ZkGf--1Rnto-00001-00000148-00000649 Welcome to the Moodle Learning Analytics Workshop overview for Educators and Researchers ZkGf--1Rnto-00002-00000649-00001142 There are many questions educators and educational researchers have that we hope learning analytics ZkGf--1Rnto-00003-00001142-00001325 can help us answer. ZkGf--1Rnto-00004-00001325-00001757 Beginning with Moodle 3.4, Moodle Learning Analytics includes a model that can help to ZkGf--1Rnto-00005-00001757-00001932 answer the first question. ZkGf--1Rnto-00006-00001932-00002419 The others are aspirational, but well within the possibilities with this new tool. ZkGf--1Rnto-00007-00002419-00002993 A new initiative could be a new textbook, a new online tool, a way of training teachers, ZkGf--1Rnto-00008-00002993-00003529 a new student support center, or any other change in how the institution supports quality ZkGf--1Rnto-00009-00003529-00003707 learning. ZkGf--1Rnto-00010-00003707-00004110 Often in the past, learning analytics systems have attempted to analyze past activities ZkGf--1Rnto-00011-00004110-00004432 to predict future activities in real time. ZkGf--1Rnto-00012-00004432-00004732 With Moodle Learning Analytics, we are more ambitious. ZkGf--1Rnto-00013-00004732-00005239 We believe a full learning analytics solution will help us not only predict events, but ZkGf--1Rnto-00014-00005239-00005583 change them to be more positive. ZkGf--1Rnto-00015-00005583-00006028 Learning analytics are software algorithms that are used to predict or detect unknown ZkGf--1Rnto-00016-00006028-00006553 aspects of the learning process, based on historical data and current behavior. ZkGf--1Rnto-00017-00006553-00006864 There are four main categories of learning analytics. ZkGf--1Rnto-00018-00006864-00007189 Most commercial solutions are descriptive only. ZkGf--1Rnto-00019-00007189-00007642 Those that are predictive or proactive make certain assumptions about learning that don’t ZkGf--1Rnto-00020-00007642-00007859 apply to everyone. ZkGf--1Rnto-00021-00007859-00008343 Moodle provides a variety of built-in reports based on log data, but they are primarily ZkGf--1Rnto-00022-00008343-00008921 descriptive in nature -- they tell participants what happened, but not why, and they don’t ZkGf--1Rnto-00023-00008921-00009453 predict outcomes or advise participants how to improve outcomes. ZkGf--1Rnto-00024-00009453-00009953 Many third-party plugins also exist for Moodle that provide descriptive analytics. ZkGf--1Rnto-00025-00009953-00010410 There are also integrations with third-party off-site reporting solutions. ZkGf--1Rnto-00026-00010410-00011003 Again, these primarily provide descriptive analytics that rely on human judgment to interpret ZkGf--1Rnto-00027-00011003-00011460 reports and generate predictions and prescriptions. ZkGf--1Rnto-00028-00011460-00011950 To move beyond descriptive analytics, we need to be thoughtful about what targets we choose, ZkGf--1Rnto-00029-00011950-00012220 and even what indicators we choose. ZkGf--1Rnto-00030-00012220-00012710 Our learning analytics should be aligned with the curriculum theories of our organizations-- ZkGf--1Rnto-00031-00012710-00013244 we need to know the purpose of an educational program in order to design learning analytics ZkGf--1Rnto-00032-00013244-00013508 to assist in achieving that purpose. ZkGf--1Rnto-00033-00013508-00014219 A single educator or educational program usually combines two or more of these purposes. ZkGf--1Rnto-00034-00014219-00014737 MOST learning analytics systems at this time are focused on “Social Efficiency” curricula, ZkGf--1Rnto-00035-00014737-00015111 though we see elements of all four of these purposes. ZkGf--1Rnto-00036-00015111-00015547 We will come back to these principles many times as we examine different parts of learning ZkGf--1Rnto-00037-00015547-00015758 analytics systems. ZkGf--1Rnto-00038-00015758-00016208 For more information about these curriculum priorities, see, for example, the book Curriculum ZkGf--1Rnto-00039-00016208-00016938 Theory: Conflicting Visions and Enduring Concerns, by Michael Schiro. ZkGf--1Rnto-00040-00016938-00017454 As we go through this course, we will look at each of these steps in turn: Deciding what ZkGf--1Rnto-00041-00017454-00017951 outcome we want to predict and how we will measure it, identifying clues we think might ZkGf--1Rnto-00042-00017951-00018419 help us to predict that outcome, and deciding who should be notified and what options to ZkGf--1Rnto-00043-00018419-00018764 offer if the outcome is predicted. ZkGf--1Rnto-00044-00018764-00019235 The Moodle Learning Analytics API is an open system that can become the basis for a very ZkGf--1Rnto-00045-00019235-00019478 wide variety of models. ZkGf--1Rnto-00046-00019478-00020165 Models can contain indicators (a.k.a. predictors), targets (the outcome we are trying to predict), ZkGf--1Rnto-00047-00020165-00020756 insights (the predictions themselves), notifications (messages sent as a result of insights), and ZkGf--1Rnto-00048-00020756-00021308 actions (offered to recipients of messages, which can become indicators in turn). ZkGf--1Rnto-00049-00021308-00021827 As we explore different parts of the system in this course, we will focus on different ZkGf--1Rnto-00050-00021827-00022091 design criteria and measurement methods. ZkGf--1Rnto-00051-00022091-00022554 These criteria will be documented in “use cases,” descriptions of how the user of ZkGf--1Rnto-00052-00022554-00022987 a system wants it to work. ZkGf--1Rnto-00053-00022987-00023468 Learning analytics systems go beyond day to day utility and offer all participants in ZkGf--1Rnto-00054-00023468-00024005 the educational process a chance to take on the role of educational researcher. ZkGf--1Rnto-00055-00024005-00024506 Learning analytics can be used by individual educators in small scale “action research,” ZkGf--1Rnto-00056-00024506-00024987 but also supports research on a much larger scale and a much greater level of detail than ZkGf--1Rnto-00057-00024987-00025257 has been possible before. ZkGf--1Rnto-00058-00025257-00025822 There is a tendency to align Products with Targets and Processes with Indicators, but ZkGf--1Rnto-00059-00025822-00026207 Processes can also be Targets we are trying to detect. ZkGf--1Rnto-00060-00026207-00026794 We need both process and product data in order to make predictions AND prescriptions. ZkGf--1Rnto-00061-00026794-00027410 This quote comes from Simon Buckingham Shum’s Keynote speech at the 2017 Learning Analytics ZkGf--1Rnto-00062-00027410-00027721 Summer Institute. ZkGf--1Rnto-00063-00027721-00028174 If a new learning initiative is being trialed, learning analytics can be used to compare ZkGf--1Rnto-00064-00028174-00028502 two cohort groups using the same model. ZkGf--1Rnto-00065-00028502-00028946 Researchers may also want to consider comparing two different models to see which one produces ZkGf--1Rnto-00066-00028946-00029680 better predictions, especially two models using the same target, but different indicators. ZkGf--1Rnto-00067-00029680-00030186 We want to assist researchers, but we also want to help ensure research quality. ZkGf--1Rnto-00068-00030186-00030568 What does the evidence show about the effectiveness of learning analytics? ZkGf--1Rnto-00069-00030568-00031218 This table summarizes 123 studies across multiple sectors against four propositions. ZkGf--1Rnto-00070-00031218-00031688 Many of the studies don’t include evidence supporting any of these propositions. ZkGf--1Rnto-00071-00031688-00032158 This problem is exacerbated by publication bias (which is a tendency to publish only ZkGf--1Rnto-00072-00032158-00032675 positive results), and many studies may suffer from the Hawthorne effect (whereby the act ZkGf--1Rnto-00073-00032675-00033319 of conducting a study tends to improve results, no matter what the study involves). ZkGf--1Rnto-00074-00033319-00033874 In this workshop series, we will also focus on ethics of learning analytics systems, particularly ZkGf--1Rnto-00075-00033874-00034458 aspects covered by the European Union GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), such ZkGf--1Rnto-00076-00034458-00034968 as the right to be forgotten, and FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) in the ZkGf--1Rnto-00077-00034968-00035105 United States. ZkGf--1Rnto-00078-00035105-00035361 Addressing these issues is not simple. ZkGf--1Rnto-00079-00035361-00035877 Deleting student data from the server can impact predictions for other students, but ZkGf--1Rnto-00080-00035877-00036381 the student is still at risk of exposure if the data is maintained, even if the student’s ZkGf--1Rnto-00081-00036381-00036749 primary identification is removed. ZkGf--1Rnto-00082-00036749-00037221 We also have concerns about the ethics of providing notifications to teachers, students, ZkGf--1Rnto-00083-00037221-00037429 and others in the learning process. ZkGf--1Rnto-00084-00037429-00037956 We could inadvertently lower teacher expectations for students (or students’ expectations ZkGf--1Rnto-00085-00037956-00038121 for themselves). ZkGf--1Rnto-00086-00038121-00038618 On the other hand, if we have insights that could improve learning, we may have an obligation ZkGf--1Rnto-00087-00038618-00038718 to act on those insights. ZkGf--1Rnto-00088-00038718-00038818 No site security is perfect. ZkGf--1Rnto-00089-00038818-00038918 The longer raw data, insights, etc. are held, the greater chance of exposure. ZkGf--1Rnto-00090-00038918-00039018 We need to help administrators balance utility against risk. ZkGf--1Rnto-00091-00039018-00039118 (For example, we can save model data without exposing individuals.) ZkGf--1Rnto-00092-00039118-00039440 Most importantly, we have to be mindful about the models we design and implement. ZkGf--1Rnto-00093-00039440-00039962 It is possible for models to have negative impact, by distracting or discouraging participants ZkGf--1Rnto-00094-00039962-00040149 in the learning process. ZkGf--1Rnto-00095-00040149-00040633 Working within an institutional Code of Practice can help to avoid this. ZkGf--1Rnto-00096-00040633-00041178 Models which incorporate data based on race, gender, or socioeconomic status may easily ZkGf--1Rnto-00097-00041178-00041653 give biased results due to historical biases in the data. ZkGf--1Rnto-00098-00041653-00042174 Goodhart’s Paradox is the tendency for a proxy measurement to become more important ZkGf--1Rnto-00099-00042174-00042390 than the value it represents. ZkGf--1Rnto-00100-00042390-00042819 This is a critical risk with selection of Targets, but can also be a problem if too ZkGf--1Rnto-00101-00042819-00043180 much emphasis is placed on Indicators in messaging. ZkGf--1Rnto-00102-00043180-00043816 Easy-to-capture measures are often misinterpreted and over-weighted, simply because they exist. ZkGf--1Rnto-00103-00043816-00044268 It is tempting to think, “Well, this data is better than nothing,” but that is emphatically ZkGf--1Rnto-00104-00044268-00044434 NOT true. ZkGf--1Rnto-00105-00044434-00044987 Some kinds of data can be misleading and harmful, by focusing attention ineffectively or by ZkGf--1Rnto-00106-00044987-00045180 discouraging learners. ZkGf--1Rnto-00107-00045180-00045919 Remember, all indicators included in a model will be displayed as part of insight notifications. ZkGf--1Rnto-00108-00045919-00046318 Involving teachers, students, and other members of the educational community from the beginning ZkGf--1Rnto-00109-00046318-00046518 is crucial. ZkGf--1Rnto-00110-00046518-00046913 Participants at all levels are best able to correct errors in data collection and modeling ZkGf--1Rnto-00111-00046913-00047246 -- and question unconscious assumptions. ZkGf--1Rnto-00112-00047246-00047734 Genuine involvement in the process also helps to build trust in the system. ZkGf--1Rnto-00113-00047734-00048294 Finally, learning analytics models require continuous review and improvement. ZkGf--1Rnto-00114-00048294-00048980 Model fit is likely to change over time as circumstances change at the institution. ZkGf--1Rnto-00115-00048980-00049402 Throughout this workshop series, educators and researchers will be asked to document ZkGf--1Rnto-00116-00049402-00049868 their ideas about new models and model components in the form of Use Cases. ZkGf--1Rnto-00117-00049868-00050305 There are many ways to define use cases, but for this workshop series we will use this ZkGf--1Rnto-00118-00050305-00050478 general structure. ZkGf--1Rnto-00119-00050478-00050972 In addition to the title, provide a one-sentence summary of the desired functionality in the ZkGf--1Rnto-00120-00050972-00051194 form of a user story. ZkGf--1Rnto-00121-00051194-00051699 Be sure to specify the primary actor or actors who will interact with your system, and the ZkGf--1Rnto-00122-00051699-00051950 scope or context of the model. ZkGf--1Rnto-00123-00051950-00052419 The description in the use case should be a paragraph or two informally describing how ZkGf--1Rnto-00124-00052419-00052619 you expect the system to work. ZkGf--1Rnto-00125-00052619-00053055 Including a link to a full discussion about the desired feature or functionality can be ZkGf--1Rnto-00126-00053055-00053504 very helpful to resolve ambiguities during development, and helps to provide evidence ZkGf--1Rnto-00127-00053504-00053875 of support for the proposal. ZkGf--1Rnto-00128-00053875-00054157 We will come back to this quote many times. ZkGf--1Rnto-00129-00054157-00054689 Our purpose in creating these systems is not simply to make accurate predictions (or to ZkGf--1Rnto-00130-00054689-00054850 implement clever algorithms). ZkGf--1Rnto-00131-00054850-00055250 It is to improve learning success, however we define that. ZkGf--1Rnto-00132-00055250-00055852 All of our design and implementation efforts need to be conducted with this goal in mind. ZkGf--1Rnto-00133-00055852-00056327 Now it’s your turn to sketch out the design for a new learning analytics model! ZkGf--1Rnto-00134-00056327-00056862 Write a use case for a learning analytics model based on a specific learning question, ZkGf--1Rnto-00135-00056862-00057087 describing context and samples. ZkGf--1Rnto-00136-00057087-00057627 Include all the elements of Title, User Story, Primary Actor(s), Scope, Details, and ideally, ZkGf--1Rnto-00137-00057627-00057980 a link to a discussion about the need for this model. ZkGf--1Rnto-00138-00057980-00058524 This discussion can be located in this Workshop’s forum “Defining learning analytics goals ZkGf--1Rnto-00139-00058524-00058747 and limitations” or elsewhere. ZkGf--1Rnto-00140-00058747-00059227 To earn the Beginning Designer badge, post your use case in the “Introduction to Learning ZkGf--1Rnto-00141-00059227-00059857 Analytics” workshop at https://moodle.org/analytics for review. ZkGf--1Rnto-00142-00059857-00060333 Remember, you’ll also need to review two other use cases to earn the badge. ZkGf--1Rnto-00143-00060333-00060448 Thank you! ZmEKhcM01OY-00000-00000600-00000886 At an immigration detention facility in New Jersey, ZmEKhcM01OY-00001-00000886-00001090 detainees have resorted to a hunger strike ZmEKhcM01OY-00002-00001090-00001290 in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. ZmEKhcM01OY-00003-00001398-00001598 ProPublica obtained audio from an advocate ZmEKhcM01OY-00004-00001598-00001868 who spoke with 30-year-old Ronal Umaña. ZmEKhcM01OY-00005-00001942-00002142 On his fourth day without food, ZmEKhcM01OY-00006-00002142-00002380 Umaña describes what life is like inside. -oOSO2_hIvY-00000-00000000-00001599 only seven days about the general finance pool $ 5000 went good time of the day my -oOSO2_hIvY-00001-00001599-00002010 dear subscribers also my dear viewers, as always, glad to welcome you on my -oOSO2_hIvY-00002-00002010-00002463 channel cryptocurrency sailors checks if not signed be sure to subscribe press the bell -oOSO2_hIvY-00003-00002463-00003153 also subscribe to the channel groups and today the crowd competition has begun the finance has been taught the prize -oOSO2_hIvY-00004-00003153-00004215 fund of 5 thousand dollars means sponsors are also ajax with 98 dpdg under and o e for 4 hours I -oOSO2_hIvY-00005-00004215-00005010 will acquaint you with the rules of this competition, which means the prize fund of 7 different tokens in def for five -oOSO2_hIvY-00006-00005010-00005985 thousand dollars the competition will last from 14:00 on August 13, that is, today until 1400 on August 20 -oOSO2_hIvY-00007-00005985-00006468 UT as it is accepted in the part to trade at least two of the following, that is, you will -oOSO2_hIvY-00008-00006468-00007236 need to make several transactions for a total of 100 or 200 dollars your trading volume -oOSO2_hIvY-00009-00007236-00007887 during the campaign will exceed 100 dollars you will be included in the list from this list will be -oOSO2_hIvY-00010-00007887-00008604 50 lucky winners have been selected who will receive $ 30 each for the master of boxes. I say that if -oOSO2_hIvY-00011-00008604-00009375 there are only 50 and 30 of them, that is, there will be not so many 120 pieces in total, this price, let's say conditionally, they -oOSO2_hIvY-00012-00009375-00010131 can cost as much as $ 5 or $ 200, so here it is, and those who exceed the volume of $ 200 -oOSO2_hIvY-00013-00010131-00010917 will receive 70 winners will receive a master general boxing in the amount of $ 50 again, I remind -oOSO2_hIvY-00014-00010917-00011811 you of the rules, you must make trades for these tokens on these tokens, that is, any pair here -oOSO2_hIvY-00015-00011811-00012534 you will see below a description of what you can do, as if to buy, let's say any of these coins -oOSO2_hIvY-00016-00012534-00013122 and there is a volley for dinner I remind you to buy some of these coins, I remind you to buy at -oOSO2_hIvY-00017-00013122-00013600 least to make transactions on at least two coins from those that are presented in the lists -oOSO2_hIvY-00018-00013600-00014251 under the video, I will leave you a link to the project itself about Anoshin, here you can trade -oOSO2_hIvY-00019-00014251-00014929 both on a full-fledged exchange and on ordinary swaps king classic means now by master boxing they -oOSO2_hIvY-00020-00014929-00015535 will be unpacked in seven days in two days in a day the mysterious ocean will open, which means -oOSO2_hIvY-00021-00015535-00016177 that in the future there will be rules. this link will be 2 link under the video with the -oOSO2_hIvY-00022-00016177-00016849 rules and you can open your masterbox, which means, of course, this is all I will publish -oOSO2_hIvY-00023-00016849-00017410 myself on the telegram channel to the telegram group when this competition ends and when you want to win, -oOSO2_hIvY-00024-00017410-00017920 or so I remind you again, subscribe to my channel and be sure to accept this -oOSO2_hIvY-00025-00017920-00018451 you can also take part here below the article to familiarize yourself with each project with shells that -oOSO2_hIvY-00026-00018451-00019000 take part in this lottery here is such a video I believe that each of you should -oOSO2_hIvY-00027-00019000-00019519 take part because if you just bid back and forth a lot you will definitely not -oOSO2_hIvY-00028-00019519-00020074 lose the principle of everything thank you very much for your attention and see you until the next coin -06YmwJHBig-00000-00000000-00000200 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -06YmwJHBig-00001-00000200-00000400 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -06YmwJHBig-00002-00000400-00000600 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -06YmwJHBig-00007-00001400-00001600 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -06YmwJHBig-00012-00002400-00002600 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -06YmwJHBig-00017-00003400-00003600 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -06YmwJHBig-00022-00004400-00004600 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -06YmwJHBig-00027-00005400-00005600 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -06YmwJHBig-00032-00006400-00006600 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -06YmwJHBig-00037-00007400-00007600 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -06YmwJHBig-00042-00008400-00008600 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -06YmwJHBig-00047-00008550-00008600 GTX 1070 8GB AORUS Extreme Gigabyte | Benchmark AC Odissey and SOTTR -08PF_Tw8uY-00000-00000000-00000500 Welcome to the Spoken tutorial on the Mozilla Firefox - Search and Auto-complete features. -08PF_Tw8uY-00001-00000600-00001400 In this tutorial, we will learn how to -Use Search, Manage Search Engines, Use the Find bar, -08PF_Tw8uY-00002-00001500-00001700 Use Auto-complete in the Address bar -08PF_Tw8uY-00003-00001800-00002500 In this tutorial, we will use Firefox version 7.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 -08PF_Tw8uY-00004-00002600-00003000 One of the most common things people do on the internet is to search for information. -08PF_Tw8uY-00005-00003100-00003600 One can search for a specific website or for some other information. -08PF_Tw8uY-00006-00003700-00004300 Mozilla Firefox has a number of functionalities that make it easy to search for information on the Internet. -08PF_Tw8uY-00007-00004400-00004600 Let’s look at some of the ways. -08PF_Tw8uY-00008-00004700-00004900 One way is to search by visiting other websites. -08PF_Tw8uY-00009-00005000-00005300 After all, search engines are websites too! -08PF_Tw8uY-00010-00005400-00005800 In the URL bar, type ‘www.google.com’. -08PF_Tw8uY-00011-00005900-00006000 The google home page comes up. -08PF_Tw8uY-00012-00006100-00006600 In the search box of the google home page, type ‘email’ .Click Search. -08PF_Tw8uY-00013-00006700-00006900 The search engine brings up all the results. -08PF_Tw8uY-00014-00007000-00007500 We see that the top result is for g mail, the email from google. -08PF_Tw8uY-00015-00007600-00007900 But there is an easier way to do the same thing with Mozilla Firefox. -08PF_Tw8uY-00016-00008000-00008500 Next to the URL bar on the navigation toolbar, there is a Search bar field. -08PF_Tw8uY-00017-00008600-00009200 Alternately, you can press CTRL+K to directly go to the Search bar field. -08PF_Tw8uY-00018-00009300-00009500 Click on the search bar and type ‘email’. -08PF_Tw8uY-00019-00009600-00009900 Click the magnifying glass icon that is next to it. -08PF_Tw8uY-00020-00010000-00010300 We will see the results of the search in the contents area. -08PF_Tw8uY-00021-00010400-00010900 We see that the top result is for gmail, the email from google. -08PF_Tw8uY-00022-00011000-00011700 On the left side of the Search bar, the logo of the search engine which has been used to bring up the results is seen. -08PF_Tw8uY-00023-00011800-00012100 The default search engine used in Mozilla Firefox is ‘google’. -08PF_Tw8uY-00024-00012200-00012700 But we need not be constrained by this. We can choose the search engine of our choice. -08PF_Tw8uY-00025-00012800-00013100 Click on the google’s search engine logo within the Search bar. -08PF_Tw8uY-00026-00013200-00014000 We notice that a drop down box appears with the logos of most popular search engines, including “Yahoo” and “Bing”. -08PF_Tw8uY-00027-00014100-00014300 Select “Yahoo” from the drop down box. -08PF_Tw8uY-00028-00014400-00014900 We observe that the logo on the left of the search bar has now changed to the “Yahoo” logo. -08PF_Tw8uY-00029-00015000-00015500 Now lets type ‘email’ again in the Search bar and click the magnifying glass. -08PF_Tw8uY-00030-00015600-00016100 This time we see that the results in the Contents area are from the “Yahoo” search engine. -08PF_Tw8uY-00031-00016200-00016500 Observe that the results are slightly different from last time. -08PF_Tw8uY-00032-00016600-00017200 The top result is no longer gmail. Instead the top result is “Yahoo” mail. -08PF_Tw8uY-00033-00017300-00017600 Click on the search engine logo within the Search bar again. -08PF_Tw8uY-00034-00017700-00018000 In the drop down box, select ‘Manage Search Engines’. -08PF_Tw8uY-00035-00018100-00018600 This opens a dialog box entitled ‘Manage Search Engine list'. -08PF_Tw8uY-00036-00018700-00018900 Click on the last item in the list. -08PF_Tw8uY-00037-00019000-00019500 The buttons on the right side are now enabled. Click on the ‘Remove’ button. -08PF_Tw8uY-00038-00019600-00020000 We see that the item we chose is no longer on the list. -08PF_Tw8uY-00039-00020100-00020300 Click on OK to close the dialog box. -08PF_Tw8uY-00040-00020400-00020800 Click on the search engine logo within the Search bar again. -08PF_Tw8uY-00041-00020900-00021100 Click on “Manage Search Engines”. -08PF_Tw8uY-00042-00021200-00021600 The “Manage Search Engines list" dialog box pops up. -08PF_Tw8uY-00043-00021700-00022100 At the bottom of the dialog is a link that say ‘Get more search engines…’. -08PF_Tw8uY-00044-00022200-00022300 Click on it -08PF_Tw8uY-00045-00022300-00022500 A new browser tab opens. -08PF_Tw8uY-00046-00022600-00023000 It displays a number of search engines that we can add to the search bar. -08PF_Tw8uY-00047-00023100-00023400 You can add any of the search engines according to your requirement. -08PF_Tw8uY-00048-00023500-00023900 Lets close this tab by clicking on the x at the corner of the tab. -08PF_Tw8uY-00049-00024000-00024600 We can find specific text which is within the Contents area with the help of the “Find bar”. -08PF_Tw8uY-00050-00024700-00025200 In the URL bar, type ‘www.gmail.com’ and press Enter. -08PF_Tw8uY-00051-00025300-00025800 When the gmail home page has loaded, click on ‘Edit’ and then on ‘Find’. -08PF_Tw8uY-00052-00025900-00026100 A “Find bar” appears at the bottom of the browser window. -08PF_Tw8uY-00053-00026200-00026700 In the text box of the “Find bar”, type ‘gmail’. -08PF_Tw8uY-00054-00026800-00027500 As we type, we see that the first instance of that text, is being highlighted in the Contents area. -08PF_Tw8uY-00055-00027600-00028000 Clicking on ‘Next’ will move the focus to the next instance of the word. -08PF_Tw8uY-00056-00028100-00028500 Clicking on ‘Previous’ will move the focus to the previous instance of the word. -08PF_Tw8uY-00057-00028600-00028800 Click on ‘Highlight all’ option. -08PF_Tw8uY-00058-00028900-00029500 We see that all instances of the search text are highlighted in the Contents area. -08PF_Tw8uY-00059-00029600-00030300 Mozilla Firefox makes it easy to type web addresses in the URL bar with its auto-complete function. -08PF_Tw8uY-00060-00030400-00030700 We don’t have to type the entire web address in the address bar. -08PF_Tw8uY-00061-00030800-00031100 Try this:In the address bar type ‘gma’. -08PF_Tw8uY-00062-00031200-00031600 We see that Mozilla Firefox tries to auto-complete the word we are typing. -08PF_Tw8uY-00063-00031700-00032200 It brings up a drop down list with websites that start with ‘gma’. -08PF_Tw8uY-00064-00032300-00032600 Choose the ‘gmail’ link from the drop down list. -08PF_Tw8uY-00065-00032700-00032900 The ‘gmail’ webpage loads in the Contents area. -08PF_Tw8uY-00066-00033000-00033300 If we do not like this feature, we can turn it off. -08PF_Tw8uY-00067-00033400-00033600 Click on “Edit” and then on “Preferences”. -08PF_Tw8uY-00068-00033700-00034000 Windows users can click on “Tools” and then on “Options”. -08PF_Tw8uY-00069-00034100-00034500 Choose the “Privacy” tab from the list of Main menu tabs. -08PF_Tw8uY-00070-00034600-00035200 At the very bottom of the dialog box, is an option named ‘When using location bar, suggest’. -08PF_Tw8uY-00071-00035300-00035500 Click on the arrow of the drop down list to expand it. -08PF_Tw8uY-00072-00035600-00035800 Select ‘Nothing’ from the list. -08PF_Tw8uY-00073-00035900-00036200 Click on ‘Close’ to close the dialog box. -08PF_Tw8uY-00074-00036300-00036800 Lets go back to the address bar and type ‘gma’. Notice that no suggestions come up. -08PF_Tw8uY-00075-00036900-00037500 This concludes this tutorial of Mozilla Firefox - Searching and Auto-complete features. -08PF_Tw8uY-00076-00037600-00038600 In this tutorial we will learnt how to; Use Search, Manage Search Engine,Use the find bar,use Auto-compete in Address bar -08PF_Tw8uY-00077-00038700-00038900 Try this comprehension test assignment. -08PF_Tw8uY-00078-00039000-00039300 Change the search engine in the search bar to “Yahoo”. -08PF_Tw8uY-00079-00039400-00039500 Search for ‘spoken tutorial’. -08PF_Tw8uY-00080-00039600-00039900 Click on the first result. -08PF_Tw8uY-00081-00040000-00040300 Find how many times the word “video” appears in the page. -08PF_Tw8uY-00082-00040400-00041000 Now click on ‘Highlight all’ to highlight all the instances of the word “video” in the webpage. -08PF_Tw8uY-00083-00041100-00041300 Watch the video available at http://spoken-tutorial.org/What is a Spoken Tutorial -08PF_Tw8uY-00084-00041400-00041700 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project -08PF_Tw8uY-00085-00041800-00042100 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it -08PF_Tw8uY-00086-00042200-00042700 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials -08PF_Tw8uY-00087-00042800-00043000 Gives certificates for those who pass an online test -08PF_Tw8uY-00088-00043100-00043700 For more details, please write to contact@spoken-tutorial.org -08PF_Tw8uY-00089-00043800-00044100 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project -08PF_Tw8uY-00090-00044200-00044900 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India -08PF_Tw8uY-00091-00045000-00046000 More information on this Mission is available at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro -08PF_Tw8uY-00092-00046100-00046600 This tutorial has been contributed by ...............................(Name of the translator and narrator) And this is -----------------------(name of the recorder) from --------------------------(name of the place)signing off. Thanks for watching. Thanks for joining -3oRL2Xpjhk-00000-00000000-00000395 I've just had the opportunity today to produce our second annual quality -3oRL2Xpjhk-00001-00000395-00000813 statement for NHS Wales and in our intention of this is to be able to draw -3oRL2Xpjhk-00002-00000813-00001290 together lots of examples we see across Wales coming from the individual health -3oRL2Xpjhk-00003-00001290-00001727 boards and trusts and reflecting the services and the initiatives that staff -3oRL2Xpjhk-00004-00001727-00002102 are actually leading and directing in their own organizations and I hope to -3oRL2Xpjhk-00005-00002102-00002415 give some confidence and assurance that people are very focused on improving the -3oRL2Xpjhk-00006-00002415-00002748 experience of patients across Wales and there's some things we're really proud -3oRL2Xpjhk-00007-00002748-00003192 of in there seeing some of the impact of initiatives like the Sepsis scheme -3oRL2Xpjhk-00008-00003192-00003534 that's been put in place working with the UK Sepsis Trust -3oRL2Xpjhk-00009-00003534-00003870 knowing that it's made a real difference actually about and people surviving -3oRL2Xpjhk-00010-00003870-00004242 Sepsis and making a difference to services in Wales but there's also -3oRL2Xpjhk-00011-00004242-00004584 a lot of basic issues in there and I've been really pleased with some individual -3oRL2Xpjhk-00012-00004584-00004992 examples like focusing on dental care for older people in care homes that show -3oRL2Xpjhk-00013-00004992-00005396 that people are really thinking about it from a dignity and care perspective -3oRL2Xpjhk-00014-00005396-00005760 What the report also does though i am pleased to recognize there are things that we need -3oRL2Xpjhk-00015-00005760-00006093 to improve and make sure that we have proper responses across the whole of -3oRL2Xpjhk-00016-00006093-00006330 Wales and we do take very seriously -3oRL2Xpjhk-00017-00006330-00006665 we deliver a service of scale with millions of contacts happening every -3oRL2Xpjhk-00018-00006665-00007047 year and we know what the NHS needs to offer is an individual experience for -3oRL2Xpjhk-00019-00007047-00007392 everybody who was passing through so I hope the report helps and I hope it will give -3oRL2Xpjhk-00020-00007392-00007638 you some understanding and some of our focus and intention in Wales -52jG49n6q4-00000-00001971-00002171 Lithium Batteries Upgraded. -5AMas24gME-00000-00000000-00000708 My Ghosts on this episode of demons Row TV we break down the most important part -5AMas24gME-00001-00000708-00001296 of MC culture and that's the beginning process the hang around process before -5AMas24gME-00002-00001296-00001910 you even become a prospect and we get into it on this episode but demons Row -5AMas24gME-00003-00001910-00002443 TV and oh yeah we #ghostin baby -5AMas24gME-00004-00006717-00007481 My ghosts welcome to demons Row TV the Holy Grail of MC culture were we -5AMas24gME-00005-00007481-00007970 cover everything motorcycle club involved I'm Sose the ghost I'm your -5AMas24gME-00006-00007970-00008280 host for the evening and today we're gonna get into it -5AMas24gME-00007-00008280-00009024 to me the most important part of joining a MC is the hang around process -5AMas24gME-00008-00009024-00009585 even more important than a prospect but the first thing I want you to do like we -5AMas24gME-00009-00009585-00010142 always do on this channel is to hit me with that -5AMas24gME-00010-00010142-00010677 #ghostin and that lets me know you're alive and well -5AMas24gME-00011-00010677-00011205 sitting on 2s doing what you do or part of the demons Row community one of -5AMas24gME-00012-00011205-00011861 my ghosts shout to all my new subscribers welcome to the Row shout to everybody -5AMas24gME-00013-00011861-00012264 that has been copping the demons row merch y'all y'all turning the demons -5AMas24gME-00014-00012264-00012800 roll merch to the new like Nike of motorcycle clubs so I really -5AMas24gME-00015-00012800-00013215 appreciate everybody that's been supporting what I do my intentions are -5AMas24gME-00016-00013215-00013779 good and it's a brand that you can stand on so I really appreciate that follow us -5AMas24gME-00017-00013779-00014325 on instagram at @demonsrow @sosetheghost_ but let's get into it -5AMas24gME-00018-00014325-00014954 there hang around for 1%er motorcycle clubs for any club I'm not -5AMas24gME-00019-00014954-00015435 sure if RCS do hang around too I'm sure everybody has a little process where -5AMas24gME-00020-00015435-00015909 they feel out a person before they join the club so that's to hang around for me -5AMas24gME-00021-00015909-00016506 the hang around process is the most important process in MC culture it's -5AMas24gME-00022-00016506-00016979 where you weed out the busters or if you're the person joining it's where you -5AMas24gME-00023-00016979-00017445 weed out a fake club or or a club that just doesn't fit your style you know -5AMas24gME-00024-00017445-00017673 what I mean the type of people that you're around -5AMas24gME-00025-00017673-00018237 they have to fit the style at a person you are so how do you become a hanging -5AMas24gME-00026-00018237-00018756 around well it depends what kind of club you're in you know to be a one percenter -5AMas24gME-00027-00018756-00019223 hang around is a longer process it's harder to get around people if you don't -5AMas24gME-00028-00019223-00019755 know them but if you know people in a 1% Club obviously it's a lot easier you -5AMas24gME-00029-00019755-00020015 know if you got a family member in the club or whatever -5AMas24gME-00030-00020015-00020492 it's gonna be a lot easier but if you're not if you're a person that never has -5AMas24gME-00031-00020492-00020909 been in the club before you ride and you know in your heart you're a -5AMas24gME-00032-00020909-00021362 one-percenter and this is what you want to do you can try to shoot straight to -5AMas24gME-00033-00021362-00021779 the top which will be very hard but I would say get in the mix maybe join a -5AMas24gME-00034-00021779-00022159 riding club stay down with them for a while learn -5AMas24gME-00035-00022159-00022625 about the culture because there's a lot about the culture that you have to learn -5AMas24gME-00036-00022625-00023072 and if I think that joining a riding club or or just riding with people that -5AMas24gME-00037-00023072-00023519 are in the know necessarily they don't necessarily have to wear cuts but at -5AMas24gME-00038-00023519-00023972 least they're in the know so you go to events you meet people you go on bike -5AMas24gME-00039-00023972-00024506 runs poker runs you go to you go to events at the beach and you know biker -5AMas24gME-00040-00024506-00024965 events with stuff going on you make friends you you know in time you meet -5AMas24gME-00041-00024965-00025400 people it's a it's a process it's a it's a marathon not a sprint -5AMas24gME-00042-00025400-00025937 so if you're really thinking of becoming a 1% or joining a motorcycle club and -5AMas24gME-00043-00025937-00026444 you don't actually know people it's gonna be a long haul process and you -5AMas24gME-00044-00026444-00026872 know what that's a good thing because nothing good comes easy I feel that -5AMas24gME-00045-00026872-00027350 anything that comes easy is worth nothing because anything that's dope and -5AMas24gME-00046-00027350-00027790 really worth anything in this in this life you got to work hard for you want -5AMas24gME-00047-00027790-00028213 the best looking girl in town you're not gonna just walk up turn day one she's -5AMas24gME-00048-00028213-00028558 gonna be your girlfriend you know what I mean you gotta put in work she gotta see -5AMas24gME-00049-00028558-00028901 you around you gotta get to know her unless you're just the whole star like -5AMas24gME-00050-00028901-00029276 that then I'll give you much respect and do your thing because you're the chosen -5AMas24gME-00051-00029276-00029888 one but anything that's worth something there's not luck involved there's a lot -5AMas24gME-00052-00029888-00030415 of hard work so if you wanna join a 1% Club or motorcycle club you're gonna -5AMas24gME-00053-00030415-00030938 have to go to a lot of bike events and start getting to know people being any -5AMas24gME-00054-00030938-00031252 social will get you nowhere if you don't know a lot of people so you're gonna -5AMas24gME-00055-00031252-00031795 have to get out there meet people have a good time and and just see if it's even -5AMas24gME-00056-00031795-00032144 something that you're interested that's why this hang around process is so -5AMas24gME-00057-00032144-00032582 important because you actually get to figure out if you even want to join a -5AMas24gME-00058-00032582-00032915 club okay so let's fast-forward you've went -5AMas24gME-00059-00032915-00033249 to bike events for years you you know all the clubs -5AMas24gME-00060-00033249-00033644 you know this is oh this is a 1% Club when they come around it's this type of -5AMas24gME-00061-00033644-00034241 vibe this is a 99 this is a riding club this is an mm you know like a motorcycle -5AMas24gME-00062-00034241-00034706 ministry maybe your your belief in God is high so you feel that that works for -5AMas24gME-00063-00034706-00035211 you that's where you play this game you played a game of Who am I you look in -5AMas24gME-00064-00035211-00035759 the mirror what type of person am i what fits what I want to get into that's how -5AMas24gME-00065-00035759-00036075 you choose your path and look at yourself in the mirror don't lie to -5AMas24gME-00066-00036075-00036641 yourself and try to be a super tough guy and try to get down with a 1% and then -5AMas24gME-00067-00036641-00037134 get swallowed up by the process take a good look at yourself in the mirror who -5AMas24gME-00068-00037134-00037437 you are what type of people fit in with the type -5AMas24gME-00069-00037437-00037897 of person you are and put yourself in a crowd of people that are like-minded -5AMas24gME-00070-00037897-00038388 people that have the same type of hobbies people that like the same things -5AMas24gME-00071-00038388-00038816 you like you know what I mean dress the way you dress or unless you want to be -5AMas24gME-00072-00038816-00039336 an oddball that actually fits cuz sometimes opposites attract so you know -5AMas24gME-00073-00039336-00039821 your style might fit in it might be more you know exhilarating for you joining a -5AMas24gME-00074-00039821-00040247 certain type of club but just look in the mirror and be realistic when you do -5AMas24gME-00075-00040247-00040682 make those friends and then they ask you to hang around and be around the club -5AMas24gME-00076-00040682-00041178 don't be a knucklehead and be a joker and clowning around it's the same thing -5AMas24gME-00077-00041178-00041688 like a total prospect you need to not talk a lot and you need to study the -5AMas24gME-00078-00041688-00042090 room and this goes for anything even if you're a fully patch remember if you're -5AMas24gME-00079-00042090-00042503 in a new situation or you're around people you don't know like that you need -5AMas24gME-00080-00042503-00042959 to study the room study a situation and know what's going on when you're hanging -5AMas24gME-00081-00042959-00043368 around I don't care how long you've been hanging around for do not act like -5AMas24gME-00082-00043368-00043809 you're a member you're not put on a blank cut and act like you're a fully -5AMas24gME-00083-00043809-00044238 vested member just because maybe you ride more or something like that don't -5AMas24gME-00084-00044238-00044747 ever put yourself in a situation where you start talking down on members of the -5AMas24gME-00085-00044747-00045174 club remember you're not a member of the club yet so that can end up bad for you -5AMas24gME-00086-00045174-00045644 and if it's a 1% situation it can really bad for you but the one thing you never -5AMas24gME-00087-00045644-00046305 want to do is I see this a lot you'll have a hang around ride a lot and maybe -5AMas24gME-00088-00046305-00046769 a fully pass remember night for whatever reason not be around as much you don't -5AMas24gME-00089-00046769-00047112 know what they going through in your life do not tell one of the fully -5AMas24gME-00090-00047112-00047459 patched members oh I'm so so don't ride like that like I -5AMas24gME-00091-00047459-00047844 never see him don't ever talk that I don't see him tight shit cuz you don't -5AMas24gME-00092-00047844-00048306 know what that man is doing he could be what other brothers in another area you -5AMas24gME-00093-00048306-00048719 don't know so don't get into talking about members cuz that's that's a way -5AMas24gME-00094-00048719-00049044 right there that you can mess up everything if you really want to get in -5AMas24gME-00095-00049044-00049512 the club one thing that's very important as I hang around you never want to ask -5AMas24gME-00096-00049512-00050165 about cuts patches what they mean that type of stuff you're not a member of -5AMas24gME-00097-00050165-00050578 that Club so you cannot ask those type of questions when you're prospecting -5AMas24gME-00098-00050578-00051033 then you can ask questions like that and if they're gonna tell you when you've -5AMas24gME-00099-00051033-00051494 earned a certain patch or however they work then that's how you learn I had -5AMas24gME-00100-00051494-00051992 somebody in the comments recently asked me oh um you posted a video and you -5AMas24gME-00101-00051992-00052358 didn't have your cut on like that's the type of shit that I would like a person -5AMas24gME-00102-00052358-00052658 will get smacked for in real life you know what I mean you don't ask about a -5AMas24gME-00103-00052658-00053052 person's cut or patches and stuff like that but I understand it's a show and -5AMas24gME-00104-00053052-00053457 since it's the Internet and this my goes I'm gonna let y'all know like when I'm -5AMas24gME-00105-00053457-00053933 doing demons Road stuff I'm not gonna wear the cuts anymore because my views -5AMas24gME-00106-00053933-00054288 when I'm talking about certain stuff it starts to look like it's a club thing -5AMas24gME-00107-00054288-00054692 like my club is saying this my club is saying that anything that I say on dmoz -5AMas24gME-00108-00054692-00055338 Road TV I stand on as a man me myself as a hang around you don't really want to -5AMas24gME-00109-00055338-00055802 ask too much questions you want to observe and you want to let them show -5AMas24gME-00110-00055802-00056357 you this is them showing you why you should want a prospect for this club why -5AMas24gME-00111-00056357-00056874 you would want to represent a cut and hold the banner for this club it's the -5AMas24gME-00112-00056874-00057422 best process to learn and I set it on another video and I'm gonna say it again -5AMas24gME-00113-00057422-00058035 somebody cannot be fate for 2 to 3 years it's just Dan capable they're gonna show -5AMas24gME-00114-00058035-00058544 their true colors so you want to see those true colors play out before you -5AMas24gME-00115-00058544-00059057 make your decision if you want to prospect and prospecting is very fun but -5AMas24gME-00116-00059057-00059562 it's a lot of work so you also gotta say to yourself watch the club's look at the -5AMas24gME-00117-00059562-00060113 prospects look how they're treated look at what they do and then be honest -5AMas24gME-00118-00060113-00060494 with yourself is this something that you really want to do when you see them you -5AMas24gME-00119-00060494-00060755 know going through whatever they're going through is this something that -5AMas24gME-00120-00060755-00061169 you're willing to persevere through so that's that's like the most important -5AMas24gME-00121-00061169-00061607 thing to me and this and if you hang around long enough you don't waste the -5AMas24gME-00122-00061607-00062111 club's time or your time and it makes it where you don't have to join maybe like -5AMas24gME-00123-00062111-00062576 a riding club or another club you can hang around long enough where you know -5AMas24gME-00124-00062576-00062981 what goes on I mean they're not gonna tell you inside stuff about clubs you're -5AMas24gME-00125-00062981-00063377 not gonna be able to sit in on meetings or anything like that you know what I -5AMas24gME-00126-00063377-00063794 mean but you still get to be around the club while they're out and they will -5AMas24gME-00127-00063794-00064240 show their cards you will see how they move and you'll see how other clubs move -5AMas24gME-00128-00064240-00064739 befriend the right people and then those people will let you know you know how -5AMas24gME-00129-00064739-00065102 the club works you know they're not gonna talk to inner if they if they -5AMas24gME-00130-00065102-00065519 represent the club correctly but they will you know show you the good parts of -5AMas24gME-00131-00065519-00065795 it you know they're not gonna show you the bad parts you'll learn that the hard -5AMas24gME-00132-00065795-00066131 way you know what I mean when you prospect and stuff like that but just -5AMas24gME-00133-00066131-00066602 pay attention to everything that's going on and I want you to know that a lot of -5AMas24gME-00134-00066602-00067163 people maybe that have family in clubs or whatever they get in faster so what -5AMas24gME-00135-00067163-00067502 they do is they'll be down for a while and then they'll just give up their cut -5AMas24gME-00136-00067502-00068063 and they've wasted a year two years four or five depending on who you are a lot -5AMas24gME-00137-00068063-00068498 of years of their life being in the club so always remember that when you're -5AMas24gME-00138-00068498-00068954 hanging around hang around for a long time so you're not one of these dudes a -5AMas24gME-00139-00068954-00069523 year out drop in the club hang around take your time if it's a great club -5AMas24gME-00140-00069523-00070076 trust me it'll be worth it if it's a shitty Club trust me it's worth it for -5AMas24gME-00141-00070076-00070565 you to get out of there before you even put a prospect cut on before you pay one -5AMas24gME-00142-00070565-00071225 dollar dues before you clean anybody's bar before you do anything trust me when -5AMas24gME-00143-00071225-00071738 I tell you this is the most important process in MC culture and on the club -5AMas24gME-00144-00071738-00072308 side y'all have to make people hang around I know people at thirsty for -5AMas24gME-00145-00072308-00072716 numbers these days and they want to expand the intentions are good but as a -5AMas24gME-00146-00072716-00073263 club you have to have hanger you have to have people you have to -5AMas24gME-00147-00073263-00073737 weigh people out and figure out who they are before they put on your cut cuz even -5AMas24gME-00148-00073737-00074250 when they put on that prospect cut you might not say I would ask my brother or -5AMas24gME-00149-00074250-00074676 or he's an official member you know he's not an official member yet but other -5AMas24gME-00150-00074676-00075138 people that are not in your club are looking at him like he represents your -5AMas24gME-00151-00075138-00075465 club they're not just like oh he's a prospect he's not down with the club -5AMas24gME-00152-00075465-00075933 you're wearing a cut so they look at you like you know you're a pseudo member of -5AMas24gME-00153-00075933-00076332 the club you have the cut on so you really have to weigh these cats out -5AMas24gME-00154-00076332-00076857 because you know if a dude if you make a do hang around for a year before he can -5AMas24gME-00155-00076857-00077283 even prospect if he's a sucker you're gonna know that you're gonna know it -5AMas24gME-00156-00077283-00077769 quick it won't take very long you put him in as a prospect he could squeak out -5AMas24gME-00157-00077769-00078180 the prospect shift for a little while and then he'll let his suckers show once -5AMas24gME-00158-00078180-00078624 he's fully passed so let him hang around for a minute we gotta build some -5AMas24gME-00159-00078624-00079068 strength in these clubs some endurance because that's why dudes are being one -5AMas24gME-00160-00079068-00079494 Club one week and then the next Club the next week because it's too easy to get -5AMas24gME-00161-00079494-00080033 in and out and that's why clubs get infiltrated it's too easy to get in do -5AMas24gME-00162-00080033-00080439 you know how if you just let it do it hang around this they have certain -5AMas24gME-00163-00080439-00081051 budgets for cases they can't if they're investigating your club they can't keep -5AMas24gME-00164-00081051-00081519 a case going on forever so if you make them hang around for a long time he's -5AMas24gME-00165-00081519-00081966 he's way past the statue of limitations of being able to run an investigation on -5AMas24gME-00166-00081966-00082365 your club the problem is you guys are letting people in so quick -5AMas24gME-00167-00082365-00082887 the feds don't even gotta get a budget they just here go they'll let you in -5AMas24gME-00168-00082887-00083256 quit and they know they're there for jobs so they're gonna go even harder -5AMas24gME-00169-00083256-00083592 than anybody because they getting paid to be there every time there's an event -5AMas24gME-00170-00083592-00083940 every time Suns going on so you're gonna think they're great prospect and you're -5AMas24gME-00171-00083940-00084377 gonna fully patch on quick so yeah the hang around process is the most -5AMas24gME-00172-00084377-00084786 important part of emcee culture let me know in the comments if you agree with -5AMas24gME-00173-00084786-00085220 what I'm saying because I really think that if we start making the hang around -5AMas24gME-00174-00085220-00085824 the new prospect these clubs and the type of people in our culture are gonna -5AMas24gME-00175-00085824-00086232 be ironclad because the suckers ain't gonna last past a year I -5AMas24gME-00176-00086232-00086641 Teesha mandatory hang around for like a year I think that should be a mandatory -5AMas24gME-00177-00086641-00087156 maybe two years some clubs are worse you know what I mean and some club will make -5AMas24gME-00178-00087156-00087736 you join a support club before you even join the main club so I mean that's how -5AMas24gME-00179-00087736-00088035 you get the cream of the crop you want the Queen with you -5AMas24gME-00180-00088035-00088479 quantity is better than quality remember that my brothers cuz if you have a whole -5AMas24gME-00181-00088479-00088974 bunch of suckers I'm telling you man I've been up north I hate to bring it to -5AMas24gME-00182-00088974-00089424 the games shit or the town but I've been up north I was ten crib single Wanda and -5AMas24gME-00183-00089424-00089911 it was like sixty Bloods and guess what he was good you know why cuz it was the -5AMas24gME-00184-00089911-00090417 cream of the crop cuz you know when you go up north they scared the deafness a -5AMas24gME-00185-00090417-00090927 tear crept in the New York area so if you holdin it down like that with ten -5AMas24gME-00186-00090927-00091323 people that's the cream of the crop and that's what we need for MC culture we -5AMas24gME-00187-00091323-00091725 need to cream of the crop or the suckers could stay home and hide we need the -5AMas24gME-00188-00091725-00092181 cream of the crop on these roads let me know in the comments if you're a hanging -5AMas24gME-00189-00092181-00092649 around give me a pound hang around any questions I definitely will let you know -5AMas24gME-00190-00092649-00092952 about it give me a pound prospect if you're a -5AMas24gME-00191-00092952-00093393 prospect right now and let me know how it was how was your hang around process -5AMas24gME-00192-00093393-00093783 did you get in real fast like the majority of these clubs or did you have -5AMas24gME-00193-00093783-00094261 to hang around for a minute shout that everybody through these dark times we -5AMas24gME-00194-00094261-00094873 will still keep rolling and we will get stronger as a culture its knowledge that -5AMas24gME-00195-00094873-00095248 we keep givin to each other we need to instill it in the young boys and the -5AMas24gME-00196-00095248-00095848 younger generation so we build the ironclads culture I'm so proud of being -5AMas24gME-00197-00095848-00096231 involved with this culture and everything that we do how like-minded we -5AMas24gME-00198-00096231-00096756 are how strong as men we are how what we are how we don't stay home watching TV -5AMas24gME-00199-00096756-00097186 all day like these zombies how we are out here riding when -5AMas24gME-00200-00097186-00097597 everybody else is scared just big shout to everybody in this culture cuz I'm -5AMas24gME-00201-00097597-00098043 proud of everybody in this culture Kopp the demons row merch shout that -5AMas24gME-00202-00098043-00098466 everybody that's been supporting follow the @sosetheghost_ page and follow -5AMas24gME-00203-00098466-00099108 us on instagram thank you for tuning in the demons row TV the holy grail at MC -5AMas24gME-00204-00099108-00100121 culture like subscribe and comment and know yet we #ghostin baby -7CflNaS6OA-00000-00000506-00000986 Unearned revenue is an example of a deferral adjusted entry. -7CflNaS6OA-00001-00000986-00001506 It occurs when cash is received before revenue is earned. -7CflNaS6OA-00002-00001506-00002363 Unearned revenue is a liability until the service has been performed. Make sure you note that. It's a liability not a revenue. -7CflNaS6OA-00003-00002363-00003096 Let's look at this example: Assume on April 1, the Utah Jazz sell me season tickets for $6000. -7CflNaS6OA-00004-00003096-00003476 The season starts in October and runs through April. -7CflNaS6OA-00005-00003476-00004206 So let's answer the following questions. What is the journal entry on April 1? Is this an adjusting entry? -7CflNaS6OA-00006-00004206-00005059 What are the balances on the unadjusted trial balance for unearned ticket revenue and ticket revenue? -7CflNaS6OA-00007-00005060-00006080 The journal entry on April 1 is a debit to the asset account, cash and a credit to the liability account, unearned ticket revenue -7CflNaS6OA-00008-00006080-00006306 for $6000. -7CflNaS6OA-00009-00006306-00007066 This is not an adjusting entry because there is an underlying transaction that happened on April 1. -7CflNaS6OA-00010-00007066-00007919 So the unadjusted balance for unearned ticket revenue at the end of the year is still $6000. -7CflNaS6OA-00011-00007920-00008396 As of yet, no ticket revenue has been recorded. -7CflNaS6OA-00012-00008396-00009273 What is adjusting entry for December 31, then, assuming the Utah Jazz have played 1/3 of its season? -7CflNaS6OA-00013-00009273-00009896 Since $2000 of the unearned ticket revenue has now been earned, -7CflNaS6OA-00014-00009896-00010796 we need to debit the liability account, unearned ticket revenue, and credit the revenue account ticket revenue -7CflNaS6OA-00015-00010796-00011006 for $2000. -7CflNaS6OA-00016-00011006-00011949 After posting this adjusting entry, the balance remaining in the unearned ticket revenue account is now $4000 -7CflNaS6OA-00017-00011950-00012740 and the ticket revenue has been recorded to show $2000 of earned revenue. -7QKoUMkw6A-00000-00000010-00000180 LPTV.ORG/NEWS. -7QKoUMkw6A-00001-00000180-00000186 LPTV.ORG/NEWS. -7QKoUMkw6A-00002-00000186-00000326 LPTV.ORG/NEWS. >>> GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON HAS -7QKoUMkw6A-00003-00000326-00000333 LPTV.ORG/NEWS. >>> GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON HAS -7QKoUMkw6A-00004-00000333-00000473 LPTV.ORG/NEWS. >>> GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON HAS WARNED LAWMAKERS THAT HE WILL -7QKoUMkw6A-00005-00000473-00000480 >>> GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON HAS WARNED LAWMAKERS THAT HE WILL -7QKoUMkw6A-00006-00000480-00000633 >>> GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON HAS WARNED LAWMAKERS THAT HE WILL VETO A BILL TO NULLIFY THE -7QKoUMkw6A-00007-00000633-00000640 WARNED LAWMAKERS THAT HE WILL VETO A BILL TO NULLIFY THE -7QKoUMkw6A-00008-00000640-00000820 WARNED LAWMAKERS THAT HE WILL VETO A BILL TO NULLIFY THE STATE'S WILD RICE WATER QUALITY -7QKoUMkw6A-00009-00000820-00000827 VETO A BILL TO NULLIFY THE STATE'S WILD RICE WATER QUALITY -7QKoUMkw6A-00010-00000827-00000950 VETO A BILL TO NULLIFY THE STATE'S WILD RICE WATER QUALITY STANDARD IF IT REACHES HIS DESK -7QKoUMkw6A-00011-00000950-00000957 STATE'S WILD RICE WATER QUALITY STANDARD IF IT REACHES HIS DESK -7QKoUMkw6A-00012-00000957-00001171 STATE'S WILD RICE WATER QUALITY STANDARD IF IT REACHES HIS DESK WITHOUT CHANGES. -7QKoUMkw6A-00013-00001171-00001177 STANDARD IF IT REACHES HIS DESK WITHOUT CHANGES. -7QKoUMkw6A-00014-00001177-00001321 STANDARD IF IT REACHES HIS DESK WITHOUT CHANGES. THE GOVERNOR SAID IN A LETTER -7QKoUMkw6A-00015-00001321-00001327 WITHOUT CHANGES. THE GOVERNOR SAID IN A LETTER -7QKoUMkw6A-00016-00001327-00001448 WITHOUT CHANGES. THE GOVERNOR SAID IN A LETTER THURSDAY HE RECOGNIZES IT'S NOT -7QKoUMkw6A-00017-00001448-00001454 THE GOVERNOR SAID IN A LETTER THURSDAY HE RECOGNIZES IT'S NOT -7QKoUMkw6A-00018-00001454-00001608 THE GOVERNOR SAID IN A LETTER THURSDAY HE RECOGNIZES IT'S NOT TECHNICALLY OR ECONOMICALLY -7QKoUMkw6A-00019-00001608-00001614 THURSDAY HE RECOGNIZES IT'S NOT TECHNICALLY OR ECONOMICALLY -7QKoUMkw6A-00020-00001614-00001805 THURSDAY HE RECOGNIZES IT'S NOT TECHNICALLY OR ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE FOR THE MINING INDUSTRY -7QKoUMkw6A-00021-00001805-00001811 TECHNICALLY OR ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE FOR THE MINING INDUSTRY -7QKoUMkw6A-00022-00001811-00002008 TECHNICALLY OR ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE FOR THE MINING INDUSTRY OR MUNICIPALITIES TO COMPLY WITH -7QKoUMkw6A-00023-00002008-00002015 FEASIBLE FOR THE MINING INDUSTRY OR MUNICIPALITIES TO COMPLY WITH -7QKoUMkw6A-00024-00002015-00002132 FEASIBLE FOR THE MINING INDUSTRY OR MUNICIPALITIES TO COMPLY WITH THE EXISTING STANDARD, WHICH -7QKoUMkw6A-00025-00002132-00002138 OR MUNICIPALITIES TO COMPLY WITH THE EXISTING STANDARD, WHICH -7QKoUMkw6A-00026-00002138-00002235 OR MUNICIPALITIES TO COMPLY WITH THE EXISTING STANDARD, WHICH (AccuCapNT Trial Version) -7QKoUMkw6A-00027-00002235-00002242 THE EXISTING STANDARD, WHICH (AccuCapNT Trial Version) -7QKoUMkw6A-00028-00002242-00002302 THE EXISTING STANDARD, WHICH (AccuCapNT Trial Version) LIMITS DISCHARGES OF SULFATES -7QKoUMkw6A-00029-00002302-00002308 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) LIMITS DISCHARGES OF SULFATES -7QKoUMkw6A-00030-00002308-00002559 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) LIMITS DISCHARGES OF SULFATES INTO WATERS WHERE WILD RICE -7QKoUMkw6A-00031-00002559-00002565 LIMITS DISCHARGES OF SULFATES INTO WATERS WHERE WILD RICE -7QKoUMkw6A-00032-00002565-00002675 LIMITS DISCHARGES OF SULFATES INTO WATERS WHERE WILD RICE GROWS TO 10 MILLIGRAMS PER -7QKoUMkw6A-00033-00002675-00002682 INTO WATERS WHERE WILD RICE GROWS TO 10 MILLIGRAMS PER -7QKoUMkw6A-00034-00002682-00002849 INTO WATERS WHERE WILD RICE GROWS TO 10 MILLIGRAMS PER LITER. -7QKoUMkw6A-00035-00002849-00002856 GROWS TO 10 MILLIGRAMS PER LITER. -7QKoUMkw6A-00036-00002856-00002986 GROWS TO 10 MILLIGRAMS PER LITER. BUT HE SAYS THE BILL AS WRITTEN -7QKoUMkw6A-00037-00002986-00002992 LITER. BUT HE SAYS THE BILL AS WRITTEN -7QKoUMkw6A-00038-00002992-00003109 LITER. BUT HE SAYS THE BILL AS WRITTEN IS AN EXTREME APPROACH THAT -7QKoUMkw6A-00039-00003109-00003116 BUT HE SAYS THE BILL AS WRITTEN IS AN EXTREME APPROACH THAT -7QKoUMkw6A-00040-00003116-00003279 BUT HE SAYS THE BILL AS WRITTEN IS AN EXTREME APPROACH THAT REMOVES IMPORTANT PROTECTIONS -7QKoUMkw6A-00041-00003279-00003286 IS AN EXTREME APPROACH THAT REMOVES IMPORTANT PROTECTIONS -7QKoUMkw6A-00042-00003286-00003403 IS AN EXTREME APPROACH THAT REMOVES IMPORTANT PROTECTIONS FOR WILD RICE, CONFLICTS WITH -7QKoUMkw6A-00043-00003403-00003410 REMOVES IMPORTANT PROTECTIONS FOR WILD RICE, CONFLICTS WITH -7QKoUMkw6A-00044-00003410-00003573 REMOVES IMPORTANT PROTECTIONS FOR WILD RICE, CONFLICTS WITH FEDERAL LAW AND GUARANTEES -7QKoUMkw6A-00045-00003573-00003580 FOR WILD RICE, CONFLICTS WITH FEDERAL LAW AND GUARANTEES -7QKoUMkw6A-00046-00003580-00003733 FOR WILD RICE, CONFLICTS WITH FEDERAL LAW AND GUARANTEES ONGOING LITIGATION. -7QKoUMkw6A-00047-00003733-00003740 FEDERAL LAW AND GUARANTEES ONGOING LITIGATION. -7QKoUMkw6A-00048-00003740-00003853 FEDERAL LAW AND GUARANTEES ONGOING LITIGATION. THE BILL HAS CLEARED A -7QKoUMkw6A-00049-00003853-00003860 ONGOING LITIGATION. THE BILL HAS CLEARED A -7QKoUMkw6A-00050-00003860-00003973 ONGOING LITIGATION. THE BILL HAS CLEARED A CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AND IS -7QKoUMkw6A-00051-00003973-00003980 THE BILL HAS CLEARED A CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AND IS -7QKoUMkw6A-00052-00003980-00004087 THE BILL HAS CLEARED A CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AND IS HEADED BACK TO THE HOUSE AND -7QKoUMkw6A-00053-00004087-00004094 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AND IS HEADED BACK TO THE HOUSE AND -7QKoUMkw6A-00054-00004094-00004220 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AND IS HEADED BACK TO THE HOUSE AND SENATE FOR FINAL VOTES. -7QKoUMkw6A-00055-00004220-00004227 HEADED BACK TO THE HOUSE AND SENATE FOR FINAL VOTES. -7QKoUMkw6A-00056-00004227-00004374 HEADED BACK TO THE HOUSE AND SENATE FOR FINAL VOTES. THE BILL IS SUPPORTED BY MINING -7QKoUMkw6A-00057-00004374-00004381 SENATE FOR FINAL VOTES. THE BILL IS SUPPORTED BY MINING -7QKoUMkw6A-00058-00004381-00004544 SENATE FOR FINAL VOTES. THE BILL IS SUPPORTED BY MINING BACKERS AND WASTEWATER PLANT -7QKoUMkw6A-00059-00004544-00004551 THE BILL IS SUPPORTED BY MINING BACKERS AND WASTEWATER PLANT -7QKoUMkw6A-00060-00004551-00004664 THE BILL IS SUPPORTED BY MINING BACKERS AND WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATORS, BUT OPPOSED BY TRIBAL -81ieR6wm10-00000-00000056-00000376 Hey everybody I'm Lance Goyke and in this video we're going to talk about why -81ieR6wm10-00001-00000376-00000911 quad stretches are *probably* not worth your time and what I’d recommend you do instead. -81ieR6wm10-00002-00001000-00001584 Would you believe we never talked about quad stretches once in my anatomy masters program? -81ieR6wm10-00003-00001584-00001920 I've been a personal trainer and strength coach for about a decade now and every time -81ieR6wm10-00004-00001920-00002318 I see someone stretching their quads I get a little deflated. -81ieR6wm10-00005-00002375-00002826 When quad stretches aredone incorrectly, they are at best a waste of yourtime, -81ieR6wm10-00006-00002826-00003146 but possibly even doing more harm than good. -81ieR6wm10-00007-00003209-00003679 Now, don't get me wrong, stretching isn't all bad, and we'll talk about times when it can actually -81ieR6wm10-00008-00003679-00004168 be beneficial later on in the video. But my general rule is that if you're stretching -81ieR6wm10-00009-00004168-00004744 your quads to solve a mobility problem, there's probably a better solution to your problem. -81ieR6wm10-00010-00004840-00005296 Most people stretch their quads simply because they think they're supposed to. -81ieR6wm10-00011-00005296-00005784 If this is the only reason you're doing quad stretches, you can probably just stop. -81ieR6wm10-00012-00005864-00006336 You might be doing quad stretches because you have some tightness or pain in your knee, -81ieR6wm10-00013-00006336-00006840 hip, or low back. Common sense suggests that tight things need to be stretched, -81ieR6wm10-00014-00006840-00007272 but "tight" is a vague descriptor and actually not all that helpful -81ieR6wm10-00015-00007272-00007784 when it comes to solving mobility problems. Muscles can be tight for multiple reasons. -81ieR6wm10-00016-00007872-00008216 For example, consider the lower crossed syndrome first described -81ieR6wm10-00017-00008216-00008688 by a Czechoslovakian physician named Vladimir Janda in 1979. -81ieR6wm10-00018-00008688-00009160 This position describes a forward tilt of the pelvis, short low back and hip flexor muscles, -81ieR6wm10-00019-00009160-00009616 with long abdominals and hamstrings. If someone with this posture has tightness in -81ieR6wm10-00020-00009616-00010024 their hip flexor, it appears that those hip flexors are short and need to be stretched. -81ieR6wm10-00021-00010024-00010528 But then how do we explain how somebody with the same anterior pelvic tilt feels tight -81ieR6wm10-00022-00010528-00010896 in their long hamstrings? To understand why both long and -81ieR6wm10-00023-00010896-00011192 short muscles can feel tight we need more information. -81ieR6wm10-00024-00011264-00011656 Position or body posture is an important piece of the puzzle, -81ieR6wm10-00025-00011656-00012280 but it's not the only piece. The most important factor in whether or not a muscle feels tight -81ieR6wm10-00026-00012280-00012952 is its activation. Short hip flexors activate to stabilize the spine and advance the body forward. -81ieR6wm10-00027-00012952-00013416 Long hamstrings activate to prevent the body from falling forward. Both of these -81ieR6wm10-00028-00013416-00013880 muscles then feel tight then not because of their length, but because they never shut off. -81ieR6wm10-00029-00014000-00014288 There are a ton of ways to tighten up the quads. -81ieR6wm10-00030-00014352-00014768 Poor posture puts certain muscles in a disadvantageous position. -81ieR6wm10-00031-00014768-00015304 When the joints aren’t balanced, the brain increases muscle activity to stabilize the body. -81ieR6wm10-00032-00015391-00015928 A sedentary lifestyle stiffens the body. Sometimes, just setting a timer to remind -81ieR6wm10-00033-00015928-00016319 yourself to get up and move around can do wonders to promote mobility. -81ieR6wm10-00034-00016384-00016816 Sitting can tighten the quads, but it’s usually because of poor posture or long -81ieR6wm10-00035-00016816-00017392 periods of inactivity, like we just mentioned. It’s worth noting that standing can do the same. -81ieR6wm10-00036-00017456-00017976 Heavy lifting or repetitive motions are, by definition, activity. Movement is medicine, -81ieR6wm10-00037-00017976-00018416 as we might say, but you still need variety in your movement: different muscles, -81ieR6wm10-00038-00018416-00018568 joints, directions, and weights. -81ieR6wm10-00039-00018624-00019104 Muscle soreness is an immune response to exercise. The slight tissue damage and -81ieR6wm10-00040-00019104-00019656 swelling activates the pain pathways and causes a sort of hesitancy and stiffness in the muscle. -81ieR6wm10-00041-00019712-00020160 Our muscles help us breathe 14,400 times per day. -81ieR6wm10-00042-00020160-00020472 If the body is out of alignment, then there are about fifteen -81ieR6wm10-00043-00020472-00021024 thousand muscle contractions promoting postural imbalances and further tightening the muscles. -81ieR6wm10-00044-00021080-00021640 Of all of these, poor lifting technique is both the most common and most preventable reason for -81ieR6wm10-00045-00021640-00022200 quad tightness. There are three explanations as to why someone might have poor lifting technique. -81ieR6wm10-00046-00022296-00022808 The first is inexperience. New lifters need to learn how to lift with proper form. -81ieR6wm10-00047-00022888-00023504 The second is poor programming. Sometimes, a program demands too much from the lifter, pushing -81ieR6wm10-00048-00023504-00024160 her or him to a point where solid technique is not possible. This is known as “volitional failure”. -81ieR6wm10-00049-00024160-00024600 My ten years of experience as a strength coach suggests it’s okay to push this hard one out -81ieR6wm10-00050-00024600-00025256 of every four to six weeks or so. All other sessions should push to just before technique failure. -81ieR6wm10-00051-00025256-00025704 The third cause of poor lifting technique is poor movement ability. -81ieR6wm10-00052-00025704-00026095 If the body does not have the flexibility to perform the movement, -81ieR6wm10-00053-00026095-00026568 then the body will compensate in ways that place undue stress on the joints. An example would be -81ieR6wm10-00054-00026568-00027112 a lifter with limited hip mobility attempting to squat past parallel; it’s just not possible. -81ieR6wm10-00055-00027224-00027736 If you’re doing quad stretches to fix your knee pain, first, make sure your doctor is okay with -81ieR6wm10-00056-00027736-00028280 your experimentation. There could be something more serious going on. And remember, this video -81ieR6wm10-00057-00028280-00028832 is only meant to help you improve your movement and is not intended to treat your medical issues. -81ieR6wm10-00058-00028832-00029360 I wrote a long section in the article accompanying this video about different types of knee pain. -81ieR6wm10-00059-00029360-00029895 If you’re interested, I’ll link that up here. I might make a video in the future about knee pain, -81ieR6wm10-00060-00029895-00030304 patellar tracking, and knee alignment because I think it’s an important topic, -81ieR6wm10-00061-00030304-00030727 so be sure to subscribe and comment below if you’re interested in seeing something like that. -81ieR6wm10-00062-00030816-00031400 Alright, enough theory. Let’s see if these quad stretches are indeed a waste of your time. -81ieR6wm10-00063-00031400-00031704 I’ve put together four tests that will not only help you decide -81ieR6wm10-00064-00031704-00032064 whether or not you should do quad stretches, but also give you some -81ieR6wm10-00065-00032064-00032688 better alternative drills to maximize your posture, mobility, and overall body health. -81ieR6wm10-00066-00032744-00033192 Our first test is simply a questionnaire. Skip the quad stretches if... -81ieR6wm10-00067-00033192-00033455 You’re trying to reduce your anterior pelvic tilt. -81ieR6wm10-00068-00033500-00033724 You don’t normally feel better after stretching. -81ieR6wm10-00069-00033768-00034192 You’ve developed new problems since starting stretching, such as sciatica, quad pulls, -81ieR6wm10-00070-00034192-00034394 or a tingling sensation in your leg. -81ieR6wm10-00071-00034440-00034666 You’re stretching to prepare for astrength workout -81ieR6wm10-00072-00034666-00035072 and these stretches are not addressing a specific mobility limitation -81ieR6wm10-00073-00035128-00035424 And you may see some benefit from quad stretches if... -81ieR6wm10-00074-00035480-00035637 You’re sore from a tough workout. -81ieR6wm10-00075-00035687-00035824 You haven’t been moving around much. -81ieR6wm10-00076-00035864-00036216 You’ve been doing a lot of repetitive movements, such as house work or yard work. -81ieR6wm10-00077-00036296-00036872 Our second test will look at how efficiently you breathe. There are a multitude of ways to -81ieR6wm10-00078-00036872-00037464 move air into the lungs, but your diaphragm in the middle of your body is made for breathing. -81ieR6wm10-00079-00037464-00037824 Overbreathing with accessory muscles of inspiration like the traps -81ieR6wm10-00080-00037824-00038288 or paraspinals leads to decreased mobility throughout the entire body. -81ieR6wm10-00081-00038288-00038752 To perform this test, stand with one hand on the belly and one hand on the chest. -81ieR6wm10-00082-00038752-00039360 Take a slightly exaggerated breath in and examine when each hand moves. To pass the test, -81ieR6wm10-00083-00039360-00039912 both hands must expand at the same time and rate. If they don’t, this is a sign that your -81ieR6wm10-00084-00039912-00040368 diaphragm and pelvic floor are not working together. This promotes overbreathing or -81ieR6wm10-00085-00040368-00040928 mild hyperventilation which stiffens muscles, restricts mobility, and impairs good posture. -81ieR6wm10-00086-00040928-00041424 To fix a poor breathing pattern, we’re going to use an exercise from the Buteyko Clinic called the -81ieR6wm10-00087-00041424-00041968 Control Pause. Sit comfortably in a chair with relaxed shoulders and feet flat on the floor. -81ieR6wm10-00088-00042024-00042592 Take a few quiet breaths through your nose with lips sealed, then on the last one plug your nose -81ieR6wm10-00089-00042592-00043104 at the end of your resting exhale. Time yourself until you feel the urge to breathe in again. -81ieR6wm10-00090-00043104-00043656 This next breath in should be quiet; if you’re gasping, you waited too long to stop the timer. -81ieR6wm10-00091-00043728-00044216 Our goal on this exercise is to build up to a 40-second pause after exhaling. -81ieR6wm10-00092-00044216-00044816 This teaches your body to tolerate carbon dioxide and is the first step to prevent overbreathing. -81ieR6wm10-00093-00044816-00045216 During each test, practice moving the belly and chest simultaneously. -81ieR6wm10-00094-00045216-00045728 Repeat the test at least five times per day, also adding in daily walking or light cardio -81ieR6wm10-00095-00045728-00046256 with only nasal breathing. If you have to breathe through your mouth, the cardio is not easy enough. -81ieR6wm10-00096-00046312-00046792 Our third test is the bodyweight squat to examine your lower body mobility. -81ieR6wm10-00097-00046792-00047288 It’s best to perform a few reps, filming yourself first from the side and then from the front. -81ieR6wm10-00098-00047288-00047648 Stand with feet shoulder width apart and toes turned out 5 degrees. -81ieR6wm10-00099-00047648-00047976 Squat down as low as you can and return to standing. -81ieR6wm10-00100-00047976-00048496 From the side, we’re looking to see you squat all the way down until your thighs touch your calves. -81ieR6wm10-00101-00048496-00048944 If you cannot get there, your back arches, or your heels rise off the ground, -81ieR6wm10-00102-00048944-00049192 then your squat mobility is limited. -81ieR6wm10-00103-00049192-00049600 From the front, we’re looking to see if your knees splay apart or your feet -81ieR6wm10-00104-00049600-00050080 turn out. These subtle movements also tell us your squat mobility is limited. -81ieR6wm10-00105-00050080-00050376 If you’re unable to do a full squat without compensation, -81ieR6wm10-00106-00050376-00050864 then you need to learn how to control your hips. Properly positioned pelvic bones -81ieR6wm10-00107-00050864-00051376 allow your joints to stay loose because your stabilizing muscles don’t lock down your body. -81ieR6wm10-00108-00051440-00051912 The first step to controlling your pelvis is learning how to do a posterior pelvic tilt. -81ieR6wm10-00109-00051967-00052479 Lie on your back with your hips and knees bent to 90 degrees and your feet on a bench or chair. -81ieR6wm10-00110-00052479-00052848 Exhale and reach both knees about one inch up toward the ceiling. -81ieR6wm10-00111-00052904-00053312 Check to make sure your low back is in the ground, but your tailbone has risen off the ground. -81ieR6wm10-00112-00053312-00053584 Also check to make sure your abdominal muscles are off. -81ieR6wm10-00113-00053640-00054088 You should feel your hamstrings holding yourself in this position. If you feel your quads or -81ieR6wm10-00114-00054088-00054608 calves, attempt to relax them, re-tuck your hips, and shift the tension to the hamstrings. -81ieR6wm10-00115-00054608-00055191 Hold this position for 8 slow nasal breaths. Rest for about 30 seconds and repeat four more times. -81ieR6wm10-00116-00055191-00055728 Once finished, re-test your squat, aiming to avoid the technique faults we outlined a minute ago. In -81ieR6wm10-00117-00055728-00056240 the future, if your squat feels limited, you can perform this supine 90-90 posterior pelvic tilt to -81ieR6wm10-00118-00056240-00056791 reposition your hips, increasing your mobility and activating your glutes and hamstrings. -81ieR6wm10-00119-00056791-00057360 Our fourth and final test is the supine march which examines similar patterns to the squat, -81ieR6wm10-00120-00057360-00057672 but shows us if there is asymmetry between sides. -81ieR6wm10-00121-00057728-00058055 To perform the supine march, lie on your back with legs straight, -81ieR6wm10-00122-00058055-00058608 arms by your sides, and a 2-4″ bolster underneath your knees. Keeping one leg straight with the back -81ieR6wm10-00123-00058608-00059096 of the knee pressed into the bolster, bend the other knee toward your head as far as possible. -81ieR6wm10-00124-00059096-00059567 Once stabilized, grab the leg and pull it toward your chest to see how much further it can go. -81ieR6wm10-00125-00059640-00060160 This works best if you film yourself from the side. Note there are two parts to the test: -81ieR6wm10-00126-00060160-00060648 active bending of the leg on its own, and passive bending by pulling it up with the hands. -81ieR6wm10-00127-00060704-00061216 Look for differences between sides in both active and passive bending. If one side doesn’t bend as -81ieR6wm10-00128-00061216-00061712 far as the other, or if you have pain during the test, then you have asymmetrical hip mobility. -81ieR6wm10-00129-00061712-00062184 To fix this, we’re going to modify a hip mobility test known as the Thomas test -81ieR6wm10-00130-00062184-00062720 to turn it into an exercise. Lie on your back with a 6” bolster underneath your knees; -81ieR6wm10-00131-00062720-00063208 a foam roller works well here. Bring one knee up to 90 degrees at the hip and knee. -81ieR6wm10-00132-00063272-00063720 Tuck the hips like our posterior pelvic tilt from earlier, pushing the low back into the ground. -81ieR6wm10-00133-00063776-00064472 Next, push the down knee into the bolster. Hold this position for 5 nasal breaths. When inhaling, -81ieR6wm10-00134-00064472-00064991 straighten the up knee, and when exhaling, allow this knee to bend back to the starting position. -81ieR6wm10-00135-00065048-00065264 Repeat this for 3 sets on each side. -81ieR6wm10-00136-00065400-00065952 Okay, let’s do a quick recap of all four of our tests. Our first test was a series of questions. -81ieR6wm10-00137-00065952-00066392 You probably don’t want to stretch if you’re stretching to reduce your anterior pelvic tilt, -81ieR6wm10-00138-00066392-00066696 you don’t feel better after stretching, you’ve developed -81ieR6wm10-00139-00066696-00067160 new problems since starting stretching, or you’re stretching to prepare for a strength workout. -81ieR6wm10-00140-00067232-00067688 On the other hand, if you’re stretching because you’re sore, you haven’t moved much, or you’ve -81ieR6wm10-00141-00067688-00068168 been doing a lot of repetitive movements, then stretching is not a bad use of your time. -81ieR6wm10-00142-00068168-00068824 Our second test was diaphragmatic breathing. If your chest and belly don’t expand at the same time -81ieR6wm10-00143-00068824-00069192 and rate when breathing in, then you should practice the control -81ieR6wm10-00144-00069192-00069616 pause exercise and nasal breathing during walking and light cardio. -81ieR6wm10-00145-00069672-00070224 Our third test was the squat. If you cannot squat all the way down without your heels rising, -81ieR6wm10-00146-00070224-00070728 your back arching, your knees splaying out, or your feet rotating out, then you -81ieR6wm10-00147-00070728-00071280 should practice the supine 90-90 posterior pelvic tilt for five sets of eight breaths. -81ieR6wm10-00148-00071336-00071680 Our fourth and final test was the supine march. If -81ieR6wm10-00149-00071680-00072088 you notice side-to-side discrepancies in mobility, you should do the active -81ieR6wm10-00150-00072088-00072632 Thomas test quad inhibition exercise for three sets of five breaths on each leg. -81ieR6wm10-00151-00072696-00073096 Alright, so hopefully you feel more confident about whether or not quad stretches are right -81ieR6wm10-00152-00073096-00073512 for you. It’s a surprisingly complicated topic, but now that you understand some -81ieR6wm10-00153-00073512-00073912 of the nitty gritty details, you can make better decisions for yourself and -81ieR6wm10-00154-00073912-00074224 maybe, hopefully even help out some of your friends as well. -81ieR6wm10-00155-00074296-00074712 If you’re curious, yes I do coach some quad stretches occasionally. -81ieR6wm10-00156-00074712-00075216 If you want to see the right way to do that, check out this old video up here where we go over -81ieR6wm10-00157-00075216-00075824 using your glutes, abs, and hamstrings to make your stretches more effective and less harmful. -81ieR6wm10-00158-00075824-00076088 Thanks for sticking with me through this whole video. If you learned something, -81ieR6wm10-00159-00076088-00076424 hit the like button and subscribe to see when I release more videos. -81ieR6wm10-00160-00076424-00076856 If you want to dive deeper into quad stretches, you should definitely check out my full article -81ieR6wm10-00161-00076856-00077360 on the topic and maybe also check out the case study I did with my buddy Jess. -81ieR6wm10-00162-00077360-00077800 He was looking for some stretching, as well, and we ended up giving him some -81ieR6wm10-00163-00077800-00078184 mobility drills instead that made his Olympic lifting look a lot smoother. -8TIIXT1Sy0-00000-00000000-00000033 Customer group configuration in sap -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00000-00000123-00000269 It is officially official. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00001-00000269-00000666 About three weeks ago, Tori Roloff and Zach Roloff confirmed they were expecting their -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00002-00000666-00000940 third child, breaking the blessed news on Instagram. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00003-00000940-00001268 "We are so excited to share some exciting news with you!" -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00004-00001268-00001704 Tori wrote as a caption to beautiful photos of her and her immediate family online, adding: -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00005-00001704-00002149 "Baby Roloff will be joining us this spring and we are so grateful to God for this sweet -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00006-00002149-00002360 gift!" -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00007-00002360-00003050 Now, however, the Little People, Big World stars have gone ahead and recorded a video -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00008-00003050-00003457 for TLC in which they once again reiterate that Tori is pregnant. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00009-00003457-00003877 The couple, who is already parents to a son named Jackson and a daughter named Lilah, -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00010-00003877-00004238 emphasize in this footage that the baby is due this spring -- and that they're keeping -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00011-00004238-00004368 the gender a mystery. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00012-00004368-00004468 To the public. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00013-00004468-00004568 And to themselves. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00014-00004568-00004963 "We're not going to find out if it's a boy or a girl," Zach says, later adding: -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00015-00004963-00005446 "We have boy stuff and girl stuff already, so that part will be self-explanatory." -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00016-00005446-00005837 Zach also admits he'd like to have a second boy, while his wife seems more indifferent -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00017-00005837-00006139 and both agree that the child being healthy is what's most important. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00018-00006139-00006665 For the record, Tori previously said she doesn't yet know whether the child will be a dwarf. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00019-00006665-00007114 Elsewhere in this TLC-sponsored footage, Tori says her first trimester was "kinda rough" -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00020-00007114-00007419 and she napped a lot and had a lot of food aversions. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00021-00007419-00007812 But she's feeling better these days and gets really psyched to imagine her son and daughter -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00022-00007812-00008061 having a sibling in the near future. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00023-00008061-00008510 "Jackson is excited," Zach tells the camera of his oldest becoming a big brother again, -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00024-00008510-00008918 adding that the four-year old wants to name his next sibling Lilah because he "wants to -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00025-00008918-00009027 clone" his current sister. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00026-00009027-00009127 AWWWW, right?!? -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00027-00009127-00009539 The pair did note that they were a bit more "cautious" telling loved ones about the pregnancy -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00028-00009539-00009888 this time around due to Tori suffering a miscarriage in March. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00029-00009888-00010253 And in perhaps the most revealing and funniest part of the interview, Tori is asked what -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00030-00010253-00010763 she's most nervous about, giving the obvious answer most women in her situation would give: -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00031-00010763-00010863 Giving birth. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00032-00010863-00011147 Understandably a frightening prospect, you know? -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00033-00011147-00011247 For Zach, however? -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00034-00011247-00011635 "How are we gonna fit them in our cars?" he wonders of having three kids. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00035-00011635-00012026 Overall, though, there's no real fear here from either Zach or Tori.. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00036-00012026-00012332 "I'm super excited to have a pack," the dad-to-be says. -uLEwMJ8a7Y-00037-00012332-00012916 "I've always wanted a pack of kids." -uLVwBSxseA-00000-00000120-00000834 I have the pleasure of announcing Paolo Melchiorre. I did ... I practiced. -uLVwBSxseA-00001-00001007-00001348 Maps with GeoDjango, PostGIS and Leaflet. -uLVwBSxseA-00002-00001574-00001773 Thank you -uLVwBSxseA-00003-00002189-00002394 Hello everyone, and thanks for having me. -uLVwBSxseA-00004-00002450-00002688 I'm here to talk to you about maps. -uLVwBSxseA-00005-00002688-00003264 I'm not a GIS expert but I'm talking about maps from the point of view of a Django developer. -uLVwBSxseA-00006-00003538-00004068 It's snowing outside so I want to start with this picture I took in a beautiful place in Europe in the summer. -uLVwBSxseA-00007-00004150-00004428 Who can tell me in which country this photo was taken? -uLVwBSxseA-00008-00004538-00004738 Someone? -uLVwBSxseA-00009-00004769-00004943 No one, okay, -uLVwBSxseA-00010-00004943-00005262 I'll tell you, it's Italy, and to be more specific -uLVwBSxseA-00011-00005273-00005809 I took this photo in a natural reserve in Abruzzo, the region where I live and work. -uLVwBSxseA-00012-00005900-00006414 But first a little bit about myself, and what this picture has in common with maps. -uLVwBSxseA-00013-00006590-00007092 I'm Paolo Melchiorre, I'm Italian, and as you can see I like the sea. -uLVwBSxseA-00014-00007156-00007743 I took this photo in the very same place of the previous one. I've always liked taking photos -uLVwBSxseA-00015-00007859-00008059 in my travels. -uLVwBSxseA-00016-00008246-00009007 I'm a computer science engineer and my thesis was about Free Software. I discovered Free Software when I was at university. -uLVwBSxseA-00017-00009115-00009660 The first Free Software I started using and contributing was a photo organizer. -uLVwBSxseA-00018-00009722-00010170 I was able to share photos with my friend like a static web album. -uLVwBSxseA-00019-00010238-00010438 I could also -uLVwBSxseA-00020-00010439-00011175 upload a scanned image of a map and put manually some photos in a specific point on the map. -uLVwBSxseA-00021-00011246-00011676 It was my first web map, a bit basic, but it worked. -uLVwBSxseA-00022-00011804-00012495 I forgot to mention that all of these happened in the pre-GoogleMap era, so long time ago. -uLVwBSxseA-00023-00012635-00013221 After university I started using Python in my first job. We developed website -uLVwBSxseA-00024-00013318-00013953 with Plone. Plone is a content management system, built on top of Zope -uLVwBSxseA-00025-00014150-00014599 and on top its ZODB, the object-oriented database. -uLVwBSxseA-00026-00014822-00014990 Then I needed to store -uLVwBSxseA-00027-00014990-00015775 data in a relational database like Postgres and I started searching for a Python web framework with support for Postgres. -uLVwBSxseA-00028-00016178-00016478 I found that the best choice for me was Django. -uLVwBSxseA-00029-00016500-00016620 In my researches -uLVwBSxseA-00030-00016646-00017355 about Django I read its documentation and I tried also the GeoDjango tutorial. -uLVwBSxseA-00031-00017522-00017968 In the meantime I started working remotely as a Django developer -uLVwBSxseA-00032-00017992-00018414 And the last few years I've been working at 20tab as a senior developer. -uLVwBSxseA-00033-00018586-00019028 20tab is a software company based in Rome with some remote workers. -uLVwBSxseA-00034-00019054-00019642 As a company we attend and support some local meetups and conferences, like this one. -uLVwBSxseA-00035-00019715-00020200 Then in 20tab we use Agile and Lean methods and Growth marketing approach. -uLVwBSxseA-00036-00020366-00020566 The main part of our work is -uLVwBSxseA-00037-00020591-00021213 Software development with technologies like Python, Django, React JS and uWSGI. -uLVwBSxseA-00038-00021416-00022164 Some months ago an our customer asked to us to add a dynamic map on their website because they wanted to show their data -uLVwBSxseA-00039-00022165-00022319 on the map. -uLVwBSxseA-00040-00022319-00022628 I started studying again the -uLVwBSxseA-00041-00022648-00023388 GeoDjango documentation to find a simple way to integrate a web map in a Django project. -uLVwBSxseA-00042-00023728-00024044 Okay! Now our goal is clear and -uLVwBSxseA-00043-00024101-00024303 let's see the main topics of this talk. -uLVwBSxseA-00044-00024338-00024879 We are talking about maps, but we are also going to travel all around the Europe. -uLVwBSxseA-00045-00024989-00025504 We will start from Abruzzo, the region where I come from, and we will speak about GeoDjango. -uLVwBSxseA-00046-00025591-00025791 Then we'll go to Rome -uLVwBSxseA-00047-00025816-00026304 The city where 20tab is based, and we will see all the PostGIS features. -uLVwBSxseA-00048-00026441-00027183 We'll go south to Sicily, the region where our frontend colleague, Carmelo, come from, to speak about Leaflet JS. -uLVwBSxseA-00049-00027269-00027856 After that, we will come here to Copenhagen to see a basic web map built from scratch. -uLVwBSxseA-00050-00028004-00028224 And at the end we will go to the south of France -uLVwBSxseA-00051-00028327-00029154 where our customer is located, to see a Use case of a web map in a Django project already deployed in production. -uLVwBSxseA-00052-00029480-00029956 Let's talk about web map. A web map in general is -uLVwBSxseA-00053-00030083-00030810 something that allows users to view and search data in a spatial way and it is common to add one in your project. -uLVwBSxseA-00054-00030998-00031672 Usually a web map is delivered by a Geographic Information System and it can be static or dynamic. -uLVwBSxseA-00055-00031763-00032139 You can interact with it, or maybe you can only view it. -uLVwBSxseA-00056-00032308-00032799 The map can use raster or vector tiles to represent the surface. -uLVwBSxseA-00057-00032975-00033325 Usually the data is stored in a spatial database. -uLVwBSxseA-00058-00033359-00033807 And a web map will use a JavaScript library to show data on your web pages. -uLVwBSxseA-00059-00034115-00034597 We've already talked about GeoDjango, but what's GeoDjango ? -uLVwBSxseA-00060-00034745-00035218 GeoDjango is a contrib module that transform Django into a geographic web framework. -uLVwBSxseA-00061-00035309-00035872 It provides new spatial field types, that you can use on your models. -uLVwBSxseA-00062-00036089-00036799 GeoDjango adds spatial queries to the Django ORM. For example, you can find a particular point in an area. -uLVwBSxseA-00063-00037049-00037635 GeoDjango extends the Django's admins with support for editing geometry fields. -uLVwBSxseA-00064-00037733-00038203 And finally GeoDjango provides, now, four spatial database backends. -uLVwBSxseA-00065-00038585-00038989 As you can imagine we needed a backend to manage all this -uLVwBSxseA-00066-00039018-00039572 geographical data and our choice was PostGIS because we already use -uLVwBSxseA-00067-00039615-00039839 Postgres in all our projects. -uLVwBSxseA-00068-00039948-00040131 But besides that, -uLVwBSxseA-00069-00040131-00040421 PostGIS is also the most complete GeoDjango backend. -uLVwBSxseA-00070-00040587-00041108 It is an extension of Postgres and it integrates spatial data in it. -uLVwBSxseA-00071-00041280-00041494 PostGIS adds new spatial datatypes -uLVwBSxseA-00072-00041538-00041770 and specific indexes -uLVwBSxseA-00073-00041775-00042164 that speed up the spatial functions you can use in your data. -uLVwBSxseA-00074-00042453-00042805 Leaflet JS is one of the most used JavaScript -uLVwBSxseA-00075-00042891-00043264 libraries for web maps. It's Free Software -uLVwBSxseA-00076-00043341-00043571 and it's both desktop and mobile friendly. -uLVwBSxseA-00077-00043707-00044362 It's very light. It weights less than 40 kilobytes of gzipped javascript. -uLVwBSxseA-00078-00044580-00044953 It has a very good documentation that you can read online. -uLVwBSxseA-00079-00045078-00045464 And it's also simple to use and it performs very well. -uLVwBSxseA-00080-00045753-00046211 Now we are going to see an example of a map integrated in a Django project. -uLVwBSxseA-00081-00046281-00046526 We will use a basic Django project -uLVwBSxseA-00082-00046569-00047086 that everyone maybe know and I took it from the official documentation -uLVwBSxseA-00083-00047259-00047879 We are seeing an extract from a blog application in the "Making Queries" section of the documentation. -uLVwBSxseA-00084-00047946-00048391 I read it a lot of time and I think also you read it a lot of time. -uLVwBSxseA-00085-00048528-00048839 We have a blog model, very simple, -uLVwBSxseA-00086-00048975-00049175 another model for Authors -uLVwBSxseA-00087-00049524-00049724 and then we have an Entry model. -uLVwBSxseA-00088-00049752-00050152 The Entry model has a headline, it's connected to a Blog -uLVwBSxseA-00089-00050228-00050454 and it's related to one or more Authors. -uLVwBSxseA-00090-00050808-00051130 After installing all the required system packages -uLVwBSxseA-00091-00051130-00051536 the first step to add the web map in the blog project is -uLVwBSxseA-00092-00051579-00051970 is to configure the settings file -uLVwBSxseA-00093-00052016-00052441 We need only to add the GeoDjango module in the installed apps. -uLVwBSxseA-00094-00052772-00053440 Then we have to update the default database engine and use PostGIS instead of Postgres. -uLVwBSxseA-00095-00053996-00054226 But to use PostGIS -uLVwBSxseA-00096-00054226-00054746 it's necessary to create its extension on your Postgres database. -uLVwBSxseA-00097-00054955-00055474 To do that we can simply generate an empty migration file for the blog application. -uLVwBSxseA-00098-00055776-00056518 Then we can use the Create Extension function from the Postgres contrib module, as you can see here. -uLVwBSxseA-00099-00056934-00057320 Ok, now we are working on models. -uLVwBSxseA-00100-00057320-00057584 After the PostGIS activation -uLVwBSxseA-00101-00057641-00058124 We can add a point field in our Entry model to store a valid location. -uLVwBSxseA-00102-00058124-00058526 I omitted the other fields we saw before. -uLVwBSxseA-00103-00058760-00059246 I also added the Lat/Lng property to the model -uLVwBSxseA-00104-00059266-00059970 because it's useful to have a coordinates of our location in a list form when you work with Leaflet JS. -uLVwBSxseA-00105-00060326-00060646 We can add a location to our entries using the admin. -uLVwBSxseA-00106-00060846-00061553 We are going to use a different class than usual, it's the OpenStreetMap Geo Admin. -uLVwBSxseA-00107-00061626-00061940 imported from GeoDjango. -uLVwBSxseA-00108-00062105-00062652 We have defined an admin section of our Entry model as you can see here. -uLVwBSxseA-00109-00062774-00063166 We have set only the default values for latitude, longitude -uLVwBSxseA-00110-00063216-00063434 and for the default zoom level -uLVwBSxseA-00111-00063660-00063860 Ok. After doing that -uLVwBSxseA-00112-00063954-00064192 a very nice map will show up in your admin page -uLVwBSxseA-00113-00064454-00065152 It's very useful and you can use it to edit your map and also to edit an area -uLVwBSxseA-00114-00065164-00065467 or going around, zooming and so on. -uLVwBSxseA-00115-00065988-00066608 Okay, now we have added a lot of points in our project using the admin -uLVwBSxseA-00116-00066801-00067421 When we have a lot of entries with points we can show them in our web map page. -uLVwBSxseA-00117-00067482-00067873 And to do that we are going to use a generic class-based view from Django. -uLVwBSxseA-00118-00068100-00068680 We need a List view with a filter that returns only entries having a valid point. -uLVwBSxseA-00119-00068919-00069292 And then we can connect this view to our URL path. -uLVwBSxseA-00120-00069687-00070196 Finally, to show the map we need a simple HTML page with basic tags. -uLVwBSxseA-00121-00070317-00070571 We have to link the Leaflet stylesheet -uLVwBSxseA-00122-00070638-00070940 and the Leaflet JavaScript file to the header section. -uLVwBSxseA-00123-00071265-00071731 The other mandatory step is to add a DIV with a specific ID. -uLVwBSxseA-00124-00071795-00072475 If you want, you can specify some style rules like width or height, add some titles and so on. -uLVwBSxseA-00125-00072648-00073148 We have an empty JavaScript section, but we will see it in a bit. -uLVwBSxseA-00126-00073389-00074074 Here you can see the JavaScript code that completes our page and draws our map. -uLVwBSxseA-00127-00074337-00074941 We only have to define our map by setting the default latitude and longitude and the some level. -uLVwBSxseA-00128-00075008-00075272 This is the point for Copenhagen. -uLVwBSxseA-00129-00075386-00076030 Then we have to add the tile layer and here we are using the one from Open Street Map. -uLVwBSxseA-00130-00076197-00076397 As a final step -uLVwBSxseA-00131-00076491-00077071 We cycle on all the entries that we received from the views -uLVwBSxseA-00132-00077144-00077460 and we create a marker on the map for each of them. -uLVwBSxseA-00133-00077798-00078238 We've used the Entry's string representation in the marker popup message. -uLVwBSxseA-00134-00078357-00078747 You can add also other things, but that's the basic step you can do. -uLVwBSxseA-00135-00078848-00079114 After doing all this code -uLVwBSxseA-00136-00079211-00079411 This is the final result -uLVwBSxseA-00137-00079532-00080067 It's a basic map page and as you can see we have two markers -uLVwBSxseA-00138-00080204-00080870 One for the location of this conference and other one for the location of the Sprints with the pop-up opened. -uLVwBSxseA-00139-00081080-00081622 Okay, now we have reached the Goal of adding a web map in a small Django project -uLVwBSxseA-00140-00081674-00081978 in this case the Django project was the -uLVwBSxseA-00141-00081988-00082264 the Blog app from the Django documentation -uLVwBSxseA-00142-00082420-00083100 But, what can we do when the project is bigger and maybe it's already deployed in production. -uLVwBSxseA-00143-00083261-00083461 Let's see -uLVwBSxseA-00144-00083555-00084072 In our case, in 20tab, the already deployed website was -uLVwBSxseA-00145-00084148-00084394 "Mer et Demeures" (French). Sorry for my french. -uLVwBSxseA-00146-00084498-00085134 It's an international real estate website that advertise coastal properties close to the sea -uLVwBSxseA-00147-00085199-00085399 both for sale and rental. -uLVwBSxseA-00148-00085556-00086091 The website has been online since 2014 and it's translated in 8 languages. -uLVwBSxseA-00149-00086162-00086371 At the moment it contains almost -uLVwBSxseA-00150-00086513-00087157 100,000 active advertisement in about 40 countries spread over 6 continents. -uLVwBSxseA-00151-00087566-00088092 This is the screenshot of the mobile version when we start working on the project -uLVwBSxseA-00152-00088277-00088587 Its first version was developed with -uLVwBSxseA-00153-00088652-00089152 Django 1.6 and it runs on Python 2.7 -uLVwBSxseA-00154-00089222-00089836 The data are stored in Postgres 9.3 and there was only one location field in the database -uLVwBSxseA-00155-00089998-00090232 Unfortunately, it's stored as a text field. -uLVwBSxseA-00156-00090458-00091026 Leaflet JS 1.0 was used to show a static data and wiew-only map -uLVwBSxseA-00157-00091150-00091410 There is no user interaction at all -uLVwBSxseA-00158-00091736-00092338 That one is the screenshot of the mobile version after the introduction of the interactive map. -uLVwBSxseA-00159-00092416-00093090 It was developed with Django 2.1, GeoDjango and Python 3.6 -uLVwBSxseA-00160-00093206-00093782 The data is stored in Postgres 10 and the spatial data is stored in geographic fields -uLVwBSxseA-00161-00093809-00094020 Thanks to PostGIS 2.4 -uLVwBSxseA-00162-00094133-00094828 Leaflet JS 1.4 was used to allow user to display and interact with dynamic map. -uLVwBSxseA-00163-00095272-00095544 This is some code from our project. -uLVwBSxseA-00164-00095584-00095994 This is only an extract of two models from our project -uLVwBSxseA-00165-00096136-00096488 We have imported 2 fields from GeoDjango -uLVwBSxseA-00166-00096514-00097056 In the City model we used a multi polygon field to store the borders data. -uLVwBSxseA-00167-00097226-00097968 In the Ad model, we referenced the City with a foreign key and added a point field to store our location. -uLVwBSxseA-00168-00098128-00098846 The real models has other fields but is not necessary to show there for our goal. -uLVwBSxseA-00169-00099416-00099692 We see before a basic approach -uLVwBSxseA-00170-00099716-00099856 but in our project -uLVwBSxseA-00171-00099904-00100392 we needed a more complex approach to serve spatial data because we have a lot of -uLVwBSxseA-00172-00100448-00100756 points and a lot of coastal properties -uLVwBSxseA-00173-00100823-00101224 We decided to build a RESTful API with Django REST framework. -uLVwBSxseA-00174-00101369-00102103 As addons we used Django REST framework GIS for geographical support and Django filter for filtering support. -uLVwBSxseA-00175-00102233-00102648 After the installation, we needed to add them to the installed apps in setting. -uLVwBSxseA-00176-00102904-00103404 The first step to build our API is to write a serializer. -uLVwBSxseA-00177-00103538-00104294 We inherited it from Geo Feature Model Serializer, it's imported from Django Rest framework GIS. -uLVwBSxseA-00178-00104528-00105045 In order to define our serializer we had to specify the model, -uLVwBSxseA-00179-00105426-00105626 The geo field in our model -uLVwBSxseA-00180-00105753-00106231 and the additional fields we want to add in the final GeoJSON result. -uLVwBSxseA-00181-00106661-00106892 Now we need to write the view. -uLVwBSxseA-00182-00106989-00107425 We imported the read-only model viewset for Django REST framework -uLVwBSxseA-00183-00107526-00107726 And also the serializer we wrote before -uLVwBSxseA-00184-00108063-00108835 Our viewset inherit from the first one and in the queryset we filtered all the ads with a location -uLVwBSxseA-00185-00109196-00109833 The boundbox filter and the filter backend allow us to filter the API using a bound box. -uLVwBSxseA-00186-00110028-00110218 But what's a box ? -uLVwBSxseA-00187-00110246-00110683 In this case the bound box is the map area -uLVwBSxseA-00188-00110730-00111140 The bound box is an area defined by two latitudes and longitudes -uLVwBSxseA-00189-00111392-00112038 and it permits you to do more requests when you move your map -uLVwBSxseA-00190-00112058-00112454 because you are changing the latitude and longitude. -uLVwBSxseA-00191-00112688-00112888 Okay now the last step -uLVwBSxseA-00192-00113178-00113966 After the viewset definition we imported the default Django REST framework router to register our markers path. -uLVwBSxseA-00193-00114267-00115063 As I said before, we will get data from the API in the path every time we will we will move our map and Leaflet -uLVwBSxseA-00194-00115200-00115541 are sending us the new bound box -uLVwBSxseA-00195-00115728-00115991 defined by you, moving on the map. -uLVwBSxseA-00196-00116400-00116818 At the end of the step, calling our API -uLVwBSxseA-00197-00116853-00117226 You will receive our GeoJSON data -uLVwBSxseA-00198-00117480-00117859 This is a very small extract of a GeoJSON with one point -uLVwBSxseA-00199-00118014-00118418 You can see only its coordinates, its ID and no additional properties -uLVwBSxseA-00200-00118440-00119278 but in the real project you can see a lot of them and you can add also a lot of properties to -uLVwBSxseA-00201-00119366-00119566 customize your pop-up in your map -uLVwBSxseA-00202-00119836-00120550 After the coding part I'd like to show you a screencast of the interactions with the map -uLVwBSxseA-00203-00120685-00121066 because the new version of the website is not deployed yet -uLVwBSxseA-00204-00121271-00121471 Let's see if it works -uLVwBSxseA-00205-00121766-00121966 Okay, it started -uLVwBSxseA-00206-00122078-00122382 As you can see we have a list of properties -uLVwBSxseA-00207-00122597-00123118 We have clusters in the left, on the map and they are connected because they highlight when you -uLVwBSxseA-00208-00123208-00123420 move your cursor over it -uLVwBSxseA-00209-00123500-00124144 At the same time you can filter all your properties and you can filter using different -uLVwBSxseA-00210-00124331-00124531 things, like the type -uLVwBSxseA-00211-00124684-00124900 like the distance from the coast -uLVwBSxseA-00212-00125141-00125589 as you can see the cluster are updating, also the number -uLVwBSxseA-00213-00125654-00125901 in the top of the list are updating -uLVwBSxseA-00214-00126170-00126370 and the list itself -uLVwBSxseA-00215-00126563-00126972 Everything is done with Leaflet that are calling our API -uLVwBSxseA-00216-00127580-00127977 The list is still connected with our maps and you can -uLVwBSxseA-00217-00128008-00128469 reset all the filters and you can hide it to use another approach -uLVwBSxseA-00218-00128540-00129016 You can use our auto-complete input, that start after the -uLVwBSxseA-00219-00129071-00129403 third characters you add to it and you can change -uLVwBSxseA-00220-00129470-00129670 your location on the map -uLVwBSxseA-00221-00129830-00130101 We've went in Sardinia -uLVwBSxseA-00222-00130172-00130603 as you can see the list is updated and also this is the -uLVwBSxseA-00223-00130667-00130867 custom pop-up -uLVwBSxseA-00224-00131105-00131769 You can also move your map or zooming out and you start seeing all the cluster -uLVwBSxseA-00225-00131842-00132042 showing up -uLVwBSxseA-00226-00133790-00134012 Now I want to show you again this photo -uLVwBSxseA-00227-00134126-00134644 It show a typical building on the Abruzzo coast and its name is Trabocco. -uLVwBSxseA-00228-00134674-00135118 I choose this photo because starting from photo like that, -uLVwBSxseA-00229-00135160-00135726 I developed my interest in web mapping and also because in our Use case project -uLVwBSxseA-00230-00135873-00136241 our use case project was about coastal properties -uLVwBSxseA-00231-00136374-00136726 But now let's summarize what I've shown you -uLVwBSxseA-00232-00136956-00137624 It's possible to have an out-of-the-box web map with GeoDjango, PostGIS and Lefalet JS. -uLVwBSxseA-00233-00137682-00138239 It's possible to execute spatial queries and relational queries at the same time. -uLVwBSxseA-00234-00138327-00138559 as we saw in the in the screencast -uLVwBSxseA-00235-00138789-00139222 Your stack will be composed by Django and Postgre only -uLVwBSxseA-00236-00139580-00140314 Thanks to this solution we are able to implement also advanced features like backend clusterization -uLVwBSxseA-00237-00140520-00140858 Administrative levels and dynamic spatial entity. -uLVwBSxseA-00238-00141312-00141985 I want to share with you all the resources that I used to prepare this talk and to develop the web map. -uLVwBSxseA-00239-00142166-00142514 Whenever possible we referred the official documentation and -uLVwBSxseA-00240-00142676-00143216 with the