A5ppZCwBZuM-00000-00000096-00000819 Good morning again! I'm Nicola from GONG.GONG was established back in 1997 A5ppZCwBZuM-00001-00000819-00001436 primarily as an organization which was focused on monitoringthe election, the election process. A5ppZCwBZuM-00002-00001436-00002109 Due to I would say legitimate concerns regarding their legitimacy. A5ppZCwBZuM-00003-00002109-00003120 But after sort of the electoral legislation got the appropriate entrenchment in Croatia A5ppZCwBZuM-00004-00003120-00003882 GONG moved to the other fields of public policy across the rule of law spectrum. A5ppZCwBZuM-00005-00003882-00004566 And now we basically organize our work around two teams: A5ppZCwBZuM-00006-00004566-00005502 There's one team whichis primarily uh focused on monitoring of policy and monitoring of public institutions, so a watchdog. A5ppZCwBZuM-00007-00005502-00006534 And also the other team, which is focused primarily on building civic engagementand democratic political culture, A5ppZCwBZuM-00008-00006534-00006762 but also advocate as well within the policy framework relatedto those fields. A5ppZCwBZuM-00009-00007188-00008064 So these are sort of hopefully mutual reinforcing elements. A5ppZCwBZuM-00010-00008064-00009515 I'm at GONG from February 2022, but I worked over 10 years before in thecivil society organizations A5ppZCwBZuM-00011-00009515-00010422 so I knew GONG as an outsider, as a different, there's a bit differentorganization than with the one I camenow. A5ppZCwBZuM-00012-00010430-00011370 I'm movingto the more specific the topic of our meeting today. A5ppZCwBZuM-00013-00011370-00011875 GONG is engaged far moreearlier with the local level A5ppZCwBZuM-00014-00011875-00012445 and this was someof their very prominent projects backin the day. A5ppZCwBZuM-00015-00012445-00013447 GONG also developed and implemented for several years an index of transparencyof local organizations. A5ppZCwBZuM-00016-00013447-00014409 Meanwhile this was prettymuch taken over by the Institute of PublicFinance A5ppZCwBZuM-00017-00014409-00014981 for what I get from the old people not in a way that makes everyone happy. A5ppZCwBZuM-00018-00014981-00016080 But also that was a very impressive study back in 2016which I would like to talk about moreextensively in in other sessions A5ppZCwBZuM-00019-00016080-00016647 which wasbasically conducted in collaboration withsome of the academics. A5ppZCwBZuM-00020-00016647-00017347 It was focused onfour case studies of local state capture A5ppZCwBZuM-00021-00017347-00017994 whichis basically very good interdisciplinary study of anthropology meeting sociology, meeting politicalscience. A5ppZCwBZuM-00022-00017994-00018349 Outlining the mechanisms how things work. A5ppZCwBZuM-00023-00018349-00019457 Аs of recently, our most intensive engagement with the local level with regard tointroduction of civic education A5ppZCwBZuM-00024-00019457-00020302 which is primarily a sort of a secondary advocacy routeas to look, A5ppZCwBZuM-00025-00020302-00021424 because during the push for educationalreforms in Croatia in 2016-17 national government refused to seriously engage in introducing civiceducation, A5ppZCwBZuM-00026-00021424-00022320 but now due to also the changes in the local level and the emergence of new independentopposition mayors A5ppZCwBZuM-00027-00022320-00022982 there is, we are seeing a relatively a lot of success with the localgovernments A5ppZCwBZuM-00028-00022982-00023484 pushing the limits of their institutional framework in trying to introduce A5ppZCwBZuM-00029-00023484-00023745 a more ambitious civic education. A5ppZCwBZuM-00030-00023745-00024301 Just twothoughts at the end about the Croatian context. A5ppZCwBZuM-00031-00024301-00025778 I mean, as I said, a lot of what was said by the previous speakers relating to post COVID and energy crisis A5ppZCwBZuM-00032-00025778-00026042 applies to Croatia prominently. A5ppZCwBZuM-00033-00026042-00026904 What I would say that is proven as a considerable challengeto a particularly local level democracy Croatia, A5ppZCwBZuM-00034-00026904-00027693 was the earthquake events. I mean we had twoearthquakes which impacted by the first Zagreb in March 2020 A5ppZCwBZuM-00035-00027693-00028287 and the one in the nearbyregion which also again impacted Zagreb as well. A5ppZCwBZuM-00036-00028356-00029258 What we are seeing here is sort of thevery flagrant failure of the centralstate A5ppZCwBZuM-00037-00029258-00029644 to provide the support in reconstruction. A5ppZCwBZuM-00038-00029644-00030474 And is also using these mechanisms as a means of political pressure particularlyon the local governments or government in Zagreb. A7k8p1RfcQo-00000-00001852-00001932 Hey everyone! A7k8p1RfcQo-00001-00001932-00002434 This week, we're looking at another iteration of my LED pigtail ring project. A7k8p1RfcQo-00002-00002444-00002522 Why? A7k8p1RfcQo-00003-00002522-00003130 Well just like with 3D printing we have a standard Benchy Boat we test prints with, A7k8p1RfcQo-00004-00003130-00003565 a small, simple idea that has many variations is a good way A7k8p1RfcQo-00005-00003565-00003840 to learn about commercial hardware production. A7k8p1RfcQo-00006-00003840-00004494 In case you haven't seen the other videos, these aren't really about DIY, this is about A7k8p1RfcQo-00007-00004494-00005136 how to work with Chinese companies like JLCPCB to bring a simple product to market using A7k8p1RfcQo-00008-00005136-00005520 the DIY skills that we might normally use just for fun. A7k8p1RfcQo-00009-00005520-00006122 As I talked about before, 100 years ago in China, you had Kung Fu for fighting and fun, A7k8p1RfcQo-00010-00006122-00006645 and Kung Fu skills to pay the bills, putting on a show with tricks in the marketplace. A7k8p1RfcQo-00011-00006645-00006806 Beggar Kung Fu. A7k8p1RfcQo-00012-00006806-00007023 Everyone's got to put food on the table. A7k8p1RfcQo-00013-00007023-00007450 So in these Hardware Production videos, that's what we explore A7k8p1RfcQo-00014-00007450-00007670 Beggar Kung Fu for Makers, A7k8p1RfcQo-00015-00007670-00008028 taking your idea for a simple electronic product, A7k8p1RfcQo-00016-00008028-00008772 kind of like an app, but in hardware, and working with JLCPCB to make it real. A7k8p1RfcQo-00017-00008772-00009138 That product could be anything, something to feed your pets, A7k8p1RfcQo-00018-00009138-00009654 some kind of alarm or timer, something to make your work easier A7k8p1RfcQo-00019-00009654-00009814 anything you can think of. A7k8p1RfcQo-00020-00009818-00010244 What this means is we don't have to do everything ourselves. A7k8p1RfcQo-00021-00010244-00010684 It's not like the old days where you'd have to pay to have a prototype made, A7k8p1RfcQo-00022-00010684-00011052 go to a contract manufacturer with engineers on staff. A7k8p1RfcQo-00023-00011066-00011708 The gig economy to the rescue, as shown in my other videos if you have a good idea A7k8p1RfcQo-00024-00011708-00012301 of what you want, you can hire an engineer on Upwork or Fiver to do the work for you. A7k8p1RfcQo-00025-00012301-00012614 It can take a few tries to get it right. A7k8p1RfcQo-00026-00012614-00013266 I actually mostly do this with local Chinese engineers, I've kind of been thinking of doing A7k8p1RfcQo-00027-00013266-00013636 it as a business since I have a Chinese company now. A7k8p1RfcQo-00028-00013636-00014254 I could translate and help people get their electronics designed- what do you think? A7k8p1RfcQo-00029-00014254-00014606 Let me know in the comments if that's something you'd be interested in. A7k8p1RfcQo-00030-00014606-00015002 Here is the version of the LED pigtail ring we have so far. A7k8p1RfcQo-00031-00015012-00015504 This is one color, surface mount components, simple patterns. A7k8p1RfcQo-00032-00015504-00016016 This one is a through-hole component, learn to solder kit- great for kids. A7k8p1RfcQo-00033-00016016-00016254 Both of these are very simple. A7k8p1RfcQo-00034-00016360-00016910 This new one is the fancy one, it's programmable and full RGB. A7k8p1RfcQo-00035-00016910-00017460 The great thing is that JLCPCB has started offering PCBA services. A7k8p1RfcQo-00036-00017460-00017944 So I don't have to do all the surface mount soldering anymore- still, I know you like A7k8p1RfcQo-00037-00017944-00018418 to see it and it's good to stay in practice so I'll solder one of the rings. A7k8p1RfcQo-00038-00018418-00018584 Then, we'll program it. A7k8p1RfcQo-00039-00033810-00034036 So, now we're going to program the ring. A7k8p1RfcQo-00040-00034036-00034958 I'm going to use the J-Link, J-flash to flash it. A7k8p1RfcQo-00041-00034958-00035446 Now we are in the J-Flash program I'm going to plug in the USB. A7k8p1RfcQo-00042-00035784-00037026 Now there's a light on here and I plug in the extension board on the JTag ARM test thing. A7k8p1RfcQo-00043-00037026-00038158 And now we're going to use my wires I'm going to use my test pogo pin on my PCB ring. A7k8p1RfcQo-00044-00039202-00041522 Ok in the J-Link program I am going to, New Project, Target Device, Nordic Semi, 512. A7k8p1RfcQo-00045-00041554-00041642 Okay. A7k8p1RfcQo-00046-00041714-00042106 Target Interface: SWD. A7k8p1RfcQo-00048-00046274-00046562 Okay, connected successfully. A7k8p1RfcQo-00049-00046574-00047168 I'm going to program it. A7k8p1RfcQo-00050-00047168-00047824 Target programmed successfully- completed after 0.259 sec. A7k8p1RfcQo-00051-00047906-00048104 Okay, let's turn it on and see. A7k8p1RfcQo-00052-00048572-00048820 Alright now let's go out and test it. A7k8p1RfcQo-00053-00048850-00049248 Electric City 5th Shenzhen Craft Beer Fest A7k8p1RfcQo-00054-00052884-00053090 I always watch your videos, I love it. A7k8p1RfcQo-00055-00053090-00053182 Really? A7k8p1RfcQo-00056-00053896-00054094 See you soon! A7k8p1RfcQo-00057-00055394-00055594 Get a shot of my RGB pigtail rings. A7k8p1RfcQo-00058-00059574-00059955 I got a bit uncomfortable before. So many drunk foreigners. A7k8p1RfcQo-00059-00060070-00060528 I thought I approved your request. Let me double-check. A7k8p1RfcQo-00060-00060816-00060998 Oh, I see. A7k8p1RfcQo-00061-00061124-00061324 Ok, high five. A7k8p1RfcQo-00062-00061324-00061524 See you soon! A7k8p1RfcQo-00063-00061524-00061674 Shit man, so many drunk foreigners. A7k8p1RfcQo-00064-00061674-00062124 I think I should get one of that. Do you want to share? A7k8p1RfcQo-00065-00062124-00062620 I can't finish this because I want to try another one. I will get so drunk if I try everything. A7k8p1RfcQo-00066-00064946-00065678 Oh my god this is my good friend I didn't know you are here. A7k8p1RfcQo-00067-00065678-00066890 My good friend. Your name is so long. Also, she's Japanese but she grew up in Brazil. A7k8p1RfcQo-00068-00066890-00067374 My friend is Japanese, now he is a shop owner in Japan. A7k8p1RfcQo-00069-00067374-00067448 Oh. A7k8p1RfcQo-00070-00067448-00067968 He helped me to get my Visa, he vouched for me A7k8p1RfcQo-00071-00067968-00068094 And Visa for Japan is not easy right? A7k8p1RfcQo-00072-00068094-00068686 Not easy, yes and he wrote an invitation letter for me on behalf of his company. A7k8p1RfcQo-00073-00068686-00068886 So he is one of my best friends. A7k8p1RfcQo-00074-00068948-00069230 We should head over to the Taco place. A7k8p1RfcQo-00075-00069264-00069422 Yes. A9L6xRqjmHQ-00000-00000160-00000760 𝙷𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜. 𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚜𝚗𝚘𝚠, A9L6xRqjmHQ-00001-00000824-00001312 𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚒𝚝, 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚕𝚒𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚗𝚘𝚠, A9L6xRqjmHQ-00002-00001312-00001816 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚎𝚝 𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍! 𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎, 𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚝 𝚊 𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚎, A9L6xRqjmHQ-00003-00001816-00002288 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚒𝚖, 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚘 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 A9L6xRqjmHQ-00004-00002288-00003032 𝚊 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚖 𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏. 𝙷𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛, 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎, A9L6xRqjmHQ-00005-00003032-00003656 𝙷𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚗. 𝚄𝚙𝚘𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐, A9L6xRqjmHQ-00006-00003711-00004184 𝙷𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚗, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚍, A9L6xRqjmHQ-00007-00004184-00005008 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 "𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 A9L6xRqjmHQ-00008-00005008-00005784 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙, 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚖𝚢 𝚙𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝." A9L6xRqjmHQ-00009-00005928-00006464 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚜𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎. A9L6xRqjmHQ-00010-00006552-00008288 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎, 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚒𝚝, 𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎, 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝! ArnPG6hrPh8-00000-00000008-00000392 i was gonna say bucket but this isn't a bucket what is this it's an annoying step ArnPG6hrPh8-00001-00000392-00001096 but it literally takes five minutes positivity the number one thing that people struggle with is ArnPG6hrPh8-00002-00001096-00001616 cleaning their brushes my sister being one of them frustrates the hell out of me for my clients i ArnPG6hrPh8-00003-00001616-00002176 clear my brushes every single day every time i use them they're in a pile i wash them straight away ArnPG6hrPh8-00004-00002176-00002736 and i deep clean them often when i don't have the time and i have like 10 clients in a day i ArnPG6hrPh8-00005-00002736-00003215 will show you what i use it's the simplest way to clean your brushes it is a bit expensive but ArnPG6hrPh8-00006-00003215-00003840 it's the easiest way and it is this brush cleaner right here as you can see i have used all of it ArnPG6hrPh8-00007-00003840-00004352 i do carry a little bottle with me when i go to clients because sometimes i have four clients in ArnPG6hrPh8-00008-00004352-00004816 one and i want to just clean along the way so i will use that i'll get my assistant to use that ArnPG6hrPh8-00009-00004888-00005408 this is a great alternative if you just want something quick although for your own skin if ArnPG6hrPh8-00010-00005408-00005864 you're just wanting to clean your own brushes in a makeup arts or anything i highly recommend this ArnPG6hrPh8-00011-00005864-00006720 just keep in mind that you will need up to a day to just get it dry you can use your blow dryer but ArnPG6hrPh8-00012-00006720-00007384 i will go through all that with you right now all you're going gonna need is a little thing of water ArnPG6hrPh8-00013-00007552-00008184 i was gonna say bucket but this isn't a bucket what is this paper towel and the star of the show ArnPG6hrPh8-00014-00008328-00009048 start this is two dollars from kohl's i think a dollar something from woolies this is a game ArnPG6hrPh8-00015-00009048-00009664 changer as you can see i use it i literally have like 10 of these because i run out of them really ArnPG6hrPh8-00016-00009664-00010216 quickly this is what i use to clean my brushes all the time i've never had a reaction to them ArnPG6hrPh8-00017-00010272-00010768 don't use shampoo don't use any of that and i just find it so easy to use so i want to ArnPG6hrPh8-00018-00010768-00011176 show you exactly what i do and the best thing about this soap is if your brushes ArnPG6hrPh8-00019-00011176-00011728 are stained because you've used you know purple eyeshadow or liquid eyeshadow or any of that sort ArnPG6hrPh8-00020-00011784-00012784 this will most likely get rid of all of it so so i've got my brush ArnPG6hrPh8-00021-00013384-00013824 now it's like that and then i just kind of squeeze it if you feel like it's a bit ArnPG6hrPh8-00022-00013824-00014352 soapy just dip it in the water again then what i do is grab my paper towel ArnPG6hrPh8-00023-00014488-00015136 and then i kind of form it to how i like it just like that and this will really help it ArnPG6hrPh8-00024-00015136-00015888 dry longer so probably in an hour or so this will be dry so i dipped it in and i really just go in ArnPG6hrPh8-00025-00016296-00016600 i like to use the edges to really go in ArnPG6hrPh8-00026-00016600-00017064 because sometimes see how there was so much you don't realize ArnPG6hrPh8-00027-00017296-00017504 how much is actually in your brush ArnPG6hrPh8-00028-00017768-00018384 and then once it starts looking white that's when i know this is clean so i'll go in ArnPG6hrPh8-00029-00019184-00019784 and then you'll see if there's anything left on your paper towel then you know ArnPG6hrPh8-00030-00020216-00020960 clean i would suggest as well if you are cleaning really big brushes to change the water every so ArnPG6hrPh8-00031-00020960-00021856 often it will get dirty very quickly so when the water gets really soapy i would recommend changing ArnPG6hrPh8-00032-00021856-00022176 the water you always want to brush it you don't want to leave it like that because then your brush ArnPG6hrPh8-00033-00022176-00022936 will stay like this you want to always position it to how you want it and then it will stay like that ArnPG6hrPh8-00034-00022936-00023608 okay so all the brushes are done now here's a few little bonus tips if you have anything really hard ArnPG6hrPh8-00035-00023608-00024128 like this green thing this is my paint brush so i don't really care too much if it's that clean ArnPG6hrPh8-00036-00024184-00024840 but if it is stuck i would really recommend using hot water to get this stuff off it is like ArnPG6hrPh8-00037-00024840-00025376 it works like a dream secondly if you want your brushes to air dry don't ever just place ArnPG6hrPh8-00038-00025376-00025848 them like that make sure you hang them off something so see how the top is just hanging ArnPG6hrPh8-00039-00025848-00026368 when you place it flat that water is going to go all into your bristles and it's going to stuff ArnPG6hrPh8-00040-00026368-00026848 it up so make sure it hangs off so it should look something like that i always leave it on the table ArnPG6hrPh8-00041-00026848-00027488 so then this top half is falling down so then all the water can just fall off you can also blow dry ArnPG6hrPh8-00042-00027488-00028272 or like i did i had my um what is this my paper towel and then you always want to make sure you ArnPG6hrPh8-00043-00028272-00028776 position your bristles to how you want them see how these are a bit spiked up it's because i was ArnPG6hrPh8-00044-00028776-00029327 very bad with this but you want to make sure that you position it how you want it otherwise ArnPG6hrPh8-00045-00029327-00029816 it will go really fuzzy so just let it like that let it air dry i would recommend cleaning your ArnPG6hrPh8-00046-00029816-00030320 brushes it depends how many how much times you use them if you wear makeup every single day ArnPG6hrPh8-00047-00030320-00030872 and you're using your brushes every single day i would recommend at least once a week if you don't ArnPG6hrPh8-00048-00030872-00031472 use it that often but you do use it often maybe twice a week just remember that when you do have ArnPG6hrPh8-00049-00031472-00031983 product on your brushes and then you're going with another like another product so say this had brown ArnPG6hrPh8-00050-00031983-00032456 i wanted to put green the green won't be as pigmented because this isn't clean so please ArnPG6hrPh8-00051-00032456-00033000 just keep that in mind cleaning your brushes is so important another little tip is before you place ArnPG6hrPh8-00052-00033000-00033544 the soap back in here let the soap completely dry it might take five ten minutes it might take half ArnPG6hrPh8-00053-00033544-00033976 an hour once it's dry you can put it back in here that way it's not going to slip and slide ArnPG6hrPh8-00054-00033976-00034352 everywhere it's not going to be stuck i used to just put it straight in here when it was wet ArnPG6hrPh8-00055-00034352-00034952 it would get stuck to the paper and therefore i'd be used like wasting a lot of product so make sure ArnPG6hrPh8-00056-00034952-00035504 to do that make sure you let your brushes just clean themselves and then you can go in with your ArnPG6hrPh8-00057-00035504-00036128 full face of makeup and your products will glide on it will look so much better once they're clean ArnPG6hrPh8-00058-00036128-00036600 as opposed to when they're dirty and i know it's an annoying step but it literally takes ArnPG6hrPh8-00059-00036600-00037088 five minutes the more you start doing this the more it becomes a habit and then your skin will ArnPG6hrPh8-00060-00037088-00037584 thank you later i promise you queens if you like this video please give it a big thumbs ArnPG6hrPh8-00061-00037584-00038096 up let me know what you want to see next and i will see you in my next video bye Arz33AHNJ5M-00000-00000335-00000661 I'm going to talk a little bit about wheat diseases, Arz33AHNJ5M-00001-00000661-00000951 wheat fungicide use, and I'm Arz33AHNJ5M-00002-00000951-00001381 also going to include some comments about small grains as well. Arz33AHNJ5M-00003-00001439-00001722 I think we're aware that we had a little bit of Arz33AHNJ5M-00004-00001722-00001992 an unusual year developing at this point in time. Arz33AHNJ5M-00005-00001992-00002250 It was dry through most of the fall, Arz33AHNJ5M-00006-00002250-00002610 as a result lot of the wheat and Arz33AHNJ5M-00007-00002610-00002973 other small grains that are grown for cover crops, Arz33AHNJ5M-00008-00002973-00003457 forages and for grain didn't get planted. Arz33AHNJ5M-00009-00003457-00004310 Or if they did, they didn't get planted until the end of November and into December. Arz33AHNJ5M-00010-00004310-00005073 So we've got a little unusual situation this year in that the crop such as it is, Arz33AHNJ5M-00011-00005073-00005296 just going to be very late, Arz33AHNJ5M-00012-00005315-00005839 which when you talk about diseases is actually a bit of a positive Arz33AHNJ5M-00013-00005839-00006413 in that not having the winter cover, Arz33AHNJ5M-00014-00006413-00006741 gain food and some of the forage plants out there, Arz33AHNJ5M-00015-00006741-00006870 which are usually planted, Arz33AHNJ5M-00016-00006870-00007279 maybe even as early as late September and early October, Arz33AHNJ5M-00017-00007306-00007820 can serve as an inoculum source for foliar diseases as well as Arz33AHNJ5M-00018-00007820-00008359 viruses in small grains and they're basically not there. Arz33AHNJ5M-00019-00008359-00008467 So in all likelihood, Arz33AHNJ5M-00020-00008467-00008973 we've got less inoculum pressure going Arz33AHNJ5M-00021-00008973-00009613 into this year than maybe we've had in the recent past. Arz33AHNJ5M-00022-00009613-00009882 So from that standpoint, Arz33AHNJ5M-00023-00009882-00010123 that's actually a positive. Arz33AHNJ5M-00024-00010126-00010869 Because some of these other crops do serve a source particularly for rust disease. Arz33AHNJ5M-00025-00010869-00011415 Now, of course, depending on what the weather does from Arz33AHNJ5M-00026-00011415-00011706 now in the early April will Arz33AHNJ5M-00027-00011706-00012327 determine really whether or not we have some serious problems or not. Arz33AHNJ5M-00028-00012454-00013012 If the weather stays cold as it was this week, Arz33AHNJ5M-00029-00013012-00013346 that will pretty well shut down all the diseases that Arz33AHNJ5M-00030-00013346-00013827 we might be concerned with that could develop over the winter. Arz33AHNJ5M-00031-00013874-00014110 If it gets wet out, Arz33AHNJ5M-00032-00014110-00014495 particularly if it warms up a bit and stays wet, Arz33AHNJ5M-00033-00014495-00014844 under those circumstances, we're more likely to see Arz33AHNJ5M-00034-00014844-00015252 more disease activity in wheat and other small grains. Arz33AHNJ5M-00035-00015252-00015607 So we just have to wait and see what the weather does from now on out, Arz33AHNJ5M-00036-00015607-00015970 as to how much inoculum pressure we're going to run into. Arz33AHNJ5M-00037-00015970-00016374 And how do we change. Arz33AHNJ5M-00038-00016374-00016641 Did you do like a page down? Arz33AHNJ5M-00039-00016641-00016876 Yeah, I tried that. Arz33AHNJ5M-00040-00016922-00017265 This happened to us yesterday. Arz33AHNJ5M-00041-00017265-00017659 Eddy and I were having some issues with PowerPoint. Arz33AHNJ5M-00042-00017711-00017853 One minute. Arz33AHNJ5M-00043-00017853-00017934 Do next. Arz33AHNJ5M-00044-00017934-00018018 Yes. Arz33AHNJ5M-00045-00018018-00018124 Let's try that. Arz33AHNJ5M-00046-00018124-00018483 Here we go. We'll have to work our way through it. Arz33AHNJ5M-00047-00018483-00018534 Yeah. Arz33AHNJ5M-00048-00018534-00018808 All right. As far as rust diseases are concerned, Arz33AHNJ5M-00049-00018808-00019059 there are three primary rust in Arz33AHNJ5M-00050-00019059-00019515 wheat and we see some similar rust in other small grains as well. Arz33AHNJ5M-00051-00019515-00019837 Leaf rust, the image at the top Arz33AHNJ5M-00052-00019837-00020367 is definitely the most common rust disease that we see on wheat. Arz33AHNJ5M-00053-00020367-00020925 We see very similar diseases on barley and oats as well. Arz33AHNJ5M-00054-00020936-00021287 They could get established on wheat in the wintertime, Arz33AHNJ5M-00055-00021287-00021581 but develop very rapidly Arz33AHNJ5M-00056-00021581-00021950 in late winter and early spring under the right weather conditions. Arz33AHNJ5M-00057-00021950-00022195 We almost never see stem rust, Arz33AHNJ5M-00058-00022195-00022599 it's only shown up a few times in years past. Arz33AHNJ5M-00059-00022599-00023132 Yellow or stripe rust does show up some in the Tennessee Valley. Arz33AHNJ5M-00060-00023132-00023542 Not really, don't really see it anywhere else in the state very often. Arz33AHNJ5M-00061-00023542-00024417 It is very variety specific and at least over the last few years in raining plots. Arz33AHNJ5M-00062-00024417-00024767 It's very variety specific and most of Arz33AHNJ5M-00063-00024767-00025242 our commercial varieties really do not have serious issues with the yellow rust. Arz33AHNJ5M-00064-00025242-00025401 So the main one is, Arz33AHNJ5M-00065-00025401-00025890 that we're concerned about is leaf rust and it's fully capable of reducing Arz33AHNJ5M-00066-00025890-00026489 yields when it's not controlled on susceptible variety by up to 50 percent. Arz33AHNJ5M-00067-00026489-00027020 In recent years, we've done some work on oats with crown rust. Arz33AHNJ5M-00068-00027020-00027220 On oats, for example, Arz33AHNJ5M-00069-00027220-00027648 the yield loss can approach a 100 percent given the right circumstances. Arz33AHNJ5M-00070-00027648-00028191 So normally we're really looking for rust in mid- to-late March, Arz33AHNJ5M-00071-00028191-00028444 it develops rapidly from that point on. Arz33AHNJ5M-00072-00028444-00028982 As I said before, wet weather does bring it or accelerate the development of rust. Arz33AHNJ5M-00073-00028982-00029526 And as far as the state is concerned, Arz33AHNJ5M-00074-00029526-00030101 and this is true with foliar diseases in general is that there are more, Arz33AHNJ5M-00075-00030101-00030404 you tend to see more issues with them and they're much Arz33AHNJ5M-00076-00030404-00030693 more severe the closer you get to the coast. Arz33AHNJ5M-00077-00030693-00031166 And then they tend to be less of an issue as you go further north, Arz33AHNJ5M-00078-00031166-00031410 particularly in the Tennessee Valley. Arz33AHNJ5M-00079-00031483-00031972 Most of varieties, the varieties do differ in their reaction to rust, Arz33AHNJ5M-00080-00031972-00032404 although most of the ones we have in the market are not particularly susceptible. Arz33AHNJ5M-00081-00032404-00032993 One of the problems in managing diseases of the rust disease for always Arz33AHNJ5M-00082-00032993-00033524 using resistance as a really effective tool for managing these diseases, Arz33AHNJ5M-00083-00033524-00034114 but overtime the genes you develop Arz33AHNJ5M-00084-00034114-00034427 races out the rust fungi that can Arz33AHNJ5M-00085-00034427-00034748 defeat the genes that are available in many of our varieties. Arz33AHNJ5M-00086-00034748-00035259 In other parts of the world that is happening with stem rust. Arz33AHNJ5M-00087-00035259-00035673 Glume blotch and Septoria leaf blotch are Arz33AHNJ5M-00088-00035673-00036099 two other disease that we run into a good deal in the state of Alabama on wheat. Arz33AHNJ5M-00089-00036099-00036764 I don't think they have the potential to reduce yields as much as rust does, Arz33AHNJ5M-00090-00036764-00037130 but they can look ugly and you can have a lot of damage particularly Arz33AHNJ5M-00091-00037130-00037847 from glume blotch damaging the damage in the seed head. Arz33AHNJ5M-00092-00037847-00038495 So you tend to see a reduction in seed test weight in those situations. Arz33AHNJ5M-00093-00038495-00038900 So the glume blotch is definitely the more damaging of the two, Arz33AHNJ5M-00094-00038900-00039180 and is more of a statewide distribution. Arz33AHNJ5M-00095-00039180-00039415 The Septoria leaf blotch, Arz33AHNJ5M-00096-00039415-00039764 I've only really ever seen it in the Tennessee Valley, Arz33AHNJ5M-00097-00039764-00040307 and it does cause on some varieties noticeable leaf blighting, Arz33AHNJ5M-00098-00040307-00040683 but as long as it doesn't get into the tops of the plants, Arz33AHNJ5M-00099-00040683-00041072 it's really not having that much impact on yield. Arz33AHNJ5M-00100-00041072-00041653 And it's oftentimes in the field trials that have been run in the state of Alabama, Arz33AHNJ5M-00101-00041653-00042059 it's not always very easy to sow a yield increase Arz33AHNJ5M-00102-00042059-00042637 from fungicide use for control of these types of blotch disease. Arz33AHNJ5M-00103-00042637-00042859 But they're definitely like the rust. Arz33AHNJ5M-00104-00042859-00043166 They are rainfall driven, Arz33AHNJ5M-00105-00043166-00043827 so when we have a lot of wet mild weather in mid March on through Arz33AHNJ5M-00106-00043827-00044487 the first of May that's really going to push those diseases tp develop. Arz33AHNJ5M-00107-00044487-00044915 Mildew, we're kind of declining in severity. Arz33AHNJ5M-00108-00044915-00045241 Mildew is oftentimes very showy, Arz33AHNJ5M-00109-00045241-00045872 but its effects on yield are less than perhaps some of these other diseases. Arz33AHNJ5M-00110-00045872-00046365 It tends to be a problem on when we use Arz33AHNJ5M-00111-00046365-00047040 too high seeding rate or in turnrows or where we get a doubling over of nitrogen rates, Arz33AHNJ5M-00112-00047040-00047450 are those areas where you tend to see most of your mildew. Arz33AHNJ5M-00113-00047450-00047894 I mean on some varieties and some circumstances given the right weather patterns, Arz33AHNJ5M-00114-00047894-00048300 it can turn wheat white. Arz33AHNJ5M-00115-00048307-00048994 The fungus will colonize virtually every above ground part of a wheat plant. Arz33AHNJ5M-00116-00048994-00049364 So it's not unusual to see powdery mildew on seed heads. Arz33AHNJ5M-00117-00049364-00049781 It tends to be a mile cloudy weather disease, Arz33AHNJ5M-00118-00049781-00049898 but if it rains a lot, Arz33AHNJ5M-00119-00049898-00050215 that tends to actually suppress pattern mildew. Arz33AHNJ5M-00120-00050215-00050527 So overall, it tends to have a lot less impact Arz33AHNJ5M-00121-00050527-00050812 on yield than the other two diseases that I Arz33AHNJ5M-00122-00050812-00051509 mentioned and a lot of our varieties are fairly resistant to this disease. Arz33AHNJ5M-00123-00051551-00052192 One disease has gotten more attention in the past four or five years has been scab. Arz33AHNJ5M-00124-00052258-00052711 It's not only the blighting of the seed head because it's Arz33AHNJ5M-00125-00052711-00053127 basically the only part of the plant that is affected by scab. Arz33AHNJ5M-00126-00053127-00053665 But it's also the cause of fungus produces mycotoxins. Arz33AHNJ5M-00127-00053665-00054359 And we've had issues with this disease particularly in the last four or five years. Arz33AHNJ5M-00128-00054450-00055021 The buying points simply are not interested in purchasing scab damage wheat. Arz33AHNJ5M-00129-00055021-00055249 A few years ago, Arz33AHNJ5M-00130-00055249-00055654 they bought some and I got stuck with it, couldn't get rid of it. Arz33AHNJ5M-00131-00055654-00056159 Most of our wheat goes into the baking industry and Arz33AHNJ5M-00132-00056199-00056959 the mycotoxins tolerance levels are fairly low for food stocks. Arz33AHNJ5M-00133-00056959-00057729 There are some other issues that come up with having mycotoxin contaminated grains. Arz33AHNJ5M-00134-00057729-00058054 So they simply are not going to buy it. Arz33AHNJ5M-00135-00058054-00058635 So this is a disease that really does need to be controlled. Arz33AHNJ5M-00136-00058635-00059141 It's specifically developed so we have a lot of rain during flower. Arz33AHNJ5M-00137-00059141-00059387 If it's dry during flowering, Arz33AHNJ5M-00138-00059387-00059569 you won't have issues with scab. Arz33AHNJ5M-00139-00059569-00059903 But if he gets couple of showers in there, Arz33AHNJ5M-00140-00059903-00060596 when the wheat is in bloom and you get right temperature patterns, Arz33AHNJ5M-00141-00060596-00060935 it could be off to the races. Arz33AHNJ5M-00142-00060948-00061477 This disease is specifically linked with corn production. Arz33AHNJ5M-00143-00061477-00062074 So overall, it's not a good idea to plant wheat after corn. Arz33AHNJ5M-00144-00062074-00062410 Particularly, if the corn has been no-till, Arz33AHNJ5M-00145-00062410-00062809 the Fusarium fungus to cause a scab it wheat also Arz33AHNJ5M-00146-00062809-00063412 causes Fusarium stock rot and Gibberella ear rot in corn. Arz33AHNJ5M-00147-00063412-00063804 So when you're planting wheat into corn stubble, Arz33AHNJ5M-00148-00063804-00064054 there's already an inoculum source Arz33AHNJ5M-00149-00064054-00064455 and the disease is much more likely to be a problem there. Arz33AHNJ5M-00150-00064455-00065015 But we've seen scab outbreaks in wheat behind cotton. Arz33AHNJ5M-00151-00065015-00065408 So it's just not only the corn as vulnerable, but wheat behind corn. Arz33AHNJ5M-00152-00065408-00065819 As I mentioned, we do have the mycotoxins issue with Arz33AHNJ5M-00153-00065819-00066368 amatoxins year-long and some other few modest toxins. Arz33AHNJ5M-00154-00066417-00066821 I mentioned here that you would get a significant discount at Arz33AHNJ5M-00155-00066821-00067377 the elevator but the reality is they don't want scabby wheat. Arz33AHNJ5M-00156-00067377-00067815 The other issue is the growers will grow wheat as Arz33AHNJ5M-00157-00067815-00068413 animal feed and those mycotoxins are an issue for some animals, Arz33AHNJ5M-00158-00068413-00068679 probably beef, cattle are the least sensitive Arz33AHNJ5M-00159-00068679-00069004 but when you get into animals were simple stomachs, Arz33AHNJ5M-00160-00069004-00069383 hogs and some birds, Arz33AHNJ5M-00161-00069383-00069643 scabby wheat is a real problem. Arz33AHNJ5M-00162-00069643-00069817 It's going to cause a lot of issues. Arz33AHNJ5M-00163-00069817-00070615 So its value as a feed material or a feed additive is minimal. Arz33AHNJ5M-00164-00070615-00070996 If you look at some of the other symptoms of scab, Arz33AHNJ5M-00165-00070996-00071242 if you look at the seed head that's Arz33AHNJ5M-00166-00071242-00071557 been infected but not really showing a lot of symptoms, Arz33AHNJ5M-00167-00071557-00072008 you'll see a distinct discoloration around the glume. Arz33AHNJ5M-00168-00072008-00072344 That's the fungus formulating onto the tissue. Arz33AHNJ5M-00169-00072344-00072827 If you go a few more weeks where the seed heads have already bleached out, Arz33AHNJ5M-00170-00072827-00072974 you'll see clusters of Arz33AHNJ5M-00171-00072974-00073444 small black bodies around the base of the seed and the base of the glume. Arz33AHNJ5M-00172-00073444-00073888 Those are the sexual fruiting structures of the Fusarium fungus, Arz33AHNJ5M-00173-00073888-00074224 it's Gibberella sexual stage. Arz33AHNJ5M-00174-00074224-00074677 Of course, that's diagnostic for identifying scab in wheat. Arz33AHNJ5M-00175-00074677-00074920 If you look at the damaged kernels, Arz33AHNJ5M-00176-00074920-00075550 they tend to be a greatly reduced inside and have a distinct pink cast to them as Arz33AHNJ5M-00177-00075550-00076301 compare with a normal life or medium tan grain and in MHD, Arz33AHNJ5M-00178-00076301-00076802 you can see clearly see the difference between the healthy and the scabby wheat. Arz33AHNJ5M-00179-00076827-00077362 There is a model out there that growers can use as well as Arz33AHNJ5M-00180-00077362-00077912 the agents to monitor scab development in their crop or their area. Arz33AHNJ5M-00181-00077912-00078337 It's a weather-based forecasting model and at least, Arz33AHNJ5M-00182-00078337-00078646 gives the growers, that you and I discussed, Arz33AHNJ5M-00183-00078646-00078977 to whether or not scab is likely to develop. Arz33AHNJ5M-00184-00078977-00079244 Then based on the forecast, Arz33AHNJ5M-00185-00079244-00079621 the growers can then decide whether or not they want to come Arz33AHNJ5M-00186-00079621-00079985 back with over-the-top fungicide treatment. Arz33AHNJ5M-00187-00079985-00080449 These are the websites where this model could be accessed. Arz33AHNJ5M-00188-00080449-00080998 Well, right now, it's down but it'll start back up in the middle March. Arz33AHNJ5M-00189-00080998-00081623 We get into fungicide use that it gets to be an economics and insurance question. Arz33AHNJ5M-00190-00081623-00082030 Fungicide typically are very similar to buying term life insurance, Arz33AHNJ5M-00191-00082030-00082450 you're getting some protection for a short period of time. Arz33AHNJ5M-00192-00082450-00082924 We are primarily targeting these foliar diseases that I Arz33AHNJ5M-00193-00082924-00083417 talked about when you get into some of the soil-borne disease like Take-all root rot. Arz33AHNJ5M-00194-00083417-00083684 There's nothing we can do about that. Arz33AHNJ5M-00195-00083684-00084136 Economics applies, we need Arz33AHNJ5M-00196-00084136-00084490 at least 50 or maybe 60 bushels per acre yield Arz33AHNJ5M-00197-00084490-00084862 potential in order to even begin to cover the costs of the fungicides, Arz33AHNJ5M-00198-00084862-00085357 and then maybe get some additional income benefit from Arz33AHNJ5M-00199-00085357-00085919 the fungicide or if a grower is producing foundation of certified seed, Arz33AHNJ5M-00200-00085919-00086206 which has a higher value than just bean, Arz33AHNJ5M-00201-00086206-00086513 rye, and wheat seed or other small grains. Arz33AHNJ5M-00202-00086513-00087112 Then there's the income potential gain from using Arz33AHNJ5M-00203-00087112-00087721 a fungicide as well as a quality benefit on top of any yield gains, Arz33AHNJ5M-00204-00087721-00088333 because you get a much plumper and larger seed is resolved, more uniform seed. Arz33AHNJ5M-00205-00088333-00088778 Over the years, as I mentioned earlier, Arz33AHNJ5M-00206-00088778-00089164 we tend to see more disease issues in Southwest Alabama or Arz33AHNJ5M-00207-00089164-00089669 South Alabama than you do anywhere else in the state as far as wheat is concerned. Arz33AHNJ5M-00208-00089669-00090091 So in those high disease pressure areas, those, Arz33AHNJ5M-00209-00090091-00090313 the locations, when we tend to see Arz33AHNJ5M-00210-00090313-00090751 a yield benefit in an income benefit out of use fungicides. Arz33AHNJ5M-00211-00090751-00091195 We're particularly addressing the rust disease, Arz33AHNJ5M-00212-00091195-00091469 the Sphaerotheca powdery mildew. Arz33AHNJ5M-00213-00091515-00091735 When you get into scab, Arz33AHNJ5M-00214-00091735-00092026 it's a little bit different situation because Arz33AHNJ5M-00215-00092026-00092425 we can have scab outbreaks anywhere in the state. Arz33AHNJ5M-00216-00092425-00092792 In the past, they used to think and used to have more issues and Arz33AHNJ5M-00217-00092792-00093142 seen like with it in the Tennessee Valley. Arz33AHNJ5M-00218-00093142-00093424 But in the last three or four years, Arz33AHNJ5M-00219-00093424-00093667 we've had severe scab outbreaks down, Arz33AHNJ5M-00220-00093667-00093841 for example, in Baldwin County. Arz33AHNJ5M-00221-00093841-00094075 So the disease does have Arz33AHNJ5M-00222-00094075-00094547 a state-wide distribution and it doesn't matter where it develops. Arz33AHNJ5M-00223-00094547-00094822 It's going to cause the same issues with Arz33AHNJ5M-00224-00094822-00095195 poor grain quality and the mycotoxin contamination. Arz33AHNJ5M-00225-00095195-00095510 So for scab issues, Arz33AHNJ5M-00226-00095510-00095849 if the risk is high regards of where you are in the state, Arz33AHNJ5M-00227-00095849-00096022 you may need to spray. Arz33AHNJ5M-00228-00096022-00096370 So we'd like to see post scout fields, Arz33AHNJ5M-00229-00096370-00096763 several location wheat field to monitor the foliar disease. Arz33AHNJ5M-00230-00096763-00097264 So we talked about monitor weather patterns because the wetter it is, Arz33AHNJ5M-00231-00097264-00097634 the warmer it is, the more likely you are to have to see these issues. Arz33AHNJ5M-00232-00097634-00097939 There are a lot of fungicides in the marketplace. Arz33AHNJ5M-00233-00097939-00098434 So growers need to look at what their disease spectrum is, Arz33AHNJ5M-00234-00098434-00098695 how much costs they want to put it into the crop, Arz33AHNJ5M-00235-00098695-00098950 and make an appropriate fungicide decision. Arz33AHNJ5M-00236-00098950-00099397 There are generics out there that are relatively inexpensive and will Arz33AHNJ5M-00237-00099397-00099973 provide adequate control in moderate disease pressure situations, Arz33AHNJ5M-00238-00099973-00100316 but there are also, particularly in some of the name-brand products, Arz33AHNJ5M-00239-00100316-00100735 are the go-to materials when you're under high disease pressure. Arz33AHNJ5M-00240-00100735-00100981 Growers, particularly if they scout, Arz33AHNJ5M-00241-00100981-00101386 have the option of coming with one or two applications. Arz33AHNJ5M-00242-00101386-00102043 This is just a listing of all the products that are available for use on small grains. Arz33AHNJ5M-00243-00102043-00102184 Just about, or in fact, Arz33AHNJ5M-00244-00102184-00102433 all of them are labeled for use on wheat. Arz33AHNJ5M-00245-00102433-00102697 When you get into barley, oats, and triticale, Arz33AHNJ5M-00246-00102697-00103039 you got to pick and choose a little bit because some of them are labeled, Arz33AHNJ5M-00247-00103039-00103171 some of them are not. Arz33AHNJ5M-00248-00103171-00103432 When you're dealing with food and feed crops, Arz33AHNJ5M-00249-00103432-00103679 you do have to make sure that the product is ready Arz33AHNJ5M-00250-00103679-00103969 for register specifically for that crop, Arz33AHNJ5M-00251-00103969-00104310 and not just assume because it's a small grain that you could apply Arz33AHNJ5M-00252-00104310-00104756 it to whatever crop you want to. Arz33AHNJ5M-00253-00104775-00105151 Very quickly, I'm just going to touch on barley yellow dwarf. Arz33AHNJ5M-00254-00105151-00105475 I'm sure Kathy is going to talk a little bit more about aphid management. Arz33AHNJ5M-00255-00105475-00105640 So I'm going to leave all that to her, Arz33AHNJ5M-00256-00105640-00105964 but it is an aphid-transmitted virus disease. Arz33AHNJ5M-00257-00105964-00106654 Greenbug being the primary factor but there's probably more, Arz33AHNJ5M-00258-00106654-00106862 and a lot more. Arz33AHNJ5M-00259-00106862-00107164 Probably with the conditions we've had this year, Arz33AHNJ5M-00260-00107164-00107389 it's going to be less of a problem. Arz33AHNJ5M-00261-00107389-00107689 It's mainly, we could avoid the problem with Arz33AHNJ5M-00262-00107689-00108019 early planning and some insecticide programs. Arz33AHNJ5M-00263-00108019-00108472 So basically, that's all I had to go over today. Arz33AHNJ5M-00264-00108472-00108812 If there's anything that I need to address, let me know, Arz33AHNJ5M-00265-00108812-00109169 drop me an email, and we'll try and get the information out. Arz33AHNJ5M-00266-00109169-00109264 Thank you. Arz33AHNJ5M-00267-00109264-00109660 I got a question for you and Brandon and may have some later. Arz33AHNJ5M-00268-00109661-00110125 I ran into this with the insecticide because lots of times, Arz33AHNJ5M-00269-00110125-00110353 people can't afford to keep scouting there. Arz33AHNJ5M-00270-00110353-00110683 It's gotten weak because especially when the prices of where they are, Arz33AHNJ5M-00271-00110683-00110978 if you can only put a fungicide on once in North, Arz33AHNJ5M-00272-00110978-00111111 Central, and South Alabama, Arz33AHNJ5M-00273-00111111-00111349 when would you put that fungicide on? Arz33AHNJ5M-00274-00111349-00111625 If we're not talking about scab, Arz33AHNJ5M-00275-00111625-00111826 when the flag leaf has fully emerged, Arz33AHNJ5M-00276-00111826-00112366 because the most important thing is that the flag leaf stayed intact as long as possible. Arz33AHNJ5M-00277-00112366-00112771 Okay. So that's going to be key right there in your mind. Arz33AHNJ5M-00278-00112771-00113068 Then, if weather conditions are right, Arz33AHNJ5M-00279-00113068-00113350 and they can use forecaster for the scouting? Arz33AHNJ5M-00280-00113350-00113569 Right. With the scab, you got to- Arz33AHNJ5M-00281-00113569-00113776 You will have to do that one but that's a much later spray? Arz33AHNJ5M-00282-00113776-00114157 Yeah. With the scab, you're going to have to either Arz33AHNJ5M-00283-00114157-00114523 base on weather patterns and cropping history or you can use Arz33AHNJ5M-00284-00114523-00114933 the weather-based model as a means of Arz33AHNJ5M-00285-00114933-00115372 determining whether or not you want to go ahead and apply fungicide. Arz33AHNJ5M-00286-00115372-00115528 Because when you deal with scab, Arz33AHNJ5M-00287-00115528-00115861 you are dealing with name-brand products. Arz33AHNJ5M-00288-00115861-00116405 Probably, Prosaro is the preferred material at this point in time, Arz33AHNJ5M-00289-00116405-00116606 Caramba be the other one. Arz33AHNJ5M-00290-00116606-00117302 So those are expensive treatments Arz33AHNJ5M-00291-00117302-00117830 and really only need to be used in situations where there are more than likely, Arz33AHNJ5M-00292-00117830-00118264 the growers are going to see a quality in the yield of it. AxTd0YLPDLY-00000-00000000-00000458 Educational resources are automatically AxTd0YLPDLY-00001-00000458-00000662 copyrighted when you create them under AxTd0YLPDLY-00002-00000662-00000712 US copyright law. AxTd0YLPDLY-00004-00000762-00001526 So let's say that I wrote a textbook, for example. I own that and nobody can use it without my permission. AxTd0YLPDLY-00005-00001526-00001743 When we openly license that textbook AxTd0YLPDLY-00006-00001743-00001880 what we're doing is we're giving a AxTd0YLPDLY-00007-00001880-00002135 license, we're giving permissions to the AxTd0YLPDLY-00008-00002135-00002424 public to use that book under the terms AxTd0YLPDLY-00009-00002424-00002474 of the license. AxTd0YLPDLY-00010-00002474-00002768 Licenses are a part of the AxTd0YLPDLY-00011-00002768-00002991 copyright system all around the world. AxTd0YLPDLY-00012-00002991-00003369 They're used by big companies like when AxTd0YLPDLY-00013-00003369-00003623 a clothing manufacturer wants to sell AxTd0YLPDLY-00014-00003623-00003903 a superhero t-shirt. And so licenses are AxTd0YLPDLY-00015-00003903-00003953 part of the fabric of copyright law. AxTd0YLPDLY-00016-00003953-00004419 But all of those licenses are negotiated one to one. AxTd0YLPDLY-00017-00004419-00004902 So when a company wants to use a text or AxTd0YLPDLY-00018-00004902-00005114 a song, or a character, or part of a movie AxTd0YLPDLY-00019-00005114-00005253 that belongs to a different rights AxTd0YLPDLY-00020-00005253-00005321 holder AxTd0YLPDLY-00021-00005321-00005502 they have to have their lawyers sit down AxTd0YLPDLY-00022-00005502-00005703 with the other lawyers and it takes time AxTd0YLPDLY-00023-00005703-00005764 and money. AxTd0YLPDLY-00024-00005764-00005912 So adding a Creative Commons AxTd0YLPDLY-00025-00005912-00006212 license to a work is like saying, "Hey this AxTd0YLPDLY-00026-00006212-00006486 resource is free for you to use however AxTd0YLPDLY-00027-00006486-00006536 you want." AxTd0YLPDLY-00028-00006536-00006765 The basic Creative Commons license AxTd0YLPDLY-00029-00006765-00007043 is the CC by license, or the creative AxTd0YLPDLY-00030-00007043-00007317 commons, attribution license and that's AxTd0YLPDLY-00031-00007317-00007550 the most basic Creative Commons license. AxTd0YLPDLY-00032-00007550-00007920 And all it says is you can use this work, AxTd0YLPDLY-00033-00007920-00008175 this copyrighted thing, this photograph AxTd0YLPDLY-00034-00008175-00008532 this book, this song, if you attribute it AxTd0YLPDLY-00035-00008532-00008802 to me the creator. The reason a lot of AxTd0YLPDLY-00036-00008802-00008993 educators and and governments, more and AxTd0YLPDLY-00037-00008993-00009249 more, are choosing that license is that AxTd0YLPDLY-00038-00009249-00009522 the only requirement is to give proper AxTd0YLPDLY-00039-00009522-00009738 attribution to the author to the AxTd0YLPDLY-00040-00009738-00009963 original creator that's really easy to AxTd0YLPDLY-00041-00009963-00010200 do. It also allows you to remix those AxTd0YLPDLY-00042-00010200-00010464 works with other openly licensed works AxTd0YLPDLY-00043-00010464-00010514 in a very easy way. AxTd0YLPDLY-00044-00010514-00010800 And teachers have AxTd0YLPDLY-00045-00010800-00011106 always given each other materials and if AxTd0YLPDLY-00046-00011106-00011259 you know the person you're sharing the AxTd0YLPDLY-00047-00011259-00011379 materials with you can give them AxTd0YLPDLY-00048-00011379-00011592 permission, but when you want to share AxTd0YLPDLY-00049-00011592-00011745 materials, with teachers across the AxTd0YLPDLY-00050-00011745-00011900 country and potentially teachers across AxTd0YLPDLY-00051-00011900-00012122 the world you need a standardized way to AxTd0YLPDLY-00052-00012122-00012272 do that and that's what the Creative AxTd0YLPDLY-00053-00012272-00013520 Commons licenses are. A_AzdG2_Gf0-00000-00000528-00000704 Hello there! Henrique here A_AzdG2_Gf0-00001-00000704-00001184 and this is a short video showing how to implement A_AzdG2_Gf0-00002-00001184-00001444 the effects we synthesized on LMMS here on Godot A_AzdG2_Gf0-00003-00001444-00001904 So if you want to understand those how these effects were made, watch the previous videos A_AzdG2_Gf0-00004-00001950-00002376 Well I already prepared a scene of the an animated beach here, so we don't waste time A_AzdG2_Gf0-00005-00002400-00003010 So, here in Godot we have three nodes responsible to play audio samples A_AzdG2_Gf0-00006-00003322-00003797 SamplePlayer, which plays a sound only taking its mono or stereo channel in consideration A_AzdG2_Gf0-00007-00003897-00004678 SamplePlayer2D, which uses its relative position to the viewport to create a bidimensional ambientation for the sound A_AzdG2_Gf0-00008-00004706-00005558 using its stereo channel, so everytime you use a SamplePlayer2D make sure your audio sample is stereo A_AzdG2_Gf0-00009-00005596-00006216 SpatialSamplePlayer is basically the same as SamplePlayer2D, but its ambientation is tridimensional A_AzdG2_Gf0-00010-00006382-00006698 In this case I'll use a SamplePlayer2D A_AzdG2_Gf0-00011-00006742-00007538 and since I'll use two sample playing simultaneously I'll define the Polyphony property touse two voices A_AzdG2_Gf0-00012-00007578-00007944 This way when a sample starts playing the other one doesn't get muted A_AzdG2_Gf0-00013-00008264-00008766 SamplePlayer executes the sound effects based on a SampleLibrary A_AzdG2_Gf0-00014-00008800-00009052 which is a builtin resource of Godot Engine A_AzdG2_Gf0-00015-00009094-00009686 So we will create a new SampleLibrary and for that just click the New Resource button A_AzdG2_Gf0-00016-00009736-00010414 Now you will search for SampleLibrary, rename it in the Inspector and save it on disk A_AzdG2_Gf0-00017-00010610-00011168 Ok then, now I'll create builtin resources from the original files of our samples created with LMMS A_AzdG2_Gf0-00018-00011196-00011764 You just need to double click it, click on Save as and save it as a .tres file A_AzdG2_Gf0-00019-00013080-00013478 Now I'll set the loop of the sound effects, A_AzdG2_Gf0-00020-00013478-00014176 in the wind effect, I'll just need to set Loop Format to Forward, PingPong will go to the end and back A_AzdG2_Gf0-00021-00014210-00014569 while Forward go to the end and start over again A_AzdG2_Gf0-00022-00014662-00015196 and I'll set its Loop end to be the same as the duration A_AzdG2_Gf0-00023-00015213-00015666 so we just have to copy and paste the Length value on the Loop End property A_AzdG2_Gf0-00024-00015991-00016662 In the "tide" sound effect I'll have to adjust the Loop Begin property A_AzdG2_Gf0-00025-00016696-00017206 So I'll set Loop Format - Forward, so it will end and start again from the beginning A_AzdG2_Gf0-00026-00017230-00017926 and I'll set the Loop Begin to 2000, which was the necessary value I found it in order to loop properly A_AzdG2_Gf0-00027-00018012-00018546 the Loop End property will be its duration as well, so just copy and paste the Length value A_AzdG2_Gf0-00028-00018806-00019322 Now we just have to add these samples to the SampleLibrary we created A_AzdG2_Gf0-00029-00019368-00019660 For this, just open the SampleLibrary on the Inspector dock* A_AzdG2_Gf0-00030-00019660-00020108 and just drag and drop the sample files to the new opened docker down here A_AzdG2_Gf0-00031-00020160-00020696 I'll also lower the "wind" effect volume, so it gets less evident than the "tide" effect A_AzdG2_Gf0-00032-00021754-00022584 Now to set everything up to work, we will add a new script, it can be a Builtin, there's no need to save it A_AzdG2_Gf0-00033-00022730-00023222 In the "_ready()" callback we just need to access the SamplePlayer2D node and A_AzdG2_Gf0-00034-00023236-00023682 call the "play()" method, passing the sample name as argument A_AzdG2_Gf0-00035-00023682-00023896 in this case "wind" and "tide" A_AzdG2_Gf0-00036-00024480-00024822 Done! If everything went well you will end up with something like this A_AzdG2_Gf0-00037-00026926-00027195 If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to comment down there A_AzdG2_Gf0-00038-00027239-00027760 This is it folks, keep developing and until the next time AAdm8ouZ6II-00000-00002010-00002534 Stateline, Nevada is on the southeast edge of Lake Tahoe and straddles the California-Nevada AAdm8ouZ6II-00001-00002534-00002651 border. AAdm8ouZ6II-00002-00002651-00003213 This shoreline community is a large attraction for tourists with an abundance of hotel casinos AAdm8ouZ6II-00003-00003213-00003471 on the Nevada side of the border. AAdm8ouZ6II-00004-00003471-00004014 The Montbleu Resort Casino & Spa, Harrah’s Lake Tahoe, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Lake AAdm8ouZ6II-00005-00004014-00004580 Tahoe, and Harveys Lake Tahoe are all within a couple miles of each other. AAdm8ouZ6II-00006-00004580-00005025 Because of laws restricting gambling on the California side of Stateline, many resorts AAdm8ouZ6II-00007-00005025-00005507 provide transportation from the California side to the Nevada side for guests to enjoy AAdm8ouZ6II-00008-00005507-00005832 some gaming fun. AAdm8ouZ6II-00009-00005832-00006346 Harveys Lake Tahoe also boasts the Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena, the venue for the Lake Tahoe AAdm8ouZ6II-00010-00006346-00006817 Summer Concert Series, bringing lakeside music under the stars on the southern shore of the AAdm8ouZ6II-00011-00006817-00007127 lake. AAdm8ouZ6II-00012-00007127-00007607 Heavenly Mountain Resort is another fantastic feature in the Stateline community. AAdm8ouZ6II-00013-00007607-00008141 Heavenly offers 97 ski trails in the winter plus year-round gondola rides to Heavenly AAdm8ouZ6II-00014-00008141-00008504 Mountain’s peak. AAdm8ouZ6II-00015-00008504-00009064 The Shops at Heavenly line Lake Tahoe Boulevard and include retailers like Patagonia, Sunglass AAdm8ouZ6II-00016-00009064-00009334 Hut, and Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. AAdm8ouZ6II-00017-00009334-00010248 There are amazing local restaurants like California Burger Company and Stateline Brewery & Restaurant. AAdm8ouZ6II-00018-00010248-00010790 Village Shopping Center south of Heavenly Resort has a Raley’s, Tahoe Sports, Imagine AAdm8ouZ6II-00019-00010790-00011076 Salon, and a Jamba juice bar. AAdm8ouZ6II-00020-00011076-00011838 The center is also home to two art galleries; The Marcus Ashley Gallery and the Wyland Galleries. AAdm8ouZ6II-00021-00011838-00012302 In the summer, everyone can enjoy their sunny days on Lake Tahoe’s many beaches. AAdm8ouZ6II-00022-00012302-00012661 For example, head 10 minutes north to Zephyr Cove Marina. AAdm8ouZ6II-00023-00012661-00013236 The marina is located near Zephyr Cove Resort, giving adventurers the opportunity to parasail, AAdm8ouZ6II-00024-00013236-00014180 water ski, jet ski, fish or rent a boat to explore the marina’s surrounding coves. AAdm8ouZ6II-00025-00014180-00014702 Zephyr Cove Park is another popular attraction that spans 80 acres of both open and playing AAdm8ouZ6II-00026-00014702-00014839 fields. AAdm8ouZ6II-00027-00014839-00015422 Nextdoor is Zephyr Cove Tennis Club with six outdoor courts, a pro shop, and opportunities AAdm8ouZ6II-00028-00015422-00015942 for tennis lessons and league play. AAdm8ouZ6II-00029-00015942-00016400 Edgewood Tahoe Resort is another lakeside resort in the South Lake Tahoe Community. AAdm8ouZ6II-00030-00016400-00016939 The resort features lodging accommodations, a full spa, three on-site restaurants, and AAdm8ouZ6II-00031-00016939-00017313 the Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course. AAdm8ouZ6II-00032-00017313-00017823 This 18-hole course has breathtaking views with greens alongside the blue waters of Lake AAdm8ouZ6II-00033-00017823-00018300 Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada Mountains surrounding the Edgewood Resort. AAdm8ouZ6II-00034-00018300-00018826 The Bistro Edgewood, Edgewood Restaurant, and Brooks’ Bar & Deck offer a dining experience AAdm8ouZ6II-00035-00018826-00019292 for every occasion. AAdm8ouZ6II-00036-00019292-00019738 Minutes from Edgewood is a fantastic shopping center available to Stateline residents. AAdm8ouZ6II-00037-00019738-00020292 Shoppers can visit Anytime Fitness, Safeway, Casey’s restaurant, Harumi Sushi, and the AAdm8ouZ6II-00038-00020292-00020392 Bean Bar. AAdm8ouZ6II-00039-00020392-00021004 A United States Post Office is also conveniently located within the center. AAdm8ouZ6II-00040-00021004-00021221 Stateline’s students travel 10 minutes to Zephyr Cove for education from the Douglas AAdm8ouZ6II-00041-00021221-00021321 County School District. AAdm8ouZ6II-00042-00021321-00021591 Students begin at Zephyr Cove Elementary School for their curriculum from kindergarten through AAdm8ouZ6II-00043-00021591-00021837 sixth grade. AAdm8ouZ6II-00044-00021837-00022325 George Whittell High School welcomes both middle and high school students from Stateline. AAdm8ouZ6II-00045-00022325-00022811 The school was named for General George Whittell, Jr. who once owned almost all of the Nevada AAdm8ouZ6II-00046-00022811-00022994 side of Lake Tahoe. AAdm8ouZ6II-00047-00022994-00023715 George Whittell High School is home to the Warriors. AAdm8ouZ6II-00048-00023715-00024273 For more information about homes in Stateline and other areas, visit our website NevadaRealEstateGroup.com, AAdm8ouZ6II-00049-00024273-00024725 or call us (775) 750-1700. ABhYn5OiI-8-00000-00001000-00001500 Subscribe me now and don't miss my latest videos AC1pyyO6N3U-00000-00000000-00000380 The other funeral is for Nick Samuel Oropeza AC1pyyO6N3U-00001-00000380-00000788 who died during some protests in the outskirts of Caracas AC1pyyO6N3U-00002-00000788-00001232 when Juan Guaidó appeared on the scene, AC1pyyO6N3U-00003-00001232-00001616 during the confrontation for political power. AC1pyyO6N3U-00004-00001616-00002188 Guaidó appeared with this discourse of being the legitimate president AC1pyyO6N3U-00005-00002188-00002708 based on articles in the Constitution and a vote of the Assembly. AC1pyyO6N3U-00006-00002708-00003424 Many people supported Guaidó’s designation as president. AC1pyyO6N3U-00007-00003424-00003664 Some saw it as a self-designation. AC1pyyO6N3U-00008-00003664-00004160 It’s a complex legal discussion. AC1pyyO6N3U-00009-00004160-00004384 Nick had gone out to protest, AC1pyyO6N3U-00010-00004384-00004848 first in one march and then in another in his neighbourhood, AC1pyyO6N3U-00011-00004848-00005092 to support Guaidó’s designation as president. AC1pyyO6N3U-00012-00005092-00005316 And to demonstrate. AC1pyyO6N3U-00013-00005316-00005772 And he was killed, according to witnesses, AC1pyyO6N3U-00014-00005772-00006104 by gunfire coming from a National Guard military base. AC1pyyO6N3U-00015-00006104-00006816 So one more victim of government force. AC1pyyO6N3U-00016-00006816-00007212 These funerals [for Nick and Larry Morillo], AC1pyyO6N3U-00017-00007212-00007872 these two settings are extremely painful and difficult to work on [as a photographer] AC1pyyO6N3U-00018-00007872-00008208 because you don’t want only to remember pain, AC1pyyO6N3U-00019-00008208-00008552 but it’s part of everything that’s going on. AC1pyyO6N3U-00020-00008552-00008948 The pictures are complementary and ironic AC1pyyO6N3U-00021-00008948-00009200 because everyone is a victim, AC1pyyO6N3U-00022-00009200-00009780 the police, the young people, the security forces and the protesters. AC1pyyO6N3U-00023-00009780-00010376 And it gives you a sense of how our institutions and moral fabric have broken down. AGfqSClittg-00000-00000729-00000944 Hi, I’m Andrea Ruecker and I’m a postdoctoral AGfqSClittg-00001-00000944-00001352 researcher here at the malaria department in MORU in Bangkok. AGfqSClittg-00002-00001352-00001934 Malaria is very unusual because it has a very complicated life cycle, and usually when you are AGfqSClittg-00003-00001934-00002357 infected with malaria you have the two different stages inside your red blood cells: you have AGfqSClittg-00004-00002357-00002822 the one stage that makes you very sick, we call that the asexual stage, so you have the disease AGfqSClittg-00005-00002822-00003304 symptoms and this is the one we have to treat otherwise you will be very sick and you may die, AGfqSClittg-00006-00003304-00003935 but at the same time you also develop these other stages inside the red blood cells which are sort AGfqSClittg-00007-00003935-00004466 of dormant; they don’t cause any disease symptoms but these are the stages - we call them gametocyte AGfqSClittg-00008-00004619-00005180 stages - which are responsible for the infectivity into the mosquito and they are solely responsible AGfqSClittg-00009-00005180-00005702 for the transmission from person to person - person to mosquito, then to another person. AGfqSClittg-00010-00005702-00006242 We are trying to stop malaria spread by treating the patient that is sick with malaria, AGfqSClittg-00011-00006242-00006722 not just only treating the disease symptoms but also giving the person a drug that then AGfqSClittg-00012-00006722-00007154 kills those gametocyte stages, so those gametocytes can’t infect a mosquito. AGfqSClittg-00013-00007250-00007684 I’m enjoying this research because I really want to make a difference, I want to help people and AGfqSClittg-00014-00007684-00008072 I really want to help eliminate malaria, and I don’t think we can eliminate malaria AGfqSClittg-00015-00008072-00008741 unless we look at the whole package of the malaria parasite, which includes the transmission stages. AGfqSClittg-00016-00008741-00009236 Their lifecycle is very intriguing and the cell biology, from a cell biological point of view, AGfqSClittg-00017-00009236-00009713 looks very exciting, and I’m trying to figure out in the lab, when I treat them with drugs, AGfqSClittg-00018-00009713-00010151 how we can stop them from developing further and we can look at this in a AGfqSClittg-00019-00010151-00010673 very fine setting in the lab, and It’s just very exciting to look at them and AGfqSClittg-00020-00010673-00011030 trying to then feed that back into the field and then hopefully have an impact. AGfqSClittg-00021-00011111-00011549 The challenges particularly in this kind of work is that we are growing those transmission AGfqSClittg-00022-00011549-00012149 stages - the gametocytes - in the lab, so in a human body it takes approximately 8 to 10 or AGfqSClittg-00023-00012149-00012737 12 days to develop before they can actually infect the mosquito to then spread malaria, AGfqSClittg-00024-00012737-00013222 and we have to grow them in the lab which takes approximately 2 weeks, but their viability is very AGfqSClittg-00025-00013222-00013672 delicate and sometimes we grow those stages for 2 weeks and then they’re not viable so AGfqSClittg-00026-00013672-00014163 we can’t do any experiments with it so they are very challenging to grow on a day to day basis. AGfqSClittg-00027-00014163-00014677 Our research is really important because if we want to understand malaria transmission, AGfqSClittg-00028-00014677-00015181 we need to understand those transmission stages - the gametocytes - and we need to understand AGfqSClittg-00029-00015181-00015685 how they respond to drugs and vaccines, and we need to also understand how they AGfqSClittg-00030-00015685-00016243 respond under the current setting of drug resistance and how drug resistance spreads. AGfqSClittg-00031-00016243-00016903 This is a very unique approach because not many places have the tools that we developed AGfqSClittg-00032-00016903-00017416 previously, we want to be able to constantly cross talk between the lab and the field and AGfqSClittg-00033-00017416-00018067 that is why I think our work really is fitting right in translational research and medicine. AIstJEWaF-0-00000-00000000-00000444 If you're looking for property management in Central Florida, your top AIstJEWaF-0-00001-00000444-00000984 choice is Presidential Group South, Windermere Property Management. Presidential Group South is a family-owned, AIstJEWaF-0-00002-00000984-00001420 and operated, Central Florida property management company that has been setting AIstJEWaF-0-00003-00001420-00002025 the standard since 1985. Leave the stress of property management behind by AIstJEWaF-0-00004-00002025-00002463 choosing the property manager that you can trust for your Central Florida AIstJEWaF-0-00005-00002463-00003420 property management. Windermere Property Management. Visit presidentialsroupsouth.com or call 407-682-3355. AIstJEWaF-0-00006-00003420-00003937 Again that's 407-682-3355. AKX1I9OO1vI-00000-00000010-00000103 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS AKX1I9OO1vI-00001-00000103-00000110 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS AKX1I9OO1vI-00002-00000110-00000273 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN TALBERT. AKX1I9OO1vI-00003-00000273-00000280 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN TALBERT. AKX1I9OO1vI-00004-00000280-00000380 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN TALBERT. >> COLLIN: WELL, ON THE HARD AKX1I9OO1vI-00005-00000380-00000387 WITH COLLIN TALBERT. >> COLLIN: WELL, ON THE HARD AKX1I9OO1vI-00006-00000387-00000597 WITH COLLIN TALBERT. >> COLLIN: WELL, ON THE HARD WOOD, ALL THREE OF BEMIDJI BOYS AKX1I9OO1vI-00007-00000597-00000603 >> COLLIN: WELL, ON THE HARD WOOD, ALL THREE OF BEMIDJI BOYS AKX1I9OO1vI-00008-00000603-00000714 >> COLLIN: WELL, ON THE HARD WOOD, ALL THREE OF BEMIDJI BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM LOSSES THIS AKX1I9OO1vI-00009-00000714-00000720 WOOD, ALL THREE OF BEMIDJI BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM LOSSES THIS AKX1I9OO1vI-00010-00000720-00000837 WOOD, ALL THREE OF BEMIDJI BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM LOSSES THIS SEASON HAVE ALL COME BY ONE AKX1I9OO1vI-00011-00000837-00000844 BASKETBALL TEAM LOSSES THIS SEASON HAVE ALL COME BY ONE AKX1I9OO1vI-00012-00000844-00000907 BASKETBALL TEAM LOSSES THIS SEASON HAVE ALL COME BY ONE POSSESSION. AKX1I9OO1vI-00013-00000907-00000914 SEASON HAVE ALL COME BY ONE POSSESSION. AKX1I9OO1vI-00014-00000914-00001037 SEASON HAVE ALL COME BY ONE POSSESSION. THEY'RE 2 AND 3 IN THE FIRST AKX1I9OO1vI-00015-00001037-00001044 POSSESSION. THEY'RE 2 AND 3 IN THE FIRST AKX1I9OO1vI-00016-00001044-00001097 POSSESSION. THEY'RE 2 AND 3 IN THE FIRST FIVE. AKX1I9OO1vI-00017-00001097-00001104 THEY'RE 2 AND 3 IN THE FIRST FIVE. AKX1I9OO1vI-00018-00001104-00001261 THEY'RE 2 AND 3 IN THE FIRST FIVE. BOTH WINS COMING BY OVER 20 AKX1I9OO1vI-00019-00001261-00001267 FIVE. BOTH WINS COMING BY OVER 20 AKX1I9OO1vI-00020-00001267-00001307 FIVE. BOTH WINS COMING BY OVER 20 POINTS. AKX1I9OO1vI-00021-00001307-00001314 BOTH WINS COMING BY OVER 20 POINTS. AKX1I9OO1vI-00022-00001314-00001478 BOTH WINS COMING BY OVER 20 POINTS. STILL A LOT OF BASKETBALL LEFT, AKX1I9OO1vI-00023-00001478-00001484 POINTS. STILL A LOT OF BASKETBALL LEFT, AKX1I9OO1vI-00024-00001484-00001634 POINTS. STILL A LOT OF BASKETBALL LEFT, THOUGH, THIS SEASON, BUT EVERY AKX1I9OO1vI-00025-00001634-00001641 STILL A LOT OF BASKETBALL LEFT, THOUGH, THIS SEASON, BUT EVERY AKX1I9OO1vI-00026-00001641-00001881 STILL A LOT OF BASKETBALL LEFT, THOUGH, THIS SEASON, BUT EVERY GAME, ESPECIALLY IN THE SECTION, AKX1I9OO1vI-00027-00001881-00001888 THOUGH, THIS SEASON, BUT EVERY GAME, ESPECIALLY IN THE SECTION, AKX1I9OO1vI-00028-00001888-00002018 THOUGH, THIS SEASON, BUT EVERY GAME, ESPECIALLY IN THE SECTION, STILL IMPORTANT, INCLUDING AKX1I9OO1vI-00029-00002018-00002025 GAME, ESPECIALLY IN THE SECTION, STILL IMPORTANT, INCLUDING AKX1I9OO1vI-00030-00002025-00002182 GAME, ESPECIALLY IN THE SECTION, STILL IMPORTANT, INCLUDING TONIGHT AT HOME AGAINST DETROIT AKX1I9OO1vI-00031-00002182-00002188 STILL IMPORTANT, INCLUDING TONIGHT AT HOME AGAINST DETROIT AKX1I9OO1vI-00032-00002188-00002228 STILL IMPORTANT, INCLUDING TONIGHT AT HOME AGAINST DETROIT LAKES. AKX1I9OO1vI-00033-00002228-00002235 TONIGHT AT HOME AGAINST DETROIT LAKES. AKX1I9OO1vI-00034-00002235-00002652 TONIGHT AT HOME AGAINST DETROIT LAKES. BOTH SEARCHING FOR WIN NO. 3. AKX1I9OO1vI-00035-00002652-00002659 LAKES. BOTH SEARCHING FOR WIN NO. 3. AKX1I9OO1vI-00036-00002659-00002886 LAKES. BOTH SEARCHING FOR WIN NO. 3. POINT NO. 10. AKX1I9OO1vI-00037-00002886-00002892 BOTH SEARCHING FOR WIN NO. 3. POINT NO. 10. AKX1I9OO1vI-00038-00002892-00003066 BOTH SEARCHING FOR WIN NO. 3. POINT NO. 10. COLTON GIVES THEM LIFE. AKX1I9OO1vI-00039-00003066-00003073 POINT NO. 10. COLTON GIVES THEM LIFE. AKX1I9OO1vI-00040-00003073-00003346 POINT NO. 10. COLTON GIVES THEM LIFE. NICE FEED FROM CADE PETERSON. AKX1I9OO1vI-00041-00003346-00003353 COLTON GIVES THEM LIFE. NICE FEED FROM CADE PETERSON. AKX1I9OO1vI-00042-00003353-00003596 COLTON GIVES THEM LIFE. NICE FEED FROM CADE PETERSON. A SOLID FIRST HALF FROM THE HOME AKX1I9OO1vI-00043-00003596-00003603 NICE FEED FROM CADE PETERSON. A SOLID FIRST HALF FROM THE HOME AKX1I9OO1vI-00044-00003603-00003670 NICE FEED FROM CADE PETERSON. A SOLID FIRST HALF FROM THE HOME TEAM. AKX1I9OO1vI-00045-00003670-00003676 A SOLID FIRST HALF FROM THE HOME TEAM. AKX1I9OO1vI-00046-00003676-00003760 A SOLID FIRST HALF FROM THE HOME TEAM. JACOB, PICK AND POP. AKX1I9OO1vI-00047-00003760-00003767 TEAM. JACOB, PICK AND POP. AKX1I9OO1vI-00048-00003767-00003947 TEAM. JACOB, PICK AND POP. MAKES THAT LOOK EASY. AKX1I9OO1vI-00049-00003947-00003953 JACOB, PICK AND POP. MAKES THAT LOOK EASY. AKX1I9OO1vI-00050-00003953-00004057 JACOB, PICK AND POP. MAKES THAT LOOK EASY. UP 11 AT THE BREAK. AKX1I9OO1vI-00051-00004057-00004064 MAKES THAT LOOK EASY. UP 11 AT THE BREAK. AKX1I9OO1vI-00052-00004064-00004247 MAKES THAT LOOK EASY. UP 11 AT THE BREAK. THEN THE SECOND, OFF THE AKX1I9OO1vI-00053-00004247-00004254 UP 11 AT THE BREAK. THEN THE SECOND, OFF THE AKX1I9OO1vI-00054-00004254-00004300 UP 11 AT THE BREAK. THEN THE SECOND, OFF THE INBOUND. AKX1I9OO1vI-00055-00004300-00004307 THEN THE SECOND, OFF THE INBOUND. AKX1I9OO1vI-00056-00004307-00004497 THEN THE SECOND, OFF THE INBOUND. A LITTLE PULLUP IN THE PAINT. AKX1I9OO1vI-00057-00004497-00004504 INBOUND. A LITTLE PULLUP IN THE PAINT. AKX1I9OO1vI-00058-00004504-00004768 INBOUND. A LITTLE PULLUP IN THE PAINT. THAT RATTLES HOME TO EXTEND THE AKX1I9OO1vI-00059-00004768-00004774 A LITTLE PULLUP IN THE PAINT. THAT RATTLES HOME TO EXTEND THE AKX1I9OO1vI-00060-00004774-00004824 A LITTLE PULLUP IN THE PAINT. THAT RATTLES HOME TO EXTEND THE LEAD. AKX1I9OO1vI-00061-00004824-00004831 THAT RATTLES HOME TO EXTEND THE LEAD. AKX1I9OO1vI-00062-00004831-00004938 THAT RATTLES HOME TO EXTEND THE LEAD. BACK TO JENSON. AKX1I9OO1vI-00063-00004938-00004944 LEAD. BACK TO JENSON. AKX1I9OO1vI-00064-00004944-00005171 LEAD. BACK TO JENSON. WHAT A NIGHT FOR THE SOPHOMORE. AKX1I9OO1vI-00065-00005171-00005178 BACK TO JENSON. WHAT A NIGHT FOR THE SOPHOMORE. AKX1I9OO1vI-00066-00005178-00005482 BACK TO JENSON. WHAT A NIGHT FOR THE SOPHOMORE. COUNT IT AND THE FOUL. AKX1I9OO1vI-00067-00005482-00005488 WHAT A NIGHT FOR THE SOPHOMORE. COUNT IT AND THE FOUL. AKX1I9OO1vI-00068-00005488-00005578 WHAT A NIGHT FOR THE SOPHOMORE. COUNT IT AND THE FOUL. EAGLES. AKX1I9OO1vI-00069-00005578-00005585 COUNT IT AND THE FOUL. EAGLES. AKX1I9OO1vI-00070-00005585-00005699 COUNT IT AND THE FOUL. EAGLES. WIN NO. 3 ON THE SEASON NO AMbUhoAvb6u-00000-00000311-00000493 Remember the Ford Orion? AMbUhoAvb6u-00001-00000493-00000813 Or the Box or Belmont? AMbUhoAvb6u-00002-00000813-00001112 Small saloons have never ever been very glamorous. AMbUhoAvb6u-00003-00001112-00001474 But now, Mercedes wants to revive this neglected niche. AMbUhoAvb6u-00004-00001474-00001574 With this. AMbUhoAvb6u-00005-00001574-00001705 The CLA. AMbUhoAvb6u-00006-00001705-00002337 A car so stylish might just change the way we think about small saloons. AMbUhoAvb6u-00007-00002337-00002781 Let's hope so. AMbUhoAvb6u-00008-00002781-00004084 The CLA is based on the A-Class hatchback, but it's sleek lines comes straight from the AMbUhoAvb6u-00009-00004084-00004284 larger CLS. AMbUhoAvb6u-00010-00004284-00005111 It's one of the most aerodynamic cars on the road. and one of the most eye-catching. AMbUhoAvb6u-00011-00005111-00005714 CLA prices start from around 24,500 pounds. AMbUhoAvb6u-00012-00005714-00006568 A hefty 3,000 pounds more than the equivalent A class. AMbUhoAvb6u-00013-00006568-00007134 Style doesn't come cheap then, and the CLA 220 diesel that I'm driving today costs nearly AMbUhoAvb6u-00014-00007134-00007277 30,000 pounds. AMbUhoAvb6u-00015-00007277-00007875 For that, you get 168 brake horse power and naught to sixty in about eight seconds. AMbUhoAvb6u-00016-00007875-00008630 So, it's reasonably quick but there's a surprising amount of cluttery diesel noise if you put AMbUhoAvb6u-00017-00008630-00008979 your foot down. AMbUhoAvb6u-00018-00008979-00009596 Mercedes claims an impressive 62.8 miles per gallon for the 220 diesel. AMbUhoAvb6u-00019-00009596-00010179 That's much better than any of the 3 petrol engines, none of which can top 50 MPG. AMbUhoAvb6u-00020-00010179-00010775 However, the A-class diesel hatchback fell short of Mercedes figures in our more realistic AMbUhoAvb6u-00021-00010775-00011197 fuel economy tests. AMbUhoAvb6u-00022-00011197-00011552 All CLAs come with a seven speed duel clutch auto. AMbUhoAvb6u-00023-00011552-00012102 And while it's not the most quick-witted gear box, it's laid back character suits this diesel AMbUhoAvb6u-00024-00012102-00013220 engine well and let's be honest nobody buys a Mercedes with a manual gearbox anyway. AMbUhoAvb6u-00025-00013220-00013676 In size the CLA feels worthy of its premium price-tag. AMbUhoAvb6u-00026-00013676-00014159 All models come with a media system that allows you to display apps from your phone on the AMbUhoAvb6u-00027-00014159-00014656 central screen but the real highlight is all the safety kits. AMbUhoAvb6u-00028-00014656-00015262 A radar emergency braking system is standard as is attention assist. which monitors your AMbUhoAvb6u-00029-00015262-00015897 driving and warns you if you're getting tired. AMbUhoAvb6u-00030-00015897-00016470 Here in the front, the CLA fairly comfortable but climb into the back and you're paying AMbUhoAvb6u-00031-00016470-00016689 the price for that elegant shape. AMbUhoAvb6u-00032-00016689-00017109 I'm five feet eight and I've got virtually no extra headroom here. AMbUhoAvb6u-00033-00017109-00017727 Contrary to what you might expect, the CLA's boot is actually bigger than the A-class hatchback. AMbUhoAvb6u-00034-00017727-00018255 but this narrow opening makes it far less practical, you won't be squeezing a chest AMbUhoAvb6u-00035-00018255-00018843 of drawers in here; which measures boots space for every car in our test lab. AMbUhoAvb6u-00036-00018843-00019183 Click the link to find out more about how we test. AMbUhoAvb6u-00037-00019183-00020286 the A class got a lot of stick about it's ride quality, not least from us, and the CLA, AMbUhoAvb6u-00038-00020286-00020534 well it's much the same. AMbUhoAvb6u-00039-00020534-00021083 This car's actually fitted with a and a comfort suspension from broken up country roads like AMbUhoAvb6u-00040-00021083-00021437 these the ride really is quite jarring. AMbUhoAvb6u-00041-00021437-00021851 It's definitely one to try before you buy. AMbUhoAvb6u-00042-00021851-00022419 Unlike other Mercedes saloons, most CLAs send power through their front wheels. AMbUhoAvb6u-00043-00022419-00022815 The fact that the car is being pulled rather than pushed. AMbUhoAvb6u-00044-00022815-00023377 May not sound like a big deal, but it means less feedback through the steering wheel and AMbUhoAvb6u-00045-00023377-00024145 less poise when cornering in a regular Mercedes C class let along a BMW 3 series and for a AMbUhoAvb6u-00046-00024145-00025573 car that looks so sporty that's a shame. AMbUhoAvb6u-00047-00025573-00025803 The CLA is far from perfect then. AMbUhoAvb6u-00048-00025803-00026441 It's expensive, there's not much room in the back, and the ride is rock hard. AMbUhoAvb6u-00049-00026441-00026877 Despite that, I'm going to take my rational witch hat off for a minute, and say that this AMbUhoAvb6u-00050-00026877-00027133 is still a desirable car. AMbUhoAvb6u-00051-00027133-00027770 A C-class the same price is better, but only a CLA will make your neighbors feel jealous AMbUhoAvb6u-00052-00027770-00029427 and make you feel special and you could never say that about [xx] xx ANrXaAULQKE-00000-00000065-00000165 Oh, I'm not recording, I said I would but then I, but then I did it. Okay, so we'll ANrXaAULQKE-00001-00000165-00000265 start now. So Eric is going to start we're not going ANrXaAULQKE-00002-00000265-00000396 to do a formal bio is tonight. I've asked people to introduce themselves. But what I ANrXaAULQKE-00003-00000396-00000496 will say also is that this is a. ANrXaAULQKE-00004-00000496-00000596 So, yes, I guess I should say again. ANrXaAULQKE-00005-00000596-00000967 But I'm Eli, and I am the founder and creative director of the operating system, and we're ANrXaAULQKE-00006-00000967-00001617 here celebrating her curry and Rose sun water tonight. And this is a global event right ANrXaAULQKE-00007-00001617-00002253 so we're everywhere but I will acknowledge that I personally am here in ANrXaAULQKE-00008-00002253-00002960 Brooklyn, New York, which is Lenny Lenny Manabe moon, moon say territory and monopoly located ANrXaAULQKE-00009-00002960-00003388 in the north, east of the United States and if anyone else who's reading tonight wants ANrXaAULQKE-00010-00003388-00003751 to give an acknowledgement I would absolutely welcome that. ANrXaAULQKE-00011-00003751-00003875 I'm. ANrXaAULQKE-00012-00003875-00004660 I am so grateful to have everybody here today, and as I said before, we will have transcripts ANrXaAULQKE-00013-00004660-00005005 going and we are recording so please do know that if you don't feel comfortable being on ANrXaAULQKE-00014-00005005-00005735 camera you can turn your camera off, but I will turn it over to Eric ANrXaAULQKE-00015-00005735-00006219 science, who is our first reader, ANrXaAULQKE-00016-00006219-00007073 everyone, how's everyone doing Can everyone hear me okay give a thumbs up or thumbs down. ANrXaAULQKE-00017-00007073-00007844 Awesome. Cool. Um, so, my name is Eric science, um I live and work in San Francisco, with ANrXaAULQKE-00018-00007844-00008248 my girlfriend, and my cat Peggy. ANrXaAULQKE-00019-00008248-00008698 She's adorable but she's never around so I can't show anybody her. I apologize, she's ANrXaAULQKE-00020-00008698-00008860 a little. ANrXaAULQKE-00021-00008860-00009143 She has her own thing going on. ANrXaAULQKE-00022-00009143-00009667 I'm going to be reading from tsunami bother which came out on the operating system in ANrXaAULQKE-00023-00009667-00010169 2018. ANrXaAULQKE-00024-00010169-00010722 I hadn't read from this in like a year, and so it's very interesting to be revisiting ANrXaAULQKE-00025-00010722-00010911 it and I'm kind of excited to be revisiting. ANrXaAULQKE-00026-00010911-00011528 I think that's an important process of the right or the important to the writing process. ANrXaAULQKE-00027-00011528-00012134 So, usually if we're all in person, I'd be passing out this picture. That's the original ANrXaAULQKE-00028-00012134-00012506 from the cover to everybody in the audience so I can pretend like on virtually passing ANrXaAULQKE-00029-00012506-00013091 this over to you guys. ANrXaAULQKE-00030-00013091-00014072 And with that, I will start the book starts with a epigraph from Lorna disadvantages. ANrXaAULQKE-00031-00014072-00014523 They call me in words of another language, my brown body searches the streets for the ANrXaAULQKE-00032-00014523-00015026 dye, that will cover the little color my thoughts. ANrXaAULQKE-00033-00015026-00015559 Concerning origins. ANrXaAULQKE-00034-00015559-00016243 We're all birth, my father no exception. He came from Durango, I've never been there need ANrXaAULQKE-00035-00016243-00016768 to Google a map of Mexico and stare at it for a long time trying to locate the city, ANrXaAULQKE-00036-00016768-00017149 a red dot, just to the right of dead center. ANrXaAULQKE-00037-00017149-00017773 I realized later the state is much larger than this dot associated with his birthplace. ANrXaAULQKE-00038-00017773-00018440 He didn't talk much about growing up. And to be honest, I never asked him a relationship ANrXaAULQKE-00039-00018440-00018984 was not the kind for casual conversations talks usually occurred late at night, when ANrXaAULQKE-00040-00018984-00019654 we were both in altered states me from sleep him from drink or Saturday afternoons, ANrXaAULQKE-00041-00019654-00020455 in front of the TV or soccer fill the silence, ANrXaAULQKE-00042-00020455-00020718 created a narrative. ANrXaAULQKE-00043-00020718-00021490 There was, Raul Roberto Rossa Concepcion Rudy rough Alice Dela Rosa Linda Renee and Ricardo ANrXaAULQKE-00044-00021490-00022245 siblings sharing space, living conditions, tiny brown bodies piled in a single beds. ANrXaAULQKE-00045-00022245-00023009 I know them in one way or another. They all had something distinctions bolo tie scarred ANrXaAULQKE-00046-00023009-00024137 face temper, Jesus, alcohol, ANrXaAULQKE-00047-00024137-00024518 memoria ANrXaAULQKE-00048-00024518-00024862 Christ the King Roman Catholic Church. ANrXaAULQKE-00049-00024862-00025573 Stand tearing right off Melrose the thick of Mexican immigrants. A few blocks away. ANrXaAULQKE-00050-00025573-00026318 Wet us espresso shots vintage clothes. The Hollywood dream. ANrXaAULQKE-00051-00026318-00026589 Remember the pews smooth to touch. ANrXaAULQKE-00052-00026589-00026964 Remember the hymn books stale and worn. ANrXaAULQKE-00053-00026964-00027788 Remember the dealers ragged Crimson to contrast was close to block south and enjoy the stroll ANrXaAULQKE-00054-00027788-00028202 sticky bundle said the clicking of dress shoes on concrete. ANrXaAULQKE-00055-00028202-00028737 Want to see us echoing down the avenue. ANrXaAULQKE-00056-00028737-00029238 The sun and heat were unrelenting I lose myself and they eliminated stained glass and shiny ANrXaAULQKE-00057-00029238-00029608 streams of dust painted rose. ANrXaAULQKE-00058-00029608-00029737 Sit. ANrXaAULQKE-00059-00029737-00030250 I never knew if I really believed, mostly people watched as everyone around me lowered ANrXaAULQKE-00060-00030250-00031430 their eyes and recited whispers was absent in the words nearby safest students look damning ANrXaAULQKE-00061-00031430-00031812 after we'd all congregate in front, the PC with you turn to gossip. ANrXaAULQKE-00062-00031812-00032355 He'd be standing there watching on and all. ANrXaAULQKE-00063-00032355-00033340 Years later I still smell those books and see the floating dust still wavering repeat. ANrXaAULQKE-00064-00033340-00033928 Sir, sticky pages ANrXaAULQKE-00065-00033928-00034078 process. ANrXaAULQKE-00066-00034078-00034527 January 27 2017. ANrXaAULQKE-00067-00034527-00035021 I text my mother about pictures for the cover of the book you now hold. ANrXaAULQKE-00068-00035021-00035593 Send me somewhere we're both happy I say she only emails one of us together, and another ANrXaAULQKE-00069-00035593-00036093 baby me and a white polo shirt with my childhood home in the background. ANrXaAULQKE-00070-00036093-00037061 scenes in 1956 my grandparents and six and 10 children packed up and got onto a train ANrXaAULQKE-00071-00037061-00037607 from Monterrey, Mexico to Loreto Texas. It crossed over the Rio Grande a natural barrier ANrXaAULQKE-00072-00037607-00037763 between two countries. ANrXaAULQKE-00073-00037763-00038302 Details are missing if they're tracking across the landscapes of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. ANrXaAULQKE-00074-00038302-00038896 I only know the link the trip ended at Union Station, Los Angeles. ANrXaAULQKE-00075-00038896-00039382 My father entered fourth grade. He worked after school selling newspapers in the street. ANrXaAULQKE-00076-00039382-00039741 He was saving to buy a bicycle. ANrXaAULQKE-00077-00039741-00040305 He also experienced his first taste of racism, a friend banned from hanging around those ANrXaAULQKE-00078-00040305-00040509 Mexicans. ANrXaAULQKE-00079-00040509-00041015 I wonder what other acts of racism he faced. I wonder if he's slowly warm down toughening ANrXaAULQKE-00080-00041015-00041115 the skin. ANrXaAULQKE-00081-00041115-00041594 It would stay in the United States for a year but for my grandmother decided she did not ANrXaAULQKE-00082-00041594-00041731 like the US. ANrXaAULQKE-00083-00041731-00042332 I press my mother and she discloses that family that dynamics were spraying the house too ANrXaAULQKE-00084-00042332-00042432 crowded. ANrXaAULQKE-00085-00042432-00042766 I suspect she never fully assimilated didn't want to. ANrXaAULQKE-00086-00042766-00043138 For went back to Mexico, including my father. ANrXaAULQKE-00087-00043138-00043516 He was 5000 newspapers short of affording the bicycle ANrXaAULQKE-00088-00043516-00044093 scenes. ANrXaAULQKE-00089-00044093-00044678 What constitutes a boundary online I find a history of the Rio Grande is natural demarcation. ANrXaAULQKE-00090-00044678-00045162 I learned that since 1848 the river has been acknowledged as a boundary between Mexico ANrXaAULQKE-00091-00045162-00045721 and the United States on the American side, it is referred to as Grande ANrXaAULQKE-00092-00045721-00046199 River. On the Mexican side and other translation. Furious River. ANrXaAULQKE-00093-00046199-00046818 It's simple to not find the irony in these interpretations, one record protector. The ANrXaAULQKE-00094-00046818-00047084 other obstacle to overcome. ANrXaAULQKE-00095-00047084-00047850 He made the trip again in 1963, almost 18 years old, this time by bus. He enrolled in ANrXaAULQKE-00096-00047850-00048403 adult school to improve English, he washed dishes in a restaurant for a living. ANrXaAULQKE-00097-00048403-00048503 scenes. ANrXaAULQKE-00098-00048503-00049271 He would spend the remaining years of his life in Southern California. He met my mother. ANrXaAULQKE-00099-00049271-00049459 They married. ANrXaAULQKE-00100-00049459-00049969 Shortly after my sister first born. Four years later, a son. ANrXaAULQKE-00101-00049969-00050578 I'm, I came nine years later after that, a footnote sense marriage. ANrXaAULQKE-00102-00050578-00051061 He works long nights in a car manufacturing warehouse to co Pete fall into drinking visions ANrXaAULQKE-00103-00051061-00051390 binges long nights and weekends. ANrXaAULQKE-00104-00051390-00051925 This is the version of my father I know best students. ANrXaAULQKE-00105-00051925-00052646 He passed in 2001 at the age of 55 from pulmonary fibrosis, as kind of the lungs. ANrXaAULQKE-00106-00052646-00052746 One. ANrXaAULQKE-00107-00052746-00053371 Imagine a topography map unfolded to sweep your hand across the surface, no contrast ANrXaAULQKE-00108-00053371-00053571 of smooth and rough. ANrXaAULQKE-00109-00053571-00054341 His eye, his life ended at home, a quiet moment and to my parents, I was off somewhere, unaware ANrXaAULQKE-00110-00054341-00055207 that the last words I spoke before leaving would be our last ANrXaAULQKE-00111-00055207-00055823 one positive dream after he passes. He says he's proud of being don't respond. ANrXaAULQKE-00112-00055823-00056290 Thank you very much, everyone. This means a lot to be reading for you all and be part ANrXaAULQKE-00113-00056290-00056830 of this whole thing on Hell is truly the poet laureate of my heart. ANrXaAULQKE-00114-00056830-00057922 And so I'm very excited to hear him speak again. Anyways, thank you so much. ANrXaAULQKE-00115-00057922-00058242 Thank you. ANrXaAULQKE-00116-00058242-00058709 It's been really interesting to see the sort of the books over the last year has kind of ANrXaAULQKE-00117-00058709-00059214 evolved and cross hatch and there's, you know, people writing blurbs for each other and people ANrXaAULQKE-00118-00059214-00059469 who didn't know each other I didn't know each other like through these ANrXaAULQKE-00119-00059469-00060002 books and, you know, helping each other out. Working especially with the Spanish sections ANrXaAULQKE-00120-00060002-00060435 and it's actually been a really beautiful sort of conversation across and so they really ANrXaAULQKE-00121-00060435-00060591 this evening so special. ANrXaAULQKE-00122-00060591-00060837 Thank you so much, Eric. ANrXaAULQKE-00123-00060837-00061582 So now, we will have a Maria, and Margaret reading from casa. ANrXaAULQKE-00124-00061582-00062260 Yes, are green, or green beauties, ANrXaAULQKE-00125-00062260-00062977 which is just such a beautiful book and for which we also had a really amazing track translatable ANrXaAULQKE-00126-00062977-00063204 event in New York. ANrXaAULQKE-00127-00063204-00064054 A few years ago, at McNally Jackson and Williamsburg, with just an incredible group of people as ANrXaAULQKE-00128-00064054-00064479 well like around Noel and just a bunch of people just beautiful. ANrXaAULQKE-00129-00064479-00064830 And so they're going to read together I'm not quite sure which order they're going to ANrXaAULQKE-00130-00064830-00065437 do but they will take it away and Maria and Margaret thank you so much for being here. ANrXaAULQKE-00131-00065437-00065918 Hi, everybody. Good afternoon. ANrXaAULQKE-00132-00065918-00067167 And, Maria. That's because baskets Mondays and Mexican employed editor translator, and ANrXaAULQKE-00133-00067167-00067362 I live in Mexico City. ANrXaAULQKE-00134-00067362-00068518 And first of all I want to thank our dear boy, and editor le CMOS for organizing this ANrXaAULQKE-00135-00068518-00069311 event. And for developing these extraordinary project, the operating system. ANrXaAULQKE-00136-00069311-00070324 Thank you very much, Ellie, for inviting me to this event, and for editing this beautiful ANrXaAULQKE-00137-00070324-00070802 book. Such a beautiful addition really remarkable. ANrXaAULQKE-00138-00070802-00071791 And thank you very much also to my dear friend, Mary get it ran that, for sharing these reading ANrXaAULQKE-00139-00071791-00071913 with me. ANrXaAULQKE-00140-00071913-00073077 And for translating outside into English really am so grateful because it's magnificent English ANrXaAULQKE-00141-00073077-00074226 version of this book. And it's an honor that up, pull it with such a trajectory, and importance ANrXaAULQKE-00142-00074226-00074550 and, as you has translated. ANrXaAULQKE-00143-00074550-00075174 These book. Thank you very much for joining me tonight. ANrXaAULQKE-00144-00075174-00076220 And thank you, everybody. Thank you, Joshua Pollock for translating ANrXaAULQKE-00145-00076220-00076568 the English. ANrXaAULQKE-00146-00076568-00077695 birth. This week, these days. ANrXaAULQKE-00147-00077695-00078453 It's an honor to share with all of you. This afternoon, also with ankle Domingues and Eric ANrXaAULQKE-00148-00078453-00079239 science for the release of solo Sammy bad. Thank you very much to everybody for joining ANrXaAULQKE-00149-00079239-00079415 us today. ANrXaAULQKE-00150-00079415-00080451 Well, Margaret and me, we, we chose three forms of outside. ANrXaAULQKE-00151-00080451-00081339 And I'm going to read first in in Spanish, and then she will read in English. Thank you ANrXaAULQKE-00152-00081339-00081701 very much, or the American it. ANrXaAULQKE-00153-00081701-00082485 These, these Margaret your sound is off, just so you know, you're muted. ANrXaAULQKE-00154-00082485-00082617 Sorry about that. ANrXaAULQKE-00155-00082617-00083249 Yeah, I'd like to see just a couple of words first, and then we can get into the reading ANrXaAULQKE-00156-00083249-00083847 if that's okay. I just like to also thank the operating system for its extraordinary ANrXaAULQKE-00157-00083847-00084436 work building community and engaging a school with creative work over the years. ANrXaAULQKE-00158-00084436-00085017 I'd like to especially honor was up Cynthia nigh on this anniversary of his birth. I'm ANrXaAULQKE-00159-00085017-00085601 so glad we'll be viewing a video of him tonight. And I want to say how much it means to me ANrXaAULQKE-00160-00085601-00086244 to be reading with you, Maria, my dear friend, and wonderful poet and translator ANrXaAULQKE-00161-00086244-00087061 translating your Kansai the flame of the jungle was a collaborative undertaking, and a joyous ANrXaAULQKE-00162-00087061-00087264 one for me. ANrXaAULQKE-00163-00087264-00087960 So I just and of course I want to thank the other poets, you're reading Eric was just ANrXaAULQKE-00164-00087960-00088418 very moving to me and I look forward to hearing. The rest of you. ANrXaAULQKE-00165-00088418-00089132 So, I'll give it to you, Maria. To start with, with the reading itself. ANrXaAULQKE-00166-00089132-00089343 Yes. ANrXaAULQKE-00167-00089343-00090157 Well, We're going to share with you. ANrXaAULQKE-00168-00090157-00090453 Only three points of these book. ANrXaAULQKE-00169-00090453-00090681 The first one is epiphanies. ANrXaAULQKE-00170-00090681-00091138 Can I say like Larry that incredible guest. ANrXaAULQKE-00171-00091138-00092618 Come on, Gary on internet or men task is 11 Villella a semi yummy no schooler continue ANrXaAULQKE-00172-00092618-00093310 in a split out of the end day. Yes, Elaine co Latina Lucy does a very low score snare ANrXaAULQKE-00173-00093310-00094050 simple that those that turn those vs will get an expandable foil. ANrXaAULQKE-00174-00094050-00094638 You went and bought a new car record so your corporate world way, Allah seen Tony Baraka ANrXaAULQKE-00175-00094638-00095095 PL Safra Elijah McKeon Dhaka Corazon heavier. ANrXaAULQKE-00176-00095095-00096139 Well solid quarter for goalie ketosis Parsi travel as soon as good as soon, but other ANrXaAULQKE-00177-00096139-00096948 former Albion that reverse that last club is they'll assume you versus Escondido then ANrXaAULQKE-00178-00096948-00097511 Sarah Salvador TCLK proceeded to la forma total secret. ANrXaAULQKE-00179-00097511-00098059 Well so parents are saying so CTO mathematic component data. ANrXaAULQKE-00180-00098059-00099013 Well the cloudy that in the lab room, gets a VC ANrXaAULQKE-00181-00099013-00099125 epiphany. ANrXaAULQKE-00182-00099125-00100238 As the mist dissipates it becomes lighter, a sparrow rising between storms, a sale on ANrXaAULQKE-00183-00100238-00101388 the sea search tiny seed containing the world and article and silence, a heartbeat whispers ANrXaAULQKE-00184-00101388-00101488 and. ANrXaAULQKE-00185-00101488-00101759 inches, dusty from so much time. ANrXaAULQKE-00186-00101759-00101970 A heart so waiting its fire. ANrXaAULQKE-00187-00101970-00102860 A dream, a drumbeat announces the return and the body would joins our money, so that skin ANrXaAULQKE-00188-00102860-00103414 may embrace the flame that flutters like an open heart. ANrXaAULQKE-00189-00103414-00104597 Sun returns to the body liquid fire that spreads, Revelation, without be healing, giving order ANrXaAULQKE-00190-00104597-00105567 to the wind the Giving Voice offering keys to the universe is in chains that lead the ANrXaAULQKE-00191-00105567-00105983 vortex proceeding all form. ANrXaAULQKE-00192-00105983-00106083 All sign. ANrXaAULQKE-00193-00106083-00106916 The sun come back to take its place, strong willed magma. ANrXaAULQKE-00194-00106916-00107475 I come back through clarity, through the receiving missed ANrXaAULQKE-00195-00107475-00107701 ds ds. ANrXaAULQKE-00196-00107701-00109147 No, there's no local or, though the Madeira is located Jana thing in medio de la salle ANrXaAULQKE-00197-00109147-00109945 de amor sonjica dnn con travel okay so he yeah they have looking, the needle is 30 other ANrXaAULQKE-00198-00109945-00110672 moon Oh Nakano sell electricity that I lose sucky as a reality check icon I ANrXaAULQKE-00199-00110672-00111681 saw several after they said, who see Lance UX to bed and they are well aware of this. ANrXaAULQKE-00200-00111681-00112359 And boy, middle of a garden Nick has been yeah that portal real glad that he can turn ANrXaAULQKE-00201-00112359-00112808 the only notice this boom. ANrXaAULQKE-00202-00112808-00113529 And Mr Silva Sal's son last day of us up sort of fascinated me stereo and randomly on this ANrXaAULQKE-00203-00113529-00114171 Caribbean the sickness land center. So when they see that so last yellows more. ANrXaAULQKE-00204-00114171-00114921 I see me in a stick word to the moderator, who never allow me that may mean will not ANrXaAULQKE-00205-00114921-00115432 come up picking a matter of, you know, Mac, misty Alemany cel. ANrXaAULQKE-00206-00115432-00116505 Now the master, Dan, and soul is Sufi cnd Aquino Sebago say this by Nathan, you actually ANrXaAULQKE-00207-00116505-00117306 value that succulent set Cornell central core identity as the as Nakamura new Sarah chemicals. ANrXaAULQKE-00208-00117306-00117529 No problems here at Belarus. ANrXaAULQKE-00209-00117529-00118578 No copy in Celsius Amelie para para ser una de Souza status, Illinois and Katie though, ANrXaAULQKE-00210-00118578-00119697 so Melvin corporeal eco riffle line Moberly that computer L'Oreal delusional I Lucien ANrXaAULQKE-00211-00119697-00120429 Gabrielle studio suspect host guest Conan Lucas sealants Yo yo yo gentle Rosa ANrXaAULQKE-00212-00120429-00121474 seals were causes water levels me said inexistent got us they lose Florida sin in Dr Ouma, they ANrXaAULQKE-00213-00121474-00121898 can. If you're my main ANrXaAULQKE-00214-00121898-00122068 10 days. ANrXaAULQKE-00215-00122068-00122638 What I no longer have resides in the naked wouldn't run. ANrXaAULQKE-00216-00122638-00123555 I came to the Amazon jungle to find what I am, and leave. What I never had this side ANrXaAULQKE-00217-00123555-00124422 of the world does not no electricity. Here in light is real. It comes with the sun and ANrXaAULQKE-00218-00124422-00125373 departs at dusk and exuberant silence seeds in greens wraps around the core flash ANrXaAULQKE-00219-00125373-00126461 based by the river, transparent, as a mouth full of melted snow. Singing nymphs of foam ANrXaAULQKE-00220-00126461-00126652 lost and mystery. ANrXaAULQKE-00221-00126652-00127657 Keep