oVy6tV49qNI-00000-00000032-00000115 - Hi, everyone. oVy6tV49qNI-00001-00000115-00000505 I wanted to show you how to embed an image on a Canvas page. oVy6tV49qNI-00002-00000505-00000779 So I am here at Unsplash, which is a website oVy6tV49qNI-00003-00000779-00001048 where all of the images are in the public domain, oVy6tV49qNI-00004-00001048-00001393 which means they're openly licensed and free for us to use. oVy6tV49qNI-00005-00001393-00001684 So I can click, I've found this image, oVy6tV49qNI-00006-00001684-00001887 and I can click the Download menu oVy6tV49qNI-00007-00001887-00002230 and I'm going to download the small version of this image. oVy6tV49qNI-00008-00002230-00002326 When I download that, oVy6tV49qNI-00009-00002326-00002547 it does give me a suggested attribution, oVy6tV49qNI-00010-00002547-00002752 which I may come back to. oVy6tV49qNI-00011-00002752-00003159 And if I go over to my Canvas page and click Edit, oVy6tV49qNI-00012-00003159-00003644 I can find the Image icon on the Rich Content Editor. oVy6tV49qNI-00013-00003644-00003990 And let me find where I want to place this image. oVy6tV49qNI-00014-00003990-00004196 So if I put it, say, at the top of my page, oVy6tV49qNI-00015-00004196-00004320 there's my cursor, oVy6tV49qNI-00016-00004320-00004775 and then I can click Upload Image using the Image icon. oVy6tV49qNI-00017-00004775-00004958 And here I can just drag and drop oVy6tV49qNI-00018-00004958-00005168 the image I just downloaded. oVy6tV49qNI-00019-00005168-00005382 Notice I could also have searched right here, oVy6tV49qNI-00020-00005382-00005810 directly searching Unsplash from the Image Editor, oVy6tV49qNI-00021-00005901-00006015 but I already have my image, oVy6tV49qNI-00022-00006015-00006303 so I'm going to drop it in, there it is. oVy6tV49qNI-00023-00006303-00006584 And then I can scroll down and enter my Alt Text, oVy6tV49qNI-00024-00006584-00006913 which is really important for the accessibility. oVy6tV49qNI-00025-00006913-00007088 Just describing your image. oVy6tV49qNI-00026-00007202-00007468 And then I'm going to click Submit. oVy6tV49qNI-00027-00007468-00007742 It's going to embed the image on my page. oVy6tV49qNI-00028-00007742-00008242 It's pretty big, so I might want to make that smaller. oVy6tV49qNI-00029-00008277-00008678 If I highlight it, I can drag and drop the corners oVy6tV49qNI-00030-00008678-00008826 and make it smaller. oVy6tV49qNI-00031-00008826-00009011 I can also click Image Options oVy6tV49qNI-00032-00009011-00009387 and I can use the sizing menu here to change the size. oVy6tV49qNI-00033-00009387-00009633 So whatever you prefer. oVy6tV49qNI-00034-00009633-00009832 So just make it a little bit smaller. oVy6tV49qNI-00035-00009832-00010126 And you might also want to kind of float the image oVy6tV49qNI-00036-00010126-00010316 to the right of the text. oVy6tV49qNI-00037-00010316-00010655 So if you want to do that, again, with the image highlighted, oVy6tV49qNI-00038-00010655-00010849 come up here to the Rich Content Editor oVy6tV49qNI-00039-00010849-00011270 and use the Align menu, select Align Right. oVy6tV49qNI-00040-00011270-00011449 It's going to push it over for you. oVy6tV49qNI-00041-00011449-00011886 And sometimes you have to adjust it a little bit oVy6tV49qNI-00042-00011886-00012061 and maybe add some padding oVy6tV49qNI-00043-00012061-00012353 if you don't want the words so close to the image. oVy6tV49qNI-00044-00012353-00012550 So if you want to add padding, oVy6tV49qNI-00045-00012550-00012961 click the HTML Editor, find your image. oVy6tV49qNI-00046-00012961-00013255 Here it is, "image style, float: right." oVy6tV49qNI-00047-00013255-00013494 And right after float: right, semicolon, oVy6tV49qNI-00048-00013494-00013894 I'm going to say, space, padding, colon, oVy6tV49qNI-00049-00013894-00014394 I'm gonna add 20 pixels, 20px, semicolon. oVy6tV49qNI-00050-00014457-00014700 And then I'm going to click back over oVy6tV49qNI-00051-00014700-00014956 and see that it did add some space. oVy6tV49qNI-00052-00014956-00015066 And I am going to go ahead oVy6tV49qNI-00053-00015066-00015261 and add an attribution for this image. oVy6tV49qNI-00054-00015261-00015369 It's in the public domain, oVy6tV49qNI-00055-00015369-00015688 so I don't technically have to, but I like to. oVy6tV49qNI-00056-00015688-00016049 So I'm going to copy their suggestion, come back over oVy6tV49qNI-00057-00016049-00016542 and paste it at the bottom of my page, and click Save. oVy6tV49qNI-00058-00016703-00016786 There you go. oVy6tV49qNI-00059-00016786-00017059 And if you want some other examples of attributions, oVy6tV49qNI-00060-00017059-00017333 look around our course here in the DE Academy. oVy6tV49qNI-00061-00017333-00017504 You'll notice we give attributions oVy6tV49qNI-00062-00017504-00017679 at the bottom of our pages, oVy6tV49qNI-00063-00017679-00017828 and those are some good examples oVy6tV49qNI-00064-00017828-00018224 of what different attributions for images look like. oVy6tV49qNI-00065-00018224-00018369 All right. I hope that helps! obyHl-gndw4-00000-00000570-00000798 Robert Wagner: Greetings, and welcome to the Introduction to obyHl-gndw4-00001-00000798-00001110 Physical Science. In this lecture, we are going to talk obyHl-gndw4-00002-00001110-00001524 about a couple of concepts in physics: work and kinetic energy obyHl-gndw4-00003-00001524-00001902 and how they relate together. And we'll see that work is a obyHl-gndw4-00004-00001902-00002202 little differently defined in physics from a physics point of obyHl-gndw4-00005-00002202-00002718 view than it is in everyday life. So let's go ahead and get obyHl-gndw4-00006-00002718-00003201 started here. And let's look at what we mean by work. Well work obyHl-gndw4-00007-00003201-00003618 is the product of force, and the distance through which the force obyHl-gndw4-00008-00003618-00004092 acts in the same direction. So if an object moves, in this obyHl-gndw4-00009-00004092-00004509 case, say it moves to the right, and you have a force pushing to obyHl-gndw4-00010-00004509-00005076 the right, then you have a work that is being done. So that's obyHl-gndw4-00011-00005076-00005418 the force and this is the velocity, the object is moving obyHl-gndw4-00012-00005418-00005718 to the right, and the force is in that direction, that force is obyHl-gndw4-00013-00005718-00006291 doing some work on it. Now, in an actuality, the work is equal obyHl-gndw4-00014-00006291-00006698 to the force times the distance times the cosine of the angle obyHl-gndw4-00015-00006698-00007056 through which the force acts. And that allows us to look at obyHl-gndw4-00016-00007056-00007530 forces that might be acting in other directions at some angle obyHl-gndw4-00017-00007530-00007947 relative to the motion. For this class, we are not going to do obyHl-gndw4-00018-00007947-00008373 that. So in our case is cosine of theta equals one. And that obyHl-gndw4-00019-00008373-00008973 means that work is equal to the force times the distance. Now in obyHl-gndw4-00020-00008973-00009366 order for the force to do work, it has to be in the same obyHl-gndw4-00021-00009366-00009735 direction. So we have this object here, gravity would be obyHl-gndw4-00022-00009735-00010149 pulling down on it. But the gravitational force doesn't know obyHl-gndw4-00023-00010149-00010542 work, because it is not in the same direction as the motion of obyHl-gndw4-00024-00010542-00010992 the object, the gravitational force can only do do work if the obyHl-gndw4-00025-00010992-00011397 object is moving up or down. In this case, the object is not obyHl-gndw4-00026-00011397-00011835 doing that. So if the object does not move, the object is not obyHl-gndw4-00027-00011835-00012234 moving in the same direction, then no work is done. And if the obyHl-gndw4-00028-00012237-00012693 object does not move, then no work is done. So for example, obyHl-gndw4-00029-00012693-00012990 you can sit there and push against a wall all day as hard obyHl-gndw4-00030-00012990-00013469 as you can, you were doing absolutely no work. Because the obyHl-gndw4-00031-00013469-00013922 distance moved is zero. If it does not move, then no work is obyHl-gndw4-00032-00013922-00014484 being done in a physical sense. Now, the SI units for this are obyHl-gndw4-00033-00014487-00014910 the Newton-meter or the Joule. So one Joule is one obyHl-gndw4-00034-00014913-00015258 Newton-meter. And it's a relatively small amount of obyHl-gndw4-00035-00015258-00015716 energy that would lift a small Apple, a distance of about one obyHl-gndw4-00036-00015719-00016122 meter up against gravity. So it's not a very large amount. obyHl-gndw4-00037-00016122-00016524 But we'll see that we'll use this as our unit for energy and obyHl-gndw4-00038-00016527-00017172 work. So let's go ahead and continue. And let's look at an obyHl-gndw4-00039-00017172-00017490 example of this. So let's look at the example here, of the obyHl-gndw4-00040-00017490-00017832 person pushing the lawnmower. Now again, any when you push the obyHl-gndw4-00041-00017832-00018075 lawnmower, you'd push it an angle, you don't push it obyHl-gndw4-00042-00018075-00018429 straight to the right. For our purposes, we're just going to obyHl-gndw4-00043-00018429-00018885 look at that portion that is going in the direction. So we obyHl-gndw4-00044-00018885-00019305 are not worrying about this cosine or the fact that there is obyHl-gndw4-00045-00019305-00019656 an angle angle here. For our purposes, we're just going to obyHl-gndw4-00046-00019656-00020262 assume that that 60 Newtons is all going directly to the right obyHl-gndw4-00047-00020262-00020637 hand side. So let's keep our picture up there and write down obyHl-gndw4-00048-00020637-00021087 what we know. We know the force 60 Newtons, we know the distance obyHl-gndw4-00049-00021090-00021717 25 meters. And once we put those together, we then have our obyHl-gndw4-00050-00021717-00022131 equation work equals force times distance. And we put in our obyHl-gndw4-00051-00022131-00022638 numbers that we know 60 Newtons and 25 meters and multiply them obyHl-gndw4-00052-00022656-00023589 to get 1500 Newton-meters, or 1500 Joules. So we can do that obyHl-gndw4-00053-00023589-00023991 do that. And note that one question here with our answer is obyHl-gndw4-00054-00023991-00024375 that these had three significant figures, our answer has three obyHl-gndw4-00055-00024375-00024798 significant figures. So we'd have to remember that if we were obyHl-gndw4-00056-00024798-00025299 working with this for another part of a problem. For example, obyHl-gndw4-00057-00025299-00025641 how many significant figures does it have, because it looks obyHl-gndw4-00058-00025641-00026055 like it only has two. But in reality, if these both had three obyHl-gndw4-00059-00026055-00026466 significant figures, the one the five and the zero are all obyHl-gndw4-00060-00026466-00027033 significant. So let's go ahead and move on and look at our next obyHl-gndw4-00061-00027033-00027342 section here and talk about what happens to the work that is obyHl-gndw4-00062-00027342-00027714 done. So going back to our example of a lawnmower if we obyHl-gndw4-00063-00027714-00028107 push that at constant speed, what is happening, if we obyHl-gndw4-00064-00028107-00028500 something moves at constant speed, there is no net force obyHl-gndw4-00065-00028502-00028833 acting on it. However, we know we are pushing on this object. obyHl-gndw4-00066-00028866-00029208 So we are causing it to move where is this energy going? obyHl-gndw4-00067-00029247-00029550 Well, the energy is being converted to friction and then obyHl-gndw4-00068-00029550-00029868 to heat. So what is being dissipated obyHl-gndw4-00069-00029962-00030339 with in the atmosphere within the mechanism of the lawnmower obyHl-gndw4-00070-00030339-00030742 itself, and within the wheels within friction with the ground. obyHl-gndw4-00071-00030766-00031099 So that is all changing temperatures slightly in the obyHl-gndw4-00072-00031105-00031456 making kicking up the energy that way, when we look at obyHl-gndw4-00073-00031456-00031861 carrying an object upstairs, the work is being converted into obyHl-gndw4-00074-00031861-00032275 potential energy, which is a stored energy and can later be obyHl-gndw4-00075-00032275-00032689 released. So it's a little bit different, for example, then obyHl-gndw4-00076-00032689-00033010 this energy, which is just a dissipated out into the obyHl-gndw4-00077-00033010-00033484 environment, carrying an object up allows you a way to store the obyHl-gndw4-00078-00033484-00033853 energy. Now the other thing we wanted to look at here was the obyHl-gndw4-00079-00033853-00034393 network and the work energy theorem. So net work is the net obyHl-gndw4-00080-00034393-00034897 force. So we could have multiple forces on an object, we could obyHl-gndw4-00081-00034897-00035506 have a force this way. And we could have a smaller force this obyHl-gndw4-00082-00035506-00035923 way to the left. So a large force to the right, a small obyHl-gndw4-00083-00035923-00036580 force to the left, the net force is the difference between those obyHl-gndw4-00084-00036580-00037510 two, it would be F1 minus F2. So that would be the net force, obyHl-gndw4-00085-00037513-00037984 that is what gives us the net amount of work done. So we look obyHl-gndw4-00086-00037984-00038269 at that, and then the distance would just be the total distance obyHl-gndw4-00087-00038269-00038668 that it moves off to the right, we will also be looking at the obyHl-gndw4-00088-00038668-00039046 work energy theorem. And that uses kinetic energy, which I'll obyHl-gndw4-00089-00039046-00039475 discuss in more detail in a minute. But the network is equal obyHl-gndw4-00090-00039475-00039904 to the difference in the kinetic energies of the object at the obyHl-gndw4-00091-00039904-00040309 end, after it's been after the work has been applied, as obyHl-gndw4-00092-00040309-00040948 compared to before, so the kinetic energy is given by one obyHl-gndw4-00093-00040948-00041872 half mv squared. So that's the kinetic energy again, I'll talk obyHl-gndw4-00094-00041872-00042298 about that more in just a moment here. But the the network is obyHl-gndw4-00095-00042298-00042676 just the difference between those two energies, this is the obyHl-gndw4-00096-00042676-00043618 energy before. And the other is the energy after. And the obyHl-gndw4-00097-00043618-00044074 difference between those tells us the amount of work that was obyHl-gndw4-00098-00044074-00045034 done. So kinetic energy is given by one half mv squared, where we obyHl-gndw4-00099-00045034-00045523 have the mass of the object and the velocity of the object. This obyHl-gndw4-00100-00045523-00045826 is what we call the translational kinetic energy. obyHl-gndw4-00101-00045865-00046399 And any object with a mass moving at a velocity will have obyHl-gndw4-00102-00046399-00046804 some kinetic energy. So if the object has no mass, no kinetic obyHl-gndw4-00103-00046804-00047404 energy, if it is not moving, it has no kinetic energy. The obyHl-gndw4-00104-00047404-00047767 kinetic energy of your note depends on the square of the obyHl-gndw4-00105-00047767-00048292 velocity. And that means that an object moving twice as fast has obyHl-gndw4-00106-00048292-00048832 four times the amount of kinetic energy. So an object moving at obyHl-gndw4-00107-00048847-00049255 two meters per second has four times the kinetic energy as an obyHl-gndw4-00108-00049255-00049807 object moving at one meter per second. So let's look at an obyHl-gndw4-00109-00049807-00050059 example here. And we're going to do this problem in multiple obyHl-gndw4-00110-00050059-00050422 parts. So let's start off with the first one. And what we have obyHl-gndw4-00111-00050425-00050836 is an object on a conveyor belt. And it's a package obyHl-gndw4-00112-00050902-00051313 moving at point five meters per second. Now our first step is obyHl-gndw4-00113-00051313-00051748 just finding the kinetic energy. So we have our sketch here, we obyHl-gndw4-00114-00051748-00052036 want to look at what we've known, and what are we trying to obyHl-gndw4-00115-00052036-00052414 find. So we know these values, we know the mass, we know the obyHl-gndw4-00116-00052414-00052801 velocity, and we're trying to find the kinetic energy. So we obyHl-gndw4-00117-00052801-00053154 can put in the equation for kinetic energy, one half mv obyHl-gndw4-00118-00053154-00053655 squared, put in the values that we know from above, and then obyHl-gndw4-00119-00053671-00054208 calculate out that the kinetic energy of this object is 3.75 obyHl-gndw4-00120-00054211-00054700 Joules. So very basic, there, we're just using the definition obyHl-gndw4-00121-00054700-00055159 of kinetic energy to determine the amount the kinetic energy of obyHl-gndw4-00122-00055159-00055633 this object right now. Now, we can continue using the same obyHl-gndw4-00123-00055633-00056008 object to do another problem. And now we're going to look at obyHl-gndw4-00124-00056008-00056296 afterwards, this is how it was moving, but now we're applying a obyHl-gndw4-00125-00056296-00056791 force to it. And it's a force of 120 Newtons over a distance of obyHl-gndw4-00126-00056791-00057385 point eight meters. So as we have as we have that, and we obyHl-gndw4-00127-00057385-00057820 also have the frictional force opposing this. So as with obyHl-gndw4-00128-00057820-00058108 before, we will have our picture. We want to put our obyHl-gndw4-00129-00058108-00058486 known values in there. And what are we trying to find what we're obyHl-gndw4-00130-00058486-00058879 trying to find the net amount of work done? Well, in order to obyHl-gndw4-00131-00058879-00059173 find the net work, we're going to have to first find the net obyHl-gndw4-00132-00059173-00059536 force. Now if we look at this, we have forces going in two obyHl-gndw4-00133-00059536-00060013 directions. We have 120 Newtons to the right. Five Newtons to obyHl-gndw4-00134-00060013-00060373 the left, so the net force, we are going to subtract those to obyHl-gndw4-00135-00060373-00061092 get 115 Newton's, and that would be to the right. Now, we know obyHl-gndw4-00136-00061092-00061441 that the work the network is the net force, which we just obyHl-gndw4-00137-00061441-00061905 determined here, times the distance through which it moves, obyHl-gndw4-00138-00061905-00062236 which we know from appear. So now we can go ahead and put our obyHl-gndw4-00139-00062236-00062620 values in for this one and solve this and find out that the obyHl-gndw4-00140-00062620-00063361 network is 115 Newton's times point eight meters, or 92.0 obyHl-gndw4-00141-00063364-00063997 Newton meters, or joules. So 92 Joules would be the net amount obyHl-gndw4-00142-00063997-00064528 of work that is being done by the force. Now, as a reminder, obyHl-gndw4-00143-00064530-00064900 no work is being done by the gravitational force here, obyHl-gndw4-00144-00064980-00065593 pushing down, or the normal force pushing up, so that those obyHl-gndw4-00145-00065593-00065938 forces are not acting in the direction in which the object is obyHl-gndw4-00146-00065938-00066676 moving, and therefore no work is being done. Alright, so let's obyHl-gndw4-00147-00066703-00067129 continue with the last part of this example. So now we want to obyHl-gndw4-00148-00067129-00067606 find the final velocity. So same, same setup, every nothing obyHl-gndw4-00149-00067606-00067909 has changed. We all we know all of the same things that we knew obyHl-gndw4-00150-00067909-00068248 from before. So what I'm putting up here is two reminders of obyHl-gndw4-00151-00068248-00068599 things that we've learned so far about this system. And we've obyHl-gndw4-00152-00068599-00068968 learned about the initial kinetic energy, and the net obyHl-gndw4-00153-00068968-00069271 amount of work that has been done. That's what we calculated obyHl-gndw4-00154-00069271-00069583 in the previous two portions. And we're going to use those to obyHl-gndw4-00155-00069583-00070216 help us find the final velocity. So let's go ahead, and we know obyHl-gndw4-00156-00070216-00070747 that the initial kinetic energy is 3.75 joules, that's one obyHl-gndw4-00157-00070747-00071389 point, or sorry, one half mv0 squared. We know that the obyHl-gndw4-00158-00071389-00072001 network is equal to one half mv squared, that v is what we're obyHl-gndw4-00159-00072001-00072463 looking for right here, minus one half mv0 squared. Well, we obyHl-gndw4-00160-00072463-00072958 know what this is already. Here. We know what the network is over obyHl-gndw4-00161-00072958-00073636 here. So the only thing we know the mass from previous problem, obyHl-gndw4-00162-00073636-00074005 that's 30 kilograms. So the only thing we don't know in this is obyHl-gndw4-00163-00074005-00074359 the velocity. However, first, we have to rearrange this a little obyHl-gndw4-00164-00074359-00074887 bit to be able to solve so we move things around and get this obyHl-gndw4-00165-00074887-00075280 portion over on the left hand side. And that is equal to the obyHl-gndw4-00166-00075280-00076003 network plus one half mv0 squared, at 92 Joules plus 3.75 obyHl-gndw4-00167-00076003-00076870 Joules gives us the value of that one half mv squared equals obyHl-gndw4-00168-00076870-00077542 95.75 Joules. And now we have to solve for the velocity. And we obyHl-gndw4-00169-00077542-00077839 can do that by saying the velocity is equal to the square obyHl-gndw4-00170-00077839-00077959 root of two obyHl-gndw4-00171-00077993-00078623 times 95.75 Joules divided by the 30 kilograms. And that is obyHl-gndw4-00172-00078623-00079169 equal to 2.53 meters per second. Again, everything in this obyHl-gndw4-00173-00079169-00079451 problem we've used three significant figures throughout. obyHl-gndw4-00174-00079469-00079988 So our final answer will have three significant figures. So obyHl-gndw4-00175-00079988-00080348 we've been able to use this one setup to solve a number of obyHl-gndw4-00176-00080348-00080807 different things and to solve a multiple step problem. So let's obyHl-gndw4-00177-00080807-00081254 go ahead and finish up as we do with our summary. And what we obyHl-gndw4-00178-00081254-00081623 looked at today was that work is defined to be the product of the obyHl-gndw4-00179-00081623-00081998 force on an object, multiplied by the distance through which obyHl-gndw4-00180-00081998-00082517 the force acts. So work equals force, times distance, and obyHl-gndw4-00181-00082517-00082922 remember that they have to be in the same direction. So even obyHl-gndw4-00182-00082922-00083294 though gravity is pulling on an object sitting on the floor, it obyHl-gndw4-00183-00083294-00083789 is doing no work because the object does not move. We looked obyHl-gndw4-00184-00083789-00084125 at kinetic energy of objects, which is the energy due to obyHl-gndw4-00185-00084125-00085040 motion and kinetic energy was equal to one half mv squared. obyHl-gndw4-00186-00085154-00085538 And the work energy theorem relates the net work to the obyHl-gndw4-00187-00085538-00085937 change in kinetic energy. And we use that in the last problem to obyHl-gndw4-00188-00085937-00086333 be able to find the velocity of that package moving along the obyHl-gndw4-00189-00086333-00086774 belt. So that concludes this lecture on work and kinetic obyHl-gndw4-00190-00086774-00087107 energy. We'll be back again next time for another topic in obyHl-gndw4-00191-00087107-00087599 physical science. So until then, have a great day everyone and I obyHl-gndw4-00192-00087599-00087797 will see you in class. odN92kI-rX0-00000-00000033-00000497 - This micro conference is about thermal zones hierarchy. odN92kI-rX0-00001-00000733-00001062 So this topic was already addressed last time, odN92kI-rX0-00002-00001062-00001508 we discussed but we don't reach a consensus. odN92kI-rX0-00003-00001508-00001802 We don't agree on something odN92kI-rX0-00004-00001802-00002122 and I wanted to discuss again about that odN92kI-rX0-00005-00002122-00002329 so we can have some progress, odN92kI-rX0-00006-00002329-00002514 on how we can represent the thermal zone. odN92kI-rX0-00007-00002514-00002898 So it's not about dealing with all the thermal zone odN92kI-rX0-00008-00002898-00003271 and taking decision, but just hope we can organize that, odN92kI-rX0-00009-00003271-00003771 to have in the resulting code to be clean. odN92kI-rX0-00010-00004046-00004546 So why do we need to to make this more order? odN92kI-rX0-00011-00004578-00004901 Is because yesterday if we look at the code, odN92kI-rX0-00012-00004901-00005241 we have upstream, I'm not talking about out stream odN92kI-rX0-00013-00005241-00005741 out of tree Linux connect but just the upstream connect, odN92kI-rX0-00014-00005804-00006282 we have one or two thermal zones defined, odN92kI-rX0-00015-00006282-00006570 and now we have boards coming with more than, odN92kI-rX0-00016-00006570-00007070 the biggest number I saw is 21 thermal zones. odN92kI-rX0-00017-00007173-00007456 So it's a lot of sensors and we have odN92kI-rX0-00018-00007456-00007618 to deal with all the sensor list odN92kI-rX0-00019-00007618-00007950 and then same time and take some decisions. odN92kI-rX0-00020-00007950-00008375 So what we want to do with all these sensors odN92kI-rX0-00021-00008375-00008772 is first we want to have some kind of a description odN92kI-rX0-00022-00008772-00009272 giving a topology which is, even if it's not perfect, odN92kI-rX0-00023-00009302-00009492 at least it gives us an indication odN92kI-rX0-00024-00009651-00009953 which is close to the reality. odN92kI-rX0-00025-00009953-00010269 Also by giving this relationship odN92kI-rX0-00026-00010269-00010626 between all we build a new hierarchy, odN92kI-rX0-00027-00010626-00011067 we can also organize the thermal zone odN92kI-rX0-00028-00011067-00011313 and detect where are the hot spots odN92kI-rX0-00029-00011313-00011665 and if there is a relationship between the different nodes odN92kI-rX0-00030-00011665-00012017 and if they can interact with the temperature. odN92kI-rX0-00031-00012170-00012498 Also by grouping the thermal zone with this hierarchy, odN92kI-rX0-00032-00012498-00012997 we can, they have one governor using one node, odN92kI-rX0-00033-00013140-00013640 while beginning to, under all the descendant of this node odN92kI-rX0-00034-00013733-00014194 it's not representing a thermal zone and deal with them. odN92kI-rX0-00035-00014194-00014510 And also it's a way to represent what we have, odN92kI-rX0-00036-00014510-00014872 legacy system where we have a spanning sensors. odN92kI-rX0-00037-00014872-00015290 So if we want to extend the current framework, odN92kI-rX0-00038-00015466-00015796 we need to create a tree representation odN92kI-rX0-00039-00016005-00016398 so that the good thing is, odN92kI-rX0-00040-00016398-00016656 it's compatible with the current representation odN92kI-rX0-00041-00016656-00016831 which is a flat representation. odN92kI-rX0-00042-00016975-00017231 This representation give us a good indication, odN92kI-rX0-00043-00017231-00017699 about the topology and also it's a way odN92kI-rX0-00044-00017699-00018016 to give a centralized view to a specific governor. odN92kI-rX0-00045-00018127-00018627 We said, we will be able to act on all the nodes, odN92kI-rX0-00046-00018674-00018859 we dug into this tree. odN92kI-rX0-00047-00018999-00019402 That means for a current framework, odN92kI-rX0-00048-00019402-00019689 we have the thermal zones odN92kI-rX0-00049-00019689-00019930 and this thermal zone can be without sensors. odN92kI-rX0-00050-00020038-00020423 So we break this paradigm saying, odN92kI-rX0-00051-00020423-00020583 we have a thermal zone, a sensor odN92kI-rX0-00052-00020868-00021194 and also a cooling device assigned to it or a governor. odN92kI-rX0-00053-00021194-00021539 So that means that this entity is alone odN92kI-rX0-00054-00021882-00022041 and we can add a sensor odN92kI-rX0-00055-00022215-00022413 or cooling device or governor, but it's optional. odN92kI-rX0-00056-00022413-00022840 And also we cannot give a weight to the nodes odN92kI-rX0-00057-00023000-00023378 of the thermal zone saying how much they contribute. odN92kI-rX0-00058-00023378-00023480 Yes? odN92kI-rX0-00059-00023480-00023729 - [Attendant] So, you know we discussed this many times. odN92kI-rX0-00060-00023729-00023875 - Yes. odN92kI-rX0-00061-00023875-00024065 - Why you want to call thermal zone, odN92kI-rX0-00062-00024065-00024255 you should call thermal sensor. odN92kI-rX0-00063-00024255-00024434 And let Zone B you know. odN92kI-rX0-00064-00024434-00024553 - [John] What is the sensor? odN92kI-rX0-00065-00024553-00024813 - A sensor, a thermal zone without sensor, odN92kI-rX0-00066-00024813-00024935 it doesn't make sense right? odN92kI-rX0-00067-00024935-00025212 Thermal zone is basically its own with many sensors. odN92kI-rX0-00068-00025371-00025480 Like you know. odN92kI-rX0-00069-00025480-00025563 - [John] No. odN92kI-rX0-00070-00025563-00025714 - Because if zone is that you know like an ACPI odN92kI-rX0-00071-00025714-00025931 if you define like, a zone is a part of like odN92kI-rX0-00072-00025931-00026127 it's a surface is a zone, right. odN92kI-rX0-00073-00026127-00026234 - [John] Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00074-00026234-00026383 - That surface can have five sensors. odN92kI-rX0-00075-00026383-00026776 - Yeah but we keep the relationship one to one, odN92kI-rX0-00076-00026776-00027054 that means one thermal zone is ones and so-- odN92kI-rX0-00077-00027054-00027232 - [Attendee] But that's the-- odN92kI-rX0-00078-00027232-00027732 - I agree we can, we can say okay to sensor odN92kI-rX0-00079-00027774-00027961 but in this, in this representation odN92kI-rX0-00080-00027961-00028300 is the thermal zone as one sensor and we build a tree. odN92kI-rX0-00081-00028433-00028755 - So the question, maybe one of the odN92kI-rX0-00082-00028755-00029087 primary questions that I have with this approach is, odN92kI-rX0-00083-00029087-00029354 why do you need to represent the topology? odN92kI-rX0-00084-00029532-00029755 I mean let's step back and go on odN92kI-rX0-00085-00029755-00030042 problem statement first, right. odN92kI-rX0-00086-00030042-00030267 Why do you need to represent that odN92kI-rX0-00087-00030267-00030477 the topology of sensors here? odN92kI-rX0-00088-00030477-00030668 What you are gonna do with that information? odN92kI-rX0-00089-00030819-00031225 - So if we can have give a weight to thermal zones odN92kI-rX0-00090-00031225-00031426 and you present, you represent odN92kI-rX0-00091-00031526-00031970 the different thermal zones with this hierarchy odN92kI-rX0-00092-00031970-00032319 then you can have a representation odN92kI-rX0-00093-00032319-00032743 of how the different sensor odN92kI-rX0-00094-00032846-00033171 are grouped for a single entity odN92kI-rX0-00095-00033171-00033505 like cluster zero which in turn odN92kI-rX0-00096-00033505-00033737 can be grouped the odd cluster for CPU. odN92kI-rX0-00097-00033926-00034054 Let me give an example. odN92kI-rX0-00098-00034542-00035042 So let's imagine we have one sensor on each course odN92kI-rX0-00099-00035226-00035496 but we don't have a sensor for the cluster odN92kI-rX0-00100-00035496-00035709 and we want a way to group them, odN92kI-rX0-00101-00035709-00036026 we can do a virtual sensor also, but see-- odN92kI-rX0-00102-00036026-00036109 - That's the point. odN92kI-rX0-00103-00036109-00036240 That's why we were saying if you odN92kI-rX0-00104-00036240-00036444 do present those bottom circles odN92kI-rX0-00105-00036444-00036729 as a sensor and thermal zone has weight odN92kI-rX0-00106-00036729-00036951 of dependency on sensors, odN92kI-rX0-00107-00036951-00037162 you can define individual weights of each sensor odN92kI-rX0-00108-00037162-00037486 and you can have a virtual sensor a pair clustered. odN92kI-rX0-00109-00037486-00037706 - Yes, but at the end we end up odN92kI-rX0-00110-00037706-00037886 with a new hierarchy, right. odN92kI-rX0-00111-00037886-00038243 - [Attendee] Yeah, yeah, you will have a new hierarchy. odN92kI-rX0-00112-00038243-00038339 - So you mean it's a hierarchy of sensor odN92kI-rX0-00113-00038339-00038528 or it's a hierarchy of thermal zones? odN92kI-rX0-00114-00038528-00038698 - A hierarchy of sensor and zones. odN92kI-rX0-00115-00038783-00039134 The sensor is like thermal zone, can't have optional, odN92kI-rX0-00116-00039134-00039417 like as I said before, don't have to have temperature. odN92kI-rX0-00117-00039417-00039557 - [John] Don't, I'm sorry. odN92kI-rX0-00118-00039557-00039892 - Don't have to have temperature, right. odN92kI-rX0-00119-00039892-00040242 So thermal zone is a combination of sensors. odN92kI-rX0-00120-00040242-00040412 So each sensor will have a definitely odN92kI-rX0-00121-00040412-00040663 have must have a set temperature odN92kI-rX0-00122-00040663-00040848 and the cluster can be virtual, John. odN92kI-rX0-00123-00040962-00041045 - Yes. - Right. odN92kI-rX0-00124-00041157-00041340 - Yeah, I mean the way that he is going odN92kI-rX0-00125-00041340-00041547 is a little bit simpler than what you're proposing. odN92kI-rX0-00126-00041547-00041884 I still don't see why, you may depend on odN92kI-rX0-00127-00041884-00042065 what's the post that you want to build over there odN92kI-rX0-00128-00042065-00042317 but if you have a hot spot on the plus zero odN92kI-rX0-00129-00042317-00042483 and you want to represent that, you can just odN92kI-rX0-00130-00042483-00042813 have a little sensor that is say set, I mean, odN92kI-rX0-00131-00042813-00043163 it's based off of a set of the sensors that he has here. odN92kI-rX0-00132-00043163-00043332 I mean it doesn't need to be limited odN92kI-rX0-00133-00043332-00043593 to the sensors that are on the cluster though. odN92kI-rX0-00134-00043593-00043717 Even if you have like something odN92kI-rX0-00135-00043717-00043946 which represents the hot spot which is even outside, odN92kI-rX0-00136-00043946-00044158 some I have seen that weird stuff already. odN92kI-rX0-00137-00044281-00044709 People put like a thermistor close to the chip odN92kI-rX0-00138-00044803-00045303 that represents better the hot spot than the internal ones. odN92kI-rX0-00139-00045355-00045704 So I mean it's not necessarily that you have to odN92kI-rX0-00140-00045704-00045991 build like a hierarchy to represent the hot spot. odN92kI-rX0-00141-00046149-00046458 I still don't see why you want to build in a hierarchal way. odN92kI-rX0-00142-00046616-00046959 I see that, yeah, it does represent how the system is built. odN92kI-rX0-00143-00046959-00047157 But what you're gonna do with it? odN92kI-rX0-00144-00047157-00047470 - So now if you want to have a governor dealing with odN92kI-rX0-00145-00047470-00047795 all this sensors, thermal zone, whatever, odN92kI-rX0-00146-00047971-00048292 because of all these design the current framework. odN92kI-rX0-00147-00048292-00048465 We have at thermal zone, we have a sensor, odN92kI-rX0-00148-00048465-00048624 we have a governor. odN92kI-rX0-00149-00048624-00049018 By using the thermal zone hierarchy, odN92kI-rX0-00150-00049018-00049197 which is a representation, odN92kI-rX0-00151-00049197-00049532 it's the encapsulation of the sensor. odN92kI-rX0-00152-00049745-00050009 - Yeah, today we have a one one bad representation. odN92kI-rX0-00153-00050009-00050092 - Yes. odN92kI-rX0-00154-00050092-00050406 So the idea is we we keep the thermal zone odN92kI-rX0-00155-00050406-00050851 which is virtual and it aggregates thermal zone odN92kI-rX0-00156-00050851-00051226 having one sensor, and that's the example. odN92kI-rX0-00157-00051226-00051591 For example, here. odN92kI-rX0-00158-00051591-00051788 - So one clarifying question for odN92kI-rX0-00159-00051788-00052111 the notes that I'm trying to take. odN92kI-rX0-00160-00052111-00052611 Do you mean, do you want to have one sensor per zone? odN92kI-rX0-00161-00052727-00052897 Is this what you are proposing? odN92kI-rX0-00162-00052897-00052980 - [John] Yes. odN92kI-rX0-00163-00052980-00053342 - One sensor per zone and then have a hierarchy of zones? odN92kI-rX0-00164-00053342-00053451 - [John] Yes. odN92kI-rX0-00165-00053451-00053554 - That's what you are saying? odN92kI-rX0-00166-00053554-00053690 - Okay. - Yes. odN92kI-rX0-00167-00053690-00054141 And for example here, you can have all the course odN92kI-rX0-00168-00054141-00054641 having a sensor and then cluster zero does not have a sensor odN92kI-rX0-00169-00054653-00054915 but when you read the temperature of cluster zero, odN92kI-rX0-00170-00054915-00055190 it aggregates so that the temperature of all the other. odN92kI-rX0-00171-00055319-00055727 We can, of course, we can create a virtual sensor odN92kI-rX0-00172-00055727-00056153 inside this thermal zone, aggregating the sensor odN92kI-rX0-00173-00056153-00056365 of the child zone, if you just-- odN92kI-rX0-00174-00056450-00056648 - There are even like drivers that do that already. odN92kI-rX0-00175-00056648-00056731 - Sorry. odN92kI-rX0-00176-00056731-00056966 - There is drivers that do that. odN92kI-rX0-00177-00056966-00057160 - There are drivers doing that odN92kI-rX0-00178-00057160-00057407 but if you look at the code of its design, odN92kI-rX0-00179-00057407-00057658 it's about design because it's the same, odN92kI-rX0-00180-00057658-00057859 at the end is the same how we represent that. odN92kI-rX0-00181-00057859-00057942 - Right. odN92kI-rX0-00182-00057942-00058265 - But if we look at all the thermal zone, odN92kI-rX0-00183-00058265-00058633 the thermal zone can be built in hierarchy odN92kI-rX0-00184-00058633-00058941 and when you call get thermal zone temperature, odN92kI-rX0-00185-00059055-00059385 it's much more the impact on the code odN92kI-rX0-00186-00059385-00059885 in the core framework is less than having a virtual sensor odN92kI-rX0-00187-00059946-00060178 and trying to do or get temperature odN92kI-rX0-00188-00060178-00060362 from one sensor to other sensors, odN92kI-rX0-00189-00060362-00060552 to a virtual sensor to other sensors. odN92kI-rX0-00190-00060552-00060866 It's much simpler to write a thermal zone odN92kI-rX0-00191-00060965-00061404 saying when I asked to get me the temperature, odN92kI-rX0-00192-00061404-00061788 it will ask the older child thermal zone temperature odN92kI-rX0-00193-00061788-00062064 and do the aggregation without having a virtual sensor. odN92kI-rX0-00194-00062206-00062532 - Like a comment, if you say that something is easier odN92kI-rX0-00195-00062532-00062679 than something else it would be good odN92kI-rX0-00196-00062679-00063151 to give an example of when it takes place. odN92kI-rX0-00197-00063151-00063428 Like do you have a specific example in mind, odN92kI-rX0-00198-00063428-00063795 like when an implementation of a zone may be simpler odN92kI-rX0-00199-00063795-00064129 than an implementation of a visual sensor? odN92kI-rX0-00200-00064129-00064530 - [John] I think it's about code, so I have a patch. odN92kI-rX0-00201-00064530-00064824 I can send the patch but. odN92kI-rX0-00202-00064824-00064979 - Okay, so. odN92kI-rX0-00203-00064979-00065161 - So let me get example, like for example odN92kI-rX0-00204-00065161-00065401 in your cluster zero with one sensor. odN92kI-rX0-00205-00065401-00065598 Also, you know like in your case cluster, odN92kI-rX0-00206-00065598-00065811 like in our case example, I give you, odN92kI-rX0-00207-00065811-00066019 we have it like same temperature sensor odN92kI-rX0-00208-00066019-00066313 on a CPU but that temperature sensor odN92kI-rX0-00209-00066313-00066637 also affects like a surface skin. odN92kI-rX0-00210-00066722-00066938 So same sensor will be in cluster one odN92kI-rX0-00211-00066938-00067163 and cluster zero in your example. odN92kI-rX0-00212-00067258-00067481 How do you, how do you replicate here or? odN92kI-rX0-00213-00067598-00067733 So suppose one sensor here-- odN92kI-rX0-00214-00067733-00067930 - [John] Something like that? odN92kI-rX0-00215-00067930-00068084 So you have a sensor on cluster zero odN92kI-rX0-00216-00068084-00068183 and sensor on cluster one. odN92kI-rX0-00217-00068183-00068606 - Same sensor is used in multiple, in the middle. odN92kI-rX0-00218-00068606-00068714 - [John] It's the same. odN92kI-rX0-00219-00068714-00068890 - So you would have an arrow also, for example, odN92kI-rX0-00220-00068890-00069132 from cluster one to two-- - Also on the cluster one. odN92kI-rX0-00221-00069132-00069215 It's here. odN92kI-rX0-00222-00069215-00069415 - No, from cluster one, you will have an arrow odN92kI-rX0-00223-00069415-00069695 from cluster one to one of the children of cluster zero. odN92kI-rX0-00224-00069987-00070111 So across-- odN92kI-rX0-00225-00070111-00070214 - [Attendee] No. odN92kI-rX0-00226-00070214-00070298 - Cross reference, sorry. odN92kI-rX0-00227-00070298-00070427 - [Attendee] Yeah, from here. odN92kI-rX0-00228-00070427-00070511 - Either way? odN92kI-rX0-00229-00070511-00070652 - [Attendee] Yes. odN92kI-rX0-00230-00070754-00071057 So if you represent them as a sensor odN92kI-rX0-00231-00071057-00071285 and then the zone as a formula of sensors, odN92kI-rX0-00232-00071285-00071455 then you can, it's logical. odN92kI-rX0-00233-00071455-00071613 - [Attendee] It's more logical, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00234-00071613-00071778 - Right. odN92kI-rX0-00235-00071778-00071885 - [Attendee] I mean I think the-- odN92kI-rX0-00236-00071885-00072073 - You'll achieve the same purpose. odN92kI-rX0-00237-00072073-00072471 - The 101 representation, it kind of limits us, right, odN92kI-rX0-00238-00072561-00072868 and drives us to do these kind of weird hacks of, odN92kI-rX0-00239-00072868-00073202 okay, let's have multiple zones on top of each other. odN92kI-rX0-00240-00073202-00073524 But if we split the zone from sensor concept, odN92kI-rX0-00241-00073675-00073886 I think evenly makes easier, for example, odN92kI-rX0-00242-00073886-00074386 to aggregate or to connect with half or more, for example, odN92kI-rX0-00243-00074446-00074656 if we have a better representation odN92kI-rX0-00244-00074656-00074957 of a set thermal sensor that's using in thermal zone. odN92kI-rX0-00245-00074957-00075196 - [Attendee] And you will achieve the same purpose, right. odN92kI-rX0-00246-00075196-00075401 - I think we've reached the same goal. odN92kI-rX0-00247-00075401-00075576 - [Attendee] Yeah, same goal, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00248-00075799-00075949 - So instead of calling that odN92kI-rX0-00249-00075949-00076042 thermal zone. - Thermal zone. odN92kI-rX0-00250-00076042-00076155 - You want to call that odN92kI-rX0-00251-00076155-00076320 sensors? - Thermal sensors, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00252-00076320-00076558 Which has only temperature with no thresholds, odN92kI-rX0-00253-00076558-00076868 no, what's the called, trip points, no trip points. odN92kI-rX0-00254-00076868-00077062 - Trip points finish and so on. odN92kI-rX0-00255-00077062-00077204 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00256-00077204-00077573 You can have a temperature notification limit. odN92kI-rX0-00257-00077573-00077712 That's fine, but not the, odN92kI-rX0-00258-00077802-00078109 the trip point set as at the zone there. odN92kI-rX0-00259-00078109-00078451 - So basically your suggestion will be to define sensors odN92kI-rX0-00260-00078451-00078623 as something that measures temperature odN92kI-rX0-00261-00078623-00079035 and zones, that something that applies certain limits odN92kI-rX0-00262-00079035-00079191 or trip points on those thing. odN92kI-rX0-00263-00079318-00079402 - Sensors, combination of sensors. odN92kI-rX0-00264-00079509-00079701 - On the combination of sensors, okay. odN92kI-rX0-00265-00079701-00079789 - Right. odN92kI-rX0-00266-00079789-00080128 - If we take the example of, we have-- odN92kI-rX0-00267-00080128-00080470 - And then again, I mean, you can plug in odN92kI-rX0-00268-00080470-00080966 a sensor on multiple zones as well. odN92kI-rX0-00269-00080966-00081208 - So doing spanning sensors. odN92kI-rX0-00270-00081208-00081433 - Yeah, that's a lanoff. odN92kI-rX0-00271-00081433-00081675 - Sensors are expensive, right, people need to pay money, odN92kI-rX0-00272-00081675-00081933 in the virtual is free so they can, odN92kI-rX0-00273-00081933-00082299 so that's what they've tried to do, same sensor, use, reuse. odN92kI-rX0-00274-00082426-00082926 - So from the program programming okay, odN92kI-rX0-00275-00083011-00083172 recording inside the kernel. odN92kI-rX0-00276-00083172-00083255 - Yes. odN92kI-rX0-00277-00083255-00083582 - So let's imagine you have cluster zero. odN92kI-rX0-00278-00083582-00083752 Cluster zero is aggregating. odN92kI-rX0-00279-00083752-00084036 You have a virtual sensor there, okay. odN92kI-rX0-00280-00084036-00084484 And then you ask the temperature of this thermal zone. odN92kI-rX0-00281-00084484-00084799 It will call the temperature of the sensor, odN92kI-rX0-00282-00084799-00084984 which is a virtual sensor. odN92kI-rX0-00283-00084984-00085431 And this virtual sensor, what will it call? odN92kI-rX0-00284-00085431-00085667 The directly the sensor will get temperature call back, odN92kI-rX0-00285-00085667-00086109 or will we call to get temperature from the thermal zone? odN92kI-rX0-00286-00086109-00086531 - So essentially my kind of vision at this point odN92kI-rX0-00287-00086531-00086785 would be that, you have a zone odN92kI-rX0-00288-00086785-00087218 that has a list of sensors and then there is a function. odN92kI-rX0-00289-00087218-00087301 - Right. odN92kI-rX0-00290-00087301-00087470 - Which you have to apply to those sensors odN92kI-rX0-00291-00087470-00087585 to get the temperature. odN92kI-rX0-00292-00087834-00088031 - And that function can be you know polynomial odN92kI-rX0-00293-00088031-00088213 or set off the sensors. odN92kI-rX0-00294-00088312-00088662 - [John] So you, the paradigm of having one sensor, odN92kI-rX0-00295-00088662-00089025 one thermal zone, you break this this paradigm. odN92kI-rX0-00296-00089025-00089161 - You can have it. odN92kI-rX0-00297-00089161-00089262 This can still represent. odN92kI-rX0-00298-00089262-00089475 - I mean you would have like one thermal zone odN92kI-rX0-00299-00089475-00089849 has one aggregated value at the moment, right, odN92kI-rX0-00300-00089849-00090085 which is the output of that function. odN92kI-rX0-00301-00090085-00090399 - Yeah if you want you can have one doing two. odN92kI-rX0-00302-00090399-00090737 - But it's not the one thermal zone to one sensor anymore. odN92kI-rX0-00303-00091219-00091559 - And do you represent the physically odN92kI-rX0-00304-00091559-00091934 the meaning of the thermal zones, the sensors? odN92kI-rX0-00305-00091934-00092086 - Then that's back to my first question, odN92kI-rX0-00306-00092086-00092256 why do you want to represent that? odN92kI-rX0-00307-00092385-00092789 - Conceptually I find it's a better representation. odN92kI-rX0-00308-00092789-00093096 - I mean unless, I mean, yeah I kind of agree with that odN92kI-rX0-00309-00093096-00093426 but if you are not solving any problem, why brother? odN92kI-rX0-00310-00093578-00093855 What's the problem that you're solving, right? odN92kI-rX0-00311-00093855-00094086 You have like, what, at the end of the day odN92kI-rX0-00312-00094086-00094356 what you want to do here, is like represent hot spots. odN92kI-rX0-00313-00094441-00094547 - Okay. odN92kI-rX0-00314-00094547-00094662 - And then take control of that. odN92kI-rX0-00315-00094662-00095009 - So if we have a governor and we want this governor odN92kI-rX0-00316-00095009-00095470 to deal with different thermal zone or different sensors. odN92kI-rX0-00317-00095470-00095687 - Right, then I think then that question odN92kI-rX0-00318-00095687-00096013 becomes a similar question of, odN92kI-rX0-00319-00096013-00096513 how do we aggregate to a governor, multiple zones, right. odN92kI-rX0-00320-00096655-00096936 Then I think to get to the point where you want to solve odN92kI-rX0-00321-00096936-00097126 the problems that you are proposing here, odN92kI-rX0-00322-00097126-00097338 then we would have like a thermal zone, odN92kI-rX0-00323-00097338-00097587 can have aggregation of multiple sensors, odN92kI-rX0-00324-00097587-00097911 and a governor should have access to multiple thermal zones. odN92kI-rX0-00325-00098182-00098265 Then you don't need odN92kI-rX0-00326-00098265-00098634 the physical representation of the hierarchy. odN92kI-rX0-00327-00099475-00099929 - So now you have to apply some cooling effect. odN92kI-rX0-00328-00099929-00100185 An example, how do you split that, I mean, odN92kI-rX0-00329-00100185-00100445 you say that you want lead the cluster zero odN92kI-rX0-00330-00100445-00100911 to all the CPU to only consume a number of what? odN92kI-rX0-00331-00100911-00101044 And then you will have to split that. odN92kI-rX0-00332-00101044-00101253 If you don't know how is the hierarchy, odN92kI-rX0-00333-00101253-00101541 how you can split them in this barber jet odN92kI-rX0-00334-00101541-00101917 in smaller barber jet for each zone, a sensor, odN92kI-rX0-00335-00101917-00102070 if you don't have the hierarchy? odN92kI-rX0-00336-00102192-00102542 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-00337-00102542-00102678 No, it's not across the zone. odN92kI-rX0-00338-00102678-00102825 - Mic, mic. odN92kI-rX0-00339-00102825-00103003 - So the power locator governor, odN92kI-rX0-00340-00103003-00103258 you already have a different one budget odN92kI-rX0-00341-00103258-00103709 with many zones, right. odN92kI-rX0-00342-00103709-00103948 Like yeah like CPU, CPU you're already doing. odN92kI-rX0-00343-00103948-00104263 - No, I agree for that but then between the CPU odN92kI-rX0-00344-00104263-00104598 are you split the CPU budget between cluster zero odN92kI-rX0-00345-00104598-00105033 and cluster one, between CPU zero and one, up to eight. odN92kI-rX0-00346-00105033-00105297 At the point, if you don't have the dependency odN92kI-rX0-00347-00105297-00105605 between the CPU sensor to the cluster, odN92kI-rX0-00348-00105691-00105806 how you can split that? odN92kI-rX0-00349-00105956-00106059 I mean what you have right now, odN92kI-rX0-00350-00106059-00106266 you have three independent thermal zone odN92kI-rX0-00351-00106266-00106501 which are CPU graphic and peripherals, odN92kI-rX0-00352-00106501-00106690 and you split that quite easily. odN92kI-rX0-00353-00106690-00107080 But then if you go, if you want to go one more level below, odN92kI-rX0-00354-00107080-00107333 I mean for all the CPU, how do you, odN92kI-rX0-00355-00107333-00107672 how can you split the budget between all the CPU? odN92kI-rX0-00356-00107672-00107948 Because maybe one is operating more than another one, odN92kI-rX0-00357-00107948-00108163 so maybe the power budget can be different. odN92kI-rX0-00358-00108263-00108563 If you don't have the topology, you don't have any, odN92kI-rX0-00359-00108563-00108753 you can't make any decision like that. odN92kI-rX0-00360-00109029-00109438 - I mean, the way that I see this, you would have, odN92kI-rX0-00361-00109581-00109918 once again back to your example right, so you would have odN92kI-rX0-00362-00109918-00110418 like multiple thermal zones, one per cluster, can you, odN92kI-rX0-00363-00110779-00111014 one per cluster and then you would have like a, odN92kI-rX0-00364-00111254-00111409 as a Shunua was saying, right, odN92kI-rX0-00365-00111409-00111811 on the power locator we have the power consumption entity odN92kI-rX0-00366-00111811-00112226 that represents the consumption of each zone. odN92kI-rX0-00367-00112484-00112885 It doesn't, I mean, I don't think you would need to have odN92kI-rX0-00368-00112885-00113180 the aggregation or the contribution of each sensor, odN92kI-rX0-00369-00113180-00113526 but you would need to have the power consumption odN92kI-rX0-00370-00113526-00113805 for each zone and then that's it odN92kI-rX0-00371-00113805-00113955 at the level of the zone. odN92kI-rX0-00372-00114129-00114483 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-00373-00114483-00114607 Right. odN92kI-rX0-00374-00114607-00114958 - Yeah, we can't hear you. odN92kI-rX0-00375-00114958-00115417 - At the level one your whatever your power locator governor odN92kI-rX0-00376-00115417-00115713 will divide in CPU graphics and peripherals, odN92kI-rX0-00377-00115713-00115958 and the second level power budget of CPU odN92kI-rX0-00378-00115958-00116128 will be divided among them, right. odN92kI-rX0-00379-00116128-00116315 So there you have, governor is doing odN92kI-rX0-00380-00116315-00116716 multiple level basically with the hierarchy, right. odN92kI-rX0-00381-00116927-00117124 - So basically I think the problem is that odN92kI-rX0-00382-00117124-00117533 the hierarchy of the sensors doesn't have to reflect odN92kI-rX0-00383-00117533-00117850 the hierarchy of devices that you want to control. odN92kI-rX0-00384-00117850-00118057 - [Attendee] That's my point. odN92kI-rX0-00385-00118057-00118390 - And then so you basically end up odN92kI-rX0-00386-00118390-00118563 with two hierarchies to represent, odN92kI-rX0-00387-00118734-00119213 and that, I'm not sure it's the model for applying odN92kI-rX0-00388-00119213-00119497 constraints in the inner case that you odN92kI-rX0-00389-00119497-00119754 and a string of us were proposing odN92kI-rX0-00390-00119754-00119992 like when with the roof thermal zones odN92kI-rX0-00391-00119992-00120151 having multiple sensors in them, odN92kI-rX0-00392-00120151-00120455 so each zone will also have a list of devices odN92kI-rX0-00393-00120455-00120655 that it controls or something like that. odN92kI-rX0-00394-00120759-00121089 - Each zone will have sensors to which is multiple device, odN92kI-rX0-00395-00121089-00121394 its cooling devices are part of different, odN92kI-rX0-00396-00121394-00121580 right, cooling devices are different. odN92kI-rX0-00397-00121580-00121663 - Yes but they are important too right, odN92kI-rX0-00398-00121663-00122058 so you have to represent so in each zone odN92kI-rX0-00399-00122058-00122354 there will be a list of devices to control odN92kI-rX0-00400-00122354-00122597 and a list of sensors to read from, odN92kI-rX0-00401-00122597-00122727 something like that, okay. odN92kI-rX0-00402-00122947-00123270 - Which is true now, with the device. odN92kI-rX0-00403-00123270-00123635 - It's not the best representation, I agree, odN92kI-rX0-00404-00123635-00124135 it doesn't reflect the hierarchy of the the hardware odN92kI-rX0-00405-00124258-00124705 but maybe I'm just failing to see what would be the benefit. odN92kI-rX0-00406-00124705-00124944 I mean, if you guys are really thinking of having like odN92kI-rX0-00407-00124944-00125340 multiple hierarchies here and you guys are really using that odN92kI-rX0-00408-00125340-00125550 like the contribution of which hierarchy odN92kI-rX0-00409-00125550-00125739 up to the top hierarchies. odN92kI-rX0-00410-00125739-00126081 But I mean, at the end of the day as I said, odN92kI-rX0-00411-00126081-00126276 what you want to do is like you have a hot spot odN92kI-rX0-00412-00126276-00126472 you want to control that, right. odN92kI-rX0-00413-00126583-00126968 - It's not that you really want to control the hot spot, odN92kI-rX0-00414-00126968-00127186 you just, you want to split the power budget odN92kI-rX0-00415-00127186-00127468 and according, I mean, because-- odN92kI-rX0-00416-00127468-00127757 - No, I mean, that's from the perspective odN92kI-rX0-00417-00127757-00128044 of how you are solving the problem, right. odN92kI-rX0-00418-00128044-00128356 But the problem statement is you have a hot spot, odN92kI-rX0-00419-00128356-00128646 you want to remove that hot spot from your silicon, right. odN92kI-rX0-00420-00128733-00129014 I mean, that from from a thermal management odN92kI-rX0-00421-00129014-00129127 perspective, that's what we have got. odN92kI-rX0-00422-00129127-00129350 - We can't afford to keep the hotspot. odN92kI-rX0-00423-00129350-00129661 - Right, that's the whole point, I mean you have to, odN92kI-rX0-00424-00129661-00130059 you know you do your thermal simulation, odN92kI-rX0-00425-00130059-00130178 your thermal characterization, odN92kI-rX0-00426-00130178-00130365 you find where your hot spots are, odN92kI-rX0-00427-00130365-00130694 and you do representations of, as Shunua was saying, odN92kI-rX0-00428-00130694-00130968 you have like sensors who are expensive. odN92kI-rX0-00429-00130968-00131085 Then you place sensors around odN92kI-rX0-00430-00131085-00131310 that hot spot to represent them. odN92kI-rX0-00431-00131310-00131461 And at that point you already know odN92kI-rX0-00432-00131461-00131663 what's the contribution of those sensors odN92kI-rX0-00433-00131663-00131798 to represent that hot spot, odN92kI-rX0-00434-00132111-00132396 right, depending on on the workload that you are running. odN92kI-rX0-00435-00132614-00132910 - I'm not sure to follow what you want to mean. odN92kI-rX0-00436-00132910-00133120 My point is just that having this hierarchy, odN92kI-rX0-00437-00133120-00133308 just that when you have several cooling odN92kI-rX0-00438-00133308-00133609 device of different way to cool. odN92kI-rX0-00439-00133609-00133863 For example, if you take a cluster of CPU odN92kI-rX0-00440-00133951-00134239 you can either scale down the frequency of all the CPU odN92kI-rX0-00441-00134239-00134596 or you can inject idle on only one CPU odN92kI-rX0-00442-00134596-00134800 to get the same power budget. odN92kI-rX0-00443-00134800-00134930 How you make the decision? odN92kI-rX0-00444-00135170-00135388 I mean, at some point you must know that you have odN92kI-rX0-00445-00135388-00135628 a power budget for this cluster and then decide. odN92kI-rX0-00446-00135789-00136066 - Yeah but with one hierarchy is not enough for that. odN92kI-rX0-00447-00136249-00136391 Is it? odN92kI-rX0-00448-00136391-00136474 - Sorry? odN92kI-rX0-00449-00136474-00136781 - One hierarchy is not enough for that because you need odN92kI-rX0-00450-00136781-00137261 to know what sensors to contribute to your measurement, odN92kI-rX0-00451-00137261-00137648 and what devices you can control anyway. odN92kI-rX0-00452-00138223-00138450 - Well we'd say that I am not shocked to see odN92kI-rX0-00453-00138450-00138766 why you need, it's not enough, one hierarchy, odN92kI-rX0-00454-00138766-00138913 because in each thermal zone you will odN92kI-rX0-00455-00138913-00139145 have some cooling device attached. odN92kI-rX0-00456-00139145-00139333 That's the cooling device represent odN92kI-rX0-00457-00139333-00139582 how you can cool this thermal zone. odN92kI-rX0-00458-00139582-00139789 - Well it depends on how you define odN92kI-rX0-00459-00139789-00140057 the thermal zone but we are running out of time odN92kI-rX0-00460-00140057-00140321 for this topic, so let's just pencil it odN92kI-rX0-00461-00140321-00140821 for the buff slot and let's just move on to the next one. odN92kI-rX0-00462-00141014-00141362 - You mean you've run already out of time, or? odN92kI-rX0-00463-00141362-00141611 (applause) odN92kI-rX0-00464-00141611-00141903 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-00465-00141998-00142167 - Yeah, okay. odN92kI-rX0-00466-00142167-00142368 - I mean, I agree that we need to move on. odN92kI-rX0-00467-00142478-00142604 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-00468-00142604-00142900 - Yeah we need to move on. odN92kI-rX0-00469-00143003-00143161 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-00470-00143161-00143306 - Let's get something, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00471-00143418-00143710 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-00472-00143840-00144340 - Let's go back to this one. odN92kI-rX0-00473-00144540-00145040 - Oh sorry. odN92kI-rX0-00474-00145778-00146175 - Hello, microphone working, no. odN92kI-rX0-00475-00146175-00146296 - Now yes it is. odN92kI-rX0-00476-00146296-00146421 - Working now, okay good. odN92kI-rX0-00477-00146682-00146894 I'm Morten, I work for ARM, odN92kI-rX0-00478-00146894-00147323 and I have a couple of slightly more open-ended problems odN92kI-rX0-00479-00147323-00147563 that I haven't actually done any work on or anything. odN92kI-rX0-00480-00147563-00147837 But the first one we actually started odN92kI-rX0-00481-00147837-00148088 a little bit at OSPM summit in Pisa, odN92kI-rX0-00482-00148088-00148391 and Rafael and I discussed that it might be a good idea odN92kI-rX0-00483-00148391-00148609 to bring it up in this audience. odN92kI-rX0-00484-00148609-00149109 So the thought we've been having with regards odN92kI-rX0-00485-00149122-00149501 to thermal and, well most systems today, odN92kI-rX0-00486-00149612-00149820 when you run stuff on them, they get hot, odN92kI-rX0-00487-00149820-00150033 you can't sustain a high level of performance, odN92kI-rX0-00488-00150033-00150216 you need to scale things back. odN92kI-rX0-00489-00150216-00150521 And I think that applies both to mobile and to laptops odN92kI-rX0-00490-00150521-00150872 and well most systems today, you can't just assume odN92kI-rX0-00491-00150872-00151163 that a CPU is something that just runs flat out odN92kI-rX0-00492-00151163-00151358 and you can just put busy loops everywhere, odN92kI-rX0-00493-00151358-00151466 and it will just keep running odN92kI-rX0-00494-00151466-00151593 at a high level of performance. odN92kI-rX0-00495-00151593-00151808 So I think performance will be capped. odN92kI-rX0-00496-00152020-00152120 Is that a problem? odN92kI-rX0-00497-00152300-00152536 It depends on what you're doing I think. odN92kI-rX0-00498-00152792-00152964 We'll try this one. odN92kI-rX0-00499-00153135-00153312 So what you effectively have is odN92kI-rX0-00500-00153312-00153596 unpredictable compute bandwidth, odN92kI-rX0-00501-00153596-00153950 and that might be fine for some things but odN92kI-rX0-00502-00154143-00154574 user-space today has no idea that this capping is happening odN92kI-rX0-00503-00154574-00155005 and we have at least one thing in the kernel where we odN92kI-rX0-00504-00155005-00155401 imply a certain level of performance with what user-space odN92kI-rX0-00505-00155788-00155951 or we're having an interface where you can basically odN92kI-rX0-00506-00155951-00156126 request a certain performance level, odN92kI-rX0-00507-00156126-00156246 a notice SCHED_DEADLINE. odN92kI-rX0-00508-00156352-00156734 In SCHED_DEADLINE you can request a reservation odN92kI-rX0-00509-00156734-00157172 in terms of compute bandwidth, where you specify a period odN92kI-rX0-00510-00157172-00157585 and an amount of compute for each period, right. odN92kI-rX0-00511-00157585-00157875 And I think the implicit assumption at the moment is that odN92kI-rX0-00512-00157875-00158255 the, well the period this is not scaled odN92kI-rX0-00513-00158255-00158412 according to how fast you're running odN92kI-rX0-00514-00158412-00158685 but the amount of busy time is assumed odN92kI-rX0-00515-00158685-00158956 to be the busy time at the highest performance level. odN92kI-rX0-00516-00158956-00159105 Am I right, Yuri? odN92kI-rX0-00517-00159105-00159396 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-00518-00159793-00160005 - Yeah, you're right but then a run-time odN92kI-rX0-00519-00160005-00160187 it is actually scale considering. odN92kI-rX0-00520-00160187-00160456 - Yeah sure, so if you book a reservation odN92kI-rX0-00521-00160456-00160677 which gives you five milliseconds every ten odN92kI-rX0-00522-00160768-00160901 and you run at half the speed, odN92kI-rX0-00523-00160901-00161026 it basically means that you would be odN92kI-rX0-00524-00161026-00161374 running all the time, right, at that frequency. odN92kI-rX0-00525-00161374-00161457 - [Yuri] Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00526-00161457-00161540 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00527-00161652-00162042 So given that we have systems where odN92kI-rX0-00528-00162042-00162429 the budget you have to spend on CPUs odN92kI-rX0-00529-00162429-00162790 and running a certain OPP can change at any point in time. odN92kI-rX0-00530-00162882-00163080 Is it a good idea to have an interface odN92kI-rX0-00531-00163080-00163580 where you can sort of lure the user space into thinking, odN92kI-rX0-00532-00163587-00163839 "Oh I can make this reservation and it's all good, odN92kI-rX0-00533-00163839-00164179 and I'm going to get this performance level forever. odN92kI-rX0-00534-00164179-00164311 Is that a good idea? odN92kI-rX0-00535-00164311-00164726 Or should we start thinking about exposing odN92kI-rX0-00536-00164726-00165011 what level of performance user-space can actually expect? odN92kI-rX0-00537-00165180-00165348 I don't know if there are other examples odN92kI-rX0-00538-00165348-00165568 in the kernel where we make, odN92kI-rX0-00539-00165568-00165723 where there are these implicit, odN92kI-rX0-00540-00165897-00166159 or well, explicit requirements about how fast odN92kI-rX0-00541-00166159-00166476 what level of performance you'll be getting, odN92kI-rX0-00542-00166476-00166698 but at least for that line, we do have it. odN92kI-rX0-00543-00166698-00166893 I think we have it a little bit with util clamp odN92kI-rX0-00544-00166893-00167127 that Patrick just up streamed as well. odN92kI-rX0-00545-00167347-00167653 Your clamp level does have implications odN92kI-rX0-00546-00167653-00167841 for the OPP you are choosing odN92kI-rX0-00547-00167841-00168012 but it's not a hard guarantee. odN92kI-rX0-00548-00168012-00168272 I think it's like worse for SCHED_DEADLINE odN92kI-rX0-00549-00168272-00168398 where you might be thinking, odN92kI-rX0-00550-00168398-00168558 "Oh I can make this reservation, odN92kI-rX0-00551-00168558-00168823 "I'm always going to get this performance level." odN92kI-rX0-00552-00168964-00169200 So what do we do with SCHED_DEADLINE? odN92kI-rX0-00553-00169200-00169469 Is it fine that you make a reservation odN92kI-rX0-00554-00169469-00169695 and then if the system can't deliver it, odN92kI-rX0-00555-00169695-00169928 it put silent, it just ignore your reservation odN92kI-rX0-00556-00169928-00170149 and you don't get the performance level you need? odN92kI-rX0-00557-00170424-00170507 - So what's this notification, odN92kI-rX0-00558-00170507-00170835 whether you are constrained, right, odN92kI-rX0-00559-00170835-00170937 that is missing. odN92kI-rX0-00560-00170937-00171103 - [Morten] Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00561-00171103-00171265 - So first of all, yeah, like you requested, odN92kI-rX0-00562-00171265-00171470 you may not get that performance, odN92kI-rX0-00563-00171470-00171603 so you need to notify, you need to know odN92kI-rX0-00564-00171603-00171738 that you are not getting it. odN92kI-rX0-00565-00171738-00171880 - [Morten] Exactly, and that's not there today. odN92kI-rX0-00566-00171880-00171963 - And that's not there. odN92kI-rX0-00567-00171963-00172209 We have in, you know, we expose it in, odN92kI-rX0-00568-00172343-00172589 we bring it to the kernel but we never use it. odN92kI-rX0-00569-00172589-00172750 At least in for X36. odN92kI-rX0-00570-00172877-00173151 - Yeah, and the way you use SCHED_DEADLINE today, odN92kI-rX0-00571-00173151-00173349 you make a reservation and then you assume odN92kI-rX0-00572-00173349-00173733 that it's there forever, or is that just a false assumption? odN92kI-rX0-00573-00173733-00173921 Should we just say that SCHED_DEADLINE, odN92kI-rX0-00574-00173921-00174177 you have a reservation until it can't be honored. odN92kI-rX0-00575-00174177-00174339 - Yeah once you get interrupter, odN92kI-rX0-00576-00174486-00174817 till you get constrained interrupt, you are done. odN92kI-rX0-00577-00174817-00175244 - What happens to SCHED_DEADLINE when we cap it, odN92kI-rX0-00578-00175244-00175379 for example due to thermos? odN92kI-rX0-00579-00175882-00176163 - Yeah currently we don't react to that. odN92kI-rX0-00580-00176163-00176632 My way of thinking about this is that if you know odN92kI-rX0-00581-00176632-00176826 that you can actually be capped, odN92kI-rX0-00582-00176826-00177076 you shouldn't meet stuff that you know odN92kI-rX0-00583-00177076-00177234 that you cannot guarantee, right. odN92kI-rX0-00584-00177234-00177533 So it's something that happens before. odN92kI-rX0-00585-00177533-00178008 Or if you know that the, if you can, I mean, odN92kI-rX0-00586-00178100-00178470 problem is that, as you say, once you emitted something odN92kI-rX0-00587-00178470-00178724 then there is this contract going on with user-space odN92kI-rX0-00588-00178724-00178956 and then, if your then your capped, odN92kI-rX0-00589-00178956-00179143 you're basically not respecting that. odN92kI-rX0-00590-00179143-00179362 So I guess what you can do if you want odN92kI-rX0-00591-00179362-00179727 to actually guarantee performance, is to admit less, odN92kI-rX0-00592-00179727-00180003 and with Dettol you can do it. odN92kI-rX0-00593-00180003-00180164 - That's what I'm getting at. odN92kI-rX0-00594-00180164-00180485 Do we want to have that? odN92kI-rX0-00595-00180485-00180713 Because at the moment it's not clear. odN92kI-rX0-00596-00180713-00180988 The SCHED_DEADLINE user can't be tricked odN92kI-rX0-00597-00180988-00181183 into thinking that it is actually a contract odN92kI-rX0-00598-00181183-00181401 with the kernel where it's not today. odN92kI-rX0-00599-00181401-00181501 So should we fix it? odN92kI-rX0-00600-00181642-00182012 - So on the one hand we need to reintroduce odN92kI-rX0-00601-00182012-00182378 the signal for for missing deadlines. odN92kI-rX0-00602-00182497-00182580 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-00603-00182580-00182663 Step back in? odN92kI-rX0-00604-00182663-00182825 Okay so that's at least one hint odN92kI-rX0-00605-00182825-00183066 that stuff has gone to bits. odN92kI-rX0-00606-00183563-00184063 We could add information to the signal that says why. odN92kI-rX0-00607-00184231-00184731 And then, I mean, for a variable system like that odN92kI-rX0-00608-00184983-00185447 you can of course a priori configure things odN92kI-rX0-00609-00185447-00185716 to not hand out the highest of the high. odN92kI-rX0-00610-00185716-00185937 I mean but of course if you put it, odN92kI-rX0-00611-00185937-00186293 if you put your phone in bright sunlight in your car, odN92kI-rX0-00612-00186293-00186662 it, yeah, at some point you have to just say, DM. odN92kI-rX0-00613-00187185-00187517 So when the thermals really kick in, odN92kI-rX0-00614-00187517-00187906 we should probably tell user-space about it. odN92kI-rX0-00615-00187995-00188275 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-00616-00188275-00188515 - Yeah I guess we can have probably both things. odN92kI-rX0-00617-00188617-00189005 So it also depends on how bad it is, if you are actually odN92kI-rX0-00618-00189005-00189361 breaking that this contract with some of your tasks. odN92kI-rX0-00619-00189361-00189742 So if you have a task that you cannot, I mean, odN92kI-rX0-00620-00189742-00190066 it has to run always, even when you're capped, odN92kI-rX0-00621-00190066-00190466 I think we for that you actually need to have, odN92kI-rX0-00622-00190466-00190854 I mean, the sustainable cap must be present odN92kI-rX0-00623-00190854-00191084 before you are meet that does to the system, odN92kI-rX0-00624-00191084-00191584 so that one it is in, you will always be guaranteed, odN92kI-rX0-00625-00191588-00191714 if that's possible. odN92kI-rX0-00626-00191714-00192002 And for the others that can actually maybe be stopped odN92kI-rX0-00627-00192002-00192368 or behave worse when the system is capped, odN92kI-rX0-00628-00192368-00192752 we can have a signal and then user-space can actually, odN92kI-rX0-00629-00192752-00193124 so for example if you have a video that is playing back, odN92kI-rX0-00630-00193124-00193371 and when you're capped you cannot try to reduce odN92kI-rX0-00631-00193371-00193827 the frame rate or anything but you can get the signal back. odN92kI-rX0-00632-00193916-00194217 - So are you proposing to have sort of two kinds of tasks, odN92kI-rX0-00633-00194217-00194537 ones that requires almost like a hard guarantee, odN92kI-rX0-00634-00194537-00194862 saying it will never ever take away your reservation, odN92kI-rX0-00635-00194862-00195113 and then you can allow other tasks to actually odN92kI-rX0-00636-00195113-00195467 oversubscribe the CPU, go above the sustained level odN92kI-rX0-00637-00195467-00195728 and then when it can't deliver that any more, odN92kI-rX0-00638-00195728-00195862 then just notified and say, odN92kI-rX0-00639-00195862-00196129 "Well your reservation is no longer on it." odN92kI-rX0-00640-00196129-00196604 - This just sounds like ooM and we're awfully at that. odN92kI-rX0-00641-00197015-00197371 I don't know, I'd start by just sending signals odN92kI-rX0-00642-00197371-00197753 when programs run and they completely fail, odN92kI-rX0-00643-00197899-00198271 mostly due to stuff changing and then odN92kI-rX0-00644-00198271-00198550 let user-space figure out what to do. odN92kI-rX0-00645-00198550-00198797 For Android that should probably be enough, odN92kI-rX0-00646-00198797-00199007 and then user-space can figure out which task odN92kI-rX0-00647-00199007-00199229 to knock on the head. odN92kI-rX0-00648-00199541-00199783 - [Morten] So we don't want to try to put in like a bar odN92kI-rX0-00649-00199783-00199982 saying, you should not make reservations odN92kI-rX0-00650-00199982-00200261 above, I don't know, 50%. odN92kI-rX0-00651-00200261-00200624 - We already have this bar and it's configurable. odN92kI-rX0-00652-00200624-00200798 - It's at 95% now, isn't it. odN92kI-rX0-00653-00200798-00200934 - But you can lower it. odN92kI-rX0-00654-00200934-00201044 - [Morten] True. odN92kI-rX0-00655-00201044-00201267 - And that's, it's the administrator. odN92kI-rX0-00656-00201267-00201569 I mean, we as kernel developers have no friggin clue. odN92kI-rX0-00657-00201770-00201936 It's the SOC. odN92kI-rX0-00658-00201936-00202104 - But is that entirely true? odN92kI-rX0-00659-00202104-00202352 You do have information in ACPI for example. odN92kI-rX0-00660-00202525-00203025 - Didn't I earlier, it was yesterday, right, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00661-00203042-00203531 So if we have to rely on ACPI it's a sad, sad world. odN92kI-rX0-00662-00203531-00203703 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-00663-00203703-00204131 - So saying rely to ACPI is like saying rely on odN92kI-rX0-00664-00204131-00204411 English language, it's basically a communication means. odN92kI-rX0-00665-00204411-00204878 So what you are really saying is we can't rely odN92kI-rX0-00666-00204878-00205221 on firmware to provide actual information odN92kI-rX0-00667-00205221-00205488 which is very true, I mean, in practice. odN92kI-rX0-00668-00205586-00205880 (laughing) odN92kI-rX0-00669-00205880-00206010 - [Morten] Well we do rely on odN92kI-rX0-00670-00206010-00206225 some information coming from firmware. odN92kI-rX0-00671-00206225-00206398 - I mean if there is ACPI, we can of course odN92kI-rX0-00672-00206398-00206696 use it and set a number, it's just, I odN92kI-rX0-00673-00206784-00207040 let me say I am not full of faith that this number odN92kI-rX0-00674-00207040-00207404 will be as useful as it could be. odN92kI-rX0-00675-00207404-00207567 - But is it better or worse than nothing? odN92kI-rX0-00676-00207567-00207835 I mean the default is 95% which is above odN92kI-rX0-00677-00207835-00208335 your turbo arranged level on most of your parts at Intel. odN92kI-rX0-00678-00208473-00208777 And on arm I think that's probably true for many, odN92kI-rX0-00679-00208777-00208913 at least for the bigger cores that odN92kI-rX0-00680-00208913-00209129 you can't sustain a 95% frequency. odN92kI-rX0-00681-00209317-00209531 - So like once we had in thermal limits, odN92kI-rX0-00682-00209531-00209833 those guarantees don't hold, in none of odN92kI-rX0-00683-00209833-00210023 the guarantees hold, basically. odN92kI-rX0-00684-00210023-00210107 - That's how we do it. odN92kI-rX0-00685-00210107-00210394 - LFM, the the lowest frequency, even that's not guaranteed odN92kI-rX0-00686-00210394-00210586 because we can even have a duty cycle odN92kI-rX0-00687-00210586-00210796 eight steps inside that. odN92kI-rX0-00688-00210894-00211182 So 1800 megahertz divided by 8, 100 megahertz. odN92kI-rX0-00689-00211182-00211419 So 100 megahertz is the guarantee. odN92kI-rX0-00690-00211419-00211590 - So what you're is that SCHED_DEADLINE odN92kI-rX0-00691-00211590-00211796 and things like that is completely useless on a-- odN92kI-rX0-00692-00211796-00211948 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-00693-00211948-00212106 - Yeah, it's very rare. odN92kI-rX0-00694-00212106-00212348 - It's not aware of any of those deadlines odN92kI-rX0-00695-00212348-00212746 and if you prioritize controlling the temperatures, odN92kI-rX0-00696-00212746-00213202 getting our way of the hot spots, as I was telling before. odN92kI-rX0-00697-00213202-00213421 That's how it's actually done today. odN92kI-rX0-00698-00213421-00213710 I mean if we can maybe have like from thermal, odN92kI-rX0-00699-00213710-00213871 from the thermal subsystem likes, odN92kI-rX0-00700-00213871-00214256 and is it even possible today for the system administrator odN92kI-rX0-00701-00214256-00214615 to actually define or the from AC guy to define odN92kI-rX0-00702-00214615-00214865 tree points where if the thermal subsystem odN92kI-rX0-00703-00214993-00215130 could notify the user-space, for example, odN92kI-rX0-00704-00215130-00215415 okay we are getting hot but we are not hammering it yet. odN92kI-rX0-00705-00215415-00215596 I mean yeah, that's possible you could do that odN92kI-rX0-00706-00215596-00215919 but you know, at the end of the day odN92kI-rX0-00707-00215919-00216284 when we get to the point where thermals are theme, odN92kI-rX0-00708-00216284-00216539 we need to reduce the performance. odN92kI-rX0-00709-00216539-00217039 - So yeah I'm all for changing the 95% in a sensible way odN92kI-rX0-00710-00217133-00217329 if we have sensible information. odN92kI-rX0-00711-00217329-00217433 That's not a problem. odN92kI-rX0-00712-00217433-00217684 - Yeah that's where I'm going, I mean, if we have odN92kI-rX0-00713-00217791-00217874 information from firmware, why don't we odN92kI-rX0-00714-00217874-00218144 use that to set a more sensible limit. odN92kI-rX0-00715-00218144-00218534 I totally agree that will be different for different devices odN92kI-rX0-00716-00218534-00218886 and each vendor might choose to have a different level odN92kI-rX0-00717-00218886-00219192 depending on what level of guarantees they need. odN92kI-rX0-00718-00219192-00219439 - What do we do in extreme thermal events, odN92kI-rX0-00719-00219439-00219606 that's another story. odN92kI-rX0-00720-00219606-00219703 - [Morten] I mean if you're at the point odN92kI-rX0-00721-00219703-00219816 where the only thing you can do odN92kI-rX0-00722-00219816-00220018 is to shut down, then you're screwed anyway. odN92kI-rX0-00723-00220018-00220101 - Right. odN92kI-rX0-00724-00220101-00220350 - Then everybody's screwed up, right, including odN92kI-rX0-00725-00220350-00220650 system integrators because they didn't foresee that working. odN92kI-rX0-00726-00220941-00221037 - True. odN92kI-rX0-00727-00221037-00221276 There's a question here or a comment. odN92kI-rX0-00728-00221685-00221923 - So I was wondering, is your assumption here odN92kI-rX0-00729-00221923-00222178 that you've gotten multiple tasks running SCHED_DEADLINE odN92kI-rX0-00730-00222178-00222509 or are you a single task scenario because you could, odN92kI-rX0-00731-00222509-00222716 if you're hitting that limit you're gonna get odN92kI-rX0-00732-00222716-00222984 like three signals if there's a signal there, odN92kI-rX0-00733-00222984-00223146 and you're just gonna get confused odN92kI-rX0-00734-00223146-00223242 with all that information. odN92kI-rX0-00735-00223242-00223398 I mean I don't know how that's necessarily odN92kI-rX0-00736-00223398-00223581 going to help you other than, you know, odN92kI-rX0-00737-00223581-00223844 the fire alarm that's going off, right, you know. odN92kI-rX0-00738-00223973-00224269 So some of it's more about the system's architecture too, odN92kI-rX0-00739-00224269-00224529 understanding your limits and understanding odN92kI-rX0-00740-00224529-00224757 what the predicted behavior of some of these workloads are odN92kI-rX0-00741-00224757-00225126 and how to distribute the workload across the course. odN92kI-rX0-00742-00225126-00225509 But I do agree, if we had meaningful information odN92kI-rX0-00743-00225509-00225682 than people trying to schedule these workloads odN92kI-rX0-00744-00225682-00225880 and meet some deadlines, you know, odN92kI-rX0-00745-00225880-00226159 maybe we could make better choices, right. odN92kI-rX0-00746-00226159-00226480 But I think that as you start to add more to the workload odN92kI-rX0-00747-00226480-00226764 and consolidate your workload on your multi-core systems, odN92kI-rX0-00748-00226764-00226973 I think then it's just noise at that point. odN92kI-rX0-00749-00226973-00227212 You've got all these fires going off because nobody's odN92kI-rX0-00750-00227212-00227523 hitting their deadlines on that core and then you've got it. odN92kI-rX0-00751-00227523-00227757 That gets back to just understanding, odN92kI-rX0-00752-00227757-00227969 what are my priority tasks, right. odN92kI-rX0-00753-00227969-00228234 And then, and in architecting maybe setting affinity odN92kI-rX0-00754-00228234-00228383 for specific things, you know. odN92kI-rX0-00755-00228383-00228566 I don't know what your use case is odN92kI-rX0-00756-00228566-00228786 and sometimes the use case will define this. odN92kI-rX0-00757-00228971-00229168 - But for us, it's getting the information odN92kI-rX0-00758-00229168-00229528 out to user-space. odN92kI-rX0-00759-00229528-00229985 - My worry is that if you want to architect everything now odN92kI-rX0-00760-00229985-00230196 you need to know how are the platform behaves. odN92kI-rX0-00761-00230196-00230459 I mean, if an end user picks up a dashboard or a device odN92kI-rX0-00762-00230459-00230701 and want your SCHED_DEADLINE on that, odN92kI-rX0-00763-00230701-00230834 then we're screwed, right. odN92kI-rX0-00764-00230834-00230987 - We'd like to have meaningful data odN92kI-rX0-00765-00230987-00231157 that we could provide the user-space. odN92kI-rX0-00766-00231157-00231240 - [Morten] Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00767-00231240-00231323 - I agree. odN92kI-rX0-00768-00231494-00231674 - Yeah, I mean, unless you are foreseeing to say odN92kI-rX0-00769-00231674-00232154 play on the gray area where only one core is having odN92kI-rX0-00770-00232154-00232438 like a thermal event like a real fire alarm, odN92kI-rX0-00771-00232525-00232735 and then you want to move your workload out of it odN92kI-rX0-00772-00232735-00232992 so that it can cool off, but I mean, odN92kI-rX0-00773-00232992-00233288 it starts to be a little slightly bit complicated odN92kI-rX0-00774-00233288-00233398 but I don't know. odN92kI-rX0-00775-00233398-00233692 - Yeah that's probably not what I had in mind. odN92kI-rX0-00776-00233692-00233955 I was more after like providing odN92kI-rX0-00777-00233955-00234455 like some level of guarantee where if you use SCHED_DEADLINE odN92kI-rX0-00778-00234469-00234769 then you would be stopped before you can actually odN92kI-rX0-00779-00234769-00235092 make a reservation, that you would be almost sure odN92kI-rX0-00780-00235092-00235221 it would, wouldn't be met. odN92kI-rX0-00781-00235350-00235463 - Well the the thing is is that, odN92kI-rX0-00782-00235463-00235561 let's say you had some information odN92kI-rX0-00783-00235561-00235748 and you've got forecasts running on that core odN92kI-rX0-00784-00235748-00235861 and you thought you had everything odN92kI-rX0-00785-00235861-00236148 precisely managed as far as your deadlines. odN92kI-rX0-00786-00236148-00236373 But all of a sudden the fire alarms go off, right, odN92kI-rX0-00787-00236373-00236619 and so you do have that information to tweak it odN92kI-rX0-00788-00236619-00236892 from 95% to something a little more, odN92kI-rX0-00789-00236892-00237122 and fire alarms are still going off, odN92kI-rX0-00790-00237122-00237280 then do you just get the bucket odN92kI-rX0-00791-00237280-00237414 and then throw one of the tasks off odN92kI-rX0-00792-00237414-00237519 and move it to another core? odN92kI-rX0-00793-00237519-00237669 You know, yeah, you need more. odN92kI-rX0-00794-00237966-00238164 - The thermal is not the core, I think. odN92kI-rX0-00795-00238164-00238664 - Yeah well it depends on your time frame, odN92kI-rX0-00796-00238665-00238889 but I don't know if it's actually feasible odN92kI-rX0-00797-00238889-00239130 to try and to shift, I mean, the hot spot odN92kI-rX0-00798-00239130-00239304 from one core to the next or the whole thing odN92kI-rX0-00799-00239304-00239621 heats up so fast that it's just a global problem anyway. odN92kI-rX0-00800-00239621-00239898 - Yeah, if you have some idol CPUs, I don't know. odN92kI-rX0-00801-00240398-00240583 - Yeah so with deadline, you of course odN92kI-rX0-00802-00240583-00240931 have the period of the task and mostly odN92kI-rX0-00803-00240931-00241128 this would be like the 60 hertz odN92kI-rX0-00804-00241128-00241476 of your rendering pipeline or whatever is convenient odN92kI-rX0-00805-00241476-00241771 for your audio pipeline or something like that. odN92kI-rX0-00806-00241771-00242271 It's the core thermal versus packaged thermal odN92kI-rX0-00807-00242404-00242616 anywhere near that range of time? odN92kI-rX0-00808-00242719-00242953 I mean does it make sense to shift odN92kI-rX0-00809-00242953-00243146 to another core in those time frames? odN92kI-rX0-00810-00243444-00243847 - Yeah, it can happen fast. odN92kI-rX0-00811-00243847-00244156 - It can be microseconds. odN92kI-rX0-00812-00244156-00244592 - But you can't mic radio task that fast. odN92kI-rX0-00813-00244592-00244797 So you can't do anything about it anyway. odN92kI-rX0-00814-00244797-00245130 - And if they're in a BM, then, you know. odN92kI-rX0-00815-00245130-00245213 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00816-00245652-00246008 - So if we plan to use the knobs that are available odN92kI-rX0-00817-00246008-00246423 to define the reservation we can use for deadline odN92kI-rX0-00818-00246423-00246606 with that note that we already have, odN92kI-rX0-00819-00246606-00247054 is not that knob affecting both deadline and RT tasks. odN92kI-rX0-00820-00247054-00247377 So does that mean that if we are under thermal pressure odN92kI-rX0-00821-00247377-00247639 we have only deadline tasks, we basically keel out odN92kI-rX0-00822-00247639-00248019 also the RT tasks in our system, so. odN92kI-rX0-00823-00248402-00248821 - So RT doesn't have admission control. odN92kI-rX0-00824-00248821-00248905 - No, exactly. odN92kI-rX0-00825-00248905-00249271 - RT is basically basically a failed scheduling policy. odN92kI-rX0-00826-00249582-00249858 There is nothing you can really do for them. odN92kI-rX0-00827-00249858-00249942 - So when it says that-- odN92kI-rX0-00828-00249942-00250217 - Basically, so you only have then deadline, odN92kI-rX0-00829-00250217-00250567 all the RT will won't be scheduled because it's a total odN92kI-rX0-00830-00250567-00250737 when deadline basically finishes in doing its work. odN92kI-rX0-00831-00250737-00251025 So they are emitted they will never run. odN92kI-rX0-00832-00251188-00251363 - If it's worth at least to try to distinguish odN92kI-rX0-00833-00251363-00251863 what we can allocate with deadline and what is left for RT odN92kI-rX0-00834-00251887-00252212 still within the sustainable performance capacity. odN92kI-rX0-00835-00252494-00252719 Which goes back to what Morten was proposing odN92kI-rX0-00836-00252719-00253130 so we have to define a deadline granted capacity odN92kI-rX0-00837-00253130-00253423 that leave some space for RT for example odN92kI-rX0-00838-00253423-00253656 and other stuff under thermal conditions also. odN92kI-rX0-00839-00254084-00254375 - So this comes back to U clamp of course odN92kI-rX0-00840-00254375-00254831 because that's the only thing that RT has to. odN92kI-rX0-00841-00254925-00255258 - Yeah but U clamp is not really enforcing anything. odN92kI-rX0-00842-00255258-00255538 It has to be an extension on that eventually. odN92kI-rX0-00843-00255538-00255967 - So I'd hate to add bandwidth to RT, it's just. odN92kI-rX0-00844-00256143-00256494 - Well okay, so there are different categories odN92kI-rX0-00845-00256494-00256877 of thermal events, different time frames, and there are such odN92kI-rX0-00846-00256877-00257187 that you can't do anything about it because they, odN92kI-rX0-00847-00257187-00257501 it will just happen in a matter of microseconds odN92kI-rX0-00848-00257501-00257757 and then the hardware will decided. odN92kI-rX0-00849-00257757-00258078 You will get less power and that's it. odN92kI-rX0-00850-00258185-00258567 And you can't do anything except for getting, odN92kI-rX0-00851-00258567-00258791 possibly getting notified about that. odN92kI-rX0-00852-00258791-00259103 - Yeah but for those, the workload odN92kI-rX0-00853-00259103-00259329 should already take that into account. odN92kI-rX0-00854-00259329-00259673 Those will always happen and then, I mean, odN92kI-rX0-00855-00259673-00260151 if you have a work that is like four milliseconds long odN92kI-rX0-00856-00260315-00260517 and the event happens on microsecond scale, odN92kI-rX0-00857-00260604-00260901 it will always happen and therefore the workload odN92kI-rX0-00858-00260901-00261192 should take this into account anyway, odN92kI-rX0-00859-00261288-00261617 because it's just nothing we can do about it. odN92kI-rX0-00860-00261617-00262117 - Well so the work, there is a difference between a workload odN92kI-rX0-00861-00262129-00262629 and a, how the kernel allows to happen odN92kI-rX0-00862-00262886-00263052 because the workload is just, you know, odN92kI-rX0-00863-00263052-00263276 a bunch of tasks that will run, odN92kI-rX0-00864-00263276-00263536 and a kernel decides how fast they will run, odN92kI-rX0-00865-00263536-00263643 right, and that is-- odN92kI-rX0-00866-00263643-00263748 - Sure, sure, but so, odN92kI-rX0-00867-00263988-00264142 this is for admission control odN92kI-rX0-00868-00264459-00264755 and we should allow so much work that it is possible odN92kI-rX0-00869-00265193-00265693 and suppose we do a while 1 loop odN92kI-rX0-00870-00265920-00266413 and load the CPU up and then it throws us down odN92kI-rX0-00871-00266413-00266747 and then we see we cannot ever load this machine up odN92kI-rX0-00872-00266747-00267247 more than now 60%, maybe 40% depending on the platform. odN92kI-rX0-00873-00267494-00267759 And that's where we should set our admission control. odN92kI-rX0-00874-00267891-00268314 That means that admission control should be odN92kI-rX0-00875-00268314-00268660 like tuned to the, to what's going on, right. odN92kI-rX0-00876-00268660-00268952 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-00877-00269215-00269462 - So then emission control control will disallow new tasks odN92kI-rX0-00878-00269462-00269799 and then the existing tasks, if you put it in the sun odN92kI-rX0-00879-00269799-00270040 or if something bad happens, your fan breaks odN92kI-rX0-00880-00270040-00270318 or thermal glue dried up, I don't know. odN92kI-rX0-00881-00270580-00270719 Weird stuff happens, I know. odN92kI-rX0-00882-00270719-00270953 - Yeah, I mean, I think just maybe circle back odN92kI-rX0-00883-00270953-00271128 on the same thing that you are saying, odN92kI-rX0-00884-00271220-00271445 two aspects here, right, if you are designing odN92kI-rX0-00885-00271533-00272017 your admission control assuming your maximum CPU frequency odN92kI-rX0-00886-00272017-00272456 or your turbo, you already started doing it wrong, right. odN92kI-rX0-00887-00272456-00272579 So there is that. odN92kI-rX0-00888-00272579-00272863 And the other thing is also that I think Peter mentioned odN92kI-rX0-00889-00272863-00273266 is like or maybe say in a different way is that odN92kI-rX0-00890-00273266-00273464 it's not only about thermals at least, odN92kI-rX0-00891-00273464-00273725 it's not only about the admission control odN92kI-rX0-00892-00273725-00273972 of a SCHED_DEADLINE doesn't know about that, right. odN92kI-rX0-00893-00273972-00274181 So if you have you as your high priority tasks odN92kI-rX0-00894-00274181-00274586 which had the endmies admitted on on a SCHED_DEADLINE, odN92kI-rX0-00895-00274586-00274846 and maybe you can even admit more, odN92kI-rX0-00896-00274846-00275145 but if you have like a noisy workload odN92kI-rX0-00897-00275145-00275645 which is consuming power like a while 1 over there, odN92kI-rX0-00898-00275663-00275870 it's also going to contribute to the thermals. odN92kI-rX0-00899-00275870-00276126 - It will. odN92kI-rX0-00900-00276126-00276468 - Right, it has nothing to do with the admission control odN92kI-rX0-00901-00276468-00276674 maybe, right, is not part of SCHED_DEADLINE, odN92kI-rX0-00902-00276674-00277013 it's just like a CFS task, but if you produce power odN92kI-rX0-00903-00277013-00277137 if you heat the-- odN92kI-rX0-00904-00277137-00277487 - Yeah but its contribution will eventually be reduced to 5% odN92kI-rX0-00905-00277487-00277720 because if you start capping because of thermal, odN92kI-rX0-00906-00277720-00277903 then in the end, it's only your deadline task odN92kI-rX0-00907-00277903-00278111 that will end up running minus the 5% odN92kI-rX0-00908-00278111-00278271 that will reserve further stuff. odN92kI-rX0-00909-00278271-00278483 - And so the history of the 95, odN92kI-rX0-00910-00278483-00278964 the 95 was set way before we ever did any DVFS smarts. odN92kI-rX0-00911-00279260-00279651 The moment we started scaling work for SCHED_DEADLINE, odN92kI-rX0-00912-00280009-00280396 for DVFS, the whole 95% thing when went out the window, odN92kI-rX0-00913-00280396-00280726 and this is basically an overlooked thing. odN92kI-rX0-00914-00280726-00281125 So I'm absolutely okay with changing the 95 odN92kI-rX0-00915-00281125-00281459 to a sensible number and even doing it odN92kI-rX0-00916-00281459-00281817 dynamically if we have the information. odN92kI-rX0-00917-00282065-00282370 - [Morten] Okay, fair enough. odN92kI-rX0-00918-00282370-00282571 - But maybe one point is also that odN92kI-rX0-00919-00282571-00282767 yes we can do ismar stuff here odN92kI-rX0-00920-00282767-00283020 but in the end of the day, is also part of the job odN92kI-rX0-00921-00283020-00283274 to design the system that fits odN92kI-rX0-00922-00283274-00283574 on your thermals envelope, right. odN92kI-rX0-00923-00283574-00283688 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00924-00283688-00283828 - So we have one more minute for this topic, odN92kI-rX0-00925-00283828-00284063 so last thoughts and then we need to. odN92kI-rX0-00926-00284607-00284734 - I think I agree with your point odN92kI-rX0-00927-00284734-00284983 but I still think we can do slightly more odN92kI-rX0-00928-00284983-00285194 than just say it's up to the user odN92kI-rX0-00929-00285194-00285373 if we do have a little bit of information odN92kI-rX0-00930-00285373-00285720 to not let people put in deadlines odN92kI-rX0-00931-00285720-00286019 after use in 90% of the CPU capacity. odN92kI-rX0-00932-00286248-00286492 - So what kind of exact information are you looking for, odN92kI-rX0-00933-00286492-00286740 like from the thermal subsystem for example odN92kI-rX0-00934-00286740-00287148 or some notification through that, or? odN92kI-rX0-00935-00287148-00287648 - I think, well you can subscribe to notifications, can you, odN92kI-rX0-00936-00287681-00288167 I mean if you want to know when the system gets hot. odN92kI-rX0-00937-00288167-00288357 - Right, you already can do that. odN92kI-rX0-00938-00288357-00288440 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00939-00288440-00288523 - From user-space. odN92kI-rX0-00940-00288523-00288606 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00941-00288725-00289138 So yeah, maybe just lower the 95% to something derived odN92kI-rX0-00942-00289138-00289470 from whatever information will have the firmware table. odN92kI-rX0-00943-00289470-00289684 - Basically the sustained rate. odN92kI-rX0-00944-00289684-00289767 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-00945-00289767-00289979 - I think there's an ACPI thing or whatever we have, odN92kI-rX0-00946-00289979-00290245 but a sustained rate and set it to that. odN92kI-rX0-00947-00290245-00290390 - [Morten] And we can probably odN92kI-rX0-00948-00290390-00290473 find something similar for DT. odN92kI-rX0-00949-00290473-00290674 - But if you lower this dynamically then what do you do odN92kI-rX0-00950-00290674-00290925 with all the tasks which are already subscribed to. odN92kI-rX0-00951-00290925-00291217 - [Morten] It's not dynamic, it's a static table. odN92kI-rX0-00952-00291217-00291366 - They get a signal. odN92kI-rX0-00953-00291366-00291591 (laughing) odN92kI-rX0-00954-00291711-00292034 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-00955-00292034-00292264 - Or maybe you can also start on server 3. odN92kI-rX0-00956-00292264-00292583 So you first start with a really low cap odN92kI-rX0-00957-00292583-00292817 and see if you actually need to increase it odN92kI-rX0-00958-00292817-00293168 if you actually have more tasks that tries odN92kI-rX0-00959-00293168-00293519 to enter a system, I guess can monitor the thing. odN92kI-rX0-00960-00293519-00293729 - Right, okay, good. odN92kI-rX0-00961-00293953-00294086 I think that's it for this topic. odN92kI-rX0-00962-00294086-00294586 So I have one more topic which is sort of related. odN92kI-rX0-00963-00294619-00294843 Let me see if I can work this out again. odN92kI-rX0-00964-00294843-00295003 Oh no, I messed it up, didn't I. odN92kI-rX0-00965-00295729-00295997 I think we're here and can I realign it somehow. odN92kI-rX0-00966-00296601-00296773 Especially when they're not your own. odN92kI-rX0-00967-00296930-00297236 Right, so this is a little bit related odN92kI-rX0-00968-00297236-00297395 and it actually came out of the discussion odN92kI-rX0-00969-00297395-00297684 again from OSPM Summit in Pisa. odN92kI-rX0-00970-00297684-00298043 So the way we do with thermal management today in Linux odN92kI-rX0-00971-00298043-00298447 is very much focused on what devices do we have odN92kI-rX0-00972-00298447-00298596 and how can we control them. odN92kI-rX0-00973-00298596-00298805 And if we're in a thermal situation, odN92kI-rX0-00974-00298805-00299096 we decide a set of caps and we apply them to each device odN92kI-rX0-00975-00299096-00299306 and say you can't go any faster than this. odN92kI-rX0-00976-00299921-00300038 But when you have a thermal situation, odN92kI-rX0-00977-00300038-00300167 what you really need to do is to, odN92kI-rX0-00978-00300167-00300405 you need to lower the amount of work you need to do, odN92kI-rX0-00979-00300405-00300697 lower the amount of compute, you need to reduce it somehow. odN92kI-rX0-00980-00300697-00300978 And one way is just to slow everything down. odN92kI-rX0-00981-00300978-00301332 But what if the set of caps that our current odN92kI-rX0-00982-00301332-00301597 device centric thermal management governor odN92kI-rX0-00983-00301752-00302032 decides is not the most optimum one for your use case. odN92kI-rX0-00984-00302148-00302370 You could have a use case where odN92kI-rX0-00985-00302370-00302617 there is a task you might want to run really fast odN92kI-rX0-00986-00302617-00302977 because it's absolutely essential for the performance odN92kI-rX0-00987-00302977-00303222 and there are some other tasks you can sacrifice, odN92kI-rX0-00988-00303513-00303669 that you can't really handle today odN92kI-rX0-00989-00303669-00303869 in the way power management works. odN92kI-rX0-00990-00303955-00304455 So should we consider changing the way we look odN92kI-rX0-00991-00304507-00305007 at a thermal management, and make it task centric instead odN92kI-rX0-00992-00305152-00305652 because as we have today, we don't have any any information odN92kI-rX0-00993-00305792-00306035 about the importance of tasks, odN92kI-rX0-00994-00306035-00306362 we don't know how to best spent the thermal budget odN92kI-rX0-00995-00306362-00306610 and if we try to do clever things in the scheduler odN92kI-rX0-00996-00306610-00306847 we might actually make things worse. odN92kI-rX0-00997-00306847-00307131 I mean we can have task placement trying to escape odN92kI-rX0-00998-00307131-00307417 thermal caps, if you cap one set of CPUs, odN92kI-rX0-00999-00307417-00307655 the scheduler says, oh these CPUs are not capped as hard, odN92kI-rX0-01000-00307655-00307812 then you move more load over there odN92kI-rX0-01001-00307812-00308037 and then you have to cap them a moment later. odN92kI-rX0-01002-00308145-00308386 So it doesn't really work that well odN92kI-rX0-01003-00308386-00308526 I think, for some scenarios. odN92kI-rX0-01004-00308752-00309196 So in an ideal world, if you have a thermal situation, odN92kI-rX0-01005-00309196-00309425 you want to lower the amount of compute odN92kI-rX0-01006-00309425-00309879 but I think the application is actually better place odN92kI-rX0-01007-00309879-00310160 at deciding how to lower the amount of compute odN92kI-rX0-01008-00310160-00310387 rather than kernel firmware stepping units, odN92kI-rX0-01009-00310387-00310623 say you can't go any faster than this, odN92kI-rX0-01010-00310623-00310797 all your CPUs are capped at this level, odN92kI-rX0-01011-00310797-00310967 your GPU is capped at that level, odN92kI-rX0-01012-00310967-00311243 and you just have to live inside those constraints. odN92kI-rX0-01013-00311342-00311558 What if you had a workload, the new, odN92kI-rX0-01014-00311558-00311813 I actually want the few CPUs that run really fast odN92kI-rX0-01015-00311813-00311981 but I'm okay with the other ones odN92kI-rX0-01016-00311981-00312268 being being capped at very low OPP odN92kI-rX0-01017-00312268-00312593 or I can sacrifice my GPU completely. odN92kI-rX0-01018-00312593-00312809 There is no room to do that with the way odN92kI-rX0-01019-00312809-00312974 we currently do power management. odN92kI-rX0-01020-00313093-00313432 - Okay, thank you, so one thought about this. odN92kI-rX0-01021-00313432-00313850 So we still need to cut the kernel to be the last boundary, odN92kI-rX0-01022-00313977-00314248 like for you know, because we can we can be nice odN92kI-rX0-01023-00314248-00314738 to applications but then when they still don't, you know. odN92kI-rX0-01024-00314738-00314871 - Exactly. odN92kI-rX0-01025-00314871-00315086 - So this is not about just shifting odN92kI-rX0-01026-00315086-00315274 a whole problem up into the application odN92kI-rX0-01027-00315274-00315504 because we can't trust them in the end. odN92kI-rX0-01028-00315504-00315689 This is about enabling the applications odN92kI-rX0-01029-00315689-00315950 to do better if they behave. odN92kI-rX0-01030-00315950-00316116 And I don't think the kernel is going to odN92kI-rX0-01031-00316116-00316280 be the last line of defense anyway, odN92kI-rX0-01032-00316280-00316395 you have something in firmware. odN92kI-rX0-01033-00316395-00316571 So you sort of have a number of layers odN92kI-rX0-01034-00316571-00316798 starting from the bottom where you have firmware, odN92kI-rX0-01035-00316798-00317008 then you have kernel, you might have middleware odN92kI-rX0-01036-00317008-00317250 having an opinion in there, and then odN92kI-rX0-01037-00317250-00317571 at the very top you have the application. odN92kI-rX0-01038-00318302-00318486 - But these applications don't have deadlines odN92kI-rX0-01039-00318486-00318671 because they're kind of contradicting things here odN92kI-rX0-01040-00318671-00318867 is because if they have a deadline and you want odN92kI-rX0-01041-00318867-00319082 some sort of user space notification that odN92kI-rX0-01042-00319082-00319247 hey I should slow things down, odN92kI-rX0-01043-00319338-00319593 if the applications aware that it's deadline centered, odN92kI-rX0-01044-00319593-00319738 I guess it could reject that. odN92kI-rX0-01045-00319997-00320179 - Well the application can choose to ignore odN92kI-rX0-01046-00320179-00320429 whatever we tell it, and if that happens odN92kI-rX0-01047-00320429-00320616 and at some point you have you will, odN92kI-rX0-01048-00320616-00320942 it oversteps some boundaries, the kernel will step in odN92kI-rX0-01049-00320942-00321083 or the firmware will step in and say, odN92kI-rX0-01050-00321083-00321378 well you still exceed the power budget now and need to-- odN92kI-rX0-01051-00321378-00321490 - Yeah, now I need to clamp. odN92kI-rX0-01052-00321490-00321867 - Boundaries, but this is around trying to enable odN92kI-rX0-01053-00321867-00322274 the application to stay away from those boundaries odN92kI-rX0-01054-00322274-00322454 so they actually don't get enforced. odN92kI-rX0-01055-00322551-00322931 So letting the application itself manage odN92kI-rX0-01056-00322931-00323151 how much compute it's requiring. odN92kI-rX0-01057-00323236-00323534 There are a few examples out there. odN92kI-rX0-01058-00323534-00323824 I came across a blog post where some graphics people odN92kI-rX0-01059-00323824-00324211 had worked with a specific phone vendor to try to odN92kI-rX0-01060-00324452-00324543 basically self-adapt the amount of detail odN92kI-rX0-01061-00324543-00324788 you were rendering in the graphics engine odN92kI-rX0-01062-00324788-00324985 depending on the thermal pressure. odN92kI-rX0-01063-00324985-00325203 So if you're overheating, they basically adapted odN92kI-rX0-01064-00325203-00325495 the workload to become less by reducing the complexity odN92kI-rX0-01065-00325495-00325656 of what you are rendering, and thereby you could odN92kI-rX0-01066-00325656-00325823 stay within the thermal budget, but you still odN92kI-rX0-01067-00325823-00326235 had a nice frame rate because the graphics really sucks odN92kI-rX0-01068-00326235-00326391 if you cap your system so hard odN92kI-rX0-01069-00326391-00326668 that you can't meet 30 or 60 FPS. odN92kI-rX0-01070-00326668-00326998 You might be better off only being able to see odN92kI-rX0-01071-00326998-00327239 half a mile ahead instead of one mile odN92kI-rX0-01072-00327385-00327639 in your render distance or whatever, odN92kI-rX0-01073-00327639-00327769 I'm not a graphics expert. odN92kI-rX0-01074-00327943-00328405 For applications like that, where you might be interested in odN92kI-rX0-01075-00328405-00328806 in investing into making them self-adapting. odN92kI-rX0-01076-00328806-00329106 Could we come up with a way to enable them to do that? odN92kI-rX0-01077-00329106-00329319 I know that in Android, I think they recently introduced odN92kI-rX0-01078-00329319-00329631 an interface where you can get notifications, odN92kI-rX0-01079-00329631-00329909 I think they have four different notifications going odN92kI-rX0-01080-00329909-00330368 from mildly critical up to severe for thermal. odN92kI-rX0-01081-00330487-00330646 But as far as I know, it doesn't use, odN92kI-rX0-01082-00330646-00330932 we don't have a standardized kernel interface odN92kI-rX0-01083-00330932-00331170 for user-space to subscribe to or read, odN92kI-rX0-01084-00331170-00331477 saying what is the current thermal situation. odN92kI-rX0-01085-00331477-00331657 And what should that interface actually be? odN92kI-rX0-01086-00331657-00331986 Can we come up with a metric that they can use to say odN92kI-rX0-01087-00331986-00332249 how far away am i from from hitting that boundary odN92kI-rX0-01088-00332249-00332616 where firmware will step in and hard cap the frequency? odN92kI-rX0-01089-00332616-00332895 - Right, so just like from a graphic side of things, odN92kI-rX0-01090-00332895-00333208 like you're saying, if I'm starting to see some, odN92kI-rX0-01091-00333208-00333696 I'm dropping frames, then I start to make some adjustments, odN92kI-rX0-01092-00333696-00333881 and then you had that feedback loop. odN92kI-rX0-01093-00333881-00334045 And I think what you're looking for is that, odN92kI-rX0-01094-00334045-00334302 also that feedback, it's not a one-time thing, odN92kI-rX0-01095-00334302-00334605 it's sort of like the application makes some adjustments, odN92kI-rX0-01096-00334605-00334761 gets additional feedback somehow. odN92kI-rX0-01097-00334761-00334875 - Right, yes. odN92kI-rX0-01098-00334875-00335242 And I want to enable the application to do the adjustments odN92kI-rX0-01099-00335242-00335532 before you have kernel firmware kicking in odN92kI-rX0-01100-00335532-00335802 and making hard caps, so you actually drop the frames. odN92kI-rX0-01101-00336200-00336380 Well you could of course see that you exceed odN92kI-rX0-01102-00336380-00336698 the thermal budget if you start to see frames dropping odN92kI-rX0-01103-00336698-00336880 and then you can start thinking about doing something. odN92kI-rX0-01104-00336880-00337157 But if we told it beforehand and now you're actually odN92kI-rX0-01105-00337157-00337639 approaching whatever limit you have in terms of thermal odN92kI-rX0-01106-00337639-00337904 and then do something about it proactively, odN92kI-rX0-01107-00337904-00338097 I think you can end up with a better user experience. odN92kI-rX0-01108-00338097-00338547 - So just to, maybe I mentioned that on the other topic odN92kI-rX0-01109-00338547-00338915 is the way that assist integrator would do it, odN92kI-rX0-01110-00338915-00339177 you would like create bands on the temperature domains, odN92kI-rX0-01111-00339177-00339433 right, and have tree points defined odN92kI-rX0-01112-00339433-00339746 on this temperature domain. odN92kI-rX0-01113-00339746-00340010 It's very common for people to say, odN92kI-rX0-01114-00340010-00340386 hey yeah, on this band we are fully okay, odN92kI-rX0-01115-00340386-00340650 and then on the next band we are in a warm zone odN92kI-rX0-01116-00340650-00341007 and then on the next band, we would be on a throttling zone, odN92kI-rX0-01117-00341007-00341144 and then the last band would be, odN92kI-rX0-01118-00341144-00341349 okay at this point, you are screwed, odN92kI-rX0-01119-00341349-00341528 you are gonna be shut down right, odN92kI-rX0-01120-00341528-00341732 that's a very typical design. odN92kI-rX0-01121-00341732-00342150 And the thermal subsystem actually sends notifications odN92kI-rX0-01122-00342150-00342370 to user-space when you cross the tree points, odN92kI-rX0-01123-00342370-00342505 when you cross up and down. odN92kI-rX0-01124-00342604-00342983 That would be one way of, obviously I mean, odN92kI-rX0-01125-00342983-00343292 out of tree policies that people do, odN92kI-rX0-01126-00343292-00343484 it's a whole different ballgame, odN92kI-rX0-01127-00343484-00343788 but that's at least how it is recommended today. odN92kI-rX0-01128-00343788-00343972 You don't need to necessarily throttle odN92kI-rX0-01129-00343972-00344185 on all the tree points, you can just define tree points odN92kI-rX0-01130-00344185-00344366 that are just for notification. odN92kI-rX0-01131-00344798-00344991 - So you're saying it is, somewhat there odN92kI-rX0-01132-00344991-00345186 already but it's out of tree. odN92kI-rX0-01133-00345186-00345398 - No, it's there, it's not out of tree. odN92kI-rX0-01134-00345547-00345639 - The notifications for that. odN92kI-rX0-01135-00345639-00346033 - It's probably not even used by auto tree systems, odN92kI-rX0-01136-00346033-00346204 but yeah, it's actually there. odN92kI-rX0-01137-00346440-00346603 So can you get those notifications? odN92kI-rX0-01138-00346603-00346861 Are they per thermal zone or? odN92kI-rX0-01139-00346861-00346974 - On the thermal zone. odN92kI-rX0-01140-00346974-00347057 - Okay. odN92kI-rX0-01141-00347186-00347345 So maybe they're-- odN92kI-rX0-01142-00347345-00347623 - And you define those on the by-street as well for example. odN92kI-rX0-01143-00347623-00348071 There's no standardized way of saying what are the bands odN92kI-rX0-01144-00348071-00348262 these are left for the system integrator odN92kI-rX0-01145-00348262-00348558 because some people think, okay, two bands are fine, odN92kI-rX0-01146-00348558-00348671 three bands are fine, some people, odN92kI-rX0-01147-00348671-00348973 okay I want to have six bands. odN92kI-rX0-01148-00348973-00349227 - Yeah so but that would need to be odN92kI-rX0-01149-00349227-00349518 like defined by the system integrator. odN92kI-rX0-01150-00349518-00349601 - Right. odN92kI-rX0-01151-00349601-00349900 - Somehow like more, to add more trip points odN92kI-rX0-01152-00349900-00350112 for this kind of work. odN92kI-rX0-01153-00350112-00350612 So that would require some input from like the odN92kI-rX0-01154-00350618-00350916 firmware people as well as-- odN92kI-rX0-01155-00350916-00351066 - I mean, yeah, if you have like something in ACPI odN92kI-rX0-01156-00351066-00351216 for example, then yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01157-00351216-00351409 - Well yeah that's what I mean. odN92kI-rX0-01158-00351409-00351863 So somebody needs to tell us what what are those, odN92kI-rX0-01159-00351863-00352117 what the bands are essentially. odN92kI-rX0-01160-00352335-00352503 - So to better understand, we can define tree points odN92kI-rX0-01161-00352503-00352776 already but we also have support to get signals odN92kI-rX0-01162-00352776-00352929 when we cross tree points? odN92kI-rX0-01163-00352929-00353215 - To the user-space we have Caesar fast notifications, odN92kI-rX0-01164-00353215-00353441 Caesar fast notifies that there are sent out. odN92kI-rX0-01165-00353745-00354031 If that's enough that's a whole different story, but yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01166-00354031-00354306 Yeah that would be easy if it's already there. odN92kI-rX0-01167-00354306-00354740 I was thinking maybe have some continuous signal odN92kI-rX0-01168-00354740-00354876 or something that you could use odN92kI-rX0-01169-00354876-00355216 if you want to basically create a feedback loop odN92kI-rX0-01170-00355216-00355558 in your application saying, okay I've got this much spare odN92kI-rX0-01171-00355558-00355904 of thermal, I mean, you could almost get there odN92kI-rX0-01172-00355904-00356142 if you define a lot of thread points I guess. odN92kI-rX0-01173-00356295-00356486 - It's like a concept of thermal capacity, odN92kI-rX0-01174-00356486-00356953 this thermal capacity we have crossing the next tree point. odN92kI-rX0-01175-00356953-00357124 Or maybe defining, okay I'm interested odN92kI-rX0-01176-00357124-00357445 to these specific level, can you notify me odN92kI-rX0-01177-00357445-00357558 when I'm crossing these