documentation of all packages: GeoDjango, PostGIS and Leaflet. -uLVwBSxseA-00241-00143292-00143618 and we also referred to the code repository itself. -uLVwBSxseA-00242-00144014-00144212 Now some acknowledgments -uLVwBSxseA-00243-00144232-00144950 I would like to thank Mer et Demeures for trusting us to refactor and improve their website. -uLVwBSxseA-00244-00145011-00145562 I would like to thank 20tab for giving me the opportunity to be with you all. -uLVwBSxseA-00245-00145655-00146221 By the way, they are looking for a Django developer. So you can apply using their email address. -uLVwBSxseA-00246-00146478-00146678 At the end -uLVwBSxseA-00247-00146762-00147220 You can use this QR code to visit the talk section of my website -uLVwBSxseA-00248-00147342-00147894 You can find there the slides, that are already uploaded -uLVwBSxseA-00249-00147956-00148156 you can find the code sample -uLVwBSxseA-00250-00148263-00148595 and all the resources URLs -uLVwBSxseA-00251-00148917-00149650 I ask you to add some comments or questions about this topic or about the talk itself. -uLVwBSxseA-00252-00149982-00151030 Both the slides and the content on my website are released under Creative Commons License so you can use it and share with everyone. -uLVwBSxseA-00253-00151136-00151588 Thank you, you can contact me on my website or on my Twitter account. -uLVwBSxseA-00254-00152424-00152906 Thank you so much we have two minutes for questions that could be about ... -uLVwBSxseA-00255-00153380-00153966 Submit questions online at #djangoconqa -uLVwBSxseA-00256-00153984-00154398 and I are see you on the IRC -uLVwBSxseA-00257-00154424-00154624 at #djangocon -uLVwBSxseA-00258-00154874-00155204 We can do there we go got one question -uLVwBSxseA-00259-00156572-00157087 Thanks for your talk. I just wanted to know entering data are you using exclusively -uLVwBSxseA-00260-00157151-00157398 Django admin or did you write your own -uLVwBSxseA-00261-00157466-00158211 editor based on Leflet JS, because the Django admin doesn't use internally Lefalet JS -uLVwBSxseA-00262-00158324-00158805 Our customer have a lot of sources for the data. So they have a lot of -uLVwBSxseA-00263-00158963-00159231 importing commands that they used to -uLVwBSxseA-00264-00159340-00159704 take the data from other customers. -uLVwBSxseA-00265-00159758-00160174 I show you only the admin -uLVwBSxseA-00266-00160198-00161268 section because it's easy to fix some points. A lot of time customer send misplaced point and then -uLVwBSxseA-00267-00161306-00161506 the operator have to -uLVwBSxseA-00268-00161510-00162358 go there and fix it with the very exact point but you can import your data in many ways. -uLVwBSxseA-00269-00162512-00163246 It's only a normal field so you can import it like JSON, CSV, everything. -uLVwBSxseA-00270-00163318-00163518 Thank you so much. -vF7KuwvJnc-00000-00000498-00001136 The Eurosystem’s primary objective is to safeguard price stability in the euro area. The Governing -vF7KuwvJnc-00001-00001162-00001733 Council of the ECB considers that price stability is best maintained by aiming for a 2 % inflation -vF7KuwvJnc-00002-00001733-00002400 rate over the medium term. This target is symmetric, meaning negative and positive deviations of -vF7KuwvJnc-00003-00002400-00003037 inflation from the target are equally undesirable. The Governing Council normally steers the -vF7KuwvJnc-00004-00003037-00003760 inflation rate by changing the policy rate. If the inflation rate needs to fall, it increases the policy rate. -vF7KuwvJnc-00005-00003760-00004429 If the inflation rate needs to rise, it lowers the policy rate. But how can monetary -vF7KuwvJnc-00006-00004429-00005036 policy respond if the inflation rate needs to increase but the policy rate cannot be lowered further? -vF7KuwvJnc-00007-00005108-00005614 The Governing Council can then decide that the Eurosystem’s central banks should make large-scale -vF7KuwvJnc-00008-00005614-00005976 purchases of securities, particularly government bonds. -vF7KuwvJnc-00009-00006014-00006595 But how can these asset purchases by the central bank increase the inflation rate? -vF7KuwvJnc-00010-00006628-00006849 Two mechanisms are at play here. -vF7KuwvJnc-00011-00006851-00007295 First, central bank money is created when assets are purchased, -vF7KuwvJnc-00012-00007295-00008131 as central banks pay for them in central bank money. The central bank monetary base thus expands. -vF7KuwvJnc-00013-00008159-00008692 This generally increases commercial banks’ scope for lending. -vF7KuwvJnc-00014-00008694-00009191 Second, the higher demand for assets drives up their market prices. -vF7KuwvJnc-00015-00009194-00009484 This is down to the standard mechanism in the markets: -vF7KuwvJnc-00016-00009484-00009952 things become more expensive when demand for them rises. -vF7KuwvJnc-00017-00009952-00010568 As the bond prices rise, bond yields, that is the total return they generate, fall. -vF7KuwvJnc-00018-00010568-00010983 This is because the return an investor receives when a bond reaches -vF7KuwvJnc-00019-00010986-00011389 maturity also derives – in addition to the interest paid – from -vF7KuwvJnc-00020-00011389-00012020 the difference between the redemption amount determined in advance and the now higher price. -vF7KuwvJnc-00021-00012020-00012699 Therefore, if the price of the bond increases, the bond yield falls. This decline in yields, -vF7KuwvJnc-00022-00012699-00013265 meanwhile, has an impact on the interest rates of banks, who use the bond yields as a reference for -vF7KuwvJnc-00023-00013265-00013930 the interest rate level of their loans to households and enterprises. That is, if bond yields fall, -vF7KuwvJnc-00024-00013930-00014524 the interest rates on bank loans generally also fall, and therefore the general interest rate level -vF7KuwvJnc-00025-00014546-00015144 in the economy. A lower interest rate level makes borrowing cheaper for the government, enterprises -vF7KuwvJnc-00026-00015144-00015860 and households. This in turn stimulates enterprises’ investment activity and boosts consumers’ demand -vF7KuwvJnc-00027-00015860-00016360 for durable consumer goods. Aggregate demand rises. -vF7KuwvJnc-00028-00016360-00016983 Enterprises can thus increase their prices both more easily and by a greater amount. -vF7KuwvJnc-00029-00016983-00017616 The inflation rate tends to rise – which is precisely what the asset purchases aimed to achieve. -vF7KuwvJnc-00030-00017731-00018320 Asset purchases therefore have two major effects. First, they increase the volume -vF7KuwvJnc-00031-00018320-00018832 – or quantity – of central bank money, which gives commercial banks’ more scope for lending. -vF7KuwvJnc-00032-00018832-00019488 Second, the longer-term interest rates fall in response to the broad-based asset purchases. -vF7KuwvJnc-00033-00019488-00020148 This is similar to the effect of a traditional policy rate cut, referred to as monetary policy easing. -vF7KuwvJnc-00034-00020148-00020700 The term “quantitative easing” is derived from these two effects. -vF7KuwvJnc-00035-00020788-00021122 In addition, the lower interest rate level stemming from -vF7KuwvJnc-00036-00021124-00021516 quantitative easing tends to lead to capital outflows to countries -vF7KuwvJnc-00037-00021516-00021980 where the interest rate level and thus expected interest income are higher. -vF7KuwvJnc-00038-00022044-00022508 Such capital outflows lead to falling demand for the domestic currency -vF7KuwvJnc-00039-00022508-00022886 and bring about a decline in the exchange rate. -vF7KuwvJnc-00040-00022886-00023456 This makes domestic goods cheaper abroad and thus boosts exports. -vF7KuwvJnc-00041-00023456-00024140 The increased demand for domestic goods from abroad in turn enables prices to rise more sharply. -vF7KuwvJnc-00042-00024140-00024840 In this way, too, quantitative easing can raise the inflation rate and move it towards the target. -vF7KuwvJnc-00043-00024884-00025117 Depending on medium-term price developments, -vF7KuwvJnc-00044-00025117-00025683 the asset purchases can be expanded, reduced or suspended. -vF7KuwvJnc-00045-00025731-00026440 Equally, the central bank can sell securities it has purchased in the market again. -vbz5wwS3TY-00000-00000400-00000660 One of the main problems in the public health system is -vbz5wwS3TY-00001-00000660-00000860 most of the services are overcrowded. -vbz5wwS3TY-00002-00000919-00001240 Three of every four appointments with the general practitioner -vbz5wwS3TY-00003-00001249-00001490 are related to chronic illnesses. -vbz5wwS3TY-00004-00001540-00002050 The rise of life expectancy plus the ageing of population drive the public health system -vbz5wwS3TY-00005-00002050-00002500 towards a very important problem of sustainability. -vbz5wwS3TY-00006-00002500-00003620 The current model of health care is based on reactive actions when the pathology becomes acute. -vbz5wwS3TY-00007-00003620-00004000 The model should change to a more controlled proactive system which prevents illnesses exacerbation. -vbz5wwS3TY-00008-00004130-00004300 The technological centre Gradiant, -vbz5wwS3TY-00009-00004300-00004880 the company Wireless Galicia and the Group of advances in telemedicine and computer health: ATIS -vbz5wwS3TY-00010-00004880-00005230 have developed INSATI, a low cost system -vbz5wwS3TY-00011-00005230-00005800 It allows monitoring patients and at their home, improving the medical control of their illnesses. -vbz5wwS3TY-00012-00005840-00006340 The project faces the design of a bidirectional telecommunications gateway equipment -vbz5wwS3TY-00013-00006340-00006480 located at patient's home. -vbz5wwS3TY-00014-00006480-00006750 The hospital manages the device remotely. -vbz5wwS3TY-00015-00006780-00007390 The system collects a set of biomedical signals through sensors devices as: -vbz5wwS3TY-00016-00007390-00007640 pulse-oximeter, accelerometer and scale. -vbz5wwS3TY-00017-00007640-00007750 It also collects environmental parameters as -vbz5wwS3TY-00018-00007750-00008000 temperature, or humidity, -vbz5wwS3TY-00019-00008000-00008260 and presence for detection of possible falling. -vbz5wwS3TY-00020-00008325-00009000 The key of the system is to work transparently for the user, performing a smart environment. -vbz5wwS3TY-00021-00009080-00009450 Patients are supervised by the INSATI system -vbz5wwS3TY-00022-00009450-00009800 through medical tests and routines designed by physicians. -vbz5wwS3TY-00023-00009800-00010150 Depending on their pathology, -vbz5wwS3TY-00024-00010150-00010790 patients will receive indications through the TV for interacting with the medical devices. -vbz5wwS3TY-00025-00010790-00011440 For example, patients weight themselves using this scale with bluetooth communication. -vbz5wwS3TY-00026-00011440-00012390 A patient goes up the scale and then the measured data is sent via bluetooth to the gateway. -vbz5wwS3TY-00027-00012390-00013340 Automatically, the TV shows a feedback and that data is sent to the physicians at hospital. -yNHVfSFJ2Y-00000-00000000-00000550 The Ghostrider Production presente.Created be Mattéo -yNHVfSFJ2Y-00001-00000579-00000779 Le fléau -yNHVfSFJ2Y-00002-00002145-00002371 the next day -z1JENGE_aY-00000-00000567-00001151 Chrissy Teigen is a model, TV host, and an author of two cookbooks. -z1JENGE_aY-00001-00001268-00002157 But despite her busy career, the 32-year-old made time to hit the luxury stores on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood on Friday. -z1JENGE_aY-00002-00002274-00002885 Chrissy was also joined by her favorite shopping buddy, daughter Luna, one. -z1JENGE_aY-00003-00003002-00003788 Chrissy donned a chic black satin button-up long-sleeve mini dress, which showed of the expecting mother's toned pins. -z1JENGE_aY-00004-00003904-00004576 The Lip Sync Battle star kept her look trendy with a pair of black sandals that tied at the ankles. -z1JENGE_aY-00005-00004693-00005645 Chrissy accessorized with a black wide-brim hat, gold dangling earrings and a designer cross-body handbag that featured chrome embellishments. -z1JENGE_aY-00006-00005762-00006625 The doting mother wore only a hint of make-up to accentuate her natural beauty, while leaving her brown-highlighted hair down by her shoulders. -z1JENGE_aY-00007-00006742-00007564 Luna seemed to be enjoying her shopping day with her mom, as she snacked on crackers while being pushed in her plush pink stroller. -z1JENGE_aY-00008-00007681-00008623 The daughter of Chrissy and singer John Legend looked adorable in jeans, a light pink T-shirt, and stylish metallic silver Velcro sneakers. -z1JENGE_aY-00009-00008740-00009430 While inside the stores, Luna joined her mom on her lap while the two met with Chrissy's stylists. -z1JENGE_aY-00010-00009547-00010237 It must have been a successful shopping day since Chrissy left the store with a huge white shopping bag -z1JENGE_aY-00011-00010354-00010770 Chrissy and John are expecting baby number two. -z1JENGE_aY-00012-00010887-00011803 The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model announced her pregnancy to her fans in November, sharing a sweet video of Luna inspecting her belly bump -z1JENGE_aY-00013-00011920-00012468 Chrissy's husband told People: 'She knows mommy has a baby inside -z1JENGE_aY-00014-00012585-00013337 She says 'baby.'' Luna is also developing an interest in music, much like her famous father. -z1JENGE_aY-00015-00013454-00013962 'She likes to piano with me and play,' he told the publication -z1JENGE_aY-00016-00014079-00014486 'You know, who knows what that will develop into.' -z1JENGE_aY-00017-00014603-00015425 Chrissy and John married in Lake Como, Italy, in September 2013 and welcomed Luna in April 2016 --oOQIab3Vu-00000-00000087-00000603 I want to talk to you a bit today about treatment for Autistic --oOQIab3Vu-00001-00000615-00000780 and NeuroDivergent people... --oOQIab3Vu-00002-00000861-00001260 and when I say "treatment", I want to be very clear, I am not --oOQIab3Vu-00003-00001308-00001548 talking about medical treatment. --oOQIab3Vu-00004-00001551-00002238 I'm talking about kind, and fair, just treatment of NeuroDivergent People. --oOQIab3Vu-00005-00002403-00002849 Though I will have some pleas for those in the medical community. --oOQIab3Vu-00006-00002890-00003318 So if you're watching, because you thought this was going to be a medical treatment --oOQIab3Vu-00007-00003318-00003750 video, and you're a medical professional, do please stay tuned because, I do --oOQIab3Vu-00009-00007678-00008084 I'm so glad you stuck around with me in my little phone booth. --oOQIab3Vu-00010-00008113-00008527 So "treatment" - treatment of Autistic and NeuroDivergent People: --oOQIab3Vu-00011-00008530-00008842 As I said, this is not medical treatment. --oOQIab3Vu-00012-00008842-00009448 This is how we need to be treated by society and those around us, --oOQIab3Vu-00013-00009451-00010327 and what we need in order to live successful, fulfilled, happy, and --oOQIab3Vu-00014-00010327-00010591 authentic NeuroDivergent lives. --oOQIab3Vu-00015-00010741-00011326 I am speaking to you today from my experience as an Autistic ADHD, --oOQIab3Vu-00016-00011364-00011699 hyperlexic, and probably more some... --oOQIab3Vu-00017-00011738-00012478 multiply-NeuroDivergent human, and my experience of living in the world, as --oOQIab3Vu-00018-00012478-00012889 a NeuroDivergent Person, not knowing I was NeuroDivergent for almost --oOQIab3Vu-00019-00012889-00013042 the first 30 years of my life... --oOQIab3Vu-00020-00013117-00013627 being in the workforce, not knowing I was NeuroDivergent for over 15 years... --oOQIab3Vu-00021-00013710-00014268 and, now, in my position, where I have the honor of knowing so many --oOQIab3Vu-00022-00014268-00014826 amazing and fantastic NeuroDivergent humans, and working to change some of --oOQIab3Vu-00023-00014826-00015333 these systems, the education systems, the workplace systems, even working --oOQIab3Vu-00024-00015333-00015716 with some medical professionals, and therapy and service providers, to --oOQIab3Vu-00025-00015716-00016161 help change the way mental health is treated with NeuroDivergent People. --oOQIab3Vu-00026-00016194-00016782 All of that is come into what is something that we really need. --oOQIab3Vu-00027-00016782-00017157 This is what we need to live, happy, healthy, lives. --oOQIab3Vu-00028-00017162-00017663 If there's anything you would like to add to this, I do invite --oOQIab3Vu-00029-00017663-00017843 you to drop your comments. --oOQIab3Vu-00030-00017861-00017975 NeuroDivergent People. --oOQIab3Vu-00031-00018012-00018376 NeuroTypicals, if you have questions, please drop your questions as well. --oOQIab3Vu-00032-00018444-00018936 The first thing we really need is to be able to live an appropriate, --oOQIab3Vu-00033-00018978-00019605 and authentic, NeuroDivergent lifestyle and by lifestyle, I mean, --oOQIab3Vu-00034-00019659-00019930 one meeting our sensory needs. --oOQIab3Vu-00035-00020012-00020267 That is avoiding sensory triggers. --oOQIab3Vu-00036-00020267-00020627 For me it's those fluorescent lights, that can give me migraines and seizures. --oOQIab3Vu-00037-00020681-00020957 I am over two years seizure seizure-free - yay! --oOQIab3Vu-00038-00020960-00021041 Knock on wood... --oOQIab3Vu-00039-00021044-00021446 now that I have learned the triggers and I'm avoiding them. --oOQIab3Vu-00040-00021545-00021738 I also can't remember the last time I had a migraine - woo! --oOQIab3Vu-00041-00021774-00022145 - because I was having them almost every day before I knew I was sensory sensitive, --oOQIab3Vu-00042-00022190-00022445 and I hadn't adjusted my lifestyle yet. --oOQIab3Vu-00043-00022615-00022729 It's serious stuff. --oOQIab3Vu-00044-00022826-00023406 We also need to sensory seek, as needed, to stay balanced. --oOQIab3Vu-00045-00023406-00023824 Yes, there are sensory things that we have to avoid, but there are --oOQIab3Vu-00046-00023824-00024450 also good types of sensory needs, that we want to fill, and engage in. --oOQIab3Vu-00047-00024450-00024849 A lot of this can help to block out some of the not so --oOQIab3Vu-00048-00024849-00025086 good stuff we've got going on. --oOQIab3Vu-00049-00025113-00025695 So staying balanced and regulated, with the need for sensory seeking, --oOQIab3Vu-00050-00025707-00026208 and also sensory aversions, because sensory aversions have --oOQIab3Vu-00051-00026208-00026394 a, there's a reason for them. --oOQIab3Vu-00052-00026415-00026643 I need to avoid the fluorescent lighting. --oOQIab3Vu-00053-00026677-00027085 I need to stay away from that, and I need to engage in sensory --oOQIab3Vu-00054-00027085-00027673 activities that helped me relax and stay centered and focused. --oOQIab3Vu-00055-00027733-00028361 My glittery ball, my weighted blanket, fuzzy soft pillows, rolller skating, --oOQIab3Vu-00056-00028361-00028654 spinning, all of those things. --oOQIab3Vu-00057-00028762-00029467 If we are ADHD and Autistic, in addition to other types of sensory needs, we often --oOQIab3Vu-00058-00029467-00030318 have a need to physically move, and burn off energy, and get extra energy out. --oOQIab3Vu-00059-00030396-00030711 I am ADHD combined type. --oOQIab3Vu-00060-00030750-00031332 I need to go out and move, and be physical, and really --oOQIab3Vu-00061-00031332-00031434 burn that energy out... --oOQIab3Vu-00062-00031437-00032055 rollerskating, and kayaking, and running, and swimming, and dancing, --oOQIab3Vu-00063-00032137-00032572 and doing something to burn off that energy is, really, essential to me. --oOQIab3Vu-00064-00032587-00033028 Otherwise I start having problems where, where my insomnia comes back, --oOQIab3Vu-00065-00033028-00033607 my anxiety gets worse, I become more restless, and less able to focus and --oOQIab3Vu-00066-00033613-00033871 do the tasks that I want to do... --oOQIab3Vu-00067-00033871-00034153 do my work, even do the tasks I'm passionate about, because --oOQIab3Vu-00068-00034153-00034498 I am too distracted and too all over the place to sit still. --oOQIab3Vu-00069-00034550-00035058 When I was in school, this inability to sit still was often punished --oOQIab3Vu-00070-00035058-00035670 by taking away my recess, which meant I was burning off even less --oOQIab3Vu-00071-00035670-00035847 of the energy I needed to burn off. --oOQIab3Vu-00072-00035880-00036075 I needed more recess. --oOQIab3Vu-00073-00036093-00036851 I needed more moving, and my need for movement was often punished by --oOQIab3Vu-00074-00036851-00037130 restricting my movement even more. --oOQIab3Vu-00075-00037331-00037409 Don't do that. --oOQIab3Vu-00076-00037487-00037976 If you're working with NeuroDivergent young people, don't do that. --oOQIab3Vu-00077-00038051-00038411 Many of us have a need for movement. --oOQIab3Vu-00078-00038483-00039210 Please do not restrict the movement of these sensory seeking kids, any more than --oOQIab3Vu-00079-00039210-00039504 you have to absolutely have to for safety. --oOQIab3Vu-00080-00039571-00039857 Obviously, you can't have us running off into the street, and doing other --oOQIab3Vu-00081-00039857-00040274 kinds of things, which could be dangerous, but, whenever possible, --oOQIab3Vu-00082-00040298-00040604 encourage physical movement and activity. --oOQIab3Vu-00083-00040637-00040694 Especially. --oOQIab3Vu-00084-00040694-00040946 If you see you are having a hard time being still, we --oOQIab3Vu-00085-00040946-00041060 need to get that energy out. --oOQIab3Vu-00086-00041084-00041162 Energy in... --oOQIab3Vu-00087-00041186-00041681 energy out movement is energy regulation, and when you have too much energy in the --oOQIab3Vu-00088-00041681-00041882 system, it is like a shaken Coke bottle. --oOQIab3Vu-00089-00041930-00042005 Boom! --oOQIab3Vu-00090-00042125-00042227 It's going to be too much. --oOQIab3Vu-00091-00042368-00042922 This next one is actually important, for any human being, but especially --oOQIab3Vu-00092-00042959-00043210 important for Autistic young people. --oOQIab3Vu-00093-00043289-00044075 We really need time to engage in the activities that bring us joy, our special --oOQIab3Vu-00094-00044075-00044462 interests, as it's sometimes called and Autistic People, because of our --oOQIab3Vu-00095-00044504-00045077 tendency to ruminate, fixate, and obsess. --oOQIab3Vu-00096-00045242-00045383 I love a good, healthy obsession... --oOQIab3Vu-00097-00045482-00045653 Although some of my obsessions are not healthy. --oOQIab3Vu-00098-00045742-00045974 I tend to be in very obsessive kind of a person. --oOQIab3Vu-00099-00046248-00046863 When I have an interest, it is what I think about all the time, and when I'm --oOQIab3Vu-00100-00046863-00047187 not doing it, I want to be doing it, and I'm thinking about it all the time... --oOQIab3Vu-00101-00047190-00047469 and not being able to do the thing, but thinking about it all the time. --oOQIab3Vu-00102-00047547-00047661 I need to just do the thing. --oOQIab3Vu-00103-00047691-00047979 I need to do the things I want to do, because otherwise they are just --oOQIab3Vu-00104-00047979-00048285 going to be taking up all the space in my mind, while I'm not doing them. --oOQIab3Vu-00105-00048516-00049047 For me, as an Autistic Person, finding a special interest, finding an interest, --oOQIab3Vu-00106-00049047-00049647 finding new passion or hobby, or joy, really, is like falling in love. --oOQIab3Vu-00107-00049767-00050424 I have a very deep love for the things that catch my interest, and my soul is --oOQIab3Vu-00108-00050424-00050661 filled when I engage in those activities. --oOQIab3Vu-00109-00050738-00051273 This love, I would say, is comparable to the love that I feel for the --oOQIab3Vu-00110-00051273-00051462 people in my life that I care about. --oOQIab3Vu-00111-00051495-00051930 I really am in love with my hobbies and passions, as much as --oOQIab3Vu-00112-00051930-00052065 I can be in love with a person. --oOQIab3Vu-00113-00052122-00052440 I think that's something non-Autistic People, and NeuroTypicals, --oOQIab3Vu-00114-00052440-00052572 don't always understand. --oOQIab3Vu-00115-00052675-00053038 Taking away these interests, or not giving us time to engage in these interests, --oOQIab3Vu-00116-00053038-00053425 because you feel like we are too interested in something, can really hurt. --oOQIab3Vu-00117-00053470-00053644 Something else we all need... --oOQIab3Vu-00118-00053738-00053849 and this is a human need: --oOQIab3Vu-00119-00053891-00054539 To be able to be supported to communicate, in the way that suits us best, and to --oOQIab3Vu-00120-00054539-00055097 be able to find ways where the sender and the receiver can both communicate --oOQIab3Vu-00121-00055097-00055466 in ways that suit them best, if they are different types of communicator. --oOQIab3Vu-00122-00055523-00056027 For example, if you are someone who communicates best in writing, --oOQIab3Vu-00123-00056036-00056624 and needs time to think about what you need to say, versus someone who --oOQIab3Vu-00124-00056624-00057304 communicates with their mouth, spoken communications, and instantaneously, --oOQIab3Vu-00125-00057304-00057433 knows what they want to say. --oOQIab3Vu-00126-00057472-00057949 These are two very different types of communicator, and they need to be --oOQIab3Vu-00127-00057949-00058444 able to communicate with each other effectively; but unfortunately, with --oOQIab3Vu-00128-00058447-00058783 NeuroDivergent People, especially Autistic People, who have these --oOQIab3Vu-00129-00058783-00059307 communication differences, where we really may not be able to communicate --oOQIab3Vu-00130-00059307-00059676 in the way that society, traditionally, expects people to communicate. --oOQIab3Vu-00131-00059922-00060405 Too often is expected that the NeuroDivergent Person do all of --oOQIab3Vu-00132-00060405-00060921 the stretching in communication and social situations, to accommodate --oOQIab3Vu-00133-00060993-00061374 the NeuroTypical communicators, and the non-Autistic communicators. --oOQIab3Vu-00134-00061462-00062093 I really, really, want to ask that, you on the other side, do --oOQIab3Vu-00135-00062093-00062249 some of the stretching as well. --oOQIab3Vu-00136-00062315-00062798 Let's both flex our communications, so that we can find a solution that works --oOQIab3Vu-00137-00062798-00063218 well for both sender and receiver, instead of asking the Autistic and NeuroDivergent --oOQIab3Vu-00138-00063218-00063371 People to do all of the stretching. --oOQIab3Vu-00139-00063416-00064058 Some of us can not flex in this area, for example, expecting an Autistic --oOQIab3Vu-00140-00064058-00064274 non-speaker to speak with their mouths. --oOQIab3Vu-00141-00064328-00064712 That's very cruel when, for some of us that might not be. --oOQIab3Vu-00142-00064846-00065398 Or expecting me, someone who has difficulty with working memory and --oOQIab3Vu-00143-00065398-00065974 auditory processing, to remember something that was told for me word --oOQIab3Vu-00144-00065974-00066454 to word, or to be able to remember a task, that has a bunch of multiple step --oOQIab3Vu-00145-00066454-00066907 instructions, when I'm not allowed to get those directions in writing, or to take --oOQIab3Vu-00146-00066907-00067144 time to create my own shorthand notes. --oOQIab3Vu-00147-00067219-00067336 That's cruel to me. --oOQIab3Vu-00148-00067336-00067781 I can not hold myself to that expectation, and for a lot of years --oOQIab3Vu-00149-00067781-00068111 I tried, and it didn't work out well. --oOQIab3Vu-00150-00068285-00068828 We also really need to have support, especially, because we're living --oOQIab3Vu-00151-00068828-00069278 in a world that isn't designed to take our needs into consideration. --oOQIab3Vu-00152-00069386-00070058 I need support and understanding, if I am unable to enter a space, because it --oOQIab3Vu-00153-00070058-00070231 has the lighting that could make me sick. --oOQIab3Vu-00154-00070302-00070478 "Can you turn the lights off for me?" --oOQIab3Vu-00155-00070481-00070715 "Can we meet in another space?" --oOQIab3Vu-00156-00070799-00071381 I need people to understand that I have executive functioning differences, --oOQIab3Vu-00157-00071387-00071840 and I need those to be supported in order for me to be an efficient --oOQIab3Vu-00158-00071888-00072356 human being, and do the things that life and society expects of me. --oOQIab3Vu-00159-00072454-00072831 I need to be able to do things my own way, so that I can accommodate --oOQIab3Vu-00160-00072831-00073274 myself, because my needs are my own. --oOQIab3Vu-00161-00073326-00073812 Each and every single individual NeuroDivergent Person has very --oOQIab3Vu-00162-00073812-00073923 different needs from the next. --oOQIab3Vu-00163-00073926-00074424 Even two people with the exact same diagnoses, even two Autistic People, --oOQIab3Vu-00164-00074445-00074808 can have very different needs, and very different presentation, --oOQIab3Vu-00165-00074808-00075243 and how being NeuroDivergent, being Autistic, impacts them. --oOQIab3Vu-00166-00075340-00075979 We really need to have supports provided to us to live in this world that can, --oOQIab3Vu-00167-00075979-00076401 actually, be quite hostile to those whose brains and minds work differently. --oOQIab3Vu-00168-00076548-00076950 So this week I've talked about how NeuroDivergent People need --oOQIab3Vu-00169-00076950-00077310 to live authentically, and live a more NeuroDivergent appropriate --oOQIab3Vu-00170-00077310-00077538 lifestyle, in order to be successful. --oOQIab3Vu-00171-00077583-00077673 That's part one. --oOQIab3Vu-00172-00077709-00077784 Part two... --oOQIab3Vu-00173-00077805-00077901 Next week's video... --oOQIab3Vu-00174-00077922-00078072 I'm going to go shoot it right now: --oOQIab3Vu-00175-00078105-00078771 We're going to talk about what we need from society as a whole, in order --oOQIab3Vu-00176-00078771-00079236 to be able to live authentically, as NeuroDivergent People, and get to --oOQIab3Vu-00177-00079236-00079845 this point where we can be ourselves and be supported, because right --oOQIab3Vu-00178-00079845-00080019 now we've got a long way to go. --oOQIab3Vu-00179-00080052-00080529 It's not always safe to be visible, and be out, and be open. --oOQIab3Vu-00180-00080610-00080832 Thank you all so much for hanging out with me this week. --oOQIab3Vu-00181-00080877-00081255 Be sure to turn on your notifications, if you would like --oOQIab3Vu-00182-00081258-00081498 to catch part two of this video. --oOQIab3Vu-00183-00081577-00082027 If you found part one helpful, hit that like button, so I know that this --oOQIab3Vu-00184-00082027-00082507 format of video was helpful to you, or that this topic was useful and helpful. --oOQIab3Vu-00185-00082507-00083227 This helps me decide what types of videos and topics I will do in future videos. --oOQIab3Vu-00186-00083390-00083807 Thank you, of course, to all of you who do share, and comment, and engage, --oOQIab3Vu-00187-00083807-00083957 and give your feedback and suggestions. --oOQIab3Vu-00188-00083960-00084068 I'm really grateful for you. --oOQIab3Vu-00189-00084068-00084272 This blog wouldn't be what it is without you. --oOQIab3Vu-00190-00084296-00084473 Speaking of which: the Patreons and supporters, of --oOQIab3Vu-00191-00084473-00084614 course, I say it every week. --oOQIab3Vu-00192-00084617-00084854 Thank you to the Patreon subscribers, YouTube channel --oOQIab3Vu-00193-00084854-00084991 members, and Facebook supporters... --oOQIab3Vu-00194-00084992-00085199 who do that little monetary subscription. --oOQIab3Vu-00195-00085261-00085915 That helped this blog be the quality that it is now, because I would not be able --oOQIab3Vu-00196-00085915-00086224 to do this alone in that regards either. --oOQIab3Vu-00197-00086239-00086425 I'm so grateful for all of you. --oOQIab3Vu-00198-00086473-00086554 Thank you so much. --oOQIab3Vu-00199-00086560-00086793 I will see you all next week for part two. --oOQIab3Vu-00200-00086848-00086878 Bye! -_HydBcZhJ4-00000-00000600-00001278 One of the things that I’ve found helpful for me is that I feel like -_HydBcZhJ4-00001-00001278-00001700 for some reason I have a remarkable tendency to forget what is actually nourishing. -_HydBcZhJ4-00002-00001710-00002404 And I would say even if you don’t have a reason for why something feels good -_HydBcZhJ4-00003-00002404-00002666 or why it is nourishing for your soul, it doesn’t matter. -_HydBcZhJ4-00004-00002676-00003347 I remember there is a great poem from Aquinas, it’s great. He says – I’m going to paraphrase it – -_HydBcZhJ4-00005-00003347-00003942 he asked a plant, you know, he said to the plant, “What does light talk about?” -_HydBcZhJ4-00006-00003942-00004412 And the plant says, “I don’t know but it helps me grow.” -_HydBcZhJ4-00007-00004412-00004832 And so I think in a lot of ways without asking a lot of questions like what is this practice -_HydBcZhJ4-00008-00004832-00005360 or this hobby or why does it work for me, why does it nourish me spiritually -_HydBcZhJ4-00009-00005360-00005642 why does it make me feel closer to God, to myself, to other people? -_HydBcZhJ4-00010-00005642-00006286 I think without needing to know we should write a little note on our hand or something that says, -_HydBcZhJ4-00011-00006286-00006812 “What worked yesterday? What worked last week?” -_HydBcZhJ4-00012-00006812-00007494 Think of something that was nourishing at some point in the past and just do it again … just do it again. -_HydBcZhJ4-00013-00007494-00007766 I would include that. -EwaUhJEKOU-00000-00000010-00000226 >> NO, THERE'S -EwaUhJEKOU-00001-00000226-00000233 >> NO, THERE'S -EwaUhJEKOU-00002-00000233-00000306 >> NO, THERE'S >>> WELCOME BACK EVERYONE. -EwaUhJEKOU-00003-00000306-00000313 >> NO, THERE'S >>> WELCOME BACK EVERYONE. -EwaUhJEKOU-00004-00000313-00000473 >> NO, THERE'S >>> WELCOME BACK EVERYONE. DECEMBER 1ST, THAT'S THE LAST -EwaUhJEKOU-00005-00000473-00000480 >>> WELCOME BACK EVERYONE. DECEMBER 1ST, THAT'S THE LAST -EwaUhJEKOU-00006-00000480-00000607 >>> WELCOME BACK EVERYONE. DECEMBER 1ST, THAT'S THE LAST TIME THE BEMIDJI STATE MEN'S -EwaUhJEKOU-00007-00000607-00000613 DECEMBER 1ST, THAT'S THE LAST TIME THE BEMIDJI STATE MEN'S -EwaUhJEKOU-00008-00000613-00000787 DECEMBER 1ST, THAT'S THE LAST TIME THE BEMIDJI STATE MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM RECORDED A LOSS WHEN -EwaUhJEKOU-00009-00000787-00000794 TIME THE BEMIDJI STATE MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM RECORDED A LOSS WHEN -EwaUhJEKOU-00010-00000794-00000957 TIME THE BEMIDJI STATE MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM RECORDED A LOSS WHEN THEY LOST 3 TO 1 TO BOWLING -EwaUhJEKOU-00011-00000957-00000964 HOCKEY TEAM RECORDED A LOSS WHEN THEY LOST 3 TO 1 TO BOWLING -EwaUhJEKOU-00012-00000964-00000990 HOCKEY TEAM RECORDED A LOSS WHEN THEY LOST 3 TO 1 TO BOWLING GREEN. -EwaUhJEKOU-00013-00000990-00000997 THEY LOST 3 TO 1 TO BOWLING GREEN. -EwaUhJEKOU-00014-00000997-00001137 THEY LOST 3 TO 1 TO BOWLING GREEN. THE BEAVERS ARE CURRENTLY RIDING -EwaUhJEKOU-00015-00001137-00001144 GREEN. THE BEAVERS ARE CURRENTLY RIDING -EwaUhJEKOU-00016-00001144-00001274 GREEN. THE BEAVERS ARE CURRENTLY RIDING A TWO GAME WIN STREAK HEADING -EwaUhJEKOU-00017-00001274-00001281 THE BEAVERS ARE CURRENTLY RIDING A TWO GAME WIN STREAK HEADING -EwaUhJEKOU-00018-00001281-00001494 THE BEAVERS ARE CURRENTLY RIDING A TWO GAME WIN STREAK HEADING INTO THE FINAL SERIES OF 2017 -EwaUhJEKOU-00019-00001494-00001501 A TWO GAME WIN STREAK HEADING INTO THE FINAL SERIES OF 2017 -EwaUhJEKOU-00020-00001501-00001654 A TWO GAME WIN STREAK HEADING INTO THE FINAL SERIES OF 2017 THIS WEEKEND AS ALABAMA -EwaUhJEKOU-00021-00001654-00001661 INTO THE FINAL SERIES OF 2017 THIS WEEKEND AS ALABAMA -EwaUhJEKOU-00022-00001661-00001888 INTO THE FINAL SERIES OF 2017 THIS WEEKEND AS ALABAMA HUNTSVILLE VISITS THE SANFORD -EwaUhJEKOU-00023-00001888-00001895 THIS WEEKEND AS ALABAMA HUNTSVILLE VISITS THE SANFORD -EwaUhJEKOU-00024-00001895-00001921 THIS WEEKEND AS ALABAMA HUNTSVILLE VISITS THE SANFORD CENTER. -EwaUhJEKOU-00025-00001921-00001928 HUNTSVILLE VISITS THE SANFORD CENTER. -EwaUhJEKOU-00026-00001928-00002102 HUNTSVILLE VISITS THE SANFORD CENTER. THEY CONTINUE THE 23-YEAR-OLD -EwaUhJEKOU-00027-00002102-00002108 CENTER. THEY CONTINUE THE 23-YEAR-OLD -EwaUhJEKOU-00028-00002108-00002228 CENTER. THEY CONTINUE THE 23-YEAR-OLD RIVALRY TONIGHT IN FRONT OF AN -EwaUhJEKOU-00029-00002228-00002235 THEY CONTINUE THE 23-YEAR-OLD RIVALRY TONIGHT IN FRONT OF AN -EwaUhJEKOU-00030-00002235-00002295 THEY CONTINUE THE 23-YEAR-OLD RIVALRY TONIGHT IN FRONT OF AN ELECTRIC CROWD. -EwaUhJEKOU-00031-00002295-00002302 RIVALRY TONIGHT IN FRONT OF AN ELECTRIC CROWD. -EwaUhJEKOU-00032-00002302-00002472 RIVALRY TONIGHT IN FRONT OF AN ELECTRIC CROWD. LET'S START IN THE FIRST PERIOD -EwaUhJEKOU-00033-00002472-00002479 ELECTRIC CROWD. LET'S START IN THE FIRST PERIOD -EwaUhJEKOU-00034-00002479-00002689 ELECTRIC CROWD. LET'S START IN THE FIRST PERIOD AND IT'S ADAM BRADY WITH THE -EwaUhJEKOU-00035-00002689-00002696 LET'S START IN THE FIRST PERIOD AND IT'S ADAM BRADY WITH THE -EwaUhJEKOU-00036-00002696-00002796 LET'S START IN THE FIRST PERIOD AND IT'S ADAM BRADY WITH THE SHOT AND THE GOAL. -EwaUhJEKOU-00037-00002796-00002802 AND IT'S ADAM BRADY WITH THE SHOT AND THE GOAL. -EwaUhJEKOU-00038-00002802-00002972 AND IT'S ADAM BRADY WITH THE SHOT AND THE GOAL. THAT WILL PUT THE BEAVERS UP -EwaUhJEKOU-00039-00002972-00002979 SHOT AND THE GOAL. THAT WILL PUT THE BEAVERS UP -EwaUhJEKOU-00040-00002979-00003073 SHOT AND THE GOAL. THAT WILL PUT THE BEAVERS UP 1-NOTHING EARLY. -EwaUhJEKOU-00041-00003073-00003079 THAT WILL PUT THE BEAVERS UP 1-NOTHING EARLY. -EwaUhJEKOU-00042-00003079-00003413 THAT WILL PUT THE BEAVERS UP 1-NOTHING EARLY. CHARGERS WOULD COME BACK IN THE -EwaUhJEKOU-00043-00003413-00003420 1-NOTHING EARLY. CHARGERS WOULD COME BACK IN THE -EwaUhJEKOU-00044-00003420-00003613 1-NOTHING EARLY. CHARGERS WOULD COME BACK IN THE SECOND PERIOD, THOUGH. -EwaUhJEKOU-00045-00003613-00003620 CHARGERS WOULD COME BACK IN THE SECOND PERIOD, THOUGH. -EwaUhJEKOU-00046-00003620-00003663 CHARGERS WOULD COME BACK IN THE SECOND PERIOD, THOUGH. THERE'S A SHOT. -EwaUhJEKOU-00047-00003663-00003670 SECOND PERIOD, THOUGH. THERE'S A SHOT. -EwaUhJEKOU-00048-00003670-00003783 SECOND PERIOD, THOUGH. THERE'S A SHOT. AND THE EQUALIZER. -EwaUhJEKOU-00049-00003783-00003790 THERE'S A SHOT. AND THE EQUALIZER. -EwaUhJEKOU-00050-00003790-00003900 THERE'S A SHOT. AND THE EQUALIZER. ALL TIED UP AT 1. -EwaUhJEKOU-00051-00003900-00003907 AND THE EQUALIZER. ALL TIED UP AT 1. -EwaUhJEKOU-00052-00003907-00004387 AND THE EQUALIZER. ALL TIED UP AT 1. LATE IN THE PERIOD, THOUGH, IT'S -EwaUhJEKOU-00053-00004387-00004394 ALL TIED UP AT 1. LATE IN THE PERIOD, THOUGH, IT'S -EwaUhJEKOU-00054-00004394-00004564 ALL TIED UP AT 1. LATE IN THE PERIOD, THOUGH, IT'S PASSED AND THE BACK OF THE NET -EwaUhJEKOU-00055-00004564-00004571 LATE IN THE PERIOD, THOUGH, IT'S PASSED AND THE BACK OF THE NET -EwaUhJEKOU-00056-00004571-00004894 LATE IN THE PERIOD, THOUGH, IT'S PASSED AND THE BACK OF THE NET IS FOUND TO PUT THEM UP 2-1. -EwaUhJEKOU-00057-00004894-00004901 PASSED AND THE BACK OF THE NET IS FOUND TO PUT THEM UP 2-1. -EwaUhJEKOU-00058-00004901-00004968 PASSED AND THE BACK OF THE NET IS FOUND TO PUT THEM UP 2-1. THE BEAVERS TAKE GAME ONE OF THE -EES5uaX9vc-00000-00000945-00001337 I want teachers to think for themselves so they can -EES5uaX9vc-00001-00001337-00001621 help students to think for themselves. -EES5uaX9vc-00002-00001715-00002102 And I want them, I, you know, I take teaching -EES5uaX9vc-00003-00002102-00002812 very serious. I personally feel as though I have a moral obligation -EES5uaX9vc-00004-00002812-00003311 to teachers. I think that that is one of the most important -EES5uaX9vc-00005-00003311-00003735 things you can do, is to teach. -EES5uaX9vc-00006-00003735-00004227 Because you have, you have an ethical responsibility to -EES5uaX9vc-00007-00004227-00004736 help prepare people to engage in life. -EES5uaX9vc-00008-00004736-00004977 Think about it, you know, -EES5uaX9vc-00009-00004977-00005581 how many hours do teachers spend with young people? -EES5uaX9vc-00010-00005687-00005905 With learners? -EES5uaX9vc-00011-00005905-00006252 You know, they help them develop as persons, -EES5uaX9vc-00012-00006252-00006960 they help them learn social norms and practices. -EES5uaX9vc-00013-00006960-00007959 They help people, you know, learn future occupations. -EES5uaX9vc-00014-00007959-00008553 I mean, they help people learn how to live in the world, basically. -EES5uaX9vc-00015-00008553-00008995 I'm helping to run a girls mentorship organization in St. Louis, -EES5uaX9vc-00016-00008995-00009285 and, in African American communities, -EES5uaX9vc-00017-00009285-00010393 so, I see my thinking, I see mentorship as helping develop -EES5uaX9vc-00018-00010392-00010718 capabilities in learners. Helping them think differently so they can -EES5uaX9vc-00019-00010718-00011236 access opportunities, so they can do and be and flourish as they choose. -EES5uaX9vc-00020-00011236-00011889 Because, I think a lot of poverty and a lot of -EES5uaX9vc-00021-00011889-00012425 not having access to education or not -EES5uaX9vc-00022-00012424-00013568 it's about ... it's about having exposure to somebody doing something different. -EES5uaX9vc-00023-00013568-00013941 And, showing you that there are other options in the world. -FeT2SVzp34-00000-00000047-00000721 if we did it on our own it would be very basic and very one-dimensional and -FeT2SVzp34-00001-00000721-00001306 looking at your videos and the explanation and reviewing your videos -FeT2SVzp34-00002-00001306-00001968 that you had on your website you add a dimension andto your videos that we -FeT2SVzp34-00003-00001970-00002324 never would have done or would never have thought of so you have a very creative -FeT2SVzp34-00004-00002324-00002835 eye way more than we would have. -FeT2SVzp34-00005-00003393-00003735 Having video, being able to get that video out with our energy and our -FeT2SVzp34-00006-00003735-00004182 message in who we are as people to our community has been absolutely vital to -FeT2SVzp34-00007-00004182-00004560 what we do in our office and expanding our community and sending our message -FeT2SVzp34-00008-00004560-00004776 message out to as many people as possible here's the thing I saw a real -FeT2SVzp34-00009-00004806-00004936 Here's the thing, -FeT2SVzp34-00010-00004956-00005588 I sell Real Estate for a living. I am I'm not a video production person and I know that when -FeT2SVzp34-00011-00005606-00006080 someone wants to sell their house I hope that they hire professional and I will -FeT2SVzp34-00012-00006081-00006741 do the same when it comes to needing a plumber or a roofer or an accountant or -FeT2SVzp34-00013-00006741-00007158 a good attorney I'm looking for a professional and that's what you've been -FeT2SVzp34-00014-00007158-00007701 able to provide for us and not only that but give you give us the creative energy -FeT2SVzp34-00015-00007701-00008081 that we were we're looking for -FeT2SVzp34-00016-00008432-00008998 Y'know, it's great to have someone to lean on when I'm not a creative type so it's great to have great a creative type -FeT2SVzp34-00017-00009018-00009624 to lean on to get ideas about about what it looks like what our office looks like. -FeT2SVzp34-00018-00009624-00010268 If I were to take my time away from my business and to learn what it would take to -FeT2SVzp34-00019-00010269-00011094 provide the type of production that you that you give us it would cost me much -FeT2SVzp34-00020-00011094-00011626 more than what we invest in your company. -FeT2SVzp34-00021-00011636-00012280 People need to be able to see the emotion and the passion that we have for what we're doing and -FeT2SVzp34-00022-00012281-00012833 you can't...that's a one dimension if we were gonna just write it or just post it -FeT2SVzp34-00023-00012833-00013316 on our Facebook page or just post it in writing on our website I don't think we -FeT2SVzp34-00024-00013316-00013838 would have been able to get that message across to the people and we want to -FeT2SVzp34-00025-00013838-00014248 portray passion and we want to portray the heart that we have behind the -FeT2SVzp34-00026-00014248-00014515 business that we're creating -LrLnWaEwyA-00000-00001496-00001992 on somebody's beach with somebody's daughter my ducks in a row plus my house is in order so take -LrLnWaEwyA-00001-00001992-00002480 it or leave it that pride i don't need it mistaken conceded i'm rising and weaving you fighting -LrLnWaEwyA-00002-00002480-00002896 yourself enlightening yourself criticizing me but won't do writing yourself that's a -LrLnWaEwyA-00003-00004280-00004504 how you wanna get this money i can make her get it for me -LrLnWaEwyA-00004-00004504-00004744 but i'm trying to get it with you so you better get up on the -LrLnWaEwyA-00005-00004744-00005784 go -LrLnWaEwyA-00006-00008552-00009984 you gotta want it -LrLnWaEwyA-00007-00011712-00012784 different today slipping away different today slipping away different today -LrLnWaEwyA-00008-00014136-00014672 so please just watch what you say so please just watch what you say a lot of stress up on my chest -LrLnWaEwyA-00009-00014672-00015208 for lack of progress and being home yeah last out so i passed out i pushed them all away so -LrLnWaEwyA-00010-00015208-00015832 i'm alone yeah another shot i'm in another glass i mean another bottle is on yeah not sure it's in -LrLnWaEwyA-00011-00015832-00016456 that edible but it's incredible and i'm gone yeah yeah i'm trying hard not to feel i cannot drive a -LrLnWaEwyA-00012-00016456-00016856 whole guy got the will don't tell me i'm wrong if i think that i'm right if i think that i'm right -LrLnWaEwyA-00013-00016856-00017400 i'm gonna die i'm feeling different my vibe is the same i'm feeling different my driving the same -LrLnWaEwyA-00014-00017400-00017848 i'm gaining weight and i'm staying up late they say sleep when you dead but my eyes are in pain -LrLnWaEwyA-00015-00017848-00018584 so i keep them closed feel like i'm froze this isn't me how could this be where are my goals -LrLnWaEwyA-00016-00018688-00019104 hoping i snap bout it before i top out lord knows last night blacked -LrLnWaEwyA-00017-00019104-00019784 out so when i act out it's a crowd for help from my soul so i'm feeling different today -LrLnWaEwyA-00018-00020752-00021104 so please just watch what you say so please just watch what you say -LrLnWaEwyA-00019-00022408-00022488 so please just watch -LrLnWaEwyA-00020-00024392-00024848 yeah yeah maybe i should fly away no energy to play good the other day these -LrLnWaEwyA-00021-00024848-00025256 men and i'm trying but inside i'm dying i'm praying for strength but it could go away -LrLnWaEwyA-00022-00025256-00025783 i'm feeling weak and i could go astray don't want to live and i could go today but i got a son and -LrLnWaEwyA-00023-00025783-00026439 i cannot run can't look in his eyes when i look in his face so i keep them closed feel like i'm froze -LrLnWaEwyA-00024-00026552-00027280 this isn't me how could this be where are my goals hoping i snap out it before i tap out lord knows -LrLnWaEwyA-00025-00027280-00027688 nothing i blacked out so when i act out it's a crime for help from my soul -LrLnWaEwyA-00026-00027688-00028183 souls -LrLnWaEwyA-00027-00029032-00029504 so please just watch what you say so please just watch what you say i'm feeling -LrLnWaEwyA-00029-00039160-00039384 uh -LrLnWaEwyA-00030-00040056-00040784 oh -LrLnWaEwyA-00031-00043832-00044984 me -LrLnWaEwyA-00032-00046232-00046384 me -LrLnWaEwyA-00033-00051000-00051984 i want to know if you want to take -LrLnWaEwyA-00034-00053648-00054784 give me money -LrLnWaEwyA-00035-00057455-00057684 [ __ -LrLnWaEwyA-00036-00058200-00058984 ] boys -LrLnWaEwyA-00037-00062016-00063184 tokyo -LrLnWaEwyA-00038-00065696-00065984 hmm -LrLnWaEwyA-00039-00066960-00067384 zombies -LrLnWaEwyA-00040-00069600-00070184 look at the problems -LrLnWaEwyA-00041-00072232-00072984 cheers -LrLnWaEwyA-00042-00075824-00077184 this is -LrLnWaEwyA-00043-00081856-00082784 so -LrLnWaEwyA-00044-00086312-00088384 is i don't know where i am already -LrLnWaEwyA-00045-00088552-00089784 away -LrLnWaEwyA-00046-00091128-00091184 follow me -LrLnWaEwyA-00047-00093888-00093984 oh -LrLnWaEwyA-00048-00095288-00095384 misconception -LrLnWaEwyA-00049-00096128-00096784 feels like i'm always -LrLnWaEwyA-00050-00097632-00098184 anyway -LrLnWaEwyA-00051-00098808-00099584 follow me -LrLnWaEwyA-00052-00107848-00107983 channel -LrLnWaEwyA-00053-00110904-00111240 hey yo this is the bigger flow flowing just like i'm cigalo -LrLnWaEwyA-00054-00111240-00111688 little brother status the realest just like a figaro we could keep it going and flowing but -LrLnWaEwyA-00055-00111688-00112208 [ __ ] i'm really dope shorty like i'm sickly you get me i got the ella flower -LrLnWaEwyA-00056-00112208-00112744 crazy never play me wake up in the morning and yawning just like it's way beat the flow be crazy -LrLnWaEwyA-00057-00112744-00113232 maybe y'all be lazy something for the movie's invincible like it's tragic swayze -LrLnWaEwyA-00058-00113232-00113744 i get ghosts on them they put the toast on them steady roasting boasting never coasting -LrLnWaEwyA-00059-00113744-00114240 up chase dogs and fat breeze on the beat say the leaves there's no defeat they just sweet up on the -LrLnWaEwyA-00060-00114240-00114872 beat i switch flows like the wind blows to change clothes i suppose case sparks be a genius i mean -LrLnWaEwyA-00061-00114872-00116383 it's kind of fiendish can't see me they want to be me getting touched like 3d we being so blessed -LrLnWaEwyA-00062-00118528-00119183 is -LrLnWaEwyA-00063-00123311-00123864 dope flows they got no flows spit it but i switch them up guaranteed i lift them up keep it going -LrLnWaEwyA-00064-00123864-00124783 flowing but it's never to stop better the top keep it going get it i did it i'm in a civic -LrLnWaEwyA-00065-00125783-00126183 is -LrLnWaEwyA-00066-00127456-00127583 is -LrLnWaEwyA-00067-00128808-00128896 look what's next for -LrLnWaEwyA-00068-00130264-00130568 remember when she blew me off that's why i can't text -LrLnWaEwyA-00069-00130568-00131232 now she call me petty but i swear i can't forget it's saying now they saying that i bar like dre -LrLnWaEwyA-00070-00131232-00131784 west coming back for what is mine can't take no last -LrLnWaEwyA-00071-00133104-00133472 so many people that switched up whose man's high through it all i stay the -LrLnWaEwyA-00072-00133472-00133976 same i swear to god i can't lie been down so damn low that i came up from my life -LrLnWaEwyA-00073-00133976-00134496 they taught way too much on the internet it's not real life i swear my fam way and i can't lose -LrLnWaEwyA-00074-00138432-00140400 i gotta hit the beat i gotta hit the beat b i gotta hit the beat i gotta hit the beep i got it -LrLnWaEwyA-00075-00140832-00141584 i got it -LrLnWaEwyA-00076-00141960-00142984 this is -LrLnWaEwyA-00077-00143904-00144304 [ __ ] dripping off the chin all night -LrLnWaEwyA-00078-00144864-00145784 [ __ ] dripping off the chin -LrLnWaEwyA-00079-00148032-00148584 i gotta hit this -LrLnWaEwyA-00080-00150928-00151384 all night -LrLnWaEwyA-00081-00152544-00152784 [ __ ] dripping off the chin -LrLnWaEwyA-00082-00155176-00155584 me -LrLnWaEwyA-00083-00156904-00157040 i gotta hit the beat -LrLnWaEwyA-00084-00157392-00158384 i gotta hit the beep beep -LrLnWaEwyA-00085-00161136-00162584 food -LrLnWaEwyA-00086-00164392-00165384 so -LrLnWaEwyA-00087-00166560-00166784 quick -LrLnWaEwyA-00088-00175088-00176584 if is -LrLnWaEwyA-00089-00177264-00177984 now we making moves -LrLnWaEwyA-00090-00182200-00183584 oh my gosh -LrLnWaEwyA-00091-00185184-00186384 is -LrLnWaEwyA-00092-00187240-00187784 so -LrLnWaEwyA-00093-00189032-00190584 tell me doing won't you tell me -LrLnWaEwyA-00094-00191568-00191984 now we making moves -LrLnWaEwyA-00095-00195000-00196184 up -LrLnWaEwyA-00096-00196496-00197584 hmm -LrLnWaEwyA-00097-00198480-00198984 the moves -LrLnWaEwyA-00098-00199072-00200384 is -LrLnWaEwyA-00099-00200936-00201784 so -LrLnWaEwyA-00100-00203912-00204584 so -LrLnWaEwyA-00101-00217584-00218584 so -LrLnWaEwyA-00102-00241944-00242919 so i'm not really into saying what you want to hear so please excuse me -LrLnWaEwyA-00103-00243176-00243784 and i don't really give a damn how much you make my dear so please excuse me -LrLnWaEwyA-00104-00243864-00244328 not looking for typical typical typical typical l.a guys -LrLnWaEwyA-00105-00244328-00245184 i've been staying busy and i don't have time to waste it's time that you see -LrLnWaEwyA-00106-00245400-00245664 if you wanna impress me -LrLnWaEwyA-00107-00245784-00246584 show some depth in your soul let those layers unfold if you wanna undress me -LrLnWaEwyA-00108-00247367-00248416 maybe the future will erase us me you gotta know it ain't easy -LrLnWaEwyA-00109-00248792-00249384 maybe young but i still know my way around the game so i can see you -LrLnWaEwyA-00110-00249584-00250104 doing all the little tricks they say will always work like you're supposed to -LrLnWaEwyA-00111-00250264-00250784 not looking for a typical typical typical difficult -LrLnWaEwyA-00112-00251271-00252184 it's time that you see -LrLnWaEwyA-00113-00253184-00253584 but still love the unknown -LrLnWaEwyA-00114-00253767-00254984 maybe the future will embrace us but if you wanna impress me you gotta know it ain't easy -LrLnWaEwyA-00115-00257623-00257784 me -LrLnWaEwyA-00116-00259992-00260584 i'm not really into saying what you wanna hear so please excuse me -LrLnWaEwyA-00117-00260767-00261352 if you're intimidated by anything that i want you're gonna lose me -LrLnWaEwyA-00118-00261936-00261984 whoa -LrLnWaEwyA-00119-00264080-00264784 is -LrLnWaEwyA-00120-00267480-00267584 oh -LrLnWaEwyA-00121-00268520-00270384 do you do me -LrLnWaEwyA-00122-00272584-00273184 hey -LrLnWaEwyA-00123-00273264-00274584 hello -LrLnWaEwyA-00124-00275584-00275984 ding dong -LrLnWaEwyA-00125-00279496-00280184 it's -LrLnWaEwyA-00126-00280672-00281584 me -LrLnWaEwyA-00127-00284264-00285784 now -LrLnWaEwyA-00128-00289648-00289984 but we don't talk no more cuz she always -LrLnWaEwyA-00129-00290064-00290584 you know i stay with a compliment i think women like me cause i'm handsome and confident -LrLnWaEwyA-00130-00290584-00291384 you know i just stick to the script but if it don't make dollar [ __ ] then it don't make sense -LrLnWaEwyA-00131-00291680-00292784 i'm doing all i truly care -LrLnWaEwyA-00132-00296656-00296896 just let me love -LrLnWaEwyA-00133-00298264-00298928 would you like it if i tied you up not fifty shades a night i wanna size you up what handcuffs -LrLnWaEwyA-00134-00298928-00299784 and blindfolds smack it on your ass and lick it like cigarillo uh oh you know how the story goes -LrLnWaEwyA-00135-00300824-00301360 this is great at all the kids might have to step out this is borderline triple x -LrLnWaEwyA-00136-00301416-00302624 leather whips and grapes -LrLnWaEwyA-00137-00302624-00303984 me -LrLnWaEwyA-00138-00306344-00306784 i just wanna love you bye -LrLnWaEwyA-00139-00310808-00311248 just a little lad watching smokey in the band y'all obsessed with a firebird running -LrLnWaEwyA-00140-00311248-00311736 from the proposed calling storm troopers don't be sleeping me and my girl meet me -LrLnWaEwyA-00141-00311736-00312272 on a mission for the bad stress building up so i take a couple drags breathe in -LrLnWaEwyA-00142-00313272-00313816 21 and up from atlanta out to frisco dallas out to baltimore i'm trying to make these hits -LrLnWaEwyA-00143-00313816-00314176 out to cincinnati i look good in some red but i ain't claiming they'll set -LrLnWaEwyA-00144-00314176-00314536 them crips to kill a [ __ ] dead i know i said i retired but i'm back -LrLnWaEwyA-00145-00314536-00315184 from the dead and i resurrected the rhyme and put it on the music page -LrLnWaEwyA-00146-00316448-00316584 but i know -LrLnWaEwyA-00147-00317936-00318360 we the superheroes with the classified info it's so official -LrLnWaEwyA-00148-00318360-00319048 you know it's classic my [ __ ] assertive show i got badges pass that big l man put out the ashes -LrLnWaEwyA-00149-00319048-00319568 i got a team of chrome snatchers on your ass kid white polos i guess that's how i'm feeling -LrLnWaEwyA-00150-00319568-00320112 a box of black jays thanks way up to the ceiling [ __ ] i ain't bragging now i ain't flossing i'm -LrLnWaEwyA-00151-00320112-00320608 just fly's [ __ ] when i step out the feeling it's okay i'm like a vigilante rest in peace -LrLnWaEwyA-00152-00320608-00321056 to my granny pull up in the mercedes i know these haters can't stand me do it for ovi -LrLnWaEwyA-00153-00321056-00322184 the only one that can show me how to do it for the love now that's my angel above me -LrLnWaEwyA-00154-00323312-00324224 just how much i love you born in 75 raised in the 80s raised by a lady named mercedes -LrLnWaEwyA-00155-00324336-00324784 me and don watching space ghosts eating cream and we bacon and french toast -LrLnWaEwyA-00156-00324872-00325352 we used to play with the figurines little army men blow each other up to smithereens -LrLnWaEwyA-00157-00325904-00326448 i had the diamond back he had the 10 speed thinking batman we was just some euphonies -LrLnWaEwyA-00158-00326448-00327784 talk about it but we really need a lot just some pinto beans cooking in the pot and i'm out -LrLnWaEwyA-00159-00328792-00329184 just how much i love you keep walking to me -LrLnWaEwyA-00160-00334544-00334888 this [ __ ] ain't coming i'm cold as [ __ ] all of my blessings i scoop it up they started to -LrLnWaEwyA-00161-00334888-00335336 blossom my power puff they choke at the top so i cut them off yeah on the run the [ __ ] can -LrLnWaEwyA-00162-00335336-00335744 catch me on lapping up like how quick you know i already won i'm sorry i had to embarrass some -LrLnWaEwyA-00163-00335800-00336072 i'm out the frame cause i'm thinking out the box -LrLnWaEwyA-00164-00337288-00338984 now there are written in my dreams -LrLnWaEwyA-00165-00339296-00339648 i'm doing a job that can't automate my job never lagging in solid state my album it -LrLnWaEwyA-00166-00339648-00340016 mean we got a date releasing my heat but i got away if i flick my wrist and i'll tickle -LrLnWaEwyA-00167-00340016-00340312 the twine i get in a pickle then slip out the bottom it's love of the game i'm living -LrLnWaEwyA-00168-00340920-00341480 you're still thinking so it's really not the flow i'll let go and let it operate to stop and waste -LrLnWaEwyA-00169-00341480-00342056 and constipate i close my eyes and concentrate single-minded rock a monocle on unicycles truly -LrLnWaEwyA-00170-00342056-00342576 shining keep my smile while they're mad i think i'm too defiant i got mine so you get yours i -LrLnWaEwyA-00171-00342576-00343440 took my finals peep the file got my style from the stores the greatness now they're running things -LrLnWaEwyA-00172-00343440-00345984 no one wasn't easy harder than it seems but it's written in the stars but it's written in the stars -LrLnWaEwyA-00173-00348376-00348784 yeah and the lights off -LrLnWaEwyA-00174-00350024-00350184 uh -LrLnWaEwyA-00175-00354304-00354928 i'm the first to me and so district be the dynasty tell the major labels i don't got no time for -LrLnWaEwyA-00176-00354928-00355480 these lies that they sell it's all the rodeo they offer me that molio for stealing my portfolio -LrLnWaEwyA-00177-00355576-00356040 on every song in my catalog building generation wealth till i'm in the morgue -LrLnWaEwyA-00178-00356128-00356680 my people want what they can't afford i wonder why we all in debt when we grow an old i used -LrLnWaEwyA-00179-00356680-00357208 to have dreams that i buy chain now days i'm more impressed trying to start a chain right -LrLnWaEwyA-00180-00357208-00357704 follow one course to success dog then you make all that money to reinvest though -LrLnWaEwyA-00181-00357704-00358256 trying to get them double lambs with no good play living solar power doing what the sun say -LrLnWaEwyA-00182-00358256-00358600 only real ones that's seeking for my entree cause when it's hammer time -LrLnWaEwyA-00183-00358600-00359328 only few keep it one cat co-signed by the most high waking every morning sunglasses and a bow tie -LrLnWaEwyA-00184-00359328-00359960 a gun to it now i see it with a close eye my biggest devastation was attached to a gold mine -LrLnWaEwyA-00185-00361240-00361328 you hear the thunder -LrLnWaEwyA-00186-00362064-00362384 until then i spit nothing but the straight truth if jesus -LrLnWaEwyA-00187-00362384-00362688 with me there ain't nothing that i can't do and through the rumors -LrLnWaEwyA-00188-00363560-00364184 it's so district -LrLnWaEwyA-00189-00368200-00368840 stay calm when the trouble be around me ain't got the drive like i pull up in ferrari i apologize -LrLnWaEwyA-00190-00368840-00369368 i'll never tell i'm sorry and when they asked who could come and stop me homie i'mma tell them -LrLnWaEwyA-00191-00369368-00370560 nobody nobody i like nobody nobody i like nobody nobody i like nobody nobody ain't no storm on a -LrLnWaEwyA-00192-00370560-00371104 hurricane rock me ain't feeling mad cause they know they can't stop me i'm feeling good cause -LrLnWaEwyA-00193-00372472-00372560 nobody -LrLnWaEwyA-00194-00373104-00373488 stop with that ugly uniform walk up in the building like the man -LrLnWaEwyA-00195-00373488-00373984 that's in charge not because i'm cocky cause i know who i are -LrLnWaEwyA-00196-00374160-00374632 keep his name lifted like i got it on the poster keep that bread alive when they walk you with -LrLnWaEwyA-00197-00374632-00375176 their toaster pursuing his presence and forever getting closer can't nobody stop me but the man -LrLnWaEwyA-00198-00375176-00375680 in my reflection ain't nobody block me when i'm going by direction ain't can't nobody cut me -LrLnWaEwyA-00199-00375680-00376176 cause the blood my connection and can't nobody drive me when i know that this is destined yeah -LrLnWaEwyA-00200-00376176-00376696 changing the flow aim at the soul man got the glow gang get the king got the throne can't -LrLnWaEwyA-00201-00378064-00378504 and when they asked who could come and stop me homie imma tell them nobody -LrLnWaEwyA-00202-00378504-00379504 nobody i like nobody nobody i like nobody nobody i like nobody nobody ain't -LrLnWaEwyA-00203-00380768-00380856 nobody -LrLnWaEwyA-00204-00382240-00382296 rather keep -LrLnWaEwyA-00205-00383720-00384008 took a step in that direction let him have it then i left it -LrLnWaEwyA-00206-00384080-00384600 took the kite for a spin the other day oh yeah twist and throttles got my wrists in the cave -LrLnWaEwyA-00207-00384600-00385104 survive everything got no room for no fakes i just do what it -LrLnWaEwyA-00208-00386536-00387096 ain't got the drive like i pull up in ferrari i apologize i'll never tell i'm sorry -LrLnWaEwyA-00209-00387096-00387936 and when they ask who could come and stop me homie imma tell them nobody nobody i like nobody nobody -LrLnWaEwyA-00210-00387936-00388840 i like nobody nobody i like nobody nobody ain't no storm on the hurricane rock me ain't feeling -LrLnWaEwyA-00211-00388840-00389520 mad cause they know they can't stop me i'm feeling good cause i know god got me yeah he got me got me -LrLnWaEwyA-00212-00389520-00390784 got me homie down like nobody nobody like nobody nobody like nobody nobody like nobody nobody -LrLnWaEwyA-00213-00392832-00393584 so -LrLnWaEwyA-00214-00396336-00396816 the men you can't get away from them things and i am aware fully prepared to definitely speak -LrLnWaEwyA-00215-00396816-00397280 yeah and that's what he said you gotta get paid do what you gotta do get to the back -LrLnWaEwyA-00216-00397280-00397696 stay here tonight if i get on the avenue you ain't got out for the bags here you are -LrLnWaEwyA-00217-00399152-00399536 but all of them voices we got em lied to me hillary rodham i just came back with -LrLnWaEwyA-00218-00399536-00400584 my kid in the bottom and now i'm gonna bring it back all the way out of here -LrLnWaEwyA-00219-00406448-00407032 maybe i'm not but i'm better than you yeah but all of them voices we gotta try to be hilary rotter i -LrLnWaEwyA-00220-00407032-00407584 just came back with my kid in the bottom and now i'm gonna bring it back all the way out of here -LrLnWaEwyA-00221-00410232-00410384 oh -LrLnWaEwyA-00222-00411416-00411784 i gotta go -LrLnWaEwyA-00223-00412528-00413184 you put it on me you put it on me -LrLnWaEwyA-00224-00415935-00417384 i'm going for mine -LrLnWaEwyA-00225-00421096-00421488 shout out all my enemies all the best man i'm -LrLnWaEwyA-00226-00424288-00424776 this is simple math live that's you know i get it back you believe yeah they asking what the -LrLnWaEwyA-00227-00424776-00425239 fame like tell them hang tight let me holler in the pay right put that on my damn life you -LrLnWaEwyA-00228-00425239-00425743 know i'm the man right show em what the plan like but y'all look slow don't understand right yeah -LrLnWaEwyA-00229-00425743-00426160 tell me how you feel baby cause i've been working all the way up to a meal baby -LrLnWaEwyA-00230-00426160-00426632 yeah man of the year how i feel lately you know the deal baby you know the drill yeah -LrLnWaEwyA-00231-00426888-00427184 i'm on my way -LrLnWaEwyA-00232-00432624-00434184 all day man said i'm on my way -LrLnWaEwyA-00233-00437008-00438384 um -LrLnWaEwyA-00234-00439832-00441184 oh -LrLnWaEwyA-00235-00447208-00448184 uh -LrLnWaEwyA-00236-00448343-00449584 um -LrLnWaEwyA-00237-00450992-00452384 foreign -LrLnWaEwyA-00238-00452584-00453784 uh -LrLnWaEwyA-00239-00457672-00457984 is -LrLnWaEwyA-00240-00459768-00460784 now we making moves -LrLnWaEwyA-00241-00466680-00467784 the moose -LrLnWaEwyA-00242-00474976-00476184 uh -LrLnWaEwyA-00243-00476447-00477584 and -LrLnWaEwyA-00244-00483839-00484584 uh -LrLnWaEwyA-00245-00485872-00485984 right now -LrLnWaEwyA-00246-00491120-00491584 oh -LrLnWaEwyA-00247-00492728-00492984 right -LrLnWaEwyA-00248-00495392-00495784 now you gotta do it -LrLnWaEwyA-00249-00497112-00497184 confirmed -LrLnWaEwyA-00250-00498808-00499984 are you gonna do right now -LrLnWaEwyA-00251-00501656-00502784 uh -LrLnWaEwyA-00252-00503608-00504184 and you got joy -LrLnWaEwyA-00253-00505056-00505584 right now -LrLnWaEwyA-00254-00506584-00506968 everybody that knows me knows me personally they still call me like -LrLnWaEwyA-00255-00506968-00508384 notes or sino like it's crazy brother pastor still calls me ceno bro that's nuts -LrLnWaEwyA-00256-00510384-00511152 it's about to go down -LrLnWaEwyA-00257-00513712-00513912 don't you wanna play it -LrLnWaEwyA-00258-00519464-00519496 if we -LrLnWaEwyA-00259-00523624-00524184 myself like i wrote a script to a movie i vision myself it's kind of funny how i arrogantly mention -LrLnWaEwyA-00260-00524184-00524856 myself i'm self-exceeded i don't need a pimp i hinder myself i'm just a lonely pusher i'm just -LrLnWaEwyA-00261-00524856-00525320 working out my problems this the only push-up it's like a basketball game but there ain't no -LrLnWaEwyA-00262-00525320-00525952 pick up it's like i'm laying on my back and i'm trying to sit up get up you still a g [ __ ] you -LrLnWaEwyA-00263-00525952-00526584 still a dawn and that's cause you gotta be [ __ ] you just a man trying to get up on your feet -LrLnWaEwyA-00264-00529192-00529384 baby -LrLnWaEwyA-00265-00530192-00530544 bro we still the same [ __ ] bro like from back in the -LrLnWaEwyA-00266-00530544-00530880 gap like ain't nothing changed man still the same [ __ ] bro -LrLnWaEwyA-00267-00531448-00531568 yes yes yes -LrLnWaEwyA-00268-00531984-00532040 let's get it -LrLnWaEwyA-00269-00533384-00533584 ain't nobody -LrLnWaEwyA-00270-00534880-00534896 ain't -LrLnWaEwyA-00271-00536240-00536304 how you feel -LrLnWaEwyA-00272-00537512-00537784 everything -LrLnWaEwyA-00273-00540512-00540896 strong enough to stand by myself smart enough to know i still need a low health can't change -LrLnWaEwyA-00274-00540896-00541320 the cards that i've been dealt but can't make sure my presence fell i'm kicking down doors -LrLnWaEwyA-00275-00541320-00541640 like the leader of the swat team i feel bad for you if you ever doubted my schemes -LrLnWaEwyA-00276-00541640-00542200 watch my dreams in high beams in the sky or on tv screens ain't no judge just guys vessel -LrLnWaEwyA-00277-00542200-00542776 here to give you all a nudge all you kids out there please don't take no lean try your best -LrLnWaEwyA-00278-00542776-00543456 to stay clean to fulfill every dream i vividly remember me praying on the ground asking god -LrLnWaEwyA-00279-00543456-00543856 saying when exactly will you bring me out of all of these you thick clouds of doubt -LrLnWaEwyA-00280-00543856-00544272 i'm trying my best to work it all out but honestly i really just want to shout he said -LrLnWaEwyA-00281-00544272-00544784 my child if you're drawing it to me then i'll help you finish your dress i am ready -LrLnWaEwyA-00282-00547512-00548984 up -LrLnWaEwyA-00283-00550192-00550680 you keep your pocket change in the pocket of your kangaroo stay tucked in stash walking -LrLnWaEwyA-00284-00550680-00551208 late to the class the class clown the reason why the teacher man my black ass i ain't good at math -LrLnWaEwyA-00285-00551208-00551696 but i'm good at counting coins and i put these letters together better than anyone in this room -LrLnWaEwyA-00286-00551696-00552248 i'm sorry isn't there something we can do hidden within each of us is not only the capacity to -LrLnWaEwyA-00287-00552248-00552848 love and hate but to take the final step to be not only the creator but the destroyer a -LrLnWaEwyA-00288-00552848-00553552 man or a monster completely out of control it is unthinkable that such horror should be repeated -LrLnWaEwyA-00289-00553904-00554584 versatile versatility music be healing trying to keep it alive but these princesses are killing me -LrLnWaEwyA-00290-00557272-00557808 and shop at the outlet this is more than a hobby it's my culture i live this mark amy and daniel -LrLnWaEwyA-00291-00557808-00558320 brown and three of my witnesses way before the children i've been trying to get this but instead -LrLnWaEwyA-00292-00558320-00558840 i got memories on black and white pictures i'm still thankful for everything that i got this is -LrLnWaEwyA-00293-00558840-00559280 for the hopeless people still trying to reach the top this is for the bottom of the barrel -LrLnWaEwyA-00294-00559280-00559816 and a totem pole this is for kids who only want to summon the hall and feel safe with you can't -LrLnWaEwyA-00295-00559816-00560344 replace it my lyrics are like love but i still feeling trapped in the basement kindness is a -LrLnWaEwyA-00296-00560344-00560968 hard thing to try to give away but it keeps coming back to the giver okay hey when was the last time -LrLnWaEwyA-00297-00560968-00561472 they heard you say i love you more than before this is my feeling today i'm just trying to reach -LrLnWaEwyA-00298-00561472-00562000 the promised land me and my brother man would it sound so unique not quite like the other man this -LrLnWaEwyA-00299-00562000-00562576 is my environment hustling work hard i'm saving up my money just to buy me a sports car help -LrLnWaEwyA-00300-00562576-00563088 those that need it if you need it repeat it this is the dopest live flow you can dig it a beat you -LrLnWaEwyA-00301-00563088-00563640 now rockin with the best soul brother number two night in poke with another win for the whole crew -LrLnWaEwyA-00302-00563640-00564368 spreading joy to the city with these beats and rhymes got me feeling like a [ __ ] beat sometimes -LrLnWaEwyA-00303-00565704-00566256 and i was trained to spot a scam from a mile away one day it'll all make sense but if it -LrLnWaEwyA-00304-00566256-00566840 don't make dollars then it don't make sense and that's real now i mean now that's real -LrLnWaEwyA-00305-00567128-00567552 for my foreign you know i'm talking about strictly for my foot soldiers my die hard fans -LrLnWaEwyA-00306-00567608-00568040 even if it's only like three or four hundred of y'all maybe 500 if i'm lucky -LrLnWaEwyA-00307-00568040-00568280 i'm doing it strictly for y'all cause you been holding me down you know i'm saying -LrLnWaEwyA-00308-00568400-00569456 it's real tough it's team nitro [ __ ] all day all night hey yo pope what up man put a wrap on that -LrLnWaEwyA-00309-00569544-00569984 real recognized real stl to the atl no i'm talking about let's go -LtV6DgWho8-00000-00000540-00001345 Good morning, mr, master, maestro or simply -LtV6DgWho8-00001-00001345-00001702 or -LtV6DgWho8-00002-00001702-00002263 simply David, yes David, why not David, David Lynch? -LtV6DgWho8-00003-00002263-00003006 It's September 10th, so already 10 days of September, 2022 and it's a Saturday. -LtV6DgWho8-00004-00003006-00003863 Here in Naples a middle morning in this moment, mostly cloudy, very still right now, -LtV6DgWho8-00005-00003863-00004676 77 fahrenheit 25 celsius and this means that in this moment isn't that day really, really, -LtV6DgWho8-00006-00004676-00004776 really, -LtV6DgWho8-00007-00004776-00005576 really hot like in these days and in this period but yes, it's a pleasant atmosphere -LtV6DgWho8-00008-00005576-00005676 but -LtV6DgWho8-00009-00005676-00006681 however a little hot it does the same but still absolutely not like hell any more -LtV6DgWho8-00010-00006681-00007663 two months ago with 98.6 fahrneheit in the afternoon. -LtV6DgWho8-00011-00007663-00008792 This afternoon I think that the temperature could rise even if I don't know, I think actually -LtV6DgWho8-00012-00008792-00009581 that will be the same, but we'll see I don't know. -LtV6DgWho8-00013-00009581-00010142 But the really importan thing with this atmosphere is that today in this moment we don't have -LtV6DgWho8-00014-00010142-00010540 in this moment those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine. -LtV6DgWho8-00015-00010540-00010771 It's partly cloudy alternate -LtV6DgWho8-00016-00010771-00011331 with the sune always for every 4-5 minutes. -LtV6DgWho8-00017-00011331-00011684 However better in this way because it sta -LtV6DgWho8-00018-00011684-00012434 it's still hot again, so the weather better be like this. -LtV6DgWho8-00019-00012434-00012867 Well, so said this: so from the mythical window with the orange, -LtV6DgWho8-00020-00012867-00013158 red, blue, green water courtain and its green roller shooter, -LtV6DgWho8-00021-00013158-00013829 today not visible and in fact here in the shot -LtV6DgWho8-00022-00013829-00014090 and finally from my mythical keyboard Yamaha DGX640 YPG-625 -LtV6DgWho8-00023-00014090-00015922 have a great day him, all the people who follow the channel and the weathers, also to my -LtV6DgWho8-00024-00015922-00017766 brother and finally I hope you all have a great breakfast. -LtV6DgWho8-00025-00017766-00018388 I'll see you tomorrow! -LWlKMDEsDQ-00000-00000113-00000496 Throughout this whole series, it’s been the young ones, -LWlKMDEsDQ-00001-00000590-00001570 They’ve been the most excited, it’s good, even though they keep losing. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00002-00001570-00001816 That’s New Japan. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00003-00001846-00002053 They're Young Lions, after all. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00004-00002056-00002866 They did good, today. My fight was going to depend on them. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00005-00002910-00003423 But, it doesn’t mean anything if they don’t win. Not ready, yet. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00006-00003660-00004106 I didn’t even break a sweat. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00007-00004126-00004593 I want them to bring more, next time. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00008-00004710-00004986 Winning without sweating isn’t satisfying. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00009-00005010-00005646 It’s a shame, because there’s so much energy there. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00010-00005900-00006863 It’s very disappointing that we couldn’t reach the finals this year. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00011-00006866-00007970 But we had a match today, so we came ready to fight. From tomorrow, I’ll keep trying. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00012-00008113-00008276 That’s all. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00013-00008643-00008900 This Tag League is now over. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00014-00008906-00009373 But my pro-wrestling life is far from over. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00015-00009393-00009793 That’s what I realized during this tournament. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00016-00009813-00010323 I’m still alive. My body is still moving well. That’s all that matters. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00017-00010363-00011616 I’ll be back to do more of what I can do, what I want to do. I’ll continue having great things. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00018-00011616-00011726 Thank you. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00019-00011860-00012660 World Tag Leagueも終わり、 俺の1年もここで終わりだ。 -LWlKMDEsDQ-00020-00012816-00013040 今年も1年ありがとう。 -LWlKMDEsDQ-00021-00013050-00013323 じゃあビッグK、お前の番だ。 -LWlKMDEsDQ-00022-00013386-00014103 この間は真壁さんのキングコング・ニードロップを 受けた直後だったから話せなかっただろ。 -LWlKMDEsDQ-00023-00014103-00014380 ありがとう、相棒よ。 楽しかったよ。 -LWlKMDEsDQ-00024-00014800-00015060 そうだ。もっと良くなって進化だ。 -LWlKMDEsDQ-00025-00015160-00015376 ビッグKの活躍を見逃すなよ。 -LWlKMDEsDQ-00026-00015390-00015573 メリークリスマス、 ハッピーニューイヤー。 -LWlKMDEsDQ-00027-00015576-00015743 This isn’t the end. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00028-00015763-00015966 This is just the beginning. -LWlKMDEsDQ-00029-00015996-00016520 I will evolve more, and become an awesome pro-wrestler. -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00000-00000000-00000208 Welcome back. -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00001-00000248-00000592 We are going to finish off two row separator arrays. -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00002-00000626-00000832 We are now at x^x^(x+6)... -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00003-00001444-00001660 We are filling up the second row. -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00004-00001676-00001948 As you may guess, we will go to a third row. -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00005-00001948-00002206 In Bowers system, this separator is ((1)(1)1) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00006-00002256-00002488 And the array structure is x^x^2x. -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00007-00003108-00003364 Three rows work similarly to two rows. -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00008-00003364-00003697 It gets easier to understand if you know the patterns -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00009-00004202-00004544 We've now reached [1[2]2[2]2] or ((1)1(1)1) which is x^(x^2x + x^x). -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00010-00005344-00005576 ((1)0,1(1)1) = x^(x^2x + x^(x+1)) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00011-00006434-00006681 ((1)0,0,1(1)1) = x^(x^2x + x^(x+2)) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00012-00007652-00007916 ((1)0,0,0,1(1)1) = x^(x^2x + x^(x+3)) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00013-00008452-00008702 ((1)(1)2) = x^(2x^2x) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00014-00011088-00011324 ((1)(1)3) = x^(3x^2x) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00015-00013396-00013616 ((1)(1)0,1) = x^x^(2x+1) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00016-00017874-00018106 ((1)(1)1,1) = x^(x^(2x+1) + x^2x) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00017-00019976-00020242 ((1)(1)0,2) = x^(2x^(2x+1)) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00018-00021224-00021424 ((1)(1)0,3) = x^(3x^(2x+1)) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00019-00022752-00023042 ((1)(1)0,0,1) = x^x^(2x+2) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00020-00028745-00029064 ((1)(1)0,0,0,1) = x^x^(2x+3) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00021-00029182-00029526 We are soon going to have to use four rows. -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00022-00032008-00032218 x^x^(2x+4) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00023-00033044-00033236 x^x^(2x+5) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00024-00034100-00034348 ((1)(1)(1)1) = x^x^3x -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00025-00034370-00034674 We've filled up the first three rows -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00026-00036858-00037058 ((1)(1)(1)0,1) = x^x^(3x+1) -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00027-00037058-00037510 Each additional entry we add at the end of the separator increases the top exponent by 1. -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00028-00040378-00040568 x^(2x^(3x+1))... -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00029-00044068-00044298 x^x^(3x+2)... -Nk6Rhi27Gu-00030-00044298-00044744 In the next video, we will be going way beyond what we've done in this video. -O9f7_HWXJ8-00000-00000057-00000270 Sound of footsteps -O9f7_HWXJ8-00001-00000294-00000378 stranger -O9f7_HWXJ8-00002-00000402-00000791 I don't know who you are but you are standing between me and a fortune -O9f7_HWXJ8-00003-00000791-00001274 that legacy is mine I stole it fair and square -O9f7_HWXJ8-00004-00001274-00001642 shoot haven't had a chance to put one little smear on it -O9f7_HWXJ8-00005-00001673-00001823 let alone my mark. -O9f7_HWXJ8-00006-00001870-00002202 What's the matter cat got your tongue scared? -O9f7_HWXJ8-00007-00002270-00002590 you should be. You don't know who you're messing with -O9f7_HWXJ8-00008-00002674-00002898 I am going to give you to the count of three -O9f7_HWXJ8-00009-00002919-00003149 to hand over that legacy -O9f7_HWXJ8-00010-00003149-00003340 Well... I See. -O9f7_HWXJ8-00011-00003340-00003517 The count is still 3 -O9f7_HWXJ8-00012-00003532-00003722 1......2..... -O9f7_HWXJ8-00013-00003990-00004285 Who...what...are you? -Omo58mHuCk-00000-00000198-00000514 Hello, and welcome to Geosciences 10, the Geology of -Omo58mHuCk-00001-00000514-00000642 the National Parks. -Omo58mHuCk-00002-00000642-00000935 I'm Richard Alley, and with Sridhar Anandakrishnan, my -Omo58mHuCk-00003-00000935-00001294 very good colleague, we will be taking you on a tour of -Omo58mHuCk-00004-00001294-00001659 some of the most interesting ideas about how the world -Omo58mHuCk-00005-00001659-00001935 works and how it affects you, and some of the most -Omo58mHuCk-00006-00001935-00002223 interesting and beautiful places on the planet. -Omo58mHuCk-00007-00002223-00002350 I think we'll have a lot of fun. -Omo58mHuCk-00008-00002350-00002560 I think we'll learn some very interesting things -Omo58mHuCk-00009-00002560-00002692 before we get done. -Omo58mHuCk-00010-00002692-00002946 And I am looking forward to the tour. -Omo58mHuCk-00011-00002946-00003210 I'd like to start with a little bit of look at our -Omo58mHuCk-00012-00003210-00003320 national parks. -Omo58mHuCk-00013-00003320-00003645 Just so you know, national parks are an invention of the -Omo58mHuCk-00014-00003645-00003751 United States. -Omo58mHuCk-00015-00003751-00003993 The first national park was Yellowstone. -Omo58mHuCk-00016-00003993-00004302 You see the glorious lower falls of the Yellowstone River -Omo58mHuCk-00017-00004302-00004649 here, the coloration of the rocks giving rise to the name -Omo58mHuCk-00018-00004649-00004796 of the place. -Omo58mHuCk-00019-00004796-00005074 Of course, Yellowstone is famous for the geysers. -Omo58mHuCk-00020-00005074-00005437 There's a giant pot of hot rock down underneath there of -Omo58mHuCk-00021-00005437-00005686 melted rock that erupts occasionally -Omo58mHuCk-00022-00005686-00005817 and causes big trouble. -Omo58mHuCk-00023-00005817-00005983 And between, it heats things and makes -Omo58mHuCk-00024-00005983-00006215 it wonderfully beautiful. -Omo58mHuCk-00025-00006215-00006579 This is a geology class, but don't worry too much. -Omo58mHuCk-00026-00006579-00006941 We take a fairly broad view of what constitutes geology. -Omo58mHuCk-00027-00006941-00007141 We will look at biodiversity. -Omo58mHuCk-00028-00007141-00007462 We will look at climate, at living on the planet. -Omo58mHuCk-00029-00007462-00007816 Here you actually see the tracks of a mountain lion -Omo58mHuCk-00030-00007816-00008329 walking across the deposits of a hot spring in Yellowstone. -Omo58mHuCk-00031-00008329-00008647 Mountain lions often put one foot on top of the other and -Omo58mHuCk-00032-00008647-00008878 give interesting looking tracks, and so you can see -Omo58mHuCk-00033-00008878-00008957 them there. -Omo58mHuCk-00034-00008957-00009241 And here you see the tracks of the bison that are famous in -Omo58mHuCk-00035-00009241-00009423 Yellowstone and other places. -Omo58mHuCk-00036-00009423-00009725 Bison came very close to not making it. -Omo58mHuCk-00037-00009725-00009994 Yellowstone was important in their survival. -Omo58mHuCk-00038-00009994-00010277 Yellowstone was a little island in which no one could -Omo58mHuCk-00039-00010277-00010337 shoot them. -Omo58mHuCk-00040-00010337-00010564 No one could disrupt their habitat. -Omo58mHuCk-00041-00010564-00011057 And so the existence of these owe something to the foresight -Omo58mHuCk-00042-00011057-00011377 of the people who said, let us save this piece of the world -Omo58mHuCk-00043-00011377-00011541 for the public. -Omo58mHuCk-00044-00011541-00011667 These things are valuable. -Omo58mHuCk-00045-00011667-00012194 This is a picture of a hot spring mat that is sitting -Omo58mHuCk-00046-00012194-00012484 right below Old Faithful Geyser. -Omo58mHuCk-00047-00012484-00012922 People are prospecting in these, looking for interesting -Omo58mHuCk-00048-00012922-00013133 chemicals that will help us. -Omo58mHuCk-00049-00013133-00013428 There are biotechnology industries that are founded on -Omo58mHuCk-00050-00013428-00013646 things that were discovered in Yellowstone. -Omo58mHuCk-00051-00013646-00013941 A bug that has learned to live and do things in really, -Omo58mHuCk-00052-00013941-00014225 really hot water has ways of doing things that -Omo58mHuCk-00053-00014225-00014347 are useful to us. -Omo58mHuCk-00054-00014347-00014646 And so we save this as a beautiful place to go see -Omo58mHuCk-00055-00014646-00014925 canyons and geysers, but it's turning out to be a place to -Omo58mHuCk-00056-00014925-00015328 save lives and make money as well. -Omo58mHuCk-00057-00015328-00015685 The Park Service has a very interesting difficulty. -Omo58mHuCk-00058-00015685-00015965 They have to preserve and protect, they also have to -Omo58mHuCk-00059-00015965-00016168 allow us to enjoy things. -Omo58mHuCk-00060-00016168-00016543 And sometimes these meet in interesting ways. -Omo58mHuCk-00061-00016543-00016772 And so here you see a bison jam. -Omo58mHuCk-00062-00016772-00017024 If you go to Yellowstone, you will also see bear jams, and -Omo58mHuCk-00063-00017024-00017531 elk jams, and moose jams, and coyote jams. It's the way the -Omo58mHuCk-00064-00017531-00017655 world works. -Omo58mHuCk-00065-00017655-00017831 But the bison are beautiful. -Omo58mHuCk-00066-00017831-00018150 The Fire Hole River here, behind the bison, was -Omo58mHuCk-00067-00018150-00018550 described by the mountain men as flowing so fast it gets hot -Omo58mHuCk-00068-00018550-00018612 on the bottom. -Omo58mHuCk-00069-00018612-00018789 Well, no, there's hot springs under there. -Omo58mHuCk-00070-00018789-00018940 But it's a beautiful place. -Omo58mHuCk-00071-00018940-00019467 Now, I am a geoscientist, a geologist, a glaciologist. I'm -Omo58mHuCk-00072-00019467-00019712 one of the luckier people in the world. -Omo58mHuCk-00073-00019712-00020034 I get to go to incredibly beautiful places, and people -Omo58mHuCk-00074-00020034-00020318 pay me to do things that matter. -Omo58mHuCk-00075-00020318-00020543 I'm a happily married person. -Omo58mHuCk-00076-00020543-00020759 I have two wonderful daughters. -Omo58mHuCk-00077-00020759-00021108 And you see us here in front of a glacier in Alaska on a -Omo58mHuCk-00078-00021108-00021429 trip we took with Penn State at one point. -Omo58mHuCk-00079-00021429-00022009 And I am trained in rocks first, and then in climate and -Omo58mHuCk-00080-00022009-00022199 ice and other sorts of things. -Omo58mHuCk-00081-00022199-00022681 I studied at Ohio State, and then I finished my studies at -Omo58mHuCk-00082-00022681-00023001 Wisconsin, and then I moved to Penn Stat, and been at Penn -Omo58mHuCk-00083-00023001-00023145 State since 1988. -Omo58mHuCk-00084-00023145-00023616 So I've been around a little bit now at this point. -Omo58mHuCk-00085-00023616-00023927 I have the usual sort of accouterments of someone who -Omo58mHuCk-00086-00023927-00024145 hangs around a place like Penn State for a while. -Omo58mHuCk-00087-00024145-00024337 I've got a good bicycle. -Omo58mHuCk-00088-00024337-00024583 I play a little soccer reasonably badly. -Omo58mHuCk-00089-00024583-00025022 I have, as I said, a wonderful family, a nice gardens, an -Omo58mHuCk-00090-00025022-00025190 interesting collection of critters. -Omo58mHuCk-00091-00025190-00025487 Prancer there is about 22 pounds. -Omo58mHuCk-00092-00025487-00025542 He's quite a -Omo58mHuCk-00093-00025542-00025820 beast. But I do. -Omo58mHuCk-00094-00025820-00026008 I get to go to great places. -Omo58mHuCk-00095-00026008-00026306 These next few pictures are going to be from the world's -Omo58mHuCk-00096-00026306-00026486 largest national park. -Omo58mHuCk-00097-00026486-00026674 This is Northeastern Greenland. -Omo58mHuCk-00098-00026674-00027008 I study ice sheets, the history of climate that's -Omo58mHuCk-00099-00027008-00027274 contained in ice sheets, and whether the ice sheets will -Omo58mHuCk-00100-00027274-00027477 fall in the ocean and flood the coasts. -Omo58mHuCk-00101-00027477-00027814 And so we get to go to neat places to do this. -Omo58mHuCk-00102-00027814-00028094 And so here you can see Korridoren Glacier in East -Omo58mHuCk-00103-00028094-00028445 Greenland flowing out from Milne Land towards you, the -Omo58mHuCk-00104-00028445-00028664 stripes or rocks that it carries along and -Omo58mHuCk-00105-00028664-00028781 dumps into the ocean. -Omo58mHuCk-00106-00028781-00029100 And I hope you get the vague idea that this thing might -Omo58mHuCk-00107-00029100-00029275 actually be moving. -Omo58mHuCk-00108-00029275-00029564 If you were to go out on that glacier and put markers out, -Omo58mHuCk-00109-00029564-00029804 you'd fall in a crevasse, so don't do that. -Omo58mHuCk-00110-00029804-00030037 But if you did and came back and surveyed them later, you -Omo58mHuCk-00111-00030037-00030333 actually would see that they are moving. -Omo58mHuCk-00112-00030333-00030601 If you do you ever get to go to the world's largest -Omo58mHuCk-00113-00030601-00030968 national park, the tundra is beautiful in the fall. -Omo58mHuCk-00114-00030968-00031291 It's an amazing place to go to. -Omo58mHuCk-00115-00031291-00031413 There are glaciers. -Omo58mHuCk-00116-00031413-00031604 There's a huge ice sheet in the middle of Greenland and -Omo58mHuCk-00117-00031604-00031814 then little glaciers on the side. -Omo58mHuCk-00118-00031814-00032092 Those glaciers are actually shrinking now, as -Omo58mHuCk-00119-00032092-00032239 is the big ice sheet. -Omo58mHuCk-00120-00032239-00032574 And if you see these little red lines, the big outer loop -Omo58mHuCk-00121-00032574-00032924 there is where the glacier was 100 years ago, and now you can -Omo58mHuCk-00122-00032924-00033112 see the glacier has backed up. -Omo58mHuCk-00123-00033112-00033275 It is slowly melting away. -Omo58mHuCk-00124-00033275-00033379 Why? -Omo58mHuCk-00125-00033379-00033686 We'll get there before we're done. -Omo58mHuCk-00126-00033686-00034162 OK, this is the tundra in the fall, a little mushroom and -Omo58mHuCk-00127-00034162-00034472 some bearberries there looking at you. -Omo58mHuCk-00128-00034472-00034586 The colors do turn. -Omo58mHuCk-00129-00034586-00034787 They're very pretty. -Omo58mHuCk-00130-00034787-00034858 This is a fulmar. -Omo58mHuCk-00131-00034858-00035055 It's sort of a little albatross. -Omo58mHuCk-00132-00035055-00035196 It can stay at sea. -Omo58mHuCk-00133-00035196-00035555 It doesn't need to come in for fresh water because it can -Omo58mHuCk-00134-00035555-00035879 drink seawater because it has a fancy gland in its nose to -Omo58mHuCk-00135-00035879-00035999 exclude the salt. -Omo58mHuCk-00136-00035999-00036386 And its flying over the ocean, and the ocean in cold places -Omo58mHuCk-00137-00036386-00036505 gets interesting. -Omo58mHuCk-00138-00036505-00036902 The marker there on the white, that's frozen ocean water. -Omo58mHuCk-00139-00036902-00037175 That's sea ice, and the ocean really can freeze. -Omo58mHuCk-00140-00037175-00037619 And between that and the open water, where that circle is, -Omo58mHuCk-00141-00037619-00037898 you can see into the ocean through the sea ice. -Omo58mHuCk-00142-00037898-00037977 It gets warmer. -Omo58mHuCk-00143-00037977-00038120 The sea ice tends to melt. -Omo58mHuCk-00144-00038120-00038321 The ocean soaks up more heat, and that -Omo58mHuCk-00145-00038321-00038449 makes it warmer still. -Omo58mHuCk-00146-00038449-00038714 So there's some interesting things we will get to chat -Omo58mHuCk-00147-00038714-00038889 about in a little bit. -Omo58mHuCk-00148-00038889-00039178 These are icebergs coming off of Greenland. -Omo58mHuCk-00149-00039178-00039608 A glorious fall day, a little fog hanging around up above -Omo58mHuCk-00150-00039608-00039776 there, and the sun breaking through. -Omo58mHuCk-00151-00039776-00039883 It's just such a great place. -Omo58mHuCk-00152-00039883-00040129 It's such a great-- and this is a musk ox. -Omo58mHuCk-00153-00040129-00040476 Musk ox is the same size and shape as -Omo58mHuCk-00154-00040476-00040653 a bison, or a minivan. -Omo58mHuCk-00155-00040653-00040863 Either is fairly similar. -Omo58mHuCk-00156-00040863-00041112 It probably has a better acceleration and cornering -Omo58mHuCk-00157-00041112-00041347 than a minivan does. -Omo58mHuCk-00158-00041347-00041597 They're actually more related to mountain goats than they -Omo58mHuCk-00159-00041597-00041698 are to bison. -Omo58mHuCk-00160-00041698-00042065 But this is the Northeast Greenland National Park -Omo58mHuCk-00161-00042065-00042390 equivalent of our buffalo or bison here. -Omo58mHuCk-00162-00042390-00042752 OK, in a marker of goodwill, we will see -Omo58mHuCk-00163-00042752-00042857 some beautiful things. -Omo58mHuCk-00164-00042857-00043292 We will have some fun before we get out of here. -Omo58mHuCk-00165-00043292-00043645 My colleague Sridhar and I have had some wonderful -Omo58mHuCk-00166-00043645-00044079 opportunities in the way of putting together this course, -Omo58mHuCk-00167-00044079-00044355 and you will see some very interesting things that we -Omo58mHuCk-00168-00044355-00044723 did, along with Eric Spielvogel from Penn State's -Omo58mHuCk-00169-00044723-00044936 e-Education Institute and others. -Omo58mHuCk-00170-00044936-00045268 We had the opportunity to get a really wonderful group of -Omo58mHuCk-00171-00045268-00045565 advanced students and then go out and tour some of the -Omo58mHuCk-00172-00045565-00045873 national parks with the students carrying cameras. -Omo58mHuCk-00173-00045873-00046086 And so you will get to see pictures they took. -Omo58mHuCk-00174-00046086-00046377 You will get to see experiences they had as part -Omo58mHuCk-00175-00046377-00046733 of our cause, adventure in the great west. -Omo58mHuCk-00176-00046733-00047070 Here's Sridhar in Arches National Park, and these are -Omo58mHuCk-00177-00047070-00047401 some of the things that we got to do with the Arches people. -Omo58mHuCk-00178-00047401-00047631 We did, indeed, walk through arches. -Omo58mHuCk-00179-00047631-00047758 Why are there arches? -Omo58mHuCk-00180-00047758-00047867 It will come. -Omo58mHuCk-00181-00047867-00048034 We went to Canyon de Chelly. -Omo58mHuCk-00182-00048034-00048431 What happened to the ancestral Puebloans who lived there? -Omo58mHuCk-00183-00048431-00048750 We will get to see that before we're done. -Omo58mHuCk-00184-00048750-00049044 This is Eric Spielvogel, who put a lot of this together, -Omo58mHuCk-00185-00049044-00049322 getting a really good picture for you. -Omo58mHuCk-00186-00049322-00049668 And so we got a lot of nice things that came out of this. -Omo58mHuCk-00187-00049668-00049942 We took our crew to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. -Omo58mHuCk-00188-00049942-00050114 We hiked down. -Omo58mHuCk-00189-00050114-00050419 We had this glorious moonlit night. -Omo58mHuCk-00190-00050419-00050675 If you ever get the chance, you got your headlights, so -Omo58mHuCk-00191-00050675-00050880 you're not going to fall over the cliff and the -Omo58mHuCk-00192-00050880-00050985 fall into the river. -Omo58mHuCk-00193-00050985-00051098 And the moon is out. -Omo58mHuCk-00194-00051098-00051454 And oh, what an opportunity to go with Stephanie, and Dave, -Omo58mHuCk-00195-00051454-00051811 and the rest of the crew, and wander through the depths of -Omo58mHuCk-00196-00051811-00052222 the canyon and the glorious moonlight that we saw there. -Omo58mHuCk-00197-00052222-00052485 When you get up in the morning and you're at the bottom of -Omo58mHuCk-00198-00052485-00052752 this mile deep hole, and the flowers are blooming, and the -Omo58mHuCk-00199-00052752-00052975 hummingbirds are humming by, and it's-- -Omo58mHuCk-00200-00052975-00053124 and there's a lot of geology. -Omo58mHuCk-00201-00053124-00053438 If you look into this picture, you'll see flat layers, and -Omo58mHuCk-00202-00053438-00053546 then you'll see them bend. -Omo58mHuCk-00203-00053546-00053724 Why do they bend? -Omo58mHuCk-00204-00053724-00053804 This will come. -Omo58mHuCk-00205-00053804-00053978 We'll get to that. -Omo58mHuCk-00206-00053978-00054344 Again, we do sneak up on biodiversity whenever we get -Omo58mHuCk-00207-00054344-00054408 the chance. -Omo58mHuCk-00208-00054408-00054676 And so it's not just the-- -Omo58mHuCk-00209-00054676-00054992 most parks were built for geology, but they're -Omo58mHuCk-00210-00054992-00055317 increasingly islands of biodiversity in a human- -Omo58mHuCk-00211-00055317-00055414 controlled world. -Omo58mHuCk-00212-00055414-00055645 And we really do rely on the parks to keep -Omo58mHuCk-00213-00055645-00055951 things alive for us. -Omo58mHuCk-00214-00055951-00056145 So more of our happy campers on the way -Omo58mHuCk-00215-00056145-00056264 up out of the canyon. -Omo58mHuCk-00216-00056264-00056641 It is, indeed, somewhat slower coming out of the canyon than -Omo58mHuCk-00217-00056641-00056879 it is going in, a little hotter. -Omo58mHuCk-00218-00056879-00057140 We zipped by Glen Canyon. -Omo58mHuCk-00219-00057140-00057324 We looked at the lake. -Omo58mHuCk-00220-00057324-00057764 Behind Samir, here, you can see this huge white wall, and -Omo58mHuCk-00221-00057764-00057989 then it turns orange at the top. -Omo58mHuCk-00222-00057989-00058269 That white was fairly recently flooded. -Omo58mHuCk-00223-00058269-00058494 The lake is really low. -Omo58mHuCk-00224-00058494-00058629 Why is the lake low? -Omo58mHuCk-00225-00058629-00058854 The climate has changed a little bit, and humans are -Omo58mHuCk-00226-00058854-00059042 using more of the water. -Omo58mHuCk-00227-00059042-00059217 What does this mean for downstream? -Omo58mHuCk-00228-00059217-00059419 What does this mean for the things in the canyon? -Omo58mHuCk-00229-00059419-00059569 What does it mean for the Colorado? -Omo58mHuCk-00230-00059569-00059828 We will get there before we're finished. -Omo58mHuCk-00231-00059828-00059954 OK, and here's our crew. -Omo58mHuCk-00232-00059954-00060191 We're rafting the Colorado below the dam. -Omo58mHuCk-00233-00060191-00060448 That dam changed everything on the river. -Omo58mHuCk-00234-00060448-00060545 What did it change? -Omo58mHuCk-00235-00060545-00060765 We will get to wander through that a little bit -Omo58mHuCk-00236-00060765-00060979 and see what it means. -Omo58mHuCk-00237-00060979-00061549 Again, you will see film clips, items, pictures, -Omo58mHuCk-00238-00061549-00061896 excitement that our crew generated for you. -Omo58mHuCk-00239-00061896-00061985 You'll get to meet them. -Omo58mHuCk-00240-00061985-00062273 You'll get to learn from them from Amish and others, here, -Omo58mHuCk-00241-00062273-00062395 as we wander through. -Omo58mHuCk-00242-00062395-00062670 Here Amish is at Canyonlands, filming something about the -Omo58mHuCk-00243-00062670-00063002 river before it gets to the dam. -Omo58mHuCk-00244-00063002-00063164 Here's a crew, really excited. -Omo58mHuCk-00245-00063164-00063566 We were down on the slick rock in Canyonlands in the early -Omo58mHuCk-00246-00063566-00063862 morning here, waiting for the sunrise to get off and see -Omo58mHuCk-00247-00063862-00063952 pretty things. -Omo58mHuCk-00248-00063952-00064367 And here's our crew up in Hidden Canyon in Zion. -Omo58mHuCk-00249-00064367-00064685 You walk up this cliff, and you hang on to the chain to -Omo58mHuCk-00250-00064685-00064864 get around the corners. -Omo58mHuCk-00251-00064864-00065260 And that chain is wearing grooves in the rock, and so -Omo58mHuCk-00252-00065260-00065533 you will see a little film clip that they made for you -Omo58mHuCk-00253-00065533-00065985 when we get that far, and some fun things coming there. -Omo58mHuCk-00254-00065985-00066466 Here are ancestral Puebloan sites, Wupatki, up there with -Omo58mHuCk-00255-00066466-00066960 Dave Witmer and Laney and Irene down in Mesa Verde, and -Omo58mHuCk-00256-00066960-00067132 then Kim over there filming just -Omo58mHuCk-00257-00067132-00067478 outside of Bryce, actually. -Omo58mHuCk-00258-00067478-00067808 Stephanie has gone off to work in parks doing some very -Omo58mHuCk-00259-00067808-00068140 interesting things now, here with Ranger -Omo58mHuCk-00260-00068140-00068359 Jan Stock at Bryce. -Omo58mHuCk-00261-00068359-00068642 Here we are looking at a geologic feature. -Omo58mHuCk-00262-00068642-00068853 And fairly soon we will get to these. -Omo58mHuCk-00263-00068853-00069214 You look at the picture there above Dave Janesco, and you -Omo58mHuCk-00264-00069214-00069719 see that one side is orange, and the other side is black. -Omo58mHuCk-00265-00069719-00069898 The orange are rocks from a lake. -Omo58mHuCk-00266-00069898-00070190 The black is rocks from a volcano. -Omo58mHuCk-00267-00070190-00070615 And that line where they meet is a giant earthquake fault. -Omo58mHuCk-00268-00070615-00070802 What's a giant earthquake fault doing there? -Omo58mHuCk-00269-00070802-00070991 Well, Dave is explaining it to you. -Omo58mHuCk-00270-00070991-00071395 And you will get to see this before we get finished. -Omo58mHuCk-00271-00071395-00072054 A couple more interesting people in glorious places, -Omo58mHuCk-00272-00072054-00072223 very, very glorious places. -Omo58mHuCk-00273-00072223-00072523 These are the wild flowers outside of Canyonlands -Omo58mHuCk-00274-00072523-00072648 on the drive in. -Omo58mHuCk-00275-00072988-00073292 We can show pictures for the whole semester -Omo58mHuCk-00276-00073292-00073354 because it's cool. -Omo58mHuCk-00277-00073354-00073436 And it's so fun. -Omo58mHuCk-00278-00073436-00073711 But we're not allowed to do that. -Omo58mHuCk-00279-00073711-00074019 The university actually believes that you're taking a -Omo58mHuCk-00280-00074019-00074315 science course, and the university is typically much -Omo58mHuCk-00281-00074315-00074652 more interested that you know something about science than -Omo58mHuCk-00282-00074652-00075037 that you focus on a particular science, such as my science, -Omo58mHuCk-00283-00075037-00075306 'cause this is stuff that I really care about. -Omo58mHuCk-00284-00075306-00075634 And so we do have to chat a little bit about science. -Omo58mHuCk-00285-00075634-00076047 We will actually throw up some facts before we get done. -Omo58mHuCk-00286-00076047-00076134 And we will do so. -Omo58mHuCk-00287-00076134-00076604 So I want you to hark back in your memory for a moment to, -Omo58mHuCk-00288-00076604-00077200 say, taking the SAT, or the ACT, or the PSATNMSQT, or the -Omo58mHuCk-00289-00077200-00077496 CAT, or the-- what, ETC, or whatever you took. -Omo58mHuCk-00290-00077496-00077613 OK, hearken back. -Omo58mHuCk-00291-00077613-00078007 When I was a student, lo these many years ago, they used to -Omo58mHuCk-00292-00078007-00078374 give us questions that involved lists. -Omo58mHuCk-00293-00078374-00078707 And they'd-- so you'd be down to about question 243, and -Omo58mHuCk-00294-00078707-00078983 they'd say, OK, I'm going to give you a list of things. -Omo58mHuCk-00295-00078983-00079223 What would come next in the list? -Omo58mHuCk-00296-00079223-00079533 I think they have gotten rid of these questions, but you -Omo58mHuCk-00297-00079533-00079753 may have run into one that's something like this. -Omo58mHuCk-00298-00079753-00079925 Here's question 243. -Omo58mHuCk-00299-00079925-00080101 What would come next in this list? -Omo58mHuCk-00300-00080101-00080182 You got two. -Omo58mHuCk-00301-00080182-00080375 You got four. -Omo58mHuCk-00302-00080375-00080604 well, what could come next there? -Omo58mHuCk-00303-00080604-00081083 You add 2 to get to 4, maybe you had 2 and you get to 6. -Omo58mHuCk-00304-00081083-00081440 That would be a perfectly possible answer. -Omo58mHuCk-00305-00081440-00081606 But no, no, wait a minute. -Omo58mHuCk-00306-00081606-00082081 You multiply by 2 to go from 2 to 4, and if you multiply by -Omo58mHuCk-00307-00082081-00082243 2, well, you'd get 8. -Omo58mHuCk-00308-00082243-00082509 That would be a perfectly fine answer. -Omo58mHuCk-00309-00082509-00082947 But maybe you multiply 2 by itself to get to 4, and you'd -Omo58mHuCk-00310-00082947-00083142 multiply 4 by itself. -Omo58mHuCk-00311-00083142-00083416 And that would give you 16. -Omo58mHuCk-00312-00083416-00083573 And so you'd sit here and go, hey, -Omo58mHuCk-00313-00083573-00083713 this was a lousy question. -Omo58mHuCk-00314-00083713-00083839 This is a piece of dookey. -Omo58mHuCk-00315-00083839-00084072 OK, get rid of that one. -Omo58mHuCk-00316-00084072-00084375 OK, now suppose that they gave you something that was -Omo58mHuCk-00317-00084375-00084642 actually a somewhat better question. -Omo58mHuCk-00318-00084642-00084979 So you give you 2, 4, 6, 8. -Omo58mHuCk-00319-00084979-00085300 What comes next? -Omo58mHuCk-00320-00085300-00085540 Now, that one looks very easy. -Omo58mHuCk-00321-00085540-00086415 You say, oh, yes, you're gonna add 2 and you're gonna get 10. -Omo58mHuCk-00322-00086415-00086841 When I was much younger, I played Little League. -Omo58mHuCk-00323-00086841-00087090 We were really serious about Little League. -Omo58mHuCk-00324-00087090-00087274 And you can't believe it. -Omo58mHuCk-00325-00087274-00087427 We'd have lawsuits over Little League. -Omo58mHuCk-00326-00087427-00087679 We had coaches yelling at each other. -Omo58mHuCk-00327-00087679-00087815 At any rate, I played Little League. -Omo58mHuCk-00328-00087815-00087989 It was very interesting undertaking. -Omo58mHuCk-00329-00087989-00088340 And the coaches used to be really big on having us out -Omo58mHuCk-00330-00088340-00088707 there doing infield chatter. -Omo58mHuCk-00331-00088707-00089228 Now, we were not out there chattering uplifting and -Omo58mHuCk-00332-00089228-00089401 morally relevant statements. -Omo58mHuCk-00333-00089401-00089630 We weren't saying, batter, do your best for -Omo58mHuCk-00334-00089630-00089802 your team and country. -Omo58mHuCk-00335-00089802-00090256 We were out there saying, hey, batter, your shoes untied. -Omo58mHuCk-00336-00090256-00090458 Hey, batter, you're ugly. -Omo58mHuCk-00337-00090458-00090594 Hey batter, hey batter, hey batter, swing! -Omo58mHuCk-00338-00090594-00090962 Two, four, six, eight, the batter's got a bellyache. -Omo58mHuCk-00339-00090962-00091172 OK, so it could have been 10. -Omo58mHuCk-00340-00091172-00091443 We would never out there go 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 -Omo58mHuCk-00341-00091443-00091548 in the Little League. -Omo58mHuCk-00342-00091548-00091751 We were out there saying, 2, 4, 6, 8, the -Omo58mHuCk-00343-00091751-00091876 batter's got a bellyache. -Omo58mHuCk-00344-00092144-00092711 Now, this actually might be relevant to something. -Omo58mHuCk-00345-00092711-00093026 If you were sitting there saying, two, four, six, what -Omo58mHuCk-00346-00093026-00093167 comes next-- eight-- -Omo58mHuCk-00347-00093167-00093370 you get it right. -Omo58mHuCk-00348-00093370-00093539 And you sit there and two, four, six, -Omo58mHuCk-00349-00093539-00093689 eight, what comes next? -Omo58mHuCk-00350-00093689-00093907 And you say 10, you get it right. -Omo58mHuCk-00351-00093907-00094151 You say, I know what's going on. -Omo58mHuCk-00352-00094151-00094539 But if you're out there playing Little League and -Omo58mHuCk-00353-00094539-00095028 you're saying 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, you got it wrong. -Omo58mHuCk-00354-00095028-00095600 Your ability to see two, four, six and fill in eight doesn't -Omo58mHuCk-00355-00095600-00096084 prove that you know what's going on, because if you -Omo58mHuCk-00356-00096084-00096380 thought you were taking the SAT and you're really playing -Omo58mHuCk-00357-00096380-00096633 Little League, you got eight right, but you got -Omo58mHuCk-00358-00096633-00096751 the next one wrong. -Omo58mHuCk-00359-00096751-00096950 You're sitting there, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. -Omo58mHuCk-00360-00096950-00097131 And the batter-- that might have worked, actually. -Omo58mHuCk-00361-00097131-00097321 The batter looks at you, says what's wrong with you? -Omo58mHuCk-00362-00097321-00097437 And the pitch goes right by. -Omo58mHuCk-00363-00097437-00097716 But that is not the way one does it. -Omo58mHuCk-00364-00097716-00098144 OK, this does feed back into science. -Omo58mHuCk-00365-00098144-00098348 This is relevant to science. -Omo58mHuCk-00366-00098348-00098584 And let's look at how this works. -Omo58mHuCk-00367-00098584-00099012 What is science? -Omo58mHuCk-00368-00099012-00099147 It's humans. -Omo58mHuCk-00369-00099147-00099308 It's humans doing human activity. -Omo58mHuCk-00370-00099308-00099872 There is no crank that you turn that spits out knowledge. -Omo58mHuCk-00371-00099872-00100045 Science is done by humans. -Omo58mHuCk-00372-00100045-00100329 They are humans who have foibles and failings. -Omo58mHuCk-00373-00100329-00100592 They are humans who have mistakes. -Omo58mHuCk-00374-00100592-00100756 They cheat, and lie, and steal. -Omo58mHuCk-00375-00100756-00100892 They have mating rituals. -Omo58mHuCk-00376-00100892-00101055 They're just like everybody else. -Omo58mHuCk-00377-00101055-00101628 But science has a very loose set of rules that allows it to -Omo58mHuCk-00378-00101628-00102073 do better at some things than other human activities. -Omo58mHuCk-00379-00102073-00102187 It's very limited. -Omo58mHuCk-00380-00102187-00102403 It does certain things well, and it doesn't do -Omo58mHuCk-00381-00102403-00102511 other things at all. -Omo58mHuCk-00382-00102511-00102909 But the things that it does, it actually works on. -Omo58mHuCk-00383-00102909-00103069 So what is science? -Omo58mHuCk-00384-00103069-00103351 The first thing in science that you do is you find -Omo58mHuCk-00385-00103351-00103633 something interesting. -Omo58mHuCk-00386-00103633-00103743 You gotta care about it. -Omo58mHuCk-00387-00103743-00103877 It has to matter, people. -Omo58mHuCk-00388-00103877-00104109 You go out and look at things and you find something -Omo58mHuCk-00389-00104109-00104153 interesting. -Omo58mHuCk-00390-00104153-00104255 OK, this is cool. -Omo58mHuCk-00391-00104255-00104489 I could learn about this. -Omo58mHuCk-00392-00104489-00104848 What you then do is ask, what do we -Omo58mHuCk-00393-00104848-00105126 know about this something? -Omo58mHuCk-00394-00105126-00105303 There are many people in the world. -Omo58mHuCk-00395-00105303-00105503 There have been many people in the world. -Omo58mHuCk-00396-00105503-00105772 Your ancestors were smart. -Omo58mHuCk-00397-00105772-00105951 Lots of people around the world in lots -Omo58mHuCk-00398-00105951-00106060 of places were smart. -Omo58mHuCk-00399-00106060-00106380 You will never in your life reinvent everything they did. -Omo58mHuCk-00400-00106380-00106778 So first of all, you go and find out what they did. -Omo58mHuCk-00401-00106778-00106940 You could call this research. -Omo58mHuCk-00402-00106940-00107134 You could call this going to library. -Omo58mHuCk-00403-00107134-00107282 You can go and talk to people. -Omo58mHuCk-00404-00107282-00107417 There's other ways to do it. -Omo58mHuCk-00405-00107417-00107593 But if you're interested in something, you're really -Omo58mHuCk-00406-00107593-00107828 stupid if you don't find out what other people knew. -Omo58mHuCk-00407-00107828-00108035 They may have your answer for you already. -Omo58mHuCk-00408-00108035-00108368 OK, so you find out what's known. -Omo58mHuCk-00409-00108368-00108765 Then you say, OK, they were really bright people. -Omo58mHuCk-00410-00108765-00108939 They did really good things. -Omo58mHuCk-00411-00108939-00109200 But they were human. -Omo58mHuCk-00412-00109200-00109427 They might not have put together everything. -Omo58mHuCk-00413-00109427-00109799 They might not have had the ideas that I have. I, as a new -Omo58mHuCk-00414-00109799-00110143 human standing on their shoulders looking out, may be -Omo58mHuCk-00415-00110143-00110304 able to improve things. -Omo58mHuCk-00416-00110304-00110493 So you take what you know and you say, -Omo58mHuCk-00417-00110493-00110590 how can I move forward? -Omo58mHuCk-00418-00110590-00110742 How can I go beyond them? -Omo58mHuCk-00419-00110742-00110950 Where can I get a new idea? -Omo58mHuCk-00420-00110950-00111044 This is the fun stuff. -Omo58mHuCk-00421-00111044-00111296 No one has any idea where new ideas come from. -Omo58mHuCk-00422-00111296-00111480 It may come from dreams. It may come -Omo58mHuCk-00423-00111480-00111599 from traditional knowledge. -Omo58mHuCk-00424-00111599-00111889 It may come from brainstorming. -Omo58mHuCk-00425-00111889-00112015 I take hot baths. -Omo58mHuCk-00426-00112015-00112234 I get really good ideas while taking hot baths. -Omo58mHuCk-00427-00112234-00112422 I don't know why, but it works. -Omo58mHuCk-00428-00112422-00112648 OK, so you look for a new idea. -Omo58mHuCk-00429-00112648-00112890 You get a new idea. -Omo58mHuCk-00430-00112890-00113317 And then, you can't stop. -Omo58mHuCk-00431-00113317-00113616 If you just stop, there's some other human activities. -Omo58mHuCk-00432-00113616-00113710 You got new idea. -Omo58mHuCk-00433-00113710-00113910 You write your novel and you're there. -Omo58mHuCk-00434-00113910-00114396 But in science, you actually have to ask, is my new idea -Omo58mHuCk-00435-00114396-00114661 really a step forward? -Omo58mHuCk-00436-00114661-00114875 Have I gotten somewhere that those people -Omo58mHuCk-00437-00114875-00115133 before me did not get? -Omo58mHuCk-00438-00115133-00115482 And so you actually have to go test your new idea, and you -Omo58mHuCk-00439-00115482-00115826 have to test your new idea against nature, against the -Omo58mHuCk-00440-00115826-00115917 real world. -Omo58mHuCk-00441-00115917-00116305 You have to see if your new idea is better than what other -Omo58mHuCk-00442-00116305-00116459 people had done. -Omo58mHuCk-00443-00116459-00116754 And the way this is done-- and this is a very, very strict -Omo58mHuCk-00444-00116754-00117057 rule in science, and this is what sets science apart from -Omo58mHuCk-00445-00117057-00117250 other human activities-- -Omo58mHuCk-00446-00117250-00117740 you have to find a situation in which you predict -Omo58mHuCk-00447-00117740-00118203 something, and the old ideas predict something else. -Omo58mHuCk-00448-00118203-00118553 If you always agree, then you have just found a new way to -Omo58mHuCk-00449-00118553-00118739 restate the old idea. -Omo58mHuCk-00450-00118739-00119084 You actually have to find a place where you say, tomorrow, -Omo58mHuCk-00451-00119084-00119336 the sky will be purple, and the other one says no, it will -Omo58mHuCk-00452-00119336-00119796 be blue, where you say, if I do this, that will happen, and -Omo58mHuCk-00453-00119796-00120040 the other idea says no, if you do this, the -Omo58mHuCk-00454-00120040-00120131 other thing will happen. -Omo58mHuCk-00455-00120131-00120431 You find a way that they differ, that you make -Omo58mHuCk-00456-00120431-00120523 different predictions. -Omo58mHuCk-00457-00120523-00120620 And you have to predict it. -Omo58mHuCk-00458-00120620-00120764 You're not allowed to just explain it. -Omo58mHuCk-00459-00120764-00121018 You have to predict what's going to happen. -Omo58mHuCk-00460-00121018-00121274 Then you set up the situation. -Omo58mHuCk-00461-00121274-00121506 You see what happens. -Omo58mHuCk-00462-00121506-00121813 you can call this making hypotheses and doing -Omo58mHuCk-00463-00121813-00121881 experiments. -Omo58mHuCk-00464-00121881-00122071 There's lots of terms that you probably -Omo58mHuCk-00465-00122071-00122201 learned in fifth grade. -Omo58mHuCk-00466-00122201-00122432 This is a list of terms of the scientific method. -Omo58mHuCk-00467-00122432-00122692 But this is really the scientific method. -Omo58mHuCk-00468-00122692-00122797 Get interested. -Omo58mHuCk-00469-00122797-00122860 Learn. -Omo58mHuCk-00470-00122860-00122992 Get a new idea. -Omo58mHuCk-00471-00122992-00123063 Test it. -Omo58mHuCk-00472-00123063-00123378 But you have to test it by making predictions, and then -Omo58mHuCk-00473-00123378-00123684 you have to say see what happens. -Omo58mHuCk-00474-00123684-00124035 If your idea repeatedly fails-- -Omo58mHuCk-00475-00124035-00124346 one time, yeah, nature might be fooling you, there's lots -Omo58mHuCk-00476-00124346-00124514 of things can go wrong in an experiment-- -Omo58mHuCk-00477-00124514-00124800 your new idea just keeps-- pff, it fails. -Omo58mHuCk-00478-00124800-00124833 Pff. -Omo58mHuCk-00479-00124833-00124899 It fails. -Omo58mHuCk-00480-00124899-00124920 Pff. -Omo58mHuCk-00481-00124920-00124990 It fails. -Omo58mHuCk-00482-00124990-00125110 OK, throw it away. -Omo58mHuCk-00483-00125110-00125240 You were wrong. -Omo58mHuCk-00484-00125240-00125529 Even if you loved it, even if you desperately thought it was -Omo58mHuCk-00485-00125529-00125888 a beautiful idea, if it fails, you gotta throw it away. -Omo58mHuCk-00486-00125888-00126172 You're wrong. -Omo58mHuCk-00487-00126172-00126668 If it succeeds-- -Omo58mHuCk-00488-00126668-00126761 OK-- -Omo58mHuCk-00489-00126761-00127477 if it succeeds, are you right? -Omo58mHuCk-00490-00127477-00127760 And this is the point where we go back to playing Little -Omo58mHuCk-00491-00127760-00127976 League and two, four, six, eight. -Omo58mHuCk-00492-00127976-00128333 If your idea succeeds, you make the prediction correctly -Omo58mHuCk-00493-00128333-00128558 over, and over, and over again, it is -Omo58mHuCk-00494-00128558-00128733 possible that it is true. -Omo58mHuCk-00495-00128733-00129003 You have Truth with a capital T. You've nailed it. -Omo58mHuCk-00496-00129003-00129135 It's there. -Omo58mHuCk-00497-00129135-00129373 There's choir singing, and everybody's giving you-- -Omo58mHuCk-00498-00129373-00129715 you might have it right. -Omo58mHuCk-00499-00129715-00129942 You might have been close. -Omo58mHuCk-00500-00129942-00130426 Isaac Newton came up with rules of physics. -Omo58mHuCk-00501-00130426-00130899 Isaac Newton is really, really accurate for a lot of things. -Omo58mHuCk-00502-00130899-00131141 Scientists started to say, well, Newton is truth. -Omo58mHuCk-00503-00131141-00131202 We're done. -Omo58mHuCk-00504-00131202-00131412 All we have to do is estimate things better. -Omo58mHuCk-00505-00131412-00131623 Newton's got it nailed. -Omo58mHuCk-00506-00131623-00131950 We still teach Newton in physics because it's still -Omo58mHuCk-00507-00131950-00132094 very useful. -Omo58mHuCk-00508-00132094-00132186 But Newton-- -Omo58mHuCk-00509-00132186-00132465 if you go to really big things, you got to really -Omo58mHuCk-00510-00132465-00132808 small things, you go to really fast things, Newton is wrong, -Omo58mHuCk-00511-00132808-00133085 and you need Einstein, and you need quantum, and so on. -Omo58mHuCk-00512-00133085-00133465 Now, really big is a solar system or a galaxy, and really -Omo58mHuCk-00513-00133465-00133725 small is an atom, and really fast is 90% of -Omo58mHuCk-00514-00133725-00133837 the speed of light. -Omo58mHuCk-00515-00133837-00134180 So Newton's really good for the world we live in today. -Omo58mHuCk-00516-00134180-00134527 When people build buildings, they don't actually worry too -Omo58mHuCk-00517-00134527-00134620 much about quantum. -Omo58mHuCk-00518-00134620-00134729 They use Newton's laws. -Omo58mHuCk-00519-00134729-00134861 But Newton is not right. -Omo58mHuCk-00520-00134861-00135125 He's not true in any way, shape, or form. -Omo58mHuCk-00521-00135125-00135215 He was just close. -Omo58mHuCk-00522-00135215-00135420 He's useful. -Omo58mHuCk-00523-00135420-00135747 The other option, of course, is that you got it right, but -Omo58mHuCk-00524-00135747-00135926 you were just lucky. -Omo58mHuCk-00525-00135926-00136153 And this is where you're sitting there and saying, two, -Omo58mHuCk-00526-00136153-00136374 four, six, what comes next, eight. -Omo58mHuCk-00527-00136374-00136659 And you say, 2, 4, 6, 8, what comes next, 10, and you're -Omo58mHuCk-00528-00136659-00136855 playing Little League. -Omo58mHuCk-00529-00136855-00137091 You got eight right because you were lucky, not because -Omo58mHuCk-00530-00137091-00137334 you knew what was going on. -Omo58mHuCk-00531-00137334-00137636 And so there's three options. -Omo58mHuCk-00532-00137636-00137854 If you make your predictions right, you may be true. -Omo58mHuCk-00533-00137854-00137924 You may be close. -Omo58mHuCk-00534-00137924-00138038 You may be lucky. -Omo58mHuCk-00535-00138038-00138482 No one ever actually tells you, you are now playing -Omo58mHuCk-00536-00138482-00138622 Little League. -Omo58mHuCk-00537-00138622-00138895 Nor do they tell you, you are now taking the -Omo58mHuCk-00538-00138895-00139124 SAT in the real world. -Omo58mHuCk-00539-00139124-00139308 And so you never will know. -Omo58mHuCk-00540-00139308-00139911 So science is not really about Truth with a capital T. In -Omo58mHuCk-00541-00139911-00140254 fact, if there's one thing that we do know that comes -Omo58mHuCk-00542-00140254-00140560 very close to Truth with a capital T, it's that -Omo58mHuCk-00543-00140560-00140831 eventually, as a professor, the students -Omo58mHuCk-00544-00140831-00140929 always show us up. -Omo58mHuCk-00545-00140929-00141108 The students learn something we don't know. -Omo58mHuCk-00546-00141108-00141429 The students find some mistake that we made. -Omo58mHuCk-00547-00141429-00141797 And so the experience of every professor in history is to -Omo58mHuCk-00548-00141797-00142176 watch students go blazing by at full speed, which in turn -Omo58mHuCk-00549-00142176-00142437 says that the professors did not know everything, and there -Omo58mHuCk-00550-00142437-00142721 was not Truth with any capital T. -Omo58mHuCk-00551-00142721-00143304 And so science is not really Truth with a capital T. What -Omo58mHuCk-00552-00143304-00143738 science is is building. -Omo58mHuCk-00553-00143738-00143942 Our ideas will we be revised. -Omo58mHuCk-00554-00143942-00144051 It's getting better. -Omo58mHuCk-00555-00144051-00144340 It's getting closer to being really good, to having it -Omo58mHuCk-00556-00144340-00144847 really right, and keeping on doing this. -Omo58mHuCk-00557-00144847-00144980 Get a new idea. -Omo58mHuCk-00558-00144980-00145048 Test it. -Omo58mHuCk-00559-00145048-00145248 If it's better than the old one, keep it. -Omo58mHuCk-00560-00145248-00145351 Get a new idea. -Omo58mHuCk-00561-00145351-00145407 Test it. -Omo58mHuCk-00562-00145407-00145632 If it's better than the old one, keep it. -Omo58mHuCk-00563-00145632-00145843 Accumulate the knowledge. -Omo58mHuCk-00564-00145843-00146188 Accumulate the wisdom of the brightest people in the world -Omo58mHuCk-00565-00146188-00146520 over generation after generation, always testing it -Omo58mHuCk-00566-00146520-00146762 against nature to make sure that it works, -Omo58mHuCk-00567-00146762-00146890 and pull this together. -Omo58mHuCk-00568-00147306-00147848 Now, we will all occasionally trip over some questions that -Omo58mHuCk-00569-00147848-00148117 are very interesting to people. -Omo58mHuCk-00570-00148117-00148338 There are people who say, look. -Omo58mHuCk-00571-00148338-00148695 The world is no older than Britain history. -Omo58mHuCk-00572-00148695-00149188 I have a sacred book, and the story in this goes back 6,000 -Omo58mHuCk-00573-00149188-00149349 years and that's it. -Omo58mHuCk-00574-00149349-00149474 And I know this. -Omo58mHuCk-00575-00149474-00149702 This is revealed truth. -Omo58mHuCk-00576-00149702-00150038 And the scientists said, well, no, it doesn't look that way. -Omo58mHuCk-00577-00150038-00150447 I have counted more tree rings than that, and we know trees -Omo58mHuCk-00578-00150447-00150588 put down annual layers. -Omo58mHuCk-00579-00150588-00150829 So we will come to interesting questions like this. -Omo58mHuCk-00580-00150829-00151191 We will come to questions of evolution and -Omo58mHuCk-00581-00151191-00151378 other sorts of things. -Omo58mHuCk-00582-00151378-00151831 And when we do, we should chat about them a little more. -Omo58mHuCk-00583-00151831-00152020 These are things that matter to people. -Omo58mHuCk-00584-00152020-00152260 They're things that matter in politics. -Omo58mHuCk-00585-00152260-00152736 They stir up a lot of fervor and fever on many sides, and -Omo58mHuCk-00586-00152736-00152866 it's not just both sides. -Omo58mHuCk-00587-00152866-00153105 There's all sorts of interesting ideas floating -Omo58mHuCk-00588-00153105-00153223 around out there. -Omo58mHuCk-00589-00153223-00153504 When we get there, just remember what science is. -Omo58mHuCk-00590-00153504-00153669 It's subject to revision. -Omo58mHuCk-00591-00153669-00154183 It is not Truth with a capital T. What it is, though, and I -Omo58mHuCk-00592-00154183-00154543 think that everybody knows this-- -Omo58mHuCk-00593-00154543-00155238 if we pretend that science is true, we are successful. -Omo58mHuCk-00594-00155238-00155698 I did not die in second grade of a really virulent fever -Omo58mHuCk-00595-00155698-00155965 because somebody had antibiotics that were -Omo58mHuCk-00596-00155965-00156155 generated by science. -Omo58mHuCk-00597-00156155-00156621 I walked in this building and I did not worry that this huge -Omo58mHuCk-00598-00156621-00157008 open space, with these heavy things over my head, that it -Omo58mHuCk-00599-00157008-00157335 was going to come crashing down on me and kill me. -Omo58mHuCk-00600-00157335-00157921 I'm speaking to you through the wonders of a cup of sand, -Omo58mHuCk-00601-00157921-00158352 a cup of oil, a little bit of red rock, and an amazing -Omo58mHuCk-00602-00158352-00158622 amount of intelligence in science that turned them into -Omo58mHuCk-00603-00158622-00158948 computers, and fiber optics, and other sorts of things, so -Omo58mHuCk-00604-00158948-00159207 that we can actually chat this way. -Omo58mHuCk-00605-00159207-00159412 If you were to get lots of different -Omo58mHuCk-00606-00159412-00159682 groups of people around-- -Omo58mHuCk-00607-00159682-00160012 get the volleyball team, and the knitting circle, and the -Omo58mHuCk-00608-00160012-00160349 bridge club, and whatever else-- get a whole bunch of -Omo58mHuCk-00609-00160349-00160695 different groups of people, and give each group a cup of -Omo58mHuCk-00610-00160695-00161052 the right red rocks, a cup of sand, a cup of oil, and say, -Omo58mHuCk-00611-00161052-00161531 turn this into a computer communication system. -Omo58mHuCk-00612-00161531-00161755 Science and engineering have done this. -Omo58mHuCk-00613-00161755-00162088 And I am reasonably confident that the volleyball team and -Omo58mHuCk-00614-00162088-00162315 the knitting circle will not succeed in doing so. -Omo58mHuCk-00615-00162315-00162756 Science works, and it works really, really, really well. -Omo58mHuCk-00616-00162756-00162818 It works. -Omo58mHuCk-00617-00162818-00162857 It works. -Omo58mHuCk-00618-00162857-00163159 It works-- there just isn't much doubt about this-- if you -Omo58mHuCk-00619-00163159-00163339 [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it to engineers. -Omo58mHuCk-00620-00163339-00163580 Once you have the idea, you gotta turn into reality. -Omo58mHuCk-00621-00163580-00163717 You've gotta make it work. -Omo58mHuCk-00622-00163717-00163903 And then you need business people to sell it, -Omo58mHuCk-00623-00163903-00163994 and what have you. -Omo58mHuCk-00624-00163994-00164287 But science really, really does work. -Omo58mHuCk-00625-00164287-00164364 It's out there. -Omo58mHuCk-00626-00164364-00164663 It's one of the great things of humanity. -Omo58mHuCk-00627-00164663-00164969 It's one of the things that allows us to get new ideas. -Omo58mHuCk-00628-00164969-00165180 It allows us to share information. -Omo58mHuCk-00629-00165180-00165401 It allows us to communicate. -Omo58mHuCk-00630-00165401-00165873 Now, I would like, briefly, to just tiptoe around some other -Omo58mHuCk-00631-00165873-00166138 ideas that you would probably get in different classes to a -Omo58mHuCk-00632-00166138-00166263 greater extent. -Omo58mHuCk-00633-00166509-00166871 We're coming to you as a communication medium. -Omo58mHuCk-00634-00166871-00167210 We're coming to you over the internet. -Omo58mHuCk-00635-00167210-00167470 We're chatting about way things are. -Omo58mHuCk-00636-00167470-00167783 The internet has changed a lot of things. -Omo58mHuCk-00637-00167783-00168083 We can sit at home and we can Google each other, and we can -Omo58mHuCk-00638-00168083-00168194 find out what's going on. -Omo58mHuCk-00639-00168194-00168450 And that's very fun. -Omo58mHuCk-00640-00168450-00168753 It has changed information. -Omo58mHuCk-00641-00168753-00169549 If you go out and look on the web at certain things that we -Omo58mHuCk-00642-00169549-00169902 will talk about in class, evolution, climate change, age -Omo58mHuCk-00643-00169902-00170285 of the Earth, what have you, you will find an incredible -Omo58mHuCk-00644-00170285-00170793 spectrum of views out there, some of which are based on -Omo58mHuCk-00645-00170793-00171203 this vast pyramid of knowledge that's been put together by -Omo58mHuCk-00646-00171203-00171525 humans, in the scientific method, over thousands of -Omo58mHuCk-00647-00171525-00171915 years, and some of which are based on somebody sitting down -Omo58mHuCk-00648-00171915-00172089 in front of a computer and a blog and -Omo58mHuCk-00649-00172089-00172272 typing what they think. -Omo58mHuCk-00650-00172272-00172635 And you pull them up on the search engine, and they'll all -Omo58mHuCk-00651-00172635-00172835 pull up as being equal. -Omo58mHuCk-00652-00172835-00172967 They just show up. -Omo58mHuCk-00653-00172967-00173198 There's no sorter in there. -Omo58mHuCk-00654-00173198-00173507 And so why should you believe my communication, that's a -Omo58mHuCk-00655-00173507-00173827 scientific communication, and not the blogs that you will -Omo58mHuCk-00656-00173827-00174134 find that say, oh, he's an evil liar. -Omo58mHuCk-00657-00174134-00174436 He's trying to corrupt your poor minds. -Omo58mHuCk-00658-00174436-00174812 And so I presume the great majority of you actually have -Omo58mHuCk-00659-00174812-00175078 a pretty good understanding of this, but it's worth just a -Omo58mHuCk-00660-00175078-00175307 word or two to chat about that. -Omo58mHuCk-00661-00175307-00175601 There are so many different sources of information. -Omo58mHuCk-00662-00175601-00175727 You could go to an internet. -Omo58mHuCk-00663-00175727-00175873 You can go to magazines. -Omo58mHuCk-00664-00175873-00176003 You can go to books. -Omo58mHuCk-00665-00176003-00176489 You can go to the scientific literature. -Omo58mHuCk-00666-00176489-00176618 And you know where I'm going. -Omo58mHuCk-00667-00176618-00176969 The scientific literature is the one I want you to lodge in -Omo58mHuCk-00668-00176969-00177156 your brain for a little bit. -Omo58mHuCk-00669-00177156-00177495 There is a great difference in some of these communications -Omo58mHuCk-00670-00177495-00178046 between a blog, which may have nothing behind it but the -Omo58mHuCk-00671-00178046-00178368 informed or uninformed opinions of one person, and a -Omo58mHuCk-00672-00178368-00178634 scientific result that we're going to try to present here -Omo58mHuCk-00673-00178634-00179077 in class, which has, sitting behind it, this pyramid of -Omo58mHuCk-00674-00179077-00179356 knowledge, of testing against nature by thousands and -Omo58mHuCk-00675-00179356-00179594 thousands and thousands of people in all the countries of -Omo58mHuCk-00676-00179594-00179997 the world over all of recorded history, that's very carefully -Omo58mHuCk-00677-00179997-00180311 put together to see if it works. -Omo58mHuCk-00678-00180311-00180717 You go, look, and say, OK on the internet side, in the -Omo58mHuCk-00679-00180717-00180916 blogs, there's some great stuff out there. -Omo58mHuCk-00680-00180916-00181145 But there's a lot of garbage out there, too. -Omo58mHuCk-00681-00181145-00181516 There's just dookey knee deep or higher. -Omo58mHuCk-00682-00181516-00181847 And as you go from the internet through these other -Omo58mHuCk-00683-00181847-00182309 things, what you find is you get to typically better -Omo58mHuCk-00684-00182309-00182755 quality information, not always, not everywhere, but -Omo58mHuCk-00685-00182755-00182939 typically better quality than internet. -Omo58mHuCk-00686-00182939-00183305 The internet so cheap, and so easy, you don't have to be in -Omo58mHuCk-00687-00183305-00183415 it for the long haul. -Omo58mHuCk-00688-00183415-00183819 There's a huge amount of it that is not carefully examined -Omo58mHuCk-00689-00183819-00184074 to see whether it's even vaguely true or not. -Omo58mHuCk-00690-00184074-00184356 Whereas, if you get on the other end out there in the -Omo58mHuCk-00691-00184356-00184911 scientific literature, we jump through incredible hoops to -Omo58mHuCk-00692-00184911-00185289 try to make sure that it is basically correct. -Omo58mHuCk-00693-00185289-00185898 If I wanted to tell you that my new idea works, I have to, -Omo58mHuCk-00694-00185898-00186058 first of all, get the new idea. -Omo58mHuCk-00695-00186058-00186173 Then I have to test it. -Omo58mHuCk-00696-00186173-00186428 Then I have to do all this stuff and see if it works. -Omo58mHuCk-00697-00186428-00186581 And then I have to write it up. -Omo58mHuCk-00698-00186581-00186819 I have to say, this is what I did. -Omo58mHuCk-00699-00186819-00187048 And you have to be able to know exactly what I did. -Omo58mHuCk-00700-00187048-00187372 You have to be able to duplicate what I did. -Omo58mHuCk-00701-00187372-00187487 Put it out there. -Omo58mHuCk-00702-00187487-00187806 Tell the truth, what I did, what other people did. -Omo58mHuCk-00703-00187806-00188058 And then I send it in and I say, please, please publish -Omo58mHuCk-00704-00188058-00188146 this over the world. -Omo58mHuCk-00705-00188146-00188371 And they say, well, no, not yet. -Omo58mHuCk-00706-00188371-00188607 We're going to get a couple world experts, and they're -Omo58mHuCk-00707-00188607-00188775 going to look at this really carefully. -Omo58mHuCk-00708-00188775-00189008 And they're gonna make sure that you're not lying, or -Omo58mHuCk-00709-00189008-00189259 cheating, or stealing, that you have acknowledged the -Omo58mHuCk-00710-00189259-00189597 knowledge that you pulled in from other people, that you've -Omo58mHuCk-00711-00189597-00189903 told us what you did, that your results look good, that -Omo58mHuCk-00712-00189903-00190164 you have run careful tests, that your -Omo58mHuCk-00713-00190164-00190309 statistics are not cheating. -Omo58mHuCk-00714-00190309-00190567 And they're gonna run a whole bunch of different things. -Omo58mHuCk-00715-00190567-00190803 And they'll get these world experts to look over it. -Omo58mHuCk-00716-00190803-00191247 And only after the world experts have said, yeah, that -Omo58mHuCk-00717-00191247-00191550 makes sense am I allowed to put it out there. -Omo58mHuCk-00718-00191550-00191763 And this still does it make it true. -Omo58mHuCk-00719-00191763-00192010 Don't for a minute think that it does. -Omo58mHuCk-00720-00192010-00192393 But it means that a whole lot of the dookey is missing. -Omo58mHuCk-00721-00192393-00192778 And if it matters, the scientific literature is the -Omo58mHuCk-00722-00192778-00192926 place you go to look. -Omo58mHuCk-00723-00192926-00193086 It may not be friendly. -Omo58mHuCk-00724-00193086-00193259 It hasn't been distilled down. -Omo58mHuCk-00725-00193259-00193510 In this course, we will try to distill the scientific -Omo58mHuCk-00726-00193510-00193806 literature into something that's useful, but no world -Omo58mHuCk-00727-00193806-00194056 experts are actually vetting the last word I just said to -Omo58mHuCk-00728-00194056-00194321 make sure it was the right word. -Omo58mHuCk-00729-00194321-00194393 It is slow. -Omo58mHuCk-00730-00194393-00194543 It is careful. -Omo58mHuCk-00731-00194543-00194736 It's not the fastest way to get there. -Omo58mHuCk-00732-00194736-00194891 There are things that-- -Omo58mHuCk-00733-00194891-00195036 you'd say, can't you get that out faster? -Omo58mHuCk-00734-00195036-00195164 This is such a cool idea. -Omo58mHuCk-00735-00195164-00195228 I really want it. -Omo58mHuCk-00736-00195228-00195443 Now, we have to be careful. -Omo58mHuCk-00737-00195443-00195591 We have to follow the rules. -Omo58mHuCk-00738-00195591-00195938 When people read the scientific literature, they -Omo58mHuCk-00739-00195938-00196355 should know that it is standing on this pyramid of -Omo58mHuCk-00740-00196355-00196756 knowledge that comes up from the depths of antiquity and -Omo58mHuCk-00741-00196756-00197101 the care of all these people across the planet. -Omo58mHuCk-00742-00197101-00197490 And so that's just a little bit of where we're going, what -Omo58mHuCk-00743-00197490-00197579 we're doing. -Omo58mHuCk-00744-00197579-00197932 We will get much more down to specifics. -Omo58mHuCk-00745-00197932-00198341 We will talk about rocks, and we'll talk about rivers, and -Omo58mHuCk-00746-00198341-00198696 we'll talk about glaciers, and all sorts of fun things. -Omo58mHuCk-00747-00198696-00199052 But in the end, keep in mind what it is. -Omo58mHuCk-00748-00199052-00199466 It is humans doing really important things to keep -Omo58mHuCk-00749-00199466-00199813 humans happy, healthy, and terrific, fed, and cured, and -Omo58mHuCk-00750-00199813-00200147 clothed, and housed, and healthy and wealthy enough -Omo58mHuCk-00751-00200147-00200455 that we can actually worry about big questions of what -Omo58mHuCk-00752-00200455-00200694 we're doing here and what we should be doing here. -Omo58mHuCk-00753-00200694-00201035 Science doesn't really tell us those. -Omo58mHuCk-00754-00201035-00201452 But it does give us the wherewithal to address those. -Omo58mHuCk-00755-00201452-00201787 And we are going to address those, some subset of them. -Omo58mHuCk-00756-00201787-00202054 How do we humans stay happy, healthy, and -Omo58mHuCk-00757-00202054-00202214 terrific on the planet? -Omo58mHuCk-00758-00202214-00202440 How do we keep from being killed by giant waves, and -Omo58mHuCk-00759-00202440-00202786 volcanoes, and earthquakes, and what have you? -Omo58mHuCk-00760-00202786-00202969 How do we find valuable things? -Omo58mHuCk-00761-00202969-00203424 How do we track down keeping things alive? -Omo58mHuCk-00762-00203424-00203754 And we're going to do that by going to some of the really -Omo58mHuCk-00763-00203754-00204091 beautiful places on the planet with some really good people -Omo58mHuCk-00764-00204091-00204410 who worked hard to show it to you and having a lot of fun. -Omo58mHuCk-00765-00204410-00204654 I personally look forward to the trip, and -Omo58mHuCk-00766-00204654-00204743 I hope you do too. -Omo58mHuCk-00767-00204743-00204868 Thank you. -PZ78e-dQku-00000-00000000-00001146 casting live from sunny California man this whole FTX debacle it's having a Fallout for Solana and -PZ78e-dQku-00001-00001146-00001872 it's probably more than most of us think so let's dive into it for those of you who don't know me -PZ78e-dQku-00002-00001872-00002646 I'm the founder and CEO of Bitoku labs so we're building a storage layer for Solana so we're quite -PZ78e-dQku-00003-00002646-00003336 invested into the sauna ecosystem we're running a Solana validator node and building that storage -PZ78e-dQku-00004-00003336-00004026 layer for Solana so when I say we're invested we're invested into the sauna ecosystem we love -PZ78e-dQku-00005-00004026-00004662 it but we're not dependent on Solana right so we can use that storage layer and interface to -PZ78e-dQku-00006-00004662-00005316 any other smart contract chain um but yeah so we set out to build it for Solana first -PZ78e-dQku-00007-00005382-00006312 but FTX really is having its Fallout for the sauna ecosystem and let's dive into it if you like this -PZ78e-dQku-00008-00006312-00007031 content please subscribe to my channel because I'm pushing out fresh content three times a week -PZ78e-dQku-00009-00007031-00007595 all live streaming most of the time some of them are recordings but most of them are live streams -PZ78e-dQku-00010-00007595-00008045 and it's all about the crypto space the smart contract space -PZ78e-dQku-00011-00008148-00008844 um and obviously it's also a log of Bitoku and US building that storage layer which is a really -PZ78e-dQku-00012-00008844-00009480 exciting project check it out on our website bitoku.io link in the description we have a -PZ78e-dQku-00013-00009480-00010350 light paper they'll learn everything about it FTX Alameda and all these things they have been a big -PZ78e-dQku-00014-00010464-00011580 pillar in the sauna ecosystem so the first thing is just onboarding off-boarding USDC the you know -PZ78e-dQku-00015-00011676-00012288 the stable coin I would say you know after tether and stuff but USDC run by Circle -PZ78e-dQku-00016-00012372-00013212 it's being um audited all the time and they give all the transparency and it's really a -PZ78e-dQku-00017-00013212-00014040 great stable coin and um USDC is kind of the standard stable coin on the sauna platform -PZ78e-dQku-00018-00014040-00014706 and this USDC USDC comes in several flavors right there's the ERC20 flavor for Ethereum -PZ78e-dQku-00019-00014706-00015396 compatible chains but there's also the SPL flavor and SPL stands for Solana -PZ78e-dQku-00020-00015396-00016260 program Library so the SPL variant is the Solana variant and that's widely used in Solana World -PZ78e-dQku-00021-00016350-00017292 and with FTX there was a platform where you can just deposit USDC Solana USDC and then withdraw -PZ78e-dQku-00022-00017292-00017946 in real US Dollars and get it wired to your checking account without any fees or you could do -PZ78e-dQku-00023-00017946-00018840 the opposite right deposit USD and then withdraw it as Solana USDC so for on-ramp off-ramp it was -PZ78e-dQku-00024-00018840-00019506 a fantastic thing for the Solano world because once you have you know Solana USDC you can swap it -PZ78e-dQku-00025-00019506-00020406 on the decentralized exchanges into anything into Saul into Rey into SRM into you know any any token -PZ78e-dQku-00026-00020406-00021198 that you want and I I love that right and I miss it now I don't have that you know free seamless -PZ78e-dQku-00027-00021198-00021924 on-ramp buff ramp anymore so now it's like you know if I have USDC somewhere and I want to -PZ78e-dQku-00028-00021978-00022560 swap it into real US dollars I have to go through other centralized exchanges and -PZ78e-dQku-00029-00022560-00023220 they all take fees for that right and you know it's not like limited to a few dollars -PZ78e-dQku-00030-00023220-00024054 so if you swap like a few hundred thousand USDC you're ending up easily with thousands of dollars -PZ78e-dQku-00031-00024054-00024756 of fees for just that one transaction FTX never charged that and you know I really don't know -PZ78e-dQku-00032-00024756-00025332 why in hindsight it seems like man maybe they didn't take care of their business that much -PZ78e-dQku-00033-00025416-00026208 but they made it all free right so that's a big drawback where the Solana ecosystem is being hit -PZ78e-dQku-00034-00026286-00026868 and probably other ecosystems as well but you know I've I've been mostly working in the Solano sphere -PZ78e-dQku-00035-00026868-00027768 so yeah it's you know it's an important on-ramp off-ramp free seamless that's gone all -PZ78e-dQku-00036-00027768-00028583 right then obviously you know all of you know the Fallout is you know people having lost their funds -PZ78e-dQku-00037-00028583-00029489 that they kept within FTX and for that I can only repeat don't leave your balances don't leave your -PZ78e-dQku-00038-00029489-00030270 company treasury don't leave your life savings on a centralized exchange no matter which one it is -PZ78e-dQku-00039-00030270-00030864 they take your keys and then what happens either they get hacked or they go bankrupt or whatever -PZ78e-dQku-00040-00030948-00031577 that's not what crypto was invented for right keep custody of your own Keys -PZ78e-dQku-00041-00031577-00032124 within your own crypto wallet and use a hardware wallet just to make it safe -PZ78e-dQku-00042-00032262-00032832 um and yeah that that's what I only could say right but that's another Fallout also -PZ78e-dQku-00043-00032934-00033720 but there's more than you know then it's obvious so in talking of defy decentralized Finance -PZ78e-dQku-00044-00033720-00034974 Solana has that awesome thing called serum so Serum is a decentralized exchange but uh -PZ78e-dQku-00045-00035058-00035982 it is club based so Club means Central limit order book so if you're into trading at all and you have -PZ78e-dQku-00046-00035982-00036540 your own brokerage account and stuff like that and you trade stocks or bonds or whatever you -PZ78e-dQku-00047-00036540-00037020 know what an order book is right so you can place limit orders you can say okay buy me -PZ78e-dQku-00048-00037140-00038064 um 10 Tesla stocks you know at a limit price of whatever 185 dollars right so then the system -PZ78e-dQku-00049-00038064-00038832 will wait until it's available for 185 and when someone's willing to sell for 185 it'll fill your -PZ78e-dQku-00050-00038832-00039276 order right or fill part of the order if someone if if there's only someone that wants to sell -PZ78e-dQku-00051-00039276-00040008 three Tesla at 185. so that's called a central limit order book and it has been the heart of -PZ78e-dQku-00052-00040008-00040824 trading for ages right it is really cool stuff and it hasn't been possible on blockchain and on -PZ78e-dQku-00053-00040824-00041502 Smart contracts and you know it's not possible on Ethereum or anywhere else because man it -PZ78e-dQku-00054-00041568-00042354 is kind of compute intense and you know it just wouldn't you know it would cost gas and gas for -PZ78e-dQku-00055-00042354-00042918 thousands of dollars on Ethereum and it would take a long time right on Solana this has been -PZ78e-dQku-00056-00042918-00043674 possible and they have serum and you can do club based trading on serum and I've been using that -PZ78e-dQku-00057-00043746-00044460 um a long time so what happened with Serum is FTX and Alameda were a sponsor of this thing right -PZ78e-dQku-00058-00044538-00045192 the serum software is all still there right but there is something called an upgrade Authority on -PZ78e-dQku-00059-00045192-00045942 Solana so the upgrade Authority means anyone who has the keys for the upgrade Authority can kind -PZ78e-dQku-00060-00045942-00046824 of upgrade the smart contract on chain right and now nobody has the upgrade Authority it is in FTX -PZ78e-dQku-00061-00046824-00047544 somewhere right so the administrator of insolvency has to figure out where are they you know nobody -PZ78e-dQku-00062-00047544-00048282 knows where they are it hasn't been exploited but people are careful and say if we continue -PZ78e-dQku-00063-00048282-00049158 using serum we don't know anyone who we don't know who it is within FTX or you know wherever -PZ78e-dQku-00064-00049158-00049962 those keys might have gone could update that smart contract for the serum decentralized exchange and -PZ78e-dQku-00065-00049962-00050508 then could could compromise everything right so that's why you know nobody's recommending -PZ78e-dQku-00066-00050508-00051282 use using Serum at the moment and they just forked it into a community Fork right so they are already -PZ78e-dQku-00067-00051282-00052026 reacting but with the fork we still have the same software and we can still trade with the central -PZ78e-dQku-00068-00052026-00052908 limit order book which is awesome but here's the next Fallout with the old serum FTX and Alameda -PZ78e-dQku-00069-00052908-00053526 have been market makers what's a market maker in a limit order book you have that same thing -PZ78e-dQku-00070-00053526-00054312 on your brokerage account right it's people that are buying and selling your orders and then on on -PZ78e-dQku-00071-00054312-00055014 their own account just to provide liquidity right if you want to buy or sell something that has low -PZ78e-dQku-00072-00055014-00055788 liquidity it's not traded that often then the market maker jumps in and fills your order on -PZ78e-dQku-00073-00055788-00056304 his own account and then sells it later on with other people and stuff like that -PZ78e-dQku-00074-00056441-00057144 so this Market maker is really necessary in order to get some good liquidity on there and you know -PZ78e-dQku-00075-00057144-00057894 now with FTX not being there anymore liquidity has been greatly reduced on the serum exchange -PZ78e-dQku-00076-00057894-00058608 which is still there it has been Community forked Solana developers have been really quick all the -PZ78e-dQku-00077-00058608-00059340 GUI's for the serum exchange have you know jumped on that new community Fork but we're waiting for -PZ78e-dQku-00078-00059340-00060005 someone to jump in as a market maker right now that market maker is missing and we need that -PZ78e-dQku-00079-00060005-00060690 liquidity to get you know to get the life on defy on Solana to a place where it has been before -PZ78e-dQku-00080-00060774-00061505 so that's a Fallout on Solana that that probably you haven't heard about right and and there's a -PZ78e-dQku-00081-00061505-00062352 third or another one um that's about wrapped assets right so on Solana we had things like -PZ78e-dQku-00082-00062352-00063078 wrapped eth and wrapped Bitcoin and that was wrapped into the Solana chain and then the -PZ78e-dQku-00083-00063078-00064020 real assets the real btcs and the real eth were held somewhere at well you guess it FTX right so -PZ78e-dQku-00084-00064020-00064722 there's something called sobd BTC and that's the solid wrapped BTC solid it's just a one of the -PZ78e-dQku-00085-00064722-00065634 famous Wallets on the Solana ecosystem so that SOBTC was backed by BTC assets Bitcoin assets -PZ78e-dQku-00086-00065634-00066450 on FTX and those assets obviously are compromised or are you know that they are in insolvency right -PZ78e-dQku-00087-00066450-00067176 now and we don't know what's happening for them and because of that the price of the sobtc has -PZ78e-dQku-00088-00067176-00068010 lost its Peg to the Bitcoin and it has come down like 95 percent and I've personally been hit with -PZ78e-dQku-00089-00068010-00068796 that also um so not not Bitoku as the company but I personally had like a quarter of a Bitcoin um I -PZ78e-dQku-00090-00068796-00069528 probably paid like eight thousand dollars for that um a year ago or so um with just the Bitcoin price -PZ78e-dQku-00091-00069528-00070266 coming down it was at like 4 300 as of yesterday but it was wrapped it was wrapped in that solid -PZ78e-dQku-00092-00070266-00070962 Solana thing and it has gone gone down together with with FTX right so I was able to sell it for -PZ78e-dQku-00093-00070962-00072030 280 dollars yesterday night and so yeah I I lost some money due to that um saw of FTX debacle right -PZ78e-dQku-00094-00072120-00072978 so yeah these wrapped assets but that is not a lot so there haven't been that many btcs and ethers -PZ78e-dQku-00095-00072978-00073548 that were wrapped on the sauna chain um that have been lost that way so it's a rather small thing -PZ78e-dQku-00096-00073674-00074160 um the serum thing you know the sauna Community is changing that they have done the community -PZ78e-dQku-00097-00074160-00074892 fork and it's awesome to see the people in the Solana ecosystem right everyone's still there -PZ78e-dQku-00098-00074892-00075468 everyone's still building everyone's still running their Solana validators everyone's -PZ78e-dQku-00099-00075468-00076008 focusing on what can we do getting through this community Fork as soon as possible and -PZ78e-dQku-00100-00076008-00076824 I absolutely absolutely love that community and I'm sure you know Solana will find some -PZ78e-dQku-00101-00076824-00077358 new market maker because you know being a market maker is a profitable business right it's not -PZ78e-dQku-00102-00077358-00077976 like ah someone has to do it and you know there are people that are focused on that and you know -PZ78e-dQku-00103-00077976-00078702 they are working with other companies maybe jump crypto or something can jump in so no pun intended -PZ78e-dQku-00104-00078780-00079338 um to be the market maker on the serum exchange I'm sure that's going to resolve itself uh real -PZ78e-dQku-00105-00079338-00079926 soon and the onboarding off-boarding I mean there's other there's other opportunities -PZ78e-dQku-00106-00079926-00080508 right there's so many centralized exchanges so I've been using Kraken recently to onboard off -PZ78e-dQku-00107-00080508-00081366 board the Solana USDC into USD back and forth and that works nicely as well it just costs a -PZ78e-dQku-00108-00081366-00082014 little bit of fees and you know I didn't have to pay those fees before um but it's it's quite okay -PZ78e-dQku-00109-00082014-00082818 right and you know you have still have others like Binance and okay X and okay coin in the -PZ78e-dQku-00110-00082818-00083394 U.S and and all these other essential and Coinbase obviously so all these other centralized exchanges -PZ78e-dQku-00111-00083490-00084138 um are still out there to fill the Gap so what does that mean for us you know we're building -PZ78e-dQku-00112-00084138-00084906 on Solana we intend to keep building on Solana we don't think Solana is going anywhere and what can -PZ78e-dQku-00113-00084906-00085518 happen to the blockchain right I mean we just need a blockchain that's working and it is working it -PZ78e-dQku-00114-00085518-00086286 will be further developed Solana Labs has all the funds they need so Anatoly the CEO of Solana Labs -PZ78e-dQku-00115-00086286-00086916 just recently tweeted you know they have at the current burn rate they have a Runway of 30 months -PZ78e-dQku-00116-00086916-00087534 and they can reduce their burn rate any time and I I don't think they will go out of business anytime -PZ78e-dQku-00117-00087534-00088200 soon and even if they did you know Solana will not die right it's open source software it's not like -PZ78e-dQku-00118-00088200-00089106 we need Solana labs to do that so I still feel great on the son of blockchain and then obviously -PZ78e-dQku-00119-00089106-00089748 you know for for anything like you know Central limit order book trading is one application but -PZ78e-dQku-00120-00089748-00090432 we as Bitoku we're developing the storage layer to make the web 3 apps really intelligent so that -PZ78e-dQku-00121-00090432-00091032 they can use blockchain based storage as well not only compute on the smart contract chain -PZ78e-dQku-00122-00091092-00091800 and we want performance for that right I I think Solana is the only blockchain I know about that -PZ78e-dQku-00123-00091800-00092526 can have broad adoption um everywhere because you know it's the only one that's performant enough -PZ78e-dQku-00124-00092610-00093168 so I still trust in Solana and I love the community I think they can overcome -PZ78e-dQku-00125-00093168-00093792 all these issues but you know don't be fooled there has been and will -PZ78e-dQku-00126-00093792-00094566 continue to be quite some Fallout for the Solana Community for the demise of FTX and -PZ78e-dQku-00127-00094620-00095256 um you know everyone's working on resolving that and uh yeah so that's my little overview -PZ78e-dQku-00128-00095316-00095922 if you love this video please give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to my channel three -PZ78e-dQku-00129-00095922-00096426 times a week there will be fresh content here and thanks for watching catch you later bye -RZI-XAipcu-00000-00000000-00000200 Join Our All event https://www.nearlist24.com/ -VvM_p39Zg8-00000-00004688-00007552 Subscribe Us ! -d-ZIk8tCzg-00000-00000963-00001163 Okay, let me show you -d-ZIk8tCzg-00001-00001596-00001796 You and do it yourself, okay you do it -d-ZIk8tCzg-00002-00005457-00005657 Very good -d-ZIk8tCzg-00003-00006323-00007021 Keys you know, please don't throw up on daddy's Father's Day card. Yeah -d-ZIk8tCzg-00004-00007645-00007845 Good job -d-ZIk8tCzg-00005-00008225-00008469 You ready to do some from the Popeyes -d-ZIk8tCzg-00006-00010829-00011449 Where'd you go, where'd you go? -d-ZIk8tCzg-00007-00013254-00013454 Happy Father's Day -d-ZIk8tCzg-00008-00013578-00014066 I know it's well, that sounds like really -d-ZIk8tCzg-00009-00014597-00014797 Go up in your brethren daddy -d-ZIk8tCzg-00010-00015213-00015631 What you gonna help daddy open his present -d-ZIk8tCzg-00011-00017749-00018488 Can you coral highlighters sure there are 30 minutes buddy you're throwing his present self -d-ZIk8tCzg-00012-00018778-00018978 It's the gift receipt -d-ZIk8tCzg-00013-00019264-00019533 And you can have the old baby cash, too -d-ZIk8tCzg-00014-00020828-00021028 It's truly a dad gift -d-ZIk8tCzg-00015-00021267-00021905 No time, yeah, I thought about it. Thank you. Thank you -d-ZIk8tCzg-00016-00023250-00023450 Saying daddy -d-ZIk8tCzg-00017-00025197-00025505 Thank you Gabriel, can you tell daddy what you had for breakfast this morning? -d-ZIk8tCzg-00018-00025845-00026560 You have Cheerios and milk gypsy real actual cereal -d-ZIk8tCzg-00019-00027189-00027499 No, just right now until you wake up -d-ZIk8tCzg-00020-00027833-00028066 Now it's time for Father's Day brunch -d-ZIk8tCzg-00021-00028581-00028781 Looks like my rain -d-ZIk8tCzg-00022-00030116-00030355 That's pretty much the end of the plan Father's Day activities -d-ZIk8tCzg-00023-00030530-00030813 Except kept asking me yesterday. What do you want to do? -d-ZIk8tCzg-00024-00030914-00031102 or where do you want to go and I -d-ZIk8tCzg-00025-00031102-00031653 could not decide I couldn't figure it not decided just couldn't think of a place to go or anything to do so, I -d-ZIk8tCzg-00026-00031757-00031977 decided to go to Best Buy and -d-ZIk8tCzg-00027-00032054-00032542 Wander around Best Buy. Let's see what happened. Maybe I'll buy some maybe a new vlog camera -d-ZIk8tCzg-00028-00033657-00033886 We're going can we buy one? -d-ZIk8tCzg-00029-00035478-00035685 I didn't buy anything -d-ZIk8tCzg-00030-00035845-00036028 From from -d-ZIk8tCzg-00031-00036028-00036228 Best Buy, we're home -d-ZIk8tCzg-00032-00036301-00036469 He's napped -d-ZIk8tCzg-00033-00036469-00036686 Lunched and now we're just kind of hanging out -d-ZIk8tCzg-00034-00036919-00037119 You like them boxes -d-ZIk8tCzg-00035-00037405-00037605 You love the boxes -d-ZIk8tCzg-00036-00044244-00044546 This kid in these boxes all day -d-ZIk8tCzg-00037-00044851-00045398 That's all we gotta do this we're gonna do all day tomorrow we're just gonna play with the diaper boxes -d-ZIk8tCzg-00038-00045736-00045888 Yep, you cleaning up after yourself -d-ZIk8tCzg-00039-00045888-00046470 That's not pee. Everybody that is water from his new cup that he's figured out how to shake the water out -d-ZIk8tCzg-00040-00046522-00047169 And he just sat on the floor. He shipped the water out all over the place. It soaked himself -d-ZIk8tCzg-00041-00047335-00047535 We could change your pants -d-ZIk8tCzg-00042-00047797-00048063 Yeah, no, he's cleaning up after himself -d-ZIk8tCzg-00043-00048430-00048630 Until Popo, happy Father's Day -d-ZIk8tCzg-00044-00048988-00049188 Pepe pawpaws day -d-ZIk8tCzg-00045-00049399-00049695 Oh, yeah, this is Grandparents Day -d-ZIk8tCzg-00046-00050419-00050619 Good job -d-ZIk8tCzg-00047-00050700-00051219 Don't spill it careful you're doing good. I'm sorry. He can't retime you tries to put it to his mouth -d-ZIk8tCzg-00048-00051219-00051419 You say something too gets nervous good -d-ZIk8tCzg-00049-00052047-00052562 Guy drink slow. It's like a big boy such a big boy -d-ZIk8tCzg-00050-00052826-00053302 Yeah, okay bro now Gabriel is getting a Father's Day bath -d-ZIk8tCzg-00051-00053570-00053737 So we're gonna call it Akane -d-ZIk8tCzg-00052-00053737-00054226 I had a very good father stay out of all the other fathers that watch our channel have a very good Father's Day as well -d-ZIk8tCzg-00053-00054398-00054661 Thank you guys so much see you next time -eeQQlPKIUA-00013-00003584-00003887 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00015-00004170-00004478 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00017-00004781-00005024 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00019-00005265-00005491 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00021-00005822-00005999 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00023-00006347-00006591 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00025-00007206-00007483 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00027-00007788-00008049 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00029-00008338-00008581 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00031-00008836-00009112 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00033-00009428-00009733 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00035-00010043-00010232 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00037-00010550-00010849 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00039-00011152-00011427 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00041-00011734-00012035 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00043-00012331-00012630 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00045-00012983-00013264 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00047-00013566-00013864 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00049-00014241-00014521 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00051-00014798-00015085 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00053-00015351-00015655 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00055-00015949-00016125 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00057-00016488-00016701 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00059-00017049-00017345 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00061-00017634-00017788 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00063-00018160-00018495 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00065-00018822-00019103 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00067-00019292-00019570 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00069-00019937-00020267 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00071-00020560-00020865 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00073-00021160-00021461 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00075-00022054-00022354 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00077-00022620-00022879 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00079-00023178-00023498 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00081-00023710-00023925 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00083-00024260-00024586 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00085-00024873-00025066 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00087-00025269-00025582 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00089-00025868-00026098 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00091-00026433-00026738 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00093-00027044-00027230 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00095-00027609-00027741 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00097-00028117-00028327 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00099-00028716-00029034 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00101-00029367-00029507 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00103-00029900-00030214 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00105-00030573-00030809 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00107-00031072-00031172 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00109-00031543-00031744 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00111-00032125-00032426 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -eeQQlPKIUA-00113-00032821-00032921 I tried to make my own Summer Glowy Look Simple ❤️ EASY GRWM TUTORIAL -gko0nEzZ_u-00000-00000000-00000400 What do you call -gko0nEzZ_u-00001-00000400-00000800 a goblin vampire? -gko0nEzZ_u-00002-00000800-00001200 I don't know Bob, What do you call a Goblin Vampire? -gko0nEzZ_u-00003-00001200-00001600 A hemo-Goblin -gko0nEzZ_u-00004-00001600-00002000 That's the goblins -gko0nEzZ_u-00005-00002000-00002400 for Puppets Tell Jokes -gGdE7PHyHY-00000-00001244-00001488 OS - LIDON -gGdE7PHyHY-00001-00001488-00002092 A new way of feeling the role -gGdE7PHyHY-00002-00002482-00003574 Fighting Apart from the difference in damage that is caused after a successful roll, there is a 15% chance of causing critical, which, will enhance the damage. -gGdE7PHyHY-00003-00004332-00004456 Now you shut up? -gGdE7PHyHY-00004-00004560-00004754 I had to push you before to those beasts -gGdE7PHyHY-00005-00004768-00005034 Of course, you prefer to kill me... as I am a woman and unusable -gGdE7PHyHY-00006-00005046-00005246 We're already ... it's a way of talking baby -gGdE7PHyHY-00007-00005262-00005474 I'm not your baby. Do I repeat it again? -gGdE7PHyHY-00008-00005498-00005758 If I'm so male chauvinist, I do not understand what you're doing with me -gGdE7PHyHY-00009-00005784-00005994 How sad you are, you know the reason to spare -gGdE7PHyHY-00010-00006046-00006240 it's just a game like you said before -gGdE7PHyHY-00011-00006260-00006472 It's okay if you die -gGdE7PHyHY-00012-00006508-00006759 That's what you want -gGdE7PHyHY-00013-00006806-00007040 Hi guys -gGdE7PHyHY-00014-00007142-00007404 Go another girl! I'm lucky... -gGdE7PHyHY-00015-00007409-00007640 It is ironic? -gGdE7PHyHY-00016-00007664-00007876 You're crazy -gGdE7PHyHY-00017-00007922-00008236 Excuse me, have you seen a kind of rabbit? -gGdE7PHyHY-00018-00008298-00008574 The only rabbits I've seen are your pussies -gGdE7PHyHY-00019-00008604-00008894 How can you give so much disgust? -gGdE7PHyHY-00020-00008970-00009256 Well, I will continue my way -gGdE7PHyHY-00021-00009292-00009638 A pleasure guys! -gGdE7PHyHY-00022-00009688-00009946 Aunt I'm going with you I can not stand this -gGdE7PHyHY-00023-00010018-00010158 Okiss -gGdE7PHyHY-00024-00010232-00010474 Wait, girls! There is a city nearby -gGdE7PHyHY-00025-00010530-00010758 How do you know that? -gGdE7PHyHY-00026-00010798-00011080 Your race is necro, The can see in the dark and blah blah blah -gGdE7PHyHY-00027-00011120-00011448 I can see the beasts, but the city has just appeared on the map -gGdE7PHyHY-00028-00012938-00013146 I've already gone through here -gGdE7PHyHY-00029-00013268-00013528 Do not worry now you are not alone jojojo -gGdE7PHyHY-00030-00013619-00013890 That's not what worries me -gGdE7PHyHY-00031-00013890-00014152 My race spends less energy when flying -gGdE7PHyHY-00032-00014196-00014486 I can go ahead and warn if there is anything in front -gGdE7PHyHY-00033-00014536-00014619 No -gGdE7PHyHY-00034-00014774-00014928 No? What? -gGdE7PHyHY-00035-00014940-00015269 I want to have fun I'm not going to stay here waiting for you to come back -gGdE7PHyHY-00036-00015324-00015606 I spend three energy flying and three walking -gGdE7PHyHY-00037-00015674-00015982 Do not wait for me but it's the best decision -gGdE7PHyHY-00038-00016256-00016508 I can play that too -gGdE7PHyHY-00039-00017896-00018184 This is the black palace of the western city -gGdE7PHyHY-00040-00018282-00018722 I expected no less from you. Could you be so kind as to tell me about weaknesses, gentleman? -gGdE7PHyHY-00041-00018790-00019084 Yes ... well ... every beast has a weakness -gGdE7PHyHY-00042-00019144-00019376 It may be due to a pattern or weakness of precise -gGdE7PHyHY-00043-00019416-00019724 For the first you have to look at the behavior of the beast -gGdE7PHyHY-00044-00019776-00020074 But for the second one you need to make precision runs -gGdE7PHyHY-00045-00020124-00020442 For example; we were able to destroy the giant wasps -gGdE7PHyHY-00046-00020494-00020720 Since we use precision in its sting -gGdE7PHyHY-00047-00020766-00021084 But it is the female bees that die without stings, not the wasps ... -gGdE7PHyHY-00048-00021168-00021404 Where did you get that from? -gGdE7PHyHY-00049-00021480-00021756 From a chapter of the Mayan bee -gGdE7PHyHY-00050-00021816-00022072 mmm yes... tonight you can stay here -gGdE7PHyHY-00051-00022122-00022498 tomorrow all you want can be part of the Guild -gGdE7PHyHY-00052-00022540-00022890 If you do, you will use our uniform and we will do a combat tutorial -gGdE7PHyHY-00053-00022926-00023300 If you do not want to, you will have to leave the palace early -iOrS7YAzCg-00029-00008405-00008455 Nandula Sisters -kLWcLjzNL0-00000-00000559-00000818 Hi I am Tzafrir Rehan -kLWcLjzNL0-00001-00000818-00001005 and I am the creator of Do Share -kLWcLjzNL0-00002-00001005-00001464 and I'd like to tell you about a new feature available in Do Share -kLWcLjzNL0-00003-00001464-00001916 As of now, Do Share allows you to automatically number your public posts -kLWcLjzNL0-00004-00001916-00002292 meaning that it will add the day and a serial number -kLWcLjzNL0-00005-00002292-00002549 to every single public post you make -kLWcLjzNL0-00006-00002549-00002826 for example if today is monday -kLWcLjzNL0-00007-00002826-00003246 and you've just sent out a public post, the first of the day, it will say Monday 0 1 -kLWcLjzNL0-00008-00003246-00003608 the next post will say Monday 0 2 -kLWcLjzNL0-00009-00003608-00004137 and that number will keep rising until it is reset at midnight that day -kLWcLjzNL0-00010-00004137-00004329 this feature was born out of -kLWcLjzNL0-00011-00004329-00004496 Guy Kawasaki's method -kLWcLjzNL0-00012-00004496-00004716 of manually numbering his posts -kLWcLjzNL0-00013-00004716-00004955 (GUY KAWASAKI): You'll notice, if you follow me -kLWcLjzNL0-00014-00004955-00005452 this is my profile you'll notice that I number my posts -kLWcLjzNL0-00015-00005452-00005729 so, on Tuesday I've done six so far -kLWcLjzNL0-00016-00005729-00006072 and the reason why I number my posts and it resets every night -kLWcLjzNL0-00017-00006072-00006203 at midnight PST -kLWcLjzNL0-00018-00006203-00006332 is because -kLWcLjzNL0-00019-00006332-00006575 I labor on the delusion -kLWcLjzNL0-00020-00006575-00007047 that people care about my posts so if they see Tuesday 0 7 -kLWcLjzNL0-00021-00007047-00007370 they'll know that i did six before and they missed them -kLWcLjzNL0-00022-00007370-00007753 so my fantasy is that they'll go back and look for them -kLWcLjzNL0-00023-00007753-00008225 it's not clear that they actually do, but I once ran a poll -kLWcLjzNL0-00024-00008225-00008745 to ask two million of my closest friends "Do you want me to continue to number my posts?" -kLWcLjzNL0-00025-00008745-00009154 and it was like four to one "Yes please continue to number them." So I continue -kLWcLjzNL0-00026-00009154-00009595 to number them, I number them manually. So, this was Tuesday 0 6 -kLWcLjzNL0-00027-00009595-00009925 so obviously the next one will be Tuesday 0 7 -kLWcLjzNL0-00028-00009925-00010263 To enable automatic numbering of posts in Do Share -kLWcLjzNL0-00029-00010263-00010963 click the Gear icon on the top of Do Share and enable "Automatically number my public posts" -kLWcLjzNL0-00030-00011160-00011535 I hope you will enjoy this feature and I will see you in the next Do Share update -miEVoKfyd4-00000-00000003-00000342 (Lovelyz Diary Bonus Book) -miEVoKfyd4-00001-00000379-00000623 (Ji-Ae) (You said this is a vacation) -miEVoKfyd4-00002-00000694-00000973 (Ye-In) (You'll pay for this!) -miEVoKfyd4-00003-00001011-00001295 (Su-Jeong) (I'm so mad!) -miEVoKfyd4-00004-00001379-00001648 (Kei) (I don't think I can do this anymore) -miEVoKfyd4-00005-00001702-00001954 (JIN) (Please wake me up) -miEVoKfyd4-00006-00002029-00002298 (Baby Soul) (You should all feel guilty) -miEVoKfyd4-00007-00002332-00002618 (Mi-Joo) (Stop recording this!) -miEVoKfyd4-00008-00002700-00002956 (Ji-Soo) (We're doomed) -miEVoKfyd4-00009-00002979-00003240 (Lovelyz Diary Bonus Book) -miEVoKfyd4-00010-00003424-00003501 (Yawn) -miEVoKfyd4-00011-00003504-00003694 (10:00 AM Lovelyz in the living room) It's ten o'clock now -miEVoKfyd4-00012-00003734-00003791 (Yawn) -miEVoKfyd4-00013-00003793-00004011 - It's break time - Okay! - Yay! -miEVoKfyd4-00014-00004046-00004260 I'm getting coins now! -miEVoKfyd4-00015-00004262-00004375 Before that... -miEVoKfyd4-00016-00004377-00004507 Ji-Ae who have worked -miEVoKfyd4-00017-00004540-00004665 (Sound of joy) -miEVoKfyd4-00018-00004746-00004849 Good work -miEVoKfyd4-00019-00004851-00005063 Thank you (3 coins from labor!) -miEVoKfyd4-00020-00005165-00005271 Thank you! -miEVoKfyd4-00021-00005446-00005567 (Jealous) -miEVoKfyd4-00022-00005664-00005947 Yay! And 5 minutes in the washroom! -miEVoKfyd4-00023-00005950-00006169 And two surprise... -miEVoKfyd4-00024-00006172-00006352 missions... -miEVoKfyd4-00025-00006354-00006518 Isn't that me? -miEVoKfyd4-00026-00006521-00006765 It's me I think it's me -miEVoKfyd4-00027-00006803-00006934 Mi-Joo -miEVoKfyd4-00028-00007039-00007113 (Hop) -miEVoKfyd4-00029-00007161-00007264 (Don't look) -miEVoKfyd4-00030-00007267-00007396 Huh? I'll do it -miEVoKfyd4-00031-00007527-00007616 I'll do it -miEVoKfyd4-00032-00007620-00008071 (She's into it) (Mi-Joo has become a slave of coins) -miEVoKfyd4-00033-00008246-00008321 (Here!) -miEVoKfyd4-00034-00008323-00008637 I moved the table too... Thank you -miEVoKfyd4-00035-00008744-00008814 Hehe -miEVoKfyd4-00036-00008875-00009175 There's another member who did a good deed -miEVoKfyd4-00037-00009219-00009434 There's a member who volunteered to hit the slate -miEVoKfyd4-00038-00009437-00009570 (Me?) -miEVoKfyd4-00039-00009573-00009792 Wow... This is... (She's speechless) -miEVoKfyd4-00040-00009879-00010066 (Yawn) -miEVoKfyd4-00041-00010069-00010179 Someone hit the slate please -miEVoKfyd4-00042-00010308-00010437 (The slate fairy) 1, 2 ,3! -miEVoKfyd4-00043-00010440-00010484 (Clap!) -miEVoKfyd4-00044-00010526-00010776 You could get it if you like hitting the slate -miEVoKfyd4-00045-00010779-00010909 (Turn) Why do I get just one? -miEVoKfyd4-00046-00010912-00011008 (Give more) -miEVoKfyd4-00047-00011013-00011182 (Bully PD: She's scary) -miEVoKfyd4-00048-00011184-00011393 We're going to be having a break -miEVoKfyd4-00049-00011437-00011639 There are various types of break -miEVoKfyd4-00050-00011641-00011736 Ha... -miEVoKfyd4-00051-00011739-00011823 Don't tell me -miEVoKfyd4-00052-00011826-00012039 We're picking a break now? -miEVoKfyd4-00053-00012041-00012204 Sounds fun! -miEVoKfyd4-00054-00012207-00012392 Are we supposed to rest while horseback riding or something? -miEVoKfyd4-00055-00012394-00012670 - I couldn't sleep after watching the scary movie... - Stand on hands -miEVoKfyd4-00056-00012683-00012890 - Or stand on hands - Or meditate -miEVoKfyd4-00057-00012894-00013071 - We might have to stand up - What if it's meditation? -miEVoKfyd4-00058-00013073-00013264 - For two hours... - Huh? Spacing out! -miEVoKfyd4-00059-00013267-00013439 Or... yoga! -miEVoKfyd4-00060-00013442-00013514 For two hours! -miEVoKfyd4-00061-00013537-00013700 Namaste -miEVoKfyd4-00062-00013729-00013965 We'll ask you to come in by the order of you waking up -miEVoKfyd4-00063-00013968-00014118 You can enter one by one -miEVoKfyd4-00064-00014121-00014325 I... have to take the remains -miEVoKfyd4-00065-00014328-00014494 That might be the best -miEVoKfyd4-00066-00014497-00014634 (What could it be?) -miEVoKfyd4-00067-00014855-00015047 (What is he doing?) (What?) -miEVoKfyd4-00068-00015050-00015232 Sweet and sour -miEVoKfyd4-00069-00015290-00015408 What? -miEVoKfyd4-00070-00015411-00015512 Sweet and sour... -miEVoKfyd4-00071-00015515-00015742 - Do you have any? - Huh? -miEVoKfyd4-00072-00015744-00015954 - What? Sweet and sour? - You! Isn't it you? -miEVoKfyd4-00073-00015956-00016046 It's not me -miEVoKfyd4-00074-00016048-00016203 (Help) This is a lipstick -miEVoKfyd4-00075-00016205-00016340 (Right) Yes! A lipstick! -miEVoKfyd4-00076-00016342-00016496 Who taught you to be so bad? -miEVoKfyd4-00077-00016498-00016594 Give yourselves in... -miEVoKfyd4-00078-00016601-00016821 It could be a good deed -miEVoKfyd4-00079-00016823-00016900 Yes -miEVoKfyd4-00080-00016902-00017101 (Gives herself in) -miEVoKfyd4-00081-00017122-00017312 (Perfectly adapted) (Mi-Joo has become a slave of coins) -miEVoKfyd4-00082-00017314-00017494 Where did I put it in? My pocket... -miEVoKfyd4-00083-00017496-00017676 I just saw your pocket... -miEVoKfyd4-00084-00017912-00018114 And a bad thought came to me (Runs) -miEVoKfyd4-00085-00018116-00018215 Huh? -miEVoKfyd4-00086-00018223-00018452 I was thinking about stealing it -miEVoKfyd4-00087-00018651-00018860 I thought I ate a sweet and sour candy -miEVoKfyd4-00088-00018863-00018982 I did a good deed! -miEVoKfyd4-00089-00018984-00019196 That's a bad deed (Stalking and embezzling are crimes) -miEVoKfyd4-00090-00019231-00019423 (Do we look like pushovers?) (He got me) -miEVoKfyd4-00091-00019426-00019625 I guess whatever you bought yesterday is gone -miEVoKfyd4-00092-00019653-00019886 - No.1 Su-Jeong - Okay! -miEVoKfyd4-00093-00019888-00019947 Hi -miEVoKfyd4-00094-00019949-00020201 The first could be the bad one So many possibilities -miEVoKfyd4-00095-00020204-00020334 Look at her reaction! -miEVoKfyd4-00096-00020337-00020647 - Maybe she can't come back - Su-Jeong does not have a poker face -miEVoKfyd4-00097-00020649-00020806 (What could it be) -miEVoKfyd4-00098-00020997-00021050 (Hesitates) -miEVoKfyd4-00099-00021147-00021331 (Could it be?) -miEVoKfyd4-00100-00021334-00021500 (No more) -miEVoKfyd4-00101-00021573-00021839 (Another four)(Come in) (Draw!) -miEVoKfyd4-00102-00021841-00021930 (Break time) -miEVoKfyd4-00103-00021933-00022093 (There're mission cards telling you how to take a break) -miEVoKfyd4-00104-00022096-00022305 (These are what the cards say) (Game, read book, healing, jewelry) -miEVoKfyd4-00105-00022307-00022455 (What will they pick?) -miEVoKfyd4-00106-00022457-00022702 - Pick anything you like - Give us a little hint -miEVoKfyd4-00107-00022705-00022830 I don't know! -miEVoKfyd4-00108-00022924-00023070 (Hmm...) -miEVoKfyd4-00109-00023337-00023402 This? -miEVoKfyd4-00110-00023405-00023548 Wait, hold on -miEVoKfyd4-00111-00023655-00023733 Yes -miEVoKfyd4-00112-00023737-00023860 This? -miEVoKfyd4-00113-00023994-00024123 (Game) Ah!! -miEVoKfyd4-00114-00024218-00024389 The item you have picked is -miEVoKfyd4-00115-00024391-00024479 (Hehe) -miEVoKfyd4-00116-00024591-00024643 Ah! -miEVoKfyd4-00117-00024755-00024901 (We can hear Su-Jeong's cry from somewhere) -miEVoKfyd4-00118-00024904-00025032 Something must be bad -miEVoKfyd4-00119-00025120-00025190 Ah! -miEVoKfyd4-00120-00025305-00025419 Ah... -miEVoKfyd4-00121-00025422-00025580 Is Su-Jeong dying? -miEVoKfyd4-00122-00025582-00025766 I guess it's not a break -miEVoKfyd4-00123-00025770-00025976 - I don't know - What could it be? -miEVoKfyd4-00124-00025978-00026040 What is it? -miEVoKfyd4-00125-00026042-00026144 How could break time be bad? -miEVoKfyd4-00126-00026146-00026338 What? Is it good or bad? (They're nervous by Su-Jeong's reaction) -miEVoKfyd4-00127-00026341-00026515 - Her face... - Just tell us that -miEVoKfyd4-00128-00026517-00026711 - are they both good and bad? - Both good and bad -miEVoKfyd4-00129-00026713-00026862 - We can't see it? - You can't -miEVoKfyd4-00130-00026864-00027116 (Peekaboo) (Next is Baby Soul) -miEVoKfyd4-00131-00027234-00027434 (Baby Soul shows better reaction) The item you have picked is *** -miEVoKfyd4-00132-00027437-00027831 We'll tell you the details once everyone picked theirs -miEVoKfyd4-00133-00027834-00028052 You got a good one right? You're smiling -miEVoKfyd4-00134-00028055-00028311 You've got such good hands -miEVoKfyd4-00135-00028313-00028418 I can't tell you what I picked -miEVoKfyd4-00136-00028420-00028529 (No comment) -miEVoKfyd4-00137-00028567-00028780 (Straightforward Ji-Soo) (Her decision is made so fast) -miEVoKfyd4-00138-00028827-00029220 (I'm proud that you like it^^) -miEVoKfyd4-00139-00029430-00029769 - Is it bad? Or good? - We want a break! -miEVoKfyd4-00140-00029772-00029885 What is it? -miEVoKfyd4-00141-00029888-00030178 Ah... I couldn't sleep last night either... -miEVoKfyd4-00142-00030251-00030444 I couldn't sleep after the scary movie! -miEVoKfyd4-00143-00030446-00030685 I fell asleep at 5:00 AM -miEVoKfyd4-00144-00030804-00031100 (Ye-In, Ji-Ae, Kei are done picking) -miEVoKfyd4-00145-00031102-00031350 (What will their break item be?) -miEVoKfyd4-00146-00031478-00031641 You two, please come in! -miEVoKfyd4-00147-00031665-00031831 Come in together! -miEVoKfyd4-00148-00031911-00032139 Why? Are we leftovers? -miEVoKfyd4-00149-00032313-00032501 - What did he say? - Because they woke up late -miEVoKfyd4-00150-00032563-00032792 (Mi-Joo, JIN) (Let me see that, is it break?) -miEVoKfyd4-00151-00032809-00032914 Jewelry! -miEVoKfyd4-00152-00032981-00033171 (Jewelry) Awesome -miEVoKfyd4-00153-00033268-00033416 So awesome! -miEVoKfyd4-00154-00033418-00033537 Must be something good -miEVoKfyd4-00155-00033539-00033727 You can go outside and sit -miEVoKfyd4-00156-00033830-00034055 Are... we stupids? -miEVoKfyd4-00157-00034057-00034282 We picked them all! -miEVoKfyd4-00158-00034284-00034675 You'll be paired up in teams to enjoy your break -miEVoKfyd4-00159-00034678-00034908 First, two people who picked book reading -miEVoKfyd4-00160-00035010-00035119 Is it healing? -miEVoKfyd4-00161-00035121-00035337 (Ji-Soo and Ji-Ae picked book reading!) I knew it'd be those two -miEVoKfyd4-00162-00035476-00035659 It's reading -miEVoKfyd4-00163-00035662-00035957 Reading... Reading book -miEVoKfyd4-00164-00035960-00036196 For two hours! -miEVoKfyd4-00165-00036198-00036345 It'll hurt your eyes -miEVoKfyd4-00166-00036348-00036772 Read the books and come to the staff team for a mission -miEVoKfyd4-00167-00036774-00037081 Next, two who picked game -miEVoKfyd4-00168-00037084-00037404 - Me! - I hate games (Su-Jeong and Kei get the game!) -miEVoKfyd4-00169-00037427-00037594 You just had to pick that -miEVoKfyd4-00170-00037596-00037724 For the game! -miEVoKfyd4-00171-00037826-00038170 You'll be playing Ring Fit in the living room -miEVoKfyd4-00172-00038172-00038358 - Wow!! Sounds fun! Hey!! - What's that? -miEVoKfyd4-00173-00038373-00038485 - Using your body! - Sounds fun -miEVoKfyd4-00174-00038488-00038607 Sounds fun! So fun! -miEVoKfyd4-00175-00038610-00038804 Next, those two who picked jewelry! -miEVoKfyd4-00176-00038806-00039078 - Are we going to a sauna? - It must be a sauna -miEVoKfyd4-00177-00039081-00039153 Must be a dry sauna -miEVoKfyd4-00178-00039156-00039299 Dry sauna... -miEVoKfyd4-00179-00039302-00039480 It's making cross-stitch -miEVoKfyd4-00180-00039487-00039646 (Mi-Joo and JIN gets to make cross-stitch!) -miEVoKfyd4-00181-00039649-00039748 - Wow! - Wow! -miEVoKfyd4-00182-00039750-00039951 - I'm lost for words - It really suits you -miEVoKfyd4-00183-00039953-00040123 I thought you wanted to become womanly -miEVoKfyd4-00184-00040260-00040446 Did you try cross-stitching for two hours? (What kind of healing is this, you bully) -miEVoKfyd4-00185-00040449-00040616 (Nah-nah) I don't need a healing right now -miEVoKfyd4-00186-00040619-00040845 (Ji-Ae/Fighter: I should beat him) -miEVoKfyd4-00187-00040884-00041073 (Rage rising) -miEVoKfyd4-00188-00041076-00041359 Lastly! Those two who picked healing -miEVoKfyd4-00189-00041376-00041604 Couple yoga -miEVoKfyd4-00190-00041753-00041926 Huh? Those two already do yoga -miEVoKfyd4-00191-00041928-00042148 - Suits you - Nice -miEVoKfyd4-00192-00042151-00042289 She said to me -miEVoKfyd4-00193-00042292-00042548 'What if I do yoga for 2 hours?' -miEVoKfyd4-00194-00042551-00042756 It could be yoga... For 2 hours -miEVoKfyd4-00195-00042758-00043003 (Baby Soul from the past saw her future) -miEVoKfyd4-00196-00043006-00043266 - I think they'll do well - They're both flexible -miEVoKfyd4-00197-00043268-00043519 - We can do it - We can do it fast if it's just 4 moves -miEVoKfyd4-00198-00043521-00043663 Let's start already! -miEVoKfyd4-00199-00043856-00044209 (The break time starts now!) -miEVoKfyd4-00200-00044248-00044658 Let's start making cross-stitch -miEVoKfyd4-00201-00044660-00044735 Ah... -miEVoKfyd4-00202-00044744-00044922 We're doomed -miEVoKfyd4-00203-00044925-00045031 It's pretty though -miEVoKfyd4-00204-00045033-00045235 (10 coins if they make a cross-stitch within 30 minutes) -miEVoKfyd4-00205-00045237-00045417 (7 coins in 60 minutes and 5 coins in 90 minutes) -miEVoKfyd4-00206-00045419-00045595 (However, they get 3 coins as long as they finish within 2 hours) -miEVoKfyd4-00207-00045598-00045706 You can do it! -miEVoKfyd4-00208-00045709-00045861 Start! -miEVoKfyd4-00209-00045893-00046007 This... -miEVoKfyd4-00210-00046320-00046549 They said the numbers have to match -miEVoKfyd4-00211-00046552-00046744 Right here -miEVoKfyd4-00212-00046746-00046992 Is this the tray? -miEVoKfyd4-00213-00046994-00047255 Anyway, pour them -miEVoKfyd4-00214-00047315-00047528 (Whoa that scared me!) -miEVoKfyd4-00215-00047979-00048167 What do we do... Is the camera okay? -miEVoKfyd4-00216-00048170-00048466 - The camera is fine - Whew, good -miEVoKfyd4-00217-00048468-00048653 What now... -miEVoKfyd4-00218-00048768-00049024 (Not a good sign) What if we can't make it? -miEVoKfyd4-00219-00049207-00049351 What do we do... -miEVoKfyd4-00220-00049463-00049777 - We can do it if we focus! - I've got an amazing focus! -miEVoKfyd4-00221-00050281-00050525 Let's start the couple yoga -miEVoKfyd4-00222-00050528-00050790 Wow, namaste! -miEVoKfyd4-00223-00050793-00050926 (They're going for yoga!) -miEVoKfyd4-00224-00050928-00051255 (They could win if they could copy any posture from level 1-4!) -miEVoKfyd4-00225-00051257-00051391 (10 seconds for level 1-2, 5 seconds for level 3-4) -miEVoKfyd4-00226-00051393-00051623 (Level 1) -miEVoKfyd4-00227-00051625-00051856 - Let's do the first one - First one? -miEVoKfyd4-00228-00051858-00052024 - The first one! - First one? -miEVoKfyd4-00229-00052026-00052124 Yes! -miEVoKfyd4-00230-00052126-00052366 I just put on my feet, right? -miEVoKfyd4-00231-00052369-00052668 You push me so I could stretch my legs -miEVoKfyd4-00232-00052671-00053035 - This is the highest I can go - Come closer -miEVoKfyd4-00233-00053038-00053268 - Lift... your feet a little - Okay -miEVoKfyd4-00234-00053271-00053483 Hahahahaha -miEVoKfyd4-00235-00053558-00053774 - Little closer... Let's pull this - Okay -miEVoKfyd4-00236-00053776-00053933 Hold on, hold on -miEVoKfyd4-00237-00054133-00054329 Wait... This is hard -miEVoKfyd4-00238-00054367-00054581 Put your hand at the back... Further -miEVoKfyd4-00239-00054617-00054726 - You ready? - Yes! -miEVoKfyd4-00240-00054728-00054810 Let's go! -miEVoKfyd4-00241-00054839-00054938 - Smile! - Smile! -miEVoKfyd4-00242-00054941-00055036 Show your teeth -miEVoKfyd4-00243-00055147-00055179 4 -miEVoKfyd4-00244-00055246-00055283 5 -miEVoKfyd4-00245-00055345-00055382 6 -miEVoKfyd4-00246-00055456-00055487 7 -miEVoKfyd4-00247-00055565-00055610 8 -miEVoKfyd4-00248-00055671-00055711 9 -miEVoKfyd4-00249-00055771-00055811 10 -miEVoKfyd4-00250-00055874-00055920 Pass! -miEVoKfyd4-00251-00056128-00056220 - Easy - That was easy -miEVoKfyd4-00252-00056222-00056466 (Really? Level 2) -miEVoKfyd4-00253-00056468-00056578 Can you do this? -miEVoKfyd4-00254-00056581-00056822 I used to do this with my little sister -miEVoKfyd4-00255-00056825-00057191 You just have to make right angle here -miEVoKfyd4-00256-00057193-00057349 - Hahaha - What's wrong with... -miEVoKfyd4-00257-00057351-00057478 You want to smooch? -miEVoKfyd4-00258-00057480-00057660 Ah- I don't want to smooch -miEVoKfyd4-00259-00057663-00057849 Why not? Why not? -miEVoKfyd4-00260-00057852-00057957 Then number 2! -miEVoKfyd4-00261-00058019-00058196 - How do we do number 2? - We can do it! -miEVoKfyd4-00262-00058246-00058408 You go on top I can do it -miEVoKfyd4-00263-00058410-00058498 No, no -miEVoKfyd4-00264-00058500-00058606 Just trust me -miEVoKfyd4-00265-00058640-00058819 - I don't think I can do it - No, we can do it -miEVoKfyd4-00266-00058821-00058915 Come here -miEVoKfyd4-00267-00058917-00059120 - I think it'll be ticklish - No, we can do it -miEVoKfyd4-00268-00059122-00059261 - Come here - Where will you lean? -miEVoKfyd4-00269-00059264-00059351 On pelvis! -miEVoKfyd4-00270-00059378-00059447 (Move it) -miEVoKfyd4-00271-00059450-00059531 Ah... lol -miEVoKfyd4-00272-00059534-00059642 What's wrong!!! What!!! (So ticklish) -miEVoKfyd4-00273-00059764-00059958 It tickles -miEVoKfyd4-00274-00059964-00060177 I'm not even touching you how is it tickling? -miEVoKfyd4-00275-00060179-00060295 - No, no - Let's do it -miEVoKfyd4-00276-00060354-00060620 This is so easy -miEVoKfyd4-00277-00060694-00060920 - Easy? - I used to do this with my little sister -miEVoKfyd4-00278-00060922-00061327 - It's when you're young - You're lighter than my sister -miEVoKfyd4-00279-00061331-00061424 No! -miEVoKfyd4-00280-00061512-00061624 Hey! -miEVoKfyd4-00281-00061627-00061750 Put some pressure on your stomach -miEVoKfyd4-00282-00061850-00062016 On your... stomach... -miEVoKfyd4-00283-00062072-00062203 Your intestines might break -miEVoKfyd4-00284-00062272-00062458 - Do I need to put pressure as well? - Of course -miEVoKfyd4-00285-00062460-00062635 The role of the person above is important as well -miEVoKfyd4-00286-00062786-00062841 Hehe -miEVoKfyd4-00287-00062844-00063007 Hahahaha -miEVoKfyd4-00288-00063010-00063140 Don't laugh -miEVoKfyd4-00289-00063142-00063309 Hahahaha -miEVoKfyd4-00290-00063334-00063498 Why are you laughing? -miEVoKfyd4-00291-00063530-00063702 Don't laugh -miEVoKfyd4-00292-00063704-00063865 No, get up -miEVoKfyd4-00293-00063949-00064191 Do you get it now? Right? Get it? -miEVoKfyd4-00294-00064243-00064369 Say okay -miEVoKfyd4-00295-00064371-00064572 - Can you go on top? - Let's try it one more time -miEVoKfyd4-00296-00064575-00064751 - I'll try being on the bottom - What? Tell me what's so funny -miEVoKfyd4-00297-00064796-00064938 Is my face funny? -miEVoKfyd4-00298-00064941-00065088 (No, it's ticklish...) -miEVoKfyd4-00299-00065287-00065392 Put your legs up as much as you can -miEVoKfyd4-00300-00065394-00065545 - Yeah, right! - Good -miEVoKfyd4-00301-00065549-00065699 Let's try it out, Ye-In -miEVoKfyd4-00302-00065703-00065795 We'll try it now -miEVoKfyd4-00303-00065838-00065927 Let's do this seriously -miEVoKfyd4-00304-00066177-00066268 Start -miEVoKfyd4-00305-00066285-00066377 Raise your legs up more -miEVoKfyd4-00306-00066379-00066463 - More? - Yeah -miEVoKfyd4-00307-00066637-00066675 7 -miEVoKfyd4-00308-00066749-00066794 8 -miEVoKfyd4-00309-00066862-00066910 9 -miEVoKfyd4-00310-00066971-00067046 Success! -miEVoKfyd4-00311-00067183-00067363 (Round 2 of couple yoga, success!) -miEVoKfyd4-00312-00067365-00067569 This is so funny -miEVoKfyd4-00313-00067809-00067998 They can't read because of us -miEVoKfyd4-00314-00068100-00068285 Can you hurry up and do ours as well? -miEVoKfyd4-00315-00068402-00068738 You can stay relaxed and supply yourselves intellectual nourishment -miEVoKfyd4-00316-00068740-00068899 (What kind of joke is this?) -miEVoKfyd4-00317-00068964-00069061 Nourishment? -miEVoKfyd4-00318-00069187-00069338 Read the book I gave you -miEVoKfyd4-00319-00069406-00069466 All of them? -miEVoKfyd4-00320-00069468-00069679 When you come to me, I'll give you a mission -miEVoKfyd4-00321-00069682-00069810 All of them? -miEVoKfyd4-00322-00069812-00069972 I can read just one book, right? -miEVoKfyd4-00323-00070024-00070127 Can you see these cards? -miEVoKfyd4-00324-00070287-00070403 You're going to pick one -miEVoKfyd4-00325-00070422-00070546 (Pick again?) -miEVoKfyd4-00326-00070553-00070775 Seriously -miEVoKfyd4-00327-00070800-00070978 (Start reading now!) -miEVoKfyd4-00328-00070980-00071160 Let's start with something easy -miEVoKfyd4-00329-00071189-00071507 Big-mouthed frog! -miEVoKfyd4-00330-00071510-00071745 A book like this has... -miEVoKfyd4-00331-00071747-00072155 important information on the back -miEVoKfyd4-00332-00072183-00072416 'Flies, worms, and fruits' -miEVoKfyd4-00333-00072474-00072626 I think the question... -miEVoKfyd4-00334-00072629-00072796 will be very simple -miEVoKfyd4-00335-00072798-00072949 Something like... -miEVoKfyd4-00336-00072952-00073198 'What's the color of the boots he's wearing here?' -miEVoKfyd4-00337-00073201-00073321 That's too much -miEVoKfyd4-00338-00073324-00073473 No way. Look, there are many drawings -miEVoKfyd4-00339-00073476-00073784 'What's the color of the clothes he's wearing?' Like this -miEVoKfyd4-00340-00073871-00073986 Ah, do you think so? -miEVoKfyd4-00341-00074082-00074300 'I eat wriggly worms and snails' -miEVoKfyd4-00342-00074302-00074464 This book worries me most -miEVoKfyd4-00343-00074467-00074894 He might ask how many people are on this page -miEVoKfyd4-00344-00074955-00075127 - 'Where's Wally'? - Yeah -miEVoKfyd4-00345-00075229-00075525 Will it be okay to get enough footage? -miEVoKfyd4-00346-00075616-00075839 We might get the least amount of footage -miEVoKfyd4-00347-00075940-00076099 (We're here...) -miEVoKfyd4-00348-00076199-00076433 (to relax) -miEVoKfyd4-00349-00076926-00077098 Hahaha -miEVoKfyd4-00350-00077101-00077235 Don't laugh -miEVoKfyd4-00351-00077237-00077314 Hahaha -miEVoKfyd4-00352-00077608-00077848 I can't focus -miEVoKfyd4-00353-00077900-00078032 Can't concentrate -miEVoKfyd4-00354-00078472-00078553 (I'm going) -miEVoKfyd4-00355-00078555-00078698 'Brown field mouse' -miEVoKfyd4-00356-00078752-00078987 This is the only camera that's shooting us? -miEVoKfyd4-00357-00079229-00079379 This is so sad -miEVoKfyd4-00358-00079756-00079949 Should we give it a try? -miEVoKfyd4-00359-00079954-00080169 Let's try it after I finish reading this -miEVoKfyd4-00360-00080247-00080387 Reading for two hours doesn't make any sense -miEVoKfyd4-00361-00080390-00080700 I usually read books for about 10 minutes -miEVoKfyd4-00362-00080703-00080815 For me, -miEVoKfyd4-00363-00080819-00081089 I think I have adult ADHD or something -miEVoKfyd4-00364-00081133-00081279 I'm done with this -miEVoKfyd4-00365-00081281-00081429 Give us the question! -miEVoKfyd4-00366-00081432-00081637 Just pick one -miEVoKfyd4-00367-00081699-00081789 The first one -miEVoKfyd4-00368-00081791-00081918 First question -miEVoKfyd4-00369-00082210-00082379 (Curious) -miEVoKfyd4-00370-00082381-00082501 (Give us the question) -miEVoKfyd4-00371-00082504-00082661 Please bring the book -miEVoKfyd4-00372-00082663-00082767 'Where's Wally' -miEVoKfyd4-00373-00082769-00083016 I knew it (Just as she expected) -miEVoKfyd4-00374-00083145-00083394 - You can do it! - What if I have to guess how many people are there? -miEVoKfyd4-00375-00083437-00083523 This book worries me -miEVoKfyd4-00376-00083526-00083902 He might ask how many people are on this page -miEVoKfyd4-00377-00083963-00084058 'Where's Wally?' -miEVoKfyd4-00378-00084212-00084314 Here we go -miEVoKfyd4-00379-00084347-00084524 It's okay Just guess -miEVoKfyd4-00380-00084538-00084637 The question is -miEVoKfyd4-00381-00084656-00085073 'Find Wally in 10 seconds on the page that I open' -miEVoKfyd4-00382-00085147-00085269 Start! -miEVoKfyd4-00383-00085358-00085868 (Where's Wally?) -miEVoKfyd4-00384-00085870-00085976 - 4! - Here! -miEVoKfyd4-00385-00086191-00086340 (Wow!) -miEVoKfyd4-00386-00086342-00086431 Yay! -miEVoKfyd4-00387-00086549-00086676 (I'm an incredible Moomin) -miEVoKfyd4-00388-00086765-00086857 Wow -miEVoKfyd4-00389-00086872-00086963 My eyes are sharp -miEVoKfyd4-00390-00087013-00087138 - This is crazy! - My ears are sharp! -miEVoKfyd4-00391-00087141-00087372 I have sharp eyes -miEVoKfyd4-00392-00087377-00087575 She founds it! -miEVoKfyd4-00393-00087835-00088126 I'm good with things like finding the hidden picture -miEVoKfyd4-00394-00088128-00088272 Is this possible? -miEVoKfyd4-00395-00088361-00088485 I'm done, right? -miEVoKfyd4-00396-00088487-00088576 (Ji-Soo is still left) -miEVoKfyd4-00397-00088579-00088669 Oh, come on -miEVoKfyd4-00398-00088817-00088912 All right -miEVoKfyd4-00399-00088964-00089165 The next one is about 'Love Letter'. Do you want to try? -miEVoKfyd4-00400-00089168-00089275 Yeah -miEVoKfyd4-00401-00089371-00089635 They don't hesitate at all -miEVoKfyd4-00402-00089698-00089833 Straightforward! -miEVoKfyd4-00403-00089911-00090119 It's about the poem 'Love Letter' -miEVoKfyd4-00404-00090170-00090433 How many times does 'Moon' appear in 'Moon Energy'? -miEVoKfyd4-00405-00090436-00090673 The number of Moons in the moon's energy? -miEVoKfyd4-00406-00090713-00090901 What's the moon's energy? -miEVoKfyd4-00407-00090904-00091045 Just say anything you think -miEVoKfyd4-00408-00091048-00091344 Does he mean the number of energy coming from the moon? -miEVoKfyd4-00409-00091346-00091567 - Just say a big number - A big number? -miEVoKfyd4-00410-00091570-00091699 Crescent moon -miEVoKfyd4-00411-00091724-00091856 No, no -miEVoKfyd4-00412-00092108-00092214 (Excuse me) -miEVoKfyd4-00413-00092216-00092392 How many is it? (Tell me) -miEVoKfyd4-00414-00092419-00092562 How many are there? -miEVoKfyd4-00415-00092579-00092742 - How about 20? - 20? -miEVoKfyd4-00416-00092745-00092894 - I don't think so - 10? -miEVoKfyd4-00417-00092915-00093064 Don't you think it's below 10? -miEVoKfyd4-00418-00093066-00093195 No, I think it's going to be more -miEVoKfyd4-00419-00093198-00093292 No -miEVoKfyd4-00420-00093295-00093448 I don't think there's a lot of the word -miEVoKfyd4-00421-00093644-00093711 7! -miEVoKfyd4-00422-00093787-00093854 No -miEVoKfyd4-00423-00093877-00093950 How many are there? -miEVoKfyd4-00424-00093990-00094114 The answer is 20 -miEVoKfyd4-00425-00094169-00094258 How about 20? -miEVoKfyd4-00426-00094265-00094365 (Ji-Ae...) -miEVoKfyd4-00427-00094369-00094535 (I'm sorry) -miEVoKfyd4-00428-00094748-00094858 Hey -miEVoKfyd4-00429-00094861-00095287 (The reason why the screen shook for a while) -miEVoKfyd4-00430-00095290-00095949 (was because of an explosion...) -miEVoKfyd4-00431-00096006-00096445 We're going to start the Ring Fit Adventure Goals Game -miEVoKfyd4-00432-00096448-00096580 - Yes - Yes -miEVoKfyd4-00433-00096582-00096862 (Explanation: Players hold Ring Con and put on Leg Strap) -miEVoKfyd4-00434-00096865-00097136 (They pass if they pass the score of three events provided by the staff) -miEVoKfyd4-00435-00097138-00097406 Let's begin the first game Squattery Wheel -miEVoKfyd4-00436-00097409-00097481 - This... - It's high level -miEVoKfyd4-00437-00097484-00097611 - High level? - High level? - Yeah -miEVoKfyd4-00438-00097613-00097814 - But it's the first round - I know -miEVoKfyd4-00439-00097816-00097983 You need to pass 70 points -miEVoKfyd4-00440-00097986-00098125 - 70 points? - Let's try it! -miEVoKfyd4-00441-00098127-00098266 - We can do it - Let's do it! -miEVoKfyd4-00442-00098269-00098341 Okay -miEVoKfyd4-00443-00098344-00098494 You get it, right? Don't press it yet -miEVoKfyd4-00444-00098497-00098644 I'll press it when you tell me -miEVoKfyd4-00445-00098680-00098801 - Should I cut off more? - Cut off some here -miEVoKfyd4-00446-00098805-00098937 - Okay - Keep holding it -miEVoKfyd4-00447-00099015-00099138 - I'll keep moving - Okay - Start! -miEVoKfyd4-00448-00099140-00099210 Keep going! -miEVoKfyd4-00449-00099213-00099353 - I'm squeezing - 10 seconds left! -miEVoKfyd4-00450-00099355-00099546 Okay, okay I'll stay like this -miEVoKfyd4-00451-00099704-00099755 Should I press more? -miEVoKfyd4-00452-00099758-00099856 - Cut a little more here - Okay -miEVoKfyd4-00453-00099859-00099953 Keep pressing -miEVoKfyd4-00454-00100054-00100140 - Yes! - A bit more! -miEVoKfyd4-00455-00100143-00100217 - Yes! - More? -miEVoKfyd4-00456-00100220-00100309 More -miEVoKfyd4-00457-00100312-00100453 - You're doing great! - Right? -miEVoKfyd4-00458-00100480-00100608 Isn't this enough? -miEVoKfyd4-00459-00100611-00100744 - Let's cut a bit more! - Here, here -miEVoKfyd4-00460-00100869-00100973 - Enough! (x2) - Enough! (x2) -miEVoKfyd4-00461-00100976-00101019 Here as well (x2) -miEVoKfyd4-00462-00101022-00101097 Start! -miEVoKfyd4-00463-00101180-00101215 Done -miEVoKfyd4-00464-00101217-00101348 - Now, - Kei, Now... -miEVoKfyd4-00465-00101350-00101458 Let's ride the slope -miEVoKfyd4-00466-00101460-00101540 Start! -miEVoKfyd4-00467-00101542-00101637 Little by little... -miEVoKfyd4-00468-00101697-00101772 Okay... good! -miEVoKfyd4-00469-00101895-00102006 - Like this? - Yeah -miEVoKfyd4-00470-00102027-00102133 - Enough - And now... -miEVoKfyd4-00471-00102135-00102226 How do I make the circle? -miEVoKfyd4-00472-00102229-00102314 How do we make this? -miEVoKfyd4-00473-00102316-00102409 - This is way too hard - Let's... -miEVoKfyd4-00474-00102412-00102489 Go! -miEVoKfyd4-00475-00102643-00102746 - No! - No -miEVoKfyd4-00476-00102748-00102881 Below, go below -miEVoKfyd4-00477-00102884-00102968 Cut the below a lot! -miEVoKfyd4-00478-00103188-00103402 - But isn't it similar? - Why do we feel like... -miEVoKfyd4-00479-00103509-00103617 we're running out of time? -miEVoKfyd4-00480-00103703-00103876 (Results: 0 points) - 0? - Why? -miEVoKfyd4-00481-00103964-00104215 - This is too hard - Let's cut a bit more -miEVoKfyd4-00482-00104217-00104387 - Let's cut a lot! - Yeah, let's try again! -miEVoKfyd4-00483-00104390-00104535 This is fun Let's do this for 2 hours! -miEVoKfyd4-00484-00104537-00104697 This is too hard Aren't you tired? -miEVoKfyd4-00485-00104700-00104849 I'm fine I wanted to exercise -miEVoKfyd4-00486-00104852-00105003 - If it's too hard, switch with me - I wanted to work out -miEVoKfyd4-00487-00105005-00105161 - Again! - Great, great -miEVoKfyd4-00488-00105188-00105279 - Start! - From the top -miEVoKfyd4-00489-00105281-00105338 Okay -miEVoKfyd4-00490-00105441-00105561 - Let's cut the top a lot! - A lot! -miEVoKfyd4-00491-00105564-00105769 Let's cut a lot! -miEVoKfyd4-00492-00105772-00105881 - Oh... - Oh! I cut too much -miEVoKfyd4-00493-00105883-00106058 It's okay That can be the standard -miEVoKfyd4-00494-00106061-00106212 - Okay! - Good! -miEVoKfyd4-00495-00106312-00106393 - Right? - Yes! -miEVoKfyd4-00496-00106396-00106468 - Isn't it similar? - But it's weird -miEVoKfyd4-00497-00106470-00106591 Just a little bit -miEVoKfyd4-00498-00106623-00106726 We have the outline -miEVoKfyd4-00499-00106732-00106827 No? It's a bit different -miEVoKfyd4-00500-00106830-00106956 - Here... - Yeah, there! -miEVoKfyd4-00501-00107001-00107106 - Good - It's similar -miEVoKfyd4-00502-00107108-00107160 Start from here! -miEVoKfyd4-00503-00107199-00107386 - Great - Cut it up -miEVoKfyd4-00504-00107388-00107474 This is... -miEVoKfyd4-00505-00107489-00107664 - It's okay, the bottom! - The bottom! -miEVoKfyd4-00506-00107680-00107827 It's okay Over here! -miEVoKfyd4-00507-00107881-00107948 Let's cut here -miEVoKfyd4-00508-00107951-00108058 Let's trim it -miEVoKfyd4-00509-00108068-00108174 Here -miEVoKfyd4-00510-00108177-00108250 Hurry! -miEVoKfyd4-00511-00108252-00108370 - My thighs hurt! - Hold on -miEVoKfyd4-00512-00108373-00108481 No, wait -miEVoKfyd4-00513-00108484-00108553 No -miEVoKfyd4-00514-00108556-00108615 Let's press the bottom -miEVoKfyd4-00515-00108708-00108791 - Okay! - Here! -miEVoKfyd4-00516-00108794-00108923 - Here! - Here! -miEVoKfyd4-00517-00108925-00109034 I think I cut a lot -miEVoKfyd4-00518-00109066-00109282 - It's okay. Can you do more here? - Let's cut a lot -miEVoKfyd4-00519-00109284-00109397 Let's cut the bottom more -miEVoKfyd4-00520-00109399-00109502 More Cut more -miEVoKfyd4-00521-00109504-00109752 - Just cut up a lot! - Here, here -miEVoKfyd4-00522-00109810-00109928 It's okay Just trim it -miEVoKfyd4-00523-00109933-00110016 (Fell down) -miEVoKfyd4-00524-00110019-00110205 (We gave it our all!) -miEVoKfyd4-00525-00110224-00110389 Our pottery is prettier! -miEVoKfyd4-00526-00110462-00110588 Did we get 0 again? -miEVoKfyd4-00527-00110591-00110734 What is it? (Shocked rabbit eyes) -miEVoKfyd4-00528-00110746-00110913 (Mission accomplished 77 points) -miEVoKfyd4-00529-00110958-00111073 (Fling) -miEVoKfyd4-00530-00111452-00111532 Ah! -miEVoKfyd4-00531-00111550-00111613 Argh! -miEVoKfyd4-00532-00111620-00111700 Argh! -miEVoKfyd4-00533-00111738-00111880 (Excited) It's amazing -miEVoKfyd4-00534-00111929-00112041 Let's just cut a lot -miEVoKfyd4-00535-00112075-00112295 - Let's cut a lot - It doesn't have to be similar -miEVoKfyd4-00536-00112334-00112484 What's next then? -miEVoKfyd4-00537-00112486-00112747 (You didn't know that? It's the preview) -miEVoKfyd4-00538-00112764-00112986 (Deliver my message properly) (Ep. 5 Coin Castle) -miEVoKfyd4-00539-00112989-00113305 You can challenge a special mission to get a coin -miEVoKfyd4-00540-00113307-00113509 Are you giving me three coins, if I win? -miEVoKfyd4-00541-00113512-00113824 (He just set the bait) -miEVoKfyd4-00542-00113827-00114045 Your shoulders are too far for me -miEVoKfyd4-00543-00114090-00114344 (You swallowed the bait) -miEVoKfyd4-00544-00114459-00114562 Good job -miEVoKfyd4-00545-00114620-00114918 (He is... no ordinary guy) -miEVoKfyd4-00546-00114940-00115018 No -miEVoKfyd4-00547-00115031-00115292 You can try again at 11:25 AM -miEVoKfyd4-00548-00115347-00115421 My eyes are about to pop out -miEVoKfyd4-00549-00115423-00115647 I might get turtle neck syndrome -miEVoKfyd4-00550-00115671-00115844 (What?) -miEVoKfyd4-00551-00115847-00116082 (What's so important about a coin!) -miEVoKfyd4-00552-00116085-00116209 Slate! -miEVoKfyd4-00553-00116229-00116449 - Me - Me! - 1, 2, 3! -miEVoKfyd4-00554-00116524-00116750 - Please let me do this - 1, 2, 3! -miEVoKfyd4-00555-00116753-00116918 I want to hit the slate -miEVoKfyd4-00556-00117099-00117238 (Lovelyz Diary Bonus Book) -miEVoKfyd4-00557-00117240-00117540 (Lovelyz Diary Bonus Book) (See you on June 9) -mXOxCt8QnU-00000-00000000-00000200 Fortnite GTX 1080 Ti | Gameplay @4K i9 10850K -mXOxCt8QnU-00001-00000200-00000400 Fortnite GTX 1080 Ti | Gameplay @4K i9 10850K -mXOxCt8QnU-00002-00000400-00000600 Fortnite GTX 1080 Ti | Gameplay @4K i9 10850K _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00000-00001400-00001528 Good evening. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00001-00001584-00001821 Welcome o GiriGiri News !! _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00002-00001826-00002436 Today is Mother’s day, so we are going to talk about Japanese and Spanish Traditional Events. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00003-00003345-00003572 We are going to start from February. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00004-00003650-00003946 In Spain, there is Carnival in February. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00005-00004008-00005024 This is a festival that people wear costumes and celebrate a crazy time. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00006-00005058-00005640 Even though those churches don't admit it as a religious festival, _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00007-00005680-00006220 those Catholic countries celebrate Carnival. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00008-00006378-00006670 In Japan, there is Setsubun in February. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00009-00006836-00007402 They celebrate it on February 3rd. Those fathers put the costume of Oni and those kids do Mamemaki. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00010-00007420-00007842 It's throwing roasted soybeans and they say “ Oni wa soto Fuku wa uchi.” _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00011-00007852-00008120 It means “ Demon goes out side, Fortune comes inside.” _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00012-00008156-00008704 For attracting good luck, you have to eat roasted soybeans, one for each year of your life. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00013-00008722-00009282 Also, you need to put a sardine’s head on your house entrance, so that bad spirits will not enter. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00014-00009354-00009818 In Kansai, they eat one kind of Makisushi, called “ Ehoumaki”, _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00015-00009840-00010426 while facing the year's lucky compass direction. In this way, you can attract good luck. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00016-00010486-00010950 We are going to connect with José Luis Tanaka reporter in Japan. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00017-00011204-00011330 Here is José Luis. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00018-00011588-00011712 Thank you. Good evening. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00019-00011732-00011976 I will report from Tokyo with Ms. Hanako. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00020-00012038-00012238 Good evening. I am Hanako. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00021-00012432-00012734 Ms. Hanako. Do you have any memories of Setsubun? _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00022-00012819-00013896 Setsubun...yes. When I was in a kinder garden, my teachers frightened me so much. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00023-00013916-00014702 Because their costume of Oni was very scary... _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00024-00014758-00015166 I was crying a lot. Not only me, other kids were crying, too. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00025-00015224-00015972 Like this, in Japan those kids go through a bad experience in Setubun. Now we will bring back a connection to the studio. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00026-00016010-00016147 Thanks, José Luis. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00027-00016426-00016746 In Spain, there is Calçotada in March. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00028-00016776-00017668 Calçotada is a typical gastronomic festival in Catalonia. The origin is from Valls, Tarragona. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00029-00017698-00017858 Babe, what Calçots is ? _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00030-00017920-00018352 Calçots is one type of scallion from Catalonia, and very sweet. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00031-00018352-00019230 Use Salvitxada sauce or Romesco sauce for eating with it. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00032-00019352-00019464 It so yummy. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00033-00019476-00019564 Sounds yummy. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00034-00019630-00019764 I am hungry ! _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00035-00019800-00020178 In Japan, they celebrate Hinamatsuri or Momono Sekku. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00036-00020234-00020808 It’s a girl's festival on March, 3rd for wising them grow up healthy and well. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00037-00020852-00021356 They decorate various dolls that wear kimono, called “ Hinaningyo”. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00038-00021406-00022134 They eat Chirashizushi, Hina-arare, HIshimochi and those adults drink Shirozake. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00039-00022206-00022526 We are going to conecto José Luis Tanaka reporter again. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00040-00022818-00023108 This is José Luis and Ms. Hanako. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00041-00023134-00023272 Good evening. I am Hanako. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00042-00023352-00023578 And her dog that I don’t care the name of her... _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00043-00023608-00023708 She is Rin. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00044-00023846-00024016 It’s a copy of Rin... _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00045-00024114-00024520 All, right, I am going to ask Ms. Hanako about Hinamaturi. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00046-00024618-00024946 When you are a child, did you have a lot Hinaningyo? _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00047-00024984-00025502 Well... when I was a little, I didn’t have a lot of Hinaningyo, _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00048-00025530-00025752 only Odairisama and Ohinasama. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00049-00025788-00026538 But my friend had a lot of Hinaningyo and Hinadan, I was so jealous. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00050-00026660-00027056 Then because of your jealous, did you burn her dolls? _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00051-00027074-00027339 No, I didn’t burn them. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00052-00027402-00028272 Imagen the house of her friend after her friend didn’t want to share her dolls with Ms. Hanako. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00053-00028326-00029526 You know? In Japan, it’s said that you have to put away Hinaningyou right after Hinamatsuri. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00054-00029526-00029995 If not, your daughter will get married very late. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00055-00030020-00030388 Then you got married very later? _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00056-00030404-00030708 Me?? I don’t remember... _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00057-00030854-00031466 She doesn’t remember anything. Ok, then our interview is up to here. Bringing back a connection to the studio. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00058-00031595-00032168 Thanks José Luis for interview two times with same person... _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00059-00032312-00032652 In Spain, there is Sant Jordi in April. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00060-00032748-00033298 On April 23rd, in Catalonia they celebrate Sant Jordi. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00061-00033406-00034194 The story is that one knight saved a princess from a dragon. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00062-00034258-00034834 In other places in Spain, they celebrate it as “ the day of book.” _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00063-00035076-00035366 In Japan, there is Hanami in April. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00064-00035432-00036306 Hanami is the tradition to observe the beauty of flowers. Usually, it refers to a blooming Sakura. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00065-00036450-00037278 A lot of companies and universities use this event for getting together to eat and drink in order to get to know each others. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00066-00037420-00038076 We are going to José Luis Tanaka reporter. Let’s see if he could interview another person this time. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00067-00038180-00038332 Here is José Luis _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00068-00038852-00038920 Good evening. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00069-00038972-00039472 I am here in Tokyo with Ms. Hanako again because I couldn't find another person. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00070-00039472-00039712 There are not many people in Tokyo today. I don’t know what happened... _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00071-00039848-00040360 All right, Ms. Hanako, what those Japanese do in Hanami? _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00072-00040424-00040636 Well... Hanami... _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00073-00040656-00041514 Those Japanese drink and eat a lot. Also they do Karaoke outside and scream, _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00074-00041544-00042110 because usually most of them are drunk... _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00075-00042210-00042674 So that many neighbors complain about their noises. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00076-00042886-00043558 Like this, Hanami is for getting drunk and screaming hard. Bringing back a connection to the studio. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00077-00043772-00044030 You couldn’t find a different person? _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00078-00044112-00044624 Considering with how much money you are paying me, you should thank me for interviewing in Tokyo. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00079-00044894-00045284 In Spain, there is Mother’s Day in May. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00080-00045326-00046430 Mother’s Day is the festival that people celebrate on different days in May in the whole world for honoring those mothers. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00081-00046556-00046768 Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!! _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00082-00046768-00047032 Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!! _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00083-00047296-00047760 In Japan, in May they celebrate Kodomo no Hi or Tango no Sekku. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00084-00047804-00048058 It's the boy’s day on May 5th, _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00085-00048120-00048468 and national holiday for celebrating a happiness of boys. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00086-00048468-00048988 If you have boys you have to put something like a kite that shapes a carp, called “ Koinobori” for each boys. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00087-00049032-00049576 Boys wear Kabuto which is a traditional Japanese helmet, symbolized strength and health. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00088-00049648-00050130 In a school, those kids learn how to make an origami of Kabuto like this. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00089-00050412-00050860 On that day, traditionally they eat Chimaki and Kashiwamochi. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00090-00051044-00051408 This time we are not going to connect José Luis. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00091-00051462-00051640 Because he got fired.... _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00092-00052458-00052610 And GiriGiri News is up to here. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00093-00052636-00052822 See you in next video. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00094-00052833-00053172 Don’t forget to watch how to make your own Kabuto at the end of this video. _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00095-00053294-00053528 Please press LIKE if you like this video, _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00096-00053558-00053778 SHARE with your friends _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00097-00053826-00054046 and SUBSCRIBE !!!!! _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00098-00054102-00054205 See you soon !! _1Ylr6VOzaQ-00099-00054246-00054356 See you later !! _4OMqDvtp8g-00000-00000104-00000760 Given an angle, the sine and the cosine of the angle _4OMqDvtp8g-00001-00000848-00001352 and the sine and the cosine of the reference angle _4OMqDvtp8g-00002-00001456-00002248 are closely related; in fact, they're identical, _4OMqDvtp8g-00003-00002360-00002976 except that one of them might be positive while _4OMqDvtp8g-00004-00002976-00003496 the other is negative or vice versa. _4OMqDvtp8g-00005-00003864-00004112 Let's investigate this. _4OMqDvtp8g-00006-00004328-00006080 Let's look at theta equals (2 * pi / 3); this puts us in the second quadrant _4OMqDvtp8g-00007-00006240-00007223 and the reference angle of this is (pi / 3). _4OMqDvtp8g-00008-00007488-00008424 How do I know that? It's because the full angle from here to here _4OMqDvtp8g-00009-00008496-00009072 is pi, and I've taken that angle, and I've broken it _4OMqDvtp8g-00010-00009072-00009704 into two pieces, this piece and this piece, _4OMqDvtp8g-00011-00009848-00010256 and these pieces together have to make pi, _4OMqDvtp8g-00012-00010376-00011416 so if this is (2 * pi / 3), this must be (pi / 3). _4OMqDvtp8g-00013-00011416-00012048 Here is the angle (2 * pi) divided by three, _4OMqDvtp8g-00014-00012208-00012968 and here is the point that determines the sine and the cosine _4OMqDvtp8g-00015-00013024-00013440 The sine is the y-coordinate of this point _4OMqDvtp8g-00016-00013496-00014184 the cosine is the x-coordinate of this point _4OMqDvtp8g-00017-00014247-00015119 Now here's (pi / 3); the y-coordinate of this point _4OMqDvtp8g-00018-00015240-00016184 is this vertical distance, so the sine of (2 * pi / 3) _4OMqDvtp8g-00019-00016263-00017560 is this vertical distance, the sine of (pi / 3) is this vertical distance, _4OMqDvtp8g-00020-00017656-00018240 and I hope it's clear just to looking at this picture that _4OMqDvtp8g-00021-00018240-00019024 this line segment and this line segment have the same _4OMqDvtp8g-00022-00019024-00019512 lengths; these y coordinates are the same. _4OMqDvtp8g-00023-00019728-00020264 Likewise when you look at the x-coordinates of these points, _4OMqDvtp8g-00024-00020424-00021224 well these horizontal line segments have the same lengths, _4OMqDvtp8g-00025-00021320-00021800 so the x-coordinates are almost the same; _4OMqDvtp8g-00026-00021888-00022480 not quite though, this x-coordinate is negative, _4OMqDvtp8g-00027-00022576-00023984 this x-coordinate is positive, see, negative 0.5, positive 0.5. _4OMqDvtp8g-00028-00024112-00024688 The y-coordinates are the same, and the y-coordinates _4OMqDvtp8g-00029-00024688-00025464 are the sine of (2 * pi / 3) and the sine of (pi / 3); _4OMqDvtp8g-00030-00025616-00026080 the x-coordinates are the same, except that this is negative _4OMqDvtp8g-00031-00026152-00026672 and this is positive, and the x-coordinates are the _4OMqDvtp8g-00032-00026672-00027512 cosine of (pi / 3) and the cosine of (2 * pi / 3). _4OMqDvtp8g-00033-00027744-00029808 So we found that the sine of (2 * pi / 3) equals the sine of (pi / 3). _4OMqDvtp8g-00034-00030032-00031256 And we know what that is, it's (the square root of three) divided by 2 _4OMqDvtp8g-00035-00031472-00033256 And the cosine of (2 * pi / 3) is the negative cosine of (pi divided by three) _4OMqDvtp8g-00036-00033512-00033800 so it's negative one half. _4OMqDvtp8g-00037-00034024-00034784 And you can use reference angles some times to find _4OMqDvtp8g-00038-00034784-00035504 the sine and the cosine of angles whose sine and cosine _4OMqDvtp8g-00039-00035504-00035824 you have not committed to memory. _4OMqDvtp8g-00040-00036032-00036584 These are the sines and the cosines you committed to memory. _4OMqDvtp8g-00041-00036680-00037800 And we were able to use them to find this sine and this cosine _673C8iHmkA-00000-00000006-00000430 En Honduras, el presidente Juan Orlando Hernández, que cuenta con el respaldo de Estados Unidos, _673C8iHmkA-00001-00000430-00000886 asumió su segundo mandato el sábado pasado, en medio de grandes protestas que denuncian _673C8iHmkA-00002-00000886-00001232 un presunto fraude electoral en las elecciones presidenciales que se celebraron el 26 de _673C8iHmkA-00003-00001232-00001746 noviembre del año pasado. Estas son las palabras de Mario Almendarez, uno de los manifestantes. _673C8iHmkA-00004-00001746-00002048 “Enfrentando al ejército y a la policía asesina que tiene _673C8iHmkA-00005-00002049-00002325 Juan Orlando, enfrentando la narcodictadura que se está instalando en nuestro país, _673C8iHmkA-00006-00002325-00002788 y también protestando por los 39 muertos, compañeros asesinados por el simple hecho de _673C8iHmkA-00007-00002788-00003272 protestar, exigir el derecho al voto, el cual fuimos a depositar, y trabajamos y _673C8iHmkA-00008-00003272-00003660 derrotamos al narcodictador, con todo el dinero del Estado [que tenía] y nosotros lo derrotamos, _673C8iHmkA-00009-00003661-00004061 y está tomando el poder apoyado en las fuerzas armadas y la policía”. _673C8iHmkA-00010-00004061-00004546 El ejército de Honduras ha matado a decenas de manifestantes desde las disputadas elecciones _673C8iHmkA-00011-00004546-00004734 del 26 de noviembre del año pasado. _7Ki21KxZm4-00000-00000525-00001001 Well, it's very good to be preceded by Brian's speech _7Ki21KxZm4-00001-00001001-00001562 because that relates a lot to me, I'm a psychiatrist _7Ki21KxZm4-00002-00001562-00001982 I'm starting to study ayahuasca, well, I've been studying it for a while _7Ki21KxZm4-00003-00001982-00002572 in a more scientific way, but I also used to be a member of the UDV _7Ki21KxZm4-00004-00002572-00002943 I started drinking and stayed there for quite a long time _7Ki21KxZm4-00005-00002943-00003697 and I've just departed from that institution for new ways, new paths _7Ki21KxZm4-00006-00003697-00004304 So, definitely, it influences in many ways. _7Ki21KxZm4-00007-00004304-00005152 I mean, us who are among this field or in this field and have contact with ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00008-00005152-00005839 or other psychedelics and the expansion that might bring to us, and how this can relate to science _7Ki21KxZm4-00009-00005839-00006258 So, in some sort of way, the questions I'm going to bring _7Ki21KxZm4-00010-00006258-00006866 and some of the answers which are not much strong _7Ki21KxZm4-00011-00006866-00007701 they kind of bring more questions to us, have to do with this story that I'm telling you _7Ki21KxZm4-00012-00007701-00008031 So let's see, it's a very simple presentation, _7Ki21KxZm4-00013-00008031-00009085 I'm going to present results from some studies we've been doing and analyzing, actually _7Ki21KxZm4-00014-00009085-00009413 because this study has been done, collected, _7Ki21KxZm4-00015-00009413-00009807 it is a multidisciplinary team, led by Paulo Barbosa _7Ki21KxZm4-00016-00009807-00010479 who wasn't able to come here, with people from the University of New Mexico _7Ki21KxZm4-00017-00010479-00011222 and myself, from Campinas, and also Paulo is from a University in Bahia, Brazil, _7Ki21KxZm4-00018-00011222-00011528 and also Michael Winkelman _7Ki21KxZm4-00019-00011699-00012337 So, one thing important that we have to keep in mind, because I'm going to talk about quality of life _7Ki21KxZm4-00020-00012337-00012871 and also, this is kind of two presentations, really, we should've put separately _7Ki21KxZm4-00021-00012871-00013586 but since we have some interesting information to show you, we decided to put it together _7Ki21KxZm4-00022-00013586-00014372 Originally the ideas was, for this study, to analyze the history of past drug use in UDV members _7Ki21KxZm4-00023-00014372-00015110 But we also included an instrument of quality of life, and also, since we were going to do a survey, _7Ki21KxZm4-00024-00015110-00015456 an inquiry about the use of SSRIs _7Ki21KxZm4-00025-00015456-00015760 I'm going to show you why this _7Ki21KxZm4-00026-00015760-00016156 But first of all, before we talk about quality of life, we have to keep in mind that we are not _7Ki21KxZm4-00027-00016156-00017071 talking about just giving ayahuasca to people, that's a context of religious use _7Ki21KxZm4-00028-00017071-00017881 and that relates as well, we have some studies that relate religious use to quality of life _7Ki21KxZm4-00029-00017881-00018476 and there are some criticism about even the concept of spirituality within quality of life _7Ki21KxZm4-00030-00018476-00018925 saying that perhaps people may be confusing wellness, well-being, _7Ki21KxZm4-00031-00018925-00019275 mental wellness with quality of life _7Ki21KxZm4-00032-00019275-00019800 so there are some issues, some methodological issues, which in my opinion are unresolved _7Ki21KxZm4-00033-00019800-00020314 you probably know that there are connections between psychedelics and well-being _7Ki21KxZm4-00034-00020314-00020660 sometimes not so direct, sometimes may be very harsh, _7Ki21KxZm4-00035-00020660-00021182 but in a long term, that's something worth studying _7Ki21KxZm4-00036-00021182-00022247 and also, that has been done and shown here in other ways of publicizing research _7Ki21KxZm4-00037-00022247-00022855 that there is a connection between mental wellness and ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00038-00022855-00023883 I won't go through all these studies, but just to let you know that, just to make a picture _7Ki21KxZm4-00039-00023883-00024721 Of course, there's no much research done in terms of hard core scientists _7Ki21KxZm4-00040-00024721-00025005 and neuroscientists and psychiatrists, they will say _7Ki21KxZm4-00041-00025005-00025675 we know, we don't have enough data, but people who've been working with that are proud to show that _7Ki21KxZm4-00042-00025675-00026213 there is some evidence in different settings and situations, _7Ki21KxZm4-00043-00026219-00026965 either evaluated qualitatively or quantitatively, that there is some connection between ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00044-00026965-00027670 and some sort of well being and that could be connected to quality of life as well _7Ki21KxZm4-00045-00027670-00028548 So this is a set of qualitative studies, and we also have some, sorry, quantitative studies, _7Ki21KxZm4-00046-00028548-00029299 and we also have some qualitative studies which also present the experience of ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00047-00029299-00029936 as something that would bring new life and new light to previous experiences _7Ki21KxZm4-00048-00029936-00030851 and that could be connected also to quality of life and that's worth measuring it _7Ki21KxZm4-00049-00030851-00031711 also, as I said, I'm going to talk about two themes, the other theme is the question of SSRIs _7Ki21KxZm4-00050-00031711-00032748 SSRIs are mostly used as antidepressants and there is a, now we can say it, a little bit old paper _7Ki21KxZm4-00051-00032748-00033264 by Callaway and Grob, where they alerted about the risk of a serotonin syndrome _7Ki21KxZm4-00052-00033264-00033877 by the combination of ayahuasca and SSRIs, and whenever you go to any people _7Ki21KxZm4-00053-00033877-00034511 who have some information, specially westerners, they will say "never take ayahuasca with an SSRI" _7Ki21KxZm4-00054-00034511-00034923 you might die, this is absolutely forbidden _7Ki21KxZm4-00055-00034923-00035909 At the same time, in the religious settings in Brazil, people are taking these drugs for depression _7Ki21KxZm4-00056-00035909-00036489 for anxiety disorders, and they are going to, even because they are looking for healing, _7Ki21KxZm4-00057-00036489-00037261 they are going to this religious institutions and there might be no such tight a control _7Ki21KxZm4-00058-00037261-00037667 and people are not so well informed about it _7Ki21KxZm4-00059-00037667-00038094 And we know a lot of people are taking these drugs and they are drinking ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00060-00038094-00038465 and they are not dying, this is a fact _7Ki21KxZm4-00061-00038465-00038720 And then we wanted to measure that in some way, _7Ki21KxZm4-00062-00038720-00039072 so that's one of the reasons why we inserted this questions within the survey _7Ki21KxZm4-00063-00039072-00039811 and we are gonna see what we have, in a very preliminar way, what we can assess from that _7Ki21KxZm4-00064-00039811-00040702 So, the aims of the study was to assess factors associated with quality of life, high or low _7Ki21KxZm4-00065-00040702-00041428 in the sample subjects from the UDV, and it's important to stress that they regularly _7Ki21KxZm4-00066-00041428-00041795 drink ayahuasca in a religious context, _7Ki21KxZm4-00067-00041795-00042739 and also to analyze reports of effects of possible interactions of SSRIs and ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00068-00042739-00043418 The study was in the UDV, Brian told you a bit about this religion to you, _7Ki21KxZm4-00069-00043418-00044085 it was founded in 1961 by Mestre Gabriel, a rubber-tapper named Jo達o Gabriel da Costa _7Ki21KxZm4-00070-00044085-00045207 It is a Christian synchretic, has some reincarnationist principles, and the rituals are very well structured _7Ki21KxZm4-00071-00045207-00045719 Also, there is a stress on discipline _7Ki21KxZm4-00072-00045917-00046528 The survey subjects, there is a very important point about the sample, it wasn't random _7Ki21KxZm4-00073-00046528-00047506 We didn't made a lottery to see who would be included, to collaborate with us _7Ki21KxZm4-00074-00047506-00048498 we just went to the temples and asked who would help, who wanted to collaborate, who would volunteer _7Ki21KxZm4-00075-00048498-00049072 So there's this self selection situation, we're gonna see it might have been important, _7Ki21KxZm4-00076-00049072-00049479 it is certainly important for the interpretation of our results _7Ki21KxZm4-00077-00049479-00050442 !8 years and older and they had to be literate because it was a self-rated questionnaire they had to use _7Ki21KxZm4-00078-00050442-00051032 So they had to know how to read and write _7Ki21KxZm4-00079-00051032-00051468 This is very important because the UDV was very collaborative with this study _7Ki21KxZm4-00080-00051468-00052693 and the UDV use, and gave the help of the monitors of the Medical Department of the UDV _7Ki21KxZm4-00081-00052693-00053776 and they helped distributing the forms for people or the assess codes for the online survey _7Ki21KxZm4-00082-00053776-00054620 and one important part of it is that there was a strong stress on confidentiality and anonymity _7Ki21KxZm4-00083-00054620-00055128 So the monitors didn't know what people were answering and the researchers didn't know _7Ki21KxZm4-00084-00055128-00055926 which person was answering what, so we made some sort of double blind, _7Ki21KxZm4-00085-00055926-00056645 we were blind in different situations so we couldn't connect, monitors couldn't get to the information, _7Ki21KxZm4-00086-00056645-00057179 researchers couldn't identify subjects _7Ki21KxZm4-00087-00057179-00058178 62% of the forms were online, the rest on paper _7Ki21KxZm4-00088-00058178-00059296 All there should be a picture here, a map of Brazil, I wanted to tell you that UDV has, at the moment _7Ki21KxZm4-00089-00059296-00059678 16.000 members distributed in 17 regions of Brazil _7Ki21KxZm4-00090-00059678-00060390 Some states have two regions, some regions encompass two or three states _7Ki21KxZm4-00091-00060390-00061312 But let's see, these are the states where we had some subjects surveyed _7Ki21KxZm4-00092-00061312-00062201 the distribution wasn't a random distribution, it depended on how many people wanted to collaborate _7Ki21KxZm4-00093-00062201-00062649 and also depended on the local situation of the temple, _7Ki21KxZm4-00094-00062649-00062918 if there was support from the local leader or not _7Ki21KxZm4-00095-00062918-00063671 So we had a pretty variable response rate, but in general, we had a 40% response rate _7Ki21KxZm4-00096-00063671-00064164 but we couldn't really say about response rate because we didn't really asked everybody _7Ki21KxZm4-00097-00064164-00065023 we didn't select people and then would see if they would adhere or not to the study _7Ki21KxZm4-00098-00065023-00065864 but just to let you know, that considering the temples, in therms of temples, we have done the survey _7Ki21KxZm4-00099-00065864-00066860 40% of the members of these temples did the research, voluntarily _7Ki21KxZm4-00100-00066860-00067807 36 temples, if we would consider the universe, it would be a universe of almost 10.000 people _7Ki21KxZm4-00101-00067807-00068495 That would be, this sample, 12% of the whole UDV population _7Ki21KxZm4-00102-00068495-00069331 We used a socio-demographic questionnaire, we use also WHO structured instrument for _7Ki21KxZm4-00103-00069331-00070099 evaluation of quality of life, called WHOQOLBref, which was validated for portuguese language _7Ki21KxZm4-00104-00070099-00070633 I won't go into the data about drug use and drug abuse, _7Ki21KxZm4-00105-00070633-00071027 but we also used a structured and validated interview _7Ki21KxZm4-00106-00071027-00071811 and we also asked them about previous and present use of antidepressants, basically SSRIs _7Ki21KxZm4-00107-00071811-00072616 and Monoamino-oxidase inhibitors, and we also asked them wether thay had taken these drugs _7Ki21KxZm4-00108-00072616-00073292 with ayahuasca and if so, if they had an experience, and if so if they would describe the experience to us _7Ki21KxZm4-00109-00073292-00074345 and they didn't have much space for that, it was very short, but it gives us an idea of what was happening _7Ki21KxZm4-00110-00074345-00075128 About the analysis, we compared quality of life and SSRIs use rates _7Ki21KxZm4-00111-00075128-00075855 we don't have much population references in Brazil for that, we have some sort of incomplete _7Ki21KxZm4-00112-00075855-00076262 papers for that, so it's not gonna be very profound, _7Ki21KxZm4-00113-00076262-00076897 we also performed a multilevel analysis, since we had this data that we cannot say about prevalence _7Ki21KxZm4-00114-00076897-00077939 because for prevalence we should have a random sample, but we can, since we had nested data _7Ki21KxZm4-00115-00077939-00078615 individuals within temples, in this different levels of comparison, we used multilevel analysis _7Ki21KxZm4-00116-00078615-00079584 and also a general description of SSRIs interaction, the way they were described by the members _7Ki21KxZm4-00117-00079584-00080456 Just for you tog et a grio on our sample, you can see here, this is our data from the UDV census, _7Ki21KxZm4-00118-00080456-00081049 from 2012, just the end of last year _7Ki21KxZm4-00119-00081049-00081691 And you can see we had, in this sample, an over representation of male subjects _7Ki21KxZm4-00120-00081691-00082188 this is important for something I'm going to say later _7Ki21KxZm4-00121-00082188-00082913 There is a little bit different profile as well, considering marital status _7Ki21KxZm4-00122-00082913-00083501 a little over representation of married people _7Ki21KxZm4-00123-00083501-00084110 less single and less, unfortunately, I don't have the data from the UDV about age, _7Ki21KxZm4-00124-00084110-00085560 but I think part of this distinction probably is because the mature adults, but not old age _7Ki21KxZm4-00125-00085560-00086375 and not young people, we had people with a higher chance of being married who participated _7Ki21KxZm4-00126-00086375-00086797 probably people who were most involved with the institution as well _7Ki21KxZm4-00127-00086799-00087410 There might be a situation here, where people more involved with the institution _7Ki21KxZm4-00128-00087410-00088002 would have a greater chance of volunteering _7Ki21KxZm4-00129-00088002-00088723 Also, in terms of education, you're gonna see that as well, we have a higher representation _7Ki21KxZm4-00130-00088723-00089302 of High School and University, and there is an important point, to stress about the UDV _7Ki21KxZm4-00131-00089302-00090068 there is much higher proportion of people with university degree, or even post-graduate degrees _7Ki21KxZm4-00132-00090068-00090850 compared with the general population. The UDV is, in a broad sense, a middle-class religion _7Ki21KxZm4-00133-00090850-00091638 and its population is not representative of Brazilian population at all _7Ki21KxZm4-00134-00091638-00092429 Here we have the comparison of results of quality of life, separated by male and female subjects _7Ki21KxZm4-00135-00092429-00092842 above males and below females _7Ki21KxZm4-00136-00092842-00093669 Here we have the percentile 50, which separates in a study originally done in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil _7Ki21KxZm4-00137-00093669-00094651 separates the half of their sample and would be like an average, expected value for this instrument _7Ki21KxZm4-00138-00094651-00095018 for quality of life. So if you have the higher score, _7Ki21KxZm4-00139-00095018-00095432 that would mean that you have a better score than the general population _7Ki21KxZm4-00140-00095432-00095694 at least this particular population _7Ki21KxZm4-00141-00095694-00096586 They didn't work with the total score, so I can only compare the different domains of this instrument _7Ki21KxZm4-00142-00096586-00096945 physical, psychological, social and environmental domains _7Ki21KxZm4-00143-00096945-00097854 And one interesting thing is about the social domain of the UDV. It's below the percentile 50, _7Ki21KxZm4-00144-00097854-00098532 which doesn't mean it's pathological or anything, the other scores are higher, _7Ki21KxZm4-00145-00098532-00099142 and they fall between 25 and 50, which is pretty normal, but it's also interesting to ask _7Ki21KxZm4-00146-00099142-00099489 why might it have happened? _7Ki21KxZm4-00147-00099489-00100022 I don't have an answer, but I think it's a good question _7Ki21KxZm4-00148-00100022-00100373 Thank you _7Ki21KxZm4-00149-00100373-00101706 Well, related to quality of life, as age increases, quality of life gets worse _7Ki21KxZm4-00150-00101706-00102295 Gender, women tend to report a worse quality of life than men _7Ki21KxZm4-00151-00102295-00103043 This is what we would expect from the general population, this is normal in all studies _7Ki21KxZm4-00152-00103043-00103351 Years of membership in the UDV was non significant, _7Ki21KxZm4-00153-00103351-00104044 but there was a significant relation between the frequency of ayahuasca use and _7Ki21KxZm4-00154-00104044-00104838 a better quality of life score. So people that would drink more ayahuasca would report _7Ki21KxZm4-00155-00104838-00105552 better quality of life, or higher scores of quality of life. Also there was a connection between education _7Ki21KxZm4-00156-00105552-00106328 and socio economic status, but we chose to include only socio economic status because of their _7Ki21KxZm4-00157-00106328-00107134 high correlation and SES was a better variable to be used _7Ki21KxZm4-00158-00107134-00108276 Considering age, if we'd control for socio economic status, this age effect would become more evident _7Ki21KxZm4-00159-00108276-00109004 This is the range of the data that we have, I mean, from 18 to 81 years old, _7Ki21KxZm4-00160-00109004-00109653 mean around the 40s, and also the frequency of ayahuasca drinking, as I said, _7Ki21KxZm4-00161-00109653-00110644 when it was included in the model it still had a significant effect, but very small effect _7Ki21KxZm4-00162-00110644-00111178 perhaps negligible _7Ki21KxZm4-00163-00111178-00111685 About quality of life, we can say that, generally speaking they have a better quality of life than _7Ki21KxZm4-00164-00111685-00112058 the general population sample, but we have to be carefull about this, _7Ki21KxZm4-00165-00112058-00112472 because it is only one study in Brazil _7Ki21KxZm4-00166-00112472-00113039 We had expected association with gender, age and socio economic status _7Ki21KxZm4-00167-00113039-00113677 And we might think about this effect, people might think that when someone is drinking more ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00168-00113677-00114236 this can obviously relate to a better quality of life, perhaps not. Perhaps we're talking here about _7Ki21KxZm4-00169-00114236-00115184 commitment to the institution, perhaps within this commitment to the institution we can get a bias _7Ki21KxZm4-00170-00115184-00115841 towards giving better results, or just a good effect of being part of this community _7Ki21KxZm4-00171-00115841-00116086 We don't really know this _7Ki21KxZm4-00172-00116086-00116830 For that we need other measures, but what we can say is it is probably safe to drink ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00173-00116830-00117295 within this context. It's not something that's ruining peoples quality of life, _7Ki21KxZm4-00174-00117295-00117661 this is interesting to stress as well _7Ki21KxZm4-00175-00117661-00118187 I won't have time to go into that, this is gonna be very... I have only two minutes, this is very hard _7Ki21KxZm4-00176-00118187-00119133 to explain, and also, I don't know why this didn't appear well in the monitor, so it won't be easy _7Ki21KxZm4-00177-00119133-00119612 What I can tell you here, is here we have the frequency of people _7Ki21KxZm4-00178-00119612-00120166 who reported the use of different anti-depressants _7Ki21KxZm4-00179-00120166-00120787 and the most common is fluoxetine, which would be expected, _7Ki21KxZm4-00180-00120787-00121446 these numbers of the frequency compared to the whole sample, is the percentage of subjects _7Ki21KxZm4-00181-00121446-00121780 who have reported the use of antidepressants, _7Ki21KxZm4-00182-00121780-00122158 and it's pretty much what we would expect from the general population in Brazil _7Ki21KxZm4-00183-00122158-00122606 specifically a population of middle-class _7Ki21KxZm4-00184-00122606-00123039 and here we have the number of subjects who have taken ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00185-00123039-00123401 while they were having also antidepressants, _7Ki21KxZm4-00186-00123401-00123865 and it's important to see the number of subjects taking fluoxetine _7Ki21KxZm4-00187-00123865-00124447 and also people taking sibutramine. Sibutramine has been forbidden, it doesn't exist in Brazil anymore _7Ki21KxZm4-00188-00124447-00125254 It is not an antidepressant, it is a medicament for loosing weight, and it has some serious side effects _7Ki21KxZm4-00189-00125254-00125740 even without ayahuasca, so I'm glad we won't see this again, _7Ki21KxZm4-00190-00125740-00126604 but the reports of effects was higher also with sibutramine which is important _7Ki21KxZm4-00191-00126604-00127612 But as a general rule, what we can say is, it's better if I show you this in letters _7Ki21KxZm4-00192-00127612-00128365 There was no reported use of monoamino oxidase inhibitors within this sample _7Ki21KxZm4-00193-00128365-00129067 As I said, the pattern of use of SSRIs is what would be expected form the population _7Ki21KxZm4-00194-00129067-00129550 And we have 64 subjects who reported use of ayahuasca and an SSRI _7Ki21KxZm4-00195-00129550-00130464 and reported some sort of effect, sorry this is not on the slide, but they reported effects _7Ki21KxZm4-00196-00130464-00131332 More female subjects use SSRIs, which would also be predicted _7Ki21KxZm4-00197-00131332-00131858 One interesting point is that being a UDV member does not prevent someone, apparently, _7Ki21KxZm4-00198-00131858-00132779 from using SSRI. I mean, we're not talking about very very low rates of antidepressant use _7Ki21KxZm4-00199-00132779-00133336 people who would enroll as a subject didn't know we're going to ask about that _7Ki21KxZm4-00200-00133336-00134077 So specifically about this point there's no probable bias of self selection _7Ki21KxZm4-00201-00134077-00134603 However it's important to stress that the reporting of the absence of effect while someone _7Ki21KxZm4-00202-00134603-00135120 was taking the two substances, ayahuasca and one antidepressant, _7Ki21KxZm4-00203-00135120-00136088 was more common than reporting an effect, and the common effects were increased effect of ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00204-00136088-00136488 or unpleasant, but there also were reports of people who felt that _7Ki21KxZm4-00205-00136488-00137436 taking together the effects were decreased and also that it had pleasan't effects _7Ki21KxZm4-00206-00137436-00138093 Well, this is the biggest sample of cases of ayahuasca and SSRI interaction _7Ki21KxZm4-00207-00138093-00138872 Of course there is no warrant of safety, but perhaps, and probably, the risk might have been exaggerated _7Ki21KxZm4-00208-00138872-00139638 considering the literature, and I mean the urban legend that has been going in Brazil _7Ki21KxZm4-00209-00139638-00140194 But we certainly need more studies, I have the accounts of a study that has been done with _7Ki21KxZm4-00210-00140194-00140722 rats, and the results point to a similar situation as I have shown to you _7Ki21KxZm4-00211-00140722-00141517 no improvement, no potentiation, but also, no deadly effects between the combination _7Ki21KxZm4-00212-00141517-00142127 This is a sectional data, we're talking about sectional data, it's a survey _7Ki21KxZm4-00213-00142127-00142947 We cannot talk about cause and effect, it's just an association, this is also a non random sample _7Ki21KxZm4-00214-00142947-00143282 One of the things people knew, from the name of the study, _7Ki21KxZm4-00215-00143282-00143971 was that it was supposed to evaluate past drug use, _7Ki21KxZm4-00216-00143971-00144603 and this would probably make people who used to be drug users _7Ki21KxZm4-00217-00144603-00145137 had a tendency to present themselves to the study because they want to show how they've changed _7Ki21KxZm4-00218-00145137-00145591 So this is something we have to take into account, _7Ki21KxZm4-00219-00145591-00146361 and also the higher probability that someone self selects if he has higher institutional commitment _7Ki21KxZm4-00220-00146361-00146922 One point that's very important about the results, and I want to stress it again, is that it's impossible to _7Ki21KxZm4-00221-00146922-00147642 distinguish relgion and ayahuasca effects within this sample, so we can never say what is happening _7Ki21KxZm4-00222-00147642-00148284 We can never say because it's a survey, we cannot say about anything _7Ki21KxZm4-00223-00148284-00149200 we cannot extrapolate much about cause and effect, but anyway, even if we could, it's difficult to _7Ki21KxZm4-00224-00149200-00149798 draw the limits between what is religion and what is the effect of the brew in this situation _7Ki21KxZm4-00225-00149798-00150519 Also we might have some recall bias, specially on the recalling of having taken drugs, any drugs _7Ki21KxZm4-00226-00150519-00150899 but also the SSRIs _7Ki21KxZm4-00227-00150899-00151273 That's it, Thank You very much _7Ki21KxZm4-00228-00151273-00151845 (Applause) _7Ki21KxZm4-00229-00151845-00152464 Thank You very much Luis, if you have any questions please come up to the microphone _7Ki21KxZm4-00230-00152464-00152811 Thank you so much, congratulations for your work _7Ki21KxZm4-00231-00152811-00153640 My question is, so the effect of ayahuasca was less, when taking SSRIs, did I understand it correct? _7Ki21KxZm4-00232-00153640-00153864 No, some people reported that _7Ki21KxZm4-00233-00153864-00154029 Some reported... _7Ki21KxZm4-00234-00154029-00154452 The most commmon response was no response, I mean, we asked them, have you taken this drug? _7Ki21KxZm4-00235-00154452-00155020 Yes or no, and then, have you taken this drug while you were taking ayahuasca? _7Ki21KxZm4-00236-00155020-00155213 Yes or no _7Ki21KxZm4-00237-00155213-00156011 And then we had a special look on this sample that said "Yes", they have taken together _7Ki21KxZm4-00238-00156011-00156652 and then we asked them, Have you had any change in the ayahuasca effect while you were taking the drug? _7Ki21KxZm4-00239-00156652-00157859 Most said "No", some said "Yes", and most of those who said that had an effect, that the effect wasn't good _7Ki21KxZm4-00240-00157859-00158199 Could you explain that? _7Ki21KxZm4-00241-00158199-00159210 Well, the symptoms that were related most commonly was nausea, dizziness, vomiting, tremor _7Ki21KxZm4-00242-00159210-00159898 That's the basic group of them, some others related other symptoms as well _7Ki21KxZm4-00243-00159898-00160161 What are your thoughts...? _7Ki21KxZm4-00244-00160161-00160856 Sorry, just a second, part of them said that the effect was mild, we cannot explain that _7Ki21KxZm4-00245-00160856-00161343 We don't know how to explain that, perhaps people were taking less ayahuasca because they were afraid _7Ki21KxZm4-00246-00161343-00162074 perhaps there's some kind of modulation in the situation, and there are so many elements _7Ki21KxZm4-00247-00162074-00162551 that we have to ponder when we're talking about psychedelics that it's difficult _7Ki21KxZm4-00248-00162551-00163432 The SSRIs and the MAO, I don't know if the SSRIs can probably block the MAO and... _7Ki21KxZm4-00249-00163432-00163983 My other question is, do you think the capsule form would change the half-life and the potency effect _7Ki21KxZm4-00250-00163983-00164485 because you guys were working using the capsules _7Ki21KxZm4-00251-00164485-00164997 That's a lomg story, I don't know if we have the time for that, because there's some polemics about the _7Ki21KxZm4-00252-00164997-00165912 results of some studies that have been using the liophilized form of ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00253-00165912-00166393 What I can say to you about this study is we cannot say anything about that, _7Ki21KxZm4-00254-00166393-00166760 perhaps we should talk about later about that _7Ki21KxZm4-00255-00166760-00167422 Thank you for your presentation, just a quick question, I'm in the Santo Daime for 17 years _7Ki21KxZm4-00256-00167422-00168090 responsible as a Church Leader, and we have a protocol that has been developed, mostly _7Ki21KxZm4-00257-00168090-00168460 in north america, but I believe also in some centers in south america _7Ki21KxZm4-00258-00168460-00169365 For those who are already drinking ayahuasca or Santo Daime, who are advised to go on on an SSRI _7Ki21KxZm4-00259-00169365-00170229 usually what happens is they drink a little less the day of the work, and they do not take their antidepressant _7Ki21KxZm4-00260-00170229-00170920 the day of the work, so you didn't mention any of these, I'm not sure if the same thing was in place _7Ki21KxZm4-00261-00170920-00171540 Most people also find that they take a little a less, and within themselves _7Ki21KxZm4-00262-00171540-00172271 they make their adjustment on their medication, they come to have an intuition on how much to drink _7Ki21KxZm4-00263-00172271-00173006 and also if they don't take the SSRI the day following the work. Was this looked into in your study? _7Ki21KxZm4-00264-00173006-00173719 This is an excellent question, because this is, when we're talking about experienced users, _7Ki21KxZm4-00265-00173719-00174255 they know how to deal with the effects, and they control the effects using the amounts they are taking _7Ki21KxZm4-00266-00174255-00174856 and also the way they are taking their medication. There's no formal indication of that, _7Ki21KxZm4-00267-00174856-00175506 there is a general reccomendation, specially for newcomers within the UDV, _7Ki21KxZm4-00268-00175506-00176297 to lower the doses of ayahuasca when people arrive taking these drugs _7Ki21KxZm4-00269-00176297-00176933 Before we had the recommendation, the UDV had a recommendation saying it wasn't possible _7Ki21KxZm4-00270-00176933-00177504 to have that, that people should quit medication before taking ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00271-00177504-00178141 but after a while a lot of cases escaped and just happened, and generally what psychiatrists _7Ki21KxZm4-00272-00178141-00179081 either who are or are not of the ayahuasca religions, but who are used to medicate people _7Ki21KxZm4-00273-00179081-00179587 who drink ayahuasca, they normally suggest that you talk to the person who is responsible, _7Ki21KxZm4-00274-00179587-00180158 make the person aware, so the person may lower the dose if necessary, _7Ki21KxZm4-00275-00180158-00180590 and it's common to say that the person not take the drug on the day of the session, _7Ki21KxZm4-00276-00180590-00181407 or the day of the work, as is said for the Santo Daime _7Ki21KxZm4-00277-00181407-00181828 but this is a problem for fluoxetine that has a very long half life, _7Ki21KxZm4-00278-00181828-00182668 so specially for fluoxetine it's not a very good drug to be taken if there is an option _7Ki21KxZm4-00279-00182668-00183312 It's a question bout dieting, is dieting also taken into consideration when doing clinical studies _7Ki21KxZm4-00280-00183312-00183724 on ayahuasca, as a ceremony, and the second question is _7Ki21KxZm4-00281-00183724-00184194 what happens if you don't do diet and take ayahuasca? Is there any consequence? _7Ki21KxZm4-00282-00184194-00184420 Sorry I didn't understand _7Ki21KxZm4-00283-00184420-00184603 About the diet... _7Ki21KxZm4-00284-00184603-00184781 Oh, the diet, OK _7Ki21KxZm4-00285-00184781-00184981 Specifically for UDV? _7Ki21KxZm4-00286-00184981-00185698 Yeah, for clinical studies of ayahuasca or your study, is diet part of the preparation? Or not? _7Ki21KxZm4-00287-00185698-00186211 This is completely different depending on the tradition of ayahuasca drinking _7Ki21KxZm4-00288-00186211-00186856 There is some sort of dieting withing Santo Daime, which is different from the dieting _7Ki21KxZm4-00289-00186856-00187494 which is common in Peru for instance. It has nothing to do, and UDV for instance has no diet at all _7Ki21KxZm4-00290-00187494-00188345 People may have a feijoada and go the same night to a session, so there's no... and apparently people _7Ki21KxZm4-00291-00188345-00188821 are not dying from that, that I can be sure _7Ki21KxZm4-00292-00188821-00189718 I tend to see the diet more as a spiritual connection, more of a spiritual situation _7Ki21KxZm4-00293-00189718-00190749 perhaps it may enhance the effects of the experience, but it's probably not necessary for _7Ki21KxZm4-00294-00190749-00191451 if the person doesn't want to, to have a diet for a clinical trial for instance _7Ki21KxZm4-00295-00191451-00191926 But they may make a clinical trial... _7Ki21KxZm4-00296-00191926-00192365 Please a short question and a short answer _7Ki21KxZm4-00297-00192365-00192985 Yeah, just a quick comment, do you have any thoughts in the UDV, in our lodge for instance _7Ki21KxZm4-00298-00192985-00193636 we're very concerned about SSRIs and we're part of the scare tactic american-style _7Ki21KxZm4-00299-00193636-00194050 But one of the reasons why we have promoted that is we are in the jungle, _7Ki21KxZm4-00300-00194050-00194740 we don't want to deal with an emergency, and the other reason is that, I have to go to a UDV ceremony, _7Ki21KxZm4-00301-00194740-00195188 but would you typically use a more concentrated ayahuasca _7Ki21KxZm4-00302-00195188-00195611 and I think that may play in this issue of dosage _7Ki21KxZm4-00303-00195611-00196282 Yes, I think that's a probably very good idea to take more care in a more remote situation, I totally agree _7Ki21KxZm4-00304-00196282-00196738 Also, Bia reminded me of something very important, when we're talking about diet, _7Ki21KxZm4-00305-00196738-00197217 the abstinence of alcohol when someone is taking ayahuasca is also very important _7Ki21KxZm4-00306-00197217-00197847 it may be very harsh in the situation, this is also part, and this is probably part of all the traditions _7Ki21KxZm4-00307-00197847-00198478 because there might be a physiological reason for that that we don't know yet _7Ki21KxZm4-00308-00198478-00198820 Is there a consideration in this research regarding the strength of, _7Ki21KxZm4-00309-00198820-00199565 I guess it comes out in the DMT quantities per milliliters, there seems there is a range compared to _7Ki21KxZm4-00310-00199565-00199894 like the UDV tradition to an indigenous based tradition _7Ki21KxZm4-00311-00199894-00200614 This is very subjective, but you probably would have to talk with someone who drank in different traditions _7Ki21KxZm4-00312-00200614-00201051 Bia is someone very good, a person for you to talk with _7Ki21KxZm4-00313-00201051-00201791 But from what I gather from what people tell me, for instance tradition you're working with _7Ki21KxZm4-00314-00201791-00202148 is a much more concentrated ayahuasca and then Santo Daime _7Ki21KxZm4-00315-00202148-00202405 and probably the UDV is the less concentrated _7Ki21KxZm4-00316-00202405-00202848 but it varies a lot, depends on the situation _7Ki21KxZm4-00317-00202848-00203566 Thank You very much Luis _95gL6TJ2-Y-00000-00000234-00001488 [No audio or captions for video. Use it to create your own stories.] _985BsjRHbM-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello everyone, Victoria is with you, _985BsjRHbM-00001-00000200-00000400 Chicken _985BsjRHbM-00002-00000400-00000600 legs _985BsjRHbM-00003-00000600-00000800 8 pcs _985BsjRHbM-00004-00001000-00001200 . Any parts of the chicken, legs, _985BsjRHbM-00005-00001400-00001600 thighs _985BsjRHbM-00006-00001800-00002000 , wings _985BsjRHbM-00007-00002000-00002200 will _985BsjRHbM-00008-00002200-00002400 do . _985BsjRHbM-00009-00002400-00002600 oil 2 tbsp, _985BsjRHbM-00010-00002800-00003000 Stir. _985BsjRHbM-00011-00003000-00003200 This marinade for chicken is very tasty! Try it! _985BsjRHbM-00012-00003200-00003400 Fully grease the chicken legs with marinade, _985BsjRHbM-00013-00004800-00005000 cover with cling film and _985BsjRHbM-00014-00005000-00005200 set aside to marinate for 30 minutes _985BsjRHbM-00015-00005200-00005400 Potatoes - 500 g _985BsjRHbM-00016-00005400-00005600 Thinly cut into slices _985BsjRHbM-00017-00006200-00006400 Onion 1-2 pcs _985BsjRHbM-00018-00006400-00006600 Cut into thin half rings _985BsjRHbM-00019-00007400-00007600 and cut with your hands to make it even thinner _985BsjRHbM-00020-00008200-00008400 Heat-resistant form, grease with vegetable oil _985BsjRHbM-00021-00008600-00008800 Transfer potatoes _985BsjRHbM-00022-00008800-00009000 salt _985BsjRHbM-00023-00009000-00009200 pepper _985BsjRHbM-00024-00009400-00009600 water 50 ml _985BsjRHbM-00025-00009800-00010000 mix _985BsjRHbM-00026-00010600-00010800 Put onion _985BsjRHbM-00027-00011200-00011400 Bulgarian pepper 2 pcs _985BsjRHbM-00028-00011400-00011600 Peel _985BsjRHbM-00029-00012000-00012200 cut into strips _985BsjRHbM-00030-00012400-00012600 You can use other vegetables to taste or according to the season _985BsjRHbM-00031-00012600-00012800 Carrots, cabbage, zucchini, celery, tomatoes will do. _985BsjRHbM-00032-00013200-00013400 Lay on top of the onion. _985BsjRHbM-00033-00014000-00014200 Cut the greens _985BsjRHbM-00034-00014200-00014400 I have dried parsley 2 tsp _985BsjRHbM-00035-00014600-00014800 Chicken legs marinated well _985BsjRHbM-00036-00014800-00015000 prepare wooden skewers 8 pcs _985BsjRHbM-00037-00015000-00015200 skewers need to be wetted with water so that they do not burn in the oven _985BsjRHbM-00038-00015400-00015600 string each leg on skewers _985BsjRHbM-00039-00016000-00016200 string as in the video _985BsjRHbM-00040-00016600-00016800 Put Like! _985BsjRHbM-00041-00016800-00017000 Write your comments! _985BsjRHbM-00042-00017200-00017400 We shift our Kebabs on top of the vegetables! _985BsjRHbM-00043-00017400-00017600 it is desirable that the skewers rest on the edges of the form. _985BsjRHbM-00044-00017800-00018000 It turns out already very beautiful and appetizing! _985BsjRHbM-00045-00018200-00018400 Subscribe to my channel for new recipes! _985BsjRHbM-00046-00018600-00018800 Lubricate the chicken legs with the remaining marinade _985BsjRHbM-00047-00019200-00019400 and send to the oven _985BsjRHbM-00048-00019400-00019600 First Bake 200 C 35 - 40 minutes _985BsjRHbM-00049-00019800-00020000 Lettuce leaves 100 g _985BsjRHbM-00050-00020000-00020200 pick up with your hands, _985BsjRHbM-00051-00020200-00020400 a little bell pepper _985BsjRHbM-00052-00020400-00020600 Canned corn 100 g _985BsjRHbM-00053-00020600-00020800 Cherry tomatoes 10 pcs _985BsjRHbM-00054-00021000-00021200 pour any of your favorite salad dressing _985BsjRHbM-00055-00021200-00021400 After 40 minutes, _985BsjRHbM-00056-00021400-00021600 grease the chicken legs again with the remaining marinade _985BsjRHbM-00057-00021800-00022000 and bake for another 20 minutes until golden brown (preferably in grill mode) _985BsjRHbM-00058-00022400-00022600 It turned out very juicy and tasty! _985BsjRHbM-00059-00023000-00023200 We serve the Dish and serve it to the table! _985BsjRHbM-00061-00023400-00023600 We serve a salad, it turned out a full dinner! _985BsjRHbM-00062-00023600-00023800 Bon appetit! _985BsjRHbM-00063-00023800-00024000 What recipes would you like to see on my channel? _985BsjRHbM-00064-00024000-00024200 Write in the comments. _985BsjRHbM-00065-00024200-00024400 Thank you for watching the video to the end. _rYFWttwDb4-00000-00000000-00000413 Hello, my name is Dr. Oscar Ramirez from _rYFWttwDb4-00001-00000413-00000840 Florida, United States _rYFWttwDb4-00002-00000840-00001134 It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend _rYFWttwDb4-00003-00001134-00001470 the II-nd International Intensive Course _rYFWttwDb4-00004-00001470-00001877 on Aesthetic Surgery organized by _rYFWttwDb4-00005-00001877-00002127 Dr. Irina Khrustaleva and her team in _rYFWttwDb4-00006-00002127-00002819 Saint-Petersburg from april 13 to 16th _rYFWttwDb4-00007-00002819-00003024 Basically, this is a three-day intensive course _rYFWttwDb4-00008-00003024-00003530 that entails one day of lectures _rYFWttwDb4-00009-00003530-00004137 another day of life surgery demonstrations and third day will be a _rYFWttwDb4-00010-00004137-00004692 cadaver dissection. I will have the _rYFWttwDb4-00011-00004692-00005076 opportunity to lay over all my _rYFWttwDb4-00012-00005076-00005352 experienced and the new techniques I have _rYFWttwDb4-00013-00005352-00005823 incorporated for the last 25 to 30 years _rYFWttwDb4-00014-00005823-00006146 and this will include open methods and _rYFWttwDb4-00015-00006146-00006414 endoscopic techniques of the forehead _rYFWttwDb4-00016-00006414-00006704 midface and lower face and other _rYFWttwDb4-00017-00006704-00007322 ancillary procedures. I do the eye leather in _rYFWttwDb4-00018-00007322-00007586 different ways that the standard _rYFWttwDb4-00019-00007586-00008006 techniques are describe as well as _rYFWttwDb4-00020-00008006-00008370 other techniques such as mentopexy and _rYFWttwDb4-00021-00008370-00008739 facial implants to enhance the beauty of _rYFWttwDb4-00022-00008739-00009177 the face or to help the rejuvenative _rYFWttwDb4-00023-00009177-00009579 procedures that we are learn how to _rYFWttwDb4-00024-00009579-00010029 do. The first day as I have mentioned will be those _rYFWttwDb4-00025-00010029-00010296 lectures, on the second day I will do a _rYFWttwDb4-00026-00010296-00010722 complicated case of endo forehead, _rYFWttwDb4-00027-00010722-00011072 endo midface and other ancillary procedures. _rYFWttwDb4-00028-00011072-00011297 In the afternoon I will do the U-M _rYFWttwDb4-00029-00011297-00011600 abdominoplasty which is a technique I _rYFWttwDb4-00030-00011600-00011840 have described many years ago to _rYFWttwDb4-00031-00011840-00012282 approach in a comprehensive manner the _rYFWttwDb4-00032-00012282-00012547 improvement and _rYFWttwDb4-00033-00012547-00013003 contouring of the abdomen. On the third day _rYFWttwDb4-00034-00013003-00013519 we will do a cadaver dissection in which _rYFWttwDb4-00035-00013519-00013834 the attendees will have _rYFWttwDb4-00036-00013834-00014163 the opportunity to learn the open and _rYFWttwDb4-00037-00014163-00014469 endoscopic techniques of facial _rYFWttwDb4-00038-00014469-00014683 rejuvenation as well as all the _rYFWttwDb4-00039-00014683-00015331 ancillary procedures to enhance and to _rYFWttwDb4-00040-00015331-00015886 optimize the facial rejuvenation. For many _rYFWttwDb4-00041-00015886-00016084 years I have conducted workshops in _rYFWttwDb4-00042-00016084-00016408 Baltimore and a few of them in Miami. _rYFWttwDb4-00043-00016408-00016819 However, in the last few years doctors _rYFWttwDb4-00044-00016819-00017299 have been requesting asking me to have _rYFWttwDb4-00045-00017299-00017851 this teaching endeavors. However, for _rYFWttwDb4-00046-00017851-00018265 logistic reasons and because of my busy _rYFWttwDb4-00047-00018265-00018487 schedule and my practice and traveling all _rYFWttwDb4-00048-00018487-00018720 over the world teaching I have been _rYFWttwDb4-00049-00018720-00019015 enabled to do that therefore for those _rYFWttwDb4-00050-00019015-00019381 who are looking to have this experience _rYFWttwDb4-00051-00019381-00019873 with myself. I will invite you to attend _rYFWttwDb4-00052-00019873-00020203 this magnificent course that _rYFWttwDb4-00053-00020203-00020425 has all the aspects of all the teaching _rYFWttwDb4-00054-00020425-00021397 experience which _rYFWttwDb4-00055-00021397-00021838 include the lectures _rYFWttwDb4-00056-00021838-00022120 the life surgery demonstrations and the cadaver dissection _rYFWttwDb4-00057-00022120-00022411 Better than this format you cannot _rYFWttwDb4-00058-00022411-00023026 get any better way to learn these _rYFWttwDb4-00059-00023026-00023401 techniques except perhaps if you have a _rYFWttwDb4-00060-00023401-00023676 proctor on your side who is teaching these _rYFWttwDb4-00061-00023676-00024184 techniques and guiding you at your side _rYFWttwDb4-00062-00024184-00024576 with all these new techniques _rYFWttwDb4-00063-00024576-00024812 So I'm looking forward to see you and _rYFWttwDb4-00064-00024812-00025011 invite you to attend this _rYFWttwDb4-00065-00025011-00025295 magnificent course which is promised to be _rYFWttwDb4-00066-00025295-00025650 one of the best in Russia. _rYFWttwDb4-00067-00025650-00025868 Thank you very much! _ranSkbIHSk-00000-00000013-00000320 SocialNews _snrE3cvTiM-00000-00000000-00000896 *Buzzing* _snrE3cvTiM-00001-00000900-00001596 *Marker stops, message follows* _snrE3cvTiM-00002-00001596-00002328 ANVF (АНВФ) _snrE3cvTiM-00003-00002336-00002740 77 253 _snrE3cvTiM-00004-00002760-00003500 BUKVOYeD (БУКВОЕД) _snrE3cvTiM-00005-00003508-00004144 40 68 55 47 _snrE3cvTiM-00006-00004168-00005064 *Repeat follows* _snrE3cvTiM-00007-00005208-00005928 ANVF (АНВФ) _snrE3cvTiM-00008-00005956-00006352 77 253 _snrE3cvTiM-00009-00006372-00007136 BUKVOYeD (БУКВОЕД) _snrE3cvTiM-00010-00007144-00007772 40 68 55 47 _snrE3cvTiM-00011-00007772-00007864 priyom _srYyFxWEEY-00000-00000003-00000425 Hi guys. Today we'll be talking about efficiency. _srYyFxWEEY-00001-00000425-00000933 Even though energy is conserved in energy conservation processes, not all _srYyFxWEEY-00002-00000933-00001458 energy that is put into a system will be output as useful energy or work. In many _srYyFxWEEY-00003-00001458-00001910 processes, energy is lost or is transformed into other energy forms. _srYyFxWEEY-00004-00001910-00002322 By energy loss we mean that a fraction of the original energy is transformed into _srYyFxWEEY-00005-00002322-00002951 heat that is often not useful to us. For example we can see energy loss as heat _srYyFxWEEY-00006-00002951-00003351 when a person is running. The chemical energy from the food they consumed is _srYyFxWEEY-00007-00003351-00003789 transformed into both kinetic energy and heat. A person is said to be more _srYyFxWEEY-00008-00003789-00004307 efficient if a larger fraction of the food energy is transformed into useful _srYyFxWEEY-00009-00004307-00004920 forms such as kinetic energy and not heat. The concept of efficiency applies _srYyFxWEEY-00010-00004920-00005375 to all energy transformations and we can calculate it by using the equation _srYyFxWEEY-00011-00005375-00006085 efficiency is equal to work_out over energy_in times 100%. _srYyFxWEEY-00012-00006327-00006990 What is the efficiency of an out of condition professor who does 2.2 times _srYyFxWEEY-00013-00006990-00007638 10 to power 5 joules of useful work while metabolizing 486 kcals of food _srYyFxWEEY-00014-00007638-00008247 energy? To solve this problem we can use the efficiency equation. From the problem _srYyFxWEEY-00015-00008247-00008727 we can determine that the work_out done by the professor is 2.2 times 10 to the _srYyFxWEEY-00016-00008727-00009273 power 5 joules and that the amount of energy going into his body is 486 kcals. _srYyFxWEEY-00017-00009273-00009906 We can convert the kcals into joules of energy as there are 4184 joules per _srYyFxWEEY-00018-00009906-00010377 kcal. Plugging the values into the equation we find that the efficiency of _srYyFxWEEY-00019-00010377-00010778 the professor is 10.8%. _srYyFxWEEY-00020-00011057-00011567 How many food calories would a well-conditioned athlete metabolize in _srYyFxWEEY-00021-00011567-00012167 doing the same work with an efficiency of 20% give your answer in kcals. To _srYyFxWEEY-00022-00012167-00012557 solve this problem we have to find the energy_in needed by the athlete to do _srYyFxWEEY-00023-00012557-00013070 the same amount of work as part A which was 2.2 times 10 to the power 5 joules. _srYyFxWEEY-00024-00013070-00013572 From the question we know that the efficiency is 20%. By manipulating the _srYyFxWEEY-00025-00013572-00013966 same efficiency equation we can determine that the energy_in needed is _srYyFxWEEY-00026-00013966-00014441 262.9 kcals. _srYyFxWEEY-00027-00014522-00015075 When comparing the results of Part A and Part B, we can see that the athlete only _srYyFxWEEY-00028-00015075-00015488 uses half the calories as the out-of-shape professor. This is not _srYyFxWEEY-00029-00015488-00015903 surprising as the athlete has an efficiency that is roughly twice that of _srYyFxWEEY-00030-00015903-00016623 the professor. In these problems we saw that in human systems it was not 100% _srYyFxWEEY-00031-00016623-00017079 efficient at using chemical energy and converting it out as mechanical energy. In _srYyFxWEEY-00032-00017079-00017574 the professor only around 11% of the chemical energy put into the system _srYyFxWEEY-00033-00017574-00018129 became useful mechanical energy. The other 89% of the chemical energy was _srYyFxWEEY-00034-00018129-00018612 lost as other energy forms. This is seen as well in other systems such as a gas _srYyFxWEEY-00035-00018612-00019137 engine, which has an efficiency of 30% of converting chemical energy into useful _srYyFxWEEY-00036-00019137-00019487 mechanical energy_out. _uBqhQR_d40-00000-00000078-00000591 Female Speaker: Kathy, would you like to introduce our speakers? _uBqhQR_d40-00001-00000591-00000745 Kathleen Calzone: Yes. _uBqhQR_d40-00002-00000745-00001423 So we're really delighted to begin with the Integration of Genomics in Cancer paper, and _uBqhQR_d40-00003-00001423-00001950 the two authors who were predominately responsible for that paper are joining us today. _uBqhQR_d40-00004-00001950-00002688 And the first is Dr. Erika Santos, and she's actually joining us from São Paulo, Brazil, _uBqhQR_d40-00005-00002688-00003494 and is currently working at the hospital A.C. Camargo in their Oncology and Hereditary Colorectal _uBqhQR_d40-00006-00003494-00003648 Cancer program there. _uBqhQR_d40-00007-00003648-00004142 And in addition to that facility, she is also the supervisor for their graduate program, _uBqhQR_d40-00008-00004142-00004482 and she teaches oncology nursing. _uBqhQR_d40-00009-00004482-00005048 Erika is very active in the International Society of Nurses in Genetics and is the editor _uBqhQR_d40-00010-00005048-00005539 of the newsletter, and she's been the editor for several years now. _uBqhQR_d40-00011-00005539-00006237 And then Dr. Deborah MacDonald is also joining us, she'll speak second in this particular _uBqhQR_d40-00012-00006237-00006337 presentation. _uBqhQR_d40-00013-00006337-00006768 And since January, Deborah's been working with me here at the National Cancer Institute _uBqhQR_d40-00014-00006768-00007192 and the Center for Cancer Research in the Genetics branch. _uBqhQR_d40-00015-00007192-00007817 Prior to that, she's had an illustrious career in cancer genetics, first at Massachusetts _uBqhQR_d40-00016-00007817-00008285 General Hospital, and then for many years now at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer _uBqhQR_d40-00017-00008285-00009046 Center in their Clinical Cancer Genetics program that she helped develop there with the team. _uBqhQR_d40-00018-00009046-00009703 She's been a longstanding member of ISONG and was a former president of the International _uBqhQR_d40-00019-00009703-00009853 Society of Nurses in Genetics. _uBqhQR_d40-00020-00009853-00010303 So I'm going to turn it over to the both of them. _uBqhQR_d40-00021-00010303-00010789 Erika Santos: Hello to all. _uBqhQR_d40-00022-00010789-00010889 My name is Erika Santos. _uBqhQR_d40-00023-00010889-00011527 Deborah MacDonald and I, we will talk the next 20 minutes about integration of genomics _uBqhQR_d40-00024-00011527-00011627 in cancer care. _uBqhQR_d40-00025-00011627-00012297 On behalf of all the authors in this paper, we would like to thank NIH for this opportunity _uBqhQR_d40-00026-00012297-00012596 to talk about -- with you about this issue. _uBqhQR_d40-00027-00012596-00012696 Next, please. _uBqhQR_d40-00028-00012696-00013095 Next slide. _uBqhQR_d40-00029-00013095-00013859 So the aim is to introduce how genetics and genomics are integrated into cancer care from _uBqhQR_d40-00030-00013859-00014079 prevention to treatment. _uBqhQR_d40-00031-00014079-00014259 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00032-00014259-00014912 So the presentation will cover five topics: etiology of cancer, cancer risk assessment, _uBqhQR_d40-00033-00014912-00015587 tumor profiling, pharmacogenomics, and targeted cancer therapy. _uBqhQR_d40-00034-00015587-00015711 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00035-00015711-00016106 So we decided to use a case study approach. _uBqhQR_d40-00036-00016106-00016756 So Mr. J is 41 years old, European ancestry. _uBqhQR_d40-00037-00016756-00017312 His biopsy showed right-side colon cancer and two polyps. _uBqhQR_d40-00038-00017312-00018226 He had no prior cancer history, and his medical history was unremarkable. _uBqhQR_d40-00039-00018226-00018567 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00040-00018567-00019252 This is Mr. J pedigree so we can see here that he had colon cancer at the age of 41 _uBqhQR_d40-00041-00019252-00019551 and two polyps. _uBqhQR_d40-00042-00019551-00020097 His father had colon cancer at the age of 41 -- 50. _uBqhQR_d40-00043-00020097-00021213 His father had -- his aunt had uterine cancer at the age of 43, and his grandmother had _uBqhQR_d40-00044-00021213-00021560 colon cancer at the age of 52. _uBqhQR_d40-00045-00021560-00022195 So we will discuss this -- the implication of his personal cancer history and his familial _uBqhQR_d40-00046-00022195-00022375 cancer history later on. _uBqhQR_d40-00047-00022375-00022975 But first of all, I would like to talk with you about the etiology of cancer, and cancer _uBqhQR_d40-00048-00022975-00023603 as a genetic disease. _uBqhQR_d40-00049-00023603-00023761 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00050-00023761-00024875 So cancer is a genetic disease, is multifactorial, and infection and chemical products and radiation _uBqhQR_d40-00051-00024875-00025130 alters DNA structure. _uBqhQR_d40-00052-00025130-00025945 So genetic and genomic factors underlie the etiology of all cancers. _uBqhQR_d40-00053-00025945-00026266 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00054-00026266-00026974 So it's important that we know the etiology of cancer, you know, all risk factors that _uBqhQR_d40-00055-00026974-00027602 are related to the cancer development because this is important for cancer risk assessment. _uBqhQR_d40-00056-00027602-00028156 So there are different risk factors that are related to the cancer development, and nurses _uBqhQR_d40-00057-00028156-00028375 must recognize those risk factors. _uBqhQR_d40-00058-00028375-00029479 And the radiation, chemical, and biological, and one of the important risk factors are _uBqhQR_d40-00059-00029479-00029752 genetic susceptibility. _uBqhQR_d40-00060-00029752-00029891 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00061-00029891-00030583 So if we -- according to cancer history, family history, tumors can be classified as sporadic, _uBqhQR_d40-00062-00030583-00030808 familial, and hereditary. _uBqhQR_d40-00063-00030808-00031895 This has very important implications for the development or the strategies for monitoring _uBqhQR_d40-00064-00031895-00032605 individuals and also at-risk family members. _uBqhQR_d40-00065-00032605-00032747 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00066-00032747-00033587 Sporadic tumors account for 75 percent of all cancers, and usually occurs at an age _uBqhQR_d40-00067-00033587-00034249 of onset that is expected for this -- the kind of cancer that we are talking about. _uBqhQR_d40-00068-00034249-00034727 For example, colon cancer at age of 65. _uBqhQR_d40-00069-00034727-00035806 They are related to somatic mutations in a specific tissue, for example, breast or colon _uBqhQR_d40-00070-00035806-00035974 cancer [unintelligible]. _uBqhQR_d40-00071-00035974-00036074 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00072-00036074-00037048 On the other hand, if -- sometimes we can see the same type of cancer occurring at the _uBqhQR_d40-00073-00037048-00037861 expect age but in more than one close relative on the same side of the family; for example, _uBqhQR_d40-00074-00037861-00038650 two siblings with colon cancer after the age of 60, or two sisters with breast cancer with _uBqhQR_d40-00075-00038650-00039297 age of 65, and sometimes this is referred as familial cancer. _uBqhQR_d40-00076-00039297-00040002 These account for 10 to 15 percent of all cancers. _uBqhQR_d40-00077-00040002-00040766 And this is likely the combination of environmental and genomic influences that are shared by _uBqhQR_d40-00078-00040766-00041478 close relatives, and -- or low-penetrance genes or SNPs. _uBqhQR_d40-00079-00041478-00041600 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00080-00041600-00043038 And 5 to 10 percent of all cancers are hereditary, and they are due to single gene mutation in _uBqhQR_d40-00081-00043038-00043665 the germline that exposed an individual to developing certain cancers. _uBqhQR_d40-00082-00043665-00044269 The hallmark is an early age at onset that normally would not [spelled phonetically] _uBqhQR_d40-00083-00044269-00045037 be expected for a particular cancer, for example, colon cancer at age of 30, or breast cancer _uBqhQR_d40-00084-00045037-00045180 age of 30. _uBqhQR_d40-00085-00045180-00046356 And this is, as I said, a germline mutation that is usually related to this kind of cancer. _uBqhQR_d40-00086-00046356-00046488 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00087-00046488-00047053 So most germline mutation are transmitted to the offspring by the mother or the father _uBqhQR_d40-00088-00047053-00047980 during conception, and somatic mutations, on the other hand, are not transmittable, _uBqhQR_d40-00089-00047980-00048481 and they occur in somatic tissues. _uBqhQR_d40-00090-00048481-00048581 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00091-00048581-00049586 So how important is to recognize difference among acquired, inheritable genetic mutation? _uBqhQR_d40-00092-00049586-00050259 This is very important because it is a key to appropriate referral and further evaluation. _uBqhQR_d40-00093-00050259-00050369 And how can we achieve that? _uBqhQR_d40-00094-00050369-00050469 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00095-00050469-00051304 One of the tools is cancer risk assessment. _uBqhQR_d40-00096-00051304-00052316 Cancer risk assessment is used to define cancer risk for clients and family members, and this _uBqhQR_d40-00097-00052316-00053066 is used to -- through the collection for personal -- with personal health and family history. _uBqhQR_d40-00098-00053066-00053628 Through cancer risk assessment, we can identify individuals who might benefit from genetic _uBqhQR_d40-00099-00053628-00054471 and genomic testing, and also we can provide cancer screening strategies for those individuals. _uBqhQR_d40-00100-00054471-00055321 In cancer risk assessment is very important tool to access psychosocial and cultural implications _uBqhQR_d40-00101-00055321-00055573 for cancer risk assessment. _uBqhQR_d40-00102-00055573-00056178 And the -- one of the most important thing is, is to provide education, counseling, and _uBqhQR_d40-00103-00056178-00056579 to facilitate informed decision making. _uBqhQR_d40-00104-00056579-00056679 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00105-00056679-00057678 But when we consider the cancer risk assessment, of course, it's not possible to refer all _uBqhQR_d40-00106-00057678-00057937 patients to cancer risk assessment. _uBqhQR_d40-00107-00057937-00058732 So we need to identify those individuals who should benefit with this strategy. _uBqhQR_d40-00108-00058732-00059779 So we have the red flags; so red flags are features on personal or family history of _uBqhQR_d40-00109-00059779-00060862 cancer that draw attention to suspect familial or hereditary cancer. _uBqhQR_d40-00110-00060862-00061733 So these are the red flags; they're only an indication for investigation. _uBqhQR_d40-00111-00061733-00062514 So we have here earlier age of cancer onset than expected; same type of cancer in two _uBqhQR_d40-00112-00062514-00063182 or more close relatives; two or more primary cancers in same person; and a constellation _uBqhQR_d40-00113-00063182-00064032 of cancers characteristic of hereditary syndrome, for example, breast and ovarian cancer, or _uBqhQR_d40-00114-00064032-00064870 colon and uterine cancer; and some male breast cancer, ovarian cancer, thyroid cancer, at _uBqhQR_d40-00115-00064870-00066017 any age; particular -- actually, medullary thyroid cancer at any age, any mutation in _uBqhQR_d40-00116-00066017-00066174 the family. _uBqhQR_d40-00117-00066174-00066288 So, if we -- next. _uBqhQR_d40-00118-00066288-00066841 Now we connect to our case, our pedigree. _uBqhQR_d40-00119-00066841-00066955 Next. _uBqhQR_d40-00120-00066955-00067537 We can see now the actual case study of the pedigree of Mr. J. _uBqhQR_d40-00121-00067537-00067911 We can check some red flags here. _uBqhQR_d40-00122-00067911-00068552 So we have age at diagnosis, earlier than expected. _uBqhQR_d40-00123-00068552-00069354 More than colon cancer -- three cases of colon cancer, which is not expected here, so, we _uBqhQR_d40-00124-00069354-00069588 have three cases of colon cancer. _uBqhQR_d40-00125-00069588-00070425 And we have also a constellation syndrome, which is uterine cancer and colon cancer, _uBqhQR_d40-00126-00070425-00070681 which is characteristic of the syndrome. _uBqhQR_d40-00127-00070681-00071655 So based on these characteristics, Mr. J was referred for evaluation and molecular investigation, _uBqhQR_d40-00128-00071655-00071856 and discuss it with the patient. _uBqhQR_d40-00129-00071856-00072227 So now Deborah will continue with the presentation. _uBqhQR_d40-00130-00072227-00072639 Deborah MacDonald: Okay, so thank you, Erika. _uBqhQR_d40-00131-00072639-00072970 I'm turning to tumor profiling. _uBqhQR_d40-00132-00072970-00073717 This is the evaluation of genomic factors, and not just individual genes, but the study _uBqhQR_d40-00133-00073717-00074333 of one's entire genetic makeup; proteomics, the study of the structure and function of _uBqhQR_d40-00134-00074333-00074883 proteins; and epigenetics are factors that can change the expression of the gene or the _uBqhQR_d40-00135-00074883-00075562 physical, physiologic, or biochemical characteristics of an individual that are not due to a change _uBqhQR_d40-00136-00075562-00075869 in the DNA. _uBqhQR_d40-00137-00075869-00076513 So here we take our example of tumor profiling by a process known as immunohistochemistry, _uBqhQR_d40-00138-00076513-00076687 or IHC. _uBqhQR_d40-00139-00076687-00077218 In Mr. J's case, this test is performed in the pathology lab on tumor tissue to screen _uBqhQR_d40-00140-00077218-00077876 for Lynch syndrome by examining the protein expression of the four primary mismatch repair _uBqhQR_d40-00141-00077876-00078110 genes that are associated with the syndrome. _uBqhQR_d40-00142-00078110-00078824 And as you can see, there is very little expression of MLH1 here, protein product, as compared _uBqhQR_d40-00143-00078824-00079724 to the expression of the other three genes, suggesting that the MLH1 gene could be mutated. _uBqhQR_d40-00144-00079724-00080399 This helps to guide genetic testing by targeting testing to this specific gene rather than _uBqhQR_d40-00145-00080399-00081106 testing for all four genes, and thus it's a more effective and a less costly strategy. _uBqhQR_d40-00146-00081106-00081834 So microsatellite instability testing, or MSI, is another laboratory test that when _uBqhQR_d40-00147-00081834-00082396 microsatellite instability is found, it suggests that the individual has Lynch syndrome. _uBqhQR_d40-00148-00082396-00083219 However, about 10 to 15 percent of microsatellite instability is present in various sporadic _uBqhQR_d40-00149-00083219-00083878 cancers, so this is a clue, as is IHC, that there could be an underlying genetic susceptibility _uBqhQR_d40-00150-00083878-00084321 to colon cancer, specifically here, Lynch syndrome. _uBqhQR_d40-00151-00084321-00084931 MSI testing requires tumor tissue as well as non-cancerous tissue as seen here; we've _uBqhQR_d40-00152-00084931-00085591 got the normal tissue and the tumor tissue, which -- and normal tissue could be that from _uBqhQR_d40-00153-00085591-00085840 a surgical specimen or a blood sample. _uBqhQR_d40-00154-00085840-00086691 So the tumor is classified as unstable when there are short repetitive sequences of the _uBqhQR_d40-00155-00086691-00087335 DNA base in at least 30 percent of five or more markers analyzed. _uBqhQR_d40-00156-00087335-00087907 Here it's shown as repeats of CA, CA, CA, or cytosine and adenosine, two of the four _uBqhQR_d40-00157-00087907-00088224 chemical bases that make up DNA. _uBqhQR_d40-00158-00088224-00089106 MSI testing is also used in early stage colorectal cancer to guide choice of chemotherapy since _uBqhQR_d40-00159-00089106-00089994 microsatellite-unstable tumors are resistant to 5-FU. _uBqhQR_d40-00160-00089994-00090536 This is an example of an algorithm for evaluating a colorectal cancer case. _uBqhQR_d40-00161-00090536-00091135 Other algorithms such as that updated yearly in the U.S. by the National Comprehensive _uBqhQR_d40-00162-00091135-00091775 Cancer Network, the NCCN, are also available to guide genetic and genomic testing. _uBqhQR_d40-00163-00091775-00092275 And nowadays it's becoming much more commonplace, at least in the United States, to initiate _uBqhQR_d40-00164-00092275-00093017 tumor testing for Lynch syndrome with IHC and/or MSI at the time of initial diagnosis _uBqhQR_d40-00165-00093017-00093236 of a colon cancer. _uBqhQR_d40-00166-00093236-00093818 And in a case where there is less suspicion of Lynch syndrome, for instance, some institutions _uBqhQR_d40-00167-00093818-00094718 might be performing a BRAF testing when MLH1 is deficient on IHC, and the BRAF testing _uBqhQR_d40-00168-00094718-00095425 can be used to rule out Lynch syndrome quickly and less costly than going to genetic testing _uBqhQR_d40-00169-00095425-00095783 like sequencing. _uBqhQR_d40-00170-00095783-00096398 The common B600E mutation in BRAF is present is evidence of sporadic versus hereditary _uBqhQR_d40-00171-00096398-00096835 colorectal cancer. _uBqhQR_d40-00172-00096835-00097469 This here shows the DNA sequencing output for Mr. J. As we discussed, his tumor revealed _uBqhQR_d40-00173-00097469-00098128 absence of the MLH1 protein, so the next step, then, is the targeted sequencing of the MLH1 _uBqhQR_d40-00174-00098128-00098228 gene. _uBqhQR_d40-00175-00098228-00098800 Here, this testing identified a DNA change at position 1975. _uBqhQR_d40-00176-00098800-00099838 You can see that the normal sequence, CGA and arginine, was changed to TGA, so a thymine _uBqhQR_d40-00177-00099838-00100428 in place a cytosine, resulting in what should have been the amino acid arginine being changed _uBqhQR_d40-00178-00100428-00101031 to a stop codon, which terminates translation of the gene. _uBqhQR_d40-00179-00101031-00101739 This particular mutation is a well-known pathogenic mutation in the United States, the United _uBqhQR_d40-00180-00101739-00102179 Kingdom, and Finland. _uBqhQR_d40-00181-00102179-00102901 Here, this shows microarray, which is a means of looking at the DNA expression of multiple _uBqhQR_d40-00182-00102901-00103409 genes simultaneously using a ChIP or other platform. _uBqhQR_d40-00183-00103409-00103850 Shown here we used fluorescent dyes to identify gene expression. _uBqhQR_d40-00184-00103850-00104515 A commonly-used microarray in early stage breast and colon cancers to help in deciding _uBqhQR_d40-00185-00104515-00105143 whether or not to undergo chemotherapy is the oncotype DX test which gives a score of _uBqhQR_d40-00186-00105143-00105323 the likelihood of cancer recurrence. _uBqhQR_d40-00187-00105323-00105931 So a low score would indicate a low chance of recurrence, and thus, that the individual _uBqhQR_d40-00188-00105931-00106461 would likely receive little benefit from chemotherapy, whereas a high score would indicate a higher _uBqhQR_d40-00189-00106461-00107130 risk of recurrence and a greater chemo benefit. _uBqhQR_d40-00190-00107130-00107833 Turning to SNPs, or single-nucleotide polymorphisms, or that is relatively common changes found _uBqhQR_d40-00191-00107833-00107986 in a population. _uBqhQR_d40-00192-00107986-00108676 Here we want to point out that four new SNPs associated with colorectal cancer were identified _uBqhQR_d40-00193-00108676-00109331 via microarray analysis, which, when taken together with 10 previously-identified SNPs, _uBqhQR_d40-00194-00109331-00109859 may account for about 6 percent of familial colorectal cancer. _uBqhQR_d40-00195-00109859-00110304 Other SNPs have been identified that are associated with prognosis and morbidity. _uBqhQR_d40-00196-00110304-00110989 For example, SNPs have been found that are associated with lymphedema in breast cancer. _uBqhQR_d40-00197-00110989-00111495 And this knowledge can help nurses to educate women about means to reduce likelihood or _uBqhQR_d40-00198-00111495-00111863 severity of lymphedema. _uBqhQR_d40-00199-00111863-00112554 Pharmacogenetics examines how genes influence drug actions including metabolism response, _uBqhQR_d40-00200-00112554-00112715 and toxicity or side effects. _uBqhQR_d40-00201-00112715-00113477 For example, as much as 20 percent of drug metabolism has been attributed to the P450 _uBqhQR_d40-00202-00113477-00114407 CYP2D6 enzyme, including response to tamoxifen and response to the commonly-used antidepressants, _uBqhQR_d40-00203-00114407-00114943 trade names Prozac and Paxil, which are also sometimes used to decrease hot flashes. _uBqhQR_d40-00204-00114943-00115595 So certain variants in CYP2D6 are associated with administered response to these drugs, _uBqhQR_d40-00205-00115595-00116164 and thus, the benefit would be nil or suboptimal. _uBqhQR_d40-00206-00116164-00116681 Many SNPs have been identified through GWAS, or genome-wide association studies, as was _uBqhQR_d40-00207-00116681-00117292 discussed by Dr. Yvette Conley in the February 19th webinar. _uBqhQR_d40-00208-00117292-00117983 Targeted therapy is another example of personalized medicine based on molecular features of a _uBqhQR_d40-00209-00117983-00118107 patient's tumor. _uBqhQR_d40-00210-00118107-00118802 So drugs such as trastuzumab, trade name Herceptin, the first targeted medicine which was approved _uBqhQR_d40-00211-00118802-00119598 by the United States Food and Drug Administration in 1998, are used in human epidermal receptor _uBqhQR_d40-00212-00119598-00120472 2, HER2-positive breast cancers to block cancer growth by binding to the receptor site on _uBqhQR_d40-00213-00120472-00120653 the breast cancer cells. _uBqhQR_d40-00214-00120653-00121123 Since the advent of Herceptin, bone marrow or stem cell transfer for breast cancer has _uBqhQR_d40-00215-00121123-00121274 pretty much become obsolete. _uBqhQR_d40-00216-00121274-00121979 Bevacizumab, or Avastin, is another monoclonal antibody; it's used to inhibit the growth _uBqhQR_d40-00217-00121979-00122307 of new blood vessels in several cancers. _uBqhQR_d40-00218-00122307-00122911 This slide, which is in our article, shows how different drugs are used based on one's _uBqhQR_d40-00219-00122911-00123308 genes, and how they influence drug response. _uBqhQR_d40-00220-00123308-00123866 So nurses could use this to explain to patients who may wonder why they're not getting the _uBqhQR_d40-00221-00123866-00124678 same treatment as someone they know who has the same cancer. _uBqhQR_d40-00222-00124678-00125399 Back to Mr. J here, tumor testing per microsatellite instability helped guide the choice of chemotherapy, _uBqhQR_d40-00223-00125399-00125855 and immunohistochemistry helped to determine the specific gene that was involved in his _uBqhQR_d40-00224-00125855-00126353 developing colon cancer, and this provided very important information for the patient _uBqhQR_d40-00225-00126353-00127042 in terms of his current care, as well as guiding future cancer surveillance for him since he _uBqhQR_d40-00226-00127042-00127593 would need more frequent colonoscopy, as well as other tests for the Lynch syndrome associated _uBqhQR_d40-00227-00127593-00128094 cancers, than would someone without this syndrome. _uBqhQR_d40-00228-00128094-00128585 And this also provided important information for determining cancer risk in guiding screening _uBqhQR_d40-00229-00128585-00129527 and early detection strategies for his family, as summed up in the next slide, including _uBqhQR_d40-00230-00129527-00130091 for his sister, his paternal aunt and her adult children, and for his own daughter when _uBqhQR_d40-00231-00130091-00130700 she reaches adulthood and the age at which she would be at risk and need to have strategies _uBqhQR_d40-00232-00130700-00131339 initiated if she carried the same mutation. _uBqhQR_d40-00233-00131339-00132193 Okay, so, in conclusion, then, we have given you a glimpse into how genomics is changing _uBqhQR_d40-00234-00132193-00132769 cancer care today, and, as such, informed nurses can educate and support patients in _uBqhQR_d40-00235-00132769-00133384 how genetics and genomics impacts the continuum of cancer care, as well as risk management _uBqhQR_d40-00236-00133384-00133579 and the treatment they receive. _uBqhQR_d40-00237-00133579-00134197 Table 2 in our article lists clinical resources to familiarize and keep nurses up to date _uBqhQR_d40-00238-00134197-00134527 regarding genetics and genomics. _uBqhQR_d40-00239-00134527-00135250 And clearly, genetics and genomics is changing the way cancer care is practiced, and nurses _uBqhQR_d40-00240-00135250-00135785 play a key role in helping patients and families understand these new developments, and how _uBqhQR_d40-00241-00135785-00136318 they impact cancer and many other areas of health care. _uBqhQR_d40-00242-00136318-00136906 Thank you for listening to our presentation summarizing the article titled "Integration _uBqhQR_d40-00243-00136906-00137505 of Genetics and Cancer Care" in the first quarter 2013 issue of the Journal of Nursing _uBqhQR_d40-00244-00137505-00138090 Scholarship, dedicated to advances in genomics impacting cancer care and nursing practice. _uBqhQR_d40-00245-00138090-00138572 We have a few minutes, I believe, before Dr. Seibert's presentation on caring for individuals _uBqhQR_d40-00246-00138572-00138982 with genetic skin diseases to answer any questions. _uBqhQR_d40-00247-00138982-00139520 Female Speaker: So I have opened the microphones for Dr. MacDonald _uBqhQR_d40-00248-00139520-00139933 and Dr. Santos to be able to answer any questions that come up. _uBqhQR_d40-00249-00139933-00140130 Should you have a question, please type them in. _uBqhQR_d40-00250-00140130-00141253 "How important do you think that cancer genomics is for the care of cancer patients at this _uBqhQR_d40-00251-00141253-00141418 point in time?" _uBqhQR_d40-00252-00141418-00141741 Either of you want to answer that? _uBqhQR_d40-00253-00141741-00142067 Deborah MacDonald: Sure. _uBqhQR_d40-00254-00142067-00142670 Well, I think as we've shown, certainly in breast cancer and in colon cancer, we didn't _uBqhQR_d40-00255-00142670-00143847 give any other examples, but in lung cancer, melanoma, other cancers, we're beginning to _uBqhQR_d40-00256-00143847-00144580 use personalized care in genomics in guiding the care, as we've shown, in how patients _uBqhQR_d40-00257-00144580-00145146 will respond to certain therapy so that we could change the therapy if their genetic _uBqhQR_d40-00258-00145146-00145787 makeup shows that they don't respond to that therapy, or in other ways such as that. _uBqhQR_d40-00259-00145787-00146096 Erika, did you want to add anything? _uBqhQR_d40-00260-00146096-00146506 Erika Santos: No, I think that as we advance, we're going _uBqhQR_d40-00261-00146506-00146762 to use this even more in our daily practice. _uBqhQR_d40-00262-00146762-00147663 So every time that we have a patient with cancer, we're going to have this more and _uBqhQR_d40-00263-00147663-00147763 more. _uBqhQR_d40-00264-00147763-00148791 This is our daily -- we use this genetic testing in a daily basis at least. _uBqhQR_d40-00265-00148791-00149403 And in my practice, I use this, and target therapy is reality. _uBqhQR_d40-00266-00149403-00150480 Of course, that I live in Brazil, we still have some issues about covering issues as _uBqhQR_d40-00267-00150480-00151148 -- covering as -- because target therapy is very expensive, and sometimes we have this _uBqhQR_d40-00268-00151148-00151248 kind of problem. _uBqhQR_d40-00269-00151248-00151564 And also genetic testing is a problem, and sometimes because of insurance, so we're having _uBqhQR_d40-00270-00151564-00152541 some debates here about that, but genetics and genomics is a reality, but we're still _uBqhQR_d40-00271-00152541-00153149 discussing the coverage issues because it is very important thing to debate also. _uBqhQR_d40-00272-00153149-00153707 So this debate is a ethic debate for us here also, so this is a problem. _uBqhQR_d40-00273-00153707-00153972 Female Speaker: Thank you, Erika. _uBqhQR_d40-00274-00153972-00154429 The next question is, "How can we get more education and training regarding SNP and the _uBqhQR_d40-00275-00154429-00154965 clinical utility?" _uBqhQR_d40-00276-00154965-00155510 And it says, "Is testing available throughout the country, and what are the costs/insurance _uBqhQR_d40-00277-00155510-00155696 coverage that's available?" _uBqhQR_d40-00278-00155696-00156332 And I think Erika addressed this for Brazil; Deborah, do you want to say something about _uBqhQR_d40-00279-00156332-00156457 it for the United States? _uBqhQR_d40-00280-00156457-00156637 Deborah MacDonald: Sure, sure. _uBqhQR_d40-00281-00156637-00157670 Well, there are certain tests now that are covered by most of the insurers, and I think, _uBqhQR_d40-00282-00157670-00158113 you know that's -- as Erika said, is evolving. _uBqhQR_d40-00283-00158113-00158914 And now we're looking at panels of testing, for instance, in families where you may suspect _uBqhQR_d40-00284-00158914-00159810 there's a hereditary predisposition, but not due to the most common genes that we typically _uBqhQR_d40-00285-00159810-00160509 test for, such as BRCA1 or BRCA2; there are now multigene panels that look at several _uBqhQR_d40-00286-00160509-00160875 genes involved in the development of breast cancer. _uBqhQR_d40-00287-00160875-00162223 Insurance coverage for those has -- is just beginning to come into play here with, I think, _uBqhQR_d40-00288-00162223-00162810 that each individual case would probably need to be argued for at this point as to why that _uBqhQR_d40-00289-00162810-00163524 might be necessary, and perhaps a more cost-effective approach than going through analyzing one _uBqhQR_d40-00290-00163524-00163719 gene after the next, after the next. _uBqhQR_d40-00291-00163719-00164359 So we're on the forefront of all of this, and in terms of learning more about it, I _uBqhQR_d40-00292-00164359-00165222 think it's just keeping up with the literature, going to formats [spelled phonetically] such _uBqhQR_d40-00293-00165222-00165954 as the G3C case presentations that we are working on and have several available already _uBqhQR_d40-00294-00165954-00167334 up on the website, www.g-3-c.org, and just keeping up with the literature because this _uBqhQR_d40-00295-00167334-00168311 is a really evolving area; and speaking to your -- whoever is the person in your area _uBqhQR_d40-00296-00168311-00169007 who may be more involved in this practice at the current time, an advanced practice _uBqhQR_d40-00297-00169007-00169337 nurse working in genetics, or a genetic counselor, for instance. _uBqhQR_d40-00298-00169337-00169800 Female Speaker: Well, thank you both very much for a very _uBqhQR_d40-00299-00169800-00170488 informative talk, and just to reiterate, these talks are videotaped and audiotaped so they _uBqhQR_d40-00300-00170488-00171212 will be recorded and archived on the genome.gov website, and at the end of Dr. Seibert's presentation, _uBqhQR_d40-00301-00171212-00171776 the listing of the website, specifically on genome.gov, will be provided. _uBqhQR_d40-00302-00171776-00172284 So I'm going to open up the microphone for Dr. Calzone to introduce Diane Seibert, and _uBqhQR_d40-00303-00172284-00172757 as I change the presenter over to Diane, she'll be introduced. _uBqhQR_d40-00304-00172757-00172978 Thank you very much, Erika and Deborah. _uBqhQR_d40-00305-00172978-00173617 Kathleen Calzone: So, I'm delighted to introduce Dr. Diane Seibert. _uBqhQR_d40-00306-00173617-00174352 Dr. Seibert is actually a practicing women's health nurse practitioner, and she's certified _uBqhQR_d40-00307-00174352-00174504 in that capacity as well. _uBqhQR_d40-00308-00174504-00174986 Her current practice is at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, formerly _uBqhQR_d40-00309-00174986-00175349 known as the National Naval Medical Center. _uBqhQR_d40-00310-00175349-00176008 She is a prolific writer, and is professor and director of the Family Nurse Practitioner _uBqhQR_d40-00311-00176008-00176804 Program at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences here in Bethesda, Maryland. _uBqhQR_d40-00312-00176804-00177332 And so she is going to talk to you about the genetics of skin disease. _uBqhQR_d40-00313-00177332-00177837 Diane Seibert: Well, good afternoon everyone, I'm delighted _uBqhQR_d40-00314-00177837-00177957 to be part of this group. _uBqhQR_d40-00315-00177957-00178446 It's been fun to listen to the talks over the last few weeks, and I'm glad to be part _uBqhQR_d40-00316-00178446-00178820 of this little -- this edition for the Journal of Nursing Scholarship. _uBqhQR_d40-00317-00178820-00179494 I am, as Kathy said, a women's health and adult nurse practitioner, so the genodermatoses, _uBqhQR_d40-00318-00179494-00179938 the genetics of skin disease, wasn't something that I was all that familiar with until a _uBqhQR_d40-00319-00179938-00180426 couple of years ago when I partnered with Tom Darling, my co-author, on this paper, _uBqhQR_d40-00320-00180426-00180983 and he and I published an article in the Annals of Internal Medicine with an interesting population _uBqhQR_d40-00321-00180983-00181622 of his over at NIH: women, adult women, with tuberous sclerosis who did not seem to have _uBqhQR_d40-00322-00181622-00182573 the classic TSC triad of features of facial angiofibromas, seizure disorder, and mental _uBqhQR_d40-00323-00182573-00182675 retardation. _uBqhQR_d40-00324-00182675-00183159 And those pictures on this particular slide show various features of this particular skin _uBqhQR_d40-00325-00183159-00183435 -- inherited skin disease. _uBqhQR_d40-00326-00183435-00183905 So I became -- I'm interested in this topic, and I realized I hadn't really read a whole _uBqhQR_d40-00327-00183905-00184398 lot about the genodermatoses in the nursing literature, so I thought that I would like _uBqhQR_d40-00328-00184398-00184673 to tackle this topic. _uBqhQR_d40-00329-00184673-00185313 So I'll take you with me on a journey as I kind of try to figure out how to bring this _uBqhQR_d40-00330-00185313-00185576 topic to a larger audience. _uBqhQR_d40-00331-00185576-00186026 So Physical, Psychological, & Ethical Issues in Caring for Individuals with Genetic Skin _uBqhQR_d40-00332-00186026-00186394 Disease is what I decided to call this paper. _uBqhQR_d40-00333-00186394-00186536 So just bit of background. _uBqhQR_d40-00334-00186536-00186935 The skin is, of course, the first line of defense between our internal and external _uBqhQR_d40-00335-00186935-00187382 environments, and if you have healthy skin, it guards against pathogen invasion, protects _uBqhQR_d40-00336-00187382-00187910 against water loss, it helps you regulate your temperature, you feel sensations, it's _uBqhQR_d40-00337-00187910-00188509 part of our haptic sensation, in terms of balance, and it helps us synthesis vitamins. _uBqhQR_d40-00338-00188509-00189075 There's been some really interesting work done related to maternal Vitamin D exposure, _uBqhQR_d40-00339-00189075-00189462 and, for example, type 1 diabetes development in offspring. _uBqhQR_d40-00340-00189462-00189721 So some very interesting things related to skin. _uBqhQR_d40-00341-00189721-00190190 So genodermatoses, which, in fact, was a word I didn't really know anything -- I didn't _uBqhQR_d40-00342-00190190-00190629 know that word existed until about a year ago, these are mutations that alter the way _uBqhQR_d40-00343-00190629-00190844 normal skin works. _uBqhQR_d40-00344-00190844-00191409 Interestingly, and probably one of the things that Dr. Darling, my co-author, said when _uBqhQR_d40-00345-00191409-00191944 I first approached him about helping me or co-authoring this paper with me, he said, _uBqhQR_d40-00346-00191944-00192489 you know, genodermatoses are interesting in -- when you think of all genetic disease in _uBqhQR_d40-00347-00192489-00192963 that this particular set of mutations don't normally shorten lifespan. _uBqhQR_d40-00348-00192963-00193510 There are some of them that do, but most of them do not affect lifespan, but they have _uBqhQR_d40-00349-00193510-00194222 significant impacts on social quality of life and social stigma because the skin is so visible _uBqhQR_d40-00350-00194222-00194496 to others. _uBqhQR_d40-00351-00194496-00194763 And managing these disorders can be very complex. _uBqhQR_d40-00352-00194763-00195078 You first have to treat what's happening on the skin. _uBqhQR_d40-00353-00195078-00195460 You have to educate the patients and their families about this disease, but you also _uBqhQR_d40-00354-00195460-00195877 have to address the stigma, and, again, this is -- there's many places where nurses play _uBqhQR_d40-00355-00195877-00196366 roles in this, if you think about all of these pieces and parts. _uBqhQR_d40-00356-00196366-00196676 You need to treat and screen for the non-skin manifestations. _uBqhQR_d40-00357-00196676-00197183 As I said, you know, when I was talking about tuberous psoriasis complex, it's the facial _uBqhQR_d40-00358-00197183-00197566 angiofibromas, which are the skin pieces, but the seizure disorder and mental/cognitive _uBqhQR_d40-00359-00197566-00198197 impacts are significant for these diseases, but recognize that there's lung tumors and _uBqhQR_d40-00360-00198197-00198376 also renal tumors as well. _uBqhQR_d40-00361-00198376-00198853 So the population that Tom and I were working with at NIH that we wrote the paper on were _uBqhQR_d40-00362-00198853-00199536 adult women who had very -- they had the disease, but it was not very expressive in them for _uBqhQR_d40-00363-00199536-00200000 whatever reason, and they were -- they had transitioned into adulthood without a diagnosis, _uBqhQR_d40-00364-00200000-00200671 and many of them had very severe pulmonary disease and were at high risk for lethal rupture _uBqhQR_d40-00365-00200671-00200920 of renal tumors. _uBqhQR_d40-00366-00200920-00201570 So the recognition of the skin manifestations may lead you to a more -- potentially more _uBqhQR_d40-00367-00201570-00202099 important diagnosis of some internal structural problem that you can help prevent that bad _uBqhQR_d40-00368-00202099-00202199 outcome. _uBqhQR_d40-00369-00202199-00202574 We also need to make appropriate referrals, and that can be complicated in these disorders _uBqhQR_d40-00370-00202574-00202977 because, again, there are several variety of organ systems that may be involved so they _uBqhQR_d40-00371-00202977-00203597 may require a team approach or several different referrals to different people. _uBqhQR_d40-00372-00203597-00204034 When managing these diseases, roadblocks are pretty common. _uBqhQR_d40-00373-00204034-00204709 And until recently, deciding what the actual diagnosis was was rather difficult. _uBqhQR_d40-00374-00204709-00205191 As we go into the talk a little bit farther, you'll see -- I'll give highlights and examples _uBqhQR_d40-00375-00205191-00205291 of that. _uBqhQR_d40-00376-00205291-00205565 There were very few effective treatments for some of these disorders. _uBqhQR_d40-00377-00205565-00206071 There wasn't much research, particularly in the rather rare -- some of these rare recessive _uBqhQR_d40-00378-00206071-00206482 disorders, and, as a result -- and because they're rare there are few other affected _uBqhQR_d40-00379-00206482-00206786 people in your community that you could talk to. _uBqhQR_d40-00380-00206786-00207311 And with the advent of the Internet, that's changing pretty dramatically and helping this _uBqhQR_d40-00381-00207311-00207548 population of patients, too. _uBqhQR_d40-00382-00207548-00208048 So diagnosis of some of these rare conditions is now possible that we have gene sequencing _uBqhQR_d40-00383-00208048-00208386 and we know what genes to look for. _uBqhQR_d40-00384-00208386-00208802 The Internet, as I kind of mentioned, people are able to look outside their communities, _uBqhQR_d40-00385-00208802-00209315 local communities, for people that might also have these relatively rare disorders, and _uBqhQR_d40-00386-00209315-00209665 the Internet is helping them find support groups. _uBqhQR_d40-00387-00209665-00210254 And here are several that I ran in to as I was putting together this paper: Talk Against _uBqhQR_d40-00388-00210254-00210796 Genodermatoses, very powerful and pretty robust site; psoriasis, albinism, incontinentia pigmenti, _uBqhQR_d40-00389-00210796-00211288 and an eczema support group, so just an example. _uBqhQR_d40-00390-00211288-00211834 Lots of thing happening out there on the Internet now. _uBqhQR_d40-00391-00211834-00212085 So a little bit about the genetics. _uBqhQR_d40-00392-00212085-00212579 I was stunned, really, to realize that there are over 500 genetic mutations that look like _uBqhQR_d40-00393-00212579-00213242 they cause somewhere in the neighbor of 560 or 570 distinct skin disorders, 400 of which _uBqhQR_d40-00394-00213242-00213463 can be traced to the specific gene. _uBqhQR_d40-00395-00213463-00213885 But it's interesting because there is significant overlap between the disorders in terms of _uBqhQR_d40-00396-00213885-00214050 how they manifest on the skin. _uBqhQR_d40-00397-00214050-00214287 So categorizing has rather been a nightmare. _uBqhQR_d40-00398-00214287-00214734 And if you go back into history and look at textbooks of skin diseases, you'll find authors, _uBqhQR_d40-00399-00214734-00215188 you know, here's a dry skin disorder, do we lump it with these other dry skin disorders. _uBqhQR_d40-00400-00215188-00215660 And so lots of confusion in the community about what categorize -- you know, what category _uBqhQR_d40-00401-00215660-00215838 these disorders belong in. _uBqhQR_d40-00402-00215838-00216310 But as we have come to better understand the physiology and pathophysiology of those skin _uBqhQR_d40-00403-00216310-00216979 diseases, and the genetics of these diseases, they are settling on the genetic -- the dermatology _uBqhQR_d40-00404-00216979-00217246 community has begun settling on classification systems. _uBqhQR_d40-00405-00217246-00217773 And there are about 12 of these categories based on the type of skin lesion, and then _uBqhQR_d40-00406-00217773-00218177 they are further subdividing based on your inheritance pattern. _uBqhQR_d40-00407-00218177-00218354 Some of these disorders may surprise you. _uBqhQR_d40-00408-00218354-00218830 Osteogenesis Imperfecta: I think most of us recognize of that as a fracture, boney fracture, _uBqhQR_d40-00409-00218830-00219107 but there are also skin manifestations with that. _uBqhQR_d40-00410-00219107-00219827 Cowden syndrome is considered a cancer syndrome, but there are skin features with that. _uBqhQR_d40-00411-00219827-00220309 Hypertriglyceridemia -- okay, that's cholesterol, but skin shows up there. _uBqhQR_d40-00412-00220309-00220505 And hemochromatosis, iron overload. _uBqhQR_d40-00413-00220505-00220767 Again, there are skin features for all these diseases. _uBqhQR_d40-00414-00220767-00221434 And so sometimes just highlighting or having clinicians recognize the external manifestations _uBqhQR_d40-00415-00221434-00221958 gets you faster to a diagnosis for some of these. _uBqhQR_d40-00416-00221958-00222460 Basically every inherence pattern is represented in the genodermatoses, but there are autosomal _uBqhQR_d40-00417-00222460-00222973 dominant ones, recessive ones; there's X-linked, both dominant and recessive; there's mosaic. _uBqhQR_d40-00418-00222973-00223498 There are complex conditions, lots of those where there's several genes plus an environmental _uBqhQR_d40-00419-00223498-00224182 trigger, and then -- or a chronic environmental insult; and then there's significant heterogeneity _uBqhQR_d40-00420-00224182-00224282 as well. _uBqhQR_d40-00421-00224282-00224998 Modifier genes are playing a role here for some of these, and it's certainly environmental _uBqhQR_d40-00422-00224998-00225375 factors, exposure to sunlight, dry climates or humid climates, et cetera. _uBqhQR_d40-00423-00225375-00225901 So the chapter is divided into -- you know, I was working with inherence patterns, and _uBqhQR_d40-00424-00225901-00226019 here's the complex disorders. _uBqhQR_d40-00425-00226019-00226701 I started there because it was the most common things, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. _uBqhQR_d40-00426-00226701-00227259 So about 15 percent of kids living in industrialized countries have atopic dermatitis. _uBqhQR_d40-00427-00227259-00227717 That's a pretty high number, and you realize that I put that word "industrialized countries" _uBqhQR_d40-00428-00227717-00227817 in there. _uBqhQR_d40-00429-00227817-00228348 That's an environmental exposure that seems to be triggering some of this skin disease. _uBqhQR_d40-00430-00228348-00228941 Symptoms: Most people usually have symptoms that manifest in childhood and maybe make _uBqhQR_d40-00431-00228941-00229542 them absolutely miserable, hospitalized, et cetera, but many of them -- many of these _uBqhQR_d40-00432-00229542-00230169 individuals get better as they age, so the skin seems to become a little bit different _uBqhQR_d40-00433-00230169-00230269 with age. _uBqhQR_d40-00434-00230269-00230705 The mutations appear to be largely centered in this filaggrin gene. _uBqhQR_d40-00435-00230705-00231003 There are four other genes that they're working with as well. _uBqhQR_d40-00436-00231003-00231944 The mutation appears to cause an abnormal enzyme, which prematurely disables these corneodesmosomes, _uBqhQR_d40-00437-00231944-00232210 and that causes an impaired barrier skin. _uBqhQR_d40-00438-00232210-00232758 So things like irritants, soap, detergents, et cetera, damage this fragile skin; it's _uBqhQR_d40-00439-00232758-00232911 not built very well. _uBqhQR_d40-00440-00232911-00233302 The allergens can get in, and then you have this inflammatory cascade. _uBqhQR_d40-00441-00233302-00233760 So atopic dermatitis really is a model for the gene environment interaction and highlights _uBqhQR_d40-00442-00233760-00234296 the differences in the expressivity because not all severely affected people have this _uBqhQR_d40-00443-00234296-00234846 FLG mutations, and not all people with FLG mutations develop eczema. _uBqhQR_d40-00444-00234846-00235611 So -- and then this whole idea that the older you get, the less disease you have is an interesting, _uBqhQR_d40-00445-00235611-00235761 complex process, too. _uBqhQR_d40-00446-00235761-00236136 The next one I thought I'd talk about is psoriasis. _uBqhQR_d40-00447-00236136-00236588 About up to 10 percent of people worldwide, and that you notice there is no industrial _uBqhQR_d40-00448-00236588-00236688 piece in here. _uBqhQR_d40-00449-00236688-00237394 So it seems that there less of a role -- industrialized communities or chemicals perhaps playing a _uBqhQR_d40-00450-00237394-00237494 role here. _uBqhQR_d40-00451-00237494-00237682 This is an autoimmune T-cell disorder. _uBqhQR_d40-00452-00237682-00238200 There's an environmental trigger and a genetic susceptibility, so both of these two pieces _uBqhQR_d40-00453-00238200-00238325 have to be present. _uBqhQR_d40-00454-00238325-00238666 The symptoms vary widely between people. _uBqhQR_d40-00455-00238666-00239294 And it's different then the atopic dermatitis in that in psoriasis, there's a very rapid _uBqhQR_d40-00456-00239294-00239730 skin maturation, so the skin cells don't have this have nice-paced growth. _uBqhQR_d40-00457-00239730-00239957 They accelerate the growth rapidly. _uBqhQR_d40-00458-00239957-00240248 The cells pile up on top of each other. _uBqhQR_d40-00459-00240248-00240729 That -- the immune system's not happy with that big callus-type formation, and so the _uBqhQR_d40-00460-00240729-00240988 immune system comes in to clean that up. _uBqhQR_d40-00461-00240988-00241477 So when you have very severe psoriasis, and many of you may have seen patients with really _uBqhQR_d40-00462-00241477-00242115 -- it's on the, sort of the external surface areas, atopic dermatitis tends to be in folds _uBqhQR_d40-00463-00242115-00242646 and bends, and psoriasis tends to be on external -- the outsides of elbows and knees and that _uBqhQR_d40-00464-00242646-00242746 kind of stuff. _uBqhQR_d40-00465-00242746-00242846 And it's a severe disease. _uBqhQR_d40-00466-00242846-00243330 They've done some studies to show that quality of life scores for these patients are similar _uBqhQR_d40-00467-00243330-00243784 to that of patients with other chronic diseases like hypertension, and depression, and CHF, _uBqhQR_d40-00468-00243784-00243916 and type 2 diabetes. _uBqhQR_d40-00469-00243916-00244244 So this can be a very debilitating disease. _uBqhQR_d40-00470-00244244-00244731 There's candidate genes, but recognize that these genes are not necessarily skin genes. _uBqhQR_d40-00471-00244731-00245721 These are immune genes, like that you'll find in the HLA complex of genes, particularly _uBqhQR_d40-00472-00245721-00245917 -- this particular one HLA-Cw0602. _uBqhQR_d40-00473-00245917-00246298 And then interleukin genes seem to be involved. _uBqhQR_d40-00474-00246298-00246517 These guys are also involved in immune modulation. _uBqhQR_d40-00475-00246517-00246871 So this is an immune mutation disorder. _uBqhQR_d40-00476-00246871-00246985 Interesting. _uBqhQR_d40-00477-00246985-00247671 So here are some of the monogenic, or single gene, disorders that I thought were prevalent _uBqhQR_d40-00478-00247671-00248217 enough and interesting enough that you might, a) see them, or b) kind of be interested, _uBqhQR_d40-00479-00248217-00248631 or they're markers for model disorders, I guess, for other skin diseases. _uBqhQR_d40-00480-00248631-00248902 So the autosomal dominant I thought I'd talk about is Peutz-Jeghers. _uBqhQR_d40-00481-00248902-00249094 Then in recessive, we'll talk about albinism. _uBqhQR_d40-00482-00249094-00249533 And then we'll talk about one X-linked disorder, incontinentia pigmenti. _uBqhQR_d40-00483-00249533-00249987 So Peutz-Jeghers, or PJS, is an autosomal-dominant cancer syndrome. _uBqhQR_d40-00484-00249987-00250711 That picture up there shows you some of the skin findings inside someone's mouth. _uBqhQR_d40-00485-00250711-00251067 It's the STK and LKB1 tumor suppressor gene. _uBqhQR_d40-00486-00251067-00251556 If that gene is broken, they're life -- this individual's lifetime risk for developing _uBqhQR_d40-00487-00251556-00251990 cancers is very, very high, 93 percent. _uBqhQR_d40-00488-00251990-00252534 In childhood, these individuals often have skin lesions, these dark blue or brawn macules _uBqhQR_d40-00489-00252534-00252634 on fingers, faces, perianal areas. _uBqhQR_d40-00490-00252634-00253244 If you see these in any of your patients in childhood, you need to begin cancer screening, _uBqhQR_d40-00491-00253244-00253798 or you should at least consider this Peutz-Jeghers diagnose. _uBqhQR_d40-00492-00253798-00254396 It also comes -- because it is a cancer syndrome, this is a tumor suppressor gene that is broken, _uBqhQR_d40-00493-00254396-00255021 you'll see some other manifestations: hamartomatous gastrointestinal polyps, stomach, small intestine, _uBqhQR_d40-00494-00255021-00255248 large bowel, nasal passages. _uBqhQR_d40-00495-00255248-00255739 Although these are rarely cancerous, they do get large and they do bleed, so anemia _uBqhQR_d40-00496-00255739-00256338 is a possibility, as well as bowel obstruction and intussusceptions in young -- usually in _uBqhQR_d40-00497-00256338-00256478 younger children. _uBqhQR_d40-00498-00256478-00256907 And then epithelial cancers: colorectal, gastric, pancreatic, breast, and ovarian. _uBqhQR_d40-00499-00256907-00257446 So this is a pretty serious mutation and -- if the skin can be the first thing that someone _uBqhQR_d40-00500-00257446-00257996 recognizes and starts early screening and intervention, you may have really gone a long _uBqhQR_d40-00501-00257996-00258567 way to improve someone's overall survival and quality of life. _uBqhQR_d40-00502-00258567-00259344 The genetics are -- as I mentioned, it was in this STK11 and LKB1 genes, but the -- still _uBqhQR_d40-00503-00259344-00259804 not really clear how this genetics all works with Peutz-Jeghers because there are a number _uBqhQR_d40-00504-00259804-00260359 of de novo mutations, and it appears to also be heterogenic where multiple genes are involved _uBqhQR_d40-00505-00260359-00261217 so not everyone has the same genetic -- they look phenotypically the same, but they don't _uBqhQR_d40-00506-00261217-00261451 have the same genetic picture. _uBqhQR_d40-00507-00261451-00261909 So when you find somebody who has the clinical features, you counsel as you would for other _uBqhQR_d40-00508-00261909-00262301 autosomal dominant disorders and tell the family that the inheritance risk is about _uBqhQR_d40-00509-00262301-00262401 50 percent. _uBqhQR_d40-00510-00262401-00262869 And that if the mutation is known, prenatal testing is available for Peutz-Jeghers. _uBqhQR_d40-00511-00262869-00263067 Albinism. _uBqhQR_d40-00512-00263067-00263759 It's an autosomal recessive disorder, and it involves melanin defects, either the synthesis _uBqhQR_d40-00513-00263759-00264090 and/or the transport of melanin into the skin. _uBqhQR_d40-00514-00264090-00264629 The incidence around the world is about 1 in 17,000 individuals, but there's some pockets _uBqhQR_d40-00515-00264629-00264953 around the globe where the incidence is much higher than that. _uBqhQR_d40-00516-00264953-00265822 In Sub-Saharan Africa, 1 in 4,000 Zimbabweans, and almost 1 in 1,400 Tanzanians. _uBqhQR_d40-00517-00265822-00266578 So these communities have a lot of consanguinity, a lot of intermarriages or even close marriages _uBqhQR_d40-00518-00266578-00267195 across neighboring communities, and maybe not very much awareness of how this is actually _uBqhQR_d40-00519-00267195-00267295 inherited. _uBqhQR_d40-00520-00267295-00267906 The most prevalent form is this Oculocutaneous albinism, or OCA, and there's four subtypes. _uBqhQR_d40-00521-00267906-00268384 And it depends on how -- what the mutations are like, and if they're completely broken _uBqhQR_d40-00522-00268384-00268934 and make no melanin at all, or whether they produce still a little bit of melanin really _uBqhQR_d40-00523-00268934-00269553 kind of drives how this patient is going to appear externally and how many manifestations _uBqhQR_d40-00524-00269553-00270029 they're going to have, because melanin is -- interesting -- is critical not only for _uBqhQR_d40-00525-00270029-00270359 the skin color, but it is also important for eye development. _uBqhQR_d40-00526-00270359-00270913 Obviously, you can see the picture on the top right, a lot of solar damage. _uBqhQR_d40-00527-00270913-00271234 So skin cancer is very common in this population. _uBqhQR_d40-00528-00271234-00271802 And the eye -- it's not only just the fact that there's no pigment in the eye, but also _uBqhQR_d40-00529-00271802-00271903 eye muscles. _uBqhQR_d40-00530-00271903-00272389 So they have poor eye movement, poor visual acuity, and these children also then have _uBqhQR_d40-00531-00272389-00272639 difficulty reading and school challenges. _uBqhQR_d40-00532-00272639-00273303 They not only look different now, they actually have some intellectual -- not cognitively _uBqhQR_d40-00533-00273303-00273709 challenged, but acquiring information is difficult. _uBqhQR_d40-00534-00273709-00274075 They have, again, high prevalence of skin cancer. _uBqhQR_d40-00535-00274075-00274543 And that -- in this culture, in the United States, it may not be so unusual to see little _uBqhQR_d40-00536-00274543-00274886 kids at the beach wearing the long-sleeved things now, they're starting to do a lot of _uBqhQR_d40-00537-00274886-00275146 that, but in Sub-Saharan Africa, it would pretty unusual, and probably these people _uBqhQR_d40-00538-00275146-00275870 would be a bit shunned if they start wearing long sleeves and hats, things they need to _uBqhQR_d40-00539-00275870-00276307 do to protect their skin. _uBqhQR_d40-00540-00276307-00276752 So social stigma for these children, in particular, can be very profound. _uBqhQR_d40-00541-00276752-00277287 They have very pale skin, pink eyes, they struggle in school, they often stay inside, _uBqhQR_d40-00542-00277287-00277541 they wear unusual clothing. _uBqhQR_d40-00543-00277541-00278102 And this is an extreme example of the social stigma, but in some South African albino communities, _uBqhQR_d40-00544-00278102-00278455 there are body hunters that are actually look for albino people. _uBqhQR_d40-00545-00278455-00279152 They kill them or they dismember them and make their body parts into good luck charms. _uBqhQR_d40-00546-00279152-00279404 So very scary. _uBqhQR_d40-00547-00279404-00280101 These communities, there are children that actually flee to the quote, unquote "safety" _uBqhQR_d40-00548-00280101-00280679 of larger, anonymous urban communities trying to stay alive, basically, which increases _uBqhQR_d40-00549-00280679-00280856 their isolation and their marginalization. _uBqhQR_d40-00550-00280856-00281107 So this is a big problem. _uBqhQR_d40-00551-00281107-00281532 And so, again, this skin mutation, if you can protect their skin and help them with _uBqhQR_d40-00552-00281532-00281934 their learning needs, it doesn't really affect longevity. _uBqhQR_d40-00553-00281934-00282273 But if the social stigma is so severe that they have to find themselves in a lonely community, _uBqhQR_d40-00554-00282273-00283059 isolated, it can be a very debilitating disease. _uBqhQR_d40-00555-00283059-00283347 Incontinentia pigmenti is a very rare disorder. _uBqhQR_d40-00556-00283347-00283510 It's X-linked dominant. _uBqhQR_d40-00557-00283510-00283935 What's interesting about this I really learned more about X-linked -- most