Rx9MZa70fl0-00000-00000643-00000892 Welcome to Spotlight Advanced. Rx9MZa70fl0-00001-00000892-00001134 I’m Colin Lowther. Rx9MZa70fl0-00002-00001134-00001386 And I’m Liz Waid. Rx9MZa70fl0-00003-00001386-00001868 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. Rx9MZa70fl0-00004-00001868-00002944 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Rx9MZa70fl0-00005-00002944-00003339 This program is about a very famous artist. Rx9MZa70fl0-00006-00003339-00003744 But it is also about his mental illness. Rx9MZa70fl0-00007-00003744-00003961 It mentions suicide. Rx9MZa70fl0-00008-00003961-00005156 If you are thinking about suicide, please call a crisis center in your area. Rx9MZa70fl0-00009-00005156-00005542 You have probably seen this painting before. Rx9MZa70fl0-00010-00005542-00005889 It is a painting of a night sky. Rx9MZa70fl0-00011-00005889-00006236 Stars shine over a small village. Rx9MZa70fl0-00012-00006236-00006543 The moon glows yellow. Rx9MZa70fl0-00013-00006543-00006892 But this is no ordinary painting. Rx9MZa70fl0-00014-00006892-00007328 Swirls of white and blue fill the sky. Rx9MZa70fl0-00015-00007328-00007622 Each star is as big as a sun. Rx9MZa70fl0-00016-00007622-00007967 It is clearly a real sky. Rx9MZa70fl0-00017-00007967-00008431 But the way it is painted makes it a mystery. Rx9MZa70fl0-00018-00008431-00008786 There is some kind of magic in that sky. Rx9MZa70fl0-00019-00008786-00009286 But you do not know how it got there, or why. Rx9MZa70fl0-00020-00009286-00009994 This painting is called The Starry Night and it is by the artist Vincent Van Gogh. Rx9MZa70fl0-00021-00009994-00010435 He lived during the 1800s, in the Netherlands. Rx9MZa70fl0-00022-00010435-00010813 Some people say that Van Gogh was a genius. Rx9MZa70fl0-00023-00010813-00011218 He influenced many artists who came after him. Rx9MZa70fl0-00024-00011218-00011565 But Van Gogh was also unwell. Rx9MZa70fl0-00025-00011565-00011988 He suffered from mental illness all his life. Rx9MZa70fl0-00026-00011988-00012479 He died without much money, at a very young age. Rx9MZa70fl0-00027-00012479-00012909 Few people knew about Van Gogh when he was alive. Rx9MZa70fl0-00028-00012909-00013494 But today, he is one of the most well-known artists in the world. Rx9MZa70fl0-00029-00013494-00014801 Today’s Spotlight is on the life and illness of Vincent Van Gogh. Rx9MZa70fl0-00030-00014801-00015399 Vincent Van Gogh was born in 1853, in the Netherlands. Rx9MZa70fl0-00031-00015399-00015643 His family was wealthy. Rx9MZa70fl0-00032-00015643-00015904 Many of them were art dealers. Rx9MZa70fl0-00033-00015904-00016176 Some were Christian preachers. Rx9MZa70fl0-00034-00016176-00016607 When he was young, Van Gogh did not impress many people. Rx9MZa70fl0-00035-00016607-00016873 He had mood swings. Rx9MZa70fl0-00036-00016873-00017354 Sometimes he was very happy, and sometimes he was very sad. Rx9MZa70fl0-00037-00017354-00017651 These emotions were very strong. Rx9MZa70fl0-00038-00017651-00018004 They often annoyed family and friends. Rx9MZa70fl0-00039-00018004-00018288 He was not able to control these emotions. Rx9MZa70fl0-00040-00018288-00018709 And the people who loved him did not know what to do. Rx9MZa70fl0-00041-00018709-00019240 As he grew up, Van Gogh did not know what to do with his life. Rx9MZa70fl0-00042-00019240-00019541 For a time, he was an art dealer. Rx9MZa70fl0-00043-00019541-00019914 But he was restless and quit after a year. Rx9MZa70fl0-00044-00019914-00020241 Then, he wanted to become a preacher. Rx9MZa70fl0-00045-00020241-00020537 But the church did not accept him. Rx9MZa70fl0-00046-00020537-00020825 He often lived without much money. Rx9MZa70fl0-00047-00020825-00021316 And he sometimes lived on money that his parents gave him. Rx9MZa70fl0-00048-00021316-00021768 Van Gogh did very badly when it came to practical things. Rx9MZa70fl0-00049-00021768-00022298 But he soon discovered that he was very good at making art. Rx9MZa70fl0-00050-00022298-00022718 He began to draw and paint constantly. Rx9MZa70fl0-00051-00022718-00023030 He believed painting was his calling. Rx9MZa70fl0-00052-00023030-00023659 He believed he was born to paint. Rx9MZa70fl0-00053-00023659-00023919 Van Gogh had a brother, named Theo. Rx9MZa70fl0-00054-00023919-00024405 Theo was an art dealer in Paris, France. Rx9MZa70fl0-00055-00024405-00024759 He believed his brother was a great artist. Rx9MZa70fl0-00056-00024759-00025041 So he funded Van Gogh’s art. Rx9MZa70fl0-00057-00025041-00025625 Later, Theo invited Vincent to live with him in Paris. Rx9MZa70fl0-00058-00025625-00026070 Living in Paris was very important to Van Gogh. Rx9MZa70fl0-00059-00026070-00026470 That was where many other interesting artists lived. Rx9MZa70fl0-00060-00026470-00026930 There, he was able to talk to and learn from them. Rx9MZa70fl0-00061-00026930-00027214 It helped him become a better artist. Rx9MZa70fl0-00062-00027214-00027802 There, he created his own style. Rx9MZa70fl0-00063-00027802-00028388 But Paris was also where Van Gogh’s mental illness really began. Rx9MZa70fl0-00064-00028388-00028616 He had always been very emotional. Rx9MZa70fl0-00065-00028616-00028930 Often, he was very depressed. Rx9MZa70fl0-00066-00028930-00029181 He abused alcohol. Rx9MZa70fl0-00067-00029181-00029572 He especially drank an alcohol called absinthe. Rx9MZa70fl0-00068-00029572-00029939 But in Paris, things began to get worse. Rx9MZa70fl0-00069-00029939-00030400 Sometimes, he would become terrified for no reason. Rx9MZa70fl0-00070-00030400-00030719 At other times, he would lose consciousness. Rx9MZa70fl0-00071-00030719-00031031 He would forget where he was. Rx9MZa70fl0-00072-00031031-00031441 After a few years, Van Gogh tried to leave Paris. Rx9MZa70fl0-00073-00031441-00031787 He found a house in a town called Arles. Rx9MZa70fl0-00074-00031787-00032214 He hoped leaving Paris would help him get better. Rx9MZa70fl0-00075-00032214-00032514 Instead, it made things worse. Rx9MZa70fl0-00076-00032514-00032962 Paul Gauguin was a famous artist. Rx9MZa70fl0-00077-00032962-00033247 He lived with Van Gogh in Arles. Rx9MZa70fl0-00078-00033247-00033521 Van Gogh admired Gauguin. Rx9MZa70fl0-00079-00033521-00033832 He wanted to work with Gauguin. Rx9MZa70fl0-00080-00033832-00034228 But Gauguin began to dislike Van Gogh. Rx9MZa70fl0-00081-00034228-00034350 They fought often. Rx9MZa70fl0-00082-00034350-00034731 Van Gogh told his brother, Theo: Rx9MZa70fl0-00083-00034731-00035350 “Our argument is at times full of energy, like with electricity. Rx9MZa70fl0-00084-00035350-00035843 At times, we end up with tired and empty heads. Rx9MZa70fl0-00085-00035843-00036193 It is like an electric battery after discharge.” Rx9MZa70fl0-00086-00036193-00036866 Soon, Gauguin told Van Gogh that he was leaving. Rx9MZa70fl0-00087-00036866-00037187 This changed something in Van Gogh. Rx9MZa70fl0-00088-00037187-00037678 Gauguin was very important to Van Gogh’s plans. Rx9MZa70fl0-00089-00037678-00038013 He did not know how to deal with the change. Rx9MZa70fl0-00090-00038013-00038546 Later that day, he approached Gauguin with a razor blade. Rx9MZa70fl0-00091-00038546-00038778 Van Gogh did not hurt him. Rx9MZa70fl0-00092-00038778-00039103 But Gauguin felt threatened. Rx9MZa70fl0-00093-00039103-00039308 He left soon after. Rx9MZa70fl0-00094-00039308-00039975 That night, Van Gogh began to hear voices, even though he was alone. Rx9MZa70fl0-00095-00039975-00040163 They tortured him. Rx9MZa70fl0-00096-00040163-00040580 To make them quiet, he picked up the same razor blade. Rx9MZa70fl0-00097-00040580-00040875 He cut his own ear off! Rx9MZa70fl0-00098-00040875-00041137 Then, he went to a brothel. Rx9MZa70fl0-00099-00041137-00041471 He gave his ear to a prostitute. Rx9MZa70fl0-00100-00041471-00041794 Then, he disappeared. Rx9MZa70fl0-00101-00041794-00042365 When the police finally found Van Gogh, they put him in a mental institution. Rx9MZa70fl0-00102-00042365-00042721 There, doctors tried to treat him. Rx9MZa70fl0-00103-00042721-00043078 They believed that he had epilepsy. Rx9MZa70fl0-00104-00043078-00043493 Epilepsy is a disease that causes fits. Rx9MZa70fl0-00105-00043493-00043990 During these fits, people lose control of their bodies. Rx9MZa70fl0-00106-00043990-00044559 But it can also give people hallucinations where they see and hear things that are not Rx9MZa70fl0-00107-00044559-00044788 there. Rx9MZa70fl0-00108-00044788-00045280 Soon, Van Gogh began to recover. Rx9MZa70fl0-00109-00045280-00045531 He stopped drinking alcohol. Rx9MZa70fl0-00110-00045531-00045846 And he started taking medication. Rx9MZa70fl0-00111-00045846-00046138 He left the mental institution. Rx9MZa70fl0-00112-00046138-00046438 And he began to paint again. Rx9MZa70fl0-00113-00046438-00047115 During this time, Van Gogh made some of his most well-known paintings, like the painting Rx9MZa70fl0-00114-00047115-00047505 described at the beginning of the program. Rx9MZa70fl0-00115-00047505-00048132 He painted similar things to other artists, like flowers and fields. Rx9MZa70fl0-00116-00048132-00048563 But the way he painted was very different. Rx9MZa70fl0-00117-00048563-00048881 He did not just paint these things. Rx9MZa70fl0-00118-00048881-00049252 He painted what he felt about them. Rx9MZa70fl0-00119-00049252-00049805 And he used colors in ways no one had seen before. Rx9MZa70fl0-00120-00049805-00050265 People began to recognize his works. Rx9MZa70fl0-00121-00050265-00050658 But Van Gogh’s mental illness did not go away. Rx9MZa70fl0-00122-00050658-00050971 He had several mental breakdowns. Rx9MZa70fl0-00123-00050971-00051372 He went back to institution several times. Rx9MZa70fl0-00124-00051372-00051788 He hallucinated and feared being poisoned. Rx9MZa70fl0-00125-00051788-00052134 And he was often very depressed. Rx9MZa70fl0-00126-00052134-00052455 He did not feel like a success. Rx9MZa70fl0-00127-00052455-00052670 He wrote to his brother, Theo: Rx9MZa70fl0-00128-00052670-00053397 “I am so angry with myself because I cannot do what I should like to do. Rx9MZa70fl0-00129-00053397-00054030 At such a moment I feel that I am lying at the bottom of a deep dark well. Rx9MZa70fl0-00130-00054030-00054375 I feel completely helpless.” Rx9MZa70fl0-00131-00054375-00054902 Van Gogh’s mental illness was very painful for him. Rx9MZa70fl0-00132-00054902-00055257 One day, it became too much. Rx9MZa70fl0-00133-00055257-00055616 He went out into a field with a gun. Rx9MZa70fl0-00134-00055616-00055908 He shot himself in the chest. Rx9MZa70fl0-00135-00055908-00056076 He did not die. Rx9MZa70fl0-00136-00056076-00056437 Later that day, he went to his friend’s home. Rx9MZa70fl0-00137-00056437-00056713 He was bleeding from the chest. Rx9MZa70fl0-00138-00056713-00057073 Van Gogh died two days later. Rx9MZa70fl0-00139-00057073-00057301 He had committed suicide. Rx9MZa70fl0-00140-00057301-00057780 He was only 37. Rx9MZa70fl0-00141-00057780-00058291 After Van Gogh died, his paintings quickly became famous. Rx9MZa70fl0-00142-00058291-00058629 Museums began to display them. Rx9MZa70fl0-00143-00058629-00059013 Art collectors bought them for a lot of money. Rx9MZa70fl0-00144-00059013-00059366 Newspaper editors called him a genius. Rx9MZa70fl0-00145-00059366-00059826 He influenced other famous painters like Henri Matisse. Rx9MZa70fl0-00146-00059826-00060877 Today, Van Gogh is one of the most well-known painters in the world. Rx9MZa70fl0-00147-00060877-00061577 But for all this, we will never really know what illness Vincent Van Gogh had. Rx9MZa70fl0-00148-00061577-00061869 Some scholars agree that he had epilepsy. Rx9MZa70fl0-00149-00061869-00062363 Others believe he had bipolar disorder. Rx9MZa70fl0-00150-00062363-00062808 People with this disease have extreme periods of depression. Rx9MZa70fl0-00151-00062808-00063441 But they also have moments of high activity, or mania. Rx9MZa70fl0-00152-00063441-00064002 A manic person often feels afraid of imaginary things. Rx9MZa70fl0-00153-00064002-00064510 He may hear people speaking that are not there. Rx9MZa70fl0-00154-00064510-00064923 Both of these diseases seem to describe Van Gogh. Rx9MZa70fl0-00155-00064923-00065325 But there are many other theories. Rx9MZa70fl0-00156-00065325-00065848 Many people even think he was such a good painter because of his mental illness. Rx9MZa70fl0-00157-00065848-00066313 They believe his strange colors were because of madness. Rx9MZa70fl0-00158-00066313-00066945 Or they believe his swinging emotions pushed him to paint. Rx9MZa70fl0-00159-00066945-00067066 This may be true. Rx9MZa70fl0-00160-00067066-00067558 But these things also pushed him to his death. Rx9MZa70fl0-00161-00067558-00068008 He felt so strongly and loved what he did. Rx9MZa70fl0-00162-00068008-00068724 He fought through many years of difficulty, and changed the world of art. Rx9MZa70fl0-00163-00068724-00069010 But Van Gogh did not see this. Rx9MZa70fl0-00164-00069010-00069366 He died thinking he had failed. Rx9MZa70fl0-00165-00069366-00069644 Before he died, he told his brother: Rx9MZa70fl0-00166-00069644-00070782 “If I could have worked without this terrible disease, what things I might have done.” Rx9MZa70fl0-00167-00070782-00071107 Mental illness can be very serious. Rx9MZa70fl0-00168-00071107-00071764 If you or anyone you know feels suicidal, please find help. Rx9MZa70fl0-00169-00071764-00071996 There are many options for help. Rx9MZa70fl0-00170-00071996-00072398 You can call a suicide hotline in your country. Rx9MZa70fl0-00171-00072398-00072789 Or talk to a friend and ask them for help. Rx9MZa70fl0-00172-00072789-00073241 More than anything, you should know that you are not alone. Rx9MZa70fl0-00173-00073241-00073938 You should know that you can get better. Rx9MZa70fl0-00174-00073938-00074362 Have you ever seen a painting by Vincent Van Gogh? Rx9MZa70fl0-00175-00074362-00074670 What was your experience like? Rx9MZa70fl0-00176-00074670-00074988 You can leave a comment on our website. Rx9MZa70fl0-00177-00074988-00075558 Or email us at contact@spotlightenglish.com. Rx9MZa70fl0-00178-00075558-00076204 You can also find us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Rx9MZa70fl0-00179-00076204-00076619 The writer of this program was Dan Christmann. Rx9MZa70fl0-00180-00076619-00076933 The producer was Michio Ozaki. Rx9MZa70fl0-00181-00076933-00077522 The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. Rx9MZa70fl0-00182-00077522-00078122 All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. Rx9MZa70fl0-00183-00078122-00079308 You can listen to this program and read along with the script on our website at www.spotlightenglish.com. Rx9MZa70fl0-00184-00079308-00079951 This program is called, ‘The Hidden Life of Vincent Van Gogh’. Rx9MZa70fl0-00185-00079951-00080717 Visit our website to download our free official app for Android and Apple devices. Rx9MZa70fl0-00186-00080717-00081199 We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Rx9MZa70fl0-00187-00081199-00081286 Goodbye. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00000-00000118-00000400 Hello and welcome to baby WOGUE World! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00001-00000428-00000675 A place we will treat you only with happiness! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00002-00000689-00000911 Kill, all, humans! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00003-00000911-00001103 Kill, all, humans! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00004-00001211-00001281 Chino? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00005-00001281-00001386 We are online! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00006-00001744-00002087 So we have this image, that in first sight it looks so innocent! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00007-00002117-00002359 But things aren't always what they seem! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00008-00002359-00002836 All files usually come with metadata, and if we open our image we'll see we have 72 Rzu4KCoGoJE-00009-00002836-00002935 of them! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00010-00002957-00003096 Lets investigate! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00011-00003132-00003524 And I'm telling you already, you certainly don't want other people to know you're using Rzu4KCoGoJE-00012-00003524-00003639 GIMP 3. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00013-00003692-00003972 So go back, and clean! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00014-00003978-00004260 Everything will be gone now, than the purple! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00015-00004277-00004467 You noticed that, didn't you? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00016-00004521-00004907 Notejot now features a single window and it gained some additional features. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00017-00004932-00005131 But it didn't lose its cuteness! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00018-00005146-00005627 For example, when we create a new note, we can set a color for it and Notejot will set Rzu4KCoGoJE-00019-00005627-00005828 a subtle background of this color! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00020-00005828-00006286 And then we have some markdown on editor, and we can also use shortcuts for adding syntax Rzu4KCoGoJE-00021-00006286-00006399 elements. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00022-00006445-00006823 And we can of course create Notepads and organize our notes inside. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00023-00006870-00007311 In a funny fact, till I record this video there is already a newer version released, Rzu4KCoGoJE-00024-00007344-00007592 but it wasn't published on Flathub at the time! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00025-00007630-00007982 Point is, this is a project with a very active development! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00026-00007996-00008181 Don't miss to check it out! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00027-00008263-00008759 Speaking of notes taking apps, we can't forget the first and the creator of everything! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00028-00008837-00009054 The original notepad! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00029-00009159-00009594 Lets reproduce the 20th century workflow, but with some newer features! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00030-00009641-00009910 First you will need to sign in with your Google account. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00031-00009976-00010172 And give all your trust to GNOME! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00032-00010309-00010631 And from here you only need to allow the Files access. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00033-00010681-00011067 Now on your File manager the Google drive will be already mounted, Rzu4KCoGoJE-00034-00011067-00011366 so you can create a new folder inside to store your Notes, Rzu4KCoGoJE-00035-00011466-00011775 then create a new note inside and give it a whatever name, Rzu4KCoGoJE-00036-00011775-00012194 and finally you can open it with GNOME text editor that it will serve as your Notepad! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00037-00012267-00012362 Next.. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00038-00012362-00012569 Check out some really good mechanics. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00039-00012620-00013031 First I'm putting my link to the app, and it updates the image as I type. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00040-00013031-00013554 When done, I will press export and it will save a PNG on my home folder. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00041-00013598-00013681 Then.. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00042-00013681-00014015 Lets reverse the procedure and open an existing QR code. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00043-00014075-00014531 Now, we'll go to the Scan view, but since we don't have camera we'll use the Screenshot Rzu4KCoGoJE-00044-00014531-00014581 option. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00045-00014607-00015000 And please pretend you didn't see the Shell opening the screenshot portal behind the current Rzu4KCoGoJE-00046-00015000-00015100 windows. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00047-00015137-00015494 Anyhoo, we almost there getting our screenshot! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00048-00015494-00015786 And then GNOME asks me if I want to share it with Decoder? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00049-00015828-00015928 Oh no? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00050-00015928-00016141 I want to share it with my mom maybe? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00051-00016222-00016715 So that's an extra step to share perhaps, but now we can save and we can see our link, Rzu4KCoGoJE-00052-00016715-00016918 and click it and open to a web-browser! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00053-00017381-00017842 And back to our history panel we can see when we created our QR codes, and remove them Rzu4KCoGoJE-00054-00017842-00017953 if we want! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00055-00018009-00018455 That's a merge request that first updates the VTE of GNOME Builder, and then it adds Rzu4KCoGoJE-00056-00018455-00018769 kinetic scrolling and overlay touch scrollbars. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00057-00018769-00019308 Those patches are now merged on main, and they will also be available on 41 release. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00058-00019308-00019561 And believe me, you can't possibly miss them! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00059-00019631-00019951 Let me show you what they do in case you don't use Builder. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00060-00019951-00020400 First I'll open a new terminal, and then I'm gonna move it to the left to see the scrollbars Rzu4KCoGoJE-00061-00020400-00020499 better. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00062-00020551-00021009 Hmm, and perhaps I should list something we have more files so we can actually reveal Rzu4KCoGoJE-00063-00021009-00021101 the scroll! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00064-00021141-00021521 Although the hidden scrollbar when no needed, is already something new! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00065-00021579-00021689 Okay! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00066-00021689-00022186 So basically we have the same scroll behavior on VTE like the rest GTK widgets! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00067-00022209-00022553 A feature we'll also see on GNOME Terminal App too! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00068-00022553-00022930 So here we are, on GNOME Terminal and its terrible scrollbars. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00069-00022975-00023475 But we're also on Builder repository, and lets make a critical change and add it to Git. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00070-00023567-00024030 We have already register Commit as a global Git editor, so if we now commit the change, Rzu4KCoGoJE-00071-00024030-00024196 the app will launch instead. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00072-00024267-00024745 Obviously this bring benefits like the much easier editing with the help of GTKSourceView, Rzu4KCoGoJE-00073-00024779-00025125 and we can also see some of the info like the committed changes. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00074-00025175-00025619 And there is also this warning when we're reaching the 50c limit on commit title. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00075-00025690-00026049 A limit we can set to whatever value we want from the options. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00076-00026724-00027008 Our coffee mugs are pretty plain, don't you think? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00077-00027048-00027158 Simple is best! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00078-00027217-00027441 I saw a fun mug the other day! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00079-00027441-00027565 We should go and buy it! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00080-00027583-00027652 Hmm? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00081-00027652-00027752 What kind? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00082-00027752-00027846 Like this! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00083-00027846-00028019 That's an aromatic candle! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00084-00028057-00028343 I'm sure everyone would enjoy a bit of variety! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00085-00028343-00028446 Maybe you're right! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00086-00028582-00028715 You've been warned! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00087-00028715-00029017 Don't let her small size and her cute look to fool you! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00088-00029044-00029602 This is one powerful app, and on version 2.0 has gained extreme capabilities like exporting Rzu4KCoGoJE-00089-00029602-00029715 on a GIF format! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00090-00029715-00030609 Check on selection mode, press record, set permissions, select an area.. and? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00091-00030609-00031117 In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00092-00031200-00031291 Hello? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00093-00031291-00031417 Anyone inside? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00094-00031456-00031625 Okay, lets do this! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00095-00032140-00032363 ha, It works every single time! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00096-00032433-00032847 So imagine your friend is cheating on you, and they are so stupid they get caught. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00097-00032899-00033060 You shouldn't say anything! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00098-00033060-00033156 Instead? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00099-00033186-00033515 You will place the Metronome next to their bed when they sleep! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00100-00033515-00034002 It will be loud enough so they can hear it, but as soft as they won't get up to close it.. Rzu4KCoGoJE-00101-00034575-00035048 I'm telling you, the repeated sound it will give them full insanity inside a week! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00102-00035048-00035467 Pro tip aside, there are some special notes on this app, and that's mainly because it Rzu4KCoGoJE-00103-00035467-00035682 comes from a Purism developer! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00104-00035716-00036207 So we have this empty headerbar, but the main menu is placed next to the play controls! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00105-00036271-00036606 Or even more strangely, you see all this empty space? Rzu4KCoGoJE-00106-00036606-00036753 It is draggable! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00107-00036753-00037210 What's happening is that GNOME apps are dramatically expanding every week, so it is very normal Rzu4KCoGoJE-00108-00037210-00037543 to start getting new visuals and ideas from developers! Rzu4KCoGoJE-00109-00037565-00038018 But they still keeping their consistency, and we can immediately tell those are definitely Rzu4KCoGoJE-00110-00038018-00038068 GNOME apps! RAFh_scCa9k-00000-00000018-00000308 - So, I mentioned Skydeck earlier RAFh_scCa9k-00001-00000308-00000533 in the introduction of this event RAFh_scCa9k-00002-00000533-00000759 and as part of our partnership with Skydeck, RAFh_scCa9k-00003-00000759-00001105 we feature one of their startups RAFh_scCa9k-00004-00001105-00001309 in every one of these meetup events. RAFh_scCa9k-00005-00001309-00001689 And so, I'm pleased to introduce Shawn... RAFh_scCa9k-00006-00001689-00001782 Is it Rezek? RAFh_scCa9k-00007-00001872-00001966 - Razek. RAFh_scCa9k-00008-00001966-00002103 - Razek, thank you. RAFh_scCa9k-00009-00002103-00002364 Shawn Razek, who is the CEO and founder of... RAFh_scCa9k-00010-00002364-00002579 Is it Xoba Labs? RAFh_scCa9k-00011-00002579-00002671 - Yeah. RAFh_scCa9k-00012-00002671-00002820 - Awesome. RAFh_scCa9k-00013-00002820-00003204 Welcome and we are looking forward to hearing about Xoba. RAFh_scCa9k-00014-00003204-00003351 - Awesome. RAFh_scCa9k-00015-00003351-00003636 I'll share my screen, thanks for having me. RAFh_scCa9k-00016-00003959-00004042 Is it working? RAFh_scCa9k-00017-00004147-00004230 Awesome. RAFh_scCa9k-00018-00004230-00004343 I feel like that's the one question RAFh_scCa9k-00019-00004343-00004445 that will never... RAFh_scCa9k-00020-00004445-00004676 You will always ask whenever you share your screen. RAFh_scCa9k-00021-00004676-00004909 There's never gonna be like this feedback loop RAFh_scCa9k-00022-00004909-00005156 of is your screen actually being shared? RAFh_scCa9k-00023-00005268-00005366 Thanks for everyone. RAFh_scCa9k-00024-00005366-00005711 Thanks, Bill and Amy, for having me this evening, RAFh_scCa9k-00025-00005711-00005962 really excited to give everyone a little bit of insight RAFh_scCa9k-00026-00005962-00006152 into what we have going on here at Xoba RAFh_scCa9k-00027-00006152-00006313 and talk a little bit more... RAFh_scCa9k-00028-00006313-00006495 Talk a little bit how we're leveraging to Cloud RAFh_scCa9k-00029-00006495-00006669 and actually why... RAFh_scCa9k-00030-00006669-00006923 How the Cloud has actually helped build a business. RAFh_scCa9k-00031-00007048-00007206 I'll talk a little bit back RAFh_scCa9k-00032-00007206-00007384 how this area, RAFh_scCa9k-00033-00007384-00007676 this kind of space looked 10, 15, 20 years ago RAFh_scCa9k-00034-00007676-00007990 and without kind of this huge shift over to Cloud RAFh_scCa9k-00035-00007990-00008250 in the past five or 10 years or so. RAFh_scCa9k-00036-00008250-00008395 How our business actually RAFh_scCa9k-00037-00008395-00008520 wouldn't have been able to been possible RAFh_scCa9k-00038-00008520-00008675 or it'd have taken a lot more resources RAFh_scCa9k-00039-00008675-00008885 and a lot of additional time to get there. RAFh_scCa9k-00040-00009047-00009169 As I mentioned, I'm the co-founder RAFh_scCa9k-00041-00009169-00009406 and the current CEO of Xoba. RAFh_scCa9k-00042-00009406-00009646 Prior to this, I was actually the product manager RAFh_scCa9k-00043-00009646-00009828 for Cloud Platforms at Cisco Meraki. RAFh_scCa9k-00044-00009828-00010118 So, Meraki was an acquisition by Cisco some years ago RAFh_scCa9k-00045-00010118-00010349 and Meraki was kind of on the forefront RAFh_scCa9k-00046-00010349-00010457 of being the first company RAFh_scCa9k-00047-00010457-00010715 to offer a Cloud-based networking solution. RAFh_scCa9k-00048-00010715-00011041 So, I had the fortune of working across RAFh_scCa9k-00049-00011041-00011276 from the infrastructure layer to the backend layer RAFh_scCa9k-00050-00011276-00011567 all the way up to the web application layer. RAFh_scCa9k-00051-00011567-00011882 We were doing about 200 petabytes of data in just an... RAFh_scCa9k-00052-00012017-00012115 On a monthly basis. RAFh_scCa9k-00053-00012115-00012391 So, just this sheer amount of globally distributed RAFh_scCa9k-00054-00012391-00012564 infrastructure and Cloud that I got to oversee RAFh_scCa9k-00055-00012564-00012857 and spend a lot of time with, which was a lot of fun. RAFh_scCa9k-00056-00012857-00012941 Prior to that, RAFh_scCa9k-00057-00012941-00013112 I was a hardware and embedded software engineer RAFh_scCa9k-00058-00013112-00013294 at an neuroscience startup for a bit. RAFh_scCa9k-00059-00013294-00013509 And then I was the product manager... RAFh_scCa9k-00060-00013509-00013722 I kind of jumped around between product and engineering RAFh_scCa9k-00061-00013722-00013829 for a little. RAFh_scCa9k-00062-00013829-00014073 And I was product manager for a power management business RAFh_scCa9k-00063-00014073-00014186 at Texas Instruments. RAFh_scCa9k-00064-00014186-00014525 So, I went from hardware to software RAFh_scCa9k-00065-00014525-00014716 and software being the Cloud-based embedded, RAFh_scCa9k-00066-00014716-00014852 which was more of my background, RAFh_scCa9k-00067-00014852-00014997 so it's been a fun journey. RAFh_scCa9k-00068-00015231-00015374 For Xoba, for us, RAFh_scCa9k-00069-00015374-00015653 we really set out to really want to give employees RAFh_scCa9k-00070-00015653-00015933 the power to discover and share ideas RAFh_scCa9k-00071-00015933-00016072 and information without barriers. RAFh_scCa9k-00072-00016072-00016307 So, a lot of the impetus for myself and my co-founders RAFh_scCa9k-00073-00016307-00016464 that start this business was... RAFh_scCa9k-00074-00016464-00016736 As I mentioned, Meraki was an acquisition by Cisco. RAFh_scCa9k-00075-00016736-00017024 And because of that, I had to manage RAFh_scCa9k-00076-00017024-00017165 four different Slack instances, RAFh_scCa9k-00077-00017165-00017363 I had to manage two different email inboxes, RAFh_scCa9k-00078-00017363-00017624 I had Box, I had Dropbox, RAFh_scCa9k-00079-00017624-00017787 I had Google Drive, RAFh_scCa9k-00080-00017787-00018061 I had three different chat platforms for WebX. RAFh_scCa9k-00081-00018061-00018349 I used three different task management platforms, et cetera. RAFh_scCa9k-00082-00018349-00018478 So, as a product manager, RAFh_scCa9k-00083-00018478-00018735 I was consistently having to make sure RAFh_scCa9k-00084-00018735-00018887 information was organized, RAFh_scCa9k-00085-00018887-00019072 making sure information was distributed, RAFh_scCa9k-00086-00019072-00019305 and I just had this pain where I found most of my job RAFh_scCa9k-00087-00019305-00019505 was just searching for information RAFh_scCa9k-00088-00019505-00019679 or giving other people access to information RAFh_scCa9k-00089-00019679-00019830 cause it was so hard to disseminate RAFh_scCa9k-00090-00019830-00019996 and communicate this information, RAFh_scCa9k-00091-00019996-00020113 even find it on my own. RAFh_scCa9k-00092-00020113-00020273 So, if I was working with another PM RAFh_scCa9k-00093-00020273-00020494 or I was working with legal on-specific documents RAFh_scCa9k-00094-00020494-00020621 or whatever it may have been, RAFh_scCa9k-00095-00020621-00020719 just this information RAFh_scCa9k-00096-00020719-00020940 was so sprawled across the organization, RAFh_scCa9k-00097-00020940-00021037 it's so difficult. RAFh_scCa9k-00098-00021037-00021347 And then working with the bigger Cisco at the time RAFh_scCa9k-00099-00021347-00021456 brought its own pain point. RAFh_scCa9k-00100-00021456-00021696 So, we really, together, wanna go out and solve RAFh_scCa9k-00101-00021696-00021779 and just make... RAFh_scCa9k-00102-00021779-00022026 Regardless of where this information exists, RAFh_scCa9k-00103-00022026-00022187 in what platform, how's it organized, RAFh_scCa9k-00104-00022187-00022317 what the type of files are, RAFh_scCa9k-00105-00022317-00022406 we wanna give employees RAFh_scCa9k-00106-00022406-00022599 a part to discover and share this information, RAFh_scCa9k-00107-00022599-00022806 these ideas without the barriers. RAFh_scCa9k-00108-00022994-00023183 If we think about today as RAFh_scCa9k-00109-00023183-00023461 the number of sass Cloud applications RAFh_scCa9k-00110-00023461-00023646 in the world is growing... RAFh_scCa9k-00111-00023646-00023862 I don't know, 10X every single day. RAFh_scCa9k-00112-00023862-00024006 But if we look at the pure numbers, RAFh_scCa9k-00113-00024006-00024170 Okta did some research back in 2000. RAFh_scCa9k-00114-00024170-00024296 They do a yearly report, RAFh_scCa9k-00115-00024296-00024388 but Okta did a report RAFh_scCa9k-00116-00024388-00024564 and last year, they came out with RAFh_scCa9k-00117-00024564-00024785 the average number of Cloud applications, RAFh_scCa9k-00118-00024785-00025130 Cloud applications itself that a company has is 88. RAFh_scCa9k-00119-00025130-00025353 And that's even at a company that has 500 employees. RAFh_scCa9k-00120-00025353-00025452 So, if you think about companies RAFh_scCa9k-00121-00025452-00025575 that have 5,000 employees, RAFh_scCa9k-00122-00025575-00025745 like a Cisco level, 50,000 employees, RAFh_scCa9k-00123-00025745-00025999 they have, on average, about 120. RAFh_scCa9k-00124-00025999-00026156 So, you have this information that's, again, RAFh_scCa9k-00125-00026156-00026342 it's siloed in Google Drive. RAFh_scCa9k-00126-00026342-00026587 It might be in Splunk for your logs, RAFh_scCa9k-00127-00026587-00026702 it might be in Microsoft Teams RAFh_scCa9k-00128-00026702-00026955 or your chat platform like Slack or Jira. RAFh_scCa9k-00129-00026955-00027166 So, all this information is just all over the workplace RAFh_scCa9k-00130-00027166-00027342 and it's highly correlated in its own way. RAFh_scCa9k-00131-00027342-00027681 You have Slack messages that are associated to a project RAFh_scCa9k-00132-00027681-00027961 that Project.X in Google Drive. RAFh_scCa9k-00133-00027961-00028214 But that information's actually not well correlated RAFh_scCa9k-00134-00028214-00028305 in the workplace unless RAFh_scCa9k-00135-00028305-00028466 you manually correlate that information RAFh_scCa9k-00136-00028466-00028666 of going to the Google Doc and putting links in there RAFh_scCa9k-00137-00028666-00028788 to the slot conversations, RAFh_scCa9k-00138-00028788-00029108 but in reality, who really does that? RAFh_scCa9k-00139-00029108-00029297 So, because what we've seen RAFh_scCa9k-00140-00029297-00029754 is explosion of sass applications within the workforce, RAFh_scCa9k-00141-00029754-00029976 just this information just being in silos. RAFh_scCa9k-00142-00029976-00030189 So, we wanna go out and we want to solve this problem RAFh_scCa9k-00143-00030189-00030391 of just the fragmented information RAFh_scCa9k-00144-00030391-00030648 and unorganized information in the workplace. RAFh_scCa9k-00145-00030648-00030824 And the initial way of what we're doing RAFh_scCa9k-00146-00030824-00030907 is what we're calling RAFh_scCa9k-00147-00030907-00031036 is kind of building this knowledge engine. RAFh_scCa9k-00148-00031036-00031420 So, we're creating this backend data infrastructure RAFh_scCa9k-00149-00031420-00031705 within an organization where we can basically build... RAFh_scCa9k-00150-00031705-00031839 We're building high correlations RAFh_scCa9k-00151-00031839-00031983 between datasets across RAFh_scCa9k-00152-00031983-00032229 different platforms and applications. RAFh_scCa9k-00153-00032229-00032567 So, we can understand what Slack messages are talking about RAFh_scCa9k-00154-00032567-00032718 and then correlate that information RAFh_scCa9k-00155-00032718-00032953 to Asana task or Jira task. RAFh_scCa9k-00156-00032953-00033087 We can take in Google Docs RAFh_scCa9k-00157-00033087-00033354 and know that this Google Doc is talking about this project, RAFh_scCa9k-00158-00033354-00033519 this Asana task is talking about this project, RAFh_scCa9k-00159-00033519-00033687 and correlate that information. RAFh_scCa9k-00160-00033687-00033770 And we can do a lot of RAFh_scCa9k-00161-00033770-00033933 different applications on top of that. RAFh_scCa9k-00162-00033933-00034125 The first application that we're building on top of that RAFh_scCa9k-00163-00034125-00034260 is just a search bar. RAFh_scCa9k-00164-00034260-00034458 So, how can you easily go to a single place RAFh_scCa9k-00165-00034458-00034667 and search across all those different Cloud applications RAFh_scCa9k-00166-00034667-00034921 and surface relevant information much more quickly RAFh_scCa9k-00167-00034921-00035213 rather than having to go to three different... RAFh_scCa9k-00168-00035213-00035382 Was it in Slack, was it in Gmail, RAFh_scCa9k-00169-00035382-00035577 do I have to go to Google Drive and search through that? RAFh_scCa9k-00170-00035577-00035707 You can do all of this through Xoba RAFh_scCa9k-00171-00035707-00035814 and many different mediums RAFh_scCa9k-00172-00035814-00036035 doing the web application and a Chrome extension, RAFh_scCa9k-00173-00036035-00036312 in Slack or whatever other tool that you might may be, RAFh_scCa9k-00174-00036312-00036567 Xoba's becoming kind of this backend knowledge engine. RAFh_scCa9k-00175-00036567-00036722 And another area that we're pursuing RAFh_scCa9k-00176-00036722-00036874 is employee onboarding. RAFh_scCa9k-00177-00036874-00037028 You're a new employee at a new company RAFh_scCa9k-00178-00037028-00037204 or you just joined Berkeley RAFh_scCa9k-00179-00037204-00037373 and you don't know where information exist. RAFh_scCa9k-00180-00037373-00037489 How can we make this information RAFh_scCa9k-00181-00037489-00037756 more front and center for you and personalize it RAFh_scCa9k-00182-00037756-00037937 based off your role, your 10 year, RAFh_scCa9k-00183-00037937-00038092 your department, all these different things RAFh_scCa9k-00184-00038092-00038225 so we can show this information. RAFh_scCa9k-00185-00038225-00038421 So, there's kind of this application RAFh_scCa9k-00186-00038421-00038512 of this knowledge engine RAFh_scCa9k-00187-00038512-00038713 on the backend is endless, RAFh_scCa9k-00188-00038713-00038944 but we're four months old, RAFh_scCa9k-00189-00038944-00039085 four or five months old RAFh_scCa9k-00190-00039085-00039310 kind of depending on how you look at it. RAFh_scCa9k-00191-00039310-00039502 So, we're really in the initial stage RAFh_scCa9k-00192-00039502-00039778 of building the initial product out. RAFh_scCa9k-00193-00039778-00039951 Right now, we have that search bar available RAFh_scCa9k-00194-00039951-00040216 to really dive through those specific used cases. RAFh_scCa9k-00195-00040404-00040506 As I mentioned earlier, RAFh_scCa9k-00196-00040506-00040736 without the Cloud, Xoba wouldn't really exist. RAFh_scCa9k-00197-00040736-00040874 If you look at 15 years ago, RAFh_scCa9k-00198-00040874-00041163 the idea of searching the workplace isn't new. RAFh_scCa9k-00199-00041163-00041266 When I worked at Cisco, RAFh_scCa9k-00200-00041266-00041652 we had in house custom enterprise search built RAFh_scCa9k-00201-00041652-00041930 and that was managed by a team of 100 people, RAFh_scCa9k-00202-00041930-00042158 70 engineers and 30 project managers RAFh_scCa9k-00203-00042158-00042278 and product managers. RAFh_scCa9k-00204-00042278-00042419 It was all on-premise. RAFh_scCa9k-00205-00042419-00042674 If you wanted a new data store to be connected to it, RAFh_scCa9k-00206-00042674-00042795 you had to submit an application, RAFh_scCa9k-00207-00042795-00043003 you had to wait six months. RAFh_scCa9k-00208-00043003-00043191 Oracle has enterprise search. RAFh_scCa9k-00209-00043191-00043322 IBM has enterprise search, RAFh_scCa9k-00210-00043322-00043680 but those products take 12 to 18 months to implement RAFh_scCa9k-00211-00043680-00043972 and know that that's a high cost and a long time. RAFh_scCa9k-00212-00043972-00044181 But now because we have Cloud applications RAFh_scCa9k-00213-00044181-00044402 and the Cloud available to us, RAFh_scCa9k-00214-00044402-00044645 we're able to go off and leverage APAI's RAFh_scCa9k-00215-00044645-00044841 and things like OAuth and all these different ways RAFh_scCa9k-00216-00044841-00045126 to more easily connect these different applications RAFh_scCa9k-00217-00045126-00045209 in the workplace RAFh_scCa9k-00218-00045209-00045541 and start bringing in data into our platform, RAFh_scCa9k-00219-00045541-00045644 building those correlations RAFh_scCa9k-00220-00045644-00045831 and building applications on top of it. RAFh_scCa9k-00221-00045831-00045957 But if we looked at 10 years ago RAFh_scCa9k-00222-00045957-00046298 and the Cloud barely existed back in 2010 or so, RAFh_scCa9k-00223-00046298-00046436 this would've been much harder for us to do RAFh_scCa9k-00224-00046436-00046573 and we wouldn't have been able to RAFh_scCa9k-00225-00046573-00046820 basically accelerate and release a product in three months RAFh_scCa9k-00226-00046820-00046998 and allow a user to start searching RAFh_scCa9k-00227-00046998-00047163 within three minutes from creating an account. RAFh_scCa9k-00228-00047163-00047361 They would've had to wait 12 months, 18 months. RAFh_scCa9k-00229-00047361-00047533 So, we're really excited of what the Cloud RAFh_scCa9k-00230-00047533-00047683 has actually enabled us to do. RAFh_scCa9k-00231-00047890-00048055 But, if I go back to my Meraki days, RAFh_scCa9k-00232-00048055-00048313 which was not too long ago to be honest, RAFh_scCa9k-00233-00048313-00048491 Meraki was actually an in house, custom built, RAFh_scCa9k-00234-00048491-00048632 monolith Cloud infrastructure. RAFh_scCa9k-00235-00048632-00048895 So, back in 2007 when Meraki started, RAFh_scCa9k-00236-00048895-00048978 the Cloud didn't really... RAFh_scCa9k-00237-00048978-00049312 Like AWS barely existed, let alone GCP and Azure. RAFh_scCa9k-00238-00049312-00049425 So, Meraki went the route of RAFh_scCa9k-00239-00049425-00049564 hey, we're gonna build our own infrastructure. RAFh_scCa9k-00240-00049564-00049649 We're gonna build and manage RAFh_scCa9k-00241-00049649-00049862 our own globally distributed infrastructure. RAFh_scCa9k-00242-00049862-00050109 So, because of that, we maintain... RAFh_scCa9k-00243-00050109-00050230 We wrapped around servers, RAFh_scCa9k-00244-00050230-00050435 we maintained all of our own servers. RAFh_scCa9k-00245-00050435-00050617 We did kernel upgrades, RAFh_scCa9k-00246-00050617-00050723 we had to do monitoring, RAFh_scCa9k-00247-00050723-00050877 we had to do all these things. RAFh_scCa9k-00248-00050877-00051055 We had a huge infrastructure team at Meraki RAFh_scCa9k-00249-00051055-00051138 to manage all of this RAFh_scCa9k-00250-00051138-00051296 and like there's a lot of advantage to that RAFh_scCa9k-00251-00051296-00051416 from a cost perspective, RAFh_scCa9k-00252-00051416-00051701 but if you look at pure server dollars RAFh_scCa9k-00253-00051701-00051817 and compute cost, RAFh_scCa9k-00254-00051817-00052070 with the amount of manpower, the amount of time it took RAFh_scCa9k-00255-00052070-00052298 of hey, we wanna go out and try this new... RAFh_scCa9k-00256-00052298-00052537 We wanna try building this new service to this new feature RAFh_scCa9k-00257-00052537-00052745 because the way the architecture is built, RAFh_scCa9k-00258-00052745-00052936 it posed its own challenges. RAFh_scCa9k-00259-00052936-00053209 So, any startup that's... RAFh_scCa9k-00260-00053209-00053370 Any new startup is not gonna go out RAFh_scCa9k-00261-00053370-00053588 and build their own infrastructure RAFh_scCa9k-00262-00053588-00054039 because that takes tens of thousands... RAFh_scCa9k-00263-00054039-00054221 Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars RAFh_scCa9k-00264-00054221-00054464 and a lot of institutional knowledge. RAFh_scCa9k-00265-00054464-00054626 I've worked on infrastructure, RAFh_scCa9k-00266-00054626-00054740 but I couldn't tell you how to go out RAFh_scCa9k-00267-00054740-00054962 and build a data center and racks and servers RAFh_scCa9k-00268-00054962-00055069 and all of that. RAFh_scCa9k-00269-00055069-00055276 So, at Xoba, RAFh_scCa9k-00270-00055276-00055417 we actually use a relatively RAFh_scCa9k-00271-00055417-00055791 straightforward Cloud architecture right now. RAFh_scCa9k-00272-00055791-00055902 And we actually... RAFh_scCa9k-00273-00055902-00056030 I'll talk about this in the slider too, RAFh_scCa9k-00274-00056030-00056245 but we actually went from RAFh_scCa9k-00275-00056245-00056463 a little bit more complex architecture RAFh_scCa9k-00276-00056463-00056638 to a much more simple architecture. RAFh_scCa9k-00277-00056638-00056910 We kind of over rotated and part of that was me RAFh_scCa9k-00278-00056910-00056993 because I was like oh, RAFh_scCa9k-00279-00056993-00057155 we need to plan for 10 years in the future, RAFh_scCa9k-00280-00057155-00057405 so we need to build this more complex architecture. RAFh_scCa9k-00281-00057405-00057591 But in reality, we decided to just go out of the gate RAFh_scCa9k-00282-00057591-00057696 with Google Cloud. RAFh_scCa9k-00283-00057696-00057932 Part of this was I really like the UI. RAFh_scCa9k-00284-00057932-00058095 It's really easy to manage, RAFh_scCa9k-00285-00058095-00058301 they've been doing a really good job on their offerings RAFh_scCa9k-00286-00058301-00058514 especially in the machine learning the MLP space, RAFh_scCa9k-00287-00058514-00058714 so that's really advantageous and helpful RAFh_scCa9k-00288-00058714-00058874 for what Xoba's building. RAFh_scCa9k-00289-00058874-00059025 My co-founder, my CTO, RAFh_scCa9k-00290-00059025-00059178 did a lot of deep learning research RAFh_scCa9k-00291-00059178-00059432 and leveraged Google Cloud for a lot of that in college, RAFh_scCa9k-00292-00059432-00059628 so he's pretty familiar with it. RAFh_scCa9k-00293-00059628-00059824 Plus, we got a bunch of free compute credits, RAFh_scCa9k-00294-00059824-00060128 so why not take free money when you're a startup? RAFh_scCa9k-00295-00060128-00060280 So, it's relatively basic straightforward. RAFh_scCa9k-00296-00060280-00060378 We moved over to... RAFh_scCa9k-00297-00060378-00060521 We're using Google Compute Engine RAFh_scCa9k-00298-00060521-00060839 and then managing that with Google Cloud function RAFh_scCa9k-00299-00060839-00061004 and then using a Cloud SQL database RAFh_scCa9k-00300-00061004-00061114 just using standard... RAFh_scCa9k-00301-00061204-00061508 Postgres database for a lot of our backend data RAFh_scCa9k-00302-00061508-00061702 and housing all of that. RAFh_scCa9k-00303-00061702-00061888 Then we're using fire base for authentication RAFh_scCa9k-00304-00061888-00062164 as well as client-side configuration data. RAFh_scCa9k-00305-00062164-00062386 All of this is deployed via Terraform. RAFh_scCa9k-00306-00062386-00062698 I know from an architecture and infrastructure perspective RAFh_scCa9k-00307-00062698-00062841 and then it ties in with GitHub actions RAFh_scCa9k-00308-00062841-00063005 on our deployment for running tests, RAFh_scCa9k-00309-00063005-00063189 deploying to our staging and development environment RAFh_scCa9k-00310-00063189-00063272 and the production. RAFh_scCa9k-00311-00063272-00063572 So, there's 5,000 ways RAFh_scCa9k-00312-00063572-00063752 that you can split and splice an architecture RAFh_scCa9k-00313-00063752-00063957 and this is going to develop a lot over time, RAFh_scCa9k-00314-00063957-00064145 but when you're a company that wrote RAFh_scCa9k-00315-00064145-00064404 their first line of code six months ago, RAFh_scCa9k-00316-00064404-00064543 this is relatively straightforward RAFh_scCa9k-00317-00064543-00064764 and we know that we're gonna be able to scale... RAFh_scCa9k-00318-00064764-00064927 We want to be able to scale this over time RAFh_scCa9k-00319-00064927-00065011 and we know that it's gonna change RAFh_scCa9k-00320-00065011-00065210 so we wanna have a level of flexibility. RAFh_scCa9k-00321-00065423-00065587 So, some of the lessons that I've learned, RAFh_scCa9k-00322-00065587-00065676 we've learned over the time RAFh_scCa9k-00323-00065676-00065871 is plan your architecture a little bit. RAFh_scCa9k-00324-00066014-00066098 We sat down and we thought RAFh_scCa9k-00325-00066098-00066281 what does this product potentially look like RAFh_scCa9k-00326-00066281-00066520 in a year, three years, five years, in 10 years, RAFh_scCa9k-00327-00066520-00066666 and think about how the architecture looks RAFh_scCa9k-00328-00066666-00066749 from that perspective. RAFh_scCa9k-00329-00066749-00067017 A lot of people are very nearsighted and say RAFh_scCa9k-00330-00067017-00067155 I just need to get my first customer. RAFh_scCa9k-00331-00067155-00067272 That's really important, right? RAFh_scCa9k-00332-00067272-00067393 You need to get your first customer, RAFh_scCa9k-00333-00067393-00067709 you need to get something out there as fast as possible. RAFh_scCa9k-00334-00067709-00067916 Then there's also this balance of over architecting it RAFh_scCa9k-00335-00067916-00068077 because if you spend too much time over architecting it, RAFh_scCa9k-00336-00068077-00068223 then you're never gonna ship anything. RAFh_scCa9k-00337-00068223-00068386 So, we spend a lot of time RAFh_scCa9k-00338-00068386-00068662 just planning what our initial architecture look like. RAFh_scCa9k-00339-00068662-00068831 But funny enough, it's gonna change RAFh_scCa9k-00340-00068831-00068957 because it did change. RAFh_scCa9k-00341-00068957-00069185 I'll show you the story on the next slide, RAFh_scCa9k-00342-00069185-00069423 but it was a month ago, RAFh_scCa9k-00343-00069423-00069569 we had this whole spiel RAFh_scCa9k-00344-00069569-00069811 of the reason we had this whole... RAFh_scCa9k-00345-00069811-00069985 More complex architecture running, RAFh_scCa9k-00346-00069985-00070295 Cloud run with Kubernetes and all these microservices, RAFh_scCa9k-00347-00070295-00070428 and we're just running to so many problems RAFh_scCa9k-00348-00070428-00070511 on the deployment side RAFh_scCa9k-00349-00070511-00070676 and that was the initial architecture that we built. RAFh_scCa9k-00350-00070676-00070787 And we're like this is too hard. RAFh_scCa9k-00351-00070787-00070952 This is too much work for us, RAFh_scCa9k-00352-00070952-00071109 let's just move over to something more simple. RAFh_scCa9k-00353-00071109-00071230 So, be ready. RAFh_scCa9k-00354-00071230-00071460 Architecture can potentially change over time. RAFh_scCa9k-00355-00071546-00071683 You can't build it faster. RAFh_scCa9k-00356-00071683-00071976 Coming from Meraki, we built a lot of things in a house. RAFh_scCa9k-00357-00071976-00072182 We wanted to go build up this service, RAFh_scCa9k-00358-00072182-00072449 we wanted to go out and build our own deployment service, RAFh_scCa9k-00359-00072449-00072744 build our own logging service, all these different things. RAFh_scCa9k-00360-00072744-00072993 The beauty of running on Google Cloud on AWS RAFh_scCa9k-00361-00072993-00073204 or any of these other Cloud services, RAFh_scCa9k-00362-00073204-00073336 they built it. RAFh_scCa9k-00363-00073432-00073644 AWS, their catalog is absurdly long RAFh_scCa9k-00364-00073644-00073785 that you don't even really understand what it is, RAFh_scCa9k-00365-00073785-00073889 but if you're trying to do something, RAFh_scCa9k-00366-00073889-00074131 there is a 99% chance they built something. RAFh_scCa9k-00367-00074131-00074234 It might not be perfect, RAFh_scCa9k-00368-00074234-00074400 but it gets you off the ground a lot faster RAFh_scCa9k-00369-00074400-00074648 and allows you to learn and iterate more quickly. RAFh_scCa9k-00370-00074648-00074770 Then over time, you can figure out RAFh_scCa9k-00371-00074770-00074863 if you actually need to go out RAFh_scCa9k-00372-00074863-00075226 and build it yourself in house for scalability. RAFh_scCa9k-00373-00075226-00075404 Going around the architecture RAFh_scCa9k-00374-00075404-00075571 and architectural change, build for flexibility. RAFh_scCa9k-00375-00075571-00075685 You never know... RAFh_scCa9k-00376-00075685-00075969 Your customer might come down the road in three months RAFh_scCa9k-00377-00075969-00076092 and they want this particular feature RAFh_scCa9k-00378-00076092-00076224 and they're gonna pay you a ton of money for it RAFh_scCa9k-00379-00076224-00076324 or you just... RAFh_scCa9k-00380-00076324-00076410 The requests are coming in RAFh_scCa9k-00381-00076410-00076616 and you want to have some level of flexibility RAFh_scCa9k-00382-00076616-00076773 beginning to bring on RAFh_scCa9k-00383-00076773-00076992 I wanna start running machine learning models RAFh_scCa9k-00384-00076992-00077145 on the data that we have in Postgres. RAFh_scCa9k-00385-00077145-00077287 So, let's make sure it's flexible enough RAFh_scCa9k-00386-00077287-00077370 where we can do that RAFh_scCa9k-00387-00077370-00077513 and we don't have to re-architect a whole solution RAFh_scCa9k-00388-00077513-00077611 to be able to grab that data RAFh_scCa9k-00389-00077611-00077828 and start running some models. RAFh_scCa9k-00390-00077912-00078102 And then what we learned RAFh_scCa9k-00391-00078102-00078272 is the best architecture that we thought at times RAFh_scCa9k-00392-00078272-00078355 is gonna cost you. RAFh_scCa9k-00393-00078355-00078608 Again, going to the conversation before RAFh_scCa9k-00394-00078608-00078910 was hey, you have storage costs, you have compute costs. RAFh_scCa9k-00395-00078910-00079208 The Cloud is great, but it can get very costly very fast. RAFh_scCa9k-00396-00079208-00079353 We built a really robust... RAFh_scCa9k-00397-00079353-00079490 We had a very simple architecture. RAFh_scCa9k-00398-00079490-00079727 We spent a month to build a better architecture. RAFh_scCa9k-00399-00079727-00079935 Our cost tripled in a month RAFh_scCa9k-00400-00079935-00080106 without usage going up that much RAFh_scCa9k-00401-00080106-00080384 and then we're like this isn't great. RAFh_scCa9k-00402-00080384-00080545 Our cost has tripled for like RAFh_scCa9k-00403-00080545-00080785 we have 10 users on our platform right now. RAFh_scCa9k-00404-00080785-00080970 So again, it's always this balance of RAFh_scCa9k-00405-00081066-00081242 the best architecture in theory RAFh_scCa9k-00406-00081242-00081453 versus from a cost... RAFh_scCa9k-00407-00081453-00081579 From a cost perspective. RAFh_scCa9k-00408-00081718-00081835 And then I'm gonna close out... RAFh_scCa9k-00409-00081835-00081944 I'm not gonna read you this whole thing, RAFh_scCa9k-00410-00081944-00082083 but this was an update RAFh_scCa9k-00411-00082083-00082311 about literally almost a month ago RAFh_scCa9k-00412-00082311-00082558 of my CTO giving his daily update RAFh_scCa9k-00413-00082558-00082870 about saying how we decided to... RAFh_scCa9k-00414-00082870-00083121 We were running HTTP streaming to pull in data RAFh_scCa9k-00415-00083121-00083324 from the API's, from all these different services RAFh_scCa9k-00416-00083324-00083526 and we needed to do that in order for speed. RAFh_scCa9k-00417-00083526-00083656 We were... RAFh_scCa9k-00418-00083656-00083768 Things were going really slow, RAFh_scCa9k-00419-00083768-00083972 so we're like okay, let's do HTTP streaming. RAFh_scCa9k-00420-00083972-00084128 Well, Google Cloud only allowed us to do RAFh_scCa9k-00421-00084128-00084211 HTTP streaming on Cloud Run RAFh_scCa9k-00422-00084211-00084462 and then Cloud Run can only run on Kubernetes RAFh_scCa9k-00423-00084684-00084842 and then Kubernetes and Google Cloud RAFh_scCa9k-00424-00084842-00084962 didn't actually work together too well RAFh_scCa9k-00425-00084962-00085113 from a deployment perspective, RAFh_scCa9k-00426-00085113-00085381 so we're running this very complex architecture RAFh_scCa9k-00427-00085381-00085599 trying to build Terraform and everything around it. RAFh_scCa9k-00428-00085599-00085820 And the last sentence was like RAFh_scCa9k-00429-00085820-00086048 let's just go to Google Cloud Engine... RAFh_scCa9k-00430-00086048-00086184 Compute Engine, I'm sorry. RAFh_scCa9k-00431-00086184-00086324 It's just gonna greatly simplify things. RAFh_scCa9k-00432-00086324-00086491 So, we got together the next day, RAFh_scCa9k-00433-00086491-00086627 kind of re-planned out our architecture RAFh_scCa9k-00434-00086627-00086710 and then a month later, RAFh_scCa9k-00435-00086710-00086904 we are on this much more simple architecture. RAFh_scCa9k-00436-00086904-00087064 Now we can actually build features RAFh_scCa9k-00437-00087064-00087292 and deploy features more quickly than we can RAFh_scCa9k-00438-00087378-00087661 worrying about our architecture and our infrastructure. RAFh_scCa9k-00439-00087661-00087832 So, that was one of the biggest learnings RAFh_scCa9k-00440-00087832-00087915 and I remember reading this RAFh_scCa9k-00441-00087915-00088043 and I'm like what did we do? RAFh_scCa9k-00442-00088043-00088217 What did we do here? RAFh_scCa9k-00443-00088217-00088369 So, it was a fun... RAFh_scCa9k-00444-00088369-00088532 And this also cost a three X. RAFh_scCa9k-00445-00088636-00088930 I wasn't really looking at our compute cost RAFh_scCa9k-00446-00088930-00089139 because we had free credits, RAFh_scCa9k-00447-00089139-00089261 but then I looked at our compute cost one day RAFh_scCa9k-00448-00089261-00089545 and I'm like why are we spending three X? RAFh_scCa9k-00449-00089545-00089756 We dropped three X by a third last month RAFh_scCa9k-00450-00089756-00089921 which was pretty exciting for us. RAFh_scCa9k-00451-00090108-00090191 Sorry, I talked a little bit fast, RAFh_scCa9k-00452-00090191-00090306 I know I had a limited amount of time RAFh_scCa9k-00453-00090306-00090520 and I actually realized I had more to talk about RAFh_scCa9k-00454-00090520-00090700 than I originally put on the slides. RAFh_scCa9k-00455-00090811-00090999 That's Xoba and that's a little bit about how RAFh_scCa9k-00456-00090999-00091258 we thought about building out our Cloud architecture RAFh_scCa9k-00457-00091258-00091398 and how we're leveraging it. RAFh_scCa9k-00458-00091756-00091851 - Thank you, Shawn. RAFh_scCa9k-00459-00091980-00092303 We have a couple minutes for some questions. RAFh_scCa9k-00460-00092627-00092717 Well, folks are thinking RAFh_scCa9k-00461-00092717-00093028 and I guess I'm wondering how do you measure success? RAFh_scCa9k-00462-00093310-00093557 - You know, right now, we just released our beta RAFh_scCa9k-00463-00093724-00093843 three to four weeks ago. RAFh_scCa9k-00464-00093843-00094033 I'm really starting hitting home on... RAFh_scCa9k-00465-00094158-00094361 We had a lot of alpha users RAFh_scCa9k-00466-00094361-00094703 and getting feedback from friends, family... RAFh_scCa9k-00467-00094703-00094870 More friends and colleagues and getting that RAFh_scCa9k-00468-00094870-00095096 and right now, as I mentioned, RAFh_scCa9k-00469-00095096-00095372 this idea of being able to access information RAFh_scCa9k-00470-00095372-00095612 across the organization and being able to search across it RAFh_scCa9k-00471-00095612-00095810 and grab it wherever it exists RAFh_scCa9k-00472-00095810-00096204 is quite a broad solution, a broad problem. RAFh_scCa9k-00473-00096204-00096396 There's not a lot of argument in the workplace RAFh_scCa9k-00474-00096396-00096561 that pay information unorganized. RAFh_scCa9k-00475-00096674-00096829 Most people agree to that. RAFh_scCa9k-00476-00096829-00097071 But what our success is finding out RAFh_scCa9k-00477-00097071-00097245 that one used case or that one area RAFh_scCa9k-00478-00097245-00097524 where folks feel the pain the most RAFh_scCa9k-00479-00097524-00097684 and we can kind of extract the most value RAFh_scCa9k-00480-00097684-00097862 and build a lot of messaging RAFh_scCa9k-00481-00097862-00098119 and build specific features and capabilities around that. RAFh_scCa9k-00482-00098119-00098485 So, our success is getting not thousands of beta users RAFh_scCa9k-00483-00098485-00098659 but getting beta users to just figure out RAFh_scCa9k-00484-00098659-00098981 where the used cases is the strongest RAFh_scCa9k-00485-00098981-00099240 and one of those areas is audit and compliance as well. RAFh_scCa9k-00486-00099240-00099534 If you think about if you had to go through a SOX audit RAFh_scCa9k-00487-00099534-00099828 or a PCI or Hippo or whatever it is, RAFh_scCa9k-00488-00099828-00100005 the idea of information is just everywhere. RAFh_scCa9k-00489-00100005-00100343 How do you provide a simple way to discover and search RAFh_scCa9k-00490-00100343-00100524 and grab information across? RAFh_scCa9k-00491-00100524-00100718 We already have three different log services RAFh_scCa9k-00492-00100718-00100843 and we're six months old. RAFh_scCa9k-00493-00100949-00101353 Meraki and Cisco is way worse. RAFh_scCa9k-00494-00101353-00101447 So, it's like these companies RAFh_scCa9k-00495-00101447-00101557 having to go collect information RAFh_scCa9k-00496-00101557-00101675 across all these other sources, RAFh_scCa9k-00497-00101675-00102067 it's all about having unified experience. RAFh_scCa9k-00498-00102067-00102206 Measuring success right now RAFh_scCa9k-00499-00102206-00102387 is like finding that initial used case RAFh_scCa9k-00500-00102387-00102663 and being the startup and being scrappy RAFh_scCa9k-00501-00102663-00102797 and working towards that. RAFh_scCa9k-00502-00102927-00103087 - Cool. RAFh_scCa9k-00503-00103087-00103180 And we've got a question in chat: RAFh_scCa9k-00504-00103180-00103604 Can you speak about your Skydeck experience? RAFh_scCa9k-00505-00103604-00103687 - Yeah. RAFh_scCa9k-00506-00103687-00103922 So, Skydeck has been great. RAFh_scCa9k-00507-00104132-00104404 Kudos to Gordon and the rest of the team RAFh_scCa9k-00508-00104404-00104666 for building a really good experience RAFh_scCa9k-00509-00104666-00104894 even though we're all remote. RAFh_scCa9k-00510-00104894-00105145 The thing that we were most excited about, to be honest, RAFh_scCa9k-00511-00105145-00105332 was the ability to be in person RAFh_scCa9k-00512-00105332-00105588 and be around a lot of other founders. RAFh_scCa9k-00513-00105588-00105871 Work through things together, bounce ideas off of, RAFh_scCa9k-00514-00105871-00106068 get into a room and whiteboard a bunch of things. RAFh_scCa9k-00515-00106068-00106192 Hey, I tried this, it didn't work RAFh_scCa9k-00516-00106192-00106417 and bounce all these ideas off one another. RAFh_scCa9k-00517-00106417-00106658 And in this remote world, it's a bit more difficult. RAFh_scCa9k-00518-00106841-00107082 I'm sitting in my living room right now by myself RAFh_scCa9k-00519-00107082-00107242 just like most other people RAFh_scCa9k-00520-00107242-00107488 and I'll give it to the Skydeck team RAFh_scCa9k-00521-00107488-00107593 of doing a really, really good job RAFh_scCa9k-00522-00107593-00107768 of making sure people feel included RAFh_scCa9k-00523-00107768-00108081 and finding ways to help so build a relationships RAFh_scCa9k-00524-00108081-00108429 between the founders and the other people within the team, RAFh_scCa9k-00525-00108429-00108672 within Skydeck of building those relationships RAFh_scCa9k-00526-00108672-00108897 and fostering those ideas. RAFh_scCa9k-00527-00108897-00109139 So overall, given all things considered, RAFh_scCa9k-00528-00109139-00109416 I think COVID we can all attest to, RAFh_scCa9k-00529-00109555-00109638 they've done a really good job. RAFh_scCa9k-00530-00109638-00109785 I've really enjoyed my experience as far. RAFh_scCa9k-00531-00109785-00109932 It's kind of... RAFh_scCa9k-00532-00109932-00110299 We have demoed in about a month and a half now? RAFh_scCa9k-00533-00110299-00110450 Timing, it's kind of crazy RAFh_scCa9k-00534-00110450-00110617 that it's almost been six months already. RAFh_scCa9k-00535-00110617-00110825 Time has definitely flown. RAFh_scCa9k-00536-00110825-00111009 So, it's been awesome, it's been great RAFh_scCa9k-00537-00111009-00111271 to meet new people, to build a network, RAFh_scCa9k-00538-00111271-00111561 to learn a ton from people from Skydeck itself. RAFh_scCa9k-00539-00111561-00111730 Some of the co-founders, RAFh_scCa9k-00540-00111730-00111977 we have weekly coffee chats with some of the other founders RAFh_scCa9k-00541-00111977-00112105 like what are your problems this week RAFh_scCa9k-00542-00112105-00112234 cause we all have problems RAFh_scCa9k-00543-00112234-00112494 and it's nice to know RAFh_scCa9k-00544-00112494-00112714 that you're not the only one having problems... RAFh_scCa9k-00545-00112714-00113059 Facing challenges of how do I get beta users? RAFh_scCa9k-00546-00113059-00113385 So, that's been fun to build off of that. RAFh_scCa9k-00547-00113677-00113889 - Thank you for sharing that. RAFh_scCa9k-00548-00113889-00114149 Maybe time for one more question if anybody has one? RAFh_scCa9k-00549-00114241-00114382 - Hi. RAFh_scCa9k-00550-00114382-00114492 - Yeah, go ahead. RAFh_scCa9k-00551-00114492-00114750 - Yeah, Shawn, a really good presentation, I loved it. RAFh_scCa9k-00552-00114750-00114834 I was actually interested RAFh_scCa9k-00553-00114834-00115192 in the design process of the app. RAFh_scCa9k-00554-00115192-00115389 I just checked the beta picture as well, RAFh_scCa9k-00555-00115389-00115635 just give it a quick scan. RAFh_scCa9k-00556-00115635-00115840 So far, I was so interested in how you... RAFh_scCa9k-00557-00115990-00116285 The steps that you have to take RAFh_scCa9k-00558-00116285-00116560 towards from the brainstorming session RAFh_scCa9k-00559-00116560-00116794 getting towards the beta or launching the beta. RAFh_scCa9k-00560-00116794-00117009 So, where was the sort of the design process RAFh_scCa9k-00561-00117009-00117420 as far as creating specifically a Cloud platform, RAFh_scCa9k-00562-00117420-00117626 which has all these complexities and whatnot. RAFh_scCa9k-00563-00117626-00117800 So, I'm so interested in hearing RAFh_scCa9k-00564-00117800-00118113 about your perspective on that. RAFh_scCa9k-00565-00118113-00118391 - I guess design process from like an infrastructure, RAFh_scCa9k-00566-00118391-00118498 Cloud architecture perspective RAFh_scCa9k-00567-00118498-00118703 or more of like the product perspective? RAFh_scCa9k-00568-00118703-00118899 - I would say architecture point of view as well RAFh_scCa9k-00569-00118899-00119250 considering the complexities that you have to tackle. RAFh_scCa9k-00570-00119374-00119646 - So, I'm gonna give 99% of the credit RAFh_scCa9k-00571-00119646-00119838 to my co-founder and CTO. RAFh_scCa9k-00572-00120064-00120353 He's done a lot of work with Google Cloud RAFh_scCa9k-00573-00120353-00120610 in these different areas and machine learning and AI RAFh_scCa9k-00574-00120610-00120832 and name all those good things. RAFh_scCa9k-00575-00120832-00121169 We all learned what we're calling public Cloud, RAFh_scCa9k-00576-00121169-00121439 Google Cloud, AWS together. RAFh_scCa9k-00577-00121439-00121633 We were all relatively new to it. RAFh_scCa9k-00578-00121633-00121747 Again, I ran... RAFh_scCa9k-00579-00121747-00121833 There's more of I call it RAFh_scCa9k-00580-00121833-00122061 like a private Cloud at Meraki, custom-built. RAFh_scCa9k-00581-00122061-00122195 And what we did is saying okay, RAFh_scCa9k-00582-00122195-00122491 what are the capabilities or the requirements RAFh_scCa9k-00583-00122491-00122646 that we want to support. RAFh_scCa9k-00584-00122741-00122886 What is the core functionality RAFh_scCa9k-00585-00122886-00123009 that we want to support out of the gate? RAFh_scCa9k-00586-00123009-00123098 What does our alpha look like? RAFh_scCa9k-00587-00123098-00123353 What does the capability look like to the user? RAFh_scCa9k-00588-00123353-00123503 The user's able to create an account, RAFh_scCa9k-00589-00123503-00123718 they're able to connect XYZ applications, RAFh_scCa9k-00590-00123718-00123851 they're able to search across that RAFh_scCa9k-00591-00123851-00124007 in an intelligent manner, RAFh_scCa9k-00592-00124007-00124203 this is the data that we wanna collect. RAFh_scCa9k-00593-00124203-00124403 And then what does, potentially, three months look like? RAFh_scCa9k-00594-00124403-00124640 What does, potentially, six months look like? RAFh_scCa9k-00595-00124640-00124754 What do we see potentially RAFh_scCa9k-00596-00124754-00125157 the user experience and the product evolve into over time RAFh_scCa9k-00597-00125157-00125350 and then we took that and really went back to RAFh_scCa9k-00598-00125350-00125446 okay, what architecture RAFh_scCa9k-00599-00125446-00125753 makes the most sense for us right now RAFh_scCa9k-00600-00125753-00125890 because we wanted to get something off fast. RAFh_scCa9k-00601-00125890-00126149 So, we started with Google Firebase actually RAFh_scCa9k-00602-00126149-00126279 because it gave us authentication, RAFh_scCa9k-00603-00126279-00126384 it gave us a real time fire... RAFh_scCa9k-00604-00126384-00126667 It gave us authentication, real-time database, RAFh_scCa9k-00605-00126667-00126758 it gave us hosting, RAFh_scCa9k-00606-00126758-00126882 all these different things out of the box RAFh_scCa9k-00607-00126882-00127270 and you can deploy a firebase app in 10 minutes if you want. RAFh_scCa9k-00608-00127270-00127455 But then we noticed that over time RAFh_scCa9k-00609-00127455-00127732 when new capabilities that we wanted to build came in, RAFh_scCa9k-00610-00127732-00127959 we kind of had to rethink our architecture. RAFh_scCa9k-00611-00128192-00128275 The first piece was like RAFh_scCa9k-00612-00128275-00128395 get something out as fast as possible. RAFh_scCa9k-00613-00128395-00128495 What's the fastest thing possible, RAFh_scCa9k-00614-00128495-00128666 Google Firebase was at the time. RAFh_scCa9k-00615-00128666-00128867 And then as we thought about new features RAFh_scCa9k-00616-00128867-00129093 and new functionality based off initial user feedback RAFh_scCa9k-00617-00129093-00129264 and user research that we've done, RAFh_scCa9k-00618-00129264-00129347 then we're like okay, RAFh_scCa9k-00619-00129347-00129509 now let's spend some time on the architecture RAFh_scCa9k-00620-00129509-00129726 and go back and see what that looks like. RAFh_scCa9k-00621-00129869-00129982 So, in terms of what's... RAFh_scCa9k-00622-00129982-00130366 Do we go with Google Compute Engine versus Kubernetes... RAFh_scCa9k-00623-00130366-00130595 Kubernetes and Clobber and all these different areas. RAFh_scCa9k-00624-00130595-00130815 I can't talk into too, too much detail on it RAFh_scCa9k-00625-00130815-00131229 cause I gave my CTO free reign on that. RAFh_scCa9k-00626-00131229-00131584 My guidance was don't bleed our credits dry in three months RAFh_scCa9k-00627-00131673-00131926 and make sure we can do something RAFh_scCa9k-00628-00131926-00132086 in a relatively quick manner. RAFh_scCa9k-00629-00132086-00132323 So, I think I can go in for a long discussion RAFh_scCa9k-00630-00132323-00132538 around monolith versus microservices architecture RAFh_scCa9k-00631-00132538-00132734 because microservices is a whole rage these days RAFh_scCa9k-00632-00132734-00132873 and rightfully so. RAFh_scCa9k-00633-00132873-00133076 But there is some value in going monolith architecture RAFh_scCa9k-00634-00133076-00133297 in the beginning because you can iterate much more quickly RAFh_scCa9k-00635-00133297-00133474 and you can get something out much faster RAFh_scCa9k-00636-00133474-00133619 than if you try to build it RAFh_scCa9k-00637-00133619-00133831 from a microservices perspective. RAFh_scCa9k-00638-00133831-00134023 So, we're trying to figure out the best way to balance that RAFh_scCa9k-00639-00134023-00134163 especially in the beginning. RAFh_scCa9k-00640-00134387-00134474 - Thank you, Shawn, RAFh_scCa9k-00641-00134474-00134704 and thank you for answering these questions RAFh_scCa9k-00642-00134704-00134867 and a great presentation. RAFh_scCa9k-00643-00134867-00135048 If anybody else has more questions, RAFh_scCa9k-00644-00135048-00135235 feel free to put them in the chat. RBPvBT5_5y4-00000-00001022-00001600 Good morning YouTube, we are the Auriaga group formed by Francisco, Jaime and Miguel RBPvBT5_5y4-00001-00001600-00002300 And we are going to talk about the effect that computing has on decent work and economic growth. Let's start RBPvBT5_5y4-00002-00002300-00002800 Today each of us has one of these and we complain when the battery runs out RBPvBT5_5y4-00003-00002800-00003400 something very annoying for us. But how many of you have ever wondered where the materials for their manufacture are obtained RBPvBT5_5y4-00004-00003400-00003900 If we turn the coin around we will see that all that glitters is not gold RBPvBT5_5y4-00005-00003900-00005000 We only have to travel 5000 km from our country. In the Congo are half of the cobalt reserve mines on the planet, and despite this RBPvBT5_5y4-00006-00005000-00005500 the income is very poor. Just 88 million out of 2,600 totals. RBPvBT5_5y4-00007-00005500-00006100 Most of these mines are controlled by rebels and unfortunately there is slavery and child exploitation. RBPvBT5_5y4-00008-00006100-00007000 Children between the ages of 5 and 14 are forced to work in appalling hygiene and health conditions, earning only between $ 15 and $ 20 a week RBPvBT5_5y4-00009-00007000-00007700 for 12 consecutive hours of work. Now that you know the other side of computing you will be wondering RBPvBT5_5y4-00010-00007700-00008300 How can we computer scientists help alleviate this situation? We leave that to your choice RBPvBT5_5y4-00011-00008300-00008900 sure you can think of great ideas to help you get a more decent job without impacting your economic growth RBPvBT5_5y4-00012-00008900-00009700 But if you are not inspired, we show you some ideas. VIM is a text editing tool which collaborates in favoring decent work RBPvBT5_5y4-00013-00009700-00010400 As it does? As we can see its founder created an association where they teach a lot of students to guarantee them a good education. RBPvBT5_5y4-00014-00010400-00011900 in addition to providing materials to alleviate their harsh working conditions VERY WELL DONE VIM !!!! RC5U1uv76po-00001-00000378-00000936 Oh! Ladies and gentlemen, please to draw near; I'll sing of a man who lived in Hardfordshire. RC5U1uv76po-00002-00000936-00001426 A fine Hardfordshire boy he had for this man to do his business. RC5U1uv76po-00003-00001448-00001800 The boy was called John. RC5U1uv76po-00004-00001800-00002627 Down, Down Derry Down Bright early one morning he to him did come, RC5U1uv76po-00005-00002627-00002933 saying, "John, take my cow to the fair in the town. RC5U1uv76po-00006-00002933-00003702 On this very day take my cow to the fair, for she's in good order and her I can spare. RC5U1uv76po-00007-00003702-00004548 Down, Down Derry Down So John took the cow and rode to the fair; RC5U1uv76po-00008-00004548-00004887 "I'll make a good bargain,” he then did declare. RC5U1uv76po-00009-00004887-00005632 And on the way there he met with a man and sold him the cow for six pound ten. RC5U1uv76po-00010-00005632-00006447 Down, Down Derry Down The man had paid the boy down all the chink, RC5U1uv76po-00011-00006447-00007045 when they went into an ale-house to drink, And unto the landlady then he did say, " RC5U1uv76po-00012-00007045-00007804 Oh, what shall I do with this money I pray?'* Down, Down Derry Down RC5U1uv76po-00013-00007804-00008370 "Sew it into your coat lining," then she did say, RC5U1uv76po-00014-00008370-00008997 "Lest you should be robbed upon the highway.'