levels, odN92kI-rX0-01178-00357558-00357741 some kind of programmable interface odN92kI-rX0-01179-00357741-00357918 where the application can actually require odN92kI-rX0-01180-00357918-00358285 to be notified on certain specific tree points. odN92kI-rX0-01181-00358469-00358646 - Yeah I think Shuima was at some point odN92kI-rX0-01182-00358646-00359146 was proposing something similar, right. odN92kI-rX0-01183-00359463-00359749 - Dell based notifications, to the, odN92kI-rX0-01184-00359749-00359874 the current is very slow. odN92kI-rX0-01185-00359998-00360191 Current mechanism is net link based odN92kI-rX0-01186-00360191-00360520 and it goes to Udev and then it distributes. odN92kI-rX0-01187-00360520-00361020 So it's a Dell based device and directing notification odN92kI-rX0-01188-00361051-00361134 that will be faster on that node. odN92kI-rX0-01189-00361308-00361484 - I mean that's the Dell nodes not existing, odN92kI-rX0-01190-00361484-00361640 he was proposing to have that. odN92kI-rX0-01191-00361640-00361980 Would that be more helpful? odN92kI-rX0-01192-00362120-00362219 - Potentially, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01193-00362219-00362437 So what we did in turn is just a mock of things. odN92kI-rX0-01194-00362437-00362699 We basically took the power allocator governor odN92kI-rX0-01195-00362699-00362999 and it has like an error feedback in the feedback loop odN92kI-rX0-01196-00362999-00363226 it has, and we basically just exposed that odN92kI-rX0-01197-00363226-00363499 to user-space and trying to let user-space adapt odN92kI-rX0-01198-00363499-00363772 itself based on that information. odN92kI-rX0-01199-00363772-00363999 And that worked reasonably well. odN92kI-rX0-01200-00363999-00364083 - Yeah, I think he contrited that. odN92kI-rX0-01201-00364083-00364196 The other thing I was thinking about is odN92kI-rX0-01202-00364196-00364635 depends on how many gradients of information that you have odN92kI-rX0-01203-00364635-00364964 and like was mentioned earlier, a systems integrator odN92kI-rX0-01204-00364964-00365286 or something could actually tune it and if the gradients odN92kI-rX0-01205-00365286-00365580 are reliable and predictable, then the applications odN92kI-rX0-01206-00365580-00365805 could be tuned ahead of time that when they hit odN92kI-rX0-01207-00365805-00366129 a certain gradient, then the application goes into another odN92kI-rX0-01208-00366129-00366372 like a lower performance mode. odN92kI-rX0-01209-00367044-00367352 - There's a question at the far back. odN92kI-rX0-01210-00368124-00368355 - Does it need to be signals or could it just look like odN92kI-rX0-01211-00368355-00368694 the CPU freak interface where I've got a base temperature odN92kI-rX0-01212-00368694-00369100 and a min and a max that I can deal with and then odN92kI-rX0-01213-00369100-00369471 the applications can do whatever they wish at that point. odN92kI-rX0-01214-00369586-00369861 - Yeah, I'm not sure if it needs to be signals, I mean, odN92kI-rX0-01215-00370192-00370314 we probably can't react that fast anyway, odN92kI-rX0-01216-00370314-00370730 I mean, it's frame by frame so if it's just something odN92kI-rX0-01217-00370730-00371230 we could Paul or Reed, yeah, maybe that's sufficient. odN92kI-rX0-01218-00371251-00371412 - Yeah but maybe you don't want to be odN92kI-rX0-01219-00371412-00371720 like reacting frame by frame, maybe you wanted to find odN92kI-rX0-01220-00371720-00372131 a specific notification entry point where you just odN92kI-rX0-01221-00372131-00372370 do the switch from the application perspective, right. odN92kI-rX0-01222-00372370-00372804 So when we cross that tree point then odN92kI-rX0-01223-00372804-00373130 I would switch to another mode where I would odN92kI-rX0-01224-00373130-00373474 have less of a rendering requirement. odN92kI-rX0-01225-00373660-00373750 I mean it doesn't need to be frame by frame. odN92kI-rX0-01226-00373750-00373987 You would glitch a little bit when you cross it. odN92kI-rX0-01227-00373987-00374199 - You'll fixed it in a few frames. odN92kI-rX0-01228-00374291-00374381 - But you wouldn't be like odN92kI-rX0-01229-00374381-00374491 a frame by frame kind of adaptation. odN92kI-rX0-01230-00374789-00374959 - That's going to be a long throw. odN92kI-rX0-01231-00375664-00376110 - So but then we'll need user-space to subscribe to those. odN92kI-rX0-01232-00376266-00376349 - [Morten] Right. odN92kI-rX0-01233-00376349-00376582 - Not notification mechanisms, whatever they are, odN92kI-rX0-01234-00376582-00376823 so it will have to either open a dev odN92kI-rX0-01235-00376823-00377057 or listen to something, right. odN92kI-rX0-01236-00377379-00377570 - Yeah, they will need to listen to that. odN92kI-rX0-01237-00377570-00377736 - Yeah, okay. odN92kI-rX0-01238-00377736-00378026 - But that's fair enough, I mean, if I wants information odN92kI-rX0-01239-00378026-00378213 it needs to get it from somewhere. odN92kI-rX0-01240-00378309-00378392 - Yeah, okay. odN92kI-rX0-01241-00378739-00378907 - Fair enough. odN92kI-rX0-01242-00378907-00379093 - Where are we on time? odN92kI-rX0-01243-00379093-00379260 - We are fine, so we are five minutes odN92kI-rX0-01244-00379260-00379496 ahead of time, actually even ten minutes. odN92kI-rX0-01245-00379496-00379960 So are there any more thoughts on this particular topic odN92kI-rX0-01246-00379960-00380288 or we can switch over to the next one and then. odN92kI-rX0-01247-00380288-00380376 - [Morten] No I think that's it, odN92kI-rX0-01248-00380376-00380496 it sounds like we have something-- odN92kI-rX0-01249-00380496-00380774 - I have one question related to this. odN92kI-rX0-01250-00380774-00381040 Last year they were talking about thermal capacity govern odN92kI-rX0-01251-00381040-00381188 and thermal capacity end scheduler. odN92kI-rX0-01252-00381188-00381453 Is that patches upstream or is it like? odN92kI-rX0-01253-00381453-00381673 - [Morten] You should ask Vason in the back. odN92kI-rX0-01254-00381871-00382053 - They're actually still working on that. odN92kI-rX0-01255-00382053-00382283 She is running some tests, she has been a bit sidetracked odN92kI-rX0-01256-00382283-00382538 on that activity, but it's ongoing. odN92kI-rX0-01257-00382538-00382855 We'll make sure that this will go outside in coming weeks. odN92kI-rX0-01258-00383426-00383651 - So I think for this topic this summer, odN92kI-rX0-01259-00383651-00383981 yes there is some Caesar fast notification going on odN92kI-rX0-01260-00383981-00384176 that you can already subscribe odN92kI-rX0-01261-00384176-00384363 and you would require the syst integrator odN92kI-rX0-01262-00384363-00384733 to define your bands but either way if you have odN92kI-rX0-01263-00384733-00384904 the syst integrator defining your bands, odN92kI-rX0-01264-00384904-00385259 reliable bands, I think there's still a question odN92kI-rX0-01265-00385259-00385568 to answer is if this is the Caesar fast notifications odN92kI-rX0-01266-00385568-00385896 is enough or we need a dev node for example odN92kI-rX0-01267-00385896-00386225 to be at the right time scale that you need. odN92kI-rX0-01268-00386225-00386455 - Yeah, okay that makes sense. odN92kI-rX0-01269-00386455-00386650 I'll have a look at that patch and see. odN92kI-rX0-01270-00386830-00386955 It's on the list already. odN92kI-rX0-01271-00387134-00387336 There was a patch for you in dev node. odN92kI-rX0-01272-00387336-00387591 - Is your dev node patches already on my list? odN92kI-rX0-01273-00387591-00387800 I think that we were supposed to send it. odN92kI-rX0-01274-00387800-00387916 - Yeah, I'll send a mailing list. odN92kI-rX0-01275-00387916-00387999 - Okay. odN92kI-rX0-01276-00387999-00388352 - Okay, cool, that's it, more questions? odN92kI-rX0-01277-00388624-00388723 No, next. odN92kI-rX0-01278-00388982-00389207 (applause) odN92kI-rX0-01279-00389628-00389816 - Sorry about that meddling stuff, odN92kI-rX0-01280-00389816-00390053 it was the latest thing when we put it in. odN92kI-rX0-01281-00392059-00392286 - So I have a problem but I don't odN92kI-rX0-01282-00392286-00392453 have a good solutions beforehand. odN92kI-rX0-01283-00392814-00393219 So we have Per Core P-States in Intel platform odN92kI-rX0-01284-00393306-00393722 for really long but previously the power was not odN92kI-rX0-01285-00393722-00393886 a consideration on this platform. odN92kI-rX0-01286-00393886-00394245 I mean, it was okay too but we have power sensitive odN92kI-rX0-01287-00394245-00394536 platforms now with Per Core P-States. odN92kI-rX0-01288-00394536-00395036 It's great for power, it significantly improves odN92kI-rX0-01289-00395086-00395301 the power savings and active power savings, odN92kI-rX0-01290-00395394-00395730 and but they will have some small performance loss odN92kI-rX0-01291-00395730-00396125 with some producer-consumer type workloads. odN92kI-rX0-01292-00396261-00396573 And good part, good news is that it's not that bad odN92kI-rX0-01293-00396573-00396856 because our hardware P algorithms odN92kI-rX0-01294-00396856-00397082 already has built-in optimization for that, odN92kI-rX0-01295-00397199-00397688 but there are still some cases where seams are required. odN92kI-rX0-01296-00397866-00398179 So it's very typical example in this is odN92kI-rX0-01297-00398179-00398380 one of the thread is continuously pushing odN92kI-rX0-01298-00398380-00398629 data and producing some new data, odN92kI-rX0-01299-00398629-00398985 and trying to ask some consumers stretch to do things, odN92kI-rX0-01300-00398985-00399215 like rendering or an audio playback odN92kI-rX0-01301-00399215-00399435 or some type of you know situations. odN92kI-rX0-01302-00399526-00399898 And in that case, the compared to the, odN92kI-rX0-01303-00399898-00400108 it's nothing to do with, I know it's in a core odN92kI-rX0-01304-00400108-00400294 but compared to the older generations, odN92kI-rX0-01305-00400294-00400633 we have some performance loss. odN92kI-rX0-01306-00400633-00401101 You can see simply do with schbench type workload, odN92kI-rX0-01307-00401101-00401436 with sleep option, like if you look at, odN92kI-rX0-01308-00401436-00401792 the PCPS means the old style and that's a new style odN92kI-rX0-01309-00401792-00401971 the Per Core P-States and SPD means odN92kI-rX0-01310-00402103-00402343 we don't have Per Core P-State here. odN92kI-rX0-01311-00402343-00402724 And if you look at this you know CPU in the case, odN92kI-rX0-01312-00402724-00403224 in the Per Core P case case, the CPU at two odN92kI-rX0-01313-00403303-00403803 which was in previously was planning at much higher odN92kI-rX0-01314-00403827-00404214 frequency because of the other core is running high odN92kI-rX0-01315-00404214-00404511 so it also gets a boost because of others. odN92kI-rX0-01316-00404511-00404797 But when you run Per Core P-State you won't get that boost. odN92kI-rX0-01317-00404797-00405134 It's good for power obviously but we don't get that boost odN92kI-rX0-01318-00405134-00405591 and then you lose some performance. odN92kI-rX0-01319-00405591-00405977 And it's not all workloads, it's very isolated workloads odN92kI-rX0-01320-00406069-00406278 but you won't see much impact but odN92kI-rX0-01321-00406278-00406523 we still need to solve this thing. odN92kI-rX0-01322-00406682-00406983 So I then I try to look at this, odN92kI-rX0-01323-00406983-00407243 the average CFS utilization. odN92kI-rX0-01324-00407243-00407507 So like in this that example which I was giving you odN92kI-rX0-01325-00407507-00407846 the one other CPU, one is basically is fully busy odN92kI-rX0-01326-00407846-00408172 with full capacity and the other CPU2 odN92kI-rX0-01327-00408172-00408462 is the actual CFS utilization is almost odN92kI-rX0-01328-00408462-00408868 and very low because it sleeps most of the time, wakes up, odN92kI-rX0-01329-00408868-00409168 do something, again dump to some hardware again go to sleep. odN92kI-rX0-01330-00409168-00409313 So it doesn't ever build odN92kI-rX0-01331-00409313-00409571 a utilization enough to do anything. odN92kI-rX0-01332-00409826-00410143 And I see that you on the, had this similar problem odN92kI-rX0-01333-00410143-00410405 but they, it's not same problem but similar, odN92kI-rX0-01334-00410405-00410581 where do you have some utilization clamps odN92kI-rX0-01335-00410581-00410810 and other things, right, I think you did some odN92kI-rX0-01336-00410810-00411135 lot of work on because it's long sleeping tasks. odN92kI-rX0-01337-00411135-00411434 But it doesn't help because I know if we cannot really odN92kI-rX0-01338-00411434-00411681 define clamps, it's like x86 system, odN92kI-rX0-01339-00411681-00412041 anybody can run any workload, it's not tuned vertically, odN92kI-rX0-01340-00412041-00412513 so we don't have option. odN92kI-rX0-01341-00412782-00412865 So we don't have-- odN92kI-rX0-01342-00412865-00413170 - There's a worst case, the worst case is when, odN92kI-rX0-01343-00413170-00413478 instead of, you've got 99% and 5%, odN92kI-rX0-01344-00413478-00413695 when they're 50/50 then they both run slow. odN92kI-rX0-01345-00413809-00414043 - Yeah, that is the worst. odN92kI-rX0-01346-00414356-00414825 So I did simple experiment, may not be the great one odN92kI-rX0-01347-00414825-00415071 but if I know that like in this case, odN92kI-rX0-01348-00415071-00415341 if the current task which is basically waking up odN92kI-rX0-01349-00415341-00415841 the consumer in this case and its utilization is odN92kI-rX0-01350-00415976-00416354 and the current one is like half of the full CPU capacity, odN92kI-rX0-01351-00416354-00416854 then you just give an indication to the CPU freq update odN92kI-rX0-01352-00417039-00417539 to sched util and current because to reduce the impact odN92kI-rX0-01353-00417554-00417880 the sched util governor can totally ignore that signal, odN92kI-rX0-01354-00417880-00418075 but like an Intel P-state case, odN92kI-rX0-01355-00418075-00418347 we have mechanism where we can somehow relate odN92kI-rX0-01356-00418347-00418621 between different processes, we know that they are related. odN92kI-rX0-01357-00418721-00418992 We can tell the hardware that they are related then it will odN92kI-rX0-01358-00418992-00419262 know that let me push this also at the same time. odN92kI-rX0-01359-00419396-00419691 But I don't know how how good is that, odN92kI-rX0-01360-00419691-00420018 what's the impact, so that's what I have questions. odN92kI-rX0-01361-00420018-00420274 What's that, what will happen if I put this change? odN92kI-rX0-01362-00420929-00421167 So we don't want back and forth odN92kI-rX0-01363-00421167-00421505 like didn't want a cyclic positive feedback loop, odN92kI-rX0-01364-00421505-00421756 it's gonna keep the frequency high, right, odN92kI-rX0-01365-00421756-00421952 if one is waking up another and then that's waking odN92kI-rX0-01366-00421952-00422303 it back up, I don't I mean it's just the core snippets, odN92kI-rX0-01367-00422303-00422464 I don't know how he implemented it, odN92kI-rX0-01368-00422464-00422664 but would that cause both CPUs to be stay odN92kI-rX0-01369-00422664-00423039 at a higher frequency because the other one needs you. odN92kI-rX0-01370-00423039-00423135 - Yeah, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01371-00423135-00423285 - Is that a potential issue? odN92kI-rX0-01372-00423285-00423542 - Yeah, as long as both are related they will be high, odN92kI-rX0-01373-00423542-00423772 and that's what we want, if they're both are related, odN92kI-rX0-01374-00423772-00424122 If two CPUS are related, if two to CPS running a workload odN92kI-rX0-01375-00424122-00424368 which are related, they need to be high odN92kI-rX0-01376-00424368-00424635 otherwise it will cause the power distribution odN92kI-rX0-01377-00424635-00424809 an uneven distribution of the power. odN92kI-rX0-01378-00424809-00425096 - So if they're sharing a CPU, this happens naturally. odN92kI-rX0-01379-00425096-00425179 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01380-00425179-00425276 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01381-00425276-00425386 - But if their on separate CPUs odN92kI-rX0-01382-00425386-00425477 that's when we run into this. odN92kI-rX0-01383-00425477-00425560 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01384-00425978-00426274 - So maybe I don't understand the case but it looks like odN92kI-rX0-01385-00426274-00426596 that if you know the tasks now with U clamp odN92kI-rX0-01386-00426596-00426977 you should be able to take those tasks and keep the odN92kI-rX0-01387-00426977-00427426 frequency to whatever minimum you define as a clamp value. odN92kI-rX0-01388-00427426-00427682 - So I need to know the task ahead. odN92kI-rX0-01389-00427682-00427977 - That's true, I mean, what we do for example odN92kI-rX0-01390-00427977-00428268 Android is the tasks are usually in C groups odN92kI-rX0-01391-00428268-00428506 and we know that those are the tasks most important odN92kI-rX0-01392-00428506-00428762 right now, so always keep the frequency at this level odN92kI-rX0-01393-00428762-00429064 whenever tasks are runnable independent odN92kI-rX0-01394-00429064-00429268 from their utility structure, if it is issue odN92kI-rX0-01395-00429268-00429483 is above the clamp value you follow the utilization odN92kI-rX0-01396-00429483-00429758 but if there are small tasks you still keep these. odN92kI-rX0-01397-00429758-00430258 - Yeah, that I understand, the problem is tuning odN92kI-rX0-01398-00430297-00430516 some waiting to clear, but if I like, if you are using odN92kI-rX0-01399-00430516-00431004 x86 system, like ten generation, and you don't know odN92kI-rX0-01400-00431004-00431289 unless you are expert user you don't nearly know odN92kI-rX0-01401-00431289-00431517 how to chain to C group and tie this. odN92kI-rX0-01402-00431517-00431805 He will just run a graphics work, something. odN92kI-rX0-01403-00431805-00432039 - There is per tasks API so with a Cisco odN92kI-rX0-01404-00432039-00432191 but you you need to know the task, odN92kI-rX0-01405-00432191-00432292 so if you need all these-- odN92kI-rX0-01406-00432292-00432381 - Yeah, something which is-- odN92kI-rX0-01407-00432381-00432572 - I get the point is ideally though it was configured out odN92kI-rX0-01408-00432572-00432791 itself and not force the end user to do it. odN92kI-rX0-01409-00432791-00433087 - Not every user can do that. odN92kI-rX0-01410-00433087-00433220 And very special because you know odN92kI-rX0-01411-00433220-00433527 somebody's tuning for you before, right. odN92kI-rX0-01412-00433527-00433760 - Is this a server workload or what kind of workload is it? odN92kI-rX0-01413-00433760-00433882 - It's a client workload. odN92kI-rX0-01414-00434170-00434258 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-01415-00434258-00434341 No, a client. odN92kI-rX0-01416-00434627-00434989 - I'm wondering if this, in this kind of workload odN92kI-rX0-01417-00434989-00435439 you could identify as sort of wake or wakey pattern odN92kI-rX0-01418-00435439-00435939 and it happens that one of those two process wakes up odN92kI-rX0-01419-00436105-00436491 there's a wakey wakey, in that case shouldn't the scheduler odN92kI-rX0-01420-00436491-00436764 already realize that there is this relationship odN92kI-rX0-01421-00436764-00437264 and put the two tasks close together so on the same core? odN92kI-rX0-01422-00437366-00437763 When you describe this problem, I would say, odN92kI-rX0-01423-00437763-00437967 doesn't the scheduler already solve this? odN92kI-rX0-01424-00437967-00438050 - No, no. odN92kI-rX0-01425-00438050-00438214 - Because they recognized that they are waking each other up odN92kI-rX0-01426-00438214-00438351 and put them on the same core. odN92kI-rX0-01427-00438351-00438651 I don't know if this is the case, I'm just asking it. odN92kI-rX0-01428-00438651-00439010 - It won't happen because the other core is hopefully busy, odN92kI-rX0-01429-00439010-00439143 it's running continuously, right, odN92kI-rX0-01430-00439143-00439506 it's occupying full hundred capacity of the CPU, it's not. odN92kI-rX0-01431-00439714-00440214 - So the thing you just mentioned just a fine wake up odN92kI-rX0-01432-00440218-00440718 and that only works for if there's idle time. odN92kI-rX0-01433-00441076-00441316 - Another question is, another question I had is odN92kI-rX0-01434-00441316-00441555 in this case are each of the CPUs running odN92kI-rX0-01435-00441555-00441728 in a completely independent power supply? odN92kI-rX0-01436-00441728-00441847 - Yes, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01437-00441847-00441999 - They are, okay. odN92kI-rX0-01438-00441999-00442083 (laughing) odN92kI-rX0-01439-00442083-00442230 - Because sometimes the frequency, you can get the power odN92kI-rX0-01440-00442230-00442528 sings by frequency savings and I've done some analysis odN92kI-rX0-01441-00442528-00442858 on that before and it was like not worth it. odN92kI-rX0-01442-00442858-00442945 - Yeah yeah yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01443-00443042-00443265 - SPD stands for single power. odN92kI-rX0-01444-00443265-00443402 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-01445-00443402-00443485 - A power, okay, not P-state. odN92kI-rX0-01446-00443842-00444147 - I might have missed this earlier on, so you mentioned odN92kI-rX0-01447-00444147-00444427 this is actually running slower but do you have any kind odN92kI-rX0-01448-00444427-00444766 of data to show how much slower the total task is running? odN92kI-rX0-01449-00444766-00445024 It sounds like it's kind of working as intended odN92kI-rX0-01450-00445024-00445328 based on my interpretation because the other-- odN92kI-rX0-01451-00445328-00445566 - It is working as intended but the-- odN92kI-rX0-01452-00445566-00445893 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-01453-00445893-00446118 (laughing) odN92kI-rX0-01454-00446278-00446371 - I guess what, because-- odN92kI-rX0-01455-00446371-00446821 - No, this is working as designed, I would say, odN92kI-rX0-01456-00446821-00447237 but it has it has the some disadvantage odN92kI-rX0-01457-00447237-00447566 if you compare with the old style with the new style, right. odN92kI-rX0-01458-00447566-00447675 - Right. odN92kI-rX0-01459-00447675-00447769 - What's the performance of all time? odN92kI-rX0-01460-00447769-00447983 - I mean you're at 100% on one CPU guaranteed, odN92kI-rX0-01461-00447983-00448189 the other CPU you're at 5%, right, odN92kI-rX0-01462-00448189-00448560 so if you run that second core faster odN92kI-rX0-01463-00448560-00448781 then maybe you get down to like 2%. odN92kI-rX0-01464-00448781-00448897 Is that the? odN92kI-rX0-01465-00448897-00449239 - No, you won't get because of whenever we try odN92kI-rX0-01466-00449239-00449493 to associate tasks we have overhead to some odN92kI-rX0-01467-00449493-00449812 in firm hardware, so that's not going to be hundred equal odN92kI-rX0-01468-00449812-00450118 but it will be like with so base this change, odN92kI-rX0-01469-00450118-00450317 I could all get performance very similar. odN92kI-rX0-01470-00450317-00450472 You'll never get similar, same. odN92kI-rX0-01471-00450700-00451041 - So it's look like you want the two CPU odN92kI-rX0-01472-00451041-00451245 to share the same frequency domain. odN92kI-rX0-01473-00451245-00451328 - [Lecturer] Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01474-00451328-00451616 - So why don't you, I mean, instead because they have some odN92kI-rX0-01475-00451616-00451816 dedicated frequency control that you odN92kI-rX0-01476-00451816-00452068 can't have a shared frequency domain. odN92kI-rX0-01477-00452068-00452364 - No, they have dedicated strict control on each, odN92kI-rX0-01478-00452364-00452584 so hardware does doesn't know each other. odN92kI-rX0-01479-00452584-00452730 - Yeah but from a software point of view odN92kI-rX0-01480-00452730-00452885 we already have something like that. odN92kI-rX0-01481-00452885-00453229 - No, we cannot tell hardware that they are, odN92kI-rX0-01482-00453229-00453372 we have to tell them they are together. odN92kI-rX0-01483-00453372-00453655 - Not from an another but in an odN92kI-rX0-01484-00453821-00454131 ARM platform we have one frequency domain odN92kI-rX0-01485-00454131-00454328 for all the CPU and we are looking, odN92kI-rX0-01486-00454328-00454591 we are selecting the highest utilization odN92kI-rX0-01487-00454591-00454953 of all the CPU in the in the frequency domain. odN92kI-rX0-01488-00454953-00455138 So can't you create something similar? odN92kI-rX0-01489-00455138-00455221 - Yeah but-- odN92kI-rX0-01490-00455221-00455385 - Looking at the utilization of all the CPU. odN92kI-rX0-01491-00455385-00455670 - Yeah but then I did defeat the purpose of odN92kI-rX0-01492-00455670-00455859 Per Core P-States if I do it. odN92kI-rX0-01493-00455859-00455954 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-01494-00455954-00456197 - Yeah it's like, it's very, that's what I said initially, odN92kI-rX0-01495-00456197-00456477 it's very isolated case, it's not a panic situation, odN92kI-rX0-01496-00456708-00457027 very, yeah, it's outliers, not really a mainstream. odN92kI-rX0-01497-00457503-00457586 - So IOA is exactly the same except we have to hack for IOA. odN92kI-rX0-01498-00457982-00458273 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-01499-00458778-00459075 - Can't we repurpose the IOA 'cause this, odN92kI-rX0-01500-00459075-00459218 so what I said just for the record, odN92kI-rX0-01501-00459218-00459459 this is the exact same problem we have with IOA. odN92kI-rX0-01502-00459553-00459941 IOA it is for block devices, this just happens to be odN92kI-rX0-01503-00459941-00460263 not a block device but it's the exact same problem. odN92kI-rX0-01504-00460437-00460580 - Yes, yes, it is the exact same problem, odN92kI-rX0-01505-00460580-00460831 I just didn't want to because IOA is set odN92kI-rX0-01506-00460831-00461179 by the drivers in the only thing is. odN92kI-rX0-01507-00461334-00461626 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-01508-00461885-00462043 - So in this case you would have the consumer odN92kI-rX0-01509-00462043-00462297 do the IOA on the supplier? odN92kI-rX0-01510-00462297-00462539 - Yeah but I need to identify consumer, how do I. odN92kI-rX0-01511-00462539-00462733 - I know, it's a question for Peter. odN92kI-rX0-01512-00462733-00463154 So in this case you would have the consumer do the IOA odN92kI-rX0-01513-00463154-00463470 on the producer, is that what you would want? odN92kI-rX0-01514-00463470-00463675 - So it's the consumer that is waiting, odN92kI-rX0-01515-00463675-00463839 it's waiting on a device that just happens odN92kI-rX0-01516-00463839-00463964 to not be a block device. odN92kI-rX0-01517-00464058-00464266 - Well it's not, okay, it might be talking to device odN92kI-rX0-01518-00464266-00464467 but I think his problem was not that, odN92kI-rX0-01519-00464467-00464677 waiting on a device right. odN92kI-rX0-01520-00464677-00464987 He was in a sense is waiting on the producer. odN92kI-rX0-01521-00464987-00465271 - It's waiting on Hutex basically yet in this example. odN92kI-rX0-01522-00465271-00465640 We are in a futex on that one. odN92kI-rX0-01523-00465640-00466099 So we have to simulate IOA, like I'm simulating odN92kI-rX0-01524-00466099-00466413 a remote wake, it's basically nothing. odN92kI-rX0-01525-00466413-00466739 - So you kinda want to include the producers utilization odN92kI-rX0-01526-00466739-00467011 as part of your utilization so that you can run fast. odN92kI-rX0-01527-00467011-00467094 - [Lecturer] Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01528-00467094-00467301 - In a sense, I'm not sure that's the right thing to do odN92kI-rX0-01529-00467301-00467454 but that would solve your issue. odN92kI-rX0-01530-00467454-00467693 - [Lecturer] Yeah that's why question is. odN92kI-rX0-01531-00467826-00467988 - I was also thinking of a similar scenario odN92kI-rX0-01532-00467988-00468266 with Chromebooks, and how we'd have a scenario odN92kI-rX0-01533-00468266-00468467 where we would have a shared handle and the handle odN92kI-rX0-01534-00468467-00468722 would be open, right, but when the handle was open odN92kI-rX0-01535-00468722-00468939 for the display what would happen is odN92kI-rX0-01536-00468939-00469249 is the GPU processor would be pegged at that frequency. odN92kI-rX0-01537-00469249-00469475 It was actually a bug because we needed to let go odN92kI-rX0-01538-00469475-00469622 of the handle at a better time odN92kI-rX0-01539-00469622-00469799 and it was a power management issue. odN92kI-rX0-01540-00469799-00469997 But if there is some way like with IOA odN92kI-rX0-01541-00469997-00470343 or some other mechanism, they could signal or notify odN92kI-rX0-01542-00470343-00470817 that while this is held, keep it up, right, odN92kI-rX0-01543-00470817-00471118 you wouldn't necessarily need to know specifically, odN92kI-rX0-01544-00471118-00471507 that the consumer producer wouldn't have to know who is who. odN92kI-rX0-01545-00471507-00471838 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-01546-00471838-00472338 - This kind of resembles this thing that Yuri odN92kI-rX0-01547-00472343-00472646 was talking about yesterday in a scheduler odN92kI-rX0-01548-00472646-00472821 proxy execution problem, right. odN92kI-rX0-01549-00473064-00473435 Pretty much it is very similar to that one odN92kI-rX0-01550-00473435-00473935 because this is just pretty much like odN92kI-rX0-01551-00474033-00474213 the same problem in different terms. odN92kI-rX0-01552-00474764-00475076 - So with proxy there is a clear and unambiguous odN92kI-rX0-01553-00475076-00475576 blocked on relation and this might not have that. odN92kI-rX0-01554-00475917-00476260 - Right, that's correct, but maybe the, odN92kI-rX0-01555-00476260-00476746 so my point is that maybe somebody should know that odN92kI-rX0-01556-00476746-00476943 those two things are related, right. odN92kI-rX0-01557-00477029-00477223 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-01558-00477223-00477723 - Yeah, yes. odN92kI-rX0-01559-00477855-00478164 - So if you use a mute, a few tags in two threads odN92kI-rX0-01560-00478164-00478664 in application that they obviously are correlated. odN92kI-rX0-01561-00479055-00479138 - Maybe. odN92kI-rX0-01562-00479138-00479333 - Well no, they are because they use odN92kI-rX0-01563-00479333-00479628 the same lock so there is at least odN92kI-rX0-01564-00479628-00479846 one memory location they want to access. odN92kI-rX0-01565-00480116-00480429 - Yeah but so the few tags, odN92kI-rX0-01566-00480429-00480624 you don't know who will wake the futex. odN92kI-rX0-01567-00480725-00480947 The futex is just a wait operation. odN92kI-rX0-01568-00480947-00481211 It's futex wait and it'll sit there until odN92kI-rX0-01569-00481211-00481520 somebody in that address space flips the bit odN92kI-rX0-01570-00481520-00481752 and tells it, hey wake up now. odN92kI-rX0-01571-00482035-00482231 So you don't know who of the many odN92kI-rX0-01572-00482231-00482437 possible tasks that might be. odN92kI-rX0-01573-00482526-00482820 - No but my point was that if you are odN92kI-rX0-01574-00482820-00483272 a user-space programmer and if you put that few code odN92kI-rX0-01575-00483272-00483446 then you kind of know that your threads odN92kI-rX0-01576-00483446-00483660 are going to be working together. odN92kI-rX0-01577-00483760-00483954 So you in principle, you could also odN92kI-rX0-01578-00483954-00484199 do something else and say, hey these two threads odN92kI-rX0-01579-00484199-00484587 are really correlated because XYZ, right. odN92kI-rX0-01580-00485014-00485321 - So then you have a multi-threaded program odN92kI-rX0-01581-00485405-00485672 that has a gazillion threads that do absolutely odN92kI-rX0-01582-00485672-00486123 nothing important and two that actually do something. odN92kI-rX0-01583-00486123-00486348 (laughing) odN92kI-rX0-01584-00486629-00486821 - And I kind of had two similar issues in the odN92kI-rX0-01585-00486821-00486983 embedded space, when you're talking about odN92kI-rX0-01586-00486983-00487299 say display pipeline, we may have two threads working on it odN92kI-rX0-01587-00487299-00487518 but if you are double buffering, you don't want odN92kI-rX0-01588-00487518-00487763 to treat them as one combined load odN92kI-rX0-01589-00487763-00488022 because they're not going to really delay each other. odN92kI-rX0-01590-00488022-00488154 And then there are sometimes you're not doing odN92kI-rX0-01591-00488154-00488325 double buffering, in which case you do odN92kI-rX0-01592-00488325-00488547 want to consider them as one workload. odN92kI-rX0-01593-00488547-00488734 This is going by wake or wakey doesn't odN92kI-rX0-01594-00488734-00488899 really give you that information. odN92kI-rX0-01595-00488997-00489253 So if you're single buffered, you want to run odN92kI-rX0-01596-00489253-00489635 both of the CPUs really fast so that you can meet your needs odN92kI-rX0-01597-00489635-00490070 but if you're double buffered you can take your own time. odN92kI-rX0-01598-00490070-00490238 So it's pretty complicated. odN92kI-rX0-01599-00490238-00490514 - Yes I know that, that's why there's no good solution, odN92kI-rX0-01600-00490514-00490800 so that's, this is the best I could think about odN92kI-rX0-01601-00490800-00491271 but I know it may impact some of those mobile. odN92kI-rX0-01602-00491412-00491572 - I guess, I mean, would it be right to say odN92kI-rX0-01603-00491572-00491889 we need some amount of input from those two threads odN92kI-rX0-01604-00491889-00492084 I think to make useful decision. odN92kI-rX0-01605-00492084-00492306 - Yeah but then somebody-- odN92kI-rX0-01606-00492306-00492516 - That is not forthcoming. odN92kI-rX0-01607-00492516-00492599 - There's not be tuning or util clamping odN92kI-rX0-01608-00492599-00492784 on a per app or per basis but. odN92kI-rX0-01609-00492909-00493101 - That's not going to happen. odN92kI-rX0-01610-00493101-00493271 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-01611-00493271-00493578 Okay so if you know if you have better suggestion, odN92kI-rX0-01612-00493578-00493999 let me know, or I'll just send a spanner patch, odN92kI-rX0-01613-00493999-00494229 you can just do it as a record and just maybe comment odN92kI-rX0-01614-00494229-00494484 and leave it if there's a solution you can suggest. odN92kI-rX0-01615-00494720-00495099 - One more consideration, so if you can identify the tasks odN92kI-rX0-01616-00495099-00495345 from user-space so without changing the application odN92kI-rX0-01617-00495345-00495581 but you can still have some kind of monitoring mechanism odN92kI-rX0-01618-00495581-00495970 to identify those misbehaviors, then using the pair task odN92kI-rX0-01619-00495970-00496153 API can still set the output use. odN92kI-rX0-01620-00496153-00496422 - Yes, if I have an user-space which is smart enough odN92kI-rX0-01621-00496422-00496709 to identify the relationship, you can do it, yes. odN92kI-rX0-01622-00496709-00496859 - Without changing the application, I mean, odN92kI-rX0-01623-00496859-00497016 it can be a third party. odN92kI-rX0-01624-00497016-00497102 - Yes, without changing the application. odN92kI-rX0-01625-00497281-00497722 - Question, which Intel generation has this odN92kI-rX0-01626-00497722-00498060 per core capability, normag Xeon like Skylake, odN92kI-rX0-01627-00498060-00498266 Broadwell, do they have it? odN92kI-rX0-01628-00498266-00498349 - Yes. odN92kI-rX0-01629-00498349-00498478 - Okay so it's not like a latest odN92kI-rX0-01630-00498478-00498699 I mean it was a while, okay. odN92kI-rX0-01631-00498699-00498968 So in order to reproduce we send that if it's something odN92kI-rX0-01632-00498968-00499139 that we don't have the other four. odN92kI-rX0-01633-00499139-00499222 - (Lecturer) Yeah you need ten generation odN92kI-rX0-01634-00499222-00499351 now you probably. odN92kI-rX0-01635-00499351-00499488 - What do I need? odN92kI-rX0-01636-00499488-00499613 - Tenth generation cores. odN92kI-rX0-01637-00499835-00500055 - So for a client it is like what? odN92kI-rX0-01638-00500055-00500203 - The Ice Lake. odN92kI-rX0-01639-00500203-00500287 - The latest one, Ice Lake, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01640-00500287-00500551 So for the client, in the client space you need the latest. odN92kI-rX0-01641-00500551-00500688 - But you can reproduce this on odN92kI-rX0-01642-00500688-00500993 the servers, in any of the servers, yes. odN92kI-rX0-01643-00500993-00501296 Yeah just run Schedule schedbench with sleep, odN92kI-rX0-01644-00501392-00501475 you will see it. odN92kI-rX0-01645-00501475-00501778 - Yeah and it's just that the ranges get bigger every. odN92kI-rX0-01646-00501778-00502233 - Yeah, fine, sure. odN92kI-rX0-01647-00502233-00502510 - Can you say again what you do in case odN92kI-rX0-01648-00502510-00502846 your governor receives a shed CPU freq wake remote? odN92kI-rX0-01649-00502846-00503346 - I, we have the, we have a boost, we know that odN92kI-rX0-01650-00503607-00503909 we just increase the, we have something called EPP knob odN92kI-rX0-01651-00503909-00504256 which all the minimum frequency, we can just increase it. odN92kI-rX0-01652-00504256-00504368 So it it will-- odN92kI-rX0-01653-00504476-00504631 - The knob is expensive, right. odN92kI-rX0-01654-00504747-00505031 - In Ice Lake, not, yeah, it's the that, odN92kI-rX0-01655-00505031-00505201 it takes hundred cycles, it's not. odN92kI-rX0-01656-00505414-00505587 - Too bright not to take affect. odN92kI-rX0-01657-00505587-00505751 - At the ah sure. odN92kI-rX0-01658-00505751-00505835 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01659-00505835-00505963 - As long as we don't have to wait. odN92kI-rX0-01660-00505963-00506242 - Yeah, no, you don't wait, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01661-00506242-00506560 Okay so yeah if commented, let's test it odN92kI-rX0-01662-00506560-00506927 and if you, I'm sure there are better approaches odN92kI-rX0-01663-00506927-00507171 and one approach is I was thinking about doing in odN92kI-rX0-01664-00507171-00507339 user-space write some smart app odN92kI-rX0-01665-00507339-00507799 and to identify this relationship but it's not that, odN92kI-rX0-01666-00507799-00507882 it's not immediately. odN92kI-rX0-01667-00507882-00507966 - It's not easy. odN92kI-rX0-01668-00508071-00508334 - It's not easy because that's has to be very smart, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01669-00508947-00509341 No question. odN92kI-rX0-01670-00509517-00509822 - We are we are pretty much in a break time for, yeah, odN92kI-rX0-01671-00509990-00510172 for the official break, so let's just do a break odN92kI-rX0-01672-00510172-00510389 and then we will resume after it. odN92kI-rX0-01673-00510508-00510733 (applause) odN92kI-rX0-01674-00510827-00510927 - Thank you. odN92kI-rX0-01675-00511096-00511395 - Hi, I'm Sudeep from Linux kernel team at ARM. odN92kI-rX0-01676-00511541-00511760 So today I'm going to talk about odN92kI-rX0-01677-00511760-00512068 device power management based on platform firmware. odN92kI-rX0-01678-00512068-00512493 It's not just device, could be anything in the system. odN92kI-rX0-01679-00512493-00512847 So basically the idea is using platform firmware odN92kI-rX0-01680-00512847-00513160 instead of driving everything from OS. odN92kI-rX0-01681-00513247-00513747 Lots of people are not happy with that idea, odN92kI-rX0-01682-00513754-00513964 everybody wants this, can't also do it. odN92kI-rX0-01683-00513964-00514332 Has been controversial topic but there are use cases odN92kI-rX0-01684-00514332-00514625 and requirements that we just can't address, odN92kI-rX0-01685-00514625-00514989 having everything all the control in Linux. odN92kI-rX0-01686-00514989-00515489 So the idea here is, I'm just trying to standardize odN92kI-rX0-01687-00515738-00516238 the interface and does achieve to some extent and like odN92kI-rX0-01688-00516539-00516825 this is mostly getting used on quite complex systems odN92kI-rX0-01689-00516825-00517184 like the high end mobile phones you would see odN92kI-rX0-01690-00517184-00517479 which have a dedicated controller to do odN92kI-rX0-01691-00517479-00517702 all the power management on your system, odN92kI-rX0-01692-00517702-00518075 and every vendor trying to invent odN92kI-rX0-01693-00518075-00518338 their own way to talk to this controller. odN92kI-rX0-01694-00518338-00518797 So this interface is about standardizing that odN92kI-rX0-01695-00518797-00519258 and we did start initially standardizing everything odN92kI-rX0-01696-00519258-00519625 just to keep the changes minimal. odN92kI-rX0-01697-00519625-00519904 The way we approach the solution is like, odN92kI-rX0-01698-00519904-00520264 okay we have device, it needs some power domain, odN92kI-rX0-01699-00520264-00520617 some performance domain or reset domain, odN92kI-rX0-01700-00520617-00520814 clock domains, just hook them. odN92kI-rX0-01701-00520814-00521177 And the sharing information is today odN92kI-rX0-01702-00521177-00521375 given through the device tree, odN92kI-rX0-01703-00521375-00521633 so you need to know for the device X, odN92kI-rX0-01704-00521633-00521883 what do my power domain it's attached to odN92kI-rX0-01705-00521979-00522337 say the domain Z power, performance domain Y. odN92kI-rX0-01706-00522337-00522591 So all this information is needed. odN92kI-rX0-01707-00522591-00522875 So we are just thinking about how we can odN92kI-rX0-01708-00523291-00523467 move to like making a device centric odN92kI-rX0-01709-00523467-00523795 and see, like it's most likely the way odN92kI-rX0-01710-00523795-00524088 ACPI works today, like it's all device centric. odN92kI-rX0-01711-00524088-00524342 Turn on the device, set to this state, odN92kI-rX0-01712-00524342-00524652 it doesn't bother about what domains odN92kI-rX0-01713-00524652-00524894 or where it is in the system. odN92kI-rX0-01714-00524894-00525247 So the approach is more like that. odN92kI-rX0-01715-00525247-00525574 So just to give a background on what odN92kI-rX0-01716-00525574-00526032 most of the immediate systems had in the past, odN92kI-rX0-01717-00526032-00526314 this shows how everything is in the operating system odN92kI-rX0-01718-00526314-00526617 trying to deal with all the clocks, reset odN92kI-rX0-01719-00526617-00526913 power domains, everything in the OS. odN92kI-rX0-01720-00526913-00527413 So now it's migrating to this with some standard interface odN92kI-rX0-01721-00527708-00528110 talking a standard protocol over anything odN92kI-rX0-01722-00528110-00528294 can be the transport but you have odN92kI-rX0-01723-00528419-00528539 a dedicated controller that talks. odN92kI-rX0-01724-00528539-00528826 But you need not have a dedicated controller odN92kI-rX0-01725-00528826-00529149 on your system, it could be just a service odN92kI-rX0-01726-00529149-00529387 which is running somewhere remotely, odN92kI-rX0-01727-00529387-00529617 it could be as a secure service on your odN92kI-rX0-01728-00529768-00530045 like application processor itself. odN92kI-rX0-01729-00530045-00530362 It's just abstracted and moved away odN92kI-rX0-01730-00530669-00530786 so that the operating system need not know odN92kI-rX0-01731-00530786-00531183 all those details about where which register to book odN92kI-rX0-01732-00531183-00531530 and how to change for each and everything. odN92kI-rX0-01733-00532494-00532759 - If you are saying that it could just be a service running odN92kI-rX0-01734-00532759-00533064 either entrusted side or some other core processor odN92kI-rX0-01735-00533174-00533637 and then you're also trying to standardize the protocol, odN92kI-rX0-01736-00533637-00533765 wouldn't it be just simpler to just have odN92kI-rX0-01737-00533765-00533953 a standardized ops and let them implement it? odN92kI-rX0-01738-00533953-00534206 Like what is the benefit of doing this? odN92kI-rX0-01739-00534206-00534347 Like there's already an abstraction layer odN92kI-rX0-01740-00534347-00534564 by allowing people to implement ops odN92kI-rX0-01741-00534564-00534739 and drivers can plug in and implement ops. odN92kI-rX0-01742-00534739-00535239 - So I agree, I just gave that as the initial motivation odN92kI-rX0-01743-00535304-00535652 with which we started this, but the requirements, odN92kI-rX0-01744-00535652-00535877 as more and more requirements come, odN92kI-rX0-01745-00535877-00536043 so we see the real lean. odN92kI-rX0-01746-00536043-00536437 So just to get into the next requirement, odN92kI-rX0-01747-00536437-00536840 so how would you do if you had two virtual machines odN92kI-rX0-01748-00536840-00537019 one probably running some other OS odN92kI-rX0-01749-00537019-00537181 and one running Linux? odN92kI-rX0-01750-00537181-00537508 So do you go and implement custom interfaces odN92kI-rX0-01751-00537508-00537890 in each of those and try to solve the problem odN92kI-rX0-01752-00537890-00538174 or just have this standard interface odN92kI-rX0-01753-00538174-00538674 and each virtual machines talk over the same interface. odN92kI-rX0-01754-00538710-00539210 So this is becoming increasingly like high requirement, odN92kI-rX0-01755-00539263-00539629 even in mobile platforms people want to run odN92kI-rX0-01756-00539629-00539886 in the virtualized environment isolating odN92kI-rX0-01757-00539886-00540194 the like partitioning the system odN92kI-rX0-01758-00540194-00540616 and giving some parts isolated to a virtual machine odN92kI-rX0-01759-00540616-00541100 and it deals with all the controls and power management odN92kI-rX0-01760-00541100-00541407 or whatnot for that part of the, so. odN92kI-rX0-01761-00541407-00541724 So that's one of like another motivation, odN92kI-rX0-01762-00541724-00542068 why we need this more than ever. odN92kI-rX0-01763-00542315-00542694 So what we have today is, as I said like odN92kI-rX0-01764-00542694-00543058 when we started initially, it was all like odN92kI-rX0-01765-00543058-00543252 just keep the changes minimal, odN92kI-rX0-01766-00543252-00543623 let's just hook into existing frameworks odN92kI-rX0-01767-00543623-00544041 we have in kernel, like we have devfs for performance, odN92kI-rX0-01768-00544041-00544541 reset clock power domains, sensors, all those things. odN92kI-rX0-01769-00544596-00544960 So it's all fine, it hooks up perfectly well odN92kI-rX0-01770-00544960-00545431 and it's all fine but as I said, odN92kI-rX0-01771-00545431-00545581 one of the motivation for this odN92kI-rX0-01772-00545581-00545814 is also the virtualized environment. odN92kI-rX0-01773-00545814-00546211 Do we want the virtual machine configuration manager odN92kI-rX0-01774-00546211-00546434 to have each of these information odN92kI-rX0-01775-00546434-00546697 like it has to know which clock domain odN92kI-rX0-01776-00546697-00547001 it belongs to reset, so on and so. odN92kI-rX0-01777-00547001-00547501 So the idea is can we make everything device centric. odN92kI-rX0-01778-00547570-00548018 We just say, set this device to something odN92kI-rX0-01779-00548018-00548514 and all the arbitration happens in the platform firmware. odN92kI-rX0-01780-00548757-00549118 And also we have with this interface odN92kI-rX0-01781-00549118-00549407 as we are dealing with virtual machines odN92kI-rX0-01782-00549407-00549715 like the device isolation and giving permission odN92kI-rX0-01783-00549715-00550102 for each of these devices and the controls odN92kI-rX0-01784-00550102-00550482 they can have with this. odN92kI-rX0-01785-00550760-00551159 So as I was telling, so this is a use case odN92kI-rX0-01786-00551159-00551467 where we have these two resources here odN92kI-rX0-01787-00551467-00551753 can be one of these power clock. odN92kI-rX0-01788-00551846-00552325 So we are just saying this is one VM which is isolated odN92kI-rX0-01789-00552325-00552825 on its own, it talks over this transport and controls this. odN92kI-rX0-01790-00552825-00553084 Whereas another virtual machine can be having odN92kI-rX0-01791-00553084-00553386 and your mean virtual machine odN92kI-rX0-01792-00553386-00553858 manager can control what each of those domain odN92kI-rX0-01793-00553858-00554161 can actually have control over. odN92kI-rX0-01794-00554161-00554541 So the permissions and are all set here. odN92kI-rX0-01795-00554541-00555041 So that's the idea but again like if we have to describe odN92kI-rX0-01796-00555503-00556003 the entire topology, like what clock what power odN92kI-rX0-01797-00556040-00556404 what performance, that is not going to scale odN92kI-rX0-01798-00556404-00556791 because there is also requirements say that have to change. odN92kI-rX0-01799-00557121-00557372 - Don't you need to describe that somewhere anyway? odN92kI-rX0-01800-00557518-00557708 - Yeah, the idea what I am trying to say is like, odN92kI-rX0-01801-00557708-00558037 do we need that or do we let platform, deal with it, odN92kI-rX0-01802-00558037-00558298 because that's never going to end, odN92kI-rX0-01803-00558298-00558577 as I was about to say like GPIO pin marks. odN92kI-rX0-01804-00558577-00558896 So for this device to work, I have to do all these odN92kI-rX0-01805-00558896-00559256 and to keep increasing this controls. odN92kI-rX0-01806-00559802-00559946 - So basically you are saying that odN92kI-rX0-01807-00560040-00560455 that it could in principle be done in the OS odN92kI-rX0-01808-00560455-00560955 but that would require more and more complicated code odN92kI-rX0-01809-00561283-00561767 in going forward, and which may not be scalable enough. odN92kI-rX0-01810-00561767-00562116 And then it will be hard to address the case odN92kI-rX0-01811-00562116-00562435 in which different OS is run in different VMs odN92kI-rX0-01812-00562435-00562745 and have to control the same resources, right. odN92kI-rX0-01813-00562745-00563065 - Yeah, it may be possible but not always true. odN92kI-rX0-01814-00563065-00563367 So because of, as I said, like they want to isolate odN92kI-rX0-01815-00563367-00563730 the system, so yeah, it's possible odN92kI-rX0-01816-00563730-00564171 but if there is another VM running and it's sharing, odN92kI-rX0-01817-00564171-00564528 if you have Linux running, taking control over all, odN92kI-rX0-01818-00564636-00564812 that's just like stepping on each other. odN92kI-rX0-01819-00564812-00565282 So yeah you could probably do but we want it to be isolated odN92kI-rX0-01820-00565282-00565782 and put, left complete to the platform to solve this odN92kI-rX0-01821-00565832-00566143 for you because you just don't know what odN92kI-rX0-01822-00566143-00566311 other domains are actually running odN92kI-rX0-01823-00566311-00566673 or VMs are running and what they are managing. odN92kI-rX0-01824-00567390-00567592 - So one thing I see here, and like understand odN92kI-rX0-01825-00567592-00567856 the value of what you're bringing forward. odN92kI-rX0-01826-00567856-00568118 On a flip side, it pushes the complexity odN92kI-rX0-01827-00568118-00568455 down into the firmware, and I fear that odN92kI-rX0-01828-00568455-00568665 the complexity that we currently have odN92kI-rX0-01829-00568665-00568898 and have to manage in any operating system, odN92kI-rX0-01830-00568993-00569275 are just going to be coming back in a few years time odN92kI-rX0-01831-00569275-00569544 when we see that there's more dependencies odN92kI-rX0-01832-00569544-00569702 that cannot be accommodated in the firmware. odN92kI-rX0-01833-00569702-00569979 So we're gonna, in my, I fear that we will odN92kI-rX0-01834-00569979-00570426 have to revisit this again in the future. odN92kI-rX0-01835-00570426-00570641 The complexity is just going to creep up again odN92kI-rX0-01836-00570641-00570785 because we are going to see that there are things odN92kI-rX0-01837-00570785-00570902 that we can't do in firmware odN92kI-rX0-01838-00570902-00571094 that we're going to have to start doing odN92kI-rX0-01839-00571094-00571248 in the operating system again. odN92kI-rX0-01840-00571361-00571575 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-01841-00571575-00571775 And then there will be battles between firmware odN92kI-rX0-01842-00571775-00572117 and operating systems, and it will beget very complex. odN92kI-rX0-01843-00572117-00572348 - Yep but like if you have a solution odN92kI-rX0-01844-00572348-00572645 that we can solve this problem, you know is today, odN92kI-rX0-01845-00572645-00572907 yeah like happy, but do we have odN92kI-rX0-01846-00572907-00573330 any other better solution today to deal with this? odN92kI-rX0-01847-00573330-00573830 - So you were saying something about you didn't want to, odN92kI-rX0-01848-00573993-00574206 I completely didn't understand one of points odN92kI-rX0-01849-00574206-00574443 you were trying to make about letting, odN92kI-rX0-01850-00574443-00574669 doing this on a device level instead of a resource level. odN92kI-rX0-01851-00574669-00574982 I'm not sure what you're, can you explain that more? odN92kI-rX0-01852-00574982-00575285 - Yeah, just building up the case why we need. odN92kI-rX0-01853-00575285-00575439 I'll just come to that soon. odN92kI-rX0-01854-00575618-00575958 So this is just just two different, odN92kI-rX0-01855-00575958-00576304 like it could be your application processor odN92kI-rX0-01856-00576304-00576593 modem controlling shared resources. odN92kI-rX0-01857-00576593-00577001 So what I was trying to tell is like, odN92kI-rX0-01858-00577001-00577266 instead of having all this information, odN92kI-rX0-01859-00577266-00577542 can we just make it device centric odN92kI-rX0-01860-00577542-00577879 and say, I operate everything over the device. odN92kI-rX0-01861-00577879-00578260 Like you just get a device ID and you just say, odN92kI-rX0-01862-00578260-00578649 okay, I want to power on or whatever state, odN92kI-rX0-01863-00578649-00579089 I want this performance level or I just want to reset. odN92kI-rX0-01864-00579089-00579532 So just drive everything because the resource odN92kI-rX0-01865-00579532-00579938 in the previous slide as I showed, the VMs have to odN92kI-rX0-01866-00580033-00580355 like they just isolate the devices odN92kI-rX0-01867-00580355-00580761 and having to give all the information around that device odN92kI-rX0-01868-00580761-00581015 to each, is adds more complexity odN92kI-rX0-01869-00581015-00581339 than just make it everything device centric and then say odN92kI-rX0-01870-00581339-00581616 this is isolated and then deal with it, and if-- odN92kI-rX0-01871-00581616-00581890 - So okay, one second, when you're saying device odN92kI-rX0-01872-00581890-00582177 here, in what context are you defining that? odN92kI-rX0-01873-00582177-00582423 Are you talking about it as like a device odN92kI-rX0-01874-00582423-00582635 as in the driver from driver core, odN92kI-rX0-01875-00582635-00582887 we're talking about a device that? odN92kI-rX0-01876-00582887-00583006 - Yes-- odN92kI-rX0-01877-00583006-00583132 - Because for everything listed here odN92kI-rX0-01878-00583132-00583331 you have a corresponding thing on the right side, odN92kI-rX0-01879-00583331-00583480 so I'm like not sure what the point odN92kI-rX0-01880-00583480-00583687 you're trying to simplify here, I don't see it. odN92kI-rX0-01881-00583687-00583924 - This device as I said, it could be even a CPU odN92kI-rX0-01882-00583924-00584424 or your, some IP block, which it could be odN92kI-rX0-01883-00584458-00584628 a security engine or it could be odN92kI-rX0-01884-00584628-00584978 a random number generating, whatever it could be. odN92kI-rX0-01885-00584978-00585164 - Okay maybe let me rephrase it odN92kI-rX0-01886-00585164-00585331 and tell me if this is what you're trying to say. odN92kI-rX0-01887-00585331-00585674 Are you trying to say instead of SCMI exporting, odN92kI-rX0-01888-00585674-00585918 here are the ten clocks that you could use odN92kI-rX0-01889-00585918-00586165 and here are the ten research states you could use. odN92kI-rX0-01890-00586165-00586396 Are trying to say, here are the 10 devices odN92kI-rX0-01891-00586396-00586559 you could use and out of these 10 devices, odN92kI-rX0-01892-00586559-00586824 some of them have clocks, some of them have control. odN92kI-rX0-01893-00586824-00586920 Is that what you are trying to say, or? odN92kI-rX0-01894-00586920-00587038 - Yeah, those are-- odN92kI-rX0-01895-00587137-00587321 - Are you trying to like encapsulate the clocks odN92kI-rX0-01896-00587321-00587654 and performance like as a subset of each device? odN92kI-rX0-01897-00587763-00587847 Is that what you're trying to say? odN92kI-rX0-01898-00587847-00587947 - Not each device, it's like, odN92kI-rX0-01899-00588051-00588349 instead of having all this operate on the device odN92kI-rX0-01900-00588349-00588849 and let the firmware or the platform deal with what is odN92kI-rX0-01901-00588999-00589240 the clock it's connected to power domain connected to-- odN92kI-rX0-01902-00589240-00589461 - But it still won't ask the frequency for the device. odN92kI-rX0-01903-00589461-00589544 - Yes. odN92kI-rX0-01904-00589747-00590023 - So the idea is that for each device odN92kI-rX0-01905-00590253-00590389 you have a certain odN92kI-rX0-01906-00590389-00590716 number of resources related to it, odN92kI-rX0-01907-00590716-00591162 and then you can either control all these resources directly odN92kI-rX0-01908-00591162-00591573 or you can define power states say for the device, odN92kI-rX0-01909-00591573-00592025 and define those power States in terms of those resources. odN92kI-rX0-01910-00592025-00592207 So you say you say for example odN92kI-rX0-01911-00592207-00592538 power state one is this clock is gated. odN92kI-rX0-01912-00592659-00592987 Power state two is this clock is gated odN92kI-rX0-01913-00592987-00593476 and that regulator is in this state, right. odN92kI-rX0-01914-00593564-00593648 - Is it what he's trying to say then? odN92kI-rX0-01915-00593648-00593782 - Yeah I think so. odN92kI-rX0-01916-00593782-00594282 - So making it device specific or device centric-- odN92kI-rX0-01917-00594355-00594795 - So the Linux or any hose running under the VM odN92kI-rX0-01918-00594795-00594969 would never actually specifically try odN92kI-rX0-01919-00594969-00595252 to change a clock or a power domain. odN92kI-rX0-01920-00595252-00595650 - They may not have that information if I'm trying to, odN92kI-rX0-01921-00595650-00595875 the question I have is that like, odN92kI-rX0-01922-00595875-00596165 in Linux how do we drive this? odN92kI-rX0-01923-00596165-00596505 So this is how we would like to drive odN92kI-rX0-01924-00596505-00596842 the specification towards because this removes odN92kI-rX0-01925-00596842-00597282 a lot of complexity but how do we drive this inland access? odN92kI-rX0-01926-00597282-00597572 My open question here, like do we just you reuse odN92kI-rX0-01927-00597572-00597777 the power gen pd power domain? odN92kI-rX0-01928-00597777-00598064 And since it already have this performance level odN92kI-rX0-01929-00598064-00598327 do we extend it or do we come up with some odN92kI-rX0-01930-00598327-00598639 different solution to all together? odN92kI-rX0-01931-00598639-00598914 I'm just opening that. odN92kI-rX0-01932-00598914-00599399 - Doesn't it just hook in, right in, into the structure? odN92kI-rX0-01933-00599399-00599578 All you have to do is specify the domain odN92kI-rX0-01934-00599578-00599964 and then you can do whatever you want on the back end part. odN92kI-rX0-01935-00599964-00600268 - Yeah, I'm just asking the question here, odN92kI-rX0-01936-00600268-00600651 so I'm fine it before we get into there, odN92kI-rX0-01937-00600651-00600957 I just want to get the opinion of how would we look this, odN92kI-rX0-01938-00600957-00601192 how do we want to solve this in Linux. odN92kI-rX0-01939-00601192-00601375 - So essentially, depending on the granularity odN92kI-rX0-01940-00601375-00601875 you want to kind of control things. odN92kI-rX0-01941-00602045-00602420 You can either define a PM domain like ACPI does, odN92kI-rX0-01942-00602420-00602920 with a set of operations in there odN92kI-rX0-01943-00602922-00603422 and that could be called like ACMI PM domain, odN92kI-rX0-01944-00603426-00603696 and then work pretty much the same way odN92kI-rX0-01945-00603696-00603962 as the ACPI PM domain does. odN92kI-rX0-01946-00603962-00604322 Or you hook up with Gen PD at a kind of lower level odN92kI-rX0-01947-00604322-00604822 but then you have to expose the power domain hierarchy odN92kI-rX0-01948-00604972-00605449 through the device tree, right, for that to work actually. odN92kI-rX0-01949-00605573-00605913 - In the idealistic world we want just the leaf node odN92kI-rX0-01950-00605913-00606203 not the hierarchy, leave the hierarchy to the firmware. odN92kI-rX0-01951-00606306-00606404 - Well yeah, something. odN92kI-rX0-01952-00606404-00606591 - But something to see if, I agree. odN92kI-rX0-01953-00606591-00606740 - A part of it, right, so it depends on odN92kI-rX0-01954-00606740-00607163 that you want to, where you want odN92kI-rX0-01955-00607163-00607663 to have your control plane essentially, right. odN92kI-rX0-01956-00608177-00608443 - So the idea is to have something either connect to odN92kI-rX0-01957-00608443-00608865 Gen PD or create this IC on my power domain odN92kI-rX0-01958-00608865-00609100 and create one for each device. odN92kI-rX0-01959-00609100-00609268 - Have you tried anything? odN92kI-rX0-01960-00609268-00609597 It's already-- - No, it's just new idea, odN92kI-rX0-01961-00609597-00609756 so I'm just trying to. odN92kI-rX0-01962-00609756-00610256 - So I guess, okay, so I guess my advice would be odN92kI-rX0-01963-00610364-00610675 to try to do it in this way and that way odN92kI-rX0-01964-00610675-00610900 and compare and then have an idea odN92kI-rX0-01965-00610900-00611107 what's simpler, what works for you odN92kI-rX0-01966-00611107-00611408 because at this point it's like we, odN92kI-rX0-01967-00611408-00611550 yeah, you can do you can do this, odN92kI-rX0-01968-00611550-00611857 you can do that, you can do something else. odN92kI-rX0-01969-00611857-00612301 It would be good to have like an example to look at, right. odN92kI-rX0-01970-00612463-00612913 - So another question that is kind of like my pet peeve odN92kI-rX0-01971-00612913-00613143 with the CMI, I just want to call it out here. odN92kI-rX0-01972-00613371-00613730 If ACMI is going to be adopted his arms position odN92kI-rX0-01973-00613730-00613914 or upstream position gonna be, odN92kI-rX0-01974-00613914-00614198 every former needs to follow ACMI going forward? odN92kI-rX0-01975-00614198-00614594 - Like at least for the solution space odN92kI-rX0-01976-00614594-00614809 we are addressing here, they should not come up odN92kI-rX0-01977-00614809-00615162 with something which is just a, odN92kI-rX0-01978-00615162-00615418 which makes no sense but no add on, odN92kI-rX0-01979-00615418-00615614 so that would, what I would say like-- odN92kI-rX0-01980-00615614-00615757 - Because I see that the answer is-- odN92kI-rX0-01981-00615862-00615997 - If it's just another protocol trying odN92kI-rX0-01982-00615997-00616162 to solve the same problem, I would say no, odN92kI-rX0-01983-00616162-00616499 but if it's addressing something out of there-- odN92kI-rX0-01984-00616499-00616723 - Then I'm, okay, that's an okay pushing tab odN92kI-rX0-01985-00616723-00616993 but just one thing that I noticed was that odN92kI-rX0-01986-00616993-00617232 with all of these things ASCMI effectively makes odN92kI-rX0-01987-00617232-00617490 fast switching impossible on ARM for CPU frequency scaling. odN92kI-rX0-01988-00617490-00617737 - We do have that today, or in the latest. odN92kI-rX0-01989-00617957-00618232 - So we are having a separate protocol for CP frequency? odN92kI-rX0-01990-00618232-00618682 - No, we discovered that this has a fast transport odN92kI-rX0-01991-00618767-00619021 where it just says, this is the registers, odN92kI-rX0-01992-00619021-00619235 you can just write and it's-- odN92kI-rX0-01993-00619235-00619512 - Okay, part of the pet peeve is gone, thank you. odN92kI-rX0-01994-00619512-00619595 - Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-01995-00619974-00620074 Any other questions? odN92kI-rX0-01996-00620469-00620581 No, nothing, okay. odN92kI-rX0-01997-00620994-00621219 (applause) odN92kI-rX0-01998-00624522-00624651 - Yeah, yeah it's a Windows laptop, odN92kI-rX0-01999-00624651-00624776 boo hiss, get used to it. odN92kI-rX0-02000-00625215-00625453 See if it wakes up, that would be funny, wouldn't it? odN92kI-rX0-02001-00625569-00625784 We're about to do a talk on suspend resume. odN92kI-rX0-02002-00625899-00626225 See how the other guys do. odN92kI-rX0-02003-00626225-00626573 It may not wake up, that would be freaking hysterical. odN92kI-rX0-02004-00627011-00627153 All right. odN92kI-rX0-02005-00627153-00627236 - It's waking up. odN92kI-rX0-02006-00627236-00627356 - Yeah, I can hear it. odN92kI-rX0-02007-00627356-00627568 (laughing) odN92kI-rX0-02008-00627568-00627767 - Yeah, I have a bunch of data on here that odN92kI-rX0-02009-00627960-00628110 can't really get to otherwise. odN92kI-rX0-02010-00628199-00628350 So my name's Lynn Brown. odN92kI-rX0-02011-00628350-00628554 It's not this, I don't really have slides, odN92kI-rX0-02012-00628554-00628730 I'm just going to show you some stuff. odN92kI-rX0-02013-00628849-00629131 I work at Intel Open Source Technology Center odN92kI-rX0-02014-00629131-00629281 along with a couple of guys in this room odN92kI-rX0-02015-00629281-00629620 if you don't know me, and today we're going to talk odN92kI-rX0-02016-00629620-00629921 about suspend resume quality in Linux. odN92kI-rX0-02017-00630372-00630678 So five years ago, who was at Linux plumbers in Seattle? odN92kI-rX0-02018-00631101-00631284 Okay, well then you may recognize some of this odN92kI-rX0-02019-00631284-00631539 because that's when we introduced this tool called, odN92kI-rX0-02020-00631662-00631905 at that time it was called Analyze Suspend. odN92kI-rX0-02021-00631905-00632185 And now the way we ship it is in odN92kI-rX0-02022-00632185-00632460 a part of this project called PM-Graph. odN92kI-rX0-02023-00632581-00632732 It also has bootgraph in it but today we're going odN92kI-rX0-02024-00632732-00633153 to talk just about the suspend graph part. odN92kI-rX0-02025-00633305-00633507 So what I'm going to do right now is actually go to odN92kI-rX0-02026-00633507-00633841 a web page that you can get to, it's 01.org PM-graph, odN92kI-rX0-02027-00633841-00634097 and I'm just going to highlight some stuff odN92kI-rX0-02028-00634097-00634287 from the getting started for those of you odN92kI-rX0-02029-00634287-00634576 that weren't in that session 5 years ago. odN92kI-rX0-02030-00634785-00635214 Very simple, oh good, you can actually see. odN92kI-rX0-02031-00635214-00635699 You can clone this, it's open source, make install run it, odN92kI-rX0-02032-00635699-00635899 run it as root, it's really that simple. odN92kI-rX0-02033-00636007-00636182 Does have some, this tool does have odN92kI-rX0-02034-00636309-00636725 some kernel dependencies, most distros have odN92kI-rX0-02035-00636725-00636967 all of these in there already, odN92kI-rX0-02036-00637097-00637241 and if you don't have all of them odN92kI-rX0-02037-00637241-00637499 and some pieces of functionality work odN92kI-rX0-02038-00637499-00637679 and some do not, I'll talk about that odN92kI-rX0-02039-00637679-00637858 a little bit more when we go through odN92kI-rX0-02040-00637858-00638013 examples of how the tool works. odN92kI-rX0-02041-00638311-00638787 And then basic usage, it'd be sort of like this, odN92kI-rX0-02042-00638953-00639235 you say sleepgraph - m mem would be for a suspend to mem. odN92kI-rX0-02043-00639235-00639648 If you do a freeze it would do a suspend to idle. odN92kI-rX0-02044-00639648-00639853 RTC wake says, after you've been, odN92kI-rX0-02045-00639959-00640066 actually right before you suspend ARM odN92kI-rX0-02046-00640066-00640279 the RTC to wake up in 15 seconds, odN92kI-rX0-02047-00640279-00640428 it can be whatever number you like, odN92kI-rX0-02048-00640428-00640617 that's how we usually run it. odN92kI-rX0-02049-00640617-00640838 You could run it without that for testing odN92kI-rX0-02050-00640838-00641308 other wake up sources, but for automated testing odN92kI-rX0-02051-00641308-00641496 that's what we use because we don't have odN92kI-rX0-02052-00641496-00641661 somebody there to press a button. odN92kI-rX0-02053-00641835-00641939 There's a bunch of options, odN92kI-rX0-02054-00641939-00642125 you can stick them into config files, odN92kI-rX0-02055-00642236-00642530 and I think now I'm going to show you some, odN92kI-rX0-02056-00642530-00642761 oh a couple of things we can do with it, odN92kI-rX0-02057-00642761-00642989 this is an example output, but you know what, odN92kI-rX0-02058-00642989-00643212 I'm going to go to a real webpage. odN92kI-rX0-02059-00643212-00643377 So it's a HTML page like this. odN92kI-rX0-02060-00643630-00643942 On the top it says, you know what it is, odN92kI-rX0-02061-00643942-00644221 this is run on a 9360 which there's probably some odN92kI-rX0-02062-00644221-00644615 in this room, it's a pretty good Linux laptop from Dell. odN92kI-rX0-02063-00644615-00645115 And suspend time was 247 milliseconds, odN92kI-rX0-02064-00645231-00645504 resume time was 3/4 of a second. odN92kI-rX0-02065-00645670-00645897 In purple it reports, it self-reports odN92kI-rX0-02066-00645897-00646108 how long it was in firmware. odN92kI-rX0-02067-00646108-00646325 I don't believe what it's reporting here, it's saying odN92kI-rX0-02068-00646325-00646679 one millisecond, but some of them are actually accurate. odN92kI-rX0-02069-00646907-00647070 So that's sort of informational. odN92kI-rX0-02070-00647070-00647241 And then what you're seeing on the screen odN92kI-rX0-02071-00647241-00647595 is a graph from left to right in time. odN92kI-rX0-02072-00647595-00647800 We initiated the suspend here about odN92kI-rX0-02073-00647800-00648051 a quarter second before the actual suspend, odN92kI-rX0-02074-00648051-00648340 SR this is the line between suspend resume. odN92kI-rX0-02075-00648340-00648584 And then all of this to the right odN92kI-rX0-02076-00648584-00648805 is how long it took us to wake up, odN92kI-rX0-02077-00648805-00649095 and this basically says where the time went, okay. odN92kI-rX0-02078-00649237-00649532 This is a suspend to mem. odN92kI-rX0-02079-00649679-00650154 In mem, which commonly is a set up to do an ACPI S3 odN92kI-rX0-02080-00650154-00650444 but it could be a suspend to idle on another machine, odN92kI-rX0-02081-00650444-00650597 but what you'll see on the suspend to mem odN92kI-rX0-02082-00650597-00650924 is this blue and red, is the low level suspend odN92kI-rX0-02083-00650924-00651082 and resume, that you don't see was to see odN92kI-rX0-02084-00651082-00651273 with suspend to mem where you're offlining odN92kI-rX0-02085-00651273-00651418 your processors and so forth. odN92kI-rX0-02086-00651595-00651885 This is actually a pretty common scenario odN92kI-rX0-02087-00651885-00652385 right here, where you're big guy might be odN92kI-rX0-02088-00652402-00652902 nvme on suspend side, and USB is our nemesis odN92kI-rX0-02089-00653013-00653320 on the resume side for a typical system. odN92kI-rX0-02090-00653596-00654090 HD audio, not as much of a problem as it used to be, odN92kI-rX0-02091-00654090-00654340 and often graphics, I don't know if odN92kI-rX0-02092-00654340-00654777 this example right here has graphics on or off. odN92kI-rX0-02093-00654777-00654949 If the graphics was off when you suspended odN92kI-rX0-02094-00654949-00655089 then it will look different. odN92kI-rX0-02095-00655226-00655497 You can zoom in, you can zoom out, you can, odN92kI-rX0-02096-00655497-00655929 if we wanted to go look at our RS CPUs off lines, odN92kI-rX0-02097-00655929-00656079 they'd be in here for example. odN92kI-rX0-02098-00656417-00656672 Here's our machine suspend, machine resume, odN92kI-rX0-02099-00656672-00656900 calls into the BIOS, it's all here. odN92kI-rX0-02100-00657131-00657298 There's just a couple of other things odN92kI-rX0-02101-00657298-00657434 that I'd like to point out with this tool, odN92kI-rX0-02102-00657434-00657570 and then I'm going to talk about odN92kI-rX0-02103-00657570-00657814 why I'm talking about this tool today, odN92kI-rX0-02104-00657814-00658028 which is what we want to do with it. odN92kI-rX0-02105-00658119-00658291 Actually there's, I think there's an example odN92kI-rX0-02106-00658291-00658611 on the web page, at one point we were very concerned odN92kI-rX0-02107-00658611-00658962 about back to back suspend resume, so then an X two. odN92kI-rX0-02108-00659066-00659506 Sometimes there, to make suspend go faster, some things odN92kI-rX0-02109-00659506-00659876 got deferred to the right side of that yellow bar, odN92kI-rX0-02110-00659876-00660031 and you can't resume until those things odN92kI-rX0-02111-00660031-00660245 have finished, you can't suspend again til odN92kI-rX0-02112-00660245-00660373 those things have finished resuming. odN92kI-rX0-02113-00660373-00660861 So this can be interesting, particularly in the case odN92kI-rX0-02114-00660861-00661123 where you have a low latency, you wake up odN92kI-rX0-02115-00661123-00661557 from Network, you want to wake up, wake up, wake up, odN92kI-rX0-02116-00661557-00661799 well if you're still, you can't come back to sleep, odN92kI-rX0-02117-00661799-00661994 you can't, if you're spending all your time odN92kI-rX0-02118-00661994-00662381 suspend resuming, then you can't get any work done, odN92kI-rX0-02119-00662381-00662525 you're basically on all the time. odN92kI-rX0-02120-00662525-00662953 So we need fast suspend and resume and nothing deferred odN92kI-rX0-02121-00662953-00663199 in between them that delays the next one. odN92kI-rX0-02122-00663411-00663601 That's pretty important on some machines. odN92kI-rX0-02123-00663601-00663954 On a laptop, if something takes under a second odN92kI-rX0-02124-00663954-00664099 most people are pretty happy. odN92kI-rX0-02125-00664255-00664510 But I'm showing you sort of the success cases here. odN92kI-rX0-02126-00664607-00664789 There are a lot of non-success cases. odN92kI-rX0-02127-00664789-00665061 And with that, I'm going to go to a summary. odN92kI-rX0-02128-00665061-00665561 So first I have to apologize, we usually put our summary odN92kI-rX0-02129-00665679-00665911 into Google sheet and this has been exported odN92kI-rX0-02130-00665911-00666101 so that I could show it on this kind of laptop odN92kI-rX0-02131-00666101-00666352 and I'm really pretty bad at Windows. odN92kI-rX0-02132-00666547-00666776 But what this is, is a list of machines odN92kI-rX0-02133-00667066-00667389 and it's the output of a number of tests. odN92kI-rX0-02134-00667389-00667624 So say there's a Dell 9380 at the top, odN92kI-rX0-02135-00667853-00668193 and line 2 is, we ran freeze for 24 hours odN92kI-rX0-02136-00668303-00668803 and it suspended and resumed 2500 times, odN92kI-rX0-02137-00668825-00669192 similarly with mem, 2700 times. odN92kI-rX0-02138-00669192-00669446 This particular test setup we run for 24 hours odN92kI-rX0-02139-00669446-00669631 and however many we fit in there. odN92kI-rX0-02140-00669631-00669914 Another test lab we have we run odN92kI-rX0-02141-00669914-00670093 generally around 2,000 cycles. odN92kI-rX0-02142-00670406-00670802 Let's see, this health, we have a summary where we odN92kI-rX0-02143-00670922-00671127 sort of wait different things, like if it crashed, odN92kI-rX0-02144-00671127-00671310 that would be that would really odN92kI-rX0-02145-00671310-00671545 impact this health, so we could sort by health. odN92kI-rX0-02146-00671677-00671881 I do have machines which are 100% healthy, odN92kI-rX0-02147-00671881-00672009 they're just not on here. odN92kI-rX0-02148-00672449-00672753 And let's see, pass fail and hang, odN92kI-rX0-02149-00672753-00673153 so one way you can run the tool is odN92kI-rX0-02150-00673153-00673459 when we run the tool is, we would run it say odN92kI-rX0-02151-00673459-00673959 for 24 hours on a system which has no state, and so on disk, odN92kI-rX0-02152-00673998-00674272 and so when it resumes then we pull the data off. odN92kI-rX0-02153-00674272-00674656 Well if it failed to resume, then we've lost the results. odN92kI-rX0-02154-00674789-00675114 And so from our point of view, that's a hang odN92kI-rX0-02155-00675114-00675314 and there's no result to look at, odN92kI-rX0-02156-00675314-00675614 which is pretty annoying whereas on the ones we have odN92kI-rX0-02157-00675614-00675922 with the disk, you can go back, you can reboot the machine, odN92kI-rX0-02158-00675922-00676272 you still have your your system results there. odN92kI-rX0-02159-00676454-00676736 Back of C 10, is this LPIR, so some details. odN92kI-rX0-02160-00676736-00676973 This, probably a graphic is better for this. odN92kI-rX0-02161-00676973-00677415 So this is suspend max medium and min time. odN92kI-rX0-02162-00677415-00677884 So this first one, the maximum suspend time was 5.8 seconds, odN92kI-rX0-02163-00677884-00678034 these are all in milliseconds. odN92kI-rX0-02164-00678129-00678629 Resume, 7 seconds, usually 2 seconds and a 1/2 a second odN92kI-rX0-02165-00678728-00678883 for resume, for that particular machine. odN92kI-rX0-02166-00678883-00679237 It's sort of a new machine which still has some quirks. odN92kI-rX0-02167-00679385-00679638 All right, so what do we do with this? odN92kI-rX0-02168-00679638-00679853 We have this whole huge list of machines, odN92kI-rX0-02169-00679853-00680089 actually we have a list a lot longer than this, odN92kI-rX0-02170-00680089-00680260 I only have public machines here. odN92kI-rX0-02171-00680380-00680634 So there's a, we happen to have in our lab, odN92kI-rX0-02172-00680634-00680923 this is an organ lab we, have a couple of Dells, odN92kI-rX0-02173-00680923-00681423 thank you Dell, and I think a Galaxy Book is a Samsung, odN92kI-rX0-02174-00681463-00681950 thanks Samsung, and some HPs, there's a MacBook in there, odN92kI-rX0-02175-00682150-00682360 and then a couple of Lenovo machines. odN92kI-rX0-02176-00682763-00682977 And we've scrubbed all of these results odN92kI-rX0-02177-00682977-00683206 which have been running for 24 hours a day. odN92kI-rX0-02178-00683206-00683657 And in priority order, the first thing we do is odN92kI-rX0-02179-00683657-00683910 grep for bad things in D message, odN92kI-rX0-02180-00683910-00684327 and so say on this 9360, this DMAR, odN92kI-rX0-02181-00684436-00684862 this happened 2800 times out of 28 tests, so. odN92kI-rX0-02182-00684996-00685253 What we're trying to do when we are casting this net odN92kI-rX0-02183-00685253-00685504 and looking for failures, is to find out odN92kI-rX0-02184-00685504-00685739 what happens all the time, what's intermittent. odN92kI-rX0-02185-00685865-00686135 If I wanted to bug something, where do I go to bug it. odN92kI-rX0-02186-00686325-00686553 If I ran more tests on this machine odN92kI-rX0-02187-00686553-00686723 would I learn any more, or is it better odN92kI-rX0-02188-00686723-00686964 to run on that machine over there, okay. odN92kI-rX0-02189-00687052-00687536 And what we're learning is that after around 2000 tests odN92kI-rX0-02190-00687536-00687659 you pretty much got a good idea odN92kI-rX0-02191-00687659-00687888 what this machine is going to do. odN92kI-rX0-02192-00687888-00688283 I remember the day when I was, odN92kI-rX0-02193-00688283-00688463 actually it was wasn't too long ago, odN92kI-rX0-02194-00688463-00688694 where doing two suspend resumes on Linux odN92kI-rX0-02195-00688694-00688931 was a big freaking deal, like if you could do it odN92kI-rX0-02196-00688931-00689219 and then you did it again, you're like yes. odN92kI-rX0-02197-00689219-00689567 Now it's like 2000 and oh, somebody else odN92kI-rX0-02198-00689567-00689890 wants the machine for something else, 'cause. odN92kI-rX0-02199-00689890-00690194 So really what we want to do now is odN92kI-rX0-02200-00690194-00690369 find more faults from more machines. odN92kI-rX0-02201-00690369-00690761 But let me scroll down, so these happen 100% of the time, odN92kI-rX0-02202-00690761-00691195 but down here you'll get, sorry, odN92kI-rX0-02203-00691195-00691341 like I said I'm bad at this, odN92kI-rX0-02204-00691531-00691819 you'll get a lot of things that out of say odN92kI-rX0-02205-00692165-00692574 1.08% of the time, we got some error message odN92kI-rX0-02206-00692574-00693033 on say this Dell, okay, so the BIOS basically freaked out. odN92kI-rX0-02207-00693033-00693222 We have no idea, it looks like a fan odN92kI-rX0-02208-00693222-00693486 tried to turn itself off at some point, odN92kI-rX0-02209-00693486-00693986 but it only happened 0.08% of the time, and that's odN92kI-rX0-02210-00694043-00694469 a tough one, that's a tough path to follow to debug that. odN92kI-rX0-02211-00694469-00694969 So we cast this net and we filed a bunch of Bugzillas. odN92kI-rX0-02212-00695072-00695213 This is an example of one. odN92kI-rX0-02213-00695213-00695310 By the way, I should say about odN92kI-rX0-02214-00695310-00695510 all the stuff in this spreadsheet, Paul? odN92kI-rX0-02215-00695663-00695963 - I'm just curious, is there some way odN92kI-rX0-02216-00695963-00696119 you to accelerate the failure rate? odN92kI-rX0-02217-00696119-00696276 For example, you mentioned the fan. odN92kI-rX0-02218-00696276-00696530 Is it possible just to force a fan on and off at odd times odN92kI-rX0-02219-00696530-00696674 while you're suspending or resuming? odN92kI-rX0-02220-00696674-00696811 - Yeah, so that's a good question. odN92kI-rX0-02221-00696811-00697120 So when you have a bug that's difficult to reproduce, odN92kI-rX0-02222-00697120-00697421 how do you force it to happen more often? odN92kI-rX0-02223-00697421-00697540 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-02224-00697540-00697779 In that case, yeah, in that case, so for the fan odN92kI-rX0-02225-00697779-00697930 if you were debugging that one in particular, odN92kI-rX0-02226-00697930-00698201 which we do have some work going on in that, odN92kI-rX0-02227-00698201-00698376 on that particular thing right now. odN92kI-rX0-02228-00698583-00698832 Yeah, we could perhaps provoke that failure odN92kI-rX0-02229-00698832-00698986 without even suspending and resuming, odN92kI-rX0-02230-00698986-00699145 just by turning the device on and off, odN92kI-rX0-02231-00699145-00699490 and with runtime device power management we can do that. odN92kI-rX0-02232-00699619-00699979 This is one that actually, I like this example odN92kI-rX0-02233-00699979-00700184 the best because it's something that's, odN92kI-rX0-02234-00700184-00700420 it's on a bunch of different machines. odN92kI-rX0-02235-00700420-00700585 So basically you may see in some of our bugzillas odN92kI-rX0-02236-00700585-00700896 we suck a cookie, basically we have a script, odN92kI-rX0-02237-00700896-00701108 it goes up to bugzilla and says, odN92kI-rX0-02238-00701108-00701485 oh do I see that bug in this test results, okay. odN92kI-rX0-02239-00701485-00701715 And so say I were looking for this bug I'd say, odN92kI-rX0-02240-00701715-00702065 well on this Dell 9370 which is a cab u leik refresh odN92kI-rX0-02241-00702065-00702424 I saw it 400 times, which is 17% of the time, odN92kI-rX0-02242-00702424-00702753 that's a good machine to debug this problem, okay. odN92kI-rX0-02243-00702753-00702979 But it's, this is the sound one, odN92kI-rX0-02244-00703081-00703335 very intermittent but you see all these other machines, odN92kI-rX0-02245-00703335-00703457 it's like whoa, okay this thing odN92kI-rX0-02246-00703457-00703825 is happening .07 times on this, on say the 9360. odN92kI-rX0-02247-00704062-00704472 And we have, we really had no idea. odN92kI-rX0-02248-00704472-00704659 This one is actually a 5.0 result, odN92kI-rX0-02249-00704659-00704865 we've actually fixed this. odN92kI-rX0-02250-00704865-00705205 But then there's other bugs where it disappeared, odN92kI-rX0-02251-00705205-00705364 like on these particular machines, odN92kI-rX0-02252-00705364-00705654 this bug we found none of the test results, odN92kI-rX0-02253-00705654-00705923 all 0% of the time found this failure. odN92kI-rX0-02254-00706111-00706341 And these are just what we have happened to have documented, odN92kI-rX0-02255-00706341-00706841 and then over here, this PCEI port device bug, odN92kI-rX0-02256-00706847-00707146 this happens 100% of the time on the 9380. odN92kI-rX0-02257-00707547-00707773 So one thing that we can do is odN92kI-rX0-02258-00707773-00708111 we can look and see, okay if I want to, odN92kI-rX0-02259-00708111-00708522 that's the kernel issue, so we've got, odN92kI-rX0-02260-00708522-00708693 so we're scraping for kernel issues, odN92kI-rX0-02261-00708693-00708966 we're scraping for file bugs, and now odN92kI-rX0-02262-00708966-00709166 we're looking for slow devices. odN92kI-rX0-02263-00709166-00709450 I didn't really show except for USB odN92kI-rX0-02264-00709450-00709641 that some devices sometimes are very slow. odN92kI-rX0-02265-00709641-00709860 I think there's an example in here odN92kI-rX0-02266-00709860-00710055 where something took 50 seconds, in that amount of time odN92kI-rX0-02267-00710055-00710272 somebody's going to press the button, odN92kI-rX0-02268-00710272-00710427 right, so catastrophic failure. odN92kI-rX0-02269-00710525-00710848 And here in fact we have sorted the worst suspend devices. odN92kI-rX0-02270-00710848-00711222 Here's one, 32 seconds for this device odN92kI-rX0-02271-00711222-00711581 on a MacBook Pro and it's the nouveau driver, odN92kI-rX0-02272-00711906-00712043 so not sure what to say about that. odN92kI-rX0-02273-00712043-00712543 But the interesting thing is that the average time, odN92kI-rX0-02274-00712664-00712865 so the average time was one second odN92kI-rX0-02275-00712865-00713118 but one, one time, it took 32 seconds odN92kI-rX0-02276-00713203-00713554 out of 6,000 times that it was the worst device. odN92kI-rX0-02277-00713638-00713807 And you can go all the way down. odN92kI-rX0-02278-00713807-00714071 This is, we can sort all of our devices odN92kI-rX0-02279-00714071-00714389 to I think, where we'd do the cut off at very low odN92kI-rX0-02280-00714641-00715012 for some of these other, like CPU on and off, odN92kI-rX0-02281-00715012-00715208 for some reason they're very slow on the Mac. odN92kI-rX0-02282-00715208-00715523 I think they've got their MTRS set up wrong. odN92kI-rX0-02283-00715523-00715956 Or this is a Browsewell, that's an old slow machine. odN92kI-rX0-02284-00715956-00716401 So we can say, okay from the population of failures odN92kI-rX0-02285-00716401-00716583 which ones are the most dramatic. odN92kI-rX0-02286-00716736-00716922 We can see how often they happen. odN92kI-rX0-02287-00717083-00717282 And say I go to worst resume devices, odN92kI-rX0-02288-00717282-00717576 and then we can say, here's the 915, odN92kI-rX0-02289-00717576-00717852 I could say, well for all the results I have, odN92kI-rX0-02290-00717852-00718071 for the million results I have, odN92kI-rX0-02291-00718071-00718351 on what machines is the 915 the slowest device. odN92kI-rX0-02292-00718351-00718851 Oh okay, so I can scroll over and say, oh well it's great. odN92kI-rX0-02293-00718878-00719201 This one right here is the machine I want to debug odN92kI-rX0-02294-00719201-00719701 to 915 on because basically 3,000 times odN92kI-rX0-02295-00719746-00719870 that's the slowest device. odN92kI-rX0-02296-00719870-00720336 So if I want to work on that device, it's easy to sort them. odN92kI-rX0-02297-00720336-00720785 So anyway, so what we have is we have this capability. odN92kI-rX0-02298-00720785-00720954 A, you should be running it, particularly odN92kI-rX0-02299-00720954-00721254 if you're concerned about suspend resume performance, odN92kI-rX0-02300-00721254-00721445 particularly if you're concerned about it odN92kI-rX0-02301-00721445-00721643 on a particular laptop you may have. odN92kI-rX0-02302-00721643-00721793 B, you should be filing bugs. odN92kI-rX0-02303-00722169-00722380 C, we are doing this automatically odN92kI-rX0-02304-00722380-00722708 and we are we have moved from the, odN92kI-rX0-02305-00722708-00723014 does it work and to how fast it is odN92kI-rX0-02306-00723014-00723313 into the how reliable is it stage. odN92kI-rX0-02307-00723313-00723538 We still have problems where it fails, odN92kI-rX0-02308-00723538-00723792 we still have problems where it's slow, odN92kI-rX0-02309-00723792-00724140 but now we're, gee does it run all night stage. odN92kI-rX0-02310-00724140-00724311 And for the most part it does. odN92kI-rX0-02311-00724496-00724878 And now the thing that we've discovered is odN92kI-rX0-02312-00724878-00725084 we have 30 machines but what we need odN92kI-rX0-02313-00725084-00725583 is 3500 machines, and my lab has a budget odN92kI-rX0-02314-00725583-00725907 but it's not going to have 3500 machines. odN92kI-rX0-02315-00725907-00726280 So what I'd really like is, I'd really like this test odN92kI-rX0-02316-00726280-00726594 run by say Ubuntu, like opt in, odN92kI-rX0-02317-00726594-00726916 send interesting information back to Ubuntu odN92kI-rX0-02318-00726916-00727270 and have these results squirreled away odN92kI-rX0-02319-00727270-00727475 when I, when your random Ubuntu user odN92kI-rX0-02320-00727475-00727745 does their a suspend resume somewhere odN92kI-rX0-02321-00727745-00728029 where somebody can debug them and have their finger odN92kI-rX0-02322-00728029-00728300 on the pulse of how is Linux suspend resume odN92kI-rX0-02323-00728300-00728428 working out in the wild. odN92kI-rX0-02324-00728529-00728693 We can observe that and not only that, odN92kI-rX0-02325-00728693-00728830 maybe even have enough information odN92kI-rX0-02326-00728830-00729171 that we can go debug it and attack it. odN92kI-rX0-02327-00729171-00729364 So I'm interested to know if anybody odN92kI-rX0-02328-00729364-00729670 has any insight into public telemetry odN92kI-rX0-02329-00729799-00729939 because that's what I really want. odN92kI-rX0-02330-00729939-00730154 We're really good on the private telemetry. odN92kI-rX0-02331-00730265-00730583 - Are you publishing this data already? odN92kI-rX0-02332-00730583-00730830 - Not until today am i publishing this data. odN92kI-rX0-02333-00730830-00731330 So say like if I were looking at this, odN92kI-rX0-02334-00731699-00731972 say this bug report, right, so yeah. odN92kI-rX0-02335-00731972-00732383 We let people know that we have this odN92kI-rX0-02336-00732383-00732811 and particularly in the bug reports that we find, odN92kI-rX0-02337-00732811-00733065 yes, I'm seeing this on the following 18 machines odN92kI-rX0-02338-00733065-00733335 or I'm seeing this on this one weird machine over there. odN92kI-rX0-02339-00733555-00734009 But it's not in some public place where say odN92kI-rX0-02340-00734009-00734217 I got run over by a bus, somebody else could say, odN92kI-rX0-02341-00734217-00734457 oh yeah and let's go work on the number one bug. odN92kI-rX0-02342-00734677-00734822 If we weren't pushing this, I don't know if we, odN92kI-rX0-02343-00734822-00734986 we don't really have a lot of community, odN92kI-rX0-02344-00734986-00735221 we have a bunch, a couple of people at Intel working odN92kI-rX0-02345-00735221-00735668 at this but I'd like to to be broader than that. odN92kI-rX0-02346-00735668-00735873 I'd like to leverage the diversity odN92kI-rX0-02347-00735873-00736276 of the community for a number of reasons, one is odN92kI-rX0-02348-00736276-00736549 because the community has a lot more laptops than I have. odN92kI-rX0-02349-00736753-00736973 Even if all the community did was report bugs, odN92kI-rX0-02350-00736973-00737158 that would be a huge boon to us odN92kI-rX0-02351-00737158-00737387 because we could say, oh my gosh, look at odN92kI-rX0-02352-00737387-00737677 all these bugs that are appearing on this class of machine. odN92kI-rX0-02353-00737916-00738110 So any ideas, thoughts? odN92kI-rX0-02354-00738110-00738307 - There is the kernel CI thing, right, odN92kI-rX0-02355-00738307-00738690 that they have like a distributed way of doing tests. odN92kI-rX0-02356-00738690-00739133 I've seen that, I mean it's not power management specific, odN92kI-rX0-02357-00739133-00739484 but they have some sort of testing. odN92kI-rX0-02358-00739484-00739857 - So I mean I've talked about this with a couple of people, odN92kI-rX0-02359-00739857-00740296 and say in Seattle, I said, hey we have this tool odN92kI-rX0-02360-00740296-00740462 and the guys in this room, the people that care odN92kI-rX0-02361-00740462-00740669 about power management, go run it. odN92kI-rX0-02362-00740669-00740752 And some people said, sure. odN92kI-rX0-02363-00740752-00740913 I mean you could all have downloaded it and run it odN92kI-rX0-02364-00740913-00741157 in the time I've been talking, nobody has. odN92kI-rX0-02365-00741315-00741698 And very few people have sent the results back to me odN92kI-rX0-02366-00741698-00741996 or anybody that can debug them. odN92kI-rX0-02367-00742152-00742487 So I think we're now past the stage where, odN92kI-rX0-02368-00742487-00742717 hey we'll get the community, I'm going to odN92kI-rX0-02369-00742717-00742800 volunteer my system for testing. odN92kI-rX0-02370-00742800-00743110 No, what we really want is, during the day odN92kI-rX0-02371-00743110-00743333 I've suspended and resumed eight times today, odN92kI-rX0-02372-00743333-00743546 I could have sent eight results back, right. odN92kI-rX0-02373-00743546-00743680 - Oh I see. odN92kI-rX0-02374-00743680-00743944 - Yeah, automatically by opting in, right, odN92kI-rX0-02375-00743944-00744174 by opting in, or maybe 1/8 of them odN92kI-rX0-02376-00744174-00744590 or some sampling, some number larger than zero odN92kI-rX0-02377-00744590-00744782 and that would be really useful odN92kI-rX0-02378-00744782-00745081 because this is just a table of the 15 machines odN92kI-rX0-02379-00745081-00745260 that we have right here and we've found odN92kI-rX0-02380-00745260-00745634 some really interesting issues odN92kI-rX0-02381-00745634-00745815 that you would never, you'd say, odN92kI-rX0-02382-00745921-00746201 in your own laptop, if it didn't work 100% of the time, odN92kI-rX0-02383-00746201-00746344 you're like, I must have done something wrong odN92kI-rX0-02384-00746344-00746628 or maybe I sat on my laptop, whatever, reset it, but no. odN92kI-rX0-02385-00746628-00747004 If it recorded it, we'll see one out of 2,000, odN92kI-rX0-02386-00747004-00747319 we'll see that, oh wait, that's a real failure. odN92kI-rX0-02387-00747319-00747502 And if we can nail that one out of 2,000 odN92kI-rX0-02388-00747502-00747733 then people will really start to trust odN92kI-rX0-02389-00747825-00747959 Suspend Resume even more. odN92kI-rX0-02390-00748167-00748437 So I want to have more machines with a 100% health odN92kI-rX0-02391-00748437-00748637 for 2,000 tests, that's my goal. odN92kI-rX0-02392-00748777-00749107 I have some but it's a very short list. odN92kI-rX0-02393-00749107-00749358 Everyone has some blemish of some minute, odN92kI-rX0-02394-00749491-00749813 100% perfect is a high bar. odN92kI-rX0-02395-00749813-00750073 So yeah, I'm thinking opt in, odN92kI-rX0-02396-00750337-00750470 and where does the results get stored, odN92kI-rX0-02397-00750470-00750701 I should say that the results are like about, odN92kI-rX0-02398-00750701-00750973 it's about 100K for one of these webpages. odN92kI-rX0-02399-00750973-00751363 Yes, it's compressible, we can save the data odN92kI-rX0-02400-00751363-00751627 without generating HTML to squeeze it down. odN92kI-rX0-02401-00751725-00751972 Or we could just send the summaries. odN92kI-rX0-02402-00751972-00752185 We have a script that will generate odN92kI-rX0-02403-00752185-00752513 a Google Doc of a Google sheet of a summary odN92kI-rX0-02404-00752513-00752902 of an entire directory of thousands of results. odN92kI-rX0-02405-00752902-00753171 So if we could even just upload them somewhere odN92kI-rX0-02406-00753171-00753365 and then you could run your favorite scraping tool odN92kI-rX0-02407-00753365-00753552 to go look for problems, that would work, odN92kI-rX0-02408-00753552-00753764 but we need a repository and we need odN92kI-rX0-02409-00753764-00754193 community uploading those results. odN92kI-rX0-02410-00754193-00754401 - I mean, I think it's a great idea, odN92kI-rX0-02411-00754401-00754769 it's just that, how do you think odN92kI-rX0-02412-00754877-00755079 you're gonna solve the problem odN92kI-rX0-02413-00755079-00755486 having tests done on distro kernels? odN92kI-rX0-02414-00755603-00755873 - On distro kernels, this will run on a distro kernel. odN92kI-rX0-02415-00755997-00756265 - No, I meant like, you may see a problem odN92kI-rX0-02416-00756265-00756493 that's only reproducible on kernels. odN92kI-rX0-02417-00756596-00756796 - Okay, yeah, so most of the time it doesn't matter. odN92kI-rX0-02418-00756796-00757010 I mean at this point, there was a time odN92kI-rX0-02419-00757010-00757291 when it was pretty frantic, getting suspend resume running, odN92kI-rX0-02420-00757291-00757791 now it's usually a device, like there's a couple of, odN92kI-rX0-02421-00757877-00758041 I won't make fun of them, but there's a couple of odN92kI-rX0-02422-00758041-00758281 choice devices that our OEMs choose odN92kI-rX0-02423-00758281-00758751 to save like 10 cents, and yeah. odN92kI-rX0-02424-00758879-00759300 So usually it's a device, and that's a device driver, odN92kI-rX0-02425-00759300-00759598 and the distros, the same driver upstream has, so yeah. odN92kI-rX0-02426-00759598-00759800 It's more information. odN92kI-rX0-02427-00759800-00760018 Did I just turn myself off? odN92kI-rX0-02428-00760018-00760101 - You did. odN92kI-rX0-02429-00760188-00760688 - How did I do that, sorry. odN92kI-rX0-02430-00760706-00761069 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-02431-00761069-00761259 - She is coming. odN92kI-rX0-02432-00761259-00761382 - My phone just talked to me too. odN92kI-rX0-02433-00761382-00761641 Everything's malfunctioning up here. odN92kI-rX0-02434-00761641-00761961 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-02435-00761961-00762051 - Is that on, yes. odN92kI-rX0-02436-00762207-00762301 - It's always the battery, it's the first. odN92kI-rX0-02437-00762301-00762593 - I wanted to comment, this is inspiring, odN92kI-rX0-02438-00762593-00762918 that's a good, I'm impressed by this project. odN92kI-rX0-02439-00762918-00763227 I didn't think about this and it's a great idea. odN92kI-rX0-02440-00763227-00763566 You obviously may want to talk to distro people, odN92kI-rX0-02441-00763566-00763917 this has to go into the default images odN92kI-rX0-02442-00763917-00764360 of the most popular distribution. odN92kI-rX0-02443-00764360-00764619 This is one thing that I can think of. odN92kI-rX0-02444-00764619-00765035 Obviously there is this, should I send back odN92kI-rX0-02445-00765035-00765281 the bug report, to somebody is more sensitive odN92kI-rX0-02446-00765281-00765450 to this than others, but I don't know, odN92kI-rX0-02447-00765450-00765875 Firefox sent on telemetry back home and people accept that. odN92kI-rX0-02448-00765875-00766339 I was thinking that a privileged venu odN92kI-rX0-02449-00766339-00766748 to advertise this kind of work is the FOSDEM Conference odN92kI-rX0-02450-00766748-00767248 in Brussels in Europe, it's a, stands for odN92kI-rX0-02451-00767250-00767550 Free and Open Source Developer European Meeting, odN92kI-rX0-02452-00767550-00767746 and it's a place where this kind of stuff odN92kI-rX0-02453-00767746-00767999 is really taken to heart, odN92kI-rX0-02454-00767999-00768201 like you would have people cheering for you odN92kI-rX0-02455-00768201-00768355 if you show them this because they say, odN92kI-rX0-02456-00768355-00768677 yes this is something I can really contribute to just, odN92kI-rX0-02457-00768677-00769030 and the suspend resume affects everybody odN92kI-rX0-02458-00769030-00769122 and everybody hates it. odN92kI-rX0-02459-00769122-00769309 Like when I don't see my laptop coming back, odN92kI-rX0-02460-00769309-00769504 it's not something like, odN92kI-rX0-02461-00769504-00769727 I don't know, my network doesn't do IPV6, odN92kI-rX0-02462-00769727-00769955 yeah I mean, I am I on the-- odN92kI-rX0-02463-00769955-00770150 - [Lynn] Very visible, right, some people think odN92kI-rX0-02464-00770150-00770335 suspend resume and PM are synonymous. odN92kI-rX0-02465-00770461-00770547 - But suspend resume, it's really odN92kI-rX0-02466-00770547-00770687 something like, it's mission critical. odN92kI-rX0-02467-00770687-00770860 So people are going to be enthusiastic about this odN92kI-rX0-02468-00770860-00771064 if you or some of your collaborators odN92kI-rX0-02469-00771064-00771243 can go and present there and have, odN92kI-rX0-02470-00771243-00771578 and also you will meet a lot of distro people there. odN92kI-rX0-02471-00771578-00771938 Like so you will have people approaching you saying, odN92kI-rX0-02472-00772025-00772211 we should do this for fedora, odN92kI-rX0-02473-00772211-00772358 we should do this for openSUSE, odN92kI-rX0-02474-00772358-00772519 we should do this for Ubuntu. odN92kI-rX0-02475-00772667-00772882 - Basdom, okay, good suggestion, thank you. odN92kI-rX0-02476-00773067-00773399 Yeah so if any, does any, first of all I should, odN92kI-rX0-02477-00773506-00773756 does anybody have any questions about the tool itself odN92kI-rX0-02478-00773756-00774062 or its results, because I just sort of odN92kI-rX0-02479-00774062-00774237 skipped through that a little bit, odN92kI-rX0-02480-00774237-00774438 but you can all look at that, odN92kI-rX0-02481-00774438-00774612 you can run it and look at your own results. odN92kI-rX0-02482-00774612-00774846 It creates an HTML file, you open the file odN92kI-rX0-02483-00774846-00775035 and you have what's run the screen right, here so. odN92kI-rX0-02484-00775035-00775156 - I think you mentioned already odN92kI-rX0-02485-00775156-00775447 but does it have an option to output odN92kI-rX0-02486-00775447-00775752 a computer readable format? odN92kI-rX0-02487-00775885-00776038 - Well it's-- odN92kI-rX0-02488-00776038-00776184 - Or is it only HTML? odN92kI-rX0-02489-00776184-00776684 - It creates, it saves the D message in an F trace log odN92kI-rX0-02490-00776741-00777101 and a tool specific log, and then a separate program odN92kI-rX0-02491-00777101-00777266 comes and renders this from that. odN92kI-rX0-02492-00777369-00777598 So you could grep through it, if you wanted odN92kI-rX0-02493-00777598-00777808 another tool, you could do that too, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-02494-00778204-00778369 A couple, get the mic back there. odN92kI-rX0-02495-00779123-00779357 - I think that there's some privacy implications odN92kI-rX0-02496-00779357-00779597 for this of course, so have you thought about odN92kI-rX0-02497-00779597-00779772 what sort of things you'd be filtering odN92kI-rX0-02498-00779897-00780101 from D message that would be sent up with this yet? odN92kI-rX0-02499-00780101-00780601 - So yes, so like if, like we save the D message here, odN92kI-rX0-02500-00780693-00780903 I guess maybe, how can I make that bigger, odN92kI-rX0-02501-00781044-00781275 we save the D message from when you start to suspend odN92kI-rX0-02502-00781275-00781572 to when your resume to see if something jumps out. odN92kI-rX0-02503-00781572-00781853 We have some other logs involved, odN92kI-rX0-02504-00781853-00782229 a tool specific log that grabs some stuff odN92kI-rX0-02505-00782229-00782379 from the system that's useful. odN92kI-rX0-02506-00782517-00782875 There is an option to trace processes odN92kI-rX0-02507-00782875-00783084 that are to show what's running odN92kI-rX0-02508-00783084-00783374 because sometimes a process will be doing something odN92kI-rX0-02509-00783374-00783558 and we'll hang up a device and then odN92kI-rX0-02510-00783558-00783877 the device hangs up suspend, like you're, I don't know, odN92kI-rX0-02511-00783877-00784219 you're reading something out on Thunderbolt or something. odN92kI-rX0-02512-00784376-00784712 And so, but that's an option, that's not on by default. odN92kI-rX0-02513-00784955-00785129 This bit here, like where we can see, odN92kI-rX0-02514-00785129-00785263 actually the one in front of us this, odN92kI-rX0-02515-00785263-00785567 is an M sleep, this is, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-02516-00785567-00785703 So a couple vendors have this, odN92kI-rX0-02517-00785703-00785834 I think it's a bug workaround, odN92kI-rX0-02518-00785834-00786017 that's hard-coded into the BIOS. odN92kI-rX0-02519-00786017-00786328 It's sort of embarrassing but that's a, yeah, odN92kI-rX0-02520-00786328-00786536 it is what it looks like, odN92kI-rX0-02521-00786536-00786750 it's a two seconds sleep in the BIOS. odN92kI-rX0-02522-00786750-00787009 There's really nothing we can do about it, you're like-- odN92kI-rX0-02523-00787009-00787167 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-02524-00787167-00787355 - Yeah it's, I think it's an off method odN92kI-rX0-02525-00787355-00787600 for maybe it's a fan or something, I forgot what. odN92kI-rX0-02526-00787738-00788222 Yeah, so it's, this isn't the, HP has this one too. odN92kI-rX0-02527-00788222-00788586 - Yeah so there are systems in which odN92kI-rX0-02528-00788586-00788825 there are things like that in AML, odN92kI-rX0-02529-00788825-00789309 essentially they wake, they wait for a certain fixed time. odN92kI-rX0-02530-00789309-00789443 - [Lynn] Yes, it's bad. odN92kI-rX0-02531-00789443-00789581 - Because to work around some issues. odN92kI-rX0-02532-00789581-00789797 - And I believe this one, the workaround odN92kI-rX0-02533-00789797-00790009 is only for resume, so the suspense side odN92kI-rX0-02534-00790009-00790271 is completely bogus but yeah. odN92kI-rX0-02535-00790271-00790498 I mean, you can really, closer you look at a BIOS odN92kI-rX0-02536-00790498-00790628 the more you can embarrass a BIOS guy odN92kI-rX0-02537-00790628-00790766 and we could do that all day long odN92kI-rX0-02538-00790766-00790990 but that's really not what I want to talk about today. odN92kI-rX0-02539-00791089-00791172 - That's not the main goal here. odN92kI-rX0-02540-00791172-00791372 - Yeah, so we have, for me-- odN92kI-rX0-02541-00791372-00791476 - I should show a different one, odN92kI-rX0-02542-00791476-00791581 I'll show a happier one. odN92kI-rX0-02543-00791581-00791814 - Lynn, so we have two minutes left for this topic, so. odN92kI-rX0-02544-00791814-00791945 - Well I'm just asking questions odN92kI-rX0-02545-00791945-00792328 so I really had nothing to, I think one. odN92kI-rX0-02546-00792491-00792645 - So there are two things there. odN92kI-rX0-02547-00792645-00793003 Actually the packaging that stuff was easy odN92kI-rX0-02548-00793003-00793224 and I actually did for the openSUSE odN92kI-rX0-02549-00793224-00793511 and I want to try to push up to the factory odN92kI-rX0-02550-00793511-00793878 and but the question is, how to, odN92kI-rX0-02551-00793878-00794072 so where to gather the data? odN92kI-rX0-02552-00794072-00794224 So where to upload? odN92kI-rX0-02553-00794224-00794379 That's not defined yet, right. odN92kI-rX0-02554-00794379-00794593 - Right, right, so if, say Google stepped forward odN92kI-rX0-02555-00794593-00794828 and said hey, you can stick this on our Google drive odN92kI-rX0-02556-00794828-00795099 with some credentials, we'd all be really happy about that odN92kI-rX0-02557-00795099-00795336 because we know how to do, how to get to that. odN92kI-rX0-02558-00795336-00795619 - Yeah that's, I'm not sure how this will work. odN92kI-rX0-02559-00795619-00795976 - There's, so this spreadsheet here had a, odN92kI-rX0-02560-00795976-00796305 say I ran 2000, we save all 2,000 results odN92kI-rX0-02561-00796305-00796640 but we also say, we can also just reduce odN92kI-rX0-02562-00796640-00796902 this down to save, like say, these. odN92kI-rX0-02563-00796902-00797071 Like this, each one of these is a link odN92kI-rX0-02564-00797071-00797376 to the fastest slowest and median, and it's a real result. odN92kI-rX0-02565-00797376-00797581 I can open any of these, at least, odN92kI-rX0-02566-00797581-00797814 I should be able to open any of those. odN92kI-rX0-02567-00797814-00798056 And that's the median for this machine. odN92kI-rX0-02568-00798056-00798307 So instead of all 2000, there's like odN92kI-rX0-02569-00798307-00798544 about a dozen interesting ones, like the slowest device, odN92kI-rX0-02570-00798544-00798910 the fastest device, anything with an oops odN92kI-rX0-02571-00798910-00799334 or a kernel message in it, we grab those. odN92kI-rX0-02572-00799420-00799576 And then a lot of them are just repeats, odN92kI-rX0-02573-00799576-00799721 so we don't really have to store that. odN92kI-rX0-02574-00799721-00800221 But yeah, I'd ballpark about 100K per result. odN92kI-rX0-02575-00800249-00800561 We have to store that someplace, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-02576-00800561-00800853 - Yeah and a weighted question is, odN92kI-rX0-02577-00800853-00801048 so suppose that we get a data odN92kI-rX0-02578-00801048-00801297 and we had a bug report for that odN92kI-rX0-02579-00801297-00801680 and we fixed that, but how to verify the fix? odN92kI-rX0-02580-00801815-00802122 - Well I mean, we run this every RC actually, odN92kI-rX0-02581-00802122-00802334 and so the 5.0, of the bug I showed you odN92kI-rX0-02582-00802440-00802600 with the audio is gone. odN92kI-rX0-02583-00802600-00802781 - Yeah in that case, you guys have the machines odN92kI-rX0-02584-00802781-00803031 but in the case the supposed access, odN92kI-rX0-02585-00803031-00803216 we get we get a data from the pub, odN92kI-rX0-02586-00803216-00803676 someone else publicly, and how to verify that? odN92kI-rX0-02587-00803765-00803961 - I don't know, like any other bug, odN92kI-rX0-02588-00803961-00804044 you debug it, you make it go away odN92kI-rX0-02589-00804044-00804247 on what's in front of you and hopefully odN92kI-rX0-02590-00804247-00804560 it goes away for everybody else, sometimes that works. odN92kI-rX0-02591-00804560-00804849 But if they run it again and we get a result odN92kI-rX0-02592-00804849-00805051 for that machine and it's clean, then we know it worked. odN92kI-rX0-02593-00805051-00805460 So this also happens for regular bugs, like bugzilla, odN92kI-rX0-02594-00805460-00805867 somebody files the bug, you see it, odN92kI-rX0-02595-00805867-00806125 you fix it and then there's no response. odN92kI-rX0-02596-00806125-00806443 You have to assume that it has been fixed, right, kind of. odN92kI-rX0-02597-00806443-00806909 - The case of bugzilla is clear that there is a bug reporter odN92kI-rX0-02598-00806909-00807293 but in that saboratory we get, we gather the data odN92kI-rX0-02599-00807293-00807793 for improvement and, but we yeah, odN92kI-rX0-02600-00807815-00808096 don't know exactly who submitted that data odN92kI-rX0-02601-00808096-00808344 and we can verify that and improve it. odN92kI-rX0-02602-00808535-00808673 - So say for this one, what we did was, odN92kI-rX0-02603-00808786-00808909 we put a little attachment in the bug report, odN92kI-rX0-02604-00808909-00809235 which sort of has a profile, this issue.def odN92kI-rX0-02605-00809235-00809584 so that our tool will go out and say, okay, here's a result. odN92kI-rX0-02606-00809584-00809958 And then we could see that that thing I showed you, odN92kI-rX0-02607-00809958-00810294 with the audio bug, that was all done automatically odN92kI-rX0-02608-00810294-00810794 by comparing this bug report with those test results odN92kI-rX0-02609-00810808-00811129 and we could see that it was on all these machines in 5.0. odN92kI-rX0-02610-00811129-00811570 It's gone and 5.0 RC, whatever it was, 5.1 RC6. odN92kI-rX0-02611-00811694-00811895 So yeah, Bugzilla is good, if we can get odN92kI-rX0-02612-00811895-00812075 into Bugzilla, we're in pretty good shape. odN92kI-rX0-02613-00812075-00812280 - So what, just to clarify, what's your idea right now? odN92kI-rX0-02614-00812280-00812488 Do you want people to send the reports to you, odN92kI-rX0-02615-00812488-00812597 or do you want-- odN92kI-rX0-02616-00812597-00812887 - First of all, filing bugs we're all good with that, odN92kI-rX0-02617-00812887-00813065 but yeah, what we really want, odN92kI-rX0-02618-00813065-00813554 what the grand strategy is, we want to get data odN92kI-rX0-02619-00813554-00813718 stuff running on all kinds of machines, odN92kI-rX0-02620-00813718-00814023 that's what we really want is, we want to cast a broad net. odN92kI-rX0-02621-00814023-00814275 We can run 24 hours a day on a machine odN92kI-rX0-02622-00814275-00814701 we have in front of us, but I need 3,000 machines. odN92kI-rX0-02623-00814701-00814842 That's really the message. odN92kI-rX0-02624-00814842-00814934 I think this one last. odN92kI-rX0-02625-00814934-00815421 - Yep, hello, I'm Victor Ruiz, I work in Red Hat. odN92kI-rX0-02626-00815421-00815611 I own suspend resume, I work on odN92kI-rX0-02627-00815611-00815880 the current hardware team QE. odN92kI-rX0-02628-00815880-00816255 You have a pull request for me on Github odN92kI-rX0-02629-00816255-00816601 from two years ago, so I'm very interested in in your work. odN92kI-rX0-02630-00816777-00817180 I have a question about the tool itself, odN92kI-rX0-02631-00817180-00817586 whether you are thinking about doing a client, odN92kI-rX0-02632-00817753-00818104 client-server architecture to be able to get that odN92kI-rX0-02633-00818104-00818511 when something growth run because if the machine odN92kI-rX0-02634-00818511-00818982 doesn't resume then you are losing data. odN92kI-rX0-02635-00818982-00819107 - Yeah that's a good question, odN92kI-rX0-02636-00819107-00819414 so we basically have been running it odN92kI-rX0-02637-00819414-00819687 via SSH on it when we have that situation. odN92kI-rX0-02638-00819870-00820315 But that hasn't been a priority yet anyway. odN92kI-rX0-02639-00820315-00820456 - Okay but let's talk. odN92kI-rX0-02640-00820569-00820798 - Yeah okay, thank you, thanks. odN92kI-rX0-02641-00820798-00820911 - [Moderator] All right, thank you. odN92kI-rX0-02642-00821158-00821383 (applause) odN92kI-rX0-02643-00821585-00821877 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-02644-00823885-00824027 - Just press it to turn it on. odN92kI-rX0-02645-00824027-00824318 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-02646-00827002-00827282 - Okay, hi everyone thanks for having me. odN92kI-rX0-02647-00827383-00827831 My name is Artem I worked for Intel from Finland. odN92kI-rX0-02648-00827831-00828009 The subject of my talk is