of the X-linked _uBqhQR_d40-00558-00283935-00284374 disorders that I had really thought about before were really recessive disorders. _uBqhQR_d40-00559-00284374-00284615 This is one is dominant. _uBqhQR_d40-00560-00284615-00284876 So if you have one mutation, you're affected. _uBqhQR_d40-00561-00284876-00285147 And so that means that girls are affected. _uBqhQR_d40-00562-00285147-00285688 If you are a male and you only have one X, and that one happens to be affected, you usually _uBqhQR_d40-00563-00285688-00285831 don't get out of embryogenesis. _uBqhQR_d40-00564-00285831-00286301 Or if you make it to term pregnancy, you often die very early in your life. _uBqhQR_d40-00565-00286301-00286744 So the people affected by incontinentia pigmenti are women. _uBqhQR_d40-00566-00286744-00287187 There's only about 700 women around the world; that's because it is lethal in virtually all _uBqhQR_d40-00567-00287187-00287448 men, you're not going to see it in boys. _uBqhQR_d40-00568-00287448-00287908 The diagnosis is interesting because, again, it's a clinical diagnosis confirmed by skin _uBqhQR_d40-00569-00287908-00288153 biopsy, or now by gene testing. _uBqhQR_d40-00570-00288153-00288492 And the expression varies really widely. _uBqhQR_d40-00571-00288492-00288952 They have this very interesting development of skin lesion from birth into adulthood. _uBqhQR_d40-00572-00288952-00289509 They have this very severe blistering, and that's -- this picture that I put up here _uBqhQR_d40-00573-00289509-00289679 doesn't really represent some of the pictures. _uBqhQR_d40-00574-00289679-00290145 If you go to Google Images and do a search on this, you'll see some severe skin manifestations. _uBqhQR_d40-00575-00290145-00290568 But blistering until about four months of age, then this wart-like rash that appears _uBqhQR_d40-00576-00290568-00290677 for several months. _uBqhQR_d40-00577-00290677-00291204 Then they have hyperpigmentation for the rest of their lives, and they have this very interesting _uBqhQR_d40-00578-00291204-00291633 brown and slate-gray lines, wavy lines, and again, you'll see some of those if you do _uBqhQR_d40-00579-00291633-00291844 a Google search on it. _uBqhQR_d40-00580-00291844-00292433 And then they also have very interesting features like the alopecia, the strange teeth, formation _uBqhQR_d40-00581-00292433-00293078 of teeth, dystrophic nails, cataracts, so, again, more eye features, retinal detachment, _uBqhQR_d40-00582-00293078-00293236 severe vision loss. _uBqhQR_d40-00583-00293236-00293507 Again, cognitive delay and intellectual disability. _uBqhQR_d40-00584-00293507-00294282 And then some very, potentially, really severe skeletal abnormalities: hemivertebrae, scoliosis, _uBqhQR_d40-00585-00294282-00295033 spina bifida, syndactyly, and a congenital absence of the hands, all of which caused _uBqhQR_d40-00586-00295033-00295420 by a X-linked mutation. _uBqhQR_d40-00587-00295420-00295724 So what's the role of nursing? _uBqhQR_d40-00588-00295724-00296091 Hopefully as I went through of this, kind of, again, quickly, you could think of ways _uBqhQR_d40-00589-00296091-00296376 in which you might interact with some of these patients. _uBqhQR_d40-00590-00296376-00296617 We are basically everywhere in health care. _uBqhQR_d40-00591-00296617-00297331 We're engaged with people in virtually every life event from birth to death to every place _uBqhQR_d40-00592-00297331-00297431 in between. _uBqhQR_d40-00593-00297431-00297857 We're present in all health care settings, we work with all populations, and the public _uBqhQR_d40-00594-00297857-00298240 expects us to understand how genetic conditions are inherited. _uBqhQR_d40-00595-00298240-00298821 Again, those communities in Africa that need more education about albinism. _uBqhQR_d40-00596-00298821-00299357 They need -- they expect us to understand how common conditions are inherited including _uBqhQR_d40-00597-00299357-00299779 things like skin diseases, like atopic dermatitis. _uBqhQR_d40-00598-00299779-00300226 They want us to help them navigate some of the social and ethical issues, recognizing _uBqhQR_d40-00599-00300226-00300957 that children with albinism have visual challenges as well, and helping them access those resources. _uBqhQR_d40-00600-00300957-00301659 Just understanding the relationship between the eyes and social outcomes is important. _uBqhQR_d40-00601-00301659-00302227 They also expect us to help them navigate some of these physical, and emotional, and _uBqhQR_d40-00602-00302227-00302692 social consequences of some of the disorders that they have. _uBqhQR_d40-00603-00302692-00303026 They want us to help them get access to some reputable resources. _uBqhQR_d40-00604-00303026-00303199 There's a lot of stuff on the Internet. _uBqhQR_d40-00605-00303199-00303742 And, again, as I was searching around looking for things to bring to you, you run into interesting _uBqhQR_d40-00606-00303742-00304269 and very unhelpful or misleading pieces of information. _uBqhQR_d40-00607-00304269-00304959 They want this stuff rapidly, so that you're being facile with the computer really helps _uBqhQR_d40-00608-00304959-00305059 your patients. _uBqhQR_d40-00609-00305059-00305438 And then offering suggestions about coping, how to cope with some of the funny looks, _uBqhQR_d40-00610-00305438-00306180 or the fact that no one will shake your hand, or laugh at the way that your hair or eyes _uBqhQR_d40-00611-00306180-00306518 are colored, et cetera. _uBqhQR_d40-00612-00306518-00307103 So our job, in terms of preparing nurses, my job here at the university is to be aware _uBqhQR_d40-00613-00307103-00307388 of what it is that nurses need to know. _uBqhQR_d40-00614-00307388-00307999 And I think, hopefully, all of you are familiar with the two guidelines now that have been _uBqhQR_d40-00615-00307999-00308408 published related to what all nurses need to know. _uBqhQR_d40-00616-00308408-00309085 The Essentials of Genetic and Genomic Nursing: Competencies with the Outcome Indicators from _uBqhQR_d40-00617-00309085-00309185 2008. _uBqhQR_d40-00618-00309185-00309711 And then the new Essential Genetic and Genomic Competencies for Nurses Prepared at the Graduate _uBqhQR_d40-00619-00309711-00309811 Level that was published last year. _uBqhQR_d40-00620-00309811-00309958 So, in conclusion, really, nurses need to be familiar with the genodermatoses more commonly _uBqhQR_d40-00621-00309958-00310478 seen in your communities; need to be prepared to develop individualized care plans for patients _uBqhQR_d40-00622-00310478-00310953 and families with genetic concerns; and be able to discussed the ethical issues that _uBqhQR_d40-00623-00310953-00311198 surround genetic testing which includes incidental findings. _uBqhQR_d40-00624-00311198-00311887 There's been some new work, ACMG released a new paper recently about how to -- an approach, _uBqhQR_d40-00625-00311887-00312134 at least, incidental findings. _uBqhQR_d40-00626-00312134-00312477 So skin diseases affect millions around the world. _uBqhQR_d40-00627-00312477-00313102 It's accompanied by significant morbidity, which includes quality of life issues, social _uBqhQR_d40-00628-00313102-00313220 stigma, isolation. _uBqhQR_d40-00629-00313220-00313516 We're still learning about the genodermatoses. _uBqhQR_d40-00630-00313516-00313771 Many people don't understand them very well. _uBqhQR_d40-00631-00313771-00314220 The ethical, legal, and social implications are similar to those patients that have other _uBqhQR_d40-00632-00314220-00314603 genetic diseases, including all the issues around genetic testing. _uBqhQR_d40-00633-00314603-00315048 And nurses are important because we can link the science of genetics with the human experience _uBqhQR_d40-00634-00315048-00315205 of health and illness. _uBqhQR_d40-00635-00315205-00315819 And we can make an important, positive difference in the lives of our patients, of all of our _uBqhQR_d40-00636-00315819-00316310 patients, but in this context, in patients with hereditary skin disease. _uBqhQR_d40-00637-00316310-00316781 So I think I will stop there and see if there are any questions or comments. _uBqhQR_d40-00638-00316781-00316894 Hopefully, I can answer some. _uBqhQR_d40-00639-00316894-00317171 Like I said, I'm not a particular expert in this. _uBqhQR_d40-00640-00317171-00317652 Female Speaker: So, Diane, there was a question from an attendee _uBqhQR_d40-00641-00317652-00318137 who says, "I had a patient with sclerosed fibroma of the nose. _uBqhQR_d40-00642-00318137-00318497 The dermatologist recommended P10 testing. _uBqhQR_d40-00643-00318497-00318823 Is this lesion part of the P10 spectrum?" _uBqhQR_d40-00644-00318823-00319161 Diane Seibert: That is a good question, and I don't have _uBqhQR_d40-00645-00319161-00319261 a good answer for that. _uBqhQR_d40-00646-00319261-00319696 I would have to -- I'd have to do a literature search to find that answer myself. _uBqhQR_d40-00647-00319696-00320293 I don't know if Deborah or Erika, or either you or Kathy have an answer for that. _uBqhQR_d40-00648-00320293-00320513 Female Speaker: So I've opened up the microphone. _uBqhQR_d40-00649-00320513-00321014 Does anybody else want to address the P10 discussion about the fibrosis [spelled phonetically] _uBqhQR_d40-00650-00321014-00321166 of the nose? _uBqhQR_d40-00651-00321166-00321575 Female Speaker: What was it in the nose? _uBqhQR_d40-00652-00321575-00321946 I didn't quite get it. _uBqhQR_d40-00653-00321946-00322130 Female Speaker: Maybe you didn't [spelled phonetically]. _uBqhQR_d40-00654-00322130-00322646 It says, "Fibroma -- a sclerosed fibrosis of nose, and the dermatologist recommended _uBqhQR_d40-00655-00322646-00322839 P10 testing. _uBqhQR_d40-00656-00322839-00323090 Is this lesion part of the P10 spectrum?" _uBqhQR_d40-00657-00323090-00323606 Female Speaker: Well, there are sclerotic fibromas that can _uBqhQR_d40-00658-00323606-00324622 be seen in Cowden syndrome, so it could be a cutaneous marker of the disease. _uBqhQR_d40-00659-00324622-00325067 I've not come across it myself so I'd have to do a little more -- I'd have to look it _uBqhQR_d40-00660-00325067-00325768 up a bit and see if it actually meets criteria for testing, but it is a marker of -- that _uBqhQR_d40-00661-00325768-00326052 has been found in Cowden's disease before. _uBqhQR_d40-00662-00326052-00326152 So... _uBqhQR_d40-00663-00326152-00326383 Female Speaker: Dr. Calzone, do you want to tell them a little _uBqhQR_d40-00664-00326383-00326875 bit about the PDQ database where some of this information might be located? _uBqhQR_d40-00665-00326875-00327698 Kathleen Calzone: So pdq@cancer.gov actually maintains evidence-based _uBqhQR_d40-00666-00327698-00328405 reviews of Hereditary Cancer Syndromes and other associated variables. _uBqhQR_d40-00667-00328405-00329726 If you go to cancer.gov, you can look at an individual topic, and in Cowden's, for example, _uBqhQR_d40-00668-00329726-00330419 it falls under the genetics of breast and ovarian cancer because it's a syndrome that _uBqhQR_d40-00669-00330419-00330869 is associated with breast cancer as well as other cancers. _uBqhQR_d40-00670-00330869-00331430 And when you click on breast cancer at cancer.gov, you just scroll down to the genetics section, _uBqhQR_d40-00671-00331430-00332014 and there will be a whole section on the current evidence associated with Cowden's, and the _uBqhQR_d40-00672-00332014-00333080 clinical criteria associated with the, you know, indications for testing for mutations _uBqhQR_d40-00673-00333080-00333308 in P10. _uBqhQR_d40-00674-00333308-00333767 Female Speaker: Thank you. _uBqhQR_d40-00675-00333767-00334172 Any other questions that people want to submit, go ahead and do so. _uBqhQR_d40-00676-00334172-00334817 And Diane, could you move to the next slide which also shoes the next webinar coming up _uBqhQR_d40-00677-00334817-00335048 if you have that available. _uBqhQR_d40-00678-00335048-00335673 So while we wait for the last few questions, just a reminder that the next webinar is April _uBqhQR_d40-00679-00335673-00336196 26, and it will be on autism, as well as an update of childhood genetic disorders. _uBqhQR_d40-00680-00336196-00336630 So if you have colleagues that are interested in pediatric conditions, please tell them _uBqhQR_d40-00681-00336630-00337098 about how to register for this webinar for April 26. _uBqhQR_d40-00682-00337098-00337894 So I don't see any other questions, so I'm going to up the microphones to our presenters _uBqhQR_d40-00683-00337894-00338244 just to have one last word before we close out of the day. _uBqhQR_d40-00684-00338244-00338421 Deborah, any other parting comments? _uBqhQR_d40-00685-00338421-00338852 Deborah MacDonald: Well, actually I do have a question. _uBqhQR_d40-00686-00338852-00339098 Diane, that was excellent presentation. _uBqhQR_d40-00687-00339098-00339389 Thank you so much, and I certainly learned a lot. _uBqhQR_d40-00688-00339389-00339625 I have a question about Peutz-Jeghers testing. _uBqhQR_d40-00689-00339625-00340143 I think you mentioned that there was prenatal testing available. _uBqhQR_d40-00690-00340143-00340935 And how would this be useful, or is there some intervention that would be initiated _uBqhQR_d40-00691-00340935-00341557 that would justify prenatal testing, or is this something where people might even chose _uBqhQR_d40-00692-00341557-00341658 to terminate? _uBqhQR_d40-00693-00341658-00341891 Diane Seibert: Well, that's a really good question. _uBqhQR_d40-00694-00341891-00342614 I think that that comes up with a lot of -- the more we know about genetics, the more tempting _uBqhQR_d40-00695-00342614-00343046 it is to do things preconceptually or conceptually. _uBqhQR_d40-00696-00343046-00343439 So if you know what the family mutation is, of course you can screen for it. _uBqhQR_d40-00697-00343439-00343949 You could do it pregestationally, with a PGD, Pregestational Diagnostic Testing, or you _uBqhQR_d40-00698-00343949-00344123 could test for it prenatally. _uBqhQR_d40-00699-00344123-00344695 That's a discussion that, again, these patients should -- in my view, these conversations _uBqhQR_d40-00700-00344695-00345005 should occur prior to conception, certainly. _uBqhQR_d40-00701-00345005-00345357 Like, what are you going to do with this information? _uBqhQR_d40-00702-00345357-00345999 But the fact is that it does exist, and so hopefully you're not first diagnosing something _uBqhQR_d40-00703-00345999-00346676 like a cancer syndrome in -- early in pregnancy, and have to then make a decision about whether _uBqhQR_d40-00704-00346676-00346832 you're going to do prenatal testing. _uBqhQR_d40-00705-00346832-00347433 Ideally you do that before you ever got pregnant. _uBqhQR_d40-00706-00347433-00347936 And it's going to raise a lot of issues over the next decade or so if the cell-free DNA _uBqhQR_d40-00707-00347936-00348713 even increases, potentially increases the sensitivity, decreasing the risk for normal _uBqhQR_d40-00708-00348713-00348835 fetuses, too. _uBqhQR_d40-00709-00348835-00349225 Female Speaker: Erika, any last comment? _uBqhQR_d40-00710-00349225-00349657 Erika Santos: No. _uBqhQR_d40-00711-00349657-00350382 I would like to say thank you, too [spelled phonetically], that was a very good presentation, _uBqhQR_d40-00712-00350382-00350482 and I'd like to say thank you for the opportunity to discuss this with you. _uBqhQR_d40-00713-00350482-00350582 So thank you all. _uBqhQR_d40-00714-00350582-00350682 Female Speaker: Well, thank you for joining us from Brazil. _uBqhQR_d40-00715-00350682-00350950 And I now that is very difficult to make sure all these connections work, so thank you. _uBqhQR_d40-00716-00350950-00351142 And Kathy, any last comments? _uBqhQR_d40-00717-00351142-00351426 Kathleen Calzone: No, none here. _uBqhQR_d40-00718-00351426-00352110 We hope that you'll join us in -- for the next set of webinars that's coming up at the _uBqhQR_d40-00719-00352110-00352223 end of the month. _uBqhQR_d40-00720-00352223-00352577 Female Speaker: So thank you Diane, and Deborah, and Erika. _uBqhQR_d40-00721-00352577-00352677 Any other comment, Diane? _uBqhQR_d40-00722-00352677-00352860 Diane Seibert: No, I don't think so. _uBqhQR_d40-00723-00352860-00352960 I enjoyed it. _uBqhQR_d40-00724-00352960-00353060 Thank you. _uBqhQR_d40-00725-00353060-00353209 I think it was a very good pairing of these two talks together. _uBqhQR_d40-00726-00353209-00353627 I appreciated the -- I really learned a lot from the cancer one, too. _uBqhQR_d40-00727-00353627-00353727 So thank you. _uBqhQR_d40-00728-00353727-00353858 Female Speaker: Thank you very much. _uBqhQR_d40-00729-00353858-00354016 Deborah MacDonald: This is Deborah. _uBqhQR_d40-00730-00354016-00354694 So I'd just like to say, you know, I think the bit -- we're in a very rapidly developing _uBqhQR_d40-00731-00354694-00355876 era that is changing health care quite dramatically and will continue to do so, so that webinars _uBqhQR_d40-00732-00355876-00356775 and publications, such as in the Journal of Nursing Scholarship, are really necessary _uBqhQR_d40-00733-00356775-00357541 for nurses to be kept current about what's going on in these arenas, and to be able to _uBqhQR_d40-00734-00357541-00358342 not only use this information with their own patients and families, but also even with _uBqhQR_d40-00735-00358342-00359128 others health care providers, including clinicians and others, who may not be aware of the latest _uBqhQR_d40-00736-00359128-00359237 developments. _uBqhQR_d40-00737-00359237-00359629 Female Speaker: Well, thank you all -- _uBqhQR_d40-00738-00359629-00359684 [end of transcript] _y4n0usxNLu-00000-00000144-00000672 Subscribe and press the bell icon to never miss an update from systweak. We are sure many of _y4n0usxNLu-00001-00000672-00001192 you encounter an error at least one time when browsing websites in google chrome that says _y4n0usxNLu-00002-00001192-00001712 this site can't be reached so here are the best solutions to solve this error on google chrome _y4n0usxNLu-00003-00001792-00002448 method 1 restart dns client you should first check if the dns client is working fine to do _y4n0usxNLu-00004-00002448-00003128 so on your windows search bar search for services and click on it now find the dns client services _y4n0usxNLu-00005-00003344-00003544 right click on it and choose restart _y4n0usxNLu-00006-00003896-00004608 method 2 change ipv4 dns sometimes changing dns servers can solve this internet connection error _y4n0usxNLu-00007-00004608-00005072 right click on the network tray icon and select open network and internet settings _y4n0usxNLu-00008-00005248-00005936 here in settings click on ethernet now click on the change adapter options located at the _y4n0usxNLu-00009-00005936-00006528 top right right click on the network with which you are connected then properties _y4n0usxNLu-00010-00006800-00007544 choose tcp slash ipv4 properties and then set your dns server to google's dns for open dns _y4n0usxNLu-00011-00007544-00007672 as shown on the screen _y4n0usxNLu-00012-00007895-00008200 the solution might be useful for solving your problem since _y4n0usxNLu-00013-00008200-00008584 it might be the dns causing the this site can't be reached error _y4n0usxNLu-00014-00008960-00009648 method 3 using vpn you can also fix this issue by using systemic vpn start with downloading _y4n0usxNLu-00015-00009648-00010048 and installing the software on your windows system you can also use the link mentioned in _y4n0usxNLu-00016-00010048-00010576 the description below open systemic vpn and from here select the country of your choice _y4n0usxNLu-00017-00010744-00011152 and toggle this switch on refresh the tab _y4n0usxNLu-00018-00011152-00011824 and that's it that's all for today's video do try these methods to solve your issue _y4n0usxNLu-00019-00011824-00012976 and share your feedback in the comments section also don't forget to like share and subscribe you _E8lIQhue4u-00000-00000580-00000998 Hang on Ruthie, Ruthie Hang on _E8lIQhue4u-00001-00001400-00001866 Hang on Ruthie, Ruthie Hang on _E8lIQhue4u-00002-00002186-00002678 Now Ruthie came from a very bad part of town _E8lIQhue4u-00003-00003006-00003544 And all the Cornell boys tried to keep our Ruthie down _E8lIQhue4u-00004-00003754-00004346 Now Ruthie we don’t care what your mom or daddy do _E8lIQhue4u-00005-00004670-00005176 We know you’ll do your mama proud before you’re through. _E8lIQhue4u-00006-00005400-00005490 And so I’m singin’ _E8lIQhue4u-00007-00005556-00005970 Hang on Ruthie, Ruthie Hang on _E8lIQhue4u-00008-00006388-00006795 Hang on Ruthie, Ruthie Hang on _E8lIQhue4u-00009-00007992-00008466 Now Ruthie laid down the law at ACLU _E8lIQhue4u-00010-00008800-00009330 Yeah She fought for women’s rights at Harvard Law Review _E8lIQhue4u-00011-00009360-00009516 Columbia Too! _E8lIQhue4u-00012-00009692-00010020 Justice was served at VMI _E8lIQhue4u-00013-00010056-00010480 Justice was served at SSI (Go Ruthie!) _E8lIQhue4u-00014-00010524-00010926 Justice was served at Lily and Duren _E8lIQhue4u-00015-00010926-00011266 Justice was served and Ruthie’s still burnin’ _E8lIQhue4u-00016-00011304-00011514 Hang on Ruthie _E8lIQhue4u-00017-00011514-00011586 Come on, Come on _E8lIQhue4u-00018-00011666-00011788 Soromundi say _E8lIQhue4u-00019-00011844-00012018 Come on, Come on _E8lIQhue4u-00020-00012050-00012254 Now Hang on Ruthie _E8lIQhue4u-00021-00012258-00012426 Come on,Come on _E8lIQhue4u-00022-00012466-00012652 Now Hang on Ruthie _E8lIQhue4u-00023-00012664-00012863 Come on, Come on _E8lIQhue4u-00024-00012863-00013034 You know you argue so good _E8lIQhue4u-00025-00013034-00013247 Come on, Come on _E8lIQhue4u-00026-00013252-00013476 You know your briefs are so tight _E8lIQhue4u-00027-00013476-00013688 Come on, Come on _E8lIQhue4u-00028-00013704-00013884 You got juris and the prudence _E8lIQhue4u-00029-00013924-00014084 Come on, Come on _E8lIQhue4u-00030-00014084-00014332 Keep Counsel up all night! _E8lIQhue4u-00031-00014332-00014532 Come on, Come on _E8lIQhue4u-00032-00014666-00015084 Hang on Ruthie, Ruthie Hang on _E8lIQhue4u-00033-00015132-00015202 Yeah! _E8lIQhue4u-00034-00015222-00015280 Yeah! _E8lIQhue4u-00035-00015310-00015366 Yeah! _E8lIQhue4u-00036-00015402-00015462 Yeah! _E8lIQhue4u-00037-00015466-00015891 Hang on Ruthie, Ruthie Hang on _E8lIQhue4u-00038-00015950-00016000 Yeah! _E8lIQhue4u-00039-00016016-00016254 Yeah- Yeah- Yeah! _E8lIQhue4u-00040-00016308-00016714 Hang on Ruthie! Ruthie Hang on! _E8lIQhue4u-00041-00016844-00016944 Yeah! _E8lIQhue4u-00042-00016944-00017048 Yeah! _E8lIQhue4u-00043-00017050-00017136 Yeah! _E8lIQhue4u-00044-00017136-00017262 Hang on Ruthie! Ruthie Hang on! _F5t0X8vFLo-00000-00000050-00000167 Hi! _F5t0X8vFLo-00001-00000167-00000674 Tonight I will talk to you about " to differentiate yourself." _F5t0X8vFLo-00002-00000674-00001602 For me,the inspiration is that moment from my life when I was not passing the exam at _F5t0X8vFLo-00003-00001602-00002158 the acting school, and when to be different then the rest of my colleagues who were not _F5t0X8vFLo-00004-00002158-00002681 passing the exam, I thought that if I take the critics and all the bad opinions about _F5t0X8vFLo-00005-00002681-00002972 me as my acting teacher,maybe I learn something and I grow in that direction and maybe if _F5t0X8vFLo-00006-00002972-00003472 I will integrate this thing on my personality, I will manage to make a much richer Silviana _F5t0X8vFLo-00007-00003472-00004051 and I did succeeded and I passed the exam.Today I shared an article of a girl who had something _F5t0X8vFLo-00008-00004051-00004470 with moms and she wrote some very harsh truths but very true.Some moms protested there,on _F5t0X8vFLo-00009-00004470-00004623 my page, they said "Why? _F5t0X8vFLo-00010-00004623-00004771 She don't have children!" _F5t0X8vFLo-00011-00004771-00004919 Yes,she don't have children. _F5t0X8vFLo-00012-00004919-00005550 How it would be to integrate those truths,to get more wise ,so to say, because if not we _F5t0X8vFLo-00013-00005550-00006260 will remain some simple critics and we won't be richer then if we would integrate those _F5t0X8vFLo-00014-00006260-00006468 truths.What is your opinion? _F5t0X8vFLo-00015-00006468-00006833 How do you differentiate yourself from others? _F5t0X8vFLo-00016-00006833-00006884 Bye! _KuCPJ__2HM-00000-00000550-00000697 Hello everybody! _KuCPJ__2HM-00001-00000697-00001161 This video is about recovering a video file accidentally deleted from a hard disk, USB _KuCPJ__2HM-00002-00001161-00001301 drive or a memory card. _KuCPJ__2HM-00003-00001301-00001818 We’ll talk about various method of recovering files from a digital camera or dashboard camera, _KuCPJ__2HM-00004-00001818-00002335 and see what can be done if a video file was deleted from an Android device. _KuCPJ__2HM-00005-00002335-00002774 It is no secret that when you delete a file from the hard disk of your computer or laptop, _KuCPJ__2HM-00006-00002774-00002986 they are moved to the “Recycle Bin” automatically. _KuCPJ__2HM-00007-00002986-00003419 It gives you a good chance to recover such files if you realize that the file was deleted _KuCPJ__2HM-00008-00003419-00003519 by mistake. _KuCPJ__2HM-00009-00003519-00003767 Recover a video from the Recycle Bin If you deleted a video from your computer _KuCPJ__2HM-00010-00003767-00004230 or laptop and then realized it was a mistake, the first thing to do is to check the Recycle _KuCPJ__2HM-00011-00004230-00004457 Bin - it can be there. _KuCPJ__2HM-00012-00004457-00004937 To recover a deleted file from the Recycle Bin, right-click on it and select “Restore.” _KuCPJ__2HM-00013-00004937-00005453 As a result, it will return to the location from which you have deleted it before. _KuCPJ__2HM-00014-00005453-00005912 Yet remember that if the deleted file is larger than the maximal size you have set for the _KuCPJ__2HM-00015-00005912-00006335 Recycle Bin, it is deleted permanently instead of being moved to the Bin. _KuCPJ__2HM-00016-00006335-00006804 So be careful enough to read system notifications when you delete a file. _KuCPJ__2HM-00017-00006804-00007314 In our blog, there is a very detailed article about viewing, restoring or deleting permanently _KuCPJ__2HM-00018-00007314-00007523 the files sent to the Recycle Bin. _KuCPJ__2HM-00019-00007523-00007793 You will find the link in the description: _KuCPJ__2HM-00020-00007793-00008253 This is true when we are talking about a computer or laptop and some files deleted to the Recycle _KuCPJ__2HM-00021-00008253-00008353 Bin. _KuCPJ__2HM-00022-00008353-00008453 How to recover a file if you can’t see it in the Recycle Bin _KuCPJ__2HM-00023-00008453-00008710 But what should you do if:  a video was removed from a computer without _KuCPJ__2HM-00024-00008710-00009179 using the Recycle Bin, or the Recycle Bin was emptied after deleting a file; _KuCPJ__2HM-00025-00009179-00009538  a video was removed accidentally right from the digital camera; _KuCPJ__2HM-00026-00009538-00009980  a memory card was formatted by mistake while it was inside the camera; _KuCPJ__2HM-00027-00009980-00010370  the data in the memory card is damaged (for example, due to a failure or because _KuCPJ__2HM-00028-00010370-00010631 of wrong ejection) and so on; _KuCPJ__2HM-00029-00010631-00011170 Suppose you deleted a video file or cleaned the memory card inside your camera by mistake. _KuCPJ__2HM-00030-00011170-00011584 When you connect it to your computer, you don’t find any files, and that is natural. _KuCPJ__2HM-00031-00011584-00011959 What if it was a video you made for someone else, or this video was the result of many _KuCPJ__2HM-00032-00011959-00012119 hours of work? _KuCPJ__2HM-00033-00012119-00012419 In this case: • install and launch Hetman Partition Recovery. _KuCPJ__2HM-00034-00012419-00012978 I will leave the download link in the description: • The program will scan your computer automatically _KuCPJ__2HM-00035-00012978-00013553 and display all hard disks and removable drives, physical and local disks connected to this _KuCPJ__2HM-00036-00013553-00013653 PC. _KuCPJ__2HM-00037-00013653-00014037 • Find the storage device from which you need to recover the video file. _KuCPJ__2HM-00038-00014037-00014279 Click on it and select the analysis type. _KuCPJ__2HM-00039-00014279-00014454 • You can start with “Fast scan.” _KuCPJ__2HM-00040-00014454-00014951 It is very quick and it saves the directory structure (the way how folders and files are _KuCPJ__2HM-00041-00014951-00015054 arranged). _KuCPJ__2HM-00042-00015054-00015440 • Wait until the scanning process is complete. _KuCPJ__2HM-00043-00015440-00015848 • As a result, the program will show all video files you can recover. _KuCPJ__2HM-00044-00015848-00016301 The red cross indicates the ones which have been deleted. _KuCPJ__2HM-00045-00016301-00016998 • You can use the preview window to watch the contents of the videos you can recover. _KuCPJ__2HM-00046-00016998-00017912 • Drag the necessary files to the Recovery List and click on the “Recovery” button. _KuCPJ__2HM-00047-00017912-00019600 • Choose the saving method and the corresponding folder, and click “Recovery” again. _KuCPJ__2HM-00048-00019600-00020993 • That’s all. _KuCPJ__2HM-00049-00020993-00021623 The lost video has been restored. _KuCPJ__2HM-00050-00021623-00022740 If for some reason the program didn’t find the deleted video file in the scanned disk _KuCPJ__2HM-00051-00022740-00023357 or memory card, click on “Content Aware Analysis.” _KuCPJ__2HM-00052-00023357-00023748 As a result, the program will analyze the selected disk more thoroughly. _KuCPJ__2HM-00053-00023748-00024217 It will search the disk for deleted video files by their signatures, that is, by their _KuCPJ__2HM-00054-00024217-00025163 contents. _KuCPJ__2HM-00055-00025163-00025600 This process is more complicated and much longer than “Fast scan,” that is why it _KuCPJ__2HM-00056-00025600-00025754 will take more time. _KuCPJ__2HM-00057-00025754-00025944 Wait until the process is over. _KuCPJ__2HM-00058-00025944-00026449 If your videos were lost after formatting a memory card or after a memory card failure _KuCPJ__2HM-00059-00026449-00026804 rather than after you deleted them, this method will be more effective. _KuCPJ__2HM-00060-00026804-00027466 In the same way, you can recover a video deleted from the hard disk of a computer or laptop, _KuCPJ__2HM-00061-00027466-00027889 removed after emptying the Recycle Bin or deleting the file without using the Bin. _KuCPJ__2HM-00062-00027889-00028404 In this case, you should use the program to scan the hard disk. _KuCPJ__2HM-00063-00028404-00028733 Recovering a video from a digital camera or dashboard camera (video recorder) _KuCPJ__2HM-00064-00028733-00029105 Essentially, there is very little difference between dashboard cameras used by so many _KuCPJ__2HM-00065-00029105-00029645 drivers, and ordinary digital cameras, so I united the two types of devices into one _KuCPJ__2HM-00066-00029645-00029777 part of this video. _KuCPJ__2HM-00067-00029777-00030324 However, you can recover data from them in the same way that I described a minute ago. _KuCPJ__2HM-00068-00030324-00030739 Just connect the camera, video recorder or their memory card to a computer, and recover _KuCPJ__2HM-00069-00030739-00030989 video files with the specialized program. _KuCPJ__2HM-00070-00030989-00031445 By the way, there is a special article in our blog about recovering data from a dashboard _KuCPJ__2HM-00071-00031445-00031882 camera (video recorder): Action cameras also have certain peculiarities _KuCPJ__2HM-00072-00031882-00032152 when it comes to recovering photos and videos. _KuCPJ__2HM-00073-00032152-00033090 Read another article about it: You can find the links in the description. _KuCPJ__2HM-00074-00033090-00033275 Recovering a video from an Android device. _KuCPJ__2HM-00075-00033275-00033767 Here’s the simplest way of restoring photos and videos deleted from an Android device _KuCPJ__2HM-00076-00033767-00034050 - in case they were stored on a memory card. _KuCPJ__2HM-00077-00034050-00034422 In this case: • Take the memory card out of your gadget _KuCPJ__2HM-00078-00034422-00034748 and connect it to a computer or a laptop using a card reader. _KuCPJ__2HM-00079-00034748-00035227 In some cases, you can use a smartphone or tablet connected with a cable as a device _KuCPJ__2HM-00080-00035227-00035687 to work with the memory card, but remember that data recovery software does not always _KuCPJ__2HM-00081-00035687-00036130 see a memory card connected to the computer in such a way, and there are certain reasons _KuCPJ__2HM-00082-00036130-00036246 why. _KuCPJ__2HM-00083-00036246-00036843 • After the memory card is displayed in This PC folder, run Hetman Partition Recovery. _KuCPJ__2HM-00084-00036843-00038002 • Follow the recovery procedure I have already described in this video. _KuCPJ__2HM-00085-00038002-00039137 If you need to recover photos or videos from internal memory of an Android device, it’s _KuCPJ__2HM-00086-00039137-00039273 a challenging task. _KuCPJ__2HM-00087-00039273-00039736 Recovering photos or videos from internal memory of a smartphone will require Android _KuCPJ__2HM-00088-00039736-00040290 superuser rights or ROOT rights, as well as developer’s tools required to enable USB _KuCPJ__2HM-00089-00040290-00040433 debugging. _KuCPJ__2HM-00090-00040433-00040763 In our channel, we have a very detailed video on this topic. _KuCPJ__2HM-00091-00040763-00041302 You will find the link in the description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU9IfvlOR0o _KuCPJ__2HM-00092-00041302-00041670 Of course, these are only a few ways to recover video files. _KuCPJ__2HM-00093-00041670-00042142 Much depends on the particular device and media, as well as on the causes why the data _KuCPJ__2HM-00094-00042142-00042242 was lost. _KuCPJ__2HM-00095-00042242-00042665 If you have any questions about restoring deleted or lost videos, you are always welcome _KuCPJ__2HM-00096-00042665-00042961 to leave a comment and ask one. _KuCPJ__2HM-00097-00042961-00043061 That is all for now. _KuCPJ__2HM-00098-00043061-00043490 Hit the Like button below and subscribe to Hetman Software channel if you find this video _KuCPJ__2HM-00099-00043490-00043590 useful. _KuCPJ__2HM-00100-00043590-00043690 Thank you for watching. _KuCPJ__2HM-00101-00043690-00043690 Good luck. _MbtirY-lAQ-00000-00000000-00000744 OK so I introduced myself and then just- OK hello my name is Jenny, I'm from Milton Keynes, _MbtirY-lAQ-00001-00000750-00000926 Hi I'm Oliver from Wolverhampton, _MbtirY-lAQ-00002-00000928-00001155 Hi my name's Olivia I'm from Surrey, _MbtirY-lAQ-00003-00001178-00001416 Hi my name's Robbie, Young Greens North co-convenor, _MbtirY-lAQ-00004-00001416-00001582 Hello my name is Scott, _MbtirY-lAQ-00005-00001582-00001782 Hi I'm Jemima I'm from Manchester, _MbtirY-lAQ-00006-00001782-00001996 I'm Molly Arthurs. _MbtirY-lAQ-00007-00001996-00002196 So I'm from Cornwall and.... _MbtirY-lAQ-00008-00002203-00002391 I believe that Britain should stay in the EU _MbtirY-lAQ-00009-00002391-00002500 Because the EU is the perfect _MbtirY-lAQ-00010-00002500-00002984 example of how social and environmental causes can really work together _MbtirY-lAQ-00011-00002984-00003065 I'm really proud of what _MbtirY-lAQ-00012-00003065-00003390 the EU has done in terms of cutting our pollution. _MbtirY-lAQ-00013-00003390-00003557 What the EU have done for people of _MbtirY-lAQ-00014-00003557-00003904 colour - specifically women of colour, is really important to me _MbtirY-lAQ-00015-00003904-00004428 Heritage and my ethnicity is protected by the EU as a Cornish person, my language is protected _MbtirY-lAQ-00016-00004434-00004572 and funded by the EU. _MbtirY-lAQ-00017-00004573-00004906 For the arts, such as independent cinemas and theatres _MbtirY-lAQ-00018-00004906-00005286 these are places that cannot survive without the European Union. _MbtirY-lAQ-00019-00005286-00005760 I think the European Union is a really nice example of how we can use political power _MbtirY-lAQ-00020-00005760-00006204 to not only redistribute wealth, but also ensure that less developed countries - _MbtirY-lAQ-00021-00006205-00006463 Member States - can develop. _MbtirY-lAQ-00022-00006463-00006784 We need to really think about in the upcoming referendum whether we want _MbtirY-lAQ-00023-00006784-00006959 a Conservative government, outside _MbtirY-lAQ-00024-00006959-00007454 of the EU which is going to continue to erode our democracy, or if we want to stay part of an _MbtirY-lAQ-00025-00007454-00007880 institution that has done nothing but empower our democracy. _R4MzY7Izby-00000-00001782-00001868 Vijay Samuel: Hi, Matt! _R4MzY7Izby-00001-00002018-00002156 Matt Young: Hey? How are you? _R4MzY7Izby-00002-00002188-00002299 Vijay Samuel: And how are you _R4MzY7Izby-00003-00002484-00002596 Matt Young: busy? _R4MzY7Izby-00004-00002681-00002843 Matt Young: Busy, busy, busy _R4MzY7Izby-00005-00002943-00003238 Matt Young: lots to do, and _R4MzY7Izby-00006-00003907-00004292 Matt Young: and all it is fun? Hello, Matt, how are you? _R4MzY7Izby-00007-00004427-00004585 Matt Young: Hi! How are you, Hunter? _R4MzY7Izby-00008-00004717-00004969 Henrik Rexed: I'm. Very good, very good. Hi! How are you? _R4MzY7Izby-00009-00005211-00005510 Vijay Samuel: Hello! How are you? I'm. Good. Thank you. _R4MzY7Izby-00010-00005756-00006321 Vijay Samuel: My My Kid is still having breakfast while watching TV, so you can hear nursery lines in the background. _R4MzY7Izby-00011-00008331-00008412 Matt Young: So _R4MzY7Izby-00012-00008440-00008949 Matt Young: so is on a plane at the moment. _R4MzY7Izby-00013-00009040-00009179 Matt Young: and _R4MzY7Izby-00014-00009198-00010323 Matt Young: the person Ryan from Klein that was going to talk about knowledge, graphs and apologies and some grappy stuff needs to postpone, because he is also on a plane. _R4MzY7Izby-00015-00010333-00010610 Matt Young: I suspect it said. _R4MzY7Izby-00016-00010613-00011491 Matt Young: Maybe maybe you're all going to the same place, but that's that's kind of what's up there. I guess we'll give another minute to see who shows up. _R4MzY7Izby-00017-00011499-00011593 Henrik Rexed: Okay. _R4MzY7Izby-00018-00012109-00012425 Matt Young: There is some nerding out there. _R4MzY7Izby-00019-00012430-00012696 Henrik Rexed: Yeah, I I wanted to one topic _R4MzY7Izby-00020-00012705-00013281 Henrik Rexed: that I wanted to discuss with you, or I mean, I have some news. _R4MzY7Izby-00021-00013294-00013722 Henrik Rexed: You know. There is a working group for unified query language _R4MzY7Izby-00022-00013804-00014433 Henrik Rexed: The there is a charter that has been built so far, and I wanted to know if there is any _R4MzY7Izby-00023-00014485-00014985 Henrik Rexed: ongoing planning on when those meetings will happen. _R4MzY7Izby-00024-00015030-00015756 Henrik Rexed: because at the moment there is nothing is displayed on the Cnf calendar. and I was. I was wondering if you had any news on that. _R4MzY7Izby-00025-00015901-00016494 Matt Young: So I I was hoping for the same. _R4MzY7Izby-00026-00016607-00017291 Matt Young: Let's see one moment i'm pulling up the the slides from today _R4MzY7Izby-00027-00017297-00017818 Matt Young: at this. So the sense of T. Oc. Meeting just finished. _R4MzY7Izby-00028-00017825-00018059 Matt Young: and _R4MzY7Izby-00029-00018081-00018620 Matt Young: in that meeting one of the things that we covered, this is the the monthly one where the tags. _R4MzY7Izby-00030-00018631-00018899 Matt Young: I was pulling up our slide _R4MzY7Izby-00031-00018953-00019706 Matt Young: where the tie present. This is one of the things I mentioned. I don't have. _R4MzY7Izby-00032-00019897-00020286 Matt Young: Here we go. _R4MzY7Izby-00033-00020329-00020490 Matt Young: and the _R4MzY7Izby-00034-00020630-00020806 Matt Young: got it. _R4MzY7Izby-00035-00020952-00021034 Matt Young: Then _R4MzY7Izby-00036-00021311-00021497 Matt Young: one time observability. _R4MzY7Izby-00037-00021578-00022044 Matt Young: all right. So i'm dropping a a, a, a link into the meeting notes here. _R4MzY7Izby-00038-00022329-00022566 Matt Young: So this was the _R4MzY7Izby-00039-00023676-00023856 Matt Young: there we go. _R4MzY7Izby-00040-00024303-00025403 Matt Young: Whereupon we have. That is one slide. So it was actually the first thing we talked about. I haven't done any updates about it. I did kind of have an idea _R4MzY7Izby-00041-00025404-00026224 Matt Young: that I would. I'm curious if they're if they're they they're considering, and that's on the substrate project. _R4MzY7Izby-00042-00026233-00026945 Matt Young: I'm not familiar with it. I just learned it a few days ago. I've been doing some initial reading, but it's _R4MzY7Izby-00043-00027058-00027187 Henrik Rexed: which project you mentioned. _R4MzY7Izby-00044-00027270-00027499 Matt Young: I'm sending a link now. _R4MzY7Izby-00045-00027526-00027587 okay. _R4MzY7Izby-00046-00028004-00028189 Matt Young: and that _R4MzY7Izby-00047-00028208-00028752 Matt Young: I mean, it's amazing, like without my mouse. I'm: just so slow. Okay. _R4MzY7Izby-00048-00028760-00028958 Henrik Rexed: substrate. Okay. _R4MzY7Izby-00049-00029020-00029739 Matt Young: Yeah. So this came out of the Apache Arrow community. and it's basically a _R4MzY7Izby-00050-00030019-00030945 Matt Young: it's it's kind of nerdy, but it's a it's like a meta. It's a meta compiler. If you would like it it. It it allows a a common _R4MzY7Izby-00051-00030960-00031974 Matt Young: representation, not not not so much a language, but a representation like an intermediate language that's what i'm looking for. Yeah, it provides basically an intermediate language with _R4MzY7Izby-00052-00031991-00032794 Matt Young: some, some out of the box stuff to basically let you write sequel in whatever dialect you want, have it come to a common _R4MzY7Izby-00053-00032796-00034434 Matt Young: middle ground, and then it can be then used on any of a variety of database. Database back ends versus what we have today, which is like every variant of SQL like postgres versus my sequel versus you know something else. That's technically an easy sequel, but _R4MzY7Izby-00054-00034434-00036017 Matt Young: in reality is not, you know, or has extensions, or or slightly slight changes right like using transacts equal to sequel, you know. And then and then there you have all these different kinds of tools for big data and analytics. Everything from like. _R4MzY7Izby-00055-00036049-00036408 Matt Young: you know, drew it, and iceberg and and and and _R4MzY7Izby-00056-00036414-00036691 Matt Young: just all of these data stores _R4MzY7Izby-00057-00036728-00037690 Matt Young: that have their own query engines on top of it that also can speak sequel. So so the needs of of of of all of those kind of people. _R4MzY7Izby-00058-00037727-00039430 Matt Young: And and you know data scientists and and and data engineers in particular. Well, at the same time, you have infrastructure and cost concerns around how we spend most of our time in these systems kind of this, where the arrow thing right. _R4MzY7Izby-00059-00039458-00040369 Matt Young: where the data format oftentimes Jason or something else, or maybe something that's in a database, you know that that's wildly different from the data format used to process the data. _R4MzY7Izby-00060-00040369-00041875 Matt Young: So what Apache Arrow does is it's a caller format. It's sort of a successor to Park a, if you will, but it it it's purpose to have in memory representation be the same set of bits as what's happening in the storage layer with metadata and the ability to do chunk _R4MzY7Izby-00061-00041875-00042841 Matt Young: parallel transfers and a bunch of other kind of like things to allow you to move data around very quickly. So, for example, there's a postgres extension. I could send a link that lets you use _R4MzY7Izby-00062-00042862-00044056 Matt Young: arrow files as a backing store right instead of its own normal postgres files, you know. And and so you can basically like, have a bunch of data, right, you know. Put a postgres. _R4MzY7Izby-00063-00044058-00044464 Matt Young: you, you know, a postgres instance, looking at this data, and then _R4MzY7Izby-00064-00044504-00045906 Matt Young: and then to use postgres acquired transport protocol just to shovel bits right? Because that arrow compressed stuff is, you know, perhaps 10 X larger or more when it's in Jason form, or something like that, right? So _R4MzY7Izby-00065-00045941-00047352 Matt Young: with with the needs of like the storage layer, plus this penoply of of of languages and vendors and tools, and you know just this whole ecosystem around it. It's almost as big as the Cn Cf itself, for like a _R4MzY7Izby-00066-00047357-00048694 Matt Young: So that's kind of the the the backdrop to the substrate project doesn't understand it with James to kind of kind of like open telemetry. Let's all of these different producers, consumers and transformers of _R4MzY7Izby-00067-00048694-00050532 Matt Young: open a of of telemetry data. It lets them kind of have a common lingua franca a and and have the the collector sub. The substrate project was Apache to our Apache. 2.0 of not Apache, also substrate kind of analogously tries to do the same thing for sequel _R4MzY7Izby-00068-00050532-00051007 Matt Young: and for database access. And and I kind of think that the needs of _R4MzY7Izby-00069-00051021-00051715 Matt Young: observability. Folks, you know, is kind of smashing right in, and we're we're going to see convergence here. Right. _R4MzY7Izby-00070-00051728-00052051 Matt Young: you know, as these different data stores all kind of _R4MzY7Izby-00071-00052052-00053203 Matt Young: like, for example, a Ge that Apache Org that's postgres extension. The kids are an open cipher endpoint. So we're seeing like the rise of multimodal databases. Right, you know. So _R4MzY7Izby-00072-00053236-00054777 Matt Young: I think that I think that that project kind of this can grew in with this work stream, and so I was hoping that someone from there was was going to show. As I understand it, though, when last week we spoke and I'm behind and posting videos, i'll upload the video from 2 weeks ago _R4MzY7Izby-00073-00054802-00056212 Matt Young: we we talked a bit about the project and its status there. I apologize again for being fully on uploading videos, but on the long and short it is they have that that charter. I think the next step is to send that when they are ready to just get _R4MzY7Izby-00074-00056402-00057602 Matt Young: to just inform. But you know, for all intensive purposes, They've started as soon as the Tlc. Checks off on it, and in today's Tlc. Meeting, I they said, i'll be sending this and for to them in the coming next one _R4MzY7Izby-00075-00057614-00058272 Matt Young: When the working group is ready. Then they can set their on schedule, and then they can have their own. Youtube playlist, and _R4MzY7Izby-00076-00058312-00059292 Henrik Rexed: I think it' be off to the races. Do you know, if there's a channel, I want to follow discussion because I don't, mind, I I can add you, yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00077-00059302-00059820 Vijay Samuel: Oh, great, yeah, there, there's literally nothing on it. But yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00078-00060188-00061496 Henrik Rexed: Because I i'm following the charter. And I I want to. I mean, I want to to make this project going on a role. But at the moment it's yeah, it's more. We you're preparing the actual _R4MzY7Izby-00079-00061523-00061686 Henrik Rexed: work. _R4MzY7Izby-00080-00061691-00062027 Henrik Rexed: So nothing has been, I mean, except to the the _R4MzY7Izby-00081-00062108-00062961 Matt Young: Yeah. I'm putting this in the in the in the meeting notes here. But is it the same? Is it the same link that I have from several weeks ago. _R4MzY7Izby-00082-00063216-00063582 Henrik Rexed: Yeah, it's called it's. Thanks. Thanks. Aj. For for inviting me. _R4MzY7Izby-00083-00063691-00063772 Yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00084-00063929-00064010 Matt Young: Got it? _R4MzY7Izby-00085-00064515-00064717 Matt Young: Yeah, I started to give this to read. _R4MzY7Izby-00086-00065041-00065163 Matt Young: but _R4MzY7Izby-00087-00065278-00066005 Matt Young: you know something like substrate. I'm sure there's probably other alternatives, but something like that might be a good fit to like. _R4MzY7Izby-00088-00066077-00066386 Matt Young: you know. Once they get past the survey phase _R4MzY7Izby-00089-00066396-00066484 Matt Young: so like. _R4MzY7Izby-00090-00066572-00066636 Yes. _R4MzY7Izby-00091-00066904-00067393 Vijay Samuel: I think I think we need to get a kick off a few meetings, and then, like. _R4MzY7Izby-00092-00067398-00068080 Vijay Samuel: have different people do the service. So right now, I think there's one survey that Chris has done _R4MzY7Izby-00093-00068105-00069333 Vijay Samuel: for their Netflix Time Series database. I guess I think the more more more of us who can get involved and start filing, pull, request the faster. It probably will move _R4MzY7Izby-00094-00069363-00069433 Henrik Rexed: 3. _R4MzY7Izby-00095-00069606-00069748 Matt Young: Yeah, I mean, i'm _R4MzY7Izby-00096-00069854-00069989 Matt Young: I would. I would. _R4MzY7Izby-00097-00070081-00070839 Matt Young: I wouldn't be surprised to to not see a huge search of interest from various vendors that do already have their own languages like there's _R4MzY7Izby-00098-00070911-00071626 Matt Young: I I could I could see why one might engage, or I would imagine. Why, hey, speak of the Chris. _R4MzY7Izby-00099-00071908-00073259 Matt Young: do? Was it like Voldemort? Did you hear us saying your name? And you felt the burning, and we were just saying we'd love to talk to you about the working group and stuff like that _R4MzY7Izby-00100-00073285-00073814 Chris Larsen: just good. _R4MzY7Izby-00101-00073887-00074218 Matt Young: So in the meeting notes i've dropped a _R4MzY7Izby-00102-00074276-00074475 Matt Young: Hello. Is there? _R4MzY7Izby-00103-00074498-00074580 Okay? _R4MzY7Izby-00104-00074730-00074893 Matt Young: And you got this book? _R4MzY7Izby-00105-00074963-00075291 Matt Young: I'm: sorry. This is the second time in 2 meetings that _R4MzY7Izby-00106-00075909-00075975 Henrik Rexed: yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00107-00076010-00076365 Matt Young: that's why I like to work from home. Everyone's coming back to work. _R4MzY7Izby-00108-00076800-00077188 Matt Young: Yeah, in the in the in the hour prior we we _R4MzY7Izby-00109-00077209-00078063 Matt Young: at the T. Orc. Meeting in this link in the in the in the meeting notes to the slide, you know we we told them about _R4MzY7Izby-00110-00078080-00078965 Matt Young: the working group that you that you you've launched, and and we set expectations that they should be getting it's harder that they can say yes to at which point you know. _R4MzY7Izby-00111-00079013-00080897 Matt Young: Youtube playlists and stuff like that. We can post your videos. You can have all the meetings, and you can kind of have some of the resourcing. Also, I I kinda had a couple of conversations since last meeting around surveys and getting getting getting some some help from that. From that I believe you. Could _R4MzY7Izby-00112-00080897-00082924 Matt Young: you? You You could reach out to the marketing folks directly on Slack and I'm. I'm. After this meeting i'm going to reach out to the to to kind of ask for specifically in the Tsc. Slack channel, you know. Hey, the the tag has a working group. We've been talking on the Tc. About tag toc communications, and and and so it's an active _R4MzY7Izby-00113-00082925-00083215 Matt Young: topic, I think, what the interaction model should be. _R4MzY7Izby-00114-00083234-00083640 Matt Young: Oh, okay, I would. I would imagine that there are some resources that could help you out. _R4MzY7Izby-00115-00083665-00084414 Matt Young: And then and then also separately from that. There's the end user _R4MzY7Izby-00116-00084478-00085045 Matt Young: community groups, and those are listed up on _R4MzY7Izby-00117-00085048-00085263 feel free to reach out directly to them as well. _R4MzY7Izby-00118-00085422-00086719 Chris Larsen: Yeah, that's something. Bj: so mentioned that we want to try to get a a up of not just the hotel end user groups, but anybody else in the industry to want to join in. Just _R4MzY7Izby-00119-00086885-00087763 Chris Larsen: poke peoples, get, collect the list of suggestions. Folks have complaints or wish list items for recording language. _R4MzY7Izby-00120-00087763-00088948 Henrik Rexed: But so you you plan to do a meet up for that or these. So are you first trying to wants to run for a couple of survey, and then based on the survey. Then do what they need up afterward, or what? What's your plan? _R4MzY7Izby-00121-00089031-00089661 Chris Larsen: I was thinking doing concurrently, because there are going to be. Some folks who will get me up. Some folks won't go. _R4MzY7Izby-00122-00089680-00091606 Henrik Rexed: can fill out the survey. But do you think it'd be better to do a survey first, and then be able to have that around to discuss. Or, yeah, we're thinking, maybe as an introduction to the media, there will be a way of say, this is what we observed so far, and how people are using it, and and how I mean, for example, from Ql. Is the standard for metrics and whatever. _R4MzY7Izby-00123-00091621-00092083 Henrik Rexed: and then so then we could feed ideas _R4MzY7Izby-00124-00092091-00092515 Henrik Rexed: in the brains, and then we can follow up what deeper the conversations. _R4MzY7Izby-00125-00092586-00093039 Chris Larsen: Yeah, that sounds good, man. So yeah, I can follow up _R4MzY7Izby-00126-00093120-00094216 Chris Larsen: anybody you want to help out with questions to put on the survey, I think. Yeah, I think we we. And then we feel we need to figure out how we distribute that survey on which which community we need to doc and up the door _R4MzY7Izby-00127-00094245-00095737 Henrik Rexed: to, because I think having a service great, but we need to have a a decent number of responses to make it real that we we we valuable. So I think here we need. We need to join forces on on where we want to send that survey. _R4MzY7Izby-00128-00095860-00097352 Henrik Rexed: Do you think any vendors would be interested in singing out to like, yeah, so I I I can. I can use the the that I trace piece. I have a way. We have a way of figuring out what all the component people are using in in their environments. _R4MzY7Izby-00129-00097424-00098119 Henrik Rexed: So I can basically target few couple of of of customers based on that. I already have intentions to do _R4MzY7Izby-00130-00098130-00099064 Henrik Rexed: and user interviews for other topics. But that could be a way of, say, a: yeah. I have that survey. Could you also keep. Take 5min of your time and feel that that survey will be great. _R4MzY7Izby-00131-00099095-00099284 Chris Larsen: Oh, yeah, that'd be wonderful. Thanks. _R4MzY7Izby-00132-00099446-00099852 Chris Larsen: I know a couple of other vendors who could help out distributing that? _R4MzY7Izby-00133-00100276-00100426 Matt Young: And then _R4MzY7Izby-00134-00100503-00101354 Chris Larsen: a quick question about the bat. Since you all are here, what time would be good for a made up if we did that for the end users _R4MzY7Izby-00135-00101374-00101926 because it looks like conferences are popping up pretty soon a lot of them happening this summer _R4MzY7Izby-00136-00101936-00102440 Chris Larsen: like cookcon and scale and whatnot. So is it best to try to _R4MzY7Izby-00137-00102474-00102967 Chris Larsen: push a meeting like that after the conferences, or try to squeeze them before _R4MzY7Izby-00138-00103183-00103484 Henrik Rexed: I would say that 2. Con is a is in a month. _R4MzY7Izby-00139-00103499-00103789 Henrik Rexed: Europe month and a half. _R4MzY7Izby-00140-00103906-00104542 Henrik Rexed: depending, If you want to have numbers or stuff to share with the ring You, con Europe. _R4MzY7Izby-00141-00104571-00104980 Henrik Rexed: If If that's the case, then I we should schedule the meet up as as app. _R4MzY7Izby-00142-00105017-00105968 Henrik Rexed: and that enough statistics. So then we can try to make a follow up on that conversation. Drink a con that would be great. or we we wait after _R4MzY7Izby-00143-00106029-00107754 Matt Young: what? Oh, yeah, I I was also gonna say we have a Maintainer track talk at coupon. I was going to go, I I I I've actually i'm not going to be a coupon you this year for a couple of different reasons. But I wish it could be so. Our leader will be doing the talk. _R4MzY7Izby-00144-00107766-00109517 Matt Young: but because it's a tag, it's on the tag. Right? So yeah, it's an update from from tag observability. So since this is a work group, you know, definitely coordinate with our Lita because you can get. And you know i'm sure that one. That's one of the things she's going to want to talk about that will be going to kind of _R4MzY7Izby-00145-00109544-00109826 Matt Young: put out there to the coupon universe. _R4MzY7Izby-00146-00109833-00111191 Matt Young: so you could coordinate there right even if it was an informal meet up or a formal, informal one. You know, whatever you could. You could announce it, you know, to to the right audience at Coop Con. That might wanna _R4MzY7Izby-00147-00111221-00111507 that might not know about the effort, and might want to, you know. _R4MzY7Izby-00148-00111513-00112057 Matt Young: Jumped into it kind of like what happened to pro with the profiling stuff. Right? How we kind of just put it out there and _R4MzY7Izby-00149-00112190-00112432 assemble something and see who shows up. So _R4MzY7Izby-00150-00112782-00113167 Matt Young: all right, I'll I'll be working on slides away that for it. I just. _R4MzY7Izby-00151-00113176-00113406 Matt Young: I have some my stuff going on. I mean. _R4MzY7Izby-00152-00113407-00113596 Matt Young: I need to be home for teenagers. _R4MzY7Izby-00153-00113611-00114206 Vijay Samuel: Oh, yeah, that's the I I couldn't go for it. _R4MzY7Izby-00154-00114226-00115244 Matt Young: It's reasons. But I have toddlers so different different reason. Oh, yeah, I've got a high school senior and a junior. So oh, Jeeze, yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00155-00115295-00116064 Chris Larsen: Good luck. And they listen to you all the time. Right. all 4 of them. Actually, the twins are 1517, 18. It's a big _R4MzY7Izby-00156-00116185-00117283 Matt Young: out twins, too. It's a big, crazy teenager and a large dog right so so the April break where coupon is. That's like right. When the kids are home from school, and we're going 9 different directions to look at. _R4MzY7Izby-00157-00117572-00117768 Henrik Rexed: Oh, My gosh. _R4MzY7Izby-00158-00117802-00117948 Vijay Samuel: this Are you planning to go? _R4MzY7Izby-00159-00117985-00119450 Chris Larsen: I'm trying to. I'm still chatting with my wife because we have twin toddlers to 3 years old? So she wanted to go out, and she was like Amsterdam. Yeah, I want to go. We've been there. But yeah, I might go out for just a couple of days around the observability day. _R4MzY7Izby-00160-00119484-00119613 Henrik Rexed: Okay, so _R4MzY7Izby-00161-00119625-00121295 Matt Young: so I I I don't know how related to observability. This is, but I will mention that I I coupon. I believe I can't speak about the Amsterdam one that's coming up. But I know that in in previous coupons there's there's like a program for people with traveling with kids _R4MzY7Izby-00162-00121303-00121388 Matt Young: for _R4MzY7Izby-00163-00121408-00122307 Matt Young: have kids do stuff during coupon kind of like going on a cruise right? And it's for people who wouldn't otherwise be able to attend. But for they've got, you know. _R4MzY7Izby-00164-00122364-00123523 Matt Young: you know, children. So I remember seeing that through fly by in in one of the channels I can find a link to it if you want but something to consider. _R4MzY7Izby-00165-00123567-00124196 Chris Larsen: see if they can make the flight, though they could see that's a long time. Thanks. Yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00166-00124251-00125465 Chris Larsen: yeah, back to the yeah. Is it so similar to the developer summits that we do on cube con like? Is that opportunity to do and in use the Indus, if _R4MzY7Izby-00167-00125515-00126873 Vijay Samuel: setting like a I. There are going to be a bunch of end users at Amsterdam. I'm sure like, maybe use that as an opportunity to see what the concerns around observable t are and whatnot we can obviously host one within the Bay area. _R4MzY7Izby-00168-00126908-00127825 Vijay Samuel: Quite a few people would show up, but I think both. The cube cons might also be a good forum for this, since I was in. _R4MzY7Izby-00169-00127828-00128222 Henrik Rexed: we should reach out to Austin Parker, who is doing the other day. _R4MzY7Izby-00170-00128233-00129190 Henrik Rexed: and and suggest that we do like a non-conference. Whatever aspect where we bring people are interested in that topic, and then we can still discuss with them. _R4MzY7Izby-00171-00129220-00129877 Henrik Rexed: I know you could even then take the adventures. Hey, guys, we have a survey, please, fitting it. I think that's survey as well _R4MzY7Izby-00172-00129893-00130408 Matt Young: again. I would just to set expectations. _R4MzY7Izby-00173-00130429-00131096 Matt Young: you know I would be surprised if open telemetry necessarily is, is is going to be receptive to talking about _R4MzY7Izby-00174-00131102-00131587 Matt Young: specifically exactly query languages for back and durable stores like they. They've carved _R4MzY7Izby-00175-00131612-00133492 Matt Young: a very public, very rational pragmatic line that says, open telemetry is controlled with, with, you know, collecting and moving around observability data, not querying specifically. And so they they I you wasn't based on this, did your effort. But there was another thread that happened. _R4MzY7Izby-00176-00133526-00134919 Matt Young: I think, Hendrick, you were there in in in La, at the last coupon, where this actually came up in the open telemetry community meeting, and then it came up again, right? And so I yeah. Vj: is there great? So _R4MzY7Izby-00177-00134991-00135067 Matt Young: yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00178-00135199-00136696 Henrik Rexed: But is the Observability Day Hotel specifically, or is it? Oh, no, no, no, it's it's a friend. It's it's all the ups already. Solutions, right? It's not specific to. But it's. Yeah, there will be, of course, some specific topics about open territory. _R4MzY7Izby-00179-00136861-00137105 Chris Larsen: Yeah. So I think it'd be just since _R4MzY7Izby-00180-00137135-00137579 Chris Larsen: observable users are gathered there. It'd be nice if we could. Yeah, ask them. _R4MzY7Izby-00181-00137602-00137815 Chris Larsen: We'll have the meeting with my _R4MzY7Izby-00182-00137866-00138424 Chris Larsen: cool. Yeah, so i'll reach out to Austin. Ask about that. So I think the _R4MzY7Izby-00183-00138434-00139191 Chris Larsen: like in it. It sounds like we could do the survey. Get that started now and start distributing it. We can have it floating around for a while, and then we can _R4MzY7Izby-00184-00139238-00139591 Chris Larsen: have only to tell folks about it and _R4MzY7Izby-00185-00139623-00140168 Chris Larsen: discuss, meet up after we could try for the made up on the day of, and then _R4MzY7Izby-00186-00140182-00140614 Chris Larsen: I mean, we don't answer, Why, I have to have just one. But do that after. So yeah, that' be good. _R4MzY7Izby-00187-00140617-00141012 Vijay Samuel: I think if if you and the Allolit are planning to travel. _R4MzY7Izby-00188-00141018-00142330 Vijay Samuel: I think that might be a good. You, too, might be a good good set of people to facilitate the the discussion from starting from an end user perspective and ask people. _R4MzY7Izby-00189-00142370-00142510 Chris Larsen: Yeah, that sounds good. _R4MzY7Izby-00190-00142562-00142643 Chris Larsen: cool thanks. _R4MzY7Izby-00191-00142754-00143696 Chris Larsen: And then, yeah, the working group, the Charter, leaving it open through the end of the month, of course, and comments have died down on it. So I think we've _R4MzY7Izby-00192-00143746-00144083 Chris Larsen: reached consensus, so I just have to finish cleaning it up. _R4MzY7Izby-00193-00144274-00144437 Chris Larsen: and then that should be good cool. _R4MzY7Izby-00194-00144643-00144991 Vijay Samuel: Are you planning to talk about it, this Skipcon. _R4MzY7Izby-00195-00145185-00145318 Chris Larsen: Well. _R4MzY7Izby-00196-00145552-00146462 Chris Larsen: it, I said they were thinking of having a panel discussion about observability, and asked if I could be on it. So if I fly out i'll see _R4MzY7Izby-00197-00146464-00146653 Chris Larsen: if I can. Otherwise _R4MzY7Izby-00198-00146792-00147747 Vijay Samuel: I don't have a specific talk about it, because it's so early. Yeah, I think North America Hopefully, we have enough done by then so that we can. _R4MzY7Izby-00199-00147781-00147847 Yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00200-00148240-00149099 Chris Larsen: Yeah. And then we I wanted to ask to Matt about what's the I know it's it would happen after the working group is officially chartered. But _R4MzY7Izby-00201-00149102-00149605 Chris Larsen: is there a process to get a repo open under Cnc. F. For the _R4MzY7Izby-00202-00149637-00149821 Chris Larsen: data set that we're collecting. _R4MzY7Izby-00203-00150131-00152099 Matt Young: But get I I I think we can. I I can make. I think I might be able to create one at that point. Or maybe there's a more formalized process now, I think 3 years ago maybe I could just create it. But but yeah, there is a service desk open to tags. _R4MzY7Izby-00204-00152099-00152314 Matt Young: So any like. _R4MzY7Izby-00205-00152320-00153079 Matt Young: so I can. I can make a ticket there to get your repo created. In fact, we could probably just start that process now _R4MzY7Izby-00206-00153235-00154233 Matt Young: again, like I I would say, go, don't wait. I'm like like the the working group stuff. Just so I i'm being a little bit ocd around like _R4MzY7Izby-00207-00154238-00154325 Matt Young: you know. _R4MzY7Izby-00208-00154370-00154963 Matt Young: I. I just want to make sure that on the back side we're doing the right stuff so that we can get you the the right _R4MzY7Izby-00209-00155031-00155717 Matt Young: in as much as possible. But but but don't feel like you have to wait for some like blessing to to start to to. Just _R4MzY7Izby-00210-00155739-00155955 Matt Young: Yeah. So so _R4MzY7Izby-00211-00156017-00156136 Matt Young: so _R4MzY7Izby-00212-00156165-00157279 Matt Young: when we do that at least find that one way or the other. So i'm taking that note i'll i'll and i'll put it in a github issue on the tag, he said. There's a link to the service desk ticket. _R4MzY7Izby-00213-00157283-00158037 Henrik Rexed: Chris, in terms of to make it to make the project running and and and if you want to respect the deadlines _R4MzY7Izby-00214-00158045-00158913 Henrik Rexed: we make sense to. We set up, even if there is no part. I mean, there is nothing in the working group. All things in the but we are _R4MzY7Izby-00215-00158983-00160005 Matt Young: I I i'm, I'm. I'm being so. You're welcome to use the tech observability repo. We could just make it like a working group's Directory, and I could add you to the repo, and that would be like the now solution. _R4MzY7Izby-00216-00160049-00160448 Matt Young: if you like, and you can always branch out later. If you want this to have a tone _R4MzY7Izby-00217-00160462-00161088 Matt Young: thing, I I don't. I don't actually know so. But but you're welcome to do that in the near term. _R4MzY7Izby-00218-00161124-00161233 Chris Larsen: Okay, thanks. _R4MzY7Izby-00219-00161382-00161459 Chris Larsen: But yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00220-00161543-00161686 we need to have a _R4MzY7Izby-00221-00161813-00161998 Chris Larsen: right. We haven't set up a meeting _R4MzY7Izby-00222-00162020-00162086 like that _R4MzY7Izby-00223-00162139-00162654 Matt Young: initial meeting so as to the calendar. I don't know _R4MzY7Izby-00224-00162666-00163348 Matt Young: there might. I'll check to see if there's a juris service this process, but in the past it's Amy. I don't know if you know Amy and _R4MzY7Izby-00225-00163362-00163515 Matt Young: I can put a link. _R4MzY7Izby-00226-00163628-00164085 Matt Young: And she she is kind of the _R4MzY7Izby-00227-00164411-00164532 Chris Larsen: okay. _R4MzY7Izby-00228-00164538-00165243 Matt Young: Yeah, she she she's in charge of everything. Basically she is the glue that it holds, as far as I could tell everything together _R4MzY7Izby-00229-00165274-00165494 Matt Young: and more _R4MzY7Izby-00230-00165508-00165748 Chris Larsen: Okay, cool. Yeah, but maybe _R4MzY7Izby-00231-00165762-00166403 like the each other to her and then try to get a meeting schedule before the end of the comment period. _R4MzY7Izby-00232-00166479-00166555 Chris Larsen: That's okay. _R4MzY7Izby-00233-00166808-00167108 Henrik Rexed: Yeah, I think we could. What we could do is maybe _R4MzY7Izby-00234-00167123-00167776 Henrik Rexed: to make the thing, because there. There is a survey and everything to to deliver. So maybe we make sense that on the _R4MzY7Izby-00235-00167781-00167921 Henrik Rexed: slack channel _R4MzY7Izby-00236-00167951-00168471 Henrik Rexed: we just suggest a an temporary weekly _R4MzY7Izby-00237-00168472-00169044 Henrik Rexed: meeting time, and then, once the Charter has been approved and we can have an official _R4MzY7Izby-00238-00169087-00169438 Henrik Rexed: weekly meeting. I I guess that's the process met, or _R4MzY7Izby-00239-00169657-00169996 Matt Young: yes, the working groups are free to. You can meet _R4MzY7Izby-00240-00170009-00170756 Matt Young: 5 times a week, if you want, or going to, every 3 weeks, or all in on leap years. I the there's like. _R4MzY7Izby-00241-00170826-00171237 Matt Young: There is no more process that I am aware of for working to to self-organize and _R4MzY7Izby-00242-00171245-00171532 and and do do it. Like. I'm just trying to get _R4MzY7Izby-00243-00171587-00172327 Matt Young: a playlist for you and and the access to the calendar. But it's creating of the zoom links and all that. _R4MzY7Izby-00244-00172344-00172583 Matt Young: But but beyond that you know. _R4MzY7Izby-00245-00172650-00173186 Matt Young: other than just, you know. conforming to the code of contact, and and all of that which is. _R4MzY7Izby-00246-00173293-00173480 Matt Young: is, is easy to do. _R4MzY7Izby-00247-00174071-00174133 Sorry. But _R4MzY7Izby-00248-00174588-00175666 Matt Young: yeah, and whenever you're ready to pull the trigger on whenever I whenever you're really ready to decide to use the document. Whatever form it's ready, let us know we'll send the real email. And _R4MzY7Izby-00249-00177474-00177558 And _R4MzY7Izby-00250-00177572-00178433 Matt Young: so yeah, so welcome to to to the folks that just as well, I I actually don't have much else on the agenda I, _R4MzY7Izby-00251-00178433-00180276 Matt Young: the the the the the the gentleman from Klein, that that is going to be he us to come on the 20 first, not the 7. He's fine to, as I mentioned. So that was one block of time, and thought about reaching out to some of the other projects that that we haven't heard from in a while, but _R4MzY7Izby-00252-00180304-00182036 Matt Young: and I could I I it's like I just reiterate here for this meeting as well. But I what I said the Tc. Today that you know we have all manner of work that's scoped, or opportunities to come, and then and take a leadership role, or just to drive things as as you're all doing. _R4MzY7Izby-00253-00182046-00183422 Matt Young: If you look at the observability and analytics part of the landscape, you know it's, it's very large. There's a huge amount of a of projects going on in the sandbox alone. And and, for example, we have a tag issue in our our our repo. _R4MzY7Izby-00254-00183427-00185649 Matt Young: you know, around that that's already actually been started by somebody who then had to go do something else around like a a, a, a formalized program to to to reach out to all of the sandbox and the incubating projects and schedule getting them in to do meetings. And so there's there's like logistical and project management work. There's technical work. There's creative work. There's all manner of stuff. So if anybody does want to actually take _R4MzY7Izby-00255-00185649-00186108 Matt Young: an active role in driving any of that, or you know someone who does. Please _R4MzY7Izby-00256-00186207-00186369 Matt Young: know that you know _R4MzY7Izby-00257-00186398-00186796 Matt Young: It's whatever you there's an opportunity there for anyone anyone interested. _R4MzY7Izby-00258-00186865-00187013 Gaurav Nolkha: 8 in that. _R4MzY7Izby-00259-00187044-00188295 Gaurav Nolkha: That's pretty good, Segue, and the reason I joined as well. I i'm got it. and having often on connected with this community. _R4MzY7Izby-00260-00188349-00189072 Gaurav Nolkha: I run an observability team at a startup called Cloud Pigeons. and have a pretty _R4MzY7Izby-00261-00189074-00189754 Gaurav Nolkha: solid, reasonably small but solid team, and I would love to encourage folks to _R4MzY7Izby-00262-00189773-00190782 Gaurav Nolkha: to sort of communicate and and participate in the open source project and stuff. What I was thinking was, Have _R4MzY7Izby-00263-00190797-00191177 Gaurav Nolkha: have someone coming and talk to my team. _R4MzY7Izby-00264-00191178-00191636 Gaurav Nolkha: so I wanted to put you guys in can tell us about the tag, and _R4MzY7Izby-00265-00191640-00191799 you can tell us about some of the _R4MzY7Izby-00266-00191806-00192024 Gaurav Nolkha: opportunities and sort of _R4MzY7Izby-00267-00192045-00192387 Gaurav Nolkha: excite people to to go and contribute. _R4MzY7Izby-00268-00192430-00192859 Gaurav Nolkha: We are in mountain view in the bay area. If any one of you or anyone _R4MzY7Izby-00269-00192870-00192976 you recommend _R4MzY7Izby-00270-00192984-00193176 Gaurav Nolkha: would be interested in coming. _R4MzY7Izby-00271-00193181-00193752 Talking to my team online is fine, too, but in person would be even better. _R4MzY7Izby-00272-00194562-00195796 Matt Young: awesome. I'm. I'm sure that we could find somebody to be there in person. I work on the east coast, but my company is based in in Cupertino, so I'm. I'm. There sometimes as well. _R4MzY7Izby-00273-00195896-00197786 Matt Young: There are a couple of things you could do now today, and and I can put links in. We we did a talk both at both of the last 2 coupon North Americas, and in both of those we kind of cover. What is the tag. What's it? Scope? What's its purpose? And things like that? _R4MzY7Izby-00274-00197842-00199478 Matt Young: And so th those might be a good place to start. If you want to do something like today. Today. I also have a couple of decks I I could give you, or I'm happy to give versions of that are the decks. From those talks that also kind of cover the scope of all that stuff Hi, Ken and and _R4MzY7Izby-00275-00199487-00201008 Matt Young: and and i'm sure that there's others that that that would love to come talk as well. But there's and then the other thing that is sort of a now thing that the that could be useful is both the Tag observability, repo and the landscape graph repo. _R4MzY7Izby-00276-00201037-00202002 Matt Young: Both have a bunch of help help wanted, you know. Good first issue type things. They're both. It's all, it's all open, right? So _R4MzY7Izby-00277-00202007-00202118 Matt Young: there's another. _R4MzY7Izby-00278-00202121-00202534 Matt Young: And until we figure out something else that that those might be good places to start. _R4MzY7Izby-00279-00202539-00202625 And _R4MzY7Izby-00280-00202671-00203503 Gaurav Nolkha: yeah, what would work best, like my email, or something that you can send some resources to _R4MzY7Izby-00281-00203596-00205017 Matt Young: you. Wanna Your I'll put a link because I think you probably didn't get the he joins. If you join Zoom. After the meeting starts it doesn't scroll back, give you a link to the meeting notes _R4MzY7Izby-00282-00205019-00205815 Gaurav Nolkha: that I think is in there is in the invite to _R4MzY7Izby-00283-00205829-00205919 Gaurav Nolkha: I got, though. _R4MzY7Izby-00284-00206448-00206792 Gaurav Nolkha: Okay? Well, which one would you say the is a good start? _R4MzY7Izby-00285-00206990-00208317 Matt Young: Oh, I I didn't want to take up time in the meeting. But I I I was gonna say, like we already have 2 Youtube videos. The most reason I want to be the most recent one from from La again, like if you wanted to throw a video or something at people that they could watch it's like 20min _R4MzY7Izby-00286-00208319-00208938 Matt Young: or something that would cover cover that today. I'm: I'm not happy to. _R4MzY7Izby-00287-00208957-00209163 Matt Young: And then. _R4MzY7Izby-00288-00209467-00209663 Gaurav Nolkha: yeah, that sounds like a great start. Thank you. _R4MzY7Izby-00289-00210025-00211873 Matt Young: Is there anything in particular like what the the that your team is is is specifically focused on, or is interested in like. Are you just generally interested in in in in the space, or do you have something? I I think the team there's a lot of interest in panels. _R4MzY7Izby-00290-00211873-00212952 Gaurav Nolkha: specifically. because we use that at a pretty decent scale. and to meet you so obviously. _R4MzY7Izby-00291-00213021-00214040 Gaurav Nolkha: So there's those 2 like from a technical point of view. But I want people to be more aware of. You know. What what are the things that are going on and open Telemetry is another example where _R4MzY7Izby-00292-00214078-00214402 Gaurav Nolkha: I think there'll be a lot of interest, technically speaking. _R4MzY7Izby-00293-00214667-00214769 Matt Young: awesome. _R4MzY7Izby-00294-00215398-00216314 Matt Young: Yeah. Reach out to Bartek as well if you haven't yet a. And there's probably other people here that have also run that as well. _R4MzY7Izby-00295-00216388-00216821 Gaurav Nolkha: Yeah, I have joined a few of the office hours and stuff _R4MzY7Izby-00296-00216823-00216996 Gaurav Nolkha: and talk to by. K: Yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00297-00217071-00217273 Gaurav Nolkha: trying to get more active. _R4MzY7Izby-00298-00217279-00217336 Gaurav Nolkha: That's cool. _R4MzY7Izby-00299-00217469-00217527 Gaurav Nolkha: Yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00300-00217856-00218014 Gaurav Nolkha: that's it for me. Thank you. _R4MzY7Izby-00301-00218083-00218192 Matt Young: Okay. _R4MzY7Izby-00302-00218279-00218766 Matt Young: Does anyone else have anything? As I said, we we we have a short agenda today. _R4MzY7Izby-00303-00219051-00219861 Vijay Samuel: May I ask what what is the best way to track some of the SDK development that's happening on the open telemetry side, like _R4MzY7Izby-00304-00219881-00220387 Vijay Samuel: timelines for logs being stable and things like that. _R4MzY7Izby-00305-00220700-00220871 Matt Young: So there's _R4MzY7Izby-00306-00220892-00222523 Matt Young: well I don't. I don't speak for open telemetry anything. But as I understand it, actually, you know, Hendrick, I can answer this better than I can. I have ideas. But but you're you're a little more involved. Yeah. Normally, the observer you don't. I open temptation to how you are sorry has a matrix showing you _R4MzY7Izby-00307-00222523-00222963 where the status of each SDK on each various signals. _R4MzY7Izby-00308-00222989-00223379 Henrik Rexed: It should be a normally updated automatically. _R4MzY7Izby-00309-00223396-00224629 Henrik Rexed: I didn't check recently to be honest, but that that was initially the source where I was using, and sometimes what I do, I I jump to the individual repo to figure out which version _R4MzY7Izby-00310-00224654-00224784 Henrik Rexed: which I don't know _R4MzY7Izby-00311-00224796-00225554 Henrik Rexed: to get more details on the actual status, but open to which Iosh give you normally, the matrix that you're looking for. _R4MzY7Izby-00312-00225635-00226136 Vijay Samuel: Oh, yeah, I see that curious more from a a roadmap _R4MzY7Izby-00313-00226148-00226290 Vijay Samuel: perspective like. _R4MzY7Izby-00314-00226329-00226398 Henrik Rexed: Yeah. _R4MzY7Izby-00315-00226500-00226763 Henrik Rexed: that that that's that's more tricky. _R4MzY7Izby-00316-00226835-00227216 Ken Finnigan: Over the last week about _R4MzY7Izby-00317-00227219-00228112 Ken Finnigan: logs. Talk about logs being stable, so I think it's close. But I don't think they have a specific timeline. As to when it will actually happen. _R4MzY7Izby-00318-00228304-00228379 Vijay Samuel: Okay. _R4MzY7Izby-00319-00228467-00230279 Matt Young: yeah, I mean, like like, for example, at every group time they'll they'll get together, you know, and and agree on what the overall direction for the project is. But the timing is up to con to contributors right? So you know you can make guesses, but it it's difficult, I think, sometimes in an open source project to say like. _R4MzY7Izby-00320-00230287-00231148 Matt Young: you know, we have committed resourcing. You have done the level of planning and analysis that you know we have a team of this size. You know it's it's not quite like _R4MzY7Izby-00321-00231154-00233053 Matt Young: schedulable or predictable. That, said, Open telemetry is of a sufficient size, where you know I wouldn't be surprised if that's not the case at all, because they have so many people working on it. But yeah, there is also an open telemetry communications. Dig, I think it is _R4MzY7Izby-00322-00233055-00234044 Matt Young: that does a lot of the communication around like talks and road maps and things. _R4MzY7Izby-00323-00234067-00234231 Henrik Rexed: There, there's _R4MzY7Izby-00324-00234354-00234519 Matt Young: pull up the link here _R4MzY7Izby-00325-00234603-00234678 Matt Young: looking. _R4MzY7Izby-00326-00236642-00237163 Matt Young: and since you have open toometric calms, I think, is the male in my straight. _R4MzY7Izby-00327-00237503-00237675 Matt Young: This is marching to September. _R4MzY7Izby-00328-00238044-00238326 Matt Young: You might ask on here to go in the meeting. _R4MzY7Izby-00329-00238338-00238835 Matt Young: you know. She might ask on this mailing list or show up in their slack. I'll just put in the meeting chat. _R4MzY7Izby-00330-00239051-00239310 Matt Young: I think that might also be a good place to start. _R4MzY7Izby-00331-00239714-00239796 Vijay Samuel: Sounds good. _R4MzY7Izby-00332-00240323-00240741 Matt Young: but like. But again, like I have no idea about the log stuff specifically. _R4MzY7Izby-00333-00240990-00241276 Vijay Samuel: No, that's okay. I just use that as an example. _R4MzY7Izby-00334-00241411-00241487 Matt Young: Hmm. _R4MzY7Izby-00335-00242244-00242446 Matt Young: Okay. _R4MzY7Izby-00336-00242469-00243148 Ken Finnigan: Sorry. I understand what I was looking for. It's a called open telemetry in focus is the thing. I was trying to find _R4MzY7Izby-00337-00243204-00243419 Ken Finnigan: the link to the one for February. _R4MzY7Izby-00338-00243709-00243860 Matt Young: All right. _R4MzY7Izby-00339-00243884-00244138 Matt Young: I should really set up in it. Thank you. _R4MzY7Izby-00340-00244825-00245160 Ken Finnigan: So that gives you a snapshot in time as to where things are at _R4MzY7Izby-00341-00246279-00246357 Matt Young: awesome. _R4MzY7Izby-00342-00246711-00247596 Matt Young: If there's no other topics for today, i'm happy to return time to folks I know. I'm a little over a book myself. and and _R4MzY7Izby-00343-00247603-00247834 Matt Young: and and and, as I said. _R4MzY7Izby-00344-00247921-00248358 Matt Young: the close videos from the last 2 meetings that they should be rolling soon. _R4MzY7Izby-00345-00249441-00249532 Matt Young: All right. _R4MzY7Izby-00346-00249548-00249771 Ken Finnigan: thanks All _R4MzY7Izby-00347-00249789-00250001 Henrik Rexed: have a great day. _THr_A0bNzU-00000-00000048-00000584 i have another strike for you jimmy kevin live get to one more strike for making another video _THr_A0bNzU-00001-00000584-00000944 private maybe it was another video that wasn't supposed to get uploaded or wasn't supposed _THr_A0bNzU-00002-00000944-00001336 to be made public but anyway no matter what happens if any public video was once _THr_A0bNzU-00003-00001400-00001952 uh normal video but then it became private then it gets a strike you have one or two strikes but _THr_A0bNzU-00004-00001952-00002328 i need to check the strike playlist and if you have one other strike then that means you'll be _THr_A0bNzU-00005-00002328-00002704 removed from our subscriptions because we kept making videos private and that's not very good _VJvAoPiydM-00000-00000000-00000224 http://sheershasamachar.com/ _WglXlgCWrg-00000-00000069-00000344 (dramatic music) _WglXlgCWrg-00001-00000544-00000803 - Greetings from Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. _WglXlgCWrg-00002-00000803-00000953 Command Sergeant Major Hendrex and I _WglXlgCWrg-00003-00000953-00001127 wish we could be there with you, _WglXlgCWrg-00004-00001127-00001372 but it's fitting that over 1,500 dog face soldiers _WglXlgCWrg-00005-00001372-00001635 are one again deployed in support of our nation. _WglXlgCWrg-00006-00001635-00001824 We want you to know that while we can't _WglXlgCWrg-00007-00001824-00002135 be with you there in person, we are with you in spirit. _WglXlgCWrg-00008-00002135-00002219 Go Army! _WglXlgCWrg-00009-00002261-00002653 (incoherent chant from troops) _bpUt5Wcvcu-00000-00000031-00000347 (upbeat techno music) _bpUt5Wcvcu-00001-00002003-00002127 >> Hey, welcome back everybody, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00002-00002127-00002222 Jeff Frick here with theCUBE. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00003-00002222-00002463 We're at the RSA conference in downtown San Francsisco. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00004-00002463-00002718 40,000 security professionals talking about _bpUt5Wcvcu-00005-00002718-00002888 how to keep the bad guys out, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00006-00002888-00003263 especially with IOT and 5G coming right around the corner. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00007-00003263-00003498 Joined by the many time CUBE alumnae, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00008-00003498-00003651 always great to catch up with Mark. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00009-00003651-00003894 Mark Nunnikhoven from Trend Micro, what's your title now? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00010-00003894-00004027 >> VP... >> Cloud research? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00011-00004027-00004178 >> VP Cloud research, that's good. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00012-00004178-00004262 >> Welcome! _bpUt5Wcvcu-00013-00004262-00004351 >> Thank you for having me, I appreciate it. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00014-00004351-00004577 >> So it's always good to see that the booth, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00015-00004577-00004761 you guys always have kind of the craziest, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00016-00004761-00004844 wackiest booths. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00017-00004844-00004928 I was wondering though, if you fell _bpUt5Wcvcu-00018-00004928-00005144 out of the rocket ship and that's how you busted your arm. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00019-00005144-00005305 >> That's definitely a better story, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00020-00005305-00005446 so I think we can go with that, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00021-00005446-00005699 or a transporter malfunction, something like that _bpUt5Wcvcu-00022-00005699-00005879 will be a much better story than the sad truth. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00023-00005879-00005962 >> Okay. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00024-00005962-00006082 >> So you've been coming to this show for a while, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00025-00006082-00006281 we see you at all the AWS events, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00026-00006281-00006553 how is the kind of evolution of cloud _bpUt5Wcvcu-00027-00006553-00006850 and the ongoing expansion of cloud _bpUt5Wcvcu-00028-00006850-00007130 kind of change the game in the world of security? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00029-00007130-00007406 >> Yeah, I think cloud has enabled us to do a lot of things _bpUt5Wcvcu-00030-00007406-00007618 that we've been trying to do for a long time, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00031-00007618-00007751 and you know, so we've talked about _bpUt5Wcvcu-00032-00007751-00007984 enabling granular security throughout the enterprise _bpUt5Wcvcu-00033-00007984-00008148 for years, and it's always been hard because _bpUt5Wcvcu-00034-00008148-00008318 we've had a lot of different vendors, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00035-00008318-00008448 a lot of different systems. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00036-00008448-00008702 When we moved to cloud, it's getting a lot more homogenized, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00037-00008702-00008905 and everything's accessible via an API. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00038-00008905-00009146 So we're seeing a lot of maturity in that space _bpUt5Wcvcu-00039-00009146-00009387 where people are embracing that fact, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00040-00009387-00009565 and starting to enable some things that _bpUt5Wcvcu-00041-00009565-00009845 we've been trying to do, like that solid identity _bpUt5Wcvcu-00042-00009845-00010038 in axis management, you know, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00043-00010038-00010203 that's been really difficult in the enterprise, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00044-00010203-00010359 it's far simpler in a cloud space. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00045-00010359-00010541 >> That's interesting, because the other fact is _bpUt5Wcvcu-00046-00010541-00010820 all these things are now all connected via APIs, right? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00047-00010820-00011011 And there are a whole lot of SAS applications _bpUt5Wcvcu-00048-00011011-00011120 in the enterprise >> Yeah! _bpUt5Wcvcu-00049-00011120-00011384 >> So the attack surface is growing significantly _bpUt5Wcvcu-00050-00011384-00011635 and as was pointed out in the keynote this morning, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00051-00011635-00011947 a lot of people work from home, they plug in their desks, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00052-00011947-00012240 you know, it's just, it's growing very very quickly. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00053-00012240-00012324 >> It is! _bpUt5Wcvcu-00054-00012324-00012455 >> So how do you look at some of these challenges? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00055-00012455-00012706 >> Yeah, and it's funny because it is significant _bpUt5Wcvcu-00056-00012706-00012846 and you look at IOT alone, right? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00057-00012846-00012997 There's billions and billions of devices _bpUt5Wcvcu-00058-00012997-00013237 that are being connected and the devices themselves _bpUt5Wcvcu-00059-00013237-00013402 aren't necessarily so much of a threat, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00060-00013402-00013668 though we did see that this year with the Miray bot net _bpUt5Wcvcu-00061-00013668-00013889 and you know some massive d-dos attacks, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00062-00013889-00014055 but it's the data that's going in the back end _bpUt5Wcvcu-00063-00014055-00014267 that's more of a danger to consumers. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00064-00014267-00014475 And we see that with sas services as well. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00065-00014475-00014726 As a security practitioner, you lose the ability _bpUt5Wcvcu-00066-00014726-00014957 to apply the traditional controls that we're used to. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00067-00014957-00015158 And now you're relying on your service provider _bpUt5Wcvcu-00068-00015158-00015279 to do that for you. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00069-00015279-00015402 But it's still your data. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00070-00015402-00015715 So you're sort of forced to construct this balance of, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00071-00015715-00015928 you know, making sure you're leveraging the controls _bpUt5Wcvcu-00072-00015928-00016164 and options the provider has, but also looking out _bpUt5Wcvcu-00073-00016164-00016408 for things like, you know, people effecting the data _bpUt5Wcvcu-00074-00016408-00016580 going in, and sort of manipulating _bpUt5Wcvcu-00075-00016580-00016712 and gaming the system more, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00076-00016712-00016910 and I think you mentioned they said that this morning too. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00077-00016910-00017137 >> Right, the other thing they said this morning is that _bpUt5Wcvcu-00078-00017137-00017316 every company has at least one person _bpUt5Wcvcu-00079-00017316-00017559 that's trying to connect with a Nigerian prince. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00080-00017559-00017705 >> Yeah! >> Who's going to click on these? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00081-00017705-00017892 >> Well he needs money! He needs money, right? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00082-00017892-00018015 >> Yeah, got to give him a little money. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00083-00018015-00018098 >> Yeah! _bpUt5Wcvcu-00084-00018098-00018362 >> I mean it's funny, as far as we've evolved, you know, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00085-00018362-00018520 every, you know, my wife will say _bpUt5Wcvcu-00086-00018520-00018704 "Oh, I got this weird email", so like _bpUt5Wcvcu-00087-00018704-00018819 don't click it, don't click it! _bpUt5Wcvcu-00088-00018819-00018902 >> Mark: Yeah! _bpUt5Wcvcu-00089-00018902-00018986 >> It's the same old techniques! _bpUt5Wcvcu-00090-00018986-00019252 >> It is, and, you know, I've been doing a lot of research _bpUt5Wcvcu-00091-00019252-00019489 in serverless security lately, and that's driven me _bpUt5Wcvcu-00092-00019489-00019608 to a really weird question. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00093-00019608-00019805 Because it's a collection of services _bpUt5Wcvcu-00094-00019805-00019950 where you don't have the ability _bpUt5Wcvcu-00095-00019950-00020140 to apply any controls directly. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00096-00020140-00020277 And it's sort of started me down this path of _bpUt5Wcvcu-00097-00020277-00020421 what is security mean? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00098-00020421-00020595 And it ties to what you were saying in that _bpUt5Wcvcu-00099-00020595-00020761 at the end of the day, users need to be able _bpUt5Wcvcu-00100-00020761-00020882 to use these systems. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00101-00020882-00021084 And sort of a pet peeve of mine is we tell people _bpUt5Wcvcu-00102-00021084-00021195 not to click on these links, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00103-00021195-00021519 but that's the sole purpose of a link is to be clicked on. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00104-00021519-00021774 So we need to find a better balance of educating people _bpUt5Wcvcu-00105-00021774-00022095 and giving them the context in which to make these decisions _bpUt5Wcvcu-00106-00022095-00022296 and having better reputation systems _bpUt5Wcvcu-00107-00022296-00022466 and better automated controls, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00108-00022466-00022666 so that they don't have the option of clicking _bpUt5Wcvcu-00109-00022666-00022862 or not clicking, they just never see bad links _bpUt5Wcvcu-00110-00022862-00022960 in the first place. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00111-00022960-00023096 >> Right, that's a good strategy. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00112-00023096-00023229 The other theme that's coming in, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00113-00023229-00023481 over and over, is really collaboration _bpUt5Wcvcu-00114-00023481-00023658 within the ecosystem here. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00115-00023658-00023932 To share facts, share knowledge, share data, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00116-00023932-00024117 so that you can pick up patterns faster, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00117-00024117-00024301 you can see notes, really the same thing _bpUt5Wcvcu-00118-00024301-00024434 over and over and over. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00119-00024434-00024678 And really, being the kind of co-op-itician, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00120-00024678-00024896 which is what makes Silicon Valley Silicon Valley. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00121-00024896-00025108 >> It is. And it's nice to see it increasing, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00122-00025108-00025236 I think it's gaining pace. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00123-00025236-00025422 And we're not just seeing it with the vendors, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00124-00025422-00025605 we're also seeing it where competitors _bpUt5Wcvcu-00125-00025605-00025766 in different industries are getting together. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00126-00025766-00026052 So a lot of financial CSOs are collaborating _bpUt5Wcvcu-00127-00026052-00026262 because they have a common enemy. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00128-00026262-00026449 And they realize they can't beat them alone, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00129-00026449-00026607 so if they're sharing threat intelligence _bpUt5Wcvcu-00130-00026607-00026796 amongst themselves, that they all sort of win _bpUt5Wcvcu-00131-00026796-00026954 because if one of them goes down, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00132-00026954-00027179 you know that attack's coming to the next door, right? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00133-00027179-00027333 >> Jeff: Right. >> You know, the next day. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00134-00027333-00027455 And we're doing the same thing in the vendor space, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00135-00027455-00027616 we're being more open to collaboration, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00136-00027616-00027841 and we're sharing research analysis, you know. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00137-00027841-00028124 A lot of vendors are launching bug bounty programs. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00138-00028124-00028301 You know, responsible disclosure is becoming _bpUt5Wcvcu-00139-00028301-00028462 a little more standardized. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00140-00028462-00028704 So not only within the community of vendors, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00141-00028704-00028902 but also within the research community. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00142-00028902-00029129 I think the more we talk, the better off we are _bpUt5Wcvcu-00143-00029129-00029319 because we see it in the underground _bpUt5Wcvcu-00144-00029319-00029601 where criminals are selling services to each other. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00145-00029601-00029753 They go "don't worry about setting up a bot net, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00146-00029753-00029931 Jeff I'll rent you one," so that miray bot net _bpUt5Wcvcu-00147-00029931-00030243 of IOT devices, we found that available for sale, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00148-00030243-00030540 you could lease it for 7500 US _bpUt5Wcvcu-00149-00030540-00030992 would get you almost a gigabyte of d-dos attack. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00150-00030992-00031213 And, you know, that's a really low barrier of entry _bpUt5Wcvcu-00151-00031213-00031314 for criminals, >> Jeff: Yeah. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00152-00031314-00031428 >> We need to make sure that we're making it easy _bpUt5Wcvcu-00153-00031428-00031706 for defenders to defend against that kind of thing. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00154-00031706-00031876 >> Still my favorite is the fake ransomware, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00155-00031876-00032045 where I didn't actually put ransomware in your machine _bpUt5Wcvcu-00156-00032045-00032218 but I told you I did, so go ahead and send the money _bpUt5Wcvcu-00157-00032218-00032473 to the Nigerian guy, and I promise I won't turn it on. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00158-00032473-00032712 >> Well, so that one's one of my favorites, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00159-00032712-00032982 but also sort of the super evil one that we saw this year _bpUt5Wcvcu-00160-00032982-00033200 was okay, I've encrypted your files, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00161-00033200-00033368 and I'll give you the key not for money, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00162-00033368-00033548 but if you encrypt two of your friends. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00163-00033548-00033869 So the pyramid scheme in spreading the attack. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00164-00033869-00034039 And that one was just super evil, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00165-00034039-00034188 cause it's mainly the social side, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00166-00034188-00034333 like, what kind of guy are you? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00167-00034333-00034446 Are you going to encrypt, like, you know? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00168-00034446-00034529 >> Which friends get it, right? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00169-00034529-00034613 >> Exactly, you know. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00170-00034613-00034778 >> Ones at the bottom of the list from Facebook. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00171-00034778-00035034 >> Yeah, but ransomware is a great example _bpUt5Wcvcu-00172-00035034-00035321 of attackers realizing that they can do this at scale, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00173-00035321-00035453 they can be insanely profitable, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00174-00035453-00035669 because even if you don't think you have a lot _bpUt5Wcvcu-00175-00035669-00035874 of valuable data, you probably got personal photos _bpUt5Wcvcu-00176-00035874-00036048 and videos that are really important to you, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00177-00036048-00036328 and if you're not taking basic preventative steps _bpUt5Wcvcu-00178-00036328-00036554 like backing up or patching your systems, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00179-00036554-00036763 then they're going to be able to get 500 bucks out of you, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00180-00036763-00036898 and that doesn't sound like much, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00181-00036898-00037062 but when you multiply that times, you know, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00182-00037062-00037250 50, 60,000 people, because they just need _bpUt5Wcvcu-00183-00037250-00037448 to click a button or add people to a list, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00184-00037448-00037560 that's a huge amount of cash _bpUt5Wcvcu-00185-00037560-00037680 that's flowing in their coffers. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00186-00037680-00037871 >> Right. The other big change in scale _bpUt5Wcvcu-00187-00037871-00038098 that keeps getting talked about here is government, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00188-00038098-00038300 you know, kind of backed. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00189-00038300-00038506 >> Cyber... >> The nation state? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00190-00038506-00038653 >> Yeah, the nation state, thank you. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00191-00038653-00038906 Totally changing the game again, and as we talked about _bpUt5Wcvcu-00192-00038906-00039275 off air, it's good to know who you're fighting with. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00193-00039275-00039446 At least you can see 'em, but at the same time _bpUt5Wcvcu-00194-00039446-00039655 the scale of resources that they can bring to bare _bpUt5Wcvcu-00195-00039655-00039820 significantly bigger. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00196-00039820-00039957 >> Yeah, and that's the challenge. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00197-00039957-00040232 If you're not a nation state against a nation state, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00198-00040232-00040437 you know, it's David versus Goliath, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00199-00040437-00040578 without a good ending. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00200-00040578-00040673 Yeah, without the rock. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00201-00040673-00040860 You just got a piece of cloth, you're like _bpUt5Wcvcu-00202-00040860-00041010 "I hope I can throw somethin' at ya!" _bpUt5Wcvcu-00203-00041010-00041262 You know, but there is some advantage _bpUt5Wcvcu-00204-00041262-00041446 in knowing your adversary, especially when you're talking _bpUt5Wcvcu-00205-00041446-00041654 about, you know, nation state versus nation state, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00206-00041654-00041813 because everybody's got signature moves, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00207-00041813-00042048 they've got go-to work, you know, and you can kind of _bpUt5Wcvcu-00208-00042048-00042157 track them over time. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00209-00042157-00042335 And we've seen that with some research available, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00210-00042335-00042489 which is a great example of, you know, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00211-00042489-00042761 community participation, places like Mandy _bpUt5Wcvcu-00212-00042761-00043022 sharing information, you know, we do it at Trend Micro, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00213-00043022-00043199 bunch of the community players share like _bpUt5Wcvcu-00214-00043199-00043446 "hey, we found this ABT, we're associating it with, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00215-00043446-00043638 you know, probably a nation state, we're not sure who," _bpUt5Wcvcu-00216-00043638-00043907 but even the government, GHS just had a great release _bpUt5Wcvcu-00217-00043907-00044289 on grizzly stat, which was a very good campaign done, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00218-00044289-00044508 but very detailed analysis. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00219-00044508-00044738 Which we didn't see that three years ago, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00220-00044738-00044936 so helping people out to understand what they're up against, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00221-00044936-00045158 and if you're, you know, a smaller enterprise, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00222-00045158-00045267 or even a larger enterprise, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00223-00045267-00045425 you might not have the resources, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00224-00045425-00045630 but you can still take steps to make it harder. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00225-00045630-00045713 >> Right. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00226-00045713-00045797 >> And that's sort of the name of the game. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00227-00045797-00045945 Make it harder so that you get a better chance _bpUt5Wcvcu-00228-00045945-00046130 at protecting your data and at least being aware _bpUt5Wcvcu-00229-00046130-00046257 when you have been breached. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00230-00046257-00046428 >> Alright Mark, I'm going to give you the last word _bpUt5Wcvcu-00231-00046428-00046511 before we sign off here. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00232-00046511-00046677 What are your kind of priorities for 2017? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00233-00046677-00046885 You know, we talk a year from now, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00234-00046885-00047097 what are we going to talk about that you guys worked on _bpUt5Wcvcu-00235-00047097-00047180 this year? _bpUt5Wcvcu-00236-00047180-00047394 >> Yeah, hopefully, you know, a lot of the same, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00237-00047394-00047594 we're still pushing hard in cloud security _bpUt5Wcvcu-00238-00047594-00047716 around servers and containers, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00239-00047716-00047900 but a lot of my personal research has been pushing _bpUt5Wcvcu-00240-00047900-00048152 more towards teams and security professionals, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00241-00048152-00048401 and what we need to do to adjust to be educators _bpUt5Wcvcu-00242-00048401-00048699 in the space as opposed to being a silo team _bpUt5Wcvcu-00243-00048699-00048800 that's just telling you, saying _bpUt5Wcvcu-00244-00048800-00048977 "hey, you really should do this better." _bpUt5Wcvcu-00245-00048977-00049144 And I think that's a space that as an industry, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00246-00049144-00049396 we're ranking up to, that we have the expertise _bpUt5Wcvcu-00247-00049396-00049587 and we need to make sure the rest of business gets it too. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00248-00049587-00049670 >> I love it. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00249-00049670-00049811 We're hearing about big data all the time, _bpUt5Wcvcu-00250-00049811-00049998 it's a team sport, security is a team sport too. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00251-00049998-00050125 >> It is. It's a great way to put it. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00252-00050125-00050295 >> Alright, Mark Nunnikhoven, I'm Jeff Frick. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00253-00050295-00050406 You're watching theCUBE. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00254-00050406-00050582 We're at RSA, downtown San Francisco. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00255-00050582-00050691 Thanks for watching. _bpUt5Wcvcu-00256-00050691-00051007 (upbeat techno music) _bpUt5Wcvcu-00257-00051473-00051790 (gentle techno music) _irwIBusRLA-00000-00000000-00000400 Each Memberships Plants 5 Native Trees and Cleans 2 beaches _irwIBusRLA-00001-00000400-00000696 Members Are Vital To Grassroots Nonprofits _irwIBusRLA-00002-00000696-00000886 https://www.oceanblueproject.org/oceanmembership.html _iIVmMptlJE-00000-00000014-00000187 Hi everyone, I'm Charmy. _iIVmMptlJE-00001-00000187-00000287 Hope you enjoy this video. _iIVmMptlJE-00002-00000287-00000594 And so, for starters, follow me and go into this capsule. _iIVmMptlJE-00003-00000594-00000896 As you can see, I'll play with this dude and the girl. _iIVmMptlJE-00004-00000896-00001063 To get started, press READY. _iIVmMptlJE-00005-00001063-00001347 We have 3 rooms that we have to go through. _iIVmMptlJE-00006-00001347-00001843 The principle of passage is the same, but the codes in each room are different. _iIVmMptlJE-00007-00001843-00002393 In the first room, you need to look at the clock and remember the numbers indicated by _iIVmMptlJE-00008-00002393-00002873 the arrow in the direction: from top to bottom and from left to right. _iIVmMptlJE-00009-00002873-00002973 So. _iIVmMptlJE-00010-00002973-00003168 For the second room, you need to find all the toys. _iIVmMptlJE-00011-00003168-00003597 They'll be scattered differently for you, but look in advance at the locations where _iIVmMptlJE-00012-00003597-00004175 I found these toys. _iIVmMptlJE-00014-00007518-00008078 in the locker, open the locker and then use the ultraviolet lamp to find the code with _iIVmMptlJE-00015-00008078-00008178 the lights off. _iIVmMptlJE-00016-00008178-00008457 Everyone's position and the code itself are different. _iIVmMptlJE-00017-00008457-00011078 I had the code on my desk. _iIVmMptlJE-00018-00011078-00011665 When you pass all the rooms you'll receive a badge. _iIVmMptlJE-00019-00011665-00012068 In my case, it was not immediately, and you'll have to wait. _iIVmMptlJE-00020-00012068-00012345 For completing these rooms, you'll receive a cap. _iIVmMptlJE-00021-00012345-00013374 And for the sweater, you should follow me and buy a collectible. _iIVmMptlJE-00022-00013374-00014935 That's all. _iIVmMptlJE-00023-00014935-00015715 Bye-bye! AoflhalJG4o-00000-00000076-00001075 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00001-00003247-00003502 Hello, I'm Ivette Torres and welcome to another AoflhalJG4o-00002-00003502-00003786 edition of the Road to Recovery. Today we'll be AoflhalJG4o-00003-00003786-00004092 talking about preventing and addressing suicide, AoflhalJG4o-00004-00004092-00004318 how everyone can play a role. AoflhalJG4o-00005-00004318-00004591 Joining us in our panel today are: AoflhalJG4o-00006-00004591-00005065 Dr. Polly Gipson, Clinical Assistant Professor AoflhalJG4o-00007-00005065-00005588 at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; AoflhalJG4o-00008-00005588-00006074 Amelia Lehto, Resource and Crisis Helpline Coordinator AoflhalJG4o-00009-00006074-00006419 - Suicide Prevention at Common Ground, AoflhalJG4o-00010-00006419-00006779 Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; AoflhalJG4o-00011-00006779-00007229 Dr. Jack Jordan, private practice in Pawtucket, AoflhalJG4o-00012-00007229-00007633 Rhode Island, Clinical Consultant for Grief Support AoflhalJG4o-00013-00007633-00008161 Services of the Samaritans, Boston, Mass; AoflhalJG4o-00014-00008161-00008531 Eileen Zeller, Lead Public Health Advisor for AoflhalJG4o-00015-00008531-00008831 Suicide Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health AoflhalJG4o-00016-00008831-00009168 Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health AoflhalJG4o-00017-00009168-00009596 and Human Services, Rockville, Maryland. AoflhalJG4o-00018-00009596-00010015 Jack, why is it important to address suicide in this country? AoflhalJG4o-00019-00010015-00010640 Suicide is a major public health issue. Not only is AoflhalJG4o-00020-00010640-00010906 there the loss of life of people who die by suicide AoflhalJG4o-00021-00010906-00011200 but as a grief counselor who works with people AoflhalJG4o-00022-00011200-00011510 after a suicide with families and individuals, it leaves AoflhalJG4o-00023-00011510-00011900 a tremendous amount of what a client of mine once AoflhalJG4o-00024-00011900-00012141 called the collateral damage in the wake of the AoflhalJG4o-00025-00012141-00012562 suicide. So it has a tremendous public health impact. AoflhalJG4o-00026-00012562-00012986 Eileen, how many people more or less die each year AoflhalJG4o-00027-00012986-00013162 by suicide? AoflhalJG4o-00028-00013162-00013477 So in 2014, which is the latest year that we have the AoflhalJG4o-00029-00013477-00014031 statistics for, 42,700 people died by suicide. We AoflhalJG4o-00030-00014031-00014337 know that's an undercount. We also know that AoflhalJG4o-00031-00014337-00014626 more people die by suicide in this country than die AoflhalJG4o-00032-00014626-00015094 in automobile accidents and that for every one AoflhalJG4o-00033-00015094-00015361 person who dies by homicide, two people die by AoflhalJG4o-00034-00015361-00015797 suicide. Most people don't realize that and I'm AoflhalJG4o-00035-00015797-00016088 guessing that most people who are watching this AoflhalJG4o-00036-00016088-00016389 program in some ways have had their lives touched AoflhalJG4o-00037-00016389-00016559 by suicide. AoflhalJG4o-00038-00016559-00017116 Amazing. Jack talked a little bit about the impact. AoflhalJG4o-00039-00017116-00017332 Polly, do you want to expand on that? What really AoflhalJG4o-00040-00017332-00017769 is the impact on a family member and on those that AoflhalJG4o-00041-00017769-00018110 are around the individuals who either attempt or AoflhalJG4o-00042-00018110-00018342 have died by suicide? AoflhalJG4o-00043-00018342-00018581 Sure. You know, in some ways it's really AoflhalJG4o-00044-00018581-00018925 immeasurable and what we try to do in our trauma AoflhalJG4o-00045-00018925-00019256 and grief clinic is we really try to take a family AoflhalJG4o-00046-00019256-00019589 approach and talk with each individual member in AoflhalJG4o-00047-00019589-00019890 the family to understand their narrative around the AoflhalJG4o-00048-00019890-00020253 suicide, how they're processing the suicide, what AoflhalJG4o-00049-00020253-00020543 type of traumatic grief reactions they're having so AoflhalJG4o-00050-00020543-00020833 that we can start a dialog within the family because AoflhalJG4o-00051-00020833-00021130 what we know is that oftentimes within one's own AoflhalJG4o-00052-00021130-00021404 family everyone is reacting to and responding to it AoflhalJG4o-00053-00021404-00021760 differently. So it's very important to take that kind AoflhalJG4o-00054-00021760-00022055 of individually tailored approach and understand AoflhalJG4o-00055-00022055-00022417 how each family member is really processing it and AoflhalJG4o-00056-00022417-00022616 then taking the next step to see how they can AoflhalJG4o-00057-00022616-00022989 support each other. AoflhalJG4o-00058-00022989-00023331 Traditionally, the impact of suicide has been looked AoflhalJG4o-00059-00023331-00023642 at primarily with the immediate family, which AoflhalJG4o-00060-00023642-00023957 makes sense, but we are learning that the impact is AoflhalJG4o-00061-00023957-00024233 much wider. Recent research has suggested that AoflhalJG4o-00062-00024233-00024517 the impact is much wider into the social network AoflhalJG4o-00063-00024517-00024841 beyond just the immediate family even though AoflhalJG4o-00064-00024841-00025134 most of our outreach and services have been for AoflhalJG4o-00065-00025134-00025391 the immediate family. But we really need to think AoflhalJG4o-00066-00025391-00025670 about it, for example, in the workplace setting or in AoflhalJG4o-00067-00025670-00025938 the school setting. The impact can be tremendous AoflhalJG4o-00068-00025938-00026283 but has not been studied very much or attended to AoflhalJG4o-00069-00026283-00026435 in terms of clinical intervention. AoflhalJG4o-00070-00026435-00026620 And even neighbors I would suspect. AoflhalJG4o-00071-00026620-00026882 Neighbors, friends. What's turning up as a AoflhalJG4o-00072-00026882-00027193 predictor is psychological proximity, people who AoflhalJG4o-00073-00027193-00027439 are close to the deceased are likely to be more AoflhalJG4o-00074-00027439-00027781 impacted regardless of kinship relationship with them. AoflhalJG4o-00075-00027781-00028083 That's a very nice thought, psychological proximity. AoflhalJG4o-00076-00028083-00028402 Amelia, talk to me about the nexus between AoflhalJG4o-00077-00028402-00028795 substance use disorder, mental health and suicide. AoflhalJG4o-00078-00028795-00029118 A lot of people are familiar with suicide as it's AoflhalJG4o-00079-00029118-00029477 related to depression. Most people associate the AoflhalJG4o-00080-00029477-00029864 two hand in hand. But that extends beyond with AoflhalJG4o-00081-00029864-00030323 substance use and the rates of suicide go up when AoflhalJG4o-00082-00030323-00030847 substance use is in effect with an individual. It's a AoflhalJG4o-00083-00030847-00031070 concern that they're having and it's often a co- AoflhalJG4o-00084-00031070-00031348 occurring disorder with an underlying mental AoflhalJG4o-00085-00031348-00031552 health condition or a trauma that they've AoflhalJG4o-00086-00031552-00031841 experienced in their life. So it's a very serious AoflhalJG4o-00087-00031841-00032211 concern when somebody is using substances and to AoflhalJG4o-00088-00032211-00032681 look beyond just the bottle that they're drinking out of. AoflhalJG4o-00089-00032681-00033143 There's also, I suspect, Jack, some issues related to AoflhalJG4o-00090-00033143-00033462 prejudice and discrimination related to suicide both AoflhalJG4o-00091-00033462-00033709 for individuals and loved ones. Do you want to talk AoflhalJG4o-00092-00033709-00033869 a little bit about that? AoflhalJG4o-00093-00033869-00034234 Sure. Historically, particularly in western societies AoflhalJG4o-00094-00034234-00034437 there's been a great deal of stigma since the middle AoflhalJG4o-00095-00034437-00034964 ages really around suicide. In the middle ages, AoflhalJG4o-00096-00034964-00035271 literally the body was taken out and drawn and AoflhalJG4o-00097-00035271-00035568 quartered and shown as a public example but the AoflhalJG4o-00098-00035568-00035817 family was punished also, often run out of the AoflhalJG4o-00099-00035817-00036054 community, weren't allowed to inherit the estate of AoflhalJG4o-00100-00036054-00036463 the deceased. The residuals of that stigma is still AoflhalJG4o-00101-00036463-00036922 alive and well. It's gradually changing I think but AoflhalJG4o-00102-00036922-00037299 survivor families and people who make attempts AoflhalJG4o-00103-00037299-00037689 face an enormous amount of stigma and mainly AoflhalJG4o-00104-00037689-00037903 ignorance-driven I think. AoflhalJG4o-00105-00037903-00038408 If I can add to that, and it comes before the issue of AoflhalJG4o-00106-00038408-00038875 even suicide, so if you're struggling with any kind of AoflhalJG4o-00107-00038875-00039272 depression, mental illness, you may be very AoflhalJG4o-00108-00039272-00039775 reluctant to talk about it and so where most people AoflhalJG4o-00109-00039775-00039995 would be willing, for instance, to tell their work AoflhalJG4o-00110-00039995-00040389 colleague I've got a doctor's appointment to check AoflhalJG4o-00111-00040389-00040726 my diabetes or I'm going to see my cardiologist, it's AoflhalJG4o-00112-00040726-00041174 a rare person who is willing and able to say I'm AoflhalJG4o-00113-00041174-00041321 going to see my therapist, I'm going to see my AoflhalJG4o-00114-00041321-00041571 psychiatrist, I'm going to see my psychologist today. AoflhalJG4o-00115-00041571-00042162 There is a feeling of shame about that, that we're AoflhalJG4o-00116-00042162-00042752 really working to make it disappear. And as more AoflhalJG4o-00117-00042752-00042988 and more people who have different kinds of AoflhalJG4o-00118-00042988-00043439 mental illnesses are willing to stand up and say, AoflhalJG4o-00119-00043439-00043633 yeah, I've got depression, yeah, I've got Bi-Polar AoflhalJG4o-00120-00043633-00044063 Disorder, and I'm taking my medications and AoflhalJG4o-00121-00044063-00044439 sometimes it's a struggle but it's all good, that's AoflhalJG4o-00122-00044439-00044773 really helpful. But to not be able to talk about AoflhalJG4o-00123-00044773-00045115 suicide, to not be able to talk about a mental illness AoflhalJG4o-00124-00045115-00045327 means that when you're struggling, it's hard to AoflhalJG4o-00125-00045327-00045490 reach out to friends. AoflhalJG4o-00126-00045490-00045922 I suspect that, talk a little bit about the fact that AoflhalJG4o-00127-00045922-00046194 there are those that actually carry it out and there AoflhalJG4o-00128-00046194-00046575 are those who attempt. Particularly what you said AoflhalJG4o-00129-00046575-00046879 holds true for those that have already attempted AoflhalJG4o-00130-00046879-00047323 that really need to take stock and analyze their AoflhalJG4o-00131-00047323-00047553 situation to be able to seek help. AoflhalJG4o-00132-00047553-00047950 It is important that people who have attempted AoflhalJG4o-00133-00047950-00048460 suicide but not died by suicide be able to look AoflhalJG4o-00134-00048460-00048870 forward into the hope of the future and not say- AoflhalJG4o-00135-00048870-00049411 not berate themselves more and say that I couldn't AoflhalJG4o-00136-00049411-00049666 even do this right. AoflhalJG4o-00137-00049666-00049959 Can I just amplify what Eileen has said? In my AoflhalJG4o-00138-00049959-00050483 opinion, the biggest cultural, social cultural barrier AoflhalJG4o-00139-00050483-00050776 we have to suicide prevention is the taboo about AoflhalJG4o-00140-00050776-00051173 talking about both feeling suicidal and talking about AoflhalJG4o-00141-00051173-00051504 psychiatric disorder. That's what stands in the way AoflhalJG4o-00142-00051504-00051729 really of bringing down the suicide rate in the AoflhalJG4o-00143-00051729-00052035 United States is the taboo about being able to talk AoflhalJG4o-00144-00052035-00052240 about it and to seek help for yourself. AoflhalJG4o-00145-00052240-00052480 But, Jack, how do we break that taboo? What can AoflhalJG4o-00146-00052480-00052699 be done to break that taboo? AoflhalJG4o-00147-00052699-00052905 I think it's changing because people who either AoflhalJG4o-00148-00052905-00053219 have psychiatric disorders and/or people who have AoflhalJG4o-00149-00053219-00053529 been touched by suicide aren't speaking out. AoflhalJG4o-00150-00053529-00053842 There's a survivor-driven-by survivor I mean AoflhalJG4o-00151-00053842-00054039 people who are bereaved by suicide-driven AoflhalJG4o-00152-00054039-00054250 movement and now there's a movement, people AoflhalJG4o-00153-00054250-00054607 who have attempted suicide with that lived AoflhalJG4o-00154-00054607-00054978 experience who are saying this happened to me, I'm AoflhalJG4o-00155-00054978-00055311 a real person and I'm gonna talk about it, I'm not AoflhalJG4o-00156-00055311-00055698 gonna hide it. So to push back against that attempt AoflhalJG4o-00157-00055698-00056125 to-the shame really that goes along with this, it's a AoflhalJG4o-00158-00056125-00056355 huge barrier to changing things and bringing down AoflhalJG4o-00159-00056355-00056682 suicide rates. We also need more resources. AoflhalJG4o-00160-00056682-00056929 And within the individual, who is promoting that AoflhalJG4o-00161-00056929-00057173 change? How do you get that individual to really AoflhalJG4o-00162-00057173-00057654 reflect? Is it family? Are there professionals that AoflhalJG4o-00163-00057654-00057830 can weigh in? AoflhalJG4o-00164-00057830-00058046 The support-both has to come from inside the AoflhalJG4o-00165-00058046-00058397 person and there has to be support. Families can AoflhalJG4o-00166-00058397-00058628 have a tremendous role in encouraging people to AoflhalJG4o-00167-00058628-00058895 get help following through with them about it, AoflhalJG4o-00168-00058895-00059125 getting help as a family. There are a lot of different AoflhalJG4o-00169-00059125-00059483 ways to do this but it's a team effort. It really is a AoflhalJG4o-00170-00059483-00059739 cultural agreement that we're gonna do this AoflhalJG4o-00171-00059739-00060041 differently and look at this differently. AoflhalJG4o-00172-00060041-00060266 May I add an example? So for instance, the AoflhalJG4o-00173-00060266-00060613 American Association of Suicidology, the attempt AoflhalJG4o-00174-00060613-00061011 survivors have joined and they are having a AoflhalJG4o-00175-00061011-00061396 community within this organization and helping as AoflhalJG4o-00176-00061396-00061691 to really think about ways for them to have their AoflhalJG4o-00177-00061691-00062011 voices heard, to share their lived experience, and AoflhalJG4o-00178-00062011-00062304 that's just in terms of the cultural change, that's one AoflhalJG4o-00179-00062304-00062425 example of how this has happened. AoflhalJG4o-00180-00062425-00062604 That's excellent. I want to come back to you but AoflhalJG4o-00181-00062604-00062878 right now we have to take a break and we'll be right back. AoflhalJG4o-00182-00062878-00063014 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00183-00063014-00063248 By facing our mental and substance use disorders, AoflhalJG4o-00184-00063248-00063597 recovery begins and we are empowered to speak our truth. AoflhalJG4o-00185-00063597-00064013 Join the Voices for Recovery: Speak up, reach out. AoflhalJG4o-00186-00064013-00064196 For information on mental and substance use AoflhalJG4o-00187-00064196-00064390 disorders, including prevention and treatment AoflhalJG4o-00188-00064390-00064701 referral, call 1-800-662-HELP. Brought to you by AoflhalJG4o-00189-00064701-00064957 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. AoflhalJG4o-00190-00064957-00065911 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00191-00065911-00066151 SAMHSA takes a very active role in suicide AoflhalJG4o-00192-00066151-00066449 prevention. SAMHSA sponsors the National Suicide AoflhalJG4o-00193-00066449-00066963 Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK, 1-800-273- AoflhalJG4o-00194-00066963-00067356 8255. This Lifeline connects people to a skilled, AoflhalJG4o-00195-00067356-00067736 trained counselor at a local crisis center, anytime. AoflhalJG4o-00196-00067736-00067923 This counselor will listen to your problems and tell AoflhalJG4o-00197-00067923-00068179 you about mental health services in your area. Calls AoflhalJG4o-00198-00068179-00068404 are free and confidential, and the service is AoflhalJG4o-00199-00068404-00068670 bilingual- Spanish and English and for those who are AoflhalJG4o-00200-00068670-00069219 deaf or hard of hearing. In 2014, more than 1.5 AoflhalJG4o-00201-00069219-00069482 million people received help by calling the National AoflhalJG4o-00202-00069482-00069782 Suicide Prevention Lifeline. To help providers AoflhalJG4o-00203-00069782-00070029 address suicide, SAMHSA has developed the Suicide AoflhalJG4o-00204-00070029-00070370 Safe mobile app. This app gives providers education AoflhalJG4o-00205-00070370-00070649 and support resources to assess patients' risk of AoflhalJG4o-00206-00070649-00070931 suicide, communicate effectively with patients and AoflhalJG4o-00207-00070931-00071252 families, determine appropriate next steps, and AoflhalJG4o-00208-00071252-00071427 make referrals to treatment and community AoflhalJG4o-00209-00071427-00071758 resources. SAMHSA also funds the Suicide AoflhalJG4o-00210-00071758-00071989 Prevention Resource Center, which promotes a AoflhalJG4o-00211-00071989-00072225 public health approach to suicide prevention and AoflhalJG4o-00212-00072225-00072601 has a library of resources. SAMHSA resources for AoflhalJG4o-00213-00072601-00072908 suicide prevention include: the National Suicide AoflhalJG4o-00214-00072908-00073198 Prevention Lifeline wallet card, the Suicide AoflhalJG4o-00215-00073198-00073457 Assessment Five-step Evaluation and Triage or AoflhalJG4o-00216-00073457-00073852 SAFE-T Pocket card for clinicians, and Treatment AoflhalJG4o-00217-00073852-00074101 Improvement Protocol 50: Addressing suicidal AoflhalJG4o-00218-00074101-00074437 thoughts and behaviors in substance abuse treatment. AoflhalJG4o-00219-00074437-00074620 [Drumming] AoflhalJG4o-00220-00074620-00074967 Staying on course without support is tough. With AoflhalJG4o-00221-00074967-00075221 help from family and community, you get valuable AoflhalJG4o-00222-00075221-00075434 support for recovery from a mental or substance AoflhalJG4o-00223-00075434-00075825 use disorder. Join the voices for recovery, AoflhalJG4o-00224-00075825-00076179 visible, vocal, valuable! AoflhalJG4o-00225-00076179-00076365 For confidential information on mental and AoflhalJG4o-00226-00076365-00076603 substance use disorders, including prevention and AoflhalJG4o-00227-00076603-00076840 treatment referral for you or someone you know, AoflhalJG4o-00228-00076840-00077227 call 1-800-662-HELP. Brought to you by the U.S. AoflhalJG4o-00229-00077227-00077517 Department of Health and Human Services. AoflhalJG4o-00230-00077517-00077928 Welcome back. Polly, I want to talk a little bit more AoflhalJG4o-00231-00077928-00078201 about what you were mentioning about the AoflhalJG4o-00232-00078201-00078448 association where people can get access to some AoflhalJG4o-00233-00078448-00079007 resources and what exactly should individuals who AoflhalJG4o-00234-00079007-00079352 call or access that organization should expect. AoflhalJG4o-00235-00079352-00079581 Sure. Well, I was just highlighting the American AoflhalJG4o-00236-00079581-00079919 Association of Suicidology as once such example. AoflhalJG4o-00237-00079919-00080237 So what we know is it's important for people who AoflhalJG4o-00238-00080237-00080550 are in the community and so in this case attempt AoflhalJG4o-00239-00080550-00080903 survivors to have a voice and to be able to join AoflhalJG4o-00240-00080903-00081144 together with their own community of attempt AoflhalJG4o-00241-00081144-00081701 survivors. And so within AAS there is a division now AoflhalJG4o-00242-00081701-00081965 for attempt survivors and I think that's very AoflhalJG4o-00243-00081965-00082240 important so that it's not just this perception of AoflhalJG4o-00244-00082240-00082625 researchers or clinicians or even crisis line workers AoflhalJG4o-00245-00082625-00082915 that have all the answers but that we are talking AoflhalJG4o-00246-00082915-00083138 with them about their lived experience and we're AoflhalJG4o-00247-00083138-00083356 collaborating and thinking together about how to AoflhalJG4o-00248-00083356-00083501 prevent suicides. AoflhalJG4o-00249-00083501-00083896 Very good. Amelia, you have some lived AoflhalJG4o-00250-00083896-00084137 experience. Do you want to share that with us? AoflhalJG4o-00251-00084137-00084467 Yeah. I am one of the nine million people in the U.S. AoflhalJG4o-00252-00084467-00084810 who has lived with suicidal thoughts. When I was AoflhalJG4o-00253-00084810-00085063 13 years old, I lost my best friend to suicide. AoflhalJG4o-00254-00085063-00085582 I'd experienced some sexual abuse trauma in my past AoflhalJG4o-00255-00085582-00086066 so it all came together and I thought of killing AoflhalJG4o-00256-00086066-00086298 myself. I didn't know how to handle the pain, I AoflhalJG4o-00257-00086298-00086553 didn't know how to cope and I reached out to my AoflhalJG4o-00258-00086553-00086830 mom and we sought therapy and I saw this AoflhalJG4o-00259-00086830-00087167 wonderful therapist and he took me seriously and AoflhalJG4o-00260-00087167-00087563 really heard my narrative, as Polly shared, and we AoflhalJG4o-00261-00087563-00088042 decided I would be inpatient to keep myself safe AoflhalJG4o-00262-00088042-00088404 and really build on my skills in a child psychiatric AoflhalJG4o-00263-00088404-00088722 unit. And I stayed there for a couple of weeks and AoflhalJG4o-00264-00088722-00089044 then did outpatient my 8th grade year and that AoflhalJG4o-00265-00089044-00089331 continued on throughout high school up until AoflhalJG4o-00266-00089331-00089938 adulthood when I really pulled all of my personal AoflhalJG4o-00267-00089938-00090208 resources, my professional resources and really AoflhalJG4o-00268-00090208-00090498 found my place in the community working with AoflhalJG4o-00269-00090498-00090797 other people through volunteering at a crisis line, AoflhalJG4o-00270-00090797-00091096 and now I work professionally in the field. AoflhalJG4o-00271-00091096-00091458 Very good. Jack, what are some of the research- AoflhalJG4o-00272-00091458-00091744 based practices to support people who have AoflhalJG4o-00273-00091744-00092007 attempted suicide? AoflhalJG4o-00274-00092007-00092298 Well, I'll say a couple of things but I may want to AoflhalJG4o-00275-00092298-00092545 defer to somebody else because I'm primarily a AoflhalJG4o-00276-00092545-00092782 grief counselor, grief therapist, after suicide AoflhalJG4o-00277-00092782-00093138 happens. There are evidenced-based programs AoflhalJG4o-00278-00093138-00093593 now that range from peer-to-peer kinds of support AoflhalJG4o-00279-00093593-00094050 that I think Polly was referring to. Probably the AoflhalJG4o-00280-00094050-00094437 best study has been cognitive behavioral treatments AoflhalJG4o-00281-00094437-00094735 but there's a new approach called the CAMS AoflhalJG4o-00282-00094735-00095037 approach, Collaborative Assessment and AoflhalJG4o-00283-00095037-00095314 Management of Suicidality from David Jobes which AoflhalJG4o-00284-00095314-00095669 is a more relationally-focused treatment approach. AoflhalJG4o-00285-00095669-00095834 So there are treatment approaches that are being AoflhalJG4o-00286-00095834-00096369 studied; not nearly enough. There's been kind of a AoflhalJG4o-00287-00096369-00096627 taboo about researching suicidality because AoflhalJG4o-00288-00096627-00097163 universities proving studies on this get a little skittish AoflhalJG4o-00289-00097163-00097369 about what happens if somebody kills themself AoflhalJG4o-00290-00097369-00097722 during the trial. But we can't get better at helping AoflhalJG4o-00291-00097722-00098023 people who are suicidal if we don't do the research. AoflhalJG4o-00292-00098023-00098280 Well, you know a lot even though you're a grief AoflhalJG4o-00293-00098280-00098592 counselor, Jack. Eileen, let's go to you and expand AoflhalJG4o-00294-00098592-00098814 on that. AoflhalJG4o-00295-00098814-00099094 I would love to do that. For someone who says he AoflhalJG4o-00296-00099094-00099438 doesn't know a lot, you know a lot. There's a third AoflhalJG4o-00297-00099438-00099689 model also that has quite a bit of evidence called AoflhalJG4o-00298-00099689-00100209 Dialectical Behavioral Therapy with Marhsall Lanahan. AoflhalJG4o-00299-00100209-00100613 We need to really explain what that is and how one AoflhalJG4o-00300-00100613-00100863 can access that. AoflhalJG4o-00301-00100863-00101139 And I am not the person to do that because I am not AoflhalJG4o-00302-00101139-00101618 a clinician, so I don't know if you've ever used DBT before. AoflhalJG4o-00303-00101618-00101911 I have and I can talk some about that. I think what I AoflhalJG4o-00304-00101911-00102138 want to say before I give those details is just that it AoflhalJG4o-00305-00102138-00102424 is important if someone thinks that they need to see AoflhalJG4o-00306-00102424-00102668 a mental health professional to do so and to get a AoflhalJG4o-00307-00102668-00102955 comprehensive evaluation. So as we're all AoflhalJG4o-00308-00102955-00103229 mentioning, these are treatments that are provided AoflhalJG4o-00309-00103229-00103552 by licensed professionals and so it is important for AoflhalJG4o-00310-00103552-00103922 families and those that may love someone that they AoflhalJG4o-00311-00103922-00104163 think might be suicidal to help them to take that AoflhalJG4o-00312-00104163-00104550 step. And then once you get an evaluation, there AoflhalJG4o-00313-00104550-00104747 will be recommendations and they might AoflhalJG4o-00314-00104747-00105004 recommend the DBT or the Dialectical Behavioral AoflhalJG4o-00315-00105004-00105308 Therapy which is a psychotherapeutic approach AoflhalJG4o-00316-00105308-00105929 that really helps people to-to help with emotion AoflhalJG4o-00317-00105929-00106353 regulation. It helps people to have-Dr. Lanahan AoflhalJG4o-00318-00106353-00106746 talks about radical acceptance. It's very important AoflhalJG4o-00319-00106746-00107052 to sit with people's pain and understand the AoflhalJG4o-00320-00107052-00107406 reasons for dying but trained clinicians know how AoflhalJG4o-00321-00107406-00107820 to do this. In terms of the CBT strategies, the AoflhalJG4o-00322-00107820-00108101 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, there's a lot of focus AoflhalJG4o-00323-00108101-00108633 there on coping skills, problem solving, a lot of AoflhalJG4o-00324-00108633-00108960 emphasis on implementation of a safety plan and AoflhalJG4o-00325-00108960-00109225 really walk-I work with youth-and really walking AoflhalJG4o-00326-00109225-00109498 with youth through the various steps, the various AoflhalJG4o-00327-00109498-00109760 strategies of what you can do when you're AoflhalJG4o-00328-00109760-00110018 triggered, when you're experiencing suicidal AoflhalJG4o-00329-00110018-00110475 thoughts, urges. So I think it's just important for AoflhalJG4o-00330-00110475-00110650 people to have an understanding, as you AoflhalJG4o-00331-00110650-00110908 mentioned, that there are evidence-based practices AoflhalJG4o-00332-00110908-00111358 but to really seek a mental health evaluation. AoflhalJG4o-00333-00111358-00111641 Can I add something? I completely agree with what AoflhalJG4o-00334-00111641-00112011 everyone has said here. I also think it needs to be AoflhalJG4o-00335-00112011-00112428 said though that the training of clinicians in working AoflhalJG4o-00336-00112428-00112792 with suicidality leaves a lot to be desired and there AoflhalJG4o-00337-00112792-00113116 really is an effort going on now to make sure that AoflhalJG4o-00338-00113116-00113388 mental health professionals are adequately trained AoflhalJG4o-00339-00113388-00113863 to work with someone who is suicidal. That effort is AoflhalJG4o-00340-00113863-00114123 underway but we have a long way to go and I want AoflhalJG4o-00341-00114123-00114430 to encourage people who are looking for mental AoflhalJG4o-00342-00114430-00114620 health treatment that they don't have to stay with AoflhalJG4o-00343-00114620-00114930 the first person they see, and you can't assume that AoflhalJG4o-00344-00114930-00115293 everybody you see has adequate training. Don't be AoflhalJG4o-00345-00115293-00115558 afraid to ask about what's your experience working AoflhalJG4o-00346-00115558-00115854 with someone who is very depressed or suicidal, AoflhalJG4o-00347-00115854-00116108 what do you recommend, what have you found AoflhalJG4o-00348-00116108-00116459 that has worked, and have you had training in it? AoflhalJG4o-00349-00116459-00116922 And I bet that's very critical, Amelia, in terms of AoflhalJG4o-00350-00116922-00117235 calling a helpline. How are individuals in the AoflhalJG4o-00351-00117235-00117493 helpline trained and what can people expect when AoflhalJG4o-00352-00117493-00117635 they call a helpline? AoflhalJG4o-00353-00117635-00118141 Yes, it is crucial to know that you can question your AoflhalJG4o-00354-00118141-00118382 mental healthcare providers and know that it's AoflhalJG4o-00355-00118382-00118623 okay to ask them a series of questions to know that AoflhalJG4o-00356-00118623-00118931 their values line up with yours and what you're AoflhalJG4o-00357-00118931-00119282 looking for in your treatment plans. When callers AoflhalJG4o-00358-00119282-00119792 come to crisis lines, they call us and are looking for AoflhalJG4o-00359-00119792-00120239 immediate care in their acute crisis state and crisis AoflhalJG4o-00360-00120239-00120723 trainings are very diverse across the country. We AoflhalJG4o-00361-00120723-00120967 have a wonderful accreditation programs through AoflhalJG4o-00362-00120967-00121280 American Association of Suicidology to Contact AoflhalJG4o-00363-00121280-00121794 USA, for example, and for my organization, AoflhalJG4o-00364-00121794-00122157 Common Ground, we do a 90-hour training for our AoflhalJG4o-00365-00122157-00122664 crisis interventionists and we provide interpersonal AoflhalJG4o-00366-00122664-00123058 relations trainings throughout so people really get AoflhalJG4o-00367-00123058-00123381 hands on with their training. We pull on past AoflhalJG4o-00368-00123381-00123779 traumas that have healed to give real life practice AoflhalJG4o-00369-00123779-00124100 rather than a role play, here's an assignment, let's AoflhalJG4o-00370-00124100-00124400 practice that. It's real from their own personal AoflhalJG4o-00371-00124400-00124750 experiences. I really enjoy the narratives that AoflhalJG4o-00372-00124750-00125047 people bring is really important to share that. So AoflhalJG4o-00373-00125047-00125343 we pull on those strengths of individuals and we AoflhalJG4o-00374-00125343-00125704 really enhance the compassion and the empathy AoflhalJG4o-00375-00125704-00125892 that people are looking for when they are reaching AoflhalJG4o-00376-00125892-00126152 out to a crisis line to have somebody really hear AoflhalJG4o-00377-00126152-00126458 what you have to say and really value that and AoflhalJG4o-00378-00126458-00126884 share what resources are available or help validate AoflhalJG4o-00379-00126884-00127152 and build up the resilience in the person because it's AoflhalJG4o-00380-00127152-00127408 hard to reach out, it's hard to ask for help, but AoflhalJG4o-00381-00127408-00127556 we're there. AoflhalJG4o-00382-00127556-00127920 Very good. Eileen, SAMSHA has a tremendous AoflhalJG4o-00383-00127920-00128218 amount of resources right now related to suicide AoflhalJG4o-00384-00128218-00128536 prevention and I know one of them in particular, a AoflhalJG4o-00385-00128536-00128908 Journey Towards Health and Hope is one that is AoflhalJG4o-00386-00128908-00129333 very attractive to individuals looking for more information. AoflhalJG4o-00387-00129333-00129942 Right. So Journey Toward Health and Hope is a AoflhalJG4o-00388-00129942-00130342 booklet written for people who have attempted AoflhalJG4o-00389-00130342-00130697 suicide, especially those who have really just AoflhalJG4o-00390-00130697-00131049 attempted suicide. What do they do, where do AoflhalJG4o-00391-00131049-00131717 they go, and the purpose of the manual is to give AoflhalJG4o-00392-00131717-00132384 them hope, to help them keep themselves safe, and AoflhalJG4o-00393-00132384-00132659 to help them understand that they are not alone, AoflhalJG4o-00394-00132659-00132902 that other people have gone through this before, AoflhalJG4o-00395-00132902-00133406 they've come out stronger, healthier, happier. It's a AoflhalJG4o-00396-00133406-00133619 wonderful manual and you can download it on the AoflhalJG4o-00397-00133619-00133897 SAMSHA website. AoflhalJG4o-00398-00133897-00134226 And what other resources does SAMSHA have? AoflhalJG4o-00399-00134226-00134633 Many, many. So one that everyone needs to know AoflhalJG4o-00400-00134633-00134980 about is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline that AoflhalJG4o-00401-00134980-00135551 is actually a network of more than 160 different AoflhalJG4o-00402-00135551-00136046 independently funded crisis lines of which yours is AoflhalJG4o-00403-00136046-00136752 one, and you can call 24/7. You will be directed to AoflhalJG4o-00404-00136752-00137154 the crisis center that is closest to you geographically AoflhalJG4o-00405-00137154-00137462 and you will talk to a trained counselor about AoflhalJG4o-00406-00137462-00137611 anything you like. AoflhalJG4o-00407-00137611-00137761 Are there referrals that are made? AoflhalJG4o-00408-00137761-00138088 Yes. So they will talk to you about whatever you're AoflhalJG4o-00409-00138088-00138444 feeling, if you're in crisis, if there's someone else AoflhalJG4o-00410-00138444-00138781 that you'd like them to talk with and they will refer AoflhalJG4o-00411-00138781-00138985 you to someone local. AoflhalJG4o-00412-00138985-00139221 Eileen, do you want to mention the Veterans line also? AoflhalJG4o-00413-00139221-00139695 Absolutely. When you call the National Suicide AoflhalJG4o-00414-00139695-00139993 Prevention Lifeline, there is a greeting and it tells AoflhalJG4o-00415-00139993-00140233 you that if you are a Veteran or military service AoflhalJG4o-00416-00140233-00140552 member or calling about one, to press 1 and you AoflhalJG4o-00417-00140552-00140853 will be connected to the Veterans crisis line in AoflhalJG4o-00418-00140853-00141030 Canandaigua, New York. AoflhalJG4o-00419-00141030-00141337 I want to come back to that because I think there's AoflhalJG4o-00420-00141337-00141733 room for us to talk about specific issues related to AoflhalJG4o-00421-00141733-00142001 different groups. We'll be right back. AoflhalJG4o-00422-00142001-00143000 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00423-00143416-00143723 American Indian Health and Family Services was AoflhalJG4o-00424-00143723-00144141 founded in 1978. Within the 7 county service area AoflhalJG4o-00425-00144141-00144490 we actually serve about 47,000 Native Americans AoflhalJG4o-00426-00144490-00144820 potentially according to the last census. We have AoflhalJG4o-00427-00144820-00145100 our medical services which is our basic family AoflhalJG4o-00428-00145100-00145339 practice; we also have our behavioral health which AoflhalJG4o-00429-00145339-00145574 does our outpatient mental health and substance AoflhalJG4o-00430-00145574-00145832 abuse treatment and we also have a lot of other AoflhalJG4o-00431-00145832-00146269 ancillary services like exercise and nutrition, we AoflhalJG4o-00432-00146269-00146602 have our youth program, a lot of cultural programs AoflhalJG4o-00433-00146602-00146840 and other things to really complement our medical AoflhalJG4o-00434-00146840-00147143 and behavioral health services. Our Sacred Bundle AoflhalJG4o-00435-00147143-00147614 project is kind of twofold project addressing suicide AoflhalJG4o-00436-00147614-00147884 in our community and preventing suicide from AoflhalJG4o-00437-00147884-00148491 increasing in our community through trainings and AoflhalJG4o-00438-00148491-00148820 training gatekeepers to provide services as well as AoflhalJG4o-00439-00148820-00149246 reaching out and doing our own screenings as well. AoflhalJG4o-00440-00149246-00149601 What we know here in the US is that - the rate of suicide, AoflhalJG4o-00441-00149601-00149896 the number of deaths per 100,000 population for AoflhalJG4o-00442-00149896-00150472 Native Americans ages 8-24 is the highest racial AoflhalJG4o-00443-00150472-00150806 ethnic group that there is in the country. The Sacred AoflhalJG4o-00444-00150806-00151161 Bundle program is really unique in that we are truly AoflhalJG4o-00445-00151161-00151461 a community based project because we are located AoflhalJG4o-00446-00151461-00151884 in an urban area and we see Native Americans from AoflhalJG4o-00447-00151884-00152205 probably 30 different tribes who have settled in this AoflhalJG4o-00448-00152205-00152566 area, and need to be hooked back into their culture, AoflhalJG4o-00449-00152566-00152958 in that way we are serving them by providing AoflhalJG4o-00450-00152958-00153148 culture to them, traditions, things they might have AoflhalJG4o-00451-00153148-00153292 missed out on. AoflhalJG4o-00452-00153292-00153753 We really value that integration of culture into care AoflhalJG4o-00453-00153753-00154007 and following the medicine wheel and the AoflhalJG4o-00454-00154007-00154346 importance of addressing the spiritual and cultural AoflhalJG4o-00455-00154346-00154728 needs of an individual to promote healing and to AoflhalJG4o-00456-00154728-00155107 keep them in the right place with their minds and AoflhalJG4o-00457-00155107-00155301 their bodies at the same time. AoflhalJG4o-00458-00155301-00155492 We provide outreach in terms of making sure AoflhalJG4o-00459-00155492-00155855 people know that culturally appropriate healthcare AoflhalJG4o-00460-00155855-00156098 and behavioral healthcare are available here at the AoflhalJG4o-00461-00156098-00156589 agency, we also do screenings of youth ages 10-24, AoflhalJG4o-00462-00156589-00156925 we screen for depression, thoughts of suicide and AoflhalJG4o-00463-00156925-00157343 substance use. We offer counseling services and AoflhalJG4o-00464-00157343-00157624 other referral services for youth who might need that. AoflhalJG4o-00465-00157624-00157863 But we are also training gatekeepers in the AoflhalJG4o-00466-00157863-00158190 community and I think that's a really big aspect of AoflhalJG4o-00467-00158190-00158440 our program. We realize there's only so many of us AoflhalJG4o-00468-00158440-00158843 and that we truly can't reach those 47,000 natives AoflhalJG4o-00469-00158843-00159115 in the area and so we really have to rely on the AoflhalJG4o-00470-00159115-00159354 community to provide these services and we have AoflhalJG4o-00471-00159354-00159719 to give them the tools that they need to help us. AoflhalJG4o-00472-00159719-00160309 Landing here at the agency I found this wholeness AoflhalJG4o-00473-00160309-00160893 because the approach is not just to the emotional or AoflhalJG4o-00474-00160893-00161534 behavioral but the physical and the spiritual and I AoflhalJG4o-00475-00161534-00162128 think that is treating or attending to the whole AoflhalJG4o-00476-00162128-00162585 person and that is not something that... it's very AoflhalJG4o-00477-00162585-00162851 unique, you're not going to find that anywhere else. AoflhalJG4o-00478-00162851-00163175 The work that we do sometimes feels like we can't AoflhalJG4o-00479-00163175-00163543 do enough but we're seeing communities now take AoflhalJG4o-00480-00163543-00163850 this on and really want to make a change and that AoflhalJG4o-00481-00163850-00164330 makes it all worthwhile. AoflhalJG4o-00482-00164330-00165281 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00483-00165281-00165545 So when I was 13 years old, I found out that my AoflhalJG4o-00484-00165545-00165914 best friend had killed herself and it rocked my AoflhalJG4o-00485-00165914-00166221 world. I can tell you where I was standing when I AoflhalJG4o-00486-00166221-00166595 felt my world shift and it's really impacted the rest AoflhalJG4o-00487-00166595-00167090 of my life. It's come full circle. When I was 13, I AoflhalJG4o-00488-00167090-00167343 went to my friend's house, gave my cupcakes AoflhalJG4o-00489-00167343-00167671 because we were having a party and my world AoflhalJG4o-00490-00167671-00168240 changed from the fallout from my loss. And I had AoflhalJG4o-00491-00168240-00168707 experienced some sexual abuse when I was younger AoflhalJG4o-00492-00168707-00169004 and that didn't really come out until I sought AoflhalJG4o-00493-00169004-00169321 inpatient treatment after seeing a therapist, and AoflhalJG4o-00494-00169321-00169645 him and my mother and me agreeing that that was AoflhalJG4o-00495-00169645-00169882 probably the safest place for me at that time AoflhalJG4o-00496-00169882-00170159 because I didn't know where I fit in the world. So AoflhalJG4o-00497-00170159-00170389 for individuals who have come in contact with those AoflhalJG4o-00498-00170389-00170602 that have attempted or have lived experience with AoflhalJG4o-00499-00170602-00171163 suicide, be supportive. Be a listening ear. Let them AoflhalJG4o-00500-00171163-00171524 drive the car. Be the navigator getting them to AoflhalJG4o-00501-00171524-00171835 what's gonna help them most at the time whether AoflhalJG4o-00502-00171835-00172217 that be professional care or personal or spiritual, AoflhalJG4o-00503-00172217-00172475 you know, really support them in that moment, and AoflhalJG4o-00504-00172475-00172895 no need to overreact. They're overreacting AoflhalJG4o-00505-00172895-00173145 themselves trying to comprehend what's just AoflhalJG4o-00506-00173145-00173391 happened in their lives. Be as supportive as AoflhalJG4o-00507-00173391-00173685 possible. My life experiences have come together in AoflhalJG4o-00508-00173685-00173993 a really powerful way. A lot of good has come out AoflhalJG4o-00509-00173993-00174363 of the really bad in my life and helping others really AoflhalJG4o-00510-00174363-00174520 helps myself. AoflhalJG4o-00511-00174520-00174611 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00512-00174611-00174841 For those with mental or substance use disorders, AoflhalJG4o-00513-00174841-00175180 what does recovery look like? It's a transformation, AoflhalJG4o-00514-00175180-00175684 it's a supporting hand, it's new beginnings. When AoflhalJG4o-00515-00175684-00175984 does recovery start? It starts when you ask for help AoflhalJG4o-00516-00175984-00176148 and support. AoflhalJG4o-00517-00176148-00176539 Join the voices for recovery. Speak up. Reach out. AoflhalJG4o-00518-00176539-00176725 For information on mental and substance use AoflhalJG4o-00519-00176725-00176932 disorders, including prevention and treatment AoflhalJG4o-00520-00176932-00177309 referral, call 1-800-662-HELP. Brought to you by AoflhalJG4o-00521-00177309-00177580 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. AoflhalJG4o-00522-00177580-00177727 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00523-00177727-00177963 For more information on National Recovery AoflhalJG4o-00524-00177963-00178321 Month, to find out how to get involved or to locate AoflhalJG4o-00525-00178321-00178637 an event near you, visit the Recovery Month AoflhalJG4o-00526-00178637-00179170 website at recoverymonth.gov. AoflhalJG4o-00527-00179170-00179549 Welcome back. Polly, you work with youth. I want AoflhalJG4o-00528-00179549-00179855 to come back to Eileen to talk about the Vets but AoflhalJG4o-00529-00179855-00180369 you work with a youth population. Is that a group AoflhalJG4o-00530-00180369-00180945 that is more highly vulnerable regarding this issue? AoflhalJG4o-00531-00180945-00181160 Yes, it is. So unfortunately we know that AoflhalJG4o-00532-00181160-00181427 adolescence in and of itself can be a developmental AoflhalJG4o-00533-00181427-00181910 period that can place someone at higher risk AoflhalJG4o-00534-00181910-00182155 because if you think about it in adolescence there's AoflhalJG4o-00535-00182155-00182437 so much change and transition and there's just a lot AoflhalJG4o-00536-00182437-00182749 going on. But within adolescence we also know AoflhalJG4o-00537-00182749-00183021 that there are special populations. So, for instance, AoflhalJG4o-00538-00183021-00183492 LGBTQ, so that is youth who maybe identify as AoflhalJG4o-00539-00183492-00183935 lesbian, gay, questioning or even transgender, that AoflhalJG4o-00540-00183935-00184186 that is a group within adolescence that also can be AoflhalJG4o-00541-00184186-00184504 at elevated risk for suicide. But the one thing that I AoflhalJG4o-00542-00184504-00184731 want to make sure that our viewers understand is AoflhalJG4o-00543-00184731-00185070 suicide is very sneaky and elusive and so we don't AoflhalJG4o-00544-00185070-00185467 want to give the impression that there's one answer AoflhalJG4o-00545-00185467-00185885 or there's one risk factor. There's a myriad of risk AoflhalJG4o-00546-00185885-00186098 factors and we're trying from a research AoflhalJG4o-00547-00186098-00186356 perspective to understand them and to understand AoflhalJG4o-00548-00186356-00186873 how they may work in combination. So what I AoflhalJG4o-00549-00186873-00187132 really want people to know is just to be on the AoflhalJG4o-00550-00187132-00187504 lookout for changes. I want people to, if they have AoflhalJG4o-00551-00187504-00187806 a concern, to ask a young person-it's okay to ask a AoflhalJG4o-00552-00187806-00188067 young person how they're doing and to be AoflhalJG4o-00553-00188067-00188584 prepared to listen to whatever they may say to you. AoflhalJG4o-00554-00188584-00188931 I do want to stay with this issue of the youth AoflhalJG4o-00555-00188931-00189161 because I was speaking to one of our SAMSHA AoflhalJG4o-00556-00189161-00189522 National Advisory Council members, she's a person AoflhalJG4o-00557-00189522-00189843 of Native origin and she was mentioning that AoflhalJG4o-00558-00189843-00190249 among the reservations now there's a tremendous AoflhalJG4o-00559-00190249-00190576 amount. Do you want to speak to that and address AoflhalJG4o-00560-00190576-00190826 what some of the underlying causes may be and AoflhalJG4o-00561-00190826-00190990 what can be done? AoflhalJG4o-00562-00190990-00191377 Yes. So that is also another special consideration, AoflhalJG4o-00563-00191377-00191633 another group within adolescence that we know AoflhalJG4o-00564-00191633-00192027 can be at elevated risk. And, again, there's a lot of AoflhalJG4o-00565-00192027-00192331 research being done. Some of it has to do with AoflhalJG4o-00566-00192331-00192735 their history and so it is important to understand a AoflhalJG4o-00567-00192735-00193032 group, in this case Native Americans, their history AoflhalJG4o-00568-00193032-00193406 and how that might play into a risk factor of AoflhalJG4o-00569-00193406-00193810 understanding cultural losses, cultural meaning. AoflhalJG4o-00570-00193810-00194174 There's a lot of factors there that people are AoflhalJG4o-00571-00194174-00194466 focusing on from a research perspective but I'm AoflhalJG4o-00572-00194466-00194870 glad that we're learning that that is a group that is AoflhalJG4o-00573-00194870-00195241 at elevated risk, but it's also imperative among us to AoflhalJG4o-00574-00195241-00195555 really understand that there are maybe specific AoflhalJG4o-00575-00195555-00195928 cultural reasons that places that group at risk. So AoflhalJG4o-00576-00195928-00196152 that's important because as we think about AoflhalJG4o-00577-00196152-00196430 prevention and intervention strategies, we need to AoflhalJG4o-00578-00196430-00196622 be able to reach people in a way that they can AoflhalJG4o-00579-00196622-00196799 receive the message. AoflhalJG4o-00580-00196799-00197049 Very good. Eileen, you wanted to say? AoflhalJG4o-00581-00197049-00197639 I did. So about 5 percent of the people who die by AoflhalJG4o-00582-00197639-00198228 suicide in this country are under the age of 24. If AoflhalJG4o-00583-00198228-00198643 you look at where the bulk of suicides are, it is in AoflhalJG4o-00584-00198643-00199059 people of midlife, especially men. So between the AoflhalJG4o-00585-00199059-00199442 ages of 35 to 64, which is what we call working AoflhalJG4o-00586-00199442-00200163 aged men, is where most of our suicides are today. AoflhalJG4o-00587-00200163-00200512 Let's go back to the Veterans group because you AoflhalJG4o-00588-00200512-00200833 mentioned a resource but you really didn't talk about AoflhalJG4o-00589-00200833-00201216 the idiosyncrasies of what makes them so vulnerable. AoflhalJG4o-00590-00201216-00201517 Sure. And, again, we're doing a lot of research on AoflhalJG4o-00591-00201517-00201838 what makes Veterans and service members more AoflhalJG4o-00592-00201838-00202071 vulnerable. The Department of Defense and the AoflhalJG4o-00593-00202071-00202207 Department of Veterans Affairs are both doing AoflhalJG4o-00594-00202207-00202359 research on it. AoflhalJG4o-00595-00202359-00202601 From what you know though, can you share? AoflhalJG4o-00596-00202601-00202945 Absolutely. So what you have is that this AoflhalJG4o-00597-00202945-00203326 population is primarily men who are at highest risk. AoflhalJG4o-00598-00203326-00203999 They have access to lethal means, which is really AoflhalJG4o-00599-00203999-00204172 important and something that we haven't touched AoflhalJG4o-00600-00204172-00204543 upon yet. So you can be thinking seriously of AoflhalJG4o-00601-00204543-00205071 suicide and you can be considering it, you can have AoflhalJG4o-00602-00205071-00205405 a plan, but if you don't actually have something that AoflhalJG4o-00603-00205405-00205844 you can do it with, then you're not going to die by AoflhalJG4o-00604-00205844-00206308 suicide. And the more lethal the means are, the AoflhalJG4o-00605-00206308-00206552 means that you want to use, the worse it's going to AoflhalJG4o-00606-00206552-00207003 be. So God forbid, if you hang yourself or take AoflhalJG4o-00607-00207003-00207386 medication, hopefully someone is going to find you AoflhalJG4o-00608-00207386-00207730 before you die. We all hope that that happens. If AoflhalJG4o-00609-00207730-00208340 you-once you have a weapon and you shoot that, AoflhalJG4o-00610-00208340-00208614 nobody can take back the bullet, and so Veterans AoflhalJG4o-00611-00208614-00208996 and service members all know how to use weapons. AoflhalJG4o-00612-00208996-00209244 Many of them have weapons at home. It's a part of AoflhalJG4o-00613-00209244-00209578 their lives and we don't want to take that away AoflhalJG4o-00614-00209578-00209888 from people but in the same way that we would AoflhalJG4o-00615-00209888-00210238 want to take keys away from someone who is AoflhalJG4o-00616-00210238-00210598 drunk and shouldn't be driving, we would like to be AoflhalJG4o-00617-00210598-00210976 able to have the weapon given to a close friend AoflhalJG4o-00618-00210976-00211454 whom they can trust until they're no longer suicidal. AoflhalJG4o-00619-00211454-00211958 Amelia, we also have the fact that many members AoflhalJG4o-00620-00211958-00212417 of the military, active and when they're no longer AoflhalJG4o-00621-00212417-00212834 active members, also suffer from posttraumatic AoflhalJG4o-00622-00212834-00213163 stress, and I suspect that you get many calls AoflhalJG4o-00623-00213163-00213421 sometimes from said individuals. AoflhalJG4o-00624-00213421-00213692 Yeah. Posttraumatic stress can be a huge factor for AoflhalJG4o-00625-00213692-00214059 individuals. It overwhelms the coping systems, AoflhalJG4o-00626-00214059-00214236 what they've seen, what they've experienced, what AoflhalJG4o-00627-00214236-00214551 they've heard, what they've felt, and it is hard for a AoflhalJG4o-00628-00214551-00214967 person internally to process what has happened AoflhalJG4o-00629-00214967-00215273 within them. So we encourage those to reach out AoflhalJG4o-00630-00215273-00215588 to seek the professional help to find the right fit in AoflhalJG4o-00631-00215588-00215915 your mental healthcare to address those concerns AoflhalJG4o-00632-00215915-00216144 and that's something that we can do on our crisis AoflhalJG4o-00633-00216144-00216405 line, share the local referrals of the specialists that AoflhalJG4o-00634-00216405-00216838 provide it, share the access to community mental AoflhalJG4o-00635-00216838-00217259 healthcare, to see what their eligibility is, helping AoflhalJG4o-00636-00217259-00217692 them obtain access to that care and addressing the AoflhalJG4o-00637-00217692-00218019 real root concerns. And we also know that AoflhalJG4o-00638-00218019-00218428 Veterans, they talk to each other. They are very AoflhalJG4o-00639-00218428-00218687 peer driven, they are very supportive in their AoflhalJG4o-00640-00218687-00218927 experiences and what they've been through and AoflhalJG4o-00641-00218927-00219305 how they view the world, and we refer to many AoflhalJG4o-00642-00219305-00219612 Veteran organizations in our local area and the AoflhalJG4o-00643-00219612-00219856 Veterans Crisis Line does as well. I believe they have AoflhalJG4o-00644-00219856-00220167 peers working on the lines, those that have served AoflhalJG4o-00645-00220167-00220436 in the military and that's what really works. AoflhalJG4o-00646-00220436-00220806 Excellent. Thank you. Jack, I think Eileen started AoflhalJG4o-00647-00220806-00221169 dealing with the whole issues of means reduction AoflhalJG4o-00648-00221169-00221377 and you brought up some interesting facts during AoflhalJG4o-00649-00221377-00221490 the break. AoflhalJG4o-00650-00221490-00222011 The statistic that I cited for you was that 60%, three AoflhalJG4o-00651-00222011-00222298 out of every five gun-related deaths in America are AoflhalJG4o-00652-00222298-00222558 suicides. They're not people using guns for self- AoflhalJG4o-00653-00222558-00222898 defense or even domestic disputes or even AoflhalJG4o-00654-00222898-00223185 accidental deaths. The main way that people die by AoflhalJG4o-00655-00223185-00223578 guns in America is suicide which is the whole issue AoflhalJG4o-00656-00223578-00223846 of means reduction is crucial to reducing suicide AoflhalJG4o-00657-00223846-00224166 rates. A superb website with information about AoflhalJG4o-00658-00224166-00224533 that is called Means Matter. It's put up by the AoflhalJG4o-00659-00224533-00224800 Harvard School of Public Health and anyone that's AoflhalJG4o-00660-00224800-00225037 interested in that, looking at the data in a very AoflhalJG4o-00661-00225037-00225286 evidenced-based way I encourage you to go and AoflhalJG4o-00662-00225286-00225464 look at that website. AoflhalJG4o-00663-00225464-00225915 There's also a wonderful free online class called AoflhalJG4o-00664-00225915-00226135 CALM. It's on the Suicide Prevention Resource AoflhalJG4o-00665-00226135-00226632 Center website which would be helpful to any practitioner. AoflhalJG4o-00666-00226632-00226782 C-a-l-m. AoflhalJG4o-00667-00226782-00226939 C-a-l-m, right. AoflhalJG4o-00668-00226939-00227079 Very good. Amelia? AoflhalJG4o-00669-00227079-00227303 As far as firearms are concerned, many people may AoflhalJG4o-00670-00227303-00227562 own them in their homes but they may not know AoflhalJG4o-00671-00227562-00228203 that there are very easily accessible lock-and-key AoflhalJG4o-00672-00228203-00228811 safes. There's gun locks for guns. Separating the AoflhalJG4o-00673-00228811-00229264 ammunition from the firearm can be a very good AoflhalJG4o-00674-00229264-00229667 tool and as Eileen shared, sharing it with a friend AoflhalJG4o-00675-00229667-00229944 that you feel is safe for keeping, a lot of police AoflhalJG4o-00676-00229944-00230321 departments will hold a weapon if it is asked of AoflhalJG4o-00677-00230321-00230571 them and shared, you know, what's happening and AoflhalJG4o-00678-00230571-00230840 though they may ask for a doctor's note or AoflhalJG4o-00679-00230840-00231110 something of that regard, that the person has taken AoflhalJG4o-00680-00231110-00231523 the next steps to getting care is an option. AoflhalJG4o-00681-00231523-00231781 Which brings us to another point, Polly. We've AoflhalJG4o-00682-00231781-00232023 talked about people who have the courage and the AoflhalJG4o-00683-00232023-00232469 fortitude to call a crisis help line to get assistance. AoflhalJG4o-00684-00232469-00232794 What particularly in the young people, what clues AoflhalJG4o-00685-00232794-00233173 do parents or caretakers or friends need to know AoflhalJG4o-00686-00233173-00233669 and look out for in order to intervene and work AoflhalJG4o-00687-00233669-00234056 with someone who's thinking of suicide? AoflhalJG4o-00688-00234056-00234244 Yeah, that's a great question. On the SAMSHA AoflhalJG4o-00689-00234244-00234569 website they use an excellent acronym; Is The Path AoflhalJG4o-00690-00234569-00235003 Warm. And it's a great way for anyone, like you're AoflhalJG4o-00691-00235003-00235263 saying, who might be concerned for a young person AoflhalJG4o-00692-00235263-00235589 to really look for these warning signs. So hopefully AoflhalJG4o-00693-00235589-00235925 we'll put that up so that people can-so it looks at AoflhalJG4o-00694-00235925-00236186 things like purposelessness and hopelessness and AoflhalJG4o-00695-00236186-00236625 impulsivity. So it really breaks down some warning AoflhalJG4o-00696-00236625-00236956 signs and symptoms that a young person may be AoflhalJG4o-00697-00236956-00237298 suicidal. But what I always encourage people to do AoflhalJG4o-00698-00237298-00237623 is just to be on the lookout for changes. Oftentimes AoflhalJG4o-00699-00237623-00237829 that can be our best indicator. We don't know AoflhalJG4o-00700-00237829-00238060 which way the changes are always going to come. AoflhalJG4o-00701-00238060-00238330 They might be in behaviors, they might be in emotions. AoflhalJG4o-00702-00238330-00238451 What sort of behaviors? AoflhalJG4o-00703-00238451-00238688 So, for instance, a young person might in their AoflhalJG4o-00704-00238688-00238971 statement, they might say things like, oh, I don't AoflhalJG4o-00705-00238971-00239329 have to do this project, it's not gonna matter. Or AoflhalJG4o-00706-00239329-00239641 they might start giving away things that are prized AoflhalJG4o-00707-00239641-00239913 possessions or things that usually they used to be AoflhalJG4o-00708-00239913-00240248 really fond of. So there might be some behavioral AoflhalJG4o-00709-00240248-00240648 changes like that that someone should take note of. AoflhalJG4o-00710-00240648-00240998 And, Polly, that's very interesting and we'll continue AoflhalJG4o-00711-00240998-00241386 that thought when we come back. We'll be right back. AoflhalJG4o-00712-00241386-00242321 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00713-00242321-00242691 Suicide, it's such a public health issue in this AoflhalJG4o-00714-00242691-00243098 country. I think it's one of the top ten reasons for AoflhalJG4o-00715-00243098-00243542 death in this country. When people commit suicide, AoflhalJG4o-00716-00243542-00243792 it's not so much that they want to die, they just AoflhalJG4o-00717-00243792-00244123 want to get rid of the pain and they don't see any AoflhalJG4o-00718-00244123-00244671 other way out. So when somebody dies from AoflhalJG4o-00719-00244671-00245137 suicide, their loved ones, friends, families, have a AoflhalJG4o-00720-00245137-00245591 sense of - beyond grief - really feel a sense of AoflhalJG4o-00721-00245591-00245964 depression, despair and this can last for a really AoflhalJG4o-00722-00245964-00246244 really long time if it's not addressed. And a lot of AoflhalJG4o-00723-00246244-00246476 times people don't know why - they feel like they AoflhalJG4o-00724-00246476-00246742 should have gotten over it by now, but still have this AoflhalJG4o-00725-00246742-00247102 lingering sense of despair and hopelessness. And AoflhalJG4o-00726-00247102-00247492 when we look at these folks we really need to AoflhalJG4o-00727-00247492-00247726 address the support they need, they need AoflhalJG4o-00728-00247726-00247923 counseling, they need support groups, they need AoflhalJG4o-00729-00247923-00248137 peer to peer help, they need people who have been AoflhalJG4o-00730-00248137-00248494 there before that can guide them through it, a sense AoflhalJG4o-00731-00248494-00248738 of the fact that they are not alone. That other folks AoflhalJG4o-00732-00248738-00249289 have suffered this tremendous loss and the sense of AoflhalJG4o-00733-00249289-00249711 they don't know why, maybe they feel guilty, they AoflhalJG4o-00734-00249711-00250061 didn't see the signs coming. And to be able to be AoflhalJG4o-00735-00250061-00250371 affirmed that they are not alone and that they can AoflhalJG4o-00736-00250371-00250540 do this together with other people, they can AoflhalJG4o-00737-00250540-00250744 recover. AoflhalJG4o-00738-00250744-00251735 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00739-00251998-00252479 I promise you I know what that desperation feels like. AoflhalJG4o-00740-00252479-00253112 I am a living testimony. I took pills, had my dad's gun. AoflhalJG4o-00741-00253112-00253384 But for whatever reason I am still here and to AoflhalJG4o-00742-00253384-00253852 see how my life has turned around and how I'm not AoflhalJG4o-00743-00253852-00254544 only healing from my own wounds but sowing AoflhalJG4o-00744-00254544-00255025 seeds in the lives of others, you have to stick around AoflhalJG4o-00745-00255025-00255319 to get to the other side. AoflhalJG4o-00746-00255319-00255688 In individuals who have lost their culture or never AoflhalJG4o-00747-00255688-00256035 had their culture, when they add their culture to AoflhalJG4o-00748-00256035-00256444 their treatment plans or add it into their everyday AoflhalJG4o-00749-00256444-00256901 functioning of life that they find it to be a lot easier. AoflhalJG4o-00750-00256901-00257390 And it's a support system as well and so they have AoflhalJG4o-00751-00257390-00257739 those things to rely on. They have ceremonies, they AoflhalJG4o-00752-00257739-00258117 have prayers and spirituality to rely on to help AoflhalJG4o-00753-00258117-00258446 ground them in their everyday lives and we've seen AoflhalJG4o-00754-00258446-00258804 a lot of improvements when they are participating AoflhalJG4o-00755-00258804-00259211 in sweat lodges and other ceremonies in their AoflhalJG4o-00756-00259211-00259567 mental health status and their physical status as well. AoflhalJG4o-00757-00259567-00259776 There are a lot of resources out there for a lot of AoflhalJG4o-00758-00259776-00260083 different problems but they are not tied to our AoflhalJG4o-00759-00260083-00260419 culture and you don't really want to separate the AoflhalJG4o-00760-00260419-00260898 two and find a good way to incorporate both and AoflhalJG4o-00761-00260898-00261186 this is perfect for that. So much has happened to AoflhalJG4o-00762-00261186-00261961 native people for so long and it trickles down from AoflhalJG4o-00763-00261961-00262270 generation to generation, it's led to the high rates of AoflhalJG4o-00764-00262270-00262752 alcoholism, high school dropouts, suicide and depression. AoflhalJG4o-00765-00262752-00263211 So with an emphasis of infusing Native American AoflhalJG4o-00766-00263211-00263539 culture and tradition in these trainings we are AoflhalJG4o-00767-00263539-00263676 getting more acceptance. AoflhalJG4o-00768-00263676-00264095 The biggest most notable skill I have learned is AoflhalJG4o-00769-00264095-00264566 learning about depression and suicide in a cultural AoflhalJG4o-00770-00264566-00265075 way and I feel like now that I have learned a lot AoflhalJG4o-00771-00265075-00265325 about it I would be much more effective if I were to talk AoflhalJG4o-00772-00265325-00265855 to someone in that kind of situation and in a more AoflhalJG4o-00773-00265855-00266088 understanding way, not just an outsider trying to fix AoflhalJG4o-00774-00266088-00266245 someone's issues. AoflhalJG4o-00775-00266245-00266645 I'm seeing a time coming here where the tribes in AoflhalJG4o-00776-00266645-00266922 Michigan are caring for their own in a way no one AoflhalJG4o-00777-00266922-00267305 else can care for them. But with the support of AoflhalJG4o-00778-00267305-00267810 programs like this one and then we all learn from AoflhalJG4o-00779-00267810-00268077 each other about how to do this better. It's very AoflhalJG4o-00780-00268077-00268354 very empowering work that we are doing. AoflhalJG4o-00781-00268354-00268501 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00782-00268501-00268810 It takes many hands to build a healthy life. AoflhalJG4o-00783-00268810-00269128 Recovery from mental and substance use disorders AoflhalJG4o-00784-00269128-00269455 is possible with the support of my community. Join AoflhalJG4o-00785-00269455-00270039 the voices for recovery: visible, vocal, valuable! AoflhalJG4o-00786-00270039-00270259 For confidential information on mental and AoflhalJG4o-00787-00270259-00270515 substance use disorders, including prevention and AoflhalJG4o-00788-00270515-00270753 treatment referral for you or someone you know, AoflhalJG4o-00789-00270753-00271023 call 1-800-662-HELP. AoflhalJG4o-00790-00271023-00271163 Brought to you by the U.S. Department of AoflhalJG4o-00791-00271163-00271406 Health and Human Services. AoflhalJG4o-00792-00271406-00271795 Welcome back. Eileen, Polly was mentioning some AoflhalJG4o-00793-00271795-00272044 resources of SAMSHA and you, in the break, AoflhalJG4o-00794-00272044-00272268 mentioned some others. Do you want to enlighten us? AoflhalJG4o-00795-00272268-00272739 Yes. So in terms of the warning signs for youth and AoflhalJG4o-00796-00272739-00273265 for adults also, we do have a lifeline wallet card that AoflhalJG4o-00797-00273265-00273667 lists the warning signs that you're talking about. AoflhalJG4o-00798-00273667-00273849 Why don't you go through them. AoflhalJG4o-00799-00273849-00274095 Well, there are about eleven of them but the three AoflhalJG4o-00800-00274095-00274566 most important are talking about death or dying, AoflhalJG4o-00801-00274566-00275424 writing about death or dying, and having a plan. So AoflhalJG4o-00802-00275424-00275838 talking about how you would do it. But I think it's AoflhalJG4o-00803-00275838-00276208 very important for parents and anyone else to trust AoflhalJG4o-00804-00276208-00276612 your gut. If you are worried about someone you AoflhalJG4o-00805-00276612-00277068 care about, son, daughter, spouse, friend, ask AoflhalJG4o-00806-00277068-00277557 them. Ask them. I'm worried about you. I'm AoflhalJG4o-00807-00277557-00277891 worried that you're even thinking of suicide. Please AoflhalJG4o-00808-00277891-00278264 talk to me. I can listen to you. Show that you care AoflhalJG4o-00809-00278264-00278678 and hopefully that will help connect them, help AoflhalJG4o-00810-00278678-00279028 them feel less isolated and help them be able to AoflhalJG4o-00811-00279028-00279421 reach out for help. If you need help with that, call AoflhalJG4o-00812-00279421-00279783 LifeLine. They'll coach you through it and then you AoflhalJG4o-00813-00279783-00280023 can refer them to a professional who can help AoflhalJG4o-00814-00280023-00280282 them. Just trust your gut. AoflhalJG4o-00815-00280282-00280603 Jack, you were talking previously about the AoflhalJG4o-00816-00280603-00280940 vulnerability of those that have attempted suicide. AoflhalJG4o-00817-00280940-00281269 Well, not just attempted suicide but also people AoflhalJG4o-00818-00281269-00281574 exposed to the suicide of someone important to AoflhalJG4o-00819-00281574-00281864 them. There's really pretty compelling evidence AoflhalJG4o-00820-00281864-00282200 now that exposure to suicide increases risk for AoflhalJG4o-00821-00282200-00282550 suicide in the person exposed. People often ask me, AoflhalJG4o-00822-00282550-00282765 you know, my husband killed himself, does this AoflhalJG4o-00823-00282765-00283026 mean my children are at risk? Something like that. AoflhalJG4o-00824-00283026-00283365 Or my sibling did, am I at risk? The answer is on a AoflhalJG4o-00825-00283365-00283835 statistical basis, yes, you're at risk possibility profile AoflhalJG4o-00826-00283835-00284276 has gone up a bit but it's also I want people to AoflhalJG4o-00827-00284276-00284476 understand that there in no way are families AoflhalJG4o-00828-00284476-00284741 doomed if there's been one suicide to have more AoflhalJG4o-00829-00284741-00285076 suicides. It's a little bit analogous to if you had AoflhalJG4o-00830-00285076-00285347 breast cancer running in a family, you would want AoflhalJG4o-00831-00285347-00285591 the women to be educated about what the warning AoflhalJG4o-00832-00285591-00285881 signs are, to be more proactive about monitoring AoflhalJG4o-00833-00285881-00286198 their health and getting regular checkups. I think AoflhalJG4o-00834-00286198-00286518 it's the same when suicide happens in a family is AoflhalJG4o-00835-00286518-00286738 that people need to educate themselves about what AoflhalJG4o-00836-00286738-00287036 contributes to suicide, be a little bit more vigilant AoflhalJG4o-00837-00287036-00287240 but not to be terrified about it. AoflhalJG4o-00838-00287240-00287469 I would like people to know that it's okay to ask AoflhalJG4o-00839-00287469-00287792 about suicide clearly and directly in the language AoflhalJG4o-00840-00287792-00288040 that's most comfortable to you. Are you thinking AoflhalJG4o-00841-00288040-00288313 about suicide? Are you thinking of killing yourself? AoflhalJG4o-00842-00288313-00288510 Sometimes when people are experiencing this, AoflhalJG4o-00843-00288510-00288741 they're thinking about suicide is that what's AoflhalJG4o-00844-00288741-00288890 happening for you, and to know that they're not AoflhalJG4o-00845-00288890-00289181 planting a seed. That if there's an inkling that AoflhalJG4o-00846-00289181-00289511 there's a feeling there already, that it's okay to AoflhalJG4o-00847-00289511-00289888 address it out in the open, as terrifying as that is. AoflhalJG4o-00848-00289888-00290116 And as Eileen shared, the National Suicide AoflhalJG4o-00849-00290116-00290296 Prevention Lifeline, we've talked with family AoflhalJG4o-00850-00290296-00290536 members in practice and kind of role played the AoflhalJG4o-00851-00290536-00290770 conversation that they may have with an individual, AoflhalJG4o-00852-00290770-00291130 or to let them know what options they have as far AoflhalJG4o-00853-00291130-00291446 as talking within themselves, sharing our number, AoflhalJG4o-00854-00291446-00291743 calling on a three-way call or having us do a cold call AoflhalJG4o-00855-00291743-00292085 and say someone is concerned about you, they AoflhalJG4o-00856-00292085-00292319 shared that they believe you're suicidal, would you AoflhalJG4o-00857-00292319-00292551 be open to talking with me? And nine out of ten AoflhalJG4o-00858-00292551-00292785 times people will talk with us. AoflhalJG4o-00859-00292785-00293062 It's a relief to be able to talk about it. AoflhalJG4o-00860-00293062-00293526 And would the community at large consider these AoflhalJG4o-00861-00293526-00293832 prevention strategies? AoflhalJG4o-00862-00293832-00294009 I believe so. I've talked with many community AoflhalJG4o-00863-00294009-00294216 members and it's a relief to know that it's okay to AoflhalJG4o-00864-00294216-00294487 talk about. That it's not just for the professionals, AoflhalJG4o-00865-00294487-00294723 that it's not just for the crisis lines, that these are AoflhalJG4o-00866-00294723-00295020 conversations families can have and build a bridge AoflhalJG4o-00867-00295020-00295408 to the mental healthcare providers and to know AoflhalJG4o-00868-00295408-00295728 that there are supports out there for you but the AoflhalJG4o-00869-00295728-00295964 conversation often starts at home and those are the AoflhalJG4o-00870-00295964-00296255 front lines, those are the people that are recognizing.... AoflhalJG4o-00871-00296255-00296515 Remember we said at the beginning of this, the AoflhalJG4o-00872-00296515-00296916 biggest cultural barrier to suicide prevention is the AoflhalJG4o-00873-00296916-00297178 taboo about talking about it, and what we're saying AoflhalJG4o-00874-00297178-00297673 is please talk about it. And the Lifeline is not simply AoflhalJG4o-00875-00297673-00297946 for people who are suicidal, it's for people who are AoflhalJG4o-00876-00297946-00298240 worried about someone being suicidal. AoflhalJG4o-00877-00298240-00298447 What we try to talk with families about is just like AoflhalJG4o-00878-00298447-00298694 you would talk with your youth about if they're at a AoflhalJG4o-00879-00298694-00298955 party and someone is drinking. You oftentimes do a AoflhalJG4o-00880-00298955-00299208 rehearsal of that. You do some scripting even with AoflhalJG4o-00881-00299208-00299445 a young person. It's helpful for them to know what AoflhalJG4o-00882-00299445-00299838 to do. This is akin to that so add it amongst those AoflhalJG4o-00883-00299838-00300396 things as teachers, coaches, caregivers, clergy, add AoflhalJG4o-00884-00300396-00300583 it amongst those things that you would say to any AoflhalJG4o-00885-00300583-00300797 young person. You would want them to know what AoflhalJG4o-00886-00300797-00300986 to do if they got in a car with someone who is AoflhalJG4o-00887-00300986-00301247 intoxicated. Tell them what you'd like them to do if AoflhalJG4o-00888-00301247-00301381 they felt suicidal. AoflhalJG4o-00889-00301381-00301627 And at the beginning when you started us off, you AoflhalJG4o-00890-00301627-00301879 said everyone has a role in suicide prevention. AoflhalJG4o-00891-00301879-00302252 That's absolutely true. So it's not just the clinicians AoflhalJG4o-00892-00302252-00302595 who are out there. It's the community also, and to AoflhalJG4o-00893-00302595-00303058 really prevent suicide we need trained talented AoflhalJG4o-00894-00303058-00303312 clinicians. We need the community to kick in. AoflhalJG4o-00895-00303312-00303532 And who's training them, Eileen? Where can AoflhalJG4o-00896-00303532-00303762 people go to be trained? AoflhalJG4o-00897-00303762-00304163 The Suicide Prevention Resource Center has a AoflhalJG4o-00898-00304163-00304640 program called AMSR. They can get training AoflhalJG4o-00899-00304640-00304961 themselves in CBT, DBT. AoflhalJG4o-00900-00304961-00305157 What is CBT, DBT? AoflhalJG4o-00901-00305157-00305448 Sorry. Those are the initials that I should've spelled AoflhalJG4o-00902-00305448-00305849 out. Those are the kinds of clinical practices for AoflhalJG4o-00903-00305849-00306195 which there is an evidence base. So clinicians can AoflhalJG4o-00904-00306195-00306585 go online for that. We have at SAMSHA an app AoflhalJG4o-00905-00306585-00306915 called Suicide Safe which is both for primary care AoflhalJG4o-00906-00306915-00307404 physicians and also for behavioral health providers. AoflhalJG4o-00907-00307404-00307753 It teaches you how to do risk assessment, it has case AoflhalJG4o-00908-00307753-00308251 studies, it has resources, patient resources and AoflhalJG4o-00909-00308251-00308906 conversation starters. There are a number of areas AoflhalJG4o-00910-00308906-00309077 where clinicians can get help. AoflhalJG4o-00911-00309077-00309351 There are also programs that have been around a AoflhalJG4o-00912-00309351-00309632 long time and are very effective that help train the AoflhalJG4o-00913-00309632-00310135 general public and caregivers, Assist, QPR. These AoflhalJG4o-00914-00310135-00310483 are programs that train people how to ask correctly AoflhalJG4o-00915-00310483-00310847 and in a safe way someone that you're concerned AoflhalJG4o-00916-00310847-00311082 about being suicidal, and those are available for AoflhalJG4o-00917-00311082-00311285 people to get those trainings. AoflhalJG4o-00918-00311285-00311624 Very good. So now we come to one of the more AoflhalJG4o-00919-00311624-00312011 interesting parts of the program where I ask you to AoflhalJG4o-00920-00312011-00312234 give me some final thoughts and I'm gonna start AoflhalJG4o-00921-00312234-00312521 with you, Polly. Final thoughts. AoflhalJG4o-00922-00312521-00312828 You know, first of all, I just want to say that it's very AoflhalJG4o-00923-00312828-00313037 important and I appreciate the opportunity to have AoflhalJG4o-00924-00313037-00313458 had this time to talk about this major public health AoflhalJG4o-00925-00313458-00313856 concern and I think Eileen actually said it best in AoflhalJG4o-00926-00313856-00314114 terms of my final thought which is to really listen to AoflhalJG4o-00927-00314114-00314547 your gut and, you know, if you have any type of AoflhalJG4o-00928-00314547-00314804 feeling or any type of concern regardless of who AoflhalJG4o-00929-00314804-00315046 you are, like we said, because oftentimes someone AoflhalJG4o-00930-00315046-00315360 else is going to recognize the warning sign or the AoflhalJG4o-00931-00315360-00315632 symptom, to act on that. And the best way to act AoflhalJG4o-00932-00315632-00315970 on it is to ask the youth. It's a myth to think if you AoflhalJG4o-00933-00315970-00316237 ask them, you're going to implant an idea, you're AoflhalJG4o-00934-00316237-00316582 going to make them suicidal. Ask them. It's okay. AoflhalJG4o-00935-00316582-00316843 Very good. Jack. AoflhalJG4o-00936-00316843-00317152 Since I'm primarily a grief therapist, grief counselor, AoflhalJG4o-00937-00317152-00317326 I want to say something to people who are AoflhalJG4o-00938-00317326-00317690 bereaved by suicide which is that this can feel like AoflhalJG4o-00939-00317690-00318023 an extraordinarily painful and devastating-not feel AoflhalJG4o-00940-00318023-00318347 like-it is an extraordinarily devastating and painful AoflhalJG4o-00941-00318347-00318641 experience, but I've worked with enough survivors AoflhalJG4o-00942-00318641-00318964 over the course of my career to understand that AoflhalJG4o-00943-00318964-00319222 people also can heal from it and in fact many people AoflhalJG4o-00944-00319222-00319519 I know who are survivors, who are bereaved by AoflhalJG4o-00945-00319519-00319863 suicide, have gone on to become activists. They AoflhalJG4o-00946-00319863-00320149 now are very engaged in suicide prevention work AoflhalJG4o-00947-00320149-00320419 or reaching out to help other survivors. So there AoflhalJG4o-00948-00320419-00320780 are resources also for people who are bereaved by AoflhalJG4o-00949-00320780-00320989 suicide. The American Foundation for Suicide AoflhalJG4o-00950-00320989-00321257 Prevention has resources, the American Association AoflhalJG4o-00951-00321257-00321618 of Suicidology has resources at their websites. AoflhalJG4o-00952-00321618-00321860 Very good. Amelia. AoflhalJG4o-00953-00321860-00322057 I want people to know that it's okay to talk about, AoflhalJG4o-00954-00322057-00322538 it's okay to discuss it, to research information. Too AoflhalJG4o-00955-00322538-00322808 oftentimes we experience a traumatic loss and we AoflhalJG4o-00956-00322808-00323018 don't know where to find ourselves and we don't AoflhalJG4o-00957-00323018-00323453 realize that there are resources available. It is okay AoflhalJG4o-00958-00323453-00323778 to educate yourselves, to seek out information, look AoflhalJG4o-00959-00323778-00324136 at the person as a whole, all of their environmental AoflhalJG4o-00960-00324136-00324534 concerns and know that there's resources, to share AoflhalJG4o-00961-00324534-00324704 those resources with others, start those AoflhalJG4o-00962-00324704-00324944 uncomfortable conversations because they will AoflhalJG4o-00963-00324944-00325130 start to feel comfortable. AoflhalJG4o-00964-00325130-00325427 Very good. Eileen. AoflhalJG4o-00965-00325427-00325748 What a great panel. I want people to know that AoflhalJG4o-00966-00325748-00326002 there is hope out there and that things are AoflhalJG4o-00967-00326002-00326292 changing. So there is national action lines for AoflhalJG4o-00968-00326292-00326702 suicide prevention that started in 2010. It is a AoflhalJG4o-00969-00326702-00327089 public private partnership. They are doing amazing AoflhalJG4o-00970-00327089-00327494 work in moving the field forward. SAMSHA has a AoflhalJG4o-00971-00327494-00327770 number of resources. We've talked about Lifeline, AoflhalJG4o-00972-00327770-00328177 the Suicide Prevention Resource Center has one of AoflhalJG4o-00973-00328177-00328547 the best websites out there for pretty much AoflhalJG4o-00974-00328547-00328876 anything you want to know about suicide. We have AoflhalJG4o-00975-00328876-00329241 Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention programs for AoflhalJG4o-00976-00329241-00329692 states, for tribes, for campuses. Go on our website, AoflhalJG4o-00977-00329692-00329973 learn more about it. There are people out there. AoflhalJG4o-00978-00329973-00330446 You are not alone. There is hope, there is help and AoflhalJG4o-00979-00330446-00330732 we're just moving forward. AoflhalJG4o-00980-00330732-00331014 Very good. Well, we want to thank you for being AoflhalJG4o-00981-00331014-00331460 here, and remind our audience that September is AoflhalJG4o-00982-00331460-00331764 National Recovery Month but actually we celebrate AoflhalJG4o-00983-00331764-00332053 it all year round. You can get more information at AoflhalJG4o-00984-00332053-00332412 recoverymonth.gov and go there to find AoflhalJG4o-00985-00332412-00332818 information on how to develop events, activities AoflhalJG4o-00986-00332818-00333135 where we can continue to talk about substance use AoflhalJG4o-00987-00333135-00333402 disorders and mental health issues that affect our AoflhalJG4o-00988-00333402-00333793 country and to celebrate those that are in recovery. AoflhalJG4o-00989-00333793-00334056 Thank you so much for being here. AoflhalJG4o-00990-00334056-00334206 It's been a great show. AoflhalJG4o-00991-00334206-00334721 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00992-00334721-00335024 To download and watch this program, or other AoflhalJG4o-00993-00335024-00335344 programs in the Road to Recovery series, visit the AoflhalJG4o-00994-00335344-00335674 website at recoverymonth.gov. AoflhalJG4o-00995-00335674-00336625 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-00996-00336625-00336866 Every September, National Recovery Month AoflhalJG4o-00997-00336866-00337123 provides an opportunity for communities like yours AoflhalJG4o-00998-00337123-00337385 to raise awareness of mental and substance use AoflhalJG4o-00999-00337385-00337616 disorders, to highlight the effectiveness of AoflhalJG4o-01000-00337616-00337900 prevention, treatment and recovery services, and AoflhalJG4o-01001-00337900-00338274 show that people can and do recover. In order to AoflhalJG4o-01002-00338274-00338467 help you plan events and activities in AoflhalJG4o-01003-00338467-00338674 commemoration of this year's Recovery Month AoflhalJG4o-01004-00338674-00338987 observance, the free online Recovery Month kit AoflhalJG4o-01005-00338987-00339328 offers ideas, materials, and tools for planning, AoflhalJG4o-01006-00339328-00339591 organizing, and realizing an event or outreach AoflhalJG4o-01007-00339591-00339902 campaign that matches your goals and resources. AoflhalJG4o-01008-00339902-00340164 To obtain an electronic copy of this year's Recovery AoflhalJG4o-01009-00340164-00340469 Month kit and access other free publications and AoflhalJG4o-01010-00340469-00340734 materials on prevention, recovery, and treatment AoflhalJG4o-01011-00340734-00341059 services, visit the Recovery Month website at AoflhalJG4o-01012-00341059-00341570 recoverymonth.gov, or call 1-800-662-HELP. AoflhalJG4o-01013-00341570-00341808 [Music] AoflhalJG4o-01014-00341808-00342120 Your path to recovery isn't like mine. AoflhalJG4o-01015-00342120-00342438 You have your own struggles with mental health issues. AoflhalJG4o-01016-00342438-00342844 Your own challenges with substance use disorders. AoflhalJG4o-01017-00342844-00343233 You also have your own abilities and strengths. AoflhalJG4o-01018-00343233-00343462 But when you need a hand... AoflhalJG4o-01019-00343462-00343736 Reach out, until you find one. AoflhalJG4o-01020-00343736-00343912 For information on mental and substance use AoflhalJG4o-01021-00343912-00344129 disorders, including prevention and treatment AoflhalJG4o-01022-00344129-00344499 referral, call 1-800-662-HELP. Brought to you by AoflhalJG4o-01023-00344499-00344831 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Aofq0iTB4wu-00000-00000064-00000376 In this section we make an important Aofq0iTB4wu-00001-00000376-00001064 conceptual leap. In Section 3.1 we defined Aofq0iTB4wu-00002-00001064-00001448 the derivative but the way we defined it Aofq0iTB4wu-00003-00001448-00001784 makes the derivative a constant. Aofq0iTB4wu-00004-00001960-00002568 That is to say in Section 3.1 we start Aofq0iTB4wu-00005-00002624-00003856 by fixing a value x_0 and once you fixed x_0, Aofq0iTB4wu-00006-00004248-00004840 you can find the derivative, which is the Aofq0iTB4wu-00007-00004840-00005392 instantaneous rate of change at x_0. Aofq0iTB4wu-00008-00005704-00006256 Well, because x_0 is a fixed constant, Aofq0iTB4wu-00009-00006344-00007200 this derivative is also a fixed constant. Aofq0iTB4wu-00010-00007200-00007584 The conceptual leap we're going to make Aofq0iTB4wu-00011-00007640-00008232 is to think of the derivative as a function . Aofq0iTB4wu-00012-00008232-00008512 Instead of a fixed x_0, Aofq0iTB4wu-00013-00009168-00009992 we'll have a variable x, Aofq0iTB4wu-00014-00009992-00010920 and we'll define f’( x ); it will still be the limit Aofq0iTB4wu-00015-00011072-00011776 as h approaches 0 of this quotient, Aofq0iTB4wu-00016-00012704-00013272 but because x is no longer a constant, n Aofq0iTB4wu-00017-00013272-00014596 either is this. Instead, f’( x ) Aofq0iTB4wu-00018-00015000-00015584 is a new function Aofq0iTB4wu-00019-00016184-00016472 And that's really the only thing we do Aofq0iTB4wu-00020-00016536-00017104 in this section, but it shouldn't be underrated. Aofq0iTB4wu-00021-00017312-00017664 We're going to spend most of this semester Aofq0iTB4wu-00022-00017664-00018064 talking about derivatives and when we do Aofq0iTB4wu-00023-00018064-00018384 we're going to be thinking of these derivatives Aofq0iTB4wu-00024-00018456-00019272 not as fixed values but as functions A10iJd3GF8Q-00000-00000126-00000323 Masterpieces of love and romance poet "Nizar Qabbani" A10iJd3GF8Q-00001-00000323-00000477 Masterpieces of love and romance poet "Nizar Qabbani" A10iJd3GF8Q-00002-00000477-00000671 Masterpieces of love and romance poet "Nizar Qabbani" A10iJd3GF8Q-00006-00001527-00001727 Those who love are brave A10iJd3GF8Q-00007-00001727-00001858 Mother coward chooses A10iJd3GF8Q-00008-00001858-00001958 Everything is possible .. Love will come on time A10iJd3GF8Q-00009-00001958-00002092 Everything is possible .. Love will come on time A10iJd3GF8Q-00013-00002857-00003417 She defended women for 50 years A10iJd3GF8Q-00014-00003417-00003517 And carry it on a specialist A10iJd3GF8Q-00015-00003517-00003717 But she left me when they needed her A10iJd3GF8Q-00020-00005604-00005704 Sometimes you can not talk what your heart because your mind refuses to talk A10iJd3GF8Q-00021-00005704-00005904 Sometimes you can not talk what your heart because your mind refuses to talk A10iJd3GF8Q-00022-00005904-00006104 Sometimes you can not talk what your heart because your mind refuses to talk A2oNYoT0QZu-00000-00000000-00000168 David Spark reporting for the Electronic A2oNYoT0QZu-00001-00000168-00000438 Frontier Foundation. I am here at the RSA A2oNYoT0QZu-00002-00000438-00000660 Conference in San Francisco. it's a A2oNYoT0QZu-00003-00000660-00000966 conference all about security. The new A2oNYoT0QZu-00004-00000966-00001236 political powers are now breeding a lot A2oNYoT0QZu-00005-00001236-00001446 of uncertainty. Will it affect how we A2oNYoT0QZu-00006-00001446-00001757 approach privacy and security. What do A2oNYoT0QZu-00007-00001757-00001910 you think the Trump administration is A2oNYoT0QZu-00008-00001910-00002091 going to do to protect your digital A2oNYoT0QZu-00009-00002091-00002382 privacy? - Nothing. - Nothing. - I don't think A2oNYoT0QZu-00010-00002382-00002559 they're going to do anything. - I don't think he's going to do A2oNYoT0QZu-00011-00002559-00002711 very much at all. - I don't think they're A2oNYoT0QZu-00012-00002711-00002847 knowledgeable enough on the subject to A2oNYoT0QZu-00013-00002847-00002997 actually be able to do anything other A2oNYoT0QZu-00014-00002997-00003152 than take away from it. - I don't know but A2oNYoT0QZu-00015-00003152-00003279 whatever it is they're going to charge A2oNYoT0QZu-00016-00003279-00003548 for it. - Who does Trump represent? Businesses. A2oNYoT0QZu-00017-00003548-00003746 Businesses want my information. It's A2oNYoT0QZu-00018-00003746-00003986 their model, right? Advertising dollars, A2oNYoT0QZu-00019-00003986-00004139 the more they know, the more money to be A2oNYoT0QZu-00020-00004139-00004289 made. - I think they're going to lean A2oNYoT0QZu-00021-00004289-00004512 toward what is good for corporations, A2oNYoT0QZu-00022-00004512-00004739 what is good for the security state. A2oNYoT0QZu-00023-00004739-00004928 That's going to take precedent over what's good A2oNYoT0QZu-00024-00004928-00005109 for the individual. - What do you think the A2oNYoT0QZu-00025-00005109-00005273 Trump administration is going to do to A2oNYoT0QZu-00026-00005273-00005568 protect your digital privacy. - Not much. I A2oNYoT0QZu-00027-00005568-00005732 expect Donald Trump to cough up pretty A2oNYoT0QZu-00028-00005732-00005948 much any private information in any A2oNYoT0QZu-00029-00005948-00006132 random press conference or maybe in a A2oNYoT0QZu-00030-00006132-00006332 tweet an hour from now. - I think Trump, A2oNYoT0QZu-00031-00006332-00006479 as far as he's concerned, it's all public. A2oNYoT0QZu-00032-00006479-00006864 And if he can get better intelligence, he's A2oNYoT0QZu-00033-00006864-00007043 going to take everything we got. - I think A2oNYoT0QZu-00034-00007043-00007179 that's the last thing on his mind. He's got enough A2oNYoT0QZu-00035-00007179-00007326 things that he's worried about right A2oNYoT0QZu-00036-00007326-00007490 now that seem to be very self-focused A2oNYoT0QZu-00037-00007490-00007634 and so I don't think he's going to care A2oNYoT0QZu-00038-00007634-00007806 about others yet. - I don't imagine he's A2oNYoT0QZu-00039-00007806-00008000 going to do anything, but I don't imagine A2oNYoT0QZu-00040-00008000-00008184 he's going to do anything much worse A2oNYoT0QZu-00041-00008184-00008436 than his predecessors. - I don't think that A2oNYoT0QZu-00042-00008436-00008661 any administration from any party has A2oNYoT0QZu-00043-00008661-00008877 any interest in protecting privacy. This is A2oNYoT0QZu-00044-00008877-00009090 all about data acquisition because he A2oNYoT0QZu-00045-00009090-00009267 who controls the data has the power. I'm A2oNYoT0QZu-00046-00009267-00009510 a good person, right? So if they're tracking... A2oNYoT0QZu-00047-00009510-00009760 - Do you think I'm a good person? A2oNYoT0QZu-00048-00009760-00010027 Should I be tracked, but not you? Is that A2oNYoT0QZu-00049-00010027-00010311 the idea? - I don't count on anybody but A2oNYoT0QZu-00050-00010311-00010645 myself to protect my privacy. Because the A2oNYoT0QZu-00051-00010645-00010933 government... there's no motive for them A2oNYoT0QZu-00052-00010933-00011158 to protect my privacy because all A2oNYoT0QZu-00053-00011158-00011422 information is of value to them. - Don't A2oNYoT0QZu-00054-00011422-00011511 you think he's going to make the A2oNYoT0QZu-00055-00011511-00011811 Internet great again? The Internet has A2oNYoT0QZu-00056-00011811-00012115 always been great. A2eOUGZ53hk-00000-00000025-00000307 When you are at home on weekends, you can make a spicy grilled fish with me. You can A2eOUGZ53hk-00001-00000332-00000460 invite three or five friends and it will only cost you a few dollars. A2eOUGZ53hk-00002-00000486-00000563 Slowly A2eOUGZ53hk-00003-00000588-00000691 make a large pot. The method A2eOUGZ53hk-00004-00000716-00000819 is simple and A2eOUGZ53hk-00005-00000844-00000947 very suitable for home cooking. A2eOUGZ53hk-00006-00001024-00001177 Heat the pot and put the A2eOUGZ53hk-00007-00001203-00001331 fish skin down A2eOUGZ53hk-00008-00001356-00001484 . It is not easy to stick to the pan. A2eOUGZ53hk-00009-00001510-00001792 Fry until the surface is golden. Use the right hand room A2eOUGZ53hk-00010-00001817-00001996 to put your favorite side dishes on the plate A2eOUGZ53hk-00011-00002022-00002150 . Fry until both sides are golden. Put it A2eOUGZ53hk-00012-00002176-00002227 out and set A2eOUGZ53hk-00013-00002252-00002329 aside A2eOUGZ53hk-00014-00002355-00002432 . Leave the bottom oil A2eOUGZ53hk-00015-00002483-00002636 in the pan, add green onion, ginger and garlic, A2eOUGZ53hk-00016-00002688-00002892 and then add 61 packets of grilled fish A2eOUGZ53hk-00017-00002918-00003046 . He said according to the recipe A2eOUGZ53hk-00018-00003072-00003174 The prepared taste is very authentic A2eOUGZ53hk-00019-00003225-00003328 . Pour in an appropriate amount of boiling A2eOUGZ53hk-00020-00003379-00003456 water . Sprinkle chopped green onion and A2eOUGZ53hk-00021-00003481-00003532 white A2eOUGZ53hk-00023-00003737-00003840 sesame seeds on the side of the intersection. A3GQerStTQg-00000-00001240-00001552 Hi I'm Mr dave with the national museum of nuclear science and history A3GQerStTQg-00001-00001552-00002000 and I'm here to say net zero needs nuclear and that's going to allow us A3GQerStTQg-00002-00002000-00002392 to have a happier healthier planet to hand down to future generations. A3GQerStTQg-00003-00002544-00003000 When we look at nuclear we're looking at a path to greatly reduce our carbon emissions with the A3GQerStTQg-00004-00003000-00003424 goal of reaching net zero. This would help us to preserve the planet that we've been given and... A3GQerStTQg-00005-00003711-00004024 We can also use nuclear to produce hydrogen that can be used to store A3GQerStTQg-00006-00004024-00004288 massive amounts of energy providing resilience and A3GQerStTQg-00007-00004288-00004640 security to our energy good as well as feedstock for our chemical industry. A3GQerStTQg-00008-00004928-00005360 Let's not forget about some of the other uses of nuclear like water desalination the heat A3GQerStTQg-00009-00005360-00005808 generated by nuclear can provide potable water in water stressed places all around the world. A3GQerStTQg-00010-00006280-00006656 Nuclear is used in medicine to diagnose and treat illnesses and save lives A3GQerStTQg-00011-00006656-00007128 every day from checking the condition of organs in the body to treating different types of cancer A3GQerStTQg-00012-00007128-00007376 nuclear is helping us live longer and healthier lives. A3GQerStTQg-00013-00007688-00008176 A uranium pellet is about the size of a gummy bear and this little pellet can produce enough A3GQerStTQg-00014-00008176-00008720 energy for a person's entire lifetime. That's about as much as three 42-gallon barrels of oil, A3GQerStTQg-00015-00008784-00009176 a ton of coal, or seventeen thousand cubic feet of natural gas. A3GQerStTQg-00016-00009632-00010112 And with nuclear energy the amount of waste produced by one person in their lifetime A3GQerStTQg-00017-00010112-00010600 could roughly fill this jar. That's not a lot! Especially compared to the amount of A3GQerStTQg-00018-00010600-00011264 carbon dioxide released into the air every year. And if it's reprocessed, the radioactivity of A3GQerStTQg-00019-00011264-00012824 that waste could be cut down even further and that's why Net Zero Needs Nuclear! A3SGsjssGqI-00000-00000000-00000590 Everyone Arguing excluding kiran A3SGsjssGqI-00001-00000658-00001010 Everyone shut the fuck up A3SGsjssGqI-00002-00001167-00001367 Jesus Hussein Christ A3SGsjssGqI-00003-00001402-00001976 God damn it, but trying to read the same paragraph for 20 minutes A3SGsjssGqI-00004-00001976-00002390 But you for fucking morons keep on fucking with my shit A3SGsjssGqI-00005-00002400-00002890 We've only been here for three minutes. So those other seventeen minutes that's kind of on you. A3SGsjssGqI-00006-00002900-00003090 Mike,I'm using High purply A3SGsjssGqI-00007-00003100-00003390 I don't know what that means. I think you know that I don't Mike do me a favor A3SGsjssGqI-00008-00003414-00003940 Shut the fuck up go Eric. Shut up - I mean god damn it. You're all A3SGsjssGqI-00009-00004011-00004221 self-absorbed barely functioning A3SGsjssGqI-00010-00004312-00004512 codependent weirdos A3SGsjssGqI-00011-00004512-00004700 Yeah,yeah, that was pretty spot on A5Jmgj2pNp8-00000-00001016-00001464 hello there welcome to my channel my name is doug and i'm back with a very special fountain A5Jmgj2pNp8-00001-00001464-00002192 pen video today i'm celebrating reaching 8 000 subscribers on my channel by giving away this A5Jmgj2pNp8-00002-00002192-00003200 hex pens dna evolved 3d printed fountain pen worth 150 us find out how you can win this pen right now A5Jmgj2pNp8-00003-00003944-00004280 i have to thank each of you for subscribing and supporting my channel A5Jmgj2pNp8-00004-00004352-00004960 i remember two years ago filming my introduction to my 1000 subscriptions video in the rocky A5Jmgj2pNp8-00005-00004960-00005624 mountains so apparently you folks like watching me will trudge through the snow well this is some A5Jmgj2pNp8-00006-00005624-00006168 footage you haven't seen this is me going to the mailbox the other day falling in a snow bank and A5Jmgj2pNp8-00007-00006168-00006920 being rescued by one of our canadian lifeguards the mouth-to-mouth came a little bit later A5Jmgj2pNp8-00008-00007016-00007544 and i couldn't believe there were 1 000 people that wanted to watch my dumb videos about fountain A5Jmgj2pNp8-00009-00007544-00008176 pens but apparently there are 8 000 of you out there and there are almost 100 of you that are A5Jmgj2pNp8-00010-00008176-00008856 spending money to support me as members all i can say to you is thank you so very very much A5Jmgj2pNp8-00011-00008856-00009512 and please please get a life do you have any keys in this shop no A5Jmgj2pNp8-00012-00009848-00010600 what a senseless waste of human life so let's get down to it the winner of the contest will receive A5Jmgj2pNp8-00013-00010600-00011064 this hex pens dna evolved 3d printed eye dropper fountain pen A5Jmgj2pNp8-00014-00011064-00011720 which is 150 value you can see my video review of this pen by clicking right up here A5Jmgj2pNp8-00015-00011720-00012296 and i'll put the link in the description as well and how can you win this pen well i've decided A5Jmgj2pNp8-00016-00012296-00012872 to do something slightly different than other giveaways and yes it's still going to be simple A5Jmgj2pNp8-00017-00012872-00013600 all you have to do is be a subscriber and leave a comment below by friday july 1st happy canada day A5Jmgj2pNp8-00018-00014136-00014744 let's expose the pittsburgh holy jumping canada is a little fuzzy A5Jmgj2pNp8-00019-00015144-00015784 canada sucks at midnight pacific time to be entered into the random draw for the pen but i A5Jmgj2pNp8-00020-00015784-00016336 want you to provide a comment on a specific topic however you see my best friend ron sent me a note A5Jmgj2pNp8-00021-00016336-00016848 the other day with a suggestion for a topic he told me of an experience he had just had with his A5Jmgj2pNp8-00022-00016848-00017488 fountain pen and this is what he said this week i inadvertently put my gin how into the washing A5Jmgj2pNp8-00023-00017488-00018144 machine with my laundry fortunately nothing bad happened no ink leaked out and there was no damage A5Jmgj2pNp8-00024-00018144-00018760 whatsoever to the pen which worked as if nothing had happened to it but the experience did remind A5Jmgj2pNp8-00025-00018760-00019512 me of pens lost of pens that simply fell apart of caps falling off leading to ink stained shirts or A5Jmgj2pNp8-00026-00019512-00020192 jackets of ink explosions that left hands looking like bank robbers after a die bomb had gone off A5Jmgj2pNp8-00027-00020936-00021184 and he suggested it might be a good topic of discussion A5Jmgj2pNp8-00028-00021240-00021848 among our group of pen geeks so that is your topic to enter the giveaway tell me your most memorable A5Jmgj2pNp8-00029-00021848-00022480 inky experience with either a fountain pen or a fountain pen ink i will select the winning comment A5Jmgj2pNp8-00030-00022480-00023064 randomly and will announce and read the winning comment in a video on sunday morning july the 3rd A5Jmgj2pNp8-00031-00023128-00023784 but wait there's more is that it now there's more i will also personally choose three runners up A5Jmgj2pNp8-00032-00023784-00024360 for a consolation prize of your choice of ink buddy ink stabilizer the constellation winners A5Jmgj2pNp8-00033-00024360-00024904 will have a choice of ink buddy stabilizers in one of the following styles the ink vial A5Jmgj2pNp8-00034-00024904-00025520 stabilizer for either plastic or glass vials or one of the stabilizers for bottles of robert oster A5Jmgj2pNp8-00035-00025600-00026176 ferris wheel press noodlers or diamine and i'll read your comments in the video A5Jmgj2pNp8-00036-00026176-00026783 the winners will have one week to contact me by email at inquiringminds gmail.com A5Jmgj2pNp8-00037-00026848-00027400 with your name and address for me to ship you your prize and there you have it if you like this A5Jmgj2pNp8-00038-00027400-00027944 video and want to win this pen then please like and subscribe and don't forget to hit that bell A5Jmgj2pNp8-00039-00027944-00028424 to be informed when any new videos come along and that just leaves for me to say A5Jmgj2pNp8-00040-00028592-00029200 thank you all very much for watching and that's all she wrote i made this A95s8ce9Fmu-00009-00002156-00002304 (Meaning) Those (owners of piety) who believe (in Allah) in the unseen A95s8ce9Fmu-00010-00002314-00002464 who believe (in Allah) in the unseen A95s8ce9Fmu-00011-00002492-00002690 perform their prayers, and (give to others) spend out A95s8ce9Fmu-00012-00002710-00002876 of what We have provided for them. A95s8ce9Fmu-00013-00004092-00004380 First of all Fatiha Sura welcomes us as soon as we turn A95s8ce9Fmu-00014-00004392-00004672 the first page of Quran which was revealed to A95s8ce9Fmu-00015-00004682-00004890 Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) by Allah A95s8ce9Fmu-00016-00004932-00005198 and Baqarah Sura comes as second herein after. A95s8ce9Fmu-00017-00005256-00005500 Alraight, generally, with the first expression of revelation A95s8ce9Fmu-00018-00005506-00005708 “Iqra bismi rab bikal lazee khalaq” meaning A95s8ce9Fmu-00019-00005712-00005958 “Read in the Name of your Lord Who Created.” A95s8ce9Fmu-00020-00005966-00006160 is brought up repeatedly and as being different from A95s8ce9Fmu-00021-00006162-00006318 the routin order of the other suras what A95s8ce9Fmu-00022-00006326-00006478 was commanded to us during A95s8ce9Fmu-00023-00006486-00006609 during the revelation is not spoken enough. A95s8ce9Fmu-00024-00006718-00006980 If you say maybe it escapes from the attention and if A95s8ce9Fmu-00025-00007012-00007220 the reality and the issue is to understand the system A95s8ce9Fmu-00026-00007308-00007440 the essential thing is the order of the revelation A95s8ce9Fmu-00027-00007444-00007572 of the Book. A95s8ce9Fmu-00028-00007656-00007808 If it is necessary to bracket, A95s8ce9Fmu-00029-00007814-00007973 , the routin order of the other suras A95s8ce9Fmu-00030-00007986-00008123 is for Wises. A95s8ce9Fmu-00031-00008152-00008352 Both being responsible of understanding A95s8ce9Fmu-00032-00008366-00008562 which Verse is spoken in which period A95s8ce9Fmu-00033-00008586-00008708 period and warning the Moslems, A95s8ce9Fmu-00034-00008712-00008852 the Wisdoms are also responsible for following all. A95s8ce9Fmu-00035-00008882-00009152 However Hz Mohammed, and the Angel Gabriel, A95s8ce9Fmu-00036-00009168-00009336 would read mutually Quran from the beginning A95s8ce9Fmu-00037-00009346-00009498 to the end every Ramadan A95s8ce9Fmu-00038-00009506-00009678 and would concentrate on A95s8ce9Fmu-00039-00009728-00009930 the whole Verses which had been taken A95s8ce9Fmu-00040-00009940-00010134 from Allah until that moment. A95s8ce9Fmu-00041-00010198-00010398 This is a kind of subject that you can find in the lectures A95s8ce9Fmu-00042-00010406-00010590 of Siyeri Nebi(Biography of the Prophet Muhammad). A95s8ce9Fmu-00043-00010620-00010786 Let’s turn back to the second page of Quran on which A95s8ce9Fmu-00044-00010786-00010960 there is and which is being the answer of the question A95s8ce9Fmu-00045-00010960-00011082 “what is the first command of Quran?” A95s8ce9Fmu-00046-00011088-00011228 that also is revealed by Allah. A95s8ce9Fmu-00047-00011246-00011316 Yes, A95s8ce9Fmu-00048-00011324-00011514 we see first Fatiha Sura A95s8ce9Fmu-00049-00011538-00011684 there is no command in Fatiha Sura. A95s8ce9Fmu-00050-00011758-00011920 We know Cenabı Hak A95s8ce9Fmu-00051-00011934-00012158 and God’s compassion. A95s8ce9Fmu-00052-00012180-00012356 We are learining the life A95s8ce9Fmu-00053-00012360-00012524 style of straight ones. A95s8ce9Fmu-00054-00012558-00012742 Then we pass the second page, we start with A95s8ce9Fmu-00055-00012788-00013034 Baqarah Sura. There are three letters in the first Verse. A95s8ce9Fmu-00056-00013060-00013286 Following that the second Verse says A95s8ce9Fmu-00057-00013296-00013547 “This is the Book; about which there is A95s8ce9Fmu-00058-00013550-00013810 is no doubt (in any form)” mentioning A95s8ce9Fmu-00059-00013813-00014000 the right way for Pious. A95s8ce9Fmu-00060-00014078-00014190 “Yes” we say. A95s8ce9Fmu-00061-00014208-00014347 “We would like to A95s8ce9Fmu-00062-00014356-00014478 be one of this Pious. A95s8ce9Fmu-00063-00014500-00014668 We would like to find the A95s8ce9Fmu-00064-00014668-00014868 true way told Allah destines. A95s8ce9Fmu-00065-00014916-00015088 With this light, we would like to A95s8ce9Fmu-00066-00015096-00015272 arrive at the door of Allah and A95s8ce9Fmu-00067-00015284-00015486 to enforce the orders correctly”. A95s8ce9Fmu-00068-00015534-00015784 Is not it the matter of Muslims? A95s8ce9Fmu-00069-00015824-00016022 To be a real Muslim A95s8ce9Fmu-00070-00016069-00016230 We would like to feel and A95s8ce9Fmu-00071-00016238-00016363 taste all beauties A95s8ce9Fmu-00072-00016376-00016550 as of the moment at which a person A95s8ce9Fmu-00073-00016562-00016706 having strong belief to God becomes A95s8ce9Fmu-00074-00016722-00016920 a real Muslim. A95s8ce9Fmu-00075-00017000-00017228 And Allah gives an answer to us. A95s8ce9Fmu-00076-00017318-00017550 It is an answer describing A95s8ce9Fmu-00077-00017554-00017728 and leading how to be a real Muslim. A95s8ce9Fmu-00078-00017862-00018034 . In other words it shows such: A95s8ce9Fmu-00079-00018044-00018188 The matter is explaining like this: A95s8ce9Fmu-00080-00018212-00018312 Firstly A95s8ce9Fmu-00081-00018340-00018526 “Those (owners of piety) who believe (in