* There sat a highwayman a-drinking his wine; RC5U1uv76po-00015-00008997-00009313 he said to himself, "That money is mine." RC5U1uv76po-00016-00009313-00010331 Down, Down Derry Down The boy took his leave and away he did go, RC5U1uv76po-00017-00010331-00010932 the highwayman followed soon after also; He soon overtook him upon the highway, RC5U1uv76po-00018-00010932-00011406 "You're well overtaken, young lad," he did say. RC5U1uv76po-00019-00011406-00012266 Down, Down Derry Down "Oh, jump up behind me," the highwayman said; RC5U1uv76po-00020-00012266-00012604 "How far are you going?" the young man replied. RC5U1uv76po-00021-00012620-00013391 "About four miles further for all that I know," so he jumped up behind and away they did go. RC5U1uv76po-00022-00013391-00014158 Down, Down Derry Down They rode til they came to a dark lane; RC5U1uv76po-00023-00014158-00014728 the highwayman said, I must tell you now plain, Deliver your money without any strife, RC5U1uv76po-00024-00014728-00015271 or I will assurdely take your sweet life. RC5U1uv76po-00025-00015271-00016101 Down, Down Derry Down The boy, seeing there was no chance for dispute, RC5U1uv76po-00026-00016101-00016407 he jumped from the horse and the money pulled out. RC5U1uv76po-00027-00016407-00016723 And from his coat-lining the money pulled out RC5U1uv76po-00028-00016723-00017168 and in the long grass he strewed it about. RC5U1uv76po-00029-00017168-00017946 Down, Down Derry Down The highwayman immediately jumped from his RC5U1uv76po-00030-00017946-00018351 horse, but little he judged it was for his loss, RC5U1uv76po-00031-00018351-00018898 For while he was putting it into his purse, the boy took his leave and rode off with the RC5U1uv76po-00032-00018898-00019115 horse. RC5U1uv76po-00033-00019115-00019998 Down, Down Derry Down The highwayman hollooed and bade him to stay, RC5U1uv76po-00034-00019998-00020657 the boy never minded but still rode away, And unto his master's house he did bring horse, RC5U1uv76po-00035-00020657-00021041 saddle and bridle and many fine things. RC5U1uv76po-00036-00021041-00021891 Down, Down Derry Down On searching the saddle-bags, as we are told, RC5U1uv76po-00037-00021891-00022254 there were ten thousand pounds in silver and gold, RC5U1uv76po-00038-00022254-00022543 Beside two bright pistols the boy said, "I trow, RC5U1uv76po-00039-00022543-00023087 I think, my dear master, I've sold well your cow!” RC5U1uv76po-00040-00023087-00024007 Down, Down Derry Down His master smiled when him he had told, saying, RC5U1uv76po-00041-00024007-00024292 " As for a boy you've been very bold, RC5U1uv76po-00042-00024292-00024967 As for the highwayman, he's lost all his store, let him go a-robbing until he gets more." RC5U1uv76po-00043-00024967-00025398 Down, Down Derry Down RC5U1uv76po-00044-00025398-00025598 Down, Down Derry Down RCAZ4OF1tVo-00000-00000000-00000521 Hello and welcome to 'Mahara 22.04: Search and support'. I'm RCAZ4OF1tVo-00001-00000529-00001033 Kristina Hoeppner from the Mahara project team at Catalyst RCAZ4OF1tVo-00002-00001042-00001519 IT here in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, Aotearoa New RCAZ4OF1tVo-00003-00001528-00002067 Zealand. And it is my absolute pleasure to be able to show you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00004-00002075-00002605 what the team and also many, many community contributors have RCAZ4OF1tVo-00005-00002614-00003109 produced over the last six months in order to make Mahara RCAZ4OF1tVo-00006-00003117-00003639 22.04 available. Many of you have already been using Mahara RCAZ4OF1tVo-00007-00003647-00004177 for quite a while, so you will probably know what our version RCAZ4OF1tVo-00008-00004186-00004672 number stands for. But just in case, the first number 22 RCAZ4OF1tVo-00009-00004681-00005219 denotes the year in which this version of Mahara was released. RCAZ4OF1tVo-00010-00005228-00005775 So 22 stands for 2022. And the second number marks the month in RCAZ4OF1tVo-00011-00005784-00006305 which Mahara was released, 04 for standing for April. And we RCAZ4OF1tVo-00012-00006314-00006861 always have two releases one in April and one in October. So we RCAZ4OF1tVo-00013-00006869-00007330 have a 04 release and a 10 release. Then, of course, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00014-00007338-00007894 there's a third number, a .0 or .1 and so on. And these mark the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00015-00007903-00008424 minor point releases that we have when we either need to fix RCAZ4OF1tVo-00016-00008433-00008954 some critical things like we needed to do on Monday, or when RCAZ4OF1tVo-00017-00008963-00009501 there are security releases and security fixes that need to be RCAZ4OF1tVo-00018-00009510-00009970 done. And every version of Mahara is supported for 18 RCAZ4OF1tVo-00019-00009979-00010543 months. So if you install Mahara 22.04, you will receive security RCAZ4OF1tVo-00020-00010552-00011082 updates and high importance back fixes for this version until RCAZ4OF1tVo-00021-00011090-00011612 October next year until version 23.10 comes out. Now, a new RCAZ4OF1tVo-00022-00011620-00012159 version of Mahara would not be able to be released without the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00023-00012167-00012715 support of a lot of people and also a lot of organisations that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00024-00012723-00013288 contribute to the funding of new features, and they either create RCAZ4OF1tVo-00025-00013297-00013826 new features themselves, fix bugs, or commission to have bugs RCAZ4OF1tVo-00026-00013835-00014365 fixed and new features released. So we are always grateful to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00027-00014373-00014869 everybody who contributes to this version and to also the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00028-00014877-00015320 organisations that make it possible to implement in RCAZ4OF1tVo-00029-00015329-00015867 particular larger features into Mahara. And as you can see, we RCAZ4OF1tVo-00030-00015876-00016397 have a very good representation from here in New Zealand and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00031-00016406-00016944 then also Europe and the North American continent. It's always RCAZ4OF1tVo-00032-00016953-00017491 fantastic to work with so many different organisations to find RCAZ4OF1tVo-00033-00017500-00018030 out what the requirements are, how portfolios help in those - RCAZ4OF1tVo-00034-00018039-00018568 in all organisations, and then make those features available. RCAZ4OF1tVo-00035-00018577-00019081 And of course, as somebody living in Aotearoa New Zealand, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00036-00019090-00019619 I completely annexed Australia, but of course, we've also had RCAZ4OF1tVo-00037-00019628-00020184 contributions from there. Now, the focus of this release as the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00038-00020193-00020653 title of the session already indicates, is search and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00039-00020662-00021174 support. And with that, I mean kind of implementing the new RCAZ4OF1tVo-00040-00021183-00021678 Elasticsearch functionality and also supporting portfolio RCAZ4OF1tVo-00041-00021686-00022138 creators through certain functionalities and be that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00042-00022147-00022703 administrative functionality. So for those of you who are always RCAZ4OF1tVo-00043-00022711-00023180 in the background, working in the site, or institution RCAZ4OF1tVo-00044-00023189-00023675 administration, but also those that the learners can see RCAZ4OF1tVo-00045-00023684-00024231 themselves. And so what I wanted to do in this session today is RCAZ4OF1tVo-00046-00024240-00024796 give you a quick overview of the highlights of this new release. RCAZ4OF1tVo-00047-00024804-00025247 There are definitely more features available, but I RCAZ4OF1tVo-00048-00025256-00025794 thought, the ones that I'm going to show you today are kind of RCAZ4OF1tVo-00049-00025803-00026281 the ones that are probably most frequently looked at or RCAZ4OF1tVo-00050-00026289-00026819 required, and some of them of course, had also been requested RCAZ4OF1tVo-00051-00026828-00027340 for a very long time, and so we are very glad that we could RCAZ4OF1tVo-00052-00027349-00027888 implement some of them now. And I'm having my slides different RCAZ4OF1tVo-00053-00027896-00028417 today. So the first thing that I wanted to talk about is the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00054-00028426-00028956 search. So Mahara has had the implementation of Elasticsearch RCAZ4OF1tVo-00055-00028964-00029494 for a very long time already, which allows us to do full text RCAZ4OF1tVo-00056-00029503-00030042 search around the site, so that you can find content no matter RCAZ4OF1tVo-00057-00030050-00030597 where it is. And it also allows for using learning analytics in RCAZ4OF1tVo-00058-00030606-00031092 the reporting. Now, our version of Elasticsearch, or our RCAZ4OF1tVo-00059-00031101-00031657 implementation of Elasticsearch, required either Elasticsearch 5 RCAZ4OF1tVo-00060-00031666-00032135 or 6, and if you have Elasticsearch installed, you can RCAZ4OF1tVo-00061-00032143-00032604 then configure that in your plugin administration via RCAZ4OF1tVo-00062-00032612-00033029 Elasticsearch. But unfortunately, these products RCAZ4OF1tVo-00063-00033038-00033524 are now out of date, out of support, and so we needed to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00064-00033533-00034089 upgrade, but it was not quite an upgrade to Elasticsearch 7, but RCAZ4OF1tVo-00065-00034097-00034627 for almost pretty much an entire rewrite of the Elasticsearch RCAZ4OF1tVo-00066-00034636-00035131 code that we use. Therefore, it really qualifies as a new RCAZ4OF1tVo-00067-00035140-00035643 feature. It was a massive effort on the development side, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00068-00035652-00036182 and what we're aiming for is feature parity, which means that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00069-00036191-00036677 what worked in Elasticsearch 5 and 6 should also work in RCAZ4OF1tVo-00070-00036686-00037242 Elasticsearch 7. If you do come across any issues, please let us RCAZ4OF1tVo-00071-00037250-00037806 know though. Now, even though we were kind of aiming for feature RCAZ4OF1tVo-00072-00037815-00038318 parity, the developer, of course, also wanted to make some RCAZ4OF1tVo-00073-00038327-00038814 things better and easier, especially for those that need RCAZ4OF1tVo-00074-00038822-00039361 to configure Elasticsearch and work with it from that end. And RCAZ4OF1tVo-00075-00039369-00039856 so what you can see now is that there is a better way of RCAZ4OF1tVo-00076-00039864-00040386 displaying the status of the Elasticsearch cluster, which is RCAZ4OF1tVo-00077-00040394-00040941 its complete, separate tool from Mahara because in the past, it RCAZ4OF1tVo-00078-00040950-00041471 was not really so easy to see where there might be a problem RCAZ4OF1tVo-00079-00041480-00041992 that's making troubleshooting much more difficult. Now, the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00080-00042001-00042548 cluster configuration is also in one of those collapsibles. I'm RCAZ4OF1tVo-00081-00042557-00043078 not going to show you that for security reasons, so that you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00082-00043087-00043616 can see where we are connecting to, and the other nice thing, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00083-00043625-00044112 which is most important, probably for all of you here is RCAZ4OF1tVo-00084-00044120-00044650 that if certain things haven't made it into the Elasticsearch RCAZ4OF1tVo-00085-00044659-00045206 index, so if they haven't made it into the part of the database RCAZ4OF1tVo-00086-00045215-00045779 where things can be found again, then you can requeue the missing RCAZ4OF1tVo-00087-00045788-00046335 items individually according to their type, rather than needing RCAZ4OF1tVo-00088-00046344-00046899 to reset the entire index. So on a small demo site like this one RCAZ4OF1tVo-00089-00046908-00047429 here where I have hardly any artefacts in, it doesn't really RCAZ4OF1tVo-00090-00047438-00048002 matter. But if you have a Mahara site that has hundreds of 1,000s RCAZ4OF1tVo-00091-00048011-00048515 of entries in the index, or maybe even millions, depending RCAZ4OF1tVo-00092-00048524-00049071 on how old your site is and how many people are using it, a lot RCAZ4OF1tVo-00093-00049079-00049601 will have accumulated in that index, and it can take several RCAZ4OF1tVo-00094-00049609-00050148 hours, maybe even half a day or longer to actually reindex all RCAZ4OF1tVo-00095-00050156-00050712 of that. And that is where it's really handy to be able to reach RCAZ4OF1tVo-00096-00050721-00051242 your individual things. So much for the search. Some of you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00097-00051251-00051807 might be using it, others might not yet have explored it. If you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00098-00051815-00052276 don't know if you have Elasticsearch or not, one very RCAZ4OF1tVo-00099-00052284-00052823 easy way to find that out is to look at your search bar at the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00100-00052831-00053326 top of the screen because if it's 'Search', nothing else, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00101-00053335-00053804 then you have the full text search enabled. If it says RCAZ4OF1tVo-00102-00053813-00054343 'Search for people', you only use the internal search through RCAZ4OF1tVo-00103-00054351-00054872 the database. So that's a very quick way to check if you can RCAZ4OF1tVo-00104-00054881-00055420 take advantage of the full text search or if you're restricted RCAZ4OF1tVo-00105-00055428-00055941 to finding people and searching for groups, portfolios, and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00106-00055949-00056436 other content in a different way. Now we're coming to a RCAZ4OF1tVo-00107-00056444-00056948 feature that looks at the integration specifically between RCAZ4OF1tVo-00108-00056957-00057443 Moodle and Mahara. Dublin City University has funded the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00109-00057452-00057930 integration in order to be able to submit portfolios or RCAZ4OF1tVo-00110-00057938-00058442 plagiarism checking through the our Ouriginal software and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00111-00058451-00058972 Ouriginal is available as a Moodle plugin. And so what we do RCAZ4OF1tVo-00112-00058980-00059493 is we connect Mahara to Moodle, using the Mahara assignment RCAZ4OF1tVo-00113-00059502-00059997 submission plugin, and then Ouriginal takes care - or the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00114-00060005-00060553 Ouriginal plugin takes care of sending that portfolio off to be RCAZ4OF1tVo-00115-00060561-00061126 analysed for similarities. Now, on the Mahara side, we needed to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00116-00061134-00061603 establish that connection between Mahara and Moodle so RCAZ4OF1tVo-00117-00061612-00062081 that when a student submits a portfolio via the Mahara RCAZ4OF1tVo-00118-00062090-00062637 assignment submission plugin, a call is made back to the Mahara RCAZ4OF1tVo-00119-00062646-00063158 site and says, 'Okay, student has submitted this portfolio, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00120-00063167-00063714 we'd like to have an export of that portfolio.' And then Mahato RCAZ4OF1tVo-00121-00063723-00064287 creates that export. And we call that export HTMLlite because the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00122-00064296-00064765 plagiarism checkers like Ouriginal, which formerly was RCAZ4OF1tVo-00123-00064774-00065303 known as Urkund cannot process images or video or audio files RCAZ4OF1tVo-00124-00065312-00065859 and certain other files. So what we do is we strip all of those RCAZ4OF1tVo-00125-00065868-00066372 files that Ouriginal cannot process for text checking from RCAZ4OF1tVo-00126-00066380-00066919 the HTML export and only sent the text along. That, of course, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00127-00066927-00067449 has a number of advantages, namely, the export is much, much RCAZ4OF1tVo-00128-00067457-00067987 smaller because if you have a 500MB video sitting in that you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00129-00067996-00068508 are not sending that needlessly through the ether. That, of RCAZ4OF1tVo-00130-00068517-00068995 course, also means the solution is saving energy and is RCAZ4OF1tVo-00131-00069003-00069446 supporting you in the sustainability goals that you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00132-00069455-00069950 might have because we have really only sending the things RCAZ4OF1tVo-00133-00069959-00070428 through that are needed. So when - once a student has RCAZ4OF1tVo-00134-00070436-00070975 submitted their portfolio into Moodle and to the cron has run, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00135-00070983-00071522 and the Ouriginal plugin came into effect, in order to process RCAZ4OF1tVo-00136-00071531-00072017 the portfolio, it will then show, once it's finished its RCAZ4OF1tVo-00137-00072026-00072582 analysis, of how much similarity there is between the content in RCAZ4OF1tVo-00138-00072590-00073111 the portfolio, and that means everything that you see on the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00139-00073120-00073572 page, as well as see in text documents, presentation RCAZ4OF1tVo-00140-00073580-00074067 documents, PDFs, and the like. And then if you have your RCAZ4OF1tVo-00141-00074075-00074623 Ouriginal configured, you can go into the analysis and view the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00142-00074631-00075100 results there. Now, the - if you're all excited, like RCAZ4OF1tVo-00143-00075109-00075613 Aurelié, at the moment the changes to the Ouriginal plugin RCAZ4OF1tVo-00144-00075621-00076160 are not public yet. They will be open source, but they are not RCAZ4OF1tVo-00145-00076168-00076724 yet available. If you do want to get a hold of them, I can refer RCAZ4OF1tVo-00146-00076733-00077289 you to our colleagues in our UK office at Catalyst IT Europe who RCAZ4OF1tVo-00147-00077298-00077784 made those changes to the plugin, and they can then tell RCAZ4OF1tVo-00148-00077793-00078270 you where things are when you might be able to get that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00149-00078279-00078844 functionality. Now here I am in the Ouriginal analysis overview, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00150-00078852-00079408 can check my text matching out, and as you can see, I was pretty RCAZ4OF1tVo-00151-00079417-00079964 bad in being original because I copied text from a website that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00152-00079973-00080502 is now being marked as such. Good question around whether it RCAZ4OF1tVo-00153-00080511-00080989 also works with any other anti plagiarism software like RCAZ4OF1tVo-00154-00080997-00081527 Turnitin: Not at the moment, however, if you'd like to have a RCAZ4OF1tVo-00155-00081536-00082048 conversation around that, please do get in touch because of RCAZ4OF1tVo-00156-00082057-00082578 course now that we've laid the groundwork for the connection RCAZ4OF1tVo-00157-00082587-00083099 between Mahara and Moodle and then also connecting into the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00158-00083108-00083612 Ouriginal plugin, ideally then of course also implementing RCAZ4OF1tVo-00159-00083620-00084176 similar changes for the Turnitin plugin in Moodle will be easier RCAZ4OF1tVo-00160-00084185-00084706 because at least already the Mahara site is being taken care RCAZ4OF1tVo-00161-00084715-00085192 of. So that is certainly something that will be good to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00162-00085201-00085687 explore in the future. And sending portfolios to an anti RCAZ4OF1tVo-00163-00085696-00086226 plagiarism checker has been a long standing wishlist item for RCAZ4OF1tVo-00164-00086235-00086782 some organisations because while we often think that portfolios RCAZ4OF1tVo-00165-00086790-00087312 are original and that it's the personal account of students, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00166-00087320-00087833 some students to misuse that trust and might have then very RCAZ4OF1tVo-00167-00087841-00088354 similar portfolios or might even have copied something from RCAZ4OF1tVo-00168-00088362-00088884 another student. So if your assessment portfolios need to go RCAZ4OF1tVo-00169-00088892-00089431 through a similarity check no matter what anybody else thinks, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00170-00089439-00089969 whether that should be done for portfolios or not, if it is a RCAZ4OF1tVo-00171-00089978-00090430 requirement of your organisation, then this can be a RCAZ4OF1tVo-00172-00090438-00090968 functionality for you. At the moment, this functionality has RCAZ4OF1tVo-00173-00090977-00091454 been implemented specifically for Moodle because we are RCAZ4OF1tVo-00174-00091463-00091958 actually not connecting Mahara directly to the similarity RCAZ4OF1tVo-00175-00091967-00092479 checker. We are connecting to the Moodle functionality, and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00176-00092488-00092948 then Moodle takes care of sending things on. And that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00177-00092957-00093452 allows us to also have cost savings for implementing that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00178-00093461-00093990 functionality because we could take - we could reuse existing RCAZ4OF1tVo-00179-00093999-00094486 functionality that was already available in the learning RCAZ4OF1tVo-00180-00094494-00095007 management system. Now let's come to a Mahara feature that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00181-00095015-00095536 can be useful if especially you're at a larger organization, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00182-00095545-00095979 and you have the luxury of having a helpdesk staff RCAZ4OF1tVo-00183-00095988-00096422 available that look into troubleshooting portfolio RCAZ4OF1tVo-00184-00096431-00096969 questions for your students and staff. In this case, you might RCAZ4OF1tVo-00185-00096978-00097517 not want to give the institution administration permissions to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00186-00097525-00097960 everybody because then, of course, they can change RCAZ4OF1tVo-00187-00097968-00098481 institution settings, they can create or change institution RCAZ4OF1tVo-00188-00098489-00098984 portfolios and the like. And that is where functionality RCAZ4OF1tVo-00189-00098993-00099445 comes in that we've developed for SWITCHportfolio in RCAZ4OF1tVo-00190-00099453-00100009 Switzerland, where you can give somebody now institution support RCAZ4OF1tVo-00191-00100018-00100461 administrator permissions. And that is kind of that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00192-00100470-00101008 intermediate role between staff and administrator. And what it RCAZ4OF1tVo-00193-00101017-00101529 does is that it allows the institution administrator to log RCAZ4OF1tVo-00194-00101538-00101990 in or to have all the staff permissions, but also to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00195-00101998-00102545 masquerade as the - as a staff member or as a member of the - a RCAZ4OF1tVo-00196-00102554-00102997 regular member in the institution. So now I'm that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00197-00103006-00103414 institution support administrator, James is the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00198-00103423-00103866 institution administrator, there, I do not have his RCAZ4OF1tVo-00199-00103874-00104395 username underlined because I'm not allowed to masquerade as RCAZ4OF1tVo-00200-00104404-00104882 him, whereas for Paula, who's a regular learner in that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00201-00104890-00105394 organisation, I can see her settings page, change a number RCAZ4OF1tVo-00202-00105403-00105889 of things that I'd like to change, I could also give her RCAZ4OF1tVo-00203-00105898-00106341 the institution staff permissions, but I can't give RCAZ4OF1tVo-00204-00106349-00106888 her any permissions beyond that. Additionally, I can log in as RCAZ4OF1tVo-00205-00106897-00107426 her, but I cannot suspend or delete her account because those RCAZ4OF1tVo-00206-00107435-00107887 are functionalities that we've reserved for the full RCAZ4OF1tVo-00207-00107895-00108399 administrator permissions. So something really nice for an RCAZ4OF1tVo-00208-00108408-00108938 administrator that deals with hotline questions, or where you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00209-00108946-00109494 just need somebody to be able to log into another portfolio but RCAZ4OF1tVo-00210-00109502-00109989 not get too many elevated permissions. Of course, if you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00211-00109997-00110527 allowed that your staff can see reports, then the institution RCAZ4OF1tVo-00212-00110536-00111092 support administrator will also be able to see reports. So I see RCAZ4OF1tVo-00213-00111100-00111647 that someone is typing, so I'll just wait briefly so that I can RCAZ4OF1tVo-00214-00111656-00112203 answer the question. Okay, great to hear that that is a feature RCAZ4OF1tVo-00215-00112212-00112716 that you look forward to using. Now, I'm going to show you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00216-00112724-00113280 actually a bunch of features in one because they're conveniently RCAZ4OF1tVo-00217-00113289-00113819 all located in the same area. Now, let's imagine you have set RCAZ4OF1tVo-00218-00113827-00114314 up a group, and you wanted to create a template for your RCAZ4OF1tVo-00219-00114322-00114722 students to work with the portfolio completion RCAZ4OF1tVo-00220-00114731-00115243 functionality so that you see your pages, you can say which RCAZ4OF1tVo-00221-00115252-00115808 pages need a sign -off from the portfolio author, and which ones RCAZ4OF1tVo-00222-00115816-00116346 need to be verified. Now up to this version of Mahara, it was RCAZ4OF1tVo-00223-00116355-00116902 not possible for you to create a template in a group, copy that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00224-00116911-00117354 into somebody's account, and have that page already RCAZ4OF1tVo-00225-00117362-00117849 available. That was only possible on the institution and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00226-00117857-00118326 site level. So thanks to Griffith College, you can now RCAZ4OF1tVo-00227-00118335-00118865 also have it in groups. So when you copy that portfolio into RCAZ4OF1tVo-00228-00118873-00119386 another account, this page will come along. Now for another RCAZ4OF1tVo-00229-00119395-00119924 couple of features. Let's go to a page that does not yet have RCAZ4OF1tVo-00230-00119933-00120419 this block. When I edit this page, and I drag and drop a RCAZ4OF1tVo-00231-00120428-00120932 block onto a page, you can now see that the block dragging RCAZ4OF1tVo-00232-00120941-00121496 background there is grey, which will make it easier to see where RCAZ4OF1tVo-00233-00121505-00122035 you can actually drop a block. So some usability improvements RCAZ4OF1tVo-00234-00122044-00122547 have also gotten into this release. Now it can select the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00235-00122556-00123077 sign-off block, and to decide whether a manager verification RCAZ4OF1tVo-00236-00123086-00123616 or supervisory verification is necessary, finish that, and on RCAZ4OF1tVo-00237-00123624-00124154 top of that, because I'm having a template to create it, I go RCAZ4OF1tVo-00238-00124163-00124701 into the page settings and mark this page like the others also RCAZ4OF1tVo-00239-00124710-00125248 as a template. Now I'm ready to share and copy that portfolio RCAZ4OF1tVo-00240-00125257-00125804 into my group members' accounts, and only regular group members RCAZ4OF1tVo-00241-00125813-00126377 will receive that portfolio, not administrators or tutors if they RCAZ4OF1tVo-00242-00126386-00126916 are configured. So 'Copy for existing group members', 'Save', RCAZ4OF1tVo-00243-00126925-00127454 and then that portfolio will be copied. Now, if I go into the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00244-00127463-00127967 account of a member of this group, conveniently located on RCAZ4OF1tVo-00245-00127976-00128471 page 2, sorry, logged into the wrong account because that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00246-00128479-00129000 person already had it, but then I deleted it. And of course, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00247-00129009-00129565 regular teachers want to be able to log into accounts that is on RCAZ4OF1tVo-00248-00129574-00130051 the site or institution administrator permission or now RCAZ4OF1tVo-00249-00130060-00130546 also one of the institution support administrator. Okay. RCAZ4OF1tVo-00250-00130555-00131050 Here I've got my student teaching portfolio, the template RCAZ4OF1tVo-00251-00131059-00131467 that I've created that immediately comes with a RCAZ4OF1tVo-00252-00131476-00131997 portfolio completion page, and we have the sign-off, and two RCAZ4OF1tVo-00253-00132005-00132457 pages also have the verification. Now if I go to the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00254-00132466-00132987 'Collaboration' page, I am not able to remove the 'Sign-off' RCAZ4OF1tVo-00255-00132996-00133534 block or even to edit it. I can still move it around the page, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00256-00133543-00134029 but I cannot change its settings. And that is also a new RCAZ4OF1tVo-00257-00134038-00134576 feature because what we've seen with an organisation that uses RCAZ4OF1tVo-00258-00134585-00135019 the portfolio completion functionality for all the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00259-00135028-00135566 portfolios that they have, that their learners make changes to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00260-00135575-00136096 the sign-of block even though they shouldn't have needed to, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00261-00136105-00136635 and then there were lots and lots of support questions of why RCAZ4OF1tVo-00262-00136643-00137130 suddenly their portfolio completion wasn't going to 100% RCAZ4OF1tVo-00263-00137138-00137668 even though they had completed all portfolios and signed them RCAZ4OF1tVo-00264-00137677-00138207 off. That's why we implemented this change that when somebody RCAZ4OF1tVo-00265-00138215-00138702 copies a template, so a portfolio page that is marked as RCAZ4OF1tVo-00266-00138710-00139214 template or if you mark a collection on the institution or RCAZ4OF1tVo-00267-00139223-00139770 site level as a template, then you won't see the 'Edit' button, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00268-00139779-00140282 and you also won't see the 'Delete' button, no matter what RCAZ4OF1tVo-00269-00140291-00140812 your settings are for that page in regards to preventing the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00270-00140821-00141316 removal of blocks. Now, you might say 'Well, but at some RCAZ4OF1tVo-00271-00141325-00141794 point, I do want to copy this page and get rid of that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00272-00141802-00142350 sign-off and verification block because I want to add that page RCAZ4OF1tVo-00273-00142358-00142888 into a presentation portfolio maybe.' Well, you can certainly RCAZ4OF1tVo-00274-00142897-00143392 do that because if you make a copy of your personal copy, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00275-00143400-00143939 let's just pick the page instead of the entire portfolio, then RCAZ4OF1tVo-00276-00143948-00144486 this copy is not linked to the original portfolio template any RCAZ4OF1tVo-00277-00144495-00145033 more, and you do see the 'Edit' button and 'Delete' button and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00278-00145042-00145554 can make changes. So those functionalities are still there. RCAZ4OF1tVo-00279-00145563-00146084 And we've definitely seen that the support requests had gone RCAZ4OF1tVo-00280-00146093-00146597 down tremendously after we implemented that feature on the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00281-00146605-00147135 site because it was just one of those things that people just RCAZ4OF1tVo-00282-00147144-00147682 changed, exploring everything on the site and making sure that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00283-00147691-00148169 they make changes to it. Alright, let's go back to the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00284-00148177-00148681 site administration for the remaining features that I want RCAZ4OF1tVo-00285-00148690-00149211 to show you, and the first one in there is SmartEvidence. So RCAZ4OF1tVo-00286-00149219-00149784 lots of you or some of you might be used SmartEvidence instead of RCAZ4OF1tVo-00287-00149793-00150314 the portfolio completing or maybe even in contention. And it RCAZ4OF1tVo-00288-00150323-00150878 has always - it for for a number of years now it's been possible RCAZ4OF1tVo-00289-00150887-00151373 to edit and to create a SmartEvidence framework directly RCAZ4OF1tVo-00290-00151382-00151895 here on the site so that you don't have to import it, write RCAZ4OF1tVo-00291-00151903-00152372 all the JSON code, and then upload it. However, if you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00292-00152381-00152859 create it your framework directly in Mahara, it was not RCAZ4OF1tVo-00293-00152867-00153380 possible for you to actually get it out of it and use it on RCAZ4OF1tVo-00294-00153388-00153918 another site or send it to a colleague of yours. And so once RCAZ4OF1tVo-00295-00153927-00154413 we've implemented for this version of Mahara is now that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00296-00154422-00154960 you have a 'Download' button, and you can download any of your RCAZ4OF1tVo-00297-00154969-00155525 frameworks. Then you can give it to a colleague, or you can also RCAZ4OF1tVo-00298-00155534-00156089 import it back into your Mahara instance if you made any sort of RCAZ4OF1tVo-00299-00156098-00156637 changes, and then want to have it available again, or somebody RCAZ4OF1tVo-00300-00156645-00157201 else made changes for your, then you can push it back up to your RCAZ4OF1tVo-00301-00157210-00157705 Mahara instance. So that'll hopefully make it much easier RCAZ4OF1tVo-00302-00157714-00158148 for you to create your frameworks in a comfortable RCAZ4OF1tVo-00303-00158157-00158669 WYSIWYG interface through the sort of questionnaire that is RCAZ4OF1tVo-00304-00158678-00159234 there, yet to also be able to share it with other organisations. RCAZ4OF1tVo-00305-00159629-00160070 If you're working in a context where you have multiple RCAZ4OF1tVo-00306-00160070-00160484 languages installed on your Mahara site, in the past, you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00307-00160487-00160868 always needed to ask your server administrator to install a RCAZ4OF1tVo-00308-00160868-00161393 language for you, and if changes and updates are made to that, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00309-00161396-00161708 typos corrected and so on, then you again, you needed to ask RCAZ4OF1tVo-00310-00161708-00162374 them to install the language for you. Now all of that can be RCAZ4OF1tVo-00311-00162374-00162815 managed directly from the site administration. So you could RCAZ4OF1tVo-00312-00162815-00163685 select a language pack that has not yet been installed. Install RCAZ4OF1tVo-00313-00163685-00164228 that. It just takes a few seconds because it needs to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00314-00164231-00164702 download the files from our website where all those language RCAZ4OF1tVo-00315-00164702-00165098 packs or translations are stored, then uploaded to your RCAZ4OF1tVo-00316-00165098-00165551 server, extract the file, put everything into place. But now RCAZ4OF1tVo-00317-00165551-00166409 we also have Italian available for our translation. And here, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00318-00166409-00166808 you see that all my languages are up to date. If they were not RCAZ4OF1tVo-00319-00166808-00167141 up to date, you could select them all and click the 'Update' RCAZ4OF1tVo-00320-00167144-00167537 button so that you can very easily get changes in there RCAZ4OF1tVo-00321-00167561-00168056 without bugging anybody on the on the server end of things. RCAZ4OF1tVo-00322-00168128-00168539 That's giving you more autonomy over which languages and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00323-00168539-00168764 translations you'd like to use on the site. RCAZ4OF1tVo-00324-00169245-00169614 There's another huge feature that we implemented for RCAZ4OF1tVo-00325-00169617-00170466 SWITCHportfolio, and that is in regards to moving organisations RCAZ4OF1tVo-00326-00170469-00171048 or moving people easily between organisations. So imagine you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00327-00171048-00171585 have a multi tenanted Mahara instance, and all of your RCAZ4OF1tVo-00328-00171660-00172194 learners are in one IdP, so in one identity provider, so RCAZ4OF1tVo-00329-00172194-00172563 everybody logs in through the same interface in order to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00330-00172563-00173037 authenticate on your Mahara instance. But everybody still RCAZ4OF1tVo-00331-00173037-00173478 belongs to their individual institution. Now, these days, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00332-00173517-00173874 people don't just necessarily study at one organisation, but RCAZ4OF1tVo-00333-00173874-00174327 they might be studying at two organisations, or they might be RCAZ4OF1tVo-00334-00174330-00174717 a student in one organisation and a staff member in another. RCAZ4OF1tVo-00335-00174945-00175305 If you don't have this feature, and everybody is in that big RCAZ4OF1tVo-00336-00175305-00175698 IdP, then an administrator would need to add you manually to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00337-00175698-00176190 another organisation or remove your from one or you end up with RCAZ4OF1tVo-00338-00176190-00176565 two accounts in the end, and that kind of really gets messy RCAZ4OF1tVo-00339-00176565-00176823 quite quickly because if somebody wants to share RCAZ4OF1tVo-00340-00176823-00177192 portfolio with you, and they see five of you there, then of RCAZ4OF1tVo-00341-00177192-00177438 course, they ask the question, 'Well, with whom shall I RCAZ4OF1tVo-00342-00177438-00177996 actually share the portfolio?' So the functionality and I can't RCAZ4OF1tVo-00343-00177996-00178371 really show that to you here directly because we don't have RCAZ4OF1tVo-00344-00178371-00178932 such a massive IdP available, but as show you kind of the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00345-00178947-00179394 settings that will be of importance then when you might RCAZ4OF1tVo-00346-00179394-00179904 want to explore that are all located in the SAML RCAZ4OF1tVo-00347-00179904-00180438 authentication plugin. And you can use that to connect to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00348-00180441-00181332 Shibboleth, to SAML itself, to CAS, also to OpenIDConnect, and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00349-00181386-00182043 Microsoft Azure AD as long as they all have a SAML bridge RCAZ4OF1tVo-00350-00182067-00182535 enabled, then you can use this core plugin. Now there are a RCAZ4OF1tVo-00351-00182538-00182973 number of new fields available here in that SAML configuration, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00352-00182973-00183363 it's getting much longer, because over time, we've added RCAZ4OF1tVo-00353-00183366-00183807 more fields that can be pulled in, more functionality or more RCAZ4OF1tVo-00354-00183849-00184299 institution changes also be made automatically, things being RCAZ4OF1tVo-00355-00184299-00184704 moved around, so that we now have a much richer experience RCAZ4OF1tVo-00356-00184704-00185196 available in particular for larger organisations, where the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00357-00185199-00185568 administrator otherwise would simply only be involved in RCAZ4OF1tVo-00358-00185592-00185994 moving people about instead of answering portfolio questions. RCAZ4OF1tVo-00359-00186132-00186594 And so all of these fields that have 'affiliation' in them are RCAZ4OF1tVo-00360-00186594-00187107 related to that IdP, to that big IDP. Because what we can now do RCAZ4OF1tVo-00361-00187110-00187509 is when somebody logs into Mahara, they can log in with one RCAZ4OF1tVo-00362-00187509-00187971 login, and if any of that affiliation data comes along, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00363-00187998-00188526 automatically could other email addresses come along, or they RCAZ4OF1tVo-00364-00188529-00189192 can also be added to a particular new institution and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00365-00189210-00189699 they could also receive staff or institutions support admin or RCAZ4OF1tVo-00366-00189753-00190146 institution administrator permissions automatically. So RCAZ4OF1tVo-00367-00190146-00190629 there are lots of possibilities of automating a number of things RCAZ4OF1tVo-00368-00190632-00191448 through the authentication. The last feature I cannot show you RCAZ4OF1tVo-00369-00191448-00191997 online because again, that is an integration that requires a very RCAZ4OF1tVo-00370-00191997-00192447 specific setup in an organisation. And this feature RCAZ4OF1tVo-00371-00192450-00192849 was sponsored by the University of St.Gallen, also in RCAZ4OF1tVo-00372-00192849-00193332 Switzerland, and it pertains to the possibility of uploading RCAZ4OF1tVo-00373-00193332-00193971 files via web services. So what does that mean? Typically, if a RCAZ4OF1tVo-00374-00193971-00194457 student wants to have a file in their Mahara account, they go to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00375-00194457-00194823 their computer, upload it, or uploaded from their phone, place RCAZ4OF1tVo-00376-00194823-00195261 it into their files area. Now, the requirements for for this RCAZ4OF1tVo-00377-00195261-00195921 project were that that is being automated if the university puts RCAZ4OF1tVo-00378-00195921-00196437 - uses certificates or the like that they are then being sent RCAZ4OF1tVo-00379-00196440-00196986 into the portfolio for long term storage automatically so that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00380-00196989-00197508 the students even after graduation still have access to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00381-00197508-00198081 an online copy of their certificate, in case they don't RCAZ4OF1tVo-00382-00198081-00198495 have it available on their computer any more. And so what RCAZ4OF1tVo-00383-00198510-00198978 we developed was the the web services that facilitate all of RCAZ4OF1tVo-00384-00198978-00199479 that work. And so the general workflow is that a student goes RCAZ4OF1tVo-00385-00199479-00199917 to the university system, clicks a button that says 'Yes, I agree RCAZ4OF1tVo-00386-00199917-00200274 that my file or files can be sent to the Mahara site RCAZ4OF1tVo-00387-00200319-00200778 automatically.' By clicking that button, they are locked into RCAZ4OF1tVo-00388-00200778-00201156 Mahara so that it can be ensured that they actually have an RCAZ4OF1tVo-00389-00201156-00201528 account if they don't yet already have one, and also a RCAZ4OF1tVo-00390-00201528-00201912 piece of information is added to the database, saying 'Yes, this RCAZ4OF1tVo-00391-00201915-00202629 student can receive files from that organisation.' And that, of RCAZ4OF1tVo-00392-00202629-00202938 course, is a security measure so that not any random person can RCAZ4OF1tVo-00393-00202938-00203361 try to misuse that web service, but as certain parameters need RCAZ4OF1tVo-00394-00203361-00203973 to be given. And then at some point, once the organisation is RCAZ4OF1tVo-00395-00203973-00204390 ready to send a certificate, it sends that automatically via web RCAZ4OF1tVo-00396-00204390-00204867 service, it gets into the account of the student, and they RCAZ4OF1tVo-00397-00204869-00205233 have it available. So that is something really neat, too, as RCAZ4OF1tVo-00398-00205233-00205854 well to automate certain processes that otherwise would RCAZ4OF1tVo-00399-00205854-00206256 require students to perform actions that might not really be RCAZ4OF1tVo-00400-00206256-00206717 necessary because we can automate those things relatively RCAZ4OF1tVo-00401-00206717-00207167 easily. The technologists would say 'Everything is possible.' It RCAZ4OF1tVo-00402-00207167-00207588 does take time to create those web services and to make that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00403-00207588-00207990 functionality available, but it is certainly something that RCAZ4OF1tVo-00404-00207990-00208335 supports organisations, especially on the larger scale, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00405-00208350-00208830 who need to do that a lot of times and reduce friction and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00406-00208833-00209334 also the necessity for that technical support then in order RCAZ4OF1tVo-00407-00209334-00209880 to do that. So those were all the features that I wanted to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00408-00209880-00210339 highlight in this session. There are a number of more new RCAZ4OF1tVo-00409-00210339-00210923 features and also fixes available in Mahara 22.04, so RCAZ4OF1tVo-00410-00210923-00211407 please do check them out. There is also a shorter feature video RCAZ4OF1tVo-00411-00211407-00211844 if you want to catch up on the things that I talked about today RCAZ4OF1tVo-00412-00211875-00212235 if you don't want to watch this entire recording again or send RCAZ4OF1tVo-00413-00212235-00212631 it to a colleague but just have something small. You'll find the RCAZ4OF1tVo-00414-00212631-00213216 links to that in the 'Shared notes'. The Mahara manual is RCAZ4OF1tVo-00415-00213216-00213615 also updated with these new features and the changes that we RCAZ4OF1tVo-00416-00213615-00214179 have implemented in Mahara 22.04 so that you can refer to that. RCAZ4OF1tVo-00417-00214223-00214761 And if you have your Mahara instance hosted on your own and RCAZ4OF1tVo-00418-00214761-00215127 haven't yet upgraded, like one of you already here in the room, RCAZ4OF1tVo-00419-00215171-00215613 then please download the software, put it on the testing RCAZ4OF1tVo-00420-00215613-00216021 server, give it a go there and then make it available to RCAZ4OF1tVo-00421-00216021-00216771 everybody. Now if you have any questions, please do feel free RCAZ4OF1tVo-00422-00216771-00217164 to take the next few minutes and stick around so that we that I RCAZ4OF1tVo-00423-00217164-00217527 can answer them, and those can be questions around the new RCAZ4OF1tVo-00424-00217527-00218061 features. I'd be especially interested in knowing which ones RCAZ4OF1tVo-00425-00218079-00218421 are most attractive to you that you're very much looking forward RCAZ4OF1tVo-00426-00218421-00218973 to testing immediately, but if you have to leave or if RCAZ4OF1tVo-00427-00218973-00219300 something else comes to your mind later on, please do feel RCAZ4OF1tVo-00428-00219300-00219894 free to send me an email and we can stay in touch, and also RCAZ4OF1tVo-00429-00219894-00220536 please still use the community forums at mahara.org/forums in RCAZ4OF1tVo-00430-00220536-00220857 order to engage with the rest of the community, have your RCAZ4OF1tVo-00431-00220857-00221412 questions answered and engage with others. The forums are our RCAZ4OF1tVo-00432-00221415-00222063 main place where we provide free support and where you can get in RCAZ4OF1tVo-00433-00222063-00222360 touch with us. Thank you so much. RCWiyhpqZKQ-00000-00000254-00000468 [Music] you know how you have Hogwarts formagicians? RCWiyhpqZKQ-00001-00000468-00000858 Tonhalle Düsseldorf is like Hogwarts for musicians! RCWiyhpqZKQ-00002-00001188-00002118 We have artists which we have managed to gather from all over the world from different cultures RCWiyhpqZKQ-00003-00002118-00002472 with different skills sometimes it's a dancer sometimes it's a singer it's a RCWiyhpqZKQ-00004-00002472-00002898 performer an instrumentalist, a Mentalist and we managed to put them all together onstage, RCWiyhpqZKQ-00005-00002898-00003543 perform separately, show their skills and combine them with our skills! [Music] RCWiyhpqZKQ-00006-00003543-00003593 [Applause] RK1ehPBV49U-00000-00000162-00000768 CONSCIOUS BEAUTY RK1ehPBV49U-00001-00001157-00001558 NATURAL VOLUMIZING SPRAY FOR FINE HAIR RK1ehPBV49U-00002-00001746-00002281 Let's talk about the Natural Volumizing and Strengthening Spray for fine hair. RK1ehPBV49U-00003-00002282-00002476 The name itself RK1ehPBV49U-00004-00002477-00002940 can fully explain what this product is and what's inside it. RK1ehPBV49U-00005-00002941-00003310 This is my must-have spray! RK1ehPBV49U-00006-00003311-00003673 This product was born to satisfy one of my needs: RK1ehPBV49U-00007-00003674-00004168 I had to give volume and strength to my fine, thin hair, RK1ehPBV49U-00008-00004169-00004493 and I must say that... RK1ehPBV49U-00009-00004494-00004867 Since it was born, I can't live without it. RK1ehPBV49U-00010-00004868-00005305 I may be biased, but it's really magical for my hair. RK1ehPBV49U-00011-00005306-00005512 It has a light formula, RK1ehPBV49U-00012-00005513-00005758 it doesn't weigh in on hair, because... RK1ehPBV49U-00013-00005759-00006192 The last thing fine hair wants is... RK1ehPBV49U-00014-00006240-00006734 An oily product that makes it oily or dirty. RK1ehPBV49U-00015-00006812-00007343 I really wanted to have, in this case, a very light RK1ehPBV49U-00016-00007344-00007697 formula. I wanted it to be hydrating, so that... RK1ehPBV49U-00017-00007698-00007933 It can give body RK1ehPBV49U-00018-00007934-00008337 to those kind of hair that tend to be super-flat. RK1ehPBV49U-00019-00008338-00008724 I spray it on damp hair, RK1ehPBV49U-00020-00008725-00009083 before air-drying or blow-drying it, RK1ehPBV49U-00021-00009084-00009481 on my roots. I spray it from a 30 cm distance, RK1ehPBV49U-00022-00009482-00009801 so that it can be evenly... RK1ehPBV49U-00023-00009860-00009981 Distributed on my hair. RK1ehPBV49U-00024-00009982-00010118 I spray it... RK1ehPBV49U-00025-00010158-00010520 Three times, tops. A pump here, one here and another here, RK1ehPBV49U-00026-00010521-00010889 and then a couple pumps on my lengths, so... RK1ehPBV49U-00027-00010890-00011207 I spray it 5 times tops, RK1ehPBV49U-00028-00011208-00011451 because, as I said, I don't want to weigh my hair down. RK1ehPBV49U-00029-00011452-00011787 It's unlikely that this kind of formula can weigh it down, but... RK1ehPBV49U-00030-00011788-00012047 If you spray 15 pumps of it on you hair, RK1ehPBV49U-00031-00012048-00012335 you know, you obtain the opposite result. RK1ehPBV49U-00032-00012383-00012830 MORE THAN JUST A STYLING PRODUCT Inspired by Nature RK1ehPBV49U-00033-00013067-00013429 This Volumizing spray, like the Anti-Frizz spray, contains RK1ehPBV49U-00034-00013430-00013927 fruit acids, like tartaric acid, malic acid and citric acid, RK1ehPBV49U-00035-00013928-00014454 that derive from apples, grapes and lemons. RK1ehPBV49U-00036-00014455-00014912 Their role in the spray formula is to close the hair flakes RK1ehPBV49U-00037-00014913-00015297 to make hair shinier and make it look glossy RK1ehPBV49U-00038-00015298-00015575 thanks to its acid pH. RK1ehPBV49U-00039-00015576-00016257 I often replace my classic acid rinse (with water and vinegar) RK1ehPBV49U-00040-00016258-00016476 with this spray, RK1ehPBV49U-00041-00016477-00016728 because I don't know if... RK1ehPBV49U-00042-00016729-00017026 In the long run, using the acid rinse RK1ehPBV49U-00043-00017027-00017413 every 3-4 days may become counterproductive. RK1ehPBV49U-00044-00017414-00017768 The formulation contains aloe vera, RK1ehPBV49U-00045-00017769-00018254 sodium hyaluronate, the sodic salt of the hyaluronic acid, RK1ehPBV49U-00046-00018255-00018779 it contains betaine, provitamine B5 (panthenol), RK1ehPBV49U-00047-00018780-00019143 and strong humidifying agents that help RK1ehPBV49U-00048-00019144-00019445 protecting our hair, keeping it moisturized, RK1ehPBV49U-00049-00019446-00019647 and giving it more elasticity. RK1ehPBV49U-00050-00019648-00019977 The volumizing action, as I was saying a minute ago, RK1ehPBV49U-00051-00019978-00020288 comes from the synergy among... RK1ehPBV49U-00052-00020289-00020552 Organic green walnut hydrolized proteins RK1ehPBV49U-00053-00020553-00020821 and green walnut leaves extract, RK1ehPBV49U-00054-00020822-00021149 mixed with hydrolized oat proteins. RK1ehPBV49U-00055-00021150-00021464 These ingredients can bond with the keratin in the hair RK1ehPBV49U-00056-00021465-00021784 and they're able to wrap the shaft RK1ehPBV49U-00057-00021785-00022203 in a transparent, invisible film that protects our hair RK1ehPBV49U-00058-00022204-00022403 and that makes it fuller. RK1ehPBV49U-00059-00022404-00022646 At the same time, another pro of this spray RK1ehPBV49U-00060-00022647-00022981 is that the preservatives in it are food preservatives, RK1ehPBV49U-00061-00022982-00023180 so preservatives that we find... RK1ehPBV49U-00062-00023181-00023463 Daily in our foods. RK1ehPBV49U-00063-00023820-00024044 To sum it up: RK1ehPBV49U-00064-00024045-00024310 this spray has a very lightweight formula, RK1ehPBV49U-00065-00024338-00024651 do it doesn't weigh hair down, at all. RK1ehPBV49U-00066-00024652-00024955 It contains organic ingredients, RK1ehPBV49U-00067-00025014-00025602 it contains 100% natural and of vegetable origin ingredients, RK1ehPBV49U-00068-00025603-00025970 so there are no ingredients of animal origin, RK1ehPBV49U-00069-00025971-00026208 or chemicals. RK1ehPBV49U-00070-00026209-00026422 There are no allergens in it, RK1ehPBV49U-00071-00026423-00026640 there's no alcohol in it, RK1ehPBV49U-00072-00026641-00026922 there are no silicons nor parabens in it. RK1ehPBV49U-00073-00026923-00027331 It is ideal for fine, thin hair, RK1ehPBV49U-00074-00027332-00027577 for those hair that needs more body, RK1ehPBV49U-00075-00027578-00027889 for flat hair, RK1ehPBV49U-00076-00027981-00028269 so for whoever wants volume in their hair. RK1ehPBV49U-00077-00028270-00028700 It's ideal for dehydrated, damaged and weak hair, RK1ehPBV49U-00078-00028701-00028900 that's because... RK1ehPBV49U-00079-00028961-00029289 Among its properties and benefits, RK1ehPBV49U-00080-00029291-00029453 the most important one RK1ehPBV49U-00081-00029454-00029724 is its moisturizing capacity. RK1ehPBV49U-00082-00029725-00030067 Thanks to the aloe, RK1ehPBV49U-00083-00030068-00030590 to the sodium hyaluronate and to the panthenol (provitamin B5), RK1ehPBV49U-00084-00030591-00030861 thanks to the betaine in it... RK1ehPBV49U-00085-00030924-00031226 This powerful cocktail of ingredients in it RK1ehPBV49U-00086-00031227-00031529 help restructuring and strengthening RK1ehPBV49U-00087-00031530-00031948 and moisturizing damaged and weak hair. RK1ehPBV49U-00088-00031949-00032389 It has a volumizing effect due to the synergy created between RK1ehPBV49U-00089-00032390-00032907 the organic green walnut hydrolized proteins and the green walnut leaves extract, RK1ehPBV49U-00090-00032908-00033214 mixed with oat hydrolized proteins. RK1ehPBV49U-00091-00033215-00033518 And it has a shine enhancing property RK1ehPBV49U-00092-00033519-00033950 thanks to the fruit acids found in it. RK1ehPBV49U-00093-00033951-00034315 And well, that's it. I think that you can understand how wonderful it is RK1ehPBV49U-00094-00034316-00034440 only if you try it. RK1ehPBV49U-00095-00034441-00034963 I hope that this brief video about this Volumizing Spray RK1ehPBV49U-00096-00034964-00035473 I could have helped you doing a conscious purchase. RK1ehPBV49U-00097-00035474-00035798 So I hope I helped you understand RK1ehPBV49U-00098-00035799-00036192 if your hair can benefit from using RK1ehPBV49U-00099-00036193-00036413 this particular spray, RK1ehPBV49U-00100-00036414-00036740 so that it may satisfy your hair needs. RK1ehPBV49U-00101-00036741-00037004 I hope you found the video useful, RK1ehPBV49U-00102-00037005-00037288 if you have questions or doubts RK1ehPBV49U-00103-00037289-00037734 please, comment in the area below! I will be happy to answer you. RK1ehPBV49U-00104-00037735-00038038 And of course, I'll see you in the next video. RK1ehPBV49U-00105-00038039-00038174 Ciao! RL2-gdQWtrY-00000-00000127-00000613 In this video we’re going to talk a RL2-gdQWtrY-00001-00000362-00001105 little about arithmetic operations in RL2-gdQWtrY-00002-00000613-00001420 Python. Simplest is addition and RL2-gdQWtrY-00003-00001105-00001973 subtraction, so, for example, 4 plus 9 plus RL2-gdQWtrY-00004-00001420-00002462 12 gives me 25. If I have something like RL2-gdQWtrY-00005-00001973-00002645 25 minus 3 minus 7 the question is: Is RL2-gdQWtrY-00006-00002462-00002846 that going to go from left to right or RL2-gdQWtrY-00007-00002645-00003205 right to left. In other words, is it going to RL2-gdQWtrY-00008-00002846-00003448 do 25 minus 3 first and then subtract 7, RL2-gdQWtrY-00009-00003205-00003732 or is it going to take the 3 minus 7 RL2-gdQWtrY-00010-00003448-00004067 first and then subtract that from 25? RL2-gdQWtrY-00011-00003732-00004408 Let’s try it and find out...and the answer RL2-gdQWtrY-00012-00004067-00004642 is 15, so operations that are the same RL2-gdQWtrY-00013-00004408-00005042 priority (addition and subtraction) go RL2-gdQWtrY-00014-00004642-00005276 strictly from left to right. We also have RL2-gdQWtrY-00015-00005042-00005753 multiplication and division, so, for RL2-gdQWtrY-00016-00005276-00006340 example, 7 times 6 gives us 42. Now what RL2-gdQWtrY-00017-00005753-00006448 happens if I say 7 plus 3 times 2? Which RL2-gdQWtrY-00018-00006340-00006731 is going to happen first? The RL2-gdQWtrY-00019-00006448-00006793 multiplication or the addition? According RL2-gdQWtrY-00020-00006731-00007036 to the rules of arithmetic, RL2-gdQWtrY-00021-00006793-00007370 multiplication should take priority over RL2-gdQWtrY-00022-00007036-00007606 addition, and the same thing happens in RL2-gdQWtrY-00023-00007370-00008023 Python, so the multiplication occurs RL2-gdQWtrY-00024-00007606-00008203 before the addition does. Something RL2-gdQWtrY-00025-00008023-00008650 interesting happens when we do division. RL2-gdQWtrY-00026-00008203-00008890 Let’s say I take 4 divided by 2. Notice RL2-gdQWtrY-00027-00008650-00009110 the result is 2.0, so when I divide RL2-gdQWtrY-00028-00008890-00009482 integers by integers I always get a RL2-gdQWtrY-00029-00009110-00009835 float as the result. In fact if I did a RL2-gdQWtrY-00030-00009482-00010177 type of 4 divided by 2, it would tell us RL2-gdQWtrY-00031-00009835-00010177 that that is indeed a float. RL2-gdQWtrY-00032-00010347-00011203 Floats divided by floats, let’s say seven point RL2-gdQWtrY-00033-00010703-00011771 two divided by 0.4, come back as floats RL2-gdQWtrY-00034-00011203-00012011 as a result. Sometimes you’ll want to do RL2-gdQWtrY-00035-00011771-00012250 division that gives you whole number RL2-gdQWtrY-00036-00012011-00012481 division. For example, let’s say I have RL2-gdQWtrY-00037-00012250-00012775 fifty seven items and I want to find out RL2-gdQWtrY-00038-00012481-00012959 how many whole dozens that is. If I just RL2-gdQWtrY-00039-00012775-00013211 said fifty seven divided by twelve and RL2-gdQWtrY-00040-00012959-00013441 get four point seven five--but that’s RL2-gdQWtrY-00041-00013211-00013723 really four dozen plus three quarters of RL2-gdQWtrY-00042-00013441-00014153 a dozen when I want integer division, I RL2-gdQWtrY-00043-00013723-00014408 do 57 and put two slashes in a row. 57 RL2-gdQWtrY-00044-00014153-00014690 divided by 12 as integer division gives RL2-gdQWtrY-00045-00014408-00014954 me the four. Well, what about the ones RL2-gdQWtrY-00046-00014690-00015197 that are left over? That’s 0.75 of a RL2-gdQWtrY-00047-00014954-00015563 dozen. How do I get that integer back--the RL2-gdQWtrY-00048-00015197-00015818 remainder? To get the remainder, use the % RL2-gdQWtrY-00049-00015563-00016175 operator, which is called remainder, RL2-gdQWtrY-00050-00015818-00016466 modulo, or mod, (and usually you’ll hear me RL2-gdQWtrY-00051-00016175-00016817 pronounce it as mod) so fifty seven mod RL2-gdQWtrY-00052-00016466-00017298 twelve is nine. So fifty seven items is RL2-gdQWtrY-00053-00016817-00017298 four dozen with nine items left over. RL2-gdQWtrY-00054-00017468-00017981 The last operation I want to talk about is RL2-gdQWtrY-00055-00017618-00018373 exponentiation. If I want to take 12 to RL2-gdQWtrY-00056-00017981-00018847 the third power I type 12 star star RL2-gdQWtrY-00057-00018373-00019357 meaning “to the power” 3, and 12 cubed is RL2-gdQWtrY-00058-00018847-00019606 1728. I can have fractional exponents, so RL2-gdQWtrY-00059-00019357-00020162 if I want the square root of two, I say 2 RL2-gdQWtrY-00060-00019606-00020346 to the 0.5 power which gives me 1.41 RL2-gdQWtrY-00061-00020162-00020769 whatever RL2-gdQWtrY-00062-00020346-00021057 A word of warning here: exponentiation is RL2-gdQWtrY-00063-00020769-00021443 evaluated from right to left instead of RL2-gdQWtrY-00064-00021057-00021858 left to right. If I take two to the third RL2-gdQWtrY-00065-00021443-00022353 squared, the question is: Is that going to RL2-gdQWtrY-00066-00021858-00022701 be evaluated as two cubed squared, which RL2-gdQWtrY-00067-00022353-00023079 comes out to 64, or is it going to be RL2-gdQWtrY-00068-00022701-00023559 valued as two to the three squared, which RL2-gdQWtrY-00069-00023079-00024143 is two to the ninth, or 512? Let's try it RL2-gdQWtrY-00070-00023559-00024143 and find out...and the answer is 512. RL2-gdQWtrY-00071-00024370-00024829 The moral of the story is if you want RL2-gdQWtrY-00072-00024662-00025112 things to be evaluated in a specific RL2-gdQWtrY-00073-00024829-00025519 order, use parentheses to group it the RL2-gdQWtrY-00074-00025112-00025729 way you'd like. In order of priority, RL2-gdQWtrY-00075-00025519-00025885 parentheses take priority over RL2-gdQWtrY-00076-00025729-00026452 everything else. RL2-gdQWtrY-00077-00025885-00026620 Next in priority is exponentiation. The RL2-gdQWtrY-00078-00026452-00026972 next level down from that is RL2-gdQWtrY-00079-00026620-00027449 multiplication and division operators RL2-gdQWtrY-00080-00026972-00028314 such as multiply, divide, integer division, RL2-gdQWtrY-00081-00027449-00028655 and modulo; and the level below that is RL2-gdQWtrY-00082-00028314-00029320 addition and subtraction operators which RL2-gdQWtrY-00083-00028655-00029882 are plus and minus. So if I say 3 plus 4 RL2-gdQWtrY-00084-00029320-00030266 times 2 to the third the exponentiation RL2-gdQWtrY-00085-00029882-00030445 will come first, so I'll have 8 times 4 RL2-gdQWtrY-00086-00030266-00030766 because multiplication is next most RL2-gdQWtrY-00087-00030445-00031003 important, so I have 8 times 4 is 32 plus RL2-gdQWtrY-00088-00030766-00031333 3 at the end and I'll get 35 as the RL2-gdQWtrY-00089-00031003-00031580 result. If I want it to be in some other RL2-gdQWtrY-00090-00031333-00032068 order I can always use parentheses to RL2-gdQWtrY-00091-00031580-00032563 get the order I want. So if I wanted 7 RL2-gdQWtrY-00092-00032068-00033013 squared times 2 and that whole thing to RL2-gdQWtrY-00093-00032563-00033268 the third power, which would be 20 to the RL2-gdQWtrY-00094-00033013-00033268 third power, RL2-gdQWtrY-00095-00033343-00033759 I would put the parentheses this way. RL2-gdQWtrY-00096-00033816-00034288 When in doubt, use parentheses. Don't be RL2-gdQWtrY-00097-00034168-00034477 afraid to put in a couple of extra RL2-gdQWtrY-00098-00034288-00034890 parentheses rather than trying to figure RL2-gdQWtrY-00099-00034477-00034890 out “well, which one's the most important?” RL2-gdQWtrY-00100-00034899-00035377 It's not that much more time for the RL2-gdQWtrY-00101-00035149-00035748 computer to evaluate, and your time is RL2-gdQWtrY-00102-00035377-00035748 much more valuable than the computer's. RL8oBxdEGwE-00000-00000000-00000050 "شهر رمضان الذى أنزل فيه القرآن " كل عام وأنتم إلى الله أقرب وعلى طاعته أدوم RLHyGq66G_o-00000-00000003-00000581 well as Sam mentioned this is advanced topics women are by the bit curator RLHyGq66G_o-00001-00000581-00000969 consortium we're gonna be talking a little bit more about how some of the RLHyGq66G_o-00002-00000969-00001503 advanced features that we're using for bulk extractor and a little bit more in RLHyGq66G_o-00003-00001503-00001860 depth about what some of those advanced features are and how you can potentially RLHyGq66G_o-00004-00001860-00002274 use them to deal with your foiling digital collections hello I'm Michael RLHyGq66G_o-00005-00002274-00002823 Olson and I'm the service manager for digital forensics lab and Sandy do you RLHyGq66G_o-00006-00002823-00003290 want to just briefly introduce yourself sure hi good morning everyone my name's RLHyGq66G_o-00007-00003290-00003773 sandy Ortiz and I'm the digital forensics lab assistant here at Stanford RLHyGq66G_o-00008-00003773-00004434 University great I'm gonna spend just a few minutes kind of the beginning of the RLHyGq66G_o-00009-00004434-00004889 presentation providing a bit of context and then I'm gonna turn it over to Sandy RLHyGq66G_o-00010-00004889-00005207 who's gonna go into a little bit more detail about some of the advanced RLHyGq66G_o-00011-00005207-00005814 features though so thanks for joining so some of the things that we're gonna RLHyGq66G_o-00012-00005814-00006303 cover in today's webinar I'm gonna very briefly kind of go over a brief overview RLHyGq66G_o-00013-00006303-00006939 of bulk extractor I'm sure most folks are at least personally here with some RLHyGq66G_o-00014-00006939-00007389 of some of the features of what bulk extractors and intended to do then I'm RLHyGq66G_o-00015-00007389-00007818 gonna provide a little bit of context for however why were interested in using RLHyGq66G_o-00016-00007818-00008238 it here at Stanford I'm gonna talk a little bit more detail about the RLHyGq66G_o-00017-00008238-00008661 software itself and then I'm gonna actually turn it over to Sandy who's RLHyGq66G_o-00018-00008661-00009136 going to address some of the advanced features actually define what they are RLHyGq66G_o-00019-00009136-00009585 she's going to talk a little bit about the requirements to run some RLHyGq66G_o-00020-00009585-00010190 configuration information and data some sample runs and the results of those RLHyGq66G_o-00021-00010190-00010547 sample runs and then at the very end we're gonna open it up for discussion RLHyGq66G_o-00022-00010547-00011709 and questions so what is bulk extractor bulk extractor is a powerful analysis RLHyGq66G_o-00023-00011709-00012174 software tool that allows us to identify potentially sensitive information such RLHyGq66G_o-00024-00012174-00012590 as social security numbers credit card data and other types of potentially RLHyGq66G_o-00025-00012590-00013097 sensitive inform digital collections it's important to note that it was RLHyGq66G_o-00026-00013097-00013693 developed for forensic investigations and this is actually really important RLHyGq66G_o-00027-00013693-00014269 for digital archivists and librarians to to to understand when they start to look RLHyGq66G_o-00028-00014269-00014881 at the tool and particularly when we start to talk a little bit more about RLHyGq66G_o-00029-00014881-00015466 the advanced features and how they're actually how they're actually built out RLHyGq66G_o-00030-00015466-00016003 in the application and more importantly how they're actually used together bulk RLHyGq66G_o-00031-00016003-00016411 extractor it scans a disk image a file or directory of files to extract RLHyGq66G_o-00032-00016411-00017014 information from said data and one of the useful outcomes of this as it RLHyGq66G_o-00033-00017014-00017548 generates histograms of different features that would be useful and doing RLHyGq66G_o-00034-00017548-00018493 analysis and processing of more digital collection now the larger question that RLHyGq66G_o-00035-00018493-00018904 I think is important because it's going to really impact how how we've RLHyGq66G_o-00036-00018904-00019465 approached using it here at Stanford is kind of our institutional context it's RLHyGq66G_o-00037-00019465-00019777 important to note that we're not actually using bulk extractor in RLHyGq66G_o-00038-00019777-00020545 production yet we're actively testing it and trying to figure out exactly how we RLHyGq66G_o-00039-00020545-00021240 want to apply the app the bulk extractor application in our production workflows RLHyGq66G_o-00040-00021240-00021733 we're really interested in having bulk extractor automatically scan all of our RLHyGq66G_o-00041-00021733-00022048 collections to create histograms that can be used by a digital archivist to RLHyGq66G_o-00042-00022048-00022555 evaluate whether board digital archive or archive has personal identifying RLHyGq66G_o-00043-00022555-00023284 information or sensitive data in our collections and finally we're planning RLHyGq66G_o-00044-00023284-00023671 on using bulk extractor to provide more in-depth analysis of types of data that RLHyGq66G_o-00045-00023671-00024106 are contained in more digital collections so for example a collection RLHyGq66G_o-00046-00024106-00024673 that contains a large volume of work processed or textual files after running RLHyGq66G_o-00047-00024673-00025027 it through bulk extractor may provide a digital archivist with further ideas on RLHyGq66G_o-00048-00025027-00025375 how they might want to bulk extract our application to look for collection RLHyGq66G_o-00049-00025375-00025966 specific features and this applies to not only collections of textual data but RLHyGq66G_o-00050-00025966-00026358 any sort of type of morin digital collection there's a fair bit of RLHyGq66G_o-00051-00026358-00026956 variation in the different mind types filesystems file structures document RLHyGq66G_o-00052-00026956-00027720 types that one would find and there's based on that data one with essentially RLHyGq66G_o-00053-00027720-00028359 do some tuning to bulk extractor to provide additional data about what's in RLHyGq66G_o-00054-00028359-00029262 the collection and how you might process it part of the context for how we're RLHyGq66G_o-00055-00029262-00029793 really that's that sort of focused how we're approaching bulk extractor here at RLHyGq66G_o-00056-00029793-00030363 Stanford is we become very sensitive to security concerns so what you're looking RLHyGq66G_o-00057-00030363-00031036 at here is an example of the data risk classifications and what we're RLHyGq66G_o-00058-00031036-00031527 particularly interested in using bulk extractor for is defining as you can see RLHyGq66G_o-00059-00031527-00031965 there the high risk bucket of data and that's things like health insurance RLHyGq66G_o-00060-00031965-00032559 policy numbers social security numbers financial data anything that could RLHyGq66G_o-00061-00032559-00033412 potentially if it got out in the wild of provide damage the reputation of the RLHyGq66G_o-00062-00033412-00034131 University and what's interesting is the these different buckets of data actually RLHyGq66G_o-00063-00034131-00034705 map to something like this and this is kind of a list of approved services and RLHyGq66G_o-00064-00034705-00035238 so this these are things that applications and systems that one that RLHyGq66G_o-00065-00035238-00036030 are approved to work with these different types of data so for example RLHyGq66G_o-00066-00036030-00036637 if you look at if you look at the first of the very first bullet here we could RLHyGq66G_o-00067-00036637-00037162 essentially put high-risk data in any sort of zoom conference that we're doing RLHyGq66G_o-00068-00037162-00037594 at Stanford not that you would necessarily want to do that but that's RLHyGq66G_o-00069-00037594-00038163 just an example whereas for example if you look at number three it's it's our RLHyGq66G_o-00070-00038163-00038611 office 365 calendar we're not supposed to put our social security number in our RLHyGq66G_o-00071-00038611-00039112 calendar that's probably not the best example but if you were to scroll down RLHyGq66G_o-00072-00039112-00039462 further you would actually see lists of different sorts of file storage or RLHyGq66G_o-00073-00039462-00039987 systems that are either approved or not approved for handling that data RLHyGq66G_o-00074-00039987-00040494 so the point of showing you this is that this is this is kind of the RLHyGq66G_o-00075-00040494-00041040 institutional context of how we want to use bulk extractor and some of the RLHyGq66G_o-00076-00041040-00041823 advanced features to kind of define what falls into particular buckets I'm now RLHyGq66G_o-00077-00041823-00042426 gonna talk a little bit more about the bulk extractor software one thing that RLHyGq66G_o-00078-00042426-00042852 may not be initially apparent to users in the big curator environment is that RLHyGq66G_o-00079-00042852-00043308 books the extractor is an independent piece of software that is still under RLHyGq66G_o-00080-00043308-00043725 development in other words it's an earlier version of big creator is likely RLHyGq66G_o-00081-00043725-00044349 to implement an earlier version of bulk extractor the current the curator RLHyGq66G_o-00082-00044349-00044904 release of one point eight point one six uses version one point six point zero RLHyGq66G_o-00083-00044904-00045444 dev of bulk extractor I'm not going to go into all the different release notes RLHyGq66G_o-00084-00045444-00045840 for this latest version but I think it's important to leave you with the fact RLHyGq66G_o-00085-00045840-00046242 that there's incremental improvements to how this particular scanners work and RLHyGq66G_o-00086-00046242-00046626 improvements to the buck extractor viewer if you're interested in learning RLHyGq66G_o-00087-00046626-00047085 more about the latest release of bulk extractor we've got a couple pages of RLHyGq66G_o-00088-00047085-00047525 references at the end of this presentation and one of them is to the RLHyGq66G_o-00089-00047525-00048047 github release notes for one point six and it's interesting also to look at RLHyGq66G_o-00090-00048047-00048600 there's a little bit of a an inkling of a road map for what future improvements RLHyGq66G_o-00091-00048600-00049410 or and/or work is as slated to be done on the bulk extractor software in the RLHyGq66G_o-00092-00049410-00049622 future RLHyGq66G_o-00093-00049984-00050626 I just wanted to just familiarize folks with the this is the bulk of the book RLHyGq66G_o-00094-00050626-00051240 extractor your interface you can actually do everything that you want to RLHyGq66G_o-00095-00051240-00051574 do from the command line but I think it's important to just point this out as RLHyGq66G_o-00096-00051574-00052003 a visual reference for what some of the different how the application actually RLHyGq66G_o-00097-00052003-00052588 works you can see at the top is where you would specify the target for your RLHyGq66G_o-00098-00052588-00053014 data set whether that's a disk image or a directory of files and then there's RLHyGq66G_o-00099-00053014-00053629 some general options box just below that where you would essentially indicate to RLHyGq66G_o-00100-00053629-00054250 use like stop lists or banner files or lurk lists and just underneath that is RLHyGq66G_o-00101-00054250-00054622 some tuning parameters if you wanted to actually tune how the application was RLHyGq66G_o-00102-00054622-00055216 running it scans and off to the right you'll actually see here is your list of RLHyGq66G_o-00103-00055216-00055888 scanners quite an extensive list of different types of scanners and Sandy's RLHyGq66G_o-00104-00055888-00056330 going to talk a little bit more about that forward RLHyGq66G_o-00105-00056500-00057257 so just before I hand it over to Sandy I want to kind of talk a little bit about RLHyGq66G_o-00106-00057257-00057725 how we actually came up with a list of the features that we were interested in RLHyGq66G_o-00107-00057725-00058091 showing the Pocky but in this webinar as I mentioned before we're not currently RLHyGq66G_o-00108-00058091-00059099 using in production but we didn't start off that way we actually started some RLHyGq66G_o-00109-00059099-00059752 analysis by actually throwing real-world collections using bulk extractor as we RLHyGq66G_o-00110-00059752-00060461 were going down down that path we actually had a fair bit of a bit of a RLHyGq66G_o-00111-00060461-00060889 learning curve particularly when we realized that RLHyGq66G_o-00112-00060889-00061366 necessarily working with collections that were known datasets created some RLHyGq66G_o-00113-00061366-00061804 issues so in other words we could run it against a collection and come out like RLHyGq66G_o-00114-00061804-00062294 is that really the results that is that really what's in this so there there RLHyGq66G_o-00115-00062294-00062764 actually is some value when you're starting to use the advanced feature or RLHyGq66G_o-00116-00062764-00063425 we're starting out using datasets that are more round it was one of her RLHyGq66G_o-00117-00063425-00063776 findings that we hope is actually useful for folks that are thinking of using RLHyGq66G_o-00118-00063776-00064179 some of these advanced features going forward RLHyGq66G_o-00119-00064179-00064680 another important note is that some of our collections are actually quite large RLHyGq66G_o-00120-00064680-00065152 so there are definite implications when you're figuring out how you want to RLHyGq66G_o-00121-00065152-00065900 actually apply advanced features collections even though it's designed to RLHyGq66G_o-00122-00065900-00066455 be very efficient application how you're how you select certain advanced features RLHyGq66G_o-00123-00066455-00067022 and how they work in combination is not a trivial does not take a trivial amount RLHyGq66G_o-00124-00067022-00067337 of processing time it's actually can be quite quite extensive on the machine RLHyGq66G_o-00125-00067337-00067697 that you're that you're running it on and Sandy's going to talk a little bit RLHyGq66G_o-00126-00067697-00068432 more about that in the further slides and finally the context for this is I RLHyGq66G_o-00127-00068432-00068924 thought as we've sort of been preparing for this webinar and exploring how we RLHyGq66G_o-00128-00068924-00069287 wanted to use advanced features here at Stanford I've kind of felt like the RLHyGq66G_o-00129-00069287-00069774 Cheshire Cat sort of pointing sandy towards the RLHyGq66G_o-00130-00069774-00070503 a set of the doors or interesting paths for her to explore and thanks Andi for RLHyGq66G_o-00131-00070503-00071175 being being so accommodating as we've been going forward to tried new to new RLHyGq66G_o-00132-00071175-00071505 and different things different features and that sort of thing it's been a RLHyGq66G_o-00133-00071505-00072312 definite and exciting learning explain so sandy would you mind taking over from RLHyGq66G_o-00134-00072312-00073092 here okay great well good morning everyone I want to thank Michael and Sam RLHyGq66G_o-00135-00073092-00073521 for inviting me to be part of this project and I'm gonna move pretty RLHyGq66G_o-00136-00073521-00073857 quickly here through these slides and I've got a lot of information to talk RLHyGq66G_o-00137-00073857-00074583 about and I'm gonna try not to get too technical but you know this is my first RLHyGq66G_o-00138-00074583-00075489 pass using bulk extractor so a lot of this was exploratory for me and you know RLHyGq66G_o-00139-00075489-00076745 what I hope to do today is to is to give you some definitions of some of the RLHyGq66G_o-00140-00076745-00077178 general options that are available in that screenshot that Michael showed RLHyGq66G_o-00141-00077178-00077721 earlier because one of the first things I had to do in approaching this tool was RLHyGq66G_o-00142-00077721-00078330 to say well you know what is a stop list what is a word list what is an alert RLHyGq66G_o-00143-00078330-00078921 list what is this find regex text and how do they all work together how are RLHyGq66G_o-00144-00078921-00079314 they different and then you know then you have to get to the piece of RLHyGq66G_o-00145-00079314-00080007 configuring those to make them run and give you relevant data so I'm going to RLHyGq66G_o-00146-00080007-00080358 quickly run through some definitions of that and then I want to define some of RLHyGq66G_o-00147-00080358-00080721 the requirements because there's technical requirements that you need to RLHyGq66G_o-00148-00080721-00081288 have depending on which general option you're selecting to run and then I'll RLHyGq66G_o-00149-00081288-00081827 take you through a sample run configuration I actually did run through RLHyGq66G_o-00150-00081827-00082464 three different runs with several different data sets and I just picked RLHyGq66G_o-00151-00082464-00083052 one out for the sake of brevity to show you some screenshots and explain what RLHyGq66G_o-00152-00083052-00083702 the results were so that we can have a little bit of discussion about that so RLHyGq66G_o-00153-00083702-00084690 with that the definitions I just took right out of the bulk extractor manual RLHyGq66G_o-00154-00084690-00085104 and this was just for my references I was starting with the tool you know and RLHyGq66G_o-00155-00085104-00085758 essentially the stop list is really kind of a white list you know within your RLHyGq66G_o-00156-00085758-00086072 institutional context if you've determined that there's data that RLHyGq66G_o-00157-00086072-00086793 doesn't need to be processed you can kind of create a stop list to tell your RLHyGq66G_o-00158-00086793-00087588 scanners to ignore that data so it's really helpful also to use that in RLHyGq66G_o-00159-00087588-00088272 combination with an alert list if you have a list of terms that you want to be RLHyGq66G_o-00160-00088272-00089010 able to treat in a very customized way or take further analysis of then an RLHyGq66G_o-00161-00089010-00089643 alert list functions as kind of a read list and then you'll see right in the RLHyGq66G_o-00162-00089643-00090249 middle there the word list is kind of something used for password cracking and RLHyGq66G_o-00163-00090249-00090899 and again this goes to the original intent of you know the forensics RLHyGq66G_o-00164-00090899-00091410 applications that that this tool was designed to use generally in a law RLHyGq66G_o-00165-00091410-00091799 enforcement context so they might be you know interested in getting into RLHyGq66G_o-00166-00091799-00092370 somebody's hard drive or phone and that's where having the tool scan and RLHyGq66G_o-00167-00092370-00092946 create a word list of every known word on the device would be helpful to feed RLHyGq66G_o-00168-00092946-00093444 into a password cracking program and then finally the one that I focused the RLHyGq66G_o-00169-00093444-00093969 most on was the find reg X text file and that's one of the general options in RLHyGq66G_o-00170-00093969-00094950 that bulk extractors general options list and what I did is I took a custom RLHyGq66G_o-00171-00094950-00095628 lexicon file from the epad project here at Stanford and I reformatted it and I RLHyGq66G_o-00172-00095628-00096102 fed it into that that particular scanner engine and let it work with the other RLHyGq66G_o-00173-00096102-00096679 scanners and that had some interesting results so it RLHyGq66G_o-00174-00096679-00097263 was quite a bit of work to actually put all those pieces together but I RLHyGq66G_o-00175-00097263-00097794 eventually did get it and get some results so you know there's some RLHyGq66G_o-00176-00097794-00098508 specific requirements that you need in order to be able to run these general RLHyGq66G_o-00177-00098508-00098976 options with the scanners and here on the left you can see the configuration RLHyGq66G_o-00178-00098976-00099654 for bulk extractor what I did is I had all the default bulk extractor scanners RLHyGq66G_o-00179-00099654-00100423 selected and then under the general option I selected the option to use the RLHyGq66G_o-00180-00100423-00101094 find regular expression text file or you can choose the alert list there in that RLHyGq66G_o-00181-00101094-00101688 section and what's significant to understand about that is that you need RLHyGq66G_o-00182-00101688-00102397 to have that file properly formatted in a way that bulk extractor can use it so RLHyGq66G_o-00183-00102397-00103485 you can use I used the same lexicon file for both the regex text file and alert RLHyGq66G_o-00184-00103485-00104089 list scan that I tested and one of the other things that I discovered is for RLHyGq66G_o-00185-00104089-00104953 the processing bulk extractor could only process the EO 1 AFF or the raw image RLHyGq66G_o-00186-00104953-00105949 formats and now again I'm new but that's what I kind of determined from my RLHyGq66G_o-00187-00105949-00106522 research and using the tool because my initial approaches to the tool was we're RLHyGq66G_o-00188-00106522-00107413 using the ad 1 format from which is a custom format from ftk imager and so RLHyGq66G_o-00189-00107413-00107904 that threw some roadblocks for me and I haven't really found some sample images RLHyGq66G_o-00190-00107904-00108403 online to to use for that and and that sample image reference is actually in RLHyGq66G_o-00191-00108403-00108786 the references section then on the custom lexicon file the way that I had RLHyGq66G_o-00192-00108786-00109225 to format it is I had to put one term per line and I had to make sure that RLHyGq66G_o-00193-00109225-00109710 each line ended in a new line and when I ran it RLHyGq66G_o-00194-00109710-00110299 I didn't make any customizations regarding casein sensitivity I just used RLHyGq66G_o-00195-00110299-00110698 all lowercase I believe where most of the terms in the file but that is RLHyGq66G_o-00196-00110698-00111091 something that needs to be paid attention to is that the tool is case RLHyGq66G_o-00197-00111091-00111739 sensitive so if you have social security in only lowercase letters then it's only RLHyGq66G_o-00198-00111739-00112396 going to identify those terms that match that case which you know is probably not RLHyGq66G_o-00199-00112396-00112852 something you want to do you probably want to account for all of that case RLHyGq66G_o-00200-00112852-00113401 sensitivity when you're scanning a drive so here's the hardware configuration I RLHyGq66G_o-00201-00113401-00114247 did run this on a quad-core laptop and I had 16 gigs of ram winning running RLHyGq66G_o-00202-00114247-00114853 Windows 7 64 bit and I actually ran it within a virtual guest virtual machine RLHyGq66G_o-00203-00114853-00115402 and I think this is significant because the configuration of my a virtual RLHyGq66G_o-00204-00115402-00115741 machine although the hard drive was 32 gigabytes RLHyGq66G_o-00205-00115741-00116259 which was adequate to for some of the collections that I was processing it was RLHyGq66G_o-00206-00116259-00116821 really the the memory space and the guest swap file space I think that's RLHyGq66G_o-00207-00116821-00117550 probably really important if I were to try and scan a larger size collection RLHyGq66G_o-00208-00117550-00118177 the image file that I was using was only I think 500 over 500 megabytes but some RLHyGq66G_o-00209-00118177-00118645 of those image files can get fairly large and that's where paying attention RLHyGq66G_o-00210-00118645-00119109 to the size of your memory space and your swap file size is going to matter RLHyGq66G_o-00211-00119109-00119665 because bulk extractor is designed to be a multi-threaded application and it will RLHyGq66G_o-00212-00119665-00120103 maximize itself with the number of cores and the number of threads that are RLHyGq66G_o-00213-00120103-00120561 available on those cores and it will use all available memory and swap file space RLHyGq66G_o-00214-00120561-00121236 so you know configuring the hardware to kind of maximize the efficiency of the RLHyGq66G_o-00215-00121236-00121917 program is a real important consideration and I was writing this RLHyGq66G_o-00216-00121917-00122779 data to an external USB 3 hard drive that was encrypted with veracrypt so you RLHyGq66G_o-00217-00122779-00123083 know there there were a lot of moving Hardware parts RLHyGq66G_o-00218-00123083-00123626 here and I don't want to get off in to the rest of that but those were all of RLHyGq66G_o-00219-00123626-00124477 the considerations that I had to be aware of as I was toying and monkeying RLHyGq66G_o-00220-00124477-00124735 with well how big is the image that I'm using RLHyGq66G_o-00221-00124735-00125134 well how much Hardware am i throwing at it you know how much throughput am I RLHyGq66G_o-00222-00125134-00125551 