up trees rise in this jungle tangling vines, describing signs, twisting their blessing ANrXaAULQKE-00222-00127657-00128144 rope to the dead to me. ANrXaAULQKE-00223-00128144-00129094 In this wouldn't a modest candle illuminates me a small bed, old sweet and a hammock sways ANrXaAULQKE-00224-00129094-00129476 of dawn, nothing more. ANrXaAULQKE-00225-00129476-00130674 And so much, only this, and enough here attachments fade frugality succulent installs itself in ANrXaAULQKE-00226-00130674-00131396 the center of the body that for 10 days will not eat, or use chemicals will not pronounce ANrXaAULQKE-00227-00131396-00132243 words, humble him begins to rise, asking the being for a bit of its ANrXaAULQKE-00228-00132243-00133424 flow, and then not ingested joins the immaterial and begins to shine immobility consumers what ANrXaAULQKE-00229-00133424-00134591 is real dilute solution factors that corporate mirrors that hides that I'd what is silence ANrXaAULQKE-00230-00134591-00135109 and fasting, fill the empty spaces. ANrXaAULQKE-00231-00135109-00136100 Places overflowing with non existent misery drops of light flower in a warm breath of ANrXaAULQKE-00232-00136100-00136267 so on. ANrXaAULQKE-00233-00136267-00137176 and firmament. ANrXaAULQKE-00234-00137176-00138138 In Boyle misnomer he was gone Venus is in a sealed on the NASA every opera, he performed ANrXaAULQKE-00235-00138138-00138928 the libido, in fact interact Dallas todo con bill, the Configure assume is every everyone ANrXaAULQKE-00236-00138928-00139692 knows this going to see those began, they seem knows Damaris Saunders Luciana ANrXaAULQKE-00237-00139692-00139813 as the foil. ANrXaAULQKE-00238-00139813-00140705 Todd was that he is your knowledge, a year. A second make it a barracks instead. ANrXaAULQKE-00239-00140705-00141538 Gentlemen so Korea and Mila or miss Alice. Alice and salmonella console a steam master. ANrXaAULQKE-00240-00141538-00142294 Tremendous. I've seen loud Olga Viola Lou CCS Humberto oh they tend to succulents ala ANrXaAULQKE-00241-00142294-00143050 Mariposa by local pool so they'll appear desperate the end of the book Austin San Diego's, they ANrXaAULQKE-00242-00143050-00143241 bury you in calculus. ANrXaAULQKE-00243-00143241-00143530 Thank you very much. ANrXaAULQKE-00244-00143530-00144364 In float. I submerge myself within beauties boundaries in the place where the river of ANrXaAULQKE-00245-00144364-00145252 life for merchants, clear and deep in fractals. Everything changes shape and unknown world ANrXaAULQKE-00246-00145252-00146317 Sapir brilliant hymns profound fireflies made a fire. ANrXaAULQKE-00247-00146317-00147179 Well there, and I did not see it until I removed myself, so it could exist. ANrXaAULQKE-00248-00147179-00147944 And then the miracle occurred. I sprouted wings salmon made it upstream against all ANrXaAULQKE-00249-00147944-00149007 obstacle larva finally saw the light startled by so much succulents, and the butterfly danced ANrXaAULQKE-00250-00149007-00150609 with Earth's pulse described describing brilliant ruins of incalculable light. ANrXaAULQKE-00251-00150609-00151039 Thank you. ANrXaAULQKE-00252-00151039-00151725 Thank you so much really really super beautiful I feel very blessed that you both were here ANrXaAULQKE-00253-00151725-00151825 tonight. ANrXaAULQKE-00254-00151825-00152387 It's really wonderful to see you both in here you. ANrXaAULQKE-00255-00152387-00153220 I'm so we next are going to have readings from hickory. ANrXaAULQKE-00256-00153220-00154190 And so, Josh, and also Maria are going to introduce that reading and introduce the short ANrXaAULQKE-00257-00154190-00154715 clip that will play from Jose and she's a Anya, as well. ANrXaAULQKE-00258-00154715-00155358 Let me make sure that you're able to share Yes you are. ANrXaAULQKE-00259-00155358-00156235 So yes, I think that Josh will Josh will introduce us. So next we'll have Josh Pawlak who is ANrXaAULQKE-00260-00156235-00156498 the wonderful translator of inquiry. ANrXaAULQKE-00261-00156498-00156741 And, yes. ANrXaAULQKE-00262-00156741-00156958 Yeah. Here's the beautiful book. ANrXaAULQKE-00263-00156958-00157463 Maybe Josh will also tell us a little bit about this artist because this is a beautiful ANrXaAULQKE-00264-00157463-00157604 Mexican artists as well. ANrXaAULQKE-00265-00157604-00157960 All right, thank you so much, Josh and Maria. ANrXaAULQKE-00266-00157960-00158300 Thank you all for being here. ANrXaAULQKE-00267-00158300-00158583 Thank you, Eli for organizing the event. ANrXaAULQKE-00268-00158583-00159573 Sadly, Jose be sent it and I have passed away on August 1 and so can't be here with us. ANrXaAULQKE-00269-00159573-00159788 But ANrXaAULQKE-00270-00159788-00160579 this was Eli's idea and I think it's a great idea that we watch a clip of him reading. ANrXaAULQKE-00271-00160579-00160977 If you want to follow along on a PDF for the book, he will be reading ANrXaAULQKE-00272-00160977-00162147 from page, 18 and 19 through 2223. ANrXaAULQKE-00273-00162147-00162710 After we watch the clip I'll read part of the translation of that. And then, Maria and ANrXaAULQKE-00274-00162710-00163194 I will go back and forth reading a different excerpts of acre. ANrXaAULQKE-00275-00163194-00164727 So let me try to figure out how to screen share. ANrXaAULQKE-00276-00164727-00164909 I still have it pulled up to, if you have any problems. ANrXaAULQKE-00277-00164909-00165983 I'm having a problem because I would have to quit and restart zoom. ANrXaAULQKE-00278-00165983-00166738 Where do you what do you know the queue the five minutes 27 seconds. Again, thanks. ANrXaAULQKE-00279-00166738-00167231 This is why, This is why I keep it open. ANrXaAULQKE-00280-00167231-00167626 Five minutes 27. ANrXaAULQKE-00281-00167626-00167757 Yep. ANrXaAULQKE-00282-00167757-00167889 Okay. ANrXaAULQKE-00283-00167889-00168284 Just gonna scrubbing. ANrXaAULQKE-00284-00168284-00170991 In the meanwhile here and. ANrXaAULQKE-00285-00170991-00172030 Is it ready for us. Let's see. ANrXaAULQKE-00286-00172030-00172220 Okay. ANrXaAULQKE-00287-00172220-00172745 So, I shall share. ANrXaAULQKE-00288-00172745-00174872 I'm also on live transcript for the Spanish share ANrXaAULQKE-00289-00174872-00175478 today. Today, Okay. ANrXaAULQKE-00290-00175478-00176174 condos a noun Corazon de St. ANrXaAULQKE-00291-00176174-00176792 This mega potato something totally. ANrXaAULQKE-00292-00176792-00177041 Again, man. ANrXaAULQKE-00293-00177041-00178578 remain saying and CPR. For lucky boy was Condoleezza leader embassy in the process. Now you're ANrXaAULQKE-00294-00178578-00178678 going to almost 30 cruise control and ANrXaAULQKE-00295-00178678-00179193 they were exposed side, and then again I've got a ANrXaAULQKE-00296-00179193-00179662 car, CPR Me, me saying I commit and she lets you read a book. There was an example that ANrXaAULQKE-00297-00179662-00180092 again it on the salary, in terms of those songs. ANrXaAULQKE-00298-00180092-00181326 cameras on it I made it easy to get to the concept of senior. This is the candle. ANrXaAULQKE-00299-00181326-00181426 Sweet. ANrXaAULQKE-00300-00181426-00181689 Laura stone or Kevin okay. ANrXaAULQKE-00301-00181689-00182655 Elisa Elisa virtuous Southern yellow says de la Rosa styles in your class to the neighbors ANrXaAULQKE-00302-00182655-00182833 to them well. ANrXaAULQKE-00303-00182833-00183363 Nice to be this intro know this format consistent. ANrXaAULQKE-00304-00183363-00183895 Nice yes yes sneakers. So we own a little ANrXaAULQKE-00305-00183895-00185692 token of course. Now, this year. Shannon gangrenous was ANrXaAULQKE-00306-00185692-00185792 in tobacco. ANrXaAULQKE-00307-00185792-00186231 Grace Nando's mandolin escalations they told ANrXaAULQKE-00308-00186231-00186693 me not too much about equally. ANrXaAULQKE-00309-00186693-00186924 Equally, Miranda, Idaho. ANrXaAULQKE-00310-00186924-00187914 Joe, Joe my solitario can set your mantle as a leader. Then should ANrXaAULQKE-00311-00187914-00188709 we be so close. She could have been ANrXaAULQKE-00312-00188709-00188959 beaten in this neighborhood. ANrXaAULQKE-00313-00188959-00189334 He doesn't need we hope. ANrXaAULQKE-00314-00189334-00189988 He started his son to the remeeting ANrXaAULQKE-00315-00189988-00190979 Illuminati conspiracy of answers to put into it a scam. ANrXaAULQKE-00316-00190979-00192001 In a car located SPD toward a robot similar interest. ANrXaAULQKE-00317-00192001-00192623 Yo. Yo syntactical 16. ANrXaAULQKE-00318-00192623-00192934 Yo yo ANrXaAULQKE-00319-00192934-00194334 yo B C D side to some sway us, ANrXaAULQKE-00320-00194334-00194727 is you guys so students. ANrXaAULQKE-00321-00194727-00195025 That's fantastic. So now, If ANrXaAULQKE-00322-00195025-00195945 he doesn't move Sierra goes cheery and so this cannot see it speaks to the Illuminati ANrXaAULQKE-00323-00195945-00197826 as well that it does not use the last Desperados my last one is awful. ANrXaAULQKE-00324-00197826-00198477 Wonderful. I'm so glad that we were able to do that. ANrXaAULQKE-00325-00198477-00199083 So Josh and Maria. Thank you for that. ANrXaAULQKE-00326-00199083-00199183 Yeah. ANrXaAULQKE-00327-00199183-00199721 I'm just going to read sort of the end of the part that will save you some time recently ANrXaAULQKE-00328-00199721-00200153 and I read in that video and then ANrXaAULQKE-00329-00200153-00200822 after that, we're going to move a few pages forward in the text and Mario will start reading ANrXaAULQKE-00330-00200822-00201404 in Spanish and then I will follow up reading the translation. ANrXaAULQKE-00331-00201404-00201651 Jump over the edge. ANrXaAULQKE-00332-00201651-00202130 Now there's no more City Light, just that spark over there were eliminated in gangs ANrXaAULQKE-00333-00202130-00202828 go by, with poetry dance sculpture music, film painting it scrape the soul bear photography ANrXaAULQKE-00334-00202828-00203145 that doesn't suspend time. ANrXaAULQKE-00335-00203145-00203593 If there's anything of the Spirit left in Europe and the USA, its ground to bits between ANrXaAULQKE-00336-00203593-00204220 Manichaean teeth power plants transmitting millions of kilowatts into brains and tentacles ANrXaAULQKE-00337-00204220-00204533 reaching out to the capital cities. ANrXaAULQKE-00338-00204533-00205076 I live wherever my body is my front door opens into dreams and I walk in whichever direction ANrXaAULQKE-00339-00205076-00205231 I please. ANrXaAULQKE-00340-00205231-00205846 In Dark cities, the house windows are eyes alert to sleep and ghosts, and the bats chirp ANrXaAULQKE-00341-00205846-00205946 there in difference to heaven. ANrXaAULQKE-00342-00205946-00206619 Have you seen the moon trickle over the lips of the desperate bullet halter eyeball for ANrXaAULQKE-00343-00206619-00206846 your phone. ANrXaAULQKE-00344-00206846-00207619 Don't ask if we're starting from zero, where everything ends. The everything is born. ANrXaAULQKE-00345-00207619-00208539 And then I'll pass it off to Maria right now. ANrXaAULQKE-00346-00208539-00208639 A key. ANrXaAULQKE-00347-00208639-00209322 They must have said everybody so and super Carretera so Lucy Nam was brought up for their ANrXaAULQKE-00348-00209322-00209855 safety BB and Victor goes three Mozilla bomb band, they know thrown a scalar calorie then ANrXaAULQKE-00349-00209855-00209955 PA. ANrXaAULQKE-00350-00209955-00210594 The room band where the feces asphyxia this address murkiness drama handle totals faculty ANrXaAULQKE-00351-00210594-00211846 and bonus la will also Allah, Allah also ESMTO manner, will be here in a single VNL me alone ANrXaAULQKE-00352-00211846-00212540 a new sale they're not play store area and Mia on a new sale that elaborate ANrXaAULQKE-00353-00212540-00212640 story. ANrXaAULQKE-00354-00212640-00213754 That's the route Tuskegee most SP Dallas in 15, a Stella more total so alone recommend. ANrXaAULQKE-00355-00213754-00214354 Grandma Sela more Yella scene Julia. ANrXaAULQKE-00356-00214354-00215010 Not qualities. Camille tone was a very, very young body and unless another throw people ANrXaAULQKE-00357-00215010-00215115 at cancer. ANrXaAULQKE-00358-00215115-00216065 They're not to enter the last LYP nose, and to stall host group. ANrXaAULQKE-00359-00216065-00216678 He makes it. ANrXaAULQKE-00360-00216678-00216838 Make America na. ANrXaAULQKE-00361-00216838-00218644 Miss Glasgow corner lava. Interesting la Vega sorry man that to memoria. ANrXaAULQKE-00362-00218644-00221101 a co owner said, so last known as the loss of space was given to Furman Nina mask Molina, ANrXaAULQKE-00363-00221101-00221469 Joe masculine or feminine. ANrXaAULQKE-00364-00221469-00222332 But in the most low so the sun, this move to Emerald vents Yeah, DVN Torah saddle Cornell ANrXaAULQKE-00365-00222332-00222773 vn parenting class young dentists through stack dose. ANrXaAULQKE-00366-00222773-00223666 They lead you got me nap desperate god yes they are not the handle rest plan door and ANrXaAULQKE-00367-00223666-00224198 last piece others Jayla Manny said Jovian no basis. ANrXaAULQKE-00368-00224198-00224709 So we must no double says, See No daddy. ANrXaAULQKE-00369-00224709-00225444 Sierra Zapotec interior Lotus Malone, mango, why Java pseudo already confused on the Lang ANrXaAULQKE-00370-00225444-00226475 was to me and I see God is on this couple tm impressive piece you see numbers, knee ANrXaAULQKE-00371-00226475-00226826 many seniors. ANrXaAULQKE-00372-00226826-00228148 Here, we should make paradise on superhighways we hallucinate in order to carry on living ANrXaAULQKE-00373-00228148-00228344 Victor. ANrXaAULQKE-00374-00228344-00228588 Let's build an empty neutron bomb. ANrXaAULQKE-00375-00228588-00229198 That leaves building standing. That leaves life standing demolishing suffocating buildings, ANrXaAULQKE-00376-00229198-00229482 new machines working for everyone. ANrXaAULQKE-00377-00229482-00230256 So the time raises us from joy to art to joy and humanity governs without government. ANrXaAULQKE-00378-00230256-00230892 Fear relegated to a forgotten reliquary fear relegated to a forgotten reliquary, the paths ANrXaAULQKE-00379-00230892-00232092 we take endless spirals towards total of scorching sun shines forth love reborn, and a dusk, ANrXaAULQKE-00380-00232092-00232211 without rain. ANrXaAULQKE-00381-00232211-00232330 A rainbow. ANrXaAULQKE-00382-00232330-00232973 With 1000 shades of green the shimmer twinkling in the zone of the Tropic of Cancer. ANrXaAULQKE-00383-00232973-00233604 At night in the pine tree wilderness of your eyes, Ruth. I see miniscule stars orbiting. ANrXaAULQKE-00384-00233604-00234163 We penetrate another firmament himself. ANrXaAULQKE-00385-00234163-00234421 I become water mixed with water. ANrXaAULQKE-00386-00234421-00235001 While you sail the sea of your memory to see a girl from a naive landscape. ANrXaAULQKE-00387-00235001-00235723 There are ancient traces on my face two lovers that flee fleeting this in love. ANrXaAULQKE-00388-00235723-00236503 We come together, we drift apart lunatics loose under a full moon to do drops on a mushroom, ANrXaAULQKE-00389-00236503-00236964 or the silver moons of the mirrors we maintain. ANrXaAULQKE-00390-00236964-00237656 You feminine masculine me masculine feminine, we ignite the horizons. ANrXaAULQKE-00391-00237656-00238682 Mutual and twine men of wind embracing wind, but in the trembling of our touches delirium ANrXaAULQKE-00392-00238682-00239272 walks through nocturnal streets, leaving luminous footprints sunrise arrives raining kisses ANrXaAULQKE-00393-00239272-00240179 be bored wayward buses, Sierra support ticket. ANrXaAULQKE-00394-00240179-00240802 sweat and confusion of tones. Sleeping towards places where time has broken loose chasms ANrXaAULQKE-00395-00240802-00241091 without numbers or hands, ANrXaAULQKE-00396-00241091-00241581 Tropical a cancer. ANrXaAULQKE-00397-00241581-00242698 Lucky me pls transmitter, your spleen master you need asked in bed and no less you never ANrXaAULQKE-00398-00242698-00243483 get it thing yeah listen allow you to Moses Betty most control on was drama. ANrXaAULQKE-00399-00243483-00244178 Yeah, our law of you don't get I don't know believers, for let them know that Candace ANrXaAULQKE-00400-00244178-00244856 team cannot talk so loud is that man knows back receiving very much cinematical I mercy. ANrXaAULQKE-00401-00244856-00245903 Loud I'm going to stop the other. Hello Nick or new trespass so nylon SAS tool equivocal ANrXaAULQKE-00402-00245903-00246204 soul prs subregion. ANrXaAULQKE-00403-00246204-00247042 The idea. Jordan Golan greenness their status quo Silas enormous clever Dallas did not get ANrXaAULQKE-00404-00247042-00247907 Daniel. Daniel Apollo mother Nick, less green as their Sarah song says gone and developed ANrXaAULQKE-00405-00247907-00248548 by Lucas get Benson, Percy solace me mentally IQ test run those get ready ANrXaAULQKE-00406-00248548-00249963 the rise you know failure. The American see my god birthday the game board game or Savannah ANrXaAULQKE-00407-00249963-00250758 turning in the media assertion successes cases from a story in a territorial is this Seattle's ANrXaAULQKE-00408-00250758-00251473 barrier the ladder on nice prostitute Sadiq dos nice another Legos ANrXaAULQKE-00409-00251473-00252449 moolah was the key gotchas con robots can Elena Yes, Saturday or Sunday service desk ANrXaAULQKE-00410-00252449-00252671 delivers a liquid. ANrXaAULQKE-00411-00252671-00253333 No smash community marine Colonel moon with Carlos Nevada is going to existing me Canada ANrXaAULQKE-00412-00253333-00253904 soon law bravado around your friends you know they have some bread. ANrXaAULQKE-00413-00253904-00254306 Needle their human gotta come for Mr. ANrXaAULQKE-00414-00254306-00255049 new currency the system for a lot really that they love either or hidden. The money comment ANrXaAULQKE-00415-00255049-00255611 click in money Konya Beverly core message tomorrow. ANrXaAULQKE-00416-00255611-00256466 Russell Ventana would up desk Lansana every day after Antonio smallness al is Dallas palace ANrXaAULQKE-00417-00256466-00257252 Obando soon Anelka less than US said in a nice Moldova, don't die alone Brzeski so for ANrXaAULQKE-00418-00257252-00257905 any quick chat allow and to see a smile clinical medicine men governed our ANrXaAULQKE-00419-00257905-00259071 Now right underneath boy him for less banners that data that barrier, boy, my little speed ANrXaAULQKE-00420-00259071-00259617 up does, but all those got those negatives, or less three was no malice, or Alice can ANrXaAULQKE-00421-00259617-00260297 you talk because, but I was cool so Cinderella story going to set as more ANrXaAULQKE-00422-00260297-00260483 to center scousers better leaders. ANrXaAULQKE-00423-00260483-00261026 They also said on yes so status a spread us young America Mercado cinema no good no good ANrXaAULQKE-00424-00261026-00261744 or bad, Bobby. This is the second I'm transport in this way Yes, that's the end. ANrXaAULQKE-00425-00261744-00262517 Well it was us a rope associate as they saw lower the ball we sang very good mostly a ANrXaAULQKE-00426-00262517-00263178 painter so he sent us through certain some more or less the source, some serious realities. ANrXaAULQKE-00427-00263178-00263929 So here know the moon chances to Jonas, get our money start to us by last you gotta file, ANrXaAULQKE-00428-00263929-00264333 you know spotty Buddhist gas in the scorpions. ANrXaAULQKE-00429-00264333-00265533 Now the math is better in loud, beer, Sophie ANrXaAULQKE-00430-00265533-00266135 Tropic of Cancer, the alchemy in or pupils transmuted the elements, and you saw the summertime ANrXaAULQKE-00431-00266135-00266905 city covered in snow birds that leave traces in the air, we say goodbye with all of our ANrXaAULQKE-00432-00266905-00267005 love. ANrXaAULQKE-00433-00267005-00267547 And now, clock or airplane remained abolished by our tenderness. ANrXaAULQKE-00434-00267547-00268067 When you touch water the sea swells from your hands. ANrXaAULQKE-00435-00268067-00268823 Nevertheless, death exists, a timeframe is fucked up unicorn run through by blue spear ANrXaAULQKE-00436-00268823-00269484 and it sees the sun was shining by day, steel swallows cry with their wings and studded ANrXaAULQKE-00437-00269484-00269584 clouds. ANrXaAULQKE-00438-00269584-00270046 by night, the nickel plated still circling on the screen. ANrXaAULQKE-00439-00270046-00270579 The ruins of that reason or hidden beneath wigs that think for themselves. ANrXaAULQKE-00440-00270579-00271260 My mind commands Thunder claps that strike lightning through the flow of commodities. ANrXaAULQKE-00441-00271260-00271365 Start tedium. ANrXaAULQKE-00442-00271365-00271604 What does it matter when things begin. ANrXaAULQKE-00443-00271604-00272222 What does it matter if they're going to end evanescent events emerged from the gays. ANrXaAULQKE-00444-00272222-00272894 I'm in the territory of the deranged district of thieves prostitutes addicts. It's nothing, ANrXaAULQKE-00445-00272894-00273236 far, far away from here. ANrXaAULQKE-00446-00273236-00273757 streets with robots longing to find their alter egos and magazines, books films, and ANrXaAULQKE-00447-00273757-00273857 here. ANrXaAULQKE-00448-00273857-00274192 Here is but a distant corner of the world. ANrXaAULQKE-00449-00274192-00274859 I searched for places that don't exist, my generation has tried everything. ANrXaAULQKE-00450-00274859-00275331 Practical spider weaves its web, a nest that nurtures conformist. ANrXaAULQKE-00451-00275331-00276290 The unconquered or outside of reality of life are rotating from Madhouse to Muslim to madhouse. ANrXaAULQKE-00452-00276290-00276918 A drink the bitterest liquor behind a large window grotesque, the elderly alcoholic wiggles ANrXaAULQKE-00453-00276918-00277396 herself in front of a few apes. She turns away from them squeezing and ass cheek. ANrXaAULQKE-00454-00277396-00277976 The same transpires in the same place that yesterday. The skits of frantic chatted enthusiastically ANrXaAULQKE-00455-00277976-00278652 with a column of cement excavating vacuity from vacuity I'm going to the disaster zone ANrXaAULQKE-00456-00278652-00279152 sailing my poem to the veins of the world, pariahs life. ANrXaAULQKE-00457-00279152-00279902 Pirates poem for the black cats for the nomadic tribes, for the utopian geniuses for the irregular ANrXaAULQKE-00458-00279902-00280427 heartbeats I stand with the dead and their lost causes. ANrXaAULQKE-00459-00280427-00280861 I see the scratch marks of their desperation etched into the nothing. ANrXaAULQKE-00460-00280861-00281491 And then the engraved celestial sphere. Their persistent traces remained transparent. ANrXaAULQKE-00461-00281491-00282033 I smell those clothes soiled with sweat with dust and blood, as if just today the poppy ANrXaAULQKE-00462-00282033-00282306 pods of their eyes were ruined. ANrXaAULQKE-00463-00282306-00283028 They're real beings rising up out of immense destruction to demolish statues palaces cat ANrXaAULQKE-00464-00283028-00283325 effects and the gallows the government's erect. ANrXaAULQKE-00465-00283325-00284086 Nothing else is perennial utopia seeps in ANrXaAULQKE-00466-00284086-00285001 a speedy to cashless through JNA Lochhead Laplacian sad, Abby Smith. ANrXaAULQKE-00467-00285001-00285971 Ross from Slovenia and ganja enough you need to Klaus through the pen Semyon to the interest ANrXaAULQKE-00468-00285971-00286105 is Korea. ANrXaAULQKE-00469-00286105-00286372 Go walkie get yellow. ANrXaAULQKE-00470-00286372-00287276 Get yellow. Like a total address second and Cygnus equals us at adulteress boy yelling ANrXaAULQKE-00471-00287276-00288061 sir didn't break concept a salad terminating car in Candace then incandescent last few ANrXaAULQKE-00472-00288061-00288822 others in this bed I'm going to pass Rotolo do loving cancer imagery last kilometres, ANrXaAULQKE-00473-00288822-00288922 very near. ANrXaAULQKE-00474-00288922-00289661 Gary my side. Yeah, they sent me the hook on to see the Permian Sierra. ANrXaAULQKE-00475-00289661-00290544 That was a nice to see that is the looseness of paralysis in reverse, interiority. ANrXaAULQKE-00476-00290544-00293209 you was Korea Clara, I soon, glorious CUDA every lady that one yeah Linda Sibley, get ANrXaAULQKE-00477-00293209-00293749 this, or Ka story. ANrXaAULQKE-00478-00293749-00294548 That equals the portable some planet, does the poor, that there's somebody. ANrXaAULQKE-00479-00294548-00295849 Neither Neil Swain you'll be then the lovey the good. ANrXaAULQKE-00480-00295849-00296047 Okay. ANrXaAULQKE-00481-00296047-00296820 Spirit destroyed an object property is air of this life shatters to pieces puzzles in ANrXaAULQKE-00482-00296820-00297307 a dream deception of finitude cloister thoughts. ANrXaAULQKE-00483-00297307-00297699 I feel my way through the darkness. What am I doing here. ANrXaAULQKE-00484-00297699-00297883 What do I want. ANrXaAULQKE-00485-00297883-00298557 I abandoned everything signs and forums remain behind restraints. ANrXaAULQKE-00486-00298557-00299255 I go into uncertainty certain of ending up on certain incandescent cities lion Wait for ANrXaAULQKE-00487-00299255-00299406 me with their traps. ANrXaAULQKE-00488-00299406-00299869 I've worn out hatred vengeance and traversed kilometers of fear. ANrXaAULQKE-00489-00299869-00300543 What is beyond the center. I let my anxiety lead me, the speed of light so extinguished ANrXaAULQKE-00490-00300543-00301144 fades into the distance behind me and interior universes eternity explodes. ANrXaAULQKE-00491-00301144-00301696 In interior universes eternity explodes. And my soul touches fire with its flames walls ANrXaAULQKE-00492-00301696-00302304 do not exist. There's no below no above, hell and heaven is consciousness. ANrXaAULQKE-00493-00302304-00302540 Another unreasonable reason. ANrXaAULQKE-00494-00302540-00303160 Silence. Clear darkness, blue, dark clarity. ANrXaAULQKE-00495-00303160-00303583 Open the invisible stab wound. ANrXaAULQKE-00496-00303583-00303683 What grief. ANrXaAULQKE-00497-00303683-00304668 Why I am particles of dust particles of dust our planets, a knock on doors of shadow, nothing, ANrXaAULQKE-00498-00304668-00305807 not even the clairvoyant dream of life remains. We're. ANrXaAULQKE-00499-00305807-00306449 We are fucked. all of you to refill coveted on. ANrXaAULQKE-00500-00306449-00306856 Thank you so much Maria for reading with me. ANrXaAULQKE-00501-00306856-00307065 Thank you, everybody. ANrXaAULQKE-00502-00307065-00308045 Thank you very much, your shop for translating these amazing book of service and can I ANrXaAULQKE-00503-00308045-00308713 thank you both so much. This is just truly, this is really beautiful. ANrXaAULQKE-00504-00308713-00309541 And I'm really glad that we were able to honor the sensei tonight, especially with his passing ANrXaAULQKE-00505-00309541-00310163 this year. And thank you, Maria for reading so beautifully. ANrXaAULQKE-00506-00310163-00310694 So our final reader of the evening will be on fell and we hoped that we would have the ANrXaAULQKE-00507-00310694-00311369 physical book tonight but production is not necessarily on our end actually production ANrXaAULQKE-00508-00311369-00311749 just on the production and this low and there was only so much that we could ANrXaAULQKE-00509-00311749-00312211 do but the book is on its way and I will also put in the chat, you can actually because ANrXaAULQKE-00510-00312211-00312613 of the production delay on the printer side, you can actually still order for pre order ANrXaAULQKE-00511-00312613-00313651 so I will put that in the chat, and how it's gonna work read for us and so ANrXaAULQKE-00512-00313651-00313751 excited. Whoa. ANrXaAULQKE-00513-00313751-00313851 Whoa. Hello. Hello. ANrXaAULQKE-00514-00313851-00314624 Thank you, Eli for coordinating this wonderful constellation of energy and poetry and felt ANrXaAULQKE-00515-00314624-00315208 so special to be able to see what's heavy sent that do its thing and catch that trance. ANrXaAULQKE-00516-00315208-00316043 It was the energy moving through him and Josh, I it was an honor to blurb your book. ANrXaAULQKE-00517-00316043-00316903 I really love the way that you treated as if he said this words, and I felt ANrXaAULQKE-00518-00316903-00317522 I don't usually blurb books of translation, because I'm very particular about way. ANrXaAULQKE-00519-00317522-00318211 I put my name. And I'm like very happy to have done it for you and to see the care with ANrXaAULQKE-00520-00318211-00318802 which you took with all of those poems that wild delirium that beautiful energy. ANrXaAULQKE-00521-00318802-00319172 I'm just so excited to see it out the world. ANrXaAULQKE-00522-00319172-00319780 Thank you, Eric, so much going back for reading. I was really hoping he would read some new ANrXaAULQKE-00523-00319780-00320179 poems yeah I'm calling you out on this because I can, um, I was really hoping he'd read some ANrXaAULQKE-00524-00320179-00320554 new homes to I really love superheroes I blurb Cicero's it's wonderful ANrXaAULQKE-00525-00320554-00321075 book, don't get me wrong, I would tap to that book on my thigh if I could, it's longer than ANrXaAULQKE-00526-00321075-00321499 my thighs my very short person, which you can't tell on zoom which is nice. ANrXaAULQKE-00527-00321499-00321670 so you can imagine I'm as tall as you'd like. ANrXaAULQKE-00528-00321670-00322634 But I'm very small money and Margaret, thank you so much for those homes those poems will ANrXaAULQKE-00529-00322634-00323008 live inside of me for a very long time. ANrXaAULQKE-00530-00323008-00323391 And I, so like, I'll just be honest with you all like I have this very bad habit of like ANrXaAULQKE-00531-00323391-00323853 putting my money where my mouth is and like, so everybody's always like oh poetry so healing ANrXaAULQKE-00532-00323853-00324247 writing so healing blah blah, right, I believe the same things and time ANrXaAULQKE-00533-00324247-00324913 and again I find myself in these overwhelmingly stressful situations in which I hit like have ANrXaAULQKE-00534-00324913-00325372 to do a poetry thing or like poetry is like coming into my life and I'm always like, Okay, ANrXaAULQKE-00535-00325372-00325773 if poetry is so healing it poetry is this is poetry is that perhaps ANrXaAULQKE-00536-00325773-00326231 I will feel nourished by doing this thing. And so here we are, day six of power and I ANrXaAULQKE-00537-00326231-00326751 just have no power sorry I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains we haven't had power for six ANrXaAULQKE-00538-00326751-00326851 days. ANrXaAULQKE-00539-00326851-00327570 And so I'm, I'm in a secret location, not that my employer needs to know where I am ANrXaAULQKE-00540-00327570-00327670 right now. ANrXaAULQKE-00541-00327670-00328305 But, but I feel so energized and nourished by tonight's reading, and just by seeing all ANrXaAULQKE-00542-00328305-00328869 of you like so many of you that I know and don't know, it's just very wonderful to like ANrXaAULQKE-00543-00328869-00329321 come together in this moment in this way. ANrXaAULQKE-00544-00329321-00329755 And I'm just very grateful for this moment for tonight for this evening for all of you. ANrXaAULQKE-00545-00329755-00330093 this moment for tonight for this evening for all of you. And I have to say it's been like ANrXaAULQKE-00546-00330093-00330524 a longtime dream to release a book with rose sun with, with the operating system and Rose ANrXaAULQKE-00547-00330524-00331081 sun water was kind of like always the one in my brain I was just like, I don't really ANrXaAULQKE-00548-00331081-00331181 know anyone ANrXaAULQKE-00549-00331181-00331869 anyone that could that could see what is here, and I just like really want to know that like ANrXaAULQKE-00550-00331869-00332489 working with Eli. These last few weeks, months, and Brent, especially have just like really ANrXaAULQKE-00551-00332489-00332919 helped me see this is text this book, and I'm just very grateful for ANrXaAULQKE-00552-00332919-00333244 those energies and those efforts. ANrXaAULQKE-00553-00333244-00333803 Because, very much in the way like it takes a village right like it really does it takes ANrXaAULQKE-00554-00333803-00334557 Kim. It takes family it takes it takes people it takes poets, it takes a collection of energy. ANrXaAULQKE-00555-00334557-00335044 And I have always admired that about the operating system which is very much tied the community ANrXaAULQKE-00556-00335044-00335144 and can. ANrXaAULQKE-00557-00335144-00335843 So rather than just give a keynote about gushing over the OS and everyone here. I will now ANrXaAULQKE-00558-00335843-00336328 read some things from this book and Eli is being very kind, part of the reason we don't ANrXaAULQKE-00559-00336328-00336544 have the book right now is because of me. ANrXaAULQKE-00560-00336544-00337101 So okay um you know 2020 got in the way ran into a fair there was a fire, it was a whole ANrXaAULQKE-00561-00337101-00337204 thing. ANrXaAULQKE-00562-00337204-00337811 I'll introduce myself as I do in the in the text and so I'm on him booming his elect the ANrXaAULQKE-00563-00337811-00338375 next smudge of spirit and flesh blessed to still be alive in this very moment, moving ANrXaAULQKE-00564-00338375-00338906 through this reality ever onwards, born in Los Angeles raised by my entire You ANrXaAULQKE-00565-00338906-00339399 but typical immigrant family from Hollywood the van is, I'm the oldest of five driver ANrXaAULQKE-00566-00339399-00339798 of many highways and lover of tacos. ANrXaAULQKE-00567-00339798-00340131 Do you ever want to talk to me about dockless I would love to talk to you about bottles, ANrXaAULQKE-00568-00340131-00340598 and until then I'm going to read you this is called direct book. ANrXaAULQKE-00569-00340598-00341097 This is the third or fourth section from where we begin ANrXaAULQKE-00570-00341097-00342461 standing. I don't know if you can tell I'm stand and this is I like to stand when I read. ANrXaAULQKE-00571-00342461-00342877 So this is your book. ANrXaAULQKE-00572-00342877-00343408 Surely the punctuation mark must work both ways if the President is ever past always ANrXaAULQKE-00573-00343408-00344025 departing what when do we make up the future, or rather, how do we make a future out of ANrXaAULQKE-00574-00344025-00344571 the rubble of almost I mostly think I'm tethered to those sidewalks and those ANrXaAULQKE-00575-00344571-00345147 cracks form an autobiography where the roses figured the concrete, I get weak knees thinking ANrXaAULQKE-00576-00345147-00345521 of who trans figures what and will be live to see the rain. ANrXaAULQKE-00577-00345521-00346047 Look how long the days are. I can't explain to my body. ANrXaAULQKE-00578-00346047-00346589 What happens when I, I keep trying to write the same book which is not a book. ANrXaAULQKE-00579-00346589-00347031 There's a translation of Clarice respecters of Eva with a line that reads quote, there ANrXaAULQKE-00580-00347031-00347621 is much I cannot tell you, I am not going to be autobiographical, I want to be bio, ANrXaAULQKE-00581-00347621-00348021 I to want to be bio here with you. ANrXaAULQKE-00582-00348021-00348519 What is the gesture needed to compress the body until it becomes the page, how might ANrXaAULQKE-00583-00348519-00349097 we recapture the spirits have lived experiences here. ANrXaAULQKE-00584-00349097-00349518 Sometimes I hear a train call out to the ocean from the redwoods sometimes a small mountain ANrXaAULQKE-00585-00349518-00350031 town street calls out my name with no one there sometimes I let myself sleep and become ANrXaAULQKE-00586-00350031-00350555 the rain elsewhere the stream is slow the days or weeks or months and eventually ANrXaAULQKE-00587-00350555-00351068 the totality of time becomes compressed or flattened by the motions of living there's ANrXaAULQKE-00588-00351068-00351490 only so much scale we can comprehend before it bursts apart. ANrXaAULQKE-00589-00351490-00352040 The stone is alive in my hand just as this sentence lives beyond my inevitable transmission. ANrXaAULQKE-00590-00352040-00352709 Where is the translation, perhaps transfiguration to become the planet again spiraling towards ANrXaAULQKE-00591-00352709-00353256 the center of a larger spiral. I got sick of writing letters to myself so I got around ANrXaAULQKE-00592-00353256-00353443 to talking to people. ANrXaAULQKE-00593-00353443-00353986 Sometimes I feel like I might remember snippets of the future and I can see these tiny and ANrXaAULQKE-00594-00353986-00354574 swindles like a mirror speckle of a minnow emerging between the murky water and its surface ANrXaAULQKE-00595-00354574-00354992 sometimes I let myself become the rain, the rhythm grows to fit the ANrXaAULQKE-00596-00354992-00355471 room. Sometimes, I let lemon trees, talk to me in my dreams mostly, it's about the things ANrXaAULQKE-00597-00355471-00355934 they fail to mention before their turn out of the earth, before the seed my grandmother ANrXaAULQKE-00598-00355934-00356309 planted reverses back into it so back into her hands, never to be planted ANrXaAULQKE-00599-00356309-00357016 the constant flattening of the city. The way these posters and flyers remain locked in ANrXaAULQKE-00600-00357016-00357604 a circuitous wreckage. For a long time I dreamt of writing a kind of entanglement a window ANrXaAULQKE-00601-00357604-00357998 reflecting a window while also maintaining the image beyond each window and ANrXaAULQKE-00602-00357998-00358598 I'd like to think it's a little bit like living see roses, much like rain seem to follow me ANrXaAULQKE-00603-00358598-00358768 wherever I go. ANrXaAULQKE-00604-00358768-00359391 I've grown to love these brief salutations between living things The rain is older than ANrXaAULQKE-00605-00359391-00359846 everything I've been thinking less and less about the architectures and more and more ANrXaAULQKE-00606-00359846-00360417 about the trees, the idea of trees how they ate corn is or how the seed is the ANrXaAULQKE-00607-00360417-00361124 tree without time is that a book in my dreams there's a language that keeps reaching outside ANrXaAULQKE-00608-00361124-00361615 of itself, my dreams keep telling me things about other people's dreams, and sometimes ANrXaAULQKE-00609-00361615-00362051 I think we're intertwine by the celestial rise on that extends beyond the ANrXaAULQKE-00610-00362051-00362440 the planet, and into other planes of thinking and being and somewhere between Earth and ANrXaAULQKE-00611-00362440-00362980 disconnection is where the writing has happened, named, or at least it's where the intersection ANrXaAULQKE-00612-00362980-00363469 occurs in such way that opens a space for writing as the rain softens ANrXaAULQKE-00613-00363469-00363830 the particular, the trees size sleepy with exhale. ANrXaAULQKE-00614-00363830-00364540 I work these words to fit a disc in my spine Silverstone, a 23. ANrXaAULQKE-00615-00364540-00365033 This morning I went straight to the goal finally meant to sit at the beach and read maybe right ANrXaAULQKE-00616-00365033-00365590 but found myself called the the sea so I went in the Gulf hold so many memories Silverstone ANrXaAULQKE-00617-00365590-00365690 to. ANrXaAULQKE-00618-00365690-00366026 This is the last beach I would ever visit with Sheesh. ANrXaAULQKE-00619-00366026-00366470 I'm saying two doors down from where we ate at the foot of the beach, this sea is plentiful ANrXaAULQKE-00620-00366470-00367129 in its fish conscience octopus stone is perhaps most well known for its flamingos this morning ANrXaAULQKE-00621-00367129-00367540 swallows are buzzing like butterflies how they soar with one another ANrXaAULQKE-00622-00367540-00368321 over the sea I've traversed across the peninsula from east to west and the sort of pilgrimage. ANrXaAULQKE-00623-00368321-00368819 The pelicans dive in the distance I've driven these highways and web loss and jungles into ANrXaAULQKE-00624-00368819-00369386 my body the green shines through my blood for kids go snorkeling where I was just swimming ANrXaAULQKE-00625-00369386-00369779 in the sea of my lungs I taste salt the fishermen talk to one another. ANrXaAULQKE-00626-00369779-00370265 The beaches lined with shells and conscious compressed from memory less than I remember. ANrXaAULQKE-00627-00370265-00370671 And yet, more plastic detritus the children snorkeling was so happy. ANrXaAULQKE-00628-00370671-00371164 Their parents arrive and take photos, somewhere in the distance beyond this big sigh little ANrXaAULQKE-00629-00371164-00371639 song to yourself you soft in the beach I write the song before the children emerge for air, ANrXaAULQKE-00630-00371639-00372026 so much of this, everything opens me. ANrXaAULQKE-00631-00372026-00372720 Here I am, 12 years later, land of my sheesh rally that a liberal new guys complete to ANrXaAULQKE-00632-00372720-00373455 put a liberal communism to the swing you know so throw some some numbers coming on go home ANrXaAULQKE-00633-00373455-00373832 to school Nicholas Belarus, comunidad canto know they will be this tomorrow. ANrXaAULQKE-00634-00373832-00374399 Today I have one note to read this and his concern as he as well as simple as me move ANrXaAULQKE-00635-00374399-00375069 those, and this the Libra is constantly in auto Casa on those are markers, you will know ANrXaAULQKE-00636-00375069-00375540 where it's time to read, Oprah Luca, and on the Twitters this answer. ANrXaAULQKE-00637-00375540-00376741 He pins are massively stereo they love either. you don't get the NSP info is what general ANrXaAULQKE-00638-00376741-00377053 consumers the Federal Reserve Bank. ANrXaAULQKE-00639-00377053-00377897 example, screaming loose. In this thing is pretty Dora are employed the legal, IBM co ANrXaAULQKE-00640-00377897-00378843 basically be IBM for this country Sonia and solo cielo carries is the legal issues, people ANrXaAULQKE-00641-00378843-00378963 a casa. ANrXaAULQKE-00642-00378963-00380025 I have a dream in which my grandmother becomes a bird. ANrXaAULQKE-00643-00380025-00380285 I'm going to read one more. ANrXaAULQKE-00644-00380285-00380889 Am I doing okay on time, you I vape cool. ANrXaAULQKE-00645-00380889-00381685 So, I have like read a good amount of this book over the year, like in various zoom readings ANrXaAULQKE-00646-00381685-00382077 one small evacuated and in Paris, California. I agreed to do a reading for the Brooklyn ANrXaAULQKE-00647-00382077-00382663 rail at 10 in the morning, like two weeks after just having to leave my ANrXaAULQKE-00648-00382663-00383065 home at 130 in the morning. It was great. It was fine. It was wonderful. Um, but this ANrXaAULQKE-00649-00383065-00383268 is a piece that I never read. ANrXaAULQKE-00650-00383268-00383964 Um, I want to read it. Today Tonight, right now, with you whatever now is right time, ANrXaAULQKE-00651-00383964-00384318 what is time. It's not, it's not. ANrXaAULQKE-00652-00384318-00385244 And this just feels very special. Um, so I think I'm, I'm, I'm going to close with this. ANrXaAULQKE-00653-00385244-00385908 And this is called, if not a future, then what a present. ANrXaAULQKE-00654-00385908-00386249 It's actually my favorite part. ANrXaAULQKE-00655-00386249-00386820 might be the end, I don't know. ANrXaAULQKE-00656-00386820-00387440 What do you place between the book and yourself. ANrXaAULQKE-00657-00387440-00388102 The city in my dreams is not my city. The way I keep my city alive in my mind's eye ANrXaAULQKE-00658-00388102-00388579 in the city of my dreams the orchard remains on touch still standing. ANrXaAULQKE-00659-00388579-00389177 The city I grew up in does not exist, nor has it ever cities are constant and unraveling ANrXaAULQKE-00660-00389177-00389538 not fixed, and yet and movable. ANrXaAULQKE-00661-00389538-00390074 There's my new show at work across the spectrum of light, I experience maybe you've seen it ANrXaAULQKE-00662-00390074-00390722 to the top of the way things could have been how the ancillary realities splints for a ANrXaAULQKE-00663-00390722-00390874 moment so easily. ANrXaAULQKE-00664-00390874-00391351 What if you had answered your phone or left a few minutes later. ANrXaAULQKE-00665-00391351-00392075 What if you didn't sign your name or didn't leave. Or what if you kept the coming, the ANrXaAULQKE-00666-00392075-00392854 resonance is part sunlight, by which I mean, mostly moon, the mirror, made of Earth read ANrXaAULQKE-00667-00392854-00393479 only Earth is all mothers to have vacated the time stream, having only half ANrXaAULQKE-00668-00393479-00394127 read things there comes another way of seeing by feeling energetic osmosis by proxy we might ANrXaAULQKE-00669-00394127-00395080 be folding time in this small moment of language and breathing in the after of it all. ANrXaAULQKE-00670-00395080-00395696 Time fluctuates across multiplicity of reality sometimes we slide into another dimension ANrXaAULQKE-00671-00395696-00396293 daydreaming as we move down the highway not pummeling but tunneling forward through time ANrXaAULQKE-00672-00396293-00396393 and geography. ANrXaAULQKE-00673-00396393-00396881 Some days I wonder what the sky thinks of me. ANrXaAULQKE-00674-00396881-00397532 I worry that the clouds feel too heavy to themselves and I wonder if the sun has anxiety, ANrXaAULQKE-00675-00397532-00398055 always in a rain, it seems. ANrXaAULQKE-00676-00398055-00398501 Seems I am so much highway and forgetting. ANrXaAULQKE-00677-00398501-00399004 Sometimes I feel obvious, sometimes I find the salt in the air and know where the ocean ANrXaAULQKE-00678-00399004-00399164 will go. ANrXaAULQKE-00679-00399164-00399686 I had to leave the mountains to find myself again on the orchard time moves differently, ANrXaAULQKE-00680-00399686-00400390 the cactus turns to do under the abundance of rain then there's the millions. ANrXaAULQKE-00681-00400390-00400911 There's that mirror again. Positioning language in such a way that our temporal dissonance ANrXaAULQKE-00682-00400911-00401226 finds its harmonies. ANrXaAULQKE-00683-00401226-00401460 I need you to sing with me. ANrXaAULQKE-00684-00401460-00401791 I need you to believe me. ANrXaAULQKE-00685-00401791-00402509 We can fold this temporal track, and you can sit next to me on this bus as we carve out ANrXaAULQKE-00686-00402509-00403038 the edge of a continent that hold me down like language holds rain, these words, each ANrXaAULQKE-00687-00403038-00403977 other when we breathe when we need to languages ever emergent Mercurial, the ANrXaAULQKE-00688-00403977-00404481 Send a stone shimmers in my breathing I pour a pound of salt, out of my eyeballs and exhale ANrXaAULQKE-00689-00404481-00404821 12 miles of sand, for you to walk along. ANrXaAULQKE-00690-00404821-00405538 I am always this much beach. I am always this much space, even when I'm working, even when ANrXaAULQKE-00691-00405538-00406215 I'm crying, even when I'm alone, I am cosmic imprint heavy with the memory of that which ANrXaAULQKE-00692-00406215-00406720 ails me that which I have failed to do in my dreams I drive from here, ANrXaAULQKE-00693-00406720-00407631 too many that I drive from here to 2006 I drive from here to where you are now we form ANrXaAULQKE-00694-00407631-00408245 a new language from our distant dissonance I am never on time, a signal that opens up ANrXaAULQKE-00695-00408245-00408736 to eat the house to keep it safe The house is with the ancestors now. ANrXaAULQKE-00696-00408736-00409343 The inhabitants scattered across the city boys and beyond the dire becomes several poems ANrXaAULQKE-00697-00409343-00409873 around the city the roses explode out across the landscape blossoming in the rain before ANrXaAULQKE-00698-00409873-00410300 evaporating along with the water, the market does lend themselves to immigrate ANrXaAULQKE-00699-00410300-00410858 households to keep their families fed the lemons scattered along with the oranges to ANrXaAULQKE-00700-00410858-00411643 form two tenths of sunlight that always look like my mind's lemons and she says oranges. ANrXaAULQKE-00701-00411643-00412139 The colors of the house become, other times of day looting memories from the soul of those ANrXaAULQKE-00702-00412139-00412840 who know how precious this dream can be attached to the wallpaper to my body. ANrXaAULQKE-00703-00412840-00413296 I dig a hole where I keep every stone safe. ANrXaAULQKE-00704-00413296-00413914 The house itself evaporates into the rain. It does not end by which I mean, all our dreams ANrXaAULQKE-00705-00413914-00414471 become clouds to nourish the future to nourish our ancestors and those who are gone but still ANrXaAULQKE-00706-00414471-00414694 roaming within us. ANrXaAULQKE-00707-00414694-00415163 I have a dream or at drive the entirety of the grid while the city sleeps, I work the ANrXaAULQKE-00708-00415163-00415717 city sleep into a type of fabric a craft a shawl kiddo I said when I feel my the Los ANrXaAULQKE-00709-00415717-00415835 Angeles airport there. ANrXaAULQKE-00710-00415835-00416309 This was when you know McKenna would be the number one Louisville campus on the arrow ANrXaAULQKE-00711-00416309-00417352 to swing you get okie said, como you know they lose a construe he was when he was going ANrXaAULQKE-00712-00417352-00418733 to be the most impose no here okay and that is who will be there so most Florida ANrXaAULQKE-00713-00418733-00418833 ski racer. ANrXaAULQKE-00714-00418833-00419263 Many that melts into the mountain, or as the clouds skim the microclimate the image of ANrXaAULQKE-00715-00419263-00419811 the peninsula dribbles drizzles prismatic by the morning sunlight, it's in these moments ANrXaAULQKE-00716-00419811-00420180 that I see you most clearly when the sky opens up its portals with the light ANrXaAULQKE-00717-00420180-00420746 leans into you we converse in these moments of lemon ality our language is a strong light ANrXaAULQKE-00718-00420746-00421177 the guide spirits home beyond the structure of the house light a candle the night with ANrXaAULQKE-00719-00421177-00421388 the intention of hope beyond hope. ANrXaAULQKE-00720-00421388-00421902 Let me say that again light a candle tonight with the intention of hope beyond hope. ANrXaAULQKE-00721-00421902-00422543 Leave it burning until the wax has ended its verticality, what do you see, when this now ANrXaAULQKE-00722-00422543-00422942 becomes before. ANrXaAULQKE-00723-00422942-00424346 Learning to cry. Returning to write writing this book together right now. I dreamt that ANrXaAULQKE-00724-00424346-00424959 we wrote that I keep nodding off into the spiral like 6am fingertips touching a stream ANrXaAULQKE-00725-00424959-00425763 both frozen and running here is the continuity to the way these electrons hum ANrXaAULQKE-00726-00425763-00426265 swaying of the pen keeps reversing its order forming other portals and words I don't know ANrXaAULQKE-00727-00426265-00426702 the rain taps at your window and triplets on the bus or airplane the atmosphere grows ANrXaAULQKE-00728-00426702-00427338 a language to understand itself as the house is destroyed, its components become ANrXaAULQKE-00729-00427338-00427921 dispersed across the city 10,000 palm trees become stories for us to assemble blossoming ANrXaAULQKE-00730-00427921-00428481 in the moonlight and giving others language we wanted them with it breaks replace other ANrXaAULQKE-00731-00428481-00428982 bricks across the city on both sides of the hill, forming a nexus of that ANrXaAULQKE-00732-00428982-00429494 memory. And the moment of oblivion three crops of our that is instantly withered in the hands ANrXaAULQKE-00733-00429494-00430028 of the Gentry, they could only taste battery acid and Earth, the flowers floated themselves ANrXaAULQKE-00734-00430028-00430350 in the clouds and brought rain down through the creative territory. ANrXaAULQKE-00735-00430350-00430900 I hope it's raining in Los Angeles right now. That's just you Los Angeles. ANrXaAULQKE-00736-00430900-00431296 At the end of the orchard nothing makes as much sense as when the orchard appeared beside ANrXaAULQKE-00737-00431296-00431771 the lone airstrip and the redwood forest which itself was an opaque dream bereft of awaking ANrXaAULQKE-00738-00431771-00431937 logic. ANrXaAULQKE-00739-00431937-00432565 The trees go grow smaller as the plot of Earth begins to swirl slow is the solstice sun the ANrXaAULQKE-00740-00432565-00433157 structures on make themselves and the boards of the homes become trees on painted not nail ANrXaAULQKE-00741-00433157-00433657 the architectural components rejoined the on angled shapes of soil, ANrXaAULQKE-00742-00433657-00434205 the acreage tips over into the ravine only to remain suspended between the spiral of ANrXaAULQKE-00743-00434205-00434796 soil and sky The language, lingering between your lungs and your mouth, what changes when ANrXaAULQKE-00744-00434796-00435234 you speak these spells out loud, how will you go on living now. ANrXaAULQKE-00745-00435234-00436007 What, if anything has changed. How will you change. What will you grow into. Who will ANrXaAULQKE-00746-00436007-00436168 you continue becoming. ANrXaAULQKE-00747-00436168-00436667 Time to wake up. Get to it. ANrXaAULQKE-00748-00436667-00436844 Thank you. ANrXaAULQKE-00749-00436844-00437688 I will invite everyone thank you so much on how, if you would all just put your mics on ANrXaAULQKE-00750-00437688-00438150 for a second and maybe do a little bit of like celebratory noise just for all of the ANrXaAULQKE-00751-00438150-00438278 readers. ANrXaAULQKE-00752-00438278-00439059 A little later. ANrXaAULQKE-00753-00439059-00440407 But seriously such a, such a beautiful reading on how and such beautiful readings from everyone. ANrXaAULQKE-00754-00440407-00441305 Sometimes I feel like I have the luckiest role at the EOS because I spend so much time ANrXaAULQKE-00755-00441305-00441779 with all of these incredible books and I forget that everyone isn't ANrXaAULQKE-00756-00441779-00442488 also spending all this with these incredible books and, you know, we are rerun on a shoestring ANrXaAULQKE-00757-00442488-00443059 and so my goal has always been to bring books out into the world and make it happen and ANrXaAULQKE-00758-00443059-00443555 make it possible and not spend you know the money doesn't go towards ANrXaAULQKE-00759-00443555-00444048 you know, getting things reviewed and that sort of thing. It just goes to making them ANrXaAULQKE-00760-00444048-00444544 exist, so that they have the chance to be in the archive and so people don't have to ANrXaAULQKE-00761-00444544-00445392 put their effort or their money into, you know, into contests and fee is there's ANrXaAULQKE-00762-00445392-00445738 been consistent fees and so you know sometimes when you see books doing really well you don't ANrXaAULQKE-00763-00445738-00446267 even think about the fact that there is someone being paid for pr at all the presses and that's ANrXaAULQKE-00764-00446267-00446607 why those books are doing really well you know, and so like love ANrXaAULQKE-00765-00446607-00447032 these books I hope that you get them I you download them for free and use them with your ANrXaAULQKE-00766-00447032-00447584 classes and then give these people money to come to your classes, and just I'm just so ANrXaAULQKE-00767-00447584-00448089 grateful for the people that I have had an opportunity to work with and everyone ANrXaAULQKE-00768-00448089-00448851 in this room is just so wonderful before people start sort of popping off. I will do a couple ANrXaAULQKE-00769-00448851-00449371 of things and one of them is that I'm just going to share I don't know if people have ANrXaAULQKE-00770-00449371-00449682 been following, but some people in this room and a lot of us folks are ANrXaAULQKE-00771-00449682-00450330 now teaching for liminal lab. So those are all totally open access classes, they're totally ANrXaAULQKE-00772-00450330-00450842 sliding scale, there's like 10 of them coming up starting soon. ANrXaAULQKE-00773-00450842-00451222 You know, and so you can sign up for free you can pay you can do whatever you want and ANrXaAULQKE-00774-00451222-00451478 you can tell your students to sign up. ANrXaAULQKE-00775-00451478-00452176 So please you know do do that. And lastly, just like one little call we now, you're actually ANrXaAULQKE-00776-00452176-00452640 now able to become a member of the operating system or limit a lab. ANrXaAULQKE-00777-00452640-00453142 And if you do that yeah okay it's all already free, but if you do that, you can take everything ANrXaAULQKE-00778-00453142-00453532 for free you can download everything for free and you know that you're helping us stay alive. ANrXaAULQKE-00779-00453532-00454036 So I put that out there as well. And I just want to open the floor if anyone has any comments ANrXaAULQKE-00780-00454036-00454285 if any of the readers want to say anything about each other. ANrXaAULQKE-00781-00454285-00454751 If anyone from the audience just wants to be like yay that was beautiful. ANrXaAULQKE-00782-00454751-00455118 a little bit of time for me to stop. ANrXaAULQKE-00783-00455118-00455926 I just want to say thank you to on Hill, Maria, Margaret, Eric. That was amazing. All of you. ANrXaAULQKE-00784-00455926-00456610 Really appreciate it. ANrXaAULQKE-00785-00456610-00456985 Thank you everybody really thank you Ellie. ANrXaAULQKE-00786-00456985-00457379 Like, I'm sorry. Okay. ANrXaAULQKE-00787-00457379-00458020 Get it. Thank you, your shot and killed, Eric such an honor to be here, and everybody. Thank ANrXaAULQKE-00788-00458020-00458120 you. ANrXaAULQKE-00789-00458120-00458272 Thank you. ANrXaAULQKE-00790-00458272-00459046 Thank you, everyone. This gave me the energy and strength to sleep in my office tonight ANrXaAULQKE-00791-00459046-00459892 so everyone say a little prayer send me for odd house power going back on. ANrXaAULQKE-00792-00459892-00460830 We wish that for you I'm co workers pg&e either or I accept both I like totally understand. ANrXaAULQKE-00793-00460830-00461246 This was so wonderful. This was so beautiful like this. ANrXaAULQKE-00794-00461246-00461467 My heart is so full. ANrXaAULQKE-00795-00461467-00462407 It's raining right now. Oh, you asked for Los Angeles but it came to you. ANrXaAULQKE-00796-00462407-00462902 There's a couple of people in the audience right now. Joey to his suit has a book coming ANrXaAULQKE-00797-00462902-00463515 out hoax this year Steven Alvarez has a book coming out and had to learn this year. Some ANrXaAULQKE-00798-00463515-00464053 really really beautiful stuff is coming out, there's a really amazing 2021 cohort and all ANrXaAULQKE-00799-00464053-00464251 of those people are working collaboratively on a ANrXaAULQKE-00800-00464251-00464667 collaboratively on a new open source designed protocol which also is available through the ANrXaAULQKE-00801-00464667-00465117 OS so if you guys want to do with the OS does all of what we have in the inside is coming ANrXaAULQKE-00802-00465117-00465501 out on the outside and so everyone can now work through what I do with ANrXaAULQKE-00803-00465501-00465914 people because I can't do it with everyone but you can now do it with us so they'll send ANrXaAULQKE-00804-00465914-00466404 me videos there's tools and, you know, if you want to use that stuff it's there for ANrXaAULQKE-00805-00466404-00466504 you. ANrXaAULQKE-00806-00466504-00467032 We're hoping to scale, through other means through the system. ANrXaAULQKE-00807-00467032-00467653 So, I mean, I'm just gonna sit here talking to the point. ANrXaAULQKE-00808-00467653-00468238 Oh yeah, I love you, and I can't wait for your book. ANrXaAULQKE-00809-00468238-00468730 I've been excited about this since we met up in Philly what seems like 10 million years ANrXaAULQKE-00810-00468730-00469459 ago, time, it just be 1000 but who knows you know. ANrXaAULQKE-00811-00469459-00469784 I'm excited. ANrXaAULQKE-00812-00469784-00470777 Yeah, I like, like, I just have that memory is like a precious crystal that I keep. ANrXaAULQKE-00813-00470777-00471389 I think back on it often and I'll just never forget that I was introducing you as me this, ANrXaAULQKE-00814-00471389-00472108 there has who's will fight you in the street. And, oh we're friends forever. ANrXaAULQKE-00815-00472108-00472305 That's this immediate. ANrXaAULQKE-00816-00472305-00472824 Yes, I too will fight you in the street, I will fight you alongside Joey. ANrXaAULQKE-00817-00472824-00473547 Well, tonight. It was beautiful, beautiful beautiful beautiful country I know your target ANrXaAULQKE-00818-00473547-00474190 Margaret road and the chat poets have infinitely more power than PGP, which so much and I would ANrXaAULQKE-00819-00474190-00474579 just like to call that into the room. ANrXaAULQKE-00820-00474579-00474880 Thank you, Margaret Randall who has left. ANrXaAULQKE-00821-00474880-00475317 Margaret has, I should have actually said I have a stack of the boat Margaret has translated ANrXaAULQKE-00822-00475317-00475716 like five bucks system. She is a force. ANrXaAULQKE-00823-00475716-00475931 Absolute force of nature. ANrXaAULQKE-00824-00475931-00476175 Yes, she's so wonderful. ANrXaAULQKE-00825-00476175-00476275 Yeah. ANrXaAULQKE-00826-00476275-00476767 Anyone else are so happy you're here ANrXaAULQKE-00827-00476767-00477799 Other trends playing along with brands MLM and other people you have so many books and ANrXaAULQKE-00828-00477799-00478095 I mean, yes. Yeah. ANrXaAULQKE-00829-00478095-00478604 It'll come, some of them will come from my hands. Signed, signed. ANrXaAULQKE-00830-00478604-00479451 Well, we never discussed I mean, they're coming from you I said, draw on them and sign them. ANrXaAULQKE-00831-00479451-00480018 Yes, special, special edition is coming straight from oo on it. ANrXaAULQKE-00832-00480018-00480632 And Eric you're working on startup small press stuff right or you're releasing something ANrXaAULQKE-00833-00480632-00480939 yourself I think you are. Yes, yes. ANrXaAULQKE-00834-00480939-00481498 Yeah I'm releasing a book of poems that I wrote in quarantine. ANrXaAULQKE-00835-00481498-00482132 And it's actually at the printer so it'll be out soon I guess, but anyway yeah yeah ANrXaAULQKE-00836-00482132-00482729 do it yourself, etc. Um, I'm excited about that. We'll see ANrXaAULQKE-00837-00482729-00483343 you awkward shouting that out. ANrXaAULQKE-00838-00483343-00484182 Yeah, of course. Anyone else want to share some little shout out, Matthew almost an amazing ANrXaAULQKE-00839-00484182-00485082 musician Ambien and beat maker and noise and circuitry on band camp indoor really great ANrXaAULQKE-00840-00485082-00485182 stuff. ANrXaAULQKE-00841-00485182-00485633 Part of frozen water was written to a beat date that he made so that up, Matt. ANrXaAULQKE-00842-00485633-00485764 Thank you. ANrXaAULQKE-00843-00485764-00485963 Really appreciate that. ANrXaAULQKE-00844-00485963-00486305 Had we known I would have had you MC. ANrXaAULQKE-00845-00486305-00486484 Oh no, it's okay. ANrXaAULQKE-00846-00486484-00487038 I owe you an email to you you will feel like forever so. ANrXaAULQKE-00847-00487038-00489435 Same, same. I have a 5% ambient box that I'm working on I'm going to send you a copy when ANrXaAULQKE-00848-00489435-00490307 that's done so don't want it. APP8QWnfZfU-00000-00000010-00000166 I already got someone on the line. APP8QWnfZfU-00001-00000166-00000354 I have the first person of the day. How nice... APP8QWnfZfU-00002-00000354-00000482 Good morning! APP8QWnfZfU-00003-00000618-00000744 Good morning... APP8QWnfZfU-00004-00000832-00000940 Hello, hello. APP8QWnfZfU-00005-00001074-00001186 Good moooorning? APP8QWnfZfU-00006-00001298-00001390 I can´t... APP8QWnfZfU-00007-00001406-00001532 Ah, there you are! There you are... APP8QWnfZfU-00008-00001574-00001638 – Good morning! APP8QWnfZfU-00009-00001696-00001757 – Hello, hello! APP8QWnfZfU-00010-00001798-00001957 Hello, my angel. Whom am I speaking to? APP8QWnfZfU-00011-00001988-00002074 – Good morning. APP8QWnfZfU-00012-00002074-00002232 – Good morning, what is your name? APP8QWnfZfU-00013-00002312-00002422 – I'm here, I'm here... APP8QWnfZfU-00014-00002456-00002590 – I know, my angel, that you are there. APP8QWnfZfU-00015-00002616-00002890 Now you need to tell me your name. What is your name? APP8QWnfZfU-00016-00002952-00003014 Good morning. APP8QWnfZfU-00017-00003040-00003164 Good moooorning! AVkHbB8It4Q-00000-00000011-00000367 Are you still choosing a champion? Go for Lulu, because of her Polymorph. She can humiliate AVkHbB8It4Q-00001-00000367-00000733 any Thresh that hits a hook and tries to engage after that, allowing you for some interesting AVkHbB8It4Q-00002-00000733-00001144 free poke on the adc. Morgana's shield is a blessing to champions like thresh and Blitz AVkHbB8It4Q-00003-00001144-00001621 which depend so strongly on hitting one ability and finally Alistar can "make bad thresh go AVkHbB8It4Q-00004-00001621-00002004 away" pretty easily. Janna with her tornado, Zyra and Leona with their counter engages AVkHbB8It4Q-00005-00002004-00002186 are other viable counters too. AVkHbB8It4Q-00006-00002186-00002598 Thresh is the most melee ranged champion there is in League, meaning His AAs don't fire projectile AVkHbB8It4Q-00007-00002598-00003088 due to his passive so his Attack speed seems rather high at first. His passive makes enemies AVkHbB8It4Q-00008-00003088-00003404 who die near Thresh drop souls which he can collect to grant him bonus AP and Armor. He AVkHbB8It4Q-00009-00003404-00003504 must walk near them to catch them or throw his lantern, both could be interesting engage AVkHbB8It4Q-00010-00003504-00003813 opportunities for you. His Q is his famous hook which as the name implies hooks enemies AVkHbB8It4Q-00011-00003813-00004264 on hit stunning them for 1½s and then allows Thresh to dash to the tethered enemy. His AVkHbB8It4Q-00012-00004264-00004672 W makes him throw a lantern that shields allies and when clicked by his first ally will drag AVkHbB8It4Q-00013-00004672-00004811 him towards Thresh's location, either saving him or positioning him better for a teamfight AVkHbB8It4Q-00014-00004811-00005231 or engage. His E is called Flay and passively makes his AA deal bonus damage and actively AVkHbB8It4Q-00015-00005231-00005571 sweeps every enemy within its skillshot range towards the cursor, slowing them for 1 second AVkHbB8It4Q-00016-00005571-00005916 afterwards. His Ultimate creates a death box around Thresh's position which will slow any AVkHbB8It4Q-00017-00005916-00006428 enemy champion that passes through it by 99% for 2 seconds. There's 5 walls which disappear AVkHbB8It4Q-00018-00006428-00006813 after a champion hits them. They also deal damage so don't kill yourself please. Only AVkHbB8It4Q-00019-00006813-00007178 the first wall hit deals damage though! Thresh's have a bunch of combos but they all stem from AVkHbB8It4Q-00020-00007178-00007529 first hitting a Hook. He'll have a slight casting animation which you can use to try AVkHbB8It4Q-00021-00007529-00007920 and dodge it. Just try not to get yourself into an "INSANE HOOK Compilation, please. AVkHbB8It4Q-00022-00007920-00008327 As a support he'll take exhaust or Ignite apart from flash. You can take either if you're AVkHbB8It4Q-00023-00008327-00008691 playing support too, just be careful if he brings ignite because it means he'll most AVkHbB8It4Q-00024-00008691-00008951 likely go for early aggressiveness to make use of it. AVkHbB8It4Q-00025-00008951-00009272 Thresh has a pretty good level 1 if he starts with the hook, which most actually don't. AVkHbB8It4Q-00026-00009272-00009685 Meaning his level 2 is an even better power spike because he'll guaranteedly have it by AVkHbB8It4Q-00027-00009685-00010058 then. Face of the mountain allows him to shield allies and the tank stats synergize perfectly AVkHbB8It4Q-00028-00010058-00010412 with him. Like most supports he's very good all throughout the game but stands out can AVkHbB8It4Q-00029-00010412-00010738 stand out mostly in the early laning phase and late teamfighting phase when he has already AVkHbB8It4Q-00030-00010738-00011081 stacked a bunch of armor. Thank you for tuning in, good luck in your match and remember: AVkHbB8It4Q-00031-00011081-00011536 See his animation and dodge the hook, don't faceplant versus his ultimate wall and try AVkHbB8It4Q-00032-00011536-00011939 to counter engage when he does instead of running away! Ultimately, have fun doing it. AdqqHk_-pdc-00000-00000000-00000050 FRICK! AdqqHk_-pdc-00001-00000064-00000120 DANGIT! AdqqHk_-pdc-00002-00000142-00000192 SHOOT! AdqqHk_-pdc-00003-00001366-00001422 Wow, chad, calm down, it's just a music video. AdqqHk_-pdc-00005-00001842-00002026 OW that looks like it hurt :/ AdqqHk_-pdc-00006-00002508-00002558 STOP AdqqHk_-pdc-00007-00002558-00002608 YEAH *Echo* AdqqHk_-pdc-00009-00003036-00003736 LKAESNGJ KHGIO3RJNWEHEWIOTDEJWFGDISAOJHOEJRNHJIEWDJNFJGRJWENBRJIJNHYEJGTIJHRJIOFJNBDJIFFJHJBJINSDUIFTHERFDJ AdqqHk_-pdc-00010-00003736-00003804 LADIES AND FRICKS! AdqqHk_-pdc-00011-00003856-00003942 MY NAME IS FREDTRONIC AdqqHk_-pdc-00012-00003972-00004114 AND TODAY'S VIDEO IS ABOUT POKEMON GO. AdqqHk_-pdc-00013-00004120-00004272 WHAT IS MORE DANGEROUS AdqqHk_-pdc-00014-00004272-00004596 Keemstar, okay (I guess) ReviewTechUSA, good, DANTDM OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH BOOOYYYYYY better keep your pants zipped up. AdqqHk_-pdc-00015-00004596-00004856 YEAH KAMAKAZIIIIIIIIIIIIZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AebfNJijy6o-00000-00000067-00000624 The most prominent differences between RLS and traditional spelling lie in how the vowels are spelled and pronounced. AebfNJijy6o-00001-00000674-00001299 RLS assigns one short pronunciation and one long pronunciation to each of the five conventional vowel AebfNJijy6o-00002-00001300-00001619 letters, A, E, I, O, and U. AebfNJijy6o-00003-00001669-00002238 Two additional vowel letters, ash and schwa, are each given a short pronunciation only. AebfNJijy6o-00004-00002319-00002745 How do you know whether a conventional vowel letter should be pronounced as long or short? AebfNJijy6o-00005-00002795-00002936 The rule is very simple. AebfNJijy6o-00006-00002986-00003296 If it's immediately followed by a consonant, it's short. AebfNJijy6o-00007-00003346-00003771 If it's at the end of a word or immediately followed by another vowel, it's long. AebfNJijy6o-00008-00003821-00004314 If you're wondering what you're supposed to do if you need a long vowel before a consonant, we'll get AebfNJijy6o-00009-00004315-00004378 to that soon. AebfNJijy6o-00010-00004428-00004984 For now, let's go over what the respective short and long pronunciations of each vowel actually are. AebfNJijy6o-00011-00005124-00005983 The short vowels are shown in the following words: "putt," "pet," "pit," "pot," "put," "pat," "protect." AebfNJijy6o-00012-00006061-00006766 The long vowels are demonstrated in these words, spelled here according to RP: "Pa," "purr," "pea," "paw," AebfNJijy6o-00013-00006766-00007006 "Pooh." AebfNJijy6o-00014-00007086-00007728 Notice especially how "putt" is spelled with an A instead of a U, and how "pat" is spelled with an Æ AebfNJijy6o-00015-00007728-00007849 instead of an A. AebfNJijy6o-00016-00007899-00008441 Remember, P-A-T is a golfing term, not something you might do to your dog's head. AebfNJijy6o-00017-00008491-00008885 What you might do to your dog's head is instead spelled P-Æ-T. AebfNJijy6o-00018-00008966-00009248 Some of the long vowels may take some getting-used-to as well. AebfNJijy6o-00019-00009298-00009785 Listen to them all again, this time with descriptions of what the target words actually mean. AebfNJijy6o-00020-00009855-00010227 PA spells "Pa," a regional alternative to "Dad." AebfNJijy6o-00021-00010308-00010695 PE spells "purr," the sound a cat makes when it's content. AebfNJijy6o-00022-00010777-00011135 PI spells "pea," a tiny globular vegetable. AebfNJijy6o-00023-00011205-00011560 PO spells "paw," the foot of many mammal species. AebfNJijy6o-00024-00011630-00011940 PU spells "Pooh," as in "Winnie-the-Pooh." AebfNJijy6o-00025-00012084-00012732 As for the two unconventional vowel letters, a useful word to remember their pronunciations is "apple," AebfNJijy6o-00026-00012732-00013123 which contains them both in consecutive syllables with no other vowels. AebfNJijy6o-00027-00013201-00014201 Here are some more examples: "raw," "bottle," "could," "fluid," "react," "litter," "spa," "mother." The first AebfNJijy6o-00028-00014201-00014606 vowel in each word is color-coded: red for short, green for long. AebfNJijy6o-00029-00015047-00015124 But wait! AebfNJijy6o-00030-00015174-00015551 If "mother" is spelled as shown, then how is "father" spelled? AebfNJijy6o-00031-00015601-00015951 The only possible way seems to be to swap out the M for an F. AebfNJijy6o-00032-00015985-00016560 There is no other letter we can use for that first vowel sound, and all phonemes after it are identical AebfNJijy6o-00033-00016561-00016664 between the two words. AebfNJijy6o-00034-00016714-00017201 However, the letter A is still before a consonant and therefore still short. AebfNJijy6o-00035-00017251-00017736 This would compel us to pronounce it "futher." But "father" does not rhyme with "mother"! AebfNJijy6o-00036-00017786-00018232 We need the A to be long, despite immediately preceding a consonant. AebfNJijy6o-00037-00018310-00019003 The solution is to place an upward slanting stroke, called an acute accent, over the A to signal an exemption AebfNJijy6o-00038-00019004-00019325 from the regular effect of the consonant to its immediate right. AebfNJijy6o-00039-00019375-00019824 In other words, an acute accent lengthens any vowel that would otherwise be short. AebfNJijy6o-00040-00019904-00020648 Consider the following pairs of words: "bin" versus "bean," "cot" versus "caught," "wed" versus "word," AebfNJijy6o-00041-00020648-00020839 "pull" versus "pool." AebfNJijy6o-00042-00020918-00021260 The reverse scenario is much rarer, but it does happen. AebfNJijy6o-00043-00021310-00021846 When a vowel which would otherwise be long needs to be short, a downward slanting stroke, called a AebfNJijy6o-00044-00021847-00022027 grave accent, must be used. AebfNJijy6o-00045-00022077-00022686 If you want to express indifference, you might write "meh," and if you want to mock a stupid person, you AebfNJijy6o-00046-00022687-00022788 might write "duh! AebfNJijy6o-00047-00022929-00023334 Let's try a few more examples, including a couple of complete sentences. AebfNJijy6o-00048-00023384-00024228 First, we have the following words: "automatic," "beautiful," "spas," "cleaner," "worthy." Next, we AebfNJijy6o-00049-00024229-00024601 have the following sentences: "He swam in the deep end of the pool." AebfNJijy6o-00050-00024801-00025041 "We want to come with you, because we're a team! AebfNJijy6o-00051-00025551-00025649 Congratulations! AebfNJijy6o-00052-00025699-00025999 You've just completed the first lesson in this tutorial! AebfNJijy6o-00053-00026049-00026438 The remaining three will cover the diphthongs, rhotics, and consonants. AebfNJijy6o-00054-00026488-00026759 I hope you're intrigued by what you've learned so far! AfNY899FAEY-00000-00000136-00000903 so last year 2020 i joined the team and we conducted a survey um using drones to map the slip AfNY899FAEY-00001-00000903-00001623 again and see what changed and we came up with images that are fantastic the reason they're so AfNY899FAEY-00002-00001623-00002248 good is because they're not just pretty pictures they are geo-referenced and digital so that we can AfNY899FAEY-00003-00002304-00002976 quantify change over the years we are standing at the cotton brook landslide in stow and we AfNY899FAEY-00004-00002976-00003447 are looking at how this landslide formed and how it changed over time you can see AfNY899FAEY-00005-00003447-00004064 a little mound of tan colored sediments just here about the same level where i'm standing AfNY899FAEY-00006-00004168-00004904 and then below me is a pretty deep ravine so the interesting thing is in 2019 when this happened AfNY899FAEY-00007-00004960-00005688 there was no review between 2019 2020 this formed the creek changed location AfNY899FAEY-00008-00005688-00006272 and cut down kind of like a grand canyon effect all of this material and flushed it downstream AfNY899FAEY-00009-00006328-00006768 towards the reservoir it really does take a team effort to figure out how landslides happen AfNY899FAEY-00010-00006848-00007359 and to try to predict them so the overall goal of this project is to understand mechanisms of AfNY899FAEY-00011-00007359-00007959 mass wasting and how they impact communities and see if we can understand processes well enough AfNY899FAEY-00012-00008031-00008456 to apply that knowledge elsewhere in vermont and provide service to the state AfNY899FAEY-00013-00008456-00009056 this does form part of uvm's land grant mission of service to the state and we are proud to be AfNY899FAEY-00014-00009056-00009552 a part of that landslides are becoming more frequent and people have noticed that with AfNY899FAEY-00015-00009552-00010432 increased especially catastrophic rainstorms or rains that that are long in duration landslides AfNY899FAEY-00016-00010432-00011168 of all types tend to form soon after that and so we are expecting landslides to increase in AfNY899FAEY-00017-00011168-00011648 frequency they're very hard to predict but we're expecting that and we are part of a national AfNY899FAEY-00018-00011648-00012784 effort to try to map landslides understand them and come up with mitigation strategies AfNY899FAEY-00019-00013136-00013144 you AiS0vJh8Ry0-00000-00000000-00000490 Jürgen Rotsbottom | World Championshits. AiS0vJh8Ry0-00001-00000514-00001136 it is a privilege to be here you have my permission to scream it's the water AiS0vJh8Ry0-00002-00001136-00001393 bottles AiS0vJh8Ry0-00003-00001400-00002333 fucking forward GATS AiS0vJh8Ry0-00004-00002333-00002914 Frank Porter tossed not a responsibility if got real paid AiS0vJh8Ry0-00005-00002914-00003421 with a floater to the far post the reverse angle showed that was a good AiS0vJh8Ry0-00006-00003421-00003675 careful AiS0vJh8Ry0-00007-00003796-00004119 he's got the chance AiS0vJh8Ry0-00008-00004152-00004515 in the game final moments in the game AiS0vJh8Ry0-00009-00005139-00005602 on the attack again here AiS0vJh8Ry0-00010-00005602-00006088 what a chance do his church wasn't the best just took him AiS0vJh8Ry0-00011-00006088-00006918 another wider that he wanted well very very important AiS0vJh8Ry0-00012-00006918-00007345 or now AiS0vJh8Ry0-00013-00008212-00009206 any closer closer AiS0vJh8Ry0-00014-00009429-00009939 because the door which means gonna go into some beams escape support almost as AiS0vJh8Ry0-00015-00009939-00011354 if any minute this is a MedX certainly don't AiS0vJh8Ry0-00016-00011365-00011791 we have a penalty out of that AiS0vJh8Ry0-00017-00012933-00013296 oh I just wonder whether the lighting in that does not forget as an indoor AiS0vJh8Ry0-00018-00013296-00013610 stadium is their problem AiS0vJh8Ry0-00019-00014253-00015172 is great three times and it's going to each go AiS0vJh8Ry0-00020-00015672-00016559 oh just made two gonna contract Minnie AiS0vJh8Ry0-00021-00016559-00017019 the Reverend looks at his watch any second now AiS0vJh8Ry0-00022-00017019-00018202 it will all be over it's all AiS0vJh8Ry0-00023-00019504-00019990 and just have a look at what you could have look AiS0vJh8Ry0-00024-00021065-00021270 you AldTFrtd4vu-00000-00000024-00000640 In my previous video I told you about the things that evolution is not. We talked about AldTFrtd4vu-00001-00000640-00001096 the common misconceptions that people often have about the theory of evolution and why in some AldTFrtd4vu-00002-00001096-00001655 cases that may lead them to doubt the veracity of evolutionary theory. In this video we're going to AldTFrtd4vu-00003-00001655-00002256 focus on what evolution actually is. We're going to talk about the key tenets of the modern theory AldTFrtd4vu-00004-00002256-00002872 of evolution known as neo-Darwinism and talk about much of the evidence that is present to support AldTFrtd4vu-00005-00002872-00004484 the theory of evolution. So stay tuned while we find out what evolution is all about [Music]. AldTFrtd4vu-00006-00005344-00006040 Hi and thanks for tuning in. In his amazing book "Why Evolution is True", the evolutionary AldTFrtd4vu-00007-00006040-00006536 biologist Jerry Coyne writes the following about the theory of evolution: "In essence the modern AldTFrtd4vu-00008-00006536-00007023 theory of evolution is easy to grasp. It can be summarized in a single albeit long sentence: AldTFrtd4vu-00009-00007095-00007631 Life on Earth evolved gradually beginning with one primitive species, perhaps a self-replicating AldTFrtd4vu-00010-00007631-00008144 molecule, that lived more than 3.5 billion years ago, it then branched out over time throwing off AldTFrtd4vu-00011-00008144-00008720 many new and diverse species, and the mechanism for most, but not all of evolutionary change, AldTFrtd4vu-00012-00008720-00009264 is natural selection". That might be the most succinct way of encapsulating AldTFrtd4vu-00013-00009264-00009856 everything that we know about modern evolutionary theory, which is also known as neo-Darwinism. In AldTFrtd4vu-00014-00009856-00010352 the same book, Jerry Coyne goes on to talk about six key tenets of evolutionary theory. AldTFrtd4vu-00015-00010440-00010984 Now there are lots of ways of breaking down the core principles of modern evolutionary theory, AldTFrtd4vu-00016-00010984-00011384 but I also prefer Dr. Coyne's rendition, so I'll share that with you today. AldTFrtd4vu-00017-00011448-00012080 The six key tenets of modern evolutionary theory are as follows. The first one is evolution. When AldTFrtd4vu-00018-00012080-00012552 we talk about evolution we're talking about the fact that species change over time, and we know AldTFrtd4vu-00019-00012552-00012991 this is the case and we have lots of evidence, which we'll talk about later on in this video, AldTFrtd4vu-00020-00012991-00013600 that allows us to observe how species have changed over time. But the second key tenant is that that AldTFrtd4vu-00021-00013600-00014200 change happens gradually. The second key tenant of evolutionary theory is gradualism. The change that AldTFrtd4vu-00022-00014200-00014888 occurs within species as well as the appearance of new species occurs slowly over time. In some AldTFrtd4vu-00023-00014888-00015456 cases this takes hundreds of thousands or millions of years. It always takes multiple generations for AldTFrtd4vu-00024-00015456-00015968 this to occur. So while evolutionary change does occur it often occurs quite slowly AldTFrtd4vu-00025-00015968-00016392 and this can actually be one of the reasons. This gradualism is often one of the reasons AldTFrtd4vu-00026-00016392-00017016 people have a hard time grasping evolutionary theory because of how slow the changes occur. AldTFrtd4vu-00027-00017016-00017768 The third key tenet of modern evolutionary theory is speciation. If enough change occurs within a AldTFrtd4vu-00028-00017768-00018240 subpopulation of a species over time, it will become so different from the other members of AldTFrtd4vu-00029-00018240-00018776 its species that it can be classified as a new species. Speciation is a fact and we know this AldTFrtd4vu-00030-00018776-00019368 is true for one very obvious reason: there are millions of species living on the planet today. AldTFrtd4vu-00031-00019440-00019992 These species didn't appear out of nothing. They all diverged from a single species that lived AldTFrtd4vu-00032-00019992-00020528 about 3.5 billion years ago, and as a result we get to the fourth key tenet of modern evolutionary AldTFrtd4vu-00033-00020528-00021224 theory: common ancestry. Everything alive on this planet is related maybe through a long series of AldTFrtd4vu-00034-00021224-00021792 ancestors to everything else. We can all trace our ancestry back to that single species that lived AldTFrtd4vu-00035-00021792-00022464 3.5 or so billion years ago. Some species we are close - more closely related to and some we AldTFrtd4vu-00036-00022464-00023064 are more distantly related to. But no matter what species it is, we can trace our ancestry back to a AldTFrtd4vu-00037-00023064-00023544 single common ancestor. that is likely extinct, to pretty much everything else on this planet. AldTFrtd4vu-00038-00023696-00024392 The fifth key tenant of neo-Darwinism is natural selection, and this is the thing that is also AldTFrtd4vu-00039-00024392-00024928 the most controversial and revolutionary about neo-Darwinism. It's the mechanism AldTFrtd4vu-00040-00024928-00025656 by which evolutionary change occurs. Until Darwin proposed his theory of evolution we really didn't AldTFrtd4vu-00041-00025656-00026288 know how evolution occurred. A lot of people understood that species do change over time, AldTFrtd4vu-00042-00026288-00026848 but natural selection describes a materialistic process in which speciation can occur. Simply put, AldTFrtd4vu-00043-00026848-00027544 natural selection states that the forces acting on species over time gradually select for those AldTFrtd4vu-00044-00027544-00028208 variations within a species that are beneficial, and removing those variations within a species AldTFrtd4vu-00045-00028208-00028839 that are less beneficial. This accumulation of beneficial traits allows changes to occur AldTFrtd4vu-00046-00028839-00029424 in species and over time. If enough of those changes occur we end up with speciation. The AldTFrtd4vu-00047-00029424-00030168 sixth key tenant of modern evolutionary theory or neo-Darwinism is that processes other than natural AldTFrtd4vu-00048-00030168-00030864 selection can shape species. Natural selection is the major reason why species change and as AldTFrtd4vu-00049-00030864-00031408 far as we know it is the only way that species can become better adapted to their environment. AldTFrtd4vu-00050-00031408-00032112 But other processes such as genetic drift do have an influence on species. While it may not lead to AldTFrtd4vu-00051-00032112-00032639 adaptation and while it may not necessarily lead to speciation events on a regular basis, AldTFrtd4vu-00052-00032704-00033288 we do know that species other than natural selection do influence the evolution of species. AldTFrtd4vu-00053-00033432-00034064 Now that we've established the six core tenets of modern evolutionary theory let's talk about AldTFrtd4vu-00054-00034064-00034664 both how evolutionary theory can be used as a scientific theory and the evidence that supports AldTFrtd4vu-00055-00034664-00035312 our modern understanding of evolution. First we have to acknowledge the fact that evolutionary AldTFrtd4vu-00056-00035312-00035832 theory is just that, it is a scientific theory and we know that means that it lends itself to AldTFrtd4vu-00057-00035832-00036448 both the processes of inductive and deductive reasoning. In one of my earlier videos we talked AldTFrtd4vu-00058-00036448-00036872 about the process of science. In the process of science we talked about two different types of AldTFrtd4vu-00059-00036872-00037432 scientific reasoning: inductive and deductive. Inductive reasoning is how we form hypotheses, AldTFrtd4vu-00060-00037432-00038008 how we form theories. It's the ability of scientists or anybody actually to take AldTFrtd4vu-00061-00038008-00038552 in large amounts of information and use that information and synthesize a single AldTFrtd4vu-00062-00038552-00039144 core concept that helps to explain those potential observations. That's what we call a hypothesis AldTFrtd4vu-00063-00039144-00039856 and over time if enough hypotheses come together or that hypothesis is supported heavily enough, AldTFrtd4vu-00064-00039856-00040400 we can end up having that hypothesis elevated to a theory. We'll talk about the evidence that we AldTFrtd4vu-00065-00040400-00040792 have to support the theory of evolution in just a little bit. But I also want to acknowledge the AldTFrtd4vu-00066-00040792-00041344 fact that because evolution is a scientific theory, it does lend itself to be used in AldTFrtd4vu-00067-00041344-00041944 deductive reasoning as well. Deductive reasoning is how we test hypotheses. It's how we utilize AldTFrtd4vu-00068-00041944-00042552 scientific theories. Deductive reasoning takes a central principle, a core principle, such as AldTFrtd4vu-00069-00042552-00043280 species evolve through natural selection and then utilizes that to then predict what other AldTFrtd4vu-00070-00043280-00043960 things should be true if that particular theory is accurate. Evolutionary theory has been used since AldTFrtd4vu-00071-00043960-00044504 the days of Darwin to predict where we should find specific fossils, how old specific fossils should AldTFrtd4vu-00072-00044504-00045064 be, or that certain species exist that we have no knowledge of actually existing or no direct AldTFrtd4vu-00073-00045064-00045600 evidence of their existence. Let me tell you one story about how Darwin and his contemporary AldTFrtd4vu-00074-00045600-00046144 Alfred Russell Wallace actually used scientific reasoning, based on their ideas about evolutionary AldTFrtd4vu-00075-00046144-00046832 theory, to predict the existence of a species. This is the story of Angraecum sesquipedale and AldTFrtd4vu-00076-00046832-00047504 Xanthopan morganii. Angraecum sesquipedale is a species of orchid that lives on the island of AldTFrtd4vu-00077-00047504-00048176 Madagascar, and in 1862 Charles Darwin received a package from one of his colleagues that contained AldTFrtd4vu-00078-00048176-00048720 this particular species of orchid. And what's interesting about Angraecum sesquipedale, AldTFrtd4vu-00079-00048720-00049256 now known as Darwin's orchid, is that it has a nectary that's over a foot long. What that means AldTFrtd4vu-00080-00049256-00049848 is in order for a species of animal to pollinate this orchid, it needs to stick something, AldTFrtd4vu-00081-00049848-00050512 probably a proboscis, almost a foot long down into this flower in order to get the pollen and the AldTFrtd4vu-00082-00050512-00051200 nectar reward that that particular species would receive. Now here's where it gets interesting. On AldTFrtd4vu-00083-00051200-00051720 the island of Madagascar there was no knowledge of a species of moth with a proboscis that long AldTFrtd4vu-00084-00051808-00052167 that it could actually be able to pollinate this particular flower. AldTFrtd4vu-00085-00052232-00052632 But based on what Darwin knew about orchids and his ideas about evolutionary theory, AldTFrtd4vu-00086-00052632-00053216 Darwin correctly predicted that there would be at some point in time a species of moth AldTFrtd4vu-00087-00053216-00053704 found on the island of Madagascar that did have a proboscis that was at least a foot in length. AldTFrtd4vu-00088-00053808-00054344 At the same time his contemporary Alfred Russell Wallace, it was brought to his attention as well. AldTFrtd4vu-00089-00054440-00054896 Alfred Russell Wallace knew a little bit more about the flora and the fauna of this area and AldTFrtd4vu-00090-00054896-00055391 he predicted that not only did this moth exist, but that he would be able to identify either the AldTFrtd4vu-00091-00055391-00055936 species of moth or its nearest ancestor. Based on what he knew about evolutionary theory, what AldTFrtd4vu-00092-00055936-00056624 he knew about the the moths that actually lived on the continent of Africa, he predicted that it AldTFrtd4vu-00093-00056624-00057200 would be a sphinx moth because sphinx moths were the largest species of moth that lived in Africa, AldTFrtd4vu-00094-00057200-00057816 particularly in eastern Africa, the closest region of the continent to Madagascar. Now AldTFrtd4vu-00095-00057816-00058472 what's interesting is there was not a species of sphinx moth known to have a proboscis that long, AldTFrtd4vu-00096-00058472-00059048 but Alfred Russell Wallace correctly predicted, just like Darwin also predicted, that there would AldTFrtd4vu-00097-00059048-00059696 be a species of sphinx moth on the island of Madagascar that had adapted itself to be able AldTFrtd4vu-00098-00059696-00060264 to pollinate this flower. Proof would not come until 1903 long after the death of Charles Darwin AldTFrtd4vu-00099-00060264-00060952 that this particular species of moth did in fact exist. This was when a sphinx moth now known as AldTFrtd4vu-00100-00060952-00061632 Xanthopan morganii predicta, aptly named because it was predicted by two different scientists, AldTFrtd4vu-00101-00061632-00062104 was discovered on the island of Madagascar. It was discovered while pollinating AldTFrtd4vu-00102-00062104-00062776 one of Darwin's orchids, Angraecum sesquipedale, and lo and behold it was discovered that this AldTFrtd4vu-00103-00062776-00063288 particular species of moth was, as Alfred Russell Wallace predicted, was a species of sphinx moth AldTFrtd4vu-00104-00063288-00063752 and did have a proboscis that was longer than one foot. In fact what it would do is it would AldTFrtd4vu-00105-00063752-00064367 approach the flower, it would unroll this very long proboscis, and then fly it nose first AldTFrtd4vu-00106-00064367-00065079 into the into the orchid in order to be able to pollinate it. This is the power of evolutionary AldTFrtd4vu-00107-00065079-00065576 theory. Just like all scientific theories it lends itself to deductive reasoning. As long as you AldTFrtd4vu-00108-00065576-00066144 understand how other species have co-evolved, you can begin to predict what other species AldTFrtd4vu-00109-00066144-00066688 might exist. We'll talk in other videos about how the predictive power of evolutionary theory AldTFrtd4vu-00110-00066688-00067216 has been used to discover certain species of fossil. Certain types of fossils in certain AldTFrtd4vu-00111-00067216-00068024 rock layers where you wouldn't be able to predict them if evolutionary theory was not true. Now AldTFrtd4vu-00112-00068024-00068728 as with all good scientific theories, the modern theory of evolution, also known as neo-Darwinism, AldTFrtd4vu-00113-00068728-00069248 has a ton of evidence to support it. In fact, there's literal mountains of evidence and AldTFrtd4vu-00114-00069248-00069880 over 160 years of research that have gone into building this catalog of evidence that supports AldTFrtd4vu-00115-00069880-00070232 modern evolutionary theory. So what I'm going to do is do a brief introduction AldTFrtd4vu-00116-00070232-00070768 to all these different types of evidence and in several other videos. We'll talk in more detail AldTFrtd4vu-00117-00070768-00071264 about several of these different aspects of evidence that are utilized to support evolutionary AldTFrtd4vu-00118-00071264-00071880 theory. Perhaps the best known example of evidence that supports evolutionary theory is the fossil AldTFrtd4vu-00119-00071880-00072392 record. In his own time Charles Darwin actually maligned the fossil record, but remember he AldTFrtd4vu-00120-00072392-00072952 lived back in the 1800s and at that time there weren't whole collections of transition fossils. AldTFrtd4vu-00121-00072952-00073416 We hadn't yet discovered the first human ancestor fossils at that particular time. AldTFrtd4vu-00122-00073480-00073904 So Charles Darwin actually had a bit of a right to gripe about the fossil record because he knew AldTFrtd4vu-00123-00073904-00074416 that the fossil record would support his hypothesis his theory of evolution, AldTFrtd4vu-00124-00074416-00074856 and that you will be able to show using the fossil record that species do change over time. AldTFrtd4vu-00125-00074928-00075760 But now fast forward to 2021 and we have the fossils of hundreds of thousands of species that AldTFrtd4vu-00126-00075760-00076256 have existed on the planet. We have several, we have dozens, of different human ancestors AldTFrtd4vu-00127-00076256-00076760 that have been discovered throughout the world, mainly our oldest ones living in Africa. We have AldTFrtd4vu-00128-00076760-00077440 a complete catalogue of transition fossils showing the evolution of tetrapods from lobe-finned fish AldTFrtd4vu-00129-00077504-00078184 during the Devonian period 380 million years ago. We have fossils cataloging the transition of AldTFrtd4vu-00130-00078184-00078760 fish into amphibians and amphibians into reptiles and then reptiles into birds and mammals in our AldTFrtd4vu-00131-00078760-00079256 fossil record. But some people still point out the fact that the fossil record still isn't complete. AldTFrtd4vu-00132-00079256-00079752 Of course it's not. One of the things we'll talk about in some of my videos is how hard it is for AldTFrtd4vu-00133-00079752-00080256 a fossil to actually form. It's actually a very rare event and at this particular point in time AldTFrtd4vu-00134-00080256-00080664 we have the fossil remains of somewhere between point one and one percent of all species that AldTFrtd4vu-00135-00080664-00081184 have possibly ever lived on the planet. But let's pause for a second and think about how confusing AldTFrtd4vu-00136-00081184-00081616 the fossil record would be if we literally had a fossil for every single species that ever existed. AldTFrtd4vu-00137-00081672-00082184 Evolution tells us that species change very slowly over time and if we had a fossil record AldTFrtd4vu-00138-00082184-00082656 of all of the different species and every single individual of any species that ever lived on AldTFrtd4vu-00139-00082656-00083024 the planet. First off I don't know where we would put it. That would be a lot of rocks. AldTFrtd4vu-00140-00083144-00083664 But secondly let's think about what it would look like it would look like a slow transition from one AldTFrtd4vu-00141-00083664-00084160 species and at what point would you actually draw the line between when one species becomes the new AldTFrtd4vu-00142-00084160-00084608 species. It would be kind of like looking at the full spectrum of light and deciding when yellow AldTFrtd4vu-00143-00084664-00085464 turns into green and when blue turns into purple. At a certain point it's hard to draw those lines. AldTFrtd4vu-00144-00085536-00085944 So one of the things we can see from the fossil record that is perhaps the most important aspect AldTFrtd4vu-00145-00085944-00086400 of it is that first off the fossil record is always in agreement with itself. AldTFrtd4vu-00146-00086400-00086920 We never find fossils out of order. In fact we can actually use evolutionary theory to predict where AldTFrtd4vu-00147-00086920-00087416 we should be looking for fossils. For example if you want to find fossils of early tetrapods, AldTFrtd4vu-00148-00087416-00088064 you need to look in rock that's 380 to 370 million years old. In fact that's exactly what allowed AldTFrtd4vu-00149-00088064-00088456 us to discover some of the earliest tetrapod fossils. We'll talk about that in another video, AldTFrtd4vu-00150-00088592-00089168 but one of the things that could be pointed out is this: if even a single fossil was found out AldTFrtd4vu-00151-00089168-00089792 of date order, then it would destroy the entirety of evolutionary theory. Richard Dawkins once said AldTFrtd4vu-00152-00089792-00090312 this. But the problem is this, if you're trying to use this as a way of refuting evolutionary AldTFrtd4vu-00153-00090312-00090872 theory you're going to be hard-pressed because of the millions of fossils that have been discovered AldTFrtd4vu-00154-00091008-00091776 in the past 160 to 200 years, not a single one of them has ever been found out of order. It's never AldTFrtd4vu-00155-00091776-00092320 been found where you wouldn't expect it. It agrees with itself 100 percent of the time and as such AldTFrtd4vu-00156-00092320-00093176 provides a rock-solid testament to evolutionary theory. Another key concept or piece of evidence AldTFrtd4vu-00157-00093176-00093752 in support of evolutionary theory is biogeography. Biogeography is the study of the location AldTFrtd4vu-00158-00093752-00094288 and distribution patterns of species. One of the things that's amazing about the biogeography AldTFrtd4vu-00159-00094288-00094864 that we have to catalog evolution is how it can only and best be explained by evolutionary AldTFrtd4vu-00160-00094864-00095512 theory coupled with another scientific theory, plate tectonics. We now know that the reason why AldTFrtd4vu-00161-00095512-00095952 Earth looks the way it looks now is through the movement of those large continental plates that AldTFrtd4vu-00162-00095952-00096400 cause earthquakes and volcanoes as well as the movement of land masses. And we know that the AldTFrtd4vu-00163-00096400-00096816 Earth didn't always look like it looks now. In fact at one point it was a giant super continent, AldTFrtd4vu-00164-00096816-00097208 and I say at one point, actually at several different points the Earth's land mass was AldTFrtd4vu-00165-00097208-00097608 in a single giant supercontinent. And then over time they gradually space out, reshuffle, and then AldTFrtd4vu-00166-00097608-00098008 they seem to come back together to form another super continent every few hundred million