the odN92kI-rX0-02649-00828009-00828231 C-state latency measurement infrastructure. odN92kI-rX0-02650-00828391-00828741 Brief introduction, so in Intel odN92kI-rX0-02651-00828741-00829058 we've developed a tool for measuring C-state latency, odN92kI-rX0-02652-00829058-00829495 we call it WULT which stands for Wake Up Latency Tracer. odN92kI-rX0-02653-00829726-00829839 Right now we are going through odN92kI-rX0-02654-00829839-00830167 the process of open sourcing it. odN92kI-rX0-02655-00830167-00830376 Unfortunately we are not done yet odN92kI-rX0-02656-00830476-00830839 but as soon as we get the company approval odN92kI-rX0-02657-00830839-00831187 we will publish it on Github under the GPL license. odN92kI-rX0-02658-00831327-00831748 This tool has user space components and a kernel driver, odN92kI-rX0-02659-00831929-00832186 and the plan is to upstream the kernel driver. odN92kI-rX0-02660-00832329-00832531 So the reason I'm here is to get odN92kI-rX0-02661-00832531-00832841 early feedback on the WULT kernel drivers odN92kI-rX0-02662-00832841-00833150 and how do we transform them into something up streamable. odN92kI-rX0-02663-00833320-00833559 Okay so let's talk about what exactly odN92kI-rX0-02664-00833559-00833745 we measure and how we do this. odN92kI-rX0-02665-00833977-00834383 I'll walk you through a simplified version odN92kI-rX0-02666-00834383-00834643 of one single measurement cycle. odN92kI-rX0-02667-00834744-00835007 So we start with Arm in a delayed interrupt. odN92kI-rX0-02668-00835116-00835320 I'll talk a little bit more about what it is odN92kI-rX0-02669-00835320-00835651 but just assume for now that the measured platform odN92kI-rX0-02670-00835651-00835985 has a capability of generating an interrupt odN92kI-rX0-02671-00835985-00836254 at a precise pre-programmed time in the future, odN92kI-rX0-02672-00836254-00836561 sort of like a timer but there are some nuances there. odN92kI-rX0-02673-00836712-00836894 So we armed the delayed interrupt odN92kI-rX0-02674-00836894-00837168 so that it should happen at launch time in the future odN92kI-rX0-02675-00837314-00837620 and then since we are measuring an idle system, odN92kI-rX0-02676-00837620-00837816 it will at some point go to a C-state. odN92kI-rX0-02677-00837923-00838423 On Intel platforms the CPU instruction that we execute odN92kI-rX0-02678-00838424-00838595 to enter a C-state is mwait. odN92kI-rX0-02679-00838691-00838900 I think on arms it's something like wfi. odN92kI-rX0-02680-00838994-00839111 - Wfi, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-02681-00839111-00839487 - Yeah, so okay, so the measured CPU executes mwait, odN92kI-rX0-02682-00839487-00839690 it stops executing further instructions. odN92kI-rX0-02683-00839795-00840202 It enters the C-state, sits there saving power odN92kI-rX0-02684-00840202-00840498 and waiting for an event like an interrupt to happen. odN92kI-rX0-02685-00840679-00840977 Then when it's launch time the delayed interrupt odN92kI-rX0-02686-00840977-00841316 actually happens, it gets delivered to the mirrored CPU odN92kI-rX0-02687-00841316-00841593 and kicks off the process of exiting the C-state. odN92kI-rX0-02688-00841783-00842025 This process will take some time. odN92kI-rX0-02689-00842025-00842252 When it's finished, the CPU will odN92kI-rX0-02690-00842252-00842462 start executing the instructions odN92kI-rX0-02691-00842462-00842696 after the end wait, and that's the point odN92kI-rX0-02692-00842696-00842936 where we take the time after idle timestamp. odN92kI-rX0-02693-00843223-00843608 So the C-state exit latency is the period of time odN92kI-rX0-02694-00843608-00843966 between launch time and time after idle. odN92kI-rX0-02695-00843966-00844370 In other words, it's a time between the moment we odN92kI-rX0-02696-00844370-00844641 the delayed interrupt happens until the moment odN92kI-rX0-02697-00844641-00844831 the CPU starts executing instructions. odN92kI-rX0-02698-00845024-00845367 So the C-state latency is this difference. odN92kI-rX0-02699-00845462-00845645 And that's basically what we measure odN92kI-rX0-02700-00845645-00846045 and how we do it in a in a nutshell, the principle. odN92kI-rX0-02701-00846312-00846437 Any questions so far? odN92kI-rX0-02702-00846717-00846890 I assume that if there are questions, odN92kI-rX0-02703-00846890-00847348 you can just interrupt me, I mean, you don't need to wait. odN92kI-rX0-02704-00847348-00847518 Okay, few words, why is it useful. odN92kI-rX0-02705-00847790-00848086 Okay, so the C-state latency information odN92kI-rX0-02706-00848086-00848358 is today, is the foundation for odN92kI-rX0-02707-00848453-00848654 the power management quality of service subsystem. odN92kI-rX0-02708-00848654-00848979 On Intel platforms, we get this information odN92kI-rX0-02709-00848979-00849354 either from the firmware through the ACPI tables odN92kI-rX0-02710-00849354-00849754 or from the driver from intel_idle driver, odN92kI-rX0-02711-00849754-00849920 they are just hard coded there. odN92kI-rX0-02712-00849920-00850112 Now the truth is that these numbers odN92kI-rX0-02713-00850112-00850301 are not always 100% correct. odN92kI-rX0-02714-00850528-00850804 And they also may depend on platform configuration. odN92kI-rX0-02715-00850804-00851304 So if we have a tool that is easy to use odN92kI-rX0-02716-00851337-00851534 and that can measure these latencies, odN92kI-rX0-02717-00851534-00851719 we will open lots of opportunities odN92kI-rX0-02718-00851719-00851854 for improving this subsystem. odN92kI-rX0-02719-00851854-00852118 For example we can improve numbers in intel_driver. odN92kI-rX0-02720-00852268-00852485 Other point is that if you are someone odN92kI-rX0-02721-00852485-00852769 who is building real time-ish product odN92kI-rX0-02722-00852769-00853058 and for some reasons you are going to use C-states, odN92kI-rX0-02723-00853179-00853379 maybe some of them, then measuring their latency odN92kI-rX0-02724-00853379-00853565 is probably crucial for your product. odN92kI-rX0-02725-00853704-00853879 And with this tool you wouldn't need odN92kI-rX0-02726-00853879-00854112 expensive lab equipment to do so. odN92kI-rX0-02727-00854372-00854456 - So can you just repeat again, odN92kI-rX0-02728-00854456-00854864 what were the requirements from your hardware odN92kI-rX0-02729-00854864-00855039 to use your tool or your driver? odN92kI-rX0-02730-00855039-00855341 - Yeah so the question is, what are the requirements odN92kI-rX0-02731-00855341-00855496 from the hardware to use the tool? odN92kI-rX0-02732-00855496-00855712 So the requirement is to be able to odN92kI-rX0-02733-00855812-00855984 generate a delay interrupt and I said odN92kI-rX0-02734-00855984-00856154 I would talk a little bit later odN92kI-rX0-02735-00856154-00856289 and I will very soon. odN92kI-rX0-02736-00856289-00856399 - Okay. odN92kI-rX0-02737-00856399-00856752 - Yeah, but before I will talk about that, odN92kI-rX0-02738-00856752-00856970 I'll just very briefly show a quick, odN92kI-rX0-02739-00856970-00857131 a visual example, just you know. odN92kI-rX0-02740-00857131-00857223 - Sure. odN92kI-rX0-02741-00857223-00857640 - So this talk is not about talking about the results odN92kI-rX0-02742-00857640-00857956 and all that and user-space, it's about drivers, odN92kI-rX0-02743-00857956-00858240 but I thought just showing an example of, odN92kI-rX0-02744-00858240-00858585 this example will help understanding what we are doing. odN92kI-rX0-02745-00858585-00858978 So this is a snapshot from a report, odN92kI-rX0-02746-00858978-00859184 in this case it's the scatterplot, odN92kI-rX0-02747-00859184-00859479 every dot is one single measurement, odN92kI-rX0-02748-00859479-00859723 on the X we have the amount of time odN92kI-rX0-02749-00859723-00859998 was spent in the end wait before the interrupt happened. odN92kI-rX0-02750-00859998-00860228 We call it silent time, it's in milliseconds. odN92kI-rX0-02751-00860228-00860537 On the y-axis we have the C-state latency, odN92kI-rX0-02752-00860537-00860701 it's in microseconds. odN92kI-rX0-02753-00860701-00861070 Now so in HTML, you can hover your mouse over a dot odN92kI-rX0-02754-00861070-00861262 and then you get this little pop-up menu odN92kI-rX0-02755-00861262-00861512 that tells details about the C-state. odN92kI-rX0-02756-00861512-00861895 In this specific case, what do we have here, odN92kI-rX0-02757-00861895-00862384 it says that we spend 2.5 milliseconds in end wait odN92kI-rX0-02758-00862384-00862540 before the interrupt happened, odN92kI-rX0-02759-00862540-00862911 and it took us 94 microseconds to wake up. odN92kI-rX0-02760-00862911-00863187 And then the Linux request, it says six, odN92kI-rX0-02761-00863187-00863437 but you know the C-state counters tells us odN92kI-rX0-02762-00863437-00863768 that we were around 1% in CC zero course E0, odN92kI-rX0-02763-00863768-00864081 like 13% in course E1 and so on. odN92kI-rX0-02764-00864347-00864609 We had 73% in PC6 that's, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-02765-00864929-00865170 So yeah, it's not it's not my goal to talk odN92kI-rX0-02766-00865170-00865644 about the results, it's just a quick example. odN92kI-rX0-02767-00865644-00866000 Okay, now let's talk about implementation details. odN92kI-rX0-02768-00866000-00866384 Now if you have like rotten tomatoes prepared, odN92kI-rX0-02769-00866384-00866787 don't throw it let me immediately, do hesitate. odN92kI-rX0-02770-00866787-00867066 It's how it's implemented, right, odN92kI-rX0-02771-00867066-00867467 it's not necessarily what we need to do in upstream, okay. odN92kI-rX0-02772-00867467-00867854 Okay, delayed interrupts, so on your question. odN92kI-rX0-02773-00867854-00868091 So today, in how we implemented it now, odN92kI-rX0-02774-00868091-00868545 we use the I210 network card to generate delayed interrupts. odN92kI-rX0-02775-00868648-00869127 So it's a Gigabit Ethernet card PCI Express device odN92kI-rX0-02776-00869127-00869367 that you can buy in many shops around the globe. odN92kI-rX0-02777-00869525-00869879 Now the nice thing about it, it has a built-in clock, odN92kI-rX0-02778-00869983-00870260 high precision clock that host can read, odN92kI-rX0-02779-00870260-00870475 and it also can generate an interrupt, odN92kI-rX0-02780-00870475-00870686 a delayed interrupt for you. odN92kI-rX0-02781-00870686-00870845 So basically what we do, we read the clock from the card, odN92kI-rX0-02782-00870933-00871079 add a delay, write it back, tell the card odN92kI-rX0-02783-00871079-00871227 generate interrupt at that point, odN92kI-rX0-02784-00871227-00871453 and then we can go in into end wait. odN92kI-rX0-02785-00871453-00871822 Now is this the only device that can do this? odN92kI-rX0-02786-00871822-00872118 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-02787-00872118-00872250 Yes, the question is, odN92kI-rX0-02788-00872250-00872489 do we affinitize the interrupt to CPU, yes. odN92kI-rX0-02789-00872489-00872670 So we select a CPU that we measure, odN92kI-rX0-02790-00872670-00872886 affinitize the interrupted to that CPU, that's right. odN92kI-rX0-02791-00872886-00873149 Now, yeah, it's not the only device odN92kI-rX0-02792-00873149-00873379 that can do this, is what we use. odN92kI-rX0-02793-00873379-00873712 I know other NICs can do this and there are odN92kI-rX0-02794-00873712-00873982 other types of devices that can do this. odN92kI-rX0-02795-00873982-00874245 For example, you can use display controller for that. odN92kI-rX0-02796-00874346-00874493 Okay, so now the question is, odN92kI-rX0-02797-00874493-00874650 why not using the timers, right, odN92kI-rX0-02798-00874650-00874893 they are a perfect source of delayed interrupt, odN92kI-rX0-02799-00874893-00875023 they're designed for that. odN92kI-rX0-02800-00875112-00875418 The answer is that on Intel platforms they are too perfect, odN92kI-rX0-02801-00875510-00875684 they are so perfect that they odN92kI-rX0-02802-00875684-00875924 make C-state latency invisible. odN92kI-rX0-02803-00875924-00876187 So the problem is that the P you need the microchip odN92kI-rX0-02804-00876187-00876687 inside this Intel chip or PMC, it is aware of timers. odN92kI-rX0-02805-00876728-00877062 So it will pre-wake the system, the core, odN92kI-rX0-02806-00877062-00877417 and hide this latency and make it odN92kI-rX0-02807-00877417-00877645 disappear or drop substantially. odN92kI-rX0-02808-00877645-00877995 So in Intel platforms, we need to use something external, odN92kI-rX0-02809-00877995-00878181 that's what why we use the network card. odN92kI-rX0-02810-00878181-00878364 But probably there are platforms out there odN92kI-rX0-02811-00878364-00878504 where timer's could be used. odN92kI-rX0-02812-00878720-00878911 So yeah, that's on delayed interrupts. odN92kI-rX0-02813-00878995-00879271 Now, high-level design, how we did it, odN92kI-rX0-02814-00879271-00879403 how we implemented this. odN92kI-rX0-02815-00879487-00879975 Okay so today we have two kernel components, odN92kI-rX0-02816-00879975-00880228 and I will be talking just about the kernel. odN92kI-rX0-02817-00880228-00880504 Everything I show is are kernel components. odN92kI-rX0-02818-00880504-00880798 So we have two models, we implement this as models. odN92kI-rX0-02819-00880798-00881109 One is called wult, one is called, the other is wult_igb. odN92kI-rX0-02820-00881212-00881574 So the main logic of measurement is implemented in wult. odN92kI-rX0-02821-00881686-00882004 And wult_igb is a simple driver odN92kI-rX0-02822-00882004-00882385 that knows how to talk to the network card, okay. odN92kI-rX0-02823-00882385-00882836 So wult implements in API and wult defines odN92kI-rX0-02824-00882969-00883120 the API wult_igb implements it. odN92kI-rX0-02825-00883120-00883287 So from wult point of view, wult_igb odN92kI-rX0-02826-00883287-00883489 is just a delayed interrupts provider. odN92kI-rX0-02827-00883489-00883736 It could be some other device, something else, odN92kI-rX0-02828-00883736-00883879 so it's a small layer of abstraction. odN92kI-rX0-02829-00884041-00884258 Now in Linux today, there is a standard driver odN92kI-rX0-02830-00884258-00884584 for these network cards, it's called igb, Intel gigabit. odN92kI-rX0-02831-00884823-00885323 So what we do, we unbind the NIC from this driver, odN92kI-rX0-02832-00885371-00885553 and then bind it to wult. odN92kI-rX0-02833-00885553-00885770 So igb doesn't own it anymore. odN92kI-rX0-02834-00885867-00886187 Wult_igb driver is very small comparing to igb. odN92kI-rX0-02835-00886187-00886653 All we do, reset the card, we do few instilization steps odN92kI-rX0-02836-00886653-00886896 and then it's ready to be used as delayed interrupt source. odN92kI-rX0-02837-00886896-00887229 We don't initialize the fi, we don't need to allocate rings odN92kI-rX0-02838-00887229-00887561 and deal with these descriptors, no complexity. odN92kI-rX0-02839-00887561-00887720 It's very tiny comparing to igb. odN92kI-rX0-02840-00887934-00888323 Okay, now one of the components in the wult driver odN92kI-rX0-02841-00888323-00888614 is what we call Armer kernel thread. odN92kI-rX0-02842-00888614-00888892 It's a kernel thread and the mission of this thread odN92kI-rX0-02843-00888892-00889169 is to continuously arm delayed interrupts. odN92kI-rX0-02844-00889169-00889414 So all it does, it will pick a delay odN92kI-rX0-02845-00889414-00889860 arm the interrupt, wait for it to happen, odN92kI-rX0-02846-00889860-00890108 and continue this again and again and again. odN92kI-rX0-02847-00890108-00890236 That's all it does. odN92kI-rX0-02848-00890337-00890617 Then we have a debugging, debug fs interface odN92kI-rX0-02849-00890617-00890815 for configuring this stuff, for example odN92kI-rX0-02850-00890815-00891043 you can enable disable measurements, odN92kI-rX0-02851-00891043-00891289 you have this delay min and max knobs odN92kI-rX0-02852-00891289-00891685 where you can set the interrupt delay range. odN92kI-rX0-02853-00891685-00892017 So the thread will pick a random number in this range odN92kI-rX0-02854-00892017-00892359 and arm the interrupt that far away. odN92kI-rX0-02855-00892554-00892668 Okay I'm just zooming the out components, odN92kI-rX0-02856-00892668-00892865 so just to recap what we have, odN92kI-rX0-02857-00892865-00893008 is the driver with a thread, odN92kI-rX0-02858-00893008-00893270 it arms interrupts and waits for them to happen, odN92kI-rX0-02859-00893270-00893442 otherwise the system is idle. odN92kI-rX0-02860-00893442-00893623 The mirrored CPU has plenty of time odN92kI-rX0-02861-00893623-00893892 to go to a C-state, so what happens, it will go odN92kI-rX0-02862-00893892-00894285 to in a C-state, the interrupt will wake it up. odN92kI-rX0-02863-00894285-00894507 Then it goes into a C-state again and we repeat this. odN92kI-rX0-02864-00894507-00894750 So now how do we actually measure the latency? odN92kI-rX0-02865-00894910-00895331 Okay, let's briefly talk about the current Intel idle flow. odN92kI-rX0-02866-00895331-00895685 So we have the idle task, we have the CPU idle subsystem. odN92kI-rX0-02867-00895685-00895994 So the subsystem will choose a C-state odN92kI-rX0-02868-00895994-00896362 and then will enter it by calling the inter call back. odN92kI-rX0-02869-00896362-00896634 This will go into the idle driver, odN92kI-rX0-02870-00896634-00897034 in our case it's Intel idle driver, and Intel idle driver odN92kI-rX0-02871-00897034-00897332 will ultimately call the end wait instruction. odN92kI-rX0-02872-00897332-00897583 So here I assume that the mirrored CPU odN92kI-rX0-02873-00897583-00897756 CPU is zero, but it can be anything else. odN92kI-rX0-02874-00897756-00898145 And yes, the delayed interrupts are affinities to the CPU. odN92kI-rX0-02875-00898296-00898631 Okay, so we have another component in wult, odN92kI-rX0-02876-00898631-00898774 we call it interposer. odN92kI-rX0-02877-00899053-00899253 So it basically puts itself right there. odN92kI-rX0-02878-00899541-00899631 Right there, just. odN92kI-rX0-02879-00899878-00900148 Now with interposer, the flow looks like this. odN92kI-rX0-02880-00900245-00900579 So CPU idle tries to call the idle driver odN92kI-rX0-02881-00900579-00900882 but it actually goes to the interposer odN92kI-rX0-02882-00900882-00901299 so we have chance to take some stuff like time before idle. odN92kI-rX0-02883-00901299-00901607 Then we go back to intel_idle, go to end wait. odN92kI-rX0-02884-00901607-00901775 From end wait we go to Intel idle odN92kI-rX0-02885-00901864-00902167 and back to interposer, we can measure stuff after idle, odN92kI-rX0-02886-00902167-00902346 and then it will return to CPU idle. odN92kI-rX0-02887-00902785-00902954 So now a few points here, important points, odN92kI-rX0-02888-00902954-00903358 one important point is that CPU idle disables interrupts odN92kI-rX0-02889-00903358-00903640 and preemption right before calling to idle driver. odN92kI-rX0-02890-00903640-00903908 So in interposer we have this disabled. odN92kI-rX0-02891-00904054-00904306 Other point is that in current implementation, odN92kI-rX0-02892-00904306-00904589 we don't modify CPU idle, we don't modify Intel idle. odN92kI-rX0-02893-00904589-00905058 What we do is we use Kiel sims to find the address odN92kI-rX0-02894-00905058-00905336 of the function and then we use F trace odN92kI-rX0-02895-00905336-00905637 to hook to it and interpose it. odN92kI-rX0-02896-00905637-00905845 So no need to modify these subsystems. odN92kI-rX0-02897-00906062-00906337 Okay, few words about what we do in interposer. odN92kI-rX0-02898-00906337-00906837 So basically when CPU idle calls enter, we take, odN92kI-rX0-02899-00906858-00907200 we can remember launch time, we take time before idle, odN92kI-rX0-02900-00907200-00907517 we take snapshots of C-state counters. odN92kI-rX0-02901-00907517-00907841 Then we go run until idle which goes to end weight. odN92kI-rX0-02902-00907841-00908185 We sleep, we wake up, we go back to interposer. odN92kI-rX0-02903-00908185-00908451 We take statistics after idle, odN92kI-rX0-02904-00908451-00908708 like time after idle, C-states counter after idle. odN92kI-rX0-02905-00908805-00908947 Linus? odN92kI-rX0-02906-00908947-00909030 - So why don't you just call end wait. odN92kI-rX0-02907-00909142-00909433 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-02908-00909536-00909775 There must be some reason obviously. odN92kI-rX0-02909-00909775-00910074 - Why don't we just call end wait our cells? odN92kI-rX0-02910-00910074-00910286 - Intel idle does a suggestion. odN92kI-rX0-02911-00910286-00910585 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-02912-00910585-00910790 - Yes but I mean, like you would to odN92kI-rX0-02913-00910790-00911177 iterate over all the suggestions, odN92kI-rX0-02914-00911177-00911677 and iterate over all the different distances, odN92kI-rX0-02915-00911720-00912206 time distances and get a scatter plot of that one, maybe. odN92kI-rX0-02916-00912206-00912363 - Yeah we could do something like this, odN92kI-rX0-02917-00912363-00912784 it's just, there is lots of knowledge odN92kI-rX0-02918-00912784-00913214 about C-states in end wait, oh sorry, in the intel idle. odN92kI-rX0-02919-00913214-00913573 We didn't want to duplicate it, odN92kI-rX0-02920-00913573-00913759 but that's a right point, we want to be as close odN92kI-rX0-02921-00913759-00913978 to this way as possible from both ends. odN92kI-rX0-02922-00913978-00914270 And right now we are we're a little bit further away. odN92kI-rX0-02923-00914449-00914621 I think it doesn't really matter. odN92kI-rX0-02924-00914621-00914783 So we are talking about like hundreds of odN92kI-rX0-02925-00914783-00915276 nano seconds versus microseconds here, but we could do this. odN92kI-rX0-02926-00915276-00915602 The other point is that, with this sort of architecture odN92kI-rX0-02927-00915602-00916085 we could actually also hook to ACPI idle. odN92kI-rX0-02928-00916085-00916359 But yeah, that's an option, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-02929-00916494-00916704 I don't know if this answers the question. odN92kI-rX0-02930-00916837-00917069 Yeah so the other thing we do, odN92kI-rX0-02931-00917069-00917209 I just wanted to mention is that odN92kI-rX0-02932-00917209-00917382 we try to check the wake reason. odN92kI-rX0-02933-00917382-00917586 So if we think we woke up because of something else odN92kI-rX0-02934-00917586-00917862 not our interrupt, we just ignore all this data. odN92kI-rX0-02935-00917862-00918057 But if we do think we woke up from interrupt, odN92kI-rX0-02936-00918057-00918261 we send the data to user-space odN92kI-rX0-02937-00918261-00918496 and how we do this, we use trace print K. odN92kI-rX0-02938-00918590-00919037 So that's where I hope rotten tomatoes don't fly at me. odN92kI-rX0-02939-00919037-00919374 I know that this is like not a way to go in upstream odN92kI-rX0-02940-00919374-00919631 but that was a quick shortcut. odN92kI-rX0-02941-00919631-00919861 So it ends up in the trace buffer, odN92kI-rX0-02942-00919861-00920210 so user-space picks it from the trace of S. odN92kI-rX0-02943-00920210-00920507 And yeah, that's basically the current design, odN92kI-rX0-02944-00920507-00920614 that's how it works. odN92kI-rX0-02945-00920879-00921281 So I have a list of challenges that I see. odN92kI-rX0-02946-00921419-00921649 I can go to them and unless someone odN92kI-rX0-02947-00921649-00922004 has comments or questions or suggestions. odN92kI-rX0-02948-00922276-00922768 Okay so again, now I need high-level feedback, odN92kI-rX0-02949-00922768-00922898 there are lots of details. odN92kI-rX0-02950-00923025-00923186 Let's see, on high level first, odN92kI-rX0-02951-00923186-00923441 kind of first thing is, where, odN92kI-rX0-02952-00923441-00923696 if we to upstream this stuff, where would it leave? odN92kI-rX0-02953-00923696-00924085 I drivers, idle wult, something like that. odN92kI-rX0-02954-00924217-00924514 That's what comes to mind. odN92kI-rX0-02955-00924514-00924721 Any other ideas? odN92kI-rX0-02956-00924819-00924998 - [Lynn] All those in favor, say aye. odN92kI-rX0-02957-00924998-00925213 - [Group] Aye. odN92kI-rX0-02958-00925213-00925330 (laughing) odN92kI-rX0-02959-00925330-00925569 - I mean, yeah, if no one comments odN92kI-rX0-02960-00925569-00925812 then probably it's this or we'll see. odN92kI-rX0-02961-00925965-00926208 Okay the other thing is the measurement data. odN92kI-rX0-02962-00926303-00926644 So what do we send now to upstream? odN92kI-rX0-02963-00926644-00926845 Well first of all we send the launch time, odN92kI-rX0-02964-00926845-00927091 the time before time are after idle, odN92kI-rX0-02965-00927091-00927534 then we calculate delta TSC, delta APERF MPERF, odN92kI-rX0-02966-00927534-00927789 and then we get statistics before and after idle odN92kI-rX0-02967-00927789-00928132 for C-states, and we send those, the deltas, to upstream. odN92kI-rX0-02968-00928132-00928487 So is basically ends up right now being in one CSV line, odN92kI-rX0-02969-00928582-00928871 comma separated line with of numbers. odN92kI-rX0-02970-00928871-00929175 And but the for a very first line will be CSV header odN92kI-rX0-02971-00929175-00929423 with a short name for those things. odN92kI-rX0-02972-00929423-00929631 So what are the issues here? odN92kI-rX0-02973-00929631-00929951 First of all, obviously is architecture dependent, right, odN92kI-rX0-02974-00929951-00930398 but more than that, it also depends odN92kI-rX0-02975-00930398-00930695 on which specific Intel platform we measure. odN92kI-rX0-02976-00930695-00931148 C-states are different on add amps, on Kleins, on Xeons. odN92kI-rX0-02977-00931332-00931751 Also, even MSR registers to read those C-states odN92kI-rX0-02978-00931751-00931936 are different on different platforms, odN92kI-rX0-02979-00932029-00932381 and we need to somehow read them. odN92kI-rX0-02980-00932381-00932633 So what we do today, we just read all the possible MSRs odN92kI-rX0-02981-00932633-00932845 for all the possible C-states we know odN92kI-rX0-02982-00932845-00933134 for all the Intel platforms, right, and send lots of data. odN92kI-rX0-02983-00933134-00933634 Now luckily, in most cases if we read C-state counter odN92kI-rX0-02984-00933676-00933867 for a C-state that doesn't exist on this platform, odN92kI-rX0-02985-00933867-00934096 we just zeros and we send zeros. odN92kI-rX0-02986-00934096-00934341 In other cases we have an exception odN92kI-rX0-02987-00934341-00934445 and then we just handle it, odN92kI-rX0-02988-00934445-00934585 we remember we had an exception, odN92kI-rX0-02989-00934585-00934886 never read again, and just always put zeros. odN92kI-rX0-02990-00934886-00935168 So the user-space recognizes that, odN92kI-rX0-02991-00935168-00935491 okay, for this C-state there are always zeros odN92kI-rX0-02992-00935491-00935645 then it either it doesn't exist odN92kI-rX0-02993-00935753-00935943 or it just disabled, then just ignore it. odN92kI-rX0-02994-00935943-00936103 That's how we do it but obviously odN92kI-rX0-02995-00936103-00936386 it's not like nice and cool. odN92kI-rX0-02996-00936386-00936777 Ideally we need to put knowledge to kernel odN92kI-rX0-02997-00936777-00937249 about hardware C-states on all the Intel platforms. odN92kI-rX0-02998-00937249-00937525 Now we have all this knowledge in the Turbostar tool, odN92kI-rX0-02999-00937525-00937825 which is part of the kernel tree but it's a user-space tool. odN92kI-rX0-03000-00937945-00938174 It's there, so it would be cool odN92kI-rX0-03001-00938174-00938504 to have this knowledge inside the kernel instead. odN92kI-rX0-03002-00938504-00938804 Now, so Lynn Brown is here, I talked to him, odN92kI-rX0-03003-00938804-00939084 he says that he would also like to have this too odN92kI-rX0-03004-00939084-00939366 in Turbostat because it's a problem for turbostat. odN92kI-rX0-03005-00939366-00939564 Now Turbostat uses, they have MSR odN92kI-rX0-03006-00939564-00939803 and it reads these counters like one after another odN92kI-rX0-03007-00939803-00940034 so there is a big time gap between them. odN92kI-rX0-03008-00940034-00940401 Also the security people don't like dev MSR, they want odN92kI-rX0-03009-00940401-00940729 to disable it, so Turbostat would also benefit from this. odN92kI-rX0-03010-00940729-00941070 So probably we need something, some sort of function odN92kI-rX0-03011-00941070-00941277 that would disable interrupts preemption odN92kI-rX0-03012-00941277-00941531 and read all those counters, it would know odN92kI-rX0-03013-00941531-00941818 all those counters for this platform, read them it odN92kI-rX0-03014-00941818-00942284 in one go and then kernel consumers odN92kI-rX0-03015-00942284-00942720 could run this function and somehow we could use, odN92kI-rX0-03016-00942720-00943073 we could send it to user-space if Turbostat wants it. odN92kI-rX0-03017-00943073-00943520 - What exactly do you mean by more C-state in the kernel? odN92kI-rX0-03018-00943620-00943979 - Ah okay, so yeah when I say C-state syllable confusion odN92kI-rX0-03019-00943979-00944245 there are, so I like to, this terminology, odN92kI-rX0-03020-00944245-00944532 there are requested C-states, that's those, odN92kI-rX0-03021-00944532-00944819 those that see that Linux can request, odN92kI-rX0-03022-00944819-00945153 like arguments of the mwait instruction, right, odN92kI-rX0-03023-00945153-00945426 but under the hood in the hardware, odN92kI-rX0-03024-00945426-00945627 there are more C-states than this. odN92kI-rX0-03025-00945627-00945875 I call them hardware C-states. odN92kI-rX0-03026-00945875-00946195 So now Linux is aware of those requested C-states odN92kI-rX0-03027-00946195-00946589 but Linux kernel is not aware of the hardware C-states. odN92kI-rX0-03028-00946589-00946970 - Oh I see, so you are pretty much talking about, odN92kI-rX0-03029-00946970-00947231 about the residency counters. odN92kI-rX0-03030-00947231-00947314 - Exactly, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-03031-00947314-00947469 - Yeah, okay. odN92kI-rX0-03032-00947469-00947751 - So all this knowledge is in Turbostat today. odN92kI-rX0-03033-00947931-00948383 Yeah so, any ideas, suggestions odN92kI-rX0-03034-00948383-00948607 how to do this sort of stuff? odN92kI-rX0-03035-00948701-00949059 - I guess maybe it's a question too, odN92kI-rX0-03036-00949059-00949423 why the hardware C-states are not in the kernel yet? odN92kI-rX0-03037-00949596-00949776 - [Moderator] You mean residency counters? odN92kI-rX0-03038-00949990-00950073 - Or to Lynn. odN92kI-rX0-03039-00950271-00950766 - So yeah, so I've shown a couple people this patch odN92kI-rX0-03040-00950766-00950961 but what we're thinking of doing odN92kI-rX0-03041-00950961-00951179 is moving the counters into perf odN92kI-rX0-03042-00951179-00951485 where they'll be explicitly advertised by name, odN92kI-rX0-03043-00951485-00951760 and so that a tool could look at them by name. odN92kI-rX0-03044-00951760-00951984 What Artem wants them, I want them in user-space, odN92kI-rX0-03045-00951984-00952198 he wants them in the kernel space. odN92kI-rX0-03046-00952198-00952404 So right now we're using just an offset odN92kI-rX0-03047-00952404-00952667 that we know from the data book into dev MSR odN92kI-rX0-03048-00952667-00953025 and that's convenient but it has downsides, odN92kI-rX0-03049-00953025-00953302 multiple system calls is one of them. odN92kI-rX0-03050-00953302-00953445 So we want to be able to, we have to update perf odN92kI-rX0-03051-00953445-00953667 to do this because you can't read odN92kI-rX0-03052-00953667-00953824 multiple counters in one system call now. odN92kI-rX0-03053-00953908-00954158 And we want to be able to name them with a vector. odN92kI-rX0-03054-00954282-00954591 So that's I think the solution of that problem. odN92kI-rX0-03055-00954591-00954992 - So maybe, to circle back on the question, odN92kI-rX0-03056-00954992-00955439 the kernel cannot request for those specific states then, odN92kI-rX0-03057-00955439-00955602 so that's why it doesn't make sense to have it. odN92kI-rX0-03058-00955602-00955836 - [Lynn] And it just doesn't know. odN92kI-rX0-03059-00955836-00955919 (speaking faintly) odN92kI-rX0-03060-00955919-00956419 - So I think it hasn't been needed in the kernel so far, odN92kI-rX0-03061-00956469-00956649 okay, so that's why it's not there. odN92kI-rX0-03062-00956778-00956970 - So I have a different question odN92kI-rX0-03063-00956970-00957139 from an architectural point of view, odN92kI-rX0-03064-00957271-00957429 I say this with no love for BPF odN92kI-rX0-03065-00957651-00957734 but this seems actually like quite a natural thing odN92kI-rX0-03066-00957734-00957999 to try and solve with BPF because we could have odN92kI-rX0-03067-00957999-00958241 arch dependent compilation with the right MSRs. odN92kI-rX0-03068-00958346-00958529 You can do a much better export path odN92kI-rX0-03069-00958529-00958807 relative versus trace print K. odN92kI-rX0-03070-00958807-00959124 You could, there is BPF and puff interaction. odN92kI-rX0-03071-00959304-00959487 It seems to solve a lot of problems. odN92kI-rX0-03072-00959487-00959661 Has it been considered? odN92kI-rX0-03073-00959661-00959789 - [Lynn] Can we access the read MSR? odN92kI-rX0-03074-00959789-00960009 - You would have to extend the BPF program odN92kI-rX0-03075-00960009-00960256 to give you the access to do that, right. odN92kI-rX0-03076-00960256-00960498 There are a few things you could do that. odN92kI-rX0-03077-00960498-00960592 You could either have it be something odN92kI-rX0-03078-00960712-00960874 that side loads from like, odN92kI-rX0-03079-00960874-00961037 I'm not saying it works out the box, odN92kI-rX0-03080-00961037-00961277 I'm just saying whether you extended odN92kI-rX0-03081-00961277-00961578 the BPF instruction set or you have side load odN92kI-rX0-03082-00961578-00962004 prior to the BPF program in CPU idle, right, odN92kI-rX0-03083-00962004-00962175 both of those things would work. odN92kI-rX0-03084-00962175-00962360 But both of those things seem much simpler odN92kI-rX0-03085-00962360-00962678 than what's been outlined with respect to odN92kI-rX0-03086-00962678-00962979 both the arc concerns and getting data in and out odN92kI-rX0-03087-00962979-00963135 and doing some of the analysis. odN92kI-rX0-03088-00963527-00963695 So that's a kind of a general question. odN92kI-rX0-03089-00963695-00963946 - [Lynn] Yeah no, we hadn't thought of that, thanks. odN92kI-rX0-03090-00963946-00964217 - Yeah thanks, that's interesting suggestion. odN92kI-rX0-03091-00964720-00965178 Okay another thing set of challenges odN92kI-rX0-03092-00965178-00965346 are user-space interfaces. odN92kI-rX0-03093-00965454-00965654 Let's see, so first of all, debugfs odN92kI-rX0-03094-00965654-00966062 I feel like for upstream we, if we were in upstream odN92kI-rX0-03095-00966062-00966436 it would need to be cisFS rather than the bugfs odN92kI-rX0-03096-00966436-00966583 and I would imagine it would be odN92kI-rX0-03097-00966583-00966745 something like sys class wult odN92kI-rX0-03098-00966840-00967137 or any suggestions here or? odN92kI-rX0-03099-00967241-00967496 - [Attendant] But if you, yeah, if you go BPF. odN92kI-rX0-03100-00967496-00967801 - Yeah, if we go BPF, if I guess. odN92kI-rX0-03101-00967801-00968119 Okay, so for, so these are more like odN92kI-rX0-03102-00968119-00968279 configure the measurement themselves, odN92kI-rX0-03103-00968279-00968451 like what are those delays. odN92kI-rX0-03104-00968451-00968662 Oh they would be in the BPF program, you mean. odN92kI-rX0-03105-00968662-00968987 - [Attendant] Right, it would simplify things. odN92kI-rX0-03106-00969244-00969443 - Yeah but also we would need enough odN92kI-rX0-03107-00969443-00969601 to just switch it on and off. odN92kI-rX0-03108-00969695-00969811 - [Attendant] Load and unload. odN92kI-rX0-03109-00969900-00970400 - Okay but if it's not BPF then something like this odN92kI-rX0-03110-00970665-00970824 would probably make sense to start with. odN92kI-rX0-03111-00971039-00971229 - [Attendant] So just trying BPF. odN92kI-rX0-03112-00971229-00971585 - Yeah yeah, I understand but let's assume we tried odN92kI-rX0-03113-00971585-00971854 and something didn't work, let's just assume. odN92kI-rX0-03114-00971854-00972137 - [Attendant] Then you get worried. odN92kI-rX0-03115-00972137-00972378 - I would make the meta suggestion odN92kI-rX0-03116-00972378-00972523 building on the meta suggestion, odN92kI-rX0-03117-00972523-00972745 that if you tried BPF and it didn't work, odN92kI-rX0-03118-00972745-00972984 what didn't work in BPF might give you guidance odN92kI-rX0-03119-00972984-00973260 as to what this interface should look like. odN92kI-rX0-03120-00973260-00973503 - Right. odN92kI-rX0-03121-00973503-00973867 - So in BPF, how would it look like? odN92kI-rX0-03122-00973867-00974269 Is it like I write a program in some, odN92kI-rX0-03123-00974269-00974579 I don't know much about, in some like language, odN92kI-rX0-03124-00974579-00974786 special language and then I put it to the kernel odN92kI-rX0-03125-00974786-00975118 and it's compiled and kernel execute it. odN92kI-rX0-03126-00975118-00975353 - It compiles to native code. odN92kI-rX0-03127-00975949-00976090 It compiles to native code but obviously you have some odN92kI-rX0-03128-00976090-00976459 specific like read MSR dependency for your arch bits here. odN92kI-rX0-03129-00976459-00976669 So it would be a combination of that odN92kI-rX0-03130-00976669-00976929 plus either some extension to your program odN92kI-rX0-03131-00976929-00977114 to allow it to make those reads, odN92kI-rX0-03132-00977114-00977332 or an extension to read and hand it off odN92kI-rX0-03133-00977332-00977554 to the BPF program if it's activated. odN92kI-rX0-03134-00977554-00977895 But both of those, I'm not suggesting odN92kI-rX0-03135-00977895-00978036 either of those is the answer, I'm saying odN92kI-rX0-03136-00978036-00978477 those with two possibilities, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-03137-00978677-00979177 - Okay, then yeah, this slide was odN92kI-rX0-03138-00979231-00979684 about trace print K and my thinking about this. odN92kI-rX0-03139-00979684-00980054 Yeah so I, what I want to, my vision here is that odN92kI-rX0-03140-00980054-00980292 first of all the, by nature this data odN92kI-rX0-03141-00980292-00980542 that we sent to upstream kind of belongs to tracing, odN92kI-rX0-03142-00980542-00980931 it just feels like tracing is right, is the right fit. odN92kI-rX0-03143-00981058-00981270 Now of course we shouldn't use trace print K. odN92kI-rX0-03144-00981270-00981738 So I was thinking that if we, odN92kI-rX0-03145-00981829-00982329 if we can use F trace anyway, so we can, odN92kI-rX0-03146-00982445-00982825 CPU idle in CPU idle, when we call the enter function, odN92kI-rX0-03147-00982825-00983170 we already have a pair of trace events, odN92kI-rX0-03148-00983170-00983486 trace points around the enter invocation. odN92kI-rX0-03149-00983486-00983791 So if we could hook to them so we can odN92kI-rX0-03150-00983791-00984181 take measurements before in idle and after idle, that's one. odN92kI-rX0-03151-00984181-00984476 And then if we could create a dynamically from the model, odN92kI-rX0-03152-00984476-00984869 created a trace point, trace event that we can trigger, odN92kI-rX0-03153-00984869-00985135 right, because the problem now is that odN92kI-rX0-03154-00985135-00985275 trace points are, they are kind of static. odN92kI-rX0-03155-00985275-00985474 You need to define the arguments odN92kI-rX0-03156-00985474-00985731 in advance and like in compile time. odN92kI-rX0-03157-00985731-00985940 In this case if we don't know in advance odN92kI-rX0-03158-00985940-00986221 what are our C-states, what going to be our arguments, odN92kI-rX0-03159-00986221-00986541 we need to create a trace point, odN92kI-rX0-03160-00986541-00986821 trace event on the fly, right, odN92kI-rX0-03161-00986821-00987082 and like dynamically from within the model. odN92kI-rX0-03162-00987082-00987502 So if we had a way to dynamically create trace points. odN92kI-rX0-03163-00987502-00987875 Okay Steven taught us yesterday the trace points odN92kI-rX0-03164-00987875-00988001 and trace events are different things, odN92kI-rX0-03165-00988001-00988309 that's why I kind of get confusing, but yeah. odN92kI-rX0-03166-00988309-00988596 So if we could dynamically define a trace event odN92kI-rX0-03167-00988596-00988861 from within the model, that would help us. odN92kI-rX0-03168-00988861-00988990 We could take the measurement, odN92kI-rX0-03169-00988990-00989354 trigger this trace event, it goes to the F trace odN92kI-rX0-03170-00989354-00989570 and then perf can also consume it. odN92kI-rX0-03171-00989570-00989829 I have patches in my mailbox from Thomson Lucy. odN92kI-rX0-03172-00989829-00990032 I'm not sure if he sent them upstream or not odN92kI-rX0-03173-00990032-00990281 but these patches implement exactly that odN92kI-rX0-03174-00990281-00990616 you can create a trace event from within the model odN92kI-rX0-03175-00990616-00991012 by calling several functions within the kernel. odN92kI-rX0-03176-00991012-00991350 So that looks very promising, I didn't try them. odN92kI-rX0-03177-00991350-00991495 So yeah that's my thinking. odN92kI-rX0-03178-00991495-00991749 Any suggestions, comments here? odN92kI-rX0-03179-00992321-00992766 - So with BPF you can hook up to existing trace points odN92kI-rX0-03180-00992766-00993101 or you can use new trace points by, odN92kI-rX0-03181-00993263-00993563 you could add trace points for that odN92kI-rX0-03182-00993563-00993993 and hook up to them from the BPF program, odN92kI-rX0-03183-00993993-00994349 and then you can define what information odN92kI-rX0-03184-00994349-00994618 you will export from that. odN92kI-rX0-03185-00994618-00994939 - Yeah right, so there, we have two tasks, right. odN92kI-rX0-03186-00994939-00995211 One is to hook to before an after idle, odN92kI-rX0-03187-00995211-00995329 that's task number one. odN92kI-rX0-03188-00995329-00995492 So we have those trace points. odN92kI-rX0-03189-00995492-00995736 - Yeah, so you just add trace points as you, odN92kI-rX0-03190-00995736-00996008 defined as places to hook up to. odN92kI-rX0-03191-00996008-00996475 - Right, and now we hook up, we collect data, odN92kI-rX0-03192-00996475-00996662 now we have something to deliver to user-space. odN92kI-rX0-03193-00996662-00996960 How do we deliver through which interface? odN92kI-rX0-03194-00996960-00997152 So my thinking was to deliver, odN92kI-rX0-03195-00997152-00997592 we dynamically create another trace event, odN92kI-rX0-03196-00997592-00997856 let's call it wult trace event, sorry. odN92kI-rX0-03197-00997964-00998048 - [Moderator] Well so I don't really odN92kI-rX0-03198-00998048-00998208 have an answer ready for that, odN92kI-rX0-03199-00998208-00998440 so we, let's just talk about it later. odN92kI-rX0-03200-00998440-00998940 - For the eBPF, it can hook to the trace point odN92kI-rX0-03201-00998961-00999407 like the idle entry or idle exit. odN92kI-rX0-03202-00999519-00999902 This had been existed in the coder side. odN92kI-rX0-03203-00999902-01000120 - Right right, I hooked, I have this hooked. odN92kI-rX0-03204-01000120-01000415 I run my interposer it before and after, fine. odN92kI-rX0-03205-01000415-01000573 I have data now. odN92kI-rX0-03206-01000573-01000830 How do I deliver this data to user-space? odN92kI-rX0-03207-01000830-01001050 - The eBPF where they have the map odN92kI-rX0-03208-01001050-01001348 so they can communicate the data from the color side odN92kI-rX0-03209-01001348-01001619 to the user side, so you can. odN92kI-rX0-03210-01001619-01001862 But for the eBPF, I follow up one question odN92kI-rX0-03211-01002033-01002256 that difficult to see in that, odN92kI-rX0-03212-01002256-01002756 how you can create the map or to create eBPF program odN92kI-rX0-03213-01002976-01003196 based on the different the CPU topology odN92kI-rX0-03214-01003196-01003577 and the CPU idle states. odN92kI-rX0-03215-01003577-01004040 So before that I write to the program odN92kI-rX0-03216-01004040-01004160 like a hot code to that. odN92kI-rX0-03217-01004252-01004508 I'm going to show how how to do that. odN92kI-rX0-03218-01004508-01004986 I just to bring up maybe you need to resolve this. odN92kI-rX0-03219-01005204-01005288 So you if you have that odN92kI-rX0-03220-01005288-01005562 and you need to know the CPUs, odN92kI-rX0-03221-01005562-01006039 how many CPU numbers and know what's the CPU idle states, odN92kI-rX0-03222-01006168-01006428 then you need to create the eBPF of the program. odN92kI-rX0-03223-01006744-01006929 This me might be issue. odN92kI-rX0-03224-01006929-01007129 - Okay, so basically what I hear is that odN92kI-rX0-03225-01007234-01007600 BPF has mechanisms, so you go figure out odN92kI-rX0-03226-01007600-01007837 how to do it through BPF, okay. odN92kI-rX0-03227-01007837-01007965 (faintly speaking) odN92kI-rX0-03228-01007965-01008060 - Right, okay. odN92kI-rX0-03229-01008312-01008529 - [Basdom] You said you want to hook odN92kI-rX0-03230-01008643-01008762 before and after something, right? odN92kI-rX0-03231-01008762-01008846 - [Artem] Yeah. odN92kI-rX0-03232-01008951-01009133 - I am not sure I understand that part odN92kI-rX0-03233-01009133-01009492 cause this event that you have is something that odN92kI-rX0-03234-01009492-01009850 after you woke up from an idle residency odN92kI-rX0-03235-01009850-01010092 you have a number which is the exit latency, right? odN92kI-rX0-03236-01010092-01010175 - Yes. odN92kI-rX0-03237-01010175-01010425 - So why do you want to hook up before and after? odN92kI-rX0-03238-01010425-01010779 I mean you have the number, you just want to be after. odN92kI-rX0-03239-01010779-01010896 - [Artem] Yes. odN92kI-rX0-03240-01010896-01011140 - Like when you're after the residency completed odN92kI-rX0-03241-01011140-01011458 then you have a number which is the exit latency. odN92kI-rX0-03242-01011458-01011609 - [Artem] Exactly, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-03243-01011609-01011761 - But I understand this being before and after something, odN92kI-rX0-03244-01011761-01012029 like if you want to compute a difference, you have odN92kI-rX0-03245-01012029-01012324 the difference, it's the knick who is computing that. odN92kI-rX0-03246-01012324-01012607 So there's no before and after anything, just after. odN92kI-rX0-03247-01012607-01013045 - So if for every data point, we need only a single number odN92kI-rX0-03248-01013045-01013293 and this is the latency, that that's enough. odN92kI-rX0-03249-01013293-01013562 Now we need more data than that. odN92kI-rX0-03250-01013562-01013734 We need several other things. odN92kI-rX0-03251-01013734-01014093 First of all is the C-state residency. odN92kI-rX0-03252-01014093-01014470 So in x86 we have counters, that just count odN92kI-rX0-03253-01014470-01014744 amount of cycles you spent in this C-state. odN92kI-rX0-03254-01014744-01014957 I'm talking about hardware C-states now. odN92kI-rX0-03255-01014957-01015149 In these hardware C-states, like let's say odN92kI-rX0-03256-01015149-01015507 core C1 core C6 package C2 package C6, odN92kI-rX0-03257-01015507-01015676 these are absolute numbers. odN92kI-rX0-03258-01015676-01015953 So we need to take snapshot of them before idle, odN92kI-rX0-03259-01015953-01016275 before M wait and after M wait, and then have the delta. odN92kI-rX0-03260-01016374-01016689 Then we know that out of 100%, odN92kI-rX0-03261-01016689-01016941 how much we spent in this and that and that odN92kI-rX0-03262-01016941-01017098 because that is very helpful when odN92kI-rX0-03263-01017098-01017270 you actually start analyzing the data odN92kI-rX0-03264-01017270-01017558 and figuring out why it goes down here always odN92kI-rX0-03265-01017558-01017917 because you don't have package C6 here. odN92kI-rX0-03266-01017917-01018087 And there are there are so many things odN92kI-rX0-03267-01018247-01018452 actually you can learn from that, that's why. odN92kI-rX0-03268-01018452-01018552 - I have a question. odN92kI-rX0-03269-01018748-01018912 So when you imagine the new latency, odN92kI-rX0-03270-01018912-01019210 how do you change the system to use a new number? odN92kI-rX0-03271-01019477-01019773 - Okay, so right now we didn't change anything. odN92kI-rX0-03272-01019773-01020083 So I didn't even finish open source in this tool odN92kI-rX0-03273-01020083-01020244 so it's too early to say but odN92kI-rX0-03274-01020485-01020765 yeah that's a good for one forward-looking question. odN92kI-rX0-03275-01020765-01021088 I don't know if I have good answers right now. odN92kI-rX0-03276-01021088-01021439 But I would imagine that others could also try this odN92kI-rX0-03277-01021439-01021858 and we could figure it out, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-03278-01022193-01022537 - So we have like two minutes to go and then odN92kI-rX0-03279-01022537-01022779 the session recording is going to stop at that point. odN92kI-rX0-03280-01022779-01023154 So if you want your question recorded, ask it now odN92kI-rX0-03281-01023256-01023756 and then yeah, there is, give the mic to them. odN92kI-rX0-03282-01024137-01024344 - Yeah it's something related. odN92kI-rX0-03283-01024344-01024758 So you mentioned there's a pre wake up CPU timers odN92kI-rX0-03284-01024856-01025154 and I'm not sure if manual governor has already been fixed odN92kI-rX0-03285-01025260-01025592 because there's a lot, there's a few heuristics odN92kI-rX0-03286-01025592-01026016 based on the timer so they can decide to inter C6 or not. odN92kI-rX0-03287-01026184-01026427 So if you have this feature, you can just odN92kI-rX0-03288-01026514-01026654 for any platform supporting this feature, odN92kI-rX0-03289-01026654-01026974 we need to turn off this in the menu governor. odN92kI-rX0-03290-01026974-01027194 - Yeah I don't think they are related. odN92kI-rX0-03291-01027194-01027458 So menu governor, when you select the C-state to enter, odN92kI-rX0-03292-01027458-01027820 right, it's a different thing, odN92kI-rX0-03293-01027820-01027937 it's not see state latency. odN92kI-rX0-03294-01027937-01028037 It's the break even. odN92kI-rX0-03295-01028037-01028203 - It's not orse thing but it's something odN92kI-rX0-03296-01028203-01028446 you might need to be fixed in menu governor odN92kI-rX0-03297-01028446-01028629 because you have this feature. odN92kI-rX0-03298-01028629-01028876 - No, I don't think they are related. odN92kI-rX0-03299-01028876-01029053 In menu governor when you select the C-state odN92kI-rX0-03300-01029053-01029286 and you know you have to be in this C-state odN92kI-rX0-03301-01029286-01029629 at least let's say 200 microseconds odN92kI-rX0-03302-01029629-01029871 for it to make sense to save any power odN92kI-rX0-03303-01029871-01030335 and you know the next interrupt is 100 microseconds away, odN92kI-rX0-03304-01030335-01030544 doesn't make sense to request these deep C-state, odN92kI-rX0-03305-01030544-01030674 you request more shallow. odN92kI-rX0-03306-01030674-01030849 So it's about power break even, odN92kI-rX0-03307-01030849-01031066 it's not about C-state exit latency. odN92kI-rX0-03308-01031066-01031228 Although, okay. odN92kI-rX0-03309-01031228-01031532 - It's all based on the estimation of future recaps odN92kI-rX0-03310-01031532-01031848 but one of the input of how long it's going to odN92kI-rX0-03311-01031848-01032098 wake up is actual timer expiration. odN92kI-rX0-03312-01032098-01032365 So actually with only that, if you have already have. odN92kI-rX0-03313-01032598-01032810 - Okay yeah, we don't have time I think odN92kI-rX0-03314-01032905-01033206 but I suggest to talk about this to Rafael. odN92kI-rX0-03315-01033206-01033370 He knows everything about that. odN92kI-rX0-03316-01033454-01033687 Yeah but my personal opinion, these are not, odN92kI-rX0-03317-01033687-01033867 these are kind of orthogonal things. odN92kI-rX0-03318-01033867-01034127 - So the short answer is, this is a different timer. odN92kI-rX0-03319-01034429-01034662 This is a different timer, it's not the timer he's using. odN92kI-rX0-03320-01034662-01034826 It's a different timer. odN92kI-rX0-03321-01034826-01034954 - [Attendant] Yeah I'm not talking about different, odN92kI-rX0-03322-01034954-01035402 maybe computated, totally independent now his work odN92kI-rX0-03323-01035402-01035673 but something like somewhat related. odN92kI-rX0-03324-01035673-01035912 - Okay, let's talk about that later. odN92kI-rX0-03325-01035912-01036237 Now we need to finish the session at this point. odN92kI-rX0-03326-01036393-01036517 Of course we can continue the discussion. odN92kI-rX0-03327-01036517-01036849 We have the room for the rest of the evening today. odN92kI-rX0-03328-01036849-01037144 But the recording as I said is going to finish odN92kI-rX0-03329-01037144-01037450 pretty much right now, so thanks a lot everybody for. odN92kI-rX0-03330-01037450-01037641 - [Lynn] Everything else is off the record. odN92kI-rX0-03331-01037641-01037909 - Everything else is off the, record, yeah. odN92kI-rX0-03332-01037909-01038126 (laughing) odN92kI-rX0-03333-01038126-01038309 So yeah, so thanks a lot for participating odN92kI-rX0-03334-01038309-01038464 and thanks a lot to the-- ofgd2kYPNLE-00000-00000000-00000498 The Alaskan Malamute is a large breed of dog that is highly prized for its strength, ofgd2kYPNLE-00001-00000498-00001068 endurance, and loyalty. Originally bred by the Inuit people of Alaska to pull sleds and hunt, ofgd2kYPNLE-00002-00001068-00001530 the Alaskan Malamute is now a popular family pet and working dog around the world. ofgd2kYPNLE-00003-00001530-00002076 The Alaskan Malamute is a strikingly beautiful dog, with a thick double coat that is designed ofgd2kYPNLE-00004-00002076-00002580 to keep it warm in even the harshest Arctic conditions. The coat is typically a combination of ofgd2kYPNLE-00005-00002580-00003174 white and gray, with some dogs having black or red markings. The Malamute's ears are small and erect, ofgd2kYPNLE-00006-00003174-00003600 and its tail is carried over its back. One of the most distinctive features of ofgd2kYPNLE-00007-00003600-00004206 the Alaskan Malamute is its size. Adult males can weigh up to 85 pounds and stand as tall as ofgd2kYPNLE-00008-00004206-00004788 25 inches at the shoulder, while females are slightly smaller at 75 pounds and 23 ofgd2kYPNLE-00009-00004788-00005358 inches tall. Despite their large size, Alaskan Malamutes are known for their gentle and friendly ofgd2kYPNLE-00010-00005358-00005856 temperament, making them great family pets. While Alaskan Malamutes make great companions, ofgd2kYPNLE-00011-00005856-00006431 they are also highly valued as working dogs. The breed is still used for sled racing and ofgd2kYPNLE-00012-00006431-00006894 other types of work in cold weather environments, and they are known for their exceptional strength ofgd2kYPNLE-00013-00006894-00007409 and endurance. Alaskan Malamutes are also used for search and rescue, therapy work, ofgd2kYPNLE-00014-00007409-00007956 and as service dogs for people with disabilities. Because of their intelligence and energy levels, ofgd2kYPNLE-00015-00007956-00008478 Alaskan Malamutes require a lot of exercise and stimulation. They are not recommended ofgd2kYPNLE-00016-00008478-00008922 for people who live in small apartments or who are not able to provide them with plenty ofgd2kYPNLE-00017-00008922-00009462 of exercise and mental stimulation. Alaskan Malamutes thrive on activities like hiking, ofgd2kYPNLE-00018-00009462-00009972 running, and other outdoor adventures, and they love to play and interact with their owners. ofgd2kYPNLE-00019-00009972-00010446 When it comes to training, Alaskan Malamutes can be challenging for inexperienced dog ofgd2kYPNLE-00020-00010446-00010926 owners. They are intelligent and independent, which can make them stubborn and difficult to ofgd2kYPNLE-00021-00010926-00011472 train. It's important to establish clear rules and boundaries early on, and to use positive ofgd2kYPNLE-00022-00011472-00011958 reinforcement methods to encourage good behavior. One thing to keep in mind when considering an ofgd2kYPNLE-00023-00011958-00012324 Alaskan Malamute as a pet is that they can be prone to certain health ofgd2kYPNLE-00024-00012324-00012816 issues. Like all large breeds, Alaskan Malamutes are at risk for hip dysplasia, ofgd2kYPNLE-00025-00012816-00013380 a genetic condition that affects the joints and can lead to arthritis and other problems. They are ofgd2kYPNLE-00026-00013380-00013860 also at risk for certain eye conditions, such as cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy. ofgd2kYPNLE-00027-00013860-00014418 Overall, the Alaskan Malamute is a loyal, intelligent, and powerful breed that makes ofgd2kYPNLE-00028-00014418-00014808 a great companion for the right owner. They are happiest when they have a job to do, ofgd2kYPNLE-00029-00014808-00015282 whether that's pulling a sled or going on a long hike, and they thrive on love and ofgd2kYPNLE-00030-00015282-00015810 attention from their owners. If you're looking for a friendly, energetic, and loyal dog that can ofgd2kYPNLE-00031-00015810-00016278 keep up with your active lifestyle, the Alaskan Malamute might be the perfect breed for you. ok-HZVtppmU-00000-00001628-00002316 Welcome, Welcome! I'm so excited! This is such a special occasion ok-HZVtppmU-00001-00002480-00003215 The producers are very pleased, the show has been a great success! ok-HZVtppmU-00002-00003620-00004312 And we've been getting a lot of mail from you saying "You, Rantala, are the best!" ok-HZVtppmU-00003-00004552-00004984 So the suits asked me "Rantala, would you like to create your own episode?" ok-HZVtppmU-00004-00005084-00005616 So I told them "Hmmm... OF COURSE!" So this time, I'm calling the shots! ok-HZVtppmU-00005-00005748-00006156 So to start things off, we are going to a sex club! I'm gonna do some fucking ok-HZVtppmU-00006-00007152-00007523 -How are you? -I'm fine ok-HZVtppmU-00007-00007608-00008059 -Nice propeller -It goes round and round ok-HZVtppmU-00008-00008164-00008724 -Are you blushing? -No, I've been here many times ok-HZVtppmU-00009-00012780-00013132 Get out fucker! ok-HZVtppmU-00010-00013291-00013772 -Up yours scumbag! -It's on now motherfucker ok-HZVtppmU-00011-00016136-00016508 -My sister can hit better than that! -You asked for it ok-HZVtppmU-00012-00018144-00018776 That didn't work out too well but that's ok. I'm gonna fuck somewhere's else! ok-HZVtppmU-00013-00019652-00020480 We have no more money to go to sexclubs. So I'll just go fuck The Party Boys! ok-HZVtppmU-00014-00026995-00027392 -You guys wanna hear a joke? -Yeah sure ok-HZVtppmU-00015-00027456-00028008 A man was walking in the woods when he saw a sign "Beware of flying cocks" ok-HZVtppmU-00016-00028227-00028564 -That was a good one -Yeah just wait a second ok-HZVtppmU-00017-00028612-00029164 -So the guy starts laughing "HahahGuarggh!" -Hehehe, that was pretty good ok-HZVtppmU-00018-00029232-00029700 -I thought that was silly -Yeah it sucked. I can top that, check it ok-HZVtppmU-00019-00029880-00030327 A guy walked in to the woods and saw a sign "Beware of flying cocks" ok-HZVtppmU-00020-00030444-00031227 And another sign, "Beware of shitty fucking assholes flying around" ok-HZVtppmU-00021-00031395-00032180 So then the cock flew into the asshole! So there was a cock in the ass! ok-HZVtppmU-00022-00032320-00033140 Well? Go ahead and laugh. I told you a funny joke. Laugh motherfuckers! ok-HZVtppmU-00023-00033484-00033936 You guys suck ass. You just don't get good humour. Rantala would have laughed ok-HZVtppmU-00024-00034108-00034696 -You're right. We're nothing compared to him -He is stone groove, my man ok-HZVtppmU-00025-00034764-00035260 -And he is so smart too -And above all: such a great stud! ok-HZVtppmU-00026-00035760-00036476 -Where do you think that lovely hunk is? -I don't know, I'm starting to miss him ok-HZVtppmU-00027-00036712-00037540 -What if he's lying in the gutter? -Shut up Alpo! That can't happen ok-HZVtppmU-00028-00037632-00038048 -If he doesn't come soon, I'm going to end it all ok-HZVtppmU-00029-00038944-00039300 I want to open! ok-HZVtppmU-00030-00041448-00042028 -You with the dope again -We don't want weed, we just want Rantala ok-HZVtppmU-00031-00042156-00042716 -There is no high like Rantala! -Damn straight! ok-HZVtppmU-00032-00042812-00043368 -You miss him too Janitor, don't you? -Don't worry, we all do ok-HZVtppmU-00033-00043496-00044300 -Hands off when he gets here, he's my darling -That is not true! He is my sweetiepie ok-HZVtppmU-00034-00044400-00044944 I don't think he wants a nerd with no teeth and no eyes! ok-HZVtppmU-00035-00045044-00045544 -Sure I do! Hellohellohello! -RANTALA!!! ok-HZVtppmU-00036-00045616-00046096 Here me now: If his teeth are kicked in, there's room for your friend's cock too! ok-HZVtppmU-00037-00046164-00046772 And with no eyes, there's two more holes to fuck, with a total of three fuckholes! ok-HZVtppmU-00038-00046988-00047360 -Where have you been Rantala?! -We have missed you so much! ok-HZVtppmU-00039-00047428-00047824 -We can't stand living without you! -Every day is agony when you're gone! ok-HZVtppmU-00040-00047900-00048276 -I was on a barnyard adventure! -Loving it! Give us the hole lowdown ok-HZVtppmU-00041-00048372-00048936 What a trip, que no! There were pigs, hens, horses, a cat and a dog! ok-HZVtppmU-00042-00049000-00049620 And the icing on the cake: a sow weighing a 1000 kilos! And they were all in heat! ok-HZVtppmU-00043-00049800-00050324 -Rantala, you are the fucking master! -Don't I know it. Jealous much? ok-HZVtppmU-00044-00050392-00051064 -Oh yes! But I'm hungry for you now... -Rantala, can I have a little taste of you? ok-HZVtppmU-00045-00051160-00051864 -Hands off cracker! Nobody touches him but me -Don't be a silly Sally! Everyone gets a piece ok-HZVtppmU-00046-00051967-00052640 -But this time: Alpo gets to go first -Really? I get the honour? ok-HZVtppmU-00047-00052952-00053408 -Thank you god! -I didn't even get a shower after the pig ok-HZVtppmU-00048-00053655-00054079 Calm down, everybody's gonna get theirs Now you know what I like Pekkuli ok-HZVtppmU-00049-00054132-00054488 I know what you like baby! ok-HZVtppmU-00050-00055188-00055628 -Well, that was nice, but the other thing -Oh right, I know! ok-HZVtppmU-00051-00055691-00056404 Kipe, gimme some tongueplay! Jammu, lick them balls like I taught you! ok-HZVtppmU-00052-00056452-00056804 Yes dear! ok-HZVtppmU-00053-00057767-00058179 -A marvellous drink! Next time, a tad more giraffe's sperm and you've nailed it ok-HZVtppmU-00054-00058408-00059016 -Boys, you want some mustard on that sausage? -Yes love! Of course! ok-HZVtppmU-00055-00059064-00059420 Pekkuli, take a shit ok-HZVtppmU-00056-00059520-00059972 Just a moment ok-HZVtppmU-00057-00060279-00060708 You don't understand! It's art! Art belongs to the people! ok-HZVtppmU-00058-00060916-00061744 We had some technical difficulties, but The show must go on, like my idol said ok-HZVtppmU-00059-00061876-00062288 So, without further ado, we go now to our viewer feedback ok-HZVtppmU-00060-00062367-00062748 VIEWER FEEDBACK! ok-HZVtppmU-00061-00062844-00063420 Time for our viewer feedback! Let's see what we have here ok-HZVtppmU-00062-00063491-00064140 A guy from Lappeenranta says: Rantala, you are qute! Stop it, I'm blushing ok-HZVtppmU-00063-00064276-00065055 Next up... A grandmother from Espoo says ok-HZVtppmU-00064-00065128-00065632 She wants more fucking! Grannys in silkstockings getting pounded in the night ok-HZVtppmU-00065-00065740-00066160 Send us your address, love! ok-HZVtppmU-00066-00066544-00067172 Next Rauli from Jyväskylä says he wants to see more violence! ok-HZVtppmU-00067-00067436-00067812 I guess I'll have to fuck with Jammu some more. No problemo! ok-HZVtppmU-00068-00067972-00068772 Ulla from Hervanta wants more history, geography, statistics and religion ok-HZVtppmU-00069-00068844-00069248 Ulla, my dear, I believe our next insert is right up your alley! ok-HZVtppmU-00070-00069348-00069776 RANTALA'S GOURMET HEAVEN ok-HZVtppmU-00071-00069860-00070640 Hellohellohello! This is Rantala's gourmet heaven and this is mr Perdus! ok-HZVtppmU-00072-00070748-00071176 Good evening Finland, how are you! ok-HZVtppmU-00073-00071240-00071972 -We have some delicious treats for you! -Today, we make a the pizza! ok-HZVtppmU-00074-00072048-00072628 But first, we give you an organic recipe, and the best thing about these is: ok-HZVtppmU-00075-00072676-00073024 THE PRICE!! ok-HZVtppmU-00076-00073076-00073692 That's right, because the ingredients are free, so why waste your money! ok-HZVtppmU-00077-00073796-00074428 I have produced all these ingredients out of my body yesterday ok-HZVtppmU-00078-00074660-00075236 We need 300 grams of faeces, and half a litre of urine ok-HZVtppmU-00079-00075340-00076020 Two desilitres of seamen, and one desilitre of sweat ok-HZVtppmU-00080-00076220-00076764 A litre of vomit and to spice it up, a fistful of buggers ok-HZVtppmU-00081-00076908-00077284 Quite lovely! And what will you cook for us from these delicatessens? ok-HZVtppmU-00082-00077500-00078288 Merde á la sauce de la pissé, in other words shit in piss-sauce ok-HZVtppmU-00083-00078356-00078708 SHIT IN PISS-SAUCE ok-HZVtppmU-00084-00078868-00079476 I have started by frying shit, five minutes will do the trick ok-HZVtppmU-00085-00079596-00079940 -Is that a fact? -Oh absolutely ok-HZVtppmU-00086-00080296-00080812 -Next, we add the pissé -Goodness gracious! ok-HZVtppmU-00087-00081168-00081908 To get the best aroma, the piss must have alcohol, distilled through a bad liver ok-HZVtppmU-00088-00082024-00082416 -Merci, Pekkuli -You're welcome, monsieur ok-HZVtppmU-00089-00083100-00083576 -The bottle is empty! -Pekkuli drank the secret dip! ok-HZVtppmU-00090-00083828-00084620 -Everything is ruined! -Maybe not. I'll handle this ok-HZVtppmU-00091-00084724-00085104 The first ingredient was sweat, right? ok-HZVtppmU-00092-00085440-00086064 And next, vomit. Looky here Pekkuli, time for lunch... A thank you. ok-HZVtppmU-00093-00086288-00086644 Then, the sperm ok-HZVtppmU-00094-00087264-00087948 This is not the way to make dip! All the ingredients must be carefully balanced ok-HZVtppmU-00095-00088176-00088904 It must be chilled over night in exactly 6,5 degrees celsius! All is lost ok-HZVtppmU-00096-00089700-00090108 -Where's the chow Rantala? -I'm hungry as a goddamn motherfucker! ok-HZVtppmU-00097-00090332-00090804 -You fucked it up huh? -We wouldn't have eaten that shit anyway ok-HZVtppmU-00098-00091004-00091452 Now you listen to me. I'm the boss here, I run this episode! ok-HZVtppmU-00099-00091572-00092124 Why don't you go fuck yourself. We ain't getting paid enough for this shit ok-HZVtppmU-00100-00092192-00092760 And this gay business has been going on for days! It has to stop or I'm out ok-HZVtppmU-00101-00092836-00093664 Me too! I can play the nerd and have fucko here punch on me but no more gay stuff! ok-HZVtppmU-00102-00093908-00094280 And how is a man to drink when my mouth is always full of something else ok-HZVtppmU-00103-00095108-00095688 We have to get pizza for the guys, they're all cranky and tired, how will they fuck! ok-HZVtppmU-00104-00096028-00096772 -Yes, I have the situation under control -What? This is a cookingshow not a pizza-ad ok-HZVtppmU-00105-00096928-00097304 You said this was an emergency! ok-HZVtppmU-00106-00097636-00098380 -Pizza, pay sixty euros -We're not giving you shit ok-HZVtppmU-00107-00098500-00098928 -I don't want shit but sixty euros -Blow me ok-HZVtppmU-00108-00098948-00099516 -I knew this you Party bastards! -Ask Rantala for the money ok-HZVtppmU-00109-00099584-00099956 -Yeah, this is his show -Yeah, his show ok-HZVtppmU-00110-00100028-00100652 -Rantala! -Save me monsieur Perdus! ok-HZVtppmU-00111-00100752-00101112 Yes my darling! ok-HZVtppmU-00112-00101404-00101784 I want sixty euros right now you vile piece of shit ok-HZVtppmU-00113-00101996-00102404 I don't have the money right now but of course I will pay you ok-HZVtppmU-00114-00102456-00102832 -How? -Right here baby! ok-HZVtppmU-00115-00103256-00103628 -Rantala is dead -Rantala is dead!!!!! ok-HZVtppmU-00116-00103835-00104444 -Rantala, my darling! -Rantala is dead now!!! ok-HZVtppmU-00117-00104908-00105411 -Why??!! -I love this shit ok-HZVtppmU-00118-00105520-00106000 Dear viewers, we are experiencing minor technical difficulties... ok-HZVtppmU-00119-00106148-00106535 Out of air-time? You can't do this to me! ok-HZVtppmU-00120-00106680-00107180 You listen to me now! I will not work with that fag for another second! ok-HZVtppmU-00121-00107248-00108035 You will hear from our lawyers! Cause this is totally bullshit! ok-HZVtppmU-00122-00108135-00108576 -And I'm turning you in to the cops! -And I'm going to buy more booze! ok-HZVtppmU-00123-00109468-00109972 What are you guys whispering? Talk to me! ok-HZVtppmU-00124-00110083-00110708 -That sounds pretty good! -What sounds pretty good? ok-HZVtppmU-00125-00110816-00111388 You can't do shit without me! This is my show! I run shit here! ok-HZVtppmU-00126-00111459-00111900 Give it here! I want to go first. Ok faggot, now you get your comeuppance ok-HZVtppmU-00127-00112816-00113220 -What is this?! Stop it Jammu! -I'm gonna loop this! ok-HZVtppmU-00128-00113372-00113928 -This is my show and you must obey me! -Give it here Jammu, my turn ok-HZVtppmU-00129-00114444-00114856 -Show mercy you guys! -No mercy for you you freaking pervert! ok-HZVtppmU-00130-00114920-00115296 -You try too Pekkuli! -I can dooo thhis ok-HZVtppmU-00131-00115708-00116076 Ok, prisonrules. Give me that remote! ok-HZVtppmU-00132-00116624-00117232 This is a very nice scene here, loop this and take out the batteries... ok-HZVtppmU-00133-00117283-00117944 Give me those motherfucking batteries! Puke them out you sick bastard! ok-HZVtppmU-00134-00117996-00118711 Kipe, you can tear them out of my rectum tomorrow, but now enjoy the best scene ever! okWcZse_QA8-00000-00000000-00000450 Richard is one of the first legendary commanders that players can get their hands on here in Rise okWcZse_QA8-00001-00000450-00000953 of Kingdoms and we haven't talked about him in a long time and seeing as how his Relic recently okWcZse_QA8-00002-00000953-00001488 did get a buff today we're gonna be going over Richard in 2023 and whether or not he's worth okWcZse_QA8-00003-00001488-00002028 investing in and if you should be using him but first what's going on guys cheers some of you okWcZse_QA8-00004-00002028-00002544 have been commenting on my soda drinking this is sparkling water this is Lacroix okay anyway okWcZse_QA8-00005-00002544-00003018 let's take an updated look at Richard here in Rise of Kingdoms and I just want to let you guys know okWcZse_QA8-00006-00003018-00003432 that this video is mainly for newer players if you've been playing the game since Richard okWcZse_QA8-00007-00003432-00004098 came out then you you probably already know a lot about Richard but Richard is an infantry Garrison okWcZse_QA8-00008-00004098-00004692 and defense Commander but don't be confused because the Garrison tree does not mean that okWcZse_QA8-00009-00004692-00005226 he is a good Garrison Commander or that he should even be used in a Garrison and as a matter of fact okWcZse_QA8-00010-00005226-00005880 outside of game modes like maybe Ark of Osiris you pretty much should never use Richard in a Garrison okWcZse_QA8-00011-00005880-00006264 and the reason for that is his his active skill and this is the perfect time where we're going okWcZse_QA8-00012-00006264-00006786 to go over all the skills on Richard so we know exactly what he's doing his primary skill and the okWcZse_QA8-00013-00006786-00007290 main reason that people use Richard to this day maybe not for fighting but for many other things okWcZse_QA8-00014-00007290-00007944 is because of his healing Factor so he has a 1400 healing factor and debuffs up to five enemies in okWcZse_QA8-00015-00007944-00008610 a fan-shaped area reducing their damage by 30 in March speed by 15 for 2 seconds so very powerful okWcZse_QA8-00016-00008610-00009216 debuff relatively short duration unfortunately but the healing Factor will ensure that Richard stays okWcZse_QA8-00017-00009216-00009690 in the open field longer the problem with this in a Garrison is that you are taking slightly okWcZse_QA8-00018-00009690-00010242 wounded units and putting them back as healthy and then they're attacked again and then a portion okWcZse_QA8-00019-00010242-00010794 of those units will become severely wounded so effectively you are converting slightly wounded okWcZse_QA8-00020-00010794-00011322 units into severely wounded units you do not want to do that in a Garrison because well because some okWcZse_QA8-00021-00011322-00011820 of those troops actually die when he's a Garrison okay you can actually just straight up get deaths okWcZse_QA8-00022-00011820-00012330 in a Garrison scenario and you Don don't want a Garrison that will increase the number of deaths okWcZse_QA8-00023-00012330-00012834 that you get like that's literally the opposite of of the point of a Garrison okay his second skill okWcZse_QA8-00024-00012834-00013446 here says troops led by this Commander gained 10 increased counter attack damage and take 15 less okWcZse_QA8-00025-00013446-00014100 damage that's nice that's all damage takes 15 less damage across the board very tanky and worthy of okWcZse_QA8-00026-00014100-00014706 the defense talent tree third skill here says infantry units gain 15 attack and defense very okWcZse_QA8-00027-00014706-00015318 vanilla very plain very boring third skill fourth skill here says troops the best man receive 30 okWcZse_QA8-00028-00015318-00015780 increased healing effects and take 30 less damage from watchtowers for those of you who don't know okWcZse_QA8-00029-00015780-00016326 watchtowers are only on your wall they're on your city wall if I can go back I will show you I don't okWcZse_QA8-00030-00016326-00016776 know why that's not working here you can see this is your Watchtower uh they don't deal any damage okWcZse_QA8-00031-00016776-00017304 anyway so that part of the skill is literally nothing maybe at the very beginning of the game if okWcZse_QA8-00032-00017304-00017766 you're less than City Hall 25 maybe the Watchtower damage has some influence on you but at the end okWcZse_QA8-00033-00017766-00018186 of the day it's not gonna matter at all okay and healing infect enhancement obviously is just good okWcZse_QA8-00034-00018186-00018516 for his first skill but really this four skill is not that great and then if you take a look okWcZse_QA8-00035-00018516-00018936 at his expertise troops led by this Commander take five percent less damage from all sources okWcZse_QA8-00036-00018936-00019524 so that basically bumps this up to 20 damage taken reduction and all the Infantry units led by this okWcZse_QA8-00037-00019524-00020004 Commander deal two percent increase damage to Calvary units every 10 seconds the target's okWcZse_QA8-00038-00020004-00020670 March speed is reduced by 50 for 5 seconds that last part of his expertise is really the best okWcZse_QA8-00039-00020670-00021186 part of his expertise two percent more damage to Cavs is irrelevant because Richard is not dealing okWcZse_QA8-00040-00021186-00021546 very much damage anyway and he's not gonna be able to catch the Cavalry in the open field because he okWcZse_QA8-00041-00021546-00021990 has no March speed at all now he is slowing down targets but in order for that to work you have to okWcZse_QA8-00042-00021990-00022404 actually catch them in the first place next let's take a look at some Talent builds now remember okWcZse_QA8-00043-00022404-00022956 talents only apply to the primary commander and there are some instances where you may want to use okWcZse_QA8-00044-00022956-00023580 Richard as a primary Commander this is the talent build that I have for my Richard is it very good okWcZse_QA8-00045-00023580-00024132 I mean not really but at the end of the day the problem with Richard is that he's not going to okWcZse_QA8-00046-00024132-00024726 deal that much damage regardless this talent build I have specifically for battling Barbarians in the okWcZse_QA8-00047-00024726-00025224 open field and that is at this point in the game the primary use that I have for Richard now there okWcZse_QA8-00048-00025224-00025698 is another use or a few other uses for Richard that we'll talk about later in the video so stay okWcZse_QA8-00049-00025698-00026052 tuned until then and you've made it this far into the video hopefully you'll drop a thumbs up on it okWcZse_QA8-00050-00026052-00026412 it really helps out a ton but taking a look at the talent trees here we go all the way up to hold the okWcZse_QA8-00051-00026412-00026772 line here I'm a huge fan of this Talent it says when this Commander's troops have only infantry okWcZse_QA8-00052-00026772-00027227 units 10 chance for 20 damage taking reduction of two seconds it's a short timer but that's almost okWcZse_QA8-00053-00027227-00027630 like a skill right there that's really good we get the six percent healthier one percent of Defense okWcZse_QA8-00054-00027630-00028092 we also get the rage engine on undying Fury we actually skipped out on iron sphere again because okWcZse_QA8-00055-00028092-00028566 this is really for killing barbs but also again you're not really going to catch the Cavalry and okWcZse_QA8-00056-00028566-00029094 if you're gonna use Richard for PVP he's almost definitely not going to be a primary Commander okWcZse_QA8-00057-00029094-00029520 then we came all the way here we grabbed balance which reduces damage taken by three percent but okWcZse_QA8-00058-00029520-00029939 also reduces damage dealt remember he's not really dealing damage anyway so there's no downside to okWcZse_QA8-00059-00029939-00030389 that one and then loose formation reduces skill damage taken by nine percent totally fine we came okWcZse_QA8-00060-00030389-00030695 all the way up to desperate elegy and you could see that we actually didn't have enough points okWcZse_QA8-00061-00030695-00031086 to go all the way in here it's possible that you could argue you want to take this point away and okWcZse_QA8-00062-00031086-00031512 put in it to desperate elegy perhaps that that that's the way to go but essentially when this okWcZse_QA8-00063-00031512-00031980 troop is reduced to 30 of units remaining they gain an extra 20 raids from each normal attack okWcZse_QA8-00064-00031980-00032538 that they take that's at four and then at five it's 25 rage so that's really nice I only got it okWcZse_QA8-00065-00032538-00032892 to three unfortunately but the other use that I have for Richard and probably one of the reasons okWcZse_QA8-00066-00032892-00033390 that you're going to be using Richard is also in Sunset Canyon he's actually incredibly good in okWcZse_QA8-00067-00033390-00033966 Sunset Canyon because of his healing and in Sunset Canyon you always fight to the death and if that's okWcZse_QA8-00068-00033966-00034470 the case desperate elegy will come into play every single time which is very good but beyond that we okWcZse_QA8-00069-00034470-00034872 actually grab medicinal supplies which gives you even more healing factors so essentially okWcZse_QA8-00070-00034872-00035466 his healing factor is 1400 with this it's 1700 and his fourth skill gives him plus 30 if you okWcZse_QA8-00071-00035466-00035832 have all three points there which is great we also grabbed testudo formation on the way there which okWcZse_QA8-00072-00035832-00036342 is a very good talent as well oh overall a very tanky build that is not going to deal damage but okWcZse_QA8-00073-00036342-00036900 it will last a very long time in the open field now if I was going to use Richard for PVP for some okWcZse_QA8-00074-00036900-00037398 reason maybe because I'm using him as a buffing March or something like that or maybe it's like okWcZse_QA8-00075-00037398-00037896 kvk1 and you want to use them as primary I would probably do something like this where you grab okWcZse_QA8-00076-00037896-00038358 balance and loose formation over here you grab all the other talents on that row and then you okWcZse_QA8-00077-00038358-00038952 just go all in on the Infantry tree now one thing that you could do is actually take some points okWcZse_QA8-00078-00038952-00039330 away and put them in Fleet of foot if you want to move a little bit faster because you're going to okWcZse_QA8-00079-00039330-00039864 be very frustrated with how slow Richard actually is so if you wanted to remove maybe talents from okWcZse_QA8-00080-00039864-00040236 balance or maybe these little points off on the side here just to gain some more March speed okWcZse_QA8-00081-00040236-00040728 that's something that you could do it's up to you and you know if your kvk1 a lot of players aren't okWcZse_QA8-00082-00040728-00041136 going to have Max Tech a lot of players are going to be relatively slow regardless so you know if okWcZse_QA8-00083-00041136-00041634 you're using him in kvk1 you're probably at least a dolphin or a well and this might be a good build okWcZse_QA8-00084-00041634-00042066 for you to go for now I'm worried about putting this talent build in the video but I figured okWcZse_QA8-00085-00042066-00042498 if you were going to use him as the Garrison Commander you could consider doing something okWcZse_QA8-00086-00042498-00043002 like this now my assumption is that you're using this as a city defense which again you probably okWcZse_QA8-00087-00043002-00043416 don't want to you just don't use Richard please use like Martel Sun Tzu or something like that or okWcZse_QA8-00088-00043416-00043890 Martel ysg something like that in the early game don't use Richard okay but if you are gonna use okWcZse_QA8-00089-00043890-00044328 him guess something like this would be good uh you could see I avoided medicinal supplies because you okWcZse_QA8-00090-00044328-00044844 don't want more healing on your wall again nowhere to turn is good go for all the basically all the okWcZse_QA8-00091-00044844-00045252 front line of that of that Garrison tree you can come up here and get the front line of all the okWcZse_QA8-00092-00045252-00045654 inventory because all this stuff does not have really anything to do with infantry except for okWcZse_QA8-00093-00045654-00046122 this but you know realistically if your city's getting hit is probably Cavalry I mean Attila okWcZse_QA8-00094-00046122-00046554 Takeda hello I know that's not kbk1 but regardless we have an extra couple extra points I threw it in okWcZse_QA8-00095-00046554-00047046 infantry Health even though it might be mixed if it's a city we grabbed balance over here you could okWcZse_QA8-00096-00047046-00047370 rearrange some of these extra talents I didn't know what to do with them so I put them where okWcZse_QA8-00097-00047370-00047832 I thought it mattered the most and that's what I came up with but again don't use Richard primary okWcZse_QA8-00098-00047832-00048282 for Garrison okay okay so now that you have an idea as to what Richard's stats actually look okWcZse_QA8-00099-00048282-00048660 like let's talk about what the pros of Richard actually are the first one and this is the most okWcZse_QA8-00100-00048660-00049182 obvious one and that is chaining Barbarians in the open field okay and we're gonna talk about PVP so okWcZse_QA8-00101-00049182-00049536 don't don't leave the video just yet we're going to talk about PVP in a moment but first Richard okWcZse_QA8-00102-00049536-00050088 is my number one barbarian killer and you might be thinking Omniarch that makes no sense he doesn't okWcZse_QA8-00103-00050088-00050544 have the peacekeeping tree and that's correct however the thing about Richard is that with his okWcZse_QA8-00104-00050544-00051102 healing factor and the fact that he is so tanky he literally can last forever in the open field okWcZse_QA8-00105-00051102-00051702 when fighting against barbarians assuming you have decent enough Tech and tier 4 units you you could okWcZse_QA8-00106-00051702-00052152 use tier five but like that's expensive and of course his favorite pair is Yi Seong Gye for this okWcZse_QA8-00107-00052152-00052626 uh the whole point of Barbarian chaining if you're new to the game is that when Richard is paired okWcZse_QA8-00108-00052626-00053196 with Yi Seong Gye Yi Seong Gye's circular AOE is going to trigger nearby barbarians to attack you okWcZse_QA8-00109-00053196-00053748 and that means Richard's going to attack them for free and the fact that he's so tanky means that okWcZse_QA8-00110-00053748-00054282 he's gonna be able to take these punches like a king uh and then your other peacekeeping marches okWcZse_QA8-00111-00054282-00054767 can swarm down that Barbarian meanwhile Richard gets to hit it for free you also could just have okWcZse_QA8-00112-00054767-00055248 Richard ysg no other marches and just chain free kills over and over again that's something you okWcZse_QA8-00113-00055248-00055638 could do if you have the patience to do that the other thing that's amazing about Richard that a okWcZse_QA8-00114-00055638-00056105 lot of people don't talk about is all the other events that you can use Richard in for example okWcZse_QA8-00115-00056105-00056670 the golden Kingdom okay this is effectively a PVE gay mode it's an event that comes around that's okWcZse_QA8-00116-00056670-00057402 essentially you versus 20 floors of enemies and basically a Sunset Canyon Style game mode and okWcZse_QA8-00117-00057402-00058032 Richard actually shines in Sunset Canyon remember he survives a long time and he heals himself in a okWcZse_QA8-00118-00058032-00058541 game mode where you can't refresh your troops the only way to get or troops in Sunset Canyon okWcZse_QA8-00119-00058541-00059112 is to just bring more with commanders that have an increased troop capacity or by healing them okWcZse_QA8-00120-00059112-00059616 and Richard is the king of healing so he's very good in game modes like Sunset Canyon like lost okWcZse_QA8-00121-00059616-00060102 Cannon also game modes like golden Kingdom but even beyond that you can use him in events like okWcZse_QA8-00122-00060102-00060594 karuak ceremony for example because he's going to stay alive for a long time as I mentioned okWcZse_QA8-00123-00060594-00061062 there are some uses for him in Arc of Osiris as well but in general you're mainly going to use okWcZse_QA8-00124-00061062-00061746 him for tanking barbs and tanking during events that are really difficult for you to take down okWcZse_QA8-00125-00061746-00062279 the enemies now I don't use Richard in my Sunset Canyon lineup right now I've been actually testing okWcZse_QA8-00126-00062279-00062748 a couple of different things you can see here I have a Tark with a Herald over here in my offline okWcZse_QA8-00127-00062748-00063155 which is not not very common but I'm just testing it out I'm seeing how it's doing and it's actually okWcZse_QA8-00128-00063155-00063564 it's actually better than you might think but a couple things that you could do with Richard in okWcZse_QA8-00129-00063564-00063929 your Sunset Canyon if you wanted to use him is one you could basically use him just like okWcZse_QA8-00130-00063929-00064458 I'm using my constant Constantine here Guan with Richard is something you can use in Sunset Canyon okWcZse_QA8-00131-00064458-00065052 in Sunset Canyon you are effectively making guan yu extremely tanky which means his AOE is going to okWcZse_QA8-00132-00065052-00065550 pop off for a long time and he's gonna be healing he's gonna stick around for a while and this 30 okWcZse_QA8-00133-00065550-00066096 increase damage applies to all the enemies in Sunset Canyon so essentially you're debuffing okWcZse_QA8-00134-00066096-00066606 the entire enemy's lineup just by having Richard over here in this corner this location is very okWcZse_QA8-00135-00066606-00067146 important okay he either wants to be here or he wants to be like this okay just that though okWcZse_QA8-00136-00067146-00067530 if you're that that's it okay you want Richard there whether it depends on if you're attacking okWcZse_QA8-00137-00067530-00067932 or defending and it also depends on the enemy's lineup if you're attacking so just keep that in okWcZse_QA8-00138-00067932-00068388 mind but uh you want to put him here and put them behind Guan the other thing you could do is you okWcZse_QA8-00139-00068388-00068976 could put them in your off Lane with a very tanky pairing such as uh Richard primary with Charles okWcZse_QA8-00140-00068976-00069582 Martel secondary this is a very common off lane and the reason for this is because again it's okWcZse_QA8-00141-00069582-00070212 very tanky so your enemy will have uh two choices either they can put their four armies like this to okWcZse_QA8-00142-00070212-00070686 attack the Richard Martel which is Gonna Last a very long time and it's gonna really cause their okWcZse_QA8-00143-00070686-00071100 offline to deal a lot of damage to your marches but the other thing is that if they don't attack okWcZse_QA8-00144-00071100-00071622 it it's just gonna last forever and kind of hold up one of your armies and that's basically the okWcZse_QA8-00145-00071622-00072132 point of that off lane and honestly you have to get pretty far into season of Conquest before you okWcZse_QA8-00146-00072132-00072708 start to consider replacing that like seriously Richard Martel is slept on it's very good in okWcZse_QA8-00147-00072708-00073266 Sunset Canyon for a very long time because it's just so tanky and there's so much healing it's okWcZse_QA8-00148-00073266-00073740 very good if I had better gear for my Richard I would consider just using it here as well but I okWcZse_QA8-00149-00073740-00074268 don't I do want to talk real quick about his Relic okay because we we talked about some of the pros okWcZse_QA8-00150-00074268-00074640 of him and we should at least mention that he does have a relic and a lot of commanders in the game okWcZse_QA8-00151-00074640-00075042 right now do not have a relic and essentially this in the season of Conquest will give him okWcZse_QA8-00152-00075042-00075660 that March speed that he desperately needed and you can even upgrade it to 15 now here you get a okWcZse_QA8-00153-00075660-00076260 little bit more counter attack damage but really I mean it's not enough damage and the mark speed okWcZse_QA8-00154-00076260-00076878 yeah it's nice but I don't know man I don't know it's just this upgraded Relic is like putting okWcZse_QA8-00155-00076878-00077340 makeup on a pig sure it looks a little bit better if you're getting pretty desperate if you know okWcZse_QA8-00156-00077340-00077766 what I'm saying but at the end of the day it's still a pick you know he really needed something okWcZse_QA8-00157-00077766-00078408 exceptional here uh and unfortunately he didn't now if his second star Relic was like 30 percent okWcZse_QA8-00158-00078408-00079128 March speed and like 10 counter attack damage he's still probably wouldn't be used for PVP very much okWcZse_QA8-00159-00079128-00079638 except for one usage which we'll talk about in a moment but as far as relics go at the end of okWcZse_QA8-00160-00079638-00080082 the day do I recommend upgrading as well like no I don't you can see here that I I haven't done okWcZse_QA8-00161-00080082-00080574 it okay I unlocked his Relic a long time ago for canyon and I did not upgrade the Relic it's just okWcZse_QA8-00162-00080574-00081216 expensive and these coins are very premium now so Richard is just not in it's not worth getting for okWcZse_QA8-00163-00081216-00081894 basically a PVE Commander now let's talk about the cons of Richard okay the cons of Richard are okWcZse_QA8-00164-00081894-00082566 very numerous okay if you look at his active skill it's a heel and it's a debuff there is no damage okWcZse_QA8-00165-00082566-00083106 here there's no instant proc damage on any of his other skills there's no normal attack damage buff okWcZse_QA8-00166-00083106-00083628 there's a small counter attack damage buff but if you look at somebody like Martel for example okWcZse_QA8-00167-00083628-00084246 he has a 30 counter attack damage buff whereas Richard only has 10. so really Richard is a very okWcZse_QA8-00168-00084246-00084924 supportive tank uh and he cannot deal damage back he is effectively a punching bag in the open field okWcZse_QA8-00169-00084924-00085326 because he has the healing Factor yes he's gonna last a long time but your trades are going to be okWcZse_QA8-00170-00085326-00085866 really bad with Richard okay Richard in the open field is basically feeding your enemy free kills okWcZse_QA8-00171-00085866-00086280 now the benefit of Richard in the open field is that if somebody's targeting him he's gonna okWcZse_QA8-00172-00086280-00086718 last longer than they might expect it's actually it's actually quite annoying to hit a Richard in okWcZse_QA8-00173-00086718-00087096 the open field because you just want to kill him and move on to the next Target but he just stays okWcZse_QA8-00174-00087096-00087534 there for a while and you would think in season of Conquest surely you can melt him quickly yeah kind okWcZse_QA8-00175-00087534-00088068 of but it's it's still annoying so there's really not a great use for PVP for him and we will talk okWcZse_QA8-00176-00088068-00088524 about a good use in just a moment when we talk about Commander pairs um but the other con here okWcZse_QA8-00177-00088524-00089154 is March speed there's no March speed here on Richard and he's infantry so he's already very okWcZse_QA8-00178-00089154-00089550 slow because he's infantry and there's nothing you can really do about it he's just gonna be okWcZse_QA8-00179-00089550-00090150 a slow punching bag okay good luck debuffing the enemy when he you get when the enemy's gone okay okWcZse_QA8-00180-00090150-00090672 by the time you get there he's like the Internet Explorer of commanders okay he's he's done he's okWcZse_QA8-00181-00090672-00091284 not he's not he's still in 2022. that's how slow Richard is okay very slow no damage those are the okWcZse_QA8-00182-00091284-00091740 biggest downsides to him now let's talk about who should get Richard like who should use him okWcZse_QA8-00183-00091740-00092172 right I think pretty much every player in the game should get him uh and I think that pretty okWcZse_QA8-00184-00092172-00092772 much every player in the game should have a 5-1-1 Richard that's pretty much where you want to stop okWcZse_QA8-00185-00092772-00093324 if you want to go a little bit further you could do five five one one and that's pretty good okay okWcZse_QA8-00186-00093324-00093906 you could pretty much leave him there and and then you're Gucci if you're a whale then uh you want okWcZse_QA8-00187-00093906-00094476 to expertise him in kvk1 or you know you can leave him at five five five one and you're really golden okWcZse_QA8-00188-00094476-00094950 there but the wells are the only people that are really should be getting this this expertise okWcZse_QA8-00189-00094950-00095472 because this fourth skill is not very good and the expertise really is only okay and even this third okWcZse_QA8-00190-00095472-00095994 skill I mean you get 20 more stats by getting it from one to five and twenty percent of stats is okWcZse_QA8-00191-00095994-00096486 like nevsky starts with 20 of stats right so we're talking about like legendary Commander sculptures okWcZse_QA8-00192-00096486-00096906 going into Richard or going into a newer Commander just you just don't want to use them on Richard okWcZse_QA8-00193-00096906-00097314 it's just a waste all right let's talk about some Commander pairs for Richard now if you're in the okWcZse_QA8-00194-00097314-00097788 early game this is really the only time you're gonna really consider using Richard I would say okWcZse_QA8-00195-00097788-00098124 and if you're using Richard primary there's a couple of options that you have obviously okWcZse_QA8-00196-00098124-00098706 in the early game right kvk1 uh you could use him with somebody like Martel obviously that's a good okWcZse_QA8-00197-00098706-00099270 choice it's a very tanky Commander pairing the healing combined with the shielding is nuts the okWcZse_QA8-00198-00099270-00099750 thing about having Richard debuff the target the healing combined with the shielding here is very okWcZse_QA8-00199-00099750-00100338 good you're also gaining a ton of infantry stats and there is some March speed on an expertise to okWcZse_QA8-00200-00100338-00100836 Martel keep that in mind it's not on base Martel only expertise unfortunately which makes it very okWcZse_QA8-00201-00100836-00101214 unlikely that you'll have this in kbk1 but if you do you get the extra extra large speed here okWcZse_QA8-00202-00101214-00101736 okay which Richard really needs the counter attack damage is nice here this is just a solid extremely okWcZse_QA8-00203-00101736-00102282 tanky March realistically though in k avk1 you're probably only going to have somebody like Sun Tzu okWcZse_QA8-00204-00102282-00102768 and you know this is fine uh the thing about this is that Sun Tzu actually deals damage okay he okWcZse_QA8-00205-00102768-00103374 has a five Target AOE with the rage regeneration very good okay very good he's also giving you 10 okWcZse_QA8-00206-00103374-00103908 less damage which hey that's great Richard is already taking 15 less here but he also gives okWcZse_QA8-00207-00103908-00104340 you 10 infantry Health which is very good and unfortunately the skill damage is only gonna be okWcZse_QA8-00208-00104340-00104928 good for Sun Tzu but realistically this is a solid kvk1 pairing I really like that I think Martel Sun okWcZse_QA8-00209-00104928-00105461 Tzu is a better pairing but you could definitely do something like this moving past kvk1 you could okWcZse_QA8-00210-00105461-00105888 start to look at something like an ethyl flood back here and kvk1 you typically don't have very okWcZse_QA8-00211-00105888-00106326 much progress on Ethel fled if you have her at all but the thing about this is that this is actually okWcZse_QA8-00212-00106326-00106698 a very supportive March okay we talked before about how Richard doesn't really do anything okWcZse_QA8-00213-00106698-00107220 besides just be tanky and supportive and Ethel foot hiding behind that Richard is gonna be really okWcZse_QA8-00214-00107220-00107700 good because Richard's not really a threat in the open field right like people yeah they want to hit okWcZse_QA8-00215-00107700-00108078 him if they're greedy for kills but like really you shouldn't B hitting a Richard in the open okWcZse_QA8-00216-00108078-00108402 field there's no point it's not like he's gonna hurt you like what's he gonna do he's not gonna okWcZse_QA8-00217-00108402-00108858 do anything right so if people leave you Richard alone which they should be doing then your Ethel okWcZse_QA8-00218-00108858-00109361 foot behind him is going to actually do a really solid debuff to five targets has a pretty nice okWcZse_QA8-00219-00109361-00109956 AOE damage factor and you also deal more damage to enemies that are slowed and remember you have okWcZse_QA8-00220-00109956-00110435 a few different ways of slowing the target Ethel fled herself deals a little bit of a Slowdown here okWcZse_QA8-00221-00110435-00110940 on her second skill with a 10 chance but Richard's active skill actually deals a Slowdown here as okWcZse_QA8-00222-00110940-00111468 well and his expertise deals a really powerful slowdown if you did go ahead and bring him all okWcZse_QA8-00223-00111468-00111966 the way there so you're gonna get a lot of benefit out of this 20 bonus damage from Ethel fled by okWcZse_QA8-00224-00111966-00112368 putting her behind Richard now again this Army's still not really going to deal that much damage okWcZse_QA8-00225-00112368-00112842 because Ethel flood's AOE is relatively weak and Richard himself is not dealing much damage but okWcZse_QA8-00226-00112842-00113298 the fact that you just get that elevation pretty frequently is nice and this is a pretty good way okWcZse_QA8-00227-00113298-00113735 to get your Ethel flood out in the open field if you want to do a more supportive March as well okWcZse_QA8-00228-00113735-00114078 you could do something like Alexander the Great and I would actually recommend probably Alexander okWcZse_QA8-00229-00114078-00114606 the Great primary uh and Richard's secondary it depends if you want more tank go with Richard and okWcZse_QA8-00230-00114606-00114996 if you want to hide your Alex go with Richard but if you want more damage the attack tree is okWcZse_QA8-00231-00114996-00115440 gonna be it for Alexander the Great and this is just also more support in the open field okWcZse_QA8-00232-00115440-00115883 okay you're not only going to Shield yourself but you'll pass around some Shields as well and three okWcZse_QA8-00233-00115883-00116376 enemies in the circular AOE will take 30 increased damage which is great you're not gonna be the one okWcZse_QA8-00234-00116376-00116916 dealing that damage but at least your other armies or nearby allies will be which is pretty good and okWcZse_QA8-00235-00116916-00117474 he's giving you a ton of bonus stats here mainly infantry attack and March feed which again you okWcZse_QA8-00236-00117474-00117900 don't have a lot of March speed you have none on Richard and the extra attack is just nice in okWcZse_QA8-00237-00117900-00118278 general plus Alexander the Great's not that tanky so having Richard behind him makes him a little okWcZse_QA8-00238-00118278-00118716 bit more tanky which he really needs now we could talk about Richard ysg but I already mentioned him okWcZse_QA8-00239-00118716-00119100 before and really this is your this is your Barb killing machine this is what you're gonna use okWcZse_QA8-00240-00119100-00119711 to kill barbs you're really not gonna use this in PvP because the damage just isn't there and okWcZse_QA8-00241-00119711-00120233 you're wasting this 50 increase skill damage on ysg by putting him with a Richard in PvP so really okWcZse_QA8-00242-00120233-00120630 not a great PVP March so we're really not going to talk about that but the hidden pairing that okWcZse_QA8-00243-00120630-00121361 you could do starting in kvk2 is Saladin primary with Richard secondary and this is a very unique okWcZse_QA8-00244-00121361-00122064 combination but the benefit of this pairing is that you are going to slow down targets so much okWcZse_QA8-00245-00122064-00122628 it's actually insane now of course if you do this it's going to be all Cavalry okay because Saladin okWcZse_QA8-00246-00122628-00123030 is the primary and he has the Cavalry treat so it's gonna be full Cavalry you're gonna miss out okWcZse_QA8-00247-00123030-00123761 on these stats but remember if you're most players you have a 5511 or a 5-1-1 Richard and this these okWcZse_QA8-00248-00123761-00124194 stats it's irrelevant and anyway okay the first two skills here it doesn't matter what doesn't okWcZse_QA8-00249-00124194-00124644 matter what troop type he's actually paired with so if you look at the Synergy here it's actually okWcZse_QA8-00250-00124644-00125280 kind of insane because Saladin being Cavalry is actually gonna make Richard very quick okay his okWcZse_QA8-00251-00125280-00125759 active skill is going to deal single Target damage not that impressive but it will reduce the March okWcZse_QA8-00252-00125759-00126438 speed and healing for 5 seconds that's very that's a very long debuff 30 reduced March speed is huge okWcZse_QA8-00253-00126438-00126858 and once you've slowed them down with Saladin who actually has a chance of catching them because okWcZse_QA8-00254-00126858-00127380 he's Cavalry then you're gonna hit them with the debuff on Richard's skill here which is not only okWcZse_QA8-00255-00127380-00127914 going to heal you but also you're gonna reduce the enemy's March speed again now these overlap okWcZse_QA8-00256-00127914-00128418 unfortunately but only for the Target that you're actually hitting this also debuffs remember up to okWcZse_QA8-00257-00128418-00128933 four other nearby Targets so this is an AOE slowdown and this is gonna make your Saladin okWcZse_QA8-00258-00128933-00129420 a bit more tanky okay Saladin is already pretty tanky because he takes 30 less skill damage and okWcZse_QA8-00259-00129420-00129852 20 less counter attack damage now you're adding even more less counter attack damage and all okWcZse_QA8-00260-00129852-00130356 damage reduction which is huge but the best part is actually if your Richard is expertise so this okWcZse_QA8-00261-00130356-00130938 is a very well combination okay most layers cannot do this but if you're Richard is expertise then okWcZse_QA8-00262-00130938-00131532 this 50 March speed reduction every 10 seconds is gonna be huge okay because again Saladin as okWcZse_QA8-00263-00131532-00131964 a Cavalry commander is going to help you catch up to those targets as long as you stay connect acted okWcZse_QA8-00264-00131964-00132570 for 10 seconds it's like an instant snare okay it instantly applies a 5 Second 50 March speed okWcZse_QA8-00265-00132570-00133074 reduction which is a very powerful March speed reduction and if you use this combination right okWcZse_QA8-00266-00133074-00133644 here your other armies so your other three or four armies that you're using are really going to be okWcZse_QA8-00267-00133644-00134160 able to swarm down that Target that just can't get away it can't get away it's slowed down by Saladin okWcZse_QA8-00268-00134160-00134616 it's slowed down by Richard it's slowed down by Richard's expertise there's so much slow down okWcZse_QA8-00269-00134616-00135174 here it's ridiculous this is like the ultimate slow down Army but again it's unfortunate kind okWcZse_QA8-00270-00135174-00135720 of only a whale Army and really it's not gonna deal that much damage this is a very Niche use okWcZse_QA8-00271-00135720-00136398 case uh but you could definitely try it out now some players have tried replacing Saladin uh with okWcZse_QA8-00272-00136398-00136998 somebody like guan yu right now guan yu definitely misses a lot of the things that Saladin has like okWcZse_QA8-00273-00136998-00137490 being Cavalry and having his own slowdown but if you're just trying to get this expertise in okWcZse_QA8-00274-00137490-00137910 the open field you could definitely hide your Richard behind your Guan you if that's all you okWcZse_QA8-00275-00137910-00138342 care about are you going to get good trades not with this March okay maybe your other marches are okWcZse_QA8-00276-00138342-00138804 gonna get good trades because Richard is snaring them in one in one spot but yeah this is for those okWcZse_QA8-00277-00138804-00139260 uh really Advanced players who just have plenty of commanders that and they just don't know what to okWcZse_QA8-00278-00139260-00139704 do with them you could give this one a try and that's pretty much it unfortunately Richard's okWcZse_QA8-00279-00139704-00140328 only good in the late game for PVE content doing really good tanky stuff for events and Canyon and okWcZse_QA8-00280-00140328-00141048 for those whales he can kind of be a really good snare unit besides that PVP wise he's pretty much okWcZse_QA8-00281-00141048-00141534 in the garbage and no you should not get his Relic with that being said guys if you found this video okWcZse_QA8-00282-00141534-00141954 entertaining or informative drop a thumbs up on it it really helps out the channel a ton of helps get okWcZse_QA8-00283-00141954-00142308 this video out into the YouTube algorithm so other Rise of Kingdom Slayers might see it if you're new okWcZse_QA8-00284-00142308-00142668 here consider subscribing and clicking the Bell to be notified the next time I upload a rise of okWcZse_QA8-00285-00142668-00143088 Kingdom's video comment down below your thoughts on Richard did you actually get him when you first okWcZse_QA8-00286-00143088-00143538 started the game or did you completely pass and do you regret it I would love to know with that being okWcZse_QA8-00287-00143538-00143856 said guys thank you so much for watching this has been Omni Arc I will talk to you guys again soon p0y81P03i8o-00000-00000856-00001592 do p0y81P03i8o-00001-00002920-00004384 um p0y81P03i8o-00002-00004808-00005808 hello friends welcome back. i'm sitting here being surprised again by another gretsch guitar. p0y81P03i8o-00003-00005808-00006504 everyone that comes in regardless of the price point has something unique p0y81P03i8o-00004-00006600-00007552 surprising and every price range just delivers value that i'm really not seeing from p0y81P03i8o-00005-00007640-00008464 many other brands. this is the i have to look at my notes here the g2655T-P90 p0y81P03i8o-00006-00008752-00010000 streamliner center block jr double cut p90 with bixby. now gretch i love you i love your guitars p0y81P03i8o-00007-00010000-00010528 but can we do something about the names can you just call it fred or something p0y81P03i8o-00008-00010648-00011384 um okay well let's get into this this is another guitar in their mid-price line p0y81P03i8o-00009-00011448-00012384 it is a mahogany body laminate beautiful binding front and back around the body it has a nato neck p0y81P03i8o-00010-00012512-00013200 which we talked about before in one of the gretsch videos it's referred to by some p0y81P03i8o-00011-00013200-00014184 people as eastern mahogany it's a very stable wood feels great laurel fretboard on here very p0y81P03i8o-00012-00014319-00014863 well finished i have several rosewood several ebony fretboard guitars this p0y81P03i8o-00013-00015047-00015672 this will stand up to the feel of any of them on the fretboard medium jumbo frets on a 12 p0y81P03i8o-00014-00015672-00016456 inch radius and again very nicely finished polished no fret ends that are an issue p0y81P03i8o-00015-00016552-00017144 they're just putting great quality into these guitars and i know this is right around a 600 p0y81P03i8o-00016-00017144-00018072 dollar price guitar it has also a spruce center block in here so it is not a full hollow body but p0y81P03i8o-00017-00018072-00018592 it's got a lot of the acoustic properties when we get into the clean sounds you'll see what p0y81P03i8o-00018-00018592-00019432 i'm talking about a licensed bigsby b-50 tremolo system on here the adjust-o-matic bridge very nice p0y81P03i8o-00019-00019496-00020280 just everything on this guitar to look at it physically the spring on the bigsby is set just p0y81P03i8o-00020-00020280-00021024 right it's not too loose it's not too tight other than that it's got the typical gretch control p0y81P03i8o-00021-00021024-00021584 configuration on here that it took me a little bit to get used to it but now i'm really liking it p0y81P03i8o-00022-00021584-00022344 you have a volume control for the neck pickup the bridge pickup a master tone control and then the p0y81P03i8o-00023-00022344-00023024 master volume control that's up here on the horn and i really like the concept behind it because p0y81P03i8o-00024-00023024-00023984 when you're in the middle position with both pickups active you can dial in the exact amount p0y81P03i8o-00025-00024296-00024608 of the two pickups that you would like to hear adjust the tone p0y81P03i8o-00026-00024864-00025927 and then have a master volume that controls that volume it's really very simple and very p0y81P03i8o-00027-00025927-00026527 easy to get used to and it's just a very cool implementation if you're playing styles and music p0y81P03i8o-00028-00026600-00027272 where this middle position is something that you'll go to on these guitars but i'm digging it p0y81P03i8o-00029-00027272-00028368 the tuners on here they appear to be just you know these stock gretch tuners i they feel very nice p0y81P03i8o-00030-00028368-00028792 haven't had any issues with this i've been playing on it for a while really liking it p0y81P03i8o-00031-00029152-00030016 but let me cut to the treats the reason i really like this guitar so much is the pickups on here p0y81P03i8o-00032-00030016-00030776 even though in the name it just says p90 this is a new gretch conception called the p0y81P03i8o-00033-00030776-00031695 fidela sonic 90. and it is a single coil large bobbin you know bar magnet underneath the coil p0y81P03i8o-00034-00031816-00033784 very much constructed like a p90 but you just take a listen to this p0y81P03i8o-00035-00034720-00035184 that's a bridge pickup with the tone full up on here it's p0y81P03i8o-00036-00035720-00036584 it has a great attack quality to it and the highs are not overbearing p0y81P03i8o-00037-00036704-00037296 and you know i'll give you a shot of the controls i've got back here basically i've got everything p0y81P03i8o-00038-00037296-00037984 set on our mesa film or between 12 and 1 o'clock so i'm not hyping the sound back p0y81P03i8o-00039-00038240-00038696 if you like a classic p90 for the aggressive p0y81P03i8o-00040-00038768-00039408 sound that you can get out of it this takes it in a different direction it's a very unique sounding p0y81P03i8o-00041-00039408-00040176 pickup and define something that is this different and this usable in a guitar of this price point p0y81P03i8o-00042-00040664-00041264 because i am not one of those guys who wants every guitar to sound like a les paul or a strat p0y81P03i8o-00043-00041264-00042184 i like variation in what i've got and this is extremely appealing to me p0y81P03i8o-00044-00044208-00044496 it's just such a well-balanced p0y81P03i8o-00045-00044584-00045432 and smooth sound for a bridge p90 uh the base is nice and round on it and the treble is nice and p0y81P03i8o-00046-00045432-00046112 round on it it's extremely clear it doesn't get fuzzy like a lot of some brands p90s do p0y81P03i8o-00047-00046320-00046856 just really dig it i'll go through the clean tones here really quickly for you p0y81P03i8o-00048-00046856-00047280 um and then we'll get into some heavy stuff and it's a little bit surprising there too p0y81P03i8o-00049-00047336-00047784 okay um you were hearing a little bit on the bridge pickup here p0y81P03i8o-00050-00048352-00048952 that's my one touch of the bigsby for the video that is just a gorgeous sound p0y81P03i8o-00051-00049080-00050584 go up to the neck pickup on here p0y81P03i8o-00052-00051591-00051984 beep p0y81P03i8o-00053-00052640-00052840 oops i did it twice but p0y81P03i8o-00054-00053255-00053688 it's got the sonic qualities that i like in p90s p0y81P03i8o-00055-00053744-00054784 but doesn't have anything any of the qualities i don't like about p90 p0y81P03i8o-00056-00055240-00055440 and of course in the middle the blend of both of p0y81P03i8o-00057-00055440-00056184 them i'm just going to keep everything up full on here p0y81P03i8o-00058-00059167-00060264 that's really digging this thing okay now