going to get with USB 3 where is it going to hang up so these were a lot of RLHyGq66G_o-00223-00125551-00125878 the questions that that were running through my mind as I was I was RLHyGq66G_o-00224-00125878-00126725 approaching this so here you can see the the sample command line structures that RLHyGq66G_o-00225-00126725-00127495 I that I commands that I input and this is all specific to my particular RLHyGq66G_o-00226-00127495-00128130 configuration because you can see here the output destination path says media RLHyGq66G_o-00227-00128130-00129129 veracrypt and that's my local virtual machine path and then the NTFS practice RLHyGq66G_o-00228-00129129-00129835 2017 is the directory that that the image was sitting in but in this case RLHyGq66G_o-00229-00129835-00130705 this is the output directory that I used was find NTFS practice 2017 you can see RLHyGq66G_o-00230-00130705-00131420 that there because I ran several different images or scanners against RLHyGq66G_o-00231-00131420-00131897 this image so I would create different output directories they would be fine RLHyGq66G_o-00232-00131897-00132454 they would be alert you know they would be whatever tool I was working with and RLHyGq66G_o-00233-00132454-00133330 they would be sub directories within the NTFS practice 2017 directory so so then RLHyGq66G_o-00234-00133330-00133990 on the command line you can choose the option switch uppercase F and you give RLHyGq66G_o-00235-00133990-00134795 it the location and the path of that custom lexicon file that you want to use RLHyGq66G_o-00236-00134795-00135782 for your regular expression or or alert list and you can see here I used the e RLHyGq66G_o-00237-00135782-00136402 pad has a faculty lexicon and that's the one that I used it was a I think it's a RLHyGq66G_o-00238-00136402-00136722 42 term lexicon and I chose that for its RLHyGq66G_o-00239-00136722-00137262 brevity because there was a sensitive lexicon that had over 850 terms and I RLHyGq66G_o-00240-00137262-00137712 wasn't quite sure how long it would take to process that but that's that's why I RLHyGq66G_o-00241-00137712-00138230 chose the smaller the smaller file to work with and then of course then you RLHyGq66G_o-00242-00138230-00138975 finally want to input the source that it's supposed to to scan on so here you RLHyGq66G_o-00243-00138975-00140274 can see I used the NTFS practice 2017 go1 image file so next let's see this is RLHyGq66G_o-00244-00140274-00140973 kind of the meat of what I found and and it's pretty significant and the fines RLHyGq66G_o-00245-00140973-00141582 and this is how the fine scanner verses the light grip scanner works and how RLHyGq66G_o-00246-00141582-00142203 bulk extractor is set up is there the newer version and I'm not quite sure RLHyGq66G_o-00247-00142203-00142623 which version has changed in but the newer version includes a scanner called RLHyGq66G_o-00248-00142623-00143366 light grep and it's a significant step up in terms of processing efficiency RLHyGq66G_o-00249-00143366-00143830 from the fine scanner and I've I've noted here and giving you you know a RLHyGq66G_o-00250-00143830-00144390 description of how those efficiencies work and essentially the light grip RLHyGq66G_o-00251-00144390-00144912 scanner what it does is it takes that group of terms that's in that custom RLHyGq66G_o-00252-00144912-00145449 lexicon file and then it grabs a process and chunk from the disk and it looks for RLHyGq66G_o-00253-00145449-00146016 all those terms in that processing chunk and then it just goes through the disk RLHyGq66G_o-00254-00146016-00146820 chunk by chunk looking for terms whereas the find scanner is much less efficient RLHyGq66G_o-00255-00146820-00147380 and it will take one term and it will go through the entire disk image to look RLHyGq66G_o-00256-00147380-00147779 for that one term and it'll take the next term and it'll go through the RLHyGq66G_o-00257-00147779-00148427 entire disk image to look for that term so you can imagine if you have an 853 RLHyGq66G_o-00258-00148427-00149214 term lexicon file that you would go over a single disick disk image 853 times and RLHyGq66G_o-00259-00149214-00149772 that's not very efficient so you know figuring out whether or not the RLHyGq66G_o-00260-00149772-00150174 lightgrip scanner was working or running was my most RLHyGq66G_o-00261-00150174-00150604 important focus here because I'm like well I want to use the most important RLHyGq66G_o-00262-00150604-00151470 engine here so I've included some links to some further detail on the lightgrip RLHyGq66G_o-00263-00151470-00152167 scanner and I also want to note that these scanners work in conjunction with RLHyGq66G_o-00264-00152167-00153176 the custom general options that you use so if I am giving bulk extractor the RLHyGq66G_o-00265-00153176-00153720 custom lexicon file and I'm using that find regex option to point to that RLHyGq66G_o-00266-00153720-00154122 custom lexicon file and I'm saying go out to the disk and find all of these RLHyGq66G_o-00267-00154122-00154752 terms it's going to work in conjunction with the scanners that I've selected on RLHyGq66G_o-00268-00154752-00155942 that image file that Michael showed you of the bulk extractor image it it it RLHyGq66G_o-00269-00155942-00156474 gives you that list of scanners and so I created a slide here to show you there RLHyGq66G_o-00270-00156474-00156927 are differences in the scanners between the bulk extractor versions so if you're RLHyGq66G_o-00271-00156927-00157302 thinking of running this and you want to run the light grep scanner you need to RLHyGq66G_o-00272-00157302-00157989 make sure that you have the 1.6 - dev bulk extractor version because that's RLHyGq66G_o-00273-00157989-00158502 what I was running and that's what had the light grip scanner so I included RLHyGq66G_o-00274-00158502-00159179 this screenshot to show you that on the previous screen shot those scanners were RLHyGq66G_o-00275-00159179-00159677 actually missing and and that's on the right and then on the left you can see RLHyGq66G_o-00276-00159677-00160170 where they're included this screenshot is is from my installation and it shows RLHyGq66G_o-00277-00160170-00160737 some additional scanners that can also be used that I won't get off into the RLHyGq66G_o-00278-00160737-00161105 detail about what those are but essentially making sure that the RLHyGq66G_o-00279-00161105-00161603 lightgrip scanner is installed means that bulk extractor will use the light RLHyGq66G_o-00280-00161603-00162377 grep scanner or engine instead of the fine scanner which is which is what you RLHyGq66G_o-00281-00162377-00163414 want so here's the results or the start of the scanning RLHyGq66G_o-00282-00163414-00163813 that I did and one of the things I was concerned about was you know how am I RLHyGq66G_o-00283-00163813-00164479 going to know if my CPU is overheating or my CPU is is is maxed out is it going RLHyGq66G_o-00284-00164479-00164938 to hang you know am I going to run into problems I had to keep an eye on what RLHyGq66G_o-00285-00164938-00165484 was going on with my hardware and so I installed a program called open hardware RLHyGq66G_o-00286-00165484-00165910 monitor and as you can see here I was closely paying attention to my RLHyGq66G_o-00287-00165910-00166621 temperatures and how much of a load my CPU was running at and um you know how RLHyGq66G_o-00288-00166621-00167125 how much further I thought that the process could go and making sure that RLHyGq66G_o-00289-00167125-00167595 that it wasn't getting hung up or overheating anywhere RLHyGq66G_o-00290-00167863-00168679 so here the finish of the run it'll only took 12 minutes to run through the hard RLHyGq66G_o-00291-00168679-00169215 drive but it was really confusing because it says that it only processed RLHyGq66G_o-00292-00169215-00170005 272 megabytes of 524 megabytes source image so I'm not quite sure what RLHyGq66G_o-00293-00170005-00170494 happened there didn't have a chance to go back and kind of examine those RLHyGq66G_o-00294-00170494-00171067 results and see why that happened what it was processing what it wasn't but I RLHyGq66G_o-00295-00171067-00171499 wanted to present that and let you know that that was the first thing that I RLHyGq66G_o-00296-00171499-00172180 looked at you know this was the feedback that the bulk extractor run gave me by RLHyGq66G_o-00297-00172180-00172870 running those default scanners against the faculty lexicon using that use find RLHyGq66G_o-00298-00172870-00173935 regular expression option within bulk extractor so I also ran an alert feature RLHyGq66G_o-00299-00173935-00174730 file scan and it only returned one term using that same faculty lexicon and RLHyGq66G_o-00300-00174730-00175222 again I didn't have an opportunity to explore that and understand why that RLHyGq66G_o-00301-00175222-00175972 happened and I believe it is context sensitive but I need to spend some more RLHyGq66G_o-00302-00175972-00176617 time understanding why the why that happened and understanding how RLHyGq66G_o-00303-00176617-00177486 that that particular piece of of the tool works so here are the results RLHyGq66G_o-00304-00177486-00178360 between the find and the light grep tool engine if you will and what you can see RLHyGq66G_o-00305-00178360-00179251 here is that the term service actually had two different results and one more RLHyGq66G_o-00306-00179251-00179923 time I didn't have an opportunity to spend time figuring out why that did my RLHyGq66G_o-00307-00179923-00180472 first initial question was you know it was were these engines treating the RLHyGq66G_o-00308-00180472-00181210 encoding differently were these two terms located within the disk image RLHyGq66G_o-00309-00181210-00182209 where they encoded utf-8 or utf-16 or some other format that that you know RLHyGq66G_o-00310-00182209-00182656 caused it to treat it differently and counted or not count it that's was a RLHyGq66G_o-00311-00182656-00183064 little bit more time would require a little bit more time than I had for this RLHyGq66G_o-00312-00183064-00184272 project so so with that I just want to turn it back over to Sam and Michael and RLHyGq66G_o-00313-00184272-00185206 open it up for questions and you know hopefully I didn't overwhelm you with RLHyGq66G_o-00314-00185206-00185851 technical information but it was quite technical what I was trying to do so I RLHyGq66G_o-00315-00185851-00186465 hope that that this was useful for you thank you RLHyGq66G_o-00316-00186876-00187501 great thanks so much sandy and Michael that was really helpful I hope I hope RLHyGq66G_o-00317-00187501-00188029 for the people on the call especially those that maybe you're just getting RLHyGq66G_o-00318-00188029-00188389 started with poke extractor or maybe use it a couple times that maybe was a RLHyGq66G_o-00319-00188389-00188836 little more deeper bit of information I thought it was particularly helpful RLHyGq66G_o-00320-00188836-00189608 sandy to to your decision to be monitoring Hardware while RLHyGq66G_o-00321-00189608-00190214 the tool is running I think for you know either for virtual setups or even those RLHyGq66G_o-00322-00190214-00191051 folks that are running it on you know a dedicated abuti Linux install especially RLHyGq66G_o-00323-00191051-00191558 for probably larger larger data sets being able to get some sort of window RLHyGq66G_o-00324-00191558-00192008 into what's happening with the hardware what tools processing will probably you RLHyGq66G_o-00325-00192008-00192461 know provide some useful benchmarks going forward so that for me was RLHyGq66G_o-00326-00192461-00193157 particularly useful helpful but enough about me let's open it up for for RLHyGq66G_o-00327-00193157-00193730 questions from from other folks either for for Sandy or Michael in terms of RLHyGq66G_o-00328-00193730-00194150 what they just went over anybody got anything burning either in the chat or RLHyGq66G_o-00329-00194150-00194545 just on your mics RLHyGq66G_o-00330-00195316-00195920 hey this Walker Oh somebody typed in as well RLHyGq66G_o-00331-00196010-00196841 go for Walker okay all right I just wanted to ask Michael you had RLHyGq66G_o-00332-00196841-00197819 mentioned kind of trying to track our organized Bowl constructor outputs to RLHyGq66G_o-00333-00197819-00198779 your existing security ité sort of security classifications yes but we've RLHyGq66G_o-00334-00198779-00199265 got something similar here and I was just curious if if you all have worked RLHyGq66G_o-00335-00199265-00200117 directly with with your IT on this to see if what they think of bowl RLHyGq66G_o-00336-00200117-00200852 constructor as a tool that could align outputs to those categories are if RLHyGq66G_o-00337-00200852-00201486 anybody from from the IT team has sort of given their take on the on the RLHyGq66G_o-00338-00201486-00202328 bulkheads director tool in general it's my mic on can everyone hear me yep yeah RLHyGq66G_o-00339-00202328-00202575 great yeah no that's a really good question RLHyGq66G_o-00340-00202575-00203199 Walker actually what's interesting is is we've actually got a there's an effort RLHyGq66G_o-00341-00203199-00203552 at Stanford right now where they've created a tiger team at the Internet RLHyGq66G_o-00342-00203552-00204144 Security office of which I've joined and we have just started those discussions RLHyGq66G_o-00343-00204144-00204565 of whether or not bulk extractor is a tool that that could potentially be used RLHyGq66G_o-00344-00204565-00205163 I think one of the one of the interesting one of the really RLHyGq66G_o-00345-00205163-00205460 interesting things that I've come across and I was tempted to actually put in a RLHyGq66G_o-00346-00205460-00206117 slide to this effect was what are our ISO office is currently using his RLHyGq66G_o-00347-00206117-00206873 identity finder and I'm really struck actually using that particular piece of RLHyGq66G_o-00348-00206873-00207419 software versus using bulk extractor just how customizable block extractor is RLHyGq66G_o-00349-00207419-00208128 and how flexible and that's really useful in some respects it's also a real RLHyGq66G_o-00350-00208128-00208592 challenge as well as we've uncovered with some of these runs that sandy has RLHyGq66G_o-00351-00208592-00209202 been has been doing for us just the number of features and customizable and RLHyGq66G_o-00352-00209202-00209514 Inter into how the different features work RLHyGq66G_o-00353-00209514-00210261 together makes it a bit of a challenge so what I I'm actually fairly hopeful RLHyGq66G_o-00354-00210261-00210831 but once again I really think that we need to get a better grab group better RLHyGq66G_o-00355-00210831-00211363 better understanding of some of these radicals and what's causing them and RLHyGq66G_o-00356-00211363-00211806 actually a little bit more figure out how the tool is is actually generating RLHyGq66G_o-00357-00211806-00212590 the results that it is yeah this is this is Callie at UNC I just RLHyGq66G_o-00358-00212590-00212934 wanted to point out we had similar experience at UNC we also use identity RLHyGq66G_o-00359-00212934-00213386 finder and I think one of the things is the question of whether the institution RLHyGq66G_o-00360-00213386-00214002 values consistency over efficiency right because running bulk extractor against RLHyGq66G_o-00361-00214002-00214353 files just anecdotally on my own machine because I also had to write identity RLHyGq66G_o-00362-00214353-00214915 finder it was both more effective and profoundly faster but part of that was RLHyGq66G_o-00363-00214915-00215307 because the way identity finder has been rolled out in our university allows us RLHyGq66G_o-00364-00215307-00215661 to not change any of the options they wanted to be consistently run on RLHyGq66G_o-00365-00215661-00216088 everybody's machines right and so you know it could very well be that some RLHyGq66G_o-00366-00216088-00216429 institutions simply don't want that kind of flexibility when it comes to running RLHyGq66G_o-00367-00216429-00216841 across all the machines and they're in their enterprise because they wanted to RLHyGq66G_o-00368-00216841-00217161 just they want to have a reportable result that they know was run with the RLHyGq66G_o-00369-00217161-00217591 exact same configuration so essentially like if all the options are grayed out RLHyGq66G_o-00370-00217591-00217920 to you and identify identity finder and it just runs the defaults it's RLHyGq66G_o-00371-00217920-00218269 incredibly inefficient but that's kind of what a lot of institutions probably RLHyGq66G_o-00372-00218269-00218486 want RLHyGq66G_o-00373-00219433-00219911 so I'll just throw Tim's question there unless Tim you want to shout it out and RLHyGq66G_o-00374-00219911-00220709 maybe you're not able to in your current audio situation but Tim's question was RLHyGq66G_o-00375-00220709-00221261 about you know recognizing the you guys aren't using in production but just any RLHyGq66G_o-00376-00221261-00222219 sort of plans for what will happen when you do identify some pis or what may RLHyGq66G_o-00377-00222219-00222635 what are some next steps in your your workflow or your process or what you're RLHyGq66G_o-00378-00222635-00223325 considering is next steps yeah I think we need to we actually need to figure RLHyGq66G_o-00379-00223325-00223958 out we need to present some of these some of these results with known RLHyGq66G_o-00380-00223958-00224567 collections to our digital archivists and our head of manuscripts and actually RLHyGq66G_o-00381-00224567-00224969 verify that you know these are things that they really want to know and the RLHyGq66G_o-00382-00224969-00225503 level of detail is appropriate as you can see when you actually look at some RLHyGq66G_o-00383-00225503-00225992 of the results they can be a little bit overwhelming so we want to verify that RLHyGq66G_o-00384-00225992-00226352 first and number one you know is there certain configurations that we're RLHyGq66G_o-00385-00226352-00227091 running a certain alerts and/or scanners that that that are more useful than RLHyGq66G_o-00386-00227091-00227678 others that we would want to run against a bulk a bulk number of collections my RLHyGq66G_o-00387-00227678-00228144 particular goal in this is to actually generate audit reports once we figure RLHyGq66G_o-00388-00228144-00228605 out what these basic sets of scans that we want to run would be to have it RLHyGq66G_o-00389-00228605-00229133 actually run against everything and generate audit reports it's another RLHyGq66G_o-00390-00229133-00229559 question that we haven't talked about yet is what do you do when you get all RLHyGq66G_o-00391-00229559-00230054 these results ultimately you know there's there's got to be some sort of RLHyGq66G_o-00392-00230054-00230603 human process to be able to do an evaluation of what those results are but RLHyGq66G_o-00393-00230603-00231048 I still think there's really value in being able to come up with a set of RLHyGq66G_o-00394-00231048-00231669 scans that you would want to run against everything and then have that that audit RLHyGq66G_o-00395-00231669-00232448 trail in existence there's value in that so I hope that answers your question RLHyGq66G_o-00396-00232728-00233586 other questions or feedback or responses RLHyGq66G_o-00397-00234558-00235192 so one other one of there just to kind of circle back to that that question one RLHyGq66G_o-00398-00235192-00235946 of the things that at least my goal is to get away from is to we're a little RLHyGq66G_o-00399-00235946-00236233 bit piecemeal and how we're running these scans right now and I think that's RLHyGq66G_o-00400-00236233-00236892 why I actually am hopeful that we'll be able to create kind of some default RLHyGq66G_o-00401-00236892-00237417 configurations and scans that we run against everything rather than having to RLHyGq66G_o-00402-00237417-00238042 turn our digital archivist loose that he scanned this did he not scan that want RLHyGq66G_o-00403-00238042-00238426 to kind of get away from that and try to use some automated processes to leverage RLHyGq66G_o-00404-00238426-00239080 the flexibility of the tool but also to get some of the manual efforts out of RLHyGq66G_o-00405-00239080-00239557 the out of the loop if at all possible because I could pick and see great value RLHyGq66G_o-00406-00239557-00240017 and scripting it and just everything that's loaded on a particular file store RLHyGq66G_o-00407-00240017-00240394 would be automatically scanned in the background that would be really really RLHyGq66G_o-00408-00240394-00241231 useful yeah that makes a lot of sense I guess I have a question for those on the RLHyGq66G_o-00409-00241231-00241865 call it'd be it'd be interesting to hear just just sort of discussion purposes if RLHyGq66G_o-00410-00241865-00242419 anybody else is already either experimented with using you know alert RLHyGq66G_o-00411-00242419-00243196 lists or stop lists or even some regular expression formations and if you know RLHyGq66G_o-00412-00243196-00243614 even if you've just an ending trial cases if you run into some of the same RLHyGq66G_o-00413-00243614-00244388 issues that sandy did or if you know any I guess anything to add on on other RLHyGq66G_o-00414-00244388-00244696 other experiences in this regard and maybe you're on this call because you RLHyGq66G_o-00415-00244696-00245066 haven't this webinar because you haven't done that but just just curious to hear RLHyGq66G_o-00416-00245066-00245685 if anybody's had and think they'd like to to share on their experience RLHyGq66G_o-00417-00245851-00246057 you RLHyGq66G_o-00418-00246226-00246432 you RLHyGq66G_o-00419-00247739-00248194 so Tim puts in the chat maybe you'll see those Easy's rather regular expressions RLHyGq66G_o-00420-00248194-00248735 to find Canadian Social Insurance numbers and Tim was that because the RLHyGq66G_o-00421-00248735-00248939 default yeah the default scanner was just RLHyGq66G_o-00422-00248939-00250354 looking for the US based what syntax for Social Security numbers interesting RLHyGq66G_o-00423-00250596-00251317 default sort of parameters right right different numbers in different places RLHyGq66G_o-00424-00251317-00252362 you know I actually had a question for Tim I as part of this whole process I RLHyGq66G_o-00425-00252362-00253069 actually installed and ran Tim Walsh with CCA tools just as an exercise and I RLHyGq66G_o-00426-00253069-00253987 was interested in figuring out how to plug in the custom regex RLHyGq66G_o-00427-00253987-00254813 usage the custom lexicon with the CCA tools have have you done that Tim do you RLHyGq66G_o-00428-00254813-00256094 do that yeah chance of Tim oh he said ok ok all right well because I do you think RLHyGq66G_o-00429-00256094-00256496 it would be possible to do that I haven't explored but I'm not opposed to RLHyGq66G_o-00430-00256496-00256828 figuring it out ok great RLHyGq66G_o-00431-00256891-00257330 yeah I'm interested in looking at that and figuring out how to do that because RLHyGq66G_o-00432-00257330-00257765 making those custom lexicons are part of that that default scan and CCA tools RLHyGq66G_o-00433-00257765-00258284 would be really really kind of cool adding some extra command-line options RLHyGq66G_o-00434-00258284-00259579 right right finding the right place to stick that in yep thanks Tim awesome RLHyGq66G_o-00435-00259579-00260015 cool ok project ideas spinning of goal webinar RLHyGq66G_o-00436-00260015-00260828 reached now this is just many other goals were reached as well by other RLHyGq66G_o-00437-00260828-00261355 other thoughts questions feedback RLHyGq66G_o-00438-00261379-00261727 harebrained ideas RLHyGq66G_o-00439-00261823-00262503 you Jenny buddy learn anything new you can RLHyGq66G_o-00440-00262503-00263115 just raise your hand you could do that useless no people raise some hands RLHyGq66G_o-00441-00263115-00263601 Walker raise his hand I actually have one more question Sam this is sheriff RLHyGq66G_o-00442-00263601-00264720 yes go for it so I know that in the past you guys over at Stanford have used ftk RLHyGq66G_o-00443-00264720-00265269 and your workflows there and I don't know if that's still kind of you know RLHyGq66G_o-00444-00265269-00265671 one of the main how prominently about that factors into your workflows RLHyGq66G_o-00445-00265671-00266565 currently but I'm wondering if you guys have any thoughts about either kind of RLHyGq66G_o-00446-00266565-00267090 bulk extractor versus ftk maybe advantages you see you already talked RLHyGq66G_o-00447-00267090-00267561 about some of the advantages over identity finder in particular but I RLHyGq66G_o-00448-00267561-00268142 guess if you just if you have any thoughts about how you might use this RLHyGq66G_o-00449-00268142-00268989 instead of in tandem with etc FTK yeah this is this is Michael that's a really RLHyGq66G_o-00450-00268989-00269403 good question sure I think one of the things that we've actually discovered RLHyGq66G_o-00451-00269403-00270018 when Sandy and I were really trying to kind of run this against real-world RLHyGq66G_o-00452-00270018-00270708 collections as we realized that we have not been as consistent as perhaps we RLHyGq66G_o-00453-00270708-00271266 should have been on what tools we used and what what types of disk images we've RLHyGq66G_o-00454-00271266-00271760 been generating which is a little bit concerning particularly when we ran into RLHyGq66G_o-00455-00271760-00272409 the issue with the 81 I think that that's one thing that that's one of RLHyGq66G_o-00456-00272409-00272820 recently our were in the process of hiring a new digital archivists to kind RLHyGq66G_o-00457-00272820-00273171 of help Peter Chan out and I think one of the hopes that we have is that we can RLHyGq66G_o-00458-00273171-00273657 actually systematize the tools we're using and how we're using them and RLHyGq66G_o-00459-00273657-00274218 document that a lot better just because there are inconsistencies that the crop RLHyGq66G_o-00460-00274218-00274989 up depending on what tool you're using I mean ftk imager I understand why why RLHyGq66G_o-00461-00274989-00275307 some folks really like it and it's just but it's RLHyGq66G_o-00462-00275307-00275694 one more tool in the toolbox and if you're gonna use any sort of tool you RLHyGq66G_o-00463-00275694-00276147 need to document what you're using it and and what your outputs are because RLHyGq66G_o-00464-00276147-00276636 you might have to go back at some point hope not but these this can in RLHyGq66G_o-00465-00276636-00277313 consistencies with the eighty ones that we've been generating are concerning so RLHyGq66G_o-00466-00277400-00277663 I hope that's useful RLHyGq66G_o-00467-00277893-00279344 yeah definitely Thanks so in other words don't do what we did lessons learned RLHyGq66G_o-00468-00279698-00280284 any other questions discussion ideas RLHyGq66G_o-00469-00280576-00281286 I've gotten one Sam that kind of came out of this sort of out of the this RLHyGq66G_o-00470-00281286-00281599 investigation kind of work that that sandy in particular and I have been RLHyGq66G_o-00471-00281599-00282402 working on I I think that there's definitely a greater need out there for RLHyGq66G_o-00472-00282402-00282804 and and maybe this is already happening and we're just not plugged into the RLHyGq66G_o-00473-00282804-00283383 right channel but you know whether it's a kind of a working group or a group of RLHyGq66G_o-00474-00283383-00283907 people that that are really kind of running RLHyGq66G_o-00475-00283907-00284309 are discussing sort of these outputs and these issues that come out these little RLHyGq66G_o-00476-00284309-00284879 rabbit holes and inconsistencies I think there's it would be useful to RLHyGq66G_o-00477-00284879-00285251 have more than just one institution kind of exploring and playing with those RLHyGq66G_o-00478-00285251-00285695 sorts of things I know everyone's super busy but it's just an idea that that's RLHyGq66G_o-00479-00285695-00286190 kind of popped up based on what happened RLHyGq66G_o-00480-00286399-00286719 now it's a a great a great point Michael and I RLHyGq66G_o-00481-00286719-00287106 think getting into Tim's first question about sort of you know when you find PII RLHyGq66G_o-00482-00287106-00287559 ID and then what do you do I mean I think that's also just you know what RLHyGq66G_o-00483-00287559-00288096 when you find these these questions that come up in the results what are what are RLHyGq66G_o-00484-00288096-00288975 the the next steps in terms of you know for either further investigations or RLHyGq66G_o-00485-00288975-00289521 making a decision around the resources needed for that additional investigation RLHyGq66G_o-00486-00289521-00290214 so making a sort of cost-benefit analysis I think that's a topic that RLHyGq66G_o-00487-00290214-00290911 would be really worthwhile for a working group you know either within the VCC or RLHyGq66G_o-00488-00290911-00291708 collaboration with other groups yeah I'd be great to - you know maybe bring this RLHyGq66G_o-00489-00291708-00292488 to a monthly call as a topic I think we could sort of extend that into that RLHyGq66G_o-00490-00292488-00293292 forum to see what others others might have insights about you know or just you RLHyGq66G_o-00491-00293292-00293688 know find a way to start you know figuring out a way to sort of share some RLHyGq66G_o-00492-00293688-00294147 of these these outputs in a way that people are comfortable with to maybe get RLHyGq66G_o-00493-00294147-00294678 some other eyes on or at least just sort of start to characterize some of these RLHyGq66G_o-00494-00294678-00295284 scenarios so yeah I think it's good idea maybe if there's others that are RLHyGq66G_o-00495-00295284-00295578 interested we could again sort of think about bringing this at least - and what RLHyGq66G_o-00496-00295578-00295979 they call it at least continue to discussion RLHyGq66G_o-00497-00296202-00296955 I I had a question I am you know in going through all of this with Michael RLHyGq66G_o-00498-00296955-00297576 and and raising that's the topic of well when you create a disk image would you RLHyGq66G_o-00499-00297576-00298203 know with how do you choose which format to use on the FAQ is on the curator RLHyGq66G_o-00500-00298203-00298632 website I noticed that there was a mention that the advanced forensics RLHyGq66G_o-00501-00298632-00299277 format had an issue with NTFS partitioned and partitions and scanning RLHyGq66G_o-00502-00299277-00299709 them and there were known issues with that and I don't know how current that RLHyGq66G_o-00503-00299709-00300153 information was and I wanted to know if there was any resources that somebody RLHyGq66G_o-00504-00300153-00300849 could point me to that maybe had some more current information regarding the RLHyGq66G_o-00505-00300849-00301485 advanced forensics format in bulk extractor so this is this is Callaghan RLHyGq66G_o-00506-00301485-00301947 essentially AFF which was first initiated by something Garfinkel and RLHyGq66G_o-00507-00301947-00302451 then picked up by some colleagues several years ago was essentially just RLHyGq66G_o-00508-00302451-00302775 abandoned very publicly some say Garfinkel made a statement that people RLHyGq66G_o-00509-00302775-00303198 should it should be deprecated and people shouldn't use it anymore because RLHyGq66G_o-00510-00303198-00303756 the notion was that the expert witness format had been reverse-engineered and RLHyGq66G_o-00511-00303756-00304176 there was free software out there to parse it and deal with it so essentially RLHyGq66G_o-00512-00304176-00304587 the you know any future trajectory of hoping that things get addressed with RLHyGq66G_o-00513-00304587-00305097 AFF that haven't already been addressed are essentially in the ff4 initiative RLHyGq66G_o-00514-00305097-00305532 which is still ongoing which is to essentially have this next generation RLHyGq66G_o-00515-00305532-00306015 AFF format on the future of it is still a bit uncertain they regularly report on RLHyGq66G_o-00516-00306015-00306639 it at the research conferences but you know it was kind of a painful process RLHyGq66G_o-00517-00306639-00306966 for us because for a lot of philosophical reasons we wanted to RLHyGq66G_o-00518-00306966-00307313 advocate for AFF when we were off teaching people about these things but RLHyGq66G_o-00519-00307313-00307743 when essentially the people behind the primary open-source tools that we rely RLHyGq66G_o-00520-00307743-00308109 on decide that they're just not going to support it anymore RLHyGq66G_o-00521-00308109-00308460 we really didn't have much choice but to essentially let people know that RLHyGq66G_o-00522-00308460-00308979 probably either raw or expert witness format was the right choice it doesn't RLHyGq66G_o-00523-00308979-00309303 mean that anybody who chose AFF is in such a terrible position because you RLHyGq66G_o-00524-00309303-00309549 could always either convert that AFF given the RLHyGq66G_o-00525-00309549-00310044 available libraries either text for witness format or too raw but RLHyGq66G_o-00526-00310044-00310500 essentially it's kind of a lost cause to hope for additional efforts to address RLHyGq66G_o-00527-00310500-00310944 existing limitations of AFF itself because it's not being actively RLHyGq66G_o-00528-00310944-00311663 developed okay thank you RLHyGq66G_o-00529-00312263-00312786 so at this point we got just a few minutes left so I guess I'll just make RLHyGq66G_o-00530-00312786-00313266 another call for for any any last questions for for Sandy or Michael RLHyGq66G_o-00531-00313266-00314306 before we close or for anybody else like this okay RLHyGq66G_o-00532-00314306-00314969 well then please join me and again and thanking Michael and Sandee for what RLHyGq66G_o-00533-00314969-00315686 clearly is know taking a good a good amount of effort to both conduct these RLHyGq66G_o-00534-00315686-00316436 investigations and then put together a really excellent overview instead of RLHyGq66G_o-00535-00316436-00316934 topics I think a lot of people are exploring these issues maybe you guys RLHyGq66G_o-00536-00316934-00317585 are just a little further along so if this helps spur other folks maybe to RLHyGq66G_o-00537-00317585-00318143 take take the dive themselves and I think I think that's a super super RLHyGq66G_o-00538-00318143-00318853 outcome and yeah I'm gonna pick up these ideas around continue to discussion on RLHyGq66G_o-00539-00318853-00319619 next steps and we'll take things from there so thanks again to everybody and RLHyGq66G_o-00540-00319619-00320051 hope everybody has a nice weekend thanks everyone RLHyGq66G_o-00541-00320051-00320506 great thank you hey Carol RO7qWLijvBo-00000-00002078-00002664 Hello, I'm Brian Ferrill and welcome to PACE I T’s session on display devices. RO7qWLijvBo-00001-00002686-00003274 We’re going to be talking about pixels and lumens, we’re going to be talking about analog and RO7qWLijvBo-00002-00003275-00003817 digital displays, and then we are going to talk about types of display devices. RO7qWLijvBo-00003-00003861-00004314 There's a whole bunch of material to cover, so let's go ahead and get started. RO7qWLijvBo-00004-00004388-00005056 So, let's start with pixels and lumens. I'm sorry, this is about pixels not pixies. RO7qWLijvBo-00005-00005090-00005790 Now pixels is a word that’s made up out of picture elements, and it represents a basic programmable RO7qWLijvBo-00006-00005790-00006415 unit of color on a display device or a computer image. In the modern display device, the pixel RO7qWLijvBo-00007-00006415-00007170 is a 24-bit block that is composed of one-byte units of red, blue, and green—RGB. RO7qWLijvBo-00008-00007206-00007875 All the colors of the spectrum are composed by combining various intensities, byte values, of the color RO7qWLijvBo-00009-00007875-00008415 components. The pixels are combined, and the image is formed. The more pixels that are RO7qWLijvBo-00010-00008415-00009022 present, the sharper the resolution. Now, resolution is a method of establishing how RO7qWLijvBo-00011-00009022-00009676 many pixels wide and tall an image is, which has an effect on the sharpness of the image. RO7qWLijvBo-00012-00009700-00010228 Pixels are logical in nature, which means that their size is not a set standard. RO7qWLijvBo-00013-00010240-00010864 In most cases, you the user, can’t determine the resolution of the display. RO7qWLijvBo-00014-00010865-00011490 Now, let's move on to lumens. Lumens are one measurement of light output, or brightness. RO7qWLijvBo-00015-00011490-00011892 The more lumens that are present, the more light that is output. RO7qWLijvBo-00016-00011908-00012658 Some display devices are rated for more lumens than others, which can have an impact on where they are deployed. RO7qWLijvBo-00017-00012680-00013222 For instance, a display device that doesn't have a very high lumen count will not perform RO7qWLijvBo-00018-00013222-00013693 very well in a situation where there is bright ambient lighting. RO7qWLijvBo-00019-00013726-00014486 Now, let's move onto analog versus digital displays. So, let's begin with analog type displays. RO7qWLijvBo-00020-00014490-00015141 An image is created digitally inside the PC and delivered to the graphics device, RO7qWLijvBo-00021-00015143-00015773 the graphics card, or the onboard PC graphics. The graphics device converts the image from RO7qWLijvBo-00022-00015773-00016487 its native digital format into a modulated electrical current format that’s analog—that RO7qWLijvBo-00023-00016487-00017137 is then delivered to the display. The display uses that analog format to represent the image RO7qWLijvBo-00024-00017137-00017819 on the screen. Analog screens tend to be slower in processing images on the screen. RO7qWLijvBo-00025-00017832-00018652 Now, many digital displays can receive an analog signal, which they then convert back into a digital format. RO7qWLijvBo-00026-00018688-00019004 Now, let's talk about digital. A digital image RO7qWLijvBo-00027-00019004-00019684 is created and delivered to the graphics device. The graphics device transmits the image to RO7qWLijvBo-00028-00019684-00020301 the display device in its native digital format. The display device receives the digital image RO7qWLijvBo-00029-00020301-00021071 and represents it on the screen. It is the newer standard and tends to be faster than analog. RO7qWLijvBo-00030-00021118-00021408 Now, let's move on to types of displays. RO7qWLijvBo-00031-00021430-00022207 And we start with the CRT, the cathode ray tube. Now, this is an older standard. A CRT monitor RO7qWLijvBo-00032-00022207-00022991 uses a combination of a vacuum tube, an electron gun, and a fluorescent screen. It is analog RO7qWLijvBo-00033-00022991-00023751 in nature. The electron gun excites the individual pixels on the fluorescent screen, which then RO7qWLijvBo-00034-00023751-00024333 light up and present the image. Each line on the screen needs to be refreshed, because RO7qWLijvBo-00035-00024333-00024902 the screen doesn't hold the electrical charge. The rate at which this is done is called the RO7qWLijvBo-00036-00024902-00025592 refresh rate. Too low of a refresh rate will cause the screen to flicker and cause eye fatigue. RO7qWLijvBo-00037-00025618-00026220 Now, CRT monitors tend to have very good color representation, and it’s easy RO7qWLijvBo-00038-00026220-00026611 to adjust the resolution and get a good sharp image. RO7qWLijvBo-00039-00026611-00027326 Now, let's talk about projectors. With projectors, the output from the PC is sent to the projector, RO7qWLijvBo-00040-00027326-00028056 which then transmits the image to a screen or wall. Now, projectors can either be analog or digital. RO7qWLijvBo-00041-00028092-00028560 The amount of lumens that the projector is rated for is important, as it RO7qWLijvBo-00042-00028560-00029138 will affect the amount of ambient light that can be present and still allow for the projected RO7qWLijvBo-00043-00029138-00029704 image to be seen easily. Now, let's talk about the LCD display, the RO7qWLijvBo-00044-00029704-00030313 liquid crystal display. Now, this is a type of flat panel monitor that uses an arrangement RO7qWLijvBo-00045-00030313-00030841 of liquid crystals and a fluorescent backlight to place an image on the screen. RO7qWLijvBo-00046-00030864-00031508 The liquid crystals are sandwiched between layers of glass and make up the screen that you see. RO7qWLijvBo-00047-00031508-00032108 An electrical current is used to change the alignment of the crystals which then refract RO7qWLijvBo-00048-00032108-00032714 the fluorescent backlight, giving us the color image. The liquid crystals do not emit any RO7qWLijvBo-00049-00032714-00033299 light by themselves. The light we see is actually coming from the fluorescent backlight. RO7qWLijvBo-00050-00033322-00033818 Because of this, LCDs do not do very well in bright environments. RO7qWLijvBo-00051-00033850-00034626 LCDs are a digital technology. LCDs do have a native resolution for the screen that is RO7qWLijvBo-00052-00034626-00035271 a pixel count that produces the best image. You can change the resolution, but you run RO7qWLijvBo-00053-00035271-00035954 the risk of distorting the image. With an LCD, the whole screen gets refreshed simultaneously, RO7qWLijvBo-00054-00035954-00036750 not line by line. LCDs are faster and consume less electricity than CRTs, but the color RO7qWLijvBo-00055-00036750-00037478 representation is not as good as the CRT. Now, let's talk about LED displays, RO7qWLijvBo-00056-00037504-00038264 that’s a light-emitting diode. LED displays operate exactly the same as LCD displays, except for RO7qWLijvBo-00057-00038265-00038911 one item. The LCD’s fluorescent backlight is replaced with an LED backlight. Other than RO7qWLijvBo-00058-00038911-00039470 that, they're exactly the same. Now, let’s talk plasma displays. Now plasma RO7qWLijvBo-00059-00039470-00040159 is a flat panel display technology that uses fluorescent cells contained in the screen; RO7qWLijvBo-00060-00040159-00040786 there's millions of them. An electrical charge is used to excite the cells and causes them RO7qWLijvBo-00061-00040786-00041504 to fluoresce in different colors, which causes the image to appear on the screen. This technology RO7qWLijvBo-00062-00041504-00042280 does not require the use of a backlight. Plasma displays work okay in brighter ambient light levels. RO7qWLijvBo-00063-00042304-00042934 It is also a digital technology. The plasma display does have a native resolution. RO7qWLijvBo-00064-00042934-00043658 Now, it does require higher voltages than the LCD or LED monitor. It also tends to be RO7qWLijvBo-00065-00043658-00044422 more expensive than LCD and LED monitors, but it also produces much better color than those two. RO7qWLijvBo-00066-00044442-00044894 It actually produces color on par or better than the CRT. RO7qWLijvBo-00067-00044896-00045560 Now, let's move on to OLED monitors, that's organic light-emitting diode monitors. RO7qWLijvBo-00068-00045566-00046472 Now, this is an emerging display monitor technology, OLED is closer to LCD/LED technology than RO7qWLijvBo-00069-00046473-00047086 it is to plasma technology. Instead of liquid crystals, the screen is composed of diodes RO7qWLijvBo-00070-00047086-00047660 that are sandwiched between thin layers of glass. An electrical charge is used to light RO7qWLijvBo-00071-00047660-00048390 up the diodes, which then place the image on the screen. OLED displays are thinner, RO7qWLijvBo-00072-00048390-00049013 lighter, and consume less energy than any other type of display. Except for the cell RO7qWLijvBo-00073-00049013-00049635 phone market, organic light emitting diode display technology has not spread very far, RO7qWLijvBo-00074-00049635-00050346 because of the cost of creating the monitor. The yield for the displays is very low, so RO7qWLijvBo-00075-00050346-00050678 they are difficult to make, which drives up the cost. RO7qWLijvBo-00076-00050678-00051425 Now, that concludes this session on display devices. We talked about pixels and lumens, RO7qWLijvBo-00077-00051425-00051841 we talked about the difference between analog and digital displays, RO7qWLijvBo-00078-00051858-00052167 and then we talked about various types of displays. RO7qWLijvBo-00079-00052194-00052596 Now, on behalf of PACE I T, thank you for watching this session RO7qWLijvBo-00080-00052611-00052890 and I look forward to doing another one soon. RP8DbAczNrQ-00000-00000600-00002485 (Image: ) Cara Kilbey has welcomed her second child just days after Christmas. The former TOWIE star took to today to reveal that her baby boy had been born - and to reveal his unique name. RP8DbAczNrQ-00001-00002635-00004232 Hunter James Harris was born today, weighing 8lb 9oz. He's Cara and boyfriend Daniel Harris' second child and a little brother for Penelope. RP8DbAczNrQ-00002-00004382-00006000 The reality beauty announced the happy news by sharing a sweet picture of Hunter's legs as he lay on a white blanket that was trimmed with blue and decorated with a blue ribbon tied in a bow. RP8DbAczNrQ-00003-00006150-00007636 'LOVE the name! Congratulations,' one fan told her. And another said: 'Congratulations. And fabulous name' RP8DbAczNrQ-00004-00007786-00008944 Cara announced that she was expecting her second child back in June by posing for a sweet snap with Penelope. RP8DbAczNrQ-00005-00009094-00010273 In the black and white picture, taken by Cara's brother Tom, both mum and daughter are holding their bellies. RP8DbAczNrQ-00006-00010423-00011657 Cara, who is dressed in a striped bikini and white shirt, is sporting a huge grin as she looks down at her daughter. RP8DbAczNrQ-00007-00011807-00013493 'Oh Baby Baby #babyno2 #2under2 ,' she wrote next to it. Cara's boyfriend Daniel was released from prison earlier this year after spending a year behind bars. RP8DbAczNrQ-00008-00013643-00015518 He was jailed for stashing £116,000 of drugs cash in their daughter's bedroom, but cleared of being a kingpin in a multi-million cocaine dealing gang which raked in £500,000 a week. RP8DbAczNrQ-00009-00015668-00017142 Cara - who sadly suffered a miscarriage five months into her first pregnancy in March 2015 - welcomed Penelope in February 2016. RP8DbAczNrQ-00010-00017292-00018704 She that she and Daniel discovered she was pregnant while on holiday in Thailand, just two days after they lit a lantern in memory of their lost child. RP8DbAczNrQ-00011-00018854-00020297 She said at the time: 'Daniel and I knew we wanted to get pregnant again straight away so I was overjoyed when I found out I was expecting two months later. RP8DbAczNrQ-00012-00020447-00021895 'I can see how something that traumatic can break up a couple. But we saw a different more caring side to each other and it brought us so much closer.' RP8DbAczNrQ-00013-00022045-00024052 However, she admitted that she was nervous after falling pregnant again. She said: 'I was so nervous up until the 20-week scan. I've been trying to relax and enjoy my pregnancy but there's always been a niggle of worry. RP8DbAczNrQ-00014-00024202-00025645 'Now I've got past that point and everything is perfectly healthy, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can start getting excited.' RRvhcpFTr_U-00000-00003688-00003924 Has he told you about going somewhere else? RRvhcpFTr_U-00001-00004081-00004190 No. RRvhcpFTr_U-00002-00004376-00004576 For any urgent business requirement or something. RRvhcpFTr_U-00003-00004800-00004869 No RRvhcpFTr_U-00004-00004891-00005091 He would have told me where ever he go. RRvhcpFTr_U-00005-00005141-00005418 The last time I called, he told me he is coming back. RRvhcpFTr_U-00006-00005481-00005646 On his way back home? RRvhcpFTr_U-00007-00005851-00006051 After that, there was no answer to the calls. RRvhcpFTr_U-00008-00006051-00006215 I have tried till the morning. RRvhcpFTr_U-00009-00006215-00006415 the phone is switched off. RRvhcpFTr_U-00010-00006447-00006647 Has he ever run away before this? RRvhcpFTr_U-00011-00006745-00006859 No. RRvhcpFTr_U-00012-00006978-00007178 Any means of threatening or, RRvhcpFTr_U-00013-00007178-00007378 any problem between you two. RRvhcpFTr_U-00014-00007500-00007700 Nothing like that. RRvhcpFTr_U-00015-00007834-00008034 Madom, nothing to worry about. RRvhcpFTr_U-00016-00008034-00008210 we are locating the car, RRvhcpFTr_U-00017-00008210-00008410 and tracing the phgone calls. RRvhcpFTr_U-00018-00008423-00008623 We will find him. RRvhcpFTr_U-00019-00009185-00009506 If there is any information, pass it to the station. RRvhcpFTr_U-00020-00010220-00010420 This is the third one now. RRvhcpFTr_U-00021-00010500-00010700 Dear sir, he is a business man RRvhcpFTr_U-00022-00010723-00010923 something unethical will be there. RRvhcpFTr_U-00023-00010923-00011021 isn't it? RRvhcpFTr_U-00024-00011021-00011121 No. RRvhcpFTr_U-00025-00011141-00011333 I am having an intution RRvhcpFTr_U-00026-00011333-00011537 you must locate that car. RRvhcpFTr_U-00027-00011689-00011739 Yes sir. RRvhcpFTr_U-00028-00011739-00011890 must be fast RRvhcpFTr_U-00029-00012729-00012806 ah... RRvhcpFTr_U-00030-00012806-00012929 woke up? RRvhcpFTr_U-00031-00013005-00013188 It is boring to disturb people while sleeping. RRvhcpFTr_U-00032-00013188-00013388 That's why i didn' wake you. RRvhcpFTr_U-00033-00014015-00014215 Please.., RRvhcpFTr_U-00034-00014215-00014409 don't hurt me RRvhcpFTr_U-00035-00014409-00014577 Let me go... RRvhcpFTr_U-00036-00014577-00014708 Oh..no...no RRvhcpFTr_U-00037-00014708-00014889 I am sorry Patric. RRvhcpFTr_U-00038-00014889-00015089 Yesterday..., I was feeling off. RRvhcpFTr_U-00039-00015125-00015325 That's why I hurt you. RRvhcpFTr_U-00040-00015347-00015409 I am.. RRvhcpFTr_U-00041-00015409-00015635 I am extremely sad about what happened yesterday. RRvhcpFTr_U-00042-00015664-00015864 no heart feelings. RRvhcpFTr_U-00043-00016005-00016205 What have I done wrong to you? RRvhcpFTr_U-00044-00016273-00016421 let me go RRvhcpFTr_U-00045-00016421-00016569 please RRvhcpFTr_U-00046-00016694-00016894 I will give you anything you need. RRvhcpFTr_U-00047-00017072-00017272 Will you give me anything I need? RRvhcpFTr_U-00048-00017334-00017452 I will RRvhcpFTr_U-00049-00017452-00017624 I will give you money RRvhcpFTr_U-00050-00017624-00017795 As much as you need. RRvhcpFTr_U-00051-00017922-00018000 Will you.. RRvhcpFTr_U-00052-00018035-00018235 Will you.. give me one crore rupees? RRvhcpFTr_U-00053-00018506-00018600 I will RRvhcpFTr_U-00054-00020382-00020610 That's too simple for you patric. RRvhcpFTr_U-00055-00020700-00020822 How about RRvhcpFTr_U-00056-00020849-00021217 a 500 million U.S Dollars RRvhcpFTr_U-00057-00021948-00022078 You have nothing patric. RRvhcpFTr_U-00058-00022078-00022128 you have RRvhcpFTr_U-00059-00022128-00022284 nothing RRvhcpFTr_U-00060-00022284-00022484 Please..please.. RRvhcpFTr_U-00061-00022496-00022778 Will there be a bit of mercy in you? RRvhcpFTr_U-00062-00022859-00023000 let me go RRvhcpFTr_U-00063-00023000-00023200 please RRvhcpFTr_U-00064-00023566-00023746 Yes.. RRvhcpFTr_U-00065-00023781-00023981 yes I am kind RRvhcpFTr_U-00066-00024000-00024077 there is .. RRvhcpFTr_U-00067-00024077-00024400 there is mercy in me RRvhcpFTr_U-00068-00024685-00024739 therefore RRvhcpFTr_U-00069-00024739-00024958 therfore I am going to give you a chance RRvhcpFTr_U-00070-00024978-00025028 a RRvhcpFTr_U-00071-00025104-00025304 second chance RRvhcpFTr_U-00072-00025304-00025521 second chance of life RRvhcpFTr_U-00073-00026210-00026544 No one in this world is going to give you a second chance. patric RRvhcpFTr_U-00074-00026807-00027007 Everyone deserves a second chance. RRvhcpFTr_U-00075-00027129-00027224 I know that. RRvhcpFTr_U-00076-00027495-00027732 That is why I am giving you a second chance. RRvhcpFTr_U-00077-00028017-00028095 because RRvhcpFTr_U-00078-00028095-00028223 I am kind RRvhcpFTr_U-00079-00028261-00028461 because I am RRvhcpFTr_U-00080-00028500-00028617 Kind.. RRvhcpFTr_U-00081-00028617-00028780 yeah..yeah..yeah RRvhcpFTr_U-00082-00028780-00028980 I am kind. RRvhcpFTr_U-00083-00029157-00029254 But RRvhcpFTr_U-00084-00029254-00029454 but there is a condition, Patric RRvhcpFTr_U-00085-00029529-00029789 I will never hurt someone without their consent. RRvhcpFTr_U-00086-00029975-00030047 I.. RRvhcpFTr_U-00087-00030047-00030186 I value freedom. RRvhcpFTr_U-00088-00030229-00030429 I really value it. RRvhcpFTr_U-00089-00031080-00031280 You play a game with me. RRvhcpFTr_U-00090-00031332-00031382 a.. RRvhcpFTr_U-00091-00031526-00031685 Chess game RRvhcpFTr_U-00092-00031707-00031841 do you know to play chess game? RRvhcpFTr_U-00093-00031841-00032041 do you know? RRvhcpFTr_U-00094-00032085-00032285 yeah..yeah... RRvhcpFTr_U-00095-00032493-00032622 If you win RRvhcpFTr_U-00096-00032647-00032752 you can go. RRvhcpFTr_U-00097-00032768-00032968 you are free RRvhcpFTr_U-00098-00033030-00033230 No conditions RRvhcpFTr_U-00099-00033348-00033493 but RRvhcpFTr_U-00100-00033531-00033731 If you lose, RRvhcpFTr_U-00101-00034144-00034371 you give me the consent to kill you. RRvhcpFTr_U-00102-00035284-00035484 So, Patric RRvhcpFTr_U-00103-00035531-00035731 let's start the game. RTgoa9dWZ5U-00000-00000161-00000779 Hello. Welcome back to the video instructions for Module 4. Module 4 RTgoa9dWZ5U-00001-00000779-00001416 will introduce you to the foundational theories of developmental or lifespan RTgoa9dWZ5U-00002-00001416-00002115 psychology. Be sure to carefully read through the OER chapter associated with RTgoa9dWZ5U-00003-00002115-00002640 this module. Some of you may already have experience with psychological theory and RTgoa9dWZ5U-00004-00002640-00003189 this may feel like a review. That's fine. Others may be taking their very first RTgoa9dWZ5U-00005-00003189-00003890 psychology class and that's okay too. Within this OER chapter. you'll RTgoa9dWZ5U-00006-00003890-00004421 receive an introduction to the early foundational theories in the field RTgoa9dWZ5U-00007-00004421-00005028 psychology and you'll also see very specific theories that address life span RTgoa9dWZ5U-00008-00005028-00005696 psychology. Again you will be completing the usual tasks of the module including RTgoa9dWZ5U-00009-00005696-00006284 your discussion board, your video response, as well as your timed quiz. RTgoa9dWZ5U-00010-00006284-00006922 For the quiz, you have two opportunities to take that and Canvas will RTgoa9dWZ5U-00011-00006922-00007634 automatically record your highest score. I want to talk to you a little bit about RTgoa9dWZ5U-00012-00007634-00008370 developmental theories and in your discussion board and video responses you RTgoa9dWZ5U-00013-00008370-00008942 will be specifically looking at psychoanalytic or Freudian theory and RTgoa9dWZ5U-00014-00008942-00009546 psychosocial or Eriksonian theory. Both of these theories are highly important RTgoa9dWZ5U-00015-00009546-00010307 in the field of lifespan psychology. We actually consider Erikson the father of RTgoa9dWZ5U-00016-00010307-00010782 lifespan psychology. Erikson was a student of Freud. Freud RTgoa9dWZ5U-00017-00010782-00011297 was very influential in both Europe in the United States and his theory, RTgoa9dWZ5U-00018-00011297-00011793 although it has some very serious criticisms, introduces the field of RTgoa9dWZ5U-00019-00011793-00012282 psychology to the idea that early childhood is highly important not only RTgoa9dWZ5U-00020-00012282-00012872 in and of itself but in terms of relating to later outcomes in both RTgoa9dWZ5U-00021-00012872-00013199 middle childhood adolescence and adulthood. RTgoa9dWZ5U-00022-00013199-00013944 Freud proposes 5 stages and he argues that the first of the stages are RTgoa9dWZ5U-00023-00013944-00014415 the most important in terms of social interaction and the foundations of RTgoa9dWZ5U-00024-00014415-00015090 personality. Freud is often criticized for his over emphasis on sexuality and RTgoa9dWZ5U-00025-00015090-00016061 sexual stimulation. Erikson, really his prodigal student, went on to expand RTgoa9dWZ5U-00026-00016061-00016859 Freud's theory and instead of focusing on just the early years of childhood. RTgoa9dWZ5U-00027-00016859-00017685 Erikson takes a more lifelong approach by arguing that conscious development or RTgoa9dWZ5U-00028-00017685-00018459 the Ego faces crises at various stages throughout the lifespan. I'd like you to RTgoa9dWZ5U-00029-00018459-00019110 consider both Freud and Erikson and understand that Erikson shows a lot of RTgoa9dWZ5U-00030-00019110-00019644 influence from Freudian theory but that Erikson allows us to understand that RTgoa9dWZ5U-00031-00019644-00020112 there are important processes and accomplishments that take place not just RTgoa9dWZ5U-00032-00020112-00020763 from birth but all the way to the final stage of death and dying. If you have any RTgoa9dWZ5U-00033-00020763-00021276 questions or concerns please feel free to post those on either a discussion RTgoa9dWZ5U-00034-00021276-00021888 board or you can go ahead and email me through Canvas. If you decide to email me RTgoa9dWZ5U-00035-00021888-00022467 outside of Canvas please note in your email your full name as well as which RTgoa9dWZ5U-00036-00022467-00023213 course you are registered for. I will see you back in the next instructional video. RWXspRKN-0k-00000-00000000-00000387 [music] RWXspRKN-0k-00001-00000387-00001050 (slovenia logatec) (first test drive of the trailer) RWXspRKN-0k-00002-00001050-00001282 greetings people of the earth RWXspRKN-0k-00003-00001282-00001857 we are at my sister's place because we had a change of plan RWXspRKN-0k-00004-00001857-00002698 and we have a mini my nephew that is a mini nephew RWXspRKN-0k-00005-00003274-00003662 [background train noise] the change of plan is RWXspRKN-0k-00006-00003676-00003964 we will not use my nephew's workshop RWXspRKN-0k-00007-00004026-00004576 we will use this workshop which is actually a garage for a car RWXspRKN-0k-00008-00004576-00005230 at my sister the thing is it makes no sense for me RWXspRKN-0k-00009-00005235-00005860 to drive from here to nephew's workshop RWXspRKN-0k-00010-00005869-00007617 [kids talking in slovenian & running noise] RWXspRKN-0k-00011-00007617-00007947 [my sister says] hello RWXspRKN-0k-00012-00007947-00008560 [loudly] proudly first test trial of the trike of everything we did so far RWXspRKN-0k-00013-00008570-00008900 so far so far so far RWXspRKN-0k-00014-00008908-00009343 [single high pitch tone] (technical difficulties) RWXspRKN-0k-00015-00009343-00010627 [tool box noise & talking in slovenian with kids] RWXspRKN-0k-00018-00018248-00018460 [evil cartoon laughter] RWXspRKN-0k-00020-00022390-00024126 [kids making noises in background & quiet metal bolt noise] RWXspRKN-0k-00021-00024126-00024364 a-ha RWXspRKN-0k-00022-00024364-00024777 [metal chain noise] RWXspRKN-0k-00023-00025100-00025488 [loud laughter] a-ha-ha-ha RWXspRKN-0k-00024-00026115-00026450 [kid talking in slovenian] RWXspRKN-0k-00025-00026450-00026761 [loudly] eureka RWXspRKN-0k-00026-00027380-00028092 [in slovenian] it works [evil laugh & talking in slovenian] RWXspRKN-0k-00027-00028100-00031000 [high pitch talking] RWXspRKN-0k-00028-00031080-00032000 [whistle] RWXspRKN-0k-00029-00032000-00032393 [talking in slovenian] oh we can jackknife this RWXspRKN-0k-00030-00032393-00033223 [singing & kid walk noise & talking in slovenian] wonderful day everything is alright RWXspRKN-0k-00031-00033523-00036150 [laughter & talking in slovenian - about brakes and slow drive] RWXspRKN-0k-00032-00036160-00036995 and we are testing so far so good [background train noise] RWXspRKN-0k-00033-00037098-00037858 yea we are testing our train road trike train and so far so good RWXspRKN-0k-00034-00037910-00040010 [talking in slovenian - trike manipulation & tow hook details] RWXspRKN-0k-00035-00040186-00041306 [girl kid half-crying] RWXspRKN-0k-00036-00041410-00042088 [in slovenian] see how good we are RWXspRKN-0k-00037-00042835-00045285 [kids talking] RWXspRKN-0k-00038-00046910-00047881 [talking in slovenian] yes switch the gear no pedaling on the right side RWXspRKN-0k-00039-00047891-00048585 [in slovenian] not under the load same as with car can destroy cog wheels RWXspRKN-0k-00040-00048650-00049447 [talking with neighbors] RWXspRKN-0k-00041-00049447-00050230 [in slovenian] ok it works it works [imitating steam train] RWXspRKN-0k-00042-00050242-00050678 kiddo train RWXspRKN-0k-00043-00051742-00053014 [in slovenian] we are going to the sea ciao RWXspRKN-0k-00044-00053800-00054341 [talking in slovenian] RWXspRKN-0k-00045-00054344-00054600 ta-daa RWXspRKN-0k-00046-00054604-00055249 [background train noise] RWXspRKN-0k-00047-00055309-00056217 [naughty horn sounds & talking in slovenian] RWXspRKN-0k-00048-00056288-00057704 [in slovenian] it works [kids talking] RWXspRKN-0k-00049-00057869-00058377 [in slovenian] everything alright ? yes RWXspRKN-0k-00050-00059462-00060153 [in slovenian] look on leveled road it goes by itself RWXspRKN-0k-00051-00060500-00061540 [in slovenian] for now we are finishing wait in pit stop cargo out RWXspRKN-0k-00052-00061625-00063424 [singing] yes yes yes [kids laughing] RWXspRKN-0k-00053-00063640-00065070 [kids talk in background] RWXspRKN-0k-00054-00065239-00065610 [tools & metal noise] RWXspRKN-0k-00055-00065720-00066400 we need to shorten this tube because we could not turn the wheels RWXspRKN-0k-00056-00066410-00066800 because of this [kids noise in background] RWXspRKN-0k-00057-00066803-00068795 [metal saw noise & my sister talking in background] RWXspRKN-0k-00058-00068800-00069274 [metal noise & whistle & mouth clicks] RWXspRKN-0k-00059-00069307-00069600 (in next episode) this is where we work now RWXspRKN-0k-00060-00069601-00070182 [cat meow] and we also have a chief inspector kitty cat RWXspRKN-0k-00061-00070200-00070569 kitty cat not like camera RWXspRKN-0k-00062-00070570-00071276 so what we are doing we need to weld this support here RWXspRKN-0k-00063-00071330-00071701 [music] RY1ub8Hf_B4-00000-00000000-00000217 'screaming' RY1ub8Hf_B4-00001-00000217-00000401 Hey! Italian Man! RY1ub8Hf_B4-00002-00000401-00000460 Huh? RY1ub8Hf_B4-00003-00000460-00000589 'screaming' RY1ub8Hf_B4-00004-00000589-00000783 What is going on here... RY1ub8Hf_B4-00005-00000783-00001093 'screaming' RY1ub8Hf_B4-00006-00001093-00001244 Can you guys shut the 'beep' up! RY1ub8Hf_B4-00007-00001244-00001632 'screaming' RY1ub8Hf_B4-00008-00001632-00001863 Jesus Christ! Shut up! RY1ub8Hf_B4-00009-00001863-00002159 What is going on? What you guys doing? RY1ub8Hf_B4-00010-00002227-00002617 'screaming' RY1ub8Hf_B4-00011-00002617-00002926 Can you be quiet, I'm trying to sleep! RY1ub8Hf_B4-00012-00002926-00003133 'screaming' RY6Rv2UKLZM-00000-00000969-00001204 THIS IS THE KRAKEN. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00001-00001230-00001707 HIGH PRIEST OF YOGG-SHOTTOTH. DAMNER OF A THOUSAND SOULS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00002-00001730-00002097 WIELDER OF THAT OLD MAGIC, WHICH THE WORLD CALLS BLACK. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00003-00002132-00002362 CAULDRON-BEARER OF NYARLATHOTEP. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00004-00002392-00002739 ARCH-OVERSEER OF THE THOUSAND SPAWN OF SHUB-NIGGURATH. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00005-00002776-00003043 AND THIS IS MY LATEST ATTEMPT RY6Rv2UKLZM-00006-00003069-00003556 TO BRING MY DARK MAGNIFICENCE TO THE UNINITIATED MASSES. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00007-00003728-00004040 BEFORE I BEGIN, I WOULD LIKE TO SAY SOMETHING. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00008-00004034-00004297 AND THAT IS THAT IT'S REALLY GODDAMN HOT IN THIS ROOM. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00009-00004430-00004623 REALLY GODDAMN HOT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00010-00004634-00004961 I LIVE UNDER THE GODDAMN WATER. I DO NOT LIKE THE HEAT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00011-00004978-00005225 YOU THINK IT'S HOT UNDER THE OCEAN? IT'S NOT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00012-00005268-00005478 I DO NOT LIVE ON THE LAND OF A PLANET RY6Rv2UKLZM-00013-00005502-00005665 THAT ORBITS A BALL OF FIRE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00014-00005680-00006106 I PREFER TO LIVE UNDER THE OCEAN, WHERE IT IS COOL AND NOT HOT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00015-00006340-00006556 IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHO THE KRAKEN IS - RY6Rv2UKLZM-00016-00006583-00006713 WHAT I STAND FOR - RY6Rv2UKLZM-00017-00006736-00006956 THEN THERE ARE A FEW STEPS I'D LIKE YOU TO TAKE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00018-00006990-00007367 THE FIRST THING IS: PULL YOUR HEAD STRAIGHT OUT OF YOUR GODDAMNED ASS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00019-00007387-00007637 DON'T STOP. DON'T WAIT. DO IT RIGHT NOW. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00020-00007667-00007877 PICK UP A GODDAMNED BOOK. ANY BOOK. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00021-00007908-00008101 HELL, YOU DON'T EVEN NEED A BOOK. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00022-00008128-00008496 JUST GET ON YOUR GODDAMNED PHONE, OR GET ON A LAPTOP AND USE THE INTERNET. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00023-00008505-00008835 TYPE 'THE KRAKEN' INTO GOOGLE, OR WIKIPEDIA . . . RY6Rv2UKLZM-00024-00008855-00009029 AND THERE I AM. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00025-00009040-00009379 THAT'S ME. THAT IS WHO YOU ARE LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00026-00009389-00009683 I'M THE OLD ELDER SCOURGE OF MYTH. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00027-00009820-00009973 I STAND FOR MANY THINGS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00028-00009986-00010324 I STAND FOR HATRED; FOR LOATHING; FOR MALICE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00029-00010397-00010934 I HATE MOST THINGS . . . NOT EVERYTHING. I DO NOT HATE LITERALLY EVERYTHING. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00030-00010954-00011154 THERE ARE A FEW THINGS I DO LIKE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00031-00011154-00011338 I LIKE SUFFERING. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00032-00011338-00011772 I LIKE BRINGING PAIN AND UNHAPPINESS TO ALL THOSE AROUND ME. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00033-00011930-00012252 ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS IS PROBABLY DAMNATION. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00034-00012285-00012593 I ENJOY DAMNATION. YOU EVER SEEN A MAN DAMNED TO HELL? RY6Rv2UKLZM-00035-00012649-00012933 I HAVE. SOMETIMES I GO TO HEAVEN, JUST TO WATCH IT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00036-00012976-00013190 THAT'S RIGHT, I GO TO HEAVEN SOMETIMES. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00037-00013209-00013372 I'M NOT ALLOWED IN THE PEARLY GATES, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00038-00013373-00013672 BUT I DO LIKE TO STAND OUTSIDE THEM AND THROW ROCKS AT THE ANGELS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00039-00013685-00013911 OF COURSE, HEAVEN IS ON A CLOUD. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00040-00013930-00014178 THERE ARE NO ROCKS UP THERE, SO I HAVE TO BRING MY OWN ROCKS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00041-00014251-00014454 AND SOMETIMES THE ANGELS THROW ROCKS BACK! RY6Rv2UKLZM-00042-00014471-00014851 WHICH IS GREAT, BECAUSE IT MEANS I HAVE MORE ROCKS TO THROW AT THEM. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00043-00014851-00015047 FOR, YOU SEE, I THROW MUCH HARDER THAN ANGELS DO. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00044-00015138-00015294 MUCH MUCH HARDER THAN ANGELS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00045-00015368-00015669 SOMETIMES, THOUGH, GOD THROWS ROCKS BACK. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00046-00015692-00015972 AND GOD WAS THE LEAD PITCHER ON OUR HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL TEAM RY6Rv2UKLZM-00047-00016012-00016186 SO HE CAN THROW QUITE A BIT HARDER THAN I CAN. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00048-00016319-00016653 SPEAKING OF GOD, I KNOW THAT SOME OF MY LISTENERS RY6Rv2UKLZM-00049-00016653-00016790 ARE QUITE ATTACHED TO HIM. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00050-00016800-00017087 I WOULD JUST LIKE TO SAY THAT THIS IS ACCEPTABLE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00051-00017115-00017397 VERY ACCEPTABLE - FOR HE IS VERY REAL. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00052-00017415-00017774 AND I HAVE INTERACTED WITH HIM AND SEEN HIM ON A NUMBER OF OCCASIONS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00053-00017844-00018208 I DO NOT LIKE HIM, AND HE DOES NOT PARTICULARLY LIKE ME. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00054-00018250-00018679 BUT THIS IS ACCEPTABLE. QUITE FINE, FOR HE IS REAL. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00055-00018690-00018926 AND I HAVE DONE THINGS WITH HIM ON OCCASION. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00056-00018935-00019279 SOMETIMES WE HAVE GONE DRINKING TOGETHER, FOR INSTANCE, IN THE PAST. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00057-00019426-00019606 WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING SO MUCH DURING HIGH SCHOOL. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00058-00019606-00019830 HE WAS TWO GRADES OVER ME, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00059-00019889-00020144 AND THE ONLY THING HE REALLY EVER DID WITH ME RY6Rv2UKLZM-00060-00020143-00020360 WAS BEAT ME UP AND TAKE MY LUNCH MONEY. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00061-00020360-00020691 SOMETIMES HE JUST TOOK MY LUNCH MONEY, OTHER TIMES HE JUST BEAT ME UP. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00062-00020934-00021234 WE NEVER REALLY HAD ANY MEANINGFUL INTERACTIONS IN HIGH SCHOOL. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00063-00021251-00021428 BUT, WE HAVE GONE DRINKING. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00064-00021598-00021832 THERE ARE A FEW THINGS I'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT GOD . . . RY6Rv2UKLZM-00065-00021928-00022226 THE GOD IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, AND THE GOD IN THE NEW TESTAMENT? RY6Rv2UKLZM-00066-00022265-00022395 DIFFERENT PEOPLE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00067-00022417-00022707 WHEN GOD HAD A KID, HE REALLY MELLOWED OUT A LOT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00068-00022722-00023046 AND IF YOU READ THE OLD TESTAMENT, HE'S QUITE THE HARDASS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00069-00023083-00023233 QUITE THE HARDASS INDEED. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00070-00023253-00023628 HE KILLS PEOPLE EN MASSE, HE RAVAGES LANDS, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00071-00023637-00023947 HE TELLS HIS FOLLOWERS TO COMMIT GENOCIDE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00072-00023965-00024114 I LIKED HIM A LOT BACK THEN. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00073-00024150-00024468 I'M NOT AS MUCH OF A FAN OF HIS NEW WORD OR HIS PROGENY. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00074-00024466-00024747 BUT I DID LIKE HIM MORE, ONCE UPON A TIME RY6Rv2UKLZM-00075-00024748-00025265 EVEN THOUGH HE HAS DONE HORRIFIC THINGS TO ME AND PEOPLE I KNOW ON OCCASION. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00076-00025326-00025503 HE'S ACTUALLY ENTERTAINING TO GO DRINKING WITH. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00077-00025612-00025758 HE LIKES TO TROLL PEOPLE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00078-00025800-00026280 FOR INSTANCE, JESUS TOOK WATER AND TURNED IT TO WINE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00079-00026416-00026600 WHERE DO YOU THINK HE LEARNED THIS TRICK FROM? RY6Rv2UKLZM-00080-00026650-00026794 HE LEARNED IT FROM HIS OLD MAN. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00081-00026840-00027124 SEE, HIS OLD MAN, HE NEVER TURNED WATER TO WINE, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00082-00027123-00027374 BUT HE WOULD GO UP TO DRUNKS AND TURN THEIR WINE TO WATER. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00083-00027380-00027601 THIS USED TO START ALL KINDS OF BAR FIGHTS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00084-00027620-00027858 GOD LOVES NOTHING MORE THAN STARTING A GOOD BAR FIGHT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00085-00027917-00028041 AND HE ALWAYS WOULD WIN. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00086-00028068-00028212 BECAUSE YOU CAN'T BEAT GOD. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00087-00028274-00028542 I SHOULD KNOW; HE BEAT THE HELL OUT OF ME EVERY DAY WHEN WE WERE IN HIGH SCHOOL. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00088-00028570-00028732 I KNOW YOU CAN'T BEAT GOD. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00089-00028778-00029019 I'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO DO IT. I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYONE ELSE DO IT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00090-00029045-00029219 HE KILLED THE LEVIATHAN, FOR FUCK'S SAKE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00091-00029275-00029419 JUST KILLED HIM. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00092-00029436-00029723 I'VE SEEN NUMEROUS PEOPLE TRY TO START BAR FIGHTS WITH GOD. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00093-00029756-00029920 IT ALWAYS GOES POORLY FOR THEM. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00094-00029989-00030264 ONE TIME, I SAW SOME POOR FUCK TRY TO DO IT RY6Rv2UKLZM-00095-00030263-00030489 AND GOD BEAT THE EVERLIVING FUCK OUT OF HIM. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00096-00030530-00030804 STRAIGHT UP BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF HIM. SHOVED A POOL CUE UP HIS ASS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00097-00030820-00031020 POOR FUCKER HAD HOLY SHIT FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00098-00031117-00031498 BUT THAT WAS THE GOD OF OLD. HE'S NOT REALLY THE HARDASS THAT HE USED TO BE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00099-00031550-00031792 I, OF COURSE, AM THE HARDASS I'VE ALWAYS BEEN. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00100-00031821-00032022 FOR EXAMPLE, DO YOU KNOW WHERE DIAMONDS COME FROM? RY6Rv2UKLZM-00101-00032145-00032312 THEY COME FROM FUCKING ME. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00102-00032319-00032599 BECAUSE I EAT THE SOULS OF ORPHANS AND SHIT OUT DIAMONDS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00103-00032612-00032756 THAT'S WHERE DIAMONDS COME FROM. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00104-00032875-00033375 I HEAR PEOPLE SAY, EVERY DAY - CHRISTIANS, AND OTHER SPIRITUALISTS - RY6Rv2UKLZM-00105-00033386-00033627 I HEAR THEM SAY, 'THERE'S A REASON FOR EVERYTHING'. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00106-00033700-00034027 WHEN YOU'RE WALKING ALONG THE ROAD AND YOU SEE A ROCK ON THE GROUND, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00107-00034027-00034137 YOU HAVE TO ASK YOURSELF: RY6Rv2UKLZM-00108-00034130-00034308 WHAT PURPOSE DOES THIS ROCK SERVE? RY6Rv2UKLZM-00109-00034377-00034788 CLOUDS SERVE A PURPOSE. THEY HELP SHIELD THE GROUND FROM THE SUN'S HARMFUL RAYS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00110-00034801-00035085 ALL ANIMALS SERVE TO FEED ANIMALS THAT ARE GREATER THAN THEM. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00111-00035138-00035518 ROCKS, HOWEVER, SERVE NO PURPOSE. NO REAL PRACTICAL APPLICATION. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00112-00035525-00035812 IF YOU SEE A ROCK ON THE GROUND AND YOU STEP ON IT, IT HURTS YOU, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00113-00035812-00036076 AND YOU GET ANGRY AND THROW THE ROCK AND THAT'S ABOUT IT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00114-00036076-00036316 YOU CAN'T REALLY DO ANYTHING WITH ROCKS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00115-00036453-00036773 THE REASON FOR THIS IS THAT I KNOW, FOR A GOOD FACT, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00116-00036786-00037007 BECAUSE HE'S TALKED ABOUT IT ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00117-00037007-00037231 THAT GOD CREATED ROCKS JUST TO TROLL PEOPLE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00118-00037275-00037534 HE CREATED ROCKS TO BE THROWN AT OTHER PEOPLE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00119-00037557-00037904 SO THE NEXT TIME YOU SEE A ROCK, AND IF YOU ARE OF THE RELIGIOUS SORT, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00120-00037927-00038148 PLEASE DO YOUR RELIGIOUS DUTY AND PICK THAT ROCK UP RY6Rv2UKLZM-00121-00038148-00038278 AND THROW IT AT SOMEONE ELSE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00122-00038385-00038619 ANYWAY, I LIKE TO GO TO HEAVEN AND THROW ROCKS AT THE ANGELS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00123-00038695-00039009 SOMETIMES, I WILL HAVE THE FORTUNE . . . RY6Rv2UKLZM-00124-00039029-00039289 OF SEEING A MAN DAMNED TO HELL WHILE I'M UP THERE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00125-00039402-00039738 IT'S ENTERTAINING. NONE OF YOU HAVE EVER DIED, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00126-00039749-00040000 SO YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO STAND AT THE GATES OF HEAVEN, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00127-00040003-00040418 BUT THERE'S A BIG-ASS LONG LINE, YOU SEE. RIGHT OUTSIDE OF THE GATES. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00128-00040433-00040701 THERE'S AN OLD MAN UP THERE WITH A GREAT BOOK, SITTING ON A PEDESTAL. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00129-00040757-00041147 AND YOU GO UP THERE AND YOU STAND IN FRONT OF HIM, AND HE GIVES YOU A VERDICT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00130-00041154-00041285 AND SOMETIMES HE FUCKS WITH PEOPLE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00131-00041284-00041768 BECAUSE HIS ENTIRE GODDAMN JOB IS SITTING UP THERE ON A PEDESTAL, ALL DAMN DAY, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00132-00041788-00042045 AND READING SHIT TO PEOPLE. AND THAT SHIT MUST GET BORING. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00133-00042050-00042276 SO SOMETIMES, HE LIKES TO SPICE HIS LIFE UP. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00134-00042340-00042703 MY PERSONAL FAVORITE . . . IS WHEN HE LIES TO PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO HELL. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00135-00042766-00042916 THAT SHIT IS WORTH A MILLION LAUGHS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00136-00042993-00043150 BUT IF YOU ACTUALLY ARE GOING TO HELL, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00137-00043149-00043460 THEN SAINT PETER COMES UP WITH A BAT AND BEATS YOUR ASS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00138-00043466-00043634 AND THROWS YOU STRAIGHT OFF THE CLOUD. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00139-00043680-00044044 WHEN THINGS REACH TERMINAL VELOCITY, THEY TEND TO MAKE THIS NOISE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00140-00044100-00044411 AND SOULS MAKE THIS NOISE, IT'S A VERY PLEASANT WHISTLING NOISE; RY6Rv2UKLZM-00141-00044411-00044695 AND IT'S COUPLED WITH AN UNEARTHLY SCREAMING THE LIKES OF WHICH RY6Rv2UKLZM-00142-00044694-00045152 I AM NOT ABLE TO REPLICATE WITH ANYTHING I AM ABLE TO DO TO MORTALS ON EARTH. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00143-00045245-00045550 SO THE SOUL PLUMMETS FROM HEAVEN, THROUGH THE ASTRAL SEA RY6Rv2UKLZM-00144-00045558-00045906 AND STRAIGHT INTO HELL. AND HELL IS A PLACE THAT I'VE BEEN TO ON MANY OCCASIONS; RY6Rv2UKLZM-00145-00045929-00046093 I LIKE TO VACATION DOWN THERE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00146-00046116-00046340 I MAKE SURE TO BRING PLENTY OF SUNSCREEN, BECAUSE IT IS - RY6Rv2UKLZM-00147-00046339-00046553 PARDON THE EXPRESSION - HOT AS HELL, DOWN THERE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00148-00046575-00046864 AS YOU KNOW, I DO NOT PARTICULARLY ENJOY THE HEAT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00149-00046933-00047344 BUT DOWN THERE, HELL IS RULED BY HA-SATAN. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00150-00047344-00047498 (AS HE'S KNOWN IN JUDAISM.) RY6Rv2UKLZM-00151-00047525-00047751 (SATAN . . . OR LUCIFER.) RY6Rv2UKLZM-00152-00047751-00047938 BUT REALLY, HE'S A BIG PUSSY. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00153-00048050-00048392 HE ALSO WENT TO SCHOOL WITH US; HE WAS IN MY GRADE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00154-00048400-00048552 AND HE IS A BIG BITCH. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00155-00048660-00049052 FOR INSTANCE: HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE 'GRAND ENEMY', RY6Rv2UKLZM-00156-00049052-00049296 OR THE ARCH-NEMESIS OF CHRISTIANITY. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00157-00049296-00049790 OR AT LEAST THAT'S THE WAY THE CHRISTIANS AND THE JEWS AND THE MUSLIMS TELL US. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00158-00049866-00050053 BUT IT DOESN'T REALLY ADD UP. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00159-00050150-00050600 I MEAN, HE'S . . . EXCEPTIONALLY WEAK FOR AN ARCH-NEMESIS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00160-00050620-00050821 BECAUSE IF YOU LOOK AT ALL THE OTHER RELIGIONS IN THE WORLD, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00161-00050840-00051267 THEY ALL HAVE THESE BEINGS THAT COME OUT OF THE PRIMORDIAL OOZE RY6Rv2UKLZM-00162-00051267-00051582 AT THE END OF TIME AND RUIN EVERYTHING, OR . . . RY6Rv2UKLZM-00163-00051581-00051791 NORSE MYTHOLOGY, FOR INSTANCE, LOOK AT IT: RY6Rv2UKLZM-00164-00051871-00052216 THE FIRE GIANTS IN HELL, AND LOKI AND ALL THOSE OTHER FUCKERS RY6Rv2UKLZM-00165-00052232-00052462 COME OUT OF NOWHERE AND JUST BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYTHING. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00166-00052465-00052615 AND THE WORLD ENDS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00167-00052629-00053066 THAT'S IT. SURTR TAKES HIS GIANT FIRE AND SHOVES IT UP THE WORLD TREE'S ASS, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00168-00053043-00053340 AND SETS THE WHOLE THING ON FIRE AND THE WORLD ENDS. THAT'S IT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00169-00053354-00053616 MASS CASUALTIES; ONLY TWO PEOPLE SURVIVE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00170-00053770-00054047 AND THAT'S . . . THE WAY I WISH THINGS WERE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00171-00054100-00054430 BUT, NO. IN ALL THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS RY6Rv2UKLZM-00172-00054431-00054741 THEIR GRAND ENEMY IS SATAN. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00173-00054825-00055309 WHICH, SATAN - HE'S . . . NOT MUCH. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00174-00055385-00055659 I HAVE SOME ARCH-NEMESISES. ARCH-NEMESI. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00175-00055669-00055929 AND, SATAN - RY6Rv2UKLZM-00176-00055925-00056166 FOR INSTANCE, LOOK IN THE BOOK OF JOB. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00177-00056340-00056700 THE BOOK OF JOB IS ABOUT THIS CORDIAL FELLOW NAMED JOB, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00178-00056706-00056907 WHO'S SITTING ON HIS ASS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00179-00056907-00057252 AND HE LOVES GOD, AND GOD LOVES HIM. AND HE HAS ALL THIS SHIT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00180-00057267-00057416 AND THEN GOD DICKS HIM OVER. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00181-00057415-00057615 WHY DOES GOD DICK HIM OVER? TO PROVE A POINT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00182-00057620-00057991 THAT'S THE GOD I LOVE: IT'S THE GOD WHO DICKS PEOPLE OVER TO PROVE A POINT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00183-00058061-00058661 SEE, THE BOOK OF JOB STARTS WITH SATAN, SHIT-TALKING WITH GOD UP IN HEAVEN. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00184-00058678-00059109 HE'S SAYING THAT THIS FUCKER JOB ONLY LOVES GOD RY6Rv2UKLZM-00185-00059115-00059442 BECAUSE GOD IS GOOD TO HIM, AND . . . SO SATAN ASKS: RY6Rv2UKLZM-00186-00059442-00059623 'HEY GOD, CAN I DICK THIS GUY OVER?' RY6Rv2UKLZM-00187-00059639-00059850 'BECAUSE I GUARANTEE THAT IF HE WERE DICKED OVER, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00188-00059849-00060114 HE WOULDN'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE.' SO GOD SAYS, 'DEAL'. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00189-00060136-00060474 'FUCK YOU, SATAN. LET'S DO THIS. THIS SHIT IS GOING DOWN.' RY6Rv2UKLZM-00190-00060560-00060934 SO, SATAN DICKS HIM OVER. KILLS HIS FAMILY, GIVES HIM BOILS . . . RY6Rv2UKLZM-00191-00060984-00061180 DILDO STRAIGHT UP HIS ASS, ET CETERA, ET CETERA. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00192-00061181-00061341 JOB HAS NOTHING. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00193-00061398-00061578 AND THEN GOD IS PROVEN RIGHT IN THE END, BLAH BLAH BLAH. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00194-00061584-00061962 BUT THE POINT OF THE STORY IS, SATAN HAS TO ASK PERMISSION TO DICK PEOPLE OVER. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00195-00061991-00062212 YOU SEE, IF I WERE IN SATAN'S POSITION I WOULD HAVE JUST DONE IT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00196-00062235-00062649 I WOULD'VE JUST DICKED JOB OVER, KILLED HIS FAMILY, BOILS ALL OVER HIM, ETC., ETC. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00197-00062669-00062992 ALL THE SHIT THAT HE DOES. BUT SATAN HAS TO ASK PERMISSION. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00198-00063000-00063166 THAT'S HOW MUCH OF A PUSSY THIS GUY IS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00199-00063229-00063529 THAT HE HAS TO ASK PERMISSION FROM HIS ARCH-NEMESIS RY6Rv2UKLZM-00200-00063536-00063707 IN ORDER TO DO ANYTHING. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00201-00063750-00064097 AND YET HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE BIGGEST BAD GUY THERE EVER WAS RY6Rv2UKLZM-00202-00064097-00064554 IN JUDEO-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. AND FEW HAVE EVER ACTUALLY MET THE GUY. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00203-00064644-00064820 HE WEARS HIGH HEELS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00204-00064860-00065048 HE WEARS HIGH HEELS, AND LIPSTICK. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00205-00065075-00065389 AND HE'S DEFINITELY MALE. HE'S NOT FEMALE IN THE LEAST. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00206-00065435-00065699 AND THIS IS THE GUY THAT . . . RY6Rv2UKLZM-00207-00065772-00065996 I MEAN, FOR FUCK'S SAKE. 'LUCIFER'. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00208-00065996-00066276 YOU KNOW WHAT WE CALLED HIM IN HIGH SCHOOL? 'LUCY'. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00209-00066336-00066677 BECAUSE HE'S A BIG GODDAMN PUSSY. WE CALLED HIM LUCY IN HIGH SCHOOL. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00210-00066850-00067140 I GUESS THIS IS THE PART OF MY EXCURSION ON THE INTERNET RY6Rv2UKLZM-00211-00067163-00067441 WHERE I TAKE A COUPLE OF QUESTIONS BEFORE CLOSING. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00212-00067530-00067777 LET'S SEE HERE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00213-00067810-00068148 FIRST, ALLOW ME TO TAKE A SIP FROM MY BEVERAGE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00214-00068500-00068739 HRAAAAAGH!! RY6Rv2UKLZM-00215-00068822-00068999 WHO MADE THIS?! RY6Rv2UKLZM-00216-00069062-00069353 IT'S HOT! IT'S GODDAMN HOT! RY6Rv2UKLZM-00217-00069426-00069630 PUT SOME FUCKING ICE IN IT! RY6Rv2UKLZM-00218-00069680-00069860 RIGHT NOW! RY6Rv2UKLZM-00219-00069956-00070137 AHEM. SORRY. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00220-00070175-00070375 BEVERAGE WAS . . . LITTLE HOT. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00221-00070497-00070948 ANYWAY. FIRST QUESTION IS FROM 'ANONYMOUS'. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00222-00071011-00071241 I DON'T BLAME YOU FOR MARKING THIS LETTER ANONYMOUSLY. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00223-00071241-00071572 BECAUSE THERE'S A GOOD CHANCE THAT IF YOUR QUESTION ENRAGED ME ENOUGH, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00224-00071571-00071815 I WOULD KILL YOU AND CONSUME YOUR SOUL. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00225-00071905-00072082 BUT THIS QUESTION READS, 'DEAR KRAKEN:' RY6Rv2UKLZM-00226-00072130-00072439 'WHAT IS THE ULTIMATE QUESTION?' RY6Rv2UKLZM-00227-00072615-00072825 NOW, I KNOW THIS FAGGOT IS TROLLING ME. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00228-00072840-00073235 BECAUSE 'WHAT IS THE GREATEST QUESTION' IS SOME BIG, DEEP INSIDE JOKE RY6Rv2UKLZM-00229-00073249-00073507 FROM SOME FUCKING BOOK SERIES I DON'T CARE ENOUGH TO READ, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00230-00073506-00073894 WRITTEN BY SOME ASSHOLE ATHEIST WHO DIED A LONG TIME AGO. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00231-00073930-00074484 BUT I WILL ANSWER IT LEGITIMATELY, BECAUSE I THINK IT IS A LEGITIMATE QUESTION. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00232-00074680-00074880 THE ULTIMATE QUESTION . . . RY6Rv2UKLZM-00233-00074945-00075282 I AM NEARLY OMNISCIENT. I KNOW ALMOST EVERYTHING. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00234-00075282-00075536 I DON'T KNOW QUITE EVERYTHING, BUT I KNOW ALMOST EVERYTHING. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00235-00075538-00075744 SO THE ULTIMATE QUESTION WOULD HAVE TO BE RY6Rv2UKLZM-00236-00075745-00076156 ONE THAT I DO NOT HAVE AN ANSWER FOR. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00237-00076279-00076757 THE QUESTION THAT KEEPS ME UP AT NIGHT, THAT I DO NOT REALLY KNOW THE ANSWER FOR, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00238-00076800-00077069 IS, 'HOW MUCH DO I HATE YOU?'. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00239-00077133-00077501 AND WHEN I SAY 'YOU', I'M REFERRING TO HUMANITY IN GENERAL. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00240-00077550-00077951 BECAUSE I HATE YOU MORE THAN, SAY, DOLPHINS . . . RY6Rv2UKLZM-00241-00078000-00078252 BUT I HATE YOU LESS THAN, SAY, WHALES. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00242-00078400-00078850 I DON'T EXACTLY KNOW. YOU'RE IN MY TOP TEN THINGS I HATE THE MOST. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00243-00078888-00079182 BUT I'M NOT EXACTLY SURE WHERE YOU ARE ON THE LIST. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00244-00079199-00079560 IT'S VERY RELEVANT FOR ME, BECAUSE THERE'S SO GODDAMN MANY OF YOU. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00245-00079569-00079790 BECAUSE ALL YOU HUMANS KNOW HOW TO DO RY6Rv2UKLZM-00246-00079796-00079967 IS PROCREATE AND MAKE MORE OF YOU. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00247-00079985-00080215 WHICH ALSO PROCREATE AND MAKE MORE OF YOU. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00248-00080230-00080400 ON AND ON, AD INFINITUM. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00249-00080513-00080697 OCCASIONALLY THERE'S A GREAT BIG WAR RY6Rv2UKLZM-00250-00080714-00080924 THAT WIPES OUT A LARGE NUMBER OF YOUR MALES, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00251-00080924-00081248 BUT FOR THE MOST PART ALL YOU DO IS PROCREATE AND MAKE MORE OF YOU. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00252-00081284-00081745 SO IT'S VERY RELEVANT FOR ME TO KNOW HOW EXACTLY MUCH I HATE YOU. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00253-00081825-00082025 I DO KNOW I DON'T HATE YOU AS MUCH AS WHALES. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00254-00082060-00082396 THAT'S NOT SAYING MUCH, BECAUSE THERE IS VERY LITTLE THAT I HATE MORE THAN WHALES. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00255-00082475-00082853 AND IT DEEPLY ENRAGES ME THAT THERE'S A LOT OF PEOPLE OUT THERE RY6Rv2UKLZM-00256-00082872-00083138 WHO DO LOVE THOSE LITTLE SEA FUCKERS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00257-00083146-00083286 THE LITTLE SEA MAMMALS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00258-00083290-00083490 BECAUSE THEY'RE QUITE THE ASSHOLES. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00259-00083530-00083744 AND I HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN AT LENGTH ABOUT WHALES. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00260-00083743-00084144 BUT WHAT I WILL SAY - AND I WON'T GO INTO THE DETAILS NOW - RY6Rv2UKLZM-00261-00084150-00084441 IS THAT IF YOU LOVE DINOSAURS, AND I KNOW YOU LOVE DINOSAURS RY6Rv2UKLZM-00262-00084450-00084618 BECAUSE EVERYONE DOES, EXCEPT FOR ME RY6Rv2UKLZM-00263-00084641-00084818 BECAUSE THERE IS VERY LITTLE MUCH I DO LIKE, RY6Rv2UKLZM-00264-00084860-00085002 THEN YOU HATE WHALES. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00265-00085025-00085188 IF YOU LOVE DINOSAURS, YOU HATE WHALES. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00266-00085210-00085526 AND I WILL EXPLAIN WHY AT ANOTHER POINT IN TIME. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00267-00085548-00085679 WELL. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00268-00085742-00085986 THAT IS ALL FOR THIS TIME, LITTLE KRAKHEADS. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00269-00086029-00086373 HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED MY DARK MAGNIFICENCE AND BLACK WISDOM. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00270-00086460-00086977 AND I'LL SEE YOU AGAIN, IN AN UNDETERMINED BUT SHORT PERIOD OF TIME. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00271-00087110-00087664 AT WHICH TIME I WILL IMPART UPON YOU MORE OF MY GLORIOUS OMNISCIENCE. RY6Rv2UKLZM-00272-00087687-00087888 UNTIL THEN, GOODBYE. RZ4HXj3VN6M-00000-00000053-00000387 Not many people can start off a video abstract by saying that RZ4HXj3VN6M-00001-00000387-00000817 they are probably the world first and we are probably a world first RZ4HXj3VN6M-00002-00000817-00001175 to build a computer model made RZ4HXj3VN6M-00003-00001175-00001476 to illustrate the concept of forced resonance graph RZ4HXj3VN6M-00004-00001476-00001851 speed up the simulation by changing the delta t to 1 second RZ4HXj3VN6M-00005-00001851-00002327 and click play and the particles will be simulated to be driven by RZ4HXj3VN6M-00006-00002327-00002656 their respective different driving forces click on the store data RZ4HXj3VN6M-00007-00002656-00003077 and you can actually scroll through the different menu for for which the RZ4HXj3VN6M-00008-00003077-00003477 damping levels can be change we can check on the show theoretical RZ4HXj3VN6M-00009-00003477-00003784 so that the student can know what is steady-state RZ4HXj3VN6M-00010-00003784-00004127 amplitudes like and when the simulation runs for a long enough time RZ4HXj3VN6M-00011-00004127-00004569 you can also click on the show auto-scale y so you can see that the RZ4HXj3VN6M-00012-00004569-00005091 oscillation actually has both negative and positive and when the simulation RZ4HXj3VN6M-00013-00005091-00005498 has ran long enough to you can change it to a like damping RZ4HXj3VN6M-00014-00005498-00005558 case RZ4HXj3VN6M-00015-00005558-00005935 and we play again, again the system is being RZ4HXj3VN6M-00016-00005935-00006448 excited by external [equal] driving force(s) and after playing for a long enough time RZ4HXj3VN6M-00017-00006448-00006770 again to maximum amplitudes which is shown by the red dots RZ4HXj3VN6M-00018-00006770-00007230 starts to appear. Now let's look at the moderate damping case RZ4HXj3VN6M-00019-00007230-00007811 when we click play, again the system oscilates [under the influence of the driving forces] and very quickly the RZ4HXj3VN6M-00020-00007811-00008128 maximum ampliudes saturates to the RZ4HXj3VN6M-00021-00008128-00008649 theoretical steady state amplitudes and for the critical damping case RZ4HXj3VN6M-00022-00008649-00009144 let's change the delta t to 0.25 and you can see the simulation runs RZ4HXj3VN6M-00023-00009144-00009354 a little bit more smooth and slowly RZ4HXj3VN6M-00024-00009354-00009887 to allow you to see the red dots which is that maximum RZ4HXj3VN6M-00025-00009887-00010051 amplitude is being pushed RZ4HXj3VN6M-00026-00010051-00010444 by the instantaneous displacement of the masses RZ4HXj3VN6M-00027-00010444-00010811 and eventually it does saturate to the steady-state RZ4HXj3VN6M-00028-00010811-00011185 now we unchecked the show displacement so that the graph is RZ4HXj3VN6M-00029-00011185-00011496 very nice and theoretical for ease of comparison RZ4HXj3VN6M-00030-00011496-00012015 and finally we we choose heavy damping case you can see that the system RZ4HXj3VN6M-00031-00012015-00012409 oscillates and after a certain time RZ4HXj3VN6M-00032-00012409-00012881 it will then start to compute the maximum amplitudes as show as the red dots RZ4HXj3VN6M-00033-00012881-00013197 and eventually it will show the RZ4HXj3VN6M-00034-00013197-00013581 forced resonance response the graph RZ4HXj3VN6M-00035-00013581-00013971 the simulation now runs on the iOS as well as the Android devices Ra14GaYNt58-00000-00000085-00000895 Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala sayyidina muhammadin wa ala alihi adada inamillahi wa ifdali Ra14GaYNt58-00001-00000945-00001127 Audhu billahi min ash shaytanir rajim Ra14GaYNt58-00002-00001127-00001327 Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim Ra14GaYNt58-00003-00001327-00002700 Today, we will be talking about a civilisation founded by the Prophet Matarkaks, who took the knowledge stone from the Kashanak Civilisation that we talked about in yesterday's lesson, as you may remember. Ra14GaYNt58-00004-00002700-00004042 The one who brought the end of the other civilisation by putting forward the need for the common use of this knowledge stone by people, though we need to express the following expression in the bringing of this to an end. In this period, Ra14GaYNt58-00005-00004042-00004996 there is no brutality or a process such as destroying or plundering everything in the hands of people while they destroy another civilisation. Ra14GaYNt58-00006-00004996-00005642 In general, another civilisation is coming to an end. The other civilisation becomes established. Ra14GaYNt58-00007-00005642-00006434 People are breaking away from that civilisation, separating. Some of them get banished or let's not say they are banished, but they get separated. Ra14GaYNt58-00008-00006434-00007531 In other words, it is not a collapse like the sharp collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Not in the form of a war, we haven't seen that yet. Ra14GaYNt58-00009-00007531-00008320 Though, wars did take place, we explained it in our previous lesson, but this transition between the civilisations can be described as a natural transition. Ra14GaYNt58-00010-00008320-00009674 How to express; we can talk about the period when Europe rose a little higher with the Renaissance, and then towards the last period of the Ottoman Empire, how Europe, in inverted commas, turned into a much more developed structure. Ra14GaYNt58-00011-00009674-00010668 Or, it would be much more correct to say that in the approaching time, Africa will return to this civilisation climate again and develop its possibilities again. Ra14GaYNt58-00012-00010668-00011252 We talked about the process of this stone being brought to Medina in the previous lesson, Ra14GaYNt58-00013-00011252-00012135 but Matarkaks declares that it should be brought and placed in an area somewhere by Jannat al-Baqi’ and that it should be used as a common value of people. Ra14GaYNt58-00014-00012135-00012586 Where did they put this? They put it in Medina. Ra14GaYNt58-00015-00012586-00013147 After putting it in Medina, the whole neighbourhood began to use this information jointly. Ra14GaYNt58-00016-00013147-00013922 Therefore, due to this innovation made by a Prophet, the common use of this knowledge by civilisations was ensured, in order, Ra14GaYNt58-00017-00013922-00014526 methodically, so that everyone can benefit from it in their own technological development. Ra14GaYNt58-00018-00014526-00015705 In the Matarkaks Civilisation, close to the death of the Prophet Matarkaks, animals/fish were highly developed in seamanship. Ra14GaYNt58-00019-00015705-00016531 If we carry on the frictionlessness from before, they had built ships that can go very fast. Ra14GaYNt58-00020-00016531-00017803 And on these ships, they had the opportunity to catch the fish, the animals, by choosing them by amount. In other words, it had come to such a point that the amount of fish the society needs, Ra14GaYNt58-00021-00017803-00018691 what kind of fish it needs, how many tons, how many kilos it needs, these are determined. Accordingly, hunting was ensured. Ra14GaYNt58-00022-00018691-00019261 This was also being developed in land animals. Thus, a commercial union was established. Ra14GaYNt58-00023-00019261-00019941 In other words, a period begins where waste is not caused on what and how much civilisations use and need throughout the world. Ra14GaYNt58-00024-00019941-00020417 During this period, exchange centres started to be established for product exchange. Ra14GaYNt58-00025-00020417-00021310 There is no question of the use of money among the civilisations yet, but exchange centres were established quickly using high-speed aircraft, Ra14GaYNt58-00026-00021310-00022161 so if something is to be exchanged for something, what is the commercial equivalent of it, what is its value? Ra14GaYNt58-00027-00022161-00023662 Its value was measured by the fish in the sea. For a long time, seamanship and fishery became very active in this civilisation. In fact, we see that they consume much more seafood than land animals. Ra14GaYNt58-00028-00023662-00024640 Of course, these exchange centres had a need for fast communication, and towards the end of this period, we are beginning to see the opening up of space studies. Ra14GaYNt58-00029-00024640-00025553 In other words, after high-speed ships, the making of ships that go in the air, planes that are being built, but not like the ones today. Ra14GaYNt58-00030-00025553-00026636 A technology that can now move using the atomisation in the air, without the need for a fossil fuel, a technology achieved by using the ionisation in the air. Ra14GaYNt58-00031-00026636-00027621 While this technology speed is being developed, the possibility of going to space arises. In other words, we are going through a working process such as whether we can go there or not. Ra14GaYNt58-00032-00027621-00028367 Of course, these are technological developments that have been made at intervals of many years, a hundred years, two hundred years, three hundred years. Ra14GaYNt58-00033-00028367-00029186 The processes of transforming the knowledge taken from the Philosopher's Stone into action are carried out faster than the period we live in today. Ra14GaYNt58-00034-00029186-00030045 However, in this period, while another technology gradually begins to form a conflict site within the civilisation, Ra14GaYNt58-00035-00030045-00030939 a mistake made on the other hand causes people to be dragged into a wrong cause spiritually. Ra14GaYNt58-00036-00030939-00031761 The first of these is the people living here, there was a seat left from our Prophet Adam. You remember, Ra14GaYNt58-00037-00031761-00032251 there was a place where he talked about the Prophet (Muhammad) Alaihissalatu Wassalam, talked about the future; Ra14GaYNt58-00038-00032251-00032724 he had a place where he sat and declared where the civilisations would lose what and how. Ra14GaYNt58-00039-00032724-00033426 Later, this seat where our Prophet Adam had sat remained as an important symbol for all civilisations. Ra14GaYNt58-00040-00033426-00034521 With the importance of the Philosopher’s Stone, by declaring that the seat of our Prophet Adam is no longer important, they first demolish this seat. Ra14GaYNt58-00041-00034521-00035694 While demolishing this seat, they leave the direction towards Jerusalem they had previously turned to and started to prostrate towards Medina. Ra14GaYNt58-00042-00035694-00036643 In other words, taking the knowledge stone in front of them, standing by it, if you think about the Station of Abraham located next to the Kaaba, Ra14GaYNt58-00043-00036643-00037273 it is as if that is in front of you, and as if the Kaaba is in front of that, of course, we do not do it like this, Ra14GaYNt58-00044-00037273-00038280 but as the stone here is a knowledge stone and the superiority given to it as a result of the period of development of about 370 years that had passed, the Ra14GaYNt58-00045-00038280-00038854 importance of that stone in people's beliefs begins to increase. Ra14GaYNt58-00046-00038854-00040212 This does not improve with the words of the Prophets, because the rapidly developing technological structure causes people to think that now we can do things ourselves and causes self-indulgence. Ra14GaYNt58-00047-00040212-00040849 Another technological development is the spiritual side of this, it is a sociological change at the same time. Ra14GaYNt58-00048-00040849-00041822 With this change, we will be living a period in which the distinction between city-dwellers and villagers begin, this is because they use houses that can change places technologically, Ra14GaYNt58-00049-00041822-00042457 that is, you can move your house wherever you want, all over the world, as quickly as you want. Ra14GaYNt58-00050-00042457-00043372 During this period, a distinction between city-dwellers and villagers occurred, and this distinction began to form the mathematics of the collapse of this civilisation. Ra14GaYNt58-00051-00043372-00044806 Because at one side, the city-dwellers using this knowledge stone in Medina while prostrating, and the villagers are being seen as only labourers or workers at this point, Ra14GaYNt58-00052-00044806-00045953 therefore the expression that the superior ones are those that have this knowledge, and about the people that work with this knowledge, shows us a turning point where knowledge becomes a problem for people again. Ra14GaYNt58-00053-00045953-00046628 It expresses once again the effort to make sharp distinctions between people at this juncture. With this expression, Ra14GaYNt58-00054-00046628-00047213 it will lead us to the community conflict that has been experienced for the first time in the world. Ra14GaYNt58-00055-00047213-00048105 At last, the villagers embark on an uprising in the face of these expressions of incompetence shown by the city-dwellers in response to them. Ra14GaYNt58-00056-00048105-00048888 So they say, my brother, you take your houses everywhere whenever you want, we also take it, Ra14GaYNt58-00057-00048888-00049612 but to have the knowledge stone or after a while they said that only the city-dwellers can prostrate behind the knowledge stone. Ra14GaYNt58-00058-00049612-00050177 Even if the villagers come, they must stand behind the city-dwellers. Ra14GaYNt58-00059-00050177-00050677 As a matter of fact, the prostration mechanism has been broken, there has been a serious deviation in the belief of Tawhid (Oneness). Ra14GaYNt58-00060-00050677-00051009 They have left the belief of Tawhid. They did not listen to the Prophets of the other civilisations either. Ra14GaYNt58-00061-00051009-00052003 But on the other hand, another factor that triggers this basis is the segregation of the villagers and city-dwellers. Of course, we say these in today's understandable expressions. Ra14GaYNt58-00062-00052003-00053207 This causes conflict to occur with a great uprising in the community. This conflict raises the necessity for a military understanding for the first time in history. Ra14GaYNt58-00063-00053207-00053722 In other words, the Matarkaks Civilisation, this civilisation that emerged from a Prophet, Ra14GaYNt58-00064-00053722-00054808 , is trying to take a military measure in response to the villagers and city-dwellers conflict that emerged after the disaffiliation of the belief of Tawhid, Ra14GaYNt58-00065-00054808-00055192 and this military measure causes a serious chaos. Ra14GaYNt58-00066-00055192-00056060 The conflict between city dweller and villager begins. The responses of the soldiers in the administration, which the Matarkaks Civilisation put forward, Ra14GaYNt58-00067-00056060-00057097 say that this cannot be solved like this, that people have a value because there is a righteous among the soldiers. Ra14GaYNt58-00068-00057097-00057907 With his reorientation of people, internal turmoil in the administration increases. The military is reluctant to make this intervention, Ra14GaYNt58-00069-00057907-00058688 and thus the internal turmoil of the administration causes the end of the Matarkaks Civilisation. Of course, Ra14GaYNt58-00070-00058688-00059724 with this end, people need to be pull each other again, recover, and reach a level of unity. Ra14GaYNt58-00071-00059724-00060642 The declaration of this separation and the effort to reunite against this separation should be generated by the Righteous, Ra14GaYNt58-00072-00060642-00061524 Saints, Prophets and Messengers, who declared the truth of faith in the struggle between disbelief and faith. Ra14GaYNt58-00073-00061524-00062094 Tomorrow, if Allah wills, we will be going to another civilisation era. This civilisation has now been abolished. Ra14GaYNt58-00074-00062094-00063232 We will be talking about this union work of the new civilisation and what happened after this unity work and the work carried out in space. Ra14GaYNt58-00075-00063232-00064142 Yes, these expressions are sometimes difficult to understand, but our journey at these untold points in history continues on the Siyeri Nebi journey. Ra14GaYNt58-00076-00064142-00064516 See you tomorrow. Ra251qoR9Yg-00000-00043601-00044101 Must resist the urge! Ra251qoR9Yg-00001-00113892-00114391 This again...weird Ra251qoR9Yg-00002-00133184-00133583 Moar upgrades babieee Ra251qoR9Yg-00003-00174030-00174430 Final ascent Ra251qoR9Yg-00004-00178715-00179115 The Beacons of Minas Tirith! The Beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid! XD Ra251qoR9Yg-00005-00181485-00182085 Look at that view. 7000+ metres is nearly in the same league as the tallest peaks on Earth! Ra251qoR9Yg-00006-00306717-00307116 Whoa Ra251qoR9Yg-00007-00307253-00307753 Cue : The X-Files theme Ra251qoR9Yg-00008-00326830-00327330 That was so sci-fi Ra251qoR9Yg-00009-00328756-00329256 More playable characters? RaFUPmmEioU-00001-00006162-00006745 Sadhguru: Namaskaram and Good morning to everyone (Cheers). RaFUPmmEioU-00002-00006745-00007534 So this endeavor called “Youth and Truth” is going to last for some time. RaFUPmmEioU-00003-00007534-00007788 And it’s our privilege that... – RaFUPmmEioU-00004-00007795-00007990 and your privilege -, RaFUPmmEioU-00005-00007990-00008276 that SRCC is the first institution RaFUPmmEioU-00006-00008276-00009210 where we are starting (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00007-00009210-00009644 How this came about is – RaFUPmmEioU-00008-00009644-00009814 in this many years RaFUPmmEioU-00009-00009814-00010162 I’ve been with people one constant question RaFUPmmEioU-00010-00010163-00010516 that keeps or regret that keeps coming to me is, RaFUPmmEioU-00011-00010516-00010750 “Sadhguru, where were you all these days? RaFUPmmEioU-00012-00010758-00011078 Why didn’t we meet you when we were young? RaFUPmmEioU-00013-00011078-00011410 Where were you twenty years ago?” RaFUPmmEioU-00014-00011410-00011716 Why they’re saying this is, RaFUPmmEioU-00015-00011716-00012014 the nature of life is such RaFUPmmEioU-00016-00012014-00012196 when we’re youthful RaFUPmmEioU-00017-00012198-00012841 there’s lot of energy but no clarity and balance. RaFUPmmEioU-00018-00012841-00013034 When they’re old, RaFUPmmEioU-00019-00013034-00013276 we don’t know whether they’ll get clarity RaFUPmmEioU-00020-00013276-00013551 but at least they’re reasonably balanced, RaFUPmmEioU-00021-00013552-00013678 but no energy. RaFUPmmEioU-00022-00013678-00014052 What do you do with balance without energy? RaFUPmmEioU-00023-00014052-00014213 You know how to balance on the bicycle RaFUPmmEioU-00024-00014213-00014394 but you don’t have the energy to pedal, RaFUPmmEioU-00025-00014394-00014622 what’s the point? RaFUPmmEioU-00026-00014622-00014762 Or you know how to pedal RaFUPmmEioU-00027-00014762-00014996 but you don’t have the balance to stay on the seat, RaFUPmmEioU-00028-00014996-00015182 what is the point? RaFUPmmEioU-00029-00015182-00015319 So, RaFUPmmEioU-00030-00015319-00015441 here I am RaFUPmmEioU-00031-00015441-00015732 so that you don’t ask me after twenty-five years RaFUPmmEioU-00032-00015732-00016026 “Where were you, Sadhguru?” RaFUPmmEioU-00033-00016026-00016542 Just to fix that one question (Cheers/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00034-00016542-00016820 Moderator (Shriram): Namaskaram, Sadhguru. RaFUPmmEioU-00035-00016820-00017068 There is no need of much elaboration as to RaFUPmmEioU-00036-00017068-00017304 how much privileged we are, RaFUPmmEioU-00037-00017304-00017492 to have you among st us. RaFUPmmEioU-00038-00017492-00017768 Sadhguru: You can introduce yourself. RaFUPmmEioU-00039-00017768-00017898 Moderator (Shriram): So I’m Shriram. RaFUPmmEioU-00040-00017898-00018362 Sadhguru: You were born here (Laughs)? RaFUPmmEioU-00041-00018362-00018484 Moderator (Shriram): It so happens (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00042-00018484-00018830 I’m Shriram. I’m a third year B.Com honors’ student. RaFUPmmEioU-00043-00018830-00018944 Moderator (Praneet): Namaskaram, Sadhguru. RaFUPmmEioU-00044-00018944-00019442 I’m Praneet from Ludhiana and I’m a second year B.Com student. RaFUPmmEioU-00045-00019442-00019560 Moderator (Ria): Namaskaram, Sadhguru. RaFUPmmEioU-00046-00019560-00020010 I’m Ria, I’m a first year B.A Economics honors’ student. RaFUPmmEioU-00047-00020010-00020278 Moderator (Shriram): We all are fortunate to have gotten this opportunity RaFUPmmEioU-00048-00020278-00020488 to mediate this event. RaFUPmmEioU-00049-00020488-00020850 when we say mediate we are actually… Sadhguru: No.Mediation comes RaFUPmmEioU-00050-00020850-00021026 in only when we have a fight RaFUPmmEioU-00051-00021026-00021126 (Few Laugh). RaFUPmmEioU-00052-00021126-00021226 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-00053-00021226-00021372 We don’t have a fight so… RaFUPmmEioU-00054-00021372-00021806 Moderator (Shriram): So a lot of people had a lot of questions to ask RaFUPmmEioU-00055-00021806-00022076 and we have tried our best, you know, RaFUPmmEioU-00056-00022076-00022250 to kind of shortlist them RaFUPmmEioU-00057-00022250-00022728 and, you know, put forward whatever is relevant. RaFUPmmEioU-00058-00022728-00023314 Sadhguru, all of us sitting in this hall have some goals RaFUPmmEioU-00059-00023314-00023592 and as most of us are students, RaFUPmmEioU-00060-00023592-00023959 our goals are at the maximum level. RaFUPmmEioU-00061-00023959-00024232 We would like to know..., we are very eager to know, RaFUPmmEioU-00062-00024232-00024684 when you were of our age, what did… RaFUPmmEioU-00063-00024684-00025143 what was that thing which you wanted to become? RaFUPmmEioU-00064-00025143-00025439 What was your goal? RaFUPmmEioU-00065-00025439-00026301 Sadhguru: Oh (Laughs), this is beginning like an interrogation (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-00066-00026301-00027138 Well, frankly I had no goal of any kind. RaFUPmmEioU-00067-00027138-00028020 to such a point that my father used to (Gestures)… RaFUPmmEioU-00068-00028020-00028618 “What will this boy do? RaFUPmmEioU-00069-00028618-00028958 He’s not interested in anything.” RaFUPmmEioU-00070-00028958-00029148 Well, it was completely wrong RaFUPmmEioU-00071-00029148-00029524 because I was interested in so many things. RaFUPmmEioU-00072-00029524-00030076 I was not interested in the things that he was interested (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00073-00030076-00030772 I was absolutely interested in many, many things. RaFUPmmEioU-00074-00030772-00030948 See when we say goals, RaFUPmmEioU-00075-00030958-00031238 we must understand this, RaFUPmmEioU-00076-00031238-00031356 from where you are RaFUPmmEioU-00077-00031356-00031618 if you set a goal for your life, RaFUPmmEioU-00078-00031618-00031806 you can only set a goal RaFUPmmEioU-00079-00031806-00032288 according to you present level of understanding and knowledge, isn’t it? RaFUPmmEioU-00080-00032289-00032738 You think you’ve reached a point where you know everything in the universe? RaFUPmmEioU-00081-00032739-00032856 So if you set a goal, RaFUPmmEioU-00082-00032856-00033059 what kind of goal will you set? RaFUPmmEioU-00083-00033059-00033344 A very meager goal. RaFUPmmEioU-00084-00033344-00033482 And if you grow rapidly, RaFUPmmEioU-00085-00033482-00033870 you will be terribly disappointed with your own goal. RaFUPmmEioU-00086-00033870-00034276 But this has been taught to you in the recent years RaFUPmmEioU-00087-00034276-00034805 that you must be “goal -oriented.” RaFUPmmEioU-00088-00034805-00034936 If you… RaFUPmmEioU-00089-00034936-00035276 Let’s say you want mangoes in your house RaFUPmmEioU-00090-00035276-00035426 - if you want mangoes, RaFUPmmEioU-00091-00035426-00035758 you don’t have to think of mangoes. RaFUPmmEioU-00092-00035758-00035918 You have to think of soil, RaFUPmmEioU-00093-00035918-00036070 you have to think of manure, RaFUPmmEioU-00094-00036070-00036198 you have to think of water, RaFUPmmEioU-00095-00036198-00036384 you have to think of sunlight. RaFUPmmEioU-00096-00036384-00036822 None of them look or taste like mangoes. RaFUPmmEioU-00097-00036822-00037186 But if you take care of those things, mangoes will come. RaFUPmmEioU-00098-00037186-00037462 But suppose you have a strong desire for mango, RaFUPmmEioU-00099-00037462-00037928 but you did nothing about growing a mango tree in your home, RaFUPmmEioU-00100-00037928-00038418 you will want to steal it from him, if he has (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00101-00038418-00038652 Yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-00102-00038652-00038838 So if you have goals – RaFUPmmEioU-00103-00038838-00039230 what you’re calling as “goals” is just your desires, RaFUPmmEioU-00104-00039232-00039652 and your desires are just an outcome of the kind of thought process RaFUPmmEioU-00105-00039652-00039852 that you have right now. RaFUPmmEioU-00106-00039852-00039978 The kind of thought process RaFUPmmEioU-00107-00039978-00040224 that you have right now is only RaFUPmmEioU-00108-00040224-00040810 dependent upon the sort of data that you have collected right now. RaFUPmmEioU-00109-00040810-00041030 In twenty years’ time of life RaFUPmmEioU-00110-00041030-00041206 what kind of data RaFUPmmEioU-00111-00041206-00041628 do you believe you have gathered to set a goal for life? RaFUPmmEioU-00112-00041628-00041908 Not necessary. RaFUPmmEioU-00113-00041908-00042294 So this is something that I’m bringing about. RaFUPmmEioU-00114-00042294-00042654 Recently, every year we have this business… RaFUPmmEioU-00115-00042654-00043150 we have a business event in the month of November. RaFUPmmEioU-00116-00043152-00043328 Many business leaders come… RaFUPmmEioU-00117-00043328-00043619 All the top business leaders have been there. RaFUPmmEioU-00118-00043619-00043982 Two-hundred CEOs come every year to train with us for four days. RaFUPmmEioU-00119-00043982-00044242 So last year one of them was asking me, RaFUPmmEioU-00120-00044242-00044543 who is running a major multi-national company, RaFUPmmEioU-00121-00044543-00044792 “Sadhguru, we pick the best RaFUPmmEioU-00122-00044792-00045098 from the IIT’s and the IIM’s, RaFUPmmEioU-00123-00045098-00045390 and we keep paying them more and more RaFUPmmEioU-00124-00045390-00045716 and they keep asking for more and more. RaFUPmmEioU-00125-00045716-00046062 But when I look at your organization, RaFUPmmEioU-00126-00046062-00046278 you pay nothing to any of them RaFUPmmEioU-00127-00046278-00046492 and it seems to function RaFUPmmEioU-00128-00046492-00046808 many times better than our corporation. RaFUPmmEioU-00129-00046808-00047009 What is the secret?” RaFUPmmEioU-00130-00047009-00047242 I said, “See, this is all it is RaFUPmmEioU-00131-00047242-00047582 - we are devoted to the process, RaFUPmmEioU-00132-00047582-00047846 we are not concerned about the goal.” RaFUPmmEioU-00133-00047846-00048177 We are absolutely devoted to the process. RaFUPmmEioU-00134-00048177-00048520 Because our devotion to the process of what we’re doing right now… RaFUPmmEioU-00135-00048520-00048800 If you do not do what you’re doing right now well, RaFUPmmEioU-00136-00048800-00049231 your goal is just going to be a fancy desire, isn’t it? RaFUPmmEioU-00137-00049231-00049438 Hello? Yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-00138-00049438-00049526 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-00139-00049526-00049626 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-00140-00049626-00049940 Sadhguru: Your goal is going to be just a fanciful desire RaFUPmmEioU-00141-00049940-00050151 that you’ve made up in your mind, RaFUPmmEioU-00142-00050151-00050326 and that is not even yours, RaFUPmmEioU-00143-00050326-00050640 – your goals are all borrowed from ten other people. RaFUPmmEioU-00144-00050640-00050800 Whatever is the trend today, RaFUPmmEioU-00145-00050800-00051012 that is your goal, isn’t it? RaFUPmmEioU-00146-00051012-00051346 I would tell the young people, “don’t set a goal”. RaFUPmmEioU-00147-00051346-00051531 If you have absolute devotion to RaFUPmmEioU-00148-00051532-00051752 what you’re doing right now, RaFUPmmEioU-00149-00051752-00051946 depending upon the times RaFUPmmEioU-00150-00051946-00052082 and the opportunities, RaFUPmmEioU-00151-00052082-00052396 we will go as far as we go. RaFUPmmEioU-00152-00052396-00052640 But if you’re always concerned about the finish line, RaFUPmmEioU-00153-00052640-00052974 and not the step that you’re taking right now, RaFUPmmEioU-00154-00052974-00053308 you will fall flat on your face most probably. RaFUPmmEioU-00155-00053308-00053578 If you get to the goal you will be disappointed, RaFUPmmEioU-00156-00053578-00054004 if you don’t get there, you will be broken. RaFUPmmEioU-00157-00054004-00054204 Most successful people on the planet… RaFUPmmEioU-00158-00054204-00054324 I want you to just look at it, RaFUPmmEioU-00159-00054324-00054583 don’t just go by what I say, RaFUPmmEioU-00160-00054584-00055001 just go on the street and watch people. RaFUPmmEioU-00161-00055001-00055166 Leave the people who are driving bullock cart RaFUPmmEioU-00162-00055166-00055322 and this and that. RaFUPmmEioU-00163-00055322-00055558 Just watch those people who are driving BMW’s, RaFUPmmEioU-00164-00055558-00055908 Mercedes and whatever else, okay? RaFUPmmEioU-00165-00055908-00056252 Successful people –just carefully watch them. RaFUPmmEioU-00166-00056253-00056741 How many of them are joyfully driving their BMW? RaFUPmmEioU-00167-00056741-00056911 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-00168-00056911-00057444 How many of them are joyfully driving their dream car that they worked for? RaFUPmmEioU-00169-00057444-00058600 You will see hardly anybody, hardly anybody, unless it’s a stolen car (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00170-00058600-00058678 So those RaFUPmmEioU-00171-00058678-00059017 who have gotten to their goals are disappointed, RaFUPmmEioU-00172-00059017-00059441 those who could not get there are broken and frustrated. RaFUPmmEioU-00173-00059448-00059760 What’s the point of a life like this? RaFUPmmEioU-00174-00059760-00060066 Your ability to do things is enhanced only RaFUPmmEioU-00175-00060066-00060377 when you’re absolutely, absolutely devoted RaFUPmmEioU-00176-00060377-00060674 to the process in which you’re involved. RaFUPmmEioU-00177-00060674-00060950 I’m using the word devotion intentionally RaFUPmmEioU-00178-00060954-00061505 because people think devotion means going to the temple. RaFUPmmEioU-00179-00061505-00061950 You tell me, in any field, any arena of life RaFUPmmEioU-00180-00061950-00062255 – sport, art, music, politics, spirituality, RaFUPmmEioU-00181-00062255-00062595 you name it whatever you want, academics RaFUPmmEioU-00182-00062596-00062779 – has anybody reached RaFUPmmEioU-00183-00062779-00063088 any significant levels of achievement RaFUPmmEioU-00184-00063088-00063450 without being devoted to what they’re doing? RaFUPmmEioU-00185-00063450-00063550 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-00186-00063550-00063650 Participants: No. RaFUPmmEioU-00187-00063650-00063837 Sadhguru: Has anybody reached? RaFUPmmEioU-00188-00063837-00064024 Mediocre things they have done, RaFUPmmEioU-00189-00064024-00064417 only those who are absolutely devoted to what they’re doing RaFUPmmEioU-00190-00064417-00064691 they have done significant things on this planet, RaFUPmmEioU-00191-00064691-00064898 and that’s what you must do RaFUPmmEioU-00192-00064898-00065548 (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00193-00065548-00065740 Moderator (Praneet): Sadhguru, RaFUPmmEioU-00194-00065740-00066202 so as you told us that goals… RaFUPmmEioU-00195-00066202-00066444 like those who achieve the goals (Sadhguru Gestures) RaFUPmmEioU-00196-00066444-00066648 aren’t that happy RaFUPmmEioU-00197-00066648-00066810 and those who don’t have goals… RaFUPmmEioU-00198-00066810-00067180 Sadhguru: I thought I’ll just scare you a little bit (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-00199-00067182-00067646 Moderator (Praneet): And those who don’t have goals are also not happy RaFUPmmEioU-00200-00067646-00067859 but goals are the starting point RaFUPmmEioU-00201-00067860-00068048 but a lot of… Sadhguru: No, no, no. RaFUPmmEioU-00202-00068048-00068160 Please let me correct this. RaFUPmmEioU-00203-00068161-00068398 Is goal a starting point or a finishing line? RaFUPmmEioU-00204-00068398-00068872 Please (Laughter). Which is it? RaFUPmmEioU-00205-00068872-00069076 Moderator (Praneet): It’s both ways (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00206-00069076-00069228 Sadhguru: How is that? RaFUPmmEioU-00207-00069228-00069371 How is goal a starting point? RaFUPmmEioU-00208-00069371-00069713 Is goal a finishing line or a starting point? RaFUPmmEioU-00209-00069713-00069916 Please, please you must tell me. RaFUPmmEioU-00210-00069916-00070032 All of you, RaFUPmmEioU-00211-00070032-00070394 is goal a starting line or a finishing line? RaFUPmmEioU-00212-00070394-00070840 Participants: Finishing Line. Sadhguru: What is this? RaFUPmmEioU-00213-00070840-00071012 Moderator (Praneet): But like if… RaFUPmmEioU-00214-00071026-00071432 goal is something that motivates us to like… RaFUPmmEioU-00215-00071432-00071628 once we think of a goal in mind… Sadhguru: Ahh, RaFUPmmEioU-00216-00071628-00071888 you’re coming to the point now. RaFUPmmEioU-00217-00071888-00072040 So, RaFUPmmEioU-00218-00072040-00072782 you have been trained like a circus monkey (Laughter), you know? RaFUPmmEioU-00219-00072782-00073018 Circus monkeys are like this, RaFUPmmEioU-00220-00073018-00073152 if you want them to do a trick, RaFUPmmEioU-00221-00073152-00073610 you have to give them a sweet (Gestures like circus monkey) (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-00222-00073610-00073922 Otherwise (Gestures) “I won’t do it.” RaFUPmmEioU-00223-00073922-00074176 One more little sweet (Gestures). RaFUPmmEioU-00224-00074176-00074387 Don’t be a circus monkey. RaFUPmmEioU-00225-00074387-00074580 I thought we evolved out of being monkeys RaFUPmmEioU-00226-00074580-00074978 long time ago. Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-00227-00074978-00075260 So you’re only working RaFUPmmEioU-00228-00075260-00075414 – “What will I get? RaFUPmmEioU-00229-00075414-00075604 What will I get? What will I get?” RaFUPmmEioU-00230-00075604-00075834 What the hell will you get? RaFUPmmEioU-00231-00075834-00076128 You’ll die one day, that’s all. RaFUPmmEioU-00232-00076128-00076684 (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00233-00076684-00076902 You think you’re going to get something in the end? RaFUPmmEioU-00234-00076916-00077110 No, you’re just going to die one day. RaFUPmmEioU-00235-00077110-00077478 The question is only how beautiful, and significant, RaFUPmmEioU-00236-00077478-00077734 and intense of a life that you lived. RaFUPmmEioU-00237-00077734-00077898 That’s all there is. RaFUPmmEioU-00238-00077898-00078132 What will you get in the end? RaFUPmmEioU-00239-00078132-00078342 Goal is a end point, isn’t it? RaFUPmmEioU-00240-00078342-00078582 What do you think you’ll get at the end of your life? RaFUPmmEioU-00241-00078582-00078880 I want you to visit old age homes, hospices, RaFUPmmEioU-00242-00078880-00079226 where people are reaching the end of their life. RaFUPmmEioU-00243-00079226-00079358 Just look at them and see RaFUPmmEioU-00244-00079358-00079542 what do you think they have gotten? RaFUPmmEioU-00245-00079542-00079626 Nothing. RaFUPmmEioU-00246-00079626-00079802 Either they lived a profound life RaFUPmmEioU-00247-00079802-00080688 or they did not, that’s all there is (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00248-00080688-00080808 Moderator (Praneet): Sadhguru, RaFUPmmEioU-00249-00080808-00081020 as a humans and RaFUPmmEioU-00250-00081020-00081466 as especially youngsters have a lot of desires in their lives RaFUPmmEioU-00251-00081466-00082070 but many a times we all are told that “Be content with what you have.” RaFUPmmEioU-00252-00082070-00082120 But… like RaFUPmmEioU-00253-00082120-00082294 it comes to my mind that RaFUPmmEioU-00254-00082294-00082424 if we’re satisfied… RaFUPmmEioU-00255-00082424-00082596 if we’re satisfied, RaFUPmmEioU-00256-00082596-00083058 won’t that lead to an end to progress? RaFUPmmEioU-00257-00083058-00083408 Sadhguru: Whoever told you about “be content,”, RaFUPmmEioU-00258-00083408-00083704 I don’t know. RaFUPmmEioU-00259-00083704-00084244 I don’t know what kind of (Laughs) teachers you have met RaFUPmmEioU-00260-00084244-00084722 who told you “be content.” RaFUPmmEioU-00261-00084722-00085469 Well the word “contentment” comes from the word containment. RaFUPmmEioU-00262-00085469-00085866 If you think containing your life is an answer, RaFUPmmEioU-00263-00085866-00085978 this is simply because RaFUPmmEioU-00264-00085978-00086272 you’re just shit scared of life. RaFUPmmEioU-00265-00086272-00086540 That’s all it is. RaFUPmmEioU-00266-00086540-00086662 See, RaFUPmmEioU-00267-00086662-00086843 if you step out into the world, RaFUPmmEioU-00268-00086844-00087206 something may happen to you – possible? RaFUPmmEioU-00269-00087206-00087418 Possible? RaFUPmmEioU-00270-00087418-00087582 Hey, are we on talking terms or no? RaFUPmmEioU-00271-00087582-00087874 What’s the problem here? Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-00272-00087874-00088058 Sadhguru: If you step out the house, RaFUPmmEioU-00273-00088058-00088450 something may happen. Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-00274-00088450-00088608 Sadhguru: Anything may happen RaFUPmmEioU-00275-00088608-00088850 –, life may happen, death may happen, RaFUPmmEioU-00276-00088850-00088972 injury may happen, RaFUPmmEioU-00277-00088972-00089106 terrible things may happen, RaFUPmmEioU-00278-00089106-00089543 wonderful things may happen, yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-00279-00089543-00089720 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-00280-00089720-00089842 Sadhguru: So RaFUPmmEioU-00281-00089842-00090226 one day something little terrible happened to you. RaFUPmmEioU-00282-00090226-00090360 So now, RaFUPmmEioU-00283-00090360-00090560 you come to your philosophy, RaFUPmmEioU-00284-00090560-00090752 “Don’t step out of your house. RaFUPmmEioU-00285-00090752-00090940 Something terrible may happen to you.” RaFUPmmEioU-00286-00090940-00091232 Yes, it may happen. RaFUPmmEioU-00287-00091232-00091649 But something absolutely wonderful can happen to you. RaFUPmmEioU-00288-00091649-00091842 So if you contain yourself, RaFUPmmEioU-00289-00091842-00092118 you can avoid both. RaFUPmmEioU-00290-00092118-00092180 Essentially RaFUPmmEioU-00291-00092180-00092662 you’re trying to insulate yourself against life. RaFUPmmEioU-00292-00092662-00092772 People come to me and say, RaFUPmmEioU-00293-00092772-00093120 “Sadhguru, please bless us, nothing should happen to us.” RaFUPmmEioU-00294-00093120-00093386 I say “What kind of blessing is this? RaFUPmmEioU-00295-00093386-00093774 My blessing is let everything happen to you (Laughter/Applause)! RaFUPmmEioU-00296-00093774-00094306 Let everything that’s life happen to you!” RaFUPmmEioU-00297-00094306-00094550 (Applause)! RaFUPmmEioU-00298-00094556-00094888 Everything that’s life must happen to you. RaFUPmmEioU-00299-00094888-00095088 First thing you must decide is RaFUPmmEioU-00300-00095088-00095322 have you come here to avoid life RaFUPmmEioU-00301-00095322-00095644 or have you come here to experience life? RaFUPmmEioU-00302-00095644-00095854 This is something you must decide. RaFUPmmEioU-00303-00095854-00096136 Make up your mind, hmm? RaFUPmmEioU-00304-00096136-00096322 Please make up your mind right now. RaFUPmmEioU-00305-00096322-00096482 Have you come here to avoid life RaFUPmmEioU-00306-00096482-00096733 or have you come here to experience life? RaFUPmmEioU-00307-00096733-00096902 Participants: Experience! RaFUPmmEioU-00308-00096902-00097250 Sadhguru: Well, if you want to experience your life, RaFUPmmEioU-00309-00097250-00097693 this doesn’t mean you must get intoxicated. RaFUPmmEioU-00310-00097693-00097922 If you want to experience of your life, RaFUPmmEioU-00311-00097922-00098000 that doesn’t mean RaFUPmmEioU-00312-00098000-00098231 every evening you have to party. RaFUPmmEioU-00313-00098231-00098406 If you want to experience your life, RaFUPmmEioU-00314-00098406-00098618 you must bring this (Refers to Oneself) RaFUPmmEioU-00315-00098618-00098944 one instrument that you have to experience life, RaFUPmmEioU-00316-00098944-00099266 to its highest possible sensitivity. RaFUPmmEioU-00317-00099266-00099498 If this (Refers to Oneself) becomes super sensitive, RaFUPmmEioU-00318-00099498-00099804 this will experience everything in the universe. RaFUPmmEioU-00319-00099805-00100016 If you keep it dull and lethargic, RaFUPmmEioU-00320-00100016-00100142 you will be right here, RaFUPmmEioU-00321-00100142-00100212 you won’t know RaFUPmmEioU-00322-00100212-00100460 what the hell is happening around you. RaFUPmmEioU-00323-00100460-00100656 Yes? RaFUPmmEioU-00324-00100656-00100816 So right now, RaFUPmmEioU-00325-00100816-00101077 because people are heavily goal-oriented, RaFUPmmEioU-00326-00101078-00101380 they don’t know what’s happening around them,. RaFUPmmEioU-00327-00101380-00101780 They are only interested in the finish line. RaFUPmmEioU-00328-00101780-00102442 Finish line comes as a consequence of a certain efficient process. RaFUPmmEioU-00329-00102442-00102700 Finish line does not come because you desire it, RaFUPmmEioU-00330-00102700-00102968 success does not come because you desire it. RaFUPmmEioU-00331-00102968-00103338 – Success comes because you do the right things. RaFUPmmEioU-00332-00103338-00103668 It will not happen to those who are just desiring it, RaFUPmmEioU-00333-00103668-00103843 it will only happen to those RaFUPmmEioU-00334-00103844-00104868 who are doing the right things right now (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00335-00104868-00105014 Moderator (Ria): So Sadhguru, RaFUPmmEioU-00336-00105014-00105207 you have always emphasized on RaFUPmmEioU-00337-00105208-00105608 how important clarity is in comparison to confidence or courage. RaFUPmmEioU-00338-00105608-00105876 But for people of our generation, RaFUPmmEioU-00339-00105876-00106218 confidence is something that’s at a different level. RaFUPmmEioU-00340-00106218-00106496 Even when my nerves were racking to be here on the stage with you… RaFUPmmEioU-00341-00106496-00106622 Sadhguru: Really? Moderator (Ria): Yes (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00342-00106622-00107154 Sadhguru: Do I look so dangerous? Moderator (Ria): No (Sadhguru Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00343-00107154-00107282 Sadhguru: No, you’re safe, RaFUPmmEioU-00344-00107282-00107490 don’t worry, I was only trying to scare him (Gestures to Moderator, Praneet), RaFUPmmEioU-00345-00107490-00107730 not you (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-00346-00107730-00108261 Moderator (Ria): So each of my friends emphasize on how confident I should be. RaFUPmmEioU-00347-00108261-00108432 So do you think that RaFUPmmEioU-00348-00108432-00108894 over-ration of confidence has led to undermining the importance of clarity? RaFUPmmEioU-00349-00108894-00109116 Sadhguru: Very much. RaFUPmmEioU-00350-00109116-00109444 See confidence means this. RaFUPmmEioU-00351-00109444-00109628 Tell me, RaFUPmmEioU-00352-00109628-00109857 now the hall is reasonably well-lit,. RaFUPmmEioU-00353-00109857-00110330 if I ask you to walk from (Gestures) there to there, do you need confidence? RaFUPmmEioU-00354-00110330-00110430 No. RaFUPmmEioU-00355-00110435-00110630 No, no. RaFUPmmEioU-00356-00110630-00110732 Do you need confidence? RaFUPmmEioU-00357-00110732-00110909 Moderator (Ria): No. Sadhguru: No. RaFUPmmEioU-00358-00110909-00111135 Why?, because you can see things clearly. RaFUPmmEioU-00359-00111135-00111292 If we turn off the lights, RaFUPmmEioU-00360-00111292-00111425 make it pitch dark, RaFUPmmEioU-00361-00111426-00111859 if I ask you to walk from (Gestures) there to there, do you need confidence? RaFUPmmEioU-00362-00111859-00112126 Moderator (Ria): No. Sadhguru: You do. RaFUPmmEioU-00363-00112126-00112442 If I ask you to walk in total darkness on the street, don’t you need confidence? RaFUPmmEioU-00364-00112442-00112542 Moderator (Ria): Yeah. RaFUPmmEioU-00365-00112542-00112646 Sadhguru: You do. RaFUPmmEioU-00366-00112646-00112945 Why? No clarity. RaFUPmmEioU-00367-00112945-00113936 So somebody thought confidence is a substitute for clarity. RaFUPmmEioU-00368-00113936-00114083 You do one thing. RaFUPmmEioU-00369-00114083-00114391 Let’s say you can’t see clearly. RaFUPmmEioU-00370-00114391-00114940 One of the main streets in Delhi you want to cross, how to build confidence? RaFUPmmEioU-00371-00114940-00115464 Well, you can say “Jai Shri Ram,” and run across the street. RaFUPmmEioU-00372-00115464-00115711 Or you can say “Allah-hu-Akbar” or RaFUPmmEioU-00373-00115711-00116064 you can say “Hail Mary” and run across the street. RaFUPmmEioU-00374-00116064-00116233 You may make it. RaFUPmmEioU-00375-00116233-00116485 You may make it just by sheer chance RaFUPmmEioU-00376-00116485-00116970 or because of the compassion of some driver (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-00377-00116971-00117329 But if you try every day we know where to pick you up. RaFUPmmEioU-00378-00117329-00117629 Hello (Applause)? RaFUPmmEioU-00379-00117629-00117770 So I’m asking RaFUPmmEioU-00380-00117770-00118273 is confidence really a substitute for clarity? RaFUPmmEioU-00381-00118273-00118440 The problem is like this. RaFUPmmEioU-00382-00118440-00118660 Confidence means like this. RaFUPmmEioU-00383-00118660-00118780 You take a coin, RaFUPmmEioU-00384-00118780-00118835 flip it, RaFUPmmEioU-00385-00118835-00119102 “Heads – “I will do it,” tails – “I will not do it.” RaFUPmmEioU-00386-00119104-00119382 There’re whole lot of people in the world who are doing this. RaFUPmmEioU-00387-00119383-00119559 The problem with the coin is it can… RaFUPmmEioU-00388-00119559-00119744 it has only two faces; RaFUPmmEioU-00389-00119744-00120226 – the problem with life is, it has a million faces. RaFUPmmEioU-00390-00120226-00120683 So if heads means “I do it,” tails means, “I don’t do it.” RaFUPmmEioU-00391-00120683-00121048 It looks like it solves your problem RaFUPmmEioU-00392-00121048-00121282 but those who are right RaFUPmmEioU-00393-00121282-00121556 only fifty percent of the time in their life, RaFUPmmEioU-00394-00121556-00121824 there are only two professions left for them. RaFUPmmEioU-00395-00121824-00122133 They can either become a weather person RaFUPmmEioU-00396-00122133-00122314 - predicts weather, RaFUPmmEioU-00397-00122314-00122482 - or you can become an astrologer RaFUPmmEioU-00398-00122482-00122659 (Few Laugh). RaFUPmmEioU-00399-00122659-00123054 In any other profession you’re fired (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00400-00123054-00123259 In any other profession if you’re right RaFUPmmEioU-00401-00123259-00123560 only fifty percent of the time, you are fired, RaFUPmmEioU-00402-00123560-00123689 isn’t it so? RaFUPmmEioU-00403-00123689-00123789 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-00404-00123789-00123989 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-00405-00123989-00124509 Sadhguru: So, unfortunately, we think… RaFUPmmEioU-00406-00124509-00124816 See, it happens many times, RaFUPmmEioU-00407-00124816-00125058 if you just run across the street, you make it. RaFUPmmEioU-00408-00125058-00125258 That’s the whole problem!. RaFUPmmEioU-00409-00125258-00125742 There is an element of chance in life through which you can make it. RaFUPmmEioU-00410-00125742-00126050 But this is something young people must decide. RaFUPmmEioU-00411-00126050-00126551 Do you want to build your life on chance or on your competence? RaFUPmmEioU-00412-00126558-00127182 This is something you must decide - very important. RaFUPmmEioU-00413-00127182-00127585 You didn’t say anything (Applause) Hmm? RaFUPmmEioU-00414-00127585-00127824 On competence or chance? RaFUPmmEioU-00415-00127824-00127926 Participants: Competence! RaFUPmmEioU-00416-00127926-00128298 Sadhguru: If you even make it by chance... RaFUPmmEioU-00417-00128298-00128630 Suppose you’re successful by chance, RaFUPmmEioU-00418-00128630-00128983 you’re always insecure and fearful, isn’t it? RaFUPmmEioU-00419-00128983-00129409 Sadhguru: If you made it by your competence, RaFUPmmEioU-00420-00129409-00129568 then it’s a different matter. RaFUPmmEioU-00421-00129568-00129660 If this doesn’t work, RaFUPmmEioU-00422-00129660-00129766 we’ll do something else, RaFUPmmEioU-00423-00129766-00129872 if that doesn’t work, RaFUPmmEioU-00424-00129872-00129966 we’ll do something else, RaFUPmmEioU-00425-00129966-00130172 because we built a competence. RaFUPmmEioU-00426-00130172-00130492 But if you’re living by chance, RaFUPmmEioU-00427-00130492-00130618 then if you make it, RaFUPmmEioU-00428-00130618-00130858 you’re fearful you’ll lose the position, RaFUPmmEioU-00429-00130858-00131768 if you don’t make it, of course you know the pain (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00430-00131768-00131888 Moderator (Praneet): So Sadhguru, nowadays RaFUPmmEioU-00431-00131888-00132302 we see a lot of young people are in relationships. RaFUPmmEioU-00432-00132302-00132750 So our public display of affection, (PDA,) is quite common RaFUPmmEioU-00433-00132750-00133038 and popular among the young generation RaFUPmmEioU-00434-00133038-00133342 and it’s very normal for all of us to, you know, RaFUPmmEioU-00435-00133342-00133652 hug our friends or kiss our partners RaFUPmmEioU-00436-00133652-00133900 openly in front of others. RaFUPmmEioU-00437-00133900-00134182 But if we say our previous generation, RaFUPmmEioU-00438-00134182-00134502 they consider PDA as something vulgar. RaFUPmmEioU-00439-00134502-00134982 So it’s very strange that… how love offends someone. RaFUPmmEioU-00440-00134982-00135158 So my question is that RaFUPmmEioU-00441-00135158-00135422 whose outlook do you support? RaFUPmmEioU-00442-00135422-00135562 Is it the young generation RaFUPmmEioU-00443-00135562-00136422 or your own generation (Laughter)? RaFUPmmEioU-00444-00136422-00136610 Sadhguru: What makes you think RaFUPmmEioU-00445-00136610-00137184 you’re younger than me, hmm? RaFUPmmEioU-00446-00137184-00137450 (Cheers/Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-00447-00137450-00137994 No, no, I don’t agree that you’re younger than me (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00448-00137994-00138570 So, there are many aspects to this question. RaFUPmmEioU-00449-00138570-00139046 You said today young people have relationships. RaFUPmmEioU-00450-00139046-00139254 Unfortunately, you have come to a place, RaFUPmmEioU-00451-00139254-00139406 where you think that RaFUPmmEioU-00452-00139406-00139886 a relationship means it must be body-based, RaFUPmmEioU-00453-00139886-00140322 there must be something biological involved. RaFUPmmEioU-00454-00140322-00140623 Biology is a part of our life. RaFUPmmEioU-00455-00140623-00140844 But the significance of becoming human RaFUPmmEioU-00456-00140844-00141090 compared to other creatures is, RaFUPmmEioU-00457-00141090-00141279 they’re complete biology, RaFUPmmEioU-00458-00141280-00141528 we are only part biology, RaFUPmmEioU-00459-00141528-00141752 we have other dimensions to us. RaFUPmmEioU-00460-00141752-00141882 We have an intelligence, RaFUPmmEioU-00461-00141882-00141968 we have an emotion, RaFUPmmEioU-00462-00141968-00142124 we have a consciousness RaFUPmmEioU-00463-00142124-00142328 which is of another dimension. RaFUPmmEioU-00464-00142328-00142550 Biology is only one part of us. RaFUPmmEioU-00465-00142550-00142690 If an earthworm says RaFUPmmEioU-00466-00142690-00142854 “I have a relationship” RaFUPmmEioU-00467-00142854-00143134 and it… both of them tangle each other, RaFUPmmEioU-00468-00143134-00143295 I understand. RaFUPmmEioU-00469-00143295-00143760 If when a human being says “I have a relationship” it could be a friend, it could be a brother, RaFUPmmEioU-00470-00143760-00143874 it could be a sister, RaFUPmmEioU-00471-00143874-00144142 it could be variety of relationships, RaFUPmmEioU-00472-00144142-00144474 and also body-based relationships. RaFUPmmEioU-00473-00144474-00145206 So this thing about using the word “relationship” only with biological stuff, is essentially RaFUPmmEioU-00474-00145206-00145510 because somewhere unknowingly,... RaFUPmmEioU-00475-00145510-00145780 unknowingly maybe because of internet, RaFUPmmEioU-00476-00145780-00146205 you’ve gotten enslaved to America. RaFUPmmEioU-00477-00146205-00146466 It all started in United States. RaFUPmmEioU-00478-00146466-00146610 Relationships means, RaFUPmmEioU-00479-00146610-00146878 it has to be opposite sex or something sexual. RaFUPmmEioU-00480-00146878-00147278 Why, can’t you hold relationships of other kind? RaFUPmmEioU-00481-00147279-00147379 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-00482-00147379-00147527 Are we not capable? RaFUPmmEioU-00483-00147527-00147627 I’m asking? RaFUPmmEioU-00484-00147627-00147800 Can’t we have every intimate, RaFUPmmEioU-00485-00147800-00148041 profound relationships with people, RaFUPmmEioU-00486-00148041-00148249 without fondling their bodies? RaFUPmmEioU-00487-00148249-00148539 I’m asking, possible or no? RaFUPmmEioU-00488-00148539-00148694 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-00489-00148694-00149222 Sadhguru: Biology is not the most prominent aspect of being human – it is there. RaFUPmmEioU-00490-00149223-00149400 It’s not something that you can, RaFUPmmEioU-00491-00149400-00149675 you know, put it under the carpet. RaFUPmmEioU-00492-00149675-00149846 It is very much there. RaFUPmmEioU-00493-00149846-00150200 But it is not the dominant aspect of being human. RaFUPmmEioU-00494-00150200-00150446 With other creatures it is so. RaFUPmmEioU-00495-00150446-00150554 With a human being, RaFUPmmEioU-00496-00150554-00151020 the most significant aspect of who we are is our intelligence, … RaFUPmmEioU-00497-00151020-00151370 our emotion, our consciousness – these are big things. RaFUPmmEioU-00498-00151370-00151552 Body is just one part of it. RaFUPmmEioU-00499-00151552-00151770 I’m not saying you must ignore the body, RaFUPmmEioU-00500-00151770-00151938 body is there. RaFUPmmEioU-00501-00151938-00152382 Now when you say “young people” (Laughs), RaFUPmmEioU-00502-00152382-00152680 you're talking about those people RaFUPmmEioU-00503-00152680-00153200 whose intelligence has been hijacked by hormones. RaFUPmmEioU-00504-00153200-00153310 You were… RaFUPmmEioU-00505-00153310-00153770 (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00506-00153770-00154118 When you were ten years of age, RaFUPmmEioU-00507-00154118-00154428 you looked at people, everybody was fine, RaFUPmmEioU-00508-00154428-00154624 they’'re quite okay. RaFUPmmEioU-00509-00154624-00154790 You became fourteen, fifteen, RaFUPmmEioU-00510-00154790-00154897 you looked at them, RaFUPmmEioU-00511-00154898-00155123 every little bump on their body suddenly, RaFUPmmEioU-00512-00155123-00155382 it became a world by itself (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-00513-00155382-00155650 Yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-00514-00155650-00155964 You have to wait for some more time RaFUPmmEioU-00515-00155964-00156320 when the hormonal thing goes down, RaFUPmmEioU-00516-00156320-00156448 then you look at people, RaFUPmmEioU-00517-00156448-00157028 again they’re all looking normal (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00518-00157028-00157440 So, it’s not a question of right and wrong, RaFUPmmEioU-00519-00157440-00157709 it’s not a question of morality, RaFUPmmEioU-00520-00157710-00158046 it is just a question of priority RaFUPmmEioU-00521-00158046-00158250 - what kind of priority RaFUPmmEioU-00522-00158250-00158522 do you want to give RaFUPmmEioU-00523-00158522-00158932 to your own bodily compulsions. RaFUPmmEioU-00524-00158932-00159232 Now, you will see… RaFUPmmEioU-00525-00159232-00159392 In Delhi I’ve been… RaFUPmmEioU-00526-00159392-00159626 last three days I’ve been seeing, RaFUPmmEioU-00527-00159626-00159778 just now when I was coming to your college, RaFUPmmEioU-00528-00159778-00160328 somebody in a main street was standing there and urinating. RaFUPmmEioU-00529-00160328-00160571 When he feels like it, he does it. RaFUPmmEioU-00530-00160571-00160732 What’s the problem? RaFUPmmEioU-00531-00160732-00160948 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-00532-00160948-00161054 Any problem? RaFUPmmEioU-00533-00161054-00161216 No problem! RaFUPmmEioU-00534-00161216-00161312 Because when you feel like it, RaFUPmmEioU-00535-00161312-00161453 you do whatever you want, RaFUPmmEioU-00536-00161453-00161635 and you think it’s your right. RaFUPmmEioU-00537-00161635-00161752 He also thinks it’s his right RaFUPmmEioU-00538-00161752-00161849 - when he feels like it, RaFUPmmEioU-00539-00161849-00161972 he urinates on the street. RaFUPmmEioU-00540-00161972-00162066 What’s wrong? RaFUPmmEioU-00541-00162066-00162242 Dogs are doing it, donkeys are doing it, RaFUPmmEioU-00542-00162242-00162504 cattle are doing it, everybody is doing it (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00543-00162504-00162694 “Be natural,” RaFUPmmEioU-00544-00162694-00162967 this is the philosophy you are talking about. RaFUPmmEioU-00545-00162968-00163128 I’m saying, RaFUPmmEioU-00546-00163128-00163586 there is a certain sanctity to relationships, RaFUPmmEioU-00547-00163586-00163886 especially body-based relationships, RaFUPmmEioU-00548-00163886-00164158 if you don’t maintain that sanctity, RaFUPmmEioU-00549-00164158-00164571 it’ll become after some time, vulgarity definitely. RaFUPmmEioU-00550-00164571-00164844 So somebody is seeing it before you, RaFUPmmEioU-00551-00164844-00165028 that if you go like this tomorrow, RaFUPmmEioU-00552-00165028-00165200 it’ll lead to something else. RaFUPmmEioU-00553-00165201-00165586 This does not mean being a moral prude, no! RaFUPmmEioU-00554-00165586-00165822 But if you don’t maintain that sanctity, RaFUPmmEioU-00555-00165822-00165986 you will regret that RaFUPmmEioU-00556-00165986-00166152 how relationships will become, RaFUPmmEioU-00557-00166153-00166640 how much pain they can bring in your life later on, you will see. RaFUPmmEioU-00558-00166642-00166796 So one… RaFUPmmEioU-00559-00166796-00167042 this… you’re talking about previous generation, RaFUPmmEioU-00560-00167042-00167164 I don’t belong to that, RaFUPmmEioU-00561-00167164-00167336 nor do I belong to your generation, RaFUPmmEioU-00562-00167336-00167520 - I belong to the future generations, RaFUPmmEioU-00563-00167520-00168130 that’s why I’m like this (Gestures) (Laughs) (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00564-00168132-00168338 The previous generation RaFUPmmEioU-00565-00168338-00168664 that you’re talking about, was a generation RaFUPmmEioU-00566-00168664-00169160 which came just post-independence. RaFUPmmEioU-00567-00169160-00169482 You must understand their reality. RaFUPmmEioU-00568-00169482-00169708 They lived as RaFUPmmEioU-00569-00169708-00170062 an occupied nation for a period of time. RaFUPmmEioU-00570-00170062-00170482 Some of them fought, others slinked around. RaFUPmmEioU-00571-00170482-00170612 Whichever way, RaFUPmmEioU-00572-00170612-00171034 their ideas of morality, RaFUPmmEioU-00573-00171034-00171428 essentially was of their masters. RaFUPmmEioU-00574-00171428-00171574 It is British prudery RaFUPmmEioU-00575-00171574-00171767 that they carried within themselves. RaFUPmmEioU-00576-00171767-00172070 Their idea of being right, is that RaFUPmmEioU-00577-00172070-00172384 they must be in a straight jacket all the time. RaFUPmmEioU-00578-00172384-00172560 You don’t have to go by that. RaFUPmmEioU-00579-00172560-00172986 Nor do you have to something stupid in reaction to that. RaFUPmmEioU-00580-00172986-00173342 You must conduct your life sensibly. RaFUPmmEioU-00581-00173342-00173564 You must conduct your life in such a way, RaFUPmmEioU-00582-00173564-00173918 that this will work for you for your entire life, RaFUPmmEioU-00583-00173918-00174100 in some sense. RaFUPmmEioU-00584-00174100-00174242 You do something wacky today, RaFUPmmEioU-00585-00174242-00174526 and there may be a payment tomorrow. RaFUPmmEioU-00586-00174526-00174750 So, why don’t you think it through RaFUPmmEioU-00587-00174750-00174900 – what is the best thing to do? RaFUPmmEioU-00588-00174901-00175108 How much of what to do? RaFUPmmEioU-00589-00175108-00175208 Hmm? RaFUPmmEioU-00590-00175208-00175308 Isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-00591-00175308-00175460 How much of what should I do, RaFUPmmEioU-00592-00175460-00175555 how much of body, RaFUPmmEioU-00593-00175556-00175686 how much of intelligence, RaFUPmmEioU-00594-00175686-00175746 how much of emotion, RaFUPmmEioU-00595-00175746-00175924 how much of consciousness RaFUPmmEioU-00596-00175924-00176148 – in your life you must decide, RaFUPmmEioU-00597-00176148-00176401 which should dominate your life, RaFUPmmEioU-00598-00176402-00176690 accordingly you conduct it, it’s fine. RaFUPmmEioU-00599-00176690-00176994 Somebody doesn’t like it, they need not see it RaFUPmmEioU-00600-00176994-00177466 (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00601-00177466-00177586 Moderator (Shriram): Sadhguru, RaFUPmmEioU-00602-00177586-00177908 now I want to ask you something out of the context. RaFUPmmEioU-00603-00177908-00178250 So when we all sat for deciding on the questions RaFUPmmEioU-00604-00178250-00178440 which we want to ask, RaFUPmmEioU-00605-00178440-00179006 a girl came up with something very, very unique which she noticed in you, RaFUPmmEioU-00606-00179006-00179274 and we felt it is relevant. RaFUPmmEioU-00607-00179274-00179508 Why is that RaFUPmmEioU-00608-00179508-00179752 wherever you go, to, you know, RaFUPmmEioU-00609-00179752-00179984 kind of preach or talk about stuff, RaFUPmmEioU-00610-00179984-00180206 you sit in a particular position? RaFUPmmEioU-00611-00180207-00180510 You know, with sandals removed from your left leg, RaFUPmmEioU-00612-00180510-00180914 left leg up and right leg on the ground intact. RaFUPmmEioU-00613-00180914-00181048 Is it your style or RaFUPmmEioU-00614-00181048-00181632 is it a way that one person should sit? RaFUPmmEioU-00615-00181632-00181836 Sadhguru: Do you still use the Indian toilet (Laughter)? RaFUPmmEioU-00616-00181836-00182058 Moderator (Shriram): Yeah. I RaFUPmmEioU-00617-00182068-00182168 Sadhguru: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-00618-00182169-00182396 Do you sit in a particular way (Laughter/Applause)? RaFUPmmEioU-00619-00182396-00183008 Asking you (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00620-00183008-00183432 I am just asking you, do you? RaFUPmmEioU-00621-00183432-00183746 Why, because the body is made like that. RaFUPmmEioU-00622-00183746-00184098 Today in, RaFUPmmEioU-00623-00184098-00184288 I forget the name of the university RaFUPmmEioU-00624-00184288-00184604 – some university in United States made a study and they said, RaFUPmmEioU-00625-00184604-00184944 “This is the best way to shit!” RaFUPmmEioU-00626-00184944-00185244 (Laughter), because your thighs will go into your abdomen RaFUPmmEioU-00627-00185244-00185612 and press it out, and everything that needs to come out will come out. RaFUPmmEioU-00628-00185613-00185836 If what needs to come out doesn’t come out, RaFUPmmEioU-00629-00185836-00186132 it will slowly raise to your head (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-00630-00186132-00186308 Yes! RaFUPmmEioU-00631-00186310-00186606 So, to perform different types of activity, RaFUPmmEioU-00632-00186606-00186866 in the yogic sciences, RaFUPmmEioU-00633-00186866-00187084 we observed that RaFUPmmEioU-00634-00187084-00187854 certain types of body positions will support certain activity to its best. RaFUPmmEioU-00635-00187854-00187996 Or in other words, RaFUPmmEioU-00636-00187996-00188278 what is called as yoga, RaFUPmmEioU-00637-00188278-00188564 what is called as yoga is another different thing... RaFUPmmEioU-00638-00188564-00188776 What is called as Hatha yoga, RaFUPmmEioU-00639-00188776-00189032 the physical postures is, RaFUPmmEioU-00640-00189032-00189297 it is about manipulating the body RaFUPmmEioU-00641-00189298-00189428 in such a way that RaFUPmmEioU-00642-00189428-00189746 you get to a certain geometric perfection, RaFUPmmEioU-00643-00189746-00190246 that your geometry is aligned with the larger geometry of creation, RaFUPmmEioU-00644-00190246-00190482 so that you are always in sync, RaFUPmmEioU-00645-00190482-00190730 you are never off. RaFUPmmEioU-00646-00190730-00190858 And how balanced you are, RaFUPmmEioU-00647-00190858-00191029 how clearly you see things, RaFUPmmEioU-00648-00191030-00191150 and how well you do things, RaFUPmmEioU-00649-00191150-00191298 simply depends on RaFUPmmEioU-00650-00191298-00191650 how much you are in sync with everything else around you. RaFUPmmEioU-00651-00191650-00191954 Whether it’s people, or trees, or life, RaFUPmmEioU-00652-00191954-00192158 or just space, RaFUPmmEioU-00653-00192158-00192544 are you in sync with it or not, will decide how smoothly, RaFUPmmEioU-00654-00192544-00193004 how friction-free is your function in the world. RaFUPmmEioU-00655-00193004-00193248 Now, RaFUPmmEioU-00656-00193248-00193706 I don’t sit like this all the time - only when I speak. RaFUPmmEioU-00657-00193706-00194176 How I am sitting, if I have to explain… RaFUPmmEioU-00658-00194176-00194472 There is something called as Siddhasana. RaFUPmmEioU-00659-00194472-00194572 That means… RaFUPmmEioU-00660-00194572-00194771 There are many aspects to it. RaFUPmmEioU-00661-00194771-00195154 One simple aspect is, the left heel..., RaFUPmmEioU-00662-00195154-00195452 the left heel is… RaFUPmmEioU-00663-00195452-00195634 there is a point on the left heel, RaFUPmmEioU-00664-00195634-00196056 that today the medical sciences are calling it as the “Achilles”, RaFUPmmEioU-00665-00196056-00196166 you’ve heard of that? RaFUPmmEioU-00666-00196166-00196470 You’ve heard of the man?