classroom so I don't know if it necessarily changes the oU0fYODn3f4-00953-00498318-00498651 interpretation of fair use necessarily but I think that it certainly can oU0fYODn3f4-00954-00498651-00499115 empower us as educators to have more confidence in having these conversations oU0fYODn3f4-00955-00499115-00499681 thank you and Prue I know you had been a partner oU0fYODn3f4-00956-00499681-00500053 with us on this project and I've worked specifically on a lot of issues of oU0fYODn3f4-00957-00500053-00500602 equity and access nobody to see if you wanted to speak for a moment about your oU0fYODn3f4-00958-00500602-00501100 perspective on that oh sure and thank you very much Meredith and thank you for oU0fYODn3f4-00959-00501100-00501607 everybody it's been as Peter mentioned really educational and eliminating this oU0fYODn3f4-00960-00501607-00502438 afternoon and I guess what I I wanted to sort of close women in part was as you oU0fYODn3f4-00961-00502438-00503071 heard all this afternoon fair use is already very broad and it permits many oU0fYODn3f4-00962-00503071-00503793 of the social and educational benefits to users and to you alike and I think we oU0fYODn3f4-00963-00503793-00504304 all want to bring that home in that it's not necessarily that it's going to be oU0fYODn3f4-00964-00504304-00504822 broadened it already is very broad and allows you to do many of the things that oU0fYODn3f4-00965-00504822-00505431 you need to do both today in this current situation and going forward I oU0fYODn3f4-00966-00505431-00506266 think the key goal here is equitable access for all learners so that exercising oU0fYODn3f4-00967-00506266-00506785 fair use is very fundamental to achieving this goal and I'd give you one oU0fYODn3f4-00968-00506785-00507283 example and Peter and others can go into more in depth about it but there was a oU0fYODn3f4-00969-00507283-00508054 court decision within the last several years that allowed access to a very oU0fYODn3f4-00970-00508054-00508654 large millions of volumes of digitized works a digital repository called oU0fYODn3f4-00971-00508654-00509341 Hathi Trust which strongly supported access to these texts for educational oU0fYODn3f4-00972-00509341-00509779 reasons in particular it noted the importance of access to the digital oU0fYODn3f4-00973-00509779-00510322 library digital repository for those who are visually impaired and so I think oU0fYODn3f4-00974-00510322-00510928 that it's not only that fair use empower you to do the kind of work that you want oU0fYODn3f4-00975-00510928-00511692 to do for your students and your members of your community but it also supports oU0fYODn3f4-00976-00511692-00512377 those learners at very different levels with very different achievement levels oU0fYODn3f4-00977-00512377-00513009 in ways that empower and embrace the fairness oU0fYODn3f4-00978-00513009-00513460 provisions that you should take advantage of I don't know if anybody oU0fYODn3f4-00979-00513460-00513939 else wants to embellish on that but I think that is something extremely oU0fYODn3f4-00980-00513939-00514543 important to look at equitable access for all learners as you consider the oU0fYODn3f4-00981-00514543-00515092 fair use provisions in the context of your individual case your individual oU0fYODn3f4-00982-00515092-00515647 setting thank you so much Prue I don't think we could have anyone better than oU0fYODn3f4-00983-00515647-00516187 you to close out that question and so um but there we could just go to the last oU0fYODn3f4-00984-00516187-00516883 slide and I want to say I think you know as Prue had had mentioned there and as oU0fYODn3f4-00985-00516883-00517591 we've talked about throughout fair use enables a really wide range of practices oU0fYODn3f4-00986-00517591-00517996 you need to transition to online learning and to serve all of your oU0fYODn3f4-00987-00517996-00518524 students and I think um you know a lot of the discussion around this comes out oU0fYODn3f4-00988-00518524-00519043 of I think a really strong sense of responsibility from teachers and oU0fYODn3f4-00989-00519043-00519529 librarians to understand and follow the rules and I think that's really oU0fYODn3f4-00990-00519529-00520314 admirable but I would encourage teachers and staff and librarians to think about oU0fYODn3f4-00991-00520314-00520645 understanding those rules and taking advantage of them oU0fYODn3f4-00992-00520645-00521227 not of staying sort of ten steps back because I think you really leave a lot oU0fYODn3f4-00993-00521227-00521689 of important teaching and learning opportunities on the table on the shelf oU0fYODn3f4-00994-00521689-00522502 as it were if you don't take advantage of the freedom that fair use intends to oU0fYODn3f4-00995-00522502-00523159 provide for educators to really engage with existing materials so um we hope oU0fYODn3f4-00996-00523159-00523618 this has been useful the URL that is displayed on the screen is the URL for oU0fYODn3f4-00997-00523618-00524392 the guidance document um in the bottom of that first page it has a link to the oU0fYODn3f4-00998-00524392-00524863 page of youtube channel where this will be archived it has a link to the oU0fYODn3f4-00999-00524863-00525403 question form where you can submit ongoing questions it also has a link to oU0fYODn3f4-01000-00525403-00525815 the bios for all the presenters and so as we go forward we know that we have oU0fYODn3f4-01001-00525815-00526253 answered all of the questions we also cannot answer individual questions but oU0fYODn3f4-01002-00526253-00526976 we can continue to do webinars and put a fake use and help you guys as you build oU0fYODn3f4-01003-00526976-00527537 this airplane that is in flight and so um please continue to submit questions oU0fYODn3f4-01004-00527537-00528059 you'll get a follow-up email tomorrow through zoom that has all this oU0fYODn3f4-01005-00528059-00528512 information but it is also at this URL right now the slides are actually not up oU0fYODn3f4-01006-00528512-00529030 there yet but they will be shortly I also know that as we talked through this oU0fYODn3f4-01007-00529030-00529559 we addressed some questions for libraries but might try to address sort oU0fYODn3f4-01008-00529559-00529915 of other library-specific questions going forward if there's demand so feel oU0fYODn3f4-01009-00529915-00530398 free to put those questions in as well um I want to deep thank you to those of oU0fYODn3f4-01010-00530398-00530963 you who took an hour and a half to talk about copyright law um and all of my oU0fYODn3f4-01011-00530963-00531821 co-presenters thank you so much thank you so much thanks everyone oU0fYODn3f4-01012-00531821-00533264 Thanks Will - oh you're muted Peter let me unmute you just wanting to add and say oU0fYODn3f4-01013-00533264-00533869 again to everyone who spent this time with us thank you very very much. oWNabc46pFg-00000-00000702-00001072 My name is Debbie-Jo MacDonald. I'm a principal mining registrar here at the oWNabc46pFg-00001-00001072-00001444 coal assessment hub. We manage all the coal mining permits for Queensland, oWNabc46pFg-00002-00001444-00001778 so everything through from exploration, all the way through to production oWNabc46pFg-00003-00001778-00002064 and then finally rehab and mine closure. oWNabc46pFg-00004-00002064-00002532 I'm Cyndi Thomson. I work in the GIS team in the department oWNabc46pFg-00005-00002532-00002940 here in Rocky. So I'm a senior spatial information officer - is my oWNabc46pFg-00006-00002940-00003626 actual title - but it's all things GIS, so mapping, data and lots of great innovation. oWNabc46pFg-00007-00003626-00004114 I'm Trudy Graham and I'm an assistant regional director in central Queensland. oWNabc46pFg-00008-00004114-00004560 So I've been in Rockhampton for nearly 20 years. It was a conscious oWNabc46pFg-00009-00004560-00005066 decision to be in an area where we could have the best of both worlds. oWNabc46pFg-00010-00005066-00005598 So what we were looking for was a rural upbringing for our boys, we wanted a great oWNabc46pFg-00011-00005598-00006070 childhood for them and similarly we wanted all the great services that oWNabc46pFg-00012-00006070-00006340 a place like Rockhampton provides. oWNabc46pFg-00013-00006773-00007300 We have a multidisciplinary teams in the department here, you get a chance to oWNabc46pFg-00014-00007301-00007709 communicate with them and learn from them. I deliver new construction, oWNabc46pFg-00015-00007709-00008234 maintenance, projects throughout central Queensland and that gives me a exposure oWNabc46pFg-00016-00008234-00008766 to a variety of different activities from culverts, earthworks and bridges as well. oWNabc46pFg-00017-00008766-00009137 The best thing about the Rockhampton/Yeppoon region is there oWNabc46pFg-00018-00009137-00009584 are a lot of health opportunities for work, so Queensland Health, obviously oWNabc46pFg-00019-00009584-00009908 there's community health you can get involved in, you've got the hospitals, oWNabc46pFg-00020-00009908-00010319 Yeppoon has a hospital, Rockhampton has a hospital - lots of different oWNabc46pFg-00021-00010319-00010750 services so I don't think that there's any shortage of nursing jobs, oWNabc46pFg-00022-00010750-00011136 by any means, or any career opportunity. oWNabc46pFg-00023-00011408-00011982 CQ University has qualifications from Certificate 1 to PhD, so we do cover a oWNabc46pFg-00024-00011982-00012408 wide range of qualifications for people in the region. oWNabc46pFg-00025-00012408-00012902 So I work across all teams and my role is oWNabc46pFg-00026-00012902-00013688 to support the case workers and the families with cultural aspects of the work we do. oWNabc46pFg-00027-00013688-00014034 Within the department we have flexible work arrangements, so oWNabc46pFg-00028-00014034-00014344 they enable us to kind of have that work-life balance. oWNabc46pFg-00029-00014344-00014772 So I can go pick up the kids from school some days, I'll work later other days, we can oWNabc46pFg-00030-00014772-00015338 take days off if you need to - it's ok to go to all the kids events. oWNabc46pFg-00031-00015338-00015696 I've come from a small town where I was born, from Papa New Guinea, and then moved to oWNabc46pFg-00032-00015696-00016190 Brisbane and it was very different. I like the city but here you get city, surf oWNabc46pFg-00033-00016190-00016442 and country, and so it's amazing. oWNabc46pFg-00034-00016722-00017098 One of the fantastic things about working in state education - it's mobile oWNabc46pFg-00035-00017098-00017542 you can move around all parts of Queensland and still be with the same employer. oWNabc46pFg-00036-00017542-00017894 CQ university offers genuine flexibility generous benefits oWNabc46pFg-00037-00017894-00018259 and practical resources to help you do what you do best. I mean that's oWNabc46pFg-00038-00018259-00018638 the mantra that we sort of live by. There's lots of different areas and oWNabc46pFg-00039-00018638-00019043 aspects of the university that are worth learning about, so I mean that's one oWNabc46pFg-00040-00019043-00019379 other great thing I always find that even if you don't want to progress from oWNabc46pFg-00041-00019379-00019806 a level and responsibility point of view you can take a step to the left or right. oWNabc46pFg-00042-00019806-00020092 Yeah working in central Queensland there's a tremendous amount of oWNabc46pFg-00043-00020093-00020513 opportunities for growth. There's always new and exciting rollers popping up just oWNabc46pFg-00044-00020513-00020738 because we are that regional area. oWNabc46pFg-00045-00020996-00021412 Majority of my family is from the area so my plan was always to move back here, oWNabc46pFg-00046-00021412-00021801 to the beach. So Capricorn Coast, lovely spot, great fishing, you've got oWNabc46pFg-00047-00021801-00022490 Great Keppel Island right there, crystal clear blue water, dolphins, whales, you've got it all. oWNabc46pFg-00048-00022490-00022868 One of the guys on our team has moved from Brisbane recently and so oWNabc46pFg-00049-00022869-00023403 he can say hand on heart it is much more affordable here in the region, like he oWNabc46pFg-00050-00023403-00023860 could buy a house half the price of what he'd be paying in Brisbane. oWNabc46pFg-00051-00023860-00024366 I think you've got an opportunity of different areas you can live - in a rural area, you can live oWNabc46pFg-00052-00024366-00024834 outside of Rockhampton on acreage - I'm on an acre and a half, nearly two acres oWNabc46pFg-00053-00024834-00025038 where I live and it takes me half an hour to get to work. oWNabc46pFg-00054-00025236-00025656 Sunday mornings we get up and we head down to Yeppoon - the girls do nippers, oWNabc46pFg-00055-00025656-00026062 which they absolutely love, and then we often go to the lagoon and have a swim oWNabc46pFg-00056-00026062-00026401 there afterwards as well, before we have some lunch and then come home. oWNabc46pFg-00057-00026401-00026785 There are always events happening around town, most of them are really affordable. So there's oWNabc46pFg-00058-00026785-00027232 everything from rodeos through to the food and wine festivals, we've got Pinefest oWNabc46pFg-00059-00027232-00027666 coming up later on this year. Then we've also got an amazing art gallery oWNabc46pFg-00060-00027666-00028008 that hosts exhibitions throughout the year. oWNabc46pFg-00061-00028008-00028468 There's performances at the Pilbeam Theatre and of course the cinema, great oWNabc46pFg-00062-00028468-00029048 libraries, and on a cultural front there's lots on offer in the central Queensland. oWNabc46pFg-00063-00029152-00029754 And I also do some volunteering works in town that keep me energized and keep oWNabc46pFg-00064-00029755-00030252 me alive in in this community here. I like to do lion dance and dragon dance - it is a oWNabc46pFg-00065-00030252-00030783 traditional Chinese form of art and something that I can contribute to the oWNabc46pFg-00066-00030783-00031027 community to make the city liveable. oWNabc46pFg-00067-00031322-00031558 People are friendly, I've met a lot of new people through oWNabc46pFg-00068-00031558-00032070 the different activities I do. It might not look it, but I actually do Park Run, oWNabc46pFg-00069-00032070-00032348 Rockhampton Park Runs which are up at the garden. oWNabc46pFg-00070-00032670-00033160 It's just got a lot of great things if you're looking to settle in a new place. oWNabc46pFg-00071-00033160-00033628 We are quite a way up the Queensland coast, but we're not really that isolated oWNabc46pFg-00072-00033628-00034006 and we're not really that remote. So there are heaps of opportunities here oWNabc46pFg-00073-00034006-00034272 if you're prepared to take them. ob-1Rojyh_A-00000-00000779-00001371 When disaster or emergency strike that cause major damage to your home ow work place such ob-1Rojyh_A-00001-00001371-00001980 as fire or flooding, naturally you want to restore you property to its original state. ob-1Rojyh_A-00002-00001980-00002548 So, if you are looking for the best professional, reliable and affordable fire or water damage ob-1Rojyh_A-00003-00002548-00002673 restoration repair company. ob-1Rojyh_A-00004-00002673-00002884 You've come to the right place. ob-1Rojyh_A-00005-00002884-00003334 We are proud to be the premier local restoration repair company and customer ob-1Rojyh_A-00006-00003334-00003652 satisfaction is our #1 priority. ob-1Rojyh_A-00007-00003652-00003996 We are fully licensed and insured and our restoration repair ob-1Rojyh_A-00008-00003996-00004579 specialists have years of experience dealing with every type of situation you can imagine. ob-1Rojyh_A-00009-00004579-00006378 So contact us now and let us help put your property back the way it was. obKMDbU4aUQ-00000-00000872-00001010 beauty in transit obKMDbU4aUQ-00001-00001100-00001220 nature planned it obKMDbU4aUQ-00002-00001306-00001386 all the boys obKMDbU4aUQ-00003-00001428-00001566 wanna bang it obKMDbU4aUQ-00004-00001632-00001784 but she's got a line obKMDbU4aUQ-00005-00001804-00001996 she's taking her time obKMDbU4aUQ-00006-00002084-00002338 she's gonna logocentricise obKMDbU4aUQ-00007-00002778-00002908 when it turns obKMDbU4aUQ-00008-00003032-00003288 and the mind yearns for certitude obKMDbU4aUQ-00009-00003544-00003778 and all the words are rude obKMDbU4aUQ-00010-00003936-00004112 but she'll keep hanging on obKMDbU4aUQ-00011-00004180-00004356 she'll keep keep banging on obKMDbU4aUQ-00012-00004496-00004692 following that line obKMDbU4aUQ-00013-00004754-00004942 logocentricise obKMDbU4aUQ-00014-00007559-00007718 beauty in transit obKMDbU4aUQ-00015-00007756-00007912 nature planned it obKMDbU4aUQ-00016-00007973-00008136 all the boys wanna bang it obKMDbU4aUQ-00017-00008168-00008298 but she's got a line obKMDbU4aUQ-00018-00008298-00008450 she's taking her time obKMDbU4aUQ-00019-00008486-00008678 she's gonna logocentricise obKMDbU4aUQ-00020-00008718-00008846 boozers, smokers obKMDbU4aUQ-00021-00008866-00009002 clowns, jokers obKMDbU4aUQ-00022-00009034-00009254 she's tired of the choices they go for obKMDbU4aUQ-00023-00009336-00009484 sat in class doing her hair obKMDbU4aUQ-00024-00009558-00009694 boys get horny.. obKMDbU4aUQ-00025-00009854-00010054 but she don't care obKMDbU4aUQ-00026-00010330-00010714 when it turns and the mind yearns for certitude obKMDbU4aUQ-00027-00011072-00011248 and all the worlds are rude obKMDbU4aUQ-00028-00011272-00011548 but she'll keep hanging on obKMDbU4aUQ-00029-00011650-00011870 she'll keep keep banging on obKMDbU4aUQ-00030-00012022-00012158 following that line obKMDbU4aUQ-00031-00012262-00012478 logocentricise obKMDbU4aUQ-00032-00013650-00013841 seventeen, pretty ballgown obKMDbU4aUQ-00033-00013906-00014102 got some friends so why you down obKMDbU4aUQ-00034-00014191-00014340 seventeen, pretty ballgown obKMDbU4aUQ-00035-00014424-00014697 watch the wind, stick you with that frown obKMDbU4aUQ-00036-00014774-00014966 seventeen, pretty ballgown obKMDbU4aUQ-00037-00015110-00015294 people change.. obKMDbU4aUQ-00038-00015310-00015558 and so do towns obKMDbU4aUQ-00039-00015774-00016046 seventeen, that place described obKMDbU4aUQ-00040-00016196-00016562 where angels laugh and devils cry obKMDbU4aUQ-00041-00016822-00017114 a sweet embrace, the secret signs obKMDbU4aUQ-00042-00017314-00017520 logocentricise obKMDbU4aUQ-00043-00017638-00017828 looking in your eyes obKMDbU4aUQ-00044-00020482-00020576 beauty in transit obKMDbU4aUQ-00045-00020576-00020712 nature planned it obKMDbU4aUQ-00046-00020802-00021014 all the boys wanna bang it obKMDbU4aUQ-00047-00021076-00021222 but she's got a line obKMDbU4aUQ-00048-00021246-00021398 she's taking her time obKMDbU4aUQ-00049-00021434-00021612 she's gonna logocentricise obKMDbU4aUQ-00050-00021630-00021764 old words.. obKMDbU4aUQ-00051-00021790-00021896 now their verbs obKMDbU4aUQ-00052-00021920-00022058 girl got wide obKMDbU4aUQ-00053-00022142-00022354 to the big bad world obKMDbU4aUQ-00054-00022556-00022708 when it turns obKMDbU4aUQ-00055-00022800-00022982 and the mind yearns.. obKMDbU4aUQ-00056-00022982-00023166 for certitude obKMDbU4aUQ-00057-00023352-00023578 and all the worlds are rude obKMDbU4aUQ-00058-00023742-00023918 but she'll keep hanging on obKMDbU4aUQ-00059-00023958-00024140 she'll keep keep banging on obKMDbU4aUQ-00060-00024196-00024400 following that line.. obKMDbU4aUQ-00061-00024510-00024692 logocentricise oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00000-00000000-00000285 [Section 9 - Less Comfortable] oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00001-00000285-00000492 [Nate Hardison - Harvard University] oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00002-00000492-00000723 [This is CS50. - CS50.TV] oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00003-00000723-00001114 All right. So, last section of the semester. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00004-00001114-00001838 To start, I know that there have been some cries to do some Ajax, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00005-00001838-00002186 but are there any other topics that we should be doing first? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00006-00002186-00002496 Let me switch over to the iPad so that we have-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00007-00002496-00002916 Let me use black instead of orange. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00008-00002916-00003572 Ajax is on the menu. Any other? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00009-00003572-00004067 Any other topics that people want to see? I heard DOM too earlier. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00010-00004067-00004513 [student] jQuery. >>jQuery. Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00011-00004513-00004919 jQuery. We can make a stab at that too. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00012-00004919-00005819 [student] XML. >>XML. >>[student] JSON. >>XML, JSON. Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00013-00005819-00006639 PHP? All good? C? All good? >>[student] It wouldn't hurt to talk about PHP. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00014-00006639-00007089 Hash tables? Tries? Linked lists? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00015-00007089-00007697 [student] Oh, on the quiz from last year, there is a table for the omega and the big O. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00016-00007697-00008136 Yeah. >>[student] for the time for the different kinds of versions and illusions. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00017-00008136-00008514 Can we talk about that? >>Yeah. We'll talk about a little bit of data structures. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00018-00008514-00009364 [student] Yeah. >>[student] Tries. >>[Hardison] Data structures. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00019-00009364-00009723 We'll talk about some tries for sure. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00020-00009723-00010253 [student] Can we have CSS a little bit? >>Yeah, we can do a little CSS. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00021-00010528-00010929 Any other topics? Sam? >>[student] Scope in PHP. >>[Hardison] Scope. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00022-00011254-00011676 Scope in PHP. >>[student] HTTP. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00023-00011676-00012141 HTTP. Awesome. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00024-00012972-00013438 I guess one way to do this would be to organize everything kind of chronologically oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00025-00013438-00013793 and start with data structures since those were the earliest. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00026-00013793-00014347 Or we can assign these some sort of priority weighting and go from there. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00027-00014347-00014586 So what do you guys think? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00028-00014586-00014782 Is there something that everybody is dying to see? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00029-00014782-00015119 Let's do a raise of hands. How about Ajax? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00030-00015119-00015332 How many of you guys want to know about Ajax? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00031-00015332-00015787 How many of you are like, "Man, Ajax, I've got you"? Nobody. All right. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00032-00015787-00016090 So Ajax is pretty high. Let's star that guy. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00033-00016090-00016665 How about DOM? Everybody ready to rock DOM? No? Okay. We'll star that one too. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00034-00016665-00016904 jQuery? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00035-00017033-00017278 Queryless. Yes. Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00036-00017278-00017638 A couple people for jQuery, but still people are a little more chill with that. Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00037-00017638-00018300 XML? XML. >>[student] Do you use that more than in the context of Ajax? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00038-00018300-00018867 In the sense that-- Yes. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00039-00018867-00019454 I mean, it is a key component of Ajax, so I guess we can bundle that with Ajax, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00040-00019454-00019670 chat about the whole thing there. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00041-00019670-00020183 JSON? What is JSON? Okay, cool. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00042-00020183-00020720 Data structures? People feeling pretty good there? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00043-00020720-00020964 You know your linked lists, know your hash tables? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00044-00020964-00021351 How did Speller go for everybody? That was a doozy, huh? Yeah. Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00045-00021351-00021732 Yeah, we can talk a little bit about those but again, not as important. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00046-00021732-00021924 CSS? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00047-00022121-00022396 Making your websites look pretty. Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00048-00022396-00023067 Scope in PHP? One big hand over there. Two big hands, three. Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00049-00023067-00023306 Maybe a medium hand. >>[student] More than 2. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00050-00023306-00023628 Yeah. Sam is campaigning. Get your hands up. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00051-00023628-00024091 HTTP? Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00052-00024091-00024741 So let's see. It looks definitely like Ajax and the DOM are up for grabs. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00053-00024741-00025030 So let's start with that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00054-00025274-00025638 I guess we have a couple of options here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00055-00025638-00026104 One is to kind of do a recap of what Ajax and XML are oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00056-00026104-00026652 since we didn't really have time to do that in section or in the problem sets. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00057-00026652-00027160 The other thing is to dive into some problems from previous years' quizzes oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00058-00027160-00027399 and see what's going on there. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00059-00027399-00028020 Any preference between the 2? >>[student] I think concrete examples would be more helpful. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00060-00028020-00028282 Concrete examples more helpful? All right. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00061-00028282-00028630 Any ones in particular, those of you from the Ajax crew? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00062-00028630-00028883 Any problems you want to look at? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00063-00028883-00029485 [student] Is the event handler related to Ajax at all? I think that's-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00064-00029485-00030038 JavaScript event handlers don't necessarily relate to Ajax. They can. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00065-00030038-00030324 [student] Yeah, that's another concept that I don't actually get. >>Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00066-00030324-00030667 [student] But I think in the quiz from the past year there is 1 big problem oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00067-00030667-00031232 in the later parts of the quiz that's related to Ajax and the syntax that I didn't really-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00068-00031232-00031433 All right. And Ella? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00069-00031433-00031895 [student] I feel like I know what Ajax is but I wouldn't know how to use it. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00070-00031895-00032458 Okay. >>[student] I feel like I don't know what Ajax is or how to use it. [laughter] oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00071-00032458-00032727 Okay. That works pretty well. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00072-00032727-00033470 Let's see. Let's maybe look at a good example of Ajax first. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00073-00033470-00033903 Welcome, welcome. I hope you are okay on camera. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00074-00033903-00034216 If not, you can hang out in the back. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00075-00034461-00034815 Good example of Ajax. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00076-00035194-00035465 Let me switch over to my laptop. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00077-00035465-00035769 Here we are at oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00078-00035769-00036546 How many of you guys have ever played the fun "How Do I?" game on Google? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00079-00036546-00037194 How do I--and you get to see all the fun things that come up-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00080-00037194-00037520 put this music on my Tumblr? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00081-00037520-00037810 And you can keep going and get all this sort of fun stuff. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00082-00037810-00038138 What is happening here? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00083-00038138-00038927 As you type in the Google query box, the real-time results are updating. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00084-00038927-00039738 So put this--and you notice that all of the results start updating on the Google web page. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00085-00039738-00040394 That's not something that's happening on your computer. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00086-00040394-00040787 The network is involved in this. Google is involved with this. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00087-00040787-00041618 It turns out that every time you press a key, like say G or L, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00088-00041618-00041877 and the search results update, what's happening oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00089-00041877-00042420 is there is some JavaScript on the page that's detecting that you pressed the key, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00090-00042420-00043475 and it is making a network request to to load up all of the latest results oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00091-00043475-00043867 that best fit the query that you've typed so far. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00092-00044161-00044569 Unfortunately, I believe that if we were to look at this-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00093-00044569-00045269 I'm going to look at the source--most of this Ajax or JavaScript code in here oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00094-00045269-00045783 is all minified and often scrambled a little bit too. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00095-00045783-00046318 The minification literally is a program you can run your JavaScript code through oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00096-00046318-00046662 and it changes all your variable names and makes it totally unreadable oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00097-00046662-00046918 but tries to make your JavaScript as short as possible oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00098-00046918-00047209 so that when you send your JavaScript files over the network oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00099-00047209-00047596 you're not having to load or send big files. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00100-00047596-00047796 So this stuff is pretty hard to read, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00101-00047796-00048345 but buried in here, what powers this typeahead--the buzzword for this-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00102-00048345-00048745 is Ajax requests. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00103-00048745-00049523 What makes an Ajax request different from any other kind of network request? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00104-00049523-00049882 Sam? >>[student] You don't change the URL. >>[Hardison] Right. Exactly. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00105-00049882-00050488 You notice as I type, "how do I put my jawbone in pairing mode?" [chuckles] oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00106-00050488-00050810 There are always some fun-- Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00107-00050810-00051099 You notice that this URL up here at the top isn't changing, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00108-00051099-00051428 and the entire page isn't refreshing. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00109-00051428-00051959 So if we look at this kind of stuff right up here, this bar at the top, this Google, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00110-00051959-00052463 and then the black bar up here, which is often called the chrome of a web page, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00111-00052463-00052863 that's not changing. The entire page isn't refreshing. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00112-00052863-00053389 The Ajax request is used to refresh just the results of the page, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00113-00053389-00053945 just that 1 little part of the page so you're not having to go to an entirely different URL, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00114-00053945-00054469 an entirely different file, and load that into memory. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00115-00054469-00055264 So when you hear people talking about the dynamic Web 2.0 type of revolution, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00116-00055264-00055537 this was behind a lot of it. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00117-00055537-00055979 This is what enables you to write a wall post on Facebook, hit Post, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00118-00055979-00056635 and have the post appear without the entire Facebook page refreshing oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00119-00056635-00057366 or scroll through a bunch of photos and load the photos dynamically, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00120-00057366-00057597 because how much would it suck if you went to your Facebook page, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00121-00057597-00057813 clicked on Photos, and then had to sit there and wait oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00122-00057813-00058373 while all couple thousand of your Facebook photos loaded into memory? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00123-00058373-00058516 That's a huge load. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00124-00058516-00058836 But with Ajax you can do that asynchronously, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00125-00058836-00059480 and that's the asynchronous part of the Ajax. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00126-00059480-00059698 All right. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00127-00059923-00060437 Are we good? Does everybody kind of understand roughly what Ajax is doing? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00128-00060437-00061066 It's done by the JavaScript, it's done kind of dynamically and asynchronously oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00129-00061066-00061254 after the page is loaded. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00130-00061254-00061801 It often comes in after as kind of the response to an event, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00131-00061801-00062386 which is either a mouse click or a key press or something like that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00132-00062386-00063082 And then it makes a call back to the server, whether you're on oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00133-00063082-00063586 or, retrieves some new content to then display or update oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00134-00063586-00063804 or anything like that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00135-00063804-00064008 Cool. All right. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00136-00064008-00064526 Let's look at a couple of examples from previous years. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00137-00064726-00064914 We'll go to the quizzes. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00138-00064914-00065416 And then Charlotte, you were mentioning Quiz 1 from 2011. >>[student] Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00139-00065416-00066052 One thing I will caution is that in looking at previous years' quizzes oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00140-00066052-00066797 you'll see this stuff called XHR often with relationship to Ajax. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00141-00066797-00067875 XHR and XML HttpRequest is kind of the raw way of doing Ajax, if you will. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00142-00067875-00068574 This year we've transitioned to almost entirely using this jQuery library. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00143-00068574-00069454 jQuery is a library of helper JavaScript functions and classes and all sorts of goodies, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00144-00069454-00070073 and jQuery kind of abstracts the raw XHR stuff away from you oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00145-00070073-00070493 so that it's a lot easier to do the actual Ajax stuff. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00146-00070493-00070702 So as you're scrolling through these previous years' quizzes oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00147-00070702-00071186 and you're seeing stuff that says XHR and new XML HttpRequest, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00148-00071186-00071449 all that kind of stuff, you can ignore that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00149-00071449-00071652 Instead we're going just the jQuery way. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00150-00071652-00072049 We don't expect you to know XML HttpRequest. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00151-00072049-00072569 But good to know that it is synonymous with this idea of Ajax, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00152-00072569-00073362 this Asynchronous JavaScript fetching XML or JSON or whatever over the network. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00153-00073362-00074026 But originally, it was correlated with XML or connected to XML. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00154-00074026-00074244 All right. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00155-00074409-00074795 Let's scroll down. Do you remember which problem in particular, Charlotte? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00156-00075308-00075655 Was it this page that I'm looking at right here? >>[student] Yeah, I think so. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00157-00075655-00075881 [Hardison] Ah, I got it. Okay. Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00158-00075881-00076166 Let's talk about this really quickly. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00159-00076464-00077386 The way Ajax works is you've got some JavaScript file on your computer, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00160-00077386-00077957 and really it's running kind of in the context of your web browser. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00161-00077957-00079082 So if your final project is to make--I don't know--a new dating site for Harvard people oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00162-00079082-00079500 and you want your dating site to have the ability to send anonymous messages oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00163-00079500-00079913 from person to person or anonymous Facebook wall-like posts oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00164-00079913-00080419 and you want to use Ajax in that somehow so that when you post a message oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00165-00080419-00080696 it doesn't refresh the entire site, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00166-00080696-00081287 in your JavaScript code you would set up a new Ajax call. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00167-00081287-00081657 I'm debating about whether or not to do this on the laptop. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00168-00081657-00082594 The important part about the Ajax call is that there is this kind of asynchronicity to it oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00169-00082594-00083025 in the sense that--let me switch back to my iPad-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00170-00083212-00084716 in the sense that if I have code that's going to say do some Ajax, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00171-00084716-00085116 then I can't on the very next line of my JavaScript code oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00172-00085116-00085517 expect that the Ajax will have completed. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00173-00085517-00086426 What happens is that as your code runs sequentially in JavaScript, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00174-00086426-00086876 when you make this Ajax call, you're essentially forking off oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00175-00086876-00087396 and sending a request out to the Internet to some server over here, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00176-00087396-00087774 which is this box I'm drawing and clearly not drawing it very well. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00177-00087774-00088128 You're forking off this call to the server that's going to take some time oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00178-00088128-00088502 as it goes off to the Internet and goes and hits that server oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00179-00088502-00088935 and goes and calls that PHP script that you've written on the back end oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00180-00088935-00089511 to actually record that anonymous message in your database or something like that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00181-00089511-00090164 So that will take some time, and then eventually when the server is done processing oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00182-00090164-00091009 your Ajax request, it will return to your JavaScript code, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00183-00091009-00091519 but you don't really know where, at what point in the execution oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00184-00091519-00091968 you're going to receive this response. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00185-00092343-00092862 How is this handled in JavaScript? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00186-00092862-00093651 This is where it comes into this problem that we're talking about on the laptop oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00187-00093651-00094723 where you register a handler, you register a particular JavaScript function oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00188-00094723-00095265 to run when the Ajax request is finished. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00189-00095265-00095801 You can't just make your Ajax call and then in the very next line of code oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00190-00095801-00096157 assume that the Ajax call has completed. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00191-00096367-00096831 Part of the beauty of this is you want your JavaScript to continue to run oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00192-00096831-00097321 after it's made the Ajax call because it can fork off this separate request oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00193-00097321-00097575 and keep processing other things. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00194-00097575-00097930 You've got this kind of concurrency going here where your JavaScript continues to run oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00195-00097930-00098352 and keep doing other fun things, could continue to spin out other Ajax requests. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00196-00098352-00098863 Your Ajax requests just go out to the network and then come back whenever they come back, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00197-00098863-00099339 but when you register this handler function, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00198-00099339-00100004 that's when you know that your Ajax call has returned because this function gets called. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00199-00100004-00100604 So instead of having this sequential execution path that we're used to in C, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00200-00100604-00101143 you have what's more similar to what we saw in Scratch at the beginning of the semester oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00201-00101143-00101459 where you have these broadcasts oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00202-00101459-00102093 and then you have these "when green flag clicked" or "when I receive this event." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00203-00102093-00102503 That's essentially what's happening here in JavaScript with these Ajax requests. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00204-00102879-00103194 For the answer to this question on line 20, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00205-00103194-00103550 "In the context of Ajax, what does this line of code do?" oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00206-00103550-00104233 can somebody kind of paraphrase what I just said to confirm understanding? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00207-00104233-00104463 [student] I'm sorry. What does the left half of it say? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00208-00104463-00104859 [Hardison] xhr.onreadystatechange. Sorry. Am I getting cut off? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00209-00104859-00105135 This is that XHR syntax that we won't have to deal with. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00210-00105135-00105406 You have the similar concept with the jQuery. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00211-00105406-00105940 Let's go to Source Code, Wednesday, Index. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00212-00105940-00106502 Let's look this up. All right. Got it. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00213-00106810-00107270 Here is that Ajax syntax that we're talking about. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00214-00107270-00107627 Here you're specifying the Ajax request. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00215-00107627-00108358 You're saying, "This is the URL I want to go out and ping." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00216-00108358-00108925 "I want to use POST as opposed to GET." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00217-00108925-00109352 And then the data type is "I want JSON to be returned." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00218-00109352-00109567 Again, XML was kind of the traditional thing. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00219-00109567-00109859 But what we're looking for is that function. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00220-00109859-00110113 This is that right here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00221-00110113-00110486 This function(response) is that onreadystatechange. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00222-00110486-00111030 This is the handler. This is what will execute when this request comes back. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00223-00111030-00111503 So you notice that this function that Tommy has written right here oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00224-00111503-00112184 that we talked about in lecture on Wednesday was all about creating that fun typeahead for us. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00225-00112184-00112649 You notice that what he's doing is he's building the Ajax request oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00226-00112649-00113268 and then there's nothing after the Ajax request. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00227-00113268-00113747 He's not processing the response of the Ajax request after the call is made. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00228-00113747-00114077 He's only doing it in this handler function oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00229-00114077-00114517 that will be called as soon as the response does come back. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00230-00114833-00115258 Sam. >>[student] Do Ajax requests have to be of type POST or can it be GET? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00231-00115258-00115697 They can be either. >>[student] How would that work if you're not changing the URL? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00232-00115697-00116228 How would that work if you're not changing the URL? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00233-00116228-00116640 It just depends on where the data is going. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00234-00116640-00117045 So the question is can Ajax requests be POST or GET? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00235-00117045-00117773 That's where it can be either. It's just really a semantic difference between POST and GET. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00236-00118046-00118567 GET typically means that you're just reading something from the server oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00237-00118567-00119094 and you're not changing anything, whereas a POST typically implies oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00238-00119094-00119439 that you're writing data or you're writing something to a server. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00239-00119439-00119950 Often you use POST when you're trying to change state somewhere. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00240-00119950-00120440 That's why logins always go with HTTP POST, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00241-00120440-00120794 whereas Google makes a bunch of GET requests. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00242-00120794-00121984 Actually, if we go back to our Google example and if we look at our developer tools here, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00243-00121984-00122535 let's look at the developer tools here at the bottom and open up the network. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00244-00122535-00123291 As we start typing, you can see all of these GET requests coming in. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00245-00123624-00124026 You see all these GET requests here at the bottom of the screen oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00246-00124026-00124455 that are all of these xjs. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00247-00124455-00125239 This is the Ajax request coming back. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00248-00125239-00125968 And if we were to click on it, we can see what it's saying and what its response is. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00249-00125968-00126419 It's giving us all this information about the response that we got oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00250-00126419-00126943 when we sent to Google the headers that were down here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00251-00126943-00127538 Let's see if it has-- It will have our query string somewhere. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00252-00127906-00128231 Request URL. Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00253-00128231-00129163 Original query, ignore bad query, second pass, how I meter-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00254-00129163-00129590 Anyway, somewhere in here you can find this "how I meter" query oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00255-00129590-00129901 in the request made to the server. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00256-00129901-00130248 And then the response coming back is what we're seeing. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00257-00130248-00130511 So yes, it can be either GET or POST. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00258-00130511-00131065 It tends to be just a semantic difference. We can cover that with HTTP. Yes, Ella? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00259-00131065-00131536 [student] Is the difference between JSON and XML just that JSON is more modern? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00260-00131536-00132073 Is the difference between JSON and XML that JSON is more modern? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00261-00132410-00132990 XML and JSON are just 2 different ways of encoding data. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00262-00133513-00134054 XML is the Extensible Markup Language. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00263-00134054-00134939 HTML is a subset of XML. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00264-00134939-00135465 So for example, let's pull up TextEdit. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00265-00135465-00136499 XML is just defined as data that's enclosed in a series of tags. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00266-00136499-00137282 So html, /html, these guys are valid tags. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00267-00137282-00137747 Let's blow up this size here and make it more readable. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00268-00138013-00138207 hello! oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00269-00138207-00138630 XML just defines a tag as being something like this oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00270-00138630-00138988 where you have an open angle bracket, the name of the tag, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00271-00138988-00139587 and then any number of attributes, which in HTML we often don't have attributes. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00272-00139587-00140582 But for example, if we had a script tag, often it has the type of text, JavaScript. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00273-00141013-00141577 And inside of the tags is data. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00274-00141760-00142465 In true XML you can actually define these tags to be whatever you want. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00275-00142465-00142684 It's just a way of structuring your information. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00276-00142684-00143380 So for example, if I wanted to encode my family in XML, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00277-00143380-00144150 I could do something like this, like father and then put information about him oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00278-00144150-00144924 and brother and put information about my brother. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00279-00144924-00145837 Just this way of structuring your data is XML. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00280-00145837-00146422 JSON, on the other hand, follows the JavaScript Object Notation, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00281-00146422-00146714 hence J-S-O-N, JSON. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00282-00146714-00147404 So rather than writing with this kind of tag, close tag type format, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00283-00147404-00147929 we instead write it as a JavaScript object. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00284-00147929-00148500 So the JavaScript object has the curly brace to open things oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00285-00148500-00148870 and then a curly brace to close things. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00286-00148870-00149358 Let me zoom out a little bit, zoom in. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00287-00149358-00149979 And then what you have are the names of fields, so "father": oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00288-00149979-00150548 and then I could put information about him oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00289-00150548-00151299 and then "brother": and information about my brother. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00290-00151693-00152304 And of course everything in here is-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00291-00152304-00152634 I guess what's nice about JSON as opposed to XML oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00292-00152634-00153575 is because a JSON object is in this object notation that JavaScript has. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00293-00153575-00154360 JavaScript can really easily pull that into memory and treat it just as a JavaScript object oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00294-00154360-00154550 right when you receive it back from the server. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00295-00154550-00154946 There's no parsing that it really has to do that's heavy duty or heavy lifting, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00296-00154946-00155569 whereas with XML you have to use either plugins or some sort of-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00297-00155569-00155913 Depending on what exactly you're transmitting oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00298-00155913-00156477 and what you're using to receive the XML, you might have to do a little bit more work parsing, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00299-00156477-00157009 whereas this JavaScript stuff, if you're just writing with JavaScript oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00300-00157009-00157478 and you're receiving JavaScript back, it's really easy to work with. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00301-00157659-00157989 The other thing that people will also mention sometimes oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00302-00157989-00158363 is that with XML you have all of these open tags and close tags, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00303-00158363-00159062 so it can get big, it can get a little bloated. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00304-00159062-00159399 So there are some who will talk about how with JSON oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00305-00159399-00160228 you don't have all these open tags and close tags, so it's more compressed. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00306-00160228-00160735 The reason that that's important is that when you have to load things over the network oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00307-00160735-00161004 when you're talking to a remote server, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00308-00161004-00161501 the less that needs to be transmitted over the Internet, the faster everything goes. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00309-00161689-00161970 Anyway, the key takeaway here is they are just 2 different ways of structuring your data, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00310-00161970-00162215 formatting your data. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00311-00162495-00162611 All right. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00312-00162611-00162823 Other questions? Charlotte? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00313-00162823-00163128 [student] Can I ask 1 last question about the syntax of Ajax? >>Sure. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00314-00163128-00163659 [student] If you go back to the example code and just zoom out a little bit, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00315-00163659-00163928 there's just 1 line of code above. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00316-00163928-00164153 Can we just go up? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00317-00164153-00164426 on('keyup', function() oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00318-00164426-00165067 Is that set of empty parentheses after on('keyup' referring to the function after success? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00319-00165067-00165358 [Hardison] No. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00320-00165358-00165545 A couple of things here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00321-00165545-00166317 on('keyup', this is a way of doing the equivalent in Scratch oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00322-00166317-00167033 of when a key is pressed and you lift up off of the key. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00323-00167033-00167744 Actually, in JavaScript you have on('keydown', on('keyup', and on('keypress', oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00324-00167744-00168634 and you can do things on each of those 3 different events. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00325-00168634-00169106 This is registering an event handler any time a key comes up, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00326-00169106-00169621 and then this function is this entire thing oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00327-00169621-00169956 all the way down to there. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00328-00169956-00170388 This function doesn't have a name. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00329-00170388-00170558 Kind of weird. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00330-00170558-00171150 All of our functions we've done in C and PHP have all had names. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00331-00171150-00171990 This is what we call an anonymous function. Makes sense, right? No name. Anonymous. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00332-00171990-00172355 What's handy about the anonymous function? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00333-00172355-00172786 Clearly, we can't call this function anywhere else in our code. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00334-00172786-00173392 How would we call this function elsewhere in our code? We can't. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00335-00173654-00174312 There's no name. I can't say, "Oh yeah, call that function that I said with on('keyup'." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00336-00174508-00174819 What's handy about it though is that in JavaScript oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00337-00174819-00175110 when we are constantly registering these event handlers-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00338-00175110-00175751 that's what this is called; you're registering this function as a handler when a key comes up-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00339-00175751-00176383 is it's really nice to be able to just define these functions kind of inline and just say, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00340-00176383-00176884 "When the keyup is pressed, remember this function that I'm going to define right here, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00341-00176884-00177534 and it will remember this function and then it will do this function oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00342-00177534-00177759 whenever the key comes up. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00343-00177759-00178193 We'll talk about this more once you get more into functional programming. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00344-00178193-00178608 This is a little bit of a taste of that where we're essentially passing a function around oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00345-00178608-00178996 as an object, almost as if it were like a variable. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00346-00178996-00179441 Rather than passing a string or an int, we're passing a function. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00347-00179600-00180040 That's kind of a weird thing, but what's nice is that all of the variables in here, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00348-00180040-00180802 inside of this function, the scoping issues are nice oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00349-00180802-00181850 because if you have a variable up here, you can refer to that variable inside of this function oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00350-00181850-00182272 because this function is declared inside of this other function. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00351-00182272-00182667 So you get to have benefits like that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00352-00182667-00183129 Again, that's something that is more meta. You'll cover it in future classes. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00353-00183129-00183615 Yeah. >>[student] Since the function is anonymous, can it be used somewhere else? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00354-00183615-00184075 Or can it only be used in the context of this function? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00355-00184075-00184546 [Hardison] It's used only in the context of this function. Yeah. Yes? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00356-00184546-00184886 Does it have something to do with the fact that it's an object-oriented language? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00357-00184886-00185265 [Hardison] Does it have something to do with the fact that it's object-oriented? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00358-00185800-00186319 I would say that this has more to do with the fact that this has functional aspects. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00359-00186319-00186564 We're talking about the object-oriented paradigm of programming, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00360-00186564-00186989 and this is kind of one of those aspects of the functional paradigm of programming oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00361-00186989-00187752 where you are making functions that are composed of other functions oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00362-00187752-00188246 and you are passing functions around. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00363-00188246-00188504 [student] So JavaScript is a function language also. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00364-00188504-00188842 It has elements of it, yes. Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00365-00188842-00189000 JavaScript and many-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00366-00189000-00189512 PHP has some of this too, Python has this same sort of stuff, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00367-00189512-00190339 Ruby has this sort of stuff as well, and this is common in more of these modern languages. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00368-00190339-00190966 You really get these scripting languages that are kind of jack-of-all-trades. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00369-00190966-00191318 It's like the big fatty Swiss Army knife, the one that you can't even put in your pocket oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00370-00191318-00191509 because it's too wide. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00371-00191509-00191797 That's kind of how some of these languages have become. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00372-00192119-00192452 Any other questions? All right. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00373-00192452-00192628 How are you guys feeling? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00374-00192628-00193383 Let's go back to that quiz really quick and see if we can answer 21 and 20. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00375-00193383-00194203 We talked about 20 as we registered this handler. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00376-00194203-00195155 This question here, "What would be the effect if we wrote that line with a pair of parentheses?" oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00377-00195155-00195468 you see the difference, how up at the top there are no parentheses oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00378-00195468-00195837 and down here there are parentheses after the function name? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00379-00195837-00196352 One thing that is important to note, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00380-00196352-00196541 here we're referring to a function. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00381-00196541-00196878 This is not an anonymous function. It's been given a name, handler, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00382-00196878-00197258 whereas in our Ajax over here that we were just looking at, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00383-00197258-00197826 all of the functions that we were passing around were all anonymous: no function name, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00384-00197826-00198040 no function name. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00385-00198040-00198567 So it is common practice to define these functions kind of inline as anonymous functions oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00386-00198567-00198866 for some of the scoping benefits. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00387-00198866-00199534 You could very well have defined this function right here or this on('keyup' function. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00388-00199534-00200240 You could have defined this guy as functions with names elsewhere in your JavaScript code, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00389-00200240-00200765 and then instead of defining the function here, you would pass the name of the function oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00390-00200765-00201132 right in this spot. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00391-00201132-00201657 One thing to note is that you wouldn't want to use the parentheses oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00392-00201657-00201940 if you were passing the name of the function, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00393-00201940-00202448 because when you use the parentheses, you're implying "call this function," oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00394-00202448-00202882 whereas instead here we just want to pass the name of the function. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00395-00203374-00204240 If we look at what's going on here, the big difference is that this top line of code says oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00396-00204240-00204842 effectively, maintain a pointer to the function called handler, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00397-00204842-00205182 and when the Ajax call completes, call this function, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00398-00205182-00205721 actually perform the function, plug in the arguments, do all of that work, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00399-00205721-00206348 whereas this line down here says instead of maintaining a pointer oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00400-00206348-00207038 to the function called handler, this onreadystatechange field oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00401-00207038-00207398 is going to hold the result of a function called to handler, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00402-00207398-00207840 so it's going to evaluate handler, it's going to actually call handler right now-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00403-00207840-00208125 not when the Ajax call completes but right now, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00404-00208125-00208394 which is not what you want to do if you're writing something oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00405-00208394-00208815 to deal with an Ajax call that's completed. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00406-00209652-00210225 All right. Questions about that? It's a subtle difference. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00407-00210364-00210634 It's a subtle difference. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00408-00210634-00210971 One thing I would definitely suggest doing if you haven't done it-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00409-00210971-00211504 because this is new stuff; it takes a while for it to really sink in oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00410-00211504-00211784 unless you actually type some of this stuff out-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00411-00211784-00212334 I'd encourage you to go through the source code oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00412-00212334-00212561 that Tommy presented in lecture on Wednesday oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00413-00212561-00213069 because he definitely went through a lot of stuff, kind of in a blur. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00414-00213069-00213298 I'd actually try typing it out. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00415-00213298-00213512 Try coding some stuff up. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00416-00213512-00214053 Make a .js file. Type out the code yourself. Don't just copy and paste. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00417-00214053-00214289 Don't just run CP. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00418-00214289-00214738 Try doing that just to kind of flex your JavaScript muscle. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00419-00214738-00214948 See what the things are. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00420-00214948-00215883 For example, here I'm looking at quote7.js in the source code from Wednesday's lecture. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00421-00215883-00216415 Try going in and instead of just making all of these functions anonymous, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00422-00216415-00217046 copy this code, literally go down to this success code, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00423-00217046-00217727 copy this, paste it into another function, and give it a name, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00424-00217727-00218237 and then try passing the name in and see what happens. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00425-00218237-00218632 [student] Could that be in a separate file or in the same file? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00426-00218632-00218990 It could be in a separate file if you properly include it. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00427-00218990-00219417 One thing that's going to be-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00428-00219417-00220277 The trick is does this function refer to any of the variables that are outside of it? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00429-00220277-00220998 And I think it only refers to response. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00430-00220998-00221164 Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00431-00221636-00221928 You can name this. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00432-00221928-00222315 You can pull it out, you can give it a name, and then you can pass the name in here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00433-00222315-00222739 So I'd give that a try, see how that works. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00434-00222998-00223353 All right. Questions? Questions? I love questions. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00435-00223353-00223646 I don't know about you guys, but I like them. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00436-00223912-00224132 How are you guys feeling about this? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00437-00224132-00224691 There's kind of this, "Oh, crap" mood in the room. [students chuckle] oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00438-00224691-00225203 Is that kind of how you guys are feeling? >>[student] Yeah. >>Yeah? Yes, Daniel? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00439-00225203-00225527 [student] I think I understand kind of the overall concepts that you're talking about, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00440-00225527-00225792 like the anonymous functions and all this stuff, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00441-00225792-00226248 but I don't understand half the syntax that's up there right now, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00442-00226248-00226651 like what ul means, li, these different tags. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00443-00226651-00227184 I don't think I'd be able to code something with JavaScript. >>Fair. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00444-00227184-00227996 Is that a common feeling, common sentiment, it sounds like? Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00445-00227996-00228337 [student] Will we need to? >>Will we need to code? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00446-00228337-00228928 You should be prepared to dissect something like this, I would say. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00447-00228928-00229555 I'm not the one writing the exam, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00448-00229555-00229877 but I would definitely say that if that is a common sentiment, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00449-00229877-00230302 kind of that a lot of this syntax here looks like, "What the hell is going on?" oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00450-00230302-00230790 "I'm totally swimming," then let's talk about that and fix that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00451-00230908-00231052 Sound good? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00452-00231052-00231215 All right. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00453-00231215-00231655 So what's going on here? Let's take this line by line. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00454-00231655-00231830 Let's try going around the room. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00455-00231830-00232144 I'm just going to call on people 1 by 1, and give me your best guess. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00456-00232144-00232446 We'll do it fast. You've got 5 seconds to answer. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00457-00232446-00232613 If you don't answer, we move to the next person. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00458-00232613-00232846 And it's not a big deal because I know this is crazy stuff. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00459-00232846-00233252 We'll start over here. Charlotte, what does this line do? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00460-00233252-00233444 [student] It's creating a variable called suggestions oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00461-00233444-00233789 and setting it equal to whatever ul is. >>[Hardison] Right. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00462-00233789-00234221 Jimmy, what is ul? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00463-00234221-00234773 [student] I don't know. >>[Hardison] Okay, cool. Charlotte was totally right. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00464-00234773-00235167 This line of code that I've highlighted right here declares a variable called suggestions, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00465-00235167-00235371 a JavaScript variable. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00466-00235371-00235876 We've got this var keyword in front which makes sure that the variable stays local oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00467-00235876-00236114 to the scope that it's in. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00468-00236114-00236848 And this ul thing that we haven't seen before really, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00469-00236848-00237429 let's see if there's a good-- Let me switch back to my iPad. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00470-00237627-00237786 New page. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00471-00237786-00238069 I'm sure you guys have seen the ul before. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00472-00238069-00238262 It's an unordered list. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00473-00238262-00238559 So have you ever seen on a web page where you have the bullets oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00474-00238559-00239696 and you have Thing 1, Thing 2, and so on and so forth? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00475-00239696-00240077 This is an unordered list. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00476-00240077-00240912 The way you would code this in HTML is you'd start with an open tag oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00477-00240912-00241906 that opens the unordered list, you'd close it with a close tag that closes the unordered list, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00478-00241906-00243182 and then in the middle you'd have to list items, li. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00479-00243182-00244311 And inside the li's would be the text to display, so Thing 1 and Thing 2. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00480-00244311-00244940 Then we'd close our list item tags. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00481-00245413-00246111 Unordered lists are super common because it's a great way to get the same styling oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00482-00246111-00246371 applied to a row of things. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00483-00246371-00246817 So if you look in, for example, the pset 7 code, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00484-00246817-00247271 a lot of the nav pills, the navigation pills that were used for the different links oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00485-00247271-00247873 to Buy, Sell, Quote, History, all of that, those are implemented as unordered lists, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00486-00247873-00248316 and they used CSS to remove these bullet points oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00487-00248316-00248753 and kind of change things around slightly. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00488-00248753-00249392 That's kind of the power of the CSS is that the HTML describes the structure. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00489-00249392-00249667 We've got a list of list items. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00490-00249667-00250136 It's unordered. There's no first, second, or third. It's just a list. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00491-00250136-00250502 And so by default it will draw it with just bullets. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00492-00250502-00251027 If we instead had written ol, so I'm going to change this to an ol list oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00493-00251027-00251387 as opposed to a ul, what would that do? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00494-00251387-00252184 It would get rid of these bullets, and the default would instead be a numbered list oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00495-00252184-00252402 because now we've got ordering. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00496-00252969-00253484 The styling of the list is then what you play around with in CSS, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00497-00253484-00254162 and that's where the folks who wrote the Bootstrap library for CSS played around oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00498-00254162-00255003 with the styling of an unordered list to get it to display those nice little nav pills. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00499-00255003-00255373 If we look at Google, for example, let's take a look at this guy. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00500-00255373-00255844 Back to "how I meter your mother"--sounds kind of German. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00501-00255844-00256348 I love German. It sounds so fun. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00502-00256348-00256704 I'm sorry if there are any German folks watching who feel offended. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00503-00256704-00257155 Anyway, if we look at these links up here at the top oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00504-00257155-00257761 and we look at what's going on there, we can inspect it using this guy. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00505-00257761-00257942 I'm way down here in the corner. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00506-00257942-00258169 Developer tools on Chrome is awesome. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00507-00258169-00258578 If you guys start to play around with it or look up tutorials for it, it will help a lot oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00508-00258578-00258762 if you're doing web-based projects. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00509-00258762-00259071 I click my little inspector. I'm going to scroll back up here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00510-00259071-00259567 I'm going to see what all these guys are. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00511-00259567-00259930 I zoom in. I'm going to click on these. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00512-00259930-00260585 Then I can zoom back out and see what it actually is in the HTML way down here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00513-00260585-00261005 It looks like Google has nested it in an ordered list. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00514-00261005-00261621 So we've got this span that says +You, and that's nested inside an anchor tag, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00515-00261621-00262103 so that's what makes it clickable and it links it to my Google+ page. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00516-00262103-00262713 It's nested inside a list item, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00517-00262713-00262967 and it's nested inside this ordered list. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00518-00262967-00263506 And now if I actually click the list item, it will highlight it for me up there. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00519-00263506-00263953 If I highlight the unordered list, you see how the focus goes at the top. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00520-00263953-00264346 It shifts up and shows me the entire ordered list. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00521-00264346-00264838 So Google has just played around with the styling to get these lists to show up like that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00522-00264838-00265551 That's enough fun with lists. Back to the quiz or this stuff. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00523-00265551-00265926 Now we know what an unordered list is--hopefully. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00524-00265926-00266869 Let's talk about this next line of code, for (var i in response.symbols). Ella. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00525-00266869-00267598 [student] I have no idea. >>[Hardison] No idea. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00526-00267598-00268029 Okay. You've seen a for loop before, I presume. >>[student] Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00527-00268029-00268393 [Hardison] Do you remember doing for each in PHP? >>[student] Yes. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00528-00268393-00268634 [Hardison] This is exactly that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00529-00268634-00269121 This is a for each loop in JavaScript. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00530-00269121-00270086 This is a shorter way than doing the for (var i=0; i<response.symbols.length; i++), oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00531-00270086-00270440 which we could do, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00532-00270440-00270862 but this is a more concise way of writing it. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00533-00270862-00271753 One thing to be careful of in JavaScript is that this doesn't necessarily follow the order. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00534-00271753-00272303 If response.symbols is presumably an array, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00535-00272303-00273314 var i will be an index into this array, but it isn't necessarily the 0 and then the 1 oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00536-00273314-00273634 and then the 2 and then the 3. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00537-00273634-00274736 They do say use the for (var i=0) if you care about the ordering. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00538-00274736-00275586 I guess the other thing to note is that when we used a for each in PHP, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00539-00275586-00276347 we specified the array name first and then we had the as keyword oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00540-00276347-00276749 and then we specified the value that we wanted to retrieve from the array. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00541-00276749-00277268 Or we could specify both the key and the value that we wanted to retrieve from the array. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00542-00277268-00277673 Here we're just getting the index. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00543-00277673-00278209 We're not getting the actual element itself. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00544-00278209-00278951 So you see that when we go down here we are actually having to retrieve the ith element oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00545-00278951-00279481 out of the response.symbols object. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00546-00279768-00280640 The other thing that's crazy about this is you can use this to loop over objects in JavaScript oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00547-00280640-00281207 and retrieve each of the properties of that object 1 by 1. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00548-00281207-00281795 If we went back to that JavaScript Object Notation depiction of my family oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00549-00281795-00282328 where it was literally those curly braces and father, brother, mother, all that, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00550-00282328-00282642 you could use a for loop to iterate over that as well oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00551-00282642-00283013 and retrieve the properties 1 by 1. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00552-00283013-00283211 Kind of crazy. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00553-00283412-00283820 So what we're doing, it looks like, is we're building up an HTML string oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00554-00283820-00284222 just like this comment says, "build html string for a list of suggestions." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00555-00284222-00284634 We're going to start out with our open tag for our unordered list oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00556-00284634-00285011 in which we presume we're going to store all the suggestions as list items. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00557-00285011-00285649 Then we're going to loop over all of the symbols in the response oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00558-00285649-00285923 because remember this is a typeahead for CS50 Finance, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00559-00285923-00286418 so we're pulling out the stock symbols 1 by 1. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00560-00286418-00287041 And then we're adding to our suggestions string what? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00561-00287041-00287388 Jared, what does this look like? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00562-00287388-00288014 [student] It seems like it's grabbing from some kind of database oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00563-00288014-00288225 whatever letter you're typing in, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00564-00288225-00288664 leaving some kind of suggestion what word-- >>[Hardison] Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00565-00288664-00289049 The Ajax request already actually did go and grab that. This is our response. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00566-00289049-00289489 This is actually after we've gotten the response from the database, from the server. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00567-00289489-00290015 And so what is this? What does this single quote thing denote? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00568-00290015-00290399 [student] The single quote? >>[Hardison] Yeah. It's just a string, right? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00569-00290399-00290693 And so what is this crafting? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00570-00290693-00291108 It's a string and we're putting stuff in the string. And what is the string looking like? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00571-00291108-00291514 [student] Just the suggestion that we're-- >>[Hardison] Yeah, exactly. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00572-00291514-00292305 It's the suggestion nested inside an anchor tag, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00573-00292305-00292957 and that is also anchored inside a list item so that it will go inside the list. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00574-00292957-00293679 Literally, all we're doing here is we're just building up a big HTML string. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00575-00293679-00294257 We're just building it up literally as a string in memory. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00576-00294257-00294474 We're not doing anything fancy. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00577-00294474-00294966 We're not creating new nodes in the DOM or anything like that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00578-00294966-00295503 We're literally just building a string as if you were to write out, for example, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00579-00295503-00296122 on your iPad like I have--in case you guys have an iPad and like writing HTML on your iPad-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00580-00296122-00297325 you're just writing a big long string that's like ul, li, a... oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00581-00297325-00297844 and then we're of course going to terminate it with this ul. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00582-00297844-00298141 So that's all we're getting is 1 big, massive string. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00583-00298375-00299118 And inside there's an li and an a for each of the symbols that we found. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00584-00299421-00300176 And now, continuing on, what does this line do, Stella, right here? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00585-00300176-00300667 What does this line do right here? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00586-00300667-00301156 [inaudible student response] oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00587-00301156-00301497 [Hardison] Yeah. It's just adding this guy. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00588-00301497-00301765 We're just ending our list. Exactly. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00589-00301765-00302543 And then this final line--and this looks kind of goofy-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00590-00302543-00303023 I'm sorry. I don't know your name in the red sweatshirt. Do you know what this does? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00591-00303023-00303327 Or are you going to decide no? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00592-00303327-00303856 And you? >>[student] It calls jQuery on it, but I don't exactly know which function it is. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00593-00303856-00304049 [Hardison] Yeah. It calls jQuery. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00594-00304049-00304287 How about anybody here over on the left side of me? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00595-00304287-00305111 Do you know what this line does? What does it seem like it's doing if you had to guess? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00596-00305111-00305762 [student] Submitting to the HTML the list of suggestions, or is it-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00597-00305762-00305941 Yeah. What do you mean by submitting? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00598-00305941-00306437 [student] Saying to HTML what we just dealt with in JavaScript oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00599-00306437-00306756 is now definitely just HTML. >>[Hardison] Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00600-00306756-00307060 That's a great start. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00601-00307060-00307210 Let's dissect this a little more. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00602-00307210-00307414 That's exactly what this part is doing right here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00603-00307414-00307766 [student] What aspect of it makes it clear that it's jQuery? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00604-00307766-00308038 [Hardison] jQuery is this dollar sign guy. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00605-00308038-00308563 Whenever you're writing jQuery, you will see this dollar sign all over the place. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00606-00308563-00309602 This has just been used in jQuery as kind of a special symbol. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00607-00309602-00309828 It does a whole bunch of things. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00608-00309828-00310698 In the context of this right here, this part of the line, it is a selector. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00609-00310698-00311335 It is the jQuery selector, and it is selecting the HTML element oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00610-00311335-00311844 that has the ID suggestions. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00611-00311844-00312173 Remember how HTML elements can have that ID attribute oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00612-00312173-00312692 where you can have a paragraph tag that has ID suggestions? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00613-00312692-00313338 This jQuery selector will grab that element oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00614-00313338-00313800 because that element has to exist somewhere in memory. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00615-00313800-00314112 JavaScript is able to kind of pinpoint that element and say, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00616-00314112-00314483 "Oh, okay, you are the paragraph that has this ID," oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00617-00314483-00315494 and then this .html says, "Okay, replace the current HTML inside of you oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00618-00315494-00316121 "with this new string, this new HTML that I'm going to give you." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00619-00316121-00316995 So if we look back over at the iPad--ha, ha, I remembered to switch this time-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00620-00316995-00318747 you often insert into things like divs, so imagine we had a div that had id="suggestions"; oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00621-00318747-00319308 We're going to close the div tag down here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00622-00319308-00320150 When we use the jQuery selector to grab the element in the DOM oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00623-00320150-00320927 that has the ID of suggestions, it literally selects this entire div right here, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00624-00320927-00321792 and then the HTML method says, "Replace all of this stuff right in here oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00625-00321792-00322184 "right in that ul, that unordered list that we just built up." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00626-00322184-00322717 Literally, if you were viewing the entire HTML file's string in memory, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00627-00322717-00323175 you would just say, "Go into that spot and plunk in that ul stuff," oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00628-00323175-00323721 and then update the page so that you now see the unordered list there. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00629-00323721-00324451 So what this has effectively done is it's dynamically updated this div. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00630-00324451-00324898 The code that we just saw on the laptop has updated this div oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00631-00324898-00325376 to hold the new suggestions that were retrieved from the server somewhere. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00632-00325376-00325879 [student] Which suggestions represents the new suggestions and the old suggestions? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00633-00325879-00326107 The new suggestions and the old suggestions. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00634-00326107-00326495 [student] What represents which one is being replaced and which one is doing the replacing? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00635-00326495-00326640 [Hardison] Got it. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00636-00326640-00326911 See right here, this guy is a string. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00637-00326911-00327458 This specifies the ID of an element--we call it in the DOM-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00638-00327458-00328057 which literally just means some HTML element that is somewhere being displayed oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00639-00328057-00328249 on the web page. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00640-00328249-00328783 If we were to look at this, if we go back to our Google page, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00641-00328783-00329346 we see all these divs and these ol's and these li's and these a's. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00642-00329346-00330002 These all constitute the HTML elements that currently make up this page. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00643-00330002-00330814 These all correlate to individual elements on the page. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00644-00330814-00331365 And if we were to change this, you would watch the DOM change, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00645-00331365-00331622 and you can see this kind of shifting. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00646-00331622-00332060 So if we were to type Harvard, you'd see the DOM start to change oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00647-00332060-00332497 and the list elements starting to change in here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00648-00332497-00332688 That's actually what's happening. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00649-00332688-00333502 Let's see if we can find some of this stuff right in here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00650-00333502-00334149 Let's look at this link. Let's look at this Harvard Wikipedia link, and we'll watch it change. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00651-00334149-00334816 We can see that as I've selected this, it corresponds to this div right here, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00652-00334816-00335268 which is also part of a list element, which is right next to another list element, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00653-00335268-00335650 which is part of the unordered list here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00654-00335650-00336747 Now what happens if we search for our lesser school a little down south? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00655-00336747-00336904 It now changes. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00656-00336904-00337346 So we lost our handle on that div and that list element oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00657-00337346-00337901 because now we have different elements in our DOM, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00658-00337901-00338428 different list elements, different list items, different lengths, all of that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00659-00338428-00338875 So this HTML document is being dynamically updated. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00660-00338875-00339324 Old elements are being deleted, new elements are being added. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00661-00339324-00340260 Back here we're just specifying this element, which presumably will be stable oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00662-00340260-00340487 throughout our typeahead update, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00663-00340487-00341027 because otherwise if jQuery can't find an element that has an ID of suggestions, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00664-00341027-00341332 it'll just crash at this point. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00665-00341332-00341702 And then we're updating its inner HTML. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00666-00341702-00342397 So it's these list items, these anchor tags that will constantly update and refresh as you type. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00667-00343044-00343575 Does that do a better job? >>[student] That helps a lot. >>[Hardison] Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00668-00343575-00344421 The syntax that you'll see a lot--know what this guy does. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00669-00344421-00344781 Know the jQuery selector. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00670-00344781-00345661 This jQuery selector with a hash tag in front implies an ID. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00671-00345661-00346241 This guy says, "Get me the element that has the ID suggestions." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00672-00346844-00347648 This guy down here also says, "Get me that same element with ID suggestions." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00673-00347648-00348335 This guy below it is slightly more complex. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00674-00348335-00349242 This says, "Get me the element with ID form-quote, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00675-00349242-00350118 "but then go inside that form and find the child"-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00676-00350118-00350571 so this space right here implies that we're going to a child element, a nested element. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00677-00350571-00351355 "Find the form that has this ID and then find the input inside that form whose name is symbol." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00678-00351841-00352505 This is definitely in Tommy's lecture slides, these different types of jQuery selectors. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00679-00352505-00353049 You should know what kinds of elements these are retrieving. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00680-00353197-00353459 For example, let's switch back to the iPad really quickly. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00681-00353845-00355497 If we had a form element with id="form-quote"-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00682-00355497-00356111 of course that's missing the method=POST or method=GET and action attributes as well oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00683-00356111-00357701 that you should have on forms, but just for this example a form, as you know, has inputs oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00684-00357701-00359186 and that code that we just saw would get the input element oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00685-00359186-00359758 that had name="symbol". oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00686-00359758-00360297 This is important when you're trying to fill different fields inside of your form. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00687-00360297-00360744 This is how auto-filling works. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00688-00360744-00360950 Yes, Ella? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00689-00360950-00361605 [student] What's the difference between an ID and a class? >>An ID and a class? Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00690-00361605-00362197 A class is used for styling purposes. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00691-00362197-00362912 An ID is used for what it sounds like: uniquely identifying a particular element. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00692-00362912-00363761 So within an HTML page, you can only have 1 element with a particular ID. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00693-00364037-00364612 There's only 1 form with the ID form-quote. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00694-00364612-00365694 However, the nav pills class or nav class was probably something that you used oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00695-00365694-00366138 possibly or saw in the context of your Problem Set 7 code. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00696-00366138-00367134 A class is used to apply a particular styling to a bunch of different elements. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00697-00367134-00367758 For example, in the old days of HTML before there were style sheets, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00698-00367758-00368144 before there was CSS, these Cascading Style Sheets, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00699-00368144-00368954 if you wanted to center a paragraph or center the text in a div, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00700-00368954-00370394 you'd have a div and then you'd have something like text-align="center" oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00701-00370394-00371129 as like an attribute within your div. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00702-00371129-00371449 This is no good. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00703-00371449-00371789 The reason people didn't like this is because then when you wanted to update oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00704-00371789-00372196 how things displayed on your website, you had to literally go into every page oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00705-00372196-00372623 and every HTML file and go change all the stylings on all the different elements, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00706-00372623-00373042 and it was a huge pain because often you wanted to have a bunch of divs oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00707-00373042-00373509 that were all center aligned or fit a certain way. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00708-00373509-00373876 So the solution to that was the class. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00709-00373876-00374812 Now we have a div where we have the class specified to be whatever you want to call it. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00710-00374812-00375916 You could call it "centered"; and close your div somewhere down here oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00711-00375916-00376239 and you have all your fun stuff in there. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00712-00376239-00376765 And then somewhere in your style sheet you would specify a particular styling oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00713-00376765-00377198 that would apply to this class. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00714-00377198-00377728 This didn't have to be the only div that was centered. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00715-00377728-00378224 You could have other divs that also had centered text. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00716-00378658-00378998 Yes, Charlotte? >>[student] Going back to the quote, what does the dot mean? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00717-00378998-00379312 What is the dot? >>[student] Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00718-00379400-00379790 Back to the laptop, you mean? >>[student] Yeah. >>Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00719-00379790-00380392 [student] For instance, in this line does that mean that there is this variable called val oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00720-00380392-00380773 inside of the form? >>Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00721-00380773-00381469 The dot notation in JavaScript does a couple of things. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00722-00381469-00382353 In this case you are calling a function whose name is val. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00723-00382353-00382596 It's a method. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00724-00382596-00383015 This is where we get into the object-oriented stuff that we were talking about, Sam. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00725-00383015-00384084 This is where object--in this case the input element--has a function or a method called val oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00726-00384084-00385048 that basically says, "Hey, set your value to be this thing." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00727-00385512-00385905 Imagine that instead of this gobbledygook we had written the number 7 or the string 7. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00728-00385905-00386382 That would change the value of this input element to be 7. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00729-00386382-00386603 [student] The input element being everything in front of the dot? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00730-00386603-00386919 [Hardison] The input element, exactly, being the element within the HTML, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00731-00386919-00387323 within the DOM, that matches this query. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00732-00387323-00387715 [student] So it's input element .function and then what that value should be. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00733-00387715-00387936 [Hardison] Exactly. >>[student] Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00734-00387936-00388278 And you also use this to access properties. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00735-00388278-00388769 So if we look back up at the code that we were walking through line by line oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00736-00388769-00389483 where we have response.symbols[i].name, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00737-00389483-00389860 we're not calling a function here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00738-00389860-00390227 There are no parentheses. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00739-00390227-00390522 One thing you should just keep in mind as you rip through this code, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00740-00390522-00390986 when you see parentheses, that means function call. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00741-00390986-00391234 A function is being called, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00742-00391234-00391591 and the name of that function is whatever precedes those parentheses. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00743-00391591-00392148 So in this case down below, it's val. In this case right here it's html. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00744-00392148-00393170 In this case right here the name of the function is literally $, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00745-00393170-00393517 and we just know that this is the jQuery selector, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00746-00393517-00394009 it's the function that is selecting whatever this guy is. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00747-00394009-00394703 And then when you don't see parentheses, like here or here, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00748-00394703-00395169 what you're accessing instead is a property of the object. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00749-00395169-00395391 This is like using the array notation. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00750-00395391-00395928 It's an alternative to using the array notation. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00751-00395928-00396244 It's just a shorthand. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00752-00396668-00397705 So we're accessing the symbols field of the response object. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00753-00398159-00398916 We've done a lot on Ajax, DOM, some HTML, not much CSS. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00754-00398916-00399437 Do you guys want to spend the last 15 minutes or so on this? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00755-00399437-00399799 I guess we've really got about 10 minutes before we need to start wrapping up. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00756-00399799-00400419 Or should we go back and talk about some of the other things on our list? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00757-00400419-00400680 Let's see. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00758-00400680-00401218 If we go back to the beginning, we switch over to my iPad again so you guys can see this, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00759-00401218-00401784 we've done a lot of Ajax, we've done some jQuery, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00760-00401784-00402098 we've done some JSON, we've done some XML, we've done some DOM, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00761-00402098-00402551 we've done some--nope, not HTTP. Scratch that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00762-00402551-00403064 Not much scope. We sort of talked about CSS--not really. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00763-00403320-00403654 Do you guys feel good on Ajax? Do you want to spend more time on Ajax? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00764-00403654-00403919 Show of hands. Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00765-00403919-00404226 DOM? Anybody want to spend more time on DOM? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00766-00404226-00404696 The easiest way to really get a feel for what's going on with the DOM-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00767-00404696-00405451 people talk about the DOM and throw around, "Oh, the DOM this, the DOM that." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00768-00405451-00406591 Really the DOM is just the way all of these HTML elements are held in memory. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00769-00406591-00406931 and it's just explaining--that's what it is. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00770-00406931-00407570 It's structured like a tree, and you can access individual HTML elements oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00771-00407570-00407885 with that jQuery selector, that dollar sign thingy. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00772-00407885-00408273 You can manipulate things. You can add elements to the DOM. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00773-00408273-00408492 You can add a new paragraph element to the DOM, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00774-00408492-00408928 you can take away a div element from the DOM if you want. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00775-00408928-00409564 That's all it is. It's just kind of the in memory representation of your HTML file. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00776-00409564-00409943 It can be manipulated and traversed. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00777-00409943-00410324 How about jQuery and that selector? Yes, Sam? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00778-00410324-00410824 [student] Does that mean that the DOM includes all of your CSS and JavaScript? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00779-00410824-00411272 [Hardison] The DOM includes those nodes, yes. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00780-00411272-00411827 [student] It includes the HTML that those other auxiliary documents output? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00781-00411827-00412725 If JavaScript modifies the HTML like it was doing in this Google-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00782-00412725-00413016 oops, sorry, I'm not back on that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00783-00413016-00413542 Remember how JavaScript would modify the list of Google results? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00784-00413542-00414427 If JavaScript modifies that, then those new list elements are now part of the DOM. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00785-00414427-00414699 They were injected into the DOM. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00786-00414699-00415010 And it turns out that the scripts and the style sheets themselves oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00787-00415010-00415183 are indeed part of the DOM. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00788-00415183-00415781 You see down here that we've got these script nodes and these style nodes. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00789-00415781-00416180 JavaScript can add and delete these too. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00790-00416180-00416555 This is why it's so bad to have malicious JavaScript on your page oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00791-00416555-00417050 is that it can now start bringing in other JavaScript from other places. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00792-00417050-00417408 So you can start out with just 1 JavaScript file, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00793-00417408-00417718 but then it can start pulling in other JavaScript files. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00794-00417718-00418233 You can use Ajax to load in JavaScript and dynamically have new JavaScript oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00795-00418233-00418502 running on your web page. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00796-00418502-00419068 So it's a really powerful thing that our browsers are able to kind of constantly re-render oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00797-00419068-00419628 and re-adapt whatever is being generated by JavaScript. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00798-00419874-00420145 [student] Those style tags are contained in CSS? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00799-00420145-00420410 Let's look at it. Yeah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00800-00420410-00420847 This CSS, again you can see where jQuery got its selector from. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00801-00420847-00421876 We've got this #gb which is saying, "This styling applies to an element with ID gb." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00802-00421876-00422433 "An element with ID gb is going to have this size font with this font family, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00803-00422433-00422814 "sans-serif; height." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00804-00423234-00423364 Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00805-00423364-00423601 Back to the iPad. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00806-00423733-00424055 How about data structures--tries, linked lists? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00807-00424055-00424470 Do you guys want to do a quick refresher on that, or are you guys feeling-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00808-00424470-00424893 Yea? Nay? Who wants data structures? Raise your hand. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00809-00424893-00425278 Who hates data structures? >>[student] I only want tries. >>You only want tries. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00810-00425278-00425512 Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00811-00425512-00426060 Does anybody not want tries? Is everybody like, "I hate tries. I did it. I tried it." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00812-00426060-00426293 [student] I just want to know about the omega and big O. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00813-00426293-00426560 Okay. We can definitely go over that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00814-00426560-00427129 Does that sound like something that we want to do as a group? Yes? Sort of? No? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00815-00427129-00427809 How about HTTP? Does that seem like something more people want to do? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00816-00427809-00428230 Or are you kind of, "Eh." Let's do HTTP first. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00817-00428485-00429201 How many of you guys have seen David's ridiculously awesome HTTP short? Anybody? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00818-00429201-00429395 I've seen it a whole bunch. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00819-00429395-00429789 It was one of the first ones we did, and so it was like our demo this summer. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00820-00429789-00430075 Dan's seen it a bunch too, Dan the Man back there. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00821-00430314-00431082 HTTP and then there's this HTTPS thing that we've been talking about a little bit. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00822-00431082-00431302 What do you need to know about HTTP? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00823-00431302-00432022 It's literally just the protocol for interacting with a web server. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00824-00432022-00432985 When you want to talk to, you're talking to another computer over a network, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00825-00432985-00433367 what do you do? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00826-00433367-00433616 Let's maybe do this. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00827-00433616-00433942 Let me pull up a terminal. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00828-00433942-00434182 Here's my little terminal window. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00829-00434182-00435147 We can do something like telnet, which allows us to actually start a connection to oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00830-00435147-00435347 This is not something you need to know, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00831-00435347-00435583 but it's just to illustrate what's happening with the HTTP. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00832-00435583-00436235, port 80. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00833-00436235-00436485 What is this doing? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00834-00436485-00436980 It's making an Internet connection between my computer and Google. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00835-00436980-00437608 And it's actually connecting to, which is some computer, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00836-00437608-00438279 some Google server living somewhere probably out here, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00837-00438279-00438560 though it might be all the way back in California. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00838-00438560-00438832 Now I'm connected. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00839-00438832-00439081 Okay, that's all good. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00840-00439081-00439526 But when you go to, typically you expect, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00841-00439526-00439938 some HTML to show up, right? Not just this. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00842-00439938-00440774 The problem is I want to say, "GIVE ME GOOGLE.COM" or whatever. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00843-00440774-00441432 But if I say that, nothing happens. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00844-00441432-00441921 In fact, if I hit Enter a couple of times, it comes back and it says, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00845-00441921-00442293 "That was a bad request." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00846-00442293-00442627 This was saying, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00847-00442627-00443185 "You can't just put stuff in. You actually have to speak HTTP to me." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00848-00443185-00443635 "You have to format your request as an HTTP request, as a GET or a POST oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00849-00443635-00443818 "or something like that." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00850-00443818-00444204 "And then I'll return the proper HTML to you." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00851-00444204-00444407 So you see what it gave me in this case. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00852-00444407-00446417 It gave me HTML that if I copy it and I textedit html, if I put it in here, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00853-00446417-00447304 and I save it as test.html--oh, come on. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00854-00447304-00447601 Web page. There we go. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00855-00447601-00448631 Now if I open Downloads/test.html, now it gave me the bad-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00856-00448631-00449164 It didn't quite render it as HTML. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00857-00449164-00449489 It looks like it didn't close it. Here, let's see. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00858-00450060-00450289 Nope. Okay. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00859-00450289-00450733 It's not going to render. Anyway, not going to figure that out. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00860-00450733-00451008 But anyway, what it is doing is it's returning to me the HTML, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00861-00451008-00451580 but it's saying essentially, "You didn't give me a proper HTTP request." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00862-00451580-00452081 So what do we need to know about HTTP? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00863-00452081-00452762 It's the way of formatting requests to web servers to get, typically, HTML in response. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00864-00452762-00453705 The other thing to note is that when you make a request to a web server, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00865-00453705-00454564 you have to specify the HTTP method that you want to use. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00866-00454564-00454872 We talked about this a little bit earlier, where the 2 big ones that we see oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00867-00454872-00455217 are GET and POST. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00868-00455217-00455371 There are also a whole bunch of other ones. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00869-00455371-00455842 There's HEAD and PUT and DELETE and all of these other things, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00870-00455842-00456041 but GET and POST are the 2 main ones. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00871-00456041-00456410 Where do you see those crop up? When you're writing forms. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00872-00456410-00456800 When you're writing HTML forms, you have to specify the HTTP method oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00873-00456800-00457127 by which you want that form data to be transmitted. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00874-00457127-00457500 And then you see it on the server side when you're writing PHP code oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00875-00457500-00457985 when you handle the data and you have to look in the POST superglobal oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00876-00457985-00458485 or the GET superglobal to retrieve the data that was submitted by the user. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00877-00458485-00459289 And the difference between GET and POST is that GET modifies the actual URL oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00878-00459289-00460089 and for the most part you can see what parameters were passed to a GET request oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00879-00460089-00460558 very easily just by looking in the URL, whereas with a POST request oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00880-00460558-00461288 you don't transmit the parameters of the request in the URL. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00881-00461288-00461860 But they're not encrypted or anything unless you're going over HTTPS. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00882-00461860-00462213 The POST parameters are just part of the-- oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00883-00462213-00462575 They don't go in the URL, effectively. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00884-00462575-00463032 We tend to just kind of semantically separate the 2, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00885-00463032-00463527 which just says that really, you can do the same thing with GET that you can with POST. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00886-00463527-00464020 You can do the same thing. It's just that we use them in different situations. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00887-00464020-00464333 We use GET when we're trying to just read something and we're just saying, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00888-00464333-00464489 "Give me this data." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00889-00464489-00464867 And we use POST typically when we're trying to update something on the server. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00890-00464867-00465189 That's why whenever you go to and we were doing that typeahead oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00891-00465189-00465347 we saw all those GET requests oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00892-00465347-00465696 because we were literally just retrieving information from Google, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00893-00465696-00466371 whereas if you make a Facebook wall post, you're going to be using, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00894-00466371-00467199 most likely, an HTTP POST method to send that data and make a change to Facebook oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00895-00467199-00467622 in your wall, your friend's wall. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00896-00467622-00467851 Let's see. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00897-00468035-00469003 I guess the difference with HTTPS is that it is HTTP but encrypted. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00898-00469003-00469296 [chuckles] Secure. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00899-00469296-00469682 Yeah. And there are a lot of fun details about that. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00900-00469856-00470110 Questions? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00901-00470110-00470803 We need to start wrapping up, and so we'll do some data structures on the side. Charlotte? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00902-00470803-00471227 [student] What's included in the HTTP header files from the host to the method oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00903-00471227-00471547 and the method and the number? >>Ah. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00904-00471547-00472006 The best way to look at it is to go to your Network tab oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00905-00472006-00472832 and just see what happens when you just go to oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00906-00472832-00473530 You can come down here and you can see all of the different HTTP requests that were made. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00907-00473530-00473800 oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00908-00473800-00474268 The first one was I tried to go to and it said, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00909-00474268-00474527 "Oh, doesn't really exist." oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00910-00474527-00474870 "Where you really want to go is to" oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00911-00474870-00475001 So I got redirected here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00912-00475001-00475302 That's where I got this 301 then I got the 200 OK. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00913-00475302-00475724 So what is in here, in your headers? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00914-00475724-00476184 It says this is the URL to which I made the request, the request method, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00915-00476184-00476455 and then the status code. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00916-00476455-00476607 Those are the 3 biggies. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00917-00476607-00477018 The other things in here, cookies, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00918-00477018-00477713 cookies are handy for figuring out the session, if somebody is logged in or not. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00919-00477713-00478201 They're also handy for tracking people. This is how websites track you all over the place. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00920-00478201-00478462 They put cookies on your computer. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00921-00478462-00478832 They're trained to recognize other websites' cookies if they can. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00922-00478832-00479264 And then there's this other stuff that says the user agent right here. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00923-00479264-00479749 This user agent string identifies my computer to and says, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00924-00479749-00480301 ", just so you know, some dude running this browser oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00925-00480301-00480805 "on Intel Mac 10_8_2 just went to" oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00926-00480805-00481256 And then these Accept things just say, "What is my computer, oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00927-00481256-00481459 "what is my web browser prepared to accept?" oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00928-00481459-00482089 It can accept HTML, it can accept XML, all this other stuff. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00929-00482089-00482431 What kind of character encodings does it accept? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00930-00482431-00483003 Does it accept gzipped compressed stuff? oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00931-00483003-00483612 Sometimes websites will compress things to make it faster to send over the network. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00932-00483612-00483858 Cool. All right. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00933-00483858-00484446 I think that's it for now. We'll close down, but I will remain for questions. oeA7Ju2MQ4E-00934-00484446-00484700 [CS50.TV]