p90s you know if you're associating it more with a heavier p0y81P03i8o-00059-00060264-00061136 type of sound it's going to give you that too but very different than what you generally get p0y81P03i8o-00060-00061136-00061704 out of a p90 okay i'm going to put a little bit of gain through the fillmore back here p0y81P03i8o-00061-00061704-00062144 and i'm just on the crunch channel i'm not maxing it out and by the way these are p0y81P03i8o-00062-00062384-00063191 i would say i think we're looking at about an 8 km dc resistance on the bridge pickup p0y81P03i8o-00063-00063191-00063976 and about seven and a half on the neck so you're in the range of just basic output p0y81P03i8o-00064-00064032-00064632 of a vintage style paf humbucker so as far as the way it's going to hit the front of p0y81P03i8o-00065-00064632-00065984 the amp it's going to be very similar to that but let's go to the bridge pickup here p0y81P03i8o-00066-00067368-00068784 foreign p0y81P03i8o-00067-00068856-00069224 it's full and it's smooth and it's got some p0y81P03i8o-00068-00069224-00070184 rippage to it if you know what i'm talking about you can dig in p0y81P03i8o-00069-00070632-00071184 it's got the aggression you're looking for but it is not like stabbing yourself in the eye it's p0y81P03i8o-00070-00071432-00072096 the the highs and lows are both smooth and tight i just can't get over that enough p0y81P03i8o-00071-00072168-00072984 now um up to the neck pickup p0y81P03i8o-00072-00075008-00075432 it's gorgeous okay now i i haven't done this yet p0y81P03i8o-00073-00075432-00076104 quickly just because i'm going on about this guitar let's see what it does on some high high p0y81P03i8o-00074-00076168-00077184 gain here i'm going up to the highest gain channel on here i'm going to stay on the bridge pickup p0y81P03i8o-00075-00078848-00079984 let's push it a little bit more p0y81P03i8o-00076-00081216-00081384 look p0y81P03i8o-00077-00081584-00081880 we are i'll tell you exactly p0y81P03i8o-00078-00082248-00082488 599.99 p0y81P03i8o-00079-00082656-00083632 and with the scaled down body 14 inch wide body on here this is just a fun guitar and p0y81P03i8o-00080-00083760-00084464 you heard the tones out of it it's a no-brainer you should have this in your collection p0y81P03i8o-00081-00084592-00085280 and it's available here at moorguitars.com and more music in evansville indiana so if you've p0y81P03i8o-00082-00085280-00086064 got questions about this guitar or any guitar bass amp pedals give the folks here at moreguitars.com p0y81P03i8o-00083-00086064-00086704 a call or come by our store visit us more music in evansville indiana we would love to see you p0y81P03i8o-00084-00086768-00087392 the folks here are experts in every brand they sell you're not going to find this kind of p0y81P03i8o-00085-00087392-00088296 knowledge about gear anywhere else give them a call and get this into your hand the grech 2655 p0y81P03i8o-00086-00088296-00089592 tp90 streamliner center block jr double cut p90 with bixby or just ask for fred see you next time p2j76RiSyJg-00002-00015596-00016879 Beat x Offset p2j76RiSyJg-00003-00016879-00019257 •Alexx Melo• p3QIk20Z7CQ-00000-00000000-00000200 COOKING RECIPE p6EJg1XtIQY-00000-00000126-00000580 Thank you Mountain View Dodge for my Jeep Cherokee p6EJg1XtIQY-00001-00000580-00000882 The service provided by Patsy was exceptional p6EJg1XtIQY-00002-00000882-00001296 I will be back for oil changes, tire services and rotations p6EJg1XtIQY-00003-00001392-00001712 Thank you Geraldine! p97YMwvxJjQ-00000-00000000-00000112 Hello everyone p97YMwvxJjQ-00001-00000112-00000288 welcome on my channel p97YMwvxJjQ-00002-00000940-00001140 We're not going to do that p97YMwvxJjQ-00003-00001140-00001252 no p97YMwvxJjQ-00004-00002332-00002472 I'm going to make Dutch videos from now on p97YMwvxJjQ-00005-00002472-00002536 Sorry Trisha p97YMwvxJjQ-00006-00002536-00002696 I'm going to spend more time on you guys p97YMwvxJjQ-00007-00002696-00002856 trying to ignore you guys less p97YMwvxJjQ-00008-00002856-00003206 and have more of a dialog, to talk, and do stuff for you p97YMwvxJjQ-00009-00003261-00003524 I'm also going to try to make a video every week p97YMwvxJjQ-00010-00003524-00003715 That's not a promise p97YMwvxJjQ-00011-00003715-00003846 People on the internet can still lie p97YMwvxJjQ-00012-00003846-00004184 They do that a lot, especially in front of a camera p97YMwvxJjQ-00013-00004184-00004436 Someone also just asked to help them with a short film p97YMwvxJjQ-00014-00004436-00004636 And that always takes a lot of time p97YMwvxJjQ-00015-00004636-00005024 and I don't like to have a lot of frustration and stress p97YMwvxJjQ-00016-00005024-00005230 because I need to make something else like a video p97YMwvxJjQ-00017-00005230-00005448 whilst helping to make a short film p97YMwvxJjQ-00018-00005494-00005622 So those things are not promises p97YMwvxJjQ-00019-00005622-00005740 they're also not lies p97YMwvxJjQ-00020-00005740-00006038 They're just three things p97YMwvxJjQ-00021-00006742-00006942 I feel as if I'm making a new channel p97YMwvxJjQ-00022-00006942-00007116 just because now I'm talking Dutch p97YMwvxJjQ-00023-00007116-00007298 even if I'm making video's for three years on this channel p97YMwvxJjQ-00024-00007340-00007431 And maybe it is kind of like that p97YMwvxJjQ-00025-00007431-00007631 Maybe there's people who couldn't understand me p97YMwvxJjQ-00026-00007631-00007814 and now they can p97YMwvxJjQ-00027-00007814-00008068 and now they're like: "Yes' I can subscribe to this hotness! p97YMwvxJjQ-00028-00008068-00008150 so boys and girls p97YMwvxJjQ-00029-00008202-00008268 welcome p97YMwvxJjQ-00030-00008282-00008420 I think we need an introduction p97YMwvxJjQ-00031-00008420-00008552 Yes. I feel we do p97YMwvxJjQ-00032-00008552-00008678 We're going to do that. Introduction! p97YMwvxJjQ-00033-00008944-00009134 Hello, I'm Anton, I'm 24 years old p97YMwvxJjQ-00034-00009134-00009238 that's like... super old p97YMwvxJjQ-00035-00009258-00009464 And if you think I'm over exaggerating p97YMwvxJjQ-00036-00009494-00009588 I'm almost 25 p97YMwvxJjQ-00037-00009636-00009866 And 25 is 1/4th of your life if you live to be 100 p97YMwvxJjQ-00038-00009958-00010038 So that's pretty close p97YMwvxJjQ-00039-00010038-00010212 Even more. If you only get to be 30 p97YMwvxJjQ-00040-00010212-00010318 that's even closer p97YMwvxJjQ-00041-00010318-00010530 and if you only get to be 25 I die next year p97YMwvxJjQ-00042-00010830-00010936 I'm a big nerd p97YMwvxJjQ-00043-00010936-00011100 I like to read books p97YMwvxJjQ-00044-00011100-00011278 I'm a very big fan of Harry Potter p97YMwvxJjQ-00045-00011278-00011514 I very much like to play Nintendo games p97YMwvxJjQ-00046-00011768-00011866 what was that? p97YMwvxJjQ-00047-00011990-00012098 did you guys... no? p97YMwvxJjQ-00048-00012144-00012262 I'm also big film fan p97YMwvxJjQ-00049-00012262-00012430 I even did 4 years of film school p97YMwvxJjQ-00050-00012430-00012740 So I have an official degree that says: p97YMwvxJjQ-00051-00012740-00012844 Film Director p97YMwvxJjQ-00052-00012894-00013091 Well... I don't have that degree p97YMwvxJjQ-00053-00013091-00013284 I graduated about 2 years ago p97YMwvxJjQ-00054-00013284-00013424 And I never went to get my degree... p97YMwvxJjQ-00055-00013506-00013612 I hope they don't throw it out p97YMwvxJjQ-00056-00013636-00013712 Imagine that p97YMwvxJjQ-00057-00013728-00013872 That they do throw it out p97YMwvxJjQ-00058-00013944-00014130 Ow shit. Maybe I should go and get it... p97YMwvxJjQ-00059-00014130-00014330 What else is there to say? I live in Antwerp p97YMwvxJjQ-00060-00014382-00014484 In an apartment p97YMwvxJjQ-00061-00014512-00014684 I work in Ghent at Mediaraven p97YMwvxJjQ-00062-00014684-00014858 which I use the train to get to p97YMwvxJjQ-00063-00014878-00015022 I make videos over there p97YMwvxJjQ-00064-00015022-00015188 Over there I get payed to make videos p97YMwvxJjQ-00065-00015188-00015424 And sometimes I come home and I make more videos p97YMwvxJjQ-00066-00015424-00015606 for which I don't get payed p97YMwvxJjQ-00067-00015694-00015797 But those are for you guys! p97YMwvxJjQ-00068-00015838-00016006 So actually I get payed with the love p97YMwvxJjQ-00069-00016006-00016240 you guys sent me through the internet p97YMwvxJjQ-00070-00016310-00016386 Thank you p97YMwvxJjQ-00071-00016420-00016594 I would like to finish by saying p97YMwvxJjQ-00072-00016594-00016768 that I've been watching videos for a long time p97YMwvxJjQ-00073-00016768-00017000 Since I was 17, which is 8 years, which I find very long p97YMwvxJjQ-00074-00017000-00017122 Especially since I'm only 24 p97YMwvxJjQ-00075-00017122-00017282 That means Ive been watching YouTube for p97YMwvxJjQ-00076-00017282-00017420 1/3th of my life p97YMwvxJjQ-00077-00017450-00017650 And naturally, when I started film school p97YMwvxJjQ-00078-00017650-00017844 I wanted to make videos myself p97YMwvxJjQ-00079-00017896-00018040 And I did p97YMwvxJjQ-00080-00018146-00018346 But I just wanted to make stuff p97YMwvxJjQ-00081-00018346-00018618 And I put it online without much thought p97YMwvxJjQ-00082-00018618-00018732 So I didn't really mean it p97YMwvxJjQ-00083-00018732-00018906 But now I want do it serieusly p97YMwvxJjQ-00084-00018944-00019144 I feel like the time has come p97YMwvxJjQ-00085-00019144-00019406 for me to actually do something with this online stuff p97YMwvxJjQ-00086-00019456-00019656 And I think that'll be a lot easier by speaking Dutch p97YMwvxJjQ-00087-00019752-00019888 Because I live in Belgium p97YMwvxJjQ-00088-00019888-00020000 In Flanders p97YMwvxJjQ-00089-00020000-00020112 And we speak Dutch here p97YMwvxJjQ-00090-00020112-00020310 Oh my god... That sounded so conservative... p97YMwvxJjQ-00091-00020310-00020434 Like the Vlaams-Belang... p97YMwvxJjQ-00092-00020460-00020510 Or even N-VA... p97YMwvxJjQ-00093-00020550-00020776 Ok. So I hope you'll all keep watching p97YMwvxJjQ-00094-00020778-00021134 That you'll all want to be part of this new adventure p97YMwvxJjQ-00095-00021220-00021398 I'm excited for this p97YMwvxJjQ-00096-00021398-00021530 I'm very excited for this p97YMwvxJjQ-00097-00021538-00021668 I hope you guys too p97YMwvxJjQ-00098-00021668-00021874 I'd like to say subscribe... p97YMwvxJjQ-00099-00021874-00022168 but that's a bridge to far for me p97YMwvxJjQ-00100-00022216-00022266 ok p97YMwvxJjQ-00101-00022266-00022316 yes p97YMwvxJjQ-00102-00022384-00022544 thanks for watching p97YMwvxJjQ-00103-00022546-00022638 Let's do this p97YMwvxJjQ-00104-00022654-00022922 And apparently till next time! p97YMwvxJjQ-00105-00022922-00023032 Yow! p9rc0vn3iXc-00000-00000248-00000335 [Announcer] You have entered p9rc0vn3iXc-00001-00000335-00000533 the plumbing business success zone. p9rc0vn3iXc-00002-00000533-00000809 Teaching entrepreneurs the business of plumbing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00003-00000809-00000892 This is "Potty Talk Live." p9rc0vn3iXc-00004-00000892-00000986 Recorded live every week. p9rc0vn3iXc-00005-00001195-00001462 Turn on notifications to never miss an episode. p9rc0vn3iXc-00006-00001462-00001693 Now your host, Richard Behney, p9rc0vn3iXc-00007-00001693-00001892 the Million Dollar Plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00008-00002141-00002275 Hey, hey, hey, plumbing pros, p9rc0vn3iXc-00009-00002275-00002704 welcome to 310th episode of "Potty Talk Live!" p9rc0vn3iXc-00010-00002704-00002840 Hey there, I'm your host, Richard Behney, p9rc0vn3iXc-00011-00002840-00002989 the Million Dollar Plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00012-00002989-00003277 Along with my co-host, the lovely Laura. p9rc0vn3iXc-00013-00003277-00003360 Hello. p9rc0vn3iXc-00014-00003360-00003617 Where we're talking the business of plumbing, p9rc0vn3iXc-00015-00003617-00004075 and boy, do we have a great one in store for you tonight. p9rc0vn3iXc-00016-00004075-00004160 I can't wait to get to this one, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00017-00004160-00004244 Hey coach. p9rc0vn3iXc-00018-00004244-00004492 It's the first of a four-part series, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00019-00004492-00004576 Hey Bo. p9rc0vn3iXc-00020-00004576-00004704 The MDP mindset. MDP mindset. p9rc0vn3iXc-00021-00004704-00004841 All right, we're gonna bring it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00022-00004841-00004943 Hey, great to have you here. p9rc0vn3iXc-00023-00004943-00005102 Great to have you here, baby. p9rc0vn3iXc-00024-00005102-00005190 Thank you honey, hey Frankie. p9rc0vn3iXc-00025-00005190-00005429 All right, hey, everybody's checking in. p9rc0vn3iXc-00026-00005429-00005512 'Cause you know what to do. p9rc0vn3iXc-00027-00005512-00005680 All right, in fact, we have our title here. p9rc0vn3iXc-00028-00005680-00006045 Tonight's episode is "How to Be a Plumbing CEO." p9rc0vn3iXc-00029-00006045-00006128 Okay, p9rc0vn3iXc-00030-00006128-00006348 so we're gonna get to it. We're going to bring, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00031-00006348-00006681 We'll be talking about how to be a plumbing business CEO, p9rc0vn3iXc-00032-00006681-00006843 but as everyone's checking in- p9rc0vn3iXc-00033-00006843-00007000 Thank you, Darrell. p9rc0vn3iXc-00034-00007000-00007151 DW got busted. You made it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00035-00007151-00007273 He was doing a little thing on the side, p9rc0vn3iXc-00036-00007273-00007648 or whatever it was, had a little meeting or whatever. p9rc0vn3iXc-00037-00007648-00007839 Thank you, Darrell. p9rc0vn3iXc-00038-00007839-00007934 If you're watching live- p9rc0vn3iXc-00039-00007934-00008017 Hey Ricky Bobby. p9rc0vn3iXc-00040-00008017-00008232 Let us know that you're watching live with us. p9rc0vn3iXc-00041-00008232-00008356 So you're part of the live social audience, p9rc0vn3iXc-00042-00008356-00008539 type live in the comments. Yes please, hey Aaron. p9rc0vn3iXc-00043-00008539-00008774 If you're watching the replay, please type replay, p9rc0vn3iXc-00044-00008774-00008863 let us know that you caught it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00045-00008863-00008946 Hey Chris. p9rc0vn3iXc-00046-00008946-00009084 And if you're listening to the podcast, p9rc0vn3iXc-00047-00009084-00009184 you know what to do. p9rc0vn3iXc-00048-00009184-00009421 Just keep on listening. p9rc0vn3iXc-00049-00009421-00009535 Kathy, Chris and Kathy both. p9rc0vn3iXc-00050-00009535-00009637 All right, Kathy is joining us live. p9rc0vn3iXc-00051-00009637-00009820 All right, Chris, all right, good to have you. p9rc0vn3iXc-00052-00009820-00010096 Yes, and also, we wanna make sure you guys share this, p9rc0vn3iXc-00053-00010096-00010216 share "Potty Talk Live." p9rc0vn3iXc-00054-00010216-00010420 So right now, just hit the little share button p9rc0vn3iXc-00055-00010420-00010551 at the bottom. p9rc0vn3iXc-00056-00010551-00010740 So you can share with all your friends, p9rc0vn3iXc-00057-00010740-00010977 'cause everybody would wanna watch "Potty Talk Live." p9rc0vn3iXc-00058-00010977-00011215 Hey, you miss an episode of "Potty Talk Live-" p9rc0vn3iXc-00059-00011215-00011358 You gonna die. p9rc0vn3iXc-00060-00011479-00011729 The Babe is live, all right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00061-00011729-00012011 Hey Jeff. p9rc0vn3iXc-00062-00012011-00012094 All right, Bay Plumbing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00063-00012094-00012224 Hey Joseph. p9rc0vn3iXc-00064-00012405-00012548 Happy Monday, baby. p9rc0vn3iXc-00065-00012548-00012684 Happy Monday, I know. p9rc0vn3iXc-00066-00012684-00012847 You ever had one of those days p9rc0vn3iXc-00067-00012847-00012994 where you're just going like a hundred mile an hour? p9rc0vn3iXc-00068-00012994-00013196 I can't pronounce that, I'm gonna say live to that person. p9rc0vn3iXc-00069-00013196-00013328 Hey GB, welcome, good to see you, brother. p9rc0vn3iXc-00070-00013328-00013440 I know he's from South Africa, p9rc0vn3iXc-00071-00013440-00013566 but I don't know how to pronounce his name, p9rc0vn3iXc-00072-00013566-00013650 so, hello to South Africa. p9rc0vn3iXc-00073-00013650-00013806 All our South African mates here, p9rc0vn3iXc-00074-00013806-00014081 all right, good to have you here. p9rc0vn3iXc-00075-00014302-00014385 Angel! p9rc0vn3iXc-00076-00014586-00014819 Hey Miss Blevins. p9rc0vn3iXc-00077-00014819-00015126 Just call me angel of the morning, baby. p9rc0vn3iXc-00078-00015126-00015346 Oh my goodness, he's got a song for everything. p9rc0vn3iXc-00079-00015346-00015589 But I feel like I haven't done anything today. p9rc0vn3iXc-00080-00015589-00015672 Hey Christie. p9rc0vn3iXc-00081-00015672-00015774 You know, it's like, I look back and it's like, p9rc0vn3iXc-00082-00015774-00015896 what'd I do today? p9rc0vn3iXc-00083-00015896-00016013 We did, we got a lot of nothing done. p9rc0vn3iXc-00084-00016013-00016209 And know, we did a lot, but I know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00085-00016209-00016368 but it's like, what do we do? p9rc0vn3iXc-00086-00016368-00016485 Oh, there's Danny! p9rc0vn3iXc-00087-00016485-00016709 Danny, oh, we just had, Danny- p9rc0vn3iXc-00088-00016794-00016955 Danny and Taies were in town, p9rc0vn3iXc-00089-00016955-00017116 as well as Ted and Mickey Thompson. p9rc0vn3iXc-00090-00017116-00017297 Aw, had a great time with Ted and Mickey too. p9rc0vn3iXc-00091-00017297-00017570 Yes, and Elizabeth Fox, with Fox Plumbing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00092-00017570-00017671 Danny and Taies headed back today. p9rc0vn3iXc-00093-00017671-00017826 And their daughter, yes. p9rc0vn3iXc-00094-00017826-00017966 Back to New Era Plumbing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00095-00017966-00018100 Yes. A lot of Dracut, Dracut, p9rc0vn3iXc-00096-00018100-00018293 is that right? Loved hanging out. p9rc0vn3iXc-00097-00018293-00018499 Yes, loved hanging out with you guys, so fun. p9rc0vn3iXc-00098-00018499-00018647 They're probably just getting ready for the plane, p9rc0vn3iXc-00099-00018647-00018774 I'm assuming. p9rc0vn3iXc-00100-00018774-00018947 Oh yeah, 'cause they had later flight. p9rc0vn3iXc-00101-00018947-00019142 Yes, but we had a great time with them this week, p9rc0vn3iXc-00102-00019142-00019254 very fun. p9rc0vn3iXc-00103-00019254-00019372 We are lucky. p9rc0vn3iXc-00104-00019372-00019479 We are very blessed. p9rc0vn3iXc-00105-00019479-00019562 We have a good time. p9rc0vn3iXc-00106-00019562-00019757 Sign up to get text messages right now. p9rc0vn3iXc-00107-00019757-00019964 All you have to do is type text in the comments p9rc0vn3iXc-00108-00019964-00020240 to get a notification when we go live. p9rc0vn3iXc-00109-00020240-00020323 Yes. p9rc0vn3iXc-00110-00020323-00020443 So you never miss an episode of "Potty Talk Live," p9rc0vn3iXc-00111-00020443-00020664 just type text, and magically, p9rc0vn3iXc-00112-00020664-00020857 a little text message will appear. p9rc0vn3iXc-00113-00020857-00020940 You get notified, p9rc0vn3iXc-00114-00020940-00021089 there's nothing else worth that's watching. p9rc0vn3iXc-00115-00021089-00021201 On Monday night, there's nothing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00116-00021201-00021361 Right, okay? Ain't no thing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00117-00021361-00021501 So join us here if you're serious p9rc0vn3iXc-00118-00021501-00021672 about growing your plumbing business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00119-00021672-00021874 PPS Live for the third time in South Africa. p9rc0vn3iXc-00120-00021874-00022078 All right, good to have you here, brother. p9rc0vn3iXc-00121-00022078-00022185 PPS, that's what we'll call you now. p9rc0vn3iXc-00122-00022185-00022412 Glad you're here. p9rc0vn3iXc-00123-00022412-00022616 Oh, yes, he did get the dishes done, thanks, Chris. p9rc0vn3iXc-00124-00022616-00022753 Did you bust me doing? p9rc0vn3iXc-00125-00022753-00022912 I didn't bust you, I like, that's exactly what I- p9rc0vn3iXc-00126-00022912-00023057 I mean, I don't know if the Million Dollar Plumber- p9rc0vn3iXc-00127-00023057-00023141 It's like my love language. p9rc0vn3iXc-00128-00023141-00023386 Should be seen doing the dishes. p9rc0vn3iXc-00129-00023386-00023634 Absolutely, because that's the million, p9rc0vn3iXc-00130-00023634-00023827 Mrs. Million Dollar Plumber's love language, so. p9rc0vn3iXc-00131-00023827-00024093 The lovely Laura beats me when I don't. p9rc0vn3iXc-00132-00024093-00024176 You wish. p9rc0vn3iXc-00133-00024176-00024336 Oh, I see, Ricky said, sorry I've been missing- p9rc0vn3iXc-00134-00024336-00024530 I like when she ties me up. p9rc0vn3iXc-00135-00024530-00024644 Missing in action, we are finally starting to slow down- p9rc0vn3iXc-00136-00024644-00024727 You didn't hear that. p9rc0vn3iXc-00137-00024727-00024863 No, I didn't, and I'm gonna ignore you. p9rc0vn3iXc-00138-00024863-00025006 Finally started to slow down in Oklahoma p9rc0vn3iXc-00139-00025006-00025089 after the big freeze. p9rc0vn3iXc-00140-00025089-00025172 Isn't that crazy? p9rc0vn3iXc-00141-00025172-00025283 That Oklahoma and Texas both had this big freeze. p9rc0vn3iXc-00142-00025283-00025407 I know, crazy. p9rc0vn3iXc-00143-00025407-00025648 So yes, I'm sure you guys were crazy, p9rc0vn3iXc-00144-00025648-00026039 first with frozen pipes, and then burst. p9rc0vn3iXc-00145-00026130-00026377 DW said he loves him some Million Dollar Plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00146-00026377-00026647 I love you too, brother. p9rc0vn3iXc-00147-00026647-00026850 So anyway, we had a great visit this week p9rc0vn3iXc-00148-00026850-00026975 with clients in town. p9rc0vn3iXc-00149-00026975-00027226 We got to go out on the boat. Yeah, had a great time. p9rc0vn3iXc-00150-00027226-00027311 Do all kinds of fun stuff with them. p9rc0vn3iXc-00151-00027311-00027485 Hung out, you know, it's just, we love those- p9rc0vn3iXc-00152-00027485-00027587 Ate everything in sight. p9rc0vn3iXc-00153-00027587-00027797 This is the problem with clients coming into town, p9rc0vn3iXc-00154-00027797-00027965 'cause I mean, they're on vacation. p9rc0vn3iXc-00155-00027965-00028049 It's killer. p9rc0vn3iXc-00156-00028049-00028132 So they wanna eat like they're on vacation, p9rc0vn3iXc-00157-00028132-00028264 but man oh man. p9rc0vn3iXc-00158-00028264-00028495 Man, I'm not gonna get to that naughty body p9rc0vn3iXc-00159-00028495-00028733 if I'm eating everything naughty. p9rc0vn3iXc-00160-00028733-00028988 I know, so we just can't eat again until clients come. p9rc0vn3iXc-00161-00028988-00029079 Until the next client. p9rc0vn3iXc-00162-00029079-00029206 That's right, we're gonna have water, that's it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00163-00029206-00029317 Just water. That's all we're having, p9rc0vn3iXc-00164-00029317-00029401 and bread here. p9rc0vn3iXc-00165-00029401-00029484 No, no bread, no bread, just water. p9rc0vn3iXc-00166-00029484-00029665 No bread, that's bad. p9rc0vn3iXc-00167-00029665-00029905 Okay, so it was good, but we had a great time. p9rc0vn3iXc-00168-00029905-00029988 We did have a really great time. p9rc0vn3iXc-00169-00029988-00030072 I love, it's, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00170-00030072-00030190 it's like you're a little, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00171-00030190-00030358 a little sad when things go. p9rc0vn3iXc-00172-00030358-00030441 And when they leave. Yeah. p9rc0vn3iXc-00173-00030441-00030631 When they leave us 'cause it's like family. p9rc0vn3iXc-00174-00030631-00030862 So, all right, I took out the trash, does that count? p9rc0vn3iXc-00175-00030862-00030946 It is weird that way. p9rc0vn3iXc-00176-00030946-00031227 Yes, of course, that's Kimberly's love language. p9rc0vn3iXc-00177-00031227-00031311 If that's her love language. p9rc0vn3iXc-00178-00031311-00031631 If that's her love language, then it counts. p9rc0vn3iXc-00179-00031631-00031963 Matt Delnay can't hear over the crying babies. p9rc0vn3iXc-00180-00031963-00032113 Right, yeah. p9rc0vn3iXc-00181-00032113-00032202 People, stop having babies, p9rc0vn3iXc-00182-00032202-00032373 there is an easy solution to that. p9rc0vn3iXc-00183-00032586-00032726 Just the season, man, it's just the season. p9rc0vn3iXc-00184-00032726-00032858 That's right, that's right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00185-00032858-00033091 Yeah, the romance starts in the kitchen. p9rc0vn3iXc-00186-00033091-00033174 I learned that. p9rc0vn3iXc-00187-00033174-00033307 That's right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00188-00033307-00033502 The romance starts in the kitchen. p9rc0vn3iXc-00189-00033502-00033610 That's right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00190-00034149-00034267 All right, what are we talking about tonight? p9rc0vn3iXc-00191-00034267-00034479 All right, well here, well, we're gonna talk about- p9rc0vn3iXc-00192-00034479-00034562 Oh, we have a question, that's right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00193-00034562-00034646 Yeah, but we're gonna talk about p9rc0vn3iXc-00194-00034646-00034816 how to be a plumbing business CEO. p9rc0vn3iXc-00195-00034816-00034899 Okay. p9rc0vn3iXc-00196-00034899-00035049 But the question here that we have p9rc0vn3iXc-00197-00035049-00035319 is why did you start your plumbing business? p9rc0vn3iXc-00198-00035319-00035402 Why? Listen up- p9rc0vn3iXc-00199-00035402-00035539 Why, why, why? Why, why, why? p9rc0vn3iXc-00200-00035539-00035745 Why did you start your plumbing business? p9rc0vn3iXc-00201-00035745-00035840 Okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00202-00035840-00035930 So let us know. p9rc0vn3iXc-00203-00035930-00036114 Why did you start your plumbing business? p9rc0vn3iXc-00204-00036114-00036390 And it may be even different from what your why is now, p9rc0vn3iXc-00205-00036390-00036501 but what was the main reason? p9rc0vn3iXc-00206-00036501-00036916 What was the precipice to starting your plumbing business? p9rc0vn3iXc-00207-00036916-00037045 I think mine was I got fired, p9rc0vn3iXc-00208-00037045-00037276 so I had to come up with some kind of plan. p9rc0vn3iXc-00209-00037276-00037386 Actually, they know it's true. p9rc0vn3iXc-00210-00037386-00037549 I think, but I got, right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00211-00037549-00037749 I'm that guy, always got, always made- p9rc0vn3iXc-00212-00037749-00037896 Oh, you always waves. p9rc0vn3iXc-00213-00037896-00037979 Always made, yeah. p9rc0vn3iXc-00214-00037979-00038062 And made people nervous. p9rc0vn3iXc-00215-00038062-00038228 I'm just not meant to work for anyone. p9rc0vn3iXc-00216-00038228-00038323 No, you're not. p9rc0vn3iXc-00217-00038323-00038421 And I think I did, I think I got fired, p9rc0vn3iXc-00218-00038421-00038609 and I said, well, I gotta- p9rc0vn3iXc-00219-00038609-00038807 I'll show him. I'll show him, all right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00220-00038965-00039082 That's right. How hard can it be? p9rc0vn3iXc-00221-00039082-00039166 Yeah, right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00222-00039166-00039484 How hard can this plumbing business thing be? p9rc0vn3iXc-00223-00039484-00039791 And Joseph said, I was laid off and desperate! p9rc0vn3iXc-00224-00039791-00039874 Yes. p9rc0vn3iXc-00225-00039874-00040274 Desperation sometimes is a key motivator, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00226-00040370-00040545 Thanks, GB. p9rc0vn3iXc-00227-00040545-00041045 Oh, are you agreeing? I think GB's wise, I think he's agreeing that the romance starts in the kitchen. p9rc0vn3iXc-00228-00041048-00041131 Oh yes, that's what he was agreeing to. p9rc0vn3iXc-00229-00041131-00041334 I think 'cause I know that GB gets that stuff, you know? p9rc0vn3iXc-00230-00041334-00041593 Yes, he is a wise man. p9rc0vn3iXc-00231-00041593-00041749 So, you start your plumbing business, guys? p9rc0vn3iXc-00232-00041749-00041838 Let's hear it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00233-00041838-00041921 Yeah, why did you start your plumbing business? p9rc0vn3iXc-00234-00041921-00042004 What was the reason? p9rc0vn3iXc-00235-00042004-00042091 Hey Lenny. Hey Lenny, p9rc0vn3iXc-00236-00042091-00042198 good to have you here live, brother. p9rc0vn3iXc-00237-00042198-00042295 Nice and live. p9rc0vn3iXc-00238-00042451-00042601 Yeah, most, a lot of guys will start p9rc0vn3iXc-00239-00042601-00042807 their plumbing business, for one, p9rc0vn3iXc-00240-00042807-00043060 because they wanna make the money themselves, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00241-00043060-00043227 Right, and that's a biggie we hear, p9rc0vn3iXc-00242-00043227-00043484 wanna make the, you know, I can do a better job. p9rc0vn3iXc-00243-00043484-00043574 Right. Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00244-00043574-00043721 And freedom. Right, freedom. p9rc0vn3iXc-00245-00043721-00043831 Freedom's always a big one, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00246-00043831-00043914 So, why don't we have? p9rc0vn3iXc-00247-00043914-00044040 Did anyone type in yet, why don't we have? p9rc0vn3iXc-00248-00044040-00044123 Yeah, what's, come on, guys, p9rc0vn3iXc-00249-00044123-00044206 I'm looking for comments here. p9rc0vn3iXc-00250-00044206-00044351 Why did you start your plumbing business? p9rc0vn3iXc-00251-00044351-00044674 What was the main reason that you started it? p9rc0vn3iXc-00252-00044674-00045021 I think, yeah, Joseph was pretty transparent there. p9rc0vn3iXc-00253-00045021-00045104 That was really good. Laid off and desperate. p9rc0vn3iXc-00254-00045104-00045263 You know, and that's a good reason. p9rc0vn3iXc-00255-00045263-00045453 I think that's who I was, I mean, we'd just had, p9rc0vn3iXc-00256-00045453-00045931 Mallory was just born, and I got fired from my job p9rc0vn3iXc-00257-00045931-00046297 for standing up for, yeah, not wearing the mask. p9rc0vn3iXc-00258-00046297-00046520 Ricky said, so that I can retire. p9rc0vn3iXc-00259-00046520-00046614 So you could retire. p9rc0vn3iXc-00260-00046614-00046697 Okay, so, for- p9rc0vn3iXc-00261-00046697-00046781 How's that working out for you, man? p9rc0vn3iXc-00262-00046781-00047161 Yeah, he looks young, he really, really young, so. p9rc0vn3iXc-00263-00047161-00047453 Boss's kid syndrome, loved my old boss, p9rc0vn3iXc-00264-00047453-00047637 couldn't stand his kids, oh. p9rc0vn3iXc-00265-00047637-00047991 That's a thing, a new leadership comes into play, p9rc0vn3iXc-00266-00047991-00048112 and it's like, I'm outta here. p9rc0vn3iXc-00267-00048112-00048196 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00268-00048196-00048477 I wanted to be free to do bigger things, Bo, yeah. p9rc0vn3iXc-00269-00048477-00048584 Okay, we hear that with a lot. p9rc0vn3iXc-00270-00048584-00048711 Mm, freedom. p9rc0vn3iXc-00271-00048711-00048794 Okay, right, freedom. p9rc0vn3iXc-00272-00048794-00049084 To create your own destiny. p9rc0vn3iXc-00273-00049084-00049202 Well, that's an important reason p9rc0vn3iXc-00274-00049202-00049326 why you started your plumbing business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00275-00049326-00049430 Yes. p9rc0vn3iXc-00276-00049558-00049690 Right, the housing crash. p9rc0vn3iXc-00277-00049690-00049815 Oh, Mikey. p9rc0vn3iXc-00278-00049815-00049954 Wow, you started a plumbing business p9rc0vn3iXc-00279-00049954-00050078 during the housing crash. p9rc0vn3iXc-00280-00050078-00050172 Ugh. Whoa. p9rc0vn3iXc-00281-00050259-00050413 He is a brave guy. p9rc0vn3iXc-00282-00050413-00050524 I wanted to be my own boss. p9rc0vn3iXc-00283-00050524-00050832 That is a biggie. p9rc0vn3iXc-00284-00050832-00050977 You need an entrepreneur mindset, p9rc0vn3iXc-00285-00050977-00051277 one, you know, we wanna be in control, p9rc0vn3iXc-00286-00051277-00051387 but more control over your life. p9rc0vn3iXc-00287-00051387-00051796 'Cause some guys, like you, just cannot work for someone. p9rc0vn3iXc-00288-00051796-00051879 Yeah, I mean, I'm a good worker. p9rc0vn3iXc-00289-00051879-00051962 I mean, it wasn't a bunch of drama, p9rc0vn3iXc-00290-00052321-00052544 but I was always interested in everything. p9rc0vn3iXc-00291-00052544-00052628 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00292-00052628-00052787 And so, you get a guy that's holding onto the jobs p9rc0vn3iXc-00293-00052787-00053159 or the other leadership, they get nervous. p9rc0vn3iXc-00294-00053159-00053242 You made people nervous. p9rc0vn3iXc-00295-00053242-00053407 I made managers nervous, like I was gonna take their job p9rc0vn3iXc-00296-00053407-00053588 or something, because I looked good, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00297-00053588-00053829 doing the work, and I was always asking questions. p9rc0vn3iXc-00298-00053829-00054176 And so, okay. I heard someone say, p9rc0vn3iXc-00299-00054176-00054290 you can't fly with the eagles p9rc0vn3iXc-00300-00054290-00054432 if you're hanging out with turkeys. p9rc0vn3iXc-00301-00054432-00054550 That's right, Jeff! p9rc0vn3iXc-00302-00054550-00055050 And if you own your own plumbing business, you are an eagle. p9rc0vn3iXc-00303-00055113-00055388 The company to worked for for 28 years locked their doors, p9rc0vn3iXc-00304-00055388-00055611 so I had a shot to start up. p9rc0vn3iXc-00305-00055611-00055812 With oh, with a nice client list, because yeah. p9rc0vn3iXc-00306-00055812-00055969 All right, yeah. There we go. p9rc0vn3iXc-00307-00055969-00056088 Way to go, Jeff, okay. p9rc0vn3iXc-00308-00056088-00056307 So you got that, so you took the client list, p9rc0vn3iXc-00309-00056307-00056502 and you went to town. p9rc0vn3iXc-00310-00056502-00056642 Yeah, because they gotta p9rc0vn3iXc-00311-00056642-00056844 go somewhere, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00312-00056844-00057135 So, got laid off to tell everyone, and nine years later, p9rc0vn3iXc-00313-00057135-00057218 I'm in business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00314-00057218-00057330 We're still in business. Got laid off. p9rc0vn3iXc-00315-00057330-00057423 Way to go, Chris. p9rc0vn3iXc-00316-00057423-00057576 Oh, nice. p9rc0vn3iXc-00317-00057576-00057674 All right, good for you. p9rc0vn3iXc-00318-00057674-00057776 I wanted to work. p9rc0vn3iXc-00319-00057776-00058094 I wanted to work 80-plus hours a week, not really, I know. p9rc0vn3iXc-00320-00058094-00058356 That's the thing we're getting to, and that is the- p9rc0vn3iXc-00321-00058356-00058439 You're funny, Bo. p9rc0vn3iXc-00322-00058439-00058680 But thank you, Bo, that is the rude awakening. p9rc0vn3iXc-00323-00058680-00058854 You know, we get into, same kinda thing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00324-00058854-00058990 Well, I'll just do it myself. p9rc0vn3iXc-00325-00058990-00059073 Freedom! p9rc0vn3iXc-00326-00059073-00059156 Right, and we get into it, p9rc0vn3iXc-00327-00059156-00059398 and we find out there's a whole lot more going on. p9rc0vn3iXc-00328-00059398-00059483 Like business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00329-00059483-00059647 Like business, right, exactly. p9rc0vn3iXc-00330-00059647-00060042 So, this is the first part p9rc0vn3iXc-00331-00060042-00060197 of a four-part series, we're gonna talk p9rc0vn3iXc-00332-00060197-00060417 about the MDP mindset. p9rc0vn3iXc-00333-00060417-00060635 I think we're gonna do a four-part sermon series p9rc0vn3iXc-00334-00060635-00060780 on that one. p9rc0vn3iXc-00335-00060780-00061105 This one is "How to Be a Plumbing CEO." p9rc0vn3iXc-00336-00061197-00061281 So it's the MDP mindset, that's the series. p9rc0vn3iXc-00337-00061281-00061438 The MDP mindset. Yes. p9rc0vn3iXc-00338-00061438-00061682 You know, we talk about this, you know, all the time, p9rc0vn3iXc-00339-00061682-00061879 that really, you know, like, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00340-00061879-00062021 with our academy, and you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00341-00062021-00062160 our clients, and that kind of thing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00342-00062160-00062504 And the fact that it's good that we get to spend time p9rc0vn3iXc-00343-00062504-00062696 with our clients, our private clients, p9rc0vn3iXc-00344-00062696-00062911 it's not so much talking about the business stuff, p9rc0vn3iXc-00345-00062911-00063102 really about, the successful business, p9rc0vn3iXc-00346-00063102-00063382 the things you need to do is really about 20% of it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00347-00063382-00063572 The 80% is what goes on up here. p9rc0vn3iXc-00348-00063572-00063716 It's a mindset. p9rc0vn3iXc-00349-00063716-00063962 That's where most fail, is the mindset. p9rc0vn3iXc-00350-00063962-00064301 Not that they aren't good plumbers, or- p9rc0vn3iXc-00351-00064301-00064391 Just don't know the business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00352-00064391-00064564 You know, don't care, don't write, that kind of a thing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00353-00064564-00064868 It's the mindset on how we think of ourselves, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00354-00064868-00065019 And that kind of a thing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00355-00065019-00065513 So, that MDP, Million Dollar Plumber, mindset. p9rc0vn3iXc-00356-00065513-00065886 So, we're gonna cover that here in the next four episodes. p9rc0vn3iXc-00357-00065886-00065969 But tonight, the first part, we're talking p9rc0vn3iXc-00358-00065969-00066469 about how to be a plumbing business CEO. p9rc0vn3iXc-00359-00066567-00066831 Which leads to thank you, Sparky. p9rc0vn3iXc-00360-00066831-00066914 Moving us along. p9rc0vn3iXc-00361-00066914-00067038 Sparky's moving me along. p9rc0vn3iXc-00362-00067038-00067325 Not only am I being managed by the lovely Laura. p9rc0vn3iXc-00363-00067325-00067646 Now I got this young punk. p9rc0vn3iXc-00364-00067646-00067760 He's a punk? p9rc0vn3iXc-00365-00067760-00067843 I don't think Sparky's a punk. p9rc0vn3iXc-00366-00067843-00068084 Sparky, I love you, I love my little brother. p9rc0vn3iXc-00367-00068205-00068646 But number one, I know, he's pushing me along. p9rc0vn3iXc-00368-00068646-00068865 Is to speak it, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00369-00068865-00069043 How to be a plumbing business CEO? p9rc0vn3iXc-00370-00069043-00069165 You need to speak it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00371-00069165-00069352 I like how you, p9rc0vn3iXc-00372-00069352-00069703 you kind of whittled it down, okay, simplified it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00373-00069703-00069856 I like what, you know, one the first things p9rc0vn3iXc-00374-00069856-00070067 you'll ask our clients, what do you ask? p9rc0vn3iXc-00375-00070067-00070150 What do you ask them? p9rc0vn3iXc-00376-00070150-00070278 Oh, sure, when we meet with our clients, p9rc0vn3iXc-00377-00070278-00070553 and I think we even say this in the academy, p9rc0vn3iXc-00378-00070553-00070781 when you meet someone for the first time, p9rc0vn3iXc-00379-00070781-00071001 and most of the time, when you say, what's your name, p9rc0vn3iXc-00380-00071001-00071195 or whatever, and people usually ask, p9rc0vn3iXc-00381-00071195-00071372 so, what do you do for a living, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00382-00071372-00071534 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00383-00071534-00071768 We find that most of our clients, when they come to us, p9rc0vn3iXc-00384-00071768-00071987 the answer to that question is they'll say, p9rc0vn3iXc-00385-00071987-00072125 well, I'm a plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00386-00072125-00072348 And we're like, you own your own plumbing business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00387-00072348-00072646 You're not a plumber anymore, you are a CEO. p9rc0vn3iXc-00388-00072646-00072729 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00389-00072729-00072877 And so, speaking that out, so we really challenge p9rc0vn3iXc-00390-00072877-00073121 our clients that from that moment on, p9rc0vn3iXc-00391-00073121-00073418 anytime someone asks you, what do you do for a living? p9rc0vn3iXc-00392-00073418-00073597 You say, I'm a CEO. p9rc0vn3iXc-00393-00073597-00073716 I'm a CEO, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00394-00073716-00073799 Right, and you know what? p9rc0vn3iXc-00395-00073799-00073922 And then they'll probably ask you p9rc0vn3iXc-00396-00073922-00074029 what kind of business it is. p9rc0vn3iXc-00397-00074029-00074209 You can say, I own my own plumbing business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00398-00074209-00074419 And then you don't follow it up by saying, p9rc0vn3iXc-00399-00074419-00074628 but you know, it's just a small business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00400-00074628-00074721 It's just me, and I have another guy. p9rc0vn3iXc-00401-00074721-00074915 It's just me and a helper and a truck. p9rc0vn3iXc-00402-00075019-00075102 And that kind of thing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00403-00075102-00075185 Again we're getting back to mindset. p9rc0vn3iXc-00404-00075185-00075269 Right, yes. p9rc0vn3iXc-00405-00075269-00075460 Okay. all right. Yeah, speak it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00406-00075460-00075571 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00407-00075571-00075695 Into existence, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00408-00075695-00075779 Exactly. p9rc0vn3iXc-00409-00075779-00075884 And then live that. p9rc0vn3iXc-00410-00075884-00075967 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00411-00075967-00076051 You're a CEO. Exactly. p9rc0vn3iXc-00412-00076051-00076438 You're a CEO, you created your own business, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00413-00076438-00076552 All right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00414-00076552-00076701 I mean that always- Okay. p9rc0vn3iXc-00415-00076701-00076901 I always try to get that across to our clients p9rc0vn3iXc-00416-00076901-00077034 when they first start working with us p9rc0vn3iXc-00417-00077034-00077300 is really think about it, there was nothing, p9rc0vn3iXc-00418-00077300-00077669 and then you created it, and so it wasn't there p9rc0vn3iXc-00419-00077669-00077774 before you did it, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00420-00077774-00077861 And now you did it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00421-00077861-00078005 And most people don't do that. p9rc0vn3iXc-00422-00078005-00078102 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00423-00078102-00078210 That most people do not do that, so. p9rc0vn3iXc-00424-00078210-00078293 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00425-00078293-00078376 That's an eagle. p9rc0vn3iXc-00426-00078376-00078665 Yep, okay, you're up there soaring, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00427-00078665-00078805 So, you need to speak it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00428-00078805-00078987 Another thing that we do, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00429-00078987-00079194 we get into about the idea of, p9rc0vn3iXc-00430-00079194-00079427 I talk about your daily GPS, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00431-00079427-00079596 For those in the academy know what I'm talking about, p9rc0vn3iXc-00432-00079596-00079952 or whatever of writing down daily, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00433-00079952-00080215 you know, they're not necessarily goals, p9rc0vn3iXc-00434-00080215-00080368 but it's who you are. Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00435-00080368-00080596 You know, or what you're going to achieve. p9rc0vn3iXc-00436-00080596-00080816 So you may not be a 10-truck company yet, p9rc0vn3iXc-00437-00080816-00080959 but you say, in a positive, p9rc0vn3iXc-00438-00080959-00081209 I have a 10-truck plumbing company. p9rc0vn3iXc-00439-00081209-00081292 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00440-00081292-00081375 That kind of a thing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00441-00081375-00081674 But key to that exercise, every morning, p9rc0vn3iXc-00442-00081674-00081839 I've done it every morning for years. p9rc0vn3iXc-00443-00081839-00082030 Did it this morning, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00444-00082030-00082243 Is that once you write it out, you speak it out. p9rc0vn3iXc-00445-00082243-00082390 Out loud. Okay, out loud. p9rc0vn3iXc-00446-00082390-00082664 There's power in speaking it out. p9rc0vn3iXc-00447-00082664-00082747 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00448-00082747-00082840 I mean, that's how the universe was created, p9rc0vn3iXc-00449-00082840-00083110 when God created the universe, he spoke it into being p9rc0vn3iXc-00450-00083110-00083400 when he created the, you know, the Earth, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00451-00083400-00083703 and everything with it, and in it, and on it, whatever, p9rc0vn3iXc-00452-00083703-00083903 you know, above it, he's spoke it into being. p9rc0vn3iXc-00453-00083903-00084051 Right. Okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00454-00084051-00084254 That is just one of those things. p9rc0vn3iXc-00455-00084254-00084409 You don't have to understand that, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00456-00084409-00084561 It's just like you don't, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00457-00084561-00084755 exactly understand how gravity works, p9rc0vn3iXc-00458-00084755-00085001 but you fall off, you know, it's a law of the universe. p9rc0vn3iXc-00459-00085001-00085179 You step off a cliff, you're going to drop, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00460-00085179-00085291 You gonna fall. p9rc0vn3iXc-00461-00085291-00085401 Darrell says, get your mind right, p9rc0vn3iXc-00462-00085401-00085632 and in the right, can you see that? p9rc0vn3iXc-00463-00085632-00085759 Place takes practice- Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00464-00085759-00085904 You have to be intentional about your thought. p9rc0vn3iXc-00465-00085904-00086026 Dub, that's really good, DW. p9rc0vn3iXc-00466-00086026-00086266 That's wise right there. p9rc0vn3iXc-00467-00086266-00086381 Yes, you gotta be intentional about it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00468-00086381-00086478 Keyword, intentional. p9rc0vn3iXc-00469-00086478-00086687 Gotta be intentional, which means you, p9rc0vn3iXc-00470-00086687-00086793 'cause it's easy to not do that, p9rc0vn3iXc-00471-00086793-00087006 because your day can kinda get away from you, or whatever. p9rc0vn3iXc-00472-00087006-00087147 DW, I hope you don't mind. p9rc0vn3iXc-00473-00087147-00087336 DW is a great example. p9rc0vn3iXc-00474-00087336-00087549 When we first met him, I mean, he was wearing, p9rc0vn3iXc-00475-00087549-00087732 well, we'll get into that, but the whole mindset, p9rc0vn3iXc-00476-00087732-00087849 he looked, it was a plumber mindset. p9rc0vn3iXc-00477-00087849-00087969 Yes. p9rc0vn3iXc-00478-00087969-00088052 He ain't plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00479-00088052-00088136 He ain't a plumber no more. p9rc0vn3iXc-00480-00088136-00088231 He made so many plumber, he ain't no plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00481-00088231-00088461 He's probably one of the best plumbers out there. p9rc0vn3iXc-00482-00088461-00088637 I mean, he's had all the dues, p9rc0vn3iXc-00483-00088637-00088829 but he's all, he's business. He's business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00484-00088829-00089030 That comes from changing, you know- p9rc0vn3iXc-00485-00089030-00089113 Changing his mind. p9rc0vn3iXc-00486-00089113-00089252 At how you look at things, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00487-00089252-00089407 And then speaking these things out. p9rc0vn3iXc-00488-00089407-00089490 Yep, definitely, so speak it out loud. p9rc0vn3iXc-00489-00089490-00089827 Okay, so speak it out loud. p9rc0vn3iXc-00490-00089827-00089947 I am a CEO. p9rc0vn3iXc-00491-00089947-00090191 I am a CEO, okay? Correct. p9rc0vn3iXc-00492-00090191-00090405 Start looking at yourself that way, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00493-00090405-00090527 Okay. All right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00494-00090527-00090670 Number two. p9rc0vn3iXc-00495-00090670-00090845 Number two. Two, two, p9rc0vn3iXc-00496-00090845-00090961 there it is. All right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00497-00090961-00091123 Clothes make the man. p9rc0vn3iXc-00498-00091123-00091206 This one is one of my favorites. p9rc0vn3iXc-00499-00091206-00091289 Have you ever heard that saying? p9rc0vn3iXc-00500-00091289-00091373 I know. Uh-huh. p9rc0vn3iXc-00501-00091373-00091472 Did you make that up? p9rc0vn3iXc-00502-00091472-00091762 Yeah, sure. p9rc0vn3iXc-00503-00091762-00092022 Clothes make the man, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00504-00092022-00092107 So, what does that mean? p9rc0vn3iXc-00505-00092107-00092395 Okay, starting to dress the part, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00506-00092395-00092665 No longer wearing the plumbing clothes. p9rc0vn3iXc-00507-00092665-00092975 Even if you're still in the truck, wear a different uniform. p9rc0vn3iXc-00508-00092975-00093102 Yeah, especially a different uniform p9rc0vn3iXc-00509-00093102-00093191 than from what your guys wear. p9rc0vn3iXc-00510-00093191-00093324 Than what the guys are wearing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00511-00093324-00093537 Yeah, get a Polo or something that p9rc0vn3iXc-00512-00093537-00093647 makes you stand out a little bit more. p9rc0vn3iXc-00513-00093647-00093783 Okay, you're out of the truck, p9rc0vn3iXc-00514-00093783-00093926 or doing out of the truck things, p9rc0vn3iXc-00515-00093926-00094244 get rid of wearing the work boots, and the jeans, p9rc0vn3iXc-00516-00094244-00094471 or you know, that kind of stuff, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00517-00094471-00094592 Or your when you're in the office, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00518-00094592-00094721 maybe you're in, still one foot in the truck, p9rc0vn3iXc-00519-00094721-00095061 and one foot in the office, when you're in the office, p9rc0vn3iXc-00520-00095061-00095224 don't have the plumbing uniform on. p9rc0vn3iXc-00521-00095224-00095378 Have something else that makes you p9rc0vn3iXc-00522-00095378-00095605 feel like a business owner. p9rc0vn3iXc-00523-00095605-00095735 Right, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00524-00095735-00095883 Now, I'm not saying you gotta get all suited up and tie, p9rc0vn3iXc-00525-00095883-00096052 I mean, I didn't wanna, you know- p9rc0vn3iXc-00526-00096052-00096135 Three-piece suit. p9rc0vn3iXc-00527-00096135-00096291 And all yeah, and all that, and all that kind of stuff, p9rc0vn3iXc-00528-00096291-00096618 you still can find, you know, your groove, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00529-00096618-00096916 You know, I love, you know, well, we just mentioned, p9rc0vn3iXc-00530-00096916-00097179 that Ted and Mickey were in town, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00531-00097179-00097262 Ted and Mickey Thompson. p9rc0vn3iXc-00532-00097262-00097504 And they are just salt of the earth, great people. p9rc0vn3iXc-00533-00097504-00097587 Top Hat Plumbing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00534-00097587-00097677 Top Hat Plumbing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00535-00097677-00097868 Right, when he shared with me when he got married, p9rc0vn3iXc-00536-00097868-00098082 he wore, you know, a real nice, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00537-00098082-00098405 cowboy, you know, shirt and jeans, and whatever. p9rc0vn3iXc-00538-00098405-00098584 That's great, you be who you are, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00539-00098584-00098688 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00540-00098688-00099032 But it's so important to be different, p9rc0vn3iXc-00541-00099032-00099399 to set yourself apart from the frontline guys. p9rc0vn3iXc-00542-00099399-00099550 Or even, again- p9rc0vn3iXc-00543-00099550-00099633 From me being a plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00544-00099633-00099864 Right, even if it's still you in the truck, p9rc0vn3iXc-00545-00099864-00100173 doing things, even outside, once work's over, p9rc0vn3iXc-00546-00100173-00100403 put something different on, other than the regular- p9rc0vn3iXc-00547-00100403-00100501 Your regular clothes, like they wear, p9rc0vn3iXc-00548-00100501-00100633 that he wears a top hat. p9rc0vn3iXc-00549-00100633-00100850 I mean, so it's their personality, and that kind of stuff. p9rc0vn3iXc-00550-00100850-00100975 And cool, top and, you know. p9rc0vn3iXc-00551-00100975-00101211 But if it's khakis and different kind of shoes, p9rc0vn3iXc-00552-00101211-00101368 or something, it can still be boots, p9rc0vn3iXc-00553-00101368-00101472 but just not work boots, p9rc0vn3iXc-00554-00101472-00101730 and not work pants, and a work shirt, p9rc0vn3iXc-00555-00101730-00101841 something different that makes you p9rc0vn3iXc-00556-00101841-00102024 feel like a business owner. p9rc0vn3iXc-00557-00102024-00102122 Right, exactly. p9rc0vn3iXc-00558-00102122-00102206 'Cause the clothes make the man. p9rc0vn3iXc-00559-00102206-00102289 You know, so we see, you know, like our guy- p9rc0vn3iXc-00560-00102289-00102450 'Cause it's mental. p9rc0vn3iXc-00561-00102450-00102755 We had one client, we won't say the name. p9rc0vn3iXc-00562-00102755-00102910 They may, I don't know if they're on, p9rc0vn3iXc-00563-00102910-00103241 but we had him burn his, 'cause it was really a big deal p9rc0vn3iXc-00564-00103241-00103408 to kinda give up that. p9rc0vn3iXc-00565-00103408-00103517 'Cause it's what he's always been. p9rc0vn3iXc-00566-00103517-00103835 It's an identity, it traps you in with that identity p9rc0vn3iXc-00567-00103835-00103939 of being a plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00568-00103939-00104034 Look, if you wanna be a plumber, p9rc0vn3iXc-00569-00104034-00104144 there's nothing wrong with being a plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00570-00104144-00104227 Of course. p9rc0vn3iXc-00571-00104227-00104374 If you wanna be a plumber- p9rc0vn3iXc-00572-00104374-00104520 But you made the choice. p9rc0vn3iXc-00573-00104520-00104740 Go be a plumber for another company. p9rc0vn3iXc-00574-00104740-00104823 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00575-00104823-00105049 But you've made a choice to start a plumbing business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00576-00105049-00105132 Right, so you need to act like it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00577-00105132-00105416 And the business, the word business trumps plumbing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00578-00105416-00105561 Right. Okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00579-00105561-00105647 So you need to act like it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00580-00105647-00105742 Right, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00581-00105742-00105825 You're not a plumber anymore. p9rc0vn3iXc-00582-00105825-00105916 And can you say, well, they can just accept me p9rc0vn3iXc-00583-00105916-00106016 the way I am, well, no, it doesn't doesn't work that way. p9rc0vn3iXc-00584-00106016-00106234 No, that's not how it works. p9rc0vn3iXc-00585-00106234-00106399 Yep, I've been nicer clothes, p9rc0vn3iXc-00586-00106399-00106667 it actually helps keep me from going out to a job. p9rc0vn3iXc-00587-00106667-00106799 All right, Joe. p9rc0vn3iXc-00588-00106799-00106922 Don't wanna wreck those nice jeans, p9rc0vn3iXc-00589-00106922-00107015 and then I can't see the rest of it, p9rc0vn3iXc-00590-00107015-00107218 but good for you, Melissa's encouraging him, I'm sure, p9rc0vn3iXc-00591-00107218-00107321 to not do that. p9rc0vn3iXc-00592-00107321-00107426 And that's true, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00593-00107426-00107680 I mean, so you feel, and you just feel better, p9rc0vn3iXc-00594-00107680-00107838 and if you have something a little bit nicer on, p9rc0vn3iXc-00595-00107838-00108015 and you're like, okay, well, I'm not gonna go out there, p9rc0vn3iXc-00596-00108015-00108253 and start digging a ditch. Right, okay. p9rc0vn3iXc-00597-00108253-00108423 Now, of course, if you need to, p9rc0vn3iXc-00598-00108423-00108610 then that's what we have to do for, you know, whatever, p9rc0vn3iXc-00599-00108610-00108858 but try not to. p9rc0vn3iXc-00600-00108858-00109156 Right, hey, even when I was back in, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00601-00109156-00109440 we went through '08, and I've shared with you before, p9rc0vn3iXc-00602-00109440-00109665 you know, not everything goes, you know, up and up and up. p9rc0vn3iXc-00603-00109665-00109789 And sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. p9rc0vn3iXc-00604-00109789-00109881 And I'm back in the band- p9rc0vn3iXc-00605-00109881-00110007 Like that housing everything crash. p9rc0vn3iXc-00606-00110007-00110126 Right, when everything crashed, p9rc0vn3iXc-00607-00110126-00110316 and even though we had, you know, lost half our guys, p9rc0vn3iXc-00608-00110316-00110421 but I was still back, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00609-00110421-00110723 I went back in the van to get, you know, whatever, p9rc0vn3iXc-00610-00110723-00110808 to make my own money. p9rc0vn3iXc-00611-00110808-00110986 Oh, he did burn his Chartharts. p9rc0vn3iXc-00612-00110986-00111234 I wore the Attaboy uniform, p9rc0vn3iXc-00613-00111234-00111379 but mine was all embroidered. p9rc0vn3iXc-00614-00111379-00111555 Okay, yeah, a little nicer. p9rc0vn3iXc-00615-00111555-00111701 Mine was, you know, it was nicer p9rc0vn3iXc-00616-00111701-00111834 than what the other guys were wearing, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00617-00111834-00111918 Right, yeah, to stand out. p9rc0vn3iXc-00618-00111918-00112129 Just it's more of a mind game, to remind me that I, p9rc0vn3iXc-00619-00112129-00112324 this isn't where I belong. Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00620-00112324-00112631 I can, I've done that, I've paid my dues or whatever, p9rc0vn3iXc-00621-00112631-00112764 but that's just not what I belong, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00622-00112764-00112927 Right, and you also wanna make sure p9rc0vn3iXc-00623-00112927-00113134 that you do stand out from the guys. p9rc0vn3iXc-00624-00113134-00113303 So if you're not in the truck anymore, p9rc0vn3iXc-00625-00113303-00113620 you don't wanna, here's a good point p9rc0vn3iXc-00626-00113620-00113753 that I just came up with. p9rc0vn3iXc-00627-00113753-00114107 If you want, if someone walked into your office, p9rc0vn3iXc-00628-00114107-00114327 and all your crew was there, and you were there, p9rc0vn3iXc-00629-00114327-00114733 would they be able to tell who is the business owner? p9rc0vn3iXc-00630-00114733-00114817 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00631-00114817-00115091 Or would it just look like everybody's the plumber? p9rc0vn3iXc-00632-00115091-00115311 If the answer to that is everybody looks like a plumber, p9rc0vn3iXc-00633-00115311-00115482 you're wearing the wrong thing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00634-00115482-00115608 Right. You're in the wrong thing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00635-00115608-00115721 Right. You have to stand out, p9rc0vn3iXc-00636-00115721-00115805 you have to be separate. p9rc0vn3iXc-00637-00115805-00116046 Listen, you're not buddies with your plumbers. p9rc0vn3iXc-00638-00116046-00116281 You're not buddies, you have to separate it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00639-00116281-00116514 And one way to separate is by what you wear. p9rc0vn3iXc-00640-00116514-00116727 Right, you know, clothes make the man. p9rc0vn3iXc-00641-00116727-00116918 I mean, it is that simple. p9rc0vn3iXc-00642-00116918-00117207 People judge a book by its cover, period. p9rc0vn3iXc-00643-00117207-00117481 I know we're working on a society where we're even, p9rc0vn3iXc-00644-00117481-00117713 you know, we're even getting rid of Dr. Seuss, you know- p9rc0vn3iXc-00645-00117713-00117796 I haven't even seen what that's all about. p9rc0vn3iXc-00646-00117796-00117994 And I mean, all this cancel culture bull- p9rc0vn3iXc-00647-00117994-00118126 Crap. Yeah. p9rc0vn3iXc-00648-00118126-00118309 You know, and we're trying to make it all safe. p9rc0vn3iXc-00649-00118309-00118581 The reality, it will never be that way. p9rc0vn3iXc-00650-00118581-00118664 Mm-mm. p9rc0vn3iXc-00651-00118664-00118833 All right, people judge a book by its cover, p9rc0vn3iXc-00652-00118833-00119025 and they have their opinions. p9rc0vn3iXc-00653-00119025-00119408 So if you go into, well, I know that I, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00654-00119408-00119753 I remember when I got one of my first plumbing jobs, p9rc0vn3iXc-00655-00119753-00120079 when I was a plumber, I actually wore their uniform, p9rc0vn3iXc-00656-00120079-00120249 and I wore it clean. p9rc0vn3iXc-00657-00120249-00120395 And pressed. And pressed it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00658-00120395-00120718 I mean, and pressed it means I ironed it every morning. p9rc0vn3iXc-00659-00120718-00120801 Okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00660-00120801-00120992 And so I looked clean and sharp. p9rc0vn3iXc-00661-00121140-00121438 I wasn't even a licensed plumber yet, I was an apprentice, p9rc0vn3iXc-00662-00121438-00121571 and I got my own truck. p9rc0vn3iXc-00663-00121730-00121828 Before other guys- p9rc0vn3iXc-00664-00121828-00121911 'Cause you were all clean and shiny. p9rc0vn3iXc-00665-00121911-00122016 Because yes, I could do the work. p9rc0vn3iXc-00666-00122016-00122296 Maybe not, I wasn't as good as other guys, p9rc0vn3iXc-00667-00122296-00122438 but I looked the part. p9rc0vn3iXc-00668-00122438-00122680 I mean, it's just, there's something that happens that way. p9rc0vn3iXc-00669-00122680-00122763 All right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00670-00122763-00123092 When you go to the bank and you're asking for money, p9rc0vn3iXc-00671-00123092-00123379 don't go there looking like death warmed over. p9rc0vn3iXc-00672-00123379-00123601 Or yeah, with dirty, crappy boots on. p9rc0vn3iXc-00673-00123601-00123698 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00674-00123698-00123781 Who knows what's on it? p9rc0vn3iXc-00675-00123781-00123864 Right, well, they can take me as I am. p9rc0vn3iXc-00676-00123864-00123947 Well, they will take you as you are, p9rc0vn3iXc-00677-00123947-00124081 and say, I ain't gonna give you any money. p9rc0vn3iXc-00678-00124081-00124164 Denied. p9rc0vn3iXc-00679-00124164-00124492 You're right, you know, it's just how it is, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00680-00124492-00124663 Yeah, and also, plumbing business owners, p9rc0vn3iXc-00681-00124663-00124908 if you are involved in like any BNI group, p9rc0vn3iXc-00682-00124908-00125097 or local community, Chamber of Commerce, p9rc0vn3iXc-00683-00125097-00125328 or anything like that, and they have their meetings, p9rc0vn3iXc-00684-00125328-00125520 don't wear your plumbing uniform. p9rc0vn3iXc-00685-00125520-00125754 If you are in the truck all the time, p9rc0vn3iXc-00686-00125754-00125972 and you have to go to the meeting, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00687-00125972-00126320 in between jobs, have a clean set of clothes p9rc0vn3iXc-00688-00126320-00126563 that aren't plumbing uniforms in your truck, p9rc0vn3iXc-00689-00126563-00126688 so you can change into that, and walk in. p9rc0vn3iXc-00690-00126688-00126975 Right, that, you know, I remember when I was still p9rc0vn3iXc-00691-00126975-00127150 in the truck, and when went to those kinds of things, p9rc0vn3iXc-00692-00127150-00127313 I was trying to learn, you know, this kinda stuff, p9rc0vn3iXc-00693-00127313-00127659 where I met my mentor that actually taught me business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00694-00127659-00127861 I was still in the truck, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00695-00127861-00127965 Before I became a million dollar, you know, the business- p9rc0vn3iXc-00696-00127965-00128180 A hundred years ago, the plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00697-00128180-00128433 Or whatever, by being with these other CEOs, p9rc0vn3iXc-00698-00128433-00128681 or the business leaders, that's what compelled me, p9rc0vn3iXc-00699-00128681-00128847 you know, move up. Right, hook you up. p9rc0vn3iXc-00700-00128847-00129113 But I'd go to those meetings, and I'd wear khakis, p9rc0vn3iXc-00701-00129113-00129376 which you won't catch me in khakis today, that's a little. p9rc0vn3iXc-00702-00129376-00129595 But that was different than wearing the plumbing uni, p9rc0vn3iXc-00703-00129595-00130002 but khakis, and had a white shirt that had Attaboy all, p9rc0vn3iXc-00704-00130002-00130126 I mean- Yes, embroidered. p9rc0vn3iXc-00705-00130126-00130209 So it looked more executive. p9rc0vn3iXc-00706-00130209-00130319 Right. Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00707-00130319-00130579 No glue and primer stains, exactly right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00708-00130579-00130732 Yeah, exactly right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00709-00130732-00130892 Clean and fresh, right, Joseph. p9rc0vn3iXc-00710-00130892-00130975 There we go, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00711-00130975-00131087 'Cause clothes do make the man. p9rc0vn3iXc-00712-00131087-00131313 Clothes make the man, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00713-00131313-00131481 So go, and it's kinda fun. p9rc0vn3iXc-00714-00131481-00131704 Even we have some of our clients here, even a couple on p9rc0vn3iXc-00715-00131704-00131912 are talking about, even the car they're driving, p9rc0vn3iXc-00716-00131912-00132186 the truck, they've gone out and gotten their CEO- p9rc0vn3iXc-00717-00132186-00132269 CEO truck. p9rc0vn3iXc-00718-00132269-00132506 The CEO truck or vehicle, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00719-00132506-00132668 There's just something about that, guys. p9rc0vn3iXc-00720-00132668-00132797 It's a mindset. p9rc0vn3iXc-00721-00132797-00133053 And so, when you start seeing yourself that way, p9rc0vn3iXc-00722-00133053-00133397 and in doing and speaking out that way, it all of a sudden, p9rc0vn3iXc-00723-00133397-00133581 it's lifting your business up. p9rc0vn3iXc-00724-00133581-00133664 Right, it elevates you. p9rc0vn3iXc-00725-00133664-00133747 You start headed that way. p9rc0vn3iXc-00726-00133747-00134012 Let's see, Jeff says, when I dress for success, p9rc0vn3iXc-00727-00134012-00134240 people tell me all the time, you don't look like a plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00728-00134240-00134369 I tell them, I'm a small business owner. p9rc0vn3iXc-00729-00134369-00134452 Good for you, Jeff. p9rc0vn3iXc-00730-00134452-00134637 Right on, Jeff, right on, right on, you know? p9rc0vn3iXc-00731-00134637-00134823 From now on, Jeff, you're not gonna say, p9rc0vn3iXc-00732-00134823-00134906 small business owner, p9rc0vn3iXc-00733-00134906-00134990 you're gonna say, I'm a CEO. Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00734-00134990-00135155 Because that is what you are. p9rc0vn3iXc-00735-00135155-00135520 That is what you are, that is your responsibility, p9rc0vn3iXc-00736-00135520-00135603 all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00737-00135603-00135736 All right, and that's what you're doing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00738-00135736-00136016 So, there we go, all right? Yes, love that. p9rc0vn3iXc-00739-00136016-00136138 Yeah, it's always good when someone says, p9rc0vn3iXc-00740-00136138-00136258 well, you don't look like a plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00741-00136258-00136341 Yeah. p9rc0vn3iXc-00742-00136341-00136424 That's usually a good sign. p9rc0vn3iXc-00743-00136424-00136655 Right, hey, I'm just having a rough, I mean, you can be. p9rc0vn3iXc-00744-00136655-00136738 You can get dirty, but- p9rc0vn3iXc-00745-00136738-00136890 Right, right, whatever, but yeah. p9rc0vn3iXc-00746-00136890-00137039 Clean up before your next job, p9rc0vn3iXc-00747-00137039-00137140 or certainly before the next day. p9rc0vn3iXc-00748-00137140-00137326 Well, I'm the CEO, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00749-00137326-00137530 Yeah, I've done plumbing, I'm proud to be a plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-00750-00137530-00137638 Okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00751-00137638-00137775 All right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00752-00137775-00138035 'Cause plumbers do protect the health of the nation. p9rc0vn3iXc-00753-00138035-00138145 Yeah, they do. It's true. p9rc0vn3iXc-00754-00138145-00138265 Yeah, we do. p9rc0vn3iXc-00755-00138265-00138471 All right, hey, for joining us and for listening, p9rc0vn3iXc-00756-00138471-00138651 I have something for you, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00757-00138651-00138934 A Million Dollar Plumber blueprint, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00758-00138934-00139157 All the specs you need to know p9rc0vn3iXc-00759-00139157-00139327 to have a successful, self-sustaining, p9rc0vn3iXc-00760-00139327-00139521 and profitable plumbing business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00761-00139521-00139854 I laid it out all in there very simply for you, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00762-00139854-00139977 And it's free. p9rc0vn3iXc-00763-00139977-00140240 All right, simply type free in the comments, p9rc0vn3iXc-00764-00140240-00140681 or go to themilliondollarplumber.com/free, p9rc0vn3iXc-00765-00140681-00141053 and grab your free copy today. p9rc0vn3iXc-00766-00141053-00141182 Okay. All right, p9rc0vn3iXc-00767-00141182-00141377 so there we have it, all right, number one. p9rc0vn3iXc-00768-00141377-00141492 MDP mindsets. p9rc0vn3iXc-00769-00141492-00141575 All right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00770-00141575-00141729 How to be a plumbing business CEO, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00771-00141729-00141854 Speak it, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00772-00141854-00141964 Speak it, say it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00773-00141964-00142132 This is what I am- Out loud. p9rc0vn3iXc-00774-00142132-00142215 You know? All the time. p9rc0vn3iXc-00775-00142215-00142342 Put it on your card, you know? p9rc0vn3iXc-00776-00142342-00142453 That kind of, you know, your business card. p9rc0vn3iXc-00777-00142453-00142606 Ooh, that's another good one, yeah, get a business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00778-00142606-00142788 Yeah, if you've got business cards, which you should, p9rc0vn3iXc-00779-00142788-00143057 put on there, CEO. Okay. p9rc0vn3iXc-00780-00143057-00143175 Instead of plumber or whatever. p9rc0vn3iXc-00781-00143175-00143452 All right, speak it out, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00782-00143452-00143683 Clothes make the man, dress like it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00783-00143683-00143839 Dress for success, you ever heard that? p9rc0vn3iXc-00784-00143839-00143975 Dress for success. p9rc0vn3iXc-00785-00143975-00144058 All right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00786-00144058-00144286 Hey, some of these things sound, you know, kinda cliche. p9rc0vn3iXc-00787-00144286-00144548 There's the reason why save some sayings, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00788-00144548-00144672 'Cause it is, you know? 'Cause they're true. p9rc0vn3iXc-00789-00144672-00144763 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00790-00144763-00144846 They're true statements. p9rc0vn3iXc-00791-00144846-00145050 Right, a bird in the hand's worth two in the bush, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00792-00145050-00145137 All right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00793-00145137-00145252 Six in one, half dozen of the other. p9rc0vn3iXc-00794-00145252-00145335 That's right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00795-00145504-00145786 Wait, six dozen of one, say, half of that divided by- p9rc0vn3iXc-00796-00145786-00145995 What if it's a baker dozen? Oh. p9rc0vn3iXc-00797-00145995-00146145 Oh, okay. Or a baker's dozen. p9rc0vn3iXc-00798-00146145-00146228 Yeah, it really doesn't count. p9rc0vn3iXc-00799-00146228-00146319 So, how does the math work on that? p9rc0vn3iXc-00800-00146319-00146402 I don't know. p9rc0vn3iXc-00801-00146402-00146527 All right, carry the one, cross the, Okay. p9rc0vn3iXc-00802-00146527-00146809 All right, all right, and finally, number three, p9rc0vn3iXc-00803-00146809-00146987 the piece the resistance. p9rc0vn3iXc-00804-00146987-00147163 Like you never heard this one before. p9rc0vn3iXc-00805-00147273-00147593 It ain't about plumbing, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00806-00147692-00147776 Well, what does that have to do p9rc0vn3iXc-00807-00147776-00148022 with the Million Dollar Plumber mindset? p9rc0vn3iXc-00808-00148022-00148122 And being a CEO? p9rc0vn3iXc-00809-00148273-00148464 It isn't, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00810-00148464-00148743 It ain't, like, where I come from, we say ain't, p9rc0vn3iXc-00811-00148743-00148838 we don't say isn't. p9rc0vn3iXc-00812-00148838-00148944 I know I always tried to, p9rc0vn3iXc-00813-00148944-00149137 when we first started speaking that, p9rc0vn3iXc-00814-00149137-00149344 and we write that out, remember, we'd have our editor, p9rc0vn3iXc-00815-00149344-00149427 you know, that kind of stuff say, p9rc0vn3iXc-00816-00149427-00149676 well, it isn't, no, where I'm from, we say ain't, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00817-00149676-00149784 It ain't about plumbing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00818-00149784-00149932 It ain't about plumbing, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00819-00149932-00150136 All right, well, what do you mean in this? p9rc0vn3iXc-00820-00150136-00150437 Okay, your focus is not p9rc0vn3iXc-00821-00150437-00150615 with the plumbing business CEO, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00822-00150615-00150796 It's not about the plumbing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00823-00150796-00150946 I mean, I still hear it, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00824-00150946-00151190 the guys getting wrapped up in all the code and all that, p9rc0vn3iXc-00825-00151190-00151428 you know, all that, but that's not, you're driven, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00826-00151428-00151632 that's not what you're about, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00827-00151632-00151844 If you wanna still be all up on the code, p9rc0vn3iXc-00828-00151844-00152147 and all in the, you know, the latest equipment, p9rc0vn3iXc-00829-00152147-00152486 and techniques, and all the stuff, and the gear, and that, p9rc0vn3iXc-00830-00152486-00152702 all that kinda crap, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00831-00152702-00152932 Then go be a plumber for someone, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00832-00152932-00153399 As a plumbing business CEO, your job is the business, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00833-00153399-00153682 It ain't about, it has nothing to do with plumbing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00834-00153682-00153874 Okay, well, I don't know about business, p9rc0vn3iXc-00835-00153874-00153984 or I'm not that kinda guy. p9rc0vn3iXc-00836-00153984-00154067 Well- p9rc0vn3iXc-00837-00154067-00154150 Learn. p9rc0vn3iXc-00838-00154150-00154301 Right, neither am I, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00839-00154301-00154483 It doesn't mean you've gotta go, p9rc0vn3iXc-00840-00154483-00154630 I ain't sitting behind a desk. p9rc0vn3iXc-00841-00154630-00154865 Well, I didn't wanna sit behind a desk either. p9rc0vn3iXc-00842-00154865-00154996 That's why I got in trouble all the time. p9rc0vn3iXc-00843-00154996-00155079 That's true. p9rc0vn3iXc-00844-00155079-00155162 Where's Richard? p9rc0vn3iXc-00845-00155162-00155245 Gone. p9rc0vn3iXc-00846-00155245-00155329 Lovely Laura be looking for me. p9rc0vn3iXc-00847-00155329-00155683 I'd be at the track, the race track, or at the airport. p9rc0vn3iXc-00848-00155807-00155925 You know, going golfing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00849-00155925-00156067 Yeah, and I'm, phones are ringing off the hook, p9rc0vn3iXc-00850-00156067-00156256 and my hair's on fire. p9rc0vn3iXc-00851-00156256-00156464 All right. Here's Ricky. p9rc0vn3iXc-00852-00156464-00156547 Okay. p9rc0vn3iXc-00853-00156547-00156678 You are a CEO! Yeah, you are, brother! p9rc0vn3iXc-00854-00156678-00156814 That's right, Ricky, good for you. p9rc0vn3iXc-00855-00156814-00157053 And so, I'm not saying you gotta sit behind a desk, p9rc0vn3iXc-00856-00157053-00157273 and have a bit, you know, and be that, that's not. p9rc0vn3iXc-00857-00157273-00157404 And look at numbers all day. p9rc0vn3iXc-00858-00157404-00157521 Right, that's not what it's about, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00859-00157521-00157878 You can do it in your style, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00860-00157878-00158097 But it's about the business, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00861-00158097-00158217 About the business. p9rc0vn3iXc-00862-00158217-00158499 You're focusing on the things that will move the business, p9rc0vn3iXc-00863-00158499-00158764 this asset that you're working on for, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00864-00158764-00159205 that's the whole, you know, the whole MDP mindset, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00865-00159205-00159396 The Million Dollar Plumber mindset is all p9rc0vn3iXc-00866-00159396-00159553 about the freedom lifestyle, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00867-00159553-00159775 So how do we create a business? p9rc0vn3iXc-00868-00159775-00160000 How do we create this asset that we have p9rc0vn3iXc-00869-00160000-00160291 that allows us to live the lives that we wanna live, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00870-00160291-00160515 And live our lives on our terms, all right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00871-00160515-00160837 And then create real wealth, wealth being financial wealth, p9rc0vn3iXc-00872-00160837-00161053 and time wealth, okay. p9rc0vn3iXc-00873-00161053-00161169 Learning how to use a printer, p9rc0vn3iXc-00874-00161169-00161320 and send an email is the hardest thing p9rc0vn3iXc-00875-00161320-00161499 about being a plumber business owner. p9rc0vn3iXc-00876-00161499-00161886 Yeah, brother, DW, thank you for saying it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00877-00161886-00162187 I know, I know. p9rc0vn3iXc-00878-00162187-00162379 And that's all right, look, that's, guys, p9rc0vn3iXc-00879-00162379-00162500 that's why I say it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00880-00162500-00162663 And I mean this, if you watch this, p9rc0vn3iXc-00881-00162663-00162769 you know, who is this guy? p9rc0vn3iXc-00882-00162769-00162855 He thinks he's all that. p9rc0vn3iXc-00883-00162855-00162938 No, I don't think I'm, first of all, p9rc0vn3iXc-00884-00162938-00163239 I don't think I'm all that, I've just made every mistake. p9rc0vn3iXc-00885-00163354-00163596 And I, still to this day, have trouble. p9rc0vn3iXc-00886-00163596-00163811 I can't get the printer to work. p9rc0vn3iXc-00887-00163811-00164107 Even with the earlier today with the computer, p9rc0vn3iXc-00888-00164107-00164282 I was like, sweetheart! p9rc0vn3iXc-00889-00164282-00164424 Sweetheart! You know? p9rc0vn3iXc-00890-00164424-00164607 Exit strategy, exactly right, Darrell. p9rc0vn3iXc-00891-00164607-00164690 Okay, yes, exactly. p9rc0vn3iXc-00892-00164690-00164896 Every business should have an exit strategy, p9rc0vn3iXc-00893-00164896-00165012 it would be a number one sell. p9rc0vn3iXc-00894-00165012-00165275 Exactly, well, business is set up to sell, p9rc0vn3iXc-00895-00165275-00165469 to exit, even if you don't want to. p9rc0vn3iXc-00896-00165469-00165719 But you know, I just wanted to say that again, p9rc0vn3iXc-00897-00165719-00166001 if I can do it, I get it, guys, I get it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00898-00166001-00166330 I get, you know, the idea of not just being, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00899-00166330-00166663 technically minded, you know, and that kinda thing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00900-00166663-00166746 Baby, you can't be perfect at everything. p9rc0vn3iXc-00901-00166746-00166902 Okay, but you can learn it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00902-00166902-00167006 You gotta make it part, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00903-00167006-00167244 and you don't have to be an expert at everything, you don't. p9rc0vn3iXc-00904-00167244-00167395 It's not about being an expert. p9rc0vn3iXc-00905-00167395-00167478 Did you hear what I said? p9rc0vn3iXc-00906-00167478-00167587 What? p9rc0vn3iXc-00907-00167587-00167760 I said, you can't be perfect at everything. p9rc0vn3iXc-00908-00167760-00167958 Yeah, I'm not. p9rc0vn3iXc-00909-00167958-00168050 With technology, you said, p9rc0vn3iXc-00910-00168050-00168154 you have trouble with technology, p9rc0vn3iXc-00911-00168154-00168238 so I said, you can't be perfect at everything. p9rc0vn3iXc-00912-00168238-00168321 What am I perfect at? p9rc0vn3iXc-00913-00168321-00168404 Everything else. p9rc0vn3iXc-00914-00168404-00168685 Yeah, you hear that? p9rc0vn3iXc-00915-00168685-00168902 And he is a words of affirmation guy. p9rc0vn3iXc-00916-00168902-00169027 I still got it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00917-00169027-00169265 Okay. p9rc0vn3iXc-00918-00169265-00169435 Sorry, what were you saying? p9rc0vn3iXc-00919-00169435-00169630 You were saying something really smart and I cut you off. p9rc0vn3iXc-00920-00169630-00169780 Hey baby, that's what I'm saying. p9rc0vn3iXc-00921-00170040-00170201 All right, no, you just, p9rc0vn3iXc-00922-00170201-00170501 you don't have to be an expert at everything, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00923-00170501-00170688 But you just need to guide and direct it, p9rc0vn3iXc-00924-00170688-00170953 and that is now your focus. p9rc0vn3iXc-00925-00170953-00171268 And I get it, you know, the plumbing, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00926-00171268-00171466 when I was in the truck, and go walk on a job site, p9rc0vn3iXc-00927-00171466-00171619 I'd own it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00928-00171619-00171853 You know, I'm, you know, I could figure things out, p9rc0vn3iXc-00929-00171853-00172073 it was confidence, you know? p9rc0vn3iXc-00930-00172073-00172222 Get out of my way, Sparkies. p9rc0vn3iXc-00931-00172222-00172384 Sparkies, not our Sparkies. p9rc0vn3iXc-00932-00172384-00172537 The HVAC got, you know, message talk with me, p9rc0vn3iXc-00933-00172537-00172865 I could talk with all the guys, I could do, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00934-00172865-00173031 you know, whatever, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00935-00173031-00173233 And own the job site. p9rc0vn3iXc-00936-00173233-00173434 And so, there's a comfort level there, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00937-00173434-00173539 Sure. p9rc0vn3iXc-00938-00173539-00173693 And so, when we got into the business, it's like- p9rc0vn3iXc-00939-00173693-00173777 That's not comfortable. p9rc0vn3iXc-00940-00173777-00174026 You know, you mentioned, I'm a words of affirmation guy. p9rc0vn3iXc-00941-00174026-00174109 You are. p9rc0vn3iXc-00942-00174109-00174272 Well, I don't wanna put myself in a situation p9rc0vn3iXc-00943-00174272-00174461 where I don't know what the heck's going on. p9rc0vn3iXc-00944-00174461-00174773 But you know, it is your responsibility p9rc0vn3iXc-00945-00174773-00175093 as the plumbing business CEO, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00946-00175093-00175229 To know what's going on. Yes. p9rc0vn3iXc-00947-00175229-00175409 And it's not about the plumbing, you know, p9rc0vn3iXc-00948-00175409-00175570 these guys, you need to focus on the job, p9rc0vn3iXc-00949-00175570-00175717 what Joe's doing on the job. p9rc0vn3iXc-00950-00175943-00176102 The only reason you'll be checking up on Joe p9rc0vn3iXc-00951-00176102-00176213 is why hasn't he moved yet? p9rc0vn3iXc-00952-00176213-00176306 He's doing a water heater. p9rc0vn3iXc-00953-00176306-00176413 He's been there three hours. p9rc0vn3iXc-00954-00176413-00176532 Why hasn't he moved? p9rc0vn3iXc-00955-00176532-00176633 Time is money. p9rc0vn3iXc-00956-00176633-00176821 Not, well, lemme get out there and help him. p9rc0vn3iXc-00957-00176821-00177000 Lemme maybe give him another set of hands, p9rc0vn3iXc-00958-00177000-00177222 and I'll show him how to do it right, you know? p9rc0vn3iXc-00959-00177222-00177502 No, it's not, if you're thinking that way, p9rc0vn3iXc-00960-00177502-00177597 you're gonna fail. p9rc0vn3iXc-00961-00177597-00177811 Right, can't scale that, can't scale it. p9rc0vn3iXc-00962-00177811-00177903 Can't scale that. Mm-mm, not possible. p9rc0vn3iXc-00963-00177903-00178151 Certainly not with the freedom lifestyle. p9rc0vn3iXc-00964-00178151-00178255 Right. p9rc0vn3iXc-00965-00178255-00178338 Okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00966-00178338-00178447 Okay! p9rc0vn3iXc-00967-00178447-00178531 So, there we go. p9rc0vn3iXc-00968-00178531-00178661 All right, so, the Million Dollar Plumber mindset. p9rc0vn3iXc-00969-00178661-00178937 We've got some other series coming up on how to get to that. p9rc0vn3iXc-00970-00178937-00179142 Right, to the million dollar- p9rc0vn3iXc-00971-00179142-00179225 Freedom lifestyle, right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00972-00179225-00179344 Right, to the freedom lifestyle. p9rc0vn3iXc-00973-00179344-00179533 Hey, and if you're serious about, p9rc0vn3iXc-00974-00179533-00179738 if that's what you're looking for, the freedom lifestyle, p9rc0vn3iXc-00975-00179738-00179838 okay, if that's something you want, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00976-00179838-00179926 And why wouldn't you? p9rc0vn3iXc-00977-00179926-00180220 And you're wanting, you're wanting to create, right, p9rc0vn3iXc-00978-00180220-00180380 with your plumbing business, p9rc0vn3iXc-00979-00180380-00180643 and looking to create real wealth, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00980-00180643-00180861 Create financial security, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00981-00180861-00181146 And creating the time, the time that you can do p9rc0vn3iXc-00982-00181146-00181273 what you wanna do, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00983-00181273-00181401 Time is wealth as well. p9rc0vn3iXc-00984-00181401-00181623 Oh, and it, right, even more so today. p9rc0vn3iXc-00985-00181623-00181760 Yes, absolutely. p9rc0vn3iXc-00986-00181760-00181878 Then you need to check out p9rc0vn3iXc-00987-00181878-00182268 my Million Dollar Plumber business success academy, p9rc0vn3iXc-00988-00182268-00182351 all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00989-00182351-00182748 Everything in there that you need to know, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-00990-00182748-00182855 To run through everything- Everything. p9rc0vn3iXc-00991-00182855-00183156 Then to have a successful plumbing business p9rc0vn3iXc-00992-00183156-00183355 that will create that freedom lifestyle for you. p9rc0vn3iXc-00993-00183355-00183484 Look, you have two choices. p9rc0vn3iXc-00994-00183484-00183567 What? p9rc0vn3iXc-00995-00183567-00183667 You can either continue to do p9rc0vn3iXc-00996-00183667-00183800 the stupid stuff you're doing. p9rc0vn3iXc-00997-00183925-00184059 I'm just gonna lay it out there for you, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-00998-00184059-00184175 Lovingly said. p9rc0vn3iXc-00999-00184175-00184451 Continue to do, what do they say about insanity, you know? p9rc0vn3iXc-01000-00184451-00184638 Doing the same thing over and over, p9rc0vn3iXc-01001-00184638-00184776 and expecting different results. p9rc0vn3iXc-01002-00184776-00185102 Right, you continue to do that, okay, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-01003-00185102-00185518 Or you can learn what you need to learn, all right? p9rc0vn3iXc-01004-00185518-00185842 To create the life and the business p9rc0vn3iXc-01005-00185842-00185975 that you truly desire, okay? p9rc0vn3iXc-01006-00185975-00186169 It's all there in the success academy. p9rc0vn3iXc-01007-00186169-00186252 Type success. p9rc0vn3iXc-01008-00186252-00186355 And type success. In the comments. p9rc0vn3iXc-01009-00186355-00186438 In the comments. p9rc0vn3iXc-01010-00186438-00186562 Or go to- p9rc0vn3iXc-01011-00186562-00186817 Themilliondollarplumber.com/success p9rc0vn3iXc-01012-00186817-00187149 for your free 14-day trial. It's true. p9rc0vn3iXc-01013-00187149-00187232 All right? p9rc0vn3iXc-01014-00187232-00187316 So check it out. It's true! p9rc0vn3iXc-01015-00187316-00187477 All right, there we go, all right. p9rc0vn3iXc-01016-00187477-00187709 And I wanna remind you also, before I let you go, p9rc0vn3iXc-01017-00187709-00187866 that you were purposefully and wonderfully created, p9rc0vn3iXc-01018-00187866-00188035 and you were created to do great things. p9rc0vn3iXc-01019-00188035-00188147 So plumb like a champion. p9rc0vn3iXc-01020-00188147-00188279 [Announcer] Thank you for tuning in p9rc0vn3iXc-01021-00188279-00188538 to "Potty Talk Live" with Richard Behney, p9rc0vn3iXc-01022-00188538-00188698 the Million Dollar Plumber. p9rc0vn3iXc-01023-00188698-00188941 If you enjoyed this show, share it now. p9rc0vn3iXc-01024-00188941-00189044 Just do it. p9rc0vn3iXc-01025-00189044-00189173 [Announcer] To catch past episodes, p9rc0vn3iXc-01026-00189173-00189525 and get alerts for new episodes, turn notifications on now, p9rc0vn3iXc-01027-00189525-00189762 and join us again for more tips, techniques, p9rc0vn3iXc-01028-00189762-00190092 and strategies to help you grow your plumbing business. pqBNAWwX2cU-00000-00000003-00000163 If you knew that there was a stock pqBNAWwX2cU-00001-00000163-00000553 that hedge funds were going to buy in the coming months, would you buy it? pqBNAWwX2cU-00002-00000606-00000743 Of course you should buy it. pqBNAWwX2cU-00003-00000743-00000856 You buy it now pqBNAWwX2cU-00004-00000856-00001243 and then later when billions of dollars are going to flow into the stock. pqBNAWwX2cU-00005-00001256-00001486 You can take your profits, a huge profit. pqBNAWwX2cU-00006-00001506-00001846 This is how most of the time you make money on ten baggers, pqBNAWwX2cU-00007-00001846-00002146 five baggers, because you buy when nobody is buying. pqBNAWwX2cU-00008-00002146-00002466 And eventually, you know, all these big hedge funds. Because you look at their pqBNAWwX2cU-00009-00002466-00002773 portfolio, most of the time they move together. pqBNAWwX2cU-00010-00002803-00002880 They make their moves. pqBNAWwX2cU-00011-00002880-00003103 And the same stocks they for you look alike. pqBNAWwX2cU-00012-00003110-00003450 So when they are buying, then you are the one going to take profits, pqBNAWwX2cU-00013-00003490-00003583 huge profits. pqBNAWwX2cU-00014-00003583-00004000 So you always buy before the hedge funds and they are several. pqBNAWwX2cU-00015-00004026-00004356 That also just said to me that maybe hedge funds are going to buy this stock. pqBNAWwX2cU-00016-00004393-00004693 This one recently has been suggested to me and it seems that pqBNAWwX2cU-00017-00004693-00004990 maybe hedge funds can buy this stock in the coming month. pqBNAWwX2cU-00018-00005026-00005083 I'm sure pqBNAWwX2cU-00019-00005083-00005386 if you have been following this channel, if you have been following my portfolio, pqBNAWwX2cU-00020-00005386-00005526 my work, You will know pqBNAWwX2cU-00021-00005526-00005833 which stock I'm talking about and I will ask you to smash the like button pqBNAWwX2cU-00022-00005833-00006146 so that you can spread this video throughout the YouTube universe. pqBNAWwX2cU-00023-00006183-00006533 So why do I say that all hedge funds invest in the same way? pqBNAWwX2cU-00024-00006563-00006827 It's because of the way that they are structured. pqBNAWwX2cU-00025-00006827-00007197 So these hedge funds, they make money on people investing in them. pqBNAWwX2cU-00026-00007210-00007650 So they have their clients. The more assets under management they have, pqBNAWwX2cU-00027-00007730-00007870 The more money they are going to make. pqBNAWwX2cU-00028-00007870-00008140 You may say that this is the same thing that I'm doing on eToro. pqBNAWwX2cU-00029-00008140-00008333 Yes, in some way it is the same thing pqBNAWwX2cU-00030-00008333-00008687 because the more assets under management, the more money I make on eToro. pqBNAWwX2cU-00031-00008713-00008920 But those hedge funds unlike me on eToro pqBNAWwX2cU-00032-00008920-00009070 They don't have skin in the game. pqBNAWwX2cU-00033-00009070-00009387 So they can manage billions of dollars for other people. pqBNAWwX2cU-00034-00009387-00009700 And they can take huge risk on these other people's money, pqBNAWwX2cU-00035-00009730-00009877 but not on their own money. pqBNAWwX2cU-00036-00009877-00010077 So most hedge funds, they act like this. pqBNAWwX2cU-00037-00010077-00010297 Warren Buffett, he never started a hedge fund pqBNAWwX2cU-00038-00010310-00010547 when he was managing the Buffett Partnership. pqBNAWwX2cU-00039-00010570-00010737 He had skin in the game. pqBNAWwX2cU-00040-00010737-00010970 So let's go back to the way that these hedge funds work. pqBNAWwX2cU-00041-00010993-00011237 So these hedge funds, if they don't have skin in the game, pqBNAWwX2cU-00042-00011260-00011517 what they are targeting is to maximize profits. pqBNAWwX2cU-00043-00011530-00011800 It doesn't really matter how much risk they are taking. pqBNAWwX2cU-00044-00011800-00012010 And that's why it is so easy for them pqBNAWwX2cU-00045-00012010-00012390 to give unreasonable expectations to their clients. pqBNAWwX2cU-00046-00012410-00012803 So they are going to tell clients, I'm going to make 20% a year for the next pqBNAWwX2cU-00047-00012803-00012900 ten years. pqBNAWwX2cU-00048-00012910-00013153 They say to another client, I'll make 50% this year. pqBNAWwX2cU-00049-00013153-00013504 I will make 50% every year for the next five years. pqBNAWwX2cU-00050-00013530-00013930 So these clients, they don't watch my videos, they are not subscribed. pqBNAWwX2cU-00051-00013944-00014250 And if you are one of hedge funds so please subscribe, pqBNAWwX2cU-00052-00014274-00014477 Those clients, they want to make that much money pqBNAWwX2cU-00053-00014477-00014830 and maybe the hedge fund, they have some track records pqBNAWwX2cU-00054-00014830-00015054 maybe for one year or two years they had great returns pqBNAWwX2cU-00055-00015074-00015514 and now they sell this idea to their clients that they can keep making that much money pqBNAWwX2cU-00056-00015517-00015610 so the hedge funds, pqBNAWwX2cU-00057-00015610-00016004 then they are always going to go and target stocks that are doing very well pqBNAWwX2cU-00058-00016017-00016337 so that you can actually make the amount of money they have promised. pqBNAWwX2cU-00059-00016337-00016557 Because if you don't meet the expectations, pqBNAWwX2cU-00060-00016557-00016724 the clients are going to go away. pqBNAWwX2cU-00061-00016724-00017217 So they focus on returns mostly rather than making good investments. pqBNAWwX2cU-00062-00017230-00017550 And when they see a stock that has gained 100% in three month, pqBNAWwX2cU-00063-00017550-00017837 they will see, okay, maybe it is going to gain more. pqBNAWwX2cU-00064-00017857-00018097 It's going to gain 200% in the next three months. pqBNAWwX2cU-00065-00018097-00018370 I will invest in this and they see their friends investing in pqBNAWwX2cU-00066-00018370-00018534 the same stocks. Other hedge funds. pqBNAWwX2cU-00067-00018534-00018717 They are going to invest in the same stocks pqBNAWwX2cU-00068-00018717-00018987 because if they see other hedge funds investing, the clients also pqBNAWwX2cU-00069-00019010-00019217 they start asking questions. pqBNAWwX2cU-00070-00019217-00019427 Why is everybody investing in the stock? pqBNAWwX2cU-00071-00019440-00019747 You are not? why everybody has Tesla in their portfolio? pqBNAWwX2cU-00072-00019794-00019994 Why don't you have Tesla in your portfolio? pqBNAWwX2cU-00073-00019994-00020114 So those hedge funds, pqBNAWwX2cU-00074-00020114-00020454 because they are scared that their clients are going to take their money away. pqBNAWwX2cU-00075-00020464-00020647 They are going to invest in this company. pqBNAWwX2cU-00076-00020647-00020991 I'm not saying that I as a popular investor, an Elite Popular pqBNAWwX2cU-00077-00021001-00021321 Investor on eToro, I don't have such requests. pqBNAWwX2cU-00078-00021351-00021691 People ask me, why don't I invest in such and such company? pqBNAWwX2cU-00079-00021707-00021851 Because everybody is investing in it. pqBNAWwX2cU-00080-00021851-00022321 It will go up, but it doesn't meet my requirements as a value investor. pqBNAWwX2cU-00081-00022321-00022511 I don't invest really for the returns. pqBNAWwX2cU-00082-00022511-00022831 I invest because this is a good company and I expect over the long pqBNAWwX2cU-00083-00022831-00023121 term it's going to do better than the market. pqBNAWwX2cU-00084-00023137-00023544 So I do not really invest in a company because I expected to make 100% pqBNAWwX2cU-00085-00023544-00023777 in three months. This is not what I do. pqBNAWwX2cU-00086-00023834-00024151 I invest in companies and eventually, because value investing, pqBNAWwX2cU-00087-00024151-00024534 this has been something proven for nearly a century. pqBNAWwX2cU-00088-00024537-00024704 It has been proven that it works. pqBNAWwX2cU-00089-00024704-00024897 So I as a value investor. pqBNAWwX2cU-00090-00024897-00025061 I invest in companies like this. pqBNAWwX2cU-00091-00025061-00025251 So which this company that I'm talking about pqBNAWwX2cU-00092-00025251-00025534 that all hedge funds will probably buy in the coming month? pqBNAWwX2cU-00093-00025557-00025707 It is GEO Group. pqBNAWwX2cU-00094-00025707-00025917 And why do I see that they will buy this? pqBNAWwX2cU-00095-00025937-00026257 First, we need to understand how hedge funds buy stocks. pqBNAWwX2cU-00096-00026304-00026551 Why do they go and target specific stocks? pqBNAWwX2cU-00097-00026641-00026904 Those hedge funds, as I told you, they move together pqBNAWwX2cU-00098-00026918-00027194 and they are mostly influenced by the market. pqBNAWwX2cU-00099-00027221-00027627 So they are going to look at what the Federal Reserve System is doing, pqBNAWwX2cU-00100-00027627-00027764 how the market is doing, pqBNAWwX2cU-00101-00027764-00028021 because they know that they are all correlated with each other. pqBNAWwX2cU-00102-00028048-00028154 They are not stupid people. pqBNAWwX2cU-00103-00028154-00028291 those hedge fund managers, pqBNAWwX2cU-00104-00028291-00028678 they are intelligent. Maybe more intelligent than you and me, more intelligent pqBNAWwX2cU-00105-00028678-00028861 than the value investors, but it doesn't matter. pqBNAWwX2cU-00106-00028861-00028971 They don't make much money. pqBNAWwX2cU-00107-00028971-00029191 What matters as an investor is not how smart you are, pqBNAWwX2cU-00108-00029191-00029331 but how much money you are making. pqBNAWwX2cU-00109-00029331-00029551 So those hedge fund, they are going to write reports pqBNAWwX2cU-00110-00029571-00029924 which they will give to their clients and they will say, okay, pqBNAWwX2cU-00111-00029941-00030488 the market, you can do this next year, the market is going to go 5% up next year. pqBNAWwX2cU-00112-00030501-00030821 So I will invest in this sector because this sector is going 10% up pqBNAWwX2cU-00113-00030854-00031201 and then they are going to put their thesis why they think this sector pqBNAWwX2cU-00114-00031201-00031311 is going to do well. pqBNAWwX2cU-00115-00031311-00031641 Of course, this thesis, other hedge funds are working on the same thing pqBNAWwX2cU-00116-00031641-00031771 because they think alike. pqBNAWwX2cU-00117-00031771-00031891 And when they are going to look pqBNAWwX2cU-00118-00031891-00032334 for investments, it depends on where we are in the market cycle, where we are pqBNAWwX2cU-00119-00032334-00032701 in the business cycle, in the long term, medium term business cycle, pqBNAWwX2cU-00120-00032711-00032878 if we are just pqBNAWwX2cU-00121-00032878-00033278 recovering from a recession, the business... new business cycle has just started. pqBNAWwX2cU-00122-00033314-00033505 So companies are profitable again. pqBNAWwX2cU-00123-00033505-00033755 Most companies are valued on earnings. pqBNAWwX2cU-00124-00033755-00034228 So earnings per share, PE ratio, this is what most hedge funds are going to use. pqBNAWwX2cU-00125-00034228-00034575 In order for them to look for stocks, they are going to look for stocks. pqBNAWwX2cU-00126-00034575-00034831 We look low Earnings multiples, low PE ratios. pqBNAWwX2cU-00127-00034835-00035035 So if the average is ten pqBNAWwX2cU-00128-00035035-00035355 because the market is recovering, everything is a little cheap. pqBNAWwX2cU-00129-00035358-00035451 So let's average. pqBNAWwX2cU-00130-00035451-00035661 is ten they find a stock which is eight. pqBNAWwX2cU-00131-00035681-00036058 They are going to invest in the stock, but gradually things get expensive, more pqBNAWwX2cU-00132-00036058-00036365 and more expensive. PE ratio now the average is already pqBNAWwX2cU-00133-00036365-00036765 15, is already 20 and there are less and less. pqBNAWwX2cU-00134-00036778-00037041 Companies available with low PE ratio. pqBNAWwX2cU-00135-00037058-00037295 They are going to invest now on Price to Sales ratio pqBNAWwX2cU-00136-00037318-00037478 they they don't consider earnings at all. pqBNAWwX2cU-00137-00037478-00037768 What's important is revenues before going to revenues. pqBNAWwX2cU-00138-00037768-00038118 Of course, they go for operating income through EBITDA and then the revenues pqBNAWwX2cU-00139-00038125-00038331 But after revenues, now it's other metrics. pqBNAWwX2cU-00140-00038355-00038678 Because there are some companies when we are very late in the cycle, pqBNAWwX2cU-00141-00038711-00039001 there are some companies revenues are not even here, pqBNAWwX2cU-00142-00039018-00039258 but they are other metrics, for example, number of users. pqBNAWwX2cU-00143-00039278-00039568 But once the recession hits or there is something bad, pqBNAWwX2cU-00144-00039568-00039938 like stagflation, like inflation, like we are seeing today, these hedge funds, pqBNAWwX2cU-00145-00039938-00040352 they are going to invest back into what we typically call the value stocks. pqBNAWwX2cU-00146-00040385-00040722 So stocks that can still make money during the recession. pqBNAWwX2cU-00147-00040752-00041278 So if let's say, we are probably going to see more stagflation. pqBNAWwX2cU-00148-00041302-00041492 We are already in stagflationary phase pqBNAWwX2cU-00149-00041492-00041852 even though the Federal Reserve System, the White House doesn't admit it. pqBNAWwX2cU-00150-00041852-00042195 that we have a recession, the economy is not growing that much. pqBNAWwX2cU-00151-00042255-00042395 We have high inflation. pqBNAWwX2cU-00152-00042395-00042742 So if this persists and it seems that it will persist, pqBNAWwX2cU-00153-00042768-00043005 those hedge funds will invest in those companies pqBNAWwX2cU-00154-00043018-00043395 that are still capable of making money in this environment. pqBNAWwX2cU-00155-00043395-00043665 And one such company is GEO Group. pqBNAWwX2cU-00156-00043708-00044035 GEO Group is a private prison company pqBNAWwX2cU-00157-00044055-00044325 and those private prisons, they are always going to make money. pqBNAWwX2cU-00158-00044325-00044605 Whatever the market is doing, whatever the economy is doing, pqBNAWwX2cU-00159-00044635-00044788 they are always going to make money pqBNAWwX2cU-00160-00044788-00045132 because bad people will always be bad people and will be in jail. pqBNAWwX2cU-00161-00045175-00045522 Of course, there's political pressures on private prisons now. pqBNAWwX2cU-00162-00045522-00045925 President Joe Biden signed an executive order banning the DOJ, pqBNAWwX2cU-00163-00045925-00046242 the Department of Justice, from renewing their contracts pqBNAWwX2cU-00164-00046242-00046392 with the private prisoners. pqBNAWwX2cU-00165-00046392-00046839 So they are going to lose sales from the DOJ, from the US marshals, that is. pqBNAWwX2cU-00166-00046839-00047179 And also the Federal Bureau of Prisons. pqBNAWwX2cU-00167-00047212-00047452 But what about other sources? the states? pqBNAWwX2cU-00168-00047499-00047732 they are still going to make money from state governments. pqBNAWwX2cU-00169-00047755-00047992 They are still going to make money from ICE, especially. pqBNAWwX2cU-00170-00047992-00048209 We have a crisis on the southern border. pqBNAWwX2cU-00171-00048209-00048645 And now looking at how it is, expected that people will vote in November. pqBNAWwX2cU-00172-00048645-00048742 It seems that pqBNAWwX2cU-00173-00048742-00049172 the Republicans will take back the House, the Senate, it's seems the Democrats pqBNAWwX2cU-00174-00049172-00049439 keep it. This is risky for the Democrats. pqBNAWwX2cU-00175-00049439-00049642 The Republicans take back the Senate. pqBNAWwX2cU-00176-00049672-00049872 Then it would be good for this business. pqBNAWwX2cU-00177-00049872-00050085 The hedge funds, they focus on all of this. pqBNAWwX2cU-00178-00050085-00050455 And for them right now, if you think like a hedge fund manager, pqBNAWwX2cU-00179-00050502-00050752 GEO Group is a stock that you should be buying. pqBNAWwX2cU-00180-00050779-00050919 You will tell me that pqBNAWwX2cU-00181-00050919-00051189 because of the controversies, they're not going to invest in it. pqBNAWwX2cU-00182-00051215-00051439 Believe me, the hedge funds, they are here to make money. pqBNAWwX2cU-00183-00051479-00051622 When the controversy is working pqBNAWwX2cU-00184-00051622-00051832 in their favor, they are going to invest in the company. pqBNAWwX2cU-00185-00051832-00051892 When the pqBNAWwX2cU-00186-00051892-00052255 controversies don't work in their favor, but they are going to short the company. pqBNAWwX2cU-00187-00052269-00052535 So it really depends where we are in the cycle. pqBNAWwX2cU-00188-00052565-00052895 And right now we are in a place in the cycle where it makes sense pqBNAWwX2cU-00189-00052895-00053255 for these hedge funds to invest in a company such as GEO Group. pqBNAWwX2cU-00190-00053279-00053562 And one hedge fund manager who is a contrarian pqBNAWwX2cU-00191-00053589-00053746 is already investing in this company. pqBNAWwX2cU-00192-00053746-00054002 That is Michael Burry, Scion Capital. pqBNAWwX2cU-00193-00054042-00054212 But we know he's a value investor. pqBNAWwX2cU-00194-00054212-00054376 Even though he's a hedge fund manager. pqBNAWwX2cU-00195-00054376-00054536 He's a value investor. pqBNAWwX2cU-00196-00054536-00054809 I'm not saying that all hedge funds are the same. pqBNAWwX2cU-00197-00054809-00054966 Some of them can be value investors. pqBNAWwX2cU-00198-00054966-00055129 Some of them are great investors. pqBNAWwX2cU-00199-00055129-00055332 But when I'm talking about hedge funds pqBNAWwX2cU-00200-00055352-00055679 investing in the company, I'm talking about hedge funds in general. pqBNAWwX2cU-00201-00055726-00055879 So would I invest in the company? pqBNAWwX2cU-00202-00055879-00056202 I'm already investing in GEO Group and you can find pqBNAWwX2cU-00203-00056202-00056539 the whole analysis on my research platform if you're interested. pqBNAWwX2cU-00204-00056539-00056959 You can have all my analyzes, all my research, and even my investing course pqBNAWwX2cU-00205-00056959-00057182 For beginners. It's completely for free there. pqBNAWwX2cU-00206-00057182-00057442 If you are interested with the research platform, pqBNAWwX2cU-00207-00057456-00057642 you can have a one month free trial. pqBNAWwX2cU-00208-00057642-00057836 So on the research platform I calculated pqBNAWwX2cU-00209-00057836-00058176 the intrinsic value of GEO Group and according to me it is undervalued. pqBNAWwX2cU-00210-00058212-00058566 This is what I'm focusing on when investing in GEO Group. pqBNAWwX2cU-00211-00058566-00058776 I do not think who will buy the stock in the future. pqBNAWwX2cU-00212-00058789-00058946 It doesn't really matter to me. pqBNAWwX2cU-00213-00058946-00059359 But I know because this is market psychology, this is what investors do. pqBNAWwX2cU-00214-00059399-00059689 If you as a value investor, you are buying a stock today pqBNAWwX2cU-00215-00059719-00059819 It is because you know pqBNAWwX2cU-00216-00059819-00059959 that at some point in the future pqBNAWwX2cU-00217-00059959-00060189 other people will be greedy and will be buying the stock. pqBNAWwX2cU-00218-00060226-00060723 So be greedy when others are fearful. People have been fearful about GEO Group for years. pqBNAWwX2cU-00219-00060723-00060973 I have been buying, but now it seems there is a change. pqBNAWwX2cU-00220-00060986-00061146 Soon people will be greedy. pqBNAWwX2cU-00221-00061146-00061363 Then you take your profits on GEO Group. pqBNAWwX2cU-00222-00061363-00061642 So this is something very common with most stocks you will see. pqBNAWwX2cU-00223-00061653-00061823 This is something that happens. pqBNAWwX2cU-00224-00061823-00061996 It's not just GEO Group. pqBNAWwX2cU-00225-00061996-00062149 It is something very common. pqBNAWwX2cU-00226-00062149-00062296 If there is a stock pqBNAWwX2cU-00227-00062296-00062663 All hedge funds will short it together and they are going to buy it together. pqBNAWwX2cU-00228-00062673-00062969 So you as a value investor, as a contrarian in the market. pqBNAWwX2cU-00229-00063036-00063179 Don't focus on all of this. pqBNAWwX2cU-00230-00063179-00063453 Focus on the numbers. Look at GEO Group today. pqBNAWwX2cU-00231-00063466-00063806 The company is trading at four times owner's earnings. pqBNAWwX2cU-00232-00063809-00064039 So this is an undervalued stock, according to me. pqBNAWwX2cU-00233-00064039-00064296 You calculate the intrinsic value, discount these earnings. pqBNAWwX2cU-00234-00064319-00064443 It is undervalued. pqBNAWwX2cU-00235-00064443-00064826 So this is what I'm focusing on, on the business, investing in the business. pqBNAWwX2cU-00236-00064826-00065063 And then later, those hedge fund, those investors. pqBNAWwX2cU-00237-00065063-00065366 They are going to invest in the company like they always do. pqBNAWwX2cU-00238-00065406-00065549 I'm not saying that it will happen pqBNAWwX2cU-00239-00065549-00065856 with GEO Group, but in general, this is how hedge funds work. pqBNAWwX2cU-00240-00065873-00066023 And now looking at GEO Group. pqBNAWwX2cU-00241-00066023-00066436 It is one of their probable targets, if we think like a hedge fund pqBNAWwX2cU-00242-00066446-00066589 in what they may invest in. pqBNAWwX2cU-00243-00066589-00066783 Another interesting thing we need to mention about pqBNAWwX2cU-00244-00066783-00067156 GEO Group, about the business is that now the credit agencies, pqBNAWwX2cU-00245-00067200-00067580 they have rerated, they have upgraded the credit rating of the company. pqBNAWwX2cU-00246-00067630-00068020 So another thing that hedge funds focus on. What the credit agencies pqBNAWwX2cU-00247-00068040-00068446 are saying. So when the credit agencies upgrade the debt of a company. pqBNAWwX2cU-00248-00068446-00068713 Hedge funds are always going to buy this company pqBNAWwX2cU-00249-00068726-00069000 this company, GEO Group, they have done debt exchange. pqBNAWwX2cU-00250-00069010-00069396 They are able in the future eventually to pay more debt and return cash to pqBNAWwX2cU-00251-00069396-00069713 Shareholders may be through buybacks or dividends. When they do that, pqBNAWwX2cU-00252-00069730-00070050 Once again, hedge funds are going to invest in such a company. pqBNAWwX2cU-00253-00070053-00070293 So let me know in the comments. What do you think about GEO Group? pqBNAWwX2cU-00254-00070293-00070413 Are you investing in the company? pqBNAWwX2cU-00255-00070413-00070676 Do you think hedge funds are going to invest in the company? pqBNAWwX2cU-00256-00070700-00070830 Thank you for watching this video. pqBNAWwX2cU-00257-00070830-00071010 Please like subscribe and share. pqBNAWwX2cU-00258-00071010-00071143 Please watch these two videos here pqBNAWwX2cU-00259-00071143-00071383 If you have missed them. Have a nice day and goodbye. psrBGIHDh30-00000-00000100-00000500 Hey, it's Yahor from Anywaywell. I hope you enjoy the beat! psrBGIHDh30-00001-00000500-00000900 Subscribe for more beats and freestyle videos! psrBGIHDh30-00002-00000900-00001200 Thank you. Let's go! pwlUKXNZwS8-00000-00000256-00000783 saya melamar ke harvard untuk 10 kali ditolak ketika kfc datang pwlUKXNZwS8-00001-00000783-00001471 cina datang ke negara saya 20 24 orang pergi untuk pekerjaan itu pwlUKXNZwS8-00002-00001471-00001927 23 orang menerima bahwa saya adalah satu-satunya pria pwlUKXNZwS8-00003-00002143-00002448 salah satu sumber rahasia kesuksesan alibaba pwlUKXNZwS8-00004-00002448-00003032 adalah bahwa kami memiliki banyak wanita 47 wanita perusahaan kami jika Anda ingin menang pwlUKXNZwS8-00005-00003032-00003376 di abad 21st memberdayakan orang lain untuk memastikan pwlUKXNZwS8-00006-00003376-00003679 orang lain lebih baik dari Anda maka Anda akan sukses pwlUKXNZwS8-00007-00003679-00004032 jadi saya menemukan wanita yang mereka pikirkan tentang orang lain lebih dari yang mereka pikirkan pwlUKXNZwS8-00008-00004032-00004287 diri pwlUKXNZwS8-00009-00004360-00004936 Cina hari ini adalah ekonomi terbesar kedua di dunia yang harus dibayar Cina pwlUKXNZwS8-00010-00004936-00005407 memperhatikan kualitas ekonomi seperti pertumbuhan manusia pwlUKXNZwS8-00011-00005407-00005687 waktu tertentu lambatnya pertumbuhan tubuh Anda akan pwlUKXNZwS8-00012-00005687-00006135 lambat tetapi Anda harus menumbuhkan pikiran Anda menumbuhkan budaya Anda menumbuhkan lembah Anda pwlUKXNZwS8-00013-00006135-00006415 kunjungan Anda saya pikir Cina sedang bergerak ke sana pwlUKXNZwS8-00014-00006415-00006664 arah pwlUKXNZwS8-00015-00006743-00007240 ketika Anda memiliki satu miliar dolar, itu bukan uang Anda pwlUKXNZwS8-00016-00007240-00007847 itulah kepercayaan yang diberikan masyarakat kepada Anda [Musik] pwlUKXNZwS8-00017-00007847-00008159 begitu banyak orang yang saya ajak bicara saat itu untuk alipay, kata mereka pwlUKXNZwS8-00018-00008159-00008560 ini adalah ide terbodoh yang pernah Anda miliki pwlUKXNZwS8-00019-00008560-00009015 tetapi saya mengatakan saya tidak memakai kolaborasi bodoh selama orang menggunakannya pwlUKXNZwS8-00020-00009015-00009768 sekarang ada 800 juta orang yang menggunakan alipay ini pwlUKXNZwS8-00021-00009872-00010504 Tai chi adalah tentang bagaimana Anda menyeimbangkan cara Anda bekerja seperti orang yang bersaing pwlUKXNZwS8-00022-00010504-00010960 Katakanlah ketika saya bersaing dengan ebay melihat Anda membenci ebay tidak, saya tidak membenci ebay pwlUKXNZwS8-00023-00010960-00011311 itu perusahaan yang hebat kau tahu mereka datang aku pergi kau tahu taiji pwlUKXNZwS8-00024-00011311-00011711 adalah seperti Anda berkelahi di sini saya pergi ke sana Anda meletakkan di atas saya pergi pwlUKXNZwS8-00025-00011711-00012200 hak sialan jadi keseimbangan saya pwlUKXNZwS8-00026-00012320-00012688 Bertahun-tahun yang lalu saya ingin mengubah dunia sekarang, saya pikir jika kita ingin berubah pwlUKXNZwS8-00027-00012688-00013095 dunia kita mengubah diri kita sendiri mengubah diri kita sendiri lebih penting pwlUKXNZwS8-00028-00013095-00013495 lebih mudah daripada mengubah dunia dan kedua adalah itu pwlUKXNZwS8-00029-00013495-00013831 Saya ingin meningkatkan dunia karena mungkin mengubah dunia pwlUKXNZwS8-00030-00013831-00014431 pekerjaan obama karena pekerjaanku adalah memastikan pwlUKXNZwS8-00031-00014431-00014791 bahwa tim saya bahagia karena tim saya bahagia pwlUKXNZwS8-00032-00014791-00015144 mereka bisa membuat kebiasaan saya bahagia pwlUKXNZwS8-00033-00015200-00015680 saya ingat salah satu manajemen senior dari orang-orang yang lebih hangat datang ke hamzo pwlUKXNZwS8-00034-00015680-00016095 lima tahun yang lalu saya berkata mungkin dalam 10 tahun akan lebih hangat dari yang Anda katakan muda pwlUKXNZwS8-00035-00016095-00016551 Pria, Anda memiliki harapan yang baik jika Anda ingin memiliki 10 pwlUKXNZwS8-00036-00016551-00017008 000 pelanggan baru Anda harus membangun gudang baru dan ini itu pwlUKXNZwS8-00037-00017008-00018176 untuk saya layani p-c8Iniua4u-00000-00000500-00000997 It is very frightening to hear when the moderate party leader, Ulf Kristersson, p-c8Iniua4u-00001-00000997-00001561 talks about crime, and measures against crime, p-c8Iniua4u-00002-00001561-00001978 when he has no idea --- why crime occurs! p-c8Iniua4u-00003-00002062-00002379 The moderates suggest that we should have harder prison sentences, p-c8Iniua4u-00004-00002405-00002762 which we know will not help at all. p-c8Iniua4u-00005-00002862-00003106 We can take a look at the United States, p-c8Iniua4u-00006-00003106-00003503 which has one of the longest prison sentences in the world, p-c8Iniua4u-00007-00003503-00003880 and yet the United States is one of the countries p-c8Iniua4u-00008-00003880-00004177 with the highest crime rates in the world! p-c8Iniua4u-00009-00004180-00004581 So harsher prison sentences do not help against crime, p-c8Iniua4u-00010-00004581-00005378 instead we must influence the root causes of why a person becomes a criminal. p-c8Iniua4u-00011-00005378-00005702 To do the same thing, over and over again p-c8Iniua4u-00012-00005702-00005979 and expect a different result, p-c8Iniua4u-00013-00005979-00006379 that is the definition of madness! p-c8Iniua4u-00014-00006379-00006529 So harsher punishment does not help, p-c8Iniua4u-00015-00006529-00007227 when people are in urgent need of housing, money, and a financial security, p-c8Iniua4u-00016-00007227-00007403 which is enough for the rest of their lives. p-c8Iniua4u-00017-00007500-00007971 We can look at the Jaguars in the Amazon rainforests, p-c8Iniua4u-00018-00007971-00008268 who cuddle, socialize and thrive in each other's company p-c8Iniua4u-00019-00008268-00008582 when there is an abundance of food, p-c8Iniua4u-00020-00008582-00008982 then become enemies and divide the rainforest into their own territories, p-c8Iniua4u-00021-00008982-00009182 when there is a shortage of food. p-c8Iniua4u-00022-00009182-00009783 So crime arises when people have to compete for resources, p-c8Iniua4u-00023-00009783-00010560 ie when people are financially difficult, with a lack of money, food, or housing, p-c8Iniua4u-00024-00010560-00010820 Therefore people become desperate p-c8Iniua4u-00025-00010820-00011301 And some commit crimes to secure their own, and their family's future. p-c8Iniua4u-00026-00011401-00011775 If the state were to allow the Swedish people to sell food, p-c8Iniua4u-00027-00011775-00012222 accessories and other small goods in public places p-c8Iniua4u-00028-00012222-00013019 Up to SEK 100,000 per year tax-free, without having to start complicated business forms, p-c8Iniua4u-00029-00013019-00013396 Then our young people would be able to make money in a legal way, p-c8Iniua4u-00030-00013396-00013693 instead of have to commit crimes. p-c8Iniua4u-00031-00013693-00014064 The state has made it popular to be a criminal, p-c8Iniua4u-00032-00014064-00014734 through the American culture of violence that was introduced on Swedish television in 1987, p-c8Iniua4u-00033-00014734-00015135 through the moderate company kinnevik. p-c8Iniua4u-00034-00015135-00015435 The fact that the state allows serious violence, p-c8Iniua4u-00035-00015435-00015986 murder and other destructive acts to be shown on television, every day, p-c8Iniua4u-00036-00015986-00016389 gives our children and young people a distorted picture of reality, p-c8Iniua4u-00037-00016389-00016800 and that violence is normalized in their minds. p-c8Iniua4u-00038-00016800-00017350 Violence on television works just like advertising for our children and young people, p-c8Iniua4u-00039-00017350-00017921 who often act just as violently as their role models on television. p-c8Iniua4u-00040-00018021-00018491 It is not news, that people admire what is shown on TV, p-c8Iniua4u-00041-00018491-00018822 states are very well aware of this, p-c8Iniua4u-00042-00018822-00019185 therefore they wont film, when football supporters p-c8Iniua4u-00043-00019185-00019636 run onto football fields to hug their idols. p-c8Iniua4u-00044-00019736-00020190 If the state bans all violence on television, just as it did in the 80's, p-c8Iniua4u-00045-00020190-00020537 and instead shows comedies and constructive programs, p-c8Iniua4u-00046-00020537-00020794 and nature conservation programs, p-c8Iniua4u-00047-00020794-00021147 then the violence in society would probably disappear by itself, p-c8Iniua4u-00048-00021147-00021348 within a 10-year period. p-c8Iniua4u-00049-00021448-00022005 So in order to get rid of all the crimes in society, we must first create a just society, p-c8Iniua4u-00050-00022005-00022369 and give people what all people need, p-c8Iniua4u-00051-00022369-00023059 ie free food, free housing, and free energy, as well as our other welfare. p-c8Iniua4u-00052-00023059-00023610 Thereafter, the majority of all crimes will disappear automatically. p-c8Iniua4u-00053-00023610-00023810 How should this go, one might wonder? p-c8Iniua4u-00054-00023810-00024214 We have already built up our hydropower plants in Norrland p-c8Iniua4u-00055-00024214-00024564 that produce electricity completely free of charge for the entire population of Sweden, p-c8Iniua4u-00056-00024564-00024818 we have already built up the main grid for electricity, p-c8Iniua4u-00057-00024818-00025218 and when we shut down ALL non-vital production, p-c8Iniua4u-00058-00025218-00025608 the electricity is good enough for all of Sweden's households, p-c8Iniua4u-00059-00025608-00026209 our infrastructure and the factories that will produce our vital needs, p-c8Iniua4u-00060-00026209-00026706 and we also get some electricity left over, which we can export to our neighboring countries, p-c8Iniua4u-00061-00026706-00027103 and thus get some extra money into the treasury. p-c8Iniua4u-00062-00027103-00027470 We have machines that produce all the food we need, p-c8Iniua4u-00063-00027470-00027771 almost completely without manpower, p-c8Iniua4u-00064-00027771-00028321 we can imagine that a tractor can plow several thousand hectares of arable land, p-c8Iniua4u-00065-00028321-00028775 with only one person driving the tractor. p-c8Iniua4u-00066-00028775-00029235 We can also imagine what it was like about 200 years ago, p-c8Iniua4u-00067-00029235-00029883 when several hundred people were needed to sow, plow and harvest a single field, p-c8Iniua4u-00068-00029883-00030727 so a jobless society, with almost no labor and still get all the comfort we have today, p-c8Iniua4u-00069-00030727-00031087 we can achieve already today if the state wants it. p-c8Iniua4u-00070-00031087-00031411 We have already built up our homes through the "million housing program" p-c8Iniua4u-00071-00031411-00031808 and our parents have already built up our villas and other residential buildings, p-c8Iniua4u-00072-00031808-00032295 so this costs nothing anymore once we write off our housing loans, p-c8Iniua4u-00073-00032295-00032782 which the banks have received back, through repayments and interest over the years. p-c8Iniua4u-00074-00032782-00033263 Therefore, we have the right to write off all mortgages, p-c8Iniua4u-00075-00033263-00034250 and thus get a fair world with free housing, and free food and energy, p-c8Iniua4u-00076-00034250-00034908 just as we have had in all times before bankers, business leaders and states p-c8Iniua4u-00077-00034908-00035358 started to take charge for things that are actually free, p-c8Iniua4u-00078-00035358-00035655 and can be produced with very little labor. p-c8Iniua4u-00079-00035655-00036132 Vote green, and feel free to vote for Nature's Party in the upcoming elections! p-c8Iniua4u-00080-00036132-00036299 Thank you for listening!! pAAO5UqiCPM-00000-00000000-00000200 Thanks for watching!! :D pBZOYULXJEg-00000-00001016-00001384 I'm Jay Berkley, I'm a Professor of Paediatric infectious diseases; pBZOYULXJEg-00001-00001440-00001968 I've been based at the overseas Programme in Kilifi for about 21 years. pBZOYULXJEg-00002-00002048-00002696 My research is really in causes of death and things that we can do about pBZOYULXJEg-00003-00002696-00003247 preventing deaths in the most vulnerable groups of children in developing countries. pBZOYULXJEg-00004-00003304-00004144 In a broad sense it's addressing groups such as children with malnutrition or new-born infants, pBZOYULXJEg-00005-00004200-00004784 but more specifically, my main focus is on infections and antibiotic trials pBZOYULXJEg-00006-00004784-00005224 to try and improve treatment of severe infections in children. pBZOYULXJEg-00007-00005224-00005944 So although there's been progress in reducing child mortality, we still see a very high pBZOYULXJEg-00008-00006032-00006720 mortality rate, particularly in new-borns, but there are also other high-risk groups in whom we pBZOYULXJEg-00009-00006720-00007320 don't seem to see any reduction in the fatality rates when children get admitted to hospital. pBZOYULXJEg-00010-00007384-00007744 The other thing that's emerged from recent research from our group and from pBZOYULXJEg-00011-00007744-00008152 other groups is that after children are discharged from hospital, pBZOYULXJEg-00012-00008240-00008616 there's still considerable mortality so some of the studies that we've done pBZOYULXJEg-00013-00008672-00009288 have shown that for every one child who dies in hospital another one dies post discharge, and so pBZOYULXJEg-00014-00009288-00010016 a big focus of our research is also understanding the post-discharge period - is it a problem that pBZOYULXJEg-00015-00010016-00010544 hasn't been treated sufficiently in hospital, or is it something about the child's environment or pBZOYULXJEg-00016-00010608-00011392 another infection that they're exposed to, so understanding those helps us understand pBZOYULXJEg-00017-00011392-00012088 how to make the treatments more effective - so that's our aim, to fight tropical illnesses. pBZOYULXJEg-00018-00012312-00012863 The largest study we do is the CHAIN Network which is the Childhood Acute Illness and Nutrition pBZOYULXJEg-00019-00012863-00013624 Network, it's a study that's at typical hospitals across nine sites in Africa and in south Asia, pBZOYULXJEg-00020-00013696-00014352 and in those sites we're looking at what are the potentially preventable causes of mortality pBZOYULXJEg-00021-00014352-00014896 in children, after all of the recommended treatments have been applied, so at the sites we pBZOYULXJEg-00022-00014991-00015480 make sure that they're following guidelines and treatments are available, we then follow a pBZOYULXJEg-00023-00015480-00016512 large cohort of about 4,000 children who are at increased risk of mortality to see what factors pBZOYULXJEg-00024-00016512-00017224 are leading to an increased risk of mortality in hospital and after discharge, with the purpose of pBZOYULXJEg-00025-00017224-00017936 then taking some of the findings into clinical trials in order to directly improve outcomes. pBZOYULXJEg-00026-00017992-00018312 We've just finished a small but intensive trial pBZOYULXJEg-00027-00018312-00019080 of a potentially new antibiotic treatment for neonatal sepsis, and we're doing a very pBZOYULXJEg-00028-00019080-00019640 large trial of first-line antibiotics for severely ill malnourished children. pBZOYULXJEg-00029-00019848-00020432 We're doing those trials because there's an emerging, increasing problem with antimicrobial pBZOYULXJEg-00030-00020432-00020936 resistance - in the settings where we work typically people don't have any information on pBZOYULXJEg-00031-00020936-00021592 what exact bacteria are causing illness and what the sensitivity or resistance to antibiotics is, pBZOYULXJEg-00032-00021592-00022416 so we need policies which are going to be able to be used in those typical settings, pBZOYULXJEg-00033-00022416-00022816 and these are settings where the vast majority of children are treated. pBZOYULXJEg-00034-00022920-00023360 There are some information around, but they typically come from university hospitals or pBZOYULXJEg-00035-00023360-00024152 private hospitals where only a tiny proportion of children get treated, so by investing in research, pBZOYULXJEg-00036-00024152-00024728 in that more generalisable population, with we're providing information and pBZOYULXJEg-00037-00024728-00025376 improvements in guidelines and knowledge which will improve outcomes in a much broader sense. pBZOYULXJEg-00038-00025376-00025936 With regards to translation, we do a lot of work in the laboratory: firstly, we do a lot of pBZOYULXJEg-00039-00025936-00026512 work on characterising what kinds of infections children have - sometimes that uses the normal pBZOYULXJEg-00040-00026512-00027136 microbiology techniques and sometimes that uses much more advanced, modern molecular techniques pBZOYULXJEg-00041-00027136-00027695 for detecting bacteria, for detecting resistance and detecting other kinds of infections. pBZOYULXJEg-00042-00027768-00028200 We also do a lot of work with partners overseas and other labs, pBZOYULXJEg-00043-00028200-00028920 looking at the effect on the nutrition and infections have on children's metabolism. pBZOYULXJEg-00044-00028920-00029408 By getting this very detailed data and putting it together with the detailed information that pBZOYULXJEg-00045-00029408-00030064 we collect from the children themselves, we're then able to look at what pathways pBZOYULXJEg-00046-00030064-00030712 might be intervenable, so what pathways could be interrupted or changed, which would then improve pBZOYULXJEg-00047-00030712-00031360 outcomes and so we can translate those findings from the laboratory into initially small trials, pBZOYULXJEg-00048-00031360-00031936 where we look at safety or look at whether or not the pathways are being affected, pBZOYULXJEg-00049-00031936-00032383 and then into larger trials to go into policy to improve outcomes. pH8Z7znu2CM-00000-00001096-00002985 Joseph and Kendra Duggar have announced they are expecting their first child. The newlyweds shared the big news in a video message posted to TLC's website, along with a photo of themselves kissing each other as they held up his and her mugs that read Mom and Dad. pH8Z7znu2CM-00001-00003135-00004969 'We're expecting,' father-to-be Joseph, 22, proclaimed happily as he sat beside his wife, 19. 