“Achilles”, RaFUPmmEioU-00667-00196470-00196810 You heard of the man, you saw the movie? RaFUPmmEioU-00668-00196810-00196926 You didn’t see the movie? RaFUPmmEioU-00669-00196926-00197092 Troy? RaFUPmmEioU-00670-00197092-00197206 You didn’t see? RaFUPmmEioU-00671-00197206-00197462 Tch, a innocent boy RaFUPmmEioU-00672-00197462-00198204 So, you put your Achilles to what is called as Mooladhara or the perineum in your body. RaFUPmmEioU-00673-00198204-00198440 If these two things touch, RaFUPmmEioU-00674-00198440-00198895 many aspects are cleared out in you, for that period of time. RaFUPmmEioU-00675-00198895-00199042 Many aspects means, RaFUPmmEioU-00676-00199042-00199306 your thoughts are clear, your emotions are out, RaFUPmmEioU-00677-00199306-00199725 and there is a very clear perception of what’s happening around you. RaFUPmmEioU-00678-00199725-00200420 You’ve heard that Achilles was killed because an arrow was shot to his heel. RaFUPmmEioU-00679-00200420-00200524 You don’t believe RaFUPmmEioU-00680-00200524-00200933 if somebody hurts your heel, you will die, isn't it so? RaFUPmmEioU-00681-00200933-00201096 But Achilles died that way. RaFUPmmEioU-00682-00201096-00201238 And there is another person RaFUPmmEioU-00683-00201238-00201734 who died that way in India, way before him. RaFUPmmEioU-00684-00201734-00201856 Sadhguru: Yesterday was his birthday – RaFUPmmEioU-00685-00201856-00202243 Krishna Janmastami - he also died this way. RaFUPmmEioU-00686-00202243-00202456 What this is trying to tell you is, RaFUPmmEioU-00687-00202456-00202876 they were killed in an expert way. RaFUPmmEioU-00688-00202876-00203104 Not just slitting your throat or breaking your head, RaFUPmmEioU-00689-00203104-00203368 but just putting a point at the Achilles, RaFUPmmEioU-00690-00203368-00203578 so they had to die. RaFUPmmEioU-00691-00203578-00203875 So, there is a certain system, energy system in the body. RaFUPmmEioU-00692-00203875-00204226 If that point of Achilles is in touch with your Mooladhara, RaFUPmmEioU-00693-00204226-00204378 when you sit like this, RaFUPmmEioU-00694-00204378-00204622 there is a certain balance, RaFUPmmEioU-00695-00204622-00204960 that you don’t take any sides. RaFUPmmEioU-00696-00204960-00205234 See, all of us have our own opinions, RaFUPmmEioU-00697-00205234-00205460 ideas, ideologies, stuff RaFUPmmEioU-00698-00205460-00205904 – Our own experiences of life. RaFUPmmEioU-00699-00205904-00206284 Your own experiences of life and imprints that you have taken in your mind, RaFUPmmEioU-00700-00206284-00206517 influences everything that you see. RaFUPmmEioU-00701-00206517-00206732 You like this, you don’t like this person, RaFUPmmEioU-00702-00206732-00206923 you love that person, you hate this person RaFUPmmEioU-00703-00206926-00207150 – all this is because RaFUPmmEioU-00704-00207150-00207505 you are constantly taking positions of your own. RaFUPmmEioU-00705-00207505-00207646 But, RaFUPmmEioU-00706-00207646-00207917 if you really want to know life, RaFUPmmEioU-00707-00207917-00208138 the most important thing is, RaFUPmmEioU-00708-00208138-00208354 you don’t take any position. RaFUPmmEioU-00709-00208354-00208780 You’re willing to look at everything fresh every moment of your life. RaFUPmmEioU-00710-00208780-00209094 Absolutely fresh, every moment of your life. RaFUPmmEioU-00711-00209094-00209312 This is very difficult for people to understand RaFUPmmEioU-00712-00209312-00209646 –People who have been with me for thirty, thirty-five years, RaFUPmmEioU-00713-00209646-00209767 every day, they are with me, RaFUPmmEioU-00714-00209767-00209992 working with me, doing so many things, RaFUPmmEioU-00715-00209992-00210342 I still don’t have a single opinion about them. RaFUPmmEioU-00716-00210342-00210532 Only when I need to do some work, RaFUPmmEioU-00717-00210532-00210883 I may look at their competence and stuff. RaFUPmmEioU-00718-00210883-00211178 But I don’t have a single opinion about anybody RaFUPmmEioU-00719-00211178-00211385 who is around me for such a long time. RaFUPmmEioU-00720-00211386-00211558 By now you should have formed your opinions, RaFUPmmEioU-00721-00211558-00211658 but I don’t, RaFUPmmEioU-00722-00211658-00212061 because that is the essence of spiritual process, RaFUPmmEioU-00723-00212062-00212540 that we constantly looking at every life as a possibility. RaFUPmmEioU-00724-00212540-00212954 There is of course a distance between possibility and reality. RaFUPmmEioU-00725-00212954-00213112 Some will have the courage and commitment RaFUPmmEioU-00726-00213112-00213340 to travel that distance. RaFUPmmEioU-00727-00213340-00213523 Some will not have the courage and commitment RaFUPmmEioU-00728-00213523-00213690 to travel that distance. RaFUPmmEioU-00729-00213690-00214031 But, every life is a possibility. RaFUPmmEioU-00730-00214032-00214258 If you want to keep that possibility open, RaFUPmmEioU-00731-00214258-00214671 you never ever form an opinion about anybody of any sort. RaFUPmmEioU-00732-00214671-00214842 Good, bad, ugly RaFUPmmEioU-00733-00214842-00214990 – you don’t form these opinions, RaFUPmmEioU-00734-00214990-00215196 you simply look at them right now. RaFUPmmEioU-00735-00215196-00215338 How are they right now, this moment, RaFUPmmEioU-00736-00215338-00215514 that’s all that matters to me. RaFUPmmEioU-00737-00215514-00215740 How you were yesterday is not my business. RaFUPmmEioU-00738-00215740-00216076 How you may be tomorrow, let’s see. RaFUPmmEioU-00739-00216076-00216238 Tomorrow must be created, RaFUPmmEioU-00740-00216238-00216414 not concretized right now, RaFUPmmEioU-00741-00216414-00216904 isn't it (Applause)? RaFUPmmEioU-00742-00216904-00217106 It’s a certain geometry of the body, RaFUPmmEioU-00743-00217106-00217448 if you manage the geometry of the body well, RaFUPmmEioU-00744-00217448-00217542 you must… RaFUPmmEioU-00745-00217542-00217871 I’m telling you, right now, people… RaFUPmmEioU-00746-00217871-00218186 the western cultures are going about propagating, RaFUPmmEioU-00747-00218186-00218562 “Yoga is another stretching exercise, instead of that, you can do Pilates, RaFUPmmEioU-00748-00218562-00218718 instead of that you can do boxing, RaFUPmmEioU-00749-00218718-00218888 instead of that you can play tennis.” RaFUPmmEioU-00750-00218888-00219114 See, if you want to be just fit, RaFUPmmEioU-00751-00219114-00219367 go run somewhere, climb a mountain, RaFUPmmEioU-00752-00219368-00219594 play tennis, do something. RaFUPmmEioU-00753-00219594-00219722 Yoga is not about fitness. RaFUPmmEioU-00754-00219722-00219961 Fitness is just one consequence. RaFUPmmEioU-00755-00219962-00220100 The important thing is, RaFUPmmEioU-00756-00220100-00220363 to get the right geometry of life. RaFUPmmEioU-00757-00220363-00220753 Because physical universe is all geometry. RaFUPmmEioU-00758-00220753-00220982 Now, this building is standing here. RaFUPmmEioU-00759-00220982-00221066 Whether… RaFUPmmEioU-00760-00221066-00221182 How long it will stand, RaFUPmmEioU-00761-00221182-00221351 whether it will fall on our head today or RaFUPmmEioU-00762-00221351-00221548 will it stand for a long time, RaFUPmmEioU-00763-00221548-00221740 essentially depends on RaFUPmmEioU-00764-00221740-00222017 how geometrically perfect it is. RaFUPmmEioU-00765-00222017-00222160 The same goes for the body, RaFUPmmEioU-00766-00222160-00222348 the same goes for the planetary system, RaFUPmmEioU-00767-00222348-00222525 the same goes for the universe, RaFUPmmEioU-00768-00222525-00222714 the same goes with for everything. RaFUPmmEioU-00769-00222714-00222814 Planets… RaFUPmmEioU-00770-00222814-00223017 Planet earth is going around the sun, RaFUPmmEioU-00771-00223017-00223319 not with a steel cable attached to it. RaFUPmmEioU-00772-00223319-00223617 Just perfection of geometry, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-00773-00223617-00223778 If little off-geometry if it happens, RaFUPmmEioU-00774-00223778-00223898 it’s gone forever, RaFUPmmEioU-00775-00223898-00224167 and that’s true with you also RaFUPmmEioU-00776-00224167-00224490 –. If you go off your fundamental geometry, you are gone. RaFUPmmEioU-00777-00224490-00224744 It’s very important at an early age, RaFUPmmEioU-00778-00224744-00225117 you do the right things to bring a right sense of geometry. RaFUPmmEioU-00779-00225117-00225505 Now, you become competent to go through life. RaFUPmmEioU-00780-00225506-00225830 Those people who are thinking only good things should happen to them, RaFUPmmEioU-00781-00225830-00226136 obviously they are unfit for life. RaFUPmmEioU-00782-00226136-00226302 Because, RaFUPmmEioU-00783-00226302-00226389 if you do not know RaFUPmmEioU-00784-00226390-00226588 how to go through harsh situations RaFUPmmEioU-00785-00226588-00226794 well, joyfully, RaFUPmmEioU-00786-00226794-00227214 then you will avoid all possibilities, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-00787-00227214-00227500 You will avoid all great possibilities of life, RaFUPmmEioU-00788-00227500-00227878 simply because you want to avoid little bit of difficulty. RaFUPmmEioU-00789-00227878-00228264 Only when you are geometrically in a certain state of congruence, RaFUPmmEioU-00790-00228264-00228386 then RaFUPmmEioU-00791-00228388-00228512 you are willing to go through RaFUPmmEioU-00792-00228512-00229004 any situation no matter what it is (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00793-00229004-00229144 Moderator (Ria): Sadhguru, RaFUPmmEioU-00794-00229144-00229502 Jealousy is always considered as a really cynical emotion. RaFUPmmEioU-00795-00229502-00229656 But to be honest, RaFUPmmEioU-00796-00229656-00229998 for me, it has worked so well (Sadhguru laughs)... RaFUPmmEioU-00797-00229998-00230284 Sadhguru: What did you get to do, hmm? Moderator (Ria): It motivates me. RaFUPmmEioU-00798-00230284-00230554 (Sadhguru Laughs) So, every time my friend learns something new, RaFUPmmEioU-00799-00230554-00230836 I just get this innate urge to perform better. RaFUPmmEioU-00800-00230836-00231050 And it’s probably why RaFUPmmEioU-00801-00231050-00231250 I have landed up in my dream college. RaFUPmmEioU-00802-00231250-00231392 So, do you think RaFUPmmEioU-00803-00231392-00231664 that jealousy is actually a negative emotion, RaFUPmmEioU-00804-00231664-00231956 or does it motivate you to do better? RaFUPmmEioU-00805-00231956-00232119 Sadhguru: See, these days, RaFUPmmEioU-00806-00232119-00232285 fortunately it’s gone. RaFUPmmEioU-00807-00232285-00232548 When we were growing up, RaFUPmmEioU-00808-00232548-00232773 especially Diwali is coming, RaFUPmmEioU-00809-00232773-00233235 when Diwali comes, in small towns, RaFUPmmEioU-00810-00233236-00233566 one of the fun that people have is, RaFUPmmEioU-00811-00233566-00233871 they will make a can full of RaFUPmmEioU-00812-00233871-00234144 what to say… the firecrackers RaFUPmmEioU-00813-00234144-00234521 and tie it to a donkey’s tail. RaFUPmmEioU-00814-00234521-00234646 When it goes dum dum dum, RaFUPmmEioU-00815-00234646-00235230 poor donkey runs all over the place faster than a horse. RaFUPmmEioU-00816-00235230-00236226 You think that’s the way to motivate life (Laughter/Applause)? RaFUPmmEioU-00817-00236226-00236354 There are better and RaFUPmmEioU-00818-00236354-00236649 more intelligent ways of doing things. RaFUPmmEioU-00819-00236649-00236748 Well, RaFUPmmEioU-00820-00236748-00237219 when you feel like your tail is burning, you may run. RaFUPmmEioU-00821-00237219-00237321 People always use this thing, RaFUPmmEioU-00822-00237321-00237419 if a dog is chasing you, RaFUPmmEioU-00823-00237419-00237726 you will run really fastest. RaFUPmmEioU-00824-00237726-00238085 But Mr. Bolt - you know Mr. Bolt? RaFUPmmEioU-00825-00238085-00238546 - He did not run because his tail is on fire. RaFUPmmEioU-00826-00238546-00238786 He runs because he prepared his legs RaFUPmmEioU-00827-00238786-00238944 and lungs in such a way, RaFUPmmEioU-00828-00238944-00239078 whichever way he runs, RaFUPmmEioU-00829-00239078-00239302 he is faster than everybody. RaFUPmmEioU-00830-00239302-00239402 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-00831-00239402-00239607 Isn’t that the way to run (Applause)? RaFUPmmEioU-00832-00239607-00239876 Sadhguru: You want to run because a dog is chasing you, RaFUPmmEioU-00833-00239876-00240080 you want to run because your tail is on fire RaFUPmmEioU-00834-00240080-00240282 - is that the way you want to run? RaFUPmmEioU-00835-00240282-00240608 No, that’s not a pleasant way to run. RaFUPmmEioU-00836-00240608-00240971 See, one thing is, important that you run fast. RaFUPmmEioU-00837-00240971-00241084 Another thing is, RaFUPmmEioU-00838-00241084-00241378 that your experience of running is fantastic! RaFUPmmEioU-00839-00241378-00241512 Isn’t that important? RaFUPmmEioU-00840-00241512-00241611 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-00841-00241612-00241712 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-00842-00241712-00241906 Sadhguru: Well you got into your dream college, RaFUPmmEioU-00843-00241906-00242110 but it could be hell, three years… RaFUPmmEioU-00844-00242110-00242458 three years of hell, who knows? RaFUPmmEioU-00845-00242458-00243094 Is it not important that these three years are a fantastic experience for you? RaFUPmmEioU-00846-00243094-00243336 Hmm? RaFUPmmEioU-00847-00243336-00243604 Not important (Applause)? RaFUPmmEioU-00848-00243604-00243902 Running is not the only important thing. RaFUPmmEioU-00849-00243902-00244026 How you experience it, RaFUPmmEioU-00850-00244026-00244294 what comes out of it tomorrow! RaFUPmmEioU-00851-00244294-00244516 Suppose we ran because our tail is on fire, RaFUPmmEioU-00852-00244516-00244788 now we understand, RaFUPmmEioU-00853-00244788-00245284 the only way to make people run is to set their tails on fire. RaFUPmmEioU-00854-00245284-00245600 How much damage we will cause to everybody! RaFUPmmEioU-00855-00245600-00246082 And I’ve seen these donkeys running faster than a race horse, RaFUPmmEioU-00856-00246082-00246356 because they’re terrified! RaFUPmmEioU-00857-00246356-00246506 That’s not the way to run. RaFUPmmEioU-00858-00246506-00246654 Please don’t do that to yourself. RaFUPmmEioU-00859-00246654-00246930 Not anymore, okay? RaFUPmmEioU-00860-00246930-00247266 Now the dream has come true (Laughs) (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00861-00247266-00247486 Moderator (Ria): Yeah. RaFUPmmEioU-00862-00247486-00247614 Moderator (Shriram): Sadhguru, now that RaFUPmmEioU-00863-00247614-00247826 we talked about her dream college, RaFUPmmEioU-00864-00247826-00248071 I take the leverage of putting you in a situation… RaFUPmmEioU-00865-00248071-00248156 Sadhguru: Hey, it’s okay. RaFUPmmEioU-00866-00248156-00248480 You were born here, so it’s all right (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-00867-00248480-00248860 Moderator (Shriram): Suppose you are a third year student at SRCC, RaFUPmmEioU-00868-00248860-00249064 so most of the third years RaFUPmmEioU-00869-00249064-00249410 who’d joined me in the mindset that, RaFUPmmEioU-00870-00249410-00249517 this is the time, you know, RaFUPmmEioU-00871-00249517-00249712 where we have a lot of options RaFUPmmEioU-00872-00249712-00249895 – we can opt for placements, RaFUPmmEioU-00873-00249896-00250060 or we can do higher studies, RaFUPmmEioU-00874-00250060-00250380 or we can do... we pursue CA, etc, etc. RaFUPmmEioU-00875-00250380-00250592 But at times, it happens RaFUPmmEioU-00876-00250592-00250973 that our vision or our goal about RaFUPmmEioU-00877-00250973-00251273 life is different from that of our parents. RaFUPmmEioU-00878-00251273-00251502 Have you ever come across such situation RaFUPmmEioU-00879-00251502-00251814 where your goals are not in line with your parents, RaFUPmmEioU-00880-00251814-00251996 and is it okay to, you know, RaFUPmmEioU-00881-00251996-00252246 kind of go against them? RaFUPmmEioU-00882-00252246-00252438 Sadhguru: See, they had goals and goals, RaFUPmmEioU-00883-00252438-00252523 I had none. RaFUPmmEioU-00884-00252526-00253126 So I never came across such a thing (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00885-00253126-00253378 They had many goals., RaFUPmmEioU-00886-00253378-00253823 so… my father being physician RaFUPmmEioU-00887-00253823-00254178 - he’s a very good man, RaFUPmmEioU-00888-00254178-00254300 and academically RaFUPmmEioU-00889-00254300-00254554 all his life he’s been at the top, RaFUPmmEioU-00890-00254554-00254935 and he’s a physician. RaFUPmmEioU-00891-00254936-00255308 In India, we have a malice that, RaFUPmmEioU-00892-00255308-00255632 first thing is you become a doctor. RaFUPmmEioU-00893-00255632-00255821 If you cannot, you become an engineer. RaFUPmmEioU-00894-00255821-00255986 If you cannot, that… RaFUPmmEioU-00895-00255986-00256356 then only you end up in commerce (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-00896-00256356-00256616 At least in the previous generation (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00897-00256616-00256678 In the… RaFUPmmEioU-00898-00256678-00256796 When we are growing up, RaFUPmmEioU-00899-00256796-00257106 that is the thing. RaFUPmmEioU-00900-00257106-00257467 So obviously, his dream is I should become a doctor. RaFUPmmEioU-00901-00257467-00257588 Tch! RaFUPmmEioU-00902-00257590-00257769 I hope he is not on the web, RaFUPmmEioU-00903-00257769-00258292 listening to me (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00904-00258292-00258760 Because he studied in such a way, RaFUPmmEioU-00905-00258760-00258908 that he didn’t study… RaFUPmmEioU-00906-00258908-00259088 because for him, it was a passion. RaFUPmmEioU-00907-00259088-00259334 He lost his mother when he was four years of age, RaFUPmmEioU-00908-00259334-00259609 and she died of tuberculosis. RaFUPmmEioU-00909-00259609-00259854 So though he is from a very large business family, RaFUPmmEioU-00910-00259854-00260078 he committed that he will become a doctor. RaFUPmmEioU-00911-00260078-00260250 Because somewhere, RaFUPmmEioU-00912-00260250-00260455 a four-year-old boy felt that RaFUPmmEioU-00913-00260455-00260651 if there was a good doctor, RaFUPmmEioU-00914-00260652-00260982 the mother would have lived. RaFUPmmEioU-00915-00260982-00261323 So he committed that he wants to become a doctor. RaFUPmmEioU-00916-00261323-00261590 For him being a doctor was not a profession, RaFUPmmEioU-00917-00261590-00261823 it was like his religion. RaFUPmmEioU-00918-00261823-00262121 He lived like that. RaFUPmmEioU-00919-00262121-00262438 So naturally, he wanted all the four siblings RaFUPmmEioU-00920-00262438-00262684 – or his four children, rather RaFUPmmEioU-00921-00262684-00262832 – to become doctors. RaFUPmmEioU-00922-00262832-00262982 First one didn’t become, RaFUPmmEioU-00923-00262982-00263122 second one didn’t become, RaFUPmmEioU-00924-00263122-00263234 third one didn’t become, RaFUPmmEioU-00925-00263234-00263540 I got caught (Few Audience Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00926-00263540-00263670 At the age of ten or eleven RaFUPmmEioU-00927-00263670-00263768 I clearly told him, RaFUPmmEioU-00928-00263768-00263910 “See, one thing is, RaFUPmmEioU-00929-00263910-00264240 I’m never going to be a doctor (Few laugh). RaFUPmmEioU-00930-00264240-00264570 Please don’t pin your hopes on me.” RaFUPmmEioU-00931-00264570-00264772 He showed me all his notes, RaFUPmmEioU-00932-00264772-00265172 piles of notes that he’s kept about his studies. RaFUPmmEioU-00933-00265172-00265370 He said,, “I’ve kept all this, RaFUPmmEioU-00934-00265370-00265677 so that one of you will become a doctor.” RaFUPmmEioU-00935-00265677-00265910 Well, all three went different ways, RaFUPmmEioU-00936-00265910-00266457 and me going nowhere (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-00937-00266457-00266678 I am only interested in biology, means RaFUPmmEioU-00938-00266678-00266948 I’m interested in the jungle, RaFUPmmEioU-00939-00266948-00267241 not in dissecting something, RaFUPmmEioU-00940-00267241-00267628 just in looking and absorbing things. RaFUPmmEioU-00941-00267628-00267850 So a time came, RaFUPmmEioU-00942-00267850-00267994 when I finished my… RaFUPmmEioU-00943-00267994-00268152 this is not a good example. RaFUPmmEioU-00944-00268152-00268452 You are asking me questions, okay? RaFUPmmEioU-00945-00268452-00268640 I finished my… RaFUPmmEioU-00946-00268640-00269162 what is today called as plus two, is it? RaFUPmmEioU-00947-00269162-00269358 Twelfth. RaFUPmmEioU-00948-00269358-00269794 At that time, it was called as “pre-university course”. RaFUPmmEioU-00949-00269794-00270276 I finished my twelfth standard RaFUPmmEioU-00950-00270276-00270388 and RaFUPmmEioU-00951-00270388-00270994 I decided, I will not go to the university. RaFUPmmEioU-00952-00270994-00271374 By then I had cycled across Southern India, RaFUPmmEioU-00953-00271374-00271678 I had seen more life than most people would have seen, RaFUPmmEioU-00954-00271678-00272074 I had done some small tradings of this and that, RaFUPmmEioU-00955-00272074-00272296 and earned a lot of money. RaFUPmmEioU-00956-00272296-00272694 Lot means, in those days, a few thousand rupees. RaFUPmmEioU-00957-00272695-00272950 Maybe I had 50-60,000 rupees RaFUPmmEioU-00958-00272950-00273200 when I was seventeen years of age. RaFUPmmEioU-00959-00273200-00273382 All rolled up, I didn’t know what’s banking, RaFUPmmEioU-00960-00273382-00273438 so rolled it up RaFUPmmEioU-00961-00273438-00273672 and put rubber bands and hid it all over RaFUPmmEioU-00962-00273672-00274042 so that my brother doesn’t steal (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-00963-00274042-00274158 So, RaFUPmmEioU-00964-00274158-00274753 I have lot of money, and I have a bicycle, and I want to go to Moscow on my bicycle. RaFUPmmEioU-00965-00274753-00274942 I’m preparing for that. RaFUPmmEioU-00966-00274942-00275416 So I’m not going to the university, for sure. RaFUPmmEioU-00967-00275416-00275530 In this family, you… RaFUPmmEioU-00968-00275530-00275764 if you fail, there’s an advantage RaFUPmmEioU-00969-00275764-00275945 – you don’t go to the university. RaFUPmmEioU-00970-00275945-00276238 If I knew that, I would’ve just failed. RaFUPmmEioU-00971-00276238-00276554 But the problem is, I’d passed. RaFUPmmEioU-00972-00276554-00276746 So I said, “I won’t go to the university. RaFUPmmEioU-00973-00276746-00276980 I will educate myself.” RaFUPmmEioU-00974-00276980-00277134 He said, “What? RaFUPmmEioU-00975-00277134-00277548 Not going to the University?” I said, “No.” RaFUPmmEioU-00976-00277548-00278028 Then once I said I’m not going to the University, RaFUPmmEioU-00977-00278028-00278490 suddenly, I became such an evil in the family, RaFUPmmEioU-00978-00278490-00278792 everybody started looking me, “What is wrong with you?” RaFUPmmEioU-00979-00278792-00279098 I said, “Well, I want to educate myself.” RaFUPmmEioU-00980-00279098-00279376 “How are you going to do it?” RaFUPmmEioU-00981-00279376-00279850 I said, “I think I am doing it pretty well. RaFUPmmEioU-00982-00279850-00280269 But if you insist that I must read and study…” RaFUPmmEioU-00983-00280269-00280460 Then I decided that one year RaFUPmmEioU-00984-00280460-00280615 - I did something very unique (Laughs) RaFUPmmEioU-00985-00280616-00280875 and uncharacteristic of me RaFUPmmEioU-00986-00280876-00281066 – that one whole year… RaFUPmmEioU-00987-00281066-00281444 just to handle the reaction I got… RaFUPmmEioU-00988-00281444-00281544 I wanted… RaFUPmmEioU-00989-00281544-00281710 I couldn’t understand, what are they reacting to? RaFUPmmEioU-00990-00281710-00281874 I don’t want to go to the university, RaFUPmmEioU-00991-00281874-00282088 what is their problem? RaFUPmmEioU-00992-00282088-00282216 First of all, I never understood RaFUPmmEioU-00993-00282216-00282414 why I should go to the university. RaFUPmmEioU-00994-00282414-00282840 Nobody ever told me why I should go to the school. RaFUPmmEioU-00995-00282840-00283180 So I went to the Mysore University library every day, RaFUPmmEioU-00996-00283180-00283711 when the library opens at 09:00 o’clock, I was there. I was the first customer. RaFUPmmEioU-00997-00283712-00283860 When it closed at 8:00 o’clock, RaFUPmmEioU-00998-00283860-00284168 I was the last one to get out. RaFUPmmEioU-00999-00284168-00284238 Those days RaFUPmmEioU-01000-00284238-00284461 – these days, many of you are well RaFUPmmEioU-01001-00284461-00284582 -fed and like that RaFUPmmEioU-01002-00284582-00284744 – we were also well-fed, RaFUPmmEioU-01003-00284745-00284910 but our activity was such,... RaFUPmmEioU-01004-00284910-00285178 the level of activity was such, RaFUPmmEioU-01005-00285178-00285385 I’m always hungry. RaFUPmmEioU-01006-00285385-00285556 I would actually eat at that time, RaFUPmmEioU-01007-00285556-00285844 at least ten times more than what I’m eating today. RaFUPmmEioU-01008-00285844-00285910 At least, RaFUPmmEioU-01009-00285910-00286141 or much more. RaFUPmmEioU-01010-00286141-00286263 So I am always hungry. RaFUPmmEioU-01011-00286263-00286516 It doesn’t matter how much I eat, I’m always hungry. RaFUPmmEioU-01012-00286516-00286874 Because my activity levels are such. RaFUPmmEioU-01013-00286874-00287104 This one year, I went without a lunch. RaFUPmmEioU-01014-00287104-00287204 Tch! RaFUPmmEioU-01015-00287204-00287304 It’s not small thing. RaFUPmmEioU-01016-00287304-00287659 For you, you can easily go without a lunch (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-01017-00287659-00287731 But for me, RaFUPmmEioU-01018-00287732-00288068 who was scrawny and a concave stomach all the time, RaFUPmmEioU-01019-00288068-00288432 going without lunch for one year was like a big feat. RaFUPmmEioU-01020-00288432-00288798 I just read anything to anything. RaFUPmmEioU-01021-00288798-00289082 You know, from Kalidasa to Homer, RaFUPmmEioU-01022-00289082-00289304 to popular mechanics, RaFUPmmEioU-01023-00289304-00289462 to a whole, RaFUPmmEioU-01024-00289462-00289766 many, many years of National Geographic, RaFUPmmEioU-01025-00289770-00289892 and all kinds of books RaFUPmmEioU-01026-00289892-00290076 – of physics, of mathematics RaFUPmmEioU-01027-00290076-00290432 and astronomy, and you take whatever. RaFUPmmEioU-01028-00290432-00290602 One whole year, every day, RaFUPmmEioU-01029-00290602-00290724 eleven hours a day, RaFUPmmEioU-01030-00290724-00290908 I read and read and read. RaFUPmmEioU-01031-00290908-00291130 That’s the only reading I did. RaFUPmmEioU-01032-00291130-00291458 After that, me and books don’t go (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-01033-00291458-00291706 Then after one year, I realized RaFUPmmEioU-01034-00291706-00292238 that just gathering all this information, is just waste of time for me. RaFUPmmEioU-01035-00292238-00292556 And when the next academic year came, RaFUPmmEioU-01036-00292556-00292832 there was drama at home. RaFUPmmEioU-01037-00292832-00293114 My mother was crying and said, RaFUPmmEioU-01038-00293114-00293320 “What are you wasting your life for? RaFUPmmEioU-01039-00293320-00293494 We thought you will become this, RaFUPmmEioU-01040-00293494-00293593 you will become that,” RaFUPmmEioU-01041-00293594-00293788 I said, “I don’t l know what I’ll become,” RaFUPmmEioU-01042-00293788-00293934 but she put so much pressure, RaFUPmmEioU-01043-00293934-00294116 “Just get into some college. RaFUPmmEioU-01044-00294116-00294360 Whether you go there or not, I will not ask, RaFUPmmEioU-01045-00294360-00294699 just get into some college.” RaFUPmmEioU-01046-00294699-00294904 Then I thought through this, and I said, “Okay RaFUPmmEioU-01047-00294904-00295121 I’ll do literature, English literature,” RaFUPmmEioU-01048-00295121-00295286 because in this one year, RaFUPmmEioU-01049-00295286-00295886 I had developed some appetite for reading literature and poetry. RaFUPmmEioU-01050-00295886-00296150 And I myself was writing RaFUPmmEioU-01051-00296150-00296530 many, many poems about just about anything. RaFUPmmEioU-01052-00296530-00296795 So I joined literature. RaFUPmmEioU-01053-00296795-00296991 I went to college. RaFUPmmEioU-01054-00296991-00297618 First day, a teacher comes and reads a book. RaFUPmmEioU-01055-00297618-00297764 Everybody is writing down – karrah karrah RaFUPmmEioU-01056-00297764-00297886 – these days it doesn’t make noise, RaFUPmmEioU-01057-00297886-00298008 those days, fountain pens RaFUPmmEioU-01058-00298008-00298210 – karrah karrah Karrah karrah RaFUPmmEioU-01059-00298210-00298484 – fifty people are writing karrah karrah (Laughter)… RaFUPmmEioU-01060-00298486-00298618 I don’t like this. RaFUPmmEioU-01061-00298618-00298749 I said, “See…” RaFUPmmEioU-01062-00298749-00299122 I just looked into the teacher’s book, RaFUPmmEioU-01063-00299122-00299376 then I saw, it is hand-written book, RaFUPmmEioU-01064-00299376-00299566 that it’s her notes. RaFUPmmEioU-01065-00299566-00299704 I said, “Ma'am, RaFUPmmEioU-01066-00299704-00299908 if you give that book to me, RaFUPmmEioU-01067-00299908-00300392 I’ll make photocopies of this and give it to everybody. RaFUPmmEioU-01068-00300392-00300468 You don’t have to come, RaFUPmmEioU-01069-00300468-00301178 we don’t have to come” (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-01070-00301178-00301396 “But if you want me to come here, RaFUPmmEioU-01071-00301396-00301576 I have a thousand questions, RaFUPmmEioU-01072-00301576-00301822 not thousand, I have millions of questions, RaFUPmmEioU-01073-00301822-00301928 like a dark cloud, RaFUPmmEioU-01074-00301928-00302092 it’s hanging around my head. RaFUPmmEioU-01075-00302092-00302395 I’m going to ask these questions. RaFUPmmEioU-01076-00302395-00302770 If you cannot answer these questions, I cannot sit here.” RaFUPmmEioU-01077-00302770-00303092 Then, I made a deal with all the teachers RaFUPmmEioU-01078-00303092-00303378 that they give me attendance, RaFUPmmEioU-01079-00303378-00303780 and I won’t bother them with their questions (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-01080-00303780-00304030 This deal worked pretty well RaFUPmmEioU-01081-00304030-00304365 for three years and I got out. RaFUPmmEioU-01082-00304365-00304550 Is this what my father wanted? RaFUPmmEioU-01083-00304550-00304682 Definitely not. RaFUPmmEioU-01084-00304682-00304894 Why I’m saying this to you is, RaFUPmmEioU-01085-00304894-00305099 not to simply go against your parents, RaFUPmmEioU-01086-00305100-00305338 that’s not the point. RaFUPmmEioU-01087-00305338-00305996 The point is, this life is precious. RaFUPmmEioU-01088-00305996-00306116 Now when you’re talking about, RaFUPmmEioU-01089-00306116-00306184 “What shall I do? RaFUPmmEioU-01090-00306184-00306367 Shall I do this, shall I do that?” RaFUPmmEioU-01091-00306367-00306488 Is it only about … RaFUPmmEioU-01092-00306488-00306826 how to earn a living? RaFUPmmEioU-01093-00306826-00307031 You must get off that. RaFUPmmEioU-01094-00307032-00307128 This is not about... RaFUPmmEioU-01095-00307128-00307470 Education is not about earning a living. RaFUPmmEioU-01096-00307470-00307642 When an earthworm can earn a living, RaFUPmmEioU-01097-00307642-00307762 a grasshopper can earn a living, RaFUPmmEioU-01098-00307762-00307922 every damn insect, bird, RaFUPmmEioU-01099-00307922-00308080 and animal can earn a living, RaFUPmmEioU-01100-00308080-00308304 a street dog can earn a living, RaFUPmmEioU-01101-00308304-00308524 what is the big deal about survival? RaFUPmmEioU-01102-00308524-00308766 With such a big brain? RaFUPmmEioU-01103-00308766-00309070 Survival is not the big thing about the human being. RaFUPmmEioU-01104-00309070-00309244 Survival has become a problem because RaFUPmmEioU-01105-00309244-00309438 you want to survive like somebody else, RaFUPmmEioU-01106-00309438-00309680 that’s the whole problem. RaFUPmmEioU-01107-00309680-00309956 If you want to survive, it’s not a problem. RaFUPmmEioU-01108-00309956-00310064 My father would ask, RaFUPmmEioU-01109-00310064-00310288 “How will you make a living? RaFUPmmEioU-01110-00310288-00310388 How will you live? RaFUPmmEioU-01111-00310388-00310488 What will you earn?” RaFUPmmEioU-01112-00310488-00310694 I said, “If I… RaFUPmmEioU-01113-00310698-00310862 If nobody wants to feed me, RaFUPmmEioU-01114-00310862-00311018 I’ll go into the jungle.” RaFUPmmEioU-01115-00311018-00311236 And I went into the jungle for weeks and RaFUPmmEioU-01116-00311236-00311612 survived very well by myself. RaFUPmmEioU-01117-00311612-00311848 Many times, I went off into the forest, RaFUPmmEioU-01118-00311848-00312034 and I just survived off the forest, RaFUPmmEioU-01119-00312034-00312380 without any food support from anywhere else. RaFUPmmEioU-01120-00312380-00312634 So survival is not the issue. RaFUPmmEioU-01121-00312634-00312957 What are we going to do with this life? RaFUPmmEioU-01122-00312957-00313242 Are we going to take this life to full-potential, RaFUPmmEioU-01123-00313242-00313468 or are we going to be those people RaFUPmmEioU-01124-00313468-00313668 who are just shit scared of life itself RaFUPmmEioU-01125-00313668-00313872 – “And what will happen to my food, RaFUPmmEioU-01126-00313872-00314020 what will happen to my food?” RaFUPmmEioU-01127-00314020-00314195 What is this? RaFUPmmEioU-01128-00314196-00314362 When a street dog is not bothered, RaFUPmmEioU-01129-00314362-00314482 happily he’s wagging his tail and RaFUPmmEioU-01130-00314482-00314649 going tuk tuk tuk, RaFUPmmEioU-01131-00314649-00314958 what is your problem with such a big brain, I’m asking?. RaFUPmmEioU-01132-00314960-00315273 You don’t educate for survival. RaFUPmmEioU-01133-00315273-00315554 You educate because you want to expand your horizons. RaFUPmmEioU-01134-00315554-00315844 You want to make this life into a worthwhile life. RaFUPmmEioU-01135-00315844-00316559 That’s what that matters (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-01136-00316559-00316901 So will it be in conflict with many people? RaFUPmmEioU-01137-00316902-00317156 Of course it will be. RaFUPmmEioU-01138-00317156-00317330 Because they think you won’t make it. RaFUPmmEioU-01139-00317330-00317472 I must tell you this, RaFUPmmEioU-01140-00317472-00317783 now that you ask this question. RaFUPmmEioU-01141-00317783-00318301 This was almost thirty-four years ago. RaFUPmmEioU-01142-00318301-00318816 There was a person who was like a god-father to my wife, at that time. RaFUPmmEioU-01143-00318816-00319002 She was still working in a bank. RaFUPmmEioU-01144-00319002-00319184 I was living on my motor cycle, RaFUPmmEioU-01145-00319184-00319389 traveling all over the place. RaFUPmmEioU-01146-00319389-00319634 I would teach here and there, once in three to four months. RaFUPmmEioU-01147-00319634-00319880 But rest of the time I’m just riding –. RaFUPmmEioU-01148-00319880-00320390 simply riding across the country for no purpose. RaFUPmmEioU-01149-00320390-00320554 So one day I came to Bangalore, RaFUPmmEioU-01150-00320554-00320680 and I went to their home RaFUPmmEioU-01151-00320680-00320980 because of that entire night I’ve been riding. RaFUPmmEioU-01152-00320982-00321172 I went to their home, and RaFUPmmEioU-01153-00321172-00321322 I wanted to shower RaFUPmmEioU-01154-00321322-00321444 and have some food RaFUPmmEioU-01155-00321444-00321978 and then go pick up my wife from the bank. RaFUPmmEioU-01156-00321978-00322364 Then I showered and ate well RaFUPmmEioU-01157-00322364-00322648 and then this man sat in front of me, RaFUPmmEioU-01158-00322648-00323194 and said, “See, I know somebody in the Bangalore Development Authority. RaFUPmmEioU-01159-00323194-00323334 In this particular extension, RaFUPmmEioU-01160-00323334-00323524 there are some house sites available. RaFUPmmEioU-01161-00323524-00323722 You must get yourself a house site.” RaFUPmmEioU-01162-00323722-00323864 I said, “What? RaFUPmmEioU-01163-00323864-00324053 Me, buy a house-site, for what? RaFUPmmEioU-01164-00324054-00324244 I live on the motorcycle. RaFUPmmEioU-01165-00324244-00324372 Why will I buy a house-site?” RaFUPmmEioU-01166-00324372-00324616 He said, “No, you’re married, RaFUPmmEioU-01167-00324616-00324818 you can’t be like this. RaFUPmmEioU-01168-00324818-00324979 You need to have a house, someday. RaFUPmmEioU-01169-00324980-00325184 You must buy a house-site.” RaFUPmmEioU-01170-00325184-00325470 I said, “Don’t you tell me this… RaFUPmmEioU-01171-00325470-00325786 That if I wanted to buy real estate, RaFUPmmEioU-01172-00325786-00326173 I wouldn’t buy a house site, I will buy a town. RaFUPmmEioU-01173-00326173-00326388 Okay (Laughs)? RaFUPmmEioU-01174-00326389-00326556 So that’s not my interest at all, RaFUPmmEioU-01175-00326556-00326726 I’m not going to buy a house-site, RaFUPmmEioU-01176-00326726-00326910 please don’t try to push me. RaFUPmmEioU-01177-00326910-00327146 Thank you for the meal and the shower, RaFUPmmEioU-01178-00327146-00327346 but…” RaFUPmmEioU-01179-00327346-00327520 Then he looked at me hopelessly, RaFUPmmEioU-01180-00327520-00327902 and asked, “How long will you go on like this?” RaFUPmmEioU-01181-00327902-00328236 I said,“ As long as my marbles roll,” RaFUPmmEioU-01182-00328236-00328434 that’s about it. That's how… RaFUPmmEioU-01183-00328434-00328538 That’s how long RaFUPmmEioU-01184-00328538-00328781 everybody goes about in their life. RaFUPmmEioU-01185-00328782-00328988 Then I went out, RaFUPmmEioU-01186-00328988-00329062 and I didn’t see and RaFUPmmEioU-01187-00329064-00329318 I met him here and there. RaFUPmmEioU-01188-00329318-00329514 For about eighteen years, I had not met. RaFUPmmEioU-01189-00329514-00329646 In 2017 (Laughs), RaFUPmmEioU-01190-00329646-00329896 see the problem is just this RaFUPmmEioU-01191-00329896-00330196 – people value something RaFUPmmEioU-01192-00330196-00330402 only because it’s recognized by somebody, RaFUPmmEioU-01193-00330402-00330634 that means they're blind, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01194-00330634-00330712 If you look at this (Gestures), RaFUPmmEioU-01195-00330712-00331054 you must know this is light. RaFUPmmEioU-01196-00331054-00331131 You look at this and RaFUPmmEioU-01197-00331131-00331236 you don’t know what it is, RaFUPmmEioU-01198-00331236-00331443 and I said, “See, see that is light.” RaFUPmmEioU-01199-00331443-00331547 That means what? RaFUPmmEioU-01200-00331547-00331735 You're blind, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01201-00331735-00331876 Yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-01202-00331876-00332316 So after eighteen years of no contact, RaFUPmmEioU-01203-00332316-00332618 he called me in 2017. RaFUPmmEioU-01204-00332618-00333120 Because the Central Government gave me this Padma Vibhushan, RaFUPmmEioU-01205-00333120-00333340 he called me and said, RaFUPmmEioU-01206-00333340-00333850 “I never thought your marbles will roll this far (Laughter/Applause)!” RaFUPmmEioU-01207-00333850-00334036 Okay? RaFUPmmEioU-01208-00334036-00334100 So, RaFUPmmEioU-01209-00334100-00334594 unfortunately, a whole lot of people can see light RaFUPmmEioU-01210-00334594-00334868 only when you say it is light, RaFUPmmEioU-01211-00334868-00335053 otherwise they can't see it. RaFUPmmEioU-01212-00335053-00335196 Don’t go by such people, RaFUPmmEioU-01213-00335196-00335514 whoever they may be, doesn’t matter who they are RaFUPmmEioU-01214-00335514-00336060 (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-01215-00336060-00336236 Moderator (Praneet): So RaFUPmmEioU-01216-00336236-00336402 expression of opinion and RaFUPmmEioU-01217-00336402-00336721 expressing yourself out, is a fundamental right RaFUPmmEioU-01218-00336722-00337008 given to all the citizens of the country, RaFUPmmEioU-01219-00337008-00337382 and we youngsters born in the era of social media, RaFUPmmEioU-01220-00337382-00337986 are not at all hesitant about expressing our opinions on social platforms, or with anyone. RaFUPmmEioU-01221-00337986-00338164 But there are times, RaFUPmmEioU-01222-00338164-00338263 when, you know, RaFUPmmEioU-01223-00338263-00338514 because of we expressing our opinion, RaFUPmmEioU-01224-00338514-00338796 we might hurt someone’s sentiments or RaFUPmmEioU-01225-00338796-00339156 other people might get offended by what we say. RaFUPmmEioU-01226-00339156-00339292 So in such a situation, RaFUPmmEioU-01227-00339292-00339578 how a youngster should use the tool of social media RaFUPmmEioU-01228-00339578-00339986 and expresses his opinion so that… RaFUPmmEioU-01229-00339986-00340613 in a very balanced way, so that no one is hurt? RaFUPmmEioU-01230-00340613-00340900 Sadhguru: one important thing RaFUPmmEioU-01231-00340900-00341348 I was also telling the Twitter people RaFUPmmEioU-01232-00341348-00341486 – and yesterday I think RaFUPmmEioU-01233-00341486-00341604 they tweeted about it (Laughs), RaFUPmmEioU-01234-00341604-00341915 because I spoke about it day before yesterday, RaFUPmmEioU-01235-00341916-00342270 - is this (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-01236-00342270-00342536 See today, RaFUPmmEioU-01237-00342536-00342789 - it’s now two-hundred-and-eighty characters, RaFUPmmEioU-01238-00342789-00342916 not one-forty RaFUPmmEioU-01239-00342916-00343248 - in two-hundred-and-eighty characters, RaFUPmmEioU-01240-00343248-00343874 some of the world leaders are expressing the policy of the nation (Laughs), RaFUPmmEioU-01241-00343874-00344166 all right? RaFUPmmEioU-01242-00344166-00344532 They’re even setting foreign policy agenda of the nation, RaFUPmmEioU-01243-00344532-00345102 major nations, in two-hundred-and-eighty characters, Twitter. RaFUPmmEioU-01244-00345102-00345250 So I was telling these Twitter people, RaFUPmmEioU-01245-00345250-00345777 “See, what you guys are missing just for the numbers, RaFUPmmEioU-01246-00345777-00346046 you're missing something tremendous. RaFUPmmEioU-01247-00346046-00346410 Tomorrow the entire world may set its agenda RaFUPmmEioU-01248-00346410-00346614 and policy on the Twitter, RaFUPmmEioU-01249-00346614-00346805 but that will not happen, RaFUPmmEioU-01250-00346805-00347123 simply because, for seven billion people, RaFUPmmEioU-01251-00347124-00347370 you have fifteen billion accounts. RaFUPmmEioU-01252-00347370-00347638 Because most of them are fake.” RaFUPmmEioU-01253-00347638-00348024 People who don’t have the courage to put their name out and say, RaFUPmmEioU-01254-00348024-00348182 “This is what I want to say,” RaFUPmmEioU-01255-00348182-00348366 such people are slinks, RaFUPmmEioU-01256-00348366-00348608 this is not opinion, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01257-00348608-00348753 This young people must do. RaFUPmmEioU-01258-00348753-00348886 You can say what you want, RaFUPmmEioU-01259-00348886-00349142 but you must have the courage to stand up and say, RaFUPmmEioU-01260-00349142-00349346 “Okay, this is what I will say.” RaFUPmmEioU-01261-00349346-00349472 Not hide under the chair and RaFUPmmEioU-01262-00349472-00349694 say something loudly. RaFUPmmEioU-01263-00349694-00349850 What is the point of such a life? RaFUPmmEioU-01264-00349850-00350116 What is the point of such an existence? RaFUPmmEioU-01265-00350116-00350670 Is it not important that whatever you say, you're accountable for it? RaFUPmmEioU-01266-00350670-00350870 Hello? Participant: Yes! RaFUPmmEioU-01267-00350870-00351070 Sadhguru: Hmm? Is it not very important? RaFUPmmEioU-01268-00351070-00351288 All of you who are managing face… RaFUPmmEioU-01269-00351288-00351606 false fake… Facebook accounts, Twitter accounts, RaFUPmmEioU-01270-00351606-00351796 take it away, put your name out there, RaFUPmmEioU-01271-00351796-00352163 “This is me and this is what I say.” RaFUPmmEioU-01272-00352163-00352352 You like it, you don’t like it… RaFUPmmEioU-01273-00352352-00352514 If you don’t like it, please tell me,. RaFUPmmEioU-01274-00352514-00352705 I will look at it. RaFUPmmEioU-01275-00352706-00352808 Yes? RaFUPmmEioU-01276-00352808-00353116 If you don’t like it, you explain to me why you don’t like it, RaFUPmmEioU-01277-00353116-00353335 then I will consider., RaFUPmmEioU-01278-00353335-00353640 but you don’t even want to put your name on it, RaFUPmmEioU-01279-00353640-00353794 but you want to express your opinion RaFUPmmEioU-01280-00353794-00353908 all over the world RaFUPmmEioU-01281-00353908-00354083 - no, you have no right to do such things RaFUPmmEioU-01282-00354084-00354334 just because you have technological tools. RaFUPmmEioU-01283-00354334-00354433 Okay? RaFUPmmEioU-01284-00354433-00354590 I can’t stand behind this board RaFUPmmEioU-01285-00354590-00354764 and shout something at you RaFUPmmEioU-01286-00354764-00354953 –if I want to say something, RaFUPmmEioU-01287-00354954-00355286 I must be able to say it to you, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01288-00355286-00355682 Unless people are responsible… RaFUPmmEioU-01289-00355689-00355796 Without responsibility RaFUPmmEioU-01290-00355796-00356220 you should not claim an authority over everybody’s life. RaFUPmmEioU-01291-00356220-00356426 I don’t have authority over your life, RaFUPmmEioU-01292-00356426-00356655 to just say whatever I want about your life and RaFUPmmEioU-01293-00356655-00356800 what you do. RaFUPmmEioU-01294-00356800-00357014 If I want to say, I must take some responsibility RaFUPmmEioU-01295-00357014-00357305 for that, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01296-00357305-00357534 If this is brought about, RaFUPmmEioU-01297-00357534-00357843 everybody can say what they want to say. RaFUPmmEioU-01298-00357844-00357952 Only thing is, RaFUPmmEioU-01299-00357952-00358078 you're talking about, RaFUPmmEioU-01300-00358078-00358221 if it hurts somebody. RaFUPmmEioU-01301-00358221-00358406 See, let’s understand this. RaFUPmmEioU-01302-00358406-00358708 Speech - communication. RaFUPmmEioU-01303-00358708-00358964 Speech is communication? RaFUPmmEioU-01304-00358964-00359103 Communication between who? RaFUPmmEioU-01305-00359103-00359235 Two people. RaFUPmmEioU-01306-00359235-00359356 Isn't it so? RaFUPmmEioU-01307-00359356-00359464 Two groups of people, or RaFUPmmEioU-01308-00359464-00359631 two individuals or whatever. RaFUPmmEioU-01309-00359631-00359770 When I’m speaking to you, RaFUPmmEioU-01310-00359770-00360044 is it not important RaFUPmmEioU-01311-00360044-00360262 whatever I wish to say I can say? RaFUPmmEioU-01312-00360262-00360432 Is it not important, RaFUPmmEioU-01313-00360432-00360660 I respect your position, RaFUPmmEioU-01314-00360660-00360882 and I’m willing to listen to what you say, RaFUPmmEioU-01315-00360882-00361195 and then I will say strongly whatever I want to say? RaFUPmmEioU-01316-00361196-00361316 I will say it very strongly. RaFUPmmEioU-01317-00361316-00361457 See, look at me! RaFUPmmEioU-01318-00361457-00361684 What I say, I will say it very strongly, RaFUPmmEioU-01319-00361684-00362059 but, “I’m not even willing to listen to you,” RaFUPmmEioU-01320-00362059-00362379 that is not acceptable. RaFUPmmEioU-01321-00362380-00362562 That is not at all acceptable, RaFUPmmEioU-01322-00362562-00362706 but right now, RaFUPmmEioU-01323-00362706-00362864 that is the instrument RaFUPmmEioU-01324-00362864-00363138 social media has given to people, that RaFUPmmEioU-01325-00363138-00363312 they can say what they want, RaFUPmmEioU-01326-00363312-00363514 and they don’t have to listen to anybody. RaFUPmmEioU-01327-00363514-00363868 If you say something, they will abuse you. RaFUPmmEioU-01328-00363868-00364101 Abuse is also language, isn't it so? RaFUPmmEioU-01329-00364101-00364484 Shall I use it, right now, on you? RaFUPmmEioU-01330-00364484-00364654 Do you want it? RaFUPmmEioU-01331-00364654-00364884 Do you want to be abused by anybody? RaFUPmmEioU-01332-00364884-00365094 So if you don’t want to be abused by anybody, RaFUPmmEioU-01333-00365094-00365173 you must understand, RaFUPmmEioU-01334-00365173-00365464 nobody else wants to be abused too, RaFUPmmEioU-01335-00365464-00365960 it’s just that (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-01336-00365960-00366166 Moderator (Shriram): Sadhguru, RaFUPmmEioU-01337-00366166-00366570 so you have built such a huge Adiyogi statue at your ashram, RaFUPmmEioU-01338-00366570-00367084 and whoever visits that place are in awe of that particular statue. RaFUPmmEioU-01339-00367084-00367278 So do you think nowadays, RaFUPmmEioU-01340-00367278-00367452 in the current scenario, RaFUPmmEioU-01341-00367452-00367614 things has to be done in a,... RaFUPmmEioU-01342-00367614-00367876 you know, mass scale to get noticed? RaFUPmmEioU-01343-00367876-00368170 Sadhguru: There’s only one, how is it mass? RaFUPmmEioU-01344-00368170-00368406 There’s only one statue how is it a mass? RaFUPmmEioU-01345-00368408-00368614 Moderator (Ria): It’s huge… Moderator (Shriram): So… RaFUPmmEioU-01346-00368614-00368817 it is built in such huge form. RaFUPmmEioU-01347-00368817-00369031 Sadhguru: The size? Moderator (Shriram): Yeah. RaFUPmmEioU-01348-00369032-00369518 Sadhguru: what is big and small is according to people’s perceptions. RaFUPmmEioU-01349-00369518-00369710 All the people in the yoga center, RaFUPmmEioU-01350-00369710-00369802 they say Sadhguru, RaFUPmmEioU-01351-00369802-00369966 “We should have made it little bigger, RaFUPmmEioU-01352-00369966-00370388 it’s looking so small compared to the mountain behind” (Few laugh). RaFUPmmEioU-01353-00370388-00370840 So what is small and big is always people’s perception, RaFUPmmEioU-01354-00370840-00371036 but RaFUPmmEioU-01355-00371036-00371558 there is something called as visual impact. RaFUPmmEioU-01356-00371558-00371828 Of all the five sensory organs that you have, RaFUPmmEioU-01357-00371828-00372374 of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching RaFUPmmEioU-01358-00372374-00372592 – tell me, if I tell you, RaFUPmmEioU-01359-00372592-00373140 suppose, “I’m going to take four of these away from you, right now,” RaFUPmmEioU-01360-00373140-00373304 which one would you like to keep? RaFUPmmEioU-01361-00373304-00373650 Just the nose, or just the tongue? RaFUPmmEioU-01362-00373650-00373782 What would you like to keep, RaFUPmmEioU-01363-00373782-00373948 this is an option. RaFUPmmEioU-01364-00373948-00374082 Four you have to lose, RaFUPmmEioU-01365-00374082-00374216 one you can keep. RaFUPmmEioU-01366-00374216-00374452 Which one will you keep? RaFUPmmEioU-01367-00374452-00374778 Moderator (Shriram): Everything is important. Sadhguru: Everything is important, but RaFUPmmEioU-01368-00374778-00374924 you're going to lose four. RaFUPmmEioU-01369-00374924-00375070 You must learn to… RaFUPmmEioU-01370-00375070-00375390 you must learn to exercise those options, because life is like that, RaFUPmmEioU-01371-00375390-00375498 it won’t let you keep everything, RaFUPmmEioU-01372-00375498-00375820 something you have to lose (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-01373-00375820-00375948 So four you have to lose, RaFUPmmEioU-01374-00375948-00376104 which four will you want to lose, RaFUPmmEioU-01375-00376104-00376430 and which one thing you want to keep? RaFUPmmEioU-01376-00376430-00376664 Moderator (Shriram): Can you just tell the five? RaFUPmmEioU-01377-00376664-00376882 Sadhguru: Either I’ll take off your eyes, RaFUPmmEioU-01378-00376882-00377086 or your eardrums, or your tongue, RaFUPmmEioU-01379-00377086-00377684 or your sensation or your nose. RaFUPmmEioU-01380-00377684-00378004 Which one thing you want to keep, tell me (Laughs)? RaFUPmmEioU-01381-00378004-00378312 Participants: Eyes! Sadhguru: Eyes of course. RaFUPmmEioU-01382-00378312-00378590 Because of the five sensory impacts that you have upon you, RaFUPmmEioU-01383-00378590-00379028 visual impact is the largest impact for you, right now. RaFUPmmEioU-01384-00379028-00379182 But let us say, RaFUPmmEioU-01385-00379182-00379638 you were a dog - I’m not saying (Few laugh), RaFUPmmEioU-01386-00379639-00379888 I don’t think dog is anything derogatory, RaFUPmmEioU-01387-00379888-00380082 I think it’s a great animal RaFUPmmEioU-01388-00380082-00380240 - if you were a dog, RaFUPmmEioU-01389-00380240-00380642 if I asked you this question, you would say “nose.” RaFUPmmEioU-01390-00380642-00380756 Because his food, RaFUPmmEioU-01391-00380756-00380927 his survival happens RaFUPmmEioU-01392-00380927-00381090 because of his nose. RaFUPmmEioU-01393-00381090-00381198 But for a human being, RaFUPmmEioU-01394-00381198-00381608 the visual impact is the largest impact. RaFUPmmEioU-01395-00381608-00381922 So, in that sense, RaFUPmmEioU-01396-00381922-00382264 it is not about the size of the Adiyogi, RaFUPmmEioU-01397-00382264-00382604 it is about the geometry. RaFUPmmEioU-01398-00382604-00382882 To get the geometry perfect RaFUPmmEioU-01399-00382882-00383301 in a small size is extremely difficult,... RaFUPmmEioU-01400-00383301-00383536 extremely difficult. RaFUPmmEioU-01401-00383536-00383806 So we needed a certain amount of size RaFUPmmEioU-01402-00383806-00384152 to get the geometry easily in place. RaFUPmmEioU-01403-00384152-00384274 The geometry of Adiyogi, RaFUPmmEioU-01404-00384274-00384718 now that you asked this question, is to exude. RaFUPmmEioU-01405-00384718-00384792 See when I say RaFUPmmEioU-01406-00384792-00385094 “geometry of Adiyogi will exude something,” RaFUPmmEioU-01407-00385094-00385358 - is it true you went home today RaFUPmmEioU-01408-00385358-00385722 and your father was sitting in a certain way (Gestures), RaFUPmmEioU-01409-00385722-00385944 just by looking at his posture, RaFUPmmEioU-01410-00385944-00386152 you know whether he’s angry RaFUPmmEioU-01411-00386152-00386476 or happy, unhappy, disturbed, RaFUPmmEioU-01412-00386476-00386668 do you know or no? RaFUPmmEioU-01413-00386668-00386778 Participants: Yes….yes. RaFUPmmEioU-01414-00386778-00386872 Sadhguru: So, RaFUPmmEioU-01415-00386872-00387131 the geometry of Adiyogi is… RaFUPmmEioU-01416-00387132-00387480 we wanted this to exude three aspects RaFUPmmEioU-01417-00387480-00387754 – one is exuberance of life, RaFUPmmEioU-01418-00387754-00388064 another is stillness of life, RaFUPmmEioU-01419-00388064-00388380 another is intoxication. RaFUPmmEioU-01420-00388380-00388594 I worked for two-and-a-half years RaFUPmmEioU-01421-00388594-00388782 to get this face right. RaFUPmmEioU-01422-00388786-00389013 Many, many, many faces were made. RaFUPmmEioU-01423-00389013-00389132 Then we decided RaFUPmmEioU-01424-00389132-00389740 we need a certain size, and that size became over eighty feet. RaFUPmmEioU-01425-00389740-00389910 When it became over eighty feet, RaFUPmmEioU-01426-00389910-00390008 then we thought, RaFUPmmEioU-01427-00390008-00390290 the number also has to have some significance, RaFUPmmEioU-01428-00390290-00390500 so we went for hundred-and-twelve feet, RaFUPmmEioU-01429-00390500-00390724 because Adiyogi, RaFUPmmEioU-01430-00390724-00390990 when he propounded the ways… RaFUPmmEioU-01431-00390990-00391390 the different ways in which a human being can attain to their highest possibility, RaFUPmmEioU-01432-00391390-00391782 he gave one-hundred-and-twelve ways. RaFUPmmEioU-01433-00391782-00391948 So we made it one-hundred-and-twelve feet. RaFUPmmEioU-01434-00391948-00392206 It could have been eighty-seven feet. RaFUPmmEioU-01435-00392206-00392436 But I thought if we are going eighty-seven, what is the problem, RaFUPmmEioU-01436-00392436-00392854 we’ll get it to a place… a number that he likes. RaFUPmmEioU-01437-00392854-00393038 So it became hundred-and-twelve feet, RaFUPmmEioU-01438-00393038-00393228 but we wouldn’t have been able RaFUPmmEioU-01439-00393228-00393516 to achieve the geometry of what we wanted RaFUPmmEioU-01440-00393516-00393792 in less than eighty-eight… eighty to ninety feet, RaFUPmmEioU-01441-00393792-00393952 it wouldn’t be possible, RaFUPmmEioU-01442-00393952-00394456 that’s why it’s hundred-and-twelve feet (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-01443-00394456-00394720 Moderator (Ria): So Sadhguru, RaFUPmmEioU-01444-00394720-00394845 you are so reverend RaFUPmmEioU-01445-00394845-00395013 and you are so cherished, RaFUPmmEioU-01446-00395014-00395278 do you ever get a superiority complex? RaFUPmmEioU-01447-00395278-00395890 Sadhguru: Right now, yes (Gestures) (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-01448-00395890-00396646 See, the question is not about superiority complex, inferiority complex, poverty complex RaFUPmmEioU-01449-00396646-00397004 or wealthy complex. RaFUPmmEioU-01450-00397004-00397162 That you have a complex, RaFUPmmEioU-01451-00397162-00397379 is a serious problem, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01452-00397379-00397628 Whatever kind it is! RaFUPmmEioU-01453-00397628-00398076 What a complex means is, RaFUPmmEioU-01454-00398076-00398696 you have assumed something about yourself RaFUPmmEioU-01455-00398696-00399040 and you have concertized that assumption RaFUPmmEioU-01456-00399040-00399196 in such a way, RaFUPmmEioU-01457-00399196-00399574 you make a bloody fool of yourself, wherever you go. RaFUPmmEioU-01458-00399574-00399798 Do I look like that? RaFUPmmEioU-01459-00399798-00400003 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-01460-00400003-00400310 Do I look like I’m making a bloody fool of myself with you (Few laugh)? RaFUPmmEioU-01461-00400310-00400462 Moderator (Ria): No. Sadhguru: No (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-01462-00400462-00400674 So (Laughs), RaFUPmmEioU-01463-00400674-00401042 no complex of any kind. RaFUPmmEioU-01464-00401048-00401482 But then our confidence fluctuates every day, RaFUPmmEioU-01465-00401482-00401740 so what do you have to say about that? RaFUPmmEioU-01466-00401740-00402092 Sadhguru: Because I don’t have any confidence about anything. RaFUPmmEioU-01467-00402092-00402340 I just have clarity. RaFUPmmEioU-01468-00402340-00402505 People think I have knowledge. RaFUPmmEioU-01469-00402505-00402633 No, my head is empty. RaFUPmmEioU-01470-00402633-00402814 That’s why to make it little look… RaFUPmmEioU-01471-00402814-00403242 look little substantial, I have a turban (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-01472-00403242-00403666 It’s totally empty always, but I have clarity. RaFUPmmEioU-01473-00403666-00403857 Clarity means what? RaFUPmmEioU-01474-00403858-00404268 You see things the way they are. RaFUPmmEioU-01475-00404268-00404512 Knowledge means what? RaFUPmmEioU-01476-00404512-00404768 You have fixed information about everything,. RaFUPmmEioU-01477-00404768-00404896 if things have changed, RaFUPmmEioU-01478-00404896-00405063 you will not see it the way it is. RaFUPmmEioU-01479-00405063-00405394 That’s as good as being blind. RaFUPmmEioU-01480-00405394-00405824 See, people think owls are blind. RaFUPmmEioU-01481-00405824-00406006 It’s not true. RaFUPmmEioU-01482-00406006-00406382 Their vision is far more sensitive than yours, RaFUPmmEioU-01483-00406382-00406606 but because of sunlight RaFUPmmEioU-01484-00406606-00406904 they're blinded, because it’s too much. RaFUPmmEioU-01485-00406904-00407036 Suppose… RaFUPmmEioU-01486-00407036-00407202 What is the power of your glasses? RaFUPmmEioU-01487-00407202-00407386 Moderator (Ria): Around 3.4. Sadhguru: Three. RaFUPmmEioU-01488-00407386-00407682 Let’s say we will put ten! RaFUPmmEioU-01489-00407682-00407782 If we put ten, RaFUPmmEioU-01490-00407782-00407992 if you look at these lights, you’ll feel dazzled. RaFUPmmEioU-01491-00407992-00408292 That’s what is happening to an owl in the day. RaFUPmmEioU-01492-00408292-00408542 When light goes down, he sees very clearly, RaFUPmmEioU-01493-00408542-00408730 not because he’s blind, RaFUPmmEioU-01494-00408730-00409250 because his eyes are super sensitive. RaFUPmmEioU-01495-00409250-00409628 So, it’s important that you bring clarity to your life, RaFUPmmEioU-01496-00409628-00409793 not knowledge, RaFUPmmEioU-01497-00409793-00410174 because knowledge is conclusions that you gather. RaFUPmmEioU-01498-00410174-00410274 Knowledge is okay RaFUPmmEioU-01499-00410274-00410464 when you're trying to do something physical, RaFUPmmEioU-01500-00410464-00410620 material in the world, RaFUPmmEioU-01501-00410620-00410806 but not with life. RaFUPmmEioU-01502-00410806-00411210 Is it true what you thought was absolute RaFUPmmEioU-01503-00411210-00411546 at the age of twelve, today is not true? RaFUPmmEioU-01504-00411546-00411780 Yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-01505-00411780-00412074 Are you sure that whatever you think is RaFUPmmEioU-01506-00412074-00412191 “this is it” right now, RaFUPmmEioU-01507-00412192-00412293 will be “this is it” RaFUPmmEioU-01508-00412293-00412547 in another three years’ time? Moderator (Ria): Of course not. RaFUPmmEioU-01509-00412547-00412908 Sadhguru: You know that. So you know you're wrong (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-01510-00412908-00413170 Sadhguru: Yes or no? Moderator (Ria): Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-01511-00413170-00413418 Sadhguru: So you know anyway you're wrong. RaFUPmmEioU-01512-00413418-00413670 So why assert the wrong things? RaFUPmmEioU-01513-00413670-00413831 Well, right now we are wrong, RaFUPmmEioU-01514-00413831-00414002 at least let’s manage with little… RaFUPmmEioU-01515-00414002-00414150 little more conscious. RaFUPmmEioU-01516-00414150-00414308 If you know you're wrong, RaFUPmmEioU-01517-00414308-00414610 you will walk carefully, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01518-00414610-00414724 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-01519-00414724-00414843 But you think RaFUPmmEioU-01520-00414843-00414985 you're absolutely correct, RaFUPmmEioU-01521-00414985-00415174 then you will do stupid things and RaFUPmmEioU-01522-00415174-00415470 you blunder around the world. RaFUPmmEioU-01523-00415470-00415630 If you know you are not seeing properly, RaFUPmmEioU-01524-00415630-00416030 will you walk carefully or no? RaFUPmmEioU-01525-00416030-00416254 If I asked you to walk through a dark room, RaFUPmmEioU-01526-00416254-00416478 suppose we turn off all the lights and RaFUPmmEioU-01527-00416480-00416674 close it down, everything, pitch dark. RaFUPmmEioU-01528-00416674-00416792 If I ask you to walk, RaFUPmmEioU-01529-00416792-00417120 suddenly will you become super alert and conscious RaFUPmmEioU-01530-00417120-00417392 as to how you walk? RaFUPmmEioU-01531-00417392-00417592 But when the lights are on (Gestures) (Few laugh), RaFUPmmEioU-01532-00417592-00417750 you're just going unconsciously, RaFUPmmEioU-01533-00417750-00417989 bumping into everybody. RaFUPmmEioU-01534-00417991-00418242 So, if you learn to walk RaFUPmmEioU-01535-00418242-00418575 every moment like there are no lights, RaFUPmmEioU-01536-00418576-00418902 and you're looking at everything absolutely carefully, RaFUPmmEioU-01537-00418902-00419198 then what you see clearly, you go through it, RaFUPmmEioU-01538-00419198-00419327 what you don’t see… RaFUPmmEioU-01539-00419327-00419504 see clearly, you hesitate. RaFUPmmEioU-01540-00419504-00419712 Some places you take a little bit of chance. RaFUPmmEioU-01541-00419712-00419918 But if you are just confident, RaFUPmmEioU-01542-00419918-00420143 you will blunder through life, RaFUPmmEioU-01543-00420143-00420400 we don’t know where you will get in, RaFUPmmEioU-01544-00420400-00420785 and what you will get trapped into. RaFUPmmEioU-01545-00420785-00421046 Most people are trapped into their professions, RaFUPmmEioU-01546-00421046-00421200 their family situations, RaFUPmmEioU-01547-00421200-00421368 their social situations RaFUPmmEioU-01548-00421368-00421482 in such a way, RaFUPmmEioU-01549-00421482-00421949 they all became like this (Gestures). RaFUPmmEioU-01550-00421949-00422047 Yes? RaFUPmmEioU-01551-00422047-00422230 Already I’m seeing, RaFUPmmEioU-01552-00422230-00422435 not just older people, RaFUPmmEioU-01553-00422435-00422847 youth have become like this, Tch! (Gestures). RaFUPmmEioU-01554-00422852-00423126 “What will happen to me at the end of my life? RaFUPmmEioU-01555-00423127-00423320 What will happen to me at the end of my life?” RaFUPmmEioU-01556-00423320-00423460 I’m… already revealed the secret, RaFUPmmEioU-01557-00423460-00423664 you will die (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-01558-00423664-00423870 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-01559-00423870-00424120 “But Sadhguru if this happens what to do, RaFUPmmEioU-01560-00424120-00424306 if that happens what to do?” RaFUPmmEioU-01561-00424306-00424462 All those things will happen. RaFUPmmEioU-01562-00424462-00424905 It’s not that everything will happen in your life the way you like it. RaFUPmmEioU-01563-00424905-00425064 Things will happen in the way you don’t like it. RaFUPmmEioU-01564-00425064-00425202 It once happened. RaFUPmmEioU-01565-00425202-00425530 Shankaran Pillai got fired from his job (Few laugh), RaFUPmmEioU-01566-00425530-00425889 simply because he asked a question RaFUPmmEioU-01567-00425889-00426403 – “Smoking or non-smoking?” RaFUPmmEioU-01568-00426403-00426754 How can you get fired for asking such a simple question? RaFUPmmEioU-01569-00426754-00427018 “Smoking or non-smoking,” he asked RaFUPmmEioU-01570-00427018-00427268 and he got fired. RaFUPmmEioU-01571-00427268-00427485 Because what he was supposed to ask was, RaFUPmmEioU-01572-00427485-00428076 “Cremation or burial” (Few Laugh)? RaFUPmmEioU-01573-00428076-00428732 You’re not getting it (Laughter/Applause)? RaFUPmmEioU-01574-00428732-00429093 So, many times what you do RaFUPmmEioU-01575-00429093-00429220 thinking, “I’m right,” RaFUPmmEioU-01576-00429220-00429416 may be irrelevant to the situation RaFUPmmEioU-01577-00429417-00429616 in which you exist. RaFUPmmEioU-01578-00429617-00430122 So the most important aspect of your life is you’ are relevant. RaFUPmmEioU-01579-00430122-00430362 Not right, you're just relevant. RaFUPmmEioU-01580-00430362-00430593 To the existing situation, you are relevant. RaFUPmmEioU-01581-00430593-00430883 “I’m right, I’m right, I’m right!” RaFUPmmEioU-01582-00430883-00431062 This is confidence. RaFUPmmEioU-01583-00431062-00431231 You being right, nobody cares. RaFUPmmEioU-01584-00431231-00431410 All the idiots who think they are right, RaFUPmmEioU-01585-00431410-00431634 nobody wants to listen to them, RaFUPmmEioU-01586-00431634-00431962 nobody wants to be around them, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01587-00431962-00432096 People who always think “I’m right, I’m right,” RaFUPmmEioU-01588-00432096-00432249 you want to be around them? RaFUPmmEioU-01589-00432249-00432428 No, the important thing is RaFUPmmEioU-01590-00432428-00432670 you are relevant to the situation in which you exist. RaFUPmmEioU-01591-00432670-00432950 If you have to bring relevance into your life, RaFUPmmEioU-01592-00432950-00433174 you must extinguish your confidence RaFUPmmEioU-01593-00433174-00433346 and bring clarity. RaFUPmmEioU-01594-00433346-00433678 To develop clarity there are many systems. RaFUPmmEioU-01595-00433678-00433864 See, to develop your muscle, RaFUPmmEioU-01596-00433864-00434168 there are systems, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01597-00434168-00434304 Similarly to develop clarity, RaFUPmmEioU-01598-00434304-00434532 there are many systems. RaFUPmmEioU-01599-00434532-00435059 Unfortunately, our education system is dulling clarity in so many ways. RaFUPmmEioU-01600-00435059-00435256 Some of the research studies RaFUPmmEioU-01601-00435256-00435520 in the university shows that, RaFUPmmEioU-01602-00435520-00435762 if a child goes to kindergarten RaFUPmmEioU-01603-00435762-00435996 and goes through twenty years of education RaFUPmmEioU-01604-00435996-00436046 - I’m sorry RaFUPmmEioU-01605-00436046-00436337 I’m saying this is an educational institution (Few laugh) RaFUPmmEioU-01606-00436337-00436554 - twenty years of education and comes out, RaFUPmmEioU-01607-00436554-00436709 let’s say, with a Ph.D, RaFUPmmEioU-01608-00436710-00436876 they are saying, RaFUPmmEioU-01609-00436876-00437243 seventy percent of their intelligence is irrevocably destroyed RaFUPmmEioU-01610-00437243-00437446 (Few laugh). RaFUPmmEioU-01611-00437446-00437692 So you have a knowledgeable idiot. RaFUPmmEioU-01612-00437692-00437810 What do you do with this? RaFUPmmEioU-01613-00437810-00437968 Well, you can… RaFUPmmEioU-01614-00437968-00438415 you can impress people by throwing information, RaFUPmmEioU-01615-00438416-00438675 but this whole game of impressing people, RaFUPmmEioU-01616-00438675-00438860 throwing this information and RaFUPmmEioU-01617-00438860-00439108 that information around is all going to go, RaFUPmmEioU-01618-00439108-00439570 because that Google lady is better than any of these idiots (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-01619-00439570-00439946 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-01620-00439946-00440170 It’s really amazing, RaFUPmmEioU-01621-00440170-00440458 I’m just traveling to wherever., RaFUPmmEioU-01622-00440458-00440900 let’s say I’m flying to United States or Africa or somewhere,. RaFUPmmEioU-01623-00440900-00441143 I just ask, you know, RaFUPmmEioU-01624-00441143-00441670 “What is the morning temperature in Entebbe? RaFUPmmEioU-01625-00441670-00442000 I’m landing there.” RaFUPmmEioU-01626-00442000-00442222 Without batting an eyelid, in two seconds, RaFUPmmEioU-01627-00442222-00442593 she tells me, it’s fourteen degree centigrade RaFUPmmEioU-01628-00442593-00442906 and by afternoon it’s eighteen degree centigrade, RaFUPmmEioU-01629-00442906-00443252 by evening it’s again twelve degree centigrade. RaFUPmmEioU-01630-00443252-00443476 Who could ever say this (Laughs)? RaFUPmmEioU-01631-00443476-00443597 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-01632-00443597-00443858 She may not be perfectly right, RaFUPmmEioU-01633-00443858-00444154 but she’s almost there. RaFUPmmEioU-01634-00444154-00444734 So, people who are carrying a basket of information on their head and feeling superior, RaFUPmmEioU-01635-00444734-00444884 I want you to understand this. RaFUPmmEioU-01636-00444884-00445308 In this country, and everywhere else in the world, RaFUPmmEioU-01637-00445308-00445762 in the not the previous, but the previous generation RaFUPmmEioU-01638-00445762-00446235 – somebody who could read a book was seen god-like, RaFUPmmEioU-01639-00446235-00446604 because everybody else was illiterate. RaFUPmmEioU-01640-00446604-00447039 And people thrived simply because they can read the Gita or the Bible or something else. RaFUPmmEioU-01641-00447039-00447438 They thrived simply because they can read. RaFUPmmEioU-01642-00447438-00447628 But once everybody can read, RaFUPmmEioU-01643-00447628-00448077 we are ignoring those people completely, yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-01644-00448077-00448300 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-01645-00448300-00448450 Sadhguru: Tch. RaFUPmmEioU-01646-00448450-00448766 You are falling asleep, I think (Few laugh). RaFUPmmEioU-01647-00448766-00449338 Hey, this is not a commerce class (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-01648-00449338-00449764 So, people who are carrying information and feeling superior, RaFUPmmEioU-01649-00449764-00450070 they will all be made into nothing, RaFUPmmEioU-01650-00450070-00450446 in the next fifteen to twenty years’ time. RaFUPmmEioU-01651-00450446-00451089 Once artificial intelligence becomes all over the place, information will mean nothing. RaFUPmmEioU-01652-00451089-00451428 Because it will be available everywhere. RaFUPmmEioU-01653-00451428-00451478 By then, RaFUPmmEioU-01654-00451478-00452076 you must be competent to do something beyond information. RaFUPmmEioU-01655-00452076-00452842 This is why I’m with you (Applause/Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-01656-00452842-00452985 Moderator (Ria): All right. RaFUPmmEioU-01657-00452985-00453342 So now before we open the session for our audience to ask you questions, RaFUPmmEioU-01658-00453342-00453537 we have some really popular questions RaFUPmmEioU-01659-00453537-00453828 from various social media platforms. Sadhguru: Whoa! RaFUPmmEioU-01660-00453828-00453943 Moderator (Ria): Now… RaFUPmmEioU-01661-00453943-00454232 Moderator (Praneet): So the people who could not join here, RaFUPmmEioU-01662-00454232-00454424 so they’ve sent us the questions RaFUPmmEioU-01663-00454424-00454674 through various social media platforms, and RaFUPmmEioU-01664-00454674-00454991 the first question, I’ll read it out – RaFUPmmEioU-01665-00454992-00455174 “Sadhguru, you mentioned that…” RaFUPmmEioU-01666-00455174-00455312 Sadhguru: Who is this? Who is this? RaFUPmmEioU-01667-00455312-00455438 Anonymous question or… RaFUPmmEioU-01668-00455438-00455624 I will not answer anonymous questions. RaFUPmmEioU-01669-00455624-00455730 They must tell… RaFUPmmEioU-01670-00455730-00455904 at least say “this is my name.” RaFUPmmEioU-01671-00455904-00456089 Moderator (Ria): We didn’t have their names. RaFUPmmEioU-01672-00456089-00456214 Sadhguru: Okay, okay, okay. RaFUPmmEioU-01673-00456214-00456525 Moderator (Praneet): But we will definitely get back to you… RaFUPmmEioU-01674-00456525-00456752 Sadhguru: I believe you made up the question and… RaFUPmmEioU-01675-00456752-00456972 It’s okay (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-01676-00456972-00457330 No, that’s what I’ll assume because you are not telling me the name (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-01677-00457330-00457488 Please. RaFUPmmEioU-01678-00457488-00457616 Moderator (Praneet)Questioner 3: Sadhguru, RaFUPmmEioU-01679-00457616-00457731 you mentioned that RaFUPmmEioU-01680-00457732-00458188 you can do fourteen different activities at a given moment. RaFUPmmEioU-01681-00458188-00458504 So, we all are very curious to know, RaFUPmmEioU-01682-00458504-00458982 how can we achieve such prowess over both body and mind? RaFUPmmEioU-01683-00458982-00459238 Sadhguru: Oh! Whoever said this? RaFUPmmEioU-01684-00459238-00459489 I didn’t say anything like that. But anyway, RaFUPmmEioU-01685-00459489-00459724 do you have a liver? RaFUPmmEioU-01686-00459724-00459830 Moderator (Praneet): Yes I do. RaFUPmmEioU-01687-00459830-00460102 Sadhguru: Functioning? Moderator (Praneet): Yes (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-01688-00460102-00460604 Sadhguru: Do you know how many levels of activity it’s doing right now? RaFUPmmEioU-01689-00460604-00461028 What the liver is doing is far more complex than what your brains are doing right now. RaFUPmmEioU-01690-00461028-00461170 Do you know this? RaFUPmmEioU-01691-00461170-00461412 Yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-01692-00461413-00461550 A brainless liver, RaFUPmmEioU-01693-00461550-00461788 if it can do so many things, RaFUPmmEioU-01694-00461788-00462108 a brained Praneet or whatever Praneet? RaFUPmmEioU-01695-00462108-00462316 Praneet, how many things? RaFUPmmEioU-01696-00462320-00462614 No I was only talking about… RaFUPmmEioU-01697-00462614-00462884 not activity per say RaFUPmmEioU-01698-00462884-00463146 yes, activity is also possible. RaFUPmmEioU-01699-00463146-00463488 See you must understand this. RaFUPmmEioU-01700-00463488-00463938 On a round planet which is spinning right now… hello? RaFUPmmEioU-01701-00463938-00464046 Is it? RaFUPmmEioU-01702-00464046-00464258 Are you on a round planet? RaFUPmmEioU-01703-00464258-00464358 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-01704-00464358-00464458 Sadhguru: Spinning? RaFUPmmEioU-01705-00464458-00464558 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-01706-00464558-00464843 Sadhguru: Most people don’t understand this, RaFUPmmEioU-01707-00464843-00465024 unless you know, RaFUPmmEioU-01708-00465024-00465388 they get sozzled out with something, or RaFUPmmEioU-01709-00465388-00465630 they get some ailment that… RaFUPmmEioU-01710-00465630-00465976 either a few drops more or a few drops less RaFUPmmEioU-01711-00465976-00466204 between the ears. RaFUPmmEioU-01712-00466204-00466758 Suddenly you see planet is round (Few laugh). RaFUPmmEioU-01713-00466758-00467204 Do you know how complex an activity it is, RaFUPmmEioU-01714-00467204-00467589 for a human being to walk at a certain latitude RaFUPmmEioU-01715-00467589-00467696 on a round planet RaFUPmmEioU-01716-00467696-00468106 which is spinning and which has magnetic forces working upon you all the time? RaFUPmmEioU-01717-00468106-00468388 It’s an extremely complex process. RaFUPmmEioU-01718-00468388-00468854 You ask a child, who is, let’s say, one year of age, RaFUPmmEioU-01719-00468854-00469193 he knows how complex it is. RaFUPmmEioU-01720-00469193-00469408 Have you seen? RaFUPmmEioU-01721-00469408-00469639 But the moment you learn to walk, RaFUPmmEioU-01722-00469639-00469943 you assume that it’s nothing. RaFUPmmEioU-01723-00469943-00470108 Walking is nothing, and you are sick of walking, RaFUPmmEioU-01724-00470108-00470226 you want to drive a car, RaFUPmmEioU-01725-00470226-00470438 you want to ride a motorcycle, RaFUPmmEioU-01726-00470438-00470678 but walking is such a complex process. RaFUPmmEioU-01727-00470678-00470882 Not fourteen RaFUPmmEioU-01728-00470882-00471114 - a thousand different functions, RaFUPmmEioU-01729-00471114-00471270 your knees and your brains RaFUPmmEioU-01730-00471270-00471443 and the fluids in your body, RaFUPmmEioU-01731-00471443-00471842 all of them are doing all the time. RaFUPmmEioU-01732-00471842-00472100 If only you could conduct these things consciously, RaFUPmmEioU-01733-00472100-00472160 you would be… RaFUPmmEioU-01734-00472160-00472396 you would be doing a thousand things. RaFUPmmEioU-01735-00472396-00472496 Anyway you're doing it. RaFUPmmEioU-01736-00472496-00472725 But if you could conduct this (Referring to Oneself) consciously, RaFUPmmEioU-01737-00472725-00473038 you would do a thousand things at a time, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01738-00473038-00473670 So I was only talking about different channels of mind, RaFUPmmEioU-01739-00473670-00473896 which you don’t have to actually conduct, RaFUPmmEioU-01740-00473896-00474370 you just have to initiate and leave, it will go on. RaFUPmmEioU-01741-00474370-00474606 For you to think about your neighborhood girl, RaFUPmmEioU-01742-00474606-00474912 do you have to initiate action every time RaFUPmmEioU-01743-00474912-00474981 (Few laugh)? RaFUPmmEioU-01744-00474981-00475220 No! RaFUPmmEioU-01745-00475220-00475424 If she’s pretty, I’m saying. RaFUPmmEioU-01746-00475425-00475646 Once you look at her, RaFUPmmEioU-01747-00475646-00475951 it just goes on by itself, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01748-00475951-00476218 Why, because you are drawn to it. RaFUPmmEioU-01749-00476218-00476535 If you are drawn to ten different things at the same time, RaFUPmmEioU-01750-00476535-00476860 mind is capable of creating ten different channels RaFUPmmEioU-01751-00476860-00477096 and keep it running. RaFUPmmEioU-01752-00477096-00477410 So, there is an entire process… RaFUPmmEioU-01753-00477410-00477680 Right now I think one Jain monk, RaFUPmmEioU-01754-00477680-00477935 somebody a sixteen, seventeen-year-old boy, RaFUPmmEioU-01755-00477935-00478114 you’ve heard of him? He’s in the newspapers. RaFUPmmEioU-01756-00478114-00478278 Participants: Yes! RaFUPmmEioU-01757-00478288-00478530 Sadhguru: How many things can he do? RaFUPmmEioU-01758-00478530-00478720 Anyway RaFUPmmEioU-01759-00478720-00479010 there are people in small towns in Tamil Nadu RaFUPmmEioU-01760-00479010-00479208 who are called shatavadanis RaFUPmmEioU-01761-00479208-00479279 – that means, RaFUPmmEioU-01762-00479279-00479564 they can do one-hundred things at the same time RaFUPmmEioU-01763-00479564-00479774 –. a complex mathematical problem, RaFUPmmEioU-01764-00479774-00479989 a sensation, a music, some raga, RaFUPmmEioU-01765-00479989-00480296 this, that, hundred things at the same time, RaFUPmmEioU-01766-00480296-00480733 because that is how complex human mind is. RaFUPmmEioU-01767-00480733-00480838 This complexity, RaFUPmmEioU-01768-00480838-00481547 you can use either to drive yourself crazy with unbridled thought and emotion. RaFUPmmEioU-01769-00481547-00481654 Or if you harness it, RaFUPmmEioU-01770-00481654-00481818 it can do things that RaFUPmmEioU-01771-00481818-00482164 nobody has imagined possible. RaFUPmmEioU-01772-00482164-00482535 It can do things in a miraculous way. RaFUPmmEioU-01773-00482535-00482784 You can manifest things in a phenomenal way, RaFUPmmEioU-01774-00482784-00483038 if the necessary training goes. RaFUPmmEioU-01775-00483038-00483242 See, is it not very clear to you, RaFUPmmEioU-01776-00483242-00483380 if somebody is walking there, RaFUPmmEioU-01777-00483380-00483518 if you just look at them, RaFUPmmEioU-01778-00483518-00483635 how they are walking, RaFUPmmEioU-01779-00483635-00484050 you can make out whether they are physically fit or not. RaFUPmmEioU-01780-00484050-00484222 Yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-01781-00484222-00484342 Body has been worked upon, RaFUPmmEioU-01782-00484342-00484456 you can see it or no? RaFUPmmEioU-01783-00484456-00484743 Just by the walk. RaFUPmmEioU-01784-00484743-00484856 Similarly, RaFUPmmEioU-01785-00484856-00485072 whether the mind has been worked upon or not, RaFUPmmEioU-01786-00485072-00485380 whether your energies have been worked upon or not, RaFUPmmEioU-01787-00485380-00485510 is something that’s visible, RaFUPmmEioU-01788-00485510-00485645 most people may not see. RaFUPmmEioU-01789-00485645-00485938 But if you pay attention, you will see. RaFUPmmEioU-01790-00485938-00486032 Right now, RaFUPmmEioU-01791-00486032-00486304 most human beings… the problem is, RaFUPmmEioU-01792-00486304-00486689 we gave you a super, super, super computer. RaFUPmmEioU-01793-00486689-00487254 The most sophisticated machine on this planet is this human mechanism. RaFUPmmEioU-01794-00487255-00487354 Isn’t it so? RaFUPmmEioU-01795-00487355-00487454 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-01796-00487454-00487804 Sadhguru: I’m asking you, have you read the user’s manual (Few laugh)? RaFUPmmEioU-01797-00487804-00487904 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-01798-00487904-00488175 Participants: No. Sadhguru: No? RaFUPmmEioU-01799-00488175-00488274 When you're going to read it,? RaFUPmmEioU-01800-00488274-00488538 on the last day? RaFUPmmEioU-01801-00488538-00488716 When (Laughs) I see this ridiculous stuff, RaFUPmmEioU-01802-00488716-00488947 people reading Gita when people are dying, RaFUPmmEioU-01803-00488947-00489703 I say, “You are reading the user’s manual on the last day, what’s the point” (Laughs) RaFUPmmEioU-01804-00489703-00489802 (Applause)? RaFUPmmEioU-01805-00489803-00489938 If you buy a phone, RaFUPmmEioU-01806-00489938-00490184 should you read the user’s manual in the first three days, RaFUPmmEioU-01807-00490184-00490274 or after three years RaFUPmmEioU-01808-00490274-00490482 when you want to get rid of the phone? RaFUPmmEioU-01809-00490482-00490716 Hmm? RaFUPmmEioU-01810-00490716-00490962 Sadhguru: You must read it in the first three days. RaFUPmmEioU-01811-00490962-00491335 So, I’m not to asking you to read a scripture. RaFUPmmEioU-01812-00491335-00491580 Well, this (Referring to Oneself) is a living scripture. RaFUPmmEioU-01813-00491580-00491832 Should you not become competent to read this scripture, RaFUPmmEioU-01814-00491832-00492063 understand what is the nature of this, RaFUPmmEioU-01815-00492063-00492324 what is the full potential of it and explore this? RaFUPmmEioU-01816-00492324-00492710 Because this life is not about this or that RaFUPmmEioU-01817-00492710-00492972 - this life is about this (Referring to Oneself). RaFUPmmEioU-01818-00492972-00493142 Yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-01819-00493142-00493362 There is no choice about this. RaFUPmmEioU-01820-00493362-00493526 It is just that, RaFUPmmEioU-01821-00493526-00493792 you can enslave this life to something else RaFUPmmEioU-01822-00493792-00493978 and think it’s about that. RaFUPmmEioU-01823-00493978-00494470 But actually, it’s about this, isn't it so? RaFUPmmEioU-01824-00494470-00494704 Are you okay with this? RaFUPmmEioU-01825-00494704-00494818 You think right now RaFUPmmEioU-01826-00494818-00495066 your life is about education, no! RaFUPmmEioU-01827-00495067-00495266 Your life is about this (Referring to Oneself). RaFUPmmEioU-01828-00495267-00495497 You want this (Referring to Oneself) one educated. RaFUPmmEioU-01829-00495497-00495681 You want this (Referring to Oneself) one to do well. RaFUPmmEioU-01830-00495681-00495897 You want this (Referring to Oneself) one to experience love. RaFUPmmEioU-01831-00495897-00496074 You want this (Referring to Oneself) one to experience pleasure. RaFUPmmEioU-01832-00496074-00496478 You want this (Referring to Oneself) one to do all this. RaFUPmmEioU-01833-00496478-00496922 All the other things are only attendant things RaFUPmmEioU-01834-00496922-00497193 –this (Referring to Oneself) is the real thing, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-01835-00497193-00497382 So if this is the real thing, RaFUPmmEioU-01836-00497382-00497792 does this deserve some amount of attention? RaFUPmmEioU-01837-00497792-00498018 “Some amount of attention” means RaFUPmmEioU-01838-00498018-00498205 not standing in front of the mirror and RaFUPmmEioU-01839-00498206-00498682 attending to your skin endlessly. RaFUPmmEioU-01840-00498683-00499312 Should you not pay attention to every dimension of what this human being is made of? RaFUPmmEioU-01841-00499312-00499562 What makes this life tick and how? RaFUPmmEioU-01842-00499562-00499784 If you understand what makes it tick, RaFUPmmEioU-01843-00499784-00500006 you can make it roar. RaFUPmmEioU-01844-00500006-00500234 If you can make it roar, why fourteen things? RaFUPmmEioU-01845-00500234-00501093 You can do many more (Applause)! RaFUPmmEioU-01846-00501093-00501216 Moderator (Shriram): Sadhguru, RaFUPmmEioU-01847-00501216-00501408 the next question which we have, RaFUPmmEioU-01848-00501408-00501696 I’ll just read it out for you. RaFUPmmEioU-01849-00501696-00501810 “It is believed that RaFUPmmEioU-01850-00501810-00501932 Srinivasa Ramanujam, RaFUPmmEioU-01851-00501932-00502256 who’d write mathematical equation as if RaFUPmmEioU-01852-00502256-00502492 he had access to the whole universe. RaFUPmmEioU-01853-00502492-00502646 He also says that …” RaFUPmmEioU-01854-00502646-00502797 "Goddess dictates him RaFUPmmEioU-01855-00502797-00503046 those mathematical ideas. RaFUPmmEioU-01856-00503046-00503262 How can I reach to that state? RaFUPmmEioU-01857-00503262-00503420 That is the question. RaFUPmmEioU-01858-00503420-00503980 Sadhguru: First you must find a Goddess, hmm (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-01859-00503980-00504285 You interested in this question? RaFUPmmEioU-01860-00504285-00504435 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-01861-00504435-00504522 Participants: Yes…Yes…Yes…No…Yes…Yes... RaFUPmmEioU-01862-00504522-00504634 Sadhguru: I want to hear RaFUPmmEioU-01863-00504634-00504828 whatever I hear loudly, RaFUPmmEioU-01864-00504828-00504993 I’ll go by that. RaFUPmmEioU-01865-00504993-00506182 Participants: (Crowd yelling Yes and No)Yes…Yes… Yes…No… RaFUPmmEioU-01866-00506182-00506516 Sadhguru: “No” is coming late. RaFUPmmEioU-01867-00506516-00506714 “Yes” came strong (Laughs) RaFUPmmEioU-01868-00506714-00507476 (Crowd yells Yes and No) (Cheers/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-01869-00507476-00507841 All of you, do you use a phone? RaFUPmmEioU-01870-00507841-00508175 Participants: Yes.Yes. Sadhguru: Why? RaFUPmmEioU-01871-00508175-00508502 Why do you use a phone? RaFUPmmEioU-01872-00508502-00509000 Why did we first of all make a telephone? RaFUPmmEioU-01873-00509000-00509308 Because we can speak. RaFUPmmEioU-01874-00509308-00509547 If we had no ability to speak, RaFUPmmEioU-01875-00509547-00509970 would we manufacture a microphone, a telephone, RaFUPmmEioU-01876-00509970-00510166 any of these things? RaFUPmmEioU-01877-00510166-00510572 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-01878-00510572-00510884 Why did we come up with a bicycle? RaFUPmmEioU-01879-00510884-00511018 Because we can walk, RaFUPmmEioU-01880-00511018-00511382 but we wanted to walk faster, so we ran. RaFUPmmEioU-01881-00511382-00511674 We ran and we knew there is a limit. RaFUPmmEioU-01882-00511675-00511843 We wanted to go faster than that, RaFUPmmEioU-01883-00511843-00512206 so we came up with a bicycle. RaFUPmmEioU-01884-00512206-00512360 Suppose we were made like a tree, RaFUPmmEioU-01885-00512360-00512570 rooted to one place, RaFUPmmEioU-01886-00512570-00512917 would we have invented a bicycle? RaFUPmmEioU-01887-00512917-00513102 No. RaFUPmmEioU-01888-00513102-00513538 So a telephone, a telescope, a microscope, RaFUPmmEioU-01889-00513538-00513845 bicycle, automobiles, airplanes, everything RaFUPmmEioU-01890-00513845-00514034 what? RaFUPmmEioU-01891-00514034-00514224 What faculties we already have, RaFUPmmEioU-01892-00514224-00514506 we want to enhance that. RaFUPmmEioU-01893-00514506-00514792 We have not come up with any machine RaFUPmmEioU-01894-00514792-00514976 for which we had no faculty and RaFUPmmEioU-01895-00514976-00515193 suddenly we came up with something, RaFUPmmEioU-01896-00515193-00515497 because we don’t even know what those things are. RaFUPmmEioU-01897-00515497-00515647 Yes? RaFUPmmEioU-01898-00515647-00515847 The faculties that we do not have, RaFUPmmEioU-01899-00515847-00516030 we have no way to perceive that RaFUPmmEioU-01900-00516030-00516131 whether it exists RaFUPmmEioU-01901-00516131-00516335 or it doesn’t exist. RaFUPmmEioU-01902-00516335-00516512 Only faculties that we have, RaFUPmmEioU-01903-00516512-00516939 we are trying to take it far. RaFUPmmEioU-01904-00516939-00517054 So in this effort, RaFUPmmEioU-01905-00517054-00517360 we came up with many machines. RaFUPmmEioU-01906-00517360-00517908 All machines here are only enhancing our existing faculties. RaFUPmmEioU-01907-00517908-00518335 They have not come up with any absolutely new faculty. RaFUPmmEioU-01908-00518335-00518564 In the same context, RaFUPmmEioU-01909-00518564-00518747 right from ancient times RaFUPmmEioU-01910-00518747-00518919 in this culture, RaFUPmmEioU-01911-00518920-00519332 we came up with machines not made of material, RaFUPmmEioU-01912-00519332-00519612 not made of mechanical process RaFUPmmEioU-01913-00519612-00519939 but an energetic process. RaFUPmmEioU-01914-00519939-00520489 What does a machine with an energetic process mean? RaFUPmmEioU-01915-00520489-00520774 See, RaFUPmmEioU-01916-00520774-00521316 suppose somebody is dead. RaFUPmmEioU-01917-00521316-00521610 You’ have seen any dead people? RaFUPmmEioU-01918-00521610-00521804 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-01919-00521810-00522104 Sadhguru: Where did you see? I never saw. RaFUPmmEioU-01920-00522104-00522427 You saw dead people or dead bodies? RaFUPmmEioU-01921-00522427-00522585 Participants: Dead bodies. RaFUPmmEioU-01922-00522585-00522690 Sadhguru: Hmm. RaFUPmmEioU-01923-00522690-00523087 Dead body means what? RaFUPmmEioU-01924-00523087-00523260 Let us say no accident happened, RaFUPmmEioU-01925-00523260-00523360 no murder happened, RaFUPmmEioU-01926-00523360-00523554 no nothing happened or let’s say, RaFUPmmEioU-01927-00523554-00524010 somebody just suffocated and died. RaFUPmmEioU-01928-00524010-00524235 If somebody suffocated and died, RaFUPmmEioU-01929-00524235-00524390 heart is in the right… RaFUPmmEioU-01930-00524390-00524532 heart is doing well, RaFUPmmEioU-01931-00524532-00524806 maybe not beating but it’s fit. RaFUPmmEioU-01932-00524806-00525242 Liver, kidney, damn everything is all okay. RaFUPmmEioU-01933-00525242-00525646 Only thing is, the person is not alive. RaFUPmmEioU-01934-00525646-00525922 All the mechanical parts are okay. RaFUPmmEioU-01935-00525922-00526326 Only thing is that life energy is missing. RaFUPmmEioU-01936-00526326-00526762 So this (Referring to oneself) is also an energy machine on one level, isn’t it so? RaFUPmmEioU-01937-00526762-00527006 Yes or no? Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-01938-00527006-00527202 Sadhguru: This is also an energy machine, RaFUPmmEioU-01939-00527202-00527290 on top of it RaFUPmmEioU-01940-00527306-00527672 we have put mechanical parts to it. RaFUPmmEioU-01941-00527672-00527966 Even if all the mechanical parts are intact, RaFUPmmEioU-01942-00527966-00528104 if there is no energy, RaFUPmmEioU-01943-00528104-00528280 this will not function. RaFUPmmEioU-01944-00528280-00528462 So from looking deep inside, RaFUPmmEioU-01945-00528462-00528553 we understood RaFUPmmEioU-01946-00528554-00528862 we could create an energetic machine RaFUPmmEioU-01947-00528862-00528990 without mechanical parts, RaFUPmmEioU-01948-00528990-00529154 because if mechanical parts come, RaFUPmmEioU-01949-00529154-00529358 they need a certain level of maintenance, RaFUPmmEioU-01950-00529359-00529590 and servicing and works. RaFUPmmEioU-01951-00529590-00529786 But if you just create an energy machine, RaFUPmmEioU-01952-00529786-00530196 it will simply function day and night. RaFUPmmEioU-01953-00530196-00530754 Suppose your motorcycle or your car or whatever you use, RaFUPmmEioU-01954-00530754-00530812 let’s say RaFUPmmEioU-01955-00530812-00531178 your phone was just an energy machine without mechanical parts, RaFUPmmEioU-01956-00531178-00531276 see it’s happening RaFUPmmEioU-01957-00531276-00531422 from such a big phone, RaFUPmmEioU-01958-00531422-00531694 it’s slowly becoming smaller, smaller. RaFUPmmEioU-01959-00531694-00531938 With less and less mechanical parts, RaFUPmmEioU-01960-00531938-00532157 it’s becoming more and more efficient. RaFUPmmEioU-01961-00532157-00532314 Why, do you think? RaFUPmmEioU-01962-00532314-00532374 Slowly RaFUPmmEioU-01963-00532374-00532560 it is moving towards a space, RaFUPmmEioU-01964-00532560-00532898 where it is becoming more energetic than mechanical, RaFUPmmEioU-01965-00532898-00533040 isn’t it so? RaFUPmmEioU-01966-00533040-00533238 Do you remember old James Bond movies? RaFUPmmEioU-01967-00533238-00533484 Such a big phone! RaFUPmmEioU-01968-00533484-00534016 Ah, it was looking like a just born baby (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-01969-00534017-00534337 But today it’s become this (Gestures) much.. RaFUPmmEioU-01970-00534337-00534466 As RaFUPmmEioU-01971-00534466-00534996 they are expecting in another probably ten, fifteen years, RaFUPmmEioU-01972-00534996-00535370 your phone can be just imprinted on your hand. RaFUPmmEioU-01973-00535370-00535564 Simply like this you can speak. RaFUPmmEioU-01974-00535564-00535738 Or you don’t even have to do this. RaFUPmmEioU-01975-00535738-00535846 If you simply do that, RaFUPmmEioU-01976-00535846-00536164 it will say what you want it to say. RaFUPmmEioU-01977-00536165-00536332 So from being mechanical, RaFUPmmEioU-01978-00536332-00536911 now we are going towards energy-based machine. RaFUPmmEioU-01979-00536911-00537138 From a huge earthmover to a computer, RaFUPmmEioU-01980-00537138-00537430 this is the big difference that it’s more energetic RaFUPmmEioU-01981-00537430-00537815 and less mechanical. RaFUPmmEioU-01982-00537815-00537996 So we created energy machines RaFUPmmEioU-01983-00537996-00538287 which in this culture we called as deities... RaFUPmmEioU-01984-00538287-00538476 or the English word is deity. RaFUPmmEioU-01985-00538477-00538674 Generally we called them as murtis . RaFUPmmEioU-01986-00538674-00538962 – that means a form. RaFUPmmEioU-01987-00538962-00539750 A form which has a certain ability to do certain things, energetic forms. RaFUPmmEioU-01988-00539751-00540126 So some different forms are like windows to the existence, RaFUPmmEioU-01989-00540126-00540410 you could open up different dimensions. RaFUPmmEioU-01990-00540410-00540994 All this is forgotten, made into absolute nonsense today in the form of superstitions. RaFUPmmEioU-01991-00540995-00541448 But otherwise it was clearly prescribed. RaFUPmmEioU-01992-00541448-00541642 Because today people get identified RaFUPmmEioU-01993-00541642-00541743 with this or that,. RaFUPmmEioU-01994-00541743-00542214 They think their Gods are about belonging to them. RaFUPmmEioU-01995-00542214-00542424 No, these deities RaFUPmmEioU-01996-00542424-00542594 - God is a wrong word for this, RaFUPmmEioU-01997-00542594-00542768 these are deities or murtis RaFUPmmEioU-01998-00542768-00543097 - these were created with a specific purpose. RaFUPmmEioU-01999-00543097-00543214 If you want intelligence, RaFUPmmEioU-02000-00543214-00543430 you go to one kind of deity. RaFUPmmEioU-02001-00543430-00543556 If you have fear problems, RaFUPmmEioU-02002-00543556-00543740 you go to another kind of deity. RaFUPmmEioU-02003-00543740-00543844 You have love issues, RaFUPmmEioU-02004-00543844-00543988 you go to another kind of deity. RaFUPmmEioU-02005-00543988-00544114 You have prosperity issues, RaFUPmmEioU-02006-00544114-00544317 you go to another kind of deity. RaFUPmmEioU-02007-00544317-00544518 Like this they made energetic forms RaFUPmmEioU-02008-00544518-00544842 which you must learn to use. RaFUPmmEioU-02009-00544842-00545148 These are not places of prayer. RaFUPmmEioU-02010-00545148-00545418 These are not places of worship. RaFUPmmEioU-02011-00545418-00545564 These are places where you learn RaFUPmmEioU-02012-00545564-00546079 how to use the machine for your benefit. RaFUPmmEioU-02013-00546079-00546292 They were built in various forms RaFUPmmEioU-02014-00546292-00546609 and various capacities. RaFUPmmEioU-02015-00546609-00547156 They were also connected to people’s genetic information, which we called as Kula Deivas, RaFUPmmEioU-02016-00547156-00547520 where only for that genetic pool it will work. RaFUPmmEioU-02017-00547520-00547834 This is a very complex process. RaFUPmmEioU-02018-00547834-00548136 So Ramanujam comes from the south. RaFUPmmEioU-02019-00548136-00548456 Why I am specially mentioning the south is, RaFUPmmEioU-02020-00548456-00548878 these things were there everywhere in the country. RaFUPmmEioU-02021-00548878-00549588 But the northern belt of this nation has taken too many invasions, too much disruption. RaFUPmmEioU-02022-00549588-00549944 South (Laughs) oh, RaFUPmmEioU-02023-00549944-00550142 you know south of Vindhyas, RaFUPmmEioU-02024-00550142-00550350 we have been very well protected. RaFUPmmEioU-02025-00550350-00550654 Even today we maintain many things. RaFUPmmEioU-02026-00550654-00551184 We never had major disruptions as the north had. RaFUPmmEioU-02027-00551184-00551264 Because of this, RaFUPmmEioU-02028-00551264-00551586 certain sciences are still alive and active, RaFUPmmEioU-02029-00551586-00552026 which could produce a Ramanujam. RaFUPmmEioU-02030-00552027-00552238 Ramanujam spoke about black holes RaFUPmmEioU-02031-00552238-00552426 nearly a hundred years ago or RaFUPmmEioU-02032-00552426-00552634 more than hundred years ago, RaFUPmmEioU-02033-00552634-00552888 when there was no concept of black holes. RaFUPmmEioU-02034-00552888-00553168 He made mathematics for black holes RaFUPmmEioU-02035-00553168-00553522 when there was no concept of black holes. RaFUPmmEioU-02036-00553522-00553772 Science always progresses like this. RaFUPmmEioU-02037-00553772-00553960 First the concept, then the theory RaFUPmmEioU-02038-00553960-00554174 and then the mathematics. RaFUPmmEioU-02039-00554174-00554382 But he made the mathematics first, RaFUPmmEioU-02040-00554382-00554596 before there was a concept, RaFUPmmEioU-02041-00554596-00554868 before there was a theory. RaFUPmmEioU-02042-00554868-00555044 And when they asked him… RaFUPmmEioU-02043-00555044-00555210 He was sitting on his death bed RaFUPmmEioU-02044-00555210-00555438 and simply pouring out mathematics RaFUPmmEioU-02045-00555438-00555700 –, notebooks and notebooks of mathematics, RaFUPmmEioU-02046-00555702-00555838 simply pouring out. RaFUPmmEioU-02047-00555838-00556122 People asked, “Where is this coming from? RaFUPmmEioU-02048-00556122-00556252 What is this?” RaFUPmmEioU-02049-00556252-00557632 He said, “My Devi bleeds mathematics” (Laughs) (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02050-00557632-00557820 Moderator (Praneet): So now we open the floor RaFUPmmEioU-02051-00557820-00558092 to the audience for asking the questions RaFUPmmEioU-02052-00558092-00558464 and the first will ask questions RaFUPmmEioU-02053-00558464-00558836 from this (Gestures) side of the floor. RaFUPmmEioU-02054-00558838-00559014 Questioner 1: Namaskaram, Sadhguru. RaFUPmmEioU-02055-00559014-00559080 Sadhguru: Hey, how come RaFUPmmEioU-02056-00559080-00559564 you got a better microphone than me, hmm (Laughter)? RaFUPmmEioU-02057-00559564-00559866 Questioner 1 (Azeem): My name is Azeem. RaFUPmmEioU-02058-00559866-00560198 I am a first year student pursuing B.Com (Honors). RaFUPmmEioU-02059-00560198-00560424 So basically we all know that RaFUPmmEioU-02060-00560424-00560690 at this age we get into a relationship, RaFUPmmEioU-02061-00560690-00560868 then we broke up. RaFUPmmEioU-02062-00560868-00561124 So there was one of my friend RaFUPmmEioU-02063-00561124-00561235 recently who broke up, RaFUPmmEioU-02064-00561236-00561386 and he was like RaFUPmmEioU-02065-00561386-00561674 he asked me to give him some advice, RaFUPmmEioU-02066-00561674-00561836 on how to move on RaFUPmmEioU-02067-00561836-00562153 and how to cope up with things. RaFUPmmEioU-02068-00562153-00562332 So being of the same age, RaFUPmmEioU-02069-00562332-00562460 I cannot advise him RaFUPmmEioU-02070-00562460-00562705 because I don’t know how to move on. RaFUPmmEioU-02071-00562705-00562828 So my question is that RaFUPmmEioU-02072-00562828-00563820 how to move on after that situation (Applause)? RaFUPmmEioU-02073-00563820-00563948 Sadhguru: Well, RaFUPmmEioU-02074-00563948-00564132 somebody else has moved on (Few laugh). RaFUPmmEioU-02075-00564132-00564346 Even if you stay in the same place, RaFUPmmEioU-02076-00564346-00564778 distance will happen (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-02077-00564778-00565104 See let us understand this, in terms of life, RaFUPmmEioU-02078-00565104-00565601 not in terms of trend, not in terms of morality, RaFUPmmEioU-02079-00565601-00565764 not in terms of right and wrong, RaFUPmmEioU-02080-00565764-00566207 but in terms of life… RaFUPmmEioU-02081-00566207-00566514 When I say in terms of life, RaFUPmmEioU-02082-00566514-00566798 Azeem, do you remember RaFUPmmEioU-02083-00566802-00567224 how your great-great-great-great-great-great-great RaFUPmmEioU-02084-00567224-00567377 -ten generations ago, RaFUPmmEioU-02085-00567377-00567569 how your grandfather looked like? RaFUPmmEioU-02086-00567569-00567746 Questioner 1 (Azeem): No. RaFUPmmEioU-02087-00567746-00568098 But his nose is sitting on your face. RaFUPmmEioU-02088-00568098-00568308 Yes or no? Questioner 1 (Azeem): Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-02089-00568308-00568674 Sadhguru: So is it true that your body has a tremendous amount of memory? RaFUPmmEioU-02090-00568674-00568774 Hmm? RaFUPmmEioU-02091-00568774-00568910 Questioner 1 (Azeem): Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-02092-00568910-00569240 Sadhguru: This memory is on many different levels. RaFUPmmEioU-02093-00569240-00569431 – there is an evolutionary memory, RaFUPmmEioU-02094-00569431-00569568 there is a genetic memory, RaFUPmmEioU-02095-00569568-00569731 there is a karmic memory, RaFUPmmEioU-02096-00569731-00569930 there are conscious levels of memory RaFUPmmEioU-02097-00569930-00570170 and unconscious levels of memories, RaFUPmmEioU-02098-00570170-00570452 articulate and inarticulate levels of memories. RaFUPmmEioU-02099-00570452-00570984 But, if your great-grandfather’s nose has to sit on your face, RaFUPmmEioU-02100-00570984-00571638 obviously your body is carrying a very complex mechanism of memory, isn’t it? RaFUPmmEioU-02101-00571638-00571790 Questioner 1 (Azeem): Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-02102-00571790-00572304 Sadhguru: So this body if it is capable of such a complex sense of memory, RaFUPmmEioU-02103-00572304-00572456 you think RaFUPmmEioU-02104-00572456-00573216 it is not gathering memory with whatever you touch and feel and relate with? RaFUPmmEioU-02105-00573216-00573332 You think so or no? RaFUPmmEioU-02106-00573332-00573512 Questioner 1 (Azeem): Yes. Sadhguru: It does. RaFUPmmEioU-02107-00573512-00573830 So it is gathering an enormous amount of memory. RaFUPmmEioU-02108-00573830-00574140 This is how you know. RaFUPmmEioU-02109-00574140-00574498 See, how to go up the steps, RaFUPmmEioU-02110-00574498-00574632 how to go down the steps RaFUPmmEioU-02111-00574632-00574912 - it looks very simple but it’s not simple. RaFUPmmEioU-02112-00574912-00575166 It’s very complex. RaFUPmmEioU-02113-00575167-00575316 Your body has to remember. RaFUPmmEioU-02114-00575316-00575854 Otherwise it cannot go up and go down so simply. RaFUPmmEioU-02115-00575854-00576234 Well, today the sports people are talking about muscle memory RaFUPmmEioU-02116-00576234-00576528 – building memory into their system RaFUPmmEioU-02117-00576528-00577140 so that the sport can be executed at a certain level of efficiency. RaFUPmmEioU-02118-00577140-00577316 So this is not only for sport, RaFUPmmEioU-02119-00577316-00577552 this is not only for specific activity, RaFUPmmEioU-02120-00577552-00578012 every day you are imbibing so much memory. RaFUPmmEioU-02121-00578012-00578194 And this memory, RaFUPmmEioU-02122-00578194-00578514 if there is a certain kind of congruence to this memory, RaFUPmmEioU-02123-00578514-00578914 if there is a certain kind of cohesiveness to this memory, RaFUPmmEioU-02124-00578914-00579244 this memory will become productive. RaFUPmmEioU-02125-00579244-00579742 If there is a certain sense of chaos to this memory, RaFUPmmEioU-02126-00579742-00580030 if there is a certain level of chaos to this memory, RaFUPmmEioU-02127-00580030-00580426 then you may know everything, RaFUPmmEioU-02128-00580426-00580688 but this memory will work against you RaFUPmmEioU-02129-00580688-00581206 because it’s contradictory and conflicting within itself. RaFUPmmEioU-02130-00581207-00581352 When you say a relationship and RaFUPmmEioU-02131-00581352-00581686 when your friend asked you this question, RaFUPmmEioU-02132-00581686-00582186 the question itself is coming because it matters, isn’t it? RaFUPmmEioU-02133-00582186-00582316 If it didn’t matter, RaFUPmmEioU-02134-00582316-00582514 you could have just forgotten about it and RaFUPmmEioU-02135-00582514-00582774 gone on like old pair of shoes. RaFUPmmEioU-02136-00582774-00583096 But it matters, RaFUPmmEioU-02137-00583096-00583698 because you invested your thought, your emotion and maybe even your body. RaFUPmmEioU-02138-00583698-00583902 Once you invested these three things, RaFUPmmEioU-02139-00583902-00584300 there is a profound sense of memory about that. RaFUPmmEioU-02140-00584300-00584628 If you create lot of contradictory memory in your system, RaFUPmmEioU-02141-00584628-00584910 you will see life will tell later RaFUPmmEioU-02142-00584910-00585044 that you will have everything, RaFUPmmEioU-02143-00585044-00585210 but you feel like you have nothing RaFUPmmEioU-02144-00585210-00585495 because it’s confused and it’s joyless, RaFUPmmEioU-02145-00585495-00585693 it doesn’t have exuberance. RaFUPmmEioU-02146-00585693-00585846 It’s very important RaFUPmmEioU-02147-00585846-00586438 young people understand the mechanism of what you have been given. RaFUPmmEioU-02148-00586438-00586616 If this was just a lump of flesh, RaFUPmmEioU-02149-00586616-00586948 you could have done whatever the hell you want with it. RaFUPmmEioU-02150-00586948-00587376 But this is a very sophisticated machine. RaFUPmmEioU-02151-00587376-00587514 If you treat it sensitively, RaFUPmmEioU-02152-00587514-00587799 it can do things in a phenomenal way. RaFUPmmEioU-02153-00587799-00588050 Otherwise it will do mediocre things. RaFUPmmEioU-02154-00588050-00588218 Suppose I gave you… RaFUPmmEioU-02155-00588218-00588515 Let’s say you know nothing about computers. RaFUPmmEioU-02156-00588515-00588844 I gave you let’s say Apple Air. RaFUPmmEioU-02157-00588844-00588934 Have you seen this model? RaFUPmmEioU-02158-00588934-00589087 Questioner 1 (Azeem): Yeah. RaFUPmmEioU-02159-00589087-00589316 Sadhguru: Tch, very thin and sharp. RaFUPmmEioU-02160-00589316-00589509 I gave you this but you don’t know what it is. RaFUPmmEioU-02161-00589509-00589883 You took it home and started chopping cucumbers (Few laugh). RaFUPmmEioU-02162-00589883-00590140 It works very well. RaFUPmmEioU-02163-00590140-00590282 It works very well. RaFUPmmEioU-02164-00590282-00590480 But isn’t it a tragedy RaFUPmmEioU-02165-00590480-00590846 that you are using a computer to chop cucumber? RaFUPmmEioU-02166-00590846-00590958 Nothing wrong with the cucumber RaFUPmmEioU-02167-00590958-00591376 but something definitely wrong with you, isn’t it? RaFUPmmEioU-02168-00591376-00591476 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-02169-00591476-00591576 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-02170-00591576-00591818 Sadhguru: Something very fundamentally wrong with you RaFUPmmEioU-02171-00591818-00592130 when you do not understand the significance RaFUPmmEioU-02172-00592130-00592392 of what you have on your hands. RaFUPmmEioU-02173-00592392-00592681 All significant things will go waste. RaFUPmmEioU-02174-00592681-00593006 So before - not just other human beings, RaFUPmmEioU-02175-00593006-00593209 I am saying - before you touch, RaFUPmmEioU-02176-00593210-00593518 involve yourself in anything RaFUPmmEioU-02177-00593518-00593630 –you must see RaFUPmmEioU-02178-00593630-00593948 what is the level of involvement you wish, RaFUPmmEioU-02179-00593948-00594454 you must see where do you want to take this, RaFUPmmEioU-02180-00594454-00594592 you must also see RaFUPmmEioU-02181-00594592-00594782 what are the different impacts RaFUPmmEioU-02182-00594782-00594905 it will have upon you. RaFUPmmEioU-02183-00594905-00595178 – whether this will work well for this life RaFUPmmEioU-02184-00595178-00595458 or work against this life, RaFUPmmEioU-02185-00595458-00595762 you must consider. RaFUPmmEioU-02186-00595762-00596050 Otherwise you will become a loose life. RaFUPmmEioU-02187-00596050-00596402 Loose, I am not using the word “loose” in terms of morality. RaFUPmmEioU-02188-00596402-00596622 I am just talking about loose in terms of RaFUPmmEioU-02189-00596622-00596914 not able to fulfill the direction in which RaFUPmmEioU-02190-00596914-00597232 you wish to go in your life. RaFUPmmEioU-02191-00597232-00597430 Bringing some integrity to this, RaFUPmmEioU-02192-00597430-00597624 intellectual integrity, RaFUPmmEioU-02193-00597624-00597916 emotional integrity and physical integrity RaFUPmmEioU-02194-00597916-00598202 to your life is very, very, important. RaFUPmmEioU-02195-00598202-00598726 Well, beyond that if something goes wrong, RaFUPmmEioU-02196-00598726-00598900 you just have to understand RaFUPmmEioU-02197-00598900-00599006 when you came alone… RaFUPmmEioU-02198-00599006-00599464 when you were born you came alone, and when you die you will go alone. RaFUPmmEioU-02199-00599464-00600178 Questioner 1 (Azeem): Thank you so much (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02200-00600178-00600484 Sadhguru: Hey this girl, she can’t live without asking the question. RaFUPmmEioU-02201-00600484-00600932 Please give it to her. RaFUPmmEioU-02202-00600932-00601084 Questioner: Namaskaram. RaFUPmmEioU-02203-00601084-00601242 I am Shraddha, Sadhguru. RaFUPmmEioU-02204-00601242-00601508 My question is RaFUPmmEioU-02205-00601508-00601690 I am pursuing science RaFUPmmEioU-02206-00601690-00602122 and when I talk about yoga and doing Shambhavi RaFUPmmEioU-02207-00602122-00602270 in my college, RaFUPmmEioU-02208-00602270-00602394 people look RaFUPmmEioU-02209-00602394-00602624 kind of look down upon me saying, RaFUPmmEioU-02210-00602624-00602758 “You are a science student, RaFUPmmEioU-02211-00602758-00603012 how can you talk about these things?" RaFUPmmEioU-02212-00603016-00603258 Sadhguru: How can you live sensibly (Gestures)(Laughter)? RaFUPmmEioU-02213-00603258-00603448 Questioner 2 (Shraddha): And So I... RaFUPmmEioU-02214-00603448-00603704 in my first year I used to feel very bad about it RaFUPmmEioU-02215-00603704-00603902 but then I just left it. RaFUPmmEioU-02216-00603902-00604586 Now I have a question as to why there is such resistance in the youth about our own sciences. RaFUPmmEioU-02217-00604586-00605130 I mean Indian sciences have been established by a deep understanding of everything. RaFUPmmEioU-02218-00605130-00605402 Why is there a resistance? RaFUPmmEioU-02219-00605402-00605600 And is if RaFUPmmEioU-02220-00605600-00605772 I mean is it important that RaFUPmmEioU-02221-00605772-00606012 we convert this resistance into RaFUPmmEioU-02222-00606012-00606250 acceptance or at least, RaFUPmmEioU-02223-00606250-00606502 you know, tell them not to disregard it RaFUPmmEioU-02224-00606502-00606970 without having explored it in its complete sense. RaFUPmmEioU-02225-00606970-00607238 And if so how do we integrate RaFUPmmEioU-02226-00607238-00607588 inner sciences into the current education system RaFUPmmEioU-02227-00607588-00607754 that is in place. RaFUPmmEioU-02228-00607754-00608384 Thank you so much (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02229-00608384-00608654 See we have a… RaFUPmmEioU-02230-00608654-00608867 unfortunately today, RaFUPmmEioU-02231-00608868-00609314 we have a very a constipated perception RaFUPmmEioU-02232-00609314-00609732 of what is science or what is scientific. RaFUPmmEioU-02233-00609732-00609966 Essentially the way RaFUPmmEioU-02234-00609966-00610502 the science or the scientific process is defined is, RaFUPmmEioU-02235-00610502-00610775 something is considered as a science RaFUPmmEioU-02236-00610775-00611186 if there is a systematic approach to it. RaFUPmmEioU-02237-00611186-00611408 And the approach should be repeatable RaFUPmmEioU-02238-00611408-00611709 and the approach should work not just for me, RaFUPmmEioU-02239-00611709-00611986 it should work for many people, RaFUPmmEioU-02240-00611986-00612310 then it is considered a science. RaFUPmmEioU-02241-00612310-00612618 So science is fundamentally physics RaFUPmmEioU-02242-00612618-00612764 but there are other sciences RaFUPmmEioU-02243-00612764-00612894 which have evolved out of it. RaFUPmmEioU-02244-00612894-00613090 Biological studies are there, RaFUPmmEioU-02245-00613090-00613277 psychological studies are there, RaFUPmmEioU-02246-00613278-00613522 social sciences are there. RaFUPmmEioU-02247-00613522-00613832 So anything, which has a systematic approach RaFUPmmEioU-02248-00613832-00613970 and is applicable RaFUPmmEioU-02249-00613970-00614120 not just to one person RaFUPmmEioU-02250-00614120-00614480 but to a larger number of people, RaFUPmmEioU-02251-00614480-00614896 becomes a science or a scientific approach. RaFUPmmEioU-02252-00614896-00615004 In that sense, RaFUPmmEioU-02253-00615004-00615168 there is no science RaFUPmmEioU-02254-00615168-00615508 which has a larger application except physics. RaFUPmmEioU-02255-00615509-00615841 There is no other science... or even physics. RaFUPmmEioU-02256-00615841-00616426 There is no other science which is as largely applicable as yogic sciences. RaFUPmmEioU-02257-00616426-00616550 It is just that RaFUPmmEioU-02258-00616550-00617058 the yoga that people have heard about today is a rebound from the American coast. RaFUPmmEioU-02259-00617058-00617240 So they think yoga means RaFUPmmEioU-02260-00617240-00617598 wearing Llulu pants and going around. RaFUPmmEioU-02261-00617598-00617804 It’s a kind of a fashion. RaFUPmmEioU-02262-00617804-00617940 No. RaFUPmmEioU-02263-00617940-00618094 Yoga means this. RaFUPmmEioU-02264-00618094-00618244 I want you to listen to this carefully RaFUPmmEioU-02265-00618244-00618430 because this is not something RaFUPmmEioU-02266-00618430-00618830 that you can explore in a casual atmosphere like this. RaFUPmmEioU-02267-00618830-00619174 Yoga means literally means union. RaFUPmmEioU-02268-00619174-00619338 What does union mean? RaFUPmmEioU-02269-00619344-00619832 The very body that you carry right now, RaFUPmmEioU-02270-00619832-00620038 one day somebody is going to bury you or burn you. RaFUPmmEioU-02271-00620038-00620284 – smoking or non-smoking we will do it. RaFUPmmEioU-02272-00620284-00620452 Yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-02273-00620452-00620750 Either we do this or that RaFUPmmEioU-02274-00620750-00621022 - will you become part of the earth? RaFUPmmEioU-02275-00621022-00621088 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-02276-00621088-00621266 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-02277-00621266-00621376 Sadhguru: How come RaFUPmmEioU-02278-00621376-00621668 now you are not part of it, I am asking? RaFUPmmEioU-02279-00621668-00621932 Even now you are part of it, isn’t it? RaFUPmmEioU-02280-00621932-00622314 You’re just a small outcrop of this earth. RaFUPmmEioU-02281-00622314-00623059 Only because you were given the ability to be mobile, you lost your sense. RaFUPmmEioU-02282-00623059-00623269 You thought you are a world by yourself. RaFUPmmEioU-02283-00623269-00623460 If you were stuck like a tree, RaFUPmmEioU-02284-00623460-00623650 I am sure you would have understood RaFUPmmEioU-02285-00623650-00623885 you are a part of the earth, isn’t it? RaFUPmmEioU-02286-00623885-00624290 Just because the planet gave you the freedom to move, RaFUPmmEioU-02287-00624290-00624522 how stupid we became? RaFUPmmEioU-02288-00624522-00624686 It’s not just with body, RaFUPmmEioU-02289-00624686-00625054 it is so with the entire universe. RaFUPmmEioU-02290-00625054-00625204 It is not just with the physical form, RaFUPmmEioU-02291-00625204-00625457 so with every aspect of you. RaFUPmmEioU-02292-00625457-00625699 So yoga means union. RaFUPmmEioU-02293-00625699-00625924 What it means by saying union is RaFUPmmEioU-02294-00625924-00626088 it is a science of RaFUPmmEioU-02295-00626088-00626616 how to obliterate the boundaries of your individuality RaFUPmmEioU-02296-00626616-00627144 so that you become a much larger life than what you are right now. RaFUPmmEioU-02297-00627144-00627506 Either you can live here as a constipated life… RaFUPmmEioU-02298-00627506-00628070 When I say a constipated life, constipation means it happens little by little. RaFUPmmEioU-02299-00628070-00628231 That’s constipation. RaFUPmmEioU-02300-00628231-00628331 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-02301-00628331-00628496 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-02302-00628496-00628717 Sadhguru: Right now for most people, RaFUPmmEioU-02303-00628717-00628956 life is happening little by little. RaFUPmmEioU-02304-00628956-00629084 You ask them RaFUPmmEioU-02305-00629084-00629342 what are the great moments in their life, they say, RaFUPmmEioU-02306-00629342-00629732 “When I passed my examination, I felt great,” RaFUPmmEioU-02307-00629732-00630064 then, “I was miserable, then I found a job I felt great, RaFUPmmEioU-02308-00630064-00630271 but then you know all the people made me miserable. RaFUPmmEioU-02309-00630271-00630504 Then, I got married, it was really wonderful, RaFUPmmEioU-02310-00630504-00630663 then my mother-in-law came and pishoow RaFUPmmEioU-02311-00630664-00630856 (Gestures)” (Laughter), she did it” (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02312-00630856-00630926 She didn’t come, RaFUPmmEioU-02313-00630926-00631216 she was there before your husband (Few laugh). RaFUPmmEioU-02314-00631216-00631340 She was there all the time, RaFUPmmEioU-02315-00631340-00631596 she was there before you and before your man. RaFUPmmEioU-02316-00631604-00631808 But like this it goes on. RaFUPmmEioU-02317-00631808-00631952 They will count five things RaFUPmmEioU-02318-00631952-00632177 where they had great moments in their life RaFUPmmEioU-02319-00632178-00632370 - this is a constipated life RaFUPmmEioU-02320-00632370-00632858 that every moment of your life is not an exuberant outburst of life. RaFUPmmEioU-02321-00632858-00632966 It is once in a way, RaFUPmmEioU-02322-00632966-00633161 something happens to you. RaFUPmmEioU-02323-00633161-00633304 Constipated or no? RaFUPmmEioU-02324-00633304-00633644 No, you must say yes or no. Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-02325-00633644-00634068 Sadhguru: Do you want to live a constipated life? Participants: No. RaFUPmmEioU-02326-00634068-00634512 Sadhguru: If you have to live an exuberant life, RaFUPmmEioU-02327-00634512-00635068 the boundaries of individuality have to go to whatever extent. RaFUPmmEioU-02328-00635068-00635398 Only then you capture a larger amount of life RaFUPmmEioU-02329-00635398-00635660 and you have a larger experience of life, RaFUPmmEioU-02330-00635660-00635880 a higher level of exuberance than RaFUPmmEioU-02331-00635880-00636200 what you normally see around you. RaFUPmmEioU-02332-00636204-00636373 Have you blown soap bubbles when RaFUPmmEioU-02333-00636374-00636680 you were at least young? Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-02334-00636680-00637202 Sadhguru: When you were young. Participants: Yes… RaFUPmmEioU-02335-00637206-00637416 Sadhguru: Did you blow (Laughs)… RaFUPmmEioU-02336-00637416-00637704 (Overlapping conversation) Oh! RaFUPmmEioU-02337-00637704-00637840 Did you blow soap bubbles RaFUPmmEioU-02338-00637840-00638360 at least when you were children? Participants: Yes! RaFUPmmEioU-02339-00638360-00638605 Sadhguru: So you got only this much big bubble. RaFUPmmEioU-02340-00638605-00638964 But somebody else got that (Gestures) big bubble. RaFUPmmEioU-02341-00638965-00639015 Same soap, RaFUPmmEioU-02342-00639015-00639446 but somebody blows this big bubble, yours is only this much (Gestures). RaFUPmmEioU-02343-00639446-00639921 Why do you think? RaFUPmmEioU-02344-00639921-00640040 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-02345-00640040-00640196 You also have a lung full of air, RaFUPmmEioU-02346-00640196-00640330 you also have soap RaFUPmmEioU-02347-00640330-00640518 but one person gets this big bubble, (Gestures) RaFUPmmEioU-02348-00640518-00641182 another person gets this (Gestures) big bubble, why do you think it happens? RaFUPmmEioU-02349-00641182-00641600 Because if you want to expand boundaries… RaFUPmmEioU-02350-00641600-00641876 if you want to expand boundaries, RaFUPmmEioU-02351-00641876-00642136 what is important is not the desire, RaFUPmmEioU-02352-00642136-00642418 what is important is you need to capture RaFUPmmEioU-02353-00642418-00642778 that much air in that limited possibility. RaFUPmmEioU-02354-00642778-00643028 Then it becomes this (Gestures) big. RaFUPmmEioU-02355-00643028-00643176 Similarly this one (Referring to oneself). RaFUPmmEioU-02356-00643176-00643482 See my body and your body are different. RaFUPmmEioU-02357-00643482-00643645 This is me, that is you. RaFUPmmEioU-02358-00643645-00643792 Till we bury, we don’t understand RaFUPmmEioU-02359-00643792-00644019 it’s all the same earth. RaFUPmmEioU-02360-00644019-00644094 But right now RaFUPmmEioU-02361-00644094-00644296 this is my body that is your body, RaFUPmmEioU-02362-00644296-00644524 one-hundred percent clear. RaFUPmmEioU-02363-00644524-00644702 This is my mind and that’s your mind, RaFUPmmEioU-02364-00644702-00644810 hundred percent clear. RaFUPmmEioU-02365-00644810-00645078 This can't be that, that can't be this. RaFUPmmEioU-02366-00645078-00645174 But, RaFUPmmEioU-02367-00645174-00645610 there is no such thing as my life and your life. RaFUPmmEioU-02368-00645610-00645876 There is just life. RaFUPmmEioU-02369-00645876-00646094 How much life you capture, RaFUPmmEioU-02370-00646094-00646604 determines the scope and scale of your life RaFUPmmEioU-02371-00646604-00646872 - not how much information you capture. RaFUPmmEioU-02372-00646872-00647368 How much life you capture will determine the scope and scale of your life. RaFUPmmEioU-02373-00647368-00647544 So if this has to happen, RaFUPmmEioU-02374-00647544-00647889 you have to breach the concretized boundaries RaFUPmmEioU-02375-00647889-00648050 of your individuality RaFUPmmEioU-02376-00648050-00648230 and push it. RaFUPmmEioU-02377-00648230-00648460 When the boundaries are dissolved, RaFUPmmEioU-02378-00648460-00648674 then we say you are in “yoga”. RaFUPmmEioU-02379-00648674-00648898 If one experiences the dissolution RaFUPmmEioU-02380-00648898-00649238 then we refer to that person as a “yogi”. RaFUPmmEioU-02381-00649238-00649298 Well, RaFUPmmEioU-02382-00649298-00649867 how far each individual is going to go is subject to various realities. RaFUPmmEioU-02383-00649867-00649976 But at least RaFUPmmEioU-02384-00649976-00650264 should you not make an effort, RaFUPmmEioU-02385-00650264-00650544 a scientific and focused effort RaFUPmmEioU-02386-00650544-00650840 as to how to breach RaFUPmmEioU-02387-00650840-00651288 these boundaries of individuality which we ourselves created? RaFUPmmEioU-02388-00651288-00651473 Hello? Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-02389-00651473-00651906 Sadhguru: All your boundaries are created by you, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-02390-00651906-00652018 You create the boundary and RaFUPmmEioU-02391-00652018-00652176 you suffer the boundary, RaFUPmmEioU-02392-00652176-00652524 what kind of life is that? RaFUPmmEioU-02393-00652525-00652746 If nature created the boundary and RaFUPmmEioU-02394-00652746-00652981 you're suffering that, that’s understandable. RaFUPmmEioU-02395-00652981-00653182 You create your own boundary RaFUPmmEioU-02396-00653182-00653418 because of self-preservation. RaFUPmmEioU-02397-00653418-00653630 In pursuit of self-preservation RaFUPmmEioU-02398-00653630-00653775 you build walls. RaFUPmmEioU-02399-00653775-00654254 These walls of self-preservation will become walls of self-imprisonment. RaFUPmmEioU-02400-00654254-00654566 If you don’t want that, you need yoga. RaFUPmmEioU-02401-00654566-00654658 “Oh, should I twist, RaFUPmmEioU-02402-00654658-00654934 should I turn, should I stand on my head?” RaFUPmmEioU-02403-00654934-00655400 No, yoga does not mean twisting, turning. RaFUPmmEioU-02404-00655401-00655612 You can breathe and do yoga, RaFUPmmEioU-02405-00655612-00655864 you can walk and do yoga, RaFUPmmEioU-02406-00655864-00656101 you can talk and do yoga, RaFUPmmEioU-02407-00656101-00656240 you can read and do yoga, RaFUPmmEioU-02408-00656240-00656388 you can sleep and do yoga, RaFUPmmEioU-02409-00656388-00656540 you can stand and do yoga, RaFUPmmEioU-02410-00656540-00656822 you can do yoga in whichever way! RaFUPmmEioU-02411-00656822-00657096 There is no specific activity, RaFUPmmEioU-02412-00657096-00657400 it’s a certain dimension. RaFUPmmEioU-02413-00657401-00657606 What is a dimension unfortunately, RaFUPmmEioU-02414-00657606-00657784 once it goes to United States, RaFUPmmEioU-02415-00657784-00658102 they will reduce it into a specific activity RaFUPmmEioU-02416-00658102-00658292 and Lulu lemon pants, RaFUPmmEioU-02417-00658292-00658512 you have to wear (Few laugh), RaFUPmmEioU-02418-00658514-00658732 otherwise no yoga. RaFUPmmEioU-02419-00658732-00658982 People keep asking me, RaFUPmmEioU-02420-00658982-00659216 even (Laughs) yesterday somebody asked me, RaFUPmmEioU-02421-00659216-00659670 “Sadhguru, how many hours of yogasanas do you do?” RaFUPmmEioU-02422-00659670-00659944 I said, “Twenty seconds!” RaFUPmmEioU-02423-00659944-00660030 “What!? RaFUPmmEioU-02424-00660030-00660166 Only twenty seconds?” RaFUPmmEioU-02425-00660166-00660266 “Yes.” RaFUPmmEioU-02426-00660266-00660441 Actually it’s true. RaFUPmmEioU-02427-00660441-00660688 I do only twenty seconds of sadhana every… RaFUPmmEioU-02428-00660688-00660804 I wake up in the morning, RaFUPmmEioU-02429-00660804-00660950 if I sit up, RaFUPmmEioU-02430-00660950-00661477 just one twenty seconds, I’m done. RaFUPmmEioU-02431-00661477-00661625 Then I don’t do yoga rest of the day? RaFUPmmEioU-02432-00661625-00661725 No! RaFUPmmEioU-02433-00661725-00661825 I live yoga. RaFUPmmEioU-02434-00661825-00662240 Because my entire life is to constantly wipe away the boundaries within myself RaFUPmmEioU-02435-00662240-00662436 and within everybody else. RaFUPmmEioU-02436-00662436-00662536 This is yoga. RaFUPmmEioU-02437-00662536-00663264 What we are doing here is yoga right now (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02438-00663264-00663674 Moderator (Shriram): We’ll be taking two more questions. RaFUPmmEioU-02439-00663674-00663814 Questioner 3 (Shudipto Das): Hello sir, RaFUPmmEioU-02440-00663814-00664042 myself Shudipto Das, RaFUPmmEioU-02441-00664042-00664292 so I saw one of your videos on... RaFUPmmEioU-02442-00664292-00664456 Sadhguru: Where are you? Questioner 3 (Shudipto Das):what RaFUPmmEioU-02443-00664456-00664692 a twenty-year-old should do in life. RaFUPmmEioU-02444-00664692-00665016 There you asked us to take a few days off RaFUPmmEioU-02445-00665016-00665320 uninfluenced by anybody and think RaFUPmmEioU-02446-00665320-00665631 what is needed the most for the universe. RaFUPmmEioU-02447-00665631-00665840 But also you added RaFUPmmEioU-02448-00665840-00666198 keep aside the compulsions RaFUPmmEioU-02449-00666198-00666382 Keep aside the things RaFUPmmEioU-02450-00666382-00666792 that are coming due to our immediate compulsions RaFUPmmEioU-02451-00666792-00666864 So suppose RaFUPmmEioU-02452-00666864-00667426 my immediate compulsions are food, shelter and… RaFUPmmEioU-02453-00667426-00667774 like to get self-sufficiency. RaFUPmmEioU-02454-00667774-00667954 So how do I keep them aside and RaFUPmmEioU-02455-00667954-00668246 do something as important as RaFUPmmEioU-02456-00668246-00668600 say gender equality? RaFUPmmEioU-02457-00668600-00669012 Sadhguru: Oh, what is that? RaFUPmmEioU-02458-00669012-00669198 What do you do about gender equality? RaFUPmmEioU-02459-00669198-00669309 If you don’t do anything, RaFUPmmEioU-02460-00669310-00669598 the girls will prove they are equal (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-02461-00669598-00669656 Questioner 3 (Shudipto Das)Questioner: Oh, RaFUPmmEioU-02462-00669656-00669930 I like I feel that there should be gender equality RaFUPmmEioU-02463-00669930-00670156 and in this stage of the world RaFUPmmEioU-02464-00670156-00670456 such situation is not present. RaFUPmmEioU-02465-00670456-00670923 Sadhguru: No, no, what I am saying is you don’t have to do anything about gender equality. RaFUPmmEioU-02466-00670923-00671754 If you don’t mess with the girls they will prove they are equal (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02467-00671754-00671926 Unfortunately many times, RaFUPmmEioU-02468-00671926-00672336 they will prove they are little more than you (Few Laughs) RaFUPmmEioU-02469-00672336-00672554 (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02470-00672554-00672808 No, I don’t know how RaFUPmmEioU-02471-00672808-00672940 these two things are linked but RaFUPmmEioU-02472-00672940-00673186 you are talking about what I said RaFUPmmEioU-02473-00673186-00673604 that before you take major steps in your life, RaFUPmmEioU-02474-00673604-00673854 you must move to a place, RaFUPmmEioU-02475-00673854-00674226 where you are not influenced by your peers, RaFUPmmEioU-02476-00674226-00674726 by your elders, by your parents, by your teachers. RaFUPmmEioU-02477-00674726-00674928 Spend some time upon yourself, RaFUPmmEioU-02478-00674928-00675248 “What is it that I want to do with this life?” RaFUPmmEioU-02479-00675249-00675410 This life (Referring to Oneself). RaFUPmmEioU-02480-00675410-00675654 Do not understand life as job, RaFUPmmEioU-02481-00675654-00675978 food, profession, this, that, nonsense. RaFUPmmEioU-02482-00675978-00676284 This (Refers to oneself) is life, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-02483-00676284-00676430 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-02484-00676430-00676956 You are mistaking the accessories of life as life unfortunately. RaFUPmmEioU-02485-00676956-00677132 Today, if people say RaFUPmmEioU-02486-00677132-00677430 “my life”, we are supposed to understand RaFUPmmEioU-02487-00677430-00677620 they are talking about their car, RaFUPmmEioU-02488-00677620-00677784 they are talking about their home, RaFUPmmEioU-02489-00677784-00678006 they are talking about their wife or husband, RaFUPmmEioU-02490-00678006-00678324 they are talking about their dog. RaFUPmmEioU-02491-00678324-00678525 No, this is life. RaFUPmmEioU-02492-00678525-00678760 These are all accessories of life. RaFUPmmEioU-02493-00678760-00679361 Once the accessories of life become more significant than life itself, oh, you are finished, okay RaFUPmmEioU-02494-00679361-00679461 (Applause)? RaFUPmmEioU-02495-00679461-00679611 Whatever you do, you will be messed (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02496-00679611-00680098 So, I said withdraw from all the influences that you have. RaFUPmmEioU-02497-00680098-00680434 Spend at least a few days upon RaFUPmmEioU-02498-00680434-00680654 if you think you are a worthwhile life. RaFUPmmEioU-02499-00680654-00680884 If you think you are a worthwhile life, RaFUPmmEioU-02500-00680884-00681102 it deserves attention, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-02501-00681103-00681351 This life deserves attention. RaFUPmmEioU-02502-00681351-00681668 You spend a few days looking at, RaFUPmmEioU-02503-00681668-00681864 if all these people were not there telling you a RaFUPmmEioU-02504-00681864-00682122 thousand things as to what you should do, RaFUPmmEioU-02505-00682122-00682373 what is it that you really want to do?, RaFUPmmEioU-02506-00682374-00682826 you must look at it, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-02507-00682826-00683074 People come to me and tell me, RaFUPmmEioU-02508-00683074-00683218 they’ve been married for thirty-five years, RaFUPmmEioU-02509-00683218-00683664 “Sadhguru, I knew I made a mistake with this marriage.” RaFUPmmEioU-02510-00683664-00683894 Then I ask, “Really?, RaFUPmmEioU-02511-00683894-00684164 then how did you get these three children (Few Laugh)?” RaFUPmmEioU-02512-00684164-00684320 Marriage was a mistake, RaFUPmmEioU-02513-00684320-00684603 you could have stopped right there. RaFUPmmEioU-02514-00684603-00684730 How did three children happen?” RaFUPmmEioU-02515-00684730-00684852 “No Sadhguru, you know,”, RaFUPmmEioU-02516-00684852-00685355 I know (Laughter) how that happens. RaFUPmmEioU-02517-00685355-00685620 But then, how did you build this big house, RaFUPmmEioU-02518-00685620-00685898 this nonsense and all the things RaFUPmmEioU-02519-00685898-00686298 you are beginning to suffer now, unfortunately. RaFUPmmEioU-02520-00686298-00686422 You are not enjoying them, RaFUPmmEioU-02521-00686422-00686638 you are suffering them. RaFUPmmEioU-02522-00686638-00686904 So, how did you do all this? RaFUPmmEioU-02523-00686904-00687014 “No Sadhguru, RaFUPmmEioU-02524-00687014-00687272 you know, mistake, mistake, mistake, mistake.” RaFUPmmEioU-02525-00687272-00687586 Why you are a serial mistake? RaFUPmmEioU-02526-00687586-00687842 Because you don’t stop and look, RaFUPmmEioU-02527-00687842-00688190 what is it that this rea life really cares for, RaFUPmmEioU-02528-00688190-00688330 beyond social pressures, RaFUPmmEioU-02529-00688330-00688566 beyond teachings, RaFUPmmEioU-02530-00688566-00688900 beyond all kinds of diktats that come from everywhere, RaFUPmmEioU-02531-00688900-00689160 what is it that this life wants? RaFUPmmEioU-02532-00689160-00689456 Every human being must look at it. RaFUPmmEioU-02533-00689456-00689700 Every human being must look at it. RaFUPmmEioU-02534-00689700-00690918 It’s everybody’s right to look at it beyond all the pressures (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02535-00690918-00691488 Moderator: Someone please… that side. RaFUPmmEioU-02536-00691488-00691890 This will be the last question. RaFUPmmEioU-02537-00691890-00692090 Participant (Lavanya)Lavanya: Namaskaram, Sadhguru. RaFUPmmEioU-02538-00692090-00692182 I am Lavanya. RaFUPmmEioU-02539-00692182-00692402 I am studying Economics Honors first year, RaFUPmmEioU-02540-00692402-00692694 I am from Hyderabad. RaFUPmmEioU-02541-00692694-00693022 Despite being surrounded by so many people, RaFUPmmEioU-02542-00693022-00693480 we still lack that feeling of belonging to somebody, RaFUPmmEioU-02543-00693480-00693596 being accepted by somebody, RaFUPmmEioU-02544-00693596-00693756 being loved by somebody. RaFUPmmEioU-02545-00693756-00694348 How should we deal with that discontent and loneliness? RaFUPmmEioU-02546-00694348-00695272 Sadhguru: (Speaks in Telugu ) (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-02547-00695272-00695826 See, you must understand this RaFUPmmEioU-02548-00695826-00695982 - right now in these two hours RaFUPmmEioU-02549-00695982-00696265 you are speaking two different tongues. RaFUPmmEioU-02550-00696265-00696532 On one level many questions are aimed towards RaFUPmmEioU-02551-00696532-00696776 “How can I be free from this and that?” RaFUPmmEioU-02552-00696776-00696952 Another level, you are asking, RaFUPmmEioU-02553-00696952-00697305 “How can I bind myself to something or somebody?” RaFUPmmEioU-02554-00697305-00697476 You must decide, RaFUPmmEioU-02555-00697476-00697740 what is the highest value in your life RaFUPmmEioU-02556-00697740-00698170 – freedom or bondage? RaFUPmmEioU-02557-00698170-00698478 Please, I would like to hear that word. Participants: Freedom! RaFUPmmEioU-02558-00698478-00698838 Sadhguru: Oh, freedom, hmm! RaFUPmmEioU-02559-00698838-00699438 But, if you are free, you feel lost. RaFUPmmEioU-02560-00699438-00699860 if you go into the mountains and RaFUPmmEioU-02561-00699860-00699998 you are totally free RaFUPmmEioU-02562-00699998-00700180 - that is, nobody around, RaFUPmmEioU-02563-00700180-00700300 nothing around, RaFUPmmEioU-02564-00700300-00700710 you are just in the empty space of the mountains, RaFUPmmEioU-02565-00700710-00701073 - you don’t feel free, you think you are lost. RaFUPmmEioU-02566-00701073-00701262 So, to handle freedom RaFUPmmEioU-02567-00701262-00701610 it needs a certain clarity and strength. RaFUPmmEioU-02568-00701610-00701952 Most people cannot handle freedom. RaFUPmmEioU-02569-00701952-00702326 They are always trying to bind themselves RaFUPmmEioU-02570-00702326-00702682 but only talking, mouthing freedom all the time. RaFUPmmEioU-02571-00702682-00702828 If you really set them free, RaFUPmmEioU-02572-00702828-00703132 they will suffer immensely. RaFUPmmEioU-02573-00703132-00703686 So, this is an evolutionary issue, you know. RaFUPmmEioU-02574-00703686-00703956 In the sense, RaFUPmmEioU-02575-00703956-00704212 human beings are right now like this RaFUPmmEioU-02576-00704212-00704486 - a caged bird, if you keep a bird caged RaFUPmmEioU-02577-00704486-00704608 for a long period of time RaFUPmmEioU-02578-00704608-00704740 and then one day RaFUPmmEioU-02579-00704740-00705000 you took off the door of the cage, RaFUPmmEioU-02580-00705000-00705250 still the bird won’t fly. RaFUPmmEioU-02581-00705250-00705366 From inside it’ll protest RaFUPmmEioU-02582-00705366-00705674 that it’s not free but it’ll not fly. RaFUPmmEioU-02583-00705674-00706004 Human condition is just that. RaFUPmmEioU-02584-00706004-00706136 For all other creatures, RaFUPmmEioU-02585-00706136-00706311 nature has drawn two lines RaFUPmmEioU-02586-00706311-00706541 within which they have to live and die RaFUPmmEioU-02587-00706541-00706782 and that’s what they do. RaFUPmmEioU-02588-00706782-00706970 But only for human beings, RaFUPmmEioU-02589-00706970-00707158 there is only bottom line, RaFUPmmEioU-02590-00707158-00707460 there is no top line and that’s what RaFUPmmEioU-02591-00707461-00707613 they a’re suffering. RaFUPmmEioU-02592-00707613-00708159 If their life was also fixed like every other creature’s life, they wouldn’t be stressed, RaFUPmmEioU-02593-00708159-00708316 they wouldn’t be anxious, RaFUPmmEioU-02594-00708316-00708478 they wouldn’t be struggling RaFUPmmEioU-02595-00708478-00708726 how to handle their own intelligence. RaFUPmmEioU-02596-00708726-00709101 And that is what you are seeking unknowingly. RaFUPmmEioU-02597-00709101-00709338 You may seek it in the form of relationships, RaFUPmmEioU-02598-00709338-00709607 you may seek it in the form of profession, RaFUPmmEioU-02599-00709607-00709899 you may seek it in the form of nationality, RaFUPmmEioU-02600-00709900-00710324 ethnicity, community, god, heaven, hell. RaFUPmmEioU-02601-00710324-00710526 All you are trying to do is RaFUPmmEioU-02602-00710526-00711146 draw an artificial line which does not exist. RaFUPmmEioU-02603-00711146-00711350 Because freedom needs courage, RaFUPmmEioU-02604-00711350-00712042 freedom needs a certain madness (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-02605-00712042-00712238 If you are very sane, you cannot be free because RaFUPmmEioU-02606-00712238-00712589 you will go between the two lines of logic. RaFUPmmEioU-02607-00712589-00712698 To be free, RaFUPmmEioU-02608-00712698-00713110 it takes lot of strength that RaFUPmmEioU-02609-00713110-00713192 if you… RaFUPmmEioU-02610-00713192-00713640 First of all what needs to happen if you want to be free is, RaFUPmmEioU-02611-00713640-00714236 do you understand that all human experience has a chemical basis to it? RaFUPmmEioU-02612-00714237-00714336 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-02613-00714337-00714480 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-02614-00714480-00714956 Sadhguru: What you call as joy is one kind of chemistry, misery is another kind of chemistry, RaFUPmmEioU-02615-00714956-00715262 stress is one kind of chemistry, RaFUPmmEioU-02616-00715262-00715490 anxiety another kind of chemistry, RaFUPmmEioU-02617-00715490-00715726 agony one kind of chemistry, RaFUPmmEioU-02618-00715726-00715826 ecstasy another kind of chemistry. RaFUPmmEioU-02619-00715827-00716622 At least ecstasy you know it’s another kind of chemistry (Few Laugh), I hear (Laughs). RaFUPmmEioU-02620-00716622-00717036 So, your experience of life has a chemical basis to it. RaFUPmmEioU-02621-00717036-00717454 This is the most superficial way of looking at it, there are other dimensions to it but RaFUPmmEioU-02622-00717454-00717806 for your understanding, RaFUPmmEioU-02623-00717806-00717970 or in other words, RaFUPmmEioU-02624-00717970-00718116 what you call as myself RaFUPmmEioU-02625-00718116-00718463 right now, you are a chemical soup. RaFUPmmEioU-02626-00718463-00718566 The question is only RaFUPmmEioU-02627-00718566-00718968 are you a great soup or a lousy soup? RaFUPmmEioU-02628-00718968-00719107 Yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-02629-00719107-00719198 Right now, RaFUPmmEioU-02630-00719198-00719542 if you have a chemistry of blissfulness (Laughs) RaFUPmmEioU-02631-00719542-00719781 if you close your eyes it’s fantastic, RaFUPmmEioU-02632-00719781-00719978 if you open your eyes it’s fantastic, RaFUPmmEioU-02633-00719978-00720112 if somebody is here it’s fantastic, RaFUPmmEioU-02634-00720112-00720642 nobody is here it’s very fantastic, Yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-02635-00720642-00720957 But you have a lousy chemistry. RaFUPmmEioU-02636-00720957-00721052 If you look at them, RaFUPmmEioU-02637-00721052-00721171 if they smile at you RaFUPmmEioU-02638-00721172-00721396 it’s nice, not fantastic. RaFUPmmEioU-02639-00721396-00721833 If they look at you like this (Gestures), suddenly it’s a problem. RaFUPmmEioU-02640-00721833-00722126 If these people are happening just the way you want, RaFUPmmEioU-02641-00722126-00722387 your chemistry is reasonably balanced. RaFUPmmEioU-02642-00722387-00722931 If they do something that you don’t like, boom, it goes somewhere else. RaFUPmmEioU-02643-00722931-00723194 So, essentially RaFUPmmEioU-02644-00723194-00723431 you have not looked at this mechanism, RaFUPmmEioU-02645-00723431-00723599 what is the basis of this, RaFUPmmEioU-02646-00723599-00723750 how it functions, RaFUPmmEioU-02647-00723750-00724178 how I can make it function at its highest level? RaFUPmmEioU-02648-00724179-00724304 Right now, let’s say RaFUPmmEioU-02649-00724304-00724520 you’re really blissed out like me, RaFUPmmEioU-02650-00724520-00724704 do you care who is around, RaFUPmmEioU-02651-00724704-00724942 who is not around? RaFUPmmEioU-02652-00724942-00725146 If they are around - it’s fantastic. RaFUPmmEioU-02653-00725146-00725526 They’re gone - fantastic. RaFUPmmEioU-02654-00725526-00726114 Because (Laughs) your experience of life is no more determined by what you have RaFUPmmEioU-02655-00726114-00726248 and what you don’t have – RaFUPmmEioU-02656-00726248-00726384 whether it’s people or things RaFUPmmEioU-02657-00726384-00726626 or food or this or that, RaFUPmmEioU-02658-00726626-00726968 it is not determined by that. RaFUPmmEioU-02659-00726968-00727482 Once your way of being is not determined by anything outside of you, RaFUPmmEioU-02660-00727482-00727632 then RaFUPmmEioU-02661-00727632-00727894 there is no such thing as loneliness RaFUPmmEioU-02662-00727894-00728136 but you will enjoy your aloneness RaFUPmmEioU-02663-00728136-00728388 because whether you like it RaFUPmmEioU-02664-00728388-00728531 or you don’t like it RaFUPmmEioU-02665-00728531-00728677 - at this young age, RaFUPmmEioU-02666-00728677-00728984 it’s a little difficult to understand this RaFUPmmEioU-02667-00728984-00729208 - whether you like it or you don’t like it, RaFUPmmEioU-02668-00729208-00729352 within this body RaFUPmmEioU-02669-00729352-00729758 you are always alone, isn't it? RaFUPmmEioU-02670-00729759-00730118 Whether you do interaction or intercourse or whatever, whatever, whatever, RaFUPmmEioU-02671-00730118-00730514 still you are alone in this body, yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-02672-00730514-00730614 Hello? RaFUPmmEioU-02673-00730614-00730786 Participants: Yes. RaFUPmmEioU-02674-00730786-00730942 Sadhguru: If you don’t learn RaFUPmmEioU-02675-00730942-00731114 how to handle this aloneness, RaFUPmmEioU-02676-00731114-00731444 you have not learnt anything about life. RaFUPmmEioU-02677-00731444-00732149 This is the most beautiful thing (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02678-00732149-00732384 The most beautiful thing about life is, RaFUPmmEioU-02679-00732384-00732736 nobody can get here, it’s just my space, RaFUPmmEioU-02680-00732736-00732900 yes or no? RaFUPmmEioU-02681-00732900-00733128 Isn't this the most beautiful thing? RaFUPmmEioU-02682-00733128-00733312 Nobody can invade me. RaFUPmmEioU-02683-00733313-00733630 They can capture me, they can torture me, they can do so many things RaFUPmmEioU-02684-00733630-00733814 but they cannot invade me RaFUPmmEioU-02685-00733814-00733972 because I have a space RaFUPmmEioU-02686-00733972-00734140 which is just my own. RaFUPmmEioU-02687-00734141-00734524 Isn't this the most wonderful aspect of your life? RaFUPmmEioU-02688-00734524-00734646 Don’t suffer that RaFUPmmEioU-02689-00734646-00734921 –that is the most beautiful thing. RaFUPmmEioU-02690-00734921-00735096 Oh, but you want to pine RaFUPmmEioU-02691-00735096-00735365 little romantically and enjoy that what? RaFUPmmEioU-02692-00735365-00735874 Tch, what are those songs, popular songs? RaFUPmmEioU-02693-00735874-00736114 Pining for somebody, RaFUPmmEioU-02694-00736114-00736444 “without you I cannot exist” (Laughter). RaFUPmmEioU-02695-00736444-00736778 Moderator (LavanyaRia): Most of the songs are that way now. RaFUPmmEioU-02696-00736778-00737176 Sadhguru: Sing one song (Laughter), Older ones, older ones. RaFUPmmEioU-02697-00737176-00737294 Moderator (Ria)Lavanya: I am horrible at singing. Sadhguru: Hmm? RaFUPmmEioU-02698-00737294-00737440 Moderator (Ria)Lavanya: I am horrible at singing. RaFUPmmEioU-02699-00737440-00737648 Sadhguru: Just tell me the words, I will sing. RaFUPmmEioU-02700-00737648-00737994 Moderator (Praneet)Participant: हम तेरे बिन अब रह नहीं सकते, RaFUPmmEioU-02701-00737995-00738221 तेरे बिना क्या वजूद मेरा (Applause)? RaFUPmmEioU-02702-00738221-00738543 Sadhguru: You saying it to me (Laughter)? RaFUPmmEioU-02703-00738543-00738856 Moderator (Praneet)Participant: you asked _ RaFUPmmEioU-02704-00738856-00739118 Sadhguru: Okay, okay.I got it. RaFUPmmEioU-02705-00739132-00739348 Moderator (Praneet)Participant: Sriram is a singer. RaFUPmmEioU-02706-00739348-00739566 Sadhguru: Sriram, that song what he is saying… RaFUPmmEioU-02707-00739566-00740184 (Moderator (Shriram):Sriram sings the line – “हम तेरे बिन अब RaFUPmmEioU-02708-00740184-00740676 रह नहीं सकते, तेरे बिना क्या वजूद मेरा?”) RaFUPmmEioU-02709-00740676-00741030 Sadhguru: See all the boys must learn songs like this otherwise RaFUPmmEioU-02710-00741030-00741464 you can’t floor the girls (Laughter/Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02711-00741464-00741970 But the girls should understand the guy has a need and he is doing this. RaFUPmmEioU-02712-00741970-00742542 It’s not really true but let’s enjoy the game right now (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02713-00742542-00742917 Because what we do is just a certain... RaFUPmmEioU-02714-00742918-00743334 it’s a certain game. RaFUPmmEioU-02715-00743334-00743818 Life is, because it comes to an end. RaFUPmmEioU-02716-00743819-00744242 But the important thing is how are you within yourself. RaFUPmmEioU-02717-00744242-00744694 If you are here in such a way that you are only driven by your needs, RaFUPmmEioU-02718-00744694-00745186 you will live a very meager life. RaFUPmmEioU-02719-00745186-00745754 But if you can sit here without any need but you will do whatever is needed, RaFUPmmEioU-02720-00745754-00746008 then you will live a magnificent life. RaFUPmmEioU-02721-00746008-00746409 It’s my wish and my blessing every one of you must have a fantastic life. RaFUPmmEioU-02722-00746409-00746684 Make it happen for yourself (Applause). RaFUPmmEioU-02723-00746684-00748740 (Music) Rbr-nXRr06k-00000-00000000-00000200 A woman with blood on a white dress Scary story RdGYi8-9fhA-00000-00000000-00000990 SCP-1932 "Differently-perceived Playground" Object Class: Safe RdGYi8-9fhA-00001-00001112-00001396 Item #: SCP-1932 RdGYi8-9fhA-00002-00001396-00001574 Object Class: Safe RdGYi8-9fhA-00003-00001574-00002277 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1932 is temporarily contained on-site until a more RdGYi8-9fhA-00004-00002277-00002583 permanent method of containment is found. RdGYi8-9fhA-00005-00002583-00003180 As components of SCP-1932 do not exhibit anomalous effects when removed, even if reattached, RdGYi8-9fhA-00006-00003180-00003747 relocation of SCP-1932 is not considered feasible at this time. RdGYi8-9fhA-00007-00003747-00004129 Temporary containment measures consist of standard, 3 metre high, construction area RdGYi8-9fhA-00008-00004129-00004491 fencing around the perimeter of SCP-1932. RdGYi8-9fhA-00009-00004491-00004957 The area should be patrolled by no fewer than 3 guards at any one time, under the cover RdGYi8-9fhA-00010-00004957-00005128 of construction workers. RdGYi8-9fhA-00011-00005128-00005744 Due to the anomalous effects of SCP-1932, it is currently believed highly unlikely that RdGYi8-9fhA-00012-00005744-00006364 these containment measures will fail; however, the urban location of SCP-1932 makes an off-site, RdGYi8-9fhA-00013-00006364-00006681 permanent containment considerably more desirable. RdGYi8-9fhA-00014-00006681-00007612 Update: As of the events of ██/██/2013, designated Incident-1932-α, all exploration RdGYi8-9fhA-00015-00007612-00007865 of SCP-1932 is suspended. RdGYi8-9fhA-00016-00007865-00008061 See Addendum 1932-b. RdGYi8-9fhA-00017-00008061-00008756 Description: SCP-1932 is a set of playground equipment located in the London borough of RdGYi8-9fhA-00018-00008756-00009064 ██████, in a small open grassy area. RdGYi8-9fhA-00019-00009064-00009751 It consists of three main pieces, designated SCP-1932-1 through -3. RdGYi8-9fhA-00020-00009751-00010396 SCP-1932-1 is the largest piece of equipment, and comprises two wooden towers approximately RdGYi8-9fhA-00021-00010396-00010944 2.5 metres in height, connected by a bridge composed of wooden slats laid across a base RdGYi8-9fhA-00022-00010944-00011076 of iron chains. RdGYi8-9fhA-00023-00011076-00011491 A chute 3 metres in length extends from one of the towers. RdGYi8-9fhA-00024-00011491-00012173 SCP-1932-2 is a set of 'monkey bars': a wooden frame 5 metres in length and 1 metre in width, RdGYi8-9fhA-00025-00012173-00012505 with regularly-spaced metal hoops for swinging along. RdGYi8-9fhA-00026-00012505-00013163 SCP-1932-3 is a pair of wooden swings suspended from a wooden frame by rope. RdGYi8-9fhA-00027-00013163-00013609 For a more detailed description, and photographs of all equipment, see Document-1932-5. RdGYi8-9fhA-00028-00013609-00014345 SCP-1932's anomalous effects present themselves when any of the structures are interacted RdGYi8-9fhA-00029-00014345-00014912 with by persons under the age of 16, who universally find the play equipment much more intimidating RdGYi8-9fhA-00030-00014912-00015116 than it is in actuality. RdGYi8-9fhA-00031-00015116-00015534 The perceived safety and desirability of the equipment is in direct proportion to the age RdGYi8-9fhA-00032-00015534-00016022 of the perceiver: persons approaching the age of 16 view it with only a little suspicion, RdGYi8-9fhA-00033-00016022-00016598 and younger children experience extreme terror when observing SCP-1932. RdGYi8-9fhA-00034-00016598-00017042 These effects extend to moving and static images of the equipment, although with diminished RdGYi8-9fhA-00035-00017042-00017169 effect. RdGYi8-9fhA-00036-00017169-00017655 See Test 1932-A through -H for interview logs and test results. RdGYi8-9fhA-00037-00017655-00018303 SCP-1932 shows signs of disrepair consistent with █ months of disuse, such as small amounts RdGYi8-9fhA-00038-00018303-00018807 of lichen on its wooden components and rust on its metal parts, but despite this all components RdGYi8-9fhA-00039-00018807-00019242 were proven to be in complete working order and safe for use when tested by Foundation RdGYi8-9fhA-00040-00019242-00019380 personnel. RdGYi8-9fhA-00041-00019380-00020108 Addendum 1932-a: Thorough investigation of material samples taken SCP-1932 have revealed RdGYi8-9fhA-00042-00020108-00020565 that all of its surfaces present above the ground are coated in a thin layer of an unidentified RdGYi8-9fhA-00043-00020565-00021060 substance, in patterns which suggest it is the remnants of a liquid applied to the equipment RdGYi8-9fhA-00044-00021060-00021252 which has since dried. RdGYi8-9fhA-00045-00021252-00021813 This substance consists primarily (82%) of urea, with the remainder taken up by a variety RdGYi8-9fhA-00046-00021813-00022091 of unidentified biochemicals. RdGYi8-9fhA-00047-00022091-00022593 Testing on this substance is scheduled to begin on 18/03/201█. RdGYi8-9fhA-00048-00022593-00023065 Addendum 1932-b: Incident 1932-α RdGYi8-9fhA-00049-00023065-00023862 Exploratory testing was authorised for ██/██/2013 using D-8413 as a test subject, supervised RdGYi8-9fhA-00050-00023862-00024072 by Researcher Grant. RdGYi8-9fhA-00051-00024072-00024645 D-8413 was chosen for the genetic conditions he is afflicted with, which have given him RdGYi8-9fhA-00052-00024645-00025127 an approximated mental age of 6 years, and for his tractability and obedience. RdGYi8-9fhA-00053-00025127-00025825 Previous testing (see Test 1932-G for details) determined that he was affected by SCP-1932's RdGYi8-9fhA-00054-00025825-00025943 effects. RdGYi8-9fhA-00055-00025943-00026264 D-8413 is equipped with a two-way communication headset. RdGYi8-9fhA-00056-00026264-00026473 D-8413: Where are we going? RdGYi8-9fhA-00057-00026473-00026719 Researcher Grant: We're going to a play park. RdGYi8-9fhA-00058-00026719-00026831 D-8413: Can I play? RdGYi8-9fhA-00059-00026831-00027169 Researcher Grant: There's just a couple of small things we want you to do first, and RdGYi8-9fhA-00060-00027169-00027402 then you can play as much as you like. RdGYi8-9fhA-00061-00027402-00027804 D-8413 is led through the perimeter and towards SCP-1932. RdGYi8-9fhA-00062-00027804-00028372 He appears unsettled by SCP-1932 and requires a reasonable amount of convincing to climb RdGYi8-9fhA-00063-00028372-00028702 up on to SCP-1932-1. RdGYi8-9fhA-00064-00028702-00029150 He remarks upon the height of it, and how long it will take him to get to the top. RdGYi8-9fhA-00065-00029150-00029566 It takes him 17 seconds to reach the first platform of SCP-1932-1. RdGYi8-9fhA-00066-00029566-00029925 D-8413: (shouting) Wow, that took a long time! RdGYi8-9fhA-00067-00029925-00030052 You guys are so far down! RdGYi8-9fhA-00068-00030052-00030200 It's really cold up here! RdGYi8-9fhA-00069-00030200-00030449 Note: ambient air temperature is 18°C. RdGYi8-9fhA-00070-00030449-00030722 Researcher Grant: You don’t need to shout. RdGYi8-9fhA-00071-00030722-00030918 We can hear you through the headset. RdGYi8-9fhA-00072-00030918-00031089 Well done for climbing all the way up! RdGYi8-9fhA-00073-00031089-00031569 I'm going to pass you up a tape measure; I want you to hold on it, and then tell me what RdGYi8-9fhA-00074-00031569-00031687 the number says. RdGYi8-9fhA-00075-00031687-00031787 Okay? RdGYi8-9fhA-00076-00031787-00032074 D-8413: (still shouting) How will you get it - oh. RdGYi8-9fhA-00077-00032074-00032174 Okay. RdGYi8-9fhA-00078-00032174-00032608 Um… the little red number says… a '2', and then a '3', then a '8'. RdGYi8-9fhA-00079-00032608-00032790 Researcher Grant: They're all red? RdGYi8-9fhA-00080-00032790-00032909 Not just the 2? RdGYi8-9fhA-00081-00032909-00033087 D-8413: They're all red. RdGYi8-9fhA-00082-00033087-00033799 Note: this appears to indicate that the platform of SCP-1932-1 is 238 metres in height. RdGYi8-9fhA-00083-00033799-00033983 D-8413: Can I come down now? RdGYi8-9fhA-00084-00033983-00034132 It's really scary up here. RdGYi8-9fhA-00085-00034132-00034232 It really smells. RdGYi8-9fhA-00086-00034232-00034469 And there’s all this sticky greeny brown stuff. RdGYi8-9fhA-00087-00034469-00034657 Researcher Grant: Not just yet. RdGYi8-9fhA-00088-00034657-00034915 Can you cross over the bridge to the other platform, please? RdGYi8-9fhA-00089-00034915-00035053 D-8413: The bridge? RdGYi8-9fhA-00090-00035053-00035158 It's really broken. RdGYi8-9fhA-00091-00035158-00035305 All the bits of wood are missing. RdGYi8-9fhA-00092-00035305-00035583 Researcher Grant: It's definitely safe, D-8413. RdGYi8-9fhA-00093-00035583-00035772 Please cross. RdGYi8-9fhA-00094-00035772-00036138 D-8413 begins to very slowly cross the bridge. RdGYi8-9fhA-00095-00036138-00036503 At approximately a third of the way across the bridge, he stops, and looks nervously RdGYi8-9fhA-00096-00036503-00036603 over his shoulder. RdGYi8-9fhA-00097-00036603-00036736 D-8413: I don't like this. RdGYi8-9fhA-00098-00036736-00036875 I'm going to crawl. RdGYi8-9fhA-00099-00036875-00036975 It's safer. RdGYi8-9fhA-00100-00036975-00037217 D-8413 gets on to his hands and knees. RdGYi8-9fhA-00101-00037217-00037422 Halfway across the bridge, he stops. RdGYi8-9fhA-00102-00037422-00037597 D-8413: Stop shaking the bridge, you guys. RdGYi8-9fhA-00103-00037597-00037697 It's not funny. RdGYi8-9fhA-00104-00037697-00037797 It's scary. RdGYi8-9fhA-00105-00037797-00038009 Researcher Grant: We are not shaking the bridge, D-8413. RdGYi8-9fhA-00106-00038009-00038213 You are completely safe. RdGYi8-9fhA-00107-00038213-00038441 Please continue to the other side. RdGYi8-9fhA-00108-00038441-00038937 D-8413 does not respond, and starts rocking from side to side, making the bridge shake RdGYi8-9fhA-00109-00038937-00039037 slightly. RdGYi8-9fhA-00110-00039037-00039244 Researcher Grant: D-8413? RdGYi8-9fhA-00111-00039244-00039453 D-8413 does not respond. RdGYi8-9fhA-00112-00039453-00039693 Researcher Grant: D-8413, please respond. RdGYi8-9fhA-00113-00039693-00040096 You may return back across the bridge, if you like. RdGYi8-9fhA-00114-00040096-00040646 D-8413 still does not respond, and resumes rocking faster and faster, until the motion RdGYi8-9fhA-00115-00040646-00041081 is sufficient for him to fall off the bridge on to the sandy floor beneath. RdGYi8-9fhA-00116-00041081-00041478 His body impacts the floor with a much greater force than expected. RdGYi8-9fhA-00117-00041478-00041944 Testing confirms that D-8413 has deceased, and cause of death is determined to be blunt RdGYi8-9fhA-00118-00041944-00042316 force trauma consistent with a fall from over 200 metres in height. Rf0TKwWNcPA-00000-00000062-00000474 Hi! It's Representative Mat Erpelding here and I need to talk to you about a Rf0TKwWNcPA-00001-00000474-00000966 very serious issue in the legislative session right now. The Revenge On Voters Rf0TKwWNcPA-00002-00000966-00001475 Act or SB1159 is a direct retaliation to voters putting Medicaid Rf0TKwWNcPA-00003-00001475-00001868 expansion on the ballot and then promptly voting to pass it. Rf0TKwWNcPA-00004-00001868-00002466 Idaho's Constitution ensures that voters can bring issues directly to Idahoans by Rf0TKwWNcPA-00005-00002466-00002894 collecting enough signatures to get an initiative on the ballot. Ballot Rf0TKwWNcPA-00006-00002894-00003471 initiatives are crucial to our democracy, and Senate bill 11:59 will make them Rf0TKwWNcPA-00007-00003471-00003857 nearly impossible. It will increase the amount of signatures needed and the Rf0TKwWNcPA-00008-00003857-00004287 geographic districts required. But most damaging of all, it will make the Rf0TKwWNcPA-00009-00004287-00004786 timeframe for collecting signatures five times shorter. Grassroots volunteer Rf0TKwWNcPA-00010-00004786-00005316 driven initiatives will be impossible, and the only way an initiative will make Rf0TKwWNcPA-00011-00005316-00005657 its way to the ballot will be via wealthy special interests who have the Rf0TKwWNcPA-00012-00005657-00006114 money to buy one. Furthermore, County Clerks will have to spend more taxpayer Rf0TKwWNcPA-00013-00006114-00006419 dollars to ensure the signatures gathered are legal because of the short Rf0TKwWNcPA-00014-00006419-00006903 time frame. And it is no coincidence that this bill surfaced right after Prop 2's Rf0TKwWNcPA-00015-00006903-00007467 sweeping success. The GOP seems dead set on consolidating their power and they Rf0TKwWNcPA-00016-00007467-00007898 justify it by saying they know better than the average Idahoan who elected Rf0TKwWNcPA-00017-00007898-00008403 them. This is as serious as the GOP's gerrymandering bill and will have a Rf0TKwWNcPA-00018-00008403-00008964 chilling effect on citizens' rights to vote on issues. I urge you to call and Rf0TKwWNcPA-00019-00008964-00009425 email your legislator and ask them not to steal our right to a free and fair Rf0TKwWNcPA-00020-00009425-00009957 vote. It is a direct attempt to kill our democracy. Rf0TKwWNcPA-00021-00009957-00010318 Thanks for listening and please take action! Rfmeb1ygwqM-00000-00000000-00000430 To download Pie Control, open Google Play Store. Rfmeb1ygwqM-00001-00000500-00000774 Type Pie Control in the search box. Rfmeb1ygwqM-00002-00000856-00002800 Tap install. Rfmeb1ygwqM-00003-00002932-00003296 Tap Open to go to the app. Rfmeb1ygwqM-00004-00003322-00004864 Wait for the app to initialize. Rfmeb1ygwqM-00005-00004902-00006086 Follow the pop-up guide. RhLCBbXpGNc-00000-00000066-00000360 Of the hundreds of millions of years of Earth's history. RhLCBbXpGNc-00001-00000387-00000640 We are only the thin top layer, RhLCBbXpGNc-00002-00000670-00001047 which makes you feel kind of small and kind of RhLCBbXpGNc-00003-00001157-00001551 in awe of of all the time that went before you. RhLCBbXpGNc-00004-00001578-00001761 My name is Kathy Hodge. RhLCBbXpGNc-00005-00001761-00002282 I'm the artist in residence inside National Park, but I've been applying RhLCBbXpGNc-00006-00002282-00002802 to the artist in residence programs in the national parks since 1993. RhLCBbXpGNc-00007-00002842-00003046 I started applying for this residency RhLCBbXpGNc-00008-00003046-00003480 in 2013, and almost every year I applied again. RhLCBbXpGNc-00009-00003490-00004040 That's why I was really thrilled when I finally got the acceptance to come here. RhLCBbXpGNc-00010-00004177-00004371 And it's been everything that I hoped RhLCBbXpGNc-00011-00004371-00004604 it would be. RhLCBbXpGNc-00012-00004798-00005068 I've been noticing this RhLCBbXpGNc-00013-00005071-00005261 canyon wall when I walk RhLCBbXpGNc-00014-00005261-00005558 from my house at the grotto to the lodge RhLCBbXpGNc-00015-00005585-00006009 in different lights, and sometimes it looks extremely ethereal. RhLCBbXpGNc-00016-00006059-00006216 The colors just glow. RhLCBbXpGNc-00017-00006216-00006523 And I always had it in my head that I wanted to paint RhLCBbXpGNc-00018-00006523-00006763 this. RhLCBbXpGNc-00019-00006826-00007307 It's always good to really look first before you start doing anything. RhLCBbXpGNc-00020-00007313-00007747 You should look at at the big movements that are happening RhLCBbXpGNc-00021-00007791-00008208 and think about the power and strength like what I'm looking at now, RhLCBbXpGNc-00022-00008278-00008625 how massive it is and how much it weighs and how old it is. RhLCBbXpGNc-00023-00008715-00009175 Then I try to get the, you know, the few big sweeping RhLCBbXpGNc-00024-00009272-00009339 movements, the RhLCBbXpGNc-00025-00009339-00009582 most important movements in the piece. RhLCBbXpGNc-00026-00009646-00010146 First, and then cover the whole canvas RhLCBbXpGNc-00027-00010330-00010620 as quickly as possible so that everything's working together. RhLCBbXpGNc-00028-00010620-00011051 So you have all of the big shapes, RhLCBbXpGNc-00029-00011051-00011464 big directions, a big energy going on right at the beginning. RhLCBbXpGNc-00030-00011524-00011795 The colors of Zion. I just so amazing. RhLCBbXpGNc-00031-00011795-00012128 And I really think it's the most beautiful park out here RhLCBbXpGNc-00032-00012128-00012432 that I've seen so far. RhLCBbXpGNc-00033-00012479-00012716 This one is a little unusual. RhLCBbXpGNc-00034-00012716-00012852 There's a lot of RhLCBbXpGNc-00035-00012896-00013406 sort of greens and cooler colors in this particular one, RhLCBbXpGNc-00036-00013406-00013713 but I've really been loving the Navajo sandstone RhLCBbXpGNc-00037-00013743-00013983 colors that buff ocher colors RhLCBbXpGNc-00038-00014017-00014484 that are in the upper layers where the way the water RhLCBbXpGNc-00039-00014484-00014908 has run through and sort of pulled the iron out of the sandstone. RhLCBbXpGNc-00040-00015008-00015528 And there's a lot of red at the bottom, which is a nice contrast to that too. RhLCBbXpGNc-00041-00015555-00015642 You can't see RhLCBbXpGNc-00042-00015762-00015889 the history of the world RhLCBbXpGNc-00043-00015889-00016349 many places better than here because it's all uncovered for us RhLCBbXpGNc-00044-00016383-00016783 millions of years, hundreds of millions of years of the Earth's history. RhLCBbXpGNc-00045-00016843-00017297 So how I can portray that with my painting, I really don't know yet. RhLCBbXpGNc-00046-00017300-00017667 I'm going to I'm going to try to at least RhLCBbXpGNc-00047-00017667-00018024 capture the power and the density of the canyon. RhLCBbXpGNc-00048-00018068-00018561 I think people have sort of identified more with the landscape RhLCBbXpGNc-00049-00018561-00018928 as being part of the bigger picture of our existence RhLCBbXpGNc-00050-00018928-00019185 on the earth. RhLCBbXpGNc-00051-00019252-00019589 I just I don't feel that I can ever exhaust RhLCBbXpGNc-00052-00019672-00019936 the potential of this subject. RhLCBbXpGNc-00053-00019936-00020470 Yeah, I'm hoping to do something other than paint pretty pictures of Zion, RhLCBbXpGNc-00054-00020470-00020787 which is really easy to do because it's such a beautiful park. RhLCBbXpGNc-00055-00020864-00021384 It's hard to really put my finger on it, but I'm hoping that I can just RhLCBbXpGNc-00056-00021564-00021648 make people feel RhLCBbXpGNc-00057-00021648-00021965 something about the Earth in some connection. RhLCBbXpGNc-00058-00021965-00022379 I guess connection recognition is what I'm really looking for. RiMvywX7UNk-00000-00000283-00000483 Welcome to the flower world category RiMvywX7UNk-00001-00000483-00000683 with mini painting method. RiMvywX7UNk-00002-00000683-00000883 If you love nature RiMvywX7UNk-00003-00000883-00001083 you certainly cannot say no to beautiful flower gardens RiMvywX7UNk-00004-00001083-00001323 The flowers bloom unexpectedly in the garden or on the balcony RiMvywX7UNk-00005-00001323-00001596 And I believe there have been many times when you wanted to draw them into a picture RiMvywX7UNk-00006-00001596-00001827 Have you watched the video of drawing flowers on canvas RiMvywX7UNk-00007-00001827-00002027 But painting a big picture takes time RiMvywX7UNk-00008-00002027-00002227 and concentration until the picture is complete RiMvywX7UNk-00009-00002227-00002427 Not only that RiMvywX7UNk-00010-00002427-00002704 large-format paintings can only be fixed in one place for a long time RiMvywX7UNk-00011-00002704-00002904 But if you want your painting to be easily transported RiMvywX7UNk-00012-00002904-00003104 you may need a mini painting RiMvywX7UNk-00013-00003104-00003304 Rtan understands this and has made a series of mini paintings RiMvywX7UNk-00014-00003304-00003504 Most of the material Rtan uses is stone RiMvywX7UNk-00015-00003504-00003812 so you can easily keep it as a keepsake and find it anywhere in the world RiMvywX7UNk-00016-00003812-00004012 But you can draw it anywhere RiMvywX7UNk-00017-00004012-00004212 and you can even draw on your phone which is a great idea. RiMvywX7UNk-00018-00004212-00004412 Those are Rtan's upcoming videos in 2022 RiMvywX7UNk-00019-00004412-00004729 But don't worry because the picture you are looking at is drawn in a very simple way RiMvywX7UNk-00020-00004729-00005039 you just need to get the right color and choose a small pen and Rtan is sure you will do RiMvywX7UNk-00021-00005039-00005239 you will draw them on the small size picture RiMvywX7UNk-00022-00005239-00005439 For added fun RiMvywX7UNk-00023-00005439-00005639 we've arranged the flowers of each plant to turn into cute drawings RiMvywX7UNk-00024-00005639-00005839 The painting material used is acrylic paint RiMvywX7UNk-00025-00005839-00006039 which you can easily buy anywhere in the world. RiMvywX7UNk-00026-00006039-00006239 With this acrylic paint RiMvywX7UNk-00027-00006239-00006439 you will easily paint and erase RiMvywX7UNk-00028-00006439-00006639 so your learning to draw will become easier RiMvywX7UNk-00029-00006639-00006839 so many, RiMvywX7UNk-00030-00006839-00007039 so much RiMvywX7UNk-00031-00007039-00007239 At this point you should prepare a stone RiMvywX7UNk-00032-00007239-00007439 make sure it can stand firmly on the table, RiMvywX7UNk-00033-00007439-00007639 or the phone RiMvywX7UNk-00034-00007639-00007839 Prepare acrylic paint and choose one of Rtan's videos. RiMvywX7UNk-00035-00007839-00008194 I hope you like my channel and subscribe, comment, share it with your friends. RjpXe9b20qU-00000-00000010-00000060 ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT THE CASS RjpXe9b20qU-00001-00000060-00000066 ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT THE CASS RjpXe9b20qU-00002-00000066-00000123 ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT THE CASS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE AT THE RjpXe9b20qU-00003-00000123-00000130 ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT THE CASS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE AT THE RjpXe9b20qU-00004-00000130-00000370 ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT THE CASS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE AT THE NUMBER ON THE SCREEN. RjpXe9b20qU-00005-00000370-00000377 COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE AT THE NUMBER ON THE SCREEN. RjpXe9b20qU-00006-00000377-00000600 COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE AT THE NUMBER ON THE SCREEN. >> DENNIS: THE MINNESOTA RjpXe9b20qU-00007-00000600-00000607 NUMBER ON THE SCREEN. >> DENNIS: THE MINNESOTA RjpXe9b20qU-00008-00000607-00000673 NUMBER ON THE SCREEN. >> DENNIS: THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES RjpXe9b20qU-00009-00000673-00000680 >> DENNIS: THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES RjpXe9b20qU-00010-00000680-00000774 >> DENNIS: THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES IS ROLLING OUT A DEER MANAGEMENT RjpXe9b20qU-00011-00000774-00000780 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES IS ROLLING OUT A DEER MANAGEMENT RjpXe9b20qU-00012-00000780-00000924 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES IS ROLLING OUT A DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN. RjpXe9b20qU-00013-00000924-00000930 IS ROLLING OUT A DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN. RjpXe9b20qU-00014-00000930-00001144 IS ROLLING OUT A DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN. OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW RjpXe9b20qU-00015-00001144-00001151 PLAN. OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW RjpXe9b20qU-00016-00001151-00001277 PLAN. OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW THE USE OF THE COMMUNITY RjpXe9b20qU-00017-00001277-00001284 OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW THE USE OF THE COMMUNITY RjpXe9b20qU-00018-00001284-00001411 OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW THE USE OF THE COMMUNITY MEETINGS IS BEING USED TO RjpXe9b20qU-00019-00001411-00001418 THE USE OF THE COMMUNITY MEETINGS IS BEING USED TO RjpXe9b20qU-00020-00001418-00001508 THE USE OF THE COMMUNITY MEETINGS IS BEING USED TO IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM. RjpXe9b20qU-00021-00001508-00001514 MEETINGS IS BEING USED TO IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM. RjpXe9b20qU-00022-00001514-00001588 MEETINGS IS BEING USED TO IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM. >> IT MAY HAVE BEEN A SMALL RjpXe9b20qU-00023-00001588-00001594 IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM. >> IT MAY HAVE BEEN A SMALL RjpXe9b20qU-00024-00001594-00001698 IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM. >> IT MAY HAVE BEEN A SMALL GATHERING, BUT WHAT WAS RjpXe9b20qU-00025-00001698-00001705 >> IT MAY HAVE BEEN A SMALL GATHERING, BUT WHAT WAS RjpXe9b20qU-00026-00001705-00001845 >> IT MAY HAVE BEEN A SMALL GATHERING, BUT WHAT WAS DISCUSSED AT THIS OPEN HOUSE WAS RjpXe9b20qU-00027-00001845-00001851 GATHERING, BUT WHAT WAS DISCUSSED AT THIS OPEN HOUSE WAS RjpXe9b20qU-00028-00001851-00002095 GATHERING, BUT WHAT WAS DISCUSSED AT THIS OPEN HOUSE WAS VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR THE RjpXe9b20qU-00029-00002095-00002102 DISCUSSED AT THIS OPEN HOUSE WAS VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR THE RjpXe9b20qU-00030-00002102-00002192 DISCUSSED AT THIS OPEN HOUSE WAS VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RjpXe9b20qU-00031-00002192-00002198 VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RjpXe9b20qU-00032-00002198-00002228 VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. RjpXe9b20qU-00033-00002228-00002235 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. RjpXe9b20qU-00034-00002235-00002315 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. THE NIGHT PROVIDED THE PUBLIC RjpXe9b20qU-00035-00002315-00002322 RESOURCES. THE NIGHT PROVIDED THE PUBLIC RjpXe9b20qU-00036-00002322-00002462 RESOURCES. THE NIGHT PROVIDED THE PUBLIC WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE RjpXe9b20qU-00037-00002462-00002469 THE NIGHT PROVIDED THE PUBLIC WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE RjpXe9b20qU-00038-00002469-00002726 THE NIGHT PROVIDED THE PUBLIC WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE FEEDBACK ON THE DNR'S NEW DEER RjpXe9b20qU-00039-00002726-00002732 WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE FEEDBACK ON THE DNR'S NEW DEER RjpXe9b20qU-00040-00002732-00002836 WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE FEEDBACK ON THE DNR'S NEW DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN. RjpXe9b20qU-00041-00002836-00002842 FEEDBACK ON THE DNR'S NEW DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN. RjpXe9b20qU-00042-00002842-00002949 FEEDBACK ON THE DNR'S NEW DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN. >> A COUPLE OF TIMES A YEAR RjpXe9b20qU-00043-00002949-00002956 MANAGEMENT PLAN. >> A COUPLE OF TIMES A YEAR RjpXe9b20qU-00044-00002956-00003153 MANAGEMENT PLAN. >> A COUPLE OF TIMES A YEAR EVERY YEAR NOW, WE'RE GOING RjpXe9b20qU-00045-00003153-00003159 >> A COUPLE OF TIMES A YEAR EVERY YEAR NOW, WE'RE GOING RjpXe9b20qU-00046-00003159-00003346 >> A COUPLE OF TIMES A YEAR EVERY YEAR NOW, WE'RE GOING TO -- THE AREA WILDLIFE PEOPLE RjpXe9b20qU-00047-00003346-00003353 EVERY YEAR NOW, WE'RE GOING TO -- THE AREA WILDLIFE PEOPLE RjpXe9b20qU-00048-00003353-00003506 EVERY YEAR NOW, WE'RE GOING TO -- THE AREA WILDLIFE PEOPLE WILL HAVE THESE OPEN HOUSE, AND RjpXe9b20qU-00049-00003506-00003513 TO -- THE AREA WILDLIFE PEOPLE WILL HAVE THESE OPEN HOUSE, AND RjpXe9b20qU-00050-00003513-00003643 TO -- THE AREA WILDLIFE PEOPLE WILL HAVE THESE OPEN HOUSE, AND THAT'S WHAT WE'RE HAVING RjpXe9b20qU-00051-00003643-00003650 WILL HAVE THESE OPEN HOUSE, AND THAT'S WHAT WE'RE HAVING RjpXe9b20qU-00052-00003650-00003833 WILL HAVE THESE OPEN HOUSE, AND THAT'S WHAT WE'RE HAVING TONIGHT, AN OPEN HOUSE, TO TALK RjpXe9b20qU-00053-00003833-00003840 THAT'S WHAT WE'RE HAVING TONIGHT, AN OPEN HOUSE, TO TALK RjpXe9b20qU-00054-00003840-00003997 THAT'S WHAT WE'RE HAVING TONIGHT, AN OPEN HOUSE, TO TALK TO PEOPLE ABOUT THE DEER PLAN. RjpXe9b20qU-00055-00003997-00004003 TONIGHT, AN OPEN HOUSE, TO TALK TO PEOPLE ABOUT THE DEER PLAN. RjpXe9b20qU-00056-00004003-00004130 TONIGHT, AN OPEN HOUSE, TO TALK TO PEOPLE ABOUT THE DEER PLAN. >> FROM POPULATION CONTROL TO RjpXe9b20qU-00057-00004130-00004137 TO PEOPLE ABOUT THE DEER PLAN. >> FROM POPULATION CONTROL TO RjpXe9b20qU-00058-00004137-00004270 TO PEOPLE ABOUT THE DEER PLAN. >> FROM POPULATION CONTROL TO CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE, THE RjpXe9b20qU-00059-00004270-00004277 >> FROM POPULATION CONTROL TO CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE, THE RjpXe9b20qU-00060-00004277-00004627 >> FROM POPULATION CONTROL TO CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE, THE DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN COVERS A RjpXe9b20qU-00061-00004627-00004634 CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE, THE DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN COVERS A RjpXe9b20qU-00062-00004634-00004794 CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE, THE DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN COVERS A WIDE RANGE OVER THE NEXT DECADE. RjpXe9b20qU-00063-00004794-00004801 DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN COVERS A WIDE RANGE OVER THE NEXT DECADE. RjpXe9b20qU-00064-00004801-00004944 DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN COVERS A WIDE RANGE OVER THE NEXT DECADE. >> WE HAVE SEVERAL GOALS WE'RE RjpXe9b20qU-00065-00004944-00004951 WIDE RANGE OVER THE NEXT DECADE. >> WE HAVE SEVERAL GOALS WE'RE RjpXe9b20qU-00066-00004951-00005115 WIDE RANGE OVER THE NEXT DECADE. >> WE HAVE SEVERAL GOALS WE'RE TRYING TO REACH, THE 200,000 RjpXe9b20qU-00067-00005115-00005121 >> WE HAVE SEVERAL GOALS WE'RE TRYING TO REACH, THE 200,000 RjpXe9b20qU-00068-00005121-00005585 >> WE HAVE SEVERAL GOALS WE'RE TRYING TO REACH, THE 200,000 DEER IS ONE. RjpXe9b20qU-00069-00005585-00005592 TRYING TO REACH, THE 200,000 DEER IS ONE. RjpXe9b20qU-00070-00005592-00005832 TRYING TO REACH, THE 200,000 DEER IS ONE. ANOTHER GOAL IS TO SPEND $16 OF RjpXe9b20qU-00071-00005832-00005839 DEER IS ONE. ANOTHER GOAL IS TO SPEND $16 OF RjpXe9b20qU-00072-00005839-00006022 DEER IS ONE. ANOTHER GOAL IS TO SPEND $16 OF EVERY DEER LICENSE ON DEER RjpXe9b20qU-00073-00006022-00006029 ANOTHER GOAL IS TO SPEND $16 OF EVERY DEER LICENSE ON DEER RjpXe9b20qU-00074-00006029-00006096 ANOTHER GOAL IS TO SPEND $16 OF EVERY DEER LICENSE ON DEER MANAGEMENT. RjpXe9b20qU-00075-00006096-00006102 EVERY DEER LICENSE ON DEER MANAGEMENT. RjpXe9b20qU-00076-00006102-00006176 EVERY DEER LICENSE ON DEER MANAGEMENT. >> OUT OF THE DOZEN THAT RjpXe9b20qU-00077-00006176-00006182 MANAGEMENT. >> OUT OF THE DOZEN THAT RjpXe9b20qU-00078-00006182-00006292 MANAGEMENT. >> OUT OF THE DOZEN THAT ATTENDED THE OPEN HOUSE, MANY RjpXe9b20qU-00079-00006292-00006299 >> OUT OF THE DOZEN THAT ATTENDED THE OPEN HOUSE, MANY RjpXe9b20qU-00080-00006299-00006509 >> OUT OF THE DOZEN THAT ATTENDED THE OPEN HOUSE, MANY FELT THE EVENING WAS HELPFUL AND RjpXe9b20qU-00081-00006509-00006516 ATTENDED THE OPEN HOUSE, MANY FELT THE EVENING WAS HELPFUL AND RjpXe9b20qU-00082-00006516-00006699 ATTENDED THE OPEN HOUSE, MANY FELT THE EVENING WAS HELPFUL AND HOPED THE MINNESOTA DNR WILL RjpXe9b20qU-00083-00006699-00006706 FELT THE EVENING WAS HELPFUL AND HOPED THE MINNESOTA DNR WILL RjpXe9b20qU-00084-00006706-00006820 FELT THE EVENING WAS HELPFUL AND HOPED THE MINNESOTA DNR WILL LISTEN TO THE SUGGESTIONS THAT RjpXe9b20qU-00085-00006820-00006826 HOPED THE MINNESOTA DNR WILL LISTEN TO THE SUGGESTIONS THAT RjpXe9b20qU-00086-00006826-00006930 HOPED THE MINNESOTA DNR WILL LISTEN TO THE SUGGESTIONS THAT WERE PRESENTED. RjpXe9b20qU-00087-00006930-00006936 LISTEN TO THE SUGGESTIONS THAT WERE PRESENTED. RjpXe9b20qU-00088-00006936-00007220 LISTEN TO THE SUGGESTIONS THAT WERE PRESENTED. >> I HOPE THIS IS HELPFUL. RjpXe9b20qU-00089-00007220-00007227 WERE PRESENTED. >> I HOPE THIS IS HELPFUL. RjpXe9b20qU-00090-00007227-00007674 WERE PRESENTED. >> I HOPE THIS IS HELPFUL. I HOPE WE SEE THAT NOT ALL PARTS RjpXe9b20qU-00091-00007674-00007680 >> I HOPE THIS IS HELPFUL. I HOPE WE SEE THAT NOT ALL PARTS RjpXe9b20qU-00092-00007680-00007824 >> I HOPE THIS IS HELPFUL. I HOPE WE SEE THAT NOT ALL PARTS OF THE STATE ARE THE SAME. RjpXe9b20qU-00093-00007824-00007831 I HOPE WE SEE THAT NOT ALL PARTS OF THE STATE ARE THE SAME. RjpXe9b20qU-00094-00007831-00008128 I HOPE WE SEE THAT NOT ALL PARTS OF THE STATE ARE THE SAME. AND ME AND MY BUDDY OVER THERE, RjpXe9b20qU-00095-00008128-00008134 OF THE STATE ARE THE SAME. AND ME AND MY BUDDY OVER THERE, RjpXe9b20qU-00096-00008134-00008264 OF THE STATE ARE THE SAME. AND ME AND MY BUDDY OVER THERE, OUR INFLUENCE MAYBE IS GOING TO RjpXe9b20qU-00097-00008264-00008271 AND ME AND MY BUDDY OVER THERE, OUR INFLUENCE MAYBE IS GOING TO RjpXe9b20qU-00098-00008271-00008311 AND ME AND MY BUDDY OVER THERE, OUR INFLUENCE MAYBE IS GOING TO HELP. RjpXe9b20qU-00099-00008311-00008318 OUR INFLUENCE MAYBE IS GOING TO HELP. RjpXe9b20qU-00100-00008318-00008661 OUR INFLUENCE MAYBE IS GOING TO HELP. >> A Q AND A SESSION WAS HELD RjpXe9b20qU-00101-00008661-00008668 HELP. >> A Q AND A SESSION WAS HELD RjpXe9b20qU-00102-00008668-00008835 HELP. >> A Q AND A SESSION WAS HELD FOR A MAJORITY OF THE EVENT. RjpXe9b20qU-00103-00008835-00008842 >> A Q AND A SESSION WAS HELD FOR A MAJORITY OF THE EVENT. RjpXe9b20qU-00104-00008842-00008972 >> A Q AND A SESSION WAS HELD FOR A MAJORITY OF THE EVENT. FOR THOSE WHO READ THROUGH THE RjpXe9b20qU-00105-00008972-00008978 FOR A MAJORITY OF THE EVENT. FOR THOSE WHO READ THROUGH THE RjpXe9b20qU-00106-00008978-00009182 FOR A MAJORITY OF THE EVENT. FOR THOSE WHO READ THROUGH THE MANAGEMENT PLAN, THE MINNESOTA RjpXe9b20qU-00107-00009182-00009189 FOR THOSE WHO READ THROUGH THE MANAGEMENT PLAN, THE MINNESOTA RjpXe9b20qU-00108-00009189-00009365 FOR THOSE WHO READ THROUGH THE MANAGEMENT PLAN, THE MINNESOTA DNR IS ASKING EVERYONE TO TAKE RjpXe9b20qU-00109-00009365-00009372 MANAGEMENT PLAN, THE MINNESOTA DNR IS ASKING EVERYONE TO TAKE RjpXe9b20qU-00110-00009372-00009539 MANAGEMENT PLAN, THE MINNESOTA DNR IS ASKING EVERYONE TO TAKE PART IN A SHORT 15 QUESTION RjpXe9b20qU-00111-00009539-00009546 DNR IS ASKING EVERYONE TO TAKE PART IN A SHORT 15 QUESTION RjpXe9b20qU-00112-00009546-00009696 DNR IS ASKING EVERYONE TO TAKE PART IN A SHORT 15 QUESTION SURVEY SO THEY CAN CONTINUE TO RjpXe9b20qU-00113-00009696-00009703 PART IN A SHORT 15 QUESTION SURVEY SO THEY CAN CONTINUE TO RjpXe9b20qU-00114-00009703-00009773 PART IN A SHORT 15 QUESTION SURVEY SO THEY CAN CONTINUE TO EVOLVE THE PLAN. RjpXe9b20qU-00115-00009773-00009779 SURVEY SO THEY CAN CONTINUE TO EVOLVE THE PLAN. RjpXe9b20qU-00116-00009779-00009916 SURVEY SO THEY CAN CONTINUE TO EVOLVE THE PLAN. >> ALL OF THESE PLANS THAT THE RjpXe9b20qU-00117-00009916-00009923 EVOLVE THE PLAN. >> ALL OF THESE PLANS THAT THE RjpXe9b20qU-00118-00009923-00010120 EVOLVE THE PLAN. >> ALL OF THESE PLANS THAT THE DNR HAVE ARE KIND OF OPEN PLANS. RjpXe9b20qU-00119-00010120-00010126 >> ALL OF THESE PLANS THAT THE DNR HAVE ARE KIND OF OPEN PLANS. RjpXe9b20qU-00120-00010126-00010306 >> ALL OF THESE PLANS THAT THE DNR HAVE ARE KIND OF OPEN PLANS. WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO CHANGE RjpXe9b20qU-00121-00010306-00010313 DNR HAVE ARE KIND OF OPEN PLANS. WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO CHANGE RjpXe9b20qU-00122-00010313-00010440 DNR HAVE ARE KIND OF OPEN PLANS. WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO CHANGE THEM BASED ON WHAT OUR RjpXe9b20qU-00123-00010440-00010447 WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO CHANGE THEM BASED ON WHAT OUR RjpXe9b20qU-00124-00010447-00010530 WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO CHANGE THEM BASED ON WHAT OUR CONSTITUENTS FEEL. RjpXe9b20qU-00125-00010530-00010537 THEM BASED ON WHAT OUR CONSTITUENTS FEEL. RjpXe9b20qU-00126-00010537-00010693 THEM BASED ON WHAT OUR CONSTITUENTS FEEL. >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, RjpXe9b20qU-00127-00010693-00010700 CONSTITUENTS FEEL. >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, RjpXe9b20qU-00128-00010700-00010807 CONSTITUENTS FEEL. >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. RjpXe9b20qU-00129-00010807-00010814 >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. RjpXe9b20qU-00130-00010814-00010954 >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: AND FOR A LINK TO THE RjpXe9b20qU-00131-00010954-00010960 LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: AND FOR A LINK TO THE RjpXe9b20qU-00132-00010960-00011144 LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: AND FOR A LINK TO THE MINNESOTA DNR DEER MANAGEMENT RjpXe9b20qU-00133-00011144-00011151 >> DENNIS: AND FOR A LINK TO THE MINNESOTA DNR DEER MANAGEMENT RjpXe9b20qU-00134-00011151-00011291 >> DENNIS: AND FOR A LINK TO THE MINNESOTA DNR DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND SURVEY, YOU CAN VISIT RjpXe9b20qU-00135-00011291-00011297 MINNESOTA DNR DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND SURVEY, YOU CAN VISIT RjpXe9b20qU-00136-00011297-00011347 MINNESOTA DNR DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND SURVEY, YOU CAN VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT LPTV.ORG/NEWS. Rj_YaHj0vXk-00000-00000000-00000050 NIAS OF DJ RlCRYmYDWzQ-00000-00000568-00000903 Hello I'm Dahiana Montes. I'm from Colombia and RlCRYmYDWzQ-00001-00000903-00001304 I'm graduating from my Master's in International Management RlCRYmYDWzQ-00002-00001304-00001368 from Prague College, RlCRYmYDWzQ-00003-00001368-00001616 in partnership with Teesside University. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00004-00001616-00001990 I'm very excited to share my research programme/project. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00005-00001990-00002280 When I started my Master's programme RlCRYmYDWzQ-00006-00002280-00002464 I had a clear goal in mind and that was RlCRYmYDWzQ-00007-00002464-00002768 to investigate an issue that was not only RlCRYmYDWzQ-00008-00002768-00003255 of interest to me, but also that added value to others. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00009-00003255-00003800 This is how I came to define my research on 'The Attitudes and Behaviours of Czechs RlCRYmYDWzQ-00010-00003800-00004200 and Colombians, towards investing for their retirement'. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00011-00004200-00004568 It should be noted that despite the existence of a so-called RlCRYmYDWzQ-00012-00004568-00005007 pension crisis, people are not taking action that will RlCRYmYDWzQ-00013-00005007-00005471 help improve their future in monetary terms. So what's going on? RlCRYmYDWzQ-00014-00005471-00005928 Why is that if the evidence shows that there is no guarantee that people will RlCRYmYDWzQ-00015-00005928-00006390 have enough capital to support their lifestyle in old age. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00016-00006400-00006750 We still do nothing about it! How does planning for retirement RlCRYmYDWzQ-00017-00006750-00006992 differ from culture to culture? RlCRYmYDWzQ-00018-00006992-00007392 Is it okay to simply rely on the state pension? RlCRYmYDWzQ-00019-00007392-00007879 As you can see there are many questions that arise from this type of topic, RlCRYmYDWzQ-00020-00007879-00008504 and I identified the need to provide some answers to some of these concerns. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00021-00008504-00008847 Nobody relies on their research but rather RlCRYmYDWzQ-00022-00008847-00009456 to base on aspects of two nations from different continents and how they RlCRYmYDWzQ-00023-00009456-00009879 approach the same issue of pension provision. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00024-00009879-00010392 This information could benefit future pensioners, financial advisors, RlCRYmYDWzQ-00025-00010392-00010928 the state and even parents who create money management habits that are RlCRYmYDWzQ-00026-00010928-00011170 followed by their children. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00027-00011170-00011550 Then the research followed a pragmatic approach, RlCRYmYDWzQ-00028-00011550-00011888 with subjectivism as a main ontology. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00029-00011888-00012320 Therefore qualitative data was collected through some instructor RlCRYmYDWzQ-00030-00012320-00012856 interviews with experts in the pension field from both countries. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00031-00012856-00013450 Then the supporting ontology implemented was objectivism. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00032-00013450-00013663 For this the strategy used was RlCRYmYDWzQ-00033-00013663-00014263 to carry out surveys collecting the quantitative data by means of RlCRYmYDWzQ-00034-00014263-00014736 questionnaires. Then, these allow RlCRYmYDWzQ-00035-00014736-00015072 different perspectives to complement each other RlCRYmYDWzQ-00036-00015072-00015472 and improve the understanding of the research problem. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00037-00015472-00016095 One of the key findings of this research where specialists in financial planning RlCRYmYDWzQ-00038-00016095-00016544 from both countries agreed, was the very important role RlCRYmYDWzQ-00039-00016544-00016944 of the level, that level of financial literacy that plays in people. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00040-00016944-00017280 A study in financial education around the world RlCRYmYDWzQ-00041-00017280-00017815 found that 58 percent of adults in the Czech Republic are financially literate, RlCRYmYDWzQ-00042-00017815-00018312 and in Colombia only 32 percent. While this might indicate that the RlCRYmYDWzQ-00043-00018312-00018800 European country is somewhat better prepared than the Colombian country, RlCRYmYDWzQ-00044-00018800-00019256 experts says that both nations need to increase their level of financial RlCRYmYDWzQ-00045-00019256-00019664 knowledge in order to create a reserve of money for RlCRYmYDWzQ-00046-00019664-00020080 retirement that will support them through their RlCRYmYDWzQ-00047-00020080-00020550 lifetime without compromising their lifestyle. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00048-00020550-00021304 Then 51 percent of Czech participants and 43 percent of Colombian participants RlCRYmYDWzQ-00049-00021304-00021900 feel confident that they are preparing properly to have a financially secure retirement. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00050-00021900-00022272 However, this research shows that what RlCRYmYDWzQ-00051-00022272-00022664 people manage to save over the course of their working lives RlCRYmYDWzQ-00052-00022664-00023200 is not enough to support the retirement expenses for the rest of their lives. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00053-00023200-00023543 So working on this project allowed me to RlCRYmYDWzQ-00054-00023543-00024168 have a broader view on this, on this problem that concerns us all, RlCRYmYDWzQ-00055-00024168-00024631 and then the guidance from my thesis advisor helped me to keep the research RlCRYmYDWzQ-00056-00024631-00024936 focus on the most relevant aspects and RlCRYmYDWzQ-00057-00024936-00025359 discover scenarios that added great value to the stakeholders. RlCRYmYDWzQ-00058-00025359-00025863 So I'm very grateful to have, to have been able to have this experience RlCRYmYDWzQ-00059-00025863-00026983 and to be completing my Master's program, thank you. RniAQs1WJvu-00000-00000288-00000750 hi guys welcome back to my channel uh I purchased RniAQs1WJvu-00001-00000750-00001278 few products from night car on pink holiday sale let's go RniAQs1WJvu-00002-00001655-00002340 a checkout what are the product I received so by the way this one is not sponsors video RniAQs1WJvu-00003-00002412-00002622 I bought from my own money RniAQs1WJvu-00004-00003156-00003288 supporters RniAQs1WJvu-00005-00003588-00005178 like always my cup packing is 10 out of 10. so this one I got an effort so I bought this RniAQs1WJvu-00006-00005598-00006534 I bought this elf eyebrow enhancer buy one get one uh the MRP is like 250 so it's a great deal RniAQs1WJvu-00007-00006714-00007468 then the color bar kajal so it cost like 170. this one also I got [Applause] RniAQs1WJvu-00008-00007716-00008664 okay first item item like uh elf order eyebrow enhancers so this one is cost like 250 now in RniAQs1WJvu-00009-00008664-00009144 the one buy one get one the purchase one I think it's a good deal so quick review RniAQs1WJvu-00010-00009486-00010938 so this will be in this kind of pen [Music] it was in Black shade is all skin types of RniAQs1WJvu-00011-00011130-00012066 the comb in back side so I bought him buy one get one it's a good deal so the next product is kajal RniAQs1WJvu-00012-00012174-00012876 MRP 117 170 you go on a buy one get one left RniAQs1WJvu-00013-00013110-00013608 this is the first time I'm using colabar kajal so try me RniAQs1WJvu-00014-00013878-00014874 I will Swatch and show you so the texture is so creamy smooth so it's a dark black shade RniAQs1WJvu-00015-00015240-00015996 final product is lipsticks so I got lipsticks from faces Canada so this one also like buy one get one RniAQs1WJvu-00016-00016068-00016836 so without a price like 250 like 249 so I bought in both Shades this one RniAQs1WJvu-00017-00016836-00017502 is plum Peach 0 6 you can see Plum Peach zero six RniAQs1WJvu-00018-00017808-00018882 another shade is three mocha 22. so actually nude ships I don't like Dark Shades like maroon RniAQs1WJvu-00019-00018882-00019518 red so with the dialogue I will Swatch and show you so so this one is like sweet mocha RniAQs1WJvu-00020-00019590-00020250 so it's a brown nude shape so the lecture also goes silk and smoothie matte finish RniAQs1WJvu-00021-00020532-00021462 so the same one is plum Peach so this one is also a kind of nude shape I will show you RniAQs1WJvu-00022-00021684-00022038 so this one is good for diary back for office wear RniAQs1WJvu-00023-00022512-00022782 okay that's all uh foreign RniAQs1WJvu-00024-00025250-00025350 [Music] RniAQs1WJvu-00025-00025350-00026033 thank you SokCM5icO0U-00000-00000580-00000682 Stefania Kulayeva, ADC “Memorial” SokCM5icO0U-00001-00000850-00001208 Dear colleagues, thank you very much to all of you who have come to us today, SokCM5icO0U-00002-00001298-00001934 who would like to listen to presentations concerning discrimination of women in labor sphere, SokCM5icO0U-00003-00002002-00002320 which currently exists in 10 countries. SokCM5icO0U-00004-00002434-00002994 In the Labor codes of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, SokCM5icO0U-00005-00003048-00003734 as well as the five Central Asian countries - Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan - SokCM5icO0U-00006-00003786-00004470 there exist articles, which directly state that certain professions should be prohibited to women SokCM5icO0U-00007-00004518-00004864 because they are harmful to women, or that access to them should be limited. SokCM5icO0U-00008-00004900-00005090 There exist two types of restrictions – SokCM5icO0U-00009-00005098-00005320 some professions were listed as altogether prohibited to women, for some others there are restrictions. SokCM5icO0U-00010-00005354-00005968 When we at ADC “Memorial” first learnt about it, our initial reaction was to start legal work on this topic. SokCM5icO0U-00011-00006168-00006945 You will watch a video report today, which shows the work of our lawyer and a woman plaintiff in court, SokCM5icO0U-00012-00006968-00007570 who have made a legal appeal against the refusal of her employer to accept her SokCM5icO0U-00013-00007594-00007856 for the position of a helmsman on a vessel. SokCM5icO0U-00014-00007930-00008350 She has studied for this profession for four years, she received appropriate training, SokCM5icO0U-00015-00008364-00008812 but nevertheless because the position of helmsman is listed in the list of professions prohibited to women, SokCM5icO0U-00016-00008838-00009090 she was not able to get employment where she wanted. SokCM5icO0U-00017-00009270-00009832 And it was the case of Svetlana Medvedeva, which we have discussed here about a year ago. SokCM5icO0U-00018-00009858-00010414 For us it was an eye-opener, which showed that there exists direct state discrimination, SokCM5icO0U-00019-00010424-00010864 which is legally grounded, but which is in contradiction to the Russian Constitution (in the case of Russia) SokCM5icO0U-00020-00010996-00011300 In other countries, which are more legally advanced, SokCM5icO0U-00021-00011370-00011744 such as Ukraine and Moldova, which have anti-discrimination legislation, SokCM5icO0U-00022-00011760-00012150 similar regulation is in contradiction to the laws on non-discrimination, SokCM5icO0U-00023-00012170-00012542 on equal opportunities for men and women, SokCM5icO0U-00024-00012542-00013002 to the right to equal access to jobs, which is guaranteed by the Labor codes, etc. SokCM5icO0U-00025-00013072-00013260 This, in fact, is an old Soviet legal norm, SokCM5icO0U-00026-00013274-00013484 which was introduced into the Labor codes of these countries SokCM5icO0U-00027-00013484-00013930 when they were being written and a lot of things were simply copied from Soviet laws. SokCM5icO0U-00028-00014030-00014826 As a result of that we decided to launch a campaign, which we called “All Jobs For All Women”. SokCM5icO0U-00029-00014880-00015356 This campaign is under way now, it is being publicized on the website of ADC “Memorial” (adcmemorial.org). SokCM5icO0U-00030-00015372-00015636 This campaign is accessible to everybody, you can learn about it on our website SokCM5icO0U-00031-00015678-00016026 and support it in various ways, also by promoting it on Twitter or Facebook. SokCM5icO0U-00032-00016096-00016316 You can also send us your words of support, photos or videos. SokCM5icO0U-00033-00016340-00016556 We will be grateful for all kinds of support. SokCM5icO0U-00034-00016590-00017124 As part of this campaign, we are open to cooperation with various intergovernmental institutions, SokCM5icO0U-00035-00017124-00017498 governments and parliaments of various countries, as well as lawyers, SokCM5icO0U-00036-00017498-00017708 and also primarily women themselves, SokCM5icO0U-00037-00017712-00018184 who want to secure for themselves access to these professional occupations. S0py-kedBRy-00000-00000000-00000630 who wouldn't want to make labor faster and easier enter the grand savior raspberry leaf tea actually S0py-kedBRy-00001-00000630-00001356 Erick it's really not all it's cracked up to be oh well that's a shame yeah tell me about it I S0py-kedBRy-00002-00001356-00001889 guess raspberry leaf tea has some explaining to do or I do because I'm making the video right now S0py-kedBRy-00003-00001889-00002400 this tea isn't made from those pretty red raspberries but it is those leaves from S0py-kedBRy-00004-00002400-00002826 the raspberry plant and really it doesn't taste much like raspberries it's not very S0py-kedBRy-00005-00002826-00003294 fruity at all and a lot of people say it tastes a little bit like black tea you're also going to S0py-kedBRy-00006-00003294-00003756 want to harvest it in the springtime as that's when it's at its peak for medicinal purposes S0py-kedBRy-00007-00003756-00004320 raspberry leaf tea has a nice complement of vitamins and minerals including iron one of S0py-kedBRy-00008-00004320-00004734 the most important minerals for pregnant women I know this well because my wife who S0py-kedBRy-00009-00004734-00005232 is currently pregnant as of filming actually has an iron deficiency which is quite common amongst S0py-kedBRy-00010-00005232-00005664 pregnant women truth be told when you're enjoying raspberry leaf tea you're not getting much of the S0py-kedBRy-00011-00005664-00006042 recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals which you are getting though are S0py-kedBRy-00012-00006042-00006581 tannins which are helpful against those illness causing free radicals raspberry leaf tea also S0py-kedBRy-00013-00006581-00007109 has ellagic acid which is in various fruits and nuts and is said to have anti-cancer properties S0py-kedBRy-00014-00007109-00007638 and can protect the liver the flavonoids and antioxidants and raspberry leaf tea are actually S0py-kedBRy-00015-00007638-00008142 anti-inflammatory they also fight cancer and are helpful at preventing neurodegenerative S0py-kedBRy-00016-00008142-00008676 and cardiovascular diseases there's even a little bit of research on how it's beneficial for larynx S0py-kedBRy-00017-00008676-00009246 or colon cancer let's get this out of your head right now there is nothing except a little bit S0py-kedBRy-00018-00009246-00009886 of scant anecdotal evidence that says raspberry leaf tea is helpful to induce labor [Applause] S0py-kedBRy-00019-00010206-00010746 some women have said that it has helped them enter labor faster but the thing is without any research S0py-kedBRy-00020-00010746-00011268 it's just too hard to say if it wasn't just their time anyhow so unless some research comes out that S0py-kedBRy-00021-00011268-00011814 irrefutably confirms this supposition I wouldn't depend on raspberry leaf tea inducing labor unless S0py-kedBRy-00022-00011814-00012780 you're a big fan of the placebo effect yeah are there any labor benefits though yes kinda sort S0py-kedBRy-00023-00012780-00013469 of maybe you're gonna end up getting a lot of that in this video unfortunately OH YES S0py-kedBRy-00024-00013619-00013704 so far has been S0py-kedBRy-00025-00013962-00014526 and contradictory and frustrating at worst if you're hoping raspberry leaf tea can shorten your S0py-kedBRy-00026-00014526-00015054 time dealing with all that pain and pushing there has been research that says it shortens the first S0py-kedBRy-00027-00015054-00015528 stage of Labor then also there is another study that says it doesn't shorten the first stage of S0py-kedBRy-00028-00015528-00016128 labor but it did help the second stage of Labor OH YES but only by 10 minutes NOOO S0py-kedBRy-00029-00016128-00016668 that's not even enough time to watch an episode of The Simpsons does anyone still watch The Simpsons S0py-kedBRy-00030-00016668-00017118 well I suppose any less labor is a good thing and if you're lucky maybe you'll get more than S0py-kedBRy-00031-00017118-00017550 those 10 minutes and there are another five studies that said raspberry leaf tea wouldn't S0py-kedBRy-00032-00017550-00018180 hurt you but then again they couldn't really find any conclusive labor benefits either well you are S0py-kedBRy-00033-00018180-00018708 you are no help today but do not despair there is hope for raspberry leaf tea yet one study S0py-kedBRy-00034-00018708-00019320 showed an 11 decrease in the use of forceps in women who consumed raspberry leaf tea for the S0py-kedBRy-00035-00019320-00019794 last eight weeks of pregnancy this is backed up by the American Pregnancy Association who S0py-kedBRy-00036-00019794-00020280 says that raspberry leaf tea can help produce various interventions like artificial rupture S0py-kedBRy-00037-00020280-00020754 of membranes and cesarean deliveries and it's also believed that raspberry leaf tea can help S0py-kedBRy-00038-00020754-00021366 lead to less bleeding after the baby is born okay now this is where raspberry leaf tea really shines S0py-kedBRy-00039-00021366-00021870 we think let me explain no there is too much let me sum up raspberry leaf tea is believed S0py-kedBRy-00040-00021870-00022422 to tone up the uterus making the womb stronger and ready for labor Midwife Rachel Fitz-Desorgher S0py-kedBRy-00041-00022422-00022944 says by getting really toned up and ready for action in this way a woman is less likely to go S0py-kedBRy-00042-00022944-00023448 past 41 weeks of pregnancy which is a bad thing because that means you're past your due date and S0py-kedBRy-00043-00023448-00023910 things get much tougher at that point raspberry leaf tea is chocolate block full of Fragarine S0py-kedBRy-00044-00023910-00024672 which in addition to helping tone the aforementioned uterus and pelvic muscles S0py-kedBRy-00045-00024672-00025068 can help control bowel movements there are also studies showing that raspberry S0py-kedBRy-00046-00025068-00025572 leaf tea can help facilitate more rhythmic contractions which help to move your labor S0py-kedBRy-00047-00025572-00026058 along but here again is a confusing part some studies showed that it helped by toning but S0py-kedBRy-00048-00026058-00026633 some say that it helps by relaxing which are on the opposite ends of things right foreign S0py-kedBRy-00049-00026904-00027366 luckily there are some experts who say that this is because raspberry leaf tea reacts to S0py-kedBRy-00050-00027366-00027882 what your body needs so if you aren't really strong down the uterus alley then raspberry S0py-kedBRy-00051-00027882-00028362 leaf tea can help tone you up while somebody who's tense or already really fit might very S0py-kedBRy-00052-00028362-00028920 well need the relaxing benefits as you won't always be pregnant or for some of us never S0py-kedBRy-00053-00028920-00029424 will be it's good to note that there are other benefits of raspberry leaf tea as well for PMS S0py-kedBRy-00054-00029424-00029988 it can help with nausea vomiting diarrhea and can decrease the pain of cramps because of its S0py-kedBRy-00055-00029988-00030462 iron content it's also believed that raspberry leaf tea can help combat blood loss in women S0py-kedBRy-00056-00030462-00030989 with heavy flow menstrual cycles sadly most of these benefits are still unproven scientifically S0py-kedBRy-00057-00030989-00031410 but there are many anecdotal stories of women saying it helps them with their PMS symptoms S0py-kedBRy-00058-00031410-00031992 so hopefully it can help you too raspberry leaf tea is often referred to as the women's herb but S0py-kedBRy-00059-00031992-00032442 there's a bevy of other helpful uses and there is some research backing up these other benefits as S0py-kedBRy-00060-00032442-00032904 well for men in particular it's supposed to be extra helpful in maintaining a healthy prostate S0py-kedBRy-00061-00032904-00033450 the European medicines agency has affirmed the idea that raspberry leaf tea can help with spasms S0py-kedBRy-00062-00033450-00034020 during periods mild mouth and throat inflammation and diarrhea there are some stories of people S0py-kedBRy-00063-00034020-00034566 having miscarriages from having raspberry leaf tea too early in their pregnancy but rest assured S0py-kedBRy-00064-00034566-00035088 there isn't any hardcore evidence backing this up yet in fact some research says that if you S0py-kedBRy-00065-00035088-00035610 drink it in the first trimester you can prevent a miscarriage overall if you have a history of or S0py-kedBRy-00066-00035610-00036096 any extensive concerns about a miscarriage you're probably best to lean on the safe side and use it S0py-kedBRy-00067-00036096-00036666 sparingly or not at all that said most research shows that the biggest benefits for raspberry leaf S0py-kedBRy-00068-00036666-00037272 tea start at 32 weeks of pregnancy so the general rule right now is to start with one cup per day S0py-kedBRy-00069-00037272-00037986 at 32 weeks and move up to as many as three cups per day after 35 weeks experts say it's best to S0py-kedBRy-00070-00037986-00038448 avoid raspberry leaf tea if you're having any of these conditions or problems and many of these S0py-kedBRy-00071-00038448-00038946 are pretty specific and don't involve most women the primary side effect of raspberry leaf tea is S0py-kedBRy-00072-00038946-00039408 that it can have laxative properties which can be a really good thing if you're one of those S0py-kedBRy-00073-00039408-00039912 women who's having constipation problems due to pregnancy raspberry leaf tea is also a diuretic S0py-kedBRy-00074-00039912-00040386 which causes increased urination great as if women aren't having enough increased urination S0py-kedBRy-00075-00040386-00040920 during pregnancy other reported side effects have been nausea and increased Braxton Hicks S0py-kedBRy-00076-00040920-00041448 contractions I also found a pair of odd studies that suggested raspberry leaf tea could possibly S0py-kedBRy-00077-00041448-00041958 have multi-generational effects yeah like it could actually affect your grandkids kind of S0py-kedBRy-00078-00041958-00042450 thing and it could even possibly have effects on your baby later in life like growth restrictions S0py-kedBRy-00079-00042450-00042960 both of these studies were done on rats and these are the only studies on this subject so it's still S0py-kedBRy-00080-00042960-00043464 very much up for debate on this possibility as with many herbs raspberry leaf tea can affect S0py-kedBRy-00081-00043464-00043926 other medications so because of this and other potential issues it's always best to consult S0py-kedBRy-00082-00043926-00044412 your doctor and or your Midwife if you're pregnant when looking to drink raspberry leaf tea to learn S0py-kedBRy-00083-00044412-00044868 about another tea that's great during pregnancy watch this video next please be kind take care S0py-kedBRy-00084-00044868-00045402 of each other other and hopefully your babies grow up to be decent loving individuals isn't that nice S2_hXRuCALU-00000-00000000-00000160 FINANZA Y CONTABILIDAD S3Bfj0zGTNU-00000-00000038-00000618 Hello. My name is Wayne Chen. I'm a professor of the Aeronautics S3Bfj0zGTNU-00001-00000618-00000963 Astronautics and Materials Engineering here at the Purdue S3Bfj0zGTNU-00002-00000963-00001797 University. On my research side, I work on experimental impact mechanics S3Bfj0zGTNU-00003-00001797-00002589 where we develop novel experimental techniques trying to explore how S3Bfj0zGTNU-00004-00002589-00003248 materials respond to impact loading. So to apply impact loading in my lab we S3Bfj0zGTNU-00005-00003248-00003903 have a series of Kolsky bars for intermediate strain rate experiments and a S3Bfj0zGTNU-00006-00003903-00004428 high rate we have a gas guns, powder guns. At a lower rate we have towers S3Bfj0zGTNU-00007-00004428-00004622 and MTS machines. S3Bfj0zGTNU-00008-00004622-00005132 Then on the characterization side, we use high-speed S3Bfj0zGTNU-00009-00005132-00005732 cameras. We have a couple of them, 2 million frames per second and 10 million frames S3Bfj0zGTNU-00010-00005732-00006387 per second. We also use the high-speed x-ray images. We take 5 million frames S3Bfj0zGTNU-00011-00006387-00006876 per second x-ray images to see through the material to see how they break up in S3Bfj0zGTNU-00012-00006876-00007493 real time as well as we do the same time the high-speed x-ray S3Bfj0zGTNU-00013-00007493-00008103 diffraction. So if you're interested in impact mechanics or dynamic behavior S3Bfj0zGTNU-00014-00008103-00008641 of materials occurs like it happened with a burning impact on engines, I'll be very S3Bfj0zGTNU-00015-00008641-00009241 happy to talk to you. OK, so welcome to the impact science lab, here at Purdue S3Bfj0zGTNU-00016-00009241-00009865 University. The main tool we use the generate impact loading is a device S3Bfj0zGTNU-00017-00009865-00010483 called the Kolsky bar, which is basically instrument hammer. We have them S3Bfj0zGTNU-00018-00010483-00011119 operating in tension, compression, torsion conditions and the combined S3Bfj0zGTNU-00019-00011119-00011902 tension, compression, torsion and also multi axial compression so we develop S3Bfj0zGTNU-00020-00011902-00012675 all these capability to explore the high rate behavior of materials in the S3Bfj0zGTNU-00021-00012675-00013612 different structures. Here is a set of very small diameter Kolsky bars we S3Bfj0zGTNU-00022-00013612-00014275 actually use these to explore the impact response of materials to very small size S3Bfj0zGTNU-00023-00014275-00015122 the smallest one is a spider silk that's a three micron diameter and we use these S3Bfj0zGTNU-00024-00015122-00015856 equipment to characterize its impact response later we'll show you the larger S3Bfj0zGTNU-00025-00015856-00016383 diameter one so we've worked from the small states as small as the spider silk S3Bfj0zGTNU-00026-00016383-00017454 large as concrete blocks, soft as the very soft tissues to hard as ceramics. So S3Bfj0zGTNU-00027-00017454-00018082 we do impact we study the impact response of the very wide spectrum of S3Bfj0zGTNU-00028-00018082-00018775 materials to explore how things break and how to develop better materials. So S3Bfj0zGTNU-00029-00018775-00019357 this is an example of the larger size Kolsky bar. It has a diameter about 75 S3Bfj0zGTNU-00030-00019357-00020008 millimeters so the bar becomes so heavy that it need to be supported by air S3Bfj0zGTNU-00031-00020008-00020632 bearings so it can move freely while we characterize largest scale materials S3Bfj0zGTNU-00032-00020632-00021175 such as concrete, which would have a large aggregates inside and your sample S3Bfj0zGTNU-00033-00021175-00021710 size will be big. We also have the tension version and the S3Bfj0zGTNU-00034-00021710-00022319 compression version of this large scale Kolsky bars. Well in the lower S3Bfj0zGTNU-00035-00022319-00022829 impact of velocities, we have that equipment is the tower where we S3Bfj0zGTNU-00036-00022829-00023459 drop a weight to hit it on the sample. Most of the equipment here in the lab S3Bfj0zGTNU-00037-00023459-00024041 actually built by my students right here at Purdue. This tower is an S3Bfj0zGTNU-00038-00024041-00024551 exception. We purchased from by a commercial vendor. Right in front it is a S3Bfj0zGTNU-00039-00024551-00025028 very small machine here. This one actually characterized the transverse S3Bfj0zGTNU-00040-00025028-00025676 compression behavior of very small fibers in order for 10 micron diameters, S3Bfj0zGTNU-00041-00025676-00026366 so these are special jigs designed and built by my students to do these are a very S3Bfj0zGTNU-00042-00026366-00026977 challenging characterization model jobs. OK, now we're in the another part of the S3Bfj0zGTNU-00043-00026977-00027635 impact science lab. This is the basement of the Bowen Laboratory at Purdue University S3Bfj0zGTNU-00044-00027635-00028233 where we have equipment for higher speed impact on materials and structures. S3Bfj0zGTNU-00045-00028233-00028970 This is an example. It's a large diameter gas gun. We can shoot S3Bfj0zGTNU-00046-00028970-00029557 projectiles up to 70 millimeter diameter and shoot out at very high S3Bfj0zGTNU-00047-00029557-00030376 velocity. To reach impact velocity higher than the gas gun range we use S3Bfj0zGTNU-00048-00030376-00031135 this powder gun where we use gunpowders to drive the projectiles to go out. So S3Bfj0zGTNU-00049-00031135-00031741 this is the highest velocity impact device that we have here in the lab. This S3Bfj0zGTNU-00050-00031741-00032479 is a very unique piece of Kolsky bar. In addition to axial compression it can S3Bfj0zGTNU-00051-00032479-00033139 simulate the pressure environment at the pressure level about 10 miles under S3Bfj0zGTNU-00052-00033139-00034096 ground before you experience impacting loading. So this is the only university-based equipment in the U.S. S3Bfj0zGTNU-00053-00034096-00034819 This is a unique piece of Kolsky bar equipment. it is over 90 feet long or 30 meters S3Bfj0zGTNU-00054-00034819-00035616 long. We use this to do of intermediate rate experiments. This is a unique piece S3Bfj0zGTNU-00055-00035616-00036261 capability in the world. Another unique feature in this lab is if you see the corridor. S3Bfj0zGTNU-00056-00036261-00036913 These are very long corridors separated by very thick concrete walls. It's S3Bfj0zGTNU-00057-00036913-00037351 perfect for doing experiment impact mechanics research. There's only probably a S3Bfj0zGTNU-00058-00037351-00037873 handful of these labs in this country and this, I think, it's the only one that S3Bfj0zGTNU-00059-00037873-00038349 fit to do experimental impact research S7ethJb7JzQ-00000-00000300-00001201 Tuning the Hope College Accelerator! S9dfKK7a45y-00000-00000000-00000200 Preview S9dfKK7a45y-00001-00004014-00004214 Please subscribe! and push "Like" button. S9dfKK7a45y-00002-00004800-00005948 Today, we will restore headlights of Azera. S9dfKK7a45y-00003-00016009-00017182 I sanded from the edges by my hands. S9dfKK7a45y-00004-00025392-00026481 This operation is the most time-consuming operation in restoring headlights. S9dfKK7a45y-00005-00038856-00039304 It's so hot, S9dfKK7a45y-00006-00039342-00040024 I need to close the door and turn on the air conditioner. S9dfKK7a45y-00007-00060592-00061812 It is polishing to remove scratches. S9dfKK7a45y-00008-00067828-00069027 It is essential to work with IPA before coating. S9dfKK7a45y-00009-00073057-00074181 There are two types of clear coating: Spraying and Smoking. S9dfKK7a45y-00010-00074744-00075926 This method is spray method. S9dfKK7a45y-00011-00085147-00086247 Removing masking tape. S9dfKK7a45y-00012-00089846-00090967 Washing and wiping. S9dfKK7a45y-00013-00093110-00094109 This working is not exchanging. It is restoring. S9dfKK7a45y-00014-00104212-00105210 See you later^^ Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00000-00000180-00000476 Jacob Roloff has never been one to hold back. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00001-00000476-00000892 Not when it comes to fatherhood, not when it comes to politics and not even when it Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00002-00000892-00001309 comes to the negative way he apparently looks at his own loved ones. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00003-00001309-00001821 Earlier this week, the 25-year old jumped on Twitter to lament his financial situation, Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00004-00001821-00002234 making it sound to followers as if he's really struggling in this regard -- and perhaps a Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00005-00002234-00002651 bit regretful that he walked away years ago from Little People, Big World. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00006-00002651-00002946 But not too regretful, Jacob emphasized. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00007-00002946-00003361 Because he doesn't think very highly of those who sign on for reality television. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00008-00003361-00003910 "Did I screw up not selling my soul for TV & ad money?" asked Jacob on this social media Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00009-00003910-00004029 platform, adding: Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00010-00004029-00004416 "Hope not lol but rent is too damn high and I work too damn much. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00011-00004416-00004585 Life is for vibes." Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00012-00004585-00005087 Jacob is married to Isabel Roloff and the couple welcomed its first child, a son named Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00013-00005087-00005262 Mateo, in December. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00014-00005262-00005553 Back in 2016, Roloff quit Little People, Big World... Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00015-00005553-00005921 saying something at the time sort of similar to what he Tweeted above. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00016-00005921-00006422 "For the sake of 'the episode' and ratings I've seen a lot of STORYLINES drawn up (loosely) Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00017-00006422-00006764 about our lives," Jacob said way back then, adding: Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00018-00006764-00007172 "And when I was standing here, behind the scenes and watching it from an outside perspective Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00019-00007172-00007397 I just couldn't stop laughing." Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00020-00007397-00007611 Why was Jacob reacting this way? Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00021-00007611-00008077 "Laughing at how hard the producers have to try to get us to follow the talking points, Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00022-00008077-00008396 and at how ridiculous the talking points are." Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00023-00008396-00008631 Roloff concluded at the time by saying bluntly: Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00024-00008631-00008914 "The family that is filmed is not my family. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00025-00008914-00009353 They are the Roloff Characters and I have scarcely anything in common with them, nor Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00026-00009353-00009643 do I want to be a character myself." Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00027-00009643-00010116 Jacob was trashing his family as phonies back then, although he later walked back the remarks Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00028-00010116-00010216 to some extent. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00029-00010216-00010593 “I don’t want people to think that I’m living in a resentful sort of way towards Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00030-00010593-00010693 the show... Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00031-00010693-00010988 I’ve moved on from it,” Roloff said in May 2017. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00032-00010988-00011453 “It’s just a natural progression of leaving the place you came from, moving on away from Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00033-00011453-00011642 home, traveling away from home. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00034-00011642-00011813 Just getting away." Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00035-00011813-00012225 He's also on very good terms these days with his parents and his siblings, often sharing Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00036-00012225-00012625 photos of himself and his nephews and nieces on Instagram. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00037-00012625-00013094 In December 2020, Jacob opened up about a very personal and painful experience that Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00038-00013094-00013529 must have played at least some role in his decision to walk away from the series, as Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00039-00013529-00013834 well as the entertainment industry in general. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00040-00013834-00014231 Jacob said he was molested by a Little People, Big World producer. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00041-00014231-00014918 "By revealing this, I may be more fully understood and my perspective on issues such as child Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00042-00014918-00015262 sexual abuse, child exploitation, and the collateral costs of reality television may Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00043-00015262-00015859 be received more clearly," wrote the youngest of Matt and Amy's kids about 18 months ago. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00044-00015859-00016321 Jacob also took this opportunity to connect what transpired with him to the soul-sucking Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00045-00016321-00016560 nature of reality TV.. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00046-00016560-00016660 Wrote Roloff: Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00047-00016660-00017155 "I continue my own contemplation on the voyeurism involved in the entire enterprise of reality Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00048-00017155-00017640 television -- a massive spectacle of drama and pain and argument and invasion, with a Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00049-00017640-00018083 little joy sprinkled over, that viewers watch completely disassociated from the complex Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00050-00018083-00018436 humans inside the simplistic "characters" they see on TV. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00051-00018436-00018866 "Yet, there is no inherent causal connection between reality television production and Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00052-00018866-00018966 childhood trauma. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00053-00018966-00019482 "We are still sprinting ahead with the enterprise deaf, dumb, and blind, asking for forgiveness Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00054-00019482-00019852 later, instead of asking harder preliminary questions of ourselves. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00055-00019852-00020073 "The profits were indeed sweet. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00056-00020073-00020306 The actual experience was more complicated." Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00057-00020306-00020688 As you can see, Jacob has many feelings about this genre. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00058-00020688-00021169 Sadly, he has a very understandable reason for thinking this way, too. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00059-00021169-00021624 To conclude his message on this topic in late 2020, Roloff said that he doesn't blame his Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00060-00021624-00021921 family members at all for what happened, writing: Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00061-00021921-00022341 It must finally be emphasized that all fault lies with the predator, and no fault lies Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00062-00022341-00022499 with any of my family. Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00063-00022499-00022877 I am certain that this is a positive moment for me, and another step toward a brighter Sq_BwcZP_FQ-00064-00022877-00023372 future. Sw984707ptE-00000-00000052-00000384 Ruger 10/22 video check it out Sw984707ptE-00001-00001628-00001752 "Merica! Sw984707ptE-00002-00002276-00002788 This is our Ruger 10/22 video for the 10 guns that everybody should own. This Ruger Sw984707ptE-00003-00002789-00003241 10/22 pretty much sets the bar for a 22 automatic rifle. It's kind of the Sw984707ptE-00004-00003241-00003589 standard that everybody else goes by. There's some other brands out there Sw984707ptE-00005-00003589-00004046 obviously that make semi-automatic 22s but I would imagine that very few of Sw984707ptE-00006-00004046-00004630 them sell anywhere near as many guns as this one. Why is it called a 10/22? It is a Sw984707ptE-00007-00004630-00005186 magazine-fed you can see the opening there on the bottom it's a magazine fed Sw984707ptE-00008-00005186-00005839 22 that takes these little 10 round rotary box magazines. That is what makes Sw984707ptE-00009-00005839-00006670 it a 10/22 is that magazine type. Why should everybody have one of these well Sw984707ptE-00010-00006670-00007241 everybody needs a 22 they need it for plinking and target practice that's Sw984707ptE-00011-00007241-00007625 cheap. You can use it on just about any small game in North America so it's a Sw984707ptE-00012-00007625-00007978 great caliber to have. It's a good little survival gun you can carry a lot of ammo Sw984707ptE-00013-00007978-00008591 if you're a bug-out prepper type person. They come in every type you can imagine Sw984707ptE-00014-00008591-00009077 they come like this is a stainless and laminate they come in black plastic with Sw984707ptE-00015-00009077-00009584 with the black barrel they come wood with a black barrel they come in all Sw984707ptE-00016-00009584-00010036 sorts of heavy barrel tactical stuff and just every configuration you imagine. Sw984707ptE-00017-00010036-00010372 There's vendor specials with pistol grips and things like that. They're Sw984707ptE-00018-00010372-00010766 heavily accessorized everything that you can imagine you can get for this gun Sw984707ptE-00019-00010766-00011375 different stocks and barrels and and sights and scope mounts and pistol grips Sw984707ptE-00020-00011375-00011789 and magazines. Everything you could possibly think of you can get for it. Sw984707ptE-00021-00011789-00012289 They're great shooting little guns they they're very very accurate as you'll see Sw984707ptE-00022-00012289-00012775 in our shooting videos and of course like I said everybody needs a 22. So Sw984707ptE-00023-00012775-00013100 that's the reason why you should probably pick up one of these they're Sw984707ptE-00024-00013100-00013505 not very expensive they range from about you can get them as low as 200 bucks or Sw984707ptE-00025-00013505-00013984 so used. A new one is probably closer to 300 and then they've got all sorts of Sw984707ptE-00026-00013984-00014369 other fancier models that you can spend more on. I know some custom guys that have Sw984707ptE-00027-00014369-00014690 spent a ton of money on on upgrading theirs and that sort of thing because Sw984707ptE-00028-00014690-00015269 they're so feature-rich. So that in a nutshell is why we put it on the list Sw984707ptE-00029-00015269-00015587 you should probably pick one up for yourself if you don't have one it's Sw984707ptE-00030-00015587-00015738 certainly worth getting. Sw984707ptE-00031-00015860-00016136 All right I'm running my 10/22 we got some kind of hit Sw984707ptE-00032-00016136-00016576 or miss ammo on it but we're gonna try to shoot some of these tomatoes down here. Sw984707ptE-00033-00019634-00019774 That was a big explosion. Sw984707ptE-00034-00020164-00020326 All right, we'll move to the third one. Sw984707ptE-00035-00020756-00020892 That was cool. Sw984707ptE-00036-00021696-00022090 Fun! All right, I'm gonna put a couple on the target. Sw984707ptE-00037-00023048-00023212 Quick reload. Sw984707ptE-00038-00023266-00023506 We've got our little 10 round magazine Sw984707ptE-00039-00026727-00027012 Wow this is horrible ammo. Sw984707ptE-00040-00029683-00030726 All right, so I will say this. Do not use federal value pack 22lr ammo. Sw984707ptE-00041-00030726-00031080 It's not very good stuff. Sw984707ptE-00042-00031083-00031292 Let's go see how it shot. Sw984707ptE-00043-00031486-00032980 All right, tomato carnage everywhere big messy tomato mess. Looks pretty cool. Alright so Sw984707ptE-00044-00032980-00033532 here's the ammo like I was talking about my hold was very very consistent I was Sw984707ptE-00045-00033532-00034216 holding on here and even if you should expect to see it much tighter than that Sw984707ptE-00046-00034216-00034831 especially with the 22. Those 10/22s are more accurate than that. So Sw984707ptE-00047-00034831-00035314 that's how it ended up working out I was definitely I had a pretty good rest so I Sw984707ptE-00048-00035314-00035662 don't think much of that was me there's not a lot of trigger jerk in that gun Sw984707ptE-00049-00035662-00036136 and I can usually tell on a rifle if I'm moving it much and and I don't think I Sw984707ptE-00050-00036136-00036685 really was I can be wrong but I think that's more ammo than anything so there Sw984707ptE-00051-00036685-00037174 you go that's the 10/22. It's a fun shooting little rifle not uh not a lot Sw984707ptE-00052-00037174-00037624 of recoil. Lots and lots of parts and things available out there in the real Sw984707ptE-00053-00037624-00038266 world it's just a great gun to have. So anyway, if you don't own a 10/22 I would Sw984707ptE-00054-00038266-00038703 suggest going out and picking one up pick one up for your kids whatever so Sw984707ptE-00055-00038703-00038996 that's the story y'all have a good one. Sw984707ptE-00056-00039130-00039354 Guys it's about a week later I couldn't Sw984707ptE-00057-00039355-00039934 stand that group I got out of that 10/22 the last video. I was pretty upset with Sw984707ptE-00058-00039934-00040327 the way that that worked I shoot better than that with a 10/22 and Sw984707ptE-00059-00040327-00040690 the gun shoots better than that as well. So what happened during this week is Sw984707ptE-00060-00040690-00041179 that I had a nikon rimfire scope come in this one's a three to nine they come in Sw984707ptE-00061-00041179-00041578 four to twelve but I had one coming in there about 150 to $200 scope retail Sw984707ptE-00062-00041578-00041947 like 189 on the 4 to 14 and like 150 or so on the Sw984707ptE-00063-00041947-00042473 3 to 9. They're great little scopes they got a BDC reticle so I swapped that out Sw984707ptE-00064-00042473-00043058 on the gun and then I put on, I started using CCI mini mag ammo instead of that Sw984707ptE-00065-00043058-00043958 cheap ammo and here's what ended up happening. That is more of what you Sw984707ptE-00066-00043958-00044705 should expect out of a 10/22 that little spot next to the bulls are there that is Sw984707ptE-00067-00044705-00045095 about a 10 round group don't pay any attention to those 3 strays that's what Sw984707ptE-00068-00045095-00045521 I was kind of messing around some but once I dialed it in and started actually Sw984707ptE-00069-00045521-00046016 shooting the target that is about a 10 round group maybe 9 rounds I can't Sw984707ptE-00070-00046016-00046355 remember I may have had one not in the mag. But one way or another that's a 9 or Sw984707ptE-00071-00046355-00046793 10 round group under the size of about a quarter and that is what you should Sw984707ptE-00072-00046793-00047113 expect out of those guns that's the kind of performance I've had in the past Sw984707ptE-00073-00047113-00047686 these are great little rifles. Sw984707ptE-00074-00047850-00048416 So that's the update I just wanted to let that let Sw984707ptE-00075-00048416-00048761 that be known that those guns do a lot better than that I wasn't satisfied with Sw984707ptE-00076-00048761-00049157 that group and I wanted you guys to see it as well so y'all have a good one Sw984707ptE-00077-00049157-00049324 we'll catch up with you next time. Sw984707ptE-00078-00049388-00049634 Hey guys it's Mister Guns. Thanks for watching Sw984707ptE-00079-00049634-00049976 our video if you thought it was cool go ahead and like and subscribe we should Sw984707ptE-00080-00049976-00050414 have a bunch of cool stuff coming in the future too or follow us on Facebook and Sw984707ptE-00081-00050414-00050825 Instagram if you just want to get good gun deals or see what we got going on Sw984707ptE-00082-00050825-00051194 the links will be in the descriptions below so thanks for watching the video Sw984707ptE-00083-00051194-00051555 and we hope you'll follow us in the future. SwYsAH0P6Fg-00000-00000058-00000220 speack english SwYsAH0P6Fg-00001-00000220-00000291 speack english SwYsAH0P6Fg-00002-00000291-00000491 speack english SwYsAH0P6Fg-00003-00000491-00000541 speack english SwYsAH0P6Fg-00004-00000572-00000772 speack english SwYsAH0P6Fg-00005-00000772-00000822 speack english SwYsAH0P6Fg-00006-00000884-00001093 Speack SwYR-oYRDGu-00000-00000024-00000592 Separation ansatz. This is sometimes called the product ansatz for reasons we will soon SwYR-oYRDGu-00001-00000592-00001216 understand. This method is suitable for partial differential equations of arbitrary order. SwYR-oYRDGu-00002-00001288-00001752 This solving method is only used to transform a partial differential equation SwYR-oYRDGu-00003-00001752-00002296 into several ordinary differential equations and then to solve them with other methods. SwYR-oYRDGu-00004-00002400-00002728 Let us illustrate this method directly with an example. SwYR-oYRDGu-00005-00002800-00003215 Let's take a look at the one-dimensional wave equation for an electric field. SwYR-oYRDGu-00006-00003296-00003615 The function we are looking for is the electric field E. SwYR-oYRDGu-00007-00003688-00004360 This depends on the position x and on the time t. Since the function depends on two variables SwYR-oYRDGu-00008-00004360-00004832 and their derivatives appear in the equation, it is a partial differential equation. SwYR-oYRDGu-00009-00004912-00005504 Here we make a product ansatz for the searched solution E: E is equal to R times U. SwYR-oYRDGu-00010-00005600-00006320 We assume that the solution E can be split into a product of two functions that we call R and U. SwYR-oYRDGu-00011-00006392-00007023 One function R, depends only on x. And the other function U, depends only on t. SwYR-oYRDGu-00012-00007112-00007608 In the wave equation, we have a second derivative of E with respect to location SwYR-oYRDGu-00013-00007608-00008344 x and a second derivative with respect to time t. Differentiating the product ansatz with respect SwYR-oYRDGu-00014-00008344-00009128 to x yields "U times the second derivative of R with respect to x", since U is independent of x SwYR-oYRDGu-00015-00009128-00009888 and thus acts like a constant. In contrast, in the derivative of the product with respect to time t, SwYR-oYRDGu-00016-00009888-00010376 the function R acts like a constant because it does not depend on t. SwYR-oYRDGu-00017-00010496-00010848 The goal now is to separate everything that depends on SwYR-oYRDGu-00018-00010848-00011464 x from what depends on t. For this we divide this equation by R times U. SwYR-oYRDGu-00019-00011944-00012544 Thus we have achieved that everything that depends on x is on the left side and everything that SwYR-oYRDGu-00020-00012544-00013216 depends on t is on the right side. If you manage to separate a partial differential equation this SwYR-oYRDGu-00021-00013216-00013936 way, then the separation ansatz was successful. Now we can vary x on the left side without SwYR-oYRDGu-00022-00013936-00014584 changing the right side, because there is no x on the right side. The same is true for the time t. SwYR-oYRDGu-00023-00014584-00015080 If we vary the time on the right side, the left side remains unchanged, SwYR-oYRDGu-00024-00015080-00015800 because there is no time t. Thus both sides must be constant. So let usset the left SwYR-oYRDGu-00025-00015800-00016472 and the right side equal to a constant K. Thus we have transformed a partial differential SwYR-oYRDGu-00026-00016472-00017056 equation into two ordinary differential equations. And the good thing is that the SwYR-oYRDGu-00027-00017056-00017656 two differential equations are not coupled. That means: you can solve them independently SwYR-oYRDGu-00028-00017656-00018144 and then multiply the solutions like in the product ansatz to get the general solution SwYR-oYRDGu-00029-00018144-00018672 for the partial differential equation. You can solve the two ordinary differential SwYR-oYRDGu-00030-00018672-00019736 equations with the exponantial ansatz you learned before. Sy5uMVxsvTy-00000-00001143-00001543 Hi Guys I am Azmain And Welcome to my channel "thisisazmain" Sy5uMVxsvTy-00001-00002010-00002410 So,Some Days Ago I think that will be yesterday or 2 days ago Sy5uMVxsvTy-00002-00002600-00003000 My parents have given this headset as a gift for me Sy5uMVxsvTy-00003-00003000-00003400 I need a headphone for the purpose of gaming Sy5uMVxsvTy-00004-00003490-00003890 Now the days game means to the most popular game name Free fire or PUBG MOBILE Sy5uMVxsvTy-00005-00003916-00004063 So,As a gift I have received it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00006-00004096-00004356 Todays Video We are going to unpacking it means unboxing it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00007-00004356-00004489 so guys, Sy5uMVxsvTy-00008-00004493-00004889 At my mind that,this headphone is for the the all types of Gaming creator or gamers of Bangladesh Sy5uMVxsvTy-00009-00004890-00005503 Means,this high quality headset is for all that men who creates the gaming videos Sy5uMVxsvTy-00010-00005503-00005993 This Headset is from "Havit" so I think you can see the name on the box Sy5uMVxsvTy-00011-00005993-00006533 and guys the name of this headset is "Gamenote" Sy5uMVxsvTy-00012-00006533-00007173 Which you can check on the box and guys I think that you are visiting it in reverse beacause I am not sure on it.. Sy5uMVxsvTy-00013-00007173-00007736 I will give the whole description on the description box bellow Sy5uMVxsvTy-00014-00007736-00008136 Means How to purchase this and where to purchase it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00015-00008136-00008466 at today I will tell you the price of because of Sy5uMVxsvTy-00016-00008466-00008776 at time this material prices are can be variated Sy5uMVxsvTy-00017-00008776-00009973 If I told the price like anything then next time if the price got down or high then I will be a cheat Sy5uMVxsvTy-00018-00009973-00010473 so at that time i can tell you the real price of it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00019-00010473-00011059 so you will get a link on the description for online purchasing Sy5uMVxsvTy-00020-00011060-00011563 you can easily purchase it from daraz or grameen computer shop Sy5uMVxsvTy-00021-00011563-00012263 so today i will unbox the Headset and there is nothing on the box for using any type of cutter it is simple to unbox it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00022-00012263-00013163 just simply you can open it by me and then you have to unlock the paper lock too Sy5uMVxsvTy-00023-00013163-00013563 after opening this ohhh we got the real thing means our headset Sy5uMVxsvTy-00024-00013563-00014063 so let's pull out the full box of ours Sy5uMVxsvTy-00025-00014653-00015053 so there is nothing on this box without it you can see that Sy5uMVxsvTy-00026-00015053-00015549 then we got our wanting face means our favorite headphones Sy5uMVxsvTy-00027-00015550-00016250 so guys this thing have given to me by the havit company and you can see that there is showing the havit name if the focus actually worked Sy5uMVxsvTy-00028-00016250-00016950 I will read this thing there are showing some services mails and the purchasing date and the model number Sy5uMVxsvTy-00029-00016950-00017936 so there is nothing written same as online purchasing and I have buy this thing from the nearest computer shop of me Sy5uMVxsvTy-00030-00018143-00018543 So Especially thanks to them to gifting me this type of awesome thing Sy5uMVxsvTy-00031-00018783-00019183 So let's go back to the topic and you can see the headphone of ours so let's open it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00032-00019183-00019783 there is nothing on it just the headphones and the wars nothing more that Sy5uMVxsvTy-00033-00019783-00020483 and there is some lights on the outer part of the headphones and ooo the headphones have fall down from me Sy5uMVxsvTy-00034-00020483-00020883 and there is a logo of havit company that's all Sy5uMVxsvTy-00035-00020883-00021483 and there is 3 plug which are a usb and others are input and output device connecting plugs Sy5uMVxsvTy-00036-00021483-00021986 to your help there is an earphone cable too to connect it with mobile Sy5uMVxsvTy-00037-00021986-00022686 and there is nothing on this box too and this box can be use as a stand for the headphone Sy5uMVxsvTy-00038-00022686-00023386 and I will show the whole uses of this plugs so don't worry Sy5uMVxsvTy-00039-00023386-00023986 so let's put it on side and also the stand Sy5uMVxsvTy-00040-00023986-00024686 so I have got a warranty card from havit for this headset which we can use at time of it's bad condition Sy5uMVxsvTy-00041-00024686-00025286 and there are some waretation too which we will read later Sy5uMVxsvTy-00042-00025286-00025686 or that's not facts on the headphone Sy5uMVxsvTy-00043-00025686-00026086 so let's get that box of headphone of gamenote Sy5uMVxsvTy-00044-00026086-00026486 and let's put it again as same as i got Sy5uMVxsvTy-00045-00026870-00027270 So there are something written at the box which you can see on the screen Sy5uMVxsvTy-00046-00027270-00028270 so I am reading it for you..so it's speaker is 40mm means this things is speaker Sy5uMVxsvTy-00047-00028270-00029230 and the sensitivity is 110db+-20db so you can check it when you will buy it by ownself Sy5uMVxsvTy-00048-00029230-00029966 because this headphone is best for the gaming and on the budget also Sy5uMVxsvTy-00049-00029966-00030666 I don't know the price of it because i have received it as a gift and we can't know the gift price Sy5uMVxsvTy-00050-00030666-00031566 so you can find on the description bellow and the model no is HV-h2213d Sy5uMVxsvTy-00051-00031566-00032266 and there is nothing and there is just a warrantee card for it nothing more that Sy5uMVxsvTy-00052-00032266-00032966 and you can see there is the official website link of havit company Sy5uMVxsvTy-00053-00032966-00033666 so you can easily check on the havit.hk website for the further information Sy5uMVxsvTy-00054-00033666-00034566 and guys there is problem of it first i plugging it form my laptop and then i will show the problem of it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00055-00034886-00035586 after plugging it the headphone is looking awesome you can see that Sy5uMVxsvTy-00056-00035586-00036286 now this headphone is looking awesome and i am very exciting to wear it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00057-00036406-00037306 and there are some wars and now first let's open the wars and then the wars are so long for the help of long places Sy5uMVxsvTy-00058-00037306-00037506 let's wear the headphone Sy5uMVxsvTy-00059-00038610-00039310 so guys this is a awesome headphone and there is a system to adjust it on the head of yours Sy5uMVxsvTy-00060-00040456-00041056 and you can see the sponge means the guard of you ear so that you ear can be safe on the long use Sy5uMVxsvTy-00061-00041056-00041756 as I don't know about it after using I have got the real idea of it and you can use it at long time means 3 to 5 hours at a time Sy5uMVxsvTy-00062-00044400-00045400 so the problem is that the usb cable is not useful to you because this is use on the lights only Sy5uMVxsvTy-00063-00045400-00046400 we can't use the usb cable because the havit company have not make any type of driver for it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00064-00046400-00047100 this is one of the bad thing for the awesome headphone Sy5uMVxsvTy-00065-00047100-00048100 If you use this on the mobile then the light will not work it is just for pc and laptop otherwise the input and output devices will not work Sy5uMVxsvTy-00066-00048100-00048500 the speaker will not work Sy5uMVxsvTy-00067-00048790-00050023 If you want to get that you have to connect the light green plug on the pc mobile laptop Sy5uMVxsvTy-00068-00050676-00051376 if you are thinking that Have i got anything from the company of havit? as i tell you that this thing have gifted to me by my parents so Sy5uMVxsvTy-00069-00051376-00051876 as a gift i have received it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00070-00052040-00052840 so I don't wish anything from this company because my channel is not a professional channel for advertising anything Sy5uMVxsvTy-00071-00053063-00053473 so in a word if you are finding a headphone for gaming then this is the perfect for you and it is in budget too Sy5uMVxsvTy-00072-00053473-00054073 you can easily collect it form the online or offline you can easily collect it from offline nearest computer shop Sy5uMVxsvTy-00073-00054073-00054436 you have just to tell the name of the headphone like gamenote or havit Sy5uMVxsvTy-00074-00054436-00055046 havit gamenote HV-h2213d Sy5uMVxsvTy-00075-00055270-00055670 I will give the all information on the description bellow you can copy there and search on the google for anything you want Sy5uMVxsvTy-00076-00055670-00055970 like what is the price of it on bd or where can we find it on online Sy5uMVxsvTy-00077-00055970-00056670 so guys if you wants to check the test of it then I will test you also for you Sy5uMVxsvTy-00078-00056670-00057070 with the gaming and the music Sy5uMVxsvTy-00079-00057296-00057696 so let's try for the tests Sy5uMVxsvTy-00080-00057770-00058170 so today we will go to test quality of the microphone on the headphone Sy5uMVxsvTy-00081-00058356-00058756 this part of video i have recorded using this microphone and without any type of editing i will present it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00082-00058756-00059256 and I don't know the quality of it i will get it when i will edit the video Sy5uMVxsvTy-00083-00059476-00060676 and guys it feels better then the mini mic and it's quality is more good then the other ones Sy5uMVxsvTy-00084-00060966-00061366 so those things which you can hear this is recorded from this mic Sy5uMVxsvTy-00085-00061366-00061766 and if you want to see the speaker quality then i will play a music for it Sy5uMVxsvTy-00086-00061846-00062246 so i am playing a music S_fc75wAARc-00000-00000000-00000493 Black Screen Butterfly S_zoYdjRYQk-00000-00000032-00000680 my latest post has passed five likes after a few hours. this is rare, and S_zoYdjRYQk-00001-00000680-00001000 only about five of my posts have ever done this before, S_zoYdjRYQk-00002-00001064-00001568 so i'll make some new ones quickly in just a couple of minutes so that you'll know exactly S_zoYdjRYQk-00003-00001568-00002168 what's happened. also, we sometimes make a video if our post passes five or more likes. S_aqi82GOwQ-00000-00000047-00000319 Hello, I'm Toni S_aqi82GOwQ-00001-00000320-00000621 I'm making this intro video S_aqi82GOwQ-00002-00000622-00000888 as an new series S_aqi82GOwQ-00003-00000888-00001156 actually I already started shooting it S_aqi82GOwQ-00004-00001156-00001416 I'm gona review vintage cameras & lenses S_aqi82GOwQ-00006-00001842-00002410 a lot of information I gathered about those and I experimented a lot of options S_aqi82GOwQ-00007-00002410-00002500 how to adapt those lenses S_aqi82GOwQ-00008-00002560-00002862 on new modern and digital cameras S_aqi82GOwQ-00009-00002862-00002942 and what are the advantages S_aqi82GOwQ-00010-00003002-00003311 which mounts and lenses to consider S_aqi82GOwQ-00011-00003370-00003600 what type of effects you can get from each S_aqi82GOwQ-00012-00003636-00003915 lots of info... S_aqi82GOwQ-00013-00003915-00004082 we're gona discuss photography related subjects S_aqi82GOwQ-00014-00004094-00004278 editing tips and tricks S_aqi82GOwQ-00016-00004676-00004922 photography and videography as well S_aqi82GOwQ-00017-00004982-00005282 more subjects to come in the future S_aqi82GOwQ-00018-00005282-00005480 if you have any type of lenses or cameras S_aqi82GOwQ-00020-00005594-00005892 that you want to know more about S_aqi82GOwQ-00021-00005892-00006132 please mention them in the comments down below S_aqi82GOwQ-00022-00006132-00006445 hopefully to be able to get you those informations S_aqi82GOwQ-00023-00006458-00006558 in Arabic S_aqi82GOwQ-00024-00006580-00006864 as I noticed there is shortage in this type of info in Arabic S_aqi82GOwQ-00025-00006876-00007178 I suffered a bit to find those type of info S_aqi82GOwQ-00026-00007178-00007302 maybe I can make it easier for you SAHvlr-Gzmg-00000-00000000-00000200 Princess Lula's Advices. SAHvlr-Gzmg-00001-00000200-00000400 Episode 8: Have Fun During Easter SAHvlr-Gzmg-00002-00000534-00000698 Oooh! Hello, my darlings. SAHvlr-Gzmg-00003-00000700-00001014 Welcome to Princess Lula's Advices. SAHvlr-Gzmg-00004-00001116-00001476 As you can see, there's plenty of stuff on my table. SAHvlr-Gzmg-00005-00001478-00001766 Paint colors, some eggs, some... SAHvlr-Gzmg-00006-00001820-00002016 ...here, some brushes. SAHvlr-Gzmg-00007-00002038-00002170 What's all this? SAHvlr-Gzmg-00008-00002204-00002424 Well, you have to know that this year... SAHvlr-Gzmg-00009-00002424-00002826 ...covid-19 has affected Imperial Easter a lot. SAHvlr-Gzmg-00010-00002918-00003322 But even then, we have to keep traditions alive. SAHvlr-Gzmg-00011-00003332-00003424 Yeah! SAHvlr-Gzmg-00012-00003442-00003929 In some countries, it is a tradition to paint eggs. SAHvlr-Gzmg-00013-00003940-00004232 I've been working all the morning. SAHvlr-Gzmg-00014-00004244-00004756 I have to show you the eggs I already painted... SAHvlr-Gzmg-00015-00004770-00004962 ...of Princess Lula. SAHvlr-Gzmg-00016-00005018-00005122 That's me! SAHvlr-Gzmg-00017-00005184-00005466 And Churraska. Smooch, smooch, smooch! SAHvlr-Gzmg-00018-00005542-00005812 By the way... Churraska! SAHvlr-Gzmg-00019-00005880-00006006 (Princess Lula) Churraska! SAHvlr-Gzmg-00020-00006118-00006382 Churraska! Churraska! SAHvlr-Gzmg-00021-00006402-00006578 (Princess Lula) Come here, so that I can paint your eggs! SAHvlr-Gzmg-00022-00006578-00006666 What??! SAHvlr-Gzmg-00023-00006873-00007394 So, my darlings, do fun stuff during Imperial Easter! SAHvlr-Gzmg-00024-00007426-00007544 Smooch, smooch, smooch! Oh! SAHvlr-Gzmg-00025-00008386-00008694 Churraska! Bring me your-- SEZrOJaY_ho-00000-00000000-00000200 This is my website where I sell my product. Easy to use, easy to wear. Speaks for you when you can't speak for yourself. Support local please. This is innovative. Why not visit medicalusb.co.za Thank you SF-pUkXKb2E-00000-00000016-00000074 Hello all, SF-pUkXKb2E-00001-00000074-00000124 Korean Tarzan here! SF-pUkXKb2E-00002-00000142-00000240 I'm sure you've all watched SF-pUkXKb2E-00003-00000240-00000350 one of the first videos on this channel, SF-pUkXKb2E-00004-00000350-00000550 "[Monthly Challenge]: Waking up at 6am every day for a month" SF-pUkXKb2E-00005-00000550-00000688 You've all watched it, right!? :") SF-pUkXKb2E-00006-00000688-00000848 Now that it's 2019 SF-pUkXKb2E-00007-00000860-00000968 (aka gaining another year of life in Korean age) SF-pUkXKb2E-00008-00000968-00001018 anyways, SF-pUkXKb2E-00009-00001018-00001150 upgrading from last year's challenge, SF-pUkXKb2E-00010-00001150-00001280 for a month SF-pUkXKb2E-00011-00001280-00001486 I decided to wake up at 5am every day SF-pUkXKb2E-00012-00001486-00001896 from Nov.26.2018 to Dec.25.2018, SF-pUkXKb2E-00013-00001902-00002130 I woke up at 5am every day for a month SF-pUkXKb2E-00014-00002142-00002238 Whether I woke up, SF-pUkXKb2E-00015-00002242-00002348 What I did after waking up, SF-pUkXKb2E-00016-00002350-00002454 Whether there were days I couldn't wake up, SF-pUkXKb2E-00017-00002474-00002664 let's all dive into it! SF-pUkXKb2E-00019-00003232-00003388 I managed to wake up at 5am! SF-pUkXKb2E-00020-00003668-00003878 It's a little past 6am, SF-pUkXKb2E-00021-00003878-00004132 the gym I go to opens at 6am SF-pUkXKb2E-00022-00004132-00004518 so I set another goal to go to the gym at 6am SF-pUkXKb2E-00024-00006212-00006434 Made rice SF-pUkXKb2E-00025-00006520-00006658 & now off to work out! SF-pUkXKb2E-00026-00008234-00008466 Going to the gym at 6am, again! SF-pUkXKb2E-00027-00008696-00008916 Just got back from working out, SF-pUkXKb2E-00028-00008916-00009054 it's 7 in the morning SF-pUkXKb2E-00029-00009080-00009350 Before this challenge I usually woke up after 7 SF-pUkXKb2E-00030-00009402-00009616 But it's 7 even after a work out SF-pUkXKb2E-00031-00009658-00009828 I must say, I'm pretty proud of myself SF-pUkXKb2E-00032-00010400-00010714 When you're feeling under the weather, there's nothing better than a glass of cold water SF-pUkXKb2E-00033-00010716-00011014 Time to get going even on a Saturday morning! SF-pUkXKb2E-00034-00011290-00011390 Nice!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00035-00011438-00011736 It's been a week on this challenge SF-pUkXKb2E-00036-00011736-00011916 Tbh it's been pretty tiring SF-pUkXKb2E-00037-00011916-00012182 And not the easiest thing to do waking up at 5am SF-pUkXKb2E-00038-00012186-00012472 But because I've done this challenge waking up at 6am, SF-pUkXKb2E-00039-00012472-00012646 It's not killing me too much SF-pUkXKb2E-00040-00012670-00013069 To maximize my sleep time I've been going to sleep pretty early SF-pUkXKb2E-00041-00013078-00013291 which also helps with this challenge SF-pUkXKb2E-00042-00013291-00013490 Let's get it on with the remainder of 3 weeks! SF-pUkXKb2E-00044-00015218-00015326 Early morning~ SF-pUkXKb2E-00045-00015430-00015541 he wakes up~ SF-pUkXKb2E-00046-00015618-00015895 he wakes up at 5am~ (lol) SF-pUkXKb2E-00047-00015996-00016210 It's been ~10 days since waking up at 5am, SF-pUkXKb2E-00048-00016226-00016388 even after a full 6-hour sleep SF-pUkXKb2E-00049-00016398-00016568 it seems as if I'm still tired SF-pUkXKb2E-00050-00016568-00016802 but it also seems like my body's getting used to it SF-pUkXKb2E-00051-00016802-00016976 When the alarm goes off at 4:55, SF-pUkXKb2E-00052-00016976-00017172 my eyes automatically open SF-pUkXKb2E-00053-00017172-00017350 & I don't go back to sleep afterwards! SF-pUkXKb2E-00054-00017436-00017722 Let's keep this pace/tempo till the end!!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00055-00017722-00017882 (rip what is this high tension) SF-pUkXKb2E-00056-00017882-00018102 Going to the gym at 6am again SF-pUkXKb2E-00057-00018142-00018342 & it's freeeezing SF-pUkXKb2E-00058-00018598-00018832 I had to go meet someone today SF-pUkXKb2E-00059-00018832-00019052 & came back an hour later than usual SF-pUkXKb2E-00060-00019052-00019186 & thus sleeping an hour later SF-pUkXKb2E-00061-00019186-00019464 So just in case I don't wake up on time SF-pUkXKb2E-00062-00019474-00019788 I asked my friend to wake me up SF-pUkXKb2E-00063-00019788-00020086 if he doesn't hear from me in the morning SF-pUkXKb2E-00064-00020148-00020416 time to crunch on some sleep in this short time SF-pUkXKb2E-00065-00020488-00020738 If I wake up on time this time, I'm gonna scream manse (hooray)!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00068-00021148-00021248 manse!!! yay!!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00071-00021568-00021874 I feel like when you tell your friends you're gonna wake up, SF-pUkXKb2E-00072-00021884-00022157 it seems easier to get up SF-pUkXKb2E-00073-00022158-00022258 look at the time!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00074-00022280-00022576 9:40 PM SF-pUkXKb2E-00075-00022576-00022856 The fact that I got ready to sleep before 10PM.. SF-pUkXKb2E-00076-00022856-00023168 I think the last time was probably when I was in elementary SF-pUkXKb2E-00077-00023270-00023564 Waking up at 5am = going to sleep early SF-pUkXKb2E-00078-00023564-00023830 I'll probably feel refreshed tomorrow morning despite the early wake-up time :-) SF-pUkXKb2E-00079-00023846-00024232 I'll see you tomorrow morning early & bright! SF-pUkXKb2E-00081-00025582-00025918 Woke up even on a Saturday morning SF-pUkXKb2E-00083-00026722-00026822 I gotta wake up!!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00084-00026892-00027018 I'll wake up!