VRvwB1hYRvu-00000-00002662-00002870 Hello and welcome back. VRvwB1hYRvu-00001-00002871-00003468 Chapter seventeen tells the amazing and never sufficiently praised “Adventure of the Lions.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00002-00003468-00003609 It’s one of my favorites. VRvwB1hYRvu-00003-00003609-00004032 SP provides what at first appears to be a minor slapstick detail. VRvwB1hYRvu-00004-00004032-00004585 He has just purchased curds from some nearby shepherds, and in his haste, he places them VRvwB1hYRvu-00005-00004585-00004792 in DQ’s helmet. VRvwB1hYRvu-00006-00004792-00005162 DQ requests his helmet as he prepares for combat. VRvwB1hYRvu-00007-00005162-00005802 Meanwhile, Miranda thinks DQ is about to attack a cart carrying King Philip III’s money: VRvwB1hYRvu-00008-00005802-00006276 “he saw nothing but a wagon coming towards them, with two or three small banners, which VRvwB1hYRvu-00009-00006276-00006831 led him to conclude that said wagon must have been carrying His Majesty’s money, and he VRvwB1hYRvu-00010-00006831-00007102 said as much to Don Quijote.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00011-00007102-00007620 There is a multiple irony here that has to do with our different perceptions of reality. VRvwB1hYRvu-00012-00007620-00008164 DQ responds to Miranda’s warning by observing that one should always be prepared for the VRvwB1hYRvu-00013-00008164-00008553 worst: “A man forewarned has won half the battle.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00014-00008553-00009067 He observes that threats are often invisible: “I know from experience that I have enemies VRvwB1hYRvu-00015-00009067-00009681 both visible and invisible, and I do not know when, nor where, nor at what point, nor in VRvwB1hYRvu-00016-00009681-00009993 what guise they will attack me.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00017-00009993-00010554 At the same time, he places his helmet on his head and suddenly thinks that his brains VRvwB1hYRvu-00018-00010554-00010684 are melting. VRvwB1hYRvu-00019-00010684-00011222 When DQ accuses SP of treachery, the squire claims that he too has been the victim of VRvwB1hYRvu-00020-00011222-00011779 secret enemies: “I too must have enchanters who pursue me, since I’m a member and cut VRvwB1hYRvu-00021-00011779-00012088 from the same fabric as your grace.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00022-00012088-00012604 This is hilarious, but Cervantes is also laying the grounds for another highly symbolic episode VRvwB1hYRvu-00023-00012604-00013272 which has to do with brains in relation to combat, i.e., with cogitation as a means of VRvwB1hYRvu-00024-00013272-00013476 preparing for unknown threats. VRvwB1hYRvu-00025-00013476-00013835 Let’s look more closely at this threat. VRvwB1hYRvu-00026-00013835-00014362 DQ is prepared to do battle “with Satan himself in person.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00027-00014362-00015029 The driver informs DQ that the wagon contains “two brave lions in cages, which the General VRvwB1hYRvu-00028-00015029-00015537 of Orán is sending to court as a gift to His Majesty.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00029-00015537-00016218 An autobiographical note here: Cervantes undertook a mysterious mission to Orán in 1581, which VRvwB1hYRvu-00030-00016218-00016626 likely involved espionage or diplomacy or both. VRvwB1hYRvu-00031-00018548-00019042 To continue, DQ is clearly confronting a symbolic extension of VRvwB1hYRvu-00032-00019043-00019693 the royal personage: “the banners are those of our lord the King, a sign that what’s VRvwB1hYRvu-00033-00019693-00019873 here is his.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00034-00019873-00020453 But our mad hidalgo doesn’t back down: “You come at me with little lions?” VRvwB1hYRvu-00035-00020453-00020920 Like “We’ve come up against the Church, Sancho,” this phrase is now a refrain that VRvwB1hYRvu-00036-00020920-00021329 expresses determination in the face of danger. VRvwB1hYRvu-00037-00021329-00021901 The Green Knight tries to stop DQ, but his words also reinforce the political nature VRvwB1hYRvu-00038-00021901-00022477 of the conflict: “these lions are not challenging your grace, or even dreaming of doing so: VRvwB1hYRvu-00039-00022477-00022910 they are gifts to His Majesty, and it’s not wise to detain them or impede their journey.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00040-00022910-00023567 DQ refuses to let others determine what he knows: “I know whether or not these lordly VRvwB1hYRvu-00041-00023567-00023807 lions are challenging me.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00042-00023807-00024067 What is the nature of this political conflict? VRvwB1hYRvu-00043-00024067-00024312 We have already seen an allusion to money. VRvwB1hYRvu-00044-00024312-00024829 Note that the poverty of the driver is also at issue: “I will be ruined for life; for VRvwB1hYRvu-00045-00024829-00025303 I have no other property than this wagon and these mules.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00046-00025303-00025914 The real issue here –what DQ knows that he knows– is that Philip III’s inflationary VRvwB1hYRvu-00047-00025914-00026545 monetary policy is devastating to poor people, savers, and people on fixed incomes. VRvwB1hYRvu-00048-00026545-00027255 DQ’s response contains a deeper level of meaning related to poverty and savings: “straightaway VRvwB1hYRvu-00049-00027255-00027777 you shall see that you labored in vain and could have spared yourself the effort.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00050-00027777-00028299 The episode’s monetary language continues when the lion keeper emphasizes the potential VRvwB1hYRvu-00051-00028299-00028494 costs to DQ. VRvwB1hYRvu-00052-00028494-00028983 He says that if DQ persists in his challenge, he will have to compensate him for his salary VRvwB1hYRvu-00053-00028983-00029563 and his fees: “I protest to this gentleman that he is responsible and accountable for VRvwB1hYRvu-00054-00029563-00030237 all harm and damage that these beasts might cause, as well as for my salaries and fees.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00055-00030237-00030819 Again: “Don Quijote responded that he knew what he was doing.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00056-00030819-00031364 At this point Cide Hamete expresses his highest praise for DQ anywhere in the novel. VRvwB1hYRvu-00057-00031364-00031539 It’s a long paragraph. VRvwB1hYRvu-00058-00031539-00032116 Francisco Rico even notes a certain Hebraic hyperbole: “O most valiant and courageous VRvwB1hYRvu-00059-00032116-00032336 knight, beyond all estimations!... VRvwB1hYRvu-00060-00032336-00032931 With what words shall I relate this fearsome feat, what phrases can I use to make it credible VRvwB1hYRvu-00061-00032931-00033600 for future generations, what praises can I find that will not suit and befit you, even VRvwB1hYRvu-00062-00033600-00033986 if they be the most hyperbolic of all hyperboles?... VRvwB1hYRvu-00063-00033986-00034544 Let your very deeds sing your praises, valiant Manchegan, for I shall leave them here in VRvwB1hYRvu-00064-00034544-00035017 all their glory, for I lack the words with which to esteem them.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00065-00035017-00035119 Why now? VRvwB1hYRvu-00066-00035119-00035868 Why does this particular episode cause Cide Hamete to produce such inflated praise? VRvwB1hYRvu-00067-00035868-00036456 Everyone flees in fear, but the lion is unfazed: “he displayed his hindquarters to Don Quijote, VRvwB1hYRvu-00068-00036456-00036869 and with great serenity and calm he went back inside the cage.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00069-00036869-00037232 DQ now urges the lion keeper to poke the lion. VRvwB1hYRvu-00070-00037232-00037581 He refuses and DQ declares victory. VRvwB1hYRvu-00071-00037581-00038071 Now DQ signals the others to return with the same white cloth that he had used to wipe VRvwB1hYRvu-00072-00038071-00038279 the curds from his face. VRvwB1hYRvu-00073-00038279-00038612 Paradoxically, this seems like a signal of surrender. VRvwB1hYRvu-00074-00038612-00039097 This white cloth, in conjunction with the lion’s disinterest in engaging DQ, would VRvwB1hYRvu-00075-00039097-00039559 seem to indicate that inflation is too subtle to be defeated. VRvwB1hYRvu-00076-00039559-00039948 The King’s policy means he wins no matter what you do. VRvwB1hYRvu-00077-00039948-00040466 Nevertheless, as the driver returns, DQ makes an impertinent gesture: “Sancho, give two VRvwB1hYRvu-00078-00040466-00041003 gold escudos to the man, one for him and one for the lion keeper, in recompense for their VRvwB1hYRvu-00079-00041003-00041215 delay on my behalf.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00080-00041215-00041628 Make no mistake, this is a subversive sign toward Philip III. VRvwB1hYRvu-00081-00041628-00042083 The lion keeper recognizes as much: “he promised him to relate that valiant deed to VRvwB1hYRvu-00082-00042083-00042402 the King himself when he arrived at court.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00083-00042402-00042973 And DQ pushes his encounter with the monarch even further: “If, by chance, His Majesty VRvwB1hYRvu-00084-00042973-00043515 should ask who performed this deed, tell him it was the Knight of the Lions.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00085-00043515-00044061 This is the first time since leaving home that DQ gives himself a new moniker, replacing VRvwB1hYRvu-00086-00044061-00044358 the “Knight of the Sorrowful Face” from part one. VRvwB1hYRvu-00087-00044358-00044734 This alone should indicate the importance of this episode. VRvwB1hYRvu-00088-00046638-00047237 The narrator then tells us that Miranda is amazed, even somewhat respectful toward DQ. VRvwB1hYRvu-00089-00047237-00047822 Miranda’s perspective is a wonderfully Erasmian summation of DQ’s dual nature: “a sane VRvwB1hYRvu-00090-00047822-00048147 madman and a madman on the brink of sanity.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00091-00048147-00048713 The chapter ends with a long speech by DQ in which he belittles courtly knights again VRvwB1hYRvu-00092-00048713-00049241 as inferior in comparison with knights errant: “But let the knight errant search all the VRvwB1hYRvu-00093-00049241-00049662 corners of the earth; let him enter into the most intricate labyrinths.” VRvwB1hYRvu-00094-00049662-00050247 When DQ observes that knights errant only seek fame –“seeking dangerous adventures, VRvwB1hYRvu-00095-00050247-00050781 with the intention of bringing them to a happy and a fortunate end, his only purpose being VRvwB1hYRvu-00096-00050781-00051397 to achieve glorious and lasting fame”–, he is citing Cicero, the greatest republican VRvwB1hYRvu-00097-00051397-00051619 enemy of the Roman Emperors. VRvwB1hYRvu-00098-00051619-00052078 It’s another sophisticated slap at Philip III and his advisors. VRvwB1hYRvu-00099-00052078-00052524 That´s all for now, please join us in our next video. VUsc-JP6rxE-00000-00000068-00000863 Hey folks, I'm just testing, ah, out this video recorder thing here. Ah... This is my VUsc-JP6rxE-00001-00000863-00001742 first, ah, try. So anyway, this is the, ah, view from the back of my place in Quincy. VUsc-JP6rxE-00002-00001742-00002391 Really not much to see right now but, ah, you can't really see all the way over there VUsc-JP6rxE-00003-00002391-00002798 but that's Hull. Sometimes there are deer back here too. VUsc-JP6rxE-00004-00002798-00003668 So... A lot of grass... Alright... That's it. Just wanted to test it out. Talk to you later... VVotyoSZWxY-00000-00000928-00001296 Welcome everybody. Today we're going to be discussing strengths-based VVotyoSZWxY-00001-00001296-00001716 biopsychosocial approach to recovery from addictions and personality VVotyoSZWxY-00002-00001716-00002676 disorders. Now this one is going to be a little bit unique, I think, because I have VVotyoSZWxY-00003-00002676-00003099 a slightly unique approach or take on personality disorders, which you'll VVotyoSZWxY-00004-00003099-00003525 become familiar with as we go through this. I do believe that personality VVotyoSZWxY-00005-00003525-00004040 disorders are treatable, like I believe addictions are treatable. So we're going VVotyoSZWxY-00006-00004040-00004546 to talk about how these things kind of look alike and how they may be VVotyoSZWxY-00007-00004546-00004964 long-standing patterns of behavior that have been learned that it can also be VVotyoSZWxY-00008-00004964-00005471 replaced so we're going to define personality disorders examine the VVotyoSZWxY-00009-00005471-00005817 similarities between the behaviors of certain personality disorders and VVotyoSZWxY-00010-00005817-00006332 addictions specifically cluster be identify ways to address these behaviors VVotyoSZWxY-00011-00006332-00006768 and thought patterns and encourage clinicians to really critically examine VVotyoSZWxY-00012-00006768-00007223 behaviors and patients with addictions in order to effectively differentially VVotyoSZWxY-00013-00007223-00007839 diagnose when I worked in community mental health one of the things that I VVotyoSZWxY-00014-00007839-00008634 was pretty adamant about with my staff obviously especially my unlicensed F was VVotyoSZWxY-00015-00008634-00009246 the fact that we really wanted to see people work through the program and get VVotyoSZWxY-00016-00009246-00009654 a certain amount of clean time under their belt before we started willy-nilly VVotyoSZWxY-00017-00009654-00010304 throwing personality diagnosis at them part of this is because personality VVotyoSZWxY-00018-00010304-00011160 disorders as a term has really gotten a bad rap if you will as being persistent VVotyoSZWxY-00019-00011160-00011967 and untreatable and I would encourage you to think about that as we go through VVotyoSZWxY-00020-00011967-00012497 this presentation as to how untreatable they are yes they're going to be more VVotyoSZWxY-00021-00012497-00012936 difficult to treat than something somebody started doing a year ago if VVotyoSZWxY-00022-00012936-00013277 they've been doing it since they were knee-high to a grasshopper VVotyoSZWxY-00023-00013277-00013676 don't believe that personality disorders are completely untreatable or VVotyoSZWxY-00024-00013676-00014369 intractable so why do we care when personality disorders as viewed are VVotyoSZWxY-00025-00014369-00014780 viewed as pervasive and perpetual it provides an excuse for the patient for VVotyoSZWxY-00026-00014780-00015413 relapse well I'm borderline you know I had this impulse control issue and I VVotyoSZWxY-00027-00015413-00016091 relapsed I'm never going to be normal so I realized it often derails treatment VVotyoSZWxY-00028-00016091-00016505 because patterns of behavior thought to be due to the personality disorder are VVotyoSZWxY-00029-00016505-00017108 essentially ignored sometimes not all the time by staff and clinicians because VVotyoSZWxY-00030-00017108-00017528 they see personality disorders as something that can't be fixed changed or VVotyoSZWxY-00031-00017528-00018101 modified and I really disagree with that personality disordered an addictive VVotyoSZWxY-00032-00018101-00018749 behavior often look very very similar or the same and the goals for recovery from VVotyoSZWxY-00033-00018749-00019160 both include honesty with self and others about thoughts feelings needs and VVotyoSZWxY-00034-00019160-00019816 wants so thinking about those personality disorders a lot of people VVotyoSZWxY-00035-00019816-00020383 especially again with cluster B have difficulty identifying let alone VVotyoSZWxY-00036-00020383-00020936 communicating their own thoughts feelings needs and wants both addictions VVotyoSZWxY-00037-00020936-00021464 and people with personality disorders need to address distress tolerance and VVotyoSZWxY-00038-00021464-00021935 develop the ability to self-soothe they need to develop hope and faith in VVotyoSZWxY-00039-00021935-00022436 themselves the future and other people through addressing cognitive errors VVotyoSZWxY-00040-00022436-00022985 because we find that this hope and and faith is often dashed by very negative VVotyoSZWxY-00041-00022985-00023663 or very polarized thinking errors they need to develop self-esteem to eliminate VVotyoSZWxY-00042-00023663-00024056 the need for external validation if you're constantly looking to other VVotyoSZWxY-00043-00024056-00024530 people to tell you you're okay then you're going to fear abandonment because VVotyoSZWxY-00044-00024530-00025082 if they go away then essentially you disappear and they need to work on the VVotyoSZWxY-00045-00025082-00025625 development of healthy supportive relationships a lot of times people with VVotyoSZWxY-00046-00025625-00026098 addictions and with personality disorders get into relationships true I VVotyoSZWxY-00047-00026098-00026570 mean they may have a lot of friends they may have family they may have lots of VVotyoSZWxY-00048-00026570-00026970 relationships the healthy supportive ones are usually VVotyoSZWxY-00049-00026970-00027564 few and far between so we want to look at what does that look like and who in VVotyoSZWxY-00050-00027564-00028248 your support system might most closely qualify as being a healthy supportive VVotyoSZWxY-00051-00028248-00028926 relationship so personality disorders generally represent a cluster of VVotyoSZWxY-00052-00028926-00029352 behaviors that's pervasive that means it's not just at school or not just at VVotyoSZWxY-00053-00029352-00029868 home but everywhere beginning before the age of 15 we're really looking for some VVotyoSZWxY-00054-00029868-00030261 of that stuff and we know we can't diagnose a personality disorder this VVotyoSZWxY-00055-00030261-00030639 early we're going to have conduct disorder or oppositional defiant VVotyoSZWxY-00056-00030639-00031395 disorder something like that addictive behaviors also often begin before age 15 VVotyoSZWxY-00057-00031395-00032195 a lot of my more clinically challenged clients severe whatever however you want VVotyoSZWxY-00058-00032195-00032919 to phrase it their addictions began significantly earlier than people who VVotyoSZWxY-00059-00032919-00033590 had milder issues or mild or addictions their issues all often began back in VVotyoSZWxY-00060-00033590-00034305 early adolescence maybe even late childhood so we want to look at how long VVotyoSZWxY-00061-00034305-00034788 is this behavior been going on because its pervasiveness and the degree of how VVotyoSZWxY-00062-00034788-00035376 how firmly entrenched someone is in these behaviors probably makes sense if VVotyoSZWxY-00063-00035376-00035874 they've been doing it for 25 years it's going to be something that they use VVotyoSZWxY-00064-00035874-00036429 pretty frequently do too immature cognitive development children tend to VVotyoSZWxY-00065-00036429-00037044 be more egocentric over generalize and think in terms of dichotomies you either VVotyoSZWxY-00066-00037044-00037695 love me or you hate me if you are my parent and you you hurt me you're VVotyoSZWxY-00067-00037695-00038001 supposed to love me and you're supposed to take care of me so if you hurt me it VVotyoSZWxY-00068-00038001-00038526 must be my fault so you can see how these cognitive errors that children VVotyoSZWxY-00069-00038526-00038970 make because they don't have any other frame of reference they don't have the VVotyoSZWxY-00070-00038970-00039555 ability to really look in terms of shades of grey can create a situation VVotyoSZWxY-00071-00039555-00040038 where they start seeing the world in terms of polarizations they see the VVotyoSZWxY-00072-00040038-00040752 world in terms of distorted thinking from a foot survival perspective most of VVotyoSZWxY-00073-00040752-00041100 the behaviors that we're going to talk about make perfect sense when you view VVotyoSZWxY-00074-00041100-00041673 it through the eyes of a 7 8 9 10 year old does that mean that we're dealing VVotyoSZWxY-00075-00041673-00042114 with somebody who is cognitively seven eight nine or ten no but what I'm saying VVotyoSZWxY-00076-00042114-00042650 is that some of the ways that we have VVotyoSZWxY-00077-00042662-00043215 organized our world or the schemas that we've created may have been constructed VVotyoSZWxY-00078-00043215-00043905 back then and may never have been challenged since these behaviors form VVotyoSZWxY-00079-00043905-00044291 the foundation for further development so they built upon this negative VVotyoSZWxY-00080-00044291-00044850 conceptualization of the world patients must understand the function of the VVotyoSZWxY-00081-00044850-00045348 symptoms and the thoughts in the past identify how these behaviors and beliefs VVotyoSZWxY-00082-00045348-00045810 are faulty in the present what was true when you're seven may not be true now VVotyoSZWxY-00083-00045810-00046389 that you're 27 develop alternate alternative skills and be empowered to VVotyoSZWxY-00084-00046389-00046785 interface with the world with the strengths knowledge and tools of the VVotyoSZWxY-00085-00046785-00047448 adult children think differently I mean Piaget spent his whole life proving that VVotyoSZWxY-00086-00047448-00047999 children think differently they don't have that ability for abstract reasoning VVotyoSZWxY-00087-00047999-00048804 so if a lot of really bad stuff happened when the child was young they may not VVotyoSZWxY-00088-00048804-00049344 have started developing all of the abstract reasoning skills that a person VVotyoSZWxY-00089-00049344-00050019 who had the support and a nurturing environment would have addictions VVotyoSZWxY-00090-00050019-00050514 represent one way to cope with distress it's not a good way it's not a good way VVotyoSZWxY-00091-00050514-00051018 at all because all it does is numb it out but it does represent the person's VVotyoSZWxY-00092-00051018-00051680 desire to survive what they cannot tolerate in terms of distress they can VVotyoSZWxY-00093-00051680-00052241 begin in early life eating disorders we see eating disordered behavior begin as VVotyoSZWxY-00094-00052241-00052880 early as seven or eight years old we see addictive behavior use of marijuana use VVotyoSZWxY-00095-00052880-00053391 of alcohol I've had patients tell me that they started smoking marijuana VVotyoSZWxY-00096-00053391-00054128 early as nine so we're dealing with people who are for one reason or another VVotyoSZWxY-00097-00054128-00054866 engaging in some dysfunctional coping behaviors at a very very early cognitive VVotyoSZWxY-00098-00054866-00055395 and developmental age that also tells me and from the research that we've looked VVotyoSZWxY-00099-00055395-00056112 at on what happens when a child is exposed to abuse or neglect the brain is VVotyoSZWxY-00100-00056112-00056844 developing so rapidly at that point that people who experience this kind of VVotyoSZWxY-00101-00056844-00057609 distress this kind of adversity early in life probably are going to have some VVotyoSZWxY-00102-00057609-00058110 different wiring in their brains than the rest of us do because their brain VVotyoSZWxY-00103-00058110-00058587 was trying to compensate and deal with that neglect and everything else that VVotyoSZWxY-00104-00058587-00058986 was going on it's important to understand this doesn't mean that the VVotyoSZWxY-00105-00058986-00059376 person is permanently broken it just means we need to figure out a way to VVotyoSZWxY-00106-00059376-00060225 help them work with the wiring that they have so real quick review cluster a is VVotyoSZWxY-00107-00060225-00060829 your paranoid schizoid and schizotypal personality disorders social awkwardness VVotyoSZWxY-00108-00060829-00061541 withdrawal I've had several patients over the years who have had cluster a VVotyoSZWxY-00109-00061541-00062001 diagnosis and they've Co occurred with the addictions people with social VVotyoSZWxY-00110-00062001-00062496 awkwardness and withdrawal I mean think about going through middle school and VVotyoSZWxY-00111-00062496-00063179 high school without the ability to trust with some paranoid ideation with VVotyoSZWxY-00112-00063179-00064066 difficulty making eye contact it is a difficult place to be so some of these VVotyoSZWxY-00113-00064066-00064757 people and by and large not all of them but some of these people will develop VVotyoSZWxY-00114-00064757-00065316 addictions or will start using substances in order to feel part of a VVotyoSZWxY-00115-00065316-00065835 group in order to feel less isolated less of an outcast others don't care and VVotyoSZWxY-00116-00065835-00066303 they are more than happy to withdrawal into their room but they may still VVotyoSZWxY-00117-00066303-00066828 engage in addictive behavior cluster C and yes I know it's out of VVotyoSZWxY-00118-00066828-00067446 order your obsessive compulsive and your dependent personality disorders these VVotyoSZWxY-00119-00067446-00067956 tend to be more anxious and fearful this again may co-occur with addiction but I VVotyoSZWxY-00120-00067956-00068613 haven't really experienced and you know what I've experienced over 20 years is VVotyoSZWxY-00121-00068613-00069249 just a really small sample of what's out there but I have not experienced a lot VVotyoSZWxY-00122-00069249-00070197 of people coming through with OCD or dependent personality disorder that VVotyoSZWxY-00123-00070197-00070731 being said when those characteristics occur if the personality disorder is VVotyoSZWxY-00124-00070731-00071244 there it wouldn't surprise me to see some addictive behaviors in addition in VVotyoSZWxY-00125-00071244-00071835 order to help the person cope in the obsessive-compulsive area help them cope VVotyoSZWxY-00126-00071835-00072276 with the fact that they can't control everything in the dependent area help VVotyoSZWxY-00127-00072276-00072936 them cope with potential fear of abandonment but then there's cluster B VVotyoSZWxY-00128-00072936-00073494 you're borderline narcissistic histrionic and anti-social characterized VVotyoSZWxY-00129-00073494-00074027 by dramatic emotional or erratic behavior these behavioral patterns often VVotyoSZWxY-00130-00074027-00074994 overlap with addiction so let's look at some of these characteristics cluster B VVotyoSZWxY-00131-00074994-00075453 you have your dramatic emotional erratic behavior think about somebody who is in VVotyoSZWxY-00132-00075453-00076149 the middle of an addiction we talked about them being emotionally all over VVotyoSZWxY-00133-00076149-00076581 the place we talked about them being dependent upon the substances to numb VVotyoSZWxY-00134-00076581-00077309 the pain we talked about erratic unpredictable behavior and mood swings VVotyoSZWxY-00135-00077309-00077990 okay you see that in cluster B to all or nothing thinking we see this in VVotyoSZWxY-00136-00077990-00078471 personality disorders and we see it in addiction people start seeing the world VVotyoSZWxY-00137-00078471-00078798 is all good or all bad and there's nothing in between you're going to fit VVotyoSZWxY-00138-00078798-00079293 into one of those categories if I have to squeeze you into it hostility and VVotyoSZWxY-00139-00079293-00079794 aggression the world charge getting to be a very very very scary place if you VVotyoSZWxY-00140-00079794-00080362 have this all or nothing situation going on everything you see is VVotyoSZWxY-00141-00080362-00080992 always extreme and you're hyper sensitive people who grow up in VVotyoSZWxY-00142-00080992-00081481 addictive households people who grow up in neglectful households people who grow VVotyoSZWxY-00143-00081481-00082113 up with a personality disorder parent become hypersensitive they want to be VVotyoSZWxY-00144-00082113-00082656 attuned to all the clues that way they can best protect themselves from any VVotyoSZWxY-00145-00082656-00083467 fallout they want to be able to fight or flee at the first sign of negativity or VVotyoSZWxY-00146-00083467-00084027 the first sign that something's going to go down manipulative well we know that VVotyoSZWxY-00147-00084027-00084394 people with addictions are manipulative because they're trying to protect that VVotyoSZWxY-00148-00084394-00084937 addiction that one thing that helps them survive people with personality VVotyoSZWxY-00149-00084937-00085474 disorders can also be manipulative we're going to look at some of the ways that VVotyoSZWxY-00150-00085474-00085989 they want to protect themselves from you know what seems to be a very very scary VVotyoSZWxY-00151-00085989-00086731 world and all of these personality disorders tend to have low self-esteem VVotyoSZWxY-00152-00086731-00087235 and a weak self concept with the exception of narcissistic personality VVotyoSZWxY-00153-00087235-00087625 disorder where they tend to be on the other end of the spectrum All or Nothing VVotyoSZWxY-00154-00087625-00088244 again with very grandiose ideas about what capacity they have and what VVotyoSZWxY-00155-00088244-00088902 strengths they have so let's look at anti-social disregard for the rights of VVotyoSZWxY-00156-00088902-00089577 other people they do what they want when they want to because they want to in VVotyoSZWxY-00157-00089577-00090205 order to get whatever they want to is this true of people with addictions yeah VVotyoSZWxY-00158-00090205-00090902 yeah it is especially if it involves doing whatever they need to do to access VVotyoSZWxY-00159-00090902-00091506 their addiction of choice do people in active addiction do things that they VVotyoSZWxY-00160-00091506-00091995 wouldn't normally do with regard to disregarding the rights of other people VVotyoSZWxY-00161-00091995-00092491 oh yeah so one of the things that we want to look at if we're differentially VVotyoSZWxY-00162-00092491-00093036 diagnosing is is this behavior this disregard for the rights of other people VVotyoSZWxY-00163-00093036-00093415 limited only to the time when the person is symptomatic VVotyoSZWxY-00164-00093415-00093949 Nick of addiction with a lot of our patients we're not going to be able to VVotyoSZWxY-00165-00093949-00094279 look back and see when they've been asymptomatic because it's been going on VVotyoSZWxY-00166-00094279-00094885 for so long but we need to kind of start looking at it we need to look at do they VVotyoSZWxY-00167-00094885-00095473 have empathy is there a sense of guilt for impinging upon the rights of someone VVotyoSZWxY-00168-00095473-00096063 else not just they they're upset because they didn't get their own way VVotyoSZWxY-00169-00096063-00096640 impulsivity people with antisocial personality disorder and you know this VVotyoSZWxY-00170-00096640-00097156 is also common in criminal genic thinking it's like there's not enough VVotyoSZWxY-00171-00097156-00097557 time they want what they want and they want it yesterday and they can't wait VVotyoSZWxY-00172-00097557-00098083 people with addictions are often the same way they need to have their own way VVotyoSZWxY-00173-00098083-00098478 and they need to have it now they're trying to control their environment VVotyoSZWxY-00174-00098478-00099451 because the world is they know it is very chaotic and or they're in distress VVotyoSZWxY-00175-00099451-00100000 so if they can't numb it out if they can't control it then it needs to go VVotyoSZWxY-00176-00100000-00100456 away so there's a lot of impulsivity react reactivity try to protect VVotyoSZWxY-00177-00100456-00101131 themselves and it really comes down to a survival function hostility and our VVotyoSZWxY-00178-00101131-00101632 aggression an antisocial personality disorder we see people who are hostile VVotyoSZWxY-00179-00101632-00102016 and aggressive generally when they don't get their own way because they want to VVotyoSZWxY-00180-00102016-00102495 get stuff now whatever that stuff is is dependent on the person sometimes it's VVotyoSZWxY-00181-00102495-00103069 just power and control when we look at people with addictions hostility and VVotyoSZWxY-00182-00103069-00103525 aggression what do we know about anger anger is a Power Move that's your fight VVotyoSZWxY-00183-00103525-00104074 of the fight or flee so hostility and aggression is a way of getting control VVotyoSZWxY-00184-00104074-00104665 over other people getting the upper hand the power position or pushing people VVotyoSZWxY-00185-00104665-00105163 away so they can't hurt you either way you're in a dominant position which is VVotyoSZWxY-00186-00105163-00105885 protective deceit and manipulation people with antisocial personality VVotyoSZWxY-00187-00105885-00106519 disorder can look at you and lie to your face and you won't even know it but so VVotyoSZWxY-00188-00106519-00107059 can people with addictions part of it is just practice because they VVotyoSZWxY-00189-00107059-00107734 need or they feel they need to access whatever it is there's also a certain VVotyoSZWxY-00190-00107734-00108596 amount for both groups of the thrill of being able to manipulate and deceive VVotyoSZWxY-00191-00108596-00109159 people in order to keep them kind of your puppets and that sounds horrible VVotyoSZWxY-00192-00109159-00109613 but when you think about it in terms of somebody with an addiction who has been VVotyoSZWxY-00193-00109613-00110021 victimized who has who feels out of control who wants to keep people from VVotyoSZWxY-00194-00110021-00110480 hurting them one of the best ways to keep people from hurting you is to VVotyoSZWxY-00195-00110480-00111146 control them now obviously that's not the healthy way to go about things but VVotyoSZWxY-00196-00111146-00111593 when again I want you to just kind of think of it step out of your you're a VVotyoSZWxY-00197-00111593-00112022 therapist mind and try to get into the mind of somebody with an addiction or VVotyoSZWxY-00198-00112022-00112546 with one of these personality disorders and view the world through their eyes VVotyoSZWxY-00199-00112546-00113249 this is one of the challenges that a lot of us have when we're working with VVotyoSZWxY-00200-00113249-00113750 people with a variety of things you know we can get into them bind or we can get VVotyoSZWxY-00201-00113750-00114109 into the shoes of somebody with depression but when it comes to VVotyoSZWxY-00202-00114109-00114661 addictions or personality disorders or schizophrenia sometimes it's harder for VVotyoSZWxY-00203-00114661-00115394 us to want to put ourselves in their shoes in order to understand the reward VVotyoSZWxY-00204-00115394-00115820 function the motivation behind these behaviors but we're not going to be able VVotyoSZWxY-00205-00115820-00116348 to help them address them unless we see what the motivation is how it is VVotyoSZWxY-00206-00116348-00116894 functioning for them right now and how we could find other healthier ways to VVotyoSZWxY-00207-00116894-00117523 help them meet those needs and then a lack of empathy and I put seem there VVotyoSZWxY-00208-00117523-00118139 people with antisocial personality disorder typically don't know how to VVotyoSZWxY-00209-00118139-00118633 empathize with other people now if you remember back in preschool one of my VVotyoSZWxY-00210-00118633-00119150 son's preschool teachers was just fabulous but I remember distinctly VVotyoSZWxY-00211-00119150-00119570 watching her sometimes on the playground work with little children that were VVotyoSZWxY-00212-00119570-00120119 trying to negotiate things and one child would hurt another child VVotyoSZWxY-00213-00120119-00120524 she pull him aside and go you know how do you think Tommy felt when you took VVotyoSZWxY-00214-00120524-00121001 his toy or when you hit him and the offending child often would shrug his VVotyoSZWxY-00215-00121001-00121649 shoulders and she would say okay well how would you feel if he took your toy VVotyoSZWxY-00216-00121649-00122260 or he hit you the then the child was like oh that wouldn't be so good all VVotyoSZWxY-00217-00122260-00122651 right so if you don't think it would be so good if he did it to you then how do VVotyoSZWxY-00218-00122651-00123413 you think he felt we teach children empathy now some of it is inborn some of VVotyoSZWxY-00219-00123413-00124033 it is just part of being human but the degree of empathy that helps us engage VVotyoSZWxY-00220-00124033-00124532 in healthy relationships is partly learned and crafted through social VVotyoSZWxY-00221-00124532-00124973 interactions as you grow up and if all of your social interactions are abusive VVotyoSZWxY-00222-00124973-00125501 negative or dysfunctional as you're growing up then you may not learn to VVotyoSZWxY-00223-00125501-00126341 take empathy or have empathy like other people do when they get to be older so VVotyoSZWxY-00224-00126341-00126736 we really want to look at empathy in terms of is it something the person is VVotyoSZWxY-00225-00126736-00127135 just not wired for and they're not capable or is it something they haven't VVotyoSZWxY-00226-00127135-00128185 learned another thing to remember in both has cluster be people ninety-nine VVotyoSZWxY-00227-00128185-00128543 percent of the time you don't look back over their childhood and go hey you had VVotyoSZWxY-00228-00128543-00129068 a great childhood what in the world happened most people with personality VVotyoSZWxY-00229-00129068-00129707 disorders especially cluster B tend to come from very chaotic dysfunctional VVotyoSZWxY-00230-00129707-00130505 neglectful environments so seeming to lack empathy if everybody you were VVotyoSZWxY-00231-00130505-00131090 supposed to be able to trust has let you down if nobody's have have has ever had VVotyoSZWxY-00232-00131090-00131720 empathy for you it makes sense that you may not have empathy for other people VVotyoSZWxY-00233-00131720-00132335 you may have just given up and if that's the case we can you know re inspire hope VVotyoSZWxY-00234-00132335-00132914 and stuff but we need to figure out where these symptoms are coming from why VVotyoSZWxY-00235-00132914-00133502 do you lack empathy do you not know how do you just not have the capability or VVotyoSZWxY-00236-00133502-00134099 have you given up and you just you know so many other people have hurt you you VVotyoSZWxY-00237-00134099-00134461 don't care about their feelings anymore VVotyoSZWxY-00238-00134605-00135107 histrionic now this takes a little twist on it excessive emotionality and VVotyoSZWxY-00239-00135107-00135590 intention seeking they may become enraged to proceed to rejection now VVotyoSZWxY-00240-00135590-00136016 remember we talked about all of the people in this cluster tend to be very VVotyoSZWxY-00241-00136016-00136787 hyper vigilant people with histrionic tendencies tend to be flirtatious need VVotyoSZWxY-00242-00136787-00137294 to be the center of attention and when they're not they feel lost they feel VVotyoSZWxY-00243-00137294-00137578 very out of control VVotyoSZWxY-00244-00137589-00138415 they derive a lot of their self-worth and a lot of their ego strength from VVotyoSZWxY-00245-00138415-00138907 other people valuing them from other people fawning over them and when they VVotyoSZWxY-00246-00138907-00139641 don't have that since they can't self-soothe they like freak out they VVotyoSZWxY-00247-00139641-00139977 have an inability to engage in authentic relationships but they're an VVotyoSZWxY-00248-00139977-00140434 uncomfortable being alone they can't be their true selves because they don't VVotyoSZWxY-00249-00140434-00140889 know who they are they can't be authentic because they're so afraid of VVotyoSZWxY-00250-00140889-00141370 being abandoned or jack rejected but they are going to be whatever they think VVotyoSZWxY-00251-00141370-00141769 you want them to be now this is starting to sound a little bit like borderline VVotyoSZWxY-00252-00141769-00142288 though isn't it we'll get there they're uncomfortable being alone because they VVotyoSZWxY-00253-00142288-00142798 haven't any internal ego strength they haven't any internal idea of who they VVotyoSZWxY-00254-00142798-00143562 are they're relying on everybody else do shall them with praise for what they do VVotyoSZWxY-00255-00143562-00144073 you are an excellent fill in the blank okay find the center of attention VVotyoSZWxY-00256-00144073-00144445 because I'm an excellent fill in the blank then if i'm not a fill in the VVotyoSZWxY-00257-00144445-00145080 blank anymore i disappear they imagine relationships to be more intimate in VVotyoSZWxY-00258-00145080-00145602 nature than they actually are they so desperately want to fill that hole VVotyoSZWxY-00259-00145602-00146113 inside them that they start imagining this relationship to be more intimate if VVotyoSZWxY-00260-00146113-00146677 somebody is paying attention to me then you must love me and they tend to be VVotyoSZWxY-00261-00146677-00147141 suggestible and easily influenced by other people which is not good VVotyoSZWxY-00262-00147141-00147815 especially in a situation where there are also addictions and people who have VVotyoSZWxY-00263-00147815-00148272 ulterior not-so-nice motivations VVotyoSZWxY-00264-00148482-00149289 histrionic personality disorder is not uncommon and a lot of times you will VVotyoSZWxY-00265-00149289-00149902 notice it because these people particularly females it tends to be VVotyoSZWxY-00266-00149902-00150676 diagnosed more in females try to use this power in order to control people so VVotyoSZWxY-00267-00150676-00150963 my thought when I'm working with someone who's histrionic is what VVotyoSZWxY-00268-00150963-00151611 happened in the past that has taught you that this is how to interface with VVotyoSZWxY-00269-00151611-00152595 people and that this is the safest way to interact borderline people with VVotyoSZWxY-00270-00152595-00152973 borderline personality disorder and we have all worked with somebody who has VVotyoSZWxY-00271-00152973-00153651 borderline tendencies and I use that word a lot tendencies because I find VVotyoSZWxY-00272-00153651-00154305 that true borderline personality disorder isn't nearly as common as we VVotyoSZWxY-00273-00154305-00154812 might think because these behaviors are so similar to those that we see in VVotyoSZWxY-00274-00154812-00155424 addiction treatment low self-esteem okay how many different diagnoses have low VVotyoSZWxY-00275-00155424-00155835 self-esteem as a characteristic the person with borderline personality VVotyoSZWxY-00276-00155835-00156417 disorder is empty inside and they're relying on other people again to tell VVotyoSZWxY-00277-00156417-00157002 them who they are what they are and they are very chameleon-like just like in VVotyoSZWxY-00278-00157002-00157566 addictions um the chameleon comes out in order to keep people from abandoning VVotyoSZWxY-00279-00157566-00158199 them they feel helpless anxious and constantly fear abandonment what would VVotyoSZWxY-00280-00158199-00158826 have created the situation in a person when they were growing up or when they VVotyoSZWxY-00281-00158826-00159426 got older that they constantly fear that people are going to leave them they VVotyoSZWxY-00282-00159426-00160113 constantly feel like they're not good enough and then and I'm you know kind of VVotyoSZWxY-00283-00160113-00160680 putting that out as a question for you to think about when you're working with VVotyoSZWxY-00284-00160680-00161196 people with addictions or with borderline personality disorder this is VVotyoSZWxY-00285-00161196-00161715 a devastating place to be where every time you walk into a room or you think VVotyoSZWxY-00286-00161715-00162096 you starting to have a friend you're just like well I better not get too VVotyoSZWxY-00287-00162096-00162612 attached because they're going to leave their perceptions of themselves and VVotyoSZWxY-00288-00162612-00163233 others may quickly vacillate back and forth people with BPD we think about VVotyoSZWxY-00289-00163233-00163638 them turning on a dime they love you or they hate you in there is no middle VVotyoSZWxY-00290-00163638-00164303 ground it's protective if you are VVotyoSZWxY-00291-00164308-00164814 filling a need if you are filling the void if you are reinforcing them as a VVotyoSZWxY-00292-00164814-00165397 human being they will love you the minute they start to perceive that you VVotyoSZWxY-00293-00165397-00165870 might be critical that you might be getting ready to leave that you might be VVotyoSZWxY-00294-00165870-00166588 doing something they don't like it will turn it will turn to something of closer VVotyoSZWxY-00295-00166588-00167201 to hate why is protective they are going to be the dumper instead of the dumpee VVotyoSZWxY-00296-00167201-00167867 they're not going to let you abandon them they are going to push you away a VVotyoSZWxY-00297-00167867-00168378 lot of this deals comes from their hyper vigilance they grew up in an environment VVotyoSZWxY-00298-00168378-00168879 where they had to be sort of on their toes all the time because it was very VVotyoSZWxY-00299-00168879-00169317 chaotic and very unpredictable and that's what they see everywhere they VVotyoSZWxY-00300-00169317-00169801 look now I mean if you're always looking for somebody to disappoint you you're VVotyoSZWxY-00301-00169801-00170461 going to find somebody to disappoint you on top of this they tend to be VVotyoSZWxY-00302-00170461-00171027 emotionally reactive with an inability to de-escalate so they see something you VVotyoSZWxY-00303-00171027-00171404 know they're hyper vigilant they're looking they see the slightest hint of VVotyoSZWxY-00304-00171404-00172084 you know disappointment or abandonment or disapproval they go into full out VVotyoSZWxY-00305-00172084-00172594 fight-or-flight reaction and they cannot self-soothe to come back down which is VVotyoSZWxY-00306-00172594-00173023 why we see a lot of self injurious behavior and addictions in people with VVotyoSZWxY-00307-00173023-00173442 personality disorders because they're trying to numb out the inter psychic VVotyoSZWxY-00308-00173442-00174066 pain they often have a history of neglect abuse or a dismissive style of VVotyoSZWxY-00309-00174066-00174472 parent-child attachment so they were never they never felt like they were VVotyoSZWxY-00310-00174472-00175314 important or good enough in their family of origin how must that affect a child VVotyoSZWxY-00311-00175314-00175738 when they grow up in an environment where the people who are supposed to VVotyoSZWxY-00312-00175738-00176245 approve of them and protect them their parents are neglectful abusive and VVotyoSZWxY-00313-00176245-00176824 dismissive so those are the people you know if those people can let you down VVotyoSZWxY-00314-00176824-00177235 then everybody else most certainly can let you down because they have less of a VVotyoSZWxY-00315-00177235-00177491 stake in it VVotyoSZWxY-00316-00177704-00178119 people with narcissistic personality disorder i save this one for last VVotyoSZWxY-00317-00178119-00178584 because they're kind of on the other end of the spectrum people with narcissism VVotyoSZWxY-00318-00178584-00179133 have this powerful sense of entitlement and I can say that in my career I've VVotyoSZWxY-00319-00179133-00179703 worked with two people who had narcissistic tendencies they thought VVotyoSZWxY-00320-00179703-00180093 they were smarter than everybody else they believe they deserve special VVotyoSZWxY-00321-00180093-00180591 treatment they didn't think they had special powers but they did think that VVotyoSZWxY-00322-00180591-00181095 they were all that a bag of chips and everybody else was an idiot um they VVotyoSZWxY-00323-00181095-00181680 needed to be in control they needed to be powerful and admired they didn't have VVotyoSZWxY-00324-00181680-00182253 empathy for their impact on others because it was just like well I am The VVotyoSZWxY-00325-00182253-00182829 Queen and you are all my subjects so I don't really care how you feel what VVotyoSZWxY-00326-00182829-00183458 everything is about is how you make me feel and relationships are also often VVotyoSZWxY-00327-00183458-00183909 superficial and devoid of real intimacy because they're not engaging with the VVotyoSZWxY-00328-00183909-00184788 other person they are wanting people to fawn over them again what must have VVotyoSZWxY-00329-00184788-00185322 happened in this person's life to develop this set of behaviors the sense VVotyoSZWxY-00330-00185322-00185874 of entitlement that everything they want they get that they always deserve VVotyoSZWxY-00331-00185874-00186492 special treatment I've known people who've grown up and everything they've VVotyoSZWxY-00332-00186492-00186996 wanted they've gotten and whenever they got in trouble they got rescued they VVotyoSZWxY-00333-00186996-00187674 learn to believe they deserve special treatment not because of any reason but VVotyoSZWxY-00334-00187674-00188477 just because they said some they didn't develop so much a sense of who they were VVotyoSZWxY-00335-00188477-00189101 they developed a sense of the fact that they could control and bully people VVotyoSZWxY-00336-00189101-00189834 people with narcissism if they are ever confronted with the fact that they may VVotyoSZWxY-00337-00189834-00190610 not be as powerful and as admirable as they think they are it is a VVotyoSZWxY-00338-00190610-00191051 crushing blow but most of the time they're going to blame others if VVotyoSZWxY-00339-00191051-00191716 anything they do has a hiccup in it or is incomplete or imperfect it's not VVotyoSZWxY-00340-00191716-00192065 their fault you know they will not take responsibility for it because they're VVotyoSZWxY-00341-00192065-00192689 perfect in their own eyes people with narcissism have a very very difficult VVotyoSZWxY-00342-00192689-00193240 time forming healthy relationships because most healthy people don't want VVotyoSZWxY-00343-00193240-00193646 to be around it so a lot of times you see people with narcissism are VVotyoSZWxY-00344-00193646-00194365 surrounded by people who are codependent or who are dependent and need to take VVotyoSZWxY-00345-00194365-00194815 care of someone else need they have a need to fawn over someone and the VVotyoSZWxY-00346-00194815-00195466 narcissist has a need to be fawned over so it's a you know I not not a match VVotyoSZWxY-00347-00195466-00196267 made in heaven but you know a dysfunctional match if nothing else so VVotyoSZWxY-00348-00196267-00196676 what are our take-home messages many of the behaviors that we've talked about VVotyoSZWxY-00349-00196676-00197126 our characteristic of active addiction people aren't active addiction are VVotyoSZWxY-00350-00197126-00197926 manipulative yes they are they when they sober up the world is a scary terrifying VVotyoSZWxY-00351-00197926-00198662 depressing hostile place and the reason they started using was to get away from VVotyoSZWxY-00352-00198662-00199441 the terrifying scary depressing hostile place so they tend to be manipulative in VVotyoSZWxY-00353-00199441-00199808 order to protect their addiction they protect that one thing that's helping VVotyoSZWxY-00354-00199808-00200252 them survive right now because they don't know how to deal with all this VVotyoSZWxY-00355-00200252-00200723 stuff that they have to deal with and it's overwhelming to even think about VVotyoSZWxY-00356-00200723-00201239 starting to deal with it they tend to lack empathy for others they don't even VVotyoSZWxY-00357-00201239-00201782 have empathy for themselves most of the time they just they're just trying to VVotyoSZWxY-00358-00201782-00202237 exist a lot of times they're numb inside VVotyoSZWxY-00359-00202360-00202954 addictions and personality disorders often begin in late childhood or early VVotyoSZWxY-00360-00202954-00203380 adolescence and not saying that they're one in the same because we know that VVotyoSZWxY-00361-00203380-00203629 there is no such thing as an addictive personality VVotyoSZWxY-00362-00203629-00204328 but I do believe that people who develop personality disordered behavior often VVotyoSZWxY-00363-00204328-00205261 also develop addictive behavior as a way to deal with all the negativity as the VVotyoSZWxY-00364-00205261-00205609 person deals with the addiction and a lot of the stuff that we talked about VVotyoSZWxY-00365-00205609-00206008 that they need to address in their addiction is really stuff we're talking VVotyoSZWxY-00366-00206008-00207106 about in terms of coping and personality disorder behaviors recovery from VVotyoSZWxY-00367-00207106-00207640 addiction requires people develop effective coping skills and address VVotyoSZWxY-00368-00207640-00208298 their cognitive distortions recovery from personality disorder disorders also VVotyoSZWxY-00369-00208298-00208903 requires that I mean you can't be viewing the world is a scary place you VVotyoSZWxY-00370-00208903-00209350 can't be viewing the world in All or Nothing terms you can't always be VVotyoSZWxY-00371-00209350-00209926 fearing abandonment and expect to be able to be happy so addressing the VVotyoSZWxY-00372-00209926-00210369 cognitive distortions that makes the world such as scary unwelcoming or VVotyoSZWxY-00373-00210369-00210900 hostile place and developing coping skills to help the person self-soothe VVotyoSZWxY-00374-00210900-00211753 true for both addictions and personality disorders recovery from addiction also VVotyoSZWxY-00375-00211753-00212373 requires addressing dramatic emotional and erratic behavior in their addiction VVotyoSZWxY-00376-00212373-00212881 whether they're using or they're not using if they are still engaging in this VVotyoSZWxY-00377-00212881-00213532 kind of behavior they need to develop some mindfulness to identify and process VVotyoSZWxY-00378-00213532-00213961 the source of their distress they need to identify some distress tolerance VVotyoSZWxY-00379-00213961-00214623 skills if you look at some of the DBT skills workbooks they talk about VVotyoSZWxY-00380-00214623-00215266 distress tolerance and most of you probably are aware that DBT was VVotyoSZWxY-00381-00215266-00215806 initially developed to work with people with borderline personality disorder we VVotyoSZWxY-00382-00215806-00216325 want people to develop the ability to feel distress and ride the wave through VVotyoSZWxY-00383-00216325-00216730 it without having to act out without having to use without having to cut VVotyoSZWxY-00384-00216730-00217023 without having to engage in some other sort of VVotyoSZWxY-00385-00217023-00217811 reckless self-destructive behavior once you get past that initial distress VVotyoSZWxY-00386-00217811-00218317 people still need to have coping skills to deal with whatever it was that caused VVotyoSZWxY-00387-00218317-00218871 the emotional upset to begin with yeah this all happens really fast you get VVotyoSZWxY-00388-00218871-00219339 upset you have to acknowledge that you're upset get through the initial VVotyoSZWxY-00389-00219339-00219988 rush of emotion with the distress with your distress tolerance skills and then VVotyoSZWxY-00390-00219988-00220638 cope with it that's a lot to learn it can be done but it's a lot to learn VVotyoSZWxY-00391-00220638-00221188 mindfulness is the first step no matter what the diagnosis we're talking about VVotyoSZWxY-00392-00221188-00221779 people need to understand when they get upset they need to start identifying mat VVotyoSZWxY-00393-00221779-00222313 because that's what leads up to their acting out I've talked it before ad VVotyoSZWxY-00394-00222313-00223033 nauseam about the fact that relapses don't come from out of nowhere they come VVotyoSZWxY-00395-00223033-00223750 from a whole host of things building up and stuffing this distress and failing VVotyoSZWxY-00396-00223750-00224221 to deal with it and a lack of mindfulness if you're mindful then stuff VVotyoSZWxY-00397-00224221-00224685 doesn't build up if you're mindful you're aware of problems and you can VVotyoSZWxY-00398-00224685-00225208 start to address them from the get-go all or nothing thinking like I said it's VVotyoSZWxY-00399-00225208-00225760 common in a bunch of different diagnosis people need to be aware of the fact that VVotyoSZWxY-00400-00225760-00226273 this is a cognitive distortion and start identifying ways that it makes sense for VVotyoSZWxY-00401-00226273-00226723 them to address it not everybody is going to address their they're polarized VVotyoSZWxY-00402-00226723-00227401 thinking the same way but we need to start asking them what is it that can VVotyoSZWxY-00403-00227401-00227863 help you get away from this all-or-nothing thinking or identify when VVotyoSZWxY-00404-00227863-00228505 they start to get distressed what parts of that distress we're due to viewing VVotyoSZWxY-00405-00228505-00229291 the world in terms of all or nothing or extremes and then helping them figure VVotyoSZWxY-00406-00229291-00229719 out other ways to deal with it like identifying exceptions this doesn't VVotyoSZWxY-00407-00229719-00230342 always happen because there are at least one or two exceptions VVotyoSZWxY-00408-00230354-00230904 hostility and aggression these are again protective so we need to help people VVotyoSZWxY-00409-00230904-00231357 understand the fight-or-flight response and the function of this hostility and VVotyoSZWxY-00410-00231357-00231909 aggression when you start feeling this way something's going on that is telling VVotyoSZWxY-00411-00231909-00232619 your brain that there's a threat so what are these threats and how can you best VVotyoSZWxY-00412-00232619-00233505 deal with them now when you were seven eight when you were a child you may not VVotyoSZWxY-00413-00233505-00233879 have been able to deal with them you may not have had the skills or the ability VVotyoSZWxY-00414-00233879-00234417 to deal with whatever it was that was causing the threat so you had to get VVotyoSZWxY-00415-00234417-00235146 away from it in your own head now that you are 38 you have more Skills you have VVotyoSZWxY-00416-00235146-00235598 more tools you have more things at your disposal you're not dependent upon your VVotyoSZWxY-00417-00235598-00236316 parents you're not dependent upon certain things how can you deal with it VVotyoSZWxY-00418-00236316-00236907 differently as a 38 year old when something like this happens development VVotyoSZWxY-00419-00236907-00237525 of anger awareness and management skills what triggers your anger you can do you VVotyoSZWxY-00420-00237525-00238077 know 8 10 12 weeks on anger management helping people understand what triggers VVotyoSZWxY-00421-00238077-00238791 their anger because a lot of times what it is is only sort of the tip of the VVotyoSZWxY-00422-00238791-00239265 iceberg it's representative of a lot of other stuff underneath a lot of VVotyoSZWxY-00423-00239265-00239853 conceptual stuff remembering that anger is a response to a threat so why are you VVotyoSZWxY-00424-00239853-00240303 feeling threatened when somebody looks at you cross-eyed why are you feeling VVotyoSZWxY-00425-00240303-00240888 threatened when somebody sighs the wrong way why are you feeling threatened when VVotyoSZWxY-00426-00240888-00241506 you know and have people keep playing that tape over in their head why am I VVotyoSZWxY-00427-00241506-00242011 threatened when until they start identifying the underlying cognitive VVotyoSZWxY-00428-00242011-00242481 issues that need to be addressed the things that they learned when they were VVotyoSZWxY-00429-00242481-00243035 growing up there's negative tapes those hecklers in the gallery that are still VVotyoSZWxY-00430-00243035-00243491 telling them they're not good enough or that they're in danger VVotyoSZWxY-00431-00243663-00244203 hypersensitivity especially to rejection we know people with addictions tend to VVotyoSZWxY-00432-00244203-00244617 be very chameleon-like because that's the best way to manipulate someone if VVotyoSZWxY-00433-00244617-00245002 they want to appease you if they want to keep you happy if they want to pull VVotyoSZWxY-00434-00245002-00245544 something over on you the best way to do that is to be hyper aware so they can VVotyoSZWxY-00435-00245544-00246153 manipulate you by the same token being hyper aware means they're also hyper VVotyoSZWxY-00436-00246153-00246619 aware when they're about ready to lose control which may mean rejection which VVotyoSZWxY-00437-00246619-00247005 made me an abandonment which may mean they get their addiction taken away VVotyoSZWxY-00438-00247005-00247392 could mean a lot of things but when somebody's hypersensitive it's VVotyoSZWxY-00439-00247392-00248088 exhausting we need to help them develop an awareness of their thinking errors if VVotyoSZWxY-00440-00248088-00248863 your boss walks down the hall and size or doesn't say hi to you if you VVotyoSZWxY-00441-00248863-00249163 automatically think that means that you're in trouble and you're getting VVotyoSZWxY-00442-00249163-00249696 ready to get fired let's talk about that let's talk about how that might be a VVotyoSZWxY-00443-00249696-00250281 thinking error and where did that come from at what time in your past has a VVotyoSZWxY-00444-00250281-00250830 situation but similar to this happened and it did end up with something very VVotyoSZWxY-00445-00250830-00251590 dramatic have them develop an awareness of their abandonment issues why people VVotyoSZWxY-00446-00251590-00252098 are why certain people are so important to them what it means if people leave VVotyoSZWxY-00447-00252098-00252616 who's abandoned them in the past and how they need to deal with that and what VVotyoSZWxY-00448-00252616-00253276 that means to them and then also developing a sense of self-esteem so VVotyoSZWxY-00449-00253276-00253869 they can be okay with who they are and not need to have everybody's approval VVotyoSZWxY-00450-00253869-00254698 all the time manipulative people with addictions and personality disorders VVotyoSZWxY-00451-00254698-00255142 manipulate other people it helps them stay in control in control is a safe VVotyoSZWxY-00452-00255142-00255744 place if you're out of control it's potentially an unsafe place helping VVotyoSZWxY-00453-00255744-00256246 people identify what they need and what they want what their boundaries are and VVotyoSZWxY-00454-00256246-00256902 effectively communicate that is going to go a long way towards addressing some of VVotyoSZWxY-00455-00256902-00257258 them manipulative behavior a lot of times in VVotyoSZWxY-00456-00257258-00257805 clients and addiction treatment we see them being manipulative because they VVotyoSZWxY-00457-00257805-00258267 don't know how to ask for what they want they may not even know exactly what they VVotyoSZWxY-00458-00258267-00258807 want but they certainly don't know how to say I'm feeling this way and this is VVotyoSZWxY-00459-00258807-00259482 what I need a huge portion of early recovery with addictions is helping VVotyoSZWxY-00460-00259482-00259963 people identify what their boundaries are and what their needs and wants are VVotyoSZWxY-00461-00259963-00260370 because they've gotten so detached from themselves and the same thing is true VVotyoSZWxY-00462-00260370-00260919 with personality disorders whatever happened back then the child pretty much VVotyoSZWxY-00463-00260919-00261573 had to give up a lot of what he or she was in order to be whatever the VVotyoSZWxY-00464-00261573-00262240 caregivers needed him or her to be in order to survive low self-esteem and VVotyoSZWxY-00465-00262240-00262683 weak self concept you know develop self-esteem and the ability to VVotyoSZWxY-00466-00262683-00263274 internally validate so we're not reliant on anybody to validate us we can reserve VVotyoSZWxY-00467-00263274-00263799 that for people who are in we're in healthy relationships with we're not VVotyoSZWxY-00468-00263799-00264163 going to go out and just start pulling anybody and going I need somebody to be VVotyoSZWxY-00469-00264163-00265221 my friend it's okay to be alone you can be alone and not be lonely and you can VVotyoSZWxY-00470-00265221-00265840 be in a room of people and still be lonely because loneliness and being VVotyoSZWxY-00471-00265840-00266626 alone are not the same thing most patient VVotyoSZWxY-00472-00266626-00267091 addictions have traits associated with personality disorders so I really VVotyoSZWxY-00473-00267091-00267484 encourage people who are working in the field of addictions or co-occurring VVotyoSZWxY-00474-00267484-00267976 disorders to try to understand the function of those behaviors instead of VVotyoSZWxY-00475-00267976-00268609 just slapping a diagnosis on it many treatment centers will not accept people VVotyoSZWxY-00476-00268609-00269212 with personality disorder diagnosis so am I saying not to diagnose a VVotyoSZWxY-00477-00269212-00269665 personality disorder if it exists no what I'm saying is let's make sure that VVotyoSZWxY-00478-00269665-00270079 that's what we're dealing with before we put it there because it's going to stay VVotyoSZWxY-00479-00270079-00270697 in that person's record these traits can be loosely classified into thinking VVotyoSZWxY-00480-00270697-00271225 errors where they're perceiving threats all over the place and behavioral VVotyoSZWxY-00481-00271225-00271687 reactivity to escape or eliminate the threat so when we're looking at the VVotyoSZWxY-00482-00271687-00272446 motivation behind these behaviors or the reward from acting this way where is it VVotyoSZWxY-00483-00272446-00273157 coming from why would somebody behave this way and that involves getting in VVotyoSZWxY-00484-00273157-00273625 their head and going okay what why are they perceiving a threat or how is this VVotyoSZWxY-00485-00273625-00274222 giving them control the first steps in the recovery process are going to be to VVotyoSZWxY-00486-00274222-00274627 help them to get honest with themselves and others develop a sense of VVotyoSZWxY-00487-00274627-00275140 mindfulness and awareness of what's going on and how they impact others and VVotyoSZWxY-00488-00275140-00275842 how others impact them that's you know phase one of treatment is just kind of VVotyoSZWxY-00489-00275842-00276328 getting grounded and trying to figure out what's going on the next step is VVotyoSZWxY-00490-00276328-00276736 developing hope and faith identifying those cognitive distortions and thinking VVotyoSZWxY-00491-00276736-00277426 errors that are keeping the world scary if you can address those cognitive VVotyoSZWxY-00492-00277426-00278088 distortions and start saying okay you know some people are bad people and VVotyoSZWxY-00493-00278088-00279001 that's true but all people are not bad people some people and I mean it depends VVotyoSZWxY-00494-00279001-00279403 on your person how they're going to phrase it they may say everybody has the VVotyoSZWxY-00495-00279403-00280020 ability to do bad things and you know that's potentially true VVotyoSZWxY-00496-00280020-00280685 how can they look at it in terms of sort of shades of grey where most of the time VVotyoSZWxY-00497-00280685-00281400 most people are not going to do bad things this will help them develop hope VVotyoSZWxY-00498-00281400-00281925 that they can be happy and they can be safe without having to try to control VVotyoSZWxY-00499-00281925-00282495 and manipulate everything and finally they need to develop courage and VVotyoSZWxY-00500-00282495-00283074 discipline to remain constantly mindful of their own feelings if they've been VVotyoSZWxY-00501-00283074-00283488 acting this way if they've been behaving this way if they've been thinking this VVotyoSZWxY-00502-00283488-00284183 way for 20 years guess what that's always going to be there you know you VVotyoSZWxY-00503-00284183-00284868 have behaviors that you learned when you know when you're 23 if you want VVotyoSZWxY-00504-00284868-00285240 something and you don't get it you're most likely not going to throw yourself VVotyoSZWxY-00505-00285240-00285570 on the floor in the middle of the grocery store and start pounding your VVotyoSZWxY-00506-00285570-00286239 fists a three-year-old might do that we've learned not to use that but does VVotyoSZWxY-00507-00286239-00286581 that mean that that behavior is completely gone no we know that VVotyoSZWxY-00508-00286581-00286953 behaviors there we just know is it 23 year old is most likely to get you VVotyoSZWxY-00509-00286953-00287756 committed instead of get you'd serial that you want my point being when we're VVotyoSZWxY-00510-00287756-00288399 quote curing or treating or eliminating behaviors they're always going to be VVotyoSZWxY-00511-00288399-00288818 somewhere back in that mental toolbox VVotyoSZWxY-00512-00288881-00289299 children growing up in unstable neglectful and emotionally detached VVotyoSZWxY-00513-00289299-00289863 environments developed rates to survive a lot of these traits we call VVotyoSZWxY-00514-00289863-00290451 personality disordered because if you grew up in a normal family or what you VVotyoSZWxY-00515-00290451-00291131 expect in a healthy situation and I don't like either those either of those VVotyoSZWxY-00516-00291131-00292106 words normal or healthy but then the these behaviors seem very confusing when VVotyoSZWxY-00517-00292106-00292725 you put yourself in that dysfunctional environment the behaviors make a lot VVotyoSZWxY-00518-00292725-00293271 more sense an addictions often numb the pain and escape from this lack of VVotyoSZWxY-00519-00293271-00293555 control you know yeah addictions do nothing to VVotyoSZWxY-00520-00293555-00294140 solve the problem but it may help somebody survive when they can't fix or VVotyoSZWxY-00521-00294140-00294797 change something that is just untenable and behaviors characteristic of VVotyoSZWxY-00522-00294797-00295433 addictions and personality disorders were learned and reinforced we don't do VVotyoSZWxY-00523-00295433-00296117 things that are not beneficial or rewarding in some way so we've got to VVotyoSZWxY-00524-00296117-00296686 figure out what that is they will always be in the recesses of the tool box if VVotyoSZWxY-00525-00296686-00297293 somebody was a cutter when they were eight if things get bad enough when they VVotyoSZWxY-00526-00297293-00297956 are 28 might they think about self-injurious behavior again sure will VVotyoSZWxY-00527-00297956-00298478 they do it hopefully we've provided them or help them develop enough tools that VVotyoSZWxY-00528-00298478-00298889 they won't need to regress to that behavior but it's always going to be VVotyoSZWxY-00529-00298889-00299600 there the dysfunctional behaviors have to be made less rewarding than VVotyoSZWxY-00530-00299600-00300071 alternative healthy behaviors you don't want to replace sell chocolate with VVotyoSZWxY-00531-00300071-00300541 celery you know if something did the job and it did it really really really well VVotyoSZWxY-00532-00300541-00301148 then telling them oh you know just sit through it or do something that just VVotyoSZWxY-00533-00301148-00301697 kind of maybe sort of addresses it that's not going to work you need to VVotyoSZWxY-00534-00301697-00302414 replace it roughly one for one if it did a really good job in the past whatever VVotyoSZWxY-00535-00302414-00302969 it was that was dysfunctional we need to find something that's functional that VVotyoSZWxY-00536-00302969-00303452 meets the same need to the same degree in order for it to replace the old VVotyoSZWxY-00537-00303452-00303715 behavior VYuQZha6a44-00000-00000003-00000078 Hey guys VYuQZha6a44-00001-00000078-00000341 it's miss Kaykrizz and welcome to my channel my VYuQZha6a44-00002-00000358-00000992 experience is that I have been trying to apply for the job of a flight attendant since I was 19 and I finally got my VYuQZha6a44-00003-00000992-00001451 Dream come true as a flight attendant for an international airline when I become VYuQZha6a44-00004-00001486-00001938 27 the most wanted position in the flight attendant industry VYuQZha6a44-00005-00001938-00002656 Which is the Qatar Airways cabin crew position so if you are applying for that then this video is just right for you VYuQZha6a44-00006-00002682-00003452 This video is going to talk about my tips or the best practices that I have learned through my experience for the first day of VYuQZha6a44-00007-00003497-00003942 Interview or the assessment day so if you're interested in that just keep on watching VYuQZha6a44-00008-00005011-00005561 Okay first day of application for Qatar Airways open day expectations VYuQZha6a44-00009-00006000-00006205 Expect that there will be a lot of people there VYuQZha6a44-00010-00006257-00006676 Expect that they will not talk to you in a lot or they will not give you VYuQZha6a44-00011-00006738-00007286 much face-to-face time the most that you can get is a minute or two minutes of their time and VYuQZha6a44-00012-00007314-00007741 After that you have to wait by the end of the day for a text VYuQZha6a44-00013-00007778-00008086 Message or a call that you made it to the second day VYuQZha6a44-00014-00008111-00008614 So how do you make sure that you make it to the second day here are my tips for you? VYuQZha6a44-00015-00009060-00009367 My number one tip is be there very very early VYuQZha6a44-00016-00009392-00009754 To beat all those other people who are going to be there as well VYuQZha6a44-00017-00009754-00010234 you don't want to meet the interviewers when you are already hungry tired and VYuQZha6a44-00018-00010317-00010465 Stressed out okay VYuQZha6a44-00019-00010465-00010912 You want to meet them when you are still fresh so the best way to be there when you're still fresh VYuQZha6a44-00020-00010928-00011236 It would be the first one to be there. Okay. I'm not exaggerating VYuQZha6a44-00021-00011288-00011668 Especially if you are from the Philippines, you know what I'm talking about VYuQZha6a44-00022-00011728-00011954 The queue extends outside of the hotel VYuQZha6a44-00023-00011954-00012698 So make sure that you are there very very early so if the call time is 9 be there at 6:00. I'm not kidding okay VYuQZha6a44-00024-00012840-00013544 So my next tip is make an impact or make an impact even before you are speaking to them VYuQZha6a44-00025-00013544-00014291 So how do you do this so you will be waiting on a line like a very long line in a very big? VYuQZha6a44-00026-00014324-00015022 Conference room the moment that you are on the first line that time wherein you are going to be able to submit your CV VYuQZha6a44-00027-00015022-00015522 and then you'll be able to talk to them in one to two minutes you should be in the zone VYuQZha6a44-00028-00015572-00016186 Focus what you should do when it is your time to stand up you have to focus okay? VYuQZha6a44-00029-00016206-00016514 Wait for the interviewer to call you up VYuQZha6a44-00030-00016539-00017011 It's your turn to come here because that means that you are respecting their time VYuQZha6a44-00031-00017019-00017422 You are respecting that they're still doing something and they're not yet ready for you VYuQZha6a44-00032-00017423-00017686 But when they give you the signal that they're ready for you VYuQZha6a44-00033-00017745-00017879 Be there VYuQZha6a44-00034-00017879-00018355 Wait for that signal and when they do make sure that you give eye contact VYuQZha6a44-00035-00018431-00018751 You are smiling and you are minding your posture VYuQZha6a44-00036-00018756-00019554 So these three things will show an impact about you even before you started speaking to the recruiter VYuQZha6a44-00037-00019612-00019938 again, its eye contact smile and posture VYuQZha6a44-00038-00020062-00020769 My next tip is for you to mind your energy during the interview so to mind your energy during the interview make sure that you VYuQZha6a44-00039-00020769-00020998 Are happy you are feeling happy of course VYuQZha6a44-00040-00021036-00021680 you're getting nervous but make sure that your happiness and cheerfulness standsout as a person VYuQZha6a44-00041-00021712-00022080 Okay, so what do I mean by that the make sure you always smile VYuQZha6a44-00042-00022080-00022616 I think of happy thoughts as peter pan says right so think of happy thoughts and then VYuQZha6a44-00043-00022651-00023375 Make it shine through even through even within all the nervousness that you feel because what we tend to do when we're nervous VYuQZha6a44-00044-00023415-00023615 We tend to have a poker face VYuQZha6a44-00045-00023752-00024041 And that's not good, that's not a good first impression VYuQZha6a44-00046-00024109-00024620 Always be the one who is cheerful and keep your energy up, okay, so just VYuQZha6a44-00047-00024673-00025436 Remember or try to emulate that this is the happiest day of your life, and you will be good to go all right? VYuQZha6a44-00048-00025507-00025676 Now you are talking to the recruiter VYuQZha6a44-00049-00025676-00026066 And they will be asking you just perhaps one or two VYuQZha6a44-00050-00026110-00026757 Questions after the formalities of how do you do today okay so my tip for you is don't VYuQZha6a44-00051-00026802-00027225 Be afraid to be chatty. Okay. We know we are Filipinos VYuQZha6a44-00052-00027225-00027795 We are very respectable people we try to respect other people we try not to speak first VYuQZha6a44-00053-00027820-00028304 But this is not the time for that make sure that you start talking first like how are you? VYuQZha6a44-00054-00028305-00028622 How was your flight going here? Did you enjoy your stay so far? VYuQZha6a44-00055-00028647-00028988 It's okay to be friendly like that don't overdo VYuQZha6a44-00056-00028989-00029750 It just be friendly and at the same time when you are talking to them. They might ask you a question never say anything negative VYuQZha6a44-00057-00029806-00030006 Negative about your situation VYuQZha6a44-00058-00030016-00030079 or VYuQZha6a44-00059-00030079-00030694 Negative about your current employer because that's a no-no you will never get a call for that or the text for the next day VYuQZha6a44-00060-00030695-00030995 Day always say something positive. Okay like for example VYuQZha6a44-00061-00031238-00031413 I VYuQZha6a44-00062-00031413-00031595 Am enjoying my current career VYuQZha6a44-00063-00031595-00032156 But I am looking for a place to grow as an individual as we all are right so VYuQZha6a44-00064-00032206-00032502 yeah that kind of things. all right, so VYuQZha6a44-00065-00032766-00032974 That's it sample questions VYuQZha6a44-00066-00033078-00033492 sample questions to expect in the Qatar airways open day our VYuQZha6a44-00067-00033528-00033836 First day interview is just two things VYuQZha6a44-00068-00033836-00034498 They will definitely just ask two things for the past years. This is what they have been asking they're asking VYuQZha6a44-00069-00034499-00034646 What are you doing right now? VYuQZha6a44-00070-00034646-00034713 or VYuQZha6a44-00071-00034713-00034967 Have you applied to us before so? VYuQZha6a44-00072-00034988-00035470 Those two are the questions that you have to prepare for it so prepare an answer for that in rare occasions VYuQZha6a44-00073-00035514-00036128 Very rare they will ask who is their CEO so that's all I know about the interview VYuQZha6a44-00074-00036128-00036328 but everyone that I talk to VYuQZha6a44-00075-00036368-00036782 says that's the kind of question they are asked defnitiely if this has been valuable to you VYuQZha6a44-00076-00036782-00037244 And you would like my tip on this video make sure that you check out my book. It's right here VYuQZha6a44-00077-00037244-00037670 It's called ready for takeoff where I have more extensive tips for your VYuQZha6a44-00078-00037706-00038212 Application you can avail it if you are in the Philippines, and if you are abroad you can avail it to amazon.com VYuQZha6a44-00079-00038286-00038938 If you are in the Philippines. I have a Shopee shop. It's called kaykrizz, and you can also check it out on my VYuQZha6a44-00080-00039036-00039171 on my VYuQZha6a44-00081-00039171-00039616 Website missKaykrizz.com , so I hope that you guys enjoyed this video VYuQZha6a44-00082-00039616-00040214 I will see you on the next installment of this series, and I will fly with you soon! VYuQZha6a44-00083-00040308-00040508 wait VYuQZha6a44-00084-00040588-00040786 (inaudible speech) VZe131EELz8-00000-00000000-00000200 8K Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales RTX 4090 r7-5800x3D Vau58t8e8jA-00000-00000131-00000231 hello everyone, I will tell you in detail about this video and show you how you can Vau58t8e8jA-00001-00000231-00000768 easily and simply add keywords of your channel to youtube or I love keywords as they are Vau58t8e8jA-00002-00000768-00001349 also called and either search phrases youtube channel tags by which your channel will search Vau58t8e8jA-00003-00001349-00002453 for you in the search and so on, these phrases will find you what we need to go to the browser Vau58t8e8jA-00004-00002453-00003050 to go to our channel there is there we need to enter the settings you can enter the channel Vau58t8e8jA-00005-00003050-00004494 view or in the video tab we will go to configure the channel view once again there are channel Vau58t8e8jA-00006-00004494-00005128 settings there and there further down here we have here such is the 6 lenochka in the Vau58t8e8jA-00007-00005128-00005820 lower left corner if you can't see it clearly, you can expand the menu by clicking on these Vau58t8e8jA-00008-00005820-00006578 three dashes in the upper left corner and you will have me so unfolded and 6 lenochka Vau58t8e8jA-00009-00006578-00007289 settings will be signed here, go to settings and here we need to select a channel, select Vau58t8e8jA-00010-00007289-00007917 a channel and here is my country of residence and keywords search phrases or tags of our Vau58t8e8jA-00011-00007917-00008411 channel how to add or delete a new phrase to delete a new phrase, just click on the Vau58t8e8jA-00012-00008411-00009657 cross it will be deleted to add a new keyword, we just need to register a keyword, we will Vau58t8e8jA-00013-00009657-00010570 register the software again, click a comma or a tape, I will press enter and the phrase Vau58t8e8jA-00014-00010570-00011092 was added so easily and simply without any problems to save our settings, we need to Vau58t8e8jA-00015-00011092-00011821 click save and the settings have been saved now we have added a key search phrase for Vau58t8e8jA-00016-00011821-00012811 our channel here the video was useful put likes subscribe to the channel thank you for Vau58t8e8jA-00017-00012811-00012934 watching everyone so far Vau58t8e8jA-00018-00012934-00012996 will be VdqLNQ34XZE-00000-00001222-00001337 Where? VdqLNQ34XZE-00001-00001337-00001387 at the cafeteria VdqLNQ34XZE-00002-00001387-00001437 someone close? VdqLNQ34XZE-00003-00001437-00001487 n VdqLNQ34XZE-00004-00001487-00001545 Skip then? VdqLNQ34XZE-00005-00001598-00002034 No one was ejected (skipped) VdqLNQ34XZE-00006-00002034-00002234 1 imposter left VdOhZjLrZVA-00000-00000304-00000425 you know as a politician VdOhZjLrZVA-00001-00000425-00000749 I have long thought the best politics is a better idea VdOhZjLrZVA-00002-00000749-00001130 on a world with a lot of challenges in a lot of vexing VdOhZjLrZVA-00003-00001130-00001491 issues we need folks that can inspire VdOhZjLrZVA-00004-00001491-00001846 and can enliven and bring people together we can talk about the way the VdOhZjLrZVA-00005-00001846-00002186 world should be but what are the pragmatic steps to manifest that ideal VdOhZjLrZVA-00006-00002186-00002491 and that's what we struggle with so often, in particular in the government VdOhZjLrZVA-00007-00002491-00002532 setting VdOhZjLrZVA-00008-00002532-00002818 I mean, imagine having a bootcamp for politicians where we don't talk about VdOhZjLrZVA-00009-00002818-00003124 politics, we don't talk about process, we don't talk about personality VdOhZjLrZVA-00010-00003124-00003511 we talk about problems and how to solve them in a non ideological framework VdOhZjLrZVA-00011-00003511-00003815 and we bring some of the best and the brightest minds from every discipline in VdOhZjLrZVA-00012-00003815-00003857 life VdOhZjLrZVA-00013-00003857-00004255 outside our own discipline and expertise and throw things out VdOhZjLrZVA-00014-00004255-00004680 its beyond powerful I don't want to overstate it but I sure as hell not going to understate it VdOhZjLrZVA-00015-00004680-00005052 in government we don't do much of that at all do not underestimate how little of that VdOhZjLrZVA-00016-00005052-00005089 we do VioVeUkFXsE-00000-00000032-00000576 whether you're a new fan of chess or a long time fan of chess certainly you've heard of the name VioVeUkFXsE-00001-00000576-00001048 gary gasparov that's because gary is one of the greatest players of all time for many he is the VioVeUkFXsE-00002-00001048-00001520 greatest player of all time and that means that he played top level competition for many many years VioVeUkFXsE-00003-00001520-00002096 so what is the best game that he's ever played that is the purpose of this video we are in VioVeUkFXsE-00004-00002096-00002568 the year 1999 gary's been world champion for quite some time about 14 years now VioVeUkFXsE-00005-00002568-00003024 uh and we are in vikanze in the tournament in the netherlands it's the fourth round gary's ranked VioVeUkFXsE-00006-00003024-00003615 number one in the world and he's taking on rank 10 vessel and topolov who later went on himself VioVeUkFXsE-00007-00003615-00004192 to become world champion gary begins the game with e4 and before we move any further i just VioVeUkFXsE-00008-00004192-00004576 want you to all to know the point of this video is to take you through the absolute brilliance VioVeUkFXsE-00009-00004576-00005072 of this game but at many moments we will go off the beaten path because i want to show you the VioVeUkFXsE-00010-00005072-00005704 calculation and inner workings of the mind of kasparov because my my goodness it's quite a mind VioVeUkFXsE-00011-00005768-00006504 so d6 from topolof he goes for the pierce defense d4 knight f6 some of you might know this setup by VioVeUkFXsE-00012-00006504-00007064 black as the king's indian setup now this does resemble a king's indian defense but officially VioVeUkFXsE-00013-00007064-00007640 the king's indian is when white has d4 c4 and e4 all three musketeers it's more of a queen's VioVeUkFXsE-00014-00007640-00008168 pawn beginning opening now this is the pierce because white has only e4 and d4 on the board VioVeUkFXsE-00015-00008224-00008512 and you know kasparov has a lot of ways to play this position but VioVeUkFXsE-00016-00008568-00009024 one thing that even beginners and intermediates can learn is actually the most challenging setup VioVeUkFXsE-00017-00009080-00009552 here for white is the move queen to d2 why because you make a battery with your bishop VioVeUkFXsE-00018-00009552-00010088 and queen on the same diagonal and you wish to go down to h6 why because this bishop is the is VioVeUkFXsE-00019-00010088-00010576 the kind of defender of the dark squares of this side of the board and if you trade that bishop VioVeUkFXsE-00020-00010576-00011240 there could be some serious problems for black depal plays c6 this is a prophylactic move because VioVeUkFXsE-00021-00011240-00011704 he anticipates that kasparov will go long castle and he will play b5 and kind of trampoline the VioVeUkFXsE-00022-00011704-00012328 pawns and already start attacking because sparrow says f3 maybe i'm not gonna go long i don't know VioVeUkFXsE-00023-00012328-00012664 they're not actually saying these words to each other it's the beauty of chess the VioVeUkFXsE-00024-00012664-00013160 silent war this is a prophylactic move against the knight coming to g4 and taking the bishop VioVeUkFXsE-00025-00013160-00013696 and also he wants to trampoline his own pawns once apollo plays b5 and now we have a move that again VioVeUkFXsE-00026-00013696-00014096 to the uninitiated looks like it simply doesn't make any sense and that move is knight to e2 well VioVeUkFXsE-00027-00014096-00014656 why wouldn't kasparov play here to get the bishop well here's the thing if you put your bishop on VioVeUkFXsE-00028-00014656-00015144 d3 it's kind of in the way of everybody it's very clear that white will probably castle long VioVeUkFXsE-00029-00015216-00015880 you go 92 because uh you want to go g4 you want to go knight to g3 and then you want to play g5 VioVeUkFXsE-00030-00015880-00016504 right now that knight can always go to h5 if you go and attack it so gary wants to play g4 knight VioVeUkFXsE-00031-00016504-00017016 g3 and then that knight from that square will help these pawns attack on this side of the board VioVeUkFXsE-00032-00017080-00017464 and that's why he doesn't put his bishop there that bishop could just be a target but the paul VioVeUkFXsE-00033-00017464-00018136 plays a move knight to d7 now we have bishop to h6 we have bishop takes queen takes and topolo plays VioVeUkFXsE-00034-00018136-00018720 bishop to b7 just developing at this point gary plays a move that has never been played before VioVeUkFXsE-00035-00018720-00019264 it hasn't it doesn't change the game it's just a move and he plays the move a3 the idea of a3 is VioVeUkFXsE-00036-00019264-00019776 not that he's trying to show vessel in how pawns move he wants to prevent b4 which would attack the VioVeUkFXsE-00037-00019776-00020320 knight and force him to move but you'll notice that topolov actually traded bishops and never VioVeUkFXsE-00038-00020320-00020936 castled so he cannot castle that's an illegal move as he'd be moving through a check there's king's VioVeUkFXsE-00039-00020936-00021400 stuck there but you'll notice and say well why isn't gary just going in well uh not like that VioVeUkFXsE-00040-00021552-00022096 that's again oh man that would be tragic queen to g7 uh why is gary not doing this VioVeUkFXsE-00041-00022096-00022312 and attacking the rope well here's the thing what happens when the rook moves VioVeUkFXsE-00042-00022488-00022856 nothing i mean everything's guarded right so you got to come right back VioVeUkFXsE-00043-00022856-00023440 now you you and me right uh we play simple moves like this not gary kasparov but the thing is if VioVeUkFXsE-00044-00023440-00023768 you're going to make a simple attacking move like this you at least have to ask yourself well what VioVeUkFXsE-00045-00023768-00024184 is my opponent going to do a lot of people attack a piece just because they think it's a good move VioVeUkFXsE-00046-00024184-00024552 but if that piece can just move and attack you right back it's probably not so great so that's VioVeUkFXsE-00047-00024552-00025008 why we have a3 and now the polish plays the move e5 and you're going to say levy i'm bored it's VioVeUkFXsE-00048-00025008-00025432 been 10 moves i'm going to click off this video very soon don't do that i'll lose ad revenue and VioVeUkFXsE-00049-00025432-00025776 you'll also not see the most exciting part of the game it's like the folks that leave in the VioVeUkFXsE-00050-00025776-00026224 fifth inning of a baseball game i don't know why i made a baseball analogy but any other sport VioVeUkFXsE-00051-00026224-00026695 it's the same thing right now we have long castles we're getting spicy all right it's getting spicy VioVeUkFXsE-00052-00026695-00027239 we have a long castle queen e7 now gary plays king to b1 always a good move move the king over one VioVeUkFXsE-00053-00027239-00027800 square defend the critical squares on that side of the board a6 uh topolov is trying to complete the VioVeUkFXsE-00054-00027800-00028327 mythical quest of moving every pawn that he has at least once the f7 pawn will have to wait knight VioVeUkFXsE-00055-00028327-00028904 to c1 the other idea of king to b1 his idea is to rotate the knight you see kasparov doing that long VioVeUkFXsE-00056-00028904-00029439 time ago he put his knight on e2 now he rotate rotates it over here we have a a rare position VioVeUkFXsE-00057-00029439-00029983 in chess both guys castled long so they're on same side but they went long castle usually VioVeUkFXsE-00058-00029983-00030472 it's short side but all right i'm not asking questions and now finally the polyp says i've VioVeUkFXsE-00059-00030472-00030848 had enough of this closed position we both have eight pawns so the position is a bit more closed VioVeUkFXsE-00060-00030904-00031368 let's make the first transformation i've changed i've changed my e-pawn for your d-pawn VioVeUkFXsE-00061-00031368-00031895 you have a rook out but now your rook is just a target but here's the thing with this move VioVeUkFXsE-00062-00031895-00032416 c5 yes you make a pawn move that attacks my rook but the route goes back and pawns can't go back VioVeUkFXsE-00063-00032472-00032960 there you go you learn something pawns can't go back so this square lost the guard if you just VioVeUkFXsE-00064-00032960-00033648 instant replay that square lost the guard right so that's what kasparov wanted he wants topolive VioVeUkFXsE-00065-00033648-00034080 to overextend the paulo plays knight b6 adding a piece to this side of the board VioVeUkFXsE-00066-00034080-00034648 and now gary plays the move g3 bishop to h3 is his idea he wants to activate the bishop on VioVeUkFXsE-00067-00034648-00034960 the dial because this way i mean there's there's really not much brewing on that side of the board VioVeUkFXsE-00068-00035120-00035504 and now for those of you that had the patience and did not click out of a chess video in five VioVeUkFXsE-00069-00035504-00036032 minutes and 55 seconds uh the good stuff is about to happen uh te paulov also makes a preparation VioVeUkFXsE-00070-00036032-00036488 move king to b8 now gary says look i've had enough of this i want to end up in a gotham chess youtube VioVeUkFXsE-00071-00036488-00036864 video 22 years from now so it's time to you know it's time to do something it's time to play the VioVeUkFXsE-00072-00036864-00037440 best game of my damn life knight to a5 and what that move does is it's very direct i mean he wants VioVeUkFXsE-00073-00037440-00037840 the bishop he thinks the bishop is going to play an important role in the game and tapollov just VioVeUkFXsE-00074-00037840-00038552 moves away computer analysis much later down the line shows the fact that uh d5 can be played uh VioVeUkFXsE-00075-00038552-00039064 and the move d5 is just intending to give away oop this bishop to just take back and say you VioVeUkFXsE-00076-00039064-00039680 know what i don't care if gary ends up with bishop versus one of my knights i'm fine and the machine VioVeUkFXsE-00077-00039680-00040104 at first thinks that the position is equal but it could be a very tricky decision to do that VioVeUkFXsE-00078-00040168-00040584 because you know this bishop will end up here and then you'll trade the pawn and move this pawn up VioVeUkFXsE-00079-00040584-00041168 and you know in a perfect world what that might look like is like you'll have f4 and bishop on g2 VioVeUkFXsE-00080-00041168-00041648 and you'll just laser beam the entire board maybe you'll also play bishop d3 bishop e4 so VioVeUkFXsE-00081-00041712-00042120 rather than doing that topolov just says i want my bishop let's keep it over here and VioVeUkFXsE-00082-00042120-00042704 gary plays bishop to h3 exactly his plan it has no immediate attack but he just sees the whole board VioVeUkFXsE-00083-00042704-00043312 okay now we have d5 and now we have queen to f4 check trying to punish tapala for weakening his VioVeUkFXsE-00084-00043312-00043848 king king moves to a7 and rookie one gary has officially activated all of his pieces VioVeUkFXsE-00085-00043904-00044584 and topolov lurches forward to attack the knight and now now let the fun begin i will roll up my VioVeUkFXsE-00086-00044584-00045384 sleeves because it's about to get wild kasparov jumps in to a square that is covered one two VioVeUkFXsE-00087-00045384-00045960 three four times why does he do that because upon the trade occurring there is a new piece activated VioVeUkFXsE-00088-00045960-00046408 that attacks the queen very important for the newer players uh you have to understand how the VioVeUkFXsE-00089-00046408-00047000 position transforms when pieces are traded other pieces open up right so now the queen of course VioVeUkFXsE-00090-00047000-00047400 moves out of the way and a queen trade is offered now this one would never be an immortal game VioVeUkFXsE-00091-00047496-00047952 if a queen trade happened because to be honest you need the queen it's the most powerful piece VioVeUkFXsE-00092-00047952-00048528 most stylish piece you know and kasparov here and you are more than welcome to pause right VioVeUkFXsE-00093-00048528-00049016 now and try to find the move that kasparov played because right now the volcanic explosion begins VioVeUkFXsE-00094-00049152-00049632 the machine on my on my cloud on my web browser here still doesn't see the move VioVeUkFXsE-00095-00049632-00050560 it's it's dep 29. gary kasparov plays rook takes d4 now again to the untrained eye VioVeUkFXsE-00096-00050560-00051120 that just hangs a rook um and that you know gary would end up in one of my guests the elo episodes VioVeUkFXsE-00097-00051120-00051920 but here's the problem if c takes d4 was played um gary intended uh to play this next dynamite VioVeUkFXsE-00098-00051920-00052504 move but this also by itself looks very scary for example if the king were to move out of the way VioVeUkFXsE-00099-00052584-00053344 then here gary would detonate a beauty rook to an untouchable square e7 and if the queen were VioVeUkFXsE-00100-00053344-00054024 to take it it would deflect the queen away from the defense of the b6 square this and for example VioVeUkFXsE-00101-00054024-00054440 knight c6 check king cannot move because of that bishop he placed there a long time ago and it VioVeUkFXsE-00102-00054440-00055048 would have been mate it would have been made he's not interested in taking the queen however however VioVeUkFXsE-00103-00055048-00055704 however you cannot just take immediately because if you take immediately i will block like this VioVeUkFXsE-00104-00055808-00056600 so kasparov burst after c takes d4 plays the move rook to e7 it's a move order thing VioVeUkFXsE-00105-00056655-00057160 it's a thing of if he plays one move before the other then that defensive resource is there but VioVeUkFXsE-00106-00057160-00057664 by going rook to e7 first he now makes a very difficult decision here for topolof VioVeUkFXsE-00107-00057664-00058128 the polyp cannot take on e7 because of that sequence that i just showed you right so instead VioVeUkFXsE-00108-00058128-00058800 he goes here now had he gone to b8 then we would have gotten queen takes d4 all the same and the VioVeUkFXsE-00109-00058800-00059736 threat is a7 guarded and if you take my rook i will go to b6 the same problem so king to b6 VioVeUkFXsE-00110-00059824-00060464 and now gary takes on d4 and here topolov has to continue marching forward he has to go king takes VioVeUkFXsE-00111-00060464-00060976 a five and now kasparov has invested a rook and a horse for the attack so king takes a5 was played VioVeUkFXsE-00112-00060976-00061528 to paul of one of six points of material however i promised you the web of variations that this VioVeUkFXsE-00113-00061528-00062144 brilliant mind analyzed and in this position gary kasparov most certainly analyzed the move queen to VioVeUkFXsE-00114-00062144-00062688 c5 offering another trade here he would have taken and rather than repeating moves and or trading VioVeUkFXsE-00115-00062688-00063200 the queen there is an absolutely just absol this is one of the most beautiful things ever VioVeUkFXsE-00116-00063200-00063552 so if you've made it this far you're welcome this is gonna be like going to an art museum VioVeUkFXsE-00117-00063655-00064248 bishop to e6 that move doesn't look like it makes any sense at first what if i just take well if you VioVeUkFXsE-00118-00064248-00064512 take then i come back and you're gonna lose your queen and you're gonna lose everybody VioVeUkFXsE-00119-00064512-00064944 you lose your queen they're gonna lose your king you're gonna lose everybody you lose you lose your VioVeUkFXsE-00120-00064944-00065400 hotel room you get booted out of the tournament there oh my god sterile lose your neopets account VioVeUkFXsE-00121-00065400-00066056 rook takes e6 what happened if if if you took but here's the beauty if king a5 were to be played if VioVeUkFXsE-00122-00066056-00066536 this were to be played we would get b4 check the king has to come forward because otherwise VioVeUkFXsE-00123-00066536-00067112 it's mate i mean it's simply a mate king comes forward and now oh god this is i wish the game VioVeUkFXsE-00124-00067112-00068056 ended like this queen c3 bishop takes pawn king to b2 intending to sacrifice your queen VioVeUkFXsE-00125-00068272-00068616 and mate the man down 13 points of material with three pawns VioVeUkFXsE-00126-00068760-00069224 gary saw all of that i mean i didn't know i don't know if he did i didn't text him or anything but VioVeUkFXsE-00127-00069344-00069856 that's why queen c5 didn't get played that is why because of this bishop 2e6 maybe he had something VioVeUkFXsE-00128-00069856-00070352 else as well but i'd like to just believe in my mind that you know he saw this whole idea i VioVeUkFXsE-00129-00070352-00070920 mean my god just just what so instead we have king takes a five to paulov says i don't want to lose VioVeUkFXsE-00130-00070920-00071288 at least not yet you know because i don't want to be the victim in the gotham chess youtube video 20 VioVeUkFXsE-00131-00071288-00071720 years later so we have b4 and now the king moves forward so obviously the players have to calculate VioVeUkFXsE-00132-00071720-00072360 this from a distance and now kasparov plays just basically only moves and what only moves means is VioVeUkFXsE-00133-00072360-00072872 that he's down six points of material so kasparov either has to make a draw by perpetual check VioVeUkFXsE-00134-00072872-00073440 which is when you check check check and repeat or you have to win like you have to like win or like VioVeUkFXsE-00135-00073440-00074056 force a perpetual that's it otherwise topalov will survive so queen c3 threatening mate we have queen VioVeUkFXsE-00136-00074056-00074864 takes d5 okay so no mate but now we have rook to a7 threatening mate again okay now we have bishop VioVeUkFXsE-00137-00074864-00075520 to b7 and and kasparov says i actually don't really yeah i i don't actually want my bishop VioVeUkFXsE-00138-00075592-00076208 uh my rook i'm sorry i don't want my rook just take it because if you take it mate this is where VioVeUkFXsE-00139-00076208-00076696 eric rosen would say oh no my rook now here to paul played queen to c4 he's trying to get a queen VioVeUkFXsE-00140-00076696-00077216 trade he could have also played this move trying to get some sort of counter play on the back rank VioVeUkFXsE-00141-00077288-00077664 had this been played there is this beautiful move rook b6 threatening mate again VioVeUkFXsE-00142-00077736-00078112 so then we would have gotten this and then you pick up the knight and we would have VioVeUkFXsE-00143-00078112-00078584 had an end game where you know one guy has a king who is suffering from claustrophobia like VioVeUkFXsE-00144-00078704-00079072 it you're never moving forward and you're about to get mated from the back VioVeUkFXsE-00145-00079256-00079672 phrasing could have been better on that statement but you know you get the point so instead of VioVeUkFXsE-00146-00079672-00080024 that the paulov looks for a queen trait and of course kasparov doesn't go for the queen trade VioVeUkFXsE-00147-00080088-00080808 and now we have king takes a3 if we had rook to d1 check well he could have he could have he could VioVeUkFXsE-00148-00080808-00081384 have traded queens the problem with trading queens is that this endgame is completely lost for black VioVeUkFXsE-00149-00081472-00081944 because the king is paralyzed i'm gonna go here and i'm gonna go here and just the looming threat VioVeUkFXsE-00150-00081944-00082432 of that makes this position not defendable like you can't defend this position at all rook f6 or VioVeUkFXsE-00151-00082432-00083120 okay six is another problem your king is just offside okay var confirmed it so we got king VioVeUkFXsE-00152-00083120-00083744 takes a three so the bollocks just going forward right queen takes a6 king b4 and here ladies and VioVeUkFXsE-00153-00083744-00084432 gentlemen kasparov just it i got nothing to say i'm not even gonna preface this with some weird VioVeUkFXsE-00154-00084432-00085744 metaphor gary kasparov absolutely obliterates his opponent c3 the only move why because any way you VioVeUkFXsE-00155-00085744-00086256 take that pawn you kill your coordination in the game we get king takes but if queen takes then the VioVeUkFXsE-00156-00086256-00086824 b5 pawn loses a guard and it's made it's made in three in some way some sort of ladder mate on the VioVeUkFXsE-00157-00086824-00087368 side of the board it's just mate um if you ignore the pawn and you for example play king to b3 VioVeUkFXsE-00158-00087432-00088032 then i will play uh queen a2 king c3 queen b2 king d3 rook to e7 cutting off the king VioVeUkFXsE-00159-00088152-00088616 and it's force maiden 6. now whether or not gary kasparov saw that or not i mean the king's here VioVeUkFXsE-00160-00088616-00088944 i'm gonna come back i'm gonna smack your king upside the head for getting too close to me VioVeUkFXsE-00161-00089008-00089800 um and so for that reason topol have decided to take on c3 and now watch this queen a1 i mean my VioVeUkFXsE-00162-00089800-00090440 my guy really just played queen a1 check now topalive cannot go back because if he goes VioVeUkFXsE-00163-00090440-00091184 back there is this check and if he gets this then kabam from behind and you have to take and lose VioVeUkFXsE-00164-00091184-00092072 the guard so rather than doing that the polyp continues to move forward you know and now gary VioVeUkFXsE-00165-00092072-00092728 plays the most savage combination of the entire game in my opinion queen to b2 king goes to d1 VioVeUkFXsE-00166-00092856-00093376 and gary sets up the board for the next game because he understands that the game is over VioVeUkFXsE-00167-00093464-00094344 he plays the move bishop to f1 this bishop had two jobs go out for a smoke and return back to VioVeUkFXsE-00168-00094344-00095048 its bunker to attack the queen it cannot be taken because the king is suffocated by his own queen VioVeUkFXsE-00169-00095144-00095728 via check here and that rookie all the way on the other side would come back and attack and VioVeUkFXsE-00170-00095728-00096360 it's game over the king is suffocated and so for that reason after bishop to f1 topalive VioVeUkFXsE-00171-00096360-00097008 played rook d2 you want to take my queen i'm gonna take your queen and you have no checks VioVeUkFXsE-00172-00097072-00097480 yes he does not but in this position kasparov has one and VioVeUkFXsE-00173-00097480-00098184 again only one move what is his best move feel free to pause i'll take a sip of water VioVeUkFXsE-00174-00098424-00099096 gary kasparov immobilizes that rook that just went to d2 by playing the move rook to d7 VioVeUkFXsE-00175-00099336-00099672 i you know i i get that there are little pieces on a screen VioVeUkFXsE-00176-00099816-00100704 but this is just a beautiful move because if you take my rook like this i will take your queen and VioVeUkFXsE-00177-00100832-00101144 you will take the bishop and for one more move you're gonna sam up two VioVeUkFXsE-00178-00101144-00101576 points of material i got bang bang and four pawns you got queen and three yeah VioVeUkFXsE-00179-00101576-00102160 but at the end of this entire damn combination the rook on the opposite side of the board is hanging VioVeUkFXsE-00180-00102312-00103032 gary kasparov didn't luck out with that he saw that i don't know how far back he saw that VioVeUkFXsE-00181-00103104-00103808 i really don't know probably from this point forward to be honest probably from this point VioVeUkFXsE-00182-00103808-00104392 forward like take take like if queen c4 i'm gonna go here and if he goes here we have this entire VioVeUkFXsE-00183-00104392-00105144 sequence of moves with bishop to f1 and then rook to d7 and the game ended after queen takes rook VioVeUkFXsE-00184-00105144-00105664 rook d3 it's still not over what is black's biggest asset here if you said rook you are VioVeUkFXsE-00185-00105664-00106304 naive ladies and gentlemen it's the pawn bang and bang and i make a queen so kasparov goes to VioVeUkFXsE-00186-00106304-00106952 the opposite corner of the board trying to get in like this he plays queen a8 for aesthetic value VioVeUkFXsE-00187-00106952-00107448 brings the queen back f4 so that he doesn't lose the pawn the less pawns he loses for the end game VioVeUkFXsE-00188-00107448-00108135 the better immobilizing this and we have king to c1 getting in the way of the pawn rook d1 is not VioVeUkFXsE-00189-00108135-00108800 possible and now the final move of the game the top engine move once again even though here a lot VioVeUkFXsE-00190-00108800-00109408 of things work queen to a7 simultaneously threatening the pawn base and to come VioVeUkFXsE-00191-00109408-00110080 back to g1 or to e3 and pick this pawn up and hear vessel and depal of resign the game VioVeUkFXsE-00192-00110311-00110759 wow you still with me how many of you made it 18 minutes in this video you should be proud it's VioVeUkFXsE-00193-00110759-00111368 like an 18 minute roller coaster or that was not an 18 minute roller coaster that was an 18 minute VioVeUkFXsE-00194-00111472-00111944 i mean just just an act of pure genius there was so many layers to the calculation the VioVeUkFXsE-00195-00111944-00112448 the the three pawn checkmate that we saw early in the middle game potentially that could have you VioVeUkFXsE-00196-00112448-00113376 know happened in this position right gary kasparov was incredible uh in in in his entire career and VioVeUkFXsE-00197-00113376-00114104 you know i i wanted to showcase uh his game against the palav and the white kinsey uh VioVeUkFXsE-00198-00114224-00114744 in the wykens8 tournament 1999. now if i'm not mistaken he won that tournament with 10 VioVeUkFXsE-00199-00114744-00115464 points out of 13 uh he did lose a game uh and i believe that was to vladimir kramnik VioVeUkFXsE-00200-00115464-00115880 who was uh ultimately the one to dethrone him one year later in their world championship match VioVeUkFXsE-00201-00115976-00116511 but how about that game huh wow i think we all need to take a little bit of a breath uh the VioVeUkFXsE-00202-00116511-00116840 moves to the game will be in the description if you would like to check it out on your own a link VioVeUkFXsE-00203-00116840-00117311 to chessgames.com which is an amazing website that has a lot of these games but everything everything VioVeUkFXsE-00204-00117311-00117928 was there the the the preparation the creativity uh the belligerent attacking power the ability to VioVeUkFXsE-00205-00117928-00118359 have a volcanic eruption out of nowhere like a you know a piston of a right hand VioVeUkFXsE-00206-00118416-00119040 uh for a fighter and uh there you go as always my friends thank you for making it this far VioVeUkFXsE-00207-00119040-00119520 in the video uh and if there's anything that you would like me to cover in future content VioVeUkFXsE-00208-00119520-00119959 do let me know if you are a new fan welcome to my channel it's so nice to have you i have a lot VioVeUkFXsE-00209-00119959-00120352 of different playlists openings middle games and games puzzle solving that i think you would enjoy VioVeUkFXsE-00210-00120408-00121016 and of course if you are a turning fan welcome back i will see you in the next video ViMPuzlY9uU-00000-00000000-00000437 CLARE FARRELL: Just on that topic I think that there's something very deeply cathartic about ViMPuzlY9uU-00001-00000437-00001038 taking action in this way and I do think I do think it answers a ViMPuzlY9uU-00002-00001038-00001725 need for some people which is which is good and but if you've read Rebecca ViMPuzlY9uU-00003-00001725-00002186 Solnit Hope In The Dark I was reading that a while ago and there's a quote in ViMPuzlY9uU-00004-00002186-00002481 there from somebody who's part of a movement who said you know and as soon ViMPuzlY9uU-00005-00002481-00003039 as I got into the police cell the feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders ViMPuzlY9uU-00006-00003039-00003618 that I didn't even know was there and that's also been my experience of ViMPuzlY9uU-00007-00003618-00004368 arrest earlier this year for demonstration which is very interesting ViMPuzlY9uU-00008-00004368-00005153 experience I think but what's next so well we started off obviously much ViMPuzlY9uU-00009-00005153-00005528 smaller and than we are now and there's lots and lots of people getting involved ViMPuzlY9uU-00010-00005528-00005973 and there's something of a review and restructure process going on at the ViMPuzlY9uU-00011-00005973-00007481 moment we aim to create a system that's can that can offer a space to hopefully ViMPuzlY9uU-00012-00007481-00008186 several million people which is which is the kind of which is also a data-driven ViMPuzlY9uU-00013-00008186-00008742 decision based on sort of assessment of other successful movements of the past ViMPuzlY9uU-00014-00008742-00009099 how many people were in them in proportion to the size of the country ViMPuzlY9uU-00015-00009099-00009549 where they were operational how many people does it take to change the course ViMPuzlY9uU-00016-00009549-00010335 of political history for a nation or whatever and so there's a lot ViMPuzlY9uU-00017-00010335-00010788 of work going on now to try to make sure that systems are set up in ways which ViMPuzlY9uU-00018-00010788-00011445 can expand and which function what we do is largely based on research and data ViMPuzlY9uU-00019-00011445-00011897 and also debrief so lots of debriefs have already taken place we've spent a ViMPuzlY9uU-00020-00011897-00012210 lot of time reflecting and talking about what's worked what hasn't worked what ViMPuzlY9uU-00021-00012210-00012722 needs to be improved we've just sent out a questionnaire to the wider public to ViMPuzlY9uU-00022-00012722-00013163 say here's some questions that we'd like you to reflect ViMPuzlY9uU-00023-00013163-00013365 on if you've got the time and the inclination ViMPuzlY9uU-00024-00013365-00013787 so you can let us know what you feel and what you think and have what we're doing ViMPuzlY9uU-00025-00013787-00014265 right and what we're doing wrong there's a lot of scrutiny at the moment on kind ViMPuzlY9uU-00026-00014265-00014894 of internal structure and and what we're doing because I think some time back you ViMPuzlY9uU-00027-00014894-00015312 know nobody cared what we were doing so we would we were just getting ViMPuzlY9uU-00028-00015312-00015695 on with it and then when you get to the position that we're in now of course ViMPuzlY9uU-00029-00015695-00016013 people want you to be totally transparent so we're working towards ViMPuzlY9uU-00030-00016013-00016607 transparency as well so that people can understand kind of how decisions get ViMPuzlY9uU-00031-00016607-00017040 made and and who's making them and and whether there's accountability for ViMPuzlY9uU-00032-00017040-00017718 everything that happens and also it's quite a it's an attempt to create a ViMPuzlY9uU-00033-00017718-00018414 decentralized network which doesn't have a sort of ordinary hierarchy structure ViMPuzlY9uU-00034-00018414-00018995 and it doesn't have an ordinary consensus based decision making process ViMPuzlY9uU-00035-00018995-00019845 either which allows you to be very rapid in in building momentum if you if you ViMPuzlY9uU-00036-00019845-00020609 function in this way in just studying sort of Holacracy as a ViMPuzlY9uU-00037-00020609-00021359 means to create a sort of post consensus organizing model where you have people ViMPuzlY9uU-00038-00021359-00021819 can sort of form their own small working groups and they're all interconnected ViMPuzlY9uU-00039-00021819-00022256 and they're all independently sort of like functional and mandated to achieve ViMPuzlY9uU-00040-00022256-00022937 certain things so you can create a yeah a sort of hopefully very very broadly ViMPuzlY9uU-00041-00022937-00023541 spread out decentralized and highly sort of functioning and an efficient like ViMPuzlY9uU-00042-00023541-00024404 network of people who are all motivated to sort of act for the same for the same ViMPuzlY9uU-00043-00024404-00025073 purposes if you like so that's that's no mean feat obviously because those things ViMPuzlY9uU-00044-00025073-00025700 don't really exist so we create something which can function like that ViMPuzlY9uU-00045-00025700-00026343 and in the meantime there are some actions coming up before Christmas ViMPuzlY9uU-00046-00026343-00026751 there's something happening next week at the BBC ViMPuzlY9uU-00047-00026751-00027372 which will be something of a vigil we think that the British media has ViMPuzlY9uU-00048-00027372-00027920 failed to report on large numbers of deaths from climate change and ViMPuzlY9uU-00049-00027920-00028626 interestingly there's an academic in Australia I think she's an academic in Australia I ViMPuzlY9uU-00050-00028626-00029394 think her name's Jane Morton she speaks in one of her talks about how when you ViMPuzlY9uU-00051-00029394-00029786 go to look for the victims of climate change ViMPuzlY9uU-00052-00029786-00030393 you can't find pictures of their faces and if there's a terror ViMPuzlY9uU-00053-00030393-00030804 attack then you see the all the victims faces are in the newspaper the next day ViMPuzlY9uU-00054-00030804-00031316 and everyone says this is a absolute tragedy these people were killed ViMPuzlY9uU-00055-00031316-00031887 unnecessarily and here they all are and that's and that is humanized and then ViMPuzlY9uU-00056-00031887-00032250 people have a massive emotional reaction to that we don't do that with people ViMPuzlY9uU-00057-00032250-00032844 that get killed through the effects of climate change and notably this year ViMPuzlY9uU-00058-00032844-00033747 we've seen huge numbers dead in Europe through wildfires those ViMPuzlY9uU-00059-00033747-00034437 pictures don't make it into the media the people don't get recognized in the ViMPuzlY9uU-00060-00034437-00034836 same way that they might they'd have died suddenly in a different ViMPuzlY9uU-00061-00034836-00035565 circumstance so the aim of this vigil at BBC next week is going to be to say to ViMPuzlY9uU-00062-00035565-00035907 them again same as we're saying to the government you know you're not telling ViMPuzlY9uU-00063-00035907-00036444 the truth on these issues because you're not talking about them enough you're not ViMPuzlY9uU-00064-00036444-00036906 educating the public well enough and also you don't report on on the on the ViMPuzlY9uU-00065-00036906-00037625 loss of life which is being caused quite clearly by this kind of structural ViMPuzlY9uU-00066-00037625-00037794 massive problem Vm35oSmPS3o-00000-00000150-00000606 What makes community colleges unique? Many things, but one of the most critical to the Vm35oSmPS3o-00001-00000606-00001098 success or our students is our focus on teaching and learning scholarship. The scholarship Vm35oSmPS3o-00002-00001098-00001595 of teaching and learning is the pursuit of excellence in teaching. It demonstrates a Vm35oSmPS3o-00003-00001595-00002184 commitment not only to our subject area as teachers, but the way in which we teach that Vm35oSmPS3o-00004-00002184-00002658 subject. The scholarship of teaching and learning encourages innovation rooted in best practices. Vm35oSmPS3o-00005-00002658-00003311 Teachers who demonstrate scholarship in teaching take time to reflect on and hone their practice. Vm35oSmPS3o-00006-00003311-00003921 They recognize teaching as a discipline and seek to improve. Examples of this scholarship Vm35oSmPS3o-00007-00003921-00004354 include ways to better meet the learning needs of students through teaching methods like Vm35oSmPS3o-00008-00004354-00005005 active, cooperative and problem-based learning to integrating education technologies. Phoenix Vm35oSmPS3o-00009-00005005-00005457 College has established the Distinguished Teaching Award to recognize teaching excellence Vm35oSmPS3o-00010-00005457-00005973 by its faculty. Recipients of this award are nominated by students and selected by a committee Vm35oSmPS3o-00011-00005973-00006550 of peers. To be eligible for the Distinguished Teaching Award, nominees must demonstrate Vm35oSmPS3o-00012-00006550-00007081 a sustained contribution to the students, their field and the college. Award recipients Vm35oSmPS3o-00013-00007081-00007617 receive funds for further professional development, an opportunity to share with colleagues and Vm35oSmPS3o-00014-00007617-00008188 a $250.00 scholarship given in their name to a qualified PC student of their choice. Vm35oSmPS3o-00015-00008188-00008547 Nominees for the Distinguished Teaching Award have to complete follow-up paperwork and be Vm35oSmPS3o-00016-00008547-00009040 open to a classroom observation. It is some work, but the honor and opportunity is worth Vm35oSmPS3o-00017-00009040-00009547 it! Let’s hear from some of our DTA recipients about their experience and why pursuing this Vm35oSmPS3o-00018-00009547-00009914 honor is important if you are nominated. Vm35oSmPS3o-00019-00009914-00010450 Being awarded the Distinguished Teaching Award, it's just highlight in my career - it has Vm35oSmPS3o-00020-00010450-00011039 been. I've been teaching for a long time and to be nominated by a student is especially Vm35oSmPS3o-00021-00011039-00011800 an honor. I feel like it's a lot of work after your nominated, and…but it's worth it. It’s Vm35oSmPS3o-00022-00011800-00012796 worth it to have that high level of evaluation from your peers. Teachers are the best teachers. Vm35oSmPS3o-00023-00012796-00013318 The highest level of professional development is being taught by teachers, and I feel like Vm35oSmPS3o-00024-00013318-00014202 it's just an opportunity to really shine - to feel good about what you have done, reflect, Vm35oSmPS3o-00025-00014202-00014818 make plans for the future. It's very exciting and I would highly recommend it to anyone. Vm35oSmPS3o-00026-00014818-00015276 And then it is a labor of love for teachers because then you'll serve on a committee and Vm35oSmPS3o-00027-00015276-00015822 you're doing it for other teachers. And to me, that's that's a very good, umm, that’s Vm35oSmPS3o-00028-00015822-00016341 a very good process. It’s something very motivating and and super for professional Vm35oSmPS3o-00029-00016341-00016520 development. Vm35oSmPS3o-00030-00016520-00017239 Receiving the distinguish teachers award was one of the highlights of my career. Knowing Vm35oSmPS3o-00031-00017239-00018040 that a student cared enough to put forth my name for recognition, really, really touched Vm35oSmPS3o-00032-00018040-00018817 my heart. There is a process to go through as a nominee - paperwork to submit - but the Vm35oSmPS3o-00033-00018817-00019443 time is well worth it. I was really nervous about having people come into my classrooms Vm35oSmPS3o-00034-00019443-00019945 and observe me - people on the committee - but you know what, I think it really made me take Vm35oSmPS3o-00035-00019945-00020619 a deeper look at just how I teach and what what I'm really here for. And we're here to Vm35oSmPS3o-00036-00020619-00021245 teach students, and we're here to be the best teachers that we possibly can. Receiving this Vm35oSmPS3o-00037-00021245-00022186 award has made me feel recognized and appreciated for all the years that I have put into trying Vm35oSmPS3o-00038-00022186-00022598 to be the best teacher that I possibly can, and it's really nice to be recognized for Vm35oSmPS3o-00039-00022598-00023331 that. I feel that anyone who is nominated for this award should take the time to complete Vm35oSmPS3o-00040-00023331-00024079 the nominee application form and provide all necessary documents because it's a wonderful Vm35oSmPS3o-00041-00024079-00024715 process to go through - to be evaluated by your peers - and then to finally be selected Vm35oSmPS3o-00042-00024715-00025234 and honored in this way. So it's been a great experience for me and I would encourage other Vm35oSmPS3o-00043-00025234-00025738 teachers out there who are nominated to go through the process as well. Vm35oSmPS3o-00044-00025738-00026245 For more information about the Distinguished Teaching Award visit the DTA web site or contact Vm35oSmPS3o-00045-00026245-00026783 the DTA coordinator. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00000-00000030-00000184 (Abhi) Hundreds of years ago, W2YZ_1ElNUI-00001-00000184-00000536 James Watt decided that my friend, Helga, W2YZ_1ElNUI-00002-00000536-00000790 could lift five-hundred fifty pounds W2YZ_1ElNUI-00003-00000790-00000952 a foot in the air W2YZ_1ElNUI-00004-00000952-00001104 in one second. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00005-00001147-00001347 And that's the definition of a horsepower. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00006-00001457-00001677 (Luke) This lawn mower has six horsepower. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00007-00001867-00002095 (Abhi) This car has a hundred and thirty horsepower. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00008-00002180-00002452 (Luke) This Cessna has two-hundred and thirty horsepower. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00009-00002857-00003103 (Abhi) And this jet has eighty-five thousand horsepower. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00010-00003116-00003574 All of these engines produce power by forcing a mixture of fuel and air into a tight space W2YZ_1ElNUI-00011-00003574-00003714 and then burning it. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00012-00003758-00003958 (Luke) But they do it in different ways. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00013-00004092-00004292 (Abhi) A car uses a piston engine. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00014-00004340-00004688 This is a piston engine that's been cut into a halve so you can look into it. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00015-00004708-00005100 A mixture of fuel and air enters through these valves into this metal cylinder. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00016-00005116-00005436 It's compressed when the piston pushes up onto it. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00017-00005456-00005756 And then, this mixture is burned through a spark plug, W2YZ_1ElNUI-00018-00005756-00006134 causing the mixture to expand, and the piston comes back down. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00019-00006134-00006382 And this happens over and over again. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00020-00006531-00006748 There are multiple pistons in car, W2YZ_1ElNUI-00021-00006748-00007114 and they're connected through a series of linkages to the wheels, causing them to turn. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00022-00008798-00009212 (Luke): This is a plane, so you might think its closest cousin is a jumbo jet. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00023-00009328-00009758 (Abhi) But actually, it's more closely related to a car because it uses a piston engine. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00024-00010016-00010216 (Abhi) Here is the piston engine, just like in the car. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00025-00010216-00010394 But instead of it being attached to the wheels, W2YZ_1ElNUI-00026-00010409-00010609 it's attached to the propeller. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00027-00010658-00010982 (Luke) A small plane, like this Cessna, actually weighs about the same as most cars, W2YZ_1ElNUI-00028-00010982-00011384 so it needs about the same amount of horsepower to roll down the runway and get off the ground. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00029-00011414-00011862 (Abhi) But a Boeing 777 - with all its passengers, cargo, and fuel - W2YZ_1ElNUI-00030-00011862-00012108 is about two-hundred times the weight of a Cessna. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00031-00012108-00012326 So it needs a LOT more horsepower. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00032-00012492-00012832 (Luke) You could provide that horsepower by using a ton of pistons, W2YZ_1ElNUI-00033-00012832-00013206 but you'd need sixty-seven of the most powerful piston engines ever built W2YZ_1ElNUI-00034-00013206-00013467 to fly a 777 at cruising speed. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00035-00013467-00013619 And that won't work. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00036-00013734-00013976 (Abhi) What you really need is one engine W2YZ_1ElNUI-00037-00013976-00014260 that can produce enough horsepower to fly the plane. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00038-00014260-00014734 A 'turbine engine' is capable of much more horsepower than a piston engine W2YZ_1ElNUI-00039-00014734-00015056 because of the way it uses giant fans to compress the air. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00040-00015119-00015451 (Luke) At the front of the turbine engine is an intake fan W2YZ_1ElNUI-00041-00015452-00015876 which spins and brings a huge amount of air into the front of the engine. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00042-00015918-00016130 As we move backwards through the engine, W2YZ_1ElNUI-00043-00016130-00016600 a series of compressor blades makes that air more and more compressed W2YZ_1ElNUI-00044-00016600-00016992 until we get here. And here, fuel is introduced and burned. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00045-00016992-00017451 And that hot, high-pressure flow gets sent out the back of the engine W2YZ_1ElNUI-00046-00017451-00017570 and that makes the thrust of the engine. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00047-00017592-00018136 But at the same time, that flow passes through a series of four or five turbine blades, W2YZ_1ElNUI-00048-00018136-00018496 and those blades are connected directly to a shaft in the middle of the engine. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00049-00018496-00018798 That shaft runs all the way back to the front W2YZ_1ElNUI-00050-00018798-00018950 and spins the intake fan. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00051-00018950-00019146 And that's what keeps the engine running. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00052-00019262-00019638 We've gone from one horsepower to two-hundred ninety thousand horsepower. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00053-00019638-00019856 So Helga, I guess we don't need you anymore. W2YZ_1ElNUI-00054-00019960-00020160 Run free, join your herd! W2YZ_1ElNUI-00055-00020290-00020490 (Carol) That's Brandon, he's domesticated. W4wVBMK7J40-00002-00010713-00013011 que se W4wVBMK7J40-00003-00013011-00015344 rien W4wVBMK7J40-00005-00019045-00019115 primita W5nWQPd28Ec-00000-00000061-00000412 Beautiful Christmas night W5nWQPd28Ec-00001-00000412-00000768 Night of great joy W5nWQPd28Ec-00002-00000768-00001138 St. Joseph was walking W5nWQPd28Ec-00003-00001138-00001500 With the Holy Mary W5nWQPd28Ec-00004-00001500-00001855 Beautiful night, beautiful night W5nWQPd28Ec-00005-00001855-00002222 Beautiful Christmas night W5nWQPd28Ec-00006-00002222-00002531 Beautiful night, beautiful night W5nWQPd28Ec-00007-00002531-00002878 Beautiful Christmas night W5nWQPd28Ec-00008-00002933-00003300 They were walking to Bethlehem W5nWQPd28Ec-00009-00003300-00003666 To get there by day W5nWQPd28Ec-00010-00003666-00004025 But when they got there W5nWQPd28Ec-00011-00004025-00004382 Everyone was already asleep W5nWQPd28Ec-00012-00004382-00004743 Beautiful night, beautiful night W5nWQPd28Ec-00013-00004743-00005100 Beautiful Christmas night W5nWQPd28Ec-00014-00005100-00005467 Beautiful night, beautiful night W5nWQPd28Ec-00015-00005467-00005919 Beautiful Christmas night W5WheSgYy_o-00000-00000008-00000536 unturned has a serious problem now i know if you've been in the unturned community for a W5WheSgYy_o-00001-00000536-00001136 while now you've seen videos with this type of title before there have been videos talking about W5WheSgYy_o-00002-00001136-00001823 the problems with unturned or a problem with unturned or unturned map problems or unturns W5WheSgYy_o-00003-00001823-00002360 youtube problems and stuff like that however this video is different because this problem W5WheSgYy_o-00004-00002360-00003056 is actually a serious and real issue with this game that i have observed over the last six years W5WheSgYy_o-00005-00003056-00003736 of playing this game i've been playing this game since 2016. and this issue is the reason why 90 W5WheSgYy_o-00006-00003800-00004416 of people that pick up this game don't make it past 20 hours of play time and it has nothing W5WheSgYy_o-00007-00004416-00004992 to do with the unturned maps it has nothing to do with the gun play or the zombies or anything W5WheSgYy_o-00008-00004992-00005752 of that nature it has to do with this one simple thing and that simple thing is the server list now W5WheSgYy_o-00009-00005752-00006320 i'm probably confusing a lot of people right now by saying that it's the server list oh zman what W5WheSgYy_o-00010-00006320-00006848 do you mean i can find my favorite servers just fine yeah well that's great for you but what if W5WheSgYy_o-00011-00006848-00007431 you're just picking up the game today and you have to go through the minefield that is the unturned W5WheSgYy_o-00012-00007431-00008128 server list the unturned server list is kind of just really hard to navigate for new players when W5WheSgYy_o-00013-00008128-00008712 a new player goes to try to find a server sure probably they'll make it to the internet you know W5WheSgYy_o-00014-00008712-00009264 tab and they'll just go on a server but they don't know about oh you you click up here on the player W5WheSgYy_o-00015-00009264-00009840 list and that's where you find the servers with the most players and for the players that do know W5WheSgYy_o-00016-00009840-00010408 that that's how you find a high populated server all of the high populated servers are either W5WheSgYy_o-00017-00010408-00011264 a modded mess war zone rp or unturned 1000 more billion times loot now this is fine for people W5WheSgYy_o-00018-00011264-00011728 that have played the game for a long time we can navigate these servers just fine but if you're a W5WheSgYy_o-00019-00011728-00012272 new player and your first experience for this game is this weird ass server with like hentai W5WheSgYy_o-00020-00012272-00012824 mods on it it's not a good first impression of the game and i've seen this happen time and time W5WheSgYy_o-00021-00012824-00013624 again when i ever see let's say a youtuber or an outside influencer content creator or whatever W5WheSgYy_o-00022-00013624-00014184 make a video on unturned for some reason they always seem to play on the weirdest [__] server W5WheSgYy_o-00023-00014240-00014768 they'll play on some like modded mess or some weird modded russian [__] or a russian server W5WheSgYy_o-00024-00014768-00015160 for that matter i feel like this is the kind of game that if people found out that you played it W5WheSgYy_o-00025-00015160-00015696 and you're like in high school you're probably going to get bullied and the problem there is W5WheSgYy_o-00026-00015696-00016392 that that is a bad first impression of the game i think i think that when somebody is first playing W5WheSgYy_o-00027-00016392-00017008 this game they should play on a server that is an accurate representation of what this game actually W5WheSgYy_o-00028-00017008-00017704 is vanilla wise of course i'm sure there are that small few that play single player first before W5WheSgYy_o-00029-00017704-00018248 they go on a multiplayer server but i feel like that's a rarity because the first time i played W5WheSgYy_o-00030-00018248-00018904 this game i played multiplayer and that's the same for everybody else i feel that just picks W5WheSgYy_o-00031-00018904-00019440 up this game the first time is they go straight to multiplayer because most games of this caliber are W5WheSgYy_o-00032-00019440-00019800 multiplayer games and that's where the fun is to be had when you're playing in single player W5WheSgYy_o-00033-00019800-00020408 it's just a boring mess unturned is designed to be a multiplayer game now i'm talking about how W5WheSgYy_o-00034-00020408-00021152 the server list is a mess and most new players can't get past 10 or 20 hours of play time before W5WheSgYy_o-00035-00021152-00021688 quitting this game just because they can't find a good server to play which is why i have a solution W5WheSgYy_o-00036-00021688-00022584 unturned 3.0 needs official servers a vanilla experience just plain vanilla the basic unturned W5WheSgYy_o-00037-00022584-00023056 experience now i know what some of you are thinking ah but z man they're not gonna find the W5WheSgYy_o-00038-00023056-00023656 server in the player list because it's gonna be zero pop nobody's gonna play vanilla nobody plays W5WheSgYy_o-00039-00023656-00024112 unturned vanilla and yeah you're right nobody plays unturned vanilla everyone plays some modded W5WheSgYy_o-00040-00024112-00024672 [__] or some modified version of the game even a server that is like semi vanilla that has tpa W5WheSgYy_o-00041-00024672-00025192 still nobody plays vanilla at least that i see i'm sure there's a small community of people who do W5WheSgYy_o-00042-00025192-00025895 which is why i have a solution and this is like my big my big brain idea that i think would save W5WheSgYy_o-00043-00025895-00026536 this game we pin these official servers to the top of the server list the unturned server list needs W5WheSgYy_o-00044-00026536-00027120 a revamp where there's this little section at the top where it's the actual official servers like if W5WheSgYy_o-00045-00027120-00027888 you go to any tab on the left this little section would still be there at all times i think that W5WheSgYy_o-00046-00027888-00028512 there should be pinned servers at the top of the server list maybe it's like its own box a little W5WheSgYy_o-00047-00028512-00029239 bit where those are the official servers but then below you could scroll around and find a community W5WheSgYy_o-00048-00029239-00029783 server or a community hosted server or modded server stuff like that i think that there should W5WheSgYy_o-00049-00029783-00030568 be a server for each map that has been released for unturned so all the official maps like uconn W5WheSgYy_o-00050-00030568-00031288 washington russia those maps should have their own servers their own vanilla servers and then maybe W5WheSgYy_o-00051-00031288-00032064 uh throw in kuwait arid and elver as well because those are the biggest maps to ever be released W5WheSgYy_o-00052-00032064-00032583 for unturned curated wise like if you go to the unturned workshop each of those maps have over W5WheSgYy_o-00053-00032583-00033224 a million downloads like a decent percentage i'd say no less than 10 of the people that actually W5WheSgYy_o-00054-00033224-00033784 have this game installed onto their computer have those maps installed as well have them W5WheSgYy_o-00055-00033840-00034344 downloaded so i think those maps should be included if unturned had official servers W5WheSgYy_o-00056-00034344-00034976 now i think that this solution would increase the unturned population because if you're a new W5WheSgYy_o-00057-00034976-00035432 person that's playing the game you'd go to the server list and there would at least be W5WheSgYy_o-00058-00035432-00035968 a higher chance of you joining a vanilla server where you go and you you play the game i guess W5WheSgYy_o-00059-00035968-00036528 as intended now of course there's still a chance that people will just find vanilla boring and just W5WheSgYy_o-00060-00036528-00037104 not play the game anymore but i feel that this would at least increase the threshold of people W5WheSgYy_o-00061-00037104-00037672 that would continue to play this game because i swear 90 of people that pick up this game W5WheSgYy_o-00062-00037672-00038096 drop it after 10 hours and never play it again and it's unfortunate because there's a lot of fun W5WheSgYy_o-00063-00038096-00038704 to actually be had in this game like if i recall correctly unturned has somewhere around 20 million W5WheSgYy_o-00064-00038704-00039408 downloads or something like that uh and only 50 000 to 20 000 people play it every day that's like W5WheSgYy_o-00065-00039408-00039952 less than one percent of people that actively play the game after picking it up now obviously W5WheSgYy_o-00066-00039952-00040496 i don't know the logistics of this yeah i know you could just no nelson could just you know either W5WheSgYy_o-00067-00040496-00041256 rent machines toast servers off of or outright buy machines to host servers off of if you wanted to W5WheSgYy_o-00068-00041256-00041848 maybe he would need eu servers and north american servers and maybe other servers so maybe he W5WheSgYy_o-00069-00041848-00042352 would need more official servers maybe he'd need official servers in other languages i don't know W5WheSgYy_o-00070-00042352-00042968 obviously i'm not a 100 expert on this but i feel like something like this needs to be implemented W5WheSgYy_o-00071-00042968-00043424 into the game because i think it would improve the experience at least it doesn't have to be W5WheSgYy_o-00072-00043424-00044216 formatted in the way that i've suggested uh this is just my suggestion i'm not a [__] expert so W5WheSgYy_o-00073-00044280-00044888 my suggestions may not be the best but i do think this is the route nelson should take especially W5WheSgYy_o-00074-00044888-00045488 considering he said that unturned four would have official servers i think he should just W5WheSgYy_o-00075-00045488-00046192 do that for three since nelson has already done a lot of other stuff that he was going to do in 4.0 W5WheSgYy_o-00076-00046192-00046816 he just ported it over to three maybe he should just do this posting the official servers for 3.0 W5WheSgYy_o-00077-00046816-00047376 but yeah that's my video um i've been thinking about this for like the last like week or two W5WheSgYy_o-00078-00047440-00048008 and i think this should be a thing for unturned so if you guys agree with this video feel free W5WheSgYy_o-00079-00048008-00048560 to share it with nelson or send it to him or whatever or share it around and unturn discord W5WheSgYy_o-00080-00048560-00049056 servers or other unturned communities and stuff like that uh feel free to share it around and W5WheSgYy_o-00081-00049056-00049672 stuff if you guys agree with me uh because i think this is the way to go for unturned W5WheSgYy_o-00082-00049672-00050296 so with that being said that was the video i'm zman 1064 and uh thank you guys for watching W6nPf40CIuA-00000-00000456-00001008 today i react to the new song of keri jen he's a youtuber W6nPf40CIuA-00001-00001008-00001664 many turkish youtubers now want to sing like to do some songs person W6nPf40CIuA-00002-00001664-00002344 who subject me this video i put the person who subjected me this video let's go guys W6nPf40CIuA-00003-00002344-00003032 smash a like about it all and follow me on instagram pro let's go enjoy this video let's go W6nPf40CIuA-00004-00003904-00004384 why nice car nice car the cars W6nPf40CIuA-00005-00005480-00005856 he's a scorpion i don't know i don't know W6nPf40CIuA-00006-00006232-00006784 pay attention now i'll teach you how to be a [ __ ] what what W6nPf40CIuA-00007-00006880-00007640 what bro what's bro what'd she say no no no i can't be [ __ ] i can't W6nPf40CIuA-00008-00007640-00008584 i can't bro i get i don't want i don't want to be [ __ ] you know i don't want W6nPf40CIuA-00009-00008984-00009944 nice nice the clip is good the clip youtuber clip i know youtuber crib is is very very good it's so W6nPf40CIuA-00010-00009944-00010632 good it's so good i don't know maybe because he's a youtuber youtuber youtuber clip is nice W6nPf40CIuA-00011-00011344-00012784 why he put like uh something in the face like i don't know i don't know why he put it W6nPf40CIuA-00012-00013144-00013512 ah wait i put it i put lyrics in english W6nPf40CIuA-00013-00013728-00014184 oh now W6nPf40CIuA-00014-00014960-00015656 what nice does nice nice choreography but beat is good [ __ ] is good and W6nPf40CIuA-00015-00015768-00016984 lyrics i don't know bro lyrics i don't like lyrics you know W6nPf40CIuA-00016-00018216-00018808 i didn't know take off your mask show me your throat hey your true face W6nPf40CIuA-00017-00019072-00019200 i don't know i don't know bro W6nPf40CIuA-00018-00019568-00020248 he's a good dancer dance is good bro clip also clip is good bro i like when W6nPf40CIuA-00019-00020248-00021184 uh when he dance you know when he does it's good W6nPf40CIuA-00020-00022528-00022752 nice dance they dance this is W6nPf40CIuA-00021-00022832-00023984 nice bro nice bro they are after me after the day or night day and night W6nPf40CIuA-00022-00024552-00024856 he's a good dancer he's a good dancer he's a good W6nPf40CIuA-00023-00024856-00025560 good dancer bro he's a good dancer lyrics is like you want to be rich is rich you have some W6nPf40CIuA-00024-00025560-00026783 a lot of money something like this something like this blah blah blah you know W6nPf40CIuA-00025-00027808-00028839 no matter what they say success always on the cross you know like uh when you listen rayman W6nPf40CIuA-00026-00028839-00029760 and ns ns battle and vega you will say this man is like he's like artist is like real artist but W6nPf40CIuA-00027-00029904-00030983 him is like youtuber you know he's like youtuber clip is good clip is very very good W6nPf40CIuA-00028-00032872-00033784 maybe you will cheat it with bs yes what what is W6nPf40CIuA-00029-00034872-00035184 as you can see W6nPf40CIuA-00030-00036168-00036800 a pink lambo that's good that's good if you have money bro if you have money you will you will buy W6nPf40CIuA-00031-00036888-00037984 everything you want W6nPf40CIuA-00032-00038840-00039384 nice wow W6nPf40CIuA-00033-00039856-00040784 wow wow nice nice dance nice dawgs W6nPf40CIuA-00034-00041376-00042040 nice bro it's nice it's nice clip is very very good clip is so good bro clip is so good W6nPf40CIuA-00035-00042040-00043584 but lyrics i don't know lyrics i don't know and W6nPf40CIuA-00036-00044064-00044552 transition like tick-tock like ah it's like tick-tock bro it's W6nPf40CIuA-00037-00044552-00044984 like tick-tock transitions like tick-tock whatever W6-YVzuUkTQ-00000-00000834-00001248 Welcome to this holiday episode of Consciousness Unleashed with W6-YVzuUkTQ-00001-00001248-00001682 Bonnie Serratore and your co host, Cynthia. Bonnie Serratore W6-YVzuUkTQ-00002-00001682-00002076 is a Master Tracker, Master Energy Healer, Spiritual W6-YVzuUkTQ-00003-00002076-00002406 Accelerator and the Founder of Spiritual Acceleration. Today's W6-YVzuUkTQ-00004-00002406-00002862 topic is holiday spirit and holiday blues. So we're going to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00005-00002862-00003429 be talking about both spectrums of that. So Bonnie, I know that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00006-00003432-00003792 during this time of the holidays, there's, there's some W6-YVzuUkTQ-00007-00003792-00004110 people who get really excited about this time. I know I have a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00008-00004110-00004569 friend who's always listening to Christmas music like 24/7. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00009-00004569-00004881 During this time, she just embodies the spirit of the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00010-00004881-00005244 holidays. And but then there's also the other spectrum, which W6-YVzuUkTQ-00011-00005244-00005700 is people who are really, really depressed during this time. And W6-YVzuUkTQ-00012-00005715-00006057 there are so many factors as to why they might be feeling down. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00013-00006141-00006423 One thing might be even, like seasonal, it could be it could W6-YVzuUkTQ-00014-00006423-00006920 be seasonal reasons for that. So just to, I guess, add to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00015-00006920-00007254 people's awareness of why, why they might be feeling this way W6-YVzuUkTQ-00016-00007256-00007605 that could help them to navigate this time, what are some of the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00017-00007605-00007986 main factors for why people might be feeling down instead of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00018-00007986-00008073 feeling cheerful? W6-YVzuUkTQ-00019-00008000-00008486 Mm hmm. Well, like you said, there, there really is the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00020-00008507-00009056 winter energy frequencies on the planet, and where we live, and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00021-00009164-00009446 that energy is a coming in time, you know, and when you when you W6-YVzuUkTQ-00022-00009446-00009764 think about winter, that means all the leaves have fallen off W6-YVzuUkTQ-00023-00009764-00010076 the trees that you know, the vegetation, the trees, the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00024-00010085-00010409 shrubs, flowers, plants, everything kind of goes into W6-YVzuUkTQ-00025-00010409-00010874 that dormant state. So it's natural for human beings to also W6-YVzuUkTQ-00026-00010874-00011309 go in to that pulling in contracting, you know, like W6-YVzuUkTQ-00027-00011309-00011567 coming in for the winter, kind of like bears go into W6-YVzuUkTQ-00028-00011567-00012044 hibernation. So that really and truly is a factor. Okay, we also W6-YVzuUkTQ-00029-00012044-00012323 have the collective consciousness, which is a little W6-YVzuUkTQ-00030-00012323-00012644 bit divided, because we do have people with the holiday spirit, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00031-00012677-00012908 like you were saying, your friend gets all excited and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00032-00012926-00013247 wants to decorate everything and listen to music and happy, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00033-00013247-00013583 happy. And then other people, you know, they're more affected W6-YVzuUkTQ-00034-00013583-00014009 either by the winter blues, so to speak, the collective energy, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00035-00014009-00014351 so that is also happening. And so it just depends on where W6-YVzuUkTQ-00036-00014351-00014866 we're plugging into, you know, there's also that place where if W6-YVzuUkTQ-00037-00014866-00015218 I lean towards making Christmas fun and joyful and happy time a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00038-00015218-00015512 year, I'm going to be more into that collective consciousness. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00039-00015512-00015974 If I'm more into Bah Humbug, you know, it's cold out, it's dark, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00040-00015974-00016274 I don't like it, I'm going to be plugging into the other okay. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00041-00016294-00016955 And then we also have situations where the holidays seem to be a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00042-00016955-00017495 time when a lot of people check out or a lot of illnesses start W6-YVzuUkTQ-00043-00017495-00017888 to happen. So that time of the year even though there could be W6-YVzuUkTQ-00044-00017888-00018134 all that joy and happiness You know, when someone in your W6-YVzuUkTQ-00045-00018134-00018527 family is ill and possibly dying, and during this holiday W6-YVzuUkTQ-00046-00018527-00019049 season, you know it's going to affect you. In my world. I know W6-YVzuUkTQ-00047-00019049-00019358 I mentioned this before so it's not like a big secret but my my W6-YVzuUkTQ-00048-00019358-00019805 kid's dad killed himself on Christmas. This was back in what W6-YVzuUkTQ-00049-00019805-00020435 year was that was back in like 89 88 89 somewhere in there. And W6-YVzuUkTQ-00050-00020438-00020873 it just it just ruined our Christmas we to this day. I mean W6-YVzuUkTQ-00051-00020873-00021098 for me personally, I don't I don't decorate I don't do W6-YVzuUkTQ-00052-00021098-00021515 anything but at that time, we prior to that we did get into W6-YVzuUkTQ-00053-00021515-00021800 it, you know we decorated we have fun we made things and kids W6-YVzuUkTQ-00054-00021800-00022226 were making stuff and making all the decorations and just we had W6-YVzuUkTQ-00055-00022226-00022736 fun and then when that happened everything just kind of stopped. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00056-00022739-00023228 So for us Christmas was never the same. So we do have people W6-YVzuUkTQ-00057-00023228-00023489 that were married and they lose their beloved you know older W6-YVzuUkTQ-00058-00023489-00023846 people and have been in relationship for many many years W6-YVzuUkTQ-00059-00023846-00024167 and they lose their their partner or their husband or wife W6-YVzuUkTQ-00060-00024188-00024650 or you know there's a lot of crisis that happens and so this W6-YVzuUkTQ-00061-00024650-00025088 time of year can be very painful for a lot of people and because W6-YVzuUkTQ-00062-00025088-00025475 of the holidays the holidays represent spirituality on some W6-YVzuUkTQ-00063-00025475-00025907 level religions, you know, high level religion stuff like Jesus W6-YVzuUkTQ-00064-00025907-00026170 and depending on what your belief systems are, I think it's W6-YVzuUkTQ-00065-00026170-00026608 important that people realize every culture has their own W6-YVzuUkTQ-00066-00026612-00027029 version of Jesus and Mother Mary You know and think about Buddha W6-YVzuUkTQ-00067-00027029-00027338 you think about Kuan Yin, you know, it's just like all of them W6-YVzuUkTQ-00068-00027338-00027680 have something different so everyone has a special being W6-YVzuUkTQ-00069-00027695-00028112 that they're looking to as the Savior as a you know, as a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00070-00028112-00028508 Messiah as a chosen one, okay? It's not just the United States W6-YVzuUkTQ-00071-00028508-00029002 where we have Jesus okay. So the, the religion aspects of it, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00072-00029002-00029456 you know, people coming together and it's a time for honoring for W6-YVzuUkTQ-00073-00029456-00029981 love for gratitude for you know, sharing and gifting and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00074-00029989-00030545 generosity and uplifting, okay, so it's that time of year where W6-YVzuUkTQ-00075-00030545-00030920 any it could go either way for people, either way, it just W6-YVzuUkTQ-00076-00030920-00031157 depends on what's happening in your world what's happening in W6-YVzuUkTQ-00077-00031157-00031502 your life. So and then also too, someone has any kind of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00078-00031502-00031927 illnesses or, you know illness disease, not well, unhealthy, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00079-00031952-00032186 you know, when it's when it's darker out, and the days are W6-YVzuUkTQ-00080-00032186-00032543 shorter, a lot of people don't do really well with that kind W6-YVzuUkTQ-00081-00032543-00032891 of, you know, atmosphere. I know, I used to go to Alaska a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00082-00032891-00033356 lot. And winter, you know, I remember sun came out around 10 W6-YVzuUkTQ-00083-00033356-00033605 and went down around 3, and the rest of the day was dark and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00084-00033605-00033878 then then you got the other come in, you know, like in the, in W6-YVzuUkTQ-00085-00033878-00034238 June, June, you got almost you got, you got 24 hours of light, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00086-00034241-00034634 even though the sun will dip down, that still light. So, we W6-YVzuUkTQ-00087-00034634-00034925 are affected by the energy, we're affected by the sun, we're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00088-00034925-00035273 affected by the light some people more than others. So it's W6-YVzuUkTQ-00089-00035273-00035621 just a lot of variables. And you know what, what's going to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00090-00035621-00036203 happen for you, you know, for me, Cynthia, here's the thing, I W6-YVzuUkTQ-00091-00036203-00036524 do know, without a doubt, that if you're alive, you're going to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00092-00036524-00036971 suffer, okay? In other cultures, it's like all life is suffering. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00093-00036971-00037265 And it really, it's really true on some level, you know, there's W6-YVzuUkTQ-00094-00037265-00037520 all the physical, the emotional, the mental, I mean, it just goes W6-YVzuUkTQ-00095-00037520-00037931 on and on. And, you know, when we get to a certain level of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00096-00037931-00038273 clearing and healing, rather than going down that rabbit W6-YVzuUkTQ-00097-00038273-00038720 hole, or going down the path of negativity, we can still feel W6-YVzuUkTQ-00098-00038720-00039086 joy and happiness all year round, when we really start W6-YVzuUkTQ-00099-00039086-00039461 connecting with our own love and light, you know, and that's, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00100-00039464-00039707 that's been my journey, that the whole, for me, it's all about W6-YVzuUkTQ-00101-00039707-00040160 that. And I get to experience so much joy and happiness and love W6-YVzuUkTQ-00102-00040160-00040520 and light. Even when things are falling apart. I mean, it's just W6-YVzuUkTQ-00103-00040520-00040859 a state of mind, it's a state of being, but it's easier to live W6-YVzuUkTQ-00104-00040859-00041279 there, when you don't have a lot of debris, a lot of wounding, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00105-00041312-00041531 you know, a lot of pain and suffering that hasn't been W6-YVzuUkTQ-00106-00041531-00041930 cleaned up. So, again, it just depends on where you are, what W6-YVzuUkTQ-00107-00041930-00042323 you're living, what your abilities are. And that my aunt, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00108-00042323-00042779 I have an aunt, I mean, she grew up in severe abuse, severe. And W6-YVzuUkTQ-00109-00042800-00043289 I remember, even as a little kid, she was always positive no W6-YVzuUkTQ-00110-00043289-00043751 matter what, to this day, this woman is still positive, and it W6-YVzuUkTQ-00111-00043751-00044072 just changes everything. I would look at her and look at her W6-YVzuUkTQ-00112-00044072-00044420 sisters and negativity, negativity, no matter what, that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00113-00044420-00044696 aunt was always happy. And to the end, she's lived longer W6-YVzuUkTQ-00114-00044699-00044993 she's outlived all of her sisters. And she was the oldest. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00115-00045014-00045311 And you know, she just keeps holding that joy and happiness. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00116-00045332-00045788 So it will help you, it will make you happier, it'll extend W6-YVzuUkTQ-00117-00045788-00046211 your life. I mean, again, remember all life is suffering. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00118-00046211-00046559 That's really true. And can we still be happy? Can we still W6-YVzuUkTQ-00119-00046559-00047000 open the heart and experience a deep, profound love and joy, at W6-YVzuUkTQ-00120-00047000-00047099 just being alive? W6-YVzuUkTQ-00121-00047000-00047588 You have a really great point there, Bonnie, about how we W6-YVzuUkTQ-00122-00047588-00048002 talked about how this time and things externally could affect W6-YVzuUkTQ-00123-00048002-00048389 us in this time. But all all of it is really internal. So you W6-YVzuUkTQ-00124-00048389-00048638 talked a little bit about the collective consciousness energy W6-YVzuUkTQ-00125-00048638-00048965 of the holidays, and how that could affect us negatively or W6-YVzuUkTQ-00126-00048965-00049445 positively. But we also have the ability to direct our focus on W6-YVzuUkTQ-00127-00049454-00049961 on where do we want to actually be focusing on and then W6-YVzuUkTQ-00128-00049982-00050345 perpetuating that or creating more of that, and doing the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00129-00050345-00050600 inner work. So I do want to touch upon a little bit about W6-YVzuUkTQ-00130-00050603-00050861 the collective consciousness energy and the holidays, maybe W6-YVzuUkTQ-00131-00050861-00051125 we'll go in a little more. And you did bring up something W6-YVzuUkTQ-00132-00051125-00051461 really interesting. A year ago, you did a clearing called W6-YVzuUkTQ-00133-00051461-00051829 Healing Holiday Grief, which was really good one, I was editing W6-YVzuUkTQ-00134-00051829-00052313 this one the other day for you. So I, I was able to hear this W6-YVzuUkTQ-00135-00052325-00052610 interesting part you brought in something during the clearing W6-YVzuUkTQ-00136-00052610-00052928 called the holiday light. And I you don't probably don't W6-YVzuUkTQ-00137-00052928-00053261 remember this? I don't know, because it was only in this W6-YVzuUkTQ-00138-00053261-00053753 clearing that I heard about it. But it's actually a energy. That W6-YVzuUkTQ-00139-00053771-00054263 is, I guess, specific to assisting people around the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00140-00054263-00054580 holidays, or something I wanted to maybe ask you a little bit W6-YVzuUkTQ-00141-00054580-00054953 more about perhaps, is that part of the collective consciousness W6-YVzuUkTQ-00142-00054953-00055103 too, on the positive spectrum? W6-YVzuUkTQ-00143-00055157-00055619 No, no, there's an actual frequency of light that actually W6-YVzuUkTQ-00144-00055642-00056249 penetrates and I mean, it's there and people can actually W6-YVzuUkTQ-00145-00056249-00056735 tap into it, okay. And on some level, remember, you know, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00146-00056735-00057194 belief systems affect the collective consciousness, okay. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00147-00057224-00057659 But it also affects our atmosphere. And it it collects W6-YVzuUkTQ-00148-00057662-00058178 it affects the energy frequency globally around the planet. So W6-YVzuUkTQ-00149-00058178-00058586 when you think about holidays, okay, holidays mean celebration, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00150-00058586-00058919 family gathering, getting together, love that kind of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00151-00058919-00059615 thing. And when we hold that, there is an energy frequency. I W6-YVzuUkTQ-00152-00059615-00060004 don't call... It's not directly plugged into the collective W6-YVzuUkTQ-00153-00060004-00060527 consciousness around the planet, because it has a frequency that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00154-00060527-00061001 goes up, or the energy literally comes down from the from the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00155-00061001-00061373 light, so to speak. Like if we look up into the heavens, and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00156-00061376-00061877 there is this frequency of light that is that that joyful holiday W6-YVzuUkTQ-00157-00061877-00062312 spirit, it's actually there all the time, okay? It's just that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00158-00062345-00062909 during the holidays, people are more in that holiday spirit W6-YVzuUkTQ-00159-00062909-00063292 where they're in that more giving and sharing, and it is W6-YVzuUkTQ-00160-00063292-00063616 that time of coming together, whether it's friends or family, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00161-00063641-00064064 so it has that celebratory energy frequency to it. If we W6-YVzuUkTQ-00162-00064064-00064421 took it back prior to the holidays, then we would be W6-YVzuUkTQ-00163-00064421-00064775 seeing the real thing that got created, which is, you know, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00164-00064775-00065033 like, at the end, you know, when you you're at the end of the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00165-00065036-00065426 harvesting, and they have, you know, all the the gatherings and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00166-00065426-00065822 the feast and all of that celebrating things, the moon, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00167-00065822-00066035 you know, we've got, I mean, I'm sorry, the sun, we've got the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00168-00066068-00066689 equinox, you know, and the what's the other one? The W6-YVzuUkTQ-00169-00066689-00067121 equinox? And, I'm forgetting? I know, Solstice. Thank you. Yeah, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00170-00067124-00067400 the solstice. So we've got those, those are also W6-YVzuUkTQ-00171-00067400-00067733 celebratory times of the year, people gathering coming W6-YVzuUkTQ-00172-00067733-00068375 together. So it just became more of a religious thing, so to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00173-00068375-00068729 speak. And it became more of you know, like the the Santa Claus W6-YVzuUkTQ-00174-00068729-00069185 thing and a Christmas thing. And some of it is about Jesus other W6-YVzuUkTQ-00175-00069185-00069500 other peoples have different holiday times that are that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00176-00069500-00070211 same, same kind of time period. And that energy coming back to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00177-00070211-00070643 that light, that holiday spirit that holiday light, there is a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00178-00070643-00071399 frequency of light, that is a frequency of consciousness, that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00179-00071399-00072173 does hold a higher vibration, of celebration, joy, happiness, the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00180-00072173-00072839 cool thing is, is anyone can tap into that anyone, okay? And how W6-YVzuUkTQ-00181-00072839-00073286 we do that is, you know, with anything, when we bring into our W6-YVzuUkTQ-00182-00073286-00073682 awareness into our mind's eye, sometimes I just ask people just W6-YVzuUkTQ-00183-00073682-00074063 to pretend or just imagine or mock something up, okay. But we W6-YVzuUkTQ-00184-00074063-00074417 do it knowing that we are intentionally connecting with W6-YVzuUkTQ-00185-00074417-00074744 that energy frequency. Okay, so we want to connect with that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00186-00074759-00075116 holiday spirit, that light spirit, that joyful, happy W6-YVzuUkTQ-00187-00075116-00075494 spirit. So basically, we just, we just go ahead and create W6-YVzuUkTQ-00188-00075494-00075872 that, imagine that, imagine it's just directly above us. And then W6-YVzuUkTQ-00189-00075872-00076157 imagine you're just seeing an amazing, brilliant, bright W6-YVzuUkTQ-00190-00076157-00076595 light, lot of sparkly kind of frequency, but it has a high W6-YVzuUkTQ-00191-00076595-00077021 high vibration, and it almost has almost like giggles in it or W6-YVzuUkTQ-00192-00077021-00077306 you know, I mean, it has that little laughtery kind of energy W6-YVzuUkTQ-00193-00077306-00077750 in it. So when we tap into that, or we see that and sense that, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00194-00077759-00078098 we take our awareness and go right into that energy, what it W6-YVzuUkTQ-00195-00078098-00078458 also does, it activates that frequency inside of us. So we W6-YVzuUkTQ-00196-00078458-00078749 can literally pull that energy down. Kind of like we're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00197-00078749-00079067 bringing in cosmic energy, but we're bringing in that frequency W6-YVzuUkTQ-00198-00079067-00079400 of light and joyful, happy laughter fun, you know, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00199-00079400-00079730 connection, and we just bring it down and put it right in that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00200-00079730-00080072 heart center. And we can actually feel sense, see, hear W6-YVzuUkTQ-00201-00080072-00080372 taste, smell that frequency of that light in the heart chakra. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00202-00080393-00080792 So it's something to play with. And, you know, so if you're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00203-00080792-00081152 feeling down and not in the holiday spirit, play with that a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00204-00081152-00081446 little bit and just see what happens. You know, it's, it's a, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00205-00081446-00081809 it's a real frequency, it's real consciousness, and is of the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00206-00081809-00082076 light, you know, it's nothing negative, it is of the light. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00207-00082079-00082409 And, you know, it's always and again, it's always there, not W6-YVzuUkTQ-00208-00082409-00082766 just in the holidays, but that seems to be when that frequency W6-YVzuUkTQ-00209-00082766-00083192 is more prevalent, because people are more in that state of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00210-00083237-00083423 joy, happiness celebration. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00211-00083540-00083861 So thanks for that tip Bonnie. That sounds amazing, the holiday W6-YVzuUkTQ-00212-00083861-00084149 light. I'll have to be doing that. I'll try it myself. So W6-YVzuUkTQ-00213-00084170-00084554 this time, obviously, like we talked about, it's it's a time W6-YVzuUkTQ-00214-00084554-00084953 where so many people could feel really, really down. But I know W6-YVzuUkTQ-00215-00084953-00085553 that from your teachings, you talk about using triggers using W6-YVzuUkTQ-00216-00085559-00085973 these negative emotions you feel as an opportunity to go deeper W6-YVzuUkTQ-00217-00085973-00086366 and deeper into those emotions to clear them out. So a part of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00218-00086366-00086858 me also sees that this time is a great, great opportunity to go W6-YVzuUkTQ-00219-00086861-00087338 deeper into your, your healing journey. So do you want to talk W6-YVzuUkTQ-00220-00087338-00087422 about that as well? W6-YVzuUkTQ-00221-00087469-00088006 Yeah, so I did mention a little bit earlier but again, winter is W6-YVzuUkTQ-00222-00088006-00088471 pulling in, okay, things pull in contract, go dormant. Get ready W6-YVzuUkTQ-00223-00088471-00088975 for spring opening, expanding, okay. So we utilize that energy W6-YVzuUkTQ-00224-00088975-00089467 we utilize this time to do deep unraveling to do our profound W6-YVzuUkTQ-00225-00089467-00090013 emotional clearing. And when we do that, it opens us up for that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00226-00090013-00090409 for the spring, okay, and and what's awesome about facing and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00227-00090409-00090877 doing our inner work is it changes our reality, it changes W6-YVzuUkTQ-00228-00090898-00091357 our suffering, it changes our depression or anxiety, it all it W6-YVzuUkTQ-00229-00091357-00091774 changes how we experience the world. And for me personally, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00230-00091774-00092017 there's nothing more important than facing ourselves and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00231-00092017-00092389 unraveling the misperceptions of reality, because that's what W6-YVzuUkTQ-00232-00092389-00092758 everything really is and the wounding the deep, profound W6-YVzuUkTQ-00233-00092758-00093208 wounding the PTSD, you know, the traumas and shock and despairs W6-YVzuUkTQ-00234-00093208-00093487 and all the broken hearts, all of these energies are with us, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00235-00093487-00093787 they don't just go away, just because we want them to, they W6-YVzuUkTQ-00236-00093787-00094171 don't go away, if we try to rise above them, or ignore them, or W6-YVzuUkTQ-00237-00094171-00094423 pretend they don't exist, and eventually, they're going to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00238-00094423-00094621 whack us, they're gonna come right up, and we're going to be W6-YVzuUkTQ-00239-00094621-00095104 feeling these emotions. So this is the greatest time of year, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00240-00095116-00095518 you got a lot of time of coming in being with yourself, and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00241-00095518-00096019 coming in dropping in to emotions, all the way. So, you W6-YVzuUkTQ-00242-00096019-00096328 know, holidays are always very triggering too, so we got the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00243-00096421-00096826 sprectum of like, joy, happy, depressed, sad, oh, family, you W6-YVzuUkTQ-00244-00096826-00097102 know, hate the family, love the family, you know, all that whole W6-YVzuUkTQ-00245-00097102-00097582 spectrum of love hate. And this is the time for getting W6-YVzuUkTQ-00246-00097582-00097852 triggered, you know, you're gonna get activated, triggered, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00247-00097864-00098362 things will be triggering you. And if you use those, it's a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00248-00098362-00098809 great way a great opportunity to unravel your own wounding. And I W6-YVzuUkTQ-00249-00098809-00099178 just want to say really briefly that, in order for someone to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00250-00099181-00099535 truly be unraveling, you know, when you're in a feeling state, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00251-00099562-00099841 it's really vital that you're not in a story, you're not in W6-YVzuUkTQ-00252-00099841-00100168 your mind thoughts that when you really are in a feeling state, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00253-00100195-00100624 in order to truly unravel and be done, you have to fully know W6-YVzuUkTQ-00254-00100624-00101005 that emotional energy, and the way to do that is to become it, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00255-00101092-00101341 become it, if your heart is shattered and broken, you're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00256-00101341-00101581 crying, you can feel your heartbreaking, you might feel W6-YVzuUkTQ-00257-00101581-00101977 like you're gonna die, cry it out, go into it, drop in all the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00258-00101977-00102295 way. So you are that emotion, the moment you have a thought W6-YVzuUkTQ-00259-00102295-00102658 the moment you have any words, sensations, distractions, you're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00260-00102658-00102976 no longer unraveling. So this is really important. I mean, if W6-YVzuUkTQ-00261-00102976-00103240 you're gonna do your inner work, do it right. Otherwise, you're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00262-00103240-00103558 spinning your wheels, you're, you know, recycling, your W6-YVzuUkTQ-00263-00103558-00103858 emotions, and things aren't really changing. But I've been W6-YVzuUkTQ-00264-00103858-00104245 doing this work for 36 years now. And I promise you, if W6-YVzuUkTQ-00265-00104245-00104535 you're doing your emotional work, you will be changed, that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00266-00104535-00104958 energy does come out and leaves the body. And then you are more W6-YVzuUkTQ-00267-00104958-00105373 in that state of happy joy, connect with your own self, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00268-00105448-00105691 which is what we all want. We want to be able to express W6-YVzuUkTQ-00269-00105691-00106134 ourselves, be the authentically us. And no capitulate no W6-YVzuUkTQ-00270-00106134-00106461 capitulating anything where we are doing something we don't W6-YVzuUkTQ-00271-00106461-00106747 want to do or saying yes when we want to say no, you know, no, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00272-00106747-00107136 it's like a true authentic shift and change occurs. So this is a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00273-00107136-00107482 great time for that. I mean, you know, season going down, it gets W6-YVzuUkTQ-00274-00107482-00107932 dark earlier is the coming in, the energy is all working with W6-YVzuUkTQ-00275-00107932-00108391 you to come in, drop into these really deep places. So in a few W6-YVzuUkTQ-00276-00108391-00108759 months, we will be merging out full of light and happy joy, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00277-00108763-00108850 like spring. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00278-00109298-00109706 So for those who are feeling really depressed during the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00279-00109706-00110021 holidays, of course, they could go in and do that deep inner W6-YVzuUkTQ-00280-00110021-00110438 work. But let's say in the moment, they're triggered by W6-YVzuUkTQ-00281-00110441-00110771 something, when they're seeing family, let's say they're in a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00282-00110771-00111098 family gathering, and what that's one of the issues, why W6-YVzuUkTQ-00283-00111098-00111425 they they have some holiday blues is because maybe they have W6-YVzuUkTQ-00284-00111425-00111815 toxic family relationships. And I know for me, something you W6-YVzuUkTQ-00285-00111815-00112157 taught, I'll just bring this up, like as a word of advice for W6-YVzuUkTQ-00286-00112157-00112435 people I could share too, because it was something I got W6-YVzuUkTQ-00287-00112435-00112796 from your Know Thyself program, which is really great. Which is, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00288-00112853-00113129 in the moment of something occurring, if I have a reaction W6-YVzuUkTQ-00289-00113129-00113600 or a judgement, just to stay within myself and focus on my W6-YVzuUkTQ-00290-00113600-00114026 heart and open, like, I have my heart open. That to me has been W6-YVzuUkTQ-00291-00114026-00114515 a really, incredibly helpful tip. Like in the moment when I'm W6-YVzuUkTQ-00292-00114515-00114806 in something. And I know that's going to be happening for a lot W6-YVzuUkTQ-00293-00114808-00115121 happening for a lot of people during this holiday season is W6-YVzuUkTQ-00294-00115121-00115430 when they're interacting with family or something else. Like W6-YVzuUkTQ-00295-00115433-00115796 in that moment, they can't really go and do that deep inner W6-YVzuUkTQ-00296-00115796-00116249 work right then and there. So is that is that a tip that you W6-YVzuUkTQ-00297-00116249-00116606 would offer people or do you have maybe another tip? If W6-YVzuUkTQ-00298-00116606-00116696 within the moment? Yeah, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00299-00116714-00116959 yeah, I mean, because there's going to be a lot of people W6-YVzuUkTQ-00300-00116959-00117310 going places where they're with friends or family that they W6-YVzuUkTQ-00301-00117310-00117586 don't really like or they've got issues with or they got W6-YVzuUkTQ-00302-00117586-00118130 judgments or reactions to Okay. So, if we remember, I think this W6-YVzuUkTQ-00303-00118130-00118616 is really important that we help people to understand. Everyone W6-YVzuUkTQ-00304-00118619-00119096 is a Divine Being in the core of all beings is love and light. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00305-00119123-00119528 Okay, remember, it's just the wounding and misperceptions and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00306-00119528-00119959 then the development of the ego that we become other than who we W6-YVzuUkTQ-00307-00119959-00120488 really are. If we can remind ourselves and remember, one W6-YVzuUkTQ-00308-00120488-00120985 thing is everyone's doing their best. Everyone is wounded. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00309-00121033-00121442 Everyone has misperceptions of reality, everyone's drawn W6-YVzuUkTQ-00310-00121442-00122021 conclusions. And here you are in that awareness with people who W6-YVzuUkTQ-00311-00122021-00122372 don't have that awareness. So you have a little bit of an edge W6-YVzuUkTQ-00312-00122372-00122747 right there, okay? But and because you do have that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00313-00122747-00123317 awareness, you can actually make a choice that does say to your W6-YVzuUkTQ-00314-00123317-00123563 own self, all right, I'm going to be with people, family, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00315-00123563-00123910 friends, I have a real issue with Uncle John or whoever I W6-YVzuUkTQ-00316-00123910-00124210 really don't like being around Uncle Fred because he's, you W6-YVzuUkTQ-00317-00124210-00124568 know, trying to touch in all that kind of stuff. So again, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00318-00124676-00124991 because, you know, everything is about suffering, we're always in W6-YVzuUkTQ-00319-00124991-00125383 suffering. But we can still have joy and laughter and love and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00320-00125383-00125843 light in the midst of suffering. Okay, so it's up to us now that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00321-00125843-00126119 we're, we're the ones who have the awareness that, ah, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00322-00126143-00126467 everyone's got that love and light, everyone's broken, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00323-00126467-00126794 shattered, wounded. Everyone's doing their best. But hey, I got W6-YVzuUkTQ-00324-00126794-00127169 a little edge here. I know who we are. I know who I am. I know W6-YVzuUkTQ-00325-00127169-00127541 that I am love and light in my core. So when I'm around that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00326-00127541-00127964 Uncle Fred or even Uncle John, I just, I know not to get close. I W6-YVzuUkTQ-00327-00127964-00128315 know how to do that. And then rather than getting all upset W6-YVzuUkTQ-00328-00128315-00128615 and angry, what if I just laugh? What if I just laugh at what W6-YVzuUkTQ-00329-00128615-00128954 he's doing? Okay, there's different things that we can do W6-YVzuUkTQ-00330-00128959-00129299 that, that kind of help us take the edge off. So for example, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00331-00129299-00129626 let's just say with Uncle Fred, you know, he's that one who, you W6-YVzuUkTQ-00332-00129626-00129932 know, he's kind of creepy, wants to touch to touch people touch W6-YVzuUkTQ-00333-00129932-00130268 the girls or whatever. So I can put a big old character W6-YVzuUkTQ-00334-00130268-00130660 caricature face on him, make him into some kind of creature W6-YVzuUkTQ-00335-00130660-00131021 thing, or animated animal or whatever, that just cracks me W6-YVzuUkTQ-00336-00131021-00131351 up. And then it makes it easier. So every time I look at him, I'm W6-YVzuUkTQ-00337-00131351-00131747 gonna imagine that energy or imagine that, that animal and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00338-00131747-00132152 he's just, you know, this caricature of playing out, and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00339-00132152-00132563 then it just can laugh at it rather than, Oh, I don't like W6-YVzuUkTQ-00340-00132563-00132848 him, Don't get close to me, you know, rather than than being in W6-YVzuUkTQ-00341-00132848-00133199 that all bad mood kind of energy, and that that feeling of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00342-00133199-00133562 like, repelled repulsion and wanting to get away, it's like, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00343-00133628-00134015 All right, let's just play with this. Have fun with this. And W6-YVzuUkTQ-00344-00134015-00134378 then also, you can do that little exercise, plug into that, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00345-00134390-00134807 that that light of the holiday light holiday joy and happiness, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00346-00134807-00135227 a celebratory energy frequency, bring that in and hold that in W6-YVzuUkTQ-00347-00135227-00135524 the heart center, you know, and then also, I know that being W6-YVzuUkTQ-00348-00135524-00135770 around our parents, you know, we grew up with our parents. And W6-YVzuUkTQ-00349-00135770-00136040 for some people, it's really challenging to be around your W6-YVzuUkTQ-00350-00136040-00136325 parents, maybe they're just really negative or their beliefs W6-YVzuUkTQ-00351-00136325-00136616 are different than yours. Or, you know, maybe one person's a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00352-00136619-00136976 believes in Trump, the other one believes in Biden, or maybe the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00353-00136976-00137243 mask thing is happening. Well, you know, for one thing, don't W6-YVzuUkTQ-00354-00137243-00137606 ever bring politics or religion into any mix. All right, leave W6-YVzuUkTQ-00355-00137606-00138218 it, just leave it. And again, coming in with that lightness in W6-YVzuUkTQ-00356-00138218-00138548 the heart, you know, for forgiveness, and allowing people W6-YVzuUkTQ-00357-00138548-00138887 to be who they are knowing we don't need to convince anybody W6-YVzuUkTQ-00358-00138887-00139271 change their points of view. We don't need to do anything. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00359-00139292-00139583 That's another component, right there is on some level, we want W6-YVzuUkTQ-00360-00139583-00139880 them to change. We want things to be different. And the truth W6-YVzuUkTQ-00361-00139880-00140534 is, if we can literally relax into and accept, this is the way W6-YVzuUkTQ-00362-00140537-00141119 they are. They're not going to change. Can I just love them in W6-YVzuUkTQ-00363-00141134-00141518 that place of where they live in their consciousness and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00364-00141518-00142049 awareness. Because ultimately, we do have love for all beings, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00365-00142049-00142469 but we especially have love for our mother, father, okay, maybe W6-YVzuUkTQ-00366-00142469-00142820 we're not feeling it anymore. But in way, way back. We did. We W6-YVzuUkTQ-00367-00142820-00143150 had that love and it just got buried. So the love is still W6-YVzuUkTQ-00368-00143150-00143609 there. Here's another thing that is really important. Love is not W6-YVzuUkTQ-00369-00143609-00144068 what hurts. People think love hurts, love does not hurt. It's W6-YVzuUkTQ-00370-00144068-00144404 the abandonment and the betrayals and the punishments W6-YVzuUkTQ-00371-00144404-00144794 and the humiliations and all the things, all the other emotional W6-YVzuUkTQ-00372-00144797-00145223 components, that hurt, love does not hurt. So if we allow W6-YVzuUkTQ-00373-00145223-00145652 ourselves to remind ourselves, Oh, yes. All right. I'm with my W6-YVzuUkTQ-00374-00145652-00145946 mother, she's very negative. Sometimes it's really hard to be W6-YVzuUkTQ-00375-00145946-00146420 around her. And, you know, there is love there and I'm going to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00376-00146420-00146639 activate that I'm going to cultivate that I'm going to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00377-00146639-00147083 remind myself, I just love her just as she is because here's W6-YVzuUkTQ-00378-00147083-00147527 the thing. Ultimately, everyone wants to be loved W6-YVzuUkTQ-00379-00147533-00148013 unconditionally, exactly as they are exactly as they are. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00380-00148037-00148391 Unconditional Love. Everybody wants that. So if you're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00381-00148391-00148673 listening to this, you got a little bit of an edge again, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00382-00148697-00149120 over most of humanity. So if everyone just wants to be loved W6-YVzuUkTQ-00383-00149123-00149435 unconditionally, just as they are, then give them what they W6-YVzuUkTQ-00384-00149435-00149918 want. And watch what happens for you. It will change your life. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00385-00149918-00150296 It will change your reality. you'll discover that love really W6-YVzuUkTQ-00386-00150296-00150794 does heal. And love is the way it is the answer because when W6-YVzuUkTQ-00387-00150794-00151085 someone else is feeling loved, I promise you, they're going to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00388-00151085-00151301 respond differently to you. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00389-00151514-00151832 You did bring something up a few times throughout this W6-YVzuUkTQ-00390-00151832-00152243 conversation, Bonnie. I want some clarification on that is W6-YVzuUkTQ-00391-00152261-00152756 you talked about life is suffering. And but can we get to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00392-00152756-00153257 a point where we're so healed within that it's no matter W6-YVzuUkTQ-00393-00153257-00153710 what's happening, even though outwardly, it seems like really W6-YVzuUkTQ-00394-00153713-00154121 just catastrophic, everything that's happening, but within W6-YVzuUkTQ-00395-00154121-00154529 we're in a place where life is joy. So even though there's W6-YVzuUkTQ-00396-00154529-00155042 there's it, you could, you could see the truth of that, but your W6-YVzuUkTQ-00397-00155042-00155420 experience and your perspective doesn't have the you're not W6-YVzuUkTQ-00398-00155420-00155846 actually experiencing that particular perspective. And so W6-YVzuUkTQ-00399-00155846-00156149 life becomes joy is that could you expand upon that? Yeah, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00400-00156100-00156586 of course. Yes. And it's really, it's actually really true. Okay. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00401-00156622-00157228 So, in higher teachings, you know, the, the frequency or the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00402-00157231-00157600 the energy of attachment, I guarantee you, if you're going W6-YVzuUkTQ-00403-00157600-00157900 to be attached to everything, you're going to suffer a lot, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00404-00157900-00158200 like, okay, these are my glasses, don't be touching them. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00405-00158209-00158623 Oh, you broke my glasses. Now, I'm all hurt, angry, okay. But W6-YVzuUkTQ-00406-00158623-00159109 if I'm not attached to these glasses or anything, it doesn't W6-YVzuUkTQ-00407-00159109-00159346 matter what happens to them, I'm not going to be in suffering, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00408-00159349-00159658 okay. The truth is, it's just a material object that can be W6-YVzuUkTQ-00409-00159658-00159853 replaced. It isn't, you know what I mean? And then there's, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00410-00159853-00160141 of course, there's other valuable things that we place, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00411-00160243-00160576 you know, a value to that, oh, my goodness, that was passed W6-YVzuUkTQ-00412-00160576-00160951 down to the family and you broke it or whatever, okay? Again, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00413-00160978-00161377 everything is impermanent, everything. And when you really W6-YVzuUkTQ-00414-00161377-00161752 understand that, that the the, the truth of impermanence, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00415-00161782-00162097 everything is going to go away, at some point in time, we're all W6-YVzuUkTQ-00416-00162097-00162388 going to pass we're all gonna die, everything we thought of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00417-00162388-00162670 great value, you know, we want other people to value it and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00418-00162670-00163165 when we're gone, they might just dump it, okay? So, our own W6-YVzuUkTQ-00419-00163168-00163597 wounding is what keeps us attached to material things. Our W6-YVzuUkTQ-00420-00163597-00163930 own wounding keeps us attached to people and will and wanting W6-YVzuUkTQ-00421-00163930-00164335 them to be and act and live a certain way. Okay, so the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00422-00164335-00164722 suffering comes through all of these attachments. The suffering W6-YVzuUkTQ-00423-00164722-00165127 comes, when we want things to be a certain way the suffering W6-YVzuUkTQ-00424-00165127-00165676 comes when we can't accept life as it is, like for example, a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00425-00165676-00166075 little cloudy out today a little rainy, okay, now I could be all W6-YVzuUkTQ-00426-00166075-00166378 upset and hurt and angry. Oh, my goodness, I want the sun out. I W6-YVzuUkTQ-00427-00166378-00166711 can be all huffy and puffy you know, all upset and no hate and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00428-00166717-00167068 hating life, okay? Or no, okay, we got an overcast day. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00429-00167071-00167344 Alrighty, then let's get on with the day, keep my heart open, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00430-00167368-00167971 keep experiencing love. And, again, it's like, accepting what W6-YVzuUkTQ-00431-00167971-00168190 is there are things in life that are going to happen, they're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00432-00168190-00168520 going to be we cannot stop it. There's a divine plan unfolding. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00433-00168556-00168790 Everything on the planet right now is all part of that divine W6-YVzuUkTQ-00434-00168790-00169141 plan, there's going to be a lot of people leaving, a lot of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00435-00169141-00169486 horror, horrors, and we're going to experience and in the very W6-YVzuUkTQ-00436-00169486-00170035 core is always that frequency of love and light. So attachments W6-YVzuUkTQ-00437-00170035-00170455 and suffering. Like what you're asking is, does the suffering W6-YVzuUkTQ-00438-00170455-00170839 come to an end? Absolutely, it comes to an end. Absolutely. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00439-00170860-00171304 Again, when we are able to be in the world with the heart open, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00440-00171337-00171751 witnessing life, rather than making it wrong or finding fault W6-YVzuUkTQ-00441-00171751-00171985 or wanting things to be a certain way or to change it or W6-YVzuUkTQ-00442-00171985-00172234 make it different or to hate somebody because you don't W6-YVzuUkTQ-00443-00172234-00172543 believe what I believe or, you know, all the different belief W6-YVzuUkTQ-00444-00172543-00173053 systems we've got, what happens is, is we become more sovereign W6-YVzuUkTQ-00445-00173053-00173485 within our own self, the heart is more open, like almost all W6-YVzuUkTQ-00446-00173485-00174013 the time, Cynthia, and it's just a constant state of it's not W6-YVzuUkTQ-00447-00174013-00174280 like an intense feeling you know, it's not and it's not I'm W6-YVzuUkTQ-00448-00174280-00174628 not talking nirvana. I'm not talking going into samadhi I'm W6-YVzuUkTQ-00449-00174628-00174904 not talking any kind of high high you know, we're we're blown W6-YVzuUkTQ-00450-00174904-00175246 open I'm talking the true frequency of unconditional love W6-YVzuUkTQ-00451-00175246-00175726 and light. that energy is a peaceful kind of a joy. A W6-YVzuUkTQ-00452-00175726-00176137 lightness inside, a lightness from within. It doesn't need and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00453-00176137-00176470 doesn't grab hold of, it doesn't attach to, doesn't find fault W6-YVzuUkTQ-00454-00176470-00176827 with it doesn't make wrong, it doesn't make good all is well. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00455-00176851-00177235 And when we are living in that space, there's, you know, no W6-YVzuUkTQ-00456-00177235-00177535 matter what, stuff's going to happen, okay? There's going to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00457-00177535-00177829 be natural disasters, there's going to be losses, there's W6-YVzuUkTQ-00458-00177829-00178090 going to be babies born, there's going to be all kinds of things W6-YVzuUkTQ-00459-00178090-00178525 happening. And we're not so whipped around, you know, we're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00460-00178525-00179035 not ruled by our emotions, and we're not judging people and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00461-00179035-00179341 finding fault with people. It's just like, there's just more of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00462-00179341-00179794 this open heart the capacity of just joy and happiness and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00463-00179794-00180199 lightness and seeing humanity in their suffering and loving them W6-YVzuUkTQ-00464-00180217-00180778 in all of it no matter what. And ultimately, anyone who is W6-YVzuUkTQ-00465-00180778-00181159 pursuing their own liberation, to end their own suffering, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00466-00181192-00181495 you're going to get lighter and lighter and lighter, losing more W6-YVzuUkTQ-00467-00181495-00181762 and more of your attachments naturally, because that's what W6-YVzuUkTQ-00468-00181765-00182122 happens. When you are that energy of pure love and light, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00469-00182149-00182530 you're there's nothing, there's no need of anything, meaning, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00470-00182548-00182845 you don't have to have that kind of pen or you don't have to have W6-YVzuUkTQ-00471-00182854-00183196 you know, this or that. Maybe if you if you want it, you'll have W6-YVzuUkTQ-00472-00183196-00183466 it. That's the only because you choose to have it not because W6-YVzuUkTQ-00473-00183484-00183844 emotionally, you have to have it. So everything begins to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00474-00183844-00184366 change as we heal our emotions and emotional wounding. And then W6-YVzuUkTQ-00475-00184366-00184744 we do live more in a state of presence, consciousness, less W6-YVzuUkTQ-00476-00184744-00185275 attachments, less judgments, less fault finding. And, you W6-YVzuUkTQ-00477-00185275-00185683 know, the suffering is not, it just doesn't compare because the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00478-00185683-00186112 suffering comes from our emotional attachments, and the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00479-00186112-00186376 emotional frequencies wanting something to be different a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00480-00186376-00186733 different way. Believing someone's hurt us believing all W6-YVzuUkTQ-00481-00186733-00187051 these false beliefs and all our conclusion, so when they don't W6-YVzuUkTQ-00482-00187051-00187534 exist, who are we absent all of our wounding, love and light? W6-YVzuUkTQ-00483-00187855-00188125 So Bonnie, do you want to end with any closing words on about W6-YVzuUkTQ-00484-00188125-00188197 the Holidays? W6-YVzuUkTQ-00485-00188463-00189051 I do, actually. So everything is a belief. Okay. See, I live in W6-YVzuUkTQ-00486-00189051-00189354 out in nature. I've spent a lot of time I went to the I went to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00487-00189354-00189711 the mountains when I was 19 and lived alone and isolation. And W6-YVzuUkTQ-00488-00189735-00190257 then I went to the desert, okay, so I do know, nature. And absent W6-YVzuUkTQ-00489-00190257-00190728 knowing what day it is. Nature is just nature, there is no W6-YVzuUkTQ-00490-00190728-00191097 Christmas, there's no Easter, there's no Thanksgiving, none of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00491-00191097-00191589 those things exist in nature. Okay. So, for me, the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00492-00191589-00192105 recognition that everything is a belief, manmade belief, all W6-YVzuUkTQ-00493-00192105-00192579 right. And since I know that I can choose what beliefs I want W6-YVzuUkTQ-00494-00192579-00193041 to play with or buy into or be a part of, in reality, I actually W6-YVzuUkTQ-00495-00193041-00193395 don't buy into hardly any beliefs, anything that I am W6-YVzuUkTQ-00496-00193395-00193710 aware of, that I'm believing I also am aware that it's just a W6-YVzuUkTQ-00497-00193710-00194277 belief. it's not an absolute. So when we, when we recognize that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00498-00194355-00194844 it's just a belief, it's a belief that was created in a way W6-YVzuUkTQ-00499-00194844-00195246 to either bring people together or, you know, or just something W6-YVzuUkTQ-00500-00195246-00195603 to, again, it does pull people together, you know what I mean? W6-YVzuUkTQ-00501-00195603-00195951 The holidays, pull people together, and it's a time of W6-YVzuUkTQ-00502-00195951-00196407 celebration. But again, it's all our belief. And what you're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00503-00196407-00196854 really doing is you are connecting with your loved ones, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00504-00196860-00197265 the loved one Beloved's or, supposedly, your loved ones, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00505-00197265-00197571 okay, again, it's family, you don't, you might not always be W6-YVzuUkTQ-00506-00197571-00198189 happy. And the holidays are still a belief and you are the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00507-00198189-00198474 one making a big deal out of that belief. You know, you're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00508-00198474-00198738 making it, you're judging it making it good, bad, right, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00509-00198738-00199038 wrong if other people aren't buying into your beliefs. So W6-YVzuUkTQ-00510-00199038-00199641 remind yourself, it's a belief is that really worth, you know, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00511-00199641-00200043 hating people over or resenting people or wanting to, you know, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00512-00200043-00200388 wish they were gone or, you know, not liking them? What it's W6-YVzuUkTQ-00513-00200388-00200649 really about is a time to come together, why don't we just come W6-YVzuUkTQ-00514-00200649-00200964 together, and let me play with keeping my heart open and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00515-00200964-00201363 shining light and share the gift of me, which is pure love and W6-YVzuUkTQ-00516-00201363-00201708 light. help change my family, help change my friends, by W6-YVzuUkTQ-00517-00201708-00202113 sharing my love and light. That's all you need to do to W6-YVzuUkTQ-00518-00202113-00202542 help people get activated, and it will start awakening that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00519-00202542-00202923 frequency inside of them. And then people begin on some level. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00520-00202926-00203202 Lo and Behold, and all of a sudden, they're seeking their W6-YVzuUkTQ-00521-00203202-00203598 liberation. Wow, how did that happen? Because you held that W6-YVzuUkTQ-00522-00203598-00203796 you brought that you brought it home. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00523-00203700-00204051 Thank you so much for your time today, Bonnie, talking about the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00524-00204051-00204240 holiday spirit and the holiday blues. I hope that this helped W6-YVzuUkTQ-00525-00204240-00205089 everybody to find more holiday cheer. What will definitely help W6-YVzuUkTQ-00526-00205089-00205389 you find more holiday cheer is the group clearings that Bonnie W6-YVzuUkTQ-00527-00205389-00205731 has in the shop that are all about the holidays. And there's W6-YVzuUkTQ-00528-00205734-00206115 a lot of them throughout the years you did. Maybe I would say W6-YVzuUkTQ-00529-00206115-00206415 six of them. So I'll put the links for all of those in the W6-YVzuUkTQ-00530-00206415-00206880 show notes. So yes, so go ahead and check that out. If you're W6-YVzuUkTQ-00531-00206880-00207198 interested. There'll be all of them will be there. I think W6-YVzuUkTQ-00532-00207198-00207540 they're sort of you know, package to right Bonnie, do know W6-YVzuUkTQ-00533-00207540-00207654 if there's a package. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00534-00207663-00207951 I can't remember, but I think there probably is. Yeah, W6-YVzuUkTQ-00535-00207954-00208302 I'll check and if there is I'll put the link below as well. So W6-YVzuUkTQ-00536-00208302-00208509 once again, thank you, everybody, for tuning into W6-YVzuUkTQ-00537-00208509-00208844 Consciousness Unleashed. Please follow us on all the platforms W6-YVzuUkTQ-00538-00208844-00209133 that were on. And thank you again, Bonnie. W6-YVzuUkTQ-00539-00209238-00209480 Thank you, Cynthia. Bye, everybody. WsUcl1RdNH4-00000-00000200-00000527 Salve. Mi chiamo John Angelori e sono WsUcl1RdNH4-00001-00000527-00001167 un insegnante di Mindfulness e un coach d’inglese Prima di iniziare, fai clic sul pulsante WsUcl1RdNH4-00002-00001167-00001448 “mi piace” ed iscriviti a questo canale in modo che io possa WsUcl1RdNH4-00003-00001448-00002184 continuare a fare quello che sto facendo Sai, quando vedrai questo video WsUcl1RdNH4-00004-00002184-00003368 alcune cose potrebbero essere cambiate. Chiediamo di lavorare da casa. WsUcl1RdNH4-00005-00003368-00003847 da anni E ora, finalmente è diventato realtà WsUcl1RdNH4-00006-00003847-00004312 per alcuni di noi. Lo chiamano smart working e puoi farlo WsUcl1RdNH4-00007-00004312-00004584 ovunque tu voglia. WsUcl1RdNH4-00008-00004680-00005336 Sì. Lavorare da casa ha sicuramente alcuni vantaggi mangiare cibi freschi WsUcl1RdNH4-00009-00005336-00005935 che ti prepari e multitasking WsUcl1RdNH4-00010-00005935-00006384 Naturalmente, gestire progetti con i bambini intorno WsUcl1RdNH4-00011-00006384-00006928 può essere impegnativo. Ma come tutto ciò che facciamo WsUcl1RdNH4-00012-00006928-00007600 lavorare a casa ha le sue sfide e, molto spesso, dobbiamo impegnarci in più WsUcl1RdNH4-00013-00007600-00008047 per organizzare il nostro tempo invece di stare seduti davanti WsUcl1RdNH4-00014-00008047-00008608 al PC. Come molti di voi, ho lavorato di più WsUcl1RdNH4-00015-00008608-00009047 a casa da quando la pandemia ha cambiato le nostre vite WsUcl1RdNH4-00016-00009047-00009248 ho scritto molto ho lavorato sul mio sito web WsUcl1RdNH4-00017-00009600-00010104 ho cercanto di presentarmi a più persone su Internet WsUcl1RdNH4-00018-00010104-00010928 e, naturalmente ho insegnato la meditazione e altri studenti on-line WsUcl1RdNH4-00019-00010928-00011711 Sì, ho fatto parecchio di recente e sono rimasto seduto alla mia scrivania per ore. WsUcl1RdNH4-00020-00011768-00012464 Mi ricorda quel vecchio detto: "Tutto lavoro e niente gioco WsUcl1RdNH4-00021-00012464-00012984 rende Jack un ragazzo noioso". WsUcl1RdNH4-00022-00013087-00014021 Ecco perché a volte fa bene fermarsi. WsUcl1RdNH4-00024-00014600-00015144 Allontanati dal computer e pratica una meditazione semplice WsUcl1RdNH4-00025-00015144-00015416 per alcuni minuti. WsUcl1RdNH4-00026-00015472-00015919 Guarda fuori dalla finestra per un momento per cambiare panoramica, WsUcl1RdNH4-00027-00015919-00016759 a poi fai 2 o 3 respiri profondi. Mantieni le cose morbide e non forzarti. WsUcl1RdNH4-00028-00016884-00017487 Quando sei pronto, respira normalmente. WsUcl1RdNH4-00029-00017487-00018040 di nuovo. L'aria entra, l'aria esce, WsUcl1RdNH4-00030-00018040-00018808 proprio come ascoltare le onde del mare. Goditi la tua pausa di meditazione. WsUcl1RdNH4-00031-00018823-00019128 E un'altra cosa: WsUcl1RdNH4-00032-00019144-00019464 ricordati di sorridere. WsUcl1RdNH4-00033-00019487-00020040 Comunque ti senti, qualunque cosa tu stia facendo WsUcl1RdNH4-00034-00020040-00021495 sorridi dentro e fuori. WsUcl1RdNH4-00035-00021495-00022095 Quando hai finito, puoi tornare a quello che stavi facendo WsUcl1RdNH4-00036-00022095-00022408 e andare avanti con la tua giornata. WsUcl1RdNH4-00037-00022487-00023384 Sì, pratica la meditazione. Qualunque sia la stagione, pioggia o sole. WsUcl1RdNH4-00038-00023392-00024184 Questo è quello che chiamo smart working. WsUcl1RdNH4-00039-00027863-00028072 you WtKkykX7AGY-00000-00005955-00006055 Sleeping Music for Deep Sleeping 7 Minutes. Relaxing Music to Help you Deep Sleep and Inner Peace. WtKkykX7AGY-00008-00037227-00037327 Sleeping Music for Deep Sleeping 7 Minutes. Relaxing Music to Help you Deep Sleep and Inner Peace. Wulg1FPCoJE-00000-00000077-00000768 We've learned so far that heat is a form of energy. If you want to warm something Wulg1FPCoJE-00001-00000768-00001263 up you have to add energy to it to make the atoms vibrate faster to make the Wulg1FPCoJE-00002-00001263-00001853 springs stretch more to make the molecules rotate more whatever. So when Wulg1FPCoJE-00003-00001853-00002268 we study flow of heat from one thing to another we're really studying the flow Wulg1FPCoJE-00004-00002268-00002809 of energy and there are two fundamental laws need to concern ourselves with here. Wulg1FPCoJE-00005-00002809-00003311 First one is called the first law of thermodynamics could be written in many Wulg1FPCoJE-00006-00003311-00004341 ways the way I'm going to explain it is energy is conserved. Now what does that Wulg1FPCoJE-00007-00004341-00004920 mean? Something is conserved means it's not created or destroyed. You always have Wulg1FPCoJE-00008-00004920-00005385 the same amount of it all you can do is move it from one place to another. So Wulg1FPCoJE-00009-00005385-00005751 what that's telling you is if you want to warm something up it's going to need Wulg1FPCoJE-00010-00005751-00006071 more heat energy as we've worked out with latent heat and specific heat Wulg1FPCoJE-00011-00006071-00006525 capacity and that energy is going to have to come from somewhere. Maybe it Wulg1FPCoJE-00012-00006525-00007092 would come from a chemical reaction in burning some gas maybe it would come Wulg1FPCoJE-00013-00007092-00007484 from electrical energy in a heating element but it has to come from Wulg1FPCoJE-00014-00007484-00007850 somewhere. Likewise if you want to cool something down then she has to go Wulg1FPCoJE-00015-00007850-00008088 somewhere you take something hot and it cools down Wulg1FPCoJE-00016-00008088-00008409 the energy must have gone into something else usually warming up the surroundings. Wulg1FPCoJE-00017-00008409-00008900 So that's the first law. Energy is conserved if you want to change the Wulg1FPCoJE-00018-00008900-00009254 energy in something you have to put energy in or put it out it has to come Wulg1FPCoJE-00019-00009254-00009842 from somewhere or go somewhere. The second law, second law of thermodynamics Wulg1FPCoJE-00020-00009842-00010845 basically says that heat flows from hot to cold. Once again it can be written in Wulg1FPCoJE-00021-00010845-00011247 many different ways but this is perhaps the simplest way. The basic idea is let's Wulg1FPCoJE-00022-00011247-00011807 say you have two objects one of which is very hot and one of which is freezing Wulg1FPCoJE-00023-00011807-00012549 cold and you put the next to each other. Heat energy will go from the hot object Wulg1FPCoJE-00024-00012549-00013094 into the cold object and never the other way around. So the hot object will get Wulg1FPCoJE-00025-00013094-00013625 cooler and cooler and cooler and the cool object will get warmer and warmer and warmer until they Wulg1FPCoJE-00026-00013625-00014225 balance out at the same temperature. If you just knew the first law you'd think Wulg1FPCoJE-00027-00014225-00014483 the other way around might happen it might be that the heat energy would go Wulg1FPCoJE-00028-00014483-00014828 from the cold one into the hotter one. So the cold one would get colder and colder Wulg1FPCoJE-00029-00014828-00015368 and the hot one would get warmer and warmer and warmer to explode like a supernova. But no that Wulg1FPCoJE-00030-00015368-00015956 never happens and that's because of the second law of thermodynamics. There are Wulg1FPCoJE-00031-00015956-00016394 many examples of this, for example it's a cold day and you get a mug of hot tea in Wulg1FPCoJE-00032-00016394-00016882 your hands the tea will cool down your hands get warmer. The hot tea doesn't Wulg1FPCoJE-00033-00016882-00017245 suck the heat out of your hands and make them freeze solid while getting boiling Wulg1FPCoJE-00034-00017245-00018009 itself. Likewise if you uh for example put ice cubes in a drink the ice melts Wulg1FPCoJE-00035-00018009-00018479 um so heat is flowing from the water into the ice. Never goes the other way around. Wulg1FPCoJE-00036-00018479-00018807 In principle I suppose you could put ice cubes in and the ice cubes would get Wulg1FPCoJE-00037-00018807-00019139 colder and colder and bigger and bigger while the rest of the water leftover Wulg1FPCoJE-00038-00019139-00019709 starts boiling. But you never see something like that. The final state Wulg1FPCoJE-00039-00019709-00020335 things end up is what's called equilibrium. This is where everything has Wulg1FPCoJE-00040-00020335-00020738 come to the same temperature so heat has flowed from whatever it was hot to Wulg1FPCoJE-00041-00020738-00021148 whatever's cold until they all end up and that's where everything generally Wulg1FPCoJE-00042-00021148-00021438 likes to end up. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00000-00000584-00000656 Life Skills Ww7JJbSKaHc-00001-00000672-00000944 A Mathematical Demonstration Of The Love Of God Ww7JJbSKaHc-00002-00000972-00001172 These are the letters of the alphabet. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00003-00001228-00001448 A number has been assigned to each letter. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00004-00001512-00001848 Like A is equal to one, B is equal to two, Ww7JJbSKaHc-00005-00001884-00002128 C is equal to three and so on. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00006-00002168-00002336 Can hard work transform me? Ww7JJbSKaHc-00007-00002376-00002528 When I calculated it Ww7JJbSKaHc-00008-00002584-00002792 it was like H is equal to eight Ww7JJbSKaHc-00009-00002836-00003056 plus A is equal to one, Ww7JJbSKaHc-00010-00003120-00003244 and so on. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00011-00003256-00003579 When I calculated, the result was ninety eight percent. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00012-00003647-00003956 Yes, I think so. It can change my life. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00013-00004032-00004324 Let's go forward. How about knowledge? Ww7JJbSKaHc-00014-00004344-00004548 Can knowledge transform me? Ww7JJbSKaHc-00015-00004584-00004776 When I calculated knowledge Ww7JJbSKaHc-00016-00004792-00005020 the result was ninety six percent. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00017-00005132-00005420 Now, this is less than hard work. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00018-00005432-00005560 How about attitude? Ww7JJbSKaHc-00019-00005628-00005908 Let's see. When I calculated attitude, Ww7JJbSKaHc-00020-00005924-00006172 the result was one hundred percent. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00021-00006188-00006500 Yes, this can definitely change my life. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00022-00006620-00006884 But how about the love of God? Ww7JJbSKaHc-00023-00006916-00007084 When I calculated it Ww7JJbSKaHc-00024-00007095-00007408 the answer was one hundred and one percent. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00025-00007423-00007795 Hard work and knowledge will help me decide what is right and wrong. Ww7JJbSKaHc-00026-00007831-00008072 Attitude will help me do what is right Ww7JJbSKaHc-00027-00008108-00008448 but the love of God will change my life inside out. WwfQJbCIDkY-00000-00001428-00001628 This is a co anglers bank fishing tackle box WxxtEG_f2-g-00000-00000000-00000700 Hello Friends and Welcome to the tutorial on "Getting started with files". WxxtEG_f2-g-00001-00000800-00002300 At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to, Open a file. Read the contents of the file line by line. Read the entire content of file at once. Append the lines of a file to a list. Close the file. WxxtEG_f2-g-00002-00002400-00003300 Before beginning this tutorial,we would suggest you to complete the tutorial on "Getting started with Lists" and "Getting started with For". WxxtEG_f2-g-00003-00003400-00003600 So now, open the terminal and start ipython WxxtEG_f2-g-00004-00003700-00004500 So type ipython space hyphen pylab. WxxtEG_f2-g-00005-00004600-00005300 Let us first open the file, pendulum dot txt present in slash home slash fossee slash . WxxtEG_f2-g-00006-00005400-00007000 So type f is equal to open within brackets and single quotes slash home slash fossee slash pendulum dot txt. WxxtEG_f2-g-00007-00007100-00007300 Here f is called a file object. WxxtEG_f2-g-00008-00007400-00007600 Let us type f on the terminal to see what it is. WxxtEG_f2-g-00009-00007700-00008100 So type f and hit Enter. WxxtEG_f2-g-00010-00008200-00008600 The file object shows the filepath and mode of the file which is open. WxxtEG_f2-g-00011-00008700-00009100 'r' stand for read only mode and 'w' stands for write mode. WxxtEG_f2-g-00012-00009200-00009900 As you can see, this file is open in read only mode. WxxtEG_f2-g-00013-00010000-00010600 We shall first learn to read the whole file into a single variable. WxxtEG_f2-g-00014-00010700-00011200 We use the read method to read all the contents of the file into the variable,pend. WxxtEG_f2-g-00015-00011300-00012100 So type pend is equal to f dot read closing brackets and hit Enter. WxxtEG_f2-g-00016-00012200-00013000 Now, let us see what pend contains, by typing Print space pend WxxtEG_f2-g-00017-00013100-00013400 We can see that pend has all the data of the file. WxxtEG_f2-g-00018-00013500-00014400 Type just pend to see more explicitly, what it contains. WxxtEG_f2-g-00019-00014500-00014900 So now, Pause the video here, try out the following exercise and resume the video. WxxtEG_f2-g-00020-00015000-00015900 Split the variable into a list, pend underscore list, of the lines in the file. WxxtEG_f2-g-00021-00016000-00016300 We use the function split lines to solve this problem. WxxtEG_f2-g-00022-00016400-00018400 So type pend underscore list is equal to pend dot split lines closing brackets and hit Enter. WxxtEG_f2-g-00023-00018500-00019000 Now, let us learn to read the file line-by-line. WxxtEG_f2-g-00024-00019100-00019800 But, before that we will have to close the file, since the file has already been read till the end. WxxtEG_f2-g-00025-00019900-00020300 Let us close the file opened into f. WxxtEG_f2-g-00026-00020400-00020800 Then type f dot close closing brackets and hit Enter. WxxtEG_f2-g-00027-00020900-00021600 Again type f on the prompt to see what it contains. WxxtEG_f2-g-00028-00021700-00022100 Notice, that it now says the file has been closed. WxxtEG_f2-g-00029-00022200-00022900 It is a good programming practice to close any file objects that we have opened, after their job is done. WxxtEG_f2-g-00030-00023000-00023300 Let us, now move on to reading files line-by-line. WxxtEG_f2-g-00031-00023400-00023900 Pause the video here, try out the following exercise and resume the video. WxxtEG_f2-g-00032-00024000-00024400 Re-open the file pendulum dot txt with f as the file object. WxxtEG_f2-g-00033-00024500-00025700 We just use the up arrow until we reach the open command and issue it again.Then hit Enter. WxxtEG_f2-g-00034-00025800-00026600 Now, to read the file line-by-line, we iterate over the file object line-by-line, using the for command. WxxtEG_f2-g-00035-00026700-00027400 Let us iterate over the file line-wise and print each of the lines. WxxtEG_f2-g-00036-00027500-00028600 So type in the command for space line space in space f colon , then , print line. WxxtEG_f2-g-00037-00028700-00029200 line is a variable, sometimes called the loop variable, and it is not a keyword. WxxtEG_f2-g-00038-00029300-00029900 We could have used any other variable name, but line seems meaningful enough. WxxtEG_f2-g-00039-00030000-00030600 Instead of just printing the lines, let us append them to a list, line underscore list . WxxtEG_f2-g-00040-00030700-00031100 We first initialize an empty list, line underscore list. WxxtEG_f2-g-00041-00031200-00032100 for that type line underscore list is equal to square bracket and hit Enter. WxxtEG_f2-g-00042-00032200-00032900 Let us then read the file line-by-line and then append each of the lines to the list. WxxtEG_f2-g-00043-00033000-00033500 We could, as usual close the file using f.close and re-open it. WxxtEG_f2-g-00044-00033600-00034200 But, this time, let's leave alone the file object f and directly open the file within the for statement. WxxtEG_f2-g-00045-00034300-00034800 This will save us the trouble of closing the file, each time we open it. WxxtEG_f2-g-00047-00038200-00038500 Let us see what line underscore list contains. WxxtEG_f2-g-00048-00038600-00039200 so type line underscore list and hit Enter. WxxtEG_f2-g-00049-00039300-00040100 Notice that line_list is a list of the lines in the file, along with the newline characters. WxxtEG_f2-g-00050-00040200-00041100 If you noticed, pend underscore list did not contain the newline characters, because the string pend was split on the newline characters. WxxtEG_f2-g-00051-00041200-00042300 We can strip out the newline characters from the lines by using some string methods which we shall look in the further tutorial on strings. WxxtEG_f2-g-00052-00042400-00043100 So now, This brings us to the end of this tutorial. Lets revise what we have learnt, WxxtEG_f2-g-00053-00043200-00043600 1. Open and close files using the open and close functions respectively. WxxtEG_f2-g-00054-00043700-00044100 2. Read the data in the files as a whole,by using the read function. WxxtEG_f2-g-00055-00044200-00045000 3. Read the data in the files line by line by iterating over the file object using the for loop. WxxtEG_f2-g-00056-00045100-00045700 and finally Append the lines of a file to a list using the append function within the for loop. WxxtEG_f2-g-00057-00045800-00046100 Here are some self assessment questions for you WxxtEG_f2-g-00058-00046200-00046500 1. The open function returns a WxxtEG_f2-g-00059-00046600-00046700 string WxxtEG_f2-g-00060-00046800-00046900 list WxxtEG_f2-g-00061-00046900-00047000 file object WxxtEG_f2-g-00062-00047000-00047100 function WxxtEG_f2-g-00063-00047200-00047600 2. What does the function splitlines() do. WxxtEG_f2-g-00064-00047700-00048000 Displays the data as strings,all in a line WxxtEG_f2-g-00065-00048100-00048200 Displays the data line by line as strings WxxtEG_f2-g-00066-00048300-00048600 Displays the data line by line but not as strings WxxtEG_f2-g-00067-00048700-00048800 So now,let us look at the answers, WxxtEG_f2-g-00068-00048900-00049400 1.The function open , returns a file object. WxxtEG_f2-g-00069-00049500-00050000 2. The function splitlines displays the data line by line as strings. WxxtEG_f2-g-00070-00050100-00050600 So we hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful. WxxtEG_f2-g-00071-00050700-00051200 Thank you! W-oZ-qJPoay-00000-00000083-00000594 Hi Youtube, this is alex again uh... decided show you're cool feature of this W-oZ-qJPoay-00001-00000594-00000834 Southord W-oZ-qJPoay-00002-00000834-00001009 Ace lock pick W-oZ-qJPoay-00003-00001009-00001509 so it comes with a right-handed W-oZ-qJPoay-00004-00001509-00001841 decoder W-oZ-qJPoay-00005-00001841-00002239 and i just thought I'd quickly demonstrate how that works W-oZ-qJPoay-00006-00002239-00002357 so W-oZ-qJPoay-00007-00002357-00002567 as readings W-oZ-qJPoay-00008-00002567-00003090 from one to eight and eitht is is i guess a flush cut W-oZ-qJPoay-00009-00003282-00003457 so this pin here W-oZ-qJPoay-00010-00003457-00003784 if I can rotate it very carefully without coming out of W-oZ-qJPoay-00011-00003784-00003976 focus W-oZ-qJPoay-00012-00003976-00004297 you can see that this pin here W-oZ-qJPoay-00013-00004817-00005011 that's at flush W-oZ-qJPoay-00014-00005011-00005297 the next pin over we can see with that W-oZ-qJPoay-00015-00005297-00005535 it's not so what we do W-oZ-qJPoay-00016-00005535-00005811 is we register the W-oZ-qJPoay-00017-00005811-00006022 notch W-oZ-qJPoay-00018-00006022-00006277 the top of the notch W-oZ-qJPoay-00019-00006277-00006448 on W-oZ-qJPoay-00020-00006448-00006861 this one of these little bridges between the feelers W-oZ-qJPoay-00021-00006861-00007319 and we want to see -- find the one where when we were W-oZ-qJPoay-00022-00007319-00007456 when the valley W-oZ-qJPoay-00023-00007456-00007793 is on the... it's on the this ridge W-oZ-qJPoay-00024-00007793-00008338 at the little tip of this thing just touches the feeler W-oZ-qJPoay-00025-00008338-00008757 and it may not be precise but you just find one that's the best W-oZ-qJPoay-00026-00008757-00008914 so try W-oZ-qJPoay-00027-00008914-00009183 just to make it obvious W-oZ-qJPoay-00028-00009183-00009464 I'll reference off of this ridge W-oZ-qJPoay-00029-00009464-00009743 so clearly W-oZ-qJPoay-00030-00009743-00010127 ...but clearly that's not it -- that's not it's not six W-oZ-qJPoay-00031-00010127-00010643 let's go over trying maybe a three W-oZ-qJPoay-00032-00010643-00010753 now that's W-oZ-qJPoay-00033-00010753-00010949 I'd call that pretty close W-oZ-qJPoay-00034-00010949-00011198 let's try two W-oZ-qJPoay-00035-00011198-00011352 that looks pretty good W-oZ-qJPoay-00036-00011352-00011547 so i'd call that a two W-oZ-qJPoay-00037-00011547-00011817 so I'll just do one more for you just uh... W-oZ-qJPoay-00038-00011817-00011989 another example W-oZ-qJPoay-00039-00011989-00012360 as final deeper others it there's much deeper cuts W-oZ-qJPoay-00040-00012360-00012565 uh... W-oZ-qJPoay-00041-00012565-00012936 so i'll try that one there W-oZ-qJPoay-00042-00012936-00013214 be sure that's nicely centered W-oZ-qJPoay-00043-00014418-00014634 so again W-oZ-qJPoay-00044-00014634-00014842 start in the middle maybe W-oZ-qJPoay-00045-00014842-00015200 there's a five and I'm lining it up W-oZ-qJPoay-00046-00015200-00015875 pretty good guess but I'm going to call that a little deep so I'll try a four W-oZ-qJPoay-00047-00015875-00016243 I'm on the pin W-oZ-qJPoay-00048-00016243-00016618 and then i can see that the gauge is just a little bit W-oZ-qJPoay-00049-00016618-00016744 high W-oZ-qJPoay-00050-00016744-00017190 so this may be a three W-oZ-qJPoay-00051-00017190-00017412 that's actually perfectly a three W-oZ-qJPoay-00052-00017412-00017765 occasionally, you'll get them where it's kind of W-oZ-qJPoay-00053-00017765-00018099 unclear... neither of them is perfect right -- because there's always a little bit W-oZ-qJPoay-00054-00018099-00018426 of tolerance... I would just pick the one that's closest W-oZ-qJPoay-00055-00018426-00018696 i believe once you have the code W-oZ-qJPoay-00056-00018696-00018854 for the lock W-oZ-qJPoay-00057-00018854-00019104 and i'm not sure how it's typically written W-oZ-qJPoay-00058-00019104-00019568 but you should be able to go to a a locksmith and have them cut it by code W-oZ-qJPoay-00059-00019568-00020029 or you can get a little machine couple different kinds of machines that will W-oZ-qJPoay-00060-00020029-00020178 cut it for you W-oZ-qJPoay-00061-00020178-00020330 uh... so W-oZ-qJPoay-00062-00020330-00020676 I'd say this little tool is worth the investment W-oZ-qJPoay-00063-00020676-00020840 if you play with these locks a lot W-oZ-qJPoay-00064-00020840-00021410 uh... and uh... it's kind of neat to be able to decode them W-oZ-qJPoay-00065-00021410-00021524 little tip W-oZ-qJPoay-00066-00021524-00021719 this is Alex W-oZ-qJPoay-00067-00021719-00021832 thanks for watching W-oZ-qJPoay-00068-00021832-00022009 have fun and keep it legal WBCypm4KFLy-00000-00000024-00001032 hello charles from american life 365. in my previous video about the catalytic converter WBCypm4KFLy-00001-00001032-00001984 and exhaust system i talked about how to find the right aftermarket parts for the exhaust system WBCypm4KFLy-00002-00002112-00002824 in this video i will show you how to install a complete exhaust system WBCypm4KFLy-00003-00002928-00003688 connecting the exhaust y pipes from the beginning then the catalytic converter WBCypm4KFLy-00004-00003847-00004560 the resonator and finally the muffler it is actually very simple WBCypm4KFLy-00005-00004800-00005800 anyone with basic hands-on skill can do it most work involves connecting the parts with boats WBCypm4KFLy-00006-00005928-00007104 finding connectors for o2 sensor downstream or upstream sensors can be a bit tricky therefore WBCypm4KFLy-00007-00007159-00008152 i only make important comments on necessary points the rest of the video is self-explanatory WBCypm4KFLy-00008-00008304-00009280 since the exhaust systems is connected to the engine the vibration is great so it uses WBCypm4KFLy-00009-00009336-00010016 two flexible enough hangers to suspend the exhaust components WBCypm4KFLy-00010-00010160-00010976 okay let's start working the first step is to leave the car with a jack WBCypm4KFLy-00011-00011248-00012784 since the jack is not high enough so i place some lumbers under the jack WBCypm4KFLy-00012-00015391-00015880 don't forget to add two wood stoppers for every wheel WBCypm4KFLy-00013-00016720-00017408 the second step is to investigate the situation underneath of car WBCypm4KFLy-00014-00017552-00018384 then start to both arm parts piece by piece WBCypm4KFLy-00015-00018528-00019784 the first step is to install the downstream o2 sensor underneath of the front passenger seat WBCypm4KFLy-00016-00019920-00021184 lift up the carpet you can find a hole for the downstream o2 sensor WBCypm4KFLy-00017-00021456-00021576 and the connectors WBCypm4KFLy-00018-00021952-00023984 unplug the existing o2 sensor then connect the new o2 sensor WBCypm4KFLy-00019-00024400-00025464 then insert the rubber stopper to seal the hole then restore the carpet under the car we can see WBCypm4KFLy-00020-00025464-00026632 the o2 sensor now connect the upstream o2 sensor under the hood the upstream o2 sensor is located WBCypm4KFLy-00021-00026632-00028183 at manifest of engine unplug the old one and plug in connect the new one WBCypm4KFLy-00022-00028472-00028912 now we can see the downstream auto sensor hanging WBCypm4KFLy-00023-00028912-00029680 near the exhaust pipe we start to amount the exhaust wipe pipe WBCypm4KFLy-00024-00030680-00032383 insert the hanger to the holder then put the gasket on then both on the catalytic converters WBCypm4KFLy-00025-00032968-00033784 then put on the second gasket and connect the resonator WBCypm4KFLy-00026-00035176-00035184 you WBCypm4KFLy-00027-00045016-00045752 then clamp the resonator with the muffler pipe using the clamps WBCypm4KFLy-00028-00046072-00047784 the last step is to connect the downstream o2 sensor to catalytic converter WBCypm4KFLy-00029-00048232-00049184 okay WBCypm4KFLy-00030-00050440-00050584 hey WBCypm4KFLy-00031-00050896-00051984 connect the upstream o2 sensor to the exhaust pipe y pipe WBCypm4KFLy-00032-00055840-00056760 after complete the installation and you have to go to the smoke test then schedule WBCypm4KFLy-00033-00056760-00057791 appointment with referee for verification and the referee will issue a new vehicle emission label WBCypm4KFLy-00034-00057791-00058679 based on the new label your car will pass the smoke test that is all for this video WBCypm4KFLy-00035-00058808-00059632 we have hundreds of videos in many aspects of american life if you like our video please WBCypm4KFLy-00036-00059632-00060904 subscribe our channel and share with your friends your great help is very much appreciated thank you WEpk27bZHmo-00000-00001942-00002370 PART OF GSDCC WEpk27bZHmo-00001-00002816-00003479 okay guys i'm back in Garena speed drifters, in this video we're gonna review the free m1 bike WEpk27bZHmo-00002-00003479-00003960 wings of holy light. you can say this is the bike version of the free car. the free WEpk27bZHmo-00003-00003960-00004456 car i'll review soon. once uh getting this full will take a bit longer time WEpk27bZHmo-00004-00004512-00005152 but yeah if you do this quest you'll get some exp here, for this event, and once you reach 300 WEpk27bZHmo-00005-00005152-00005592 you can get permanent, or you can just spend your vouchers to get it permanent, but for free players WEpk27bZHmo-00006-00005664-00006431 and i recommend to not spend on a free car, just just finish your events and you'll get it to 300. WEpk27bZHmo-00007-00006431-00006928 okay unless you're out of time then okay you can spend. you still have 20 days more but uh the WEpk27bZHmo-00008-00006928-00007616 one i'm reviewing is the bike. as you saw just now the original price is 12888 vouchers but WEpk27bZHmo-00009-00007616-00008304 i recommend do not buy, do not purchase the bike, until you bargain it to zero. once you bargain WEpk27bZHmo-00010-00008304-00008936 it to zero you get this bike free. just do whatever quest they tell you and bargain to lower the price. WEpk27bZHmo-00011-00008936-00009432 once it reaches zero only then you buy it. this is counted a free bike, but yeah let's take a look at WEpk27bZHmo-00012-00009432-00010032 wings of holy light. so this bike is good in N-tank. by stats and the characteristic is WEpk27bZHmo-00013-00010032-00010568 immediately get 10 percent of nitro every time you use nitro. and i already fully modded it. all WEpk27bZHmo-00014-00010568-00011376 m1 and b class have a lot of buffs in the infinity chip. top speed increase, nitro power increase WEpk27bZHmo-00015-00011376-00011904 miniboost power increase, yeah that's a lot but even though i put infinity chip there is no recommended, WEpk27bZHmo-00016-00012032-00012960 so i had to select it myself and i picked 'left left middle', because there's uh more WEpk27bZHmo-00017-00013096-00013488 more stat increase here compared to the right same with the other three okay. WEpk27bZHmo-00018-00013712-00014288 so i pick 'left left middle' for this bike. okay and let's test this speed. WEpk27bZHmo-00019-00014288-00014896 from my ecu video i'm still gonna keep the ecu but i turn off the pet. let me turn off the pet first. WEpk27bZHmo-00020-00014896-00015368 so next time i'll review i'll make sure my pets are off, okay there's no pet this time. actually it WEpk27bZHmo-00021-00015368-00016232 doesn't really matter, pet or not, but the ecu still stays. so normal speed is 197.6 WEpk27bZHmo-00022-00016424-00016664 double boost 239.7 WEpk27bZHmo-00023-00016928-00017392 cww 304.4 and i get ten percent N-tank already. WEpk27bZHmo-00024-00017632-00018384 wcw...hold on, wcw 287.6 WEpk27bZHmo-00025-00018480-00018880 wcww 308.6 okay WEpk27bZHmo-00026-00019160-00019784 Wheelie 278.8 WEpk27bZHmo-00027-00019880-00020112 Wheelie + CWW 312.4 WEpk27bZHmo-00028-00020520-00021224 Wheelie + WCWW 316.6 okay WEpk27bZHmo-00029-00021224-00021736 okay so we're gonna play in quick race because that's the only mode that i can play WEpk27bZHmo-00030-00021736-00022584 and first map we get is dragon gate WEpk27bZHmo-00031-00024264-00025384 M1 vs 5 A cars. WEpk27bZHmo-00032-00026295-00026783 hey what happened to my... WEpk27bZHmo-00033-00026944-00028183 i should have ECU there WEpk27bZHmo-00034-00032320-00032383 it's all right WEpk27bZHmo-00035-00034040-00034376 that wasn't good. all right music factory next WEpk27bZHmo-00036-00034464-00035184 hope this one goes better and yeah like Izan said why am i sitting like that just now WEpk27bZHmo-00037-00035464-00036584 wow all A cars. all right here we go WEpk27bZHmo-00038-00037672-00039384 if i can get first i can do my Pro challenge. Let's go, for the pro challenge WEpk27bZHmo-00039-00045288-00045680 damn it ah second dang it WEpk27bZHmo-00040-00045944-00046680 okay i'm definitely gonna try to get at least one time first because this is WEpk27bZHmo-00041-00046680-00047784 the perfect chance to do this pro challenge at least one win or else i won't be satisfied WEpk27bZHmo-00042-00051744-00052016 i have a screen problem what? the hell i cannot drift... WEpk27bZHmo-00043-00052328-00052720 why I cannot drift here? every time i.... WEpk27bZHmo-00044-00053032-00053384 every time i make this part... WEpk27bZHmo-00045-00055760-00056272 can i, oh there's two Asia Pentiums, three asia pentiums...can i throw the chair? WEpk27bZHmo-00046-00056272-00056424 can i just throw the chair right now WEpk27bZHmo-00047-00056712-00057584 there's no way i would win this WEpk27bZHmo-00048-00058808-00058984 I'm using the wrong ECU. WEpk27bZHmo-00049-00063712-00063808 N-tank is good though. WEpk27bZHmo-00050-00064064-00064219 I don't think I can chase them. WEpk27bZHmo-00051-00065552-00065736 oh wait let's go WEpk27bZHmo-00052-00069904-00070280 can you imagine that i did 2'04 using a bike? WEpk27bZHmo-00053-00070360-00071584 and my best is 2'01. okay one last try if i don't win this i'm done. WEpk27bZHmo-00054-00071928-00072984 dang it WEpk27bZHmo-00055-00074312-00075784 okay this time WEpk27bZHmo-00056-00077008-00078584 let's go now WEpk27bZHmo-00057-00078800-00079984 screen! WEpk27bZHmo-00058-00080144-00080280 i'm done i'm done WEpk27bZHmo-00059-00080680-00081304 oh wait i have to end the video okay so i'll say for this m1 by WEpk27bZHmo-00060-00081392-00082368 good N-tank but not good enough to fight against those A cars. i guess i have to try another m1 WEpk27bZHmo-00061-00082368-00083016 or b car to finish that pro challenge actually the best B car to use is the tyrant, the tyrant. WEpk27bZHmo-00062-00083016-00083584 i thought i can try to use the new m1 which i still failed yeah maybe next time i'll try to WEpk27bZHmo-00063-00083584-00084056 finish that pro challenge but okay guys that's it for this wings of light, WEpk27bZHmo-00064-00084056-00085584 wings of holy light, free m1 bike, so thank you guys for watching see you guys next time WEpk27bZHmo-00065-00086178-00087107 PART OF GSDCC WE_6-2bTXmA-00000-00000500-00000800 Subscribe Our Channel For New Updates. WEBATcUoXAc-00000-00000309-00000854 Hi, we are from the Instituto Darchet, and today’s question is from Camila, our student, WEBATcUoXAc-00001-00000854-00001320 and she asked: “Can it be played many notes at the same time on the violin?” WEBATcUoXAc-00002-00001320-00001780 So, Camila, yes, it can. I can play double strings, WEBATcUoXAc-00003-00001780-00002212 which is very played, three strings and even four. WEBATcUoXAc-00004-00002212-00002500 In case of four strings, it is played with the bow in a heavily way, WEBATcUoXAc-00005-00002500-00002760 it is chords that you are going to use these four strings, WEBATcUoXAc-00006-00002760-00003028 and there is some bow strokes, like ricochet, WEBATcUoXAc-00007-00003028-00003371 it’s a bow stroke that you are going to use to play the four strings. WEBATcUoXAc-00008-00003418-00003760 Exactly, so that’s it. I hope that you enjoyed. WEBATcUoXAc-00009-00003760-00004176 If you have any doubt, write it down in the comments section. WFDMFLl5WDU-00000-00000210-00000872 Welcome to the Hotty Toddy Readers Spotlight brought to you by the University Libraries. WFDMFLl5WDU-00001-00000884-00001344 I'm Brian Young and today I'm joined by Latoya Faulk. She is an instructor in WFDMFLl5WDU-00002-00001344-00001626 the Department of Writing and Rhetoric. Please tell me what book you're WFDMFLl5WDU-00003-00001626-00002010 recommending today. So the book I'm recommending today is by an author by WFDMFLl5WDU-00004-00002010-00002310 the name of Jesmyn Ward the book is called Salvage the bones. WFDMFLl5WDU-00005-00002411-00002739 What did you find most interesting about the book? So what I found most interesting WFDMFLl5WDU-00006-00002739-00003282 about the book is the story's told it's a story about her in Katrina and it's WFDMFLl5WDU-00007-00003282-00004035 about a family who survives Hurricane Katrina. It's told through twelve chapters and WFDMFLl5WDU-00008-00004035-00004430 I really really enjoyed how the story's told there's a certain sort of poetic WFDMFLl5WDU-00009-00004430-00005319 narrative or poetic voice to the story. I particularly enjoyed the narrator Esche was a WFDMFLl5WDU-00010-00005319-00006243 young girl who midway through the book we find out is with child and so as WFDMFLl5WDU-00011-00006243-00007004 they're dealing with or coming to to to to deal with this sort of aftermath but WFDMFLl5WDU-00012-00007004-00007608 more so sort of like you know the storm itself we learn that she's you know WFDMFLl5WDU-00013-00007608-00008084 having a child and so I think that's sort of what really sore captivates me WFDMFLl5WDU-00014-00008084-00008628 is that character. And why do you think our faculty, staff, and students should read the book? I WFDMFLl5WDU-00015-00008628-00009047 think our faculty, staff, and students should read the book probably because i think it WFDMFLl5WDU-00016-00009047-00009740 humanizes this family. Not just humanizes is it but we learn a lot WFDMFLl5WDU-00017-00009740-00010296 about the family's history and it puts us in a place where we get a sense WFDMFLl5WDU-00018-00010296-00010863 of why this family stayed behind right because as we know Hurricane Katrina WFDMFLl5WDU-00019-00010863-00011313 there are a lot of families who fled long before the storm and it's aftermath WFDMFLl5WDU-00020-00011313-00011970 uh took place and so I think it humanizes this family and so I think that's WFDMFLl5WDU-00021-00011970-00012357 why I really think that our department really or the faculty and students here WFDMFLl5WDU-00022-00012357-00012495 would really enjoy this book. WFDMFLl5WDU-00023-00012495-00012884 Alright great, if you're interested in reading Salvage the bones you can check WFDMFLl5WDU-00024-00012884-00013263 it out at the University of Mississippi Libraries. Thank you for joining us today. WFDMFLl5WDU-00025-00013263-00013722 If you're a member of the UM community and you're interested in appearing in an WFDMFLl5WDU-00026-00013722-00014176 episode of the Hotty Totty Readers Spotlight please contact me at the WFDMFLl5WDU-00027-00014176-00014359 address on the screen. WFDMFLl5WDU-00028-00014359-00014563 Thanks again and have a great day. WHzkKmB5_fg-00000-00009120-00009128 you WIv67-LVhDk-00000-00000256-00000306 * takes a scared breath * WIv67-LVhDk-00001-00000396-00000462 Hi? WIv67-LVhDk-00002-00000590-00000754 Transform Sev into Freddy, please (write out the comment) WIv67-LVhDk-00003-00002764-00002890 It worked! WIv67-LVhDk-00004-00003461-00003634 Why did not you leave a subscription? WMSB29-7RDI-00000-00000096-00000624 the pentagon has temporarily halted delivery of f-35 fighter jets to the military branches WMSB29-7RDI-00001-00000624-00001032 and international customers after lockheed martin discovered a metal component used WMSB29-7RDI-00002-00001032-00001488 in the jets engine had come from china according to the pentagon the defense WpibAehzv8c-00000-00000000-00000289 Dolce mocha WpibAehzv8c-00001-00000289-00000756 Dolce and Mocha are drying wet hair. WpibAehzv8c-00002-00001026-00001473 Mrs. Latte is eating passionately today. WpibAehzv8c-00003-00002439-00002701 Mocha: Shall we play? WpibAehzv8c-00004-00002746-00003493 Mocha plays the guitar with rail toys! WpibAehzv8c-00005-00003893-00004271 She fell in love with playing ball. WpibAehzv8c-00006-00004890-00005204 Dolce: Mocha, should we eat too? WpibAehzv8c-00007-00005204-00005649 Mocha starts eating, too. WpibAehzv8c-00008-00005787-00005948 (Waddle, waddling) WpibAehzv8c-00009-00005948-00006163 Why are you coming? WpibAehzv8c-00010-00006350-00006641 Showing off my healthy teeth.LOL WpibAehzv8c-00011-00007972-00008231 She's coming again! WpibAehzv8c-00012-00008654-00009035 Mocha wants to eat next to his grandpa. WpibAehzv8c-00013-00009351-00009730 She uses her grandfather's shoes as a plate. WpibAehzv8c-00014-00009760-00010119 Mocha focuses on eating again. WpibAehzv8c-00015-00010275-00010482 Roll over WpibAehzv8c-00016-00011760-00011977 Mocha: Grandpa!!! WpibAehzv8c-00017-00012725-00013129 Mocha: It's more delicious when it's with grandpa! WpibAehzv8c-00018-00014180-00014651 Mocha checks his pocket.LOL WpibAehzv8c-00019-00015760-00016243 She bites gently so that he doesn't get hurt. WpibAehzv8c-00020-00016924-00017256 Mocha: I'm sleepy. WpibAehzv8c-00021-00019099-00019605 Dolce and Latte, who are good couples, sleep next to each other. WpibAehzv8c-00022-00020164-00020386 LOL WOwuKWt4poM-00000-00000231-00000776 So in the field of visual psychophysics and neuroscience, sine wave gradings are probably WOwuKWt4poM-00001-00000776-00001384 the most popular stimulus and used extensively because sine wave gratings are WOwuKWt4poM-00002-00001384-00002039 building blocks to construct more complex stimuli. So you can think of it as kind of a WOwuKWt4poM-00003-00002039-00002984 you know Lego blocks of making visual stimuli. So let's take a look at some of them in more detail. WOwuKWt4poM-00004-00003120-00003824 So a grating is a repeating sequence of light and dark bars so one WOwuKWt4poM-00005-00003824-00004640 adjacent pair of a light and dark bar makes up one cycle here right so that is a cycle WOwuKWt4poM-00006-00004904-00005536 one light bar and one black bar next to each other makes up one cycle WOwuKWt4poM-00007-00005600-00006431 and these cycles repeat over and over in a grating within a given span of visual degree WOwuKWt4poM-00008-00006640-00007320 typically we think of these gratings as having sharp edges like the bar shown here but WOwuKWt4poM-00009-00007488-00008184 you know these gratings have become known as square wave gratings because their luminance WOwuKWt4poM-00010-00008184-00008968 profile looks like a square as you can see on the right so when you cut through the square WOwuKWt4poM-00011-00008968-00009720 wave along the x-axis and plot its luminance profile you will see this abrupt changes in WOwuKWt4poM-00012-00009720-00010648 luminance alternating between the maximum and the minimum so and then they have the same width. WOwuKWt4poM-00013-00010824-00011640 So even though it looks like a simple one it's in fact a special kind of grating that is made up WOwuKWt4poM-00014-00011640-00012512 by made by combining infinite number of different sine wave gratings mathematically and because of WOwuKWt4poM-00015-00012512-00013200 the the because the luminance profile only changes in x-axis this is a one-dimensional stimulus WOwuKWt4poM-00016-00013696-00014312 and the luminance profile of a grating can change in a number of different ways so WOwuKWt4poM-00017-00014384-00014880 if the luminance profile of a grating follows a sine wave function then it WOwuKWt4poM-00018-00014880-00015416 becomes a sine wave grating so here is a typical sine wave grating where WOwuKWt4poM-00019-00015416-00016112 black and white bars are smoothly undulating along the x-axis without sharp edges like we've seen WOwuKWt4poM-00020-00016176-00016768 in the previous square wave so you can see this undulation when you cut through WOwuKWt4poM-00021-00016872-00017544 the sine wave grating and if you plot the luminance profile along the x-axis WOwuKWt4poM-00022-00017600-00018384 then you will you will be able to see this sine wave characteristic WOwuKWt4poM-00023-00018568-00019248 and another special sine wave function that is very popular in psychophysics and neuroscience is WOwuKWt4poM-00024-00019248-00019904 called Gabor function so this Gabor is named after the Hungarian British Nobel WOwuKWt4poM-00025-00019904-00020624 prize laureate Dennis Gabor for inventing hologram and you've probably seen this WOwuKWt4poM-00026-00020704-00021720 I think so Obi-wan Kenobi from star wars so this in hologram. So the reason why this WOwuKWt4poM-00027-00021824-00022536 Gabor function was popularised in neuroscience was that the response profile of a simple cell WOwuKWt4poM-00028-00022592-00023272 in V1, the visual cortex of mammalian brains can be nicely approximated by this WOwuKWt4poM-00029-00023272-00024120 function. So if you look at this is Gabor here if you look at this you know carefully WOwuKWt4poM-00030-00024120-00024848 then it has a dark and light bar in the middle and its luminance intensity tapers off from the WOwuKWt4poM-00031-00024848-00025727 center to the sides in every direction smoothly so that is because a gabor is a sine wave function WOwuKWt4poM-00032-00025872-00026527 modulated by two-dimensional Gaussian or bell curve which you will learn WOwuKWt4poM-00033-00026624-00027120 from the clinical research well you're going to we're going to talk about the normal distribution WOwuKWt4poM-00034-00027120-00027920 the Gaussian function or the bell curve in... when we talk about the normal distribution WOwuKWt4poM-00035-00027920-00028600 in clinical research method. Anyhow, so this is the sine wave is modulated by the two-dimensional WOwuKWt4poM-00036-00028688-00029376 Gaussian function and so that will give you this kind of characteristic WOwuKWt4poM-00037-00029376-00029904 luminance profile of the coupler function so the pictures at the bottom represent WOwuKWt4poM-00038-00029960-00030495 the three-dimensional rendition of the luminance profile of the corresponding pictures on top WOwuKWt4poM-00039-00030560-00031248 in two dimensions so in this 3d rendition the height represents the luminance WOwuKWt4poM-00040-00031752-00032168 one of the well-known application of a Gabor function. WOwuKWt4poM-00041-00032168-00032832 As I said in the visual neurosciences, the model response profile of the v1 neuron WOwuKWt4poM-00042-00032920-00033616 so the receptive field tuning characteristics of V1 neurons have modeled using even and odd WOwuKWt4poM-00043-00033616-00034344 symmetric Gabor functions as shown here so hopefully you will learn more detail WOwuKWt4poM-00044-00034344-00035184 about the simple and complex cells in V1 response profile in the other part of this module later WOwuKWt4poM-00045-00035424-00036056 so one of the reasons why sinewave grating is so popular in neuroscience and psychophysics is that WOwuKWt4poM-00046-00036152-00036784 sine-wave grating is mathematically very well defined so it is very easy to manipulate and WOwuKWt4poM-00047-00036784-00037392 change the aspect of the grading that corresponds to a specific parameter of WOwuKWt4poM-00048-00037392-00038312 vision so here we have the full equation to completely specify a sine wave grating so the WOwuKWt4poM-00049-00038312-00039728 luminance profile of sine of grating, L is a function of the amplitude so that is amplitude WOwuKWt4poM-00050-00040016-00040968 of sinesave function defines how high and low the peaks and valleys are in that undulating function WOwuKWt4poM-00051-00041024-00041848 and this, the difference between the peaks and valleys defines the contrast of the grating WOwuKWt4poM-00052-00041912-00042736 and then here is just a you know the sine sine function it can be replaced by tan i WOwuKWt4poM-00053-00042736-00043312 mean the cosine function right so you can have either sine wave grating but then this is all WOwuKWt4poM-00054-00043392-00044080 you know same family of functions so you can replace this with a cosine function and also WOwuKWt4poM-00055-00044240-00045096 the appearance of sine wave gradient is a function of the spatial frequency f that's spatial WOwuKWt4poM-00056-00045488-00045584 frequency WOwuKWt4poM-00057-00046024-00046728 okay so that defines how many cycles are contained within a defined span WOwuKWt4poM-00058-00046728-00047472 such as a degree of visual angle right so if you have a high spatial frequency WOwuKWt4poM-00059-00047544-00048312 then the width of each bar light and dark part will be very very narrow whereas if you have WOwuKWt4poM-00060-00048368-00049288 low spatial frequency and you will see that the width of bars will be quite wide okay WOwuKWt4poM-00061-00049384-00050584 and theta here right next to spatial frequency is the angle or the orientation WOwuKWt4poM-00062-00051160-00052072 orientation of a grating but in practice you need to have two-dimensional version of the sine wave WOwuKWt4poM-00063-00052072-00052560 equation to change the orientation of the grating because this is just a one-dimensional equation WOwuKWt4poM-00064-00052640-00052920 just changing the orientation here does not change the WOwuKWt4poM-00065-00052984-00053967 actual orientation of the sine wave grating and then this phi in greek that is phase WOwuKWt4poM-00066-00054248-00054848 that determines the phase of the grading so that determined phase determines the relative WOwuKWt4poM-00067-00054848-00056184 location of peaks and valleys and finally this L subscript m represents the average luminance. WOwuKWt4poM-00068-00056991-00057455 So that is kind of a middle brightness of the sine wave grating and from this WOwuKWt4poM-00069-00057567-00058112 average luminance, the luminance profile of the sine wave grating will fluctuate. WOwuKWt4poM-00070-00058320-00059024 So if you change any of these parameters then you can change WOwuKWt4poM-00071-00059024-00059576 the appearance of sine-wave gratings and this is really nice because WOwuKWt4poM-00072-00059704-00060248 if you want to study, say so for example, if you want to study how sensitive we are to the WOwuKWt4poM-00073-00060248-00061152 orientation change in an object then we can change the spatial parameter of sine WOwuKWt4poM-00074-00061152-00061800 wave grating to change the orientation or if we want to study the contrast sensitivity then we WOwuKWt4poM-00075-00061800-00062455 can actually manipulate the luminance parameter of the grating which is amplitude right and so on so WOwuKWt4poM-00076-00062632-00063088 this is really a kind of a nice property of sine wave grating WOwuKWt4poM-00077-00063088-00063976 that we can change the appearance of the grating to study the corresponding aspect of vision WOwuKWt4poM-00078-00064328-00065360 so I'm going to just show you how grating changes with changing parameters so here we have the WOwuKWt4poM-00079-00065360-00066192 original sine wave grating having two cycles per degree which is the spatial frequency of WOwuKWt4poM-00080-00066304-00066968 this grating actually so that is actually f right there is a spatial frequency of this grating is WOwuKWt4poM-00081-00067200-00068336 this two cycles per degree okay so the cycles per degree is the unit of spatial frequency WOwuKWt4poM-00082-00068408-00068632 now if we change this grating WOwuKWt4poM-00083-00068872-00069536 in phase right so we're going to change the phase parameter then look at the location of the WOwuKWt4poM-00084-00069536-00070184 light and black bar okay so light bar comes first and then black bar in this original grating but if WOwuKWt4poM-00085-00070184-00071128 we change the phase of this grading by 90 degree then you see this change in the location WOwuKWt4poM-00086-00071128-00071896 of the peaks and valleys right and now we can change the contrast the amplitude difference WOwuKWt4poM-00087-00071896-00072760 between the amplitude which is the difference between the peaks and valleys and this is WOwuKWt4poM-00088-00072872-00073456 so we're going to just change this by half then you will see that the contrast of the grating WOwuKWt4poM-00089-00073560-00074040 is reduced and now we're going to change the spatial frequency so we're going to WOwuKWt4poM-00090-00074040-00074648 increase the spatial frequency of the grating from here which was 2 cycles per degree now WOwuKWt4poM-00091-00074648-00075336 it becomes 8 cycles per degree and finally we can change the orientation of WOwuKWt4poM-00092-00075552-00076864 the grating and then now it is actually tilted to 45 degree clockwise and as I said just by WOwuKWt4poM-00093-00076864-00077472 changing the orientation of this equation won't change the orientation actual orientation of the WOwuKWt4poM-00094-00077472-00078072 grating you need a two-dimensional equation but just for the illustration purposes all you WOwuKWt4poM-00095-00078072-00078584 have to know is that the orientation parameter will change the orientation of the grating WOwuKWt4poM-00096-00078880-00079912 so here are some sample space of Gabors varying in different parameters so from top to bottom WOwuKWt4poM-00097-00079912-00080744 you can see the gratings become more visible as the contrast increases and this manipulation WOwuKWt4poM-00098-00080744-00081440 of visibility is achieved by manipulating the amplitude from the previous equation WOwuKWt4poM-00099-00081520-00082256 which basically represents a contrast and the concept we're going to talk about WOwuKWt4poM-00100-00082256-00082624 contrast later on in more detail but contrast there's a unit list WOwuKWt4poM-00101-00082712-00083704 and in case of grating this contrast ranges from zero to one so it is usually expressed in percent. WOwuKWt4poM-00102-00083904-00084584 On the other hand, if you increase the spatial frequency of sine wave grading then you can place WOwuKWt4poM-00103-00084584-00085256 more cycles in a unit visual angle of which unit is cycles per degree so the WOwuKWt4poM-00104-00085376-00086304 unit of the spatial frequency is cycles per degree so the spatial frequency of the Gabors on the left WOwuKWt4poM-00105-00086304-00087024 is relatively low compared to the Gabors on the right and finally you can rotate sine wave WOwuKWt4poM-00106-00087024-00087776 grating to any orientations you want but to do that you need a two-dimensional equation. WOwuKWt4poM-00107-00088168-00088680 Another basic stimulus frequently used in vision science is an optotype. WOwuKWt4poM-00108-00088768-00089416 The optotypes are basic letter stimuli for standard eye charts such as logMAR chart WOwuKWt4poM-00109-00089504-00090104 so the letters are typically black presented on white background achieving high contrast and WOwuKWt4poM-00110-00090104-00090808 their sizes are varying in discrete steps the picture here shows the similarity between the WOwuKWt4poM-00111-00090808-00091496 Sloan or tumbling E on the far left square wave grating in the middle and a sine wave grating WOwuKWt4poM-00112-00091744-00092232 so as you probably know already there are several optotypes in different style. WOwuKWt4poM-00113-00092304-00093320 So on the left, this column is Snellen so this is kind of a sample letters from the Snellen chart. WOwuKWt4poM-00114-00093496-00094496 So the characteristic of the Snellen letters are that they are coming with the serif so these WOwuKWt4poM-00115-00094496-00095416 extra strokes from the letter so that's just the bells and whistles of a letter so that is serif WOwuKWt4poM-00116-00095728-00096272 which is just a extra stroke right so in general, WOwuKWt4poM-00117-00096384-00097016 the fonts without serif is called sans serif fonts so sans WOwuKWt4poM-00118-00097368-00098096 in Latin this is meaning without serif okay so the WOwuKWt4poM-00119-00098096-00098872 the middle one is a slow letter right so this is a perfectly square five by five WOwuKWt4poM-00120-00098976-00099936 size each side is a five unit with a stroke width equal to one-fifth of a side so that stroke with WOwuKWt4poM-00121-00100048-00100616 that stroke width is exactly the one-fifth of the entire letter size WOwuKWt4poM-00122-00100688-00101640 right and these Sloan letters are used in the logMAR chart or ETDRS chart and then finally we have WOwuKWt4poM-00123-00101848-00102872 a British standard and published in 1968 so the size of each letter is a five times WOwuKWt4poM-00124-00102959-00103848 four so four across and five vertically and other letters are WOwuKWt4poM-00125-00104008-00104680 tumbling E or Landolt C as you can see but they are essentially WOwuKWt4poM-00126-00104752-00105432 the Sloan letters and not all the alphabets for all the different acuity charts WOwuKWt4poM-00127-00105432-00106064 not all the alphabets are used because of the legibility difference among the letters. WOwuKWt4poM-00128-00106456-00107032 So far we have talked about sine wave gratings and optotypes as two of the most popular WOwuKWt4poM-00129-00107032-00107688 psychophysical stimuli but there are several other commonly used psychophysical stimuli and we will WOwuKWt4poM-00130-00107688-00108672 have a more chance to talk about those stimuli as we go along. Here I'd like to talk about one WOwuKWt4poM-00131-00108672-00109392 of the most rudimentary input stimulus parameters in psychophysics called contrast. So one of the WOwuKWt4poM-00132-00109392-00110224 reasons why I mention this parameter is because this parameter has been studied extensively to WOwuKWt4poM-00133-00110224-00111016 measure the limits of vision in the same domain and also contrast parameter is defined differently WOwuKWt4poM-00134-00111088-00112000 depending upon the type of stimulus you use in an experiment so contrast is defined as a relative WOwuKWt4poM-00135-00112000-00112776 difference in luminance between the objects within a scene. The reason why contrast is considered WOwuKWt4poM-00136-00112888-00113632 important in psychophysics is that human visual system is known to be more sensitive to contrast WOwuKWt4poM-00137-00113632-00114320 rather than the absolute luminance luminance of objects so this actually shed light on how WOwuKWt4poM-00138-00114320-00115248 human visual system functions under a large range of fluctuation in light in real world settings. WOwuKWt4poM-00139-00115640-00116128 so first Weber contrast is used to define the contrast of WOwuKWt4poM-00140-00116200-00116792 isolated features of an image against a large uniform background such as a WOwuKWt4poM-00141-00116872-00117648 black optotype on a white background so here the delta also the Weber contrast WOwuKWt4poM-00142-00117735-00118464 is the ratio between the luminance difference between the target and the background over WOwuKWt4poM-00143-00118544-00119864 the background luminance. Here are some examples of the calculation of Weber contrast of optotype E WOwuKWt4poM-00144-00119968-00120504 with varying luminance against the different background luminance as you can see Weber WOwuKWt4poM-00145-00120504-00121359 contrast can vary between negative 100% so the negative will happen when you have black WOwuKWt4poM-00146-00121359-00122111 optotype on the white background as you can see from the far left and it can go up to WOwuKWt4poM-00147-00122183-00122992 positive infinity when the letter is white on the black background here the cd represents WOwuKWt4poM-00148-00122992-00124104 so this is a unit of a luminous intensity read candela so candela per square metre is a typical WOwuKWt4poM-00149-00124232-00124783 unit of measurement for luminous intensity using photometer. WOwuKWt4poM-00150-00125328-00125983 And in general contrast of gratings is defined such as a square wave, sine wave, or Gabor WOwuKWt4poM-00151-00126048-00126704 is defined as the difference between the peak and valley over the average luminance of the grating WOwuKWt4poM-00152-00126800-00127480 so for such images or patterns where the luminance profile is periodically fluctuating and repeating WOwuKWt4poM-00153-00127576-00128168 Michelson contrast is generally used to define the contrast of those images WOwuKWt4poM-00154-00128256-00128808 so this contrast can range from zero percent to a hundred percent. WOwuKWt4poM-00155-00128935-00129568 So as you can see from this equation if you plug in the average luminance plus delta WOwuKWt4poM-00156-00129696-00130872 and minus delta L for Lmax and Lmin respectively into the Michelson contrast equation then WOwuKWt4poM-00157-00131016-00131320 you're going to get the equation for Weber contrast back. WOwuKWt4poM-00158-00131696-00132168 Again here are some example calculations of Michelson contrast WOwuKWt4poM-00159-00132168-00133184 for different square wave gratings on a same grey background of 50 candela per square metre. WOwuKWt4poM-00160-00133472-00134112 And finally root mean square contrast or RMS contrast for short is used for WOwuKWt4poM-00161-00134112-00134800 more complex images and patterns such as natural images or random-dot stereograms. WOwuKWt4poM-00162-00134896-00135520 So here the numerator is basically the standard deviation of the pixel intensities WOwuKWt4poM-00163-00135520-00136296 or luminance in two-dimensional images scaled to the mean luminance which is the denominator. WOwuKWt4poM-00164-00136408-00137432 So this contrast ranges from 0 to 1 assuming that there's no outlier in the image. WOwuKWt4poM-00165-00137784-00138456 So here is an example of RMS contrast calculation for a complex image on the left. WOwuKWt4poM-00166-00138552-00139232 So when given the mean and the standard deviation of an image then the RMS contrast is WOwuKWt4poM-00167-00139304-00140080 a normalised standard deviation of luminance so the graph on the right shows the corresponding WOwuKWt4poM-00168-00140080-00141208 luminance changes of the picture on the left to the points located under the red and blue lines. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00000-00000811-00000886 >> Professor Perez: Hey! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00001-00000886-00001161 This is Professor Perez from Saddleback College, again. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00002-00001189-00001633 Today, we're going to work with equations that have decimals in them. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00003-00001633-00001868 And, let's get started, let's get Charlie out. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00004-00001884-00002119 He better be ready to go! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00005-00002177-00002381 Hey, Charlie, you ready to go? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00006-00002430-00002441 >> Charlie: Yeah! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00007-00002441-00002699 >> Professor Perez: Okay, today we're going to set up equations WQ5u8FsH2dY-00008-00002727-00002935 that have decimals in them, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00009-00002935-00003082 Now, don't get scared. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00010-00003132-00003945 Now Charlie, what number must be subtracted from 0.34 to obtain 6.46 WQ5u8FsH2dY-00011-00003979-00004113 So I'm going to help you out Charlie. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00012-00004142-00004196 Pay attention. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00013-00004307-00005084 What number, x, must be subtracted from 0.34 to get 6.46 right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00014-00005147-00005822 Okay, to solve this equation for x, we're going to subtract 0.34 from both sides. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00015-00005835-00006008 Hopefully you don't need a calculator for this. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00016-00006112-00006549 0.34 subtract 0.34, those cancel and that's 0, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00017-00006620-00007062 And on the right hand side, we're left with what, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00018-00007138-00007207 >> Charlie: 6.12. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00019-00007207-00007294 >> Professor Perez: 6.12. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00020-00007294-00007361 Very nice. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00021-00007361-00007862 Notice, it's a negative x on the left hand side because we have that subtract x WQ5u8FsH2dY-00022-00007862-00008116 which we're treating as a negative 1 times x, remember that. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00023-00008179-00008557 Okay, now, remember, we're trying to find a 1 x, WQ5u8FsH2dY-00024-00008595-00008884 not a negative 1 x. And so what do we do, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00025-00008884-00009006 >> Charlie: Divide by negative 1. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00026-00009046-00009149 >> Professor Perez: Very nice! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00027-00009149-00009792 And so our answer is x equals a negative 6.12 That is correct and you can check your answer WQ5u8FsH2dY-00028-00009792-00010060 by plugging it into the original equation that we wrote down, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00029-00010090-00010322 Anyway, let's move on Charlie. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00030-00010370-00010573 Don't get scared! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00031-00010573-00011207 A rental car company, Charlie, charges $22.50 a day and 15 cents a mile. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00032-00011256-00011993 If you rented a car for 2 days and you drove 237 miles, how much will you be charged? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00033-00012022-00012136 That's what we're going to figure out. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00034-00012215-00013028 Well, our total cost, or our charge, is going to be 2 times $22.50 because you rented it WQ5u8FsH2dY-00035-00013028-00013313 for 2 days and it's $22.50 per day. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00036-00013320-00013770 So obviously 2 times $22.50 will give you the amount WQ5u8FsH2dY-00037-00013806-00014052 that they are going to charge you for the 2 days. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00038-00014096-00014519 Now also, we must add to this, Charlie, the charge for the mileage. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00039-00014543-00014713 Well, how many miles did we drive? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00040-00014713-00014853 >> Charlie: 237. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00041-00014863-00014978 >> Professor Perez: 237. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00042-00014978-00015028 That's right. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00043-00015057-00015299 And each mile costs us how much Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00044-00015351-00015401 >> Charlie: 15 cents. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00045-00015401-00015468 >> Professor Perez: 15 cents. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00046-00015506-00016183 Now, 15 cents as a decimal is 0.15 because it's 15 hundreths, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00047-00016194-00016777 15 hundredths of a dollar is 0.15 and that is what 15 cents is. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00048-00016824-00017110 We have to keep the dollar amounts the same. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00049-00017128-00017612 Notice we have $22.50 which means 22 dollars and 50 cents, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00050-00017620-00017807 The .50 is 50 cents. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00051-00017836-00018343 Therefore the 15 cents must be written as a decimal because that's 15 hundredths. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00052-00018402-00018840 All right, now, Order of Operations says we have to do what first, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00053-00018879-00018937 >> Charlie: Multiplication. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00054-00018941-00019024 >> Professor Perez: Multiplication. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00055-00019049-00019472 2 times $22.50, it's not too bad, is $45, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00056-00019489-00020023 But notice we put $45.00 because we're talking about dollar amounts, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00057-00020071-00020463 $45.00 means 45 dollars exact, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00058-00020569-00021081 Plus, now, 237 times 15 cents gives us how much, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00059-00021142-00021272 >> Charlie: $35.55 WQ5u8FsH2dY-00060-00021272-00021706 >> Professor Perez: $35.55 which is 35 dollars and 55 cents. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00061-00021756-00022000 Notice, both of our decimals are to the nearest hundredths WQ5u8FsH2dY-00062-00022027-00022200 because we're talking about dollars, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00063-00022253-00022705 All right, Charlie, now, what's 45 dollars plus 35 dollars and 55 cents? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00064-00022749-00022892 >> Charlie: 80 dollars and 55 cents. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00065-00022892-00023000 >> Professor Perez: 80 dollars and 55 cents. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00066-00023000-00023106 That's your total amount. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00067-00023174-00023342 That's how much you're going to be charged. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00068-00023389-00023597 All right, Charlie, you got that one. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00069-00023625-00023775 Let's do another one. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00070-00023840-00023943 Here we go, Charlie. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00071-00024069-00024644 Now, Candice, has 5 dollars and 45 cents in quarters and dimes. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00072-00024662-00024735 Don't get scared. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00073-00024789-00025139 She has 5 less dimes than she has quarters. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00074-00025212-00025427 How many quarters and dimes does she have? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00075-00025427-00025559 >> Charlie: I don't know! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00076-00025559-00025759 >> Professor Perez: Well that's what we're going to figure out, Charlie. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00077-00025873-00026045 Anyway, let's move on. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00078-00026098-00026452 Let's let x equal the number of quarters. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00079-00026522-00027191 And since there are 5 less dimes, the number of dimes must be x take away 5 WQ5u8FsH2dY-00080-00027207-00027467 because there's 5 less dimes than there are quarters, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00081-00027517-00028130 All right, now, Charlie, if you had 4 quarters, how much money do you have? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00082-00028130-00028225 >> Charlie: 1 dollar. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00083-00028225-00028917 >> Professor Perez: A dollar because you can think of 25 cents times 4 as 1.00 Watch, WQ5u8FsH2dY-00084-00028944-00029332 so if x represents the number of quarters, WQ5u8FsH2dY-00085-00029332-00030015 then 0.25 25 cents times x represents the amount from the quarters. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00086-00030077-00030491 And now, we have to also add the amount of the dimes. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00087-00030537-00031035 Now, a dime is what decimal, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00088-00031087-00031155 >> Charlie: 0.10 WQ5u8FsH2dY-00089-00031207-00031637 >> Professor Perez: It's 0.10 because a dime is 10 cents of a dollar right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00090-00031693-00032184 It's 10 one hundredths of a dollar which is the 0.10 And now, WQ5u8FsH2dY-00091-00032237-00032416 how many dimes do we have, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00092-00032467-00032535 >> Charlie: x subtract 5. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00093-00032584-00032692 >> Professor Perez: x subtract 5. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00094-00032692-00033318 So, the 0.10 times x subtract 5 represents the amount from the dimes. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00095-00033318-00033817 So what you're seeing here is we're summing the amount from the quarters WQ5u8FsH2dY-00096-00033883-00034071 and the amount from the dimes, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00097-00034104-00034437 Those two amounts, when you add them together, gives you how much, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00098-00034437-00034560 >> Charlie: $5.45 WQ5u8FsH2dY-00099-00034560-00034684 >> Professor Perez: 5 dollars and 45 cents. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00100-00034684-00035001 So it's like here's the quarters over here, here's the dimes, WQ5u8FsH2dY-00101-00035034-00035532 this value plus this value must equal the 5 dollars and 45 cents. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00102-00035582-00035820 All right, now, there's our equation. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00103-00035850-00036252 Okay, so 0.25 times x, what do we have to do here, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00104-00036360-00036503 The distributive property, that's right. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00105-00036567-00037346 0.10 times x is 0.10x, 0.10 times 5 is what, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00106-00037401-00037499 >> Charlie: 0.50 WQ5u8FsH2dY-00107-00037499-00037626 >> Professor Perez: 0.50, that's right. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00108-00037643-00038096 And all of this has to equal 5.45, the 5 dollars and 45 cents. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00109-00038103-00038294 Now, here we go, Charlie. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00110-00038318-00038405 What do we do next? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00111-00038442-00038521 >> Charlie: Combine like terms. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00112-00038546-00038608 >> Professor Perez: That's right. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00113-00038644-00039085 And 0.25x plus 0.10x is how much, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00114-00039085-00039206 >> Charlie: 0.35x WQ5u8FsH2dY-00115-00039206-00039286 >> Professor Perez: Very nice there Charlie! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00116-00039286-00039521 0.35x Bring down our work. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00117-00039607-00039905 And now, what do we do next to solve for x, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00118-00039905-00040053 >> Charlie: Add 0.50 to both sides. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00119-00040094-00040153 >> Professor Perez: That's right. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00120-00040153-00040236 So let's go up there. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00121-00040272-00040687 Let's add 0.50 to both sides, they cancel out there. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00122-00040697-00041120 The left hand side is 0.35x, right hand side is what, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00123-00041120-00041232 >> Charlie: 5.95 WQ5u8FsH2dY-00124-00041309-00041408 >> Professor Perez: Very nice there. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00125-00041408-00041654 Now, what do we do to solve for x? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00126-00041654-00041772 Remember, we want 1 x. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00127-00041865-00042027 >> Charlie: Divide both sides by 0.35 WQ5u8FsH2dY-00128-00042035-00042115 >> Professor Perez: Very nice there! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00129-00042115-00042406 And we get that 1 x equals what, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00130-00042556-00042631 >> Charlie: 17. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00131-00042692-00042743 >> Professor Perez: Very good! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00132-00042743-00042887 That's some good calculator work. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00133-00042887-00042919 All right. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00134-00042961-00043542 So if x equals 17, remember, x minus 5 is what, Charlie? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00135-00043584-00043628 >> Charlie: 12. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00136-00043661-00043701 >> Professor Perez: 12. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00137-00043736-00044272 x represents the number of quarters and x subtract 5 equals the number of dimes, right? WQ5u8FsH2dY-00138-00044306-00044413 So there we have it. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00139-00044413-00044573 17 quarters and 12 dimes. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00140-00044581-00045265 If you take 17 times 0.25 and 12 times 0.10, add those two numbers up, WQ5u8FsH2dY-00141-00045283-00045748 obviously you get 5.45 which is 5 dollars and 45 cents. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00142-00045818-00045946 Very nice there Charlie! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00143-00045970-00046167 Now, those coin problems are tough! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00144-00046194-00046585 It's the first time you saw that, but we're going to do a lot more here in pre-algebra WQ5u8FsH2dY-00145-00046585-00046892 and you're going to do a whole lot more in Beginning Algebra. WQ5u8FsH2dY-00146-00046929-00047061 That's next semester! WQ5u8FsH2dY-00147-00047126-00047316 Anyway, we'll see you all again soon! WQPjMWOWz4Q-00000-00000094-00000459 Sub by SalzburgerSnuser WQPjMWOWz4Q-00001-00000900-00001270 Hello and Welcome to Snusfreak.com or also SnusTV.de WQPjMWOWz4Q-00002-00001332-00001532 Today i have something really special WQPjMWOWz4Q-00003-00001634-00001934 Unluckily this is not avaliable on the EU Market yet, but it will be WQPjMWOWz4Q-00004-00001998-00002378 Today i have here the new... WQPjMWOWz4Q-00005-00002472-00002672 Offroad and not only just Offroad WQPjMWOWz4Q-00006-00002724-00003134 This is a Offroad Snubie Brandy Alexander WQPjMWOWz4Q-00007-00003208-00003374 What is WQPjMWOWz4Q-00008-00003429-00003629 a Brandy Alexander? WQPjMWOWz4Q-00009-00003647-00004034 So i´ve read myself through this. Brandy Alexander seems to be Cacao Liquor.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00010-00004148-00004408 ..Brandy or Gin but i think its rather Gin WQPjMWOWz4Q-00011-00004438-00004780 ..and uh something.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00012-00004832-00005066 ..Creamy.. One moment.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00013-00005066-00005222 This is uhm.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00014-00005322-00005708 This is in fact... no wrong :) WQPjMWOWz4Q-00015-00005730-00005956 Waaaait i need to see my Crib Notes WQPjMWOWz4Q-00016-00005956-00006090 Ah now its gone.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00017-00006184-00006640 Anyways, here we have Cacao Liquor , Brandy and Cream. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00018-00006766-00006854 Sorry, excuse me WQPjMWOWz4Q-00019-00006920-00007318 And Snubie, whos Snubie? I think everyone.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00020-00007352-00007540 ..whos watching my Videos also knows Snubie WQPjMWOWz4Q-00021-00007540-00007684 If you don´t know him.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00022-00007720-00008172 Snubie is the Worlds biggest..... WQPjMWOWz4Q-00023-00008280-00008584 ...yeees Snus Channel on YouTube. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00024-00008598-00008952 For everyone who don´t know Snubie , theres an "i" on the Right Upper Corner WQPjMWOWz4Q-00025-00008972-00010590 ..there you can visit his Channel after this Video or you also could visit his Homepage Snubie.com what is also very interesting. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00026-00010636-00011476 A littel Pre-Information about Snubie and the Brandy Alexander WQPjMWOWz4Q-00027-00011680-00012836 I didn´t know same as Snubie i think, that Brandy Alexander is a Cocktail mixed with Cream, Brandy and Cacao Liquor WQPjMWOWz4Q-00028-00012928-00013128 ...But the Taste... WQPjMWOWz4Q-00029-00013176-00014352 Offroad or better V2 Tobacco released Brandy Alexander back than in 2008 as limited Edition WQPjMWOWz4Q-00030-00014362-00014726 So it was limited only thats why it quickly dissappeared from the Market WQPjMWOWz4Q-00031-00014763-00015310 Snubie started snusing in 2009 WQPjMWOWz4Q-00032-00015326-00015897 And he missed the first Batch of Brandy Alexander WQPjMWOWz4Q-00033-00015926-00017242 ..but then V2 released Nordströmmen LÖS which Snubie fell in Love with WQPjMWOWz4Q-00034-00017558-00018258 He found this so great and celebrated this Snus endless WQPjMWOWz4Q-00035-00018342-00018912 But this sadly was only a Limited Edition aswell WQPjMWOWz4Q-00036-00019138-00020476 And in 2012 V2 Announced if they will reach over 500 Likes on their Facebook Site they´re gonna bring it back WQPjMWOWz4Q-00037-00020508-00020708 ..and uhm.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00038-00020780-00021076 This was uhm... WQPjMWOWz4Q-00039-00021090-00022016 ..and this was 2013´s Thunder Brandy Alexander Version what i also have reviewed.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00040-00022030-00022634 ....it was just ultra strong so it had way more Nicotine than the usual Offroad.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00041-00022710-00022964 And uhm .. I have to read myself a little bit through this.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00042-00023536-00023970 Nevermind ..This Product also got discontinued.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00043-00023980-00024262 In a short Summary we could say.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00044-00024350-00024998 ..the Outlaw Dipper is also well known who created his own dip ( yellloow xD) .. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00045-00025024-00025510 Then Snubie thought i can do that aswell WQPjMWOWz4Q-00046-00025546-00026322 He knew Swedish Match wouldn´t just do something like that with him but.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00047-00026674-00027310 ..he came together with V2.. I don´t know exactly how this Collobaration happened. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00048-00027372-00028562 Anyways V2 told Snubie" You Reviewed the most Products on this Market, you´re the biggest Snus Channel on YouTube..so hey let´s just do something together" WQPjMWOWz4Q-00049-00028582-00029620 And Snubie had the full Control how this Product will show up on the Market, the Design and a lot of other Aspects WQPjMWOWz4Q-00050-00029674-00030716 And he wante´d to have a creative Mix between Brandy Alexander 2009 and Nordströmmen 2012..just well balanced in the Middle WQPjMWOWz4Q-00051-00030750-00031404 And he had his clear Visions how Moist the Portions should be WQPjMWOWz4Q-00052-00031427-00031895 ..they have a Moisture amount about 40-45%.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00053-00031926-00032262 And he also wanted... WQPjMWOWz4Q-00054-00032308-00032912 ..not 18g snus and 20 portions..he wanted 22 Portions with a with 19.8 Gramm total WQPjMWOWz4Q-00055-00032926-00033400 Now we have already revealed how much Snus is in the Can WQPjMWOWz4Q-00056-00033724-00033962 ...uhm..or was it 24 Portions......? WQPjMWOWz4Q-00057-00034054-00034254 Nope its definetly 22 Portions ok WQPjMWOWz4Q-00058-00034272-00035192 And normal Nicotine strenght, thats why he also decided to Release it as Offroad WQPjMWOWz4Q-00059-00035216-00036066 Thunder usually is stronger and Offroad weaker in Nicotine ..Thats why he told them how he wanted his Snus to be WQPjMWOWz4Q-00060-00036228-00036794 And then this Product was born WQPjMWOWz4Q-00061-00036820-00037482 And how the Tin is looking even though i already revealed everything you gonna see now WQPjMWOWz4Q-00062-00037566-00038324 Soo..As you can see this is the Offroad Snubie Brandy Alexander. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00063-00038356-00038862 Here we have a "creamy" looking Background WQPjMWOWz4Q-00064-00038894-00039310 ..its really a cream coloured Background. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00065-00039332-00039548 Then we have...uhm... WQPjMWOWz4Q-00066-00039568-00039664 yep WQPjMWOWz4Q-00067-00039692-00039954 Focusing a little bit.. Then we have.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00068-00040006-00040420 ..the Snubie Logo, Brandy Alexander Portion WQPjMWOWz4Q-00069-00040452-00040868 On the Side it also says "Offroad" WQPjMWOWz4Q-00070-00041018-00041312 Brandy Alexander, Snubie, Offroad WQPjMWOWz4Q-00071-00041418-00041546 The Barcode WQPjMWOWz4Q-00072-00041628-00041980 Warning Label on the Bottom WQPjMWOWz4Q-00073-00041996-00042326 And of course we have a big Catch Lid here.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00074-00042326-00042524 ..how it should be. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00075-00042544-00042872 Then here we have the Portions WQPjMWOWz4Q-00076-00042884-00043248 We have a total Weight of 19.8 Grams here WQPjMWOWz4Q-00077-00043254-00043514 1 Portion weighs 0.9 Gram WQPjMWOWz4Q-00078-00043538-00043796 It´s 22 Portions in total WQPjMWOWz4Q-00079-00043820-00044132 And 8mg/g Nicotine WQPjMWOWz4Q-00080-00044148-00044594 They look a little bit reddish WQPjMWOWz4Q-00081-00044620-00045254 They are filled very well and the Portion Material is really really good WQPjMWOWz4Q-00082-00045282-00045774 Nicely soft and really superb WQPjMWOWz4Q-00083-00045814-00046352 And it´s not too moist you can squeeze it a little bit.. you can see a little bit Moisture coming from the Tobacco WQPjMWOWz4Q-00084-00046402-00047026 Really well made now i am excited how this Stuff smells WQPjMWOWz4Q-00085-00047064-00047680 It´s a really pretty Tin i need to say it´s really a "Eyecatcher" WQPjMWOWz4Q-00086-00047708-00047966 Let´s smell the scent so... WQPjMWOWz4Q-00087-00048076-00048786 ..i´ve also gave it to my Wife so she could smell it and she immediately noticed a Cacao Liquor scent.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00088-00048812-00049200 ..This is Cacao..This is Cacao Liquor ..and thats really how it is WQPjMWOWz4Q-00089-00049376-00049576 And i fell the same you have here.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00090-00049636-00050120 ..the Smell..and thats why i am so suprised about it.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00091-00050252-00051174 ..cause Offroad ain´t the Product Line i would say they are releasing super great Products.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00092-00051196-00051508 This is why this Snus really suprised me and.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00093-00051624-00052150 ..you really can smell the light cacao here.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00094-00052258-00052458 Cacao Liquor WQPjMWOWz4Q-00095-00052610-00053029 I even could say i smell the cream.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00096-00053067-00053591 ..Cream is usally smelling like nothing but here we definetly have a creamy scent WQPjMWOWz4Q-00097-00053612-00053866 Like..Cacao Liquor , creamy WQPjMWOWz4Q-00098-00053982-00054558 With an Shot eventuall of Brandy cause Gin is... WQPjMWOWz4Q-00099-00054798-00055205 ..cause i heard there are different Variants with Gin or Brandy but i would say.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00100-00055298-00055528 hmmm ...hard.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00101-00055798-00056634 In total i would say we have a good Mixture here. You can smell every single Ingredient WQPjMWOWz4Q-00102-00056658-00057458 The Cacao Liquor , the creamynes, the light i assume Brandy? WQPjMWOWz4Q-00103-00057690-00058629 And that all matches Perfect together.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00104-00058817-00059017 ..its astonishingly.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00105-00059128-00059898 Then in the Background you can lightly smell this.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00106-00060229-00060429 ...this.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00107-00060634-00060722 ..this.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00108-00060812-00061426 ..this Offroad typical Tobacco.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00109-00061679-00061817 Yes WQPjMWOWz4Q-00110-00061876-00062076 Ok you have here... WQPjMWOWz4Q-00111-00062191-00062941 ..in Summary . the creamyness, the Cacao liquor..and as i assume the light Brandy? WQPjMWOWz4Q-00112-00062979-00063426 And thats also the same in the Taste Profile WQPjMWOWz4Q-00113-00063466-00063836 Nicotine is more than enough with 8mg you don´t need more WQPjMWOWz4Q-00114-00063858-00064838 You also have this Creamy Cacao liquor Taste ..it really tastes like if i just had drunk a Brandy Alexander. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00115-00064896-00066112 All that is a little bit freaky but in a good Way. When i tried that for the first Time i was Ill and it all had a different Taste.. My Taste Buds really suffered due to the Illness WQPjMWOWz4Q-00116-00066148-00067018 Thats why i have this WOW Effect now.. Its really liquorish , cacaorish and creamy WQPjMWOWz4Q-00117-00067050-00067690 That describes it pretty well.. For me this wouldnt be a all Day Snus. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00118-00067716-00068338 I don´t even think this Snus is meant to be a all Day Snus. ..I think this is a Snus for in Between where you can say "hey let´s enjoy a Brandy Alexander now" WQPjMWOWz4Q-00119-00068366-00068894 It´s a really good Snus for in between...thats why.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00120-00068922-00069380 ..i reccomend you to definitely try this out! WQPjMWOWz4Q-00121-00069430-00069912 And i also recommend to open yourself to that Snus and let the single Components take Effect on you WQPjMWOWz4Q-00122-00069938-00071020 ..and after a Time you put the Portion in you also can Notice something spicy ..and you also can notice the Tobacco after a little Time WQPjMWOWz4Q-00123-00071038-00071988 The Tobacco taste makes this Snus even more exciting .. but you have to give it a little bit to let the Flavour develope WQPjMWOWz4Q-00124-00071988-00072162 ..first it tastes creamy and then you can notice the Tobacco.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00125-00072276-00072582 I definitely give this a reccomendation ..Snubie you did a good Job here.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00126-00072596-00073068 ..even though this wont be my favorite Snus.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00127-00073104-00073580 ..but for in between its really good.. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00128-00073616-00074214 I am really surprised about this... WQPjMWOWz4Q-00129-00074260-00074852 ..i would say high Quality Offroad Product. WQPjMWOWz4Q-00130-00074878-00075078 Thumbs up for that one! WQPjMWOWz4Q-00131-00075088-00075510 This was the Review we definitely see us again to the next one WQPjMWOWz4Q-00132-00075510-00075706 and the next after the next ..and th next after the next after the next.... :D WQPjMWOWz4Q-00133-00075724-00076066 Till then Keep on Snusing my Friends and Bye.. WTyez0qXS6c-00000-00001400-00001792 Welcome back! Let's track brownie at the application level, in which we follow WTyez0qXS6c-00001-00001792-00002296 the development of a project that's using brownie critically from beginning to end. WTyez0qXS6c-00002-00002736-00003256 Welcome to our CRVFunder series. You probably know that the Curve DAO can direct emissions to WTyez0qXS6c-00003-00003256-00003808 any pool that it likes, but it turns out it can actually direct funds to anything it likes. So WTyez0qXS6c-00004-00003808-00004232 several members of the community had the brilliant idea of building a crowd funding site that can WTyez0qXS6c-00005-00004232-00004752 earn $CRV emissions as voted on by the Curve DAO. A bunch of Curve heavy hitters are helping to WTyez0qXS6c-00006-00004752-00005256 build this, and of course they're using Brownie, so I wanted to walk through how you can actually WTyez0qXS6c-00007-00005256-00005736 use Brownie in an application level. Now none of this is an endorsement of this project, ultimately WTyez0qXS6c-00008-00005736-00006152 it's going to be put up for a DAO vote, the DAO can do what it wants with it. But it's a pretty WTyez0qXS6c-00009-00006152-00006680 interesting concept. It's called CRVFunder, and we're going to be tracking periodically. WTyez0qXS6c-00010-00006680-00007208 The important thing with an application is how are you going to work with a team. You have a great WTyez0qXS6c-00011-00007208-00007656 team of heavy hitters, as I mentioned, here. How can everyone collaborate in Github? We've WTyez0qXS6c-00012-00007656-00008368 previously been using Github entirely on our own, so looking at this recent commit within CRVFunder, WTyez0qXS6c-00013-00008464-00008840 you might have noticed on several more advanced levels of Github, WTyez0qXS6c-00014-00008840-00009104 once commits are made and pushed and pull requests are opened, WTyez0qXS6c-00015-00009232-00009768 it adds some nice checks. It's going to go through several different checks to make sure that the WTyez0qXS6c-00016-00009768-00010288 commit passes, running different actions, in some cases connecting Brownie tests, to make sure that WTyez0qXS6c-00017-00010456-00010912 all the Brownie tests are able to run and execute before you commit something. WTyez0qXS6c-00018-00010912-00011384 It's a very useful way to integrate Brownie's testing capabilities and make sure that you're WTyez0qXS6c-00019-00011384-00011744 actually doing good commits that don't break the work of any test environment. WTyez0qXS6c-00020-00011744-00012424 Well fortunately, Brownie makes this, as always, very very easy. In a previous lesson we looked at WTyez0qXS6c-00021-00012424-00013096 Brownie mixes. We use this to, for example bake a basic Brownie token. One of the mixes that exists WTyez0qXS6c-00022-00013096-00013591 is called "Github Actions." This is a great place to start and create a collaborative environment. WTyez0qXS6c-00023-00013719-00014328 In this case, the Github Actions Mix contains a number of things, including some linting checks. WTyez0qXS6c-00024-00014328-00014728 Linting tools are tools that will look over your code and make sure that it looks nice and passes WTyez0qXS6c-00025-00014728-00015336 all the coding standards that you put into it. In this case, this is using black flake8 and isort, WTyez0qXS6c-00026-00015336-00015976 three important linters that are commonly used. The pre-commit for the linting hooks means that WTyez0qXS6c-00027-00015976-00016464 before you can publish this, it's going to run the linting checks and if there's any issues with it. WTyez0qXS6c-00028-00016464-00016832 It's going to flag an error, or in some cases not be able to publish it. WTyez0qXS6c-00029-00016936-00017448 As mentioned, brownie makes it very easy to get going if you'd like to start WTyez0qXS6c-00030-00017448-00017880 your repository using Github Actions, simply "brownie bake github-actions." WTyez0qXS6c-00031-00018264-00018952 It's going to download the repository, and it's going to create the github actions repository. WTyez0qXS6c-00032-00018952-00019456 You can rename this as you like. Within it, there's a number of important scripts, WTyez0qXS6c-00033-00019456-00020040 and one important one is actually hidden. It's the pre-commit config.yml. This is one of the configs WTyez0qXS6c-00034-00020040-00020632 that github looks for when you're making a commit, and you can see within this is the logic requiring WTyez0qXS6c-00035-00020632-00021184 some pre-commit hooks such as running black, running flake8, and running isort. WTyez0qXS6c-00036-00021392-00022000 When we look at how CRVFunder is managing it, it's only a few commits in, but they have WTyez0qXS6c-00037-00022112-00022768 established their pre-commit and within, for example, some of these tools. Black WTyez0qXS6c-00038-00022768-00023224 has a few different hooks, like checking the white space, checking the end of file fixer. WTyez0qXS6c-00039-00023440-00023584 But mostly, it's the exact same. WTyez0qXS6c-00040-00023920-00024480 So again, if you are establishing a new project in which you can be working from WTyez0qXS6c-00041-00024480-00024992 scratch with a number of people, it's a really good idea to start from the github WTyez0qXS6c-00042-00024992-00025496 actions commit... the github-actions mix. If you're using the github actions mix, you're WTyez0qXS6c-00043-00025496-00025904 going to have a great framework in which you can work collaboratively. In the next unit we're WTyez0qXS6c-00044-00025904-00026783 going to look at some of the interesting ways that the new CRVFunder is using brownie tests. WYYsMZm0bKA-00000-00000009-00000200 Hi, I'm Nassim Majidi. I'm the WYYsMZm0bKA-00001-00000200-00000360 co-founder of Samuel Hall and WYYsMZm0bKA-00002-00000360-00000394 affiliated researcher at WYYsMZm0bKA-00003-00000394-00000540 Sciences Po Paris. WYYsMZm0bKA-00004-00000594-00000732 Migration has been the biggest WYYsMZm0bKA-00005-00000747-00001146 chance of my life and I think the happy end of a very WYYsMZm0bKA-00006-00001146-00001302 difficult journey for my WYYsMZm0bKA-00007-00001302-00001458 parents and my family leaving WYYsMZm0bKA-00008-00001458-00001581 Iran when I was a child. WYYsMZm0bKA-00009-00001594-00001755 I only got to see the positives WYYsMZm0bKA-00010-00001755-00001896 of it: growing up in France, WYYsMZm0bKA-00011-00001896-00002004 studying in the US, WYYsMZm0bKA-00012-00002052-00002238 now working in Afghanistan WYYsMZm0bKA-00013-00002265-00002315 and Kenya. WYYsMZm0bKA-00014-00002352-00002535 I've dedicated WYYsMZm0bKA-00015-00002535-00002724 my life to WYYsMZm0bKA-00016-00002724-00002841 studying what happens in WYYsMZm0bKA-00017-00002841-00003003 countries of origin and WYYsMZm0bKA-00018-00003003-00003109 countries of return. WYYsMZm0bKA-00019-00003109-00003290 So much attention is here in WYYsMZm0bKA-00020-00003290-00003492 Europe, I'm more interested to WYYsMZm0bKA-00021-00003501-00003651 tell the stories of the people WYYsMZm0bKA-00022-00003651-00003846 who are from the countries you WYYsMZm0bKA-00023-00003846-00003947 hear about in the news: WYYsMZm0bKA-00024-00003999-00004104 Afghanistan, Somalia, WYYsMZm0bKA-00025-00004216-00004328 Eritrea, WYYsMZm0bKA-00026-00004351-00005019 Ethiopia, Iran, Pakistan. WYYsMZm0bKA-00027-00005087-00005148 That's a tricky one! 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BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00075-00013960-00014160 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00076-00014160-00014360 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00077-00014360-00014560 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00078-00014560-00014760 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00079-00014760-00014960 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00080-00014960-00015160 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00081-00015160-00015360 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00082-00015360-00015560 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00083-00015560-00015760 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00084-00015760-00015960 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00085-00015960-00016160 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00086-00016160-00016360 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00087-00016360-00016560 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00088-00016560-00016760 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - BKCV Wa4fzVMUx1k-00089-00016760-00016960 Best Kids Cartoon Videos - 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BKCV Wb1N5wnbNcc-00000-00000901-00001853 hello everyone welcome back this is me the ADI PAMUNGKAS in this video we're gonna make Wb1N5wnbNcc-00001-00001869-00003323 it and playing among us this is a very horrible i don't like This. Wb1N5wnbNcc-00002-00003339-00003929 hello everyone Wb1N5wnbNcc-00003-00003939-00003989 hello everyone Wb1N5wnbNcc-00004-00005490-00005540 come on Wb1N5wnbNcc-00005-00005540-00005843 come Wb1N5wnbNcc-00006-00007895-00008020 three two one go let's go i'm crewmate man i'm crewmate Wb1N5wnbNcc-00007-00009392-00010350 alright let's move let's moving haha Wb1N5wnbNcc-00008-00010550-00010737 Dead boy reported who is the impostod?? Wb1N5wnbNcc-00009-00012188-00014554 come on come on Wb1N5wnbNcc-00010-00014554-00014654 come on Wb1N5wnbNcc-00011-00014654-00017412 these are there or rents yes or rents Wb1N5wnbNcc-00012-00017412-00018156 Cj devil was not impostor what the hell Wb1N5wnbNcc-00013-00018156-00019532 i'm wrong i'm sorry come on come on mission no no no no this is impostor i'm scared no Wb1N5wnbNcc-00014-00019532-00020949 no no no this is impostor Wb1N5wnbNcc-00015-00020949-00022187 green green none really green this is impostor Wb1N5wnbNcc-00016-00022187-00023169 yes this is impostor oh no no oh my god i'm defeated.. Wci3wnfr1mg-00000-00001264-00001524 yum yum yum yum Wci3wnfr1mg-00001-00001660-00001932 yum yum yum yum yum Wci3wnfr1mg-00002-00005068-00005212 Coffe, yum yum Wci3wnfr1mg-00003-00005228-00005480 Salami, yuck! Wci3wnfr1mg-00004-00006476-00006628 Hey, it's dangerous out here Wci3wnfr1mg-00005-00006644-00006723 What's dangerous? Wci3wnfr1mg-00006-00006740-00007184 There's a slope right there and you can fall down to the water... Wci3wnfr1mg-00007-00009084-00009396 I'm the author of this report Wci3wnfr1mg-00008-00012440-00012716 This is not MY mess Wci3wnfr1mg-00009-00012868-00013163 I'm taking the upper bed! Wci3wnfr1mg-00010-00013196-00013456 ..it's the best Wci3wnfr1mg-00011-00013484-00013772 Marek's jalapeno pepper Wci3wnfr1mg-00012-00014772-00015060 A shining loaf of bread Wci3wnfr1mg-00013-00015360-00015636 This is not my mess Wci3wnfr1mg-00014-00015672-00015963 Maybe we'd better not... Wci3wnfr1mg-00015-00017452-00017748 Lipstick all over my face Wci3wnfr1mg-00016-00017764-00017996 Arrghhhr Wci3wnfr1mg-00017-00018192-00018520 They won't let me wear this headband Wci3wnfr1mg-00018-00018536-00018788 Unshaven face Wci3wnfr1mg-00019-00019040-00019332 Marek...Kmicic's stubble Wci3wnfr1mg-00020-00019556-00019824 Haha, are you filming us shopping? Wci3wnfr1mg-00021-00019840-00020096 Really, honey? Wci3wnfr1mg-00022-00020736-00020984 Banana booze Wci3wnfr1mg-00023-00021020-00021332 Kmicic's stubble (once again) Wci3wnfr1mg-00024-00024268-00024416 Come. Come to me. Wci3wnfr1mg-00025-00024432-00024688 Hi, darling little face. Wci3wnfr1mg-00026-00024704-00024988 Ohh. Hello sweetheart! Wci3wnfr1mg-00027-00025052-00025288 Did this dog get lost? Wci3wnfr1mg-00028-00025304-00025584 How about now, Marek? Wci3wnfr1mg-00029-00026112-00026352 90,2 Lohro Wci3wnfr1mg-00030-00026880-00027208 A moment ago I filmed a dog. I thought it was lost... Wci3wnfr1mg-00031-00027224-00027427 As ever... Wci3wnfr1mg-00032-00027444-00027660 Wow Wci3wnfr1mg-00033-00027844-00028068 Come! Wci3wnfr1mg-00034-00029664-00029904 High five! Wci3wnfr1mg-00035-00030316-00030600 All right, we're going Wci3wnfr1mg-00036-00066632-00066820 Listen guys... Wci3wnfr1mg-00037-00066836-00067080 I have a... Wci3wnfr1mg-00038-00067248-00067448 message for you Wci3wnfr1mg-00039-00067464-00067704 ...from me Wci3wnfr1mg-00040-00067820-00068096 ...a private message Wci3wnfr1mg-00041-00068428-00068708 ...IT'S GONNA BE GOOD WcMgzExaX_M-00000-00000071-00000312 Thank you for watching candlestick trading video WcMgzExaX_M-00001-00000312-00000554 Some common candlestick patterns WcMgzExaX_M-00002-00000554-00000943 Candlestick patterns are commonly used for technical trading. WcMgzExaX_M-00003-00000943-00001689 Since 18th century candlesticks are being used by Japanese, which in the 19th century WcMgzExaX_M-00004-00001689-00001909 was discovered by others. WcMgzExaX_M-00005-00001909-00002522 The high accuracy of the predictions given through candlesticks is the reason behind WcMgzExaX_M-00006-00002522-00002649 its popularity. WcMgzExaX_M-00007-00002649-00003194 Here are some common candlesticks pattern that are seen in the graphs. WcMgzExaX_M-00008-00003194-00003710 Falling Three Methods This is a bearish continuation pattern. WcMgzExaX_M-00009-00003710-00004385 A long black body is followed by three small body days, each fully contained within the WcMgzExaX_M-00010-00004385-00004726 range of the high and low of the first day. WcMgzExaX_M-00011-00004726-00005103 The fifth day closes at a new low. WcMgzExaX_M-00012-00005103-00005707 Downside Tasuki Gap It is a continuation pattern with a long, WcMgzExaX_M-00013-00005707-00006468 black body followed by another black body that has gapped below the first one. WcMgzExaX_M-00014-00006468-00007106 The third day is white and opens within the body of the second day, then closes in the WcMgzExaX_M-00015-00007106-00007770 gap between the first two days, but does not close the gap. WcMgzExaX_M-00016-00007770-00008217 Inverted Hammer This is a one day bullish reversal pattern. WcMgzExaX_M-00017-00008217-00009003 In a downtrend, the open is lower, then it trades higher, but closes near its open, therefore WcMgzExaX_M-00018-00009003-00009546 looking like an inverted lollipop. WcMgzExaX_M-00019-00009546-00009999 Long Day A long day represents a large price move from WcMgzExaX_M-00020-00009999-00010540 open to close, where the length of the candle body is long. WcMgzExaX_M-00021-00010540-00010927 Harami Harami is a two day pattern that has a small WcMgzExaX_M-00022-00010927-00011467 body day completely contained within the range of the previous body. WcMgzExaX_M-00023-00011467-00011849 The bodies are the opposite in color. WcMgzExaX_M-00024-00011849-00012249 Harami Cross Harami cross is a two day pattern similar WcMgzExaX_M-00025-00012249-00012409 to the Harami. WcMgzExaX_M-00026-00012409-00012841 The difference is that the last day is a Doji. WcMgzExaX_M-00027-00012841-00013247 Inverted Hammer This is a one day bullish reversal pattern. WcMgzExaX_M-00028-00013247-00014041 In a downtrend, the open is lower, and then it trades higher, but closes near its open, WcMgzExaX_M-00029-00014041-00014307 therefore looking like an inverted lollipop. WcMgzExaX_M-00030-00014307-00014844 Long Day A long day represents a large price move from WcMgzExaX_M-00031-00014844-00015436 open to close, where the length of the candle body is long.Thank you Wepi1oYdTlc-00000-00000010-00000083 YOUR SPORTS. Wepi1oYdTlc-00001-00000083-00000090 YOUR SPORTS. Wepi1oYdTlc-00002-00000090-00000243 YOUR SPORTS. >>> HI, EVERYONE. Wepi1oYdTlc-00003-00000243-00000250 YOUR SPORTS. >>> HI, EVERYONE. Wepi1oYdTlc-00004-00000250-00000497 YOUR SPORTS. >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. Wepi1oYdTlc-00005-00000497-00000503 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. Wepi1oYdTlc-00006-00000503-00000567 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. >>> HIGHWAY 371 COULD ONE DAY Wepi1oYdTlc-00007-00000567-00000573 THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. >>> HIGHWAY 371 COULD ONE DAY Wepi1oYdTlc-00008-00000573-00000717 THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. >>> HIGHWAY 371 COULD ONE DAY CHANGE TO A FOUR LANE HIGHWAY Wepi1oYdTlc-00009-00000717-00000724 >>> HIGHWAY 371 COULD ONE DAY CHANGE TO A FOUR LANE HIGHWAY Wepi1oYdTlc-00010-00000724-00000787 >>> HIGHWAY 371 COULD ONE DAY CHANGE TO A FOUR LANE HIGHWAY ALL THE WAY FROM BRAINERD TO Wepi1oYdTlc-00011-00000787-00000794 CHANGE TO A FOUR LANE HIGHWAY ALL THE WAY FROM BRAINERD TO Wepi1oYdTlc-00012-00000794-00001117 CHANGE TO A FOUR LANE HIGHWAY ALL THE WAY FROM BRAINERD TO CASS LAKE. Wepi1oYdTlc-00013-00001117-00001124 ALL THE WAY FROM BRAINERD TO CASS LAKE. Wepi1oYdTlc-00014-00001124-00001184 ALL THE WAY FROM BRAINERD TO CASS LAKE. CURRENTLY IT FOUR LANES FROM Wepi1oYdTlc-00015-00001184-00001191 CASS LAKE. CURRENTLY IT FOUR LANES FROM Wepi1oYdTlc-00016-00001191-00001448 CASS LAKE. CURRENTLY IT FOUR LANES FROM BRAINERD TO JENKINS BUT TODAY Wepi1oYdTlc-00017-00001448-00001454 CURRENTLY IT FOUR LANES FROM BRAINERD TO JENKINS BUT TODAY Wepi1oYdTlc-00018-00001454-00001511 CURRENTLY IT FOUR LANES FROM BRAINERD TO JENKINS BUT TODAY THE HOUSE TRANSPORTATION Wepi1oYdTlc-00019-00001511-00001518 BRAINERD TO JENKINS BUT TODAY THE HOUSE TRANSPORTATION Wepi1oYdTlc-00020-00001518-00001631 BRAINERD TO JENKINS BUT TODAY THE HOUSE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE LISTENED TO A STUDY OF Wepi1oYdTlc-00021-00001631-00001638 THE HOUSE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE LISTENED TO A STUDY OF Wepi1oYdTlc-00022-00001638-00001694 THE HOUSE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE LISTENED TO A STUDY OF OPTIONS REGARDING FURTHER Wepi1oYdTlc-00023-00001694-00001701 COMMITTEE LISTENED TO A STUDY OF OPTIONS REGARDING FURTHER Wepi1oYdTlc-00024-00001701-00002035 COMMITTEE LISTENED TO A STUDY OF OPTIONS REGARDING FURTHER EXPANSION OF THE HIGHWAY. Wepi1oYdTlc-00025-00002035-00002042 OPTIONS REGARDING FURTHER EXPANSION OF THE HIGHWAY. Wepi1oYdTlc-00026-00002042-00002188 OPTIONS REGARDING FURTHER EXPANSION OF THE HIGHWAY. THE PROPOSAL BEING STUDIED WOULD Wepi1oYdTlc-00027-00002188-00002195 EXPANSION OF THE HIGHWAY. THE PROPOSAL BEING STUDIED WOULD Wepi1oYdTlc-00028-00002195-00002258 EXPANSION OF THE HIGHWAY. THE PROPOSAL BEING STUDIED WOULD CONTINUE THE EXPANSION OF THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00029-00002258-00002265 THE PROPOSAL BEING STUDIED WOULD CONTINUE THE EXPANSION OF THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00030-00002265-00002399 THE PROPOSAL BEING STUDIED WOULD CONTINUE THE EXPANSION OF THE FOUR-LANE PAUL BUNYAN EXPRESSWAY Wepi1oYdTlc-00031-00002399-00002405 CONTINUE THE EXPANSION OF THE FOUR-LANE PAUL BUNYAN EXPRESSWAY Wepi1oYdTlc-00032-00002405-00002562 CONTINUE THE EXPANSION OF THE FOUR-LANE PAUL BUNYAN EXPRESSWAY FROM JENKINS TO CASS LAKE. Wepi1oYdTlc-00033-00002562-00002569 FOUR-LANE PAUL BUNYAN EXPRESSWAY FROM JENKINS TO CASS LAKE. Wepi1oYdTlc-00034-00002569-00002716 FOUR-LANE PAUL BUNYAN EXPRESSWAY FROM JENKINS TO CASS LAKE. THE HOUSE TRANSPORTATION Wepi1oYdTlc-00035-00002716-00002722 FROM JENKINS TO CASS LAKE. THE HOUSE TRANSPORTATION Wepi1oYdTlc-00036-00002722-00002876 FROM JENKINS TO CASS LAKE. THE HOUSE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE HEARD TESTIMONY FROM Wepi1oYdTlc-00037-00002876-00002882 THE HOUSE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE HEARD TESTIMONY FROM Wepi1oYdTlc-00038-00002882-00002999 THE HOUSE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE HEARD TESTIMONY FROM BOTH THOSE FOR AND AGAINST THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00039-00002999-00003006 COMMITTEE HEARD TESTIMONY FROM BOTH THOSE FOR AND AGAINST THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00040-00003006-00003276 COMMITTEE HEARD TESTIMONY FROM BOTH THOSE FOR AND AGAINST THE EXPANSION. Wepi1oYdTlc-00041-00003276-00003283 BOTH THOSE FOR AND AGAINST THE EXPANSION. Wepi1oYdTlc-00042-00003283-00003403 BOTH THOSE FOR AND AGAINST THE EXPANSION. REPRESENTATIVE MATT BLISS SAYS Wepi1oYdTlc-00043-00003403-00003410 EXPANSION. REPRESENTATIVE MATT BLISS SAYS Wepi1oYdTlc-00044-00003410-00003516 EXPANSION. REPRESENTATIVE MATT BLISS SAYS IT'S A STUDY THAT INCLUDES Wepi1oYdTlc-00045-00003516-00003523 REPRESENTATIVE MATT BLISS SAYS IT'S A STUDY THAT INCLUDES Wepi1oYdTlc-00046-00003523-00003593 REPRESENTATIVE MATT BLISS SAYS IT'S A STUDY THAT INCLUDES MORE THAN JUST EXPANSION OF THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00047-00003593-00003600 IT'S A STUDY THAT INCLUDES MORE THAN JUST EXPANSION OF THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00048-00003600-00003993 IT'S A STUDY THAT INCLUDES MORE THAN JUST EXPANSION OF THE HIGHWAY. Wepi1oYdTlc-00049-00003993-00004000 MORE THAN JUST EXPANSION OF THE HIGHWAY. Wepi1oYdTlc-00050-00004000-00004154 MORE THAN JUST EXPANSION OF THE HIGHWAY. >> NOT NECESSARILY STUDYING JUST Wepi1oYdTlc-00051-00004154-00004160 HIGHWAY. >> NOT NECESSARILY STUDYING JUST Wepi1oYdTlc-00052-00004160-00004324 HIGHWAY. >> NOT NECESSARILY STUDYING JUST THE FOUR-LANE EXPANSION, AND I Wepi1oYdTlc-00053-00004324-00004330 >> NOT NECESSARILY STUDYING JUST THE FOUR-LANE EXPANSION, AND I Wepi1oYdTlc-00054-00004330-00004541 >> NOT NECESSARILY STUDYING JUST THE FOUR-LANE EXPANSION, AND I WANT ALL OPTIONS LOOKED AT. Wepi1oYdTlc-00055-00004541-00004547 THE FOUR-LANE EXPANSION, AND I WANT ALL OPTIONS LOOKED AT. Wepi1oYdTlc-00056-00004547-00004741 THE FOUR-LANE EXPANSION, AND I WANT ALL OPTIONS LOOKED AT. ALSO I HAVE ADDED AN AMENDMENT Wepi1oYdTlc-00057-00004741-00004748 WANT ALL OPTIONS LOOKED AT. ALSO I HAVE ADDED AN AMENDMENT Wepi1oYdTlc-00058-00004748-00005024 WANT ALL OPTIONS LOOKED AT. ALSO I HAVE ADDED AN AMENDMENT THAT WILL DO AN ECONOMIC AND Wepi1oYdTlc-00059-00005024-00005031 ALSO I HAVE ADDED AN AMENDMENT THAT WILL DO AN ECONOMIC AND Wepi1oYdTlc-00060-00005031-00005185 ALSO I HAVE ADDED AN AMENDMENT THAT WILL DO AN ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY, SO Wepi1oYdTlc-00061-00005185-00005191 THAT WILL DO AN ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY, SO Wepi1oYdTlc-00062-00005191-00005361 THAT WILL DO AN ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY, SO THAT'S KIND OF ADDRESSING SOME Wepi1oYdTlc-00063-00005361-00005368 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY, SO THAT'S KIND OF ADDRESSING SOME Wepi1oYdTlc-00064-00005368-00005642 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY, SO THAT'S KIND OF ADDRESSING SOME OF THE CONCERNS THAT I HEARD Wepi1oYdTlc-00065-00005642-00005648 THAT'S KIND OF ADDRESSING SOME OF THE CONCERNS THAT I HEARD Wepi1oYdTlc-00066-00005648-00005995 THAT'S KIND OF ADDRESSING SOME OF THE CONCERNS THAT I HEARD FROM THE IMPACTED PARTIES. Wepi1oYdTlc-00067-00005995-00006002 OF THE CONCERNS THAT I HEARD FROM THE IMPACTED PARTIES. Wepi1oYdTlc-00068-00006002-00006252 OF THE CONCERNS THAT I HEARD FROM THE IMPACTED PARTIES. IT IS A PASSIONATE ISSUE ON BOTH Wepi1oYdTlc-00069-00006252-00006259 FROM THE IMPACTED PARTIES. IT IS A PASSIONATE ISSUE ON BOTH Wepi1oYdTlc-00070-00006259-00006429 FROM THE IMPACTED PARTIES. IT IS A PASSIONATE ISSUE ON BOTH SIDES, AND THIS BILL WAS MEANT Wepi1oYdTlc-00071-00006429-00006436 IT IS A PASSIONATE ISSUE ON BOTH SIDES, AND THIS BILL WAS MEANT Wepi1oYdTlc-00072-00006436-00006573 IT IS A PASSIONATE ISSUE ON BOTH SIDES, AND THIS BILL WAS MEANT TO BE A VEHICLE FOR DISCUSSIONS, Wepi1oYdTlc-00073-00006573-00006579 SIDES, AND THIS BILL WAS MEANT TO BE A VEHICLE FOR DISCUSSIONS, Wepi1oYdTlc-00074-00006579-00006783 SIDES, AND THIS BILL WAS MEANT TO BE A VEHICLE FOR DISCUSSIONS, A BASE FOR STARTING POINT FOR Wepi1oYdTlc-00075-00006783-00006790 TO BE A VEHICLE FOR DISCUSSIONS, A BASE FOR STARTING POINT FOR Wepi1oYdTlc-00076-00006790-00007147 TO BE A VEHICLE FOR DISCUSSIONS, A BASE FOR STARTING POINT FOR DISCUSSIONS, AND SO PRIOR TO ANY Wepi1oYdTlc-00077-00007147-00007153 A BASE FOR STARTING POINT FOR DISCUSSIONS, AND SO PRIOR TO ANY Wepi1oYdTlc-00078-00007153-00007280 A BASE FOR STARTING POINT FOR DISCUSSIONS, AND SO PRIOR TO ANY GROUND BEING BROKE OR SHOVELS Wepi1oYdTlc-00079-00007280-00007287 DISCUSSIONS, AND SO PRIOR TO ANY GROUND BEING BROKE OR SHOVELS Wepi1oYdTlc-00080-00007287-00007460 DISCUSSIONS, AND SO PRIOR TO ANY GROUND BEING BROKE OR SHOVELS BEING PUT INTO DIRT, WE WOULD Wepi1oYdTlc-00081-00007460-00007467 GROUND BEING BROKE OR SHOVELS BEING PUT INTO DIRT, WE WOULD Wepi1oYdTlc-00082-00007467-00007604 GROUND BEING BROKE OR SHOVELS BEING PUT INTO DIRT, WE WOULD HAVE ALL INTERESTED PARTIES SIT Wepi1oYdTlc-00083-00007604-00007610 BEING PUT INTO DIRT, WE WOULD HAVE ALL INTERESTED PARTIES SIT Wepi1oYdTlc-00084-00007610-00007781 BEING PUT INTO DIRT, WE WOULD HAVE ALL INTERESTED PARTIES SIT AT A TABLE AND DISCUSS ALL THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00085-00007781-00007787 HAVE ALL INTERESTED PARTIES SIT AT A TABLE AND DISCUSS ALL THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00086-00007787-00008007 HAVE ALL INTERESTED PARTIES SIT AT A TABLE AND DISCUSS ALL THE OPTIONS AND LOOK AT THE PLAN. Wepi1oYdTlc-00087-00008007-00008014 AT A TABLE AND DISCUSS ALL THE OPTIONS AND LOOK AT THE PLAN. Wepi1oYdTlc-00088-00008014-00008084 AT A TABLE AND DISCUSS ALL THE OPTIONS AND LOOK AT THE PLAN. THE HIGHWAY 371 BILL PASSED THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00089-00008084-00008091 OPTIONS AND LOOK AT THE PLAN. THE HIGHWAY 371 BILL PASSED THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00090-00008091-00008148 OPTIONS AND LOOK AT THE PLAN. THE HIGHWAY 371 BILL PASSED THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Wepi1oYdTlc-00091-00008148-00008154 THE HIGHWAY 371 BILL PASSED THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Wepi1oYdTlc-00092-00008154-00008221 THE HIGHWAY 371 BILL PASSED THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE HEARING AND NOW MOVES ON TO THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00093-00008221-00008228 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE HEARING AND NOW MOVES ON TO THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00094-00008228-00008471 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE HEARING AND NOW MOVES ON TO THE HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Wepi1oYdTlc-00095-00008471-00008478 HEARING AND NOW MOVES ON TO THE HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Wepi1oYdTlc-00096-00008478-00008545 HEARING AND NOW MOVES ON TO THE HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE. OUR JOSH PETERSON WILL HAVE MORE Wepi1oYdTlc-00097-00008545-00008551 HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE. OUR JOSH PETERSON WILL HAVE MORE Wepi1oYdTlc-00098-00008551-00008698 HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE. OUR JOSH PETERSON WILL HAVE MORE FROM THE STATE CAPITAL AS HE Wepi1oYdTlc-00099-00008698-00008705 OUR JOSH PETERSON WILL HAVE MORE FROM THE STATE CAPITAL AS HE Wepi1oYdTlc-00100-00008705-00008838 OUR JOSH PETERSON WILL HAVE MORE FROM THE STATE CAPITAL AS HE RECAPS BEMIDJI DAY AT THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00101-00008838-00008845 FROM THE STATE CAPITAL AS HE RECAPS BEMIDJI DAY AT THE Wepi1oYdTlc-00102-00008845-00008942 FROM THE STATE CAPITAL AS HE RECAPS BEMIDJI DAY AT THE CAPITAL TOMORROW NIGHT RIGHT Wfxc2NjJFc8-00000-00000026-00000328 We have this great multidisciplinary breast cancer clinic Wfxc2NjJFc8-00001-00000340-00000582 for patients who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Wfxc2NjJFc8-00002-00000582-00001234 We meet as a team of specialists, including Surgery, Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Wfxc2NjJFc8-00003-00001234-00001470 Pathology, Plastic surgery, Genetics. Wfxc2NjJFc8-00004-00001470-00001818 We discuss their case, we meet with the patient, we meet with the patient's whole family, Wfxc2NjJFc8-00005-00001844-00002306 answer everyone's questions, and we have the opportunity to bring all of the doctors together Wfxc2NjJFc8-00006-00002318-00002446 or one at a time. Wfxc2NjJFc8-00007-00002446-00002676 And that really provides a great benefit to the patient. Wfxc2NjJFc8-00008-00002678-00003250 So, the breast cancer clinic increases the speed from detection to treatment, to cure Wfxc2NjJFc8-00009-00003250-00003696 by making sure that all of the steps are planned out from the beginning... Wfxc2NjJFc8-00010-00003718-00004158 rather than the patient meeting with each specialist and then getting referred to the next specialist Wfxc2NjJFc8-00011-00004170-00004312 and referred to the next specialist. Wfxc2NjJFc8-00012-00004312-00004488 We don't drop people through the cracks. Wfxc2NjJFc8-00013-00004488-00004964 We don't have patients who are waiting a month, two months, three months, and we're able to Wfxc2NjJFc8-00014-00004964-00005290 get the patients into the operating room from the time of the clinic Wfxc2NjJFc8-00015-00005306-00005734 to the time of the OR in an average of five to seven days. Wfxc2NjJFc8-00016-00005734-00006063 We provide the best care in the world, bar none. Wfxc2NjJFc8-00017-00006064-00006459 And we have really great teams that work hard to make that happen, Wfxc2NjJFc8-00018-00006470-00006864 and we get to provide care the way it's meant to be provided. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00000-00001676-00001824 - Alright, thank you so much. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00001-00001824-00002208 So, hi, like she said, I'm Carly Ho. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00002-00002208-00002595 I'm a full stack engineer at Clique Studios Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00003-00002595-00002793 and I'm here today to talk to you Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00004-00002793-00003093 about name validation in technology. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00005-00003302-00003457 So let's talk about names. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00006-00003457-00003659 So pretty much the first thing that I told all of you Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00007-00003659-00003902 when I got up here was tell you my name. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00008-00003902-00004180 Names are generally one of the first things that we ask for Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00009-00004180-00004383 and one of the first things that we offer in conversation Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00010-00004383-00004591 as part of getting to know someone. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00011-00004591-00004882 So we talk about names all the time. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00012-00004882-00005078 Names are also a really personal thing. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00013-00005078-00005309 It's one thing to, say dislike or have issues Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00014-00005309-00005559 with your own name for your own reasons, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00015-00005559-00005863 but having someone else mangle can range Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00016-00005863-00006094 from annoying to genuinely hurtful. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00017-00006094-00006300 So it's important to think about how we validate names Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00018-00006300-00006691 as we work to create more inclusive technology. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00019-00006917-00007391 So names are obviously really important information. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00020-00007391-00007622 However, names can take a lot of different forms Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00021-00007622-00007832 and it's hard to account for all of them. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00022-00007832-00008017 If we want to build validation into our forms, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00023-00008017-00008238 how do we validate names so that we can include everyone, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00024-00008238-00008330 and can we? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00025-00008589-00008837 So let's talk about what is a name Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00026-00008837-00009137 and how do we define what a name is. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00027-00009257-00009426 So what are some things Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00028-00009426-00009720 that we tend to assume about names Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00029-00009720-00009995 or things that we've seen, like say web forms, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00030-00009995-00010323 assume about how a name should be formatted? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00031-00010323-00010517 So some things that I've seen, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00032-00010517-00010796 everyone has one first name and one last name. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00033-00010796-00010930 That's pretty common. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00034-00010930-00011397 You generally see first name fields and last name fields. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00035-00011397-00011582 Let's see, sometimes I see a name Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00036-00011582-00011884 has a minimum of three characters. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00037-00011884-00012146 You may recall seeing my name on that second slide Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00038-00012146-00012371 and why that might be annoying to me personally. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00039-00012371-00012579 (laughs) Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00040-00012744-00013002 Other assumptions, the given name comes first Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00041-00013002-00013226 and the family name comes last, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00042-00013226-00013440 names are composed of letters, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00043-00013440-00013687 names are composed of letters from the Latin alphabet Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00044-00013687-00013850 or can losslessly translated into letters Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00045-00013850-00014070 from the Latin alphabet, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00046-00014070-00014253 names don't change or only change Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00047-00014253-00014578 at a very few specific points in time, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00048-00014578-00014962 everyone has one canonical first name, full name. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00049-00014962-00015322 So these assumptions and basically every other assumption Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00050-00015322-00015719 that we can make about how a name should be Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00051-00015719-00015989 are actually basically wrong. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00052-00015989-00016200 As it turns out, there are not a whole lot of assumptions Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00053-00016200-00016575 that you can make about the set of all names. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00054-00016883-00016977 What are names? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00055-00016977-00017135 We just don't know. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00056-00017478-00017846 So the form of a name is different almost everywhere. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00057-00017846-00018044 What people take for granted as being a name anywhere Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00058-00018044-00018329 is probably not true in the majority Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00059-00018329-00018481 of other places around the world Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00060-00018481-00018898 and probably not true even within your own country. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00061-00019024-00019165 So in the United States of America, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00062-00019165-00019442 which is where I'm giving this talk, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00063-00019442-00019853 yeah, we still often assume western European norms Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00064-00019853-00020233 even while we're an incredibly diverse country. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00065-00020233-00020372 There's still a lot of expectation Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00066-00020372-00020576 that names should conform to a certain Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00067-00020576-00020876 quote unquote Americanized standard. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00068-00020876-00021034 And this goes back to way before Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00069-00021034-00021287 like technology and web forms. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00070-00021287-00021554 So immigrants did and still often do Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00071-00021554-00021704 adopt more American names in hopes Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00072-00021704-00022020 that assimilating leads to more opportunity. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00073-00022020-00022207 People with names that don't sound European, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00074-00022207-00022378 even today, often find themselves Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00075-00022378-00022535 marked as perpetual foreigners Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00076-00022535-00022638 even when they are born here Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00077-00022638-00022814 and their parents were born here. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00078-00022814-00023056 I mean, ask me how many times I've heard, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00079-00023056-00023198 so where are you really from? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00080-00023198-00023565 I'm from Maryland (laughs). Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00081-00023649-00023912 My dad's from California. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00082-00023912-00024168 So these expectations when extended to web forms, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00083-00024168-00024488 they're both really obnoxious and they do cause problems. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00084-00024488-00024690 I was actually earlier this year Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00085-00024690-00024958 considering pitching a talk to another conference, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00086-00024958-00025194 but when I went to their registration form, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00087-00025194-00025452 I found that I couldn't register Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00088-00025452-00025604 because they were validating Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00089-00025604-00025974 for minimum three character last names. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00090-00025974-00026192 So to their credit, they were really graceful about it, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00091-00026192-00026282 when I tweeted them about it Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00092-00026282-00026574 and did fix their forms so now it works, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00093-00026574-00026787 but I have to wonder about how many people might've just, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00094-00026787-00026918 you know, given up. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00095-00026918-00027136 Two letter last names are actually really common Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00096-00027136-00027543 even if they don't seem, you know, familiar. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00097-00027543-00027769 So also, funny story, sometimes I get Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00098-00027769-00027942 around those limitations by adding Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00099-00027942-00028129 an exclamation point to my name. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00100-00028129-00028439 So my name is only valid Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00101-00028439-00028789 when I'm really excited about it, I guess. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00102-00028986-00029279 So basically, names are a way to refer to someone Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00103-00029279-00029639 and that's pretty much all you can assume about a name. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00104-00029639-00030083 It's something that you could possibly call someone. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00105-00030083-00030379 It's very basic and it's very vague Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00106-00030379-00030627 and that's very kind of disappointing, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00107-00030627-00030847 but that's basically all you can do Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00108-00030847-00031067 without making some incorrect premises Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00109-00031067-00031364 that lock someone out somewhere. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00110-00031364-00031690 So, yeah, there's not really a good way to validate, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00111-00031690-00031865 like, what is a name. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00112-00032195-00032345 So what can we do? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00113-00032451-00032689 Names are not impossible to pin down, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00114-00032689-00032810 but you also want to make sure Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00115-00032810-00033030 that you have data that's useful Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00116-00033030-00033214 and serves the intended purpose Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00117-00033214-00033458 and is, you know, friendly to your user. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00118-00033458-00033708 So what can you do about that? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00119-00033821-00034009 So the first thing to think about is Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00120-00034009-00034236 why are you asking about names? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00121-00034236-00034404 So when we're gathering name information Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00122-00034404-00034659 via like say, a registration form, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00123-00034659-00034842 the point of a validation is not actually Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00124-00034842-00035057 to figure out what is and isn't a name. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00125-00035057-00035281 The point is actually to get the information Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00126-00035281-00035475 that we need to use elsewhere. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00127-00035475-00035641 So sometimes we just want to be able Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00128-00035641-00035876 to say, greet a user in emails Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00129-00035876-00036166 or on their account dashboard. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00130-00036166-00036313 Sometimes we need it to respond Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00131-00036313-00036482 to personal communication. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00132-00036482-00036566 Sometimes we need to know Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00133-00036566-00036933 what to put on a packing label and so on. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00134-00036933-00037147 So I guess a good first question to ask is, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00135-00037147-00037396 do you really need to ID them by name? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00136-00037396-00037550 If the information isn't used Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00137-00037550-00037870 in any other way other than, like, cosmetically, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00138-00037870-00038148 and you have other ways of identifying a user uniquely, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00139-00038148-00038235 such as like email, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00140-00038235-00038593 you might honestly just be able to drop it. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00141-00038763-00039086 And so if you do need a name or you want to, you know, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00142-00039086-00039299 be able to be friendly and say, like, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00143-00039299-00039604 oh hello, Carly, thank you for logging in. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00144-00039604-00039804 Do you need to separate, you know, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00145-00039804-00039992 first name and last name with your data? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00146-00039992-00040360 If there's not a reason for you to need, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00147-00040360-00040715 like say just only the first given name, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00148-00040715-00040855 or only the family name, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00149-00040855-00041289 or like anything other than the entire unit of the name, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00150-00041289-00041455 you can just replace first name, last name Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00151-00041455-00041647 with a single full name field, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00152-00041647-00041844 which means that people can enter their name Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00153-00041844-00042128 in a way that feels right to them. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00154-00042350-00042491 And so, for example, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00155-00042491-00042706 well if you only need one part of a name, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00156-00042706-00042953 such as like say a personal name Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00157-00042953-00043155 like if you wanna be able to say, hi Carly, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00158-00043155-00043484 in your emails, you can consider only collecting that data Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00159-00043484-00043696 and labeling it in a way that makes sense Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00160-00043696-00043961 to users from pretty much any cultural context, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00161-00043961-00044188 such as how should we address you, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00162-00044188-00044397 or what's your full formal title, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00163-00044397-00044588 or something like that. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00164-00044797-00045058 In that case, well, you can let the user help you Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00165-00045058-00045354 by telling them what you'll use the name for. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00166-00045354-00045461 If a user knows you want a name Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00167-00045461-00045603 for how to address them in emails Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00168-00045603-00045847 or for addressing a petition to a congress person Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00169-00045847-00045992 or mail them a package, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00170-00045992-00046205 that's useful context that will help them Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00171-00046205-00046666 enter information that's useful to both of you. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00172-00046666-00047024 So, for example, if you know that some of your users Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00173-00047024-00047221 have multiple names that you go by, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00174-00047221-00047494 so for example, some people adopt, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00175-00047494-00047754 like, an english given name when they immigrate Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00176-00047754-00047929 or to do business with english speakers, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00177-00047929-00048149 but also retain a different legal name, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00178-00048149-00048313 your form might need to ask for both of those names Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00179-00048313-00048547 if you anticipate situations where both are needed. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00180-00048547-00048653 So you can let them know, like, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00181-00048653-00048879 which name should we call you by in this situation, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00182-00048879-00049295 or which name should we call you by in this other situation? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00183-00049475-00049801 You should also try and avoid assuming things about, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00184-00049801-00050075 say like, which part of a name that is given to you Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00185-00050075-00050331 is the surname or the family name? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00186-00050331-00050528 So some people have multiple given names, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00187-00050528-00050756 multiple surnames, additional name parts Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00188-00050756-00051058 that signify things like gender, generation, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00189-00051058-00051316 marital status, religious identity, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00190-00051316-00051682 what town they come from, among other things. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00191-00051682-00051844 And the world is also not uniform Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00192-00051844-00051953 on whether the given name Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00193-00051953-00052174 or the family name is written first, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00194-00052174-00052457 or how many family names you have. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00195-00052549-00052730 I know I've heard that, for example, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00196-00052730-00052931 many people with Spanish, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00197-00052931-00053096 like Spanish names come into the United States, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00198-00053096-00053334 generally encounter the issue Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00199-00053334-00053531 that only their second family name gets read Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00200-00053531-00053724 as their quote unquote real surname. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00201-00053724-00053945 Whereas in most Spanish speaking countries, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00202-00053945-00054231 the first one is often the emphasized one Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00203-00054231-00054623 or depending on-- or it depends on the country. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00204-00054769-00054957 In addition, think ahead and make sure Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00205-00054957-00055359 that your user interface can accommodate Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00206-00055359-00055644 both long and short names. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00207-00055644-00055897 Twitter, for example, only allows 16 characters Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00208-00055897-00056023 in your display name, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00209-00056023-00056170 which is really not very much Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00210-00056170-00056635 even for people with relatively like average sized names. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00211-00056635-00056730 Well it means that, like say, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00212-00056730-00056977 Twitter doesn't have to do any kind of back flips Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00213-00056977-00057234 into making things fit into their user interface Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00214-00057234-00057401 or like moving things around, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00215-00057401-00057708 it means that a large number of people can't enter their Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00216-00057708-00057856 you know, entire name on Twitter Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00217-00057856-00058270 or, you know, have to shorten their name Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00218-00058270-00058546 or replace part of their last name with an emoji Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00219-00058546-00058904 or whatever and that's obviously not ideal. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00220-00059177-00059421 So sometimes there are situations Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00221-00059421-00059541 where you can't do anything Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00222-00059541-00059846 or your system isn't ideal. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00223-00059846-00060265 So how do we be compassionate about that? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00224-00060265-00060566 There are a lot of systems where Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00225-00060566-00060876 they just may not be able to process Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00226-00060876-00061130 the set of all possible names. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00227-00061130-00061271 Some systems are old. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00228-00061271-00061408 Some systems have limited ability Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00229-00061408-00061661 to accommodate larger character sets Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00230-00061661-00062113 or don't have the ability to escape database inputs Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00231-00062113-00062422 and therefore, don't let you use stuff like spaces Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00232-00062422-00062638 or punctuation or hyphens. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00233-00062724-00063012 And they can't, you know, redo their system Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00234-00063012-00063265 just because it's super old or super huge Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00235-00063265-00063477 or unwieldy and don't just have the money or time. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00236-00063477-00063742 And that's understandable. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00237-00063742-00063995 There's a lot of places that just, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00238-00063995-00064311 you know, can't prioritize that right now. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00239-00064311-00064494 I think we're all familiar with airline systems Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00240-00064494-00064749 that tend to just run your entire name together Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00241-00064749-00065008 into some unpronounceable mess. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00242-00065189-00065372 But if that's true about your system, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00243-00065372-00065603 don't position it as a problem with the user's name. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00244-00065603-00065856 Their name is their name. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00245-00065856-00066047 It's not invalid. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00246-00066293-00066649 It's just that your system can't actually process it. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00247-00066649-00066846 So when I was looking for, you know, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00248-00066846-00067062 other people talking about issues with data validation, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00249-00067062-00067393 I found this blog post from a guy named, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00250-00067393-00067691 John Graham-Cumming, who has a hyphen in this name, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00251-00067691-00067912 who also encountered this issue, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00252-00067912-00068079 who said, what they actually mean is Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00253-00068079-00068347 their website won't accept the hyphen in your last name, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00254-00068347-00068527 but they don't say that, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00255-00068527-00068688 no of course not, they decide to shove in my face Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00256-00068688-00068939 the claim there's something wrong with my name. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00257-00068939-00069222 If it's your name, it's not wrong. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00258-00069326-00069629 It's just the system can't handle it. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00259-00069629-00069830 So the best thing that you can do in that case Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00260-00069830-00069993 is admit your system limitations Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00261-00069993-00070226 and your validation methods. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00262-00070315-00070500 Such as like, our system is unable Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00263-00070500-00070704 to process last names that contain non-letters, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00264-00070704-00070850 please replace them with spaces, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00265-00070850-00070989 or something like that. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00266-00070989-00071215 And continue to work on any improvements you make Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00267-00071215-00071298 so that-- Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00268-00071298-00071501 and continue to work on any improvements you can make Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00269-00071501-00071768 so that maybe in the future you can actually Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00270-00071768-00072059 accept a more diverse set of names. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00271-00072271-00072622 So, yeah, so that's my talk Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00272-00072622-00072774 about name validation. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00273-00072774-00072858 Thank you for listening. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00274-00072858-00072974 Any questions? Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00275-00073596-00073679 And I also-- Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00276-00073679-00073987 I'm gonna post these slides to Twitter momentarily. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00277-00073987-00074252 I also, on the last slide, have my list of, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00278-00074252-00074556 like my sort of bibliography of other works Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00279-00074556-00074725 that I read for this talk, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00280-00074725-00074915 which will contain links to other sites. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00281-00074915-00075097 So if you want to do further reading, Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00282-00075097-00075272 there's that for you. Wiv5QdFQ3o0-00283-00075376-00075576 Yeah, thank you so much. WjI43qGSYqI-00000-00000028-00000137 Hello everyone WjI43qGSYqI-00001-00000137-00000417 I ’m Maco, the modern princess. WjI43qGSYqI-00002-00000417-00000518 Today I'm WjI43qGSYqI-00003-00000518-00000727 going to talk WjI43qGSYqI-00004-00000727-00000958 about orthodontics WjI43qGSYqI-00005-00000958-00001035 I haven't corrected WjI43qGSYqI-00006-00001035-00001495 this tooth WjI43qGSYqI-00007-00001673-00001945 It ’s a bare tooth. WjI43qGSYqI-00008-00001945-00002308 Originally there was no wisdom tooth above WjI43qGSYqI-00009-00002308-00002727 The wisdom tooth below was around 20 years old. WjI43qGSYqI-00010-00002727-00002964 It was growing properly WjI43qGSYqI-00011-00002964-00003474 The feeling that the front was clogged was painful and I pulled it out WjI43qGSYqI-00012-00003474-00003815 What I'm going to talk about this time WjI43qGSYqI-00013-00003815-00004029 is the teeth underneath. WjI43qGSYqI-00014-00004118-00004566 At first glance, the teeth are lined up and it looks beautiful WjI43qGSYqI-00015-00004566-00004855 I'm told it's beautiful WjI43qGSYqI-00016-00004855-00005016 In fact, when you look at it like this WjI43qGSYqI-00017-00005034-00005504 Some of the lower teeth are down WjI43qGSYqI-00018-00005504-00006062 and the front teeth are getting more and more misaligned. WjI43qGSYqI-00019-00006169-00006484 I was really worried about it WjI43qGSYqI-00020-00006484-00006639 5 or 6 years ago WjI43qGSYqI-00021-00006639-00007040 I went to a place where I could correct WjI43qGSYqI-00022-00007040-00007192 my local Yamagata dentist once. WjI43qGSYqI-00023-00007458-00007817 I was told that it would cost about 100,000 yen WjI43qGSYqI-00024-00007817-00008094 to do 6 wires. WjI43qGSYqI-00025-00008094-00008214 That person says WjI43qGSYqI-00026-00008214-00008466 I was told that WjI43qGSYqI-00027-00008466-00008785 a woman has a weak jaw WjI43qGSYqI-00028-00008785-00009008 and her teeth line up immediately. WjI43qGSYqI-00029-00009008-00009691 At that time, I thought it would be 100,000 yen to return !? WjI43qGSYqI-00030-00009691-00010059 I couldn't step on the wire WjI43qGSYqI-00031-00010059-00010263 because I couldn't see it because of resistance. WjI43qGSYqI-00032-00010263-00010642 However, I'm really worried about this gap WjI43qGSYqI-00033-00010731-00010933 I'm in Fukuoka right now, WjI43qGSYqI-00034-00010933-00011220 but I've been looking for an orthodontic dentist within the range WjI43qGSYqI-00035-00011220-00011635 I can go to in Fukuoka. WjI43qGSYqI-00036-00011698-00012015 Here is the picture taken WjI43qGSYqI-00037-00012015-00012207 It's a bit of a tooth WjI43qGSYqI-00038-00012207-00012340 If you don't want to see it, WjI43qGSYqI-00039-00012340-00012557 please don't look ahead. WjI43qGSYqI-00040-00012762-00013124 I don't have one upper tooth originally WjI43qGSYqI-00041-00013124-00013444 In terms of number, it's number 6. WjI43qGSYqI-00042-00013444-00013847 I don't have the 6th tooth and I don't have wisdom teeth, WjI43qGSYqI-00043-00013847-00014024 so it's not that it's not enough. WjI43qGSYqI-00044-00014024-00014353 Since the number of meshes with the bottom is different, WjI43qGSYqI-00045-00014353-00014668 it seems that it is a little off. WjI43qGSYqI-00046-00014868-00015122 If I wanted to cure the gap below WjI43qGSYqI-00047-00015122-00015563 this and the one inside this WjI43qGSYqI-00048-00015701-00016185 If all the lower part is neatly arranged with teeth WjI43qGSYqI-00049-00016321-00016704 Since there are more teeth below than the upper teeth, WjI43qGSYqI-00050-00016704-00016891 it becomes a socket. WjI43qGSYqI-00051-00016891-00017053 It's like this now, WjI43qGSYqI-00052-00017053-00017271 but it's WjI43qGSYqI-00053-00017271-00017592 going to be a receptacle, WjI43qGSYqI-00054-00017592-00017694 so I have to withdraw it. WjI43qGSYqI-00055-00017860-00017989 I thought that Invisalign would be done WjI43qGSYqI-00056-00017989-00018077 with a mouthpiece WjI43qGSYqI-00057-00018077-00018420 if I wanted to correct it, WjI43qGSYqI-00058-00018420-00018763 so I went to an orthodontic clinic WjI43qGSYqI-00059-00018763-00018966 where I could do that, WjI43qGSYqI-00060-00018966-00019134 but when it comes to doing that work, it's about 3 mm. WjI43qGSYqI-00061-00019134-00019584 I was told that it would be almost difficult WjI43qGSYqI-00062-00019584-00019870 to do with a mouthpiece WjI43qGSYqI-00063-00019870-00020163 because I had to move my teeth. WjI43qGSYqI-00064-00020163-00020570 Then how to return the lower teeth WjI43qGSYqI-00065-00020570-00020833 When it comes to how to return it with a wire WjI43qGSYqI-00066-00020833-00021133 First of all, if you did not pull out your teeth WjI43qGSYqI-00067-00021133-00021488 If you didn't pull out the teeth here WjI43qGSYqI-00068-00021697-00021921 I have to put a bolt in the back WjI43qGSYqI-00069-00021921-00022200 and really pull it WjI43qGSYqI-00070-00022200-00022618 The lower teeth may not come back tightly WjI43qGSYqI-00071-00022618-00022849 if pulled out WjI43qGSYqI-00072-00022992-00023157 I was talking about pulling out only WjI43qGSYqI-00073-00023157-00023550 this tooth. WjI43qGSYqI-00074-00023550-00023804 Just pull this out and put it together WjI43qGSYqI-00075-00023804-00024207 But after all, there is one less upper tooth WjI43qGSYqI-00076-00024207-00024422 I was told that I had to adjust the meshing with WjI43qGSYqI-00077-00024422-00024740 the upper teeth here. WjI43qGSYqI-00078-00024740-00025321 I was told that it would be a fairly difficult compulsion WjI43qGSYqI-00079-00025321-00025789 It was a story that there was no choice WjI43qGSYqI-00080-00025789-00026038 but to use the front wire or the back wire. WjI43qGSYqI-00081-00026038-00026382 The upper teeth do not have number 6 and are few, WjI43qGSYqI-00082-00026382-00026732 but the upper teeth come out well WjI43qGSYqI-00083-00026732-00026998 to correspond to it WjI43qGSYqI-00084-00026998-00027198 If you don't have one upper tooth, WjI43qGSYqI-00085-00027198-00027483 most people will be the recipient. WjI43qGSYqI-00086-00027483-00027683 But in my case, it's a risk WjI43qGSYqI-00087-00027683-00027985 because I can mesh it WjI43qGSYqI-00088-00027985-00028256 beautifully now. WjI43qGSYqI-00089-00028256-00028450 I was wondering if it was necessary WjI43qGSYqI-00090-00028450-00028813 to change the current dentition WjI43qGSYqI-00091-00028813-00029056 until I did that kind of work. WjI43qGSYqI-00092-00029056-00029279 Then it's the actual amount WjI43qGSYqI-00093-00029279-00029581 I was asked to do something like this, WjI43qGSYqI-00094-00029581-00029945 but I talked a lot about my first consultation. WjI43qGSYqI-00095-00029945-00030361 I had a messed up consultation with a good teacher WjI43qGSYqI-00096-00030361-00030786 who would be very kind to me. WjI43qGSYqI-00097-00030786-00031170 First visit consultation This dentist was free WjI43qGSYqI-00098-00031170-00031444 In fact, if you decide to do it from there, WjI43qGSYqI-00099-00031444-00031676 you have to take an X-ray WjI43qGSYqI-00100-00031676-00032052 because it is a detailed examination. WjI43qGSYqI-00101-00032052-00032252 The amount of money for the dentist WjI43qGSYqI-00102-00032252-00032417 here is 40,000 yen plus tax, WjI43qGSYqI-00103-00032417-00032700 so it would be 44,000 yen WjI43qGSYqI-00104-00032700-00032910 for treatment now. WjI43qGSYqI-00105-00032910-00033148 You have to adjust with the upper teeth, WjI43qGSYqI-00106-00033148-00033347 not just the lower teeth WjI43qGSYqI-00107-00033347-00033706 It's a price WjI43qGSYqI-00108-00033706-00033804 because you have to wire everything above WjI43qGSYqI-00109-00033804-00034217 I don't know if there are people WjI43qGSYqI-00110-00034217-00034435 who are talking about orthodontics WjI43qGSYqI-00111-00034435-00034603 on various YouTube WjI43qGSYqI-00112-00034603-00034855 and say such a real price. WjI43qGSYqI-00113-00034855-00035111 If you didn't pull out WjI43qGSYqI-00114-00035111-00035258 your teeth WjI43qGSYqI-00115-00035258-00035775 If you want to insert a bolt, WjI43qGSYqI-00116-00035775-00036143 it costs about 700,000 to 750,000 WjI43qGSYqI-00117-00036143-00036328 yen and the correction period is about 2 years. WjI43qGSYqI-00118-00036394-00036602 I'm not taking X-rays, WjI43qGSYqI-00119-00036602-00036756 so the price will be based on the judgment of the photo alone. WjI43qGSYqI-00120-00036756-00037082 Maybe it could be a little higher WjI43qGSYqI-00121-00037082-00037486 The next time you pull out your teeth WjI43qGSYqI-00122-00037486-00037736 It was said that WjI43qGSYqI-00123-00037736-00037979 it would take 750,000 to 800,000 WjI43qGSYqI-00124-00037979-00038214 yen and the period would take 2 to 3 years. WjI43qGSYqI-00125-00038214-00038538 If you correct it WjI43qGSYqI-00126-00038538-00038942 I have to go to the hospital WjI43qGSYqI-00127-00038942-00039150 once a month for absolute wire straightening WjI43qGSYqI-00128-00039150-00039505 Change doctors in as long as 3 years WjI43qGSYqI-00129-00039505-00039708 If you want to change the doctor WjI43qGSYqI-00130-00039708-00039870 It seems that there is nothing that WjI43qGSYqI-00131-00039870-00040110 can't be changed if that happens. WjI43qGSYqI-00132-00040110-00040426 It costs about 300,000. WjI43qGSYqI-00133-00040426-00040706 So after thinking about that WjI43qGSYqI-00134-00040706-00041210 It was a story of being able to WjI43qGSYqI-00135-00041210-00041607 go to the current hospital for three years. WjI43qGSYqI-00136-00041791-00042225 I have given up on correcting now WjI43qGSYqI-00137-00042225-00042480 I didn't think it would be so big, WjI43qGSYqI-00138-00042480-00042764 so I thought I could use a mouthpiece, WjI43qGSYqI-00139-00042764-00042955 so I gave up the correction. WjI43qGSYqI-00140-00043024-00043206 When I talked with my teacher, WjI43qGSYqI-00141-00043206-00043641 I was told that my gums are healthy WjI43qGSYqI-00142-00043641-00043839 as I get older WjI43qGSYqI-00143-00043839-00044257 because of the misalignment WjI43qGSYqI-00144-00044257-00044487 between the fallen teeth and the center. WjI43qGSYqI-00145-00044487-00044736 Even so, it's gradually declining WjI43qGSYqI-00146-00044736-00045112 compared to when I was young. WjI43qGSYqI-00147-00045112-00045323 It just collapses like that WjI43qGSYqI-00148-00045323-00045513 and the bite is amazing. WjI43qGSYqI-00149-00045513-00046091 I don't have a lot of clenching ... WjI43qGSYqI-00150-00046091-00046417 I unknowingly clench my teeth WjI43qGSYqI-00151-00046417-00046725 When I'm rehabilitating now, I clench when I put effort into it WjI43qGSYqI-00152-00046740-00046979 I think I'm really doing clenching WjI43qGSYqI-00153-00046979-00047405 even when I'm sleeping WjI43qGSYqI-00154-00047405-00047661 So I will improve that kind of thing WjI43qGSYqI-00155-00047661-00048164 Make your own mouth health WjI43qGSYqI-00156-00048164-00048601 It seems that the strength of the gums WjI43qGSYqI-00157-00048601-00049097 can be maintained firmly WjI43qGSYqI-00158-00049097-00049232 by training the muscles of the lips, WjI43qGSYqI-00159-00049232-00049475 so I was told that it would be better to do WjI43qGSYqI-00160-00049475-00049725 that kind of thing. WjI43qGSYqI-00161-00049725-00049952 It seems that if you have a lot of mask life these days, WjI43qGSYqI-00162-00049952-00050176 it often becomes half-open, WjI43qGSYqI-00163-00050176-00050337 but when it becomes half-open, WjI43qGSYqI-00164-00050337-00050507 it means that the inside WjI43qGSYqI-00165-00050507-00050642 of your mouth becomes sloppy WjI43qGSYqI-00166-00050642-00050966 and it is not good for your teeth, so WjI43qGSYqI-00167-00050966-00051235 close your mouth tightly. WjI43qGSYqI-00168-00051235-00051730 Bello is attached to the upper jaw WjI43qGSYqI-00169-00051846-00052075 If this was the upper jaw WjI43qGSYqI-00170-00052075-00052641 The state where the tongue is firmly attached to the upper jaw WjI43qGSYqI-00171-00052641-00052823 The best mouth environment is WjI43qGSYqI-00172-00052823-00053170 when you close your mouth. WjI43qGSYqI-00173-00053170-00053502 If you have to open your mouth when you are sleeping, WjI43qGSYqI-00174-00053502-00053707 use surgical tape or other tape. WjI43qGSYqI-00175-00053707-00054079 It seems that just sticking one here is completely different. WjI43qGSYqI-00176-00054136-00054304 Do it WjI43qGSYqI-00177-00054304-00054544 I decided to keep the teeth here WjI43qGSYqI-00178-00054544-00054926 so that they wouldn't shift much from now on. WjI43qGSYqI-00179-00055139-00055388 This time I talked about orthodontics WjI43qGSYqI-00180-00055388-00055799 about dentition WjI43qGSYqI-00181-00055799-00056038 Please take good care of your teeth WjI43qGSYqI-00182-00056136-00056379 If you like this video, WjI43qGSYqI-00183-00056379-00056520 please like it. WjI43qGSYqI-00184-00056554-00056789 Thank you for subscribing to the channel. WjI43qGSYqI-00185-00056789-00056966 Thank you for watching WjI43qGSYqI-00186-00056966-00057429 until the end today Wjc1ZrobeW0-00000-00000014-00000409 Eric Boerwinkle: So it won't be a surprise to many of us in Wjc1ZrobeW0-00001-00000409-00001195 the audience that the U.S. population is aging, the post-war baby boom, you know, is now well Wjc1ZrobeW0-00002-00001195-00001426 into their seventies and eighties. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00003-00001426-00002023 And with that aging comes aged-related chronic diseases, particularly age-related Alzheimer’s Wjc1ZrobeW0-00004-00002023-00002123 disease. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00005-00002123-00002496 So Alzheimer’s disease, as it says, is the most common form of dementia. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00006-00002496-00003311 It has a shared pathology of having amyloid plaques and tangles, shown here, but it also Wjc1ZrobeW0-00007-00003311-00003920 has a very heterogeneous etiology, or likely heterogeneous etiology. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00008-00003920-00004611 Extremely important is that there really is no treatment and no prevention mechanism at Wjc1ZrobeW0-00009-00004611-00005318 this time, and in fact, there is now a mandate for the NIA to begin to develop and have by Wjc1ZrobeW0-00010-00005318-00005954 a certain date such treatments available, which is a tall order. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00011-00005954-00006490 It's not a surprise that, using an old-world word for those in the audience, there a single Wjc1ZrobeW0-00012-00006490-00006863 major gene for Alzheimer’s disease, the APOE locus. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00013-00006863-00007714 And what's shown here are basically age across the x-axis and unaffected status across the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00014-00007714-00007814 y-axis. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00015-00007814-00008595 And you can see, for those of that carry an E4 allele, there's an increased risk of Alzheimer’s Wjc1ZrobeW0-00016-00008595-00009011 disease, parenthetically by the way, there also is maybe one of the first protective Wjc1ZrobeW0-00017-00009011-00009111 alleles. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00018-00009111-00009540 Those that carry the E3 allele are a bit protected from disease. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00019-00009540-00010417 Likewise, during the GWAS era and actually continuing until today, there are now at least Wjc1ZrobeW0-00020-00010417-00011287 25 different loci that have been identified using basically case-control studies in international Wjc1ZrobeW0-00021-00011287-00012036 studies from France, the UK, the U.S., and also others from the U.S., and so there are Wjc1ZrobeW0-00022-00012036-00012598 substantial evidence in addition to family data that identifying Alzheimer’s disease Wjc1ZrobeW0-00023-00012598-00013215 genes is trackable and that knowledge could turn into novel therapeutics. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00024-00013215-00014026 I'm going to come back to really this and focus more on treatment and prevention, the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00025-00014026-00014848 ability to identify drug targets is a major initiative within the ADSP. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00026-00014848-00015406 And in fact there is really good collaboration between the ADSP project and newly funded Wjc1ZrobeW0-00027-00015406-00016216 projects that are really tasked for identifying model compounds for treatment and prevention Wjc1ZrobeW0-00028-00016216-00016382 of Alzheimer’s disease. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00029-00016382-00017284 And really, all this builds off of seminal work in PCSK9 that looks to identify individuals Wjc1ZrobeW0-00030-00017284-00017837 that have loss of function variance at lower risk and what's shown here, basically, is Wjc1ZrobeW0-00031-00017837-00018532 the PCSK9 gene, various loss of function variants, and not only does it lower LDL cholesterol, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00032-00018532-00019076 in fact it reduces by a substantial amount the risk of heart disease. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00033-00019076-00019563 This, then, really has spawned a burgeoning industry. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00034-00019563-00019943 Multiple pharmaceutical companies now have multiple phase two and phase three trials Wjc1ZrobeW0-00035-00019943-00020874 that look promising for using this target as an additional therapy to statins. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00036-00020874-00021618 There also is precedent, like actually PCSK9, novel variants in Alzheimer’s disease genes Wjc1ZrobeW0-00037-00021618-00021718 that lower risk. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00038-00021718-00022276 This is work from the deCODE Group and Kari Stefansson that identified a novel amino acid Wjc1ZrobeW0-00039-00022276-00022803 substitution that protects against cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00040-00022803-00023511 So I think it's really a great proof of principle that it will be possible to slow this disease Wjc1ZrobeW0-00041-00023511-00024048 down if we can identify the right target. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00042-00024048-00024590 So then returning, that was all background and why we're doing this. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00043-00024590-00025065 And so, the objective really then of the ADSP, which is the Alzheimer’s disease Sequencing Wjc1ZrobeW0-00044-00025065-00025577 Project, is first to identify novel risk-raising genes and alleles for late-onset, and I'm Wjc1ZrobeW0-00045-00025577-00026031 going to emphasize this is run-of-the-mill late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, not one Wjc1ZrobeW0-00046-00026031-00026483 of the rare early-onset/familial disease. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00047-00026483-00026936 The second objective really is to identify novel protective genes and alleles for the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00048-00026936-00027158 reasons I just outlines. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00049-00027158-00027770 Some of the early challenges that we address, that I won't go through in great detail, is Wjc1ZrobeW0-00050-00027770-00028194 that we first asked ourselves, can a single design achieve both of these objectives? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00051-00028194-00028694 We struggled with having, really, two different studies: One to find risk-raising alleles, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00052-00028694-00029280 and one to find risk-protecting alleles, but with the knowledge that we had a fixed budget, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00053-00029280-00029728 therefore the size of each of those studies would be smaller than a combined study, and Wjc1ZrobeW0-00054-00029728-00030377 we convinced ourselves that really if we were clever in our selection of quote cases and Wjc1ZrobeW0-00055-00030377-00030786 quote controls, we could achieve both objectives. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00056-00030786-00031144 We went through, and particularly I want to give a shout out to Gary Beecham [spelled Wjc1ZrobeW0-00057-00031144-00031612 phonetically] in Miami, substantial amounts of modeling computer simulations to empower Wjc1ZrobeW0-00058-00031612-00032122 calculations to show, indeed, that we could use a single design that was well-powered Wjc1ZrobeW0-00059-00032122-00032399 to achieve our objective. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00060-00032399-00033038 We also went through a lot of, not arguments but I would say heavy discussion about should Wjc1ZrobeW0-00061-00033038-00033472 we be doing whole-genome sequencing, should we be doing whole exome sequencing. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00062-00033472-00033819 We ended up, as you'll see in a moment, with a hybrid approach. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00063-00033819-00034256 So, the design really has two parts to it. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00064-00034256-00034913 The first is a large family component that is using whole-genome sequencing. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00065-00034913-00035798 There are 47 Caucasian families, 67 Afro-Caribbean families from the Dominican Republic, and Wjc1ZrobeW0-00066-00035798-00036052 two families from a Dutch islet. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00067-00036052-00036747 They have about 582 cases, 82 of which are affected, 584 total. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00068-00036747-00037666 I'm sorry, 582 Alzheimer's cases, 82 unaffected, which rises then to 584 total. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00069-00037666-00038225 Because of the nature of the disease, the families tend to be fairly flat, so you get Wjc1ZrobeW0-00070-00038225-00038812 basically a lot of sibling pairs and a lot of cousins that that show in the family with Wjc1ZrobeW0-00071-00038812-00039353 disease, but by the time the disease is diagnosed, by and large, the parents of the affected Wjc1ZrobeW0-00072-00039353-00039854 are passed away, and the children are not yet old enough to show disease, so we tend Wjc1ZrobeW0-00073-00039854-00040149 to end up with fairly flat families. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00074-00040149-00040750 Also, this is one of the two families from the Dutch islet, so you can see the combination Wjc1ZrobeW0-00075-00040750-00041534 of sequencing and substantial amount of genotyping, we'll be able to input the sequence loci into Wjc1ZrobeW0-00076-00041534-00042197 many, many, many individuals, some of which, by the way, have good phenotyping, and obviously Wjc1ZrobeW0-00077-00042197-00042728 we don't have Alzheimer’s disease phenotyping in all 4,000 individuals across 18 generations, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00078-00042728-00043218 but we have a substantial amount of information. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00079-00043218-00043769 The case control design uses whole exome sequencing, and all three of the large-scale centers are Wjc1ZrobeW0-00080-00043769-00044103 involved, at Broad, Baylor, and Wash U. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00081-00044103-00044546 We shot in our design for 5,000 unrelated cases. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00082-00044546-00044905 We ended up with 5,107. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00083-00044905-00045613 These individuals were selected to be at low-risk for disease, but they did, indeed, manifest Wjc1ZrobeW0-00084-00045613-00045786 disease within an age window. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00085-00045786-00046353 Obviously, we wanted to not discover over and over and over again the APOE locus, and Wjc1ZrobeW0-00086-00046353-00046591 that was the purpose of that design. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00087-00046591-00047112 We also had a goal of 5,000 cognitively-normal controls. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00088-00047112-00047612 And controls here should be in quotes because, indeed, for protective variance, they're the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00089-00047612-00047900 group you're most interested in. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00090-00047900-00048611 We selected those controls to be likely, the least-likely to convert within an age window Wjc1ZrobeW0-00091-00048611-00048913 to disease. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00092-00048913-00049541 In addition, we had many, many individuals in the families that we didn't have enough Wjc1ZrobeW0-00093-00049541-00050027 resources to sequence, so we basically call these enhanced cases from these advanced, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00094-00050027-00050571 multiplexed families, and went ahead and sequenced those individuals. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00095-00050571-00051141 In addition to Alzheimer’s disease yes-no, many of these individuals have what we call Wjc1ZrobeW0-00096-00051141-00051241 endophenotypes. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00097-00051241-00051813 So, MRI brain scans, going back to the previous discussion, and so we'll be able to invest Wjc1ZrobeW0-00098-00051813-00052438 a lot in both the phenotypes of, sort of, the clinical phenotypes of brain MRI. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00099-00052438-00052990 I'm particularly enthusiastic about these data for identifying protective variance. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00100-00052990-00053558 This slide shows basically the results for a GWAS for a hippocampal volume and identifying Wjc1ZrobeW0-00101-00053558-00053839 loci, some of which have negative beta coefficients. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00102-00053839-00054598 So, it's one hook into identifying protective variance for this condition. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00103-00054598-00055198 If Richard were here, he would remind us -- that is, he would remind us that brain MRI is not Wjc1ZrobeW0-00104-00055198-00055369 necessarily Alzheimer’s disease. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00105-00055369-00055866 They are different but complimentary phenotypes, so we need to be careful about that but nonetheless Wjc1ZrobeW0-00106-00055866-00056235 take advantage of the resource. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00107-00056235-00056915 Being a good NIH-funded, large-scale project, we have a governance structure that's in place Wjc1ZrobeW0-00108-00056915-00057072 that I will not bore you with. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00109-00057072-00057569 We have steering committees and analysis committees and production committees that have quite Wjc1ZrobeW0-00110-00057569-00057894 a few phone calls. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00111-00057894-00058309 So, this slide I'll go through in a little bit of detail because I do think it shows Wjc1ZrobeW0-00112-00058309-00058872 you the various pieces that have been put together to accomplish this task. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00113-00058872-00059454 In green, we have multiple representatives from the Alzheimer’s disease community that Wjc1ZrobeW0-00114-00059454-00060027 have been engaged to supply samples and intellectual input for the project. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00115-00060027-00060529 They include members of the CHARGE Consortium, the Alzheimer’s disease Consortium, which Wjc1ZrobeW0-00116-00060529-00060753 Jerry leads, and also NCRAD. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00117-00060753-00061391 So we -- they really have been brought together to supply samples and also throughput of the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00118-00061391-00061495 data. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00119-00061495-00061919 As I mentioned already, all three of the large-scale centers are involved. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00120-00061919-00062496 We've created a sharespace in dbGaP, so all of the data, not just sequence data but sequence Wjc1ZrobeW0-00121-00062496-00063274 data and phenotype data, including the brain MRI and many other endophenotypes, will eventually Wjc1ZrobeW0-00122-00063274-00063697 go into dbGaP and be publicly available. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00123-00063697-00064671 We have then a lot of pre-sequencing interactions to have the sample throughput go forward in Wjc1ZrobeW0-00124-00064671-00064888 a timely and organized manner. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00125-00064888-00065263 I do want to have a major shout-out to this group for this step. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00126-00065263-00065793 Having been involved, as many of you are, with many, many projects, I would say the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00127-00065793-00066316 ascertainment of samples, the okaying of the consents, and the movements of those samples Wjc1ZrobeW0-00128-00066316-00066841 to the sequencing centers for this project went forward better than every other project Wjc1ZrobeW0-00129-00066841-00066943 I've been involved with. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00130-00066943-00067444 We stayed on time, and we stayed on task in making sure that the data will be produced Wjc1ZrobeW0-00131-00067444-00067732 and the data will go into dbGaP. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00132-00067732-00067981 This is the stage where we're at right now. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00133-00067981-00068247 All of the sequencing is complete for all of those projects. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00134-00068247-00068712 In fact, it was completed a little bit ahead of schedule, and I would say we're in the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00135-00068712-00069254 stage that would be considered QC and that the release of very early data sets. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00136-00069254-00069858 In the meantime, NIA has funded analysis centers, multiple analysis centers, that I won't go Wjc1ZrobeW0-00137-00069858-00070385 through in great detail, but there's three analysis groups that have been funded, and Wjc1ZrobeW0-00138-00070385-00070898 one of the things that Jerry and I are doing as Chairs of the Analysis Coordinating Committee Wjc1ZrobeW0-00139-00070898-00071479 is get those groups to work in a very I would say cohesive manner, that we're all moving Wjc1ZrobeW0-00140-00071479-00071579 in the same direction. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00141-00071579-00072316 They each had to apply in response to an RFA, but now that they've been awarded those grants, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00142-00072316-00072682 we want to make sure the no longer compete, or if they are competing, they are competing Wjc1ZrobeW0-00143-00072682-00073180 in a constructive way and we're all working in a synergistic manner. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00144-00073180-00073441 And so obviously I don't need to go through this in great detail. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00145-00073441-00073924 We have family-based analyses, that our plans and whitepapers have been put forward, the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00146-00073924-00074454 case-control analyses, structural variance, and, obviously, protection of variance. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00147-00074454-00074884 I put this red dot just to indicate -- give you a feel where we are in the project. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00148-00074884-00075327 Really, we are kind of moving out of QC. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00149-00075327-00075767 The first dataset has been released to the investigators, what we call a tire-kicking Wjc1ZrobeW0-00150-00075767-00076037 dataset. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00151-00076037-00076558 One of the things that we're doing, being a good NHGRI project, is we've brought the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00152-00076558-00077153 data together from the three sequencing centers, at Broad, Washington U, and Baylor. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00153-00077153-00077636 And both Broad and Baylor are putting them through their calling pipelines, and that's Wjc1ZrobeW0-00154-00077636-00077839 what's outlined in here. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00155-00077839-00078525 Basically, creating a Broad-specific VCF and a Baylor-specific VCF that are QC'd separately, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00156-00078525-00078780 and we're then creating a consensus set of calls. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00157-00078780-00079344 And as I indicated, the tire-kicking dataset has already been released, and version one Wjc1ZrobeW0-00158-00079344-00079962 will be released March the 31st, completed calls and completed QC. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00159-00079962-00080407 The BAMs [spelled phonetically] are already available in dbGaP, so if you go to dbGaP, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00160-00080407-00080933 you can already download the raw data. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00161-00080933-00081495 In the early days, I thought, you know, I questioned whether given the state of calling Wjc1ZrobeW0-00162-00081495-00082028 single-nucleotide variance, whether this parallel-calling by Broad and Baylor was really necessary, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00163-00082028-00082580 but I'm now convinced that it was a good exercise in getting us all working, and what this shows, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00164-00082580-00082885 basically, is the Medelian consistencies. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00165-00082885-00083439 The red on the top here is from the Broad data, and the purple or blue on the bottom Wjc1ZrobeW0-00166-00083439-00083700 is Baylor data. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00167-00083700-00084061 And it shows the differences between these two calling pipelines. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00168-00084061-00084588 By the way, most of these inconsistencies by far, are in, if you think of two Venn diagrams, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00169-00084588-00084953 they're in the part of the Venn diagram where variants were called in one group and not Wjc1ZrobeW0-00170-00084953-00085111 in the other group. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00171-00085111-00085942 So, this is good information as we develop a set of calls to distribute. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00172-00085942-00086596 The other thing we're seeing is really issues in sample handling throughout the process. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00173-00086596-00086880 These are five individuals; two of them are on top of one another. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00174-00086880-00087712 Really, they are basically outliers in heterozygosity, and all it was simply was a clerical error Wjc1ZrobeW0-00175-00087712-00087816 for those individuals. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00176-00087816-00088173 They were African-Americans and they were labelled as European-American, so when they Wjc1ZrobeW0-00177-00088173-00088753 were QC'd, they simply stood out as having a lot of heterozygosity. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00178-00088753-00089150 We're putting an enormous amount of effort early on in the replication study. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00179-00089150-00089537 I think one of the keys to our success is not only going to be the ability to make an Wjc1ZrobeW0-00180-00089537-00089993 initial discovery; second, the ability to replicate those findings; and then, third, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00181-00089993-00090510 to have functional studies to look at the mechanism at disease-association. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00182-00090510-00090747 So, as I mentioned, we're putting a lot of effort. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00183-00090747-00091287 We've identified already, basically, and our goal is to have 40,000 European ancestry. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00184-00091287-00092144 That will be 20,000 cases in control and 10,000 individuals from other ethnic groups, with Wjc1ZrobeW0-00185-00092144-00092787 Hispanic and African-Americans as part of the replication phase for the early discovery. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00186-00092787-00093398 In addition, we're basically using resources from other studies that have brought together, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00187-00093398-00093970 and we're keeping open the possibility for doing targeted re-sequencing versus, really, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00188-00093970-00094117 more exomes. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00189-00094117-00094561 Maybe by the time we approach the replication, maybe even whole genome prices could come Wjc1ZrobeW0-00190-00094561-00094661 down. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00191-00094661-00095176 So, right now, we're keeping out options open about what the replication study really will Wjc1ZrobeW0-00192-00095176-00095501 look like. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00193-00095501-00096164 Here, this just shows you, those are not numbers that are pie in the sky. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00194-00096164-00096629 Richard Mayeux, and Tatiana Foroud, and Sudha Seshadri, in particular, really have been Wjc1ZrobeW0-00195-00096629-00096970 doing a yeoman's job of contacting individuals. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00196-00096970-00097379 My guess is, in fact, there's an Alzheimer’s disease meeting in Washington right now. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00197-00097379-00098225 A lot of the discussions are really to drum up enthusiasm for the ADSP replication study. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00198-00098225-00098713 I put this slide in to emphasize, particularly to council, that we're not just turning the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00199-00098713-00098813 crank. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00200-00098813-00099242 We’re -- as best -- you know, we have a job to do on the one hand, but we're making Wjc1ZrobeW0-00201-00099242-00099647 sure we basically infuse the project with innovation. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00202-00099647-00100238 One of the innovative aspects in the project is really our approach to structural variant Wjc1ZrobeW0-00203-00100238-00100349 calling. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00204-00100349-00100878 I was worried in the early days we would end up with endless arguments and bake-offs between Wjc1ZrobeW0-00205-00100878-00100983 different callers. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00206-00100983-00101442 Many of you have probably participated in those, and we've really put together a group, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00207-00101442-00102041 I would say, really is using multiple callers on all of the data, and then really bringing Wjc1ZrobeW0-00208-00102041-00102389 the callers together in what we're calling a "Parliament," and then building a set of Wjc1ZrobeW0-00209-00102389-00102547 consensus call sets. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00210-00102547-00102792 Jerry [spelled phonetically] and Will Salerno [spelled phonetically] are leading that effort. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00211-00102792-00103372 And I think that's one way that the product of the project will be more than the sum of Wjc1ZrobeW0-00212-00103372-00103908 the various parts had we not collaborated and worked together. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00213-00103908-00104393 We already have some early manuscripts that are either well-developed -- a couple have Wjc1ZrobeW0-00214-00104393-00104493 been submitted. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00215-00104493-00104931 There'll be a design paper, which are thankless tasks for those of us that have done them, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00216-00104931-00105582 but yet they're heavily referenced throughout time, so the ADSP will have a design paper. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00217-00105582-00106056 We have a linkage analysis paper that Richard's group has led from the Dominican Republic Wjc1ZrobeW0-00218-00106056-00106621 families, and also another linkage paper from the European-American families. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00219-00106621-00107161 The Charge Consortium and the ADSP have worked together in terms of best practices for large-scale Wjc1ZrobeW0-00220-00107161-00107798 QC of exome data, and they're putting together a paper of best practices for QC-ing of exome Wjc1ZrobeW0-00221-00107798-00107948 data. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00222-00107948-00108367 Here is a sample from the last slide of the investigators. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00223-00108367-00108730 If I put everybody's name, it would be in a font that is hopeless to read, but I just Wjc1ZrobeW0-00224-00108730-00109233 want to emphasize, at the moment, first of all, thanking Rudy for the opportunity to Wjc1ZrobeW0-00225-00109233-00109333 speak. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00226-00109333-00109732 I was a cheap date because I just needed to walk from one side of the table to the other; Wjc1ZrobeW0-00227-00109732-00110169 but really, I'm a mouthpiece for a lot of people who are working on this project, many Wjc1ZrobeW0-00228-00110169-00110582 of which are on this slide, so thank you, and I'll be happy to answer questions. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00229-00110582-00110682 Bob? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00230-00110682-00111172 Male Speaker: Eric, I wanted to ask you about what your Wjc1ZrobeW0-00231-00111172-00111953 thoughts are about the analysis for trying to do association studies using multiple different Wjc1ZrobeW0-00232-00111953-00112452 variants within genes or within gene-networks, and those sorts of tools. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00233-00112452-00112931 Eric Boerwinkle: [laughs] Well, actually, I'll quote a good Wjc1ZrobeW0-00234-00112931-00113141 friend of mine, Peter Donnelly. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00235-00113141-00113443 He told me -- actually, I think Teri, you may have been at that lunch. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00236-00113443-00113963 He said, "If we're still doing burden tests in a few years, we're in trouble." Wjc1ZrobeW0-00237-00113963-00114555 And I think the field is finally moving out of simple burden tests, which is count, and Wjc1ZrobeW0-00238-00114555-00114967 there's nothing wrong with counting, by the way, many of us are fond of counting, but Wjc1ZrobeW0-00239-00114967-00115405 I think we're moving out of simple counting and looking at more sophisticated measures Wjc1ZrobeW0-00240-00115405-00115517 that will be applied. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00241-00115517-00115980 Some of them are principle components-based, some are more sophisticated or less sophisticated. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00242-00115980-00116680 I think particularly as we move into clever ways to identify protective variants, one Wjc1ZrobeW0-00243-00116680-00117442 clever way is to code and annotate and analyze structural variance, which really is a wide-open Wjc1ZrobeW0-00244-00117442-00117542 field. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00245-00117542-00118076 There's so much emphasis on calling of structural analysis, using them in analysis of a complex Wjc1ZrobeW0-00246-00118076-00118418 trait is a fascinating and wide-open field. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00247-00118418-00118863 And I think, again, because of the emphasis we're putting on structural variance here, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00248-00118863-00119314 we should be able to make a contribution, at the minimum make a contribution of data Wjc1ZrobeW0-00249-00119314-00119592 so other, smarter people can address that. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00250-00119592-00119761 Howard, I think you. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00251-00119761-00120017 Male Speaker: That was excellent, Eric. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00252-00120017-00120149 Thank you very much. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00253-00120149-00120603 So the question I had was around the variants that are not in common between the two pipelines. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00254-00120603-00121155 Are they going to be available somewhere, or are you going to use those as being, you Wjc1ZrobeW0-00255-00121155-00121416 know, we don't trust those, so they're out of the loop? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00256-00121416-00121656 Eric Boerwinkle: A little bit of each, so, as I mentioned, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00257-00121656-00122492 there'll be a consensus QC data set released in March; that's the timeline. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00258-00122492-00122985 Those will have, as obviously the consensus set. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00259-00122985-00123459 The raw data, so the data from both groups, in fact, all three sequencing centers, is Wjc1ZrobeW0-00260-00123459-00123559 available. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00261-00123559-00123982 If you want to recall, or you want to look at those variants that have only been called Wjc1ZrobeW0-00262-00123982-00124251 by one of the two, that's available on DbGaP. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00263-00124251-00124351 Von? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00264-00124351-00124730 Male Speaker: So thanks, Eric, really interesting. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00265-00124730-00125160 I guess I'm in the mindset of precision medicine from this morning, and also hearing the lofty Wjc1ZrobeW0-00266-00125160-00125557 goal of coming up with new medicines in a short period of time. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00267-00125557-00126026 I was gratified to hear that the focus isn't just on genetics discovery, which is obvious, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00268-00126026-00126408 but the endophenotype’s side, and maybe the genotype-phenotype relationship -- Wjc1ZrobeW0-00269-00126408-00126508 Eric Boerwinkle: Right. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00270-00126508-00126623 Male Speaker: -- and I wondered if you might speculate a Wjc1ZrobeW0-00271-00126623-00127192 bit further on how far you're going to get in practice so that we might use this in a Wjc1ZrobeW0-00272-00127192-00127398 drug-discovery context down the road? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00273-00127398-00127680 Eric Boerwinkle: Well, I mean the short answer is we haven't Wjc1ZrobeW0-00274-00127680-00128267 analyzed the data yet with these sequence variants, but I'm optimistic that the endophenotypes Wjc1ZrobeW0-00275-00128267-00128675 are going to be a key for identifying protective variants. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00276-00128675-00129125 Just, if you live long enough, a lot of us are going to get dementia, not necessarily Wjc1ZrobeW0-00277-00129125-00129327 Alzheimer’s disease, but dementia. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00278-00129327-00129694 So I think the endophenotypes are going to be key for identifying protective variants Wjc1ZrobeW0-00279-00129694-00130298 by finding, for example, APOE-4 individuals who are in their eighties, even nineties, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00280-00130298-00130976 but whose brain, longitudinal brain hippocampal volume is not progressing or digressing. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00281-00130976-00131173 I think that's one. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00282-00131173-00131792 Second is the ability to use the Alzheimer’s disease and/or the endophenotypes as types Wjc1ZrobeW0-00283-00131792-00132438 of stratifying variables to identify a more homogeneous/pure phenotype type set of individuals Wjc1ZrobeW0-00284-00132438-00132676 that could drive up power for discovery. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00285-00132676-00132816 I think that's another opportunity. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00286-00132816-00133191 Male Speaker: Have you got the right material on the right Wjc1ZrobeW0-00287-00133191-00133677 samples, or on enough of them, to draw any of those inferences? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00288-00133677-00133915 Eric Boerwinkle: Actually, Jerry, can you help me get -- how Wjc1ZrobeW0-00289-00133915-00134662 many of the, out of the five, let's say 10,000 Alzheimer's cases will have a brain MRI, do Wjc1ZrobeW0-00290-00134662-00134796 you have any idea? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00291-00134796-00134963 Male Speaker: I don't know. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00292-00134963-00135169 The data are not centralized, so I really can't answer that. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00293-00135169-00135269 Eric Boerwinkle: Yeah, don't know. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00294-00135269-00135969 Well, there are two parts to your question, though: do we Wjc1ZrobeW0-00295-00135969-00136177 have the right data, and how much of it? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00296-00136177-00136668 You know, we have, you know, these are walking, talking, living human beings that are largely Wjc1ZrobeW0-00297-00136668-00137309 volunteers, so we have the data that's routinely available, and we're trying to drive up the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00298-00137309-00137409 numbers. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00299-00137409-00137635 I think the other opportunity, by the way, is going to be longitudinal measurements. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00300-00137635-00138036 Many of these individuals now have five, six brain MRIs over 45 now to 80. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00301-00138036-00138136 Marilyn [spelled phonetically]? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00302-00138136-00138680 Female Speaker: There are a couple of things that might be Wjc1ZrobeW0-00303-00138680-00138801 of help. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00304-00138801-00140630 In addition to this specific sample set they are generating, the charge cohort has a large Wjc1ZrobeW0-00305-00140630-00141656 number of their subjects' MRI data, and they've already published several papers on those Wjc1ZrobeW0-00306-00141656-00142869 data, so the other thing to add on to that, is that we are also going to be calling in Wjc1ZrobeW0-00307-00142869-00143158 harmony the data from the Alzheimer's Seasonal Imagining Initiative. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00308-00143158-00143292 That is all new imaging data. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00309-00143292-00143970 Those data are going to be [inaudible] working on it with Eric, and that will double our Wjc1ZrobeW0-00310-00143970-00144079 sample size that's available for those types of analyses. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00311-00144079-00144225 We have several other on-going projects that we're going to try and harmonize with these Wjc1ZrobeW0-00312-00144225-00144325 data, so those cohorts can also have those endophenotypes there, they’re good. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00313-00144325-00144572 So I think we're going to be in pretty good shape for [inaudible] very good endophenotype Wjc1ZrobeW0-00314-00144572-00144672 [inaudible] Wjc1ZrobeW0-00315-00144672-00144796 Eric Boerwinkle: Well, I think the other thing that's happening Wjc1ZrobeW0-00316-00144796-00145244 that I think's very good, that reminds me of the early GWAS days is everyone, you know, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00317-00145244-00145927 everyone thought they were going to Stockholm next week or next year, and when reality hit Wjc1ZrobeW0-00318-00145927-00146442 that this was a tough problem, it was a tough problem, we needed large sample sizes, we Wjc1ZrobeW0-00319-00146442-00147047 needed good analytics, we needed good phenotyping, the community, I think, fortunately is laying Wjc1ZrobeW0-00320-00147047-00147747 the foundation really for this proposed Precision Medicine Initiative, really, is that cooperation Wjc1ZrobeW0-00321-00147747-00148201 that came out of the realization that we couldn't do it alone, that we were going to have to Wjc1ZrobeW0-00322-00148201-00148650 do it collaboratively, and I think this study will benefit from it and the timing. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00323-00148650-00148750 Dan? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00324-00148750-00148949 Male Speaker: A couple of questions or comments. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00325-00148949-00149332 One was, can you comment a little bit more on the selection of the control group? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00326-00149332-00149803 I thought I was going to hear that they were -- people who were old didn't have Alzheimer’s Wjc1ZrobeW0-00327-00149803-00150240 disease, and had APOE-4 risk alleles, and I don't think that's what I heard. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00328-00150240-00150629 And how do you decide if they're controls or not, that was one question. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00329-00150629-00150729 I like the word "harmonization." Wjc1ZrobeW0-00330-00150729-00151160 I think we're going to hear that word over and over and over again as we go forward in Wjc1ZrobeW0-00331-00151160-00151284 this Precision Medicine thing -- Wjc1ZrobeW0-00332-00151284-00151384 Eric Boerwinkle: Right. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00333-00151384-00151564 Male Speaker: -- and the third question I had was, the Peter Wjc1ZrobeW0-00334-00151564-00151675 Donnelly comment. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00335-00151675-00152436 I just want to clarify: hopefully, we'll figure out which variants have function, and then Wjc1ZrobeW0-00336-00152436-00152663 we can do burden tests using those. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00337-00152663-00153017 Is that a correct statement, do you think? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00338-00153017-00153351 I mean, the problem with just doing burden tests where you just sort of say, “Here's Wjc1ZrobeW0-00339-00153351-00153673 a bunch of SNPs,” and I'm just going to say, “Well, if there's variants, I'm just Wjc1ZrobeW0-00340-00153673-00154175 going to sort of add up the numbers,” that is sort of misguided and simplistic. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00341-00154175-00154659 But if you knew that there were three or four that were all loss-of-function variants, then Wjc1ZrobeW0-00342-00154659-00154858 a burden test makes some sense to me. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00343-00154858-00155002 I mean, I'm not Peter Donnelly, though. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00344-00155002-00155329 Eric Boerwinkle: No, I mean, as we have talked numerous times Wjc1ZrobeW0-00345-00155329-00156051 in this room, we really do not have an adequate pipeline to in an a priori way identify what Wjc1ZrobeW0-00346-00156051-00156353 are functional variants and what are not functional variants. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00347-00156353-00156792 If we had that pipeline, I would agree with you, but we do not -- Wjc1ZrobeW0-00348-00156792-00156892 Male Speaker: Okay, okay. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00349-00156892-00157059 Eric Boerwinkle: -- I think that this is something that we'll Wjc1ZrobeW0-00350-00157059-00157627 unfold, and particularly as we move, again, pushed by this group, as we move from exomes Wjc1ZrobeW0-00351-00157627-00158346 to genomes, identifying functional variants outside of very tightly annotated regions Wjc1ZrobeW0-00352-00158346-00158510 is a wide-open field. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00353-00158510-00158646 It's a wide-open field. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00354-00158646-00158767 Male Speaker: Control question? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00355-00158767-00158949 Eric Boerwinkle: So the control question. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00356-00158949-00159333 So first of all, it's been discussed a lot, and you are absolutely correct. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00357-00159333-00159578 You did not hear what you thought you were going to hear. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00358-00159578-00160310 So, these, I want to emphasize -- whoops, sorry about that -- these controls are identified Wjc1ZrobeW0-00359-00160310-00160666 as individuals who are least likely to convert to cases. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00360-00160666-00161224 That was the definition of control, and we calculated these very carefully in terms of Wjc1ZrobeW0-00361-00161224-00161494 using epidemiologic data. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00362-00161494-00162292 Many in individuals in the community are sequencing elderly E4 individuals who are cognitively Wjc1ZrobeW0-00363-00162292-00162946 intact, in addition to this as part of complimentary studies. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00364-00162946-00163383 Alison Goate has a project has a project like, Richard Mayeux and I have a project like that, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00365-00163383-00163909 so it will be complimentary and actually part of this, but the main ADSP controls are defined Wjc1ZrobeW0-00366-00163909-00164009 this way. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00367-00164009-00164774 Also, if you define the cases up top as being E2s, and the controls as being E4s, it would Wjc1ZrobeW0-00368-00164774-00165174 be a very difficult study to analyze on chromosome 19. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00369-00165174-00165274 Marilyn? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00370-00165274-00165374 Something you want to add? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00371-00165374-00165575 Female Speaker: I wanted to go back to the functional question. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00372-00165575-00166452 In addition to the sequencing project, we have a huge effort at NIA in defining therapeutic Wjc1ZrobeW0-00373-00166452-00167007 targets using the accelerated medical practice and medical partnerships initiative. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00374-00167007-00167829 We, NIA, has made sure that those investigators are talking with the geneticists, because Wjc1ZrobeW0-00375-00167829-00168347 those guys are -- they're doing it from the backend to the front, and we're doing it from Wjc1ZrobeW0-00376-00168347-00168834 the front end to the back, and hopefully somewhere in there we'll meet in the middle. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00377-00168834-00169384 The other part of it is that we have on the street an RFA for the replication phase, the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00378-00169384-00170177 [inaudible] phase, which is going to have to find some functional components because Wjc1ZrobeW0-00379-00170177-00170582 we have a Congressional mandate to find those by 2020. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00380-00170582-00170841 Eric Boerwinkle: Yeah. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00381-00170841-00170941 Jay? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00382-00170941-00171044 You had your -- okay, you're fine. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00383-00171044-00171213 Male Speaker: I didn't mandate that. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00384-00171213-00171313 [laughing] Wjc1ZrobeW0-00385-00171313-00171450 Eric Boerwinkle: That's actually the only thing they have done Wjc1ZrobeW0-00386-00171450-00171550 recently. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00387-00171550-00171866 [laughs] I didn't say -- I’m sorry, Eric looked at me and [laughs]. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00388-00171866-00172238 Male Speaker: Maybe you said this in there and I missed Wjc1ZrobeW0-00389-00172238-00172338 it -- Wjc1ZrobeW0-00390-00172338-00172438 Eric Boerwinkle: Okay. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00391-00172438-00172538 Male Speaker: -- but what is the specific target as far Wjc1ZrobeW0-00392-00172538-00172787 as power is related to the mandate question? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00393-00172787-00173133 Is there a goal there? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00394-00173133-00173517 Eric Boerwinkle: You're asking me to dig up things from a year Wjc1ZrobeW0-00395-00173517-00173620 and a half ago. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00396-00173620-00173728 Yes, there was -- Wjc1ZrobeW0-00397-00173728-00173828 Male Speaker: [laughs] Wjc1ZrobeW0-00398-00173828-00174009 Eric Boerwinkle: -- yes, there was a goal, and there were calculations. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00399-00174009-00174109 I don't remember. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00400-00174109-00174825 There is a power, if you go to the ADSP documents, there's actually an appendix -- many-page Wjc1ZrobeW0-00401-00174825-00175118 appendices, and then there's a summary table, and I can send it to you-- Wjc1ZrobeW0-00402-00175118-00175308 Female Speaker: It's supposed to be on our website, so you Wjc1ZrobeW0-00403-00175308-00175408 can find it. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00404-00175408-00175508 It's on the public site. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00405-00175508-00175656 Eric Boerwinkle: I don't remember what the, you know, frequency Wjc1ZrobeW0-00406-00175656-00175928 effect size and probability was. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00407-00175928-00176046 Yeah. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00408-00176046-00176588 Female Speaker: Is there a sample biobanking component to Wjc1ZrobeW0-00409-00176588-00177019 this so that you can go back to samples? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00410-00177019-00177217 I didn't see it listed on your diagram. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00411-00177217-00177397 Female Speaker: We, we have a -- Wjc1ZrobeW0-00412-00177397-00177497 Eric Boerwinkle: So -- Wjc1ZrobeW0-00413-00177497-00177903 Female Speaker: Let me help you out with that, and then you Wjc1ZrobeW0-00414-00177903-00178101 can jump in. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00415-00178101-00178300 Eric Boerwinkle: Okay. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00416-00178300-00178969 Female Speaker: The NIA has funded since 2002 the National Wjc1ZrobeW0-00417-00178969-00179250 Cellbank Repository for Alzheimer’s disease. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00418-00179250-00179956 We have samples in there that go back thirty years. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00419-00179956-00180360 Some of these families have been followed for that entire time. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00420-00180360-00181210 We have all of the samples from the Alzheimer’s disease [unintelligible]. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00421-00181210-00181686 Every single investigator that has been in my [unintelligible] for the last fifteen years Wjc1ZrobeW0-00422-00181686-00181786 has samples in that databank. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00423-00181786-00181886 We have, I don't know, 25,000 samples in there, all phenotype. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00424-00181886-00182311 So, there's a huge effort to leverage the infrastructure that NIA has in place. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00425-00182311-00182634 In addition to that, the Charge component has an equal number of samples that they have Wjc1ZrobeW0-00426-00182634-00182914 put into the study, so there's really a lot of [unintelligible] existing resources for Wjc1ZrobeW0-00427-00182914-00183014 the study. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00428-00183014-00183125 Eric Boerwinkle: Carole, what I'd like to see again, relevant Wjc1ZrobeW0-00429-00183125-00183638 to this group with ENCODE and GTEx and many other things, and the BRAIN Initiative, it Wjc1ZrobeW0-00430-00183638-00184089 would be nice for us, for some of these individuals, particularly those where doing whole genome Wjc1ZrobeW0-00431-00184089-00184768 sequence to get post-autopsy, you know, brain donation, and done in an appropriate to do Wjc1ZrobeW0-00432-00184768-00184902 RNA-seq and other measures. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00433-00184902-00185002 Yeah? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00434-00185002-00185454 Male Speaker: I cannot resist saying that this entire discussion Wjc1ZrobeW0-00435-00185454-00185882 sounds like a discussion that's going to be repeated over and over and over again as the Wjc1ZrobeW0-00436-00185882-00186221 Precision Medicine Initiative goes forward. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00437-00186221-00186788 Harmonization across data sets, lots and lots of different kinds of data sets for discovery, Wjc1ZrobeW0-00438-00186788-00187286 lots and lots of complimentary data sets that will finally come to an answer. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00439-00187286-00187747 Unless the idea is you're going to solve everything with one large cohort -- we're going to talk Wjc1ZrobeW0-00440-00187747-00188316 about this, I think for the next week, or for the next decade -- this discussion is Wjc1ZrobeW0-00441-00188316-00188416 going to go on and on. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00442-00188416-00188549 Eric Boerwinkle: I'm looking forward to it. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00443-00188549-00188649 Male Speaker: Yeah. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00444-00188649-00188803 Eric Boerwinkle: And I think one of the nice things about this Wjc1ZrobeW0-00445-00188803-00189479 discussion, the discussion, occurring early, with the engagement of the community, I think Wjc1ZrobeW0-00446-00189479-00189978 the Precision Medicine Initiative needs to be sensitive that each of these communities Wjc1ZrobeW0-00447-00189978-00190221 need to be brought along. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00448-00190221-00190641 And that will take some time, but if we're going to get appropriately consented, appropriately Wjc1ZrobeW0-00449-00190641-00191095 phenotyped samples in large enough numbers, these communities are going to need to be Wjc1ZrobeW0-00450-00191095-00191213 fully engaged. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00451-00191213-00191479 Thank you, Rudy. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00452-00191479-00191922 Rudy Pozzatti: Thank you, Eric. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00453-00191922-00192188 Let's move along. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00454-00192188-00192909 NIH is required to, before we can publish an FOA with a set aside of funds, we have Wjc1ZrobeW0-00455-00192909-00193266 to get a, what's called a "concept clearance" in a public meeting. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00456-00193266-00193637 And each year, RUI uses their advisory council for that purpose. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00457-00193637-00194275 So, Joy Boyer's going to give us a presentation on the ELSI Centers of Excellence. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00458-00194275-00194436 Yes? Wjc1ZrobeW0-00459-00194436-00195078 Joy Boyer: Sliding off. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00460-00195078-00195931 Rudy Pozzatti: Put it on the other side, Joy, so when you Wjc1ZrobeW0-00461-00195931-00196031 turn -- Wjc1ZrobeW0-00462-00196031-00196131 Joy Boyer: I feel like I'm going to the prom. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00463-00196131-00196231 [laughing] Wjc1ZrobeW0-00464-00196231-00196331 Rudy Pozzatti: Sorry, it's the Centers of Excellence in ELSI Wjc1ZrobeW0-00465-00196331-00196431 Research. Wjc1ZrobeW0-00466-00196431-00196431 [end of transcript] Wk5lGr_cCt4-00000-00000003-00000519 you guys remember that time with Shane Dawson did that Jake Paul series and Wk5lGr_cCt4-00001-00000519-00001116 everybody freaked out because Shane Dawson and Kati Morton were talking Wk5lGr_cCt4-00002-00001116-00002159 about sociopaths oh boy was that crazy Wk5lGr_cCt4-00003-00002194-00002700 what is everybody this is Chris from the rewired saw where we talked about the Wk5lGr_cCt4-00004-00002700-00003068 problem but focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel what I try to Wk5lGr_cCt4-00005-00003068-00003422 do is take different topics from the YouTube community try to see what Wk5lGr_cCt4-00006-00003422-00003759 lessons we can pull from them to improve our own mental and emotional well-being Wk5lGr_cCt4-00007-00003759-00004130 so if you're into that stuff make sure you subscribe and bring that Wk5lGr_cCt4-00008-00004130-00004509 notification bell and all of you loyal rewired soldiers out there you're Wk5lGr_cCt4-00009-00004509-00004836 looking around and you're like whoa Chris that background looks different Wk5lGr_cCt4-00010-00004836-00005451 well I'm in a hotel room because I am actually in Anaheim California here at Wk5lGr_cCt4-00011-00005451-00005802 VidCon and it's been so cool I'm probably going to do some recap videos Wk5lGr_cCt4-00012-00005802-00006153 and stuff there's been some really awesome panels a bunch of awesome Wk5lGr_cCt4-00013-00006153-00006393 creators I saw panels today with like Kati Morton Wk5lGr_cCt4-00014-00006393-00006959 with Jarvis Johnson Dan from the ASPI world all sorts of cool people so I Wk5lGr_cCt4-00015-00006959-00007356 might do some recap videos on that I've also met some really awesome fans of the Wk5lGr_cCt4-00016-00007356-00007800 channel I also got to meet nerd City the dude who put my crazy Shane Dawson Wk5lGr_cCt4-00017-00007800-00008367 reaction video but yeah it's really cool I also got to meet the guy from deadbeat Wk5lGr_cCt4-00018-00008367-00008835 my son absolutely loves that channel like that channel got my son into horror Wk5lGr_cCt4-00019-00008835-00009174 movies anyways if you're a big con find me come say hi Wk5lGr_cCt4-00020-00009174-00009681 let's check but yeah anyways tana mongeau I guess she's gonna be here at Wk5lGr_cCt4-00021-00009681-00010089 VidCon too but I saw they uploaded this video today about them taking the Wk5lGr_cCt4-00022-00010089-00010671 sociopath test and I remember when Tanner was doing the mukbang look bang Wk5lGr_cCt4-00023-00010671-00011100 how do you say that with Shane Dawson or Ryland Adams and Morgan Adams and Wk5lGr_cCt4-00024-00011100-00011514 everything like that and I think they were like talking about it anyways we Wk5lGr_cCt4-00025-00011514-00011954 finally released the video where tana mongeau and Jake Paul take the sociopath Wk5lGr_cCt4-00026-00011954-00012234 test so you can check out that video down below if you want to check that out Wk5lGr_cCt4-00027-00012234-00012729 I just wanted to take a couple topics from that video and discuss them with Wk5lGr_cCt4-00028-00012729-00013170 all of you beautiful people so those of you who don't know me I am Wk5lGr_cCt4-00029-00013170-00013509 NOT a licensed therapist I'm not a licensed psychologist I do have Wk5lGr_cCt4-00030-00013509-00013794 experience working in the mental health field I'm currently working on my Wk5lGr_cCt4-00031-00013794-00014247 certified alcohol and drug counselor licensing and everything like that but Wk5lGr_cCt4-00032-00014247-00014701 also disclaimer I don't know Tana mongeau I don't know Jake everything like that all Wk5lGr_cCt4-00033-00014701-00014937 right but anyways those of you who have been Wk5lGr_cCt4-00034-00014937-00015366 around for a while don't worry I'm not gonna diagnose anybody in this video Wk5lGr_cCt4-00035-00015366-00015778 actually do want to talk about diagnosis so anyways one of the reasons I want to Wk5lGr_cCt4-00036-00015778-00016219 make this video because there is a topic that we really need to discuss all right Wk5lGr_cCt4-00037-00016219-00016881 and that is self diagnosis or even looking up symptoms online so like since Wk5lGr_cCt4-00038-00016881-00017401 like the dawn of the Internet and like searching and googling and everything Wk5lGr_cCt4-00039-00017401-00017931 like that or WebMD this has been the bane of people's existences right like I Wk5lGr_cCt4-00040-00017931-00018576 get it like I used to be so anxious and obsessive that when I was experiencing Wk5lGr_cCt4-00041-00018576-00019006 something I would look online for hours and hours and hours and if you have Wk5lGr_cCt4-00042-00019006-00019378 anxiety and you get obsessive you know exactly what I'm talking about all right Wk5lGr_cCt4-00043-00019378-00019741 if you've done this in the past let me know down in the comments below all Wk5lGr_cCt4-00044-00019741-00020062 right anyways I just want to talk about this stuff like always see a doctor like Wk5lGr_cCt4-00045-00020062-00020385 I said I'm not a therapist I'm not a psychologist although I talk about Wk5lGr_cCt4-00046-00020385-00020650 mental health on this channel like something I'm always trying to get all Wk5lGr_cCt4-00047-00020650-00020979 of you to do is if you have the resources go get help Wk5lGr_cCt4-00048-00020979-00021282 alright if you have health insurance if you have the money whatever it is go get Wk5lGr_cCt4-00049-00021282-00021666 help go talk to a doctor go talk to a therapist alright but looking up this Wk5lGr_cCt4-00050-00021666-00022026 stuff online is never a good idea it's especially it's not good if they're Wk5lGr_cCt4-00051-00022026-00022504 trying to get like an actual answer so here's here's my suggestion just for my Wk5lGr_cCt4-00052-00022504-00022923 personal experience my personal suggestions if you're gonna take any of Wk5lGr_cCt4-00053-00022923-00023443 these tests online like when when you see a doctor when you see a therapist a Wk5lGr_cCt4-00054-00023443-00023731 lot of them do have like kind of a checklist that they go through to see if Wk5lGr_cCt4-00055-00023731-00024253 you have certain symptoms that match up with a specific diagnosis order alright Wk5lGr_cCt4-00056-00024253-00024645 and a lot of that information they just talks online but there's so many Wk5lGr_cCt4-00057-00024645-00025237 different variables okay so what I recommend is like especially if you're Wk5lGr_cCt4-00058-00025237-00025527 watching like here's the scenario I imagine Wk5lGr_cCt4-00059-00025527-00025845 you're on YouTube and you're looking stuff up right maybe you see this Wk5lGr_cCt4-00060-00025845-00026244 sociopath test with Tana mojo and Jake Paul right or maybe you're looking up Wk5lGr_cCt4-00061-00026244-00026556 like do I have depression or do I have this or do I have that right Wk5lGr_cCt4-00062-00026556-00027060 like with my videos like I hope like here's a little how to use the rewired Wk5lGr_cCt4-00063-00027060-00027545 soul if I talk about mental health subjects like if I talk about mental Wk5lGr_cCt4-00064-00027545-00028089 health subjects like I want you to see like does this sound familiar like can Wk5lGr_cCt4-00065-00028089-00028566 you relate to that because if so go see a professional okay Wk5lGr_cCt4-00066-00028566-00028974 like never try to diagnose yourself never try to diagnose anybody else Wk5lGr_cCt4-00067-00028974-00029454 anything like that all right but like if you can relate to that like I've had Wk5lGr_cCt4-00068-00029454-00029870 people like I used to make a lot of videos just about like the different Wk5lGr_cCt4-00069-00029870-00030243 symptoms like I would talk about you know symptoms from the Diagnostic and Wk5lGr_cCt4-00070-00030243-00030602 Statistical Manual about different disorders and everything like that and Wk5lGr_cCt4-00071-00030602-00031064 like a lot of people would just stumble across them you know because maybe they Wk5lGr_cCt4-00072-00031064-00031404 heard about it I'm not sure how they found them right or what sparked their Wk5lGr_cCt4-00073-00031404-00031773 interest but like oh wow it sounds like I might have this like another great Wk5lGr_cCt4-00074-00031773-00032270 example is I did a video about maladaptive daydreaming not that we'll Wk5lGr_cCt4-00075-00032270-00032639 meet last year and a lot of people stumble across this like oh my god I Wk5lGr_cCt4-00076-00032639-00033144 think I have this right so like if you think you have something make sure you Wk5lGr_cCt4-00077-00033144-00033444 set up an appointment I go talk to somebody okay Wk5lGr_cCt4-00078-00033444-00034014 because here's here's one of the biggest reasons why that is like so many Wk5lGr_cCt4-00079-00034014-00034458 different mental illnesses especially have like overlapping symptoms alright Wk5lGr_cCt4-00080-00034458-00035066 so for example if you have PTSD you also have anxiety people with anxiety can Wk5lGr_cCt4-00081-00035066-00035646 also have depression some people might experience you know manic manic episodes Wk5lGr_cCt4-00082-00035646-00035979 and they might think they have bipolar disorder but it could be some other type Wk5lGr_cCt4-00083-00035979-00036438 of mood disorder you see what I mean so when you work with a like a psychiatrist Wk5lGr_cCt4-00084-00036438-00036963 a psychologist whoever it is you can get more of an accurate diagnosis because if Wk5lGr_cCt4-00085-00036963-00037362 you're not getting an accurate diagnosis then you're not going to be able to Wk5lGr_cCt4-00086-00037362-00037912 treat the right thing all right like the way I usually explain it is your your Wk5lGr_cCt4-00087-00037912-00038392 gonna have a problem treating your arm if you have a broken leg you see what I Wk5lGr_cCt4-00088-00038392-00038755 mean like so you want to make sure that you get an accurate diagnosis all right Wk5lGr_cCt4-00089-00038755-00039175 so the second thing I want to talk about I am reading this amazing book right now Wk5lGr_cCt4-00090-00039175-00039667 the most amazing book I love it so much it's called an invisible influence okay Wk5lGr_cCt4-00091-00039667-00040399 if you're into psychology if you're into behavior like behavioral sciences and Wk5lGr_cCt4-00092-00040399-00040708 stuff like that you have to get this book all right like it was recommended Wk5lGr_cCt4-00093-00040708-00041155 to me by a friend but anyways anyways I'm like three chapters in I've been Wk5lGr_cCt4-00094-00041155-00041512 listening I listen to it on my drive out here to LA and I've been listening to it Wk5lGr_cCt4-00095-00041512-00041853 like you know when I'm like - going to and from VidCon and everything like that Wk5lGr_cCt4-00096-00041853-00042319 but anyways like check it out check it out like I'm gonna do so many videos Wk5lGr_cCt4-00097-00042319-00042781 about this book because it explains perfectly like mob mentality and why we Wk5lGr_cCt4-00098-00042781-00043111 choose the things that we choose and everything like that baby ways there Wk5lGr_cCt4-00099-00043111-00043531 there's some specific studies in here that they've talked about and I just Wk5lGr_cCt4-00100-00043531-00044008 thought it was funny because Tana mojo and Jake Paul were taking this test Wk5lGr_cCt4-00101-00044008-00044515 together okay and here's the thing like something this book talks about quite a Wk5lGr_cCt4-00102-00044515-00045088 bit is your answers are not going to be accurate right and here's the thing like Wk5lGr_cCt4-00103-00045088-00045517 one of the examples it gives in there was there was a study they did where Wk5lGr_cCt4-00104-00045517-00045958 these like these psychologists who were doing a study they dressed up as waiters Wk5lGr_cCt4-00105-00045958-00046414 and they went to this like local brewery right and they went to different people Wk5lGr_cCt4-00106-00046414-00046736 and had him you know pick what beer they wanted and they had like six different Wk5lGr_cCt4-00107-00046736-00047230 beers alright and what they found was cuz with one group they had that people Wk5lGr_cCt4-00108-00047230-00047737 say it out loud and what they found was many of the people who picked a certain Wk5lGr_cCt4-00109-00047737-00048211 beer were really dissatisfied with that beer but with the other group what they Wk5lGr_cCt4-00110-00048211-00048670 had him do was write down on a piece of paper what beer they wanted right and Wk5lGr_cCt4-00111-00048670-00049090 they saw their satisfaction went way up and basically what they were trying to Wk5lGr_cCt4-00112-00049090-00049574 find out was like how does social influence like play into the decisions Wk5lGr_cCt4-00113-00049574-00049963 that we make so what they found was with those beers right like people picked a Wk5lGr_cCt4-00114-00049963-00050440 beer not even wanting that specificity or not even liking that type of beer Wk5lGr_cCt4-00115-00050440-00050960 because other people at the table were all right like they even talked about Wk5lGr_cCt4-00116-00050960-00051470 like another test another study that they did where they had somebody come in Wk5lGr_cCt4-00117-00051470-00051827 and you had to match a line right you had a line over here and then you had Wk5lGr_cCt4-00118-00051827-00052196 options a B and C all right and you had to match the line which one Wk5lGr_cCt4-00119-00052196-00052703 is the same length right and the answer was C but what the person answering that Wk5lGr_cCt4-00120-00052703-00053144 question didn't know was that the other five people in that room were actors Wk5lGr_cCt4-00121-00053144-00053629 okay so even though this person knew that the answer was C all of the actors Wk5lGr_cCt4-00122-00053629-00054263 said B all right so even when a person knows the correct answer on a test if Wk5lGr_cCt4-00123-00054263-00054701 everybody else is saying something different they're going to pick the Wk5lGr_cCt4-00124-00054701-00055216 wrong answer right like isn't that crazy like I think this is so important like Wk5lGr_cCt4-00125-00055216-00055705 my friend who recommended this book invisible influence to me I was like yo Wk5lGr_cCt4-00126-00055705-00056363 we got to get everybody to read this book like there is so much in there and Wk5lGr_cCt4-00127-00056363-00056726 it's something that I'm really fascinated with not only as like Wk5lGr_cCt4-00128-00056726-00057119 somebody you know who does YouTube but just as somebody who like yours really Wk5lGr_cCt4-00129-00057119-00057691 interested in seeing why people do the things they do especially how about like Wk5lGr_cCt4-00130-00057691-00058157 like crowd psychology works like obviously cancel culture is this huge Wk5lGr_cCt4-00131-00058157-00058664 thing and just see how people are swayed in different directions because what we Wk5lGr_cCt4-00132-00058664-00059234 start to see especially when people are in a group like they lose they lose Wk5lGr_cCt4-00133-00059234-00059726 their own you know freedom of choice right they they stop making their own Wk5lGr_cCt4-00134-00059726-00060212 choices they start choosing what the herd is choosing right so there's so Wk5lGr_cCt4-00135-00060212-00060590 much interesting stuff and I have like 50 million video ideas and stuff like Wk5lGr_cCt4-00136-00060590-00061163 that but anyways anyways the takeaways from this video is this take test by Wk5lGr_cCt4-00137-00061163-00061700 yourself alright get accurate answers second off use any of these online tests Wk5lGr_cCt4-00138-00061700-00062285 as like just just getting your wheels turned all right make sure you see a Wk5lGr_cCt4-00139-00062285-00062732 professional to get an official diagnosis alright Wk5lGr_cCt4-00140-00062732-00063200 never forget that okay anyways that's all I got for this video again I'm at Wk5lGr_cCt4-00141-00063200-00063548 VidCon I might do some more videos while I'm out here if you have VidCon come say Wk5lGr_cCt4-00142-00063548-00063923 hi it absolutely makes my day alright but if you liked Wk5lGr_cCt4-00143-00063923-00064235 this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe and Wk5lGr_cCt4-00144-00064235-00064582 bring that notification bell because I'll make a ton of videos and a huge Wk5lGr_cCt4-00145-00064582-00064912 huge thank you to everybody sabor the channel over on patreon you're all Wk5lGr_cCt4-00146-00064912-00065216 amazing if you would like to help support what I'm doing here get access Wk5lGr_cCt4-00147-00065216-00065530 to some other perks and benefits and stuff like that take your top on that Wk5lGr_cCt4-00148-00065530-00065923 picture on icon right there alright thanks again for watching I'll see you Wk5lGr_cCt4-00149-00065923-00066160 next time WkgaV5FB8m0-00000-00000662-00001040 Today, we conducted close-order drill aboard Brown Field on the parade deck. WkgaV5FB8m0-00001-00001598-00001954 The importances of close-order drill are weapons handling, WkgaV5FB8m0-00002-00001954-00002498 so that way they are comfortable with the weapon, and they understand that it is a weapon, WkgaV5FB8m0-00003-00002510-00002974 and that it's something that is not to be taken lightly. WkgaV5FB8m0-00004-00003611-00004202 It's better to learn your lessons here and fail here than it is whenever you have junior Marines underneath of you. WlQQiLtc97U-00000-00002112-00002984 so WlQQiLtc97U-00001-00003768-00004384 no we're in week seven yeah WlQQiLtc97U-00002-00004544-00005816 oh that ain't it that is old that's two days ago WlQQiLtc97U-00003-00005816-00006024 they say they give me anything nope they don't WlQQiLtc97U-00004-00006352-00006608 are we going to the place for breakfast that you yeah let's go WlQQiLtc97U-00005-00006704-00007184 let's go look for some place to go eat look it up look we can look it up too WlQQiLtc97U-00006-00007336-00008048 so this place is just right now what's the temperature outside um the weather outside is WlQQiLtc97U-00007-00008400-00009264 okay 3g network here it's 54 degrees right now okay that's good so this is good and then it's WlQQiLtc97U-00008-00009264-00009880 going to get up to 64. but it's going to be like cloudy yeah so i'll wear this and now this and WlQQiLtc97U-00009-00009880-00010488 the top what do you think look at this stuff i don't know if this stuff is warm and cool enough WlQQiLtc97U-00010-00010576-00011168 check this out oh that's cute i bought this at costco costco WlQQiLtc97U-00011-00011264-00011656 a little cowl neck and it feels so soft your stuff always feels soft WlQQiLtc97U-00012-00011656-00012112 yeah do you think that's okay yeah okay if you want to wear that yeah i didn't want to WlQQiLtc97U-00013-00012112-00012672 buy this one or puma but i didn't girl look the pack the one i had on the one i didn't think WlQQiLtc97U-00014-00013456-00014263 the one i had on yesterday um if when i stand up i had my my socks up to here the the socks WlQQiLtc97U-00015-00014263-00015056 i bought in denver the um compression sucks white that white sports compression sucks right so i put WlQQiLtc97U-00016-00015056-00015880 it on it will ride up when i sit down so when i get up it's up here look so i have to push it down WlQQiLtc97U-00017-00015960-00016744 you know and when i push it down it comes here i'm so mad at it i said see that's what i'm saying WlQQiLtc97U-00018-00016744-00017392 i didn't have one so i went to jcp and i got this one on sale for ten dollars i think WlQQiLtc97U-00019-00017392-00018384 it was it was about 17 or 18 but i got it for less so i said hopefully this will fit better WlQQiLtc97U-00020-00018448-00019400 the ootd have a jean jacket on like a long top it's short sleeve though you just can't see WlQQiLtc97U-00021-00019504-00020296 docker's pants that has lots of pockets and my converse backwards WlQQiLtc97U-00022-00020392-00021080 look at that one that i have here when you finish what the hocus gray one the gray WlQQiLtc97U-00023-00021264-00022584 oh this is cute that's a cute cardigan yeah i love this WlQQiLtc97U-00024-00022712-00023360 yeah i got it on sale you look so cute thank you now this looks better WlQQiLtc97U-00025-00023600-00023984 yeah yeah WlQQiLtc97U-00026-00024056-00024872 yep getting ready for the day yeah i'm gonna put some water in my bottle and fill it up WlQQiLtc97U-00027-00025232-00025480 i'm gonna go get some breakfast WlQQiLtc97U-00028-00025927-00026783 pfizer world headquarters WlQQiLtc97U-00029-00027256-00028008 well where are we grandma we're at in front of pfizer world headquarters and WlQQiLtc97U-00030-00028008-00028656 that building over there beside it is part of it oh so all of this is like fizer pfizer WlQQiLtc97U-00031-00028656-00029152 wow yeah i didn't know that that's why i found that out yesterday and i was here before and i WlQQiLtc97U-00032-00029152-00029783 didn't see it wow fix it thing on your ears i have small ears i always feel like it me too WlQQiLtc97U-00033-00030072-00030288 yeah this is this is awesome WlQQiLtc97U-00034-00030504-00030783 do you have that visor yes pfizer WlQQiLtc97U-00035-00030976-00031464 i have the pfizer vaccine yeah yeah yeah you do and this is the newspaper WlQQiLtc97U-00036-00031695-00032383 and i went in there yeah yeah it's open anytime you want to go in yeah it's an entry WlQQiLtc97U-00037-00034416-00034696 i realized it wasn't recording anything oh no WlQQiLtc97U-00038-00034768-00035360 i would do it again again are you serious wow i'm sorry to hear that WlQQiLtc97U-00039-00035688-00035800 you're so excited WlQQiLtc97U-00040-00036128-00036736 so i just realized i wasn't recording and i thought i was anyways we're here having egg WlQQiLtc97U-00041-00036736-00037392 avocado at the sandwich tree we're going to be sharing an almond croissant oh there's a bird aki WlQQiLtc97U-00042-00037712-00037984 yeah but yeah we're here having WlQQiLtc97U-00043-00038064-00038720 eggs on avocado toast she has her little cranberry juice just sitting there WlQQiLtc97U-00044-00039280-00039776 well grandma it's cold so i would say you should just deal with it out it's ready WlQQiLtc97U-00045-00039776-00040568 yeah anyways got in here last night um as you guys saw and realized that in order to sit down WlQQiLtc97U-00046-00040568-00041184 inside a restaurant to eat or any place to eat you have to have your vaccine car so i actually have WlQQiLtc97U-00047-00041184-00041784 to go back to the hotel and grab that thankfully we're not too far but yeah so i have to go do that WlQQiLtc97U-00048-00041864-00042696 we're going to have around 42 east 42nd and third avenue right now at the sandwich tree so we're WlQQiLtc97U-00049-00042696-00043632 having that we're having breakfast now gonna eat did this earlier forgot what i said earlier WlQQiLtc97U-00050-00043632-00044360 but this is day one of new york so it's chaotic just like new york all right i'm gonna eat now WlQQiLtc97U-00051-00044504-00044936 wow that is definitely different look at them doors towards us WlQQiLtc97U-00052-00046016-00046296 when you look up this guy look at it like you see the top of the building WlQQiLtc97U-00053-00051104-00051479 the last time i was here all these like stalls were filled with they were filled WlQQiLtc97U-00054-00051479-00052055 with businesses and people just shop and then you can just like eat up your life eat out here WlQQiLtc97U-00055-00052112-00052591 fixing your face check that out you're not putting your makeup on you know you're not silent right no WlQQiLtc97U-00056-00052816-00053600 i know you're not quiet yeah you're like yeah look at that lake in our makeup WlQQiLtc97U-00057-00053600-00054224 yeah they used to have like all of these places to eat and now it's like fully empty WlQQiLtc97U-00058-00054376-00054920 and i mean if you see my last new york vlog when i came by myself you'll see that i came here and WlQQiLtc97U-00059-00054920-00055648 how busy and bustling it was yeah and it's not be careful yeah i will well the salesforce tower is WlQQiLtc97U-00060-00055648-00057584 over there salesforce is like an application that we like work with at work oh yeah yeah WlQQiLtc97U-00061-00057808-00058208 my grandma currently ditched me just kidding she's grabbing lunch with a friend WlQQiLtc97U-00062-00058312-00059248 and i'm gonna try to head to uniqlo and see what i can get to in the rest of the city but WlQQiLtc97U-00063-00059767-00060224 i always feel very awkward when i'm vlogging in public because i'm just like oh i don't want WlQQiLtc97U-00064-00060224-00060736 other people to look at me but i mean i'm in the city i might as well do it they're probably never WlQQiLtc97U-00065-00060736-00061184 going to see me again so it like doesn't actually really matter but yeah i'm going to try to head to WlQQiLtc97U-00066-00061184-00061920 uniqlo right now buy some stuff i have to switch my shoes because my contours were killing me but WlQQiLtc97U-00067-00061920-00062720 my new balance 550s are just like truly the most comfortable shoe i own i want to buy them in every WlQQiLtc97U-00068-00062720-00063479 color but i know that's kind of ridiculous but yeah i'll check in with you guys in a little bit WlQQiLtc97U-00069-00063848-00064632 i also forgot to mention that i passed this place called flower and coffee on 42nd and 2nd avenue WlQQiLtc97U-00070-00064632-00065055 such a cute space like it's a floral boutique and a coffee shop WlQQiLtc97U-00071-00065128-00067384 all in one so i'm going to see if my grandma and i can go maybe tomorrow but still heading to uniqlo WlQQiLtc97U-00072-00070320-00071616 foreign WlQQiLtc97U-00073-00071616-00072616 so now we're heading to wagamama for dinner and this one had a salad and some protein WlQQiLtc97U-00074-00072616-00073256 turkey right turkey at pret and all i had was that hibiscus vegan donut same thing you had girl WlQQiLtc97U-00075-00073320-00073960 but yeah i had a vegan hibiscus donut from dough which was actually very good and i sat in bryant WlQQiLtc97U-00076-00073960-00074504 park waiting for this one to get back to me because she took so long finishing up WlQQiLtc97U-00077-00074568-00075328 but yeah now we're heading to wagamama i've always wanted to go and it's near our hotel so we thought WlQQiLtc97U-00078-00075424-00076016 why not and it's like five six o'clock well it's about to be five o'clock i think WlQQiLtc97U-00079-00076136-00076592 and after we like have dinner we're just gonna knock out and go to bed because WlQQiLtc97U-00080-00076592-00076976 i've like watched like 20 000 steps she's walked like 15 000 steps WlQQiLtc97U-00081-00076976-00077560 we are exhausted to say the length to say the least so i'll show you the food that we have WlQQiLtc97U-00082-00077560-00078584 at waga mamas and then when we get back to the hotel i'll show you what we bought today WlQQiLtc97U-00083-00080984-00082784 this should be played at