'I've always dreamed of having my own family,' the star explained in the video. 'It's really surreal that it's actually here.' pH8Z7znu2CM-00002-00005119-00006578 Joseph speculated they may be having a boy. 'Either way, I'm happy just to have a baby,' he said. 'I think it could be a girl!' Kendra added. 'You never know!' pH8Z7znu2CM-00003-00006728-00007947 'I hope the baby has Kendra's laugh,' Joseph mused, to the delight of his wife. 'I hope the baby will be patient like Joe,' Kendra said. pH8Z7znu2CM-00004-00008097-00009167 Joseph, who is the son of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, married Kendra in Siloam Springs, Arkansas in September. pI2qMPIkDO8-00000-00000000-00000630 The Asian Arowana, also known as the Dragon Fish or Asian Bonytongue, is a captivating and highly pI2qMPIkDO8-00001-00000630-00001194 sought-after species of freshwater fish. With its vibrant colors, unique scales, and graceful pI2qMPIkDO8-00002-00001194-00001680 movements, it has become a popular choice for fish enthusiasts and collectors worldwide. pI2qMPIkDO8-00003-00001680-00002244 In this video, we will explore the fascinating world of Asian Arowana, including its appearance, pI2qMPIkDO8-00004-00002244-00002838 behavior, habitat, and care requirements. The Asian Arowana is renowned for its striking pI2qMPIkDO8-00005-00002838-00003354 appearance. It has a long, slender body with large scales that shimmer and reflect light, pI2qMPIkDO8-00006-00003354-00003929 giving it a majestic and dragon-like appearance. The fish comes in various colors, including red, pI2qMPIkDO8-00007-00003929-00004596 golden, green, and silver. Each color variation is highly prized and often associated with different pI2qMPIkDO8-00008-00004596-00005184 qualities, such as wealth, luck, and prosperity. Asian Arowanas are known for their intelligent pI2qMPIkDO8-00009-00005184-00005652 and curious nature. They are active swimmers and are capable of leaping out of the water to pI2qMPIkDO8-00010-00005652-00006084 catch prey. They have a powerful jaw and sharp teeth, making them skilled pI2qMPIkDO8-00011-00006084-00006594 predators. These fish are also known for their territorial behavior and may exhibit aggression pI2qMPIkDO8-00012-00006594-00007026 towards other fish in their environment. Asian Arowanas are native to the freshwater pI2qMPIkDO8-00013-00007026-00007518 habitats of Southeast Asia, particularly in countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, pI2qMPIkDO8-00014-00007518-00008106 and Thailand. They prefer slow-moving rivers, flooded forests, and swamps. In the wild, pI2qMPIkDO8-00015-00008106-00008604 they are often found in densely vegetated areas where they can hide and ambush their prey. pI2qMPIkDO8-00016-00008604-00009168 Keeping Asian Arowanas requires specific care to ensure their health and well-being. They need pI2qMPIkDO8-00017-00009168-00009678 a spacious aquarium with ample swimming space and a secure lid to prevent jumping. The water pI2qMPIkDO8-00018-00009678-00010554 temperature should be maintained between 76-82°F (24-28°C), and the pH level should be slightly pI2qMPIkDO8-00019-00010554-00011118 acidic to neutral. Arowanas are carnivorous and should be fed a diet consisting of live or frozen pI2qMPIkDO8-00020-00011118-00011682 foods like insects, small fish, and shrimp. It is important to note that Asian Arowanas pI2qMPIkDO8-00021-00011682-00012240 are protected species in many countries due to overfishing and habitat destruction. Therefore, pI2qMPIkDO8-00022-00012240-00012762 owning or trading these fish may be subject to legal regulations and restrictions. It pI2qMPIkDO8-00023-00012762-00013254 is essential to research and adhere to local laws and obtain fish from reputable sources. pI2qMPIkDO8-00024-00013254-00013686 Asian Arowanas hold great cultural significance in many Asian countries. pI2qMPIkDO8-00025-00013686-00014226 They are often considered symbols of luck, prosperity, and power. In some cultures, pI2qMPIkDO8-00026-00014226-00014682 they are believed to bring good fortune to their owners and are kept as prized possessions. pI2qMPIkDO8-00027-00014682-00015336 Due to habitat loss and overfishing, many Asian Arowana species are classified as endangered or pI2qMPIkDO8-00028-00015336-00015828 critically endangered. Conservation organizations and governments are working together to protect pI2qMPIkDO8-00029-00015828-00016278 their natural habitats and regulate their trade to ensure their survival in the wild. pI2qMPIkDO8-00030-00016278-00016890 In conclusion, the Asian Arowana is a captivating and revered fish species with its stunning colors, pI2qMPIkDO8-00031-00016890-00017460 graceful movements, and cultural significance. While they require specific care and are subject pI2qMPIkDO8-00032-00017460-00017988 to legal considerations, they can bring joy and fascination to dedicated fish enthusiasts. pI2qMPIkDO8-00033-00017988-00018420 By understanding their unique characteristics and supporting conservation efforts, pI2qMPIkDO8-00034-00018420-00018936 we can appreciate and help preserve the beauty of the Asian Arowana for future generations to come. pIZMu3I0xuy-00000-00001216-00001372 Human Population pIZMu3I0xuy-00001-00001372-00001752 Modern humans evolved in Africa about 200,000 years ago. pIZMu3I0xuy-00002-00001752-00002318 About 100,000 years ago, we began migrating across the globe. pIZMu3I0xuy-00003-00003490-00004460 Our population remained low—probably less than 1 million people. pIZMu3I0xuy-00004-00004460-00004804 With the advent of farming, growth picked up. pIZMu3I0xuy-00005-00004804-00005462 By AD 1, world population reached approximately 170 million people. pIZMu3I0xuy-00006-00006200-00006618 Year: AD 1 Human Population: 170 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00007-00006620-00007026 Dot = 1 million people pIZMu3I0xuy-00008-00007252-00007445 Han Dynasty pIZMu3I0xuy-00009-00007445-00007622 Roman Empire pIZMu3I0xuy-00010-00008480-00008656 Human population: 177 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00011-00008660-00008820 Silk Road pIZMu3I0xuy-00012-00010308-00010358 Year: 300 AD pIZMu3I0xuy-00013-00010360-00010518 Human population: 180 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00014-00010520-00010780 Golden Age of India pIZMu3I0xuy-00015-00012292-00012452 Year: 500 AD pIZMu3I0xuy-00016-00012452-00012560 Human population: 177 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00017-00012560-00012760 Peak Mayan Civilization pIZMu3I0xuy-00018-00013463-00013641 Year: 600 AD pIZMu3I0xuy-00019-00013641-00013778 Human population: 181 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00020-00013778-00013978 Birth of Islam pIZMu3I0xuy-00021-00014719-00014838 Year: 750 AD Human Population: 195 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00022-00014838-00014986 Smallpox in Japan pIZMu3I0xuy-00023-00015812-00015934 Year: 850 AD Human population: 215m pIZMu3I0xuy-00024-00015934-00016084 Gunpowder invented pIZMu3I0xuy-00025-00017700-00017900 Year: 1050 AD Human population: 283 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00026-00017900-00018100 Navigational compass pIZMu3I0xuy-00027-00019512-00019712 Year: 1200 AD Human population: 362 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00028-00019712-00019912 Mongol Empire pIZMu3I0xuy-00029-00020790-00020916 Year: 1350 Human population: 364 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00030-00020916-00021398 Bubonic plague Rare decline in world population pIZMu3I0xuy-00031-00022108-00022252 Year: 1490 AD Human population: 405 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00032-00022252-00022452 Europeans arrive pIZMu3I0xuy-00033-00022570-00022668 Year: 1520 AD Human population: 456 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00034-00022668-00022840 Transatlantic slave trade pIZMu3I0xuy-00035-00024868-00025058 Year: 1740 Human population: 714 m pIZMu3I0xuy-00036-00025058-00025258 Industrial Revolution Modern technology and medicine bring faster growth pIZMu3I0xuy-00037-00026404-00026592 Year: 1910 Human population: 1.7 b pIZMu3I0xuy-00038-00026592-00026792 World Wars pIZMu3I0xuy-00039-00027577-00027810 Year: 2015 Human population: 7.4 b pIZMu3I0xuy-00040-00027810-00028226 Year: 2050 Human population (projected): 9.5 b pIZMu3I0xuy-00041-00028808-00029058 LEVELING OFF pIZMu3I0xuy-00042-00029058-00029498 If current trends continue, global populations will peak at 11 billion around 2100. pIZMu3I0xuy-00043-00029874-00030170 Growth is slowing because average fertility rates are falling in nearly every country. pIZMu3I0xuy-00044-00030170-00030370 1950: 5 babies/woman pIZMu3I0xuy-00045-00030370-00030570 2100: 2 babies/woman pIZMu3I0xuy-00046-00031027-00031494 If fertility forecasts are slightly off, our peak population will peak lower... pIZMu3I0xuy-00047-00031610-00031924 ...or higher. pIZMu3I0xuy-00048-00032536-00032896 It took 200,000 years for our population to reach 1 billion. pIZMu3I0xuy-00049-00032896-00033276 And only 200 years to reach 7 billion. pIZMu3I0xuy-00050-00033898-00034518 As our population has grown, so has our use of Earth's resources. pIZMu3I0xuy-00051-00034728-00034890 Choices we make today pIZMu3I0xuy-00052-00034890-00035090 family planning pIZMu3I0xuy-00053-00035090-00035290 reduced consumption pIZMu3I0xuy-00054-00035290-00035522 pollution controls pIZMu3I0xuy-00055-00035522-00035722 habitat protection pIZMu3I0xuy-00056-00035928-00036318 Choices we make today affect the future of our species—and all life on Earth. pJiMEWkbLRk-00000-00000411-00000532 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. pJiMEWkbLRk-00001-00000532-00000900 I'M PETTY OFFICER IAN COTTER WITH YOUR HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE FLEET. pJiMEWkbLRk-00002-00000900-00001301 THE HARRY S. TRUMAN CARRIER STRIKE GROUP RELIEVED THE NIMITZ CARRIER STRIKE GROUP IN THE ARABIAN pJiMEWkbLRk-00003-00001301-00001695 SEA AUGUST 26TH, ASSUMING THE DUTIES AS COMMANDER, TASK FORCE 50. pJiMEWkbLRk-00004-00001695-00002221 CTF 50 IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING MARITIME SECURITY OPERATIONS, BUILDING TRUST AND CONFIDENCE pJiMEWkbLRk-00005-00002221-00002491 IN THE REGION AND SUPPORTING OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM. pJiMEWkbLRk-00006-00002491-00003013 OVER IN THE CORAL SEA, U.S. NAVY AND AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE RECOVERED AND DISPOSED OF LIVE pJiMEWkbLRk-00007-00003013-00003514 ORDINANCE THAT WAS EMERGENCY JETTISONED BY TWO AV-8 BRAVO HARRIER AIRCRAFT JULY 16TH pJiMEWkbLRk-00008-00003514-00003731 DURING OPERATION TALISMAN SABER. pJiMEWkbLRk-00009-00003731-00004194 EXPLOSIVE ORDINANCE DISPOSAL MOBILE UNIT FIVE DIVERS RETRIEVED TWO UNARMED LIVE ROUNDS OFF pJiMEWkbLRk-00010-00004194-00004607 THE COAST OF QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA AUGUST 29TH AND 30TH IN AN EFFORT TO PROTECT THE GREAT pJiMEWkbLRk-00011-00004607-00004766 BARRIER REEF. pJiMEWkbLRk-00012-00004766-00005028 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. pJiMEWkbLRk-00013-00005028-00005197 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. pL7hSe4ua-c-00000-00000000-00000200 Es campur pL7hSe4ua-c-00001-00000200-00000400 Mix ice pL7hSe4ua-c-00002-00000400-00000600 Indonesian street food pQfOChL-tSg-00000-00000062-00000252 - Once you find your dream home pQfOChL-tSg-00001-00000252-00000492 we need to make sure you get to move in. pQfOChL-tSg-00002-00000492-00000772 Here are 10 things not to do pQfOChL-tSg-00003-00000772-00001091 once you're under contract on your dream home. pQfOChL-tSg-00004-00001091-00001398 Hi I'm Danielle Scott with Keller Williams Realty. pQfOChL-tSg-00005-00001398-00001887 Once you're under contract don't do any of the following. pQfOChL-tSg-00006-00001887-00002087 One, don't change jobs, pQfOChL-tSg-00007-00002087-00002377 become self-employed or quit your job. pQfOChL-tSg-00008-00002377-00002729 Two, don't buy a new car, van or truck pQfOChL-tSg-00009-00002729-00002965 or you may end up living in it. pQfOChL-tSg-00010-00002965-00003261 Three, don't use any charge cards pQfOChL-tSg-00011-00003261-00003588 or let your accounts fall behind. pQfOChL-tSg-00012-00003588-00004033 Four, don't spend any money you have set aside for closing. pQfOChL-tSg-00013-00004033-00004379 Five, don't omit any debt or liabilities pQfOChL-tSg-00014-00004379-00004555 from your loan application. pQfOChL-tSg-00015-00004555-00004904 Six, don't buy any furniture even if the payment pQfOChL-tSg-00016-00004904-00005164 is deferred until after closing. pQfOChL-tSg-00017-00005164-00005464 Seven, don't allow any additional inquiries pQfOChL-tSg-00018-00005464-00005756 on your credit except for insurance purposes. pQfOChL-tSg-00019-00005756-00006018 Eight, don't make any large deposits pQfOChL-tSg-00020-00006018-00006365 or take out any large deposits without first pQfOChL-tSg-00021-00006365-00006620 checking with your lender or your agent. pQfOChL-tSg-00022-00006620-00006892 Nine, don't change bank accounts. pQfOChL-tSg-00023-00006892-00007294 10, don't co-sign on a loan for anyone no matter what pQfOChL-tSg-00024-00007294-00007476 and be sure to tell your lender pQfOChL-tSg-00025-00007476-00007745 if you already are co-signed for anyone. pQfOChL-tSg-00026-00007745-00008004 That debt goes against you too. pQfOChL-tSg-00027-00008004-00008442 I hope this helps I want to make sure that you understand pQfOChL-tSg-00028-00008442-00008778 how to keep your home and actually close pQfOChL-tSg-00029-00008778-00008946 once we help you find it. pQfOChL-tSg-00030-00008946-00009254 Feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to go pQfOChL-tSg-00031-00009254-00009603 into more detail on any of these points. pQfOChL-tSg-00032-00009603-00009712 I'm Danielle Scott, pQfOChL-tSg-00033-00009712-00010037 let's make it great home buying and selling day. pR87HZRPhGU-00000-00000072-00000872 Hey uh.. so today I'm going to be talking about the media and the way the media pR87HZRPhGU-00001-00001080-00001592 interprets or depicts countries pR87HZRPhGU-00002-00001768-00002240 outside, internationally and nationally within the country. pR87HZRPhGU-00003-00002392-00003240 When you see a media web page or you read a newspaper, if.. if anyone's still doing it um.., pR87HZRPhGU-00004-00003296-00003879 but let's just say you're looking at a media web page and the web page's title is, pR87HZRPhGU-00005-00003960-00004872 "China Decides la la la.." um.. "America.. America Plans To na na na", um.. "Russia. pR87HZRPhGU-00006-00004984-00005592 Russia a b c d whatever", "Russia Wants To Do This", "Russia Is Doing This", "Ukraine pR87HZRPhGU-00007-00005592-00006464 Is Doing That", "Burma Wants To la la la.." Every time, every time you see a whole country's name.. pR87HZRPhGU-00008-00006552-00007231 a whole country's name in the beginning of a headline or in a headline at all, pR87HZRPhGU-00009-00007231-00007984 know that they're lying through their teeth. It's an outright, blatant lie. Think of it this way. pR87HZRPhGU-00010-00008064-00008744 Imagine if it was the name of your country, the country that you're in and people abroad were pR87HZRPhGU-00011-00008744-00009440 reading a very incendiary or very hot topic kind of headline about your country, and all.. it's pR87HZRPhGU-00012-00009440-00010040 like, for example my country is South Africa. If all of a sudden um.. people in China were reading pR87HZRPhGU-00013-00010040-00010896 an article, and it was titled, "South Africa Sets Massive Sanctions Against China". South Africa pR87HZRPhGU-00014-00011080-00011792 sets massive sanctions against China. Is it true? No, it's really not. No, it's really not. You know pR87HZRPhGU-00015-00011792-00012504 why? Because it's not South Africa - it is a very small tiny little party of South Africa pR87HZRPhGU-00016-00012504-00013232 that has decided. It decided this on behalf of the whole of the rest of South Africa, all the plebs pR87HZRPhGU-00017-00013232-00013944 ,all of the public, the tax paying public, all the little people - even though those people are pR87HZRPhGU-00018-00013944-00014680 probably completely unaware of what's going on, and this is true for all countries at the moment. pR87HZRPhGU-00019-00014791-00015528 The media is not representing us accurately, and this is true in all countries. So whenever you pR87HZRPhGU-00020-00015528-00016056 see that, whenever you see one particular country saying they're doing whatever, pR87HZRPhGU-00021-00016240-00016888 it's not true. Maybe it is one small part of.. of that country. Maybe it's the.. the government or pR87HZRPhGU-00022-00016888-00017504 whatever, but it's not the whole country and very, very frequently, it's definitely not the majority. pR87HZRPhGU-00023-00017632-00018264 It's that.. that ruling part - it's that.. that.. whether it's dictatorial, whether it's democratic, pR87HZRPhGU-00024-00018264-00018760 whether it's.. I don't know first world or third world or whatever. pR87HZRPhGU-00025-00018760-00019240 There's a very small handful of people that are deciding for that whole country what they're doing pR87HZRPhGU-00026-00019240-00019696 and very frequently there are no referendums, there are no questions going out to the public pR87HZRPhGU-00027-00019696-00020064 like, should we do this or not, should we go ahead with this or.. No, no, no, pR87HZRPhGU-00028-00020064-00020584 that doesn't happen. They just go ahead and decide it, and now.. now everybody's in the boat with us; pR87HZRPhGU-00029-00020584-00021120 everyone's going to get judged for the decisions that we make because we're all pR87HZRPhGU-00030-00021120-00021664 lumped into this.. this word that is the country name. Know that this is happening everywhere pR87HZRPhGU-00031-00022024-00022128 and the way that pR87HZRPhGU-00032-00022352-00023144 you will be judged for being lumped in with your country is the same that is.. is exactly pR87HZRPhGU-00033-00023144-00023576 the same that.. that's happening to other people, for example in Russia at the moment. pR87HZRPhGU-00034-00023576-00024056 There are so many Russians that are against this war. There are so many Russians that have been pR87HZRPhGU-00035-00024056-00024576 protest.. protesting in the streets uh.. how much, what.. what can they do, what more can pR87HZRPhGU-00036-00024576-00024968 they do besides screaming and shouting and maybe being online and maybe endangering.. pR87HZRPhGU-00037-00025024-00025560 I don't know, their social profile, or you know in Russia it's.. it's not um.. hang on. pR87HZRPhGU-00038-00025856-00026304 I was saying um.. about Russia. I mean it's not easy being in Russia. I mean pR87HZRPhGU-00039-00026304-00026976 those people have been trained for the last two generations at least that, you know, pR87HZRPhGU-00040-00026976-00027408 what the government says, the government does and you don't question it, or you know hey, maybe pR87HZRPhGU-00041-00027408-00027992 there's a knock at the door at night so 12.. 12.. 12.. o'clock at night, and somebody disappears. pR87HZRPhGU-00042-00027992-00028624 Really? You know anyone's saying anything.. like these people are actually really, really brave pR87HZRPhGU-00043-00028624-00028992 being out there in the street actually protesting like that. They are really brave. pR87HZRPhGU-00044-00029208-00029608 They're risking quite a lot just doing that. They're probably on a social profile. They're pR87HZRPhGU-00045-00029608-00029912 probably on a list, a list somewhere, pR87HZRPhGU-00046-00029912-00030264 a red list. You know what I mean? Yeah, you do know what I mean. pR87HZRPhGU-00047-00030544-00030983 So they're not part of that 'Russia Decides', 'Russia Does This, Russia Does That'. Really? pR87HZRPhGU-00048-00031064-00031360 Really? Yeah, whatever. pR87HZRPhGU-00049-00031639-00032088 I think this kind of thing happens to China a lot. Now I live in China at the moment, pR87HZRPhGU-00050-00032088-00032776 but like the way that the media portrays China in certain countries is very much 'the bad guy', pR87HZRPhGU-00051-00032832-00033480 very much the big threat, very much like, "Oh the crouching tiger gonna beat us up one day!" pR87HZRPhGU-00052-00033672-00034312 Really? Whenever you see "China", know that whatever they're assuming pR87HZRPhGU-00053-00034376-00035112 or whatever action is happening, it's probably from the government. It's not from the masses, pR87HZRPhGU-00054-00035176-00035744 it's not from the masses and very frequently the masses don't even know what's going on. pR87HZRPhGU-00055-00035952-00036624 The masses are being given.. the masses get a very very very pR87HZRPhGU-00056-00036904-00037560 portioned view of what's going on. The government decides everything. There's a lot going on that we pR87HZRPhGU-00057-00037560-00038168 don't know about. I'm talking about 'we', I mean me and us.. us foreigners with the Chinese people. pR87HZRPhGU-00058-00038168-00038568 There's a lot that we don't.. we see stuff that's going on in our media here, pR87HZRPhGU-00059-00038672-00039384 but we very frequently don't know what's really going on. We will see numbers and we'll see like, pR87HZRPhGU-00060-00039480-00040072 headlines and stuff, but like, we just go, "Okay well, you know uhh..." So we have a very, pR87HZRPhGU-00061-00040072-00040904 very limited access to the entire body of what.. knowledge of what's really going on out there, pR87HZRPhGU-00062-00040904-00041456 and so when they say, "China la la la", "China Is Doing This" in another foreign um.. pR87HZRPhGU-00063-00041592-00042344 media website, etc. to people of other nations, you have got to know, you have got to know that pR87HZRPhGU-00064-00042344-00042912 that's a lie because when they say 'China', they don't mean all of China. They mean the government pR87HZRPhGU-00065-00042912-00043592 of China. They mean the.. the deciding parties. The rest of china probably doesn't have a clue pR87HZRPhGU-00066-00043592-00044208 what's going on and that's the reality, and I would go ahead and say the same case is the pR87HZRPhGU-00067-00044208-00044760 same for many other countries too. When they say 'Ukraine', when they say 'Russia', when they say pR87HZRPhGU-00068-00044760-00045256 'America', when they say 'Indonesia', whatever - they put the whole country name - they are pR87HZRPhGU-00069-00045256-00045864 lying through their teeth. It's the government; it's a certain small party. It has nothing to do pR87HZRPhGU-00070-00045864-00046432 with more than 50 percent of that population, but the way it's worded, you would think it is. It's pR87HZRPhGU-00071-00046432-00046928 not. Very frequently most of those people have no clue about what's going on, and what is being pR87HZRPhGU-00072-00046928-00047728 decided for them and other countries. This is.. this is just a fact and we have to be aware of pR87HZRPhGU-00073-00047728-00048312 this. You have to be aware of this. The reason why is because a lot there's a lot of manipulation, pR87HZRPhGU-00074-00048312-00049112 there's a lot of manipulation going on to have us against each other, to build us up with pR87HZRPhGU-00075-00049112-00049672 these stories about what's going on in other countries so that we butt heads, and this can pR87HZRPhGU-00076-00049736-00050328 validate fighting against each other or validate a war. This.. this happens all the time and you pR87HZRPhGU-00077-00050328-00050896 must know that it's going on. You can only take these headlines with a.. a pinch of salt. What am pR87HZRPhGU-00078-00050896-00051455 I saying? A pinch of salt? Or you can't take it seriously. You just can't take it seriously. If pR87HZRPhGU-00079-00051455-00052216 the headline says, "Chinese Government Decides la la la" okay, fair. That's probably getting closer pR87HZRPhGU-00080-00052216-00052776 to the truth. If the headline says, "Russian Government la la la" or "Putin la la la", pR87HZRPhGU-00081-00052776-00053416 okay cool, cool, fine. Well, let's work with that. If it says uh.. "The American Government.." or, pR87HZRPhGU-00082-00053416-00053920 I don't know, "Obama.." well, choose.. choose a president that happens to be there these pR87HZRPhGU-00083-00053920-00054440 particular years. Fine, whatever - if they use that name and if they use the government kind of pR87HZRPhGU-00084-00054440-00055120 area, fine; that's working, but if they just use the whole country name, oh my god, alarm bells, pR87HZRPhGU-00085-00055120-00055664 red herrings, na ah ah. Something is really off here because know that most of that population, pR87HZRPhGU-00086-00055728-00056248 I would say I'm going to go ahead and say most populations of nations worldwide at the moment pR87HZRPhGU-00087-00056248-00056800 are not in a good place especially post-COVID. Economically even, people don't know where they pR87HZRPhGU-00088-00056800-00057336 stand, they don't know what they're going to be doing - this is a high area of instability. People pR87HZRPhGU-00089-00057336-00057824 are just trying to hold their lives together, they are just trying to hold their lives together. pR87HZRPhGU-00090-00058016-00058455 So basically people at their.. at the moment are kind of fighting for their lives. pR87HZRPhGU-00091-00058704-00059688 They just.. I think the dream, a high dream for most populations at the moment pR87HZRPhGU-00092-00059896-00060055 is a sense of normality pR87HZRPhGU-00093-00060288-00061104 and stability. That's a high hope. A stable job for most, I mean is that a thing pR87HZRPhGU-00094-00061104-00061455 that the average person can even wish or ask for.. for these days? pR87HZRPhGU-00095-00061696-00062304 Um.. to.. to not be in any kind of particular conflict, to have a roof over your head, to.. pR87HZRPhGU-00096-00062304-00062648 to have a stable roof over your head that you can count on from one year to the next. pR87HZRPhGU-00097-00062920-00063640 These are the things that are not just bothering one nation, but nations worldwide. will this is pR87HZRPhGU-00098-00063640-00064384 not a time that humanity is doing well, so in any one particular country, they're just worried pR87HZRPhGU-00099-00064384-00064767 about the clothes on their back. They're worried about getting through the week, getting through pR87HZRPhGU-00100-00064767-00065520 the months, getting through the year. They have no energy, time or wherewithal to be thinking, pR87HZRPhGU-00101-00065624-00066064 "Let's.. let's.. let's get together and do something about that country over pR87HZRPhGU-00102-00066064-00066728 there because we have a thing out for you! We don't like you." Nobody cares. Nobody pR87HZRPhGU-00103-00066856-00067384 cares. They're just all trying to survive. They're all trying to just make ends meet, pR87HZRPhGU-00104-00067456-00067688 and get to the end of the month, get to the end of the year, pR87HZRPhGU-00105-00067688-00068096 and sense of stability for the kids, and so on and so forth, get.. get their kids to pR87HZRPhGU-00106-00068168-00069032 to school on time, have a.. have a job that keeps rolling through, save up for whatever - that's.. pR87HZRPhGU-00107-00069032-00069632 that's a high dream for many people at the moment. Say so.. though.. they.. you must know, pR87HZRPhGU-00108-00069736-00070520 most people on the planet have war or any kind of conflict, or any kind of like, poking motion, pR87HZRPhGU-00109-00070520-00071184 any kind of incendiary poking motion towards another country or any decisions made to.. to pR87HZRPhGU-00110-00071240-00071848 raise hackles or you know, to.. to have people on the on their guard or on their defensive, pR87HZRPhGU-00111-00071848-00072472 in any other country, know that this is what most people do not want to even start. They don't want pR87HZRPhGU-00112-00072472-00072928 to go there; they don't even want to entertain the thought because they're just trying as hard pR87HZRPhGU-00113-00072928-00073480 as they can to hold their own lives together. Why would they want to start to dig at another pR87HZRPhGU-00114-00073480-00074088 country? Why would they want to start to even cause problems with any other country? They really pR87HZRPhGU-00115-00074088-00074696 really don't - they're just trying to survive. So if you are reading something that's getting your.. pR87HZRPhGU-00116-00074696-00075216 your heat up, that's getting your emotions up about the people in another country, pR87HZRPhGU-00117-00075216-00075904 read very very carefully, and if they say the name of the whole country in the headline * immediate pR87HZRPhGU-00118-00075904-00076608 red flag *, it's a lie. Yes, it's true for one small group, but that is probably an under 10% pR87HZRPhGU-00119-00076608-00077184 of the country that's deciding that for the whole country, and this is true for almost all of them. pR87HZRPhGU-00120-00077504-00078368 So uh.. yeah. Look before you leap. Don't hate too much. Take a second to think. Take a few seconds, pR87HZRPhGU-00121-00078368-00078984 take a few minutes, take an hour to think, "Okay, who is this good for? What am I meant pR87HZRPhGU-00122-00078984-00079440 to be feeling here?" Let the.. take note of your emotions when you're reading a news article. pR87HZRPhGU-00123-00079504-00079912 What's it stirring up? So I'm stirring some intense sense of fear or.. pR87HZRPhGU-00124-00079912-00080448 What's it gearing you towards? What should.. what is it pushing you towards? What kind of actions do pR87HZRPhGU-00125-00080448-00081136 they want you to take or acquiesce to if you're in line with that statement they're making? pR87HZRPhGU-00126-00081312-00081920 Now watch your back with this because the last thing any of us want is to be in a war or to be in pR87HZRPhGU-00127-00081920-00082472 a conflict or be on one side where we're attacking a whole bunch of people very similar to us pR87HZRPhGU-00128-00082472-00083248 with very very normal dreams for just a regular life - that would be.. to me, that would be the pR87HZRPhGU-00129-00083248-00083712 worst thing. For me to realise that I'm in a battle or a conflict with other people that pR87HZRPhGU-00130-00083712-00084232 turn out to be just like me, and they are as clueless as I am about what's really going on. pR87HZRPhGU-00131-00084232-00084928 We live in an era of ignorance, of perpetuated ignorance. It is ignorance on purpose. pR87HZRPhGU-00132-00085080-00085632 It's a kind of dark age - we live in a dark age. This is a dark age. Do you think.. I mean yes, pR87HZRPhGU-00133-00085632-00086192 we have smartphones. Yes, we live in towers, yes, la la la whatever, uh.. freeways, pR87HZRPhGU-00134-00086192-00086896 oh yeah good. "This is sane modern life" - no, we live in a dark age. It's another dark age so.. pR87HZRPhGU-00135-00086896-00088016 so just know this before you.. you judge a whole group of people for the decisions of a very few. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00000-00000495-00000835 So let's now talk a little bit about classification of dolomite! pSAQ9fbqn2E-00001-00000835-00001331 Just like we have classification of limestone, we also have a classification system for dolomite pSAQ9fbqn2E-00002-00001331-00002063 which is based on two things: first on looking at the plane of the crystal of dolomite pSAQ9fbqn2E-00003-00002063-00002966 either they can be straight: then this is called a planar dolomite, so these examples here on the top, pSAQ9fbqn2E-00004-00002966-00003468 or they can be nonplanar and that's the example at the bottom. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00005-00003468-00004078 Then we have several cases that can happen. Let's review first the planar dolomites. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00006-00004078-00005185 So a planar dolomite can be euhedral, or known as planar-e if the minerals are clearly expressed, they're euhedral minerals. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00007-00005185-00005848 So you can clearly see those minerals planes, you can clearly see the minerals shape and their habits. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00008-00005890-00006688 You can have a subhedral dolomite where you know, it's still a planar dolomite, it's the 'planar-s' for subhedral. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00009-00006688-00007636 Because you can still recognize those minerals very well but in some cases you have more rounding and less well expressed mineralogic form. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00010-00007636-00008488 Then you can have cement of dolomite. So you can have evidence that the dolomite has been precipitated pSAQ9fbqn2E-00011-00008488-00009090 as a planar dolomite as a cement in a cavity or vug or something like this, pSAQ9fbqn2E-00012-00009090-00009455 and this is known as a planar-c dolomite. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00013-00009501-00010488 You can also have a massive limestone with only a few well expressed minerals of dolomites popping in within the structure. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00014-00010488-00011151 So that's like a porphyr and so it's known as a porphyrotopic dolomite or planar-p dolomite. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00015-00011238-00011448 Now let's look at the non-planar dolomites! pSAQ9fbqn2E-00016-00011448-00011995 So you can have a case where you essentially have a subhedral to nonplanar dolomite. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00017-00011995-00012635 So that would be known as a planar-s to nonplanar-a or a transitional dolomite. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00018-00012700-00013391 Then you can have a true anhedral dolomites. Where the minerals are there, you can see the grain of dolomites, pSAQ9fbqn2E-00019-00013391-00014213 but the are all rounded and you don't really see the mineral planes. So that's a nonplanar-a for anhedral dolomite. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00020-00014213-00014700 There's a special case of nonplanar dolomite, known as saddle dolomite. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00021-00014700-00015190 Saddle dolomite is relatively large, you know a few centimetres, millimetre at least. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00022-00015190-00015856 So this is a large crystal of dolomite, and it's actually a very interesting dolomite to recognize pSAQ9fbqn2E-00023-00015856-00016288 because it only forms at high temperature, so above 60˚C. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00024-00016288-00016950 So it's always associated with some form of hot fluid: maybe hydrothermal fluid or subsurface condition, pSAQ9fbqn2E-00025-00016950-00017365 it is not an early dolomite. So a very interesting one to recognize. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00026-00017365-00018083 And you can also have a nonplanar-p dolomite, so a porphyrotopic dolomite that is very similar to planar-p, pSAQ9fbqn2E-00027-00018083-00018793 the difference of course, that the minerals themselves don't have those nice planar surfaces but they're subrounded. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00028-00018793-00019000 So let's look at a few examples! pSAQ9fbqn2E-00029-00019000-00019536 We'll start with the transitional dolomite, this is a nice example of the transitional dolomite pSAQ9fbqn2E-00030-00019536-00020553 you can recognize some mineral planes, and some area that are sort of subhedral but there's also a lot of areas that are anhedral. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00031-00020553-00021268 So where you really cannot see any plane of minerals. So that's a transitional dolomite. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00032-00021268-00021953 That's a good example here of a porphyrotopic dolomite. Notice the rhombic shape of the dolomite pSAQ9fbqn2E-00033-00021953-00022526 this is really typical for the dolomite, this rhom shapes. You don't always find it so nicely expressed. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00034-00022526-00023301 But this is an example where it is nicely expressed and it's a porphyrotopic dolomite, planar-p dolomite pSAQ9fbqn2E-00035-00023301-00024191 because those minerals are basically expressed in the matrix of limestone. So they just popped up as a porphyr in that matrix. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00036-00024191-00024835 And now let's look at some nice planar dolomite. And you can see the difference between this picture pSAQ9fbqn2E-00037-00024835-00025353 of planar dolomite, all the planes of the dolomites are well expressed. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00038-00025353-00025988 And compared this to the previous picture I've showed you, where the planes of the dolomites and the edges of the minerals pSAQ9fbqn2E-00039-00025988-00026228 Are not so easy to spot. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00040-00026301-00027208 And finally, let's look at the nonplanar saddle dolomite! And you can recognize here the saddle dolomite because of its saddle shape pSAQ9fbqn2E-00041-00027208-00028306 this slightly bend shape, and look at the scale this is 400μ here, so this is a relatively large dolomite mineral. pSAQ9fbqn2E-00042-00028306-00028506 And it is again typical for warm diagenetic condition. pTBPXZ-Vgv0-00000-00000211-00000614 - --how to view quizzes in the Canvas student app on an Apple pTBPXZ-Vgv0-00001-00000614-00000791 device. pTBPXZ-Vgv0-00002-00000791-00001022 First step is from your dashboard. pTBPXZ-Vgv0-00003-00001022-00001319 You'll tap and select on the course that you wish to view. pTBPXZ-Vgv0-00004-00001586-00002179 You'll then tap on the Quizzes option on the left-hand side. pTBPXZ-Vgv0-00005-00002179-00002421 You'll then tap on the name of the specific quiz pTBPXZ-Vgv0-00006-00002421-00002564 that you want to view and take. pTBPXZ-Vgv0-00007-00002850-00003124 To take the quiz, you'll tap on the Take Quiz option pTBPXZ-Vgv0-00008-00003124-00003304 at the bottom. pTBPXZ-Vgv0-00009-00003304-00003582 And that's how you view quizzes in the Canvas student pTBPXZ-Vgv0-00010-00003582-00003829 app on an Apple device. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00000-00000000-00000454 Harry asks, "Who are the maintainers of Bitcoin Core?" pXtjSBgZ6lc-00001-00000454-00001016 "Is it possible to know what privileges they each have at any given time?" pXtjSBgZ6lc-00002-00001016-00001566 First of all, let's disambiguate the term 'maintainer' a bit. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00003-00001566-00002140 There is a difference between contributors, committers, and maintainers in an open-source project, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00004-00002140-00002610 [partly] hosted on GitHub in the style that the Bitcoin Core project is. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00005-00002610-00004216 Let's de-obfuscate those [roles]. Contributors are people who make pull-requests and actively contribute code. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00006-00004216-00004570 All changes to Bitcoin Core happen through pull-requests. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00007-00004570-00005154 Nobody commits [new changes] directly to a [release] branch without a full review of their pull request. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00008-00005154-00005608 All changes go through a pull-request process. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00009-00005608-00006470 Maintainers are people responsible for gathering all of the change request that have been approved... pXtjSBgZ6lc-00010-00006470-00007018 by the broad social consensus of the development community. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00011-00007018-00007552 Changes must have broad consensus and acceptability to be included into the next release. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00012-00007552-00008302 [after discussion about] how to sequence them, when to package them, and what each release should include. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00013-00008302-00009234 Even [those] decisions are heavily influenced by the collaborative communication between contributors, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00014-00009234-00009994 who are commenting on the pull-requests and [fostering] open discussions about [development timelines]. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00015-00009994-00010590 A maintainer's job is to schedule the releases and project manage them in a timetable, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00016-00010590-00011472 ensuring that the right changes are included, putting them through quality assurance testing, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00017-00011472-00012148 and then finally producing a release as a bundle of changes with a specific version number. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00018-00012148-00012800 That [comes with] release notes about what changed, who changed it, who contributed, what effects it has, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00019-00012800-00013426 why the changes were [made], and any upgrade or migration steps that are necessary. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00020-00013426-00013654 Maintainers collect all of that documentation. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00021-00013654-00014126 Today, the [lead] maintainer for Bitcoin Core is Wladimir van der Laan. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00022-00014126-00015108 They have another maintainer who is now working to assist Wladimir, mostly as the wallet maintainer. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00023-00015108-00015680 [His name is Samuel Dobson, @meshcollider]. He was recently given that responsibility. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00024-00015680-00016332 But the [lead] maintainer is [still] Wladimir van der Laan, @orionwl. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00025-00016332-00017150 The number of contributors is anywhere from thirty to forty people who contribute regularly... pXtjSBgZ6lc-00026-00017150-00018044 to almost every release, to more than five hundred [people] who have contributed to different extents. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00027-00018044-00018434 People come and go; this is a vast, sprawling project. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00028-00018434-00019026 There is another question, which is: who has commit access to the repository? pXtjSBgZ6lc-00029-00019026-00020098 That [question] comes up all the time, but it is not really a relevant question. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00030-00020098-00020850 The people who have commit access to the repository don't use that commit access. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00031-00020850-00021160 If they do have it, they don't use it. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00032-00021160-00021848 All commits [are done] by the project maintainers, [who manage releases]. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00033-00021848-00022328 It is a very different perspective [from most projects]. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00034-00022328-00023002 Who can sign with a trusted PGP key? Who can commit to the repository? pXtjSBgZ6lc-00035-00023002-00024166 Who can register those commits in the repository? Who decides what changes happen for each release? pXtjSBgZ6lc-00036-00024166-00024752 [Essentially], who decides versus who contributes the changes are all different roles. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00037-00024752-00025376 At the moment, there are specifically five keys. I am looking at the documentation here. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00038-00025376-00025956 [The keys] belong to van der Laan, Pieter Wuille, Jonas Schnelli, Marco Falke, and Dobson. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00039-00025956-00026582 These are the five people who have PGP keys that can sign commits into the repository, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00040-00026582-00027420 but they are not necessarily the people who are making the commits. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00041-00027420-00028062 The release scheduling and committing of changes [is done] by Wladimir van der Laan, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00042-00028062-00028418 who doesn't make decisions about what changes go in. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00043-00028418-00029170 Wladimir simply reflects, and does administrative work for, decisions which have already been made... pXtjSBgZ6lc-00044-00029170-00029344 by the community. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00045-00029344-00029939 In fact, he exercises very little authority over what goes into a [Bitcoin Core] release. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00046-00029939-00030439 He reflects decisions that have already been made in a very collaborative and open manner, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00047-00030439-00031392 through discussions on the pull-requests and project notes [around] the code. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00048-00031392-00031868 So, it is very different than what you see at the surface. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00049-00031868-00033094 By the way, there is a really nice article by Jameson Lopp about the maintenance of Bitcoin Core: how it works, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00050-00033094-00033628 who has commit access, who has privileges, etc. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00051-00033628-00034288 It is a Medium article called "Who Controls Bitcoin Core?" by Jameson Lopp, if you want to read more. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00052-00034288-00034510 That is just one of the sources you might use. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00053-00034510-00035114 [AUDIENCE] You told us that Bitcoin is [becoming] stronger when it is attacked. [ANDREAS] Yes. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00054-00035116-00036194 [AUDIENCE] Bitcoin has antibodies that make it stronger. Even the hardest threats seem to make it grow better. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00055-00036194-00036696 Do you think there are threats that are maybe not sophisticated, not so scary, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00056-00036696-00037130 but for which Bitcoin is less prepared to react? pXtjSBgZ6lc-00057-00037130-00038230 Something that can be technical or social, something subtle or unexpected, toxic and unhealthy for Bitcoin? pXtjSBgZ6lc-00058-00038230-00038696 [ANDREAS] Yeah, I do think those [threats] exist. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00059-00038696-00039542 For the most part, we have seen a number of social attacks against Bitcoin, against the community. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00060-00039542-00040330 Attempts to create unnecessary drama that distracts people from the real focus. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00061-00040330-00041120 What has become clear is, one of the ways to slow down [the development of] a cryptocurrency... pXtjSBgZ6lc-00062-00041120-00041388 is to create drama inside the communities. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00063-00041388-00041678 That has been attempted. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00064-00041678-00042320 I would say, in some ways, it was successful. It did not stop us, but it has slowed us down. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00065-00042320-00042648 I try not to feed the drama. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00066-00042648-00043246 I think it is important to remain focused on the technology and stop paying attention to the people. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00067-00043246-00044106 The more time you spend talking about people... That is gossip. It is not [technical work]. So don't. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00068-00044106-00044870 Ignore the personalities. Focus on the technology and what is actually happening in the space. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00069-00044870-00045362 [The gossip] is not real, it is fake drama. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00070-00045362-00046252 One of the ways in which Bitcoin has changed is... It is not just Bitcoin anymore. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00071-00046252-00046834 Even if an attack was successful against one cryptocurrency, that will [lead to... pXtjSBgZ6lc-00072-00046834-00047090 the creation of] other cryptocurrencies. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00073-00047090-00047612 All of these cryptocurrencies are trying different approaches. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00074-00047612-00048440 Communities focus on different applications, monetary policies, and security principles for [their] codebase. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00075-00048440-00049470 That diversity, like biological diversity, means we are much more resistant to any single type of attack. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00076-00049470-00050200 Even if [some malicious actors] manage to stop one, they [can't] stop everything. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00077-00050200-00051050 The ones that [can't be] stopped expand to fill the [hole] in the ecosystem and [become] stronger. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00078-00051050-00051750 Now we have this adaptation to threats. It is not just Bitcoin that is anti-fragile. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00079-00051750-00052686 It is the entire crypto ecosystem, with all of its competing interests, developers, and models. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00080-00052686-00053417 It is advancing as a whole and even more unstoppable than Bitcoin itself. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00081-00053417-00054141 I find it harder and harder to come up with realistic scenarios of how [Bitcoin could be] stopped. I really do. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00082-00054141-00054546 [AUDIENCE] Hello, Andreas. Thank you for being such a great teacher. [ANDREAS] Thank you. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00083-00054546-00055379 [AUDIENCE] I have a question about governments, governance, and decisions in this system. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00084-00055379-00056144 How do we make decisions in a decentralized protocol? pXtjSBgZ6lc-00085-00056144-00056364 [ANDREAS] That is a great question. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00086-00056364-00056846 Government, governance, and how do we make decisions in these decentralized systems? pXtjSBgZ6lc-00087-00056846-00057274 We don't know yet. This is the beauty of it. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00088-00057274-00057946 We do know that we have created a system of rules without rulers, a system that is extremely resistant... pXtjSBgZ6lc-00089-00057946-00058391 to external change and very difficult to hijack. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00090-00058391-00058728 That is the starting point. Where can that system take us? pXtjSBgZ6lc-00091-00058728-00059008 How do we change it when we want to change it? pXtjSBgZ6lc-00092-00059008-00059514 How do we achieve consensus? How do we arrive at common decisions? pXtjSBgZ6lc-00093-00059514-00060382 We don't know yet, but we are trying a dozen different ways; some of them are working, some of them not. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00094-00060382-00061086 That is the beauty of this. We have a new field of computer science [around] consensus algorithms... pXtjSBgZ6lc-00095-00061086-00061394 that did not exist ten years ago. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00096-00061394-00061986 That field is inventing incredible things every single day. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00097-00061990-00063444 The best part of it, what most people haven't quite grasped, is that we are working on a deployed system, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00098-00063444-00064472 a $150 billion live payment system, that is [one of the] largest civilian deployments of applied cryptography... pXtjSBgZ6lc-00099-00064472-00064800 on this planet. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00100-00064800-00065329 When I was a young cypherpunk in 1991, I was enamored with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)... pXtjSBgZ6lc-00101-00065329-00065908 and wanted to teach everybody how to use PGP to encrypt their emails (I failed). pXtjSBgZ6lc-00102-00065908-00066244 [Laughter] Nobody was paying any attention. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00103-00066244-00067894 If you told me that in two or three decades (god, I'm old), we would have a practical, usable, deployed network... pXtjSBgZ6lc-00104-00067894-00068386 of digital signatures and using some of the most amazing applied cryptography, pXtjSBgZ6lc-00105-00068386-00068656 with new technology that was never seen before... pXtjSBgZ6lc-00106-00068656-00069390 A real production network that is growing and has involved [tens of millions] of people? pXtjSBgZ6lc-00107-00069390-00069984 We don't even know. I wouldn't have believed you then. That is the platform on which we're trying this stuff. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00108-00069984-00070206 There is no [established] theory about this. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00109-00070206-00070892 You can develop your lovely pristine idea in the lab and gently put it out [into the wild internet], pXtjSBgZ6lc-00110-00070892-00071796 and it [could be] ravaged by hackers in milliseconds, because it [can't] survive under adversarial conditions. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00111-00071796-00072402 The honeypot is $150 billion dollars, the prize that awaits anyone [who can break it]. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00112-00072402-00073126 Bitcoin isn't here today because no one tried to hack it. Bitcoin is here today because everyone tried. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00113-00073126-00074202 Again and again, each time they somewhat succeed, it adapts, learns, evolves, and becomes stronger. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00114-00074202-00075380 Like an immune system. Governance played out on an evolutionary-like playing field with real money at stake. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00115-00075380-00075872 We have a chance, for the first time, to do it differently. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00116-00075872-00076284 People ask me, "Will Bitcoin be regulated?" pXtjSBgZ6lc-00117-00076284-00076956 Bitcoin is regulated; it is regulated by mathematics, instead of human committees. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00118-00076956-00077516 We already have systems regulated by committee. We are trying to do [something different] now. pXtjSBgZ6lc-00119-00077516-00078232 That is, regulating by algorithm. We think it will be better, but we don't know yet. pYu4YrSWQFE-00000-00000052-00000152 Hi, everyone! pYu4YrSWQFE-00001-00000152-00000258 I'm Amanda Howell. pYu4YrSWQFE-00002-00000258-00000720 I'm the Business Librarian here at UW-Whitewater, and today I'm going to talk to you about citing pYu4YrSWQFE-00003-00000720-00000884 using APA style. pYu4YrSWQFE-00004-00000884-00001519 We're going to focus on citing books, citing articles, and citing websites, 3 sources you're pYu4YrSWQFE-00005-00001519-00002154 most likely to use for your research during your time at UW-Whitewater. pYu4YrSWQFE-00006-00002154-00002511 It's important that you give credit to other for the work that they've done so that you pYu4YrSWQFE-00007-00002511-00002695 can avoid plagiarism. pYu4YrSWQFE-00008-00002695-00003315 Not doing so, intentionally or not, is misrepresenting your own work and may result in serious academic pYu4YrSWQFE-00009-00003315-00003669 and legal ramifications. pYu4YrSWQFE-00010-00003669-00004218 When citing a book you need to find the following information: the name of the author, the date pYu4YrSWQFE-00011-00004218-00004789 of publication, the title of the book, the publisher, and the publishing city. pYu4YrSWQFE-00012-00004789-00005115 One thing to note is the capitalization on the title of the book. pYu4YrSWQFE-00013-00005115-00005602 You're only going to capitalize the first word of the title and the first word of the pYu4YrSWQFE-00014-00005602-00005893 subtitle, as well as any proper nouns. pYu4YrSWQFE-00015-00005893-00006296 Most of this information can be found on the title page. pYu4YrSWQFE-00016-00006296-00006640 Let's take a look at the title page of a book by Scott Goodson. pYu4YrSWQFE-00017-00006640-00007026 The book is called Uprising: How to Build a Brand - and Change the World - by Sparking pYu4YrSWQFE-00018-00007026-00007200 Cultural Movements. pYu4YrSWQFE-00019-00007200-00007573 Just under that is the name of the author; sometimes you'll have more than one. pYu4YrSWQFE-00020-00007573-00007946 And then at the bottom of the page you'll usually find the publisher, in this case McGraw pYu4YrSWQFE-00021-00007946-00008046 Hill. pYu4YrSWQFE-00022-00008046-00008310 We then see a lot of different publishing cities. pYu4YrSWQFE-00023-00008310-00008679 Generally if you see more than one, you're just going to take the first one. pYu4YrSWQFE-00024-00008679-00009065 The only element we're not finding on this page is the date of publication. pYu4YrSWQFE-00025-00009065-00009699 So what we can do is go to the Copyright page and see that it was published in 2012. pYu4YrSWQFE-00026-00009699-00010113 Now that we found all the information we need we can create our citation. pYu4YrSWQFE-00027-00010113-00010567 Note that when using APA style you only include the author's initials after you've typed out pYu4YrSWQFE-00028-00010567-00010667 their last name. pYu4YrSWQFE-00029-00010667-00011195 Also, make note of the fact that I only capitalized the first word of the title and the first pYu4YrSWQFE-00030-00011195-00011454 word of the subtitle. pYu4YrSWQFE-00031-00011454-00011888 Citing articles is similar to citing books except you need a little bit more information. pYu4YrSWQFE-00032-00011888-00012360 In addition to the author and the date of publication you have to get the article title, pYu4YrSWQFE-00033-00012360-00012988 the journal title, the volume and issue number, if applicable, the page range of the article, pYu4YrSWQFE-00034-00012988-00013575 and either the digital object identifier, known as the DOI, or the journal's homepage. pYu4YrSWQFE-00035-00013575-00013902 This is not the same as the URL where you found the article. pYu4YrSWQFE-00036-00013902-00014297 It is actually the website for the journal that published the article. pYu4YrSWQFE-00037-00014297-00014797 Note that the article title is exactly like the book title where we only capitalized the pYu4YrSWQFE-00038-00014797-00015072 first word of the title and the first word of the subtitle. pYu4YrSWQFE-00039-00015072-00015459 However the entire journal title is capitalized. pYu4YrSWQFE-00040-00015459-00015756 Let's take a look at an example of an article. pYu4YrSWQFE-00041-00015756-00016144 We can see that for this particular article the journal title is actually listed in two pYu4YrSWQFE-00042-00016144-00016693 places: once at the very top of the page as well as once just below that. pYu4YrSWQFE-00043-00016693-00017198 At the very top of the page we also see the volume, the date of publication, as well as pYu4YrSWQFE-00044-00017198-00017479 the page range of the article. pYu4YrSWQFE-00045-00017479-00017985 Underneath the second instance of the journal title we have the article title, and underneath pYu4YrSWQFE-00046-00017985-00018455 that we have the names of both the authors. pYu4YrSWQFE-00047-00018455-00018935 The last thing you'll want to look for is the DOI, which will be at either the top or pYu4YrSWQFE-00048-00018935-00019191 the bottom of the title page. pYu4YrSWQFE-00049-00019191-00019690 This is preferred to the journal's homepage so you'll want to make note of this if it pYu4YrSWQFE-00050-00019690-00019790 exists. pYu4YrSWQFE-00051-00019790-00020264 I was able to find mine at the bottom of the page. pYu4YrSWQFE-00052-00020264-00020691 Now that we've gathered all of this information, we can create our citation. pYu4YrSWQFE-00053-00020691-00021075 You'll notice that there is an ampersand between my two authors. pYu4YrSWQFE-00054-00021075-00021495 You'll want to use that rather than typing out the word "and" if you have multiple authors pYu4YrSWQFE-00055-00021495-00021765 for a specific article or book. pYu4YrSWQFE-00056-00021765-00022178 You'll also notice that I didn't have an issue number for this particular article so I just pYu4YrSWQFE-00057-00022178-00022635 skipped over that particular portion. pYu4YrSWQFE-00058-00022635-00023021 The last citation example we're going to look at is for a website. pYu4YrSWQFE-00059-00023021-00023465 This is probably the hardest type of citation to create because a lot of the information pYu4YrSWQFE-00060-00023465-00023781 can be hard to find, if it exists at all. pYu4YrSWQFE-00061-00023781-00024294 It's important to keep in mind that if you can't find this information it's hard to validate pYu4YrSWQFE-00062-00024294-00024643 that you are in fact using a reliable source. pYu4YrSWQFE-00063-00024643-00025163 What you want to look for is the name of the author or authors, the date that the information pYu4YrSWQFE-00064-00025163-00025710 on the page was published, the title of the page you were actually on (unless you're citing pYu4YrSWQFE-00065-00025710-00026224 the entire website), and finally the link for the page. pYu4YrSWQFE-00066-00026224-00026700 If we take a look at this example, we can see that the title of the page is near the pYu4YrSWQFE-00067-00026700-00026800 top. pYu4YrSWQFE-00068-00026800-00026985 It is Who We Are. pYu4YrSWQFE-00069-00026985-00027358 Usually the author and the date of publication would be found just below the name of the pYu4YrSWQFE-00070-00027358-00027469 page. pYu4YrSWQFE-00071-00027469-00027831 We don't see either of those under the title of this page. pYu4YrSWQFE-00072-00027831-00028069 In this case, however, we do have a corporate author. pYu4YrSWQFE-00073-00028069-00028430 It's going to be the Direct Marketing Association. pYu4YrSWQFE-00074-00028430-00028906 When you're looking at a website for an association or a government entity, like the United States pYu4YrSWQFE-00075-00028906-00029427 Census Bureau, that's going to be your author unless you can find the name of an individual. pYu4YrSWQFE-00076-00029427-00029987 As I mentioned earlier, there is no date of publication for this particular page so we'll pYu4YrSWQFE-00077-00029987-00030410 have to make a modification when we actually create our citation. pYu4YrSWQFE-00078-00030410-00030644 Now we can create our citation. pYu4YrSWQFE-00079-00030644-00030980 If you have a corporate author, you'll want to capitalize every word of their name and pYu4YrSWQFE-00080-00030980-00031355 avoid using the short form, in this case DMA. pYu4YrSWQFE-00081-00031355-00031805 If you don't have an author, you're going to put the name of the webpage first, then pYu4YrSWQFE-00082-00031805-00031997 the date, and then the link. pYu4YrSWQFE-00083-00031997-00032553 You'll notice that because I didn't have a date for this particular page I just put n.d. pYu4YrSWQFE-00084-00032553-00032834 for "no date." pYu4YrSWQFE-00085-00032834-00033183 Once you have all of your citations you can create your Reference list, which will go pYu4YrSWQFE-00086-00033183-00033291 at the end of your paper. pYu4YrSWQFE-00087-00033291-00033713 You'll want to make sure that your references are in alphabetical order and that they each pYu4YrSWQFE-00088-00033713-00034166 have a hanging indent, so that the first line of each citation is longer than the subsequent pYu4YrSWQFE-00089-00034166-00034266 lines. pYu4YrSWQFE-00090-00034266-00034537 Your reference list should also be double spaced. pYu4YrSWQFE-00091-00034537-00034958 The top of your page should say References. pYu4YrSWQFE-00092-00034958-00035315 In addition to citing your sources at the end of your paper, you'll also need to cite pYu4YrSWQFE-00093-00035315-00035499 them throughout your paper. pYu4YrSWQFE-00094-00035499-00035934 In order to do this you need the author name, the date, and the page number for the source pYu4YrSWQFE-00095-00035934-00036083 you're citing. pYu4YrSWQFE-00096-00036083-00036391 Notice that before the page number I just have the letter p. pYu4YrSWQFE-00097-00036391-00036941 For the Direct Marketing Association I added DMA in brackets so that each subsequent time pYu4YrSWQFE-00098-00036941-00037453 I cite this source I can just use DMA in my in-text citation. pYu4YrSWQFE-00099-00037453-00038255 For documents without pages, you can indicate paragraph number by using p-a-r-a period. pYu4YrSWQFE-00100-00038255-00038643 This page contains some other useful sources you might want to check out if you get stuck pYu4YrSWQFE-00101-00038643-00039043 as you're creating your citations. pYu4YrSWQFE-00102-00039043-00039472 Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about citing sources using APA pYu4YrSWQFE-00103-00039472-00039522 style. parLlrmqHfg-00000-00000786-00001176 Improvising alone on a standard jazz tune parLlrmqHfg-00001-00001242-00002090 Welcome ! We'll speak about an important topic for jazz musicians : parLlrmqHfg-00002-00002146-00002734 improvising alone, thinking about the chord changes of a tune without any backing track parLlrmqHfg-00003-00002778-00003215 but with a metronome on 2 and 4 (or with our foot) parLlrmqHfg-00004-00003272-00003928 when we improvise we have to be aware of what's going on parLlrmqHfg-00005-00003964-00004794 we must hear the tempo, the chords, without being too much "the head in the guitar" parLlrmqHfg-00006-00004870-00005710 But ! That being said, it's important to anticipate what is going to happen next parLlrmqHfg-00007-00005764-00006744 and this is achievable with a good visualization and memorization of the chord changes parLlrmqHfg-00008-00006795-00007466 it will allow us to anticipate the next chords and adapt our improvisation parLlrmqHfg-00009-00007598-00008510 this is the topic of this video : I'll improvise on a tune without any backing track parLlrmqHfg-00010-00008650-00009228 I'll play on Autumn Leaves (in Gm) parLlrmqHfg-00011-00009244-00009706 here are the first notes and the first chord parLlrmqHfg-00012-00009726-00010590 and the first thing to do is to simply play the chords of the song, 1 for each bar or on every beat parLlrmqHfg-00013-00010590-00011300 with the thumb in order to have a sweet sound on an archtop guitar parLlrmqHfg-00014-00011332-00011818 and with a metronome on 2 and 4 parLlrmqHfg-00015-00018326-00019174 you can play just thinking about the chords, but you can also sing or hum the tune parLlrmqHfg-00016-00019200-00020426 because singing a tune is THE BEST way to memorise how the chords fit the melody parLlrmqHfg-00017-00020448-00021204 and the most precise point of reference you can have is the head of the tune parLlrmqHfg-00018-00021244-00022598 ok, this was the first step. Now we know how many measures each chord last and where are the cadences are parLlrmqHfg-00019-00022678-00023514 now I'll improvise, with only a few notes : the chord tones parLlrmqHfg-00020-00023514-00024222 2 or 3 notes for each chord : the simplest, the better parLlrmqHfg-00021-00024222-00025092 It is to make sure I here the chord changes parLlrmqHfg-00022-00025134-00025968 I'll do it on the whole song, so it implies learning all the chord tones parLlrmqHfg-00023-00025968-00026482 and it's a big amount of work : this video is for advanced guitarists parLlrmqHfg-00024-00026514-00027374 (By the way there's a 1h video course on Autumn Leaves on my french website guitare-improvisation.com) parLlrmqHfg-00025-00027374-00027718 Let's go ! parLlrmqHfg-00026-00027742-00028124 1, 2, 1 2 3 4 parLlrmqHfg-00027-00034090-00034372 this was the 1st beat of the 1st measure parLlrmqHfg-00028-00034372-00034954 now, a few tips to help you do this exercise : parLlrmqHfg-00029-00034986-00035546 if the metronome on 2 and 4 is too difficult for you, put it on the 1 and 3 parLlrmqHfg-00030-00035586-00036084 also, I sometimes quote the head parLlrmqHfg-00031-00036084-00036670 you have to learn to play the head of the tune ! parLlrmqHfg-00032-00036670-00037438 as I said it helps a lot if I whant to know where I am in the changes parLlrmqHfg-00033-00037498-00038350 (and it's really nice to sometimes quote the head in a chorus) parLlrmqHfg-00034-00038640-00039652 now, third exercise : doing something a bit more subtle, playing more personnal licks parLlrmqHfg-00035-00039652-00040140 (even if that's kind of what I did in the last impro, but let's do it more clearly) parLlrmqHfg-00036-00040356-00041106 (without the chords on the screen !) parLlrmqHfg-00037-00046640-00047350 you may have noticed that I made a little mistake : the E7 lasted a little too long parLlrmqHfg-00038-00047376-00048720 so if you play the chords while I'm playing (I advise you to do so) you'll here it parLlrmqHfg-00039-00049180-00051000 now, let's do a fun excercise ! I improvise and you have to tell when I'm making a mistake in the changes parLlrmqHfg-00040-00051092-00052014 I may make a chord last too long, or not long enough for example parLlrmqHfg-00041-00052176-00053216 there will be 3 improvisations (the answers are in the free documents in the description of the video) parLlrmqHfg-00042-00053317-00053636 first "mistake exercise" parLlrmqHfg-00043-00055150-00056096 try to here my mistake without playing the chords with me. If it's too hard for you, play the chords parLlrmqHfg-00044-00056148-00056646 second "mistake exercise" parLlrmqHfg-00045-00058336-00058782 last "mistake exercise" parLlrmqHfg-00046-00060594-00061612 try to find where I made a mistake, IF I made a mistake : it's also possible that I didn't make any parLlrmqHfg-00047-00061612-00062038 answers are freely available (see the description of the video) parLlrmqHfg-00048-00062088-00063388 last exercise, for advanced musicians : try to anticipate or delay the chords parLlrmqHfg-00049-00063408-00063888 try rythmical surprises, insist on the 2 and 4 or on upbeats parLlrmqHfg-00050-00063888-00064429 to make it more subtle and less academic parLlrmqHfg-00051-00064460-00064932 let's go ! parLlrmqHfg-00052-00071160-00072146 in this impro, play the chords with me : you'll see where I move the chords and where I alter the harmony parLlrmqHfg-00053-00072164-00072914 I hope this video will help you to make this exercise (maybe you discovered it) parLlrmqHfg-00054-00072940-00073894 and to understand will this exercise is so important for jazz musicians parLlrmqHfg-00055-00074190-00075292 on my youtube channel you'll find thousands of jazz backing tracks and tutorials pcWD_sfZRju-00000-00000106-00000236 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. pcWD_sfZRju-00001-00000236-00000437 HERE'S WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOUR NAVY. pcWD_sfZRju-00002-00000477-00000760 THE 75TH COMMEMORATION OF THE JAPANESE ATTACK ON pcWD_sfZRju-00003-00000760-00001061 PEARL HARBOR AND OTHER US MILITARY FACILITIES ON pcWD_sfZRju-00004-00001061-00001378 O-WA-WHO IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO HONOR THE COURAGE, pcWD_sfZRju-00005-00001378-00001638 SERVICE AND SACRIFICE OF THE MILITARY PERSONNEL pcWD_sfZRju-00006-00001638-00001801 PRESENT DURING THE ATTACKS. pcWD_sfZRju-00007-00001871-00002072 THE THEME OF THIS YEAR'S COMMEMORATION, pcWD_sfZRju-00008-00002072-00002312 "HONORING THE PAST, INSPIRING THE FUTURE, pcWD_sfZRju-00009-00002312-00002525 " IS HIGHLIGHTED THROUGH EVENTS THIS WEEK THAT WILL pcWD_sfZRju-00010-00002525-00002679 CONTINUE THROUGH DECEMBER 11TH. pcWD_sfZRju-00011-00002786-00003016 TAKE A MOMENT OF SILENCE TODAY TO REMEMBER OUR pcWD_sfZRju-00012-00003016-00003340 SHIPMATES LOST ON "A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY." pcWD_sfZRju-00013-00003486-00003596 DWIGHT D. pcWD_sfZRju-00014-00003596-00003793 EISENHOWER CARRIER STRIKE GROUP ENTERED 6TH FLEET, pcWD_sfZRju-00015-00003793-00004007 CONTINUING SUPPORT OF OPERATION INHERENT pcWD_sfZRju-00016-00004007-00004104 RESOLVE. pcWD_sfZRju-00017-00004214-00004411 ELEMENTS OF THE TWENTY SECOND MARINE pcWD_sfZRju-00018-00004411-00004724 EXPEDITIONARY UNIT ABOARD USS WASP CONTINUED pcWD_sfZRju-00019-00004724-00004944 PRECISION AIR STRIKES AGAINST ISIL TARGETS IN pcWD_sfZRju-00020-00004944-00005291 LIBYA AS PART OF OPERATION "ODYSSEY LIGHTNING" . pcWD_sfZRju-00021-00005291-00005492 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND pcWD_sfZRju-00022-00005492-00005709 YOUR NAVY AT NAVY.MIL. pduRD2JW094-00000-00000712-00001344 Discover Das Es Salaam, 10 tourist attractions. Tanzania is filled with beautiful and amazing pduRD2JW094-00001-00001344-00001928 cities that are good tourist destinations. Dar-Es-salaam is a major city and commercial port pduRD2JW094-00002-00001928-00002376 on the coast of the Indian Ocean in Tanzania that developed from a fishing village. pduRD2JW094-00003-00002432-00003016 The word Das Es Salaam is developed from an Arabic word which means the abode of peace and it’s the pduRD2JW094-00004-00003016-00003576 busiest and largest city in this country. This city is a burgeoning port city and commercial pduRD2JW094-00005-00003576-00004152 centerpiece for much of Eastern and Central Africa. Dar es Salaam is a rich melting pot pduRD2JW094-00006-00004152-00004720 of ancient cultures and modern lifestyles. This city is home to Tanzania’s major port. pduRD2JW094-00007-00004776-00005216 Das es salam is filled with desirable location and natural harbor, pduRD2JW094-00008-00005216-00005824 coast line, natural reserves, botanic gardens stunning natural parks and much more. Here pduRD2JW094-00009-00005824-00006392 some interesting place to visit and things to know about Das es salaam. Please take a moment to like, pduRD2JW094-00010-00006392-00006840 share, comment and subscribe to Africa reload for more interesting updates. pduRD2JW094-00011-00007104-00007616 10. St Joseph’s Cathedral. This cathedral was built by German missionaries pduRD2JW094-00012-00007616-00008352 from 1897 through 1902. This Gothic-style Roman Catholic Church looks a little incongruous amid pduRD2JW094-00013-00008352-00008904 the steel and glass skyscrapers bristling along the harbor front. It is a cool and calming place pduRD2JW094-00014-00008904-00009544 to sit and reflect on a hot day. The Dar es Salaam archdiocese's seat, St. Joseph Cathedral, pduRD2JW094-00015-00009544-00010048 has several notable features that make it worthwhile to visit. Its shingled spire, pduRD2JW094-00016-00010048-00010552 vaulted interior, and exquisite stained-glass windows are the most remarkable features. pduRD2JW094-00017-00010608-00011088 Many of the original German inscriptions and artwork may be found throughout the cathedral, pduRD2JW094-00018-00011088-00011672 including a carved relief over the main altar. St. Joseph's Metropolitan Cathedral is located on pduRD2JW094-00019-00011672-00012312 Sokoine Drive, directly across from the Zanzibar ferry terminal and within the Dar es Salaam CBD. pduRD2JW094-00020-00012368-00012752 It's also close to the white father's home, Magogoni Creek, pduRD2JW094-00021-00012752-00013296 and BRT routes. Visit this church to marvel at the beauty of this gold-plated structure. pduRD2JW094-00022-00013552-00014184 9. National Museum & House of Culture. Tanzania's Museum and House of Culture is the pduRD2JW094-00023-00014184-00014784 first and largest of these institutions. It can be found on Dar Es Salaam's Shaban Robert Street. pduRD2JW094-00024-00014784-00015640 It was built between 1938 and 1939 and opened to the public in 1940. Since 1940, the National pduRD2JW094-00025-00015640-00016232 Museum of Tanzania, formally known as the King George V Museum of England, has inherited the pduRD2JW094-00026-00016232-00016768 collections and other resources of the National Museum of Tanzania, which is the country's largest pduRD2JW094-00027-00016768-00017376 and oldest museum. The National Museum and House of Culture hosts both indoor (permanent exhibition pduRD2JW094-00028-00017376-00018136 galleries) and outdoor (aquarium, trees, butterfly catch gardens, Hope out of Sorrow, Historical pduRD2JW094-00029-00018136-00018832 State automobiles, and so on) exhibitions. It now has four permanent exhibitions, comprising pduRD2JW094-00030-00018832-00019440 galleries dedicated to art, history, human evolution, and rock art. The permanent exhibition pduRD2JW094-00031-00019440-00020048 halls for Biology and Ethnography are now being built. In the same vein, the National Museum and pduRD2JW094-00032-00020048-00020672 House of Culture oversees six storage rooms for collections of art, archaeology, biology, pduRD2JW094-00033-00020672-00021296 ethnography, history, and paleontology, as well as a Strong Room for vital national treasures. pduRD2JW094-00034-00021560-00022088 8. Mwenge Woodcarvers Market. The Mwenge Woodcarvers Market, pduRD2JW094-00035-00022088-00022624 located in the heart of Dar es Salaam, is bustling with artists hard at work crafting pduRD2JW094-00036-00022624-00023256 beautiful and distinctive goods. Wooden masks are particularly popular, but artisan shops selling pduRD2JW094-00037-00023256-00023880 a wide range of items from textiles to sandals, beaded necklaces, and more will also have gems. pduRD2JW094-00038-00023936-00024456 Unlike numerous tourist marketplaces across the world, merchants in this market do not bother pduRD2JW094-00039-00024456-00024952 customers. They will encourage you to visit their store, but you will not be pressured to make a pduRD2JW094-00040-00024952-00025512 purchase. Remember to haggle and browse around in the market because prices are adjustable and pduRD2JW094-00041-00025512-00026144 you may be able to locate a similar item for half the price at another vendor. Mwenge Woodcarvers pduRD2JW094-00042-00026144-00026648 Market appears unassuming at first glance, but walk through the central opening and you'll pduRD2JW094-00043-00026648-00027183 find yourself in the midst of over 100 shops selling a diverse range of beautiful woodwork. pduRD2JW094-00044-00027424-00028048 7. Askari Monument. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's largest commercial city, pduRD2JW094-00045-00028048-00028720 has a variety of German colonial memory sites, which include buildings, statues, and open spaces. pduRD2JW094-00046-00028720-00029320 The origins of the Askari monument, a life-size bronze construction of the King's African Rifleman pduRD2JW094-00047-00029320-00029848 near the intersection of Samora Avenue and Maktaba Street, can be traced back to German pduRD2JW094-00048-00029848-00030439 times. The monument was built in the 1920s to replace the Wissmann Monument, which was built pduRD2JW094-00049-00030439-00031024 in 1906 in honor of Major Hauptmann Hermann von Wissmann (1853-1905), a German commander pduRD2JW094-00050-00031024-00031664 (Reichskommissar) who suppressed African rebellion in East Africa. Coastal resistance, particularly pduRD2JW094-00051-00031664-00032280 that led by Swahili-Arab trader Abushiri ibn Salim al-Harthi (1889), provided a significant threat to pduRD2JW094-00052-00032280-00032928 the Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft (OAG). The Abushiri soldiers, for example, set fire pduRD2JW094-00053-00032928-00033784 to the Benedictine Mission Station at Pugu on January 13, 1889, killing three missionaries. pduRD2JW094-00054-00033904-00034376 6. Kunduchi Water Park. Wet 'n' Wild is a 6-acre pduRD2JW094-00055-00034376-00034968 entertainment and recreation facility (the largest in East and Central Africa) that offers a wide pduRD2JW094-00056-00034968-00035608 range of activities. Water slides (some as high as six stories), children's water play systems, pduRD2JW094-00057-00035608-00036176 sports grounds, restaurants, Go-karts and a quad bike track (the first and only in pduRD2JW094-00058-00036176-00036368 Tanzania), water sports, conference facilities, and more are among the attractions. Kunduchi pduRD2JW094-00059-00036368-00036752 Water Parks is in the middle of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. pduRD2JW094-00060-00036752-00037272 It's an amusement park that provides room for you to arrange activities that you'd like to do pduRD2JW094-00061-00037272-00037704 or be a part of. It has the manpower and capacity to do so for you. pduRD2JW094-00062-00037928-00038408 5. Kivukoni Fish Market. Dar es Salaam is primarily a pduRD2JW094-00063-00038408-00038984 corporate and government hub, with manufacturing also contributing significantly to the economy. pduRD2JW094-00064-00038984-00039648 We wanted to see the markets since they are, in my opinion, the heart and soul of a city. Fishing has pduRD2JW094-00065-00039648-00040216 always been a significant part of Dar's culture. The city was founded as a fishing community, pduRD2JW094-00066-00040216-00040848 therefore the first stop was the Kivukoni fish markets. The markets, unlike any other I'd seen, pduRD2JW094-00067-00040848-00041432 are a big jumble of tables where the fish has been strewn. On one table, there were similar species pduRD2JW094-00068-00041432-00042032 of fish, but on another, there were fish of all sizes. Some were being auctioned, while others pduRD2JW094-00069-00042032-00042624 were being sold. Fish that had been purchased were being cleaned and fried in another building. pduRD2JW094-00070-00042888-00043208 4. Mbudya Island. Mbudya, pduRD2JW094-00071-00043208-00043560 an uninhabited island north of Tanzania's major city, pduRD2JW094-00072-00043560-00044072 Dar es Salaam, is one of the four islands that make up the Dar es Salaam Marine Reserve. pduRD2JW094-00073-00044128-00044664 This beautiful island in the middle of the Indian Ocean resembles Dar Es Salaam's Zanzibar. pduRD2JW094-00074-00044664-00045264 Mbudya Island, with its white sand beaches and crystal clear turquoise waters, is the ideal pduRD2JW094-00075-00045264-00045944 getaway for anyone looking to escape the rush and bustle of Dar es Salaam. Sunbathing, snorkeling, pduRD2JW094-00076-00045944-00046528 swimming, and simply hanging out on the beach with friends are all popular activities on this island. pduRD2JW094-00077-00046528-00047208 Mbudya Island is only a 20-minute boat ride from Dar es Salaam's mainland. To catch a local speed pduRD2JW094-00078-00047208-00047840 boat from Dar es Salaam to Mbudya Island, go to Kibo beach or Jangwani sea breeze resort pduRD2JW094-00079-00047840-00048464 in the Mbezi region and pay the Mbudya island government fees and boat fees to a local boatman. pduRD2JW094-00080-00048464-00049040 Every half-hour, a boat is available. Depending on how many people you're bringing, there are a pduRD2JW094-00081-00049040-00049672 variety of sizes available. The biggest boats can accommodate up to 40 people. The boat ride can be pduRD2JW094-00082-00049672-00050232 a little bumpy. If you get seasick easily, take some anti-seasickness medication before you go. pduRD2JW094-00083-00050464-00050904 3. Coco Beach. Coco Beach is a length of beachfront in pduRD2JW094-00084-00050904-00051512 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's Oyster Bay neighborhood. It is one of the city's most well-known beaches, pduRD2JW094-00085-00051512-00051952 with citizens flocking to it for beach parties and festivals during the holidays. pduRD2JW094-00086-00051952-00052304 As a result, there are a variety of businesses on the beach, pduRD2JW094-00087-00052304-00052800 including restaurants, food stands, and shops that rent beach equipment like floaters. pduRD2JW094-00088-00052855-00053296 Joggers frequent Coco Beach, many of whom come from adjacent neighborhoods pduRD2JW094-00089-00053296-00053896 and can be seen in greater numbers in the evening. At the northern end, there is only one large, pduRD2JW094-00090-00053896-00054488 well-established restaurant; the rest are smaller, tarp-covered eateries that provide decent food. pduRD2JW094-00091-00054728-00055344 2. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Udzugwa Highlands National Park is a wildlife pduRD2JW094-00092-00055344-00055936 refuge in central Tanzania, between the Iringa and Morogoro regions of the eastern arc mountains, pduRD2JW094-00093-00055936-00056544 60 kilometers south of Mikumi National Park on the Mikumi Ifakara road. The national park was pduRD2JW094-00094-00056544-00057191 established in 1992 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the founder of the World Wide Fund, pduRD2JW094-00095-00057191-00057896 and covers a total area of 1,990 square kilometers, with vegetation types such as Miombo pduRD2JW094-00096-00057896-00058496 woodland, grassland, tropical rainforest, and mountain forest serving as habitats for abundant pduRD2JW094-00097-00058496-00059312 wildlife such as elephants, bushbucks, palm civets, leopards, duikers, Miombo genets, hyenas, pduRD2JW094-00098-00059312-00060104 over 400 bird species, 2500 ploughed animals, and Wasungwa, a Kihehe word that means "those pduRD2JW094-00099-00060104-00060632 who live on the edges of the mountains," inspired the creation of Udzugwa Mountains National Park. pduRD2JW094-00100-00060840-00060991 1. Oyster Bay. pduRD2JW094-00101-00061048-00061624 In the bustling metropolis of Dar es Salaam, the majestic Oyster Bay Hotel is located. pduRD2JW094-00102-00061624-00062191 Only eight tastefully designed suites are available, each with fantastic ocean views, pduRD2JW094-00103-00062191-00062808 plush king-sized mattresses, stunning ensuite bathrooms, air conditioning, a ceiling fan, pduRD2JW094-00104-00062808-00063400 television, and exquisite French doors leading to a private terrace. Delicious meals are served in pduRD2JW094-00105-00063400-00064024 the elegant dining room, as well as al fresco on the veranda and pool deck. A welcoming study room pduRD2JW094-00106-00064024-00064632 allows guests to catch up on emails or read an unfinished book, while a dazzling swimming pool pduRD2JW094-00107-00064632-00065120 offers a calm respite to enjoy a refreshing cocktail while soaking up the Tanzanian sun. pduRD2JW094-00108-00065376-00065968 You'll probably fall in love with Dar es Salaam if you give it some time. Dar is a vibrant seaside pduRD2JW094-00109-00065968-00066608 city that blends African, Indian, and Arab influences to create a unique urban culture. pduRD2JW094-00110-00066608-00067216 Dar has grown chaotically in all directions in recent decades, yet it retains much of its charm. pduRD2JW094-00111-00067216-00067816 With a city center full of charming colonial buildings, bougainvillea-lined streets, and a slew pduRD2JW094-00112-00067816-00068448 of palm-fringed beaches. Take trip to this nation and enjoy the beauty of Africa in one nation. pduRD2JW094-00113-00068504-00068992 Thanks for taking out the time to watch this video till the end. Please make sure to like, pduRD2JW094-00114-00068992-00069608 share, subscribe, comment and turn on your notifications for new Africa reloaded videos. pfLP92UVzsy-00000-00000012-00000608 SAM: Hello everyone, and welcome to October's edition of Talking Maths in (not quite) Lockdown; pfLP92UVzsy-00001-00000608-00001336 um, for those - I think all of you have been with us before at some point, but as a reminder, uh, pfLP92UVzsy-00002-00001336-00001928 myself, Katie, Kevin and Ben make up Talking Maths in Public, which is not so much just a pfLP92UVzsy-00003-00001928-00002400 conference for maths communicators but also a bit of a support group, and we've been doing pfLP92UVzsy-00004-00002400-00003104 these Talking Maths in Lockdown sessions, um, since March-April time when lockdown started., pfLP92UVzsy-00005-00003104-00003856 um, today's session is all about Geogebra and it will not be the same format as the sessions we've pfLP92UVzsy-00006-00003856-00004248 had before, where we've had more of a panel discussion and things like that - this will pfLP92UVzsy-00007-00004248-00004696 be more of a workshop, so you will actually have to do stuff; although we're not actually pfLP92UVzsy-00008-00004696-00005112 looking over your shoulders on your computers and we won't know if you've done it or not, pfLP92UVzsy-00009-00005176-00005896 um, so you can join in as little or as much as you like. As a reminder, we are recording these pfLP92UVzsy-00010-00005896-00006392 sessions, so if you don't want to be recorded, turn off your mic, turn off your camera; um, pfLP92UVzsy-00011-00006392-00006936 if you have any questions at any point that you want to ask but you don't want to be the one to pfLP92UVzsy-00012-00006936-00007584 ask them, stick them in the chat or send them to us directly and we will get them asked for you. pfLP92UVzsy-00013-00007672-00008248 Please make sure that you are following our code of conduct at all times - so, our code of conduct pfLP92UVzsy-00014-00008248-00008752 is here [pastes into chat] - essentially, be kind to people; use inclusive language; pfLP92UVzsy-00015-00008856-00009280 make sure you're not sort of inadvertently saying things that might be offensive or upsetting to pfLP92UVzsy-00016-00009280-00009984 anyone, and just just have a good time really. Um, is there anything else I need to tell you? pfLP92UVzsy-00017-00010280-00010816 Oh yes - uh, some people might be sharing some things within the call that they don't want to be pfLP92UVzsy-00018-00010816-00011384 shared more widely, so if you see anything either in it or that someone says that they're sharing pfLP92UVzsy-00019-00011440-00012120 and you want to share it beyond today, do ask them first please, just in case it's not possible for pfLP92UVzsy-00020-00012120-00012904 that to be shared more widely. And with that I think we'll introduce ourselves, before we get pfLP92UVzsy-00021-00012904-00013472 cracking with what's happening today, so: my name is Sam Durbin; I work at the Royal Institution; pfLP92UVzsy-00022-00013472-00013976 I am currently on furlough for just the last couple of days, and then back in November pfLP92UVzsy-00023-00013976-00014376 at which point I'll go back to my normal day job of looking after the secondary pfLP92UVzsy-00024-00014376-00014904 maths masterclasses all around the country., um, Katie, do you want to introduce yourself? pfLP92UVzsy-00025-00015040-00015368 KATIE: Can do, yeah! I'm Katie Steckles; I'm a mathematician who talks about maths pfLP92UVzsy-00026-00015368-00015856 for a living - so I do talks and workshops - increasingly online - uh, do bits of writing pfLP92UVzsy-00027-00015856-00016288 about maths and bits of lecturing at universities and whatever else people will ask me to do, pfLP92UVzsy-00028-00016392-00017000 and I will pass on to... Kevin! KEVIN: Right, hello, yes, I'm Kevin Houston; I'm the, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00029-00017064-00017616 um, well, I'm a lecturer at the University of Leeds, and I'm the education secretary of pfLP92UVzsy-00030-00017616-00018352 the London Mathematical Society, um, and I do bits and pieces in - for - for that I do bits pfLP92UVzsy-00031-00018352-00019016 and pieces for outreach and public engagement. So uh, I guess I hand over to Ben now, yes? BEN: Hi, pfLP92UVzsy-00032-00019016-00019632 I'm Ben; I'm also one of the TMiP team; as you will have already known; I work for the AMSP - the pfLP92UVzsy-00033-00019632-00019992 Advanced Maths Support Programme - for half of my time; I'm based at the University of Bath, pfLP92UVzsy-00034-00019992-00020512 and I teach on a maths communication course there and I'm freelance doing similar stuff pfLP92UVzsy-00035-00020512-00020984 to Katie - for example in the, sort of, maths communication world, and, similar to Kevin, pfLP92UVzsy-00036-00020984-00021440 best described as 'bits and pieces' I think - but in this case bits and pieces to do with maths pfLP92UVzsy-00037-00021440-00021984 education and outreach particularly, occasionally including things like YouTube with Numberphile pfLP92UVzsy-00038-00022064-00022352 but I also enjoy quite a lot of my time tinkering on a piece of software called pfLP92UVzsy-00039-00022352-00022648 Geogebra - coincidentally we're going to look at that later on. pfLP92UVzsy-00040-00022772-00023376 KATIE: Good!, um, so I can introduce our speakers for today; so, uh to give you a pfLP92UVzsy-00041-00023376-00023944 sense of what this session is about: so, if you do not know what Geogebra is: brave; uh, pfLP92UVzsy-00042-00023944-00024504 coming to a session with absolutely no knowledge of what it is about! but this, um, it's a dynamic pfLP92UVzsy-00043-00024504-00024984 geometry tool - so it's a piece of software, uh, which allows you to make constructions and pfLP92UVzsy-00044-00024984-00025480 kind of manipulate things geometrically and do lots of interesting maths stuff, and and it's pfLP92UVzsy-00045-00025480-00026104 increasingly helpful in learning and teaching in the world of doing a lot of things online, pfLP92UVzsy-00046-00026104-00026536 erm, because it's got lots of nice features that you can use to do that and it's really great for pfLP92UVzsy-00047-00026536-00026880 demonstrating things. So we thought it would be useful for people to put together a session pfLP92UVzsy-00048-00026880-00027320 in which you can just have a bit of a play with it - and I'm hoping that people either have a little pfLP92UVzsy-00049-00027320-00027792 bit of experience of Geogebra - I guess to be essentially in the same situation as me, which is pfLP92UVzsy-00050-00027792-00028216 that I am aware that Geogebra is a thing and I've seen some really cool things done on Geogebra, pfLP92UVzsy-00051-00028216-00028672 but I wouldn't have a clue how to create those things and I've done bits of clicking around and pfLP92UVzsy-00052-00028672-00029168 sort of modifying other people's Geogebras but not really got a handle on it myself. So if you're in pfLP92UVzsy-00053-00029168-00029560 that situation - don't worry, that is the perfect level; erm, if you've got a bit more experience pfLP92UVzsy-00054-00029560-00029944 with Geogebra, then that's fantastic and you might even be able to chip in and contribute as well. pfLP92UVzsy-00055-00030024-00030680 So, um, I'm gonna hand over, um, to Ben who's got a plan I believe for what's gonna happen pfLP92UVzsy-00056-00030680-00031032 in the session - as I say, it's more of a workshop than a panel thing, so you might be pfLP92UVzsy-00057-00031032-00031680 asked to do stuff yourselves and get involved. BEN: Let me uh quickly say hi to Becky because pfLP92UVzsy-00058-00031680-00032144 it's very much going to be the two of us leading this session - so I've mentioned my background pfLP92UVzsy-00059-00032144-00032672 already; Becky, is it fair to ask you to say 30 seconds about your background? BECKY: oh sure, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00060-00032792-00033320 yeah so uh, I used to be a maths teacher and I've just started a new job as a data analyst, pfLP92UVzsy-00061-00033320-00033844 but in - in the gap in between;, um, actually my Geogebra stuff - pfLP92UVzsy-00062-00033896-00034480 we'll go into this more later. Anyway, um, in the gap between I've done, um, a lot of different pfLP92UVzsy-00063-00034480-00035112 freelancing maths education stuff; written some, um, resources for MEI, made videos - but pfLP92UVzsy-00064-00035112-00035568 the thing that I've been doing most recently is an online Geogebra for Artists course, um, so pfLP92UVzsy-00065-00035568-00035944 yeah I think that's - I think that's why I've been invited to talk today. BEN: It is indeed! I'm glad pfLP92UVzsy-00066-00035944-00036376 we agree on that - but also Becky knows what's going on with Geogebra in general and with maths pfLP92UVzsy-00067-00036376-00036992 in general so we're really glad to have her; more from her in detail in a moment., um, I am going to pfLP92UVzsy-00068-00036992-00037448 reiterate what Katie said, which is that this is going to be at least in part a hands-on workshop: pfLP92UVzsy-00069-00037448-00037856 we'd like you to get involved and I'll show you how you're going to do that in a moment; although pfLP92UVzsy-00070-00037856-00038424 there also will be some demonstrations. We are trying to find the balance between showcasing pfLP92UVzsy-00071-00038424-00039040 what Geogebra can do uh and giving you time to tinker with it which is almost always the only pfLP92UVzsy-00072-00039040-00039472 way to learn a new piece of software is tinkering time. We cannot give you enough tinkering time in pfLP92UVzsy-00073-00039472-00039832 this meeting uh, in that you will never have enough tinkering time but we'll give you a pfLP92UVzsy-00074-00039832-00040248 chance to tinker with some guided tasks and we recommend, if you think it's going to be useful, pfLP92UVzsy-00075-00040248-00040792 that you go and find some other tinkering time. Uh, by way of introduction let me show you what pfLP92UVzsy-00076-00040792-00041280 the Geogebra sort of starting point looks like and then i'll show you a quick demo and then give you pfLP92UVzsy-00077-00041280-00041896 a task to do. So I'm going to share a random web browser screen - just confirm that you're seeing a pfLP92UVzsy-00078-00041896-00042320 google page? Anyone who's on video - if you're nodding at that - so if you type in Geogebra pfLP92UVzsy-00079-00042384-00042776 to any google thing - geogebra.org - you come to a website that looks like this. pfLP92UVzsy-00080-00042776-00043240 This is where Geogebra lives and you can in fact start a calculator by clicking on that button pfLP92UVzsy-00081-00043240-00043664 there and you get a diagram that looks like this. This is running in a browser; there is no download pfLP92UVzsy-00082-00043664-00044192 happening. That said, the browser version - this happens to be the calculator suite, or the pfLP92UVzsy-00083-00044192-00044680 graphing calculator - has got some limitations and there are lots of versions of Geogebra. It pfLP92UVzsy-00084-00044680-00045064 is a bit of a sore point for people starting off Gepgebra is there's lots of different versions. pfLP92UVzsy-00085-00045064-00045512 I will happily talk about that but I don't want to complicate things, so for the sake pfLP92UVzsy-00086-00045512-00046008 of today I'm not going to be using that particular version and if you're interested I'm going to be pfLP92UVzsy-00087-00046008-00046488 using one that would be called Geogebra classic and I would probably want to be using - if you pfLP92UVzsy-00088-00046488-00046960 click on the 'download', there's loads of options here; Geogebra Classic 5 would be the version I pfLP92UVzsy-00089-00047056-00047472 would prefer to use. There are all sorts of problems with there being lots of versions; pfLP92UVzsy-00090-00047528-00047880 i'll get into that discussion later on if anyone wants me to, but I'm going to try and avoid that. pfLP92UVzsy-00091-00047880-00048200 What I'd like to do first though is uh stop sharing this screen pfLP92UVzsy-00092-00048200-00048640 and just show you one example use of Geogebra for something extremely basic - and remember, pfLP92UVzsy-00093-00048640-00049048 we're trying to find the balance between teaching you how to work this software and also showing you pfLP92UVzsy-00094-00049104-00049472 inspiring examples, and Becky's going to show you some inspiring examples; this one I'm not pfLP92UVzsy-00095-00049472-00049880 going to claim is inspiring but I do think it's important so bear with me here. I'm going to share pfLP92UVzsy-00096-00049880-00050360 a Geogebra Classic 5 screen; it should look fairly boring - it looks a little bit different from the pfLP92UVzsy-00097-00050360-00050816 web interface but it's essentially the same. Give me a nod on video if you are seeing that? pfLP92UVzsy-00098-00050880-00051408 Good - thank you. I'm going to type in a classic piece of maths education -I'm aware that I'm not pfLP92UVzsy-00099-00051408-00051824 just talking to teachers here, but inevitably when we're demonstrating mathematics it's sort pfLP92UVzsy-00100-00051824-00052104 of - there's an overlap with the skills needed for a teacher. So let me show you pfLP92UVzsy-00101-00052216-00052616 something which is classic piece of school maths. I'm typing into the input bar at the bottom: I'm pfLP92UVzsy-00102-00052616-00053344 typing y equals, which means Geogebra recognizes y as a piece of coordinate axis sort-of notation; pfLP92UVzsy-00103-00053344-00053967 I'm going to type in m times x plus c; I hope that is a familiar setup - that's the sort of British, pfLP92UVzsy-00104-00054064-00054408 sort of standard for a straight line graph. So when I press return pfLP92UVzsy-00105-00054472-00054840 I don't think it should be too much of a surprise if Geogebra plots me a straight line. However, pfLP92UVzsy-00106-00054920-00055479 first, two comments is that it's colored y and x in different colors; it recognizes those letters pfLP92UVzsy-00107-00055479-00056000 as the standard notation for the y-axis and the x-axis; and m and c is colored gray - that's pfLP92UVzsy-00108-00056000-00056344 because it doesn't know what those things; are as far as it's concerned they're just letters. pfLP92UVzsy-00109-00056344-00056904 In particular they're not numbers. So when I ask Geogebra to plot this, like any computer software pfLP92UVzsy-00110-00056904-00057279 it should complain - it should say 'I don't know what m and c are'. In this case though Geogebra pfLP92UVzsy-00111-00057279-00057736 actually reacts slightly differently: when I press return it says 'do you want to create sliders for pfLP92UVzsy-00112-00057736-00058272 c and m?' and I wanted to show you this first of all because having variables is a crucial part pfLP92UVzsy-00113-00058272-00058752 of mathematics, and it's also a crucial part of Geogebra. In particular these variables, pfLP92UVzsy-00114-00058752-00059367 or parameters, or algebraic representations, c and m; uh if I create them as sliders we'll have pfLP92UVzsy-00115-00059367-00059767 a visual representation. So first of all it's plotted a line - in fact it's plotted the line pfLP92UVzsy-00116-00059767-00060328 y equals x plus one; that's because at the moment c and m are one but I can change these pfLP92UVzsy-00117-00060328-00060855 values. This is the heart of Geogebra: not only can I plot things, I can make them move. So if I pfLP92UVzsy-00118-00060855-00061208 try again - before I drag it I would like you to consider what's going to happen when I drag this pfLP92UVzsy-00119-00061208-00061655 m - it's going to change the value of m and this line will change. I'm not going to give you time pfLP92UVzsy-00120-00061655-00062032 to type in the chat box because I think a lot of you are very familiar with this piece of maths, pfLP92UVzsy-00121-00062032-00062384 but I'd like you to predict nevertheless: if I drag m to the right what will happen? Hold it in pfLP92UVzsy-00122-00062384-00062904 your head ;and, lo and behold something probably like what you were expecting is happening. If I pfLP92UVzsy-00123-00062904-00063312 drag it to the left it goes down that way - in fact to save my thumb clicking I'm just going to pfLP92UVzsy-00124-00063312-00063679 right click on it and click on animation on, and then I'm just going to walk away. And genuinely I pfLP92UVzsy-00125-00063679-00064216 wanted to show you this example because I once had to walk into a year 7 lesson that I had to cover pfLP92UVzsy-00126-00064216-00064591 in maths; they were doing straight line equations and I had no chance to plan a lesson. I walked pfLP92UVzsy-00127-00064591-00065055 into the room, typed in y equals mx plus c to Geogebra and then animated m and just left it on pfLP92UVzsy-00128-00065055-00065528 the board as they were coming in. And the bulk of the lesson was us discussing what happened next. pfLP92UVzsy-00129-00065584-00065968 In particular I want to make the point that using Geogebra to draw this straight line pfLP92UVzsy-00130-00065968-00066392 lets you make it move, and suddenly the movement makes people discuss mathematics. pfLP92UVzsy-00131-00066496-00066912 For example one of the comments I had immediately from one of the year sevens in the room was, pfLP92UVzsy-00132-00066968-00067608 'sir, why does it go quicker when it's flatter?' Just want you to decide if you agree. pfLP92UVzsy-00133-00067984-00068512 Is that line moving quicker in some way when it's flatter? Does it seem to slow down when it gets pfLP92UVzsy-00134-00068512-00069024 steep? and the answer is yes and no, and we had a whole lot of discussion about it; it's all we pfLP92UVzsy-00135-00069024-00069464 could - we didn't get into the uh the gradient of line being correlated to the tangent of the pfLP92UVzsy-00136-00069464-00069840 angle uh although it is, but there's all sorts of depth going on and my first point is that if you pfLP92UVzsy-00137-00069840-00070320 make something move mathematically you provoke discussion uh whether this is for educational pfLP92UVzsy-00138-00070320-00070712 purposes or inspirational purposes or whether - sort of - just sharing interesting ideas, pfLP92UVzsy-00139-00070712-00071080 it is pretty powerful. So the reason why I think this session on Geogebra is important is not pfLP92UVzsy-00140-00071080-00071520 because Geogebra is important; it's that if we can make maths dynamic we have a very powerful pfLP92UVzsy-00141-00071520-00072008 tool and Geogebra is a freely available way to do it. There are other tools for example Desmos which pfLP92UVzsy-00142-00072008-00072448 we should probably do another Talking Maths in Lockdown session on. Uh, obviously you're crying pfLP92UVzsy-00143-00072448-00072720 out for me to animate the other one as well so let's just leave this going and that just pfLP92UVzsy-00144-00072776-00073136 basically caused everyone's head to explode in the year 7 lesson we were talking about. pfLP92UVzsy-00145-00073224-00073584 Making maths move is what this session is about ,and it happens to be we're going to work on pfLP92UVzsy-00146-00073584-00074032 Geogebra to do that and I would like to give you a couple of exercises to work on in Geogebra pfLP92UVzsy-00147-00074032-00074496 in order to get to know the tools; once you know the tools the creativity is the only pfLP92UVzsy-00148-00074496-00074912 thing that limits you, so you just need to come up with something - like any old tool; pfLP92UVzsy-00149-00074912-00075288 it's a little bit like programming with geometry and Becky's going to show you some pfLP92UVzsy-00150-00075288-00075680 more artistic examples of that. Before I leave this particular example are there any questions pfLP92UVzsy-00151-00075680-00076064 about what I've just built in Geogebra now? If they're questions about 'how did you do that?', pfLP92UVzsy-00152-00076064-00076424 save them but I will give time in the chat if anyone wants to put anything in there now. pfLP92UVzsy-00153-00077168-00077632 Okay I'm going to stop sharing and I'm going to crack on with a different task. So I am going pfLP92UVzsy-00154-00077632-00078112 to give you a maths question and - you are going to have a chance to build this file in a moment pfLP92UVzsy-00155-00078112-00078608 yourself, but I would like you to just watch this for now. I - I'm going to build something; pfLP92UVzsy-00156-00078608-00079160 please don't try and copy this while I'm doing it - you will inevitably be looking at your screen pfLP92UVzsy-00157-00079216-00079608 while - if you're trying to copy this, and you won't notice what I'm doing; pfLP92UVzsy-00158-00079608-00079880 I'm going to give you a chance to copy this, but I'm going to share a screen again pfLP92UVzsy-00159-00079944-00080352 and this is going to be a - another Geogebra Classic 5 screen that's sort of just blank pfLP92UVzsy-00160-00080352-00080656 and I'm going to build a triangle. I'm going to do that by clicking on pfLP92UVzsy-00161-00080656-00081136 the polygon tool and I hope you realise if you hover over a tool it tells you how to use it. pfLP92UVzsy-00162-00081200-00081632 First tip for learning how to do something is make sure you read documentation; in Geogebra's case, pfLP92UVzsy-00163-00081632-00082040 whether you lose - use the online version or the classic one there are tool tips available; they pfLP92UVzsy-00164-00082040-00082504 tell you how to use things. So I'm going to draw a triangle and it says to draw a polygon I select pfLP92UVzsy-00165-00082504-00082976 all vertices and then the first vertex again. If I was feeling in a patronising mood I would pfLP92UVzsy-00166-00082976-00083448 ask someone to tell me what to do, but I think you'd probably tell me to click three corners pfLP92UVzsy-00167-00083448-00083848 and then finish it by clicking the first vertex again. And, lo and behold, there is a triangle. pfLP92UVzsy-00168-00083848-00084344 First comment though: this is not just *that* triangle, because this is a triangle on a dynamic pfLP92UVzsy-00169-00084344-00084784 geometry package - so it means it's actually any triangle and I can move this around and I have pfLP92UVzsy-00170-00084784-00085224 genuinely a general triangle available to me; that's the difference between what the pfLP92UVzsy-00171-00085224-00085648 Greeks were doing scratching into stone these triangles ,and what we can do on a dynamic piece pfLP92UVzsy-00172-00085648-00086016 of geometry. Okay, I would like all of you now - this is the most exciting interaction you'll pfLP92UVzsy-00173-00086016-00086464 have all day - to point to the screen; I will see you - you're on camera - I'm not going to be able pfLP92UVzsy-00174-00086464-00086984 to see where you're pointing accurately, but I'd like you to point to the centre of that triangle. pfLP92UVzsy-00175-00087264-00087656 I am being deliberately vague - you might know where this is going - but the reason I'm asking pfLP92UVzsy-00176-00087656-00088072 you to point is that you had a commitment to make about where the centre was; you had some intuition pfLP92UVzsy-00177-00088136-00088520 and I would ask someone: I'm gonna pick on Sam - I'm sorry to do this pfLP92UVzsy-00178-00088520-00088960 to you Sam - would you be happy to tell me in words, if you turn your microphone on, pfLP92UVzsy-00179-00088960-00089568 where you thought the centre was roughly, and why? SAM: I thought it was in the middle... sorry, pfLP92UVzsy-00180-00089568-00090064 I couldn't resist saying that!, um, BEN: I agree - I think a lot of people are thinking that - why pfLP92UVzsy-00181-00090064-00090744 would it be anywhere else Ben? Whereabouts in the middle... about there? SAM: About there, pfLP92UVzsy-00182-00090744-00091144 yeah. BEN: About there? SAM: No, about the first one. BEN: It was about there. Did you have pfLP92UVzsy-00183-00091144-00091848 any reason for picking that one? SAM: Uh, it's about halfway along each of the lines. BEN: Ah, pfLP92UVzsy-00184-00091848-00092240 so you're thinking about midpoints of these segments. SAM: I was! BEN: In that case let's pfLP92UVzsy-00185-00092240-00092600 ask Geogebra to build those midpoints - I'm going to this menu; going to the midpoint tool - oh look pfLP92UVzsy-00186-00092600-00092984 there's a tool - if you want to know how to use a tool, hover over it: 'select two points'. okay, pfLP92UVzsy-00187-00092984-00093368 I'll select a and b, and it's made the midpoint which Sam is just referred to - I'm going to pfLP92UVzsy-00188-00093368-00093736 do that for another one here; but that's not defining a centre Sam, so say a little bit more pfLP92UVzsy-00189-00093968-00094216 (by the way I do realise there are two Sams in the room, and I didn't make it clear but pfLP92UVzsy-00190-00094216-00094568 luckily one of them answered so that's okay) SAM: I should have just stayed quiet and let the other pfLP92UVzsy-00191-00094568-00095440 Sam answer!, um, if you then join up the midpoint of a line with its opposite corner, where those pfLP92UVzsy-00192-00095536-00096208 further three lines intersect was about where I was thinking. BEN: So that diagram. SAM: Yeah; pfLP92UVzsy-00193-00096208-00096536 but with the other - with the other line as well. BEN: Wait, hold on a minute: let me just pfLP92UVzsy-00194-00096536-00096920 make something profoundly obvious to everyone - if you draw two lines on a screen the fact that they pfLP92UVzsy-00195-00096920-00097352 intersect is not a surprise (at least I hope it's not to anyone who's done a little bit of playing pfLP92UVzsy-00196-00097352-00097712 with lines) However- SAM: As long as they're not parallel! BEN: I agree, there is a possibility pfLP92UVzsy-00197-00097712-00098040 that they don't intersect but if they're not parallel they will intersect somewhere - in pfLP92UVzsy-00198-00098040-00098440 fact if I draw line segments, maybe we're dodging the issue; maybe they won't intersect, but if I pfLP92UVzsy-00199-00098440-00098952 draw three lines there is no reason why they would intersect in the same place - and yet if I click pfLP92UVzsy-00200-00099096-00099600 the third line in here it does look like they intersect in the same place and that is a shock. pfLP92UVzsy-00201-00099712-00100184 This also means this centre is an important point, uh, and by the way remember this is not just any pfLP92UVzsy-00202-00100184-00100488 particular triangle, this is all possible triangles, because this moves with it; pfLP92UVzsy-00203-00100488-00100888 and again I'm going to keep doing this movement to remind you that the reason to use Geogebra or pfLP92UVzsy-00204-00100888-00101320 Desmos is that it's dynamic; it's general - this is not just true for the one drawing I've done, pfLP92UVzsy-00205-00101320-00101880 it's for all of them. So this point that we've just created is a centre of this triangle, pfLP92UVzsy-00206-00101880-00102376 but it is not the only one. In fact, Sam, I agree - is the centre and it has a particular sense: pfLP92UVzsy-00207-00102376-00102856 this is called the centroid it is the centre of mass of this triangle. Other options pfLP92UVzsy-00208-00102856-00103392 are available. So to cut a long story short, I'm gonna "here's one I made earlier" moment pfLP92UVzsy-00209-00103392-00103896 with my Blue Peter sort of best hat on; I'm gonna go to my second screen pfLP92UVzsy-00210-00103896-00104359 over here and show you a file which I am going to give you a chance to play with in a moment; pfLP92UVzsy-00211-00104504-00104840 so this is the demo file I made in Geogebra; I'm not going to go into great detail about pfLP92UVzsy-00212-00104840-00105120 how I made it, but I'm going to give you a chance to try and make it in a moment; can you confirm pfLP92UVzsy-00213-00105120-00105464 you're seeing a blank looking triangle on the screen at the moment - nod if you can; pfLP92UVzsy-00214-00105464-00105872 so what we just built earlier was the centroid and I've got a tick box to show that, and it's pfLP92UVzsy-00215-00105872-00106335 made by joining the medians, if you like - medians being the midpoints to the opposite corners which pfLP92UVzsy-00216-00106335-00106792 Sam described. There are other options for the centre of a triangle - for example I could maybe pfLP92UVzsy-00217-00106792-00107400 do the perpendicular bisectors of the sides; and if you do that they all meet at a point - in fact, pfLP92UVzsy-00218-00107400-00107872 that one's called the circumcentre and it is in fact the centre of the circle around a triangle; pfLP92UVzsy-00219-00107872-00108264 and every triangle has a circle it's called the circumcircle, and it has a centre of that circle; pfLP92UVzsy-00220-00108264-00108759 but this centre of the triangle can be outside the triangle, which is slightly alarming for pfLP92UVzsy-00221-00108759-00109111 people who were pointing to the middle of the triangle. That is also not the only option; pfLP92UVzsy-00222-00109111-00109496 maybe another option could be - and if I had longer I'd love to get you to suggest things - but pfLP92UVzsy-00223-00109496-00109992 instead of bisecting the sides I could bisect the angles: so I could bisect the angles like that, pfLP92UVzsy-00224-00109992-00110328 and then I get an incentre which is the centre of a different circle - in fact it's the centre of pfLP92UVzsy-00225-00110328-00110696 the incircle which stays inside the triangle at all times; and again I want to move this around pfLP92UVzsy-00226-00110696-00111096 to show that this is not just one triangle: this is all triangles have these properties. pfLP92UVzsy-00227-00111176-00111559 So to cut a long story short I could wax lyrical on centres of triangles - lots of them are pfLP92UVzsy-00228-00111559-00112072 available; in fact the Wikipedia page on centres of triangles has a frightening number of centres; pfLP92UVzsy-00229-00112072-00112568 but there are four in particular which are quite well known: the incentre; the orthocentre, pfLP92UVzsy-00230-00112568-00113016 which is the centre of the altitudes, where you drop perpendiculars from coin- corners to the pfLP92UVzsy-00231-00113016-00113511 opposite side; and the centroid. So those four are famous centres and if I just uh hide some of the pfLP92UVzsy-00232-00113511-00113952 rest of these, they're all different places. So basically I'm saying wherever you pointed pfLP92UVzsy-00233-00113952-00114400 at the triangle you're probably close to one of these centres. But building this in Geogebra pfLP92UVzsy-00234-00114400-00114935 and making it dynamic is quite a good exercise to get used to the geometric aspect of Geogebra. pfLP92UVzsy-00235-00114935-00115335 So here's what I'd like you to do: I'm going to share a link - in fact, if someone in the, pfLP92UVzsy-00236-00115335-00115983 um, team could paste the link to a Geogebra classroom page for me into the chat, what I've pfLP92UVzsy-00237-00115983-00116400 done is given you access to a - what Geogebra will also do is provide a classroom environment pfLP92UVzsy-00238-00116400-00116896 where you can ask people to go and have a play, and I can see what you're doing - which made pfLP92UVzsy-00239-00116896-00117208 me wince earlier when Sam said "we're not going to be watching over your shoulder"; pfLP92UVzsy-00240-00117280-00117832 I actually am in this case. So that link is now in the classroom: I'd like you to click on that; pfLP92UVzsy-00241-00117832-00118304 you're going to have to type in your name and once you're in there I would like you to click pfLP92UVzsy-00242-00118304-00118759 through and follow - I'm going to stop sharing my screen now - follow the instructions. The first pfLP92UVzsy-00243-00118759-00119200 task you get to see will be the file I was just playing with ,so you can have a play with that, pfLP92UVzsy-00244-00119200-00119808 and the second task is a blank triangle - and I would like you to try and build your own centres pfLP92UVzsy-00245-00119808-00120304 of triangles. You can do the centroid, like Sam just did; you can try and do the incentre pfLP92UVzsy-00246-00120304-00120664 which is the centre of the incircle, and that's coming from angle bisectors pfLP92UVzsy-00247-00120664-00120992 and you're going to have to experiment with the tools available to you to do that; pfLP92UVzsy-00248-00121048-00121335 I'm not going to say any more - I want to give you a full five minutes where I shut up, pfLP92UVzsy-00249-00121392-00121744 but I will come back in five minutes and see how you're getting on. At any point pfLP92UVzsy-00250-00121744-00122183 if you want to jump on a mic and ask a question, you will have to do that publicly - it's not pfLP92UVzsy-00251-00122183-00122568 like I can just sidle over to you and, uh, whisper to you but please feel free pfLP92UVzsy-00252-00122568-00123052 to do that. I'm going to stop talking for five minutes: build your own centres of triangles. pfLP92UVzsy-00253-00123052-00123552 SAM: Do we get background music? BEN: Do you want background music? pfLP92UVzsy-00254-00123708-00124696 SAM: There's some nodding going on. BEN: I- I fear I should spare you that, so no, pfLP92UVzsy-00255-00124696-00125416 but hey - thanks for the request. I'm going to stop talking for a bit. pfLP92UVzsy-00256-00125416-00125856 Everyone's at different levels of expertise here - there are two questions about this task: pfLP92UVzsy-00257-00125935-00126383 task 3 and task 4; they should be on the same page as the the task you're working on - feel pfLP92UVzsy-00258-00126383-00126856 free to put responses to that if you wish but that is not compulsory. I would suggest pfLP92UVzsy-00259-00126856-00127583 not going beyond that; there's a- stay on the triangle blank activity for now. pfLP92UVzsy-00260-00127952-00128159 I'd just like to say, Fran: I really enjoyed what pfLP92UVzsy-00261-00128159-00128352 I saw from your construction just there - that was looking good! pfLP92UVzsy-00262-00128592-00128983 ...or maybe I'm looking at the wrong page. pfLP92UVzsy-00263-00129316-00129856 FRAN: Can I ask a question Ben? BEN: You can indeed. FRAN: I got to the point, um, so I pfLP92UVzsy-00264-00129856-00130208 constructed the perpendicular bisectors BEN: I can see that, well done! FRAN: I found the point where pfLP92UVzsy-00265-00130208-00130896 they intersected yeah and then I tried to get hold of like a point a b or c and move it and it didn't pfLP92UVzsy-00266-00130896-00131240 do what I thought it was going to do so I was like oh. BEN: I'm glad someone asked that and everyone pfLP92UVzsy-00267-00131240-00131616 else can either listen to what I'm saying or carry on tinkering; you need to make sure, to move a pfLP92UVzsy-00268-00131616-00132112 point, that you are on the select tool, which is the arrow tool on the far left of the toolbar; pfLP92UVzsy-00269-00132112-00132432 and there is a shortcut available to get you to that, because you want to go back to that tool pfLP92UVzsy-00270-00132432-00132904 repeatedly all the time, so: pressing escape, if you're in a Geogebra window, will jump you back to pfLP92UVzsy-00271-00132904-00133424 that tool and that is super helpful - I basically hover over the escape button all the time when I'm pfLP92UVzsy-00272-00133424-00133816 working. FRAN: Thank you very much indeed. BEN: Tell me if that works. BECKY: That's a really pfLP92UVzsy-00273-00133816-00134408 good tip that I didn't know, thank you! BEN: Oh I've taught Becky something! Yes! SAM: How do you pfLP92UVzsy-00274-00134408-00134752 find the centre of a circle you've just made? BEN: Indeed: how do you? pfLP92UVzsy-00275-00134848-00135184 I'm doing full teacher mode here! if a circle is on the screen, uh, pfLP92UVzsy-00276-00135184-00135600 where is the centre? Now this is actually a classic A-level algebra question, pfLP92UVzsy-00277-00135672-00136328 but let me give you one option: you know about circle theorems; you know that chords of a circle pfLP92UVzsy-00278-00136328-00136904 and the perpendicular bisectors of a chord always go through the centre, so here's one option: pfLP92UVzsy-00279-00136904-00137400 draw two chords on that circle and bisect them; they will intersect at the centre. pfLP92UVzsy-00280-00137400-00138028 In fact what you'll be doing is very very close to finding the circumcircle of a triangle. SAM: pfLP92UVzsy-00281-00138080-00138432 So there's not- not a special button to click on the circle and go "show me the pfLP92UVzsy-00282-00138432-00138848 centre"? BEN: There- you could- you could make one in Geogebra, but what's interesting about working pfLP92UVzsy-00283-00138848-00139280 in Geogebra is that you have to be doing maths in order to construct stuff. This is not the same as pfLP92UVzsy-00284-00139280-00139672 drawing stuff - this is construction ,and a lot of you are realising that from what I'm seeing now. pfLP92UVzsy-00285-00139832-00140160 I am going to stop you, and I'm sorry this is going to frustrate you - Geogebra classroom pfLP92UVzsy-00286-00140160-00140552 does give me a pause button - I'm just watching your faces and all of you are looking slightly pfLP92UVzsy-00287-00140552-00140896 frustrated I've stopped you interacting with Geogebra - this is something they borrowed pfLP92UVzsy-00288-00140896-00141320 from Desmos classroom. I will come back to another chance to play with Geogebra classroom in a bit; pfLP92UVzsy-00289-00141320-00141864 first of all though, let me show you something slightly meta - uh, what I'm seeing is this pfLP92UVzsy-00290-00141864-00142296 screen here: let me just share my screen - so if you could come back to a Zoom window, pfLP92UVzsy-00291-00142440-00142928 um, give me a nod on the video if you are seeing a screen that says Task 2. So I've anonymized all pfLP92UVzsy-00292-00142928-00143248 your names -it's a bit like Desmos, if you play with that, and I can see that everyone's been pfLP92UVzsy-00293-00143248-00143632 working; I see student number 4 has, uh, played with the buttons making some polygons, thank pfLP92UVzsy-00294-00143632-00144152 you student number 4. Let me zoom in on student number 10 because I like what happened here; I- pfLP92UVzsy-00295-00144216-00144608 I think I know who this is but, uh, you can own up later on - I can have a look at what pfLP92UVzsy-00296-00144608-00145088 everyone's working on, which is really lovely from an online teaching point of view or enrichment pfLP92UVzsy-00297-00145088-00145536 point of view, but I can also interact with the file here that student 10 has played with, pfLP92UVzsy-00298-00145536-00145944 and can you see - something I wanted pointed out here: first of all they've made j which is what pfLP92UVzsy-00299-00145944-00146392 they - I think they've made the circumcentre, that's from the perpendicular bisectors; pfLP92UVzsy-00300-00146392-00147152 they've also made h which is the incentre, but the incircle is not quite working; which is annoying, pfLP92UVzsy-00301-00147152-00147424 and I hope the person who actually made this is feeling the annoyance pfLP92UVzsy-00302-00147528-00147816 because I want to make a final point before I hand over to Becky here is that when you're pfLP92UVzsy-00303-00147816-00148448 working in Geogbra with geometry you are needing to construct rather than draw. And that difference pfLP92UVzsy-00304-00148448-00148984 is subtle and inherently mathematical and difficult to explain, but once you've pfLP92UVzsy-00305-00148984-00149368 experienced this problem you really know what we're talking about. So what this person has done pfLP92UVzsy-00306-00149368-00149816 is drawn the centre - they've constructed the incentre and there is the centre of an incircle, pfLP92UVzsy-00307-00149816-00150368 but when they try and draw the circle, they have just drawn it, and this i dot is not in the right pfLP92UVzsy-00308-00150368-00151032 place. So allow me to do one further demo of this: let me just bring up a new Geogebra file. pfLP92UVzsy-00309-00151176-00151568 Now, give it a moment, you are seeing the file I started demonstrating on earlier. pfLP92UVzsy-00310-00151680-00152112 Lovely. So I'm actually gonna - in Geogebra you can hide and show things - I'm just gonna turn pfLP92UVzsy-00311-00152112-00152464 off all the things I built earlier which are all these buttons - these little buttons on the left, pfLP92UVzsy-00312-00152520-00152960 if they don't crash on me... that's unexpected! Let's just turn these buttons off and they pfLP92UVzsy-00313-00152960-00153392 disappear; so th- those little blue buttons are hide/show buttons. Actually I wanted the pfLP92UVzsy-00314-00153392-00153760 triangle to remain. So I'm going to build the angle bisectors very quickly using the pfLP92UVzsy-00315-00153760-00154184 angle bisector tool; we could talk lots about all these tools but let's just do a couple of them; pfLP92UVzsy-00316-00154344-00154752 angle bisector again; and this will build the incentre where they pfLP92UVzsy-00317-00154752-00155472 meet. But if I just draw - oh I missed there, I need to delete that; if I construct the pfLP92UVzsy-00318-00155472-00155976 intersection of those two then the circle I want does seem to look like this. pfLP92UVzsy-00319-00156264-00156760 Where I click now will define the edge of the circle and I need to know where it has to touch pfLP92UVzsy-00320-00156760-00157104 and what the person we did before clicked in - somewhat arbitrary - they just drew it so pfLP92UVzsy-00321-00157104-00157568 it looked right. So the question is how do you mathematically know where this circle touches? pfLP92UVzsy-00322-00157568-00157992 The answer, to cut a long story short, is that it must be the closest distance from h pfLP92UVzsy-00323-00157992-00158400 to one of these sides, which is actually going to be tied up with a perpendicular. pfLP92UVzsy-00324-00158400-00158752 So if I construct the point it must touch, by clicking that point and this line, it's pfLP92UVzsy-00325-00158752-00159252 giving me the perpendicular; I want the circle to touch at that point - which I missed again - pfLP92UVzsy-00326-00159480-00160000 but then I can build the circle which is centred there and touches that point, and now when I pfLP92UVzsy-00327-00160000-00160512 move it around the incircle moves with it. So I wanted you to experience some of this frustration, pfLP92UVzsy-00328-00160512-00160848 and the fact that you're different- you're not drawing you're constructing, is actually pfLP92UVzsy-00329-00160848-00161280 a helpful thing Geogebra teaches you but it is quite frustrating until you get the hang of it. pfLP92UVzsy-00330-00161344-00161744 Okay: quick summary of what I've shown you: uh I've shown you that Geogebra does pfLP92UVzsy-00331-00161744-00162136 geometry, basically; I've shown you how Geogebra classroom works, and you can use that in an online pfLP92UVzsy-00332-00162136-00162472 environment to see what everyone else is doing; and I have given you a chance to tinker - not long pfLP92UVzsy-00333-00162472-00162904 enough. There will be another chance later on, but that was our first introduction; I'm going to stop pfLP92UVzsy-00334-00162904-00163288 talking now and hand over to Becky, if that's alright, because what I'd like her to show you, pfLP92UVzsy-00335-00163288-00163784 uh, is sort of fast forwarding -when you've done enough working with the tools, what you can end pfLP92UVzsy-00336-00163784-00164200 up doing just for the hell of it in Geogebra to make some lovely pictures. Is that okay Becky? pfLP92UVzsy-00337-00164480-00164848 Yeah all good yep, um, so I mean to be honest I'm pfLP92UVzsy-00338-00164848-00165048 just going to carry on from what Ben has said because pfLP92UVzsy-00339-00165320-00165872 the reason I have been using Geogebra to create art, um, is because of it's- the- pfLP92UVzsy-00340-00165872-00166248 the construction that you can do; so on a computer, on other, you know, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00341-00166352-00166880 image editing programs and things like that, um, there are some simple, you know, geometric pfLP92UVzsy-00342-00166880-00167312 tools that you can use - you can often rotate or reflect things, um, but it doesn't have the full, pfLP92UVzsy-00343-00167368-00167912 you know, suite of construction things so, um, I've been using Geogebra since, pfLP92UVzsy-00344-00167912-00168616 um, I was a teacher but, um, over lockdown there was a lot of kind of math arts / maths art, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00345-00168616-00169144 challenges and things like that and and I've moved to America and I didn't bring a lot of my pfLP92UVzsy-00346-00169144-00169640 artistic stuff with me so I've kind of used what I had, and one of the things I had was Geogebra. pfLP92UVzsy-00347-00169640-00170344 Um, so I'm going to do a couple of demonstrations, um, one slightly more simple and a slightly more pfLP92UVzsy-00348-00170344-00170808 complicated one just to kind of show you some things; um, like as Ben said, pfLP92UVzsy-00349-00170808-00171480 um, I wouldn't recommend following along, um, because I will go reasonably fast; pfLP92UVzsy-00350-00171480-00171928 however these are- these are being recorded so if you want to kind of go back, um, and with pfLP92UVzsy-00351-00171928-00172352 the pause button you can kind of go through and see how I've constructed some of these designs. pfLP92UVzsy-00352-00172472-00172952 So I'm going to start sharing my screen. I'm going to do a demonstration and I'm going to- pfLP92UVzsy-00353-00172952-00173604 I'm going to carry on talking over the top, um, so: can you all see my Geogebra window? BEN: pfLP92UVzsy-00354-00173656-00174726 I can see it! BECKY: Good, okay. So with the tools here we've got, um, you know, the point tool, pfLP92UVzsy-00355-00174726-00175448 the circle tool, the line tool - so anything that you can construct with, um, a ruler and pfLP92UVzsy-00356-00175448-00175984 [compass] using those tools you can also do in Geogebra - but the nice thing about Geogebra pfLP92UVzsy-00357-00176112-00176776 is that you can do some shortcuts. So for example I do quite like the regular polygon tool, pfLP92UVzsy-00358-00176776-00177160 um, so rather than - so for example a polygon I could construct pfLP92UVzsy-00359-00177160-00177760 using a ruler and compass is a 12-sided polygon, um, but I'm just gonna you know do a quick, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00360-00177816-00178288 oh I think I've shared the the Geogebra window so there is a pop-up where I type in the number of pfLP92UVzsy-00361-00178288-00178816 vertices because I haven't shared my screen as such, um, so I just typed in the box, pfLP92UVzsy-00362-00178816-00179528 um, the number of vertices I want is 12. So here we go - I've got a nice dodecagon, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00363-00179768-00180448 and, um, I actually- I'm just going to use this to kind of be the basis of my design, pfLP92UVzsy-00364-00180520-00181448 um, I'm going to use the polygon tool and I'm just gonna do a quick, um, star, so I just - you know, pfLP92UVzsy-00365-00181448-00181880 I'm building my polygons. This is kind of - kind of like, you know, the undo button is pfLP92UVzsy-00366-00181880-00182496 my friend here, so: one two three four five, one two three four five ,one two three four five... pfLP92UVzsy-00367-00182720-00183440 So you know not only can we do, um, geometric designs but yeah the ability to kind of, pfLP92UVzsy-00368-00183440-00183888 um, have I done it wrong again? I think I have. I think I can - if I click I can pfLP92UVzsy-00369-00184024-00184656 undo some of these, um, oh dear. okay I'll choose a different star - you know, that pfLP92UVzsy-00370-00184656-00185312 you can do - a star that I can see a bit better. I'm going to do the star that's made up of, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00371-00185520-00185992 equilateral triangles. So, uh, in Geogebra but there's always multiple ways of doing pfLP92UVzsy-00372-00185992-00186304 things - so I could have started with an equilateral triangle and rotated it. pfLP92UVzsy-00373-00186304-00186832 I've got this nice 12-pointed star and then what I like to do is I'm going to do some, pfLP92UVzsy-00374-00186832-00188056 um, transformations in a minute - I seem to have seemed to have coloured my polygon, pfLP92UVzsy-00375-00188200-00188856 uh, so yeah so, um, I - I started using Geogebra to create some artistic designs pfLP92UVzsy-00376-00188856-00189360 and it kind of got a little bit of interest and so I - I set up a an online course pfLP92UVzsy-00377-00189440-00190136 to teach people how to do the things that I do. Well no, not really - it was kind of using pfLP92UVzsy-00378-00190240-00191008 art, artistic designs, geometric designs to, um, learn about Geogebra. pfLP92UVzsy-00379-00191328-00192168 I can see so, um, as Ben was saying about constructions, I've managed to miss a point here, pfLP92UVzsy-00380-00192168-00192912 so this is a kind of a drawing point rather than a construction point; but I can just do a quick fix pfLP92UVzsy-00381-00192912-00193328 so this is the other thing about Geogebra is that because we can fix it as we go along, pfLP92UVzsy-00382-00193328-00193988 it gives us kind of a bit more flexibility. So I'm just going to quickly redefine - pfLP92UVzsy-00383-00194128-00194456 so, um, yeah I'm just very giving a brief pfLP92UVzsy-00384-00194576-00195208 overview of, um, the kinds of things that I've used Geogebra for recently, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00385-00195408-00196648 and I've - I've spent some time exploring some of the tools, um, but, pfLP92UVzsy-00386-00196824-00197408 um, it's very powerful - I think that - and we can use we can use some of these, pfLP92UVzsy-00387-00197464-00198304 um, so here I'm using the translate by vector tool, um, I've got my basic pfLP92UVzsy-00388-00198304-00198744 shape; I can, you know, I can - you know, in this case tile it in a particular pfLP92UVzsy-00389-00198960-00199304 pattern, um, so yeah this is just a kind of, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00390-00199400-00199824 the kinds of things that you can do in Geogebra. I wrote down some things I said I was going to say, pfLP92UVzsy-00391-00199880-00200432 um, so yeah so I i started using Geogebra because, um, in knockdown because I didn't have a lot of, pfLP92UVzsy-00392-00200496-00201032 um, tools with me and so this was kind of like, you know, Geogebra is free and, you know, pfLP92UVzsy-00393-00201032-00201496 you can do all the constructions and you can play around as well so it doesn't - you know if you pfLP92UVzsy-00394-00201496-00201904 make a mistake it's very easy to undo whereas if you've, you know, drawn something on a page pfLP92UVzsy-00395-00201904-00202360 and, you know, if - trying to fix it can be quite messy, um, so here I, you know, once I've pfLP92UVzsy-00396-00202360-00202912 constructed one part doing the transformations to create all the other parts can be quite quick, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00397-00203048-00203448 but yeah that's just kind of using the basic geometry tools and in some ways that's not pfLP92UVzsy-00398-00203568-00204160 that's not the most powerful aspect of Geogebra but it does allow you to be incredibly precise pfLP92UVzsy-00399-00204160-00204664 with your kind of mathematical construction - so a lot of for example Islamic designs are based on pfLP92UVzsy-00400-00204664-00205264 you know ruler and compass constructions, um, and you know if you do it, um, if you do it pfLP92UVzsy-00401-00205671-00205992 you know like this then you get the very precise things rather than, you know, if you're using pfLP92UVzsy-00402-00205992-00206448 other image editing software, um, you know you can kind of click things together and do some pfLP92UVzsy-00403-00206448-00206928 of it but it's kind of - the power in this is the mathematical nature of it so you can create these pfLP92UVzsy-00404-00206928-00207976 beautiful designs very precisely, um, and often much quicker than you can, um, by hand. So that pfLP92UVzsy-00405-00207976-00208704 was just a quick, um, demo of how - how quick it is to build something - you know, a simple pfLP92UVzsy-00406-00208704-00209176 repeating pattern I wanted to kind of, um, show you some inspiration so I'm going to, um, stop pfLP92UVzsy-00407-00209176-00209664 sharing that screen and, um, I've got a little powerpoint presente- presentation to share so, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00408-00209816-00210471 I'm going to just quickly start with that. So here, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00409-00210640-00211352 I've started with - these are two pentagons that I've rotated, um, round so I've got a pfLP92UVzsy-00410-00211352-00211848 kind of ten-pointed shape and I'm going to kind of go through this quite quickly and kind of talk pfLP92UVzsy-00411-00211848-00212319 over it, um, but obviously again there's a lot FRAN: Becky, I can't see what you can see I don't pfLP92UVzsy-00412-00212319-00212832 think BECKY: oh hang on a second - thank you let me just see BEN: Just the share screen has gone, pfLP92UVzsy-00413-00212832-00213512 that's all BECKY: Yeah i'll just, uh SAM: It might be worth turning off your video as well -you're, pfLP92UVzsy-00414-00213512-00213871 um, breaking up slightly again BECKY: Yeah, let me see if I can do that, pfLP92UVzsy-00415-00214032-00215160 um, there we go. Okay, so here we go, here are my pentagons I was just mentioning, um, and I'm pfLP92UVzsy-00416-00215160-00215567 just going to kind of quickly go through this - so this is an Islamic - a traditional Islamic design pfLP92UVzsy-00417-00215688-00216432 and, um, uh there are some points that can be built; well they have to be constructed pfLP92UVzsy-00418-00216432-00217216 from from the pentagons, um, and then some segments being built from - from those points, pfLP92UVzsy-00419-00217319-00218144 um, and then using the polygon tool this was, um, filling in the the gaps to create, um, I've hidden pfLP92UVzsy-00420-00218144-00218728 some of the the points in that case so Ben showed how to hide the points using the points on the pfLP92UVzsy-00421-00218728-00219216 left-hand side, um, and hiding the construction lines so I come up with this design at the end, pfLP92UVzsy-00422-00219271-00219744 um, so this is a traditional Islamic decorative pattern, (BEN: So nice) pfLP92UVzsy-00423-00219744-00220208 um, I also using the same construction this is kind of like a standalone design pfLP92UVzsy-00424-00220208-00220623 with 10-fold symmetry but using the same construction I created a different polygon pfLP92UVzsy-00425-00220680-00221400 from the same points so it's this kind of like half - half a design and then doubled it using pfLP92UVzsy-00426-00221400-00221936 the rotation tool and then extended it so this - because it's in the rhombus shape it can be pfLP92UVzsy-00427-00221936-00222384 tessellated, um, and then you know this is my kind of final - final piece for that one was a pfLP92UVzsy-00428-00222384-00223052 kind of black and white tiling pattern which can be kind of, um, decorated however you like. Um, pfLP92UVzsy-00429-00223152-00223592 and then so that's one of the pieces; I'm going to show you a couple more, kind of for inspiration, pfLP92UVzsy-00430-00223592-00224367 of things that I've done; so these are - some of them are based on Islamic traditional designs; the pfLP92UVzsy-00431-00224367-00224952 one on the top rights is a decoration of a dome but it's got really nice mathematical properties, pfLP92UVzsy-00432-00224952-00225696 um, and I spent quite a lot of time working on how to do - rather than - so a lot of the instructions pfLP92UVzsy-00433-00225696-00226112 I found were very much "use the compass and ruler and do this, do that" and then I was kind of pfLP92UVzsy-00434-00226112-00226519 delving into the, you know, the underlying geometry of it in order to be able to do it pfLP92UVzsy-00435-00226519-00227119 quicker in Geogebra, um, the bottom left one there is a random design of my own making, um, as you pfLP92UVzsy-00436-00227119-00227664 know we were looking at the stars earlier so I believe that's a a star in - a 12-pointed star, pfLP92UVzsy-00437-00227736-00228400 um, and then tessellated - well translated I suppose yeah, tiling, um, and coloured pfLP92UVzsy-00438-00228400-00228767 in a particular way; and then on the bottom right I think that was another traditional pfLP92UVzsy-00439-00228767-00229336 Islamic design. But also, you know ,you can use some kind of mathematical constructions pfLP92UVzsy-00440-00229336-00229952 as well - so here starting with something that I wouldn't be able to construct by hand, pfLP92UVzsy-00441-00230040-00230704 um, this is a you know a nice spiral and then so, um, some equations of lines which I could have pfLP92UVzsy-00442-00230704-00231048 drawn geometrically but in this case I drew them out directly essentially; pfLP92UVzsy-00443-00231136-00231744 and then I kind of decorated it so I filled in some intersection points and built up - so here pfLP92UVzsy-00444-00231744-00232232 I'm building circles; the centre of the circle is on the spiral and the edge of the circle is pfLP92UVzsy-00445-00232232-00232944 at the centre of my my screen it's actually the origin of the coordinate points, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00446-00232944-00233416 and you know, then I decorated it in various ways - and again I use the same construction: pfLP92UVzsy-00447-00233416-00233952 so here's one decorated version, um, but I could also go back to the construction points pfLP92UVzsy-00448-00233952-00234456 and redecorate them in a different way, so using the same kind of underlying structure in more than pfLP92UVzsy-00449-00234456-00234904 one way and I quite like that about Geogebra it kind of gives you that flexibility. Um, pfLP92UVzsy-00450-00235167-00235608 and yeah there's some formatting that I can do in Geogebra - some of the formatting and decorative pfLP92UVzsy-00451-00235608-00236280 work I've done outside, but the the being able to capture these kind of very mathematical shapes pfLP92UVzsy-00452-00236280-00236784 and patterns, um, is what I've been using Geogebra for and, um, just to kind of, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00453-00236856-00237392 give you some idea I thought we'd, um, this here are some animations that I've done, um, this was pfLP92UVzsy-00454-00237392-00237840 actually kind of more for a demonstration but you can imagine how we could use this artistically, pfLP92UVzsy-00455-00237928-00238848 um, and then here's one that I was exploring so some of the the points in this are seen in - in pfLP92UVzsy-00456-00238848-00239352 geometric arts, particularly Islamic art and I wanted to kind of see how the family of pfLP92UVzsy-00457-00239528-00239928 of shape [sound cuts off] pfLP92UVzsy-00458-00239928-00240648 you know some other tiling shapes, um, so it's quite, you know, being able to animate stuff - you pfLP92UVzsy-00459-00240648-00241256 can do kind of moving art, um, and here's one: this is kind of based on a kind of retro pfLP92UVzsy-00460-00241312-00241848 poster, um, and I quite like that being able to do randomized things - so that's the other thing pfLP92UVzsy-00461-00241848-00242760 in Geogebra, you can do generative art using some kind of randomized, um, I think, um, oh no this pfLP92UVzsy-00462-00242760-00243256 is another one - oh this was this was something we did in my class. So I've been running this class, pfLP92UVzsy-00463-00243256-00243623 um, for the last 10 weeks and I've got another class that's just started; so we're doing online pfLP92UVzsy-00464-00243680-00244176 and, um, we're yeah we're going through various designs and learning some tools that go along pfLP92UVzsy-00465-00244176-00244664 with it, um, so it's quite it's quite a good quite good introduction I think to Geogebra and gives pfLP92UVzsy-00466-00244664-00245104 some kind of purpose to the learning so you know a bit more structured if if you kind of prefer pfLP92UVzsy-00467-00245104-00245584 that kind of learning. So i'll leave my contact details I'm intending to start another course, pfLP92UVzsy-00468-00245584-00246160 um, in January at a time that would be good for UK people, um, so if you drop me a message pfLP92UVzsy-00469-00246264-00246656 I will, um, put you on a waiting list and let you know when bookings are open for that. pfLP92UVzsy-00470-00246728-00247616 Um, I found teaching Geogebra online mostly good, um, but as as Ben said you know not being able to pfLP92UVzsy-00471-00247616-00248128 stand over and watch what someone's doing has been challenging and I haven't used Geogebra classroom pfLP92UVzsy-00472-00248128-00248696 because it does have limitations and I mentioned in the chat but I much prefer, um, the Classic 5, pfLP92UVzsy-00473-00248760-00249088 um, particularly for art because it's got good pfLP92UVzsy-00474-00249088-00249784 exporting, um, facilities basically that's my main, um, the main thing that I - I really pfLP92UVzsy-00475-00249784-00250344 tried out in 6 and couldn't couldn't get on board with. Everyone has their preferences I think! Um, pfLP92UVzsy-00476-00250471-00250992 I - if you if you're interested in the kind of the artistic stuff we've kind of pfLP92UVzsy-00477-00250992-00251480 started a #GeogebraArt hashtag so feel free to kind of peruse that to see what you know pfLP92UVzsy-00478-00251480-00251904 we've been doing in class, or people who have been in the class have then gone on to do, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00479-00252040-00252488 it's it's been it's been really good I really enjoyed teaching it and I think that you know pfLP92UVzsy-00480-00252488-00252976 it's covered quite a lot of, um, the basic tools so if you you know if you want to have pfLP92UVzsy-00481-00252976-00253776 a look at Geogebra, um, some of the art stuff is a place where you could start. Um, yeah I pfLP92UVzsy-00482-00253776-00254256 think - I - Ithink I'm nearly done with all my - oh I did have one last thing I wanted to show, pfLP92UVzsy-00483-00254312-00255160 um, I'm gonna have to do something else in a minute but I wanted to quickly show, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00484-00255304-00256152 I'm gonna - I think I've got to do a new share; let's try this; so this was something that I, pfLP92UVzsy-00485-00256152-00257119 um, invented recently? Um, so one of the things that Geogebra has is a spreadsheet, so pfLP92UVzsy-00486-00257208-00258104 I thought perhaps I could use the spreadsheet to create some interesting thing, um, and let's see pfLP92UVzsy-00487-00258104-00258671 if I can get this right so I've - I'm creating a slider right now, so in - in the same way that Ben pfLP92UVzsy-00488-00258671-00259376 used the slider for his, um, y = mx + c, um, I'm going to create a little slider with some options; pfLP92UVzsy-00489-00259376-00259936 so my slider goes between nought and one. Okay and then in my spreadsheet, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00490-00260119-00260704 so here - these are just descriptions of the points that I've already created, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00491-00260704-00261623 I'm then going to - I can draw a line; I can draw a polygon using the kind of commands. pfLP92UVzsy-00492-00261828-00262280 BEN: What's amazing to me is that the spreadsheet in Geogebra is fully functional and includes all pfLP92UVzsy-00493-00262280-00262640 of Geogebra's commands in it, and once you realise that the sort of -the potential is pfLP92UVzsy-00494-00262640-00263192 just amazing. BECKY: Yeah I seem to have, uh, typed something wrong... what have I done? pfLP92UVzsy-00495-00263296-00264240 Oh, I've got a polygon A2 B2 C2... it tells me it's not a polygon BEN: C2 is a point? pfLP92UVzsy-00496-00264320-00264744 um BECKY: There we go, um, so the nice thing about this obviously is if you've clearly made pfLP92UVzsy-00497-00264744-00265128 a mistake you can usually go back and fix it! So I've typed in the points a b and c here, pfLP92UVzsy-00498-00265192-00265648 and I've created the polygon; so now what I'm going to do, um, I'm going to show you where pfLP92UVzsy-00499-00265648-00266232 the function is so that I can type it in and you can all see it: so here, I want to create a point pfLP92UVzsy-00500-00266312-00266976 and I want it to be, um, between a and b and so, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00501-00267272-00267992 I've just got to - so I want it to be, um, based on the pfLP92UVzsy-00502-00268080-00268984 cells in the in the, um, spreadsheet so A2, um, plus a lots of pfLP92UVzsy-00503-00269232-00270280 um B2 minus A2. Now I'll just check - and hopefully it slides along that side, pfLP92UVzsy-00504-00270280-00270800 which it does, good. Okay, nice, and so I'm going to do the same over here, so I've got a point that pfLP92UVzsy-00505-00270800-00271280 slides up and down that side and then I kind of want to do the same here except there's going pfLP92UVzsy-00506-00271280-00271896 to be an error because I don't want it at point D2 I want to go back around my triangle. So as pfLP92UVzsy-00507-00271896-00272352 we find we've got this nice these three points which move proportionally along pfLP92UVzsy-00508-00272512-00273000 along those edges. sS now what I can do is I can say, "okay I'm going to, you know, pfLP92UVzsy-00509-00273000-00273480 like in a spreadsheet drag down my polygon" and some of you might have some idea where pfLP92UVzsy-00510-00273480-00274136 this is going - so with these quick commands I can just, you know, drag down a few times, pfLP92UVzsy-00511-00274240-00274792 and then I get something beautiful like this! And my favourite thing about this really pfLP92UVzsy-00512-00274880-00275496 is, you know, that you can play with the slider, but also, you know, if I want to pfLP92UVzsy-00513-00275552-00276224 rearrange how my original triangle was, um, I can move those points around. So I think that's pfLP92UVzsy-00514-00276224-00276840 I think that's done - done with my demos, um, (BEN: Thank you Becky!) there's a little, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00515-00277048-00277448 a little - if you want to - if you want to join my maths art - uh my Geogebra art class, do drop us a pfLP92UVzsy-00516-00277448-00277792 line - I'll put you on the waiting list but there are plenty of other people who are doing great pfLP92UVzsy-00517-00277792-00278480 things out there with Geogebra, um, and Alison is online and she told me she was going to be running pfLP92UVzsy-00518-00278480-00279112 a Geogebra workshop upcoming, um, sometime in December - didn't you say Alison, um, so pfLP92UVzsy-00519-00279168-00279808 I'm sure she will keep everyone posted on that as well, check the hashtag, follow me on, um, Twitter pfLP92UVzsy-00520-00279912-00280720 oh sorry Alison I've - I've just dumped you in it sorry, um, so at Twitter I'm @beckykwarren, pfLP92UVzsy-00521-00280720-00281296 um, and my email address is, um, i'll put my email address in there [types in chat]. BEN: pfLP92UVzsy-00522-00281296-00281792 While Becky's typing that I - I know that Becky has to go very shortly; if there are questions pfLP92UVzsy-00523-00281864-00282280 particularly for her we're going to have a little bit longer to tinker and I'll do some other demos pfLP92UVzsy-00524-00282280-00282680 for you, if anyone's still around, but before Becky goes now is the time to get your questions pfLP92UVzsy-00525-00282680-00283008 in the chat for Becky - or jump on a microphone to be honest, because there's not loads of us pfLP92UVzsy-00526-00283008-00283344 here - I hope that's okay Becky, if you've got a couple of minutes to see if there's anyone pfLP92UVzsy-00527-00283344-00283640 wanting to ask you anything based on what you've shown us? BECKY: Yes, five more minutes I've got! pfLP92UVzsy-00528-00283756-00284144 BEN: It turns out Becky has to do real work in California! JOHN: Can I just ask - John Bibby pfLP92UVzsy-00529-00284144-00284496 here - there's one specific question but the context is, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00530-00284560-00284992 this is a project I've rather parked because I've got myself in several dead ends, pfLP92UVzsy-00531-00284992-00285384 some of them technological and this has been very useful - it's helped me brush off some sort of 10 pfLP92UVzsy-00532-00285384-00285952 year old cobwebs from my knowledge of Geogebra but, um, I'm trying to build a bridge between on pfLP92UVzsy-00533-00285952-00286448 the one hand statistical visualisations where you've got data, and on the other hand things pfLP92UVzsy-00534-00286448-00287056 like a generalised version of Ulam's spiral, which I'm sure you know about, and the technology I want pfLP92UVzsy-00535-00287056-00287512 is in Excel and I'm just wondering whether it's here - it's uh to have a spreadsheet in which you pfLP92UVzsy-00536-00287512-00288000 can get the cells basically square and then you can colour the cells according to the value that pfLP92UVzsy-00537-00288000-00288584 is in the cell. Is that something you can do in Geogebra? BEN: Do you want to tackle that Becky? pfLP92UVzsy-00538-00288816-00289168 BECKY: Ooh, I'm not sure - I haven't really played with that - the spreadsheet functionality pfLP92UVzsy-00539-00289168-00289696 in that way, but potentially? BEN: I think what John is referring to is conditional formatting pfLP92UVzsy-00540-00289696-00290424 which certainly exists in Excel I don't think it works in the Geogebra spreadsheet; but what pfLP92UVzsy-00541-00290488-00290872 the Geogebra spreadsheet has an advantage for is that anything you put in a spreadsheet could pfLP92UVzsy-00542-00290872-00291368 be represented in the graphics view visually - so there'd be a way to make those cells refer pfLP92UVzsy-00543-00291368-00291936 to something in a coordinate axis but not quite as simple as colouring the cells according to pfLP92UVzsy-00544-00291936-00292344 what's in there. That -that, you're probably better off staying in Excel - Excel is still pfLP92UVzsy-00545-00292344-00292728 a valid spreadsheet. JOHN: Yeah there's other things I want to do that I can't do in Excel, pfLP92UVzsy-00546-00292728-00293128 but anyway I might come back to you with an Excel question, thank you very much. BEN: pfLP92UVzsy-00547-00293128-00293456 There's - I don't know if Necky's found this but there's almost certainly - if someone says pfLP92UVzsy-00548-00293456-00293896 "can Geogebra do such and such?" the answer is "yes", but, uh, you've got to find the right pfLP92UVzsy-00549-00293896-00294216 button - or if you can't find the right button you write to Michael Borcherds, pfLP92UVzsy-00550-00294216-00294488 who's the lead developer of Geogebra and say "I wish Geogebra would do this", and usually within pfLP92UVzsy-00551-00294488-00294824 20 minutes he responds on Twitter and says "yeah, just update your version" pfLP92UVzsy-00552-00294824-00295256 Yeah. I'm kind of exaggerating slightly. JOHN: The answers I've had so far are just "oh, John, pfLP92UVzsy-00553-00295256-00295856 it's easy you can write it in Python" but for that I have to brush away my Python cobwebs BEN: I feel pfLP92UVzsy-00554-00295856-00296400 those cobwebs as well! Geogebra is like learning a programming language - their similarity is quite pfLP92UVzsy-00555-00296400-00296792 strong but it's kind of a geometrical programming language and an algebraic programming language, pfLP92UVzsy-00556-00296792-00297128 more of which i'll show in a minute; before Becky has to go, uh, thanks for your question pfLP92UVzsy-00557-00297128-00297544 John - I'm sorry we can't answer it satisfactorily yet. Anything else for Becky before she goes? pfLP92UVzsy-00558-00297704-00298064 Katie has just put a comment - you can make points change colour based on their properties; pfLP92UVzsy-00559-00298064-00298480 it's called dynamic colouring, and I can show an example of that in a moment, uh, if needed. pfLP92UVzsy-00560-00298760-00299488 Questions for Becky are, um, now - now is the time. BECKY: You can always email me questions pfLP92UVzsy-00561-00299488-00300244 if you've got anything that comes up later, um, always happy to hear from Geogebra fans. BEN: pfLP92UVzsy-00562-00300312-00300808 I thoroughly recommend following Becky on Twitter, even if it's just to see nice artwork regularly pfLP92UVzsy-00563-00300808-00301312 animating all over your Twitter feed - it's wonderful, and I haven't done her course yet on pfLP92UVzsy-00564-00301312-00301768 using art to make Geogebra but even if you're happy with Geogebra, being sort of given the pfLP92UVzsy-00565-00301768-00302200 discipline of making art with it is a really good way to get better at anything and that that's true pfLP92UVzsy-00566-00302200-00302768 whether it's Geogebra or using paints - or so I'm told but, um, Becky is one of the leading lights pfLP92UVzsy-00567-00302768-00303320 of making nice art on Geogebra with - in Twitter and, so go and follow her I think. SAM: It's pfLP92UVzsy-00568-00303320-00303792 probably worth saying as well how pleasing that was just to watch, so thank you very very much pfLP92UVzsy-00569-00303792-00304256 Becky - that totally made my day. BEN: Did I - did I say it the wrong way round? Kevin's just pfLP92UVzsy-00570-00304256-00304640 asking - "using art to make Geogebra"! That's clearly why Geogebra exists - it's - it's an pfLP92UVzsy-00571-00304640-00305220 artistic creation. Becky: anything you want to say before we we leave you to your real job? BECKY: pfLP92UVzsy-00572-00305272-00305688 No, this has been - it's been really lovely though and yeah, maybe i'll just you know start a pfLP92UVzsy-00573-00305688-00306080 YouTube streaming where I just do things on Geogebra and you can just like have it on in pfLP92UVzsy-00574-00306080-00306496 the background as a kind of relaxation - you know? BEN: I genuinely think there's a market pfLP92UVzsy-00575-00306496-00306952 for that! Let's keep moving because I want to give people another chance to vote on what pfLP92UVzsy-00576-00306952-00307168 else they want to ask about - BECKY: Well, it's been lovely to see you all BEN: Becky thank you pfLP92UVzsy-00577-00307592-00307944 and uh yeah Becky over in California (BECKY: Thanks everyone!) has to start a real day pfLP92UVzsy-00578-00307944-00308472 of work now. We, officially, uh, these previous sessions have been running for an hour; pfLP92UVzsy-00579-00308472-00308816 we did warn, and I hope you got the message that this one might run a bit longer. I have pfLP92UVzsy-00580-00308816-00309440 got other demos I can show but I don't want to do things that are irrelevant for people, so I think pfLP92UVzsy-00581-00309440-00309912 I would like to give you a vote on what I show you next; you are of course free to leave at any point pfLP92UVzsy-00582-00309912-00310416 if you are, uh, Geogebra-ed out, although I don't know how that happens - it's never happened to me pfLP92UVzsy-00583-00310416-00310784 SAM: Or actually have real world things to do? BEN: Well, there's always that; pfLP92UVzsy-00584-00310784-00311072 so I'm just gonna - there are several things I'd like to show; um, pfLP92UVzsy-00585-00311128-00311472 Katie mentioned to me in a private message and I think it is worth demonstrating that you - you can pfLP92UVzsy-00586-00311472-00311936 do colouring things, and the other thing I haven't mentioned a lot of is that the the name Geogebra pfLP92UVzsy-00587-00311936-00312496 is a portmanteau of geometry and algebra, and a lot of what we've talked about so far pfLP92UVzsy-00588-00312496-00313016 is more geometrical. And I want to point out that the algebraic functions in geogebra are strong pfLP92UVzsy-00589-00313016-00313408 and fundamentally integrated with the geometry, and that's what makes it strong and I would like pfLP92UVzsy-00590-00313408-00313896 to demo something of that, but: I would - if I put this poll up -I'm actually going to share pfLP92UVzsy-00591-00313896-00314584 four options that I've just written in Word, so let's just do this, um, okay are you seeing, pfLP92UVzsy-00592-00314584-00315224 uh, four options with with four words and I wonder if we could start a poll? Would you like me to pfLP92UVzsy-00593-00315312-00315664 do a demo that involves something to do with the Mandelbrot set? Uh, do a demo that pfLP92UVzsy-00594-00315664-00316048 involves something with sunflower spirals? And those two are demos - I won't necessarily talk pfLP92UVzsy-00595-00316048-00316576 about how I built those files ,although I can do if there's long enough; uh I would pfLP92UVzsy-00596-00316576-00317088 also like to show you things that are much more sort of algebraic, so the gradient function, pfLP92UVzsy-00597-00317088-00317520 which is code for differentiation maybe from first principles; and maybe a Maclaurin or Taylor pfLP92UVzsy-00598-00317520-00318136 series -these are not necessarily, um, enrichment ideas but they are nice ways of visualising bits pfLP92UVzsy-00599-00318136-00318472 of maths that you might already know about but seeing them move makes a difference; and those pfLP92UVzsy-00600-00318472-00318960 two I can build from scratch, uh, live in front of you at quite some speed - but remember this is pfLP92UVzsy-00601-00318960-00319472 being recorded. So if you would like to vote, um, why is the poll not working? That's interesting. pfLP92UVzsy-00602-00319784-00320168 I'm gonna - I'm gonna launch it again; hopefully you're now able to vote for one of those things. pfLP92UVzsy-00603-00320168-00320624 I'm not gonna take this as gospel - I won't commit myself to doing all of these but if - if pfLP92UVzsy-00604-00320624-00321096 two of them are sort of sharing the vote I'll try and do those two before we finish, pfLP92UVzsy-00605-00321096-00321600 and I'll make sure that I leave a little bit of time before 5.30 for some further questions. pfLP92UVzsy-00606-00321600-00322112 There are lots of things to learn about Geogebra, but as long as you don't treat this as your only pfLP92UVzsy-00607-00322112-00322432 chance to learn it then you'll be fine. This is an introduction to Geogebra in the end; pfLP92UVzsy-00608-00322488-00323032 the, uh, I'm going to give a couple more seconds to the voting -several people - at the moment, pfLP92UVzsy-00609-00323032-00323408 you can't see the results, but at the moment the gradient function construction is winning, but the pfLP92UVzsy-00610-00323408-00323904 votes are spread around all of those options; so I think I'm going to start by showing you a gradient pfLP92UVzsy-00611-00323904-00324432 function construction and if we have time I'll do another demo possibly of possibly the Maclaurin pfLP92UVzsy-00612-00324432-00324848 series - that's also doing well on the votes, um, and there'll be time for further questions pfLP92UVzsy-00613-00324848-00325408 as well, so let me stop sharing a screen; Sam, are you happy for me to carry on with a demo? I'm pfLP92UVzsy-00614-00325408-00325816 just checking that there's nothing else burning in the chat that needs to be addressed. Okay, pfLP92UVzsy-00615-00325992-00326440 uh Alison is commenting about singing Smash Mouth: that's an entirely different pfLP92UVzsy-00616-00326440-00326952 workshop. Okay, uh, I'm trying to SAM:Wait, you do a workshop on that? pfLP92UVzsy-00617-00327084-00327544 BEN: Not yet but you know, say the word and send me, uh, send me the money and pfLP92UVzsy-00618-00327656-00328256 I will pollute your ears. I am hopefully sharing a blank Geogebra screen once again - give me a nod pfLP92UVzsy-00619-00328256-00328792 if you're seeing that. Okay, quick context, uh, the vote was strongest for the gradient function pfLP92UVzsy-00620-00328792-00329280 construction, so I'm going to construct a file which allows me to talk about what the gradient of pfLP92UVzsy-00621-00329280-00329744 a function might mean, particularly for students - or just generally interested people - who are pfLP92UVzsy-00622-00329744-00330248 used to gradients being of straight lines and not of curved functions. So the algebraic things of pfLP92UVzsy-00623-00330248-00330824 Geogebra are strong; I can do functions I can type f of x equals; I'm going to pick x cubed subtract pfLP92UVzsy-00624-00330824-00331240 x which is a nice curvy looking function. A couple of things about Geogebra to realise: pfLP92UVzsy-00625-00331240-00331664 using a mouse wheel - and again, this is why I like the downloaded version; the- the keyboard pfLP92UVzsy-00626-00331664-00332064 shortcuts are better - but I could just zoom in, so I'm scrolling my mouse wheel to zoom in. There pfLP92UVzsy-00627-00332064-00332472 are zoom tools but you don't need to click on them - just use a mouse wheel; um, you can change the pfLP92UVzsy-00628-00332472-00332920 scale - cubic functions tend to go quickly; I want to spread this out - if I just drag around pfLP92UVzsy-00629-00332920-00333384 the screen I'm moving it, but if I hold down shift (you can't see me holding down shift) pfLP92UVzsy-00630-00333448-00333888 and I drag one of the axes, you can change the scale of one axis. And that's quite a crucial pfLP92UVzsy-00631-00333888-00334376 keyboard shortcut to be able to scale what you see to fit nicely; uh, and actually I want to go up pfLP92UVzsy-00632-00334376-00334920 again. Maybe there: so there's the nice curvy bit of a cubic function. I'm going to create a point pfLP92UVzsy-00633-00334920-00335280 on this function; I'm going to use the point tool - if you use the point tool on a background you pfLP92UVzsy-00634-00335280-00335808 just create a point, but if I put a point on the function it makes a point on the function and it pfLP92UVzsy-00635-00335808-00336280 only moves on the function. That's already quite useful; what I'd really like to know is what's the pfLP92UVzsy-00636-00336280-00336856 gradient of this function and to do that we have to realise that it's going to change because it's pfLP92UVzsy-00637-00336856-00337440 curved - it's not a straight line. There is a tangent tool in Geogebra; so if I click on the pfLP92UVzsy-00638-00337440-00337864 third option here the tangent tool is here; if I don't know how to use it I can hover over it; pfLP92UVzsy-00639-00337864-00338280 "select point or line then circle, conic or function"; it's a little bit cryptic to be honest, pfLP92UVzsy-00640-00338280-00338648 but in this case it's really saying pick a point and then a function and it'll draw the pfLP92UVzsy-00641-00338648-00339144 tangent to that function at that point in this case, that point, this function. Boom! pfLP92UVzsy-00642-00339408-00339792 And it moves. And to be honest if I didn't like dragging it around, pfLP92UVzsy-00643-00339792-00340200 I right click on it and click animate on, and I just - again I walk away and let people watch pfLP92UVzsy-00644-00340200-00340704 this. Already I think we have a fertile discussion of what the gradient of a curve function is; pfLP92UVzsy-00645-00340704-00341024 because it's moving, it's capturing all the generality at once and I could go on about pfLP92UVzsy-00646-00341024-00341488 this - I really think we have responsibility as educators and demonstrators of mathematics pfLP92UVzsy-00647-00341488-00342000 to make it move, because we haven't been able to do that in previous generations of maths outreach pfLP92UVzsy-00648-00342088-00342472 but now it's free on Geogebra and Desmos and all those things. I'm aware this is pfLP92UVzsy-00649-00342472-00342936 not yet the gradient function; what I'd like to do is track the gradient of this function pfLP92UVzsy-00650-00342936-00343248 at a particular point, and there's a couple of subtleties, so I'm going to stop the animation pfLP92UVzsy-00651-00343248-00343664 just for now - I'm going to maybe drag it back up here. There's a command buried in Geogebra which pfLP92UVzsy-00652-00343664-00344072 it took me ages to find - and it's brilliant, but it's not in the help files because it's so basic; pfLP92UVzsy-00653-00344128-00344640 and that command is how to grab the x-coordinate or in fact the y-coordinate of a point on your pfLP92UVzsy-00654-00344640-00345112 screen. I would like to get the x coordinate of a, because that's kind of where I am in the function pfLP92UVzsy-00655-00345112-00345656 and the command for that is x brackets a. Uh it's such a short command that it's really not in there pfLP92UVzsy-00656-00345656-00346032 but if I press return on that you can see it's made a little thing in the algebra window here: pfLP92UVzsy-00657-00346032-00346408 negative 0.8, which is roughly where the x coordinate is. I didn't need to make that - I pfLP92UVzsy-00658-00346408-00346864 could have just used the command x of a whenever I want to grab the x coordinate of a; what I would pfLP92UVzsy-00659-00346864-00347488 like to do is plot the point which has the same x coordinate as a, but in fact has the same y pfLP92UVzsy-00660-00347488-00348152 coordinate as the slope of that line. So to do it the long way around there's a slope tool which is pfLP92UVzsy-00661-00348152-00348504 nice - remember what I said about Geogebra: if you're wondering "can it do that?" the answer pfLP92UVzsy-00662-00348504-00348952 is "yes, probably it's in one of these buttons", and if it's not it might be in a command - there's pfLP92UVzsy-00663-00348952-00349392 literally thousands of commands buried in there; I'm not going to expand all these - there's loads pfLP92UVzsy-00664-00349392-00349744 of commands in here and you can start typing them. For example if you start typing that you pfLP92UVzsy-00665-00349744-00350296 get a list of command options coming up. There's a lot to explore here; we can't do it all today; pfLP92UVzsy-00666-00350296-00350624 what I really want is the slope command, and there is a button, there's also a command for pfLP92UVzsy-00667-00350624-00351008 it and I want the slope of this line. And you can see it's drawn me the slope of that line, pfLP92UVzsy-00668-00351008-00351432 which is nice - and it changes as we move around. It's drawn the sort of gradient triangle pfLP92UVzsy-00669-00351536-00351968 and it's given a value m - that's presumably because of the old mx + c convention; pfLP92UVzsy-00670-00352032-00352408 in that case though what I would like to do is plot a coordinate which has the x coordinate pfLP92UVzsy-00671-00352408-00352952 the same as a but its y coordinate is in fact the gradient, i.e. m - and this is the sort pfLP92UVzsy-00672-00352952-00353408 of subtle bit: just type it in I would like a coordinate, that's normally got two brackets; pfLP92UVzsy-00673-00353408-00353800 I would like the x bit to be x of a, and I'd like the y coordinate to be the number m. pfLP92UVzsy-00674-00354064-00354472 There's no command for this: I just type it in. Once you realise that Geogebra will just let pfLP92UVzsy-00675-00354472-00354808 you build what you want, then you start seeing the potential power here, pfLP92UVzsy-00676-00354864-00355120 and it's going to move - so as I drag a you can see b moves, pfLP92UVzsy-00677-00355192-00355504 and I hope you recognise what sort of shape it's moving in - just to save a bit of time pfLP92UVzsy-00678-00355504-00356024 I'm going to animate a and you can see that b is moving in what I might call the gradient function pfLP92UVzsy-00679-00356024-00356464 of the cubic curve. I hope you recognise what shape b is: it would be lovely if we could pfLP92UVzsy-00680-00356464-00357040 leave b sort of making a trace wouldn't it? Good - luckily Geogebra can do that. Right click on b, pfLP92UVzsy-00681-00357040-00357472 turn on the trace and as it comes back on the screen you'll see b leaving a track wherever it pfLP92UVzsy-00682-00357472-00357992 goes. I hope - here it comes. Whee! Don't know why I said whee - it feels like a nice moving thing. pfLP92UVzsy-00683-00358136-00358576 Okay: cut long story short I've basically differentiated the cubic function, by tracking the pfLP92UVzsy-00684-00358576-00358936 gradient of the cubic function, and lo and behold it looks like a quadratic function. There's a lot pfLP92UVzsy-00685-00358936-00359352 to talk about - you can imagine teaching this is quite powerful; the movement is good - uh, pfLP92UVzsy-00686-00359352-00359784 one other command though you might want in Geogebra is: first of all, the trace function is pfLP92UVzsy-00687-00359784-00360216 very ephemeral - it disappears as soon as you move around; it's just a really - sort of - it's there pfLP92UVzsy-00688-00360216-00360616 until you drag and then it vanishes. What I'd like is sort of more concrete version and to do that pfLP92UVzsy-00689-00360616-00361048 there's a locus command. This is surprisingly useful. Anything that moves as a result of pfLP92UVzsy-00690-00361048-00361504 something else moving ,you can leave a permanent trace if you like. So this locus command asks pfLP92UVzsy-00691-00361504-00362080 for 'Select a locus point and then a point on an object or slider'. In this case the point that you pfLP92UVzsy-00692-00362080-00362656 want to trace out, and the point that controls it. So in this case I want to trace out b as a moves; pfLP92UVzsy-00693-00362744-00363440 there it is, and that is the gradient function as a locus. To cut a long story short: I could change pfLP92UVzsy-00694-00363440-00364184 the original function - double click this; let's make it sin x. What will the gradient function be? pfLP92UVzsy-00695-00364328-00364880 It will be cosine x, and because I've constructed it, everything updates as I change the original pfLP92UVzsy-00696-00364880-00365224 inputs. Uh, obviously we have to deal with the fact that we're working in radians here - I'm pfLP92UVzsy-00697-00365224-00365640 not going to tackle that unless anyone wants me to talk about degrees versus radians later on; pfLP92UVzsy-00698-00365640-00366064 nice way to explore it. Final thing though: Geogebra is actually an algebraic program as pfLP92UVzsy-00699-00366064-00366472 well. This - I've kind of constructed this geometrically by talking about coordinates, pfLP92UVzsy-00700-00366472-00366984 but it will actually differentiate a function - f is sin x; I can type in f dashed of x pfLP92UVzsy-00701-00367080-00367496 and it will plot it anyway. So if I hide the locus and everything else you can see that it knows the pfLP92UVzsy-00702-00367496-00367896 differential of sine is cosine and everything else. So Geogebra can do differentiation pfLP92UVzsy-00703-00367896-00368368 actually analytically as well - in fact it has a computer algebra system built into it under the pfLP92UVzsy-00704-00368368-00368800 CAS thing here, but that's another can of worms which I don't want to open right now because we pfLP92UVzsy-00705-00368800-00369488 will need all night and I don't have all night. All I've done here is build a gradient function pfLP92UVzsy-00706-00369488-00369984 construction. And actually I feel like doing this live - actually building the construction pfLP92UVzsy-00707-00369984-00370472 in front of an audience - has a little bit more value than presenting a finished file like this. pfLP92UVzsy-00708-00370552-00371000 But the classroom link I shared earlier does have a finished version of this gradient pfLP92UVzsy-00709-00371000-00371408 function thing, and if you want to follow that classroom link I'll make sure it's unpaused after pfLP92UVzsy-00710-00371408-00371784 this session; you can go and have a play with my demonstration file and maybe try and build your pfLP92UVzsy-00711-00371784-00372216 own version. Obviously you could just do that on your standalone copy of Geogebra as well, pfLP92UVzsy-00712-00372216-00372736 but I'll make sure the demo file for this is available. So I promised I'd do that one, pfLP92UVzsy-00713-00372736-00373216 um, are there any questions about this gradient function construction or anything you wish that pfLP92UVzsy-00714-00373216-00373688 it could do now we've built this - anything else you want to ask? I've got more demos in me but pfLP92UVzsy-00715-00373688-00374248 I don't want to overload you. B- by the way, if you want to ask a question it's probably pfLP92UVzsy-00716-00374248-00374648 quicker to jump on the microphone than the chat and you're welcome just to jump on the mic and pfLP92UVzsy-00717-00374648-00375096 ask me anything you want. KEVIN: Yeah, I was I was going to be wrangling the questions but we pfLP92UVzsy-00718-00375096-00375712 haven't got any questions in the cha,t so yeah just just feel free to uh ask Ben a question. pfLP92UVzsy-00719-00375836-00376376 BEN: I'm interested in, um, what people didn't know already who - I know that Alison and Sam pfLP92UVzsy-00720-00376376-00376704 have used Geogebra before but there's a few things like that shift drag is- is a useful pfLP92UVzsy-00721-00376704-00377144 tip I'm glad that was new; uh Sam has written down the summary of the - that x coordinate pfLP92UVzsy-00722-00377144-00377576 piece of advice is really really helpful to get a piece of algebra out of a point... pfLP92UVzsy-00723-00377736-00378296 Okay, the the second demonstration that won on the vote was the Maclaurin Taylor series pfLP92UVzsy-00724-00378296-00378640 and since that is a construction I can do from scratch I will I will try and do that in the pfLP92UVzsy-00725-00378640-00379088 next five minutes, and then we've officially got a quarter of an hour for any other questions and pfLP92UVzsy-00726-00379088-00379536 if you want me just to do more demos - you know, I did warn everyone that, uh, we could pfLP92UVzsy-00727-00379536-00380016 be here all night but I will finish at half past unless someone wants to pay me to stay over... pfLP92UVzsy-00728-00380132-00380672 FRAN: Ben, are you able to build into whatever you're going to show us the bit that Katie pfLP92UVzsy-00729-00380672-00381072 mentioned about being able to... dynamic colouring for points? BEN: That's a very good point - so let pfLP92UVzsy-00730-00381072-00381400 me show you the demo file for this one I built, which I spent a little bit time- more time pfLP92UVzsy-00731-00381400-00381832 prettying up and including some dynamic colouring; I'm going to stop sharing this and show you my pfLP92UVzsy-00732-00381888-00382472 demo file. I mean there's a lot to be said for the difference between one you build on the fly pfLP92UVzsy-00733-00382472-00383056 and the one you spend time prettying up, which is my code for paying attention to the aesthetics. pfLP92UVzsy-00734-00383296-00383816 Okay let me just share the right thing here: sharing my second screen, this is the, uh, pfLP92UVzsy-00735-00383816-00384104 the gradient function demo - give me a nod if you're seeing a more complicated looking screen. pfLP92UVzsy-00736-00384264-00384632 Okay in the online - you can always upload online resources to Geogebra and then they're pfLP92UVzsy-00737-00384632-00385000 free to share; you can see this thing is animating away, I hope, in a similar pfLP92UVzsy-00738-00385000-00385384 way but I've done a little bit more care and attention - you can see some tick boxes exist, pfLP92UVzsy-00739-00385384-00385840 and I've got an input box to change the function I've got, sort of, I can click the trace on, pfLP92UVzsy-00740-00385840-00386152 I can show b and that so it turns on b. Now something else is happening with the pfLP92UVzsy-00741-00386152-00386696 colouring of that b point, and that's what I want to demo - although one other comment is that when pfLP92UVzsy-00742-00386696-00387048 you upload a file to Geogebra, there's always this little button on the bottom right which pfLP92UVzsy-00743-00387048-00387512 maximises it onto a screen and that's really useful for demonstrating in a classroom pfLP92UVzsy-00744-00387512-00387984 or when you're sharing over Zoom because it sort of fills the available space. pfLP92UVzsy-00745-00388088-00388552 So can you just uh confirm to me by nodding on the video again if you are seeing this animating file pfLP92UVzsy-00746-00388552-00389064 now - and the trace seems to change colour. Uh was it Fran who asked about the changing colour? pfLP92UVzsy-00747-00389144-00389624 So Fran, what you'll notice is that I've made the point b, which is my gradient trace, pfLP92UVzsy-00748-00389688-00390216 change colour at a certain point and I wonder if it's obvious to everyone when it changes pfLP92UVzsy-00749-00390216-00390684 colour - jump on the mic and tell me: just, I need some interaction at this point. ALISON: pfLP92UVzsy-00750-00390760-00391352 Whether it's positive or negative. BEN: Yeah, and when you said it I know you mean the gradient of pfLP92UVzsy-00751-00391352-00391744 the original function. And the reason I've done that is if I was trying to get a class introduced pfLP92UVzsy-00752-00391744-00392120 to the concept of gradient, I might, before I end up tracing b (and I'm going to just turn off pfLP92UVzsy-00753-00392120-00392592 that trace now) I might ask them to sort of put their hands up whenever they think the gradient pfLP92UVzsy-00754-00392592-00393008 is positive and then put them down when it's negative, and just get the whole class doing that, pfLP92UVzsy-00755-00393008-00393424 and even an audience if I was going to do that - and it's kind of a fun way to force them to pfLP92UVzsy-00756-00393424-00393992 engage with the dynamic nature. So, hand up and down, and it's still down, it's still down... pfLP92UVzsy-00757-00393992-00394376 and now it's up again - and it forces them to realise when it's positive and negative, and pfLP92UVzsy-00758-00394376-00394904 then I can capture that by showing b that point I've made and I've made it change colour when pfLP92UVzsy-00759-00394904-00395424 that changes. So how did I do that? Let me quickly show you that to do that. I need to get hold of b. pfLP92UVzsy-00760-00395656-00395968 If you right click on anything in Geogebra, as long as you're in a sort of decent version of pfLP92UVzsy-00761-00395968-00396304 Geogebra and it's not sort of locked down web version, then you can get to the properties of pfLP92UVzsy-00762-00396304-00396696 the thing - and the web version is a bit clunky; it kind of takes up loads of screen space which pfLP92UVzsy-00763-00396696-00397176 is another reason why I like the downloaded version, but in the advanced tab of the properties pfLP92UVzsy-00764-00397232-00397744 there are some dynamic colours options, and the crucial thing is here if you understand about RGB pfLP92UVzsy-00765-00397744-00398200 values - you can change it to HSV values - that's just a way of specifying a colour. The way you pfLP92UVzsy-00766-00398200-00398728 can specify the colour can have variables in it. And inn this case the variable a is involved and pfLP92UVzsy-00767-00398728-00399352 I've got a situation here where a is - I think - a hundred: I've chosen that, um, and let's have a pfLP92UVzsy-00768-00399352-00400056 look at what a is; a is an if statement: I've made it if the gradient is zero - bigger than zero, pfLP92UVzsy-00769-00400056-00400536 then a is a hundred and if it is not bigger than zero a becomes zero. So this is a sort pfLP92UVzsy-00770-00400536-00401000 of almost a command in a programming language - it's actually a Geogebra command: an if statement; pfLP92UVzsy-00771-00401080-00401440 you have to get used to that, but then I'm using that value a to determine the properties pfLP92UVzsy-00772-00401440-00402040 of the colour of b. Jumping back to that, you can see that when a is 100 that becomes one pfLP92UVzsy-00773-00402112-00402552 and the others becomes zero, I think, and then when a is zero that becomes zero and these become pfLP92UVzsy-00774-00402552-00402960 100 so it changes from fully red to a mixture of green and blue pfLP92UVzsy-00775-00402960-00403552 which apparently is - whatever colour it is (being slightly colourblind I'm not sure) pfLP92UVzsy-00776-00403728-00404352 What color is that? Teal? Should we go with teal? I'm just guessing words. FRAN: Aqua! BEN: pfLP92UVzsy-00777-00404352-00404872 Aqua - that's a new word for me. Good. So, um, I realise that was not a comprehensive tutorial but pfLP92UVzsy-00778-00404872-00405320 the fact that there is a dynamic colouring option buried in the settings is kind of what you need to pfLP92UVzsy-00779-00405320-00405696 know, and then go and play with it and make it change based on another variable. Everything on pfLP92UVzsy-00780-00405696-00406128 Geogebra is based on variables -almost everything you can type into you can set - you can type in a pfLP92UVzsy-00781-00406128-00406488 number, or you could type in a variable that changes based on something else changing. pfLP92UVzsy-00782-00406552-00406936 The other thing to mention is that I've done some tick boxes - uh, someone, I think, uh, pfLP92UVzsy-00783-00407056-00407408 who was it in the, uh, was it Claire in the chat was saying tick boxes look pfLP92UVzsy-00784-00407408-00407944 complicated - there is a tool for tick boxes and it's relatively easy to use. There is a slight pfLP92UVzsy-00785-00407944-00408320 catch in how it does it behind the scenes but to cut a long story short pfLP92UVzsy-00786-00408472-00409024 every func- every object has a property buried behind it; so I'm going to get the properties of pfLP92UVzsy-00787-00409024-00409616 this function x... f, sorry - and in the advanced tab there is a condition to show the object. pfLP92UVzsy-00788-00409688-00410064 And what you actually build with the tick box is a boolean - a true or false, whether it's pfLP92UVzsy-00789-00410064-00410568 ticked or not - and you make that tick or cross change this thing here and that's how to change pfLP92UVzsy-00790-00410672-00411392 a hide or show thing. But the tech - the tick box button in here actually does that for you, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00791-00411392-00411864 which Katie learned the hard way, by doing it really the proper way ,behind the scenes, pfLP92UVzsy-00792-00411864-00412352 and then realising there is eventually a shortcut to it. Happy to explain that more later on, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00793-00412480-00412856 I said I'd do one more demo but since that question from Fran was a helpful way to make sure pfLP92UVzsy-00794-00412856-00413296 I said I'd do what I said about the colouring, any other questions in that vein while I'm demoing pfLP92UVzsy-00795-00413296-00414039 this? SAM H: Ben, in the number there you used an if statement; (BEN: Yes.) Can you do that in point pfLP92UVzsy-00796-00414039-00414568 definitions and in other places as well? Can you do it anywhere? BEN: Yes. Remember: the questions pfLP92UVzsy-00797-00414568-00415216 that start with "can Geogebra do...?" - yes. Yes, they can. So I could create a point which is - pfLP92UVzsy-00798-00415216-00415839 I'm gonna say - if m is greater than zero, I could create a point at (1,0) - I don't- pfLP92UVzsy-00799-00416080-00416472 this is- I don't know why you'd want to - and if it's not, make a point at (2,0); pfLP92UVzsy-00800-00416600-00417160 what I'm doing is writing an if statement there that depends on m and will create a point at (1,0) pfLP92UVzsy-00801-00417239-00417743 or at (2,0) based on that thing - so I'm kind of making points come out of the if statement; pfLP92UVzsy-00802-00417743-00418184 so if I - if I do that, you can see that point c is turned up and it will jump over there. pfLP92UVzsy-00803-00418320-00418824 So the - the- that point c depends on an if statement I built. Once you realise that pfLP92UVzsy-00804-00418824-00419160 sort of power is available you realise this is a proper programming language - in fact everything pfLP92UVzsy-00805-00419160-00419752 in Geogebra is a command in this input bar; what they've actually done is made the tools at the top pfLP92UVzsy-00806-00419752-00420168 shortcuts for some commands but there's a lot of tools available that are not picture tools pfLP92UVzsy-00807-00420168-00420568 but they are in the command bar available; uh, some really complicated stuff, one of which pfLP92UVzsy-00808-00420568-00421047 i'll show you in a moment to do with a Taylor series expansion - there is no button for that, pfLP92UVzsy-00809-00421112-00421424 but that's a really nice question from Sam - 'if' statements are powerful and pfLP92UVzsy-00810-00421424-00421760 you can use them for anything. Any other questions on this one? pfLP92UVzsy-00811-00421992-00422184 I am rushing you through Geogebra 101 here. pfLP92UVzsy-00812-00422424-00422704 Ooh, Katie's called the colour 'cyan' just to update you on that. I'm just, pfLP92UVzsy-00813-00422704-00423088 uh, catching up. Okay I'd like to do one more demo and then I'm going to stop pfLP92UVzsy-00814-00423088-00423400 demoing at you even though I love it so much. pfLP92UVzsy-00815-00423728-00424128 Keep the questions coming - you're of course free just to interrupt me at any point just to uh pfLP92UVzsy-00816-00424208-00424504 ask me something interesting. I'm going to start with a brand new pfLP92UVzsy-00817-00424504-00424743 Geogebra file and I'm going to share that with you now. pfLP92UVzsy-00818-00425168-00425784 Can you see how much I'm sweating on the camera? I shouldn't shouldn't have pointed that out. pfLP92UVzsy-00819-00425880-00426176 Okay give me a nod if you're seeing a blank looking Geogebra file again? pfLP92UVzsy-00820-00426304-00427072 Lovely. Okay this time I'm going to create a - let's - let's do - let's do sin x again; I think pfLP92UVzsy-00821-00427072-00427696 that's a good function to play with. And I want to point out that you can create a series - this pfLP92UVzsy-00822-00427696-00428192 is a function which is clearly not polynomial but you can pretend that it is a polynomial: pfLP92UVzsy-00823-00428192-00428768 for example the polynomial y equals x is quite close to it. Can you see that? I - I pfLP92UVzsy-00824-00428768-00429128 realise it's not very obviously the same - it doesn't wiggle, but if I zoom in close enough pfLP92UVzsy-00825-00429192-00429496 they're actually ridiculously close and if you didn't know already that sine x pfLP92UVzsy-00826-00429496-00429984 is approximated quite well by the function x at small values then now you can see it visually. pfLP92UVzsy-00827-00430039-00430647 It's better approximated by the function x subtract x cubed over three, pfLP92UVzsy-00828-00430943-00431247 because it's got kind of the wiggles in the same place. Now, it's not perfect pfLP92UVzsy-00829-00431247-00431624 but actually does a little bit better than straight line - although not a lot better, pfLP92UVzsy-00830-00431624-00432032 um, so why is that better and how could I come up with other polynomials that make it? Well pfLP92UVzsy-00831-00432032-00432480 that's the whole point of a Taylor series or a Maclaurin series, and if you teach A-level maths pfLP92UVzsy-00832-00432480-00432735 that's when they first meet it; but it's a really lovely thing that even pfLP92UVzsy-00833-00432735-00433176 functions which are not polynomials can indeed be polynomials and Geogebra can do this for you, pfLP92UVzsy-00834-00433176-00433616 and the fact that it's just a command, I love. So the first thing I'm going to do is create a slider pfLP92UVzsy-00835-00433728-00434160 which I'm going to call n, and this is going to be the number of terms I'm going to create for the pfLP92UVzsy-00836-00434160-00434696 polynomial; I'm going to let it go from 0 up to - I don't know - 30, and I'm gonna - I'd like it to pfLP92UVzsy-00837-00434696-00435272 go up in ones. So you can see this button - this option box for sliders lets you define a slider pfLP92UVzsy-00838-00435272-00435680 to do whatever you want. You can see that slides from 1 - 0 to 30. It doesn't do anything - it's pfLP92UVzsy-00839-00435680-00436056 just a slider at the moment, but now I'm going to type in the magic - I'm going to start typing the pfLP92UVzsy-00840-00436056-00436608 word taylor and you can see that - ah, 'would you like a taylor polynomial?' Yes, Geogebra, pfLP92UVzsy-00841-00436608-00437064 yes I would. You can press return to select the functions or you can use arrow keys if there's pfLP92UVzsy-00842-00437064-00437535 more than one available from the suggestions; in this case it's asking for a function, an x value, pfLP92UVzsy-00843-00437535-00437976 and an order number. The function I want to use is my f which I defined earlier so I'm just typing f; pfLP92UVzsy-00844-00437976-00438416 I would like to expand it around zero - which is incidentally what they call a pfLP92UVzsy-00845-00438488-00438816 Maclaurin series, when a Taylor series expands around zero - let's not worry about that; pfLP92UVzsy-00846-00438920-00439216 and then I'm going to say how many terms I'd like the polynomial - that's the n I pfLP92UVzsy-00847-00439216-00439600 made earlier. I've left it parked on 11 for no good reason, but let's just type in n pfLP92UVzsy-00848-00439720-00440088 and there we have it. One other tip :any algebraic representation on the left if pfLP92UVzsy-00849-00440088-00440328 I would like it visible on the screen I can just drag that onto the screen pfLP92UVzsy-00850-00440488-00441008 and there I've got the algebraic version of this function. Here's the original one: so sine x and pfLP92UVzsy-00851-00441008-00441392 that polynomial are remarkably similar -if I zoom out you can see that they're pretty good. pfLP92UVzsy-00852-00441392-00441704 I'm just going to stop these moving around by clicking 'absolute position on the screen' pfLP92UVzsy-00853-00441776-00442096 and you're all dying to see what happens when I change the slider: if I reduce the number pfLP92UVzsy-00854-00442096-00442520 of terms you can see the polynomial gets worse and worse - starts off with zero, there's the pfLP92UVzsy-00855-00442520-00443112 one we talked about earlier there's the cubic one, um, oh it's three factorial that's why it pfLP92UVzsy-00856-00443112-00443720 was rubbish earlier no one pointed out my error! And if I keep dragging - I love that oscillation. pfLP92UVzsy-00857-00443904-00444272 I mean I knew about Maclaurin and Taylor series, but the first time I saw this little animation, pfLP92UVzsy-00858-00444272-00444816 which you can build in about 30 seconds flat, I was like, "that's why the more terms you've got pfLP92UVzsy-00859-00444816-00445352 it's better!" And actually if you look at other polynomials - for example, uh, someone give me pfLP92UVzsy-00860-00445352-00446008 another polynomia,l uh... e to the x? Let's change the original function to be e to the x pfLP92UVzsy-00861-00446256-00446576 and you can see that this also gets better and better - but the right hand side is always pretty pfLP92UVzsy-00862-00446576-00446912 good; it's just the left hand side that's oscillating in a slightly kind of weird and pfLP92UVzsy-00863-00446912-00447400 comical way; I'm not sure why I find that funny but I kind of do. Um, the reason I want to demo pfLP92UVzsy-00864-00447400-00447880 this is this is a fundamentally algebraic and sort of calculus based topic, but Geogebra really helps pfLP92UVzsy-00865-00447880-00448232 you demonstrate it and it's doing that because it's good at algebra and it has that Taylor pfLP92UVzsy-00866-00448232-00448800 command - and, you can make things move; you can generalise things, and that visual approximation pfLP92UVzsy-00867-00448800-00449192 of things with movement involved helps all of us understand what's going on as things change. pfLP92UVzsy-00868-00449280-00449808 Okay, end of demo, time for questions if you want any - I'm just going to leave this animating. pfLP92UVzsy-00869-00450124-00450632 JOHN: Ben, I'm sorry to monopolise - before you go I've got a bit of a sort of meta question pfLP92UVzsy-00870-00450632-00450992 I'd like to ask - not specific to this. BEN: Ask it now and I'll tell pfLP92UVzsy-00871-00450992-00451247 you if I think it's worth asking answering in front of everyone, pfLP92UVzsy-00872-00451247-00451528 and if it's not then I'll loiter for five minutes at the end and we'll tackle it. pfLP92UVzsy-00873-00451600-00452088 JOHN: Yesterday I went to an Autograph seminar BEN: Good! Autograph is also getting better and pfLP92UVzsy-00874-00452088-00452952 better. JOHN: Right and, um, having been, that was wiping away some Autograph cobwebs, um, and after pfLP92UVzsy-00875-00452952-00453392 them both I've come to the conclusion more or less that I don't need both of them. Now firstly, pfLP92UVzsy-00876-00453392-00453784 is that correct? I mean is there anything that one does that the other doesn't and vice versa? pfLP92UVzsy-00877-00453856-00454335 and secondly, sort of - personal preferences aside - can you put your finger on anything pfLP92UVzsy-00878-00454335-00455064 that Autograph does that Geogebra doesn't or vice versa? BEN: That is, I think, a worthwhile pfLP92UVzsy-00879-00455064-00455576 question to answer now to everybody unless there are other burning questions, um, I will comment pfLP92UVzsy-00880-00455576-00456184 on this because it is a common concern, like - basically other packages are available. That's pfLP92UVzsy-00881-00456184-00456664 the important headline here; we chose to focus on one today because actually if I try to demonstrate pfLP92UVzsy-00882-00456664-00456935 three different packages - and I'm thinking of three particularly different packages in pfLP92UVzsy-00883-00456935-00457424 my head which I'll say in a moment -there's no way we could show you the depth of all of them pfLP92UVzsy-00884-00457424-00457776 so it may be that we should run another session on Autograph, and we should run another session pfLP92UVzsy-00885-00457776-00458208 on Desmos, having just done one on Geogebra. Those three, I think, are worth knowing about. pfLP92UVzsy-00886-00458304-00458752 Geogebra is free - it now works in a browser and online and downloaded and a phone; pfLP92UVzsy-00887-00458752-00459208 Desmos is free it works in a browser - not as a downloaded version, but it does work on a phone; pfLP92UVzsy-00888-00459208-00459712 Autograph is now free thanks to, I think, Complete Maths, um, and they're doing lots of work on pfLP92UVzsy-00889-00459712-00460216 Autograph; and so here's a quick potted summary of which ones are useful for what: Autograph was pfLP92UVzsy-00890-00460216-00460704 the first one to get a 3D mode that functioned. Changed our worlds, if you played with lots of pfLP92UVzsy-00891-00460704-00461439 3D things. In my opinion Geogebra 3D mode is now superior. Autograph still has a very good 3D mode, pfLP92UVzsy-00892-00461439-00461752 and Desmos doesn't, for example - so there's one comparison between the two. pfLP92UVzsy-00893-00461888-00462272 If you were going to use Desmos to plot complex numbers, it's difficult; Geogebra has them built pfLP92UVzsy-00894-00462272-00462696 in - for a long time Autograph didn't, but now it does, so Autograph has caught up on that; pfLP92UVzsy-00895-00462776-00463272 and Geogebra as well. If you want to do simple graphing, Desmos is a very clean interface - it pfLP92UVzsy-00896-00463272-00463720 works very naturally and instinctively, but if you want to do complicated functions like I've been pfLP92UVzsy-00897-00463720-00464247 modeling, say the Taylor polynomial here - Desmos won't do that; and I don't know if Autograph will pfLP92UVzsy-00898-00464247-00464888 do that. I suspect there would be a way to make it happen. (JOHN: Yeah) Now, getting away from facts: pfLP92UVzsy-00899-00464888-00465416 I find Autograph less intuitive. And I find the fact that all the commands are available pfLP92UVzsy-00900-00465416-00465760 in Geogebra - I can go and look at the help file - a bit more intuitive; but that could just be a pfLP92UVzsy-00901-00465760-00466104 product of the fact that I've spent more time with it. So I think all those three are worth pfLP92UVzsy-00902-00466104-00466568 knowing about - they're all getting better all the time and now they're all free so: choose pfLP92UVzsy-00903-00466568-00466928 one and dust the cobwebs off and don't stress too much about it is my summary. JOHN: Yeah, pfLP92UVzsy-00904-00466928-00467288 thank you. KEVIN: Right, right - okay, okay - Ben I'm gonna have to stop you there because we're pfLP92UVzsy-00905-00467288-00467816 gonna run out of time quite soon because there was a couple of things you know we were gonna say, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00906-00467816-00468232 and we're also going to, uh, Sam was going to say something - Sam Hartburn was going to say pfLP92UVzsy-00907-00468232-00468792 something - I mean we kind of, uh... BEN: Yeah, good point. SAM H: Yeah, um, it's a shame Becky pfLP92UVzsy-00908-00468792-00469296 didn't hang around really because I did Becky's, um, online Geogebra course and I just wanted to pfLP92UVzsy-00909-00469296-00469928 tell you how fantastic it was. Um, I'd done a fair bit of Geogebra stuff before, but I learned lots pfLP92UVzsy-00910-00469928-00470639 of new tricks to make things more efficient and to do things quicker, but the main thing was it's pfLP92UVzsy-00911-00470639-00471056 just really inspiring -she showed us lots more designs than she showed us today - obviously, pfLP92UVzsy-00912-00471056-00471696 it was a 10 week course - and, um, just lots of really inspiring designs, um, enabled me to go and pfLP92UVzsy-00913-00471696-00472272 do lots of new and different things and, yeah, really highly recommend - highly recommend it; pfLP92UVzsy-00914-00472272-00472743 it was really a social thing as well, um, just to get together with other people who liked pfLP92UVzsy-00915-00472743-00473176 playing with Geogebra and like playing with art and we share our designs on Twitter and pfLP92UVzsy-00916-00473272-00473743 work on things together - it's just been a really nice thing to do. So, yeah definitely sign up pfLP92UVzsy-00917-00473743-00474232 if - uh, when - if/when she runs another one. BEN: Let me back that up by saying I didn't do Becky's pfLP92UVzsy-00918-00474232-00474728 course but watching the output from Sam Hartburn for example on Twitter shows me what an amazing pfLP92UVzsy-00919-00474728-00475080 course it is, because I can see lots of people having a really good time making amazing stuff pfLP92UVzsy-00920-00475080-00475535 and loving doing so and if you want to go - I think second following suggestion :follow Sam pfLP92UVzsy-00921-00475535-00475943 Hartburn, because some some of the art she's produced off the back of Becky's course is pfLP92UVzsy-00922-00475943-00476372 lovely and it's just worth looking at. KEVIN: Indeed, indeed SAM H: Aww, thanks Ben. KEVIN: pfLP92UVzsy-00923-00476464-00476968 Yes thanks Sam, um, so I think we really should wrap it up, so, uh, thanks to Becky who's uh pfLP92UVzsy-00924-00476968-00477600 unfortunately, uh, had had to, uh - has got herself a job now so, um, well sorry a uh - a pfLP92UVzsy-00925-00477600-00477952 job BEN: Another job! KEVIN: Another job - it's not freelancing yes I mean that's uh. pfLP92UVzsy-00926-00478208-00478800 Yeah, um, so yes thanks to Ben and Becky, um, there are a couple of things I should say; pfLP92UVzsy-00927-00478800-00479376 the last video that we did or rather last session that we did, we've got it on video it is up on pfLP92UVzsy-00928-00479376-00480104 the YouTube channel, um, but unfortunately it doesn't have the proper, um, uh captions pfLP92UVzsy-00929-00480104-00480472 on it yet because we haven't had time, so if anybody wants to volunteer and do the captions, pfLP92UVzsy-00930-00480535-00481288 um, then if they could please that'd be fantastic, um, so volunteers for that. Next time we've got pfLP92UVzsy-00931-00481288-00481839 Inclusivity in Maths Communication so that'll probably be towards the end of November, um, pfLP92UVzsy-00932-00481839-00482439 so probably a month from now more or less, and we'll look - well look out on the the email that pfLP92UVzsy-00933-00482439-00482920 we send around for that. I think I should just end by saying well thank you very much everybody for pfLP92UVzsy-00934-00482920-00483639 coming and asking your questions and, um, I'm sure Ben, um, will will be available for questions, pfLP92UVzsy-00935-00483704-00484135 uh, by by email, um BEN: I'll loiter for a couple of minutes now, although I won't stay pfLP92UVzsy-00936-00484135-00484447 too long, if anyone needs KEVIN: ...for a few minutes because - because, as - we've got an pfLP92UVzsy-00937-00484447-00484943 important insight into Ben's mind: that, uh, art is there for doing Geogebra! Well that's - that's pfLP92UVzsy-00938-00484943-00485392 uh important insight I think for.. to Ben BEN: I don't see the contradiction. KEVIN: So, so pfLP92UVzsy-00939-00485392-00485935 thanks very much for everybody and I think as Ben says he'll be he'll be hanging around uh for five pfLP92UVzsy-00940-00485935-00486368 minutes or so if you want any more. But anyway thanks all for coming and we'll see you next time. pj07t8ckaaU-00000-00000096-00000500 Here's another important note about naming alkenes-- sometimes they can pj07t8ckaaU-00001-00000500-00000629 simultaneously be pj07t8ckaaU-00002-00000629-00000948 alcohols in which case we refer to them as pj07t8ckaaU-00003-00000948-00001498 "enols", and the ranking as you see in this molecule favors the location of pj07t8ckaaU-00004-00001498-00001523 the pj07t8ckaaU-00005-00001522-00002016 -OH group in the alcohol so the alcohol group outranks the double bond pj07t8ckaaU-00006-00002016-00002338 so this chain is number backwards, and notice pj07t8ckaaU-00007-00002338-00002718 the name reflects that the 2 is where the alcohol pj07t8ckaaU-00008-00002718-00003181 group is and that puts the carbon-carbon double bond starting at carbon number pj07t8ckaaU-00009-00003181-00003234 4 pj07t8ckaaU-00010-00003234-00003538 so that becomes 4-penten-2-ol pj07t8ckaaU-00011-00003538-00004238 numbers to tell us where both of those important features are located. this next pj07t8ckaaU-00012-00004371-00004464 slide shows pj07t8ckaaU-00013-00004464-00004952 a couple more important alkyll groups that have double bonds pj07t8ckaaU-00014-00004952-00005305 we've seen things like methyl, ethyl, tertiary butyl pj07t8ckaaU-00015-00005305-00005787 back in Chapters 2 and 3 and 4 pj07t8ckaaU-00016-00005787-00006218 and now we see this ethenyl group that has pj07t8ckaaU-00017-00006218-00006565 a carbon-carbon double bond. If that were hanging off with a pj07t8ckaaU-00018-00006565-00007029 ring for example that might be called ethenyl, but it's much more commonly pj07t8ckaaU-00019-00007029-00007172 referred to as vinyl pj07t8ckaaU-00020-00007172-00007645 that's a very old and traditional name for this. a lot of vinyl plastics you might be pj07t8ckaaU-00021-00007645-00007745 familiar with pj07t8ckaaU-00022-00007745-00008199 are made starting with compounds that have this structural feature pj07t8ckaaU-00023-00008199-00008649 if you add another CH2 group that vinyl becomes allyl pj07t8ckaaU-00024-00008649-00008999 also more formally known as propenyl pj07t8ckaaU-00025-00008999-00009299 so these molecules at the bottom can be pj07t8ckaaU-00026-00009299-00009749 named based on using these substituent names pj07t8ckaaU-00027-00009749-00010109 vinyl chloride is more I guess officially named as pj07t8ckaaU-00028-00010109-00010420 chloroethene, and this allyl alcohol is pj07t8ckaaU-00029-00010420-00010884 a common name for a what would be 2-propen-1-ol pj07t8ckaaU-00030-00010884-00011289 and remember we start numbering where the -OH group is pj07t8ckaaU-00031-00011289-00011989 in preference to where the double bond is. If you build a molecular model of an pj07t8ckaaU-00032-00012029-00012203 alkene you do find that pj07t8ckaaU-00033-00012203-00012561 you get these 120 degree bond angles around the carbons pj07t8ckaaU-00034-00012561-00012904 all these atoms will be in the same plane and pj07t8ckaaU-00035-00012904-00013393 as it mentions there a double bond is shorter than a single bond, it's stronger pj07t8ckaaU-00036-00013393-00013681 than a single bond,although it's not twice as strong pj07t8ckaaU-00037-00013681-00014119 but because of that extra bonding that means there's not any conformational pj07t8ckaaU-00038-00014119-00014369 changes we can talk about here these atoms pj07t8ckaaU-00039-00014369-00014763 surrounding this double bond are pretty much stuck in place pj07t8ckaaU-00040-00014763-00015216 These next slides talk about the hybridization pj07t8ckaaU-00041-00015216-00015776 in alkenes, similar to what was done for alkanes back in Chapter two pj07t8ckaaU-00042-00015776-00016113 we're not going to get much into this-- I pj07t8ckaaU-00043-00016113-00016525 included these slides just to point you in the right direction in case you're pj07t8ckaaU-00044-00016525-00016579 taking pj07t8ckaaU-00045-00016579-00017153 some standardized tests that require you to know something about hybridization pj07t8ckaaU-00046-00017153-00017490 with alkanes with all the single bonds it was pj07t8ckaaU-00047-00017490-00017798 sp3, it was mixing an s-orbital with pj07t8ckaaU-00048-00017798-00018287 all 3 p-orbitals for carbon to come up with those four tetrahedral pj07t8ckaaU-00049-00018287-00018756 orbitals you just mix one of the s's with one of the p-orbitals pj07t8ckaaU-00050-00018756-00019151 when you're talking about