Allah) in the unseen” A95s8ce9Fmu-00082-00018534-00018656 says Hz. Allah. A95s8ce9Fmu-00083-00018714-00018874 That is the business of the faith, A95s8ce9Fmu-00084-00018882-00018996 but to command is not the matter yet. A95s8ce9Fmu-00085-00019068-00019236 To explain more it believes strongly and intensely A95s8ce9Fmu-00086-00019238-00019414 to Allah even if it does not see. A95s8ce9Fmu-00087-00019462-00019634 People coming after passing A95s8ce9Fmu-00088-00019646-00019840 of Prophet Muhammed A95s8ce9Fmu-00089-00019848-00020078 to the After Life strongly A95s8ce9Fmu-00090-00020132-00020318 have faith even if they have not seen A95s8ce9Fmu-00091-00020322-00020456 Prophet Muhammed and Propherity. A95s8ce9Fmu-00092-00020566-00020762 They strongly believe His Angels. A95s8ce9Fmu-00093-00020818-00020946 They do not know their destiny A95s8ce9Fmu-00094-00020966-00021112 but believe in it. A95s8ce9Fmu-00095-00021134-00021348 They do not know what good or bad mean A95s8ce9Fmu-00096-00021378-00021514 but believe in them. A95s8ce9Fmu-00097-00021602-00021774 Namely, They strongly believe A95s8ce9Fmu-00098-00021782-00021936 all the Books and A95s8ce9Fmu-00099-00021942-00022158 other Prophets before us. A95s8ce9Fmu-00100-00022304-00022472 They do it even if they have not seen. A95s8ce9Fmu-00101-00022488-00022700 This is the adjective of who believe in Allah. A95s8ce9Fmu-00102-00022778-00022908 Well, Our Lord God, A95s8ce9Fmu-00103-00022924-00023090 how will we be able to reach at that level? A95s8ce9Fmu-00104-00023102-00023274 How will a person believe A95s8ce9Fmu-00105-00023282-00023446 all which is unable to see? A95s8ce9Fmu-00106-00023652-00023830 That is such a feeling of Belief that A95s8ce9Fmu-00107-00023866-00024096 will occur with the belief of yours. A95s8ce9Fmu-00108-00024176-00024410 We have to taste its passion A95s8ce9Fmu-00109-00024434-00024628 if You give it to us. A95s8ce9Fmu-00110-00024724-00024882 How can we achieve it, my Allah? A95s8ce9Fmu-00111-00024942-00025134 You have given us the right to eat A95s8ce9Fmu-00112-00025180-00025338 but how will we live the conversation A95s8ce9Fmu-00113-00025354-00025558 of praying to You with the most A95s8ce9Fmu-00114-00025616-00025812 beautiful form of our body after eating A95s8ce9Fmu-00115-00025822-00026038 the most delicious and A95s8ce9Fmu-00116-00026045-00026242 the best of this food? A95s8ce9Fmu-00117-00026388-00026538 Allah explains about flavor. And says: A95s8ce9Fmu-00118-00026550-00026736 “They perform their prayers the most correctly.” A95s8ce9Fmu-00119-00026880-00027080 Namely they do not get puzzled A95s8ce9Fmu-00120-00027118-00027256 and have real and A95s8ce9Fmu-00121-00027260-00027374 permanent friendly conversation. A95s8ce9Fmu-00122-00027402-00027548 This is a kind of completion. A95s8ce9Fmu-00123-00027586-00027802 So a Muslim, a believer, performs salaat routinely, A95s8ce9Fmu-00124-00027836-00028000 but the beautiful taste A95s8ce9Fmu-00125-00028012-00028198 of Strong Belief becomes A95s8ce9Fmu-00126-00028208-00028366 when you perform salaat correctly A95s8ce9Fmu-00127-00028376-00028627 and directly to Allah, says Cenabı Hak. A95s8ce9Fmu-00128-00028682-00028876 Well, we go on. A95s8ce9Fmu-00129-00028904-00029076 “They spend from what we have given them A95s8ce9Fmu-00130-00029086-00029274 as an income and food. A95s8ce9Fmu-00131-00029289-00029468 They help.” A95s8ce9Fmu-00132-00029474-00029677 Here is the first command of Quran: A95s8ce9Fmu-00133-00029708-00029850 “Perform salaat and A95s8ce9Fmu-00134-00029862-00030082 help with the given all food A95s8ce9Fmu-00135-00030083-00030298 and incomes given by Us to you.” says Hz. Allah. A95s8ce9Fmu-00136-00030426-00030636 So when does helping a Muslim A95s8ce9Fmu-00137-00030642-00030880 or doling out become sunnah? A95s8ce9Fmu-00138-00030952-00031138 When is A95s8ce9Fmu-00139-00031145-00031306 “You whether or not may do it.” told? A95s8ce9Fmu-00140-00031366-00031518 When has it been possible A95s8ce9Fmu-00141-00031526-00031650 to help only to rich people for A95s8ce9Fmu-00142-00031656-00031850 this pure belief? A95s8ce9Fmu-00143-00031908-00031998 No. A95s8ce9Fmu-00144-00032033-00032306 To help is a command given to all of us. A95s8ce9Fmu-00145-00032366-00032580 This is such a command that A95s8ce9Fmu-00146-00032583-00032772 you are poor and have no money A95s8ce9Fmu-00147-00032782-00033018 in the pocket. A95s8ce9Fmu-00148-00033042-00033276 You can only buy a piece of bread. A95s8ce9Fmu-00149-00033290-00033490 You left a piece of slice of this A95s8ce9Fmu-00150-00033504-00033706 pread in fron of a ant nest. A95s8ce9Fmu-00151-00033790-00033986 . If you sahre it with an animal, A95s8ce9Fmu-00152-00034002-00034138 you are the object of pure help. A95s8ce9Fmu-00153-00034254-00034428 Imagine that you do not have any money in your pocket; A95s8ce9Fmu-00154-00034458-00034636 Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) A95s8ce9Fmu-00155-00034648-00034802 gives us the formule again. A95s8ce9Fmu-00156-00034822-00035006 To smile is a dole. A95s8ce9Fmu-00157-00035102-00035310 but not to show all your A95s8ce9Fmu-00158-00035318-00035480 32 teeth by laughing A95s8ce9Fmu-00159-00035512-00035676 but smile to anyone or make this A95s8ce9Fmu-00160-00035696-00035914 person smile who is sad or A95s8ce9Fmu-00161-00035940-00036184 has a problem is a real dole. A95s8ce9Fmu-00162-00036304-00036580 Here we see the ones who would like Muslims A95s8ce9Fmu-00163-00036604-00036838 and Believers to be far away from A95s8ce9Fmu-00164-00036838-00037056 the beautiful taste taste around oneness of Belief A95s8ce9Fmu-00165-00037106-00037298 did not mention about it. A95s8ce9Fmu-00166-00037354-00037498 However we are beautiful A95s8ce9Fmu-00167-00037516-00037694 when we are all community. A95s8ce9Fmu-00168-00037718-00037910 and we are all togehter. A95s8ce9Fmu-00169-00037988-00038150 We are beautiful A95s8ce9Fmu-00170-00038170-00038286 while we are helping, A95s8ce9Fmu-00171-00038330-00038476 performing salaat, A95s8ce9Fmu-00172-00038484-00038686 ebing community and being togehter. A95s8ce9Fmu-00173-00038732-00038964 The most essential side of this is A95s8ce9Fmu-00174-00039014-00039228 we are the ones never stop believing and helping A95s8ce9Fmu-00175-00039346-00039558 Then let’s explain the key points A95s8ce9Fmu-00176-00039708-00039878 that All Islam yield A95s8ce9Fmu-00177-00039890-00040066 to existence of Allah. A95s8ce9Fmu-00178-00040138-00040286 Strong and Pure Belief is A95s8ce9Fmu-00179-00040296-00040482 to combat to be able to reach at the point A95s8ce9Fmu-00180-00040490-00040676 of the beautiful taste of yielding. A95s8ce9Fmu-00181-00040844-00040976 The Truth is; A95s8ce9Fmu-00182-00041050-00041264 If you are Strong and Pure Belief A95s8ce9Fmu-00183-00041288-00041512 you are supposed to have two skills. A95s8ce9Fmu-00184-00041566-00041746 One of the is performing prayers A95s8ce9Fmu-00185-00041752-00041882 and the other is helping. A95s8ce9Fmu-00186-00041974-00042104 You should care as many salaats A95s8ce9Fmu-00187-00042118-00042274 that you have performed until today as your helping A95s8ce9Fmu-00188-00042282-00042518 to whom and for whom as well. A95s8ce9Fmu-00189-00042570-00042768 If two of them are as they should be in yourself, A95s8ce9Fmu-00190-00042778-00042946 this means your future is bright. A95s8ce9Fmu-00191-00042954-00043104 TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF… AqCO4EkDpf8-00000-00000133-00000234 WELCOME KIDS AqCO4EkDpf8-00001-00000235-00000435 AEEEEEEAEAEAAAEAEAEAEEEEEEEEAAAAEAEAAe ArZNBnH_q5c-00000-00000000-00000212 I don't like the way this economy is acting. ArZNBnH_q5c-00001-00000212-00000384 It's evil. ArZNBnH_q5c-00002-00000384-00000509 The economy is now part of my ArZNBnH_q5c-00003-00000509-00000660 axis of Evil. ArZNBnH_q5c-00004-00000660-00000975 Presidential impersonation is a comedy institution ArZNBnH_q5c-00005-00000975-00001082 in the United States. ArZNBnH_q5c-00006-00001082-00001332 From risky radio performances in the 1920s ArZNBnH_q5c-00007-00001332-00001531 to the dominance of Saturday Night Live today. ArZNBnH_q5c-00008-00001532-00001857 And though we mostly look to impersonation as a source of entertainment, ArZNBnH_q5c-00009-00001857-00002108 its history highlights a transforming presidency, ArZNBnH_q5c-00010-00002108-00002286 and its political implications reveal one of the ArZNBnH_q5c-00011-00002286-00002532 biggest paradoxes behind American democracy. ArZNBnH_q5c-00012-00002886-00003158 It started in 1928 with Will Rogers, ArZNBnH_q5c-00013-00003158-00003402 one of the most important comedians in American history. ArZNBnH_q5c-00014-00004552-00004908 An estimated 40 million people read his nationally syndicated column, ArZNBnH_q5c-00015-00004908-00005144 where he discussed politics and American life. ArZNBnH_q5c-00016-00005144-00005296 He was one of the first radio stars, ArZNBnH_q5c-00017-00005296-00005603 the second biggest movie actor, the biggest name in vaudeville, ArZNBnH_q5c-00018-00005603-00005996 and a world-record-holding trick-roper. He was huge. ArZNBnH_q5c-00019-00005996-00006246 [PETER ROBINSON:] "It's hard for Americans today, ArZNBnH_q5c-00020-00006246-00006623 in our fragmented media landscape, to appreciate just how ubiquitous ArZNBnH_q5c-00021-00006623-00006726 Will Rogers was." ArZNBnH_q5c-00022-00006726-00006840 That's Peter M. Robinson, ArZNBnH_q5c-00023-00006840-00007200 an expert on the relationship between humor and the presidency. ArZNBnH_q5c-00024-00007200-00007440 So in the middle of a 1928 radio broadcast ArZNBnH_q5c-00025-00007440-00007678 Rogers announced that then-President Calvin Coolidge ArZNBnH_q5c-00026-00007678-00007809 was coming on to speak, ArZNBnH_q5c-00027-00007809-00008042 and he proceeded to impersonate the president on-air. ArZNBnH_q5c-00028-00008042-00008154 There's no recording of this, ArZNBnH_q5c-00029-00008154-00008300 but a transcript does survive. ArZNBnH_q5c-00030-00008300-00008452 He pretty much just said a bunch of nonsense, ArZNBnH_q5c-00031-00008454-00008576 and some topical jokes. ArZNBnH_q5c-00032-00008576-00008782 The public absolutely hated it. ArZNBnH_q5c-00033-00008782-00008982 Many believed it was really Coolidge speaking, ArZNBnH_q5c-00034-00008988-00009234 and they were upset to find out Rogers had tricked them. ArZNBnH_q5c-00035-00009234-00009412 [PETER ROBINSON:] "Rogers had such power ArZNBnH_q5c-00036-00009412-00009584 that he had the pull ArZNBnH_q5c-00037-00009584-00009776 to convince the president of the United States ArZNBnH_q5c-00038-00009776-00009992 to join him on a radio broadcast." ArZNBnH_q5c-00039-00009992-00010332 Confusion aside, the public felt as if Rogers was demeaning ArZNBnH_q5c-00040-00010332-00010556 the presidency in a way that was dangerous. ArZNBnH_q5c-00041-00010556-00010692 The following day Rogers used ArZNBnH_q5c-00042-00010692-00010995 his column to defend his choice to impersonate the president. ArZNBnH_q5c-00043-00010995-00011280 The public seemed more upset than the President himself. ArZNBnH_q5c-00044-00011280-00011532 Roger sent a heartfelt letter to President Coolidge apologizing, ArZNBnH_q5c-00045-00011532-00011711 saying that he could see now that it was ArZNBnH_q5c-00046-00011711-00012000 not the proper thing to do under any circumstance. ArZNBnH_q5c-00047-00012000-00012093 Coolidge replied that he ArZNBnH_q5c-00048-00012093-00012306 found the matter of "rather small consequence." ArZNBnH_q5c-00049-00012306-00012429 But there was a strong sense ArZNBnH_q5c-00050-00012429-00012634 that Rogers had crossed a line. ArZNBnH_q5c-00051-00012634-00012869 [PETER ROBINSON:] "I think in retrospect he realizes that he's ArZNBnH_q5c-00052-00012869-00013041 doing something daring and new, ArZNBnH_q5c-00053-00013041-00013274 and not altogether appropriate." ArZNBnH_q5c-00054-00013274-00013362 Years later, ArZNBnH_q5c-00055-00013362-00013668 Rogers would also imitate President Roosevelt on-air with pretty much the ArZNBnH_q5c-00056-00013668-00013754 same results. ArZNBnH_q5c-00057-00013754-00014019 Roger sent a telegram apologizing and FDR ArZNBnH_q5c-00058-00014019-00014220 replied saying that he liked it a lot. ArZNBnH_q5c-00059-00014220-00014400 After Will Rogers tried and failed ArZNBnH_q5c-00060-00014400-00014660 impersonations stayed far away from the mainstream. ArZNBnH_q5c-00061-00014660-00014804 It wasn't until the Kennedy years ArZNBnH_q5c-00062-00014804-00015080 that presidential impersonation came back, big time. ArZNBnH_q5c-00063-00015212-00015422 Vaughn Meader was a young stand-up comic ArZNBnH_q5c-00064-00015422-00015486 in New York City. ArZNBnH_q5c-00065-00015486-00015597 He would do an act ArZNBnH_q5c-00066-00015597-00015790 where he pretended to be President Kennedy. ArZNBnH_q5c-00067-00015790-00015928 The crowd loved it. ArZNBnH_q5c-00068-00015928-00016136 [MEADER:] "Now just a minute, who do you think you are? ArZNBnH_q5c-00069-00016136-00016288 Now let me say this about that: ArZNBnH_q5c-00070-00016288-00016534 Number one, he's not an expert on politics, ArZNBnH_q5c-00071-00016534-00016630 but I am." ArZNBnH_q5c-00072-00016630-00016708 [LAUGHTER] ArZNBnH_q5c-00073-00016708-00016882 A couple of producers scouted out the act ArZNBnH_q5c-00074-00016882-00017056 and the result was 'The First Family.' ArZNBnH_q5c-00075-00018862-00019100 The First Family was a monster hit. ArZNBnH_q5c-00076-00019100-00019264 It won album of the year the Grammys ArZNBnH_q5c-00077-00019264-00019576 and became the fastest-selling pre-Beatles album of all time, ArZNBnH_q5c-00078-00019576-00019804 selling a million copies in its first week. ArZNBnH_q5c-00079-00019804-00020756 [ROBINSON:] ArZNBnH_q5c-00080-00020756-00021052 Although many still felt the impersonation was disrespectful, ArZNBnH_q5c-00081-00021052-00021286 its commercial success was undeniable. ArZNBnH_q5c-00082-00021286-00021504 [ANDY WILLIAMS:] "As busy as you are, Mr. President, ArZNBnH_q5c-00083-00021504-00021698 is some of the burden of your office ArZNBnH_q5c-00084-00021698-00021944 taken off of your shoulders by Lyndon Johnson?" ArZNBnH_q5c-00085-00021944-00022050 [MEADER:] "Who?" ArZNBnH_q5c-00086-00022050-00022184 [LAUGHTER] ArZNBnH_q5c-00087-00022184-00022328 Everyone heard the record, ArZNBnH_q5c-00088-00022328-00022520 the President included. ArZNBnH_q5c-00089-00024198-00024480 That's John F. Kennedy avoiding the question. ArZNBnH_q5c-00090-00024480-00024586 In private he expressed ArZNBnH_q5c-00091-00024586-00024712 some discomfort about the album ArZNBnH_q5c-00092-00024712-00024838 and talked to his press secretary ArZNBnH_q5c-00093-00024838-00025034 about potentially getting the FCC involved. ArZNBnH_q5c-00094-00025034-00025200 [PETER ROBINSON:] "He was trying to play it both ways. ArZNBnH_q5c-00095-00025200-00025496 He understood at that point the political value ArZNBnH_q5c-00096-00025496-00025683 in showing good humor." ArZNBnH_q5c-00097-00025683-00026010 You'll notice that this impression is far from biting. ArZNBnH_q5c-00098-00026010-00026230 Its good-humored, and by today's standards, ArZNBnH_q5c-00099-00026230-00026332 totally harmless. ArZNBnH_q5c-00100-00026332-00026488 [MEADER:] "The question was how am I gonna improve ArZNBnH_q5c-00101-00026488-00026716 foreign affairs in the next few months. ArZNBnH_q5c-00102-00026716-00026839 Well, we're gonna try to keep ArZNBnH_q5c-00103-00026841-00026988 everyone here." ArZNBnH_q5c-00104-00026988-00027112 [LAUGHTER] ArZNBnH_q5c-00105-00027112-00027214 In a paper discussing ArZNBnH_q5c-00106-00027214-00027477 the rhetorical power of comedic presidential impersonation, ArZNBnH_q5c-00107-00027477-00027754 Will Howell and Trevor Parry-Giles describe this era, ArZNBnH_q5c-00108-00027754-00028068 from Will Rogers in 1928 to Vaughn Meader in '63, ArZNBnH_q5c-00109-00028068-00028345 as one of accepting presidential impersonation. ArZNBnH_q5c-00110-00028345-00028606 Impressions in this period were benign amusements, ArZNBnH_q5c-00111-00028606-00028806 cautious not to cause offense. ArZNBnH_q5c-00112-00028806-00028948 Rogers had met Coolidge ArZNBnH_q5c-00113-00028948-00029104 and he was friends with Roosevelt. ArZNBnH_q5c-00114-00029104-00029336 The liner notes of the first family read: ArZNBnH_q5c-00115-00029336-00029554 'No one has more respect for the high offices ArZNBnH_q5c-00116-00029554-00029689 and the people suggested here, ArZNBnH_q5c-00117-00029689-00029874 than those who had a hand in putting this together. ArZNBnH_q5c-00118-00029874-00030160 Almost identical to what Rogers wrote in his apology letters. ArZNBnH_q5c-00119-00030260-00030452 This era came to an abrupt end. ArZNBnH_q5c-00120-00030480-00030683 [NESREEL:] "In Dallas Texas three shots ArZNBnH_q5c-00121-00030683-00030920 were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade." ArZNBnH_q5c-00122-00030920-00031144 [WALTER KRONKITE:] "President Kennedy died ArZNBnH_q5c-00123-00031144-00031439 at 1:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. ArZNBnH_q5c-00124-00031439-00031618 2:00 o'clock Eastern..." ArZNBnH_q5c-00125-00031618-00031927 After the Kennedy assassination nobody wanted to see an impersonator. ArZNBnH_q5c-00126-00031927-00032200 Vaughn Meader went from a household name to a total pariah, ArZNBnH_q5c-00127-00032200-00032464 and completely disappeared from public life. ArZNBnH_q5c-00128-00032464-00032683 The following decade would be a turning point ArZNBnH_q5c-00129-00032683-00032894 in Americans' relationship with the presidency. ArZNBnH_q5c-00130-00033150-00033456 ♪ The war in Vietnam keeps on a-ragin', ♪ ArZNBnH_q5c-00131-00033536-00033896 ♪ The blacks and whites still haven't worked it out. ♪ ArZNBnH_q5c-00132-00033896-00034006 [NEWSCASTER:] "Five people have been arrested ArZNBnH_q5c-00133-00034006-00034170 and charged with breaking into the headquarters ArZNBnH_q5c-00134-00034170-00034322 of the Democratic National Committee." ArZNBnH_q5c-00135-00034322-00034634 ♪ No wonder everybody's dropping out! ♪ ArZNBnH_q5c-00136-00034634-00034792 [NIXON:] "I shall resign the presidency ArZNBnH_q5c-00137-00034792-00034954 effective at noon tomorrow." ArZNBnH_q5c-00138-00034954-00035048 During this period, ArZNBnH_q5c-00139-00035048-00035238 American trust in government plummeted, ArZNBnH_q5c-00140-00035238-00035506 a trend which has continued to today's historic lows. ArZNBnH_q5c-00141-00035506-00035806 [PETER ROBINSON:] "This kind of humor, mimicry and otherwise, ArZNBnH_q5c-00142-00035806-00036052 is an egalitarian response to ArZNBnH_q5c-00143-00036052-00036278 abuses of power that came out of Vietnam ArZNBnH_q5c-00144-00036278-00036527 and seemed to accelerate through Watergate." ArZNBnH_q5c-00145-00036528-00036710 In this climate of mistrust, ArZNBnH_q5c-00146-00036710-00037052 presidential impersonations became a staple of American comedy. ArZNBnH_q5c-00147-00037052-00037266 [DON PARDO:] "It's Saturday Night!" ArZNBnH_q5c-00148-00037266-00037554 [ANNOUNCER:] "Ladies and gentlemen: the President of the United States." ArZNBnH_q5c-00149-00038046-00038234 That's Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford ArZNBnH_q5c-00150-00038234-00038432 in the first season of Saturday Night Live. ArZNBnH_q5c-00151-00038432-00038650 His impression didn't look or sound like Ford ArZNBnH_q5c-00152-00038650-00038924 but it got enough attention that SNL's 17th guest ArZNBnH_q5c-00153-00038924-00039238 was Ford's actual press secretary, Ron Nessen. ArZNBnH_q5c-00154-00039238-00039432 [NESSEN:] Because you see, sometimes they poke ArZNBnH_q5c-00155-00039432-00039596 a little fun at you on the show. ArZNBnH_q5c-00156-00039596-00039854 It's all in good fun and I and I think it'd be a good idea ArZNBnH_q5c-00157-00039854-00040014 to show that you can take a joke." ArZNBnH_q5c-00158-00040014-00040360 This is the beginning of the second era of presidential impersonation. ArZNBnH_q5c-00159-00040360-00040606 [CHEVY CHASE:] "I won't have this high office ridiculed. ArZNBnH_q5c-00160-00040606-00040782 I won't be stumbling around and fooling around..." ArZNBnH_q5c-00161-00040782-00040862 [CRASHES] ArZNBnH_q5c-00162-00040862-00041004 [LAUGHTER] ArZNBnH_q5c-00163-00041004-00041130 In its 44 seasons, ArZNBnH_q5c-00164-00041130-00041400 SNL has played presidents across eight administrations ArZNBnH_q5c-00165-00041400-00041550 and seven election cycles. ArZNBnH_q5c-00166-00041550-00041720 There is a case to be made that these impressions ArZNBnH_q5c-00167-00041720-00041996 have shaped the identity of candidates in the electorate's mind, ArZNBnH_q5c-00168-00041996-00042294 and in some cases helped or hindered specific campaigns. ArZNBnH_q5c-00169-00042294-00042558 [TINA FEY:] "And I can see Russia from my house." ArZNBnH_q5c-00170-00042558-00042652 [LAUGHTER] ArZNBnH_q5c-00171-00042652-00042822 According to Howell and Parry-Giles, ArZNBnH_q5c-00172-00042822-00042986 Saturday Night Live has served to reconcile ArZNBnH_q5c-00173-00042986-00043156 the human flaws of the president ArZNBnH_q5c-00174-00043156-00043304 with the high office they occupy. ArZNBnH_q5c-00175-00043304-00043530 [DARRELL HAMMOND:] "Can I just read you one more juicy passage? ArZNBnH_q5c-00176-00043530-00043810 This is from a lady that calls herself ArZNBnH_q5c-00177-00043810-00043980 Mrs. Jones." ArZNBnH_q5c-00178-00043980-00044262 They point out that impersonation is a form of catharsis ArZNBnH_q5c-00179-00044262-00044460 Especially useful during transition periods, ArZNBnH_q5c-00180-00044460-00044688 when the flaws of the President must be smoothed over ArZNBnH_q5c-00181-00044688-00044882 in order to have a functional country. ArZNBnH_q5c-00182-00044882-00045076 [DANA CARVEY:] "I'm not afraid to say recession. ArZNBnH_q5c-00183-00045076-00045254 Recession! Recession!" ArZNBnH_q5c-00184-00045254-00045442 Peter Robinson makes a similar argument ArZNBnH_q5c-00185-00045442-00045932 [PETER ROBINSON:] ArZNBnH_q5c-00186-00046132-00046472 He's referring to an idea from literary scholar Louis Rubin Jr. ArZNBnH_q5c-00187-00046472-00046676 As Robinson explains in his book, ArZNBnH_q5c-00188-00046676-00046894 the joke is the fact that Americans have imbued ArZNBnH_q5c-00189-00046894-00047124 their nation with the most perfect of ambitions ArZNBnH_q5c-00190-00047124-00047450 yet entrusted their attainment to imperfect creatures like themselves. ArZNBnH_q5c-00191-00047450-00047606 [ROBINSON:] "On the one hand we have these ArZNBnH_q5c-00192-00047606-00047944 founding ideals of expression and personal liberty ArZNBnH_q5c-00193-00047944-00048172 and yet on the other hand we are flawed - ArZNBnH_q5c-00194-00048172-00048382 often laughably so - human beings. ArZNBnH_q5c-00195-00048446-00048630 In other words the Great American Joke ArZNBnH_q5c-00196-00048630-00048971 is the absurd notion that any one person could be the embodiment of the ideals ArZNBnH_q5c-00197-00048971-00049214 enshrined in the US Constitution. ArZNBnH_q5c-00198-00049214-00049468 This is the paradox of American democracy. ArZNBnH_q5c-00199-00049468-00049720 There will always be a gulf that must be bridged ArZNBnH_q5c-00200-00049720-00049821 and from that incongruence ArZNBnH_q5c-00201-00049822-00050094 impersonation gets its fuel. ArZNBnH_q5c-00202-00050094-00050244 Which brings us to Trump. ArZNBnH_q5c-00203-00050244-00050332 [TRUMP:] "We're gonna build a wall, ArZNBnH_q5c-00204-00050333-00050488 we have no choice." ArZNBnH_q5c-00205-00050488-00050702 Not that Trump - this Trump. ArZNBnH_q5c-00206-00050704-00051020 [BALDWIN:] "I moved on it like a bitch but I couldn't get there. No, sorry." ArZNBnH_q5c-00207-00051044-00051358 Baldwin's Trump is unlike any other SNL president ArZNBnH_q5c-00208-00051358-00051749 Howell and Parry-Giles call it a definite, perhaps calculated break with ArZNBnH_q5c-00209-00051749-00051955 previous comedic presidential impersonations. ArZNBnH_q5c-00210-00051955-00052294 Whereas previous impressions serve to reconcile the man and the President, ArZNBnH_q5c-00211-00052294-00052500 Baldwin's Trump is doing the opposite. ArZNBnH_q5c-00212-00052500-00053048 [BALDWIN:] "Google: what is ISIS?" ArZNBnH_q5c-00213-00053048-00053344 Badlwin impersonates Trump to be personally deplorable ArZNBnH_q5c-00214-00053344-00053666 and irreconcilable with the expectation of his elected office. ArZNBnH_q5c-00215-00053666-00053934 [BALDWIN:] "Well, thank you Judge, or what do you call a lady judge? ArZNBnH_q5c-00216-00053934-00054117 A flight attendant, something like that?" ArZNBnH_q5c-00217-00054162-00054516 Baldwin's Trump is corrupt and conspiring on multiple fronts ArZNBnH_q5c-00218-00054516-00054874 racist, sexist, vulgar, dishonest, and mean. ArZNBnH_q5c-00219-00054874-00054966 [BALDWIN:] "Listen, sweetheart, ArZNBnH_q5c-00220-00054966-00055194 I'm about to be President we're all gonna die." ArZNBnH_q5c-00221-00055194-00055462 Other impersonators have assumed the same kind of characterization. ArZNBnH_q5c-00222-00055462-00055855 Notably, Anthony Atamanuik was impersonating Trump since the early primaries. ArZNBnH_q5c-00223-00055855-00056058 [ATAMANUIK:] "Family? You want to keep family tight? ArZNBnH_q5c-00224-00056058-00056379 Well my family's the tightest, specifically my daughter." ArZNBnH_q5c-00225-00056379-00056596 Atamanuik went on to star in The President Show, ArZNBnH_q5c-00226-00056596-00056882 which was highly experimental and vehemently anti-Trump. ArZNBnH_q5c-00227-00056882-00057146 Interestingly, Atamanuik would sometimes step outside of character ArZNBnH_q5c-00228-00057146-00057555 to more cuttingly criticize Trump, leaving no room for misinterpretation. ArZNBnH_q5c-00229-00057555-00057704 [ATAMANUIK:] "And then I can come in, ArZNBnH_q5c-00230-00057704-00058022 label it fake news, and rob us of a real dialogue ArZNBnH_q5c-00231-00058022-00058288 about the responsibilities of the Fourth Estate." ArZNBnH_q5c-00232-00058288-00058449 Despite Atamanuik's extensive and ArZNBnH_q5c-00233-00058449-00058679 sometimes novel uses of impersonation ArZNBnH_q5c-00234-00058679-00058832 Baldwin's Trump was similarly ArZNBnH_q5c-00235-00058832-00059172 politically motivated and it received the president's attention. ArZNBnH_q5c-00236-00059172-00059548 Trump has directly and publicly attacked Baldwin and SNL - ArZNBnH_q5c-00237-00059552-00059728 something entirely unprecedented. ArZNBnH_q5c-00238-00059728-00060024 This is what Howell and Parry-GIles argue might be the third era ArZNBnH_q5c-00239-00060024-00060196 of presidential impersonation: ArZNBnH_q5c-00240-00060196-00060386 motivating political action, ArZNBnH_q5c-00241-00060386-00060688 but only among those who already oppose Trump. ArZNBnH_q5c-00242-00060688-00060886 The Trump presidency has given new meaning ArZNBnH_q5c-00243-00060890-00061040 to the Great American Joke. ArZNBnH_q5c-00244-00061040-00061174 From Will Rogers to today, ArZNBnH_q5c-00245-00061174-00061520 impersonators have pointed to and thereby helped us accept ArZNBnH_q5c-00246-00061520-00061782 the President's inability to be a perfect avatar ArZNBnH_q5c-00247-00061782-00061929 of American ideals. ArZNBnH_q5c-00248-00061929-00062179 And those Presidents knew to laugh along ArZNBnH_q5c-00249-00062179-00062650 recognizing their own imperfection or at least pretending to when they didn't. ArZNBnH_q5c-00250-00062650-00062940 In his response to comedy and in his policy, ArZNBnH_q5c-00251-00062940-00063190 Trump is rejecting these values and institutions ArZNBnH_q5c-00252-00063190-00063524 and asking instead that we follow a man. ArZNBnH_q5c-00253-00063524-00066274 [PETER ROBINSON:] ArZNBnH_q5c-00254-00066480-00066592 Hey! Thanks for watching. ArZNBnH_q5c-00255-00066592-00066768 A very special thanks to Peter Robinson ArZNBnH_q5c-00256-00066768-00066972 for giving his time and sharing some of his resources. ArZNBnH_q5c-00257-00066972-00067264 If you want to learn more about this topic definitely check out his book, ArZNBnH_q5c-00258-00067264-00067406 The Dance of the Comedians. ArZNBnH_q5c-00259-00067406-00067710 Subscribe for future essays - and take care. AsWUksrBJwo-00000-00000412-00000766 Hello, I'm Colin and here today's headlines live from London with Pinksixty News. AsWUksrBJwo-00001-00000766-00001184 A traditional prayer day has been revived by the Catholic church in France and used AsWUksrBJwo-00002-00001184-00001411 to promote its anti-gay agenda. AsWUksrBJwo-00003-00001411-00001747 The move comes as the French people showed support for gay marriage and adoption in a AsWUksrBJwo-00004-00001747-00001922 recent poll. AsWUksrBJwo-00005-00001922-00002361 Residents of the state of Victoria in Australia will be the first to see a new TV campaign AsWUksrBJwo-00006-00002361-00002682 dealing with homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia. AsWUksrBJwo-00007-00002682-00003202 The 'No to Homophobia' campaign features scenes of low-level abuse in everyday situations. AsWUksrBJwo-00008-00003202-00003580 Britain's lesbian Poet Laureate, Carole Ann Duffy, has penned a new ballet based on the AsWUksrBJwo-00009-00003580-00003757 fairy tale Rapunzel. AsWUksrBJwo-00010-00003757-00004132 The dark retelling goes on tour in the UK with the Sadlers Wells dance company from AsWUksrBJwo-00011-00004132-00004269 October. AsWUksrBJwo-00012-00004269-00004635 Spain has won the annual Mr. Gay Europe title for the third time. AsWUksrBJwo-00013-00004635-00005137 Miguel Ortiz beat off the competition, pushing Malta and Italy into second and third place. AsWUksrBJwo-00014-00005137-00005642 And finally, Hot Male Radio launches new online services for Spain, the UK, and Asia this AsWUksrBJwo-00015-00005642-00005742 week. AsWUksrBJwo-00016-00005742-00006128 Playing pop, dance, and soon, classical music, you can also hear Pinksixty News by going AsWUksrBJwo-00017-00006128-00006321 to hotmaleradio.com AsWUksrBJwo-00018-00006321-00006454 That's all from us here in London. AsWUksrBJwo-00019-00006454-00006553 Join us again tomorrow. Auj2JcfA9pu-00000-00000000-00000732 hey happy holidays everyone today's video is just gonna be a bit of fun we are going to look at open Auj2JcfA9pu-00001-00000732-00001380 ai's chat GPT this has been in the news a lot so you probably already know what it is but it's Auj2JcfA9pu-00002-00001380-00002010 basically a chat bot but a super intelligent one that speaks just like a human and so what Auj2JcfA9pu-00003-00002010-00002688 we're gonna find out in this video is Chap GPT also a good astrophotographer or at least can Auj2JcfA9pu-00004-00002688-00003515 it give convincing astrophotography advice so here's what I did I asked my patreon community Auj2JcfA9pu-00005-00003515-00004254 to send me questions any kind of question at all related to astrophotography I went through Auj2JcfA9pu-00006-00004254-00004758 those questions and answered them all myself wrote down my answers then I asked those same Auj2JcfA9pu-00007-00004758-00005556 questions to chat GPT and printed all of those out and what we'll do in this video is we'll see each Auj2JcfA9pu-00008-00005556-00006264 question I'll give my answer we'll look at chat gpt's answer and determine who gave the better Auj2JcfA9pu-00009-00006264-00006978 advice so it's sort of like a game but I'm also going to give sort of my perspective on the advice Auj2JcfA9pu-00010-00006978-00007516 that Chet GPT gave compared to mine just to make the video a little bit more interesting [Music] Auj2JcfA9pu-00011-00008118-00008820 so I was considering having you guess my answer and chat gpt's answer for every question I think Auj2JcfA9pu-00012-00008820-00009408 after we do a couple of these it'll be very clear just based on our speaking style whose answer is Auj2JcfA9pu-00013-00009408-00009912 whose but for this first one we'll do it blind and you can you can guess but after that I'll Auj2JcfA9pu-00014-00009912-00010554 probably just reveal who's who's speaking hi Nico my name is Amy and I'm an enthusiastic patreon Auj2JcfA9pu-00015-00010554-00011166 supporter thanks for everything you do here are a few possible questions for you what filter should Auj2JcfA9pu-00016-00011166-00012060 I use with my ASI 183mc Pro in Portal 7 skies in order to help retain star color so here's answer a Auj2JcfA9pu-00017-00012264-00012798 if the main object of your photograph is a dark nebula a reflection nebula a Galaxy or Auj2JcfA9pu-00018-00012798-00013362 Star cluster then the best choice for filter would be a basic luminance filter also known Auj2JcfA9pu-00019-00013362-00013986 as an IR cut filter even from Portal 7. if you're shooting emission nebulae and you want Auj2JcfA9pu-00020-00013986-00014586 to get a bit better contrast on those but still want to retain good star color then instead I Auj2JcfA9pu-00021-00014586-00015252 would suggest a gentle light pollution filter like the butter neodymium or the optilon L Pro Auj2JcfA9pu-00022-00015408-00015708 okay and then here is answer B Auj2JcfA9pu-00023-00015941-00016506 in general color filters can be used to enhance the visibility of certain features or colors in Auj2JcfA9pu-00024-00016506-00017040 celestial objects for example a red filter can help bring out the red emission from hydrogen Auj2JcfA9pu-00025-00017040-00017622 gas in nebulae while a blue filter can highlight features that emit light in the blue part of the Auj2JcfA9pu-00026-00017622-00018264 spectrum when photographing objects with a wide range of colors such as star clusters or galaxies Auj2JcfA9pu-00027-00018264-00018792 a Broadband filter that transmits light across the entire visible spectrum can be a good choice Auj2JcfA9pu-00028-00018846-00019302 this type of filter will allow you to capture the full range of colors present in the object Auj2JcfA9pu-00029-00019302-00019926 resulting in more natural looking images okay so which one do you think was the AI Auj2JcfA9pu-00030-00019926-00020478 and which one do you think was me give you a second here to make your decision Auj2JcfA9pu-00031-00020652-00021426 all right so answer a was me speaking uh I suggested specifically an IR cut Auj2JcfA9pu-00032-00021426-00022146 filter if shooting Broadband or a gentle light pollution filter if shooting a mission nebulae Auj2JcfA9pu-00033-00022206-00022980 and answer B was the AI it started off with a paragraph about a red filter a blue filter Auj2JcfA9pu-00034-00022980-00023670 it didn't seem to catch that uh Amy was talking about a color camera the 183 MC because I think Auj2JcfA9pu-00035-00023670-00024174 that first paragraph Was a little bit confusing but then the second paragraph was pretty good Auj2JcfA9pu-00036-00024174-00024684 it sort of corrected itself or or took a second shot at it because this part about Auj2JcfA9pu-00037-00024684-00025308 using a Broadband filter on Star clusters or galaxies uh was a little bit more on track Auj2JcfA9pu-00038-00025422-00026004 um but I think my answer was more specific I think this is something we'll see again and Auj2JcfA9pu-00039-00026004-00026598 again and that the AI writes a convincing answer but it's just a little bit light on the specifics Auj2JcfA9pu-00040-00026598-00027126 and maybe throws in a few uh questionable uh things that are maybe not super relevant Auj2JcfA9pu-00041-00027336-00027894 okay so I think it's going to be pretty obvious from here on out whose answer is whose so I'm just Auj2JcfA9pu-00042-00027894-00028566 going to always read my answer first and the ai's answer second but I still want us to keep in mind Auj2JcfA9pu-00043-00028566-00029154 you know for yourself when you're hearing these who do you think gave the better advice because Auj2JcfA9pu-00044-00029154-00029718 in some of these questions I think it's sort of a toss-up or maybe even the AI wins it's not always Auj2JcfA9pu-00045-00029718-00030383 a slam dunk okay this question is also from Amy will the alextreme help bring out color in M45 Auj2JcfA9pu-00046-00030504-00031308 okay here's my answer so no Messier 45 also known as the Pleiades is an open star cluster with an Auj2JcfA9pu-00047-00031308-00031956 embedded reflection nebula stars and reflection nebulae are Broadband objects so a dual narrow Auj2JcfA9pu-00048-00031956-00032574 band filter like the optolong lxtreme is not the right choice in my opinion instead I'd suggest Auj2JcfA9pu-00049-00032574-00033348 using a luminance filter like the astronomic L2 and use that if you're shooting full spectrum like Auj2JcfA9pu-00050-00033348-00033846 with an astronomy camera or if you're shooting with a stock DSLR or mirrorless camera you don't Auj2JcfA9pu-00051-00033846-00034410 have to use any filter at all just you go no filter and you'll get a great result on M45 Auj2JcfA9pu-00052-00034476-00035076 here's chatgpt's answer it is possible that using an lxtreme filter with a telescope or Auj2JcfA9pu-00053-00035076-00035658 camera to observe the Pleiades also known as M45 could help bring out certain colors or features Auj2JcfA9pu-00054-00035658-00036234 in the nebula okay however the effectiveness of this filter will depend on a number of factors Auj2JcfA9pu-00055-00036234-00036756 including the characteristics of the telescope or camera being used the conditions of the sky and Auj2JcfA9pu-00056-00036756-00037302 specific features that you're trying to observe in general filters can be a useful tool for enhancing Auj2JcfA9pu-00057-00037302-00037812 the visibility of certain features in celestial objects but they are not a magic solution and Auj2JcfA9pu-00058-00037812-00038658 the results May Vary okay so I think it's sort of bungled this answer um it obviously didn't know Auj2JcfA9pu-00059-00038658-00039438 what the lxtreme filter does that it's really only uh great on emission nebulae or bringing Auj2JcfA9pu-00060-00039438-00040098 out uh emission pockets and galaxies it's not the right filter choice for M45 but it didn't Auj2JcfA9pu-00061-00040098-00040728 really go as far as saying that it just sort of waffled about talking about filters so I think I Auj2JcfA9pu-00062-00040728-00041352 won this question and I think most people would agree all right next question hi Nico this is Auj2JcfA9pu-00063-00041352-00042114 Barry my question is in Suburban Los Angeles what is the easiest way to find the Flaming star nebula Auj2JcfA9pu-00064-00042114-00042882 without using plate solving I have a just a manual setup as you can see this one was challenging uh Auj2JcfA9pu-00065-00042882-00043554 I feel like I could have ridden a big essay about finding things I actually have a whole Auj2JcfA9pu-00066-00043554-00044274 video about finding objects just with a DSLR on a star tracker setup maybe I'll link that here but Auj2JcfA9pu-00067-00044274-00044874 here's my answer I tried to just keep it as brief as I could but it still got a little bit long okay Auj2JcfA9pu-00068-00044874-00045336 the Flaming star nebula is in the constellation ariga which this time of year from Los Angeles Auj2JcfA9pu-00069-00045336-00045864 will basically start the night towards the Eastern Horizon and then we'll be up all night transiting Auj2JcfA9pu-00070-00045864-00046458 basically straight overhead and setting in the morning to the West what I would suggest doing Auj2JcfA9pu-00071-00046458-00047148 to find the Flaming star is look at a planetarium app like uh Sky charge or something like that or Auj2JcfA9pu-00072-00047148-00047874 a paper star chart where you can find the Flaming star marked and then use either a red dot finder Auj2JcfA9pu-00073-00047874-00048540 or a green laser pointer to starhop and you're going to start at capella which is the brightest Auj2JcfA9pu-00074-00048540-00049152 star in ariga will be easy to find and then Star Hop from there to elnath and hosole which are on Auj2JcfA9pu-00075-00049152-00049662 the opposite side of the constellation and the Flaming star nebula is right in between those Auj2JcfA9pu-00076-00049662-00050274 two stars and but a bit towards capella so sort of in the middle of that big shape that ariga Auj2JcfA9pu-00077-00050274-00050772 makes so with your Red Dot finder or laser pointer and looking at that star chart you should be able Auj2JcfA9pu-00078-00050772-00051348 to work out roughly where the nebula is and get pointed towards it and then what you want to do is Auj2JcfA9pu-00079-00051348-00052067 start taking test shots at high ISO on your DSLR and there's this very distinct grouping of five Auj2JcfA9pu-00080-00052067-00052841 Bright Stars right next to the Flaming star and so when you see those five stars you're going to know Auj2JcfA9pu-00081-00052841-00053274 that you're very close to the Flaming star nebula and then you can perfect your framing from there Auj2JcfA9pu-00082-00053334-00053994 if you happen to be using a zoom lens on your DSLR start zoomed out when taking the test shots and Auj2JcfA9pu-00083-00053994-00054498 that's going to help you find these star patterns a lot easier you'll be able to Center The Flaming Auj2JcfA9pu-00084-00054498-00055086 star and then you can zoom in to get your actual framing that you want for the shot and remember if Auj2JcfA9pu-00085-00055086-00055746 you're taking test shots at high ISO like 12 800 or something put it back to the iso you actually Auj2JcfA9pu-00086-00055746-00056490 want to use for shooting uh when you're done finding the object okay so that was my advice a Auj2JcfA9pu-00087-00056490-00057222 little bit long and rambling but I think I got all the important points in here is chat gpt's answer Auj2JcfA9pu-00088-00057329-00057912 to find the Flaming star nebula from Suburban Los Angeles you can follow these steps number Auj2JcfA9pu-00089-00057912-00058416 one determine the best time to observe the Flaming star nebula is visible in the northern hemisphere Auj2JcfA9pu-00090-00058416-00058932 from late fall to early spring and is best seen when it is high in the sky check an Auj2JcfA9pu-00091-00058932-00059436 online Almanac or astronomy app to find out when the nebula will be at its highest point in the sky Auj2JcfA9pu-00092-00059514-00060072 locate the constellation ariga the Flaming star nebula is located within the constellation ariga Auj2JcfA9pu-00093-00060072-00060696 which is visible in the Eastern sky during the winter months sort of use a star chart or Sky Map Auj2JcfA9pu-00094-00060696-00061164 to locate the constellation or use an astronomy app on your smartphone to help you find it Auj2JcfA9pu-00095-00061290-00061841 number three use a telescope to locate the nebula once you have identified the Auj2JcfA9pu-00096-00061841-00062316 constellation ariga use your manual setup to scan the area for the Flaming star nebula it Auj2JcfA9pu-00097-00062316-00062790 will appear as a bright diffuse cloud of gas and dust within the constellation you may need Auj2JcfA9pu-00098-00062790-00063222 to adjust the focus and magnification of your telescope to get a clear view of the nebula Auj2JcfA9pu-00099-00063336-00064020 okay uh I'd say that answer was a mixed bag I liked the detail about in number one about finding Auj2JcfA9pu-00100-00064020-00064548 the best time to observe and pointing out that the Flaming star nebula is in the northern hemisphere Auj2JcfA9pu-00101-00064548-00064979 available from late fall to early spring I think I just assumed from when the question Auj2JcfA9pu-00102-00064979-00065778 was being asked that uh you know this was being done now um but that was good detail um the the Auj2JcfA9pu-00103-00065778-00066396 last part about using a telescope to find it and that you'd be able to see a bright diffuse cloud Auj2JcfA9pu-00104-00066396-00067008 of gas probably not I mean with a DSLR and lens I don't think you're really going to see it even in Auj2JcfA9pu-00105-00067008-00067536 a test exposure it's not really a bright nebula it's a it's a dim emission nebula so that part Auj2JcfA9pu-00106-00067536-00068364 was a little bit off hey Nico this is David in Seattle my question for the chatbot challenge is Auj2JcfA9pu-00107-00068448-00069138 uh if you asked a thousand astrophotographers what would be the top three reasons Auj2JcfA9pu-00108-00069222-00069852 that they pursued the hobby okay this one's sort of interesting a little bit more creative Auj2JcfA9pu-00109-00069852-00070392 opinion based kind of question rather than just facts so we'll see how the AI did on this one Auj2JcfA9pu-00110-00070494-00070950 here's my answer first though if you asked a thousand astrophotographers I think you'd get Auj2JcfA9pu-00111-00070950-00071424 lots of different kinds of answers as to why they pursued the hobby but three answers that I think Auj2JcfA9pu-00112-00071424-00071916 would come up a lot would be number one that they've always loved space and telescopes and Auj2JcfA9pu-00113-00071916-00072504 so astrophotography is just a natural progression for someone who wants to see more of what's out Auj2JcfA9pu-00114-00072504-00073080 there in the universe number two that they enjoy complexity and problem solving and Auj2JcfA9pu-00115-00073080-00073578 this is why I think a lot of astrophotographers I've met are Engineers they like figuring out Auj2JcfA9pu-00116-00073578-00074148 how things work and optimizing all the gear and getting it all to work together and number three Auj2JcfA9pu-00117-00074148-00074760 and this might be the most common answer is it started with just curiosity you know answering Auj2JcfA9pu-00118-00074832-00075282 questions for themselves like can I really take a photograph of another galaxy in my Auj2JcfA9pu-00119-00075282-00075846 backyard and then after they realized they can they just become hooked on the hobby because Auj2JcfA9pu-00120-00075846-00076392 it's a very deep Hobby and addictive to try to get better and better pictures Auj2JcfA9pu-00121-00076638-00077388 okay here is chat gpt's answer to the question here are a few possible reasons Auj2JcfA9pu-00122-00077388-00077928 that astrophotographers might pursue this hobby number one a love of the night sky Auj2JcfA9pu-00123-00077928-00078396 many astrophotographers are fascinated by the beauty and Majesty of the cosmos and Auj2JcfA9pu-00124-00078396-00078966 enjoy capturing and sharing the beauty through photography number two a desire to learn more Auj2JcfA9pu-00125-00078966-00079386 about the universe astrophotography can be a way to learn more about the objects in the sky Auj2JcfA9pu-00126-00079386-00079950 such as stars planets galaxies and nebulae and to better understand their properties and behavior Auj2JcfA9pu-00127-00080004-00080508 number three a sense of accomplishment astrophotography can be challenging as it requires Auj2JcfA9pu-00128-00080508-00081006 a combination of technical skills and patience successfully capturing stunning images the night Auj2JcfA9pu-00129-00081006-00081546 sky can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience of course these are just a few possible reasons Auj2JcfA9pu-00130-00081546-00082098 and there may be many other reasons that AST photographers pursue this hobby as well so I think Auj2JcfA9pu-00131-00082098-00082746 the AI knocked it out of the park on this one and it was oddly similar to my answer I swear that I Auj2JcfA9pu-00132-00082746-00083442 did not look at the ai's answers I wrote all mine first but if you compare mind to theirs our three Auj2JcfA9pu-00133-00083574-00084324 possible reasons are very similar in a lot of ways um sort of in the same order even it's Auj2JcfA9pu-00134-00084324-00084798 it's weird the first two answer reasons they gave a love of the night sky and a desire to Auj2JcfA9pu-00135-00084798-00085224 learn more about the Universe I sort of combined those into my first answer which is just sort of Auj2JcfA9pu-00136-00085224-00085776 like they've always loved space and telescopes but that and then they don't have the one sort Auj2JcfA9pu-00137-00085776-00086466 of about engineer uh and and figuring things out but the sense of accomplishment answer about like Auj2JcfA9pu-00138-00086574-00087264 how you know it's it's really fun to just successfully capture stunning images that's Auj2JcfA9pu-00139-00087264-00087684 very similar to my answer of like it started with curiosity but then it just becomes this addictive Auj2JcfA9pu-00140-00087684-00088434 thing of getting better and better pictures so I think uh the AI did excellent on this one if Auj2JcfA9pu-00141-00088434-00088926 someone wrote out this as like a little essay for why astrophotographers are so interested Auj2JcfA9pu-00142-00088926-00089460 in this hobby I would believe this was a person writing this because it worked really well so this Auj2JcfA9pu-00143-00089460-00090030 video has obviously been about the Practical applications of artificial intelligence which Auj2JcfA9pu-00144-00090030-00090894 is a big Topic in 2022 but I really wanted to understand Ai and how it actually works and so Auj2JcfA9pu-00145-00090894-00091458 when I want to understand something like that I go to brilliant brilliant is the sponsor of today's Auj2JcfA9pu-00146-00091458-00092280 video and Brilliant is just this amazing place for learning interactively through these little Auj2JcfA9pu-00147-00092280-00093132 uh courses and interactive activities that you can just do for a few minutes every day and they have Auj2JcfA9pu-00148-00093132-00093846 a whole course on an introduction to neural networks and neural networks are sort of an Auj2JcfA9pu-00149-00093846-00094698 approximation of how our brain works and their how they're training these huge AI models like Auj2JcfA9pu-00150-00094698-00095556 gpt3 which is what chat GPT is based on it's the largest language model in the world and it Auj2JcfA9pu-00151-00095556-00096474 uses this neural network technology to work so you can head over to brilliant today and see exactly Auj2JcfA9pu-00152-00096564-00097266 how these things work you can get a really good basic understanding by following along with Auj2JcfA9pu-00153-00097266-00097872 these lessons and learning how this all works for yourself and I of course have a great offer for Auj2JcfA9pu-00154-00097872-00098424 you today if you're interested in brilliant if you head over to brilliant.org nebula photos link will Auj2JcfA9pu-00155-00098424-00099276 be in the description the first 200 to sign up you get a free trial if you do decide to purchase Auj2JcfA9pu-00156-00099276-00099882 an annual membership you're going to get 20 off by following my link all right next question hey Nico Auj2JcfA9pu-00157-00099882-00100602 this is David in Las Vegas I have a question for astrophotography are there different methodologies Auj2JcfA9pu-00158-00100602-00101382 for capturing emission and reflection nebula thank you okay my answer I got pretty involved Auj2JcfA9pu-00159-00101382-00102024 on this one too sometimes I just go on and on so excuse my length for this answer but here we go Auj2JcfA9pu-00160-00102114-00102654 yes there are emission nebulae are nebulae that emit their own life because the atoms in these Auj2JcfA9pu-00161-00102654-00103056 giant clouds of gas are ionized and the neat thing about them is they shine at these very Auj2JcfA9pu-00162-00103056-00103583 particular frequencies called emission lines so with emission nebulae we can use narrow Auj2JcfA9pu-00163-00103583-00104088 band filters that block most of the visible spectrum but past these emission lines like Auj2JcfA9pu-00164-00104088-00104856 hydrogen Alpha and oxygen 3. and these narrow band filters are very good for improving contrast with Auj2JcfA9pu-00165-00104856-00105576 emission nebulae and also for blocking almost all of the light pollution you can either use single Auj2JcfA9pu-00166-00105576-00106092 line narrowband filters which is common with mono cameras or with a color camera there are now dual Auj2JcfA9pu-00167-00106092-00106692 band or tri-band narrowband filters that allow you to capture many emission lines at the same Auj2JcfA9pu-00168-00106692-00107322 time by using the bare Matrix in the color camera to separate out the signals you can also capture Auj2JcfA9pu-00169-00107322-00107861 a mission nebulae without narrowband filters but most will be dominated by the hydrogen emission Auj2JcfA9pu-00170-00107861-00108426 so they appear just red the important hydrogen emission line H Alpha is a deep red and it's Auj2JcfA9pu-00171-00108426-00108959 partially blocked by the IR cut filter inside most stock consumer cameras so to get the most Auj2JcfA9pu-00172-00108959-00109385 out of these cameras for capturing a mission nebulae many people will modify their cameras Auj2JcfA9pu-00173-00109385-00110082 meaning changing out the IR cut filter inside the camera for one that fully passes the ha signal Auj2JcfA9pu-00174-00110082-00110520 reflection nebulae on the other hand are clouds of dust particles that are lit up by Starlight Auj2JcfA9pu-00175-00110580-00111083 and so they take on the color of the star or stars that they are near so you can have yellow Auj2JcfA9pu-00176-00111083-00111546 reflection nebulae like the one near Antares or blue reflection nebulae like the Pleiades Auj2JcfA9pu-00177-00111546-00112056 unlike a mission nebulae reflection nebulae are Broadband targets meaning to get the most Auj2JcfA9pu-00178-00112056-00112668 out of them we don't want to use special filters narrowband filters do not help here meaning light Auj2JcfA9pu-00179-00112668-00113196 pollution makes capturing reflection nebulae much more difficult the best way to capture reflection Auj2JcfA9pu-00180-00113196-00113844 nebulae is just to go to as dark as sky as you can and capture them in full RGB and you Auj2JcfA9pu-00181-00113844-00114402 can use a stock color camera modification does not help with reflection nebulae at all because Auj2JcfA9pu-00182-00114402-00115014 their light falls completely within our normal visible spectrum there's nothing blocked by a Auj2JcfA9pu-00183-00115014-00115788 normal stock camera when it comes to reflection nebulae so that was a long answer I have an even Auj2JcfA9pu-00184-00115788-00116388 longer video on this kind of subject that's an exclusive patreon video if you're interested Auj2JcfA9pu-00185-00116388-00116874 you can join my patreon to watch that it goes into all the different kinds of deep Sky objects Auj2JcfA9pu-00186-00116874-00117672 and the best approach for capturing them now here is chat gpt's answer to that question Auj2JcfA9pu-00187-00117870-00118302 yes there are different methodologies for capturing emission and reflection nebulae Auj2JcfA9pu-00188-00118302-00118794 in astrophotography emission nebulae are clouds of gas and dust that emit their own Auj2JcfA9pu-00189-00118794-00119285 light often due to the presence of hot young Stars within them to capture an emission nebula Auj2JcfA9pu-00190-00119285-00119783 astrophotographers typically use a camera with a high sensitivity to hydrogen Alpha wavelengths as Auj2JcfA9pu-00191-00119783-00120240 these wavelengths are commonly emitted by the gas and emission nebulae it is also important Auj2JcfA9pu-00192-00120240-00120774 to use a telescope with a wide field of view and a long focal length to capture as much Auj2JcfA9pu-00193-00120774-00121242 of the nebula as possible long exposures are typically required to capture the faint light Auj2JcfA9pu-00194-00121242-00121824 from the nebula and filters may be used to block out light pollution and other unwanted wavelengths Auj2JcfA9pu-00195-00121932-00122406 okay reflection nebulae on the other hand are clouds of dust that do not emit their own light Auj2JcfA9pu-00196-00122406-00122916 but rather reflect the light of nearby stars to capture a reflection nebula astrophotographers Auj2JcfA9pu-00197-00122916-00123480 typically use a camera with a high sensitivity to Blue and UltraViolet wavelengths as these Auj2JcfA9pu-00198-00123480-00123996 wavelengths are commonly reflected by the dust in reflection nebulae it is also important to Auj2JcfA9pu-00199-00123996-00124470 use a telescope with a wide field of view and a short focal length to capture as much of the Auj2JcfA9pu-00200-00124470-00125033 nebula as possible long exposures may also be required to capture the faint light from the Auj2JcfA9pu-00201-00125033-00125585 reflection nebula and filters may be used to block out light pollution and other unwanted wavelengths Auj2JcfA9pu-00202-00125646-00126504 okay so this answer was an example of one where I think the AI answers can be tricky Auj2JcfA9pu-00203-00126504-00127266 because on the whole it sounds good but there are enough details wrong in here that I think Auj2JcfA9pu-00204-00127266-00128088 this answer is fairly misleading uh if you were new to astrophotography so for instance um it Auj2JcfA9pu-00205-00128088-00128580 says one thing that I think is just straight up wrong is for a mission nebulae it says to Auj2JcfA9pu-00206-00128580-00129035 use a long focal length and for reflection nebulae it says to use a short focal length Auj2JcfA9pu-00207-00129126-00129611 no not really I mean there's a couple famous reflection nebulae that are pretty big Auj2JcfA9pu-00208-00129726-00130374 Antares in roof Yuki and Pleiades but other than that reflection nebulae are mostly small so you Auj2JcfA9pu-00209-00130374-00130932 would need a long focal length to capture them while emission nebulae those are some of the those Auj2JcfA9pu-00210-00130932-00131484 are the biggest objects in the sky usually those are huge like look at cygnus I mean there's just Auj2JcfA9pu-00211-00131484-00131988 huge swaths of a mission nebulae there so a short focal length works perfectly you definitely don't Auj2JcfA9pu-00212-00131988-00132642 need a long focal length to capture a mission nebulae so sort of mix that up um or at least Auj2JcfA9pu-00213-00132642-00133224 shouldn't have even mentioned it um and then it sort of gave the same answer about filters but Auj2JcfA9pu-00214-00133224-00133788 that's the main thing that this question should be answering is what's the different methodology it Auj2JcfA9pu-00215-00133788-00134292 has to do with filters with a mission nebulae you can use narrowband filters including dual Auj2JcfA9pu-00216-00134292-00134790 narrowband filters with reflection nebulae you don't you just want Broadband so you can use a Auj2JcfA9pu-00217-00134790-00135366 stock camera but it sort of gave the same stock thing of like filters can be used to block out Auj2JcfA9pu-00218-00135366-00136140 light pollution yeah not really you know filters are really only effective for emission so not my Auj2JcfA9pu-00219-00136140-00137034 favorite answer there from chat GPT hi I think I reached to a level where I can produce an astral Auj2JcfA9pu-00220-00137034-00137958 photography image an okay image what should I do to produce a wow image okay this is an interesting Auj2JcfA9pu-00221-00137958-00138504 question I'll be interested to see what the chatbot says about this here's my response Auj2JcfA9pu-00222-00138702-00139356 the difference between an okay image and a wow image is of course going to be in the eye of the Auj2JcfA9pu-00223-00139356-00139926 beholder for instance if you show a non-ester photographer like just your family and friends Auj2JcfA9pu-00224-00139926-00140508 one of your okay images that you've taken now I think they're going to be completely wowed by it Auj2JcfA9pu-00225-00140628-00141246 um so maybe the question is more asking how can I produce a wow image that's going to impress Auj2JcfA9pu-00226-00141246-00141828 astrophotographers uh including yourself and that's a whole different game because Auj2JcfA9pu-00227-00141828-00142506 astrophotographers have seen it all right and so I think the easiest way is to pick an object that Auj2JcfA9pu-00228-00142506-00143244 is off the Beaten Track but you think maybe has the potential to wow so this is hard it requires Auj2JcfA9pu-00229-00143244-00143934 some research um but what I would suggest is maybe find an object that only like you can find maybe Auj2JcfA9pu-00230-00143934-00144654 10 images of online like very few images of it exist but it speaks to you in some way you Auj2JcfA9pu-00231-00144654-00145344 think that there's something there um and then be prepared to put lots of time into capturing Auj2JcfA9pu-00232-00145344-00145932 this and processing it because if very few have imaged an object it's probably super difficult Auj2JcfA9pu-00233-00146058-00146586 um but I think that's going to be the clearest path to a wow image to impress yourself and Auj2JcfA9pu-00234-00146586-00147162 other astrophotographers is to pick something obscure and then put your own stamp on it to Auj2JcfA9pu-00235-00147162-00147642 create sort of like a world-class image of that maybe like the what we call the Auj2JcfA9pu-00236-00147642-00148194 reference image for a particular object that's that's going to be your best path to a wow Auj2JcfA9pu-00237-00148488-00149088 okay here's the chat GPT answer there are several steps you can take to improve your Auj2JcfA9pu-00238-00149088-00149718 astrophotography skills and create wow images of the night sky here are a few suggestions number Auj2JcfA9pu-00239-00149718-00150180 one practice practice practice as with any skill the more you practice astrophotography the better Auj2JcfA9pu-00240-00150180-00150696 you'll become number two invest in quality Equipment investing in good quality Equipment Auj2JcfA9pu-00241-00150696-00151140 can make a big difference in the quality of your images look for a camera with high dynamic range Auj2JcfA9pu-00242-00151140-00151728 and low noise levels a fast lens with a wide aperture and a stable mount for your telescope Auj2JcfA9pu-00243-00151728-00152190 number three learn about post-processing techniques there are many software options Auj2JcfA9pu-00244-00152190-00152724 available for post-processing such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom number four shoot Auj2JcfA9pu-00245-00152724-00153216 at a dark site light pollution from cities and towns can greatly reduce the visibility of faint Auj2JcfA9pu-00246-00153216-00153732 objects in the night sky number five experiment with different objects and techniques there Auj2JcfA9pu-00247-00153732-00154128 are many different objects in the night sky to photographs such as stars planets galaxies and Auj2JcfA9pu-00248-00154128-00154536 nebulae experiment with different objects and techniques to find what you enjoy the most and Auj2JcfA9pu-00249-00154536-00155028 what produces the best result by following these tips tips and continuing to learn and improve Auj2JcfA9pu-00250-00155028-00155604 your skills you should be able to produce stunning astrophotography images that will wow your friends Auj2JcfA9pu-00251-00155604-00156510 and family okay this is an okay answer but very generic uh this the you know if I just Googled Auj2JcfA9pu-00252-00156510-00157122 asked deep Sky astrophotography advice I think this is the kind of stuff that would come back go Auj2JcfA9pu-00253-00157122-00157920 find a dark sky learn about post-processing invest in a good amount practice the the one I do like is Auj2JcfA9pu-00254-00157920-00158388 the last one experiment with different objects and techniques that sort of goes to my answer right Auj2JcfA9pu-00255-00158388-00159066 it's that it the best way to do a wow is to like really challenge yourself go after some object Auj2JcfA9pu-00256-00159066-00159780 that's really obscure and hard and do a really good job with it and you'll wow everyone but Auj2JcfA9pu-00257-00159870-00160500 yeah experiment that's probably uh the only really great piece of advice here the other ones are good Auj2JcfA9pu-00258-00160500-00161310 pieces of advice but they sort of I think missed some context in the question because Gregory said Auj2JcfA9pu-00259-00161310-00161778 I've reached an astrophotography level where I can produce okay images that suggests they're already Auj2JcfA9pu-00260-00161778-00162510 you know know some of this basic advice they don't need to hear this again okay next question Auj2JcfA9pu-00261-00162570-00163230 is using AI to process astrophotography images cheating okay my answer to this is pretty short Auj2JcfA9pu-00262-00163308-00163992 um here's my answer no it's not cheating as long as the astrophotographer isn't trying Auj2JcfA9pu-00263-00163992-00164640 to hide their use of AI Tools in processing the only way it could be considered cheating Auj2JcfA9pu-00264-00164760-00165234 is if the astrophotographer is trying to deceive through the use of AI and they won't Auj2JcfA9pu-00265-00165234-00165780 admit what processes they used that is a kind of deception that could be considered cheating Auj2JcfA9pu-00266-00165894-00166644 chat gpt's answer is a little bit longer using AI to process astrophotography images is not Auj2JcfA9pu-00267-00166644-00167286 necessarily cheating as it is simply another tool that can be used to improve the final image like Auj2JcfA9pu-00268-00167286-00167784 any tool it can be used effectively or poorly and the final result will depend on the skill Auj2JcfA9pu-00269-00167784-00168486 and Judgment of the user in general AI can be a useful tool for enhancing astrophotography images Auj2JcfA9pu-00270-00168486-00168990 by automating certain tasks such as noise reduction color balance and contrast it can Auj2JcfA9pu-00271-00168990-00169380 also be used to perform more advanced tasks such as removing celestial objects from the Auj2JcfA9pu-00272-00169380-00169920 image or creating a synthetic long exposure from multiple shorter exposures however it is important Auj2JcfA9pu-00273-00169920-00170520 to note that AI is not a replacement for good photography skills and judgment astrophotography Auj2JcfA9pu-00274-00170520-00170958 is still a creative Pursuit that requires a good understanding of the technical aspects of Auj2JcfA9pu-00275-00170958-00171618 Photography as well as an eye for composition and Aesthetics using AI to process astrophotography Auj2JcfA9pu-00276-00171618-00172290 images can be a helpful tool but it is not a substitute for these skills wow okay so Auj2JcfA9pu-00277-00172446-00173244 I this is I think chat gpt's magnum opus of this test this is a great answer I really like this one Auj2JcfA9pu-00278-00173244-00173928 I think I liked this answer even better than mine I mean mine really sort of got into what Auj2JcfA9pu-00279-00173928-00174744 would it mean to cheat um but Chachi PT's answer I just agree with everything it said here you know Auj2JcfA9pu-00280-00174744-00175404 this is a really good point that using AI tools doesn't mean you're going to create the best image Auj2JcfA9pu-00281-00175404-00176082 astrophotography is an art form a creative Pursuit as it says and it really requires on the judgment Auj2JcfA9pu-00282-00176082-00176976 and skills of the photographer to use these tools effectively so I really like that that answer hi Auj2JcfA9pu-00283-00176976-00177996 Nico uh it's James here from the UK um here's my question for your astrobot sorry if you can hear Auj2JcfA9pu-00284-00177996-00178494 my son uh squealing in the background but he's very excited about the video probably about stars Auj2JcfA9pu-00285-00178608-00179754 um so yes my question is what in your opinion is the most reliable prime lens and DSLR setup for Auj2JcfA9pu-00286-00179754-00180612 a beginner um to astrophotography um would you recommend Zoom would you recommend wide angle Auj2JcfA9pu-00287-00180672-00181470 and thus why what targets would you go for um if you'd never shot astrophotography before Auj2JcfA9pu-00288-00181620-00182214 um untracked because I don't have a Tracker here's my answer to that question when I hear untracked I Auj2JcfA9pu-00289-00182214-00182934 think deep sky so for deep Sky astrophotography I'd recommend a fast telephoto prime lens Auj2JcfA9pu-00290-00182994-00183630 and I think the most useful focal length for untracked might be 85 millimeter so a fast 85 Auj2JcfA9pu-00291-00183630-00184212 millimeter you can't go wrong but if I had to just pick one reliable lens as you put Auj2JcfA9pu-00292-00184212-00185166 it I'd go for the tried and true samyang AKA Rokinon 135 F2 the 135 F2 is just an amazing Auj2JcfA9pu-00293-00185166-00185682 value for how well it does on the Stars it works well on tracked but it will also serve Auj2JcfA9pu-00294-00185682-00186204 you very well down the road if you do get a Tracker so I think it's well worth the cost Auj2JcfA9pu-00295-00186204-00186708 and it's available for all the major camera mounts so if you already have a camera just Auj2JcfA9pu-00296-00186708-00187332 use the one you have if you are a beginner who's buying a camera I would suggest a used Canon or Auj2JcfA9pu-00297-00187332-00188238 Nikon DSLR made after 2012 preferably one with a flippy screen so don't spend too much on a camera Auj2JcfA9pu-00298-00188238-00188802 for astrophotography it's probably the least important part but I like Canon or Nikon dslrs Auj2JcfA9pu-00299-00188802-00189408 and the flippy screen is nice so you don't have to strain your neck getting on the ground foreign Auj2JcfA9pu-00300-00189480-00190410 GPT answer here for a beginner shooting untracked astrophotography a good starting point might be a Auj2JcfA9pu-00301-00190410-00191040 DSLR camera with a fast lens and a wide aperture some examples of DSLR cameras that are popular Auj2JcfA9pu-00302-00191040-00191916 among astrophotographers include the Canon EOS 6D Nikon D5300 and Sony Alpha a7s II these cameras Auj2JcfA9pu-00303-00191916-00192432 offer good image quality and low noise levels which are important for capturing faint objects Auj2JcfA9pu-00304-00192432-00193098 in the night sky okay as for lenses a wide angle lens with a fast aperture F 2.8 or lower is a Auj2JcfA9pu-00305-00193098-00193572 good choice for untracked astrophotography this will allow you to capture a wide field Auj2JcfA9pu-00306-00193572-00194046 of view and gather as much light as possible which is important for capturing faint objects Auj2JcfA9pu-00307-00194124-00194586 some examples of wide-angle lenses that are popular among astrophotographers include the Auj2JcfA9pu-00308-00194586-00195696 Rokinon 14 millimeter F 2.8 the Canon EF 16 to 35 F 2.8 L and the Nikon 14 to 24 F 2.8 G Auj2JcfA9pu-00309-00195852-00196794 okay um that's a fine answer they never mentioned Milky Way and so you know 14 to 16 millimeter Auj2JcfA9pu-00310-00196794-00197334 lenses those are basically Milky Way or Aurora lenses you're not gonna maybe constellations Auj2JcfA9pu-00311-00197334-00198048 but uh for capturing faint objects not you know when I think objects I think deep Sky asked to Auj2JcfA9pu-00312-00198048-00198696 photography and wide angle doesn't really do that so well um so my interpretation of the question Auj2JcfA9pu-00313-00198696-00199314 untracked astrophotography I think deep sky like I said so that's why I suggested a telephoto lens Auj2JcfA9pu-00314-00199440-00200136 um you know sort of following my philosophy on YouTube you know capturing things like Orion and Auj2JcfA9pu-00315-00200136-00201006 Pleiades and Andromeda untracked I think is more fun uh you know for me then uh just a lot of wide Auj2JcfA9pu-00316-00201006-00201828 field but that's really an opinion kind of thing you know and also an opinion over what the meaning Auj2JcfA9pu-00317-00201828-00202398 of untracked astrophotography I think the term really came about with doing deep sky without a Auj2JcfA9pu-00318-00202398-00203016 Tracker you know Milky Way has been photography has been done untracked for a very long time Auj2JcfA9pu-00319-00203016-00203544 going back to the film days but we didn't call it untracked until really we got to deep sky so Auj2JcfA9pu-00320-00203544-00204192 that's my interpretation uh but I didn't think chat gpt's answer was bad in this case it was it Auj2JcfA9pu-00321-00204192-00204821 was perfectly fine all right that's it we got through all the questions hopefully this was Auj2JcfA9pu-00322-00204821-00205512 interesting for you all um or fun uh it was fun for me just to see where this AI technology is at Auj2JcfA9pu-00323-00205578-00206538 it does a great job of sounding like a human um I think it's confidence is interesting because it Auj2JcfA9pu-00324-00206538-00207023 sounds confidently like a human but you could see in a few of the answers it got things a bit wrong Auj2JcfA9pu-00325-00207023-00207780 but because it sounds so natural and confident it might be sort of a little bit dangerous because if Auj2JcfA9pu-00326-00207780-00208314 people are using this technology irresponsibly we're going to get some bad advice out there Auj2JcfA9pu-00327-00208314-00208842 at this point I don't think I would use it for astrophotography advice just because I think that Auj2JcfA9pu-00328-00208842-00209502 there might be too much in there that would be a little bit misleading I want to thank everyone who Auj2JcfA9pu-00329-00209502-00210252 submitted questions for this video they were all members of my patreon community and speaking of Auj2JcfA9pu-00330-00210252-00211019 patreon you're now seeing everyone who supports me and this YouTube channel over on patreon.com Auj2JcfA9pu-00331-00211019-00211866 nebula photos it is an excellent community of dedicated amateur astrophotographers people who Auj2JcfA9pu-00332-00211866-00212460 want to learn more we have over 800 members now there's an active Discord Community you Auj2JcfA9pu-00333-00212460-00213216 can get involved in and I can't thank my patreon community enough I am now doing this full-time Auj2JcfA9pu-00334-00213216-00214056 thanks to all of you and it really means the world to me to get that kind of support and allows me to Auj2JcfA9pu-00335-00214056-00214740 make these videos and to really pursue what I want to do in life which is help people learn Auj2JcfA9pu-00336-00214740-00215321 astrophotography so thank you to everyone who supports me on patreon and if you enjoy this Auj2JcfA9pu-00337-00215321-00215892 channel I think you know you can get a lot of benefits out of joining my patreon community it Auj2JcfA9pu-00338-00215892-00216623 starts at just one dollar a month and you get all kinds of support and a monthly Zoom call where you Auj2JcfA9pu-00339-00216623-00217230 can ask me questions directly we do a monthly Imaging challenge uh different objects every Auj2JcfA9pu-00340-00217230-00217769 month and you can see sort of people's different results we pick a pick a couple winners every Auj2JcfA9pu-00341-00217769-00218364 month and so there's a lot of fun stuff going on so if interested head over to patreon.com Auj2JcfA9pu-00342-00218364-00219002 nebula photos till next time this has been Nico Carver happy holidays and clear skies [Music] AuvcwAF77ZA-00000-00005800-00006000 hello? who's there? AuvcwAF77ZA-00001-00006300-00006500 anyone there? AuvcwAF77ZA-00002-00010800-00011000 there's no trace someone intrupt.. AuvcwAF77ZA-00003-00011000-00011300 the floor was wet.... AuvcwAF77ZA-00004-00011400-00011700 so that, we could see something like footstep. AuvcwAF77ZA-00005-00011800-00012000 but there is nothing. AuvcwAF77ZA-00006-00012300-00012600 and it makes me hesitate with sound of wind. AuvcwAF77ZA-00007-00014000-00014400 what is this trace? AuvcwAF77ZA-00008-00017100-00017500 what a creepy laughing.... AuvcwAF77ZA-00009-00017500-00017800 by the way, is this sound from the house? AuvcwAF77ZA-00010-00018600-00018800 who's there? AuvcwAF77ZA-00011-00019600-00019800 who is there? AuvcwAF77ZA-00012-00020900-00021300 a wind? AuvcwAF77ZA-00013-00021600-00022000 wind from the house? isn't it weird? AuvcwAF77ZA-00014-00022700-00023200 fluttered norigae(traditional ornament) AuvcwAF77ZA-00015-00028400-00028600 anyone there? AuvcwAF77ZA-00016-00035300-00035500 micol, it start to teasing! AuvcwAF77ZA-00017-00038100-00038300 show yourself... AuvcwAF77ZA-00018-00039900-00040200 mrs..... AuvcwAF77ZA-00019-00040200-00040500 doing go-stop? AuvcwAF77ZA-00020-00040700-00040900 was it swaying? AuvcwAF77ZA-00021-00040900-00041100 or bomb? AuvcwAF77ZA-00022-00041300-00041500 let me focus on it. AuvcwAF77ZA-00023-00041600-00041800 or just s**t up and go. AuvcwAF77ZA-00024-00043600-00043900 just now... AuvcwAF77ZA-00025-00046900-00047100 come on out. AuvcwAF77ZA-00026-00048500-00049000 micol got out from the house for a while. AuvcwAF77ZA-00027-00049500-00049800 sound of ball from me when i moving? AuvcwAF77ZA-00028-00049800-00050000 oh yeah, it's sure thing. cause imma man. AuvcwAF77ZA-00029-00050000-00050300 hope you guys understand. AuvcwAF77ZA-00030-00050300-00050500 micol is being serious. AuvcwAF77ZA-00031-00051700-00052000 i think it teasing me. AuvcwAF77ZA-00032-00055700-00056000 what they say? was that man? AuvcwAF77ZA-00033-00059500-00059800 who's there? AuvcwAF77ZA-00034-00061200-00061500 okay, stop teasing and... AuvcwAF77ZA-00035-00064100-00064400 nobody in there, the paper was torn. AuvcwAF77ZA-00036-00065100-00065300 guys, that spirit will gonna attack me i think. AuvcwAF77ZA-00037-00065500-00065700 you guys believe in me? right? AuvcwAF77ZA-00038-00067400-00067700 come here, when i say. AuvcwAF77ZA-00039-00068600-00069000 micol's foot floated in the air... AuvcwAF77ZA-00040-00072200-00072400 where are you? AuvcwAF77ZA-00041-00077200-00077700 we took this livestream more earlier than hospice livestream... AuvcwAF77ZA-00042-00077900-00078200 maybe was it water imp? right? AuvcwAF77ZA-00043-00078400-00078600 there is a well.... AuvcwAF77ZA-00044-00078700-00079000 i guess it was water imp from the well.. AuvcwAF77ZA-00045-00079000-00079200 and put something on its head.. AuvcwAF77ZA-00046-00085900-00086200 let me give you cigarette.... AuvcwAF77ZA-00047-00086200-00086600 can we talk just a moment? AuvcwAF77ZA-00048-00089200-00089400 here's cigarette. AuvcwAF77ZA-00049-00089700-00090200 don't be mad at me... AuvcwAF77ZA-00050-00094300-00094700 black shape again! AuvcwAF77ZA-00051-00097200-00097500 maybe it will gonna be a legend? AuvcwAF77ZA-00052-00100100-00100400 something in there? AuvcwAF77ZA-00053-00100700-00101000 nobody didn't notice that was surprise! AuvcwAF77ZA-00054-00101300-00101600 micol felt awakard what he've done just now.. AuvcwAF77ZA-00055-00101900-00102300 micol hesitate how to end this! AuvcwAF77ZA-00056-00103500-00103700 want me to come out? oh, i'm sorry. AuvcwAF77ZA-00057-00103900-00104100 i thought you ain't gonna come out. AuvcwAF77ZA-00058-00108400-00108800 hey you guys in the other chat room! how dare you! AuvcwAF77ZA-00059-00108800-00109200 you guys saying i was pretend to act strong..! AuvcwAF77ZA-00060-00109300-00109700 anyway, yeah, i did. haha! AuvcwAF77ZA-00061-00109700-00110000 let's just end up this... AuvcwAF77ZA-00062-00110000-00110300 i think today was not my day. A-I_UY2rlxA-00000-00000032-00000640 so the new renovated clothes stone location has opened, and i don't know why it wasn't A-I_UY2rlxA-00001-00000640-00001232 open at seven o'clock last time, and i'm not sure what could have caused that to happen. A-I_UY2rlxA-00002-00001296-00001864 now this time, it's open, and like last time, we'll go at seven o'clock now, even though A-I_UY2rlxA-00003-00001864-00002528 the request is only six o'clock. i just wasn't quite ready yet, and there's one person there, A-I_UY2rlxA-00004-00002656-00003096 i don't know why you're renovating it. didn't change the amount of customers going there. A_jqM4tWTVY-00001-00008757-00008857 uh A_jqM4tWTVY-00002-00008857-00011004 uh um A_jqM4tWTVY-00003-00011004-00011207 foreign A_jqM4tWTVY-00004-00011207-00011409 foreign A_jqM4tWTVY-00005-00011409-00011611 [Applause] A_jqM4tWTVY-00006-00011611-00011814 [Music] A_jqM4tWTVY-00007-00011814-00012018 foreign A_jqM4tWTVY-00008-00012018-00013963 [Music] yeah I I A_jqM4tWTVY-00009-00013963-00015225 you A_jqM4tWTVY-00010-00015225-00015802 know it's I kind of really enjoy and I think this is we're at the cusp of of of of big A_jqM4tWTVY-00011-00015802-00016298 change at least in advertising um actually you know in most of the things that we do A_jqM4tWTVY-00012-00016298-00016983 um and a lot of that change is being driven by artificial intelligence and Technology A_jqM4tWTVY-00013-00016983-00017622 and companies um like like ours um I work for one of the world's largest advertising A_jqM4tWTVY-00014-00017622-00018434 Holding Group um and big clients favor large advertising holding groups and they favor A_jqM4tWTVY-00015-00018434-00019103 those companies those larger holding groups because they they trust that they are able A_jqM4tWTVY-00016-00019103-00020047 to lead them towards a future state um in the way they communicate with their customers A_jqM4tWTVY-00017-00020047-00021097 with their consumers um and I worry a lot as well of how um you know how um companies A_jqM4tWTVY-00018-00021097-00021656 like wpp are advertising companies the you know hundred thousand employees that we have A_jqM4tWTVY-00019-00021656-00022486 around the world will adapt to the change that we see around ourselves um and creativity A_jqM4tWTVY-00020-00022486-00023176 conventionally has always been something that um you know that's that's uh that's a human-born A_jqM4tWTVY-00021-00023176-00023869 ideas have always been human engineered um we've never had to intermediate for with technology A_jqM4tWTVY-00022-00023869-00024712 for an idea um or at least for Creative expression and the pay situate at which advertising or A_jqM4tWTVY-00023-00024712-00025517 Communications is being influenced by artificial intelligence and buy technology requires people A_jqM4tWTVY-00024-00025517-00026419 like myself and Chilean and many others to help guide clients on that transformation A_jqM4tWTVY-00025-00026419-00027113 Journey uh in making choices on the types of Technology they should embed or include A_jqM4tWTVY-00026-00027113-00027980 so that they can intermediate with um with consumers and that basically means um uh you A_jqM4tWTVY-00027-00027980-00028422 know and it's and it's very similar to The Challenge that you're facing or you know that A_jqM4tWTVY-00028-00028422-00029014 you mentioned earlier with the with you know in photography and um because this this distributed A_jqM4tWTVY-00029-00029014-00029566 sort of Journalism um you know the same is happening on Advertising you know ownership A_jqM4tWTVY-00030-00029566-00030399 of what what brand is and what brand means and it's it's no longer designed by advertisers A_jqM4tWTVY-00031-00030399-00031198 it's no longer designed by by companies like ours we can only facilitate um but a lot you A_jqM4tWTVY-00032-00031198-00032193 know a lot of what a brand means and how successful um a brand is um you know that's that's really A_jqM4tWTVY-00033-00032193-00032919 up to the consumer that's really up to people like yourselves um whether you you like what A_jqM4tWTVY-00034-00032919-00033432 it whether you believe in what it does whether it actually does what it says it does um whether A_jqM4tWTVY-00035-00033432-00033966 you you know decide to talk about it share it with someone else uh uh uh you know the A_jqM4tWTVY-00036-00033966-00034621 the I mean without sounding very preachy I think you know the the you know people like A_jqM4tWTVY-00037-00034621-00035192 myself and many others um um you know try to solve those problems for different types A_jqM4tWTVY-00038-00035192-00035853 of products that um historically have not been you know are not adapted to the world A_jqM4tWTVY-00039-00035853-00036431 we live in and and taking them and and and and everyone within their you know the marketing A_jqM4tWTVY-00040-00036431-00036862 organization the technology organization the finance organization with those within those A_jqM4tWTVY-00041-00036862-00037611 companies to to accept a new way of communicating consumers the new source you know new ways A_jqM4tWTVY-00042-00037611-00038124 of generating revenue is very very difficult so so you need people like myself and many A_jqM4tWTVY-00043-00038124-00038634 others to help intermediate on behalf of both the consumer but also on the company and and A_jqM4tWTVY-00044-00038634-00039357 and the brands that you know people have known to love and and and and buy so um so yeah A_jqM4tWTVY-00045-00039357-00040196 so so that's what that's what I do A_jqM4tWTVY-00046-00040196-00040296 foreign A_jqM4tWTVY-00047-00040296-00040898 so when we talk about distributed um you know when so we're talking about how how ownership A_jqM4tWTVY-00048-00040898-00041436 of brands has kind of moved away from that from the hands of advertisers into the hands A_jqM4tWTVY-00049-00041436-00042378 of of consumers um and um and a big part of the success or failure of a brand obviously A_jqM4tWTVY-00050-00042378-00043098 is measured by how consumers and audiences are engaged with that brand and and I use A_jqM4tWTVY-00051-00043098-00043994 that term quite Loosely you know um comparing consumers um uh or or you know labeling consumers A_jqM4tWTVY-00052-00043994-00044650 audiences and and sometimes audiences become consumers um and and the reason for that is A_jqM4tWTVY-00053-00044650-00045399 that when you put something out into the internet it stays um once upon a time when we had linear A_jqM4tWTVY-00054-00045399-00046016 television or linear broadcast TV there was only one message being delivered and I know A_jqM4tWTVY-00055-00046016-00046462 when it was delivered it was you know it was there and that's it and and if you heard it A_jqM4tWTVY-00056-00046462-00046922 you heard it and if you didn't then you missed out you know what you'd hear from neighbor A_jqM4tWTVY-00057-00046922-00047941 you'd hear from a friend but if today we advertise um or we talk about um you know real Beauty A_jqM4tWTVY-00058-00047941-00048728 um if I'm Dove which is a um this is a soap brand whatever piece of content Dove sends A_jqM4tWTVY-00059-00048728-00049469 out it stays um and you know and it's in you know it's it's it's in competition with every A_jqM4tWTVY-00060-00049469-00050103 other piece of content that exists alongside on every single platform that exists out there A_jqM4tWTVY-00061-00050103-00050694 and it will continue to kind of emerge over over the years so as advertisers you're building A_jqM4tWTVY-00062-00050694-00051334 on what already exists um and so brands are no longer you know they're not there's there's A_jqM4tWTVY-00063-00051334-00051978 never going to be one face of a brand it's you're going to be constantly building on A_jqM4tWTVY-00064-00051978-00052699 top of what's already been made and so there is um you know it's when you when you talk A_jqM4tWTVY-00065-00052699-00053329 about that in context of Engagement then you know it's not one way anymore it's two-way A_jqM4tWTVY-00066-00053329-00054188 it's it's a brand like Dove that interprets real Beauty through the lens of how consumers A_jqM4tWTVY-00067-00054188-00055029 understand Beauty to be and it's not cosmetic it's not you know it's not um you know beauty A_jqM4tWTVY-00068-00055029-00055822 comes in different forms um and and why should Beauty ever be defined by you know by a glossy A_jqM4tWTVY-00069-00055822-00056676 magazine so when Brands understand that and they pull out advertising and they challenge A_jqM4tWTVY-00070-00056676-00057195 the Norms of what is conventionally viewed as beautiful then you have something that A_jqM4tWTVY-00071-00057195-00057960 consumers will lean in and kind of participate and engage with so what we as advertisers A_jqM4tWTVY-00072-00057960-00058758 do is facilitate an existing behavior and this is something that actually a Unilever A_jqM4tWTVY-00073-00058758-00059497 um so Dove is a Unilever brand and a Unilever client told me many many years ago and he A_jqM4tWTVY-00074-00059497-00060554 said Ali you can't um forced Behavior you can only um work with the mold of how consumers A_jqM4tWTVY-00075-00060554-00061210 behave and and if you understand that then you'll get a lot more receptivity and when A_jqM4tWTVY-00076-00061210-00061664 you start talking about receptivity then you're not talking about shoppers but you're talking A_jqM4tWTVY-00077-00061664-00062350 about audiences and if you understand audiences then you're constantly going to be building A_jqM4tWTVY-00078-00062350-00063261 sequels um to what um you know what what your brand stands for um and then you know that A_jqM4tWTVY-00079-00063261-00064275 just kind of changes what advertising is um and it also changes or it forces us as advertisers A_jqM4tWTVY-00080-00064275-00065130 to rely on technology to help us understand what the what the current and the future phase A_jqM4tWTVY-00081-00065130-00065520 of beauty is and it will be different for someone in Africa it will be different for A_jqM4tWTVY-00082-00065520-00066228 someone in South Asia it'll be different for someone in um in in Latin America but being A_jqM4tWTVY-00083-00066228-00066898 at the cusp of what that will be and knowing how to mold it so that you can engage with A_jqM4tWTVY-00084-00066898-00067282 consumers in those markets becomes really really important anyway that's what makes A_jqM4tWTVY-00085-00067282-00068230 my job really exciting um and uh but it also worries me a lot as well because when information A_jqM4tWTVY-00086-00068230-00068962 and knowledge is distributed as distributed as it as it is today then perhaps the next A_jqM4tWTVY-00087-00068962-00069999 great idea um that expresses real Beauty will not come from a wpp company it will come from A_jqM4tWTVY-00088-00069999-00070852 anyone in you know in this audience today and so if ideas and I won't say cheaply but A_jqM4tWTVY-00089-00070852-00071532 at the end of the day we need to put a commercial value on our ideas but if ideas can just as A_jqM4tWTVY-00090-00071532-00072467 easily be sourced from a master's degree student and not be priced then I worry so we need A_jqM4tWTVY-00091-00072467-00073192 to as a as an advertising Network understand or figure out how to A_jqM4tWTVY-00092-00073192-00074201 um how to you know live with this distributed model um this open source model of generating A_jqM4tWTVY-00093-00074201-00075007 ideas translating it them into creative expression and then delivering them timely to people A_jqM4tWTVY-00094-00075007-00075577 that actually that you know that are willing to engage with those ideas so uh um and so A_jqM4tWTVY-00095-00075577-00076148 there's you know there's there's there's there's commercial opportunity there for advertising A_jqM4tWTVY-00096-00076148-00076435 companies but that's what we're doing that's what we're trying to figure out right now A_jqM4tWTVY-00097-00076435-00077132 so that's actually most that's 90 of my my time at work um so it's exciting but it's A_jqM4tWTVY-00098-00077132-00078360 also very worrying [Music] China is the most technologically advanced country in the world A_jqM4tWTVY-00099-00078360-00079025 and there's a couple of things that make it that advanced um it's it as advanced as it A_jqM4tWTVY-00100-00079025-00079936 is because of um of the digitization of every institution in that country because it believes A_jqM4tWTVY-00101-00079936-00080793 through digitalization uh it will continue to advance and be um you know be competitive A_jqM4tWTVY-00102-00080793-00081313 with the rest of the world and what I mean by that is whether it's in agriculture whether A_jqM4tWTVY-00103-00081313-00081991 it's in banking an agriculture I refer to as farming or in financial services or in A_jqM4tWTVY-00104-00081991-00082938 aviation or in astronomy in any imaginable you know product Innovation Cosmetics all A_jqM4tWTVY-00105-00082938-00083548 the way through to cars Mobility if they're you know if they continue to digitize and A_jqM4tWTVY-00106-00083548-00084368 can you continue to innovate they will continue to be you know number one in that field or A_jqM4tWTVY-00107-00084368-00084899 in that category and and some things happened over the last you know over the last 12 months A_jqM4tWTVY-00108-00084899-00085531 for the first time ever in the history of China there's fewer people uh in China today A_jqM4tWTVY-00109-00085531-00086311 than there were a year ago and and China understands that they understand in order for their people A_jqM4tWTVY-00110-00086311-00087019 and there's 1.4 plus billion of them in the world for their people um to continue to be A_jqM4tWTVY-00111-00087019-00087830 at the Forefront of innovation they will continue to have to invest in digitization so that A_jqM4tWTVY-00112-00087830-00088607 they're less Reliant on on on physical human beings uh and and Technology will work to A_jqM4tWTVY-00113-00088607-00089182 their favor and if we accept and understand you know and if we you know if we believe A_jqM4tWTVY-00114-00089182-00089852 and I think that there's a mindset to this as well um if if if we want to have an advanced A_jqM4tWTVY-00115-00089852-00090717 society that is um that you know that that uses technology to its favor um then there A_jqM4tWTVY-00116-00090717-00091441 is collective effort that needs to be made a decisive effort that helps transform both A_jqM4tWTVY-00117-00091441-00092030 Society um uh through through technology both society and culture through technology and A_jqM4tWTVY-00118-00092030-00092754 and that's what you know that's that's that that's what China is doing and by doing that A_jqM4tWTVY-00119-00092754-00093551 you know they they become a much more egalitarian um society that you know that everyone is A_jqM4tWTVY-00120-00093551-00094404 equally measured that uh that you know there's no you know it's it's it's it becomes impossible A_jqM4tWTVY-00121-00094404-00094863 for for certain strategies of society and even if that still exists today I think to A_jqM4tWTVY-00122-00094863-00095388 some extent Xi Jinping is trying to work around that and he's trying to create a a you know A_jqM4tWTVY-00123-00095388-00096214 some some uh uh you know a future facing China that is that is more equal um in terms of A_jqM4tWTVY-00124-00096214-00096786 distribution of wealth and that doesn't make that doesn't mean making people people less A_jqM4tWTVY-00125-00096786-00097573 poor but giving people equal access to opportunity and Technology he believes will do that so A_jqM4tWTVY-00126-00097573-00098135 so if you look to it you know if we believe that the world's population will continue A_jqM4tWTVY-00127-00098135-00098729 to expand but people may not necessarily have equal opportunity there's a belief in China A_jqM4tWTVY-00128-00098729-00099176 that technology will give them access to that opportunity and by continuing to invest in A_jqM4tWTVY-00129-00099176-00099848 that you know um you know whether it's China or it's it's trading partners or it's you A_jqM4tWTVY-00130-00099848-00100464 know yourselves in in Europe at University over here will continue to um you know we'll A_jqM4tWTVY-00131-00100464-00101092 we'll benefit from that advancement um I mean I'm not a future teller or or a future Sayer A_jqM4tWTVY-00132-00101092-00101616 but I just you know if you spend enough time in China you you kind of lean towards it and A_jqM4tWTVY-00133-00101616-00102038 you say wow I truly believe in what's happening and I really and it's and it's addictive and A_jqM4tWTVY-00134-00102038-00102756 so you become part of that um um so uh so I would highly you know I would I would definitely A_jqM4tWTVY-00135-00102756-00103519 um um uh uh you know recommend that you you find yourself um you know or you engage with A_jqM4tWTVY-00136-00103519-00104099 your Chinese colleagues and your classmates and understand China better um find an opportunity A_jqM4tWTVY-00137-00104099-00104703 to visit China yourselves um you know whether it's internships or it's it's it's spending A_jqM4tWTVY-00138-00104703-00105469 time with that culture it'll you know it'll give you a view that's very different to the A_jqM4tWTVY-00139-00105469-00105866 one you have today and and it'll make you I I don't know I wouldn't say make you a better A_jqM4tWTVY-00140-00105866-00106514 person but I think it'll definitely help help understand um you know that country and and A_jqM4tWTVY-00142-00111146-00112666 foreign A_jqM4tWTVY-00143-00112666-00113513 you know I also invite all of our you know all A_jqM4tWTVY-00144-00113513-00113841 of our International students you know if you've you know if you're curious about China A_jqM4tWTVY-00145-00113841-00114384 and if you want to learn more about China feel free to look us up um and uh you'll get A_jqM4tWTVY-00146-00114384-00114799 in you'll get a bit of insight you know I I definitely recommend that you get onto a A_jqM4tWTVY-00147-00114799-00115253 plane go to China and figure it out for yourself but we'll share whatever Insight we can there's A_jqM4tWTVY-00148-00115253-00115724 a little bit that we we have to talk about on the show so uh yeah Jonathan thank you A_jqM4tWTVY-00149-00115724-00116303 for having me and uh and I'm you know if you ha I'd be really happy to be back and if you A_jqM4tWTVY-00150-00116303-00116754 have any other questions or the classes any questions specific to China feel free to throw A_jqM4tWTVY-00151-00116754-00117390 them at me and I'm happy to answer [Music] [Applause] thank you AA_1rXo6gGI-00000-00001064-00001712 this is part two of a series all about playing classical guitar without nails studying any AA_1rXo6gGI-00001-00001712-00002304 amount of classical guitar is crazy beneficial for our guitar playing no matter what style or type AA_1rXo6gGI-00002-00002304-00002928 of guitar playing we ultimately want to pursue so whether you already play classical guitar or not i AA_1rXo6gGI-00003-00002928-00003447 think this series could be really helpful for you there's a link in the description to a playlist of AA_1rXo6gGI-00004-00003447-00004024 all the videos in this series in part one we talked about the history of classical guitar AA_1rXo6gGI-00005-00004024-00004512 right hand technique and how playing without nails actually used to be quite common even though now AA_1rXo6gGI-00006-00004512-00005128 today it's considered practically sacrilegious to even attempt it all the videos in the series AA_1rXo6gGI-00007-00005128-00005784 can stand alone but definitely watch them all they all go together if you're interested in this topic AA_1rXo6gGI-00008-00006752-00007072 in this video we're going to talk about the trade-offs of playing nails versus AA_1rXo6gGI-00009-00007072-00007544 no nails and specifically why i chose to transition into playing with the fingertips AA_1rXo6gGI-00010-00007544-00008176 and without nails after using nail technique for almost 20 years and also we're going to AA_1rXo6gGI-00011-00008176-00008720 try to investigate why is it that today so many people just absolutely hate the idea AA_1rXo6gGI-00012-00008720-00009200 of playing without nails on the classical guitar and we'll dig a little more into the AA_1rXo6gGI-00013-00009200-00009984 history to try to figure that out we have a lot to cover let's get into it AA_1rXo6gGI-00014-00010344-00010816 i'm jared borkowski from soundguitarlessons.com on this channel i teach on a wide variety of AA_1rXo6gGI-00015-00010816-00011312 guitar topics to help you increase your overall musicianship skills gain more creative control AA_1rXo6gGI-00016-00011312-00011856 over music and express yourself more freely if you're new here welcome please subscribe and hit AA_1rXo6gGI-00017-00011856-00012392 the bell so i want to explain why i'm making this transition from playing with nail technique for AA_1rXo6gGI-00018-00012392-00012936 so long and then switching to my fingertips on the classical guitar and in order to do that i do have AA_1rXo6gGI-00019-00012936-00013391 to talk a little bit about myself which is kind of uncomfortable honestly i'd rather just teach AA_1rXo6gGI-00020-00013391-00013808 you cool stuff that's about you and helping you and and helping you with your goals but hopefully AA_1rXo6gGI-00021-00013808-00014560 this is good for for just the context of of me ultimately helping you so i originally fell in AA_1rXo6gGI-00022-00014560-00015247 love with music just via making stuff up just raw creativity just making sounds songwriting AA_1rXo6gGI-00023-00015304-00015736 i just wanted to write my own stuff and that that was really my first love of music and what i did AA_1rXo6gGI-00024-00015736-00016480 for a long time it eventually occurred to me that um learning formally or learning um academically AA_1rXo6gGI-00025-00016480-00016952 and learning other people's music was going to help with that creative pursuit and that creative AA_1rXo6gGI-00026-00016952-00017432 goal help refine things help speed up the process all of that so i went to college and majored in AA_1rXo6gGI-00027-00017432-00018016 classical guitar performance and while i was there i ended up getting into the jazz program and ended AA_1rXo6gGI-00028-00018016-00018688 up getting a degree in jazz studies so since that time i have pretty much equally identified AA_1rXo6gGI-00029-00018688-00019272 with all three of these musical directions and i've continued to kind of cycle between them and AA_1rXo6gGI-00030-00019272-00019728 continue to develop them and maintain them and work on them through whatever kind of creative AA_1rXo6gGI-00031-00019728-00020368 projects or bands or or gigs or certainly a lot of teaching and helping other people progress AA_1rXo6gGI-00032-00020368-00020904 with these different topics and areas as well so you might relate to this challenge and maybe AA_1rXo6gGI-00033-00020904-00021432 not maybe you just have one thing that you purely are trying to do and i respect that and even envy AA_1rXo6gGI-00034-00021432-00022000 it but but i know a lot of people have this um you know these passions for multiple different AA_1rXo6gGI-00035-00022000-00022488 styles or techniques or or sound or we kind of just want to learn it all and it all feels amazing AA_1rXo6gGI-00036-00022488-00023064 so we're kind of cycling between different things that we are studying for me this has made it quite AA_1rXo6gGI-00037-00023064-00023704 challenging to stick to any one kind of musical identity or project for very long in terms of AA_1rXo6gGI-00038-00023704-00024288 putting myself out there in terms of having like a spotify account or something like that AA_1rXo6gGI-00039-00024288-00024648 which is why i don't really have that stuff i have a lot of music i've made but i've never AA_1rXo6gGI-00040-00024648-00025144 really created like an identity that i can i can kind of release stuff other than individual AA_1rXo6gGI-00041-00025144-00025608 projects and individual bands and maybe i'll share some of that music in the future or something but AA_1rXo6gGI-00042-00025800-00026264 that has made it really hard and and i think why teaching is so gratifying is that i can just kind AA_1rXo6gGI-00043-00026264-00026920 of focus on helping someone else get to their goals and this variety of experience can can help AA_1rXo6gGI-00044-00026920-00027472 a variety of people and helps you know someone who might have these overlapping interests it's also AA_1rXo6gGI-00045-00027472-00028048 made it really challenging to have a focus on my youtube channel where i'm teaching because um i'll AA_1rXo6gGI-00046-00028048-00028552 talk about songwriting or or kind of learning pop songs and then i'll talk about jazz guitar AA_1rXo6gGI-00047-00028552-00029224 and improvisation and and uh i very rarely talked about classical guitar and if you know my channel AA_1rXo6gGI-00048-00029224-00029792 maybe you recognize that unless i'm talking about how oh this classical technique is helpful AA_1rXo6gGI-00049-00029792-00030352 for something else and like i did with my hybrid picking lesson that i did um kind of recently i AA_1rXo6gGI-00050-00030352-00030856 talked about classical guitar helping with that i think this is why i've talked so much about music AA_1rXo6gGI-00051-00030856-00031383 theory on my channel because that just applies to no matter what goal no matter what genre style AA_1rXo6gGI-00052-00031383-00031895 that's going to help us be a better musician and reach those goals musically on the guitar seeing AA_1rXo6gGI-00053-00031895-00032488 the fretboard with clarity having labels to sounds and structures in music and understanding some AA_1rXo6gGI-00054-00032488-00032944 of these concepts just super helpful definitely with classical guitar too even though that's not AA_1rXo6gGI-00055-00032944-00033560 commonly taught in classical guitar these days and that right there is a great example of having this AA_1rXo6gGI-00056-00033560-00034032 variety of interests helping each of those interests right so if my three of classical AA_1rXo6gGI-00057-00034032-00034592 guitar jazz guitar and songwriting are of interest well they all influence each other AA_1rXo6gGI-00058-00034592-00035224 in this beautiful way and someone might say well you know jack of all trades master of none i don't AA_1rXo6gGI-00059-00035224-00035736 care about that at all i just care about the the feeling i can get from does it feel right what AA_1rXo6gGI-00060-00035736-00036304 i'm trying to get out of expressing at any given time any one of these things um so if i could be AA_1rXo6gGI-00061-00036304-00036776 a better classical guitarist by 100 focusing on that that's not going to stress me out that AA_1rXo6gGI-00062-00036776-00037288 much honestly i've tried each of those categories exclusively and i just get AA_1rXo6gGI-00063-00037392-00037888 depressed about not having the one of the other ones right so my knowledge of theory comes a lot AA_1rXo6gGI-00064-00037888-00038400 from studying jazz guitar but then oh my gosh it's amazing to understand the theory really clearly AA_1rXo6gGI-00065-00038400-00038968 with uh classical guitar and i'll talk more about how to break down classical theory in the future AA_1rXo6gGI-00066-00038968-00039328 but same with songwriting like wow you can write some really unique songs if you know AA_1rXo6gGI-00067-00039328-00039824 all of this stuff exposed from these other two genres so that's kind of my thing and um AA_1rXo6gGI-00068-00039928-00040432 i thought it's too broad before but now i'm realizing maybe that is the focus anyway i'm AA_1rXo6gGI-00069-00040432-00040816 going to talk more about all of that in my next video next week which is going to be a special AA_1rXo6gGI-00070-00040816-00041224 kind of celebration video so i hope to see you there now like i said i know that some people are AA_1rXo6gGI-00071-00041224-00041696 definitely interested in just one thing one sound one tradition that's awesome for them AA_1rXo6gGI-00072-00041768-00042400 but i noticed over the years from just colleagues and certainly from a lot of teaching a lot of AA_1rXo6gGI-00073-00042400-00042920 people are are like me where they're interested in all these different varieties of sounds AA_1rXo6gGI-00074-00042920-00043392 kind of just whatever makes you feel the feels right all these different styles and genres and AA_1rXo6gGI-00075-00043392-00043912 techniques and kind of chasing these different directions uh because it feels good and i just AA_1rXo6gGI-00076-00043912-00044344 want to share my perspective on this if you zoom out just a little bit i don't see AA_1rXo6gGI-00077-00044456-00045016 genres and styles as really that different they're they're way more the same than they are different AA_1rXo6gGI-00078-00045016-00045592 it all just feels like music so these multiple things i'm pursuing it just feels like music and i AA_1rXo6gGI-00079-00045592-00046376 really see this as the pursuit here is is looking for creative and technical control over music AA_1rXo6gGI-00080-00046376-00046944 so that we can have the capacity to express ourselves as fluently as possible and then AA_1rXo6gGI-00081-00046944-00047464 hopefully find something deep and meaningful in that expression that's it that's the singular AA_1rXo6gGI-00082-00047464-00047968 goal that's the one thing whatever sound style technique it's like that's the actual one thing it AA_1rXo6gGI-00083-00047968-00048744 really is unified and centered anything that helps me go towards that i'm interested and i find that AA_1rXo6gGI-00084-00048744-00049232 classical guitar is definitely one of those things that helps very much with that goal so i say all AA_1rXo6gGI-00085-00049232-00049800 of that just to put it in context for why might i find it appealing to switch from playing with nail AA_1rXo6gGI-00086-00049800-00050328 technique to playing with my fingertips and why am i how is it that i find it acceptable given the AA_1rXo6gGI-00087-00050408-00050896 paradigm the the common belief that it's it's really not okay to do that um when you think about AA_1rXo6gGI-00088-00050896-00051520 the actual goal so for me is not upholding some specific tradition and it's not about competing AA_1rXo6gGI-00089-00051520-00052040 with someone else or even sounding a certain way it's about accessing what i want out of classical AA_1rXo6gGI-00090-00052040-00052655 music and the technique is it possible to do even if it's different cool if so then i'm happy and so AA_1rXo6gGI-00091-00052655-00053104 for me i find that it is and that's why i'm doing this this series to to talk about it and to talk AA_1rXo6gGI-00092-00053104-00053744 about the differences i love the sound of playing with nails i totally love the sound of it i also AA_1rXo6gGI-00093-00053744-00054167 really love this new thankfully i love this new sound of playing without my nails so for me it AA_1rXo6gGI-00094-00054167-00054824 makes sense to make this transition which is quite difficult i mean if it if i was purely interested AA_1rXo6gGI-00095-00054824-00055408 in classical guitar after investing so much time in playing with nail technique why would i switch AA_1rXo6gGI-00096-00055479-00055832 there'd have to be some kind of reason it's because of this variety of these other things AA_1rXo6gGI-00097-00055832-00056632 where um having nails is quite a burden and a sacrifice and so it it's allowing me to embrace AA_1rXo6gGI-00098-00056632-00057216 this with more clarity and continue with my other goals as well i think any classical guitarist AA_1rXo6gGI-00099-00057216-00057712 would agree with me that maintaining and keeping your nails even just shaping and polishing them AA_1rXo6gGI-00100-00057712-00058288 getting the tone you want is just a constant battle and and very challenging and can even AA_1rXo6gGI-00101-00058288-00058832 be quite a burden at times and of course a number of activities outside of classical guitar AA_1rXo6gGI-00102-00058832-00059400 can become really annoying and difficult if you're constantly watching out for for your nails um you AA_1rXo6gGI-00103-00059400-00059879 know other styles for example if you want to play hybrid or finger style on a steel string guitar or AA_1rXo6gGI-00104-00059879-00060296 an electric guitar that's not a good idea it's going to shred up your nails if you want to do AA_1rXo6gGI-00105-00060296-00060608 you know maybe a tapping technique or something like that you're not going to be able to AA_1rXo6gGI-00106-00060736-00061184 access that as properly as you could if you want to play piano you can't you really use AA_1rXo6gGI-00107-00061184-00061776 proper technique on the piano if you have nails and not to mention non-musical activities like AA_1rXo6gGI-00108-00061776-00062296 rock climbing forget about it playing basketball super dangerous you better watch out but of course AA_1rXo6gGI-00109-00062360-00062888 dedicated classical guitarists are more than willing to make these sacrifices i mean think AA_1rXo6gGI-00110-00062888-00063584 about it if someone is their main musical purpose is classical guitar yeah you you would do whatever AA_1rXo6gGI-00111-00063584-00064104 it takes to sound as good as you can and so you're gonna say well classical guitar is more important AA_1rXo6gGI-00112-00064104-00064576 to me than these other things so yeah i'm gonna make those sacrifices i'm dedicated i'm serious AA_1rXo6gGI-00113-00064576-00065048 i'm going to have these nails and keep them sounding as good as i can and that's what i'm AA_1rXo6gGI-00114-00065048-00065736 doing now unfortunately the default expectation that you have to make those sacrifices to play AA_1rXo6gGI-00115-00065736-00066512 any amount of classical guitar is now creating and perpetuating this barrier to entry that AA_1rXo6gGI-00116-00066512-00067168 contributes to the elitism and the exclusionary nature of classical guitar culture which if you AA_1rXo6gGI-00117-00067168-00067560 didn't know that that's going on that is definitely going on there are some serious AA_1rXo6gGI-00118-00067560-00068032 bullies out there who are putting down anyone else who isn't playing music within the confines AA_1rXo6gGI-00119-00068032-00068632 of what they see as the right or better way to do it now i think the majority of serious classical AA_1rXo6gGI-00120-00068632-00069264 guitarists are perfectly reasonable and humble and kind-hearted and open-minded but you just AA_1rXo6gGI-00121-00069264-00069672 don't hear from those types of people as often really you can say this with any group of people AA_1rXo6gGI-00122-00069672-00070152 right you're hoping that the majority of people in general are kind and willing to help somebody out AA_1rXo6gGI-00123-00070232-00070792 but those people these classical guitarists for example they're spending their own time finding AA_1rXo6gGI-00124-00070792-00071400 their enjoyment from studying music and learning and practicing and then like any group or any art AA_1rXo6gGI-00125-00071400-00072096 form there's going to be that small minority of purists who have this air of superiority AA_1rXo6gGI-00126-00072096-00072608 and they just happen to be way louder than everybody else with their negativity especially AA_1rXo6gGI-00127-00072608-00073184 online my opinion is that these bullies out there who think that playing with your nails is the AA_1rXo6gGI-00128-00073184-00073760 only way to go and you're a fool and an amateur if you think otherwise and yes that is actually what AA_1rXo6gGI-00129-00073760-00074184 people think do a quick google search you'll find tons of comments from from those people AA_1rXo6gGI-00130-00074184-00074704 who hold that belief i think anybody trying to tell someone else what the right thing to do is AA_1rXo6gGI-00131-00074704-00075328 in this context is is just coming from insecurity and and they're unhappy with their own musical AA_1rXo6gGI-00132-00075328-00075776 development why else why else would you be that way if they spend that hour working on their AA_1rXo6gGI-00133-00075776-00076280 tremolo or something or or being creative instead of yelling at somebody on reddit maybe they would AA_1rXo6gGI-00134-00076280-00076952 feel a little more satisfaction and recognize that music isn't about idolizing virtuosity or AA_1rXo6gGI-00135-00076952-00077680 institutionalizing some specific standard of playing but it's about introspective exploration AA_1rXo6gGI-00136-00077680-00078304 and it's about communicating and finding meaning by sharing the depth of the human condition with AA_1rXo6gGI-00137-00078304-00078928 each other where words fall short and yeah turns out you can pursue that however you want and you AA_1rXo6gGI-00138-00078928-00079392 don't need nails to do it or this technique or that or you know whatever apply this against AA_1rXo6gGI-00139-00079392-00080072 the argument that the purists are making in any art form we'd have no progress AA_1rXo6gGI-00140-00080072-00080568 if we didn't break the rules we'd still be in the middle ages right we wouldn't have AA_1rXo6gGI-00141-00080568-00081216 progress in any of the art in the world okay you see where i stand on this topic and and just how i AA_1rXo6gGI-00142-00081216-00081744 feel about guitar playing in general now if you're familiar with this argument with this topic nails AA_1rXo6gGI-00143-00081744-00082480 versus no nails at all you might be thinking but what about andre segovia well francisco targa is AA_1rXo6gGI-00144-00082480-00083000 sometimes called the grandfather of modern classical guitar andre segovia is referred AA_1rXo6gGI-00145-00083000-00083760 to as the father of modern classical guitar segovia is basically single-handedly responsible AA_1rXo6gGI-00146-00083760-00084344 for popularizing the guitar as a serious classical instrument prior to segovia the AA_1rXo6gGI-00147-00084344-00084992 guitar was more of a parlor instrument and it was often not taken very seriously and not respected AA_1rXo6gGI-00148-00084992-00085568 by other classical musicians the instrument and the repertoire weren't seen as being worthy of AA_1rXo6gGI-00149-00085568-00086184 being performed in the context of a true classical recital uh the guitar wasn't thought of as being AA_1rXo6gGI-00150-00086184-00086880 sophisticated enough until segovia put up the fight and insisted that it was and he succeeded AA_1rXo6gGI-00151-00086880-00087600 and he became a huge influential figure so what does segovia have to say about nails versus no AA_1rXo6gGI-00152-00087600-00088200 nails well when asked about targa's use of the right hand without nails here's what segovia said AA_1rXo6gGI-00153-00088200-00088760 he said it is absolutely stupid you reduce the volume of the guitar and the difference of timbre AA_1rXo6gGI-00154-00088760-00089360 and color target has renounced the real nature of the guitar which is the richness of its timbres AA_1rXo6gGI-00155-00089360-00089792 the different colors of the guitar this is basically the opinion of the majority of AA_1rXo6gGI-00156-00089792-00090376 classical guitarists today maybe without as much negativity but certainly people feeling like yeah AA_1rXo6gGI-00157-00090376-00090952 playing with nails is the way to go um i mentioned a grumpy guitar icon that i was going to reveal AA_1rXo6gGI-00158-00091040-00091680 in this video i mentioned it in part one yes andre segovia is that uh grumpy guitar icon AA_1rXo6gGI-00159-00091680-00092216 he was such a big influence that in addition to the transition from gut strings to nylon strings AA_1rXo6gGI-00160-00092216-00092840 he's a big reason why classical guitarists today pretty much feel like you should play with your AA_1rXo6gGI-00161-00092840-00093256 nails and if you don't then you're not a real classical guitarist to be fair i can see why AA_1rXo6gGI-00162-00093256-00093864 andre segovia adopted his stubborn attitude when it came to probably anything that he believed in AA_1rXo6gGI-00163-00093864-00094568 and stood for because he was up against the entire rest of the classical music community trying to AA_1rXo6gGI-00164-00094568-00095208 make the guitar a respected instrument and here's the thing he was completely correct in how playing AA_1rXo6gGI-00165-00095208-00095728 with the flesh of the fingertips changes the sound of the guitar he was right and if AA_1rXo6gGI-00166-00095792-00096232 he was going to be wanting to play for big crowds and concert halls which he was i mean AA_1rXo6gGI-00167-00096232-00096720 just the volume difference alone would be enough to convince somebody that you really have to play AA_1rXo6gGI-00168-00096720-00097296 with your fingertips if you're going to project sound and play for a big audience by all accounts AA_1rXo6gGI-00169-00097296-00098064 andre segovia was what you might call a classical guitar snob but his attitude on these things AA_1rXo6gGI-00170-00098064-00098744 totally makes sense given his situation his uphill battle of probably constantly needing AA_1rXo6gGI-00171-00098744-00099232 to defend himself and his instrument and his approach to music so that makes sense AA_1rXo6gGI-00172-00099232-00099800 for him but here's the question does that make sense for us is everyone who plays classical AA_1rXo6gGI-00173-00099800-00100360 guitar or interested in classical guitar are we all wanting to play big concert hall recitals AA_1rXo6gGI-00174-00100360-00101056 um serious classical guitar environment without amplification competing with other classical AA_1rXo6gGI-00175-00101056-00101488 instruments and musicians no we're going to pause and say to be continued from there but AA_1rXo6gGI-00176-00101488-00101968 stay tuned for the rest of this series because in the next video we're going to reach a final AA_1rXo6gGI-00177-00101968-00102464 conclusion one that i think is a really really important takeaway for this overall conversation AA_1rXo6gGI-00178-00102464-00102968 and i'm going to recommend a way that i think all of us as a community of guitarists AA_1rXo6gGI-00179-00102968-00103368 should be thinking about this topic if you're interested in music theory definitely grab my free AA_1rXo6gGI-00180-00103368-00103824 music theory chord chart called chords with color it's just an awesome chord chart i know that's AA_1rXo6gGI-00181-00103824-00104264 not typical of classical guitar but that's what i'm talking about in this video like approaching AA_1rXo6gGI-00182-00104320-00104920 classical guitar in a way that is maybe not so traditional can get amazing results these chords AA_1rXo6gGI-00183-00104920-00105456 on this chord chart sound so good with nylon string guitar and with finger style technique AA_1rXo6gGI-00184-00105456-00105856 and all of that so it's just a really cool unique chord chart that i made that shows the theory of AA_1rXo6gGI-00185-00105856-00106320 chords through keys and also the chord tone theory and just even if you just play a few shapes that AA_1rXo6gGI-00186-00106320-00106864 are unique and and beautiful sounding a bunch of extended chords free chord chart there's a link AA_1rXo6gGI-00187-00106864-00107311 in the description top of the description there hope you get it and play with it and have some AA_1rXo6gGI-00188-00107311-00107888 enjoyable music experiences just in your own practice time and finding fulfillment i post AA_1rXo6gGI-00189-00107888-00108504 a new lesson video every week see you next week take care happy practicing and thank you so much ABA0azu2CZ0-00000-00000060-00000803 comment that I have promoted from is about to reach 50 000 likes, and this is a special event ABA0azu2CZ0-00001-00000803-00001452 because there's only a few comments with more than 50 000 likes that we've ever promoted from. ABA0azu2CZ0-00002-00001530-00002388 the most famous example is the 100 000, byte comment that I promoted from on the chip video. ABA0azu2CZ0-00003-00002460-00003102 and the followed by the 100 000 likes comment on the drinking heavy water video. ACGFkCcK7BU-00000-00000069-00000400 [Music] foreign [Music] ACGFkCcK7BU-00001-00003342-00003541 foreign [Music] ADDU2ikgnUI-00000-00000000-00000395 (News : This serial killer was last seen in Daejeon.) ADDU2ikgnUI-00001-00000666-00001057 -I have something to say. The suspect we saw on the news earlier... ADDU2ikgnUI-00002-00001439-00001739 Hi, guys. I'm Kyungsik. ADDU2ikgnUI-00003-00001739-00001827 Today's prank ADDU2ikgnUI-00004-00001827-00002027 Surprise Kuriko with Scary Hidden Camera ADDU2ikgnUI-00005-00002444-00002774 The weather has gotten really hot recently. This means it's time for a scary hidden camera. ADDU2ikgnUI-00006-00002774-00003027 What if the suspect I saw on the news comes to my house late at night? ADDU2ikgnUI-00007-00003027-00003241 And what if the boyfriend next to you doesn't know about this? ADDU2ikgnUI-00008-00003241-00003478 Let's see what Kuriko's reaction is. ADDU2ikgnUI-00009-00003478-00003839 Today's hidden camera is really scary. ADDU2ikgnUI-00010-00003839-00004150 Kyungsik, isn't it a mirror that scares you the most? ADDU2ikgnUI-00011-00004150-00004432 -I'm gonna hit you. -No, because you're so handsome. ADDU2ikgnUI-00012-00004432-00004550 I love you♥ ADDU2ikgnUI-00013-00004641-00004841 [Start] ADDU2ikgnUI-00014-00005294-00005494 1.Ask friend for help. ADDU2ikgnUI-00015-00005575-00006040 -I'm going to do a scary hidden camera for Kuriko this time. I want you to help me with my hidden camera. ADDU2ikgnUI-00016-00006040-00006302 -Are you already filming a video? -No, I'm not filming it yet. ADDU2ikgnUI-00017-00006302-00006581 -What's wrong with your tone? -Why? I usually say like this. ADDU2ikgnUI-00018-00006581-00006756 -Noooooo! you're weird. ADDU2ikgnUI-00019-00006819-00007112 [I told this guy I'd buy him a chicken, and he said he'd help me. LOL] ADDU2ikgnUI-00020-00007211-00007379 2. Filming fake news in the studio. ADDU2ikgnUI-00021-00007379-00007886 -Hi, guys. I'm a close friend who has a good relationship with Kyungsik. ADDU2ikgnUI-00022-00008042-00008254 [We're filming fake news. LOL] ADDU2ikgnUI-00023-00008352-00008578 3. Edit video. ADDU2ikgnUI-00024-00008578-00008778 4.Connect USB to TV ADDU2ikgnUI-00025-00008881-00009279 -First, the commercial comes out naturally like this. ADDU2ikgnUI-00026-00009396-00009790 [And then the fake news begins. This is like real news. LOL] ADDU2ikgnUI-00027-00009790-00009990 [I'm surprised I made it myself. LOL] ADDU2ikgnUI-00028-00010040-00010187 -First of all, the fake news is complete. ADDU2ikgnUI-00029-00010187-00010796 -This news will come naturally while we're eating. ADDU2ikgnUI-00030-00010935-00011174 [Calling to Kuriko.