high volume preferably in a residential area WlQQiLtc97U-00084-00083416-00084368 we are back in the hotel say hi grandma hi jasmine i'm just tired yeah we're both very exhausted so i WlQQiLtc97U-00085-00084368-00084872 checked how many steps i walked today and it was over twenty one thousand how many did you walk WlQQiLtc97U-00086-00084936-00085360 i don't know that's about fifteen thousand fifteen thousand is what year says WlQQiLtc97U-00087-00085504-00086224 so as promised i'm oh you're going to tell me oh let's see you go to the house WlQQiLtc97U-00088-00086448-00087576 oh sitting down is a dream 15 576 steps today wow that's a lot WlQQiLtc97U-00089-00087896-00088136 so i'm going to show you guys my haul from uniqlo WlQQiLtc97U-00090-00088224-00088960 and the first up are these house slippers an extra large they were 14.90 WlQQiLtc97U-00091-00089120-00089624 i got two i'm just gonna put the rest on the bed and then i'll show you that way WlQQiLtc97U-00092-00089720-00090424 so first up i got these really thick heat tech socks they're really nice WlQQiLtc97U-00093-00090424-00091144 and very soft and i liked the colors so i got these in a pack a two pack WlQQiLtc97U-00094-00091144-00091776 and then i got these four socks which was four for twelve dollars got this like burnt orange WlQQiLtc97U-00095-00091848-00092632 it's like this sagey green dark green and gray and then i have two turtlenecks that are pretty WlQQiLtc97U-00096-00092712-00093520 lightweight i got this like white color and then it's kind of cream actually like white cream color WlQQiLtc97U-00097-00093600-00094928 and black in the long sleeve turtleneck heat tech because i needed them so this is my little haul WlQQiLtc97U-00098-00095176-00096000 okay what did you get i got a shirt where'd you get that at h m at h m nice that went in macy's WlQQiLtc97U-00099-00096072-00097320 one of macy's oh under armour yeah this was on sale cute and then i got some joggers oh nice WlQQiLtc97U-00100-00097664-00097744 under armour WlQQiLtc97U-00101-00098160-00098832 i wanted another one but it was more for it so that's why i didn't get it oh those are fun yeah WlQQiLtc97U-00102-00099024-00099584 i just looked and i said well i get it the price was right it's light so WlQQiLtc97U-00103-00099744-00100696 in this bag yeah this bag she got from mooji that's it well that's our little haul from h WlQQiLtc97U-00104-00100696-00101720 m macy's muji and uniqlo mine was all uniqlo but yeah i would say it was a pretty good first day WlQQiLtc97U-00105-00101720-00102448 in new york that is day one of us being in new york what was a highlight for you today grandma WlQQiLtc97U-00106-00102608-00103320 walking walking walking today was my grandma's highlight i would say for me WlQQiLtc97U-00107-00103440-00104032 the hibiscus vegan donut that i had was really good really WlQQiLtc97U-00108-00104159-00104704 it was at this place called dough it was close to bryant park actually it was actually really WlQQiLtc97U-00109-00104704-00105376 it's really close to uniqlo so if we go to uniqlo so you can look at some stuff there WlQQiLtc97U-00110-00105448-00106096 we'll do that tomorrow if you want but yeah that was a really good donut for me WlQQiLtc97U-00111-00106096-00106688 i really liked that and i sat in bryant park for a little bit waited for her to rejoin me WlQQiLtc97U-00112-00106832-00107616 also i had to buy toenail clippers because my big toenails were really long and they were WlQQiLtc97U-00113-00107616-00108608 pressing on my shoe and causing pain yeah and so the relief of not having toenail pressure WlQQiLtc97U-00114-00108688-00109352 was a highlight another highlight was probably the korean chicken wings that we had at wagga wagamama WlQQiLtc97U-00115-00109448-00110056 the was it korean yes koreans yeah okay it was korean chicken wings that we had at weg mamas WlQQiLtc97U-00116-00110183-00110856 they were so good we like were basically sucking on the bone they were just so delicious and WlQQiLtc97U-00117-00110856-00111456 both of our ramens were really good they were light like they were just light in flavor and also WlQQiLtc97U-00118-00111456-00112088 in texture they weren't like heavy like for ramen i feel like a lot of times when you have ramen it WlQQiLtc97U-00119-00112088-00112552 can be very heavy meal but this one is just like lightweight like i don't feel heavy at all from WlQQiLtc97U-00120-00112552-00113072 it and i don't feel like overly full from it but also that could be the fact that i've walked 21 WlQQiLtc97U-00121-00113072-00114040 000 miles today not 21 000 miles 21 000 steps but yeah i would say for sure that that entire WlQQiLtc97U-00122-00114040-00114664 meal was really good and the lemon tart that we shared was great yes it was it was so delicious WlQQiLtc97U-00123-00114896-00115544 it wasn't it was like perfectly tart and then the berry compote it was like it was so good it WlQQiLtc97U-00124-00115544-00116111 like balanced it out perfectly with the tartness because by itself it was like really tart but when WlQQiLtc97U-00125-00116111-00116792 the berry compote it was like perfect i mean yeah food was a big highlight for me also being in new WlQQiLtc97U-00126-00116792-00117264 york and kind of being back on the east coast it's it's kind of surreal honestly to be here WlQQiLtc97U-00127-00117264-00118104 especially after like the 19 months or so of you know what the world has kind of been through so WlQQiLtc97U-00128-00118192-00118968 yeah excited to see family and catch up and spend time here we're gonna try to see if we can go to WlQQiLtc97U-00129-00118968-00119704 a museum or botanic gardens tomorrow but just like have very few destinations so that we're WlQQiLtc97U-00130-00119704-00120352 not walking like a crazy amount because icy hot is gonna come in clutch for me tonight for sure WlQQiLtc97U-00131-00120416-00121135 so yeah day one is fully done and dusted i'm gonna separate these into like WlQQiLtc97U-00132-00121135-00121496 their individual vlogs per day just so it's not like a crazy long vlog WlQQiLtc97U-00133-00121552-00122008 but yeah if you've made it to the end of this video thank you so much for watching WlQQiLtc97U-00134-00122008-00122624 um give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed any part of this video subscribe so you can keep WlQQiLtc97U-00135-00122624-00123159 up to date with me and all the things that i am doing and comment down below say hi i say hi back WlQQiLtc97U-00136-00123224-00124783 and don't forget to stay kind stay true and stay laughing and i will see you in the next one bye XomCrgooe5g-00000-00000119-00000628 Welcome to Carriagewood XomCrgooe5g-00001-00000927-00001279 Hi my name is Karen Jackson I'm a residential real estate agent XomCrgooe5g-00002-00001279-00001664 with John L Scott inRenton, Washington and the surrounding areas. XomCrgooe5g-00003-00001664-00002000 I work with buyers and sellers and I've been helping people buy and sell real XomCrgooe5g-00004-00002000-00002343 estate since 2004 so I've been through the ups XomCrgooe5g-00005-00002343-00002600 and downs. If you've not yet subscribed to my XomCrgooe5g-00006-00002600-00002911 channel, please go and do so right away and hit the little bell for XomCrgooe5g-00007-00002911-00003439 notifications that way you will be notified of every upcoming video iIhave. XomCrgooe5g-00008-00003439-00003784 iIhave lots of great real estate tips on buying and selling homes. XomCrgooe5g-00009-00003784-00004264 Let's take a tour of the Carriagewood neighborhood in Renton Washington. XomCrgooe5g-00010-00004264-00004903 Carriagewood is located on Fairwood hill off of Petrovisky road XomCrgooe5g-00011-00004903-00005352 The Carriagewood neighborhood is located close to many parks and trails. XomCrgooe5g-00012-00005352-00005664 There's a fire department almost across the street XomCrgooe5g-00013-00005664-00006023 and there's lots of shopping .There's a Safeway, there's a Fred meyer, there's an XomCrgooe5g-00014-00006023-00006487 Ace hardware, lots of restaurants and small boutique XomCrgooe5g-00015-00006487-00006888 shops, banking ,gas stations andjust about XomCrgooe5g-00016-00006888-00007384 everything you'll need XomCrgooe5g-00017-00008536-00008856 This is a beautiful well-kept neighborhood XomCrgooe5g-00018-00008856-00010184 with beautiful homes XomCrgooe5g-00019-00011072-00011400 In 2020 the homes have sold from the mid $500,000 XomCrgooe5g-00020-00011400-00011975 range to the mid to high $600,000 Range XomCrgooe5g-00022-00013687-00014023 The Carriagewood neighborhood is served by the Kent school district XomCrgooe5g-00023-00014023-00014440 and the bus routes go to carriage crest elementary school XomCrgooe5g-00024-00014440-00015784 northwood middle school and kentridge high school XomCrgooe5g-00025-00018120-00018868 about 68 of the homes are homeowners. Most of the homes were built around XomCrgooe5g-00026-00018868-00019320 1983-1986 The Carriagewood neighborhood has an XomCrgooe5g-00027-00019320-00019823 active homeowners association and currently the dues are around $16 a XomCrgooe5g-00028-00019823-00020368 month -which is paid bi-annually. The homeowners association is XomCrgooe5g-00029-00020368-00020687 shared with a neighborhood called candlewood ridge which is across XomCrgooe5g-00030-00020687-00021384 petrovisky road XomCrgooe5g-00031-00022895-00023264 So what do you think isn't this a great XomCrgooe5g-00032-00023884-00024136 neighborhood? Carriagewood also has its own XomCrgooe5g-00033-00024136-00024423 neighborhood park XomCrgooe5g-00034-00024823-00025184 Thank you so much for watching! If you've not yet subscribed please go and do that XomCrgooe5g-00035-00025184-00025464 right away and if you have any comments or XomCrgooe5g-00036-00025464-00025832 questions on the real estate market in king county or pierce county, XomCrgooe5g-00037-00025832-00026232 please leave a comment below. i'd be happy to help you. There's also a form in XomCrgooe5g-00038-00026232-00026983 the comments below that you can fill out and i will get back to you right away XoCJxwyPvru-00000-00000304-00000610 So for the Marine Corps' mission we are amphibious by nature XoCJxwyPvru-00001-00000610-00000902 and this is just going back to those roots of amphibious training. XoCJxwyPvru-00002-00001162-00001622 So, the purpose of the course is to get the students to the baselines of nautical navigation, XoCJxwyPvru-00003-00001622-00002078 small boat manipulation, surpasses along sides ... that way they get the whole baseline to be XoCJxwyPvru-00004-00002078-00002340 able to operate the combat rubber reconnaissance craft. XoCJxwyPvru-00005-00002466-00002842 This train is important because it bolsters the capabilities of the Marine Corps as a whole. XoCJxwyPvru-00006-00003018-00003356 Seeing these guys from day one not really knowing anything about boats XoCJxwyPvru-00007-00003356-00003604 because not many Marines know what the zodiacs are. XoCJxwyPvru-00008-00003836-00004272 So, graduation day when they come here, they know how to operate the boat, they know how to build the boat XoCJxwyPvru-00009-00004272-00004578 they know how to give proper commands, and it's just a building step for the XoCJxwyPvru-00010-00004578-00004774 Marine Corps and for the Marines that we have here. XoCJxwyPvru-00011-00005034-00005470 This helps unit cohesion because you have to make decisions as a unit while you are operating a Zodiac. XoCJxwyPvru-00012-00005470-00005952 Even though the Coxswain is the overall commander, without the rest of his crew, you wouldn't be successful. X0lbB2_i8OI-00000-00000017-00001038 Hello and congratulations on the completion of Unit 1 for this course. You X0lbB2_i8OI-00001-00001038-00001710 should have now completed your Unit 1 Exam and the purpose of this video is to X0lbB2_i8OI-00002-00001710-00002283 discuss the ways for you to either maintain the performance that you're X0lbB2_i8OI-00003-00002283-00003252 happy with or to improve the scores on the following unit exams. If you took the X0lbB2_i8OI-00004-00003252-00004179 Unit 1 Exam and you are happy with your score congratulations. Your performance X0lbB2_i8OI-00005-00004179-00004926 on that exam is supposed to reflect your ability to understand the course content X0lbB2_i8OI-00006-00004926-00005723 in terms of the OER chapters as well as the PowerPoint slides. If you X0lbB2_i8OI-00007-00005723-00006408 struggled on Unit 1 Exam don't get discouraged. This may have been the first X0lbB2_i8OI-00008-00006408-00006911 exam you've taken in a psychology course or maybe you're getting used to online X0lbB2_i8OI-00009-00006911-00007497 format. So what I want you to think about in terms of improving your X0lbB2_i8OI-00010-00007497-00008415 scores on the unit exams are a few key steps. The first step is to make sure X0lbB2_i8OI-00011-00008415-00008975 that as you're taking your quizzes for each of the modules, that you take note X0lbB2_i8OI-00012-00008975-00009650 of the errors that you're making. And also I would suggest that you take note X0lbB2_i8OI-00013-00009650-00010397 of the key concepts that are covered in those quizzes. Often times question items X0lbB2_i8OI-00014-00010397-00011072 from the quizzes will reappear on your unit exam. Remember you have two X0lbB2_i8OI-00015-00011072-00011571 opportunities to take those quizzes so that you can learn from the errors that X0lbB2_i8OI-00016-00011571-00012036 you've made or so that you can just take note of the key concepts from the X0lbB2_i8OI-00017-00012036-00012534 quizzes. The second piece of information that I X0lbB2_i8OI-00018-00012534-00013028 want to give you is to make sure to give yourself plenty of time before the X0lbB2_i8OI-00019-00013028-00013622 deadline to take the unit exam. Sometimes our performance on a unit exam is X0lbB2_i8OI-00020-00013622-00014160 hindered because we're experiencing a lot of stress. So the way to reduce that X0lbB2_i8OI-00021-00014160-00014691 stress is to give yourself plenty of time in taking that exam. If for some X0lbB2_i8OI-00022-00014691-00015131 reason you come across a technical difficulty in taking the exam X0lbB2_i8OI-00023-00015131-00015663 please reach out to me and we will discuss a plan to address your ability to take X0lbB2_i8OI-00024-00015663-00016473 that exam successfully. The last piece of advice I'd like to give you in terms of X0lbB2_i8OI-00025-00016473-00017100 your performance on unit exams is to make sure to have whatever resources you X0lbB2_i8OI-00026-00017100-00017695 need so that while you're taking your exam it is truly a measure of your X0lbB2_i8OI-00027-00017695-00018498 knowledge for the course. So this might include notes that you have already X0lbB2_i8OI-00028-00018498-00019148 taken. You also might plan on saving specific writings that you've done for X0lbB2_i8OI-00029-00019148-00019773 your video responses or the discussion boards and printing those out so that as X0lbB2_i8OI-00030-00019773-00020397 you're reviewing and taking your exam you have access to those resources. Again X0lbB2_i8OI-00031-00020397-00020937 congratulations on finishing Unit 1 and if there's anything that I can do to X0lbB2_i8OI-00032-00020937-00021585 help improve your performance on the exams in this course please reach out to X0lbB2_i8OI-00033-00021585-00022218 me. You are more than welcome to send me an email, to visit in my office hours or, X0lbB2_i8OI-00034-00022218-00022772 you may might even consider posting your question or concern on the Q&A X0lbB2_i8OI-00035-00022772-00023370 discussion posts for the course. I will see you back in the next video for this X0lbB2_i8OI-00036-00023370-00023600 course. X0pZVrLCS_0-00000-00000010-00000076 >>> HI EVERYONE. X0pZVrLCS_0-00001-00000076-00000083 >>> HI EVERYONE. X0pZVrLCS_0-00002-00000083-00000186 >>> HI EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. X0pZVrLCS_0-00003-00000186-00000193 >>> HI EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. X0pZVrLCS_0-00004-00000193-00000463 >>> HI EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. THE STATE AND MUCH OF THE X0pZVrLCS_0-00005-00000463-00000470 THANKS FOR JOINING US. THE STATE AND MUCH OF THE X0pZVrLCS_0-00006-00000470-00000623 THANKS FOR JOINING US. THE STATE AND MUCH OF THE MIDWEST REMAINS IN A DEEP FREEZE X0pZVrLCS_0-00007-00000623-00000630 THE STATE AND MUCH OF THE MIDWEST REMAINS IN A DEEP FREEZE X0pZVrLCS_0-00008-00000630-00000790 THE STATE AND MUCH OF THE MIDWEST REMAINS IN A DEEP FREEZE TONIGHT WITH DANGEROUSLY COLD X0pZVrLCS_0-00009-00000790-00000797 MIDWEST REMAINS IN A DEEP FREEZE TONIGHT WITH DANGEROUSLY COLD X0pZVrLCS_0-00010-00000797-00001007 MIDWEST REMAINS IN A DEEP FREEZE TONIGHT WITH DANGEROUSLY COLD TEMPERATURES AND WIND CHILLS. X0pZVrLCS_0-00011-00001007-00001014 TONIGHT WITH DANGEROUSLY COLD TEMPERATURES AND WIND CHILLS. X0pZVrLCS_0-00012-00001014-00001161 TONIGHT WITH DANGEROUSLY COLD TEMPERATURES AND WIND CHILLS. BUT THE END TO THIS ARCTIC BLAST X0pZVrLCS_0-00013-00001161-00001167 TEMPERATURES AND WIND CHILLS. BUT THE END TO THIS ARCTIC BLAST X0pZVrLCS_0-00014-00001167-00001444 TEMPERATURES AND WIND CHILLS. BUT THE END TO THIS ARCTIC BLAST IS NOW IN SIGHT. X0pZVrLCS_0-00015-00001444-00001451 BUT THE END TO THIS ARCTIC BLAST IS NOW IN SIGHT. X0pZVrLCS_0-00016-00001451-00001548 BUT THE END TO THIS ARCTIC BLAST IS NOW IN SIGHT. WEATHER CASTER STACY CHRISTENSON X0pZVrLCS_0-00017-00001548-00001554 IS NOW IN SIGHT. WEATHER CASTER STACY CHRISTENSON X0pZVrLCS_0-00018-00001554-00001621 IS NOW IN SIGHT. WEATHER CASTER STACY CHRISTENSON JOINS US A LITTLE EARLY TONIGHT X0pZVrLCS_0-00019-00001621-00001628 WEATHER CASTER STACY CHRISTENSON JOINS US A LITTLE EARLY TONIGHT X0pZVrLCS_0-00020-00001628-00001931 WEATHER CASTER STACY CHRISTENSON JOINS US A LITTLE EARLY TONIGHT NOW TO TELL US WHEN WE CAN X0pZVrLCS_0-00021-00001931-00001938 JOINS US A LITTLE EARLY TONIGHT NOW TO TELL US WHEN WE CAN X0pZVrLCS_0-00022-00001938-00002108 JOINS US A LITTLE EARLY TONIGHT NOW TO TELL US WHEN WE CAN EXPECT IT TO WARM UP. X0pZVrLCS_0-00023-00002108-00002115 NOW TO TELL US WHEN WE CAN EXPECT IT TO WARM UP. X0pZVrLCS_0-00024-00002115-00002295 NOW TO TELL US WHEN WE CAN EXPECT IT TO WARM UP. >> WE ARE IN THE HOMESTRETCH IT X0pZVrLCS_0-00025-00002295-00002302 EXPECT IT TO WARM UP. >> WE ARE IN THE HOMESTRETCH IT X0pZVrLCS_0-00026-00002302-00002342 EXPECT IT TO WARM UP. >> WE ARE IN THE HOMESTRETCH IT LOOKS LIKE. X0pZVrLCS_0-00027-00002342-00002349 >> WE ARE IN THE HOMESTRETCH IT LOOKS LIKE. X0pZVrLCS_0-00028-00002349-00002462 >> WE ARE IN THE HOMESTRETCH IT LOOKS LIKE. WE WILL START TO SEE X0pZVrLCS_0-00029-00002462-00002469 LOOKS LIKE. WE WILL START TO SEE X0pZVrLCS_0-00030-00002469-00002572 LOOKS LIKE. WE WILL START TO SEE TEMPERATURES WARMING UP X0pZVrLCS_0-00031-00002572-00002579 WE WILL START TO SEE TEMPERATURES WARMING UP X0pZVrLCS_0-00032-00002579-00002609 WE WILL START TO SEE TEMPERATURES WARMING UP TOMORROW. X0pZVrLCS_0-00033-00002609-00002615 TEMPERATURES WARMING UP TOMORROW. X0pZVrLCS_0-00034-00002615-00002752 TEMPERATURES WARMING UP TOMORROW. BY WARMING UP I MEAN HIGHS WILL X0pZVrLCS_0-00035-00002752-00002759 TOMORROW. BY WARMING UP I MEAN HIGHS WILL X0pZVrLCS_0-00036-00002759-00002996 TOMORROW. BY WARMING UP I MEAN HIGHS WILL BE IN THE SINGLE DIGITS BELOW 0. X0pZVrLCS_0-00037-00002996-00003002 BY WARMING UP I MEAN HIGHS WILL BE IN THE SINGLE DIGITS BELOW 0. X0pZVrLCS_0-00038-00003002-00003113 BY WARMING UP I MEAN HIGHS WILL BE IN THE SINGLE DIGITS BELOW 0. THE WINDCHILL WARNING WILL X0pZVrLCS_0-00039-00003113-00003119 BE IN THE SINGLE DIGITS BELOW 0. THE WINDCHILL WARNING WILL X0pZVrLCS_0-00040-00003119-00003173 BE IN THE SINGLE DIGITS BELOW 0. THE WINDCHILL WARNING WILL EXPIRE TOMORROW. X0pZVrLCS_0-00041-00003173-00003179 THE WINDCHILL WARNING WILL EXPIRE TOMORROW. X0pZVrLCS_0-00042-00003179-00003279 THE WINDCHILL WARNING WILL EXPIRE TOMORROW. IT IS STILL IN EFFECT TONIGHT X0pZVrLCS_0-00043-00003279-00003286 EXPIRE TOMORROW. IT IS STILL IN EFFECT TONIGHT X0pZVrLCS_0-00044-00003286-00003376 EXPIRE TOMORROW. IT IS STILL IN EFFECT TONIGHT AND THROUGH TOMORROW MORNING. X0pZVrLCS_0-00045-00003376-00003383 IT IS STILL IN EFFECT TONIGHT AND THROUGH TOMORROW MORNING. X0pZVrLCS_0-00046-00003383-00003610 IT IS STILL IN EFFECT TONIGHT AND THROUGH TOMORROW MORNING. IT WILL EXPIRE AT 11:00 A.M. IN X0pZVrLCS_0-00047-00003610-00003616 AND THROUGH TOMORROW MORNING. IT WILL EXPIRE AT 11:00 A.M. IN X0pZVrLCS_0-00048-00003616-00003680 AND THROUGH TOMORROW MORNING. IT WILL EXPIRE AT 11:00 A.M. IN NORTHEAST MINNESOTA. X0pZVrLCS_0-00049-00003680-00003686 IT WILL EXPIRE AT 11:00 A.M. IN NORTHEAST MINNESOTA. X0pZVrLCS_0-00050-00003686-00003830 IT WILL EXPIRE AT 11:00 A.M. IN NORTHEAST MINNESOTA. FOR EVERYONE ELSE, IT IS GOING X0pZVrLCS_0-00051-00003830-00003837 NORTHEAST MINNESOTA. FOR EVERYONE ELSE, IT IS GOING X0pZVrLCS_0-00052-00003837-00003940 NORTHEAST MINNESOTA. FOR EVERYONE ELSE, IT IS GOING TO CONTINUE UNTIL NOON TOMORROW. X0pZVrLCS_0-00053-00003940-00003947 FOR EVERYONE ELSE, IT IS GOING TO CONTINUE UNTIL NOON TOMORROW. X0pZVrLCS_0-00054-00003947-00004050 FOR EVERYONE ELSE, IT IS GOING TO CONTINUE UNTIL NOON TOMORROW. THAT'S WHEN WE WILL START TO SEE X0pZVrLCS_0-00055-00004050-00004057 TO CONTINUE UNTIL NOON TOMORROW. THAT'S WHEN WE WILL START TO SEE X0pZVrLCS_0-00056-00004057-00004174 TO CONTINUE UNTIL NOON TOMORROW. THAT'S WHEN WE WILL START TO SEE THOSE TEMPERATURES WARMING UP. X0pZVrLCS_0-00057-00004174-00004180 THAT'S WHEN WE WILL START TO SEE THOSE TEMPERATURES WARMING UP. X0pZVrLCS_0-00058-00004180-00004314 THAT'S WHEN WE WILL START TO SEE THOSE TEMPERATURES WARMING UP. AS I MENTIONED HIGHS TOMORROW IN X0pZVrLCS_0-00059-00004314-00004320 THOSE TEMPERATURES WARMING UP. AS I MENTIONED HIGHS TOMORROW IN X0pZVrLCS_0-00060-00004320-00004477 THOSE TEMPERATURES WARMING UP. AS I MENTIONED HIGHS TOMORROW IN THE SINGLE DIGITS BELOW 0. X0pZVrLCS_0-00061-00004477-00004484 AS I MENTIONED HIGHS TOMORROW IN THE SINGLE DIGITS BELOW 0. X0pZVrLCS_0-00062-00004484-00004684 AS I MENTIONED HIGHS TOMORROW IN THE SINGLE DIGITS BELOW 0. MUCH WARMER THAN WHAT WE'VE HAD. X0pZVrLCS_0-00063-00004684-00004691 THE SINGLE DIGITS BELOW 0. MUCH WARMER THAN WHAT WE'VE HAD. X0pZVrLCS_0-00064-00004691-00004844 THE SINGLE DIGITS BELOW 0. MUCH WARMER THAN WHAT WE'VE HAD. OVERNIGHT LOWS IN THE 30s AND X0pZVrLCS_0-00065-00004844-00004851 MUCH WARMER THAN WHAT WE'VE HAD. OVERNIGHT LOWS IN THE 30s AND X0pZVrLCS_0-00066-00004851-00004941 MUCH WARMER THAN WHAT WE'VE HAD. OVERNIGHT LOWS IN THE 30s AND 40s BELOW 0. X0pZVrLCS_0-00067-00004941-00004948 OVERNIGHT LOWS IN THE 30s AND 40s BELOW 0. X0pZVrLCS_0-00068-00004948-00005141 OVERNIGHT LOWS IN THE 30s AND 40s BELOW 0. IT DOESN'T TAKE A WHOLE LOT OF X0pZVrLCS_0-00069-00005141-00005148 40s BELOW 0. IT DOESN'T TAKE A WHOLE LOT OF X0pZVrLCS_0-00070-00005148-00005261 40s BELOW 0. IT DOESN'T TAKE A WHOLE LOT OF WIND TO BRING THOSE WINDCHILLS X0pZVrLCS_0-00071-00005261-00005268 IT DOESN'T TAKE A WHOLE LOT OF WIND TO BRING THOSE WINDCHILLS X0pZVrLCS_0-00072-00005268-00005398 IT DOESN'T TAKE A WHOLE LOT OF WIND TO BRING THOSE WINDCHILLS INTO THE DANGEROUS LEVELS. X0pZVrLCS_0-00073-00005398-00005405 WIND TO BRING THOSE WINDCHILLS INTO THE DANGEROUS LEVELS. X0pZVrLCS_0-00074-00005405-00005585 WIND TO BRING THOSE WINDCHILLS INTO THE DANGEROUS LEVELS. LOOKING AT 50s TO MID 60s BELOW X0pZVrLCS_0-00075-00005585-00005592 INTO THE DANGEROUS LEVELS. LOOKING AT 50s TO MID 60s BELOW X0pZVrLCS_0-00076-00005592-00005608 INTO THE DANGEROUS LEVELS. LOOKING AT 50s TO MID 60s BELOW 0. X0pZVrLCS_0-00077-00005608-00005615 LOOKING AT 50s TO MID 60s BELOW 0. X0pZVrLCS_0-00078-00005615-00005812 LOOKING AT 50s TO MID 60s BELOW 0. THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE RIGHT NOW. X0pZVrLCS_0-00079-00005812-00005819 0. THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE RIGHT NOW. X0pZVrLCS_0-00080-00005819-00005922 0. THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE RIGHT NOW. WINDS AREN'T QUITE AS STRONG SO X0pZVrLCS_0-00081-00005922-00005929 THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE RIGHT NOW. WINDS AREN'T QUITE AS STRONG SO X0pZVrLCS_0-00082-00005929-00006066 THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE RIGHT NOW. WINDS AREN'T QUITE AS STRONG SO MANY LOCATIONS DON'T HAVE THE X0pZVrLCS_0-00083-00006066-00006072 WINDS AREN'T QUITE AS STRONG SO MANY LOCATIONS DON'T HAVE THE X0pZVrLCS_0-00084-00006072-00006196 WINDS AREN'T QUITE AS STRONG SO MANY LOCATIONS DON'T HAVE THE WINDCHILL, JUST THE COLD X0pZVrLCS_0-00085-00006196-00006202 MANY LOCATIONS DON'T HAVE THE WINDCHILL, JUST THE COLD X0pZVrLCS_0-00086-00006202-00006239 MANY LOCATIONS DON'T HAVE THE WINDCHILL, JUST THE COLD TEMPERATURES. X0pZVrLCS_0-00087-00006239-00006246 WINDCHILL, JUST THE COLD TEMPERATURES. X0pZVrLCS_0-00088-00006246-00006352 WINDCHILL, JUST THE COLD TEMPERATURES. BUT WHAT WE HAVE FOR WINDCHILLS X0pZVrLCS_0-00089-00006352-00006359 TEMPERATURES. BUT WHAT WE HAVE FOR WINDCHILLS X0pZVrLCS_0-00090-00006359-00006563 TEMPERATURES. BUT WHAT WE HAVE FOR WINDCHILLS WE'RE DOWN TO MINUS 52 IN X0pZVrLCS_0-00091-00006563-00006569 BUT WHAT WE HAVE FOR WINDCHILLS WE'RE DOWN TO MINUS 52 IN X0pZVrLCS_0-00092-00006569-00006626 BUT WHAT WE HAVE FOR WINDCHILLS WE'RE DOWN TO MINUS 52 IN FOSSTON. X0pZVrLCS_0-00093-00006626-00006633 WE'RE DOWN TO MINUS 52 IN FOSSTON. X0pZVrLCS_0-00094-00006633-00006923 WE'RE DOWN TO MINUS 52 IN FOSSTON. MINUS 44 IN WARROAD AS WELL AS X0pZVrLCS_0-00095-00006923-00006930 FOSSTON. MINUS 44 IN WARROAD AS WELL AS X0pZVrLCS_0-00096-00006930-00007097 FOSSTON. MINUS 44 IN WARROAD AS WELL AS GRAND RAPIDS, 38 BELOW 0 FOR X0pZVrLCS_0-00097-00007097-00007103 MINUS 44 IN WARROAD AS WELL AS GRAND RAPIDS, 38 BELOW 0 FOR X0pZVrLCS_0-00098-00007103-00007213 MINUS 44 IN WARROAD AS WELL AS GRAND RAPIDS, 38 BELOW 0 FOR THAT WINDCHILL IN BEMIDJI. X0pZVrLCS_0-00099-00007213-00007220 GRAND RAPIDS, 38 BELOW 0 FOR THAT WINDCHILL IN BEMIDJI. X0pZVrLCS_0-00100-00007220-00007367 GRAND RAPIDS, 38 BELOW 0 FOR THAT WINDCHILL IN BEMIDJI. AGAIN, NOT A LOT OF WIND OUT X0pZVrLCS_0-00101-00007367-00007373 THAT WINDCHILL IN BEMIDJI. AGAIN, NOT A LOT OF WIND OUT X0pZVrLCS_0-00102-00007373-00007420 THAT WINDCHILL IN BEMIDJI. AGAIN, NOT A LOT OF WIND OUT THERE. X0pZVrLCS_0-00103-00007420-00007427 AGAIN, NOT A LOT OF WIND OUT THERE. X0pZVrLCS_0-00104-00007427-00007570 AGAIN, NOT A LOT OF WIND OUT THERE. IT'S GOING TO BE THAT COLD AIR X0pZVrLCS_0-00105-00007570-00007577 THERE. IT'S GOING TO BE THAT COLD AIR X0pZVrLCS_0-00106-00007577-00007784 THERE. IT'S GOING TO BE THAT COLD AIR ALREADY IN PLACE, AND SO AGAIN, X0pZVrLCS_0-00107-00007784-00007791 IT'S GOING TO BE THAT COLD AIR ALREADY IN PLACE, AND SO AGAIN, X0pZVrLCS_0-00108-00007791-00007951 IT'S GOING TO BE THAT COLD AIR ALREADY IN PLACE, AND SO AGAIN, IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH WIND TO X0pZVrLCS_0-00109-00007951-00007957 ALREADY IN PLACE, AND SO AGAIN, IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH WIND TO X0pZVrLCS_0-00110-00007957-00008091 ALREADY IN PLACE, AND SO AGAIN, IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH WIND TO BRING THOSE WINDCHILLS DOWN INTO X0pZVrLCS_0-00111-00008091-00008098 IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH WIND TO BRING THOSE WINDCHILLS DOWN INTO X0pZVrLCS_0-00112-00008098-00008238 IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH WIND TO BRING THOSE WINDCHILLS DOWN INTO THE DANGEROUS LEVELS WHERE X0pZVrLCS_0-00113-00008238-00008244 BRING THOSE WINDCHILLS DOWN INTO THE DANGEROUS LEVELS WHERE X0pZVrLCS_0-00114-00008244-00008428 BRING THOSE WINDCHILLS DOWN INTO THE DANGEROUS LEVELS WHERE FROSTBITE CAN OCCUR IN MINUTES. X0pZVrLCS_0-00115-00008428-00008435 THE DANGEROUS LEVELS WHERE FROSTBITE CAN OCCUR IN MINUTES. X0pZVrLCS_0-00116-00008435-00008645 THE DANGEROUS LEVELS WHERE FROSTBITE CAN OCCUR IN MINUTES. >> LAST NIGHT WE SAW WHAT 68 X0pZVrLCS_0-00117-00008645-00008651 FROSTBITE CAN OCCUR IN MINUTES. >> LAST NIGHT WE SAW WHAT 68 X0pZVrLCS_0-00118-00008651-00008812 FROSTBITE CAN OCCUR IN MINUTES. >> LAST NIGHT WE SAW WHAT 68 BELOW IN ONE PLACE. X0pZVrLCS_0-00119-00008812-00008818 >> LAST NIGHT WE SAW WHAT 68 BELOW IN ONE PLACE. X0pZVrLCS_0-00120-00008818-00009175 >> LAST NIGHT WE SAW WHAT 68 BELOW IN ONE PLACE. >> 66 BELOW FOR WINDCHILL. X0pZVrLCS_0-00121-00009175-00009182 BELOW IN ONE PLACE. >> 66 BELOW FOR WINDCHILL. X0pZVrLCS_0-00122-00009182-00009409 BELOW IN ONE PLACE. >> 66 BELOW FOR WINDCHILL. A LOT OF LOCATIONS REPORTING 60s X0pZVrLCS_0-00123-00009409-00009416 >> 66 BELOW FOR WINDCHILL. A LOT OF LOCATIONS REPORTING 60s X0pZVrLCS_0-00124-00009416-00009519 >> 66 BELOW FOR WINDCHILL. A LOT OF LOCATIONS REPORTING 60s BELOW WINDCHILL. X0pZVrLCS_0-00125-00009519-00009526 A LOT OF LOCATIONS REPORTING 60s BELOW WINDCHILL. X0pZVrLCS_0-00126-00009526-00009659 A LOT OF LOCATIONS REPORTING 60s BELOW WINDCHILL. 50s BELOW 0 WINDCHILL. X0pZVrLCS_0-00127-00009659-00009666 BELOW WINDCHILL. 50s BELOW 0 WINDCHILL. X0pZVrLCS_0-00128-00009666-00009903 BELOW WINDCHILL. 50s BELOW 0 WINDCHILL. IT LOOKS LIKE SOME PLACES COULD X0pZVrLCS_0-00129-00009903-00009909 50s BELOW 0 WINDCHILL. IT LOOKS LIKE SOME PLACES COULD X0pZVrLCS_0-00130-00009909-00010166 50s BELOW 0 WINDCHILL. IT LOOKS LIKE SOME PLACES COULD GET THERE AGAIN TONIGHT MORE SO X15VMGzUGFu-00000-00000000-00000298 To deal with the concept of a dead band X15VMGzUGFu-00001-00000298-00000698 we will take our temperature input and our set point, X15VMGzUGFu-00002-00000698-00001092 and we will also create another Write Float, X15VMGzUGFu-00003-00001092-00001346 which I will copy and paste here. X15VMGzUGFu-00004-00001346-00002208 We're going to name that DB4 for dead band 4. X15VMGzUGFu-00005-00002208-00002926 We cannot use our comparator block like before X15VMGzUGFu-00006-00002926-00003250 for our temperature and our set point, X15VMGzUGFu-00007-00003250-00003661 we will use a different block called Tstat. X15VMGzUGFu-00008-00003661-00003942 We find this under the control library. X15VMGzUGFu-00009-00004174-00004904 Here is our t-stat block. X15VMGzUGFu-00010-00004904-00005270 Now we've got a little bit more data on this one. X15VMGzUGFu-00011-00005270-00005808 I'll expand our properties window so we can see all of the properties. X15VMGzUGFu-00012-00005900-00006138 We've got a name just like before; X15VMGzUGFu-00013-00006138-00006394 we can change it or not as required. X15VMGzUGFu-00014-00006402-00006786 Our differential (diff) is what this block refers to for our dead band. X15VMGzUGFu-00015-00006786-00007130 We will be linking that up here in a minute. X15VMGzUGFu-00016-00007130-00007442 We have one property that we do have to set: isHeating. X15VMGzUGFu-00017-00007442-00008040 That's telling us whether this is this a heating thermostat or a cooling thermostat. X15VMGzUGFu-00018-00008040-00008554 We will use it for heat, so we set isHeating to true. X15VMGzUGFu-00019-00008630-00009020 SP is obviously our set point X15VMGzUGFu-00020-00009020-00009512 CV stands for controlled value and that's our temperature. X15VMGzUGFu-00021-00009514-00009846 Our output is what we will link to our damper. X15VMGzUGFu-00022-00009848-00010200 Raise and lower are two values we're not going to use. X15VMGzUGFu-00023-00010890-00011516 I will shrink the Properties window. X15VMGzUGFu-00024-00011688-00012076 First, I'm going to link our temperature here. X15VMGzUGFu-00025-00012076-00012314 Temperature is going to link to cv. X15VMGzUGFu-00026-00012468-00012628 our set point "out" will link to "sp". X15VMGzUGFu-00027-00013280-00014018 Dead band needs to be set to a value around 4 degrees. X15VMGzUGFu-00028-00014062-00014647 We're going to link that to our differential. X15VMGzUGFu-00029-00014802-00015596 Because our thermostat thinks it's 314 degrees out, with a set point of 72, X15VMGzUGFu-00030-00015596-00016060 The output is false. We're not calling for our damper to open. X15VMGzUGFu-00031-00016084-00016504 This output will link to a damper later. X15VMGzUGFu-00032-00016580-00017044 If we change our set point using right click Action>Set, X15VMGzUGFu-00033-00017044-00017918 and change it to 320 degrees, the output turns true. X19BCTq6YSU-00000-00000000-00000395 If you have to lose something in life, always remember two lines. X19BCTq6YSU-00001-00000395-00000624 that there is no sorrow for what is lost X19BCTq6YSU-00002-00000624-00000794 that there is no sorrow for what is lost X19BCTq6YSU-00003-00000794-00001017 And what he found is no less than anyone X19BCTq6YSU-00004-00001017-00001183 what is not there is a dream X19BCTq6YSU-00005-00001183-00001338 what is not there is a dream X19BCTq6YSU-00006-00001338-00001857 And what it is is nothing short of amazing X19BCTq6YSU-00007-00001857-00002110 how wonderful people we have X19BCTq6YSU-00008-00002110-00002343 what a great idea or ji X19BCTq6YSU-00009-00002343-00002673 And some people make fun too X41oPL_x-d0-00000-00000151-00000250 Hi, it's Alex! X41oPL_x-d0-00001-00000250-00000443 Today I want to talk about something X41oPL_x-d0-00002-00000443-00000651 about my experience in college X41oPL_x-d0-00003-00000651-00000935 and something that I see other people doing in college, X41oPL_x-d0-00004-00000935-00001232 and it's something that I think X41oPL_x-d0-00005-00001232-00001471 there's this widespread behavior out there X41oPL_x-d0-00006-00001471-00001632 that doesn't make a lot of sense, X41oPL_x-d0-00007-00001632-00001934 and that I think is making a lot of people's experience X41oPL_x-d0-00008-00001934-00002099 much more difficult to them. X41oPL_x-d0-00009-00002099-00002403 And, what I want to talk about is X41oPL_x-d0-00010-00002403-00002803 reading books vs taking notes. X41oPL_x-d0-00011-00002803-00003214 And I think, like I don't want to say that taking notes is universally bad, X41oPL_x-d0-00012-00003214-00003430 and I don't want to say that reading books X41oPL_x-d0-00013-00003430-00003583 is universally better. X41oPL_x-d0-00014-00003583-00003844 But I think that in our culture, X41oPL_x-d0-00015-00003844-00004164 the culture of being in college, being in university, X41oPL_x-d0-00016-00004164-00004422 that I see around me, in this culture, X41oPL_x-d0-00017-00004422-00004712 I think there is much, much too much emphasis X41oPL_x-d0-00018-00004712-00005092 placed on taking notes and studying your own notes X41oPL_x-d0-00019-00005092-00005519 and there is much less emphasis than would be beneficial X41oPL_x-d0-00020-00005519-00005956 placed on reading books and understanding books. X41oPL_x-d0-00021-00005956-00006056 And why? X41oPL_x-d0-00022-00006056-00006297 There are multiple reasons that I feel this way. X41oPL_x-d0-00023-00006297-00006583 And the first is my personal experience. X41oPL_x-d0-00024-00006583-00006720 I've seen this in many classes X41oPL_x-d0-00025-00006720-00007026 but it played out most pronouncedly X41oPL_x-d0-00026-00007026-00007368 in this one Psychology class I took. X41oPL_x-d0-00027-00007368-00007486 I was taking this class, X41oPL_x-d0-00028-00007486-00007731 and it had pretty heavy assigned readings X41oPL_x-d0-00029-00007731-00007867 in this dense textbook. X41oPL_x-d0-00030-00007867-00008192 It was an interesting and well-written textbook though. X41oPL_x-d0-00031-00008192-00008357 And we were supposed to do the readings X41oPL_x-d0-00032-00008357-00008567 before coming to the lecture. X41oPL_x-d0-00033-00008567-00008791 And so I would do the full reading, X41oPL_x-d0-00034-00008791-00008898 it was quite a lot of work, X41oPL_x-d0-00035-00008898-00009331 I had to dedicate like an hour or two to get through this X41oPL_x-d0-00036-00009331-00009514 most times before the next class, X41oPL_x-d0-00037-00009514-00009758 but like I would do this reading, X41oPL_x-d0-00038-00009758-00009933 and then I would come to class, X41oPL_x-d0-00039-00009933-00010075 and then I would pay attention in class, X41oPL_x-d0-00040-00010075-00010187 I would listen to the professor, X41oPL_x-d0-00041-00010187-00010425 and I wouldn't take notes at all. X41oPL_x-d0-00042-00010425-00010828 And I didn't do any additional studying for the test, X41oPL_x-d0-00043-00010828-00011048 and I got an A in this class. X41oPL_x-d0-00044-00011048-00011195 And I noticed that my grade X41oPL_x-d0-00045-00011195-00011349 was one of the higher grades in the class, X41oPL_x-d0-00046-00011349-00011584 like a lot of people were struggling, X41oPL_x-d0-00047-00011584-00011812 most of the class had B's or C's, X41oPL_x-d0-00048-00011812-00012097 and there were people who were failing the class. X41oPL_x-d0-00049-00012097-00012319 And I started talking to other people in this class X41oPL_x-d0-00050-00012319-00012426 who were struggling more, X41oPL_x-d0-00051-00012426-00012615 because I was curious, I was like: X41oPL_x-d0-00052-00012615-00012861 "Am I particularly talented at this subject?" X41oPL_x-d0-00053-00012861-00012975 And what I noticed was that X41oPL_x-d0-00054-00012975-00013266 I wasn't particularly talented at the subject. X41oPL_x-d0-00055-00013266-00013488 The other people just weren't doing the reading. X41oPL_x-d0-00056-00013488-00013687 And it seemed pretty obvious to me, like X41oPL_x-d0-00057-00013687-00013898 the reading was a lot of time, X41oPL_x-d0-00058-00013898-00014170 and there was a lot of energy I had to put into X41oPL_x-d0-00059-00014170-00014346 understanding that material. X41oPL_x-d0-00060-00014346-00014498 And when I did it, X41oPL_x-d0-00061-00014498-00014853 the lecture was making sense to me on a much higher level, X41oPL_x-d0-00062-00014853-00015140 like the professor would be talking about things X41oPL_x-d0-00063-00015140-00015423 that were kind of the trickier points to understand X41oPL_x-d0-00064-00015423-00015596 and kind of tying it together, X41oPL_x-d0-00065-00015596-00015816 and also I was getting this reinforcement X41oPL_x-d0-00066-00015816-00016098 of encountering the ideas for a second time X41oPL_x-d0-00067-00016098-00016298 in a different format, X41oPL_x-d0-00068-00016298-00016437 like first I was reading them, X41oPL_x-d0-00069-00016437-00016537 and then I was hearing them X41oPL_x-d0-00070-00016537-00016786 and seeing them demonstrated in class. X41oPL_x-d0-00071-00016786-00017187 And so, like it seemed obvious to me how like X41oPL_x-d0-00072-00017187-00017381 the course was designed in a way that X41oPL_x-d0-00073-00017381-00017559 it was working for me, X41oPL_x-d0-00074-00017559-00017701 and who knows if it would have worked X41oPL_x-d0-00075-00017701-00017830 for these other people, but it's like X41oPL_x-d0-00076-00017830-00018043 they didn't even give it a chance to work X41oPL_x-d0-00077-00018043-00018190 cause they just didn't do the reading. X41oPL_x-d0-00078-00018190-00018377 What surprised me though was that these people X41oPL_x-d0-00079-00018377-00018516 were often putting in a lot of effort. X41oPL_x-d0-00080-00018516-00018821 Like, they would be taking notes in class, X41oPL_x-d0-00081-00018821-00018960 and then they would study their notes X41oPL_x-d0-00082-00018960-00019189 over and over again before the exam. X41oPL_x-d0-00083-00019189-00019539 And I started thinking about this, and I'm like: X41oPL_x-d0-00084-00019539-00019867 "This just doesn't make any sense." X41oPL_x-d0-00085-00019867-00020249 Like, especially when you consider comparing X41oPL_x-d0-00086-00020249-00020716 what notes are to what the textbook is. X41oPL_x-d0-00087-00020716-00020971 What is a textbook? X41oPL_x-d0-00088-00020971-00021287 Textbooks are these massive works of creation. X41oPL_x-d0-00089-00021287-00021636 Like, I don't know, has anyone ever written a book? X41oPL_x-d0-00090-00021636-00021857 Writing a book is a huge project. X41oPL_x-d0-00091-00021857-00022017 I would like to write a book some day, X41oPL_x-d0-00092-00022017-00022254 but I'm nowhere near doing it. X41oPL_x-d0-00093-00022254-00022429 It seems like something that X41oPL_x-d0-00094-00022429-00022718 it's just this huge project that's very intimidating. X41oPL_x-d0-00095-00022718-00022971 And textbooks in particular are massive. X41oPL_x-d0-00096-00022971-00023431 They're like a lot more work than other types of book, X41oPL_x-d0-00097-00023431-00023565 because they're highly technical, X41oPL_x-d0-00098-00023565-00023790 especially if it's like a scientific subject, X41oPL_x-d0-00099-00023790-00023923 but even if it's not, X41oPL_x-d0-00100-00023923-00024196 there's just sooooo much information in them, X41oPL_x-d0-00101-00024196-00024318 and it's important, like, X41oPL_x-d0-00102-00024318-00024626 the information is put together logically, X41oPL_x-d0-00103-00024626-00024852 there is all this terminology, it's just like, X41oPL_x-d0-00104-00024852-00024989 when I think about a textbook, X41oPL_x-d0-00105-00024989-00025236 it's just this daunting thing. X41oPL_x-d0-00106-00025236-00025570 And, the people who create textbooks X41oPL_x-d0-00107-00025570-00025813 put tremendous amounts of work into them, X41oPL_x-d0-00108-00025813-00026058 it's like, years of work goes into these things, X41oPL_x-d0-00109-00026058-00026267 and you often have multiple authors. X41oPL_x-d0-00110-00026267-00026412 And who are these authors? X41oPL_x-d0-00111-00026412-00026616 They typically have Ph.D.'s. X41oPL_x-d0-00112-00026616-00026741 So you have these people X41oPL_x-d0-00113-00026741-00027072 who have studied a subject in depth X41oPL_x-d0-00114-00027072-00027537 for like 5 to 7 years to get this specialized degree, X41oPL_x-d0-00115-00027537-00027951 and they also, by the time they write a textbook, X41oPL_x-d0-00116-00027951-00028175 they typically have quite a few years X41oPL_x-d0-00117-00028175-00028389 of teaching experience under their belt. X41oPL_x-d0-00118-00028389-00028720 So, okay, so you have these experts with Ph.D.'s, X41oPL_x-d0-00119-00028720-00028870 and they have all this teaching experience, X41oPL_x-d0-00120-00028870-00029285 and so they, they have a sense of like how people learn. X41oPL_x-d0-00121-00029285-00029510 And then they create this work, X41oPL_x-d0-00122-00029510-00029714 and they typically collaborate to do it. X41oPL_x-d0-00123-00029714-00029955 Like if you look at most science textbooks, X41oPL_x-d0-00124-00029955-00030149 social science textbooks, X41oPL_x-d0-00125-00030149-00030354 pretty much most textbooks across the board, X41oPL_x-d0-00126-00030354-00030564 they usually have multiple authors. X41oPL_x-d0-00127-00030564-00030697 They might have two authors, X41oPL_x-d0-00128-00030697-00030876 some of them have even more authors. X41oPL_x-d0-00129-00030876-00031135 And so they're collaborating to create this work. X41oPL_x-d0-00130-00031135-00031512 And then the publisher also helps in different ways, X41oPL_x-d0-00131-00031512-00031655 like giving feedback, X41oPL_x-d0-00132-00031655-00031950 and then you have all the formatting and the figures, X41oPL_x-d0-00133-00031950-00032119 and just everything in this thing, X41oPL_x-d0-00134-00032119-00032262 the more I think about it, like, X41oPL_x-d0-00135-00032262-00032513 the more I realize how special a textbook is. X41oPL_x-d0-00136-00032513-00032814 It's this, there's just so much that has gone into that. X41oPL_x-d0-00137-00032814-00032980 So that's on the one hand, you have this, this thing, X41oPL_x-d0-00138-00032980-00033080 this textbook. X41oPL_x-d0-00139-00033080-00033423 On the other hand, you have your class notes. X41oPL_x-d0-00140-00033423-00033536 What are your class notes? X41oPL_x-d0-00141-00033536-00033862 Okay, so your professor probably has a Ph.D. too. X41oPL_x-d0-00142-00033862-00034117 They might also be really good at teaching. X41oPL_x-d0-00143-00034117-00034321 And they're doing this thing in class, X41oPL_x-d0-00144-00034321-00034421 they're like teaching, X41oPL_x-d0-00145-00034421-00034541 they are using a projector, X41oPL_x-d0-00146-00034541-00034706 maybe they're writing things on the board, X41oPL_x-d0-00147-00034706-00034806 maybe they're just talking, X41oPL_x-d0-00148-00034806-00035058 maybe they're having you interact or whatever. X41oPL_x-d0-00149-00035058-00035258 And you're taking notes. X41oPL_x-d0-00150-00035258-00035574 And here is the sort of weak link in the equation. X41oPL_x-d0-00151-00035574-00035674 It's you. X41oPL_x-d0-00152-00035674-00035812 You are inexperienced. X41oPL_x-d0-00153-00035812-00036009 You are not an expert on the subject. X41oPL_x-d0-00154-00036009-00036362 You are trying to learn this subject for the first time. X41oPL_x-d0-00155-00036362-00036625 So when you take down these notes, X41oPL_x-d0-00156-00036625-00036912 the level of sort of refinement or perfection X41oPL_x-d0-00157-00036912-00037227 in these notes, it's gonna be like wee big. X41oPL_x-d0-00158-00037227-00037607 Compared to this like sizeable chunk of expertise X41oPL_x-d0-00159-00037607-00037972 that went into creating this textbook. X41oPL_x-d0-00160-00037972-00038075 So you have these notes, X41oPL_x-d0-00161-00038075-00038384 and there are definitely some advantages to the notes, X41oPL_x-d0-00162-00038384-00038504 in that they're yours, X41oPL_x-d0-00163-00038504-00038855 and you know yourself better than anybody else in the world, X41oPL_x-d0-00164-00038855-00039002 and that's not a small thing. X41oPL_x-d0-00165-00039002-00039250 So there are some benefits to these notes. X41oPL_x-d0-00166-00039250-00039455 But like overall, X41oPL_x-d0-00167-00039455-00039728 your notes are just not going to be very good, X41oPL_x-d0-00168-00039728-00039867 in most cases. X41oPL_x-d0-00169-00039867-00040057 And this has been my experience. X41oPL_x-d0-00170-00040057-00040245 And it's also kind of been my experience X41oPL_x-d0-00171-00040245-00040470 when I look at other people's notes. X41oPL_x-d0-00172-00040470-00040763 I tutor a lot, and so I see people's notes X41oPL_x-d0-00173-00040763-00040934 because they bring their notes to me. X41oPL_x-d0-00174-00040934-00041303 And people typically have mistakes in their notes. X41oPL_x-d0-00175-00041303-00041592 They copy things down wrong. X41oPL_x-d0-00176-00041592-00041777 Sometimes professors make mistakes, X41oPL_x-d0-00177-00041777-00042053 and someone copies something down accurately, X41oPL_x-d0-00178-00042053-00042234 and then the professor made a mistake. X41oPL_x-d0-00179-00042234-00042400 And because there wasn't this process in it X41oPL_x-d0-00180-00042400-00042627 the way you have going into the textbook, X41oPL_x-d0-00181-00042627-00042883 it doesn't get caught as often. X41oPL_x-d0-00182-00042883-00043091 There's this long list of ways in which I find X41oPL_x-d0-00183-00043091-00043431 people's notes are just an inferior resource to textbooks. X41oPL_x-d0-00184-00043431-00043970 So, why do people spend so much time studying notes, then? X41oPL_x-d0-00185-00043970-00044176 I'm not sure. X41oPL_x-d0-00186-00044176-00044304 I don't really understand it X41oPL_x-d0-00187-00044304-00044613 because I don't have this tendency to take notes myself. X41oPL_x-d0-00188-00044613-00044852 But like, I wanted to throw all this out there, X41oPL_x-d0-00189-00044852-00045145 because I don't think it's a coincidence X41oPL_x-d0-00190-00045145-00045579 that I focused primarily on reading textbooks in college, X41oPL_x-d0-00191-00045579-00045884 and I did very little note taking, X41oPL_x-d0-00192-00045884-00046123 and when I took notes and looked at them, X41oPL_x-d0-00193-00046123-00046373 I didn't really study them over and over, X41oPL_x-d0-00194-00046373-00046480 the way some people do, X41oPL_x-d0-00195-00046480-00046620 I just glanced at them X41oPL_x-d0-00196-00046620-00046890 for like one specific detail here or there. X41oPL_x-d0-00197-00046890-00047054 I think it's not a coincidence X41oPL_x-d0-00198-00047054-00047248 that I approached college in this way, X41oPL_x-d0-00199-00047248-00047505 and that I found college very easy. X41oPL_x-d0-00200-00047505-00047622 And that when I look at other people X41oPL_x-d0-00201-00047622-00047837 who focus on this sort of note taking X41oPL_x-d0-00202-00047837-00047965 and then studying the notes X41oPL_x-d0-00203-00047965-00048239 and kind of ignore the textbook, X41oPL_x-d0-00204-00048239-00048519 those people seem to have a much harder time X41oPL_x-d0-00205-00048519-00048670 in college than I did. X41oPL_x-d0-00206-00048670-00048881 I don't think that's a coincidence. X41oPL_x-d0-00207-00048881-00049123 I'm not gonna say don't ever take notes. X41oPL_x-d0-00208-00049123-00049344 But like maybe it would be a good idea X41oPL_x-d0-00209-00049344-00049503 to look at your textbook more, X41oPL_x-d0-00210-00049503-00049650 especially when you think about X41oPL_x-d0-00211-00049650-00049831 all the expertise and effort X41oPL_x-d0-00212-00049831-00049931 that has gone into it, X41oPL_x-d0-00213-00049931-00050256 how it is like a refined work of art X41oPL_x-d0-00214-00050256-00050564 that is specifically oriented to helping you learn. X41oPL_x-d0-00215-00050564-00050842 I've read tons and tons and tons and tons of textbooks, X41oPL_x-d0-00216-00050842-00051093 and especially once I got comfortable reading them, X41oPL_x-d0-00217-00051093-00051366 I've found that most of them are pretty friggin' good. X41oPL_x-d0-00218-00051366-00051466 And, yeah. X41oPL_x-d0-00219-00051466-00051640 That's what I have to say. X41oPL_x-d0-00220-00051640-00051828 Thank you! X4sMftXuf0c-00000-00000024-00000231 Okay, sorry for interrupting this video X4sMftXuf0c-00001-00000252-00000869 I just thought that mabey you are gunna wanna know that you can get a skin for free. Yes absolutley for free. X4sMftXuf0c-00002-00000869-00001689 Okay, so all you have to do is Subscribe to my channel, Like this video and comment down below your ID, X4sMftXuf0c-00003-00001689-00002212 your in-game name and the skin that you want which is under three hundred diamonds X4sMftXuf0c-00004-00002212-00002824 Okay, and you hold a chance of winning that for free. Okay? You'll find more information down in the description X4sMftXuf0c-00005-00002824-00003098 Okay, but sorry, let's gonna jump back into this amazing video X4sMftXuf0c-00006-00003222-00003829 Whats up people and welcome to this video so in this video guys I got an exciting video for you guys, okay? X4sMftXuf0c-00007-00003830-00004436 And here in the beginning. I just wanna point out something okay. I have recently added so you can go ahead and add X4sMftXuf0c-00008-00004492-00004576 subtitles to X4sMftXuf0c-00009-00004576-00005184 this video if you want to go ahead and help out this video or help out other viewers for example if referring the needs that X4sMftXuf0c-00010-00005184-00005384 You can go ahead and add, Indonesian X4sMftXuf0c-00011-00005410-00005762 subtitles on this video okay, you can only gonna do it from computer though X4sMftXuf0c-00012-00005762-00006056 I think okay, but if you wanna do it you're free to do it, and if you do it X4sMftXuf0c-00013-00006057-00006257 I'll go to add your name in the description X4sMftXuf0c-00014-00006273-00006770 Okay, but anyway guys in this video guys we're taking a look at Lancelot vs X4sMftXuf0c-00015-00006775-00007190 Lancelot, okay, so I'm playing with my friend Tjabbas he has his own YouTube channel X4sMftXuf0c-00016-00007190-00007571 I will gonna leave a link to his channel down in the description. You should go check it out X4sMftXuf0c-00017-00007578-00008346 Okay, but in this video guys. I'm playing my Lancelot, he's playing Lancelot, but we were playing with two different builds okay X4sMftXuf0c-00018-00008346-00008915 I will be building max damage basically. A very high damage, and he will be building lifesteal X4sMftXuf0c-00019-00008915-00008971 Okay X4sMftXuf0c-00020-00008971-00009109 So that's a huge question X4sMftXuf0c-00021-00009109-00009675 Always like do I want to build lifesteal do I want to be focusing on attack damage okay so we will be testing that X4sMftXuf0c-00022-00009675-00010019 Out in this video one vs one okay, so we decided X4sMftXuf0c-00023-00010021-00010643 Why are we supposed to get full build when we can just compare it with one item so I will be building X4sMftXuf0c-00024-00010643-00011180 Blade of Despair which will be giving me the most amount of attack damage from just one item, okay? X4sMftXuf0c-00025-00011181-00011568 And he will also be building one item. He will be building the lifesteal item X4sMftXuf0c-00026-00011568-00011846 I can't remember the name of it right now, but you can see it right there, okay? X4sMftXuf0c-00027-00011857-00012272 But because Blade of Despair is worth a lot more. It's costing X4sMftXuf0c-00028-00012357-00012839 3000 coins okay and compared to the blade the other sword which is building X4sMftXuf0c-00029-00012841-00013196 He's able to build and a few more items X4sMftXuf0c-00030-00013197-00013643 So it will be more fair okay so he's building a total of around X4sMftXuf0c-00031-00013704-00013851 3000 X4sMftXuf0c-00032-00013851-00014444 Coins as well, so we are basically having a build worth the same amount of X4sMftXuf0c-00033-00014541-00014857 Money coins whatever you wanna call it to make it more fair X4sMftXuf0c-00034-00014858-00015409 Okay So as it's on the picture previously you can see the full build which we are going to go and have and I will only be have X4sMftXuf0c-00035-00015411-00015905 Blade of sword so the first fight, which we will be doing we will doing multiple different fights X4sMftXuf0c-00036-00015905-00016325 Okay the first fight people doing we will just be doing auto attacks because I X4sMftXuf0c-00037-00016335-00016930 Wanted to see if will I win or will he win he has lifsteal I don't it should be able to lifesteal more X4sMftXuf0c-00038-00016931-00017141 But I will be able to deal more damage plus X4sMftXuf0c-00039-00017141-00017660 I should go out and have some more attack speed because the blade of despair so this is exactly what we'll be trying X4sMftXuf0c-00040-00017694-00017894 right now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) X4sMftXuf0c-00041-00019555-00019848 So as you can see I was able to win that and X4sMftXuf0c-00042-00019855-00020334 That's probably because I was able to deal more damage and I also asked him how much lifesteall did you deal? X4sMftXuf0c-00043-00020344-00020937 Like from that, and it wasn't much okay because the item he's building it isn't stacking on auto attacks X4sMftXuf0c-00044-00020937-00021314 okay and all we did before was that I was like you don't really gonna stand a chance because you're not gonna be X4sMftXuf0c-00045-00021315-00021710 Able to live still you're just gonna go and deal more damage okay so we're gonna be doing this X4sMftXuf0c-00046-00021757-00022026 other test right now which is basically X4sMftXuf0c-00047-00022105-00022305 the same thing again X4sMftXuf0c-00048-00023343-00023639 So as you could see right there, I was able to win yet again X4sMftXuf0c-00049-00023639-00024070 I'm not gonna be sure why we did that yet again but we did. Okay, so next time X4sMftXuf0c-00050-00024070-00024412 I think this time we're gonna be doing an actual fight, okay X4sMftXuf0c-00051-00024412-00024919 We've gotta be playing one vs one, and we're gonna be doing it like you would do in a game okay? X4sMftXuf0c-00052-00024920-00025289 But the thing is we have marked an area, which we're not able to go out of okay X4sMftXuf0c-00053-00025289-00025711 We're gonna be going around the Turtle area, and we're not able to run out of that area X4sMftXuf0c-00054-00025719-00026221 But regardless we were able to go ahead and run okay because we're assassins, assassins X4sMftXuf0c-00055-00026222-00026842 Just don't stand there and fight okay so we gotta be running around a lot to try to dodge the enemies attacks and stuff X4sMftXuf0c-00056-00026843-00027266 Like that and try to avoid and try to hit the enemies as much possible and as you will see X4sMftXuf0c-00057-00027318-00027791 We will be dodging and running a whole lot, but let's gonna take a look at this fight. Shall we X4sMftXuf0c-00058-00027845-00028045 Comment down below who you think will win (don't cheat) X4sMftXuf0c-00059-00033680-00033847 So BAM that was that fight X4sMftXuf0c-00060-00033847-00034149 And as you can we were running around a whole X4sMftXuf0c-00061-00034187-00034692 Whole okay and that reason was like he said early is to tried to dodge and like try to survive for as long X4sMftXuf0c-00062-00034693-00034742 as possible X4sMftXuf0c-00063-00034742-00035227 But I was able to win that and the reason why I think I was able to win was because I was able to hit X4sMftXuf0c-00064-00035227-00035581 My last abilities on him he did hit a lot of his abilities on me as well X4sMftXuf0c-00065-00035582-00035841 but we are playing on investors who are lagging a lot X4sMftXuf0c-00066-00035842-00036373 so it's really hard to go and hit all our abilities and stuff like that, but it was a very intense fight and X4sMftXuf0c-00067-00036434-00036660 So yeah, and you were able to see when we're using our ablilities X4sMftXuf0c-00068-00036661-00036967 Is he was able to dodge and bla bla bla, and this is the last fight X4sMftXuf0c-00069-00036967-00037581 We're gonna be doing and because we did auto attacks only auto attacks we're gonna be doing only abilities this time so X4sMftXuf0c-00070-00037582-00037640 basically X4sMftXuf0c-00071-00037640-00038353 We're taking turns using abilities on a shadow trying to see who will be able to go and win that's because it's very equal X4sMftXuf0c-00072-00038353-00038866 Right now and because hes building the item which is gonna give him life steal when he's using X4sMftXuf0c-00073-00038939-00039427 His abilities we thought this is a perfect opportunity to see if that's better and see I almost killed him there X4sMftXuf0c-00074-00039427-00040009 But as you can see he has more HP than what I have basically he did win that fight X4sMftXuf0c-00075-00040022-00040344 because he had more HP at em okay obviously we can't finish that because X4sMftXuf0c-00076-00040397-00040635 It would have been unfair because we had X4sMftXuf0c-00077-00040703-00040903 different like X4sMftXuf0c-00078-00040904-00041361 Starting points okay, and if I would have done one more attack He would've died if he did one more attack X4sMftXuf0c-00079-00041362-00041884 I would have died so it was kind of equal. He was one level higher as well. They're all still kind of equal, okay, so X4sMftXuf0c-00080-00041948-00042285 We're gonna be doing one last fight and the last fight is gonna be another X4sMftXuf0c-00081-00042302-00042556 Like real life fight, we're gonna try to fight to X4sMftXuf0c-00082-00042556-00043011 See who will be able to win and when we're doing these fights is really it's like it really X4sMftXuf0c-00083-00043040-00043654 Depends on who's hitting like the items so this time we bought a shit ton of items okay so im basically max X4sMftXuf0c-00084-00043654-00043914 Built and he's also max built almost okay? X4sMftXuf0c-00085-00043915-00044235 okay, well nevermind... I have three items he and he's three items as well X4sMftXuf0c-00086-00044236-00044512 I think so he were able to lifesteal a whole lot and his abilities X4sMftXuf0c-00087-00044512-00044941 And I hope able to deal a lot of damage as you can see okay just in a matter of that much the game X4sMftXuf0c-00088-00044941-00045466 It's an insanely amount of damage and really funny thing playing Lancelot vs. Lancelot is that X4sMftXuf0c-00089-00045626-00046036 We can do the same abilities so the thing is I'm gonna be able to win right there X4sMftXuf0c-00090-00046036-00046492 But like we can go ahead and dodge our abilities when doing it. We're doing at the same time really real fun X4sMftXuf0c-00091-00046511-00046808 Okay, guys that was basically all for the three different fights X4sMftXuf0c-00092-00046808-00047327 We did first of all just auto attacks and obviously it was bound for me to actually go and win that because I was dealing more X4sMftXuf0c-00093-00047327-00047719 Damage than he was life stealing from his abilities X4sMftXuf0c-00094-00047719-00048073 Okay, because they didn't use abilities, second time we did a 1vs1 fight X4sMftXuf0c-00095-00048074-00048581 And I was able to win that as well most likely because I was able to hit a bit more of my abilities than what X4sMftXuf0c-00096-00048581-00048883 He did okay, and then third of all the third fight X4sMftXuf0c-00097-00048884-00049375 Which we did was basically trying out abilities, who have won and basically when taking a look at that fight X4sMftXuf0c-00098-00049375-00049954 I think the life steal would actually have won that but it not completely sure he was not one level higher X4sMftXuf0c-00099-00049955-00050246 but he did have more HP at the end and also I X4sMftXuf0c-00100-00050265-00050396 began to using my abilities X4sMftXuf0c-00101-00050396-00050911 Because I wanted him to be able to life steal so that's why I was beginning his mobility on him and not the other way X4sMftXuf0c-00102-00050912-00051187 Around okay, so yeah there you have the three fights X4sMftXuf0c-00103-00051187-00051793 I think this was a really fun video to make I hope you guys enjoyed it as well and the reason why we didn't use X4sMftXuf0c-00104-00051813-00052045 And the life steal you know when you get life steal X4sMftXuf0c-00105-00052045-00052477 on auto attacks maybe we could go to make another video when we're doing that if you guys would want to see it X4sMftXuf0c-00106-00052477-00053200 But the reasons why I don't think that item is really that good for Lancelot basically when building Lancelot you want to be focusing on X4sMftXuf0c-00107-00053219-00053731 Your abilities okay so that's why we're building a lot of ablilities like attack damage and also X4sMftXuf0c-00108-00053835-00054058 The life steal item which only works on X4sMftXuf0c-00109-00054135-00054766 Abilities okay because in a normal game. You will not go ahead and build like the Haas Claws or whatever X4sMftXuf0c-00110-00054766-00055139 They're called because you're not really gonna be using your auto attacks really so much X4sMftXuf0c-00111-00055139-00055690 Okay You're basically gonna jump in use your ultimate use your second ability and stuff like that then you're gonna jump out with your first ability X4sMftXuf0c-00112-00055691-00056186 or just flicker out whatever you're not gonna really go and use your auto attacks that match okay? X4sMftXuf0c-00113-00056186-00056600 Because you are an assassin and your abilities are dealing insane amount of damage as you can see right there X4sMftXuf0c-00114-00056600-00057014 It's in a mad amount of damage guys. either way guys. I really hope you enjoyed this video X4sMftXuf0c-00115-00057014-00057415 I really hope I'll see nice for you guys, but as always thank you for X4sMftXuf0c-00116-00057533-00057733 watching X4sMftXuf0c-00117-00058154-00058576 Remember guys if you wanna buy a mobile grip there will be a link down in the description X4sMftXuf0c-00118-00058579-00058963 And if you're doing that you gotta remember to use the code blue X4sMftXuf0c-00119-00059017-00059641 Panda to get 10% off okay, and you will also be supporting channel a bit by doing this. Thanks (sub's made by I'm a Pickle) Xr8OoW2uONc-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video Xr8OoW2uONc-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view Xr8OoW2uONc-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. Xr8OoW2uONc-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much XuuX5fQSrU4-00000-00000200-00000400 Deep sleep Music, stress Relief XuuX5fQSrU4-00001-00000400-00000600 Full Relax your mind and body 1:40:00.033,1193:02:47.295 Dream of Moonlight Xv8cBaA6ff0-00000-00000010-00000143 ANYWHERE FROM A ONE, TWO DOWN TO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00001-00000143-00000150 ANYWHERE FROM A ONE, TWO DOWN TO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00002-00000150-00000200 ANYWHERE FROM A ONE, TWO DOWN TO FIVE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00003-00000200-00000206 ANYWHERE FROM A ONE, TWO DOWN TO FIVE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00004-00000206-00000320 ANYWHERE FROM A ONE, TWO DOWN TO FIVE. SHOULD BE FUN. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00005-00000320-00000326 FIVE. SHOULD BE FUN. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00006-00000326-00000453 FIVE. SHOULD BE FUN. >>> THE TURQUOISE TURTLE IN Xv8cBaA6ff0-00007-00000453-00000460 SHOULD BE FUN. >>> THE TURQUOISE TURTLE IN Xv8cBaA6ff0-00008-00000460-00000587 SHOULD BE FUN. >>> THE TURQUOISE TURTLE IN DOWNTOWN LITTLE FALLS IS A PLACE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00009-00000587-00000593 >>> THE TURQUOISE TURTLE IN DOWNTOWN LITTLE FALLS IS A PLACE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00010-00000593-00000704 >>> THE TURQUOISE TURTLE IN DOWNTOWN LITTLE FALLS IS A PLACE WHERE MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT ALL Xv8cBaA6ff0-00011-00000704-00000710 DOWNTOWN LITTLE FALLS IS A PLACE WHERE MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT ALL Xv8cBaA6ff0-00012-00000710-00000810 DOWNTOWN LITTLE FALLS IS A PLACE WHERE MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT ALL COME TOGETHER. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00013-00000810-00000817 WHERE MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT ALL COME TOGETHER. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00014-00000817-00000990 WHERE MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT ALL COME TOGETHER. FOR THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00015-00000990-00000997 COME TOGETHER. FOR THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00016-00000997-00001121 COME TOGETHER. FOR THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT SARAH WINKELMANN SHOWS Xv8cBaA6ff0-00017-00001121-00001127 FOR THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT SARAH WINKELMANN SHOWS Xv8cBaA6ff0-00018-00001127-00001214 FOR THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT SARAH WINKELMANN SHOWS US WHAT THIS WELLNESS CENTER IS Xv8cBaA6ff0-00019-00001214-00001221 SPOTLIGHT SARAH WINKELMANN SHOWS US WHAT THIS WELLNESS CENTER IS Xv8cBaA6ff0-00020-00001221-00001581 SPOTLIGHT SARAH WINKELMANN SHOWS US WHAT THIS WELLNESS CENTER IS ALL ABOUT. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00021-00001581-00001588 US WHAT THIS WELLNESS CENTER IS ALL ABOUT. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00022-00001588-00001741 US WHAT THIS WELLNESS CENTER IS ALL ABOUT. >> Reporter: STAYING HEALTHY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00023-00001741-00001748 ALL ABOUT. >> Reporter: STAYING HEALTHY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00024-00001748-00001925 ALL ABOUT. >> Reporter: STAYING HEALTHY AND BEING PAIN-FREE ARE TWO VERY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00025-00001925-00001931 >> Reporter: STAYING HEALTHY AND BEING PAIN-FREE ARE TWO VERY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00026-00001931-00002075 >> Reporter: STAYING HEALTHY AND BEING PAIN-FREE ARE TWO VERY IMPORTANT THINGS FOR AMY, THE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00027-00002075-00002082 AND BEING PAIN-FREE ARE TWO VERY IMPORTANT THINGS FOR AMY, THE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00028-00002082-00002382 AND BEING PAIN-FREE ARE TWO VERY IMPORTANT THINGS FOR AMY, THE OWNER OF THE TURQUOISE TURTLE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00029-00002382-00002389 IMPORTANT THINGS FOR AMY, THE OWNER OF THE TURQUOISE TURTLE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00030-00002389-00002722 IMPORTANT THINGS FOR AMY, THE OWNER OF THE TURQUOISE TURTLE. >> PAIN IS A BIG PART OF MY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00031-00002722-00002729 OWNER OF THE TURQUOISE TURTLE. >> PAIN IS A BIG PART OF MY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00032-00002729-00002826 OWNER OF THE TURQUOISE TURTLE. >> PAIN IS A BIG PART OF MY BUSINESS. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00033-00002826-00002832 >> PAIN IS A BIG PART OF MY BUSINESS. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00034-00002832-00003236 >> PAIN IS A BIG PART OF MY BUSINESS. SO IT'S VERY DRAINING FOR THE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00035-00003236-00003243 BUSINESS. SO IT'S VERY DRAINING FOR THE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00036-00003243-00003359 BUSINESS. SO IT'S VERY DRAINING FOR THE PERSON IN PAIN. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00037-00003359-00003366 SO IT'S VERY DRAINING FOR THE PERSON IN PAIN. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00038-00003366-00003576 SO IT'S VERY DRAINING FOR THE PERSON IN PAIN. SO IF WE CAN TRY TO GET THAT Xv8cBaA6ff0-00039-00003576-00003583 PERSON IN PAIN. SO IF WE CAN TRY TO GET THAT Xv8cBaA6ff0-00040-00003583-00003813 PERSON IN PAIN. SO IF WE CAN TRY TO GET THAT ALLEVIATED AND GET THEM ACTIVE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00041-00003813-00003820 SO IF WE CAN TRY TO GET THAT ALLEVIATED AND GET THEM ACTIVE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00042-00003820-00004020 SO IF WE CAN TRY TO GET THAT ALLEVIATED AND GET THEM ACTIVE OR STAYING ACTIVE IS CRUCIAL. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00043-00004020-00004027 ALLEVIATED AND GET THEM ACTIVE OR STAYING ACTIVE IS CRUCIAL. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00044-00004027-00004154 ALLEVIATED AND GET THEM ACTIVE OR STAYING ACTIVE IS CRUCIAL. >> Reporter: THE WELLNESS Xv8cBaA6ff0-00045-00004154-00004160 OR STAYING ACTIVE IS CRUCIAL. >> Reporter: THE WELLNESS Xv8cBaA6ff0-00046-00004160-00004310 OR STAYING ACTIVE IS CRUCIAL. >> Reporter: THE WELLNESS CENTER OFFERS A WIDE VARIETY OF Xv8cBaA6ff0-00047-00004310-00004317 >> Reporter: THE WELLNESS CENTER OFFERS A WIDE VARIETY OF Xv8cBaA6ff0-00048-00004317-00004534 >> Reporter: THE WELLNESS CENTER OFFERS A WIDE VARIETY OF SERVICES AND CLASSES TO HELP Xv8cBaA6ff0-00049-00004534-00004541 CENTER OFFERS A WIDE VARIETY OF SERVICES AND CLASSES TO HELP Xv8cBaA6ff0-00050-00004541-00004667 CENTER OFFERS A WIDE VARIETY OF SERVICES AND CLASSES TO HELP PEOPLE NOT ONLY UNDERSTAND HOW Xv8cBaA6ff0-00051-00004667-00004674 SERVICES AND CLASSES TO HELP PEOPLE NOT ONLY UNDERSTAND HOW Xv8cBaA6ff0-00052-00004674-00004834 SERVICES AND CLASSES TO HELP PEOPLE NOT ONLY UNDERSTAND HOW TO MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH BUT ALSO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00053-00004834-00004841 PEOPLE NOT ONLY UNDERSTAND HOW TO MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH BUT ALSO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00054-00004841-00005088 PEOPLE NOT ONLY UNDERSTAND HOW TO MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH BUT ALSO TO SHOW THEM HOW TO PUT IT INTO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00055-00005088-00005095 TO MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH BUT ALSO TO SHOW THEM HOW TO PUT IT INTO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00056-00005095-00005268 TO MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH BUT ALSO TO SHOW THEM HOW TO PUT IT INTO PRACTICE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00057-00005268-00005275 TO SHOW THEM HOW TO PUT IT INTO PRACTICE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00058-00005275-00005402 TO SHOW THEM HOW TO PUT IT INTO PRACTICE. >> WE CAN OFFER HEALTH Xv8cBaA6ff0-00059-00005402-00005408 PRACTICE. >> WE CAN OFFER HEALTH Xv8cBaA6ff0-00060-00005408-00005568 PRACTICE. >> WE CAN OFFER HEALTH TECHNIQUES THAT THEY CAN DO TO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00061-00005568-00005575 >> WE CAN OFFER HEALTH TECHNIQUES THAT THEY CAN DO TO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00062-00005575-00005792 >> WE CAN OFFER HEALTH TECHNIQUES THAT THEY CAN DO TO REDUCE THAT STRESS AND ANXIETY, Xv8cBaA6ff0-00063-00005792-00005799 TECHNIQUES THAT THEY CAN DO TO REDUCE THAT STRESS AND ANXIETY, Xv8cBaA6ff0-00064-00005799-00005919 TECHNIQUES THAT THEY CAN DO TO REDUCE THAT STRESS AND ANXIETY, IMPROVE THEIR HEALTH. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00065-00005919-00005925 REDUCE THAT STRESS AND ANXIETY, IMPROVE THEIR HEALTH. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00066-00005925-00006012 REDUCE THAT STRESS AND ANXIETY, IMPROVE THEIR HEALTH. >> Reporter: THE OFFICE USED TO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00067-00006012-00006019 IMPROVE THEIR HEALTH. >> Reporter: THE OFFICE USED TO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00068-00006019-00006279 IMPROVE THEIR HEALTH. >> Reporter: THE OFFICE USED TO BE LOCATED IN PIERZ, BUT AMY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00069-00006279-00006286 >> Reporter: THE OFFICE USED TO BE LOCATED IN PIERZ, BUT AMY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00070-00006286-00006469 >> Reporter: THE OFFICE USED TO BE LOCATED IN PIERZ, BUT AMY FELT THERE WAS A GREATER NEED IN Xv8cBaA6ff0-00071-00006469-00006476 BE LOCATED IN PIERZ, BUT AMY FELT THERE WAS A GREATER NEED IN Xv8cBaA6ff0-00072-00006476-00006576 BE LOCATED IN PIERZ, BUT AMY FELT THERE WAS A GREATER NEED IN LITTLE FALLS. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00073-00006576-00006583 FELT THERE WAS A GREATER NEED IN LITTLE FALLS. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00074-00006583-00006800 FELT THERE WAS A GREATER NEED IN LITTLE FALLS. THE LOCATION MOVED DOWNTOWN IN Xv8cBaA6ff0-00075-00006800-00006806 LITTLE FALLS. THE LOCATION MOVED DOWNTOWN IN Xv8cBaA6ff0-00076-00006806-00006953 LITTLE FALLS. THE LOCATION MOVED DOWNTOWN IN JANUARY AND IS ALREADY SEEING Xv8cBaA6ff0-00077-00006953-00006960 THE LOCATION MOVED DOWNTOWN IN JANUARY AND IS ALREADY SEEING Xv8cBaA6ff0-00078-00006960-00007133 THE LOCATION MOVED DOWNTOWN IN JANUARY AND IS ALREADY SEEING MUCH GROWTH, IN PART, THANKS TO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00079-00007133-00007140 JANUARY AND IS ALREADY SEEING MUCH GROWTH, IN PART, THANKS TO Xv8cBaA6ff0-00080-00007140-00007313 JANUARY AND IS ALREADY SEEING MUCH GROWTH, IN PART, THANKS TO THEIR UNIQUE NAME. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00081-00007313-00007320 MUCH GROWTH, IN PART, THANKS TO THEIR UNIQUE NAME. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00082-00007320-00007510 MUCH GROWTH, IN PART, THANKS TO THEIR UNIQUE NAME. >> TURQUOISE IS A STONE THAT Xv8cBaA6ff0-00083-00007510-00007517 THEIR UNIQUE NAME. >> TURQUOISE IS A STONE THAT Xv8cBaA6ff0-00084-00007517-00007674 THEIR UNIQUE NAME. >> TURQUOISE IS A STONE THAT PROMOTES HEALTH AND WELLNESS AND Xv8cBaA6ff0-00085-00007674-00007680 >> TURQUOISE IS A STONE THAT PROMOTES HEALTH AND WELLNESS AND Xv8cBaA6ff0-00086-00007680-00008151 >> TURQUOISE IS A STONE THAT PROMOTES HEALTH AND WELLNESS AND THEN TURTLE REPRESENTS THE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00087-00008151-00008158 PROMOTES HEALTH AND WELLNESS AND THEN TURTLE REPRESENTS THE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00088-00008158-00008334 PROMOTES HEALTH AND WELLNESS AND THEN TURTLE REPRESENTS THE EARTH'S OR MOTHER EARTH'S Xv8cBaA6ff0-00089-00008334-00008341 THEN TURTLE REPRESENTS THE EARTH'S OR MOTHER EARTH'S Xv8cBaA6ff0-00090-00008341-00008408 THEN TURTLE REPRESENTS THE EARTH'S OR MOTHER EARTH'S SYMBOL. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00091-00008408-00008415 EARTH'S OR MOTHER EARTH'S SYMBOL. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00092-00008415-00008551 EARTH'S OR MOTHER EARTH'S SYMBOL. >> Reporter: DRUMS CAN BE HEARD Xv8cBaA6ff0-00093-00008551-00008558 SYMBOL. >> Reporter: DRUMS CAN BE HEARD Xv8cBaA6ff0-00094-00008558-00008705 SYMBOL. >> Reporter: DRUMS CAN BE HEARD IN THE TURQUOISE TURTLE WITH Xv8cBaA6ff0-00095-00008705-00008712 >> Reporter: DRUMS CAN BE HEARD IN THE TURQUOISE TURTLE WITH Xv8cBaA6ff0-00096-00008712-00008852 >> Reporter: DRUMS CAN BE HEARD IN THE TURQUOISE TURTLE WITH THOSE IN THE CIRCLE DRUMMING Xv8cBaA6ff0-00097-00008852-00008858 IN THE TURQUOISE TURTLE WITH THOSE IN THE CIRCLE DRUMMING Xv8cBaA6ff0-00098-00008858-00008988 IN THE TURQUOISE TURTLE WITH THOSE IN THE CIRCLE DRUMMING AWAY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND Xv8cBaA6ff0-00099-00008988-00008995 THOSE IN THE CIRCLE DRUMMING AWAY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND Xv8cBaA6ff0-00100-00008995-00009112 THOSE IN THE CIRCLE DRUMMING AWAY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND DRUMMING IN POSITIVE CHANGE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00101-00009112-00009119 AWAY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND DRUMMING IN POSITIVE CHANGE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00102-00009119-00009396 AWAY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND DRUMMING IN POSITIVE CHANGE. >> I TRY TO MAKE ALL THE DRUM Xv8cBaA6ff0-00103-00009396-00009402 DRUMMING IN POSITIVE CHANGE. >> I TRY TO MAKE ALL THE DRUM Xv8cBaA6ff0-00104-00009402-00009469 DRUMMING IN POSITIVE CHANGE. >> I TRY TO MAKE ALL THE DRUM CIRCLES POSSIBLE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00105-00009469-00009476 >> I TRY TO MAKE ALL THE DRUM CIRCLES POSSIBLE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00106-00009476-00009662 >> I TRY TO MAKE ALL THE DRUM CIRCLES POSSIBLE. THERE'S A HEALING TRADE THAT Xv8cBaA6ff0-00107-00009662-00009669 CIRCLES POSSIBLE. THERE'S A HEALING TRADE THAT Xv8cBaA6ff0-00108-00009669-00009946 CIRCLES POSSIBLE. THERE'S A HEALING TRADE THAT HAPPENS FOR ENERGY WORKERS WHICH Xv8cBaA6ff0-00109-00009946-00009953 THERE'S A HEALING TRADE THAT HAPPENS FOR ENERGY WORKERS WHICH Xv8cBaA6ff0-00110-00009953-00010163 THERE'S A HEALING TRADE THAT HAPPENS FOR ENERGY WORKERS WHICH IS REALLY JUST AMAZINGLY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00111-00010163-00010170 HAPPENS FOR ENERGY WORKERS WHICH IS REALLY JUST AMAZINGLY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00112-00010170-00010283 HAPPENS FOR ENERGY WORKERS WHICH IS REALLY JUST AMAZINGLY VALUABLE TO BE ABLE TO PRACTICE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00113-00010283-00010290 IS REALLY JUST AMAZINGLY VALUABLE TO BE ABLE TO PRACTICE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00114-00010290-00010366 IS REALLY JUST AMAZINGLY VALUABLE TO BE ABLE TO PRACTICE WITH EACH OTHER. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00115-00010366-00010373 VALUABLE TO BE ABLE TO PRACTICE WITH EACH OTHER. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00116-00010373-00010523 VALUABLE TO BE ABLE TO PRACTICE WITH EACH OTHER. >> Reporter: FRIENDSHIPS ARE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00117-00010523-00010530 WITH EACH OTHER. >> Reporter: FRIENDSHIPS ARE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00118-00010530-00010677 WITH EACH OTHER. >> Reporter: FRIENDSHIPS ARE FORMED, MUSIC IS PLAYED AND Xv8cBaA6ff0-00119-00010677-00010683 >> Reporter: FRIENDSHIPS ARE FORMED, MUSIC IS PLAYED AND Xv8cBaA6ff0-00120-00010683-00010840 >> Reporter: FRIENDSHIPS ARE FORMED, MUSIC IS PLAYED AND STRESS HAS DISAPPEARED. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00121-00010840-00010847 FORMED, MUSIC IS PLAYED AND STRESS HAS DISAPPEARED. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00122-00010847-00010990 FORMED, MUSIC IS PLAYED AND STRESS HAS DISAPPEARED. THANKS TO THE FULL MOON DRUM Xv8cBaA6ff0-00123-00010990-00010997 STRESS HAS DISAPPEARED. THANKS TO THE FULL MOON DRUM Xv8cBaA6ff0-00124-00010997-00011047 STRESS HAS DISAPPEARED. THANKS TO THE FULL MOON DRUM CIRCLE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00125-00011047-00011054 THANKS TO THE FULL MOON DRUM CIRCLE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00126-00011054-00011434 THANKS TO THE FULL MOON DRUM CIRCLE. >> I HAVE A TRUE PASSION ABOUT Xv8cBaA6ff0-00127-00011434-00011441 CIRCLE. >> I HAVE A TRUE PASSION ABOUT Xv8cBaA6ff0-00128-00011441-00011508 CIRCLE. >> I HAVE A TRUE PASSION ABOUT DRUMMING. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00129-00011508-00011514 >> I HAVE A TRUE PASSION ABOUT DRUMMING. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00130-00011514-00011868 >> I HAVE A TRUE PASSION ABOUT DRUMMING. IT FEEDS YOUR SOUL, YOUR SPIRIT Xv8cBaA6ff0-00131-00011868-00011875 DRUMMING. IT FEEDS YOUR SOUL, YOUR SPIRIT Xv8cBaA6ff0-00132-00011875-00012115 DRUMMING. IT FEEDS YOUR SOUL, YOUR SPIRIT IT'S A LITTLE HIPPIE, IT'S A Xv8cBaA6ff0-00133-00012115-00012122 IT FEEDS YOUR SOUL, YOUR SPIRIT IT'S A LITTLE HIPPIE, IT'S A Xv8cBaA6ff0-00134-00012122-00012235 IT FEEDS YOUR SOUL, YOUR SPIRIT IT'S A LITTLE HIPPIE, IT'S A LITTLE SPIRITUAL. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00135-00012235-00012242 IT'S A LITTLE HIPPIE, IT'S A LITTLE SPIRITUAL. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00136-00012242-00012409 IT'S A LITTLE HIPPIE, IT'S A LITTLE SPIRITUAL. YOU KNOW, IT BUILDS COMMUNITY. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00137-00012409-00012415 LITTLE SPIRITUAL. YOU KNOW, IT BUILDS COMMUNITY. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00138-00012415-00012529 LITTLE SPIRITUAL. YOU KNOW, IT BUILDS COMMUNITY. >> Reporter: AS THE BUSINESS Xv8cBaA6ff0-00139-00012529-00012535 YOU KNOW, IT BUILDS COMMUNITY. >> Reporter: AS THE BUSINESS Xv8cBaA6ff0-00140-00012535-00012699 YOU KNOW, IT BUILDS COMMUNITY. >> Reporter: AS THE BUSINESS CONTINUES TO GROW, THEY'RE OPEN Xv8cBaA6ff0-00141-00012699-00012706 >> Reporter: AS THE BUSINESS CONTINUES TO GROW, THEY'RE OPEN Xv8cBaA6ff0-00142-00012706-00012886 >> Reporter: AS THE BUSINESS CONTINUES TO GROW, THEY'RE OPEN TO FEEDBACK ON CLASSES THEY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00143-00012886-00012892 CONTINUES TO GROW, THEY'RE OPEN TO FEEDBACK ON CLASSES THEY Xv8cBaA6ff0-00144-00012892-00013072 CONTINUES TO GROW, THEY'RE OPEN TO FEEDBACK ON CLASSES THEY OFFER OR NEW ONES THEY MIGHT BE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00145-00013072-00013079 TO FEEDBACK ON CLASSES THEY OFFER OR NEW ONES THEY MIGHT BE Xv8cBaA6ff0-00146-00013079-00013199 TO FEEDBACK ON CLASSES THEY OFFER OR NEW ONES THEY MIGHT BE ABLE TO PROVIDE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00147-00013199-00013206 OFFER OR NEW ONES THEY MIGHT BE ABLE TO PROVIDE. Xv8cBaA6ff0-00148-00013206-00013309 OFFER OR NEW ONES THEY MIGHT BE ABLE TO PROVIDE. FOR THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY Xwfhk-iN3-0-00000-00001985-00002685 Today, we will discuss about the structure of consciousness. This idea of structure of Xwfhk-iN3-0-00001-00002783-00003483 consciousness is discussed by Searle in his book the rediscovery of the mind, published Xwfhk-iN3-0-00002-00003964-00004664 in 1992 by MIT press. Searle talks about consciousness as something being caused by the brain processors Xwfhk-iN3-0-00003-00005060-00005760 and we have already discussed about it. According to Searle consciousness is caused by brain Xwfhk-iN3-0-00004-00005848-00006548 processes and realized in brain processes referring to this Searles thesis. That consciousness Xwfhk-iN3-0-00005-00006656-00007356 is something biological and it is produced by the neuro physiological function of the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00006-00007356-00007838 brain processes. Now, so for as this hypotheses is concerned Xwfhk-iN3-0-00007-00007838-00008538 Searle tries to give a scientific account of consciousness and naturalistic account Xwfhk-iN3-0-00008-00008720-00009207 of consciousness. We have already discussed about this hypothesis, we have also discussed Xwfhk-iN3-0-00009-00009207-00009907 about the nature of intentionality as such. Today, we are going to discuss the structure Xwfhk-iN3-0-00010-00010213-00010913 of consciousness or the structure of intentional state. What is, and what are the properties Xwfhk-iN3-0-00011-00011003-00011657 that constitute the intentional state? According to Searle intentional state is constituted Xwfhk-iN3-0-00012-00011657-00012357 of various properties such as intentionality, subjectivity, aspectuality, unity all these Xwfhk-iN3-0-00013-00012563-00013263 are properties or features of consciousness. Whenever we talk about consciousness, we talk Xwfhk-iN3-0-00014-00013394-00014094 about a composite feature of our experience. So, in this context what Searle is going to Xwfhk-iN3-0-00015-00014454-00015019 discuss about consciousness that is what we try to look at. And since Searle has been Xwfhk-iN3-0-00016-00015019-00015713 talking about this that he belongs to the wittgenstein tradition, the tradition which Xwfhk-iN3-0-00017-00015713-00016072 was built by Fergie and Witteinstein. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00018-00016072-00016772 Then we will look at wittgenstein of the famous statements that consciousness is life itself, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00019-00016819-00017369 that is wittgenstein where wittgenstein tries to associate consciousness with life, life Xwfhk-iN3-0-00020-00017369-00018069 this is such a vast concept. Look at how Searle defines the notion of consciousness. According Xwfhk-iN3-0-00021-00018208-00018908 to Searle he writes a code consciousness is the central fact of specifically human existence, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00022-00018958-00019658 because all our other aspects of our existence such as language, love humor and so on would Xwfhk-iN3-0-00023-00019745-00020226 be impossible without consciousness. So, consciousness has been associated with Xwfhk-iN3-0-00024-00020226-00020926 life and life is manifested in various forms. The very fact that human beings use language, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00025-00021013-00021498 the very fact that the human beings fall in love with others, human beings have various Xwfhk-iN3-0-00026-00021498-00022198 aspatic form of life and human beings are using language in such a complex way is a Xwfhk-iN3-0-00027-00022544-00023167 something very significant. And it is through language or what I will call with the help Xwfhk-iN3-0-00028-00023167-00023867 of the principle of the expressibility human beings expresses themselves. So, that is something Xwfhk-iN3-0-00029-00023942-00024642 very significant about Searle, Searle does not suggest that his naturalistic hypotheses Xwfhk-iN3-0-00030-00024706-00025406 is an eliminative one. So, Searle’s naturalism is rooted in biology Xwfhk-iN3-0-00031-00025585-00026285 and biology for Searle is a science that talks about human life or life perceive. So, in Xwfhk-iN3-0-00032-00026472-00027152 this context it is very important to talk about consciousness and relate consciousness Xwfhk-iN3-0-00033-00027152-00027852 with life. So, when we relate consciousness with life we try to show how significant this Xwfhk-iN3-0-00034-00027979-00028679 concept is, how complex this concept is. In this context we need to look at Searle’s Xwfhk-iN3-0-00035-00028776-00028979 notion of consciousness. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00036-00028979-00029557 So, consciousness is a concept as paul johnston would that try to define would referring to Xwfhk-iN3-0-00037-00029557-00030257 wittgenstein in his book, the rethinking, the inner. Johnston writes that to understand Xwfhk-iN3-0-00038-00030297-00030997 the concept of consciousness we do not need to define or to describe it, but to recognize Xwfhk-iN3-0-00039-00031072-00031760 what is involved in saying that someone is conscious. What is important is not a description, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00040-00031760-00032460 but understanding of the significant of the concept. So, we need to really talk about Xwfhk-iN3-0-00041-00032497-00033171 what is the significance of this concept, how it is explaining the various forms of Xwfhk-iN3-0-00042-00033171-00033871 life that human beings share when he or she encounter with the other living beings in Xwfhk-iN3-0-00043-00033997-00034697 the world or other creatures in the world or other immaterial bodies in the world, so Xwfhk-iN3-0-00044-00034736-00035436 that is something very important. So, consciousness is to be talked and it is to be talked reserving Xwfhk-iN3-0-00045-00035622-00036168 its relationship with the other. We need to describe and recognize the meaningful Xwfhk-iN3-0-00046-00036168-00036868 aspect of conscious life. So, then we will be probably able to describe what is consciousness, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00047-00036959-00037648 consciousness as concept and how it is been understood in our everyday life situations. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00048-00037648-00038348 So, Searle tries to define consciousness in this way, look at it what Searle talks about Xwfhk-iN3-0-00049-00038599-00039299 when he says that consciousness is related to space and time or consciousness is related Xwfhk-iN3-0-00050-00039366-00040066 to the reality, because referring to Kant he beings this chapter on structure of consciousness. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00051-00040130-00040830 Referring to Kant he says that experience of objects is temporally extended. So, when Xwfhk-iN3-0-00052-00040904-00041503 we talk about experience, when we talk about the representations of the world, they are Xwfhk-iN3-0-00053-00041503-00042169 represented in our thoughts or in our mental states and for Searlemental states are intentional Xwfhk-iN3-0-00054-00042169-00042519 states, they are also known as representational states. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00055-00042519-00043208 Now, these representational states have a structure in the sense that they involve the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00056-00043208-00043862 semantic content, so when I express a particular representational state, I express with content, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00057-00043862-00044562 this expression shows how my mental states are directed towards the world. So, when I Xwfhk-iN3-0-00058-00044741-00045432 think about my mental states or when anyone thinks for that matter, mental states are Xwfhk-iN3-0-00059-00045432-00046132 nothing but thoughts. So, when we were thinking we are trying to relate our self with thoughts Xwfhk-iN3-0-00060-00046538-00047183 and thoughts are not material objects, thoughts do not exist in the world, thoughts are certainly Xwfhk-iN3-0-00061-00047183-00047883 mental, their mental phenomena. And if we talk about mental phenomena then we refer Xwfhk-iN3-0-00062-00047974-00048674 to the interiority of our experience, it is not something available there and it is something Xwfhk-iN3-0-00063-00048775-00049378 available here with me, may be in Searle’s language Searle will talk about that something Xwfhk-iN3-0-00064-00049378-00049941 there in our head. And that is the inner, not necessarily, now Xwfhk-iN3-0-00065-00049941-00050641 this idea of inner is not something observable according to Searle, meaning there by we do Xwfhk-iN3-0-00066-00050729-00051429 not really observe what is my feeling, what kind of happiness I have, so that is very Xwfhk-iN3-0-00067-00051628-00052328 subjective one. So, subjectivity is a feature associated with consciousness or how do I Xwfhk-iN3-0-00068-00052532-00053180 look at a particular object in the world. So, seeing something something, now this kind Xwfhk-iN3-0-00069-00053180-00053880 of ideas one can find in wittgenstein and Kant. So, Kant when he talks about concepts Xwfhk-iN3-0-00070-00054432-00055132 or thoughts Kant very much associates time with thought, because it is not available Xwfhk-iN3-0-00071-00055493-00056193 in space, but we can always talk about thoughts or change of thoughts or change of mental Xwfhk-iN3-0-00072-00056218-00056918 states with reference to time. So, the mental states are extended in time, their part of Xwfhk-iN3-0-00073-00057222-00057922 the inner world not in cartesian sense of course, but as I said that there is something Xwfhk-iN3-0-00074-00057969-00058612 which is existing in our head and that is what is mental. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00075-00058612-00059312 So, this very notion of the mental will be discussed once we talk about the the dozen Xwfhk-iN3-0-00076-00059423-00060123 of features that Searle explains as the property that composes the mental, will talk about Xwfhk-iN3-0-00077-00060342-00061042 that, but what is important here again in Kant or again with the cartesians that they Xwfhk-iN3-0-00078-00061297-00061997 believe in stream of consciousness. So, there is a continuity in consciousness, consciousness Xwfhk-iN3-0-00079-00062088-00062779 is not a district phenomena, consciousness shows that it is always in a processes, so Xwfhk-iN3-0-00080-00062779-00063479 in that sense the consciousness is flowing when I say that we are all thinking being. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00081-00063722-00064422 Thinking refers to a process, a mental processes and that is tells us how we talk about stream Xwfhk-iN3-0-00082-00065104-00065206 of consciousness. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00083-00065206-00065906 So, this phenomenological notion of consciousness that which is related with a time but called Xwfhk-iN3-0-00084-00065972-00066598 phenomenological time does not exactly match with the real time. So, I can think of future, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00085-00066598-00067298 I can think of my past, I can live with my past, I can go back to what I did yesterday Xwfhk-iN3-0-00086-00067516-00068199 or day before yesterday or two years back or three years back, things like that. I can Xwfhk-iN3-0-00087-00068199-00068899 always live in the present, I can always live in the past and I can also imagine my future. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00088-00068905-00069605 So, every conscious being has this potentiality to talk about future, to think about future. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00089-00069867-00070567 And in that context Searle is referring to this idea of the phenomenological time, which Xwfhk-iN3-0-00090-00070774-00071474 does not really resemble the real notion of time which we have, that I got up at six o Xwfhk-iN3-0-00091-00071567-00072149 clock, had my breakfast, came for this lecture, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. So, all these Xwfhk-iN3-0-00092-00072149-00072842 are happing in a real time frame work, which we all have in our everyday life, but what Xwfhk-iN3-0-00093-00072842-00073542 is phenomenological notion of time is the concept of time, which is given to my consciousness. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00094-00073562-00074262 So, in my consciousness I go back to my past, I can live in by past in the sense that I Xwfhk-iN3-0-00095-00074330-00074911 experience my past, so in my consciousness I can always imagine of a better future. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00096-00074911-00075611 Now, having a big bungalow, having a big car and so on and so forth, so this idea of living Xwfhk-iN3-0-00097-00075939-00076639 in time is something very important when we talk about Kant, because Kant talks about Xwfhk-iN3-0-00098-00076707-00077407 the change of mental states of thoughts with reference to time. For in the change of any Xwfhk-iN3-0-00099-00077531-00078176 physical object can be explained with reference to both space and time. So for terminology Xwfhk-iN3-0-00100-00078176-00078857 is concern, so when time is concerned, it is only to reference to thoughts Kant is talking Xwfhk-iN3-0-00101-00078857-00079557 about or Kant can we can always talk about the concept of change in thoughts. So, this Xwfhk-iN3-0-00102-00079583-00080283 probably Searle is not interested here to bring here, so what is Searle interested in, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00103-00080463-00081163 Searle is interested in the notion of consciousness and how it is being composed by various other Xwfhk-iN3-0-00104-00081186-00081886 features. Now, once that is told to us we will try to Xwfhk-iN3-0-00105-00081886-00082586 see whether this notion of consciousness that Searle is advocating is an honor goes to the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00106-00082693-00083393 cartesian notion of consciousness or not, that will one can very well reflect and try Xwfhk-iN3-0-00107-00083460-00084160 to bring some kind of a just a position with reference to Decart or and with the reference Xwfhk-iN3-0-00108-00084235-00084935 to Denett or the other functionalist. Because functionalist notion of the mental or consciousness Xwfhk-iN3-0-00109-00085024-00085724 is not a compositional notion of consciousness, consciousness is not a compositional fact Xwfhk-iN3-0-00110-00085880-00086580 of different features and which are intrinsically associated with each other. Functionalist Xwfhk-iN3-0-00111-00086666-00087220 would deny this fact that consciousness is something irreducible; it is irreducible to Xwfhk-iN3-0-00112-00087220-00087332 the brain functions. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00113-00087332-00088032 Now, Searle also talks about the notion of other mind, it is not that I am thinking and Xwfhk-iN3-0-00114-00088075-00088775 I only think and others are not, but consciousness is something very social. I find that kind Xwfhk-iN3-0-00115-00088954-00089654 of naturalism Searle is bringing, consciousness is not something Cartesian, not something Xwfhk-iN3-0-00116-00089685-00090385 which is available to me alone, that is something very much Searle will not advocate that. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00117-00090398-00091098 That consciousness is something very personal and it is not accessible to the other or this Xwfhk-iN3-0-00118-00091364-00092064 quit and quit personal will not constitute something called a collective. So, consciousness Xwfhk-iN3-0-00119-00092210-00092910 is is something very different because consciousness is associated with intentionality and it is Xwfhk-iN3-0-00120-00093051-00093735 the feature of of the intentionality that it would always associate itself with the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00121-00093735-00094357 other. It is a binding feature in the sense that it binds the other with itself; it binds Xwfhk-iN3-0-00122-00094357-00094561 the world with itself, with the world with itself. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00123-00094561-00095138 So, this binding principle or the unifying principle that Searle is talking about is Xwfhk-iN3-0-00124-00095138-00095801 something very significant, which would suggest that it is not me who is thinking, but it Xwfhk-iN3-0-00125-00095801-00096501 is the other which would which constitutes might be. It is the other which suggests that Xwfhk-iN3-0-00126-00096631-00097331 I am a person, I am a person identified with relation to something else and I am a person Xwfhk-iN3-0-00127-00097580-00098280 with reference to the other. When others leave they give this identity to me that I am so Xwfhk-iN3-0-00128-00098454-00099154 and so with reference to a particular community or with reference to them. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00129-00099202-00099902 I am a father, because I have a family; in my family my children have given me this identity Xwfhk-iN3-0-00130-00100310-00101010 that I am a father of so and so. Now, this very notion of personal identity or me as Xwfhk-iN3-0-00131-00101504-00102204 a social being is grounded in social intentionality according to Searle. So, this idea of a social Xwfhk-iN3-0-00132-00102560-00103213 intentionality or collective intentionality that Searle is speaking in his later works Xwfhk-iN3-0-00133-00103213-00103851 is something very significant. So, we just see what he talks about the other mind, the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00134-00103851-00104342 category of the other people, so other people are also important and the capacity for assigning Xwfhk-iN3-0-00135-00104342-00105042 a special status to other locus of consciousness. So, they have this capacity, in the sense Xwfhk-iN3-0-00136-00105127-00105827 that they give me a kind of a social status, so in their intentionality my consciousness Xwfhk-iN3-0-00137-00106103-00106803 is located in a specific temporal world, in a socio biologically world. So, that is how Xwfhk-iN3-0-00138-00106974-00107607 I am associated with other and others are associated with me. So, consciousness has Xwfhk-iN3-0-00139-00107607-00108307 a biological background and it has also a social background, in a social background Xwfhk-iN3-0-00140-00108589-00109289 I am identified as a person. Now, let us go back to the basic idea that how consciousness Xwfhk-iN3-0-00141-00109821-00110499 is composed in Searle’s theoretical frame work of biological naturalism. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00142-00110499-00111199 Now, Searle talks about a dozen of features, they are finite modalities, unity, intentionality, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00143-00111735-00112435 aspectuality or subjectivity, I mean for him subjectivity will be part of this notion called Xwfhk-iN3-0-00144-00112583-00113226 aspectuality. And then Searle also talks about a conceptual connection, connection between Xwfhk-iN3-0-00145-00113226-00113926 what is conscious and what is unconscious. Then Searle also talks about psychology, whenever Xwfhk-iN3-0-00146-00114065-00114765 we perceive something we perceive at the background of certain things. So, human being perceptions Xwfhk-iN3-0-00147-00114919-00115619 are always in the mood of a figure and a figure is host against a particular background, that Xwfhk-iN3-0-00148-00115623-00116323 is what is he means by the psychology. It has to bring the psychology in to now this Xwfhk-iN3-0-00149-00116525-00117225 idea that consciousness always or experiences are always against a particular kind of a Xwfhk-iN3-0-00150-00117585-00117665 background. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00151-00117665-00118365 Now, the other features are the familiarity conditions, overflow, center and periphery Xwfhk-iN3-0-00152-00118390-00119090 distinction, boundary conditions, mood pleasure and unpleasure. So, these are the dozen of Xwfhk-iN3-0-00153-00119091-00119791 features that Searle talks about in order to discuss the structure of consciousness. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00154-00119917-00120617 You can say that the manifestation of consciousness as a biological phenomenon, you will have Xwfhk-iN3-0-00155-00120847-00121095 all this features. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00156-00121095-00121776 Now, let us begin with this first notion called finite modalities. Now, what does Searle mean Xwfhk-iN3-0-00157-00121776-00122476 by finite modalities? Searle writes that human consciousness is manifested in strictly limited Xwfhk-iN3-0-00158-00122548-00123248 number of modalities. In addition to five senses of sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00159-00123434-00124104 the sixth sense of balance there are bodily sensation and the stream of thought. Finite Xwfhk-iN3-0-00160-00124104-00124804 modalities are the modalities which talks about or which shows that how do we have sense Xwfhk-iN3-0-00161-00125122-00125634 experiences. Now, our sense experiences are finite, when Xwfhk-iN3-0-00162-00125634-00126334 I see all of you are looking at me I have the experience of students looking at me. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00163-00126344-00127044 Now, this very experiences confined to a particular classroom, a particular classroom experience, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00164-00127202-00127902 you can call it perception, you can also being the other sense experiences that I am hearing Xwfhk-iN3-0-00165-00128141-00128841 your questions, I am looking at your faces all this. So, all this are part of my experience Xwfhk-iN3-0-00166-00129142-00129813 and this experiences are finite, Searle does not believe in infinite experiences. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00167-00129813-00130513 Say for example, this experience of infinity in the sense that I am experiencing Brahman, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00168-00130644-00131279 say for an example brahman as you all know in Indian context is identified with universal Xwfhk-iN3-0-00169-00131279-00131979 consciousness. So, these kind of conscious experiences are not discussed in the frame Xwfhk-iN3-0-00170-00132265-00132965 work of the modalities that Searle talks about. Whenever Searle talks about consciousness Xwfhk-iN3-0-00171-00133000-00133700 it is about our limited notion of consciousness, that whenever I am doing something, I am conscious Xwfhk-iN3-0-00172-00133812-00134512 of that. So, the very fact that I am lecturing to all of you is giving me this impression Xwfhk-iN3-0-00173-00134788-00135286 that I am conscious of this very fact that I am lecturing. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00174-00135286-00135986 So, this Searle will call a kind of an expression of the finite consciousness. So, human consciousness Xwfhk-iN3-0-00175-00136138-00136838 are expressed in a finite mode, not in a infinite mode, the way it has been discussed by the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00176-00137227-00137927 spiritual seekers that consciousness is infinite and it is universal and it is a universal Xwfhk-iN3-0-00177-00138144-00138844 mode of representation. So, that kind of ideas Searle will not entertain in the frame work Xwfhk-iN3-0-00178-00138922-00139622 of biological naturalism. So, the will try to look at how do we have sense experiences, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00179-00139665-00140365 they also talks about the sixth sense, the sense of balancing, ok. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00180-00140457-00141157 Suppose I am a very angry at you, angry at your questions, now this expression of anger Xwfhk-iN3-0-00181-00141295-00141995 are not suppose to be expressed when somebody asked a particular question, I must be reasonably Xwfhk-iN3-0-00182-00142771-00143424 accepting a question when it is thrown to me with a balanced mind. So, this idea of Xwfhk-iN3-0-00183-00143424-00144124 a balancing talks about a rational mind mind which has rational capacities. So, whenever Xwfhk-iN3-0-00184-00144180-00144708 I talk about actions or the manifestation of actions or the performance of a voluntary Xwfhk-iN3-0-00185-00144708-00145290 action that represents a balanced mind. Now, this balance mind or the expression of Xwfhk-iN3-0-00186-00145290-00145990 the balance mind is certainly in expression of the finite mode of consciousness. So, that Xwfhk-iN3-0-00187-00146001-00146701 is how Searle will talk about different modalities, finite modalities in which we experience things Xwfhk-iN3-0-00188-00146886-00147586 in the world or we experience the reality, etcetera, let us go to the other concept that Xwfhk-iN3-0-00189-00147727-00147961 is the notion of unit. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00190-00147961-00148661 Now, unity is constituted as one of the features of consciousness, that consciousness or the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00191-00149239-00149515 conscious mental states are unified. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00192-00149515-00150215 I have already talked about in my previous classes that all intentional states constitutes Xwfhk-iN3-0-00193-00150228-00150928 a network, there is a network of intentional states. There is a network of intentional Xwfhk-iN3-0-00194-00151270-00151970 states, this network are connected and when we talk about experience, is a part of this Xwfhk-iN3-0-00195-00152701-00153401 network, because they network represents mind, the network as a whole represents the mind. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00196-00153460-00154160 So, if that is the mind, then it is interacting with the world, then the experiential features Xwfhk-iN3-0-00197-00154587-00155285 or an experiential connective shows that there are two modes in which we try to connect, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00198-00155285-00155985 we try to unify these experiences or you try to unify this thoughts or intentional states Xwfhk-iN3-0-00199-00156140-00156840 or representational states. According to Searle there are two notions of unity, one is the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00200-00156858-00157415 horizontal notion of unity and another is the vertical notion of unity. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00201-00157415-00158115 The vertical notion of unity as Searle says, say for example, I have a toothache and I Xwfhk-iN3-0-00202-00158220-00158920 also experience the vase, I also experience the fragrance, the fragrance of tooth paste. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00203-00159087-00159787 I am also experience this fact that I am sitting on a sofa and brushing my teeth, very typical Xwfhk-iN3-0-00204-00159898-00160598 I am suffering from toothache, I am experiencing the vase which is kept near the table and Xwfhk-iN3-0-00205-00160892-00161372 the I also smell the fragrance of my tooth paste. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00206-00161372-00162072 These are all coming to me kind of a unified notion of experience and Searle will call Xwfhk-iN3-0-00207-00162221-00162921 that now this kind of vertical unity, there is also some kind of unity, which he says Xwfhk-iN3-0-00208-00163090-00163790 it is a kind of a horizontal unity. Now, what is this idea of horizontal unity? Now, horizontal Xwfhk-iN3-0-00209-00164062-00164762 unity talks about the unity between thought and actions, what I am thinking and what I Xwfhk-iN3-0-00210-00164791-00165491 am doing, that is connected with a reference to content. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00211-00165550-00166250 As I said there is a semantic content involved, so whenever a thought is expressed, it is Xwfhk-iN3-0-00212-00166740-00167440 expressed with the content and that content is identical with the action which is performed, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00213-00167487-00168187 the act which is I am performing, they are not to separate things. So, Kant’s notion Xwfhk-iN3-0-00214-00168341-00169041 of the transcendental unity of an apperception of something very close to Searle’s notion Xwfhk-iN3-0-00215-00169253-00169953 of a horizontal unity, when Kant says that space and time are to Aprairi say phenomena Xwfhk-iN3-0-00216-00170501-00171028 or concepts, they are not certainly categories, they are concepts. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00217-00171028-00171728 And when I have a particular experience of something, I not only apply the categories, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00218-00171799-00172499 but also look at this experience as a part of the space and time and that gives Ansenders Xwfhk-iN3-0-00219-00173162-00173862 some kind of judgment. So, a judgment is produced with the application of space and time as Xwfhk-iN3-0-00220-00173939-00174639 an Aprairi concepts. So, space and time are the form of experience according to Kant, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00221-00175437-00176137 they are the form of experience, so similarly, in Searle, we need to talk about consciousness Xwfhk-iN3-0-00222-00176645-00177147 as a kind of a binding principles, as a kind of a unifying principles. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00223-00177147-00177847 Now, this binding principle is also analyzed is also analyzed from the point of view of Xwfhk-iN3-0-00224-00178187-00178887 neuron science, the neuron science talks about now the binding problem, how one neuron is Xwfhk-iN3-0-00225-00178949-00179649 connected with the other and so on and so forth. This connection is a causal connection, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00226-00179892-00180592 if x is a neuron and x is connected to c fiber, which is another neuron, so whenever I have Xwfhk-iN3-0-00227-00180663-00181363 this experience of pain, the c fiber is stimulated and therefore, it is stimulating the x or Xwfhk-iN3-0-00228-00181412-00181734 it is connected with the x, which is another neuron. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00229-00181734-00182434 Now, this kind of causal connectivity or neural connectivity also talks about the unity, the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00230-00182812-00183512 unity in the brain processes or what we called the binding processes. The model will talk Xwfhk-iN3-0-00231-00183738-00184369 about it in a different way and I am sure in your future classes professor Nath will Xwfhk-iN3-0-00232-00184369-00185069 be talking about the connectionist model of mind. And the other representationalist like Xwfhk-iN3-0-00233-00185224-00185924 Foder would also talk about how the representationalists in an artificial system are connected with Xwfhk-iN3-0-00234-00186546-00187035 each other. This overall gives an idea that each mental Xwfhk-iN3-0-00235-00187035-00187735 state is causally connected with the other, but in Searle, the notion of unity that is Xwfhk-iN3-0-00236-00187820-00188520 talking about is not causally connected. Whether Searle will talk about intentionality, Searle Xwfhk-iN3-0-00237-00188704-00189212 says mental states are in principle to intentional. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00238-00189212-00189912 Now, when they are intentional, they might be having some kind of an intentional relationship Xwfhk-iN3-0-00239-00189979-00190679 and that he defines with respect to mental. I have discussed about it in the previous Xwfhk-iN3-0-00240-00190780-00191480 class, that when I act, I act with an intention, so the manifestation of an my intention shows Xwfhk-iN3-0-00241-00192580-00193280 that I am intentionally engaged with the other or with the world and this intentional engagement Xwfhk-iN3-0-00242-00193795-00194495 is not purely causal. At the same time I am also causally related with nature, because Xwfhk-iN3-0-00243-00194848-00195548 I am a physical being, a biological being and Searle gives this example that the gravitational Xwfhk-iN3-0-00244-00195696-00196396 force is operating. Whenever I am acting, say for an example when I write here, it is Xwfhk-iN3-0-00245-00196396-00197096 also this fact that there is a gravitational force which is operating. So, I am causally Xwfhk-iN3-0-00246-00197236-00197936 somehow connected with nature at the same time I am able to perform intentional action. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00247-00198111-00198811 So, it is this intentionality according to Searle is an essential feature of consciousness. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00248-00199225-00199892 Look at what Searle says. For large number of cases the consciousness is indeed a consciousness Xwfhk-iN3-0-00249-00199892-00200592 of something and the of, put in quote, in consciousness of, is of, of intentionality. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00250-00200753-00201453 Now, this of talks about two things, one is the expression of the psychological mode and Xwfhk-iN3-0-00251-00202019-00202236 another is the direction of fit. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00252-00202236-00202936 Now, the expression of the psychological mode will talk about the condition of condition Xwfhk-iN3-0-00253-00203433-00204133 of satisfaction and I have discussed about it in the last class. That whenever we talk Xwfhk-iN3-0-00254-00204188-00204888 about the performance of an intentional action, we also aspects certain things, so when the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00255-00205194-00205894 expectation is fulfilled, then satisfaction is generated. So, the fulfillment condition Xwfhk-iN3-0-00256-00206363-00207030 and the prior intention in which reaction is performed are two different things things Xwfhk-iN3-0-00257-00207030-00207730 which are intentionally connected with the network. So, therefore, to talk about that Xwfhk-iN3-0-00258-00208127-00208736 they are intentionally connected, Searle brings this idea of intention in action, I think Xwfhk-iN3-0-00259-00208736-00209436 I am also discussed about it in the last class. That is Searle talks about intention in action, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00260-00209448-00210148 which is this; it shows the intentionality operating in experience that exhibit the intentionality Xwfhk-iN3-0-00261-00210737-00211437 operating experience. So, suppose this is an agent A performing an action B, when he Xwfhk-iN3-0-00262-00211802-00212502 performs, he experiences it. So, for an example I am writing, I am experiencing this fact Xwfhk-iN3-0-00263-00212637-00213337 that I am writing, that is what we calls intention in action, what I intended to write and I Xwfhk-iN3-0-00264-00213542-00214242 wrote are two intentional state. If I could succeed in writing something, if Xwfhk-iN3-0-00265-00214548-00215248 I could succeed in telling something to you, then it gives me some kind of a pleasure, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00266-00215377-00216077 some kind of satisfaction, so there is a generation of satisfaction is something which says that Xwfhk-iN3-0-00267-00216150-00216850 intentionality coming from the world and that is what direction of fit searle talks is about. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00268-00217055-00217619 So, there is a kind of a direction of fit, the direction fit will talk about the connection Xwfhk-iN3-0-00269-00217619-00218188 between mind to the world or the agent who is a conscious being interacting with the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00270-00218188-00218542 world and the world also responding to this interaction. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00271-00218542-00219242 So, for example, if I request you to bring a glass of water and hearing my request you Xwfhk-iN3-0-00272-00219323-00220023 brought the glass of water, then I am satisfied, because whatever I was expecting you did that. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00273-00220314-00221014 So, when you brought the glass of water for me then it shows that intentionality is from Xwfhk-iN3-0-00274-00221273-00221973 the world to the agent or the world to the mind. So, intentionality thus talks about Xwfhk-iN3-0-00275-00222732-00223432 some kind of self referentiality, which is involved in the expression of my prior intension, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00276-00223629-00224329 because when I said bring me a glass of water, I also expected, I also desired that you would Xwfhk-iN3-0-00277-00224581-00225281 listen to me, you listen to my request and offer me a glass of water. So, the very fact Xwfhk-iN3-0-00278-00225461-00226161 that you brought a glass of water was a part of my desire, which is part of my prior intention. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00279-00226794-00227494 So, in that sense the intentionality always having this feature called direction of fit, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00280-00227644-00228131 not only the psychological mode, but also the direction of fit. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00281-00228131-00228831 Searle also talks about two other features, which are logically associated, one is aspectuality Xwfhk-iN3-0-00282-00228990-00229690 or prospectivality, consciousness according to Searle is prospective. Now, what is prospectivality Xwfhk-iN3-0-00283-00229819-00230519 or when you say that consciousness is prospectival, what does Searle mean by that? Xwfhk-iN3-0-00284-00230562-00231262 Now, according to Searle my conscious experiences unlike the objects of experiences are always Xwfhk-iN3-0-00285-00231353-00232017 prospectival, they are always from a point of view, now this is very significant. They Xwfhk-iN3-0-00286-00232017-00232717 are always from a point of view, if I say that my students are most intelligents students Xwfhk-iN3-0-00287-00232813-00233513 of say 2010, now this I say it because I want to make a point to other that this student Xwfhk-iN3-0-00288-00234355-00235055 of my class HS420 are the most intelligent student of IIT b from the batch 2010. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00289-00235846-00236546 Now, if I say that I make a point that is my point of view, so whenever a subject is Xwfhk-iN3-0-00290-00236767-00237467 responds to the other or interact with the other in the form of passing a judgment or Xwfhk-iN3-0-00291-00237956-00238656 making an accession then the the subject or the person represents his or her point of Xwfhk-iN3-0-00292-00238910-00239431 view. So, it is subjects’ point of view or the it is the first person’s point of Xwfhk-iN3-0-00293-00239431-00240131 view, this is the case. It is from my point of view I say that students of HS420 are the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00294-00240704-00241404 intelligent or the most intelligent students of the batch 2010, now that is what is very Xwfhk-iN3-0-00295-00241685-00242358 significant, because that gives a prospective. A prospective who tells me that I compare Xwfhk-iN3-0-00296-00242358-00243058 these students with my previous batch student, I compare this with other batch of students Xwfhk-iN3-0-00297-00243184-00243884 who are associated with me. So, this kind of comparison analysis gives births to my Xwfhk-iN3-0-00298-00244448-00245148 prospective that this batch is a very good batch. Now, the perspective and points of Xwfhk-iN3-0-00299-00245181-00245881 view are most obvious for vision but of course they are features of our sensory experiences Xwfhk-iN3-0-00300-00245955-00246629 as well. So, whenever we are talk about experiences, very fact that it is very clear according Xwfhk-iN3-0-00301-00246629-00247329 to Searle in the case of perception. So, when I have a visual experience of a particular Xwfhk-iN3-0-00302-00247481-00248181 object or a thing, then the is very clear, I look at it from my point of view. Let us Xwfhk-iN3-0-00303-00248689-00249389 given a example of a rose is a flower and x is a poet, the poet looking at this beautiful Xwfhk-iN3-0-00304-00250104-00250804 rose, the poet suggest that the rose is beautiful. Look at a botanist, now when a botanist tries Xwfhk-iN3-0-00305-00251158-00251858 to look at the same rose, he looks at it from from the prospective of biology, from a scientific Xwfhk-iN3-0-00306-00252264-00252964 prospective, let us take the life condition of the rose. And ordinary human being who Xwfhk-iN3-0-00307-00253051-00253751 is also a lover, he is trying to look at rose from a different point of view with a sense Xwfhk-iN3-0-00308-00254101-00254801 of gift; probably he would offer it to his lover. So, all these x, y, z, poet, botanist Xwfhk-iN3-0-00309-00255453-00256153 and lover are looking at the same phenomenon, the same object from three different prospective, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00310-00256375-00257075 so in that sense consciousness is prospective. Because whenever we talk about a visual experience, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00311-00257161-00257861 we try to show that there is a prospectavility associated with this experience. So, according Xwfhk-iN3-0-00312-00258023-00258723 to Searle it is very much clear in the case of visual experiences that consciousness is Xwfhk-iN3-0-00313-00258831-00259500 prospectivel, but it could be associated with some other experiences, when as I said, when Xwfhk-iN3-0-00314-00259500-00260200 somebody is giving a kind of a judgment, I judge that x is right and y is wrong, so right Xwfhk-iN3-0-00315-00261010-00261710 and wrong is judged from a particular prospective. Or when I appreciate say for example music, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00316-00262304-00263004 a piece of music, my appreciation is always from a point of view, so what Searle calls Xwfhk-iN3-0-00317-00263282-00263565 it a first person point of view. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00318-00263565-00264265 Now, aspectuality is also associated with consciousness and it suggests that all intentionality Xwfhk-iN3-0-00319-00264631-00265331 or all intentional experiences are aspectual. Say for example, when I say seeing as object Xwfhk-iN3-0-00320-00265753-00266453 from a point of view is seeing it under certain aspects and not others. So, when I look at Xwfhk-iN3-0-00321-00266566-00267266 a rose, I look at it from a particular point of view, I also look at it an aspect of it, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00322-00267560-00268260 I do not see the entire, probably the entire is imagined and in my imagination I try to Xwfhk-iN3-0-00323-00268447-00268988 comprehend it. Similarly, a lover in his imagination try Xwfhk-iN3-0-00324-00268988-00269688 to comprehend this fact that this he would offer to his beloved, but what is given to Xwfhk-iN3-0-00325-00269763-00270463 his experience is the only an aspect of it. So, what is given, whenever we talk about Xwfhk-iN3-0-00326-00270642-00271342 the experience what is given is only an aspect of it. So, the the content of experience is Xwfhk-iN3-0-00327-00271585-00272285 constitute from this feature of this aspectuality, so and therefore, prospectival and aspectual Xwfhk-iN3-0-00328-00272571-00273271 are associated with the subject, they are part of the subject, they are part of the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00329-00273456-00274142 subjectivity of the agents consciousness or the persons consciousness. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00330-00274142-00274842 Because, what it feels like me or what Thomas Nigel would say, what is it like to be a bad Xwfhk-iN3-0-00331-00275035-00275735 know in his famous paper published in 1974 in philosophical review, Nigel suggest that Xwfhk-iN3-0-00332-00276003-00276630 the first person prospective or the first person presentation of the reality cannot Xwfhk-iN3-0-00333-00276630-00277150 be ruled out. So, whatever may be the objective analysis, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00334-00277150-00277850 the analysis which is claimed by scientist, so for example, a kind of analysis in the Xwfhk-iN3-0-00335-00278046-00278746 case of botanist will be offering in the case of the life span of the rose. So, the scientific Xwfhk-iN3-0-00336-00278758-00279458 explanation would always gives us a kind of a third person prospective, so the prospectuality Xwfhk-iN3-0-00337-00280133-00280777 which is associated with the scientific explanation of an experience is is from a third persons Xwfhk-iN3-0-00338-00280777-00281477 point of view, that which can be demonstrated, that which can be objectified, that which Xwfhk-iN3-0-00339-00281712-00282412 can be disclosed to others as they are a something always with a case, in the case, in a scientific Xwfhk-iN3-0-00340-00283057-00283602 the explanation. But, when we talk about philosophical explanation, Xwfhk-iN3-0-00341-00283602-00284302 experience, we look at it from a first person point of view. So, consciousness in this a Xwfhk-iN3-0-00342-00284676-00285358 regard will have several other features, which we would be discussing in our next class. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00343-00285358-00286058 So, today, we could only finish some of the important features of consciousness that compose Xwfhk-iN3-0-00344-00286530-00287230 the network or the mind or that structures the intentional conscious states or experiences. Xwfhk-iN3-0-00345-00287347-00288047 They are the notion of modality; it is a finite modality, intentionality, unity and subjectivity Xwfhk-iN3-0-00346-00288676-00289376 which are manifested in this feature called prospectual and aspectual. So, with this I Xwfhk-iN3-0-00347-00289634-00290236 conclude my lecture today and we will being with the other features in the next class; Xwfhk-iN3-0-00348-00290236-00290298 thank you. XxnHXPpGqy4-00000-00000048-00000520 Hello. My name is Bridget Smith and i'm the leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council. XxnHXPpGqy4-00001-00000616-00001128 This Christmas and new year the Council is supporting the Help Sleigh Covid campaign XxnHXPpGqy4-00002-00001128-00001839 and that's because cases are covered are going up rapidly. So we all need to do all that we can to XxnHXPpGqy4-00003-00001839-00002440 help make this a healthy and happy Christmas and new year. And that means that we have to get our XxnHXPpGqy4-00004-00002440-00003072 vaccines as soon as they're available, be they the first or second COVID vaccine the booster or the XxnHXPpGqy4-00005-00003072-00003832 flu vaccine. And before we visit anybody we need to do a lateral flow test, and if that's positive XxnHXPpGqy4-00006-00003832-00004344 you have to then go and get a PCR test and isolate until you've got the results. XxnHXPpGqy4-00007-00004344-00004944 And if those results are positive you obviously need to isolate thereafter. And we need to go XxnHXPpGqy4-00008-00004944-00005472 back to working from home if we can. As you can see I am. And we also need to abide by XxnHXPpGqy4-00009-00005472-00006016 all those other healthy hygienic practices such as wearing masks, washing our hands, XxnHXPpGqy4-00010-00006088-00006504 keeping our distance from people and making sure that we're in well ventilated rooms. XxnHXPpGqy4-00011-00006631-00007152 So the very best gift that we can all give this Christmas is to reduce the pressure XxnHXPpGqy4-00012-00007152-00007640 on the health service, the ambulance service all the other public services XxnHXPpGqy4-00013-00007640-00008176 by keeping ourselves healthy and by keeping everybody we come into contact with healthy. XxnHXPpGqy4-00014-00008264-00008920 So please stay safe and have a very happy and very healthy Christmas and new year. XxQxLZt-nII-00000-00000042-00000827 I want to tell you my story how it went when I got just recently XxQxLZt-nII-00001-00000827-00001607 The Big C and healed myself with the help of frequencies and the Healy which I'm wearing here XxQxLZt-nII-00002-00001746-00002454 so um it is the second time that I got it last year I had it and it was really very sick like XxQxLZt-nII-00003-00002454-00003240 two weeks lying in bed not being able to even get up and I was really like fever too XxQxLZt-nII-00004-00003240-00004266 weeks and the consequences afterwards were also quite took some time for me to recover and so XxQxLZt-nII-00005-00004266-00005166 I got it in this recently and on the Monday evening, I could just feel like I have XxQxLZt-nII-00006-00005166-00005736 fever and normally I don't get fever easily, so I was just doubting XxQxLZt-nII-00007-00005736-00006246 already what can this virus be what can it be and then I did the test and boom XxQxLZt-nII-00008-00006318-00007206 so this was on Monday night I immediately..oh not like I started I'm always doing the frequencies XxQxLZt-nII-00009-00007206-00008112 with the Healy here I'm always getting them and the Healy had been giving me basically the last days XxQxLZt-nII-00010-00008112-00008988 a special frequency with I which I had not had so often before it was from the gold cycle and then XxQxLZt-nII-00011-00008988-00009726 I started doing a very special protocol of frequencies a protocol for alignment of the lungs, XxQxLZt-nII-00012-00009726-00010440 for bacteria, for the immune system, for the organs, for every cell and there is a really a protocol of XxQxLZt-nII-00013-00010440-00011016 different frequencies you can get so you can get the support to heal of course it's not that's just XxQxLZt-nII-00014-00011016-00011790 this I did I also took Homeopathy, vitamin C all the good things we know vitamin D and K and so on XxQxLZt-nII-00015-00011790-00012552 and so forth if you're interested I can give you the protocol I did also when I get this virus I'm XxQxLZt-nII-00016-00012552-00013397 just not eating because I don't know why I just don't feel like eating anything so this all done XxQxLZt-nII-00017-00013397-00014274 and said I was really like not feeling well having to lay down with fever all Tuesday but I got the XxQxLZt-nII-00018-00014274-00015150 frequencies on Wednesday. So, Wednesday is like really the official second day I was sitting in my XxQxLZt-nII-00019-00015150-00016152 kitchen having breakfast and when you get sick and you have fever and you are really feeling not good XxQxLZt-nII-00020-00016152-00017004 what almost everybody has it I think happens is that you get like dark ideas you have no XxQxLZt-nII-00021-00017106-00017832 you have no will to do anything you don't feel like "oh I will organize this" I could not XxQxLZt-nII-00022-00017832-00018684 even feel Joy any longer for doing anything in the future so on Wednesday second day in the morning XxQxLZt-nII-00023-00018768-00019536 I was sitting down at the breakfast table and I told my husband you know what wow I'm looking so XxQxLZt-nII-00024-00019536-00020328 much forward to my dance class next week and then I felt "Wow, this is a different energy Gudrun" XxQxLZt-nII-00025-00020382-00021066 totally different energy you feel Joy you can rejoice of what you will be teaching next week XxQxLZt-nII-00026-00021126-00021978 and honestly as the day went forward, I could feel that these frequencies were really elevating my XxQxLZt-nII-00027-00021978-00022710 vibration and when you elevate your vibration and of course, you purify your body and you XxQxLZt-nII-00028-00022710-00023694 pay attention on how you think and how you feel then I have this feeling the virus is double XxQxLZt-nII-00029-00023694-00024702 getting swept out like and I could feel that the energy was getting better the mentality and XxQxLZt-nII-00030-00024702-00025518 the emotions were really like getting lighter and lighter and honestly I am sure I could have XxQxLZt-nII-00031-00025590-00026250 given my dance classes on Thursday I would have done it of course you cannot do this because then XxQxLZt-nII-00032-00026250-00027060 you are still contagious and it would not be responsible but this is how fast this time I XxQxLZt-nII-00033-00027060-00027936 felt like healing and I knew on Friday it would have been healed which it then also was it really felt XxQxLZt-nII-00034-00027936-00028830 different I still was weak of course because I had not been eating yes so, the recovery from XxQxLZt-nII-00035-00028830-00029994 this time, it was really super speedy yes and I am not had not have the V yes. I don't think XxQxLZt-nII-00036-00030077-00030989 it does not make sense.. for me does not make sense so my immune system is... had me really the help XxQxLZt-nII-00037-00030989-00031824 of the frequency is a very strong back and I'm fine, I'm fine it's like not even one week XxQxLZt-nII-00038-00031824-00032460 ago isn't it so I just wanted to share this with you not just that I would say don't do XxQxLZt-nII-00039-00032460-00033228 anything and then just get the Healy and he heals everything but the Healy is such an incredible XxQxLZt-nII-00040-00033318-00034398 magic support because I personally feel the frequencies very strongly they realign me they XxQxLZt-nII-00041-00034398-00035334 higher my vibrations they put away push away my doubts they give me the feeling of inner XxQxLZt-nII-00042-00035334-00036180 peace and trust it is a very sweet feeling and in this all these different programs which exists you XxQxLZt-nII-00043-00036180-00036876 have also the choice of what you best need you can do this intuitively or let the Healy resonance XxQxLZt-nII-00044-00036966-00037703 scan decide for you and there are different protocols for different things so the beauty XxQxLZt-nII-00045-00037703-00038814 also is that there are not only the frequencies it's like I can go and I can do a coaching scan and an aura scan XxQxLZt-nII-00046-00038814-00039948 and I see what my blockages oh hello Anastasia I can watch at my own unconscious XxQxLZt-nII-00047-00039948-00040698 blockages and sometimes I just have to get you just have to be aware of what was unconscious XxQxLZt-nII-00048-00040698-00041310 so you can start working on it and if you are a coach or a therapist you have so many tools XxQxLZt-nII-00049-00041310-00041910 and even if you are not you probably have a lot of tools in your pocket to help yourself and this is XxQxLZt-nII-00050-00041910-00042720 the beauty my battery is empty so good I will not be too long I just wanted to share this now this XxQxLZt-nII-00051-00042720-00043680 Healy there is a promotion it's for the moment 50% off you still have like end of the month to get XxQxLZt-nII-00052-00043680-00044454 this 50% off. I highly recommend it; it changes everything when you are able to have support XxQxLZt-nII-00053-00044454-00045480 rising the vibration everything in your life changes because it's the basis imagine if you run XxQxLZt-nII-00054-00045480-00046248 around in your life and you are totally in fear and totally depressed already your body language XxQxLZt-nII-00055-00046248-00046860 will change your hair will fall out I don't know what you already you get and you will get what XxQxLZt-nII-00056-00046860-00047820 you are afraid of and it will not be beautiful so when you get the support and learn also about it XxQxLZt-nII-00057-00047820-00048834 then you get a new reality and you build your new identity and this is really beautiful so XxQxLZt-nII-00058-00048834-00049536 if you are interested just send me a DM, I'll give you a link an affiliate link but my link so you XxQxLZt-nII-00059-00049536-00050526 can not only get your own Healy with half price you can join my team and that is one special gift XxQxLZt-nII-00060-00050592-00051390 more gift to have and I would be looking forward to have you in my team or in my group XxQxLZt-nII-00061-00051510-00051996 with the Healy of frequencies and high vibrations and let's XxQxLZt-nII-00062-00052122-00052908 forge a new future. I wish you everyone a good evening, good day and see you soon Xz8CLeTMuTI-00000-00000003-00000953 Today we're going to talk about how you can eke out more power by making Xz8CLeTMuTI-00001-00000953-00001308 some pretty simple changes to your by position. So no extra training and some Xz8CLeTMuTI-00002-00001308-00001812 free power hopefully! The most common mistake I see with people, in their bike Xz8CLeTMuTI-00003-00001812-00002133 setup, is they're sitting too low and too far back. Now that can be for a myriad of Xz8CLeTMuTI-00004-00002133-00002560 reasons, but that robs you of producing power. Now to explain to you why: Xz8CLeTMuTI-00005-00002560-00003039 Basically you want to be as high as you safely can be, and as far forward as you Xz8CLeTMuTI-00006-00003039-00003417 safely can be, to produce the most power you possibly can. Xz8CLeTMuTI-00007-00003417-00003890 And that's because, if you move your saddle high above the bottom bracket Xz8CLeTMuTI-00008-00003890-00004359 and the pedals, you're able to extend your hip and use your gluteal muscles: the Xz8CLeTMuTI-00009-00004359-00004791 most powerful muscle in your body. So not just glutes if you're sat back back here, you're Xz8CLeTMuTI-00010-00004791-00005184 gaining glutes and quads which means you're gonna be more powerful. Your glutes can Xz8CLeTMuTI-00011-00005184-00005596 actually come to the party, as it were. And EMG studies have definitely proved that. Xz8CLeTMuTI-00012-00005596-00005957 The issue around that though is quite often, I don't know you, you're out there, Xz8CLeTMuTI-00013-00005957-00006303 but how do you, how can you do that? Well, often the barrier is things like Xz8CLeTMuTI-00014-00006303-00006686 reducing crank length can help you get that position up over the back and then Xz8CLeTMuTI-00015-00006686-00007109 forward, because it decreases - the decrease in crank length can help stop Xz8CLeTMuTI-00016-00007109-00007493 your hip closing up in that new high position, it can help you out with the Xz8CLeTMuTI-00017-00007493-00007931 knee going forward over the foot, and it can enable you to ride that position pain-free. So that's Xz8CLeTMuTI-00018-00007931-00008393 one tip for doing it, but of course, like everything in the whole world of bike-fit, you Xz8CLeTMuTI-00019-00008393-00008718 change one thing, you change everything else. So if we move you up and forward, Xz8CLeTMuTI-00020-00008718-00009084 does your stem length have to then increase so you're not jammed up, or Xz8CLeTMuTI-00021-00009084-00009471 taking too much weight on your hands? That's where having someone to work with Xz8CLeTMuTI-00022-00009471-00009939 you on your position, or an objective eye of a bike fitter you trust or physio, can Xz8CLeTMuTI-00023-00009939-00010431 really help you out. But the free power is definitely there. So if you think that Xz8CLeTMuTI-00024-00010431-00010800 you're not pedaling as hard you can, or not producing much power as you can, Xz8CLeTMuTI-00025-00010800-00011127 you're doing loads of work off the bike it doesn't seem to transfer to the bike, Xz8CLeTMuTI-00026-00011127-00011442 you feel like your quads are working hard all the time, but you never feel Xz8CLeTMuTI-00027-00011442-00011868 when you get off the bike, that you've used your glutes, come in for a bike fit. What Xz8CLeTMuTI-00028-00011868-00012122 we can do is put you in the right position so you can use those big strong Xz8CLeTMuTI-00029-00012122-00012485 muscles and improve your cycling. X_eD7l1do-y-00000-00000341-00000441 [applause] X_eD7l1do-y-00001-00000441-00000541 Eric Green: Thank you very much. X_eD7l1do-y-00002-00000541-00000641 It's certainly a pleasure to be here. X_eD7l1do-y-00003-00000641-00000955 I want to welcome everybody here this evening on behalf of the National Human Genome Research X_eD7l1do-y-00004-00000955-00001517 Institute, one of the 27 institutes and centers that make up the National Institutes of Health. X_eD7l1do-y-00005-00001517-00002285 As you heard, this is one part of a series of programs that are associated with this X_eD7l1do-y-00006-00002285-00002973 wonderful exhibition in Hall 23 of this great museum, Genome Unlocking Life's Code, which X_eD7l1do-y-00007-00002973-00003623 really reflects this great new partnership between the NIH and the Smithsonian Institution. X_eD7l1do-y-00008-00003623-00004210 And it's a real pleasure to be a part of this program tonight, but also this entire series. X_eD7l1do-y-00009-00004210-00004928 And it has proven to be remarkably enjoyable and productive to be working so closely with X_eD7l1do-y-00010-00004928-00005653 the Smithsonian Institution and also the Smithsonian Associates Program for putting together programs X_eD7l1do-y-00011-00005653-00006203 such as this, which really have brought in some spectacular guests and speakers to help X_eD7l1do-y-00012-00006203-00006684 round out what you can learn from visiting the exhibition itself. X_eD7l1do-y-00013-00006684-00007078 So my role here was simply to welcome you and tell you it's really a pleasure for our X_eD7l1do-y-00014-00007078-00007798 institute and for NIH to be involved in programs such as this, and also to introduce Dr. Rick X_eD7l1do-y-00015-00007798-00008381 Potts, who's going to in turn give a more detailed introduction of tonight's special X_eD7l1do-y-00016-00008381-00008481 guest. X_eD7l1do-y-00017-00008481-00008845 Just by way of background, as you heard, Rick Potts directs the Human Origins Program here X_eD7l1do-y-00018-00008845-00009324 at the Smithsonian's National Museum on Natural History, where he holds the Peter Buck chair X_eD7l1do-y-00019-00009324-00009549 in human origins. X_eD7l1do-y-00020-00009549-00010118 His research investigates Earth's environmental dynamics and how human adaptations have evolved X_eD7l1do-y-00021-00010118-00010411 over the past six million years. X_eD7l1do-y-00022-00010411-00011003 Bridging many research disciplines, Rick leads field projects in the East African Ridge Valley X_eD7l1do-y-00023-00011003-00011271 and in Southern and Northern China. X_eD7l1do-y-00024-00011271-00011747 He's also a curator and a visionary for the Smithsonian's Hall of Human Origins and is X_eD7l1do-y-00025-00011747-00012114 the author of the companion book, "What Does it Mean to Be Human?" X_eD7l1do-y-00026-00012114-00012553 So with that as background, please welcome Dr. Rick Potts. X_eD7l1do-y-00027-00012553-00012729 [applause] X_eD7l1do-y-00028-00012729-00013366 Dr. Rick Potts: Thank you very much, Eric. X_eD7l1do-y-00029-00013366-00014058 And I don't know what it is but as I was stepped out into the lobby and came back in here there X_eD7l1do-y-00030-00014058-00014322 was such a feeling of excitement about tonight. X_eD7l1do-y-00031-00014322-00014725 Maybe it's snow, but I have a feeling it's Neanderthals or something like that. X_eD7l1do-y-00032-00014725-00014825 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00033-00014825-00015720 Anyway, I wish to offer my gratitude to Dr. Eric Green and the extraordinary partnership X_eD7l1do-y-00034-00015720-00016104 that's already been alluded to, the partnership that developed surrounding the human genome X_eD7l1do-y-00035-00016104-00016831 exhibition, a partnership between the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, and the X_eD7l1do-y-00036-00016831-00017606 National Human Genome Research Institute, which Eric leads and directs at the NIH. X_eD7l1do-y-00037-00017606-00018479 Great thanks also to the Smithsonian Associates for organizing tonight's event, which is absolutely X_eD7l1do-y-00038-00018479-00019109 thrilling to me, as it would be to anyone who was involved in the study of human origins. X_eD7l1do-y-00039-00019109-00020111 Dr. Svante Pääbo has led the effort to create a new field of discovery directly relevant X_eD7l1do-y-00040-00020111-00020480 to the subject of human evolution. X_eD7l1do-y-00041-00020480-00021445 The study of ancient genomes has offered a novel means of delving into the actual genetics X_eD7l1do-y-00042-00021445-00022081 of early human lineages, beginning with the Neanderthal Genome Project. X_eD7l1do-y-00043-00022081-00022979 Dr. Pääbo's research team wowed his fellow scientists and the public by mapping the molecular X_eD7l1do-y-00044-00022979-00023379 foundation of what it means to be a Neanderthal. X_eD7l1do-y-00045-00023379-00023995 And with that, with those findings, those findings have shed great light on the genomes X_eD7l1do-y-00046-00023995-00024778 of many people alive today, as well as the complexity of the later phases of human evolution. X_eD7l1do-y-00047-00024778-00025528 And for his work and for his earlier research in genetics, Dr. Svante Pääbo has received X_eD7l1do-y-00048-00025528-00025825 numerous recognitions and awards. X_eD7l1do-y-00049-00025825-00026961 In 2007, "Time Magazine" named him one of the most 100 influential people in the world X_eD7l1do-y-00050-00026961-00027095 for that particular year. X_eD7l1do-y-00051-00027095-00027650 And I think that continues because that was three years before his team produced the first X_eD7l1do-y-00052-00027650-00027906 draft of the Neanderthal genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00053-00027906-00028579 More recently he received the Theodor Bucher Medal from the Federation of European Biochemical X_eD7l1do-y-00054-00028579-00028683 Societies. X_eD7l1do-y-00055-00028683-00029441 And last year Svante received the Gruber prize in genetics for his pioneering research and X_eD7l1do-y-00056-00029441-00029944 leadership in the field of evolutionary genetics. X_eD7l1do-y-00057-00029944-00030558 In addition to the Neanderthal genome project, the further discovery of the denisovan genome X_eD7l1do-y-00058-00030558-00030750 is equally amazing. X_eD7l1do-y-00059-00030750-00031195 Svante is here to tell you about it all himself. X_eD7l1do-y-00060-00031195-00031823 One of the great adventure stories in modern science told at the molecular level and guaranteed X_eD7l1do-y-00061-00031823-00032410 to inform our evolutionary history and the distinctiveness of being human. X_eD7l1do-y-00062-00032410-00033224 It is my considerable honor to ask you to welcome Dr. Svante Pääbo. X_eD7l1do-y-00063-00033224-00033412 [applause] X_eD7l1do-y-00064-00033412-00034162 Dr. Svante Pääbo: Thanks. X_eD7l1do-y-00065-00034162-00034928 Well, first of all, let me thank you very much, Rick, for that very kind introduction X_eD7l1do-y-00066-00034928-00035454 and for the invitation to come here and also see this amazing exhibition that I actually X_eD7l1do-y-00067-00035454-00035827 heard a lot about all the way to Europe. X_eD7l1do-y-00068-00035827-00036593 And what I wanted to do today is use my time so that I first talk a little bit about our X_eD7l1do-y-00069-00036593-00037413 efforts in general to retrieve DNA from old fossils in particular from Neanderthals, then X_eD7l1do-y-00070-00037413-00038031 discuss Neanderthal [unintelligible] in detail and what has that taught us, and also the X_eD7l1do-y-00071-00038031-00038444 genomes of this relative of Neanderthals from Siberia. X_eD7l1do-y-00072-00038444-00038987 And in the last third of my time or so I'd like to discuss where we're going from here, X_eD7l1do-y-00073-00038987-00039559 how we will exploit the knowledge we now have to go further. X_eD7l1do-y-00074-00039559-00039875 And please tell me if it's not loud enough and you don't hear me. X_eD7l1do-y-00075-00039875-00040329 I can't gauge how loud I am. X_eD7l1do-y-00076-00040329-00040944 But before starting all this then, I just want to remind you at what I think you all X_eD7l1do-y-00077-00040944-00041589 already know, that our genome, our genetic material is stored in almost all cells in X_eD7l1do-y-00078-00041589-00042361 our body on the chromosomes and it's stored in this famous double helical DNA molecule. X_eD7l1do-y-00079-00042361-00043046 And when a new cell divides, a [unintelligible] of interest is then in our germ line where X_eD7l1do-y-00080-00043046-00043453 new germ cells are formed, so new individuals may appear. X_eD7l1do-y-00081-00043453-00044031 There are [unintelligible] that unwind these two strands and synthesize new strands with X_eD7l1do-y-00082-00044031-00044268 the old as templates. X_eD7l1do-y-00083-00044268-00044863 So there appears two molecules which are more or less exact copies of the earlier copies X_eD7l1do-y-00084-00044863-00045143 -- version of our genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00085-00045143-00045656 And this is a very exact process, but nothing is of course absolutely perfect in nature. X_eD7l1do-y-00086-00045656-00045961 So now and again an error is made. X_eD7l1do-y-00087-00045961-00046822 For example, instead of building in what should have been a "G" here, an "A" is built in. X_eD7l1do-y-00088-00046822-00047393 And if that's not repaired fast enough before the DNA replicates again, it will appear as X_eD7l1do-y-00089-00047393-00047737 a mutation in the next generation. X_eD7l1do-y-00090-00047737-00048369 And you can then discover these mutations as sort of consequences of these mutations X_eD7l1do-y-00091-00048369-00048697 when you compare DNA sequences from two individuals. X_eD7l1do-y-00092-00048697-00049208 So if you compare the genomes of two people in this room we will find a difference every X_eD7l1do-y-00093-00049208-00049831 1,200, 1,300 such letters in nucleotides approximately. X_eD7l1do-y-00094-00049831-00050342 If you add in the [unintelligible] "C" here we will find a lot more differences, one every X_eD7l1do-y-00095-00050342-00050696 100 nucleotides approximately. X_eD7l1do-y-00096-00050696-00051164 And we can then use our models for how we think these mutations occur to reconstruct X_eD7l1do-y-00097-00051164-00051646 the history of the whole genome or a part of the DNA sequence. X_eD7l1do-y-00098-00051646-00052021 And we generally depict that in the form of trees like this. X_eD7l1do-y-00099-00052021-00052201 In this case it's very simple. X_eD7l1do-y-00100-00052201-00052675 The two human sequences go back to common ancestor quite recently. X_eD7l1do-y-00101-00052675-00053416 Much further back is their common ancestor, [unintelligible]. X_eD7l1do-y-00102-00053416-00053881 So our genome, as you also know, is over 3 billion base pairs. X_eD7l1do-y-00103-00053881-00054454 So we have something in the order of 3 million differences between any two people in the X_eD7l1do-y-00104-00054454-00055057 audience or between the two versions of the genome that you inherited from your mother X_eD7l1do-y-00105-00055057-00055157 and from your father. X_eD7l1do-y-00106-00055157-00055829 So there's a lot of information there to begin to reconstruct human history. X_eD7l1do-y-00107-00055829-00056425 And if you do that on a world-wide scale, what you will find is that most variation X_eD7l1do-y-00108-00056425-00056700 is found in Africa. X_eD7l1do-y-00109-00056700-00057311 So although there are a lot less people living in Africa than outside Africa, the total amount X_eD7l1do-y-00110-00057311-00057773 of variation outside is less than you'll find inside Africa. X_eD7l1do-y-00111-00057773-00058504 And not only that, for most of the variants you find outside Africa, you have closely-related X_eD7l1do-y-00112-00058504-00058797 variants of DNA sequences inside Africa. X_eD7l1do-y-00113-00058797-00059332 But there's a component of the variation in Africa that you don't find outside. X_eD7l1do-y-00114-00059332-00059974 And the interpretation of this is that modern humans, humans that are essentially as us, X_eD7l1do-y-00115-00059974-00060727 evolved in Africa and a part of the variation that existed there sort of went out and colonized X_eD7l1do-y-00116-00060727-00060954 the rest of the world. X_eD7l1do-y-00117-00060954-00061551 And by some genetic tricks, for example, looking at how associated variants are with each other X_eD7l1do-y-00118-00061551-00062042 along the chromosome, you can also estimate approximately when this happened. X_eD7l1do-y-00119-00062042-00062629 And it's in the order of 100,000 years ago, so quite recent in terms of human evolution. X_eD7l1do-y-00120-00062629-00063283 So this is the recent African origin of modern humans. X_eD7l1do-y-00121-00063283-00063913 But there's a problem, if you like, with this model and that is that 100,000 years ago there X_eD7l1do-y-00122-00063913-00064067 were not only modern humans around. X_eD7l1do-y-00123-00064067-00064347 There were many other forms of humans. X_eD7l1do-y-00124-00064347-00065207 And outside Africa most famously Neanderthals in Western Eurasia and in Eastern Asia other X_eD7l1do-y-00125-00065207-00065489 forms that are less well-described. X_eD7l1do-y-00126-00065489-00066049 So big question has always been what happened with these other forms of humans? X_eD7l1do-y-00127-00066049-00066562 Did they contribute to people who live today or did they go extinct without any sort of X_eD7l1do-y-00128-00066562-00066776 [inaudible]. X_eD7l1do-y-00129-00066776-00067144 And most interest has been focused on Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00130-00067144-00067635 Here are some reconstructed skeleton of a Neanderthal compared to a modern human. X_eD7l1do-y-00131-00067635-00068227 As you may also know, Neanderthals appear in the fossil record depending on how you X_eD7l1do-y-00132-00068227-00068968 define a Neanderthal, maybe 300, maybe 400,000 years ago, and they exist until about 30,000 X_eD7l1do-y-00133-00068968-00069661 years ago when they become extinct about the same time in different areas when modern humans X_eD7l1do-y-00134-00069661-00069795 appear. X_eD7l1do-y-00135-00069795-00070300 So there have been these two ideas around in paleontology for decades about what happened X_eD7l1do-y-00136-00070300-00070924 when modern humans appear in Africa and come out, one idea is a sort of total replacement X_eD7l1do-y-00137-00070924-00071624 idea where Neanderthals in Europe and other forms in Asia become extinct without any contribution X_eD7l1do-y-00138-00071624-00071844 to present-day people. X_eD7l1do-y-00139-00071844-00072538 Another one -- idea is a simulation called here, where modern humans come, mix with Neanderthals X_eD7l1do-y-00140-00072538-00073041 before they become extinct so they contribute to people in Europe today and the same in X_eD7l1do-y-00141-00073041-00073141 Asia. X_eD7l1do-y-00142-00073141-00073744 So you can regard these two ideas on a sort of sliding scale where total replacement would X_eD7l1do-y-00143-00073744-00074025 be zero contribution from these earlier forms. X_eD7l1do-y-00144-00074025-00074483 And you could have more and more of contribution until total continuity that I think no one X_eD7l1do-y-00145-00074483-00074994 really believed in until quite a while ago already. X_eD7l1do-y-00146-00074994-00075786 So we got a first chance to sort of test this with molecular means back in the mid-90s when X_eD7l1do-y-00147-00075786-00076439 we got access to this fossil, which is [unintelligible] and in the Neanderthal, it's sort of the Neanderthal X_eD7l1do-y-00148-00076439-00077025 that was found in Neanderthal in 1856 and yet it's named to the [unintelligible] of X_eD7l1do-y-00149-00077025-00077125 humans. X_eD7l1do-y-00150-00077125-00077437 So we got a sample from the arm bone here. X_eD7l1do-y-00151-00077437-00078142 It was an extracted DNA under really clean room conditions to avoid contamination from X_eD7l1do-y-00152-00078142-00078783 yourself or from dust in the air or from chemicals into your experiments. X_eD7l1do-y-00153-00078783-00079250 And with great effort at that time with a message we had a [unintelligible] at a particular X_eD7l1do-y-00154-00079250-00079845 variable part of the tiny piece of the genome, the mitochondrial genome, which is inherited X_eD7l1do-y-00155-00079845-00080074 from mothers to offspring. X_eD7l1do-y-00156-00080074-00080744 So it gives a very one-sided version of history, if you like, just a female side and it's also X_eD7l1do-y-00157-00080744-00081505 a tiny little piece inherited as a unit so very much influenced by chance. X_eD7l1do-y-00158-00081505-00081877 But it has advantage that occurs many copies of this [unintelligible]. X_eD7l1do-y-00159-00081877-00082093 It's a bit easier to retrieve. X_eD7l1do-y-00160-00082093-00082547 It's a bit like some fragments of it have survived. X_eD7l1do-y-00161-00082547-00083156 So we've [unintelligible] reconstructed piece of this by shorter little pieces. X_eD7l1do-y-00162-00083156-00083700 You could retrieve believing the things we could reproducibly find and reconstruct in X_eD7l1do-y-00163-00083700-00084123 such a tree as I showed before. X_eD7l1do-y-00164-00084123-00084787 And if you look at the mitochondrial genomes of present-day people -- now the pointer has X_eD7l1do-y-00165-00084787-00085525 died -- of the modern humans there, they go back to common ancestor between 100 and 200,000 X_eD7l1do-y-00166-00085525-00085632 years ago. X_eD7l1do-y-00167-00085632-00086160 The Neanderthal mitochondrial genome was found to go back much further in time, about half X_eD7l1do-y-00168-00086160-00086394 a million years or so. X_eD7l1do-y-00169-00086394-00087060 And since then we and others have looked at other mitochondrial genomes from other sites X_eD7l1do-y-00170-00087060-00087708 and they all go back to common ancestor outside a [unintelligible] of modern humans. X_eD7l1do-y-00171-00087708-00088047 So the [unintelligible] there's no battery in this. X_eD7l1do-y-00172-00088047-00088293 It doesn't forward either. X_eD7l1do-y-00173-00088293-00089058 So in this scale of thing it's quite clear that no one today runs around with a mitochondrial X_eD7l1do-y-00174-00089058-00089186 genome from a Neanderthal. X_eD7l1do-y-00175-00089186-00089614 So it's total replacement. X_eD7l1do-y-00176-00089614-00090098 And this mitochondrial genome also gave us another piece of information. X_eD7l1do-y-00177-00090098-00090749 It suggested that the split between Neanderthals and modern humans -- wow, that is really nice, X_eD7l1do-y-00178-00090749-00091762 wonderful, thanks a lot, great -- split about a half a million years ago or later because X_eD7l1do-y-00179-00091762-00092279 that was the time we had between the mitochondrial genomes there. X_eD7l1do-y-00180-00092279-00092839 So this was what you could see from this tiny little piece of the genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00181-00092839-00093317 But it was of course clear to us and everyone else that the full story would be hidden in X_eD7l1do-y-00182-00093317-00093936 the nuclear genome because then we could really study all parts of the genome and also find X_eD7l1do-y-00183-00093936-00094626 things that would have appeared more recent than humans since we separated from the Neanderthals X_eD7l1do-y-00184-00094626-00094727 here. X_eD7l1do-y-00185-00094727-00095157 And I think I'm on the published record something like eight years ago saying we will never X_eD7l1do-y-00186-00095157-00095405 see a nuclear genome of a Neanderthal. X_eD7l1do-y-00187-00095405-00095518 It's too degraded. X_eD7l1do-y-00188-00095518-00095662 It's too little there. X_eD7l1do-y-00189-00095662-00095764 It's impossible. X_eD7l1do-y-00190-00095764-00095864 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00191-00095864-00096211 And you should, of course, never say things like that because generally you're overtaken X_eD7l1do-y-00192-00096211-00096383 by technology. X_eD7l1do-y-00193-00096383-00096895 And in this case it was quite clear it was high through-put DNA sequences -- sequencing X_eD7l1do-y-00194-00096895-00097452 that changed it -- machines and techniques that came around to sequence millions of DNA X_eD7l1do-y-00195-00097452-00097914 molecules really rapidly and inexpensively. X_eD7l1do-y-00196-00097914-00098385 So you could then instead of trying to find a particular little piece of DNA you're interested X_eD7l1do-y-00197-00098385-00098910 in, simply extract all the DNA from the fossil and sequence all the fragments you had there, X_eD7l1do-y-00198-00098910-00099517 all the pieces of DNA, make up a little database and then start looking through that database X_eD7l1do-y-00199-00099517-00099767 and see what parts fit to the human genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00200-00099767-00100289 So they might count from the Neanderthals which parts -- which fragments are from bacteria X_eD7l1do-y-00201-00100289-00100481 and so on. X_eD7l1do-y-00202-00100481-00101097 And the first place where this worked was in Croatia, a beautiful site in southern Europe, X_eD7l1do-y-00203-00101097-00101749 and from this little bone, which is 38,000 years old, this part of the bone there. X_eD7l1do-y-00204-00101749-00102195 And the first thing one sees and when one looks at the DNA sequence is that they are X_eD7l1do-y-00205-00102195-00102306 indeed very short. X_eD7l1do-y-00206-00102306-00102967 It's tiny little pieces, hardly anything as big as 200 base [unintelligible], average X_eD7l1do-y-00207-00102967-00103104 50, 60. X_eD7l1do-y-00208-00103104-00103705 The other thing you will see is that the vast majority of the DNA in such a piece of bone X_eD7l1do-y-00209-00103705-00103904 is not at all from the Neanderthal. X_eD7l1do-y-00210-00103904-00104563 Our very best bones have something like up to 3, maybe 4 percent of Neanderthal DNA. X_eD7l1do-y-00211-00104563-00105276 The rest is all from bacterial and fungi that colonized the bone when it was deposited in X_eD7l1do-y-00212-00105276-00105435 the cave. X_eD7l1do-y-00213-00105435-00105969 So we started a project where over a couple of years worked a lot on improving the efficiency X_eD7l1do-y-00214-00105969-00106497 with which we come from the DNA and the bones to something we can feed into the sequencing X_eD7l1do-y-00215-00106497-00106597 machines. X_eD7l1do-y-00216-00106597-00107251 The machines got more efficient in that time in terms of how many molecules it could sequence. X_eD7l1do-y-00217-00107251-00107747 We looked through many, many sites and many bones to find the ones with the most Neanderthal X_eD7l1do-y-00218-00107747-00108446 DNA in them, found three ones from that site in Croatia that were then used and sequenced X_eD7l1do-y-00219-00108446-00108893 a little over a billion DNA sequences from them. X_eD7l1do-y-00220-00108893-00109490 The vast majority of [unintelligible] do not come from the Neanderthal, but from bacterial. X_eD7l1do-y-00221-00109490-00110216 But -- so we sort of matched these fragments to the human genome until we had gotten together X_eD7l1do-y-00222-00110216-00110659 about three billion base [unintelligible] Neanderthal DNA. X_eD7l1do-y-00223-00110659-00111180 So that means you had random fragments here that together would add up to three billion X_eD7l1do-y-00224-00111180-00111478 base [unintelligible] the size of the human genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00225-00111478-00111783 But these fragments were of course from random places in the genomes. X_eD7l1do-y-00226-00111783-00112213 So sometimes we had fragments that we saw a piece twice, sometimes even three times, X_eD7l1do-y-00227-00112213-00112668 but were lots of pieces we also just missed by chance. X_eD7l1do-y-00228-00112668-00113293 So the genome we had back in 2010 covered around 55 percent of the Neanderthal genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00229-00113293-00113911 But it allowed us to have a first overview and start to ask some questions. X_eD7l1do-y-00230-00113911-00114328 And one of the first questions -- we were interested in [unintelligible] question. X_eD7l1do-y-00231-00114328-00114770 Was there interbreeding with modern humans when they came out of Africa? X_eD7l1do-y-00232-00114770-00115097 And we tried to ask that question in many different ways. X_eD7l1do-y-00233-00115097-00115349 I'll just present one here. X_eD7l1do-y-00234-00115349-00115979 And that is saying that if modern humans came out of Africa and would mix with people, Neanderthals X_eD7l1do-y-00235-00115979-00116599 in Europe, we would expect people in Europe today to share more genetic variants with X_eD7l1do-y-00236-00116599-00116944 Neanderthals than people in Africa, where there have never been Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00237-00116944-00117821 So we were then looking for tiny little signals in the genomes. X_eD7l1do-y-00238-00117821-00118192 So we're very worried about errors in our sequences. X_eD7l1do-y-00239-00118192-00118898 So we went out and sequenced five people that live today to compare with so we would know X_eD7l1do-y-00240-00118898-00119240 the spectrum of errors would be exactly the same in them. X_eD7l1do-y-00241-00119240-00119917 So one person from Europe and to us -- sorry, that is actually the Neanderthal we sequenced, X_eD7l1do-y-00242-00119917-00120484 one person from Europe, here, and to us, of course, our typical European is a French person, X_eD7l1do-y-00243-00120484-00120694 so this is a French person here. X_eD7l1do-y-00244-00120694-00120794 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00245-00120794-00121449 We have two African individuals, one person from China, and one from Papua New Guinea. X_eD7l1do-y-00246-00121449-00121980 And then we did a very simple analysis where we just took two of these modern genomes to X_eD7l1do-y-00247-00121980-00122656 test it first to Africans and looked for all positions where those two present-day Africans X_eD7l1do-y-00248-00122656-00122829 differ from each other. X_eD7l1do-y-00249-00122829-00123343 And we'd take the Neanderthal and count how often does a Neanderthal match that African X_eD7l1do-y-00250-00123343-00123514 or that African? X_eD7l1do-y-00251-00123514-00124016 And it would be 50/50 right because Neanderthals had never been in Africa, there is no reason X_eD7l1do-y-00252-00124016-00124421 to assume that it would be closer to one African than the other. X_eD7l1do-y-00253-00124421-00125074 And indeed, it's about a little less than 100,000 matches to this one and to that one. X_eD7l1do-y-00254-00125074-00125535 Then we do the same analysis with a European individual and an African individual. X_eD7l1do-y-00255-00125535-00126229 And to my surprise, I would say, we actually found statistically significantly more matching X_eD7l1do-y-00256-00126229-00126636 to the European individual than the African individual. X_eD7l1do-y-00257-00126636-00127065 Even more surprising to me was that when we looked in the Chinese individual there was X_eD7l1do-y-00258-00127065-00127699 again more matching than to the African, and even in Papua New Guinea that was also the X_eD7l1do-y-00259-00127699-00127799 case. X_eD7l1do-y-00260-00127799-00128273 So I was actually biased when we started doing this, thinking there had been no mix with X_eD7l1do-y-00261-00128273-00128720 the Neanderthals, but if there was one, I would expect it in Europe, where the Neanderthals X_eD7l1do-y-00262-00128720-00128820 had actually lived. X_eD7l1do-y-00263-00128820-00129213 But we now found that in China and in Papua New Guinea. X_eD7l1do-y-00264-00129213-00129993 So the model is sort of supposed to explain that, that has since been borne out by work X_eD7l1do-y-00265-00129993-00130652 by others, is that if you assume that modern humans came out of Africa, the first -- they X_eD7l1do-y-00266-00130652-00131069 probably passed through the Middle East and we know there were Neanderthals in the Middle X_eD7l1do-y-00267-00131069-00131169 East. X_eD7l1do-y-00268-00131169-00131689 So if these modern humans there mixed with Neanderthals and then went on to become the X_eD7l1do-y-00269-00131689-00132238 ancestors of everyone that live today outside Africa, they would have sort of carried with X_eD7l1do-y-00270-00132238-00132841 them this Neanderthal contribution out to the world, [unintelligible] the parts where X_eD7l1do-y-00271-00132841-00133548 there were no Neanderthals to the extent that up to a maximum, perhaps 2-and-a-half percent X_eD7l1do-y-00272-00133548-00134136 or so of the genomes of people outside Africa come from the Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00273-00134136-00134773 We could also calculate with various tricks about when this inflow from the Neanderthals X_eD7l1do-y-00274-00134773-00135469 had happened between 40 and 90,000 years ago, fitting with the time when we believe modern X_eD7l1do-y-00275-00135469-00135921 humans came out of African and started spreading seriously over the world. X_eD7l1do-y-00276-00135921-00136437 And there has since been a lot of follow-up work of this by other scientists, but I can X_eD7l1do-y-00277-00136437-00136895 sort of never stop myself from pointing out that the public is also very interested in X_eD7l1do-y-00278-00136895-00137340 what we do, and started writing to us in 2010. X_eD7l1do-y-00279-00137340-00137712 Many people wrote to us and self-identified as Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00280-00137712-00137838 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00281-00137838-00138258 And after a while I started seeing a pattern in this correspondence. X_eD7l1do-y-00282-00138258-00138703 It was almost exclusively men who wrote to me. X_eD7l1do-y-00283-00138703-00138803 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00284-00138803-00139318 And there were very few women who self-identified as Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00285-00139318-00139424 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00286-00139424-00140207 So I do no real lab work myself anymore, so I presented this to my group as sort of my X_eD7l1do-y-00287-00140207-00140392 research counting emails. X_eD7l1do-y-00288-00140392-00140492 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00289-00140492-00140798 And they're, of course, very critical particularly when I present something. X_eD7l1do-y-00290-00140798-00141387 So they said this is just as a payment, women are not interested -- less interested in molecular X_eD7l1do-y-00291-00141387-00141652 genetics than men, so only men will write to you. X_eD7l1do-y-00292-00141652-00141752 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00293-00141752-00142176 But I went back to my correspondence and found that that was not at all true because there X_eD7l1do-y-00294-00142176-00142651 were plenty of women who wrote to me and said their husbands were Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00295-00142651-00142816 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00296-00142816-00143711 Whereas, not a single man has written and said that his wife is a Neanderthal. X_eD7l1do-y-00297-00143711-00143811 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00298-00143811-00144231 And this is, of course, extremely interesting for geneticists so that's sort of something X_eD7l1do-y-00299-00144231-00144515 I have to look into. X_eD7l1do-y-00300-00144515-00144816 But we, of course, do a few other things than counting emails. X_eD7l1do-y-00301-00144816-00145235 So something we're interested in is other forms of extinct humans. X_eD7l1do-y-00302-00145235-00145852 There are, of course, many, many forms of humans that we don't find in the fossil record X_eD7l1do-y-00303-00145852-00146413 and we don't really know how they're related to present-day people and to Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00304-00146413-00146904 And we are particularly lucky to work together with Professor [unintelligible] Yankel [spelled X_eD7l1do-y-00305-00146904-00147494 phonetically] and his associate, Professor [unintelligible] excavated many sites in Siberia, X_eD7l1do-y-00306-00147494-00148208 particularly they excavated this site in southern Siberia on the border to Mongolia and China. X_eD7l1do-y-00307-00148208-00148775 It's a beautiful place and they excavate since a number of years. X_eD7l1do-y-00308-00148775-00149469 And in 2008, they were actually very skilled, I think, to find and recognize a tiny little X_eD7l1do-y-00309-00149469-00149851 bone and realize that it might come from a human. X_eD7l1do-y-00310-00149851-00150464 So it's a fragment of the last phalanx of the pinkie. X_eD7l1do-y-00311-00150464-00150966 So we extracted the DNA from this bone and found, to our surprise, that it was extremely X_eD7l1do-y-00312-00150966-00151066 well-preserved. X_eD7l1do-y-00313-00151066-00151626 As I said, our best Neanderthal bones are 4 percent indigenous to [unintelligible] 70 X_eD7l1do-y-00314-00151626-00151726 percent. X_eD7l1do-y-00315-00151726-00152316 So it allowed us to produce a genome from this individual about the same quality as X_eD7l1do-y-00316-00152316-00152475 the Neanderthal genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00317-00152475-00152839 And to our great surprise we found that it was not really Neanderthal. X_eD7l1do-y-00318-00152839-00153536 It went back to common ancestor shared with Neanderthals but far, far back. X_eD7l1do-y-00319-00153536-00154168 Neanderthals had a long, independent history, longer than say the history deepest divergence X_eD7l1do-y-00320-00154168-00154514 as we have among present-day people. X_eD7l1do-y-00321-00154514-00155024 So we defined this as a sort of new group of extinct [unintelligible] and based just X_eD7l1do-y-00322-00155024-00155564 on the genome sequences and we named them denisovans after the Denisova cave, where X_eD7l1do-y-00323-00155564-00156034 they were first found just like Neanderthals are then called Neanderthals after Neanderthal, X_eD7l1do-y-00324-00156034-00156390 where they were first found. X_eD7l1do-y-00325-00156390-00157000 What has then happened in the last three years since that time is that we have improved our X_eD7l1do-y-00326-00157000-00157413 methods for retrieving tiny amounts of damaged DNA very much. X_eD7l1do-y-00327-00157413-00157997 There are many parts to that, but one particularly interesting one is that you extract across X_eD7l1do-y-00328-00157997-00158472 a double-stranded DNA from your fossil. X_eD7l1do-y-00329-00158472-00159039 And normally you then try to modify the [unintelligible] so that you can go on and sequence it. X_eD7l1do-y-00330-00159039-00159572 But many of these molecules are chemically modified so that you cannot actual replicate X_eD7l1do-y-00331-00159572-00159723 them or sequence them. X_eD7l1do-y-00332-00159723-00160312 So something that [unintelligible] in the laboratory invented was that he actually starts X_eD7l1do-y-00333-00160312-00160975 by separating the two DNA strands, then ligate on the synthetic piece of DNA and immobilize X_eD7l1do-y-00334-00160975-00161732 it here so that each of the two strands independently have a chance to end up being sequenced. X_eD7l1do-y-00335-00161732-00162297 So that means if you have a chemical modification of one strand that inhibits analysis, the X_eD7l1do-y-00336-00162297-00162515 other strand can still make it. X_eD7l1do-y-00337-00162515-00163079 So with this method and other modifications we've been able to go on in the denisovan X_eD7l1do-y-00338-00163079-00163627 genome first that you have this slight overview over where many pieces were missed, to now X_eD7l1do-y-00339-00163627-00164206 sequence it so deeply so that we actually see all the positions to which we can map X_eD7l1do-y-00340-00164206-00164896 these short fragments, which is about two-thirds of the genome, but with great accuracy. X_eD7l1do-y-00341-00164896-00165340 So you can do a lot of things then when you have a very accurate genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00342-00165340-00165845 You can, for example, distinguish the two variants that this individual inherited from X_eD7l1do-y-00343-00165845-00166058 its mother and its father. X_eD7l1do-y-00344-00166058-00166694 Just to illustrate that there is a genetic variant at high frequency in Asia and Native X_eD7l1do-y-00345-00166694-00167327 Americans that's responsible for straight hair and some other sort of texture of the X_eD7l1do-y-00346-00167327-00167427 hair. X_eD7l1do-y-00347-00167427-00168118 It's very common among people in China and East Asia today. X_eD7l1do-y-00348-00168118-00168674 It's not in Europe or Africa and when we now look at this denisovan individual it doesn't X_eD7l1do-y-00349-00168674-00168774 carry it either. X_eD7l1do-y-00350-00168774-00169041 And that's actually a common pattern. X_eD7l1do-y-00351-00169041-00169631 This individual doesn't seem to have any special relationship to people in Asia today. X_eD7l1do-y-00352-00169631-00169874 But you can do much more than that. X_eD7l1do-y-00353-00169874-00170412 Since we have the sequence of the two chromosomes, we can sort of estimate for a part of the X_eD7l1do-y-00354-00170412-00170960 genome here the time back to common ancestor by making a little tree like that. X_eD7l1do-y-00355-00170960-00171495 And you can then go across a genome and do that for many, many parts of the genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00356-00171495-00171906 And you can then use by a method developed by Hennly [spelled phonetically] and Richard X_eD7l1do-y-00357-00171906-00172421 Durbin this to estimate population size over time. X_eD7l1do-y-00358-00172421-00172756 Because when you have two chromosomes like that, when they go back to common ancestor X_eD7l1do-y-00359-00172756-00173247 they would be more likely to go back to common ancestor at a time when the population was X_eD7l1do-y-00360-00173247-00173347 small. X_eD7l1do-y-00361-00173347-00173865 So in this example here we would expect the population size to have been small at this X_eD7l1do-y-00362-00173865-00174251 time where many of the chromosomes have a common ancestor. X_eD7l1do-y-00363-00174251-00174876 So from a single individual the two genomes and that we can estimate the population history X_eD7l1do-y-00364-00174876-00175260 of the entire population from which this individual derives. X_eD7l1do-y-00365-00175260-00175931 So if we do this for present-day people you will see very nicely it's past here, you go X_eD7l1do-y-00366-00175931-00176490 to the present here, and everybody, no matter where we live on the planet, share a reduction X_eD7l1do-y-00367-00176490-00177052 in population size, an increase in population size, and only the last 100,000 years or so X_eD7l1do-y-00368-00177052-00177603 do we start seeing a difference between Africans we have more variation than non-Africans due X_eD7l1do-y-00369-00177603-00177950 to this bottleneck of coming out of Africa. X_eD7l1do-y-00370-00177950-00178606 And we could now add this individual and look what its population history was. X_eD7l1do-y-00371-00178606-00179221 You then find that, if anything, it's a bit bigger population size there for a time, but X_eD7l1do-y-00372-00179221-00179549 then it crashes and goes down and becomes extinct. X_eD7l1do-y-00373-00179549-00179745 So this was very fascinating to me. X_eD7l1do-y-00374-00179745-00180474 This individual had a very different population history from anybody who is around today on X_eD7l1do-y-00375-00180474-00180638 the planet. X_eD7l1do-y-00376-00180638-00181026 Something else we can do when we have very accurate genome sequences, is that we can X_eD7l1do-y-00377-00181026-00181631 begin to see that this individual lived long ago, so actually it's missing mutations when X_eD7l1do-y-00378-00181631-00181993 we compare to present-day humans. X_eD7l1do-y-00379-00181993-00182771 So we could see that it missed something like 1 to 1.3 percent of the mutations relative X_eD7l1do-y-00380-00182771-00182987 to present-day humans here. X_eD7l1do-y-00381-00182987-00183647 So we can then if we assume that the common ancestor with the chimp is 6.5 million years, X_eD7l1do-y-00382-00183647-00184177 we'd miss 1.2 percent of the mutations here. X_eD7l1do-y-00383-00184177-00184477 We can estimate how old this bone is. X_eD7l1do-y-00384-00184477-00184907 And in this case it would be something like 60 to 80,000 years old. X_eD7l1do-y-00385-00184907-00185566 Now there are many caveats about this, particularly about sequencing errors among present-day X_eD7l1do-y-00386-00185566-00185678 human genomes. X_eD7l1do-y-00387-00185678-00186189 They actually vary in age by about 20 percent of this here or that we know they all live X_eD7l1do-y-00388-00186189-00186326 today. X_eD7l1do-y-00389-00186326-00186887 But I think it's an indication of what will come in the future, that when we handle genome X_eD7l1do-y-00390-00186887-00187439 sequencing even better than now, that from bones where we can retrieve a genome, we can X_eD7l1do-y-00391-00187439-00187658 actually date them. X_eD7l1do-y-00392-00187658-00188302 And in this case even more from a bone so small that you could actually not use carbon X_eD7l1do-y-00393-00188302-00188552 dating, for example, on it. X_eD7l1do-y-00394-00188552-00189028 So we can, of course, with a genome ask just for the Neanderthals, have these denisovans X_eD7l1do-y-00395-00189028-00189409 contribute to present-day people and indeed they have. X_eD7l1do-y-00396-00189409-00190134 But surprisingly not in central Asia or Siberia, but out in the Pacific, particularly aboriginal X_eD7l1do-y-00397-00190134-00190519 Australians, Papua New Guineans, and so on. X_eD7l1do-y-00398-00190519-00191108 So this then suggests that probably these denisovans were more widespread in the past X_eD7l1do-y-00399-00191108-00191427 and was also in Southeast Asia. X_eD7l1do-y-00400-00191427-00191724 So this is a copy again of this bone. X_eD7l1do-y-00401-00191724-00192107 And I think it sort of indicates something that will become more common in archeology X_eD7l1do-y-00402-00192107-00192207 in the future. X_eD7l1do-y-00403-00192207-00192370 They're from tiny, little remains like this. X_eD7l1do-y-00404-00192370-00192895 You can reconstruct a lot of population history, even dates and often frustratingly. X_eD7l1do-y-00405-00192895-00193520 Like in this case we don't know how these denisovans looked morphologically or what X_eD7l1do-y-00406-00193520-00194014 stone tools they made or any other things we would traditionally know. X_eD7l1do-y-00407-00194014-00194652 So, just to summarize before coming to the last part here what we think we know then X_eD7l1do-y-00408-00194652-00195040 about the origin of Neanderthals and modern humans. X_eD7l1do-y-00409-00195040-00195575 And Denisovans -- we think that Neanderthals and Denisovans have a common ancestor sometime X_eD7l1do-y-00410-00195575-00195856 in the order of half a million years ago in Africa. X_eD7l1do-y-00411-00195856-00196490 They come out, they evolve in Western Eurasia to what we call Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00412-00196490-00196907 In Eastern Eurasia somewhere to what we call Denisovans. X_eD7l1do-y-00413-00196907-00197427 This is not to say that they were this widespread, also not that they were the only hominins X_eD7l1do-y-00414-00197427-00197553 there at that time. X_eD7l1do-y-00415-00197553-00198157 We know there were other hobbits Homo floresiensis in Indonesia, for example. X_eD7l1do-y-00416-00198157-00198530 We also don't know the border between these two groups. X_eD7l1do-y-00417-00198530-00199120 We do know that in this region in the Altai Mountains, at sometimes there were Neanderthals, X_eD7l1do-y-00418-00199120-00199336 at another time, Denisovans. X_eD7l1do-y-00419-00199336-00199915 Then modern humans evolved in Africa come out and presume [spelled phonetically] in X_eD7l1do-y-00420-00199915-00200225 the Middle East mix with Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00421-00200225-00200957 They continue to spread around, and there is now a paper that appeared in January that X_eD7l1do-y-00422-00200957-00201682 convincingly showed that there seems to have been a second occurrence or mixing with Neanderthals X_eD7l1do-y-00423-00201682-00202302 in -- somewhere in Central Asia or so because people in China, for example, have slightly X_eD7l1do-y-00424-00202302-00202827 more Neanderthal contribution in their genome than people in Europe. X_eD7l1do-y-00425-00202827-00203370 There is then this mixture with Denisovans, presumably somewhere in Southeast Asia by X_eD7l1do-y-00426-00203370-00203660 people that then spread out in to the Pacific. X_eD7l1do-y-00427-00203660-00204492 And these archaic humans then become extinct, but they live on a little bit today if you'd X_eD7l1do-y-00428-00204492-00205165 like so that something like 1 to 2-and-a-half of percent of the genomes of people in Eurasia X_eD7l1do-y-00429-00205165-00205333 comes from them. X_eD7l1do-y-00430-00205333-00205977 And you add on another 5 percent from Denisovans in the Pacific. X_eD7l1do-y-00431-00205977-00206594 Now we've sequenced two genomes from extinct hominins, found two cases of that mixture. X_eD7l1do-y-00432-00206594-00207106 I wouldn't be surprised if, for example, in China one found other cases. X_eD7l1do-y-00433-00207106-00207644 I also don't think there is an absolute difference between Africans and non-Africans in that X_eD7l1do-y-00434-00207644-00207869 Africans would not have a contribution. X_eD7l1do-y-00435-00207869-00208487 Clearly, Neanderthals -- sort of modern humans appeared somewhere in Africa and also spread X_eD7l1do-y-00436-00208487-00208630 across Africa. X_eD7l1do-y-00437-00208630-00209136 And there is some indication from present-day variation that there might have been a contribution X_eD7l1do-y-00438-00209136-00209444 from earlier forms of hominins also there. X_eD7l1do-y-00439-00209444-00210173 So we've clearly rejected the sort of total replacement model for modern human origins. X_eD7l1do-y-00440-00210173-00210571 We have up to 7 and a half percent contribution from other forms. X_eD7l1do-y-00441-00210571-00210956 But the big picture is still one of replacement. X_eD7l1do-y-00442-00210956-00211259 So we has to sort of have a name for this. X_eD7l1do-y-00443-00211259-00211728 I find sort of lethal replacement perhaps a good idea. X_eD7l1do-y-00444-00211728-00211900 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00445-00211900-00212534 So I would then like some bring up three things that are sort of in the works. X_eD7l1do-y-00446-00212534-00212998 The first one is actually now accomplished; we need a good Neanderthal genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00447-00212998-00213526 And we know have that since January when we published it. X_eD7l1do-y-00448-00213526-00213966 It's again from the same site in the Altai Mountain from Denisova Cave. X_eD7l1do-y-00449-00213966-00214616 We even found a finger bone, and deeper down, two years later, they found a toe bone that X_eD7l1do-y-00450-00214616-00214813 looks like this. X_eD7l1do-y-00451-00214813-00215524 And we sequenced the DNA from it, and again to our surprise, it was not Denisovan, but X_eD7l1do-y-00452-00215524-00215852 it was very close to other known Neanderthals there. X_eD7l1do-y-00453-00215852-00216498 So this is a Neanderthal, and we sequenced this genome to high coverage, again very high X_eD7l1do-y-00454-00216498-00216700 quality. X_eD7l1do-y-00455-00216700-00216942 We can compare it to present day people. X_eD7l1do-y-00456-00216942-00217567 For example, look over all how much variation is it between the two genomes these individuals X_eD7l1do-y-00457-00217567-00217892 have inherited from their parents. X_eD7l1do-y-00458-00217892-00218308 So here are Africans that have more variation than non-Africans today. X_eD7l1do-y-00459-00218308-00219040 And these are the Denisovan finger bones and the Neanderthal toe bone that have dramatically X_eD7l1do-y-00460-00219040-00219160 less variation. X_eD7l1do-y-00461-00219160-00219598 But not only that, we also found something very surprising. X_eD7l1do-y-00462-00219598-00220115 When we worked along the chromosomes in this Neanderthal genome on the bottom here, we X_eD7l1do-y-00463-00220115-00220666 found large stretches, one here, of 19 million base pairs where the two chromosomes were X_eD7l1do-y-00464-00220666-00220917 absolutely identical. X_eD7l1do-y-00465-00220917-00221513 And this of course indicates that the parents of this individual was -- were closely related. X_eD7l1do-y-00466-00221513-00221963 So you can -- where we find much less of that in the Denisova finger. X_eD7l1do-y-00467-00221963-00222439 So you can then model what relationships must have occurred [spelled phonetically] been X_eD7l1do-y-00468-00222439-00222909 the case for the parents of this individual here, the Neanderthal individual. X_eD7l1do-y-00469-00222909-00223308 The parents have been either, say half sibs or grandfather granddaughter. X_eD7l1do-y-00470-00223308-00223659 Don't ask me to explain what double for double fir castles [spelled phonetically] -- X_eD7l1do-y-00471-00223659-00223759 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00472-00223759-00223859 -- this because I can't. X_eD7l1do-y-00473-00223859-00224129 But one of these four scenarios must have been the case. X_eD7l1do-y-00474-00224129-00224842 So you begin to get some idea about socially what happened in that cave quite a long time X_eD7l1do-y-00475-00224842-00224942 ago. X_eD7l1do-y-00476-00224942-00225407 And I think it would be very interesting in the future to see in other Neanderthal sites X_eD7l1do-y-00477-00225407-00225926 if this is a typical pattern for Neanderthal or something special here. X_eD7l1do-y-00478-00225926-00226384 You could, again, do the same analysis with a Neanderthal here, comparing it to present X_eD7l1do-y-00479-00226384-00226658 day humans and Denisovans. X_eD7l1do-y-00480-00226658-00227153 And its population history matches that of the Denisovans very closely. X_eD7l1do-y-00481-00227153-00227730 This difference here is probably just due to that this bone is actually older than the X_eD7l1do-y-00482-00227730-00228279 Denisovan bone, but we don't know how much older it is. X_eD7l1do-y-00483-00228279-00228828 We now then have two good genomes of a Denisovan, of a Neanderthal. X_eD7l1do-y-00484-00228828-00229454 We have some sort of overview genomes from Croatia and a place in the Corcuses [spelled X_eD7l1do-y-00485-00229454-00229554 phonetically]. X_eD7l1do-y-00486-00229554-00230250 So we can now begin to look at interactions not only the present day people but also with X_eD7l1do-y-00487-00230250-00230591 anon between Neanderthals and the Denisovans. X_eD7l1do-y-00488-00230591-00231123 So if we do that, we find this contribution from Neanderthals to present day people outside X_eD7l1do-y-00489-00231123-00231765 Africa that we know about or wanted to present contribution from Denisovans, the people out X_eD7l1do-y-00490-00231765-00232060 in the Pacific of about 5 percent. X_eD7l1do-y-00491-00232060-00232717 We now find a tiny contribution Denisovans also from mainland Asia in China for example X_eD7l1do-y-00492-00232717-00232828 of .2 percent. X_eD7l1do-y-00493-00232828-00232986 So a lot less. X_eD7l1do-y-00494-00232986-00233839 But we also see a contribution from Neanderthals to Denisovans, and quite interestingly we X_eD7l1do-y-00495-00233839-00234379 see an old component in the Denisovan genome that we do not see in the Neanderthal genome X_eD7l1do-y-00496-00234379-00235000 that comes from something else, that diverged much earlier than these guys want to 4 million X_eD7l1do-y-00497-00235000-00235225 years ago from the human lineage. X_eD7l1do-y-00498-00235225-00235842 So it's very tempting to speculate that this is Homo-erectus or something like that in X_eD7l1do-y-00499-00235842-00236229 Asia that contributes to the Denisovan genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00500-00236229-00236646 And I think future work will look more into that. X_eD7l1do-y-00501-00236646-00237152 So a conclusion from this is that human forms have always mixed with each other at least X_eD7l1do-y-00502-00237152-00237298 to some extent. X_eD7l1do-y-00503-00237298-00237905 We find no, sort of wholesale contributions of 30, 40 percent from one into the other. X_eD7l1do-y-00504-00237905-00238314 It seems to be generally small extent. X_eD7l1do-y-00505-00238314-00238775 What you can also do now then, and there were two papers that appeared in January. X_eD7l1do-y-00506-00238775-00239390 One of them we were involved in, and the other was one from Josh Akey's group in Seattle X_eD7l1do-y-00507-00239390-00239908 where they had looked at contributions in present day European genomes and East Asian X_eD7l1do-y-00508-00239908-00240167 genomes from Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00509-00240167-00240867 And they then find in some regions high contributions from Neanderthals, very high percent of present X_eD7l1do-y-00510-00240867-00241419 day people carry fragments from Neanderthals in certain regions of the genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00511-00241419-00242071 And if you look what genes are particular present in such areas, one group of such genes X_eD7l1do-y-00512-00242071-00242542 are those that are involved with structured proteins in the hair and the skin. X_eD7l1do-y-00513-00242542-00243066 So there seems to be that Neanderthals have contributed something in the skin or hair X_eD7l1do-y-00514-00243066-00243391 to quite a lot of people that exist today. X_eD7l1do-y-00515-00243391-00244069 And now the group of genes that come from Neanderthals and Denisovans was shown already X_eD7l1do-y-00516-00244069-00244621 in 2011, but Peter Parham's group that they're involved in regulation of the immune system. X_eD7l1do-y-00517-00244621-00245269 So I can imagine that there were sort of Neanderthals had resistance to certain infectious diseases X_eD7l1do-y-00518-00245269-00245669 that they had adapted to over hundreds of thousands of years. X_eD7l1do-y-00519-00245669-00246205 And when modern humans from Africa picked up this variance, they were of advantage to X_eD7l1do-y-00520-00246205-00246575 them, so they increased in frequency. X_eD7l1do-y-00521-00246575-00247434 I was quite fascinated by a paper that appeared from David Altshuler's group, a big consortium X_eD7l1do-y-00522-00247434-00248035 that appeared in December where they found a new risk allele for Type 2 diabetes, the X_eD7l1do-y-00523-00248035-00248369 type of diabetes you get in old age. X_eD7l1do-y-00524-00248369-00249140 And that risk allele was existed at high frequencies in East Asia and in Native Americas. X_eD7l1do-y-00525-00249140-00249682 And when you look at this -- a tree of this risk allele versus non-risk alleles, you find X_eD7l1do-y-00526-00249682-00250019 that the Neanderthal allele is right in there. X_eD7l1do-y-00527-00250019-00250660 So this is a variance that one has picked up probably in Asia from Neanderthals into X_eD7l1do-y-00528-00250660-00251314 high frequency, perhaps because its variance were of an advantage in a situation of starvation. X_eD7l1do-y-00529-00251314-00251867 And today when we have ample nutrition all the time, it results in type two diabetes. X_eD7l1do-y-00530-00251867-00252498 So some of the sort of contributions may actually have consequences also, medical consequences X_eD7l1do-y-00531-00252498-00252746 today. X_eD7l1do-y-00532-00252746-00253076 What you can also look across is genomes of present day people. X_eD7l1do-y-00533-00253076-00253639 They stand for areas where there is no contribution from Neanderthals, so areas that seems to X_eD7l1do-y-00534-00253639-00254280 be resistant to Neanderthal contribution when we would expect statistically to see Neanderthal X_eD7l1do-y-00535-00254280-00254696 DNA in some people, but we don't see it. X_eD7l1do-y-00536-00254696-00255101 They are of course interesting because they might point to things that we sort of don't X_eD7l1do-y-00537-00255101-00255477 accept from Neanderthals in the modern human gene pool. X_eD7l1do-y-00538-00255477-00256106 And if we look in such regions of the genome for what genes are particular present there, X_eD7l1do-y-00539-00256106-00256590 it turns out that is genes that are expressed in the male germ [spelled phonetically] and X_eD7l1do-y-00540-00256590-00256690 in testicles. X_eD7l1do-y-00541-00256690-00257269 So it makes it very tempting to suggest that in the hybrids -- Neanderthal-human hybrids, X_eD7l1do-y-00542-00257269-00257728 there may have been a problem with male fertility. X_eD7l1do-y-00543-00257728-00258457 And that's actually not uncommon when closely related species or populations come together X_eD7l1do-y-00544-00258457-00258867 and make hybrids, be that say donkeys and horses. X_eD7l1do-y-00545-00258867-00259467 It's a male offspring that's infertile, and the female offspring generally is fertile. X_eD7l1do-y-00546-00259467-00260319 So it may actually be that there was some biological problems when this happened. X_eD7l1do-y-00547-00260319-00260905 So something else that we then work on is to apply this super sensitive techniques, X_eD7l1do-y-00548-00260905-00261555 particularly that single strand library techniques to all the remains of hominins. X_eD7l1do-y-00549-00261555-00262083 So far we've sort of always said that we have to stay within the last 100,000 years or so X_eD7l1do-y-00550-00262083-00262260 of human history. X_eD7l1do-y-00551-00262260-00262757 But we now apply this and try older things, and we've been very lucky to work at a site X_eD7l1do-y-00552-00262757-00263286 in Spain called Cema de Luesos [spelled phonetically] in Atapuerca. X_eD7l1do-y-00553-00263286-00263993 It's a deep cave, 30 meters down, so it's very constant conditions where they find very X_eD7l1do-y-00554-00263993-00264499 many bones of something that most people would call Homohydobergensas [spelled phonetically], X_eD7l1do-y-00555-00264499-00264809 so maybe an ancestor of Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00556-00264809-00265595 And from this femur here, we were able to get -- we got samples, extracted DNA and are X_eD7l1do-y-00557-00265595-00265861 very degraded, very short pieces. X_eD7l1do-y-00558-00265861-00266431 We have so far been only able to retrieve this mitochondrial genome that exist in many X_eD7l1do-y-00559-00266431-00266591 cultures per cell. X_eD7l1do-y-00560-00266591-00267305 And just to give you a feeling for this, we've sequenced about 500,000,000 DNA sequences X_eD7l1do-y-00561-00267305-00267965 from this bone, and sift them down to be in the end analyzed in the order of 10,000 to X_eD7l1do-y-00562-00267965-00268172 reconstruct the mitochondrial genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00563-00268172-00268399 But we were able to do that. X_eD7l1do-y-00564-00268399-00268917 And quite surprisingly we found that this mitochondrial genome was related not to the X_eD7l1do-y-00565-00268917-00269392 mitochondrial genomes of Neanderthals, but to the Denisovan mitochondrial genomes, but X_eD7l1do-y-00566-00269392-00269734 far back here of course. X_eD7l1do-y-00567-00269734-00270173 So it's very surprising, of course, that we now find in Spain something that's related X_eD7l1do-y-00568-00270173-00270817 even though far back to the Denisovan mitochondrial genome and not those of the Neanderthals that X_eD7l1do-y-00569-00270817-00271015 have been sequences. X_eD7l1do-y-00570-00271015-00271543 So one explanation for this may be that 400,000 years ago, we're simply so far back. X_eD7l1do-y-00571-00271543-00272065 So we're somewhere in the common ancestral populations of Denisovans and Neanderthals X_eD7l1do-y-00572-00272065-00272559 and modern humans that they have variance, that they're related to all of these. X_eD7l1do-y-00573-00272559-00273198 We may see other types of mitochondrial DNA when we sequence more individuals from there. X_eD7l1do-y-00574-00273198-00273735 Another possibility is that this actually comes from gene flow from some other group X_eD7l1do-y-00575-00273735-00274283 of humans into the ancestors here in Cema de Luesos. X_eD7l1do-y-00576-00274283-00274624 And it's them only the nuclear genome that would be able to clarify that. X_eD7l1do-y-00577-00274624-00275199 And we're sort of working hard to try to retrieve at least parts of the nuclear genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00578-00275199-00275742 But what is really exciting to me is that these techniques now allow us to go further X_eD7l1do-y-00579-00275742-00275842 back. X_eD7l1do-y-00580-00275842-00276423 Somewhere maybe to within the last million years or so in the rare sites that well enough X_eD7l1do-y-00581-00276423-00276699 preserved for this. X_eD7l1do-y-00582-00276699-00277199 So finally then, the third thing that has [spelled phonetically] a very excited about X_eD7l1do-y-00583-00277199-00277702 is to actually look on the sort of functional implications for modern humans from what we X_eD7l1do-y-00584-00277702-00277888 can now see from the genomes. X_eD7l1do-y-00585-00277888-00278419 So for example looking in this regions that lack Neanderthal contributions to see what X_eD7l1do-y-00586-00278419-00278956 hides there more than this male gene's expressed in male germ line. X_eD7l1do-y-00587-00278956-00279548 So looking for things and that has appeared in humans very recently since we separated X_eD7l1do-y-00588-00279548-00279648 from Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00589-00279648-00280340 In particular, those things that have become fixed and are present in all humans today. X_eD7l1do-y-00590-00280340-00280896 So if we take a very strict criterion and say what changes in the genome can we find X_eD7l1do-y-00591-00280896-00281454 that exist to -- in everybody today, no matter where we live on the planet, but where the X_eD7l1do-y-00592-00281454-00281668 Neanderthals, Denisovans look like the apes. X_eD7l1do-y-00593-00281668-00281965 So things that changed here and spread to everybody. X_eD7l1do-y-00594-00281965-00282576 That's if you like a genetic recipe for being a fully modern human when we then compare X_eD7l1do-y-00595-00282576-00282875 ourselves to our very closest relatives. X_eD7l1do-y-00596-00282875-00283440 The interesting thing that this catalog of such changes that flow could define us genetically X_eD7l1do-y-00597-00283440-00284157 as a species relative to Neanderthals and Denisovans is not very long. X_eD7l1do-y-00598-00284157-00284257 It's not very long. X_eD7l1do-y-00599-00284257-00284824 It's a total of a bit of over 30,000 single nucleotides that have changed, and some insertions X_eD7l1do-y-00600-00284824-00284924 and deletions. X_eD7l1do-y-00601-00284924-00285345 So you can actually look through it in an afternoon in the computer. X_eD7l1do-y-00602-00285345-00285901 You can then of course say some of these we have some inkling what they may be involved X_eD7l1do-y-00603-00285901-00286001 in. X_eD7l1do-y-00604-00286001-00286527 So there are something like 3,000 changes in well-defined regulatory regions. X_eD7l1do-y-00605-00286527-00286960 And if we look at things that change amino acids in our proteins in our body, we'll focus X_eD7l1do-y-00606-00286960-00287380 on that for a minute just to give you a sense for how we can look this now. X_eD7l1do-y-00607-00287380-00287796 It's just 96 amino acid changes that have changed. X_eD7l1do-y-00608-00287796-00288571 And they occur in just 87 different proteins because some of them have multiple changes. X_eD7l1do-y-00609-00288571-00289186 So it's of course very interesting to look at this and say is there some function that X_eD7l1do-y-00610-00289186-00289805 hides that may be behind what set modern humans on this very special trajectory: the fact X_eD7l1do-y-00611-00289805-00290325 that we are 7 billion people on the planet, and not in the hundreds of thousands that X_eD7l1do-y-00612-00290325-00290803 -- the hundreds of thousands that the Neanderthals were. X_eD7l1do-y-00613-00290803-00291248 We're particularly interested of course in things expressed in the brain. X_eD7l1do-y-00614-00291248-00291722 So it was quite interesting to see that if we look for those 87 proteins and see where X_eD7l1do-y-00615-00291722-00292285 they're expressed in the developing human brain, we actually see an enrichment of them X_eD7l1do-y-00616-00292285-00292951 in the proliferative zone in the developing brains where new neurons are born in fetal X_eD7l1do-y-00617-00292951-00293200 development. X_eD7l1do-y-00618-00293200-00293894 And quite surprisingly, of these seven genes that are expressed here, three of them actually X_eD7l1do-y-00619-00293894-00294508 turn out to be part in the machinery that pull chromosomes apart during cell division. X_eD7l1do-y-00620-00294508-00294760 So that was quite surprising to me. X_eD7l1do-y-00621-00294760-00295080 I thought that was a very concerred [spelled phonetically] function that would not have X_eD7l1do-y-00622-00295080-00295384 changed recently in human history. X_eD7l1do-y-00623-00295384-00295961 But there also indications that how cells divide, how the stem cells divide in the developing X_eD7l1do-y-00624-00295961-00296535 brain, determines what types of neurons are form and how many of them you form. X_eD7l1do-y-00625-00296535-00297017 So it may actually be that these three genes are particularly interesting, that one should X_eD7l1do-y-00626-00297017-00297594 now go on study, but that's, of course, work that will be very -- take a lot of work over X_eD7l1do-y-00627-00297594-00298001 many years by many biologists to do that. X_eD7l1do-y-00628-00298001-00298303 But I just wanted to end up saying how would we do that? X_eD7l1do-y-00629-00298303-00298841 How would we take the next step to investigate such human-specific traits? X_eD7l1do-y-00630-00298841-00299177 Because the problem is, of course, we have no animal models. X_eD7l1do-y-00631-00299177-00299574 When we now want to study something that's unique to humans. X_eD7l1do-y-00632-00299574-00299956 So I've gone a long sort of that is the question. X_eD7l1do-y-00633-00299956-00300469 And I've sort of spent many years going around making jokes when I give talks and saying X_eD7l1do-y-00634-00300469-00300926 what we want to do is put Neanderthal variance into transgenic humans. X_eD7l1do-y-00635-00300926-00301400 And human variance into transgenic chimps, and then analyze them. X_eD7l1do-y-00636-00301400-00301705 And I've sort of said that that is impossible -- X_eD7l1do-y-00637-00301705-00301805 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00638-00301805-00302017 -- and would never be done. X_eD7l1do-y-00639-00302017-00302491 But this is sort of subtly not so much of a joke anymore because there are people, there's X_eD7l1do-y-00640-00302491-00303355 even a very famous professor of genetics in Harvard, George Church, that goes around and X_eD7l1do-y-00641-00303355-00303700 suggests that one should go much further than what I suggested here. X_eD7l1do-y-00642-00303700-00303815 We should clone Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00643-00303815-00304441 We should engineer all these changes we found in the Neanderthal genome into human stem X_eD7l1do-y-00644-00304441-00304743 cell and create a Neanderthal. X_eD7l1do-y-00645-00304743-00305071 And I think I'm sort of tired of discussing it. X_eD7l1do-y-00646-00305071-00305595 I think it's technically impossible and ethically totally, absolutely impossible. X_eD7l1do-y-00647-00305595-00305911 So why are we really thinking about it? X_eD7l1do-y-00648-00305911-00306219 But it's, anyway, a serious question. X_eD7l1do-y-00649-00306219-00306384 How will we go on with this? X_eD7l1do-y-00650-00306384-00306657 And I think there are some ways that I just want to mention. X_eD7l1do-y-00651-00306657-00307339 I think that the human genome and I think Eric is a perfect person to discuss this is X_eD7l1do-y-00652-00307339-00308132 a small enough place that all mutations that are compatible with human life actually exist X_eD7l1do-y-00653-00308132-00308373 there out in the population. X_eD7l1do-y-00654-00308373-00308945 Every baby that's born has something like 50 or 100 mutations -- new mutations that X_eD7l1do-y-00655-00308945-00309218 are not there in the father nor the mother. X_eD7l1do-y-00656-00309218-00309755 The genome is 3 billion base pairs, we are 7 billion people on the planet, everyone has X_eD7l1do-y-00657-00309755-00309973 50 or 100 mutations. X_eD7l1do-y-00658-00309973-00310473 So we will -- in the future when we sequence millions and millions of people when you just X_eD7l1do-y-00659-00310473-00310944 walk into your doctor's office, I think we will be able to find back mutations to the X_eD7l1do-y-00660-00310944-00311182 ancestral state. X_eD7l1do-y-00661-00311182-00311870 And probably it will be possible to work out ethical ways to then study that. X_eD7l1do-y-00662-00311870-00312369 Something else that will come and we and others are already in the process of doing it is X_eD7l1do-y-00663-00312369-00312996 engineering these interesting changes into human stem cells and differentiate in two X_eD7l1do-y-00664-00312996-00313501 different forms of cells in the tissue culture in the laboratory and study their effects X_eD7l1do-y-00665-00313501-00313827 in cells in culture. X_eD7l1do-y-00666-00313827-00314256 And I think something else one would also be able to do is sort of put them into mice, X_eD7l1do-y-00667-00314256-00314956 maybe several of them together to study the effects of particular biological systems. X_eD7l1do-y-00668-00314956-00315338 Before ending, I should also say there have been many, many people involved in this. X_eD7l1do-y-00669-00315338-00315506 Many more people than I can mention. X_eD7l1do-y-00670-00315506-00316073 I then just want to put up one person here, Matthias Meyer, who developed the single strand X_eD7l1do-y-00671-00316073-00316609 library method that -- without which we would never have been able to get these high quality X_eD7l1do-y-00672-00316609-00316774 Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes. X_eD7l1do-y-00673-00316774-00317202 It's really transformed what we can do. X_eD7l1do-y-00674-00317202-00317825 Many people have helped in analyzing this, particularly Jim Mullikin at the NHGRI here X_eD7l1do-y-00675-00317825-00318105 in the TESTA [spelled phonetically]. X_eD7l1do-y-00676-00318105-00318759 And before ending, I should also say that some of the things I've described is also X_eD7l1do-y-00677-00318759-00319353 in a book where I sort of also describe the dirty, little secrets of how this all happened. X_eD7l1do-y-00678-00319353-00320377 And I thank you very much for your attention. X_eD7l1do-y-00679-00320377-00320831 [applause] X_eD7l1do-y-00680-00320831-00321285 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00681-00321285-00322195 [inaudible commentary] X_eD7l1do-y-00682-00322195-00323160 Male Speaker: Very good. X_eD7l1do-y-00683-00323160-00323331 Am I on? X_eD7l1do-y-00684-00323331-00323559 Do -- hear me okay? X_eD7l1do-y-00685-00323559-00323674 Excellent, excellent. X_eD7l1do-y-00686-00323674-00324494 Terrific Svante, and my head is swimming, not because of the complexity of the subject, X_eD7l1do-y-00687-00324494-00324974 but because that it's been done [laughs] and is continuing to go on. X_eD7l1do-y-00688-00324974-00325568 And I just can't -- personally, I can't wait to see what a Neanderthal mouse looks like. X_eD7l1do-y-00689-00325568-00325780 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00690-00325780-00326568 The -- so what we'll do here is we'll have about 20 minutes of conversation and maybe X_eD7l1do-y-00691-00326568-00327148 before our -- as we're winding that part of it up, I'll mention that if you have questions, X_eD7l1do-y-00692-00327148-00327491 we have two microphones that are available. X_eD7l1do-y-00693-00327491-00328082 Don't get up now and get there -- and line up for your question yet, but I'll announce X_eD7l1do-y-00694-00328082-00328548 when we're going to start to take questions from the audience. X_eD7l1do-y-00695-00328548-00329197 I love the idea of liki [spelled phonetically] replacement with regard to the variety of X_eD7l1do-y-00696-00329197-00329379 models that you've suggested. X_eD7l1do-y-00697-00329379-00329832 And, you know, I'm a bones and stones person. X_eD7l1do-y-00698-00329832-00330422 And those of us in that area of paleoanthropology -- we love our categories. X_eD7l1do-y-00699-00330422-00330653 We like to slap the species name on things. X_eD7l1do-y-00700-00330653-00331305 And I think that most people also enjoy, you know, what box do I put things in? X_eD7l1do-y-00701-00331305-00331818 Whether it be a woman put her -- putting her husband in a Neanderthal category, or whatever, X_eD7l1do-y-00702-00331818-00331934 which is terrific. X_eD7l1do-y-00703-00331934-00332695 In any case, to what degree would you then say that Neanderthals -- that the Neanderthal X_eD7l1do-y-00704-00332695-00333251 lineage and the lineage of living people were reproductively isolated? X_eD7l1do-y-00705-00333251-00333884 Because I think this is one of the questions that as -- in our hall of human origins that X_eD7l1do-y-00706-00333884-00334480 I get, that our volunteers who are the docents who work there get a lot. X_eD7l1do-y-00707-00334480-00335173 Do we call Homo -- do we call Neanderthals Homo-neanderthalensis as a separate species? X_eD7l1do-y-00708-00335173-00335810 And particularly of interest to me is that for about -- what was it, be about 10,000 X_eD7l1do-y-00709-00335810-00336531 years that -- or maybe 15,000 years that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens were both in Europe. X_eD7l1do-y-00710-00336531-00337076 But apparently you see no evidence, no echo of interbreeding during that time? X_eD7l1do-y-00711-00337076-00337725 Svante Pääbo: Yeah, so -- I mean we see this what I found X_eD7l1do-y-00712-00337725-00338272 it very fascinating this thing that we do see something that the most reasonable explanation X_eD7l1do-y-00713-00338272-00339016 was that there was some problem with fertility in the offspring, probably that the men had X_eD7l1do-y-00714-00339016-00339116 reduced fertility. X_eD7l1do-y-00715-00339116-00339682 So it wasn't just a sort of two groups that totally -- they were perhaps even on the verge X_eD7l1do-y-00716-00339682-00340141 of becoming reproductive isolated that when they came together. X_eD7l1do-y-00717-00340141-00340710 Then it's another thing that we as humans and perhaps particularly as professors in X_eD7l1do-y-00718-00340710-00341150 academics you want to put things into boxes and feel very uncomfortable if you can't put X_eD7l1do-y-00719-00341150-00341420 everything in boxes. X_eD7l1do-y-00720-00341420-00341696 To some extent I would say it's a sterile discussion. X_eD7l1do-y-00721-00341696-00342233 Are we calling them a species or a sub species if we now describe that they contributed 1 X_eD7l1do-y-00722-00342233-00342697 or 2 percent to the genomes of people today. X_eD7l1do-y-00723-00342697-00343179 In a way that is the interesting information. X_eD7l1do-y-00724-00343179-00343495 I think it's up to everybody if you want to call them one or the other. X_eD7l1do-y-00725-00343495-00344180 We actually -- I never use these Latin names because then I have to take a stand on it. X_eD7l1do-y-00726-00344180-00344633 I have the feeling if I say Neanderthals, if I say Denisovans, modern humans, people X_eD7l1do-y-00727-00344633-00345051 know pretty much what I'm talking about and I don't need to have a long discussion -- X_eD7l1do-y-00728-00345051-00345151 Male Speaker: Yeah. X_eD7l1do-y-00729-00345151-00345251 [laughs]. X_eD7l1do-y-00730-00345251-00345377 Svante Pääbo: -- but is chickening out. X_eD7l1do-y-00731-00345377-00345773 Male Speaker: So noted [laughs] as a paleoanthropologist. X_eD7l1do-y-00732-00345773-00346722 I'm interested in the matter of the chromosomal evolution that has occurred in humans since X_eD7l1do-y-00733-00346722-00347360 the separation from our last common ancestor with a living species, chimpanzees. X_eD7l1do-y-00734-00347360-00348403 And all of the great apes have 48 chromosomes, 24 pairs; humans have 46 chromosome, 23 pairs. X_eD7l1do-y-00735-00348403-00349321 And as I understand it, the change that occurred was where two chromosomes both that have -- that X_eD7l1do-y-00736-00349321-00350120 are the strands are joined together at the end merged into one that joins at the middle: X_eD7l1do-y-00737-00350120-00350525 a fusion of two chromosomes into one. X_eD7l1do-y-00738-00350525-00351132 Are we pretty certain that the Neanderthals had 23 pairs of chromosomes as you've shown? X_eD7l1do-y-00739-00351132-00351349 And how would we be able to detect? X_eD7l1do-y-00740-00351349-00352013 And do you have ideas about when that possibly very important change in genetic evolution X_eD7l1do-y-00741-00352013-00352178 but at the chromosomal level occurred? X_eD7l1do-y-00742-00352178-00352573 Svante Pääbo: Yes, they're more actually now sure that that X_eD7l1do-y-00743-00352573-00353122 fusion that created our chromosome two had happened before we separate from Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00744-00353122-00353709 Because we can find this junction fragment that of course created a piece of DNA that's X_eD7l1do-y-00745-00353709-00353996 unique to humans relative to the apes. X_eD7l1do-y-00746-00353996-00354522 Where one chromosome ends, the other one start and fuse to each other. X_eD7l1do-y-00747-00354522-00355126 And we can look in our high quality genomes, but the reads we have there for this junction X_eD7l1do-y-00748-00355126-00355508 fragment, and we find it many, many times over. X_eD7l1do-y-00749-00355508-00356104 So that had actually -- so from that point of view -- if two groups of different chromosome X_eD7l1do-y-00750-00356104-00356686 numbers have offspring, you'll often also have problems in fertility in the hybrids. X_eD7l1do-y-00751-00356686-00356955 But that is not a risk-taking -- [spelled phonetically]. X_eD7l1do-y-00752-00356955-00357293 Male Speaker: [affirmative] And do you -- are you quite X_eD7l1do-y-00753-00357293-00357835 certain at this point that in the Atapuerca material that goes back to about 400,000, X_eD7l1do-y-00754-00357835-00358247 that again the chromosomal fusion occurred before then? X_eD7l1do-y-00755-00358247-00358396 Svante Pääbo: That we don't know. X_eD7l1do-y-00756-00358396-00358659 That there we have so little information. X_eD7l1do-y-00757-00358659-00358876 We only have the mitochondrial genome. X_eD7l1do-y-00758-00358876-00359463 But there are studies on that sort of fusion region that suggests that this is at least X_eD7l1do-y-00759-00359463-00359797 700,000 years ago or more. X_eD7l1do-y-00760-00359797-00360121 Male Speaker: [affirmative] The number that you put up here, X_eD7l1do-y-00761-00360121-00360515 and there were a lot of numbers that we've heard tonight. X_eD7l1do-y-00762-00360515-00360968 But one of the ones that I think may be surprising to many people. X_eD7l1do-y-00763-00360968-00361610 I find that when I crib from your articles and things like this and mention this to people X_eD7l1do-y-00764-00361610-00362392 that people are quite amazed at the number of base pairs in our DNA and that, as I understand X_eD7l1do-y-00765-00362392-00363178 it, between any two individuals, there would be about 3 million base pair differences. X_eD7l1do-y-00766-00363178-00363851 Could you put a number on the number of base pair difference between any two Neanderthals? X_eD7l1do-y-00767-00363851-00364389 And what does that indicate about the genetic diversity of Neanderthals compared with the X_eD7l1do-y-00768-00364389-00364646 genetic diversity of human beings today? X_eD7l1do-y-00769-00364646-00365117 Svante Pääbo: Yeah, so as I showed there, there is much X_eD7l1do-y-00770-00365117-00365571 less genetic diversity among Neanderthals than among present day people. X_eD7l1do-y-00771-00365571-00366178 Now that said, we sort of study late Neanderthals here, of course. X_eD7l1do-y-00772-00366178-00366942 So it may -- but they have something like -- I shouldn't put a number on this because X_eD7l1do-y-00773-00366942-00367170 I don't really have it in my head. X_eD7l1do-y-00774-00367170-00367670 But they have something like a third of the variation that we have today. X_eD7l1do-y-00775-00367670-00368400 They are among the least variable groups of organisms we have among mammals so far. X_eD7l1do-y-00776-00368400-00368729 But again, these are late Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00777-00368729-00369420 Some of it is rather extreme as we saw the perils of this in Neanderthals where [inaudible]. X_eD7l1do-y-00778-00369420-00369764 And there is also indication that there have been close relatives further back in the generations X_eD7l1do-y-00779-00369764-00369929 of this individual also. X_eD7l1do-y-00780-00369929-00370308 Male Speaker: Well, that's interesting, because one of the X_eD7l1do-y-00781-00370308-00371058 things that as I understand it come out from the study of genetics of all living people X_eD7l1do-y-00782-00371058-00371681 is that the genetic diversity of living humans is actually quite small relative to other X_eD7l1do-y-00783-00371681-00371876 primates. X_eD7l1do-y-00784-00371876-00372678 And it is been speculated that -- not speculated exactly, but one part of the spectrum of thinking X_eD7l1do-y-00785-00372678-00373289 on that is that there is -- was a genetic bottleneck in the evolution of our own species. X_eD7l1do-y-00786-00373289-00373813 Others might see that it was a low population size over a long period of time. X_eD7l1do-y-00787-00373813-00374242 Do you think that the Neanderthals also underwent a genetic bottleneck? X_eD7l1do-y-00788-00374242-00374831 And might this be a fairly common phenomenon for the precarious nature of human evolutionary X_eD7l1do-y-00789-00374831-00374931 history? X_eD7l1do-y-00790-00374931-00375278 Svante Pääbo: Yes, but sort of with a caveat that I don't X_eD7l1do-y-00791-00375278-00375765 know if that bottleneck had to do with the origin of Neanderthals or say, the last Asian X_eD7l1do-y-00792-00375765-00375865 [inaudible]. X_eD7l1do-y-00793-00375865-00376705 We also see that we have now Neanderthals from Spain; we have them Croatia; we have X_eD7l1do-y-00794-00376705-00377196 them from the Corcuses; we have them from the Altai Mountains. X_eD7l1do-y-00795-00377196-00377657 But not only do they have little variation, they also are quite distinct from each other. X_eD7l1do-y-00796-00377657-00378264 I mean, our interpretations relay that they've been quite small but separated, isolated groups X_eD7l1do-y-00797-00378264-00378452 from each other. X_eD7l1do-y-00798-00378452-00379009 Male Speaker: [affirmative] The idea of cloning a Neanderthal X_eD7l1do-y-00799-00379009-00379416 -- I'm glad you mentioned what you did and had your thoughts about this. X_eD7l1do-y-00800-00379416-00380146 There is a gentleman named -- who's quite famous named Stuart Brand who's also very X_eD7l1do-y-00801-00380146-00380800 strongly in favor of well, let's bring back -- let's bring back the extinct forms of organisms. X_eD7l1do-y-00802-00380800-00381554 And one day at -- about three years ago at dinner, he said, "You're a paleoanthropologist. X_eD7l1do-y-00803-00381554-00381830 Don't you want to see a Neanderthal?" X_eD7l1do-y-00804-00381830-00381988 And I said, "Well, yeah. X_eD7l1do-y-00805-00381988-00382609 I would love to see a Neanderthal, but give me -- give me a time machine to go back rather X_eD7l1do-y-00806-00382609-00382922 than trying to bring one up to speed now." X_eD7l1do-y-00807-00382922-00383648 I'm interested that George Church at Harvard also is in favor of this. X_eD7l1do-y-00808-00383648-00384290 You mentioned that you thought not only is it ethically questionable at best, but is X_eD7l1do-y-00809-00384290-00384985 it technically possible given that every aspect of biology needs an environment? X_eD7l1do-y-00810-00384985-00385508 Even the genome needs a molecular environment in which to actually produce the organism X_eD7l1do-y-00811-00385508-00385875 for which those instructions have evolved. X_eD7l1do-y-00812-00385875-00386730 And is it possible to actually take the genome of the Neanderthal that you and your team X_eD7l1do-y-00813-00386730-00387203 and others around the world have produced -- and is it technically possible to bring X_eD7l1do-y-00814-00387203-00387346 back a Neanderthal? X_eD7l1do-y-00815-00387346-00387730 Svante Pääbo: First of all, as I said at one point there, X_eD7l1do-y-00816-00387730-00388195 what we study is actually the single copy part of the inner parts of the genome that X_eD7l1do-y-00817-00388195-00388669 occur only once -- that's where we're going to have this very accurate sequence now. X_eD7l1do-y-00818-00388669-00389177 For about a third of the genome is actually repeated; the sequences occur twice or more X_eD7l1do-y-00819-00389177-00389584 times; [unintelligible] fragments where they fit, to which copy they fit. X_eD7l1do-y-00820-00389584-00390165 So we can only statistically say there were this many copied