alkenes and these sp2 orbitals that have already pj07t8ckaaU-00051-00019151-00019304 been mixed here at the bottom pj07t8ckaaU-00052-00019304-00019779 that gives us three equivalent orbitals and they would naturally be pj07t8ckaaU-00053-00019779-00020268 coplanar and 120 degrees apart. it's pj07t8ckaaU-00054-00020268-00020656 the overlap of carbons with the single-electron in this pj07t8ckaaU-00055-00020656-00021228 oun-hybridized p-orbital that's where that second bond the double bond comes from pj07t8ckaaU-00056-00021228-00021592 and here's all of that kinda superimposed on one structure pj07t8ckaaU-00057-00021592-00021962 with the double bond we have pj07t8ckaaU-00058-00021962-00022468 as it shows here what's a sideways overlap up these un-hybridize p-orbitals pj07t8ckaaU-00059-00022468-00022781 Orbitals usually overlap end-to-end pj07t8ckaaU-00060-00022781-00023107 but this sideways overlap means these orbitals are pj07t8ckaaU-00061-00023107-00023476 overlapping in 2 areas--both lobes down here on the bottom left pj07t8ckaaU-00062-00023476-00023824 that's not as strong as an interaction pj07t8ckaaU-00063-00023824-00024204 as the head to head bonding of the sp2 orbitals pj07t8ckaaU-00064-00024204-00024657 but it is the source of that extra bond that we draw, that extra line to pj07t8ckaaU-00065-00024657-00024788 indicate a double bond pj07t8ckaaU-00066-00024788-00025443 and these head to head orbital overlaps are refered to as sigma bonds that's a small case pj07t8ckaaU-00067-00025443-00025666 sigma down here in the purple region pj07t8ckaaU-00068-00025666-00026013 and the pi bonds here that's the term used to pj07t8ckaaU-00069-00026013-00026497 refer to overlap when it is sideway, not end-to-end. pj07t8ckaaU-00070-00026497-00026872 and here's a few more related pj07t8ckaaU-00071-00026872-00027187 comments about that kind of pj07t8ckaaU-00072-00027187-00027597 molecular explanation of bonding with molecular pj07t8ckaaU-00073-00027597-00027643 orbitals pjQWvXejRug-00000-00000003-00000537 Hey, you got a minute? -I gotta go. -That's okay. That's okay. This'll only take a pjQWvXejRug-00001-00000537-00001080 minute. It's a Crappy One Minute Wednesday. -What? One cache. -One minute. pjQWvXejRug-00002-00001080-00001398 Cue the title. -Start the clock. -Go! pjQWvXejRug-00003-00001416-00001476 [ Loon calls ] pjQWvXejRug-00004-00001598-00001660 [ Loon calls ] pjQWvXejRug-00005-00002150-00002568 [ laughter ] Wow! Look at this. This is great! pjQWvXejRug-00006-00002710-00002986 Oh there's a couple critters in here. -That's awesome. pjQWvXejRug-00007-00003002-00003247 Is that a trackable? -Yeah. -That's a big travel bug. pjQWvXejRug-00008-00003247-00003450 We have the cache owner with us. pjQWvXejRug-00009-00003460-00003804 How you doing? -Hey, how are ya? -This is an awesome cache. pjQWvXejRug-00010-00003804-00003878 -Thank you very much. pjQWvXejRug-00011-00003878-00004222 -It's really, really, cool. We have to take a close look at it. -Yeah. -How long has it pjQWvXejRug-00012-00004223-00004708 been here? -Uh. I think, I don't know. -You don't know. -Four or five years. pjQWvXejRug-00013-00004708-00005021 -It's gotta have a lot of Favourite Points. -I believe we have over 300 pjQWvXejRug-00014-00005021-00005405 Favourite Points. -Yeah, oh it's gonna have more after today. That's awesome. pjQWvXejRug-00015-00005406-00005776 -Every time you come out here the cache keeps growing. People add. -Yeah. pjQWvXejRug-00016-00005794-00006282 -They sign the walls, add all these buttons. This dog was left by another friend. pjQWvXejRug-00017-00006282-00006688 -For a good time call. -Yeah. Don't call me. pjQWvXejRug-00018-00006752-00007150 [ laughter ] Oh, oh, there's Tsmola, right there. -Yeah. -Yeah, he did pjQWvXejRug-00019-00007154-00007540 a video on this one. That's cool. That's awesome. pjQWvXejRug-00020-00007702-00007802 [ Loon calls ] pjQWvXejRug-00021-00007888-00007976 [ Loon calls ] pjQWvXejRug-00022-00007990-00008494 See what I mean. It was one Crappy Cache! -That's true. -And that's what it's called. pjQWvXejRug-00023-00008494-00008940 It's called a Crappy Cache. It's awesome to meet the CO here too. -Yeah. pjQWvXejRug-00024-00008940-00009363 -And get some trackables. -Lots of TB's here. -Yeah it was really, pjQWvXejRug-00025-00009363-00009810 really, awesome. We signed our name up beside Darkflair we know from Canada, pjQWvXejRug-00026-00009810-00010452 and Tsmola. -And Favourite Points. -Oh absolutely. Definitely two more here. pjQWvXejRug-00027-00010452-00010808 Well over 300 [ favourite points ] gonna go for four pretty soon. -Yeah. pjQWvXejRug-00028-00010808-00011056 Worth coming for a visit. -Absolutely. pjQWvXejRug-00029-00011070-00011448 Thanks for watching, and don't forget to Like, Share, and -Subscribe. pjQWvXejRug-00030-00011450-00011886 And ring the bell. -Right. -Keep watching there's more caches to be found. pjQWvXejRug-00031-00011886-00012162 -Where will Geocaching take you? pjQWvXejRug-00032-00012162-00012452 All the way to Michigan. And we've got our smiley. pjQWvXejRug-00033-00012452-00013033 This is a one. This is a one. This is a, this is a Crappy pjQWvXejRug-00034-00013033-00013319 One a Minute Wednesday. pkffes_ISAA-00000-00000000-00000910 This video will explain how to use concept maps to break down complex topics into their individual related parts. pkffes_ISAA-00001-00000910-00001726 This is a good way for a visual learner to understand the correlation between parts of a concept or idea. pkffes_ISAA-00002-00001726-00002283 Begin by writing a main topic at the top of your page, and draw a circle around it. pkffes_ISAA-00003-00002283-00002843 Break your main topic into components, and arrange them in a hierarchy. pkffes_ISAA-00004-00002843-00003643 As you get farther down the page, away from your topic, the concepts become more and more specific. pkffes_ISAA-00005-00003643-00004529 Add linking lines between each component. Add in words that explain the relationship between two connected bubbles. pkffes_ISAA-00006-00004530-00005386 When you read the bubbles in descending order including the linking words you will usually get sentences relating the entire topic. pkffes_ISAA-00007-00005386-00006009 Try concept mapping when you are trying to understand complex topics. Happy studying! pnD_XefPkMg-00000-00000373-00000540 Damn it! pnD_XefPkMg-00001-00002723-00002886 It’s so frustrating... pnD_XefPkMg-00002-00003656-00003836 You've got more, don't you? pnD_XefPkMg-00003-00003913-00004010 Yes! pnD_XefPkMg-00004-00004176-00004750 I'll go against you again. pnD_XefPkMg-00005-00004873-00005096 I’ll get you ready! pnD_XefPkMg-00006-00005136-00005293 Make the most of it. pnD_XefPkMg-00007-00005433-00005546 Thank you! pnD_XefPkMg-00008-00005616-00005783 Nakanishi, thank you! pnD_XefPkMg-00009-00006850-00006996 Nagata... pnD_XefPkMg-00010-00007080-00007359 This pro-wrestling world... pnD_XefPkMg-00011-00007733-00008080 He was the one who introduced me to this world. pnD_XefPkMg-00012-00008216-00008913 After I met him, my life was changed. pnD_XefPkMg-00013-00008990-00009136 I won't give up. pnD_XefPkMg-00014-00009286-00010050 I won't waste this second chance from Nakanishi. pnD_XefPkMg-00015-00010213-00011450 He's not human, a monster, but I'll give him hell. pnD_XefPkMg-00016-00012386-00013466 I could see that he's grown, little by little, mastering each hold and strike... pnD_XefPkMg-00017-00013743-00014390 He understands how to take advantage of his physique. pnD_XefPkMg-00018-00014433-00014540 But… pnD_XefPkMg-00019-00014553-00016030 Pro-wrestling is a real fight. He needs to maintain his composure when he's on the defensive. pnD_XefPkMg-00020-00016066-00016386 That’s what makes a pro-wrestler. pnD_XefPkMg-00021-00016633-00017953 It’s all about what you do in that ring. He has to channel his emotions effectively. pnD_XefPkMg-00022-00018026-00018203 That’s what I ask of him. pnD_XefPkMg-00023-00018210-00018446 I know there's greatness in there. pnD_XefPkMg-00024-00018603-00019850 I taught him the same way my mentors taught me. pnD_XefPkMg-00025-00019970-00021406 I believe I showed him everything in that ring today. pnD_XefPkMg-00026-00021513-00022830 That’s how I was trained by Hase and Sasaki. They knocked me down and taught me how to stand up. pnD_XefPkMg-00027-00023126-00023556 Kitamura needs more of that. pnD_XefPkMg-00028-00023563-00024270 I don't think anyone gave him that, before. pnD_XefPkMg-00029-00024280-00024483 So, I did it. pnD_XefPkMg-00030-00024516-00025560 It would have been great if he could blow me off, but I’m tougher than I look. 26 years going... pnD_XefPkMg-00031-00025796-00026093 Kitamura needs more of this. pnD_XefPkMg-00032-00026130-00026470 And he’ll become a real pro-wrestler. pnD_XefPkMg-00033-00026506-00026733 That’s why I was hard on him today. pnD_XefPkMg-00034-00026836-00027023 That’s all. pnXJANjDacM-00000-00000126-00000290 ♫ pnXJANjDacM-00001-00000512-00000872 This video will provide you with a few ways to share your Zoom cloud recordings pnXJANjDacM-00002-00000872-00001216 with your students from within the Zoom tool in your Blackboard course site. pnXJANjDacM-00003-00001216-00001544 It is important to note that these steps will only work if you have chosen 'record pnXJANjDacM-00004-00001544-00001735 to cloud' when recording your Zoom meeting. pnXJANjDacM-00005-00001735-00002039 If you have a recording that was saved directly to your computer hard drive, pnXJANjDacM-00006-00002039-00002311 there are alternate steps required to share with your students and we will pnXJANjDacM-00007-00002311-00002624 cover that in a separate video. The best way to share cloud recordings pnXJANjDacM-00008-00002624-00002840 is to publish them from within the Zoom tool pnXJANjDacM-00009-00002840-00003184 in Blackboard. To be able to publish a recording to a class you will have to pnXJANjDacM-00010-00003184-00003568 have created the Zoom meeting within that specific Blackboard course site. pnXJANjDacM-00011-00003568-00003879 Once you have completed your recording and ended the zoom meeting, you will pnXJANjDacM-00012-00003879-00004232 receive an email when the recording has completed processing and is available to pnXJANjDacM-00013-00004232-00004464 share. When you navigate to the Zoom tool in pnXJANjDacM-00014-00004464-00004832 Blackboard, either through a tool link or through the tools section of your site, pnXJANjDacM-00015-00004832-00005096 you will see several tabs of content available to you. pnXJANjDacM-00016-00005096-00005464 Select the rightmost tab, 'cloud recordings'. From here you will see a full pnXJANjDacM-00017-00005464-00005800 list of all cloud recordings you have created using meetings in this specific pnXJANjDacM-00018-00005800-00006135 course. On the right hand side of the interface you will see a publish column pnXJANjDacM-00019-00006135-00006447 with a toggle button that you can move to the on position to share that pnXJANjDacM-00020-00006447-00006815 specific recording with students. All recordings are not shared by default pnXJANjDacM-00021-00006815-00007040 and you must manually activate the publish button pnXJANjDacM-00022-00007040-00007376 to share a video with students. Once you have published a recording, pnXJANjDacM-00023-00007376-00007728 students will be able to access the Zoom tool, again, either through the tool link pnXJANjDacM-00024-00007728-00008072 or through the course tools. They will also find a cloud recordings tab. pnXJANjDacM-00025-00008072-00008440 Your published videos will appear here in order of date and time recorded. When pnXJANjDacM-00026-00008440-00008672 a student clicks on the title of a certain recording pnXJANjDacM-00027-00008672-00009000 they will be brought to the video and audio files for that session. pnXJANjDacM-00028-00009000-00009336 When the student clicks on a certain file the passcode to view the file will pnXJANjDacM-00029-00009336-00009568 automatically be copied to their computer's clipboard. pnXJANjDacM-00030-00009568-00009872 They will need to paste that code into the following screen to access the pnXJANjDacM-00031-00009872-00010104 recording. Additionally, they can click on the 'eye' pnXJANjDacM-00032-00010104-00010464 icon underneath the recording to view the passcode and copy it down for later pnXJANjDacM-00033-00010464-00010704 use. If you have a recording that you do not pnXJANjDacM-00034-00010704-00011024 wish to publish to an entire class but you do want to share with specific pnXJANjDacM-00035-00011024-00011352 individuals, you can share a video link directly in a few ways. pnXJANjDacM-00036-00011352-00011679 First, when your cloud recording has finished processing on the Zoom server, pnXJANjDacM-00037-00011679-00011968 you will receive an email notification with two hyperlinks. pnXJANjDacM-00038-00011968-00012384 The first link will navigate to your bridgew.zoom.us profile and provide pnXJANjDacM-00039-00012384-00012632 access to that specific recording session. pnXJANjDacM-00040-00012632-00013016 The second link is the shareable invite link and the default password required pnXJANjDacM-00041-00013016-00013304 to view the recording. To share a video with a student you can pnXJANjDacM-00042-00013304-00013519 simply copy and paste both the second link pnXJANjDacM-00043-00013519-00013887 and its password into a separate email or private message to allow a student to pnXJANjDacM-00044-00013887-00014152 view the recording. You can also access the share link pnXJANjDacM-00045-00014152-00014344 directly through the Blackboard Zoom tool, pnXJANjDacM-00046-00014344-00014640 navigate to the cloud recordings tab and click on the title of the recording pnXJANjDacM-00047-00014640-00014872 you'd like to share. Here you will have access to download pnXJANjDacM-00048-00014872-00015216 the file directly or share the file. When you select share, you will be provided pnXJANjDacM-00049-00015216-00015495 with link details that you can copy and share with students directly. pnXJANjDacM-00050-00015495-00015759 These have been a few ways you can share your Zoom meeting recordings with pnXJANjDacM-00051-00015759-00015976 students, either through the publish feature or pnXJANjDacM-00052-00015976-00016208 through directly sharing the hyperlink for the recording. pnXJANjDacM-00053-00016208-00016520 For more information on this and many other topics, there are additional help pnXJANjDacM-00054-00016520-00016884 videos throughout the Teaching and Technology Center website and YouTube pnXJANjDacM-00055-00016884-00017184 page. pnXJANjDacM-00056-00017184-00017234 ♫ qoAOPGGzaZ4-00000-00004940-00005301 Imagine for a moment you’re just playing CS:GO and getting paid for it qoAOPGGzaZ4-00001-00005301-00005457 Sounds like something unreal? qoAOPGGzaZ4-00002-00005468-00005685 But it’s more than possible with Exeedme qoAOPGGzaZ4-00003-00005704-00006306 This is a unique blockchain-powered tournament platform allowing gamers at all skill-levels to monetise their skills qoAOPGGzaZ4-00004-00006330-00006462 What do you need to begin? qoAOPGGzaZ4-00005-00006479-00006600 sign up on the Website qoAOPGGzaZ4-00006-00006618-00006741 pass the verification qoAOPGGzaZ4-00007-00006755-00007031 connect Steam and Faceit accounts to your profile qoAOPGGzaZ4-00008-00007059-00007224 It’s time to make some money! qoAOPGGzaZ4-00009-00007237-00007643 You can do it by participating in free tournaments with varying prize pools qoAOPGGzaZ4-00010-00007660-00008194 In Daily Ladders for each win you receive 5 points, for each loss you lose 3 points qoAOPGGzaZ4-00011-00008218-00008729 In this way, the top 10 players by points will get a monetary prize at the end of the tournament qoAOPGGzaZ4-00012-00008741-00009210 In addition, you can participate in single elimination tournaments by yourself or with friends qoAOPGGzaZ4-00013-00009225-00009800 Be sure to enter a unique HS Top CS:GO Tournament, which will be specially held on Exeedme! qoAOPGGzaZ4-00014-00009800-00010000 The battle promises to be hot! qoAOPGGzaZ4-00015-00010000-00010461 After winning, you just need to withdraw the money in any available cryptocurrency to your wallet qoAOPGGzaZ4-00016-00010473-00010800 There are also tournaments for Dota2 and Wazone lovers. qoAOPGGzaZ4-00017-00010812-00010941 Don’t waste your time! qoAOPGGzaZ4-00018-00010948-00011502 Play your favorite games and earn money with Exeedme! The link is in the description. q4Csg78XzWQ-00000-00001008-00001592 oh q4Csg78XzWQ-00001-00002056-00002984 oh my god q4Csg78XzWQ-00002-00003568-00004208 hi guys you're here again welcome to yb plays music today it's time again for dimash the q4Csg78XzWQ-00003-00004208-00004808 monthly reaction because i said in the last one from unforgettable day that didn't count q4Csg78XzWQ-00004-00004808-00005520 as the monthly reaction to dimash but this one is it's december and it's almost christmas time so q4Csg78XzWQ-00005-00005520-00006184 before we start i want to ask if there is a specific performance from dimash that i q4Csg78XzWQ-00006-00006184-00006823 perhaps can react to specifically for christmas so if you guys have any suggestions for that q4Csg78XzWQ-00007-00006823-00007472 leave them in the comments below that said the next one that i'm going to do is daybreak and q4Csg78XzWQ-00008-00007472-00008023 i have done a poll yesterday on uh on my channel because a lot of people suggested q4Csg78XzWQ-00009-00008023-00008768 that i do both the um the singer version and the busto version and i believe in the singer version q4Csg78XzWQ-00010-00008768-00009264 there are some behind the scenes so that's why i asked you guys which ones should i do first q4Csg78XzWQ-00011-00009328-00009888 and most of you guys suggested that i first do the one on the singer competition with some behind the q4Csg78XzWQ-00012-00009888-00010472 scenes and such and then afterwards we're going to react to the bastow version so if some of you q4Csg78XzWQ-00013-00010472-00010904 guys only want to see the bastello version or the singer version there will be timestamps in q4Csg78XzWQ-00014-00010904-00011440 the description below if you want to check that out so first let's check out the one on gloria q4Csg78XzWQ-00015-00011440-00011976 wu's channel that's the one with the behind the scenes and there are subtitles in both of the q4Csg78XzWQ-00016-00011976-00012696 videos before we start off i'm gonna read the description in this video first so it says here q4Csg78XzWQ-00017-00012696-00013288 dimash fell ill before the eighth round in the singer competition after receiving treatment from q4Csg78XzWQ-00018-00013288-00013912 a local doctor he defied the odds and delivered one of his most stunning performances find out q4Csg78XzWQ-00019-00013912-00014504 the gripping true story behind daybreak and experience the song with translated lyrics q4Csg78XzWQ-00020-00014616-00015352 sounds very interesting so he had problems with his health at that point in time i'm very curious q4Csg78XzWQ-00021-00015352-00016063 to see what he was able to do in that situation and i assume in the bastard version he was not ill q4Csg78XzWQ-00022-00016063-00016512 um so we're gonna see him in two different situations okay let's start off with q4Csg78XzWQ-00023-00016512-00016984 this one with behind the scenes on the singer competition here we go q4Csg78XzWQ-00024-00017336-00017448 2017 q4Csg78XzWQ-00025-00017688-00018384 story behind daybreak q4Csg78XzWQ-00026-00019008-00019784 the night before the competition he lost his voice that's not good q4Csg78XzWQ-00027-00020024-00021184 the music also gives a lot more emotion q4Csg78XzWQ-00028-00021328-00021760 so they have this situation that they had this situation beforehand with other singers as well q4Csg78XzWQ-00029-00022240-00023288 he says oh yeah this is in china right so he doesn't understand so dimash doesn't q4Csg78XzWQ-00030-00023288-00024008 understand what he's saying i assume uh or does he speak chinese as well i don't know q4Csg78XzWQ-00031-00024200-00024488 he says i'm a bit worried now let's return a little here we go q4Csg78XzWQ-00032-00025104-00025384 his high note q4Csg78XzWQ-00033-00025839-00026520 so they say don't force yourself arriving at the competition after treatment he looks very q4Csg78XzWQ-00034-00026712-00028183 uh star like if you know what i mean like a pop star let's say q4Csg78XzWQ-00035-00031856-00032464 i don't know what the last couple of rounds of the competition were in his case and why q4Csg78XzWQ-00036-00032464-00033824 it was so tough for him but let me know in the comment section below he says good luck in english q4Csg78XzWQ-00037-00033824-00033920 is this another round q4Csg78XzWQ-00038-00034416-00035184 oh this is the other guy probably or not q4Csg78XzWQ-00039-00035928-00036472 so the song he performs is the first chinese song he has ever heard in his life q4Csg78XzWQ-00040-00036472-00036976 and that on a bad treatment let's say for his voice i mean not bad treatment but q4Csg78XzWQ-00041-00036976-00037200 a treatment that didn't work that well q4Csg78XzWQ-00042-00037424-00037984 okay q4Csg78XzWQ-00043-00038696-00039336 yeah exactly like he says the high note that the high notes that dimash sings are not q4Csg78XzWQ-00044-00039336-00039984 to show off but to express his feelings and that it that that's exactly where people q4Csg78XzWQ-00045-00039984-00040704 can can be mistaken about him like he's not showing off let's say i mean he's able to q4Csg78XzWQ-00046-00040704-00041384 show off of course but it's a way for him to express his feelings because like if you uh q4Csg78XzWQ-00047-00041384-00041952 noticed in in a lot of videos of him after the performance he's so uh q4Csg78XzWQ-00048-00042048-00042952 he's so humble and and um and gentle that it's probably hard for him to really express q4Csg78XzWQ-00049-00043056-00043832 all these emotions to the fullest whilst in these performances he can really lay it all on the floor q4Csg78XzWQ-00050-00043888-00044800 and go full out and that's probably a good way for him to to release all those emotions i think q4Csg78XzWQ-00051-00046216-00047784 okay let's see this q4Csg78XzWQ-00052-00048840-00049184 okay q4Csg78XzWQ-00053-00049992-00050584 i'm just trying to read everything here guys loved ones are alive and well q4Csg78XzWQ-00054-00051255-00051984 who is that is that family of history q4Csg78XzWQ-00055-00052496-00052696 oh man i'm getting goosebumps already just q4Csg78XzWQ-00056-00053191-00053720 is he calling to the original uh songwriter oh wow q4Csg78XzWQ-00057-00054488-00054784 dude q4Csg78XzWQ-00058-00056112-00056888 so in 1991 a cable car accident took the lives of 14 tourists in china one couple lifted their son q4Csg78XzWQ-00059-00056888-00057632 out of the falling cable car to safety they did not survive the accident oh man q4Csg78XzWQ-00060-00058096-00058504 now what does this has to do with this song is that why the song is written q4Csg78XzWQ-00061-00058504-00059264 or why he performs this song let's see hanh hong wrote daybreak to commemorate q4Csg78XzWQ-00062-00059264-00059655 to commemorate the couple's ultimate sacrifice for their child q4Csg78XzWQ-00063-00059760-00060528 she later adopted the orphan so the child did survive oh man she later adopted the door q4Csg78XzWQ-00064-00060608-00061784 jesus so han hong is the woman that wrote daybreak and then adopted the orphan oh my god okay q4Csg78XzWQ-00065-00062160-00062200 let's see q4Csg78XzWQ-00066-00062879-00063184 he's already feeling it q4Csg78XzWQ-00067-00064079-00064200 he must be thinking q4Csg78XzWQ-00068-00064496-00065984 about what happened before q4Csg78XzWQ-00069-00066432-00067288 guys i'm sorry to pause already but i gotta point out the subtle um string plucking i don't know of q4Csg78XzWQ-00070-00067288-00067936 what instrument it is is it from the violence or from from some kind of shallows i don't know q4Csg78XzWQ-00071-00068032-00068984 but you hear the subtle staccato uh plucking uh on the strings which gives such a fragile feeling an q4Csg78XzWQ-00072-00068984-00069752 intimate feeling to this intro to the song and he's starting off so how should you say it like q4Csg78XzWQ-00073-00069976-00070800 intimate really intimate and i'm feeling it already and i think he feels totally what happened q4Csg78XzWQ-00074-00070800-00071448 before was it han hong who wrote this song which gave her the inspiration to write this song q4Csg78XzWQ-00075-00071448-00072104 and then in combination with the struggle he has gone through just before this show i think this q4Csg78XzWQ-00076-00072104-00072984 must have been a very emotional um performance for him i want to hear that from the beginning again q4Csg78XzWQ-00077-00073552-00074384 he's breathing there you see it q4Csg78XzWQ-00078-00076048-00077184 foreign q4Csg78XzWQ-00079-00077712-00078584 foreign q4Csg78XzWQ-00080-00082728-00084184 foreign q4Csg78XzWQ-00081-00086632-00086984 my god these lyrics q4Csg78XzWQ-00082-00088552-00091184 oh gosh q4Csg78XzWQ-00083-00092096-00092584 oh god q4Csg78XzWQ-00084-00093520-00094232 okay oh guys i i really didn't want to pause it i have to though but oh my god i don't q4Csg78XzWQ-00085-00094232-00094736 know if you guys saw that but that was very emotional at a certain point for me as well q4Csg78XzWQ-00086-00094736-00095784 uh it's just if you place yourself in that situation the lyrics are kind of written in the q4Csg78XzWQ-00087-00095784-00096784 eyes of that or from the eyes from the orphan from that child that lost his or her parents q4Csg78XzWQ-00088-00096992-00097768 wow this must be incredibly hard for him to to perform even with his voice q4Csg78XzWQ-00089-00097768-00098424 completely intact but now with this treatment it's even harder for him to bring this and control this q4Csg78XzWQ-00090-00098424-00099032 it's such an emotional story it's really good i think that i watch this one first q4Csg78XzWQ-00091-00099032-00099656 so i have a good understanding of the backstory behind it it gives so much more value to this q4Csg78XzWQ-00092-00099656-00100984 performance you guys were right i want to return a little so we can hear the end in its entirety q4Csg78XzWQ-00093-00101232-00102384 is q4Csg78XzWQ-00094-00104776-00105183 this sounds so helpless q4Csg78XzWQ-00095-00106744-00107983 the breath control q4Csg78XzWQ-00096-00109272-00109576 let's return a little there was a technical difficulty over there q4Csg78XzWQ-00097-00109576-00110783 in that point in time that's too bad q4Csg78XzWQ-00098-00110904-00112183 oh it's in the video itself q4Csg78XzWQ-00099-00112240-00112383 all the breath in there q4Csg78XzWQ-00100-00113416-00113583 everybody is feeling that q4Csg78XzWQ-00101-00115280-00115911 this is oh no is that is that the q4Csg78XzWQ-00102-00116032-00116688 original let's return is that the original songwriter with the orphan q4Csg78XzWQ-00103-00117032-00117816 oh my god it's the first time that i get like this emotional uh with one of the master songs q4Csg78XzWQ-00104-00117880-00118448 or with one of dimash's performances because of this backstory uh q4Csg78XzWQ-00105-00118535-00119304 and and then the way he performs it just even just makes even more sense oh god q4Csg78XzWQ-00106-00119744-00120568 wow oh my god okay so guys i am not going to waste too much time i'm going to go q4Csg78XzWQ-00107-00120568-00121104 right away into the busto version of daybreak and i'm so glad that i q4Csg78XzWQ-00108-00121104-00121824 have an understanding of the meaning behind it and that will give even more uh to the q4Csg78XzWQ-00109-00121824-00122456 experience i think of watching this so let's go and check the one on dmacc's channel itself yeah q4Csg78XzWQ-00110-00122456-00123111 let's go into this one right away there are subtitles as well here oh my god guys i'm still q4Csg78XzWQ-00111-00123320-00124024 it's the first time that i really am a little bit perplexed uh because of emotions q4Csg78XzWQ-00112-00124135-00124783 in this one oh my god without any further ado let's just check this one out as well q4Csg78XzWQ-00113-00125904-00126183 head hanging down q4Csg78XzWQ-00114-00129928-00130383 is q4Csg78XzWQ-00115-00130896-00131784 my father's face for the last q4Csg78XzWQ-00116-00138048-00138352 i i'm gonna pause this for a moment guys i i mean q4Csg78XzWQ-00117-00138504-00139264 it's it's still i have to process this uh a little bit um it's so emotional and i want to comment on q4Csg78XzWQ-00118-00139264-00139888 everything that is going on as well but it's very hard to really get excitement from the whole scene q4Csg78XzWQ-00119-00139888-00140880 let's say because i'm so into the the song and the way he brings it it's it's incredible and i assume q4Csg78XzWQ-00120-00140880-00141528 here his voice is okay he didn't have any problems right there in this performance he sounds very q4Csg78XzWQ-00121-00141528-00142112 stable even though he sounded pretty stable in the other one but i think he's more in control in this q4Csg78XzWQ-00122-00142112-00142632 one like the fountains behind him that's probably projection i assume i don't think they have real q4Csg78XzWQ-00123-00142632-00144384 uh water or fountains in there uh probably yeah let's return a little and move on here we go q4Csg78XzWQ-00124-00144608-00145784 my q4Csg78XzWQ-00125-00146960-00147184 energy q4Csg78XzWQ-00126-00147688-00148224 this part really sounds and then in the last performance as well this part sounds so like q4Csg78XzWQ-00127-00148224-00148672 he's so frustrated placing himself in the eyes from the orphan i don't know the name q4Csg78XzWQ-00128-00148672-00149336 of the child back then but putting himself in his place being frustrated like i saw my parents die q4Csg78XzWQ-00129-00149336-00149840 why did this have to happen why did you leave me and leave all that frustration out which is q4Csg78XzWQ-00130-00149840-00151384 why he is going that high and giving that much power in this section of the song ah man q4Csg78XzWQ-00131-00151480-00152784 there was an ad guys sorry i will have to go back to another moment from here q4Csg78XzWQ-00132-00153992-00155584 oh is q4Csg78XzWQ-00133-00156104-00156984 oh my god q4Csg78XzWQ-00134-00158880-00159784 foreign q4Csg78XzWQ-00135-00160232-00161184 me q4Csg78XzWQ-00136-00162112-00162584 oh my god q4Csg78XzWQ-00137-00162944-00163984 he went even more crazy in this one than in the performance in the singer wow that is q4Csg78XzWQ-00138-00164408-00164536 i don't know what to say guys q4Csg78XzWQ-00139-00164760-00165384 the combination of the lyrics in the song the backstory behind the song q4Csg78XzWQ-00140-00165544-00165912 the struggle with his voice and both performances q4Csg78XzWQ-00141-00166144-00166512 i'm kind of i'm kind of speechless q4Csg78XzWQ-00142-00166744-00167120 i i mean in the last one he q4Csg78XzWQ-00143-00167368-00168088 he went even crazier with his voice probably as he had uh much more control in that situation q4Csg78XzWQ-00144-00168152-00168872 i assume but even the first one they're both so emotional uh and definitely like the first one q4Csg78XzWQ-00145-00168872-00169256 which gives that that struggle with him and the communication with the q4Csg78XzWQ-00146-00169256-00169776 original singer contacting him and the reason why she wrote that song that uh q4Csg78XzWQ-00147-00170072-00170528 i there are really no words right now that i can give to do justice q4Csg78XzWQ-00148-00170640-00171352 to this song and performance this is one that wolf would really like to react to i think q4Csg78XzWQ-00149-00171352-00172000 uh hopefully he watches uh my video i think he will get emotional for sure q4Csg78XzWQ-00150-00172072-00172968 in this one oh my god guys look i hope you appreciated my reaction to this one from q4Csg78XzWQ-00151-00172968-00173560 dimash it's hard to say like i hope you enjoyed my reaction but appreciated my reaction to this q4Csg78XzWQ-00152-00173560-00174416 one uh because it's not really joyful to have these sad situations and emotions but you can q4Csg78XzWQ-00153-00174416-00174928 have so much appreciation for the songwriter and for dimash for bringing it the way they q4Csg78XzWQ-00154-00174928-00175504 did so i hope you appreciate my reaction don't forget to subscribe like and share the video q4Csg78XzWQ-00155-00175504-00175960 also don't forget to check out my other reactions to dimash in the description down below q4Csg78XzWQ-00156-00175960-00176416 there will be some links here in the top of the screen as well i also have music videos q4Csg78XzWQ-00157-00176416-00177984 for you guys to check out and tutorials so thank you very much and see you guys next time bye q4Csg78XzWQ-00158-00179160-00179440 a lot of people suggested a lot of people should yet q4Csg78XzWQ-00159-00179600-00180456 uh with some so if you want uh there will be so without so let's check so let's first so let's q4Csg78XzWQ-00160-00180456-00181088 first check so let's first check so first let's so let's first check out the one on gloria wu q4Csg78XzWQ-00161-00181152-00181888 uh the one on glad when uh han which gave her the which gave her the q4Csg78XzWQ-00162-00182136-00183248 which give her even with uh his guys it's i'm really sorry that i have so i have a behind the q4Csg78XzWQ-00163-00183344-00183872 good or a good understanding on the school but yeah let's just q4Csg78XzWQ-00164-00184144-00185112 uh in in the in the of the of the why why did they have and giving this of the lyric and the both of q4Csg78XzWQ-00165-00185112-00185840 the both and and also don't forget i have other reaction video also don't forget q69W_5_xhoI-00000-00001652-00002071 I think when we're in China it's important to remember that that winning the battle q69W_5_xhoI-00001-00002071-00002248 may cost you the war q69W_5_xhoI-00002-00002248-00002566 and it's a natural Western reaction when dealing with conflict q69W_5_xhoI-00003-00002566-00002678 to want to win. q69W_5_xhoI-00004-00002678-00002872 If your opinion differs to mine, q69W_5_xhoI-00005-00002872-00003117 my opinion has to override yours. q69W_5_xhoI-00006-00003117-00003265 And you'll find that in China q69W_5_xhoI-00007-00003265-00003565 you may win the argument, but it will cost you in the long run. It'll cost you q69W_5_xhoI-00008-00003565-00003864 in terms of relationship because of losing 'face' q69W_5_xhoI-00009-00003864-00004201 Now as an example of this, two personal friends of mine q69W_5_xhoI-00010-00004201-00004632 are engineers and they deal with the oil and gas supply. q69W_5_xhoI-00011-00004632-00004870 One guy is a British-based engineer. q69W_5_xhoI-00012-00004870-00005196 The other guy's also British, but he's China based. q69W_5_xhoI-00013-00005196-00005577 A couple of years ago they'd signed a rather large pipeline deal with q69W_5_xhoI-00014-00005577-00005771 a State-owned enterprise. q69W_5_xhoI-00015-00005771-00006163 They provided the the gas meters q69W_5_xhoI-00016-00006163-00006398 for this pipeline. q69W_5_xhoI-00017-00006398-00006745 A month after the deal was signed and everything was fitted together q69W_5_xhoI-00018-00006745-00006869 they were called out. q69W_5_xhoI-00019-00006869-00007134 The complaint was that the pressure, they couldn't get the right q69W_5_xhoI-00020-00007134-00007368 pressure to pump the gas through the pipeline q69W_5_xhoI-00021-00007368-00007807 And since the pressure gauges were their responsibility they called out the British q69W_5_xhoI-00022-00007807-00008014 engineers. q69W_5_xhoI-00023-00008014-00008212 The first thing they did was go to meet q69W_5_xhoI-00024-00008212-00008514 the State-owned enterprise Chinese engineers. q69W_5_xhoI-00025-00008603-00008899 And having checked the machinery, checked the pipeline, the pressure gauges and q69W_5_xhoI-00026-00008899-00009140 realising that nothing was wrong with it q69W_5_xhoI-00027-00009140-00009307 the next thing they had to look at was q69W_5_xhoI-00028-00009307-00009451 the mathematics. q69W_5_xhoI-00029-00009451-00009821 So they called the chief engineer who can along with his team q69W_5_xhoI-00030-00009821-00010044 and asked to see the numbers. q69W_5_xhoI-00031-00010044-00010334 When he presented the numbers the British engineer, the British-based q69W_5_xhoI-00032-00010334-00010544 engineer, was very quick q69W_5_xhoI-00033-00010544-00010703 to spot the problem. q69W_5_xhoI-00034-00010703-00010962 And the problem was that according to him that, q69W_5_xhoI-00035-00010962-00011186 the figure they were using for gravity q69W_5_xhoI-00036-00011186-00011650 was a different figure to the universally accepted figures for gravity. q69W_5_xhoI-00037-00011650-00011867 The Chinese engineer denied it. q69W_5_xhoI-00038-00011867-00012094 Said that these figures were correct. q69W_5_xhoI-00039-00012094-00012284 The British based engineer q69W_5_xhoI-00040-00012284-00012424 got more angry q69W_5_xhoI-00041-00012424-00012878 and started to lecture him, in front of the rest of his team, using a lot q69W_5_xhoI-00042-00012878-00013019 of sarcasm, q69W_5_xhoI-00043-00013019-00013439 asking him in terms of, "If I drop an apple in China does it drop slower than if I drop q69W_5_xhoI-00044-00013439-00013721 an apple in England? Is that what you're saying to me?" q69W_5_xhoI-00045-00013721-00013894 Getting more and more aggressive with him q69W_5_xhoI-00046-00013894-00014084 using aggressive body language, q69W_5_xhoI-00047-00014084-00014546 aggressive gestures in front of his team. q69W_5_xhoI-00048-00014546-00014845 Now the China-based engineer, q69W_5_xhoI-00049-00014845-00015220 also British, but been in China for a while, realised that q69W_5_xhoI-00050-00015220-00015557 the knock-on effect of this guy losing face q69W_5_xhoI-00051-00015557-00015708 could be rather serious. q69W_5_xhoI-00052-00015708-00016057 So he stepped in and took his British colleague to one side, q69W_5_xhoI-00053-00016057-00016555 explained to him that this aggressive and reaction was not the way to solve q69W_5_xhoI-00054-00016555-00016827 the situation. q69W_5_xhoI-00055-00016827-00017203 While he was talking to the British engineer, the British based engineer q69W_5_xhoI-00056-00017203-00017438 the Chinese engineer disappeared. q69W_5_xhoI-00057-00017438-00017727 He came back a couple of minutes later with a book q69W_5_xhoI-00058-00017727-00018162 which he quite angrily waved in the face of the China based British q69W_5_xhoI-00059-00018162-00018331 engineer. q69W_5_xhoI-00060-00018331-00018742 He opened it and pointed vigorously to the figures. q69W_5_xhoI-00061-00018742-00019068 My friend, the China based British engineer q69W_5_xhoI-00062-00019068-00019195 looked at the book q69W_5_xhoI-00063-00019195-00019365 and very clearly q69W_5_xhoI-00064-00019365-00019562 the number had been scratched off q69W_5_xhoI-00065-00019562-00019752 and in inked back in, q69W_5_xhoI-00066-00019752-00020061 so freshly that he could have smudged it. q69W_5_xhoI-00067-00020061-00020170 However q69W_5_xhoI-00068-00020170-00020358 being aware of the situation q69W_5_xhoI-00069-00020358-00020566 he was able to look at the engineer q69W_5_xhoI-00070-00020566-00021004 and say "Ah, now I understand where the mistake was. The book has given you the wrong q69W_5_xhoI-00071-00021004-00021179 information. However q69W_5_xhoI-00072-00021179-00021409 if we use these figures q69W_5_xhoI-00073-00021409-00021626 we will be able to pump the gas through. q69W_5_xhoI-00074-00021626-00021992 The engineer was able to turn to his team and show that q69W_5_xhoI-00075-00021992-00022349 it wasn't his mistake, it was a printing error. q69W_5_xhoI-00076-00022349-00022473 On top of that q69W_5_xhoI-00077-00022473-00022741 my friend the China based British engineer q69W_5_xhoI-00078-00022741-00023122 had gained a lot of rapport with this Chinese guy. q69W_5_xhoI-00079-00023122-00023595 Instead of a natural Western reaction that you're lying to me, it's an insult to my q69W_5_xhoI-00080-00023595-00023699 intelligence q69W_5_xhoI-00081-00023699-00023934 he realised that actually the Chinese engineer q69W_5_xhoI-00082-00023934-00024258 was looking for steps. He just needed to avoid q69W_5_xhoI-00083-00024258-00024364 losing face q69W_5_xhoI-00084-00024364-00024579 in front of his team. q69W_5_xhoI-00085-00024579-00024861 They were very quickly able to fix the situation q69W_5_xhoI-00086-00024861-00025302 and the China based British engineer formed a very close working relationship q69W_5_xhoI-00087-00025302-00025438 with the Chinese guide q69W_5_xhoI-00088-00025438-00025714 because he understood how best to work with him. q69W_5_xhoI-00089-00026700-00027000 Subtitles by the Amara.org community q7AdMZPNHN4-00000-00000136-00000863 If you have been losing your balance and suffering from dizziness and falls, Claritox Pro just q7AdMZPNHN4-00001-00000863-00001192 may be be the solution you've been looking for. q7AdMZPNHN4-00002-00001192-00001868 Claritox Pro is a creation from Jim Benson, a 67 year old from Alma, Tennesee who's passionate q7AdMZPNHN4-00003-00001868-00002310 about plants and their ability to support our health and bodies. q7AdMZPNHN4-00004-00002310-00002843 For the past 10 years, he has been researching the natural ways for anyone to support their q7AdMZPNHN4-00005-00002843-00003167 balance and prevent dizziness and falls. q7AdMZPNHN4-00006-00003167-00003664 What he discovered is that most adults suffer from balance and dizziness problems due to q7AdMZPNHN4-00007-00003664-00004468 poor circulation, anxiety, not absorbing enough minerals into your blood stream and dehydration. q7AdMZPNHN4-00008-00004468-00005102 Typical solutions are to lie down until the dizziness passes, drink plenty of water and q7AdMZPNHN4-00009-00005102-00005429 cut down on the coffee, cigarettes and alcohol. q7AdMZPNHN4-00010-00005429-00005811 However, these only work temporarily. q7AdMZPNHN4-00011-00005811-00006360 If you want to take control of your health and correct the actual causes of your problems, q7AdMZPNHN4-00012-00006360-00006865 you need to improve the overall circulation in your body and absorb more minerals into q7AdMZPNHN4-00013-00006865-00007061 your blood stream. q7AdMZPNHN4-00014-00007061-00007581 This is how taking Claritox supplements can help. q7AdMZPNHN4-00015-00007581-00008190 Claritox pro is made from a powerful formula, created using a special blend of minerals q7AdMZPNHN4-00016-00008190-00009029 and plants, including Zinc, Chromium, Green Tea, Berberine, Resveratrol, Milk Thistle, q7AdMZPNHN4-00017-00009029-00009726 Cayenne, Korean Ginseng and Banaba, which aid in maintaining a healthy blood stream q7AdMZPNHN4-00018-00009726-00010315 and boosting your bodies ability to absorb the important minerals it needs. q7AdMZPNHN4-00019-00010315-00010990 Once your body finally begins to properly absorb the minerals and nutrients it's lacking, q7AdMZPNHN4-00020-00010990-00011503 your balance problems, dizziness and falls will become a thing of the past, which is q7AdMZPNHN4-00021-00011503-00011982 exactly what Claritox Pro is specially formulated to do. q7AdMZPNHN4-00022-00011982-00012681 Not only that, Claritox Pro is made in the USA, at an FDA approved and GMP certified q7AdMZPNHN4-00023-00012681-00013034 facility, so you know it's safe to take. q7AdMZPNHN4-00024-00013034-00013644 Even better, it doesn't contain any dangerous, habit forming stimulants or toxins. q7AdMZPNHN4-00025-00013644-00014331 So, if you are looking for a 100% natural, chemical free remedy to maintain a healthy q7AdMZPNHN4-00026-00014331-00014987 balance system and prevent dizziness and falls, check out Claritox Pro. q7AdMZPNHN4-00027-00014987-00015443 It's important to note that everyone's body chemistry is different. q7AdMZPNHN4-00028-00015443-00015819 Supplements that work for most don't work for everyone. q7AdMZPNHN4-00029-00015819-00016453 However, the best part about Claritox Pro is that you can try it for a full 60 days q7AdMZPNHN4-00030-00016453-00016620 to see if it's right for you. q7AdMZPNHN4-00031-00016620-00017101 And if for any reason you are not happy with the results you are getting, there's a full q7AdMZPNHN4-00032-00017101-00017372 money back guarantee. q7AdMZPNHN4-00033-00017372-00017759 To learn more about Claritox pro, click on the link below. q7AdMZPNHN4-00034-00017759-00018531 With a 60 day, 100% no questions asked money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose. q7AdMZPNHN4-00035-00018531-00019308 And you can finally say goodbye to your balance and dizziness problems for good. qq5XCVcNQVu-00000-00000558-00000941 Health insurance is designed to help you and your family cover the cost of your medical qq5XCVcNQVu-00001-00000941-00001317 care, including doctor visits and prescription medicines. qq5XCVcNQVu-00002-00001317-00001798 Similar to car insurance, you are responsible for paying a specific amount, or premium, qq5XCVcNQVu-00003-00001798-00002086 each month, whether or not you use any medical services. qq5XCVcNQVu-00004-00002086-00002536 In return, your insurer will pay a portion of your medical costs, should you or a family qq5XCVcNQVu-00005-00002536-00002703 member get sick or injured. qq5XCVcNQVu-00006-00002703-00003157 Keep in mind that your plan will likely require you to pay a portion of the expenses using qq5XCVcNQVu-00007-00003157-00003259 your own money. qq5XCVcNQVu-00008-00003259-00003846 These out-of-pocket costs may include a deductible, copayments, and coinsurance. qq5XCVcNQVu-00009-00003846-00004362 Now, a deductible is the amount you have to pay out-of-pocket before your plan will pay qq5XCVcNQVu-00010-00004362-00004504 any expenses. qq5XCVcNQVu-00011-00004504-00004993 This can include both medical and pharmacy expenses, meaning the deductible must be met qq5XCVcNQVu-00012-00004993-00005310 before getting coverage for some or all prescriptions. qq5XCVcNQVu-00013-00005310-00005895 So, for example, if your deductible is $1000, your plan won't pay any of your health care qq5XCVcNQVu-00014-00005895-00006353 costs until you have paid $1000 in expenses out-of-pocket. qq5XCVcNQVu-00015-00006353-00006709 Once you have met your deductible, you may still have to pay a certain amount out-of-pocket qq5XCVcNQVu-00016-00006709-00006871 for services. qq5XCVcNQVu-00017-00006871-00007247 One type of out-of-pocket cost is a copayment, or copay. qq5XCVcNQVu-00018-00007247-00007796 This is a flat fee that you must pay for specific health-related services such as a visit to qq5XCVcNQVu-00019-00007796-00008281 the ER for an injury, a trip to the doctor when you’re sick, or picking up a prescription qq5XCVcNQVu-00020-00008281-00008410 from the pharmacy. qq5XCVcNQVu-00021-00008410-00008854 For some services or prescriptions, your insurance might require a different kind of out-of-pocket qq5XCVcNQVu-00022-00008854-00009192 expense called coinsurance. qq5XCVcNQVu-00023-00009192-00009564 Coinsurance means you must pay a percentage of total costs, rather than a fixed dollar qq5XCVcNQVu-00024-00009564-00009664 amount. qq5XCVcNQVu-00025-00009664-00010149 So, for example, a medicine might require a 30% coinsurance. qq5XCVcNQVu-00026-00010149-00010560 On a $1000 medicine, you would have to pay $300. qq5XCVcNQVu-00027-00010560-00010979 Because coinsurance is a percentage and can widely vary based on the cost of a service qq5XCVcNQVu-00028-00010979-00011357 or product, it can be difficult to predict and plan for. qq5XCVcNQVu-00029-00011357-00011688 All health insurance plans are different, so make sure you are aware of what you may qq5XCVcNQVu-00030-00011688-00012010 have to pay to see your doctor or access the medicines you need. qtOijA71XWy-00000-00001188-00001318 Hello, everyone! qtOijA71XWy-00001-00001396-00001620 I really hope you enjoy this track qtOijA71XWy-00002-00001712-00002088 I originally wanted to make a 'sad EDM/Electronic song' qtOijA71XWy-00003-00002232-00002608 I thought it would be interesting and was not very common qtOijA71XWy-00004-00002728-00003112 However the vibe of the song did not really seem 'sad' to me qtOijA71XWy-00005-00003322-00003794 It seemed more like a mixture of emotions hence the title, 'Emotional' qtOijA71XWy-00006-00004052-00004436 You can come back to this track whenever you want to let some emotions out qtOijA71XWy-00007-00004534-00004672 Sadness, pain qtOijA71XWy-00008-00004708-00004848 Joy, happiness qtOijA71XWy-00009-00004880-00005018 Any emotion qtOijA71XWy-00010-00005070-00005286 Or maybe just to feel..something qtOijA71XWy-00011-00005418-00005688 I just want you to know that.. qtOijA71XWy-00012-00005720-00006034 whatever emotions you are feeling qtOijA71XWy-00013-00006114-00006360 just let them flow! qtOijA71XWy-00014-00006398-00006716 just allow yourself to feel them qtOijA71XWy-00015-00006786-00007068 It's OKAY to feel sad, qtOijA71XWy-00016-00007108-00007408 It's also okay to feel joy, you deserved it qtOijA71XWy-00017-00007548-00007934 Especially for my dudes..just know it's OKAY to cry! qtOijA71XWy-00018-00007973-00008306 People say we need to be strong and that's fine but.. qtOijA71XWy-00019-00008340-00008656 what makes you think crying makes you weak :) qtOijA71XWy-00020-00008772-00009156 well anyways, just know that YOU'RE OKAY qtOijA71XWy-00021-00009192-00009612 and I hope I could reach a few people who really needed to hear that :) qtOijA71XWy-00022-00009652-00010122 I really hope this track helped you at least a little bit to release some emotions qtOijA71XWy-00023-00010154-00010450 or maybe you just enjoyed the music qtOijA71XWy-00024-00010544-00010992 In any case I'll shut up now haha...let me know what you thought of the song and these captions :) qtOijA71XWy-00025-00013213-00013358 Ohh I love this part x) qtbKf4BRFYM-00000-00000876-00001469 When disaster or emergency strike that cause major damage to your home ow work place such qtbKf4BRFYM-00001-00001469-00002078 as fire or flooding, naturally you want to restore you property to its original state. qtbKf4BRFYM-00002-00002078-00002645 So, if you are looking for the best professional, reliable and affordable fire or water damage qtbKf4BRFYM-00003-00002645-00002770 restoration repair company. qtbKf4BRFYM-00004-00002770-00002981 You've come to the right place. qtbKf4BRFYM-00005-00002981-00003429 We are proud to be the premier local restoration repair company and customer qtbKf4BRFYM-00006-00003429-00003750 satisfaction is our #1 priority. qtbKf4BRFYM-00007-00003750-00004091 We are fully licensed and insured and our restoration repair qtbKf4BRFYM-00008-00004091-00004674 specialists have years of experience dealing with every type of situation you can imagine. qtbKf4BRFYM-00009-00004674-00006475 So contact us now and let us help put your property back the way it was. qxyg3Z6gsh0-00000-00000000-00000418 Good morning. My name is Mark Meyer. I'm one of the owners of Wigle Whiskey. qxyg3Z6gsh0-00001-00000816-00001488 We are a small, family-owned business, so we understand as well as anybody the challenges of the qxyg3Z6gsh0-00002-00001488-00002184 small business. We also understand, the financial pressures on workers today. qxyg3Z6gsh0-00003-00002598-00002828 It is tough out there. qxyg3Z6gsh0-00004-00002828-00003440 And so we think people should do what they can. And what we can do as a small, family- qxyg3Z6gsh0-00005-00003440-00004110 owned business is participate in the Pittsburgh Living Wage Program. qxyg3Z6gsh0-00006-00004461-00004766 We applaud the governor qxyg3Z6gsh0-00007-00004766-00005423 for bringing the issue to the table and we as a small business support the idea qxyg3Z6gsh0-00008-00005423-00006021 that Pennsylvania workers should get a small raise for their work. qxyg3Z6gsh0-00009-00006414-00006886 It is time to give Pennsylvania workers a raise. qzUIHGqBluo-00000-00000000-00000509 Christmas intro music qzUIHGqBluo-00001-00000690-00001105 Narrator: Nosie Christmas at the Supermarket. qzUIHGqBluo-00002-00001161-00001361 Santa claus: Ho Ho Ho... qzUIHGqBluo-00003-00001384-00002064 Santa claus: What's the secret of the cheapest supermarket in the world? qzUIHGqBluo-00004-00002084-00002530 Santa Claus: It's me ofcourse, and the presents! Ho ho ho... qzUIHGqBluo-00005-00002537-00003096 Santa Claus: Shhtt... Don't tell anyone dear readers, it's our secret! qzUIHGqBluo-00006-00003176-00003484 Nosie: So, now I know your secret. qzUIHGqBluo-00007-00003537-00003706 Santa Claus: Nosie?! qzUIHGqBluo-00008-00003781-00004129 Santa Claus: B.. but how did you know I'm here? qzUIHGqBluo-00009-00004195-00004395 Nosie: You know me, I'm the best! qzUIHGqBluo-00010-00004480-00004949 Santa Claus: However, please don't tell anyone about this, deal? qzUIHGqBluo-00011-00005000-00005410 Nosie: hmm... okay, only for one condition. qzUIHGqBluo-00012-00005437-00005781 Santa Claus: Ho ho ho... Merry Christmas! qzUIHGqBluo-00013-00005818-00006018 Customer: Thank you Santa! qzUIHGqBluo-00014-00006052-00006252 Nosie: I love it! q-n85ii01ag-00000-00000016-00000523 In this video, I will show you how easy it is to migrate from ownCloud 10 to q-n85ii01ag-00001-00000523-00001069 Nextcloud 12. As you see I have ownCloud up and running here, including a couple of q-n85ii01ag-00002-00001069-00001510 applications. Like contacts and calendar, I also installed the audio q-n85ii01ag-00003-00001510-00002076 player app but for some reason it does not show up. So, let's start the migration! q-n85ii01ag-00004-00002076-00002509 So you simply go into the folder where ownCloud is installed and you copy-paste the q-n85ii01ag-00005-00002509-00003106 commands to download the "index.php" file, which is the migrator. And then you q-n85ii01ag-00006-00003106-00003535 move it into the "updater" folder, you see it gets named "index.php.1" q-n85ii01ag-00007-00003535-00003951 because there is already "index.php" file. q-n85ii01ag-00008-00004098-00004598 And then you simply visit it into the browser. So you go to "/updater/index.php". q-n85ii01ag-00009-00004598-00005257 And there is the migrator, it correctly detects q-n85ii01ag-00010-00005257-00005767 we are running ownCloud 10.0.0 and we can migrate to Nextcloud 12. So let's get going. q-n85ii01ag-00011-00005767-00006326 The system is checked, put into maintenance modes, backup is made, files are downloaded q-n85ii01ag-00012-00006326-00007222 the integrity is verified, the files are extracted. q-n85ii01ag-00013-00007222-00007880 And very quickly we are ready to continue. Now, we can let the web-based updater do it's thing, but I'm q-n85ii01ag-00014-00007880-00008266 going to use a command line tool to show how that works. q-n85ii01ag-00015-00008460-00009254 So the system is in maintenance mode and we run the upgrades. Oh, that's easy q-n85ii01ag-00016-00009254-00009896 and quick because that's done now. So now we need to turn off maintenance mode, but I always q-n85ii01ag-00017-00009896-00011029 forget the exact command. "maintenance:mode --off". q-n85ii01ag-00018-00011077-00011855 Now, let's check in our Nextcloud instance we've upgraded to a much faster and more q-n85ii01ag-00019-00011855-00012665 secure Nextcloud. Just a refresh and here we are, you see there's a problem with q-n85ii01ag-00020-00012665-00013325 the code integrity check, Nextcloud checks if all the files are secure so you see q-n85ii01ag-00021-00013325-00013661 number of files that have failed the integrity check and this is the "audioplayer", q-n85ii01ag-00022-00013661-00014033 the "calendar" and "contacts" and the "impersonate" apps. So these certificates q-n85ii01ag-00023-00014033-00014393 are not trusted they're still ownCloud certificates, they're not Nextcloud q-n85ii01ag-00024-00014393-00014879 certificates. So you wonder, what can we do about this, well, we're going to go q-n85ii01ag-00025-00014879-00015157 back to the App Store. q-n85ii01ag-00026-00015221-00015716 So we simply need to replace them with versions from Nextcloud. Well, you see q-n85ii01ag-00027-00015716-00016185 there are newer versions available so that is very easy. The audio player q-n85ii01ag-00028-00016185-00016827 doesn't have a newer version available, so we simply remove this one. So we q-n85ii01ag-00029-00016827-00017324 reenable the "calendar", "contacts" and "impersonate" apps. So you see them up here at the top. q-n85ii01ag-00030-00017324-00017811 And then we go and install the audio player app and there is also video calls! q-n85ii01ag-00031-00017811-00018612 Let's install that too! So now these apps are back! q-n85ii01ag-00032-00018612-00019122 So we go back to the integrity checks and let it do a rescan. And now you will see, that all files q-n85ii01ag-00033-00019122-00019851 passed the check. Note that you will not have to reinstall or reenable apps when q-n85ii01ag-00034-00019851-00020348 you do an update from Nextcloud because on Nextcloud 12 we automatically reenable apps q-n85ii01ag-00035-00020348-00020704 that were enabled before you run an update. q-n85ii01ag-00036-00020704-00021026 Thank you for watching! q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00000-00000000-00000488 The New Banner system isn't just a change in banners, and you'd probably thank mihoyo that q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00001-00000488-00000888 they did it. Although, there are some new things you need to think about before you q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00002-00000888-00001392 start spending your gems. Here's 5 things to consider when pulling after patch 2.3 q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00003-00001496-00001896 Now the new banner system is subjective if it's good or bad, q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00004-00001896-00002448 but bottomline is this banner type is what we’ll be having from patch 2.3 onwards, q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00005-00002448-00003032 which means we can have a plethora of combinations from double dps banners like Xiao and Ganyu, or q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00006-00003032-00003632 best paired units like Hutao and Zhongli. We can also get double support like Albedo and Kazuha, q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00007-00003736-00004352 or even random combinations like idk… Yoimiya and Klee. So keep an eye out for Banner Announcements q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00008-00004352-00004784 because you’ll have to either think more on who you want better for your roster, q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00009-00004784-00005344 or just try your luck and get both because of synergy while pulling within their durations. q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00010-00005344-00005632 At number 2 is that new is that new characters will last longer. q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00011-00005920-00006392 I don't really know if this is confirmed or if I just misread something. But since reruns will q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00012-00006392-00007016 come in pairs, we can hope and be glad that new characters will have the full 20+ day duration. So q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00013-00007128-00007720 more chances to get the older characters, and more time to try and get that new 5 star character. q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00014-00007720-00008352 Granted is basically the same time as before but hey at least they won't half the new character q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00015-00008480-00008840 banners.More consistent reruns I've said this before but ill q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00016-00008840-00009320 elaborate on it more here. So not only do we get more choice when we save our primos, q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00017-00009320-00009880 we also get to use those primos that we save with less stress from saving them up. Unless of course q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00018-00009880-00010360 you're waiting for that favourite 5 star. you can pretty much be more relaxed when using your q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00019-00010360-00010936 primos, because the characters will be back after 2 patches or so. Similar to the Weapon banner but q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00020-00010936-00011552 you get a better rebound if you fail your 50/50. Let's say you lost in getting hutao, well that's q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00021-00011552-00012000 okay because depending on the next character, you can get zhongli the best tank ever, or q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00022-00012000-00012784 Ayaka or Ganyu the Best Cryo dps. Or you can wait until the next banner announces and use it there. q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00023-00013144-00014000 Again more choices for 5 stars, and more chances to get them.4 stars will be the same after 2.3 q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00024-00014000-00014432 This is either a good or bad depending on the player. If you want more constellations for q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00025-00014432-00015080 your 4 star but cant quite get lucky enough per 10 pull, you might want to keep the banner that way. q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00026-00015144-00015728 For players looking to diversify their roster or new players looking for more characters to try out q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00027-00015728-00016696 this would be good. And depending on the 4 star you might wanna go for their c2, 4 ,6 instead q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00028-00016696-00018344 of c0. Possibly more new characters per patch This is just a theory, but since we can get more q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00029-00018344-00018832 characters, we could get more new characters after every patch. We’ll be seeing more of q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00030-00018832-00019424 both 4 star and 5 star new characters in the long run. Sumeru being just after a few more patches, q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00031-00019424-00020080 combined with this new system. I guess we can hope instead of coping for more characters, q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00032-00020080-00020792 and better chances at getting them. This video just sums up what we can expect in q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00033-00020792-00021408 the future, note really a theory video, but kind of a theory video in the form of more gameplay, q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00034-00021472-00022120 meta sense than story and lore. Hope you guys liked that video, be sure to hit the like button q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00035-00022120-00022664 if you found this helpful. comment below, say hi, or tell me what you think. Subscribe if you're q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00036-00022664-00023296 new to my channel i wanna hit 1k subs soon so yea click on it. And if you're interested q_jWe7Mv_FQ-00037-00023296-00023984 in more of my videos click the bell icon to stay updated to my videos. Ill see you guys later. bye! qB0J84LuLII-00000-00000002-00000142 When I was trying to turn qB0J84LuLII-00001-00000164-00000214 unconsciously qB0J84LuLII-00002-00000225-00000426 I had a slight runny nose qB0J84LuLII-00003-00000478-00000532 I saw it! qB0J84LuLII-00004-00000614-00000664 I saw it! [Coming out many Witnesses] qB0J84LuLII-00005-00000702-00000772 I saw it! qB0J84LuLII-00006-00000824-00000916 Please pay attention to listen to it qB0J84LuLII-00007-00000966-00001054 It was not gone (It : The snot) qB0J84LuLII-00008-00001132-00001224 I caught it qB0J84LuLII-00009-00001272-00001400 It didn't fly qB0J84LuLII-00010-00001440-00001514 Who's part? qB0J84LuLII-00011-00001556-00001742 Mill was here and I was there qB0J84LuLII-00012-00001764-00001814 Right side... qB0J84LuLII-00013-00001870-00001994 I had a slight runny nose qB0J84LuLII-00014-00002146-00002260 I hit by it qB0J84LuLII-00015-00002342-00002402 It didn't fly qB0J84LuLII-00016-00002450-00002524 I caught it qB0J84LuLII-00017-00002662-00002834 I threw it and it hit to Nine qB0J84LuLII-00018-00002862-00002944 I hit it qB0J84LuLII-00019-00002994-00003070 I didn't fly qB0J84LuLII-00020-00003094-00003164 I tasted it qB0J84LuLII-00021-00003454-00003515 Can you see? qB0J84LuLII-00022-00003534-00003614 Yes, I can see qB0J84LuLII-00023-00003636-00003686 I'm available to see it qB0J84LuLII-00024-00003714-00003906 Family name is Sap Given name is Salgae (Sap Salgae : Shovel) qB0J84LuLII-00025-00003984-00004079 How do you think about this hair concept? qB0J84LuLII-00026-00004186-00004294 This hair concept qB0J84LuLII-00027-00004320-00004438 Curtain hair qB0J84LuLII-00028-00004508-00004656 I was trying to practice hard qB0J84LuLII-00029-00004744-00004944 Please don't think I'm cute qB0J84LuLII-00030-00004966-00005128 I need you guys to focus more on the sexiness qB0J84LuLII-00031-00005150-00005294 Our group needs to emphasize sexiness qB0J84LuLII-00032-00005348-00005398 I want you to look sexy qB0J84LuLII-00033-00005544-00005940 I have been practicing and figuring out on how do we show the movements and angles of the choreography qB0J84LuLII-00034-00005940-00006168 I definitely see in front of the camera qB0J84LuLII-00035-00006168-00006332 Please don't make me cute qB0J84LuLII-00036-00006444-00006592 Please look forward to our sensuality qB0J84LuLII-00037-00006592-00006716 I love you all! qB0J84LuLII-00038-00006748-00006798 (Nine : Making a heart) qB0J84LuLII-00039-00006900-00006998 (Nine : Make a heart over your head) qB0J84LuLII-00040-00007092-00007178 JunJi : Like this? qB0J84LuLII-00041-00007190-00007240 Nine : No~ No~ qB0J84LuLII-00042-00007322-00007386 Nine : Okay x3 qB0J84LuLII-00043-00007409-00007508 Nine : Make a heart under qB0J84LuLII-00044-00007584-00007634 Nine : Okay qB0J84LuLII-00045-00007776-00007834 Nine : Making a finger heart qB0J84LuLII-00046-00008138-00008232 Nine : Again x2 qB0J84LuLII-00047-00008324-00008382 Nine : I'm zooming right now qB0J84LuLII-00048-00008462-00008626 Nine : 1, 2, 3 qBwYODQzi90-00000-00000300-00000600 ADG is an open source software qBwYODQzi90-00001-00000650-00001000 for automatic generation of technical drawings. qBwYODQzi90-00002-00001050-00001400 The idea was born in the nineties qBwYODQzi90-00003-00001450-00001800 with the aim to generate semifinished, finished and drilling draftings qBwYODQzi90-00004-00001850-00002300 of a thousand diesel nozzles. qBwYODQzi90-00005-00002450-00002800 Recording technical data into a database qBwYODQzi90-00006-00002850-00003200 allows to perform complex actions such as SQL queries on the quotes, qBwYODQzi90-00007-00003250-00003700 integration of project management software and batch processing. qBwYODQzi90-00008-00003750-00004500 This know-how granted the accurated shaping of the ADG requirements. qBwYODQzi90-00009-00004750-00005400 A specific feature is the adoption of two distinct spaces: local and global. qBwYODQzi90-00010-00006450-00006900 A chunk of the project provides a bunch of helper functions qBwYODQzi90-00011-00006950-00007400 for executing geometrical operations such as intersections, affine transformations qBwYODQzi90-00012-00007450-00007700 and the offset. qBwYODQzi90-00013-00008050-00008600 eNTiDi enters the market to develop ADG based applications. qBwYODQzi90-00014-00008650-00009000 A basic example (documented by the on-line tutorial) qBwYODQzi90-00015-00009050-00009600 is a bare database front-end that shows a table row in the canvas. qBwYODQzi90-00016-00009650-00010100 A more serious application is the demo distributed with the ADG qBwYODQzi90-00017-00010150-00010600 that allows the definition of new mechanical parts. qBwYODQzi90-00018-00010650-00011000 Its interactive use permits the creation of new parts qBwYODQzi90-00019-00011050-00011300 literally in seconds qBwYODQzi90-00020-00011350-00012000 minimizing in the meantime the mistakes and focusing efforts where needed. qBwYODQzi90-00021-00012050-00012400 It is also possible to add or remove machinings qBwYODQzi90-00022-00012450-00012900 up to radical changing a detail of the drawing leaving the rest untouched, qBwYODQzi90-00023-00012950-00013500 as already done for the tips of the diesel nozzles. qBwYODQzi90-00024-00013950-00014400 eNTiDi develops both desktop and web applications, qBwYODQzi90-00025-00014450-00014900 the latter are to be preferred whenever sharing and multiplatform support qBwYODQzi90-00026-00014950-00015250 are importants. qBwYODQzi90-00027-00015300-00015600 The online demo hosted on the ADG web site qBwYODQzi90-00028-00015650-00015950 performs the same operations as the official ADG demo qBwYODQzi90-00029-00016000-00016400 but it has been implemented on the web infrastructure. qBwYODQzi90-00030-00016450-00016800 This also means that the drawing can be manipulated with tablets and smartphones qBwYODQzi90-00031-00016850-00017500 anywhere an internet connection is available. qBwYODQzi90-00032-00017650-00018250 The source code will be released to clients in order not to bind them to eNTiDi. qBwYODQzi90-00033-00018300-00018800 Therefore, special attention has been paid to ADG documentation: qBwYODQzi90-00034-00018850-00019100 you can find online tutorials, qBwYODQzi90-00035-00019150-00019600 introductory material and reference manuals. qBEREVqdxSY-00000-00000010-00000086 >> Reporter: REPORTING IN qBEREVqdxSY-00001-00000086-00000093 >> Reporter: REPORTING IN qBEREVqdxSY-00002-00000093-00000153 >> Reporter: REPORTING IN HACKENSACK, LAKELAND NEWS. qBEREVqdxSY-00003-00000153-00000160 >> Reporter: REPORTING IN HACKENSACK, LAKELAND NEWS. qBEREVqdxSY-00004-00000160-00000373 >> Reporter: REPORTING IN HACKENSACK, LAKELAND NEWS. >> Dennis: 50 TO 100 VOLUNTEERS qBEREVqdxSY-00005-00000373-00000380 HACKENSACK, LAKELAND NEWS. >> Dennis: 50 TO 100 VOLUNTEERS qBEREVqdxSY-00006-00000380-00000547 HACKENSACK, LAKELAND NEWS. >> Dennis: 50 TO 100 VOLUNTEERS FROM HACKENSACK HELPED OUT WITH qBEREVqdxSY-00007-00000547-00000553 >> Dennis: 50 TO 100 VOLUNTEERS FROM HACKENSACK HELPED OUT WITH qBEREVqdxSY-00008-00000553-00000683 >> Dennis: 50 TO 100 VOLUNTEERS FROM HACKENSACK HELPED OUT WITH THIS YEAR'S EVENT. qBEREVqdxSY-00009-00000683-00000690 FROM HACKENSACK HELPED OUT WITH THIS YEAR'S EVENT. qBEREVqdxSY-00010-00000690-00000837 FROM HACKENSACK HELPED OUT WITH THIS YEAR'S EVENT. THE SALVATION ARMY IN BRAINERD qBEREVqdxSY-00011-00000837-00000844 THIS YEAR'S EVENT. THE SALVATION ARMY IN BRAINERD qBEREVqdxSY-00012-00000844-00001010 THIS YEAR'S EVENT. THE SALVATION ARMY IN BRAINERD IS HELPING EASE THE COST OF qBEREVqdxSY-00013-00001010-00001017 THE SALVATION ARMY IN BRAINERD IS HELPING EASE THE COST OF qBEREVqdxSY-00014-00001017-00001141 THE SALVATION ARMY IN BRAINERD IS HELPING EASE THE COST OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR FAMILIES qBEREVqdxSY-00015-00001141-00001147 IS HELPING EASE THE COST OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR FAMILIES qBEREVqdxSY-00016-00001147-00001394 IS HELPING EASE THE COST OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR FAMILIES WITH THEIR ANNUAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL qBEREVqdxSY-00017-00001394-00001401 SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR FAMILIES WITH THEIR ANNUAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL qBEREVqdxSY-00018-00001401-00001444 SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR FAMILIES WITH THEIR ANNUAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL BACKPACK PROGRAM. qBEREVqdxSY-00019-00001444-00001451 WITH THEIR ANNUAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL BACKPACK PROGRAM. qBEREVqdxSY-00020-00001451-00001785 WITH THEIR ANNUAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL BACKPACK PROGRAM. ALL YOU NEED TO RECEIVE A qBEREVqdxSY-00021-00001785-00001791 BACKPACK PROGRAM. ALL YOU NEED TO RECEIVE A qBEREVqdxSY-00022-00001791-00002419 BACKPACK PROGRAM. ALL YOU NEED TO RECEIVE A BACKPACK IS A PHOTO I AND PROOF qBEREVqdxSY-00023-00002419-00002425 ALL YOU NEED TO RECEIVE A BACKPACK IS A PHOTO I AND PROOF qBEREVqdxSY-00024-00002425-00002709 ALL YOU NEED TO RECEIVE A BACKPACK IS A PHOTO I AND PROOF OF A STUDENT, SUCH AS A SOCIAL qBEREVqdxSY-00025-00002709-00002716 BACKPACK IS A PHOTO I AND PROOF OF A STUDENT, SUCH AS A SOCIAL qBEREVqdxSY-00026-00002716-00002779 BACKPACK IS A PHOTO I AND PROOF OF A STUDENT, SUCH AS A SOCIAL SECURITY CARD. qBEREVqdxSY-00027-00002779-00002786 OF A STUDENT, SUCH AS A SOCIAL SECURITY CARD. qBEREVqdxSY-00028-00002786-00003293 OF A STUDENT, SUCH AS A SOCIAL SECURITY CARD. THEY HOSTED A COMMUNITY RESOURCE qBEREVqdxSY-00029-00003293-00003299 SECURITY CARD. THEY HOSTED A COMMUNITY RESOURCE qBEREVqdxSY-00030-00003299-00003570 SECURITY CARD. THEY HOSTED A COMMUNITY RESOURCE FAIR, PROVIDING INFORMATION ON qBEREVqdxSY-00031-00003570-00003576 THEY HOSTED A COMMUNITY RESOURCE FAIR, PROVIDING INFORMATION ON qBEREVqdxSY-00032-00003576-00003693 THEY HOSTED A COMMUNITY RESOURCE FAIR, PROVIDING INFORMATION ON RESOURCES AVAILABLE IN THE AREA. qBEREVqdxSY-00033-00003693-00003700 FAIR, PROVIDING INFORMATION ON RESOURCES AVAILABLE IN THE AREA. qBEREVqdxSY-00034-00003700-00003883 FAIR, PROVIDING INFORMATION ON RESOURCES AVAILABLE IN THE AREA. >> WE COLLECT UP DONATED qBEREVqdxSY-00035-00003883-00003890 RESOURCES AVAILABLE IN THE AREA. >> WE COLLECT UP DONATED qBEREVqdxSY-00036-00003890-00004033 RESOURCES AVAILABLE IN THE AREA. >> WE COLLECT UP DONATED SUPPLIES AND DONATED FUNDS TO qBEREVqdxSY-00037-00004033-00004040 >> WE COLLECT UP DONATED SUPPLIES AND DONATED FUNDS TO qBEREVqdxSY-00038-00004040-00004267 >> WE COLLECT UP DONATED SUPPLIES AND DONATED FUNDS TO PURCHASE BACKPACKS AND SCHOOL qBEREVqdxSY-00039-00004267-00004274 SUPPLIES AND DONATED FUNDS TO PURCHASE BACKPACKS AND SCHOOL qBEREVqdxSY-00040-00004274-00004481 SUPPLIES AND DONATED FUNDS TO PURCHASE BACKPACKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES, A LITTLE BIT OF BOTH qBEREVqdxSY-00041-00004481-00004487 PURCHASE BACKPACKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES, A LITTLE BIT OF BOTH qBEREVqdxSY-00042-00004487-00004731 PURCHASE BACKPACKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES, A LITTLE BIT OF BOTH THAT GOES INTO THE PROGRAM AND qBEREVqdxSY-00043-00004731-00004738 SUPPLIES, A LITTLE BIT OF BOTH THAT GOES INTO THE PROGRAM AND qBEREVqdxSY-00044-00004738-00004764 SUPPLIES, A LITTLE BIT OF BOTH THAT GOES INTO THE PROGRAM AND GRANTS. qBEREVqdxSY-00045-00004764-00004771 THAT GOES INTO THE PROGRAM AND GRANTS. qBEREVqdxSY-00046-00004771-00005014 THAT GOES INTO THE PROGRAM AND GRANTS. WE SERVED, I THINK, ABOUT 500 qBEREVqdxSY-00047-00005014-00005021 GRANTS. WE SERVED, I THINK, ABOUT 500 qBEREVqdxSY-00048-00005021-00005085 GRANTS. WE SERVED, I THINK, ABOUT 500 LAST YEAR. qBEREVqdxSY-00049-00005085-00005091 WE SERVED, I THINK, ABOUT 500 LAST YEAR. qBEREVqdxSY-00050-00005091-00005408 WE SERVED, I THINK, ABOUT 500 LAST YEAR. EACH YEAR, IT VARIES DEPENDING qBEREVqdxSY-00051-00005408-00005415 LAST YEAR. EACH YEAR, IT VARIES DEPENDING qBEREVqdxSY-00052-00005415-00005625 LAST YEAR. EACH YEAR, IT VARIES DEPENDING ON WHICH SCHOOLS MAYBE HAVE qBEREVqdxSY-00053-00005625-00005632 EACH YEAR, IT VARIES DEPENDING ON WHICH SCHOOLS MAYBE HAVE qBEREVqdxSY-00054-00005632-00005889 EACH YEAR, IT VARIES DEPENDING ON WHICH SCHOOLS MAYBE HAVE OTHER SPONSORS. qBEREVqdxSY-00055-00005889-00005895 ON WHICH SCHOOLS MAYBE HAVE OTHER SPONSORS. qBEREVqdxSY-00056-00005895-00005952 ON WHICH SCHOOLS MAYBE HAVE OTHER SPONSORS. >> Dennis: THE BRAINERD qBEREVqdxSY-00057-00005952-00005959 OTHER SPONSORS. >> Dennis: THE BRAINERD qBEREVqdxSY-00058-00005959-00006079 OTHER SPONSORS. >> Dennis: THE BRAINERD SALVATION ARMY IS HOLDING qBEREVqdxSY-00059-00006079-00006086 >> Dennis: THE BRAINERD SALVATION ARMY IS HOLDING qBEREVqdxSY-00060-00006086-00006136 >> Dennis: THE BRAINERD SALVATION ARMY IS HOLDING ANOTHER BACKPACK DISTRIBUTION qCdC1YrN5ek-00000-00000600-00000700 Killer qCdC1YrN5ek-00001-00000800-00001050 Victim qCdC1YrN5ek-00002-00001250-00001400 Guilty qCdC1YrN5ek-00003-00001600-00001800 Innocent qCdC1YrN5ek-00004-00002400-00002700 The Forgotten qCdC1YrN5ek-00005-00004000-00004400 Coming Soon qCSe62n_SEk-00000-00000866-00001073 RONDO 2 has several indicator lights. qCSe62n_SEk-00001-00001128-00001398 These tell you information about your audio processor. qCSe62n_SEk-00002-00001534-00001696 When turning on RONDO 2 qCSe62n_SEk-00003-00001696-00001988 the blue indicator light shows which program is selected. qCSe62n_SEk-00004-00002038-00002296 One blue blink indicates that program one is selected. qCSe62n_SEk-00005-00002348-00002633 Two blue blinks indicate that program two is selected. qCSe62n_SEk-00006-00002676-00002964 Three blue blinks indicate that program three is selected. qCSe62n_SEk-00007-00003026-00003288 Four blue blinks indicate that program four is selected. qCSe62n_SEk-00008-00003424-00003629 If the optional status light is activated qCSe62n_SEk-00009-00003658-00004154 a short blue blink will blink every 3.5 seconds to show that RONDO 2 is working properly. qCSe62n_SEk-00010-00004268-00004506 When using the FineTuner remote with your RONDO 2 qCSe62n_SEk-00011-00004506-00004860 the blue light will blink shortly every time a FineTuner command qCSe62n_SEk-00012-00004860-00005018 is received by your processor. qCSe62n_SEk-00013-00005146-00005520 A continuous blue light indicates that either minimum or maximum volume qCSe62n_SEk-00014-00005520-00005760 or microphone sensitivity has been reached. qCSe62n_SEk-00015-00005868-00006262 A rapidly blinking blue indicator light shows that RONDO 2 needs charging. qCSe62n_SEk-00016-00006372-00006566 If the link check function is activated qCSe62n_SEk-00017-00006592-00006802 the green indicator light will blink three times qCSe62n_SEk-00018-00006802-00007022 when RONDO 2 is placed over the implant. qCSe62n_SEk-00019-00007062-00007280 This shows that RONDO 2 is working correctly qCSe62n_SEk-00020-00007288-00007440 and is communicating with your implant. qCSe62n_SEk-00021-00007572-00008016 If you have a C 40 or C 40+ implant, the green light will blink quickly once. qCSe62n_SEk-00022-00008062-00008284 This shows that your processor is working correctly. qCSe62n_SEk-00023-00008390-00008832 If the red indicator light blinks repeatedly RONDO 2 is positioned over the wrong implant. qCSe62n_SEk-00024-00008854-00009162 Ensure RONDO 2 is positioned over the correct implant. qCSe62n_SEk-00025-00009316-00009522 Short red blinks 10 seconds apart qCSe62n_SEk-00026-00009522-00009724 indicated RONDO 2 has powered off. qCSe62n_SEk-00027-00009770-00010086 Turn it off and on again and reposition it over the implant. qCSe62n_SEk-00028-00010180-00010682 Any other indicator light signals suggest that there may be a technical issue with your RONDO 2. qCSe62n_SEk-00029-00010720-00010986 Contact your CI Center for further assistance. qDvt7OTS-SQ-00000-00001002-00001757 On the first part of the journey We were headed off to Bree qDvt7OTS-SQ-00001-00001757-00002494 Tom Bombadil kept rescuing Us and Uncle Bilbo’s ring qDvt7OTS-SQ-00002-00002494-00003244 We got to the Prancing Pony Met a ranger with a hilt qDvt7OTS-SQ-00003-00003244-00003968 But another human, Boromir, Would take on a lot of guilt qDvt7OTS-SQ-00004-00003969-00004286 I’ve walked into Mordor bearing Isuldur’s Bane qDvt7OTS-SQ-00005-00004286-00004998 Though the burden was really a strain Couldn’t take an eagle or even a plane qDvt7OTS-SQ-00006-00004998-00005385 ’Cause the Eye of Sauron would notice a plane qDvt7OTS-SQ-00007-00005386-00006108 La la la la la la la la La la la la la qDvt7OTS-SQ-00008-00006108-00006809 La la la la la la la la La la la la la qDvt7OTS-SQ-00009-00006809-00007559 I was walking from the subway I wanted to get some food qDvt7OTS-SQ-00010-00007559-00008260 I didn’t want a pizza Or anything barbecued qDvt7OTS-SQ-00011-00008260-00008962 Those things are nice, they would suffice But I wasn’t in the mood qDvt7OTS-SQ-00012-00008962-00009604 I hit Happy Garden, got a quart of lo mein And a fortune that was not arcane qDvt7OTS-SQ-00013-00009604-00010004 It said “Be good to yourself if you want to be sane” qDvt7OTS-SQ-00014-00010004-00010368 I added “in bed” and I laughed like a drain qDvt7OTS-SQ-00015-00010368-00011096 La la la la la la la la La la la la la qDvt7OTS-SQ-00016-00011096-00011770 La la la la la la la la La la la la la qDvt7OTS-SQ-00017-00011770-00012450 I was strumming my ukulele And this song wouldn’t let me be qDvt7OTS-SQ-00018-00012450-00012776 “The heat was hot,” “there were...rocks and things,” qDvt7OTS-SQ-00019-00012776-00013466 It’s a poor excuse for poetry But the pattern gets into everything qDvt7OTS-SQ-00020-00013466-00014216 And your mind just knocks about And no matter what you want to sing qDvt7OTS-SQ-00021-00014216-00014505 This is what comes out qDvt7OTS-SQ-00022-00014505-00014960 I smell like Teen Spirit on a horse with Cobain— (no.) qDvt7OTS-SQ-00023-00015047-00015419 I called in a plumber and she’ll clean out the drain— qDvt7OTS-SQ-00024-00015522-00015846 I’ve gone to the silos where I keep all my grain— qDvt7OTS-SQ-00025-00015969-00016274 We’re off to the wizard, ’cause I don’t have a brain— qDvt7OTS-SQ-00026-00016347-00016632 I tried out for Hamlet, got the role of the Dane— qDvt7OTS-SQ-00027-00016632-00016930 I’ve been to the barber, now my horse has no mane— qDvt7OTS-SQ-00028-00016930-00016988 [frustrated scream] qDvt7OTS-SQ-00029-00017420-00018112 This two-chord song is stuck in my brain So I’m passing it on, such a shame qDvt7OTS-SQ-00030-00018112-00018800 This sequence of lyrics is a terrible pain And now all of you get to hear me complain qDvt7OTS-SQ-00031-00018801-00019484 La la la la la la la la La la la la la qDvt7OTS-SQ-00032-00019484-00020198 La la la la la la la la La la la la la qDThHAhNIcA-00000-00000042-00000240 Hello, this is Professor Steve Potter. qDThHAhNIcA-00001-00000324-00000936 Here I will show you the steps for carving a 3D Terrain map out of wood with a CNC machine. qDThHAhNIcA-00002-00001056-00001680 I've also written a detailed Instructable tutorial at instructables.com. I'll put a link below... qDThHAhNIcA-00003-00001889-00002130 These are the San Gabriel mountains, the backdrop qDThHAhNIcA-00004-00002130-00002760 of where I grew up in Altadena and Pasadena around here near Los Angeles, California. qDThHAhNIcA-00005-00003036-00003468 I've hiked and biked and camped all over these mountains with my father, whose name is Philip qDThHAhNIcA-00006-00003468-00004122 D. Potter. I decided to give him a carving for his 85th birthday. Terrain carvings are made qDThHAhNIcA-00007-00004122-00004938 from a GeoTIFF or digital elevation map (DEM), where satellite data is coded -- the altitude qDThHAhNIcA-00008-00004938-00005622 is coded -- in 16-bit grayscale. Dad worked for the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) and helped qDThHAhNIcA-00009-00005622-00006198 develop the side-looking radar that satellites use to create these elevation Maps. These data qDThHAhNIcA-00010-00006198-00006942 are freely available at the USGS website. But that was in 2017. I will show you how to use a qDThHAhNIcA-00011-00006942-00007500 web-based tool called TouchTerrain that makes collecting DEMs and creating a 3D model easy. qDThHAhNIcA-00012-00007566-00008238 I used my trusty handibot portable CNC carver to make that map of the San Gabriel Mountains qDThHAhNIcA-00013-00008360-00009342 The Handibot has a 6" x 8" work area, so to make this I had to move it along the workpiece eight qDThHAhNIcA-00014-00009342-00009942 times. You can see some of the imperfections caused by the joins between the different tiles qDThHAhNIcA-00015-00009942-00010470 there. I mark significant places with rhinestones: there's Caltech, where Dad went to school, qDThHAhNIcA-00016-00010470-00011088 and JPL, where he worked, and some places that we hiked and camped. I love the way this plywood qDThHAhNIcA-00017-00011088-00011862 looks in these carvings. The plies look a lot like contour lines on a topo map. But watch out qDThHAhNIcA-00018-00011862-00012534 for voids that you might see in the wood if you use this inexpensive plywood here. You might have qDThHAhNIcA-00019-00012534-00013128 voids or you might have overlapping plies and in fact, if there are those voids, the peaks might qDThHAhNIcA-00020-00013128-00013962 even break off. I wanted to carve larger works of art without tiling, so I built my own CNC machine. qDThHAhNIcA-00021-00014028-00014622 This is the Mostly-Printed CNC machine (MPCNC). I printed the plastic parts on my 3D printer. qDThHAhNIcA-00022-00014963-00015624 It's the Primo version, by V1 Engineering. I would say it has the best performance per dollar of any qDThHAhNIcA-00023-00015624-00016212 CNC machine, because it's very hackable. You can make it any size you want and it's quite qDThHAhNIcA-00024-00016212-00016818 powerful. I made mine portable. I have the control Electronics in this toolbox here and qDThHAhNIcA-00025-00016818-00017502 this is a portable cooling unit for the spindle. I fixed up the electronics to make this machine qDThHAhNIcA-00026-00017502-00018120 faster and more powerful than the first version. I made a whole 'nother YouTube video about that, qDThHAhNIcA-00027-00018120-00018690 which will be linked below. To make my CNC machine portable, I also added swivel wheels here, so that qDThHAhNIcA-00028-00018690-00019218 I can load it in and out of my car and take it all across Ireland where I teach maker workshops. qDThHAhNIcA-00029-00019218-00019728 So that's the kit that I'm using, but just about any CNC machine with a router or spindle can make qDThHAhNIcA-00030-00019728-00020370 terrain carvings. Start your CNC project with some good quality wood like this Baltic birch plywood. qDThHAhNIcA-00031-00020370-00021144 This is 18 millimeters thick. This Grade-B plywood costs about 180 Euros for a 4' x 8' qDThHAhNIcA-00032-00021144-00021984 sheet here in 2022. Look at the edges carefully and make sure that there are no holes. Also, qDThHAhNIcA-00033-00021984-00022638 you probably don't want to buy the top sheet, because it might have different humidity on qDThHAhNIcA-00034-00022638-00023052 the top versus the bottom of it, and when you bring it home it'll get warped. Once again, qDThHAhNIcA-00035-00023112-00023670 look carefully at the edges for voids, knots, and overlapping plies. It's fine for qDThHAhNIcA-00036-00023670-00024204 practicing with this cheap plywood, but it's not very good for making a nice work of art, qDThHAhNIcA-00037-00024204-00024738 so ideally find the A-grade plywood if you can find it. It's hard to find and very expensive, qDThHAhNIcA-00038-00024738-00025356 but it's really good stuff. This is my more recent carving using this birch plywood, qDThHAhNIcA-00039-00025464-00026100 and in this case, I also did a resin pour for the Irish Sea. These are the Mourne Mountains here, qDThHAhNIcA-00040-00026100-00026694 and this is the Cooley Peninsula. This is the town of Dundalk in the Northeast of Ireland. qDThHAhNIcA-00041-00026694-00027258 I've hiked all over these hills and mountains and so they mean a lot to me. This is a carving qDThHAhNIcA-00042-00027258-00027708 I made for my brother who recently moved to the state of Idaho. It also includes a qDThHAhNIcA-00043-00027708-00028158 fold-out map of the state. This is where my sister lives in Orange County, California. qDThHAhNIcA-00044-00028482-00029058 After cutting the wood to size, I glued two sheets of this plywood together using qDThHAhNIcA-00045-00029058-00029766 wood glue. I prefer this Gorilla Wood Glue, which dries pretty clear. You could qDThHAhNIcA-00046-00029766-00030264 also use TiteBond III Ultimate wood glue which is very strong and also waterproof, qDThHAhNIcA-00047-00030264-00030864 although we probably won't be putting our artwork out in the weather. Lots of detail is possible in qDThHAhNIcA-00048-00030864-00031595 these CNC terrain carvings if two things: (1) You get good satellite data like this, qDThHAhNIcA-00049-00031752-00032345 and (2) You use a fine finishing bit. I'll talk more about those in a minute. qDThHAhNIcA-00050-00032532-00033120 These small hills are the Drumlins in County Monaghan in Ireland where we live. They are qDThHAhNIcA-00051-00033120-00033792 only about 100 feet tall. Each one has its own local folklore and names. Now, I'll show you how qDThHAhNIcA-00052-00033792-00034554 to create a 3D model using the TouchTerrain interface. TouchTerrain was created by Chris qDThHAhNIcA-00053-00034554-00035136 Harding at Iowa State University and Franek Hasiuk at the University of Kansas. They created this qDThHAhNIcA-00054-00035136-00035946 wonderful open-source and free interactive tool to take satellite digital elevation models and turn qDThHAhNIcA-00055-00035946-00036534 them into 3D models, so that their students could print them and bring them on geology field trips. qDThHAhNIcA-00056-00037098-00037206 Okay, go to: qDThHAhNIcA-00057-00037206-00037890 touchterrain.geol.iastate.edu. Probably the first thing you'll want to do is to qDThHAhNIcA-00058-00037890-00038448 type in an area of interest to you so let's do Big Bear Lake. qDThHAhNIcA-00059-00038730-00039480 Okay, now probably you'll see terrain appear. If your (chosen region is) in the continental qDThHAhNIcA-00060-00039480-00040110 United States, this first one is chosen. If you're not in the United States then you need to choose qDThHAhNIcA-00061-00040110-00040788 one of these other ones. If you just see this map of the roads and stuff -- this slider can qDThHAhNIcA-00062-00040788-00041502 switch between showing terrain and showing the Google Maps underneath, or both of them faded out. qDThHAhNIcA-00063-00041646-00042318 This one has very good resolution: 10 meters per pixel. This one is a worldwide map made by JAXA, qDThHAhNIcA-00064-00042318-00042822 the Japanese Space Administration, with 30 meters per pixel resolution which is also qDThHAhNIcA-00065-00042822-00043344 very good. You might want to explore these other ones as well. The way that this looks qDThHAhNIcA-00066-00043344-00043878 on the screen here doesn't affect the way your model comes out. It's just for qDThHAhNIcA-00067-00043878-00044538 helping you decide what area to select. So, for instance, I may wish to zoom out a bit here... qDThHAhNIcA-00068-00044928-00045672 ...and grab these red corners and stretch them to cover a bigger area. If you don't see the qDThHAhNIcA-00069-00045672-00046116 red box you must click this "Re-center box on map". It's somewhere else in the world and it qDThHAhNIcA-00070-00046116-00046512 will come over to the middle of your map now. Once you've selected the area that you like, qDThHAhNIcA-00071-00046602-00047316 zoom back in on it and open this window that shows you the longitude and latitude qDThHAhNIcA-00072-00047316-00047940 of the area that you've selected. You have the option of using a polygon that you've created qDThHAhNIcA-00073-00047940-00048588 in something like Google Earth from a KML file. That's helpful if you, for example, wanted to qDThHAhNIcA-00074-00048588-00049068 carve something like a state or a country or an island -- something that's not rectangular. qDThHAhNIcA-00075-00049128-00049704 The next thing to do is go down to 3D printer options and -- in fact we're doing CNC options qDThHAhNIcA-00076-00049704-00050238 here so we'll follow the advice in this little pop-up window, which says choose qDThHAhNIcA-00077-00050238-00051024 one of these CNC options here. I'll choose the large size one and then for nozzle diameter qDThHAhNIcA-00078-00051024-00051617 you should probably choose High detail, which is approximately the same as 0.2 millimeter nozzle. qDThHAhNIcA-00079-00051816-00052236 And have a look at this box here called Effective DEM resolution. qDThHAhNIcA-00080-00052338-00052824 It will tell you whether or not you're getting close to what the best possible resolution is qDThHAhNIcA-00081-00052824-00053328 from the data set, which in this case is 10 meters per pixel. This effective DEM resolution qDThHAhNIcA-00082-00053328-00054084 is influenced by the size and the nozzle diameter that you've chosen. You'll notice that the maximum qDThHAhNIcA-00083-00054084-00054576 size you can choose is around 110 millimeters, which is not very big. Remember, this was made qDThHAhNIcA-00084-00054576-00055248 for 3D printers. If you're cutting a work of art that will be bigger than 110 millimeters across, qDThHAhNIcA-00085-00055248-00055788 you're going to be scaling this and this number may or may not be relevant to you. qDThHAhNIcA-00086-00055872-00056484 It will get scaled as well. I would choose the thickest model base thickness, unless for some qDThHAhNIcA-00087-00056484-00057005 reason you want a very thin base on your model. For Vertical exaggeration, that depends very much qDThHAhNIcA-00088-00057005-00057744 on how big of an area that you have in your chosen area there. If it's a big area like a country or qDThHAhNIcA-00089-00057744-00058338 a continent, you will want to use a very big multiplier, because the mountains are relatively qDThHAhNIcA-00090-00058338-00058998 small by comparison. If it's a small area like an individual property, you might even want to qDThHAhNIcA-00091-00058998-00059508 reduce it. You have many options and there are a couple of steps later on where you can change qDThHAhNIcA-00092-00059508-00060114 this if you don't quite get it right. I usually choose 3X. That's good for about 100-kilometer qDThHAhNIcA-00093-00060114-00060978 wide region there. You want to export it as an STL binary. In this box called manual settings, qDThHAhNIcA-00094-00060978-00061782 you have a number of options. The one that I like to use is called "lower_leq", which drops the qDThHAhNIcA-00095-00061782-00062352 areas below sea level down a few millimeters -- however many millimeters you specify. qDThHAhNIcA-00096-00062520-00062970 If you want to learn more about other manual options, you can go to the GitHub page, qDThHAhNIcA-00097-00062970-00063767 which is linked down at the bottom of this page. Scroll down here and you can see a list qDThHAhNIcA-00098-00063924-00064566 of all the manual options, including the one that I just mentioned, "lower_leq". Below that is an qDThHAhNIcA-00099-00064566-00065105 explanation of how to use each of those options. Okay, so once you think you have all this set up, qDThHAhNIcA-00100-00065105-00065814 before you hit Export Selected Area and Download File, it's a really good idea to do some screen qDThHAhNIcA-00101-00065814-00066294 captures with a couple of different settings of this transparency. One that has all the Google qDThHAhNIcA-00102-00066294-00066942 Maps stuff here -- By the way, you can also choose satellite if you prefer that for your Google Maps. qDThHAhNIcA-00103-00067152-00067650 And then you should do a screen capture with just the terrain, and you should do one with qDThHAhNIcA-00104-00067728-00068214 some sort of a blend of the two. You can adjust these parameters here to determine qDThHAhNIcA-00105-00068214-00069000 how the hill shading looks in this part here. If you do these screen captures, qDThHAhNIcA-00106-00069000-00069624 you might get to use them later on to create a fold-out map to go with your CNC carving. qDThHAhNIcA-00107-00069624-00070152 Okay, now we're going to hit Export selected area and download file, and if you're lucky, you'll see qDThHAhNIcA-00108-00070152-00070776 this locomotive chugging away here to say that their computer is processing all the data from qDThHAhNIcA-00109-00070776-00071454 wherever the data source came from, and turning it into a 3D model for you. If you're unlucky, qDThHAhNIcA-00110-00071454-00072012 a message will pop up that says "Data is too large!" or "Image is too large!" and you'll have qDThHAhNIcA-00111-00072012-00072408 to go back and change some of the parameters to reduce the number of pixels that you have, qDThHAhNIcA-00112-00072522-00073248 and hopefully get it underneath their threshold, which I think is around 700 000 pixels. That was qDThHAhNIcA-00113-00073248-00073704 very quick. You have an option to preview the STL in a browser, but I don't think it's worth qDThHAhNIcA-00114-00073704-00074178 doing that, because it takes just about as long to download it, and then it'll be quicker and easier qDThHAhNIcA-00115-00074178-00074742 to preview it on your own computer. However, before you leave here you should do two things: qDThHAhNIcA-00116-00074742-00075384 one is type in what you're going to do with this. I always type in a "CNC carving" because qDThHAhNIcA-00117-00075384-00075912 that way they'll know who's using this and for what, and they'll make the user interface more qDThHAhNIcA-00118-00075912-00076410 tailored towards people who are using this for a CNC machine instead of a 3D printer. qDThHAhNIcA-00119-00076518-00077184 The other thing you might want to do is to copy this text here, which is a URL that you can click qDThHAhNIcA-00120-00077184-00077814 on later on to get you right back to this page here that has all the parameters you've chosen. qDThHAhNIcA-00121-00077892-00078570 All the exact same parameters are in this URL here, and if you want to recreate the carving qDThHAhNIcA-00122-00078570-00079074 but with just changing a few of the parameters, it's very handy for that. Okay, so the next thing qDThHAhNIcA-00123-00079074-00079506 is to download the zip file. That might take a while, depending on your internet speed. qDThHAhNIcA-00124-00079596-00080172 Okay, once you unpack the zip file that TouchTerrain sends you, you will see qDThHAhNIcA-00125-00080268-00080712 three files. One is the GeoTIFF which is the grayscale-coded image. qDThHAhNIcA-00126-00080778-00081594 One is a log file which is a text file that has information about what you chose in the interface, qDThHAhNIcA-00127-00081594-00082140 and that's a good place to paste that URL that you copied from the web page here. qDThHAhNIcA-00128-00083244-00084024 Okay. Then you'll always have it in case you need to go back and redo things. But qDThHAhNIcA-00129-00084024-00084408 the thing we're really interested in here is the 3D model or STL file. qDThHAhNIcA-00130-00084612-00085164 Once you have created your 3D model with TouchTerrain, you want to check it and qDThHAhNIcA-00131-00085164-00085716 possibly scale it in some program that can look at STL files, such as PrusaSlicer. qDThHAhNIcA-00132-00085908-00086634 Okay, so we opened the STL file in PrusaSlicer. Here, you can have a good look at it and decide qDThHAhNIcA-00133-00086634-00087318 whether it has all the details that you want in your carving, and if not, you can go back and qDThHAhNIcA-00134-00087318-00087840 create a new model in TouchTerrain. You also want to have a look at the steepness of the mountains qDThHAhNIcA-00135-00087840-00088404 and whether the vertical scale is too exaggerated or too flat -- one or the other -- whether your qDThHAhNIcA-00136-00088404-00088998 CNC machine will want to carve that. The next thing I'm going to do is scale it to the size of qDThHAhNIcA-00137-00089064-00089868 the wood that I've cut. The width of the wood, or the X Dimension, is about 550 millimeters. qDThHAhNIcA-00138-00089964-00090660 I'm going to type 550 millimeters and it scales that up. So now, it's more the aspect ratio of qDThHAhNIcA-00139-00090726-00091284 the wood that I have. Now, you can see that it looks way too tall in fact, it's 148 millimeters. qDThHAhNIcA-00140-00091344-00092094 To scale the Z, I have to unclick this little lock here and then type in how thick I want it qDThHAhNIcA-00141-00092094-00093000 to be. So let's type 36 millimeters. Okay. That's more like it. This is much more like qDThHAhNIcA-00142-00093000-00093552 the real terrain, and much more like what it's going to look like when it's carved. qDThHAhNIcA-00143-00093660-00094290 If you're happy with that, then you want to save it. Export it from PrusaSlicer: qDThHAhNIcA-00144-00094386-00094998 Export plate as STL. And I'm going to note that this one is scaled. qDThHAhNIcA-00145-00095328-00096102 Okay, and we're done with that part. Once you have your STL file scaled and it looks good even when qDThHAhNIcA-00146-00096102-00096690 you zoom in on it, the next thing is to import it into your favorite CAM or CAD package. This could qDThHAhNIcA-00147-00096690-00097500 be Fusion360. I prefer VcarvePro, and I'll show you how to do that now. All right, you've scaled qDThHAhNIcA-00148-00097500-00098334 your model in PrusaSlicer. The next thing to do is to set up a job in Vcarve Pro. You should select qDThHAhNIcA-00149-00098334-00099066 Create a new file and then you get to this Job setup window here, where you specify the size of qDThHAhNIcA-00150-00099066-00099654 the wood that you have. In my case, it's 600 by 300 millimeters and about 36 millimeters thick. qDThHAhNIcA-00151-00099654-00100254 You should actually measure the wood, because it might not be what you think it is. So before you qDThHAhNIcA-00152-00100254-00100698 do this Job setup part, go back and measure your wood. After you've glued it together, qDThHAhNIcA-00153-00100860-00101454 then you want to set the Z zero position and the XY datum where you would like them. I always set qDThHAhNIcA-00154-00101454-00102204 the Z zero at the material surface. if you are going to carve the top of the stock away as qDThHAhNIcA-00155-00102204-00102846 you're carving your terrain, and there won't be any more material left to zero against, you're qDThHAhNIcA-00156-00102846-00103398 going to need another object that's the right height to zero with, so keep that in mind. I talk qDThHAhNIcA-00157-00103398-00104064 about this in my instructable. My datum is in the lower left-hand corner. Your machine may differ. qDThHAhNIcA-00158-00104142-00104861 Modeling resolution doesn't matter. For Material setting, it's a good idea to choose something qDThHAhNIcA-00159-00104861-00105432 that is not birch, because it has grain on it. That might cover up some of the features that qDThHAhNIcA-00160-00105432-00106080 you're trying to look at, so I just choose these homogeneous ones -- plastic ones -- and hit OK. qDThHAhNIcA-00161-00106308-00106811 All right, you've got your job all set up in Vcarve Pro. The next thing is to qDThHAhNIcA-00162-00106811-00107790 go to the Modeling tab here and import the scaled STL that you scaled in PrusaSlicer. qDThHAhNIcA-00163-00108444-00108978 If it's pointing in the wrong direction, you can rotate it with these buttons here. The next thing qDThHAhNIcA-00164-00108978-00109985 to do is to center it into the workpiece. It looks like I didn't scale the Y dimension to qDThHAhNIcA-00165-00109985-00110759 be small enough. My work area on my machine is 300 millimeters and I see that this is 311. So qDThHAhNIcA-00166-00110759-00111240 I'm going to scale this now to 300 and that will shrink the other dimensions too, a little bit. qDThHAhNIcA-00167-00111504-00112140 Now it will fit in fit within the workpiece. This is also another chance to scale the vertical qDThHAhNIcA-00168-00112140-00112709 dimension, if you need to do so. The only thing you have to do now is click Position and import. qDThHAhNIcA-00169-00112926-00113592 Now in here, there is a plane here called the Modeling plane, which is useful for determining qDThHAhNIcA-00170-00113592-00113994 where you're going to add extra features. Like maybe if you're going to carve some text qDThHAhNIcA-00171-00113994-00114588 or some other designs onto the terrain, then you can use that Modeling plane as qDThHAhNIcA-00172-00114588-00115098 a reference plane. I usually set it at the top. We can set at the bottom, in this case, qDThHAhNIcA-00173-00115098-00115452 just to get it out of the way so we don't have to look at it. And then we click Import. qDThHAhNIcA-00174-00115758-00116748 Okay, so here you have a 3D rendering. It looks very good. Go back to the drawing tab now, qDThHAhNIcA-00175-00116820-00117468 and back to the 2D view. The next step is to draw a box around the model. You could use qDThHAhNIcA-00176-00117468-00118188 a rectangle tool. Another way to do it is to select the model and to use this icon here... qDThHAhNIcA-00177-00118398-00118854 ...which traces a bitmap (draws a vector) around it. Choose Black and white and then qDThHAhNIcA-00178-00118854-00119304 slide this threshold all the way over so that it selects everything in there. qDThHAhNIcA-00179-00119496-00120168 For the corner fit, you may want to choose a loose fit, in case the edges are a bit pixelated and qDThHAhNIcA-00180-00120168-00120780 jagged -- it might smooth them out a bit. Then, you say Preview. That looks like a good outline qDThHAhNIcA-00181-00120780-00121626 to me. Hit Apply and Close. All that did was give you a line that you can select around the model qDThHAhNIcA-00182-00121626-00122274 here. Once you have your 3D model imported into Vcarve Pro, the next thing is to create toolpaths. qDThHAhNIcA-00183-00122628-00123282 All right, so with Trace bitmap you've created and selected this outline of your model. The next qDThHAhNIcA-00184-00123282-00123798 thing you want to do is create a pocket that goes around the model that you're going to use to cut qDThHAhNIcA-00185-00123798-00124404 it out. The easiest way to do that is with the offset tool here in the Drawing tab. We're going qDThHAhNIcA-00186-00124404-00125238 to go out about one and a half times the width of your cutout bit, so if the bit is 1/4" it's qDThHAhNIcA-00187-00125238-00126168 about six millimeters. We'll say, eight or nine millimeters outwards. So that will be -- that qDThHAhNIcA-00188-00126168-00126840 and this will be the two lines that define a pocket that we'll use to cut it out. Go to tool qDThHAhNIcA-00189-00126840-00127750 paths. Select both of those vectors and go to the pocket tool path -- not the profile tool path -- qDThHAhNIcA-00190-00127992-00128808 and you decide on depth. We'll say 36, assuming that the wood is about 37 millimeters thick. qDThHAhNIcA-00191-00129348-00130008 For this, you can have the stepover be almost the entire width of the bit. qDThHAhNIcA-00192-00130206-00130782 Pass depth should be conservative: 1/10" is a good conservative number. The feed rate is qDThHAhNIcA-00193-00130782-00131033 probably too fast here, so I would turn that down. qDThHAhNIcA-00194-00131400-00131874 Here you have a choice between Offset and Raster again. You definitely want Offset, qDThHAhNIcA-00195-00131874-00132450 which will go around in circles. Raster will go back and forth in the groove there. You qDThHAhNIcA-00196-00132450-00132918 definitely want to select Climb cut, not Conventional, because Conventional tends to qDThHAhNIcA-00197-00132918-00133482 grab and drive the bit into the work there. Especially if you're using a down-cut bit, qDThHAhNIcA-00198-00133482-00133980 you want to Ramp the plunge moves to give the chips some pathway to get out. qDThHAhNIcA-00199-00134478-00134574 There's a tool path. qDThHAhNIcA-00200-00134772-00135306 All right, the next step is the roughing tool path. That's this little pyramid of circles here. qDThHAhNIcA-00201-00135480-00136182 Rough Machining. I use a six-millimeter endmill. You want to use a sturdy carbide bit. qDThHAhNIcA-00202-00136260-00137208 I use up-cut three-flute. Your stepover could be close to the width of the bit: qDThHAhNIcA-00203-00137208-00137964 80% is what I use. The maximum speed of my spindle is 24,000 RPM. And you can push qDThHAhNIcA-00204-00137964-00138468 the feed rate very as fast as your machine can go without breaking the bit, because this is qDThHAhNIcA-00205-00138468-00138912 just a roughing pass. You don't have to worry about details and tear-out, things like that. qDThHAhNIcA-00206-00139020-00139416 The Machining allowance is how much wood will be left behind after the roughing pass. qDThHAhNIcA-00207-00139416-00139896 That needs to be cut away by the finishing pass, so two millimeters is a good number. qDThHAhNIcA-00208-00139980-00140484 You can choose different strategies here. I think that the 3D Raster one is a little bit qDThHAhNIcA-00209-00140484-00140898 safer than the Z Level strategy. It will carve around the Peaks and sometimes they might break qDThHAhNIcA-00210-00140898-00141408 off if you're going that fast. Also, there's a lot more plunging and lifting going on in the Z-level qDThHAhNIcA-00211-00141408-00142038 strategy than in the 3D raster strategy. You can save a little bit of time by clicking Avoid qDThHAhNIcA-00212-00142038-00142650 machine areas, but again there's more plunging and lifting. You don't need to worry about Ramping the qDThHAhNIcA-00213-00142650-00143232 Plunge Moves, in this case, assuming your bit can do plunges. And that's about it. qDThHAhNIcA-00214-00143544-00144282 Okay, the next step is the finishing pass. That's this dome-shaped icon. qDThHAhNIcA-00215-00144456-00144984 I use a tapered ball-nose bit that is 1.5 millimeters in diameter. qDThHAhNIcA-00216-00145344-00146202 Six millimeter Shank and it's a two-flute up-cut. Stepover is important. If you do anything more qDThHAhNIcA-00217-00146202-00146694 than ten percent, you're likely to see raster lines, which you know, you might like those. qDThHAhNIcA-00218-00146694-00147174 Or you might have to sand them off, which is a lot of work. So it's better to go with a qDThHAhNIcA-00219-00147240-00147864 very fine stepover for a minimum amount of sanding. This one, you can move very quickly, qDThHAhNIcA-00220-00147864-00148356 because it doesn't have to take off very much wood with the 10% stepover. qDThHAhNIcA-00221-00148782-00149496 You want to select the vector that surrounds your model there, and you have a choice of Offset qDThHAhNIcA-00222-00149496-00149976 and Raster strategies. The Offset strategy will start in the middle and circle around qDThHAhNIcA-00223-00149976-00150702 in polygons until it gets to the outside edge, and the Raster one will go back and forth. Or, qDThHAhNIcA-00224-00150702-00151266 if you've selected some other than a zero-degree raster angle, 35 degrees would go about like this. qDThHAhNIcA-00225-00151668-00152196 They take about the same amount of time. One nice advantage of the Offset is you can specify qDThHAhNIcA-00226-00152196-00152724 only Climb Cuts whereas the Raster one will do Climb and Conventional as it goes back and forth. qDThHAhNIcA-00227-00152850-00153318 Climb cuts are less likely to cause big strings of wood to get caught up on the bit, qDThHAhNIcA-00228-00153318-00154206 and I think they're more efficient. So I recommend the offset strategy and climb cut. qDThHAhNIcA-00229-00154476-00154710 It'll take a long time to calculate this one, because qDThHAhNIcA-00230-00154824-00155088 it's going to be about eight hours of cutting here. qDThHAhNIcA-00231-00155616-00156306 Okay, that took my laptop a few minutes to calculate because there are a lot of lines here qDThHAhNIcA-00232-00156306-00156846 following the terrain. If you zoom way in on them, you can see that they're very close together. qDThHAhNIcA-00233-00157350-00157992 And if we look at the time it'll take to do that, it'll be eight hours of cutting, qDThHAhNIcA-00234-00158058-00158472 so it's a marathon run. But it's well worth it, to get a good finish. qDThHAhNIcA-00235-00158742-00159300 Once you think you have your tool paths right in Vcarve Pro, it's really important that you qDThHAhNIcA-00236-00159300-00159912 then run a simulation to make sure that the result is what you think it will be. Here's qDThHAhNIcA-00237-00159912-00160392 what you should do. Have a good look at the simulated carving in Vcarve Pro. qDThHAhNIcA-00238-00160446-00161394 Obviously, you want to save your work, and then go to the Simulation icon there. Preview tool paths. qDThHAhNIcA-00239-00161610-00162294 We'll Reset Preview here. You could simulate them one at a time. We can do the cutout. We'll qDThHAhNIcA-00240-00162294-00162894 do them in order that we will actually cut them. We'll say Preview visible tool path, qDThHAhNIcA-00241-00163002-00163368 and there you go. You can see that I've left about a millimeter at the bottom qDThHAhNIcA-00242-00163368-00163770 of the pocket, so that when I've got screws holding the wood down, qDThHAhNIcA-00243-00163770-00164268 it will still be holding the middle part down. Now we'll simulate the roughing one. qDThHAhNIcA-00244-00164844-00164958 Okay, that looks good. qDThHAhNIcA-00245-00165306-00165408 And finally, qDThHAhNIcA-00246-00165536-00165762 the Finishing tool path. qDThHAhNIcA-00247-00166656-00166716 Lovely! qDThHAhNIcA-00248-00167034-00167448 You want to zoom in on it. Have a good look at it. Make sure that it has the qDThHAhNIcA-00249-00167448-00168084 amount of detail that you want. If you chose a stepover that was too large, qDThHAhNIcA-00250-00168084-00168606 you will see raster lines on here. So the fact that we don't see raster lines, qDThHAhNIcA-00251-00168606-00169074 even until we get all the way in to the level of individual pixels, is a very good sign. qDThHAhNIcA-00252-00169326-00170106 All right. So, if the simulation went well, the last step is to export these toolpaths as G-Code. qDThHAhNIcA-00253-00170106-00170562 Before I do that, actually, you may want to have a look at how much time it's going to take to do qDThHAhNIcA-00254-00170562-00171192 each cut. Then, you might also want to create a Job sheet, which is handy to print out and qDThHAhNIcA-00255-00171192-00171840 have on hand. It will tell you which bit you're supposed to be using for each toolpath. Okay, if qDThHAhNIcA-00256-00171840-00172626 you did create a Job Setup sheet in Vectrix Vcarve Pro, it looks like this. It's an HTML file and qDThHAhNIcA-00257-00172626-00173364 it shows you what the overall picture of the job looks like, where the model lies within the stock, qDThHAhNIcA-00258-00173484-00174090 how it's set up, and where the origin is. A summary of the three different toolpaths, and qDThHAhNIcA-00259-00174090-00174720 then a detail about each toolpath, saying how fast is it going and what bit are you using and that qDThHAhNIcA-00260-00174720-00175182 sort of thing. It's very helpful to print that out and have it on hand while you're doing the work. qDThHAhNIcA-00261-00175356-00176172 You want to then export the G-Code. You select one toolpath at a time. Choose your qDThHAhNIcA-00262-00176172-00176886 machine. Make sure that you're using the right post-processor for the machine that you have. I qDThHAhNIcA-00263-00176886-00177612 have a grbl controller. Then you save the tool path. Go ahead and do that for the other ones. qDThHAhNIcA-00264-00178254-00178836 So you've got your tool paths created. The next step is to get your CNC machine ready to do the qDThHAhNIcA-00265-00178836-00179346 carving. Before you put the workpiece