years. AldTFrtd4vu-00167-00098176-00098728 But what that helps to do is explain the distribution pattern of various fossils. AldTFrtd4vu-00168-00098728-00099208 For example, we can explain why we can find strictly terrestrial animals both on the eastern AldTFrtd4vu-00169-00099208-00099760 coast of North America and the western coast of Africa. Why? Because at one point 300 million AldTFrtd4vu-00170-00099760-00100328 years ago the eastern coast of North America was attached to the western coast of Africa. AldTFrtd4vu-00171-00100400-00101080 But the other thing that biogeography does is it gives us a vast catalogue of evidence for why the AldTFrtd4vu-00172-00101080-00101672 the specific creation of species doesn't really make sense in terms of biogeographical contexts. AldTFrtd4vu-00173-00101672-00102184 So for example, why when we look at islands do we see lots of flightless birds. Why and when we talk AldTFrtd4vu-00174-00102184-00102872 about oceanic islands do we see a complete absence of mammalian species that are native to those AldTFrtd4vu-00175-00102872-00103232 islands. Yes we find them now, but because humans have gone there and brought rats and pigs and so AldTFrtd4vu-00176-00103232-00103816 on and so forth. A lot of the things that we see about biogeography, the distribution patterns of AldTFrtd4vu-00177-00103816-00104335 fossils, the localization of certain species, the divergence of different island species ,and AldTFrtd4vu-00178-00104335-00105048 so on and so forth, can best and really only be explained by evolution, by the migration of AldTFrtd4vu-00179-00105048-00105600 those species to a certain point, and then their adaptation to their new environments over time. AldTFrtd4vu-00180-00105600-00106016 Another great piece of evidence in support of evolutionary theory is embryonic development. AldTFrtd4vu-00181-00106104-00106456 Embryonic development, believe it or not, has not changed all that much. AldTFrtd4vu-00182-00106520-00106911 Invertebrates, for example, at a certain point in your development AldTFrtd4vu-00183-00106911-00107832 as a as an embryo you were indistinguishable from a chicken or a frog or a salamander or a fish. You AldTFrtd4vu-00184-00107832-00108376 were indistinguishable because one of the things that we know is that the developmental pattern AldTFrtd4vu-00185-00108511-00109056 of all vertebrates is very closely related, and instead when we look at embryonic development we AldTFrtd4vu-00186-00109056-00109640 don't see a whole rewriting of the embryonic programming. We see subtle tweaks and in AldTFrtd4vu-00187-00109640-00110183 those subtle tweaks we can actually often see the remnants of our ancestral past. AldTFrtd4vu-00188-00110288-00110759 So for example, if you are a vertebrate, at some point during your development you have gill slits. AldTFrtd4vu-00189-00110759-00111208 Now those of us that are terrestrial vertebrates or descended from terrestrial vertebrates, such as AldTFrtd4vu-00190-00111208-00111816 whales and dolphins, those gill slits go away. They get repurposed or they get sewn back up. AldTFrtd4vu-00191-00111816-00112416 But if you're a fish, the ancestor of all modern tetrapods, then it turns out that you get to keep AldTFrtd4vu-00192-00112416-00112992 your gill slits. Humans have lots of different examples of this. For a while you had a tail AldTFrtd4vu-00193-00112992-00113376 and for most of us that tail actually ends up dissolving. But why have it in the first place? AldTFrtd4vu-00194-00113440-00113816 If you're born premature, you might be born very, very hairy. You're covered in something called AldTFrtd4vu-00195-00113816-00114344 lanugo. Most of the rest of us, we had that lanugo when we were in the womb, but we end up shedding AldTFrtd4vu-00196-00114344-00114816 it prior to birth. Why is it there in the first place? Well we're now known as the naked apes, AldTFrtd4vu-00197-00114816-00115272 but the rest of our primate ancestors all get to keep that hair for the remainder of their life. We AldTFrtd4vu-00198-00115272-00115920 just happen to lose ours as part of the rewriting of our developmental programming. There are lots AldTFrtd4vu-00199-00115920-00116464 of examples from embryonic development of all species that help to show our interrelatedness. AldTFrtd4vu-00200-00116624-00117400 We can actually look back and see our ancestry as reptiles and as amphibians during your development AldTFrtd4vu-00201-00117400-00117848 in the womb. You had three sets of kidneys. The first were a set of amphibian kidneys AldTFrtd4vu-00202-00117848-00118392 that eventually dissolved and went away only to be replaced by a new set of kidneys, reptilian ones. AldTFrtd4vu-00203-00118448-00118728 Of course those kidneys also have to go away because you're not a reptile, AldTFrtd4vu-00204-00118728-00119183 you're a descendant of reptiles, and finally you get your mammalian kidneys. AldTFrtd4vu-00205-00119248-00119808 But why if we were specially created would we have three different sets of kidneys just to have two AldTFrtd4vu-00206-00119808-00120272 of them go away before receiving our final ones? Why would we have a tail just for it to dissolve? AldTFrtd4vu-00207-00120272-00120672 Why would we have gill slits just for them to be sewn up? Why would we be covered in hair AldTFrtd4vu-00208-00120672-00121344 only to have it dissolve? These are just some of the examples of how embryonic development can show AldTFrtd4vu-00209-00121344-00121983 us our ancestral past and again lends credence to the fact that all species are interrelated. AldTFrtd4vu-00210-00122104-00122568 Another great example from anatomy that can be helpful to to look at and support evolutionary AldTFrtd4vu-00211-00122568-00123096 theory are vestigial structures. Many different species have vestigial structures. If you remember AldTFrtd4vu-00212-00123096-00123616 from my previous video, a vestigial structure is a structure in an organism that is either AldTFrtd4vu-00213-00123616-00124240 no longer useful or at the very least exacted or used for a new purpose. We talked about ostriches AldTFrtd4vu-00214-00124240-00124783 and emus and rheas, these large birds that have never been able to fly yet still possess wings. AldTFrtd4vu-00215-00124952-00125456 Why does a whale or a snake have a pelvis if they don't have legs to attach them to? AldTFrtd4vu-00216-00125528-00125968 Why do you have an appendix when you don't need one? And in fact, in a significant portion of AldTFrtd4vu-00217-00125968-00126888 the human population, why does this organ fail and lead to a potentially fatal infection? Why AldTFrtd4vu-00218-00126888-00127352 when you get scared or when you get excited do you get little bumps on your arms and legs? AldTFrtd4vu-00219-00127480-00127808 Those muscles that can raise your hair up are called the erector pili AldTFrtd4vu-00220-00127808-00128152 and they're designed to fluff your hair, or your if you're a bird, feathers out, AldTFrtd4vu-00221-00128152-00128600 just like when you scare a cat or when a dog wants to let you know that it's angry with you. AldTFrtd4vu-00222-00128600-00129224 You don't have the fur anymore, yet you still have the muscles. These are all examples of vestigial AldTFrtd4vu-00223-00129224-00129776 structures, things that are no longer useful or don't serve the original purpose for which they AldTFrtd4vu-00224-00129776-00130304 evolved. So why are they there in the first place? It's simple, vestigial structures are remnants. AldTFrtd4vu-00225-00130304-00130872 They are remnants of our ancestral pasts that are there just as a way of sort of clueing us AldTFrtd4vu-00226-00130872-00131408 into the what we used to be . Who our species used to be. And from whom we are descended. AldTFrtd4vu-00227-00131536-00131856 The opposite of a vestigial structure, kind of, is an atavism. AldTFrtd4vu-00228-00131984-00132608 An atavism is the re-emergence of an ancestral trait. Occasionally human beings are born with a AldTFrtd4vu-00229-00132664-00133344 tail. That tail is typically removed very shortly after birth, but all that is, is a remnant of the AldTFrtd4vu-00230-00133344-00133848 molecular program that used to underlie our development. Occasionally birds can be born AldTFrtd4vu-00231-00133848-00134288 with teeth. They still have the genes to make teeth. They still have the molecular programming AldTFrtd4vu-00232-00134288-00134856 to make teeth, but it's been turned off. It was turned off tens of millions of years ago during AldTFrtd4vu-00233-00134856-00135440 the evolution of birds from reptiles. Birds, as we'll learn later on, are built to be ultra light. AldTFrtd4vu-00234-00135440-00136008 In order to give them the ability to fly they had to make some sacrifices. They have pneumatic bones AldTFrtd4vu-00235-00136008-00136384 with holes in them to make them super strong and light and they've lost their teeth AldTFrtd4vu-00236-00136464-00136920 as a way of lightening their load. But under the right conditions you can actually AldTFrtd4vu-00237-00136976-00137528 trick birds or through a random mutation some birds can actually produce teeth. AldTFrtd4vu-00238-00137600-00138072 That actually shows that the programming still exists. Why would they have that programming? AldTFrtd4vu-00239-00138144-00138856 Occasionally whales or dolphins or even snakes are actually born with hind limbs. We know AldTFrtd4vu-00240-00138856-00139424 those species don't have legs, but they still have the programming underlying them, that if AldTFrtd4vu-00241-00139424-00139776 under the right conditions it can be activated, typically through a spontaneous mutation to AldTFrtd4vu-00242-00139776-00140328 produce produce those limbs. Why do they have that machinery? It's simple because dolphins AldTFrtd4vu-00243-00140328-00140872 and snakes and whales, they're all descended from tetrapod ancestors. Ancestors that had AldTFrtd4vu-00244-00140872-00141368 the ability to produce four limbs. But over time they evolved to lose the function of those limbs. AldTFrtd4vu-00245-00141368-00141832 Because their lifestyles change. They evolved. They adapted to their new environment. AldTFrtd4vu-00246-00142144-00142608 Another thing that adds evidence to our understanding of evolutionary theory AldTFrtd4vu-00247-00142608-00143152 is our new modern understanding of molecular biology. Our understanding of the molecular AldTFrtd4vu-00248-00143152-00143624 makeup in our genetics helps us to understand our interrelatedness. AldTFrtd4vu-00249-00143744-00144304 Perhaps one of the best pieces of evidence to support the united nature of all living things AldTFrtd4vu-00250-00144304-00144968 is the universal genic code. Organisms from the simplest bacterium, the weirdest archaea to the AldTFrtd4vu-00251-00144968-00145680 most complex multicellular organism all share the same genetic code. We use the same codons AldTFrtd4vu-00252-00145680-00146152 to make the same amino acids and use those amino acids in the same way to build proteins. AldTFrtd4vu-00253-00146256-00146776 The odds of every single species coming up with that same genetic code AldTFrtd4vu-00254-00146952-00147584 all on their own, I had once heard described as one over the number of atoms in the known AldTFrtd4vu-00255-00147584-00148264 universe. That's how small the chances are, essentially zero, that this would randomly happen, AldTFrtd4vu-00256-00148264-00148584 that every single species that we know of on the planet uses the same genetic code. AldTFrtd4vu-00257-00148664-00149376 No, instead the most logical explanation is that this particular genetic code AldTFrtd4vu-00258-00149512-00150128 originated in the last common ancestor of all living things and we've used it ever since AldTFrtd4vu-00259-00150128-00150712 because it's simply too important, too central to life, to be modified and allowed to vary AldTFrtd4vu-00260-00150712-00151136 over evolutionary time. Another great piece of evidence for molecular biology AldTFrtd4vu-00261-00151136-00151688 are pseudogenes. I talked about these in my other video about what evolution isn't. Pseudogenes are AldTFrtd4vu-00262-00151688-00152288 broken genes. The example I use in humans is the GULO gene that's broken in all primates AldTFrtd4vu-00263-00152288-00152800 that prevents us from making our own vitamin c. But pseudogenes provide a clue to our ancestral AldTFrtd4vu-00264-00152800-00153360 past. Why is it broken in all primates and broken in us? Well because we're primates. In fact AldTFrtd4vu-00265-00153360-00154104 we share a number of identical mutations in our psi-GULO pseudogene with other primates and there AldTFrtd4vu-00266-00154104-00154608 are other ones that are just ours. They help to show where we've diverged, and in some cases we'll AldTFrtd4vu-00267-00154608-00155072 talk about things called molecular clocks that help us predict how long ago it has been since AldTFrtd4vu-00268-00155072-00155608 we've diverged. The other thing that all living things share from a molecular biological context AldTFrtd4vu-00269-00155608-00156256 is we all use the same method for storing genetic information and processing it into proteins. AldTFrtd4vu-00270-00156352-00156792 The central dogma describes that how living things all store their genetic information AldTFrtd4vu-00271-00156792-00157624 in the form of double stranded DNA. It is then converted into an mRNA message and then converted AldTFrtd4vu-00272-00157624-00158304 into a protein by ribosomes using that identical genetic code. All of these pieces of evidence, AldTFrtd4vu-00273-00158304-00158864 plus much more in the realm of molecular biology all points to the fact that all of AldTFrtd4vu-00274-00158864-00159432 life is united and descended from a single common ancestor and thus proves our interrelatedness. AldTFrtd4vu-00275-00159696-00160248 Another great example of evolution is something called convergence or convergent evolution. Yes, AldTFrtd4vu-00276-00160248-00160712 convergence is the opposite of divergence. Over time, species diverge. AldTFrtd4vu-00277-00160824-00161200 They get evolutionarily more distant from each other due to different selection pressures. AldTFrtd4vu-00278-00161200-00161864 But what happens when similar selection pressures act on very distantly related species? AldTFrtd4vu-00279-00161976-00162320 Well it turns out that life tends to react in similar ways. AldTFrtd4vu-00280-00162320-00162976 Let's look to the ocean for an example. Whether you're a dolphin or a whale or a shark AldTFrtd4vu-00281-00163120-00163736 or a fish, if you live in the water, or go to birds, penguins, if you AldTFrtd4vu-00282-00163792-00164480 live in the water or your primary habitat is the water your body plan tends over time to get more AldTFrtd4vu-00283-00164480-00165136 hydrodynamic. Why? Because the more hydrodynamic you are, the faster you're able to move, AldTFrtd4vu-00284-00165136-00165552 the better you're able to hunt or evade prey, and the less energy you use doing so. AldTFrtd4vu-00285-00165664-00166136 Now I don't think anybody would suggest that dolphins and penguins and sharks are each other's AldTFrtd4vu-00286-00166136-00166624 closest ancestors. They're not. They're actually quite distantly related to each other. AldTFrtd4vu-00287-00166624-00167288 But they've all converged on a similar body plan as a result of similar selection pressures. This AldTFrtd4vu-00288-00167288-00167936 shows the power of selection pressure and the power of evolution to shape animals and other AldTFrtd4vu-00289-00167936-00168608 species to fit their environments. Another great example of convergent evolution comes AldTFrtd4vu-00290-00168608-00169080 from plants that live in the desert. I can show you two identical plants. Here are two pictures. AldTFrtd4vu-00291-00169184-00169496 Now I know you're tempted, because I'm gonna guess the majority of you AldTFrtd4vu-00292-00169496-00169952 watching this are in North America, to say those are both cacti. You're half right. AldTFrtd4vu-00293-00170056-00170768 One of them is a cactus. The other one is known as a Euphorb. But note that they both have AldTFrtd4vu-00294-00170768-00171512 a thick trunk, round shape, they lack leaves, and instead have spines, and if you could see AldTFrtd4vu-00295-00171512-00172104 it you would see that they have a thick cuticle to trap in water, and a shallow, wide root network. AldTFrtd4vu-00296-00172216-00172768 As you would probably guess, both of these species of plants can be found in desert environments. AldTFrtd4vu-00297-00172768-00173376 The difference is cacti are found in the new world. Euphorbia are found in the old world. AldTFrtd4vu-00298-00173376-00173880 And what's really interesting about that is they are quite distantly related to each other. They AldTFrtd4vu-00299-00173880-00174408 are not each other's nearest relatives. Not on a genetic level or a physiologic level, AldTFrtd4vu-00300-00174496-00174960 but they converge on a very similar body plan because they are subjected to the same AldTFrtd4vu-00301-00174960-00175512 selection pressures. The question would be, why would there be if there was special creation, why AldTFrtd4vu-00302-00175512-00175968 would we have cacti in the new world and euphorbia in the old world? The answer is, you wouldn't AldTFrtd4vu-00303-00175968-00176504 because cacti do just as good in an African desert as they do in a North American desert. Euphorbs do AldTFrtd4vu-00304-00176504-00177056 just as well in a North American desert as they do in an African desert. There's no benefit to one or AldTFrtd4vu-00305-00177056-00177544 the other, they've just adapted to similar body plans through different approaches. AldTFrtd4vu-00306-00177752-00178032 Another great example, a great piece of evidence that I like to talk about, AldTFrtd4vu-00307-00178032-00178592 perhaps my favorite so I saved it for last, is anatomy. In particular, bad design. AldTFrtd4vu-00308-00178776-00179216 If you don't believe in evolution, you must believe in some type of creationist process. AldTFrtd4vu-00309-00179216-00179736 But here's the problem, if we're going to talk about bad design what we're talking AldTFrtd4vu-00310-00179736-00180280 about is mistakes that would have been made by an intelligent designer. If you look around, AldTFrtd4vu-00311-00180280-00180800 there are tremendous amounts of examples of bad design, and the reason I talk about bad design is AldTFrtd4vu-00312-00180800-00181488 this, because evolution is not about perfection. Evolution is about good enough. AldTFrtd4vu-00313-00181544-00182032 It's about something that improves the lifestyle and because evolution can't work from scratch it AldTFrtd4vu-00314-00182032-00182840 must work with what exists, we often end up with the appearance of bad design. So let's first talk AldTFrtd4vu-00315-00182840-00183240 about bad design in humans. We've already talked about the appendix, right? That's a great example AldTFrtd4vu-00316-00183240-00183720 of not good design. In fact, in a certain number of humans, a large proportion of humans, that will AldTFrtd4vu-00317-00183720-00184136 actually become infected at some point and need to be removed. If modern medicine wasn't a thing you AldTFrtd4vu-00318-00184136-00184768 would probably just die if your appendix burst. We also have talked about the fallopian-ovarian AldTFrtd4vu-00319-00184832-00185232 gap. So there's a gap between the ovary and the fallopian tube and the egg actually has to AldTFrtd4vu-00320-00185232-00185632 traffic a small space to get into the fallopian tube and sometimes it misses. In these cases, AldTFrtd4vu-00321-00185632-00186136 fertilization can occur in the abdomen and cause the death of both the fetus and the parent AldTFrtd4vu-00322-00186136-00186576 and the mother if it's not treated properly. But one of the things you'll notice when you AldTFrtd4vu-00323-00186576-00187048 start to get to be my age or of a certain age is that your back and your knees, they start to hurt. AldTFrtd4vu-00324-00187104-00187672 And one of the reasons why your back and your knees start to hurt is we've spent the last 300 or AldTFrtd4vu-00325-00187752-00188288 400 thousand years walking upright. And it turns out that even though our bodies have gone through AldTFrtd4vu-00326-00188288-00188768 lots of different contortions to get us to walk upright, it's had to do so with sacrifices and AldTFrtd4vu-00327-00188768-00189256 we're not quite perfect at walking bipedally. We have some great adaptations that make it possible AldTFrtd4vu-00328-00189256-00189720 and we're better at it than most other species, but some of those adaptations come at a cost. AldTFrtd4vu-00329-00189872-00190208 For example, your back and your knees start to hurt as you get older. Why? AldTFrtd4vu-00330-00190208-00190584 Because you're bearing your full body weight on two limbs as opposed to four. AldTFrtd4vu-00331-00190688-00191256 Your back starts to hurt because your spine has an S-shaped curvature that allows you to get your AldTFrtd4vu-00332-00191256-00191880 rear end under you, so that you can be more vertical in your posture. But walking upright AldTFrtd4vu-00333-00191880-00192448 has also come with some other consequences. For example, we have had to narrow our pelvic girdle AldTFrtd4vu-00334-00192536-00193232 and that goes for both men and women. This is particularly problematic during childbirth and one AldTFrtd4vu-00335-00193232-00193984 of the odd things about humans is that birth has always been a risky proposition. The main reason AldTFrtd4vu-00336-00193984-00194632 why is as our pelvis. As a pelvis got more narrow, our craniums, our skulls actually got larger to AldTFrtd4vu-00337-00194632-00195200 house a larger brain, which meant that when human mothers needed to give birth they were often AldTFrtd4vu-00338-00195200-00195688 giving birth to something that was too big to make it through the birth canal, and as a result AldTFrtd4vu-00339-00195744-00196280 giving birth up until the 19th century or even the 20th century with the invention of modern AldTFrtd4vu-00340-00196280-00196936 medicine was a very scary proposition because even if a few things went wrong it was possible AldTFrtd4vu-00341-00196936-00197600 for the mother and the child to die during childbirth. The invention of the modern Cesarean AldTFrtd4vu-00342-00197600-00198320 section has helped solve a lot of these problems, but as a result not only was pregnancy and birth AldTFrtd4vu-00343-00198424-00199000 a risky proposition, it also locked human birth weight in a very tight bell-shaped curve because AldTFrtd4vu-00344-00199000-00199520 if babies were born too small they were likely immature and would die if the babies were born AldTFrtd4vu-00345-00199520-00199888 too big they would die during childbirth because they weren't able to get out of the mother. AldTFrtd4vu-00346-00200000-00200504 This is kind of a weird thing to notice, but it's absolutely true and we can actually follow AldTFrtd4vu-00347-00200504-00200992 and show a bell-shaped curve for the average birth weight of a human baby being right around AldTFrtd4vu-00348-00200992-00201592 seven pounds for the majority of human kind. The other interesting consequence of this narrowing AldTFrtd4vu-00349-00201592-00202128 of the birth canal is almost all humans are born premature. I know you think nine months, that's AldTFrtd4vu-00350-00202128-00202672 full gestation. It is now, but for our species we really ought to gestate for several more months, AldTFrtd4vu-00351-00202672-00203088 and in fact if you think about what a newborn human baby can come out doing compared to what AldTFrtd4vu-00352-00203088-00203808 most other newborns dogs, cats, even chimpanzees, we can't do as much as newborns of most other AldTFrtd4vu-00353-00203808-00204344 species can. This is because we're actually born premature in order for us to be able to escape AldTFrtd4vu-00354-00204344-00205032 because of our large heads and narrow pelvises. Let's look at some other examples of bad design. AldTFrtd4vu-00355-00205136-00205544 We talked in the previous video about the panda. Why doesn't the panda have an opposable thumb, AldTFrtd4vu-00356-00205600-00206016 because it's always gripping those branches? It doesn't because it's a bear. Now some other people AldTFrtd4vu-00357-00206016-00206336 might point to the fact that they have something called a pseudothumb. They do! It's actually a AldTFrtd4vu-00358-00206336-00207008 bone in their hand that's enlarged over time to sort of act as a thumb, but that being said, AldTFrtd4vu-00359-00207008-00207392 it still has five fingers. Why wouldn't one of its fingers just become a thumb? If you were AldTFrtd4vu-00360-00207392-00208144 creating a panda from scratch you would do that, but because evolution can't create structures AldTFrtd4vu-00361-00208144-00208840 de novo or from scratch it's stuck with this sort of elongated palm. Why do moths always get AldTFrtd4vu-00362-00208840-00209352 trapped in lights? Well that has to do with how moths navigate the universe. Moths are nighttime AldTFrtd4vu-00363-00209352-00209952 animals and they actually navigate with the moon. Now the moon is so far away and so large AldTFrtd4vu-00364-00210048-00210760 that at the rate at which a moth moves, it can use the moon as a guide. It doesn't move relative to AldTFrtd4vu-00365-00210760-00211256 the moth as far as the moth is concerned, so if it wants to go straight it just keeps the moon, AldTFrtd4vu-00366-00211256-00211664 for example, on its right, and as long as the moon is on its right it knows it's going in a straight AldTFrtd4vu-00367-00211664-00212119 path. If all the sudden the moon is straight forward or to its left, it knows it's made a turn. AldTFrtd4vu-00368-00212216-00212767 What happens when a moth approaches a light bulb? Moths don't approach a light bulb to be warm; they AldTFrtd4vu-00369-00212767-00213160 don't care, they're cold blooded, they're not like you and me where we huddle up to heat when we're AldTFrtd4vu-00370-00213160-00213800 cold. What happens is they get too close to the light bulb, which their tiny brains think is the AldTFrtd4vu-00371-00213800-00214328 moon. And they try to keep the moon on the left, and if the moon is always on the left when you're AldTFrtd4vu-00372-00214328-00214784 that close to a light bulb, you're just making a circle around a light bulb until eventually AldTFrtd4vu-00373-00214784-00215384 you touch the light bulb and you burn yourself to death. That's a terrific example of poor design. AldTFrtd4vu-00374-00215384-00216071 That is not how one would design a moth. If you were designing moths at the same time as humans AldTFrtd4vu-00375-00216071-00216592 you wouldn't make it so they would instantly fly into a flame or a fire or a light bulb. It doesn't AldTFrtd4vu-00376-00216592-00217288 make any sense. Another great example of poor design let's look at sea turtles. Sea turtles AldTFrtd4vu-00377-00217288-00217871 are amazing, majestic creatures. They can live to be over 100 years old under some circumstances. AldTFrtd4vu-00378-00217871-00218288 This is why I won't ever let my kid get a turtle as a pet. You really shouldn't own a pet that you AldTFrtd4vu-00379-00218288-00218864 might have to bequeath to your grandkids in 80 years. I think that's just nuts, but I digress. AldTFrtd4vu-00380-00218864-00219304 Let's get back to where we were. Sea turtles, they live their entire lives deep within the AldTFrtd4vu-00381-00219304-00219704 ocean coming up once in a while to breathe air. But when a sea turtle wants to give birth, AldTFrtd4vu-00382-00219704-00220504 what does it have to do? It has to drag itself up onto a beach. Arduously, exhaust itself digging a AldTFrtd4vu-00383-00220504-00220936 pit, and laying its eggs inside of the pit, and then drag itself back into the ocean. AldTFrtd4vu-00384-00221080-00221600 But then what happens is when those little baby turtles hatch the majority of them are actually AldTFrtd4vu-00385-00221600-00222112 picked off by shore birds before they even make it back into the water. Reproductive success AldTFrtd4vu-00386-00222112-00222552 would be greatly enhanced among sea turtles if a sea turtle could just give birth in the water. AldTFrtd4vu-00387-00222623-00223296 Why can't it? It's simple, turtles are reptiles. Reptiles evolved hundreds of millions of years AldTFrtd4vu-00388-00223296-00224136 ago from amphibian ancestors to give birth to terrestrial eggs. And reptiles can't rewrite their AldTFrtd4vu-00389-00224136-00224736 ancestral history. So sea turtles must come on land just for the sheer act of laying their eggs AldTFrtd4vu-00390-00224736-00225216 and then crawling back into the ocean and hoping at least some of their offspring can make it back AldTFrtd4vu-00391-00225216-00225944 onto the shore. Let's look at one more hilarious example of poor design. Let's look at the kiwi. AldTFrtd4vu-00392-00225944-00226416 No that's a kiwi fruit. The kiwi, which is a bird that lives in New Zealand. AldTFrtd4vu-00393-00226488-00227208 What is this bird missing? All together, this bird is missing two whole appendages. Now we've looked AldTFrtd4vu-00394-00227208-00227608 at ostriches and rheas and emus. We see that they have wings and we go, "Oh those are vestigial AldTFrtd4vu-00395-00227608-00228160 structures because, you know, they don't fly". Kiwis don't even have wings! Actually they do. AldTFrtd4vu-00396-00228160-00228552 They have the world's tiniest little wings. Here's a picture of it. And as you can see AldTFrtd4vu-00397-00228744-00229119 if you were ordering chicken wings and you got those you would be very, very upset. AldTFrtd4vu-00398-00229280-00229880 But you see kiwi lived on New Zealand and for the longest time throughout their evolution there were AldTFrtd4vu-00399-00229880-00230328 no terrestrial predators that would harm a bird. Therefore, there was no reason for the kiwi to AldTFrtd4vu-00400-00230328-00230848 fly. It had no place to go anyways. It was on an island in the middle of the ocean. So gradually AldTFrtd4vu-00401-00230848-00231496 over time its wings went away. It now has no upper appendages. Now if you were making this bird AldTFrtd4vu-00402-00231592-00231952 the way I would design it would be to give it at least some type of upper appendage. Maybe AldTFrtd4vu-00403-00231952-00232552 some little T-rex arms or something like that. But instead it has nothing and as a result as humans AldTFrtd4vu-00404-00232552-00232976 gradually populated New Zealand they brought with them their domestic cats and their domestic dogs, AldTFrtd4vu-00405-00232976-00233496 rats and mice, and now the kiwi are forced to run for their lives unable to fly away as their AldTFrtd4vu-00406-00233496-00234000 ancestors would have hundreds of thousands of years ago. So like I talked about in my previous AldTFrtd4vu-00407-00234000-00234567 video, evolution does not yield perfect design, it yields good enough. And sometimes when situations AldTFrtd4vu-00408-00234567-00235096 change, what used to be good enough is not so good anymore. Thank you so much for tuning in. AldTFrtd4vu-00409-00235096-00235584 Today we talked about what evolution is and some of the evidence that supports evolutionary theory. AldTFrtd4vu-00410-00235664-00236000 If you haven't watched my previous video on What Evolution Isn't, I encourage you AldTFrtd4vu-00411-00236000-00236448 to go back and watch it. Collectively these two videos, I think, will give you a very good idea AldTFrtd4vu-00412-00236448-00236871 of how evolutionary theory works and the evidence that supports it. Also I'll help AldTFrtd4vu-00413-00236871-00237360 you deconvolute some of the misconceptions that people have about evolution. I hope you've learned AldTFrtd4vu-00414-00237360-00237792 a lot and I hope you'll tune in to some of my other videos. I really appreciate it. Thanks! AldTFrtd4vu-00415-00237792-00238184 Bye! AldTFrtd4vu-00416-00240600-00240608 [Music] B0qa3leXTNg-00000-00001484-00001536 you are here B0qa3leXTNg-00001-00002488-00002566 So do what you have called us? B0qa3leXTNg-00002-00004276-00004340 what we do? B0qa3leXTNg-00003-00004390-00004456 we help them? B0qa3leXTNg-00004-00004590-00004668 Sure B0qa3leXTNg-00005-00005836-00005902 a look there B1Cna3dvW_u-00000-00000002-00000560 The Arabian horse is a breed that has captured the hearts of equestrians for centuries. Originating B1Cna3dvW_u-00001-00000560-00001172 from the Arabian Peninsula, this breed is known for its beauty, intelligence, and stamina. Arabian B1Cna3dvW_u-00002-00001172-00001718 horses are easily recognizable by their dished profile, arched neck, and high tail carriage. B1Cna3dvW_u-00003-00001718-00002258 They are typically smaller in size than other breeds of horses, but are extremely athletic and B1Cna3dvW_u-00004-00002258-00002846 can excel in a variety of disciplines, including endurance riding and dressage. The breed is also B1Cna3dvW_u-00005-00002846-00003410 known for its gentle nature, making it a popular choice for families and children. Arabian horses B1Cna3dvW_u-00006-00003410-00003860 have been selectively bred for centuries, resulting in a breed that is well-suited for B1Cna3dvW_u-00007-00003860-00004352 the harsh desert environment. Today, Arabian horses can be found all around the world, B1Cna3dvW_u-00008-00004352-00004826 and continue to be one of the most beloved and sought-after breeds in the equestrian world. BqmdVfDU8DM-00000-00003022-00003486 Everywhere, activists are requisitioning seats from banks. BqmdVfDU8DM-00001-00003532-00003970 Indeed, the money necessary to save the climate exists. BqmdVfDU8DM-00002-00004034-00004472 This money is hidden in tax havens. BqmdVfDU8DM-00003-00004526-00004958 In Europe, there are annually trillion Euros which goes to tax havens. BqmdVfDU8DM-00004-00005022-00005472 But we can't find 100 billion for the climate... BvyrWkN5qGk-00000-00000020-00000376 -Kuriko, I'm so hot. -It's a cool day today. BvyrWkN5qGk-00001-00000376-00001109 -No, I'm too hot. -If you don't move, you won't be hot. -You say the same thing as my mother. BvyrWkN5qGk-00002-00001109-00001630 -Please Kuriko, I'm really hot. -Honey, look in the fridge. BvyrWkN5qGk-00003-00001630-00001847 -Why? -There's something cool in there. BvyrWkN5qGk-00004-00001847-00002229 -You mean ice cream. -Hurry up and look. BvyrWkN5qGk-00005-00002229-00002574 -I don't want to eat ice cream, I mean it's really hot. BvyrWkN5qGk-00006-00002732-00002854 -Huh? BvyrWkN5qGk-00007-00002950-00003063 -What the... BvyrWkN5qGk-00008-00003063-00003400 -Kuriko! -Honey, Are you cool now? BvyrWkN5qGk-00009-00005646-00006055 (Muju, Jeollabuk-do) BvyrWkN5qGk-00010-00006383-00006893 -Are we going in here? Wow, there's a firefly character. BvyrWkN5qGk-00011-00007053-00007481 (Today's meeting place) BvyrWkN5qGk-00012-00007613-00007800 -We arrived in Muju. BvyrWkN5qGk-00013-00007853-00008490 -Where are we going now? -They said they prepared a gift for us, so we have to go get it. -Let's go and say hello. BvyrWkN5qGk-00014-00009009-00009199 [We got a lot of presents.] BvyrWkN5qGk-00015-00009199-00009750 -Look at this. Isn't it so cute? I'm so happy BvyrWkN5qGk-00016-00009750-00010576 -They made wine glasses out of our constellations. -Wow, awesome! Thank you so much. BvyrWkN5qGk-00017-00010665-00010953 [We signed it last.] BvyrWkN5qGk-00018-00011163-00011567 (This is apple juice from Muju.) BvyrWkN5qGk-00019-00011813-00012543 -There is a firefly festival here in Muju every year, but this year the festival was canceled because of Corona. BvyrWkN5qGk-00020-00012543-00012945 -Let's get to know Muju this year and enjoy the festival next year. BvyrWkN5qGk-00021-00013070-00013337 -Let's go -Okay. BvyrWkN5qGk-00022-00013337-00013509 [GO] BvyrWkN5qGk-00023-00014025-00014309 [There's a very large nature.] BvyrWkN5qGk-00024-00014423-00015310 -Have you ever been to a wine making place? -Yes. When I lived in Miyazaki, Japan, there were many wine warehouses because there were many mountains. BvyrWkN5qGk-00025-00015310-00015652 -I can't wait to taste the wine from Muju. BvyrWkN5qGk-00026-00015652-00016177 -Muju is famous for its fruit, Myrrh. -What's that? BvyrWkN5qGk-00027-00016352-00016634 [Recently, Kuriko loves this part of me. LOL] BvyrWkN5qGk-00028-00016678-00017076 (Meru Wine Cave) BvyrWkN5qGk-00029-00017538-00017983 -He is the same size as you... BvyrWkN5qGk-00030-00018240-00018830 -Oh my god! They made a model of us at the entrance to welcome us to Muju. BvyrWkN5qGk-00031-00019038-00019346 -Kuriko is on the right, right? -No, what are you talking about? I'm on the left! BvyrWkN5qGk-00032-00019438-00019706 (A photo zone at the entrance to the cave.) BvyrWkN5qGk-00033-00019751-00020085 -You're my girlfriend, but your pose is really funny. LOL BvyrWkN5qGk-00034-00020221-00020589 [When we went into the cave, it suddenly got cold.] BvyrWkN5qGk-00035-00020670-00020949 (It was cool in the cave, so we felt good.) BvyrWkN5qGk-00036-00020949-00021522 -It must be a firefly. -It's like the universe. -Pretend this is a club and dance. BvyrWkN5qGk-00037-00021609-00022236 [We're the only ones here, so fortunately, no one saw Kuriko's dance. LOL] BvyrWkN5qGk-00038-00022454-00022562 -Oh my g... BvyrWkN5qGk-00039-00022682-00023049 -Is this the fruit called Meru that makes wine? -Yes. BvyrWkN5qGk-00040-00023146-00023414 -Oh, so beautiful... -Are you kidding me? BvyrWkN5qGk-00041-00023672-00023920 -Oh my god.. Hi. BvyrWkN5qGk-00042-00024286-00024510 [We can taste the wine of Muju here.] BvyrWkN5qGk-00043-00024692-00024926 -Oh, It's sweet. BvyrWkN5qGk-00044-00024926-00025503 -There are six kinds of wine here. -Wow, that's a lot. BvyrWkN5qGk-00045-00025584-00025758 -Aren't you drinking too much? BvyrWkN5qGk-00046-00025758-00026056 [Kuriko looks like she's about to get drunk. LOL] BvyrWkN5qGk-00047-00026056-00026240 -Try this cheese. BvyrWkN5qGk-00048-00026240-00026532 -Kuriko is really happy right now. LOL BvyrWkN5qGk-00049-00026927-00027360 [There was a wine foot bath.] BvyrWkN5qGk-00050-00027565-00028048 -It smells good. -It smells like wine. -The wine smells strong. BvyrWkN5qGk-00051-00028127-00029018 ★★Guys. I'm making English subtitles right now. Please wait a moment.★★ BwRatdaSLru-00000-00000024-00000224 Please activate the caption. BwRatdaSLru-00001-00000458-00000620 Hello, I'm Bob Tae Kyung. BwRatdaSLru-00002-00000708-00000908 How was your Chuseok holiday? BwRatdaSLru-00003-00001066-00001438 Uh... I ate too much during the holidays. BwRatdaSLru-00004-00001514-00001770 I've prepared foods that don't gain weight today. BwRatdaSLru-00005-00001868-00002002 It's...! BwRatdaSLru-00006-00002146-00002292 Salmon rice (Sake-dong) BwRatdaSLru-00007-00002496-00002722 Yes..?! Isn't that fattening food? BwRatdaSLru-00008-00003106-00003160 Uh...... BwRatdaSLru-00009-00003168-00003494 "If you eat delicious food, it's 0 calories." Right?Haha BwRatdaSLru-00010-00003536-00003596 then BwRatdaSLru-00011-00003654-00003747 From now on, BwRatdaSLru-00012-00003747-00003844 Let's take a look together! BwRatdaSLru-00013-00003944-00004132 I eat delicious food all the time. BwRatdaSLru-00014-00004150-00004260 Why are you steaming? BwRatdaSLru-00015-00004894-00005372 Remove the salmon skin and cut it to the correct size.(Drum) BwRatdaSLru-00016-00006516-00006842 Julienne the onions (half in soy sauce and half in rice). BwRatdaSLru-00017-00006909-00007109 Watch your hands. BwRatdaSLru-00018-00007878-00008152 Mash garlic (four pieces) BwRatdaSLru-00019-00009232-00010652 Make soy sauce (Chinjiang 5/ Mirim 3/ Water 3/ 2 spoons) BwRatdaSLru-00020-00011268-00011490 Bring to a boil (highlight) BwRatdaSLru-00021-00011664-00011938 Add garlic and onions. BwRatdaSLru-00022-00012108-00012394 When it boils, it's done! BwRatdaSLru-00023-00012582-00012947 Remove the soy sauce and let it cool. BwRatdaSLru-00024-00013360-00013732 All we have to do is play. It's too easy, right? BwRatdaSLru-00025-00014158-00014508 Make sure you're as good as you can, pretty, sophisticated. BwRatdaSLru-00026-00017940-00018140 It would be nice if I put on my hairline, right BwRatdaSLru-00027-00018908-00019238 Lastly, add soy sauce once more. BwRatdaSLru-00028-00019754-00020014 Salmon rice (Sake-dong) is complete! BwRatdaSLru-00029-00020214-00020414 Shall we try it? BwRatdaSLru-00030-00021232-00021550 Umm...Hmm...Hmm. BwRatdaSLru-00031-00021916-00022022 !!!!!!!!! BwRatdaSLru-00032-00022032-00022130 a prickly nose. BwRatdaSLru-00033-00022150-00022284 Gochu-ri, you know, I'm not... BwRatdaSLru-00034-00023160-00023418 I'm not going to miss it. BwRatdaSLru-00035-00023964-00024164 This makes me fat.Uh-huh. BwRatdaSLru-00036-00024596-00024824 Another Wasabi Attack BwRatdaSLru-00037-00025020-00025178 -End- BwRatdaSLru-00038-00025224-00025814 I'd like to subscribe to it. BzV0V7H-NNA-00000-00001100-00001702 So one team project that I worked on was to choose a student organisation, to analyse BzV0V7H-NNA-00001-00001702-00002268 the group's structure, formation and culture. Unfortunately one of the group members was BzV0V7H-NNA-00002-00002268-00002943 unhappy with the group that we had chosen and was significantly less engaged with the project. BzV0V7H-NNA-00003-00002943-00003511 So I discussed with her why she was so unhappy with the actual project and what we were doing BzV0V7H-NNA-00004-00003511-00004133 and it turned out that she thought that in our initial meetings the group didn't really BzV0V7H-NNA-00005-00004133-00004645 take into consideration her thoughts about what organisation we should choose. So with BzV0V7H-NNA-00006-00004645-00005255 that I discussed with the other group members and we collectively discussed a way going BzV0V7H-NNA-00007-00005255-00005948 forward to more thoughtfully consider everyone's contributions. From there we were able to BzV0V7H-NNA-00008-00005948-00006656 work more cohesively as a group and equally contribute to the project itself. B-dYZF05Oac-00000-00000023-00000564 [Musique] B-dYZF05Oac-00001-00000374-00000779 hi the Geo subscriber welcome in this news B-dYZF05Oac-00002-00000564-00000986 video so as you see we are in B-dYZF05Oac-00003-00000779-00001371 car the sun is not even even B-dYZF05Oac-00004-00000986-00001607 looking up and going with "Grheuu" B-dYZF05Oac-00005-00001371-00001743 normally if everything goes well on B-dYZF05Oac-00006-00001607-00001857 a new cache and if everything happens B-dYZF05Oac-00007-00001743-00002163 good B-dYZF05Oac-00008-00001857-00002448 on an FTF! so here is B-dYZF05Oac-00009-00002163-00002664 the weather is not with us, it's raining B-dYZF05Oac-00010-00002448-00002823 so that's the main answer B-dYZF05Oac-00011-00002664-00003000 to why I do not do a lot of B-dYZF05Oac-00012-00002823-00003078 videos right now outdoors he B-dYZF05Oac-00013-00003000-00003390 rains B-dYZF05Oac-00014-00003078-00003535 for a good week * two weeks * B-dYZF05Oac-00015-00003390-00003786 I returned from Evreux and since it rains B-dYZF05Oac-00016-00003535-00004038 ** In fact he returned from Normandy with rain ** B-dYZF05Oac-00017-00003786-00004173 it's not me who says it, it's Grheuu B-dYZF05Oac-00018-00004038-00004403 I do not dare now that I B-dYZF05Oac-00019-00004173-00004814 know the normans that I do not dare B-dYZF05Oac-00020-00004403-00004814 to go to the pz B-dYZF05Oac-00021-00004891-00005210 [Musique] B-dYZF05Oac-00022-00005233-00005681 then a little aside for my mom who B-dYZF05Oac-00023-00005567-00005840 I know is watching the chain B-dYZF05Oac-00024-00005681-00006125 if today I am not covered B-dYZF05Oac-00025-00005840-00006218 while it's raining it's not because I B-dYZF05Oac-00026-00006125-00006461 do not want or want to keep you B-dYZF05Oac-00027-00006218-00006634 it's just because I forgot my B-dYZF05Oac-00028-00006461-00006854 coat leaving, Angelique who thought one! B-dYZF05Oac-00029-00006634-00007025 but me no, that's it. B-dYZF05Oac-00030-00006854-00007245 that being said we are going to look for the B-dYZF05Oac-00031-00007025-00007591 cache ** No but he does it to keep you up ** (laughs) B-dYZF05Oac-00032-00007245-00007844 so we see something suspicious B-dYZF05Oac-00033-00007591-00008753 the undergrowth in the rain is strong B-dYZF05Oac-00034-00007844-00008847 nice is that yes woaw, woawww it's a B-dYZF05Oac-00035-00008753-00009260 big box B-dYZF05Oac-00036-00008847-00009959 So, what's up to him? B-dYZF05Oac-00037-00009959-00010186 is there a system? B-dYZF05Oac-00038-00010267-00010792 so what do you see? are you B-dYZF05Oac-00039-00010646-00011092 see something? B-dYZF05Oac-00040-00010792-00011092 Let's study! ** For the moment no ? ** B-dYZF05Oac-00041-00011447-00011867 ** There were numbers in the index ** B-dYZF05Oac-00042-00011615-00012074 yeah wait what I'm going to do it's B-dYZF05Oac-00043-00011867-00012272 that I'm going to hang the B-dYZF05Oac-00044-00012074-00012470 camera a few hand and then we go B-dYZF05Oac-00045-00012272-00012626 try to find that. so after B-dYZF05Oac-00046-00012470-00012806 observation we found below a B-dYZF05Oac-00047-00012626-00012994 small notice I may put the B-dYZF05Oac-00048-00012806-00013222 picture here but here, in any case B-dYZF05Oac-00049-00012994-00013454 it tells me that we need to clear the B-dYZF05Oac-00050-00013222-00013628 plates are the side to find this B-dYZF05Oac-00051-00013454-00013808 that I understood balls that grows B-dYZF05Oac-00052-00013628-00013982 a ball that pushes another ball and force B-dYZF05Oac-00053-00013808-00014227 to push the ball with a precise number B-dYZF05Oac-00054-00013982-00014544 we get the cache * I did not understand all that !! * B-dYZF05Oac-00055-00014227-00015476 Me neither, but we are going to get there B-dYZF05Oac-00056-00014544-00016630 so it gets up! so I have holes B-dYZF05Oac-00057-00015476-00016630 So you to the numbers 1 2 3 B-dYZF05Oac-00058-00016724-00017198 so wait there were clues B-dYZF05Oac-00059-00016904-00017590 actually we have numbers with B-dYZF05Oac-00060-00017198-00018086 three holes three holes on each side B-dYZF05Oac-00061-00017590-00018734 ** what are you like numbers ** then I have 4 5 6 and you B-dYZF05Oac-00062-00018086-00019646 a 1 2 3 in the index we have B-dYZF05Oac-00063-00018734-00019991 1 equals 39.2 equals 24 and 3 equals 17 B-dYZF05Oac-00064-00019646-00020263 ** this is where the doubt settles ** B-dYZF05Oac-00065-00019991-00020263 it's too early in the morning B-dYZF05Oac-00066-00020372-00021775 ** I push to see? ** B-dYZF05Oac-00067-00021212-00022757 I repeat the clues B-dYZF05Oac-00068-00021775-00022757 so you dropped two of them. B-dYZF05Oac-00069-00022855-00023148 how many balls? 1 equals 29? B-dYZF05Oac-00070-00023311-00023589 39, go again B-dYZF05Oac-00071-00024687-00025353 In fact there are three ball circuits, so B-dYZF05Oac-00072-00025173-00025797 that's the cache and in one of the B-dYZF05Oac-00073-00025353-00025926 three if you think you've found B-dYZF05Oac-00074-00025797-00026138 count the number of balls to be made out in loop B-dYZF05Oac-00075-00025926-00026325 so for example on B-dYZF05Oac-00076-00026138-00026499 circuit 1 it's 39 B-dYZF05Oac-00077-00026499-00027422 the 2 is another number and the B-dYZF05Oac-00078-00027054-00027636 circuit 3 this is another figure we will try B-dYZF05Oac-00079-00027422-00028588 so that would be 24 so we count well B-dYZF05Oac-00080-00027636-00028588 to go I think we have to count from the side that comes out B-dYZF05Oac-00081-00028806-00029051 four B-dYZF05Oac-00082-00029326-00029777 six B-dYZF05Oac-00083-00029427-00030377 meanwhile at veracruz B-dYZF05Oac-00084-00030377-00030733 HA HAAAA ! B-dYZF05Oac-00085-00031319-00032150 wait because it can be a decoy! B-dYZF05Oac-00086-00031442-00032335 ** no, that's it? ** B-dYZF05Oac-00087-00032150-00032670 it looks like a logbook B-dYZF05Oac-00088-00032335-00032670 ** and the "I got you" B-dYZF05Oac-00089-00033244-00033546 ** you to a pen? ** yeah I have a pen of course B-dYZF05Oac-00090-00034438-00034836 it's the logbook !! B-dYZF05Oac-00091-00034868-00036049 we are FTF !! go have a quick wink to joshua B-dYZF05Oac-00092-00036196-00036539 [Rires] B-dYZF05Oac-00093-00036884-00037126 so B-dYZF05Oac-00094-00037184-00037964 so as we saw in the video B-dYZF05Oac-00095-00037311-00038275 previous we will note co-ftf in ??? ** in parentheses ? ** no B-dYZF05Oac-00096-00037964-00038275 that's on the application ... IN BRIEF here ^^ B-dYZF05Oac-00097-00038624-00039027 so that's a little hiding rather B-dYZF05Oac-00098-00038799-00039158 friendly even very nice a B-dYZF05Oac-00099-00039027-00039269 little technique it's nice because B-dYZF05Oac-00100-00039158-00039483 in the area we have a lot of small B-dYZF05Oac-00101-00039269-00039740 pots lying behind trunks at the foot B-dYZF05Oac-00102-00039483-00039941 behind the foot behind ** and in the B-dYZF05Oac-00103-00039740-00040208 ivy! ** to no! this is my specialty haha B-dYZF05Oac-00104-00039941-00040472 but that's it actually changes B-dYZF05Oac-00105-00040208-00040718 course and loops it's a small B-dYZF05Oac-00106-00040472-00040820 alternation we will say that it B-dYZF05Oac-00107-00040718-00040997 allows us to change B-dYZF05Oac-00108-00040820-00041177 ** yeah it's a poser who does B-dYZF05Oac-00109-00040997-00041336 mainly techniques ** B-dYZF05Oac-00110-00041177-00041630 it does that it actually is rather B-dYZF05Oac-00111-00041336-00041900 nice! continue I know who you are B-dYZF05Oac-00112-00041630-00042059 will recognize you, but not this one really B-dYZF05Oac-00113-00041900-00042316 nice in the area I think it's B-dYZF05Oac-00114-00042059-00042449 the only one I saw like that B-dYZF05Oac-00115-00042316-00042565 we are planning to make one B-dYZF05Oac-00116-00042449-00042715 with marbles too but who will not be with the same B-dYZF05Oac-00117-00042565-00042991 system so that's good we get B-dYZF05Oac-00118-00042715-00043136 will actually complete. So that's good B-dYZF05Oac-00119-00042991-00043286 to see you soon we're going back because B-dYZF05Oac-00120-00043136-00043372 that in fact it shows B-dYZF05Oac-00121-00043286-00043565 fortunately there are trees B-dYZF05Oac-00122-00043372-00043733 it's raining more and more we're going back B-dYZF05Oac-00123-00043565-00043883 have breakfast and then I B-dYZF05Oac-00124-00043733-00044016 tell you very quickly the Geo Subscriber B-dYZF05Oac-00125-00043883-00044261 ciao ciao !! B-dYZF05Oac-00126-00044016-00044462 if you too do not want to miss B-dYZF05Oac-00127-00044261-00044659 caches, outings, etc ... Subscribe B-dYZF05Oac-00128-00044462-00045011 by clicking on these two small balls B-dYZF05Oac-00129-00044659-00045394 here it is, here B-dYZF05Oac-00130-00045011-00045574 yeah go ahead click ** you can do it ** B-dYZF05Oac-00131-00045394-00046162 clic B-dYZF05Oac-00132-00045574-00046561 here !! ** you see I told you that you went sick B-dYZF05Oac-00133-00046162-00046561 no but then ^^ B-rA_uub1ig-00000-00001709-00002209 Firefighters save these pups from a storm sewer, then they suddenly realized they weren't dogs B-rA_uub1ig-00001-00002426-00003109 After Colorado firefighters spent 20 minutes pulling eight tiny beings from a storm sewer. They believed they'd save a litter of Labradors B-rA_uub1ig-00002-00003149-00003550 However, little did they know that the animals they'd rescued were not your average pets B-rA_uub1ig-00003-00003608-00003885 instead they were something much more unusual as B-rA_uub1ig-00004-00003953-00004477 Part of its work the Colorado Springs Fire Department tries to keep people in its community safe from harm in B-rA_uub1ig-00005-00004523-00005016 Addition to fighting fires the department also prevents blazes by fitting smoke alarms in people's houses B-rA_uub1ig-00006-00005093-00005452 But while tending to these tasks is pretty much standard for firefighters B-rA_uub1ig-00007-00005480-00006034 sometimes crews have to deal with more unexpected duties and these include rescuing various animals a B-rA_uub1ig-00008-00006068-00006727 Quick scroll through the department's Facebook page shows that the organization has saved all manner of creatures from various scrapes B-rA_uub1ig-00009-00006875-00007543 For instance in 2016 one squad saved a dog a turtle two cats and seven goldfish from an apartment fire B-rA_uub1ig-00010-00007613-00008247 meanwhile in December of 2017 the department assisted in the dramatic rescue of an injured dog from a manhole and B-rA_uub1ig-00011-00008306-00008697 In March of 2018 one of the department's crews attended to a similar incident B-rA_uub1ig-00012-00008697-00009393 It was then that they became aware of eight tiny animals in need of assistance. So firefighters rushed to help them as B-rA_uub1ig-00013-00009494-00009828 Far as the squad knew a litter of puppies had fallen down a storm drain B-rA_uub1ig-00014-00009863-00010263 Their mom was nowhere to be seen and with no way of pulling themselves out of the hole B-rA_uub1ig-00015-00010264-00010575 It seemed that the animals would likely perish without intervention B-rA_uub1ig-00016-00010799-00011097 Thankfully though, Colorado Springs firefighters were on their way in B-rA_uub1ig-00017-00011122-00011673 Video footage of their rescue effort one crew member bends down on his knees and carefully lifts each puppy out B-rA_uub1ig-00018-00011708-00012102 One by one. He lays them on a white cloth before going back for the next as B-rA_uub1ig-00019-00012161-00012453 the firefighters place one pup down his colleague inquires B-rA_uub1ig-00020-00012455-00012641 How many is that nine? B-rA_uub1ig-00021-00012641-00013257 The man on his knees proceeds to count the balls of black fur before confirming that there are in fact eight in total B-rA_uub1ig-00022-00013306-00013839 Eight tiny animals that it seemed might have perished if it had not been for the department's good work B-rA_uub1ig-00023-00014005-00014555 Once the firefighters had retrieved all the animals they concluded that they were Labrador puppies or something similar B-rA_uub1ig-00024-00014608-00015149 Given the creatures situation officers were concerned that they might have been the victims of some kind of pet dumping B-rA_uub1ig-00025-00015235-00015704 After the 20 minute rescue was complete the firefighters had completed their task as a result B-rA_uub1ig-00026-00015705-00016403 They handed the puppies over the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak region, and it was then that the crew received a major surprise B-rA_uub1ig-00027-00016545-00016961 That's revealed that the animals the department had retrieved. In fact weren't dogs at all B-rA_uub1ig-00028-00017023-00017714 They took them to the shelter and actually one of the vets in that location said no, these aren't Labradors. They're foxes fire B-rA_uub1ig-00029-00017715-00018039 Captain Brian Vaughn told Inside Edition in March of 2018 B-rA_uub1ig-00030-00018169-00018569 Needless to say the revelation came as quite a shock to those who'd been involved in the rescue B-rA_uub1ig-00031-00018619-00019113 However, the firefighters were presumably happy that the incident wasn't the result of any animal cruelty B-rA_uub1ig-00032-00019183-00019635 However, it seemed that the red fox kits had simply become separated from their mother B-rA_uub1ig-00033-00019810-00020414 Colorado Springs is located at the feet of the Rocky Mountains the landscape provides an ideal habitat for foxes as B-rA_uub1ig-00034-00020448-00020816 Such the animals are not an unusual sight in the area. Nonetheless B-rA_uub1ig-00035-00020817-00021251 It is far from common for firefighters to come across Fox babies in need of rescue B-rA_uub1ig-00036-00021391-00022107 Travis Sauter a manager from Colorado Parks and Wildlife district wildlife spoke to CBS 4 about the incident in March of 2018 B-rA_uub1ig-00037-00022198-00022647 This time of year. There are a lot of animals that are starting to have their young he explained B-rA_uub1ig-00038-00022789-00023172 Souder suggested that the kits might have been born in the manhole that they were rescued from B-rA_uub1ig-00039-00023257-00023780 Mothers have their young and small dens that are places we can encounter when were recreative in the outdoors B-rA_uub1ig-00040-00023794-00023994 Like we like to do he revealed B-rA_uub1ig-00041-00024073-00024531 Following their rescue the Humane Society of Pikes Peak region decided not to keep the kits B-rA_uub1ig-00042-00024576-00024947 Instead they'd return them to the place where they'd been found that way B-rA_uub1ig-00043-00024948-00025245 The animals would have the best possible chance of finding their mother again B-rA_uub1ig-00044-00025407-00025814 When kits are born they can't see here or walk as a result B-rA_uub1ig-00045-00025814-00026359 They stay in the den where they feed off their mother's milk once they're strong enough the animals start to venture out B-rA_uub1ig-00046-00026400-00026747 However, the kits don't leave their parents until they're around seven months of age B-rA_uub1ig-00047-00026829-00027104 These animals are going to be put back where we found them B-rA_uub1ig-00048-00027123-00027448 Hoping that the mother is still in the area and can pick up the normal duties B-rA_uub1ig-00049-00027449-00028010 Like she would solder explained if the mom is not around anymore. We can take them to a licensed to rehab B-rA_uub1ig-00050-00028208-00028879 Unfortunately, it appears that any attempts to reunite the babies with their mom were unsuccessful in the weeks following the kits rescue B-rA_uub1ig-00051-00028880-00029339 It was revealed that five of them were being rehabilitated at the Animal Clinic of Woodland Park B-rA_uub1ig-00052-00029466-00029908 There the foxes will undergo rehabilitation under the watchful eye of the clinic's vets B-rA_uub1ig-00053-00029985-00030539 Following their recovery. The facilities co-owner. Terry Collins is confident that the animals will return to the wild B-rA_uub1ig-00054-00030573-00031033 We hope to be able to release all of them. She revealed on Facebook in March of 2018 BA0KF9ko8Sc-00000-00000000-00000160 Ordinary one the Sunset BEwUC7q2vYU-00000-00000096-00000488 Hello everybody! My name is Olivier Seenhauser. BEwUC7q2vYU-00001-00000552-00000720 I will have a look with you BEwUC7q2vYU-00002-00000856-00001136 at the tool called mariabackup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00003-00001136-00001696 A tool which is in my opinion much too rarely used. BEwUC7q2vYU-00004-00001864-00002184 First of all a few words about myself: BEwUC7q2vYU-00005-00002336-00002880 I am working for a small Swiss consulting company. BEwUC7q2vYU-00006-00002880-00003232 We are working in the MariaDB ecosystem. BEwUC7q2vYU-00007-00003352-00003664 In this ecosystem we provide support services. BEwUC7q2vYU-00008-00003720-00004160 We do on-site consulting, we do training BEwUC7q2vYU-00009-00004216-00004544 remote on-site with the customer or BEwUC7q2vYU-00010-00004544-00004776 inside of our training facilities. BEwUC7q2vYU-00011-00004776-00005152 And we also provide remote DBA services BEwUC7q2vYU-00012-00005152-00005504 which is probably much more accurate in the current times... BEwUC7q2vYU-00013-00005600-00006032 So, what do I want to talk about in the next few minutes? BEwUC7q2vYU-00014-00006088-00006416 First a few thoughts about backup in general. BEwUC7q2vYU-00015-00006472-00006984 Then the steps to do a mariabackup. What are the necessary steps? BEwUC7q2vYU-00016-00006984-00007240 Then performance differences between BEwUC7q2vYU-00017-00007295-00007576 MariaDB dump and MariaDB backup BEwUC7q2vYU-00018-00007640-00007952 Then we'll have a look at the point in time recovery. BEwUC7q2vYU-00019-00007952-00008416 How you can do a point-in-time-recovery after the MariaDB backup? BEwUC7q2vYU-00020-00008416-00009024 And then another question is where has my time gone during my restore? BEwUC7q2vYU-00021-00009152-00009616 So, let's start first with the philosophical questions. BEwUC7q2vYU-00022-00009616-00009848 Why do we need backups at all? BEwUC7q2vYU-00023-00009984-00010248 What I hear at customers very often is BEwUC7q2vYU-00024-00010248-00010568 that we need backups because of hardware crashes BEwUC7q2vYU-00025-00010696-00010928 Yes that's not completely wrong. BEwUC7q2vYU-00026-00011032-00011240 If you have hardware crash you probably BEwUC7q2vYU-00027-00011240-00011544 need a backup or better restore. BEwUC7q2vYU-00028-00011544-00011888 but that does not happen too often nowadays. BEwUC7q2vYU-00029-00011944-00012280 And in such situation, it's probably BEwUC7q2vYU-00030-00012280-00012784 much better having a high availability solution with a failover. BEwUC7q2vYU-00031-00012784-00013256 So, failover will take less than 10 seconds BEwUC7q2vYU-00032-00013256-00013512 which is much more faster than doing a restore. BEwUC7q2vYU-00033-00013591-00013968 So, a restore could also help if your hardware crashes BEwUC7q2vYU-00034-00013968-00014184 but it's not a very fast method. BEwUC7q2vYU-00035-00014184-00014832 It will take many minutes up to hours depending on your infrastructure and your database size. BEwUC7q2vYU-00036-00014936-00015104 So, why do we need backups? BEwUC7q2vYU-00037-00015160-00015447 For setting up slaves or setting up BEwUC7q2vYU-00038-00015447-00015616 testing systems from your BEwUC7q2vYU-00039-00015672-00015768 production system. BEwUC7q2vYU-00040-00015936-00016128 We typically do not have hard BEwUC7q2vYU-00041-00016128-00016336 time constraints so that would be a BEwUC7q2vYU-00042-00016336-00016656 valid necessity for setting up BEwUC7q2vYU-00043-00016760-00017024 systems with backups but then we come to BEwUC7q2vYU-00044-00017024-00017368 the point which is much more important than anything else: BEwUC7q2vYU-00045-00017432-00017568 Which is, logical errors. BEwUC7q2vYU-00046-00017640-00018048 Logical errors is the most frequent issue that we see BEwUC7q2vYU-00047-00018048-00018200 onsite with customers. BEwUC7q2vYU-00048-00018200-00018480 And it can happen everywhere to everybody. BEwUC7q2vYU-00049-00018616-00018936 The problem with logical errors is that they will spread BEwUC7q2vYU-00050-00018936-00019144 very fast and very easily. BEwUC7q2vYU-00051-00019144-00019384 You do not have to tune those queries BEwUC7q2vYU-00052-00019384-00019784 they will happen instantaneous and your system is gone. BEwUC7q2vYU-00053-00019840-00020400 So, logical errors is one of the most often seen problem BEwUC7q2vYU-00054-00020400-00020704 where we need a restore from our backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00055-00020760-00021120 Before we start, one thing about terminology: BEwUC7q2vYU-00056-00021120-00021760 Since MariaDB 10.4 and 10.5, the names of all the programs have changed BEwUC7q2vYU-00057-00021872-00022144 from mysqldump to mariadb-dump. BEwUC7q2vYU-00058-00022144-00022552 mysql command line interface is called mariadb now BEwUC7q2vYU-00059-00022552-00022824 mariabackup is called mariadb-backup BEwUC7q2vYU-00060-00022824-00023224 and mysqlbinlog is called mariadb-binlog. BEwUC7q2vYU-00061-00023304-00023800 The same applies to all other applications belonging to the BEwUC7q2vYU-00062-00023800-00023984 MariaDB server. BEwUC7q2vYU-00063-00024264-00024656 Another thing we should consider before starting BEwUC7q2vYU-00064-00024656-00025024 is that there are different types of backup BEwUC7q2vYU-00065-00025080-00025336 this is not related to MariaDB only, BEwUC7q2vYU-00066-00025336-00025639 this applies to all database systems. BEwUC7q2vYU-00067-00025727-00026104 So, on one side there is the logical backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00068-00026200-00026392 This is also called a dump BEwUC7q2vYU-00069-00026456-00026656 and the tool is mariadb-dump. BEwUC7q2vYU-00070-00026744-00027048 So, this is one possibility how you can do backups. BEwUC7q2vYU-00071-00027048-00027320 What technically happens here is: BEwUC7q2vYU-00072-00027392-00027783 For each schema we look for each table BEwUC7q2vYU-00073-00027783-00028160 and then we do a: SELECT * FROM table INTO outfile; BEwUC7q2vYU-00074-00028160-00028424 This is basically what happens inside the BEwUC7q2vYU-00075-00028424-00028768 mariadb-dump, there is some little magic around that BEwUC7q2vYU-00076-00028768-00029312 but that's the biggest part of the work mariadb-dump has to do. BEwUC7q2vYU-00077-00029416-00029768 On the other side we have physical backups: BEwUC7q2vYU-00078-00029888-00030272 Here we have mariabackup with the tool mariadb-backup BEwUC7q2vYU-00079-00030327-00030727 or an alternative to this would be snapshots BEwUC7q2vYU-00080-00030727-00031336 for logical volume manager file systems or virtual machines. BEwUC7q2vYU-00081-00031336-00031936 What technically happens here is just a copy from the data directory BEwUC7q2vYU-00082-00031992-00032224 to our backup location. BEwUC7q2vYU-00083-00032224-00032616 This is what physically happens so, it's a significant BEwUC7q2vYU-00084-00032616-00033064 difference between a logical and a physical backup BEwUC7q2vYU-00085-00033352-00033784 Let's have a look at the restore recovery metrics. BEwUC7q2vYU-00086-00033784-00034096 So, it's not only about backup, it's also about the BEwUC7q2vYU-00087-00034096-00034168 restore. BEwUC7q2vYU-00088-00034280-00034736 What is the main goal of a restore or recovery? BEwUC7q2vYU-00089-00034856-00035144 When you ask the managers they would say: BEwUC7q2vYU-00090-00035144-00035840 I want to have my database back immediately without loss of any data, BEwUC7q2vYU-00091-00035896-00036000 and at no costs. BEwUC7q2vYU-00092-00036120-00036368 So let them dream a little bit more BEwUC7q2vYU-00093-00036368-00036736 and let's have a look at realistic recovery goals. BEwUC7q2vYU-00094-00036888-00037304 When we are in contact with customers we see very often BEwUC7q2vYU-00095-00037304-00037864 that they are already happy if the restore and the recovery works at all! BEwUC7q2vYU-00096-00037944-00038456 So the primary goal must be a working restore and recovery process. BEwUC7q2vYU-00097-00038528-00038952 If you look a little bit more in details how we could measure further. BEwUC7q2vYU-00098-00038952-00039256 There are two metrics defined: BEwUC7q2vYU-00099-00039312-00039640 One is called the recovery point objective. BEwUC7q2vYU-00100-00039832-00040384 This metrics describe how much data we can accept BEwUC7q2vYU-00101-00040384-00041240 to lose between the last backup and the incident. BEwUC7q2vYU-00102-00041320-00041600 Then we have a second metric which is called: BEwUC7q2vYU-00103-00041600-00041816 The recovery time objective. BEwUC7q2vYU-00104-00041880-00042448 This describes how long does a restore or a recovery takes. BEwUC7q2vYU-00105-00042448-00042960 So, whenever you set up and design a backup and restore system BEwUC7q2vYU-00106-00042960-00043456 you should should think about these two metrics to verify BEwUC7q2vYU-00107-00043456-00044064 if your chosen backup restore technology fits your requirements. BEwUC7q2vYU-00108-00044064-00044320 If you want to read a little bit more about it, BEwUC7q2vYU-00109-00044320-00044736 you can look at Wikipedia, I have linked here BEwUC7q2vYU-00110-00044736-00044984 the source of this nice graph. BEwUC7q2vYU-00111-00045176-00045528 Another topic we have to look at is BEwUC7q2vYU-00112-00045528-00045744 about the granularity of your backups. BEwUC7q2vYU-00113-00045800-00046152 So, what you can do is you do a full instance backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00114-00046152-00046720 That means that everything located inside the data directory will be backed up. BEwUC7q2vYU-00115-00046720-00046912 We call this a full backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00116-00046992-00047360 What you also could is just backup several schemas. BEwUC7q2vYU-00117-00047360-00047680 For example test schema or world schema. BEwUC7q2vYU-00118-00047680-00048120 We are talking here about a partial backup or a schema backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00119-00048176-00048424 Or a really special case would be that BEwUC7q2vYU-00120-00048424-00048808 you only do a backup of one or several tables. BEwUC7q2vYU-00121-00048808-00049232 For example city or country in the world schema. BEwUC7q2vYU-00122-00049392-00049608 So, this is even less than a schema backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00123-00049704-00050056 You can also backup tables from different schemata. BEwUC7q2vYU-00124-00050056-00050584 We are also talking here about a partial backup or a table backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00125-00050656-00050928 So, now the question is about the restore. BEwUC7q2vYU-00126-00050928-00051255 What do we need to restore? BEwUC7q2vYU-00127-00051336-00052167 Do we need to restore the full instance, or only one schema, or only one or several tables? BEwUC7q2vYU-00128-00052288-00052696 And the next question is: is this possible at all what we want to achieve? BEwUC7q2vYU-00129-00052760-00053048 And if yes, how do we achieve that? BEwUC7q2vYU-00130-00053304-00053879 When we do the backup, we typically do not yet know what we have to restore. BEwUC7q2vYU-00131-00053879-00054232 The full instance? One schema or one table? BEwUC7q2vYU-00132-00054232-00054728 So, I personally recommend you here to use a full backup because BEwUC7q2vYU-00133-00054728-00055176 from a full backup you theoretically can do all different BEwUC7q2vYU-00134-00055176-00055288 kind of restores. BEwUC7q2vYU-00135-00055455-00055824 So now let's come to the mariabackup itself, BEwUC7q2vYU-00136-00055904-00056248 to the steps you have to do to achieve a mariabackup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00137-00056376-00056832 First of all the mariabackup consists of two different steps: BEwUC7q2vYU-00138-00056832-00057016 The first step is the backup step. BEwUC7q2vYU-00139-00057079-00057367 This step basically copies away all the BEwUC7q2vYU-00140-00057367-00057584 database files to your backup location. BEwUC7q2vYU-00141-00057679-00058104 And then the second step is the prepare step. BEwUC7q2vYU-00142-00058104-00058352 The old naming of prepare step is BEwUC7q2vYU-00143-00058352-00058424 apply log. BEwUC7q2vYU-00144-00058520-00058720 What it basically does: BEwUC7q2vYU-00145-00058720-00059048 it makes your backup that you have taken in the first step and BEwUC7q2vYU-00146-00059048-00059184 makes it consistent. BEwUC7q2vYU-00147-00059255-00059744 Only a prepared backup can be used for restore. BEwUC7q2vYU-00148-00059800-00060152 The prepare step can be done either at backup time, BEwUC7q2vYU-00149-00060224-00060520 or at restore time. BEwUC7q2vYU-00150-00060520-00060784 We recommend you to do it at backup time, BEwUC7q2vYU-00151-00060784-00061208 because at backup time you have more or less all the time in the world. BEwUC7q2vYU-00152-00061208-00061520 Whereas during the restore you are in a hurry. BEwUC7q2vYU-00153-00061584-00061952 So, let's have a look at the full restore. BEwUC7q2vYU-00154-00061952-00062248 What do you have to do to achieve a full restore: BEwUC7q2vYU-00155-00062248-00062688 First of all if you want to do a full restore with mariadb-backup, BEwUC7q2vYU-00156-00062688-00062936 you have to shut down your instance. BEwUC7q2vYU-00157-00062936-00063312 That means you are out of service for the application. BEwUC7q2vYU-00158-00063312-00063800 Then, you have to remove and clean up all the data directory. BEwUC7q2vYU-00159-00063800-00064040 The contents of that directory, otherwise BEwUC7q2vYU-00160-00064040-00064264 the restore would not work. BEwUC7q2vYU-00161-00064432-00064744 Then you have to do the prepare phase of the backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00162-00064744-00065200 If you have not done it yet during your backup phase BEwUC7q2vYU-00163-00065200-00065552 then you have to do it now during the restore. BEwUC7q2vYU-00164-00065552-00065872 And then finally comes the restore steps: BEwUC7q2vYU-00165-00065928-00066432 This copies all the backup files back from your backup location BEwUC7q2vYU-00166-00066432-00066656 to the original data directory. BEwUC7q2vYU-00167-00066712-00067144 Finally you have to do a change owner of the database files BEwUC7q2vYU-00168-00067224-00067640 because if you are working as the operating system user root and it copies BEwUC7q2vYU-00169-00067640-00067832 the file that will belong to root and BEwUC7q2vYU-00170-00067832-00068104 the mysql daemon or the mariadb daemon BEwUC7q2vYU-00171-00068104-00068368 cannot do anything with files belonging BEwUC7q2vYU-00172-00068368-00068664 to user root. So, this is a feature request BEwUC7q2vYU-00173-00068664-00069008 from me to the mariabackup developers. BEwUC7q2vYU-00174-00069008-00069224 If you're working with SELinux BEwUC7q2vYU-00175-00069224-00069728 then you have to restore the SELinux configuration to the database files. BEwUC7q2vYU-00176-00069864-00070224 So, now these are the commands you have to use: BEwUC7q2vYU-00177-00070288-00070488 First you do the first step: BEwUC7q2vYU-00178-00070488-00070904 mariadb-backup with the "--backup" option, BEwUC7q2vYU-00179-00070904-00071120 and then you have to do the prepare. BEwUC7q2vYU-00180-00071184-00071624 In the restore, cleanup data directory, copy all the files back BEwUC7q2vYU-00181-00071704-00071936 and then change the ownership. BEwUC7q2vYU-00182-00071936-00072408 So, let's have a look on a live demo how it works: BEwUC7q2vYU-00183-00072624-00073016 This happens now in real time so it's a real time demo. BEwUC7q2vYU-00184-00073272-00073528 First we do the backup with the option BEwUC7q2vYU-00185-00073584-00073960 backup here and we backup the database BEwUC7q2vYU-00186-00073960-00074216 to a virtual tape library. BEwUC7q2vYU-00187-00074280-00074448 This will take some time, BEwUC7q2vYU-00188-00074448-00074680 it does some preparation work here. BEwUC7q2vYU-00189-00074912-00075184 Starts hopefully soon...yes it starts now BEwUC7q2vYU-00190-00075184-00075608 and you see here copying the files away to the backup location. BEwUC7q2vYU-00191-00075664-00075984 From time to time you will get this message: "logs scanned up to". BEwUC7q2vYU-00192-00075984-00076272 It will also copy all the changes happening on BEwUC7q2vYU-00193-00076272-00076496 that database later on again. BEwUC7q2vYU-00194-00076552-00076856 And then copy all the files until the BEwUC7q2vYU-00195-00076856-00077336 whole database has been backed up to the backup location. BEwUC7q2vYU-00196-00077648-00077976 Now that the backup is completed, next step BEwUC7q2vYU-00197-00077976-00078120 is the prepare phase. BEwUC7q2vYU-00198-00078120-00078768 So, we have to run mariabackup with the "--prepare" option (the apply log). BEwUC7q2vYU-00199-00078824-00079032 What happens here is the database BEwUC7q2vYU-00200-00079032-00079288 or another database is started on the BEwUC7q2vYU-00201-00079288-00079440 backup database then the BEwUC7q2vYU-00202-00079528-00079888 transaction log of InnoDB is read and BEwUC7q2vYU-00203-00079888-00080032 applied to the database. BEwUC7q2vYU-00204-00080032-00080336 and the database is stopped again. BEwUC7q2vYU-00205-00080496-00080768 So, let's have a look at the restore, BEwUC7q2vYU-00206-00080768-00081080 how the restore will work? BEwUC7q2vYU-00207-00081080-00081240 First we have to do the cleanup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00208-00081240-00081816 So, we remove everything from "/var/lib/mysql" (all the content). BEwUC7q2vYU-00209-00081816-00081984 Then we do the restore BEwUC7q2vYU-00210-00081984-00082160 with the option "--copy-back" BEwUC7q2vYU-00211-00082256-00082440 So, all the data files BEwUC7q2vYU-00212-00082440-00082832 from our backup location is copied BEwUC7q2vYU-00213-00082832-00083104 back to our data directory. BEwUC7q2vYU-00214-00083368-00083680 The final step, as we discussed before, BEwUC7q2vYU-00215-00083680-00084088 is changing the ownership of all the database files. BEwUC7q2vYU-00216-00084088-00084544 So that the mysql daemon can read all its files again. BEwUC7q2vYU-00217-00084608-00084976 Now we are ready to start this instance, BEwUC7q2vYU-00218-00084976-00085280 but this is something I do not want to show you here. BEwUC7q2vYU-00219-00085456-00085648 So, in this whole process BEwUC7q2vYU-00220-00085648-00085856 I have two feature requests for the BEwUC7q2vYU-00221-00085856-00086056 mariabackup developers just in case BEwUC7q2vYU-00222-00086056-00086328 they are listening to me now: BEwUC7q2vYU-00223-00086432-00086784 First thing I would like to have is an option "--backup-and-prepare" BEwUC7q2vYU-00224-00086856-00087248 to combine the first two steps into one step. BEwUC7q2vYU-00225-00087304-00087512 The second thing that would be BEwUC7q2vYU-00226-00087512-00087800 really cool for mariabackup, if you can BEwUC7q2vYU-00227-00087800-00088128 memorize the ownership of the database files BEwUC7q2vYU-00228-00088128-00088288 during the backup phase BEwUC7q2vYU-00229-00088288-00088720 and restore the ownership automatically if possible BEwUC7q2vYU-00230-00088720-00089080 during the copyback or the move back operation. BEwUC7q2vYU-00231-00089528-00089768 So let's have a look at the performance BEwUC7q2vYU-00232-00089768-00090232 differences between mariabackup and mariadb-dump. BEwUC7q2vYU-00233-00090304-00090528 I tested it with our little data BEwUC7q2vYU-00234-00090528-00090896 warehouse which is nearly 30 gigabyte in size. BEwUC7q2vYU-00235-00090992-00091280 We did the same backup with a logical backup BEwUC7q2vYU-00236-00091280-00091392 with mariadb-dump BEwUC7q2vYU-00237-00091528-00092152 and here the backup took nearly 230 seconds (nearly 4 minutes). BEwUC7q2vYU-00238-00092208-00092792 Let's have a look how the backup was taken with mariadb-backup: BEwUC7q2vYU-00239-00092792-00093352 Here the backup was taking just 180 seconds so it was roughly BEwUC7q2vYU-00240-00093352-00093784 25 % faster. BEwUC7q2vYU-00241-00093784-00094272 This is not dramatic we just have to know already with a very BEwUC7q2vYU-00242-00094272-00094544 small database of 30 gigabytes of size BEwUC7q2vYU-00243-00094544-00094856 there are difference in backup performance BEwUC7q2vYU-00244-00094856-00095096 So, let's have a look at the backup size BEwUC7q2vYU-00245-00095096-00095448 with mariadb-dump, the backup is BEwUC7q2vYU-00246-00095448-00095832 uncompressed only 17GB in size. BEwUC7q2vYU-00247-00095920-00096248 The backup with mariadb-backup BEwUC7q2vYU-00248-00096248-00096600 is nearly 29GB of size, BEwUC7q2vYU-00249-00096600-00096864 which is technically the size BEwUC7q2vYU-00250-00096864-00097056 of our whole database. BEwUC7q2vYU-00251-00097232-00097416 Let's have a look at the prepared phase BEwUC7q2vYU-00252-00097472-00097752 To provoke it I have set a lot of BEwUC7q2vYU-00253-00097752-00097896 load to that database. BEwUC7q2vYU-00254-00097952-00098216 The prepare phase itself took nearly BEwUC7q2vYU-00255-00098216-00098336 1 min 30 seconds. BEwUC7q2vYU-00256-00098336-00098528 If you have much more traffic BEwUC7q2vYU-00257-00098528-00098824 it can even takes many minutes up to BEwUC7q2vYU-00258-00098824-00099056 half an hour for the prepare phase. BEwUC7q2vYU-00259-00099056-00099368 So, be prepared for a long prepare phase BEwUC7q2vYU-00260-00099368-00099696 And the restore time for the 30GB BEwUC7q2vYU-00261-00099696-00099888 was nearly the backup time so BEwUC7q2vYU-00262-00099888-00100160 it took more or less 180 seconds BEwUC7q2vYU-00263-00100160-00100392 to restore this database again. BEwUC7q2vYU-00264-00100488-00100848 Let's compare it with the restore with the mariadb-dump. BEwUC7q2vYU-00265-00100848-00101072 The restore with mariadb-dump took BEwUC7q2vYU-00266-00101072-00101184 nearly 40 minutes. BEwUC7q2vYU-00267-00101272-00101568 That's the main reason I really recommend BEwUC7q2vYU-00268-00101568-00102024 you to use mariadb-backup as your preferred backup method. BEwUC7q2vYU-00269-00102024-00102440 If you have medium size to big size databases. BEwUC7q2vYU-00270-00102688-00103048 Let's have a look at the point in time recovery. BEwUC7q2vYU-00271-00103048-00103256 What is point-in-time-recovery for? BEwUC7q2vYU-00272-00103376-00103783 Point in time recovery is for reducing data loss. BEwUC7q2vYU-00273-00103952-00104135 Theoretically with point in time BEwUC7q2vYU-00274-00104135-00104344 recovery, you can recover BEwUC7q2vYU-00275-00104344-00104656 all your data and all your transactions up to BEwUC7q2vYU-00276-00104656-00104808 the last transaction. BEwUC7q2vYU-00277-00104808-00105040 If you think when are you doing backups BEwUC7q2vYU-00278-00105040-00105240 typically this is at night let's say BEwUC7q2vYU-00279-00105240-00105535 at 02:00 in the morning, you do your backup, BEwUC7q2vYU-00280-00105535-00105992 and at 14:00 in the afternoon, somebody destroys your database. BEwUC7q2vYU-00281-00106080-00106192 Restoring up to 02:00 in the morning BEwUC7q2vYU-00282-00106192-00106480 till now is always possible with the BEwUC7q2vYU-00283-00106480-00106711 technology I have just shown you. BEwUC7q2vYU-00284-00106768-00106920 But what about the data BEwUC7q2vYU-00285-00106920-00107181 between 02:00 in the morning and 14:00 in the afternoon? BEwUC7q2vYU-00286-00107311-00107592 You lost 12 hours of traffic. BEwUC7q2vYU-00287-00107688-00107920 If that is okay for you then you don't BEwUC7q2vYU-00288-00107920-00108088 need point-in-time-recovery. BEwUC7q2vYU-00289-00108088-00108400 If losing 12 hours of data is not okay BEwUC7q2vYU-00290-00108400-00108688 for you then you really should think about BEwUC7q2vYU-00291-00108688-00108824 point-in-time-recovery. BEwUC7q2vYU-00292-00108888-00109048 How is that done? BEwUC7q2vYU-00293-00109048-00109304 Before you start with point-in-time-recovery, BEwUC7q2vYU-00294-00109304-00109583 you have to enable the binary logging. BEwUC7q2vYU-00295-00109583-00109959 This is done with the MariaDB variable 'log_bin': BEwUC7q2vYU-00296-00109959-00110216 You have to set it to useful value. BEwUC7q2vYU-00297-00110288-00110552 Then you have to do a full backup, BEwUC7q2vYU-00298-00110552-00110888 and from this full backup on you always BEwUC7q2vYU-00299-00110888-00111272 are capable to do a point in time recovery. BEwUC7q2vYU-00300-00111272-00111640 The only thing that you need is the setup point for BEwUC7q2vYU-00301-00111640-00111816 for point-in-time-recovery, BEwUC7q2vYU-00302-00111816-00112008 and this is stored BEwUC7q2vYU-00303-00112008-00112296 in the file 'xtrabackup_binlog_info'. BEwUC7q2vYU-00304-00112408-00112680 in your backup location. BEwUC7q2vYU-00305-00112680-00112928 Then the point-in-time-recovery is quite easy. BEwUC7q2vYU-00306-00112928-00113176 You need the tool called mariadb-binlog, BEwUC7q2vYU-00307-00113311-00113600 you have to define the start position BEwUC7q2vYU-00308-00113600-00113968 from where you want to start your point-in-time-recovery. BEwUC7q2vYU-00309-00113968-00114192 The start position is found in this BEwUC7q2vYU-00310-00114192-00114368 file 'xtrabackup_binlog_info'. BEwUC7q2vYU-00311-00114464-00114592 You have to define BEwUC7q2vYU-00312-00114592-00114872 your stop date time so that would be BEwUC7q2vYU-00313-00114872-00115038 short before 14:00 BEwUC7q2vYU-00314-00115120-00115352 and then you have to list all your BEwUC7q2vYU-00315-00115352-00115632 binary log files from start position BEwUC7q2vYU-00316-00115632-00116016 from your backup up to the stop date time BEwUC7q2vYU-00317-00116016-00116288 and pipe '|' it to the mariadb client. BEwUC7q2vYU-00318-00116288-00116472 Then all the binary logs BEwUC7q2vYU-00319-00116472-00116616 will be reapplied. BEwUC7q2vYU-00320-00116688-00117016 Finally you have a fully recovered database. BEwUC7q2vYU-00321-00117224-00117464 Another topic I want to talk about with BEwUC7q2vYU-00322-00117464-00117704 you is "where has the time gone?" BEwUC7q2vYU-00323-00117704-00118144 So, where do I lose time during my backup or my restore? BEwUC7q2vYU-00324-00118144-00118432 We have seen the backup of my 30 GB BEwUC7q2vYU-00325-00118432-00118576 data warehouse was taking BEwUC7q2vYU-00326-00118672-00118776 nearly 3 minutes. BEwUC7q2vYU-00327-00118888-00119135 Backup time is mostly not relevant BEwUC7q2vYU-00328-00119135-00119480 as we have theoretically 24 hours a day BEwUC7q2vYU-00329-00119480-00119608 for doing our backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00330-00119704-00120232 But the prepare and the restore phase are relevant BEwUC7q2vYU-00331-00120232-00120520 because they are counting in BEwUC7q2vYU-00332-00120520-00120776 our restore time objective. BEwUC7q2vYU-00333-00120776-00121056 So, in our situation we had BEwUC7q2vYU-00334-00121056-00121272 nearly 1 min 30 seconds for the BEwUC7q2vYU-00335-00121272-00121392 prepare phase BEwUC7q2vYU-00336-00121392-00121704 and it can take much more time depending BEwUC7q2vYU-00337-00121704-00121816 on the traffic you have BEwUC7q2vYU-00338-00121816-00121911 during your backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00339-00121976-00122183 Then the restore itself took BEwUC7q2vYU-00340-00122183-00122472 172 seconds which is more or less the BEwUC7q2vYU-00341-00122472-00122759 same time as for the backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00342-00122848-00123088 So, what else do we have to consider BEwUC7q2vYU-00343-00123088-00123383 for our recovery time objective? BEwUC7q2vYU-00344-00123464-00123800 We have to do some pre and post restore tasks: BEwUC7q2vYU-00345-00123856-00123983 Shut down the database, BEwUC7q2vYU-00346-00124064-00124208 the change ownership, BEwUC7q2vYU-00347-00124208-00124504 The restore can startup the instance. BEwUC7q2vYU-00348-00124504-00124911 So, how long do you need for doing these tasks? BEwUC7q2vYU-00349-00124911-00125359 60 seconds - 300 seconds, 15 min ? BEwUC7q2vYU-00350-00125359-00125544 Depends on how fast you are working. BEwUC7q2vYU-00351-00125696-00125944 Then for the point-in-time-recovery you BEwUC7q2vYU-00352-00125944-00126383 have to find out the begin and the end of point-in-time-recovery BEwUC7q2vYU-00353-00126511-00126744 So, how you how long do you need for this BEwUC7q2vYU-00354-00126744-00126816 evaluation? BEwUC7q2vYU-00355-00126816-00127135 15 minutes (900 seconds)? BEwUC7q2vYU-00356-00127135-00127344 are you faster are you slower? BEwUC7q2vYU-00357-00127344-00127552 The beginning is easy you just can pick it BEwUC7q2vYU-00358-00127552-00127664 out from the file. BEwUC7q2vYU-00359-00127664-00127904 But the end is a little bit more tricky BEwUC7q2vYU-00360-00127904-00128208 so, this costs you probably most of the time to find BEwUC7q2vYU-00361-00128280-00128552 where should you stop with point-in-time-recovery? BEwUC7q2vYU-00362-00128632-00128928 Then some non-technical problems you BEwUC7q2vYU-00363-00128928-00129311 will have is communication and synchronization overhead. BEwUC7q2vYU-00364-00129383-00129704 You have to ask: may I restore everything BEwUC7q2vYU-00365-00129704-00129920 or may I just restore a table? BEwUC7q2vYU-00366-00129920-00130152 You have to ask the people, you have to BEwUC7q2vYU-00367-00130152-00130392 synchronize: can I do it now? BEwUC7q2vYU-00368-00130392-00130511 What should I recover? BEwUC7q2vYU-00369-00130511-00130624 Until then, etc. BEwUC7q2vYU-00370-00130688-00130920 This will easily take 30 minutes BEwUC7q2vYU-00371-00130920-00131200 up to two hours just to find out BEwUC7q2vYU-00372-00131200-00131480 if you are allowed to do it and when you should do it. BEwUC7q2vYU-00373-00131480-00131808 And then the point in time recovery itself: BEwUC7q2vYU-00374-00131808-00132080 how long will it take it depends heavily BEwUC7q2vYU-00375-00132080-00132600 on the traffic and the volume you had during your backup BEwUC7q2vYU-00376-00132600-00132696 and your incident. BEwUC7q2vYU-00377-00132752-00133088 In worst case it can even be more than 24 hours BEwUC7q2vYU-00378-00133088-00133448 if you have to restore a full day with binary logs. BEwUC7q2vYU-00379-00133528-00133736 Now let's compare all those times BEwUC7q2vYU-00380-00133736-00133976 with your recovery time objective: BEwUC7q2vYU-00381-00133976-00134496 What is defined in your SLA? 