numbers of this version, X_eD7l1do-y-00821-00390165-00390517 but we don't know how they are arranged. X_eD7l1do-y-00822-00390517-00391015 And we know that those parts of the genome are also very important in many respects. X_eD7l1do-y-00823-00391015-00391486 So for a third of the genome we cannot do it at all. X_eD7l1do-y-00824-00391486-00392069 For the other parts, I mean, in reality we struggled just to put in two or three changes X_eD7l1do-y-00825-00392069-00392248 today, accurately in a stem cell. X_eD7l1do-y-00826-00392248-00392939 We can do it in one with great effort; putting in more is much, much harder. X_eD7l1do-y-00827-00392939-00393605 And we're now talking about putting in, say, 30,000 back to the common ancestors and another X_eD7l1do-y-00828-00393605-00393950 30,000 to make the Neanderthal and put them in on both chromosomes. X_eD7l1do-y-00829-00393950-00394668 I mean, this is way [unintelligible] what George Church can do. X_eD7l1do-y-00830-00394668-00395053 Male Speaker: Have you just said, "never"? X_eD7l1do-y-00831-00395053-00395391 Svante Pääbo: I haven't said quite never, but yes. X_eD7l1do-y-00832-00395391-00395638 Male Speaker: I thought I should ask. X_eD7l1do-y-00833-00395638-00396059 Okay, I'll have perhaps one or two more questions. X_eD7l1do-y-00834-00396059-00396565 If you'd like to think about questions you'd like to ask Dr. Pääbo. X_eD7l1do-y-00835-00396565-00397174 We have the two microphones here and you can -- please stand up, don't be shy, and go to X_eD7l1do-y-00836-00397174-00397481 a microphone and ask your question. X_eD7l1do-y-00837-00397481-00398257 And one of the final questions I have that's on my mind is that, as a person who does his X_eD7l1do-y-00838-00398257-00398999 research largely focused, not entirely focused, but largely focused in Africa, you know, we X_eD7l1do-y-00839-00398999-00399643 tend to think that Africa is the happening place for changes for the developments in X_eD7l1do-y-00840-00399643-00400324 human evolutionary history that have been so important related to the origin of our X_eD7l1do-y-00841-00400324-00400436 species. X_eD7l1do-y-00842-00400436-00401228 And, yet, there are problems, as I understand it, in warmer climates with regard to DNA X_eD7l1do-y-00843-00401228-00401406 degradation. X_eD7l1do-y-00844-00401406-00402083 Are there some steps, do you see some technologies that you see clearly, or vaguely, down the X_eD7l1do-y-00845-00402083-00402351 road that can help deal with that? X_eD7l1do-y-00846-00402351-00402945 And allow the rich fossil record of Africa and other tropical areas to be decoded? X_eD7l1do-y-00847-00402945-00403441 Svante Pääbo: So, of course with these new sensitive methods, X_eD7l1do-y-00848-00403441-00403790 some things work that have previously not worked for us. X_eD7l1do-y-00849-00403790-00404405 I think it's still the situation that there have been very disappointing to try things X_eD7l1do-y-00850-00404405-00404700 in the Middle East, for example. X_eD7l1do-y-00851-00404700-00405411 I would really hope for areas of Africa with a colder climate, be that southern South Africa, X_eD7l1do-y-00852-00405411-00406032 or Ethiopian Highlands, or deep cave sites, if there are such things, with constant conditions, X_eD7l1do-y-00853-00406032-00406336 would probably be the best things. X_eD7l1do-y-00854-00406336-00406540 Male Speaker: Right, right. X_eD7l1do-y-00855-00406540-00407405 I had the pleasure of visiting Svante's lab several years ago and bringing a fragment X_eD7l1do-y-00856-00407405-00408189 of our Shanidar 3 Neanderthal from Shanidar Cave in northern Iraq to his lab, but unfortunately X_eD7l1do-y-00857-00408189-00408736 there were only contaminates or hardly any DNA in it at all. X_eD7l1do-y-00858-00408736-00409014 What was there proved to be contaminates. X_eD7l1do-y-00859-00409014-00409775 So that's the fossil that you can see out in the human origins hall there, but, you X_eD7l1do-y-00860-00409775-00410406 know, with the kinds of remarkable developments that you and your team and others around the X_eD7l1do-y-00861-00410406-00411167 world have been able to make, I remain, at least hopeful that and other bones from more X_eD7l1do-y-00862-00411167-00412023 southerly locations, more near the equator locations will someday be susceptible to study X_eD7l1do-y-00863-00412023-00412123 in this way. X_eD7l1do-y-00864-00412123-00412481 So, why don't we begin, and we'll just go back-and-forth, and why don't we start over X_eD7l1do-y-00865-00412481-00412581 here. X_eD7l1do-y-00866-00412581-00412681 Please, sir. X_eD7l1do-y-00867-00412681-00413083 Male Speaker: Yes, you showed the nice little pinky bone X_eD7l1do-y-00868-00413083-00413406 from the Denisovans. X_eD7l1do-y-00869-00413406-00413931 Can you say something about what fraction of that tiny bone you actually had to destroy X_eD7l1do-y-00870-00413931-00414250 in order to do this experiment? X_eD7l1do-y-00871-00414250-00414785 And will there be plenty of that left in the future for, let's say a decade from now when X_eD7l1do-y-00872-00414785-00415121 even your techniques will be more highly developed? X_eD7l1do-y-00873-00415121-00415502 Svante Pääbo: So we used almost all of that. X_eD7l1do-y-00874-00415502-00416331 We used a sterile dentistry drill and we drill inside; we just barely kept the surface of X_eD7l1do-y-00875-00416331-00416470 it. X_eD7l1do-y-00876-00416470-00417031 Of course we do micro-CT on things before so that the more [unintelligible] is at least X_eD7l1do-y-00877-00417031-00417235 sort of preserved. X_eD7l1do-y-00878-00417235-00417621 Now actually there's another part of the story, too, that I don't know if I dare tell, but X_eD7l1do-y-00879-00417621-00418107 it's in the book, so I can also still say it. X_eD7l1do-y-00880-00418107-00418797 There was another part of that bone that was given to another laboratory and so there is, X_eD7l1do-y-00881-00418797-00419258 but nothing ever really came out of that, but there is another part of that bone that X_eD7l1do-y-00882-00419258-00419813 could perhaps be used for other analysis. X_eD7l1do-y-00883-00419813-00420350 There's also been two teeth found in the cave that we have shown contained Denisovan DNA, X_eD7l1do-y-00884-00420350-00420606 but much, much less than the finger bone. X_eD7l1do-y-00885-00420606-00421096 So we have some idea about the dental morphology of this Denisovans. X_eD7l1do-y-00886-00421096-00421313 Male Speaker: Please. X_eD7l1do-y-00887-00421313-00421821 Female Speaker: Thank you for a lovely talk. X_eD7l1do-y-00888-00421821-00422550 In written human history, we know that infectious disease has had a major role in forming societies X_eD7l1do-y-00889-00422550-00422982 and really having major impacts on different populations around the world. X_eD7l1do-y-00890-00422982-00423582 And I was really heartened to see that you were analyzing aspects of the Neanderthal X_eD7l1do-y-00891-00423582-00423997 and Denisovan genomes that involve the immune loci. X_eD7l1do-y-00892-00423997-00424609 Can you, maybe, tell us what you can extract as information for how perhaps infectious X_eD7l1do-y-00893-00424609-00424863 disease may have impacted these early hominids as well? X_eD7l1do-y-00894-00424863-00424999 Svante Pääbo: Yes. X_eD7l1do-y-00895-00424999-00425202 That sort of is a good question. X_eD7l1do-y-00896-00425202-00425697 We can of course imagine that infectious disease has played a big role. X_eD7l1do-y-00897-00425697-00426198 We have not anything really to say about this. X_eD7l1do-y-00898-00426198-00426696 It's quite hard to study this immune responses because they are so repeated it's just sort X_eD7l1do-y-00899-00426696-00427105 of really hard to see which fragments come from which. X_eD7l1do-y-00900-00427105-00427563 And Peter Parham's group at Stanford are really the experts in these groups of these and it's X_eD7l1do-y-00901-00427563-00428009 their study I had that figure [unintelligible] from there. X_eD7l1do-y-00902-00428009-00428657 The problem is a disease has genes that regulate an immune response, it's a count of high frequency, X_eD7l1do-y-00903-00428657-00429240 but you do not know what pathogens [unintelligible] that were responsible for this. X_eD7l1do-y-00904-00429240-00429853 There has been work recently from a previous student of mine who is now a professor who X_eD7l1do-y-00905-00429853-00430559 studies the DNA of infectious diseases of the Yersinia pestis, for example, and of other X_eD7l1do-y-00906-00430559-00430659 pathogens. X_eD7l1do-y-00907-00430659-00431305 So it might be the chance there are, for example, some Neanderthal remains with what seems to X_eD7l1do-y-00908-00431305-00431561 be tuberculosis lesions. X_eD7l1do-y-00909-00431561-00432135 So, it may well be that one will be able to study the evolution of these pathogens even X_eD7l1do-y-00910-00432135-00432563 back to part of our archaic continents. X_eD7l1do-y-00911-00432563-00432987 But unfortunately I have nothing really concrete to say. X_eD7l1do-y-00912-00432987-00433409 Male Speaker: I was wondering if the geographic range of X_eD7l1do-y-00913-00433409-00433976 the Neanderthal extended into areas were then and maybe still are permafrost? X_eD7l1do-y-00914-00433976-00434676 What I'm getting at is there a finite, but maybe infinitesimal possibility a preserved X_eD7l1do-y-00915-00434676-00435327 body could be found or maybe an Ӧtzi or maybe a bog person in a temperate climate? X_eD7l1do-y-00916-00435327-00435584 Svante Pääbo: I [unintelligible] find a permafrost Neanderthal X_eD7l1do-y-00917-00435584-00435884 is the question. X_eD7l1do-y-00918-00435884-00436321 I think there is a realistic chance of that. X_eD7l1do-y-00919-00436321-00436800 Unfortunately, one has not done that yet. X_eD7l1do-y-00920-00436800-00437760 But, if of course things are melting, we've actually started collecting bones from people X_eD7l1do-y-00921-00437760-00438265 who collect mammoth ivory from the river systems in Siberia. X_eD7l1do-y-00922-00438265-00438885 They find a lot of bones on the banks of a river; they are there for the ivory. X_eD7l1do-y-00923-00438885-00439463 But one can sort of get them to sort of pick-up what looks like human bones and it might be X_eD7l1do-y-00924-00439463-00439846 that we'll find things there that are of interest. X_eD7l1do-y-00925-00439846-00440093 That's not permafrost, but yes. X_eD7l1do-y-00926-00440093-00440517 Male Speaker: Actually, as a follow-up to that, I'm wondering X_eD7l1do-y-00927-00440517-00441330 is there any possibility ever, do you imagine, of finding DNA say to the place where you X_eD7l1do-y-00928-00441330-00441467 hold a stone tool? X_eD7l1do-y-00929-00441467-00441953 Svante Pääbo: Yes, maybe, I would be skeptical. X_eD7l1do-y-00930-00441953-00442532 Or from blood stains on stone tools or things like that, maybe, maybe. X_eD7l1do-y-00931-00442532-00442984 Male Speaker: Dr. Pääbo, thank you again for such a lovely X_eD7l1do-y-00932-00442984-00443084 talk. X_eD7l1do-y-00933-00443084-00443460 And, it's very now interesting to think about what it means to be a modern human considering X_eD7l1do-y-00934-00443460-00443584 your findings. X_eD7l1do-y-00935-00443584-00444248 And I was wondering, in reference, this is more of a philosophical question, I guess. X_eD7l1do-y-00936-00444248-00444828 In reference to the findings that you identified, there are contributions of Neanderthals and X_eD7l1do-y-00937-00444828-00445392 Denisovans that have been made to our modern genome and considering that some of the subpopulations X_eD7l1do-y-00938-00445392-00445894 of modern humans have these while others don't, I was wondering what sort of implications, X_eD7l1do-y-00939-00445894-00446492 if any, does this have for the definition of what it means to be a modern human? X_eD7l1do-y-00940-00446492-00447067 Svante Pääbo: Yes. X_eD7l1do-y-00941-00447067-00447714 To me, the definition of being a modern human must be in the parts that we don't have from X_eD7l1do-y-00942-00447714-00447814 Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-00943-00447814-00448529 In those regions when Neanderthals don't seem to contribute, the Denisovans also don't contribute. X_eD7l1do-y-00944-00448529-00449182 It must, in a way, be in this catalog we presented there; that is now a very strict catalog saying, X_eD7l1do-y-00945-00449182-00449817 "This would be genetic changes that are there, as far as we can tell today, in 100 percent X_eD7l1do-y-00946-00449817-00449961 of humans on the planet." X_eD7l1do-y-00947-00449961-00450592 Can I of course relax that to say 90 percent then that catalog gets about a bit more than X_eD7l1do-y-00948-00450592-00451192 twice as long, but it's in that catalog I would see the genetic definition of it being X_eD7l1do-y-00949-00451192-00451380 a fully modern human. X_eD7l1do-y-00950-00451380-00451784 Because all of us, that is to say, we are all modern humans, right, even if you don't X_eD7l1do-y-00951-00451784-00452348 have any Neanderthal contribution, if you are from Africa and don't have any Neanderthal X_eD7l1do-y-00952-00452348-00452498 contribution, right. X_eD7l1do-y-00953-00452498-00452829 But this is a surprisingly short list to me. X_eD7l1do-y-00954-00452829-00453373 It is extremely interesting if some of these have functional consequences I think. X_eD7l1do-y-00955-00453373-00453808 And I think many people work on this other than us in the world. X_eD7l1do-y-00956-00453808-00454589 Female Speaker: When I was a student, Neanderthals were depicted X_eD7l1do-y-00957-00454589-00455231 as being these hairy, shambling, brutes with low brows and corresponding low IQs. X_eD7l1do-y-00958-00455231-00455857 I was wondering from your studies, and this is highly speculative, if you clean them up X_eD7l1do-y-00959-00455857-00456285 and put them in a suit and so forth and put them on the metro, would they stand out? X_eD7l1do-y-00960-00456285-00456921 [laughs] What would people say, "This is a human being or this is a, I don't know what X_eD7l1do-y-00961-00456921-00457075 this is"? X_eD7l1do-y-00962-00457075-00457654 Svante Pääbo: Probably you are better than I can answer X_eD7l1do-y-00963-00457654-00457754 this. X_eD7l1do-y-00964-00457754-00457854 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00965-00457854-00457990 I would tend to think one would look twice. X_eD7l1do-y-00966-00457990-00458121 Male Speaker: Yes. X_eD7l1do-y-00967-00458121-00458342 I would agree with that. X_eD7l1do-y-00968-00458342-00459034 Svante Pääbo: Maybe not in a New York subway. X_eD7l1do-y-00969-00459034-00459175 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-00970-00459175-00459734 Male Speaker: Thank you. X_eD7l1do-y-00971-00459734-00460305 I happened to have bought your book and read it and it's fascinating. X_eD7l1do-y-00972-00460305-00460663 I would invite everybody [unintelligible] I would invite everybody to read it. X_eD7l1do-y-00973-00460663-00460763 It's very interesting. X_eD7l1do-y-00974-00460763-00460885 Thank you. X_eD7l1do-y-00975-00460885-00461230 My question is more on the statistical side. X_eD7l1do-y-00976-00461230-00461759 Both in your presentation and your book and what you say, it appears that you have very, X_eD7l1do-y-00977-00461759-00461944 very fine statistics. X_eD7l1do-y-00978-00461944-00462505 And we're talking about one out of 10,000 or 1 percent, half a percent. X_eD7l1do-y-00979-00462505-00463118 I come from the engineering side and the financial side and these are just, in my universe, just X_eD7l1do-y-00980-00463118-00463254 not significant. X_eD7l1do-y-00981-00463254-00464415 The likelihood of error, the lack of certainty on such a fine number of differences over X_eD7l1do-y-00982-00464415-00465022 a very large population, I've done a bit of statistics, leads me to think that the statistics X_eD7l1do-y-00983-00465022-00465353 that you use must be very, very precise or powerful. X_eD7l1do-y-00984-00465353-00465984 So, my question is very simple, do you really trust the statistics and why do you trust X_eD7l1do-y-00985-00465984-00466356 them when they are so fine as to be infinitesimal? X_eD7l1do-y-00986-00466356-00466859 Svante Pääbo: Yes, [unintelligible] of course should be X_eD7l1do-y-00987-00466859-00467057 skeptical about this. X_eD7l1do-y-00988-00467057-00467593 Of course, in the statistics, we sort of try have as good models as we can. X_eD7l1do-y-00989-00467593-00467875 But it's of course not just a statistical thing we have. X_eD7l1do-y-00990-00467875-00468578 You can also go in the genome and find pieces of DNA that are 30, 40, 50 thousand [unintelligible] X_eD7l1do-y-00991-00468578-00469147 that are almost identical to the Neanderthal genome, where the eye, for example, is almost X_eD7l1do-y-00992-00469147-00469738 identical to the Neanderthal genome and very different from other people from over in Europe. X_eD7l1do-y-00993-00469738-00470185 So, you can sort of actually see with your own eyes that there is evidence of this and X_eD7l1do-y-00994-00470185-00470459 that you don't find this in African genomes. X_eD7l1do-y-00995-00470459-00471124 So that is sort of [unintelligible] intuitively direct answer to your question. X_eD7l1do-y-00996-00471124-00471760 We can also formalize that more where we, for example, do analysis where we see that X_eD7l1do-y-00997-00471760-00472513 if you walk across a genome of me and I sort of plot when I get closer and closer to the X_eD7l1do-y-00998-00472513-00473037 Neanderthals, most of that is simply a counterpart of genome with a mutation, right, is rather X_eD7l1do-y-00999-00473037-00473467 low, but then I see that in those regions where I get closer and closer to Neanderthal, X_eD7l1do-y-01000-00473467-00473997 I also get closer and closer to you because we just have a low mutation rate in those X_eD7l1do-y-01001-00473997-00474097 parts. X_eD7l1do-y-01002-00474097-00474448 But then when I get to the regions where I'm very close, almost identical to Neanderthal, X_eD7l1do-y-01003-00474448-00474672 I'm suddenly very different from you. X_eD7l1do-y-01004-00474672-00475364 So that also convinces us that there is a population of sequences there that is really X_eD7l1do-y-01005-00475364-00475527 derived from Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-01006-00475527-00476018 There are several lines of evidence like that, actually. X_eD7l1do-y-01007-00476018-00476479 And I mean, this is so [unintelligible] I've almost waited for someone in the world to X_eD7l1do-y-01008-00476479-00476714 publish something and say it's wrong. X_eD7l1do-y-01009-00476714-00476814 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-01010-00476814-00477107 Male Speaker: Now there's a challenge, isn't it? X_eD7l1do-y-01011-00477107-00477207 Please. X_eD7l1do-y-01012-00477207-00477473 Female Speaker: Thank you for coming tonight, I really enjoyed X_eD7l1do-y-01013-00477473-00477573 your talk. X_eD7l1do-y-01014-00477573-00478084 And first off, I'd like to tell you the Arkansas definition of a double first cousin, brothers X_eD7l1do-y-01015-00478084-00478619 marry sisters, their offspring are double first cousins. X_eD7l1do-y-01016-00478619-00479250 Two brothers marry two sisters, each set has children, the cousins are then first cousins X_eD7l1do-y-01017-00479250-00479350 from both sides. X_eD7l1do-y-01018-00479350-00479521 Svante Pääbo: These are double first cousins? X_eD7l1do-y-01019-00479521-00479721 Female Speaker: Arkansas double first cousins. X_eD7l1do-y-01020-00479721-00479821 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-01021-00479821-00479921 Svante Pääbo: Ah, yeah, cool. X_eD7l1do-y-01022-00479921-00480082 Female Speaker: My question is -- X_eD7l1do-y-01023-00480082-00480182 Male Speaker: Someone write that down, please. X_eD7l1do-y-01024-00480182-00480282 -- X_eD7l1do-y-01025-00480282-00480382 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-01026-00480382-00480938 Female Speaker: -- a lot of the mutations, you said, are transferred X_eD7l1do-y-01027-00480938-00481314 from Neanderthal to modern human being with the immune system. X_eD7l1do-y-01028-00481314-00482055 Do you think there's any way we can maybe pull some more out and have maybe some new X_eD7l1do-y-01029-00482055-00482565 gene therapies and stuff to fight disease; Alzheimer's, cancers, whatever. X_eD7l1do-y-01030-00482565-00483089 Svante Pääbo: I don't -- so the question is, do we think X_eD7l1do-y-01031-00483089-00483307 that we can somehow learn from these variants? X_eD7l1do-y-01032-00483307-00483667 Female Speaker: Maybe even manipulate modern human to go back X_eD7l1do-y-01033-00483667-00483992 to Neanderthal to fight off things maybe, you know. X_eD7l1do-y-01034-00483992-00484360 Svante Pääbo: Yes, I would be extremely, yes, for all these X_eD7l1do-y-01035-00484360-00485059 reasons that we don't clone Neanderthals; I would also not go and manipulate the genomes. X_eD7l1do-y-01036-00485059-00485492 Even with the view to fighting diseases like that. X_eD7l1do-y-01037-00485492-00485671 [inaudible commentary] X_eD7l1do-y-01038-00485671-00486088 Svante Pääbo: That maybe something that's an earlier branch X_eD7l1do-y-01039-00486088-00487059 off [unintelligible] the real sort of attempt to do that, after lots of discussions and X_eD7l1do-y-01040-00487059-00487602 negotiations with six, seven years ago, to drill a little bit in the root of a tooth X_eD7l1do-y-01041-00487602-00488269 and we couldn't get any DNA out of that at that time. X_eD7l1do-y-01042-00488269-00488839 Now that said, we are better at it now, but it's also very humid, and very warm. X_eD7l1do-y-01043-00488839-00489182 I suspect it's actually not preserved. X_eD7l1do-y-01044-00489182-00489810 The majority of fossils, especially from such climates, don't contain any DNA. X_eD7l1do-y-01045-00489810-00490189 That's not that this can be applied to everything, unfortunately. X_eD7l1do-y-01046-00490189-00490546 Female Speaker: Hi, I have a question about another human X_eD7l1do-y-01047-00490546-00490871 ancestor that's also a recent new comer to our whole hominid species, Australopithecus X_eD7l1do-y-01048-00490871-00490971 sediba. X_eD7l1do-y-01049-00490971-00491223 So, I've been teaching anthropology at the high school level for eight years and it's X_eD7l1do-y-01050-00491223-00491323 been really exciting because we keep getting new species, like sediba. X_eD7l1do-y-01051-00491323-00492647 And so I heard, it's almost like rumors, that there might be on some of those fossils some X_eD7l1do-y-01052-00492647-00493538 actual flesh or they think there might be a little bit of something like that, and so X_eD7l1do-y-01053-00493538-00493805 would you be able to get DNA out of that? X_eD7l1do-y-01054-00493805-00494120 If that, sort of rumor, is actually true? X_eD7l1do-y-01055-00494120-00494453 Svante Pääbo: So what was the rumor? X_eD7l1do-y-01056-00494453-00494553 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-01057-00494553-00494983 Female Speaker: So, I've heard, I just took, actually, a course X_eD7l1do-y-01058-00494983-00495622 through Coursera with John Hoch at the University of Madison and so he interviewed somebody X_eD7l1do-y-01059-00495622-00496338 who was working with the sediba fossils and they think there might be some bit of, you X_eD7l1do-y-01060-00496338-00496526 know, actual material -- X_eD7l1do-y-01061-00496526-00496693 Svante Pääbo: Soft tissue -- X_eD7l1do-y-01062-00496693-00496903 Female Speaker: -- yeah, soft tissue. X_eD7l1do-y-01063-00496903-00497280 Male Speaker: And that rumor is true in that it is a rumor. X_eD7l1do-y-01064-00497280-00497847 Svante Pääbo: I mean, I would still think, so how old is X_eD7l1do-y-01065-00497847-00497947 sediba? X_eD7l1do-y-01066-00497947-00498047 Male Speaker: 1.9 million years. X_eD7l1do-y-01067-00498047-00498405 Svante Pääbo: I would be very skeptical. X_eD7l1do-y-01068-00498405-00499065 I don't think it would be justified to sort of sacrifice any of it to try to get DNA. X_eD7l1do-y-01069-00499065-00499855 But animal remains from similar place, [unintelligible] attempt but I would almost think it was a X_eD7l1do-y-01070-00499855-00500285 waste of your time to do that today. X_eD7l1do-y-01071-00500285-00500803 Male Speaker: So we know the Neanderthals buried their dead; X_eD7l1do-y-01072-00500803-00501584 we know that they created musical instruments; we know that they painted; do you have sense X_eD7l1do-y-01073-00501584-00502726 of that portion of the non-African population, what the DNA, the genomes contributed to modern X_eD7l1do-y-01074-00502726-00502826 people? X_eD7l1do-y-01075-00502826-00503109 So, blonde hair? X_eD7l1do-y-01076-00503109-00503302 Blue eyes? X_eD7l1do-y-01077-00503302-00503494 Musical ability? X_eD7l1do-y-01078-00503494-00503879 Svante Pääbo: No, actually. X_eD7l1do-y-01079-00503879-00504305 All we know almost is just what I presented there, unfortunately. X_eD7l1do-y-01080-00504305-00504646 I think there will be a lot more knowledge in the future. X_eD7l1do-y-01081-00504646-00505330 I know that there are studies underway, for example, where [unintelligible] look at cranial X_eD7l1do-y-01082-00505330-00506192 forms, [unintelligible] what Neanderthals looked like from FMRI studies, medical studies. X_eD7l1do-y-01083-00506192-00506859 We also have genome sequence from individuals to look at and now look at what Neanderthal X_eD7l1do-y-01084-00506859-00507353 proportion part of the genome that people have and does it correlate with the features X_eD7l1do-y-01085-00507353-00507482 in the cranial [unintelligible]. X_eD7l1do-y-01086-00507482-00508139 So I think there will be some things like that that will be known in just the next few X_eD7l1do-y-01087-00508139-00508239 years. X_eD7l1do-y-01088-00508239-00508538 But there has been a claim that red hair came from Neanderthals. X_eD7l1do-y-01089-00508538-00509418 There's even a, sort of study, so, but those mutations in the Neanderthal genomes we have, X_eD7l1do-y-01090-00509418-00509932 we don't see the mutations that now give red hair in Europeans, so far. X_eD7l1do-y-01091-00509932-00510230 Male Speaker: So it's a kind of a parallel evolution of X_eD7l1do-y-01092-00510230-00510404 red hair, is what you're suggesting? X_eD7l1do-y-01093-00510404-00510528 Svante Pääbo: A parallel? X_eD7l1do-y-01094-00510528-00510807 I mean, we don't know if Neanderthals had red hair. X_eD7l1do-y-01095-00510807-00511128 Male Speaker: Ah, right, okay. X_eD7l1do-y-01096-00511128-00511228 Please. X_eD7l1do-y-01097-00511228-00511592 Female Speaker: Hi, my question may be a little bit similar. X_eD7l1do-y-01098-00511592-00512018 I'm actually a cultural anthropologist so I'm a little of my realm here. X_eD7l1do-y-01099-00512018-00512836 But, is there any potential benefit to having either Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA. X_eD7l1do-y-01100-00512836-00514173 And, for example, if I'm looking for a husband, should I seek out or avoid men with Neanderthal X_eD7l1do-y-01101-00514173-00514382 or Denisovan? X_eD7l1do-y-01102-00514382-00514938 [laughs] It's more about, is there any potential benefit? X_eD7l1do-y-01103-00514938-00515658 Is there any something different about people who have the Neanderthal? X_eD7l1do-y-01104-00515658-00516043 Svante Pääbo: No, everyone we've looked at outside of Africa X_eD7l1do-y-01105-00516043-00516484 have Neanderthal contribution, but we have different pieces, each of us, right. X_eD7l1do-y-01106-00516484-00517063 So you can actually walk around people in this room and parcel together the Neanderthal X_eD7l1do-y-01107-00517063-00517447 genome by jumping from person to person, so to say. X_eD7l1do-y-01108-00517447-00517939 And you can get something like 35 percent of the Neanderthal genome that way. X_eD7l1do-y-01109-00517939-00518651 But, yes, we're just at the beginning of associating any of the variants with anything in how we X_eD7l1do-y-01110-00518651-00519146 look, or behave, or things you might look for in your husband. X_eD7l1do-y-01111-00519146-00519246 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-01112-00519246-00519761 Male Speaker: That may not have been a question a scientist X_eD7l1do-y-01113-00519761-00520039 would ask, but it certainly is a very human question. X_eD7l1do-y-01114-00520039-00520139 Please. X_eD7l1do-y-01115-00520139-00520525 Male Speaker: My understanding is you worked primarily with X_eD7l1do-y-01116-00520525-00520625 mitochondrial DNA? X_eD7l1do-y-01117-00520625-00520826 Svante Pääbo: Not anymore. X_eD7l1do-y-01118-00520826-00521470 Whenever we can, we really try to look at the nuclear genome because it gives us so X_eD7l1do-y-01119-00521470-00521580 much more information. X_eD7l1do-y-01120-00521580-00522355 Male Speaker: I wonder is it possible to use the male chromosome? X_eD7l1do-y-01121-00522355-00522755 Is that accessible, I mean, is it preserved enough to use? X_eD7l1do-y-01122-00522755-00523282 Svante Pääbo: So, by funny quirk of nature, these are females X_eD7l1do-y-01123-00523282-00523978 in the Denisovan high-coverage genome and Neanderthal high-coverage genome, but when X_eD7l1do-y-01124-00523978-00524540 we find a male and we have one in Spain now, one will be able to study the Y chromosome. X_eD7l1do-y-01125-00524540-00525165 At least those parts of them that are single copy, the large part of them that are repeated X_eD7l1do-y-01126-00525165-00525267 we'll have problems with. X_eD7l1do-y-01127-00525267-00525396 Male Speaker: Thank you. X_eD7l1do-y-01128-00525396-00525636 Male Speaker: We'll take two more questions. X_eD7l1do-y-01129-00525636-00525736 Eric Green has a question. X_eD7l1do-y-01130-00525736-00525956 Eric Green: So I'm going to actually ask a question of X_eD7l1do-y-01131-00525956-00526294 the moderator because I actually have something that I think you might be able to answer to X_eD7l1do-y-01132-00526294-00526505 shed some light on. X_eD7l1do-y-01133-00526505-00527015 Everything Svante talked about has been made possible because of remarkable technological X_eD7l1do-y-01134-00527015-00527700 breakthroughs in DNA sequencing to allow exquisite sensitivity to be able to reconstruct genomic X_eD7l1do-y-01135-00527700-00528042 information from highly degraded bits of DNA. X_eD7l1do-y-01136-00528042-00528448 But, he'd be the first to admit, you even heard in some of his answers, that what limits X_eD7l1do-y-01137-00528448-00528926 him now, will be some technical advances and computational methods will get better, but X_eD7l1do-y-01138-00528926-00529365 really what limits him from doing some things that even come up in the questions and answers X_eD7l1do-y-01139-00529365-00529520 of "wouldn't it be great if?" X_eD7l1do-y-01140-00529520-00529865 are better specimens and better preserved materials. X_eD7l1do-y-01141-00529865-00530740 And one can't help wonder if somewhere in this earth are better preserved samples where X_eD7l1do-y-01142-00530740-00531296 the DNA is more intact and we can get much more accurate and complete genomic information X_eD7l1do-y-01143-00531296-00531396 from those specimens. X_eD7l1do-y-01144-00531396-00531559 But, we can't find it. X_eD7l1do-y-01145-00531559-00532056 So just as we've seen genomic technologies advance this field significantly, are there X_eD7l1do-y-01146-00532056-00532652 new technologies on the horizon for finding better specimens that can then be analyzed? X_eD7l1do-y-01147-00532652-00532838 Male Speaker: Yeah, that's a good question. X_eD7l1do-y-01148-00532838-00533711 Well, if you look at the comparison of the extent of genomic coverage of the Denisovan X_eD7l1do-y-01149-00533711-00534506 DNA compared with others from Vindija Cave, caves are a good place to look. X_eD7l1do-y-01150-00534506-00535109 Caves in colder environments, so far, have been very good to look. X_eD7l1do-y-01151-00535109-00535904 I know that in our excavations right near the equator in Kenya that there have been X_eD7l1do-y-01152-00535904-00536803 times when I have been excavating, for example, the fossil elephant butchery site that's featured X_eD7l1do-y-01153-00536803-00537467 in one of the snapshots through time in our exhibit on human origins, whereas while we X_eD7l1do-y-01154-00537467-00538294 were digging we were actually seeing oxidation of plant roots, of ancient plant roots right X_eD7l1do-y-01155-00538294-00538523 before our eyes as we were digging. X_eD7l1do-y-01156-00538523-00539673 At that point, we changed over to excavating with gloves, sterile gloves and implements X_eD7l1do-y-01157-00539673-00540213 that we have not excavated with before or handled in order to try to see is there something X_eD7l1do-y-01158-00540213-00540476 from the stone tools that we could recover. X_eD7l1do-y-01159-00540476-00541061 And we were able to actually see amino acids related to keratin in hair on them. X_eD7l1do-y-01160-00541061-00541671 So that's an example of something where if you, and this has gone on in one of the Spanish X_eD7l1do-y-01161-00541671-00542134 sites where you've worked on the Neanderthals, El Sidrón, is that the name of it? X_eD7l1do-y-01162-00542134-00542242 Svante Pääbo: Yes. X_eD7l1do-y-01163-00542242-00542546 Male Speaker: Where people went in there, the excavators X_eD7l1do-y-01164-00542546-00543103 went in there with gloves in sterile conditions in order to recover these things. X_eD7l1do-y-01165-00543103-00543415 I would say that the best place to look would be caves. X_eD7l1do-y-01166-00543415-00544201 And the question is whether there are caves that have been sealed enough in areas that X_eD7l1do-y-01167-00544201-00544994 are closer to the equator, places in Africa for example, where one might try to look, X_eD7l1do-y-01168-00544994-00545511 but I think it's, you're work has shown, that it's a little bit like looking for a needle X_eD7l1do-y-01169-00545511-00545611 in a haystack. X_eD7l1do-y-01170-00545611-00545775 Eric Green: Are there better imaging technologies that X_eD7l1do-y-01171-00545775-00546242 are becoming available that can allow you to find the sites to then try to dig -- X_eD7l1do-y-01172-00546242-00546567 Male Speaker: Yeah, I mean, satellite technology has been X_eD7l1do-y-01173-00546567-00547263 great to be able to see exposed sediments; exposures of sediments; places where the vegetation X_eD7l1do-y-01174-00547263-00547810 coverage is such that you can actually go and you can see eroded hills and gullies to X_eD7l1do-y-01175-00547810-00547936 recover things. X_eD7l1do-y-01176-00547936-00548594 But, even there, when you get to outcrops where you can dig, where nature does the first X_eD7l1do-y-01177-00548594-00549423 excavation, and you go in and you help nature along by excavating a bit, we find the degradation X_eD7l1do-y-01178-00549423-00550211 of pollen; we find the degradation of organic materials; and so one of the questions that X_eD7l1do-y-01179-00550211-00550736 could be really, you know, that would get around that is if you could drill down like X_eD7l1do-y-01180-00550736-00551353 we've drilled a core for environmental purposes out of the east African rift valley. X_eD7l1do-y-01181-00551353-00552211 But, the chances of hitting hominid bone in a drill core that's four centimeters in diameter X_eD7l1do-y-01182-00552211-00552930 going down are quite remote, so there's going to have to be some continued luck on the paleo-anthropological X_eD7l1do-y-01183-00552930-00553350 side and where possible, the use of sterile techniques. X_eD7l1do-y-01184-00553350-00553482 Yes, last question. X_eD7l1do-y-01185-00553482-00553790 Male Speaker: Thank you very much for an excellent presentation X_eD7l1do-y-01186-00553790-00554223 and also for an excellent book that you wrote that talked about the decades of effort it X_eD7l1do-y-01187-00554223-00554948 took to develop these techniques, especially dealing with such small fragments of DNA and X_eD7l1do-y-01188-00554948-00555336 the extensive amount of contamination. X_eD7l1do-y-01189-00555336-00556023 Early in your book you talk about the examination of Ӧtzi, the Paleolithic man that was found X_eD7l1do-y-01190-00556023-00556519 in Europe, but you don't follow-up with what we've learned later. X_eD7l1do-y-01191-00556519-00556973 And, I assume we've learned a great deal. X_eD7l1do-y-01192-00556973-00557482 One of the interesting questions perhaps you could shed some light on is, to what extent X_eD7l1do-y-01193-00557482-00557838 is Ӧtzi different from us? X_eD7l1do-y-01194-00557838-00558305 He's clearly not a Neanderthal, he's much closer to us, but is there a field of study X_eD7l1do-y-01195-00558305-00559032 of worth in looking at human beings using the techniques you've developed since the X_eD7l1do-y-01196-00559032-00559594 last breaks 3,000 plus years ago now that you've got these techniques to the point where X_eD7l1do-y-01197-00559594-00560691 they can look so specifically at individual genes and get pretty good DNA registers and X_eD7l1do-y-01198-00560691-00561073 apply them perhaps on things in the last five to seven thousand years. X_eD7l1do-y-01199-00561073-00561436 Svante Pääbo: Yes, I think that's a sort of area that's X_eD7l1do-y-01200-00561436-00561577 expanding very drastically. X_eD7l1do-y-01201-00561577-00562238 There are many laboratories now that study sort of Neolithic, Paleolithic, the transition X_eD7l1do-y-01202-00562238-00562532 to agriculture in Europe. X_eD7l1do-y-01203-00562532-00563075 So I think that will be extremely illuminating and [unintelligible] first insights are coming X_eD7l1do-y-01204-00563075-00563636 suggesting there's quite an influx of populations that came with agriculture. X_eD7l1do-y-01205-00563636-00564069 But, in northern Europe, there's also big contribution from earlier hunter/gatherers X_eD7l1do-y-01206-00564069-00564263 to present day populations. X_eD7l1do-y-01207-00564263-00564823 So I think there will be a lot of things in that timeframe that will come. X_eD7l1do-y-01208-00564823-00565580 That is obviously very, very close to us today compared to Neanderthals, particularly. X_eD7l1do-y-01209-00565580-00566040 Had we sequenced this [unintelligible] person today, we would not have reacted and said X_eD7l1do-y-01210-00566040-00566301 this couldn't be a person on the street today. X_eD7l1do-y-01211-00566301-00566757 Male Speaker: In addition to the fossil Neanderthal from X_eD7l1do-y-01212-00566757-00567392 Shanidar Cave that we have on display, we do have, here in the department of anthropology X_eD7l1do-y-01213-00567392-00568051 in this museum, one other fossil hominid from a site in Afghanistan. X_eD7l1do-y-01214-00568051-00568573 And, I'm glad to say Svante's going to, I think, go away with it in his luggage in a X_eD7l1do-y-01215-00568573-00568673 couple of days. X_eD7l1do-y-01216-00568673-00568773 Svante Pääbo: You'll get most of it back. X_eD7l1do-y-01217-00568773-00568886 You'll get most of it back. X_eD7l1do-y-01218-00568886-00569125 Male Speaker: We don't know how old it is. X_eD7l1do-y-01219-00569125-00570055 It comes from a site called Dari Ekor and there's a plan to date the specimen and have X_eD7l1do-y-01220-00570055-00570927 to Svante's group sample the bit of cranial bone and see what it means for, not only our X_eD7l1do-y-01221-00570927-00571255 collections, but for the study of human evolution. X_eD7l1do-y-01222-00571255-00571573 As a follow-up to that, I just have a question. X_eD7l1do-y-01223-00571573-00571965 How many fossil human specimens do you have in your lab right now that you're working X_eD7l1do-y-01224-00571965-00572107 on? X_eD7l1do-y-01225-00572107-00572955 Svante Pääbo: We have milligrams of bone material from hundreds X_eD7l1do-y-01226-00572955-00573192 of specimens that we have had. X_eD7l1do-y-01227-00573192-00573671 But many sites are of course many, many bones for example. X_eD7l1do-y-01228-00573671-00573984 Male Speaker: Where can one get your book? X_eD7l1do-y-01229-00573984-00574177 Svante Pääbo: In a bookstore. X_eD7l1do-y-01230-00574177-00574277 [laughter] X_eD7l1do-y-01231-00574277-00574378 Svante Pääbo: Amazon. X_eD7l1do-y-01232-00574378-00574852 Male Speaker: And there is a bookstore in this museum and X_eD7l1do-y-01233-00574852-00575038 of course all around. X_eD7l1do-y-01234-00575038-00575342 Are you doing a signing by any chance, while you're here? X_eD7l1do-y-01235-00575342-00575442 Svante Pääbo: Not that I know of. X_eD7l1do-y-01236-00575442-00575542 Male Speaker: Not that you know of. X_eD7l1do-y-01237-00575542-00575642 Okay. X_eD7l1do-y-01238-00575642-00576035 So in any case, well, I hope that we have it in our bookstore. X_eD7l1do-y-01239-00576035-00576157 Does anyone know whether... X_eD7l1do-y-01240-00576157-00576257 Audience: Yes. X_eD7l1do-y-01241-00576257-00576434 Male Speaker: We do, okay, good, good, excellent. X_eD7l1do-y-01242-00576434-00576586 That's a thumbs-up on that. X_eD7l1do-y-01243-00576586-00577312 So, well, in any case, I can say it, Svante can't, go buy his book. X_eD7l1do-y-01244-00577312-00577896 I want to thank you all for coming out on a snowy evening and contributing to a great X_eD7l1do-y-01245-00577896-00577998 evening here together. X_eD7l1do-y-01246-00577998-00578238 And a tremendous thanks to Dr. Svante Pääbo. X_eD7l1do-y-01247-00578238-00578338 [applause] X_eD7l1do-y-01248-00578338-00578339 [end of transcript] X_GTGu4Yzg4-00000-00000200-00000400 Please stay positive & we can overcome together from this Covid situation XCnpl3Ez2h4-00000-00000602-00000871 What does being rich mean to you? XCnpl3Ez2h4-00001-00000871-00001429 For most people, being rich means being a Bill Gates, a Warren Buffet or an owner of XCnpl3Ez2h4-00002-00001429-00001610 the fastest cars in town. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00003-00001610-00002169 Unfortunately, that's the wrong way to define wealth and (as I'll prove in this video) thinking XCnpl3Ez2h4-00004-00002169-00002705 that you need 50 million dollars, the Rolex watch or the Ferrari to become rich is one XCnpl3Ez2h4-00005-00002705-00003041 of the reasons why most people never become rich. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00006-00003041-00003511 If you're new here, consider subscribing so that you won't miss other interesting videos XCnpl3Ez2h4-00007-00003511-00003630 like this. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00008-00003630-00003940 What you need When I was setting out as an entrepreneur, XCnpl3Ez2h4-00009-00003940-00004444 as I've said many times on this platform, my biggest motivation is freedom. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00010-00004444-00004785 I wanted to have control over my time and my life. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00011-00004785-00005239 I wanted to be able to wake up at the time I want and sleep at the time I want. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00012-00005239-00005339 No! XCnpl3Ez2h4-00013-00005339-00005460 I don't want to be lazy. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00014-00005460-00005876 I only want to be able to work at whatever time I think is right for me. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00015-00005876-00006425 I wanted to be able to spend good time with my family and, you get it, just live the way XCnpl3Ez2h4-00016-00006425-00006525 I wanted. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00017-00006525-00006856 Yes, I knew I was going to need money, probably a lot of it. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00018-00006856-00007424 But I was never carried away by the fast cars, the mansion or the biggest phones because XCnpl3Ez2h4-00019-00007424-00007665 I know that I don't need them. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00020-00007665-00008077 The problem with setting goals for what you don't need is that you will never have the XCnpl3Ez2h4-00021-00008077-00008550 right motivation to pay the price for such goals and I'll explain this. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00022-00008550-00009070 You see; deep within you, you know that you don't need the $100,000 Rolex watch. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00023-00009070-00009442 Deep within you, you know that the reason why you want to buy the most expensive cars XCnpl3Ez2h4-00024-00009442-00009706 in your country is to impress other people. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00025-00009706-00010142 Though you can tell other people that you need these things, you can't tell yourself XCnpl3Ez2h4-00026-00010142-00010589 that and because your real self knows the truth, pursuing such dreams when the road XCnpl3Ez2h4-00027-00010589-00010849 is difficult is near impossible. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00028-00010849-00011152 Now let's talk about what you need. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00029-00011152-00011477 In my case, I love freedom and I'm sure I needed it. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00030-00011477-00011952 It's because I needed the freedom that I wanted to build my own business, so that I'll be XCnpl3Ez2h4-00031-00011952-00012111 in control of my life. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00032-00012111-00012592 I desired to make money, not because of the Ferraris but because I wanted to be able to XCnpl3Ez2h4-00033-00012592-00013125 afford everything my family needs without having to sacrifice my life or freedom. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00034-00013125-00013588 Because I truly needed what I set the goal to pursue, when I failed in the business world, XCnpl3Ez2h4-00035-00013588-00014094 I had the strength to start all over again because I knew that what I was pursuing is XCnpl3Ez2h4-00036-00014094-00014252 like life to me. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00037-00014252-00014455 So, what is my point here? XCnpl3Ez2h4-00038-00014455-00014972 Well, if you're just starting as an entrepreneur, don't let your goals be dominated by your XCnpl3Ez2h4-00039-00014972-00015497 wants because wants are not motivating enough to keep you making the sacrifices needed to XCnpl3Ez2h4-00040-00015497-00015688 build a successful company. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00041-00015688-00016177 If you're broke as you watch this video, don't set a goal to become the next Bill Gates because XCnpl3Ez2h4-00042-00016177-00016507 such goals will not motivate you for a long time. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00043-00016507-00017030 Instead, sit down and imagine the things you truly need which being broke is denying you XCnpl3Ez2h4-00044-00017030-00017130 of. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00045-00017130-00017390 Think about the kind of life you want for your children. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00046-00017390-00017787 Think about the kind of freedom you'll have if you can pay off all your debt. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00047-00017787-00018366 Think about what it means to work at whatever times you like, not at the time a boss want. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00048-00018366-00018855 Think about the real things you need and set goals around such and you'll be motivated XCnpl3Ez2h4-00049-00018855-00019010 for a long time. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00050-00019010-00019459 Big dreams kill Think about a man who is grossly overweight. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00051-00019459-00019679 Let's say he's 300 pounds. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00052-00019679-00020230 And one day, this man sees a 70 pounds guy and tell himself, "I'm going to become 70 XCnpl3Ez2h4-00053-00020230-00020385 ponds next year." XCnpl3Ez2h4-00054-00020385-00020909 Why this seems like a good goal, such a goal only inspires you for a week. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00055-00020909-00021447 Instead, the 300 pounds man should see how he could lose 50 pounds in the next one year XCnpl3Ez2h4-00056-00021447-00021972 and maybe he could lose 100 pounds the following year and maybe he could consistently lose XCnpl3Ez2h4-00057-00021972-00022178 weight for the next few years. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00058-00022178-00022384 The same things happen with money. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00059-00022384-00022834 Consistence, not miracle is what wins the game of money and it all starts by you telling XCnpl3Ez2h4-00060-00022834-00023268 yourself the truth and the truth is; you don't need a billion dollars and you shouldn't set XCnpl3Ez2h4-00061-00023268-00023565 a goal for a billion dollars, except you're already a millionaire. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00062-00023565-00023772 I hope you get my point here. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00063-00023772-00024247 The Rolex watch, Ferrari and big mansions are not bad things but they are not the definition XCnpl3Ez2h4-00064-00024247-00024347 of wealth. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00065-00024347-00024781 Why you can have them when the times comes for you to have them, don't pursue money because XCnpl3Ez2h4-00066-00024781-00025255 of them or else you will never become truly rich. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00067-00025255-00025502 The fake rich Look at Instagram. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00068-00025502-00025618 Look at Facebook. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00069-00025618-00025768 Look at your neighborhood. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00070-00025768-00026245 Everywhere is filled with people who are trying so hard to look rich, even though they are XCnpl3Ez2h4-00071-00026245-00026345 poor. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00072-00026345-00026662 This is because our society has the wrong definition of wealth. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00073-00026662-00027152 People try hard to look rich because they have set the wrong financial goals for themselves. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00074-00027152-00027603 Take for instance, when I started making some real money as an entrepreneur, the question XCnpl3Ez2h4-00075-00027603-00028268 I started asking myself is, "Who else can I employ?", not, "Which phone or cars can XCnpl3Ez2h4-00076-00028268-00028395 I buy next?" XCnpl3Ez2h4-00077-00028395-00028821 The reason why I don't run after the shiny object is that my goal is not the Ferrari XCnpl3Ez2h4-00078-00028821-00028944 but freedom. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00079-00028944-00029391 People who believe the wrong things about money do set wrong goals about money and do XCnpl3Ez2h4-00080-00029391-00029752 wrong things with their money and that's my point in this video. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00081-00029752-00030174 If you believe wrong things about money, you'll set the wrong goals about money and you'll XCnpl3Ez2h4-00082-00030174-00030616 do the wrong things with your money and, yes, you'll become poor. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00083-00030616-00030930 Don't set a goal to lose 200 pounds in the next year. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00084-00030930-00031180 Set a goal to lose 20 pounds first. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00085-00031180-00031434 Don't set a goal to buy Lamborghini. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00086-00031434-00032020 First set a goal to be free from money worries, first set a goal to have a debt-free life. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00087-00032020-00032308 Don't set a goal to buy a $200,000 watch. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00088-00032308-00032912 Set goals to have the time needed to live, enjoy and relax with your loved ones. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00089-00032912-00033296 Don't define wealth as billions of dollars because it's not. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00090-00033296-00033727 Wealth is freedom and that should be your primary goal because that's what can motivate XCnpl3Ez2h4-00091-00033727-00034143 you to do the difficult things you have to do to defeat poverty. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00092-00034143-00034488 Thank you very much for watching our videos. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00093-00034488-00035559 We'll like to give you another interesting video for you to enjoy next but before then, XCnpl3Ez2h4-00094-00035559-00036640 our team will be very happy if you can like this video and share it with your friends XCnpl3Ez2h4-00095-00036640-00036869 on social media. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00096-00036869-00037672 If you're new here, don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss other interesting videos XCnpl3Ez2h4-00097-00037672-00037774 like this. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00098-00037774-00038403 Look at your screen now to see two other videos we handpicked for you to enjoy next. XCnpl3Ez2h4-00099-00038403-00038438 We love you. XCxcgaP9p_y-00000-00000500-00001400 Welcome to "Reflecting on Results," part of the Research and Assessment Cycle Toolkit offered by the Association of Research Libraries, and made possible by a grant from the US XCxcgaP9p_y-00001-00001400-00002700 Institute of Museum and Library Services. This presentation is part of a module that focuses on reflecting, communicating, and acting on the results of library assessment projects. XCxcgaP9p_y-00002-00002700-00003300 It describes practices for reflecting on and making meaning from project results. XCxcgaP9p_y-00003-00003300-00003800 We hope the content is useful to library practitioners seeking to conduct assessment projects. XCxcgaP9p_y-00004-00003800-00004200 At the close of the presentation you will find a link to a feedback form. XCxcgaP9p_y-00005-00004200-00005600 Please let us know what elements were useful to you. Once an assessment method has been undertaken and the resulting data and evidence has been collected, organized, and analyzed. XCxcgaP9p_y-00006-00005600-00005900 The next step is to reflect on the results of the process. XCxcgaP9p_y-00007-00005900-00006800 Thus far, reflection should begin with initial quality checks both on the results themselves and on the treatments that delivered the results. XCxcgaP9p_y-00008-00006800-00007700 An initial quality check library assessment. Practitioners should examine the results. Thoroughly do the results appear reasonable. XCxcgaP9p_y-00009-00007700-00008100 The are there gaps in the results or flaws that are revealed? XCxcgaP9p_y-00010-00008100-00008500 Does anything indicate that mistakes have been made in the overall design of the project. XCxcgaP9p_y-00011-00008500-00009300 Application of the method, selected analysis, techniques or visualization strategies. XCxcgaP9p_y-00012-00009300-00009800 Stepping back from the results and viewing them afresh from the perspective of the initial assessment. XCxcgaP9p_y-00013-00009800-00010300 Intent is warranted before going further with the initial results. XCxcgaP9p_y-00014-00010300-00011700 One way to conduct an initial quality check is to examine the results, to determine whether they align with the initial research question, user story or hypothesis that framed the assessment project do the variables categories XCxcgaP9p_y-00015-00011700-00012500 and groupings, and the results reflect the actual study design. Do they appear to be sufficiently valid and reliable? XCxcgaP9p_y-00016-00012500-00013400 This is a good time to articulate why the study design was used, and how decisions made with regard to the city design may impact the results. XCxcgaP9p_y-00017-00013400-00014500 This is also the stage at which library assessment practitioners will want to reflect upon the ways in which data analysis was conducted and determined whether the right decisions were made. XCxcgaP9p_y-00018-00014500-00015800 If a library assessment practitioner finds a gap in logic or reason, in selecting treatments for creating visualizations of, or making inferences about the data that might indicate the presence of flaws and the XCxcgaP9p_y-00019-00015800-00016400 results, and it is certainly a reason to pause and reflect on the decisions made up to this point. XCxcgaP9p_y-00020-00016400-00016900 It also makes sense at this stage to consult with expert sources and personnel. XCxcgaP9p_y-00021-00016900-00018400 If the intricacies of some part of the process to acquire results is beyond the assessment practitioners scope of knowledge. once the results have been quality checked, it's time to take a first pass in making meaning from the XCxcgaP9p_y-00022-00018400-00019900 results. typically that will entail an examination seeking to find stories present in the data, so to speak, as well as reflection upon what stories might be missing from the data as initial interpretations of the results are made it's important to pay XCxcgaP9p_y-00023-00019900-00021600 special attention to documenting the limitations of the data. These limitations should be clearly stated in all reporting of results to head off misinterpretations and misconceptions that may lead to poor decision making later on at the XCxcgaP9p_y-00024-00021600-00022200 point at which initial consideration of results begins to solidify into conclusions derived from a project. XCxcgaP9p_y-00025-00022200-00022600 Another set of guiding questions can be used to reflect on results. XCxcgaP9p_y-00026-00022600-00023700 For example, do the tenitive conclusions actually answer the questions or respond to the problems or issues that were the focus of the assessment project from the start? XCxcgaP9p_y-00027-00023700-00024200 Do the conclusions you've drafted clearly connect to the results Are those connections made plain? XCxcgaP9p_y-00028-00024200-00025300 Sometimes gaps emerge between what the results actually say and the conclusions that are made, or opinion sneak in masquerading as conclusions. XCxcgaP9p_y-00029-00025300-00026000 Such flaws, and interpretation or reasoning need to be addressed and corrected immediately. XCxcgaP9p_y-00030-00026000-00026500 Are you sure that all your conclusions and recommendations are clearly linked to results? XCxcgaP9p_y-00031-00026500-00027000 Are any conclusions generalizable are the results that are not generalizable? XCxcgaP9p_y-00032-00027000-00027900 Clearly marked as such. Finally, a check for common mistakes at this stage is also advised. XCxcgaP9p_y-00033-00027900-00028600 Examine results, conclusions, and any recommendations for broad, sweeping statements unsupported by the evidence. XCxcgaP9p_y-00034-00028600-00030400 Vague statements that lack precision we call organization, arrangement, or description, or gaps in the flow from question to design of results, to application, thorough reflection and examination of results at this stage is essential to head off XCxcgaP9p_y-00035-00030400-00031300 the possibility of communicating faulty results and enacting decisions that are not truly supported by assessment evidence. XCxcgaP9p_y-00036-00031300-00032900 Thank you for viewing this presentation on reflecting, communicating, and acting on the results of library assessment projects. Please use the link provided to complete a feedback form and the usefulness of this information, for your purposes. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00000-00000706-00000901 We all know basically what language is. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00001-00000901-00001226 It’s that thing you do when you know something, and someone else doesn’t know something, XDdrN9j-Ts4-00002-00001226-00001437 so you flap your tongue and suddenly they know the thing! XDdrN9j-Ts4-00003-00001437-00001725 Or, in the case of sign language you wave your arms around, or for written language XDdrN9j-Ts4-00004-00001725-00002155 you draw lines on things, and I guess there’s also, like morse code and stuff, ok, back XDdrN9j-Ts4-00005-00002155-00002273 up, lets try this again. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00006-00002273-00002685 A language is a system of communication, a set of norms for turning ideas and information XDdrN9j-Ts4-00007-00002685-00002949 into symbols, and different languages are different such systems. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00008-00002949-00003340 Ok, but, people in England call elevators “lifts,” so that means they have a different XDdrN9j-Ts4-00009-00003340-00003692 system for turning information into symbols, so, do they speak a different language? XDdrN9j-Ts4-00010-00003692-00003811 Well, no, of course not. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00011-00003811-00004118 The brits might have a few different words for a few different things, but for the most XDdrN9j-Ts4-00012-00004118-00004413 part they call stuff by the same words we do, and, also for the most part, have the XDdrN9j-Ts4-00013-00004413-00004513 same grammar we do. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00014-00004513-00004901 OK, but, it’s not just those words, they pronounce basically all of their words differently XDdrN9j-Ts4-00015-00004901-00005001 than we do. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00016-00005001-00005318 Saying “be.uh” instead of “better,” “bath” instead of “bath,” the list XDdrN9j-Ts4-00017-00005318-00005418 goes on. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00018-00005418-00005701 Yeah, but that’s just minor differences in pronunciation, you still know what British XDdrN9j-Ts4-00019-00005701-00005920 people mean when they say “bath” instead of “bath.” XDdrN9j-Ts4-00020-00005920-00006224 That means we’re not dealing with different languages, just, different accents. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00021-00006224-00006324 Right? XDdrN9j-Ts4-00022-00006324-00006690 And here we get to the rule linguists actually use distinguish between languages: mutual XDdrN9j-Ts4-00023-00006690-00006806 intelligibility. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00024-00006806-00007142 If two people can’t talk to each other and understand each other, then there is no mutual XDdrN9j-Ts4-00025-00007142-00007363 intelligibility and they’re speaking different languages. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00026-00007363-00007784 If, on the other hand, they can communicate with each other, then there is mutual intelligibility XDdrN9j-Ts4-00027-00007784-00007928 and they’re speaking the same language. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00028-00007928-00008253 It’s worth noting, though, linguists don’t really like using the term “accent” in XDdrN9j-Ts4-00029-00008253-00008610 this context, if two people speak differently but can still understand each other, than XDdrN9j-Ts4-00030-00008610-00008889 they pretty much always say that they speak two different “dialects.” XDdrN9j-Ts4-00031-00008889-00009242 This is because the term “accent” carries this connotation of “wrong” or “weird” XDdrN9j-Ts4-00032-00009242-00009614 or at the very least “non-standard,” which is the sort of cultural value judgement we XDdrN9j-Ts4-00033-00009614-00009794 should probably be trying to avoid. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00034-00009794-00009961 So, that pretty much covers it. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00035-00009961-00010121 Languages are defined by mutual intelligibility. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00036-00010121-00010733 Come back for my next video . . . Ok, it’s more complicated than that, for XDdrN9j-Ts4-00037-00010733-00010847 a lot of reasons. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00038-00010847-00011170 Lets start with one of the most notable cases of confusion: the Chinese languages, where XDdrN9j-Ts4-00039-00011170-00011496 you have a whole bunch of different dialects of Chinese that are so different the speakers XDdrN9j-Ts4-00040-00011496-00011663 usually can’t understand each other. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00041-00011663-00011927 This should mean that they’re different languages, and most of the time that’s how XDdrN9j-Ts4-00042-00011927-00012296 we talk about them, these days people talk about Mandarin Chinese, versus, Cantonese XDdrN9j-Ts4-00043-00012296-00012629 versus Hakka versus Wu, et cetera, all as different languages. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00044-00012629-00012987 And yet, all of these people still use the same Chinese characters to write with, and XDdrN9j-Ts4-00045-00012987-00013187 can therefor communicate with writing just fine. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00046-00013187-00013566 So, we find our selves in the awkward position of saying that they speak different languages, XDdrN9j-Ts4-00047-00013566-00013740 but write in the same language. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00048-00013740-00014068 Another good example of where this all gets much more complicated is the phenomenon of XDdrN9j-Ts4-00049-00014068-00014225 dialect continuums. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00050-00014225-00014508 Say person A and person B can speak with mutual intelligibility. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00051-00014508-00014805 Their speech is a little different, just like between the US and Britain, but for the most XDdrN9j-Ts4-00052-00014805-00014956 part they can still understand each other. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00053-00014956-00015341 Likewise, person B can understand person C, and person C can understand person D. But XDdrN9j-Ts4-00054-00015341-00015651 try to get person A and person D to talk to each other, and they have no idea what the XDdrN9j-Ts4-00055-00015651-00015756 other one is saying. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00056-00015756-00016047 Each dialect these people speak is just a little bit different from the ones on either XDdrN9j-Ts4-00057-00016047-00016336 side, so that eventually you’ve completely lost mutual intelligibility. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00058-00016336-00016810 By our earlier rule, person A and B speak the same language, as do B and C and C and XDdrN9j-Ts4-00059-00016810-00017189 D, and yet, at the same time, person A and D speak different languages. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00060-00017189-00017558 Unfortunately for linguistics, this kind of thing happens in real life all the time, and XDdrN9j-Ts4-00061-00017558-00017890 when it does they just call the whole system a dialect continuum. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00062-00017890-00018225 It most famously happens a lot in Africa, where a lot of the time each town will be XDdrN9j-Ts4-00063-00018225-00018579 able to talk to the next town over with relative ease, but the further away from your home XDdrN9j-Ts4-00064-00018579-00018765 you go the less you can understand people. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00065-00018765-00019104 But, perhaps the biggest obstacle for the use of this rule is the fact that there is XDdrN9j-Ts4-00066-00019104-00019489 no solid line between “mutually intelligible” and “not mutually intelligible.” XDdrN9j-Ts4-00067-00019489-00019815 Even American English speakers and British English speakers will have a harder time understanding XDdrN9j-Ts4-00068-00019815-00020146 each other than they would someone from their own continent, and even people who speak languages XDdrN9j-Ts4-00069-00020146-00020487 completely unrelated to each other might still get a little bit of information out of each XDdrN9j-Ts4-00070-00020487-00020687 other if they can pick out a few loan words. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00071-00020687-00021104 In between there’s a huge, infinitely divisible spectrum of levels of intelligibility, where XDdrN9j-Ts4-00072-00021104-00021449 you have the difference between some romance languages where you can understand a lot, XDdrN9j-Ts4-00073-00021449-00021831 maybe even the majority, but never everything, or the difference between English and German, XDdrN9j-Ts4-00074-00021831-00022125 where you can’t understand most of it but every now and then you might hear something XDdrN9j-Ts4-00075-00022125-00022473 like “Dieses Buch ist gut” and get the general idea. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00076-00022473-00022840 On top of this is the fact that intelligibility isn’t always symmetrical, like how people XDdrN9j-Ts4-00077-00022840-00023150 from Denmark can understand people from Sweden way better than the reverse. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00078-00023150-00023512 A lot of things can cause this, like one language might have some sounds merged while the other XDdrN9j-Ts4-00079-00023512-00023854 has them unmerged, or one language might have more words that the two have in common and XDdrN9j-Ts4-00080-00023854-00024262 fewer of it’s own words, but usually the most important factor is when, for some historical XDdrN9j-Ts4-00081-00024262-00024639 reason or another, one country gets exposed to media from the other country way more than XDdrN9j-Ts4-00082-00024639-00024739 the other way around. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00083-00024739-00025048 In the end, one of the huge things that winds up playing a decisive role in whether people XDdrN9j-Ts4-00084-00025048-00025381 call two things different languages or just different dialects of the same language is XDdrN9j-Ts4-00085-00025381-00025481 politics. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00086-00025481-00025843 People who want to create a sense of national unity among a group of diverse people often XDdrN9j-Ts4-00087-00025843-00026180 make the case that they all speak the same language, while if you think that part of XDdrN9j-Ts4-00088-00026180-00026450 this group should be it’s own independent country you’re more likely to say that they XDdrN9j-Ts4-00089-00026450-00026558 speak different languages. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00090-00026558-00026989 Hence, people in India and Pakistan will often talk about how India uses Hindi while Pakistan XDdrN9j-Ts4-00091-00026989-00027366 uses Urdu, even though speakers of the two can easily understand each other, and official XDdrN9j-Ts4-00092-00027366-00027788 documents back from Czechoslovakia used to talk about a Czechoslovak language, while XDdrN9j-Ts4-00093-00027788-00028119 these days people usually talk about a Czech Language and a Slovak Language. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00094-00028119-00028466 I wish there were a way for me to demonstrate partial intelligibility better. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00095-00028466-00028786 All I’ve really got to work with for English speakers are the differences between American XDdrN9j-Ts4-00096-00028786-00029136 and British English, which is barely anything at all, and the difference between, like, XDdrN9j-Ts4-00097-00029136-00029299 English and German, which is enormous. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00098-00029299-00029399 Too bad there’s nothing in-between. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00099-00029399-00029608 Oh yeah, Scots! XDdrN9j-Ts4-00100-00029608-00029937 Like Modern English, Scots is descended from Old English, which was spoken about a thousand XDdrN9j-Ts4-00101-00029937-00030312 years ago in Britain, but while English slowly changed into modern British English in England, XDdrN9j-Ts4-00102-00030312-00030588 Old English diverged and evolved into Scots in Scotland. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00103-00030588-00030987 Keep in mind that Scots is a completely different thing from Scottish Gaelic, a celtic language XDdrN9j-Ts4-00104-00030987-00031362 spoken in Scotland before the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons, and it’s also different from XDdrN9j-Ts4-00105-00031362-00031744 the Scottish dialect of modern English, which is the dominant language in Scotland today XDdrN9j-Ts4-00106-00031744-00032087 and, like American English and British English is descended from Early Modern English, although XDdrN9j-Ts4-00107-00032087-00032313 it does have a fair amount of influence from Scots. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00108-00032313-00032722 Scots, I think, is an amazing example for English speakers to learn what partial intelligibility XDdrN9j-Ts4-00109-00032722-00032822 feels like. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00110-00032822-00033233 For an example, this awesome video gives a short history of Scots in Scots, and sometimes XDdrN9j-Ts4-00111-00033233-00033605 you can understand him perfectly, while other times you have no idea what he’s saying. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00112-00033605-00033909 Most of the time, though, you’ll get enough idea of what he’s talking about to figure XDdrN9j-Ts4-00113-00033909-00034138 out the meaning of the words you don’t know from context. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00114-00034138-00034543 At the same time, you get a very strong sense for how asymmetrical-intelligibility can form. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00115-00034543-00034849 All I had to do was watch through this twenty minute video and I was already picking up XDdrN9j-Ts4-00116-00034849-00035341 lots of Scots words without even trying to: leed for language, baileed for dialect, Echt XDdrN9j-Ts4-00117-00035341-00035625 for Eight, and I think “similar” is something like “Sak-lait.” XDdrN9j-Ts4-00118-00035625-00036021 It’s a really cool experience that English speakers don’t get too often, and I think XDdrN9j-Ts4-00119-00036021-00036281 it’s the best way to get your head around the fact that what does and doesn’t count XDdrN9j-Ts4-00120-00036281-00036501 as it’s own language is often way fuzzier than people usually assume. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00121-00036501-00036601 Before I go, just wanna let you know that I’m really sorry this video took so long. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00122-00036601-00036701 The audio for the last few videos was recorded over winter break, and as it turns out, getting XDdrN9j-Ts4-00123-00036701-00036801 decent audio quality when you live in a dorm in the middle of a city is a bit harder than XDdrN9j-Ts4-00124-00036801-00036901 when you have your own room in a house in the middle of nowhere. XDdrN9j-Ts4-00125-00036901-00037001 I think I know what I’m doing now, though, so things should be speeding up again, but XDdrN9j-Ts4-00126-00037001-00037001 I guess we’ll find out. XDCPEov6A3A-00000-00000776-00000953 These are so good XDCPEov6A3A-00001-00001034-00001102 I don't know how many XDCPEov6A3A-00002-00001102-00001281 I'm gonna eat on here XDCPEov6A3A-00003-00001281-00001331 I'm just gonna XDCPEov6A3A-00004-00001331-00001577 keep going XGKVYaYMQ5M-00000-00000131-00000591 So it's that time of year again when new moodle sites are starting to show up and you might XGKVYaYMQ5M-00001-00000591-00001240 want to bring your old course materials over from a previous term. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00002-00001240-00001634 So here is an example of a new moodle site. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00003-00001634-00002141 I've set up a temporary one for myself to play with and I'm going to pretend that I'm XGKVYaYMQ5M-00004-00002141-00002460 teaching Interactive Design again next term and I want to bring over all of the course XGKVYaYMQ5M-00005-00002460-00002949 materials that I created from the last time that I taught this course. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00006-00002949-00004182 So from the new site I'm going to go down to, let's see, Import, and I'm going to find XGKVYaYMQ5M-00007-00004182-00004544 the old site to import data from. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00008-00004544-00005260 So I've got a lot of courses available to myself so it's easiest just to search. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00009-00005260-00005896 Interactive Design, and there's my old course that I taught last January. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00010-00005896-00006182 So I'm going to select that and say Continue. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00011-00006182-00006518 Now I can choose what I bring over. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00012-00006518-00006811 The activities and resources, definitely. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00013-00006811-00007522 The blocks which correspond to things that run along the side, filters, calendar events, XGKVYaYMQ5M-00014-00007522-00008159 question bank, you can leave all these checked and it usually works just fine. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00015-00008159-00008699 Here I can review bit by bit everything I'm bringing over, so I'm bringing over documents XGKVYaYMQ5M-00016-00008699-00009406 I uploaded, quizzes, assignments, etc. etc. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00017-00009406-00009642 Click next. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00018-00009642-00010310 I get one more chance to review it all and say Perform Import. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00019-00010310-00011358 It usually goes pretty quickly and with any luck we should see all of my XGKVYaYMQ5M-00020-00011358-00011895 old course materials arrive in my new Temp course. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00021-00011895-00012306 So I'm going to say continue and here we are! XGKVYaYMQ5M-00022-00012306-00013036 I've got my images, I've got my headings, all the quizzes and assignments, etc. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00023-00013036-00013794 And you can see it didn't do anything with these empty blocks but I could change that XGKVYaYMQ5M-00024-00013794-00014277 in course settings to get rid of the extra ones. XGKVYaYMQ5M-00025-00014277-00015075 So that's it, if you need any help please don't hesitate to contact any of us here in XGKVYaYMQ5M-00026-00015075-00015775 Research and Instructional Support, and good luck. XHQnsBlTa4A-00015-00016218-00016456 Thanks for watching XHZtEljDYaU-00000-00000203-00000403 Oh my god! Wait Wait!!!! XHZtEljDYaU-00001-00001484-00001599 I'm Kuriko XHZtEljDYaU-00002-00001599-00001721 I'm Kyungsik XHZtEljDYaU-00003-00001721-00001831 A package has arrived at our house. XHZtEljDYaU-00004-00001831-00002086 This package came to our house last night. XHZtEljDYaU-00005-00002086-00002379 But we don't know who sent this and where it came from. XHZtEljDYaU-00006-00002379-00002642 But there's one hint. XHZtEljDYaU-00007-00002642-00002871 (Korean is written on this box.) XHZtEljDYaU-00008-00002871-00003223 This package came through our office (Tokyo) so we don't know anything about it. XHZtEljDYaU-00009-00003223-00003398 So last night XHZtEljDYaU-00010-00003676-00004060 We posted questions on Instagram story. XHZtEljDYaU-00011-00004060-00004260 But there was only a strange answer. XHZtEljDYaU-00012-00004327-00004421 It's pretty heavy. XHZtEljDYaU-00013-00004618-00004688 This is more heavy XHZtEljDYaU-00014-00004782-00005319 We really want to find you, so please leave a comment if you send us this. XHZtEljDYaU-00015-00005319-00005509 What's in this box, honey? XHZtEljDYaU-00016-00005509-00005625 Let's open XHZtEljDYaU-00017-00005649-00005839 [Start] XHZtEljDYaU-00018-00005956-00006089 [OPEN] XHZtEljDYaU-00019-00006167-00006399 -It's cool to wear gloves at times like this. XHZtEljDYaU-00020-00006399-00006507 (A princess with gloves) XHZtEljDYaU-00021-00006507-00006616 (An old man who is working.) XHZtEljDYaU-00022-00007075-00007275 First of all, there is dried laver at the top. XHZtEljDYaU-00023-00007275-00007422 WOW. DRIED LAVER XHZtEljDYaU-00024-00007422-00007500 What's the name of this? XHZtEljDYaU-00025-00007500-00007700 -KIM (=dried laver) -Kyungsik XHZtEljDYaU-00026-00007966-00008292 -This is a snack that looks like Charles. -It's not Charles. XHZtEljDYaU-00027-00008371-00008587 I've never seen this snack before. XHZtEljDYaU-00028-00009039-00009190 It's so popular XHZtEljDYaU-00029-00009190-00009583 I feels weird to receive Korean snacks like this. XHZtEljDYaU-00030-00009583-00009717 (moving) XHZtEljDYaU-00031-00009947-00010261 -It's super luxurious. -It's my favorite snack. XHZtEljDYaU-00032-00010306-00010713 - There's a second snack with a song. -Oh, that's a series! XHZtEljDYaU-00033-00010841-00010943 sweet potato snack XHZtEljDYaU-00034-00010943-00011095 (music) XHZtEljDYaU-00035-00011502-00011845 -I've never seen the chocolate flavor of this snack before! -It looks like a pie. It looks delicious. XHZtEljDYaU-00036-00011845-00011986 (This has two.) XHZtEljDYaU-00037-00011986-00012277 -This is two. So we won't fight. -But we'll fight. XHZtEljDYaU-00038-00012722-00012847 This is a snack in Japan, too XHZtEljDYaU-00039-00013452-00013562 Jelly! XHZtEljDYaU-00040-00013747-00014156 -Thank you so much -I really wanted to try this. XHZtEljDYaU-00041-00014671-00014850 -I haven't tried this either. -What's this? XHZtEljDYaU-00042-00014949-00015265 (This is a new ramen from Korea.) XHZtEljDYaU-00043-00015265-00015501 -Oh! There are side dishes, too! -What is this? XHZtEljDYaU-00044-00015501-00015646 Jangjorim (Soy Braised Beef) XHZtEljDYaU-00045-00015646-00015791 It looks delicious XHZtEljDYaU-00046-00016184-00016308 I really wanted to eat kimchi. XHZtEljDYaU-00047-00016552-00016819 I think you're gonna eat it all by yourself. XHZtEljDYaU-00048-00016938-00017278 The last gift is wrapped in plastic. XHZtEljDYaU-00049-00017278-00017499 -What's this? -Kyung-sik's nude picture album? XHZtEljDYaU-00050-00017499-00017664 [What the..] XHZtEljDYaU-00051-00017716-00018007 -What's the weight of this thing? -about 200g? XHZtEljDYaU-00052-00018055-00018525 I think he sent us an iPhone 12 so we could keep in touch? XHZtEljDYaU-00053-00018525-00018667 [Ignoring] XHZtEljDYaU-00054-00018667-00018913 I think it's a hair loss prevention drug? XHZtEljDYaU-00055-00019023-00019223 [We're opening this up fast.] XHZtEljDYaU-00056-00019263-00019393 What is this? XHZtEljDYaU-00057-00019459-00019558 What? XHZtEljDYaU-00058-00019805-00020378 Being wrapped in plastic like this means it's fragile. XHZtEljDYaU-00059-00020908-00021128 [Couple mug] XHZtEljDYaU-00060-00021604-00021775 Oh my god! Wait wait!!!! XHZtEljDYaU-00061-00022221-00022500 -Oh my god... -I really got goose bumps. XHZtEljDYaU-00062-00022500-00022700 [We are like babies who saw Santa for the first time. LOL] XHZtEljDYaU-00063-00022948-00023218 [The cup had the words 'kuki couple' on it.] XHZtEljDYaU-00064-00023385-00023627 [We put cold water in the cup.] XHZtEljDYaU-00065-00023741-00023941 [It hasn't changed a bit.] XHZtEljDYaU-00066-00024093-00024278 [We put hot water in the cup.] XHZtEljDYaU-00067-00025425-00025625 Oh my god! It's a heart! XHZtEljDYaU-00068-00025718-00025973 Look at this! It's so nice XHZtEljDYaU-00069-00026105-00026265 I'll put some water in here, too. XHZtEljDYaU-00070-00026590-00026758 -When will this come up? -Please XHZtEljDYaU-00071-00027047-00027213 It's our picture XHZtEljDYaU-00072-00027617-00027880 -This is a picture on our Instagram. -It's awesome. XHZtEljDYaU-00073-00027951-00028252 Who really sent this? Oh my god... XHZtEljDYaU-00074-00028252-00028554 If you turn this cup around, XHZtEljDYaU-00075-00028696-00028896 Oh my god! Unbelievable XHZtEljDYaU-00076-00029051-00029251 [We were so happy that we were excited. LOL] XHZtEljDYaU-00077-00029843-00029996 -The tea tastes better. XHZtEljDYaU-00078-00029996-00030261 -Please recommend me a snack. -Binch XHZtEljDYaU-00079-00030324-00030692 -This is a very luxurious snack. I want to eat this. XHZtEljDYaU-00080-00030859-00031005 -I haven't had this in a long time. XHZtEljDYaU-00081-00031285-00031399 [Heaven] XHZtEljDYaU-00082-00031399-00031526 DELICIOUS! XHZtEljDYaU-00083-00031658-00031902 -I don't think there's a snack like this in Japan. XHZtEljDYaU-00084-00031902-00032484 -The texture is good and so sweet. -So I've liked this since I was in elementary school. XHZtEljDYaU-00085-00032484-00032797 -How much is this? -About 100,000 won? XHZtEljDYaU-00086-00032900-00033068 I'm gonna eat it all. XHZtEljDYaU-00087-00033184-00033397 -I was so moved with this cup XHZtEljDYaU-00088-00033397-00033856 Isn't it your father who sent us only what we like? XHZtEljDYaU-00089-00033983-00034157 -First of all, thank you so much. XHZtEljDYaU-00090-00034290-00035071 I want to thank the person who sent us this, but I don't know his number. XHZtEljDYaU-00091-00035071-00035675 -We've never received a gift from our subscribers, so we'd like to send something too. XHZtEljDYaU-00092-00035675-00036103 - Is his name under the cup? - There's something on it. XHZtEljDYaU-00093-00036466-00036614 -So I didn't read it. XHZtEljDYaU-00094-00036712-00037284 -If the person who sent this to us sees this video, please write a comment or send a message to our Instagram. XHZtEljDYaU-00095-00037284-00037995 -Please let us know if you heard that an acquaintance sent a package to a kuki couple. XHZtEljDYaU-00096-00037995-00038264 -We only know his name. XHZtEljDYaU-00097-00038344-00038579 I want to say thank you to him. XHZtEljDYaU-00098-00038579-00038962 -If I don't tell him, I won't sleep. -You're definitely going to sleep. XHZtEljDYaU-00099-00038962-00039333 -I'm only going to sleep at night. -You must be having a hard time. XHcpNmHShn4-00000-00001575-00002000 My name is Charlie Ray. I'm a forester working in Northern, Wisconsin XHcpNmHShn4-00001-00002055-00002579 Largely in Bayfield County that's an Northern tip of the state surrounded by Lake superior XHcpNmHShn4-00002-00002643-00003233 We've got a landscape. That's dominated by a lot of what you see behind me here an aspen Forest which is XHcpNmHShn4-00003-00003309-00003494 early successional XHcpNmHShn4-00004-00003494-00003623 Forest type XHcpNmHShn4-00005-00003623-00003829 That's come in after the historic XHcpNmHShn4-00006-00003882-00004462 Cut over of the white pine and Northern hardwoods that used to dominate this landscape XHcpNmHShn4-00007-00004530-00004662 with the XHcpNmHShn4-00008-00004662-00004862 project funded through ser XHcpNmHShn4-00009-00004893-00005299 I've been working with private landowners to put in some study plots XHcpNmHShn4-00010-00005351-00005665 Looking at alternatives to clear cutting Aspen XHcpNmHShn4-00011-00005703-00006161 in particular the question about whether you can thin an aspen Forest and XHcpNmHShn4-00012-00006230-00006430 Create a climate that is XHcpNmHShn4-00013-00006570-00007250 Productive for the next generation of a different forest cover type. We're looking at oak. We're looking at white pine as XHcpNmHShn4-00014-00007404-00007768 alternative cover types to the Aspen and the question is XHcpNmHShn4-00015-00007823-00008335 how does it affect the landowners income in the short run and in the long run and XHcpNmHShn4-00016-00008432-00008610 What do you? XHcpNmHShn4-00017-00008610-00009146 what would be the proper prescription for a harvest in order to meet the goal of XHcpNmHShn4-00018-00009221-00009790 Transitioning these aspen dominated forests to a longer lived more diverse XHcpNmHShn4-00019-00009849-00010428 Forest that would provide multiple income streams over the long term for Landowners XHcpNmHShn4-00020-00010947-00011684 A lot of private land owners as well as you know citizens concerned about how the public lands are managed XHcpNmHShn4-00021-00011863-00012016 have a XHcpNmHShn4-00022-00012016-00012291 aversion to completely clear cutting the landscape XHcpNmHShn4-00023-00012355-00012573 And have an interest in XHcpNmHShn4-00024-00012664-00012811 multiple XHcpNmHShn4-00025-00012811-00013032 goals and uses for the land XHcpNmHShn4-00026-00013147-00013327 Habitat goals XHcpNmHShn4-00027-00013327-00013471 recreational goals XHcpNmHShn4-00028-00013471-00013688 And income goals as [well] XHcpNmHShn4-00029-00013791-00014483 when you clear cut these landscapes you regenerate a uniform age class of species and XHcpNmHShn4-00030-00014593-00014710 oftentimes XHcpNmHShn4-00031-00014710-00014910 only one or two species XHcpNmHShn4-00032-00014932-00015470 So you're typically limiting your options down the road for harvest you know you're not going to be? XHcpNmHShn4-00033-00015508-00015777 Harvesting anything on that site for another 50 years XHcpNmHShn4-00034-00015835-00016187 So a lot of landowners you know they look at their land XHcpNmHShn4-00035-00016191-00016755 How long does a person live how long are they going to enjoy their land a lot of people would rather just let their trees XHcpNmHShn4-00036-00016755-00017393 Fall down and die than half the stomach complete clear cut of their land and wait 30 years XHcpNmHShn4-00037-00017419-00017819 Before they have a for us to walk through again, so this provides people an alternative XHcpNmHShn4-00038-00017932-00018248 to maybe generate some income and maybe even XHcpNmHShn4-00039-00018325-00018600 speed up the succession of the forest to XHcpNmHShn4-00040-00018763-00018963 longer lived and more diverse XHcpNmHShn4-00041-00019030-00019460 Species a lot of people are thinking about the next generation and what kind of legacy? XHcpNmHShn4-00042-00019461-00019733 They're leaving for their children or on the public lands XHcpNmHShn4-00043-00019734-00019976 You know, what is the legacy for our communities? XHcpNmHShn4-00044-00019976-00020660 And if you leave a legacy of one species that you have to harvest in you know in 50 years XHcpNmHShn4-00045-00020661-00020972 And you don't have any other options for that time you know that's a lot different XHcpNmHShn4-00046-00021067-00021198 Legacy than a XHcpNmHShn4-00047-00021198-00021695 mixed forest in which a person might be able to come in in 20 years and then again in 40 years and then XHcpNmHShn4-00048-00021703-00021903 again [in] 60 years and XHcpNmHShn4-00049-00021907-00022454 Perpetually have a small income stream and be generating a diversity of products XHcpNmHShn4-00050-00022522-00022802 most of this aspen Forest type is XHcpNmHShn4-00051-00022984-00023170 harvested for pulp wood up here XHcpNmHShn4-00052-00023170-00023729 It goes into you know a range of low quality to higher quality paper products XHcpNmHShn4-00053-00023800-00024122 some of the aspen does reach a size that it can XHcpNmHShn4-00054-00024196-00024396 make plywood and XHcpNmHShn4-00055-00024461-00024685 would hire value wood products XHcpNmHShn4-00056-00024797-00025282 But it the aspen Forest generally is now providing you know veneer would XHcpNmHShn4-00057-00025406-00025636 that that's the highest value woods and XHcpNmHShn4-00058-00025691-00026179 And structural timbers and other things that you know you get with Pine oak XHcpNmHShn4-00059-00026225-00026598 Northern Hardwoods and the mixed forests, so the spot XHcpNmHShn4-00060-00026599-00026956 We're standing in is one of the plots that we have on this landowners property XHcpNmHShn4-00061-00026960-00027540 And you can see blue marks on the sides of me these are all trees. They were tallied XHcpNmHShn4-00062-00027602-00027933 And on this tally sheet where we're measuring XHcpNmHShn4-00063-00027995-00028470 the deviates the merchantable height and the total height of all of these trees and XHcpNmHShn4-00064-00028495-00028782 the ideas will be able to return in another decade and XHcpNmHShn4-00065-00028838-00029280 determine whether we had an increase or decrease in the volume of the wood and XHcpNmHShn4-00066-00029395-00029694 what and then we're also looking at the understory and what sort of XHcpNmHShn4-00067-00029798-00030084 What the component is in the next for us that's coming in here? XHcpNmHShn4-00068-00030612-00031206 So with with forestry of course we're growing species that we want to harvest in 60 80 100 XHcpNmHShn4-00069-00031280-00031396 150 XHcpNmHShn4-00070-00031396-00031596 plus years, so XHcpNmHShn4-00071-00031645-00032301 We don't necessarily know what the results are of our project on the typical agricultural cycle, so the Sarah XHcpNmHShn4-00072-00032362-00032901 Project has been helpful in that regarding that we we started this project on one Landowners property XHcpNmHShn4-00073-00032962-00033591 implemented a harvest and we took data points before and after the harvest and then came back to ser XHcpNmHShn4-00074-00033631-00034287 Six years later and were able to collect another round of Data points as well as adding this this property XHcpNmHShn4-00075-00034318-00034791 To the study so that we have yet another set of data XHcpNmHShn4-00076-00034791-00035340 And we hope to come back to this site in another five or ten years as well as the other XHcpNmHShn4-00077-00035422-00035706 Property where we started because we really don't feel like XHcpNmHShn4-00078-00035869-00036252 we've got enough plots in to get all the answers at all and and XHcpNmHShn4-00079-00036322-00036876 We think it's going to be a good 20 years before things, sort themselves out XHcpNmHShn4-00080-00036955-00037407 And we really find what the results were of our of our harvest XHcpNmHShn4-00081-00038824-00039024 you XHcpNmHShn4-00082-00039777-00039977 you XI97IgGhfU8-00000-00000872-00001480 ImmixBio is pioneering a novel class of Tissue Specific Therapeutics™, or TSTx, XI97IgGhfU8-00001-00001480-00002023 which accumulate in tumors and therapeutic sites at 3-5 times that of conventional medicines. XI97IgGhfU8-00002-00002512-00003008 IMX-110, the first Tissue Specific Therapeutic with TME Normalization™ XI97IgGhfU8-00003-00003008-00003320 Technology, has 3 key design elements. XI97IgGhfU8-00004-00004079-00004808 Number 1, Optimal Size. IMX-110’s small size enables it to penetrate through XI97IgGhfU8-00005-00004808-00005296 tiny perforations in blood vessels and reach the tumor and its microenvironment. XI97IgGhfU8-00006-00005368-00006088 Number 2, Electrostatic Attraction. IMX-110 is attracted to the tumor like a magnet XI97IgGhfU8-00007-00006088-00006584 due to its electrical charge, promoting its accumulation in the tumor tissue. XI97IgGhfU8-00008-00006584-00007216 Using its TME Normalization™ Technology, IMX-110 simultaneously attacks all 3 XI97IgGhfU8-00009-00007216-00007680 components of the TME, severing the critical lifelines between the tumor XI97IgGhfU8-00010-00007736-00008584 and the its metabolic and structural support. XI97IgGhfU8-00011-00009176-00009456 Number 3, Multi-Target Inhibition. XI97IgGhfU8-00012-00009552-00010068 IMX-110 releases millions of effector molecules causing tumor cells, cancer XI97IgGhfU8-00013-00010068-00011384 associated fibroblasts, and tumor associated macrophages to self- destruct via apoptosis. XI97IgGhfU8-00014-00011600-00012040 ImmixBio’s Tissue-Specific Therapeutics™ could become an effective first- line XI97IgGhfU8-00015-00012040-00012416 therapy for patients with cancer and inflammatory diseases. XI97IgGhfU8-00016-00012648-00013128 ImmixBio, pioneering a novel class of Tissue-Specific Therapeutics™. XI97IgGhfU8-00017-00013184-00013640 Learn more at www.immixbio.com XIa2R0Alk8u-00000-00000187-00000666 Hi! My name is Kalli Binkowsk.i I am the academic technology coordinator for the XIa2R0Alk8u-00001-00000666-00001055 College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota. In that role XIa2R0Alk8u-00002-00001055-00001461 it's my job to help faculty use technology in their courses, and right XIa2R0Alk8u-00003-00001461-00002068 now that is all about Canvas! So my goal here today is to demonstrate for you XIa2R0Alk8u-00004-00002070-00002478 the six core skills of Canvas, and then along the way we're going to help you XIa2R0Alk8u-00005-00002478-00002810 understand Canvas a little bit more by talking about the key differences XIa2R0Alk8u-00006-00002810-00003207 between canvas and Moodle and also some best practices that will help you get XIa2R0Alk8u-00007-00003207-00003722 the most out of Canvas. So with six skills and that understanding to gain, XIa2R0Alk8u-00008-00003722-00004155 there is a lot to cover in a very short amount of time. So this will go very fast XIa2R0Alk8u-00009-00004155-00004698 and you will see a lot,. So our goal here is really not to show you how this all XIa2R0Alk8u-00010-00004698-00005070 happens but to let you see it so that you can go back to your computer later XIa2R0Alk8u-00011-00005070-00005517 and try it . To that end I will provide a link to the handout in the description XIa2R0Alk8u-00012-00005517-00005901 that will give you all the details so you can try all of these skills on your XIa2R0Alk8u-00013-00005901-00006572 own, and if you want a slower-paced version of this feel free to visit our XIa2R0Alk8u-00014-00006572-00007086 six core skills website that you see right there. You can get there from XIa2R0Alk8u-00015-00007086-00007745 z.umn.edu/canvashelp. That's z.umn.edu/canvashelp. So with XIa2R0Alk8u-00016-00007745-00008340 that we are ready to begin with skill number one: navigating Canvas. So really XIa2R0Alk8u-00017-00008340-00008949 this begins with how do I get to Canvas? the quickest way there, I find, is XIa2R0Alk8u-00018-00008949-00009759 canvas.umn.edu. That would be canvas.umn.edu. When you get there XIa2R0Alk8u-00019-00009759-00010095 you see what's known as your Canvas dashboard right here. XIa2R0Alk8u-00020-00010095-00010539 So you'll see cards for each class. There'll be little icons down here, XIa2R0Alk8u-00021-00010539-00010893 occasionally with red numbers by them, that indicate you have messages to deal XIa2R0Alk8u-00022-00010893-00011315 with. Over here is a to-do list. Because I'm an instructor, this to-do list would XIa2R0Alk8u-00023-00011315-00011700 be things I have to grade. If I was a student, these would be things coming up. XIa2R0Alk8u-00024-00011700-00012236 And then over here on the far left you see the global menu. Now the global menu XIa2R0Alk8u-00025-00012236-00012707 will always be there. It takes you to global things in Canvas. It has a lot of the XIa2R0Alk8u-00026-00012707-00013013 obvious things, but there's two here that I want to point out because of their XIa2R0Alk8u-00027-00013013-00013362 usefulness. The most useful one for instructors tends to be XIa2R0Alk8u-00028-00013362-00013794 Courses. When you click on courses, what you see is a listing of all of your XIa2R0Alk8u-00029-00013794-00014247 courses. I have way too many courses, but another thing that you can do is down XIa2R0Alk8u-00030-00014247-00014651 towards the bottom of the list is all courses and that will give you a list of XIa2R0Alk8u-00031-00014651-00015116 all of your courses past and present, and they have these stars next to them. If XIa2R0Alk8u-00032-00015116-00015584 you highlight the star, or unhighlight the star, that will indicate whether or XIa2R0Alk8u-00033-00015584-00015929 not it should go on your dashboard. So it'll make it easier for you to manage XIa2R0Alk8u-00034-00015929-00016331 your list. So for instructors courses are really useful because it's always there, XIa2R0Alk8u-00035-00016331-00016803 you can jump between your courses quite easily. For students the calendar is a XIa2R0Alk8u-00036-00016803-00017175 really useful one. I'm not actually gonna head there, but the calendar will show XIa2R0Alk8u-00037-00017175-00017622 students all of the assignments that they have with due dates for all of XIa2R0Alk8u-00038-00017622-00018026 their classes in one place. We highly recommend instructors start XIa2R0Alk8u-00039-00018026-00018470 using due dates because of the calendar. In Moodle it was a little bit hard to XIa2R0Alk8u-00040-00018470-00018929 change dates and update every semester. It's really simple to do this in Canvas XIa2R0Alk8u-00041-00018929-00019353 and very quick. Highly recommend you start using due dates for your things in XIa2R0Alk8u-00042-00019353-00019890 Canvas so that students can get the most out of using calendar. So to continue to XIa2R0Alk8u-00043-00019890-00020201 navigate, instead of going back to my dashboard I'm gonna jump into courses XIa2R0Alk8u-00044-00020201-00020706 and jump right to my sandbox site, so you can see what it looks like inside a XIa2R0Alk8u-00045-00020706-00021237 course. So here inside the course what we've done for all of our instructors is XIa2R0Alk8u-00046-00021237-00021675 we've created a home page, a landing page for the class. It usually has an image. It XIa2R0Alk8u-00047-00021675-00022262 has some key information about the class. It has a few navigation hints. You can XIa2R0Alk8u-00048-00022262-00022607 see over on the right there's still a to-do list and over here on the left XIa2R0Alk8u-00049-00022607-00023135 this is the course menu. The course menu is how both you and your students will XIa2R0Alk8u-00050-00023135-00023484 navigate through the course. Now you'll see a key difference here. Some things XIa2R0Alk8u-00051-00023484-00023868 are in dark. That means students can see them and there's something in there for XIa2R0Alk8u-00052-00023868-00024429 them to see and some things are not in dark text and that's because you've XIa2R0Alk8u-00053-00024429-00024825 either hidden them or there's nothing in there for students to see. You can set XIa2R0Alk8u-00054-00024825-00025191 how students navigate through your course by setting what shows up in this XIa2R0Alk8u-00055-00025191-00025610 list for them. You do that under settings and there's a navigation tab for you to XIa2R0Alk8u-00056-00025610-00026118 set that. So we're gonna actually hit most of those pieces as we go through XIa2R0Alk8u-00057-00026118-00026751 the six core skills. The place I want to go next for navigation is modules. Most XIa2R0Alk8u-00058-00026751-00027168 courses are being set up so that modules as where all the content actually hides. XIa2R0Alk8u-00059-00027168-00027555 And there's a reason we're doing this; it's because it looks a lot like Moodle. XIa2R0Alk8u-00060-00027555-00027977 Look see here you sort of have topics and in the topics you have things for XIa2R0Alk8u-00061-00027977-00028356 students to read or do. These are called modules in Canvas. XIa2R0Alk8u-00062-00028356-00028877 And you can see I've set this one to go by weeks. However there are a couple XIa2R0Alk8u-00063-00028877-00029355 of key differences. One of the things you need to get about this, is that you'll XIa2R0Alk8u-00064-00029355-00030030 notice there's no extra text. There's no pictures. There's no lines. There is only XIa2R0Alk8u-00065-00030030-00030870 this, a list. You need to embrace the listy-ness of Canvas, or Canvas modules. This is XIa2R0Alk8u-00066-00030870-00031508 what it is. It's a list of things that students need to go to. And you can XIa2R0Alk8u-00067-00031508-00031899 change what this looks like, but you can't have pictures you can't add XIa2R0Alk8u-00068-00031899-00032420 text. So you need to think about a best practice for Canvas is always to make XIa2R0Alk8u-00069-00032420-00033003 things proximal. If students need information to do something make the XIa2R0Alk8u-00070-00033003-00033513 something, put the resources in there, and then put the something on the list. So XIa2R0Alk8u-00071-00033513-00033903 you can't add text or explanation here. You have to create something that has XIa2R0Alk8u-00072-00033903-00034221 the explanation and then just add it to the list. XIa2R0Alk8u-00073-00034221-00034860 We will talk lots more about that as we start creating assignments. Okay! While XIa2R0Alk8u-00074-00034860-00035138 we're here we actually have to talk about a really key difference between XIa2R0Alk8u-00075-00035138-00035679 this view of Canvas and what Moodle looked like. So you know one Moodle in XIa2R0Alk8u-00076-00035679-00036192 order for something to exist it had to go on that front page? That is not what XIa2R0Alk8u-00077-00036192-00036840 Canvas is doing here. Modules is like a window into what we call the Canvas XIa2R0Alk8u-00078-00036840-00037647 buckets. So let me try and explain this. Things in Canvas actually exist in XIa2R0Alk8u-00079-00037647-00038040 buckets. There are two content buckets. So I'm going to go over to the menu here so XIa2R0Alk8u-00080-00038040-00038514 you can see what they are. Pages where you can type explantory text and put XIa2R0Alk8u-00081-00038514-00038895 pictures and create content, and files that you want to share with students. XIa2R0Alk8u-00082-00038895-00039351 Content buckets. And there are three activity buckets which is where students XIa2R0Alk8u-00083-00039351-00040110 do things. They might take quizzes, they might have assignments, and they might XIa2R0Alk8u-00084-00040110-00040443 have discussions. So these five buckets are where XIa2R0Alk8u-00085-00040443-00041175 stuff in canvas actually exists. How students get to them is either by being XIa2R0Alk8u-00086-00041175-00041538 able to click on a bucket, and you'll notice we've hidden a lot of the buckets XIa2R0Alk8u-00087-00041538-00041877 from students because when they click on a bucket, they get to see everything in XIa2R0Alk8u-00088-00041877-00042575 the bucket. Modules is actually the window to the buckets it allows you to XIa2R0Alk8u-00089-00042575-00042996 put things in sequence for students. So here you are in modules and let's say the XIa2R0Alk8u-00090-00042996-00043377 first thing you want them to do is look at a file. So you go into files and you XIa2R0Alk8u-00091-00043377-00043809 make a link that shows up here on the main [module] page. And then after that file, maybe XIa2R0Alk8u-00092-00043809-00044106 you want them to take a quiz. So you go to quizzes and you put that up here on XIa2R0Alk8u-00093-00044106-00044382 the [module] page . And then maybe you want them to do an assignment. So you go to XIa2R0Alk8u-00094-00044382-00044685 assignments and you put that link up here on the [module] page. So it allows you to XIa2R0Alk8u-00095-00044685-00045258 sequence it, but these are just links, windows into the buckets. When you delete XIa2R0Alk8u-00096-00045258-00045659 something off modules, it doesn't delete it from the bucket. So I'm going to just XIa2R0Alk8u-00097-00045659-00046047 show you that really quick, so it sinks in because it's a key difference. If I go XIa2R0Alk8u-00098-00046047-00046512 over here to the gear by "delete this from modules" and I go ahead, and click XIa2R0Alk8u-00099-00046512-00047007 remove, it'll check that I want to do this and I will click OK. So I know this XIa2R0Alk8u-00100-00047007-00047586 is a page because it's got this lovely [page] icon here. These [down arrow icon] are files, and that [chain link icon] is an XIa2R0Alk8u-00101-00047586-00048036 external link. A thing to note there is no bucket for external links. When you XIa2R0Alk8u-00102-00048036-00048534 delete this, it's gone. Down here you see another kind of [page] icon with a pencil. XIa2R0Alk8u-00103-00048534-00048828 That one's an assignment. So I know this is a page. I'm going to go ahead and delete XIa2R0Alk8u-00104-00048828-00049644 this and then I'm going to go to the pages bucket. And you will see that when XIa2R0Alk8u-00105-00049644-00050469 I view all the pages, "delete this from modules" is still there. So to keep your XIa2R0Alk8u-00106-00050469-00050838 course clean and make sure you've got things where you want them, just know XIa2R0Alk8u-00107-00050838-00051201 that deleting from modules doesn't necessarily delete it. Sometimes you have XIa2R0Alk8u-00108-00051201-00051590 to go into the bucket to get rid of it. So if I wanted to delete it here I would XIa2R0Alk8u-00109-00051590-00052016 go to the gear over here on this side and hit delete, and I'll get a much XIa2R0Alk8u-00110-00052016-00052311 redder warning saying if I delete it it's gone for good. XIa2R0Alk8u-00111-00052311-00052805 I don't want to do that. So with that, we've covered some basic navigation XIa2R0Alk8u-00112-00052805-00053316 around Canvas and one of the key differences between Canvas and Moodle XIa2R0Alk8u-00113-00053316-00053829 that this modules page is a list, straight up a list, XIa2R0Alk8u-00114-00053829-00054282 and it's a list that is a window into the places where Canvas actually stores XIa2R0Alk8u-00115-00054282-00054933 things. With that we are now ready to go on to skill 2: adding files to your XIa2R0Alk8u-00116-00054933-00055454 Canvas class. So let's say I'm in this module and I want to add a file. I'm XIa2R0Alk8u-00117-00055454-00055914 gonna click the plus - Canvas is really easy to navigate around. So what kinds of XIa2R0Alk8u-00118-00055914-00056279 things can I add? I can add an assignment, a quiz, a file, a Content page, a XIa2R0Alk8u-00119-00056279-00056658 discussion, a text header - so you can have a little bit of text on the modules page, XIa2R0Alk8u-00120-00056658-00057213 an external URL, or an external tool. I'm going to add a file. When I do this, XIa2R0Alk8u-00121-00057213-00057744 notice what it does. It actually shows me all the files I already have in Canvas. XIa2R0Alk8u-00122-00057744-00058079 But let's say we're gonna update it - we're gonna upload a new file. So I'm XIa2R0Alk8u-00123-00058079-00058473 gonna click new file. I get to choose a file. Oh XIa2R0Alk8u-00124-00058473-00058974 let's go really quick and just choose something miscellaneous sitting here. I XIa2R0Alk8u-00125-00058974-00059658 don't even know what I got. Let me look uh oh look it's an audio file. Alright XIa2R0Alk8u-00126-00059658-00060129 we'll do an untitled form. Okay so I'm gonna open that. So I've chosen a file XIa2R0Alk8u-00127-00060129-00060579 and then right here I can choose how to organize it. Now you need to know this is XIa2R0Alk8u-00128-00060579-00060936 the files bucket, and in the files bucket I had already been in there and I XIa2R0Alk8u-00129-00060936-00061404 created folders to organize the contents of my class. So we're gonna say that this XIa2R0Alk8u-00130-00061404-00061800 is just a resource file. And I'm gonna put that right there and I'm going to go XIa2R0Alk8u-00131-00061800-00062277 ahead and add the item. And what this is doing, is it is simultaneously putting it XIa2R0Alk8u-00132-00062277-00062649 in the files bucket, organizing it in the folder I had in the files bucket, and XIa2R0Alk8u-00133-00062649-00062882 putting a link to it right there. So there's my link. By the way that's a XIa2R0Alk8u-00134-00063144-00063501 really cruddy name. It doesn't tell me anything about it. If I click the edit XIa2R0Alk8u-00135-00063501-00063969 over here underneath the gear, I get to see the name and I can change the name XIa2R0Alk8u-00136-00063969-00064691 to say - what was it? it's a forum for students. This is an accessibility XIa2R0Alk8u-00137-00064691-00065313 thing. It helps to have your files named in a way that you can name them a XIa2R0Alk8u-00138-00065313-00065712 similar thing on modules, so when a student clicks on it the file name XIa2R0Alk8u-00139-00065712-00066042 matches it so that they know they're in the right spot. So I'm just gonna go XIa2R0Alk8u-00140-00066042-00066363 ahead and update that for now so you can see how to do that. One of the other XIa2R0Alk8u-00141-00066363-00066801 things I can do on modules is shift it around. I grab these set of dots over on XIa2R0Alk8u-00142-00066801-00067073 the other side, and I can move it wherever I want XIa2R0Alk8u-00143-00067073-00067518 including into other modules. So it's pretty easy to move this stuff around. XIa2R0Alk8u-00144-00067518-00068112 Alright we'll leave it right there. Okay. This is a really typical way to use XIa2R0Alk8u-00145-00068112-00068610 Canvas as a place to hold all the resources that you use in a class. That's XIa2R0Alk8u-00146-00068610-00069086 typically how we've used Moodle, but there is a better way to do this. XIa2R0Alk8u-00147-00069086-00069597 Consider adding the resources students need where they need them. We call this XIa2R0Alk8u-00148-00069597-00069918 being proximal. It's probably not the right use of the word, but we're gonna XIa2R0Alk8u-00149-00069918-00070416 call it the proximal best practice. This file sitting in this list doesn't really XIa2R0Alk8u-00150-00070416-00071070 mean anything to anybody. But if I needed this, say for an assignment, put it in the XIa2R0Alk8u-00151-00071070-00071442 assignment. There's an easy way to add the link to that file in the assignment XIa2R0Alk8u-00152-00071442-00071669 itself. Don't put it here unless it's something XIa2R0Alk8u-00153-00071669-00072177 that is an assignment itself or is something else they need. Try putting XIa2R0Alk8u-00154-00072177-00072609 your resources where students need them. With the assignment they need to do, with XIa2R0Alk8u-00155-00072609-00072972 the quiz they need to study for. There's lots of better places to put these XIa2R0Alk8u-00156-00072972-00073362 things, so just try and remember to put files where they're supposed to go, where XIa2R0Alk8u-00157-00073362-00074190 they're most useful to students. Okay that would be skill 2! Skill 3 is to XIa2R0Alk8u-00158-00074190-00074607 create an assignment so now we're gonna finally create something for students to XIa2R0Alk8u-00159-00074607-00075099 do. And we're gonna add the Plus this time and we're gonna go and this time XIa2R0Alk8u-00160-00075099-00075522 we're gonna choose assignments. And we're gonna add a brand new assignment. XIa2R0Alk8u-00161-00075522-00075891 Notice the list is