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00031-00011174-00011440 -Hello. -Kuriko, where are you now? ADDU2ikgnUI-00032-00011440-00011881 -It's near the market where we came together last week. -I see. Please call me before you get home. ADDU2ikgnUI-00033-00011881-00012328 -I'm so hungry right now. --Let's order something tonight. ADDU2ikgnUI-00034-00012328-00012853 -What do you want to eat, Kuriko? -Bossam ADDU2ikgnUI-00035-00012853-00013131 -What about you, honey? -Kuriko's lips ADDU2ikgnUI-00036-00013131-00013252 [binge eating] ADDU2ikgnUI-00037-00013252-00013403 [Start] ADDU2ikgnUI-00038-00013446-00013718 [We're getting ready for dinner.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00039-00014414-00014639 [Kyung-sik naturally brought the remote control.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00040-00014758-00015188 -Let's go to 'International Market' when we travel to Busan. -Where else are we going? ADDU2ikgnUI-00041-00015188-00015484 -On the second day, we will go to Songdo. -That's nice. ADDU2ikgnUI-00042-00015605-00015884 [Kyungsik's trying to turn on fake news without Kuriko's back.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00043-00015884-00016479 -I need paper. Can you get me a note and a pen? -Why? ADDU2ikgnUI-00044-00016479-00016982 -I have to write travel plans. Please. -I'm eating now. ADDU2ikgnUI-00045-00017041-00017297 [Kyungsik succeeded in sending Kuriko to room. LOl] ADDU2ikgnUI-00046-00017368-00017626 -What kind of note do you want to? -Anything ADDU2ikgnUI-00047-00017894-00018119 [Connecting USB to TV] ADDU2ikgnUI-00048-00018272-00018415 Hooray ADDU2ikgnUI-00049-00019100-00019536 -I'll do it after I eat. -Yeah, that's a good idea. ADDU2ikgnUI-00050-00019755-00020000 1. A scary murder in the neighborhood. ADDU2ikgnUI-00051-00020762-00020972 [Kuriko is not interested in the news yet.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00052-00020972-00021381 (News : Serial killings have continued for three days in Daejeon..) ADDU2ikgnUI-00053-00021381-00021656 [She was surprised by the word 'Daejeon, Murder'] ADDU2ikgnUI-00054-00021758-00022418 -There was a serial murder in Daejeon. -In Daejeon? ADDU2ikgnUI-00055-00022418-00022643 [She focuses on the news because it's news from Daejeon.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00056-00022643-00022843 (Oh.. He's a suspect....) ADDU2ikgnUI-00057-00022902-00023337 -Honey! There's a picture of him on the news. ADDU2ikgnUI-00058-00023337-00023863 [Kyung-sik is not looking at the picture on purpose. Fortunately, Kuriko believes in fake news.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00059-00023972-00024208 -Honey!.......Ah..... ADDU2ikgnUI-00060-00024347-00024792 -The suspect's photo was just on the news. -It's okay. Daejeon is a really big city. ADDU2ikgnUI-00061-00025000-00025280 [Kyung-sik quickly shut down the USB mode.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00062-00025448-00025878 -Look it up on the Internet. The suspect's information would have been detailed. ADDU2ikgnUI-00063-00025878-00026316 -But why did the news say pizza? -Pizza? ADDU2ikgnUI-00064-00026316-00026646 -The news said pizza under the suspect's picture. -It means he's a suspect. ADDU2ikgnUI-00065-00026646-00026887 [In Korean, pizza and suspect have similar pronunciation.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00066-00026933-00027263 -He's a very scary looking man. ADDU2ikgnUI-00067-00027263-00027463 [Kuriko! he's a friend of Kyungsik's! LOL] ADDU2ikgnUI-00068-00027514-00027863 -Did you contact your mother? -I'm gonna do it later. ADDU2ikgnUI-00069-00027863-00028108 [Kuriko is worried about Kyungsik's family in Daejeon.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00070-00028302-00029092 -There's been a series of murders in Daejeon before, and the killer only killed his friends. ADDU2ikgnUI-00071-00029092-00029360 [Kyung-sik is lying to make Kuriko scared.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00072-00029360-00029750 -Honey, do you remember? ADDU2ikgnUI-00073-00029750-00030009 -What? Our first meeting? -No! ADDU2ikgnUI-00074-00030009-00030697 -When we first moved to Fukuoka, there was a foreign murder nearby. ADDU2ikgnUI-00075-00030697-00031155 -I was really scared because the criminal wasn't caught back then. Do you remember? ADDU2ikgnUI-00076-00031155-00031564 -I got goose bumps on my neck because I remembered that time. ADDU2ikgnUI-00077-00031564-00031794 [Kuriko got even scarier because she remembered Fukuoka's murder.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00078-00032128-00032270 -Why? ADDU2ikgnUI-00079-00032609-00032769 [Start a scary situation] ADDU2ikgnUI-00080-00032820-00033099 [The delivery guy texted me that the chicken had arrived at the door.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00081-00033099-00033377 -I'll bring chicken while I'm at it to buy cigarettes. -Yes. ADDU2ikgnUI-00082-00033632-00033931 [Chicken is already at the door.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00083-00033931-00034142 [My friend is waiting in the parking lot.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00084-00034194-00034638 -Just act like you're scared. -I'm so nervous because I've never done this before. ADDU2ikgnUI-00085-00034818-00035042 2. Meeting with the man ADDU2ikgnUI-00086-00035225-00035470 [Kyungsik is coming.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00087-00035470-00035658 -The chicken hasn't arrived yet. ADDU2ikgnUI-00088-00036173-00036485 (DING DONG) ADDU2ikgnUI-00089-00036724-00037040 (It's finally starting....) ADDU2ikgnUI-00090-00037625-00037907 -Thank you. -Chicken delivery is here. ADDU2ikgnUI-00091-00037907-00038107 -Hey! -Kyungsik..? ADDU2ikgnUI-00092-00038107-00038351 [Kyungsik's friend is too nervous to act. LOL] ADDU2ikgnUI-00093-00038488-00038785 -Long time no see. -Do you work here? ADDU2ikgnUI-00094-00038785-00039048 [If Kuriko were in the living room, the hidden camera would be failed.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00095-00039135-00039414 -Kuriko, my friend is here. ADDU2ikgnUI-00096-00039414-00039643 -What are you talking about? -My high school friend is here. ADDU2ikgnUI-00097-00039643-00039891 [Finally, Kuriko and the suspect met.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00098-00040090-00040303 [Kuriko hasn't noticed yet.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00099-00040303-00040818 -Can I come to your house at this late hour? -It's okay. I'm sorry I'm wearing pajamas. ADDU2ikgnUI-00100-00040818-00041060 [Kuriko was going to eat and sleep.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00101-00041060-00041288 [The chicken party has begun.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00102-00041380-00041949 -Do you work at a chicken restaurant? -No, I'm working for a while. ADDU2ikgnUI-00103-00042081-00042324 [Kuriko is busy for a friend who suddenly came.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00104-00042482-00042734 [What if she sees a suspect without a mask?] ADDU2ikgnUI-00105-00043115-00043371 [Kuriko hasn't noticed anything about him yet.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00106-00043371-00043643 (So funny just looking at each other.LOL) ADDU2ikgnUI-00107-00043931-00044314 -How did this happen? -It's possible because his house is close. ADDU2ikgnUI-00108-00044314-00044706 -Oh, are you from Daejeon? -Yes, I was born in Daejeon. ADDU2ikgnUI-00109-00044706-00044961 [The suspect began to answer bluntly.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00110-00044961-00045161 -For your information, Kuriko likes chicken breast. ADDU2ikgnUI-00111-00045567-00045821 [We naturally lost the conversation.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00112-00045941-00046210 3. The man's suspicious request ADDU2ikgnUI-00113-00046326-00046787 -What have you been up to lately? -Do many things... ADDU2ikgnUI-00114-00046787-00046987 (I see.) ADDU2ikgnUI-00115-00047207-00047510 -We're doing a couple YouTube. ADDU2ikgnUI-00116-00048024-00048196 -By the way, Kyungsik ADDU2ikgnUI-00117-00048196-00048506 -Is there a police station nearby...? ADDU2ikgnUI-00118-00048506-00048806 Is the police station near your house...? ADDU2ikgnUI-00119-00048806-00049112 -No why? ADDU2ikgnUI-00120-00049112-00049557 -When you meet other friends.. don't tell them I'm here... ADDU2ikgnUI-00121-00049557-00049942 -Sure. I dont. ADDU2ikgnUI-00122-00049942-00050243 -But why? -No, it's just... ADDU2ikgnUI-00123-00050344-00050691 [Suddenly, a friend asks a suspicious favor.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00124-00050838-00051495 -What did he say? -He said don't tell other friends he's here. ADDU2ikgnUI-00125-00051495-00051918 -I see. What's the police story? -He asked for a police station. ADDU2ikgnUI-00126-00051918-00052175 -Why? Did he have an accident? ADDU2ikgnUI-00127-00052175-00052562 (Police... Secret to friends... What's wrong...?) ADDU2ikgnUI-00128-00052805-00053316 -Can I use toilet? Where is it? ADDU2ikgnUI-00129-00053675-00053966 -I guess the toilet was hard for him to find. ADDU2ikgnUI-00130-00053966-00054298 [Kuriko seems to have something to say.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00131-00054454-00055126 -He doesn't talk as much as I thought. -He used to talk a lot in the past. ADDU2ikgnUI-00132-00055126-00055466 [The lie that he's been dark lately.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00133-00055666-00056079 -This might be a little rude, but... ADDU2ikgnUI-00134-00056079-00056488 -Your friend looks like a suspect on the news... ADDU2ikgnUI-00135-00056488-00056829 [Kuriko seems to have been suspicious.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00136-00056993-00057159 -Do you eat pizza? ADDU2ikgnUI-00137-00057159-00057412 [She still pronounces pizza.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00138-00057582-00057876 -Oh, you didn't see the suspect's picture. ADDU2ikgnUI-00139-00057876-00058175 [Kuriko thinks he's similar to the suspect.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00140-00058868-00059163 [Kyung-sik is thinking of creating a scarier situation.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00141-00059257-00059631 -Kuriko told me why you asked the police. ADDU2ikgnUI-00142-00059791-00060071 (HEY! KYUNGSIK! WHAT THE...) ADDU2ikgnUI-00143-00060624-00061110 -Today we watched the news over dinner. ADDU2ikgnUI-00144-00061270-00061414 -Why? -We didn't ADDU2ikgnUI-00145-00061414-00061581 (Plaese) ADDU2ikgnUI-00146-00061581-00061828 -What did you guys see on the news? ADDU2ikgnUI-00147-00061981-00062276 [Kyung-sik is telling him everything.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00148-00062596-00063093 -Because something similar happened when we were in Fukuoka. ADDU2ikgnUI-00149-00063371-00063615 [For Kuriko, This situation very difficult.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00150-00063679-00064104 -Cause I'm scared. -Yeah.. it can be scary... ADDU2ikgnUI-00151-00064781-00065061 [Kyungsik and his friend going out to smoke.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00152-00065061-00065370 [We're gonna open his bag on purpose.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00153-00067161-00067683 [Kuriko immediately changes the channel. To find out if the news does again.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00154-00067843-00068171 (I heard metal noise in his bag...) ADDU2ikgnUI-00155-00068475-00068820 [She found something in his bag.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00156-00068960-00069232 [She can't really see in his bag, but she knew something is there.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00157-00069568-00069956 (What should I do...) ADDU2ikgnUI-00158-00069956-00070339 (Where is the news coming from?) ADDU2ikgnUI-00159-00071407-00071783 [Now doubt has changed from certainty.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00160-00072350-00072854 -Should I call her Kuriko? -Yes yes yes yes ADDU2ikgnUI-00161-00072854-00073481 -I need to talk to Kyungsik alone. Can you go into the room for a while? ADDU2ikgnUI-00162-00074594-00074944 "Serial murders have been going on for three days in Daejeon." ADDU2ikgnUI-00163-00074944-00075133 "Is there a police station nearby?" ADDU2ikgnUI-00164-00075133-00075513 "Don't tell your friends I'm here." ADDU2ikgnUI-00165-00076733-00076896 [Open the hidden camera.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00166-00077048-00077292 [We wanted to laugh so hard.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00167-00077292-00077557 [Kyungsik played USB quickly.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00168-00077714-00078016 [Kyungsik and the suspect are making cute poses.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00169-00078161-00078361 [The news begins with Kyungsik's scream.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00170-00078429-00078640 -Ah! Kuriko... ADDU2ikgnUI-00171-00078852-00079432 -Why? -Why why? -Why why why?! ADDU2ikgnUI-00172-00079432-00080076 -Honey! What's wrong? (News : A serial killer has just been caught.) ADDU2ikgnUI-00173-00080076-00080380 (News : Now he is eating chicken with Kyungsik and Kuriko) ADDU2ikgnUI-00174-00080380-00080580 [What? Kuriko?] (News : Now he is eating chicken with Kyungsik and Kuriko) ADDU2ikgnUI-00175-00080580-00080811 [So far, This was a hidden camera.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00176-00081493-00081682 Wow... ADDU2ikgnUI-00177-00081682-00081970 -You laughed so fast! ADDU2ikgnUI-00178-00081970-00082183 [Kuriko's still trying to figure things out.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00179-00082183-00082383 WOW ADDU2ikgnUI-00180-00082383-00082688 I've got a lot of cold sweat. ADDU2ikgnUI-00181-00082688-00082846 WOWOWOW ADDU2ikgnUI-00182-00082846-00083088 -She's the announcer I saw earlier! ADDU2ikgnUI-00183-00083088-00083356 -Oh my god! Why! ADDU2ikgnUI-00184-00083356-00083632 -Then is he an actor? -No. He is my real friend. ADDU2ikgnUI-00185-00083632-00083939 -Really?! Aren't you an actor? ADDU2ikgnUI-00186-00085348-00085573 [No one's ever noticed a station called KKS.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00187-00085573-00085773 -What does KKS mean? -Kim Kyung-sik ADDU2ikgnUI-00188-00085954-00086222 -My friend was so nervous. -Really? ADDU2ikgnUI-00189-00086222-00086536 -Because it's my first time filming like this. -But your acting was the best. ADDU2ikgnUI-00190-00086768-00087000 [Kuriko kept looking at the suspect's face.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00191-00087242-00087868 -When did you guess he was a suspect? -When I saw his jacket, I doubted it. ADDU2ikgnUI-00192-00087868-00088148 -You remembered his jacket! -I remembered his Nike hat. ADDU2ikgnUI-00193-00088148-00088367 [Kuriko knew everything about him.] ADDU2ikgnUI-00194-00088417-00088712 -I was scared. -I'm so hot. ADDU2ikgnUI-00195-00088712-00088912 -My body is hot right now. ADDU2ikgnUI-00196-00088912-00089245 -You don't want me to do this kind of hidden camera? -Do it more. ADDU2ikgnUI-00197-00089514-00089714 (There was a big hammer in the bag. LOL) ADWBzhtstjk-00000-00000112-00000809 Our next step in “Mathematics for Data Science Foundations” is systems of linear equations. ADWBzhtstjk-00001-00000809-00001039 And maybe you are familiar with this, but maybe you’re not. ADWBzhtstjk-00002-00001039-00001551 And the idea here is that there are times, when you actually have many unknowns and you're ADWBzhtstjk-00003-00001551-00001848 trying to solve for them all simultaneously. ADWBzhtstjk-00004-00001848-00002355 And what makes this really tricky is that a lot of these are interlocked. ADWBzhtstjk-00005-00002355-00002901 Specifically that means X depends on Y, but at the same time Y depends on X. ADWBzhtstjk-00006-00002901-00003470 What’s funny about this, is it’s actually pretty easy to solve these by hand and you ADWBzhtstjk-00007-00003470-00003793 can also use linear matrix algebra to do it. ADWBzhtstjk-00008-00003793-00004129 So let’s take a little example here of Sales. ADWBzhtstjk-00009-00004129-00004616 Let’s imagine that you have a company and that you’ve sold 1,000 iPhone cases, so ADWBzhtstjk-00010-00004616-00004978 that they are not running around naked like they are in this picture here. ADWBzhtstjk-00011-00004978-00005360 Some of them sold for $20 and others sold for $5. ADWBzhtstjk-00012-00005360-00006003 You made a total of $5,900.00 and so the question is “How many were sold at each price?” ADWBzhtstjk-00013-00006003-00006620 Now, if you were keeping our records, but you can also calculate it from this little ADWBzhtstjk-00014-00006620-00006806 bit of information. ADWBzhtstjk-00015-00006806-00007043 And to show you I’m going to do it by hand. ADWBzhtstjk-00016-00007043-00007342 Now, we’re going to start with this. ADWBzhtstjk-00017-00007342-00008056 We know that sales the two price points x + y add up to 1,000 total cases sold. ADWBzhtstjk-00018-00008056-00008614 And for revenue, we know that if you multiply a certain number times $20 and another number ADWBzhtstjk-00019-00008614-00009056 times $5, that it all adds up to $5,900.00. ADWBzhtstjk-00020-00009056-00009342 Between the two of those we can figure out the rest. ADWBzhtstjk-00021-00009342-00009514 Let’s start with sales. ADWBzhtstjk-00022-00009514-00009895 Now, what I’m going to do is try to isolate the values. ADWBzhtstjk-00023-00009895-00010654 I am going to do that by putting in this minus y on both sides and then I can take that and ADWBzhtstjk-00024-00010654-00011106 I can subtract it, so I’m left with x is equal to 1,000 - y. ADWBzhtstjk-00025-00011106-00011524 Normally I solve for x, but I solve for y, you’ll see why in just a second. ADWBzhtstjk-00026-00011524-00011685 Then we go to revenue. ADWBzhtstjk-00027-00011685-00012224 We know from earlier that our sales at these two prices points, add up to $5,900.00 total. ADWBzhtstjk-00028-00012224-00012602 Now what we are going to do is take the x that’s right here and we are going to replace ADWBzhtstjk-00029-00012602-00013116 it with the equation we just got, which is 1,000 - y. ADWBzhtstjk-00030-00013116-00013678 Then we multiply that through and we get $20,000.00 minus $20y plus $5 y equals $5,900.00. ADWBzhtstjk-00031-00013678-00014059 Well, we can subtract these two because they are on the same thing. ADWBzhtstjk-00032-00014059-00015052 So, $20y then we get $15y, and then we subtract $20,000.00 from both sides. ADWBzhtstjk-00033-00015052-00015482 So there it is, right there on the left, and that disappears, then I get it over on the ADWBzhtstjk-00034-00015482-00015644 right side. ADWBzhtstjk-00035-00015644-00016022 And then I do the math there, and I get minus $14, 100.00. ADWBzhtstjk-00036-00016022-00016789 Well, then I divide both sides by negative $15.00 and when we do that we get y equals ADWBzhtstjk-00037-00016789-00016889 940. ADWBzhtstjk-00038-00016889-00017203 Okay, so that’s one of our values for sales. ADWBzhtstjk-00039-00017203-00017335 Let’s go back to sales. ADWBzhtstjk-00040-00017335-00017561 We have x plus y equals 1,000. ADWBzhtstjk-00041-00017561-00018018 We take the value we just got, 940, we stick that into the equation, then we can solve ADWBzhtstjk-00042-00018018-00018119 for x. ADWBzhtstjk-00043-00018119-00018568 Just subtract 940 from each side, there we go. ADWBzhtstjk-00044-00018568-00018721 We get x is equal to 60. ADWBzhtstjk-00045-00018721-00019241 So, let’s put it all together, just to recap what happened. ADWBzhtstjk-00046-00019241-00019749 What this tells us is that 60 cases were sold at $20.00 each. ADWBzhtstjk-00047-00019749-00020130 And that 940 cases were sold at $5 each. ADWBzhtstjk-00048-00020130-00020576 Now, what’s interesting about this is you can also do this graphically. ADWBzhtstjk-00049-00020576-00020745 We’re going to draw it. ADWBzhtstjk-00050-00020745-00021024 So, I’m going to graph the two equations. ADWBzhtstjk-00051-00021024-00021167 Here are the original ones we had. ADWBzhtstjk-00052-00021167-00021438 This one predicts sales, this one gives price. ADWBzhtstjk-00053-00021438-00021759 The problem is, these aren’t in the economical form for creating graphs. ADWBzhtstjk-00054-00021759-00022121 That needs to be y equals something else, so we’re going to solve both of these for ADWBzhtstjk-00055-00022121-00022296 y. ADWBzhtstjk-00056-00022296-00022736 We subtract x from both sides, there it is on the left, we subtract that. ADWBzhtstjk-00057-00022736-00022972 Then we have y is equals to minus x plus 1,000. ADWBzhtstjk-00058-00022972-00023162 That’s something we can graph. ADWBzhtstjk-00059-00023162-00023385 Then we do the same thing for price. ADWBzhtstjk-00060-00023385-00023935 Let’s divide by 5 all the way through, that gets rid of that and then we’ve got this ADWBzhtstjk-00061-00023935-00024463 4x, then let's subtract 4x from each side. ADWBzhtstjk-00062-00024463-00025071 And what we are left with is minus 4x plus 1,180, which is also something we can graph. ADWBzhtstjk-00063-00025071-00025513 So this first line, this indicates cases sold. ADWBzhtstjk-00064-00025513-00026083 It originally said x plus y equals 1000, but we rearranged it to y is equal to minus x ADWBzhtstjk-00065-00026083-00026241 plus 1000. ADWBzhtstjk-00066-00026241-00026474 And so that’s the line we have here. ADWBzhtstjk-00067-00026474-00026800 And then we have another line, which indicates earnings. ADWBzhtstjk-00068-00026800-00027430 And this one was originally written as $20.00 times x plus $5.00 times y equals $5,900.00 ADWBzhtstjk-00069-00027430-00027552 total. ADWBzhtstjk-00070-00027552-00027983 We rearranged that to y equals minus 4x plus 1,180. ADWBzhtstjk-00071-00027983-00028619 That’s the equation for the line and then the solution is right here at the intersection. ADWBzhtstjk-00072-00028619-00029203 There’s our intersection and it’s at 60 on the number of cases sold at $20.00 and ADWBzhtstjk-00073-00029203-00029857 940 as the number of cases sold at $5.00 and that also represents the solution of the joint ADWBzhtstjk-00074-00029857-00029961 equations. ADWBzhtstjk-00075-00029961-00030532 It’s a graphical way of solving a system of linear equations. ADWBzhtstjk-00076-00030532-00031227 So in sum, systems of linear equations allow us to balance several unknowns and find unique ADWBzhtstjk-00077-00031227-00031395 solutions. ADWBzhtstjk-00078-00031395-00031999 And in many cases, it’s easy to solve by hand, and it’s really easy with linear algebra ADWBzhtstjk-00079-00031999-00032264 when you use software to do it at the same time. AEUdnBze0Ek-00000-00000026-00000423 hey everybody I'm Peter from off-road electric welcome back to the channel that is about AEUdnBze0Ek-00001-00000423-00000961 building a two motor extreme off-road monster truck from two tatras and two Teslas and this AEUdnBze0Ek-00002-00000961-00003346 is episode 49. AEUdnBze0Ek-00003-00003346-00003761 sponsored by a wonderful patreon patrons team thank you very much guys for your generous AEUdnBze0Ek-00004-00003761-00004293 help if you would like to join us there is the link down below maybe you already noticed AEUdnBze0Ek-00005-00004293-00005101 some changes in the shop I reorganized everything over here here is now a lot of room much better AEUdnBze0Ek-00006-00005101-00005725 than before and I have some changes I did something with the welder so I can actually AEUdnBze0Ek-00007-00005725-00006483 use it very much better I have this chain link lift or whatever is the whatever is the AEUdnBze0Ek-00008-00006483-00007094 English word for that and it can move on this I-beam on the top last time before I left AEUdnBze0Ek-00009-00007094-00007883 for UK I found out that this differential over here was simply too far away from the AEUdnBze0Ek-00010-00007883-00008800 axle and didn't work properly somehow I made this tube too long and it didn't work properly AEUdnBze0Ek-00011-00008800-00009393 for that reason so today we are going to short it and make sure that it will work and I wanna AEUdnBze0Ek-00012-00009393-00010257 get the tube finally done AEUdnBze0Ek-00013-00010257-00010971 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00014-00010971-00011685 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00015-00011685-00012399 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00016-00012399-00013113 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00017-00013113-00013826 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00018-00013826-00015069 I can feel that this cannot go further I need to figure it out how AEUdnBze0Ek-00019-00015069-00015266 so this cannot go further now AEUdnBze0Ek-00020-00015266-00016525 differential is okay so it should be like this shouldn't let me try if I pull it a little AEUdnBze0Ek-00021-00016525-00016931 bit this way if this cannot go further if I pull it out a little bit AEUdnBze0Ek-00022-00016931-00017441 it can AEUdnBze0Ek-00023-00017441-00018120 so logically AEUdnBze0Ek-00024-00018120-00018656 this should be all the way and when it touches when it starts pushing out it should be the AEUdnBze0Ek-00025-00018656-00018856 the position logically AEUdnBze0Ek-00026-00018856-00020200 why is it so heavy did it move yes it did okay it's pushing out now so a little bit AEUdnBze0Ek-00027-00020200-00021437 outside maybe like thiss let's measure it AEUdnBze0Ek-00028-00021437-00022383 it looks like 54 millimeters all around should be the proper distance from this point to AEUdnBze0Ek-00029-00022383-00023231 this point I think it's locked now and when I move this wheel that wheel should move too AEUdnBze0Ek-00030-00023231-00024270 it does AEUdnBze0Ek-00031-00024270-00025028 now let's unlock it and we'll see if that wheel will move or not if it works properly AEUdnBze0Ek-00032-00025028-00025159 we have the distance AEUdnBze0Ek-00033-00025159-00026645 yay it works Wheels is not moving it's unlocked we have the proper distance now so let's take AEUdnBze0Ek-00034-00026645-00026991 a look from the short distance AEUdnBze0Ek-00035-00026991-00027933 so we are measuring the distance between this point of the calipers and the further point AEUdnBze0Ek-00036-00027933-00028663 of the calipers so we'll put it like this into the into the tube into the flange and AEUdnBze0Ek-00037-00028663-00029412 you can see maybe we have about one centimeter over here so I have to cut one more centimeter AEUdnBze0Ek-00038-00029412-00030238 of this flange and I will be done so we had seven and a half millimeters I am adding let's AEUdnBze0Ek-00039-00030238-00030838 do nine millimeters because we have to have gap between the tubes for the welding AEUdnBze0Ek-00040-00030838-00032912 and this is something what I missed last time didn't I AEUdnBze0Ek-00041-00032912-00033434 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00042-00033434-00033994 okay guys the tube is ready to be cut but I am done with cutting like I did it last AEUdnBze0Ek-00043-00033994-00034527 time for hours I'm done with that no more I'm going to build the tool the machine that AEUdnBze0Ek-00044-00034527-00035137 will cut it probably 10 times quicker because it will be way more precise what I'm going AEUdnBze0Ek-00045-00035137-00035687 to use it I'm going to use the shopping cart from the supermarket I'm going to use the AEUdnBze0Ek-00046-00035687-00036444 plywood and we are going to use the tube left over from the tatra and we are going to use AEUdnBze0Ek-00047-00036444-00037241 the differential the front open differential we have no use for we are going to use the AEUdnBze0Ek-00048-00037241-00038097 part of the chop saw uh stand for the grinder you attach the grinder into this I'm going AEUdnBze0Ek-00049-00038097-00038981 to use this arm bunch of fasteners and this threaded rod AEUdnBze0Ek-00050-00038981-00039550 we are not going to weld I'm trying to save the the most metal for the tatra I don't have AEUdnBze0Ek-00051-00039550-00040163 much of it so I think for this project we will not need to weld let's go AEUdnBze0Ek-00052-00040163-00041400 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00053-00041400-00042637 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00054-00042637-00043874 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00055-00043874-00045111 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00056-00045111-00047322 okay guys and now I have to connect the plywood into the cart platform cart wheel structure AEUdnBze0Ek-00057-00047322-00048306 and I'm going to do that with that but I have to make it from that they don't have everything AEUdnBze0Ek-00058-00048306-00049256 in the hardware store unfortunately AEUdnBze0Ek-00059-00049256-00049721 hey everybody it's another day it became late because I had a late start and I didn't want AEUdnBze0Ek-00060-00049721-00050181 to make noise over here late in the night so let's finish what we started yesterday AEUdnBze0Ek-00061-00050181-00050968 I need to make some changes because I need to make it stronger so I'm cutting another AEUdnBze0Ek-00062-00050968-00051107 another piece of plywood here AEUdnBze0Ek-00063-00051107-00051992 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00064-00051992-00052879 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00065-00052879-00055537 what the [__] AEUdnBze0Ek-00066-00055537-00055707 and now let's go to finish these AEUdnBze0Ek-00067-00055707-00058487 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00068-00058487-00061266 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00069-00061266-00061770 okay guys we have pretty strong platform for the tool I'm going to make it needs to be AEUdnBze0Ek-00070-00061770-00062312 strong because there will be probably about 100 kilos on it this should be strong enough AEUdnBze0Ek-00071-00062312-00062950 these casters are already here on this workbench on the bottom and there is much more weight AEUdnBze0Ek-00072-00062950-00065020 that we'll have on this tool over here [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00073-00065020-00065226 . okay guys check this out I already have it AEUdnBze0Ek-00074-00065226-00065870 attached together the plywood to the metal frame all the way around the holes are over AEUdnBze0Ek-00075-00065870-00066466 here but we are going to work on this now so I will disconnect it for now so guys on AEUdnBze0Ek-00076-00066466-00067218 that platform first we are going to make a hole over here for this long threaded threaded AEUdnBze0Ek-00077-00067218-00070064 rod and we are going to use this hole saw drill bit is that the name for it let's go AEUdnBze0Ek-00078-00070064-00070754 Now I need to grind this big nut so these u-bolts will go there smoothly AEUdnBze0Ek-00079-00070754-00072347 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00080-00072347-00073249 and now I have this nut perfectly round from one side and now I need to make these u-bolts AEUdnBze0Ek-00081-00073249-00073668 a little bit the way I need because they are a little bit off that's what is the closest AEUdnBze0Ek-00082-00073668-00074512 I found so I need to modify a little bit these grooves over here to be able to attach these AEUdnBze0Ek-00083-00074512-00074612 u-bolts AEUdnBze0Ek-00084-00074612-00076894 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00085-00076894-00077264 and we also need to modify this little bit a little bit bend it inside AEUdnBze0Ek-00086-00077264-00079722 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00087-00079722-00080480 look at that that's amazing and now I need to get rid of this kind of groove it's higher AEUdnBze0Ek-00088-00080480-00080842 a little bit so I need it completely flat AEUdnBze0Ek-00090-00084007-00084622 good wow look at that that's amazing AEUdnBze0Ek-00091-00084622-00086267 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00092-00086267-00087911 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00093-00087911-00089061 this doesn't fit perfectly as you can see it's a little bit sideways so I need to modify AEUdnBze0Ek-00094-00089061-00090339 I need to file a little bit more this hole over here [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00095-00090339-00090897 hey everybody it's another day a lot of stuff is going on right now around here so yesterday AEUdnBze0Ek-00096-00090897-00091670 we finished with this arm so I can now connect everything together everything is modified AEUdnBze0Ek-00097-00091670-00092277 the way it should be so let's put it partially together with this rod and put let's put it AEUdnBze0Ek-00098-00092277-00092458 on this main platform AEUdnBze0Ek-00099-00092458-00094201 [Music] I don't even have the wrenches for this I have a big impact impact sockets but AEUdnBze0Ek-00100-00094201-00094322 not the wrenches AEUdnBze0Ek-00101-00094322-00095275 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00102-00095275-00095806 so now we know why I need a differential for this machine right for this tool and how we AEUdnBze0Ek-00103-00095806-00096394 are going to bolt the differential to the platform I'm going to get rid of these gears AEUdnBze0Ek-00104-00096394-00096892 they are secured by these pins take them out and just simply bolt it together AEUdnBze0Ek-00105-00096892-00098289 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00106-00098289-00099955 [Music] nothing is easy on this truck AEUdnBze0Ek-00107-00099955-00102297 we have two done four more left AEUdnBze0Ek-00108-00102297-00103409 nobody was killed AEUdnBze0Ek-00109-00103409-00103828 no my leg is not broken yet AEUdnBze0Ek-00110-00103828-00105219 my God AEUdnBze0Ek-00111-00105219-00105684 awesome guys so I'm done with this one AEUdnBze0Ek-00112-00105684-00106041 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00113-00106041-00107697 so we got it let's put it there AEUdnBze0Ek-00114-00107697-00108874 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00115-00108874-00110051 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00116-00110051-00110847 we got a differential bolted and now let's build this threaded rod with the grinder on AEUdnBze0Ek-00117-00110847-00111108 the top of the platform AEUdnBze0Ek-00118-00111108-00112152 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00119-00112152-00112784 and the last step on this tube cutter is to work on this leftover tube we are going to AEUdnBze0Ek-00120-00112784-00113545 get rid of this and I need to straight up this sharp edge of the tube and you guys want AEUdnBze0Ek-00121-00113545-00113665 me to wear the protection AEUdnBze0Ek-00122-00113665-00116461 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00123-00116461-00117215 take a look how nicely and straight is this cut and grinded that's awesome we are going AEUdnBze0Ek-00124-00117215-00118036 to give it some very good diesel bath AEUdnBze0Ek-00125-00118036-00118209 I know I know protection AEUdnBze0Ek-00126-00118209-00119414 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00127-00119414-00121889 with one arm so this one is nicely clean inside out I think at least let's wash also the differential AEUdnBze0Ek-00128-00121889-00121989 it's messy AEUdnBze0Ek-00129-00121989-00122683 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00130-00122683-00124131 that's awesome guys take a look I have it ready to for completing this is this differential AEUdnBze0Ek-00131-00124131-00124682 was in this tube originally the way it is like this we are going to flip it around and AEUdnBze0Ek-00132-00124682-00126558 and put it into the tube different opposite direction [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00133-00126558-00126658 . AEUdnBze0Ek-00134-00126658-00127979 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00135-00127979-00130556 it is heavy [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00136-00130556-00131123 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00137-00131123-00131660 guys we are done check this out AEUdnBze0Ek-00138-00131660-00132896 so the table the turning table is ready and the arm with the grinder is ready and we just AEUdnBze0Ek-00139-00132896-00133944 put the flange on the top of it AEUdnBze0Ek-00140-00133944-00134735 will secure it with these studs AEUdnBze0Ek-00141-00134735-00135315 like that AEUdnBze0Ek-00142-00135315-00135583 and we will just cut it AEUdnBze0Ek-00143-00135583-00136434 and I know I'm going to clean it I'm going to paint it so I'm going to bolt the platform AEUdnBze0Ek-00144-00136434-00137512 to the to the cart actually but I am really curious if it actually is going to work so AEUdnBze0Ek-00145-00137512-00137811 I will cut that flange just to know if it works AEUdnBze0Ek-00146-00137811-00140201 [Music] before I'm going to cut the flange I want to know how accurate this turning a AEUdnBze0Ek-00147-00140201-00141127 table actually is I finally put some money into inclinometer so we'll figure it out it's AEUdnBze0Ek-00148-00141127-00141857 magnetic but it doesn't have the flat surface over here I have no way you know what I can AEUdnBze0Ek-00149-00141857-00142602 tie it up maybe I can tie up what do you have the zip ties for thats right AEUdnBze0Ek-00150-00142602-00142702 so let's watch it AEUdnBze0Ek-00151-00142702-00145056 [Music] three tenths of millimeter is it important for the welding job I think it is I should AEUdnBze0Ek-00152-00145056-00146477 do something with that shouldn't I? AEUdnBze0Ek-00153-00146477-00147049 guys I have there about two tenths of millimeter right now I might play with that a little AEUdnBze0Ek-00154-00147049-00147452 bit later now I wanna really know if I can cut the damn tube AEUdnBze0Ek-00156-00150769-00151265 wow that's so damn precise AEUdnBze0Ek-00157-00151265-00152538 oh my God that's amazing that's amazing can you imagine how much time this will save me AEUdnBze0Ek-00158-00152538-00155277 in the future amazing AEUdnBze0Ek-00159-00155277-00156637 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00160-00156637-00157998 [Music] AEUdnBze0Ek-00161-00157998-00158098 . AEUdnBze0Ek-00162-00158098-00158880 oh my God look at that look at that cut AEUdnBze0Ek-00163-00158880-00160689 look at that cut oh my God I don't have to do any freaking grinding this is amazing AEUdnBze0Ek-00164-00160689-00161714 this is amazing wow wow can you imagine the next tube it will be a matter of minutes and AEUdnBze0Ek-00165-00161714-00162522 I even didn't use two blades for this oh my God so guys this is it if you like this video AEUdnBze0Ek-00166-00162522-00162911 don't forget to like share and subscribe if you would like to support this channel there AEUdnBze0Ek-00167-00162911-00163258 are the links down below thanks for watching and see you on Tuesday AHIBSO5lLIM-00000-00000000-00000200 ATTACHMENTS AInJc-4RyM8-00000-00000000-00000703 Hey everybody! I'm Julie and I'm Chaya and we run the Instructional Media and Design Center. We're outside because Daylight is AInJc-4RyM8-00001-00000703-00001406 Daylight is coming to BOLT on August 17th. And we want to make sure that you're in the know about what's AInJc-4RyM8-00002-00001406-00002323 going on with this change to BOLT. So we are going to be starting from now until August 17th, IMDC Informational Minutes. AInJc-4RyM8-00003-00002873-00003533 To view your course as a student, first go to the course you'd like to view is a student. AInJc-4RyM8-00004-00003533-00004086 And than at any point you can click on your name and click 'View as Student'. AInJc-4RyM8-00005-00004086-00004423 Before I do that, let's go into Content AInJc-4RyM8-00006-00004423-00004903 so you can see what it looks like as an instructor. You can see the 'START HERE' module is set AInJc-4RyM8-00007-00004903-00005383 to 'Draft'. When I change my view to student, again I'll click my name AInJc-4RyM8-00008-00005383-00005779 Click 'View as Student'. AInJc-4RyM8-00009-00005780-00006180 You'll notice that when I go into the Content area AInJc-4RyM8-00010-00006180-00006440 I am not seeing the 'START HERE' module. AInJc-4RyM8-00011-00006440-00006693 I am seeing 'Week 1' AInJc-4RyM8-00012-00006693-00007436 but not the 'START HERE' module. To change my view back to instructor, I simply click the 'X' AInJc-4RyM8-00013-00007436-00007969 next to 'View as Student' and it puts my view back to instructor. AInJc-4RyM8-00014-00007970-00008473 And that is how you change your role to view as a student in your course. AInJc-4RyM8-00015-00008473-00009473 We hope you enjoyed that IMDC Informational Minute. Thanks for watching and remember the IMDC is located in Andruss Library in room 206. AInJc-4RyM8-00016-00009583-00010213 Laughing....'Blooper Reel!' AKSAdlYD5kk-00000-00000822-00001911 Morganti, Dianna: howdy and welcome to session to eat at the Texas conference on digital libraries, my name is Diana morgana it I use she her pronouns and I am one of the stem Librarians at Texas a&m university. AKSAdlYD5kk-00001-00001989-00003057 Morganti, Dianna: And i'm also a member of the tct out planning committee i'm pleased to be the session moderator today, first a little housekeeping hopefully This all sounds very familiar to you all by now. AKSAdlYD5kk-00002-00003165-00004089 Morganti, Dianna: On Texas digital library and the TC DL planning committee are dedicated to providing an experience for everybody, that is free from all forms of harassment and inclusive of all people. AKSAdlYD5kk-00003-00004134-00004818 Morganti, Dianna: We ask that everybody here today be considerate and respectful and speech and action attempt to collaboration before conflict. AKSAdlYD5kk-00004-00004860-00006066 Morganti, Dianna: refrain from demeaning discriminatory or harassing behavior and speech and be mindful of your environment and your fellow participants have provided the link to our full code of conduct on TV l.org inside the chat. AKSAdlYD5kk-00005-00006204-00007131 Morganti, Dianna: This session will run until approximately 350 please feel free to take breaks, as you need, I invite you to say hello and chat if you have not already, and let us know where you're joining from. AKSAdlYD5kk-00006-00007184-00008073 Morganti, Dianna: you're welcome to share resources and make comments throughout today's session, I will be watching for your questions and chat and I will share them with our speakers during the q&a portion at the end. AKSAdlYD5kk-00007-00008139-00008241 Morganti, Dianna: And now on with the show. AKSAdlYD5kk-00008-00008286-00009315 Morganti, Dianna: and pleased to introduce our first presentation using wiki data to enhance discovery for dissertations authors and faculty advisors in Texas a&m universities mechanical engineering department. AKSAdlYD5kk-00009-00009339-00010056 Morganti, Dianna: From presenter gina whoa scholarly communications library in Texas a&m university Jeanette I will hand things over to you now to get started. AKSAdlYD5kk-00010-00010215-00010677 Jeannette Ho: Okay, actually i'm, unlike the cadillac embedded data librarian at Texas a&m university. AKSAdlYD5kk-00011-00010962-00011049 Jeannette Ho: Can you all hear me. AKSAdlYD5kk-00012-00011238-00012792 Jeannette Ho: Okay, yes, all right Okay, so today charity and I are going to be talking about a project done at Texas a&m university where we used wiki data to enhance discovery to dissertations authors and faculty advisors and our mechanical engineering department. AKSAdlYD5kk-00013-00012981-00014082 Jeannette Ho: So, most of you are probably familiar with wiki data it's a free linked open data platform that anybody can contribute to or reuse the data so basically it's a. AKSAdlYD5kk-00014-00014157-00015132 Jeannette Ho: Collection of descriptions of different entities can include people places things and works, but has other types of entities as well, and each one is called an item. AKSAdlYD5kk-00015-00015213-00015906 Jeannette Ho: So here's an example of an item for a person So who is in our mechanical engineering department, so you can see where Luna has. AKSAdlYD5kk-00016-00016038-00017163 Jeannette Ho: a collection of statements or triples So you can see, she has he is he has a property called instance of human sex or gender male languages spoken written or side, English and so on. AKSAdlYD5kk-00017-00017349-00018813 Jeannette Ho: So the wicked data pilot is an initiative of the program for cooperative cataloging and for those of you not familiar with it it's an international cooperative effort, aimed at expanding access to library collections and it does this by overseeing programs that. AKSAdlYD5kk-00018-00018930-00019488 Jeannette Ho: maintain standards and practices for its Members to contribute, high quality metadata to be shared globally. AKSAdlYD5kk-00019-00019551-00020865 Jeannette Ho: And it does this, through its world cat database, so this the metadata includes bibliographic metadata for works, held in libraries, but it can also include authority, it also includes authority data about people organizations places and topics. AKSAdlYD5kk-00020-00020979-00021894 Jeannette Ho: So the pilot ran from September 2022 through December 2021 and it fulfilled two of the strategic directions from the PCC. AKSAdlYD5kk-00021-00021972-00023028 Jeannette Ho: One was to help us Members learn about link data and another tricky strategic objective was to accelerate the movement towards ubiquitous identifier creation. AKSAdlYD5kk-00022-00023064-00023961 Jeannette Ho: So the idea was to get us to move beyond our traditional practice of relying on unique tech strings for names like Smith john followed by his birth and death dates. AKSAdlYD5kk-00023-00023997-00024882 Jeannette Ho: And to get us to rely more on a identifiers in the form of your eyes and to get our data to be more usable within the links data environment. AKSAdlYD5kk-00024-00024975-00025932 Jeannette Ho: So at Texas a&m we joined the pilot when I first got started and before that we had been involved with a different pilot at the PCC where we learn how to create is things. AKSAdlYD5kk-00025-00026073-00026982 Jeannette Ho: That these these identifiers are meant to be useful, within link data, but unfortunately we were not able to utilize them as such at the time, since they were not ready in that way. AKSAdlYD5kk-00026-00027036-00027987 Jeannette Ho: So the PCC wicked data pilot provided us with a ready made platform where we could just get our hands dirty at the outset, which is on was really exciting for us. AKSAdlYD5kk-00027-00028047-00029307 Jeannette Ho: So our team consisted of for Librarians from the metadata management unit, as well as one curator from the cushing memorial library, and these were not by no means, this was not everybody in from these departments just the ones who volunteered. AKSAdlYD5kk-00028-00029442-00030504 Jeannette Ho: To prepare for this pilot we enrolled in a wicked data institute course in the fall of 2020 and where we we were exposed, we were introduced to the platform, as well as various tools. AKSAdlYD5kk-00029-00030552-00031206 Jeannette Ho: And then we attended monthly meetings for PCC participants in the pilot, as well as i'm subscribed to this listener. AKSAdlYD5kk-00030-00031356-00032538 Jeannette Ho: And so, this is a screenshot of our project page, so you can look at it afterwards, but right now i'm going to turn it over charity will talk about our goals for our project at Texas a&m. AKSAdlYD5kk-00031-00032727-00033774 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Thank you to net, as you can see on our wiki data project page, it does list, our aim, of course, the very first one is just to become familiar with. AKSAdlYD5kk-00032-00033822-00034740 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: wiki date is, but also to kind of get in there and get used to the process of creating wiki data items and compare it to authority control. AKSAdlYD5kk-00033-00034791-00035832 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And then to create items for the people, the desert the dissertation titles and any related entities and wiki data that may not have identities established for them. AKSAdlYD5kk-00034-00035904-00037206 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And to explore the process and see how we could do upload a lot of this mechanically and utilize metadata we already had available through our repository and vivo. AKSAdlYD5kk-00035-00037353-00038556 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: We wanted to demonstrate linked data, and we did experiment with wiki data is sparkle query service to explore the relationships to see how wiki data was going to work for the users. AKSAdlYD5kk-00036-00038598-00039354 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And finally, we wanted to expose the information about our collections to a wider audience next slide please. AKSAdlYD5kk-00037-00039570-00040305 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: To do this we had we decided we had to decide on a collection, so we went with our current electronic theses and dissertations. AKSAdlYD5kk-00038-00040353-00041580 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: As you can see there's a lot of different titles in there, we decided to focus on mechanical engineering, but only doctoral dissertations that gave us 576 next slide. AKSAdlYD5kk-00039-00041775-00042486 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: From there we narrowed it down a bit more focused on the top 71 faculty members that were the most frequent advisors. AKSAdlYD5kk-00040-00042525-00043911 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And their doctoral students had orchid numbers because we wanted to explore that aspect of linked data This resulted in 217 doctoral students and their dissertations in addition to the 71 faculty. AKSAdlYD5kk-00041-00044043-00044259 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Members next, please. AKSAdlYD5kk-00042-00044487-00046602 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: So our method was a work in progress, the first thing we did was we extracted metadata from oak CREST RD space repository and then we batch upload it into wiki data, but first we utilized open refined to reconcile the items and see what actually needed new ones, then we. AKSAdlYD5kk-00043-00046755-00047625 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: brought in more additional information for our faculty members of 71 advisors through the vivo database, which is it scholars Timo. AKSAdlYD5kk-00044-00047739-00049059 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: We got this by requesting our di staff download that information, then we took that information out ran it through open to refine did the reconciliation process and put it into a wiki data. AKSAdlYD5kk-00045-00049113-00050103 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Finally, we did some enhancement of the authority or records for these advisors by adding the wiki data identifier, to the national authority file. AKSAdlYD5kk-00046-00050142-00051177 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: IE the authority file in oclc library of Congress and then taking that llc identifier and linking it back to the wiki data item next, please. AKSAdlYD5kk-00047-00051242-00052011 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: So, as I said, the first part was importing and reconciling the data from trust repository i'm not going to show you the. AKSAdlYD5kk-00048-00052077-00053478 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: You know the excel spreadsheet that we downloaded, but what we did is We took that we cleaned it up a little bit and we uploaded that into open refine and we made sure we had the wiki data extension on their necks. AKSAdlYD5kk-00049-00053598-00054680 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And then we went through the process of reconciling the data from the trust repository as the record so earlier, you know we have to specify like these are human things. AKSAdlYD5kk-00050-00054771-00055740 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Then we reconcile that data by going to each column going down reconciling reconcile and just start reconciliation. AKSAdlYD5kk-00051-00055782-00056832 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And it would go through, and if there was already a record in wiki data it would turn blue, and we could double check and make sure it was the right person, otherwise it would create a new one next. AKSAdlYD5kk-00052-00056952-00058560 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: So from there after we reconciled we brought in a schema for the Faculty advisors, so that we had consistent metadata throughout all 71 advisors here, you can see, this is taking that information those top level. AKSAdlYD5kk-00053-00058689-00059271 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: tags and putting them in the the wiki data record next. AKSAdlYD5kk-00054-00059472-00060357 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And yep thesis the fact that the researchers that they're in college station, etc, what their degrees in going. AKSAdlYD5kk-00055-00060528-00061170 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Then, so that was for the 71 advisors, this is for the doctoral students, we did. AKSAdlYD5kk-00056-00061275-00061989 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Taking that same batch metadata from oak trust we were able to create a schema for the doctoral students against specifying that. AKSAdlYD5kk-00057-00062028-00063741 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Who their advisor is here's where the orchid ID comes in, we had so we put in that identifier as well, what their major was where they were educated at the factor human next you know what they got their degree in and who, granted that degree. AKSAdlYD5kk-00058-00063866-00063924 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Next. AKSAdlYD5kk-00059-00064047-00065244 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Then we created the third part that the third part of the items which we're going to be for the dissertation titles themselves, this one was a lot more straightforward, you know it's a dissertation. AKSAdlYD5kk-00060-00065304-00066222 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: where you can find it so it will link back to our actress repository when it was created when it was submitted, etc. AKSAdlYD5kk-00061-00066309-00067473 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And you know, the fact that is part of our CD collection no trust what language, it was where we're located, the date of publication usual stuff you would expect, on a record. AKSAdlYD5kk-00062-00067563-00069633 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: So, finally, the last step was to link the dissertation title to the to the student who created it and that's what the schema does it's a very simple, straightforward here's the theses title here's the creator and that create that close that linked data loop. AKSAdlYD5kk-00063-00069894-00071142 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Finally, one of the last things we did was to go outside of wiki data we put the wiki data, you are I in the authority record which is in here's the oh two four fields, and then we go ahead and. AKSAdlYD5kk-00064-00071187-00071967 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Take the llc number for it and put it in the wiki data item, thus working with that link data again. AKSAdlYD5kk-00065-00072090-00073038 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Next, please, so that was just taking the information from across we got a lot of metadata from there, then we got metadata from the vivo. AKSAdlYD5kk-00066-00073131-00074688 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: database scholars it to me, this is an example of the data that was exported from vivo for this one faculty Member out what his degree name degree was in where it was from what year he got it his position, etc. AKSAdlYD5kk-00067-00074895-00076344 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Next place, and then we take that data and run it through open or find everything that's blue there means that there is already an item, and we can, and it will focus on updating that information. AKSAdlYD5kk-00068-00076407-00077151 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: In wiki data, because the blue means that there's already an item level thing in wiki data for it next, please. AKSAdlYD5kk-00069-00077361-00078366 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: them the step in open refine we again create the schema that will add this additional information to the already existing faculty advisor items we'd already created. AKSAdlYD5kk-00070-00078519-00079791 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And this is really enhancing their records which tells us that you know where the different schools, they were educated at their majors on the degree of what time they were there. AKSAdlYD5kk-00071-00079905-00079974 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Next, please. AKSAdlYD5kk-00072-00080160-00080625 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: It goes down at what department, they are here at Texas a&m university. AKSAdlYD5kk-00073-00080784-00081804 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And then that pretty much to really wonderful enhanced records and wiki data i'm going to turn it over to back to Jeanette to go over using mixing mix and match. AKSAdlYD5kk-00074-00081972-00082182 Jeannette Ho: Okay, so i'm going to talk about a different tool. AKSAdlYD5kk-00075-00082182-00083301 Jeannette Ho: That we used after we populated wiki data with all these items we had some extra information leftover from vivo such as awards fellowships in a doubt professorships. AKSAdlYD5kk-00076-00083433-00084480 Jeannette Ho: They weren't core at the beginning, but according to our application and profile, but we thought they might be useful to add later, so we wanted to make sure these were in wiki data first before we used open refined to. AKSAdlYD5kk-00077-00084546-00085830 Jeannette Ho: link them up with their advisors so in the tool we use, for this is called mix and match, so this is an alternative way to reconcile entities with what isn't a wiki data and if they're not there, it can also automatically generate new items. AKSAdlYD5kk-00078-00085899-00086691 Jeannette Ho: So we created a spreadsheet based on the information we got from vivo for awards, and we we batch imported into the tool. AKSAdlYD5kk-00079-00086733-00087588 Jeannette Ho: And here's the way the results looked up, but when we were about halfway done reconciling the award so you've got things that are fully matched and things that are unmatched. AKSAdlYD5kk-00080-00087660-00088530 Jeannette Ho: So if you click on unmatched you can see all the words that were not found in Wikipedia, but you can see, has various links first a search wiki data as well as the various Wikipedia is. AKSAdlYD5kk-00081-00088551-00090084 Jeannette Ho: So we found one great we can upset the queue but if not, we would click on a button saying new item, and this would automatically generate a skeletal record based that had the properties that we specified in that spreadsheet that we batch loaded into the into mix and match. AKSAdlYD5kk-00082-00090210-00090999 Jeannette Ho: Once they were there, we would do some research and then manually enhance the wreck items for the awards based on information, we can find about them on the web. AKSAdlYD5kk-00083-00091089-00092226 Jeannette Ho: And then we used once they were all there we used open refined to batch have to reconcile them and then batch link the items to the awards to the items for the professors who won them. AKSAdlYD5kk-00084-00092310-00093351 Jeannette Ho: And we would qualify this by the year that the awards were conferred so we did this for awards and we're in the process of doing the same thing for professorships as well as fellowships from vivo. AKSAdlYD5kk-00085-00093456-00094485 Jeannette Ho: And another thing we did is that for a subset of the advisors and the graduate students, we manually enhance them, so we looked at their linkedin page their faculty web pages to see what other things we could add. AKSAdlYD5kk-00086-00094524-00095469 Jeannette Ho: This is by no means a comprehensive list, but just gives gives you an idea of the kinds of information that we were enhancing and again this was just for a subset of them. AKSAdlYD5kk-00087-00095595-00096744 Jeannette Ho: We also started to experiment with sparkle queries using the wiki data query service so here's one that we did to find out what places hired these students once they graduated from Texas a&m. AKSAdlYD5kk-00088-00096855-00097815 Jeannette Ho: So we could visualize them in various ways, within this querying service, so you can see there's very little overlap among the places that hired them other than a&m. AKSAdlYD5kk-00089-00097950-00099066 Jeannette Ho: here's a different visualization for a different query that we did about the number of times each award was one among our sample So you can see there's some awards that were one more often than others. AKSAdlYD5kk-00090-00099171-00099750 Jeannette Ho: This just gives you a visualization of the timeline So you can see they're very Spikes within various decades were more. AKSAdlYD5kk-00091-00099789-00100866 Jeannette Ho: A greater number of boards was one in our sample than others, and if you could enter wicked data makes it easy to switch back to the tabular view so if you want to see what was going on, you could examine the numbers within that decade. AKSAdlYD5kk-00092-00101070-00101880 Jeannette Ho: For outcomes, I think we have increased the potential for discovery and that, at the outset 62% of our advisors were not in wiki data. AKSAdlYD5kk-00093-00101925-00102867 Jeannette Ho: And slightly over half were not in the national authority file so now they're in both places and as charity demonstrated earlier, there are linked together. AKSAdlYD5kk-00094-00102957-00103629 Jeannette Ho: Also, almost no the doctoral students had authority records at the beginning, but and now at least they have a link data presence on wiki data. AKSAdlYD5kk-00095-00103746-00104907 Jeannette Ho: And I would say that we've met our goal in that are to make our data more visible on the open web, because our data is starting to show up in various tools like scalia, for example, you can see a timeline with the data that we provided. AKSAdlYD5kk-00096-00104997-00106122 Jeannette Ho: Where what degrees, they want when and I went institutions, as well as when they want want certain awards, you can look at it to cloud to see the what students, they advised, as well as. AKSAdlYD5kk-00097-00106221-00106824 Jeannette Ho: see what the dissertations were for these students to show you their major with the department there from. AKSAdlYD5kk-00098-00106920-00108300 Jeannette Ho: An entity is another tool where our data starting to show up so that's the tool is often used for family trees and genealogy, but it can also be used as a doctoral students and advisors, as well as award so it's the same information just a different way of visualizing it. AKSAdlYD5kk-00099-00108410-00109299 Jeannette Ho: And I would say that what we've learned is that almost all the properties, we designated as core as core at the beginning, could be semi automated in this fashion. AKSAdlYD5kk-00100-00109344-00110861 Jeannette Ho: However, there are a lot more that could be manually added that could not be automated so question left to explore is what role wiki data item playing our work going forward what properties should be recorded for what purposes and doesn't make sense for us to duplicate our work. AKSAdlYD5kk-00101-00111075-00112281 Jeannette Ho: In the authority contest for authority control does it make more sense for us to put some information on wiki data versus instead of the national authority file and vice versa, and does that make sense for more some people. AKSAdlYD5kk-00102-00112395-00114093 Jeannette Ho: than others for different collections, and so our next steps, is that we want to continue learning about sparkles will probably continue to experiment way explore ways that this data can be useful, and also, we want to share the results of our project within the libraries and more broadly. AKSAdlYD5kk-00103-00114198-00114761 Jeannette Ho: So if you have any questions about our project, we can get in touch with any of us at these email addresses. AKSAdlYD5kk-00104-00115077-00115173 Jeannette Ho: Okay, I guess. AKSAdlYD5kk-00105-00115344-00115452 Morganti, Dianna: Thank you so much. AKSAdlYD5kk-00106-00115557-00116313 Morganti, Dianna: Thank you so much to both Jeanette and charity and your two other Co authors as a reminder that we will do Q amp a at the end for both presentations. AKSAdlYD5kk-00107-00116360-00117099 Morganti, Dianna: As the presenters are switching out their screen sharing David Please go ahead and get started i'll introduce the speaker for the next presentation. AKSAdlYD5kk-00108-00117123-00118511 Morganti, Dianna: Responding to faculty interest in rapid publishing during the pandemic, the role of interoperable scholarly communication systems at Texas a&m with another of my tambo colleagues presenter David bow digital collections management librarian Texas a&m university. AKSAdlYD5kk-00109-00118707-00119108 Lowe, David B: Thanks thanks everyone I hope everyone can hear me and see everything. AKSAdlYD5kk-00110-00119232-00120630 Lowe, David B: will be great yeah so as I mentioned my name is David low title is digital collections management librarian and I currently work in the office of scholarly communication here at Texas a&m libraries. AKSAdlYD5kk-00111-00120726-00121539 Lowe, David B: So i'll be speaking on behalf of our whole school COM team, including Sarah putman DJ Lee and our director who's Herbert. AKSAdlYD5kk-00112-00121617-00122247 Lowe, David B: Our topic as you can see from the title slide is responding to faculty interest in rapid publishing during the pandemic. AKSAdlYD5kk-00113-00122298-00123528 Lowe, David B: The role of interoperable scholarly communication systems at Texas a&m so the work I will describe today is essentially what we were awarded the PDL skoll come Award for this morning. AKSAdlYD5kk-00114-00123618-00124599 Lowe, David B: Which we're very grateful, but it also included our essential metadata partner Jeanette whoa and actually others charity, and we can name people in. AKSAdlYD5kk-00115-00124665-00126528 Lowe, David B: Our it department as a charity Internet we're calling di digital initiatives we call it here at Texas a&m libraries, but anyway, where I didn't know where we're going to get nominated but very grateful for the recognition and i'm happy to give you details on. AKSAdlYD5kk-00116-00126630-00127002 Lowe, David B: The reason for this award in the coming moments. AKSAdlYD5kk-00117-00127158-00127248 Lowe, David B: So. AKSAdlYD5kk-00118-00127446-00127593 Lowe, David B: let's go slide there it goes. AKSAdlYD5kk-00119-00127740-00128640 Lowe, David B: So here's a quick overview of this talk first we should clarify our terms and parse the coming barrage of acronyms and related entities for you. AKSAdlYD5kk-00120-00128673-00129330 Lowe, David B: Second, will go into a bit of detail on the tools and their interoperability mentioned in this talks titled. AKSAdlYD5kk-00121-00129390-00130038 Lowe, David B: Third, will discuss some critical events from the past couple of years and are relevant responses to them. AKSAdlYD5kk-00122-00130109-00131625 Lowe, David B: forth connect the tools and responses to an approach or set of workflows really for our services fifth I have, I have screenshots of some of the results of that approach, and finally i'll highlight some selected use cases. AKSAdlYD5kk-00123-00131751-00132042 Lowe, David B: And since I think I have a little bit of time. AKSAdlYD5kk-00124-00132267-00133233 Lowe, David B: Because this is actually a short talk, I would note that I, this is the first time i've used this introductory slide but it occurs to me that it might be useful. AKSAdlYD5kk-00125-00133275-00134157 Lowe, David B: And an API context, if you look at lane five there so might be interested in that in the future, just to sneak in the Di a reference in there. AKSAdlYD5kk-00126-00134223-00134922 Lowe, David B: Alright, so clarifying terms are specialized terms really revolve mostly around function components. AKSAdlYD5kk-00127-00135003-00136602 Lowe, David B: Like many university libraries, we hold critical files which could be articles books dissertations posters conference presentations teaching materials, etc, and our institutional repository which I may refer to as the ir. AKSAdlYD5kk-00128-00136674-00137718 Lowe, David B: And an m were using version six of the 20 year old but still very common and very serviceable software D space which we have branded as an actress locally. AKSAdlYD5kk-00129-00137838-00138519 Lowe, David B: We also use a room system or research Information System, known as vivo referred to in the last talk as well. AKSAdlYD5kk-00130-00138579-00139227 Lowe, David B: which we have branded as scholars at tamim and you might catch me calling it just scholars. AKSAdlYD5kk-00131-00139317-00140763 Lowe, David B: The third piece is the software for metrics from social and other media dubbed alternative metrics are all metrics for short and we use the product ultimate metric singular from digital science and we have not branded differently. AKSAdlYD5kk-00132-00141096-00142782 Lowe, David B: So on to interoperability with these tools first here's a quick look at the homepage For starters that tamim as you see, noted on the slide we acknowledged some early feedback toward improved user experience from a focus group in our college of business. AKSAdlYD5kk-00133-00142896-00144168 Lowe, David B: And here's a bit more detail with logos for the systems we have at am so D space and also fedora as repositories for door is not actually connected in this interoperability. AKSAdlYD5kk-00134-00144243-00144969 Lowe, David B: That i'm describing in this talk, but we do use it for other things, as you may have seen in James Korean sage talk earlier. AKSAdlYD5kk-00135-00145263-00146370 Lowe, David B: These utilize link data technologies like the identifiers do lie and handle for digital objects and orchid for people. AKSAdlYD5kk-00136-00146526-00147849 Lowe, David B: And then the vivo software for faculty profiles and alt metric for the more immediate new type of metrics that are faster turnaround than traditional sense. AKSAdlYD5kk-00137-00148062-00148878 Lowe, David B: Together they all enabled a social and opera interoperability and maybe interoperable sometimes but interoperability. AKSAdlYD5kk-00138-00148938-00150270 Lowe, David B: As discussed in this work by oclc Brian laboy and Rebecca bryant In brief, we are enabling better collect collaborations among researchers and clear communication and understanding. AKSAdlYD5kk-00139-00150306-00151368 Lowe, David B: With department heads dean's marketing grants officers, the opposite of the VP for research and other upper level administrators. AKSAdlYD5kk-00140-00151551-00152331 Lowe, David B: So how has this panned out over the past couple of years if we think about what has been front and Center on our minds as academics in this time period. AKSAdlYD5kk-00141-00152355-00154176 Lowe, David B: With the pandemic social movements like black lives matter and the attention to making teaching and learning work in a remote or distance environment we've had a lot to deal with responses included new collections in the ir and from their greater interoperability with scholars. AKSAdlYD5kk-00142-00154902-00156141 Lowe, David B: Here is a screenshot of the trust homepage with three collections circle that are relevant to this talk First, we have had self deposit enabled for faculty research for many years. AKSAdlYD5kk-00143-00156189-00157353 Lowe, David B: Next, about six years ago, the oases collection received from an MFA deleted author its first openly available textbook or oh er that is open educational resource. AKSAdlYD5kk-00144-00157413-00158589 Lowe, David B: And then, about two years ago I created the self deposits set for faculty teaching materials to hold more of supplemental certain curriculum material and other materials with the teaching focus. AKSAdlYD5kk-00145-00158799-00159813 Lowe, David B: So how do we approach getting all this to work together well let's know that scholars works to establish and enhance faculty digital identity and reputation. AKSAdlYD5kk-00146-00159867-00160401 Lowe, David B: Through discovery as an initial step, and then metrics as a sort of summative function. AKSAdlYD5kk-00147-00160485-00161337 Lowe, David B: It enables data reuse across campus and serves to provide research intelligence that can be put to use for a variety of reports, in fact. AKSAdlYD5kk-00148-00161391-00163212 Lowe, David B: A team based challenge run by our data science institute this past semester relied heavily on data sets from scholars as part of their creative analysis and visualization competition with great results and you also heard in the last talk about the wiki data connection. AKSAdlYD5kk-00149-00163581-00164313 Lowe, David B: here's a depiction of the basic workflow from the ir to scholars for materials like articles or conference papers. AKSAdlYD5kk-00150-00164385-00165882 Lowe, David B: simplistic elements which is also a digital science software product it harvest new items that it finds to have been added to the space those go into a database in the middle there and get suggested to faculty below. AKSAdlYD5kk-00151-00166026-00167298 Lowe, David B: matched by their names and scholars profiles and they are able to accept or reject them as their work, similar to the way that Google scholar and similar profile and aggregators do if you're familiar with that process. AKSAdlYD5kk-00152-00167370-00168162 Lowe, David B: The accepted items then get added to the public profile of the that relevant individual faculty Member and scholars. AKSAdlYD5kk-00153-00168387-00169992 Lowe, David B: Similarly for theses and dissertations authored by our graduate students our faculty who service committee chairs for these students also get their names from the D space metadata match to be claimed or rejected for their scholars profiles. AKSAdlYD5kk-00154-00170175-00172245 Lowe, David B: So what are the results of these workflows in real life on the public pages of scholars well i'm glad you asked first here's the thesis and dissertation harvest result here, we see under the tab works by students some of bruce's students works citations below there. AKSAdlYD5kk-00155-00172485-00173916 Lowe, David B: Under the tab denoted as publications there in the middle, this screenshot features a subsection containing works harvested from the ir institutional repository of documents. AKSAdlYD5kk-00156-00174156-00174798 Lowe, David B: And as a final example from scholars here is an example of content, under the teaching tab. AKSAdlYD5kk-00157-00174942-00175899 Lowe, David B: below the list of recent courses taught there follows a list of that faculty members entries from the teaching materials collection and trust. AKSAdlYD5kk-00158-00176253-00176964 Lowe, David B: So in the concluding section of this talk, I will mention a few use case successes that show how we met challenges during the pandemic. AKSAdlYD5kk-00159-00177039-00178482 Lowe, David B: fairly early in the shift to 100% online teaching and 2020 a group of engineering faculty compiled a survey and ensure its results related to that seismic shift in teaching and learning roles. AKSAdlYD5kk-00160-00178764-00179133 Lowe, David B: The metric badge down here at the bottom on the left. AKSAdlYD5kk-00161-00179271-00180753 Lowe, David B: That you see has this label one and it indicates social media mentions as opposed to the D space usage statistics accessible to the right of the label number two. AKSAdlYD5kk-00162-00180945-00181776 Lowe, David B: Another faculty Member from the communication department studied how church related activities were affected by the move to online services. AKSAdlYD5kk-00163-00181830-00182982 Lowe, David B: She was able to publicize her work rapidly and openly using the ir and we like to point out that such public scholarship is true to the land grant mission of our university. AKSAdlYD5kk-00164-00183051-00184284 Lowe, David B: notes and the metric badge that her work has not only been tweeted many times, but has been picked up by news outlets and is already referenced in a Wikipedia page. AKSAdlYD5kk-00165-00184491-00185250 Lowe, David B: And here's a tweet from that very productive faculty Member about a more recent book she has published and trust. AKSAdlYD5kk-00166-00185376-00186186 Lowe, David B: She says she's launching her fifth and she's done more, since then, so incredibly productive and great way to get things out there. AKSAdlYD5kk-00167-00186378-00186993 Lowe, David B: Finally, a couple more of her tweets about her work and the I are celebrating 1200 downloads. AKSAdlYD5kk-00168-00187212-00187644 Lowe, David B: And an invitation from the Vatican to discuss her research. AKSAdlYD5kk-00169-00187773-00188631 Lowe, David B: Although we can't promise everyone an invitation to the Vatican, we are pleased to support her public scholarship and its impact. AKSAdlYD5kk-00170-00188802-00190101 Lowe, David B: So with that I will close feel free to check out the scholars code they're linked on the right side of this slide and you're welcome to contact one or all of us at the email addresses on the Left and I thank you for your attention. AKSAdlYD5kk-00171-00190626-00190899 Morganti, Dianna: I was hoping for an invitation to the Vatican myself. AKSAdlYD5kk-00172-00191019-00191136 Lowe, David B: My do everybody happy. AKSAdlYD5kk-00173-00191337-00193014 Morganti, Dianna: Thank you to David and your co authors, DJ Sarah and Bruce I will now open it up for questions on both presentations please feel free to raise your hand unmute or type your question in chat and i'll give us a moment, while we wait for that to roll in. AKSAdlYD5kk-00174-00195114-00195357 Morganti, Dianna: I have a couple myself, I can get a started. AKSAdlYD5kk-00175-00195474-00196755 Morganti, Dianna: Oh good there's a couple coming in, I will i'll hold mine off to go to the attendees questions first somebody asks regarding the first presentations were there certain data sets you used in mix and match. AKSAdlYD5kk-00176-00197379-00197427 Jeannette Ho: Yes. AKSAdlYD5kk-00177-00197622-00198453 Jeannette Ho: A month, it was the it was based on the data that our we got our digital initiatives unit to download us download download from for us from vivo. AKSAdlYD5kk-00178-00198612-00198753 Jeannette Ho: So that was the scholars. AKSAdlYD5kk-00179-00198873-00199179 Jeannette Ho: At CMU database that David was presenting about. AKSAdlYD5kk-00180-00199371-00199857 Jeannette Ho: So we had we asked that they download the data for different faculty members and our sample. AKSAdlYD5kk-00181-00199989-00200697 Jeannette Ho: And one of the one of the things, one of the data elements that were included worthy awards that they had one. AKSAdlYD5kk-00182-00201072-00202002 Jeannette Ho: As well as different fellowships and professorships that they had so we were able to take that and develop a spreadsheet based on that information. AKSAdlYD5kk-00183-00202203-00202968 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: i'd also like to say that that much of that information and scholars does come from the faculty members curriculum beta. AKSAdlYD5kk-00184-00203109-00203280 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: If I recall correctly. AKSAdlYD5kk-00185-00204081-00204510 Morganti, Dianna: Someone also asked for folks new to wiki data, what is the best starting place. AKSAdlYD5kk-00186-00204990-00206273 Jeannette Ho: yeah that's a good question, we were introduced to most of it for through the wiki data institute course that we took, but if you go to the wiki data site itself, it has a page, I think that. AKSAdlYD5kk-00187-00206544-00206894 Jeannette Ho: I think it has things for people who are just getting started. AKSAdlYD5kk-00188-00207198-00207348 Jeannette Ho: If I could share my screen for a minute. AKSAdlYD5kk-00189-00207473-00207542 Morganti, Dianna: please feel free. AKSAdlYD5kk-00190-00207567-00207600 Okay. AKSAdlYD5kk-00191-00207789-00207858 Jeannette Ho: Okay, so. AKSAdlYD5kk-00192-00208002-00208544 Jeannette Ho: i'm at the wiki data website, right now, so if you go to the left side they have something called Community portal. AKSAdlYD5kk-00193-00208667-00209382 Jeannette Ho: And on the right side they have getting started, so you can see an introduction to wiki data. AKSAdlYD5kk-00194-00209526-00210042 Jeannette Ho: As well as a glossary a tour various various things. AKSAdlYD5kk-00195-00210273-00210987 Jeannette Ho: list of properties policies and guidelines tools so they're there they have pages, where you can get started. AKSAdlYD5kk-00196-00211308-00211737 Jeannette Ho: I have to say, though, that a lot of the tool tools, a lot of the things that we used. AKSAdlYD5kk-00197-00211854-00212973 Jeannette Ho: We kind of learned from other sources, like, I mentioned that we sub we've attended monthly meetings for that PCC wicked data pilot so that was a place where we also gathered more sources. AKSAdlYD5kk-00198-00213017-00213933 Jeannette Ho: As well as from the course that we took another thing another thing is that the ld for Community also has a wiki data affinity group. AKSAdlYD5kk-00199-00213971-00215342 Jeannette Ho: So that was also another source, where we got information about sources to get started from, but what we did was we compiled all of it on to internal website that we have within Microsoft teams, so we have a special channel for our project there. AKSAdlYD5kk-00200-00215400-00216246 Jeannette Ho: So that might be something we might want to translate into something where we can share more broadly in the future, I guess, but that's what we thought we found helpful. AKSAdlYD5kk-00201-00216615-00218013 Morganti, Dianna: i'm really into like logistics and project management so that's stuff that i'm really interested in learning, but also that project page that you showed on one of your slides, I wonder if you could share that sure. AKSAdlYD5kk-00202-00218139-00218346 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: It is available on wiki data. AKSAdlYD5kk-00203-00218553-00219336 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And one thing to be aware of you know we're looking at wiki data as a to help deal with name disambiguate. AKSAdlYD5kk-00204-00219483-00221784 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: identifiers, but it is like with you know wiki Wikipedia it anybody can go in there and contribute items edit items as long as they register, so that does cause us a bit of concern in terms of going forward because misinformation can be there. AKSAdlYD5kk-00205-00221901-00222144 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: But we're very confident in what we uploaded. AKSAdlYD5kk-00206-00222342-00222612 Jeannette Ho: yeah and i've just shared the URL to our project page. AKSAdlYD5kk-00207-00224096-00224454 Jeannette Ho: I haven't heard that okay sorry just reading. AKSAdlYD5kk-00208-00224565-00224819 Morganti, Dianna: When I was just gonna read the question out loud go ahead. AKSAdlYD5kk-00209-00224829-00226359 Jeannette Ho: Okay, I saw a question somebody asked can wiki data pages be locked like Wikipedia articles in case of vandalism I haven't heard that they can, from what I understand anybody can make any change, they want to do any page within wiki data. AKSAdlYD5kk-00210-00226523-00227226 Jeannette Ho: I don't I don't know about project pages, though, so that's a good question but i've not heard that have been a case where people can. AKSAdlYD5kk-00211-00227757-00228569 Morganti, Dianna: There was also that follow up question I assume your dissertation authors don't have a biography that is submitted on orchid. AKSAdlYD5kk-00212-00228879-00228996 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: i'm sorry Jeanette go ahead. AKSAdlYD5kk-00213-00229094-00229146 yeah. AKSAdlYD5kk-00214-00229416-00230123 Jeannette Ho: Like in your orchid profile that you set up people can submit a lot of things that they would typically put on their CV. AKSAdlYD5kk-00215-00230229-00230594 Jeannette Ho: I don't think they have i've seen any case where they have a biography on them, though. AKSAdlYD5kk-00216-00230802-00231003 Jeannette Ho: charity of you're going to say something. AKSAdlYD5kk-00217-00231042-00231213 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: I was just going to say that up. AKSAdlYD5kk-00218-00231317-00232053 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: For this project we weren't focusing so much on orkut are trying to enhance any orchid ids. AKSAdlYD5kk-00219-00232176-00233433 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And the information we were getting was directly from the TD collection in the space so, generally speaking, those are not there's not that kind of biographical information but. AKSAdlYD5kk-00220-00233514-00234465 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: With some of the tools that Jeanette was showing at the end you can actually come up, you can actually do some searches and get some quite some interesting information on people. AKSAdlYD5kk-00221-00234705-00234732 Jeannette Ho: Okay. AKSAdlYD5kk-00222-00234744-00235269 Jeannette Ho: Somebody has added to the chats and, yes, they can be protected. AKSAdlYD5kk-00223-00235515-00235644 Morganti, Dianna: and go ahead and do so Kim. AKSAdlYD5kk-00224-00236121-00236460 Misu Kim: hi I have audition a question about wiki data project. AKSAdlYD5kk-00225-00236562-00236712 Misu Kim: So looks like. AKSAdlYD5kk-00226-00236850-00238809 Misu Kim: Their electronic theses and dissertations the data exists in Dublin core in this space, and I think your team export data that and edited on open a pint defined in batch to add wiki identifier. AKSAdlYD5kk-00227-00238929-00238989 Misu Kim: um. AKSAdlYD5kk-00228-00239166-00240684 Misu Kim: My question is how you are able to do in batch on open the fine, I think, Chris charity showed us some screenshot on schema is it kind of your locally customize the schema. AKSAdlYD5kk-00229-00240777-00241512 Jeannette Ho: Yes, we created that schema based on the Dublin core elements that were in our in our repository. AKSAdlYD5kk-00230-00241578-00242079 Misu Kim: So you're able to add we key element on on opening fine. AKSAdlYD5kk-00231-00242256-00242444 Jeannette Ho: Yes, okay. AKSAdlYD5kk-00232-00242526-00243264 Misu Kim: I mean i'm not familiar with the open the fine so is a hard to imagine for me to how it is possible. AKSAdlYD5kk-00233-00243369-00243834 Misu Kim: But it's a very great presentation, I was really impressive. AKSAdlYD5kk-00234-00243936-00244653 Jeannette Ho: yeah based open refined actually makes it easy once you uploaded your spreadsheet onto into open refined. AKSAdlYD5kk-00235-00244721-00245379 Jeannette Ho: One of the slides charity was showing how to drop each column has a drop down menu that says to start reconciling. AKSAdlYD5kk-00236-00245433-00247155 Jeannette Ho: So, as long as you installed, the extension for wiki data onto open refined you can you can have that feature, so I have to do is just right through the click on your column choose start reconciling and it'll it'll find matches for you on wiki data. AKSAdlYD5kk-00237-00247371-00248994 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: To be honest, once we got into the automation of it we pretty much did all of our work in open refine it was only those elements that we were adding manually that we were actually working and wiki data. AKSAdlYD5kk-00238-00249165-00249507 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Oh, that was kind of like you know bonus information. AKSAdlYD5kk-00239-00249738-00249834 Misu Kim: Okay, thank you. AKSAdlYD5kk-00240-00249869-00249930 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Thank you. AKSAdlYD5kk-00241-00250167-00251514 Morganti, Dianna: I was going to expand on that or good question and actually pivot to David, so you showed that workflow on how you get things from the ir from D space into. AKSAdlYD5kk-00242-00251723-00251814 Morganti, Dianna: scholars. AKSAdlYD5kk-00243-00251916-00253188 Morganti, Dianna: But does it harvest items from anywhere other than D space like through orchid or do ads or pubmed or any other kind of open access publishing platforms. AKSAdlYD5kk-00244-00253389-00254144 Lowe, David B: Yes, i'm not a simplistic elements expert but that's the tool that's doing that stuff and. AKSAdlYD5kk-00245-00254277-00254646 Lowe, David B: it's it's not just from these folks. AKSAdlYD5kk-00246-00255444-00255492 Morganti, Dianna: going. AKSAdlYD5kk-00247-00255612-00256626 Elliot Williams: I actually have a question kind of following up on on yours Diana David and and I i'm sorry if you don't know the answer to this, but I was curious when you're talking about. AKSAdlYD5kk-00248-00256701-00257652 Elliot Williams: The items that are being imported to scholars from D space that the faculty members have to approve them is that right kind of manually. AKSAdlYD5kk-00249-00257805-00258027 Elliot Williams: say where they wanted added to their profile. AKSAdlYD5kk-00250-00258135-00260886 Lowe, David B: So our magician's on the floor above me our it folks we call it di have a bleep it's a php APP that does some sort of fuzzy matching of names and so, if it sees something new in the space for which the name looks like something in a name and scholars, it is presented to. AKSAdlYD5kk-00251-00261015-00261417 Lowe, David B: The faculty Member for approval on to their profile right. AKSAdlYD5kk-00252-00261525-00262584 Elliot Williams: Okay cool Thank you um yeah I was, I was kind of curious about how much faculty members engage with that whether they sort of proactively. AKSAdlYD5kk-00253-00262650-00263616 Elliot Williams: approve those things, whether it takes, you know, a library and kind of prompting them to review those just sort of how that how much they engage in that I guess. AKSAdlYD5kk-00254-00263742-00265470 Lowe, David B: That would be I would pointing to DJ for the details on that, but we do know that I think it's over 80% of Texas a&m faculty have logged in at least once to their scholars profile. AKSAdlYD5kk-00255-00265650-00266070 Lowe, David B: So we we we have currently. AKSAdlYD5kk-00256-00266202-00266550 Lowe, David B: We have respect for the tool we're moving to. AKSAdlYD5kk-00257-00266679-00266799 Lowe, David B: Inter folio. AKSAdlYD5kk-00258-00266907-00267111 Lowe, David B: run by not the libraries, but. AKSAdlYD5kk-00259-00267225-00268494 Lowe, David B: For our evaluation process on campus wide, not just the libraries and I am not sure how that will disrupt the attention that scholars gets in the future, but. AKSAdlYD5kk-00260-00268809-00269598 Lowe, David B: scholars is highly respected it's on campus yeah it's they they've done a great job and. AKSAdlYD5kk-00261-00269697-00272073 Lowe, David B: Bruce and DJ and Fo the scholars team in the scholarly communication Office here have done a fantastic job marketing it and outreach in going to new faculty we just went to faculty presentation last week to help people sort of work on their their profiles and such and it's. AKSAdlYD5kk-00262-00272220-00272586 Lowe, David B: it's not just a and i'll i'll get to it. AKSAdlYD5kk-00263-00272697-00273600 Lowe, David B: When I can for for for some people, it may be like that, but it's um it's a recognized thing that. AKSAdlYD5kk-00264-00273846-00274089 Lowe, David B: People faculty you scholars. AKSAdlYD5kk-00265-00275070-00276156 Morganti, Dianna: So this might even be a related question to that and i'm curious how Jeanette charity, how you all choose mechanical engineering to start, I mean. AKSAdlYD5kk-00266-00276210-00277359 Morganti, Dianna: I think it, the reason I wonder if it's related is was there some outreach to them where they said we really want to help increase our impact and so we'd like to partner with you in this like how did you all choose mechanical engineering. AKSAdlYD5kk-00267-00277656-00277839 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: That was a. AKSAdlYD5kk-00268-00278103-00279279 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Basically, we I down I extracted the metadata from the entire collection and that's where you saw over 20,000 titles there we took a look at it. AKSAdlYD5kk-00269-00279384-00280635 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: In terms of what department what area had kind of the numbers and the qualifications, we wanted, in terms of the number of their graduate students. AKSAdlYD5kk-00270-00280704-00281520 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: The theses titles, the dissertation titles associated with it, and really how many faculty. AKSAdlYD5kk-00271-00281610-00282561 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Were advisors, you know how many were listed as the primary advisor so it was really less about Oh well, we really like engineering. AKSAdlYD5kk-00272-00282630-00284097 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: or anything like that it was really more of which department had the numbers that you know were significant enough that we could get good data but also not so messy. AKSAdlYD5kk-00273-00284181-00285738 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: And a lot of ways, so that's really it really wasn't any particular when we did talk about other schools, I mean and look at other departments, we were we were really not focused on any particular discipline that was just. AKSAdlYD5kk-00274-00285855-00286680 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: You know, looking at engineering and then within the you know college of engineering mechanical engineering just had a. AKSAdlYD5kk-00275-00286770-00288579 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Number of under 71 advisors or under 100 advisors that actually had significant number of graduate students most faculty don't have quite as many as those 71 dead, so it was just a numbers game. AKSAdlYD5kk-00276-00288810-00289206 Morganti, Dianna: Well, as an engineering librarian if you want to take the show on the road of engineering I would love. AKSAdlYD5kk-00277-00289224-00289251 That. AKSAdlYD5kk-00278-00289725-00290520 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: I think I think they would really because i'm willing to bet a lot of them are not aware of the fact that their patients now out there and wiki they. AKSAdlYD5kk-00279-00290634-00291036 Morganti, Dianna: won like you said in one of your slides and something that can help increase impact. AKSAdlYD5kk-00280-00291051-00291126 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Yes. AKSAdlYD5kk-00281-00291207-00292266 Jeannette Ho: yeah I think it would be a good idea to kind of run show them their pages and run the by them just to make sure that they're Okay, with everything that's on there yeah I will take out anything they're not comfortable with now. AKSAdlYD5kk-00282-00292527-00293763 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: jumping on to what Jeanette just said, we did have discussions about things like gender you know, identifying gender and we decided not to do that because we're aware of the fact that. AKSAdlYD5kk-00283-00293904-00294885 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: In some other cultures that can become very messy for them, so we didn't want to put anything on there that might jeopardize that person. AKSAdlYD5kk-00284-00295206-00296148 Jeannette Ho: Will we ended up on some of them, they had we did not automated but on some of them, we had them if we could find references or evidence that i'm certain pronouns were being used. AKSAdlYD5kk-00285-00296169-00296523 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: yeah so but we took that out of the core data I guess that's what I. AKSAdlYD5kk-00286-00296532-00296676 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: tried I apologize. AKSAdlYD5kk-00287-00296691-00296952 Jeannette Ho: yeah we did it we couldn't have automated that anyway. AKSAdlYD5kk-00288-00297261-00298803 Jeannette Ho: But we were told by some of our colleagues when we first told them about this project that that's something they would be interested in learning about like, how many were female, how many were you know just kind of know what the breakdown of the department was yeah. AKSAdlYD5kk-00289-00299139-00300342 Morganti, Dianna: Well, I think that question took us to the end of our time, so I want to thank all of our speakers today and your co authors, who are in the audience or weren't able to join us, I appreciate you you sharing your expertise with us. AKSAdlYD5kk-00290-00300375-00300924 Morganti, Dianna: And thank you to all of our attendees I look forward to seeing you at other DC DL sessions i'm wonderful evening. AKSAdlYD5kk-00291-00301101-00301179 Stokes, Charity K. Martin: Thank you, Diana.