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours? BEwUC7q2vYU-00382-00134496-00134776 2 hours is quite difficult, BEwUC7q2vYU-00383-00134776-00135032 4 hours should be doable BEwUC7q2vYU-00384-00135088-00135304 if you have a decent amount of BEwUC7q2vYU-00385-00135304-00135392 infrastructure. BEwUC7q2vYU-00386-00135624-00135856 So there are a few topics left BEwUC7q2vYU-00387-00135944-00136160 which are more advanced. BEwUC7q2vYU-00388-00136160-00136312 They are: partial backup, BEwUC7q2vYU-00389-00136312-00136592 partial restore, incremental backup, BEwUC7q2vYU-00390-00136592-00136752 incremental restore. BEwUC7q2vYU-00391-00136752-00137016 And point-in-time-recovery of just a BEwUC7q2vYU-00392-00137016-00137152 table, of just the schema. BEwUC7q2vYU-00393-00137152-00137456 But this is a little bit too much for the BEwUC7q2vYU-00394-00137456-00137664 beginning I have just linked you here BEwUC7q2vYU-00395-00137664-00138016 some links to our website where you can BEwUC7q2vYU-00396-00138016-00138240 read more about this topic. BEwUC7q2vYU-00397-00138464-00138784 So if you have some questions BEwUC7q2vYU-00398-00138864-00139128 I'm now here for the next few minutes BEwUC7q2vYU-00399-00139128-00139520 for you to talk about backup and restore questions. BEwUC7q2vYU-00400-00139592-00139824 Thank you very much for listening to my BEwUC7q2vYU-00401-00139824-00140032 presentation about MariaDB backup. BEwUC7q2vYU-00402-00140120-00141104 I wish you a nice FOSDEM at the MariaDB developer room. BJgj6fjND8M-00000-00000000-00000200 you can follow part1 BKjGDNZtyHI-00000-00000727-00001664 2JA IS AN ANNUAL EXERCISE HELD BY THE JAPANESE IN ORDER TO IMPROVE THEIR AIRBORNE SERVICE BKjGDNZtyHI-00001-00001664-00001855 AND UNDERWATER MINE COUNTERMEASURES. BKjGDNZtyHI-00002-00001855-00002382 THE UNITED STATES IS ALSO INVITED TO ATTEND IN ORDER TO IMPROVE OUR INTEROPERABILITY AND BKjGDNZtyHI-00003-00002382-00002741 COMBINED CAPABILITY. BKjGDNZtyHI-00004-00002741-00003127 THE UNITED STATES NAVY EOD SENDS A TEAM TO 2JA EVERY YEAR. BKjGDNZtyHI-00005-00003127-00003754 THIS WAS OUR TEAM'S FIRST TIME DOING 2JA AND OUR FIRST TIME WORKING WITH THE JAPANESE EOD BKjGDNZtyHI-00006-00003754-00003854 TEAM. BKjGDNZtyHI-00007-00003854-00004482 SO, 2JA INCLUDED PRACTICE USING OUR HANDHELD UNDERWATER SONAR SYSTEMS TO LOCATE MINE SHAPES BKjGDNZtyHI-00008-00004482-00004621 UNDERWATER. BKjGDNZtyHI-00009-00004621-00005142 WE ALSO EXECUTED MINE REMOVAL DRILLS. BKjGDNZtyHI-00010-00005142-00005772 WE REMOVED EXPLOSIVES THAT WERE ATTACHED DIRECTLY TO THE HULL OF THE SHIP. BKjGDNZtyHI-00011-00005772-00006830 WE ALSO BROUGHT OUR SUB V ROBOT TO SHOW SURFACE IED TECHNIQUES. BKjGDNZtyHI-00012-00006830-00007456 OUR PLATOON'S ROLE AT 2JA WAS TO INTERACT WITH THE JAPANESE EOD TEAM AND LEARN FROM BKjGDNZtyHI-00013-00007456-00007811 THEM AND TO BUILD ON OUR RELATIONSHIP AND INTEROPERABILITY. BKjGDNZtyHI-00014-00007811-00008642 SO, THERE WAS THE CHALLENGE, BUT AT THE SAME TIME, IT'S DEFINITELY A REWARDING EXPERIENCE BKjGDNZtyHI-00015-00008642-00009113 TO LEARN FROM THEM TO BE ABLE TO COEXIST IN THAT ENVIRONMENT. BKjGDNZtyHI-00016-00009113-00009796 OUR TEAM PLANS ON ATTENDING 3JA AS WELL AND WE HOPE TO CONTINUE BUILD OUR RELATIONSHIP BKjGDNZtyHI-00017-00009796-00009910 AND WORK WITH THEM MORE IN THE FUTURE. BKN40myffFU-00000-00000750-00001117 Spring time is never too early to start thinking about weed management in the garden. BKN40myffFU-00001-00001117-00001520 As we're thinking about weed management, what we're really trying to do is eliminate any BKN40myffFU-00002-00001520-00002092 seed bank of weeds that might be in here and also remove any physical plants or their roots BKN40myffFU-00003-00002092-00002442 that are still left in here from the past growing season. BKN40myffFU-00004-00002442-00002911 As we consider weed management in the garden, think about integrated pest management, different BKN40myffFU-00005-00002911-00003254 strategies that we can use to help control these weeds. BKN40myffFU-00006-00003254-00003628 Here we have a few weeds that are starting to green up and pop through. BKN40myffFU-00007-00003628-00003994 We might think about some chemical options, but there are other options as well to help BKN40myffFU-00008-00003994-00004094 control these weeds. BKN40myffFU-00009-00004094-00004522 We might think about physically pulling them out, removing all of the plants themselves, BKN40myffFU-00010-00004522-00004830 trying to get any roots that are there as well. BKN40myffFU-00011-00004830-00005204 Chemical options might be something that we spray on these weeds to kill them. BKN40myffFU-00012-00005204-00005639 Be careful when using chemicals that have a residual because this might effect other BKN40myffFU-00013-00005639-00005885 plants in the garden later on in the summer. BKN40myffFU-00014-00005885-00006371 We also might think about other strategies, such as mulches or different types of plastic BKN40myffFU-00015-00006371-00006802 to help cover those weeds so they don't pop up as well. BKN40myffFU-00016-00006802-00007344 One final consideration is adding some irrigation or watering the garden to get a flush of weeds BKN40myffFU-00017-00007344-00007491 to pop up. BKN40myffFU-00018-00007491-00007855 Do this for about two to three weeks, that way we get a good stand, we can try and get BKN40myffFU-00019-00007855-00008269 the majority of the weeds pulled before we get a seed bed established of crops for the BKN40myffFU-00020-00008269-00008423 growing season. BKN40myffFU-00021-00008423-00008788 From the University of Wyoming, I'm Brian Sebade, and you're watching From the Ground BKN40myffFU-00022-00008788-00008789 Up. BNujpeGaIEo-00000-00000056-00000352 I have finally reached 10 subscribers for the very first time. BQzoqyCeaNk-00000-00000000-00000200 free beat 2022 BQzoqyCeaNk-00001-00000200-00000400 read description BQzoqyCeaNk-00002-00000400-00000600 subscribe :D BQzoqyCeaNk-00003-00000600-00001097 @geraldsouvenir BQcmDd7px-E-00000-00000000-00000200 "Automation and the Future of Work" BR9gawcMADo-00000-00000016-00000512 As the Coronavirus pandemic caused panicked shoppers to clear out whole supermarkets BR9gawcMADo-00001-00000512-00001182 of toilet paper, rice, and canned vegetables, two brothers set out on a 1300 mile road trip BR9gawcMADo-00002-00001182-00001430 through the backroads of Kentucky and Tennessee. BR9gawcMADo-00003-00001430-00002174 Matt and Noah Colvin loaded up a U-haul with all the hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes they could find, BR9gawcMADo-00004-00002174-00002628 and they attempted to resell the goods on Amazon at a massive markup. BR9gawcMADo-00005-00002628-00003244 Then the online retailing giant banned the practice. State attorneys generals started cracking down BR9gawcMADo-00006-00003244-00003742 and the Colvin's were shamed in the media. They ended up donating the items. BR9gawcMADo-00007-00003742-00004156 But is so-called price gouging always bad? BR9gawcMADo-00008-00004156-00004666 Michael Munger who teaches economics, political science, and public policy, at Duke University BR9gawcMADo-00009-00004666-00005176 argues that prices contain vital information about supply and demand. BR9gawcMADo-00010-00005176-00005548 When government's attempt to mandate cheap goods, he says, BR9gawcMADo-00011-00005548-00006174 they end up causing more shortages than they solve. And this is especially true during a crisis. BR9gawcMADo-00012-00006174-00006764 I spoke with Munger via Zoom about how the 21st century is testing libertarian ideas BR9gawcMADo-00013-00006764-00007100 about limited government and individual freedom. BR9gawcMADo-00014-00007330-00007748 Michael Munger thanks for talking to Reason it's a pleasure to BR9gawcMADo-00015-00007748-00008190 be on the show Nick okay and it's nice that it's a show now you know because BR9gawcMADo-00016-00008190-00008589 what the one great thing that the coronavirus has done is destroy all BR9gawcMADo-00017-00008589-00009218 standards of what is you know III don't know where we go after this but you know BR9gawcMADo-00018-00009218-00009725 I'm happy to get in the car and drive and pay for gas to get there Michael BR9gawcMADo-00019-00009725-00010286 Munger you are trained as an economist you talk you teach public policy and BR9gawcMADo-00020-00010286-00010970 political science as well you are an unapologetic defender of price gouging BR9gawcMADo-00021-00010970-00011714 can you explain what you why in in a circumstance such as we're in now where BR9gawcMADo-00022-00011714-00012120 there is a lockdown the government says you're not allowed to do certain things BR9gawcMADo-00023-00012120-00012714 you can only do other things here and there why should we not suspend market BR9gawcMADo-00024-00012714-00013404 mechanisms the cost of things ranging from n95 masks to toilet paper at BR9gawcMADo-00025-00013404-00013898 grocery store it's not clear that I would defend price gouging in all BR9gawcMADo-00026-00013898-00014347 instances let me let me stat take a step back BR9gawcMADo-00027-00014347-00014840 most most of us are not defenders of cutting open someone's abdomen with the BR9gawcMADo-00028-00014840-00015459 razor blades I enlarged you shouldn't do that but if they will otherwise die and BR9gawcMADo-00029-00015459-00015794 the surgeon can give them an appendectomy you would say we're gonna BR9gawcMADo-00030-00015794-00016218 make an exception this is a really bad circumstance under these limited BR9gawcMADo-00031-00016218-00016698 circumstances okay we would be better off cutting open this person's abdomen BR9gawcMADo-00032-00016698-00017187 with the razor blade than not doing it so I think price gouging is terrible and BR9gawcMADo-00033-00017187-00017748 much of what we call price gouging is like a guy coming in telling an elderly BR9gawcMADo-00034-00017748-00018450 person this tree in your yard is gonna fall down we'll cut it for you for $300 BR9gawcMADo-00035-00018450-00018951 and they give him a bill for 2,000 so much of what is enforced as price BR9gawcMADo-00036-00018951-00019448 gouging is in fact fraud so let's take out fraud okay and recognize that we're BR9gawcMADo-00037-00019448-00019916 in a circumstance of really great scarcity and let's think about what the BR9gawcMADo-00038-00019916-00020547 price mechanism does so if the price of something goes up and there's a shortage BR9gawcMADo-00039-00020547-00021078 three great things happen the first is that consumers buy less they look at BR9gawcMADo-00040-00021078-00021465 that price and they say you know somebody else must need this more than I BR9gawcMADo-00041-00021465-00021929 do and so they leave some for the person behind them the second thing is that BR9gawcMADo-00042-00021929-00022384 producers try to find ways to make more and the third thing is that BR9gawcMADo-00043-00022384-00022872 entrepreneurs try to find ways to make substitutes and the thing is that if you BR9gawcMADo-00044-00022872-00023256 use the price mechanism you don't have to announce any of that all of it BR9gawcMADo-00045-00023256-00023831 happens automatically in a decentralized way so the price mechanism is a signal BR9gawcMADo-00046-00023831-00024309 of scarcity it's not the cause of scarcity it is a consequence of scarcity BR9gawcMADo-00047-00024309-00024765 and so there's people that would say that if you live near a fire station I BR9gawcMADo-00048-00024765-00025206 hear sirens all the time it's really upsetting we ought to outlaw sirens well BR9gawcMADo-00049-00025206-00025647 no the problem is the fire it's not the siren so focusing on the price means BR9gawcMADo-00050-00025647-00026207 that you're if you want to keep prices low I walk up I see low prices I say you BR9gawcMADo-00051-00026207-00026686 know I can take all I want and so the reason why people take all this stuff is BR9gawcMADo-00052-00026686-00027153 the prices wait wait wait but that I you know to push back on this you know that BR9gawcMADo-00053-00027153-00027572 isn't what happened a couple weeks ago at grocery stores when people were like BR9gawcMADo-00054-00027572-00027990 there is a good chance that we are going to be told not to leave our houses again BR9gawcMADo-00055-00027990-00028377 there is a good chance that trucks are not going to be replenishing grocery BR9gawcMADo-00056-00028377-00029028 store shelves we went to buy toilet paper because we're like we don't know BR9gawcMADo-00057-00029028-00029374 the next time we're gonna get it we did that with meat we did that with rice and BR9gawcMADo-00058-00029374-00029931 grain so that is not you know I is it a fairy tale to say oh well you know what BR9gawcMADo-00059-00029931-00030447 the price mechanism this mystical you know invisible hand or invisible fist is BR9gawcMADo-00060-00030447-00030925 going to coordinate all of this stuff 72 hours from now three months from now BR9gawcMADo-00061-00030925-00031302 whatever how long is it I don't know how you come up with substitutes for toilet BR9gawcMADo-00062-00031302-00031711 paper or you know who shifts out of odd you know what right now I'm making BR9gawcMADo-00063-00031711-00031933 computer paper I'm gonna start making toilet paper BR9gawcMADo-00064-00031933-00032466 how many months does that take to gear up so can we talk about things in in in BR9gawcMADo-00065-00032466-00032818 a moment where you know a storm is coming down and you you have a great BR9gawcMADo-00066-00032818-00033471 story about the long-forgotten hurricane Fran from the ages ago 20th century and BR9gawcMADo-00067-00033471-00033984 about how shortages and whatnot played out there but you know when a hurricane BR9gawcMADo-00068-00033984-00034428 is coming and we know we've got 24 hours to get stuff and then it's all gonna be BR9gawcMADo-00069-00034428-00034791 gone is it wrong to say to people you cannot BR9gawcMADo-00070-00034791-00035383 charge ten dollars for a one dollar bottle of water or is it wrong or is it BR9gawcMADo-00071-00035383-00035671 is it a totally different thing to say you know what we're not gonna mess with BR9gawcMADo-00072-00035671-00036141 the prices but you can't take the entire aisle of toilet paper out of the grocery BR9gawcMADo-00073-00036141-00036606 store right now we're gonna limit you to two or three just a couple of different BR9gawcMADo-00074-00036606-00037156 questions so first let me let me accept the premise of one of your questions and BR9gawcMADo-00075-00037156-00037612 then quarrel with the premise of one of your questions so the premise of your BR9gawcMADo-00076-00037612-00038011 question it's a very good one is suppose that you're in a situation BR9gawcMADo-00077-00038011-00038484 where the things that I've talked about are unlikely to be able to happen BR9gawcMADo-00078-00038484-00038893 because economists call this the supply elasticity it's the responsiveness of BR9gawcMADo-00079-00038893-00039306 the amount of stuff so if this is really all that we're going to have it means BR9gawcMADo-00080-00039306-00039672 that all of the second and third things that I said we're good about prices BR9gawcMADo-00081-00039672-00040028 those can't happen and all we've got is up BR9gawcMADo-00082-00040028-00040502 we're trying to allocate preferring to allocate a scarce resource among a bunch BR9gawcMADo-00083-00040502-00040893 of people who want it and then they're even there seems like a pretty good BR9gawcMADo-00084-00040893-00041505 objection that only rich people can buy it so we really want a system that says BR9gawcMADo-00085-00041505-00041933 only rich people can I'm a I'm a rich college professor I have tenure I still BR9gawcMADo-00086-00041933-00042290 have income of course I'm going to advocate a system that benefits me I BR9gawcMADo-00087-00042290-00042708 want stuff to still be at the store and have a really high price so if there's a BR9gawcMADo-00088-00042708-00043274 circumstance when this really is all there is I can see an argument for some BR9gawcMADo-00089-00043274-00043833 other mechanism for some rationing we would need and one way of rationing BR9gawcMADo-00090-00043833-00044249 would be and some stores have done this no more than one or two containers of of BR9gawcMADo-00091-00044249-00044675 toilet paper on the other hand the premise of your question is we don't BR9gawcMADo-00092-00044675-00045024 know when we're gonna get out again nobody told you you weren't gonna get BR9gawcMADo-00093-00045024-00045333 out again and you can still go to the grocery store and if you've been to the BR9gawcMADo-00094-00045333-00045737 grocery store lately at least in Raleigh where I live there's plenty of toilet BR9gawcMADo-00095-00045737-00046277 base it's also the case in New York City I have friends who live in various parts BR9gawcMADo-00096-00046277-00046724 of the country I know a virtually no one who is saying you know what the shells BR9gawcMADo-00097-00046724-00047193 ran out three weeks ago and they haven't been restocked yeah so there's a there's BR9gawcMADo-00098-00047193-00047568 a an old North Carolina joke about this and it actually had to do with the BR9gawcMADo-00099-00047568-00048080 hurricane you mentioned hurricane Fran but after the hurricane apparently some BR9gawcMADo-00100-00048080-00048680 guy goes into a 7-eleven and sees that they have cases of water for $30 and BR9gawcMADo-00101-00048680-00049340 says $30 that's too much for water and the guy says well yeah um you know it BR9gawcMADo-00102-00049340-00049901 that there's not much we're running out and the guy the customer says but the BR9gawcMADo-00103-00049901-00050369 guy crossed the street what are $7 ok go across the street and BR9gawcMADo-00104-00050369-00050799 buy a theater well he's out and so the store owner says tell you what as soon BR9gawcMADo-00105-00050799-00051347 as I run out I'll charge $7 the point is the only reason he had any was that he BR9gawcMADo-00106-00051347-00051975 was charging $30 the question is are you better off $30 or a price of infinity BR9gawcMADo-00107-00051975-00052449 which is what you have when all the prices are empty now that's still the BR9gawcMADo-00108-00052449-00052851 premise and the you ask the right question what if it's true BR9gawcMADo-00109-00052851-00053286 that the supply elasticity meaning what if it's true that this really is all BR9gawcMADo-00110-00053286-00053691 we're going to get if if we're not going to get more with a BR9gawcMADo-00111-00053691-00054024 higher price there's a good argument for rationing I agree with that it's just BR9gawcMADo-00112-00054024-00054339 that it's hard to think of a circumstance although there are some and BR9gawcMADo-00113-00054339-00055161 that is masks and hand sanitizers for frontline health care workers I think BR9gawcMADo-00114-00055161-00055665 there's an excellent argument for declaring that those things are there's BR9gawcMADo-00115-00055665-00056117 a there's a national or state reason to control those we're not going to allow BR9gawcMADo-00116-00056117-00056487 them to be sold we're not going to allow rich people to buy them because they're BR9gawcMADo-00117-00056487-00056954 the only ones who can afford them and we can't make enough more of those the BR9gawcMADo-00118-00056954-00057416 stockpiles are gone so for masks in New York City yes those should not have high BR9gawcMADo-00119-00057416-00057765 prices those should go to frontline health care workers and first responders BR9gawcMADo-00120-00057765-00058391 that's absolutely right what is the how do we know what the elasticity of supply BR9gawcMADo-00121-00058391-00058923 or you know I guess at the same by the same token demand is in a given BR9gawcMADo-00122-00058923-00059373 situation and this is where in the current situation things seem a little BR9gawcMADo-00123-00059373-00059913 bit more unclear than in a classic kind of hurricane situation where we know BR9gawcMADo-00124-00059913-00060284 there's a storm coming and it's going to cut off all the roads all the supplies BR9gawcMADo-00125-00060284-00060708 how do we deal with something like this and what were your first thoughts when BR9gawcMADo-00126-00060708-00061245 you heard you know mayors governors you know federal officials saying okay you BR9gawcMADo-00127-00061245-00061785 know what we have to put in price controls immediately because of you know BR9gawcMADo-00128-00061785-00062352 we know there are gonna be shortages I think from a political perspective it BR9gawcMADo-00129-00062352-00062895 was a genius move because they can't do anything that actually helps on the BR9gawcMADo-00130-00062895-00063341 virus or access to health care they don't have enough testing kits they BR9gawcMADo-00131-00063341-00063798 screwed this up so what they can do is say you know what we're gonna protect BR9gawcMADo-00132-00063798-00064275 people against price gouging my own senator senator Thom Tillis who I've had BR9gawcMADo-00133-00064275-00064626 lunch with and has told me to my face you know I'm a libertarian BR9gawcMADo-00134-00064626-00065141 yeah Thom Tillis and that's not Ben he stuck you with the bill or what haha one BR9gawcMADo-00135-00065141-00065670 way or the other right I'm sure he has introduced a piece of federal BR9gawcMADo-00136-00065670-00066168 legislation to outlaw federal price gouging yeah so not only to ignore the BR9gawcMADo-00137-00066168-00066702 Tenth Amendment on local of police being able to control BR9gawcMADo-00138-00066702-00067152 price so this is a federal price gouging law it also ignores the fact that high BR9gawcMADo-00139-00067152-00067614 prices in one state are likely to bring because not all states are equally BR9gawcMADo-00140-00067614-00068103 affected by this right it's need more toilet paper some states really are BR9gawcMADo-00141-00068103-00068601 desperate for some of these items high prices say bring it here we need it more BR9gawcMADo-00142-00068601-00068991 than you do and people will use the implied profit to say alright we will BR9gawcMADo-00143-00068991-00069492 incur extra expense we'll get it there faster and we'll get more of it so BR9gawcMADo-00144-00069492-00069945 prices nationally are an important signal now if this were true that BR9gawcMADo-00145-00069945-00070392 everywhere we were all out everyone was dying then we probably should have a BR9gawcMADo-00146-00070392-00070857 national rationing scheme but the way that it is where different states are BR9gawcMADo-00147-00070857-00071352 different prices the fastest signal to increase the amount of this stuff so I BR9gawcMADo-00148-00071352-00071796 think particularly at the federal level of price gouging laws a mistake locally BR9gawcMADo-00149-00071796-00072243 if I were in New York I would fully support a price gouging law and the BR9gawcMADo-00150-00072243-00072642 claim that we should use rationing that doesn't involve prices that make sense BR9gawcMADo-00151-00072642-00073182 do we can you talk a little bit about in New York City right now they're trying BR9gawcMADo-00152-00073182-00073599 to get nurses and other medical professionals to come here they've done BR9gawcMADo-00153-00073599-00073953 you know what was unthinkable even a month and a half ago which is they're BR9gawcMADo-00154-00073953-00074382 you know they're they're suspending or waiving various kinds of certification BR9gawcMADo-00155-00074382-00074757 rules saying you know like you're certified to help people in New Jersey BR9gawcMADo-00156-00074757-00075099 it's a totally different world in New York so you have to go through a bunch BR9gawcMADo-00157-00075099-00075513 of regulatory hoops and all of that they're saying okay screw that and we're BR9gawcMADo-00158-00075513-00076071 gonna pay you something like $100 an hour as opposed to maybe $30 or $40 an BR9gawcMADo-00159-00076071-00076737 hour why do we not in general think of labor as a source of gouging as well BR9gawcMADo-00160-00076737-00077310 because when contractors you know in hurricane situations things like that we BR9gawcMADo-00161-00077310-00077727 kind of immediately reach for the idea that if we pay more money we'll get BR9gawcMADo-00162-00077727-00078195 we'll get more of a supply it's really an interesting distinction and I cannot BR9gawcMADo-00163-00078195-00078729 claim to understand it it in the in the case of the healthcare workers they're BR9gawcMADo-00164-00078729-00079131 also being subjected to additional danger and you're trying to get them to BR9gawcMADo-00165-00079131-00079644 commute from far away so it makes perfect sense but people never say it BR9gawcMADo-00166-00079644-00080052 the way you said it which is we're using price BR9gawcMADo-00167-00080052-00080520 increases to attract more of the needed thing in this case it happens the needed BR9gawcMADo-00168-00080520-00081099 thing is labour so we seem to have we seem to have a blind spot for the use of BR9gawcMADo-00169-00081099-00081627 price for commodities even though a higher price does the three things that BR9gawcMADo-00170-00081627-00082113 I said but it's okay for labour so I wouldn't say it's not okay for BR9gawcMADo-00171-00082113-00082503 labour right part we have right and those people are taking great risks I BR9gawcMADo-00172-00082503-00082938 hope they get paid more they make they probably are still underpaid right but BR9gawcMADo-00173-00082938-00083289 we should use the price mechanism for other things where it's possible BR9gawcMADo-00174-00083289-00083877 provided it is we're now seeing an increase in the production of toilet BR9gawcMADo-00175-00083877-00084207 paper there's there's a lot of these commodities we're going to come online BR9gawcMADo-00176-00084207-00084768 with the production of hand sanitizer and masks pretty soon so there is a BR9gawcMADo-00177-00084768-00085305 market response to this can you talk about the ways in which government in a BR9gawcMADo-00178-00085305-00085791 way that it's not always credited often creates these bottlenecks in production BR9gawcMADo-00179-00085791-00086192 and consumption so with something like hand sanitizer I've read you know BR9gawcMADo-00180-00086192-00086927 distilleries are switching over to do hand sanitizer but there are rules about BR9gawcMADo-00181-00086927-00087543 denaturing alcohol so that people don't use rubbing alcohol to drink or BR9gawcMADo-00182-00087543-00088005 something like that what are some of the hidden ways in which the government you BR9gawcMADo-00183-00088005-00088338 know kind of steps in to say okay we're gonna help with this but they actually BR9gawcMADo-00184-00088338-00088812 are also part of the problem at the same time it's probably unavoidable because BR9gawcMADo-00185-00088812-00089565 we were asking a system that is set up to operate with things arriving just in BR9gawcMADo-00186-00089565-00089898 time because storing things are expensive so we don't have big BR9gawcMADo-00187-00089898-00090408 stockpiles and then to blame the government for not having stockpiled BR9gawcMADo-00188-00090408-00091020 things seems excessive right but the government is also intentionally BR9gawcMADo-00189-00091020-00091656 unintentionally providing a bunch of roadblocks in the form of just enforcing BR9gawcMADo-00190-00091656-00092220 the existing rules now the hard thing is we probably don't want bureaucrats able BR9gawcMADo-00191-00092220-00092700 to suspend these rules at a whim because they'll reward their friends and so the BR9gawcMADo-00192-00092700-00093039 the Food and Drug Administration for nearly a month the entire month of BR9gawcMADo-00193-00093039-00093694 February enforced the rules did you ously about testing kits so no BR9gawcMADo-00194-00093694-00094210 new testing kits were approved for a full month and there were a number that BR9gawcMADo-00195-00094210-00094702 probably would have been okay but there they had to do field testing and so the BR9gawcMADo-00196-00094702-00095017 Food and Drug Administration was doing the job and had been assigned to do and BR9gawcMADo-00197-00095017-00095476 that's a disaster but the reason is bureaucracy is actually designed to move BR9gawcMADo-00198-00095476-00095863 slowly and methodically to avoid things like and we always use the same example BR9gawcMADo-00199-00095863-00096316 the letter might the United States because it had the FDA didn't have the BR9gawcMADo-00200-00096316-00096685 lid imide because it was slow and methodical so this is actually just a BR9gawcMADo-00201-00096685-00097084 feature of bureaucracy I wouldn't say that it's a bug or something that's good BR9gawcMADo-00202-00097084-00097558 it's the way bureaucracy works sometimes it saves us from precipitate decisions BR9gawcMADo-00203-00097558-00097966 that would have been bad and in this case it's frustratingly preventing us BR9gawcMADo-00204-00097966-00098353 from being able to have access to the stuff that we need you know one thing BR9gawcMADo-00205-00098353-00098851 that economists try to do is look at the costs and benefits of you know BR9gawcMADo-00206-00098851-00099262 particular policies and the way they play out it seems to me that in the BR9gawcMADo-00207-00099262-00099631 current discussion about the coronavirus and this may make sense at this stage BR9gawcMADo-00208-00099631-00100177 but virtually the only thing we're talking about is the potential cost in BR9gawcMADo-00209-00100177-00100636 terms of human life and the benefits of saving as many people as possible or BR9gawcMADo-00210-00100636-00101197 flattening the curve whatever phrase you want to use when do we when is it proper BR9gawcMADo-00211-00101197-00101737 to start factoring other economic issues in such as you know we're looking at BR9gawcMADo-00212-00101737-00102184 something I was reading headlines that over six million people have have BR9gawcMADo-00213-00102184-00102711 applied for unemployment benefits you know which is almost double what the BR9gawcMADo-00214-00102711-00103054 initial estimate was going to be and you know we're looking at we might be BR9gawcMADo-00215-00103054-00103318 looking at 25 percent or 30 percent unemployment BR9gawcMADo-00216-00103318-00103860 this is depths of the great depression level how do you from a kind of public BR9gawcMADo-00217-00103860-00104464 policy perspective factored in you know economics that the larger economy versus BR9gawcMADo-00218-00104464-00105043 the immediate public health claims on attention and things like that it's one BR9gawcMADo-00219-00105043-00105558 of the most difficult problems and when I talk to students about this I it's BR9gawcMADo-00220-00105558-00106108 shocking to them but I tell them that a public policy analyst particularly one BR9gawcMADo-00221-00106108-00106492 who teaches from the PPE perspective I'm the director of philosophy politics and BR9gawcMADo-00222-00106492-00106943 economics from that effective you have to realize that you BR9gawcMADo-00223-00106943-00107468 are not in favor of zero deaths mm-hm and then it gets real quiet yeah I'm in BR9gawcMADo-00224-00107468-00107945 favor of a number of deaths that exceeds zero if you add up the total of the BR9gawcMADo-00225-00107945-00108467 deaths from Co vyd and the deaths from starvation or not having access to BR9gawcMADo-00226-00108467-00108845 economic resources or just the stress of not knowing where you're going to work BR9gawcMADo-00227-00108845-00109247 those are always going to be a lot more than zero I don't know where the minimum BR9gawcMADo-00228-00109247-00109628 is but it does seem like we have been biased in favor BR9gawcMADo-00229-00109628-00110054 at first we were biased in favor of the economy a lot of things did not shut BR9gawcMADo-00230-00110054-00110390 down we didn't get any kind of distancing if you look at the curves BR9gawcMADo-00231-00110390-00110780 about rate of growth we blew right through China and we're about to catch BR9gawcMADo-00232-00110780-00111269 Italy so the rate of increase of deaths in the United States it's going really BR9gawcMADo-00233-00111269-00111786 badly and it seems that now we're likely to react in the other direction of BR9gawcMADo-00234-00111786-00112223 overemphasizing so social distancing in a way that really wrecks the economy BR9gawcMADo-00235-00112223-00112922 that made leave a legacy of years so the consequence of that is that we we have BR9gawcMADo-00236-00112922-00113386 mismanaged this I think it's not like I expected anything like this to happen BR9gawcMADo-00237-00113386-00113921 the effects on the economy are going to be very hard to gauge and I do worry BR9gawcMADo-00238-00113921-00114266 that there's going to be a centralization of economic power and BR9gawcMADo-00239-00114266-00114866 planning and the the idea of transfer or in bailing out based on political power BR9gawcMADo-00240-00114866-00115274 some industries are going to get very substantial bailouts some industries may BR9gawcMADo-00241-00115274-00115640 get almost nothing having that kind of discretion in the hands of government BR9gawcMADo-00242-00115640-00116141 means that not only are we not going to take care of the economy as much as we BR9gawcMADo-00243-00116141-00116492 might have but there's going to be disparate treatment within different BR9gawcMADo-00244-00116492-00116942 industries and that's just a giant rent-seeking contest so though it really BR9gawcMADo-00245-00116942-00117511 is about as bad as you can imagine what you know a week ago basically Congress BR9gawcMADo-00246-00117511-00117961 passed and the President signed what is generally considered or acknowledged to BR9gawcMADo-00247-00117961-00118427 be the single biggest spending bill in American history probably in human BR9gawcMADo-00248-00118427-00119114 history you know two trillion dollars plus in indirect money being shoveled at BR9gawcMADo-00249-00119114-00119669 various things what is your sense of that and what is the role and this is a BR9gawcMADo-00250-00119669-00119957 separate thing you know what is it what from a libertarian perspective BR9gawcMADo-00251-00119957-00120358 herminator explicitly libertarian perspective what is the role BR9gawcMADo-00252-00120358-00120929 of the federal government in a situation like this we're going to be able to talk BR9gawcMADo-00253-00120929-00121322 about this now for the rest of my life in class because this is the best BR9gawcMADo-00254-00121322-00121643 example I've ever seen I don't know the answer to your question okay BR9gawcMADo-00255-00121643-00122209 what's interesting is that I think that way which which what is the libertarian BR9gawcMADo-00256-00122209-00122549 response or from a libertarian perspective what would you be BR9gawcMADo-00257-00122549-00123077 comfortable with the federal government doing well suppose that there is an BR9gawcMADo-00258-00123077-00123683 emergency of such great extent that you're going to see Domino's where a BR9gawcMADo-00259-00123683-00124376 bunch of restaurants who owe money to people who sell meat are unable to pay BR9gawcMADo-00260-00124376-00124823 their bills and then all of those are unable to pay their debts and the banks BR9gawcMADo-00261-00124823-00125396 go down so there's this cascade maybe because we've overreacted but for BR9gawcMADo-00262-00125396-00125846 whatever reason the libertarian response my libertarian response is I'm a BR9gawcMADo-00263-00125846-00126301 utilitarian and I would like to try to minimize the total number of deaths and BR9gawcMADo-00264-00126301-00126875 I don't know where the minimum of that is we're trying to make a guess I would BR9gawcMADo-00265-00126875-00127397 say that the bill the legislation is actually far better than I expected it's BR9gawcMADo-00266-00127397-00127850 more decentralized well you've got a condition that on high expenses on my BR9gawcMADo-00267-00127850-00128209 expectations my expectations were really bad this is mostly going to go to large BR9gawcMADo-00268-00128209-00128678 corporations a lot of it is going to go directly and immediately to small BR9gawcMADo-00269-00128678-00129092 businesses without having to go through an application process through the Small BR9gawcMADo-00270-00129092-00129511 Business Administration so they may be able to keep some people on their BR9gawcMADo-00271-00129511-00129983 payrolls the big expense is if people get laid off and then we have to go BR9gawcMADo-00272-00129983-00130418 through this really difficult process of rehiring people so given that we were BR9gawcMADo-00273-00130418-00130883 going to do it I I don't know the answer to what how much should a libertarian BR9gawcMADo-00274-00130883-00131288 think the federal government should do given what they've done this is actually BR9gawcMADo-00275-00131288-00131690 pretty decentralized and pretty non-bureaucratic is there going to be BR9gawcMADo-00276-00131690-00132134 fraud absolutely but a lot of this money is actually going to get out pretty BR9gawcMADo-00277-00132134-00132689 quickly and it this is a way better bill than I expected what was your feeling BR9gawcMADo-00278-00132689-00133310 about the financial bailout after the financial crisis is this relative to BR9gawcMADo-00279-00133310-00133823 that this seems to be better because it's going to smaller businesses BR9gawcMADo-00280-00133823-00134507 and individuals or and is the you know is the function the same you know there BR9gawcMADo-00281-00134507-00134957 that was an idea how you know and I think that was overhyped beyond belief BR9gawcMADo-00282-00134957-00135371 but the idea was that the economic system was about to collapse we don't BR9gawcMADo-00283-00135371-00135860 really have that sense here right I think that's that that's a good analogy BR9gawcMADo-00284-00135860-00136436 the problem that I would say is it depends if you ask me when so if you ask BR9gawcMADo-00285-00136436-00137092 me in the fall of 2008 and the early spring of 2009 did we have to do the BR9gawcMADo-00286-00137092-00137597 bailout that we did probably yes toxic asset release program relief program we BR9gawcMADo-00287-00137597-00138002 probably did have to do because the expectations that they would be built BR9gawcMADo-00288-00138002-00138572 bailed out were built into the way that all these assets were capitalized if we BR9gawcMADo-00289-00138572-00139061 could have made a credible commitment in 2004 not to do a bailout then none of BR9gawcMADo-00290-00139061-00139346 that might have happened in the first place and no bailout would have been BR9gawcMADo-00291-00139346-00139844 required but when we did not when we fail to bail out Lehman Brothers there BR9gawcMADo-00292-00139844-00140408 was a catastrophe there really was a very substantial decline so I guess it I BR9gawcMADo-00293-00140408-00140930 kind of think of if you have an alcoholic relative question is how much BR9gawcMADo-00294-00140930-00141464 do you enable them it's absolutely true that if they could get caught drunk BR9gawcMADo-00295-00141464-00141935 driving and wrap their tree around a murder up their car around a tree should BR9gawcMADo-00296-00141935-00142301 you go bail them out or should you leave them in jail well you probably go bail BR9gawcMADo-00297-00142301-00142694 them out but the question is how it was there something before that some kind of BR9gawcMADo-00298-00142694-00143042 intervention that could have prevented it so you've enabled them all this time BR9gawcMADo-00299-00143042-00143465 and then you say well we have to help them now that's the wrong thing to think BR9gawcMADo-00300-00143465-00143822 but what you need to think is how can we prevent that from having happened in the BR9gawcMADo-00301-00143822-00144140 first place we did not make a credible commitment in BR9gawcMADo-00302-00144140-00144653 fact if you look at dodd-frank it specifies like a list it specifies what BR9gawcMADo-00303-00144653-00145169 is a systemically important financial institution or CP and says we will not BR9gawcMADo-00304-00145169-00145709 bail B's out if I were Salomon Brothers I would say that's my to-do list what I BR9gawcMADo-00305-00145709-00146147 want to do is accomplish I want to make sure I'm systemically important whereas BR9gawcMADo-00306-00146147-00146567 the restaurant on the corner is not systemic ly important but it's locally BR9gawcMADo-00307-00146567-00146880 important there's five people who work there BR9gawcMADo-00308-00146880-00147246 bailing them out means that there's a pretty good chance that those five BR9gawcMADo-00309-00147246-00147753 people will continue to have jobs that scales up in a way that paying off a few BR9gawcMADo-00310-00147753-00148302 people at the top doesn't so that explains why you are more comfortable BR9gawcMADo-00311-00148302-00148913 with the current the cares Act that went into effect last week we're comparing BR9gawcMADo-00312-00148913-00149304 levels of hell yeah one is the fifth level and what is the BR9gawcMADo-00313-00149304-00149760 seventh level of hell but yes that that legislation is better than I thought and BR9gawcMADo-00314-00149760-00150131 the two reasons are it's more decentralized and it's less bureaucratic BR9gawcMADo-00315-00150131-00150636 what do you expect to happen to the economy and you know part of this BR9gawcMADo-00316-00150636-00151260 depends on how long we're in lockdown for but you know over the next two or BR9gawcMADo-00317-00151260-00151620 three months what is likely to happen and then you know say come around BR9gawcMADo-00318-00151620-00152232 Christmastime where do you think we'll be as as an economy I am I have such a BR9gawcMADo-00319-00152232-00152742 history of bad predictions I do have to say that in November of this past year I BR9gawcMADo-00320-00152742-00153294 took all of my 401k and my wife's 401k and converted it to money market so BR9gawcMADo-00321-00153294-00153675 we've been in cash in short-term bonds since November and I felt like an idiot BR9gawcMADo-00322-00153675-00154110 for three months and now for two months I felt pretty smart right and but it's BR9gawcMADo-00323-00154110-00154461 not because I knew anything it was because it just looked like the system BR9gawcMADo-00324-00154461-00154962 was unsettled and so I think now everyone agrees that the system is BR9gawcMADo-00325-00154962-00155673 unsettled it's going to be hard to find money to invest the the the hospitality BR9gawcMADo-00326-00155673-00156210 industry restaurants hotels is just wiped out and they may not be back BR9gawcMADo-00327-00156210-00156456 anytime soon there are thousands and thousands and BR9gawcMADo-00328-00156456-00156873 thousands of people in every state who work in the hospitality industry and BR9gawcMADo-00329-00156873-00157335 they're not going to be able to spend money at Christmastime this this past BR9gawcMADo-00330-00157335-00157656 Christmas in some ways was not that great next Christmas may be a BR9gawcMADo-00331-00157656-00158229 catastrophe so I don't know we're gonna test a lot of the theories that can BR9gawcMADo-00332-00158229-00158799 ziens have about ways to try to spur the economy so we may see a big increase in BR9gawcMADo-00333-00158799-00159249 the rate of growth of the money supply we may see an attempt to start a bunch BR9gawcMADo-00334-00159249-00159690 of fiscal policy and we're probably going to get one or more of those things BR9gawcMADo-00335-00159690-00160260 wrong so it big increase in debt or a big increase in inflation BR9gawcMADo-00336-00160260-00160817 are quite possible what is you know are there historical episodes that we can BR9gawcMADo-00337-00160817-00161235 look to not for you know predictive value but for at least some kind of BR9gawcMADo-00338-00161235-00161886 analytic orientation World War two you know and I'm thinking back to you know BR9gawcMADo-00339-00161886-00162391 our mutual friend and your regular podcast partner and whatnot Russ Roberts BR9gawcMADo-00340-00162391-00162969 talking about hid the way he described World War two Oh as an undergrad who BR9gawcMADo-00341-00162969-00163463 took economics classes in the 1980s I was taught that you know the New Deal BR9gawcMADo-00342-00163463-00163991 was a good attempt to use Keynesianism to restart the economy but it wasn't big BR9gawcMADo-00343-00163991-00164385 enough but then you know World War two and all of the money and you know the BR9gawcMADo-00344-00164385-00164855 entire shifting of the American economy to war footing is what finally got us BR9gawcMADo-00345-00164855-00165384 out of the Great Depression Russ Roberts and other people say you know it didn't BR9gawcMADo-00346-00165384-00165798 do that at all when you look at economic growth and also economic freedom you BR9gawcMADo-00347-00165798-00166086 know nobody had anything everything was rationed and you couldn't do anything BR9gawcMADo-00348-00166086-00166695 and then in fact it was after World War Two and an absolute steep decline you BR9gawcMADo-00349-00166695-00167078 know by I don't know what like two thirds or something of federal spending BR9gawcMADo-00350-00167078-00167475 in the in the 40s that's when the economy took off you know can we look at BR9gawcMADo-00351-00167475-00167973 World War two and the effect both under lock down and then post-war as some BR9gawcMADo-00352-00167973-00168450 marker for what's going to happen or I had you know how do we even come up with BR9gawcMADo-00353-00168450-00169154 scenarios that are not just wish you know fantasies here I cannot think of an BR9gawcMADo-00354-00169154-00169805 analogy the closest analogy I can think of to for people living almost under BR9gawcMADo-00355-00169805-00170264 lockdown was the polio epidemic of the early in mid 50s so in many parts of the BR9gawcMADo-00356-00170264-00170564 Midwest people just stayed home in fact they had to stay in their own bedrooms BR9gawcMADo-00357-00170564-00170985 if you know polio is only for young people but I was catastrophic so before BR9gawcMADo-00358-00170985-00171590 the Salk vaccine became widely available and if you look at the economic effect BR9gawcMADo-00359-00171590-00172083 on states where there was the where the polio vaccine was running wild it was BR9gawcMADo-00360-00172083-00172550 terrible but it was relatively brief it was a couple of years and by then it BR9gawcMADo-00361-00172550-00173177 moved on to somewhere else the world war two question is it is true that an awful BR9gawcMADo-00362-00173177-00173616 lot of resources were employed in fact the in in the rap video if you use BR9gawcMADo-00363-00173616-00173955 and all your money on the Army in Fleet you have full employment but nothing to BR9gawcMADo-00364-00173955-00174273 eat right so you're not actually producing anything but there still was BR9gawcMADo-00365-00174273-00174780 income so people did have income there was full employment here we're not going BR9gawcMADo-00366-00174780-00175233 to be producing anything and people will not be employed so they won't have any BR9gawcMADo-00367-00175233-00175596 source of income even if it's fake income like it was in World War two BR9gawcMADo-00368-00175596-00176058 because there was nothing I could buy as things were rationed we may move to BR9gawcMADo-00369-00176058-00176484 rationing some things if people don't have enough money to buy an essentials BR9gawcMADo-00370-00176484-00177009 so I guess that my my big worry is in in big cities like New York if the BR9gawcMADo-00371-00177009-00177435 unemployment rate is 30 or 40 percent we're probably going to move to soup BR9gawcMADo-00372-00177435-00177963 wines and ration coupons where you can get things like WIC coupons except now BR9gawcMADo-00373-00177963-00178341 it won't be women and infant children it'll be anyone who's unemployed so the BR9gawcMADo-00374-00178341-00178935 we will we will move towards rationing of a more socialist kind because the BR9gawcMADo-00375-00178935-00179388 alternative is revolution and the cities will be on fire do you think it's likely BR9gawcMADo-00376-00179388-00179772 I mean end you know god we're only a few weeks into any of this but the BR9gawcMADo-00377-00179772-00180123 productive capacity doesn't seem to have slowed down as we were talking about you BR9gawcMADo-00378-00180123-00180669 know the grocery store shelves are full again do you think if this continues BR9gawcMADo-00379-00180669-00181104 that actually we won't be able to grow food or bring it to market or things BR9gawcMADo-00380-00181104-00181488 like that or is are we talking about something different here where it's the BR9gawcMADo-00381-00181488-00181997 food will be there and it's just that a large number of people and unfathomable BR9gawcMADo-00382-00181997-00182586 unfathomable percentage of people won't have any money to buy stuff with yes BR9gawcMADo-00383-00182586-00183168 that it is the production part of the economy is behaving pretty well and we BR9gawcMADo-00384-00183168-00183534 are restocking the shelves that we're gonna have a we're gonna have a problem BR9gawcMADo-00385-00183534-00184083 in the fall because there's not enough workers to be able to harvest crops but BR9gawcMADo-00386-00184083-00184563 but but for now we're still in last year we have plenty of food to be able to BR9gawcMADo-00387-00184563-00185010 distribute but if you're not able to pay your rent then you can have a law for a BR9gawcMADo-00388-00185010-00185364 little while that there'll be no evictions but that's a really short run BR9gawcMADo-00389-00185364-00185772 problem because the landlord is going to get evicted that the landlord has to BR9gawcMADo-00390-00185772-00186174 make the nut on the note that the landlord is paying every month and in BR9gawcMADo-00391-00186174-00186687 the big cities that in New York that in Washington DC San Francisco that's a lot BR9gawcMADo-00392-00186687-00187270 of money so and that is just we could decree that no one can be BR9gawcMADo-00393-00187270-00187675 evicted so they still have housing for a little while they have absolutely no way BR9gawcMADo-00394-00187675-00188071 of buying food they have no hope of getting a job to buy food and in fact BR9gawcMADo-00395-00188071-00188665 they can't leave their apartment so I I do think that in the what's going to BR9gawcMADo-00396-00188665-00189013 break the binding constraint is not we're going to run out of things to buy BR9gawcMADo-00397-00189013-00189540 but people are going to get tired of not being able to buy them not having any BR9gawcMADo-00398-00189540-00189937 income thirty or forty percent unemployment with no income coming in BR9gawcMADo-00399-00189937-00190278 you get a thousand dollars from the government that doesn't help very much BR9gawcMADo-00400-00190278-00190822 do you how likely do you think that scenario is I would guess that in the BR9gawcMADo-00401-00190822-00191332 large cities we will have rationing we will have rationing of the sort to BR9gawcMADo-00402-00191332-00191944 ensure that people with no money can get basics rice beans you know when vaccines BR9gawcMADo-00403-00191944-00192436 come online for this is there a strong argument you know you were talking we BR9gawcMADo-00404-00192436-00192855 started out talking about how price signals help you know create more of a BR9gawcMADo-00405-00192855-00193353 supply which ultimately lowers the prices so a spike in prices now can BR9gawcMADo-00406-00193353-00193924 actually guarantee or our health you know people have ubiquitous access to a BR9gawcMADo-00407-00193924-00194371 good later when a vaccine comes online should that be free or should or should BR9gawcMADo-00408-00194371-00194698 it be free to the person getting it should that be something that the BR9gawcMADo-00409-00194698-00195571 government actually makes sure gets to everybody one solution might be to pay BR9gawcMADo-00410-00195571-00196065 people to get the vaccine so we can never because the developing herd BR9gawcMADo-00411-00196065-00196720 immunity as fast as possible is our goal and no having a vaccine in combination BR9gawcMADo-00412-00196720-00197212 with a test to be to be able to tell whether you've had it so if we have a BR9gawcMADo-00413-00197212-00197551 test that could detect the presence of antibodies because some people are going BR9gawcMADo-00414-00197551-00197926 to have it and not know it they don't need the vaccine so if we can BR9gawcMADo-00415-00197926-00198315 develop two things an effective vaccine and a test to find out whether people BR9gawcMADo-00416-00198315-00198823 have antibodies present and we can make sure that ninety seven percent of the BR9gawcMADo-00417-00198823-00199290 population has met one of those two conditions the disease is over we're BR9gawcMADo-00418-00199290-00199723 done although it may be that it comes back in a year or two it's not clear how BR9gawcMADo-00419-00199723-00200164 long the antibodies last for coronavirus so it's it's not like chickenpox where BR9gawcMADo-00420-00200164-00200375 basically you have immunity for years and years BR9gawcMADo-00421-00200375-00200780 afterwards but if we can have those two things in tandem I would say that the BR9gawcMADo-00422-00200780-00201254 vaccine probably we should pay people to take the vaccine and have as many people BR9gawcMADo-00423-00201254-00201755 as possible you know one of the one of the hopes I think of the current moment BR9gawcMADo-00424-00201755-00202235 is you know just as the FDA and the CDC and various local and state authorities BR9gawcMADo-00425-00202235-00202706 are giving up kind of stupid regulations that don't seem to be working at all BR9gawcMADo-00426-00202706-00203147 that we're going to experiment a lot and do that I mean realistically I mean BR9gawcMADo-00427-00203147-00203537 you're you're talking about a major shift from in the past it was you cannot BR9gawcMADo-00428-00203537-00203990 come in here unless you can certify that you have been inoculated against BR9gawcMADo-00429-00203990-00204329 something I've we have kids you can't go to schools unless you show a vaccination BR9gawcMADo-00430-00204329-00204773 list and all of that now you suddenly you're talking about paying people to BR9gawcMADo-00431-00204773-00205191 get vaccinated or to you know take a test to show that they're in BR9gawcMADo-00432-00205191-00205730 realistically are we really gonna change you know 200 years of public policy in BR9gawcMADo-00433-00205730-00206269 America over this kind of stuff and if so how do we how do we grease the skids BR9gawcMADo-00434-00206269-00206825 for that kind of activity I think that economic misery is going to make people BR9gawcMADo-00435-00206825-00207313 a lot more susceptible to it because again just as we said there's going to BR9gawcMADo-00436-00207313-00207680 be deaths no matter what there's going to be economic costs no matter what so BR9gawcMADo-00437-00207680-00208157 is there a way we can choose that will minimize the total economic misery and I BR9gawcMADo-00438-00208157-00208837 think this will be less expensive then letting the thing run its course and not BR9gawcMADo-00439-00208837-00209375 the longer this goes on the longer we extend the the period in which we're BR9gawcMADo-00440-00209375-00209848 economically inert and there'll be a there's there's no fundamental problems BR9gawcMADo-00441-00209848-00210223 dynamically we should start to respond on the other end there's be a lot of BR9gawcMADo-00442-00210223-00210638 pent up demand for all sorts of home repairs of construction people will want BR9gawcMADo-00443-00210638-00211007 to go on vacations so the sooner we can get through that the better now I BR9gawcMADo-00444-00211007-00211469 realize that that sort of argument is always made by the left and I feel a BR9gawcMADo-00445-00211469-00211991 little odd making it know it's gonna pay for itself that if we do this if we're BR9gawcMADo-00446-00211991-00212438 actually going to make money by spending this but it's actually true that herd BR9gawcMADo-00447-00212438-00213019 immunity is a different kind of public good if we can get to 97 percent we're BR9gawcMADo-00448-00213019-00213452 in a fundamentally different world than if we're at 80 percent talked a bit BR9gawcMADo-00449-00213452-00213782 about whether or not you know this moment BR9gawcMADo-00450-00213782-00214355 which you know we're about the same age we're in our late 30s right yeah with 30 BR9gawcMADo-00451-00214355-00215011 years experience yes and but you know this is certainly the most I was gonna BR9gawcMADo-00452-00215011-00215479 say the most unique it's it is a completely novel and unique experience BR9gawcMADo-00453-00215479-00216148 it's not like the financial crisis it is not like 9/11 it's not like the Cold War BR9gawcMADo-00454-00216148-00216641 and at various hot points there this is a weird Black Swan you know what hopes BR9gawcMADo-00455-00216641-00217082 it's a Black Swan and it doesn't become just the new normal all of this you know BR9gawcMADo-00456-00217082-00217751 how does this affect your libertarian predispositions does it fundamentally BR9gawcMADo-00457-00217751-00218161 challenge things or does it you know magically as often is the case for any BR9gawcMADo-00458-00218161-00218702 ideological persuasion you know have all of your you know political commitments BR9gawcMADo-00459-00218702-00219167 suddenly been validated by what's going on here talking I mean and I and I guess BR9gawcMADo-00460-00219167-00219554 I'm sorry to go on it so long as a prologue to this you know immediately BR9gawcMADo-00461-00219554-00219983 upon this first becoming recognized as a problem you know you started seeing BR9gawcMADo-00462-00219983-00220406 headlines saying there are no libertarians and in pandemics and then BR9gawcMADo-00463-00220406-00220844 you know I know reason at other places published stories almost immediately the BR9gawcMADo-00464-00220844-00221269 first you know time a rule was suspended and people were like I just go about BR9gawcMADo-00465-00221269-00221686 your business it was like now there are only libertarians and pandemics where BR9gawcMADo-00466-00221686-00222248 are you on any of this Michael almost everyone has seen their predispositions BR9gawcMADo-00467-00222248-00222656 validated by what has happened and so we used we use the evidence selectively to BR9gawcMADo-00468-00222656-00223121 support what we believed already but I have to admit I came to realize that I BR9gawcMADo-00469-00223121-00223769 had a view on this January first my good friend Tyler Cowen wrote a piece on BR9gawcMADo-00470-00223769-00224429 state capacity libertarianism and I recently wrote a coming out story of my BR9gawcMADo-00471-00224429-00224915 own how state capacity libertarianism makes a lot of sense it seems to me we BR9gawcMADo-00472-00224915-00225431 need to have a healthy skepticism about the scope of the functions of the state BR9gawcMADo-00473-00225431-00225989 and the the state has metastasized into so many areas where it has no business BR9gawcMADo-00474-00225989-00226466 so as a result it does a pretty bad job in almost all of them so it's trying to BR9gawcMADo-00475-00226466-00226929 do everything and as a result can't do anything can you right and we BR9gawcMADo-00476-00226929-00227369 need it to do something now right I mean this is uh you know I'm broadly in the BR9gawcMADo-00477-00227369-00227796 same camp that you know I'm not an anarchist I think the government is BR9gawcMADo-00478-00227796-00228279 legitimate and it should do fewer things well rather than everything kind of in a BR9gawcMADo-00479-00228279-00228644 half-assed way can you put some meat on those bones BR9gawcMADo-00480-00228644-00229041 what are the things the government should be doing and what are the things BR9gawcMADo-00481-00229041-00229373 that should say you know what we we got a we got to just leave this to the BR9gawcMADo-00482-00229373-00229881 markets or to nonprofits or something else well there's a short run in the BR9gawcMADo-00483-00229881-00230259 long run so let's think about the short run for a second suppose that like many BR9gawcMADo-00484-00230259-00230541 of my libertarian colleagues one believes that the Food and Drug BR9gawcMADo-00485-00230541-00231194 Administration is unnecessary brand names brand names trademarks reputation BR9gawcMADo-00486-00231194-00231519 that could solve all of that problem we could have something like underwriters BR9gawcMADo-00487-00231519-00231971 laboratories a private organization that will check to see if drugs work all BR9gawcMADo-00488-00231971-00232569 right you can believe that we have the FDA the question is does starving the BR9gawcMADo-00489-00232569-00233021 Beast help should we cut the budget of the FDA does that get us closer to BR9gawcMADo-00490-00233021-00233648 Liberto Pia no given that we have the FDA given that that's the system the FDA BR9gawcMADo-00491-00233648-00234092 needs to be well-funded and to have these other rules eliminated so that's BR9gawcMADo-00492-00234092-00234519 actually consistent with the libertarian view we should liberalize the rules at BR9gawcMADo-00493-00234519-00234917 the FDA but it should be well funded it should have a lot of experts it should BR9gawcMADo-00494-00234917-00235260 be an exciting place to work people who want to commit to public health is it BR9gawcMADo-00495-00235260-00235815 but isn't that what the CDC you know that is always given high marks for a BR9gawcMADo-00496-00235815-00236409 government agency and it's explicitly designed to help stave off exactly what BR9gawcMADo-00497-00236409-00236778 we're in and you know Donald Trump may have tried to defund certain aspects of BR9gawcMADo-00498-00236778-00237273 it but its budget continues to go up and it's hasn't it been shown to be you know BR9gawcMADo-00499-00237273-00237711 not just an effective but cock-blocking other people who were actually trying to BR9gawcMADo-00500-00237711-00238485 get get something done yeah I'm I'm I'm I'm willing to say that and that's the BR9gawcMADo-00501-00238485-00238932 second part in the short run we should not just be across the board trying to BR9gawcMADo-00502-00238932-00239361 cut I have many libertarian friends that say anything that smaller government is BR9gawcMADo-00503-00239361-00239819 better that's not true it's just not true we need to be selective in the long BR9gawcMADo-00504-00239819-00240213 run we do need to try to say we need to have a serious conversation particularly BR9gawcMADo-00505-00240213-00240630 about X I would like to zero out the budget of BR9gawcMADo-00506-00240630-00241041 some agencies and something what is an agency that you would say like you're BR9gawcMADo-00507-00241041-00241965 done well number one the TSA should be private other countries the the air BR9gawcMADo-00508-00241965-00242309 traffic control should be private most other countries again don't have BR9gawcMADo-00509-00242309-00242988 homeland security many parts of ice should not exist there's no reason for BR9gawcMADo-00510-00242988-00243465 us to have domestic spying to have of interrogations of people that are BR9gawcMADo-00511-00243465-00243900 hundreds of miles inland we want to control the border okay I mean that that BR9gawcMADo-00512-00243900-00244292 we could argue about the extent but they're just enforcing the law but we BR9gawcMADo-00513-00244292-00244844 have a lot of enforcement and spying activity as a result of the aftermath of BR9gawcMADo-00514-00244844-00245444 9/11 the expansion of the Patriot Act so there's a bunch of activities that the BR9gawcMADo-00515-00245444-00245976 government engages in and some of that at the local level is just nanny ism BR9gawcMADo-00516-00245976-00246441 where you're you're it might not even be money it isn't so much spending as the BR9gawcMADo-00517-00246441-00247005 scope of regulation so attempts to make sure with local zoning that you cannot BR9gawcMADo-00518-00247005-00247413 build houses in San Francisco and then complain about the absence of low-cost BR9gawcMADo-00519-00247413-00247935 housing have a requirement where you have to have 1.75 parking spaces per new BR9gawcMADo-00520-00247935-00248505 a apartment so there's a lot of regulations we could get rid of there's BR9gawcMADo-00521-00248505-00248853 a lot of things that we could zero out and then what's left should be BR9gawcMADo-00522-00248853-00249555 well-funded right let's talk a little bit about your line of work and you know BR9gawcMADo-00523-00249555-00250083 regardless of the coronavirus you know in a lot of ways the the kind of model BR9gawcMADo-00524-00250083-00250560 of a four-year residential college with tenured faculty BR9gawcMADo-00525-00250560-00250944 I'd say there's a strong argument that you know first off that hasn't been BR9gawcMADo-00526-00250944-00251307 around for as long as people think it's really a post-war and it's more like a BR9gawcMADo-00527-00251307-00251946 post increase in state universities in the 50s till now it's dying anyway the BR9gawcMADo-00528-00251946-00252507 number of tenure faculty positions in many areas dying out but this is a shock BR9gawcMADo-00529-00252507-00253035 the coronavirus you know pandemic and the lockdown is as much a shock to BR9gawcMADo-00530-00253035-00253598 higher education as it is to any possible part of the economy you have BR9gawcMADo-00531-00253598-00253839 written eyes last time that we talked that length it BR9gawcMADo-00532-00253839-00254364 was about your fantastic book about the future of work the future of labor in a BR9gawcMADo-00533-00254364-00254919 you know in a kind of sharing economy and whatnot talk a little bit about how BR9gawcMADo-00534-00254919-00255554 your daily work life has changed because of this and you know in the fall is Duke BR9gawcMADo-00535-00255554-00256071 or other colleges are they going to be open for business as usual or is it is BR9gawcMADo-00536-00256071-00256614 this a moment where you know they're the you know that the butterfly was trying BR9gawcMADo-00537-00256614-00256977 to come out of the caterpillars chrysalis or whatever for a long time is BR9gawcMADo-00538-00256977-00257442 this finally the the moment where a lot of what we took for granted as higher ed BR9gawcMADo-00539-00257442-00258009 just kind of disappears we could do a whole hour-long podcast about this I BR9gawcMADo-00540-00258009-00258558 think it's an interesting question I just submitted a piece to a national BR9gawcMADo-00541-00258558-00258954 magazine they haven't accepted yet so I won't say one but I just submitted a BR9gawcMADo-00542-00258954-00259329 piece to a national magazine about the future of higher education I think this BR9gawcMADo-00543-00259329-00260109 is going to be a Rubicon we're going to cross over and this experience for many BR9gawcMADo-00544-00260109-00260613 students is going to give the lie to the idea that you have to show up on campus BR9gawcMADo-00545-00260613-00261225 and be educated at a particular time so there's the the tyranny of the clock BR9gawcMADo-00546-00261225-00261642 tower you can only be educated between 10 a.m. and 11:15 on Tuesday and BR9gawcMADo-00547-00261642-00262065 Thursday instead of having things that are asynchronous you can watch this BR9gawcMADo-00548-00262065-00262707 video you can watch it two or three times I think that we're gonna look back BR9gawcMADo-00549-00262707-00263333 on this as a big change in higher education however it is true that that BR9gawcMADo-00550-00263333-00263940 not now but two months ago in New York City in one day you could see a movie in BR9gawcMADo-00551-00263940-00264414 the morning you could watch Netflix in your apartment in the afternoon and you BR9gawcMADo-00552-00264414-00264930 could go to a live play on Broadway in the evening so all of these things doing BR9gawcMADo-00553-00264930-00265389 it live in a group doing it individually and then watching a video as a group and BR9gawcMADo-00554-00265389-00265941 having a discussion all of those things can happen in it that the the tyranny of BR9gawcMADo-00555-00265941-00266424 the top universities probably will continue tyrannies the wrong word the BR9gawcMADo-00556-00266424-00266802 dominance of the top universe because of the signaling value of going to an elite BR9gawcMADo-00557-00266802-00267147 university but many many other people there is no BR9gawcMADo-00558-00267147-00267810 reason why University should have the gatekeeping role that they do we should BR9gawcMADo-00559-00267810-00268242 make education something that's more depth democratized well and it's become BR9gawcMADo-00560-00268242-00268650 that certainly since World War two and I'd argue you know in a weird way and I BR9gawcMADo-00561-00268650-00269024 guess this is something that a lot of libertarian thought doesn't dwell on but BR9gawcMADo-00562-00269024-00269553 simultaneously a school like Duke or you know a you know whatever you want to BR9gawcMADo-00563-00269553-00270099 call it a top 25 university may have more cachet now but people have more BR9gawcMADo-00564-00270099-00270549 ways of totally ignoring that than ever before the New York Times the people BR9gawcMADo-00565-00270549-00270999 there are paid more they have higher status than ever and it's also like the BR9gawcMADo-00566-00270999-00271458 New York Times can't close down Broadway plays with a shitty review anymore so we BR9gawcMADo-00567-00271458-00271896 have these things that are moving in the same you know in in directions that BR9gawcMADo-00568-00271896-00272274 don't seem to add up let me ask you this about a higher ed though and BR9gawcMADo-00569-00272274-00272655 particularly when you're talking about certain social sciences and the BR9gawcMADo-00570-00272655-00273249 humanities you know we tend to talk about higher ed as if it's only a place BR9gawcMADo-00571-00273249-00273774 where undergraduates go and you know learn you know the all the best that has BR9gawcMADo-00572-00273774-00274119 been thought and said and all of that kind of stuff in fact I would argue that BR9gawcMADo-00573-00274119-00274542 the main function or the the real utility of a university of a research BR9gawcMADo-00574-00274542-00275319 university is the work that the faculty do how do you see that changing if you BR9gawcMADo-00575-00275319-00275850 know suddenly people don't have to be going to colleges as much and department BR9gawcMADo-00576-00275850-00276183 budgets you don't need as many professors you cut the budget the BR9gawcMADo-00577-00276183-00276651 professors are expected to teach more do less research what's what is the large BR9gawcMADo-00578-00276651-00277299 impact of that kind of act that kind of shift that could really be a big deal BR9gawcMADo-00579-00277299-00277749 because a lot of the research that's done in humanities departments is just BR9gawcMADo-00580-00277749-00278178 done as a means to an end to getting tenure which is done as a means to an BR9gawcMADo-00581-00278178-00278616 end to having the rankings of your university improved and it's more like a BR9gawcMADo-00582-00278616-00279051 computer game than anything real the amodal number of references to a lot of BR9gawcMADo-00583-00279051-00279531 these published articles is zero no one ever reads them right and so the way BR9gawcMADo-00584-00279531-00280224 that we have research structured is because it's a tied good to education - BR9gawcMADo-00585-00280224-00280629 education forgive me to participating in what it is we do in BR9gawcMADo-00586-00280629-00281100 the classroom and so breaking those things apart I'm not sure that there BR9gawcMADo-00587-00281100-00281529 would be that much demand and I'll just stick to my own discipline right if you BR9gawcMADo-00588-00281529-00282003 had to sell research in political science on its own I'm not sure anybody BR9gawcMADo-00589-00282003-00282432 would pay for that but we get paid a lot to do research in political science BR9gawcMADo-00590-00282432-00282795 because we're in a political science department at a top university but if BR9gawcMADo-00591-00282795-00283266 it's don't you think that you're a better teacher because you're actively BR9gawcMADo-00592-00283266-00283833 doing research whether or not that research is going to produce a patent BR9gawcMADo-00593-00283833-00284268 that you can sell to a corporation you know it's besides the point I mean there BR9gawcMADo-00594-00284268-00284766 is I think a link between smart people doing research being better in the BR9gawcMADo-00595-00284766-00285483 classroom which then attracts more people I think that that is true for BR9gawcMADo-00596-00285483-00285951 many of the it is true that many of the best teachers are also good researchers BR9gawcMADo-00597-00285951-00286437 however what I was saying was that a lot of the research that is actually BR9gawcMADo-00598-00286437-00286782 published it is hard to say what its value is BR9gawcMADo-00599-00286782-00287319 so the doing research and staying current in your field is a good way to BR9gawcMADo-00600-00287319-00287709 be better teachers and that's working fine I think but I would say that but BR9gawcMADo-00601-00287709-00288159 that's working pretty well at the top universities but there's a lot of BR9gawcMADo-00602-00288159-00288681 universities that are large state universities that are what we we call BR9gawcMADo-00603-00288681-00289008 them it's derogatory we call them directional University so they have they BR9gawcMADo-00604-00289008-00289458 have a direct piece Carolina yeah Norah well let's say you're at Duke let's say BR9gawcMADo-00605-00289458-00290016 North Carolina yeah it's a directional State University yeah that is I've never BR9gawcMADo-00606-00290016-00290321 thought of that before but I'm going to use it a lot from now on thank you BR9gawcMADo-00607-00290321-00290913 though they're there they're teaching four classes a semester and they do get BR9gawcMADo-00608-00290913-00291471 to do some research but if we could break that off and have them use a video BR9gawcMADo-00609-00291471-00291951 from a professor who is really great at doing this something like the equivalent BR9gawcMADo-00610-00291951-00292338 of movie stars and they have a discussion about it that might be better BR9gawcMADo-00611-00292338-00292710 than expecting them to do lectures on their own so we're trapped in this BR9gawcMADo-00612-00292710-00293256 narrative about the sage on the stage and with the new technology allows us to BR9gawcMADo-00613-00293256-00293723 break that up and have it be more modular so creativity and teaching BR9gawcMADo-00614-00293723-00294233 be more important than having research informed teaching that we can probably BR9gawcMADo-00615-00294233-00294719 only afford at the top places what what about other forms of labor BR9gawcMADo-00616-00294719-00295274 you know this year started or really over the past year in California there BR9gawcMADo-00617-00295274-00295799 was a law that was passed you know to help supposedly uber drivers and lyft BR9gawcMADo-00618-00295799-00296270 drivers and people delivering for Grubb other seamless or whatever you know a BR9gawcMADo-00619-00296270-00296813 law that basically banned freelancing in the name of saying you know what the the BR9gawcMADo-00620-00296813-00297233 grand bargain between employer and employee that was hammered out in the BR9gawcMADo-00621-00297233-00297680 fat years after World War Two and the the great compression you know this BR9gawcMADo-00622-00297680-00298036 mythical period that never really existed but we're constantly referencing BR9gawcMADo-00623-00298036-00298526 that our parents our grandparents you know worked for one company forever and BR9gawcMADo-00624-00298526-00299018 they got a fully-loaded health benefit plan they got a Cadillac retirement and BR9gawcMADo-00625-00299018-00299450 that's how it should always be you know in California was leading the way and BR9gawcMADo-00626-00299450-00299933 saying we're forcing companies to do that again your book from a couple years BR9gawcMADo-00627-00299933-00300398 ago is it and I'm blanking on the title it's got three morrow BR9gawcMADo-00628-00300398-00300854 it's tomorrow 3.0 3.0 I knew it had 3.0 and it's Martha know was actually BR9gawcMADo-00629-00300854-00301421 extolling the virtues of the gig economy or of you know more modular kind of BR9gawcMADo-00630-00301421-00301982 hammer you know individually tailored work arrangements what's gonna happen do BR9gawcMADo-00631-00301982-00302324 you think you know when we're on the other side of this regarding your vision BR9gawcMADo-00632-00302324-00302888 of the future well and it connects with the coronavirus and social distancing BR9gawcMADo-00633-00302888-00303335 because it means that there we need more flexibility in labor markets so last BR9gawcMADo-00634-00303335-00303641 week I wrote some land that nothing better BR9gawcMADo-00635-00303641-00304472 for your book than the coronavirus yeah I'm in investigating though selfish BR9gawcMADo-00636-00304472-00305129 Michael's under so so so precious yeah I wrote a letter I'm working with BR9gawcMADo-00637-00305129-00305609 the independent Institute Institute in Oakland California to have a letter for BR9gawcMADo-00638-00305609-00305977 California economists and policy analysts to ask the governor of BR9gawcMADo-00639-00305977-00306488 California to suspend assembly bill five so Assembly Bill five was the BR9gawcMADo-00640-00306488-00306961 legislation that basically said a set of requirements and it really effect BR9gawcMADo-00641-00306961-00307453 Reiter's the the tough thing about a b5 was that if you published at first it BR9gawcMADo-00642-00307453-00307975 was more than 20 and then it became more than 32 pieces per year for the same BR9gawcMADo-00643-00307975-00308176 magazine well if you have a weekly column BR9gawcMADo-00644-00308176-00308677 you're gonna publish 30 yeah you do have to be a full-time staff or etc which BR9gawcMADo-00645-00308677-00309076 means which means that they wouldn't let you write the reaction was not to hire BR9gawcMADo-00646-00309076-00309475 them as a full-time staff for with benefits the reaction perfectly BR9gawcMADo-00647-00309475-00309886 understandably was to say alright you can't write more than this limit and so BR9gawcMADo-00648-00309886-00310544 we're gonna try to get governor Newsom to suspend a b5 for as long as the BR9gawcMADo-00649-00310544-00311083 corona virus is keeping social distancing because it we need people to BR9gawcMADo-00650-00311083-00311533 be able to work in part-time jobs so they can get by until full-time jobs BR9gawcMADo-00651-00311533-00311908 start to come back they may or may not ever come back I think a b5 should be BR9gawcMADo-00652-00311908-00312232 rescinded yeah but it should it should clearly be BR9gawcMADo-00653-00312232-00312872 suspended in the short run because ability to use apps and gig jobs to get BR9gawcMADo-00654-00312872-00313316 through are going to be the key to reducing the damage economically what do BR9gawcMADo-00655-00313316-00313915 you think about the argument that a fairly massive federal unemployment BR9gawcMADo-00656-00313915-00314498 benefits in the decares Act and the two trillion dollar spending bill that was BR9gawcMADo-00657-00314498-00314914 passed plus the you know monthly stipend essentially going to people may BR9gawcMADo-00658-00314914-00315460 individuals and children you know in households making under 75 grand a year BR9gawcMADo-00659-00315460-00316097 is actually going to push companies to fire people or to at least furlough them BR9gawcMADo-00660-00316097-00316702 do you think yeah are we paying people to not work effectively and that means BR9gawcMADo-00661-00316702-00317230 you know what that's up that's a pretty good bargain for everybody I think that BR9gawcMADo-00662-00317230-00317701 companies recognize how expensive it is to hire new people and so they'll BR9gawcMADo-00663-00317701-00318256 probably try to keep them on if they can but restrictions like a b5 that mean BR9gawcMADo-00664-00318256-00318671 that there's a high minimum wage you have to continue to pay benefits if you BR9gawcMADo-00665-00318671-00319150 could keep them on in a furloughed capacity for a longer time it's more BR9gawcMADo-00666-00319150-00319576 likely you would continue to have a predictable relationship with that BR9gawcMADo-00667-00319576-00320074 company it is true that some companies may say you know you're you're getting BR9gawcMADo-00668-00320074-00320659 enough from outside we're just going to you often not pay you anything I think BR9gawcMADo-00669-00320659-00321148 that's a hard calculus and there are so many different businesses and different BR9gawcMADo-00670-00321148-00321676 sized businesses I have talked to some people recently that are now they stayed BR9gawcMADo-00671-00321676-00322040 home for a bit they took unpaid leave and the company is saying maybe because BR9gawcMADo-00672-00322040-00322426 they had symptoms the company is saying you have to come back or you're going to BR9gawcMADo-00673-00322426-00322750 be we're going to treat you as if you resign because you refuse to come to BR9gawcMADo-00674-00322750-00323281 work they're in a very difficult spot the companies can't continue to offer BR9gawcMADo-00675-00323281-00323704 benefits for free but the people don't feel like they can go back to work do BR9gawcMADo-00676-00323704-00324292 you know one of the most kind of annoying and frustrating conversations BR9gawcMADo-00677-00324292-00324682 we've had as a nation for you know 20 years a minimum it's longer than that BR9gawcMADo-00678-00324682-00325144 but especially you know in the past 10 or 15 years revolving around Obamacare BR9gawcMADo-00679-00325144-00325672 in health care a lot of us wanted to delink health care and health insurance BR9gawcMADo-00680-00325672-00326182 from employment because you know among just from the employer point of view BR9gawcMADo-00681-00326182-00326599 they don't know you know how to run a health care insurance plan and it you BR9gawcMADo-00682-00326599-00326998 know it's it's difficult it's a drain on them and they're gonna get a crappy deal BR9gawcMADo-00683-00326998-00327418 for their employees employees want to be able to move from job to job with that BR9gawcMADo-00684-00327418-00327766 saying you know I hate my I'm working in a coal mine but you know the benefits BR9gawcMADo-00685-00327766-00328108 are good so I'm not gonna you know become a supermodel or something like BR9gawcMADo-00686-00328108-00328870 that where are we in terms of D linking that now because you know we have on a BR9gawcMADo-00687-00328870-00329176 certain level we've been told her the Trump administration has said you know BR9gawcMADo-00688-00329176-00329659 they're not gonna reopen the Obamacare exchanges Obamacare didn't really get us BR9gawcMADo-00689-00329659-00329968 very far along the line we can argue about why or why not BR9gawcMADo-00690-00329968-00330376 the idea that the government should be more involved in it in a system that it BR9gawcMADo-00691-00330376-00330863 already spends half of the dollars that are spent on and is does a kind of bad BR9gawcMADo-00692-00330863-00331388 job in the in the areas that it directly oversees you know how does health care BR9gawcMADo-00693-00331388-00331951 and the relationship to work where government come out of the coronavirus BR9gawcMADo-00694-00331951-00332438 lockdown this is gonna break it so regardless of which side you're on I BR9gawcMADo-00695-00332438-00332899 think empirically it's going to break our ability to link them because people BR9gawcMADo-00696-00332899-00333290 like me that have a secure job I will also have secure health care a BR9gawcMADo-00697-00333290-00333585 lot of people that really need health care when they lose BR9gawcMADo-00698-00333585-00334045 job won't have it and their access to it was not improved that much by Obamacare BR9gawcMADo-00699-00334045-00334677 Obamacare was basically written by the few elites we didn't really even then BR9gawcMADo-00700-00334677-00335272 achieve of 100% coverage there's there's at least one former editor of recent BR9gawcMADo-00701-00335272-00335719 magazine who was actually expressed admiration for the French system with BR9gawcMADo-00702-00335719-00336244 you a single-payer health care system and I wonder if something like the BR9gawcMADo-00703-00336244-00336622 German system might be a compromise so it would take it would be a big and BR9gawcMADo-00704-00336622-00337018 wrenching change to have individual health care accounts that are tax-free BR9gawcMADo-00705-00337018-00337570 that we then top-up the German system is basically a voucher system so there's BR9gawcMADo-00706-00337570-00337963 there's five companies that provide insurance and if you can't pay enough BR9gawcMADo-00707-00337963-00338368 into it it'll be topped up but then there's competitive private provision so BR9gawcMADo-00708-00338368-00338740 I'm worried that we'll move to something like a national health system that we BR9gawcMADo-00709-00338740-00339289 see in England whereas the German system yeah it's not perhaps that's not utopian BR9gawcMADo-00710-00339289-00339820 but it it harnesses some good elements like well versal coverage but also BR9gawcMADo-00711-00339820-00340383 market forces week we libertarians shouldn't speak for everyone I myself BR9gawcMADo-00712-00340383-00340905 find that a compromise in education is government financing and private BR9gawcMADo-00713-00340905-00341460 provision right so a voucher system so the German system is universal public BR9gawcMADo-00714-00341460-00341877 financing but competitive private provision right and that may be the best BR9gawcMADo-00715-00341877-00342289 that we can hope for because having a lot of people without health care and BR9gawcMADo-00716-00342289-00342684 having that sense of precariousness also being locked into jobs that haven't BR9gawcMADo-00717-00342684-00343138 happened to have benefits it is not worked out very well and the fact that BR9gawcMADo-00718-00343138-00343602 employment is going to be so high means that the question that you just asked I BR9gawcMADo-00719-00343602-00343941 would guess that that's going to be a national conversation within two months BR9gawcMADo-00720-00343941-00344719 so just as a kind of final topic of conversation you know can you take a BR9gawcMADo-00721-00344719-00345249 long view of you know and I know from previous conversations you grew up under BR9gawcMADo-00722-00345249-00345745 you know not exactly plush circumstances and you know in the American century in BR9gawcMADo-00723-00345745-00346326 the meat of the American Century you like myself I think looked forward to BR9gawcMADo-00724-00346326-00346731 the 21st century you know this if it wasn't gonna be jetpacks it was gonna be BR9gawcMADo-00725-00346731-00347147 you know at least this right I mean so this is kind of cool this is Dick BR9gawcMADo-00726-00347147-00347942 Tracy you know TV watch stuff like that but it seems like the 21st century you BR9gawcMADo-00727-00347942-00348443 know first starting with the kind of nightmare of an election really that was BR9gawcMADo-00728-00348443-00348851 basically came down to a coin flip and then suddenly when you go back and you BR9gawcMADo-00729-00348851-00349373 have to count every vote and you just realized like wow this reality is kind BR9gawcMADo-00730-00349373-00350059 of goopy and filled with all kinds of weird shit going on then 9/11 you know BR9gawcMADo-00731-00350059-00350624 then a nightmare I mean with with you know prosecuted 9 Allah of the wars BR9gawcMADo-00732-00350624-00351182 after 9/11 prosecuted by baby boomers of all people who cut their teeth you know BR9gawcMADo-00733-00351182-00352007 being anti-war the financial crisis now this what is your sense of the future of BR9gawcMADo-00734-00352007-00352622 optimism and you know does you know does libertarian does a libertarian BR9gawcMADo-00735-00352622-00353114 sensibility do you think actually offer much to a vision of the future where is BR9gawcMADo-00736-00353114-00353645 it one of those weird ossified artifacts of you know mid-century prosperity that BR9gawcMADo-00737-00353645-00354233 just you know is is irrelevant to to what it what to the world that our kids BR9gawcMADo-00738-00354233-00354808 and grandkids are gonna be paying for in 2008 when I was the keynote speaker for BR9gawcMADo-00739-00354808-00355277 the libertarian national convention in Denver the the theme of my speech was BR9gawcMADo-00740-00355277-00355847 what are we for you know I wanted to ask what optimistic positive view of the BR9gawcMADo-00741-00355847-00356177 future are we able to offer because libertarians are usually against things BR9gawcMADo-00742-00356177-00356552 if you were to ask there's always some laundry list of things that were against BR9gawcMADo-00743-00356552-00357152 and I guess I think the optimistic part of the libertarian vision is that we BR9gawcMADo-00744-00357152-00357607 think that there's a lot of human creativity and resilience in the face of BR9gawcMADo-00745-00357607-00358111 catastrophe and that left to their own devices people are pretty cooperative on BR9gawcMADo-00746-00358111-00358486 the other hand libertarians tend not to be utopian we're don't think we can BR9gawcMADo-00747-00358486-00358955 accomplish all sorts of things that socialism promises or that other M isms BR9gawcMADo-00748-00358955-00359417 promise we're going to just try to muddle through so I guess that's a BR9gawcMADo-00749-00359417-00359948 that's a very limited kind of optimism but I do think that there's a lot of BR9gawcMADo-00750-00359948-00360267 people that I have talked to have started to think all right what happen BR9gawcMADo-00751-00360267-00360720 at the other end how can we start to plan for this and we we're not going to BR9gawcMADo-00752-00360720-00361308 come out of it better than we were this is going to be a scar and a limitation BR9gawcMADo-00753-00361308-00361566 on what we can accomplish for a decade or more BR9gawcMADo-00754-00361566-00362160 but the things are rarely so bad that aggressive intervention by the state BR9gawcMADo-00755-00362160-00362736 can't make them worse all right well is there a particular BR9gawcMADo-00756-00362736-00363159 signal a bad sign you know that signal in the air that you're looking for that BR9gawcMADo-00757-00363159-00363927 says okay this is the time when we start opening things back up I used to think BR9gawcMADo-00758-00363927-00364605 that it would happen fairly quickly once quite a few people who have the virus BR9gawcMADo-00759-00364605-00365094 are starting to come out the other end so once the number of people who are BR9gawcMADo-00760-00365094-00365610 starting to recover approximates the number of new people that are catching BR9gawcMADo-00761-00365610-00366072 it each week then that's the turning point but if you look at the the New BR9gawcMADo-00762-00366072-00366570 York Times has a page that I look at every morning on a log scale and the BR9gawcMADo-00763-00366570-00367143 rate of increase of deaths in the United States it's still linear and linear on a BR9gawcMADo-00764-00367143-00367581 log scale means it's doubling so it's still doubling every three days we're a BR9gawcMADo-00765-00367581-00368127 long way from getting to the point even where we can say we're at the beginning BR9gawcMADo-00766-00368127-00368610 of the end so we're a month or more even from starting a downturn in the rate of BR9gawcMADo-00767-00368610-00369215 increase and I did not expect that this is far worse than I had anticipated BR9gawcMADo-00768-00369215-00369645 maybe it was anticipated well maybe I wasn't paying enough attention you know BR9gawcMADo-00769-00369645-00370149 I'm teaching my classes and I'm reading things but we're a month or more even BR9gawcMADo-00770-00370149-00370632 from the beginning of the end all right well we're gonna leave it there Mike BR9gawcMADo-00771-00370632-00371181 monger of Duke University thank you so much for talking to Reason and sharing BR9gawcMADo-00772-00371181-00371715 your thoughts about public health economics and the future of work and BR9gawcMADo-00773-00371715-00372182 higher education it was great to talk to you Nick BR9gawcMADo-00774-00372481-00372687 you BT6YRUsl9CY-00000-00000016-00000408 what can i say the last two years have been rough have you planned any goals for yourself BT6YRUsl9CY-00001-00000480-00000800 hey everybody how's it going welcome back to my channel my name is trg BT6YRUsl9CY-00002-00000800-00001592 and today's real talk we're gonna be tackling goals stay tuned for some advice with that BT6YRUsl9CY-00003-00002600-00003200 so recently i was talking to a friend about some of the rejections and failures that they've BT6YRUsl9CY-00004-00003200-00003864 suffered you know in their careers and really got me thinking about short-term and long-term goals BT6YRUsl9CY-00005-00003864-00004544 and really how the last two years have been really really difficult for people and i think that BT6YRUsl9CY-00006-00004544-00005144 people have really morphed their goals into different things whether or not it's quitting BT6YRUsl9CY-00007-00005144-00005776 their jobs to pivot to something that they've never dared to go into to take this time to move BT6YRUsl9CY-00008-00005776-00006423 to a different country to downsize their place and get a current situation they weren't happy with BT6YRUsl9CY-00009-00006423-00007023 or to bring a new life and have a baby but i think the one thing that people don't stop to do enough BT6YRUsl9CY-00010-00007088-00007864 is to plan goals whether that be professional or personal so goals goals could be anything BT6YRUsl9CY-00011-00007864-00008408 it could be losing weight it could be dieting better and getting a healthier diet BT6YRUsl9CY-00012-00008408-00008856 could be learning a new skill learning a new language getting a job getting a promotion BT6YRUsl9CY-00013-00008856-00009320 whatever that might be i think it's super important for everyone to have some kind BT6YRUsl9CY-00014-00009320-00010064 of north star that they're always aiming towards oftentimes we're kind of just floating by in life BT6YRUsl9CY-00015-00010064-00010536 you know like a cloud going where the wind takes us whether it pushes us left whether it pushes BT6YRUsl9CY-00016-00010536-00011240 us right we are never really in full control of our lives and while there's a whole bunch BT6YRUsl9CY-00017-00011240-00011832 of external elements that come into place that we're not in control of what we are in control of BT6YRUsl9CY-00018-00011832-00012304 is whatever's in front of us and that north star that we're aiming towards so tip number BT6YRUsl9CY-00019-00012304-00012808 one identify some goals make sure that you do that write down on a piece of paper log it put BT6YRUsl9CY-00020-00012808-00013247 on a google sheet whatever you need to do write an email to yourself or text message to yourself BT6YRUsl9CY-00021-00013247-00013816 future dated if you have to think long and hard about that goal so there's an acronym that i BT6YRUsl9CY-00022-00013816-00014528 won't name you can google it regarding goals and it's very useful i won't repeat it for copyright BT6YRUsl9CY-00023-00014528-00015296 issues but make sure that you are realistic about that goal and that goal is something that perhaps BT6YRUsl9CY-00024-00015296-00015976 is time sensitive the main thing that i always tell my teams or anyone that i've worked with BT6YRUsl9CY-00025-00015976-00016528 is to establish short-term and long-term goals you need some kind of carrot that's dangling in BT6YRUsl9CY-00026-00016528-00017112 front of you that you can get to probably within a week or a month and then you need something that's BT6YRUsl9CY-00027-00017112-00017624 a future goal that's going to be probably a culmination of those things so three-month BT6YRUsl9CY-00028-00017624-00018368 six-month mark for example a goal for working out might be hey i want to do five chin-ups in a row BT6YRUsl9CY-00029-00018368-00018832 you know that's what i want to work towards at the end of the month that's a fantastic goal maybe you BT6YRUsl9CY-00030-00018832-00019368 just do one assisted maybe you do two that are assisted and then eventually three and then four BT6YRUsl9CY-00031-00019368-00019864 and then five really clean ones you know that's amazing and that's not easy to do maybe your six BT6YRUsl9CY-00032-00019864-00020456 month goal is that you want to do 10 in a row you know you want to do 20 in a row or you want to do BT6YRUsl9CY-00033-00020456-00021048 even more difficult chin ups right instead of i always get these backwards like positives then you BT6YRUsl9CY-00034-00021048-00021568 do negatives or maybe it's positive but anyways the point is to have something that's short-term BT6YRUsl9CY-00035-00021568-00022176 and long-term to make sure that you have enough of a carrot to get to that's measurable by the BT6YRUsl9CY-00036-00022176-00022656 end of the month and then also at the end of the road so you can see that progress BT6YRUsl9CY-00037-00022752-00023304 again if you haven't already guys thank you so much obviously for tuning in thus far click that BT6YRUsl9CY-00038-00023304-00023736 like button click that subscribe button and that notification bell leave some comments below we BT6YRUsl9CY-00039-00023736-00024248 really appreciate here at the trg team it helps us grow immensely and let's get back onto the video BT6YRUsl9CY-00040-00024320-00024976 the second thing that i think is really important is have realistic goals if you're a person that BT6YRUsl9CY-00041-00024976-00025608 has never worked out in your life and you are overweight there's nothing wrong with that BT6YRUsl9CY-00042-00025680-00026360 but you're dreaming about having a six-pack in a month that is not realistic i'm not a fitness guru BT6YRUsl9CY-00043-00026360-00026904 i don't claim to be one i believe i've looked up some articles that state that you need to BT6YRUsl9CY-00044-00026904-00027808 probably between 11 to 13 body fat to have abs actually show on your body so think about that BT6YRUsl9CY-00045-00027912-00028656 depending on how much body fat you have on your mass at one time and how much you might need BT6YRUsl9CY-00046-00028656-00029272 to slim down to get to that point that does not mean at all that you shouldn't be aiming for that BT6YRUsl9CY-00047-00029272-00029768 it just means that you need to have a realistic time frame for them BT6YRUsl9CY-00048-00029768-00030392 because if you start to have very unrealistic goals you're going to face burnout too often do BT6YRUsl9CY-00049-00030392-00031176 i see people actually just have a epiphany like you know after new year's eve they're like okay BT6YRUsl9CY-00050-00031176-00031624 i'm gonna get fit i'm gonna go to the gym for like five hours straight today and they might be able BT6YRUsl9CY-00051-00031624-00032048 to do it for a week and then you know what next week they're just like after this i don't want BT6YRUsl9CY-00052-00032048-00032727 to do this i don't have time that is not realistic okay you need to train yourself up to getting to a BT6YRUsl9CY-00053-00032727-00033096 place where you're doing five hours a day i don't think most people would even need to be in the BT6YRUsl9CY-00054-00033096-00033544 gym for five hours a day if you wanted to that's fantastic i'm sure there's some gym rats out there BT6YRUsl9CY-00055-00033544-00034112 that really love that but i don't think that's necessary for most of us so be realistic third BT6YRUsl9CY-00056-00034112-00034824 tip for all of you guys is be committed and make sure that you measure your success BT6YRUsl9CY-00057-00034824-00035192 the one thing that's really going to deter you from well there's a couple things that BT6YRUsl9CY-00058-00035192-00035736 are going to deter you from getting to your goal no determination no persistence no organization BT6YRUsl9CY-00059-00035792-00036344 you're not scheduling your time hard enough and you're not actually going to do the activity to BT6YRUsl9CY-00060-00036344-00037168 its fullest so if you are determined to do three sets of ten reps that day for exercise do that BT6YRUsl9CY-00061-00037168-00037896 okay make sure that you do not leave that exercise until you do it or you try your best to get to BT6YRUsl9CY-00062-00037896-00038672 that place okay if you keep making excuses for yourself and i did two sets that's good enough BT6YRUsl9CY-00063-00038672-00039240 oh i did one on half set that's good enough you're probably not pushing yourself hard enough to get BT6YRUsl9CY-00064-00039240-00039968 to some of the goals that you want to get to so making sure that you detail your progress and also BT6YRUsl9CY-00065-00039968-00040584 push yourself to be able to do that on a consistent basis okay huge red flags here a BT6YRUsl9CY-00066-00040584-00041208 lot of people can set a lot of lofty goals and even measurable and short-term goals you need BT6YRUsl9CY-00067-00041208-00041728 to do these consistently anything in life worth having most of the time doesn't come BT6YRUsl9CY-00068-00041792-00042376 like this i know that's difficult concept to explain to a lot of people these days because BT6YRUsl9CY-00069-00042376-00043040 we live in a world with instant gratification we order food instantly it comes to our door we order BT6YRUsl9CY-00070-00043040-00043608 you know packages from a big shipping company that comes to our door you know overnight BT6YRUsl9CY-00071-00043608-00044200 truth of the matter is a lot of self development really comes from within and it comes through time BT6YRUsl9CY-00072-00044200-00044664 and consistency don't bust yourself up just because you haven't transformed everything BT6YRUsl9CY-00073-00044664-00045248 in one day give yourself an amount of time to be able to do that but do that consistently BT6YRUsl9CY-00074-00045248-00045904 on a consistent basis okay hey everyone hopefully this advice helped you immensely i followed this BT6YRUsl9CY-00075-00045904-00046432 advice myself i obviously waver sometimes but i want to hear your goal setting in the comments BT6YRUsl9CY-00076-00046432-00047000 below please let me know what your goals are for the raider this year for next year could BT6YRUsl9CY-00077-00047000-00047472 be personal and professional i want to hear about it and i want to hear if this advice helped you BT6YRUsl9CY-00078-00047552-00048208 thanks so much for tuning thanks so much for watching this episode of real talk everyone BT6YRUsl9CY-00079-00048208-00048680 if you haven't already please like comment subscribe and hit that notification bell BT6YRUsl9CY-00080-00048680-00049320 it really helps up the channel grow and as always we're trying to save the world one click at a time BT6YRUsl9CY-00081-00049320-00049664 if you have friends and family that you think would benefit from this advice BT6YRUsl9CY-00082-00049664-00050264 please pass that on to them it would be greatly appreciated we post every monday wednesday and BT6YRUsl9CY-00083-00050264-00050960 every other friday so stay tuned for that and we'll see you next week thanks trgo take care BTKJwwp7gSu-00000-00000647-00001396 Good morning, even if it's 9:30 here and as I say in these cases not really early morning BTKJwwp7gSu-00001-00001396-00002242 But not even a late morning, but an early morning a little later, let's say so or if we want to say BTKJwwp7gSu-00002-00002342-00003924 mr, master, maestro or simply or simply David Lynch? BTKJwwp7gSu-00003-00004024-00004798 It's February 27th, 2022 and it's a Sunday BTKJwwp7gSu-00004-00004824-00005752 Here in Naples a clear morning, very still right now, yest I confirm, BTKJwwp7gSu-00005-00005852-00006866 55.4 fahrenheit 13 celsius and this means that for me BTKJwwp7gSu-00006-00006967-00007757 really, really cold as in these days and in this period, however, I must admit that in general it's really cold in general BTKJwwp7gSu-00007-00007824-00008348 Yes, in these two or three days, from yesterday, but also tomorrow in short, BTKJwwp7gSu-00008-00008448-00009055 the temperature has dropped a lot compared to two days ago when we were almost 20 celsius in the afternoon BTKJwwp7gSu-00009-00009155-00009599 But as always, and I will say this until spring, I invite you to see my video BTKJwwp7gSu-00010-00009599-00010083 on the cold that I did last December to understand what are the two practices I use for BTKJwwp7gSu-00011-00010180-00010720 try not to overcome the cold, because it is impossible, but at least to fight it. BTKJwwp7gSu-00012-00010857-00011228 Yes, as regards the video on thoughts then as from the beginning of the year I do it BTKJwwp7gSu-00013-00011228-00011920 separate from the Report, so check if you are interested. BTKJwwp7gSu-00014-00011718-00014082 I think that the temperature this afternoon will be the same or even a few degrees more, BTKJwwp7gSu-00015-00011920-00012695 Anyway as he and you all just see from the window: BTKJwwp7gSu-00016-00014082-00014182 but BTKJwwp7gSu-00017-00014182-00014953 the really important thing is that with these degrees and this atmosphere above all we surely BTKJwwp7gSu-00018-00014953-00015062 are going BTKJwwp7gSu-00019-00015062-00015930 to be enjoying those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine all along the way. BTKJwwp7gSu-00020-00015930-00016050 Oh well now I can BTKJwwp7gSu-00021-00016050-00016548 really say all along the way because it's morning anyway, it's not even 10am. BTKJwwp7gSu-00022-00016548-00016798 Except for changes BTKJwwp7gSu-00023-00016798-00017158 sensational, but we will see, it should remain so. BTKJwwp7gSu-00024-00017158-00017467 In case I update you in description. BTKJwwp7gSu-00025-00017467-00017860 Well what to say BTKJwwp7gSu-00026-00017860-00018231 in these cases, so said this: BTKJwwp7gSu-00027-00018231-00018772 so from the mythical window with the colored courtain, sublime today, nothing to say BTKJwwp7gSu-00028-00018772-00020367 and its green BTKJwwp7gSu-00029-00020367-00021576 roller shooter behind me, on the top, not visible and in fact here in the shot BTKJwwp7gSu-00030-00021576-00023376 and finally from my mythical keyboard Yamaha DGX640 YPG-625 BTKJwwp7gSu-00031-00023773-00024337 have a great day him, all the people who follow the channel and the reports, yes a greeting really to everyone BTKJwwp7gSu-00032-00024437-00025011 In case, see you at the video-thought or see you tomorrow! BTVniKHocXM-00000-00000260-00000446 It looks great, BTVniKHocXM-00001-00000538-00001036 but what’s really sensational is the control with the new joystick. BTVniKHocXM-00002-00001108-00001346 It’s a genuine innovation. BUU-FYqV2fQ-00000-00000000-00000087 Good morning BUU-FYqV2fQ-00001-00000087-00000221 Welcome to another video BUU-FYqV2fQ-00002-00000221-00000519 Today's video is similar to the one I did for Monaco GP BUU-FYqV2fQ-00003-00000519-00000844 We're going to plan a trip to Austria GP BUU-FYqV2fQ-00004-00000844-00001090 In this case to the second dato of Styria GP BUU-FYqV2fQ-00005-00001090-00001540 We're going to look into the costs of plane tickets, GP tickets and hotel rooms BUU-FYqV2fQ-00006-00001540-00002119 And as I said in my last video when I reached 400 I was going to announce a giveaway for 500 subscribers BUU-FYqV2fQ-00007-00002119-00002658 So I want you to comment down below what you want to receive BUU-FYqV2fQ-00008-00002658-00002749 I don't know BUU-FYqV2fQ-00009-00002749-00003360 I'm thinking of a cap or an amount of 30 € for you to choose whatever you want in a F1 merch store BUU-FYqV2fQ-00010-00003979-00004448 The first thing you will need is a notebook to write things down BUU-FYqV2fQ-00011-00004448-00004961 Unfortunately you will need a calculator to calculate the costs BUU-FYqV2fQ-00012-00004961-00005239 And money money BUU-FYqV2fQ-00013-00005239-00005427 Obviously this is Monopoly money BUU-FYqV2fQ-00014-00005427-00005679 First thing to buy is GP tickets BUU-FYqV2fQ-00015-00005679-00005795 Of course right BUU-FYqV2fQ-00016-00006455-00006631 So many websites to choose from BUU-FYqV2fQ-00017-00006631-00006756 I want the cheapest one BUU-FYqV2fQ-00018-00006756-00007085 495 € for 3 days BUU-FYqV2fQ-00019-00007085-00007213 Is there something cheaper? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00020-00007213-00007280 What is the reduced fee? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00021-00007280-00007480 Can I purchase a reduced ticket? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00022-00007480-00007608 Oh no no I can't BUU-FYqV2fQ-00023-00007608-00008029 195 € looks like the cheapest ticket, correct? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00024-00008081-00008259 yes, it is BUU-FYqV2fQ-00025-00008259-00008419 Let's see where is this BUU-FYqV2fQ-00026-00008419-00008592 Oh I don't mind staying here BUU-FYqV2fQ-00027-00008592-00008712 Where is this ? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00028-00008712-00008836 I can stay here BUU-FYqV2fQ-00029-00008894-00009034 Add to cart BUU-FYqV2fQ-00030-00009034-00009252 I have shipping costs BUU-FYqV2fQ-00031-00009252-00009739 Let's say 225 € for the tickets BUU-FYqV2fQ-00032-00009739-00010075 Looks like we aren't in a pandemic ... firstly I need to do the test BUU-FYqV2fQ-00033-00010075-00010460 And my dad had to do one here in Portugal and it was 70€ BUU-FYqV2fQ-00034-00010460-00010772 70€ x 2 = 140 € BUU-FYqV2fQ-00035-00010830-00010944 To be covid free BUU-FYqV2fQ-00036-00010944-00011481 The GP tickets worths nothing if I don't have plane tickets to Austria BUU-FYqV2fQ-00037-00011481-00011958 So let's see in a flight comparison website how much does it cost the plane ticket BUU-FYqV2fQ-00038-00011958-00012069 What is website? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00039-00012069-00012135 Edreams BUU-FYqV2fQ-00040-00012135-00012947 And we fly from Porto to Vienna BUU-FYqV2fQ-00041-00012947-00013259 Departure ... oh I haven't seen the dates BUU-FYqV2fQ-00042-00013317-00013391 Hold on BUU-FYqV2fQ-00043-00013455-00014187 Will be from Thursday 1st of July until 5th of July BUU-FYqV2fQ-00044-00014187-00014341 Right? 1st - 5th BUU-FYqV2fQ-00045-00014341-00014450 Yes 1 adult BUU-FYqV2fQ-00046-00014450-00014556 What? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00047-00014685-00014885 Did I pick round-trip? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00048-00015360-00015508 44€ ? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00049-00015650-00015780 Bratislava? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00050-00015828-00015956 I didn't choose that BUU-FYqV2fQ-00051-00015956-00016144 I don't want to travel to Slovakia BUU-FYqV2fQ-00052-00016144-00016707 I scrolled down the page and let's forget this sent me to Slovakia BUU-FYqV2fQ-00053-00016707-00016927 I want to travel to Austria BUU-FYqV2fQ-00054-00016927-00017367 And let's see the Swiss International Air Lines BUU-FYqV2fQ-00055-00017367-00017698 167€ is a fair price BUU-FYqV2fQ-00056-00017698-00017870 But I have to do one stop BUU-FYqV2fQ-00057-00017870-00018070 Where is the stop? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00058-00018070-00018172 Zurich BUU-FYqV2fQ-00059-00018172-00018577 I know the Zurich Airport so it's fine BUU-FYqV2fQ-00060-00018577-00019149 6 hours ... almost 7 hours of stopover it's not good BUU-FYqV2fQ-00061-00019149-00019395 I leave in the morning and only arrive there at 7 pm BUU-FYqV2fQ-00062-00019395-00019908 And I know Vienna is not close to the Red Bull Ring BUU-FYqV2fQ-00063-00019908-00020621 Let's write 180€ for the plane because we've always to round up BUU-FYqV2fQ-00064-00020621-00021138 So 180 € for the round-trip BUU-FYqV2fQ-00065-00021138-00021600 Oh but it says here its a prime price so let's write 200€ BUU-FYqV2fQ-00066-00021600-00021800 Next step is figuring out where to stay BUU-FYqV2fQ-00067-00021800-00021920 Let's see on Booking BUU-FYqV2fQ-00068-00021920-00022262 Check in on day 1 and check out on day 5 BUU-FYqV2fQ-00069-00022262-00022558 Only one adult BUU-FYqV2fQ-00070-00022634-00022752 And one room BUU-FYqV2fQ-00071-00023011-00023590 1395 € ? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00072-00023662-00023888 Trailer ... 1 room ... 4 beds ? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00073-00023888-00024048 I'm only one BUU-FYqV2fQ-00074-00024120-00024258 I don't want BUU-FYqV2fQ-00075-00024442-00024542 Do I have to stay .... BUU-FYqV2fQ-00076-00024542-00024702 Oh damn it damn it BUU-FYqV2fQ-00077-00024702-00024968 Isn't there a hotel in the middle of the mountains ? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00078-00024968-00025168 Let's see the map BUU-FYqV2fQ-00079-00025222-00025364 There is no hotel BUU-FYqV2fQ-00080-00025400-00025835 I'm not asking for an hotel but a small bed and breakfast maybe BUU-FYqV2fQ-00081-00025881-00026173 It's all booked ... there is nothing available damn it BUU-FYqV2fQ-00082-00026300-00026714 Small advice: never book and plan a trip so late BUU-FYqV2fQ-00083-00026748-00026974 900 € for sleep on a tent ? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00084-00027023-00027223 They're joking right BUU-FYqV2fQ-00085-00027223-00027500 Oh but they have a cute photo of the breakfast BUU-FYqV2fQ-00086-00027500-00027655 Why were you barking outside? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00087-00027810-00028010 Do you think it's really 900€ for a tent? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00088-00028048-00028252 Well they offer free wifi BUU-FYqV2fQ-00089-00028252-00028454 And a very good breakfast as they say BUU-FYqV2fQ-00090-00028534-00028654 But 900 € ? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00091-00028654-00028920 2 beds? I ONLY NEED ONE BUU-FYqV2fQ-00092-00028920-00029094 I'm not sleeping with anyone BUU-FYqV2fQ-00093-00029166-00029252 Shower BUU-FYqV2fQ-00094-00029435-00029562 Where do I shower? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00095-00029839-00030011 I'm serious BUU-FYqV2fQ-00096-00030067-00030267 I never went camping BUU-FYqV2fQ-00097-00030267-00030580 I wanted to be a Girl Scout but my mom never sign me in BUU-FYqV2fQ-00098-00030666-00030932 I don't have survival instincts BUU-FYqV2fQ-00099-00031158-00031596 Mountain view ... BUU-FYqV2fQ-00100-00031596-00031838 Lake view ... I have that here BUU-FYqV2fQ-00101-00031838-00032094 Garden view ... I have that here also BUU-FYqV2fQ-00102-00032521-00032826 But 900 € for 4 nights ? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00103-00032826-00033489 900 ÷ 4 = 225 € BUU-FYqV2fQ-00104-00033551-00033809 225 € a night BUU-FYqV2fQ-00105-00033809-00034065 TO SLEEP ON A TENT BUU-FYqV2fQ-00106-00034065-00034275 How much is minimum wage in Austria? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00107-00035176-00035500 Ahhh it's 1500 € BUU-FYqV2fQ-00108-00035592-00035943 Oh they look so cute and I could make friends BUU-FYqV2fQ-00109-00036038-00036238 They look so happy BUU-FYqV2fQ-00110-00036238-00036438 There isn't anything else? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00111-00036438-00036714 All it's left are miles away BUU-FYqV2fQ-00112-00036768-00037181 Let's see how much does the transfer costs from Vienna airport to BUU-FYqV2fQ-00113-00037181-00037385 I don't even know how this is called ... Spielberg? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00114-00037385-00037651 This video is being way more difficult than the Monaco one BUU-FYqV2fQ-00115-00038114-00038218 What? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00116-00038218-00038434 425 € ? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00117-00038500-00038661 Are they crazy? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00118-00038700-00039000 Is there Uber in Austria? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00119-00039282-00039422 I should have looked into this earlier BUU-FYqV2fQ-00120-00039440-00039560 Let's see the train BUU-FYqV2fQ-00121-00039847-00040029 No, in this case is the opposite BUU-FYqV2fQ-00122-00040065-00040390 City or station: Airport BUU-FYqV2fQ-00123-00040390-00040706 To Red Bull Ring station BUU-FYqV2fQ-00124-00040706-00040886 Knittelfeld BUU-FYqV2fQ-00125-00041810-00042010 I only arrive at 5 am ? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00126-00042832-00043032 Cut and let's do this again BUU-FYqV2fQ-00127-00043032-00043601 So we flight on Thursday and we stay one night in Vienna BUU-FYqV2fQ-00128-00043601-00043801 And then we leave on Friday morning BUU-FYqV2fQ-00129-00043801-00044176 Let's book on room in the Vienna airport BUU-FYqV2fQ-00130-00044176-00044614 We will sacrifice the money and book this one for 106 € BUU-FYqV2fQ-00131-00044614-00044830 It's 4 star and I deserve it BUU-FYqV2fQ-00132-00044892-00045058 This will turn out very expensive BUU-FYqV2fQ-00133-00045080-00045304 Lucky me I won't be paying anything BUU-FYqV2fQ-00134-00045304-00045478 Because I'm not going anywhere BUU-FYqV2fQ-00135-00045547-00045925 Transfer is 20 €, isn't it? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00136-00046032-00046326 20 € from the airport to Knittelfeld BUU-FYqV2fQ-00137-00046326-00046831 20 € to go and 20 € to come back equals 40 € BUU-FYqV2fQ-00138-00046831-00047075 But I don't know why I fell this is incorrect BUU-FYqV2fQ-00139-00047135-00047471 How much do you think I would be spending on food during 4 days? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00140-00047684-00047934 Around 350 € ? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00141-00048056-00048236 I would have to eat out all the time BUU-FYqV2fQ-00142-00048236-00048528 They only have the food trucks BUU-FYqV2fQ-00143-00048591-00048903 I better write 400 € BUU-FYqV2fQ-00144-00048903-00049556 The only thing left is obviously buy a Max Verstappen shirt BUU-FYqV2fQ-00145-00049556-00050021 I can't go to the Red Bull Ring not wearing it BUU-FYqV2fQ-00146-00050021-00050305 I could wear my McLaren merch it's the same color BUU-FYqV2fQ-00147-00050305-00050896 But no, I feel like it's my duty to buy a Max Verstappen T-shirt BUU-FYqV2fQ-00148-00050896-00051054 This one right here BUU-FYqV2fQ-00149-00051054-00051342 I already had my eye on it BUU-FYqV2fQ-00150-00051362-00051474 S BUU-FYqV2fQ-00151-00051504-00051627 30 € BUU-FYqV2fQ-00152-00051671-00052096 Around 35€ because of the shipping costs BUU-FYqV2fQ-00153-00052214-00052468 It's finally time to calculate the costs BUU-FYqV2fQ-00154-00052593-00052857 225€ for GP tickets BUU-FYqV2fQ-00155-00052857-00053117 140 € for Covid tests BUU-FYqV2fQ-00156-00053117-00053379 200€ for the flight BUU-FYqV2fQ-00157-00053468-00054127 675 € for 3 nights in a tent ... with a Mountain View BUU-FYqV2fQ-00158-00054233-00054523 Plus 106 € for a hotel room in Vienna BUU-FYqV2fQ-00159-00054559-00054854 50 € for transfers BUU-FYqV2fQ-00160-00054952-00055304 Plus 400 € on food BUU-FYqV2fQ-00161-00055365-00055679 Plus 35€ on a Max T-shirt BUU-FYqV2fQ-00162-00055737-00055937 1831 € BUU-FYqV2fQ-00163-00056061-00056261 1800 € ??? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00164-00056309-00056395 You know why? BUU-FYqV2fQ-00165-00056395-00056595 Because we're planing this very late BUU-FYqV2fQ-00166-00056595-00056729 I'm sure this is the reason BUU-FYqV2fQ-00167-00056729-00057430 I'm sure that people who planned this 2/3 months prior are not paying 675€ to sleep on a tent BUU-FYqV2fQ-00168-00057430-00057548 I am sorry BUU-FYqV2fQ-00169-00057548-00057722 That's not possible BUU-FYqV2fQ-00170-00057722-00057922 Clearly I was wrong about the prices BUU-FYqV2fQ-00171-00057922-00058335 Because I thought that I could go to Austria and see the Grand Prix for less than 1000€ BUU-FYqV2fQ-00172-00058335-00058458 Yes, my mistake BUU-FYqV2fQ-00173-00058500-00058607 Huge mistake BUU-FYqV2fQ-00174-00058844-00059030 I hope you liked this video BUU-FYqV2fQ-00175-00059030-00059256 If you enjoyed it please leave a like and subscribe BUU-FYqV2fQ-00176-00059256-00059368 And I see you in the next weekend BUU-FYqV2fQ-00177-00059368-00059474 Bye BW9sXtBgFYg-00000-00000280-00000480 wauwwww BWhGRWOFPLy-00000-00002393-00002693 WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! BYad5oinn0c-00000-00000016-00000163 Greetings everyone! BYad5oinn0c-00001-00000180-00000350 I am glad you will join me BYad5oinn0c-00002-00000350-00000620 for the latest episode of »Hed's unboxing« BYad5oinn0c-00003-00000703-00000986 Once again I have someting nice I want to share with you. BYad5oinn0c-00004-00001050-00001240 It is the Iron Man Mark L BYad5oinn0c-00005-00001240-00001353 accessories set BYad5oinn0c-00006-00001383-00001486 from Hot Toys. BYad5oinn0c-00007-00001583-00001913 If you saw the movie »Avengers Inifinity War« BYad5oinn0c-00008-00001943-00002083 You know Tony Stark BYad5oinn0c-00009-00002083-00002236 had a new Iron Man suit. BYad5oinn0c-00010-00002286-00002410 And this time BYad5oinn0c-00011-00002410-00002553 the suit was made from Nanotech. BYad5oinn0c-00012-00002603-00002853 It could take many different shapes and BYad5oinn0c-00013-00002853-00003000 even grow new weapons. BYad5oinn0c-00014-00003050-00003173 And that is the reason BYad5oinn0c-00015-00003173-00003320 for the first time ever BYad5oinn0c-00016-00003350-00003506 Hot Toys released an add-on BYad5oinn0c-00017-00003506-00003733 to one of their Iron Man figures. BYad5oinn0c-00018-00003850-00004036 A very nice idea! BYad5oinn0c-00019-00004063-00004300 So fans like me could customize their Iron Man BYad5oinn0c-00020-00004403-00004626 and Hot Toys could even make more money! BYad5oinn0c-00021-00004686-00004773 But anyway BYad5oinn0c-00022-00004803-00005033 Let's have a look and see what we got! BYad5oinn0c-00023-00005240-00005446 These are definitely some parts BYad5oinn0c-00024-00005446-00005613 I recognize from the movie. BYad5oinn0c-00025-00005666-00005850 A shield and some guns. BYad5oinn0c-00026-00005880-00006016 That can be useful. BYad5oinn0c-00027-00006153-00006323 I guess I should mention BYad5oinn0c-00028-00006350-00006650 while the Iron Man Mark L figure was die-cast BYad5oinn0c-00029-00006650-00006753 metal in parts BYad5oinn0c-00030-00006793-00006923 all these accessories BYad5oinn0c-00031-00006923-00007050 are plastic only. BYad5oinn0c-00032-00007106-00007350 That is just too bad! BYad5oinn0c-00033-00007350-00007486 Hot Toys could have done better. BYad5oinn0c-00034-00007696-00007873 Let's start the customization with this BYad5oinn0c-00035-00007873-00008059 fancy looking gun. BYad5oinn0c-00036-00008150-00008256 I can't remember excatly BYad5oinn0c-00037-00008256-00008460 in what scene it did appear. BYad5oinn0c-00038-00008513-00008693 So maybe someone can remind me. BYad5oinn0c-00039-00009000-00009230 Unlike many other Iron Man figures BYad5oinn0c-00040-00009230-00009530 this guy has many parts that can be removed. BYad5oinn0c-00041-00009640-00009896 At first the lower arms have to go. BYad5oinn0c-00042-00009896-00010196 Then we can easily attach the new weapons. BYad5oinn0c-00043-00010623-00010800 Looking good so far BYad5oinn0c-00044-00010850-00011140 but to be completly honest with you I had the read BYad5oinn0c-00045-00011140-00011300 the manual very carefully. BYad5oinn0c-00046-00011380-00011700 For the right arm I decided to go with the giant blade. BYad5oinn0c-00047-00011796-00011986 I wonder how that will turn out. BYad5oinn0c-00048-00012290-00012420 Looking great! BYad5oinn0c-00049-00012470-00012770 The Iron Man Mark L is one of the best BYad5oinn0c-00050-00012770-00012986 Iron Man figures Hot Toys ever made. BYad5oinn0c-00051-00013036-00013306 The quality is great and the design is great too. BYad5oinn0c-00052-00013406-00013460 Well ... BYad5oinn0c-00053-00013469-00013660 Hot Toys did not do the design. BYad5oinn0c-00054-00013686-00013880 The guys at Marvel Studio did it. BYad5oinn0c-00055-00014073-00014253 Yes, it is looking good! BYad5oinn0c-00056-00014283-00014569 But we still have some more parts to try out. BYad5oinn0c-00057-00014613-00014810 What about these battering rams? BYad5oinn0c-00058-00014840-00014976 They appeared at a BYad5oinn0c-00059-00014976-00015119 very important scene in the movie. BYad5oinn0c-00060-00015256-00015506 It is not a very beautiful piece. BYad5oinn0c-00061-00015536-00015723 But it was impressive BYad5oinn0c-00062-00015723-00015923 to see the Iron Man Mark L BYad5oinn0c-00063-00015923-00016076 do something like this. BYad5oinn0c-00064-00016213-00016406 A very unique design. BYad5oinn0c-00065-00016406-00016566 No doubt about it. BYad5oinn0c-00066-00016676-00016893 If you take a very close look BYad5oinn0c-00067-00016923-00017060 you can easily tell BYad5oinn0c-00068-00017093-00017306 which parts of the figure are metal BYad5oinn0c-00069-00017340-00017470 and which are plastic. BYad5oinn0c-00070-00017636-00017883 If you saw the movie »Infinity War« BYad5oinn0c-00071-00017903-00018060 you know the battering ram BYad5oinn0c-00072-00018080-00018240 always works best BYad5oinn0c-00073-00018240-00018360 with some foot clamps. BYad5oinn0c-00074-00018443-00018676 And this is what it look like in this set. BYad5oinn0c-00075-00018723-00018903 Again not very beautiful. BYad5oinn0c-00076-00018960-00019113 But with feet like this BYad5oinn0c-00077-00019113-00019413 the figure will stand safely without any support. BYad5oinn0c-00078-00019566-00019713 The Iron Man Mark L BYad5oinn0c-00079-00019713-00019866 will never fall over. BYad5oinn0c-00080-00020206-00020440 Another important piece from the movie BYad5oinn0c-00081-00020483-00020706 are these strange looking foot trusters. BYad5oinn0c-00082-00020740-00020916 They can be quite useful BYad5oinn0c-00083-00020916-00021126 when you need some more juice while flying. BYad5oinn0c-00084-00021236-00021516 A very cool idea. It give this Iron Man BYad5oinn0c-00085-00021516-00021760 a very unique appearance. BYad5oinn0c-00086-00021810-00022033 For me it was love at first sight BYad5oinn0c-00087-00022033-00022333 when I saw it for the first time in the trailer. BYad5oinn0c-00088-00022370-00022660 I always love it when Iron Man gets more gadgets. BYad5oinn0c-00089-00022703-00022803 And speaking of gadgets BYad5oinn0c-00090-00022803-00023053 how about another blade? BYad5oinn0c-00091-00023216-00023360 The energy blade is BYad5oinn0c-00092-00023360-00023536 also looking very cool. BYad5oinn0c-00093-00023560-00023700 But I guess I would have made BYad5oinn0c-00094-00023700-00023956 the blue parts a bit translucent. BYad5oinn0c-00095-00023996-00024150 It is very easy to attach BYad5oinn0c-00096-00024150-00024286 the the main body. BYad5oinn0c-00097-00024333-00024550 Because it come with an extra hand. BYad5oinn0c-00098-00024760-00025006 The accessory set it truly amazing! BYad5oinn0c-00099-00025116-00025306 With some many different parts BYad5oinn0c-00100-00025306-00025606 you can change the appearance of your Iron Man very often. BYad5oinn0c-00101-00025693-00025916 Let's have a look at the final form BYad5oinn0c-00102-00025916-00026093 I decided to go with. BYad5oinn0c-00103-00026093-00026289 At least for a while. BYad5oinn0c-00104-00026396-00026663 The foot clamps and two blades are the parts BYad5oinn0c-00105-00026663-00026813 I decided to use. BYad5oinn0c-00106-00026850-00027133 So this Iron Man Mark L look battle ready. BYad5oinn0c-00107-00027216-00027410 Do you agree with my selection? BYad5oinn0c-00108-00027410-00027700 Or would you have choosen something else? BYad5oinn0c-00109-00027733-00028023 Please let me know in the comments for this video. BYad5oinn0c-00110-00028023-00028316 And don't forget to like and subscribe. BYad5oinn0c-00111-00028386-00028533 I really would like to know BYad5oinn0c-00112-00028533-00028833 what you think about this Iron Man Mark L. BYad5oinn0c-00113-00028880-00028993 If you ask me BYad5oinn0c-00114-00029013-00029153 it is a brilliant figure! BYad5oinn0c-00115-00029193-00029450 And it fits perfectly with all the other Iron Men BYad5oinn0c-00116-00029450-00029560 from Hot Toys. BYad5oinn0c-00117-00029900-00030200 And that is all I wanted to show you this time. BYad5oinn0c-00118-00030230-00030423 If you made it to the very end BYad5oinn0c-00119-00030423-00030556 Thanks for watching! BYad5oinn0c-00120-00030596-00030870 I hope you will join me again very soon. BarlKS6hvFu-00000-00000413-00001101 Images, graphs, charts and other visual materials can help illustrate your point in a paper, BarlKS6hvFu-00001-00001101-00001272 project, or presentation. BarlKS6hvFu-00002-00001272-00001770 The Internet makes it very easy to search for and find interesting, relevant photos BarlKS6hvFu-00003-00001770-00002147 and images for your paper or presentation. BarlKS6hvFu-00004-00002147-00002695 Although the computer makes it easy to copy and paste, you should always provide acknowledgment BarlKS6hvFu-00005-00002695-00003086 of an image's source somewhere in your work. BarlKS6hvFu-00006-00003086-00003736 Include the artist or author’s name, image title, and the link URL when available, for BarlKS6hvFu-00007-00003736-00004111 an image as a way of citing it. BarlKS6hvFu-00008-00004111-00004530 This is a simple way to make sure the person who took the picture or created the graph BarlKS6hvFu-00009-00004530-00004786 gets credit for their work. BarlKS6hvFu-00010-00004786-00005259 Graphs and other types of images that convey specific information especially need to be BarlKS6hvFu-00011-00005259-00005785 cited, just as a text based source would need to be cited. BarlKS6hvFu-00012-00005785-00006258 Different instructors have different requirements for how they want you to cite images. BarlKS6hvFu-00013-00006258-00006690 Check with your instructor before handing in an assignment, and check your style guide BarlKS6hvFu-00014-00006690-00007604 for specific directions on citing and labeling images in your paper or presentation. BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00000-00000826-00000993 "WE'RE STILL GOING TO SHOOT FREE THROWS." BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00001-00000993-00001391 YOKOSUKA NATIVES TURNED JAPANESE PROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL PLAYERS CAME BACK TO BASE TO TEACH BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00002-00001391-00001917 B-BALL BASICS TO THE YOUTH OF YOKOSUKA AT THE FIRST-EVER MWR YOUTH SPORTS GIVE BACK BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00003-00001917-00002104 TO YOKOSUKA BASKETBALL CLINIC. BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00004-00002104-00002739 SAM GREEN JR., A 2008 YOKOSUKA NILE C. KINNICK HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE AND JOE KURINO, A YOKOSUKA BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00005-00002739-00003225 SULLIVANS ELEMENTARY GRADUATE ARE NOW PROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL PLAYERS IN THE BASKETBALL JAPAN BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00006-00003225-00003325 LEAGUE. BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00007-00003325-00003504 "I JUST REALLY THOUGHT THAT I WANTED TO COME BACK HOME. BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00008-00003504-00003871 I JUST THOUGHT THAT IT WOULD BE MORE PRODUCTIVE FOR ME TO REALLY GIVE BACK TO THE KIDS. BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00009-00003871-00004222 SO WHEN I GOT THE CALL I JUST THOUGHT THAT THIS IS SOMETHING I REALLY WANTED TO DO." BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00010-00004222-00004662 LOVE FOR THE GAME GIVES THEM THE ADVANTAGE ON THE COURT, BUT AT THE CLINIC, THEIR PASSION BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00011-00004662-00004996 FOR GIVING BACK AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE WAS ON FULL DISPLAY. BaLB9Bt2L6Y-00012-00004996-00005307 PETTY OFFICER SHAMIRA PURIFOY, YOKOSOUKA NAVAL BASE, JAPAN. BddlP-I5nny-00000-00000000-00000503 Hi guys welcome back to another video! BddlP-I5nny-00001-00000503-00001003 As you can see in the title, you will see things move in real life but there not actually BddlP-I5nny-00002-00001003-00001703 Stare at the dot Im going to show you in this clip and then stare back at your hands when your done BddlP-I5nny-00003-00001703-00002103 Now keep staring at the red point in the middle of the screen! BddlP-I5nny-00004-00002103-00002503 And don`t blink until I tell you to see your hand BddlP-I5nny-00005-00003903-00004253 Like and subscribe if you made it here! BeHxV6DxAHE-00000-00000072-00000736 I may not be able to add subtitles to “Best beard”, because it's generating the timings BeHxV6DxAHE-00001-00000736-00001240 and if it fails, we may not be able to add subtitles to it. It will stay this BeHxV6DxAHE-00002-00001240-00001880 way. And we’ll dislike it. It’ll probably force a video to be saved to our dislikes. BeJ-fP4cuKu-00000-00000000-00000098 Good morning Hank, it's Tuesday. BeJ-fP4cuKu-00001-00000100-00000574 Specifically it is the 323rd consecutive Tuesday I have made a vlogbrothers video BeJ-fP4cuKu-00002-00000574-00001050 except for one Tuesday when I had meningitis and another Tuesday when I had a Labyrinthitis BeJ-fP4cuKu-00003-00001050-00001526 a disease with a very metaphorically resonant name but an extremely low pleasantness factor BeJ-fP4cuKu-00004-00001526-00002014 What I'm getting at is that I usually upload these videos on time because I am a punctual person BeJ-fP4cuKu-00005-00002014-00002382 Like I joined conference calls exactly one minute before the call was supposed to begin BeJ-fP4cuKu-00006-00002382-00002834 I arrived at the doctor's office exactly 15 minutes early in case there's paperwork to fill out BeJ-fP4cuKu-00007-00002846-00003338 And I must arrive at the airport at least 90 minutes before my flight is scheduled to depart BeJ-fP4cuKu-00008-00003338-00003911 and when I say must I mean MUST like if I don't there is a five alarm fire in my brain now BeJ-fP4cuKu-00009-00003911-00004371 There's this line in the Great Gatsby where Nick says everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues BeJ-fP4cuKu-00010-00004371-00004494 And this is mine BeJ-fP4cuKu-00011-00004494-00004770 I am one of the few honest people I have ever known BeJ-fP4cuKu-00012-00004770-00004955 And that's nice Nick, that's a nice sentiment BeJ-fP4cuKu-00013-00004955-00005684 but do you show up at Gatsby's house at the exact moment the invitation indicated the party would begin because I would punctuality is the BeJ-fP4cuKu-00014-00005703-00006254 Cardinal virtue I suspect myself of I might not be calm I might not be pleasant I might not be good BeJ-fP4cuKu-00015-00006255-00006417 But I will be on time BeJ-fP4cuKu-00016-00006417-00007161 I also really like it when other people value punctuality like rosianna once called punctuality the most important commandment on the tablets BeJ-fP4cuKu-00017-00007161-00007314 And I'm not sure she was kidding BeJ-fP4cuKu-00018-00007314-00007983 She's always two minutes early two conference calls to me being punctual is a way of saying to other people I value your time enough BeJ-fP4cuKu-00019-00007983-00008342 To show up when we agreed to show up or even slightly earlier BeJ-fP4cuKu-00020-00008343-00008708 And I think that's important because ultimately time is all we have it is BeJ-fP4cuKu-00021-00008758-00009434 overwhelmingly the most important human resource you know sometimes you identify so closely with an ideal that it becomes part of how you BeJ-fP4cuKu-00022-00009463-00009849 Understand yourself like when I think about Who I am I think I'm a husband BeJ-fP4cuKu-00023-00009849-00010425 I'm a father and I am a punctual person and once you get to that point like I don't just believe punctuality is BeJ-fP4cuKu-00024-00010459-00010832 Unambiguously good. I believe it is inseparable from what constitutes good BeJ-fP4cuKu-00025-00010843-00011294 It's difficult to listen to voices that disagree with you let alone take them BeJ-fP4cuKu-00026-00011311-00011361 seriously BeJ-fP4cuKu-00027-00011361-00011604 Right I mean who could be opposed to punctuality BeJ-fP4cuKu-00028-00011614-00012011 E.B White as it turns out who is best known today as the author of Charlotte's Web BeJ-fP4cuKu-00029-00012011-00012215 But also was a brilliant magazine writer BeJ-fP4cuKu-00030-00012215-00012608 And I was recently reading a collection of his in which he wrote we teach our child many things BeJ-fP4cuKu-00031-00012609-00012986 I don't believe in and almost nothing I do believe in we teach punctuality BeJ-fP4cuKu-00032-00013047-00013289 particularly if the enforcement of it disturbs the peace BeJ-fP4cuKu-00033-00013322-00013922 My father taught me by example that the greatest defeat in life was to miss a train only after many years BeJ-fP4cuKu-00034-00013922-00014237 Did I learn that an escaping train carries away with it? BeJ-fP4cuKu-00035-00014237-00014921 Nothing vital to my health railroad trains are such magnificent objects. We commonly mistake them for destiny BeJ-fP4cuKu-00036-00014922-00015449 I've always defended my punctuality absolutism by saying it's about respecting other people and their time BeJ-fP4cuKu-00037-00015450-00015695 But if I'm yelling at my family to get in the car BeJ-fP4cuKu-00038-00015695-00016217 So we're not 86 minutes early for a flight am I really respecting people and their time or am BeJ-fP4cuKu-00039-00016218-00016401 I just disturbing the peace now BeJ-fP4cuKu-00040-00016401-00016628 I've never missed a train or for that matter of flight BeJ-fP4cuKu-00041-00016629-00017334 But until I read those lines it had literally never occurred to me that an escaping train carries with it nothing vital to my health BeJ-fP4cuKu-00042-00017338-00017876 But it doesn't of course. I still value punctuality, but lately I've been thinking that as with so many things BeJ-fP4cuKu-00043-00017938-00018449 Extreme punctuality can become a vice even when what you worship is good and Noble BeJ-fP4cuKu-00044-00018450-00018980 It doesn't always make you better or nobler all right. I have to go pack for our Spring Break vacation BeJ-fP4cuKu-00045-00018981-00019532 We fly out in the morning. I'm not gonna miss the flight or anything, but I am gonna try to be less early Hank BeJ-fP4cuKu-00046-00019537-00019737 I'll see you on Friday BfclwbYfDQ0-00000-00001379-00001579 Greetings, Citizens of India BfclwbYfDQ0-00001-00001730-00001817 We are Anonymous BfclwbYfDQ0-00002-00001867-00002189 We are here to alert you about the mass survillence program BfclwbYfDQ0-00003-00002189-00002548 that is being initiated by Reliance Industries Limited. BfclwbYfDQ0-00004-00002548-00003013 It seems like Reliance Industries wants to wage war on user privacy. BfclwbYfDQ0-00005-00003013-00003403 We will see to it that they can't hurt the privacy of the people. BfclwbYfDQ0-00006-00003403-00003892 We will do everything to stop them. The Reliance Jio project is actually going BfclwbYfDQ0-00007-00003892-00004353 to promote mass survillence. They will force services to provide decryption BfclwbYfDQ0-00008-00004353-00004771 keys to the government. They get more control over who operates and BfclwbYfDQ0-00009-00004771-00005301 can have monopoly by feeding Indian users with their unencrypted insecure services putting BfclwbYfDQ0-00010-00005301-00005646 you all at risk. The Reliance will do anything in power to BfclwbYfDQ0-00011-00005646-00006116 gain monopoly in the digital world. They are up for a continuous monitoring system BfclwbYfDQ0-00012-00006116-00006597 that will snoop over the subscribers. They will be able to read any data without BfclwbYfDQ0-00013-00006597-00006961 your permission. With encryption gone, it will be lot easier. BfclwbYfDQ0-00014-00006961-00007500 That is what the Reliance is trying to do. The Government will promote Reliance at every BfclwbYfDQ0-00015-00007500-00007809 level. It's a dream come true for them. BfclwbYfDQ0-00016-00007809-00008230 They have always been trying to curb freedom of speech of the people. BfclwbYfDQ0-00017-00008230-00008672 They will be able to do that now. Anything you say, anywhere on the Internet BfclwbYfDQ0-00018-00008672-00009066 can be held against you. Reliance can deepthroat the government as BfclwbYfDQ0-00019-00009066-00009597 much as it wants but we won't let it play with the privacy of citizens. From this day BfclwbYfDQ0-00020-00009597-00009953 onward, we are launching Operation Reliance #OpStopReliance. BfclwbYfDQ0-00021-00009953-00010467 Reliance, get ready. Brace yourself if you can. BfclwbYfDQ0-00022-00010467-00010758 We are Anonymous, We do not forgive, BfclwbYfDQ0-00023-00010758-00010911 We do not forget, Expect Us! BgVENSt9oj0-00260-00077860-00080510 You can download this file link given in description Bhg9aiTINr4-00000-00000046-00000543 Hello, I'm Jyothi from the BMC Information Design and Documentation Bhg9aiTINr4-00001-00000543-00001088 team. In this video I'm going to demonstrate how to disable an Bhg9aiTINr4-00002-00001088-00002151 application in Remedy with Smart IT using Centralized Configuration. Bhg9aiTINr4-00003-00002151-00003075 Log into Remedy with Smart IT. In the Create menu, there is an option problem Bhg9aiTINr4-00004-00003075-00003534 investigation. For demonstration purpose, I'm going to disable the problem Bhg9aiTINr4-00005-00003534-00004007 application and this option should not be available when I disable the problem application. Bhg9aiTINr4-00006-00004346-00004782 To do this, log in to Remedy AR system. Bhg9aiTINr4-00007-00004782-00005492 In the AR System Administration menu, click AR System Administration console, Bhg9aiTINr4-00008-00005508-00006252 and then click Centralized configuration. Select the component name. In this case, I'm going to Bhg9aiTINr4-00009-00006252-00006938 select com.bmc.arsys.smartit. Bhg9aiTINr4-00010-00006938-00007650 For the disabled Smart IT application setting, enter the name of the application that you want to disable Bhg9aiTINr4-00011-00007650-00008111 in the setting value column and click Apply. Bhg9aiTINr4-00012-00008111-00008760 Open the smart IT MyIT server and clear the cache. If clearing the cache does Bhg9aiTINr4-00013-00008760-00009286 not take effect, you must restart Smart IT Tomcat as an alternative. Bhg9aiTINr4-00014-00009286-00010098 Note that clearing cache takes up to 30 minutes to show the effect. Bhg9aiTINr4-00015-00010098-00010632 This is the procedure to disable an application in Remedy with Smart IT using Bhg9aiTINr4-00016-00010632-00011311 Centralized configuration. Thank you for watching this video. BjujX-Q30fQ-00000-00000124-00000290 The camera does not capture me BjujX-Q30fQ-00001-00000362-00000944 Please do me good here good ***** BjujX-Q30fQ-00002-00000968-00001096 Do not curse because mom will find out! BjujX-Q30fQ-00003-00001096-00001194 Well, so what! BjujX-Q30fQ-00004-00001194-00001330 Mmmmm no good! BjujX-Q30fQ-00005-00001330-00001582 It's aaaaaaaa we drop birds!!!! BjujX-Q30fQ-00006-00002506-00002664 Hi my dear ones! BjujX-Q30fQ-00007-00002664-00003016 Mmmmm bunny! BjujX-Q30fQ-00008-00003196-00003442 Today I will present to you a Venusian idea BjujX-Q30fQ-00009-00003506-00003911 And even two ideas for Fidget Spiner! BjujX-Q30fQ-00010-00003952-00004346 Because everyone knows Fidget Spiner BjujX-Q30fQ-00011-00004346-00004488 Well i have it too! BjujX-Q30fQ-00012-00004488-00004700 But my are unique! BjujX-Q30fQ-00013-00004700-00005128 Because everyone knows Fidget Spiner! BjujX-Q30fQ-00014-00005128-00005300 And today I will show you BjujX-Q30fQ-00015-00005374-00005438 Birds!!!!!!!!! BjujX-Q30fQ-00016-00005484-00005610 I will show you two BjujX-Q30fQ-00017-00005672-00005740 Eeeeeeee BjujX-Q30fQ-00018-00005756-00006122 Phenomenal ideas for Fidget Spiner! BjujX-Q30fQ-00019-00006434-00006900 So watch! If you want more episodes from the devils then leave BjujX-Q30fQ-00020-00006944-00007038 Birds!!!!!!!! BjujX-Q30fQ-00021-00007234-00007309 Birds!!!!!!! BjujX-Q30fQ-00022-00007344-00007584 Leave your paw up! BjujX-Q30fQ-00023-00007628-00007828 Let's move on to my fenumatic ideas BjcnZUJkSq4-00000-00000096-00000450 Can we use this for drink? BjcnZUJkSq4-00001-00000450-00000550 Oh! No BjcnZUJkSq4-00002-00000550-00000700 Drink is " go to heave" BjcnZUJkSq4-00004-00001000-00001344 Maintenance sevice BjcnZUJkSq4-00014-00002790-00003252 This' s a Honda garage for services BjcnZUJkSq4-00015-00003385-00003800 like bike repair & maintenance... BjcnZUJkSq4-00016-00003880-00004000 accessary for sale BjcnZUJkSq4-00019-00005544-00006000 Many waiting bikes for service at the end of the year BjcnZUJkSq4-00020-00006100-00006400 My bike need to change oil BjcnZUJkSq4-00021-00006427-00006600 for transmission system, machine BjcnZUJkSq4-00022-00006609-00006999 Some specifications oil for SH 150i BjcnZUJkSq4-00043-00012467-00012900 Oil changing for machine system after 1000 km BjcnZUJkSq4-00048-00013757-00013867 Checking process BjcnZUJkSq4-00058-00018271-00018800 Wheel checking BjcnZUJkSq4-00100-00031120-00032400 Checking ABS Brake System BjcnZUJkSq4-00113-00035334-00035900 Something need to change BjcnZUJkSq4-00120-00037347-00038000 The new part of brake system must be apply after 4000 km BjcnZUJkSq4-00154-00047627-00048000 Chatting... BjcnZUJkSq4-00161-00049459-00049781 Really lucky for us ... to fix this before a long travel BjcnZUJkSq4-00162-00049900-00050300 back to country side every year BjcnZUJkSq4-00164-00050954-00051700 Compare the old & new ones BjcnZUJkSq4-00203-00061500-00062800 Exhaust system checking BjcnZUJkSq4-00223-00068197-00068949 Steering system checking BjcnZUJkSq4-00226-00069895-00070400 Suspension system checking BjcnZUJkSq4-00235-00073747-00074200 Max speed? if run this bike with 2 persons BjcnZUJkSq4-00240-00075224-00076220 Water cooler system checking BjcnZUJkSq4-00248-00078260-00078600 OMG! BjcnZUJkSq4-00249-00078604-00079140 it' s nearly empty BjcnZUJkSq4-00302-00094301-00094401 Some tip for service guy BjcnZUJkSq4-00303-00094771-00094960 To make sure BjcnZUJkSq4-00304-00094966-00095200 our bike in good condition! BjcnZUJkSq4-00305-00095206-00095350 Lets go to check it BjcnZUJkSq4-00306-00095352-00095520 Every three months BjcnZUJkSq4-00307-00095528-00095670 Good Bye BkMjBKKUUMA-00000-00000016-00000656 within 15 minutes did he show you today what you expected him to bring to chelsea football club BkMjBKKUUMA-00001-00000656-00001248 yes and yes and no because we don't expect to make off you know we know his profile of course but we BkMjBKKUUMA-00002-00001248-00001976 did not give him too much information how to play for us wanted to see what he can do and from now BkMjBKKUUMA-00003-00001976-00002616 we can we can start to to to work on the details but of course we are very happy that he could BkMjBKKUUMA-00004-00002616-00003224 score so early he set up some other chances he was always dangerous and and yeah it gives something BkMjBKKUUMA-00005-00003224-00003744 to our game that we can play very very direct and to the last line he can protect balls and it's BkMjBKKUUMA-00006-00003744-00004168 very very good these are hard days for you at the moment aren't they the fans displeased at halftime BkMjBKKUUMA-00007-00004168-00004728 we're booing and two defeats in two coved problems have you faced anything like this before mikael BkMjBKKUUMA-00008-00004824-00005280 no and i don't think the club in their history faced something like this but it's what is common BkMjBKKUUMA-00009-00005280-00005848 and when we have to face the challenge it's about fighting against those moments the league BkMjBKKUUMA-00010-00005848-00006456 the season the table is not decided in in august at all it's a lot to happen the worst thing you BkMjBKKUUMA-00011-00006456-00006895 can do is throw the tower it doesn't go with me it doesn't go with the history of this footwork club BkMjBKKUUMA-00012-00006895-00007288 and certainly we're not gonna do that your goal scoring threat isn't just romney lukaku BkMjBKKUUMA-00013-00007288-00007816 or a habits or a team over your two full-backs for chelsea can both get goals as well that's BkMjBKKUUMA-00014-00007816-00008128 that's a real threat that i'm not too sure other clubs in the premier league have BkMjBKKUUMA-00015-00008208-00008608 yeah i think um i mean the more players that can score in the team you know probably the better BkMjBKKUUMA-00016-00008608-00009088 you'll the better chance you'll have in winning games um and yeah i think that that show today and BkMjBKKUUMA-00017-00009088-00009560 over the moon with the three points he had a very good game today in fact there wasn't a chelsea BkMjBKKUUMA-00018-00009560-00010080 player had a bad game they were dominant they could have four or five easily so much better than BkMjBKKUUMA-00019-00010080-00010832 arsenal at every single position really from start to finish um lukaku had a field day if he could BkMjBKKUUMA-00020-00010832-00011384 have hand-picked a team to play against in his first game back the way arsenal are at the minute BkMjBKKUUMA-00021-00011384-00012048 defensively it would have been this arsenal team he absolutely battered them from start to finish BkMjBKKUUMA-00022-00012048-00012392 everything he did whether it was touch whether it was running behind BkMjBKKUUMA-00023-00012456-00013088 in the air control everything they just couldn't cope with him they just didn't learn righty will BkMjBKKUUMA-00024-00013088-00013904 talk about this in a minute but no protection whatsoever in front of the two center halves and BkMjBKKUUMA-00025-00013904-00014384 you're just not going to beat him if you're a defender if you're allowing him to pin you like BkMjBKKUUMA-00026-00014384-00014919 he did that ball can go out to the right but no they didn't learn the lesson arsenal look at the BkMjBKKUUMA-00027-00014919-00015616 space in front defender pinning him again but look at them that the way how he burst past mari into BkMjBKKUUMA-00028-00015616-00016247 the box he's just not gonna be stopped good ball out width they couldn't caught with ball into the BkMjBKKUUMA-00029-00016247-00016824 box but they they ease that he just forces him out of the way to say no you're not going to stop me BkMjBKKUUMA-00030-00016824-00017416 putting the ball in the back then there in the air area is much better than those two as well should BkMjBKKUUMA-00031-00017416-00017928 actually have got that one on on target and every ball that came up every ball that came into the BkMjBKKUUMA-00032-00017928-00018456 box now last year he didn't have anyone in that in the middle that you were going to guarantee BkMjBKKUUMA-00033-00018456-00018992 and put it in the back that they now have so rhys james did it earlier on he got his goal from it BkMjBKKUUMA-00034-00018992-00019544 so do it again when you've got the opportunity to put a team down then don't stop don't stop doing BkMjBKKUUMA-00035-00019544-00020008 the things that have been successful for you now he has a little moan to him i'm sure it'll be a BkMjBKKUUMA-00036-00020008-00020480 bigger one next time if he doesn't come in again but look at the ease that's that that the balls BkMjBKKUUMA-00037-00020480-00021040 are going into him defender allows him to pin him again okay he tries to get a shot away it didn't BkMjBKKUUMA-00038-00021040-00021816 it didn't work on this occasion plays his part in james's goal also by attracting jacka into him BkMjBKKUUMA-00039-00021816-00022240 that creates the space for uh for james a good ball into him a good touch and that's BkMjBKKUUMA-00040-00022240-00022776 an incredible finish the second offer didn't change look he could let that run across him BkMjBKKUUMA-00041-00022776-00023240 but he plays it into mount who will have a field day i think he will improve again because he's BkMjBKKUUMA-00042-00023240-00023864 now got someone who can link up with and build up good running behind again and he mount repairs the BkMjBKKUUMA-00043-00023864-00024352 favor by a good ball he's telling him where he wants him the quality that chelsea now have BkMjBKKUUMA-00044-00024352-00024848 and that should be in the back of the back of the net it's a good serve yes but what a good for him BkMjBKKUUMA-00045-00024848-00025440 and a very very impressive performance again from chelsea look our arsa fans will be realistic in BkMjBKKUUMA-00046-00025440-00025992 their ways and no they're playing the european champions they're playing a a side that's had an BkMjBKKUUMA-00047-00025992-00026736 awful lot of investment and they've brought romelu lukaku back to play and yet whilst being realistic BkMjBKKUUMA-00048-00026736-00027352 they would also expected their site to have had some kind of plan some kind of plan and it did BkMjBKKUUMA-00049-00027352-00027839 rightly or wrongly it didn't look like they did no they didn't especially coming off of brentford BkMjBKKUUMA-00050-00027839-00028152 which was really quite disappointing because like brentford we know where they're coming BkMjBKKUUMA-00051-00028152-00028536 from we know what they're going to be like and it looked like we weren't prepared for them and when BkMjBKKUUMA-00052-00028536-00029080 you looked at the way that that chelsea played us today in the way lukaku played either they're BkMjBKKUUMA-00053-00029080-00029520 they're not prepared either they're not listening or they can't perform what he wants them to do BkMjBKKUUMA-00054-00029520-00030048 because what i saw of that today apart from the conga i thought he was very good today pepe was BkMjBKKUUMA-00055-00030048-00030480 done a bit in in places i thought that we were really bereft of anything that we were doing i BkMjBKKUUMA-00056-00030480-00031016 don't know what the tactics were because when you look out easily they were able to breach it was BkMjBKKUUMA-00057-00031016-00031472 for me it was quite it was quite frightening and and and it was the ease and alan said you're going BkMjBKKUUMA-00058-00031472-00032000 to look at it as you are now the ease with which they could get the ball into lukaku and there BkMjBKKUUMA-00059-00032000-00032495 was nothing there was nothing they seemed really with two holding midfielders i think that is so BkMjBKKUUMA-00060-00032495-00033048 easy look at that for me i think that you know we have to protect because when you look at look at BkMjBKKUUMA-00061-00033048-00033456 where lonzo is you look where rhys james is you just need to protect that stop that ball BkMjBKKUUMA-00062-00033456-00033960 going into lukaku and then you know i mean you probably don't have these problems this was early BkMjBKKUUMA-00063-00033960-00034568 early in the game and like we saw you know he he's held it up no problem jack again and and uh le BkMjBKKUUMA-00064-00034568-00035096 congrat they're not in a position where they can stop anything jaka should come across i believe so BkMjBKKUUMA-00065-00035096-00035552 then you can stop that ball in there it was too easy you know again tierney's now come inside BkMjBKKUUMA-00066-00035552-00036088 on on mason mountain suck at a spacer you can see reset reese james out there you can see alonzo up BkMjBKKUUMA-00067-00036088-00036440 there and this is the problem if you could get the players back there they might be able to win the BkMjBKKUUMA-00068-00036440-00036888 ball you might be breaking exploit those spaces but no they've got he's free he's got all the BkMjBKKUUMA-00069-00036888-00037352 time in the world and we just saw what happened to pablo mario he was feasting on him today BkMjBKKUUMA-00070-00037408-00037752 again you look where the ball is you think okay get yourselves in a position where you BkMjBKKUUMA-00071-00037752-00038400 are able to kind of stop any kind of any kind of through balls and it's not happened you look where BkMjBKKUUMA-00072-00038400-00038920 they are this is very easy once this ball comes back to tony rudiger holding doesn't know whether BkMjBKKUUMA-00073-00038920-00039472 to go with kaya vats you look once kai of arts turns you see they're the two guys saying look BkMjBKKUUMA-00074-00039472-00039976 put it out there to raise change he's got oceans of space and then once it goes out here you're BkMjBKKUUMA-00075-00039976-00040464 thinking to yourself well here we go again just taking half the arsenal came out with one ball BkMjBKKUUMA-00076-00040464-00040984 well exactly um and like i said what got arsenal going was there was a run from tierney for about BkMjBKKUUMA-00077-00040984-00041512 50 yards what got the fans going but again like we say there's look at the space behind it's too easy BkMjBKKUUMA-00078-00041624-00042208 there should be a contingency plan in there to try and win that ball there to then get sacker BkMjBKKUUMA-00079-00042208-00042600 going get pepe going to exploit the spaces look at this look how far this is going BkMjBKKUUMA-00080-00042600-00043136 it's not in the air this is all along the ground for what 20 20 yards straight into BkMjBKKUUMA-00081-00043136-00043688 him it's too easy if you're pablo murray are you you not your showing one of your holding BkMjBKKUUMA-00082-00043688-00044360 midfielders for crying out loud it's not as if those two are youngsters in uh holding and mari BkMjBKKUUMA-00083-00044416-00044944 they're experienced players now you've got to be screaming at your midfielders to see this cannot BkMjBKKUUMA-00084-00044944-00045512 be allowed to happen because 1v1 when he's back to goal with the defenders not many players that BkMjBKKUUMA-00085-00045512-00045888 are going to stop lukaku with his skill and with his strength and what he can do with the runner BkMjBKKUUMA-00086-00046024-00046440 so you've got to you've got to tell a midfielder to come and say come on give us a hand and help me BkMjBKKUUMA-00087-00046440-00046904 out that never happened we're guessing here but do you think it's as ear said do you think it's got BkMjBKKUUMA-00088-00046904-00047392 to be one of three things either they're not being prepared or they're not listening or they can't BkMjBKKUUMA-00089-00047392-00047944 carry it out and mikhail arteta isn't going to send out a side under prepare i think what we've BkMjBKKUUMA-00090-00047944-00048440 we've got to say is yes they've had problems in terms of covert and injuries and everything else BkMjBKKUUMA-00091-00048440-00049032 we understand that we get that but what was going to happen at brentford we all knew because if BkMjBKKUUMA-00092-00049032-00049488 you watch brentford last season and in pre-season you know the way they play they're full of energy BkMjBKKUUMA-00093-00049488-00049960 they're going to have a full house you know what's to what you're going to expect so you've got to be BkMjBKKUUMA-00094-00049960-00050568 up for it ready for it they weren't chelsea are an excellent side with some incredibly talented BkMjBKKUUMA-00095-00050568-00051040 players in there who are very very good at their jobs but you know they're going to play with BkMjBKKUUMA-00096-00051040-00051448 win back so they're going to try and overload you there they know what le [ __ ] lukaku is going to BkMjBKKUUMA-00097-00051448-00051976 do when the ball goes up to him no protection and time and time again the wing backs were getting BkMjBKKUUMA-00098-00051976-00052520 free as if it was if that there was just no game plan and they didn't expect those two teams to BkMjBKKUUMA-00099-00052520-00052936 do what they've done in the first two games and is the signing of lukaku a game changer i mean BkMjBKKUUMA-00100-00052936-00053472 when we look at this stat yeah i mean you can you can see already what a career he's had and yeah BkMjBKKUUMA-00101-00053472-00053991 um oh that's so cruel look at the deer right he's had now he's been kicked out at the top BkMjBKKUUMA-00102-00054176-00054752 by the way by the way within 10 minutes of lukaku scoring the official premier league website i got BkMjBKKUUMA-00103-00054752-00055240 rid of it from that top 20. that's how quickly he was forgotten i don't mind my girl that's my BkMjBKKUUMA-00104-00055240-00055672 that's my it's like my nephew's taking over that's what it's like is he do you know forget the BkMjBKKUUMA-00105-00055672-00056040 answers i think from the chelsea side of things is he the game changer that's what we said we both BkMjBKKUUMA-00106-00056040-00056496 both tipped chelsea and you know i mean of course you know this man sitting doing what they're doing BkMjBKKUUMA-00107-00056496-00057072 and but when you look at chelsea and the piece is the perfect piece with what they're doing BkMjBKKUUMA-00108-00057072-00057584 he fits in there and today he could have easily scored three easily could have scored three and BkMjBKKUUMA-00109-00057584-00057991 if chelsea gonna continue to play like that then they're gonna cause loads of teams problems but BkMjBKKUUMA-00110-00057991-00058384 he's got a lot tougher games to come but like arsenal made it very easy for him if you ask me BkMjBKKUUMA-00111-00058440-00058879 originally we weren't gonna put the uh the number of games that everybody played graphic BkMjBKKUUMA-00112-00059296-00059791 and it's been watched today by graeme souness by roy keane and seoul campbell graham first how BkMjBKKUUMA-00113-00059791-00060464 would you sum that up this afternoon um i thought chelsea were fabulous i think if you're a national BkMjBKKUUMA-00114-00060464-00060864 supporter you may point to arsenal improving in the second half but i think that was chelsea BkMjBKKUUMA-00115-00060864-00061376 taking the you know dropping the gear i thought they were fabulously polished belief confidence BkMjBKKUUMA-00116-00061376-00061752 you know they played like a team that had played together for years and years and years they're BkMjBKKUUMA-00117-00061752-00062288 playing with great confidence great belief in each other and they made like every anyone who's who's BkMjBKKUUMA-00118-00062288-00062736 that good at sport they make it look easy and i thought chelsea today made it look very easy was BkMjBKKUUMA-00119-00062736-00063240 that the statement roy from chelsea that we talked about before the game yeah i think so it was very BkMjBKKUUMA-00120-00063240-00063808 very comfortable um the score two could have been five six seven maybe i think if they really went BkMjBKKUUMA-00121-00063808-00064391 for the second half we saw the quality in their players their confidence did a swagger chelsea BkMjBKKUUMA-00122-00064391-00064864 and then you could see the shortcomings arsenal and um on a match today there's no hiding place BkMjBKKUUMA-00123-00064864-00065352 there's no hide in place an arsenal world short is going to be long world season for arsenal of BkMjBKKUUMA-00124-00065352-00065904 course it's our job to analyze it so was it also a case of arsenal making life easy for chelsea BkMjBKKUUMA-00125-00065904-00066480 at times i think you know you gotta hand it to chelsea the quality is there the golf between BkMjBKKUUMA-00126-00066480-00067328 experience and cut and quality is uh is massive everyone can see that but we did uh allow you BkMjBKKUUMA-00127-00067328-00067832 know lukaku's far too much depending on the moment there yeah far too much space to kind of you know BkMjBKKUUMA-00128-00067832-00068384 receive the ball even in the in the air on the on the ground and the two midfielders especially BkMjBKKUUMA-00129-00068384-00068856 jose had too much time on the ball to kind of dictate to play but second half they're in the BkMjBKKUUMA-00130-00068856-00069328 faces pushing in and making it made it a little bit difficult but still you know they chelsea BkMjBKKUUMA-00131-00069328-00069752 could just you know they've got another couple of years ago streaming broadcasters are lined BkMjBKKUUMA-00132-00069752-00070272 up to my left hoping to speak to romelu lukaku we're in that queue and we'll hopefully bring BkMjBKKUUMA-00133-00070272-00070744 you that before we leave you here on super sunday first though his manager thomas tuckel with jeff BkMjBKKUUMA-00134-00070744-00071512 shreeves tell us just how comprehensive a victory was that for chelsea what is comprehensive total BkMjBKKUUMA-00135-00072168-00072496 i had the feeling in first half we lack a bit of sharpness BkMjBKKUUMA-00136-00072560-00072984 and of um activity we got in some moments a bit passive BkMjBKKUUMA-00137-00073248-00073696 i think we had a long training week and we we trained very very hard couple sessions so BkMjBKKUUMA-00138-00073696-00074152 i had the feeling we're a bit laggy second half we overcame like the BkMjBKKUUMA-00139-00074360-00074728 some minutes in the beginning and then it was and then we controlled it very very good BkMjBKKUUMA-00140-00074784-00075376 created some chances i think we we deserve to win but still room to improve if you weren't BkMjBKKUUMA-00141-00075376-00075880 completely satisfied with the performance what do you say about the second debut of romelu lukaku BkMjBKKUUMA-00142-00075944-00076576 the debut second debut uh yeah yeah well i'm very happy with the way he he BkMjBKKUUMA-00143-00076576-00077360 has integra likes to be in the group and he's a very democratic leader so talks to everybody is BkMjBKKUUMA-00144-00077464-00077992 very friendly very humble and and totally competitive yeah he gives something to our game BkMjBKKUUMA-00145-00077992-00078640 that we did not have so much like to protect balls to to play very direct up front into the last line BkMjBKKUUMA-00146-00078712-00079288 okay you cannot start better than with a goal he almost scored a second one here was a big BkMjBKKUUMA-00147-00079288-00079896 save from ben lino and he he assisted some some some half chances chances so BkMjBKKUUMA-00148-00079896-00080328 it's good good start and we have to improve from here you said before the game was your BkMjBKKUUMA-00149-00080328-00080728 first time coaching him was that you know it's only one game of course but was that what you BkMjBKKUUMA-00150-00080728-00081144 expected the way he held it up and the way he brought other people into play yeah but BkMjBKKUUMA-00151-00081144-00081664 i didn't expect too much i wanted to be open to to to watch him and to see his strengths and his BkMjBKKUUMA-00152-00081664-00082304 uh capability to adapt and to link up between kai and mason and him and this is what he did BkMjBKKUUMA-00153-00082304-00082712 very very good the guys like to play with each other and from now on we can go into BkMjBKKUUMA-00154-00082712-00083184 details good do you feel also that you managed the game world particularly in the second half BkMjBKKUUMA-00155-00083392-00084152 yeah i mean yeah i don't know if it's possible to manage games in premier league but like i said i BkMjBKKUUMA-00156-00084152-00084736 felt as a bit like with heavy legs in the first half and uh in some moments it was a bit too open BkMjBKKUUMA-00157-00084808-00085608 if you lead to zero in a situation like this at um at arsenal the opponent has nothing to lose so BkMjBKKUUMA-00158-00085608-00086192 it uh they created also some overloads on each side so we had to overcome also some some some BkMjBKKUUMA-00159-00086192-00086784 difficult uh minutes but we we we were in control also defensively and and did a good team effort BkMjBKKUUMA-00160-00086864-00087312 yeah and after that we we had uh better and better control of the of the ball BkMjBKKUUMA-00161-00087312-00087880 could uh and could create some some good chances but you i i'm never sure in in BkMjBKKUUMA-00162-00087880-00088224 premier league if you don't score a third one or fourth one you can never be sure BkMjBKKUUMA-00163-00088280-00088760 there was one worrying moment for rhys james what did the medical team say to you in terms BkMjBKKUUMA-00164-00088760-00089288 of how he was what was the protocol was he knocked unconscious what can you tell us no no not at all BkMjBKKUUMA-00165-00089288-00089808 he was not at all unconscious he was just worried that he lost that uh what is a tooth a tooth or BkMjBKKUUMA-00166-00089808-00090384 broke a tooth and that's why he was like a bit shocked but uh nothing else good to hear yeah BkMjBKKUUMA-00167-00090456-00091208 um this is what you need is this experiences together good victories moments where you suffer BkMjBKKUUMA-00168-00091208-00091600 where you work hard together this is how we build our group is built BkMjBKKUUMA-00169-00091672-00092456 and that's that's why we're absolutely happy with the start but like i said often enough it was BkMjBKKUUMA-00170-00092456-00092960 a unique preparation we're still in the process and we have to keep on going well done good stuff BkMjBKKUUMA-00171-00093152-00093664 very happy with each day at the office thomas toucal and uh his chelsea team do they now have BkMjBKKUUMA-00172-00093664-00094144 different ways to play as well yeah well kaku the top players up front will give you a lot more BkMjBKKUUMA-00173-00094144-00094664 options and we've been praising their attacking players all day but again defensively clean sheet BkMjBKKUUMA-00174-00094664-00095240 that's the foundation to go forward we look at our bench the options the managers got as well today BkMjBKKUUMA-00175-00095240-00095648 kante we saw coming into the game second half the list goes on players who weren't available to the BkMjBKKUUMA-00176-00095648-00096120 squad lads on the bench but don't be talking about lukaku he gives you options to play one up front BkMjBKKUUMA-00177-00096120-00096768 people can play off him big strong powerful player they've got again the way i look at chelsea today BkMjBKKUUMA-00178-00096768-00097208 really swaggered about him real swagger they came here to arsenal today i think they toyed BkMjBKKUUMA-00179-00097208-00097552 with him in the second half i know we give ass a little bit of credit because they did you know the BkMjBKKUUMA-00180-00097552-00098072 dog in but it was very very comfortable chelsea do they look and i'm speaking again to another BkMjBKKUUMA-00181-00098072-00098576 title winner here do they look like they have the hunger about themselves they have the hunger BkMjBKKUUMA-00182-00098576-00099216 they have the quality uh technically strength you know power skill they've got everything at BkMjBKKUUMA-00183-00099216-00099784 the moment and um you know it's a long way to go but there's only two games here i know but BkMjBKKUUMA-00184-00099784-00100248 how would you describe this side they've got the quality now they've got the quality to to really BkMjBKKUUMA-00185-00100248-00100936 challenge and uh yeah the manager's probably gonna say no but uh they have got the qualities and BkMjBKKUUMA-00186-00100936-00101448 they've got the bench as well so i've got a really interesting start as well graeme it's liverpool BkMjBKKUUMA-00187-00101504-00101960 next saturday at anfield which is going to be a real test they've also got spurs of manchester BkMjBKKUUMA-00188-00101960-00102416 city in the next four games we're going to know a lot more about them aren't we after that period BkMjBKKUUMA-00189-00102416-00102968 yeah they've had two good games on paper coming here maybe not the easiest but it turned out to BkMjBKKUUMA-00190-00102968-00103408 be an easy game for them we'll find out as a soldier said it's two games that played BkMjBKKUUMA-00191-00103552-00104064 on paper of a squad that with an even wind a fair win they will challenge at the end of the season BkMjBKKUUMA-00192-00104064-00104408 you know they will have a period throughout the season where it's not going well and that's how BkMjBKKUUMA-00193-00104408-00104992 they deal with that um i think they're playing like a team who believe in themselves a team BkMjBKKUUMA-00194-00104992-00105511 that with the strike they've now got can play different types of football that was like a an BkMjBKKUUMA-00195-00105511-00105968 easy away game and a european competition you know arsenal didn't get after them definitely BkMjBKKUUMA-00196-00105968-00106480 to play one of the big guys not to sit in and defend properly i think right city out of this BkMjBKKUUMA-00197-00106480-00106832 you know there's going to be a long a long season we should have time to come on to BkMjBKKUUMA-00198-00106832-00107304 manchester united and maybe even liverpool as well but a very convincing start nonetheless BkMjBKKUUMA-00199-00107304-00107759 for chelsea two wins out of two they do have that new 93 5 million pound man at BkMjBKKUUMA-00200-00107759-00108935 the top of the pitch goodness me didn't he make a difference we'll hear from ramon olukaku next BlM_t1E6oOE-00000-00000010-00000140 WE WILL BE BACK WITH YOU HERE IN BlM_t1E6oOE-00001-00000140-00000146 WE WILL BE BACK WITH YOU HERE IN BlM_t1E6oOE-00002-00000146-00000413 WE WILL BE BACK WITH YOU HERE IN A LITTLE BIT. BlM_t1E6oOE-00003-00000413-00000420 WE WILL BE BACK WITH YOU HERE IN A LITTLE BIT. BlM_t1E6oOE-00004-00000420-00000483 WE WILL BE BACK WITH YOU HERE IN A LITTLE BIT. ONCE STUDENTS AT CENTRAL LAKES BlM_t1E6oOE-00005-00000483-00000490 A LITTLE BIT. ONCE STUDENTS AT CENTRAL LAKES BlM_t1E6oOE-00006-00000490-00000550 A LITTLE BIT. ONCE STUDENTS AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE COMPLETE THE GENERAL BlM_t1E6oOE-00007-00000550-00000557 ONCE STUDENTS AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE COMPLETE THE GENERAL BlM_t1E6oOE-00008-00000557-00000617 ONCE STUDENTS AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE COMPLETE THE GENERAL ARTS COURSES OFFERED AT THE BlM_t1E6oOE-00009-00000617-00000623 COLLEGE COMPLETE THE GENERAL ARTS COURSES OFFERED AT THE BlM_t1E6oOE-00010-00000623-00000880 COLLEGE COMPLETE THE GENERAL ARTS COURSES OFFERED AT THE SCHOOL, THEY'RE OFFERED A BlM_t1E6oOE-00011-00000880-00000887 ARTS COURSES OFFERED AT THE SCHOOL, THEY'RE OFFERED A BlM_t1E6oOE-00012-00000887-00000957 ARTS COURSES OFFERED AT THE SCHOOL, THEY'RE OFFERED A SEMESTER OF INDEPENDENT STUDY TO BlM_t1E6oOE-00013-00000957-00000964 SCHOOL, THEY'RE OFFERED A SEMESTER OF INDEPENDENT STUDY TO BlM_t1E6oOE-00014-00000964-00001067 SCHOOL, THEY'RE OFFERED A SEMESTER OF INDEPENDENT STUDY TO DEVELOP THEIR OWN CLASS PLAN. BlM_t1E6oOE-00015-00001067-00001074 SEMESTER OF INDEPENDENT STUDY TO DEVELOP THEIR OWN CLASS PLAN. BlM_t1E6oOE-00016-00001074-00001274 SEMESTER OF INDEPENDENT STUDY TO DEVELOP THEIR OWN CLASS PLAN. FOR THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS, MAL BlM_t1E6oOE-00017-00001274-00001281 DEVELOP THEIR OWN CLASS PLAN. FOR THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS, MAL BlM_t1E6oOE-00018-00001281-00001347 DEVELOP THEIR OWN CLASS PLAN. FOR THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS, MAL MEYER WENT TO BRAINERD TO TALK BlM_t1E6oOE-00019-00001347-00001354 FOR THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS, MAL MEYER WENT TO BRAINERD TO TALK BlM_t1E6oOE-00020-00001354-00001468 FOR THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS, MAL MEYER WENT TO BRAINERD TO TALK WITH THE ARTISTS ABOUT THEIR BlM_t1E6oOE-00021-00001468-00001474 MEYER WENT TO BRAINERD TO TALK WITH THE ARTISTS ABOUT THEIR BlM_t1E6oOE-00022-00001474-00001634 MEYER WENT TO BRAINERD TO TALK WITH THE ARTISTS ABOUT THEIR WORK BEING FEATURED AT THE BlM_t1E6oOE-00023-00001634-00001641 WITH THE ARTISTS ABOUT THEIR WORK BEING FEATURED AT THE BlM_t1E6oOE-00024-00001641-00002095 WITH THE ARTISTS ABOUT THEIR WORK BEING FEATURED AT THE DISCOVERIES IN CERAMICS EXHIBIT. BlM_t1E6oOE-00025-00002095-00002102 WORK BEING FEATURED AT THE DISCOVERIES IN CERAMICS EXHIBIT. BlM_t1E6oOE-00026-00002102-00002452 WORK BEING FEATURED AT THE DISCOVERIES IN CERAMICS EXHIBIT. >> THE FOUR ARTISTS, DANIEL BlM_t1E6oOE-00027-00002452-00002459 DISCOVERIES IN CERAMICS EXHIBIT. >> THE FOUR ARTISTS, DANIEL BlM_t1E6oOE-00028-00002459-00002525 DISCOVERIES IN CERAMICS EXHIBIT. >> THE FOUR ARTISTS, DANIEL TROM. BlM_t1E6oOE-00029-00002525-00002532 >> THE FOUR ARTISTS, DANIEL TROM. BlM_t1E6oOE-00030-00002532-00002892 >> THE FOUR ARTISTS, DANIEL TROM. IVEY, TEAGAN AND LYNN STARTED BlM_t1E6oOE-00031-00002892-00002899 TROM. IVEY, TEAGAN AND LYNN STARTED BlM_t1E6oOE-00032-00002899-00003186 TROM. IVEY, TEAGAN AND LYNN STARTED THE SEMESTER WITH A LITTLE BIT BlM_t1E6oOE-00033-00003186-00003193 IVEY, TEAGAN AND LYNN STARTED THE SEMESTER WITH A LITTLE BIT BlM_t1E6oOE-00034-00003193-00003253 IVEY, TEAGAN AND LYNN STARTED THE SEMESTER WITH A LITTLE BIT OF RESEARCH. BlM_t1E6oOE-00035-00003253-00003259 THE SEMESTER WITH A LITTLE BIT OF RESEARCH. BlM_t1E6oOE-00036-00003259-00003546 THE SEMESTER WITH A LITTLE BIT OF RESEARCH. >> I WAS LOOKING AT JAPANESE BlM_t1E6oOE-00037-00003546-00003553 OF RESEARCH. >> I WAS LOOKING AT JAPANESE BlM_t1E6oOE-00038-00003553-00003660 OF RESEARCH. >> I WAS LOOKING AT JAPANESE POTTERY, AND THEY DO A LOT WITH BlM_t1E6oOE-00039-00003660-00003666 >> I WAS LOOKING AT JAPANESE POTTERY, AND THEY DO A LOT WITH BlM_t1E6oOE-00040-00003666-00003880 >> I WAS LOOKING AT JAPANESE POTTERY, AND THEY DO A LOT WITH THE BLUES AND WHITES. BlM_t1E6oOE-00041-00003880-00003887 POTTERY, AND THEY DO A LOT WITH THE BLUES AND WHITES. BlM_t1E6oOE-00042-00003887-00003990 POTTERY, AND THEY DO A LOT WITH THE BLUES AND WHITES. >> DREW FROM THEIR EXPERIENCES BlM_t1E6oOE-00043-00003990-00003997 THE BLUES AND WHITES. >> DREW FROM THEIR EXPERIENCES BlM_t1E6oOE-00044-00003997-00004260 THE BLUES AND WHITES. >> DREW FROM THEIR EXPERIENCES TO CREATE THE ONE OF A KIND BlM_t1E6oOE-00045-00004260-00004267 >> DREW FROM THEIR EXPERIENCES TO CREATE THE ONE OF A KIND BlM_t1E6oOE-00046-00004267-00004294 >> DREW FROM THEIR EXPERIENCES TO CREATE THE ONE OF A KIND PIECES. BlM_t1E6oOE-00047-00004294-00004300 TO CREATE THE ONE OF A KIND PIECES. BlM_t1E6oOE-00048-00004300-00004778 TO CREATE THE ONE OF A KIND PIECES. >> I LIKE MAKING POTTERY FOR BlM_t1E6oOE-00049-00004778-00004784 PIECES. >> I LIKE MAKING POTTERY FOR BlM_t1E6oOE-00050-00004784-00005051 PIECES. >> I LIKE MAKING POTTERY FOR USES, AND I MADE A LOT OF DISH BlM_t1E6oOE-00051-00005051-00005058 >> I LIKE MAKING POTTERY FOR USES, AND I MADE A LOT OF DISH BlM_t1E6oOE-00052-00005058-00005088 >> I LIKE MAKING POTTERY FOR USES, AND I MADE A LOT OF DISH SETS. BlM_t1E6oOE-00053-00005088-00005095 USES, AND I MADE A LOT OF DISH SETS. BlM_t1E6oOE-00054-00005095-00005208 USES, AND I MADE A LOT OF DISH SETS. >> AND WHILE MOST OF THE WORKS BlM_t1E6oOE-00055-00005208-00005215 SETS. >> AND WHILE MOST OF THE WORKS BlM_t1E6oOE-00056-00005215-00005445 SETS. >> AND WHILE MOST OF THE WORKS ON DISPLAY ARE PLACED IN BOWLS, BlM_t1E6oOE-00057-00005445-00005452 >> AND WHILE MOST OF THE WORKS ON DISPLAY ARE PLACED IN BOWLS, BlM_t1E6oOE-00058-00005452-00005702 >> AND WHILE MOST OF THE WORKS ON DISPLAY ARE PLACED IN BOWLS, HE TOOK MORE OF A HANDS ON BlM_t1E6oOE-00059-00005702-00005709 ON DISPLAY ARE PLACED IN BOWLS, HE TOOK MORE OF A HANDS ON BlM_t1E6oOE-00060-00005709-00005739 ON DISPLAY ARE PLACED IN BOWLS, HE TOOK MORE OF A HANDS ON APPROACH. BlM_t1E6oOE-00061-00005739-00005745 HE TOOK MORE OF A HANDS ON APPROACH. BlM_t1E6oOE-00062-00005745-00005905 HE TOOK MORE OF A HANDS ON APPROACH. >> I LIKE HANDS AND EYES, AND BlM_t1E6oOE-00063-00005905-00005912 APPROACH. >> I LIKE HANDS AND EYES, AND BlM_t1E6oOE-00064-00005912-00006122 APPROACH. >> I LIKE HANDS AND EYES, AND ONE DAY JUST LOOK AT MY HANDS, BlM_t1E6oOE-00065-00006122-00006129 >> I LIKE HANDS AND EYES, AND ONE DAY JUST LOOK AT MY HANDS, BlM_t1E6oOE-00066-00006129-00006349 >> I LIKE HANDS AND EYES, AND ONE DAY JUST LOOK AT MY HANDS, AND I WAS LIKE I NEED SCULPTURE BlM_t1E6oOE-00067-00006349-00006356 ONE DAY JUST LOOK AT MY HANDS, AND I WAS LIKE I NEED SCULPTURE BlM_t1E6oOE-00068-00006356-00006556 ONE DAY JUST LOOK AT MY HANDS, AND I WAS LIKE I NEED SCULPTURE FOR THE CLASS, AND JUST GOING TO BlM_t1E6oOE-00069-00006556-00006563 AND I WAS LIKE I NEED SCULPTURE FOR THE CLASS, AND JUST GOING TO BlM_t1E6oOE-00070-00006563-00006653 AND I WAS LIKE I NEED SCULPTURE FOR THE CLASS, AND JUST GOING TO BUILD MY HAND. BlM_t1E6oOE-00071-00006653-00006659 FOR THE CLASS, AND JUST GOING TO BUILD MY HAND. BlM_t1E6oOE-00072-00006659-00006933 FOR THE CLASS, AND JUST GOING TO BUILD MY HAND. >> WITH THE MOST SKILLFUL OF BlM_t1E6oOE-00073-00006933-00006940 BUILD MY HAND. >> WITH THE MOST SKILLFUL OF BlM_t1E6oOE-00074-00006940-00007113 BUILD MY HAND. >> WITH THE MOST SKILLFUL OF HANDS CERAMICS ARE UNIQUE AND BlM_t1E6oOE-00075-00007113-00007120 >> WITH THE MOST SKILLFUL OF HANDS CERAMICS ARE UNIQUE AND BlM_t1E6oOE-00076-00007120-00007313 >> WITH THE MOST SKILLFUL OF HANDS CERAMICS ARE UNIQUE AND BLEND IN WAYS THAT SIMPLY CANNOT BlM_t1E6oOE-00077-00007313-00007320 HANDS CERAMICS ARE UNIQUE AND BLEND IN WAYS THAT SIMPLY CANNOT BlM_t1E6oOE-00078-00007320-00007620 HANDS CERAMICS ARE UNIQUE AND BLEND IN WAYS THAT SIMPLY CANNOT BE ANTICIPATED OR DUPLICATED. BlM_t1E6oOE-00079-00007620-00007627 BLEND IN WAYS THAT SIMPLY CANNOT BE ANTICIPATED OR DUPLICATED. BlM_t1E6oOE-00080-00007627-00007834 BLEND IN WAYS THAT SIMPLY CANNOT BE ANTICIPATED OR DUPLICATED. >> I WAS BASICALLY PRAYING AND BlM_t1E6oOE-00081-00007834-00007841 BE ANTICIPATED OR DUPLICATED. >> I WAS BASICALLY PRAYING AND BlM_t1E6oOE-00082-00007841-00007967 BE ANTICIPATED OR DUPLICATED. >> I WAS BASICALLY PRAYING AND HOPING THAT THIS WOULDN'T DRIP BlM_t1E6oOE-00083-00007967-00007974 >> I WAS BASICALLY PRAYING AND HOPING THAT THIS WOULDN'T DRIP BlM_t1E6oOE-00084-00007974-00008131 >> I WAS BASICALLY PRAYING AND HOPING THAT THIS WOULDN'T DRIP ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE BOTTOM. BlM_t1E6oOE-00085-00008131-00008138 HOPING THAT THIS WOULDN'T DRIP ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE BOTTOM. BlM_t1E6oOE-00086-00008138-00008374 HOPING THAT THIS WOULDN'T DRIP ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE BOTTOM. >> WHICH CAN BE A LITTLE BlM_t1E6oOE-00087-00008374-00008381 ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE BOTTOM. >> WHICH CAN BE A LITTLE BlM_t1E6oOE-00088-00008381-00008435 ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE BOTTOM. >> WHICH CAN BE A LITTLE FRUSTRATING. BlM_t1E6oOE-00089-00008435-00008441 >> WHICH CAN BE A LITTLE FRUSTRATING. BlM_t1E6oOE-00090-00008441-00008561 >> WHICH CAN BE A LITTLE FRUSTRATING. >> JUST VERY FRUSTRATING AT BlM_t1E6oOE-00091-00008561-00008568 FRUSTRATING. >> JUST VERY FRUSTRATING AT BlM_t1E6oOE-00092-00008568-00008698 FRUSTRATING. >> JUST VERY FRUSTRATING AT FIRST WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO BlM_t1E6oOE-00093-00008698-00008705 >> JUST VERY FRUSTRATING AT FIRST WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO BlM_t1E6oOE-00094-00008705-00008732 >> JUST VERY FRUSTRATING AT FIRST WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO LEARN. BlM_t1E6oOE-00095-00008732-00008738 FIRST WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO LEARN. BlM_t1E6oOE-00096-00008738-00008925 FIRST WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO LEARN. BUT ONCE YOU PUSH THROUGH THAT, BlM_t1E6oOE-00097-00008925-00008932 LEARN. BUT ONCE YOU PUSH THROUGH THAT, BlM_t1E6oOE-00098-00008932-00009275 LEARN. BUT ONCE YOU PUSH THROUGH THAT, IT'S AMAZING, AND YOU ARE REALLY BlM_t1E6oOE-00099-00009275-00009282 BUT ONCE YOU PUSH THROUGH THAT, IT'S AMAZING, AND YOU ARE REALLY BlM_t1E6oOE-00100-00009282-00009439 BUT ONCE YOU PUSH THROUGH THAT, IT'S AMAZING, AND YOU ARE REALLY PROUD OF YOURSELF WHEN YOU SEE BlM_t1E6oOE-00101-00009439-00009446 IT'S AMAZING, AND YOU ARE REALLY PROUD OF YOURSELF WHEN YOU SEE BlM_t1E6oOE-00102-00009446-00009669 IT'S AMAZING, AND YOU ARE REALLY PROUD OF YOURSELF WHEN YOU SEE THE STUFF YOU CAN MAKE. BlM_t1E6oOE-00103-00009669-00009676 PROUD OF YOURSELF WHEN YOU SEE THE STUFF YOU CAN MAKE. BlM_t1E6oOE-00104-00009676-00009903 PROUD OF YOURSELF WHEN YOU SEE THE STUFF YOU CAN MAKE. >> WHILE TROM WISHES HE HAD MORE BlM_t1E6oOE-00105-00009903-00009909 THE STUFF YOU CAN MAKE. >> WHILE TROM WISHES HE HAD MORE BlM_t1E6oOE-00106-00009909-00010070 THE STUFF YOU CAN MAKE. >> WHILE TROM WISHES HE HAD MORE TIME HE HOPES PEOPLE SEE THE BlM_t1E6oOE-00107-00010070-00010076 >> WHILE TROM WISHES HE HAD MORE TIME HE HOPES PEOPLE SEE THE BlM_t1E6oOE-00108-00010076-00010253 >> WHILE TROM WISHES HE HAD MORE TIME HE HOPES PEOPLE SEE THE MOTION IN HIS FINISHED PIECES. BlM_t1E6oOE-00109-00010253-00010260 TIME HE HOPES PEOPLE SEE THE MOTION IN HIS FINISHED PIECES. BlM_t1E6oOE-00110-00010260-00010573 TIME HE HOPES PEOPLE SEE THE MOTION IN HIS FINISHED PIECES. >> THE HAND IS GOING TO GRAB BlM_t1E6oOE-00111-00010573-00010580 MOTION IN HIS FINISHED PIECES. >> THE HAND IS GOING TO GRAB BlM_t1E6oOE-00112-00010580-00010757 MOTION IN HIS FINISHED PIECES. >> THE HAND IS GOING TO GRAB INTO A FIST, AND THAT MEANS I BlM_t1E6oOE-00113-00010757-00010764 >> THE HAND IS GOING TO GRAB INTO A FIST, AND THAT MEANS I BlM_t1E6oOE-00114-00010764-00011051 >> THE HAND IS GOING TO GRAB INTO A FIST, AND THAT MEANS I HAVE TO STAY STRONG AND BE BlM_t1E6oOE-00115-00011051-00011057 INTO A FIST, AND THAT MEANS I HAVE TO STAY STRONG AND BE BlM_t1E6oOE-00116-00011057-00011084 INTO A FIST, AND THAT MEANS I HAVE TO STAY STRONG AND BE TOUGH. BlM_t1E6oOE-00117-00011084-00011091 HAVE TO STAY STRONG AND BE TOUGH. BlM_t1E6oOE-00118-00011091-00011374 HAVE TO STAY STRONG AND BE TOUGH. >> THE DISCOVERIES WILL BE FREE BlM_t1E6oOE-00119-00011374-00011381 TOUGH. >> THE DISCOVERIES WILL BE FREE BlM_t1E6oOE-00120-00011381-00011628 TOUGH. >> THE DISCOVERIES WILL BE FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FROM BlM_t1E6oOE-00121-00011628-00011634 >> THE DISCOVERIES WILL BE FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FROM BlM_t1E6oOE-00122-00011634-00011821 >> THE DISCOVERIES WILL BE FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FROM MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAY 10:00 TO BlM_t1E6oOE-00123-00011821-00011828 AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FROM MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAY 10:00 TO BlM_t1E6oOE-00124-00011828-00011968 AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FROM MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAY 10:00 TO 5:00 P.M. NOW THROUGH BlM_t1E6oOE-00125-00011968-00011975 MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAY 10:00 TO 5:00 P.M. NOW THROUGH BlM_t1E6oOE-00126-00011975-00012008 MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAY 10:00 TO 5:00 P.M. NOW THROUGH APRIL 21st. BlM_t1E6oOE-00127-00012008-00012015 5:00 P.M. NOW THROUGH APRIL 21st. BlM_t1E6oOE-00128-00012015-00012138 5:00 P.M. NOW THROUGH APRIL 21st. IN BRAINERD WITH THIS WEEK'S IN BmxnMSn9yFQ-00000-00000000-00000200 YOU HAVE A NEW OPPORTUNITY CoUI9NTKyZ0-00000-00000072-00000428 Congratulations to Syracuse University from the United States CoUI9NTKyZ0-00001-00000459-00000822 for their Disability Law and Policy Program - DLPP. CoUI9NTKyZ0-00002-00000900-00001306 College of Law courses include US Disability Law, CoUI9NTKyZ0-00003-00001327-00001750 and International Human Rights. DLPP students may also work CoUI9NTKyZ0-00004-00001776-00002155 as interns during the summer or full-time for a semester CoUI9NTKyZ0-00005-00002164-00002398 at disability law-related offices. CoUI9NTKyZ0-00006-00002478-00002855 I am accepting this award as a former student of CoUI9NTKyZ0-00007-00002864-00003256 Professor Arlene Kanter, founder and director CoUI9NTKyZ0-00008-00003279-00003810 of the Disability Law and Policy Program at the Syracuse University Collage of Law. CoUI9NTKyZ0-00009-00003852-00004182 On her behalf: thank you very much for this award! CoUI9NTKyZ0-00010-00004206-00004839 We hope that the recognition of the Syracuse University College of Law, CoUI9NTKyZ0-00011-00004865-00005400 the Disability Law and Policy Program will encourage other universities CoUI9NTKyZ0-00012-00005452-00005834 and law schools around the world to be more inclusive of students, CoUI9NTKyZ0-00013-00005846-00006332 staff and faculty with disabilities, and by introducing more courses CoUI9NTKyZ0-00014-00006346-00006542 the growing field of disability law. CoUI9NTKyZ0-00015-00006571-00006635 Thank you. C1YVTfVxfFU-00000-00000000-00000486 Plum's Growth Diary #207 C1YVTfVxfFU-00001-00000598-00001022 Today's guests are a mother and her daughter♪ C1YVTfVxfFU-00002-00001250-00001870 Yuko Nagashima, daddy's senior colleague voice actor! C1YVTfVxfFU-00003-00002598-00003044 and her daughter, Aa-chan! C1YVTfVxfFU-00004-00003265-00003726 Parent and child even synchronize the way they stretch out their arms♪ C1YVTfVxfFU-00005-00004832-00005304 They all are keeping a distance from each other... C1YVTfVxfFU-00006-00005356-00005458 Tap! C1YVTfVxfFU-00007-00005746-00006224 Plum jumps onto her head right away lol C1YVTfVxfFU-00008-00006354-00006668 (She comes when our eyes meet...) C1YVTfVxfFU-00009-00006668-00006922 (Yes, she comes while you're waiting...) C1YVTfVxfFU-00010-00006922-00007226 (Yeah... she came when our eyes met... it's funny) C1YVTfVxfFU-00011-00007592-00008014 Now Plum is on her shoulder. They are getting closer♪ C1YVTfVxfFU-00012-00009174-00009656 Since Yuko-san used to keep dogs and cats, C1YVTfVxfFU-00013-00009664-00010152 she is good at shortening the distance♪ C1YVTfVxfFU-00014-00011248-00011706 Now Plum is on Aa-chan's knee♪ C1YVTfVxfFU-00015-00011902-00012076 (laugh) C1YVTfVxfFU-00016-00012076-00012596 Aa-chan doesn't like being tickled lol C1YVTfVxfFU-00017-00012596-00012796 (Shush!) C1YVTfVxfFU-00018-00013356-00013634 (You laugh a lot lol) C1YVTfVxfFU-00019-00013874-00014318 Aa-chan still wants to communicate with Plum... C1YVTfVxfFU-00020-00015408-00015834 It's almost like a punishment to her lol C1YVTfVxfFU-00021-00015834-00016004 Oi! lol by mom C1YVTfVxfFU-00022-00016154-00016526 Do you want some snacks, Plum? C1YVTfVxfFU-00023-00017040-00017480 Plum gets some snacks from Aa-chan ♪ C1YVTfVxfFU-00024-00018172-00018624 Very cute💛 C1YVTfVxfFU-00025-00019602-00020078 Yum yum... yum yum💛 C1YVTfVxfFU-00026-00020602-00021058 Wait... C1YVTfVxfFU-00027-00021478-00021640 Was it tickling! lol C1YVTfVxfFU-00028-00021640-00021814 (You wanted to put her down...) C1YVTfVxfFU-00029-00021814-00021968 (It was tickling...) C1YVTfVxfFU-00030-00022120-00022632 Parent and child started a photo session together ♪ C1YVTfVxfFU-00031-00023038-00023378 (This posture is tough...) C1YVTfVxfFU-00032-00023536-00024034 Is she getting used to the tickling sensation? lol C1YVTfVxfFU-00033-00024456-00024772 Now they change places♪ C1YVTfVxfFU-00034-00024780-00025092 (I want to take a selfy but... I can't...) C1YVTfVxfFU-00035-00025390-00025874 Yuko-san wants to take a selfy but... C1YVTfVxfFU-00036-00026680-00027120 Princess Plum is acting on her own pace lol C1YVTfVxfFU-00037-00028018-00028504 Aa-chan and Plum are friends now so... C1YVTfVxfFU-00038-00028610-00028880 Plum marked a territory on her💛lol C1YVTfVxfFU-00039-00028880-00029132 (Oh... she peed on you...) C1YVTfVxfFU-00040-00029330-00029589 Plum is satisfied after having lots of fun with them♪ C1YVTfVxfFU-00041-00029589-00029783 (Yeah... oh my...) C1YVTfVxfFU-00042-00029783-00030045 That was today's Plum💛 C1YVTfVxfFU-00043-00030048-00032095 Please subscribe to my channel💛 C34SqwjaBR4-00000-00002496-00002695 hello C34SqwjaBR4-00001-00002695-00002913 no i need more enthusiasm than that. C34SqwjaBR4-00002-00002913-00003088 i need more energy! C34SqwjaBR4-00003-00003311-00003361 okay :3 C34SqwjaBR4-00004-00003361-00003640 blep! belp! blah! blah! C34SqwjaBR4-00005-00003640-00003690 okay... C34SqwjaBR4-00006-00003640-00003789 Mah mep blep! C34SqwjaBR4-00007-00003789-00003905 i keep saying okay C34SqwjaBR4-00008-00003905-00004016 like it's gonnastop C34SqwjaBR4-00009-00004116-00004356 um i have no limits and no shame C34SqwjaBR4-00010-00004485-00004618 the combination is deadly C34SqwjaBR4-00011-00004706-00004871 and itcauses for a lot of embarrassment C34SqwjaBR4-00012-00004964-00005038 anyway. C34SqwjaBR4-00013-00005038-00005277 Hello! i am Louise! C34SqwjaBR4-00014-00005277-00005430 welcometo my channel C34SqwjaBR4-00015-00005557-00005679 Jeez_Louise C34SqwjaBR4-00016-00005679-00006157 i do video reactions from movies films all aroundthe world. C34SqwjaBR4-00017-00006157-00006531 right now i am looking at korean content C34SqwjaBR4-00018-00006531-00006861 and today is a special episode C34SqwjaBR4-00019-00006861-00007356 i'm going to be reacting to the trailer of sweet home C34SqwjaBR4-00020-00007513-00007670 yeah this guy... C34SqwjaBR4-00021-00007831-00008031 * takes deep breath * C34SqwjaBR4-00022-00008031-00008226 yeah... C34SqwjaBR4-00023-00008226-00008319 it's scary C34SqwjaBR4-00024-00008319-00008446 it's dark C34SqwjaBR4-00025-00008446-00008701 it's suspenseful C34SqwjaBR4-00026-00008824-00008956 i'm excited. C34SqwjaBR4-00027-00008956-00009126 it is a 16 plus though C34SqwjaBR4-00028-00009126-00009336 so ifyou're not 16 and older please don't watch this C34SqwjaBR4-00029-00009880-00010039 i just want to be scared. C34SqwjaBR4-00030-00010039-00010121 like let's... C34SqwjaBR4-00031-00010121-00010304 i'm gonna go straight into it! C34SqwjaBR4-00032-00010304-00010360 let's see... C34SqwjaBR4-00033-00010412-00010528 i... C34SqwjaBR4-00034-00010528-00010599 let's do it! C34SqwjaBR4-00035-00010599-00010720 we're gonna do it C34SqwjaBR4-00036-00010880-00011000 okay C34SqwjaBR4-00037-00011696-00011796 nice view. C34SqwjaBR4-00038-00014396-00014475 * screams * C34SqwjaBR4-00039-00014475-00014725 what?! * laughs * C34SqwjaBR4-00040-00014826-00015026 * laughs * C34SqwjaBR4-00041-00016307-00016507 why are their hands so big? C34SqwjaBR4-00042-00016507-00016707 wow C34SqwjaBR4-00043-00016745-00016848 blegh! C34SqwjaBR4-00044-00017548-00017619 * gasp * C34SqwjaBR4-00045-00017677-00017826 bye dude. C34SqwjaBR4-00046-00017826-00018000 nice knowing you. C34SqwjaBR4-00047-00018198-00018360 so cinematic! C34SqwjaBR4-00048-00018360-00018410 okay C34SqwjaBR4-00049-00019816-00019866 okay C34SqwjaBR4-00050-00020224-00020578 i'm sorry what?! C34SqwjaBR4-00051-00021596-00021818 * gasp * C34SqwjaBR4-00052-00025474-00025636 i got goosebumps! C34SqwjaBR4-00053-00025636-00025935 i gotactual goosebumps all over my body C34SqwjaBR4-00054-00025935-00026049 oh my goodness C34SqwjaBR4-00055-00026049-00026241 what it looks so good C34SqwjaBR4-00056-00026304-00026552 i want to watch that so bad C34SqwjaBR4-00057-00026552-00026708 * gasp * C34SqwjaBR4-00058-00026708-00026838 oooooh whaaaaaaat?! C34SqwjaBR4-00059-00026838-00027038 so much action C34SqwjaBR4-00060-00027088-00027332 and it's kind of gory and it's scary C34SqwjaBR4-00061-00027332-00027624 and i can see special effects in there and it just... C34SqwjaBR4-00062-00027912-00028094 the monsters make me think of C34SqwjaBR4-00063-00028094-00028452 the monsters fromarkham asylum C34SqwjaBR4-00064-00028452-00028704 the batman game that came out C34SqwjaBR4-00065-00028704-00028951 like your few years ago C34SqwjaBR4-00066-00028951-00029098 2010 i think C34SqwjaBR4-00067-00029318-00029410 breathtaking C34SqwjaBR4-00068-00029451-00029800 i personally are just cinematic C34SqwjaBR4-00069-00029952-00030209 the audio C34SqwjaBR4-00070-00030209-00030380 the visual C34SqwjaBR4-00071-00030380-00030634 crisp! C34SqwjaBR4-00072-00030634-00030964 the inter cutting from the elevator bell C34SqwjaBR4-00073-00030964-00031311 to the action C34SqwjaBR4-00074-00031350-00031670 suspense full!! C34SqwjaBR4-00075-00032218-00032301 wow C34SqwjaBR4-00076-00032301-00032380 i've actually C34SqwjaBR4-00077-00032380-00032487 i really want to watch this C34SqwjaBR4-00078-00032487-00032638 um C34SqwjaBR4-00079-00032638-00032885 so basically what it seems like C34SqwjaBR4-00080-00032885-00033111 this dude seems to have been infected C34SqwjaBR4-00081-00033111-00033320 cool, they tell you that straight out C34SqwjaBR4-00082-00033400-00033888 but then he uses his infection against the other C34SqwjaBR4-00083-00033888-00034104 infected people that have turned into monsters C34SqwjaBR4-00084-00034360-00034627 which i suppose you could say is kind of cliche C34SqwjaBR4-00085-00034627-00034984 like you know could have guessed that but C34SqwjaBR4-00086-00035160-00035368 i still really want to see how he does it C34SqwjaBR4-00087-00035560-00036077 i really enjoy scary suspenseful C34SqwjaBR4-00088-00036077-00036257 not so much gory C34SqwjaBR4-00089-00036257-00036702 gore and lots of blood and guts and stuff like that's just a C34SqwjaBR4-00090-00036702-00036802 little bit like C34SqwjaBR4-00091-00036802-00036957 ugh now you're just trying to make me vomit C34SqwjaBR4-00092-00037062-00037281 but suspense C34SqwjaBR4-00093-00037328-00037534 i could die for suspense C34SqwjaBR4-00094-00037534-00037643 i love it C34SqwjaBR4-00095-00037747-00037925 10 out of 10. C34SqwjaBR4-00096-00037925-00038471 great trailer would i watch this absolutely C34SqwjaBR4-00097-00038512-00038750 would i watch it late at night by myself? C34SqwjaBR4-00098-00038750-00038872 maybe not C34SqwjaBR4-00099-00039096-00039422 so i'm really intrigued by the the effects that they have C34SqwjaBR4-00100-00039422-00039888 on the monsters and i kind of want to find out more about it but C34SqwjaBR4-00101-00040040-00040600 i know if i do it i'm going to find spoilers i think i'd rather watch it first C34SqwjaBR4-00102-00040712-00041155 then um then go and search right away C34SqwjaBR4-00103-00041155-00041450 because i hate spoilers C34SqwjaBR4-00104-00041450-00041533 i really do C34SqwjaBR4-00105-00041533-00041858 i normally don't watch trailers at all C34SqwjaBR4-00106-00041858-00042239 so this was just like a fun thing to try C34SqwjaBR4-00107-00042239-00042527 uh this is not something i normally just do C34SqwjaBR4-00108-00042527-00042704 because if i'm interested in something C34SqwjaBR4-00109-00042704-00042830 i'm justgonna go and watch it C34SqwjaBR4-00110-00042830-00043000 and if i don't enjoy it then C34SqwjaBR4-00111-00043120-00043267 i'll stop watching it then C34SqwjaBR4-00112-00043267-00043669 but the trailers i never really watched C34SqwjaBR4-00113-00043669-00043880 because they always seem to be like pretty dishonest C34SqwjaBR4-00114-00043880-00044224 um like they are trying to sell you something so C34SqwjaBR4-00115-00044328-00044486 okay cool C34SqwjaBR4-00116-00044486-00044624 but either they oversell C34SqwjaBR4-00117-00044624-00044791 they tell you too much about the story C34SqwjaBR4-00118-00044791-00045135 and then it's like well now i know what that is so now i don't want to watch it C34SqwjaBR4-00119-00045135-00045946 or they sell you this like real hyped commercial film C34SqwjaBR4-00120-00045946-00046331 and then you go in and watch it and it's not like the trailer C34SqwjaBR4-00121-00046331-00046557 and it's really disappointing so that's why i don't C34SqwjaBR4-00122-00046557-00046783 i don't dig trailers actually C34SqwjaBR4-00123-00046783-00046944 um because they're C34SqwjaBR4-00124-00047264-00047401 disappointing C34SqwjaBR4-00125-00047401-00047611 out of my experience they're C34SqwjaBR4-00126-00047611-00047710 disappointing C34SqwjaBR4-00127-00047710-00047899 but this... C34SqwjaBR4-00128-00047899-00047968 i enjoyed C34SqwjaBR4-00129-00048312-00048629 i can't think of like a western type series C34SqwjaBR4-00130-00048629-00048976 thataligns with this type of film C34SqwjaBR4-00131-00048976-00049064 the only other thing C34SqwjaBR4-00132-00049168-00049597 it sort of makes me think of is C34SqwjaBR4-00133-00049597-00049824 thehaunting of hill house which is paranormal C34SqwjaBR4-00134-00049960-00050295 just because of the suspense C34SqwjaBR4-00135-00050295-00050688 and the almost idea of entrapment C34SqwjaBR4-00136-00050688-00051090 and i suppose a little bit of the color palettes as well C34SqwjaBR4-00137-00051090-00051217 gotta say like C34SqwjaBR4-00138-00051217-00051536 we got a teal and orange guy happening here C34SqwjaBR4-00139-00051608-00052035 so there is a bit of teal and orange in um C34SqwjaBR4-00140-00052035-00052202 thehaunting of hill house but C34SqwjaBR4-00141-00052202-00052608 uh the haunting of hill house is much more desaturated C34SqwjaBR4-00142-00052608-00053032 here we have a lot of green hues teal and orange... C34SqwjaBR4-00143-00053032-00053338 yeah we got some red popping out C34SqwjaBR4-00144-00053338-00053584 okay so basically what i see C34SqwjaBR4-00145-00053584-00053767 that they've done here is that they've stuck with C34SqwjaBR4-00146-00053984-00054197 teal and orange as their grade C34SqwjaBR4-00147-00054197-00054432 but then the primary colors C34SqwjaBR4-00148-00054488-00054702 have been heightened C34SqwjaBR4-00149-00054702-00054929 so every time you see green C34SqwjaBR4-00150-00054929-00055033 it's out there C34SqwjaBR4-00151-00055033-00055168 yellow it is very bright C34SqwjaBR4-00152-00055168-00055331 red very bright C34SqwjaBR4-00153-00055331-00055627 um blue not so much C34SqwjaBR4-00154-00055627-00056054 but that's because they are using blue and orange as an overall color scheme C34SqwjaBR4-00155-00056054-00056199 or color grade C34SqwjaBR4-00156-00056199-00056477 not color scheme that's different C34SqwjaBR4-00157-00056477-00056600 different stuff C34SqwjaBR4-00158-00056720-00056854 so keen C34SqwjaBR4-00159-00056854-00057105 like i said 10 out of 10!! C34SqwjaBR4-00160-00057105-00057332 okay cool um C34SqwjaBR4-00161-00057332-00057622 great that's me bye C34SqwjaBR4-00162-00057622-00057824 oh please like and subscribe C34SqwjaBR4-00163-00057944-00058216 let me know if you actually want to see me react to this C34SqwjaBR4-00164-00058320-00058462 would you be into it? C34SqwjaBR4-00165-00058462-00058626 some scary stuff C34SqwjaBR4-00166-00058626-00058832 i don'tknow like it's 16 plus so C34SqwjaBR4-00167-00058832-00059175 will youtube even let me do that C34SqwjaBR4-00168-00059175-00059596 put 16 plus content on the internet C34SqwjaBR4-00169-00059596-00059882 for young people to see C34SqwjaBR4-00170-00059882-00059972 uhm dangerous C34SqwjaBR4-00171-00059972-00060104 it's dangerous C34SqwjaBR4-00172-00060232-00060469 but if you are a adult C34SqwjaBR4-00173-00060469-00060609 and you are above C34SqwjaBR4-00174-00060609-00060716 okay if you're not over 16 C34SqwjaBR4-00175-00060716-00060795 you're not an adult C34SqwjaBR4-00176-00060795-00060881 but... C34SqwjaBR4-00177-00060881-00061140 if you are an adult or over 16 C34SqwjaBR4-00178-00061140-00061294 uh let me know C34SqwjaBR4-00179-00061294-00061566 if you'd like me to react to this C34SqwjaBR4-00180-00061566-00061773 otherwise i will be watching it on my own C34SqwjaBR4-00181-00061773-00062068 and i'll just let you know because C34SqwjaBR4-00182-00062068-00062160 i love it C34SqwjaBR4-00183-00062360-00062475 yeah C34SqwjaBR4-00184-00062475-00062591 two thumbs up C34SqwjaBR4-00185-00062591-00062727 two thumbs up C34SqwjaBR4-00186-00062727-00062866 ten out of ten C34SqwjaBR4-00187-00062866-00063164 will be enjoying later C3Re-npQ1gy-00000-00000024-00000680 all alpha welcome alpha is a very important concept in the hedge fund world investors C3Re-npQ1gy-00001-00000680-00001216 seek alpha desperately hedge funds try to show that they are indeed generating alpha and it's C3Re-npQ1gy-00002-00001216-00001848 not luck or just market returns the industry is obsessed with it look for example at the title of C3Re-npQ1gy-00003-00001848-00002320 the conference so alpha is actually a mathematical expression and well known in the investment world C3Re-npQ1gy-00004-00002320-00003008 it's the excess return that is not explained by the benchmark in other words alpha is a result C3Re-npQ1gy-00005-00003008-00003679 of the skills of the manager or the kind of magic touch if you want i'm not just playing for myself C3Re-npQ1gy-00006-00003679-00004176 i'm playing for all shareholders what are the skills how does that compare to real life hedge C3Re-npQ1gy-00007-00004176-00004696 funds to answer i'm going to need the help of another expert this time nicholas ravner from C3Re-npQ1gy-00008-00004696-00005448 factory research who has that magic touch at axe capital taylor when they spot that a factory that C3Re-npQ1gy-00009-00005448-00005888 looks busy is in fact a fraud an article came out on satellite detected discrepancies between C3Re-npQ1gy-00010-00005888-00006256 chinese sites and what had been reported by government statistics and after that they knew C3Re-npQ1gy-00011-00006256-00006823 they were being watched so the trucks started moving and ben kim when he manages to discover C3Re-npQ1gy-00012-00006823-00007288 a merger before it's announced i think there's a merger coming if not an outright purchase axelrod C3Re-npQ1gy-00013-00007288-00007776 of course when he understands that what looks like a merger arbitrage opportunity is in fact C3Re-npQ1gy-00014-00007840-00008296 he wrote the story now he's out which means you need to be out in fact short so clearly there C3Re-npQ1gy-00015-00008296-00008960 are skills involved if you look at each of those the returns are not linked to the market going up C3Re-npQ1gy-00016-00008960-00009544 or down this alpha let's start with ben kim i've been tracking rental car usage in business cities C3Re-npQ1gy-00017-00009544-00009992 developing relationships with managers there he has to build relationships he has to crunch a lot C3Re-npQ1gy-00018-00009992-00010528 of data to find the information that this taylor they're doing web research they're looking at C3Re-npQ1gy-00019-00010528-00011104 satellite data find out which satellite company krakow uses ar metrics assuming krakow would be C3Re-npQ1gy-00020-00011104-00011568 the biggest user on the most viewed images you deduce that's what he's been looking at and then C3Re-npQ1gy-00021-00011568-00011992 actually wrote pages of 1252 when everyone was at lunch which tells me they wanted it to be C3Re-npQ1gy-00022-00011992-00012528 missed he's got access to all the information that's stored in his brain in all of them we C3Re-npQ1gy-00023-00012528-00013056 see there's an informational advantage they also know what to do with the data or the information C3Re-npQ1gy-00024-00013128-00013647 but if they didn't have it in the first place they couldn't do anything so once you have that the C3Re-npQ1gy-00025-00013647-00014200 decision process is actually clever but it's also straightforward don't go long go short if there's C3Re-npQ1gy-00026-00014200-00014840 dutch people at the airport it's going to be a merger the trucks are show for the satellite C3Re-npQ1gy-00027-00014840-00015536 short the stocks so how realistic is it let's ask Nicolas the information asymmetries have largely C3Re-npQ1gy-00028-00015536-00016056 been arbitraged away and the reason for that is quite simple because if you think about public C3Re-npQ1gy-00029-00016056-00016640 equities it's very difficult for fund manager at jp morgan to have a competitive edge over C3Re-npQ1gy-00030-00016640-00017072 someone at goldman sachs because they have the same data bloomberg terminal they have the same C3Re-npQ1gy-00031-00017072-00017384 access to management and so on how are they supposed to create our performance C3Re-npQ1gy-00032-00017384-00017792 what that means is that what we see in billion is not really what's happening C3Re-npQ1gy-00033-00017792-00018304 or very very rarely axe capital is of course our favorite hedge fund it's very special C3Re-npQ1gy-00034-00018304-00018936 but there is a Ben Kim and a taylor mason at other firms and in reality it's not about having C3Re-npQ1gy-00035-00019008-00019648 a Ben or a Taylor their discoveries would mainly be done by data scientists C3Re-npQ1gy-00036-00019744-00020248 using computers and machine learning algorithms because data is becoming better and technologies C3Re-npQ1gy-00037-00020248-00020720 become better so nowadays it's quite simple you can go to any you know data provider find C3Re-npQ1gy-00038-00020720-00021176 out there's a certain portfolio or certain fund managers you have alpha if you think back 20 years C3Re-npQ1gy-00039-00021176-00021760 it was a much more difficult exercise so we can dissect the fundamentals performance very finely C3Re-npQ1gy-00040-00021760-00022320 and find out is there really something unexplained the fund manager is doing or is it simply you know C3Re-npQ1gy-00041-00022320-00022696 like you know something out of alternate beta space or some sort of mac exposure C3Re-npQ1gy-00042-00022696-00023408 that just wasn't measurable before today it's easier to figure out what drives the performance C3Re-npQ1gy-00043-00023408-00024080 and to replicate it and that makes it really hard to really create alpha and of course going forward C3Re-npQ1gy-00044-00024080-00024488 i think like from an energy perspective this will become even tougher right because data will C3Re-npQ1gy-00045-00024488-00025016 continue to improve and technology will continue improve so i think the power partially is shifting C3Re-npQ1gy-00046-00025016-00025952 from the fund managers to the allocators results and optics my job's to spot a fund manager taking C3Re-npQ1gy-00047-00025952-00026464 his eye off the ball before he strikes out is the effect of being empowered by data technology C3Re-npQ1gy-00048-00026608-00027160 and factors in another episode and you can also sign up for my course if you want to dig C3Re-npQ1gy-00049-00027160-00027752 deeper into all those components thank you for watching please subscribe comment if you agree C3Re-npQ1gy-00050-00027808-00028183 disagree or if i should analyze another scene C5UqGpGjY-Y-00000-00005304-00005532 Namaskaar Maiyaa C5UqGpGjY-Y-00001-00005532-00005668 Namaskaaram C5UqGpGjY-Y-00002-00005832-00006064 What is your name? C5UqGpGjY-Y-00003-00006208-00006464 I use the name Ishwar, now C5UqGpGjY-Y-00004-00006464-00006800 but I was born with the name Henrik. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00005-00006800-00007020 What would you prefer to be called? C5UqGpGjY-Y-00006-00007020-00007112 Ishwar C5UqGpGjY-Y-00007-00007112-00007188 Ishwar? C5UqGpGjY-Y-00008-00007276-00007620 I'm just... yeah. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00009-00007620-00007872 Take your time C5UqGpGjY-Y-00010-00008023-00008248 I've been... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00011-00008248-00008452 I wouldn't say, like you use the word C5UqGpGjY-Y-00012-00008452-00008624 'professional seeker'... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00013-00008624-00009072 but I've been very ernest in my seeking for... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00014-00009072-00009304 probably the last fifteen years C5UqGpGjY-Y-00015-00009304-00009504 trying different paths C5UqGpGjY-Y-00016-00009504-00009904 and getting caught in different pitfalls C5UqGpGjY-Y-00017-00009904-00010108 along the way. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00018-00010108-00010348 The beauty of what I get from you, is... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00019-00010348-00010544 that Truth wants to connect with C5UqGpGjY-Y-00020-00010544-00010748 this <i>This-ness</i> or... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00021-00010748-00011028 it could be a confusion to put it in these words C5UqGpGjY-Y-00022-00011028-00011444 but maybe that shows a split inside of me. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00023-00011444-00011624 I love certain aspects of... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00024-00011624-00011896 I want to honour like the Advaita teaching C5UqGpGjY-Y-00025-00011896-00012076 or even the neo-advaitin teachings, in a way C5UqGpGjY-Y-00026-00012076-00012300 because I've connected with that C5UqGpGjY-Y-00027-00012300-00012500 but when you speak about C5UqGpGjY-Y-00028-00012500-00012636 this kind of C5UqGpGjY-Y-00029-00012636-00012776 Soul Impulse C5UqGpGjY-Y-00030-00012776-00012788 Soul Impulse C5UqGpGjY-Y-00031-00012788-00012996 it also has... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00032-00012996-00013296 because, it feels like that is what is moving me C5UqGpGjY-Y-00033-00013296-00013532 in some regards, it's not... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00034-00013532-00013724 at least that's what I recognize as the C5UqGpGjY-Y-00035-00013724-00014044 most meaning... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00036-00014044-00014372 When I move in life it's C5UqGpGjY-Y-00037-00014372-00014588 sometimes not that C5UqGpGjY-Y-00038-00014588-00014744 I'm trying to do that... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00039-00014744-00015124 and I have a sense when you before spoke C5UqGpGjY-Y-00040-00015124-00015332 about surrender C5UqGpGjY-Y-00041-00015332-00015576 that I know C5UqGpGjY-Y-00042-00015576-00015863 in some ways the state of surrender C5UqGpGjY-Y-00043-00015863-00016128 but there are many moments where I don't know... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00044-00016128-00016372 actually, I teach meditation C5UqGpGjY-Y-00045-00016372-00016592 it's like... it but it's still C5UqGpGjY-Y-00046-00016592-00016872 it becomes a concept, like you say. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00047-00016872-00017208 I try to find my way, but it doesn't... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00048-00017208-00017504 it feels not suited, in a way. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00049-00017500-00017504 it feels not suited, in a way. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00050-00017504-00018032 So, the act of surrendering, like the <i>Saadhanaa </i>(practice)... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00051-00018032-00018256 I know that much of your teaching is C5UqGpGjY-Y-00052-00018256-00018596 exactly about that, so I get very curious about... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00053-00018596-00018720 The other day you said... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00054-00018720-00018980 as I recall it, it's not... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00055-00018980-00019188 being presence, it's... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00056-00019188-00019360 it's a bending to presence C5UqGpGjY-Y-00057-00019360-00019496 is that wrong? C5UqGpGjY-Y-00058-00019496-00019572 Could you have presented it like that? C5UqGpGjY-Y-00059-00019572-00019840 Could you have presented it like that? C5UqGpGjY-Y-00060-00020100-00020196 What I'm going to do is C5UqGpGjY-Y-00061-00020196-00020360 I'm just going to try to... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00062-00020360-00020444 Yeah, sure C5UqGpGjY-Y-00063-00020444-00020728 to sort of give some contour to this, and... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00064-00020728-00020888 So, what I'm seeing C5UqGpGjY-Y-00065-00020888-00020992 in your... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00066-00020992-00021144 in your current... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00067-00021196-00021328 stage... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00068-00021328-00021528 I would even say, it's a stage of seeking C5UqGpGjY-Y-00069-00021528-00021824 is that, there has been... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00070-00021824-00021952 because of... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00071-00021952-00022236 perhaps because of neo-advaitin practices, or... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00072-00022236-00022360 Not really. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00073-00022360-00022656 meditations... <i>Aayushmaan Bhava</i> C5UqGpGjY-Y-00074-00022656-00022792 there has been C5UqGpGjY-Y-00075-00022792-00023028 an identification with presence. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00076-00023028-00023344 ...'I'm am <i>That</i>' or 'I Am'... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00077-00023344-00023640 So that is why you say that C5UqGpGjY-Y-00078-00023640-00023920 the Soul wants to... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00079-00023920-00024268 something, or the Soul wants this C5UqGpGjY-Y-00080-00024268-00024404 or the Soul wants that. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00081-00024404-00024600 The Soul doesn't want anything. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00082-00024600-00024948 Just to, just to put some order into all of this. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00083-00024948-00025096 The Soul is an entity C5UqGpGjY-Y-00084-00025096-00025348 that has no intent, it has no will C5UqGpGjY-Y-00085-00025384-00025839 it has no want, it has no yearnings. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00086-00025839-00026072 Anything that wants something C5UqGpGjY-Y-00087-00026072-00026227 can be ascribed to the ego. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00088-00026227-00026600 Just to make it a little bit more, you know... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00089-00026600-00026827 for the sake of understanding... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00090-00026827-00027212 of conceptual understanding. So... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00091-00027212-00027732 the reason why this confusion is there, is because C5UqGpGjY-Y-00092-00027732-00028100 that 'I Am' experience now has to be C5UqGpGjY-Y-00093-00028100-00028452 translated into 'I am <i>This</i>' C5UqGpGjY-Y-00094-00028452-00028876 and, if you take... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00095-00028876-00029244 just this evening, after the Satsang, if you have time C5UqGpGjY-Y-00096-00029244-00029592 just to see what I mean by this one sentence C5UqGpGjY-Y-00097-00029592-00030024 'I Am' or is it 'I am <i>This</i>'? C5UqGpGjY-Y-00098-00030095-00030216 If you can C5UqGpGjY-Y-00099-00030216-00030592 make that shift from 'I Am' to 'I am <i>This</i>' C5UqGpGjY-Y-00100-00030592-00030752 then... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00101-00030752-00031056 your entire... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00102-00031056-00031404 your entire question will dissolve. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00103-00031404-00031512 You know what I'm saying? C5UqGpGjY-Y-00104-00031512-00031880 Because then, you know what is in surrender to what. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00105-00031880-00032048 Right now C5UqGpGjY-Y-00106-00032048-00032320 if 'I Am' is the experience, then C5UqGpGjY-Y-00107-00032320-00032520 how can there be surrender? C5UqGpGjY-Y-00108-00032520-00032727 Because what is 'I Am' surrendering to C5UqGpGjY-Y-00109-00032727-00032928 if it is already <i>That</i>? C5UqGpGjY-Y-00110-00032928-00033204 So, my suggestion to you C5UqGpGjY-Y-00111-00033204-00033608 just as an experiment is, try to move... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00112-00033608-00033808 because if you can be an 'I Am', then you can also C5UqGpGjY-Y-00113-00033808-00033932 be in 'I am <i>This</i>' C5UqGpGjY-Y-00114-00033932-00034252 that much of agility is there in the system. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00115-00034252-00034484 Try to take this evening to C5UqGpGjY-Y-00116-00034484-00034676 make that shift, and see what happens C5UqGpGjY-Y-00117-00034676-00034852 with... with the <i>This-ness</i> C5UqGpGjY-Y-00118-00034972-00035052 and C5UqGpGjY-Y-00119-00035052-00035352 I will take up your question, if you're here tomorrow C5UqGpGjY-Y-00120-00035352-00035460 as the first question C5UqGpGjY-Y-00121-00035460-00035604 because, you're what I call C5UqGpGjY-Y-00122-00035604-00035724 a professional seeker C5UqGpGjY-Y-00123-00035724-00035868 someone whose main C5UqGpGjY-Y-00124-00035868-00036160 work in life is to find, you know, to... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00125-00036160-00036404 to go for the Truth, and to look for it. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00126-00036404-00036648 In the context of that... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00127-00036880-00037132 it would be important for you to... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00128-00037132-00037416 at this point, see if you can make that switch C5UqGpGjY-Y-00129-00037416-00037840 and then see if this question is still there C5UqGpGjY-Y-00130-00037840-00038064 because I don't want to push you into that C5UqGpGjY-Y-00131-00038064-00038316 you have to move into that state C5UqGpGjY-Y-00132-00038316-00038592 because it's coming out of one thing into an... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00133-00038592-00038760 actually it's like moving into the next C5UqGpGjY-Y-00134-00038760-00039148 stage of your spiritual journey, and adventure. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00135-00039148-00039216 Yeah. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00136-00039216-00039500 You know, so do that, if you're here tomorrow C5UqGpGjY-Y-00137-00039500-00039712 I'll take your question first C5UqGpGjY-Y-00138-00039712-00039960 it is also the last day I'm here, so C5UqGpGjY-Y-00139-00039960-00040124 after that I won't be here. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00140-00040124-00040368 Yes... thank you for that C5UqGpGjY-Y-00141-00040368-00040700 very much, for that invitation as well. C5UqGpGjY-Y-00142-00040888-00041012 Namaskaar... C5UqGpGjY-Y-00143-00041012-00041244 the bell has rung, so... C7GgyLGzfdU-00000-00000003-00000327 y'all ready y'all ready y'all ready welcome to the Upside Down Smilie Show C7GgyLGzfdU-00001-00000327-00000645 where we talk about real life but we don't take life too seriously and we C7GgyLGzfdU-00002-00000645-00001023 hear in the stories everyday people my name is Shereene and we have Chris C7GgyLGzfdU-00003-00001023-00001390 here and today we're going to talk about alcohol cue intro C7GgyLGzfdU-00004-00002872-00002922 we are going to talk C7GgyLGzfdU-00005-00002922-00003477 about alcohol and the use of alcohol in society and the reason why I was C7GgyLGzfdU-00006-00003477-00003846 thinking about it and I think it's because I just recently stopped drinking C7GgyLGzfdU-00007-00003846-00004015 because wasn't making me feel good C7GgyLGzfdU-00008-00004015-00004293 I think I'm just a lot more aware of it and I've C7GgyLGzfdU-00009-00004293-00004869 just been thinking about people engaging and drinking and it being something C7GgyLGzfdU-00010-00004869-00005178 that just a part of a lot of people's lives I think about when I first C7GgyLGzfdU-00011-00005178-00005537 got introduced to drinking my parents didn't drink very much and so I didn't C7GgyLGzfdU-00012-00005537-00005871 see it a lot at home I think it was like going to parties or going to weddings C7GgyLGzfdU-00013-00005871-00006389 and then going into high school and that being that the cool thing to do so I C7GgyLGzfdU-00014-00006389-00006845 definitely saw it at home growing up like it was always kind of around C7GgyLGzfdU-00015-00006845-00007116 my dad had a liquor cabinet C7GgyLGzfdU-00016-00007116-00007550 we never really drank when we didn't have a party C7GgyLGzfdU-00017-00007550-00008064 yeah so it was more of a social thing yes definitely solely C7GgyLGzfdU-00018-00008064-00008286 for that then once I started getting older C7GgyLGzfdU-00019-00008286-00008590 it was just more something everyone C7GgyLGzfdU-00020-00008590-00008654 was doing C7GgyLGzfdU-00021-00008654-00008768 it was the norm C7GgyLGzfdU-00022-00008768-00008842 kind of a peer C7GgyLGzfdU-00023-00008842-00009362 pressure kind of thing kind of right kinda yes I started when I C7GgyLGzfdU-00024-00009363-00009834 was like really young because I had some older friends and we started with C7GgyLGzfdU-00025-00009834-00010444 Smirnoff Ice kept it light but that was a lot at that age C7GgyLGzfdU-00026-00010444-00010542 you know since then like C7GgyLGzfdU-00027-00010542-00010953 you know a lot of the functions we go to as Knanaya people or even Malayalee C7GgyLGzfdU-00028-00010953-00011318 people they have to be open bar oh it's a C7GgyLGzfdU-00029-00011318-00011813 requirement it isn't if it's unavailable if it comes C7GgyLGzfdU-00030-00011813-00012622 an issue also specific labels all premium labels are definitely a C7GgyLGzfdU-00031-00012622-00013036 requirement for our people when you're younger you'll try to sneak some C7GgyLGzfdU-00032-00013036-00013556 drinks in here and there so you kind of build that habit starting at an C7GgyLGzfdU-00033-00013556-00014026 earlier it almost feels like all social settings include C7GgyLGzfdU-00034-00014026-00014488 drinking so I think it's just people's minds kind of Connect C7GgyLGzfdU-00035-00014488-00014920 like okay I'm gonna be doing something social and that engages with drinking C7GgyLGzfdU-00036-00014920-00015425 and I know some people that drink on a daily basis and we're not here to C7GgyLGzfdU-00037-00015425-00015784 spread any kind of judgement I think literally I want to have this C7GgyLGzfdU-00038-00015784-00016123 conversation just to have the conversation to start thinking about C7GgyLGzfdU-00039-00016123-00016592 things that we're doing or what we're noticing just to start doing so just C7GgyLGzfdU-00040-00016592-00017045 exactly that like I want this to just prompt thoughts and maybe prompt C7GgyLGzfdU-00041-00017045-00017200 conversation I don't know if C7GgyLGzfdU-00042-00017200-00017570 Indians in general have a reputation of drinking quite often but C7GgyLGzfdU-00043-00017570-00017954 definitely Malayali people alcoholism in the state of Kerala which is where we're C7GgyLGzfdU-00044-00017954-00018551 from is very very high the most alcohol sales in all of India that state C7GgyLGzfdU-00045-00018551-00019073 specifically our community Knanaya community has a reputation of C7GgyLGzfdU-00046-00019073-00019526 drinking a lot and we were talking about that and I think the reason why is C7GgyLGzfdU-00047-00019526-00020029 because of what you said about weddings about events it's very open it's much C7GgyLGzfdU-00048-00020029-00020485 more open I feel like a lot of other communities they will try to keep it in C7GgyLGzfdU-00049-00020485-00020744 the background whereas it's just more part of C7GgyLGzfdU-00050-00020744-00021242 everything we it's part of the whole program it's part of the community C7GgyLGzfdU-00051-00021242-00021806 it kind of is it's a part of the social part of our community I don't C7GgyLGzfdU-00052-00021806-00022125 think it's necessarily a bad thing but it can get to a point where C7GgyLGzfdU-00053-00022125-00022533 it's a bad thing and I think there is definitely alcoholism in our C7GgyLGzfdU-00054-00022533-00023013 community that is not addressed and I think some of that could be coming C7GgyLGzfdU-00055-00023013-00023541 from seeing their parents I think more often than not seeing their fathers C7GgyLGzfdU-00056-00023541-00023970 drinking quite often at home and then it becoming the norm out of any other drug C7GgyLGzfdU-00057-00023970-00024470 it's like probably more socially accepted for sure I think because C7GgyLGzfdU-00058-00024470-00024903 everything else is illegal right so this is legal when you go C7GgyLGzfdU-00059-00024903-00025257 to an event people are really like focused on getting their drinks and C7GgyLGzfdU-00060-00025257-00025679 it being an issue if the bar is closed and there's nothing available C7GgyLGzfdU-00061-00025679-00025976 the party doesn't start till you get your first drink and so I've been C7GgyLGzfdU-00062-00025976-00026382 thinking more about socializing and having fun without substance of some C7GgyLGzfdU-00063-00026382-00026832 sort and just doing that as you know just having fun C7GgyLGzfdU-00064-00026832-00027252 I think a lot of times people our age is almost kind of leaned C7GgyLGzfdU-00065-00027252-00027604 really on it kind of dependant C7GgyLGzfdU-00066-00027604-00027766 to kind of loosen up C7GgyLGzfdU-00067-00027767-00027845 we just go straight to C7GgyLGzfdU-00068-00027845-00028230 the bar whereas you know we should be like kind of mingling more if you are C7GgyLGzfdU-00069-00028230-00028866 leaning on it and depending on it to be social and it's like you're always on C7GgyLGzfdU-00070-00028866-00029355 something I agree and I've had a lot of friends that have stopped over the years C7GgyLGzfdU-00071-00029355-00029913 because they realized they're more doing it for the wrong reasons C7GgyLGzfdU-00072-00029913-00030219 but then I do have some friends that are just really like the taste so C7GgyLGzfdU-00073-00030219-00030762 if it's like a scotch or even beer beer is a big thing down in C7GgyLGzfdU-00074-00030762-00031119 the South a lot of people check out breweries which I feel like it's C7GgyLGzfdU-00075-00031119-00031401 different than the kind of drinking we're used to they're not drinking to C7GgyLGzfdU-00076-00031401-00031902 get drunk more drinking for the taste and I think a society C7GgyLGzfdU-00077-00031902-00032205 in general all these these things have become more popular C7GgyLGzfdU-00078-00032205-00032814 breweries have gotten so popular even activities like trolleys C7GgyLGzfdU-00079-00032814-00033324 or sip and paints C7GgyLGzfdU-00080-00033324-00033816 some cycling things and a lot of times it's just like it's just a C7GgyLGzfdU-00081-00033816-00034362 part of the event it's a part of the activity I think about how often I I C7GgyLGzfdU-00082-00034362-00034839 see people and interact with people sober most the time we do right C7GgyLGzfdU-00083-00034839-00035036 so when we're at work when we're at C7GgyLGzfdU-00084-00035036-00035537 my church or wherever where we go to most of time people are sober but C7GgyLGzfdU-00085-00035537-00036184 it's usually at these social settings or parties is where it's different and so in C7GgyLGzfdU-00086-00036184-00036796 every social setting is everyone intoxicated in some way and so is C7GgyLGzfdU-00087-00036796-00037343 that truly who you are you can be a completely C7GgyLGzfdU-00088-00037343-00037700 different person when you're not drinking even when you do something C7GgyLGzfdU-00089-00037700-00038021 stupid when you're drunk that's happened to me before C7GgyLGzfdU-00090-00038021-00038318 definitely we've all done something stupid you said something you didn't mean C7GgyLGzfdU-00091-00038318-00038875 to say you were a little too forward about things I've had some C7GgyLGzfdU-00092-00038875-00039308 experiences where I've interact with other people where they just came C7GgyLGzfdU-00093-00039308-00039784 off you know in a way I'm sure that they are not proud of I bet you notice C7GgyLGzfdU-00094-00039784-00040050 that more now because you're not drinking C7GgyLGzfdU-00095-00040050-00040294 I notice it way more and I've been sharing it a lot C7GgyLGzfdU-00096-00040294-00040799 and I've been trying to also be more open with it and addressing it better C7GgyLGzfdU-00097-00040799-00041209 when something happens so I think a lot of times when something happens we C7GgyLGzfdU-00098-00041209-00041618 let it go oh yeah he was just drunk or she was just drunk C7GgyLGzfdU-00099-00041618-00042100 oh I've heard that so many times and I get it but that shouldn't be an C7GgyLGzfdU-00100-00042100-00042487 automatic excuse that can't be an excuse because there's consequences to C7GgyLGzfdU-00101-00042487-00042919 things always and so if you do something and it affects someone it C7GgyLGzfdU-00102-00042919-00043462 could change your life DUI's hurting someone C7GgyLGzfdU-00103-00043462-00043947 getting into an accident if you're drinking often then you may be driving C7GgyLGzfdU-00104-00043947-00044537 drinking often and thankfully I'm sure a lot of us C7GgyLGzfdU-00105-00044537-00045062 have done so and we may have been okay and we've been safe and nothing has C7GgyLGzfdU-00106-00045062-00045637 happened The issue I think more is not if you feel like you're okay C7GgyLGzfdU-00107-00045637-00046187 legally if anything were to happen if you get pulled over you can C7GgyLGzfdU-00108-00046187-00046741 get into a lot of shit and who knows if you just happen to make C7GgyLGzfdU-00109-00046741-00047134 a swerve into some other car or even something that doesn't C7GgyLGzfdU-00110-00047134-00047315 even you're not even affected or you're not C7GgyLGzfdU-00111-00047315-00047606 even impaired by the alcohol or you're not impaired by C7GgyLGzfdU-00112-00047606-00048111 the substance but mistakes happen right they're called accidents right and so if C7GgyLGzfdU-00113-00048111-00048437 an accident were to just happen and someone were to get hurt someone were to get C7GgyLGzfdU-00114-00048437-00048953 killed and so I think we just need to be more aware I think we need to think C7GgyLGzfdU-00115-00048953-00049487 about things through a little bit better I do feel like with the use of rideshare C7GgyLGzfdU-00116-00049487-00049810 people are more conscious about that C7GgyLGzfdU-00117-00049810-00050075 I think people are making better decisions just C7GgyLGzfdU-00118-00050075-00050459 being like lazy are just wanting to save money or just even wanting to just have C7GgyLGzfdU-00119-00050459-00050891 your car with you I just want to go there and I want to leave when I want C7GgyLGzfdU-00120-00050891-00051093 to leave sometimes I'll just end up C7GgyLGzfdU-00121-00051093-00051324 leaving my car when I know I can't drive C7GgyLGzfdU-00122-00051324-00051524 Or I'll end up staying over C7GgyLGzfdU-00123-00051524-00051738 Think about the times where you're not wasted C7GgyLGzfdU-00124-00051738-00052241 but you would definitely if you got pulled over blown over C7GgyLGzfdU-00125-00052241-00052650 so I think we're doing that a little too often and so I think we need to think C7GgyLGzfdU-00126-00052650-00053082 that through think about the lives that you can affect because you have C7GgyLGzfdU-00127-00053082-00053477 such a short time on this world if you were to just shorten someone's life because C7GgyLGzfdU-00128-00053477-00054011 of a poor decision I don't think it's worth it I need to get better too C7GgyLGzfdU-00129-00054011-00054399 I am not perfect oh my gosh even think about when I get C7GgyLGzfdU-00130-00054399-00054758 sleepy when I'm driving that's the other thing like you'll be C7GgyLGzfdU-00131-00054758-00055154 going out and you'll be out to like 3:00 a.m. and maybe you went and got some C7GgyLGzfdU-00132-00055154-00055434 Waffle House Waffle House is big in Atlanta C7GgyLGzfdU-00133-00055434-00055725 so you're sober by the time you get out but then C7GgyLGzfdU-00134-00055725-00056066 when you're driving home you might be a little tired and you might and it's just C7GgyLGzfdU-00135-00056066-00056388 as bad close your eyes it's just as bad so just like C7GgyLGzfdU-00136-00056388-00056714 making better decisions and being more conscious of your decisions C7GgyLGzfdU-00137-00056714-00057142 and not just doing mindless things and not just doing what everyone C7GgyLGzfdU-00138-00057142-00057529 is doing and really thinking about do I even want to drink do I C7GgyLGzfdU-00139-00057529-00057829 even want to do this or am I just doing it because everyone is am I just doing C7GgyLGzfdU-00140-00057829-00058214 this because everyone is at the bar I think another thing is like if you do do it do C7GgyLGzfdU-00141-00058214-00058574 you know that you have the self-control to cut off when you know you're C7GgyLGzfdU-00142-00058574-00058949 about to go over and it's hard sometimes in social situations when you C7GgyLGzfdU-00143-00058949-00059348 keep seeing everyone drinking or the next round of shots are being ordered C7GgyLGzfdU-00144-00059348-00059744 and it's hard to be like no I can't go any further you have to really be C7GgyLGzfdU-00145-00059744-00060157 aware of where am I at right now and what do I need to do to make sure C7GgyLGzfdU-00146-00060157-00060466 I'm safe and make sure I'm good since I stopped drinking I saved a ton of money C7GgyLGzfdU-00147-00060466-00060974 oh that's great and I just feel like I'm not consuming as much empty C7GgyLGzfdU-00148-00060974-00061526 calories all that sugar so all that soda it wasn't good for me C7GgyLGzfdU-00149-00061526-00061925 I think it's just something to think about and you just never know it C7GgyLGzfdU-00150-00061925-00062216 could bring good things for you I drink a lot more water now I think C7GgyLGzfdU-00151-00062216-00062767 it's okay to be social and go out and not drink I think you should also try to C7GgyLGzfdU-00152-00062767-00063311 do that once in a while if you are even a drinker just to kind of see what C7GgyLGzfdU-00153-00063311-00063844 it's like and just kind of see how you feel and not feel like oh I need to be C7GgyLGzfdU-00154-00063844-00064408 on something to be out and to enjoy the company of my friends and so I do C7GgyLGzfdU-00155-00064408-00065032 that now I've given it up a few times for a few weeks I've noticed I've gone out less C7GgyLGzfdU-00156-00065032-00065435 that's one thing get more sleep you need sleep C7GgyLGzfdU-00157-00065435-00065651 you don't feel as bad the next day C7GgyLGzfdU-00158-00065651-00065802 no hangovers C7GgyLGzfdU-00159-00065802-00066007 I'm just tired I'm C7GgyLGzfdU-00160-00066007-00066439 always tired because my body's just like girl you're getting old C7GgyLGzfdU-00161-00066439-00066570 I appreciate you being here C7GgyLGzfdU-00162-00066570-00067039 I appreciate you talking about this I don't want this to come C7GgyLGzfdU-00163-00067039-00067519 off like any kind of judgement it's your decision and I just hope people C7GgyLGzfdU-00164-00067519-00068129 make those decisions clearly with intention so I appreciate you C7GgyLGzfdU-00165-00068129-00068504 I appreciate you watching please like subscribe and share this video thank you C7GgyLGzfdU-00166-00068504-00068863 so much bye see ya C9zm4S0NT1g-00000-00000149-00000353 Matthew Meyerson: Well, Bill, we would just want to thank you C9zm4S0NT1g-00001-00000353-00000893 again for really an inspiring and insightful presentation and for the great discussion C9zm4S0NT1g-00002-00000893-00001620 afterwards, and I think there's just an enormous amount, I think we -- what we'll be seeing C9zm4S0NT1g-00003-00001620-00002152 the community doing on the basis of cancer genomics efforts like these. C9zm4S0NT1g-00004-00002152-00002851 And then Ilya and I really want to thank, again, everybody who has contributed to make C9zm4S0NT1g-00005-00002851-00003050 this meeting possible. C9zm4S0NT1g-00006-00003050-00003761 First, the speakers, and the people giving posters at the meeting. C9zm4S0NT1g-00007-00003761-00004507 The work of the TCGA program staff, Brad Ozenberger, and Kenna Shaw, and Julia Zhang for her work C9zm4S0NT1g-00008-00004507-00005223 on the meeting, with special thanks to Capital Consulting, to Josh Shapiro and colleagues, C9zm4S0NT1g-00009-00005223-00005729 and to the excellent A/V support from River West. C9zm4S0NT1g-00010-00005729-00006168 Thanks to everyone in TCGA for their hard work on the project, and, you know, I think C9zm4S0NT1g-00011-00006168-00006906 as Dr. Varmus said, you know, people really, you know, putting aside their egos and their C9zm4S0NT1g-00012-00006906-00007509 personal interests to really advance this project for the community. C9zm4S0NT1g-00013-00007509-00008020 Thanks to the leadership of the National Cancer Institute and National Human Genome Research C9zm4S0NT1g-00014-00008020-00008807 Institute, both now and over the years, in conceiving and continuing the project. C9zm4S0NT1g-00015-00008807-00009506 And then, finally, thanks to all those cancer patients who've participated in this study C9zm4S0NT1g-00016-00009506-00010317 by sharing their tissues with the whole community for the advancement of cancer research. C9zm4S0NT1g-00017-00010317-00010639 So, again, thanks for your participation, and we now close the meeting. C9zm4S0NT1g-00018-00010639-00010739 [applause] C9zm4S0NT1g-00019-00010739-00010739 [music playing] CsQyfSs0RSk-00000-00000032-00000341 hello, we are the team composed of gloria, Gerard CsQyfSs0RSk-00001-00000341-00000672 and Jose for the exercise of access to remote systems, CsQyfSs0RSk-00002-00000701-00000906 we have selected teamviewer CsQyfSs0RSk-00003-00000988-00001278 Teamviewer, is an all-in-one solution for remote support, CsQyfSs0RSk-00004-00001278-00001417 remote acces, CsQyfSs0RSk-00005-00001460-00001768 and online meetings which allows you to assist customers CsQyfSs0RSk-00006-00001768-00001868 remotely, CsQyfSs0RSk-00007-00001914-00002218 also allows file transfer and screen sharing CsQyfSs0RSk-00008-00002218-00002318 among other features CsQyfSs0RSk-00009-00002418-00002699 Teamviewer supports these operating systems CsQyfSs0RSk-00010-00002824-00002924 Windows CsQyfSs0RSk-00011-00003021-00003173 MacOS CsQyfSs0RSk-00012-00003230-00003456 different distributions of Linux CsQyfSs0RSk-00013-00003607-00003763 chrome OS CsQyfSs0RSk-00014-00003920-00004024 ios CsQyfSs0RSk-00015-00004168-00004268 android CsQyfSs0RSk-00016-00004427-00004549 Windows Mobile CsQyfSs0RSk-00017-00004627-00004727 and Blackberry CsQyfSs0RSk-00018-00005320-00005609 the port which uses all devices is CsQyfSs0RSk-00019-00005609-00005852 5938 CsQyfSs0RSk-00020-00005883-00006169 in this picture we can see all ports are supported CsQyfSs0RSk-00021-00006169-00006352 with different operating systems CsQyfSs0RSk-00023-00007015-00007312 The traffic which generates teamviewer uses public and private CsQyfSs0RSk-00024-00007312-00007575 keys RSA CsQyfSs0RSk-00025-00007575-00007835 codifies in AES CsQyfSs0RSk-00026-00007899-00008128 256 bits CsQyfSs0RSk-00027-00008221-00008500 Today, here we will show you CsQyfSs0RSk-00028-00008500-00008805 how to install the TeamViewer application for Windows PC CsQyfSs0RSk-00029-00008805-00009092 To start the installation, we will go CsQyfSs0RSk-00030-00009092-00009192 to our trusted browser CsQyfSs0RSk-00031-00009248-00009574 In the search box of the browser, we will introduce CsQyfSs0RSk-00032-00009574-00009890 the name of the application called teamviewer CsQyfSs0RSk-00033-00009890-00010192 Then, once it searched all the options, we will CsQyfSs0RSk-00034-00010192-00010292 choose the correct link CsQyfSs0RSk-00035-00010368-00010576 A new windows will show us the official CsQyfSs0RSk-00036-00010620-00010720 website of the application CsQyfSs0RSk-00037-00010733-00011023 Inside the website , we won't click in the links in front of us CsQyfSs0RSk-00038-00011049-00011351 but we will click in the box called “Download” CsQyfSs0RSk-00039-00011351-00011480 in the top of the website CsQyfSs0RSk-00040-00011552-00011864 The link will take us to the download page When we will CsQyfSs0RSk-00041-00011864-00012196 click on “Download teamviewer” to install the configuration file. CsQyfSs0RSk-00042-00012243-00012570 A new page will show up, and immediately it will disappear CsQyfSs0RSk-00043-00012580-00012940 and the configuration file will be downloading in the bottom of the page CsQyfSs0RSk-00044-00012958-00013250 It’s possible, that the downloading take a few seconds CsQyfSs0RSk-00045-00013316-00013490 When we open it, it will ask us CsQyfSs0RSk-00046-00013509-00013760 if we want to execute the program CsQyfSs0RSk-00047-00013777-00013950 and we will click on “Execute”. CsQyfSs0RSk-00048-00013961-00014122 Then we will choose, if we want to download CsQyfSs0RSk-00049-00014173-00014509 and with which purpose, as we say as a private use of this program. CsQyfSs0RSk-00050-00014597-00014697 Next CsQyfSs0RSk-00051-00014716-00015022 the system will ask us if we want to make changes in the equipment CsQyfSs0RSk-00052-00015044-00015190 of the Operative System CsQyfSs0RSk-00053-00015274-00015452 And we will give it the permission to do that. CsQyfSs0RSk-00054-00015585-00015697 A new windows will show up CsQyfSs0RSk-00055-00015818-00015986 and the installation will run immediately CsQyfSs0RSk-00056-00016106-00016240 It can take less than a minute CsQyfSs0RSk-00057-00016291-00016662 but a long seconds But, we can press the CsQyfSs0RSk-00058-00016662-00016822 button of “show details” CsQyfSs0RSk-00059-00016822-00017164 and we will know what commands are running in the moment. CsQyfSs0RSk-00060-00017192-00017508 And we can see that the most long time CsQyfSs0RSk-00061-00017508-00017796 command is the copy of the system CsQyfSs0RSk-00062-00017796-00018113 of the program in our private files… CsQyfSs0RSk-00064-00018495-00018782 Once it finish installing… The program CsQyfSs0RSk-00065-00018782-00019087 will pop up, and we will see our ID CsQyfSs0RSk-00066-00019087-00019412 our password, and a system to connect with another computer CsQyfSs0RSk-00067-00019412-00019524 or device CsQyfSs0RSk-00068-00019575-00019856 Finally, this is all the steps CsQyfSs0RSk-00069-00019856-00020038 you must do to install Teamviewer CsQyfSs0RSk-00070-00020090-00020304 And the installation will be complete. CsQyfSs0RSk-00071-00020761-00021028 To install Teamviewer in a Smartphone it's simple CsQyfSs0RSk-00072-00021028-00021078 but, CsQyfSs0RSk-00073-00021078-00021421 the program we see now it's just to offer remote assistance CsQyfSs0RSk-00074-00021464-00021565 not to recieve it CsQyfSs0RSk-00075-00021708-00022000 We go to PlayStore and search Teamviewer CsQyfSs0RSk-00076-00022000-00022257 we press install and the installation begins CsQyfSs0RSk-00077-00022449-00022759 we will wait a few seconds and then CsQyfSs0RSk-00078-00022780-00022880 start Teamviewer CsQyfSs0RSk-00079-00023001-00023287 First time we open TeamViewer appears a little tutorial CsQyfSs0RSk-00080-00023287-00023387 to use it CsQyfSs0RSk-00081-00023442-00023754 we scroll this pages and then appears CsQyfSs0RSk-00082-00023754-00024086 the interface and now we are prepared to start remote assistance CsQyfSs0RSk-00083-00025042-00025347 To install Teamviewer Quick assistance we go to playStore CsQyfSs0RSk-00084-00025348-00025448 and search it CsQyfSs0RSk-00085-00025827-00025994 then press install CsQyfSs0RSk-00086-00026065-00026359 This app is to recieve remote assistance CsQyfSs0RSk-00087-00026388-00026693 it offers an ID to send to tecnician CsQyfSs0RSk-00088-00026769-00027069 when the installation finishes we start Teamviewer quick assistance CsQyfSs0RSk-00089-00027069-00027358 and we see our id CsQyfSs0RSk-00090-00027358-00027585 and a button to send it CsQyfSs0RSk-00092-00028418-00028736 To conect pc to pc we need first of all CsQyfSs0RSk-00093-00028736-00029035 start Teamviewer and put the ID CsQyfSs0RSk-00094-00029035-00029334 of the computer we want connect CsQyfSs0RSk-00095-00029438-00029738 we enter the password and then click log on CsQyfSs0RSk-00096-00030261-00030482 we can see that we have CsQyfSs0RSk-00097-00030482-00030663 full control of the pc CsQyfSs0RSk-00098-00030694-00030956 now we can do a lot of things CsQyfSs0RSk-00099-00030956-00031236 in this video we do things like create documents CsQyfSs0RSk-00100-00031236-00031548 directorys and delete them CsQyfSs0RSk-00101-00032557-00032775 we can open the command prompt CsQyfSs0RSk-00102-00032860-00033068 and if we have a root password CsQyfSs0RSk-00103-00033122-00033428 we can executate commands CsQyfSs0RSk-00104-00033428-00033736 in this example we can se that we introduce CsQyfSs0RSk-00105-00033736-00033836 "sudo apt-get update" CsQyfSs0RSk-00106-00034149-00034249 and works perfectly CsQyfSs0RSk-00107-00034531-00034837 also we can communicate with the user CsQyfSs0RSk-00108-00034837-00034979 through the chat of TeamViewer CsQyfSs0RSk-00109-00035693-00035942 to finish the remote session just need to click CsQyfSs0RSk-00110-00035942-00036177 the cross for close the window and the session ends CsQyfSs0RSk-00111-00036931-00037247 To conect smartphone to pc is similar to connect CsQyfSs0RSk-00112-00037249-00037353 two computers CsQyfSs0RSk-00113-00037395-00037578 We need to introduce an ID CsQyfSs0RSk-00114-00037702-00037947 and then we put the password and press accept CsQyfSs0RSk-00115-00037980-00038286 But its dificult to control the pc with our fingers CsQyfSs0RSk-00116-00038286-00038584 we can do the same things, CsQyfSs0RSk-00117-00038612-00038812 but, don't have a mouse CsQyfSs0RSk-00118-00038875-00039121 To have a zoom we need to pinch CsQyfSs0RSk-00119-00039121-00039242 with our fingers in the screen CsQyfSs0RSk-00120-00039324-00039619 If we need to see all the options of one directory CsQyfSs0RSk-00121-00039620-00039951 or document, we will have to press CsQyfSs0RSk-00122-00039952-00040100 the screen for a while CsQyfSs0RSk-00123-00040170-00040464 In the case we need write, we click on the icon CsQyfSs0RSk-00124-00040464-00040770 of keybord and it appears in the screen CsQyfSs0RSk-00125-00040770-00040964 we write the things we need CsQyfSs0RSk-00126-00040992-00041300 and to close the keyboard just need to touch the icon to hide it CsQyfSs0RSk-00127-00041410-00041694 we can find this icon in the left side of the screen CsQyfSs0RSk-00128-00042603-00042904 if we want to open a document, for example CsQyfSs0RSk-00129-00042904-00043035 we can touch two times the screen CsQyfSs0RSk-00130-00043123-00043422 we can move the mouse if we touch the arrow CsQyfSs0RSk-00131-00043422-00043522 and drag it CsQyfSs0RSk-00132-00043585-00043879 Like in the computer case, we can write a message CsQyfSs0RSk-00133-00043894-00043994 in the TeamViewer chat CsQyfSs0RSk-00134-00044175-00044489 For finish the connection, we just pres the cross in CsQyfSs0RSk-00135-00044489-00044605 the left side of the screen CsQyfSs0RSk-00137-00049183-00049484 To transfer documents of smartphone to pc CsQyfSs0RSk-00138-00049484-00049753 we just need to start a session CsQyfSs0RSk-00139-00049753-00050021 of Teamviewer and select transfer files CsQyfSs0RSk-00140-00050021-00050322 We need to put the password and the sessions starts CsQyfSs0RSk-00141-00050322-00050520 when the session starts we CsQyfSs0RSk-00142-00050520-00050862 can see the files of the PC were we are connected CsQyfSs0RSk-00143-00050900-00051233 we press the button and select one file CsQyfSs0RSk-00144-00051233-00051527 of our smartphone and go back to the computer files CsQyfSs0RSk-00145-00051527-00051829 We can also do the reverse process CsQyfSs0RSk-00146-00051888-00052135 Select the directory to paste CsQyfSs0RSk-00147-00052135-00052355 the file and then in the top side of screen CsQyfSs0RSk-00148-00052355-00052658 we can see an icon with a paper and a clip CsQyfSs0RSk-00149-00052726-00053070 We click on it and appears different options CsQyfSs0RSk-00150-00053070-00053367 we select copy the selected files. Now start the transfer CsQyfSs0RSk-00152-00053473-00053777 we will have to wait a while to complete CsQyfSs0RSk-00153-00053777-00053879 the transfer CsQyfSs0RSk-00154-00054188-00054605 when finish the transfer we can see the file in the Desktop CsQyfSs0RSk-00155-00054624-00054724 of our computer CsQyfSs0RSk-00156-00056411-00056689 Thanks for watching our video, Like and Comment CsQyfSs0RSk-00157-00056735-00056835 And Subscribe CudKh0rGjAu-00000-00000000-00000351 time to profile a successful graduate of Bristol Community College CudKh0rGjAu-00001-00000351-00000710 in our alumni in your community segment hi CudKh0rGjAu-00002-00000710-00001094 I'm Cheryl Blackburn I'm a BCC graduate class of 1982 CudKh0rGjAu-00003-00001094-00001429 I grew up in Fall River down the south end of the city CudKh0rGjAu-00004-00001429-00001738 a little street called Grinnell street CudKh0rGjAu-00005-00001738-00002042 I grew up in a middle-class family my mother and my father and a CudKh0rGjAu-00006-00002042-00002447 younger sister only by fourteen months my father was a police officer CudKh0rGjAu-00007-00002447-00002767 in the city of Fall River and my grandfather was a police officer in the CudKh0rGjAu-00008-00002767-00002909 city of Fall River CudKh0rGjAu-00009-00002909-00003292 I want to William S. Green school little Community School CudKh0rGjAu-00010-00003292-00003704 I ended up I'm going to Henry Lord back in the day I also CudKh0rGjAu-00011-00003704-00004146 ended up at Durfee high school and Durfee high school actually took a CudKh0rGjAu-00012-00004146-00004494 secretarial science and the reason I took secretarial science is CudKh0rGjAu-00013-00004494-00004848 I think it was almost pushed into it because back then women should have CudKh0rGjAu-00014-00004848-00004980 been secretary so CudKh0rGjAu-00015-00004980-00005417 in those kinda days in I think a councilor's if you weren't an all A student kinda CudKh0rGjAu-00016-00005417-00005732 pushed you towards secretarial science and being a secretary CudKh0rGjAu-00017-00005732-00006034 once I graduate from Durfee high school I actually apply to Bristol Community CudKh0rGjAu-00018-00006034-00006273 College I wanted to be a secretary CudKh0rGjAu-00019-00006273-00006629 back then they had a associates degree in secretarial science they CudKh0rGjAu-00020-00006629-00006734 called it back then CudKh0rGjAu-00021-00006734-00007163 I applied I was accepted by was put on a waiting list they had a lot of CudKh0rGjAu-00022-00007163-00007218 people CudKh0rGjAu-00023-00007218-00007604 applying so in the meantime applied to Diman regional vocational high school CudKh0rGjAu-00024-00007604-00007772 they had a post graduate school CudKh0rGjAu-00025-00007772-00008272 and I got accepted their and what happen is that of four weeks before CudKh0rGjAu-00026-00008272-00008379 school was to start CudKh0rGjAu-00027-00008379-00008768 at Diman I do get a call from BCC but I was already committed to Diman CudKh0rGjAu-00028-00008768-00009093 and I figured it would kinda put a financial burden on my parents I decided CudKh0rGjAu-00029-00009093-00009192 to go to Diman cuz CudKh0rGjAu-00030-00009192-00009522 cuz I was a City resident it didn't cost anything to go to Diman CudKh0rGjAu-00031-00009522-00009853 so ended up going to Diman it was a great cost i mean you know they prepared CudKh0rGjAu-00032-00009853-00009922 us for a CudKh0rGjAu-00033-00009922-00010332 all kinds of things so once I graduate from Diman I actually ended up CudKh0rGjAu-00034-00010332-00010682 my first job Saint Anne's hospital the personnel department and I worked there CudKh0rGjAu-00035-00010682-00010828 for about three years CudKh0rGjAu-00036-00010828-00011175 from there I am got married had a baby CudKh0rGjAu-00037-00011175-00011568 and stayed home as a homemaker on for about a year and a half CudKh0rGjAu-00038-00011568-00012020 unfortunately after a year and a half I ended up I'm having a divorce CudKh0rGjAu-00039-00012020-00012420 and i ended up by getting on welfare rolls to tell you the truth back then CudKh0rGjAu-00040-00012420-00012729 there are a lot of opportunities that welfare back then gave us and one of the opportunities CudKh0rGjAu-00041-00012729-00012873 the opportunity was to go to school CudKh0rGjAu-00042-00012873-00013197 and that's what I did I actually apply to BCC CudKh0rGjAu-00043-00013197-00013677 got grants on my daughter was actually accepted at a daycare program CudKh0rGjAu-00044-00013677-00013756 that you know CudKh0rGjAu-00045-00013756-00014184 the BCC actually I'm not BCC that the welfare actually paid for back in those CudKh0rGjAu-00046-00014184-00014230 days CudKh0rGjAu-00047-00014230-00014634 and I decided to go to school full-time i knew i woulda ended up getting a CudKh0rGjAu-00048-00014634-00014898 job if I didn't go to BCC cuz I was a good typist CudKh0rGjAu-00049-00014898-00015281 but I just don't want their minimum pay job I wanted to get a degree I wanted CudKh0rGjAu-00050-00015281-00015391 degree behind me to get CudKh0rGjAu-00051-00015391-00015734 a little more for me and my daughter to to make a better life for ourselves CudKh0rGjAu-00052-00015734-00016233 graduated from BCC arm I was at BCC matter fact in my father was a police CudKh0rGjAu-00053-00016233-00016322 officer CudKh0rGjAu-00054-00016322-00016648 give me a call and said there was a job posting at the courthouse CudKh0rGjAu-00055-00016648-00017019 and I said I can apply for that that some civil service and he goes I don't think CudKh0rGjAu-00056-00017019-00017112 it civil service CudKh0rGjAu-00057-00017112-00017544 I said okay I'm going to run down there and go apply for it and I did I applied for CudKh0rGjAu-00058-00017544-00018076 and I graduated and started like two weeks after I graduated here at a CudKh0rGjAu-00059-00018076-00018576 the courthouse I know there was a lot of opportunity here CudKh0rGjAu-00060-00018576-00018931 in the courthouse are a lot of positions available that you could CudKh0rGjAu-00061-00018931-00019011 move up in CudKh0rGjAu-00062-00019011-00019328 and i felt that the reason you can move upward is CudKh0rGjAu-00063-00019328-00019718 they looked for people who put their good foot forward and we're good workers CudKh0rGjAu-00064-00019718-00019801 and it was a lot of CudKh0rGjAu-00065-00019801-00020198 potential to get a better job I also understood that CudKh0rGjAu-00066-00020198-00020648 a lot of these jobs you had to be needed a degree to get the job so CudKh0rGjAu-00067-00020648-00021145 not only did you need a degree I just felt that by going back to BCC cuz CudKh0rGjAu-00068-00021145-00021493 I wanted to go back to BCC for criminal justice again I came here as a CudKh0rGjAu-00069-00021493-00021931 secretarial science person I did not want to work at a desk being a CudKh0rGjAu-00070-00021931-00022359 secretary per say I wanted to be more weather would be a probation officer CudKh0rGjAu-00071-00022359-00022708 a magistrate on something along those lines CudKh0rGjAu-00072-00022708-00023159 in order to get those jobs I mean you need a degree so I actually went CudKh0rGjAu-00073-00023159-00023298 back to BCC CudKh0rGjAu-00074-00023298-00023629 on involved in the criminal justice program took CudKh0rGjAu-00075-00023629-00023945 one to two courses a semester i mean that was that I mean that's all I could do CudKh0rGjAu-00076-00023945-00024076 again I was a single mom CudKh0rGjAu-00077-00024076-00024529 had to find babysits babysitters in the evening unfortunately the juvenile CudKh0rGjAu-00078-00024529-00024612 court system CudKh0rGjAu-00079-00024612-00024901 working for the state of Massachusetts allowed you to go to CudKh0rGjAu-00080-00024901-00025012 community colleges CudKh0rGjAu-00081-00025012-00025390 and they would pay for your tuition I'm they will pay for your books or anything CudKh0rGjAu-00082-00025390-00025490 like that but CudKh0rGjAu-00083-00025490-00025835 you know even that back then the books are expensive but the big expense was CudKh0rGjAu-00084-00025835-00025912 the tuition CudKh0rGjAu-00085-00025912-00026263 and all you had to do was you know get a waiver and in they would actually pay as CudKh0rGjAu-00086-00026263-00026502 long as it had to do with what you working at CudKh0rGjAu-00087-00026502-00026794 so what I was working at was in the criminal justice field and that's why I CudKh0rGjAu-00088-00026794-00027108 wanted to go back into the criminal justice field CudKh0rGjAu-00089-00027108-00027545 after completing my classes on at Bristol Community College in criminal CudKh0rGjAu-00090-00027545-00027627 justice CudKh0rGjAu-00091-00027627-00028000 I was able to take all those courses that were in criminal justice from BCC CudKh0rGjAu-00092-00028000-00028102 and transfer them CudKh0rGjAu-00093-00028102-00028443 up to you Umass when I get up to Umass CudKh0rGjAu-00094-00028443-00028838 I was a little apprehensive it was a big school I was a lot older CudKh0rGjAu-00095-00028838-00029235 a lot of the kids were a lot younger than I was but it gave me an opportunity CudKh0rGjAu-00096-00029235-00029441 to CudKh0rGjAu-00097-00029441-00029814 to see that there was more out there I mean you coming to the justice system and CudKh0rGjAu-00098-00029814-00030095 you think when you work here that there's only one side to the justice CudKh0rGjAu-00099-00030095-00030386 system you don't see the other side the person sitting on a CudKh0rGjAu-00100-00030386-00030733 on the other side of that bench or the other in that audience CudKh0rGjAu-00101-00030733-00031070 and I got to see the the perspective of the younger students as CudKh0rGjAu-00102-00031070-00031185 far as what they felt about CudKh0rGjAu-00103-00031185-00031570 justice and the justice system and you know how it was being dispensed and it CudKh0rGjAu-00104-00031570-00031888 gave me a different look as far as my job is concerned CudKh0rGjAu-00105-00031888-00032294 I did take one course two courses and I took a course in the summer CudKh0rGjAu-00106-00032294-00032762 took me a long time to get my degree I ended up getting my degree in 2005 CudKh0rGjAu-00107-00032762-00033218 at the same time my daughter was getting her a master's degree in 2005 in social CudKh0rGjAu-00108-00033218-00033272 work CudKh0rGjAu-00109-00033272-00033631 so we can have a party in our backyard together I started right from the CudKh0rGjAu-00110-00033631-00033847 bottom I was a procedure clark one CudKh0rGjAu-00111-00033847-00034253 I ended up coming over to the clerk magistrate department because in CudKh0rGjAu-00112-00034253-00034513 the probation department I had a a job that CudKh0rGjAu-00113-00034513-00034874 might not have been funded from year to year it was like this temporary funding CudKh0rGjAu-00114-00034874-00035186 so there was an opening that came up in the clerks department and I CudKh0rGjAu-00115-00035186-00035618 you know applied for it then again I work for a great man Ron Arruda CudKh0rGjAu-00116-00035618-00035919 he saw my potential he actually CudKh0rGjAu-00117-00035919-00036286 promoting me like three other times since then I was CudKh0rGjAu-00118-00036286-00036640 administrative assistant at first I was ahead procedure clerk CudKh0rGjAu-00119-00036640-00037011 I was in assisting clerk magistrate and then when the first CudKh0rGjAu-00120-00037011-00037416 assistant clerk magistrate retired I was offered the position by mister CudKh0rGjAu-00121-00037416-00037588 Arruda the magistrate has the CudKh0rGjAu-00122-00037588-00038028 the power to appoint his first assistant magistrate out of the assistant CudKh0rGjAu-00123-00038028-00038133 magistrates CudKh0rGjAu-00124-00038133-00038578 an like I said I worked first as a secretary and got promoted all CudKh0rGjAu-00125-00038578-00038700 all those years CudKh0rGjAu-00126-00038700-00039169 I got promoted first assistant clerk magistrate in 2002 so I started in 1982 CudKh0rGjAu-00127-00039169-00039228 here CudKh0rGjAu-00128-00039228-00039538 so it was you know wasn't it was a slow progression CudKh0rGjAu-00129-00039538-00039919 you know but I had and lot of interesting jobs while I was in CudKh0rGjAu-00130-00039919-00040333 in all those fields I loved going down to the old campus I mean it was CudKh0rGjAu-00131-00040333-00040671 it was everybody knew everybody's name it was you know only a CudKh0rGjAu-00132-00040671-00040718 couple CudKh0rGjAu-00133-00040718-00040996 secretarial science down there and I think there was one other program that CudKh0rGjAu-00134-00040996-00041070 was down there CudKh0rGjAu-00135-00041070-00041411 so we got to know the teachers that everyone knew you by your first name CudKh0rGjAu-00136-00041411-00041784 even teachers didn't take courses from so was it was a small little CudKh0rGjAu-00137-00041784-00041940 quant kind of CudKh0rGjAu-00138-00041940-00042327 didn't have that college big college atmosphere so it wasn't so intimidating CudKh0rGjAu-00139-00042327-00042650 from somebody who was a little afraid didn't know if they were gonna make it CudKh0rGjAu-00140-00042650-00042762 didn't want to fail CudKh0rGjAu-00141-00042762-00043065 and you know in BCC I think CudKh0rGjAu-00142-00043065-00043466 really help you everybody was there from guidance counselors if you had a CudKh0rGjAu-00143-00043466-00043650 problem you can go to anyone CudKh0rGjAu-00144-00043650-00043993 you know and it was a great community college i mean you didn't feel CudKh0rGjAu-00145-00043993-00044297 you felt like you belonged I really did feel like I belonged CudKh0rGjAu-00146-00044297-00044369 at BCC Cux0Egsz9e8-00000-00000000-00000600 Hello friends!!! Today let's prepare this delicious recipe together !!! Cux0Egsz9e8-00001-00000600-00002533 First, cut an onion and a courgette into large pieces Cux0Egsz9e8-00002-00002533-00004053 Chop the onion and courgette in a blender Cux0Egsz9e8-00003-00004053-00005033 In a bowl pour 150 grams of minced chicken meat Cux0Egsz9e8-00004-00005033-00006037 Add the chopped vegetables Cux0Egsz9e8-00005-00006037-00006533 Add a pinch of ginger powder Cux0Egsz9e8-00006-00006533-00007023 Also add a pinch of salt and 30 ml of soy sauce Cux0Egsz9e8-00007-00007023-00009046 Mix until you get a homogeneous mixture Cux0Egsz9e8-00008-00009046-00011046 Now soak the rice sheets in hot water for 10 seconds, then lay them out on a flat surface Cux0Egsz9e8-00009-00011046-00012020 Fill them with the previously prepared mixture Cux0Egsz9e8-00010-00012020-00013038 And close them up to form a small square Cux0Egsz9e8-00011-00013038-00013557 In a pan pour a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and place the rolls Cux0Egsz9e8-00012-00013557-00015548 Cook them for a few minutes on one side, until they are browned Cux0Egsz9e8-00013-00015548-00017057 Then turn them over to the other side Cux0Egsz9e8-00014-00017057-00017522 A few more minutes and your wraps will be ready !!! Cux0Egsz9e8-00015-00018520-00019530 Eat and enjoy!!! Cux0Egsz9e8-00016-00019530-00020530 Please help me grow the channel, like and subscribe for new yummy recipes like this one !!! CuXJmxVWJyc-00000-00000040-00000664 i have replaced pinned comments on one of our videos because it had one reply, and the other CuXJmxVWJyc-00001-00000664-00001464 pinned comment from a week ago had no replies or likes, either which means that i had no choice. CuXJmxVWJyc-00002-00001528-00001712 this usually happens whenever there is a CuXJmxVWJyc-00003-00001712-00002072 more impressive comment that is otherwise not going to be pinned. CzwGc-N0XQo-00000-00000097-00000322 Una oración y bendición para Turquía y Siria CzwGc-N0XQo-00001-00000322-00000509 tras el catastrófico terremoto. CzwGc-N0XQo-00002-00000509-00000644 8 de febrero de 2023 CzwGc-N0XQo-00003-00000836-00001117 En los últimos días, CzwGc-N0XQo-00004-00001117-00001802 desde que llegaron estas abrumadoras y trágicas noticias, CzwGc-N0XQo-00005-00001802-00002207 del terremoto en Turquía CzwGc-N0XQo-00006-00002207-00002853 que ha afectado a tantas personas, también en Siria. CzwGc-N0XQo-00007-00003206-00003643 Realmente me he quedado sin palabras. CzwGc-N0XQo-00008-00003643-00004324 Al igual que tantos cientos y miles de millones de seres en el planeta CzwGc-N0XQo-00009-00004324-00005315 para quienes estas noticias y estas catástrofes son tan devastadoras. CzwGc-N0XQo-00010-00005315-00006180 Mi corazón está lleno de dolor y compasión. CzwGc-N0XQo-00011-00006302-00006779 Una sensación de impotencia. CzwGc-N0XQo-00012-00006851-00007509 Sin embargo, confío en los caminos del Señor CzwGc-N0XQo-00013-00007509-00007765 sabiendo que nuestra capacidad humana CzwGc-N0XQo-00014-00007765-00008158 para comprender las grandes cosas de este universo, CzwGc-N0XQo-00015-00008158-00008448 siempre se queda corta. CzwGc-N0XQo-00016-00008448-00008872 Pero al mismo tiempo, CzwGc-N0XQo-00017-00008872-00010222 mi corazón sangra de dolor y compasión, y un malestar. CzwGc-N0XQo-00018-00010481-00010963 En momentos como este cuando CzwGc-N0XQo-00019-00011084-00011429 nos quedamos sin movimientos. CzwGc-N0XQo-00020-00011509-00012293 Nos sentamos y observamos con gran dolor en el corazón, CzwGc-N0XQo-00021-00012293-00013004 lo que se presenta, para que, como el mundo entero, CzwGc-N0XQo-00022-00013004-00013511 el mundo humano, compartamos este dolor en común. CzwGc-N0XQo-00023-00013511-00014041 Donde todas nuestras diferencias, sean o no atesoradas, CzwGc-N0XQo-00024-00014041-00014353 deben ser dejadas de lado. CzwGc-N0XQo-00025-00014353-00015112 Cuando la gracia de la vida nos deja tan desnudos CzwGc-N0XQo-00026-00015112-00015723 que las diferencias superficiales y... CzwGc-N0XQo-00027-00015723-00016114 son tan insignificantes. CzwGc-N0XQo-00028-00016114-00016888 Y quiero sentir qué triviales son también las divisiones CzwGc-N0XQo-00029-00016888-00017324 que han ocurrido en el mundo CzwGc-N0XQo-00030-00017324-00017819 y cómo una tragedia de esta magnitud, CzwGc-N0XQo-00031-00017819-00018118 cuántos seres están respondiendo a esto CzwGc-N0XQo-00032-00018118-00018661 de todo corazón, haciendo a un lado cualquier cosa que antes CzwGc-N0XQo-00033-00018661-00019116 pudiera haber... CzwGc-N0XQo-00034-00019116-00020013 que nos hizo vacilar, que como familia humana actuemos, CzwGc-N0XQo-00035-00020013-00020305 tanto como podamos, tan pronto como podamos CzwGc-N0XQo-00036-00020305-00020745 y con todo el corazón que tengamos. CzwGc-N0XQo-00037-00020983-00021338 Servir a nuestros hermanos y hermanas, CzwGc-N0XQo-00038-00021338-00022111 dondequiera que sucedan tales calamidades en el mundo, CzwGc-N0XQo-00039-00022111-00022534 el hombre debe dejar de lado todas las diferencias. CzwGc-N0XQo-00040-00022534-00023543 Ahora estamos viendo la gran cantidad de seres que se están esforzando, CzwGc-N0XQo-00041-00023543-00025007 haciendo todo lo posible, para servir en una situación tan catastrófica. CzwGc-N0XQo-00042-00025007-00025801 Y quiero decir con todo mi corazón que aun ahora bendigo y rezo que, CzwGc-N0XQo-00043-00025967-00026793 cualquier ayuda que se requiera de los recursos humanos y del corazón CzwGc-N0XQo-00044-00026793-00027832 no sea impedida por ningún obstáculo, humano o de otro tipo. CzwGc-N0XQo-00045-00027832-00028377 Aquellos que se han ido más allá de este plano físico, CzwGc-N0XQo-00046-00028377-00028932 porque hay muchos, miles y miles... CzwGc-N0XQo-00047-00029092-00029349 que han trascendido. CzwGc-N0XQo-00048-00029349-00029805 El sufrimiento está con nosotros aquí, que somos testigos de estas cosas CzwGc-N0XQo-00049-00029805-00029997 y debemos continuar CzwGc-N0XQo-00050-00029997-00030437 y apoyar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas dondequiera que estén en el mundo. CzwGc-N0XQo-00051-00030437-00031011 Puedo decir que esta calamidad de tan enorme proporción CzwGc-N0XQo-00052-00031011-00031391 realmente toca un lugar dentro de todos nosotros, CzwGc-N0XQo-00053-00031391-00031694 tal vez de una manera en la que nunca antes habíamos sido conmovidos. CzwGc-N0XQo-00054-00031694-00032133 Y hay algo dentro de nosotros que quiere alejarse, mirar hacia otro lado CzwGc-N0XQo-00055-00032133-00032595 porque al enfrentar una sensación de tan enorme impotencia, CzwGc-N0XQo-00056-00032595-00033181 algo desea alejarla porque no queremos ver, estamos tan indefensos. CzwGc-N0XQo-00057-00033181-00033820 Y sin embargo, rezo, que cada uno CzwGc-N0XQo-00058-00033820-00034140 encuentre un cambio dentro de sí mismo. CzwGc-N0XQo-00059-00034140-00034779 Tal vez no podamos desafiar la manera de la naturaleza. CzwGc-N0XQo-00060-00034779-00035215 Animo a todos aquellos que están tan profundamente conmovidos CzwGc-N0XQo-00061-00035215-00035861 como lo debe estar cualquier verdadero ser humano, dondequiera que esté, CzwGc-N0XQo-00062-00035861-00036261 a corregirse en su corazón, CzwGc-N0XQo-00063-00036261-00037209 a no maldecir al Supremo, sino a sumergirse profundamente en sí mismo CzwGc-N0XQo-00064-00037209-00037812 para encontrar ese lugar de donde surge la compasión y el amor, CzwGc-N0XQo-00065-00037812-00038209 y el perdón y la armonía, y un esfuerzo por la armonía; CzwGc-N0XQo-00066-00038209-00038631 y la unidad y la paz en nuestro mundo. CzwGc-N0XQo-00067-00038631-00039038 Te bendigo dondequiera que estés. CzwGc-N0XQo-00068-00039038-00039383 También me dirijo no solo a las sanghas de todo el mundo, CzwGc-N0XQo-00069-00039383-00039882 sino también a cada hombre, a cada mujer, cada niño, CzwGc-N0XQo-00070-00039882-00040497 cuyo corazón esté desgarrado por la severidad y la magnitud CzwGc-N0XQo-00071-00040497-00040971 y el poder de esta experiencia. CzwGc-N0XQo-00072-00040971-00041343 Y llamar a que nos elevemos cada vez más, CzwGc-N0XQo-00073-00041343-00041806 no para asegurar que algo así no vuelva a suceder, porque no sabemos. CzwGc-N0XQo-00074-00041806-00042343 Pero dondequiera que haya un anhelo humano tan profundo CzwGc-N0XQo-00075-00042343-00043214 como el de un niño que grita, no solo por amor, sino por ayuda y apoyo CzwGc-N0XQo-00076-00043214-00043824 y compasión, para que sea servido por el poder de Dios. CzwGc-N0XQo-00077-00043824-00044468 Que eso se despierte más profundamente en nuestra familia humana. CzwGc-N0XQo-00078-00044468-00045051 Y ojalá que tales cosas nos acerquen más, CzwGc-N0XQo-00079-00045051-00045545 que hagan emerger la verdadera humanidad dentro de nuestro corazón, CzwGc-N0XQo-00080-00045545-00046060 el verdadero ser dentro de nuestro corazón. CzwGc-N0XQo-00081-00046060-00046699 De ese modo, cueste lo que cueste si nos abrimos al gran Ser, CzwGc-N0XQo-00082-00046699-00047541 para ser guiados y ser transformados en pureza, crecimiento, consciencia, CzwGc-N0XQo-00083-00047541-00048164 vitalidad, amor y compasión. CzwGc-N0XQo-00084-00048164-00049273 Responder al llamado del universo para mostrarse. CzwGc-N0XQo-00085-00049273-00049628 No esperar solo las calamidades CzwGc-N0XQo-00086-00049628-00049984 sino estar muy presente, y no puedo determinar de qué manera CzwGc-N0XQo-00087-00049984-00050464 puede surgir y desplegarse ese servicio, pero sé que se desarrollará, CzwGc-N0XQo-00088-00050464-00050849 porque gran parte de la humanidad se transforma, cambia CzwGc-N0XQo-00089-00050849-00051232 y se encuentra en un proceso de transformación como resultado CzwGc-N0XQo-00090-00051232-00051821 de esta tremenda, tremenda... CzwGc-N0XQo-00091-00052191-00053265 experiencia, de tal desastre de fuerza inconcebible. CzwGc-N0XQo-00092-00053265-00053789 Y sabemos que vivimos en un planeta que es un planeta vivo, que también CzwGc-N0XQo-00093-00053789-00054017 no somos independientes, ni estamos separados de este planeta CzwGc-N0XQo-00094-00054017-00054309 Debemos cooperar también, debemos tratarlo bien, CzwGc-N0XQo-00095-00054309-00054516 debemos tratarnos bien unos a otros, CzwGc-N0XQo-00096-00054516-00054981 debemos convertirnos más en un campo de unidad en armonía CzwGc-N0XQo-00097-00054981-00055404 para que en tiempos de un llamado de tal magnitud no estemos dispersos CzwGc-N0XQo-00098-00055404-00055848 ni fragmentados, sino que estemos más unidos en nuestro corazón CzwGc-N0XQo-00099-00055848-00056373 y en nuestras manos y trabajo. CzwGc-N0XQo-00100-00056373-00057038 Mostrar el amor que es la raíz de nuestra existencia, CzwGc-N0XQo-00101-00057038-00057951 liberarlo de las ataduras de la ignorancia y el egoísmo. CzwGc-N0XQo-00102-00057951-00058596 Así que gracias te bendigo, dondequiera que estés. CzwGc-N0XQo-00103-00058596-00059052 Es Inimaginable, CzwGc-N0XQo-00104-00059161-00059794 igual de inimaginable es la oportunidad de abrir nuestros corazones CzwGc-N0XQo-00105-00059794-00060454 a la posibilidad de servir a este llamado no solo ahora, CzwGc-N0XQo-00106-00060454-00060641 sino de aquí en adelante. CzwGc-N0XQo-00107-00060641-00061209 Bendigo a nuestra familia humana. No me refiero a alguien en específico. CzwGc-N0XQo-00108-00061209-00061841 Animo a todos, porque mi corazón alberga ese amor por todos, CzwGc-N0XQo-00109-00061841-00062198 ya que cada uno de nosotros tiene la capacidad dentro para hacerlo. CzwGc-N0XQo-00110-00062198-00062908 Bendigo a los gobiernos de todo el mundo, a los líderes y voluntarios CzwGc-N0XQo-00111-00062908-00063420 y a todos los que se presenten cualquiera sea su capacidad CzwGc-N0XQo-00112-00063420-00063993 solo con el corazón para servir y presentarse. CzwGc-N0XQo-00113-00063993-00064231 Bendito seas, dondequiera que estés, CzwGc-N0XQo-00114-00064231-00064697 lo que sea que podamos hacer de corazón, CzwGc-N0XQo-00115-00064697-00065142 para satisfacer cualquiera sea la necesidad del momento. CzwGc-N0XQo-00116-00065142-00066001 Así rezo, que tal catástrofe marque un antes y después, CzwGc-N0XQo-00117-00066001-00066354 incluso para cada uno de nosotros CzwGc-N0XQo-00118-00066354-00066692 en esta familia de la humanidad. CzwGc-N0XQo-00119-00066692-00066951 Ser conmovidos de una manera tan poderosa, CzwGc-N0XQo-00120-00066951-00067428 que cualquier cosa que parezca dividirnos se vuelva insignificante CzwGc-N0XQo-00121-00067428-00067922 y sea reemplazada por la unidad del amor y la sabiduría. CzwGc-N0XQo-00122-00068064-00068718 En momentos como este sabemos que se ofrece tanta ayuda y toma tiempo. CzwGc-N0XQo-00123-00068718-00069181 La situación es tan devastadora por la época del año CzwGc-N0XQo-00124-00069181-00069880 y las condiciones del clima son tan severas en muchos sentidos. CzwGc-N0XQo-00125-00069880-00070650 Aun así, aquellos que han sido preparados por la vida CzwGc-N0XQo-00126-00070650-00071393 para ofrecer el servicio que sea más solidario y útil, CzwGc-N0XQo-00127-00071393-00071672 y necesario en este momento, puedan ocupar su lugar CzwGc-N0XQo-00128-00071672-00072297 y que esa misión continúe con gran gracia y apoyo. CzwGc-N0XQo-00129-00072297-00072937 Que sea también, una oportunidad para que las personas CzwGc-N0XQo-00130-00072937-00073241 que nunca han trabajado juntas se acerquen más CzwGc-N0XQo-00131-00073241-00073742 y dejen de lado cualquier desafío o dificultad para trabajar juntos, CzwGc-N0XQo-00132-00073742-00074014 para apoyar las necesidades de este momento. CzwGc-N0XQo-00133-00074014-00074529 Bendigo también a todos los que están y jugarán un papel eficaz CzwGc-N0XQo-00134-00074529-00075284 en este rescate y apoyo en esta etapa, en este tiempo tan urgente, CzwGc-N0XQo-00135-00075284-00076074 que esta actividad se desarrolle con mayor fluidez y facilidad; CzwGc-N0XQo-00136-00076074-00076359 tanto como lo permita nuestra capacidad. CzwGc-N0XQo-00137-00076359-00076882 Y que la segunda ola vendrá, no sabemos lo que vendrá CzwGc-N0XQo-00138-00076882-00077228 de la naturaleza de esta manera, pero también somos la naturaleza; CzwGc-N0XQo-00139-00077228-00077702 y que la segunda ola de ayuda continuará apoyando CzwGc-N0XQo-00140-00077702-00078308 cualquiera sea la necesidad, a medida que transcurran los días. CzwGc-N0XQo-00141-00078308-00078860 Que cuando nos toque actuar, cada uno de acuerdo con su capacidad CzwGc-N0XQo-00142-00078860-00079575 y su destreza, su salud y disponibilidad, con el apoyo de los gobiernos, CzwGc-N0XQo-00143-00079575-00080737 seguirá con un impulso continuo para apoyar esta causa, este servicio, CzwGc-N0XQo-00144-00080737-00081338 esta unión para moverse para aliviar el dolor y el sufrimiento CzwGc-N0XQo-00145-00081338-00082022 de nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Turquía y Siria. CzwGc-N0XQo-00146-00082022-00082618 Que la ayuda llegue a cada uno de acuerdo a las necesidades del momento. CzwGc-N0XQo-00147-00082618-00083174 En tal catástrofe, cuyas consecuencias son tan incalculables CzwGc-N0XQo-00148-00083174-00083753 en este momento tan indefinido y es un gran llamado que la humanidad CzwGc-N0XQo-00149-00083753-00084172 puede atender y debemos hacer lo que podamos, CzwGc-N0XQo-00150-00084172-00084568 porque no tenemos poder sobre la naturaleza pero tenemos el poder CzwGc-N0XQo-00151-00084568-00085032 de nuestra naturaleza para responder a las necesidades del momento. CzwGc-N0XQo-00152-00085032-00085445 Por eso bendigo todos los operativos que están desplegándose CzwGc-N0XQo-00153-00085445-00086093 en cada momento por parte de cada gobierno, que nada se interponga CzwGc-N0XQo-00154-00086093-00086750 para bloquear el flujo de la ayuda que se necesita. CzwGc-N0XQo-00155-00086750-00087098 Bendigo a todos los gobiernos, a todos los pueblos del mundo CzwGc-N0XQo-00156-00087098-00087588 que con nuestra atención e intención colectiva y consciencia CzwGc-N0XQo-00157-00087588-00087980 nos volvamos con bondad y compasión CzwGc-N0XQo-00158-00087980-00088273 para servir a todos aquellos que lo necesitan, en estos países. CzwGc-N0XQo-00159-00088273-00088877 De hecho en todos los países siempre estamos en necesidad, CzwGc-N0XQo-00160-00088877-00089247 pero que ese objetivo y ese enfoque pueda fluir con gran soltura. CzwGc-N0XQo-00161-00089247-00089435 Bendigo que así sea. CzwGc-N0XQo-00162-00089435-00090538 Y mientras continúe el llamado al trabajo y el esfuerzo para satisfacer CzwGc-N0XQo-00163-00090538-00090945 y cumplir las necesidades del momento como nos toca a nosotros, CzwGc-N0XQo-00164-00090945-00091424 como dije antes, por la gracia que cada uno brinde CzwGc-N0XQo-00165-00091424-00091981 no solo el apoyo físico, sino el apoyo emocional, CzwGc-N0XQo-00166-00091981-00092368 nuestro apoyo de oraciones y bendiciones, de unirnos, CzwGc-N0XQo-00167-00092368-00092550 de aumentar la comprensión. CzwGc-N0XQo-00168-00092550-00092961 Sabemos que toda catástrofe es una oportunidad CzwGc-N0XQo-00169-00092961-00093347 para que nuestra familia humana se acerque más y como dije antes, CzwGc-N0XQo-00170-00093347-00093920 tal vez no podamos detener o controlar las fuerzas de la naturaleza, CzwGc-N0XQo-00171-00093920-00094197 pero está en nuestra naturaleza y capacidad CzwGc-N0XQo-00172-00094197-00094569 apoyarnos y ayudarnos unos a otros en tiempos como este. CzwGc-N0XQo-00173-00094569-00094928 Así que hermanos y hermanas bendigo que, CzwGc-N0XQo-00174-00094928-00095283 por la gracia de Dios, bendiciones para todos. CzwGc-N0XQo-00175-00095283-00095608 Y para aquellos que tengan la mayor necesidad en este momento CzwGc-N0XQo-00176-00095608-00096266 y para los que vengan a apoyar esa necesidad y a servir esas necesidades, CzwGc-N0XQo-00177-00096266-00096810 también los bendigo en todo sentido. Y gracias, gracias, gracias. CzwGc-N0XQo-00178-00096810-00097095 ¿Qué podemos hacer sino orar y bendecir CzwGc-N0XQo-00179-00097095-00097617 a los que son llamados a la acción en este momento? CzwGc-N0XQo-00180-00097617-00097983 Y la acción toma diferentes formas. CzwGc-N0XQo-00181-00097983-00098251 Llegará un momento para que cada uno de nosotros haga CzwGc-N0XQo-00182-00098251-00098542 lo que esté a su alcance, para ser llamado de forma única, CzwGc-N0XQo-00183-00098542-00098823 de acuerdo con la voluntad de Dios. Gracias, te bendigo. CzwGc-N0XQo-00184-00098823-00099200 Gracias. Amén. CzwGc-N0XQo-00185-00099949-00100206 Copyright © 2023 Mooji Media Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados. CzwGc-N0XQo-00186-00100206-00100439 Ninguna parte de esta grabación puede ser reproducida CzwGc-N0XQo-00187-00100439-00100674 sin el consentimiento explícito de Mooji Media Ltd. C_fXzog5mQQ-00000-00000018-00000642 oh my God, I am actually getting so many more post likes than I used to get. C_fXzog5mQQ-00001-00000720-00001416 I'm up to I think about three times more post likes than I was getting before, especially with C_fXzog5mQQ-00002-00001416-00002004 the updates that relate to how many new users that have added. this one along with how many comments. C_fXzog5mQQ-00003-00002076-00002538 it looks like that the edits that I'm doing are actually really happening. C_lP-NypwNE-00000-00000730-00000847 >>> HI, EVERYONE. C_lP-NypwNE-00001-00000847-00000854 >>> HI, EVERYONE. C_lP-NypwNE-00002-00000854-00001504 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. C_lP-NypwNE-00003-00001504-00001511 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. C_lP-NypwNE-00004-00001511-00001691 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. A 29-YEAR-OLD MAN IS DEAD AND C_lP-NypwNE-00005-00001691-00001698 THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. A 29-YEAR-OLD MAN IS DEAD AND C_lP-NypwNE-00006-00001698-00001761 THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. A 29-YEAR-OLD MAN IS DEAD AND HIS EIGHT-YEAR-OLD SON IS IN C_lP-NypwNE-00007-00001761-00001768 A 29-YEAR-OLD MAN IS DEAD AND HIS EIGHT-YEAR-OLD SON IS IN C_lP-NypwNE-00008-00001768-00001828 A 29-YEAR-OLD MAN IS DEAD AND HIS EIGHT-YEAR-OLD SON IS IN CRITICAL CONDITION AFTER A C_lP-NypwNE-00009-00001828-00001835 HIS EIGHT-YEAR-OLD SON IS IN CRITICAL CONDITION AFTER A C_lP-NypwNE-00010-00001835-00001895 HIS EIGHT-YEAR-OLD SON IS IN CRITICAL CONDITION AFTER A SHOOTING AT A HOME IN THE C_lP-NypwNE-00011-00001895-00001901 CRITICAL CONDITION AFTER A SHOOTING AT A HOME IN THE C_lP-NypwNE-00012-00001901-00002242 CRITICAL CONDITION AFTER A SHOOTING AT A HOME IN THE SOUTHEAST PART OF GRAND RAPIDS. C_lP-NypwNE-00013-00002242-00002248 SHOOTING AT A HOME IN THE SOUTHEAST PART OF GRAND RAPIDS. C_lP-NypwNE-00014-00002248-00002779 SHOOTING AT A HOME IN THE SOUTHEAST PART OF GRAND RAPIDS. THE 8-YEAR-OLD WAS AIRLIFTED BY C_lP-NypwNE-00015-00002779-00002786 SOUTHEAST PART OF GRAND RAPIDS. THE 8-YEAR-OLD WAS AIRLIFTED BY C_lP-NypwNE-00016-00002786-00002839 SOUTHEAST PART OF GRAND RAPIDS. THE 8-YEAR-OLD WAS AIRLIFTED BY HELICOPTER TO A MEDICAL C_lP-NypwNE-00017-00002839-00002846 THE 8-YEAR-OLD WAS AIRLIFTED BY HELICOPTER TO A MEDICAL C_lP-NypwNE-00018-00002846-00002899 THE 8-YEAR-OLD WAS AIRLIFTED BY HELICOPTER TO A MEDICAL FACILITY IN DULUTH. C_lP-NypwNE-00019-00002899-00002906 HELICOPTER TO A MEDICAL FACILITY IN DULUTH. C_lP-NypwNE-00020-00002906-00002969 HELICOPTER TO A MEDICAL FACILITY IN DULUTH. GRAND RAPIDS POLICE DEPARTMENT C_lP-NypwNE-00021-00002969-00002976 FACILITY IN DULUTH. GRAND RAPIDS POLICE DEPARTMENT C_lP-NypwNE-00022-00002976-00003046 FACILITY IN DULUTH. GRAND RAPIDS POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS SAY THE MAN'S MOTHER C_lP-NypwNE-00023-00003046-00003053 GRAND RAPIDS POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS SAY THE MAN'S MOTHER C_lP-NypwNE-00024-00003053-00003109 GRAND RAPIDS POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS SAY THE MAN'S MOTHER FOUND HIM DEAD AND THE BOY C_lP-NypwNE-00025-00003109-00003116 OFFICIALS SAY THE MAN'S MOTHER FOUND HIM DEAD AND THE BOY C_lP-NypwNE-00026-00003116-00003179 OFFICIALS SAY THE MAN'S MOTHER FOUND HIM DEAD AND THE BOY INJURED THIS AFTERNOON AT THE C_lP-NypwNE-00027-00003179-00003186 FOUND HIM DEAD AND THE BOY INJURED THIS AFTERNOON AT THE C_lP-NypwNE-00028-00003186-00003249 FOUND HIM DEAD AND THE BOY INJURED THIS AFTERNOON AT THE HOME LOCATED IN THE 1300 BLOCK C_lP-NypwNE-00029-00003249-00003256 INJURED THIS AFTERNOON AT THE HOME LOCATED IN THE 1300 BLOCK C_lP-NypwNE-00030-00003256-00003496 INJURED THIS AFTERNOON AT THE HOME LOCATED IN THE 1300 BLOCK OF 4TH STREET SOUTHEAST. C_lP-NypwNE-00031-00003496-00003503 HOME LOCATED IN THE 1300 BLOCK OF 4TH STREET SOUTHEAST. C_lP-NypwNE-00032-00003503-00003570 HOME LOCATED IN THE 1300 BLOCK OF 4TH STREET SOUTHEAST. THE INVESTIGATION IS ONGOING BUT C_lP-NypwNE-00033-00003570-00003576 OF 4TH STREET SOUTHEAST. THE INVESTIGATION IS ONGOING BUT C_lP-NypwNE-00034-00003576-00003643 OF 4TH STREET SOUTHEAST. THE INVESTIGATION IS ONGOING BUT GRAND RAPIDS POLICE OFFICIALS C_lP-NypwNE-00035-00003643-00003650 THE INVESTIGATION IS ONGOING BUT GRAND RAPIDS POLICE OFFICIALS C_lP-NypwNE-00036-00003650-00003710 THE INVESTIGATION IS ONGOING BUT GRAND RAPIDS POLICE OFFICIALS SAY THEY HAVE NO REASON TO C_lP-NypwNE-00037-00003710-00003717 GRAND RAPIDS POLICE OFFICIALS SAY THEY HAVE NO REASON TO C_lP-NypwNE-00038-00003717-00003860 GRAND RAPIDS POLICE OFFICIALS SAY THEY HAVE NO REASON TO BELIEVE THE PUBLIC IS IN ANY C_lP-NypwNE-00039-00003860-00003867 SAY THEY HAVE NO REASON TO BELIEVE THE PUBLIC IS IN ANY C_lP-NypwNE-00040-00003867-00004401 SAY THEY HAVE NO REASON TO BELIEVE THE PUBLIC IS IN ANY DANGER. C_lP-NypwNE-00041-00004401-00004407 BELIEVE THE PUBLIC IS IN ANY DANGER. C_lP-NypwNE-00042-00004407-00004447 BELIEVE THE PUBLIC IS IN ANY DANGER. AUTHORITIES HAVE NOT YET CAC2leaNukY-00000-00000906-00001003 Get black ball players from gold box draw. CDXxONXykdM-00003-00001594-00001704 One of the biggest mistakes CDXxONXykdM-00004-00001736-00001812 You see CDXxONXykdM-00005-00001832-00001900 Specially here at CSUN CDXxONXykdM-00006-00001952-00002234 is you see a lot of "head hunters". They kind of forget about the body CDXxONXykdM-00007-00002234-00002492 they kind of hit you in the head as much as they can CDXxONXykdM-00008-00002492-00002692 and they kind of neglect a lot of the aspects of fighting. CDXxONXykdM-00009-00002774-00002846 Cuz when you're head hunting CDXxONXykdM-00010-00002846-00003036 you kind of zero in on the head and that's it. CDXxONXykdM-00011-00003036-00003136 And there's a lot more to it than that. CDXxONXykdM-00012-00003220-00003390 So what convinced me to go in the boxing club CDXxONXykdM-00013-00003404-00003494 was my CDXxONXykdM-00014-00003494-00003647 future career as a law inforcement officer. CDXxONXykdM-00015-00003804-00003934 I needed to know how to defend myself CDXxONXykdM-00016-00003956-00004162 so I think this is the first step to take at college CDXxONXykdM-00017-00004228-00004338 and then from there I'll go on CDXxONXykdM-00018-00004342-00004460 to see how I portray in the future. CDXxONXykdM-00019-00004540-00004590 So CDXxONXykdM-00020-00004670-00004790 I guess coming here CDXxONXykdM-00021-00004814-00004984 I knew that I wanted to do something that I already kind of like CDXxONXykdM-00022-00005036-00005096 felt like CDXxONXykdM-00023-00005138-00005380 I related to or like already had some experience in. CDXxONXykdM-00024-00005442-00005610 I look forward to the boxing club CDXxONXykdM-00025-00005610-00005660 and then like CDXxONXykdM-00026-00005660-00005766 Oh there's a boxing club here CDXxONXykdM-00027-00005766-00005890 so I joined it CDXxONXykdM-00028-00005890-00005940 and CDXxONXykdM-00029-00005940-00006054 yea it's been good. So far. CDXxONXykdM-00030-00006112-00006196 My first emotions CDXxONXykdM-00031-00006196-00006260 Umm CDXxONXykdM-00032-00006260-00006338 first day of practice CDXxONXykdM-00033-00006338-00006400 was CDXxONXykdM-00034-00006452-00006516 I was pretty nervous CDXxONXykdM-00035-00006516-00006566 like my stomach CDXxONXykdM-00036-00006566-00006640 was feeling CDXxONXykdM-00037-00006640-00006709 butterflies CDXxONXykdM-00038-00006745-00006806 And nah I was like CDXxONXykdM-00039-00006814-00006926 Ima get beat up CDXxONXykdM-00040-00006938-00006988 you know CDXxONXykdM-00041-00007038-00007088 I don't know what to do CDXxONXykdM-00042-00007088-00007138 but CDXxONXykdM-00043-00007214-00007306 Throughout CDXxONXykdM-00044-00007306-00007366 the practices CDXxONXykdM-00045-00007366-00007484 I got comfortable with everybody CDXxONXykdM-00046-00007484-00007578 and I guess learned CDXxONXykdM-00047-00007602-00007759 how to become friends with them CDXxONXykdM-00048-00007781-00007902 The first day of practice CDXxONXykdM-00049-00007920-00007970 I was like CDXxONXykdM-00050-00007970-00008052 before it actually started CDXxONXykdM-00051-00008059-00008158 I was a little bit nervous CDXxONXykdM-00052-00008190-00008358 I didn't know anyone CDXxONXykdM-00053-00008402-00008538 What if these people are CDXxONXykdM-00054-00008538-00008588 better CDXxONXykdM-00055-00008588-00008676 than me CDXxONXykdM-00056-00008710-00008832 I'm not good enough CDXxONXykdM-00057-00008876-00008978 and when I started CDXxONXykdM-00058-00008978-00009066 everyone was friendly CDXxONXykdM-00059-00009066-00009144 So I was like CDXxONXykdM-00060-00009144-00009244 that's pretty chill CDXxONXykdM-00061-00009266-00009368 Outside of boxing CDXxONXykdM-00062-00009378-00009452 I was a football player CDXxONXykdM-00063-00009480-00009652 my entire life, from six years old to CDXxONXykdM-00064-00009734-00009792 eighteen. CDXxONXykdM-00065-00009822-00009890 Till I blew out my knee CDXxONXykdM-00066-00009890-00010014 basically in high school. CDXxONXykdM-00067-00010038-00010118 Coming into Csun CDXxONXykdM-00068-00010118-00010286 I know boxing experience whatsoever CDXxONXykdM-00069-00010308-00010374 Since then CDXxONXykdM-00070-00010374-00010432 I've been on the team CDXxONXykdM-00071-00010432-00010490 since I was a freshmen CDXxONXykdM-00072-00010514-00010636 and I've been CDXxONXykdM-00073-00010636-00010740 ever since, I'm a senior now CDXxONXykdM-00074-00010742-00010826 so four and half years CDXxONXykdM-00075-00010856-00010906 We train CDXxONXykdM-00076-00010906-00011078 Monday through Thursday CDXxONXykdM-00077-00011082-00011166 So that's about CDXxONXykdM-00078-00011190-00011268 Umm, four days CDXxONXykdM-00079-00011354-00011428 It's a two hour workout CDXxONXykdM-00080-00011478-00011574 It's pretty intense CDXxONXykdM-00081-00011686-00011822 We start with an intense warm-up CDXxONXykdM-00082-00011838-00011938 and then after that CDXxONXykdM-00083-00011944-00012052 We go from shadow boxing CDXxONXykdM-00084-00012052-00012176 and after from shadow boxing CDXxONXykdM-00085-00012176-00012280 We go to sparring CDXxONXykdM-00086-00012316-00012456 and then if workout in the SRC CDXxONXykdM-00087-00012456-00012684 we uh just go straight to the bags. CDXxONXykdM-00088-00012730-00012906 The exercising CDXxONXykdM-00089-00012916-00013032 was like really intense CDXxONXykdM-00090-00013032-00013176 like it was an intense training CDXxONXykdM-00091-00013176-00013280 But CDXxONXykdM-00092-00013294-00013344 I mean i enjoyed it CDXxONXykdM-00093-00013344-00013532 I enjoyed it a lot so i knew I was going to stay here for a while. CDXxONXykdM-00094-00013612-00013810 My thoughts about my instructors CDXxONXykdM-00095-00013824-00013912 They're pretty cool you know CDXxONXykdM-00096-00013936-00014094 They really help me a lot you know CDXxONXykdM-00097-00014097-00014319 How to hip my hip movements CDXxONXykdM-00098-00014319-00014418 and how to portray you know power CDXxONXykdM-00099-00014460-00014613 Through them in my arms CDXxONXykdM-00100-00014613-00014872 They are pretty helpful as coaches and presidents. CDXxONXykdM-00101-00014902-00014960 With Matt, CDXxONXykdM-00102-00014960-00015106 I've known Matt for four and a half years. CDXxONXykdM-00103-00015106-00015341 He was a coach here when I was a freshmen and I've been working with him ever since. CDXxONXykdM-00104-00015412-00015650 He showed me like a lot of new things that I didn't know before CDXxONXykdM-00105-00015676-00015900 just like different movements and like CDXxONXykdM-00106-00015924-00015988 Combinations CDXxONXykdM-00107-00015997-00016088 and he like CDXxONXykdM-00108-00016088-00016288 he kind of like woke up something else in me CDXxONXykdM-00109-00016294-00016504 That I didn't know I had before when I use to box. CDXxONXykdM-00110-00016524-00016846 So like now I'm just a lot more strict with myself CDXxONXykdM-00111-00016942-00017180 My biggest reward, at least here at Csun CDXxONXykdM-00112-00017194-00017294 Seeing your teammates CDXxONXykdM-00113-00017314-00017400 Succeed CDXxONXykdM-00114-00017406-00017500 That's number one. CDXxONXykdM-00115-00017518-00017606 You know um CDXxONXykdM-00116-00017624-00017784 Every fight I've had with at least with Csun CDXxONXykdM-00117-00017784-00017898 has been cancelled CDXxONXykdM-00118-00017898-00017998 last minute CDXxONXykdM-00119-00017998-00018098 It's devastating CDXxONXykdM-00120-00018098-00018214 You know, you wanna cry CDXxONXykdM-00121-00018214-00018316 But seeing your teammates CDXxONXykdM-00122-00018316-00018382 that you've trained with CDXxONXykdM-00123-00018382-00018496 seeing them get their fights CDXxONXykdM-00124-00018496-00018546 seeing them win CDXxONXykdM-00125-00018546-00018648 seeing them succeed CDXxONXykdM-00126-00018676-00018888 Is one of the most rewarding aspects of being in the team. CFM9vmP1X04-00000-00002404-00003608 Time is running faster when I'm with you it feels right, Can't rewind it, eh CFM9vmP1X04-00001-00003608-00004784 I'm tryin to take it now and pay it, will you stay here for a while, for tonight? CFM9vmP1X04-00002-00004812-00005992 Do you know how I miss you? CFM9vmP1X04-00003-00006006-00007188 It's so empty, feel it all baby, take my hand now CFM9vmP1X04-00004-00007209-00008392 Have you ever feel it? Feeling something that you can't explain CFM9vmP1X04-00005-00008412-00010004 I know you don't care about that, but please feel it just once, and hit into it CFM9vmP1X04-00006-00010016-00010720 Hit into it CFM9vmP1X04-00007-00012018-00013247 Fine, it's no matter how much I'm begging you to tell the truth. Cause I know you can feel it aren't you? CFM9vmP1X04-00008-00013306-00013794 Why don't you say it? CFM9vmP1X04-00009-00013812-00014391 Just say to me baby.. heey CFM9vmP1X04-00010-00014422-00015591 Time is still running, it feels ruined, hold my hand baby (hold my hand baby) CFM9vmP1X04-00011-00015610-00016894 It's so empty, feel it all baby, please save me now CFM9vmP1X04-00012-00016896-00018016 Have you ever feel it? Feeling something that you can't explain CFM9vmP1X04-00013-00018080-00019648 I know you don't care about that, but please feel it just once, and hit into it CFM9vmP1X04-00014-00019680-00020064 Hit into it CFWd9X3vh8M-00000-00000050-00000525 Can you imagine eating a hamburger that is, in every way, identical to the hamburgers CFWd9X3vh8M-00001-00000525-00001046 you're used to eating. Except that it did not come from the carcass of an animal? CFWd9X3vh8M-00002-00001046-00001520 While this may sound a bit like science fiction, slaughter-free meats may be available to consumers CFWd9X3vh8M-00003-00001520-00001780 in the next several years. CFWd9X3vh8M-00004-00001780-00002307 This type of meat, which can be referred to as cell-based, cultured, or in-vitro, is meat CFWd9X3vh8M-00005-00002307-00002655 that's grown by cell culture rather than inside an animal. CFWd9X3vh8M-00006-00002655-00003000 And it promises to feed a growing population in a more ethical and CFWd9X3vh8M-00007-00003000-00003256 environmentally sustainable way. CFWd9X3vh8M-00008-00003256-00003501 But how exactly is cell-based meat made? CFWd9X3vh8M-00009-00003501-00003950 A small amount of tissue is extracted from an animal - a biopsy the size of a CFWd9X3vh8M-00010-00003950-00004292 sesame seed that contains millions of cells. CFWd9X3vh8M-00011-00004292-00004736 This tissue is placed inside a cultivator that makes the cells think they're still inside CFWd9X3vh8M-00012-00004736-00005202 the body, so that they do what comes naturally - replicate and grow into muscle. CFWd9X3vh8M-00013-00005202-00005762 To enable them to grow, cells are provided with warmth and oxygen, and are fed sugars, CFWd9X3vh8M-00014-00005762-00006166 salts and proteins, through the liquid solution they're placed in. CFWd9X3vh8M-00015-00006166-00006396 Supporters are quick to point out its benefits. CFWd9X3vh8M-00016-00006396-00006590 It does not involve killing animals. CFWd9X3vh8M-00017-00006590-00006870 It's potentially more environmentally friendly. CFWd9X3vh8M-00018-00006870-00007128 And it may even be safer for human health. CFWd9X3vh8M-00019-00007128-00007608 For example, meat from animals can be contaminated with a whole range of intestinal pathogens, CFWd9X3vh8M-00020-00007608-00007803 that can make us sick. CFWd9X3vh8M-00021-00007803-00008181 This is why it's important that we thoroughly cook and handle it with care. CFWd9X3vh8M-00022-00008181-00008683 However, meat grown in a bioreactor, or from cell culture, never comes into contact with CFWd9X3vh8M-00023-00008683-00008850 intestines and their accompanying pathogens. CFWd9X3vh8M-00024-00008850-00009472 When it comes to environmental impact, some estimates suggest that cell-based meat could CFWd9X3vh8M-00025-00009472-00009759 require from seven to fifty percent less energy ... CFWd9X3vh8M-00026-00009759-00010430 and 99% reduction in land use, and up to 95% less water, compared to traditional CFWd9X3vh8M-00027-00010430-00010631 farmed meat production. CFWd9X3vh8M-00028-00010631-00011175 However, scientists still need to determine precisely how much more eco-friendly cell-based CFWd9X3vh8M-00029-00011175-00011384 meat will be. CFWd9X3vh8M-00030-00011384-00011930 Estimates of environmental impact depend on what we compare sell-based meat production to. CFWd9X3vh8M-00031-00011934-00012470 There are many ways to raise livestock, and different methods can influence the environment differently. CFWd9X3vh8M-00032-00012470-00012841 And some of these actually have positive impacts on ecosystems. CFWd9X3vh8M-00033-00012841-00013301 Of course, production of cell-based meat does face some challenges. CFWd9X3vh8M-00034-00013301-00013880 One major challenge is finding just the right nutrient-rich liquid to grow cell-based meat in CFWd9X3vh8M-00035-00013888-00014405 At the moment, this liquid is an expensive serum, made with animal blood. And, it it is CFWd9X3vh8M-00036-00014405-00014654 harvested from unborn calves. CFWd9X3vh8M-00037-00014654-00015122 This solution is ethically and economically not feasible in the long-term. CFWd9X3vh8M-00038-00015122-00015543 And several companies are now looking for a suitable plant protein to replace this CFWd9X3vh8M-00039-00015543-00015710 animal-based serum. CFWd9X3vh8M-00040-00015710-00016230 Another challenge is what people think about cell-based meats, both in terms of their preferences, CFWd9X3vh8M-00041-00016230-00016811 including whether it will look and taste right to them, and how readily people might accept CFWd9X3vh8M-00042-00016811-00017070 a new way to produce the food they eat. CFWd9X3vh8M-00043-00017070-00017648 At the moment, cell-based meat can take the form of hamburger patties and nougats, but CFWd9X3vh8M-00044-00017648-00018026 replicating the structure and texture of the other meat products we're used to, such CFWd9X3vh8M-00045-00018026-00018295 as steak, is not yet possible. CFWd9X3vh8M-00046-00018295-00018793 There is also the challenge that many people might find the idea of meat grown in the lab CFWd9X3vh8M-00047-00018793-00018967 unappetizing, or unnatural. CFWd9X3vh8M-00048-00018967-00019368 And some surveys show that consumers are unsure about this new way to produce meat. CFWd9X3vh8M-00049-00019368-00019837 Yet, there are plenty of people who are intrigued by the idea of meat that does not involve CFWd9X3vh8M-00050-00019837-00019969 killing animals. CFWd9X3vh8M-00051-00019969-00020483 For cell-based meat to be successful, consumers will need to know that it's safe, and healthy, CFWd9X3vh8M-00052-00020483-00020965 and they'll need information they can trust on what it is, how it is made, and what benefits CFWd9X3vh8M-00053-00020965-00021290 it offers to them, the animals, and the environment. CFWd9X3vh8M-00054-00021290-00021870 At the end of the day though, we cannot afford not to make changes to how we produce our food. CFWd9X3vh8M-00055-00021873-00022342 New approaches are not only necessary because of ethical considerations, but also because CFWd9X3vh8M-00056-00022342-00022847 supplying the world with enough affordable animal protein may eventually be possible using CFWd9X3vh8M-00057-00022847-00023013 conventional farming. CFWd9X3vh8M-00058-00023013-00023648 By the year 2025, the world population is projected to exceed 9 billion people. CFWd9X3vh8M-00059-00023648-00024129 And as it does, meat consumption is estimated to grow at an accelerating rate. CFWd9X3vh8M-00060-00024129-00024565 With such growth, there is a risk that we won't be able to meet the demands of more CFWd9X3vh8M-00061-00024565-00024971 and more people, unless we develop new technologies. CFWd9X3vh8M-00062-00024971-00025230 And, cell-based meat may be one of them. CHzTMBcJrXA-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 3090 | Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales | 4K Gameplay | i9-10850K COsGI38OeXE-00000-00001839-00002352 hey guys lobo freak here and like you just saw this is the new trailer COsGI38OeXE-00001-00002420-00002620 well a new... COsGI38OeXE-00002-00002716-00003708 Overwatch animation but in this case is more about the blizzard game who combine all his games COsGI38OeXE-00003-00003746-00004028 called Heroes of the storm, heroes de la tormenta [spanish] COsGI38OeXE-00004-00004079-00004622 and they just launch a new animation with Genji one of my favorites characters COsGI38OeXE-00005-00004648-00005320 because I think is one with the most interesting back story in overwatch COsGI38OeXE-00006-00005340-00005852 so le's watch this video because my hype is real! COsGI38OeXE-00007-00006472-00006902 blizzard like always making this beautiful animations COsGI38OeXE-00008-00007162-00007456 I always liked the tone of voice of Genji COsGI38OeXE-00009-00007480-00007644 that is... COsGI38OeXE-00010-00007740-00008034 hanamura completely destroyed COsGI38OeXE-00011-00008604-00009120 ok blizzard now you have to do this an official map with Hanamura half destr... what the f...!? COsGI38OeXE-00012-00009488-00009688 Oh that is, is , is, is... COsGI38OeXE-00013-00009772-00009968 Diablo! COsGI38OeXE-00014-00010002-00010170 I think that's the name COsGI38OeXE-00015-00010898-00011186 this is like ninja Gaiden! COsGI38OeXE-00016-00011186-00011578 a ninja dude killing demons!, it's ninja gaiden! COsGI38OeXE-00017-00012102-00012446 how string is Genji! COsGI38OeXE-00018-00012969-00013280 really! how strong he is!? COsGI38OeXE-00019-00017324-00017524 he is riding Dva! [( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] COsGI38OeXE-00020-00018102-00018302 is so short! COsGI38OeXE-00021-00018954-00019154 well it was really short COsGI38OeXE-00022-00019172-00019542 well you can see it because I'm here but COsGI38OeXE-00023-00019566-00020052 there is a event on heroes of the storm to unlock genji skin COsGI38OeXE-00024-00020060-00020682 I haven't seen this animations to promote the event COsGI38OeXE-00025-00020738-00021050 there are 2 thing that I want to be clear COsGI38OeXE-00026-00021092-00021390 1 is how strong is Genji!? COsGI38OeXE-00027-00021426-00021558 because COsGI38OeXE-00028-00021616-00022012 he took a direct hit with just his sworld COsGI38OeXE-00029-00022214-00022546 this is a ninja Gaiden scene COsGI38OeXE-00030-00022572-00022772 right here COsGI38OeXE-00031-00022790-00023176 this guy took the hit like nothing happens so badass COsGI38OeXE-00032-00023176-00023374 no problem at all COsGI38OeXE-00033-00023398-00023598 and the next one COsGI38OeXE-00034-00023676-00023876 this is the scene COsGI38OeXE-00035-00024192-00024738 A giant demon throws fire, A fucking demon! COsGI38OeXE-00036-00024818-00025378 Genji is of the side of his hand! is like a toy in his hand COsGI38OeXE-00037-00025466-00025826 and the only thing that Genji does is looking to the eyes COsGI38OeXE-00038-00025912-00026283 and say: yes, here I am fuck you COsGI38OeXE-00039-00026582-00026680 and Dva! COsGI38OeXE-00040-00026739-00026994 I never thought that Dva will be there COsGI38OeXE-00041-00028018-00028552 that scene is just epic, even when I don think that the shuriken had effect in diablo COsGI38OeXE-00042-00028594-00029336 Genji is just loking at him like "come at me bro" COsGI38OeXE-00043-00029520-00030006 that's why I want a animated version of overwatch COsGI38OeXE-00044-00030010-00030242 because there is so much epic moments COsGI38OeXE-00045-00030664-00031004 I think you already noticed that I am a big fan of overwatch COsGI38OeXE-00046-00031080-00031210 I love the game COsGI38OeXE-00047-00031210-00031410 I love the COsGI38OeXE-00048-00031488-00031820 animations, stories? I don't know how to called it COsGI38OeXE-00049-00031916-00032062 but I love them COsGI38OeXE-00050-00032072-00032230 I really do COsGI38OeXE-00051-00032274-00032636 especially because blizzard puts it so much attention in small details COsGI38OeXE-00052-00032662-00033164 you can not be excited for every animated short COsGI38OeXE-00053-00033224-00033598 a play a lot of overwatch right now COsGI38OeXE-00054-00033646-00034004 even when at the begining I dodn't feel it like a complete game COsGI38OeXE-00055-00034004-00034322 they are getting better little by little COsGI38OeXE-00056-00034368-00035188 and is so cool that blizzard put so much attention to his audience and those small details COsGI38OeXE-00057-00035212-00035460 It's an amazing team COsGI38OeXE-00058-00035488-00035958 who created a game and they keep it alive for year and years COsGI38OeXE-00059-00036328-00036522 in the other hand COsGI38OeXE-00060-00036602-00037086 even when I'm a reinhardt main COsGI38OeXE-00061-00037090-00037666 and I love the character, regards to all those Knights in shining armor COsGI38OeXE-00062-00037680-00038260 who know that feel of crush your enamys with the only hammer in the game [I mean real hammer, torbjorn does not count] COsGI38OeXE-00063-00038328-00038922 but in my opinion Genji is one of the most interestings character along with Tracer COsGI38OeXE-00064-00039514-00040148 is really interesting and a big oportunity to a animated short COsGI38OeXE-00065-00040200-00040548 but well that's not the point of the video COsGI38OeXE-00066-00040560-00040902 so tell me in the coments what do you think about this video COsGI38OeXE-00067-00040928-00041528 tell me if you are doing the heroes of the storm challenges COsGI38OeXE-00068-00041574-00041810 and well see you next time COsGI38OeXE-00069-00041846-00043120 Lobo freak here don't forget to subscribe for more content like this thank you see ya! COXNIYYRCVc-00000-00000000-00000200 How to draw Paw Patrol Chase easy step by step COXNIYYRCVc-00001-00000200-00000400 #howtodraw COXNIYYRCVc-00002-00000400-00000600 #YouTubeKids CSeNHWpQKHk-00000-00000262-00000744 The Add Layers widget is where you can add IFTDSS Reference layers or your CSeNHWpQKHk-00001-00000744-00001416 own shapes, shapefiles, or HVRA Sets to Map Studio. To add IFTDSS Reference CSeNHWpQKHk-00002-00001416-00001898 layers, click the Add Layers widget, make sure the IFTDSS Reference layers tab CSeNHWpQKHk-00003-00001898-00002313 is selected, and use the drop down titles to sort through available reference CSeNHWpQKHk-00004-00002313-00002841 layers. To add a Reference layer to the Map Studio Layer List, click the check CSeNHWpQKHk-00005-00002841-00003543 box next to it. Note that for some reference layers viewed over large CSeNHWpQKHk-00006-00003543-00003965 extents you may need to zoom into your area of interest to see the reference CSeNHWpQKHk-00007-00003965-00004734 layer. To add one of your own shapes, shapefiles, or HVRA Sets, make sure the CSeNHWpQKHk-00008-00004734-00005207 My Layers tab is selected and use the check box next to the layer to add it to CSeNHWpQKHk-00009-00005207-00005937 the Map Studio Layer List. If needed you may filter by map extent, layer type, or CSeNHWpQKHk-00010-00005937-00006203 layer name. CSXTVY0YBhu-00000-00000016-00000400 brawl stars Capjlw400RA-00000-00000086-00000826 [music] Capjlw400RA-00001-00001005-00001515 An accessible PDF document must have what are called “PDF tags.” Tags are essentially Capjlw400RA-00002-00001515-00002073 labels that reveal to assistive technology the elements of the document; for example, Capjlw400RA-00003-00002073-00002368 if there are headings and images in the document. Capjlw400RA-00004-00002368-00002916 The easiest way to create a tagged PDF is to start in Microsoft Word. Create an accessible Capjlw400RA-00005-00002916-00003463 Word document, edit the document, and save it as a PDF file. Capjlw400RA-00006-00003463-00004013 The accessibility features of the Word document will carry over to the resulting PDF; thus, Capjlw400RA-00007-00004013-00004635 it will be easier for the users of assistive technology to understand what is being conveyed. Capjlw400RA-00008-00004635-00005203 I am going to demonstrate this process on a Windows computer using Microsoft Word 2013. Capjlw400RA-00009-00005203-00005919 These steps also apply to Microsoft Excel documents and Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Capjlw400RA-00010-00005919-00006469 These steps are not applicable to Microsoft Office for Mac. Capjlw400RA-00011-00006469-00007381 Step 1: Type your text into a Word document. Step 2: Ensure the Word document is accessible. Capjlw400RA-00012-00007381-00007869 To determine the accessibility, some questions you can ask yourself are: Capjlw400RA-00013-00007869-00008639 Did I use the built-in text styles for headings? Did I use a readable, sans serif font? Capjlw400RA-00014-00008639-00009352 Do all of my links have descriptive link text? Do all of the images that require alt text Capjlw400RA-00015-00009352-00009801 have them? Do the tables have column headers? Capjlw400RA-00016-00009801-00010418 Is there high contrast between the foreground and background colors? Capjlw400RA-00017-00010418-00011024 If it is a longer document, does it have a table of contents? Capjlw400RA-00018-00011024-00011582 Did I check my document using the Microsoft Office Accessibility Checker? Capjlw400RA-00019-00011582-00012114 Keep in mind, these are only a small sample of possible questions you can ask yourself Capjlw400RA-00020-00012114-00012841 related to accessibility. Step 3: Once the Word document is accessible, Capjlw400RA-00021-00012841-00013566 click the File tab. Step 4: Select Save As from the drop-down Capjlw400RA-00022-00013566-00014215 menu. Step 5: Under Choose a Location, choose where Capjlw400RA-00023-00014215-00015006 the file should be saved Step 6: Under Choose a Folder, select a recently Capjlw400RA-00024-00015006-00015784 used folder or to select a different one, click Browse for Additional Folders. Capjlw400RA-00025-00015784-00016639 Step 7: In the Save As dialog box, click on Save as type. Capjlw400RA-00026-00016639-00017615 Step 8: Choose PDF from the drop-down menu. Step 9: Click Options. Capjlw400RA-00027-00017615-00018284 Step 10: Check the box for Document structure tags for accessibility Capjlw400RA-00028-00018284-00019040 Step 11: Click OK. Step 12: Click Save. The PDF document will Capjlw400RA-00029-00019040-00019238 be stored in the location you specified Capjlw400RA-00030-00019238-00019945 Note: This method may not ensure complete compliance; therefore, it is recommend you Capjlw400RA-00031-00019945-00020512 still review the PDF using your own knowledge of ac Capjlw400RA-00032-00021000-00021300 Subtitles by the Amara.org community Cgii9SgVjeY-00000-00000696-00001127 Should a leader’s values and moral reasoning differ between their professional and personal Cgii9SgVjeY-00001-00001127-00001233 lives? Cgii9SgVjeY-00002-00001233-00001663 To answer this question we only have to look at contemporary leadership theories and perhaps Cgii9SgVjeY-00003-00001663-00001927 the Authentic Leadership literature in particular. Cgii9SgVjeY-00004-00001927-00002384 It is strongly argued that you cannot be an authentic leader if you have divergent or Cgii9SgVjeY-00005-00002384-00002598 ambiguous values. Cgii9SgVjeY-00006-00002598-00003062 Some have argued that out of necessity, business requires that ethics (though not the law) Cgii9SgVjeY-00007-00003062-00003239 needs be broken. Cgii9SgVjeY-00008-00003239-00003678 Grace and Cohen argue that perhaps they are confusing values with the situations one is Cgii9SgVjeY-00009-00003678-00004050 likely to encounter in private versus professional life. Cgii9SgVjeY-00010-00004050-00004542 For example, as a senior leader of a large organization, it is likely that you would Cgii9SgVjeY-00011-00004542-00005019 acquire more and varied moral obligations, and be responsible for the life outcomes of Cgii9SgVjeY-00012-00005019-00005460 many more people than you might as a wife or mother. Cgii9SgVjeY-00013-00005460-00005857 Businesses exist in communities and communities have ethics. Cgii9SgVjeY-00014-00005857-00006320 As such business is no more exempt from ethical compliance than an individual living in that Cgii9SgVjeY-00015-00006320-00006545 community or a leader in that community. Cgii9SgVjeY-00016-00006545-00007084 Nonetheless, with a greater number of moral obligations it is more likely that two or Cgii9SgVjeY-00017-00007084-00007695 more obligations may conflict with each other, requiring one to lose to the other/s. Cgii9SgVjeY-00018-00007695-00008245 In such a case, in a corporate organization for example, a leader must still make a decision, Cgii9SgVjeY-00019-00008245-00008554 but should make one that results in the greater good. Cgii9SgVjeY-00020-00008554-00009174 Noting also that some means, such as the physical harm or death of others is typically not justifiable Cgii9SgVjeY-00021-00009174-00009474 in order to arrive at the end of the greater good. Cgii9SgVjeY-00022-00009474-00010028 However, to add complexity to the example,even these means are arguably considered ethical Cgii9SgVjeY-00023-00010028-00010438 for military leaders in times of war to protect their country . Cgii9SgVjeY-00024-00010438-00010874 The degree to which the leader would still pay a price in damage to their integrity is Cgii9SgVjeY-00025-00010874-00011393 the