down, you should face the spoilboard. You want to qDThHAhNIcA-00266-00179346-00180186 make sure that the surface of your spoilboard is parallel to the X and Y rails of your CNC machine. qDThHAhNIcA-00267-00180846-00181512 I use two different ways to fix the workpiece to the spoil board: tape and screws. The tape qDThHAhNIcA-00268-00181512-00182256 I use is TESA 4298 strapping tape and I put some double-stick tape on that -- some very qDThHAhNIcA-00269-00182256-00182790 strong double-stick tape made by ThermoWeb. You don't need very many pieces of that qDThHAhNIcA-00270-00182790-00183372 to stick it down quite firmly. I also drill through-holes in the wood, and then use long qDThHAhNIcA-00271-00183372-00183978 wood screws to screw it down firmly when I'm doing the cutout toolpath. I leave about a millimeter of qDThHAhNIcA-00272-00183978-00184650 wood there so that the wood won't come loose. The screws will still be holding it down as I'm qDThHAhNIcA-00273-00184650-00185208 carving the other toolpaths. That way, I can carve the cutout toolpath first, and that saves wear and qDThHAhNIcA-00274-00185208-00185724 tear on the roughing and finishing bits, because they're going to be turning around in midair, qDThHAhNIcA-00275-00185724-00186366 rather than in wood. Here it is screwed down in the corners. You screw it down tight enough so qDThHAhNIcA-00276-00186366-00186858 that you could not slip the corner of a piece of paper anywhere underneath it. It should be well qDThHAhNIcA-00277-00186858-00187788 adhered also, with your tape. These are the cutout and roughing bits that I use, 1/4" endmills, qDThHAhNIcA-00278-00187842-00188400 up-cut or down-cut. You can see on the right that I tried to go a little too fast with a cutout qDThHAhNIcA-00279-00188400-00189090 toolpath and it started to dig into the workpiece. This was using a Profile toolpath. I have learned qDThHAhNIcA-00280-00189090-00189534 now to use a Pocketing tool path instead, one that's a little bit wider than the bit, qDThHAhNIcA-00281-00189534-00190068 and make it move in the Climb Direction, not the Conventional Direction. Conventional Direction qDThHAhNIcA-00282-00190068-00190722 tends to dig in more. Also, don't have the bits sticking out any more than you need to. The qDThHAhNIcA-00283-00190722-00191034 longer they stick out (from the spindle collet) the more they're inclined to leave the pathway qDThHAhNIcA-00284-00191034-00191766 that the G-Code is intending them to move along. Okay, now I will show some roughing in action. qDThHAhNIcA-00285-00191994-00192348 This is the Conventional Direction with 80% stepover. qDThHAhNIcA-00286-00192606-00192990 There's the Climb direction, and you can see that it's a lot cleaner of a cut. qDThHAhNIcA-00287-00193446-00194046 The roughing process produces a lot of chips and dust, and you want to use a vacuum system qDThHAhNIcA-00288-00194046-00194568 or a shop vac -- or a blower perhaps -- to get the chips out of the path of the bit. Sometimes qDThHAhNIcA-00289-00194568-00194994 they can wrap around it and cause problems. Of course, you also want to protect yourself from qDThHAhNIcA-00290-00194994-00195516 the flying wood. I use this powered ventilator face shield by Sundstrom. It's comfortable qDThHAhNIcA-00291-00195516-00196074 enough to wear all day long. It doesn't fog up. It fits my glasses. It also has hearing qDThHAhNIcA-00292-00196074-00196656 protectors clipped to it, to protect my ears. Here's an example of roughing over the mountains. qDThHAhNIcA-00293-00196908-00197466 What you notice is that it slows down a bit as you're doing the cuts that involve a lot qDThHAhNIcA-00294-00197466-00198006 of vertical motion. That has to do with the limitations of the Z-axis on this machine qDThHAhNIcA-00295-00198006-00198402 at the time I filmed this. It's a little bit better now that I put a different lead screw on. qDThHAhNIcA-00296-00199176-00199620 When you're finished with the roughing pass, it looks -- not surprisingly -- very much like qDThHAhNIcA-00297-00199620-00200292 the simulated version in Vcarve Pro. Vcarve Pro has a couple of different options for doing the qDThHAhNIcA-00298-00200292-00201030 roughing pass you could do the Raster, which is what I prefer, on the left, or you can do what's qDThHAhNIcA-00299-00201030-00201570 called the Z-level or Offset strategy, here on the right. but the Offset strategy produces more qDThHAhNIcA-00300-00201570-00202134 of these sharp right angles in the wood, where forces tend to get concentrated and occasionally qDThHAhNIcA-00301-00202134-00202674 break Peaks off. So it's a little bit safer to use the Raster strategy. It does take longer, though. qDThHAhNIcA-00302-00202674-00203214 This was estimated to take 2 hours and 11 minutes by Raster, and only an hour and 20 minutes by the qDThHAhNIcA-00303-00203214-00203784 Z-level strategy. These are the finishing bits that I use. The middle one -- my favorite -- is qDThHAhNIcA-00304-00203784-00204516 about 1.5-millimeter diameter ball-end. You would probably only want to use the top, a very sharp qDThHAhNIcA-00305-00204516-00205260 one for a very small terrain carving or perhaps carvings in metal or something like a medallion. qDThHAhNIcA-00306-00205260-00205823 Or you could use the larger bit, which is about three millimeters or 1/8 of an inch, qDThHAhNIcA-00307-00205908-00206382 for something where it's big enough that you don't mind that it might have a scalloped surface. qDThHAhNIcA-00308-00206646-00207419 Here I'm comparing a stepover setting of 20% versus 15%. If we zoom in on that, qDThHAhNIcA-00309-00207569-00208067 you can see that the 20% shows some rastering lines and the 15% qDThHAhNIcA-00310-00208067-00208769 doesn't. In fact, I actually use 10% most of the time, because even the 15% stepover qDThHAhNIcA-00311-00208848-00209688 still shows some raster lines. A 10% stepover -- that's about 150 microns per line if you're qDThHAhNIcA-00312-00209688-00210282 using a bit that's one and a half millimeters across on its tip -- so that's six thousandths qDThHAhNIcA-00313-00210282-00210780 of an inch per stepover. I'll show some examples of the finishing tool path in action. qDThHAhNIcA-00314-00212112-00214362 [Music] qDThHAhNIcA-00315-00217356-00217752 While you're carving you may want to use an IR thermal camera to check the temperature qDThHAhNIcA-00316-00217752-00218123 of the bit, to make sure that it's not getting too hot. If it were to snap, qDThHAhNIcA-00317-00218123-00218814 that could cause a fire hazard if it falls into wood chips. It also wears the sharp edges down qDThHAhNIcA-00318-00218814-00219450 quicker if it overheats and softens the metal. It's fun to watch, during the finishing process, qDThHAhNIcA-00319-00219450-00219966 how the details get revealed as the wood left behind by the roughing pass gets carved qDThHAhNIcA-00320-00219966-00220434 away. You can see about three millimeters of wood here, left behind by the roughing pass. qDThHAhNIcA-00321-00220554-00221238 Here's a case where I was trying to push the process finishing too fast and I lost Z steps qDThHAhNIcA-00322-00221238-00221826 in the stepper motor that controls the z-axis. In that case, when it digs into the wood like this, qDThHAhNIcA-00323-00221826-00222432 you probably have wasted this piece of wood. I have fixed this problem by using a different qDThHAhNIcA-00324-00222432-00223026 lead screw that allows the z-axis to move faster, and keep up with the X and Y axes at qDThHAhNIcA-00325-00223026-00223619 about 50 millimeters per second, which is fast enough for me. Here is a dramatic reenactment qDThHAhNIcA-00326-00223619-00224178 of cutting the edges -- the waste wood -- off the piece, after finishing the finishing pass. qDThHAhNIcA-00327-00224286-00224796 With a curved shape like this, it's very handy to have a bandsaw. You can also use a coping qDThHAhNIcA-00328-00224796-00225419 saw or a jigsaw if you have them. If you have a piece that just has straight edges, of course, qDThHAhNIcA-00329-00225419-00225966 you could just use a table saw to cut those edges off... and then sand them with a belt sander to qDThHAhNIcA-00330-00225966-00226523 make sure that any marks left behind by the cutter are smoothed out. Even with a very small stepover, qDThHAhNIcA-00331-00226523-00227028 there will be some fibers that need to be sanded off. Ideally, what you want is something like qDThHAhNIcA-00332-00227028-00227610 this: it's fairly smooth. I spend a lot of time with the Dremel and an abrasive sponge wheel qDThHAhNIcA-00333-00227706-00228119 sanding these. It usually takes five or six of these sponge Wheels qDThHAhNIcA-00334-00228264-00228756 to get a piece so that it's completely smooth all over. These ones that are qDThHAhNIcA-00335-00228756-00229158 disc-shaped are good for getting into small valleys and crevices in your terrain. qDThHAhNIcA-00336-00229223-00229871 After sanding, you want to coat it with some spray lacquer. The spray lacquer from Lidl is very good. qDThHAhNIcA-00337-00229871-00230508 I prefer gloss. It usually takes three to seven coats of lacquer, with light sanding. You don't qDThHAhNIcA-00338-00230508-00231210 want to spray a very thick coat. Only a thin coat for each coating. Sand it in between coats. Gloss qDThHAhNIcA-00339-00231210-00231732 lacquer gives a nice effect called chatoyancy, which is how the luster of the layers of plywood qDThHAhNIcA-00340-00231732-00232373 changes with the lighting direction. Here's an example of that. With clear glossy varnish, qDThHAhNIcA-00341-00232434-00233028 the chatoyancy of the grain really shows up nicely with the light coming from different directions. qDThHAhNIcA-00342-00234012-00234521 After you've done your sanding and finishing, some possible extras that you might want to qDThHAhNIcA-00343-00234521-00234971 consider are to make a resin pour, to create a frame for your artwork, qDThHAhNIcA-00344-00234971-00235458 to brand it, or perhaps to make a fold-out map to put behind it. qDThHAhNIcA-00345-00235788-00236219 Resin pouring is tricky and there are lots of other good YouTube tutorials about that, qDThHAhNIcA-00346-00236219-00236616 so I won't go into detail, but just to say a couple of important things. One is, to make qDThHAhNIcA-00347-00236616-00237252 sure that the workpiece is completely level before you pour it. I used, in this case, qDThHAhNIcA-00348-00237252-00238254 a masking tape dam to keep the resin from pouring over the edges. That has resulted in a meniscus qDThHAhNIcA-00349-00238254-00238764 along the edge here of about a few millimeters that I had to sand off. It's very hard to sand qDThHAhNIcA-00350-00238764-00239388 that off without accidentally scratching the top of the ocean there. So a much better tape to use qDThHAhNIcA-00351-00239388-00239958 than masking tape is this TESA tape, the very same tape that I used for holding the workpiece down, qDThHAhNIcA-00352-00239958-00240732 4298 strapping tape. You want to fold it over on itself. So this is a folded edge here. The resin qDThHAhNIcA-00353-00240732-00241200 doesn't tend to climb up on this tape the way it does on masking tape. So there's very little qDThHAhNIcA-00354-00241200-00241812 meniscus. The resin I use is by Ink Lab and it's great because it has no odor. It takes about -- it qDThHAhNIcA-00355-00241812-00242562 has about a 40-minute working time, or in my cold garage, maybe three hours. If you want it to set qDThHAhNIcA-00356-00242562-00243330 faster, you can preheat it, or work in a warm space. I colored the ocean with this pigment qDThHAhNIcA-00357-00243330-00244008 and sparkles: mica powder. It produces these wonderful effects that evoke the idea of ocean qDThHAhNIcA-00358-00244008-00244752 waves and currents. To decide how much resin to mix up, I used a large piece of cardstock. qDThHAhNIcA-00359-00244830-00245346 I embossed it along the coast Edge there, and then cut it out and weighed it, qDThHAhNIcA-00360-00245346-00245921 and compared that weight to the weight of the whole sheet, to calculate what this area is and qDThHAhNIcA-00361-00245921-00246576 multiply that by the depth of the ocean to get the volume. Sometimes, knots and grain -- heartwood qDThHAhNIcA-00362-00246576-00247032 grain -- show up as interesting features that evoke sunken ships or ocean currents, qDThHAhNIcA-00363-00247098-00247614 so you might want to make the resin transparent enough that some of these show through. qDThHAhNIcA-00364-00247764-00248267 Here it is just after pouring, while it's still liquid, and you can see that the mica has an qDThHAhNIcA-00365-00248267-00248723 interesting texture to it. You can change that by moving it around with a stick or something. qDThHAhNIcA-00366-00248723-00249450 After it has settled for three hours in my cold garage, it's much less chaotic. If you wanted qDThHAhNIcA-00367-00249450-00250086 it to include those chaotic features, you might heat it up to make it set a little bit faster. qDThHAhNIcA-00368-00250469-00251052 You might want to make a frame for your CNC carving. I used some mahogany molding, qDThHAhNIcA-00369-00251052-00251669 cut on a fine-tooth miter saw, and then glued together with this MitreFast CA glue and qDThHAhNIcA-00370-00251669-00252623 accelerator. I sanded it with a random-orbit sander, 200 grit or finer. I made a box frame qDThHAhNIcA-00371-00252623-00253206 to go underneath the frame (subframe). It's fastened together in the corners with screws, qDThHAhNIcA-00372-00253206-00253806 so that you can loosen them and then adjust the height of the model within the subframe to set qDThHAhNIcA-00373-00253806-00254376 the height of the carving behind the frame. I glued the subframe to the frame using a small qDThHAhNIcA-00374-00254376-00255006 amount of polyurethane Gorilla Glue, which expands to fill the gaps. You might favor a qDThHAhNIcA-00375-00255006-00255617 simple flat frame, or perhaps something made from more fancy molding like this. qDThHAhNIcA-00376-00255912-00256319 You might also want to create a brand. Here, I'm designing a brand in Vcarve Pro, qDThHAhNIcA-00377-00256410-00256973 which I carved on my Handibot out of a very thick brass hinge. I heat it qDThHAhNIcA-00378-00256973-00257321 with a butane torch and then I can brand the back of my artwork there. qDThHAhNIcA-00379-00257634-00258396 Another extra is to make a fold-out map. Here I'm collecting screen captures from Google Maps, qDThHAhNIcA-00380-00258396-00259062 with the terrain setting turned on. The contour lines on the terrain only show up at certain Zoom qDThHAhNIcA-00381-00259062-00259926 levels, so I had to compile 25 tiles together. I merged those with a graphics program called qDThHAhNIcA-00382-00259926-00260544 GIMP. I then printed it on some quality paper and laminated it, and created a tape hinge. qDThHAhNIcA-00383-00260646-00261264 That way, it can be folded out if somebody wants to know where a certain landmark is, or where qDThHAhNIcA-00384-00261264-00261821 they're looking. They can have a look at the map and compare that to the carving. If you're going qDThHAhNIcA-00385-00261821-00262416 to hang it on the wall, you want to make sure that you use some sturdy hardware: some strong picture qDThHAhNIcA-00386-00262416-00263070 wire and a well-anchored hook. Ideally, attach your hook to a stud behind the wall. If you want qDThHAhNIcA-00387-00263070-00263718 more details please comment below or go have a look at my Instructable on instructables.com qDThHAhNIcA-00388-00263916-00264102 and of course, as always, qDThHAhNIcA-00389-00264102-00264498 "Like" and "Subscribe" if you want to see more YouTube videos from me! Thank you! qED6UC58L6I-00000-00000032-00000180 I know you don't like to get drawn into qED6UC58L6I-00001-00000180-00000408 politics uh Guru but something which has qED6UC58L6I-00002-00000408-00000775 hit very close home is uh recently there qED6UC58L6I-00003-00000775-00001054 was a man who was injured in a explosion qED6UC58L6I-00004-00001054-00001276 that took place in Bengaluru now it qED6UC58L6I-00005-00001276-00001558 turns out that this man sharik on his qED6UC58L6I-00006-00001558-00001803 WhatsApp status had a statue of Adele qED6UC58L6I-00007-00001803-00002001 how do you read the fact that you're the qED6UC58L6I-00008-00002001-00002367 man who was inspired by ISIS literature qED6UC58L6I-00009-00002367-00002603 he apparently self-radicalized he had a qED6UC58L6I-00010-00002603-00002839 Handler he was caught with a in an qED6UC58L6I-00011-00002839-00003163 explosion and he had a picture of Ari qED6UC58L6I-00012-00003163-00003346 Yogi hmm qED6UC58L6I-00013-00003346-00003555 I think I should be glad that even he is qED6UC58L6I-00014-00003555-00003932 carrying adiyogi qED6UC58L6I-00015-00003932-00004119 that's how I would like to see it but qED6UC58L6I-00016-00004119-00004353 that's not the reality I know one thing qED6UC58L6I-00017-00004353-00004655 is uh he's trying to mask his identity qED6UC58L6I-00018-00004655-00005078 that is a clever thing to do uh for the qED6UC58L6I-00019-00005078-00005364 work that he is doing but the important qED6UC58L6I-00020-00005364-00005623 thing is that we need to understand qED6UC58L6I-00021-00005623-00006264 uh qED6UC58L6I-00022-00006264-00006487 any image of this kind you know what qED6UC58L6I-00023-00006487-00006709 happened in Afghanistan to the Buddha qED6UC58L6I-00024-00006709-00006993 statues this has happened across qED6UC58L6I-00025-00006993-00007268 Northern Plains that anything that was qED6UC58L6I-00026-00007268-00007458 considered idolatry was destroyed qED6UC58L6I-00027-00007458-00007700 because somebody firmly believed that qED6UC58L6I-00028-00007700-00007906 so now I think most people have settled qED6UC58L6I-00029-00007906-00008079 okay you do your thing I do my thing qED6UC58L6I-00030-00008079-00008293 it's okay I think we should bring that qED6UC58L6I-00031-00008293-00008482 so there are still some radical elements qED6UC58L6I-00032-00008482-00008650 going on like this qED6UC58L6I-00033-00008650-00008906 for them the most terrible thing is that qED6UC58L6I-00034-00008906-00009149 there is other Yogi statue standing qED6UC58L6I-00035-00009149-00009457 there which uh which hurts them in some qED6UC58L6I-00036-00009457-00009728 way because they think we are worshiping qED6UC58L6I-00037-00009728-00009954 we are not worshiping we are using is it qED6UC58L6I-00038-00009954-00010189 an inspiration to go in a certain qED6UC58L6I-00039-00010189-00010318 direction qED6UC58L6I-00040-00010318-00010590 but still that is the belief so this qED6UC58L6I-00041-00010590-00010761 education needs to happen to all qED6UC58L6I-00042-00010761-00011082 communities that qED6UC58L6I-00043-00011082-00011338 how you want to reach something Beyond qED6UC58L6I-00044-00011338-00011494 yourself see essentially let's see it qED6UC58L6I-00045-00011494-00011679 this way whatever your religion is I'm qED6UC58L6I-00046-00011679-00011880 somebody who's never read any Scripture qED6UC58L6I-00047-00011880-00012122 of any culture I have stayed away from qED6UC58L6I-00048-00012122-00012427 that whatever it may be essentially I qED6UC58L6I-00049-00012427-00012679 believe all religions were created to qED6UC58L6I-00050-00012679-00012941 help a human being in some way to qED6UC58L6I-00051-00012941-00013180 transcend their limitations and find qED6UC58L6I-00052-00013180-00013416 higher qualities within themselves qED6UC58L6I-00053-00013416-00013596 somebody will do it by prayer somebody qED6UC58L6I-00054-00013596-00013863 will do it by ritual somebody will do it qED6UC58L6I-00055-00013863-00014066 by all kinds of worship somebody will do qED6UC58L6I-00056-00014066-00014253 it by meditation somebody will do it by qED6UC58L6I-00057-00014253-00014469 knowledge it doesn't matter how qED6UC58L6I-00058-00014469-00014644 essentially in yoga we say there are qED6UC58L6I-00059-00014644-00014881 only four ways you can use your body and qED6UC58L6I-00060-00014881-00015256 do it we call this ah Karma Yoga you can qED6UC58L6I-00061-00015256-00015434 do your intelligence and do it we call qED6UC58L6I-00062-00015434-00015643 this Nana yoga you can use your emotion qED6UC58L6I-00063-00015643-00015865 and do it we call this bhakti yoga you qED6UC58L6I-00064-00015865-00016041 can use your life energies and do it qED6UC58L6I-00065-00016041-00016284 this is called as kriya yoga so whatever qED6UC58L6I-00066-00016284-00016581 religion you may come from in some way qED6UC58L6I-00067-00016581-00016754 it is a combination of these four things qED6UC58L6I-00068-00016754-00016995 in What proportion it may vary but qED6UC58L6I-00069-00016995-00017204 that's all a human being can do you can qED6UC58L6I-00070-00017204-00017470 use your body mind emotion and energy qED6UC58L6I-00071-00017470-00017695 there's nothing else for you to use you qED6UC58L6I-00072-00017695-00017909 can invent whatever you want qED6UC58L6I-00073-00017909-00018240 so this maturity needs to come I think qED6UC58L6I-00074-00018240-00018378 it's beginning to happen in the world qED6UC58L6I-00075-00018378-00018540 across the world we're reaching billions qED6UC58L6I-00076-00018540-00018898 of people every year in spite of that uh qED6UC58L6I-00077-00018898-00019120 what I see is there is small fringes qED6UC58L6I-00078-00019120-00019414 margin uh margins of people who still qED6UC58L6I-00079-00019414-00019767 firmly believe whatever is being told to qED6UC58L6I-00080-00019767-00020051 them so I think this needs to change it qED6UC58L6I-00081-00020051-00020331 is uh not anybody's business how an qED6UC58L6I-00082-00020331-00020515 individual person is pursuing his own qED6UC58L6I-00083-00020515-00020870 well-being so about ADI Yogi becoming so qED6UC58L6I-00084-00020870-00021145 popular that even Terror suspect carries qED6UC58L6I-00085-00021145-00021358 adiyogi I think it makes me very happy qED6UC58L6I-00086-00021358-00021762 do you feel though that he could have qED6UC58L6I-00087-00021762-00021991 been thinking of targeting uh that is qED6UC58L6I-00088-00021991-00022212 always there that is not new for us I qED6UC58L6I-00089-00022212-00022341 don't know I have not counted and on qED6UC58L6I-00090-00022341-00022605 average in a year how many death threats qED6UC58L6I-00091-00022605-00022772 come to me they keep coming qED6UC58L6I-00092-00022772-00023079 uh but still I am alive so it's okay qED6UC58L6I-00093-00023079-00023597 what is it a cause of worry that in the qED6UC58L6I-00094-00023597-00024043 place that you live and in other pockets qED6UC58L6I-00095-00024043-00024215 in Karnataka for example this this qED6UC58L6I-00096-00024215-00024465 gentleman was in Mangalore he traveled qED6UC58L6I-00097-00024465-00024662 to Tamil Nadu he traveled to coimbatore qED6UC58L6I-00098-00024662-00024845 he traveled to Kerala that there is qED6UC58L6I-00099-00024845-00025120 growing radicalization in a set or in a qED6UC58L6I-00100-00025120-00025337 group of people no you must understand qED6UC58L6I-00101-00025337-00025613 he's doing the same route that I did qED6UC58L6I-00102-00025613-00025838 I was in my store constantly traveled to qED6UC58L6I-00103-00025838-00026227 Mangalore then Mysore to coimbatore qED6UC58L6I-00104-00026227-00026527 this guy is traveling the same route qED6UC58L6I-00105-00026527-00026695 I know I am joking about a serious qED6UC58L6I-00106-00026695-00027075 subject but it's very important that we qED6UC58L6I-00107-00027075-00027335 learn to handle qED6UC58L6I-00108-00027335-00027544 the most significant aspects of Our qED6UC58L6I-00109-00027544-00027810 Lives we learn to carry it lightly qED6UC58L6I-00110-00027810-00027989 otherwise we will want to kill each qED6UC58L6I-00111-00027989-00028337 other let's not go there qED6UC58L6I-00112-00028337-00028477 foreign qED6UC58L6I-00113-00028477-00028616 [Music] qED6UC58L6I-00114-00028616-00028755 everybody qED6UC58L6I-00115-00028755-00028894 [Music] qFFx2xj8XF4-00000-00000003-00000076 [music] qFFx2xj8XF4-00001-00000076-00000273 Canvas Inbox. qFFx2xj8XF4-00002-00000373-00000553 From the Canvas dashboard, qFFx2xj8XF4-00003-00000553-00000830 go to inbox, qFFx2xj8XF4-00004-00000873-00001070 use the toolbar to filter qFFx2xj8XF4-00005-00001070-00001296 the inbox view. qFFx2xj8XF4-00006-00001930-00002216 Compose a new message. qFFx2xj8XF4-00007-00002516-00002790 Select the course. qFFx2xj8XF4-00008-00002950-00003260 Select the recipient. qFFx2xj8XF4-00009-00003333-00003660 Write and send your message. qFFx2xj8XF4-00010-00003879-00003996 Thank you for being a qFFx2xj8XF4-00011-00003996-00004226 Los Rios community college student. qKfPOFqCSVg-00000-00000028-00000624 Hey everybody, Scott Bintz here, "Doubtful Passenger" chapter is now available. qKfPOFqCSVg-00001-00000624-00001062 It's the omitted chapter from the book, "Principles to Fortune," because it qKfPOFqCSVg-00002-00001062-00001470 didn't really fit in with the theme. It's about my journey on how I qKfPOFqCSVg-00003-00001470-00002039 overcame some of the labels & the self- doubt in my own mind and the world qKfPOFqCSVg-00004-00002039-00002786 out there. Talks about putting context to all the qKfPOFqCSVg-00005-00002786-00003342 labels I've been given my whole life. Some of the labels are; Red qKfPOFqCSVg-00006-00003342-00004352 Head, Unnoticeable, B*stard, Carrot Top, Genius, Dumb Sh!t, Troublemaker, Whiner, qKfPOFqCSVg-00007-00004352-00005437 Rule Breaker, Brilliant, Introvert, Extrovert, Persistent, Helpful, Crafty, qKfPOFqCSVg-00008-00005437-00006053 Stubborn, Math Wizard, and Slow Reader. Anyway, you get all these labels that are qKfPOFqCSVg-00009-00006053-00006693 slapped on you. How do you put them into context and how do you not allow them to qKfPOFqCSVg-00010-00006693-00007179 dictate what you're able to do in your life? It's a quick 32 page qKfPOFqCSVg-00011-00007179-00007947 read & it's kind of a gritty, down & dirty look at the inside of my mind & qKfPOFqCSVg-00012-00007947-00008513 how I kind of put perspective to those things. I hope you enjoy. qM30mtnmdVu-00000-00000605-00000911 [Music] qM30mtnmdVu-00001-00002567-00003385 hey guezz, do you like this video. qM30mtnmdVu-00002-00003513-00003830 Like , Share and subcribe our Channal. qM30mtnmdVu-00003-00005129-00007593 [Music] qM30mtnmdVu-00004-00007815-00008309 [Music] qM30mtnmdVu-00005-00012538-00012958 [Music] qM30mtnmdVu-00006-00014982-00015307 [Music] qPGrKxnSC3E-00000-00000983-00001313 When you're creating a media plan, you'll probably want to know what media outlets are qPGrKxnSC3E-00001-00001313-00001537 available in a given geographic region. qPGrKxnSC3E-00002-00001537-00001880 You might also want to know how much advertising costs in that area. qPGrKxnSC3E-00003-00001880-00002316 For example, perhaps I am working on a media plan for a company located in Madison, Wisconsin. qPGrKxnSC3E-00004-00002316-00002786 I can use the resource SRDS to find media outlets, SQAD cost-per-point ratings, and qPGrKxnSC3E-00005-00002786-00002898 more. qPGrKxnSC3E-00006-00002898-00003229 So let's say that I’m interested in finding all of the local media outlets that exist qPGrKxnSC3E-00007-00003229-00003360 in Madison. qPGrKxnSC3E-00008-00003360-00003721 This includes TV channels, magazines, radio stations, and so on. qPGrKxnSC3E-00009-00003721-00004272 I can find this information by clicking Local Media by DMA from the left side of the page. qPGrKxnSC3E-00010-00004272-00004501 DMA means Designated Market Area. qPGrKxnSC3E-00011-00004501-00004837 In this case our DMA is Madison, Wisconsin. qPGrKxnSC3E-00012-00004837-00005178 We can limit to Madison along the left side of the page. qPGrKxnSC3E-00013-00005178-00005646 And after we make our DMA selection, the center of the page will populate and give us information qPGrKxnSC3E-00014-00005646-00006026 about the various media outlets that exist in the area. qPGrKxnSC3E-00015-00006026-00006608 I can find information such as circulation rates, costs for advertisements, and more. qPGrKxnSC3E-00016-00006608-00007120 Clicking a specific media option will give more information about that specific TV channel qPGrKxnSC3E-00017-00007120-00007302 or newspaper or radio station. qPGrKxnSC3E-00018-00007302-00007809 If I’m getting more information than I want, I can select the type of media I'm interested qPGrKxnSC3E-00019-00007809-00007981 in, such as newspaper, radio. qPGrKxnSC3E-00020-00007981-00008283 or TV on the left side of the page. qPGrKxnSC3E-00021-00008283-00008644 One thing I may want to know is the SQAD cost-per-point. qPGrKxnSC3E-00022-00008644-00009054 When you multiply this number by the Nielsen rating for the program that airs during that qPGrKxnSC3E-00023-00009054-00009472 time, you can find out how expensive an ad will be in a given city during a specific qPGrKxnSC3E-00024-00009472-00009578 time of day. qPGrKxnSC3E-00025-00009578-00009999 You can find this information for radio as well as TV in SRDS. qPGrKxnSC3E-00026-00009999-00010447 Just hover over the Search by Media Type option then select the media type you're interested qPGrKxnSC3E-00027-00010447-00010554 in, TV or radio. qPGrKxnSC3E-00028-00010554-00010707 I'm going to click TV. qPGrKxnSC3E-00029-00010707-00011178 In the center of the page, click SQAD Cost Per Point Level Reports, and then find the qPGrKxnSC3E-00030-00011178-00011583 city you're interested in and click the SQAD Report link. qPGrKxnSC3E-00031-00011583-00011956 Note that SQAD cost numbers are broken up by time of day. qPGrKxnSC3E-00032-00011956-00012385 Dayparts are defined as Prime Access being 6:00 to 8:00 pm; Prime Time 8:00 to 10:30 qPGrKxnSC3E-00033-00012385-00012866 pm; Late News 10:30 to 11:00 pm; and Late Fringe 10:30 to midnight. qPGrKxnSC3E-00034-00012866-00013284 For more information on SQAD cost-per-point levels and advertising rates, check out the qPGrKxnSC3E-00035-00013284-00014105 How to Find Advertising Rates guide. qQVIXWr5xJI-00000-00000352-00001040 hello and welcome to the introduction to biospecimens in the ABCD study this is week eight qQVIXWr5xJI-00001-00001096-00001655 of this repronim course my name is Kristina Uban I'm an assistant professor in public qQVIXWr5xJI-00002-00001655-00002176 health at the University of California Irvine and I'm very honored and very excited about qQVIXWr5xJI-00003-00002176-00002616 biospecimens in ABCD and to have this opportunity to share this with you guys qQVIXWr5xJI-00004-00002864-00003592 so the learning objectives by the end you should be able to describe the range of biospecimens qQVIXWr5xJI-00005-00003592-00004424 in the ABCD study describe the rationale for collecting each biospecimen, summarize methods of qQVIXWr5xJI-00006-00004424-00005056 collection and storage for each biospecimen, and then I'm going to dive a little bit deeper into qQVIXWr5xJI-00007-00005056-00005616 detail with salivary hormones. so by the end I'd like you to be able to leverage salivary hormones qQVIXWr5xJI-00008-00005616-00006240 in ABCD to really illustrate the complexity of all the considerations that you need to make when qQVIXWr5xJI-00009-00006240-00006736 you're utilizing a biospecimen that's collected in the study in your statistical analyses. qQVIXWr5xJI-00010-00006904-00007440 And at the end, some general "do's" and one "don't" when you're analyzing biospecimen data qQVIXWr5xJI-00011-00007631-00008064 so of course we're going to start with an overview this is something that we published as a group qQVIXWr5xJI-00012-00008064-00008504 back when there was a biospecimen work group it's now expanded to become a physical health work qQVIXWr5xJI-00013-00008504-00009272 group and we include biospecimens in that group so this publication was back from 2018 the references qQVIXWr5xJI-00014-00009272-00009976 down in the bottom right hand corner and it really just talked about baseline in year one qQVIXWr5xJI-00015-00009976-00010592 of course you guys are working now with 3.0 data so you're actually gonna have some year two and qQVIXWr5xJI-00016-00010592-00011152 maybe even some year three biospecimen data in there a little bit of it even with the pandemic qQVIXWr5xJI-00017-00011152-00011760 context. so this is a little outdated so i just wanted to kind of show you that in year qQVIXWr5xJI-00018-00011760-00012440 two had this publication included it we would be collecting all of these biospecimens for all of qQVIXWr5xJI-00019-00012440-00012976 the participants in ABCD and this continues on in year three four all the way up to ten qQVIXWr5xJI-00020-00013088-00013816 so previously in week six professor Krista Lisdahl had presented more details qQVIXWr5xJI-00021-00013816-00014480 on some biospecimens those are specifically used in our ability to screen a participant when they qQVIXWr5xJI-00022-00014480-00015088 come into the laboratory to see if they currently have alcohol or drugs in their system which would qQVIXWr5xJI-00023-00015088-00015512 mean that we would not want to assess them that day while they might be under the influence qQVIXWr5xJI-00024-00015512-00016176 but also provides more long-term biomarkers of substance use for participants as well. qQVIXWr5xJI-00025-00016240-00016936 so this really you can see in baseline here this we didn't do urine at baseline we did start doing qQVIXWr5xJI-00026-00016936-00017376 that year one but if you go into this publication it'll tell you that we really only did about 10% qQVIXWr5xJI-00027-00017456-00018112 of the participants in baseline and in year one this is because they were 9 and 10 and 10 and 11 qQVIXWr5xJI-00028-00018112-00018816 and we really didn't expect wide-scale substance use across the board however now that we're moving qQVIXWr5xJI-00029-00018816-00019496 up into some year three and some year four data when the participants are 12, 13, soon to be 14, qQVIXWr5xJI-00030-00019608-00020312 we actually do expect bigger and bigger percentages of the ABCD cohort participants qQVIXWr5xJI-00031-00020312-00020800 to be engaging in substance use themselves that means that the percentage of the participants qQVIXWr5xJI-00032-00020800-00021256 we are testing for the screening of alcohol and drugs will keep increasing qQVIXWr5xJI-00033-00021384-00021992 in future years as we expect more use okay so because Krista Lisdahl went into great detail qQVIXWr5xJI-00034-00021992-00022496 on these I'm really just gonna kind of skim over them. I did provide slides on them in this lecture qQVIXWr5xJI-00035-00022496-00023120 so you had all your biospecimens in one set of pdf slides but I didn't want to be redundant so qQVIXWr5xJI-00036-00023120-00023640 I'm going to spend most of my time talking about pubertal hormones that we do by saliva and then qQVIXWr5xJI-00037-00023640-00024200 I'm going to also introduce genomics epigenetics and timeline of exposures through baby teeth qQVIXWr5xJI-00038-00024488-00024808 so the first kind of key aspect is to know that qQVIXWr5xJI-00039-00024880-00025456 when we're screening for alcohol or drugs or we're giving saliva for pubertal hormones those qQVIXWr5xJI-00040-00025456-00026048 are things that every participant eventually will get for the screening every time they come qQVIXWr5xJI-00041-00026048-00026760 in for their annual visit for puberty hormones participants get this every participant gets this qQVIXWr5xJI-00042-00026760-00027288 every year so one snapshot of your pubertal hormones every year so this is something that's qQVIXWr5xJI-00043-00027288-00027920 going to be repeated throughout the longitudinal study all the way up to the end year 10. whereas qQVIXWr5xJI-00044-00027976-00028632 genomics and baby teeth for timeline of exposures back to in utero all the way up to the time of qQVIXWr5xJI-00045-00028632-00029352 the child shed their baby tooth that timeline of exposures you know that doesn't change so qQVIXWr5xJI-00046-00029352-00030008 really once we collect baby teeth from them we've got it and for genomics once we take preferably qQVIXWr5xJI-00047-00030008-00030704 blood definitely some saliva going on in ABCD as a backup or a compliment but once we take their qQVIXWr5xJI-00048-00030832-00031536 their their genetic sample that again is a stable measure we will also get epigenetics from that qQVIXWr5xJI-00049-00031536-00032000 eventually in the future there are no currently epigenetic markers for us to work with but it's qQVIXWr5xJI-00050-00032000-00032592 something that's going to be coming in the future probably not with 4.0 but with 5.0 and clearly qQVIXWr5xJI-00051-00032592-00033072 you know epigenetics can be quite stable throughout someone's life and some epigenic qQVIXWr5xJI-00052-00033072-00033696 markers are are very variable right so that's something that might with funding and the right qQVIXWr5xJI-00053-00033696-00034352 interest from investigators with a funding grant source could use these bio-banked blood samples qQVIXWr5xJI-00054-00034352-00035048 and use the pellet the DNA pellet and absolutely do repeated epigenetic assessments with that qQVIXWr5xJI-00055-00035048-00035352 but that is not something that's currently available so I'm not really going to be going qQVIXWr5xJI-00056-00035352-00036272 into epigenetics so in a couple of years this talk might have greatly evolved so stay tuned okay so qQVIXWr5xJI-00057-00036272-00036992 again Krista Lisdahl went into great detail with the biospecimens that we collect specifically to qQVIXWr5xJI-00058-00036992-00038008 assess the adolescent's own substance use so you can see there's a range of them that we collect qQVIXWr5xJI-00059-00038008-00038480 so we do saliva and I have the details here so you guys have that for your records but qQVIXWr5xJI-00060-00038480-00039168 i'm gonna glaze over these since we don't want to be too redundant with a week six lecture the one qQVIXWr5xJI-00061-00039168-00039736 thing that I did want to point out just in case anyone didn't pick this up in earlier weeks but qQVIXWr5xJI-00062-00039736-00040288 when we're doing screening for substance use with breath and we're using a breathalyzer for alcohol qQVIXWr5xJI-00063-00040416-00040824 anyone at baseline that had a positive screen qQVIXWr5xJI-00064-00040888-00041448 meaning that they you know very currently or very recently still had some alcohol in their system qQVIXWr5xJI-00065-00041592-00042216 that was actually exclusionary criteria so they did not become part of the ABCD cohort participant qQVIXWr5xJI-00066-00042216-00042856 pool and I wanted to point that out because I think that's a kind of a big characteristic of qQVIXWr5xJI-00067-00042856-00043456 ABCD that people should be aware of. It really goes back to the big question of the original qQVIXWr5xJI-00068-00043528-00044232 you know grant writers or the the original intent of the in NIH institutes that are invested in this qQVIXWr5xJI-00069-00044376-00044688 it goes back to the original big picture question of the chicken qQVIXWr5xJI-00070-00044744-00045552 versus the egg which one came first but with mental health problems and substance use so since qQVIXWr5xJI-00071-00045552-00046112 in adolescence we see the beginning or onset of mental health problems particularly mood disorders qQVIXWr5xJI-00072-00046224-00047000 the onset tends to happen in adolescence and substance use and so since this is a common qQVIXWr5xJI-00073-00047064-00047632 developmental time that a lot of these things come on board but then become very problematic later on qQVIXWr5xJI-00074-00047632-00048352 particularly in adulthood which one happens first is it adolescent substance use that alters you qQVIXWr5xJI-00075-00048352-00048896 know risk or resilience to mental health problems and and so is the substance use that unveils a qQVIXWr5xJI-00076-00048896-00049544 risk for mental health problems or is it mental health problems that changes adolescent substance qQVIXWr5xJI-00077-00049544-00050280 use therefore exacerbating the underlying mental health problems and of course we all know it's qQVIXWr5xJI-00078-00050280-00050736 probably sometimes one of those scenarios sometimes the other the chicken came first qQVIXWr5xJI-00079-00050736-00051528 and the egg came first or they are interacting and influencing each other so that really was a big qQVIXWr5xJI-00080-00051584-00052360 intent of the ABCD study is to capture children before they started initiating substance use qQVIXWr5xJI-00081-00052424-00053088 and I don't know actually that we had to exclude anyone if we did it was one or two people at best qQVIXWr5xJI-00082-00053088-00053864 so it wasn't it didn't end up being an issue but it is a important characteristic of ABCD that we qQVIXWr5xJI-00083-00053864-00054384 can actually look at children coming in before they embark on substance use as adolescents qQVIXWr5xJI-00084-00054591-00055296 so I know Dr. Lisdahl also went through the screening with hair so cutting hair for a qQVIXWr5xJI-00085-00055296-00056136 range of substances and in year one we started taking urine for 10% and again that will ramp up qQVIXWr5xJI-00086-00056136-00056888 and we look at cotinine—the main metabolite of nicotine—and this is a good indicator of any smoke qQVIXWr5xJI-00087-00056888-00057440 exposure or tobacco exposure and if it hits a certain level we can fairly safely assume qQVIXWr5xJI-00088-00057440-00057984 that the adolescent is actually using tobacco themself and not just getting it through their qQVIXWr5xJI-00089-00057984-00058576 environment but this is a really great biomarker I think that people might be interested in qQVIXWr5xJI-00090-00058776-00059455 okay so most of this lecture is going to is going to be focused on pubertal hormones so that was me qQVIXWr5xJI-00091-00059455-00059872 briefing over the screening biomarkers because you guys have already gotten that but the slides are qQVIXWr5xJI-00092-00059872-00060504 there the details are there and again there's more details in this 2018 publication that Dr. Lisdahl qQVIXWr5xJI-00093-00060504-00061224 and I and a bunch of other ABCD investigators worked on so going on to pubertal hormones again qQVIXWr5xJI-00094-00061224-00062000 this is something that is really my specialty my area of focus and part of it is because puberty qQVIXWr5xJI-00095-00062055-00062736 is going to be a really big deal for all the participants with whose data you're working with qQVIXWr5xJI-00096-00062855-00063464 puberty is a process that is experienced across mammals so it's something that is qQVIXWr5xJI-00097-00063464-00063984 not just unique to humans so for me that feels very powerful this is something that's preserved qQVIXWr5xJI-00098-00063984-00064824 across all mammalian species often with puberty in other non-human mammals you see huge spikes in qQVIXWr5xJI-00099-00064824-00065544 male aggression sometimes in female aggression and you clearly see a mammal go from not being able to qQVIXWr5xJI-00100-00065544-00066240 reproduce to being able to reproduce after pubertal maturation so in terms of evolution qQVIXWr5xJI-00101-00066240-00067088 and reproduction I mean this is this is key what's really interesting is that it causes all these qQVIXWr5xJI-00102-00067088-00068056 changes in behavior and so it's not shouldn't be a surprise that ABCD originators really felt like we qQVIXWr5xJI-00103-00068056-00068728 needed to have some metrics to capture individual differences in puberty since we are starting in qQVIXWr5xJI-00104-00068728-00069472 childhood where most people entering the study are pre-pubertal or early pubertal stages qQVIXWr5xJI-00105-00069576-00070248 and by now with the 3.0 data release we actually have most people in the middle of puberty qQVIXWr5xJI-00106-00070248-00070848 late stages or done so and still some people haven't started yet particularly those born qQVIXWr5xJI-00107-00070848-00071584 biologically male but all the data you're working with is a hundred percent in a pubertal context qQVIXWr5xJI-00108-00071640-00072160 so if you never really thought about puberty and it's not really your thing hopefully after qQVIXWr5xJI-00109-00072160-00072688 the next few slides I might convince you that you might want to at least use some qQVIXWr5xJI-00110-00072688-00073344 pubertal assessments from ABCD in your descriptive table at the very least if not in your analyses qQVIXWr5xJI-00111-00073576-00074224 okay so in the brain in the hypothalamus there are specific nuclei that release qQVIXWr5xJI-00112-00074224-00074816 the hormone gonadotropin releasing hormone or GnRH that stimulate the pituitary gland at the qQVIXWr5xJI-00113-00074816-00075400 base of the brain and that goes down to release luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, qQVIXWr5xJI-00114-00075400-00076152 and ultimately it acts on lots of different tissue in our in our body but it also acts on our sex qQVIXWr5xJI-00115-00076152-00076824 organs or gonads so in males individuals born biologically male would be the testes qQVIXWr5xJI-00116-00076880-00077464 and in individuals born biologically female it would be the ovaries and in here qQVIXWr5xJI-00117-00077464-00077952 these hormones stimulate it to produce more sex steroids or gonadal hormones qQVIXWr5xJI-00118-00078056-00078824 so in biological males we see testosterone as the highest level occurring hormone after qQVIXWr5xJI-00119-00078824-00079440 puberty and in females who also have testosterone but we see highest levels occurring in estradiol qQVIXWr5xJI-00120-00079440-00080064 and then these hormones go back and feed back on all sorts of tissue so there's a whole feedback qQVIXWr5xJI-00121-00080064-00080872 loop once testosterone and estrodial are produced and this feedback loop absolutely qQVIXWr5xJI-00122-00080872-00081464 includes back to the brain and it's not just back to the hypothalamus although that's a key target qQVIXWr5xJI-00123-00081464-00081880 it's back these these hormones for estradiol and testosterone and other gonadal hormones qQVIXWr5xJI-00124-00081936-00082448 really are widespread throughout different brain regions so no matter what neural circuitry you're qQVIXWr5xJI-00125-00082448-00083128 looking at whatever MRI modality of data that you're bringing in I can guarantee you that if you qQVIXWr5xJI-00126-00083128-00083776 were to consider gonadal hormones that we assess in ABCD it probably would explain some percentage qQVIXWr5xJI-00127-00083776-00084304 of variance of what you're seeing because these kids are actively going through puberty qQVIXWr5xJI-00128-00084304-00084952 right so we know that they go back they change the brain they can change decision making, they qQVIXWr5xJI-00129-00084952-00085528 can change behavior, they can change emotional regulation, they can change working memory, these qQVIXWr5xJI-00130-00085528-00086048 hormones can change all the different cognitive behavioral outcome measures that you're looking at qQVIXWr5xJI-00131-00086048-00086784 so you don't have to include these certainly lots of people don't but I definitely am an advocate qQVIXWr5xJI-00132-00086784-00087344 just think that you deepen your investigation when you consider individual differences in qQVIXWr5xJI-00133-00087344-00087848 these hormones particularly in kids actively going through major changes in the hormones qQVIXWr5xJI-00134-00088016-00088712 this is a very popular netflix show it's all about puberty and they talk about qQVIXWr5xJI-00135-00088768-00089416 hormone monsters changing the way you think changing mental health mood disorders changing qQVIXWr5xJI-00136-00089416-00089992 your physical features becoming more from child to adult like and they label as the hormone monster qQVIXWr5xJI-00137-00089992-00090640 which is really those hormones acting on your body and your brain and changing it and that's a brand qQVIXWr5xJI-00138-00090640-00091344 new experience for these kids of this age that we have data on in our 3.0 data set so this hormone qQVIXWr5xJI-00139-00091344-00091872 monster is really different for each kid when it shows up in someone's life is different so qQVIXWr5xJI-00140-00091872-00092648 onset of puberty how long is it is it there from premature pre-pubertal to fully post-pubertal qQVIXWr5xJI-00141-00092760-00093528 fully mature that duration of of puberty is individually different the levels of hormones qQVIXWr5xJI-00142-00093528-00094208 that you need to make those changes are different the patterns of hormones here I am specifically qQVIXWr5xJI-00143-00094208-00094792 referring to circadian patterns so the pattern of hormone fluctuations throughout a 24-hour cycle qQVIXWr5xJI-00144-00094920-00095560 the three hormones that we're asking in ABCD do have circadian fluctuations but we only take it qQVIXWr5xJI-00145-00095560-00096232 one sample at one point in in the experimental testing day so we cannot ask questions about qQVIXWr5xJI-00146-00096232-00096872 circadian patterns in ABCD within an individual perhaps across individuals qQVIXWr5xJI-00147-00096872-00097360 and then sensitivity to hormones right so maybe you need a little bit of testosterone qQVIXWr5xJI-00148-00097360-00098152 to drive tissue maturation for pubertal changes or maybe you need a lot before qQVIXWr5xJI-00149-00098152-00098664 you have any outward physical changes so that kind of sensitivity to hormones can be qQVIXWr5xJI-00150-00098664-00099312 wildly different among individuals all of these different factors that are individually qQVIXWr5xJI-00151-00099432-00100392 variable across our ABCD participants and mammals in general you know lead to differences in what qQVIXWr5xJI-00152-00100392-00100904 funeral maturation looks like at any snapshot in time through baseline year one year two and qQVIXWr5xJI-00153-00100904-00101432 beyond in the body, in the brain, so the body and the brain are becoming more adult-like, qQVIXWr5xJI-00154-00101608-00102440 differences in how mental health problems, how how how at risk someone might be to developing qQVIXWr5xJI-00155-00102440-00103008 a mental health problem, and how at risk someone might be when they engage in substance use qQVIXWr5xJI-00156-00103008-00103488 and how does that substance use impact their mental health resilience how does qQVIXWr5xJI-00157-00103488-00104111 that substance use impact their cognition or their likelihood to develop problematic use qQVIXWr5xJI-00158-00104111-00104983 well hormones are part of that story and of course behavioral regulation inhibition aggression qQVIXWr5xJI-00159-00105064-00105783 decision making all of it mood regulation all of it it has some part to do with your hormones qQVIXWr5xJI-00160-00105880-00106256 okay so we really talk about a lot of these in these couple publications down here qQVIXWr5xJI-00161-00106320-00106608 and I'll talk a little bit more about those publications here in a second qQVIXWr5xJI-00162-00106768-00107311 okay so rationale and methods for saliva I hope the rationale is really clear now qQVIXWr5xJI-00163-00107416-00108000 and if it isn't it's it's repeated in both of these publications that came from our qQVIXWr5xJI-00164-00108000-00108608 abcd co-investigators that I have cited down in the right again all participants gave one sample qQVIXWr5xJI-00165-00108672-00109152 in the laboratory testing time so the time when they gave a sample as variable and they qQVIXWr5xJI-00166-00109152-00109800 gave one sample via saliva every year but this started in baseline and it's going to continue qQVIXWr5xJI-00167-00109800-00110392 every year until year 10. so even though we can't ask circadian rhythm differences in individuals qQVIXWr5xJI-00168-00110392-00110800 and we have some methodological noise which will be really obvious to you in a couple minutes qQVIXWr5xJI-00169-00110800-00111824 here we still get to see a snapshot of hormonal development in hormone levels across 10 years down qQVIXWr5xJI-00170-00111824-00112511 the road so in the 3.0 data you will see some coming from year two it should be fully it's qQVIXWr5xJI-00171-00112511-00112904 almost filled out in year one and it's fully filled out in baseline which is really exciting qQVIXWr5xJI-00172-00113111-00113704 we collected saliva through passive drool and passive drool is whole saliva it comes from all qQVIXWr5xJI-00173-00113704-00114408 different glands in the mouth contribute to that saliva and we they did it in a saliva collection qQVIXWr5xJI-00174-00114408-00115008 aid and it was sent from each site it was put in a cooler to stop any potential bacteria that was qQVIXWr5xJI-00175-00115008-00115511 also collected to grow bacterial growth can interfere with our ability to qQVIXWr5xJI-00176-00115680-00116072 accurately assess the hormone levels in that saliva with the assay because it can qQVIXWr5xJI-00177-00116072-00116568 interfere with the assay binding so we stop that bacterial growth by keeping it cool immediately qQVIXWr5xJI-00178-00116632-00117096 for some sites that was just putting in a minus 80 degrees celsius freezer right away qQVIXWr5xJI-00179-00117096-00117511 other sites that's putting it in a cooler with an ice pack and just keeping it cool enough qQVIXWr5xJI-00180-00117511-00118000 where bacteria won't grow and then putting in the minus 80 degree freezer by the end qQVIXWr5xJI-00181-00118000-00118704 of that testing day—always within that testing day and they sat in the minus 80 degree freezer qQVIXWr5xJI-00182-00118704-00119472 for anywhere from a day to two months and were shipped then over to Carlsbad California qQVIXWr5xJI-00183-00119472-00120320 and assayed by a company hired by abcd called Salimetrics and Salimetrics thawed the samples in qQVIXWr5xJI-00184-00120320-00121016 the wet lab so they've gone through one thaw and simultaneously assessed testosterone and DHEA in qQVIXWr5xJI-00185-00121111-00121856 biological males at the same time with the same thaw and in females they thaw the sample and qQVIXWr5xJI-00186-00121856-00122568 simultaneously assessed testosterone, DHEA, and estradiol so biological females in abcd qQVIXWr5xJI-00187-00122568-00123280 have a third gonadal hormone: estradiol. so the rationale for selecting these hormones qQVIXWr5xJI-00188-00123359-00123783 really came from the fact that once you've gone through puberty maturation qQVIXWr5xJI-00189-00123783-00124296 biological males have the most testosterone in their in their bodies and biological females qQVIXWr5xJI-00190-00124296-00125056 have the most estradiol for part of the month and then it spikes and then you know egg is goes down qQVIXWr5xJI-00191-00125056-00125808 the fallopian tube and as that hits near in the uterus then you actually see a switch and qQVIXWr5xJI-00192-00125808-00126552 progesterone usually is higher than estradiol for this right before and during menstruation and so qQVIXWr5xJI-00193-00126632-00127040 females really have kind of some fluctuating hormones but in general we think of estradiol qQVIXWr5xJI-00194-00127040-00127848 as being a really prominent hormone for females almost synonymous with testosterone. DHEA is qQVIXWr5xJI-00195-00127848-00128432 the precursor to all these hormones including testosterone and estradiol it's also known as qQVIXWr5xJI-00196-00128432-00129088 kind of the kickstarter of puberty so if you see here in this graph I just kind of highlighted qQVIXWr5xJI-00197-00129159-00129983 the ABCD participants the age ranges that they'll be throughout this whole study so you can see qQVIXWr5xJI-00198-00129983-00130752 DHEA it's the first hormone to really start rising before testosterone and estradiol and you can see qQVIXWr5xJI-00199-00130752-00131408 that as the ABCD participants entered our study they probably had already been expressing some qQVIXWr5xJI-00200-00131408-00131936 elevations in DHEA before they entered at least a little bit in the background unless they're one qQVIXWr5xJI-00201-00131936-00132456 of the individuals who will go on to have a very late onset impurity they might have been low at qQVIXWr5xJI-00202-00132456-00133024 the beginning but in general when they enter they have very low levels compared to adult levels here qQVIXWr5xJI-00203-00133120-00133776 but you can see that very quickly upon entering ABCD in this age range all the way from you know qQVIXWr5xJI-00204-00133864-00134600 nine all the way up to 11 years old we see this huge increase and then after that qQVIXWr5xJI-00205-00134600-00135000 huge increase in DHEA happens we see the increase in testosterone estradiol follow qQVIXWr5xJI-00206-00135120-00135504 so DHEA is really important for understanding pubertal onset qQVIXWr5xJI-00207-00135768-00136336 okay so i'm going in deeper about the salivary hormones and i'm presenting in three phases qQVIXWr5xJI-00208-00136432-00137472 the phases represent I guess my understanding of how to really leverage ABCD hormones in analyses qQVIXWr5xJI-00209-00137528-00138376 and then the third phase is really a bigger circle of you know brains thinking about it qQVIXWr5xJI-00210-00138376-00139032 and giving input on it so in phase one it was just a couple of us putting this out here's the site qQVIXWr5xJI-00211-00139032-00139680 it's the same citation from the biospecimen work group in ABCD and we know that methods qQVIXWr5xJI-00212-00139768-00140160 influence the hormone levels you look at so if i want to know you know how qQVIXWr5xJI-00213-00140360-00141032 number one compares to participant number two but participant one's sampled at 9am and participant qQVIXWr5xJI-00214-00141032-00141616 two's sampled at 4pm well that's that's quite a big difference I mean that if you think about the qQVIXWr5xJI-00215-00141616-00142136 circadian pattern they could look very different in hormone levels just as a function of when qQVIXWr5xJI-00216-00142136-00142704 I sampled them not as a function of their own actual hormone levels so you know how do we deal qQVIXWr5xJI-00217-00142704-00143472 with that and I'm going to show you what I how I deal with that right now but it's evolving and I qQVIXWr5xJI-00218-00143472-00143992 hope that that's really clear to you that this is um a collaborative process that is evolving qQVIXWr5xJI-00219-00144056-00144576 so the first one in 2018 we were looking at this and here highlighted in green you can qQVIXWr5xJI-00220-00144576-00145072 see that this is just the time of day that the participant gave their saliva sample for hormones qQVIXWr5xJI-00221-00145168-00145992 well we have some people giving it at like midnight and at 5:55 a.m and when you go and qQVIXWr5xJI-00222-00145992-00146576 talk to all the RAs at the 21 sites in ABCD they did not sample anybody at these times. qQVIXWr5xJI-00223-00146576-00147088 so what happened? well it's either a data entry error where am should have been pm qQVIXWr5xJI-00224-00147256-00148072 is basically what happened but do I know that this value at 1:30 a.m is really 1:30 p.m? can i qQVIXWr5xJI-00225-00148072-00148680 be sure? so that again those kinds of decisions on how to manipulate this data that is a method and qQVIXWr5xJI-00226-00148680-00149352 you know that it isn't accurate that there's an error in it or nothing is totally perfect qQVIXWr5xJI-00227-00149352-00149784 so i'm just going to kind of let you know there's some issues around the methods with saliva qQVIXWr5xJI-00228-00149856-00150232 but you can count them I mean I can count the number of people here where this occurs qQVIXWr5xJI-00229-00150232-00150992 i i think it's it's definitely well under 30 people in the sample of 11,888 right so how do qQVIXWr5xJI-00230-00150992-00151552 you deal with this you could either exclude these people and just not even bother with it if you qQVIXWr5xJI-00231-00151552-00152032 know having an accurate sample time is essential for your understanding which it probably is qQVIXWr5xJI-00232-00152088-00152648 so you can either exclude it, you can publish that you decide to manipulate am to pm—which is qQVIXWr5xJI-00233-00152648-00153272 what what I did, and the next the study i'm working on now I am excluding them, qQVIXWr5xJI-00234-00153272-00153760 so I am making different choices on how to handle this I think as long as you report this and you qQVIXWr5xJI-00235-00153760-00154296 share this in your publication it's going to be really important for reproducibility is how do you qQVIXWr5xJI-00236-00154296-00154960 handle these kind of more gray area methodological concerns but if you really look this is a normal qQVIXWr5xJI-00237-00155136-00155752 window of time in which we test ABCD participants across all sites and the A through T here is all qQVIXWr5xJI-00238-00155752-00156512 the different sites so the major majority of abcd participants times are accurate they're accurately qQVIXWr5xJI-00239-00156512-00157208 entered if someone came in at 2 pm in baseline usually they come in 2 p.m plus or minus an hour qQVIXWr5xJI-00240-00157208-00157816 and year 1 and so on so not when they come in but when they give the saliva sample so you know qQVIXWr5xJI-00241-00157816-00158384 across years when they come in could fluctuate a little bit but we are trying to preserve that qQVIXWr5xJI-00242-00158480-00158856 but these are all things that you should be thinking of if you're looking at hormone changes qQVIXWr5xJI-00243-00158856-00159480 across the years why would they go down for an individual when their pubertal maturation is qQVIXWr5xJI-00244-00159480-00160240 going up could be just when they gave the sample the time of day this is how long they took to spit qQVIXWr5xJI-00245-00160240-00161168 in the tube the duration of their saliva sampling across sites again just nobody took this long to qQVIXWr5xJI-00246-00161168-00161688 spit no one took over 20 minutes this but this talking of the RAs this is not an accurate time qQVIXWr5xJI-00247-00161688-00162112 so what happened is they probably did something else and then they remembered to check the time qQVIXWr5xJI-00248-00162112-00162688 and put it in or some entry error so how do you handle this with this many participants you could qQVIXWr5xJI-00249-00162688-00163280 probably just exclude them right if you don't have good there's no way to really know what qQVIXWr5xJI-00250-00163280-00163736 this methodological variable should be and we know it's important for hormone levels you could just qQVIXWr5xJI-00251-00163736-00164472 exclude them but if you already are looking at something that's a little more rare or uncommon in qQVIXWr5xJI-00252-00164472-00164920 ABCD and you're already dwindling down your sample size to a really small group qQVIXWr5xJI-00253-00164920-00165616 you may have some you know fancy things that you could do to keep these participants in your study qQVIXWr5xJI-00254-00165672-00166352 and remember what I'm showing you right now is all baseline data again the major majority of kids qQVIXWr5xJI-00255-00166352-00167024 all spit within six minutes across the sites and this is baseline this is the first time they ever qQVIXWr5xJI-00256-00167024-00167608 did it they're doing it every year they're getting very very good at it and so this is only getting qQVIXWr5xJI-00257-00167608-00168248 the methodology around saliva collection is only getting more and more sound as we move forward qQVIXWr5xJI-00258-00168440-00169280 so this is phase 2 so from the 2018 publication about ABCD salivary biosciences or gonadal qQVIXWr5xJI-00259-00169280-00169992 hormones this is a paper that Megan Herting at USC University of Southern California and I worked on qQVIXWr5xJI-00260-00169992-00170680 as a consortium paper with all other investigators in ABCD so this is something that just came out in qQVIXWr5xJI-00261-00170680-00171320 publication that you guys got to read for this course and this is what i would say is the next qQVIXWr5xJI-00262-00171320-00171896 level of evolution for understanding how to use this so here we published a decision tree qQVIXWr5xJI-00263-00171896-00172584 on what what did we do when we were up against a decision that was methodologically based so qQVIXWr5xJI-00264-00172584-00173080 I'm just going to walk you through this and I hope that this serves as an example of something that qQVIXWr5xJI-00265-00173080-00173552 can be really helpful when you do go work with other biological specimens in abcd so if you're qQVIXWr5xJI-00266-00173552-00174064 working with cotinine in hair or you're looking with looking at the genetic assay which I'll go qQVIXWr5xJI-00267-00174064-00174824 into a little bit here I really hope that our blood biomarkers that that this decision tree qQVIXWr5xJI-00268-00174920-00175624 is something that you could use in a publication to help other people understand how you decided qQVIXWr5xJI-00269-00175688-00176584 to handle ABCD data versus how they decided to handle ABCD data again if you find something qQVIXWr5xJI-00270-00176656-00177216 testosterone's increased with decreased you know default mode connectivity that's false qQVIXWr5xJI-00271-00177216-00177832 I just made that up and then the next person finds that testosterone increased with increased default qQVIXWr5xJI-00272-00177832-00178216 mode connectivity you guys find the complete opposite thing where you both looked at the qQVIXWr5xJI-00273-00178216-00178968 exact same data ah what happened it's probably a methodological it's probably a decision that you qQVIXWr5xJI-00274-00178968-00179560 made about how to handle these methods right it's not a difference in methods because you're using qQVIXWr5xJI-00275-00179560-00180048 the exact same data it's how you handle it so i think these decision trees are going to become qQVIXWr5xJI-00276-00180048-00180584 extraordinarily important to publish particularly around biospecimen data okay so this is how we did qQVIXWr5xJI-00277-00180584-00181368 saliva here me and Megan Herting in 2021 this is a collaboration with Marybel Gonzalez, Eric Kan, qQVIXWr5xJI-00278-00181368-00182200 and literally all other ABCD investigators, and Douglas Granger—who is not part of ABCD qQVIXWr5xJI-00279-00182200-00182936 but is part of one of my collaborators at UCI and also with Salimetrics. so first we asked ourselves qQVIXWr5xJI-00280-00183024-00183728 does the salivary sex match master sex so for master sex we're talking about qQVIXWr5xJI-00281-00183800-00184472 biological sex at birth so it's either biological male or biological female no consideration of qQVIXWr5xJI-00282-00184472-00185104 gender identity at all at this point just at birth—were you xx, xy, what did your gonads qQVIXWr5xJI-00283-00185104-00185808 match now salivary sex is referring to when the research assistant went to take the saliva sample qQVIXWr5xJI-00284-00185952-00186568 in a tube and collect it and then screwed it on there's a certain color cap that's qQVIXWr5xJI-00285-00186568-00186992 associated with biological males versus a colored cap associated with biological qQVIXWr5xJI-00286-00186992-00187440 females so there's one potential avenue for a human error to just grab the wrong color qQVIXWr5xJI-00287-00187504-00187992 and then back at Salimetrics when they receive it they also code it so it's possible that they said qQVIXWr5xJI-00288-00187992-00188608 the cap was blue when it was actually green right so there's two areas for human potential error qQVIXWr5xJI-00289-00188680-00189360 and what happens is that's how we code if the saliva sample at Salimetrics was thawed qQVIXWr5xJI-00290-00189424-00190120 and this assayed for testosterone, DHEA with other biological males on that plate or was it qQVIXWr5xJI-00291-00190120-00190640 assayed for estradiol, testosterone, DHEA with other biological females on that plate so if you qQVIXWr5xJI-00292-00190640-00191232 put a male sample on a female plate it's fine it's probably still a really good sample and qQVIXWr5xJI-00293-00191232-00191704 now you have estradiol on the male so you could probably choose to retain that so it's like a qQVIXWr5xJI-00294-00191704-00192208 totally appropriate decision to make but you need to report that you're making that because guess qQVIXWr5xJI-00295-00192208-00193384 what in this this publication in 2021 I decided not to include them and that excluded 33 people qQVIXWr5xJI-00296-00193880-00194808 so if the biological sex with how the sample was assayed at Salimetrics for gonadal hormones qQVIXWr5xJI-00297-00194808-00195456 did not match the biological sex reported at birth then we chose to exclude them in the qQVIXWr5xJI-00298-00195456-00196128 study and lost 33 people again their samples were still assayed and you get at least two qQVIXWr5xJI-00299-00196128-00196680 out of the three for females and it's not a huge deal that they were on a different plate qQVIXWr5xJI-00300-00196752-00197064 honestly it probably doesn't matter you could have totally chosen to retain them qQVIXWr5xJI-00301-00197064-00197608 but you should say so, so that if you find something different from me and Dr. Herting qQVIXWr5xJI-00302-00197608-00198440 we'll know that maybe this decision actually matters right okay so we went ahead qQVIXWr5xJI-00303-00198808-00199664 and asked the second question was a hormone sample collected okay so if it wasn't obviously they qQVIXWr5xJI-00304-00199664-00200432 were not part of our analyses so we had just gender missing again biological sex at birth qQVIXWr5xJI-00305-00200432-00200920 is has a blanket label of gender it's not it's actually biological sex so we just qQVIXWr5xJI-00306-00200920-00201496 didn't have that data on five people at this time I believe that's been filled in since then for 3.0 qQVIXWr5xJI-00307-00201648-00201984 sometimes an RA just wasn't able to collect for various reasons, qQVIXWr5xJI-00308-00201984-00202280 sometimes the participant refused to give a sample for whatever reason, qQVIXWr5xJI-00309-00202384-00202816 spit kind of grosses some people out we have pretty good luck though with kids here in the US qQVIXWr5xJI-00310-00202944-00203424 or it's not collected for whatever reason and so we basically excluded an additional 81 qQVIXWr5xJI-00311-00203480-00204152 participants. the third question we asked was has the sample been processed for hormone levels so qQVIXWr5xJI-00312-00204152-00204720 of course we did this—these analyses were done at a point where we really only had baseline qQVIXWr5xJI-00313-00204720-00205271 saliva data that had been sent and was under processing at Salimetrics then the actual hormone qQVIXWr5xJI-00314-00205271-00205871 levels de-identified are sent back to ABCD and eventually it makes it up into a public release qQVIXWr5xJI-00315-00205944-00206688 of data so at this time we actually only had like 45% of the sample with processed salivary qQVIXWr5xJI-00316-00206688-00207264 hormone data so this question probably won't be as important if you're doing baseline in qQVIXWr5xJI-00317-00207264-00207792 year 1 now but it is important still in your 3.0 release for year 2 and it will continue to qQVIXWr5xJI-00318-00207792-00208416 be important as we do longitudinal analyses with brand new data releases. the fourth question do qQVIXWr5xJI-00319-00208416-00209208 replicate values fall above higher limits of each hormone assay so testosterone DHEA and estradiol qQVIXWr5xJI-00320-00209208-00209992 the actual salivary assay enzymatic based assays that we use ELISAs they have lower limits of qQVIXWr5xJI-00321-00209992-00210832 detection and higher limits of detection so this and we also take one whole saliva sample but once qQVIXWr5xJI-00322-00210832-00211592 it hits Salimetrics when the aliquot it out they actually take two pulls from it participant to qQVIXWr5xJI-00323-00211664-00212344 so all hormones are assayed in replicates from each participant so they end up having qQVIXWr5xJI-00324-00212448-00213256 two baseline estradiol values for biological females or two testosterone replicates for qQVIXWr5xJI-00325-00213256-00213744 biological males and females so what do you do when you have two replicates what does qQVIXWr5xJI-00326-00213744-00214384 that look like so this first question is asking if they fall above higher limits of the assay qQVIXWr5xJI-00327-00214448-00214896 sorry i'm jumping ahead of myself I'll get to the replicates if there only have one in just a moment qQVIXWr5xJI-00328-00214952-00215464 if it falls above the higher level of detection so the assay the level of detection is really where qQVIXWr5xJI-00329-00215464-00216360 we're very confident that the specificity and accuracy are you know very reliable qQVIXWr5xJI-00330-00216432-00217208 in that range so if a value that we get from the assay a quantified hormone value is below qQVIXWr5xJI-00331-00217208-00217823 the lower limits of detection it's still a quantified value it's just we can't it's not qQVIXWr5xJI-00332-00217823-00218640 nearly as reliable when it falls out of this range if it's higher than the upper limits of detection qQVIXWr5xJI-00333-00218640-00219208 of the hormone assay it's still a quantified level but it's just not as reliable as if it qQVIXWr5xJI-00334-00219208-00219840 had fallen in the limits so how do you handle this again I think a lot of people have different ideas qQVIXWr5xJI-00335-00219840-00220592 and depending on how big of the subsample you're analyzing ABCD is you know how much you think this qQVIXWr5xJI-00336-00220592-00221223 matters if you could be highly highly conservative in these decisions and just say I only want people qQVIXWr5xJI-00337-00221223-00221912 with full data and only within this time frame and no methodological errors or concerns and just work qQVIXWr5xJI-00338-00221912-00222560 with that sample I mean ABCD is so big it's still probably some of the largest salivary biomarker qQVIXWr5xJI-00339-00222560-00223128 study data that we even have out there which is another thing that's really cool about ABCD it's qQVIXWr5xJI-00340-00223128-00223744 a hallmark study for us in salivary biosciences because this is literally the biggest group of qQVIXWr5xJI-00341-00223744-00224528 adolescents we've ever done saliva for non-genetic markers on at this age range and shipped it all qQVIXWr5xJI-00342-00224528-00225016 the way from all over the country and so this has just really shown the power of a qQVIXWr5xJI-00343-00225016-00225528 super non-invasive biomarker that could be done in anyone's classroom, home, anywhere they don't even qQVIXWr5xJI-00344-00225528-00226223 have to come in the lab to do this unlike a blood draw or MRI so that's the cool thing about saliva qQVIXWr5xJI-00345-00226223-00227064 but we do have these windows of reliability so if it goes above some people would argue that you can qQVIXWr5xJI-00346-00227064-00227760 still retain it but you might want to replace it with that highest level and you may want to see qQVIXWr5xJI-00347-00227760-00228288 how many participants fall above that higher limit of detect detectability and just give them all the qQVIXWr5xJI-00348-00228288-00228992 same value because we aren't positive that someone that's above that limit and is the highest person qQVIXWr5xJI-00349-00229071-00229616 is actually has the most hormone out of the whole ABCD cohort another person who's above qQVIXWr5xJI-00350-00229616-00230112 the limits of detectability but is the second to highest might have the highest qQVIXWr5xJI-00351-00230112-00230584 because when you are above that window of detectability it's just not as reliable so we qQVIXWr5xJI-00352-00230584-00231167 can't really compare those people as easily so you could either retain that data and just report that qQVIXWr5xJI-00353-00231167-00231808 as is or you can replace with that highest level of detectability which is what we did so qQVIXWr5xJI-00354-00231912-00232360 what we did is we went an extra step and if they were above this limit of detectability qQVIXWr5xJI-00355-00232360-00233152 we went to the research assistant notes on saliva and we asked do they endorse any concerns with the qQVIXWr5xJI-00356-00233152-00233640 sample so when they give the sample it could be a weird color because they were sucking on some you qQVIXWr5xJI-00357-00233640-00234184 know candy which they're not allowed to eat for an hour and they rinse their mouths 30 minutes before qQVIXWr5xJI-00358-00234256-00234552 to make sure that the oral environment is clean and there's no qQVIXWr5xJI-00359-00234680-00235360 high probability of food in the mouth so different things can cause discoloring a sample it could qQVIXWr5xJI-00360-00235360-00235776 have a lot of food in it it could be really bubbly so we're not sure we got the full volume qQVIXWr5xJI-00361-00235776-00236384 um which we are aiming for about 1.8 milliliters so there's a drop down menu that the research qQVIXWr5xJI-00362-00236384-00237023 assistants could select if they endorsed a concern and the participant sample was above qQVIXWr5xJI-00363-00237023-00237600 the higher limits of sensitivity then we did not use it no we did not retain the replicate qQVIXWr5xJI-00364-00237832-00238904 and if it was above it but there were no methodological concerns we did retain it qQVIXWr5xJI-00365-00238976-00239432 so this was such a big decision tree I actually just cut it in half and moved it over here to qQVIXWr5xJI-00366-00239432-00239912 the right so this is just picking up where we left here so after we asked if it was above qQVIXWr5xJI-00367-00239912-00240576 the limit we asked the exact same question but is a replicate too low for detection qQVIXWr5xJI-00368-00240712-00241208 so if the answer is below the lower limits of detectability if the answer is qQVIXWr5xJI-00369-00241208-00241919 no then we retain that replicate if the answer is yes then we decided to change it to qQVIXWr5xJI-00370-00241919-00242623 zero so this was a big decision here in this paper so if someone's hormone level for DHEA qQVIXWr5xJI-00371-00242728-00243312 was a quantified value in ABCD that you see you see a number for DHEA but it's actually qQVIXWr5xJI-00372-00243312-00243856 below the assay lower levels of detection which are all put up there with the assay info sheets qQVIXWr5xJI-00373-00243856-00244319 on Salimetrics websites for all the hormones they're also repeated in all of these publications qQVIXWr5xJI-00374-00244464-00245088 because this is only baseline data and we expected participants to just be starting that DHEA surge qQVIXWr5xJI-00375-00245088-00245744 to kick off puberty we just decide to replace with zero because they're so pre-pubertal had this been qQVIXWr5xJI-00376-00245744-00246384 adults we might have taken the lower level of detectability and zero and averaged it because qQVIXWr5xJI-00377-00246704-00247576 NDS so a level that is not in that optimal range of detectability qQVIXWr5xJI-00378-00247648-00248367 is that means that there is a saliva sample it was assayed and it detected the presence qQVIXWr5xJI-00379-00248367-00248904 of the hormone we were looking for but we're just not super confident about the exact qQVIXWr5xJI-00380-00248904-00249584 quantified value so there's hormone in there so you could replace it with you know an average qQVIXWr5xJI-00381-00249584-00250016 between the lower limits of detectability and zero or you can do something like that on the qQVIXWr5xJI-00382-00250016-00250632 top level too so there's a whole science and Dr. Jenna Reese one of my colleagues is part of a qQVIXWr5xJI-00383-00250704-00251200 textbook that came out on a lot of these issues and she offers a course at our school qQVIXWr5xJI-00384-00251200-00251856 UC Irvine on this so there's a lot of different decisions so this whole decision tree by no means qQVIXWr5xJI-00385-00251912-00252328 is should be like a bible and you always have to follow this this is a baseline data qQVIXWr5xJI-00386-00252416-00253040 for pre-pubertal adolescence and you could have justified different decisions the point is that qQVIXWr5xJI-00387-00253040-00253696 you should be intentional you should report it and you should publish your justification somewhere qQVIXWr5xJI-00388-00253840-00254528 okay so after we looked at each replicate is it too high above detectable ranges is it too low qQVIXWr5xJI-00389-00254528-00254944 we made these decisions we altered it we either replaced with zero or the highest qQVIXWr5xJI-00390-00254944-00255600 level of detectability which really didn't happen very often actually i don't think qQVIXWr5xJI-00391-00255600-00256128 it happened at all there were no yeses because they're all pre-pubertal but that will change as qQVIXWr5xJI-00392-00256128-00256688 the hormones go up and up in future years we then ask the question here number six qQVIXWr5xJI-00393-00256823-00257440 did we obtain a single value for each hormone type okay so remember qQVIXWr5xJI-00394-00257519-00258119 if a replicate doesn't exist or we made a decision to discard it because of methodological concerns qQVIXWr5xJI-00395-00258280-00258823 then now we're left to one replicate value for a person whereas all other ABCD participants qQVIXWr5xJI-00396-00258823-00259719 have two values for each hormone so we either one average these corrected replicates from qQVIXWr5xJI-00397-00259719-00260119 steps four and five into a single value so we took the average of the replicates qQVIXWr5xJI-00398-00260184-00260623 or in this paper we decided if only one replicate exists and it's qQVIXWr5xJI-00399-00260688-00261256 it went through all of our filtering that we would use it as the final value alongside all qQVIXWr5xJI-00400-00261256-00261680 the other participants averaged replicates and that was the decision we made here. qQVIXWr5xJI-00401-00261752-00262624 so we ended up you can see that at the end there was 36 plus four plus 26 so we had about qQVIXWr5xJI-00402-00262624-00263384 66 participants who ended up with one replicate representing all of their hormone level and that qQVIXWr5xJI-00403-00263384-00263856 varied on the actual hormone that we were looking at most people had two replicates that passed qQVIXWr5xJI-00404-00263856-00264408 this filtering decision tree and then we averaged them so we had one hormone value for each person qQVIXWr5xJI-00405-00264672-00265416 so the same paper wanted to point out that we collected some data ahead of time that we qQVIXWr5xJI-00406-00265416-00266144 knew would likely be confounding variables for salivary hormones this includes caffeine in the qQVIXWr5xJI-00407-00266144-00266840 past 12 hours physical activity rigorous physical activity in the past 12 hours this says time since qQVIXWr5xJI-00408-00266840-00267328 midnight but really it's the time of day your circadian pattern and what time you collect during qQVIXWr5xJI-00409-00267328-00267992 that circadian pattern in hormone secretion how long you take to spit at the collection duration qQVIXWr5xJI-00410-00267992-00268488 and then the time to freeze so collection duration time to freeze weren't significant in qQVIXWr5xJI-00411-00268488-00269048 baseline data they certainly time for to freeze is really just a mythological check it should never qQVIXWr5xJI-00412-00269192-00269784 show up in our in our hormone values because the standard operating procedure is so tight in ABCD qQVIXWr5xJI-00413-00269784-00270320 around this collection but it's always good to check collection duration may start mattering qQVIXWr5xJI-00414-00270320-00270896 more and more as they become older and certainly caffeine physical activity and the time of day did qQVIXWr5xJI-00415-00270896-00271672 matter even at baseline in super pre-pubertal or early people children ABCD these will only become qQVIXWr5xJI-00416-00271728-00272240 more and more important as the child ages and as there's more individual variability and caffeine qQVIXWr5xJI-00417-00272240-00272912 intake more kids taking caffeine more individual variability in activity before they come in to qQVIXWr5xJI-00418-00272912-00273520 give their saliva sample so all these will become more and more important in salivary biosciences we qQVIXWr5xJI-00419-00273520-00274360 know that the oral environment so braces cavities infections all of those things can matter for the qQVIXWr5xJI-00420-00274360-00275064 quality of your saliva sample and we unfortunately just were not able to collect that in ABD so that qQVIXWr5xJI-00421-00275064-00275664 is one limitation of using this data another one is flow rate because we weren't able to weigh qQVIXWr5xJI-00422-00275664-00276184 the samples and see the volume that was given in a certain amount of collection time which we do have qQVIXWr5xJI-00423-00276184-00276688 the collection time we don't have actual volume of the frozen saliva sample those two components are qQVIXWr5xJI-00424-00276688-00277312 used to calculate actual flow rate so the longer you go to spit sometimes you can over concentrate qQVIXWr5xJI-00425-00277312-00277872 a sample or you can dilute a sample depending on the assay you're looking at so it is actually qQVIXWr5xJI-00426-00277872-00278296 a really important mythological consideration that we don't have in ABCD so I just want to be qQVIXWr5xJI-00427-00278296-00278784 upfront that these are limitations that we should be reporting in our papers when we publish on this qQVIXWr5xJI-00428-00278928-00279488 we do have this new publication that shows that with increasing Peterson Development qQVIXWr5xJI-00429-00279488-00280120 Scale so physical maturation this is just biological girls increasing physical maturation qQVIXWr5xJI-00430-00280120-00280856 we see increasing the gonadal hormones for all three hormones and you can see a lot of individual qQVIXWr5xJI-00431-00280856-00281456 individual variability even some biological girls who have started menstruation denoted here in qQVIXWr5xJI-00432-00281456-00282080 blue still have lower levels than other girls who have yet to even begun pubertal maturation and of qQVIXWr5xJI-00433-00282080-00282624 course these hormones can fluctuate depending on your cycle so as menstruation becomes more qQVIXWr5xJI-00434-00282624-00283144 and more a factor as these kids age when you're looking at biological females you need to also qQVIXWr5xJI-00435-00283200-00283680 look at the menstruation questionnaires to see if you can kind of estimate when they came qQVIXWr5xJI-00436-00283680-00284160 in and gave their saliva sample even though all these cycles aren't necessarily regular qQVIXWr5xJI-00437-00284344-00285080 it's complex but it's totally doable the data's there okay so phase three this is really the final qQVIXWr5xJI-00438-00285080-00285784 phase—this is where we're at now this is not the final phase I think we're only going to get better qQVIXWr5xJI-00439-00285784-00286392 and better at handling a lot of these biospecimens that are collected in these this huge mass of the qQVIXWr5xJI-00440-00286392-00287336 ABCD participant cohort so this is now a whole group of really leaders in intellectual thought qQVIXWr5xJI-00441-00287336-00287872 and academic research around puberty and using pubertal hormones with physical maturation that qQVIXWr5xJI-00442-00287872-00288520 are not part of ABCD so they're not giving these repronim lectures they're you know all around qQVIXWr5xJI-00443-00288520-00289160 the world and they graciously invited Dr. Megan Herting and myself to be part of a commentary qQVIXWr5xJI-00444-00289160-00289904 on the other publication so they're—this is coming out probably in february 2021—and they qQVIXWr5xJI-00445-00289904-00290512 give you all of the specific variable names and the downloaded data that are used so really good qQVIXWr5xJI-00446-00290512-00291056 helpful tool it talks through the results that we found because the paper Megan Herting published qQVIXWr5xJI-00447-00291056-00291688 is a beast and so what I really recommend if you want to use salivary hormones to really look at qQVIXWr5xJI-00448-00291688-00292384 the three publications that I have outlined here especially the Chen et al 2021 is it will be out qQVIXWr5xJI-00449-00292384-00293224 here next month in february 2021 so you can see the evolution they all have you know really if qQVIXWr5xJI-00450-00293224-00293672 you read all three of them i think you'll feel pretty confident about navigating them in ABCD qQVIXWr5xJI-00451-00293896-00294616 okay so to finish on the biomarkers we also have collected biospecimens for genetics qQVIXWr5xJI-00452-00294824-00295208 so we have some saliva baseline for participants for genetic purposes qQVIXWr5xJI-00453-00295304-00295936 but mostly the goal is to do blood in everyone and this is really ramping up for 100% participants in qQVIXWr5xJI-00454-00295936-00296592 year two pandemic did hit at this time there can be some delays in when this is being collected but qQVIXWr5xJI-00455-00296592-00297216 the nice thing about genetics is it is a one-time snapshot these are stable metrics that we don't qQVIXWr5xJI-00456-00297216-00297896 expect to change so we are going to have this data in everyone who is willing to give it to us qQVIXWr5xJI-00457-00298016-00298528 so for genetics the data that's in your 3.0 is using a smokescreen genotyping array qQVIXWr5xJI-00458-00298600-00299072 and epigenetics have not been processed and they will be coming i don't think they'll come qQVIXWr5xJI-00459-00299072-00299624 for 4.0 is what I hear but they will be coming eventually down the road and they're certainly qQVIXWr5xJI-00460-00299624-00300240 in the biobanked area there is leftover you know things like blood and some saliva qQVIXWr5xJI-00461-00300240-00300856 and from the gonadal hormone saliva it's all being stored in San Diego in a biobank for the qQVIXWr5xJI-00462-00300856-00301792 blood it's being stored in Rutgers in a biobank and so both of them can be processed for genetic qQVIXWr5xJI-00463-00301792-00302280 epigenetic markers saliva spun down and has the same kind of pellet at the bottom qQVIXWr5xJI-00464-00302280-00302856 that can be used for genetics and epigenetics so lots of potential for getting funding getting qQVIXWr5xJI-00465-00302856-00303552 ABCD and NIH to buy in and to access these biobank samples to do way more and then with expectation qQVIXWr5xJI-00466-00303552-00304096 that you would share them in the next ABCD public data release when when the data is available qQVIXWr5xJI-00467-00304272-00305088 so I am not a geneticist but I asked the people in abcd who are and they said that that the details qQVIXWr5xJI-00468-00305088-00305896 on the genetic array that is available to you in the 3.0 dataset has very good detail in the qQVIXWr5xJI-00469-00305896-00306632 release notes and each of the variables has an accompanying README file so the here is a genetic qQVIXWr5xJI-00470-00306632-00307136 smokescreen array specifically around genetics that people think are important for substance use qQVIXWr5xJI-00471-00307136-00308024 disorders and if you're like me I like to go and see if someone else has used these biospecimens qQVIXWr5xJI-00472-00308024-00308656 in ABCD i like to go read their publication before I start to work with these variables so i did find qQVIXWr5xJI-00473-00308656-00309336 a trusted list of authors who have used this data before that you could go look at and if you're qQVIXWr5xJI-00474-00309336-00309832 interested in getting connected again just reach out to myself or any of the other ABCD leadership qQVIXWr5xJI-00475-00309896-00310384 I'm not a leadership i'm just an investigator but reach out to any of us and and you know we'll get qQVIXWr5xJI-00476-00310384-00311264 you connected with the right people so finally we're doing ABCD baby teeth and this is described qQVIXWr5xJI-00477-00311264-00311776 a little bit again in this 2018 publication this is still ongoing for participants in that you know qQVIXWr5xJI-00478-00311776-00312272 as they're shedding more and more teeth you know the parent can snatch it from the tooth fairy, qQVIXWr5xJI-00479-00312352-00312856 bring it to ABCD, but the idea is that you can scrape away the layers of the tooth just qQVIXWr5xJI-00480-00312856-00313384 like the rings of a tree show you about the different environmental exposures the tree was qQVIXWr5xJI-00481-00313384-00313944 exposed to in a specific year you get the same kind of layering across the lifespan qQVIXWr5xJI-00482-00313944-00314408 beginning in a second trimester in utero all the way to the time that you shed the tooth qQVIXWr5xJI-00483-00314464-00315144 and so there's a sub-study going on where they selected 500 participants in ABCD qQVIXWr5xJI-00484-00315144-00315616 because of the cost they couldn't do this across the board but they have way more teeth than 500 qQVIXWr5xJI-00485-00315616-00316320 goes to Manish Arora's laboratory for analysis and a lot more details on this can be found with NIH qQVIXWr5xJI-00486-00316384-00316800 the grant lives with the PI Elizabeth Sowell at Children's Hospital Los Angeles qQVIXWr5xJI-00487-00316880-00317376 and this exposure will show you from second trimester to the time of the shed tooth qQVIXWr5xJI-00488-00317376-00317920 and it what they are specifically funding in collaboration with Manish Arora is weekly qQVIXWr5xJI-00489-00317920-00318680 averages of lead and manganese exposure but there are so many other things you could do too qQVIXWr5xJI-00490-00318680-00319072 and other teeth you could do this with so I think this is a really exciting area for a lot of people qQVIXWr5xJI-00491-00319224-00319808 okay and then also lots of people apply and do sub-studies with biobanked blood or they get some qQVIXWr5xJI-00492-00319808-00320632 sites to buy in and do new data collection but on a smaller scale so these are like sub-studies qQVIXWr5xJI-00493-00320632-00321064 and I actually preparing this lecture I found that there was adrenal corticotropin hormone or qQVIXWr5xJI-00494-00321064-00321728 acth from blood that got released with a 3.0 data set and this is the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal qQVIXWr5xJI-00495-00321728-00322208 access hormone which interacts with the one I presented to you the hypothalamic qQVIXWr5xJI-00496-00322208-00322832 pituitary gonadal axis hormones so I got very excited and you know you can tell that this is qQVIXWr5xJI-00497-00322832-00323568 just on 939 subjects at this point but you know more and more sub-study data will become available qQVIXWr5xJI-00498-00323568-00323992 so you know something to keep your eye out if you're interested in biospecimens qQVIXWr5xJI-00499-00324240-00324744 so i was asked to talk about biospecimens but i think a lot of you are probably that qQVIXWr5xJI-00500-00324744-00325296 are interested in this lecture are probably really thinking more like biomarker land and qQVIXWr5xJI-00501-00325456-00325968 I just wanted to make everyone aware that there's a whole array of physiological measures qQVIXWr5xJI-00502-00326032-00326592 that aren't biological specimens but they are a direct biological measure of physiological qQVIXWr5xJI-00503-00326592-00327184 functioning so there's still a biomarker and could absolutely in connection with the biospecimens be qQVIXWr5xJI-00504-00327184-00327976 used to make very powerful data analysis and so I just listed some of my top favorites here qQVIXWr5xJI-00505-00327976-00328576 um we don't measure sars-cov virus but we do ask participants if they've been exposed qQVIXWr5xJI-00506-00328576-00329040 anthropometrics physical development with the peterson development scale qQVIXWr5xJI-00507-00329040-00329752 a traumatic brain injury quantification again that would be a subset of participants multimodal qQVIXWr5xJI-00508-00329752-00330176 neuroimaging for central nervous system functioning birth metrics blood pressure qQVIXWr5xJI-00509-00330176-00330688 respiratory functioning menstrual cycle so all of these kind of physiological metrics could qQVIXWr5xJI-00510-00330688-00331112 be considered in the realm of biomarkers above and beyond biological specimens so qQVIXWr5xJI-00511-00331112-00331520 I would encourage you if you're doing biological specimens to also consider some of these markers qQVIXWr5xJI-00512-00331696-00332088 so some general do's and don'ts I've gone over probably a lot of these but qQVIXWr5xJI-00513-00332160-00332872 always plot out all your individual data for biomarkers and the collection variables so the qQVIXWr5xJI-00514-00332872-00333536 methods to collect those biomarkers plot every ABCD participant out so you can see every dot qQVIXWr5xJI-00515-00333536-00334400 look at your data look for outliers and first ask yourself are these physiologically plausible qQVIXWr5xJI-00516-00334552-00334968 and methodologically did someone really go in 2 a.m and give that sample or right so qQVIXWr5xJI-00517-00334968-00335648 there's there's methodological and physiological constraints on what data is believable so do a qQVIXWr5xJI-00518-00335648-00336336 good job QCing seeing before you do anything and then in any of these individual data points that qQVIXWr5xJI-00519-00336336-00337160 are questionable you know us on the ABCD side that do the quality checking we will try to qQVIXWr5xJI-00520-00337160-00337856 eliminate clear errors in biological markers for you guys when we put these data releases out qQVIXWr5xJI-00521-00337912-00338416 but there are a lot of gray areas you know how old someone was when they had a child qQVIXWr5xJI-00522-00338480-00338984 I mean some could be really young some could be really old and i mean it's biologically possible qQVIXWr5xJI-00523-00339072-00339656 maybe improbable I don't know but it's possible so we'll really leave a lot of these decisions to qQVIXWr5xJI-00524-00339656-00340328 you the investigator so quality check all the data up front and then when you do make these decisions qQVIXWr5xJI-00525-00340328-00340856 be intentional and report them because this is about us being able to reproduce it and if you qQVIXWr5xJI-00526-00340856-00341680 and i find different things I can go back and say oh they decided to you know include that one baby qQVIXWr5xJI-00527-00341680-00342192 that weighed a really small amount I didn't think that was even possible but they included it i did qQVIXWr5xJI-00528-00342192-00342792 it right and and so if there's a methodological it's not even methods if there's an analytical qQVIXWr5xJI-00529-00342792-00343208 decision that you and I are making that's different and we're getting different results qQVIXWr5xJI-00530-00343208-00343624 that's really important for us to know so we need to know that i need to be in our publications it qQVIXWr5xJI-00531-00343624-00344304 needs to be shared publish those decision trees share those scripts got github I think that's a qQVIXWr5xJI-00532-00344304-00344704 really nice thing that we're doing to support each other helps with reproducibility and I qQVIXWr5xJI-00533-00344704-00345016 think it's particularly important when you're working with biomarkers in ABCD qQVIXWr5xJI-00534-00345192-00345600 read all the previously published articles with the biospecimen you're interested in to see how qQVIXWr5xJI-00535-00345600-00346200 they handled it and feel free to make different decisions and see what you get I think that that's qQVIXWr5xJI-00536-00346200-00346616 really powerful you don't have to follow what we're all doing you just have to let us know qQVIXWr5xJI-00537-00346616-00347144 what you're doing this differently so we can see and interpret the results in that context qQVIXWr5xJI-00538-00347312-00347824 if you are embarking on a biospecimen that you have not had experience with I highly recommend qQVIXWr5xJI-00539-00347824-00348416 buddy up with the expert right to really make sure that it's a meaningful long-lasting use qQVIXWr5xJI-00540-00348416-00349008 of that biospecimen like the genetic array I think it's really cool I am not a geneticist so if i was qQVIXWr5xJI-00541-00349008-00349528 going to do those analyses i would absolutely buddy up with someone who um has a good track qQVIXWr5xJI-00542-00349528-00350296 record of working with those biospecimens please please something we care a lot about in ABCD is qQVIXWr5xJI-00543-00350296-00351080 be considerate of the socio-demographic factors of the participants and how you interpret that qQVIXWr5xJI-00544-00351256-00351816 sample bias cutting hair if we don't get hair in someone and you're only you know talking about the qQVIXWr5xJI-00545-00351816-00352328 people that gave hair well is it just did we miss a whole bunch of boys that like short hairs or qQVIXWr5xJI-00546-00352328-00353024 something else about them you know why are we not collecting hair in a certain subpopulation or why qQVIXWr5xJI-00547-00353024-00353544 is a certain cell population not giving genetics you know you have to consider those actual real qQVIXWr5xJI-00548-00353624-00354096 you know factors that that lead to sample bias when you're doing biological specimens there's a qQVIXWr5xJI-00549-00354096-00354768 whole history of distrust of medical research that in ABCD we worked really hard to you know address qQVIXWr5xJI-00550-00354768-00355392 before we even started recruiting and you know by giving your biological specimen over to science qQVIXWr5xJI-00551-00355392-00355968 is still something that feels uncomfortable to some families that participate so be considerate qQVIXWr5xJI-00552-00355968-00356392 of the sample bias with biospecimens and the methods around collecting them don't just throw qQVIXWr5xJI-00553-00356392-00356912 a biospecimen marker value in your analyses and then call it done like use all the methods qQVIXWr5xJI-00554-00357112-00357904 that are given to you in considering your analyses report effect sizes that's for everything you hear qQVIXWr5xJI-00555-00357904-00358480 that probably a lot in here in this course and my only don't is don't be scared you can do it qQVIXWr5xJI-00556-00358480-00359096 if you have not used biomarkers or biospecimens before you can do it just create your dream team qQVIXWr5xJI-00557-00359096-00359576 find the people with the expertise that you want to learn reach out to them ABCD is all about qQVIXWr5xJI-00558-00359648-00360144 teamwork and collaboration so if you want to do it there are people who will do that with you qQVIXWr5xJI-00559-00360208-00360792 this is the place to get going with that of course tons of acknowledgements to mentors Liz Sowell, qQVIXWr5xJI-00560-00360792-00361528 Doug Granger, colleagues that I've worked with heavily on the publications and in ABCD, qQVIXWr5xJI-00561-00361528-00362120 all of my lab members at Developing Brain Laboratory at UC Irvine, huge thanks to the qQVIXWr5xJI-00562-00362184-00362760 the wonderful people that created ABCD repronim course and all my colleagues at the institute for qQVIXWr5xJI-00563-00362760-00363424 interdisciplinary salivary bioscience research at UCI they're all listed there where we really work qQVIXWr5xJI-00564-00363424-00364160 to better understand and replicate biomarkers from saliva all right thank you very much qRFwNgKGwRc-00000-00000004-00000295 Sadhguru: Silence does not mean qRFwNgKGwRc-00001-00000298-00000469 shutting your mouth silence. qRFwNgKGwRc-00002-00000753-00001193 What is being referred to as silence or nishabdh. qRFwNgKGwRc-00003-00001653-00002017 One cannot do this. qRFwNgKGwRc-00004-00002019-00002173 One can become this. qRFwNgKGwRc-00005-00002580-00003444 See if you can articulate the same thing that you're saying with half the number of words, qRFwNgKGwRc-00006-00003446-00003790 suddenly you will become extremely conscious of everything. qRFwNgKGwRc-00007-00004558-00005056 Sadhguru: The wind makes its own sound, qRFwNgKGwRc-00008-00005059-00005818 so does the water, qRFwNgKGwRc-00009-00005820-00006531 so does the earth, in fact so does the sky. qRFwNgKGwRc-00010-00006534-00007154 All the celestial objects are making their own sounds. qRFwNgKGwRc-00011-00007156-00007576 There are sounds of pain, sounds of pleasure, qRFwNgKGwRc-00012-00007578-00008216 sounds of misery, sounds of joy qRFwNgKGwRc-00013-00008218-00009073 for everything there is a sound. With human life it’s very true qRFwNgKGwRc-00014-00009077-00009856 sounds of life and there are sounds of death. qRFwNgKGwRc-00015-00009858-00010595 And there are even sounds of silence. qRFwNgKGwRc-00016-00010598-00011520 So this complex amalgamation of sounds, different kinds of sounds qRFwNgKGwRc-00017-00011522-00012339 creates different intent, different levels of compulsiveness, qRFwNgKGwRc-00018-00012341-00012876 different levels of bondage qRFwNgKGwRc-00019-00012878-00013707 and different possibilities of entanglement. qRFwNgKGwRc-00020-00013709-00014347 In all this why qRFwNgKGwRc-00021-00014350-00014807 one chooses to become silent? qRFwNgKGwRc-00022-00014809-00015800 Silence is not a way of denying yourself life. qRFwNgKGwRc-00023-00015819-00016484 It is not even about denying yourself articulation. qRFwNgKGwRc-00024-00016487-00017207 Silence is about moving from compulsiveness to consciousness. qRFwNgKGwRc-00025-00017209-00017557 All sounds represent qRFwNgKGwRc-00026-00017560-00018237 different forms and different dimensions of compulsiveness. qRFwNgKGwRc-00027-00018239-00018695 When one chooses to become conscious, qRFwNgKGwRc-00028-00018697-00019445 not be entangled in the compulsive nature of the existence, qRFwNgKGwRc-00029-00019448-00019936 he naturally chooses to become silent. qRFwNgKGwRc-00030-00019939-00020223 Silence does not mean qRFwNgKGwRc-00031-00020225-00020984 shutting your mouth silence, plugging your ears silence. qRFwNgKGwRc-00032-00020986-00021692 You can sing in silence, you can dance in silence, qRFwNgKGwRc-00033-00021694-00022357 you can even speak in silence, you can even scream in silence. You don’t try. qRFwNgKGwRc-00034-00023388-00023695 That does not mean when everybody is silent you scream, qRFwNgKGwRc-00035-00023697-00024498 that is not screaming in silence (Laughs), qRFwNgKGwRc-00036-00024500-00024985 because sound is of the surface, qRFwNgKGwRc-00037-00024987-00025475 silence is of the core. qRFwNgKGwRc-00038-00025477-00025846 It is only the surface which makes the sound. qRFwNgKGwRc-00039-00025848-00026512 See now the water is hitting the surface and making the sound. qRFwNgKGwRc-00040-00026514-00027018 Deep down there is no sound. qRFwNgKGwRc-00041-00027022-00027447 That is so with life. On the surface, qRFwNgKGwRc-00042-00027450-00028145 it is a very complex mesh of sounds, qRFwNgKGwRc-00043-00028147-00028695 a maze of sounds happening, qRFwNgKGwRc-00044-00028697-00029298 but at the core there is no sound. qRFwNgKGwRc-00045-00029300-00029722 There is no word for no sound in English language. qRFwNgKGwRc-00046-00029725-00029993 We call it nishabdh. qRFwNgKGwRc-00047-00029996-00030603 That means absence of sound, a total absence of sound. qRFwNgKGwRc-00048-00030606-00031125 Absence of sound means absence of reverberation; qRFwNgKGwRc-00049-00031127-00031563 absence of reverberation means absence of life; qRFwNgKGwRc-00050-00031565-00031952 absence of life means absence of creation; qRFwNgKGwRc-00051-00031954-00032676 absence of creation means absence of the Creator too. qRFwNgKGwRc-00052-00032679-00033080 So a space which is beyond creation and Creator, qRFwNgKGwRc-00053-00033083-00033695 a dimension which is beyond life and death, qRFwNgKGwRc-00054-00033697-00034187 that is what is being referred to as silence or nishabdh. qRFwNgKGwRc-00055-00035111-00035862 One cannot do this. One can become this. qRFwNgKGwRc-00056-00035864-00036401 Commonly there are two words employed to describe this qRFwNgKGwRc-00057-00036403-00037296 one is moun, that means you’re practicing silence, you’re not silent. qRFwNgKGwRc-00058-00037298-00037663 You shut your mouth and qRFwNgKGwRc-00059-00037665-00038158 you remaining in moun, this is not nishabdh. qRFwNgKGwRc-00060-00038160-00038534 Moun means you’re practicing silence. qRFwNgKGwRc-00061-00038536-00039076 If you’re practicing something, obviously you’re not that. qRFwNgKGwRc-00062-00039078-00039646 Are you life or are you practicing life? qRFwNgKGwRc-00063-00039649-00040257 I’m asking you, are you life or are you practicing life? qRFwNgKGwRc-00064-00040260-00040651 Practicing life? No, you are life. qRFwNgKGwRc-00065-00040653-00041259 May be not very well practiced but you’re life (Laughs). qRFwNgKGwRc-00066-00041262-00041695 Similarly there is a difference between qRFwNgKGwRc-00067-00041698-00042250 practicing silence and becoming silence. qRFwNgKGwRc-00068-00042255-00042984 Practicing silence starts as a certain restriction qRFwNgKGwRc-00069-00042987-00043563 but slowly as one practices silence, one qRFwNgKGwRc-00070-00043567-00044112 can possibly become silent. qRFwNgKGwRc-00071-00044114-00044608 One can become silent in intense activity qRFwNgKGwRc-00072-00044610-00045081 but nobody can keep up intense activity forever. qRFwNgKGwRc-00073-00045083-00045643 Moments of intense activity are only moments, nobody can sustain it. qRFwNgKGwRc-00074-00045646-00045992 You’ll expend yourself. qRFwNgKGwRc-00075-00045995-00046552 Only if you can achieve it in inactivity, it is sustainable. qRFwNgKGwRc-00076-00046554-00047016 If something is possible only in intense activity, qRFwNgKGwRc-00077-00047018-00047495 it is never sustainable. qRFwNgKGwRc-00078-00047498-00048056 In a very intense and ecstatic moment of singing, qRFwNgKGwRc-00079-00048059-00048582 somebody may become or taste a moment of silence, qRFwNgKGwRc-00080-00048584-00048891 but how long can you keep it up? qRFwNgKGwRc-00081-00048896-00049467 Your throat will tear and qRFwNgKGwRc-00082-00049469-00050215 your neighbors may kill you (Laughs). Possible! qRFwNgKGwRc-00083-00050218-00050549 So this possibility qRFwNgKGwRc-00084-00050551-00051083 of coming to silence or becoming silent qRFwNgKGwRc-00085-00051085-00051494 also means to become still, qRFwNgKGwRc-00086-00051498-00052031 to become utterly still. qRFwNgKGwRc-00087-00052034-00052991 Stillness can be achieved in so many ways. If you watch a snake,he’s still. qRFwNgKGwRc-00088-00052995-00053376 If you watch a tiger which is on a hunt qRFwNgKGwRc-00089-00053378-00054173 absolutely still, charged but still qRFwNgKGwRc-00090-00054175-00054850 These are all different dimensions of stillness practiced for survival. qRFwNgKGwRc-00091-00054853-00055325 If a snake moves too often, he’ll get killed. qRFwNgKGwRc-00092-00055328-00055858 If a tiger does not know how to be still, he’ll never get his food. qRFwNgKGwRc-00093-00055862-00056345 These are all acts of survival. qRFwNgKGwRc-00094-00056347-00057024 A human being for survival he has to be active. qRFwNgKGwRc-00095-00057026-00057794 Only when his vision falls upon something which is beyond survival, qRFwNgKGwRc-00096-00057797-00058159 then he will think of stillness. qRFwNgKGwRc-00097-00058162-00058827 Then he will understand as he observes himself, as he notices qRFwNgKGwRc-00098-00058829-00059351 the complexity of one’s compulsions, qRFwNgKGwRc-00099-00059356-00059960 he understands the only way to solve it is to become still. qRFwNgKGwRc-00100-00059962-00060536 To train this body, to train this mind qRFwNgKGwRc-00101-00060539-00061513 to become still,takes some effort. qRFwNgKGwRc-00102-00061515-00062051 If one is simply blissed out, he will become still, qRFwNgKGwRc-00103-00062053-00062786 but otherwise one has to work bit by bit, one has to work qRFwNgKGwRc-00104-00062788-00063116 to bring this body to absolute stillness. qRFwNgKGwRc-00105-00063118-00064078 Most people cannot hold their body in one place for any length of time, they’re (Gestures) qRFwNgKGwRc-00106-00064080-00064766 all the time in movement. qRFwNgKGwRc-00107-00064768-00065001 As it is said, qRFwNgKGwRc-00108-00065004-00065749 ‘A man is ill only because he does not know how to be still,’ qRFwNgKGwRc-00109-00065752-00066679 because in stillness you’re in touch with a dimension way beyond creation. qRFwNgKGwRc-00110-00066681-00067347 Once one is in touch with that, there is no such thing as illness. qRFwNgKGwRc-00111-00067349-00068038 If I sit here and the body rots and falls down, still there is no illness. It’s just qRFwNgKGwRc-00112-00068041-00068316 there because… qRFwNgKGwRc-00113-00068318-00068714 In fact, when one becomes utterly still, qRFwNgKGwRc-00114-00068716-00069163 he may not be able to hold on to the body unless qRFwNgKGwRc-00115-00069166-00069681 he learns the tricks, the mechanism of the body. qRFwNgKGwRc-00116-00069683-00070202 ‘So, why should I become still? Will I lose my body?’ qRFwNgKGwRc-00117-00070206-00070536 Anyway you will lose your body. qRFwNgKGwRc-00118-00070541-00071145 When the time to lose your body comes, if you want to lose it gracefully, qRFwNgKGwRc-00119-00071148-00071617 then you must know at least a little bit of stillness. qRFwNgKGwRc-00120-00071625-00072324 If you want to put your body down like you can put this piece of cloth down, qRFwNgKGwRc-00121-00072329-00072796 with the same ease, with the same gracefulness, qRFwNgKGwRc-00122-00072798-00073375 then you need to have some stillness in you, otherwise qRFwNgKGwRc-00123-00073378-00074185 you and your body you have to be torn apart which is an ugly thing to do. qRFwNgKGwRc-00124-00074187-00074930 When you’re being torn away from your body it is an ugly and painful thing to do. qRFwNgKGwRc-00125-00074932-00075355 Unless you can keep it down, qRFwNgKGwRc-00126-00075357-00075704 there’s no grace in life qRFwNgKGwRc-00127-00075706-00076083 So if one has to attain to that grace, qRFwNgKGwRc-00128-00076086-00076743 at least a certain amount of stillness has to enter your life. qRFwNgKGwRc-00129-00076746-00077586 For this to happen, a certain level of silence has to enter your life. qRFwNgKGwRc-00130-00077589-00078258 If right now it is not coming, at least practicing a little bit of moun qRFwNgKGwRc-00131-00078261-00079244 In an hour if you’re speaking 1573 words right now, how many maa? qRFwNgKGwRc-00132-00079246-00079678 How many words do you spit out in a minute ? qRFwNgKGwRc-00133-00079681-00080433 1573 you’re actually doing that many? I thought that’s impossible (Laughs). qRFwNgKGwRc-00134-00080435-00080854 Okay, I believe you (Laughs). qRFwNgKGwRc-00135-00080857-00081448 So whatever number you’re doing, see if you can qRFwNgKGwRc-00136-00081451-00082031 articulate the same things that you’re saying with half the number of words. qRFwNgKGwRc-00137-00082034-00082507 Suddenly you will become extremely conscious of everything. qRFwNgKGwRc-00138-00082510-00083032 Right now a oral diarrhea is happening qRFwNgKGwRc-00139-00083034-00083644 If you’re doing 1573, it’s diarrhea, okay (Laughs) qRFwNgKGwRc-00140-00083650-00084317 Now if you have to hold back half the words and still say the same things qRFwNgKGwRc-00141-00084319-00084811 now you have to be very conscious, otherwise you cannot say it. qRFwNgKGwRc-00142-00084813-00085628 Just try this and see. Tomorrow one day, hmm? qRFwNgKGwRc-00143-00085631-00086169 In an hour normally what number of words you utter, make it half. qRFwNgKGwRc-00144-00086171-00086845 Don’t curtail your activities, still say the same things but with half the words. qRFwNgKGwRc-00145-00086848-00087779 How wonderful the whole world will feel, you know (Laughter). qRFwNgKGwRc-00146-00088362-00089015 World will be a wonderful place,, I’m telling you, tomorrow, if everybody does this. Hmm? qRFwNgKGwRc-00147-00089017-00089698 Many marriages will be saved (Laughter/Applause).