still here. These are all the assignments I already have. And we're XIa2R0Alk8u-00162-00075891-00076494 gonna call this new assignment three -- four -- we'll call it new assignment 4. XIa2R0Alk8u-00163-00076494-00077085 I'm gonna go ahead and add the item. So one of the things you need to know is XIa2R0Alk8u-00164-00077085-00077349 that when you add an assignment in this way it's pretty much a placeholder. XIa2R0Alk8u-00165-00077349-00077874 Notice it didn't have any description, due dates, points, nothing. It's just put in XIa2R0Alk8u-00166-00077874-00078186 its place here on the modules page. And one of the ways I know this has happened XIa2R0Alk8u-00167-00078186-00078645 is you'll notice this little icon over here. It's got the slash through it, that XIa2R0Alk8u-00168-00078645-00079164 means it's unpublished. In Moodle there was show and hide. In Canvas it's XIa2R0Alk8u-00169-00079164-00079968 published, unpublished. The green check is when it's published, the slash through XIa2R0Alk8u-00170-00079968-00080235 the circle is when it's unpublished. And you just click that [icon] XIa2R0Alk8u-00171-00080235-00080616 to switch it to the other one. So I actually want to edit this now and put XIa2R0Alk8u-00172-00080616-00081084 this assignment together. So I have clicked on the assignment name and now I XIa2R0Alk8u-00173-00081084-00081504 am on the assignments page. A student would see only the description for this XIa2R0Alk8u-00174-00081504-00081975 and some information about points and due dates. We're going to edit this so XIa2R0Alk8u-00175-00081975-00082353 click the little button in the corner that says edit. And I get lots of options XIa2R0Alk8u-00176-00082353-00082713 here. Here I can change the name if I want to and then I have a description XIa2R0Alk8u-00177-00082713-00083241 box. Now I know that you know how to write a description for your assignments. XIa2R0Alk8u-00178-00083241-00083724 However the University is trying very hard to make its information accessible XIa2R0Alk8u-00179-00083724-00084174 to everyone and there are some best practices about how to use editing boxes XIa2R0Alk8u-00180-00084174-00084753 like this or rich text editors so that students of all kinds and all types can XIa2R0Alk8u-00181-00084753-00085140 actually access the information you're trying to convey. So I'm going to show XIa2R0Alk8u-00182-00085140-00085476 you some of those best practices right now and if you ever want more XIa2R0Alk8u-00183-00085476-00085947 information on these you can go to accessibility.umn.edu and there's a whole XIa2R0Alk8u-00184-00085947-00086349 bunch of tutorials there that can help you learn about accessibility. So the XIa2R0Alk8u-00185-00086349-00086625 first thing I'm going to do is say that I need some instructions for the XIa2R0Alk8u-00186-00086625-00087069 students and I know I am also going to have some resources. So here's your first XIa2R0Alk8u-00187-00087069-00087543 one. You know these are headings. Many times people will highlight these and XIa2R0Alk8u-00188-00087543-00087993 change the font size and bold it and underline it. A much better practice is XIa2R0Alk8u-00189-00087993-00088500 to go over here where you see paragraph, click there, and actually change it to XIa2R0Alk8u-00190-00088500-00088866 the headers. You'll notice they decrease in size going down and you'll also XIa2R0Alk8u-00191-00088866-00089286 notice header 1 is missing because that's gonna be the size for our title. XIa2R0Alk8u-00192-00089286-00089678 Like it's automatically there, so this is the next heading. So I'm gonna make that XIa2R0Alk8u-00193-00089678-00090186 heading 2 and I'm also going to make resources heading 2. This allows people XIa2R0Alk8u-00194-00090186-00090567 with visual impairment to much more quickly jump between headings. And now XIa2R0Alk8u-00195-00090567-00090993 let's say that there's a couple of things you've got to do here, so "read XIa2R0Alk8u-00196-00090993-00091803 this article." And I want them to do this so I'm gonna go ahead and put a 1. Now XIa2R0Alk8u-00197-00091803-00092160 notice I just did this [click on the list icon]. I want to make a list so I'm going to either use the dots XIa2R0Alk8u-00198-00092160-00092499 or the numbers. If I want them to do it in order I'm gonna use the numbers, if it XIa2R0Alk8u-00199-00092499-00092805 doesn't matter the order I'm gonna use the dots. In this case the order doesn't XIa2R0Alk8u-00200-00092805-00093366 matter, but now I want to link to the actual article that I want them to read, XIa2R0Alk8u-00201-00093366-00093624 so I'm gonna go to my files. So this XIa2R0Alk8u-00202-00093624-00094041 is the coolest thing about Canvas. Over here on the right-hand side - now if your XIa2R0Alk8u-00203-00094041-00094317 window is smaller it'll be underneath everything - but over XIa2R0Alk8u-00204-00094317-00094704 here on the right-hand side we have kind of the links menu. I'm gonna click on the XIa2R0Alk8u-00205-00094704-00095367 files tab and this will show me all of my files. I think maybe I put this in XIa2R0Alk8u-00206-00095367-00095945 resources, so let's see here's an article. I want them to read this article. It's XIa2R0Alk8u-00207-00095945-00096264 already in my files, so I don't have to upload a new one. Though you notice that XIa2R0Alk8u-00208-00096264-00096795 option is still there. If I click on this while the text is highlighted in here [the description box], XIa2R0Alk8u-00209-00096795-00097176 now pay close attention to that text I'm gonna click on it. Did you see it flash XIa2R0Alk8u-00210-00097176-00097749 yellow? That yellow flash means you have just created a link to that Canvas XIa2R0Alk8u-00211-00097749-00098229 object, that file, with those words. And this is called a hyperlink, and this is XIa2R0Alk8u-00212-00098229-00098544 actually a really cruddy hyperlink because it's "article" and it doesn't XIa2R0Alk8u-00213-00098544-00098844 really mean anything. So maybe what I really want to do here XIa2R0Alk8u-00214-00098844-00099549 is call it the "Jacobsen article." That way it means a little bit XIa2R0Alk8u-00215-00099549-00099918 more, and when they click on it you'll notice that my file name is Jacobson, XIa2R0Alk8u-00216-00099918-00100295 Binkowsk,i and Olszewski (1996). Makes it very clear that they've XIa2R0Alk8u-00217-00100295-00100782 made it to the right spot. So in this case I had text I highlighted it and I XIa2R0Alk8u-00218-00100782-00101757 created the link. You can also link directly to something in Canvas and it XIa2R0Alk8u-00219-00101757-00102095 will just take the name of what you're linking to. So in this case I want them XIa2R0Alk8u-00220-00102095-00102513 to take a quiz as well . So this is another object in Canvas. It's not a file, XIa2R0Alk8u-00221-00102513-00102881 so I'm going to go to links. Iit's not going to be a page, it's not going to be XIa2R0Alk8u-00222-00102881-00103382 an assignment, it's gonna be a quiz. And when I look at the quizzes I can say XIa2R0Alk8u-00223-00103382-00104108 they should have already taken - oh let's pick this quiz. There. So notice it XIa2R0Alk8u-00224-00104108-00104456 just took the name of the quiz and put it right there along with its link. You XIa2R0Alk8u-00225-00104456-00104880 still saw the bright yellow flash. So voila! Just like that you've added links. XIa2R0Alk8u-00226-00104880-00105434 Very cool thing about Canvas. So now you can use your descriptions to put the XIa2R0Alk8u-00227-00105434-00105747 information students need to actually get the work done. XIa2R0Alk8u-00228-00105747-00106296 You can add external URLs with that kind of a link. You can add images here and XIa2R0Alk8u-00229-00106296-00106653 actually I think I wanted to show you this really quick, because this is a XIa2R0Alk8u-00230-00106653-00107232 little different. When I go to images you'll notice I can link to a URL for the image, XIa2R0Alk8u-00231-00107232-00107748 I can get a canvas image, or I could go to Flickr and search for an image. Here's XIa2R0Alk8u-00232-00107748-00108249 the thing you need to know. Notice there is no upload new image to Canvas. XIa2R0Alk8u-00233-00108249-00108830 So if you're gonna put an image in, first you have to load the image into the XIa2R0Alk8u-00234-00108830-00109344 files bucket. And then you can go here. You can click on your course files. You XIa2R0Alk8u-00235-00109344-00110009 can go to where you saved it, and you can actually add the image. This alt text is XIa2R0Alk8u-00236-00110009-00110421 also very important for somebody who's visually impaired. They may not be able XIa2R0Alk8u-00237-00110421-00110847 to see this image well. You should write in here what is important about this XIa2R0Alk8u-00238-00110847-00111341 image. In this case it's a decorative image and it's just -- I think it's my dog XIa2R0Alk8u-00239-00111341-00111858 wearing her coat -- but I'll just put a puppy dog. There one puppy. And then you XIa2R0Alk8u-00240-00111858-00112289 click update and there's the puppy picture and there it is and it's just XIa2R0Alk8u-00241-00112289-00112904 beautiful. So these are ways to add things to your descriptions to make all XIa2R0Alk8u-00242-00112904-00113210 those colorful things that you were trying to do in Moodle but didn't work XIa2R0Alk8u-00243-00113210-00113475 very well. You get to embrace the list-iness of XIa2R0Alk8u-00244-00113475-00113789 Canvas, because you can do whatever you want in the description for anything. XIa2R0Alk8u-00245-00113789-00114215 This edit box shows up for quizzes assignments pages. It's all there; do XIa2R0Alk8u-00246-00114215-00114657 whatever you want with it. So now we're going to jump back to assignments. So XIa2R0Alk8u-00247-00114657-00114996 we're just doing the basics now, so I'm going to show you really quick. Look XIa2R0Alk8u-00248-00114996-00115383 right down here underneath the description box, you can assign points. XIa2R0Alk8u-00249-00115383-00115844 You can say which assignment group it was. In Moodle this was called XIa2R0Alk8u-00250-00115844-00116298 categories. How to display the grades -- this is kind of an important one if you XIa2R0Alk8u-00251-00116298-00116639 have something you don't want to count towards the students grades in the XIa2R0Alk8u-00252-00116639-00117096 gradebook. You can check this box. It will not be counted. We highly recommend you XIa2R0Alk8u-00253-00117096-00117536 also put in the title of assignment like "not included in grade" so that it's very XIa2R0Alk8u-00254-00117536-00117986 clear to them. Submission type I do want to talk about. In Moodle you could XIa2R0Alk8u-00255-00117986-00118425 have grade items and assignments. Assignments were also on the front page XIa2R0Alk8u-00256-00118425-00119039 of Moodle. That distinction does not happen here in Canvas. Everything is an XIa2R0Alk8u-00257-00119039-00119382 assignment. So the grade items in Moodle that used to just be in the gradebook, XIa2R0Alk8u-00258-00119382-00119936 you still have to create them using this assignment editing. But what you do is XIa2R0Alk8u-00259-00119936-00120314 you can leave this as "no submission". So you're just going XIa2R0Alk8u-00260-00120314-00120734 be putting in scores for it. The other option is it could be online. This is XIa2R0Alk8u-00261-00120734-00121148 how you have them turn in online files. Very cool grading if you have them do XIa2R0Alk8u-00262-00121148-00121533 that. You could - It could be that they're turning in something on paper to you, so XIa2R0Alk8u-00263-00121533-00121833 this just gives students much more information. And if you're trying to use XIa2R0Alk8u-00264-00121833-00122189 turn it in or voicethread, those are external tools, and you would choose that. XIa2R0Alk8u-00265-00122189-00122571 And then remember, we're just covering the basics. Look you can do group XIa2R0Alk8u-00266-00122571-00122999 assignments and peer reviews and moderation.Yeah, go learn about that in XIa2R0Alk8u-00267-00122999-00123311 the Canvas guides. There's lots of good stuff out there. XIa2R0Alk8u-00268-00123311-00123611 "Assigning to" - I just wanted to show you this really quick because this is XIa2R0Alk8u-00269-00123611-00123989 another difference with Moodle. Right now it's assigned to everyone. You have some XIa2R0Alk8u-00270-00123989-00124446 other options. You can assign them to course sections. Here I have a few XIa2R0Alk8u-00271-00124446-00124916 sections. I can assign it to individual students or more than one student. I XIa2R0Alk8u-00272-00124916-00125520 cannot assign assignments to just a single group of students. Like I'd have XIa2R0Alk8u-00273-00125520-00125883 to choose each student individually. So the groups you create inside Canvas, XIa2R0Alk8u-00274-00125883-00126420 which you can do - again advanced features, you can't assign assignments to groups. XIa2R0Alk8u-00275-00126420-00126764 That's something that we've lost, but you can still have the same functionality by XIa2R0Alk8u-00276-00126764-00127061 just choosing students. So just to show you how this actually works, I'm gonna XIa2R0Alk8u-00277-00127061-00127562 assign this to Ann's section and not everyone else, so only Ann's section will XIa2R0Alk8u-00278-00127562-00127985 get this. I can put in a due date . Hey what do you know, it's do tomorrow. And XIa2R0Alk8u-00279-00127985-00128537 then the other one I want to show you is this "Until". in Moodle there was closed, XIa2R0Alk8u-00280-00128537-00129120 like the assignment would close. You want to do that with this "Until". Once it is XIa2R0Alk8u-00281-00129120-00129446 unavailable, students will still be able to click on it and see it but they can XIa2R0Alk8u-00282-00129446-00129836 no longer submit to it. So that means they can't turn in late work anymore. If XIa2R0Alk8u-00283-00129836-00130322 you don't set this, they can continue to turn and work to this even late. If you XIa2R0Alk8u-00284-00130322-00130865 set this, you say I'll take late work up for up to a week, after this date they no XIa2R0Alk8u-00285-00130865-00131300 longer can actually even submit to the assignment. I'm gonna hit save and XIa2R0Alk8u-00286-00131300-00131636 publish. Remember the publish icon? So now not XIa2R0Alk8u-00287-00131636-00132065 only will this be saved but students will also be able to see it. XIa2R0Alk8u-00288-00132065-00132444 It's just warning me I did not assign it to hold class, which is exactly what I XIa2R0Alk8u-00289-00132444-00132887 intended to do, so I'm gonna go ahead and click Save. If you save it to "Everyone", XIa2R0Alk8u-00290-00132887-00133557 you don't get that warning. And that is assignments! Now there's lots of cool XIa2R0Alk8u-00291-00133557-00133971 stuff there. You're gonna have go investigate the advanced stuff on your XIa2R0Alk8u-00292-00133971-00134589 own. Which leads us now to skill four, SpeedGrader. Alright. I am gonna go back XIa2R0Alk8u-00293-00134589-00135207 to my modules, so that we can get to this like a student did, and then right here I XIa2R0Alk8u-00294-00135207-00135723 have "Just type in something" assignment. And the reason I wanted to show this one XIa2R0Alk8u-00295-00135723-00136074 to you is I've got students who have submitted things. When you are ready to XIa2R0Alk8u-00296-00136074-00136518 grade an assignment that was turned in online - that was one of our choices for XIa2R0Alk8u-00297-00136518-00136929 submission - you can click over here on speed grader. And this is just totally XIa2R0Alk8u-00298-00136929-00137616 cool! Here I have my different students that actually haven't submitted, so I XIa2R0Alk8u-00299-00137616-00137928 could choose a different student, which I probably will in a minute. I also wanted XIa2R0Alk8u-00300-00137928-00138285 to show you this right now. I'm showing only Mike's section. I'm gonna show all XIa2R0Alk8u-00301-00138285-00139182 sections. And there it goes. Um so let's see who do I want to grade? Okay I know I XIa2R0Alk8u-00302-00139182-00139596 already graded one of these, but I'm going to show you this. So this student XIa2R0Alk8u-00303-00139596-00139977 submitted a file, and there are so many cool things you can do with this . You can XIa2R0Alk8u-00304-00139977-00140394 annotate directly on the files. So I've already done a little bit of this but XIa2R0Alk8u-00305-00140394-00140976 I'm going to show you again. So look I can -- but wait what did I do here? I am now XIa2R0Alk8u-00306-00140976-00141948 writing on it. So see I can leave a comment. Um I can add text, " hello I like XIa2R0Alk8u-00307-00141948-00142458 this one." The pen - "you should just get rid of this whole section it's awful". And XIa2R0Alk8u-00308-00142458-00142860 notice I can add a comment to go with it. There's a highlighter. There's a comment XIa2R0Alk8u-00309-00142860-00143157 box. So there's a whole bunch of cool stuff. Look you can even change colors! XIa2R0Alk8u-00310-00143157-00143688 All that aside, it means if you're doing essays this is a really good way for you XIa2R0Alk8u-00311-00143688-00144033 to be able to mark up a student's paper. And all it took was you submitting it XIa2R0Alk8u-00312-00144033-00144489 online, and it's super easy for you to do this. I can assign points out of here. If XIa2R0Alk8u-00313-00144489-00144879 there was a rubric, I would be able to choose the parts of the rubric that XIa2R0Alk8u-00314-00144879-00145398 applied as I was grading it. And then down here I can add comments, like "Great XIa2R0Alk8u-00315-00145398-00145821 paper." I'm typing in a comment. Just going to show you really quickly there are XIa2R0Alk8u-00316-00145821-00146367 some other ways to do this. I can attach a file with comments. I can record a XIa2R0Alk8u-00317-00146367-00146976 video of comments. So the reason this is just so cool is think about how hard it XIa2R0Alk8u-00318-00146976-00147299 is to explain to student how good their paper was. And now, XIa2R0Alk8u-00319-00147299-00147822 you can just do this! "Hey Sue! Paper was pretty well organized. You've really got to XIa2R0Alk8u-00320-00147822-00148142 work on your conclusion. You just repeated yourself; that wasn't that great. XIa2R0Alk8u-00321-00148142-00148661 Really liked to paragraph two, because you used such imagery. That was so neat, and XIa2R0Alk8u-00322-00148661-00149114 so you should do more of that if you can. Your introduction was really cool too. Let XIa2R0Alk8u-00323-00149114-00149360 me know if you have any questions." XIa2R0Alk8u-00324-00149360-00149670 So nowI have done that. Um I'm gonna go ahead XIa2R0Alk8u-00325-00149670-00150203 and stop it. And what this does - oh yeah now it's a play - I'm just gonna save it. XIa2R0Alk8u-00326-00150203-00150779 So it means this video is here. So if you have students who are visually impaired XIa2R0Alk8u-00327-00150779-00151205 this is a great way for you to actually speak to them. There is also this lovely XIa2R0Alk8u-00328-00151205-00151809 little icon here that allows you to record comments and it types them in for XIa2R0Alk8u-00329-00151809-00152387 you so you don't have to do the typing. "Hey Sue this was really good. I don't XIa2R0Alk8u-00330-00152387-00152946 know what you want to do with this, but it's a great paper!" So you can see you XIa2R0Alk8u-00331-00152946-00153297 don't even have to type it in. So there's some really great features to Canvas for XIa2R0Alk8u-00332-00153297-00153645 grading. That should really speed up your grading. And then I would just submit XIa2R0Alk8u-00333-00153645-00154020 this and now this grading is stored and the student would be able to access it. XIa2R0Alk8u-00334-00154020-00154442 You should note that you should let students know where the feedback is. If XIa2R0Alk8u-00335-00154442-00154826 you're doing it annotations, maybe add a comment saying all your feedback is in XIa2R0Alk8u-00336-00154826-00155234 the annotations on the paper, just so that students know where to look for XIa2R0Alk8u-00337-00155234-00155570 stuff. When I'm ready to switch to another student I can use the arrows to XIa2R0Alk8u-00338-00155570-00155994 head backwards and forward. Um like I said you can use this drop-down box to XIa2R0Alk8u-00339-00155994-00156321 go to different sections or different students. And just to let you know this XIa2R0Alk8u-00340-00156321-00156779 gear will also change the order in which the students appear in that drop-down. XIa2R0Alk8u-00341-00156779-00157522 That might also help you grade a little faster as well. And that's speed grader! XIa2R0Alk8u-00342-00157522-00158162 [Exhale] You are ready for the next skilll. The next skill, skill number five, setting up your XIa2R0Alk8u-00343-00158162-00158549 gradebook. So I was in speed grader, I don't know if you noticed this, it popped up in XIa2R0Alk8u-00344-00158549-00158970 a new window. So I'm just gonna actually close that tab and I'm gonna go ahead XIa2R0Alk8u-00345-00158970-00159428 now and go to where I think I can set up my grades. And it would make sense that XIa2R0Alk8u-00346-00159428-00160004 you would at this point click on grades. And you very quickly realize these are XIa2R0Alk8u-00347-00160004-00160403 not where you set up grades. This is the gradebook spreadsheet, where you can see XIa2R0Alk8u-00348-00160403-00160608 every body and you can see everything and there's XIa2R0Alk8u-00349-00160608-00160962 lots of stuff that you can do in here. Again that's all more advanced, so we're XIa2R0Alk8u-00350-00160962-00161343 not gonna go into that. Where you actually go - so notice in grades I've XIa2R0Alk8u-00351-00161343-00161682 lost my menu - it's hiding up here. They wanted to give you as much space as you XIa2R0Alk8u-00352-00161682-00162219 can -- is you want to head to assignments. Assignments is the equivalent in Moodle XIa2R0Alk8u-00353-00162219-00162696 of gradebook setup. So when you look at assignments, you can see that I have XIa2R0Alk8u-00354-00162696-00163026 categories. That's what they were in Moodle; they're now called assignment XIa2R0Alk8u-00355-00163026-00163472 groups. And I've got my different assignments in each of those groups. XIa2R0Alk8u-00356-00163472-00163950 Here's where I would add a group, and notice here I can add assignments as XIa2R0Alk8u-00357-00163950-00164211 well. I just need to make sure that my students have a way to get to the XIa2R0Alk8u-00358-00164211-00164667 assignment, either by giving them access to the assignments over here in the menu XIa2R0Alk8u-00359-00164667-00165213 or putting it inside modules if that's where I'm giving them access. So a couple XIa2R0Alk8u-00360-00165213-00165657 of things to note.You can see the due dates right here.So if you've been XIa2R0Alk8u-00361-00165657-00165966 putting due dates in your titles, you might not need to do that anymore. It XIa2R0Alk8u-00362-00165966-00166467 shows up both in modules and in this assignments list. Uh you use the dots to XIa2R0Alk8u-00363-00166467-00166887 move things around and again you can move them within XIa2R0Alk8u-00364-00166887-00167373 a grouping or you can move them to other groups. One of the things you should note XIa2R0Alk8u-00365-00167373-00167967 here: assignments, lab assignments, not included in grade. There is no hierarchy. XIa2R0Alk8u-00366-00167967-00168459 Notice I don't have any sub categories. Moodle used to do that, Canvas does not XIa2R0Alk8u-00367-00168459-00168939 do hierarchies hardly anywhere. I think files is the only place it does it. XIa2R0Alk8u-00368-00168939-00169431 It cannot do it here, it can't do it modules, it can't do it in discussions. There's no XIa2R0Alk8u-00369-00169431-00170070 hierarchy. So if you've had sub categories in Moodle, you may have to XIa2R0Alk8u-00370-00170070-00170457 rearrange a gradebook a little bit to get those where you want. I want to show XIa2R0Alk8u-00371-00170457-00170867 you if you want to set weighting that is this gear right here. You would choose XIa2R0Alk8u-00372-00170867-00171420 assignment group weights and you can set the weights in there. The other thing XIa2R0Alk8u-00373-00171420-00171855 that Canvas does that Moodle also did is - you know how we used to drop scores or XIa2R0Alk8u-00374-00171855-00172221 keep the highest scores? Canvas does have that functionality. What you do is you XIa2R0Alk8u-00375-00172221-00172755 edit the assignment group, and right here you can choose the number of scores to XIa2R0Alk8u-00376-00172755-00173124 ignore for each student. You can either ignore low scores or you can ignore high XIa2R0Alk8u-00377-00173124-00173670 scores. Notice there's no "keep the highest". Well there isn't so you've just got XIa2R0Alk8u-00378-00173670-00174013 to modify it the other way around. And notice you can even say but "never XIa2R0Alk8u-00379-00174013-00174364 drop" this one assignment. The other feature here that's cool that Moodle XIa2R0Alk8u-00380-00174364-00174823 couldn't do is your assignments don't have to be the same number of points in XIa2R0Alk8u-00381-00174823-00175311 order to be dropped. It'll do it based on percentages, so that's very cool. XIa2R0Alk8u-00382-00175311-00175834 Okay I'm gonna go ahead and cancel this. That is the basics for setting up your XIa2R0Alk8u-00383-00175834-00176185 gradebook, but there is one really important thing I want to show you. XIa2R0Alk8u-00384-00176185-00176602 There's this cool place you can go to see how students are seeing the XIa2R0Alk8u-00385-00176602-00177148 gradebook. If you click on a student you get this little side card that pops up XIa2R0Alk8u-00386-00177148-00177526 that gives you somebig overview how the student is doing. You should XIa2R0Alk8u-00387-00177526-00177868 totally check out the analytics, but we're gonna go to grades. And I'm going XIa2R0Alk8u-00388-00177868-00178375 to show you what's happening here. Here are the grades for this student. There is XIa2R0Alk8u-00389-00178375-00178891 something important you need to note. So far they have 11 points out of 116 and XIa2R0Alk8u-00390-00178891-00179560 there are more than 116 points in here. And it's because of blanks. In Moodle XIa2R0Alk8u-00391-00179560-00180187 there is a way for you to set it so that blanks counted as zeros. In canvas this XIa2R0Alk8u-00392-00180187-00180727 does not work. So from now on, when a student has not turned in an assignment, XIa2R0Alk8u-00393-00180727-00181216 you must enter a zero when you do the grading. It's really important that you XIa2R0Alk8u-00394-00181216-00181561 get your TAS to do this, that you do this. When you're grading an assignment -- you XIa2R0Alk8u-00395-00181561-00181963 even saw it speed grader -- the missings came up. Just put a zero in for that XIa2R0Alk8u-00396-00181963-00182377 student. You can also do it in grades, where you had the big spreadsheet, you XIa2R0Alk8u-00397-00182377-00182812 can enter zeros in there as well. And there is a way to enter mass, bulk zeros XIa2R0Alk8u-00398-00182812-00183334 if you need to. Just know that an empty score does not count against the student. XIa2R0Alk8u-00399-00183334-00183754 So to get an accurate in progress grades, so students know where they are at any XIa2R0Alk8u-00400-00183754-00184309 given time, it is really important that you put in zeros when the deadline has XIa2R0Alk8u-00401-00184309-00184687 passed and they have not done the work. There is this funny little thing over XIa2R0Alk8u-00402-00184687-00185134 here that will temporarily show a student what their grade would be if all XIa2R0Alk8u-00403-00185134-00185641 the blanks were zeros. It's not a great way to do it because what they see off XIa2R0Alk8u-00404-00185641-00186088 the bat is inaccurate, and then when you do this all the assignments they haven't XIa2R0Alk8u-00405-00186088-00186475 even had a chance to do yet also count against students and that's also not an XIa2R0Alk8u-00406-00186475-00186874 accurate grade. So really just enter zeroes for missing assignments. That's XIa2R0Alk8u-00407-00186874-00187171 the key thing. So that's the best practice. And now we XIa2R0Alk8u-00408-00187171-00187798 move on to the last skill, communicating.= with students So at this point we're XIa2R0Alk8u-00409-00187798-00188161 gonna hit over here to the inbox -- remember this is the global menu. So when XIa2R0Alk8u-00410-00188161-00188413 I click this I'm gonna wind up jumping out of this class. XIa2R0Alk8u-00411-00188413-00188841 That's okay, we'll get back to it. So this is your typical inbox. First thing you XIa2R0Alk8u-00412-00188841-00189514 need to know is all of Canvas emails will be forwarded to your umn email by XIa2R0Alk8u-00413-00189514-00189901 default. Unless you've changed your notifications, that's how it works. So you XIa2R0Alk8u-00414-00189901-00190288 will still get a notification of these; you don't need to use this. However this XIa2R0Alk8u-00415-00190288-00190711 is a great place to send out emails to targeted groups in your classes . You do XIa2R0Alk8u-00416-00190711-00191173 that by clicking here on the little feather pen. You select the course you XIa2R0Alk8u-00417-00191173-00191638 want to send to. I'm gonna select, oh I know this one has a lot of different XIa2R0Alk8u-00418-00191638-00192019 things in it. So I'm in this course, so I could just type a name here and it would XIa2R0Alk8u-00419-00192019-00192502 pull up the student. But over here I can choose to send an email to different XIa2R0Alk8u-00420-00192502-00192877 roles in the class, to all the teachers, to the teaching assistants, to the XIa2R0Alk8u-00421-00192877-00193483 students, to a section of students. And here I can email groups. And it will XIa2R0Alk8u-00422-00193483-00193846 track all the responses and everything else inside here as well as sending you XIa2R0Alk8u-00423-00193846-00194344 notifications that you have emails at your regular email address . So at this XIa2R0Alk8u-00424-00194344-00194650 point I'm going to cancel this and get out of this, 'cuz there is another place XIa2R0Alk8u-00425-00194650-00195001 to do this. Here's a cool trick if you don't know it. If you press and hold on XIa2R0Alk8u-00426-00195001-00195784 your back button, you can quickly jump to a different part of your course. Because XIa2R0Alk8u-00427-00195784-00196063 [just] the back button might take you a little bit to get back where you want to go. XIa2R0Alk8u-00428-00196063-00196584 I actually wanted to go here, so that I could show you - there it is - announcements. XIa2R0Alk8u-00429-00196584-00197139 Announcements are really cool because it's a listing that is XIa2R0Alk8u-00430-00197139-00197628 maintained inside Canvas, so students can always get to it. An announcement is sent XIa2R0Alk8u-00431-00197628-00198019 out to the entire class through notifications by email. That's the XIa2R0Alk8u-00432-00198019-00198315 default so when you do an announcement it goes out by email to all of your XIa2R0Alk8u-00433-00198315-00198745 students, which is probably what you want. And you can set your course so that the XIa2R0Alk8u-00434-00198745-00199108 announcements show at the top of the page when students get into the class. So XIa2R0Alk8u-00435-00199108-00199503 it bombards them with your announcements. And all you have to do here is click XIa2R0Alk8u-00436-00199503-00199909 announcements, remembering this is going to go out to your entire class. I was in XIa2R0Alk8u-00437-00199909-00200238 the class menu when I clicked on announcements. And you can see you get XIa2R0Alk8u-00438-00200238-00200512 the rich text editor so you can add links and images and XIa2R0Alk8u-00439-00200512-00200872 pictures and so you can do lots of really cool stuff here. And then there's XIa2R0Alk8u-00440-00200872-00201235 one feature that is totally the bestest. It's right here. XIa2R0Alk8u-00441-00201235-00201904 Delay posting! You can tell it when to send the announcement. What this means XIa2R0Alk8u-00442-00201904-00202197 for you as an instructor, which is so cool, XIa2R0Alk8u-00443-00202197-00202843 you could set up all your announcements before the semester starts. Like "Hey your XIa2R0Alk8u-00444-00202843-00203227 test is tomorrow don't forget to come." "Hey don't forget this assignment is due XIa2R0Alk8u-00445-00203227-00203473 tomorrow." "Hey remember midterms are coming let's XIa2R0Alk8u-00446-00203473-00203920 try and get these grades up." Whatever it is, you can set up all those reminders XIa2R0Alk8u-00447-00203920-00204430 beforehand. But it gets even better! I told you Canvas was a lot better at XIa2R0Alk8u-00448-00204430-00204826 managing dates. It's really easy to update due dates when you copy a course XIa2R0Alk8u-00449-00204826-00205255 to the new semester. You will be able to shift the dates and these preset XIa2R0Alk8u-00450-00205255-00205794 announcements will also be copied over with the new dates. So you only have to XIa2R0Alk8u-00451-00205794-00206530 do this once. It's wonderful! You should totally try using that! So one quick note XIa2R0Alk8u-00452-00206530-00206940 before I leave this. Um, in order for students to receive emails from your XIa2R0Alk8u-00453-00206940-00207433 course, any notifications like from announcements or even emails, the student XIa2R0Alk8u-00454-00207433-00207963 has to have - the course has to be published - and um right now the student XIa2R0Alk8u-00455-00207963-00208440 has to have been in Canvas at least once. So just so you know, that very first XIa2R0Alk8u-00456-00208440-00208746 email you send out to students, you might want to do it another way rather than XIa2R0Alk8u-00457-00208746-00209148 through Canvas. Alright. That is our six skills, a whole bunch of XIa2R0Alk8u-00458-00209148-00209554 best practices, some of the key differences between Canvas and Moodle. If XIa2R0Alk8u-00459-00209554-00210042 you ever get stuck, remember there's over here in the menu - XIa2R0Alk8u-00460-00210042-00210577 the global menu. Look there's help. It has so much cool stuff. Students can ask you XIa2R0Alk8u-00461-00210577-00210886 a question - who cares about that. There's the Canvas guides. You can learn XIa2R0Alk8u-00462-00210886-00211342 a ton of stuff. Bugs you can report here. Ask the community, a great place to talk XIa2R0Alk8u-00463-00211342-00211869 about best uses for stuff. This support hotlines, chatting with support, Canvas is XIa2R0Alk8u-00464-00211869-00212353 super responsive. That is definitely a place to go and get additional help if XIa2R0Alk8u-00465-00212353-00212875 you need it. You can also always contact help@umn.edu or your local XIa2R0Alk8u-00466-00212875-00213394 academic tech support. And that is everything you need to know to get you XIa2R0Alk8u-00467-00213394-00213896 started in Canvas. Good luck. Thanks for sticking with us through XIa2R0Alk8u-00468-00213896-00214276 this really tough transition. XJ92uyz1oCY-00000-00002830-00002919 3 divided by 24, XJ92uyz1oCY-00001-00002919-00003561 Okay, so I distribute 6 ones XJ92uyz1oCY-00002-00003561-00003739 So there is 3 divided by 4 XJ92uyz1oCY-00003-00003739-00003838 because we have to repeat XJ92uyz1oCY-00004-00003838-00004060 the steps because ... XJ92uyz1oCY-00005-00004365-00004547 So I distribute 6 ones XJ92uyz1oCY-00006-00004547-00004850 so then XJ92uyz1oCY-00007-00004850-00004983 We don't bring down the XJ92uyz1oCY-00008-00004983-00005273 6. XJ92uyz1oCY-00009-00005273-00005306 So XJ92uyz1oCY-00010-00005572-00005972 So we would, well, we have to XJ92uyz1oCY-00011-00005972-00006298 so 3 divided by 24, so it would XJ92uyz1oCY-00012-00006298-00006854 be 3, 6, 9, 12, 15. 18, 21. XJ92uyz1oCY-00013-00006887-00006989 So it would be 24 XJ92uyz1oCY-00014-00006989-00007265 and that would be 8. XJ92uyz1oCY-00015-00007265-00007350 I think we do have to XJ92uyz1oCY-00016-00007350-00007609 bring down the 6. XJ92uyz1oCY-00017-00007609-00007727 Oh, we could try. XJ92uyz1oCY-00018-00007727-00007890 So -- XJ92uyz1oCY-00019-00008431-00008748 This is good. XJ92uyz1oCY-00020-00009374-00009565 Well, it's kind of like the place XJ92uyz1oCY-00021-00009565-00009632 value chart but just switched around. XJ92uyz1oCY-00022-00009632-00010186 Wait, I, now I think you're -- XJ92uyz1oCY-00023-00010527-00011056 You don't bring down the 6. XJ92uyz1oCY-00024-00011056-00011263 50 00:01:50,569 --> 00:01:50,549 XMFI35nfQFu-00000-00000000-00000253 *awkward silence (lol)* XMFI35nfQFu-00001-00000253-00000343 Drop the drugs! XMFI35nfQFu-00002-00000343-00000543 It’s okay (n word 🧑🏿), I got that weed card! XMFI35nfQFu-00003-00000543-00000643 Sh*t! 💩 XMFI35nfQFu-00004-00000643-00000843 (The most goofy ahh ahh dancing you will ever see) XOdytNk5jNE-00000-00000063-00000300 ECHO Effect XOdytNk5jNE-00001-00000400-00000900 On February 20th in a debate on CNN a leader of the government claimed that violence in Venezuela was a media problem. XOdytNk5jNE-00002-00000900-00001400 Two days later, the National Guard attacked students demonstrating in Altamira. XOdytNk5jNE-00003-00001400-00001900 This echoes the twitter of @pineapple brother of one of the protesters XOdytNk5jNE-00004-00002000-00002500 My brother tells me that his side were a national police firing buckshot to the people... XOdytNk5jNE-00005-00002600-00002800 … even old ladies XOdytNk5jNE-00006-00002800-00003200 he says that his side some boys was shot with pellets in the knees... XOdytNk5jNE-00007-00003200-00003600 ..In the face. He was shoot in the back. XOdytNk5jNE-00008-00003600-00004250 No. My brother was neither burning tires nor throwing rocks. Nothing. XOdytNk5jNE-00009-00004300-00004500 He was just walking. XOdytNk5jNE-00010-00004500-00005000 He tells me they threatened and robbed them. XOdytNk5jNE-00011-00005100-00005500 By the way, he was told to apply povidine (medicine) XOdytNk5jNE-00012-00005600-00006200 And guess what? I went to 10 pharmacies. There wash´t. You can´t find that here XOdytNk5jNE-00013-00006300-00006600 But everything is ok XOdytNk5jNE-00014-00006700-00007000 Let´s do echo about what is happening in Venezuela. XOdytNk5jNE-00015-00007100-00007400 ECHO effect. XQTfgAzVAz8-00000-00000083-00000394 Hi, it's Andrew MacCalla with Direct Relief We're here out in XQTfgAzVAz8-00001-00000394-00000819 front of Jackson Memorial Health System -- the largest hospital in the country and XQTfgAzVAz8-00002-00000819-00001242 as you can see streets are deserted 6:30 on a Saturday night XQTfgAzVAz8-00003-00001242-00001684 they're about to close the doors in here and everyone who's in is in XQTfgAzVAz8-00004-00001684-00001960 they're not going to open them up until Monday morning XQTfgAzVAz8-00005-00001960-00002118 The ER is open. XQTfgAzVAz8-00006-00002118-00002901 But with these winds gusts, ambulances and police will be mostly off the roads. XQTfgAzVAz8-00007-00002901-00003160 So we're going to wait it out inside. XQTfgAzVAz8-00008-00003160-00003343 Obviously they have backup generators. XQTfgAzVAz8-00009-00003343-00003943 We'll be watching and seeing what's going on and making a plan for what Direct Relief XQTfgAzVAz8-00010-00003943-00004093 will do when it opens back up again. XRLY0M41RPQ-00002-00001412-00001612 Hello Friends, Welcome Back to the Motor Torsion.. XVN6Wg2sGWE-00000-00000000-00000344 what is going on everybody my name is alex freebring in today's video we're going to be going XVN6Wg2sGWE-00001-00000344-00000840 over negotiating your salary and congratulations if you got to this point in the interview process XVN6Wg2sGWE-00002-00000840-00001296 that means you followed all of my advice in the previous videos and got a job offer which is huge XVN6Wg2sGWE-00003-00001296-00001712 so congratulations what we're going to do in this video is walk through some of my general tips on XVN6Wg2sGWE-00004-00001712-00002104 negotiating your salary and i'll walk through some examples and i'll talk about the things that i XVN6Wg2sGWE-00005-00002104-00002512 have done in the past that have been successful for me in ways that i've been able to negotiate XVN6Wg2sGWE-00006-00002512-00002960 my salary to a higher rate so let's look at the general tips for negotiating your salary number XVN6Wg2sGWE-00007-00002960-00003472 one is know your worth and do your research before you even enter the interview process XVN6Wg2sGWE-00008-00003472-00003952 you should have done research on your industry on your location on how much the average salary XVN6Wg2sGWE-00009-00003952-00004416 is how many years experience do you have what skills are you bringing in that increase your XVN6Wg2sGWE-00010-00004416-00004848 value so all of these things you need to be doing research i mean we are data analysts XVN6Wg2sGWE-00011-00004848-00005408 for god's sake you need to know everything that can increase the value of your position XVN6Wg2sGWE-00012-00005408-00005888 at this company again do your research you want to know what your market value is that is very XVN6Wg2sGWE-00013-00005888-00006392 important during this process number two is look at the total package not just the salary a company XVN6Wg2sGWE-00014-00006392-00006800 can have a lot of different perks or a company can have none of these perks and you want to know XVN6Wg2sGWE-00015-00006800-00007295 these things before you actually sign on a high salary at one place with absolutely no perks maybe XVN6Wg2sGWE-00016-00007295-00007840 a worse option than a lower salary somewhere else that has a lot of really good perks and so knowing XVN6Wg2sGWE-00017-00007840-00008312 that information before you accept a job offer is really important number three is a little bit of XVN6Wg2sGWE-00018-00008312-00008720 prep work that you actually need to do before you enter the interview process or get to the salary XVN6Wg2sGWE-00019-00008720-00009328 negotiation process but you want to set a lowest acceptable salary and your salary goals because XVN6Wg2sGWE-00020-00009328-00009728 you want to have a number in your mind that you aren't willing to go below so if your number is XVN6Wg2sGWE-00021-00009728-00010288 50 000 and they're offering you 45 and they will not budge up to 50 and that means that's a no go XVN6Wg2sGWE-00022-00010288-00010688 and you want to set the line somewhere and you also want to have salary goals because during XVN6Wg2sGWE-00023-00010688-00011144 the negotiation process you definitely want to have a certain number you're trying to achieve XVN6Wg2sGWE-00024-00011144-00011688 and so if they're offering you 65 000 your goal is 70 maybe you ask for 75 and then you guys can XVN6Wg2sGWE-00025-00011688-00012208 meet in the middle at 70. and that leads us right to number four which is compromise for the most XVN6Wg2sGWE-00026-00012208-00012608 part you're not going to get exactly what you were looking for in terms of salary or benefits XVN6Wg2sGWE-00027-00012664-00013136 but if you can get close enough and it's something that's within your range of what's acceptable XVN6Wg2sGWE-00028-00013136-00013488 you don't want to keep going back and forth and hounding them for more money XVN6Wg2sGWE-00029-00013488-00013928 at some point you have to accept that that's what you're going to get and compromise and take the XVN6Wg2sGWE-00030-00013928-00014391 deal i know for myself when i was first starting out as a data analyst i had zero expectations XVN6Wg2sGWE-00031-00014391-00014768 so i really didn't have to compromise at all whatever they offered me i was really happy as XVN6Wg2sGWE-00032-00014768-00015191 i got further along in my career i started setting expectations for my salary and setting goals for XVN6Wg2sGWE-00033-00015191-00015672 my salary and that's when i did have to compromise later in different stages and different interviews XVN6Wg2sGWE-00034-00015760-00016256 and number five is stay positive and be grateful because you just got offered a job that probably XVN6Wg2sGWE-00035-00016256-00016704 other people were applying for and you are the best candidate and they want you there and so XVN6Wg2sGWE-00036-00016704-00017144 stay positive you want to build a rapport with these people you're probably talking XVN6Wg2sGWE-00037-00017144-00017632 with or in communications with somebody who you will be working with so you want to maintain a XVN6Wg2sGWE-00038-00017632-00018080 professional and positive working relationship a bonus tip would be whether you say number XVN6Wg2sGWE-00039-00018080-00018544 first or they say a number first there's a lot of debate on that you can find a way to get to the XVN6Wg2sGWE-00040-00018544-00018928 number you're looking for i know there's a lot of debate on whether you should save the salary first XVN6Wg2sGWE-00041-00018928-00019416 or they should say the salary first but genuinely i've done it both ways and i've had success doing XVN6Wg2sGWE-00042-00019416-00019856 it both ways now let's look at some questions one question that they might ask you is what are your XVN6Wg2sGWE-00043-00019856-00020360 salary expectations now for the most part you probably have talked during the either the phone XVN6Wg2sGWE-00044-00020360-00020872 interview the pre-screening with a recruiter about salary in some aspect or some way if you haven't XVN6Wg2sGWE-00045-00020872-00021496 that's okay when you get here i don't like to be specific whether that's in the recruiting stage XVN6Wg2sGWE-00046-00021496-00022016 or the phone interview or this stage i don't like to get specific i really like to be vague or ask XVN6Wg2sGWE-00047-00022016-00022512 them you know what is your salary range for this position because that helps me gauge kind of where XVN6Wg2sGWE-00048-00022512-00023008 their budget is at for their department and i can cater my answer to their range if that's within XVN6Wg2sGWE-00049-00023008-00023568 the salary range that i'm expecting or hoping for next question is what happens if they low ball you XVN6Wg2sGWE-00050-00023568-00024072 this can definitely happen and it's happened to me in the past a job that i thought was about 65 to XVN6Wg2sGWE-00051-00024072-00024600 70 000 for the salary they ended up offering me 45 000. i was a little bit shocked when they actually XVN6Wg2sGWE-00052-00024600-00025016 offered me the position but they asked are you willing to negotiate on the salary i said yes and XVN6Wg2sGWE-00053-00025016-00025488 i said look based on the market value that i am at right now i feel like my salary should be closer XVN6Wg2sGWE-00054-00025488-00026000 to 65 or 70 thousand dollars and they countered with around 50 and i had to turn them down and XVN6Wg2sGWE-00055-00026000-00026439 that's just the realities of that did not meet my minimum because i was making more than that at the XVN6Wg2sGWE-00056-00026439-00026856 time and so i was a little bit disappointed because i thought i would be a good fit but XVN6Wg2sGWE-00057-00026856-00027383 in the end it did not meet my lowest acceptable salary and so i had to say no the next question XVN6Wg2sGWE-00058-00027383-00027880 is what if they don't budge on the salary at all and this could happen some departments or some XVN6Wg2sGWE-00059-00027880-00028368 companies just have set salaries that they stick to and the salary is what the salary is and so XVN6Wg2sGWE-00060-00028368-00028839 they don't negotiate at all but if it's above the lowest salary that you're looking to take and you XVN6Wg2sGWE-00061-00028839-00029320 like the position you think you'll be a good fit i say take it i think that's the best move next XVN6Wg2sGWE-00062-00029320-00029768 question is a good one i think is an important one to know is how many times should i counter offer XVN6Wg2sGWE-00063-00029768-00030327 and personally i think you should only counter offer one time if they offer you 65 000 and you XVN6Wg2sGWE-00064-00030327-00030888 counter with 75 000 and they meet in the middle at 70 do not push for an extra thousand or two don't XVN6Wg2sGWE-00065-00030888-00031432 offer okay what about 73 that doesn't look good it kind of leaves a bad taste in their mouth as XVN6Wg2sGWE-00066-00031432-00031856 at least i can imagine it would leave a really bad taste in their mouth so personally i only do one XVN6Wg2sGWE-00067-00031856-00032295 counteroffer so that is negotiating your salary and that is our last video in this series i hope XVN6Wg2sGWE-00068-00032295-00032648 that has been helpful i hope you learned something if you haven't already be sure to check out my XVN6Wg2sGWE-00069-00032648-00033136 channel i have lots of other videos on everything data analytics related thank you guys so much for XVN6Wg2sGWE-00070-00033136-00033632 watching if you like this video be sure to like and subscribe below and i'll see in the next video XWDLANFslZc-00000-00000433-00000730 This is the ISDT X16. XWDLANFslZc-00001-00000800-00001301 It's an absolute powerhouse of a charger with enough watts to blow a 110v breaker if you let it. XWDLANFslZc-00002-00001501-00002148 It's sporting dual XT90 connectors and 18-pin Molex Micro-Fit connectors for balancing, XWDLANFslZc-00003-00002148-00002649 as well as a USB-A for charging, a USB-C for updating and an AC wall socket. XWDLANFslZc-00004-00002696-00002706 It's a pretty hefty unit overall, weighing in a little over 6 lbs. XWDLANFslZc-00005-00002706-00003196 It's a pretty hefty unit overall, weighing in a little over 6 lbs. XWDLANFslZc-00006-00003229-00003773 It's got 2 carrying handles on the sides for moving it. They make transportation much easier with one hand. XWDLANFslZc-00007-00003820-00004434 And here are the specs listed on the back. XWDLANFslZc-00008-00004924-00005352 In typical ISDT fashion, the menu system is very easy to navigate. XWDLANFslZc-00009-00005428-00005608 There are 3 buttons for each side, XWDLANFslZc-00010-00005648-00005899 Pressing the middle button brings you to a preset menu. XWDLANFslZc-00011-00005959-00006222 There are 8 presets you can choose from and customize. XWDLANFslZc-00012-00006249-00006753 The charger can charge anywhere from 3 cell to 16 cell batteries at a maximum of 20 amps, XWDLANFslZc-00013-00006756-00007043 as well as discharge at up to 50W per channel. XWDLANFslZc-00014-00007237-00007737 This can also be doubled by connecting the outputs in parallel. XWDLANFslZc-00015-00008852-00009082 Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the balance plugs. XWDLANFslZc-00016-00009159-00009462 They're 18 pin Molex Micro-Fit connectors, XWDLANFslZc-00017-00009462-00009776 and this means you can't charge hobby batteries out of the box. XWDLANFslZc-00018-00009806-00010437 I talked to ISDT about this and they said they're working on a board for it and it'll be in the box with newer batches as an upgrade kit. XWDLANFslZc-00019-00010490-00011034 But since I'm impatient, I went ahead and designed my own board. I have a batch of 10 arriving soon. XWDLANFslZc-00020-00011057-00011418 You will be able to buy them at https://isaacs.site XWDLANFslZc-00021-00011518-00012018 The mobile app is also non-functional at the moment. XWDLANFslZc-00022-00012265-00012605 So why did I buy this if it can't even charge my quad batteries out of the box? XWDLANFslZc-00023-00012712-00013016 Right now, just ebikes. XWDLANFslZc-00024-00013126-00013626 In the future I'm planning a solar charging setup, an ArduPilot robomower and a few other things. XWDLANFslZc-00025-00013787-00014013 So. Should you buy it? XWDLANFslZc-00026-00014070-00014204 Maybe. XWDLANFslZc-00027-00014310-00014607 There are going to be 2 types of people watching this: XWDLANFslZc-00028-00014671-00015478 The first, and probably most common, is going to laugh at how expensive this product is and wonder why you'd even need it over something like a ToolkitRC M6D. XWDLANFslZc-00029-00015522-00015835 And at a price of $630 + tax, I can understand why. XWDLANFslZc-00030-00015979-00016403 The second is going to be excited at how much of a bargain this is for what it's capable of. XWDLANFslZc-00031-00016479-00017387 If you're into high voltage projects like ebikes, electric gokarts, robomowers, large UAVs, large scale planes, or anything else that needs 8S+ batteries, just buy it. XWDLANFslZc-00032-00017430-00018028 There's not much else that fills this market gap that I've been able to find, besides the Ultra Power UP2400. XWDLANFslZc-00033-00018088-00018862 The UP2400 has a higher current rating at 25 amps, but can't charge less than a 6s battery and can't charge higher than a 14S. XWDLANFslZc-00034-00018955-00019486 I'm glad I bought one, but for 99% of people, just buy a ToolkitRC M6D. XYCalyN-t08-00000-00000131-00000672 hi traders at sir my trader here welcome to this video in this video I'm going to XYCalyN-t08-00001-00000672-00001179 be covering once again I've done a number of videos like this on covering XYCalyN-t08-00002-00001179-00001743 the trade master - so how to trade the trade master - cycle indicator using the XYCalyN-t08-00003-00001743-00002289 day traders fast track program strategies to confirm your entries we XYCalyN-t08-00004-00002289-00002889 now have a number of members that have the trade master indicator it is a third XYCalyN-t08-00005-00002889-00003396 party indicators and not an indicator dye actually own but some of our members XYCalyN-t08-00006-00003396-00003807 are getting great results from it and I've been asked really on an ongoing XYCalyN-t08-00007-00003807-00004337 basis how would I trade it how would I use the indicator so the purpose of this XYCalyN-t08-00008-00004337-00004776 video is to go through some tips and ideas and I want to talk a little bit XYCalyN-t08-00009-00004776-00005253 about psychology as well because there's some important factors with this XYCalyN-t08-00010-00005253-00005751 indicator but will really streamline your trading as we get into this I do XYCalyN-t08-00011-00005751-00006180 need to say that put up the risk disclaimer I should say there is XYCalyN-t08-00012-00006180-00006567 understanding the risk there is a risk in trading and of course I'm going to be XYCalyN-t08-00013-00006567-00007011 talking about some hypothetical returns in a moment I've just gone back over XYCalyN-t08-00014-00007011-00007815 four days from last week and I just like to quote you the stats from those days XYCalyN-t08-00015-00007815-00008328 now they're not exactly perfect but I was pretty conservative in my approach XYCalyN-t08-00016-00008328-00008754 with them as you'll see when I cover them and talk about them in a couple of XYCalyN-t08-00017-00008754-00008990 minutes now if you're watching this video XYCalyN-t08-00018-00008990-00009363 it'll be mainly members watching this video but if you're not a member of the XYCalyN-t08-00019-00009363-00009740 day traders fast track program please visit my website where you will to XYCalyN-t08-00020-00009740-00010286 obtain more information on my strategies request my ebook and also be kept up to XYCalyN-t08-00021-00010286-00010806 date as I'm going to be reviewing third-party indicators on a much more XYCalyN-t08-00022-00010806-00011274 regular basis for our members as it something it comes up I would say almost XYCalyN-t08-00023-00011274-00011745 every day a member would ask me about a particular indicator from a third-party XYCalyN-t08-00024-00011745-00012234 as I've invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in indicators and programming XYCalyN-t08-00025-00012234-00012743 of indicators in the past so we're going to be talking about but in much greater XYCalyN-t08-00026-00012743-00013334 detail as we go along as always this be my videos are all real and unedited so XYCalyN-t08-00027-00013334-00013851 i fluff anything up please forgive me now I just want to start with this is XYCalyN-t08-00028-00013851-00014453 probably the greatest book ever written about trading psychology is the XYCalyN-t08-00029-00014453-00014933 disciplined trader and this is just so important is that if you are not XYCalyN-t08-00030-00014933-00015523 consistently profitable if you are a brand-new trader or like 90% of the XYCalyN-t08-00031-00015523-00015973 traders out there that are not profitable what Mark Douglas says in XYCalyN-t08-00032-00015973-00016387 this book is this to become an expert choose one simple trading pattern that XYCalyN-t08-00033-00016387-00016931 identifies a one simple trading system I should say that identifies a pattern XYCalyN-t08-00034-00016931-00017516 preferably one is a mechanical rather than mathematical one that will give you XYCalyN-t08-00035-00017516-00017822 a visual representation of the market behavior XYCalyN-t08-00036-00017822-00018434 now using the trade master - the way I use it and I recommend you consider XYCalyN-t08-00037-00018434-00018947 using it it's very much based upon pattern recognition as humans it's very XYCalyN-t08-00038-00018947-00019364 easy for us to pick patterns and I'm going to be showing you a number of XYCalyN-t08-00039-00019364-00019882 these patterns that appear in the market every day the market has a memory so XYCalyN-t08-00040-00019882-00020390 this is just really important so if you are struggling with your trading the XYCalyN-t08-00041-00020390-00020881 trade master will basically act as a crutch if you like it's a tool and by XYCalyN-t08-00042-00020881-00021388 the way traders I have to say this look the trade master is a tool like every XYCalyN-t08-00043-00021388-00021757 indicator I mean just about every indicator is a derivative of price XYCalyN-t08-00044-00021757-00022360 however their tools and as master trades people if you like we have a range of XYCalyN-t08-00045-00022360-00022807 tools for different market conditions so really that's how you would use the XYCalyN-t08-00046-00022807-00023378 trade master it's a tool to be used and as we move on Jim Rohn the great late XYCalyN-t08-00047-00023378-00023828 Jim Rohn stated successes nothing more than a few simple principles practiced XYCalyN-t08-00048-00023828-00024291 every day and that's one of the great things about using the trade master it XYCalyN-t08-00049-00024291-00024781 makes it your trading very very mechanical very rural space and it's XYCalyN-t08-00050-00024781-00025466 simple to apply and as you will see it's got an excellent win-loss ratio which is XYCalyN-t08-00051-00025466-00025931 fantastic for either a struggling trader a trade of it's been doing it tough in XYCalyN-t08-00052-00025931-00026501 the past or a brand-new trader and yes I know the indicator is not inexpensive as XYCalyN-t08-00053-00026501-00027064 I said it's not my indicator it's third party indicator however the XYCalyN-t08-00054-00027064-00027527 investment you make in purchasing the trade master when you look at the XYCalyN-t08-00055-00027527-00028079 statistics and overall and if you trade it consistently it's very well worth the XYCalyN-t08-00056-00028079-00028616 investment so moving right along this is important because we will discuss the XYCalyN-t08-00057-00028616-00029000 win-loss ratios in a moment but let's look at it this way what gives the XYCalyN-t08-00058-00029000-00029480 casino the house hedge rules and probabilities and the same when we apply XYCalyN-t08-00059-00029480-00029981 the trade master now on the casino do you see the dealer missing a hand or XYCalyN-t08-00060-00029981-00030437 change any rules because the house just had three losing hands in a row of XYCalyN-t08-00061-00030437-00030851 course not they stick to the rules and as we know we say blackjack sort of XYCalyN-t08-00062-00030851-00031502 common to see ten losing trades in a row now with the trade master out of four XYCalyN-t08-00063-00031502-00032095 days and out of five is probably a good 200 trades once in that time I think XYCalyN-t08-00064-00032095-00032579 there were three losing trades in a row I think it was a maximum we had in that XYCalyN-t08-00065-00032579-00032930 time and there's some things there which I will discuss in a moment where you can XYCalyN-t08-00066-00032930-00033425 tighten up your losses and I think dramatically improve all one be careful XYCalyN-t08-00067-00033425-00033893 on so dramatically but you can definitely improve the results I'm about XYCalyN-t08-00068-00033893-00034289 to quote you so remember you got to stick with it but that's the advantage XYCalyN-t08-00069-00034289-00034841 of this because the plots it if you like it applies a set of rules this makes it XYCalyN-t08-00070-00034841-00035357 easier to follow because members that are watching this you'll recognize the XYCalyN-t08-00071-00035357-00035777 tyonne's or super scalper plots and you'll say well hey I could take them XYCalyN-t08-00072-00035777-00036245 anyway you are absolutely correct but what the trade master does it just makes XYCalyN-t08-00073-00036245-00036770 it more rules base and it's just great for assisting in developing the XYCalyN-t08-00074-00036770-00037337 discipline so I want to quickly talk to you about profit targets because this is XYCalyN-t08-00075-00037337-00037835 really important with any tool and any trader you've got to have an overall XYCalyN-t08-00076-00037835-00038330 target what is your objective now you hear me talk regularly about but if XYCalyN-t08-00077-00038330-00038966 you're an active day trader a very good target is 200 plus per day I mean it's XYCalyN-t08-00078-00038966-00039371 reasonable particularly for trading summit like the black gold and here the XYCalyN-t08-00079-00039371-00040130 chance I'm using is CL oil but of course you could apply it to gold XYCalyN-t08-00080-00040130-00040769 silver to NQ doesn't matter what market you applied to excuse me as long as XYCalyN-t08-00081-00040769-00041287 you've got some volatility that's really important you want a trending market the XYCalyN-t08-00082-00041287-00041771 better the market trending the greater the waves and even the violent news is XYCalyN-t08-00083-00041771-00042158 we're about to discuss in a moment the better that will really improve your XYCalyN-t08-00084-00042158-00042662 bottom line results so if you're trading a CL it's $10 a tick so if you're going XYCalyN-t08-00085-00042662-00043337 through five trades by net five ticks it's 250 and let's just say your XYCalyN-t08-00086-00043337-00043925 Commission's $5 each it's 225 so if you decide to target a slightly higher XYCalyN-t08-00087-00043925-00044519 profit target of six ticks okay that's four trades a day a fit now if you have XYCalyN-t08-00088-00044519-00045034 to say two trades by eleven ticks that's 210 so what trade has the highest XYCalyN-t08-00089-00045034-00045596 probability of achieving a target of 11 + ticks and we'll discuss that as we go XYCalyN-t08-00090-00045596-00045944 along you know realistic traders if your goal XYCalyN-t08-00091-00045944-00046406 at the end of a week is to end up with a thousand net per contract you need to be XYCalyN-t08-00092-00046406-00046925 targeting 300 a day plus you've got to allow for down days so if you're just XYCalyN-t08-00093-00046925-00047413 targeting 200 a day and that's it you wrap up for the day you're probably XYCalyN-t08-00094-00047413-00047858 going to find it difficult to achieve your net one person you need to be XYCalyN-t08-00095-00047858-00048334 targeting 300 plus and so I don't want to go on this video purpose of this XYCalyN-t08-00096-00048334-00048806 video is not to discuss money management rules etc but you've got to have a XYCalyN-t08-00097-00048806-00049306 target you've got to have a compelling future and I firmly believe that trading XYCalyN-t08-00098-00049306-00049949 the trade master over a three or four-hour period this is a very XYCalyN-t08-00099-00049949-00050344 realistic target as we're about to see XYCalyN-t08-00100-00050455-00050902 so if there are two types of trades that I'm going to talk about and show you XYCalyN-t08-00101-00050902-00051579 illustrate with trend and counter trend now what's really interesting is that XYCalyN-t08-00102-00051579-00052151 with this you have a lot more counter trend trades than with trend trades XYCalyN-t08-00103-00052151-00052832 where the trade master plots however you'll usually find that the trade XYCalyN-t08-00104-00052832-00053557 master is not picking up our 21 BS or our 34 B's so that restrict XYCalyN-t08-00105-00053557-00054020 the results that I'm giving you here I'm only giving you the results of where the XYCalyN-t08-00106-00054020-00054541 trade master two plots as I'm going to show you in a moment so by adding the XYCalyN-t08-00107-00054541-00055049 twenty ones and the thirty fourth you'll probably increase the bottom line XYCalyN-t08-00108-00055049-00055633 results that I'm about to cover with you as well now just a very very quickly so XYCalyN-t08-00109-00055633-00056411 it is Monday the 7th of August 2017 so the week before so starting with the XYCalyN-t08-00110-00056411-00056979 first of August so over four days I'm just going to quickly read these out XYCalyN-t08-00111-00056979-00057439 because once again this is mainly for members that have got the trade master XYCalyN-t08-00112-00057439-00057794 so if we look at one of the days last week I think it was actually Friday XYCalyN-t08-00113-00057794-00058363 which is the 4th and 5th of August that rolled over past midnight my time there XYCalyN-t08-00114-00058363-00058949 were actually it wasn't a great day with the trading with trend XYCalyN-t08-00115-00058949-00059444 sorry counter trend trade you only ended up over a twenty two hour period up 15 XYCalyN-t08-00116-00059444-00060001 ticks if you are with your whip trend trade you're up twenty three six so XYCalyN-t08-00117-00060001-00060502 that's what's that three hundred and eighty dollars for the day but that XYCalyN-t08-00118-00060502-00061016 doesn't include your twenty one thirty four B's or even your C sevens with the XYCalyN-t08-00119-00061016-00061669 trend another day there we had said me just a flick over to this so what day XYCalyN-t08-00120-00061669-00062312 was this one okay so this was the first I think it was last week we had over XYCalyN-t08-00121-00062312-00062701 twenty two hour period there were eleven with Tran trade so this is actually the XYCalyN-t08-00122-00062701-00063332 inventory day there Wednesday severe eleven with trends there were 34 counter XYCalyN-t08-00123-00063332-00064216 trends so you ended up with fourteen net out of the with Trent sixty-six net XYCalyN-t08-00124-00064216-00064720 trading counter trend that's six hundred and sixty and a hundred and forty now I XYCalyN-t08-00125-00064720-00065375 should point this out my maximum stop is seven ticks okay so that's my maximum XYCalyN-t08-00126-00065375-00065986 stop and here for the sake of exercise I've only used the target of five ticks XYCalyN-t08-00127-00065986-00066623 so my stop is seven my target is only five so therefore you need to be really XYCalyN-t08-00128-00066623-00066900 over seventy percent for you win-loss ratio to XYCalyN-t08-00129-00066900-00067539 really make money and as you're about to see well and truly do that now where you XYCalyN-t08-00130-00067539-00067989 dramatically improve your results once again is by taking you 34 beers XYCalyN-t08-00131-00067989-00068598 taking you 20 ones and it's e7s with the trend but also going for your runner so XYCalyN-t08-00132-00068598-00068949 I'm going to cover that and show you on the charts in a moment XYCalyN-t08-00133-00068949-00069441 now another day here we had on the 2nd of August we had there was trading with XYCalyN-t08-00134-00069441-00070131 the trend there was a net 81 ticks for the day there was 62 ticks net for the XYCalyN-t08-00135-00070131-00070662 counter trend never it was by the way that day there was 71 trades on the 3rd XYCalyN-t08-00136-00070662-00071244 this is last Thursday I think it might have been last Thursday there was once XYCalyN-t08-00137-00071244-00071982 again 34 trades with the trend we had 38 counter trends erupt 58 ticks net or 580 XYCalyN-t08-00138-00071982-00072762 trading with the trend over 22 hours and 880 over 22 hours trading counter trend XYCalyN-t08-00139-00072762-00073416 the bottom line is these are outstanding returns and once again as a rebuff to XYCalyN-t08-00140-00073416-00073812 discuss and I'll show you I mean you could really dramatically improve this XYCalyN-t08-00141-00073812-00074202 in my humble opinion so when to plot the trade master to XYCalyN-t08-00142-00074202-00074540 let's get into this let me just pull up pull up my yellow highlighter and XYCalyN-t08-00143-00074540-00074988 hopefully you can see this okay we try and attempt to plot the team XYCalyN-t08-00144-00074988-00075536 after every three to five candle pull back to the 3489 and see seven so XYCalyN-t08-00145-00075536-00076194 because we are waiting for the t1 that white paint bar that white paint bar XYCalyN-t08-00146-00076194-00076728 you'll see in a moment if you're new to this video or new demise strategies you XYCalyN-t08-00147-00076728-00077136 want to enter a trade after the super scope of plots and the reason I'm XYCalyN-t08-00148-00077136-00077750 looking for the super scope to plot is that makes it very very mechanical XYCalyN-t08-00149-00077750-00078231 psychologically it will really improve your discipline and your self-confidence XYCalyN-t08-00150-00078231-00078735 when it comes to trading but what you want to do is to be plotting in advance XYCalyN-t08-00151-00078735-00079368 before it actually plots so therefore you ready to go with your order now so XYCalyN-t08-00152-00079368-00079878 you need to clearly understand have a super scope of plots now in the course XYCalyN-t08-00153-00079878-00080264 in the videos and those members obvious 300 videos XYCalyN-t08-00154-00080264-00080805 in my program just look for the ones that are highlighted t1 okay so in the XYCalyN-t08-00155-00080805-00081297 starter pack now if you look down at all the videos just look at the titles how XYCalyN-t08-00156-00081297-00081761 the t1 works how to trade the two ones and it clearly explains the super scalper XYCalyN-t08-00157-00081761-00082262 now if you have a trading program where you don't have the super scalper of a t1 XYCalyN-t08-00158-00082262-00082866 the paintbar simply learn the pattern it's a very very simple pattern so you XYCalyN-t08-00159-00082866-00083292 don't have to have a plot because once you understand the pattern you can see XYCalyN-t08-00160-00083292-00083750 it visually and that's the thing so after you see a retracement of 3 to 5 XYCalyN-t08-00161-00083750-00084366 Kind of pullbacks back to the 34 89 or even deeper you are getting ready for a XYCalyN-t08-00162-00084366-00084770 super scalper of the plot now if you're trading counter-trend XYCalyN-t08-00163-00084770-00085337 attempt to plot the trade master to it every t3 setup every double top or XYCalyN-t08-00164-00085337-00085918 double bottom at t7 and every t19 divergence setup where you'll have the XYCalyN-t08-00165-00085918-00086541 t1 over potential to have the super scalper or plot so you can get ready get XYCalyN-t08-00166-00086541-00087044 ready for an early entry so at other times attempt to plot the attempt to XYCalyN-t08-00167-00087044-00087725 plot the trade master to it every t9 or t10 set up now that is when you have a XYCalyN-t08-00168-00087725-00088455 t10 a money on the floor trade or what I call it t9 is where I know that I'm XYCalyN-t08-00169-00088455-00088907 going to have a higher low or a lower high I get ready to plot there and I'll XYCalyN-t08-00170-00088907-00089312 show you that as well so what you're actually doing is you're plotting the XYCalyN-t08-00171-00089312-00089847 trade master in advance which just gives you a heads up and remember as traders XYCalyN-t08-00172-00089847-00090330 you always want to be thinking in advance anyway what is potentially about XYCalyN-t08-00173-00090330-00090719 to happen what can I expect to happen so it just takes a little bit of practice XYCalyN-t08-00174-00090719-00091220 hey using this indicator ain't rocket size it really isn't and in a couple XYCalyN-t08-00175-00091220-00091655 of days you can really master this and as members by the way if you've got any XYCalyN-t08-00176-00091655-00092144 questions if you remember and you've got the indicator please don't even go back XYCalyN-t08-00177-00092144-00092561 to trend Pro who manufacture this indicator come directly to me because XYCalyN-t08-00178-00092561-00093026 we're using that every and I know I love it I've gone over it over now thousands XYCalyN-t08-00179-00093026-00093561 of trades to come directly to me that's why you join and become as a member that XYCalyN-t08-00180-00093561-00093870 I'm there to support with it so let me help you with it so XYCalyN-t08-00181-00093870-00094314 when you have a traded master to plot with trend consider taking all qualified XYCalyN-t08-00182-00094314-00095038 T1 T2 T25 21B's 34 B's in the direction of the trend so let me explain XYCalyN-t08-00183-00095038-00095602 that if we look and we see it say anchor chart confirming the trend XYCalyN-t08-00184-00095602-00096025 direction or we've got a nice trending market maybe it's a good 30 percent or XYCalyN-t08-00185-00096025-00096661 30 degree or greater angle consider taking all of our trend following trades XYCalyN-t08-00186-00096661-00097294 in the direction of that trend until we get a strong divergence trade so in XYCalyN-t08-00187-00097294-00097833 other words it can also confirm your trend following strategies and I'll show XYCalyN-t08-00188-00097833-00098326 you that in a moment and even though in the recording here in the end of the XYCalyN-t08-00189-00098326-00098836 statistics I've quoted that is where we had 80 trades and we were up to say XYCalyN-t08-00190-00098836-00099489 $1,000 per contract I did not even refer to the anchor chart okay so I mention I XYCalyN-t08-00191-00099489-00099955 also didn't take the 34b's so there are other things you could do that XYCalyN-t08-00192-00099955-00100417 will cut down a number of trades and probably increase your win-loss ratios XYCalyN-t08-00193-00100417-00100902 but what I'm just trying to prove here and show you that you can be very very XYCalyN-t08-00194-00100902-00101425 mechanical in your approach with it now tips and ideas to improve your XYCalyN-t08-00195-00101425-00101832 confidence and bottom line property you want in anticipate and anticipation XYCalyN-t08-00196-00101832-00102301 of t1 setting up okay it's important you learn why over t1 super XYCalyN-t08-00197-00102301-00102805 scholar sets up which I really just explained now consider using the 8 or 11 XYCalyN-t08-00198-00102805-00103450 EMA or other trailing stop strategies to capture the big moves now as I mention XYCalyN-t08-00199-00103450-00103903 I'm only targeting 5 ticks here that's all XYCalyN-t08-00200-00103903-00104449 5 ticks and as you know it's not uncommon to get a good 10 15 tick move XYCalyN-t08-00201-00104449-00105145 with some of these I'm entries as we're about to see so look at what can XYCalyN-t08-00202-00105145-00105640 you be doing and I've actually removed the 8 EMA because the 8 is quite XYCalyN-t08-00203-00105640-00106233 sensitive and if you want to allow for a little more wiggle room the 11 can work XYCalyN-t08-00204-00106233-00106675 really well but there's a ton of exit strategies you can use such as waiting XYCalyN-t08-00205-00106675-00106996 for abstain a trade until you get your long XYCalyN-t08-00206-00106996-00107466 lower closes there's a ton of things there so once again I won't cover them XYCalyN-t08-00207-00107466-00108054 in this video you can also improve your net results by avoiding entering a trade XYCalyN-t08-00208-00108054-00108492 at all very close to major support or resistance from very very important XYCalyN-t08-00209-00108492-00108952 traders so if you're about to go long and you've got for 200 EMA straight XYCalyN-t08-00210-00108952-00109327 above you so you're right Hut up against the EMA and they say up against the XYCalyN-t08-00211-00109327-00109629 floor peer there's a very high probability chance you're going to XYCalyN-t08-00212-00109629-00110166 bounce consider not taking a trade at base points now there was some very XYCalyN-t08-00213-00110166-00110563 blatant that I decided not to take but on the other hand I've taken a lot of XYCalyN-t08-00214-00110563-00111046 others but we're really marginal the perhaps we shouldn't have taken but once XYCalyN-t08-00215-00111046-00111649 again I want it to be really lacks if you like and be what's the word for it XYCalyN-t08-00216-00111649-00112114 very conservative or I wanted to make sure I giving you real results that XYCalyN-t08-00217-00112114-00112546 you're probably going to replicate but you can improve those there's a lot of XYCalyN-t08-00218-00112546-00113050 things you can do to improve them keep daily stats which that means greater a XYCalyN-t08-00219-00113050-00113604 greater confidence so if an example take a by your spiral notebook not a note XYCalyN-t08-00220-00113604-00114148 standard notepad so have a spiral book draw three columns and simply with trend XYCalyN-t08-00221-00114148-00114633 counter trend plus minus so what you can do is have each those columns and I'll XYCalyN-t08-00222-00114633-00115072 talking and you say one inch apart so other three inches in your column so you XYCalyN-t08-00223-00115072-00115444 can then write down in order so if you've got to counter trend suit say at XYCalyN-t08-00224-00115444-00116052 t3 what was the results minus 7 then you had a t19 plus 10 you had at t7 minus XYCalyN-t08-00225-00116052-00116488 7 then you had a with trend so on the fourth row down you're then putting in XYCalyN-t08-00226-00116488-00117139 it was an 89B that was up 5 ticks ok so then it will take you about half an hour XYCalyN-t08-00227-00117139-00117658 to go back over a full 24 hours and in the rest of a column that is where XYCalyN-t08-00228-00117658-00118104 you're undergoing 3 inches wide one inch for each of those three figures you want XYCalyN-t08-00229-00118104-00118600 with trend counter trend and the result you can take you can write down comments XYCalyN-t08-00230-00118600-00119127 for an example there I had one trade there right then candles must close in XYCalyN-t08-00231-00119127-00119494 the trade direction now that you can take comments little things that you're XYCalyN-t08-00232-00119494-00119889 discovering as you're going through you know I can give you just about XYCalyN-t08-00233-00119889-00120264 everything traders you require but I can't give you screen time that's why XYCalyN-t08-00234-00120264-00120616 it's very important you spent some time to keep stats now when trading XYCalyN-t08-00235-00120616-00121183 divergence counter trend stick with the 1d for 2D that is the one divergence XYCalyN-t08-00236-00121183-00121624 if you're using your anchor chart stick with the best of the best divergence XYCalyN-t08-00237-00121624-00121996 trades your 1d your 2DS that is when you've got divergence on both XYCalyN-t08-00238-00121996-00122389 your anchor and your entry your double bottom your double tops your t2 XYCalyN-t08-00239-00122389-00122998 your t19 classic divergence and your t3 extreme trades now with XYCalyN-t08-00240-00122998-00123451 those waiting for angulation the great event angulation will improve your results XYCalyN-t08-00241-00123451-00123909 members you should understand what angulation is and your t19's and t3 XYCalyN-t08-00242-00123909-00124333 trades we've done a lot of train a lot of videos on that so really look at that XYCalyN-t08-00243-00124333-00125055 and be prepared for an EMA bounce okay so remember if you're entering say a t19 XYCalyN-t08-00244-00125055-00125433 trader divergence trade and you're three or four ticks above the thirty-four XYCalyN-t08-00245-00125433-00125829 there's a very quite a good probability that you're going to bounce that you'll XYCalyN-t08-00246-00125829-00126289 get a market reversal a trend continuation so just be aware you may XYCalyN-t08-00247-00126289-00126814 need to reverse your trade something to you to look at the keep stats on now XYCalyN-t08-00248-00126814-00127471 look for extreme t3 trades and set a high profit target t3 is a great for XYCalyN-t08-00249-00127471-00127957 your eleven ticks okay look for your best to the best here same applies XYCalyN-t08-00250-00127957-00128308 remember on that slide I said what's going to give you what the highest XYCalyN-t08-00251-00128308-00128827 probability for achieving eleven ticks or more well it's really your any trades XYCalyN-t08-00252-00128827-00129403 after t20 at t20 of course identifies a new trend so you're going to have greater XYCalyN-t08-00253-00129403-00130116 probability so for example a 21B or even a 34b straight after it t20 is XYCalyN-t08-00254-00130116-00130471 going to give you the highest probability of getting your eleven ticks XYCalyN-t08-00255-00130471-00131038 you get to eleven tick trades a day hey you've busy two hundred net today so XYCalyN-t08-00256-00131038-00131565 just consider that and once again be asking how can I do this what can I XYCalyN-t08-00257-00131565-00132148 learn from this what is the best trade ask yourself compelling how can I say XYCalyN-t08-00258-00132148-00132694 what I call intelligent questions now I already mentioned this but I want to XYCalyN-t08-00259-00132694-00132976 highlight it once more now we're about to go to the charts in a moment but when XYCalyN-t08-00260-00132976-00133432 trading counter trend you need to be ready for a possible trend continuation XYCalyN-t08-00261-00133432-00134109 trade such as the 34B or having the trade master plot when you're XYCalyN-t08-00262-00134109-00134640 focused on counter trend trading it's very very easy to miss your city trades XYCalyN-t08-00263-00134640-00135060 or counter trend trade so just be aware of sorry your trend trades my apologies XYCalyN-t08-00264-00135060-00135426 let me save it again when trading counter trend you'd be ready for a XYCalyN-t08-00265-00135426-00135855 possible trend continuation trade it's very easy to be so focused on one type XYCalyN-t08-00266-00135855-00136698 of trade you miss the obvious so just be aware of that t3 trades that are XYCalyN-t08-00267-00136698-00137067 within the trading arena this is something kids which is really important XYCalyN-t08-00268-00137067-00137538 is that if you have a T3 trades it within a trading range so let's just say XYCalyN-t08-00269-00137538-00138078 if you had just before at t3 trade with the trend it's just before hand side XYCalyN-t08-00270-00138078-00138720 within the last 15 minutes you had a higher high and then you have a T 3 XYCalyN-t08-00271-00138720-00139332 setup it's lower than that previous higher high within a trading range that XYCalyN-t08-00272-00139332-00139872 is a lower probability trading if I remember I'll highlight that but just XYCalyN-t08-00273-00139872-00140430 beware your very best T3 trades are setting new highs or new lows XYCalyN-t08-00274-00140430-00140787 alright there are much more higher probability trade if you're setting a XYCalyN-t08-00275-00140787-00141450 new high high or a new high low stay at a chop and I think this is the second XYCalyN-t08-00276-00141450-00141975 last slide is it traders when you see all of your mas converging intertwined XYCalyN-t08-00277-00141975-00142485 they're horizontal wait for a new breakout just set it out there are that XYCalyN-t08-00278-00142485-00142911 many trades with the trade master because with any strategy that is where XYCalyN-t08-00279-00142911-00143493 it's easy to be chopped up is once you start to see your EMA is converging now XYCalyN-t08-00280-00143493-00143997 after you watch this video and you want more details on the trade master if you XYCalyN-t08-00281-00143997-00144489 are a member or even if you're a non-member please email me directly we've got some XYCalyN-t08-00282-00144489-00144939 members that absolutely love the indicator if you'd like more details on XYCalyN-t08-00283-00144939-00145410 its or if I can share any training with you please email me directly XYCalyN-t08-00284-00145410-00145920 now let's now go so trader I'm a day trader obviously and as I mentioned go XYCalyN-t08-00285-00145920-00146469 to my website download buy books even better still become a member so let's go XYCalyN-t08-00286-00146469-00147168 and have a look at the trade master in action ok so this is the XYCalyN-t08-00287-00147168-00147546 opening of the globex session so on the left here we can see and it doesn't even XYCalyN-t08-00288-00147546-00148119 matter what market this is this actually is the CL 233 ticked by the way this is XYCalyN-t08-00289-00148119-00148608 CL 233 but it really doesn't matter what marketer is as long as you've got a XYCalyN-t08-00290-00148608-00149019 trending market and with any strategy you go back and back test it XYCalyN-t08-00291-00149019-00149625 I like markets with a bit of we've got some good trading ranges so that's what XYCalyN-t08-00292-00149625-00150375 I'm really looking for okay a couple of things here is we've got a 535b now 535 XYCalyN-t08-00293-00150375-00150813 b we know is a high probability trade so I plot it so what I do take the trade XYCalyN-t08-00294-00150813-00151266 master I plot it there now because this is also and by the way I should point XYCalyN-t08-00295-00151266-00151956 this out this is also a t3 we have more than 6 candles separate and I've removed XYCalyN-t08-00296-00151956-00152592 the 8 EMA by the way we've got more than 6 separating from the 8 so this is a t3 XYCalyN-t08-00297-00152592-00153222 and it's a 535B be ready for bounce which is off the 34 and you actually XYCalyN-t08-00298-00153222-00153855 then had a reverse trade which is a 34b now traditionally we're very cautious of XYCalyN-t08-00299-00153855-00154371 there so here I'm still including them because the trade master qualified now XYCalyN-t08-00300-00154371-00154907 very important I apologize I didn't mention this but trade master 2 is a XYCalyN-t08-00301-00154907-00155736 cycle indicator it is a cycle indicator works on cycles so if you study cycles XYCalyN-t08-00302-00155736-00156369 b 2s basics it's quite a complex way of trading and Roy's got a very very XYCalyN-t08-00303-00156369-00156873 good book Roy Kelly called the trading method that can make you rich XYCalyN-t08-00304-00156873-00157227 now some people said well it's very simplistic it tells you nothing but hang XYCalyN-t08-00305-00157227-00157827 on I learned something from every book if you approach it with an attitude what XYCalyN-t08-00306-00157827-00158223 can I learn from this how can I use this I promise you you'll pick up some ideas XYCalyN-t08-00307-00158223-00158892 out of a book and unfortunately so many traders are jaded they so closed-minded XYCalyN-t08-00308-00158892-00159474 if they just you know by walking past dollar no boots on the ground literally XYCalyN-t08-00309-00159474-00160071 there are some great ideas here but he talks it briefly about cycles and so I XYCalyN-t08-00310-00160071-00160560 don't trade as day trader I'm looking for my 34B's my 89B XYCalyN-t08-00311-00160560-00161238 you know I've got over 12 strategies that I use so the trade mast is quite a XYCalyN-t08-00312-00161238-00161753 left-field indicator some go to wouldn't normally use but if you want to be XYCalyN-t08-00313-00161753-00162051 mechanical so what going to exactly our works today XYCalyN-t08-00314-00162051-00162624 it works so let me get back to this so what you do you'd see you're getting a XYCalyN-t08-00315-00162624-00163140 pullback and potential 535B so let's and you can see my paint bar here this XYCalyN-t08-00316-00163140-00163752 super scalper now let's just say if it hadn't plot it plot it in advance okay XYCalyN-t08-00317-00163752-00164160 so what this is giving me as a possible target and an ultimate target up here XYCalyN-t08-00318-00164160-00164583 and that's what these hash marks are by the way this means it's hit the this is XYCalyN-t08-00319-00164583-00164985 the full target and if it's just a straight line like this one it means XYCalyN-t08-00320-00164985-00165558 that the ultimate target was somewhere down here when I first plotted it and I XYCalyN-t08-00321-00165558-00165963 couldn't see the final target so so here's the target but when you're XYCalyN-t08-00322-00165963-00166425 trading counter-trend you want to be prepared for a bounce off your EMA's okay XYCalyN-t08-00323-00166425-00166749 so here you're ready for these bounces you know there's a high probability XYCalyN-t08-00324-00166749-00167403 bounce we hit to reversal candles okay you plot the trade master again and here XYCalyN-t08-00325-00167403-00167748 it gives me my potential targets now you're thinking okay where is it XYCalyN-t08-00326-00167748-00168278 possibly going to bounce again 5:35 okay so it actually comes down I did a XYCalyN-t08-00327-00168278-00168684 reversal candle I quickly plot again and it tells me here's my extended target XYCalyN-t08-00328-00168684-00169053 now what am I thinking where is it possibly going to bounce again and it XYCalyN-t08-00329-00169053-00169488 did it bounced on my 200 so I got there and as soon as I get a couple of XYCalyN-t08-00330-00169488-00169914 reversal counter even one you can always move the indicator once again you see XYCalyN-t08-00331-00169914-00170313 the speed of it it's instant plotted parent it tells me okay here is a XYCalyN-t08-00332-00170313-00170853 possible projection point now I've mentioned I'm only targeting five ticks XYCalyN-t08-00333-00170853-00171303 so if you go back and you can see here okay it's giving me I've got a nice XYCalyN-t08-00334-00171303-00171936 trend here I've got multiple 34b's 21b's I've got T2's so you can pick up I XYCalyN-t08-00335-00171936-00172422 haven't included those in the results I'm only including trades with the trade XYCalyN-t08-00336-00172422-00172965 master plots now very important I had divergence here here on this XYCalyN-t08-00337-00172965-00173538 particular trade okay run away there was only a few ticks in XYCalyN-t08-00338-00173538-00173853 it but the reason I didn't plot it as much as the trade master would XYCalyN-t08-00339-00173853-00174543 Done it is ahead no divergence a divergence or a t7 or a t3 is critical XYCalyN-t08-00340-00174543-00175068 to the rules okay so here I had divergence I plotted it I had divergence XYCalyN-t08-00341-00175068-00175551 there it gives me my target up here I had an 89B which is a trend following XYCalyN-t08-00342-00175551-00176154 strategy here you would have been stopped on that one then I had a 535 200 XYCalyN-t08-00343-00176154-00176685 and members you know what those are 535 200 I plotted it and I had XYCalyN-t08-00344-00176685-00177117 divergence which is great thank you very much it's basically a bit the farm XYCalyN-t08-00345-00177117-00177504 strategy when you've got divergence in the direction of your overall trend and XYCalyN-t08-00346-00177504-00178026 if you looked at your anchor chart you'll see you also had a great XYCalyN-t08-00347-00178026-00178587 downtrend then right rub your hands together and once again this is where XYCalyN-t08-00348-00178587-00179097 you can use the eleven or even the eight EMA to stay in these trades longer you XYCalyN-t08-00349-00179097-00179658 might get one or one contract or plus five maybe stay in the other one for XYCalyN-t08-00350-00179658-00180087 much longer until you get a close back over the eight or even the eleven its XYCalyN-t08-00351-00180087-00180534 these homeruns these trades you want to be in which give you a much greater rate XYCalyN-t08-00352-00180534-00181251 of return now I love the trade master on t3's so here is at t3 it's giving XYCalyN-t08-00353-00181251-00181773 me an extended target of up here now rallied up now remember our stop by the XYCalyN-t08-00354-00181773-00182232 way is one to two ticks under swing highs and swing lows okay so be sure to XYCalyN-t08-00355-00182232-00182730 mention that you stop is here via little yellow dots you see here that is plotted XYCalyN-t08-00356-00182730-00183231 automatically by the trade master but it's lagging okay so that mine may not XYCalyN-t08-00357-00183231-00183732 plot until up here somewhere so once again with thinking in advance of what XYCalyN-t08-00358-00183732-00184281 the indicator may do so I plot it and as soon as the paint bar that t1 plots XYCalyN-t08-00359-00184281-00185085 that's when I'm in now here I'm after a minimum of five ticks so here I really XYCalyN-t08-00360-00185085-00185418 didn't get anywhere and notice here I've got before twenty and I've got a floor XYCalyN-t08-00361-00185418-00185925 pivot just above it so we bounced off a floor pivot we then get some divergence XYCalyN-t08-00362-00185925-00186381 and finally we don't sideways and finally we broke through it okay XYCalyN-t08-00363-00186381-00186879 but we write up a pivot that's where you get these lower probability trades at a XYCalyN-t08-00364-00186879-00187205 pivot remember we don't want to buy in to resist XYCalyN-t08-00365-00187205-00187857 we don't like buying into resistance nor do we like selling into support so up XYCalyN-t08-00366-00187857-00188262 here then I had a 200B and just remember when you get your deeper XYCalyN-t08-00367-00188262-00188832 pullbacks consider only taking deeper pullbacks if you have divergence up here XYCalyN-t08-00368-00188832-00189285 now we roll it up we've got a nice divergence trade set of setting up I XYCalyN-t08-00369-00189285-00189672 would have plotted the and it gives me here a target away down here and there XYCalyN-t08-00370-00189672-00190404 remember I'm only after five ticks and we're always prepared for a 34b which is XYCalyN-t08-00371-00190404-00190731 what we got so we come down started reverse I XYCalyN-t08-00372-00190731-00191181 plotted trade master and up it goes it gives me a target of way up here thank XYCalyN-t08-00373-00191181-00191847 you very much we had a nice t3 now here we had a t3 then that let's see here at XYCalyN-t08-00374-00191847-00192387 t3 of course you don't need divergence we had a t3 comes down bounced up forms XYCalyN-t08-00375-00192387-00193047 a double triple top there down it came we then had a great big picture t19 you XYCalyN-t08-00376-00193047-00193434 can see the divergence there by the way you had another plot there so you're XYCalyN-t08-00377-00193434-00193971 always thinking in a dance where might it plot okay that's not good oh it's no XYCalyN-t08-00378-00193971-00194535 it's not plotting out may plot here but no paint bar now here it did oK we've XYCalyN-t08-00379-00194535-00194907 rallied up Polk on getting divergence let me plot it here it's giving me a XYCalyN-t08-00380-00194907-00195567 target down here moving right along okay we come down I'm XYCalyN-t08-00381-00195567-00196053 potentially setting up for an 89B here it is here okay I've got my paint bar XYCalyN-t08-00382-00196053-00196587 I'm in we come up here no real divergence here on this one by the way XYCalyN-t08-00383-00196587-00196953 but all of a sudden I get a nice double top a divergence XYCalyN-t08-00384-00196953-00197454 plus I'm at a resistance area and see the gray hash line here XYCalyN-t08-00385-00197454-00197994 we formed a two seven I plot it gives me a target of down here and I've got nice XYCalyN-t08-00386-00197994-00198549 divergence and I go thank you very much can you just see how I'm using it here XYCalyN-t08-00387-00198549-00198999 it's just totally mechanical in the approach and once again there's so many XYCalyN-t08-00388-00198999-00199443 more things you can do with it here at t3 and you would have been stopped on XYCalyN-t08-00389-00199443-00199914 this trade unless you had greater than two tick stop here because see it XYCalyN-t08-00390-00199914-00200532 rallied up didn't give me five ticks come down but I then had a second entry XYCalyN-t08-00391-00200532-00200855 that's the thing remember the probabilities what I mentioned earlier I XYCalyN-t08-00392-00200855-00201263 mean the casino you've got to think like a casino is if you have three or four XYCalyN-t08-00393-00201263-00201612 losing hands in a row are you going to change things no you keep going XYCalyN-t08-00394-00201612-00202013 I mentioned out of a good think it's about two hundred and fifty two hundred XYCalyN-t08-00395-00202013-00202611 and sixty trade there was only one run of three losses in by the way they were XYCalyN-t08-00396-00202611-00203325 all CT trades if I remember correctly I would deep pool wax architectural I XYCalyN-t08-00397-00203325-00203637 can't remember where they are now but they might have been CT trades and a XYCalyN-t08-00398-00203637-00203997 couple of them there I could have avoided if I'd have been more particular XYCalyN-t08-00399-00203997-00204551 on the entries like here okay so we had a had a lost there we had a lost there XYCalyN-t08-00400-00204551-00205088 so there's two losses in a row so by the way loss winner winner we're now this XYCalyN-t08-00401-00205088-00205946 is a t9 okay now this is a higher low so when you get higher low setting up they XYCalyN-t08-00402-00205946-00206352 signify quite often a new trend direction so I'm going to put plot them XYCalyN-t08-00403-00206352-00207051 in here now this is a new lower high and you can see here it didn't plot okay so XYCalyN-t08-00404-00207051-00207416 and that's another thing with the indicators because as I've explained in XYCalyN-t08-00405-00207416-00207965 other indicator other video sorry on the trade master sometimes to reset the XYCalyN-t08-00406-00207965-00208406 cycle you try it on your main candle and go for the second and third candle XYCalyN-t08-00407-00208406-00208964 because sometimes it real just the cycle so here I didn't get one so that's XYCalyN-t08-00408-00208964-00209486 why I didn't mark in an entry but here I clicked on this new high low and it gave XYCalyN-t08-00409-00209486-00210092 me an entry with the target of well up here so as you get to know the tool you XYCalyN-t08-00410-00210092-00210675 can go for ten fifteen tick twenty targets so this is telling me I'm in a XYCalyN-t08-00411-00210675-00211416 new trend so I've got multiple I got a 34b there I had this was a 34b so here XYCalyN-t08-00412-00211416-00212055 it told me on this this is my potential target I achieved my five ticks I then XYCalyN-t08-00413-00212055-00212567 had a 34 I could have had another entry those have not been included in the XYCalyN-t08-00414-00212567-00213257 results moving along here we had been two losses in a row there including and XYCalyN-t08-00415-00213257-00213909 since but then I had a nice pivot bounce t19 trade then we had an 89b 5 XYCalyN-t08-00416-00213909-00214485 then I had another 89b then we had further along we had the opening bell XYCalyN-t08-00417-00214485-00215127 which I don't trade the opening bell and this is 15 minutes after by the way if XYCalyN-t08-00418-00215127-00215763 we don't plot this and the reason there's no plot there is that trade XYCalyN-t08-00419-00215763-00216177 master didn't plot now here it would have and it did but it was two minutes XYCalyN-t08-00420-00216177-00216504 after opening bell now you could have traded that and made money we have a lot XYCalyN-t08-00421-00216504-00216861 of traders that will trade the opening bell as I said it's just not a trade I XYCalyN-t08-00422-00216861-00217401 take so here are we had divergence that qualified and we went now this actually XYCalyN-t08-00423-00217401-00218030 had the paintbar plot right at the floor pivot now I included this in the results XYCalyN-t08-00424-00218030-00218784 but you can see here we straight off strong divergence we had at the floor XYCalyN-t08-00425-00218784-00219375 pivot so you're buying into resistance so it's a low probability trade we come XYCalyN-t08-00426-00219375-00220176 on down we then get a 535b that return +5 then we had there a double XYCalyN-t08-00427-00220176-00220742 bottom form I can't remember whatever result that was had another one on me so XYCalyN-t08-00428-00220742-00221190 all of these have been included in the results I've quoted you okay there's a XYCalyN-t08-00429-00221190-00221901 your 89B this by the way is a descending triangle we then had another XYCalyN-t08-00430-00221901-00222786 89b thank you very much we had then a so once again price really is up you get a XYCalyN-t08-00431-00222786-00223233 few candles starting up to plot here I'm thinking hang on is this going to be a XYCalyN-t08-00432-00223233-00223710 trade master plot i plot it waits for the confirmation of the super scalper or XYCalyN-t08-00433-00223710-00224142 i'm in thank you very much now and here's a good example let me move this XYCalyN-t08-00434-00224142-00224832 over here for you if you're using your 11 EMA you can see here you stain a XYCalyN-t08-00435-00224832-00225507 trade interior to close on or above the 11 or even when you get a consolidation XYCalyN-t08-00436-00225507-00225978 period after your second move or some slides of it once again these are the XYCalyN-t08-00437-00225978-00226401 ones that are going to give you 10 15 ticks right and that's what you just XYCalyN-t08-00438-00226401-00226950 need a couple of those a day so take your 5 ticks gulps then be looking for XYCalyN-t08-00439-00226950-00227650 your nice runs okay then you had a t3 had formed into a t7 now when you have XYCalyN-t08-00440-00227650-00228208 these you had a t2 a trade master to plot here just be really aware of these XYCalyN-t08-00441-00228208-00228713 when you start to have you've had two or three 89bs now in a trend you start XYCalyN-t08-00442-00228713-00229186 to get these be prepared for a lot of failures in this until you get to virgin XYCalyN-t08-00443-00229186-00229600 so if you see a deep pullback if you want to be conservative wait for XYCalyN-t08-00444-00229600-00230189 divergence so the divergence one paid off your five ticks then it formed a t7 XYCalyN-t08-00445-00230189-00230833 by the way that was a Loss that smoked down as a loss then we had a just moving XYCalyN-t08-00446-00230833-00231226 along a little bit I won't go too many more so I think you're probably getting XYCalyN-t08-00447-00231226-00231760 the drift here but here we had then a great t3 this is another great XYCalyN-t08-00448-00231760-00232417 example great t7 check your anchor chart look at this run this is where either XYCalyN-t08-00449-00232417-00232780 your eighth or your 11 EMA we then had a bounce XYCalyN-t08-00450-00232780-00233332 you weren't filled up until then and one 2- yep so you're still in that trade XYCalyN-t08-00451-00233332-00233792 still over here so you missed out on this one which would have been probably XYCalyN-t08-00452-00233792-00234191 a loss anyway so if you had of taken this one you would have got your five XYCalyN-t08-00453-00234191-00234598 picks over here up here somewhere so ignore these two trades because you were XYCalyN-t08-00454-00234598-00235219 still in it stay with the trade so your t3s will give you great returns now we XYCalyN-t08-00455-00235219-00235774 roll it up here here's your first entry there was a t3 that gave you five or six XYCalyN-t08-00456-00235774-00236269 in that particular case it wasn't a great return on that one as five or six XYCalyN-t08-00457-00236269-00236881 ticks there we then had a great 89b here it is here we then come up we had a XYCalyN-t08-00458-00236881-00237370 bounce let me just move this along here what do we got there a great pivot XYCalyN-t08-00459-00237370-00237835 bounce with the trade master so we see we're about to bounce off a pivot I plot XYCalyN-t08-00460-00237835-00238417 in advance here's my extended target and of course you're always thinking where's XYCalyN-t08-00461-00238417-00239203 my likely support resistance area which is here we then had a 34b but it was set XYCalyN-t08-00462-00239203-00239674 it was buying right end of a floor pivot which is a danger again so moving along XYCalyN-t08-00463-00239674-00240641 here we had t3 again or for 535 now when you've got a t3 bouncing a t3 with a 535 XYCalyN-t08-00464-00240641-00241046 it's almost about the farm trade thank you very much XYCalyN-t08-00465-00241046-00241823 great move again thank you very much use your 8 or 11 EMA to stand then we had a XYCalyN-t08-00466-00241823-00242402 great t3 the paintbar did not plot to over here so no paint so would have XYCalyN-t08-00467-00242402-00243050 plotted there nothing nothing no now I've got I've got a new high high we've XYCalyN-t08-00468-00243050-00243460 got a reversal candle let me plot it here now it gives me a potential here XYCalyN-t08-00469-00243460-00243902 and that was good a 10 ticks whatever that was right stopped on that XYCalyN-t08-00470-00243902-00244531 one winner on that one winner on that one 200 B I don't know what that one was XYCalyN-t08-00471-00244531-00244942 I won't go through results right now but then we had we can see we're rolling XYCalyN-t08-00472-00244942-00245525 over this is where we had our triangle formation again that was a bounce off XYCalyN-t08-00473-00245525-00246004 the floor pivot then we had another t3 down here thank you very XYCalyN-t08-00474-00246004-00246769 much great t3 setup then I had another 535 remember what was once support can XYCalyN-t08-00475-00246769-00247284 then become resistance and as I close this off for now 41 minutes into this XYCalyN-t08-00476-00247284-00247823 okay so how do we stay in these moves well here you can use the eleven now XYCalyN-t08-00477-00247823-00248119 here if you use the eleven you would have been out in this one you would have XYCalyN-t08-00478-00248119-00248473 been in and it's probably good 8 to 10 ticks but you're closed on you're out XYCalyN-t08-00479-00248473-00249031 but then you've got a 21b traders it's giving you a projection you jump in on XYCalyN-t08-00480-00249031-00249592 your 21 you've closed under your trigger line and you go again then you had t3 XYCalyN-t08-00481-00249592-00250396 again okay there's t3 then you had to 34 then you formed t7 then you XYCalyN-t08-00482-00250396-00251533 had a 89 ok now these are all 100% mechanical that's what I love about this XYCalyN-t08-00483-00251533-00252210 for traders that are struggling that is the rules are I must have the t1 plot or XYCalyN-t08-00484-00252210-00252692 understand the pattern of why the t1 plots the super scalper XYCalyN-t08-00485-00252692-00253439 the trade master must confirm I think like a casino I take every one we come XYCalyN-t08-00486-00253439-00253889 down here we had divergence we bounce and guess what we hit the floor pivot I XYCalyN-t08-00487-00253889-00254194 got stopped out and on the second one five ticks thank XYCalyN-t08-00488-00254194-00254695 you there's my next one that plotted on thank you very much comes down I've got XYCalyN-t08-00489-00254695-00255181 big picture divergence plotted it thank you very much that was a winner that was XYCalyN-t08-00490-00255181-00255370 a loss but then your next one was a winner XYCalyN-t08-00491-00255370-00256129 so traders it really is straightforward and as I mentioned we can dramatically XYCalyN-t08-00492-00256129-00256690 improve these is by when you're trading with the trend the counter trend trades XYCalyN-t08-00493-00256690-00257218 by the way taking everyone providing your got divergence or at t3 if XYCalyN-t08-00494-00257218-00257698 you've got t3 you don't need diverg is a is a great winning strategy XYCalyN-t08-00495-00257698-00258130 if you follow the rules of waiting for divergence or only trading t3's or XYCalyN-t08-00496-00258130-00258748 your double bottoms double tops with your whip trend trades and you plot the XYCalyN-t08-00497-00258748-00259207 trade master and let me just plot it here for you it gave me a final target XYCalyN-t08-00498-00259207-00259825 of down here okay take your 21 take your 34 take you t25 all your XYCalyN-t08-00499-00259825-00260341 trend trades in the direction and of course when you're heading that when XYCalyN-t08-00500-00260341-00260716 you're heading to support or resistance you know to be ready to either front run XYCalyN-t08-00501-00260716-00261190 by having your exit one or two ticks in front of that potential bounce or at XYCalyN-t08-00502-00261190-00261514 least be ready to pull your stop straight up because you know that when XYCalyN-t08-00503-00261514-00261895 you come down your floor pivots or other significant areas of support or XYCalyN-t08-00504-00261895-00262342 resistance or what we call your round numbers on oil there's a good chance XYCalyN-t08-00505-00262342-00262873 you're going to bounce excuse me so you can front run those but this is a XYCalyN-t08-00506-00262873-00263455 winning strategy traders okay here high-risk i like this one down we've XYCalyN-t08-00507-00263455-00264034 gone to another day was that high-risk right I'm right at the 200 an extended XYCalyN-t08-00508-00264034-00264637 market okay note times of see here's a great T3 again here's another T 3 XYCalyN-t08-00509-00264637-00265120 as a winner my 89 a winner all traded have it was a loss by the way there was XYCalyN-t08-00510-00265120-00265501 a it was actually a lost that one you can't see it now because I've rebooted XYCalyN-t08-00511-00265501-00266050 but sometimes I'm when I reboot it doesn't show you all of a T1 but I XYCalyN-t08-00512-00266050-00266749 plot these as before I restart the computer so I know that was at t1 so XYCalyN-t08-00513-00266749-00267088 you would have been stopped on that one but hey you've had a ton already a ton XYCalyN-t08-00514-00267088-00267782 of winning trades on this day high-risk once again to take this threat XYCalyN-t08-00515-00267782-00268532 after t3 or high risk trades so traders I will this is one thing I just wanted to XYCalyN-t08-00516-00268532-00268802 show you okay so member earlier I mentioned that the XYCalyN-t08-00517-00268802-00269717 t3s here's a closer swing high this t3 entry is a higher risk because it's not XYCalyN-t08-00518-00269717-00270179 high and if suit is t3 I've got here this is higher than that and that one XYCalyN-t08-00519-00270179-00270788 that's a much more higher probability great reversal okay so when I have a t3 XYCalyN-t08-00520-00270788-00271508 and it's lower than a high and vice versa the opposite is true okay this is XYCalyN-t08-00521-00271508-00272156 a lower risk because it's lower than this swing high when I'm making new XYCalyN-t08-00522-00272156-00272912 highs your t3's are a much more higher probability trade want you to remember XYCalyN-t08-00523-00272912-00273671 that t3 s we are making new highs or new higher lows okay a much more high XYCalyN-t08-00524-00273671-00274151 probability now here is just one example and I might as well just show you this XYCalyN-t08-00525-00274151-00274619 two trades where you would have been stopped on these are included these are XYCalyN-t08-00526-00274619-00275336 both legitimate t3's okay you do trade the t2's in the direction of XYCalyN-t08-00527-00275336-00276041 the trend 21B's or a t2 so when you get a failed t3 you wonder you can reverse XYCalyN-t08-00528-00276041-00276533 it works well and let me just plot the trade master here here it gave me two XYCalyN-t08-00529-00276533-00276902 targets and there was a third target down below this low so you want to be XYCalyN-t08-00530-00276902-00277559 taking these with trend trades as well so here you had a nice winner loss loss XYCalyN-t08-00531-00277559-00278237 winner you picked up your 5 ticks I think by the if not you still had t7 all XYCalyN-t08-00532-00278237-00279002 of those are included you then had what day was this is Friday Friday was quite XYCalyN-t08-00533-00279002-00279539 a particularly tough day so Friday it's taking every single one and just to XYCalyN-t08-00534-00279539-00280058 float so Friday what date was that that was I just give you the date because XYCalyN-t08-00535-00280058-00280430 it's a good day to go back over and apply it Friday the 4th 4th 5th of XYCalyN-t08-00536-00280430-00281168 August there were let's see sixteen that was that sixteen might have XYCalyN-t08-00537-00281168-00281930 been I can't remember anyway traders you're only up 15 ticks trading of its XYCalyN-t08-00538-00281930-00282310 counter trend trading 15 ticks with trend 23 ticks XYCalyN-t08-00539-00282310-00283073 so that was 16 look I'm just losing track of how many trades there was in XYCalyN-t08-00540-00283073-00283592 that time period but the bottom line traders was you were still well and XYCalyN-t08-00541-00283592-00284201 truly up but missing out on a lot of those other really good 34b's and the XYCalyN-t08-00542-00284201-00284840 other trades but long winded hence what I'm trying to say is if you still took XYCalyN-t08-00543-00284840-00285728 everyone 100% mechanical you still had a really nice winning day as I said here XYCalyN-t08-00544-00285728-00286307 take all t1's t2's 21b's when you have the sweets but as here so there XYCalyN-t08-00545-00286307-00286868 was actually two losing trades you picked it up here so here's another nice XYCalyN-t08-00546-00286868-00287429 two three a lower high but of course what I'm not including is our classic XYCalyN-t08-00547-00287429-00287959 trend following trades so it's getting a bit long-winded here now so let me run XYCalyN-t08-00548-00287959-00288535 this up so members if you've got the indicator and you don't know how to use XYCalyN-t08-00549-00288535-00288902 it following this Australia I've got there it's a real winner XYCalyN-t08-00550-00288902-00289469 if you're considering the trade master indicator as much as it's not XYCalyN-t08-00551-00289469-00290324 inexpensive it's a winner traders and particularly when you use the our entry XYCalyN-t08-00552-00290324-00290951 signals using a super scalper and combine that with our t2 we have t1's, had t2's XYCalyN-t08-00553-00290951-00291830 had t25 setups of 34B's it's lethal as far as results go so 48 minutes in XYCalyN-t08-00554-00291830-00292202 I'm going to wrap this up Thank You traders any questions please drop me an XYCalyN-t08-00555-00292202-00292663 email at trader@iamadaytrader.com