degree to which others would have made a similar decision in the same circumstances. Cgii9SgVjeY-00026-00011393-00011878 In other words, if not everyone agrees, then there will be some damage. Cgii9SgVjeY-00027-00011878-00012239 Transparency in the making of these decisions, and the values and their alignment to the Cgii9SgVjeY-00028-00012239-00012703 values of others which underpinned the ethical trade offs, will have a key role to play in Cgii9SgVjeY-00029-00012703-00012853 this process. Cgii9SgVjeY-00030-00012853-00013308 Further clues about the links between professional and private ethics can be found in the professional Cgii9SgVjeY-00031-00013308-00013616 codes of ethics for doctors and lawyers, for example. Cgii9SgVjeY-00032-00013616-00014094 Grace and Cohen report that many ethical codes for these professions include an obligation Cgii9SgVjeY-00033-00014094-00014640 for lawyers to undertake pro-bono work and for doctors to render assistance at accidents, Cgii9SgVjeY-00034-00014640-00015058 thus linking values in the professional life to private life. Cgii9SgVjeY-00035-00015058-00015518 To reverse this scenario, we can also argue that if aspects of our professional roles Cgii9SgVjeY-00036-00015518-00016043 are bound to how we are perceived in our private lives, then how we act in our private lives Cgii9SgVjeY-00037-00016043-00016485 informs judgements about how we might act in our professional capacity. Cgii9SgVjeY-00038-00016485-00017091 If we lie, or are unfaithful or cavalier with our friends confidences in our private lives, Cgii9SgVjeY-00039-00017091-00017547 then we are less worthy of trust in those relationships, and if these become known by Cgii9SgVjeY-00040-00017547-00018056 our followers in our professional lives, this may raise doubts about how we treat the relationships Cgii9SgVjeY-00041-00018056-00018245 we have with followers. Cgii9SgVjeY-00042-00018245-00018770 In short, effective leaders avoid the potential for damage to their integrity through transparency Cgii9SgVjeY-00043-00018770-00019245 and consistency, and alignment between the enactment of their personal values and their Cgii9SgVjeY-00044-00019245-00019367 professional actions. CglLH1Y-DTk-00000-00000000-00001410 Practical Tips For The Zombie Apocalypse | Self-Defense #2 CiL6-1ft1kg-00000-00000000-00000282 I wanna make a video on Metroid Fusion. Let’s do that. CiL6-1ft1kg-00001-00000282-00000750 Metroid Fusion is the latest Nintendo Game Boy Advance game to be added to Nintendo Switch Online CiL6-1ft1kg-00002-00000750-00001248 Plus Expansion Pack on the Nintendo Switch. It’s a generally well-received game with one perceived CiL6-1ft1kg-00003-00001248-00001764 major flaw: it’s painfully linear. Where Super Metroid lets you explore your own way, discovering CiL6-1ft1kg-00004-00001764-00002304 new paths and areas, Metroid Fusion explicitly tells you: “Here. Go here. Here’s a little CiL6-1ft1kg-00005-00002304-00002766 marker on the map. Go to this place for the next little bit of story and probably a boss fight.” CiL6-1ft1kg-00006-00002766-00003240 Plenty of ink has been spilled about how this compromises the Metroid experience. Take, CiL6-1ft1kg-00007-00003240-00003600 for example, Robert Hughes’ review for Nintendo Life, which reads: CiL6-1ft1kg-00008-00003600-00004044 “Metroid Fusion’s progression, however, is surprisingly linear… There’s very little room for CiL6-1ft1kg-00009-00004044-00004530 deviation from the main path for most of the game. Metroid Fusion has a story, one that it insists on CiL6-1ft1kg-00010-00004530-00004713 telling, and funnels you in one direction. … CiL6-1ft1kg-00011-00004713-00005100 “So it’s perhaps a little disappointing that Metroid Fusion often just seals off certain CiL6-1ft1kg-00012-00005100-00005448 routes with locked doors, particularly towards the beginning of the game. It’s CiL6-1ft1kg-00013-00005448-00005850 this lack of ingenuity and originality that keeps Metroid Fusion from surpassing its 2D CiL6-1ft1kg-00014-00005850-00006258 predecessor — Super Metroid — in quality.” There are a lot of reviews like this. CiL6-1ft1kg-00015-00006258-00006623 Reviews that complain about how instead of feeling like a bold space adventurer, CiL6-1ft1kg-00016-00006623-00006995 the Metroid Fusion formula leaves you feeling a complete lack of player agency. CiL6-1ft1kg-00017-00006995-00007386 To which I say: yes. Metroid Fusion takes away your freedom. CiL6-1ft1kg-00018-00007386-00007692 That’s a great thing. Because Metroid Fusion CiL6-1ft1kg-00019-00007692-00008214 is not Super Metroid. This isn’t a space power fantasy where you play as a bombastic adventurer. CiL6-1ft1kg-00020-00008214-00008820 This is a horror game. You’re meant to feel a lack of control. You’re meant to run and hide. And, CiL6-1ft1kg-00021-00008820-00009198 over the course of the story, you’re meant to break free from the initially CiL6-1ft1kg-00022-00009198-00009564 linear path the game sets for you. Sit back and relax, dear viewer, CiL6-1ft1kg-00023-00009564-00010104 as I explain how the “worst” thing about Metroid Fusion is actually genius. The game’s CiL6-1ft1kg-00024-00010104-00010548 biggest perceived design flaw is actually exactly what makes its narrative so strong. CiL6-1ft1kg-00025-00010548-00010992 Because, of course a channel called Video Game Story Time is always going to love CiL6-1ft1kg-00026-00010992-00011394 a game that tells its story well. So, first things first: monologues. CiL6-1ft1kg-00027-00011496-00011934 It doesn’t take any time at all for Samus to start monologueing like a cheesy Incredibles villain. CiL6-1ft1kg-00028-00011934-00012342 The intro to Super Metroid has the player quickly escaping from an exploding pirate CiL6-1ft1kg-00029-00012342-00012708 ship – the perfect way to sell the player on this idea that they’re a bold space hero. CiL6-1ft1kg-00030-00012708-00013518 In contrast, Metroid Fusion starts with... text. Samus explains in exquisite detail how she got a CiL6-1ft1kg-00031-00013518-00014028 gross infection and she had to go to the doctor. I mean, it’s obviously more scary than that. I CiL6-1ft1kg-00032-00014028-00014291 remember playing this for the first time as a teenager, late at night, CiL6-1ft1kg-00033-00014291-00014790 in a dark room lit only by my GBA SP, and being absolutely freaked out right from the start. CiL6-1ft1kg-00034-00014790-00015191 It helps that, unlike some Metroid games I could mention, this one is incredibly CiL6-1ft1kg-00035-00015191-00015708 well-written. You get -I get, at least – a real sense of the hopelessness that Samus faces. CiL6-1ft1kg-00036-00015708-00016188 How she just barely survived death before the story even started, and how she’s tremendously CiL6-1ft1kg-00037-00016188-00016596 unhappy with the lack of choices before her. I’m aware that some liberties were taken in CiL6-1ft1kg-00038-00016596-00016986 localising this game into English, but without knowing exactly how the Japanese version plays CiL6-1ft1kg-00039-00016986-00017370 out, I’m happy to say that I am very fond of the story in the English version of the game as it is. CiL6-1ft1kg-00040-00017370-00017862 Samus is not a decision-maker for the first chunk of this game. She’s a peon. She’s running around, CiL6-1ft1kg-00041-00017862-00018234 following the orders of an emotionless AI commanding officer, who in turn is CiL6-1ft1kg-00042-00018234-00018672 relaying orders from the Galactic Federation. If the player feels frustrated at being boxed in, CiL6-1ft1kg-00043-00018672-00019116 forced to take orders, unable to forge their own path, then Samus is right there with CiL6-1ft1kg-00044-00019116-00019542 you. She complains fairly constantly at not having the freedom to do things her own way. CiL6-1ft1kg-00045-00019542-00019926 But, then, this is a horror game, more so than perhaps any other Metroid title. CiL6-1ft1kg-00046-00020052-00020514 Samus isn’t supposed to feel in control. The tone of a game is often set by how CiL6-1ft1kg-00047-00020514-00020868 much freedom and control the player has. Something like Breath of the Wild is sold CiL6-1ft1kg-00048-00020868-00021216 largely on its sandbox structure – go anywhere, do things your own way, come CiL6-1ft1kg-00049-00021216-00021624 up with your own ingenious solutions to puzzles. Five Nights at Freddy’s (apologies for using two CiL6-1ft1kg-00050-00021624-00022092 very obvious examples here) is the polar opposite. You have very little control over the situation, CiL6-1ft1kg-00051-00022092-00022536 you’re stuck in one place, and the few things you can control prove to be somewhat unreliable. CiL6-1ft1kg-00052-00022824-00023292 Metroid Fusion is a game about having limited options in an environment that is slowly getting CiL6-1ft1kg-00053-00023292-00023760 worse. There’s a real sense of dread that comes from being powerless, from having to CiL6-1ft1kg-00054-00023760-00024162 rely on your absent overlords for support, from not being able to make your own choices about CiL6-1ft1kg-00055-00024162-00024582 the way you approach the obstacles in your way. Right from the start, the computer AI Adam makes CiL6-1ft1kg-00056-00024582-00025056 a point of telling you just how fragile you are. Samus has established a pattern of forgetting all CiL6-1ft1kg-00057-00025056-00025446 her abilities any time she gets a bonk on the head, but this one feels so much worse than CiL6-1ft1kg-00058-00025446-00025854 usual. Because of the starting travelogue of hospital trips, it’s clearly established that CiL6-1ft1kg-00059-00025854-00026412 Samus isn’t just weak – she’s barely alive. She shouldn’t be alive. Every foe she faces, CiL6-1ft1kg-00060-00026412-00026832 even just the weird gooey zombies in the starting area, feel like a serious threat. CiL6-1ft1kg-00061-00026832-00027300 So, Adam gives orders, and both Samus and the player feel increasingly disgruntled at having CiL6-1ft1kg-00062-00027300-00027768 to just blindly do what they’re told. Especially when Adam’s best laid plans are clearly not CiL6-1ft1kg-00063-00027768-00028208 working. Apparently systematically opening all the doors to every habitat on a floating space CiL6-1ft1kg-00064-00028208-00028674 zoo isn’t a great plan, who could have guessed? This is most keenly felt in areas that are clearly CiL6-1ft1kg-00065-00028674-00029100 perfectly under control right up until Samus turns up, doing Adam’s bidding – at which point CiL6-1ft1kg-00066-00029100-00029598 everything collapses as all the weird space monsters a) escape, and b) get infected with CiL6-1ft1kg-00067-00029598-00030066 deadly parasites that you’re trying to contain. I mean, it’s almost as if Adam’s deliberately CiL6-1ft1kg-00068-00030066-00030203 trying to ruin things, right? Heheh… CiL6-1ft1kg-00069-00030203-00030522 Heh. So before long, CiL6-1ft1kg-00070-00030522-00030954 this exploration-heavy game where your exploration is clearly signposted gains CiL6-1ft1kg-00071-00030954-00031392 a new level of paranoia. Is your presumably benevolent AI commanding officer actually CiL6-1ft1kg-00072-00031392-00031944 part of a wider conspiracy? Can you really trust anyone in this scenario? Is your discomfort with CiL6-1ft1kg-00073-00031944-00032424 the gameplay actually because you shouldn’t be listening to your AI commanding officer after all? CiL6-1ft1kg-00074-00032424-00032838 All the while, you’re gaining new powers and abilities, most of which are carefully selected CiL6-1ft1kg-00075-00032838-00033324 for you by the distant and shadowy Powers That Be that exist somewhere far away and far more safe. CiL6-1ft1kg-00076-00033324-00033726 Eventually, though, Adam’s intel starts to completely fail. Things aren’t where CiL6-1ft1kg-00077-00033726-00034104 he says they should be on the map. After an hour or two of being locked into a rigid, CiL6-1ft1kg-00078-00034104-00034494 fairly repetitive loop of doing what you’re told, making things worse, and getting a small CiL6-1ft1kg-00079-00034494-00034938 cookie now and then for your trouble, you have to start actually doing some independent exploration. CiL6-1ft1kg-00080-00034938-00035334 It’s at around this point that the game transitions from straight horror to giving CiL6-1ft1kg-00081-00035334-00035742 the player a better sense of freedom and heroism. I once heard it said that the difference between CiL6-1ft1kg-00082-00035742-00036282 a victim and a hero is all in their response to impossible situations. When some lunatic comes CiL6-1ft1kg-00083-00036282-00036840 along with a sadistic choice, a victim is forced to pick one bad outcome, while a hero rejects the CiL6-1ft1kg-00084-00036840-00037266 choice entirely and finds a way to save everyone. In the face of increasingly poor odds, CiL6-1ft1kg-00085-00037266-00037734 Samus and the player alike break the cycle of doing Adam’s bidding. You find your own path, CiL6-1ft1kg-00086-00037734-00038226 not on any of his maps. You earn power-ups that he hasn’t given you permission to use yet. You grow CiL6-1ft1kg-00087-00038226-00038700 stronger, and for the first time, you start to feel like you’re in control of your own destiny. CiL6-1ft1kg-00088-00038700-00039306 And Adam freaks out. How dare you get a power up that he didn’t sanction?! What were you CiL6-1ft1kg-00089-00039306-00039738 doing in the super secret part of the facility? By now it’s clear that whoever Adam answers to, CiL6-1ft1kg-00090-00039738-00040170 they don’t have your best interests at heart. It’s too late to stop you now, though. CiL6-1ft1kg-00091-00040170-00040638 The second half of the game is significantly less formulaic. You find yourself crossing back CiL6-1ft1kg-00092-00040638-00040992 and forth between previously completely separate areas. The whole of the space CiL6-1ft1kg-00093-00040992-00041424 station seems to be fighting you at every turn, and you win and win and win again. CiL6-1ft1kg-00094-00041424-00041892 I mean, obviously you’re still following a linear path – but it’s more like the linear path that CiL6-1ft1kg-00095-00041892-00042372 we’re used to from a Metroid game: one that feels self-directed. You’re no longer taking orders; CiL6-1ft1kg-00096-00042372-00042786 indeed, before the end of the game, Adam starts taking orders from you, in a role CiL6-1ft1kg-00097-00042786-00043140 reversal that highlights just how completely you’ve overcome your previous helplessness. CiL6-1ft1kg-00098-00043140-00043554 The genius of making the first half of this game so rote, so repetitive, CiL6-1ft1kg-00099-00043554-00044022 so lacking in free thought, is that that when you finally break free and start tearing things apart, CiL6-1ft1kg-00100-00044022-00044430 your newfound freedom and power feels earned in a way that it doesn’t in perhaps any other CiL6-1ft1kg-00101-00044430-00044880 Metroidvania that I personally have ever played. The gameplay pairs wonderfully with the narrative; CiL6-1ft1kg-00102-00044880-00045288 the themes of making your own choices, of not playing by the rules, of doing the right CiL6-1ft1kg-00103-00045288-00045660 thing even when everyone else is pushing to turn you into a cog in their machine. CiL6-1ft1kg-00104-00045660-00046110 As I say, I don’t know how well this captures the sense of the original Japanese version of the CiL6-1ft1kg-00105-00046110-00046518 game. As I understand it, some of these themes of fighting against the system are stronger in CiL6-1ft1kg-00106-00046518-00047046 the English localisation, but for me, it works. Metroid Fusion, because of its perceived flawed CiL6-1ft1kg-00107-00047046-00047436 structure, is a game that in both narrative and gameplay, starts with the player feeling CiL6-1ft1kg-00108-00047436-00047886 powerless and lacking in choices, and ends with the player feeling like an incredible hero for CiL6-1ft1kg-00109-00047886-00048354 refusing to play by anyone else’s rules. And, because I need to mention them, yes, CiL6-1ft1kg-00110-00048354-00048852 Other M exists and also has Adam in it. Metroid Dread also exists and AI Adam is in that game too. CiL6-1ft1kg-00111-00048852-00049344 I’m just saying words to save you trouble in the comments. Just focusing on Metroid Fusion, though, CiL6-1ft1kg-00112-00049344-00049854 long before these other titles came out, I can’t help but love how this unassuming GBA game manages CiL6-1ft1kg-00113-00049854-00050316 to create such a dramatic and uncomfortable air of tension, and how satisfying it is to puncture CiL6-1ft1kg-00114-00050316-00050742 that tension as the game progresses. And this is all thanks to the element of the game that CiL6-1ft1kg-00115-00050742-00051132 a lot of players consider a design flaw. For a really great video on how Fusion CiL6-1ft1kg-00116-00051132-00051479 builds fear, check out my friend Dan’s video over at Video Game Animation Study, CiL6-1ft1kg-00117-00051479-00051858 and also my friend HotCyder is working on a Metroid game too, check his channel out as well. CiL6-1ft1kg-00118-00051858-00052248 So there we have it: Metroid Fusion’s linearity is a feature, not a bug. CiL6-1ft1kg-00119-00052248-00052614 At least, that’s my take on this game, anyway. Maybe it hits differently for me than for you, CiL6-1ft1kg-00120-00052614-00052920 and if so, well, fair enough. These things are entirely subjective. CiL6-1ft1kg-00121-00052920-00053346 My point in all this is simply to say: this is a thing that I like. Some other people don’t CiL6-1ft1kg-00122-00053346-00053766 like the structure of Metroid Fusion, but I do, I think it’s very clever and it doesn’t get enough CiL6-1ft1kg-00123-00053766-00054179 credit for how it makes the player feel the exact paranoia and dread that it’s designed to achieve. CiL6-1ft1kg-00124-00054179-00054546 The moral of the story is that just because other people don’t like a thing – in this case, CiL6-1ft1kg-00125-00054546-00054929 linearity and signposting in games – it doesn’t mean that you personally can’t enjoy them. CiL6-1ft1kg-00126-00054929-00055362 After all, isn’t the point of Metroid Fusion that it’s better to think for yourself? Cjs2JukOOxo-00000-00000000-00000302 bing bing bǐng bing, bong, bong, bing bīng bing bong. Cjs2JukOOxo-00001-00000602-00000652 mewmewmewmewmewmew (etc) ClfbLKahTnc-00000-00000383-00000630 どうにかみんなが… ClfbLKahTnc-00001-00000633-00000900 TAKA、大丈夫か? ClfbLKahTnc-00002-00001060-00001753 ごめん、ザック。でも俺は飯伏のことは 全てお見通しだ。お前が勝つ。 ClfbLKahTnc-00003-00001760-00001986 明日勝つのはお前だ。 ClfbLKahTnc-00004-00001989-00002460 Ibushi… JUST TAP OUT! ClfbLKahTnc-00005-00002803-00003333 俺の大事な相方を傷つけるのはやめてくれよ。 ClfbLKahTnc-00006-00003333-00004103 もうすぐ新曲が出るからさ、 彼に怪我してもらっちゃ困るよ。 ClfbLKahTnc-00007-00004310-00004776 飯伏、明日後楽園で対戦だな。 ClfbLKahTnc-00008-00004800-00005283 お前はいかれた奴だが、 俺はお前と違ってまともだ。 ClfbLKahTnc-00009-00005303-00005996 お前がバルコニーから俺に飛びかかって 来ようとしたら、俺は軽く避けてやるよ。 ClfbLKahTnc-00010-00006000-00006486 何で他のレスラー達は避けないんだ? ClfbLKahTnc-00011-00006496-00007163 相手の奴がバルコニーからムーンサルトを 仕掛けてきたら、避けるべきだろ? ClfbLKahTnc-00012-00007166-00007393 何で他の奴らは避けない?バカなのか? ClfbLKahTnc-00013-00007440-00008036 あいつがジャンプして来たら、俺は避けるぞ。 そして奴は真っ逆さまに崩れ落ちる。 ClfbLKahTnc-00014-00008636-00008933 That was crazy, wasn’t it? ClfbLKahTnc-00015-00009500-00010060 His holds are even better than before. ClfbLKahTnc-00016-00010356-00010510 Scary. ClfbLKahTnc-00017-00010523-00010893 And today was the one and only warm-up. ClfbLKahTnc-00018-00010930-00011216 I’ll just have to do it all, tomorrow. ClfbLKahTnc-00019-00011233-00011493 I have to win. ClfbLKahTnc-00020-00011626-00012263 Naito didn’t make it… but I’m not looking back anymore. ClfbLKahTnc-00021-00012336-00012743 What’s different since last time? ClfbLKahTnc-00022-00012750-00013036 He’s anticipating all of my moves. ClfbLKahTnc-00023-00013046-00013843 He was always good... I thought I got better, too. But he’s gotten much better. ClfbLKahTnc-00024-00013860-00014236 He’s on another level. He knows what I’m thinking. ClfbLKahTnc-00025-00014626-00014993 And now we have the match... ClfbLKahTnc-00026-00015280-00015766 By force... I’ll do it…. ClfbLKahTnc-00027-00016956-00017566 今日は調子が悪かったが… ClfbLKahTnc-00028-00017576-00017956 忘れるなよ。 ‘Chase is on the case’だ。 ClfbLKahTnc-00029-00017966-00018403 しっかり見といてくれよ。必ず答えを見つけ出すから。 ClfbLKahTnc-00030-00018416-00018690 ”チェーズはただ今問題を捜査中”だ。 D1MRi8dzUFo-00000-00000078-00000242 Remember when two weeks ago, D1MRi8dzUFo-00001-00000242-00000530 told you Builder will be capable of running in a couple of weeks? D1MRi8dzUFo-00002-00000927-00001400 Easy as pie, if you commit something between 30 to 70 contributions a day! D1MRi8dzUFo-00003-00001417-00001741 So we open Builder, and we have a working welcome screen. D1MRi8dzUFo-00004-00001741-00002036 Almost working, because things like Templates are missing! D1MRi8dzUFo-00005-00002074-00002647 Everything in Builder is plugins, so Christian ports them to GTK4 one by one, kinda of something. D1MRi8dzUFo-00006-00002647-00002975 But better than the Welcome screen, Builder kinda works too! D1MRi8dzUFo-00007-00003025-00003100 Again! D1MRi8dzUFo-00008-00003100-00003200 Almost working! D1MRi8dzUFo-00009-00003248-00003552 For example the Omnibox isn't yet implemented. D1MRi8dzUFo-00010-00003552-00003839 Sidebar works though, and we can open our files. D1MRi8dzUFo-00011-00003881-00003981 Alright? D1MRi8dzUFo-00012-00003981-00004254 But next I wanna show you the mode switcher. D1MRi8dzUFo-00013-00004292-00004691 That doesn't switch the GTK Source View theme, and that's basically a bug! D1MRi8dzUFo-00014-00004725-00005100 But what I really want to show you here, is the super sweet theme switcher! D1MRi8dzUFo-00015-00005148-00005584 That works exactly the same like on Text app, that the full window and all the components D1MRi8dzUFo-00016-00005584-00005759 will get the colors from the code view. D1MRi8dzUFo-00017-00005824-00006258 But it will be much more challenging delivering this on an app with much more complexity, D1MRi8dzUFo-00018-00006258-00006520 and an app that people will spend enormous time on. D1MRi8dzUFo-00019-00006571-00006828 So I really want to see how this is gonna end up, D1MRi8dzUFo-00020-00006828-00007108 and if it can be proved a successful design on Builder D1MRi8dzUFo-00021-00007108-00007315 then we may see it in many more apps. D1MRi8dzUFo-00022-00007368-00007897 Besides, this is supported by Adwaita recoloring API that many apps use already. D1MRi8dzUFo-00023-00007897-00008375 Mostly in a smaller scale, like using custom accent colors and headerbars backgrounds. D1MRi8dzUFo-00024-00008492-00008965 And BTW, there is this post saying for further improvements on Adwaita recoloring D1MRi8dzUFo-00025-00008965-00009320 so you have to be positive that nice things are gonna happen on this area. D1MRi8dzUFo-00026-00009368-00009903 In the meantime, Builder is so massive that porting it to GTK4 needs some additional things! D1MRi8dzUFo-00027-00009946-00010286 Like porting the System Profiler app to GTK4 too! D1MRi8dzUFo-00028-00010362-00010500 Ah, the debug! D1PaTGxz3aE-00000-00000000-00000126 slightly drunk fruit wine D1PaTGxz3aE-00001-00000126-00000257 prepare the red grapefruit D1PaTGxz3aE-00002-00000257-00000358 orange D1PaTGxz3aE-00003-00000358-00000442 lemon D1PaTGxz3aE-00004-00000442-00000515 strawberry D1PaTGxz3aE-00005-00000515-00000618 small green orange D1PaTGxz3aE-00006-00000680-00000856 arrange grapefruit along the barrel wall D1PaTGxz3aE-00007-00000856-00000953 put ice cubes D1PaTGxz3aE-00008-00000953-00001131 put cut fruits D1PaTGxz3aE-00009-00001131-00001285 squeeze the small green orange juice D1PaTGxz3aE-00010-00001285-00001390 blueberry D1PaTGxz3aE-00011-00001390-00001523 pour in sparkling water D1PaTGxz3aE-00012-00001523-00001644 add more ice cubes D1PaTGxz3aE-00013-00001644-00001900 pour in the greenplum wine D1PaTGxz3aE-00014-00001900-00002037 put some mints D1PaTGxz3aE-00015-00002037-00002104 a few plum make taste better D4YHNlqCpAy-00000-00000000-00000358 គ្រាដែលរូបអូនដួល D4YHNlqCpAy-00001-00000358-00000761 អូនគ្មានសល់អ្វី D4YHNlqCpAy-00002-00000761-00001336 បងជាអ្នកហុចដៃឲ្យអូនក្រោកឈរ D4YHNlqCpAy-00003-00001336-00001783 បងបារម្ភយកចិត្តទុកដាក់ D4YHNlqCpAy-00004-00001783-00002100 បងធ្វើរឿងល្អៗ D4YHNlqCpAy-00005-00002100-00002662 អូនត្រេកអ​​មានមនុស្សស្មោះសនៅក្បែរ D4YHNlqCpAy-00006-00002662-00003499 ទំនាក់ទំនងយើងក៏ប្រែស៊ីជម្រៅ D4YHNlqCpAy-00007-00003499-00004051 អារម្មណ៍អូនកក់ក្តៅពេលមានបងមើលថៃ D4YHNlqCpAy-00008-00004051-00004825 បងជាអ្នកបង្រៀនអូនអ្វីហៅថាស្នេហ៍ D4YHNlqCpAy-00009-00004825-00005500 មិនយល់ដែរសុខៗកើតរឿងចំបែង D4YHNlqCpAy-00010-00005500-00006147 ស្នេហាក៏ឈានដើរមកដល់ផ្លូវកែង D4YHNlqCpAy-00011-00006147-00006844 ម្នាក់ទៅស្តាំទៅឆ្វេងបែកចែកផ្លូវគ្នាដើរ D4YHNlqCpAy-00012-00006844-00007514 សម្ពាធជំវិញខ្លួនឃាត់ឃាំងរាំងដំណើរ D4YHNlqCpAy-00013-00007514-00008215 ផ្លូវត្រូវរួមគ្នាដើរសុទ្ធតែបន្លា D4YHNlqCpAy-00014-00008215-00008940 ហេតុអ្វីយើងបែកគ្នា​ទាំងនៅស្រលាញ់គ្នា D4YHNlqCpAy-00015-00008940-00009585 អនុស្សាគ្រប់គ្រាមិនទាន់លុបទៅណាទោះរយៈពេលខ្លី D4YHNlqCpAy-00016-00009585-00010279 ខ្លីតែមានន័យខ្លឹមសារ D4YHNlqCpAy-00017-00010279-00010947 មិនធ្លាប់គិតថាមានរឿងកើតឡើង D4YHNlqCpAy-00018-00010947-00011552 តើមានឳកាសទេជួបគ្នាម្តងទៀតទេ D4YHNlqCpAy-00019-00011552-00012341 អូនចង់មានបងក្បែរថែអូនដូចដើម D4YHNlqCpAy-00020-00012341-00013036 អាចអោបអូនបានទេអោបអូនដូចគ្នាយើងផ្តើម D4YHNlqCpAy-00021-00013036-00013666 ពិបាកដកដង្ហើមពេលដែលគ្មានបង D4YHNlqCpAy-00022-00013666-00014133 វិលមករកអូនវិញបានទេ...... D4YHNlqCpAy-00023-00016416-00016975 ស្នេហាក៏ឈានដើរមកដល់ផ្លូវកែង D4YHNlqCpAy-00024-00016975-00017718 ម្នាក់ទៅស្តាំទៅឆ្វេងបែកចែកផ្លូវគ្នាដើរ D4YHNlqCpAy-00025-00017718-00018384 សម្ពាធជំវិញខ្លួនឃាត់ឃាំងរាំងដំណើរ D4YHNlqCpAy-00026-00018384-00019062 ផ្លូវត្រូវរួមគ្នាដើរសុទ្ធតែបន្លា D4YHNlqCpAy-00027-00019062-00019725 ហេតុអ្វីយើងបែកគ្នា​ទាំងនៅស្រលាញ់គ្នា D4YHNlqCpAy-00028-00019725-00020794 អនុស្សាគ្រប់គ្រាមិនទាន់លុបទៅណាទោះរយៈពេលខ្លី D4YHNlqCpAy-00029-00020794-00021220 តែមានន័យខ្លឹមសារ D4YHNlqCpAy-00030-00021220-00021831 មិនធ្លាប់គិតថាមានរឿងកើតឡើង D4YHNlqCpAy-00031-00021831-00022547 តើមានឳកាសទេជួបគ្នាម្តងទៀតទេ D4YHNlqCpAy-00032-00022547-00023213 អូនចង់មានបងក្បែរថែអូនដូចដើម D4YHNlqCpAy-00033-00023213-00023888 អាចអោបអូនបានទេអោបអូនដូចគ្នាយើងផ្តើម D4YHNlqCpAy-00034-00023888-00024468 ពិបាកដកដង្ហើមពេលដែលគ្មានបង D4YHNlqCpAy-00035-00024468-00025184 វិលមករកអូនវិញបានទេ...... D5x53xj1Lho-00000-00000000-00001240 Wow, you're in full bloom today. You're D5x53xj1Lho-00001-00001240-00001760 brother Haru day D5x53xj1Lho-00002-00001760-00003130 in two days' time D5x53xj1Lho-00003-00003130-00004240 This is on the floor. D5x53xj1Lho-00004-00004240-00005320 running out of petals D5x53xj1Lho-00005-00005320-00005990 not that D5x53xj1Lho-00006-00005990-00008080 Central Park D5x53xj1Lho-00007-00008080-00008660 It's. D5x53xj1Lho-00008-00008660-00009240 because it changes D5x53xj1Lho-00009-00009240-00009655 Let's take a picture when we take a walk. D5x53xj1Lho-00010-00009655-00010070 we are D5x53xj1Lho-00011-00010070-00010910 Purjio Central Park Ah D5x53xj1Lho-00012-00010910-00012090 I think I'm laggard here. D5x53xj1Lho-00013-00012090-00014280 Let me show you some water. I'll show you some hibernation Dottie. D5x53xj1Lho-00015-00017330-00018860 to Seongnam D5x53xj1Lho-00017-00022840-00024620 a fantastic conversationalist D5x53xj1Lho-00018-00024620-00025240 The music hurts. D5x53xj1Lho-00019-00025240-00026489 in the wind D5x53xj1Lho-00020-00026489-00026920 Hello. Flying. D5x53xj1Lho-00021-00026920-00027350 Bucheon City D5x53xj1Lho-00022-00027350-00027720 This is Central Park. D5x53xj1Lho-00023-00027720-00028089 More D5x53xj1Lho-00024-00028089-00029320 Put the Central Park Furgio through the trees. D5x53xj1Lho-00025-00029320-00031039 on a tree D5x53xj1Lho-00026-00031039-00031570 It's windy. D5x53xj1Lho-00027-00031570-00032100 petals D5x53xj1Lho-00028-00032100-00033270 There's one. Short term. D5x53xj1Lho-00029-00033270-00033500 Mom's asleep and done with it. D5x53xj1Lho-00030-00033500-00035070 He looked at me, and he needed everything, spring. D5x53xj1Lho-00031-00035070-00036690 7 years old again D5x53xj1Lho-00032-00036690-00036954 This is the park I spoke to. D5x53xj1Lho-00033-00036954-00037220 Central Park D5x53xj1Lho-00034-00037220-00037633 It looks like a bluejio. D5x53xj1Lho-00035-00037633-00038046 The petals are flying. D5x53xj1Lho-00036-00038046-00038460 permanently D5x53xj1Lho-00037-00038460-00039290 The flowers have been caught. The requirements. D5x53xj1Lho-00038-00039290-00039970 a sign that may be D5x53xj1Lho-00039-00039970-00040530 Can I have a sign. D5x53xj1Lho-00040-00040530-00041310 Stick it on. D5x53xj1Lho-00041-00041310-00042120 Close. D5x53xj1Lho-00042-00042120-00042479 It's great to have these things in place. D5x53xj1Lho-00043-00042479-00042840 there is D5x53xj1Lho-00044-00042840-00043770 Take it with you. You're good. D5x53xj1Lho-00045-00043770-00045720 9,000 won D5x53xj1Lho-00046-00045720-00046310 Peaches were all old and symbolic. D5x53xj1Lho-00047-00046310-00047310 This is why we can't leave out. D5x53xj1Lho-00048-00047310-00047540 The weather in the jungle got better. D5x53xj1Lho-00049-00047540-00047870 I'm working out. D5x53xj1Lho-00050-00047870-00048200 falling off D5x53xj1Lho-00051-00048200-00049240 wide open D5x53xj1Lho-00052-00049240-00049835 It's open. D5x53xj1Lho-00053-00049835-00050430 This. D5x53xj1Lho-00054-00050430-00051710 a bit like this D5x53xj1Lho-00055-00051710-00053310 We have to take a picture. D5x53xj1Lho-00056-00053310-00054729 Pretty to the ground D5x53xj1Lho-00057-00054729-00055370 Is it formed or not? D5x53xj1Lho-00058-00055370-00055960 I didn't write down the other answers, but if I can't, I wrote it down like this. D5x53xj1Lho-00059-00055960-00056479 It's anything. D5x53xj1Lho-00060-00056479-00057000 welfare and flowers D5x53xj1Lho-00061-00057000-00057615 Write down your name, please. D5x53xj1Lho-00062-00057615-00058229 We D5x53xj1Lho-00063-00058229-00059310 We'll see everything. D5x53xj1Lho-00064-00059310-00059870 The camera. D5x53xj1Lho-00065-00059870-00060420 I hope you're here soon D5x53xj1Lho-00066-00060420-00061070 The goods will be here at 7:47 for Corona. D5x53xj1Lho-00067-00061070-00062120 He didn't come, so I sent him an e-mail. D5x53xj1Lho-00068-00062120-00063310 Like this, like this, like this. D5x53xj1Lho-00069-00063310-00064410 It comes out like this. D5x53xj1Lho-00070-00064410-00065020 Oh, it's coming out so clean. D5x53xj1Lho-00071-00065020-00065610 It's like a work of art between 102 and 501. D5x53xj1Lho-00072-00065610-00065875 They come down late in the afternoon. D5x53xj1Lho-00073-00065875-00066140 Calculation D5x53xj1Lho-00074-00066140-00068660 I think I'm done, so be careful with the bill. D5x53xj1Lho-00079-00092030-00092330 I can't see your face. Don't worry. D5x53xj1Lho-00080-00092330-00093610 Name D5x53xj1Lho-00082-00098030-00100270 I made a dandelion. D5x53xj1Lho-00083-00100270-00101840 Ring D5x53xj1Lho-00084-00101840-00102500 and I am D5x53xj1Lho-00085-00102500-00103170 Sing me a dung beetle song. D5x53xj1Lho-00086-00103170-00103309 at the end of the day D6Y1D_h-BzE-00000-00000160-00000802 [Music] D6Y1D_h-BzE-00001-00000824-00001045 So D6Y1D_h-BzE-00002-00001045-00002135 [Music] D6Y1D_h-BzE-00003-00002135-00002327 what are you about to face now... D6Y1D_h-BzE-00004-00002327-00002498 how ready are you for this step? D6Y1D_h-BzE-00005-00002498-00002656 [Music] D6Y1D_h-BzE-00006-00002656-00002872 the great challenge of this step is be D6Y1D_h-BzE-00007-00002872-00003096 present and ready D6Y1D_h-BzE-00008-00003096-00003288 now you are about to face your big D6Y1D_h-BzE-00009-00003288-00003584 journeys challenge or final assessment. D6Y1D_h-BzE-00010-00003584-00003776 but keep in mind that you are prepared D6Y1D_h-BzE-00011-00003776-00003952 for the final clash of deliveries in D6Y1D_h-BzE-00012-00003952-00004104 this course. D6Y1D_h-BzE-00013-00004104-00004304 you are confident enough to present the D6Y1D_h-BzE-00014-00004304-00004648 project to carry out a final exam. D6Y1D_h-BzE-00015-00004648-00004792 this can occur through a final D6Y1D_h-BzE-00016-00004792-00005160 assessment final quiz a last task or a D6Y1D_h-BzE-00017-00005160-00005445 final practical challenge of the course D6Y1D_h-BzE-00018-00005445-00005767 [Music] D6Y1D_h-BzE-00019-00005880-00006080 "I learned to accept challenges that I D6Y1D_h-BzE-00020-00006080-00006271 never thought to do before D6Y1D_h-BzE-00021-00006271-00006576 success and comfort cannot coexist." D6Y1D_h-BzE-00022-00006576-00007068 Ginny Rametti, President of IBM D6Y1D_h-BzE-00023-00007106-00007759 [Music] D6Y1D_h-BzE-00024-00007936-00008143 you D8TvYVqCQL0-00000-00000123-00000223 Road trip! D8TvYVqCQL0-00001-00000223-00000727 Little People, Big World‘s Amy Roloff and her new husband, Chris Marek, are planning D8TvYVqCQL0-00002-00000727-00001080 a huge adventure next year, In Touch has exclusively learned. D8TvYVqCQL0-00003-00001080-00001693 “Next June, we’re riding to Alaska and back,” Chris, 55, told fans while giving D8TvYVqCQL0-00004-00001693-00003250 a tour of Roloff Farms on Halloween, an attendee tells In Touch. D8TvYVqCQL0-00005-00003250-00003885 “He and Amy are going to do a trip on his motorcycle,” the insider says. D8TvYVqCQL0-00006-00003885-00004507 “He says it will be a little over 3,000 miles and should take just over three weeks.” D8TvYVqCQL0-00007-00004507-00004930 This won’t be Amy’s first time taking a ride with Chris — but it may be the couple’s D8TvYVqCQL0-00008-00004930-00005030 longest. D8TvYVqCQL0-00009-00005030-00005473 Previously, the pair have ridden through eastern Oregon, southern Idaho and took an eight-hour D8TvYVqCQL0-00010-00005473-00005825 trip to British Columbia, Canada. D8TvYVqCQL0-00011-00005825-00006313 Even the TLC star’s ex-husband, Matt Roloff, is a fan of Chris’ ride, putting the silver D8TvYVqCQL0-00012-00006313-00006784 Indian motorcycle on full display during this year’s pumpkin season in October. D8TvYVqCQL0-00013-00006784-00007352 “[When] your [ex]-wife’s new [husband] has a machine cooler [than] any of my machines[, D8TvYVqCQL0-00014-00007352-00007913 you] ask him to put it [up,] front and center for all to see,” Matt, 60, captioned a photo D8TvYVqCQL0-00015-00007913-00008283 of the motorcycle on Sunday, October 12. D8TvYVqCQL0-00016-00008283-00008788 The newlyweds, who married on Roloff Farms on August 28, also plan to spend their honeymoon D8TvYVqCQL0-00017-00008788-00008939 in Hawaii. D8TvYVqCQL0-00018-00008939-00009456 The insider tells In Touch that he and Amy, 57, plan to leave on November 9, the same D8TvYVqCQL0-00019-00009456-00009659 day their wedding special airs on TLC. D8TvYVqCQL0-00020-00009659-00010189 “He [said] they are pretty much winging it, but he is excited to go snorkeling,” D8TvYVqCQL0-00021-00010189-00010313 the source says. D8TvYVqCQL0-00022-00010313-00010568 “They’re going for about a week.” D8TvYVqCQL0-00023-00010568-00011238 Matt, 60, and Amy divorced in 2016 after nearly 30 years of marriage. D8TvYVqCQL0-00024-00011238-00011695 The exes share four children together: Jeremy and Zachary, Molly and Jacob. D8TvYVqCQL0-00025-00011695-00012096 While the former couple had their ups and downs, it seems that they have worked through D8TvYVqCQL0-00026-00012096-00012270 their issues. D8TvYVqCQL0-00027-00012270-00012660 Matt even built Amy and Chris a beautiful new barn on the property, where the couple D8TvYVqCQL0-00028-00012660-00012922 exchanged their vows. D8TvYVqCQL0-00029-00012922-00013441 Shortly after Amy filed for divorce in 2015, she met Chris at a pool party, though she D8TvYVqCQL0-00030-00013441-00013690 was nervous about entering the dating scene again. D8TvYVqCQL0-00031-00013690-00014166 “After I got divorced, I never thought I would be dating again but through the help D8TvYVqCQL0-00032-00014166-00014634 of friends, I met the most amazing man,” Amy said in a teaser for the wedding special. D8TvYVqCQL0-00033-00014634-00014997 “I’m surprised that I’m getting married again. D8TvYVqCQL0-00034-00014997-00015381 It is the one day that you just really wanna make special because it doesn’t last just D8TvYVqCQL0-00035-00015381-00015629 a day, it will hopefully last the rest of my life.” Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00000-00000000-00000574 We're located in the city of Richmond at our new research and teaching farm. Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00001-00000574-00000956 It's really exciting to carry out production agriculture in the middle of the city. Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00002-00000957-00001367 People are increasingly detached from where our food comes from and this Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00003-00001367-00001743 gives us an amazing opportunity to demonstrate what it looks like to put that land back Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00004-00001743-00002000 into production. Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00005-00002191-00002623 The seed lab is an opportunity for smaller organic growers to bring in Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00006-00002623-00003115 their seed lots. We can help them sort and clean seed as well as evaluate them Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00007-00003115-00003270 for quality. Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00008-00003340-00003664 Small-scale seed growers will have a lab that they can use that Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00009-00003664-00004135 makes sure that their seed is of the best quality and allows for them to grow Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00010-00004135-00004276 their businesses. Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00011-00004276-00004621 And the lab provides our students with a great opportunity to Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00012-00004621-00004792 learn about new technologies. Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00013-00004792-00005071 I'll be using the equipment in the seed lab for Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00014-00005071-00005437 my research project and I'll be using it to do things like weighing the sample, Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00015-00005437-00005770 storing the samples , holding them, so it really helps to have that work space for us. Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00016-00005912-00006223 We can do a lot of really important things when we work together with Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00017-00006223-00006711 growers, with retailers and consumers to really help build a sustainable food Dsi2YpaV_Uu-00018-00006712-00006826 system in our future DuVeJezZzl8-00000-00000000-00000200 A YouTube page. Dwrpnb3shek-00000-00000048-00000256 Why your waifu is trash. Dwrpnb3shek-00001-00000416-00000490 Because she is not real. Dwrpnb3shek-00002-00000690-00000797 None of them are. DyFShtzEZeo-00000-00000096-00000183 wode maya Dzd1hEdqtxM-00000-00000140-00000206 >> Announcer: NOW YOUR LOCAL Dzd1hEdqtxM-00001-00000206-00000213 >> Announcer: NOW YOUR LOCAL Dzd1hEdqtxM-00002-00000213-00000273 >> Announcer: NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS AT LAKELAND NEWS AT Dzd1hEdqtxM-00003-00000273-00000280 >> Announcer: NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS AT LAKELAND NEWS AT Dzd1hEdqtxM-00004-00000280-00000310 >> Announcer: NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS AT LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00005-00000310-00000316 SPORTS AT LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00006-00000316-00000533 SPORTS AT LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. >> Anthony: LAST YEAR, THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00007-00000533-00000540 10:00. >> Anthony: LAST YEAR, THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00008-00000540-00000697 10:00. >> Anthony: LAST YEAR, THE BEMIDJI STATE WOMEN'S SOCCER Dzd1hEdqtxM-00009-00000697-00000704 >> Anthony: LAST YEAR, THE BEMIDJI STATE WOMEN'S SOCCER Dzd1hEdqtxM-00010-00000704-00000930 >> Anthony: LAST YEAR, THE BEMIDJI STATE WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM HAD A SEASON TO REMEMBER, Dzd1hEdqtxM-00011-00000930-00000937 BEMIDJI STATE WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM HAD A SEASON TO REMEMBER, Dzd1hEdqtxM-00012-00000937-00001154 BEMIDJI STATE WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM HAD A SEASON TO REMEMBER, FINISHING THE SEASON UNBEATEN Dzd1hEdqtxM-00013-00001154-00001161 TEAM HAD A SEASON TO REMEMBER, FINISHING THE SEASON UNBEATEN Dzd1hEdqtxM-00014-00001161-00001404 TEAM HAD A SEASON TO REMEMBER, FINISHING THE SEASON UNBEATEN AND EARNING THEIR FIRST EVER BID Dzd1hEdqtxM-00015-00001404-00001411 FINISHING THE SEASON UNBEATEN AND EARNING THEIR FIRST EVER BID Dzd1hEdqtxM-00016-00001411-00001624 FINISHING THE SEASON UNBEATEN AND EARNING THEIR FIRST EVER BID TO THE NCAA TOURNAMENT. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00017-00001624-00001631 AND EARNING THEIR FIRST EVER BID TO THE NCAA TOURNAMENT. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00018-00001631-00001995 AND EARNING THEIR FIRST EVER BID TO THE NCAA TOURNAMENT. SPORTS DIRECTOR A.J. FELDMAN HAS Dzd1hEdqtxM-00019-00001995-00002001 TO THE NCAA TOURNAMENT. SPORTS DIRECTOR A.J. FELDMAN HAS Dzd1hEdqtxM-00020-00002001-00002085 TO THE NCAA TOURNAMENT. SPORTS DIRECTOR A.J. FELDMAN HAS MORE. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00021-00002085-00002092 SPORTS DIRECTOR A.J. FELDMAN HAS MORE. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00022-00002092-00002155 SPORTS DIRECTOR A.J. FELDMAN HAS MORE. >> Reporter: MOVING ON THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00023-00002155-00002162 MORE. >> Reporter: MOVING ON THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00024-00002162-00002272 MORE. >> Reporter: MOVING ON THE RECORD FOR THE PAST THREE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00025-00002272-00002278 >> Reporter: MOVING ON THE RECORD FOR THE PAST THREE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00026-00002278-00002465 >> Reporter: MOVING ON THE RECORD FOR THE PAST THREE SEASONS AND MASSED A QUALITY OF Dzd1hEdqtxM-00027-00002465-00002472 RECORD FOR THE PAST THREE SEASONS AND MASSED A QUALITY OF Dzd1hEdqtxM-00028-00002472-00002552 RECORD FOR THE PAST THREE SEASONS AND MASSED A QUALITY OF THER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00029-00002552-00002559 SEASONS AND MASSED A QUALITY OF THER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00030-00002559-00003019 SEASONS AND MASSED A QUALITY OF THER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. IF YOU LOOK AT OUR ROSTER, IT'S Dzd1hEdqtxM-00031-00003019-00003026 THER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. IF YOU LOOK AT OUR ROSTER, IT'S Dzd1hEdqtxM-00032-00003026-00003273 THER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. IF YOU LOOK AT OUR ROSTER, IT'S NOT JUST TALENT, IT'S Dzd1hEdqtxM-00033-00003273-00003279 IF YOU LOOK AT OUR ROSTER, IT'S NOT JUST TALENT, IT'S Dzd1hEdqtxM-00034-00003279-00003403 IF YOU LOOK AT OUR ROSTER, IT'S NOT JUST TALENT, IT'S HARDWORKING AND CHARACTER FILLED Dzd1hEdqtxM-00035-00003403-00003410 NOT JUST TALENT, IT'S HARDWORKING AND CHARACTER FILLED Dzd1hEdqtxM-00036-00003410-00003693 NOT JUST TALENT, IT'S HARDWORKING AND CHARACTER FILLED AND WHEN YOU ADD THOSE TOGETHER, Dzd1hEdqtxM-00037-00003693-00003700 HARDWORKING AND CHARACTER FILLED AND WHEN YOU ADD THOSE TOGETHER, Dzd1hEdqtxM-00038-00003700-00003977 HARDWORKING AND CHARACTER FILLED AND WHEN YOU ADD THOSE TOGETHER, YOU COME UP WITH A GOOD IN A AND Dzd1hEdqtxM-00039-00003977-00003983 AND WHEN YOU ADD THOSE TOGETHER, YOU COME UP WITH A GOOD IN A AND Dzd1hEdqtxM-00040-00003983-00004090 AND WHEN YOU ADD THOSE TOGETHER, YOU COME UP WITH A GOOD IN A AND PRETTY GOOD PRODUCT. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00041-00004090-00004097 YOU COME UP WITH A GOOD IN A AND PRETTY GOOD PRODUCT. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00042-00004097-00004270 YOU COME UP WITH A GOOD IN A AND PRETTY GOOD PRODUCT. >> Reporter: AS THE BEAVERS WERE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00043-00004270-00004277 PRETTY GOOD PRODUCT. >> Reporter: AS THE BEAVERS WERE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00044-00004277-00004474 PRETTY GOOD PRODUCT. >> Reporter: AS THE BEAVERS WERE PICKED SECOND IN THE PRE-SEASON Dzd1hEdqtxM-00045-00004474-00004481 >> Reporter: AS THE BEAVERS WERE PICKED SECOND IN THE PRE-SEASON Dzd1hEdqtxM-00046-00004481-00004754 >> Reporter: AS THE BEAVERS WERE PICKED SECOND IN THE PRE-SEASON POLL, THE HIGHEST IN THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00047-00004754-00004761 PICKED SECOND IN THE PRE-SEASON POLL, THE HIGHEST IN THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00048-00004761-00004864 PICKED SECOND IN THE PRE-SEASON POLL, THE HIGHEST IN THE PROGRAM'S HISTORY. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00049-00004864-00004871 POLL, THE HIGHEST IN THE PROGRAM'S HISTORY. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00050-00004871-00005031 POLL, THE HIGHEST IN THE PROGRAM'S HISTORY. >> PEOPLE ARE SCARED OF US, THAT Dzd1hEdqtxM-00051-00005031-00005038 PROGRAM'S HISTORY. >> PEOPLE ARE SCARED OF US, THAT Dzd1hEdqtxM-00052-00005038-00005281 PROGRAM'S HISTORY. >> PEOPLE ARE SCARED OF US, THAT CREATES A GOOD ENVIRONMENT Dzd1hEdqtxM-00053-00005281-00005288 >> PEOPLE ARE SCARED OF US, THAT CREATES A GOOD ENVIRONMENT Dzd1hEdqtxM-00054-00005288-00005412 >> PEOPLE ARE SCARED OF US, THAT CREATES A GOOD ENVIRONMENT COMPETITIVELY, I'M EXCITED FOR Dzd1hEdqtxM-00055-00005412-00005418 CREATES A GOOD ENVIRONMENT COMPETITIVELY, I'M EXCITED FOR Dzd1hEdqtxM-00056-00005418-00005605 CREATES A GOOD ENVIRONMENT COMPETITIVELY, I'M EXCITED FOR US TO SHOW THE CONFERENCE THAT Dzd1hEdqtxM-00057-00005605-00005612 COMPETITIVELY, I'M EXCITED FOR US TO SHOW THE CONFERENCE THAT Dzd1hEdqtxM-00058-00005612-00005909 COMPETITIVELY, I'M EXCITED FOR US TO SHOW THE CONFERENCE THAT WE HAVE STILL. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00059-00005909-00005915 US TO SHOW THE CONFERENCE THAT WE HAVE STILL. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00060-00005915-00006019 US TO SHOW THE CONFERENCE THAT WE HAVE STILL. >> Reporter: THE TOP FOUR GOAL Dzd1hEdqtxM-00061-00006019-00006026 WE HAVE STILL. >> Reporter: THE TOP FOUR GOAL Dzd1hEdqtxM-00062-00006026-00006302 WE HAVE STILL. >> Reporter: THE TOP FOUR GOAL SCORERS WILL USE THEIR SPEED TO Dzd1hEdqtxM-00063-00006302-00006309 >> Reporter: THE TOP FOUR GOAL SCORERS WILL USE THEIR SPEED TO Dzd1hEdqtxM-00064-00006309-00006519 >> Reporter: THE TOP FOUR GOAL SCORERS WILL USE THEIR SPEED TO OVERPOWER THEIR OPPONENT. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00065-00006519-00006526 SCORERS WILL USE THEIR SPEED TO OVERPOWER THEIR OPPONENT. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00066-00006526-00006759 SCORERS WILL USE THEIR SPEED TO OVERPOWER THEIR OPPONENT. >> WE HAVE FAST SPEED ON TOP, IN Dzd1hEdqtxM-00067-00006759-00006766 OVERPOWER THEIR OPPONENT. >> WE HAVE FAST SPEED ON TOP, IN Dzd1hEdqtxM-00068-00006766-00007026 OVERPOWER THEIR OPPONENT. >> WE HAVE FAST SPEED ON TOP, IN THE MIDDLE AND DEFENSIVELY, WITH Dzd1hEdqtxM-00069-00007026-00007033 >> WE HAVE FAST SPEED ON TOP, IN THE MIDDLE AND DEFENSIVELY, WITH Dzd1hEdqtxM-00070-00007033-00007477 >> WE HAVE FAST SPEED ON TOP, IN THE MIDDLE AND DEFENSIVELY, WITH OUR SPEED WE CAN PENETRATE THEIR Dzd1hEdqtxM-00071-00007477-00007484 THE MIDDLE AND DEFENSIVELY, WITH OUR SPEED WE CAN PENETRATE THEIR Dzd1hEdqtxM-00072-00007484-00007557 THE MIDDLE AND DEFENSIVELY, WITH OUR SPEED WE CAN PENETRATE THEIR DEFENSE. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00073-00007557-00007564 OUR SPEED WE CAN PENETRATE THEIR DEFENSE. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00074-00007564-00007694 OUR SPEED WE CAN PENETRATE THEIR DEFENSE. >> Reporter: NOW EVEN AS THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00075-00007694-00007701 DEFENSE. >> Reporter: NOW EVEN AS THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00076-00007701-00007987 DEFENSE. >> Reporter: NOW EVEN AS THE VETERAN OF THE STAFF, SHE'S NOT Dzd1hEdqtxM-00077-00007987-00007994 >> Reporter: NOW EVEN AS THE VETERAN OF THE STAFF, SHE'S NOT Dzd1hEdqtxM-00078-00007994-00008094 >> Reporter: NOW EVEN AS THE VETERAN OF THE STAFF, SHE'S NOT GETTING COMPLACENT. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00079-00008094-00008101 VETERAN OF THE STAFF, SHE'S NOT GETTING COMPLACENT. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00080-00008101-00008258 VETERAN OF THE STAFF, SHE'S NOT GETTING COMPLACENT. >> NEVER GOING TO GIVE UP, EVEN Dzd1hEdqtxM-00081-00008258-00008264 GETTING COMPLACENT. >> NEVER GOING TO GIVE UP, EVEN Dzd1hEdqtxM-00082-00008264-00008578 GETTING COMPLACENT. >> NEVER GOING TO GIVE UP, EVEN THOUGH I KNOW I HAVE A CERTAIN Dzd1hEdqtxM-00083-00008578-00008585 >> NEVER GOING TO GIVE UP, EVEN THOUGH I KNOW I HAVE A CERTAIN Dzd1hEdqtxM-00084-00008585-00008712 >> NEVER GOING TO GIVE UP, EVEN THOUGH I KNOW I HAVE A CERTAIN SPOT, YOU'RE NOT GUARANTEED Dzd1hEdqtxM-00085-00008712-00008718 THOUGH I KNOW I HAVE A CERTAIN SPOT, YOU'RE NOT GUARANTEED Dzd1hEdqtxM-00086-00008718-00008762 THOUGH I KNOW I HAVE A CERTAIN SPOT, YOU'RE NOT GUARANTEED ANYTHING. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00087-00008762-00008768 SPOT, YOU'RE NOT GUARANTEED ANYTHING. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00088-00008768-00009202 SPOT, YOU'RE NOT GUARANTEED ANYTHING. YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD FOR IT. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00089-00009202-00009209 ANYTHING. YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD FOR IT. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00090-00009209-00009322 ANYTHING. YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD FOR IT. >> Reporter: IT'S MOTIVATING THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00091-00009322-00009329 YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD FOR IT. >> Reporter: IT'S MOTIVATING THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00092-00009329-00009532 YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD FOR IT. >> Reporter: IT'S MOTIVATING THE TEAM TO MAKE IT RIGHT BACK. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00093-00009532-00009539 >> Reporter: IT'S MOTIVATING THE TEAM TO MAKE IT RIGHT BACK. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00094-00009539-00009829 >> Reporter: IT'S MOTIVATING THE TEAM TO MAKE IT RIGHT BACK. >> IT'S A GREAT EXPERIENCE, A Dzd1hEdqtxM-00095-00009829-00009836 TEAM TO MAKE IT RIGHT BACK. >> IT'S A GREAT EXPERIENCE, A Dzd1hEdqtxM-00096-00009836-00010070 TEAM TO MAKE IT RIGHT BACK. >> IT'S A GREAT EXPERIENCE, A COUPLE OF US GOT TATTOOS BECAUSE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00097-00010070-00010076 >> IT'S A GREAT EXPERIENCE, A COUPLE OF US GOT TATTOOS BECAUSE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00098-00010076-00010183 >> IT'S A GREAT EXPERIENCE, A COUPLE OF US GOT TATTOOS BECAUSE WE MADE HISTORY. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00099-00010183-00010190 COUPLE OF US GOT TATTOOS BECAUSE WE MADE HISTORY. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00100-00010190-00010470 COUPLE OF US GOT TATTOOS BECAUSE WE MADE HISTORY. WE WANT TO EARN OUR WAY INTO THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00101-00010470-00010477 WE MADE HISTORY. WE WANT TO EARN OUR WAY INTO THE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00102-00010477-00010754 WE MADE HISTORY. WE WANT TO EARN OUR WAY INTO THE TOURNAMENT, WIN OUR WAY. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00103-00010754-00010760 WE WANT TO EARN OUR WAY INTO THE TOURNAMENT, WIN OUR WAY. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00104-00010760-00011007 WE WANT TO EARN OUR WAY INTO THE TOURNAMENT, WIN OUR WAY. >> GIRLS' SPORTS ARE PICKING UP Dzd1hEdqtxM-00105-00011007-00011014 TOURNAMENT, WIN OUR WAY. >> GIRLS' SPORTS ARE PICKING UP Dzd1hEdqtxM-00106-00011014-00011291 TOURNAMENT, WIN OUR WAY. >> GIRLS' SPORTS ARE PICKING UP IN THE U.S. AND IT'S GREAT TO Dzd1hEdqtxM-00107-00011291-00011297 >> GIRLS' SPORTS ARE PICKING UP IN THE U.S. AND IT'S GREAT TO Dzd1hEdqtxM-00108-00011297-00011558 >> GIRLS' SPORTS ARE PICKING UP IN THE U.S. AND IT'S GREAT TO HAVE GIRLS LOOK UP TO US AS WELL Dzd1hEdqtxM-00109-00011558-00011564 IN THE U.S. AND IT'S GREAT TO HAVE GIRLS LOOK UP TO US AS WELL Dzd1hEdqtxM-00110-00011564-00011888 IN THE U.S. AND IT'S GREAT TO HAVE GIRLS LOOK UP TO US AS WELL AS AROUND THE CITY WHERE WE'RE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00111-00011888-00011895 HAVE GIRLS LOOK UP TO US AS WELL AS AROUND THE CITY WHERE WE'RE Dzd1hEdqtxM-00112-00011895-00011965 HAVE GIRLS LOOK UP TO US AS WELL AS AROUND THE CITY WHERE WE'RE FROM. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00113-00011965-00011971 AS AROUND THE CITY WHERE WE'RE FROM. Dzd1hEdqtxM-00114-00011971-00012358 AS AROUND THE CITY WHERE WE'RE FROM. >> Reporter: A.J. FELDMAN Dzd1hEdqtxM-00115-00012358-00012365 FROM. >> Reporter: A.J. FELDMAN Dzd1hEdqtxM-00116-00012365-00012388 FROM. >> Reporter: A.J. FELDMAN LAKELAND NEWS. DzCI5k6z8yk-00000-00000024-00000412 It’s not just investors who lose out when house prices fall. DzCI5k6z8yk-00001-00000413-00000690 The state governments also take a big hit. DzCI5k6z8yk-00002-00000690-00001252 You see, states get a big part of their revenue from transfer duty — commonly known as stamp DzCI5k6z8yk-00003-00001252-00001336 duty. DzCI5k6z8yk-00004-00001336-00001860 Transfer duty is a tax paid to a state government when property and cars are purchased. DzCI5k6z8yk-00005-00001860-00002388 With regard to my home state of Queensland — In December 2018, the Queensland Treasury DzCI5k6z8yk-00006-00002388-00002968 reported in their Mid Year Fiscal and Economic Review that they expected transfer duty revenue DzCI5k6z8yk-00007-00002968-00003276 to be down about $240 million. DzCI5k6z8yk-00008-00003276-00003415 They were way off. DzCI5k6z8yk-00009-00003415-00003934 New data suggests that the actual drop will be more than five times the initial estimate DzCI5k6z8yk-00010-00003934-00004328 — $1.32 billion to be precise. DzCI5k6z8yk-00011-00004328-00004716 The south-eastern state of Victoria will fare significantly worse. DzCI5k6z8yk-00012-00004716-00005106 It’s set to see a drop of about $2.4 billion. DzCI5k6z8yk-00013-00005106-00005573 But by far the worst performer will be the state of New South Wales, with an expected DzCI5k6z8yk-00014-00005573-00006014 drop of about $3.04 billion in transfer duty. DzCI5k6z8yk-00015-00006014-00006346 Of course, this is all thanks to the falling housing market. DzCI5k6z8yk-00016-00006346-00006842 Fewer sales and lower prices result in less revenue for state governments. DzCI5k6z8yk-00017-00006842-00007329 Queensland Treasurer, Jackie Trad, revealed these details in response to the Australian DzCI5k6z8yk-00018-00007329-00007778 Federal Government’s 2019 Budget released Tuesday night. DzCI5k6z8yk-00019-00007778-00007848 She said, DzCI5k6z8yk-00020-00007848-00008331 “The revenue impact of the downturn in housing markets is affecting state governments along DzCI5k6z8yk-00021-00008332-00008464 the east coast. DzCI5k6z8yk-00022-00008464-00008972 For Queensland, this is further exacerbated by a double hit to our GST revenue by the DzCI5k6z8yk-00023-00008972-00009113 Federal Government. DzCI5k6z8yk-00024-00009113-00009711 Queensland is expected to lose $560 million in GST revenue next year.” DzCI5k6z8yk-00025-00009712-00010232 Shadow Treasurer and Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Tim Mander, responded by saying, DzCI5k6z8yk-00026-00010232-00010382 “This is all about planning. DzCI5k6z8yk-00027-00010382-00010824 The Treasurer said herself that they knew 12 months ago that there might be a downturn. DzCI5k6z8yk-00028-00010824-00011124 How you plan for that is [by] making better estimates. DzCI5k6z8yk-00029-00011124-00011578 One billion dollars is a significant amount of money when our whole budget is around $58 DzCI5k6z8yk-00030-00011578-00011708 billion.” DzCI5k6z8yk-00031-00011708-00012180 A recent report by the Sydney Policy Lab titled, ‘Squeezing Services? DzCI5k6z8yk-00032-00012180-00012724 How the NSW Government can overcome its new fiscal constraints’, discusses the negative DzCI5k6z8yk-00033-00012724-00013168 impact of the housing downturn on the NSW Government’s revenue. DzCI5k6z8yk-00034-00013168-00013502 Co-author, Dr Gareth Bryant stated, DzCI5k6z8yk-00035-00013502-00014082 “The NSW Government needs to future-proof its budget for a post-housing boom economy. DzCI5k6z8yk-00036-00014082-00014594 The recent housing market slowdown has exposed the over-reliance of the state government DzCI5k6z8yk-00037-00014594-00014830 on revenue from stamp duty.” DzCI5k6z8yk-00038-00014830-00015341 The other co-author, Emeritus Professor Frank Stilwell, recommended the broadening of land DzCI5k6z8yk-00039-00015341-00015658 tax to include owner-occupied homes. DzCI5k6z8yk-00040-00015659-00015759 He stated, DzCI5k6z8yk-00041-00015759-00016238 “The NSW Government can no longer ignore the wealth stored in owner-occupied land as DzCI5k6z8yk-00042-00016238-00016584 a stable, fair and efficient source of revenue. DzCI5k6z8yk-00043-00016584-00017164 A broad-based land tax with appropriate safeguards would fund reductions in stamp duty for home DzCI5k6z8yk-00044-00017164-00017546 owners and provide additional funding for schools and hospitals. DzCI5k6z8yk-00045-00017546-00018072 With so many people locked out of home ownership altogether, removing owner-occupied exemptions DzCI5k6z8yk-00046-00018073-00018385 would also promote fairness in the tax system.” DzCI5k6z8yk-00047-00018385-00018896 According to the Australian Treasury’s review titled, ‘Australia’s Future Tax System’, DzCI5k6z8yk-00048-00018896-00019364 stamp duty is seen as a largely inefficient tax that should be gotten rid of. DzCI5k6z8yk-00049-00019364-00019464 It stated, DzCI5k6z8yk-00050-00019464-00019904 “Ideally, there is no place for stamp duty in a modern Australian tax system. DzCI5k6z8yk-00051-00019904-00020442 Stamp duties generate large efficiency costs, as they discourage turnover in property and DzCI5k6z8yk-00052-00020442-00020674 tax improvements as well as land. DzCI5k6z8yk-00053-00020674-00021202 The tax also imposes a higher burden on people who need to move, which is not equitable. DzCI5k6z8yk-00054-00021202-00021734 The only positive feature of stamp duty — its relative simplicity — has long since ceased DzCI5k6z8yk-00055-00021734-00022316 to justify its continued use in the face of the costs it imposes on Australian society.” DzCI5k6z8yk-00056-00022316-00022736 The review made recommendations to implement a broad-based land tax. DzCI5k6z8yk-00057-00022736-00022822 It stated, DzCI5k6z8yk-00058-00022823-00023341 “Along with natural resources, land tax is the only major tax that can be levied directly DzCI5k6z8yk-00059-00023341-00023510 on economic rent. DzCI5k6z8yk-00060-00023510-00024090 Shifting taxes away from mobile bases toward an immobile base, increases efficiency and DzCI5k6z8yk-00061-00024090-00024464 potentially leads to higher long-term economic growth. DzCI5k6z8yk-00062-00024464-00024980 Further, as land values tend to be correlated with growth in the economy and population, DzCI5k6z8yk-00063-00024980-00025378 land tax is well-suited to future demographic pressures. DzCI5k6z8yk-00064-00025378-00025866 Current land taxes should be reformed to make them more efficient and equitable.” DzCI5k6z8yk-00065-00025866-00026394 And finally, Professor Marc Stears, Director of the Sydney Policy Lab, showed concerns DzCI5k6z8yk-00066-00026394-00026597 for the future of NSW. DzCI5k6z8yk-00067-00026597-00026697 He stated, DzCI5k6z8yk-00068-00026697-00027091 “Behind the scenes, politicians of all parties will tell you that they’re worried about DzCI5k6z8yk-00069-00027091-00027418 the future of the public finances in NSW. DzCI5k6z8yk-00070-00027418-00027738 But there’s not been much talk of that in the current state election. DzCI5k6z8yk-00071-00027738-00028177 How are we going to continue to fund great public services, like schools and hospitals DzCI5k6z8yk-00072-00028177-00028314 in the future?” DzCI5k6z8yk-00073-00028314-00028395 So there you go. DzCI5k6z8yk-00074-00028395-00028756 A falling property market results in falling state revenue. DzCI5k6z8yk-00075-00028756-00028933 Is this an area for concern? DzCI5k6z8yk-00076-00028933-00029352 Should we introduce a broad-based land tax to include owner-occupiers? DzCI5k6z8yk-00077-00029352-00029712 Will a land tax counter the effects of a falling housing market? DzCI5k6z8yk-00078-00029712-00030006 Are state governments too reliant on stamp duty? DzCI5k6z8yk-00079-00030006-00030156 Let me know what you think below. D-rvg1ZBU8M-00000-00000000-00000486 guys this is Richard Welshytech thank you for coming back to another video this time we're D-rvg1ZBU8M-00001-00000486-00001560 looking at the 32 inch 4K 144hz monster which is the agon gaming Pro monitor from AOC now this D-rvg1ZBU8M-00002-00001560-00002538 is a high-end model it is true 4K the aspect ratio is a 16 by nine so it's the perfect aspect ratio D-rvg1ZBU8M-00003-00002538-00003558 the it is HDR but it's 400 it's 4 full 4K at 144 Hertz now I'm going to show you what's included in D-rvg1ZBU8M-00004-00003558-00004098 the box then we're going to get into some final details okay guys this is everything included D-rvg1ZBU8M-00005-00004098-00005022 except for the 280 watt power adapter now as you can see get rid of the disk it comes with all the D-rvg1ZBU8M-00006-00005022-00005940 connections you need it comes with display type c for charging HDMI manuals and extra accessories D-rvg1ZBU8M-00007-00005940-00006516 also have these sticky mounts for headset okay so you've seen what's in the include in the box so D-rvg1ZBU8M-00008-00006516-00007206 this monitor is about RGB I will make sure how to put something by here so you can actually see the D-rvg1ZBU8M-00009-00007206-00007806 RGB effect it's got RGB at the back of the Monitor and then it's got this RGB light at about Bottom D-rvg1ZBU8M-00010-00007806-00008694 by here what I'll say is the RGB is amazing I love the RGB but then again Richard from my stack I'm D-rvg1ZBU8M-00011-00008694-00009414 an RGB snob I love my RGB and as you can see this is basically the full agon setup I've got D-rvg1ZBU8M-00012-00009414-00010308 the AOC agon gaming keyboard the mouse the um mouse pad and then there's the monitor now the D-rvg1ZBU8M-00013-00010308-00011016 monitor doesn't have actual buttons on the monitor itself it comes with this dock by cure included D-rvg1ZBU8M-00014-00011016-00011832 which goes from USB at the top of here a microwave a micro USB and this is how you connect it like D-rvg1ZBU8M-00015-00011832-00012480 that I'm not a big fan of the interface and you know I prefer my monitor personally uh D-rvg1ZBU8M-00016-00012480-00013140 the it has a RGB or a light pressure that does Shine Down it says agon for gaming D-rvg1ZBU8M-00017-00013338-00014058 and what we'll do is I'm gonna show you a couple of uh a couple of gameplays I'll tell you my D-rvg1ZBU8M-00018-00014058-00014754 overall opinion okay now we got some Spiderman going the new one as you can see it looks gorgeous D-rvg1ZBU8M-00019-00014826-00015360 um this is actually my first time trying it with 4K I did try it with the uh Phillips monitor D-rvg1ZBU8M-00020-00015360-00015924 but this is obviously gonna be a different uh experience because this is basically a gaming D-rvg1ZBU8M-00021-00015924-00016866 oriented Monitor and first of all it feels smooth and I am at least getting 60 FPS this is a very D-rvg1ZBU8M-00022-00016866-00017430 demanding game when it comes to Ray tracing so Ray tracing they're all set and to set a high D-rvg1ZBU8M-00023-00017784-00018084 boom boom D-rvg1ZBU8M-00024-00019896-00020592 right so let's get some CS go because CS goes more of a uh fast-paced game so we'll be back D-rvg1ZBU8M-00025-00020664-00021318 okay we're gonna play some CS go now this should be automatic I I have played CS go D-rvg1ZBU8M-00026-00021396-00021924 um on the weekend I played it uh on Andy Rafael's uh Discord Channel D-rvg1ZBU8M-00027-00022122-00023280 uh it's unlocked see seconds uh video it is set to uh 3840 by 26 2160. it's all on high D-rvg1ZBU8M-00028-00023280-00024048 which for basically a very fast-paced game you don't really need it on high but because D-rvg1ZBU8M-00029-00024912-00025530 but this uh monitor well I mean I I must be getting loads of FPS right D-rvg1ZBU8M-00030-00025530-00025836 here I can I can really feel the responsiveness play here D-rvg1ZBU8M-00031-00026394-00026598 I can already feel the responsible here D-rvg1ZBU8M-00032-00027054-00027204 ah bugger D-rvg1ZBU8M-00033-00029616-00030132 all right that was just a warm up but right here we go this is it now D-rvg1ZBU8M-00034-00030330-00030942 uh as you can see the RGB illumination at the bottom is very nice I do like the RGB illumination D-rvg1ZBU8M-00035-00031374-00031518 ah bugger again D-rvg1ZBU8M-00036-00032928-00033606 guys if you want a gaming monitor this is a fantastic choice that is a shame that I can't D-rvg1ZBU8M-00037-00033606-00034380 keep it I would love to keep this moment of myself but it's got to go back to uh AOC so yeah look I D-rvg1ZBU8M-00038-00034380-00034866 hope you enjoyed this video this is a very good featured mod gaming monitor for me you'll see D-rvg1ZBU8M-00039-00034866-00035706 it's a very it's quite expensive but then again it is a gaming monitor it's 4K 144 Hertz so yeah D-rvg1ZBU8M-00040-00035706-00036150 like I hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to subscribe this is Richard Welshytech goodbye D-JIUgZCMaY-00024-00007380-00008054 This is a sacred island, so it was thought that you shouldn't go digging it up D-JIUgZCMaY-00025-00008054-00008273 So no one was farming here D-JIUgZCMaY-00026-00008274-00008606 But after WWII, since there was a shortage of food D-JIUgZCMaY-00027-00008606-00009086 people were allowed to farm here. D-JIUgZCMaY-00028-00009118-00009520 Here we have zucchini, the flowers are right there D-JIUgZCMaY-00029-00009520-00009828 but they really don't do too well in this heat. D-JIUgZCMaY-00030-00009920-00010119 We plant them around March D-JIUgZCMaY-00031-00010120-00010840 last month was the peak of harvest, we had tons of zucchini for the picking D-JIUgZCMaY-00032-00010886-00011280 I sort of feel like if we start to become famous or something, D-JIUgZCMaY-00033-00011280-00011790 then that probably means the world has finally gone crazy. D-JIUgZCMaY-00034-00011856-00012192 P: Like this is it, world, this is your last chance D-JIUgZCMaY-00037-00012470-00012894 The reason farming like this hasn't really taken off is because the current system is working for the country D-JIUgZCMaY-00038-00012894-00013132 and I think that's great. D-JIUgZCMaY-00039-00013158-00013832 We have crows, hawks, tanuki, and raccoons, D-JIUgZCMaY-00041-00013945-00014228 So you get veggies like this and you look at it and go, D-JIUgZCMaY-00042-00014228-00014710 "This was probably a tanuki or a raccoon" D-JIUgZCMaY-00043-00014710-00015528 Or so I thought, but then we had veggies up here with the same damages D-JIUgZCMaY-00044-00015528-00016084 Which means it was probably crows. D-JIUgZCMaY-00045-00016084-00016482 And when you think about it, the damages were likely caused by them pecking at it with their beaks D-JIUgZCMaY-00046-00016482-00016608 rather than by paws. D-JIUgZCMaY-00049-00016874-00017170 This is actually the first year we've have crow-related damages. D-JIUgZCMaY-00050-00017184-00017666 And this is our seventh year, so I suppose you could say a lot happens on the farm. D-JIUgZCMaY-00052-00017792-00018134 This itself is actually a seed. D-JIUgZCMaY-00053-00018134-00018702 We'll take the seeds we need for next year from here and plant them. D-JIUgZCMaY-00054-00018704-00019244 That's one of the main characteristics of our farming, harvesting seeds. D-JIUgZCMaY-00055-00019244-00019562 That way we can keep farming from generation to generation. D-JIUgZCMaY-00056-00019562-00020130 So since I'm a man, after harvesting, I would just buy new seeds and try to start from scratch again. D-JIUgZCMaY-00057-00020306-00020748 But my wife, being a woman, was like "why not just use the seeds you have already?" D-JIUgZCMaY-00058-00020748-00021043 And that's how we started harvesting seeds. D-JIUgZCMaY-00060-00021271-00021604 That's why I truly believe that women are the future, that's this is their time. D-JIUgZCMaY-00061-00021604-00021894 My time is over. D-JIUgZCMaY-00062-00021910-00022524 The bees come with all their pollen which comes from all different places D-JIUgZCMaY-00063-00022524-00023276 So this white guy here, and this one right here D-JIUgZCMaY-00066-00023910-00024168 And this guy over here, D-JIUgZCMaY-00067-00024168-00024620 they're both sort of mixed with other species. D-JIUgZCMaY-00068-00024620-00024768 They is a whole lot of variety. D-JIUgZCMaY-00071-00025794-00026254 There aren't a lot of thorns on this one but when you grow these older varieties of eggplants, D-JIUgZCMaY-00072-00026432-00026683 they have a ton of thorns on them. D-JIUgZCMaY-00073-00026920-00027424 So when you eat them you have to be careful or you'll actually hurt yourself. D-JIUgZCMaY-00074-00027518-00028164 But the reason they have these thorns it to protect themselves from predators D-JIUgZCMaY-00075-00028230-00028477 But even still, the crows usually get to them. D-JIUgZCMaY-00077-00029094-00029633 You can tell the quality of the field by what's growing in it. D-JIUgZCMaY-00078-00029662-00029925 It's actually quite plain to see. D-JIUgZCMaY-00079-00029926-00030392 So in our case, we let the weeds be weeds but at the same time, we want to raise vegetables. D-JIUgZCMaY-00080-00030392-00030630 So it's about finding balance between the two. D-JIUgZCMaY-00081-00030630-00030750 This year we've started to -- D-JIUgZCMaY-00082-00030826-00031086 if come over here, it's easier to see but-- D-JIUgZCMaY-00083-00031098-00031316 We alternate between a meter of vegetables D-JIUgZCMaY-00084-00031316-00031530 and a meter of weeds. D-JIUgZCMaY-00085-00031530-00031836 So that's a new thing we're trying this year. D-JIUgZCMaY-00086-00031848-00032149 Before it used to be just row after row of vegetables. D-JIUgZCMaY-00087-00032149-00032476 So we're only planting half of what we used to D-JIUgZCMaY-00088-00032476-00033038 but our crop yield is actually higher, at least it should be. D-JIUgZCMaY-00089-00033052-00033756 So, a lot of it is struggling with that innate human drive for more D-JIUgZCMaY-00090-00033788-00034272 Like, how much money does it take to live comfortably? D-JIUgZCMaY-00091-00034272-00034562 Or, so we're turning a profit, how much can we actually make? D-JIUgZCMaY-00092-00034562-00034844 Because there is a limit to how much you can make D-JIUgZCMaY-00093-00034844-00035108 and if you go over that, then what do you do? D-JIUgZCMaY-00094-00035108-00035610 So like you start fishing or maybe raising chickens so you can make yourself more self-sufficient. D-JIUgZCMaY-00095-00035610-00035857 That's the way I see it anyway. D-JIUgZCMaY-00096-00035858-00036138 With farming, work depends on the season: D-JIUgZCMaY-00097-00036138-00036348 this season might be busy but D-JIUgZCMaY-00098-00036348-00036630 there's not much to do in the winter. D-JIUgZCMaY-00100-00036756-00037032 So like if you're constantly talking about how busy farming is D-JIUgZCMaY-00101-00037032-00037322 your vegetables don't taste as good to the consumer. D-JIUgZCMaY-00102-00037322-00037562 So instead, I tell people how much fun farming it D-JIUgZCMaY-00103-00037562-00037910 and that you do actually have days off. D-JIUgZCMaY-00105-00037966-00038368 I think that's going to be the new way of working in this era D-JIUgZCMaY-00106-00038368-00038650 and I think it's better for the consumers too. D-JIUgZCMaY-00108-00038766-00039338 So I'm trying to turn this up-down business model into a sustainable flat business model. D-JIUgZCMaY-00109-00039338-00039526 So like with fallen leaves-- D-JIUgZCMaY-00110-00039526-00039894 You can use them to provide nutrients for the plants D-JIUgZCMaY-00111-00039894-00040210 but it will take a year or three years to break down. D-JIUgZCMaY-00112-00040210-00040422 Because they're pretty sturdy and everything. D-JIUgZCMaY-00113-00040464-00040694 Which means that D-JIUgZCMaY-00114-00040694-00040994 it's not an instantaneous thing; you can't just throw leaves down and expect overnight results. D-JIUgZCMaY-00115-00041000-00041298 But if you're patient and give it a year or three years D-JIUgZCMaY-00116-00041298-00041614 it'll become a solid foundation for your fields. D-JIUgZCMaY-00117-00041614-00042224 So that's what you can do in the off season, as it were. D-JIUgZCMaY-00118-00042224-00042650 Then when you're busy again, you won't have to mess with it. D-JIUgZCMaY-00119-00042650-00042792 That's the ideal. D-JIUgZCMaY-00120-00042890-00043238 I don't think of it in terms of difficult. D-JIUgZCMaY-00121-00043238-00043550 It's more like there are lots of things that D-JIUgZCMaY-00122-00043550-00043826 I just don't have the capability to do at the moment. D-JIUgZCMaY-00123-00043826-00044274 But there's probably nothing that's inherently difficult. D-JIUgZCMaY-00124-00044274-00044432 And if I think something's hard to do... D-JIUgZCMaY-00127-00044728-00044942 it probably has more to do with what's going on in my head. D-JIUgZCMaY-00129-00045412-00045800 So like if I'm more concerned with upping my profits or D-JIUgZCMaY-00130-00045800-00046074 thinking about how to produce more vegetables. D-JIUgZCMaY-00131-00046074-00046520 That kinda thing is difficult. D-JIUgZCMaY-00132-00046520-00046736 But I know what I can and can't do D-JIUgZCMaY-00133-00046736-00047050 and what my capabilities are D-JIUgZCMaY-00134-00047050-00047394 so as long as I work within those, I don't consider farming difficult. D-JIUgZCMaY-00136-00050932-00051420 This is called tsuru-murasaki or Indian spinach D-JIUgZCMaY-00137-00051420-00051876 It's got murasaki (purple) in the name but, as you can see, it's green D-JIUgZCMaY-00138-00051876-00052114 but there are purple ones as well. D-JIUgZCMaY-00139-00052324-00052494 J: and this is hijiki? D-JIUgZCMaY-00140-00052494-00052604 That's right. D-JIUgZCMaY-00141-00052674-00053538 These cucumbers were made from seeds we've been harvesting for five years. D-JIUgZCMaY-00142-00053541-00053808 Usually if you slice cucumbers this thin, D-JIUgZCMaY-00143-00053808-00054291 they turn into mush, but these guys are pretty hardy. D-JIUgZCMaY-00144-00054291-00054922 You can simmer them and bake them and they won't turn into mush. D-JIUgZCMaY-00145-00054929-00055260 If you use fertilizers to grow cucumbers, they grow really big really quickly. D-JIUgZCMaY-00146-00055260-00055820 So it's actually mostly water and it's not very dense. D-JIUgZCMaY-00147-00055820-00056016 But these cucumbers are different. D-JIUgZCMaY-00148-00056070-00056362 J: what about the eggplants? What's in this? D-JIUgZCMaY-00149-00056362-00056712 In the eggplants, there's mirin D-JIUgZCMaY-00150-00056763-00056863 and soy sauce. D-JIUgZCMaY-00151-00056960-00057412 You mix those in a 1:1 ratio and then your fry the eggplants and put them in the sauce. D-JIUgZCMaY-00152-00057412-00057800 The oils from frying the eggplants gives the sauce just the right amount of oil. D-JIUgZCMaY-00153-00057800-00058412 So it's a pretty good meal for the summertime. D-JIUgZCMaY-00154-00058412-00058638 J: it's really delicious! D-JIUgZCMaY-00155-00058638-00058870 J: how about these cucumbers here? D-JIUgZCMaY-00156-00058870-00059098 These are pickled cucumbers, so it's just vinegar and sugar. D-JIUgZCMaY-00157-00059098-00059260 P: you haven't sauteed or boiled these? D-JIUgZCMaY-00158-00059260-00059376 The cucumbers? D-JIUgZCMaY-00159-00059376-00059854 No, I just rubbed salt on them and then added the sugar and vinegar. D-JIUgZCMaY-00160-00059854-00060417 This is also just mirin and soy sauce. D-JIUgZCMaY-00161-00060417-00061316 But I've also added the plum vinegar from when I made these these umeboshi (pickled plums). D-JIUgZCMaY-00162-00061316-00061776 The onigiri (rice balls) also have plum vinegar in them as well. D-JIUgZCMaY-00163-00061817-00062478 It helps to keep the onigiri from spoiling in the summer. D-JIUgZCMaY-00164-00062478-00062632 So there's a little of that. D-JIUgZCMaY-00167-00064029-00064300 Kushinai (Chinese water spinach) -- the character for ku is empty (空), D-JIUgZCMaY-00168-00064300-00064705 shin is (芯) or stem, and sai is plant (菜). D-JIUgZCMaY-00169-00064705-00065066 The stem is actually hollow. D-JIUgZCMaY-00171-00065210-00065698 So it's a plant with an empty stem. D-JIUgZCMaY-00172-00065802-00066034 J: so this is kushinsai and basil? D-JIUgZCMaY-00174-00066848-00067162 J: this is 'moroheiya' (Jew's mallow) D-JIUgZCMaY-00175-00067162-00067489 It's a plant from Egypt. D-JIUgZCMaY-00176-00067489-00067822 Q: is there natto in this miso soup? D-JIUgZCMaY-00177-00067870-00068280 No, that slimy texture is from the moroheiya. D-JIUgZCMaY-00178-00068312-00068640 It's got a sort of viscous texture when you compare it to spinach. D-JIUgZCMaY-00180-00068924-00069580 It's like okra: kinda slimy but it's really hardy in the summertime. D-JIUgZCMaY-00181-00069604-00070302 I don't really know if people have pest problems or not but D-JIUgZCMaY-00182-00070302-00070728 it probably has to do with the land being unbalanced. D-JIUgZCMaY-00183-00070728-00071008 Like they're only making one kind of vegetable D-JIUgZCMaY-00184-00071008-00071276 so the pests that eat that vegetable will be concentrated there. D-JIUgZCMaY-00185-00071276-00071608 We definitely faced those kinds of difficulties, D-JIUgZCMaY-00186-00071608-00071888 and the reason for this is that I got greedy and D-JIUgZCMaY-00187-00071888-00072102 planted more than I should, and then you've got more pests. D-JIUgZCMaY-00188-00072102-00072486 That's something we dealt with in the past. D-JIUgZCMaY-00189-00072486-00072764 You need to keep a balanced mindset. D-JIUgZCMaY-00190-00072764-00073002 The minute I start to get greedy D-JIUgZCMaY-00191-00073002-00073430 or get too big for my britches D-JIUgZCMaY-00192-00073430-00073736 Mother Nature comes to put me in my place. D-JIUgZCMaY-00193-00073736-00073914 And I'm like "sorry!" D_UKDBnGWqQ-00000-00000863-00001215 music plays One of the most important, and hard to grasp D_UKDBnGWqQ-00001-00001215-00001669 concepts in CSS is the box model. D_UKDBnGWqQ-00002-00001669-00002277 I want to take a look here, and this is one of my favorite ways, I'm using the tool in D_UKDBnGWqQ-00003-00002277-00002816 firefox, that shows you what I'm working with here. D_UKDBnGWqQ-00004-00002816-00003478 So I'm on my page, D_UKDBnGWqQ-00005-00003478-00004450 And this is what the page looks like, and then I'm opening up the inspect element option D_UKDBnGWqQ-00006-00004450-00005226 which I love as a way to demonstrate the box model so all I have in here is an h1 tag and D_UKDBnGWqQ-00007-00005226-00005487 a couple of blank paragraph lines. D_UKDBnGWqQ-00008-00005487-00006112 So let's look at the code quickly for this is my webpage it's very simple so I've got D_UKDBnGWqQ-00009-00006112-00007118 my HTML document in the head section of I've got the CSS and my title, which I don't really D_UKDBnGWqQ-00010-00007118-00007218 care about. D_UKDBnGWqQ-00011-00007218-00007802 My CSS is what's really setting everything I set my font size for my H1 tag and in the D_UKDBnGWqQ-00012-00007802-00009165 h1 tag, all I have for the body are two empty blank lines and I have my h1 tag, which just D_UKDBnGWqQ-00013-00009165-00009343 says content. D_UKDBnGWqQ-00014-00009343-00009897 This is showing you that I sent my font size of the content here which is gems and I have D_UKDBnGWqQ-00015-00009897-00010343 done a text-align of center have been padding of 10 pixel. D_UKDBnGWqQ-00016-00010343-00011268 It grows larger if there's nothing else in the page so that it won't have anything if D_UKDBnGWqQ-00017-00011268-00011566 is nothing to the left of the right, it just expands to take the whole area, so that's D_UKDBnGWqQ-00018-00011566-00011668 not as important here. D_UKDBnGWqQ-00019-00011668-00012100 what is important here but setting the padding and setting the border in the confusing thing D_UKDBnGWqQ-00020-00012100-00012575 the most peoples which is the padding which is the border what are we looking at so here D_UKDBnGWqQ-00021-00012575-00013422 are going to look at this is my content in the middle here I've set a padding of 10 pixels D_UKDBnGWqQ-00022-00013422-00014151 and you can see the padding is between the content and the border the border is three D_UKDBnGWqQ-00023-00014151-00014719 pixels solid and that's just the color code for it so that our content has 10 pixels of D_UKDBnGWqQ-00024-00014719-00015466 padding the whole way around, a three pixel border, and then a 15 pixel margin that surrounds D_UKDBnGWqQ-00025-00015466-00015947 that it buffered between anything else that would put whatever the next element is always D_UKDBnGWqQ-00026-00015947-00016631 remember that its content between content and the border is the padding and the border D_UKDBnGWqQ-00027-00016631-00017173 than the margin and those are different ways to control the spacing between elements and D_UKDBnGWqQ-00028-00017173-00017745 I usually use this a lot especially in the div tags or around image tags to makes space D_UKDBnGWqQ-00029-00017745-00018298 with image tags I like set up at least a five pixel padding to make sure that everything D_UKDBnGWqQ-00030-00018298-00019055 is a little further away if you decide if I do decide to use a border on an image, I D_UKDBnGWqQ-00031-00019055-00019902 usually skip the padding and put the spacing between the border and the margin, that will D_UKDBnGWqQ-00032-00019902-00020501 give a margin to put spacing between the border and the next item on the page that's just D_UKDBnGWqQ-00033-00020501-00020784 a little basic explanation of the box model DDWwQGhAA6A-00000-00000129-00000921 Hey everyone, NeuroRebel here, and as an adult, I had a very large shift DDWwQGhAA6A-00001-00000986-00001425 in the way I think, and interact and experience with the world. DDWwQGhAA6A-00002-00001477-00001902 If you're a little bit curious about what this shift was, please, stay tuned. DDWwQGhAA6A-00003-00005509-00006139 When I found out that I was Autistic, at the age of 29, fairly late in life. DDWwQGhAA6A-00004-00006223-00006834 When I would tell people this newly discovered information, often they would DDWwQGhAA6A-00005-00006834-00007681 have a range of reactions, from not knowing how to respond, to disbelief. DDWwQGhAA6A-00006-00007726-00008131 The reaction of one of my childhood, best friends growing up... DDWwQGhAA6A-00007-00008194-00008626 "oh, okay, everything makes sense now!" DDWwQGhAA6A-00008-00008740-00009238 In my experience coming out, Autistic has been a lot like coming out Queer. DDWwQGhAA6A-00009-00009271-00009748 What I mean by this is you have to come out over and over and over again. DDWwQGhAA6A-00010-00009748-00010171 It is an endless process with each and every new person you meet. DDWwQGhAA6A-00011-00010179-00010410 If you choose to disclose that information. DDWwQGhAA6A-00012-00010500-00010569 The other thing DDWwQGhAA6A-00013-00010569-00010964 that is very similar is when you do disclose this information to people DDWwQGhAA6A-00014-00010964-00011448 who may have been close to you in your life, you may lose people. DDWwQGhAA6A-00015-00011497-00012159 That is because some people will be unable to accept this new information, DDWwQGhAA6A-00016-00012159-00012465 in relation to the way they think of you. DDWwQGhAA6A-00017-00012559-00012915 In my experience, there have been a few reasons people push back and DDWwQGhAA6A-00018-00012918-00013293 aren't willing to accept when I try to explain to them that I am Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00019-00013385-00014057 One reason, often, is they don't have a clear understanding of what autism is DDWwQGhAA6A-00020-00014057-00014279 and what Autistic people look like. DDWwQGhAA6A-00021-00014384-00015080 People tend to have a very narrow, preconceived, idea of DDWwQGhAA6A-00022-00015080-00015329 what it means to be Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00023-00015347-00016121 That idea may not match the person that is standing in front of them, because DDWwQGhAA6A-00024-00016127-00016609 representation of Autistic people has been very limited in the media and even now.. DDWwQGhAA6A-00025-00016701-00016957 I look at what we've got going on, it's not great, if we're honest. DDWwQGhAA6A-00026-00017056-00017518 Something else that I've seen happen, when an Autistic person is DDWwQGhAA6A-00027-00017518-00018094 explaining their experience of what it is like to be Autistic, you may DDWwQGhAA6A-00028-00018094-00018589 hear, someone's say, "Oh, well, doesn't everybody experience that?" DDWwQGhAA6A-00029-00018589-00018787 or "Everybody feels that". DDWwQGhAA6A-00030-00018838-00019165 One I really hate is "Isn't everybody a little Autistic these days?" DDWwQGhAA6A-00031-00019219-00019360 Ooh, ouch. DDWwQGhAA6A-00032-00019420-00019465 No. DDWwQGhAA6A-00033-00019520-00019724 Everybody is not a little Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00034-00019724-00019886 There is no little Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00035-00019892-00020120 Autistic is a yes or no checkbox. DDWwQGhAA6A-00036-00020213-00020426 You are, or you are not Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00037-00020579-00021236 Years ago, many years ago, long before I was diagnosed and found out DDWwQGhAA6A-00038-00021236-00021746 I was Autistic, I remember sitting and listening to a woman sharing DDWwQGhAA6A-00039-00021746-00022001 about the fact that she was Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00040-00022055-00022418 I'm glad I kept my mouth shut and didn't share my thoughts out loud. DDWwQGhAA6A-00041-00022467-00022950 I remember thinking, as she shared her experience of what it was like DDWwQGhAA6A-00042-00022950-00023241 to be an Autistic person, "Well, it doesn't everybody's stories that?" DDWwQGhAA6A-00043-00023241-00023277 "Well, yeah. DDWwQGhAA6A-00044-00023278-00023350 I experienced that too? DDWwQGhAA6A-00045-00023350-00023450 Yeah, I experienced that too. DDWwQGhAA6A-00046-00023453-00023545 I experienced that too. DDWwQGhAA6A-00047-00023553-00023697 I mean, everybody experiences that, right?" DDWwQGhAA6A-00048-00024020-00024392 I didn't know I was Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00049-00024538-00025264 Not everybody experiences those things, but I didn't know that back then. DDWwQGhAA6A-00050-00025393-00025999 So someone else, recently, that had told me, "well, everybody experiences DDWwQGhAA6A-00051-00025999-00026161 that or doesn't everybody do that?" DDWwQGhAA6A-00052-00026328-00026714 Who I know, told me this, when I came out, and tried to tell them I was Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00053-00026807-00027271 I won't out this person, but now they, themselves, have disclosed DDWwQGhAA6A-00054-00027271-00027520 that they are also Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00055-00027562-00027946 So I know two people now who have made these comments. DDWwQGhAA6A-00056-00027973-00028168 "Well, doesn't everybody experience that?" DDWwQGhAA6A-00057-00028255-00028507 Who have then later identified to be Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00058-00028543-00028741 I'll leave you to think about that for yourself. DDWwQGhAA6A-00059-00028891-00029479 I would say that out of all of the reactions, to my disclosing of my late DDWwQGhAA6A-00060-00029491-00030184 autism diagnosis at the age of 29, my childhood best friend's response DDWwQGhAA6A-00061-00030238-00030457 was probably one of my favorites. DDWwQGhAA6A-00062-00030607-00031384 When she said, "Oh, suddenly everything makes sense" I didn't have the need to DDWwQGhAA6A-00063-00031384-00031834 now justify what I had just divulged. DDWwQGhAA6A-00064-00031892-00032366 Many other responses, such as "I'd never guessed", or "you don't look DDWwQGhAA6A-00065-00032366-00033048 autistic" or, "but you must be so high functioning" left me needing to DDWwQGhAA6A-00066-00033048-00033747 do further explaining, because these responses seem to portray doubt. DDWwQGhAA6A-00067-00033942-00034095 That is one difference. DDWwQGhAA6A-00068-00034110-00034497 I want to notate between coming out Autistic or Neurodivergent DDWwQGhAA6A-00069-00034542-00034695 and coming out Queer. DDWwQGhAA6A-00070-00034821-00035292 When I've come out in the past as a Queer person, people don't typically DDWwQGhAA6A-00071-00035295-00035747 question it - tell me that they "would never have guessed" they "don't believe DDWwQGhAA6A-00072-00035747-00036098 it" or "that I don't look Queer". DDWwQGhAA6A-00073-00036245-00036695 For some reason, people feel like these responses are appropriate DDWwQGhAA6A-00074-00036710-00037007 when you disclose being Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00075-00037101-00037305 I think that has a lot to do with stigma. DDWwQGhAA6A-00076-00037350-00037632 We still have a lot of stigma around being Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00077-00037662-00038070 When you tell someone you are Autistic, right now, a lot of people are going DDWwQGhAA6A-00078-00038070-00038472 to automatically assume that is a bad thing, because that's what they've DDWwQGhAA6A-00079-00038472-00038781 heard - "being Autistic is a bad thing". DDWwQGhAA6A-00080-00038814-00039264 They've heard that having Autistic child is a bad thing, because that DDWwQGhAA6A-00081-00039264-00039723 is what the message of the mainstream media has been saying for so long. DDWwQGhAA6A-00082-00039808-00040397 You share "I'm Autistic" and someone says, "Oh no, you're DDWwQGhAA6A-00083-00040397-00040628 not, I wouldn't have guessed". DDWwQGhAA6A-00084-00040628-00041179 Because they think you are saying something bad about yourself. DDWwQGhAA6A-00085-00041234-00041672 When we hear people self-deprecating, even though that's not what we're doing, DDWwQGhAA6A-00086-00041672-00042185 when we share that we are Autistic, a lot of society's instinct and cultural DDWwQGhAA6A-00087-00042185-00042449 instinct is to tell the person, "Oh, there's nothing wrong with you. DDWwQGhAA6A-00088-00042449-00042978 You're not broken" - assuming that Autistic people are broken. DDWwQGhAA6A-00089-00043192-00043333 We're not broken. DDWwQGhAA6A-00090-00043437-00043557 I didn't always know that. DDWwQGhAA6A-00091-00043653-00043992 I didn't always know that Autistic people are not broken. DDWwQGhAA6A-00092-00044037-00044358 I didn't always know that I was not broken. DDWwQGhAA6A-00093-00044389-00044910 My childhood best friend reminded me of this, when she shared her DDWwQGhAA6A-00094-00044910-00045495 thoughts about why, when I disclosed the fact that I was Autistic, she DDWwQGhAA6A-00095-00045495-00045760 said " that made everything make sense." DDWwQGhAA6A-00096-00045907-00046657 My friend said, "I remember when you were younger and you couldn't DDWwQGhAA6A-00097-00046660-00047281 do anything, but now I've seen you evolve into a totally new person. DDWwQGhAA6A-00098-00047401-00047803 Who is able to do just about anything they set their minds to. DDWwQGhAA6A-00099-00047995-00048364 It's been wonderful to see you grow and evolve over the years." DDWwQGhAA6A-00100-00048487-00049036 It was a sweet and wonderful thing to hear, but it also cut like a knife. DDWwQGhAA6A-00101-00049084-00049696 It was a very double-edged statement because it sent me back DDWwQGhAA6A-00102-00049744-00050053 to that place when I was younger. DDWwQGhAA6A-00103-00050191-00050638 And I remember feeling very powerless. DDWwQGhAA6A-00104-00050830-00051628 When I was a small person, a little Autistic, literally, I had DDWwQGhAA6A-00105-00051628-00052087 no idea what I was capable of. DDWwQGhAA6A-00106-00052222-00052821 I was very focused on all of the things I lacked. DDWwQGhAA6A-00107-00052828-00053290 My weaknesses were magnified to me. DDWwQGhAA6A-00108-00053386-00054175 My mindset was very different than how it is right now, as an adult. DDWwQGhAA6A-00109-00054270-00054984 One of my biggest skills is being a good problem solver. DDWwQGhAA6A-00110-00055154-00055631 I want to talk about why I am such a good problem solver, because this is another DDWwQGhAA6A-00111-00055631-00055979 one of those double-edged problems. DDWwQGhAA6A-00112-00056006-00056246 Gifts, curses, which is it? DDWwQGhAA6A-00113-00056282-00056477 Well, it depends on how you look at it. DDWwQGhAA6A-00114-00056495-00056906 There's duality, like with many things in the Autistic experience. DDWwQGhAA6A-00115-00056969-00057575 On one hand, yes, I am an excellent problem solver, but that comes from the DDWwQGhAA6A-00116-00057575-00057904 fact that I am unable to let things go. DDWwQGhAA6A-00117-00058054-00058534 When there's a problem in my head, I can't stop thinking about it. DDWwQGhAA6A-00118-00058628-00058955 It's going to be in my head until I solve it. DDWwQGhAA6A-00119-00059057-00059702 There is a drive to solve the problem that makes me a good problem solver, DDWwQGhAA6A-00120-00059804-00060510 but also can be really hard when I want to put something down and it is DDWwQGhAA6A-00121-00060512-00060929 just here and it won't leave me alone. DDWwQGhAA6A-00122-00060959-00061589 The other thing that makes me a really good problem solver, that kind of can DDWwQGhAA6A-00123-00061589-00062522 suck a little bit, from my experience as a human, is that I tend to look around DDWwQGhAA6A-00124-00062585-00062915 and see problems that needs to be solved. DDWwQGhAA6A-00125-00063005-00063155 "Oh, yeah, that sounds great. DDWwQGhAA6A-00126-00063155-00063329 You see problems that need to be solved." DDWwQGhAA6A-00127-00063533-00064155 It's great, unless you see problems everywhere you look, so you're constantly DDWwQGhAA6A-00128-00064155-00064659 looking around, seeing all the problems in life and focusing on all the things DDWwQGhAA6A-00129-00064713-00065457 that need to be fixed nonstop, because you can't stop thinking about the problems DDWwQGhAA6A-00130-00065457-00065706 you see, and you see so many problems. DDWwQGhAA6A-00131-00065792-00066290 It's easy to get in a point where problems can be all that you think about. DDWwQGhAA6A-00132-00066374-00066905 At the point in my life that my childhood friend was speaking of, DDWwQGhAA6A-00133-00066947-00067759 when I was a literal little child, Autistic, I was in that place where DDWwQGhAA6A-00134-00067765-00068200 all I could see were problems. DDWwQGhAA6A-00135-00068297-00069089 I was completely overwhelmed and bogged down with the problems, so much so that DDWwQGhAA6A-00136-00069089-00069584 I couldn't see any of the possibilities. DDWwQGhAA6A-00137-00069660-00070199 All of the problems left, no room for possibilities. DDWwQGhAA6A-00138-00070356-00071279 This is one of the main reasons I say it is so, incredibly, important that, when we DDWwQGhAA6A-00139-00071279-00071882 are working with Autistic young people, or if you are someone who works with Autistic DDWwQGhAA6A-00140-00071882-00072491 people in general, you help them focus on their strengths and what they are good at. DDWwQGhAA6A-00141-00072544-00073147 I, personally, know the pain and trouble that can be brought around DDWwQGhAA6A-00142-00073198-00073921 from only focusing, or focusing too heavily, and getting stuck, thinking DDWwQGhAA6A-00143-00073921-00074092 about everything you're bad at. DDWwQGhAA6A-00144-00074239-00074773 Before I learned I was Autistic, in my mid twenties, I was going DDWwQGhAA6A-00145-00074773-00074893 through a little bit of a... DDWwQGhAA6A-00146-00074980-00075385 I don't want to say midlife crisis, cause it wasn't midlife, but a life crisis; DDWwQGhAA6A-00147-00075406-00076036 where I realized things weren't working for me very well and I wasn't truly DDWwQGhAA6A-00148-00076036-00076282 happy with a lot of things in my life. DDWwQGhAA6A-00149-00076417-00077202 I started searching for answers and trying to find ways to be happier. DDWwQGhAA6A-00150-00077367-00077981 The ways of thinking, the "I can'ts" and living in fear, being afraid to try new DDWwQGhAA6A-00151-00077981-00078517 things, I identified as hindering my life. DDWwQGhAA6A-00152-00078721-00079234 I started making efforts to change the way I think. DDWwQGhAA6A-00153-00079426-00080461 Instead of being stopped, cold in my tracks, afraid to try, stuck behind what DDWwQGhAA6A-00154-00080461-00080851 could go wrong, I started pushing myself. DDWwQGhAA6A-00155-00081005-00081401 When these, "what could go wrong" or "what if this goes wrong" or "you'll DDWwQGhAA6A-00156-00081401-00081983 never succeed" thoughts came in, I remember starting to talk to myself and DDWwQGhAA6A-00157-00081983-00082344 saying, "yeah, but what if I succeed?" DDWwQGhAA6A-00158-00082422-00082887 What if it goes right? DDWwQGhAA6A-00159-00083212-00084133 I've had to learn, when I start to get worried about failure, to DDWwQGhAA6A-00160-00084133-00084464 imagine what success could look like. DDWwQGhAA6A-00161-00084711-00085387 I've learned sometimes things do take me longer to achieve -may take me longer DDWwQGhAA6A-00162-00085387-00085990 to learn something that it takes someone else, but eventually, I can learn most DDWwQGhAA6A-00163-00085990-00086268 things if I really put my mind to it. DDWwQGhAA6A-00164-00086383-00086918 I didn't know this when I was that little child Autistic who DDWwQGhAA6A-00165-00086918-00087062 didn't believe in themselves. DDWwQGhAA6A-00166-00087244-00087970 I've learned to believe in myself more through my small successes, even if many DDWwQGhAA6A-00167-00087970-00088444 of them were long and slow to achieve. DDWwQGhAA6A-00168-00088577-00089141 Being and growing up and entering the workforce as an undiagnosed DDWwQGhAA6A-00169-00089141-00089823 undiscovered, Autistic adult meant I had to go through many avenues in life, in DDWwQGhAA6A-00170-00089823-00090396 nontraditional ways, sometimes taking the long way around, but that's okay. DDWwQGhAA6A-00171-00090474-00090597 My way is different. DDWwQGhAA6A-00172-00090645-00091167 It's not the way everyone else does things, but that doesn't make it wrong. DDWwQGhAA6A-00173-00091359-00092286 We need to make a shift when talking about Autistic people, we DDWwQGhAA6A-00174-00092286-00092613 need to empower Autistic people. DDWwQGhAA6A-00175-00092702-00093191 We need to focus on what Autistic people can do. DDWwQGhAA6A-00176-00093290-00094079 We've already spent enough years talking about the problems, focusing on struggles. DDWwQGhAA6A-00177-00094160-00094718 If you would ask anyone to only focus on their struggles, eventually DDWwQGhAA6A-00178-00094754-00094931 that would really wear them down. DDWwQGhAA6A-00179-00095060-00095243 This is oppressive. DDWwQGhAA6A-00180-00095297-00095884 In fact, it's a tactic that sometimes used in coercion, manipulation, DDWwQGhAA6A-00181-00095884-00096322 and mind control -to make people believe they are lesser people, DDWwQGhAA6A-00182-00096358-00096830 incapable people, people that will never be able to amount to anything. DDWwQGhAA6A-00183-00096937-00097343 Throughout the history and cultures and societies, these are things DDWwQGhAA6A-00184-00097343-00097535 we've done to oppress people. DDWwQGhAA6A-00185-00097712-00098114 Whether or not it's been done intentionally, this focus entirely DDWwQGhAA6A-00186-00098114-00098480 on weaknesses and what Autistic people can and can't do, how Autistic DDWwQGhAA6A-00187-00098480-00099472 people fall short, when compared to non-Autistic people is a huge injustice. DDWwQGhAA6A-00188-00099509-00100211 Whether it is intentional or not, we're putting Autistic people in mental cages. DDWwQGhAA6A-00189-00100268-00101015 We're putting them in boxes and telling them not to dream or hope. DDWwQGhAA6A-00190-00101125-00101780 But there is hope, and you can dream and you can break out of this mental box. DDWwQGhAA6A-00191-00101843-00102149 It is a box you never should have been put in in the first place. DDWwQGhAA6A-00192-00102213-00102842 It is a box that we must destroy and stop putting autistic young DDWwQGhAA6A-00193-00102842-00103465 people into, forcing them to work hard, trying to find a way out. DDWwQGhAA6A-00194-00103651-00103882 The box is the neuro-typical box. DDWwQGhAA6A-00195-00103906-00103999 We are Autistic. DDWwQGhAA6A-00196-00104059-00104464 Our box should be a completely different shape, if we should be boxed in at all. DDWwQGhAA6A-00197-00104542-00104773 Why do we need to put people in boxes? DDWwQGhAA6A-00198-00104782-00105265 Why can't we just let people exist and be free, without pushing them DDWwQGhAA6A-00199-00105265-00105448 to be something they are not? DDWwQGhAA6A-00200-00105514-00105877 Okay that got intense really quickly. DDWwQGhAA6A-00201-00105883-00105979 Thank you so much. DDWwQGhAA6A-00202-00105987-00106416 If you enjoyed this longer video, give me a thumbs up, because I didn't DDWwQGhAA6A-00203-00106416-00106602 mean for this talk to be this long. DDWwQGhAA6A-00204-00106617-00106737 It just kind of happened. DDWwQGhAA6A-00205-00106738-00106945 If you enjoy that long video, let me know. DDWwQGhAA6A-00206-00106987-00107725 Also, if you have topics, requests, suggestions, questions, for a future DDWwQGhAA6A-00207-00107782-00108490 upcoming video, or maybe I'll do a live if I get enough questions, drop those below. DDWwQGhAA6A-00208-00108496-00108817 Drop your questions, drop your suggestions, drop your comments. DDWwQGhAA6A-00209-00108820-00108928 I do this for you. DDWwQGhAA6A-00210-00108928-00109219 I couldn't do it without your guidance and help. DDWwQGhAA6A-00211-00109270-00109672 Also a very special thank you to the NeuroRebel subscribers. DDWwQGhAA6A-00212-00109672-00110308 Whether you're subscribing on Facebook, YouTube, or Patreon, those subscribers, DDWwQGhAA6A-00213-00110308-00110842 who do pay that little to be a part of supporting the work that I do of DDWwQGhAA6A-00214-00110842-00111260 the Neurodivergent Rebel Blog, gain access to videos like this one early, DDWwQGhAA6A-00215-00111260-00111579 before they are released to the public. DDWwQGhAA6A-00216-00111710-00112081 It's just a very small, thank you for those of you who do help DDWwQGhAA6A-00217-00112110-00112758 support the blog monetarily, to help meet continuously create and DDWwQGhAA6A-00218-00112758-00113026 put out this high quality content. DDWwQGhAA6A-00219-00113044-00113176 I really couldn't do it without you. DDWwQGhAA6A-00220-00113200-00113281 Thank you so much. DDWwQGhAA6A-00221-00113283-00113338 Thank you. DDWwQGhAA6A-00222-00113353-00113788 Whether you're subscribing, whether you are commenting, whether you're sharing. DDWwQGhAA6A-00223-00113839-00114490 Whatever you're doing, I am so grateful you are here in the NeuroRebel DDWwQGhAA6A-00224-00114571-00114820 WebSphere, and that you have found me. DDWwQGhAA6A-00225-00114829-00114931 I am grateful for you. DDWwQGhAA6A-00226-00114931-00115018 Thank you so much. DDWwQGhAA6A-00227-00115021-00115161 I will talk to you next Wednesday! DDWwQGhAA6A-00228-00115416-00116445 Bye internet humans! DDWwQGhAA6A-00229-00116445-00116507 Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye! DEyzsqc4q2k-00000-00000459-00000880 (BlindWiki: Unveiling the Unseen) DEyzsqc4q2k-00001-00001300-00002098 (In Venice, since February 2017, a group of 55 citizens with vision loss, students and volunteers, DEyzsqc4q2k-00002-00002116-00002438 employ smartphones to share their own urban experience, DEyzsqc4q2k-00003-00002454-00002858 by posting geolocated audio recordings on the BlindWiki platform.) DEyzsqc4q2k-00004-00002982-00003720 (This video documents the process of BlindWiki citizen cartography and the resulting collective soundscape, DEyzsqc4q2k-00005-00003770-00004296 designated by the most popular tags published by the participants themselves.) DEyzsqc4q2k-00006-00004356-00004782 (Giulia walking with her white cane along Campo Santa Margherita) DEyzsqc4q2k-00007-00005028-00005230 (Giulia says in Marciana library) DEyzsqc4q2k-00008-00005254-00006182 My name is Giulia Oblach. I’m from Spilimbergo, a small town in the Pordenone area. DEyzsqc4q2k-00009-00006200-00006992 I’m 22 years old, and I just finished a degree in Cultural Mediation at the University of Udine. DEyzsqc4q2k-00010-00007004-00007308 Now I work with BlindWiki. DEyzsqc4q2k-00011-00008180-00008506 (Giulia is recording a post in Frari area) just as you explore the city with the DEyzsqc4q2k-00012-00008722-00009330 As you explore the city with the tip of your cane, you’ll see that there are steps DEyzsqc4q2k-00013-00009362-00010162 leading straight into the water: you’re by a barcarizzo [mooring steps]. DEyzsqc4q2k-00014-00010236-00010658 When you’re in this area, pay attention to the stop signs, DEyzsqc4q2k-00015-00010714-00011112 because the gate should be closed but sometimes it isn’t. DEyzsqc4q2k-00016-00011132-00011420 If it’s open, make sure to stop. DEyzsqc4q2k-00017-00011508-00011678 (Stefano says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00018-00011722-00012432 Barcarizzi [mooring steps] are stairs you use to board boats in the canal. DEyzsqc4q2k-00019-00012432-00013041 Barcarizzi are dangerous, and I think of them as “killer steps”, DEyzsqc4q2k-00020-00013078-00013708 because for blind people – and others – they could cause plenty of trouble. DEyzsqc4q2k-00021-00013726-00013860 (Laura says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00022-00013876-00014190 There’s a big barcarizzo behind me. DEyzsqc4q2k-00023-00014240-00014747 This one has lots of steps and it‘s really dangerous for us, DEyzsqc4q2k-00024-00014766-00015141 so I’m very careful not to move around too much. DEyzsqc4q2k-00025-00015240-00015568 (Images of dangerous mooring steps) DEyzsqc4q2k-00026-00021218-00022040 I’m Marta. I live in Verona and study Visual Arts at the IUAV University in Venice. DEyzsqc4q2k-00027-00022364-00022998 I’ve mostly tagged hazards that I see, but that might not be obvious to others. DEyzsqc4q2k-00028-00023302-00023478 (Rossana says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00029-00023498-00023966 I’m on top of the Calatrava bridge, the newest bridge in Venice. DEyzsqc4q2k-00030-00024110-00024492 It was designed by the famous Spanish architect. DEyzsqc4q2k-00031-00024572-00025260 Some consider it a work of art; others – like me – think it’s a public hazard. DEyzsqc4q2k-00032-00025282-00025906 You should be especially careful when walking over the bridge, since the stairs are very uneven. DEyzsqc4q2k-00033-00025956-00026245 (Elena is recording a post in Santa Croce area) DEyzsqc4q2k-00034-00026292-00026516 This is a really narrow alley. DEyzsqc4q2k-00035-00026542-00027100 I call it “the many-horned cave” because its walls are very narrow DEyzsqc4q2k-00036-00027198-00027686 so you need to be really careful when walking here with your cane. DEyzsqc4q2k-00037-00027870-00028014 (Rossana says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00038-00028048-00028514 I’m in Piazzale Roma, which connects the city of Venice to the mainland. DEyzsqc4q2k-00039-00028532-00029033 This audible traffic light lets blind people know when to cross the street. DEyzsqc4q2k-00040-00029062-00029395 (Giulia is recording a post in Santa Margherita area) DEyzsqc4q2k-00041-00029464-00029716 We’re standing in a calle morta. DEyzsqc4q2k-00042-00029760-00029935 A calle morta is a street DEyzsqc4q2k-00043-00029935-00030124 that dead-ends in a canal. DEyzsqc4q2k-00044-00030162-00030433 There’s no protection whatsoever, DEyzsqc4q2k-00045-00030433-00030689 so you need to be really careful, DEyzsqc4q2k-00046-00030716-00030938 or you’ll end up in the water. DEyzsqc4q2k-00047-00030956-00031476 However, the sounds and smells of the water keep us from falling in. DEyzsqc4q2k-00048-00031510-00031816 You can really hear and smell the water here. DEyzsqc4q2k-00049-00031895-00032024 (Stefano says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00050-00032056-00032314 I’m at Rio Terà dei Nomboli, DEyzsqc4q2k-00051-00032338-00032683 a dead-end street that leads to a canal. DEyzsqc4q2k-00052-00032766-00033182 It’s easy to take this street if you’re coming from San Tomà: DEyzsqc4q2k-00053-00033262-00033664 It’s a really long street, so it’s easy to make a mistake DEyzsqc4q2k-00054-00033674-00033912 and end up falling into the canal DEyzsqc4q2k-00055-00033934-00034122 instead of going to San Polo. DEyzsqc4q2k-00056-00034554-00034866 (Images of dangerous water ending streets) DEyzsqc4q2k-00057-00040756-00041158 My name is Andrea. I’m a student from Pordenone, DEyzsqc4q2k-00058-00041180-00041334 but I live in Venice. DEyzsqc4q2k-00059-00041366-00041746 The tag #odori [smells] is really interesting DEyzsqc4q2k-00060-00041772-00041933 if you don’t know the area; DEyzsqc4q2k-00061-00041933-00042156 it’s a great way to describe the city. DEyzsqc4q2k-00062-00042192-00042308 (Felice says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00063-00042332-00042524 Right here the canal stinks. DEyzsqc4q2k-00064-00042544-00042656 A lot. DEyzsqc4q2k-00065-00042728-00042842 (Elena says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00066-00042870-00043364 I’m at the fish market in Campo della Pescaria. DEyzsqc4q2k-00067-00043384-00043694 It’s really crowded and noisy. DEyzsqc4q2k-00068-00043724-00044130 You can hear all the people and smell the fish, DEyzsqc4q2k-00069-00044130-00044706 since the fishmongers are on my left. DEyzsqc4q2k-00070-00044820-00045040 (Elena typing Braille on her smartphone) DEyzsqc4q2k-00071-00045622-00045792 (Marta says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00072-00045818-00046448 In the center of the market there’s a white sign with darker engraved lettering. DEyzsqc4q2k-00073-00046586-00046912 It says: minimum permissible length DEyzsqc4q2k-00074-00046958-00047252 for selling fish from different species DEyzsqc4q2k-00075-00047264-00047628 and there are numbers saying how much you can sell. DEyzsqc4q2k-00076-00048024-00048556 My name is Anna Ammirati. I was born and raised in Venice DEyzsqc4q2k-00077-00048584-00048790 and now I’m retired. DEyzsqc4q2k-00078-00048954-00049448 My posts have mainly focused on Venetian culture, DEyzsqc4q2k-00079-00049468-00049834 its anecdotes and particularities. DEyzsqc4q2k-00080-00049950-00050634 I also talk about the feel of stones, because I think stones whisper to me. DEyzsqc4q2k-00081-00050790-00051324 When I walk by them, I see them and try to think about whether someone else DEyzsqc4q2k-00082-00051382-00052355 could be attracted to the same things I’m attracted to. DEyzsqc4q2k-00083-00052404-00052700 (Anna is recording a post in Rialto area) DEyzsqc4q2k-00084-00052724-00053400 There’s a very important stone that pays tribute to a very important woman: DEyzsqc4q2k-00085-00053441-00054178 Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia was the first woman in the entire world DEyzsqc4q2k-00086-00054232-00054672 to graduate from university in 1678. DEyzsqc4q2k-00087-00054732-00055040 (Felice is recording a post in Santa Croce area) DEyzsqc4q2k-00088-00055078-00055724 Once, I bumped into a life-sized bas-relief of a man wrapped in a veil; DEyzsqc4q2k-00089-00055812-00056234 with his hands facing upwards and his beard, DEyzsqc4q2k-00090-00056254-00056670 he could be a bishop, a saint or Christ. DEyzsqc4q2k-00091-00056802-00057076 (Anna is recording a post in Ghetto area) DEyzsqc4q2k-00092-00057170-00057522 The Shoah memorial is behind me. DEyzsqc4q2k-00093-00057544-00057958 The names of all the Jews that were killed in the concentration camps DEyzsqc4q2k-00094-00057979-00058196 are engraved on it, DEyzsqc4q2k-00095-00058234-00058646 and there’s a sculpture that depicts soldiers and Jews. DEyzsqc4q2k-00096-00058710-00058986 (Cristina is recording a post in Cannaregio area) DEyzsqc4q2k-00097-00059044-00059405 Right by the main door and the side entrances, DEyzsqc4q2k-00098-00059428-00060005 there are sculpted columns decorated with floral and animal motifs. DEyzsqc4q2k-00099-00060248-00060779 Next to the doors, there are medallions that you can touch; DEyzsqc4q2k-00100-00060816-00061379 inside, there are sculptures of holy figures that are especially prominent DEyzsqc4q2k-00101-00061490-00062160 for those of us who spend our time touching things. DEyzsqc4q2k-00102-00062278-00062622 (Laura is recording a post in San Polo area) DEyzsqc4q2k-00103-00062684-00063241 There was a famous Italian circus in this square in the 1950s. DEyzsqc4q2k-00104-00063270-00063738 I can still remember when I was a child, all the elephants and tigers. DEyzsqc4q2k-00105-00063762-00064054 It’s a really special memory from my childhood. DEyzsqc4q2k-00106-00064102-00064376 (Anna is recording a post in Cannaregio area) DEyzsqc4q2k-00107-00064467-00064826 This is a wonderful place to hear the city. DEyzsqc4q2k-00108-00064905-00065384 All day long, starting early in the morning, DEyzsqc4q2k-00109-00065384-00065732 you can hear boats and seagulls. DEyzsqc4q2k-00110-00065904-00066438 It’s an incredible place, especially at sunset. DEyzsqc4q2k-00111-00066540-00067066 I suggest going to the San Geremia Church, on the side by the canal. DEyzsqc4q2k-00112-00067098-00067606 It’s a great place to meditate, think and listen: DEyzsqc4q2k-00113-00067714-00068064 as the waves lap upon the shore DEyzsqc4q2k-00114-00068136-00068392 you can feel the city breathing. DEyzsqc4q2k-00115-00068788-00069444 (Ambience sound maps posted by various participants) DEyzsqc4q2k-00116-00070170-00070538 The Ghetto’s main square is especially large. DEyzsqc4q2k-00117-00070638-00070854 Lots of children play there. DEyzsqc4q2k-00118-00071534-00071870 There are so many seagulls following us. DEyzsqc4q2k-00119-00072344-00072736 Even without seeing them, you can feel them moving around. DEyzsqc4q2k-00120-00072782-00072970 It’s beautiful. DEyzsqc4q2k-00121-00073446-00073984 No matter where you go in Venice, you can always hear certain sounds, DEyzsqc4q2k-00122-00074016-00074428 like a porter transporting luggage on his cart. DEyzsqc4q2k-00123-00074456-00074656 This is what it sounds like. DEyzsqc4q2k-00124-00074916-00075246 It’s a unique sound, something very Venetian, DEyzsqc4q2k-00125-00075280-00075616 and when you hear it, you have to get out of the way, DEyzsqc4q2k-00126-00075642-00075826 since they’re coming through. DEyzsqc4q2k-00127-00075942-00076268 In Via Garibaldi, there’s a fountain DEyzsqc4q2k-00128-00076318-00076688 right at the entrance to the Giardini della Biennale. DEyzsqc4q2k-00129-00078472-00078658 Can you hear that? DEyzsqc4q2k-00130-00078682-00079076 I feel like the piers are complaining: DEyzsqc4q2k-00131-00079092-00079408 as the waves break, their lament begins. DEyzsqc4q2k-00132-00080576-00080986 In front of the station there’s a very talented guy DEyzsqc4q2k-00133-00081010-00081284 who plays music with buckets and pans. DEyzsqc4q2k-00134-00081774-00082144 A piano player in San Marco DEyzsqc4q2k-00135-00083532-00084134 These are the sound effects at the public pool in Sacca Fisola, DEyzsqc4q2k-00136-00084200-00084556 a small island next to the Giudecca. DEyzsqc4q2k-00137-00084930-00085352 You can hear children taking swimming lessons. DEyzsqc4q2k-00138-00085698-00085970 This is the train station in Mestre. DEyzsqc4q2k-00139-00086002-00086534 It’s really loud here, the sounds are overpowering. DEyzsqc4q2k-00140-00086774-00087162 You can smell cigarettes, coffee, pastries… DEyzsqc4q2k-00141-00087198-00087746 and something you can’t really pin down, like rubber or oil. DEyzsqc4q2k-00142-00088004-00088580 You can hear people coughing and leaving, rolling their carry-on suitcases. DEyzsqc4q2k-00143-00088620-00088970 It’s a really powerful soundscape. DEyzsqc4q2k-00144-00089428-00089718 We just left the Basilica della Salute church. DEyzsqc4q2k-00145-00089738-00090016 It’s noon, the bells are ringing. DEyzsqc4q2k-00146-00090240-00090588 You can hear people talking outside, DEyzsqc4q2k-00147-00090758-00091058 and vaporettos in the background. DEyzsqc4q2k-00148-00091528-00092164 We just left Calle dell’Isola, a very narrow street with a unique echo; DEyzsqc4q2k-00149-00092210-00092612 and now you can hear the bells joining in the background. DEyzsqc4q2k-00150-00092714-00092882 (Simone says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00151-00092894-00093474 Over here, there’s a dark greenish bush around some kind of archway. DEyzsqc4q2k-00152-00093668-00094532 It leads to the main path which leads to the exit and to other parts of the compound. DEyzsqc4q2k-00153-00095130-00095860 My name is Mario. I’m doing a Doctorate in Design at the IUAV University in Venice. DEyzsqc4q2k-00154-00095958-00096716 I’ve lived in this city for 11 years and worked for the University since I got my BA. DEyzsqc4q2k-00155-00096804-00097314 In my opinion, BlindWiki is forging a community inside the city, DEyzsqc4q2k-00156-00097380-00097982 a self-regulated community with the noble aim of promoting accessibility DEyzsqc4q2k-00157-00098010-00098196 and building something together. DEyzsqc4q2k-00158-00098220-00098594 It stitches together a fabric of people who know one another. DEyzsqc4q2k-00159-00098798-00098930 (Anna says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00160-00099024-00099402 Culturally speaking, this is a crucial initiative DEyzsqc4q2k-00161-00099518-00099826 since it depicts a diverse city; DEyzsqc4q2k-00162-00100034-00100606 not the city tour guides describe, not the city people want us to see, DEyzsqc4q2k-00163-00100804-00101038 but the city seen from the point of view DEyzsqc4q2k-00164-00101064-00101396 and attention to detail of people who don’t see. DEyzsqc4q2k-00165-00101550-00101750 (Marta says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00166-00101900-00102406 You can download an app that lets you map places conceptually. DEyzsqc4q2k-00167-00102709-00103082 You can sense and feel things differently. DEyzsqc4q2k-00168-00103364-00103508 (Andrea says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00169-00103542-00104088 Think about the most typical things, the things tourists come for DEyzsqc4q2k-00170-00104118-00104311 and the ones everyone can see. DEyzsqc4q2k-00171-00104459-00104509 turrets come for and the ones everyone can see DEyzsqc4q2k-00172-00104570-00105116 As you walk through the city’s narrow streets and wide squares, DEyzsqc4q2k-00173-00105144-00105806 it’s completely unlike a normal city. Your body can feel it, but can’t describe it, DEyzsqc4q2k-00174-00105890-00106226 but that’s exactly what we’re trying to do. DEyzsqc4q2k-00175-00106504-00107035 My name is Sandra and I work at the Marciana Library in Venice. DEyzsqc4q2k-00176-00107098-00107561 That’s why I got in touch with the BlindWiki project, DEyzsqc4q2k-00177-00107604-00108046 and I immediately got involved in it. DEyzsqc4q2k-00178-00108232-00108868 I wondered how other people, particularly the blind and visually impaired DEyzsqc4q2k-00179-00108924-00109504 use a different lens to see to what everyone else sees with distracted eyes. DEyzsqc4q2k-00180-00109661-00109952 I wanted to see what tags they used. DEyzsqc4q2k-00181-00110054-00110196 (Anna says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00182-00110252-00110566 The most interesting aspect has been rediscovering DEyzsqc4q2k-00183-00110590-00110976 some details of my own city I had forgotten; DEyzsqc4q2k-00184-00111272-00111622 even going to see them again, touch them again. DEyzsqc4q2k-00185-00112009-00112511 I put my finger on a part of my city that I had forgotten. DEyzsqc4q2k-00186-00112896-00113059 (Mario says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00187-00113154-00113574 I think the first thing you need to do is listen. DEyzsqc4q2k-00188-00113632-00114109 Especially people who can see both the city and these places. DEyzsqc4q2k-00189-00114261-00114770 That will help you truly understand what you can altruistically offer to the blind. DEyzsqc4q2k-00190-00115061-00115222 (Anna says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00191-00115359-00115930 It‘s a bridge between two completely different worlds that rarely collaborate. DEyzsqc4q2k-00192-00116180-00116302 (Andrea says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00193-00116390-00116906 BlindWiki reminds me a little bit of Calvino’s book “Invisible cities”: DEyzsqc4q2k-00194-00116983-00117558 it’s a bit like Marco Polo, describing the city Kublai Khan will never see, DEyzsqc4q2k-00195-00117622-00118090 leading him to listen to the stories his ambassador shares with him. DEyzsqc4q2k-00196-00118385-00118502 (Marta says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00197-00118564-00119378 Venice is a very unique city. It’s a little bit cloistered, as if it were in a glass bubble. DEyzsqc4q2k-00198-00119628-00119885 Bringing the BlindWiki project to Venice DEyzsqc4q2k-00199-00119908-00120388 has been very enriching because Venice lives in a world of its own; DEyzsqc4q2k-00200-00120683-00121046 it’s wonderful to share it with those who cannot see it, DEyzsqc4q2k-00201-00121135-00121508 but know its soundscape better than we do. DEyzsqc4q2k-00202-00121616-00121764 (Giulia says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00203-00121816-00122154 I think it’s a chance for everyone to participate, DEyzsqc4q2k-00204-00122238-00122956 regardless of their age, social class, condition, abilities or disabilities. DEyzsqc4q2k-00205-00122980-00123328 It’s exciting because the project is open to everyone, DEyzsqc4q2k-00206-00123376-00123608 so everyone can get involved, DEyzsqc4q2k-00207-00123652-00124188 network, meet lots of new friends. That’s what it’s been for me. DEyzsqc4q2k-00208-00124259-00124730 It makes you feel like you’re part of something much bigger than yourself. DEyzsqc4q2k-00209-00124796-00124918 (Mario says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00210-00124964-00125278 I really hope everyone will keep it alive. DEyzsqc4q2k-00211-00125330-00125908 It doesn’t have to be on the app, but I hope new relationships can develop DEyzsqc4q2k-00212-00125933-00126161 from the social fabric it has created. DEyzsqc4q2k-00213-00126200-00126335 (Giulia says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00214-00126398-00126761 participating in this project made me realize that we are all people DEyzsqc4q2k-00215-00126806-00127452 we are not just sighted blind or volunteers rather we all have something to share DEyzsqc4q2k-00216-00127472-00127582 ( Sandra says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00217-00127616-00128068 This is a meeting point, a forum without borders. DEyzsqc4q2k-00218-00128120-00128233 (Andrea says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00219-00128272-00128808 This is not the end. I’m sure we’ll all meet again. DEyzsqc4q2k-00220-00128840-00128940 (Mario says ) DEyzsqc4q2k-00221-00128952-00129132 BlindWiki is a community. DEyzsqc4q2k-00222-00129156-00129264 (Anna says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00223-00129333-00129716 It’s a discovery, a never-ending discovery. DEyzsqc4q2k-00224-00129738-00129859 (Giulia says) DEyzsqc4q2k-00225-00129898-00130154 Long live BlindWiki! DEyzsqc4q2k-00226-00130576-00131178 (Giulia walking with her white cane along Dorsoduro area) DEyzsqc4q2k-00227-00140366-00140652 (Credits) DEyzsqc4q2k-00228-00153074-00153592 (BlindWiki Venice map with 1200 posts) DEyzsqc4q2k-00229-00153836-00154454 (BlindWiki, Venice Biennale 2017) DEyzsqc4q2k-00230-00154546-00155004 (Catalonia in Venice, The Unseen Venice) DEyzsqc4q2k-00231-00155040-00155600 (A production of the Ramon Llull Institute, Catalan language and culture) DHcl8iKOk-E-00000-00000000-00000394 Hey, everyone. How's it going? My name is Aline and today I'm DHcl8iKOk-E-00001-00000394-00000726 here to talk to you about these Smiles Gummies. Maybe you've DHcl8iKOk-E-00002-00000726-00001022 heard about this supplement before. Either way, today, I'm DHcl8iKOk-E-00003-00001022-00001306 here to explain to you everything you need to know DHcl8iKOk-E-00004-00001306-00001610 about these Smiles Gummies before you purchase it. So, if DHcl8iKOk-E-00005-00001610-00001910 you don't want to have like regrets or throw your money DHcl8iKOk-E-00006-00001910-00002350 away, I suggest you guys watch this video until the very end DHcl8iKOk-E-00007-00002350-00002590 because it's going to be informative and I will be DHcl8iKOk-E-00008-00002590-00002918 sharing a ton of really important infos to you guys, DHcl8iKOk-E-00009-00002918-00003352 alright? So, if you do want to purchase the Smiles Gummies, DHcl8iKOk-E-00010-00003352-00003692 I'm going to leave the link to their official website just DHcl8iKOk-E-00011-00003692-00003976 below this video in the description box, alright? DHcl8iKOk-E-00012-00003976-00004356 Here's the catch guys. Make sure you only get it on their DHcl8iKOk-E-00013-00004356-00004792 official website because you know you will be receiving the DHcl8iKOk-E-00014-00004792-00005152 real deal, the original supplement and not suffering DHcl8iKOk-E-00015-00005152-00005504 any complications with it afterwards, alright? So, the DHcl8iKOk-E-00016-00005504-00005962 link is just below this video waiting for you guys. So, many DHcl8iKOk-E-00017-00005962-00006386 people are usually asking what is the Smiles Gummies and it is DHcl8iKOk-E-00018-00006386-00006814 pretty simple. The Smiles Gummies are like an organic and DHcl8iKOk-E-00019-00006814-00007150 safe pain relief supplement that help your body and mind DHcl8iKOk-E-00020-00007150-00007566 restore their natural balance and protect you from pain all DHcl8iKOk-E-00021-00007566-00007918 day long. So, like for the whole day. They are formulated DHcl8iKOk-E-00022-00007918-00008310 from the high-quality marmalade enriched with tropical fruit DHcl8iKOk-E-00023-00008310-00008730 extracts that are really delicious. Plus, the Smiles DHcl8iKOk-E-00024-00008730-00009216 Gummies is natural So, that means it's 100% safe to take. DHcl8iKOk-E-00025-00009216-00009616 It has no contradictions, no side effects. It will help you DHcl8iKOk-E-00026-00009616-00009964 to lose weight. It will help you to, you know, reduce DHcl8iKOk-E-00027-00009964-00010404 oxidative stress. It's going to raise your immunity system as DHcl8iKOk-E-00028-00010404-00010952 well. Guys, it comes with a whole lot of benefits. Plus, DHcl8iKOk-E-00029-00010952-00011340 the Smilz Gummies perfectly combined naturalness, organic DHcl8iKOk-E-00030-00011340-00011720 compounds, and user friendliness with life-changing DHcl8iKOk-E-00031-00011720-00012086 effects. So, being safe and effective alternates to DHcl8iKOk-E-00032-00012086-00012506 traditional pharmaceuticals and they become like the top choice DHcl8iKOk-E-00033-00012506-00012830 of health-conscious people. So, if you are looking for a DHcl8iKOk-E-00034-00012830-00013170 healthy way to change your lifestyle around, these Smiles DHcl8iKOk-E-00035-00013170-00013558 Gummies is just perfect for that. It contains also 30 DHcl8iKOk-E-00036-00013558-00013918 different flavors which are extremely delicious and guys, DHcl8iKOk-E-00037-00013918-00014298 you get 30 days money back guarantee which means that DHcl8iKOk-E-00038-00014298-00014626 after taking these Smiles Gummies for 30 days, if you are DHcl8iKOk-E-00039-00014626-00015052 unhappy with it and have not satisfactory results, you can DHcl8iKOk-E-00040-00015052-00015404 go back to the official website, contact the support DHcl8iKOk-E-00041-00015404-00015828 team and ask for a refund. They will give you every single DHcl8iKOk-E-00042-00015828-00016252 penny that you spent back, alright? Just remember to chew DHcl8iKOk-E-00043-00016252-00016576 on a gummy every single day and you will see these these DHcl8iKOk-E-00044-00016576-00016968 results in no time guys. So, what are you waiting for? If DHcl8iKOk-E-00045-00016968-00017264 you want to get great results, just remember, this is a DHcl8iKOk-E-00046-00017264-00017620 natural treatment and take it seriously, alright? If you want DHcl8iKOk-E-00047-00017620-00017934 to know more about smiles gummies, visit the official DHcl8iKOk-E-00048-00017934-00018266 website. The link is just down here waiting for you guys. I DHcl8iKOk-E-00049-00018266-00018554 hope you have enjoyed this video and I hope you have a DHcl8iKOk-E-00050-00018554-00019074 beautiful day. See you guys around. Bye. DMUtM649wS0-00000-00000576-00001040 Let's jump right into a little bit more about these tables. Of course what's the DMUtM649wS0-00001-00001040-00001568 whole point of having a table? The main reason to have a table is that it DMUtM649wS0-00002-00001568-00002080 presents complicated ideas quickly and easily, and especially think about it DMUtM649wS0-00003-00002080-00002592 this way. If I'm reading your research and I'm getting to the end of your DMUtM649wS0-00004-00002592-00003040 research, and I'm reading your conclusion or discussion, it would be easy for me to DMUtM649wS0-00005-00003040-00003576 go back and look at a table, at Table 2 or Table 3 or Table 1 and understand the DMUtM649wS0-00006-00003576-00003992 ideas you're talking about. Rather than I have to go back and read the whole paper DMUtM649wS0-00007-00003992-00004472 again because of course research can be very complicated and very dense. So it's DMUtM649wS0-00008-00004472-00005032 helpful to have tables convey information quickly. Also another reason DMUtM649wS0-00009-00005032-00005536 to have tables is mathematically or for statistics to help the user be able to DMUtM649wS0-00010-00005536-00005960 run some numbers themselves. They can actually check some numbers or add up DMUtM649wS0-00011-00005960-00006431 some numbers differently, and find out a different kind of idea or be DMUtM649wS0-00012-00006431-00006936 double-checking your idea in a way. So it allows them to check things and maybe DMUtM649wS0-00013-00006936-00007472 generate some more information themselves. Let's jump into the parts of DMUtM649wS0-00014-00007472-00008144 a table. Now here we have the APA guide line for what a table looks like. And all DMUtM649wS0-00015-00008144-00008600 I can say is this has got to be the most complicated table I've seen because it DMUtM649wS0-00016-00008600-00009080 includes all the possibilities of what you can do in a table. I'm sure there's DMUtM649wS0-00017-00009080-00009512 more combinations, but here are the basic pieces to a table. So look at it with me DMUtM649wS0-00018-00009512-00010176 over here. What we have is the table number up top here Table X, and then we DMUtM649wS0-00019-00010176-00010776 have the table title, so the title of the table. Of course when you're writing your DMUtM649wS0-00020-00010776-00011632 research paper or your thesis, you may be used to just saying Table 1 period, and DMUtM649wS0-00021-00011632-00012256 then you go ahead and you write the caption. The caption is not the same idea DMUtM649wS0-00022-00012256-00012863 as the title. The caption is what's going in inside the journal, as you have the DMUtM649wS0-00023-00012863-00013376 reading flow, but APA is actually asking you to be more formal. They're asking for DMUtM649wS0-00024-00013376-00013991 a table title, and as you can see here it's not in line with the number. Up here DMUtM649wS0-00025-00013991-00014591 is table X , that's like Table 1. And down here is a Table title. So when would you use it DMUtM649wS0-00026-00014591-00015136 this way, when would you do it this way? Well, it actually is common for many DMUtM649wS0-00027-00015191-00015616 journals, especially high quality journals that they request that your DMUtM649wS0-00028-00015616-00016256 tables and figures be separate from your main body of your file. And so you'll be DMUtM649wS0-00029-00016256-00016736 writing your paper, and if you have a table, you will say put place table about DMUtM649wS0-00030-00016736-00017320 here, and then you have the table in a separate page, at the back of the paper DMUtM649wS0-00031-00017320-00017869 or in another file, depending on the journals requirement. So this means that DMUtM649wS0-00032-00017869-00018160 is a little bit different, a little bit special. And I would say this is the most DMUtM649wS0-00033-00018160-00018536 formal approach. So we have a title, and you can see the title here. We're going DMUtM649wS0-00034-00018536-00018928 to go over some examples in a minute. It's all capital letters, just like the title DMUtM649wS0-00035-00018928-00019584 of a paper. You title it in the same way. Now what we have here is down here is DMUtM649wS0-00036-00019584-00020232 the body of the table, but you can see we have a number of columns. These columns DMUtM649wS0-00037-00020232-00020640 are interestingly here, you can see, combining together. So here DMUtM649wS0-00038-00020640-00021264 we have boys and girls. And we divided them into the sub groups of boys with DMUtM649wS0-00039-00021264-00021824 and boys without, girls with and girls without. And then a grade because girls DMUtM649wS0-00040-00021824-00022536 and boys have a grade, right? what grade are they in. So in the third grade, girls. DMUtM649wS0-00041-00022536-00023152 And in the third grade, boys, and then in the third grade, girls with, and in the DMUtM649wS0-00042-00023152-00023680 third grade girls without. So you can see that it's becoming, you know, complicated. DMUtM649wS0-00043-00023680-00024256 But once you get following it, it's not that hard. And then here we have a wave DMUtM649wS0-00044-00024256-00024960 one and a wave 2. So we're actually repeating the same design twice in the DMUtM649wS0-00045-00024960-00025624 table because it's kind of a pretest and a post-test kind of situation. So let's DMUtM649wS0-00046-00025624-00026280 look at these names very quickly. Girls and Boys-- this is called a column spanner DMUtM649wS0-00047-00026280-00026583 because it's going across column. So we have a DMUtM649wS0-00048-00026583-00027127 column here, and we have a column here. We're crossing columns. So this bit is DMUtM649wS0-00049-00027127-00027920 called a spanner, a column spanner. Here we have the one level and then a second DMUtM649wS0-00050-00027920-00028504 level. So this putting two levels together this way is called deck heads-- DMUtM649wS0-00051-00028624-00029144 D-E-C-K--like a deck of cards or decks on a bus or decks on DMUtM649wS0-00052-00029144-00030095 a ship, different levels. And then we have a stub, and the stub is this heading here. DMUtM649wS0-00053-00030095-00030672 It's just called a stub, and that identifies this leftmost column. It's DMUtM649wS0-00054-00030672-00031495 saying this is what this represents, and then down here, you can see these stubs or DMUtM649wS0-00055-00031495-00032136 stub columns because we've got their grade levels, right? These are called DMUtM649wS0-00056-00032136-00032680 stubs, also a little bit confusing. And then down here, we have this overall DMUtM649wS0-00057-00032680-00033224 spanner. It's called a table spanner because it's actually going across the DMUtM649wS0-00058-00033224-00033672 whole table. It's the title of going all the way across. It represents all those DMUtM649wS0-00059-00033672-00034184 columns. So all these columns here are wave one. All these columns here are Wave DMUtM649wS0-00060-00034432-00034592 information because some are girls DMUtM649wS0-00061-00034592-00034976 some are boys, some are with, some are without, and then there are different DMUtM649wS0-00062-00034976-00035760 grades to write. OK. So that's some of the basic vocabulary. Inside the table, DMUtM649wS0-00063-00035760-00036424 any space inside the table is called a cell. So this is a cell, down here 189 is DMUtM649wS0-00064-00036424-00036984 another cell, okay. And then we come down to the bottom, and here we're saying DMUtM649wS0-00065-00036984-00037496 Table body, which really is anything inside the table, we can call the table body. DMUtM649wS0-00066-00037496-00037760 These rows are inside the table can be called the body. DMUtM649wS0-00067-00037824-00037960 Down the bottom of the table DMUtM649wS0-00068-00037960-00038440 is the note area. You can see the word note here. If you have any special notes DMUtM649wS0-00069-00038440-00038656 you put them down at the bottom. DPMp0gjfSdy-00000-00000016-00000466 Hi and welcome to the ncLibraries Three Minutes to Research tutorial. DPMp0gjfSdy-00001-00000466-00000795 This tutorial will show you a quick way to get started with your research assignment DPMp0gjfSdy-00002-00000795-00001330 by using the Search Everything box from the Niagara College Library's website. DPMp0gjfSdy-00003-00001330-00001553 What is the Search Everything box? DPMp0gjfSdy-00004-00001553-00001982 This box will quickly search everything ncLibraries has to offer for your topic. DPMp0gjfSdy-00005-00001982-00002179 When we say everything, we're not kidding! DPMp0gjfSdy-00006-00002179-00002584 When you search in this box, you will retrieve results from the Library's collection of books, DPMp0gjfSdy-00007-00002584-00003021 movies, and journals, as well as our online databases of journal articles, ebooks, and DPMp0gjfSdy-00008-00003021-00003345 audiobooks, even streaming videos. DPMp0gjfSdy-00009-00003345-00003611 You'll find the box right in the middle of the Libraries' homepage. DPMp0gjfSdy-00010-00003611-00004082 The first thing you need to do is come up with some really good, precise keywords to DPMp0gjfSdy-00011-00004082-00004196 enter in the box. DPMp0gjfSdy-00012-00004196-00004576 If you need any help coming up with keywords, see any of the Library staff. DPMp0gjfSdy-00013-00004576-00005007 From your results page, use the options on the left-hand side of the screen to refine DPMp0gjfSdy-00014-00005007-00005128 your search. DPMp0gjfSdy-00015-00005128-00005544 To find journal articles, limit to full-text online, so you don't get any results that DPMp0gjfSdy-00016-00005544-00005896 are only abstracts, or summaries and, most likely, you will want to limit to scholarly DPMp0gjfSdy-00017-00005896-00006085 or peer-reviewed material. DPMp0gjfSdy-00018-00006085-00006441 You can also limit the content type to journal articles and you can adjust the dates so you DPMp0gjfSdy-00019-00006441-00006608 only retrieve current research. DPMp0gjfSdy-00020-00006608-00007045 If you would like to find an eBook, click on full text online and select book/eBook DPMp0gjfSdy-00021-00007045-00007178 as the content type. DPMp0gjfSdy-00022-00007178-00007719 When you find an article or eBook you like, click on the title or the "full text online" DPMp0gjfSdy-00023-00007719-00007995 link to access it. DPMp0gjfSdy-00024-00007995-00008503 Next, you'll have to put in your Blackboard user ID and password because only Niagara DPMp0gjfSdy-00025-00008503-00009125 College students, faculty, and staff are allowed to access these resources from here. DPMp0gjfSdy-00026-00009125-00009564 After completing your login, you should be directed to a database to access your resource. DPMp0gjfSdy-00027-00009564-00009975 Talk to a Library staff member about all the helpful things you can do with an item from DPMp0gjfSdy-00028-00009975-00010438 our databases, such as generating citations. DPMp0gjfSdy-00029-00010438-00010815 Interested in seeing what you can physically borrow from ncLibraries? DPMp0gjfSdy-00030-00010815-00011326 Click the "on ncLibraries' shelves" link and limit to book/ebook to find books. DPMp0gjfSdy-00031-00011326-00011763 You can see what DVDs we have by choosing video recordings instead of book/ebook under DPMp0gjfSdy-00032-00011763-00012050 content type. DPMp0gjfSdy-00033-00012050-00012474 Here's something good to know: you can save your promising search results in a temporary DPMp0gjfSdy-00034-00012474-00012861 folder. DPMp0gjfSdy-00035-00012861-00013255 Once you've added all the items you want, you can just email the list to yourself. DPMp0gjfSdy-00036-00013255-00013525 You can even choose your preferred citation style. DPMp0gjfSdy-00037-00013525-00013913 If you'd like your folder to become permanent, set up an account with Refworks. DPMp0gjfSdy-00038-00013913-00014244 See our video on Refworks for more information. DPMp0gjfSdy-00039-00014244-00014650 If you have any questions or would like to learn some search tips, drop by and ask any DPMp0gjfSdy-00040-00014650-00014816 of the Library staff. DPMp0gjfSdy-00041-00014816-00015294 You can also book an appointment, call, email, or chat with us from our website. DPMp0gjfSdy-00042-00015294-00015791 Happy researching! DUhQLb5-FhU-00000-00000054-00000618 Free comedy bgm DZ98MZHvBr8-00000-00000079-00001468 Hey guys, I want to talk to you on a very important topic you. DZ98MZHvBr8-00001-00001468-00002148 You not subscribed to me? why? quickly subscribe and like, otherwise I will find you and take DZ98MZHvBr8-00002-00002148-00002640 you to the forest and bury you good luck DeA2CCcNSKy-00000-00010168-00010233 [ MUSIC ] Df-bJRx6IJA-00000-00000064-00000736 my subscriber count went from being 193 to being 195. so that means Df-bJRx6IJA-00001-00000736-00001312 that i gained two more subscribers. what how if i gained two more subscribers. DkheyLPJtdU-00000-00000391-00002738 6lack type beat,free 6lack type beat,6lack type beat 2022,6lack type DkheyLPJtdU-00005-00019036-00020702 jhn type beat 2023,st jhn type beat,saint john type beat,alexx melo DnCICRxE45o-00000-00000000-00000550 [Ian] Glow up. [Stella] Oh oh I know what that means. DnCICRxE45o-00001-00000550-00001000 Okay, glow up means... oh, okay so... GLOWING UP! DnCICRxE45o-00002-00001000-00001250 ♪♪ DnCICRxE45o-00003-00001250-00001392 Oh my god, that doesn't mean anything. DnCICRxE45o-00004-00001392-00001835 [Subashri] Does that mean like getting high? [Stella] No oh my god oh my god no. DnCICRxE45o-00005-00001835-00002238 Okay so people glow up so like when you're younger and you're DnCICRxE45o-00006-00002238-00002900 ugly you know you know how people are ugly when they're younger and once they- yeah, they're pretty when they're older. DnCICRxE45o-00007-00002900-00003084 Because you glow up. [Tanushri] Jonas glew up! DnCICRxE45o-00008-00003084-00003711 So if you're ugly when you're - if someone is really ugly when you meet them as an DnCICRxE45o-00009-00003711-00004017 adult that means they are very very very DnCICRxE45o-00010-00004017-00004425 handsome when they were little. DnCICRxE45o-00011-00004425-00004782 But since they're older now they're ugly. DnCICRxE45o-00012-00004782-00005240 So it's the opposite. [Stella] Like Steve Buscemi he didn't like glow up. DnCICRxE45o-00013-00005240-00006100 It's like the line so when you race through that line you change, you glow up. Glow up. DnCICRxE45o-00014-00006100-00006400 I didn't glow up because I was a cute baby. DnCICRxE45o-00015-00006400-00006800 [Savannah] You're 14, you don't know! [Tanushri] Shut up. DnCICRxE45o-00016-00006800-00006984 Tanushri, everyone knows what she's gonna look like. DnCICRxE45o-00017-00006984-00007422 I glewed up. Heh, "glewed up." DnCICRxE45o-00018-00007422-00007908 She looked like a ladybug. DnCICRxE45o-00019-00007908-00008310 Tanushri was cute when she was little, so now she's ugly. [Tanushri] Yeah! DnCICRxE45o-00020-00008310-00008574 [Ian] So, is there a phrase for getting uglier as you get older? DnCICRxE45o-00021-00008574-00009060 DOWNGRADING! Downgrading. DnCICRxE45o-00022-00009060-00009318 [Subashri] So it's not "unglowing." [Tanushri] It's not "unglow up?" DnCICRxE45o-00023-00009318-00009831 [Stella] Like, I guess you could say Caleb kind of glewed up. DnCICRxE45o-00024-00009831-00010382 He glowed up. I don't know, he looked like a chipmunk when he was a baby, so... DnCICRxE45o-00025-00010382-00010746 Jonas got glowed up. DnCICRxE45o-00026-00010746-00011102 Was he ugly when he was a baby? Yeah, yeah. DnCICRxE45o-00027-00011102-00011412 He looked like a shrimp. DnCICRxE45o-00028-00011412-00011656 [Ian] Define glow up. DnCICRxE45o-00029-00011656-00012194 Glow up, when someone becomes really attractive DnCICRxE45o-00030-00012195-00012713 after they hit puberty AKA ugly duckling syndrome. EoIqmn1X4WE-00000-00000000-00000200 use auto-generated captions please :) E23D4frgmxM-00000-00003426-00003656 Hello everyone! Welcome to my youtube channel!!! I am Donita your Pinay teacher in Norway.. E23D4frgmxM-00001-00003656-00004296 In this video i will show you my makeup routine and all those things that I used.... E23D4frgmxM-00002-00004296-00004904 I will also give you some daily vocabulary words that you can use in Norwegian (norsk) language when you want E23D4frgmxM-00003-00004904-00005576 to tell about you and how you fix yourself or a daily vocabulary words that you can usually use E23D4frgmxM-00004-00005576-00005671 every morning E23D4frgmxM-00005-00005671-00006016 First I will use this pore professional primer E23D4frgmxM-00006-00006224-00006664 and then I will use this Milani conceal plus E23D4frgmxM-00007-00006664-00007200 perfect foundation, so this is my everyday foundation conceal plus E23D4frgmxM-00008-00007200-00007904 perfect, so I use it as my concealer. I just put it on the place that I need to conceal E23D4frgmxM-00009-00008232-00008584 We need to cover😅 E23D4frgmxM-00010-00009264-00009896 so that's what I do, if you will see biglang kuminis (instantly smooth) E23D4frgmxM-00011-00010112-00010888 Magic😅 I put this concealer to the places that I need to conceal E23D4frgmxM-00012-00011216-00011952 I also used Maybelline foundation this is a drugstore makeup E23D4frgmxM-00013-00012184-00012536 I'm a fan of Maybelline to be honest with you I have tried E23D4frgmxM-00014-00012624-00013384 a lot of expensive makeup, branded makeups but still I'm going back to Maybelline E23D4frgmxM-00015-00013568-00014240 I don't know oh again this is not sponsored by Maybelline so even my foundation it is Maybelline E23D4frgmxM-00016-00014336-00014744 I really love Maybelline foundation their liquid foundation E23D4frgmxM-00017-00014824-00015391 their powder foundation and also in Maybelline products, I found E23D4frgmxM-00018-00015504-00016072 shades of makeup just like here in foundations that really complement my skin E23D4frgmxM-00019-00016400-00016616 and after I already blend it... E23D4frgmxM-00020-00016896-00017040 after means ETTER (norsk) E23D4frgmxM-00021-00017480-00018536 I will use powder powder (pulver) foundation so if you will see.. E23D4frgmxM-00022-00018816-00019560 And then for my eyebrows because we're already talking about my daily routine my makeup every E23D4frgmxM-00023-00019560-00020208 day I'm fixing my face I will teach you what are the vocabulary words or part of your face E23D4frgmxM-00024-00020272-00021040 so face is (ansikt) sometimes they also use (fjes/ansikt). Jeg skal sminke meg. E23D4frgmxM-00025-00021376-00022104 makeup or (ansikt) face makeup. I will fix my eyebrows (øyebryn) E23D4frgmxM-00026-00022176-00022584 or if that is plural (øyebryner) E23D4frgmxM-00027-00022848-00023008 so I'm using Maybelline E23D4frgmxM-00028-00023248-00023432 I use this all the time so E23D4frgmxM-00029-00023664-00024328 it's kind of... not readable but I will put the picture of this if you also watch some of E23D4frgmxM-00030-00024328-00025048 my makeup tutorials you will see this product.. I always use this to fill up the gaps in my area E23D4frgmxM-00031-00025224-00025384 øyebryner (eyebrows) E23D4frgmxM-00032-00026608-00026783 so you see the difference E23D4frgmxM-00033-00026976-00028183 This is my daily makeup routine . Hver dags sminke. I want to make it as natural as possible. E23D4frgmxM-00034-00029520-00029944 and then for my eyes of course I will use curler E23D4frgmxM-00035-00030424-00031120 and then I use this one L'oreal false lash bambi eye waterfall E23D4frgmxM-00036-00031327-00031408 mascara E23D4frgmxM-00037-00031839-00032768 so I just use mascara every day, I don't usually use liquid eyeliner E23D4frgmxM-00038-00032872-00033488 eyelash in Norwegian means øyevipper eyelashes (øyevipper). E23D4frgmxM-00039-00033608-00035184 I will just write it on the screen so you can seeit, so you will see the difference of my eyelashes E23D4frgmxM-00040-00037504-00038616 so now for my lipstick or leppestift på norsk. I will use the products or the liquid lipsticks E23D4frgmxM-00041-00038616-00039568 from LULU cosmetics so yesterday I received their liquid lipsticks, so it came from a Filipina who E23D4frgmxM-00042-00039568-00040424 started her business. Cosmetic business here in Norway and I've received two liquid lipsticks E23D4frgmxM-00043-00040424-00041736 and we will try it on! okay LULU cosmetics. This is the liquid lipstick.. E23D4frgmxM-00044-00042160-00042712 oh it smells really good.. It smells like a bubblegum... E23D4frgmxM-00045-00042712-00043088 bubblegum på norsk (tyggis) E23D4frgmxM-00046-00043088-00044984 Det lukter godt. It smells so good. Let's try! E23D4frgmxM-00047-00046248-00046968 If you will notice everyone and if you are following my facebook page my youtube E23D4frgmxM-00048-00046968-00047736 channel you will always see me on my livestream having lipsticks and I'm really fan of having E23D4frgmxM-00049-00047736-00048616 a lipsticks, so every day I must have lipstick so I will not go outside without lipstick and E23D4frgmxM-00050-00048616-00049384 all I can say is, I love the smell the smell its very good. It is very pigmented as you will see... E23D4frgmxM-00051-00049456-00050248 I just put some on my lower lip and then smack like that and I already have E23D4frgmxM-00052-00050504-00051464 in my upper lip so it's very pigmented. It is smooth so smudge proof and madaling iapply (easy to apply).. E23D4frgmxM-00053-00051464-00052304 but thenas time goes by it will be matte so it is a kindcombination of velvet lipstick and then matte E23D4frgmxM-00054-00052304-00053000 lipstick afterwards and i love it because matte lipstick is very hard to apply for me I don't E23D4frgmxM-00055-00053000-00053752 usually use matte lipstick because sometimes my lips tends to dry especially when you're outside E23D4frgmxM-00056-00053808-00054440 and it's hard to apply it, but when it's kind of velvety on the start it really helps a lot E23D4frgmxM-00057-00054440-00055255 now let's see if this is smudge proof so i don't have anything here...I will kiss it let's see E23D4frgmxM-00058-00055632-00056184 not bad see so it's smudge proof.. E23D4frgmxM-00059-00056455-00056655 so Awra tayo ng bahagya😅 E23D4frgmxM-00060-00057120-00057651 This is Vega! Lulu cosmetics E23D4frgmxM-00061-00057655-00057978 Lets support our fellow E23D4frgmxM-00062-00057984-00058655 Filipina, to be honest with you this is not paid hindi nila ako binayaran and they just give me sample.. E23D4frgmxM-00063-00058655-00059414 products so two products are enough. I don't need a lot of products. This product are enough to my E23D4frgmxM-00064-00059488-00060504 honest review and all I can say is its beautiful (maganda cya) smudge proof! Wait a minute I will try to get E23D4frgmxM-00065-00060504-00060984 some water and drink water. Let's see I will drink a glass of water E23D4frgmxM-00066-00061464-00062264 taray gandoh😍 and that is one of the important characteristic E23D4frgmxM-00067-00062264-00062784 of a lipstick that I want to use every day. It must be smudge proof so we can try the other one E23D4frgmxM-00068-00064479-00064727 to honest it difficult to erase the product. E23D4frgmxM-00069-00065704-00066496 but I really want to show you the shade of of Electra and I check it on their E23D4frgmxM-00070-00066496-00067384 website lulucosmetics.no you can search it their website is www.lulucosmetics.no E23D4frgmxM-00071-00067472-00067840 they have also their instagram account Lulu cosmetics Norway E23D4frgmxM-00072-00067840-00068503 and their facebook page Lulu cosmetics& co. E23D4frgmxM-00073-00068503-00068753 so this is electra oh my goodness E23D4frgmxM-00074-00069384-00069488 It smells so good.. E23D4frgmxM-00075-00069752-00070448 this smells like a cotton candy I don't know. I really love it E23D4frgmxM-00076-00071999-00072368 um so this is electra and it only costs 89 kroner!!! E23D4frgmxM-00077-00072856-00073608 Wilma Greva so thank you sis for giving some of the sample products and I really love the shades E23D4frgmxM-00078-00073608-00074728 (ang ganda) so beautiful this is electra number 22 Electra and this one number 25 Vega the one that I've tried earlier E23D4frgmxM-00079-00074728-00075416 so again please follow and subscribe to their instagram account and also visit their website E23D4frgmxM-00080-00076072-00076728 This is my daily make-up look and I hope that you have learned somevocabulary words in Norwegian. Again thank you for E23D4frgmxM-00081-00076728-00077208 watching and see you on my next video!! Don't forget to like share and subscribe for more updates E23D4frgmxM-00082-00077208-00078584 bye!!! E2hAKghpahM-00000-00001542-00002111 Welcome back to the lecture series on Bioelectricity. So, today we will be starting our thirty fifth lecture. E2hAKghpahM-00001-00002111-00002576 So, as of now while dealing with the plant bioelectricity we have dealt with E2hAKghpahM-00002-00002576-00003486 the process of photosynthesis, the photo system 1, photo system 2, and the electron transfer E2hAKghpahM-00003-00003486-00004276 followed by the breaking of the water molecule in the manganese cluster and the overall implication E2hAKghpahM-00004-00004276-00005504 of this whole process. So, one common theme which kind of emerged out of the plant bioelectricity E2hAKghpahM-00005-00005504-00006745 or from the photosynthesis is that the harvesting of the solar energy is the key to all the E2hAKghpahM-00006-00006745-00007322 evolving processes of life across the earth or across this echo system. E2hAKghpahM-00007-00007322-00008006 So, whether it is chlorophyll or in one of the lectures after this we will be talking E2hAKghpahM-00008-00008006-00008868 some of the very ancient inorganic molecules or if we talk about the synthetic world of E2hAKghpahM-00009-00008868-00009602 energy harvesting talk about silicon. So, it is all these different light absorbing E2hAKghpahM-00010-00009602-00010470 molecules which has the ability to absorb light and eject out an electron and in that E2hAKghpahM-00011-00010470-00011232 process leads to a current generation. These kind of molecules remain a key in the whole E2hAKghpahM-00012-00011232-00012403 evolving process. So, while we finish the basic photosynthesis, we highlighted the different E2hAKghpahM-00013-00012403-00012964 areas where all you know the technologically intervention could take place. So, you could E2hAKghpahM-00014-00012964-00013144 have a technological intervention. E2hAKghpahM-00015-00013144-00013681 So, if we just enumerate again, where all the technological interventions could take E2hAKghpahM-00017-00016745-00017656 molecule in the most inspiring molecule is of course chlorophyll itself which has the E2hAKghpahM-00018-00017656-00018754 ability to absorb light and eject an electron and then of course, leading to the whole electron E2hAKghpahM-00019-00018754-00020082 transport and synthesizing energy rich molecules. Then the next inspiration is within the photosynthesis E2hAKghpahM-00020-00020082-00021874 system water splitting cluster or manganese cluster where your water molecule is split E2hAKghpahM-00021-00022095-00023029 up into oxygen and hydrogen, this is a second inspiration where people are working. We have E2hAKghpahM-00022-00023029-00023620 already discussed this part in previous lecture. E2hAKghpahM-00023-00023620-00024595 Now there is another inspiration, which is if we could use there are several other dyes E2hAKghpahM-00024-00024595-00025456 several other molecules, which has the ability to eject out electron upon absorbing light. E2hAKghpahM-00025-00025456-00026673 So, similar molecules, which could be utilized, say for example, the inspiration can be drawn E2hAKghpahM-00026-00026673-00028352 from the flower dyes like anthocyanin and several other dyes which are involved in it. E2hAKghpahM-00027-00028352-00031201 Or you could synthesize synthetic dyes where inorganic dyes and all of them have one common E2hAKghpahM-00028-00031201-00033192 feature, they could utilize the solar energy in order to generate electron. Having said E2hAKghpahM-00029-00033192-00034141 this if we see the whole photosynthesis process out here, and if we recall what is happening E2hAKghpahM-00030-00034141-00034989 in photosynthesis, where there are two-photo system standing there. If you just for you E2hAKghpahM-00031-00034989-00035294 recall, let me do it out here. E2hAKghpahM-00032-00035294-00036572 So, photo system one, photo system two sitting and both a photo system are ejecting an electron; E2hAKghpahM-00033-00036572-00037135 and the one of the electron, which is ejected by one of the photo system comes back and E2hAKghpahM-00034-00037135-00037588 brings back the chlorophyll molecule. So, if you just recollect what is happening in E2hAKghpahM-00035-00037588-00038528 the actual thylakoid membrane. When the light falls, electron is ejected out from one of E2hAKghpahM-00036-00038528-00039058 the photo system. So, as soon as the electron is ejected out from so what is essentially E2hAKghpahM-00037-00039058-00039955 happening is the chlorophyll molecule is losing an electron. As soon as it is losing an electron, E2hAKghpahM-00038-00039955-00040688 this electron jumps out, but then this particular molecule - the chlorophyll molecule almost E2hAKghpahM-00039-00040688-00041474 behave like a free radical after losing that electron. So, this chlorophyll molecule has E2hAKghpahM-00040-00041474-00042191 to be brought back to its ground state, while this electron start to take part into the E2hAKghpahM-00041-00042191-00042787 cascade of reaction. In order to bring this photo system or this E2hAKghpahM-00042-00042787-00043381 chlorophyll molecule back to its ground state, another electron is needed that electron is E2hAKghpahM-00043-00043381-00044046 supplied by the second photo system. Remember that how the electron is kind of coming. So, E2hAKghpahM-00044-00044046-00044484 this second electron we see which is ejected by another chlorophyll molecules sitting in E2hAKghpahM-00045-00044484-00045255 another photo system is bringing this chlorophyll molecule divide of electron back to its ground state. E2hAKghpahM-00046-00045255-00046113 But if when it does so, the second chlorophyll molecule loses an electron. So, E2hAKghpahM-00047-00046113-00046558 it has to be brought back to its ground state; and it is being brought back to its ground E2hAKghpahM-00048-00046558-00047378 state by this process while the electrons are ejected, this electron brings back the E2hAKghpahM-00049-00047378-00047940 other one into its ground state. So, now having said this just with this brief E2hAKghpahM-00050-00047940-00048623 recap one has to realize for these molecules which has the ability to eject an electron. E2hAKghpahM-00051-00048623-00049137 So, if molecule eject an electron it has to come back to its ground state. If it fails E2hAKghpahM-00052-00049137-00049637 to come back to its ground state then this all these different molecules will behave E2hAKghpahM-00053-00049637-00050381 like a free radical, and there is something called a whole electron you know pairing and E2hAKghpahM-00054-00050381-00050943 coupling and all those things. So, there is a very complex process which goes on. So, E2hAKghpahM-00055-00050943-00051680 in order to derive energy from these kind of material, it is imperative that we need E2hAKghpahM-00056-00051680-00052351 some source of free electron, nature is already devised in its armoria workstation called E2hAKghpahM-00057-00052351-00052861 water from where it is deriving by splitting the water. It is deriving sufficient amount E2hAKghpahM-00058-00052861-00053702 of electron to take care of the chlorophyll molecule which is divide of one electron, E2hAKghpahM-00059-00053702-00054000 but here we have to do that synthetically. E2hAKghpahM-00060-00054000-00054781 And today now let us start formally what will be talking about is a third generation of E2hAKghpahM-00061-00054781-00055539 solar cells which is called dye sensitized solar cells, and you can draw the inspiration E2hAKghpahM-00062-00055539-00056083 from the natural flower dyes, and there is a small kind of cartoon shown here, but we E2hAKghpahM-00063-00056083-00056601 will be talking about this cartoon later. But you have to understand the basic principle E2hAKghpahM-00064-00056601-00056750 of dye sensitized solar cell. E2hAKghpahM-00065-00056750-00057561 Before I go into that just have a fairly, clear notion that what is the current energy E2hAKghpahM-00066-00057561-00058302 status on the floor of earth about 1.8 billion of people are without electricity. So, if E2hAKghpahM-00067-00058302-00059288 we really dreaming of a sustainable society, we have to ensure that all the people across E2hAKghpahM-00068-00059288-00060223 on the planet earth receives sufficient amount of electrical energy in order to sustain their livelihood. E2hAKghpahM-00069-00060416-00061148 So, if you look at all the traditional energy sources, you will realize all our traditional E2hAKghpahM-00070-00061148-00061680 energy sources except wind and hydrothermal are product of photosynthesis. If you see E2hAKghpahM-00071-00061680-00062530 coal, it is basically the trees and the plants which over a period of time in the deep core E2hAKghpahM-00072-00062530-00062985 inside the earth get transformed; oil the same way; gas the same way; the biomass the same way. E2hAKghpahM-00073-00062985-00063517 It is a photosynthesis produces eight times the current energy needs of the E2hAKghpahM-00074-00063517-00064287 world. So, we have always dependent photosynthesis in order to you know sustain our day to day livelihood. E2hAKghpahM-00075-00064344-00064949 And if you look at the overall reaction of the photosynthesis wait just a kind of a recap E2hAKghpahM-00076-00064949-00065492 for you people the carbon dioxide plus water living to glucose and oxygen and symbolically E2hAKghpahM-00077-00065492-00066122 we show it. But in that whole process, it is basically you can termed it as an electrochemical E2hAKghpahM-00078-00066122-00066789 process, a redox reaction of excited chlorophyll molecules, chlorophyll and organic dye. So, E2hAKghpahM-00079-00066789-00068099 exactly that is what I was trying to tell you at this is an organic dye which upon absorbing E2hAKghpahM-00080-00068099-00068875 light ejects out the electrons, and organic dye absorb the light photons to produce excited E2hAKghpahM-00081-00068875-00069399 electrons; carbon dioxide acts as a electron acceptor, while the oxygen is produced as E2hAKghpahM-00082-00069399-00070312 oxidation product. But remember carbon dioxide is an electron acceptor, but that excited E2hAKghpahM-00083-00070312-00070649 chlorophyll has to be brought back to its ground state, and that is what I was trying E2hAKghpahM-00084-00070649-00071199 to explain. In order to do that there should be a infinite supply of electrons and those E2hAKghpahM-00085-00071199-00071818 electrons are supplied by the water molecules by the splitting of the water molecule in E2hAKghpahM-00086-00071818-00072439 the manganese cluster cage what we have just discussed in the previous lecture. E2hAKghpahM-00087-00072439-00073250 Now if you look at the thin membrane, this is the thylakoid membrane and this is what E2hAKghpahM-00088-00073250-00073780 I was trying to explain. So, you have this photo system 1, photo system 2. So, photo E2hAKghpahM-00089-00073780-00074477 system one is ejecting out electron where as just drawing it, it should have done like E2hAKghpahM-00090-00074477-00075252 this, this is the two. So, photo system one, if you now follow the slide, so this whole E2hAKghpahM-00091-00075252-00075782 process is taking place in the thylakoid membrane which is shown in the slide now. It is a very E2hAKghpahM-00092-00075782-00076545 thin membrane having embedded with photo system 1 and photo system 2. Photo system 1, chlorophylls E2hAKghpahM-00093-00076545-00077362 are receiving light energy, ejecting an electron that electron is being absorbed in order to E2hAKghpahM-00094-00077362-00077999 reduce the carbon dioxide. Whereas this chlorophyll molecule has to be E2hAKghpahM-00095-00077999-00078512 brought back to its ground state that is done by the electron ejected out from the photo E2hAKghpahM-00096-00078512-00079037 system 2. And photo system two(s) electron comes back and brings the chlorophyll back E2hAKghpahM-00097-00079037-00079543 to its ground state, whereas photo system two(s) chlorophyll is being brought back to E2hAKghpahM-00098-00079543-00080100 its own ground state by the splitting of water and that was what I was showing out here. E2hAKghpahM-00099-00080100-00080805 Where you are the water splitting is taken place and this is how this whole process continues. E2hAKghpahM-00100-00080805-00081452 So, now, what is the very basis of the dye sensitized solar cells, now if you replace E2hAKghpahM-00101-00081452-00082289 chlorophyll out here, say for example, instead of chlorophyll you want to use any of these E2hAKghpahM-00102-00082289-00082614 as a organic dye or a inorganic dye or whatsoever. E2hAKghpahM-00103-00082614-00083157 So, you have to ensure. So, you have a dye layer here, say for example, just like the E2hAKghpahM-00104-00083157-00084143 chlorophyll, you have this dye out here and the light is falling on it h nu. So, when E2hAKghpahM-00105-00084143-00085344 the light is falling, these dye molecules are ejecting electrons. And if they ejecting electrons, E2hAKghpahM-00106-00085344-00086173 so it means these dyes are getting oxidized, they are losing electrons. So, they have to E2hAKghpahM-00107-00086173-00086638 be brought back to its ground state. In order to bring them back to their ground state, E2hAKghpahM-00108-00086638-00087851 you need continuous supply of electron from some other source which is not this source; E2hAKghpahM-00109-00087851-00088320 otherwise, they will recombine, this is not really going to work. So, the other source E2hAKghpahM-00110-00088320-00089360 in case of photosynthesis is manganese cluster. So, you need something else here or you mimic E2hAKghpahM-00111-00089360-00089555 the manganese cluster. E2hAKghpahM-00112-00089555-00090406 So, coming back what is that what is being replaced here. So, if you see, why the duplication E2hAKghpahM-00113-00090406-00090969 of photosynthesis has not been really successful as of now. A very thin layer is required to E2hAKghpahM-00114-00090969-00091391 minimize the electron loss as I was trying to tell you and you will see dye here this E2hAKghpahM-00115-00091391-00091960 layer really really has to be as much thin as you can think off, thinner the better. E2hAKghpahM-00116-00091960-00092642 They would not be any further loss of electrons. A thin layer absorbs very little light and E2hAKghpahM-00117-00092642-00092992 nature has solved this problem of course, in the form of photosynthesis, but if you E2hAKghpahM-00118-00092992-00093464 look at this picture by stacking the thylakoid membranes. If you look at the thylakoid membrane, E2hAKghpahM-00119-00093464-00094118 there is stack like this; microscopic stacking which are taking place on nanoscopic stacking E2hAKghpahM-00120-00094118-00094656 which is taken place. So, nature has its own way to solve that problem providing successful E2hAKghpahM-00121-00094656-00095237 layers, and the antenna molecule and can afford to recycle the whole system on annual basis. E2hAKghpahM-00122-00095237-00095868 So, in order to have an artificial photosynthesis for energy harvesting, what all we need. Something E2hAKghpahM-00123-00095868-00096436 to absorb the solar energy there is could be an organic dye, could be a flower dye, E2hAKghpahM-00124-00096436-00097145 could be a synthetic dyes, could be an inorganic dye anything which could you know absorb like E2hAKghpahM-00125-00097145-00098016 in the whole spectrum. A mechanism to separate two types of charges. So, there will be always E2hAKghpahM-00126-00098016-00098618 electron and a hole which is divide of electron. So, we should be able to you know separate E2hAKghpahM-00127-00098618-00099508 out the charges, which very efficiently has been done in photosynthesis by the membrane E2hAKghpahM-00128-00099508-00100142 by the thylakoid membrane. A mechanism to pickup one type of charge. So, when these E2hAKghpahM-00129-00100142-00100804 electrons are ejected, you need a mechanism by which you can siphon out the charge. If E2hAKghpahM-00130-00100804-00101236 you cannot siphon out, you cannot put it in a circuit, you really cannot put it to the E2hAKghpahM-00131-00101236-00101855 load to glow a light or you know or run a machine. And a medium for transport of other E2hAKghpahM-00132-00101855-00102364 type of charges. So, the other kind, if there is hole and the electron, so there should E2hAKghpahM-00133-00102364-00102702 be way that you should be able to you know transfer those charges. So, these are the E2hAKghpahM-00134-00102702-00103357 four fundamental requirement in order to mimic the photosynthesis what you are seeing here. E2hAKghpahM-00135-00103357-00104105 So, there is a new generation of solar cells, which is called dye sensitized nano crystalline E2hAKghpahM-00136-00104105-00104889 solar cells, which is also called after the name of its innovative Prof. Gratzel, it is E2hAKghpahM-00137-00104889-00105639 also called a Graetzel cells. And I request you people to go through the work of Gratzel E2hAKghpahM-00138-00105639-00106124 in detail, where the websites it is really beautiful pieces of work which has been done by Gratzel. E2hAKghpahM-00139-00106124-00106683 So, which are called the third generation of the solar cells. It mimics the E2hAKghpahM-00140-00106683-00107172 natural photosynthesis processes. There is a light absorption process is separated from E2hAKghpahM-00141-00107172-00107783 the charge transfer process; unlike in the older cell. An organic dye absorbs the sunlight E2hAKghpahM-00142-00107783-00108247 and a nano crystalline wide band-gap semiconductor is used to transport the charges. E2hAKghpahM-00143-00108247-00108779 So, what essentially is being done you are playing with a band-gap of different known E2hAKghpahM-00144-00108779-00109259 or existing semiconductor material, and you are coupling it. What you are doing here you E2hAKghpahM-00145-00109259-00110353 have this organic dyes as one of the component could be any of these or plus semiconductor material. E2hAKghpahM-00146-00110353-00113094 And there should be significant difference in the band-gap, and this is also E2hAKghpahM-00147-00113094-00113254 called the Graetzel cells. E2hAKghpahM-00148-00113254-00114327 Now coming back, how really the Graetzel cells work. So, this is a very kind of basic slide, E2hAKghpahM-00149-00114327-00115085 but will go through this slide very carefully. So, what you see in the center out here. So, E2hAKghpahM-00150-00115085-00117165 what you see is, let me just draw it, you see this molecule out here. E2hAKghpahM-00151-00117165-00117779 So, imagine this is the dye molecule. So, the light is falling on the dye molecule, E2hAKghpahM-00152-00117779-00118588 and it is ejecting an electron. So, now, this dye is in a oxidized state, which is divide E2hAKghpahM-00153-00118588-00119058 of electron. So, now let us follow the slide you will see. So, the dye is absorbing the E2hAKghpahM-00154-00119058-00119817 electron h nu and it is ejecting the electrons. Now the first thing which has to be done is E2hAKghpahM-00155-00119817-00120375 that these electron which are ejected out has to be separate it. So, if you go back E2hAKghpahM-00156-00120375-00120965 to previous slide, what you all you need is that you basically need a mechanism to separate E2hAKghpahM-00157-00120965-00121456 the two charges and mechanism to pickup one type of charges. So, here what you are doing E2hAKghpahM-00158-00121456-00122466 is these ejected electrons has to be picked up and which is being picked up out here on E2hAKghpahM-00159-00122466-00123049 the top you see that titanium dioxide. So, this is the titanium dioxide which is picking E2hAKghpahM-00160-00123049-00123703 up those electrons. So, now these electrons are being transported E2hAKghpahM-00161-00123703-00124291 along with the electrode across that electrode to the other end, from the anode to the cathodes. E2hAKghpahM-00162-00124291-00125160 You could see the electrons are moving on there. Now in that whole process what is happened? E2hAKghpahM-00163-00125160-00126217 The dye-molecule has got oxidized. So, it has to be brought back. So, it is being brought E2hAKghpahM-00164-00126217-00126745 back by the presence of a electrolyte which is present there in the form of iodine, if E2hAKghpahM-00165-00126745-00126947 you see this reaction out here E2hAKghpahM-00166-00127933-00128744 iodine to iodide reaction. So, this is one of the common mode by which that electron E2hAKghpahM-00167-00128744-00129471 is being supplied by the iodine-iodide transformation and that electron comes back. So, whatever E2hAKghpahM-00168-00129471-00130208 this electron which is generated out here is helps to so let us clean this up and let E2hAKghpahM-00169-00130208-00130675 us let us do it in a right way. E2hAKghpahM-00170-00130675-00133049 So, here you have the cell. So, you have the electrolyte, here you have the dyes present. E2hAKghpahM-00171-00133049-00133907 Light is falling on them, electrons are ejected, these electrons are picked up by specific E2hAKghpahM-00172-00133907-00134788 electrode and transported out for running any kind of device. And in the mean time, E2hAKghpahM-00173-00134788-00135774 there is iodine to iodized transformation, the electrons which is ejected out helps it E2hAKghpahM-00174-00135774-00136311 to come back to its ground state. Whereas there is depletion, which is taking place E2hAKghpahM-00175-00136311-00136928 here is being taken care by the other electrode, which supplies the necessary electron in order E2hAKghpahM-00176-00136928-00138075 to bring it back. So, in this whole process is good enough to power several devices. E2hAKghpahM-00177-00138075-00138795 Of course, not very high-end devices as of now and but this is how so you can use any of E2hAKghpahM-00178-00138795-00139310 these different kind of dyes you can use organic dye, you can use a floral dye, you can use E2hAKghpahM-00179-00139310-00139802 synthetic dye, you can use inorganic dyes like in and so on and so forth. You can use E2hAKghpahM-00180-00139802-00140397 several kind of dyes by which you can start mimicking the photosynthetic machinery. E2hAKghpahM-00181-00140397-00140918 So, now this was the first cartoon what I was trying to show you. So, if you look at this. E2hAKghpahM-00182-00140918-00141555 So, you will see, there is a glass sheet on the top, it is basically transparent. So, E2hAKghpahM-00183-00141555-00142053 you both side is transparent, in order to get maximum amount of sun light. You have E2hAKghpahM-00184-00142053-00143029 the dye sensitized titanium oxide, which is present there. Then you have iodine-iodide E2hAKghpahM-00185-00143029-00143539 electrolyte and you have a platinum catalyst which is present there. So, this is how and E2hAKghpahM-00186-00143539-00144065 there is a load on the other side. So, this is the whole overall compact assembly of this E2hAKghpahM-00187-00144065-00144361 kind of dye of this kind of cells. E2hAKghpahM-00188-00144361-00144782 If you tried to figure out what is the reaction which is taking place. So, this is how it is going. E2hAKghpahM-00189-00144782-00145749 So, titanium oxide, these molecules of titanium oxides are like this. The lot E2hAKghpahM-00190-00145749-00147309 of surface area where these dyes are bounds like this. So, the picture what you are seeing E2hAKghpahM-00191-00147309-00148419 is T i O 2 bound with the dye. So, then there is a platinum on top of the ITO sheet, if E2hAKghpahM-00192-00148419-00149113 you see on the slide. So, here you have the ITO sheet and the reaction what is taking E2hAKghpahM-00193-00149113-00149757 place now if you look at it carefully. So, first of all the dye looses an electron, you E2hAKghpahM-00194-00149757-00150334 see the red arrow going up, there is a photo excitation process; from the homo state it E2hAKghpahM-00195-00150334-00151068 goes to the LUMO state, and where the dye is not is divide of one of the electrons. E2hAKghpahM-00196-00151068-00151604 So, it is kind of almost like a free radical there. E2hAKghpahM-00197-00151604-00152281 Now this dye has to be brought back it has to be reduced. So, you see the green color E2hAKghpahM-00198-00152281-00152868 there number three which says the reduction, so that is where the dye is getting reduced. E2hAKghpahM-00199-00152868-00153656 So, bring the dye back into its ground state, there is that other electron which is present E2hAKghpahM-00200-00153656-00154197 there, it is injected into the circuit. So, there are at least four or five processes E2hAKghpahM-00201-00154197-00155226 taking place. So, the first step is the photo excitation what you could see there. So, this E2hAKghpahM-00202-00155226-00156676 first step photo excitation process. The second process if you look at followed by your injection E2hAKghpahM-00203-00156676-00157772 of the current. So, this is where this electron is being injected out, this is the second process. E2hAKghpahM-00204-00157772-00158388 And there is a third process which is involved where this photo excited molecule E2hAKghpahM-00205-00158388-00158899 is being brought back, you see the reduction step which is basically bringing in back. E2hAKghpahM-00206-00158899-00159649 Then there is the fifth and the sixth, where basically there is the recombination and there E2hAKghpahM-00207-00159649-00160058 is a dark current which is involved. So, we are not getting in depth on those ones, but E2hAKghpahM-00208-00160058-00160510 at this point what I expect you people to understand the basic circuit and the external E2hAKghpahM-00209-00160510-00161405 circuit, the electron comes back and activates a load and moves on. So, this is how dye sensitized E2hAKghpahM-00210-00161405-00161594 solar cell works. E2hAKghpahM-00211-00161594-00162168 And if you want to get a much more schematic picture exactly where the electron is, you E2hAKghpahM-00212-00162168-00162636 can use an carbon electrode, you can use organic dye like cyanides, you have conducting glass. E2hAKghpahM-00213-00162636-00163322 So, this is what is happening here all these dyes which are you know embedded on the titanium E2hAKghpahM-00214-00163322-00164057 dioxide, and light is falling, the electron is being ejected out, and the electrolyte E2hAKghpahM-00215-00164057-00164490 which is present there. So, if you follow the whole sequence on the right hand side E2hAKghpahM-00216-00164490-00165022 organic dye which is essentially the light harvester or sensitizer. So, then you have E2hAKghpahM-00217-00165022-00165602 the nano-crystalline titanium oxide which is helpful in transporting the electrons because E2hAKghpahM-00218-00165602-00166306 these electrons have to be transported electrons reach the carbon electrodes by external correction E2hAKghpahM-00219-00166306-00166781 external connection and a current flows. So, this is what you are seeing there is an external connection. E2hAKghpahM-00220-00166781-00167078 And if you follow this picture, there is an E2hAKghpahM-00221-00167078-00167508 electron flow you could see on the left hand side of the slide and of course, the current E2hAKghpahM-00222-00167508-00168177 goes in the reverse direction as per the assumption. So, electron reach the carbon electrode via E2hAKghpahM-00223-00168177-00168763 external connection and a current flows. What are the reactions add the carbon electrode E2hAKghpahM-00224-00168763-00169316 which is on your right hand side in this slide there is I 3 minus plus an electron form I minus. E2hAKghpahM-00225-00169316-00170427 So, it is ejecting an electron whereas at the photoelectrode that same I minus gets E2hAKghpahM-00226-00170427-00171161 an proton and it forms I 3 minus which is comes back to its original state plus an electron. E2hAKghpahM-00227-00171161-00171657 So, you see there are two reversible reactions which are taking place, but one is at the E2hAKghpahM-00228-00171657-00172408 cathode one is at the anode. So, at the carbon electrode there is one set E2hAKghpahM-00229-00172408-00173164 of reaction taking place where this I 3 minus is you know picking up an electron and getting E2hAKghpahM-00230-00173164-00174004 reduced. Whereas, in the second situation, it is you know ejecting out an electron and E2hAKghpahM-00231-00174004-00174598 getting oxidized, and maximum photo voltage is equal to the difference between the redox E2hAKghpahM-00232-00174598-00175140 potential of the electrolyte and the Fermi level of the semiconductor. Those of you are E2hAKghpahM-00233-00175140-00175897 interested, there are several other very good concise mechanisms which are involved in order E2hAKghpahM-00234-00175897-00176353 to you know kind of understand this whole thing, which is this is beyond the scope of this course. E2hAKghpahM-00235-00176353-00176786 So, I am not really getting into the what are the different Fermi level electrons E2hAKghpahM-00236-00176786-00177331 and how they are kind of Fermi levels, how they are kind of involved in this whole process, E2hAKghpahM-00237-00177331-00177894 but for your reference you can go through the work of Gratzel Arthur Ratori. I will E2hAKghpahM-00238-00177894-00178408 forward you some of these work and you can go through them, and you will see that the E2hAKghpahM-00239-00178408-00178799 nicely people have you know model this whole system. E2hAKghpahM-00240-00178799-00179295 So, coming to the next slide let us look at the efficiency of these kind of processes, E2hAKghpahM-00241-00179295-00180022 it is around 10.5 percent efficient. There are commercial solar cells efficiency is 15 E2hAKghpahM-00242-00180022-00180875 to 17 percent. But that you know very 17 percent efficiency is in a very very I should say E2hAKghpahM-00243-00180875-00181554 ideal condition. So, it is slightly less, it is almost five percent less than solar E2hAKghpahM-00244-00181554-00182097 cell efficiency, but this is a technology which is newer as compared to the solar cell, E2hAKghpahM-00245-00182097-00182658 and it could really go further up. Tropical forest ecosystem efficiency is around one E2hAKghpahM-00246-00182658-00183257 percent; theoretical limit for natural photosynthesis is thirteen percent. So, if you now compare E2hAKghpahM-00247-00183257-00183846 these numbers this is very interesting number to compare; 13 percent is the theoretical E2hAKghpahM-00248-00183846-00184669 limit for natural photosynthesis, solar cell efficiency is 15 percent - 15 to 17 percent E2hAKghpahM-00249-00184669-00185640 with the best great devices using crystalline silicon. Your efficiency achieved for the E2hAKghpahM-00250-00185640-00186128 dye sensitized solar cell is around ten and the tropical forest ecosystem and efficiency E2hAKghpahM-00251-00186128-00186701 is around one percent that is of course, tropical forest ecosystem has the lesser efficiency E2hAKghpahM-00252-00186701-00186947 for different reason. E2hAKghpahM-00253-00186947-00187995 So, if you look at where all these have been used, various colors of dyes, several corporations E2hAKghpahM-00254-00187995-00188460 which are involved in it, and they are coming a big way to you know promote this. E2hAKghpahM-00255-00188460-00189009 So, now let us look at some of the special dyes which have been prepared. So, if you E2hAKghpahM-00256-00189009-00189507 look at it you will see, you can please I mean and print this pictures are not really E2hAKghpahM-00257-00189507-00190099 coming neat. So, you can really refer to the work of Gratzel and other which I will be E2hAKghpahM-00258-00190099-00190584 putting on on the reference. You can go through them and you can exactly get pictures of these E2hAKghpahM-00259-00190584-00191075 dyes how they look like, but what it is important for you to understand is, what are the properties E2hAKghpahM-00260-00191075-00191548 which are essential, they must contain a chemical group that can attached to titanium oxide E2hAKghpahM-00261-00191548-00192027 surface, so this is where thing is that. So, this molecule whatsoever this molecule is E2hAKghpahM-00262-00192027-00192602 these dye molecule, this dye molecule should have a hint by which chemical hint by which E2hAKghpahM-00263-00192602-00193216 it can bind into T i O 2. So, that is what it meant by we should be able to bind it to E2hAKghpahM-00264-00193216-00193834 T i O 2 because that will minimize the loss of electron transfer. E2hAKghpahM-00265-00193834-00194541 Must have a energy level at the proper position. So, it has to be oriented in such a way that E2hAKghpahM-00266-00194541-00195144 you get the best out of it. The dyes which are currently in use they you could look at E2hAKghpahM-00267-00195144-00195610 there are ruthenium dyes n three dye there are black dyes, coumarone dyes these are the organic. E2hAKghpahM-00268-00195610-00196209 So, several different kinds of dyes, which are currently available in the market. E2hAKghpahM-00269-00196209-00196889 Now, hit me on that there are people who are working this is from Arthur Ratore is work E2hAKghpahM-00270-00196889-00197650 in Fiji Island, you will see there are experimentations which are being done using natural dye. These E2hAKghpahM-00271-00197650-00198598 some of these slides what I have collected from his own presentation. So, there are dyes E2hAKghpahM-00272-00198598-00199072 which have been utilized the anthocyanin dye, and I will give you some of the things where E2hAKghpahM-00273-00199072-00199800 you can really develop these kind of dye sensitized solar cell in your lab. These are very I mean E2hAKghpahM-00274-00199800-00200096 highly doable, these are not something like you know out of the world, there are very E2hAKghpahM-00275-00200096-00200581 straight forward thing and I will send you I will out as some of the reading materials E2hAKghpahM-00276-00200581-00201057 or you know practical material. So, experimenting with the natural dyes Ratore E2hAKghpahM-00277-00201057-00201587 is working you see they have used anthocyanin dye, they have used several floral dyes available E2hAKghpahM-00278-00201587-00202288 at the flowers available in Fiji Island. So, the way it works is the nano crystalline porous E2hAKghpahM-00279-00202288-00202945 film of titanium oxide was coated on a conducting glass like which is an I tube - Indian tin E2hAKghpahM-00280-00202945-00203472 oxide. Sensitized dyes was derived from the berries or you know anthocyanin or whatsoever E2hAKghpahM-00281-00203472-00204036 flower you want to use. Titanium oxide was coated with the dye the cell was constructed E2hAKghpahM-00282-00204036-00204613 by putting the second conducting glass on top of the coated one with few drops of electrolyte between them. E2hAKghpahM-00283-00204613-00205248 So, I will characterization was done, the v o c, the open circuit voltage E2hAKghpahM-00284-00205248-00205573 and efficiency and everything is being measured. E2hAKghpahM-00285-00205573-00206112 So, if you look at the nature what is the most important is now coming to what are the E2hAKghpahM-00286-00206112-00206565 different commercialization market if you look at it currently. This is again I have E2hAKghpahM-00287-00206565-00207327 derived it from Prof. Arthur Rathore’s slides I was kind going through. So, this is very E2hAKghpahM-00288-00207327-00207832 you know neatly given. So, this is the kind of numbers what we are looking forward to E2hAKghpahM-00289-00207832-00208471 in the years to come like this technology is will definitely grow in a big way, where E2hAKghpahM-00290-00208471-00208956 you know several different things which could be developed out of it. E2hAKghpahM-00291-00208956-00209654 And this is the classic example what is believed as you know as a case of Biomimicry dye sensitized E2hAKghpahM-00292-00209654-00210080 solar cell have the great potential providing low cost photovoltaic power to billions of E2hAKghpahM-00293-00210080-00210633 people around the world living in remote areas without any access to electricity. These cells E2hAKghpahM-00294-00210633-00211304 can be produced easily without expensive set-ups need for conventional solid-state solar cells. E2hAKghpahM-00295-00211304-00212100 So, now coming back what I wanted to highlight is if you look at nature carefully nature E2hAKghpahM-00296-00212100-00213031 has given us abundant resource of say different kind of energy trapping molecules, energy E2hAKghpahM-00297-00213031-00213805 transforming molecules. It is as we have to look or we have to kind of thing very sustainable E2hAKghpahM-00298-00213805-00214546 manner in order to you know explore, harvest and make the best out of these different available E2hAKghpahM-00299-00214546-00215052 opportunities, which are scattered all over the nature. So, if you look at dye sensitized E2hAKghpahM-00300-00215052-00215648 solar cells, what we discussed today, you can draw inspiration from anything. I mean E2hAKghpahM-00301-00215648-00216509 like and remote places like Fiji, remote places of the world like where you do not have extraordinary E2hAKghpahM-00302-00216509-00216998 facility to develop a current crystalline silicon systems. You can develop this kind E2hAKghpahM-00303-00216998-00217573 of a wonderful energy harvesting devices. Of course, at this stage their efficiency E2hAKghpahM-00304-00217573-00218144 is only ten percent, but you know within ten research who know some day they may out smart E2hAKghpahM-00305-00218144-00218603 existing solar cell technology, this is the matter of time how much investment we do. E2hAKghpahM-00306-00218603-00219219 So, overall what we see, bioelectricity we started with the bioelectrical phenomena and E2hAKghpahM-00307-00219219-00219651 different bioelectrical things in plants and everything. What is very essential to appreciate E2hAKghpahM-00308-00219651-00220117 that we have to think very globally, very holistically that we can derive inspiration E2hAKghpahM-00309-00220117-00220863 from multiple things across nature and you can you know biomimic them and you can you E2hAKghpahM-00310-00220863-00221630 know develop some extraordinary thing for the futuristic sustainable societies. E2hAKghpahM-00311-00221630-00222573 So, with this lecture, I am pretty much closing on the photosynthesis and other inspirational E2hAKghpahM-00312-00222573-00223055 devices which could be or the technological intervention which could help you know to E2hAKghpahM-00313-00223055-00223667 appreciate photosynthesis as well as mimic it. So, post this will be talking about some E2hAKghpahM-00314-00223667-00224169 of the plant movements, but let us closing here, and I will leave it to you people to E2hAKghpahM-00315-00224169-00224817 you know dream and think in a very sustainable way how these developments can be taken place. E2hAKghpahM-00316-00224817-00225350 Again with a request that please go through the work of I will be providing all the relevant E2hAKghpahM-00317-00225350-00226083 literatures of Gratzel cells as well as Rathori’s and several other people, please go through E2hAKghpahM-00318-00226083-00226417 them, you will be able to appreciate it lot better. E2hAKghpahM-00319-00226417-00226480 Thank you. E4BEPgdHRVE-00000-00002866-00003316 DDoch cannot be join for a while due to personal reason. Therefore, Micol’s video only will uploaded soon. E4BEPgdHRVE-00001-00003843-00003973 Damp..! E4BEPgdHRVE-00002-00006226-00006306 What was that? E4BEPgdHRVE-00003-00008300-00008406 Anybody in there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00004-00008580-00008833 What was it just now? E4BEPgdHRVE-00005-00009450-00009556 Hello? E4BEPgdHRVE-00006-00010920-00011016 Who’s there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00007-00011396-00011496 Excuse me? E4BEPgdHRVE-00008-00012083-00012223 Who’s in there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00009-00013706-00013916 So weird from when the door made curious sound E4BEPgdHRVE-00010-00014530-00014640 Ha… what’s that? E4BEPgdHRVE-00011-00015666-00015756 Who are you in there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00012-00018453-00018570 Nobody can go out in here E4BEPgdHRVE-00013-00018666-00019040 Nobody can get out from here easily whenever you wanna go out E4BEPgdHRVE-00014-00019166-00019263 Understand? E4BEPgdHRVE-00015-00022230-00022520 Be quiet! I said quiet…! E4BEPgdHRVE-00016-00032139-00032250 Something wrong…. E4BEPgdHRVE-00017-00032633-00032733 I guess something’s gonna wrong… E4BEPgdHRVE-00018-00032933-00033080 It wasn’t like metallic sound. E4BEPgdHRVE-00019-00033743-00033896 Sounds was like the snap of glass. E4BEPgdHRVE-00020-00034020-00034230 I think I could know that. E4BEPgdHRVE-00021-00034343-00034680 It was like a clear sound not a dead sound. E4BEPgdHRVE-00022-00037000-00037103 Who’s there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00023-00039483-00039593 Anybody in there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00024-00039883-00039993 Excuse me? E4BEPgdHRVE-00025-00041223-00041323 Hello? E4BEPgdHRVE-00026-00049186-00049256 What was it..? E4BEPgdHRVE-00027-00049360-00049446 Who is there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00028-00050113-00050323 What the heck is…? why door…. E4BEPgdHRVE-00029-00050620-00050690 What was it? E4BEPgdHRVE-00030-00051846-00051910 Hey! E4BEPgdHRVE-00031-00052500-00052573 What? E4BEPgdHRVE-00032-00054860-00054960 Oh… no. E4BEPgdHRVE-00033-00054996-00055136 Who screwed up in here? E4BEPgdHRVE-00034-00055926-00056013 What the… E4BEPgdHRVE-00035-00056316-00056423 Is this possible? E4BEPgdHRVE-00036-00056573-00056716 Hey, guys, is that possible? E4BEPgdHRVE-00037-00056946-00057093 That something blocked here? E4BEPgdHRVE-00038-00058826-00058976 Focus on the sound! E4BEPgdHRVE-00039-00059046-00059690 Micol heard something CREEPY sound. E4BEPgdHRVE-00040-00059776-00059873 What was that sound? E4BEPgdHRVE-00041-00060893-00060973 Ghost or something? E4BEPgdHRVE-00042-00061353-00061433 Or maybe a person? E4BEPgdHRVE-00043-00062326-00062420 Who’s there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00044-00063193-00063286 Ready to capture! E4BEPgdHRVE-00045-00064366-00064456 Who’s there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00046-00065820-00065926 Excuse me? E4BEPgdHRVE-00047-00066236-00066353 Wait! Hold on! E4BEPgdHRVE-00048-00069620-00069810 Guys! Anybody saw something just now? E4BEPgdHRVE-00049-00069953-00070120 You guys didn’t saw anything just before? E4BEPgdHRVE-00050-00070670-00070770 Who captured that moment? E4BEPgdHRVE-00051-00070810-00070990 What I saw was…. E4BEPgdHRVE-00052-00071113-00071340 It’s like a white shape of ghost.. E4BEPgdHRVE-00053-00071460-00071563 Baaam! E4BEPgdHRVE-00054-00075913-00076030 Who’s there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00055-00076413-00076506 Anybody in there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00056-00076670-00076740 What the f**k… E4BEPgdHRVE-00057-00077173-00077306 Who’s there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00058-00077640-00077746 Hello? E4BEPgdHRVE-00059-00078150-00078263 Who are you in there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00060-00078733-00078843 Excuse me? E4BEPgdHRVE-00061-00080586-00080703 Can’t you stop doing this? E4BEPgdHRVE-00062-00081450-00081656 Please? E4BEPgdHRVE-00063-00082143-00082266 I said stop doing this now? E4BEPgdHRVE-00064-00082436-00082553 Stop please? E4BEPgdHRVE-00065-00087786-00087890 Got ya! E4BEPgdHRVE-00066-00088313-00088563 I’m sure there’s a ghost or something STRONG spirit! E4BEPgdHRVE-00067-00088693-00088790 Surely 100%! E4BEPgdHRVE-00068-00089006-00089103 For sure! E4BEPgdHRVE-00069-00091606-00091703 What was that? E4BEPgdHRVE-00070-00092253-00092383 Do you guys remember this? E4BEPgdHRVE-00071-00092583-00092693 Remember? E4BEPgdHRVE-00072-00093960-00094126 The room with a kimbob E4BEPgdHRVE-00073-00094363-00094440 What the..? E4BEPgdHRVE-00074-00096693-00096910 I know you are in there! E4BEPgdHRVE-00075-00097913-00098010 Wait, wait! E4BEPgdHRVE-00076-00098450-00098530 Open that! E4BEPgdHRVE-00077-00098570-00098676 Crack! E4BEPgdHRVE-00078-00098973-00099073 What was that sound? E4BEPgdHRVE-00079-00099146-00099253 creak! E4BEPgdHRVE-00080-00100590-00100670 What was that just now?! E4BEPgdHRVE-00081-00101403-00101573 Don’t run away (clap!) you such a swindler! E4BEPgdHRVE-00082-00101660-00101973 That’s why subscriber criticize you ‘this is all fake’ (clap!) d**khead! E4BEPgdHRVE-00083-00102236-00102336 Are you a moron? E4BEPgdHRVE-00084-00102946-00103040 Who’s there? E4BEPgdHRVE-00085-00103596-00103676 Coming… coming! E4BEPgdHRVE-00086-00105943-00106070 What a crazy… huh.. E4BEPgdHRVE-00087-00106233-00106406 I think this will be.. E4BEPgdHRVE-00088-00107083-00107370 Massive… micol don’t run away! E4BEPgdHRVE-00089-00107486-00107773 Keep filming this moment! E4BEPgdHRVE-00090-00107880-00108170 Better quit filming this video if you run away! E4BEPgdHRVE-00091-00108230-00108346 Thump! E4BEPgdHRVE-00092-00109940-00110583 Door handle moved and the door was opened. E4BEPgdHRVE-00093-00113880-00114183 You ain’t gonna say me something hide behind the door? E4BEPgdHRVE-00094-00114253-00114526 Here is 3th floor and nobody can hide behind the door! E4BEPgdHRVE-00095-00116813-00116933 Cause here is a 3th floor! E4BEPgdHRVE-00096-00117023-00117280 I am trying to catch ghost in the video…and E4BEPgdHRVE-00097-00117283-00117493 Probably You guys heard some noise like door is opening E4BEPgdHRVE-00098-00117686-00117836 Please don’t say to me… E4BEPgdHRVE-00099-00117953-00118086 This place is the haunted house… E4BEPgdHRVE-00100-00118266-00118376 Nobody! E4BEPgdHRVE-00101-00118426-00118576 I can’t go inside… E4BEPgdHRVE-00102-00118650-00118963 I just opened this door when I heard something weird sound in there! E4BEPgdHRVE-00103-00119020-00119109 Toilet? E4BEPgdHRVE-00104-00119550-00119800 Nonsense! Here is 3th floor! E4BEPgdHRVE-00105-00119870-00119990 Come on out from the ref! E4BEPgdHRVE-00106-00120076-00120166 Come on out! E4BEPgdHRVE-00107-00122273-00122356 Hey, E4BEPgdHRVE-00108-00122670-00122776 We better stop now. E4BEPgdHRVE-00109-00123113-00123220 Please stop doing this. E4BEPgdHRVE-00110-00124050-00124166 Stop doing like this. E4BEPgdHRVE-00111-00125176-00125286 Baam! E4BEPgdHRVE-00112-00125556-00125640 Where..? E4BEPgdHRVE-00113-00126026-00126103 What? E4BEPgdHRVE-00114-00128403-00128943 I will let you know this is a camera charger line. Hope you don’t misunderstand this is all fake. E4BEPgdHRVE-00115-00130823-00130960 LEGENDARY haunted house ever… E4BEPgdHRVE-00116-00131096-00131250 I said get out of here? E4BEPgdHRVE-00117-00131266-00131366 Don’t do this! E4BEPgdHRVE-00118-00131600-00131693 Stop it! E4BEPgdHRVE-00119-00132763-00132883 Baam! E4BEPgdHRVE-00120-00134096-00134183 What was that? E4BEPgdHRVE-00121-00134460-00134593 Was it..? E4BEPgdHRVE-00122-00134823-00134910 shoehorn? E4BEPgdHRVE-00123-00135613-00135763 Are you gonna teasing me around? E4BEPgdHRVE-00124-00135923-00136056 You will gonna keep messing with me? E4BEPgdHRVE-00125-00136483-00136693 Please don’t make me angry! E4BEPgdHRVE-00126-00137646-00137820 I said do not make me annoy! E4BEPgdHRVE-00127-00138903-00139140 I’ll try to use this cigarette first. E4BEPgdHRVE-00128-00139626-00139770 As you guys ask, E4BEPgdHRVE-00129-00139826-00140013 I will do it. E4BEPgdHRVE-00130-00140120-00140280 I will use this cigarette! E4BEPgdHRVE-00131-00141213-00141343 I don’t smoke by the way..! E4BEPgdHRVE-00132-00143470-00143773 After that… E4BEPgdHRVE-00133-00145183-00145356 You like this? E4BEPgdHRVE-00134-00145783-00145940 You don’t like this? E4BEPgdHRVE-00135-00146246-00146406 What’s your problem? E4BEPgdHRVE-00136-00146956-00147136 Can you tell me what is your problem? E4BEPgdHRVE-00137-00147803-00148013 Is that hard telling me your story? E4BEPgdHRVE-00138-00148160-00148270 Can’t you tell… E4BEPgdHRVE-00139-00148443-00148613 How did you… E4BEPgdHRVE-00140-00148720-00148986 Died before…? E4BEPgdHRVE-00141-00149216-00149363 There’s nobody can hear your story… E4BEPgdHRVE-00142-00149440-00149566 Except me… E4BEPgdHRVE-00143-00149653-00149840 You can tell me your honest story… E4BEPgdHRVE-00144-00149973-00150346 Feel free to telling me! E4BEPgdHRVE-00145-00150636-00150930 I won’t say you should tell all your story to me.. E4BEPgdHRVE-00146-00151033-00151176 But we can have short conversation E4BEPgdHRVE-00147-00151496-00151680 Would it be tough to you? E4BEPgdHRVE-00148-00152000-00152190 Feel like a Foreigner..? E4BEPgdHRVE-00149-00152223-00152346 I don’t think that ghost is a foreigner? E4BEPgdHRVE-00150-00152606-00152756 He.. hello? E4BEPgdHRVE-00151-00152913-00153093 I will just leave this house E4BEPgdHRVE-00152-00153326-00153443 If you won’t say anything.. E4BEPgdHRVE-00153-00153633-00153770 Say something! E4BEPgdHRVE-00154-00153920-00153993 The age! E4BEPgdHRVE-00155-00154050-00154473 How did you died and when did you died! E4BEPgdHRVE-00156-00154520-00154600 Just a one word! E4BEPgdHRVE-00157-00156146-00156393 Ok.. I would better leave this place… E4BEPgdHRVE-00158-00156456-00156800 I will just leave this haunted house cause ghost won’t tell me something E4BEPgdHRVE-00159-00156853-00157130 with no regret for today.