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00088-00027476-00028024 A lot of people asked whether I take a nap on my 6am video, SF-pUkXKb2E-00089-00028116-00028289 Naps are a must! SF-pUkXKb2E-00090-00028289-00028524 Especially on the weekends SF-pUkXKb2E-00091-00028524-00028830 when I need to recharge for the upcoming week SF-pUkXKb2E-00092-00028830-00029122 with that being said, it's time to take a nap! SF-pUkXKb2E-00094-00029594-00029894 I decided to study Chinese at 5am after waking up SF-pUkXKb2E-00095-00030008-00030354 Studied Chinese for an hour & now off to the gym at 6am! SF-pUkXKb2E-00096-00030392-00030492 freeeezing SF-pUkXKb2E-00098-00032898-00033172 I'm honestly sooo tired today SF-pUkXKb2E-00099-00033620-00033720 dude, what are you doing SF-pUkXKb2E-00100-00033872-00033972 Noooo SF-pUkXKb2E-00101-00034128-00034244 get up!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00102-00034392-00034498 get up!!!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00103-00034848-00035136 And I slept for good two hours after this :-) SF-pUkXKb2E-00104-00035136-00035464 That's us humans, always making mistakes SF-pUkXKb2E-00105-00035464-00035756 I drank too much coffee at work yesterday SF-pUkXKb2E-00106-00035756-00036054 & couldn't quite fall asleep at night SF-pUkXKb2E-00107-00036054-00036294 As much I want to get up early, I should sleep early SF-pUkXKb2E-00108-00036294-00036488 aka I should cut down on my coffee SF-pUkXKb2E-00109-00036488-00036708 & fight through the rest of the challenge! SF-pUkXKb2E-00110-00036756-00036856 let's get it!!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00113-00037602-00037806 The only way to get up in the morning is to... SF-pUkXKb2E-00115-00038134-00038273 literally just get up physically SF-pUkXKb2E-00116-00038344-00038556 Let's fight through this day!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00117-00038612-00038872 My mattress finally arrived after a month!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00119-00039842-00040076 I slept like a baby on this mattress :-) SF-pUkXKb2E-00121-00040232-00040534 Time to get through the next 10 days and today! SF-pUkXKb2E-00122-00040718-00041016 I bought a new weekly planner for the new year SF-pUkXKb2E-00123-00041032-00041428 which I plan on meticulously writing out SF-pUkXKb2E-00124-00041464-00041632 in order to execute my plans SF-pUkXKb2E-00126-00041828-00041950 good night! SF-pUkXKb2E-00128-00042256-00042330 Such a sure thing to say but SF-pUkXKb2E-00129-00042330-00042562 if I hadn't planned out my day SF-pUkXKb2E-00130-00042562-00042712 I would've fallen back asleep SF-pUkXKb2E-00131-00042728-00042964 nor would I have spent my time productively even after waking up early SF-pUkXKb2E-00132-00042974-00043156 Just wanted to reemphasize the importance of planning :) SF-pUkXKb2E-00133-00043274-00043574 Today I worked on my video & came back from working out SF-pUkXKb2E-00134-00043574-00043904 Even after accomplishing two tasks, it's only 7am SF-pUkXKb2E-00135-00043904-00044104 It's one of the moments where waking up at 5am is worth it SF-pUkXKb2E-00137-00046640-00046886 Woke up without a doubt SF-pUkXKb2E-00138-00046886-00047104 I told you a few days ago, right? SF-pUkXKb2E-00139-00047110-00047264 The best way to get up in the morning SF-pUkXKb2E-00140-00047360-00047690 is to physically get up quickly!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00142-00047994-00048118 It's 4:58am SF-pUkXKb2E-00143-00048146-00048344 & look how normal I look at this hour SF-pUkXKb2E-00144-00048344-00048702 I threw an end-of-year party at my place with my friends SF-pUkXKb2E-00145-00048908-00049002 We partied till 5am lol SF-pUkXKb2E-00146-00049022-00049308 I figured it would be better for me to honestly tell you guys SF-pUkXKb2E-00147-00049376-00049552 I'm gonna pull an all nighter to play, SF-pUkXKb2E-00148-00049552-00049756 take a good nap, SF-pUkXKb2E-00149-00049756-00049868 and finish this day off! SF-pUkXKb2E-00150-00049966-00050146 Just a little too bright, huh? SF-pUkXKb2E-00151-00050146-00050384 Yup, woke up way past 5am lol SF-pUkXKb2E-00152-00050404-00050614 We partied a little hardcore yesterday SF-pUkXKb2E-00153-00050614-00050892 & breaking my rhythm of waking up early SF-pUkXKb2E-00154-00050892-00051108 made it essentially impossible to wake up at 5am SF-pUkXKb2E-00155-00051166-00051532 Also I'm back in my hometown to celebrate my grandma's birthday SF-pUkXKb2E-00156-00051574-00051834 Another reason I couldn't wake up early SF-pUkXKb2E-00157-00051834-00052138 is because I didn't set a schedule of things to do SF-pUkXKb2E-00158-00052179-00052538 From now on, I'll go back to the initial mindset I had and restart! SF-pUkXKb2E-00159-00052638-00052738 Fighting!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00160-00053010-00053276 It's been some time, but I woke up on time today! SF-pUkXKb2E-00161-00053850-00054216 It's finally the last day of waking up at 5! SF-pUkXKb2E-00162-00054244-00054438 Merry Christmas, everyone! SF-pUkXKb2E-00163-00054529-00054828 It's time to reflect on how well I woke up at 5am, SF-pUkXKb2E-00164-00054828-00055055 utilize my morning time SF-pUkXKb2E-00165-00055110-00055502 and give my self some feedback on this challenge SF-pUkXKb2E-00166-00055604-00055900 For the past month of waking up at 5am, SF-pUkXKb2E-00167-00055900-00056195 falling back asleep: once SF-pUkXKb2E-00168-00056196-00056444 pulled an all nighter from a party: once SF-pUkXKb2E-00169-00056444-00056714 and lastly, the day I couldn't wake up after the party: once SF-pUkXKb2E-00170-00056714-00057014 Considering the fact that I got up at 5am except for those three instances, SF-pUkXKb2E-00171-00057146-00057396 I'd say it was a successful challenge! (-: SF-pUkXKb2E-00172-00057396-00057790 When I filmed my first challenge of waking up at 6, SF-pUkXKb2E-00173-00057794-00058048 I thought to myself, SF-pUkXKb2E-00174-00058048-00058534 "how productive would my life be if I were to wake up an hour earlier from 6am?" SF-pUkXKb2E-00175-00058672-00058841 That was the motivation for this challenge, SF-pUkXKb2E-00176-00058841-00059002 and why I did it for the past month SF-pUkXKb2E-00177-00059002-00059164 It was actually really satisfying! SF-pUkXKb2E-00178-00059164-00059448 I usually start getting ready for work at 7am SF-pUkXKb2E-00179-00059448-00059648 but I managed to get up 2 hours before that time SF-pUkXKb2E-00180-00059648-00059904 and utilize that much more time to get the day started SF-pUkXKb2E-00181-00059904-00060174 which made my day that much more meaningful and fulfilling SF-pUkXKb2E-00182-00060176-00060276 From waking up at 5am, SF-pUkXKb2E-00183-00060276-00060378 I watched soccer, SF-pUkXKb2E-00184-00060378-00060494 edited some footage, SF-pUkXKb2E-00185-00060494-00060648 self-taught Chinese SF-pUkXKb2E-00186-00060864-00061132 and got to the gym when it opened at 6am SF-pUkXKb2E-00187-00061202-00061586 From this viewpoint, it seems like getting up at 5am is a lot better than 6am SF-pUkXKb2E-00188-00061586-00061788 In fact, SF-pUkXKb2E-00189-00061788-00061946 to be really honest with you guys, SF-pUkXKb2E-00190-00061962-00062382 It felt as if I was wearing something that didn't suit me SF-pUkXKb2E-00191-00062382-00062626 To reiterate, waking up at 5am was great SF-pUkXKb2E-00192-00062648-00062941 Being awake when no one else is, seems great, right? SF-pUkXKb2E-00193-00062941-00063272 But as for me, waking up early and working out SF-pUkXKb2E-00194-00063277-00063583 really burned me out after I got off work SF-pUkXKb2E-00195-00063583-00063895 and couldn't allocate my energy to other things SF-pUkXKb2E-00196-00063895-00064236 I usually need at least 6 hours of sleep SF-pUkXKb2E-00197-00064236-00064532 for me to function and carry out my daily routine SF-pUkXKb2E-00198-00064532-00064776 which means I must be asleep by 11pm SF-pUkXKb2E-00199-00064776-00065091 But I found myself going to sleep usually just tired after work, without doing anything productive SF-pUkXKb2E-00200-00065204-00065514 then waking up at 5am just to repeat the same thing SF-pUkXKb2E-00201-00065748-00066060 Also, waking up at 6am would mean that I would go to sleep by 12pm SF-pUkXKb2E-00202-00066066-00066418 which means I have the leeway to hang out with my friends or coworkers at work SF-pUkXKb2E-00203-00066418-00066644 and work my schedule around it SF-pUkXKb2E-00204-00066696-00066988 However, going to bed at 11pm meant that SF-pUkXKb2E-00205-00066990-00067144 on the days I get home late, SF-pUkXKb2E-00206-00067144-00067444 waking up at 5am made me physically tired SF-pUkXKb2E-00207-00067444-00067744 and in return brought about more negative side effects of waking up early SF-pUkXKb2E-00208-00067744-00067910 I mean, I would still get up SF-pUkXKb2E-00209-00067924-00068140 but still tired and unproductive at night SF-pUkXKb2E-00210-00068160-00068374 where I would just fall asleep right away SF-pUkXKb2E-00211-00068374-00068768 So, speaking from my experience SF-pUkXKb2E-00212-00068904-00069410 Waking up early may not be the most suitable thing for you! SF-pUkXKb2E-00213-00069410-00069626 Don't get me wrong, getting up early is great SF-pUkXKb2E-00214-00069626-00069924 But I didn't do this challenge JUST to get up early SF-pUkXKb2E-00215-00069986-00070172 If it was for that, SF-pUkXKb2E-00216-00070172-00070414 I could easily wake up at 4, or even 3 SF-pUkXKb2E-00217-00070414-00070694 But what I really wanted to get out of this was SF-pUkXKb2E-00218-00070694-00071008 fully utilizing and maximizing my time in the morning SF-pUkXKb2E-00220-00071296-00071520 So as for me, SF-pUkXKb2E-00221-00071520-00071796 I would say getting up at 5 was not as productive/effective SF-pUkXKb2E-00222-00071806-00072012 I would even say that getting up at 6am SF-pUkXKb2E-00223-00072012-00072240 allowed me to fully maximize my time SF-pUkXKb2E-00224-00072240-00072668 where I could work out at night and still utilize my morning effectively SF-pUkXKb2E-00225-00072936-00073056 So with 2019 coming up, SF-pUkXKb2E-00226-00073056-00073464 I plan on getting up at 6am as a solid principle of habit of my life SF-pUkXKb2E-00227-00073626-00073934 as something I would strictly follow SF-pUkXKb2E-00228-00073934-00074078 and see how it takes me from there SF-pUkXKb2E-00229-00074078-00074414 I believe that a lot of you guys are setting new year's resolutions SF-pUkXKb2E-00230-00074414-00074681 and thinking to wake up earlier for the new year SF-pUkXKb2E-00231-00074798-00075014 as I mentioned earlier, SF-pUkXKb2E-00232-00075030-00075262 waking up early is not the best solution SF-pUkXKb2E-00233-00075262-00075560 so I encourage you to try out different times SF-pUkXKb2E-00234-00075560-00075848 it could be 5am or 7am, SF-pUkXKb2E-00235-00075848-00076072 even if it's 8am, it's not a matter of when you wake up, SF-pUkXKb2E-00236-00076072-00076320 but how much you utilize that time in the morning SF-pUkXKb2E-00237-00076320-00076542 and if you're the type to focus better at night, SF-pUkXKb2E-00238-00076542-00076874 you could dedicate your time and energy to SF-pUkXKb2E-00239-00076874-00077050 something more productive at night SF-pUkXKb2E-00240-00077056-00077270 and wake up later in the day SF-pUkXKb2E-00242-00077512-00077800 I hope you can find a time that works and suits you guys best SF-pUkXKb2E-00243-00077800-00077890 Anyways, SF-pUkXKb2E-00244-00077890-00078174 Waking up at 5am was a good experience overall SF-pUkXKb2E-00245-00078174-00078482 so I'm gonna pat myself on the back SF-pUkXKb2E-00246-00078492-00078608 With 2019 coming up, SF-pUkXKb2E-00247-00078608-00078902 I sincerely wish you the best with the new year SF-pUkXKb2E-00248-00079074-00079224 and most importantly, SF-pUkXKb2E-00249-00079224-00079346 health!! SF-pUkXKb2E-00250-00079346-00079546 I hope that you have a healthy year of 2019! SF-pUkXKb2E-00251-00079656-00079980 So this wraps up my monthly challenge of waking up at 5am! SF-pUkXKb2E-00252-00079982-00080200 Korean Tarzan, signing off! Thank you SF-pUkXKb2E-00253-00080504-00080704 Please don't forget to like & subscribe :-) SGbCM_r0JOM-00000-00000016-00000584 so yeah welcome to scaling machine learn machine workflow machine learning workflows with big data SGbCM_r0JOM-00001-00000584-00001088 to big data with view so we're going to start off with a demo presented by han SGbCM_r0JOM-00002-00001088-00001696 in this demo we're going to start out with a small panda size data frame and then we're gonna apply SGbCM_r0JOM-00003-00001696-00002208 some business logic to that and trans and uh and bring that into spark and in the process we're SGbCM_r0JOM-00004-00002208-00002688 gonna see how much of code is needed to bring it to spark how much pandas and spark are different SGbCM_r0JOM-00005-00002688-00003160 from each other and how the fugue opens how the open source library view can help you do this SGbCM_r0JOM-00006-00004072-00004384 change SGbCM_r0JOM-00007-00004504-00004536 okay SGbCM_r0JOM-00008-00005064-00005816 hello everyone my name is han wong and today i'm going to do a quick demo of some very interesting SGbCM_r0JOM-00009-00005816-00006895 features of fugue and i'm going to switch between python code spark code and field code it's okay SGbCM_r0JOM-00010-00006895-00007520 if you are not familiar with with spark and if you cannot follow on the spark part because SGbCM_r0JOM-00011-00007576-00008240 that is just used to compare with fugue and i think the most important thing is just to focus on SGbCM_r0JOM-00012-00008304-00008928 how you solve this problem how intuitive your own expression should be when you want to solve this SGbCM_r0JOM-00013-00008928-00009704 problem okay now let's start the first example is we have a very interesting business logic which i SGbCM_r0JOM-00014-00009704-00010320 guess if you're working a company you will always have some tricky logic where in this logic we have SGbCM_r0JOM-00015-00010320-00010912 we are going to process the data frame and here is the business logic we have four columns a b c SGbCM_r0JOM-00016-00010912-00011520 d they are all strings and for any given row if the number of non-null values is less than 2 then SGbCM_r0JOM-00017-00011520-00012160 we drop the row and then otherwise we concatenate the non-null columns in order and output the value SGbCM_r0JOM-00018-00012160-00012968 as e-column and also keep the original columns right this is not so difficult and the most SGbCM_r0JOM-00019-00012968-00013791 intuitive way to express this logic i think is in this way you should take an iterable of lift as a SGbCM_r0JOM-00020-00013791-00014647 list of values and then yield uh those values when it meets the criteria right this is just python SGbCM_r0JOM-00021-00014647-00015319 code and also this code is very testable so now let's just write as you can see the last two rows SGbCM_r0JOM-00022-00015319-00016047 will be dropped because there are too many nons okay so this is the logic and now let's build some SGbCM_r0JOM-00023-00016136-00016592 sample data for us to work on and you don't have to care about this function SGbCM_r0JOM-00024-00016648-00017256 just look at this data frame so this data frame has four columns a b c d and it has some nones SGbCM_r0JOM-00025-00017256-00018080 right so now the question is very simple how can you apply this function onto this sample data this SGbCM_r0JOM-00026-00018080-00018752 is dependence data frame you know even you know even you use apply you cannot directly use apply SGbCM_r0JOM-00027-00018864-00019304 on this concat on this function you have to do some sort of transformation SGbCM_r0JOM-00028-00019304-00020248 i don't have a i don't put a solution of pandas here because we don't have much time uh but uh SGbCM_r0JOM-00029-00020248-00020912 now let's directly jump in how sphere is solving this problem so remember that the semantic is SGbCM_r0JOM-00030-00020912-00021464 i want to apply that function to that data frame right it's that simple let's see how few consoling SGbCM_r0JOM-00031-00021464-00022120 that so in fugue we just import transform we want to apply this concat function onto SGbCM_r0JOM-00032-00022120-00022888 this pandest data frame and also specify output schema is the existing schema plus a e column so SGbCM_r0JOM-00033-00022888-00023528 that's how field is solving this pandas frame a data frame problem okay now think about that SGbCM_r0JOM-00034-00023880-00024400 but in your real production this data frame can be a spark data frame because you're probably SGbCM_r0JOM-00035-00024456-00025040 processing terabytes of data right so when you want to scale to spark the first thing you need SGbCM_r0JOM-00036-00025040-00025632 to do is just initialize a spark session so here is for simplicity reason i just start SGbCM_r0JOM-00037-00025632-00026232 a local smart session but you always have your own way to get this back session right okay so SGbCM_r0JOM-00038-00026232-00026864 now the question is how can you apply this function to this data frame using spark so SGbCM_r0JOM-00039-00026864-00027512 look at how spark is doing this there are several things first you have to bring in this pd sample SGbCM_r0JOM-00040-00027568-00028495 into spark right and the second the map partitions has to be used on rdd so you have to convert it to SGbCM_r0JOM-00041-00028495-00029344 rdd and map right and in the map partitions it can only take a uterus iterable of rows this row is SGbCM_r0JOM-00042-00029344-00030064 a spark specific class tuple and then you have to do this conversion by yourself so that concat can SGbCM_r0JOM-00043-00030064-00030727 accept this input type right and another thing is after you do all this kind of conversion SGbCM_r0JOM-00044-00030727-00031383 you have to convert back the rdd from front from the rdd to the spark platform and now here SGbCM_r0JOM-00045-00031456-00032183 this is probably the simplest way i'm sorry the simplest way to um it's probably the simplest SGbCM_r0JOM-00046-00032183-00032784 way to describe your schema and i guess a lot of people if using spark you are using a more SGbCM_r0JOM-00047-00032784-00033536 tedious way to describe this especially when the schema is complicated and now you see we solve SGbCM_r0JOM-00048-00033536-00034224 this problem right that's good and it's over 10 lines of code additional boilerplate code but SGbCM_r0JOM-00049-00034224-00034816 think about that this is just one function what if you have a lot of such transformation logics SGbCM_r0JOM-00050-00034816-00035288 how much convert boilerplate code you have to write now let's see how field is solving this SGbCM_r0JOM-00051-00035360-00036256 as you can see in field again it's only the the transform function and now instead of using pd SGbCM_r0JOM-00052-00036256-00036872 sample we just use spark sample and this is not changed we still use concat schema is not SGbCM_r0JOM-00053-00036872-00037408 changed and here we just tell the system okay use spark session to run this transformation SGbCM_r0JOM-00054-00037464-00038200 then this means uh i want you to trans to translate this semantic to sparkle operations and SGbCM_r0JOM-00055-00038200-00039000 to run on smack so it's just one line of code and it can solve that problem and the next example is SGbCM_r0JOM-00056-00039128-00039712 what if i don't even want to convert the original data frame to spark data frame yeah actually you SGbCM_r0JOM-00057-00039712-00040472 can directly say i want to transform this pandas dataframe using this native smart function SGbCM_r0JOM-00058-00040472-00041064 native python function but i want everything happen on spark you can also do this so this SGbCM_r0JOM-00059-00041064-00041688 transformation this conversion data conversion is automatically done uh on the field level SGbCM_r0JOM-00060-00042128-00042936 okay so now let's think about another case what if we have a we have a business SGbCM_r0JOM-00061-00042936-00043584 requirement change uh remember that we had a b c d four columns now for some reason SGbCM_r0JOM-00062-00043672-00044240 the column d no longer exists we don't want column d right so now we create another data SGbCM_r0JOM-00063-00044240-00044960 sample called pd sample 2. and pd sample 2 what if other business logic has not changed SGbCM_r0JOM-00064-00044960-00045592 just just that we we miss one column will that cause any problems actually if you try the SGbCM_r0JOM-00065-00045592-00046288 exactly same thing on spark you will get an exception why because the spark logic look at this SGbCM_r0JOM-00066-00046368-00047240 you have hard-coded too many things it's not flexible enough it cannot um you cannot it cannot SGbCM_r0JOM-00067-00047240-00047856 adapt to this this changing environment right so what you have to do just for this small change SGbCM_r0JOM-00068-00047928-00048664 you have to rewrite your wrapper and you have to rewrite this output schema and so it's SGbCM_r0JOM-00069-00048720-00049312 so in real production you will think oh what should i do should i just is is this worth SGbCM_r0JOM-00070-00049312-00049960 it or not right it's it's it's a struggle to to to make the technical decision right SGbCM_r0JOM-00071-00049960-00050728 but what if we want to apply this fugue so look at this there is no change at all so you still SGbCM_r0JOM-00072-00050728-00051552 can apply this nsa frame with uh without d column and you can still use exactly the same function SGbCM_r0JOM-00073-00051552-00052248 transform function and everything else is the same this is because in field for example the schema SGbCM_r0JOM-00074-00052328-00052912 this kind of expression is very dynamic already and it can be determined it can be determined SGbCM_r0JOM-00075-00052912-00053728 by the input data frame and also for the concat because we have the most intuitive expression so SGbCM_r0JOM-00076-00053816-00054344 it's it's actually column agnostic you can have more columns you can't have less columns SGbCM_r0JOM-00077-00054344-00054784 if other things don't change your functions don't change and feel code don't change SGbCM_r0JOM-00078-00055167-00055872 okay so now let's switch to the second example we want to do machine learning now SGbCM_r0JOM-00079-00056136-00056800 so in the second example we have um we have a data frame with many uh SGbCM_r0JOM-00080-00056800-00057767 categories and for each category it's uh the the features abcde and the value the target the y SGbCM_r0JOM-00081-00057824-00058400 they have a different they have a different relations so meaning that SGbCM_r0JOM-00082-00058632-00059128 ideally you should train those models separately for each category because they are different SGbCM_r0JOM-00083-00059128-00059728 machine learning problems but here now first of all let's just generate that training set SGbCM_r0JOM-00084-00059728-00060512 and let's take a look so this is the training that training data have like 400 and test data we have SGbCM_r0JOM-00085-00060591-00061584 uh several thousand and we have the features um the ground truth and also the category and the SGbCM_r0JOM-00086-00061655-00062288 if it is trained so for trinity is or true right so okay so now first of all let's try to SGbCM_r0JOM-00087-00062288-00062967 train a logistic regression on the entire data set on the entire training data set okay so we train SGbCM_r0JOM-00088-00062967-00063576 this data set uh on the entire data set and also we can write a very simple predictive function SGbCM_r0JOM-00089-00063648-00064232 predictive function on this pandas data frame using this logistic regression model and we can SGbCM_r0JOM-00090-00064232-00064896 get the prediction right so so here is just very simple python functions it has nothing to do with SGbCM_r0JOM-00091-00064896-00065752 spark or anything fancy okay now think about that how can we if if the test data is huge how can SGbCM_r0JOM-00092-00065752-00066432 we apply this predict function to that huge spark data frame okay so if you want to do that in spark SGbCM_r0JOM-00093-00066544-00067176 now you can see that the nasty uh things about spark schemas you have to import a lot of SGbCM_r0JOM-00094-00067176-00067888 like weird uh classes like structure type struct field integer type so look at this code SGbCM_r0JOM-00095-00067888-00068336 what do you do first of all you have to bring in this data frame into spark SGbCM_r0JOM-00096-00068336-00069000 and then you have to you have to construct the schema so in field it's like a star comma the SGbCM_r0JOM-00097-00069000-00069672 new schema but here you have to do things in this way and another thing is when you want to when you SGbCM_r0JOM-00098-00069672-00070360 want to use this predict you cannot directly use predict because in spark in pandas udf SGbCM_r0JOM-00099-00070432-00071264 after 3.2 sorry so after of the spark 3 you have to have this type of function SGbCM_r0JOM-00100-00071320-00071872 to work with pandas udf it has to take a iterator of pentastate frame SGbCM_r0JOM-00101-00071968-00072736 as input and you have to return the iterator open this data frame so so as you can see that SGbCM_r0JOM-00102-00072872-00073552 we have to write a wrapper for this just for this purpose for just for this purpose um and SGbCM_r0JOM-00103-00073552-00074320 and and and in the end you just we you just try to use a select statement to compute the precision SGbCM_r0JOM-00104-00074320-00074992 where this is the sum of two positives and this is the sum of all positive predictions okay so SGbCM_r0JOM-00105-00075528-00076192 as you can see it works right but this code is really tedious and it has a lot of spark SGbCM_r0JOM-00106-00076192-00076848 dependencies right you with this code see how many things you have to import from spark how many how SGbCM_r0JOM-00107-00076848-00077680 many like special data types you have to learn if you want to use mark right but what about fugue so SGbCM_r0JOM-00108-00077680-00078424 again in field it's just two lines the first line is still transform and transform we can directly SGbCM_r0JOM-00109-00078424-00078976 apply on that tested data set no matter it is panda city frame spark data frame dash data frame SGbCM_r0JOM-00110-00079048-00079784 or qdf any data frame netflix supports and then the predict function is just that original SGbCM_r0JOM-00111-00079784-00080480 function right and schema and you can also specify the parameters to passing the the um the SGbCM_r0JOM-00112-00080536-00081240 logistic regression and then spec specify this by section and this the output of this is native SGbCM_r0JOM-00113-00081240-00081688 spark data frames so you can do exactly the same thing here to compute SGbCM_r0JOM-00114-00081688-00082416 to compute the precision so we reduce this whole lot of code to just one line of code SGbCM_r0JOM-00115-00082576-00083400 okay and we get the same result okay then we want to do something that's more interesting so think SGbCM_r0JOM-00116-00083400-00083976 about that as i said for different categories it's actually a different machine learning problem SGbCM_r0JOM-00117-00083976-00084544 what if for different categories we just train a model and then we can apply that specific model SGbCM_r0JOM-00118-00084616-00085472 to the data frame belongs to that category so this is how we do that and first of all let's SGbCM_r0JOM-00119-00085472-00086168 think about python code so first of all given this data frame is a category of training data SGbCM_r0JOM-00120-00086168-00086848 right what do we do it's it's straightforward right so we just return the category name which is SGbCM_r0JOM-00121-00086904-00087512 the first value of this uh category column because this difference all have the same category and SGbCM_r0JOM-00122-00087512-00088160 then the model what is model we just pickle we just pickle this logistic regression model that SGbCM_r0JOM-00123-00088160-00089168 we train on this category of training data right so we return a string and a binary block okay for SGbCM_r0JOM-00124-00089168-00089824 predict category a predicted category when we get a model we get a model which is the output of this SGbCM_r0JOM-00125-00089824-00090616 step we know what is inside right and also this df is the df we want to predict on so it's so here SGbCM_r0JOM-00126-00090616-00091200 we just add an assertion to make sure we don't break anything fig doesn't break anything and SGbCM_r0JOM-00127-00091200-00091928 then here we just pickle loads this um this model just recover this model from this data structure SGbCM_r0JOM-00128-00092000-00092648 and then we just predict on this data frame and assign to the private column right so SGbCM_r0JOM-00129-00092728-00093216 it's just a simple python it has nothing to do with anything else okay now let's see how we SGbCM_r0JOM-00130-00093216-00093864 use fugue to orchestrate these two simple python functions so it's no longer transform and actually SGbCM_r0JOM-00131-00093864-00094496 to be honest transform is just one tiny feature of you it covers a lot more things than just SGbCM_r0JOM-00132-00094496-00095128 uh transform so here we use some more advanced features of you so actually figure is all about SGbCM_r0JOM-00133-00095128-00095832 direct directed acyclic graph so we build a field workflow and we just get the train SGbCM_r0JOM-00134-00095832-00096528 and we predict we partition by category and then we transform using this train uh cat SGbCM_r0JOM-00135-00096632-00097120 right so this is first step so this step we distributed between many many models SGbCM_r0JOM-00136-00097176-00097840 and the second step we just zip this model with this test data set and then SGbCM_r0JOM-00137-00097840-00098488 transform when we transform we just taking this simple function which will take SGbCM_r0JOM-00138-00098488-00099216 two data frames and then we'll operate on that so this is a co-transform field and then in the end SGbCM_r0JOM-00139-00099280-00100024 this is a similar expression like what we did in uh spark but this expression is thermo cognostic SGbCM_r0JOM-00140-00100024-00100984 it can work on pendants it can work on that kind of work on smart work on any execution engine SGbCM_r0JOM-00141-00101232-00101952 so as you can see after we train and predict per category the overall precision is much SGbCM_r0JOM-00142-00101952-00102783 higher than we train a single model on the entire data set it's almost 10 percent up right and now SGbCM_r0JOM-00143-00102783-00103511 the last thing i want to talk about is huge sql field sql is a different way to express your logic SGbCM_r0JOM-00144-00103568-00104296 but it's it the sequel will be translated to these operations uh while you can SGbCM_r0JOM-00145-00104296-00104976 keep your mindset and your semantic or in owing sequel so it's it's perfect SGbCM_r0JOM-00146-00104976-00105711 for sql heavy pipelines where you just need a tiny bit help from python so for example in this way SGbCM_r0JOM-00147-00105783-00106408 we just select we just construct the train date data set from the original data SGbCM_r0JOM-00148-00106520-00107120 the data containing both and then we just the train model so this is is exactly what we did here SGbCM_r0JOM-00149-00107183-00107856 and then you zip the two data frames and then transform do the prediction and then in the SGbCM_r0JOM-00150-00107856-00108424 end you just returned the result so here the only difference is that i in the end SGbCM_r0JOM-00151-00108424-00109048 i want when i predict i predict in target set containing the training set and test set and so SGbCM_r0JOM-00152-00109048-00109672 you see here i just group by train group by this this flag so we can see okay this trend SGbCM_r0JOM-00153-00109672-00110304 how is the model performance on the training on the training data set itself as well as the test SGbCM_r0JOM-00154-00110304-00110944 data set as you can see very simple we just get um for training data sets we still get better results SGbCM_r0JOM-00155-00110944-00111520 which is expected and for the test data set we get exactly the same results as what we have SGbCM_r0JOM-00156-00111616-00112183 okay so this is the end of the demo so i will let kevin to talk about some more details thank you SGbCM_r0JOM-00157-00113728-00113759 hey SGbCM_r0JOM-00158-00113976-00114488 so what we saw from that demo is that when people move from small small data panda size SGbCM_r0JOM-00159-00114488-00115024 data to spark data frames even for it to implement the same logic there's a lot of SGbCM_r0JOM-00160-00115024-00115496 boilerplate code that has to be added or a lot of times code has to be rewritten SGbCM_r0JOM-00161-00115552-00116208 but there's also other there's also other problems that happen from when transitioning from smaller SGbCM_r0JOM-00162-00116208-00116808 data to big data and we'll explore these in this section so the first is reusability of code SGbCM_r0JOM-00163-00116808-00117335 in the top the top code snippet is how pandas would implement getting the median of each SGbCM_r0JOM-00164-00117335-00117944 group and the second one is spark and obviously in spark there is there are added parameters around SGbCM_r0JOM-00165-00117944-00118520 the tolerance because in a distributed system getting the median is a very expensive operation SGbCM_r0JOM-00166-00118520-00119200 so normally you would just use an approximation instead second is inconsistency so with pandas and SGbCM_r0JOM-00167-00119200-00119808 spark even though they both operate on data frames they they have a lot of inconsistent edge cases SGbCM_r0JOM-00168-00119808-00120440 so for example pandas will join null with null whereas spark will not join null records together SGbCM_r0JOM-00169-00120440-00120959 when you sort them pandas will put nulls at the bottom of the column for both ascending SGbCM_r0JOM-00170-00120959-00121520 and descending spark will treat null values as the biggest value so it's the bottom uh when SGbCM_r0JOM-00171-00121520-00121968 you're ascending and top when you're descending so even for these types of things they're different SGbCM_r0JOM-00172-00121968-00122456 entirely different systems and even if you wrap your pandas code and bring it to spark SGbCM_r0JOM-00173-00122511-00123008 then you may you may have to still uh write extra code to deal with these inconsistencies SGbCM_r0JOM-00174-00123088-00123792 uh second is the third is that a lot of pandas users are not familiar with the lazy evaluation SGbCM_r0JOM-00175-00123792-00124416 of spark so often you find that uh you find that pipelines that have been moved to spark offers SGbCM_r0JOM-00176-00124480-00125183 often suffer from uh inefficient computation so in this uh in this graph computation graph above SGbCM_r0JOM-00177-00125183-00125968 if you don't persist b then it's recomputed three times for c d and e when when those are computed SGbCM_r0JOM-00178-00125968-00126472 so of course if you use persist and spark then then this would be kept in memory and SGbCM_r0JOM-00179-00126472-00126904 you don't have to recompute it but pandas users are not familiar with this concept SGbCM_r0JOM-00180-00127016-00127680 next is partition partitioning where often you have to group your logic put data that belongs SGbCM_r0JOM-00181-00127680-00128216 to a logical group on the same partition and this often involves shuffling of the data across your SGbCM_r0JOM-00182-00128216-00128711 cluster so this is something that pandas doesn't have an interface for and doesn't SGbCM_r0JOM-00183-00128711-00129408 uh handle well in pandas even that which is very heavy which is very reliant on the index you often SGbCM_r0JOM-00184-00129408-00130128 find that people uh just use this index as kind of a global um way to to locate data but that SGbCM_r0JOM-00185-00130128-00130776 that doesn't hold true in a distributed setting and of course testing because you have to add all SGbCM_r0JOM-00186-00130776-00131320 of these like extra functions to bring pandas code to spark or even python code to spark you normally SGbCM_r0JOM-00187-00131320-00131992 have to add a lot this is for one function you have to add minimum of two helper functions and SGbCM_r0JOM-00188-00131992-00132536 for each of these functions that you introduce you have to write additional tests and you have SGbCM_r0JOM-00189-00132536-00133184 it becomes a lot harder to to test this because it's very coupled to these boilerplate functions SGbCM_r0JOM-00190-00133256-00133720 and that's why fugue was created so fugue is an abstraction layer for distributed compute SGbCM_r0JOM-00191-00133784-00134384 the goal of fugue is to number one make it easy to use spark and ask and also number to unify SGbCM_r0JOM-00192-00134384-00134952 the inconsistencies that are present between these engines so in field we as han showed we SGbCM_r0JOM-00193-00134952-00135608 want people to be able to describe their logic in python or pandas or sql and then bring it to SGbCM_r0JOM-00194-00135608-00136120 fugue and choose the execution engine so you can define your workflow in python or pandas SGbCM_r0JOM-00195-00136120-00136560 and then during runtime choose i want to run this on spark i want to run this on desk SGbCM_r0JOM-00196-00136640-00137224 without significant code change and there's interesting properties that uh that come SGbCM_r0JOM-00197-00137224-00137904 when when we can decouple logic and execution so without fugue when you use pandas your pandas code SGbCM_r0JOM-00198-00137960-00138584 is is tied to the pandas execution engine and when you use pi spark code your pi spark code is also SGbCM_r0JOM-00199-00138584-00139216 tied to the spark execution engine but when you can decouple logic and execution through fugue SGbCM_r0JOM-00200-00139216-00139632 what happens is that you can just define your logic once and then choose where to SGbCM_r0JOM-00201-00139632-00140216 run it so often you find that there are a lot of projects where you know you SGbCM_r0JOM-00202-00140216-00140704 you started using pandas and the data became too big and now you need to introduce spark SGbCM_r0JOM-00203-00140704-00141200 and maybe instead of going to spark you'll just vertically scale your infrastructure SGbCM_r0JOM-00204-00141200-00141872 or on the other hand maybe you're using spark to optimize too early for like a data set SGbCM_r0JOM-00205-00141872-00142440 as a data set that doesn't need spark right so now with huge you just need to write your code SGbCM_r0JOM-00206-00142440-00142912 once and define your logic once and then you can choose the execution engine that makes SGbCM_r0JOM-00207-00142912-00143384 sense during runtime so you can start small with pandas and then you can move to spark SGbCM_r0JOM-00208-00143624-00144248 so here in this example we have a native python python function or pan it uses pandas and SGbCM_r0JOM-00209-00144320-00144832 what we can see is that when we define the function there's no spark dependency whatsoever SGbCM_r0JOM-00210-00144832-00145376 and this is what han demoed and once you've used the fugue transform function and specified the SGbCM_r0JOM-00211-00145376-00146200 execution engine all of this is brought into spark for you what this did on this slide i use a pandas SGbCM_r0JOM-00212-00146200-00146736 data frame but for the same function we can also use native python using the list and dicks SGbCM_r0JOM-00213-00146848-00147352 and we can just uh loop through this list of dicks and apply the pyth native python SGbCM_r0JOM-00214-00147352-00147944 code uh for each row and again this can also be brought into spark through the transform function SGbCM_r0JOM-00215-00148088-00148680 so by decoupling logic and execution you're able to accelerate your testing because you can test SGbCM_r0JOM-00216-00148680-00149256 on smaller data with with pandas size data and then choose the execution engine on spark when SGbCM_r0JOM-00217-00149256-00149800 you need it you can you also need to test less code in general so you can accelerate development SGbCM_r0JOM-00218-00149800-00150432 and then you avoid framework lock-in so today we're using spark and desk but if ray starts to SGbCM_r0JOM-00219-00150432-00151144 pick up and a lot of people start to use ray or maybe even uh the uh qdf with rapids.ai SGbCM_r0JOM-00220-00151144-00151696 where you have gpu clusters then we can make make an execution engine for those different SGbCM_r0JOM-00221-00151696-00152304 frameworks and your same python code should be able to map through fugue and because of because SGbCM_r0JOM-00222-00152304-00152840 you use native python code that's very testable there's a lot less maintenance there's no spark SGbCM_r0JOM-00223-00152840-00153512 expertise required to maintain the code logic as han showed where he had an example of business SGbCM_r0JOM-00224-00153512-00153984 logic that changed over time it was very easy to just still use the transform function with fube SGbCM_r0JOM-00225-00154112-00154728 and then we have us fugue also has a sql interface so maybe sql lovers or bi analysts SGbCM_r0JOM-00226-00154728-00155336 or data analysts these these personas can also uh harness the power of distributed compute SGbCM_r0JOM-00227-00155400-00156096 fugue sql supports spark desk uh and pandas also and and then we also support blazing sql uh SGbCM_r0JOM-00228-00156096-00157120 through um uh to to operate on top of the uh gpu decodif so with with uh with the sql interface SGbCM_r0JOM-00229-00157120-00157736 what han showed in the notebook we have syntax highlighting already implemented we added keywords SGbCM_r0JOM-00230-00157736-00158392 to bring sql into the distributed setting for example we added keywords like load save persist SGbCM_r0JOM-00231-00158392-00159112 partition and transform so now sql can be a first class interface where you can um before you would SGbCM_r0JOM-00232-00159112-00159720 have a sql code pre sandwiched by predominantly python code and now you can have it the other SGbCM_r0JOM-00233-00159720-00160328 way around where you have predominantly sql code that invokes python code occasionally and this SGbCM_r0JOM-00234-00160328-00160920 is the example of the notebook extension where we have syntax highlight highlighting implemented so SGbCM_r0JOM-00235-00161008-00161544 as before i open for questions i just want to uh conclude here by saying that number one fugue is SGbCM_r0JOM-00236-00161544-00162056 also um is a mindset first of all and that our mindset is that we should adapt to the user and SGbCM_r0JOM-00237-00162056-00162616 allow them to express their logic in whatever way they want to and then they can express their logic SGbCM_r0JOM-00238-00162616-00163136 in a scale agnostic way and we can take care of bringing it to a distributed setting when SGbCM_r0JOM-00239-00163136-00163760 when you need to scale and we value readability and maintainability of the code rather than deep SGbCM_r0JOM-00240-00163760-00164296 framework specific optimizations but normally fugue just uses the mechanisms under the hood SGbCM_r0JOM-00241-00164296-00165064 of that execution engine so that you don't lose a lot of performance um and with that i uh i just SGbCM_r0JOM-00242-00165064-00165568 want to give a quick recap before so number one we are an abstraction layer for distributed compute SGbCM_r0JOM-00243-00165624-00166088 it adapts to the user lets them define their code in native python or sql and then bring SGbCM_r0JOM-00244-00166088-00166576 it to spark or desk when needed and because of decoupling logic and execution you find that SGbCM_r0JOM-00245-00166640-00167312 we find that a lot of fug users can accelerate uh their big data projects uh and fugue is just SGbCM_r0JOM-00246-00167312-00167968 one component of the broader field project so we have fugue and fugue sql but we also have puketune SGbCM_r0JOM-00247-00167968-00168464 which is an abstraction layer for hyper parameter optimization and we also have fugue validate we SGbCM_r0JOM-00248-00168464-00169064 also can use pug to perform data validation by wrapping around pandera or great expectations SGbCM_r0JOM-00249-00169128-00169584 uh i just have contact info here and with that i'll open the floor for questions thank you SI6hhEEyGSu-00000-00000536-00001360 welcome back i wish i could understand this guy it's obvious that he's going on about the super SI6hhEEyGSu-00001-00001360-00002096 famicom this system i like the way he says it this system okay that's a bad joke this is a system SI6hhEEyGSu-00002-00002096-00002816 that was exclusive to japan and i know absolutely nothing about it other than the research i've done SI6hhEEyGSu-00003-00002816-00003279 for this video this is the console that you're probably familiar with and i'm especially familiar SI6hhEEyGSu-00004-00003279-00003792 with in the west this is the japanese version known as the family computer commonly referred SI6hhEEyGSu-00005-00003792-00004504 to as the famicom it came in two flavors one where the disk system sat beneath the console SI6hhEEyGSu-00006-00004504-00005080 and another where it's all built in and these are what the discs look like apparently over 200 games SI6hhEEyGSu-00007-00005080-00005656 commercial games were released for the system and the family disc system comes with an enhanced SI6hhEEyGSu-00008-00005656-00006232 sound chair i decided to do this video after watching metal jesus rocks uh interview john blue SI6hhEEyGSu-00009-00006232-00006895 riggs who's a collector of the system and uh yeah check that video out it's really interesting what SI6hhEEyGSu-00010-00006895-00007431 he had to say there seems to be a battle going on here over who gets to turn on the light switch SI6hhEEyGSu-00011-00007431-00008168 first but seriously i'm in uncharted territory here so this video is as much a discovery for you SI6hhEEyGSu-00012-00008168-00008752 as it is for me interesting thing my wife and i discussed the other day she reckons that japanese SI6hhEEyGSu-00013-00008752-00009392 games are boring compared to western games as you can imagine my natural reaction was one of SI6hhEEyGSu-00014-00009392-00009944 bewilderment she thinks that the japanese games are all about telling you to do things where she SI6hhEEyGSu-00015-00009944-00010432 likes to do things and work things out for herself what do people think do you think she has a point SI6hhEEyGSu-00016-00010488-00011088 there appears to be a lot of fun games on this on this system and this is just one of them so yeah SI6hhEEyGSu-00017-00011088-00011640 i can definitely vouch for this one uh it's fun apparently allegedly don't quote me on this one SI6hhEEyGSu-00018-00011640-00012272 but uh this is the console that hosted debuts of zelda uh kid icarus and metroid the name of this SI6hhEEyGSu-00019-00012272-00012856 game roughly translates in english to love warrior nicole and i give it an eight out of ten it's good SI6hhEEyGSu-00020-00013047-00013576 i'm not even gonna try to pronounce the name of this game but it's uh it's a weird one it's a SI6hhEEyGSu-00021-00013576-00014232 bit like um a shoot em up comes arcanine i'm not gonna play this long enough to reveal the picture SI6hhEEyGSu-00022-00014232-00014640 uh underneath because um i don't want to get a strike on youtube SI6hhEEyGSu-00023-00014640-00015168 but shocking from nintendo especially since the name is titled family computer SI6hhEEyGSu-00024-00015368-00016008 the music's alright the graphics look half decent it's not really my cup of tea i've not SI6hhEEyGSu-00025-00016008-00016376 got any idea what this would have cost back in the day but i'll give it a 6 out of 10. SI6hhEEyGSu-00026-00016536-00017328 this is uh obviously a castlevania game so the yardstick the benchmark that i can measure this SI6hhEEyGSu-00027-00017328-00018080 against are all the castlevania games i've played on the uh nds 3ds and god knows how SI6hhEEyGSu-00028-00018080-00018640 many other consoles again i've only scratched or started to scratch the surface uh on this system SI6hhEEyGSu-00029-00018704-00019312 but um from what i can tell there's a good there seems to be appears to be a good challenge here it SI6hhEEyGSu-00030-00019312-00019816 looks good it sounds good uh let me know what you think i'm gonna give this one an eight out of ten SI6hhEEyGSu-00031-00020200-00021184 not sure what to say um not even sure what this is this super mario bros um fantastic brilliant game SI6hhEEyGSu-00032-00021296-00021936 don't think i've ever played a bad mario game well actually tell a lie super mario land or world SI6hhEEyGSu-00033-00021936-00022680 on the gameboy the original that was awful but thankfully they fixed it with the the second game SI6hhEEyGSu-00034-00022680-00023272 even these games today my three-year-old and six-year-old absolutely love mario so SI6hhEEyGSu-00035-00023272-00023760 i can't see how this differentiates from the nes version but i'm gonna give this a nine out of ten SI6hhEEyGSu-00036-00023864-00024600 i know this game is the little computer people on the amstrad cpc uh and commodore 64. SI6hhEEyGSu-00037-00024656-00025288 apparently this version is known as appleton weird as with the versions i mentioned this SI6hhEEyGSu-00038-00025288-00026080 is uh identical there's more color in use i think uh the sound's a bit more annoying but um i spent SI6hhEEyGSu-00039-00026080-00026783 hours playing this back in the day absolute hours so i'm gonna give this one a seven out of ten SI6hhEEyGSu-00040-00026864-00027248 a very pleasant surprise to find this one on a japanese system SI6hhEEyGSu-00041-00027552-00028008 how on god's green earth did i not know about this game it's absolutely fantastic i love it SI6hhEEyGSu-00042-00028088-00028768 it looks like a japanese version of indiana jones mixed with bionic commander and SI6hhEEyGSu-00043-00028768-00029416 a twist of castlevania thrown in for good measure i'm very happy to have found this game SI6hhEEyGSu-00044-00029504-00030039 very very happy it's quality stuff does anybody know what other systems this came SI6hhEEyGSu-00045-00030039-00030600 out on um i certainly haven't seen it on the nes or the super nintendo i'm going SI6hhEEyGSu-00046-00030600-00031072 to give this one a 9 out of 10 because i keep coming back to it and i can't just put it down SI6hhEEyGSu-00047-00031239-00031808 this looks absolutely brilliant but sadly the language barrier is holding me back i guess SI6hhEEyGSu-00048-00031808-00032376 the dream with a system like this especially if you're a westerner or somebody in great SI6hhEEyGSu-00049-00032376-00032968 britain or the us that wants to collect is that as many of these games get translated SI6hhEEyGSu-00050-00032968-00033600 into english as possible at the end of the day if it's a game i want to be able to play it and SI6hhEEyGSu-00051-00033600-00034040 experience it if anybody knows of the translation for this game please let SI6hhEEyGSu-00052-00034040-00034648 me know sadly i don't know enough about it and haven't experienced it enough to give it a rating SI6hhEEyGSu-00053-00034704-00035320 but watch his space i don't know if this has got anything to do with a game i played years ago on SI6hhEEyGSu-00054-00035320-00036272 the commodore 64. baby joe no idea but um it's a baby and you've got some sort of dummy or a rattle SI6hhEEyGSu-00055-00036328-00037016 and you're smacking people over the head with it um honestly it's bags of fun honestly really is SI6hhEEyGSu-00056-00037016-00037672 it's so addictive no idea what i'm supposed to be doing but i'm just going with the flow it SI6hhEEyGSu-00057-00037672-00038200 looks like there's massive support from konami on this system yeah i'll give this one a 8 out of 10. SI6hhEEyGSu-00058-00038584-00039184 family computer my backside that's a penis trying to impregnate anything but a vagina SI6hhEEyGSu-00059-00039240-00039848 i've no idea what's going on really um goodness me i probably would have found this massively SI6hhEEyGSu-00060-00039848-00040472 hilarious back in the day makes me laugh because in the west parents were worried about barbarian SI6hhEEyGSu-00061-00040472-00041136 and renegade the japanese parents even give a crap about this stuff i'm sure somebody must SI6hhEEyGSu-00062-00041136-00042184 have had fun playing this but uh certainly not my cup of tea i'll give this one a 5 out of 10. SI6hhEEyGSu-00063-00042240-00042824 it must rain a lot in japan because this is the sort of game if i did buy for a computer i'd only SI6hhEEyGSu-00064-00042824-00043448 stay in and play worst case if the weather was dreadful outside i'm sure it's good but why would SI6hhEEyGSu-00065-00043448-00044272 you play this over the actual um board game as in the pieces it would have cost more and it won't be SI6hhEEyGSu-00066-00044336-00044760 as interactive as playing the real thing i'm sure there's people out there that will have SI6hhEEyGSu-00067-00044760-00045216 bought this and loved it i mean if you sit down and play it it is a good game SI6hhEEyGSu-00068-00045216-00045720 i'll give this one a 7 out of 10 but it's not something i would expect from a console SI6hhEEyGSu-00069-00045936-00046624 uh i think i've played lots of games like this on the amstrad cpc the zx spectrum and the commodore SI6hhEEyGSu-00070-00046624-00047440 64. sports of kings from mastertronic rings a bell maybe this has a bit more to it than that i can't SI6hhEEyGSu-00071-00047440-00047992 for the life of me think why i'd want to play this because i'm not really into horse racing as it is SI6hhEEyGSu-00072-00048056-00048920 and if i'm honest looking at the images i'd prefer samantha fox uh strip poker but that's a game and SI6hhEEyGSu-00073-00048920-00049440 a conversation for a whole new video i'd like to give this a rating but i don't feel qualified SI6hhEEyGSu-00074-00049576-00050160 this is another one i don't get nice music decent graphics but i'd rather get the cards SI6hhEEyGSu-00075-00050160-00050768 out of the pack and play with the family that way these sorts of games um must have some sort SI6hhEEyGSu-00076-00050768-00051255 of following um but uh you know what i don't want to be critical of this sort of game because SI6hhEEyGSu-00077-00051367-00051744 every type of game has got an audience plays decent enough SI6hhEEyGSu-00078-00051744-00052416 but um it's not something i imagine myself playing on this system in isolation let me SI6hhEEyGSu-00079-00052416-00052896 know your thoughts did you play this one did you like it what do you rate it on to the next SI6hhEEyGSu-00080-00053264-00054232 another one no idea um what i can't believe about this uh system is apparently the um SI6hhEEyGSu-00081-00054344-00055016 it takes batteries yeah it can actually be powered by batteries you can also write to the floppy disk SI6hhEEyGSu-00082-00055016-00055512 as well which is a weird format for nintendo to choose because that would have opened the doors SI6hhEEyGSu-00083-00055567-00056264 up to piracy now i lost my virginity to an atari vcs it wasn't even my own uh i'd have preferred SI6hhEEyGSu-00084-00056264-00056808 a colecovision but imagine losing your virginity to this it's a great little system a nice little SI6hhEEyGSu-00085-00056808-00057616 companion to the uh famicom i looked this one up over about 20 people actually worked on this game SI6hhEEyGSu-00086-00057679-00058208 the story goes you're a witch and the dream is that you want to become a princess it has that SI6hhEEyGSu-00087-00058208-00058960 zelda look and feel about it albeit a slow version but i've just not been able to work out what it is SI6hhEEyGSu-00088-00058960-00059288 really that i've got to do what i've got to pick up who i've got to talk to SI6hhEEyGSu-00089-00059360-00059944 and there's a game of bingo that you can play that well i'm just not a fan of bingo and what SI6hhEEyGSu-00090-00059944-00060616 the bloody hell is snoopy doing in this game i'll give this one an initial score of six out of ten SI6hhEEyGSu-00091-00060616-00061255 there's definitely a game there i've not been able to give this one uh the attention it deserves um SI6hhEEyGSu-00092-00061344-00061920 but it's all right what i've seen so far and it's in english as well i'm not sure if it's SI6hhEEyGSu-00093-00061920-00062552 been translated into english or this is the way it was launched in japan but um yeah it's SI6hhEEyGSu-00094-00062552-00063240 all right and uh i think it's what i'm gonna go back to it seems to be a decent enough early rpg SI6hhEEyGSu-00095-00063312-00063808 the music grinds a little bit the draw distance isn't great if i'm honest but SI6hhEEyGSu-00096-00063808-00064472 considering this is from way back in 1986 it's great i shall reserve judgement on the score SI6hhEEyGSu-00097-00064552-00065120 all i'm really doing is skimming the surface with these games this second one the music SI6hhEEyGSu-00098-00065120-00065552 seems to have improved a little bit but it's still it's still great it's still a little SI6hhEEyGSu-00099-00065552-00066144 annoying but again i've not give it anywhere near the attention this sort of game deserves SI6hhEEyGSu-00100-00066144-00066760 i can't even begin to critique it i've not spent enough time with it and it looks from reading the SI6hhEEyGSu-00101-00066760-00067376 instructions that it's quite complex and there's quite a bit of a game here also after playing SI6hhEEyGSu-00102-00067376-00068008 games like zelda and pokemon will this have the staying power to keep me glued to the screen SI6hhEEyGSu-00103-00068176-00068720 apparently this one is based on a movie or a series in japan so would be good to get SI6hhEEyGSu-00104-00068720-00069320 your thoughts on this looks all right um plays all right decent enough shoot him up SI6hhEEyGSu-00105-00069408-00070048 um very difficult though that ship reminds me of the wind raider in masters of the universe SI6hhEEyGSu-00106-00070136-00070816 so it seems alright i've played worse it's probably not a game you'd write home about nothing SI6hhEEyGSu-00107-00070816-00071640 really jumps out at you whenever i see bandai on the cover that does make me gives me concerns SI6hhEEyGSu-00108-00071872-00072696 nearly every system i've played donkey kong on and i'm including the zx spectrum the amstrad cpc SI6hhEEyGSu-00109-00072800-00073184 and all the other eight bits including this and the colecovision SI6hhEEyGSu-00110-00073264-00074040 maybe even the atari 2600 i've all played a decent game and from what i can tell so far SI6hhEEyGSu-00111-00074112-00074832 this is almost arcade perfect i'm unsure what the difference uh with this and the nes version is SI6hhEEyGSu-00112-00074960-00075416 and i don't know if it's just me but i was able to clear the first couple of screens quite easily SI6hhEEyGSu-00113-00075560-00076264 if donkey kong is considered the greatest video game of all time then donkey kong SI6hhEEyGSu-00114-00076264-00077000 jr should be considered the second greatest video game of all time as arcade conversions go SI6hhEEyGSu-00115-00077112-00077776 i can't really fault this everything is there uh intact and hasn't been lost in translation SI6hhEEyGSu-00116-00077872-00078312 this one might seem simple in its premise but trust me you've got to SI6hhEEyGSu-00117-00078312-00078848 calculate every move you make in this game i'll give this one a 9 out of 10. SI6hhEEyGSu-00118-00079288-00079680 i've got no real idea what's going on here i'm just running along SI6hhEEyGSu-00119-00079680-00080184 running a gunning shooting the crap out of everything i can see that alone in itself is fun SI6hhEEyGSu-00120-00080480-00081032 be nice to know what what i'm supposed to do here definitely needs an english translation SI6hhEEyGSu-00121-00081032-00081696 as it looks quite a good game there seems to be survival horror style elements to the game uh SI6hhEEyGSu-00122-00081696-00082184 as in with resident evil where you scroll through your weapons and your items again i can't really SI6hhEEyGSu-00123-00082184-00082824 judge this one um maybe this was out on the nes in fact i'll look for it and see how that plays SI6hhEEyGSu-00124-00082968-00083752 so this is titled dracula 2 i think in the west we know it as castlevania 2. i mean this and the SI6hhEEyGSu-00125-00083752-00084392 previous are basically the building blocks for metroidvania going forward it's nice and fast SI6hhEEyGSu-00126-00084392-00085080 it looks good it has an eerie feel to it it's non-linear the music sounds really good i've SI6hhEEyGSu-00127-00085080-00085680 no idea what this plays like on the real hardware because apparently there's disk swapping involved SI6hhEEyGSu-00128-00085680-00086320 so this for me is a great way to experience the game through emulation i'll give this one a nice SI6hhEEyGSu-00129-00086320-00087272 solid 8 out of 10. when i first saw this i had to take a second look this is druid and i played this SI6hhEEyGSu-00130-00087272-00088080 originally on the commodore 64 and then later on the amstrad cpc and yeah it's the same game SI6hhEEyGSu-00131-00088136-00088768 but what the hell is it doing on a japanese only console as far as i'm aware this is a SI6hhEEyGSu-00132-00088768-00089408 british telecom firebird game it's only when i look at the developers involved for the original SI6hhEEyGSu-00133-00089408-00090024 but i noticed there's a guy called winglar or wing lao and maybe that's the connection excellent game SI6hhEEyGSu-00134-00090360-00090792 i've got no idea what people will think of this game but i quite like it SI6hhEEyGSu-00135-00090792-00091576 it's it's great fun i love the bouncy little tune takes me back there's not much color but SI6hhEEyGSu-00136-00091576-00092288 what there is is well defined it's sketchy at best um on content but in a good way SI6hhEEyGSu-00137-00092368-00093208 it's as simple in practice as it is in theory but just be aware the difficulty on offer here is uh SI6hhEEyGSu-00138-00093272-00094424 exceedingly high i'd have never have left my bedroom uh as a kid if i'd have had this console SI6hhEEyGSu-00139-00094480-00094960 for all the wrong reasons she looks like a gold digger to me she's gunning for gold boys SI6hhEEyGSu-00140-00095032-00095600 enjoy the show she's definitely holding all the cards that's what you call true power play this is SI6hhEEyGSu-00141-00095600-00096304 definitely a sam fox strip poker nintendo killer i need to be careful with this video because it's SI6hhEEyGSu-00142-00096304-00096904 looking like she wants to take it all the way she looks very deute yes very doing like a deuter SI6hhEEyGSu-00143-00097664-00098352 this is quite an interesting game this one has also been translated by fan into SI6hhEEyGSu-00144-00098352-00099048 english it feels like another fantastic gaming discovery here and can you believe this came out SI6hhEEyGSu-00145-00099048-00099816 as early as 1987. i like the animation and the opening cutscenes the story seems good as well SI6hhEEyGSu-00146-00099816-00100312 this game is so freaking smooth look at it so far i mean it feels like there's so much freedom in SI6hhEEyGSu-00147-00100312-00100768 the game and i'm looking forward to properly sitting down with this one it's too early for SI6hhEEyGSu-00148-00100768-00101488 me to score this but i'm looking at around the eight or nine mark i had world series baseball SI6hhEEyGSu-00149-00101488-00102128 back on the amstrad cpc when i was a kid and if you're into these types of baseball games these SI6hhEEyGSu-00150-00102128-00102992 are absolutely brilliant graphically i've seen stronger i think rbi baseball two that was really SI6hhEEyGSu-00151-00102992-00103576 good i like the addition of the baseball glove there there's a lot of authenticity in this game SI6hhEEyGSu-00152-00103640-00104135 and it's easy to pick up and uh accessibility is really really good SI6hhEEyGSu-00153-00104935-00105576 i mean once you've played mba jam in the arcade and the stuff that followed i find SI6hhEEyGSu-00154-00105576-00106224 it really hard to go back to the older basketball games i think the graphics are a little bit naff SI6hhEEyGSu-00155-00106224-00106848 but what this does have is bags of speed and that helps ramp up the excitement a notch i SI6hhEEyGSu-00156-00106848-00107592 imagine this one's got its fan base but uh sadly i'm not one of them and i can't imagine me ever SI6hhEEyGSu-00157-00107592-00108168 picking this game up to play it and while away a few hours so a six out of ten from me SI6hhEEyGSu-00158-00108624-00109224 yeah this one uh it looks alright and uh i quite like the music it's quite good that SI6hhEEyGSu-00159-00109224-00109759 you've got an animation of the player as he takes his shot at the top of the screen but SI6hhEEyGSu-00160-00109759-00110135 if i want to play snooker billiards paul whatever you want to call it SI6hhEEyGSu-00161-00110135-00110911 um post pandemic i think i'd rather head down the local snooker or pool club these types of games SI6hhEEyGSu-00162-00110911-00111335 are better two-player games as no matter the scenario it's always SI6hhEEyGSu-00163-00111335-00112183 good to challenge your mate if i had to rate this game i'd probably give it a 5 out of 10. SI6hhEEyGSu-00164-00112264-00113048 i don't know much about this game um i can't even pronounce it but um it reminds me a little bit SI6hhEEyGSu-00165-00113048-00113848 of micropro soccer mixed with another game i had on the amstrad cpc called fighting soccer and i'm SI6hhEEyGSu-00166-00113848-00114424 a sucker for a good footy game especially a two player one i still remember and rate emily news SI6hhEEyGSu-00167-00114424-00115032 international soccer on the amstrad cpc and commodore 64. but i stopped playing SI6hhEEyGSu-00168-00115032-00115624 everything after sensible soccer came out um i'll give this one a 7 out of 10. quite liked it SI6hhEEyGSu-00169-00115935-00116448 i'm a massive shooter muk fan um i'm pretty sure if you subscribe SI6hhEEyGSu-00170-00116448-00117008 to my channel you already know that this reminds me a little bit of um SI6hhEEyGSu-00171-00117008-00117568 space harrier crossed with buck rogers but what surprised me is how accurate SI6hhEEyGSu-00172-00117568-00118032 you can pull off your shots there's some bloody fast and furious action in this game SI6hhEEyGSu-00173-00118032-00118511 actually the other game that comes to mind is galaxy force so we've got great graphics great SI6hhEEyGSu-00174-00118511-00119288 music and great gameplay it's a strike just don't run out of missiles for me um yeah nine out of ten SI6hhEEyGSu-00175-00119624-00120328 this feels just like outrun really for the famicom disc system there's even forks in the road SI6hhEEyGSu-00176-00120464-00121032 i've got no idea what's going on with the graphics for the street lamps but yeah this is basically SI6hhEEyGSu-00177-00121032-00121744 outrun with a damaged system and guess what it's bloody brilliant it's nice and fast goes SI6hhEEyGSu-00178-00121744-00122480 like [ __ ] of a shovel and i love the music and as you can see there the graphics are fantastic SI6hhEEyGSu-00179-00122480-00123040 what a shame then that i've never heard of this game easily uh eight out of ten famicon SI6hhEEyGSu-00180-00123040-00123759 grand prix 2 finger beauty as with football i'm a massive sucker for golf games don't ask me why SI6hhEEyGSu-00181-00123816-00124728 um probably my favorite is world-class leaderboard from epics back in the day published by us gold in SI6hhEEyGSu-00182-00124728-00125440 the uk well what i mean there is it's the one i spend the most time with this seems quite jolly SI6hhEEyGSu-00183-00125440-00125880 enough i like the music i like it and i think i would have stuck with this back in the day SI6hhEEyGSu-00184-00125935-00126304 i think the layout is quite clever and the control system's good SI6hhEEyGSu-00185-00127128-00127864 as i've said i'm a massive sucker for golf games and this system's got quite a good uh variety SI6hhEEyGSu-00186-00127864-00128648 in that department loving the uh pink hat and uh golfing gear mario is uh sporting that doing his SI6hhEEyGSu-00187-00128648-00129352 bit for lgbt i'm pretty sure that you could stick mario in any type of game uh with a good formula SI6hhEEyGSu-00188-00129352-00130383 and it would sell bucket loads but it just so turns out that this is actually quite a good game SI6hhEEyGSu-00189-00130800-00131208 yeah i'm not a massive fan of this sort of translation SI6hhEEyGSu-00190-00131272-00131744 uh to a video game or computer game i'm sure it's got its audience SI6hhEEyGSu-00191-00131744-00132288 i don't doubt that for one second but for me i couldn't think of anything worse to do SI6hhEEyGSu-00192-00132440-00133112 give me run and gun shoot em up such as gallagher r-type you name it or a good old-fashioned gamer SI6hhEEyGSu-00193-00133112-00133696 lemmings any day over stuff like this in fact the other day i played operation wolf epic SI6hhEEyGSu-00194-00134440-00134984 now this is more of my street definitely my cup of tea i'm not entirely sure if this is SI6hhEEyGSu-00195-00134984-00135800 the same game but back on the amstrad cpc i had a game very similar to this that was called jackal SI6hhEEyGSu-00196-00135856-00136552 now that game was also from konami but this is 10 times better i'm definitely at my happiest SI6hhEEyGSu-00197-00136552-00137384 when i'm shooting folk and raging all-out war i'm a fan and i give this one 8 out of 10. SI6hhEEyGSu-00198-00138112-00138656 i quite like the look of this i like the way the character jumps around and the animation SI6hhEEyGSu-00199-00138656-00139152 on the enemy sprites it's good how there are platforms that look impossible to reach but SI6hhEEyGSu-00200-00139152-00139680 you can actually climb the walls and then jump onto them it's quite a big game for the time it's SI6hhEEyGSu-00201-00139680-00140400 about 52k in size it feels very similar to other games i've played but it's just not as good but i SI6hhEEyGSu-00202-00140400-00140936 can't quite put my finger on why it's not as good there's definitely something missing it's a shame SI6hhEEyGSu-00203-00140936-00141936 really because i like the look of it but maybe i'm doing something wrong let me know oh yeah SI6hhEEyGSu-00204-00142160-00142888 now that's what i'm talking about yupikai apologies in advance uh i love shoot em ups SI6hhEEyGSu-00205-00142888-00143336 i love them so much that i've purchased a sega saturn japanese version SI6hhEEyGSu-00206-00143336-00143872 just for the privilege of playing its massive back catalogue of shoot-'em-ups the problem SI6hhEEyGSu-00207-00143872-00144376 is i'm married with children and there's hardly any time to thoroughly enjoy them SI6hhEEyGSu-00208-00144376-00144808 but this game is all things to all genres be prepared to grind SI6hhEEyGSu-00209-00145440-00146240 surprise surprise it's another golf game so what i've learned if anything from this uh famicom disc SI6hhEEyGSu-00210-00146240-00146856 system is that the japanese love golf and once again i'd quite happily play this one for hours SI6hhEEyGSu-00211-00146912-00147344 i'm not sure if this is mario this time around but he seems to put a little bit of weight on SI6hhEEyGSu-00212-00147344-00147840 there he's got a mid-life spread they must have put him on a massive fitness regime SI6hhEEyGSu-00213-00147840-00148264 after this game to get him ready for super mario but for 1984 SI6hhEEyGSu-00214-00148328-00148696 you can't back then you couldn't have asked for better than this SI6hhEEyGSu-00215-00149168-00149864 i think this one is kid icarus certainly looks that way i never played this on the nes but i SI6hhEEyGSu-00216-00149864-00150760 did play on the game boy and i also played kid icarus uprising on the 3ds and that was SI6hhEEyGSu-00217-00150760-00151392 epic but i absolutely love this on the fds i think it's an absolute thing of beauty i think SI6hhEEyGSu-00218-00151392-00152024 it's a bit more unforgiving and difficult than the game boy version but what's not to like it's kid SI6hhEEyGSu-00219-00152024-00153200 icarus and it does everything right there's an nhl game on the mega drive or the snares SI6hhEEyGSu-00220-00153264-00153936 or it might have even came out later but it did everything right everything that you'd want from a SI6hhEEyGSu-00221-00153936-00154504 ice hockey game so it's really difficult to play that and then come back to something like this SI6hhEEyGSu-00222-00154584-00155232 but believe me this is actually quite fun it looks a bit naughty there's the jolly sounds SI6hhEEyGSu-00223-00155312-00155832 and spot effects and for the time it's decent enough i suppose SI6hhEEyGSu-00224-00156504-00156872 oh sadly i've no idea what's going on here and it looks quite fun SI6hhEEyGSu-00225-00156928-00157664 a little bit provocative if you like i bet these this game and lots of other games have SI6hhEEyGSu-00226-00157664-00158472 been translated now but um yeah crazy manga style graphics there what with eyes popping out the head SI6hhEEyGSu-00227-00158816-00159160 looks like he's being caught perving by the headmistress SI6hhEEyGSu-00228-00159160-00159896 nice jolly tune there so it seems nice enough but uh no idea not a scooby SI6hhEEyGSu-00229-00160384-00161072 here's one that's been translated uh back in 2005. uh it's pleasant enough quite like it SI6hhEEyGSu-00230-00161072-00161512 the only issue i've got is i just haven't got the time in my life to dedicate myself SI6hhEEyGSu-00231-00161512-00162000 to a game like this anymore but if you'd have shown me this type of game as a kid SI6hhEEyGSu-00232-00162064-00162640 i'd have just sat there for probably days weeks on end playing it as a japanese kid growing up this SI6hhEEyGSu-00233-00162640-00163256 would definitely have been a good system to earn and i can understand why people collect for it SI6hhEEyGSu-00234-00163256-00163728 uh especially in the west as well and from what i've seen i'd have been sad to have SI6hhEEyGSu-00235-00163728-00164416 parted with this console it was a pleasant surprise to come across this one karate champ SI6hhEEyGSu-00236-00164416-00165096 on the fds it's no ik plus or way of the exploding fist but for the time SI6hhEEyGSu-00237-00165096-00165736 um i'd have liked this it's highly playable there's a good learning curve to it i can't help SI6hhEEyGSu-00238-00165736-00166256 when i walk away from this thinking about how the sprites could have been better and less flickery SI6hhEEyGSu-00239-00166320-00166920 and the referee just seems like a big blob sitting there useless doing nothing but you can't really SI6hhEEyGSu-00240-00166920-00167448 criticize this game because it does exactly what it says on the tin let's go champ SI6hhEEyGSu-00241-00167696-00168024 looks pleasant enough graphics are nice will be SI6hhEEyGSu-00242-00168024-00168672 very basic not sure how big this game is but um there's a challenge SI6hhEEyGSu-00243-00168968-00169344 i've got zero zilch idea what you have to do SI6hhEEyGSu-00244-00169344-00169632 so unfortunately i've kind of like blundered through it SI6hhEEyGSu-00245-00169848-00170432 what on earth is going on here um looks a little bit like ghostbusters it's a shame that it's SI6hhEEyGSu-00246-00170432-00170984 not in english because i've got a three and a six-year-old daughter that love anything princess SI6hhEEyGSu-00247-00171096-00171760 what the frigg is going on here looks pleasant enough but goodness me weird SI6hhEEyGSu-00248-00172080-00172816 but in all seriousness this is the same guy who programmed tetris so i need to give this game SI6hhEEyGSu-00249-00172816-00173328 a chance and some respect but essentially you have to move around the board the way you would SI6hhEEyGSu-00250-00173328-00173912 on a chessboard and using the same chess moves with the knight you have to collect the heart SI6hhEEyGSu-00251-00173912-00174368 or multiple hearts it's really fun but i can't understand why it was only released in japan SI6hhEEyGSu-00252-00174792-00175312 oh boy here we go wait for it hey SI6hhEEyGSu-00253-00175624-00176288 it looks like you've got a series of water guns and you spray her clothes and then she SI6hhEEyGSu-00254-00176288-00177096 has to take them off what the [ __ ] the japanese are crazy but in a good in a child sort of way SI6hhEEyGSu-00255-00177176-00177984 i need to be careful here um i don't want a youtube band nothing to see here SI6hhEEyGSu-00256-00178456-00179248 i absolutely massive fan mad for it when it comes to zelda such a shame then that i can't find SI6hhEEyGSu-00257-00179248-00179928 an english translation for this one don't mock me on this one but my favorite zelda game of all time SI6hhEEyGSu-00258-00179928-00180760 without question is definitely majora's mask i played it on the n64 but could never complete it i SI6hhEEyGSu-00259-00180760-00181528 played it on the 3ds or other console i can never remember and finally completed it and loved every SI6hhEEyGSu-00260-00181528-00182648 minute of it i'd love to experience this one as well here screeching oh inducing music aside not SI6hhEEyGSu-00261-00182648-00183424 a fan of this in the slightest don't like these types of puzzle games um they're okay i suppose as SI6hhEEyGSu-00262-00183488-00184096 like an extra level or something but it appears to me as if the whole well this is the game and SI6hhEEyGSu-00263-00184096-00184816 that for me uh is an insult to the fds system i'm not entirely sure how much these games will SI6hhEEyGSu-00264-00184816-00185320 have cost back in the day but i can't believe for a second somebody would have purchased this SI6hhEEyGSu-00265-00185888-00186480 this is a good game it would have been a great game if you didn't hop around like a madman SI6hhEEyGSu-00266-00186592-00187216 i had a game similar to this well not similar um but with the jump mechanic that's going on here SI6hhEEyGSu-00267-00187272-00187832 uh hopper copper i think firebird released it it was for the amstrad cpc SI6hhEEyGSu-00268-00187832-00188504 and it ruined what could have been a great game fortunately the jumping bit hasn't ruined this SI6hhEEyGSu-00269-00188504-00189160 game it's still really good it just doesn't need it i'm going to give this one an 8 out of ten SI6hhEEyGSu-00270-00189592-00190240 this one looks alright is this how is this different to the nes version does anybody know SI6hhEEyGSu-00271-00190320-00190976 unfortunately i've only ever played metroid on the super nintendo and that was great well of course SI6hhEEyGSu-00272-00190976-00191776 i had it on the gamecube as well and i played the latest 3ds versions but the gamecube versions they SI6hhEEyGSu-00273-00191776-00192512 were fps as you know but this is really addictive i'd say that this is uh a fantastic little game i SI6hhEEyGSu-00274-00192512-00193016 might try and discover this one a little bit more right now it feels like a 9 out of 10. SI6hhEEyGSu-00275-00193256-00193528 no idea what's going on here is that cat SI6hhEEyGSu-00276-00193592-00194288 cats in space or something i love cats we've got um seven uh four of which are kittens SI6hhEEyGSu-00277-00194288-00194912 i was allowed to name one of the kittens and i've called it yoda as of recording this video now uh SI6hhEEyGSu-00278-00194912-00195576 the kittens have only just opened their eyes we've got pet rats as well don't ask wasn't my SI6hhEEyGSu-00279-00195576-00196184 idea i'm actually [ __ ] scared of them i think they look cute and everything but it's the tails SI6hhEEyGSu-00280-00196880-00197288 it's been a little bit painful playing through some of these games not all SI6hhEEyGSu-00281-00197368-00197944 but something like this is well worth the wait i've not played this before i've not played it SI6hhEEyGSu-00282-00197944-00198640 on the nes either otherwise i know i'd remember this is brilliant wow lovely smooth scrolling SI6hhEEyGSu-00283-00198776-00199392 nice animations good use of color you couldn't for the time have asked for a better shoot em up SI6hhEEyGSu-00284-00199448-00200056 it's only when i play games like this that i think to myself mark you need to hunt down one of these SI6hhEEyGSu-00285-00200056-00200384 systems SI6hhEEyGSu-00286-00200640-00201184 we are sailing we are sailing SI6hhEEyGSu-00287-00201416-00202096 sorry about that looks like another puzzle game and uh there's only a few puzzle games i SI6hhEEyGSu-00288-00202096-00202600 resonate with that i actually like obviously tetris being one of them clacks is another SI6hhEEyGSu-00289-00202664-00203384 but um puzzle bobble that's another good one but outside of those and probably another four or five SI6hhEEyGSu-00290-00203488-00203648 just not my cup of tea i'm afraid SI6hhEEyGSu-00291-00204336-00205136 apparently don't quote me on this but this is monty on the run by gremlin graphics and this SI6hhEEyGSu-00292-00205136-00206144 is a translated version it came out in 1986 but what the [ __ ] i'd have absolutely loved this and SI6hhEEyGSu-00293-00206144-00206800 it's nothing like the version that i played back in the day so how did a gremlin graphics game end SI6hhEEyGSu-00294-00206800-00207712 up on a japanese only released console what other uh grumbling graphics games are japanese exclusive SI6hhEEyGSu-00295-00207984-00208719 i quite like the look of this one it feels like arkanoid maybe the bat is a little bit too big but SI6hhEEyGSu-00296-00208719-00209480 uh yeah there's lots going on it's a little bit sedate like compared to the arkanoid original SI6hhEEyGSu-00297-00209536-00210223 but uh it's all right it's pleasant enough i would definitely have played this back back in the day SI6hhEEyGSu-00298-00210223-00210560 and i think i'd have enjoyed it there doesn't seem to be much in the way of SI6hhEEyGSu-00299-00210560-00211584 color going on it's there but it's just not much but the graphics are well defined SI6hhEEyGSu-00300-00211648-00212384 we've got another really good game here translated into english this looks and plays a lot like SI6hhEEyGSu-00301-00212384-00213152 zelda but in an icar e warriors commando style of way which means they've basically ditched all the SI6hhEEyGSu-00302-00213152-00213792 adventure elements and i for one quite like it i've no idea why this wasn't released in europe SI6hhEEyGSu-00303-00213792-00214296 people would have lapped it up would have loved it especially being based on feudal japan apparently SI6hhEEyGSu-00304-00214296-00214960 this was released um on the 3ds in the us but i haven't played it so this is a first for me SI6hhEEyGSu-00305-00215271-00215784 this one looks pretty jolly on this particular level you've got to turn the 8x8 squares SI6hhEEyGSu-00306-00215864-00216528 white when i come across a game that's in japanese only it kind of like instantly puts SI6hhEEyGSu-00307-00216528-00217119 me on the back foot it's not just one game it's like a collection of uh six mini games if you SI6hhEEyGSu-00308-00217119-00217719 like and if i understood what they were going on about i think i'd enjoy this one i really would SI6hhEEyGSu-00309-00217719-00218584 and it looks like it's a good family game it's by sunsoft as well so absolutely gutted SI6hhEEyGSu-00310-00218752-00219271 now this is a follow-up to the previous uh mini games that we've just come across SI6hhEEyGSu-00311-00219271-00220088 uh the zola landai 2 was the the previous this is three apologies about the bad translation there SI6hhEEyGSu-00312-00220088-00220767 i particularly like the graphical style in this but sadly once again i'm hamstrung because of the SI6hhEEyGSu-00313-00220767-00221216 language barrier if anybody can help me here and knows of a translation SI6hhEEyGSu-00314-00221216-00221728 for these games i'd be really intrigued really interested and forever thankful SI6hhEEyGSu-00315-00222352-00223240 again this is from the same stable so this must be number four and again it's a series of minigames SI6hhEEyGSu-00316-00223296-00223760 maybe they were able to release these types of games because of the affordability SI6hhEEyGSu-00317-00223832-00224519 of the famicom disc but definitely intrigued um but can't say any more than that because SI6hhEEyGSu-00318-00224519-00224919 i just can't really experience this gaming or this series of games in their SI6hhEEyGSu-00319-00224919-00225584 entirety SI6hhEEyGSu-00320-00225896-00226984 okay not funny anymore this is another one and uh yeah i'll let you watch SI6hhEEyGSu-00321-00228896-00229376 this one has a german name nine sin which in english means 19 SI6hhEEyGSu-00322-00229440-00230008 some clever sausage has also translated it into english the action is turn based SI6hhEEyGSu-00323-00230008-00230616 but happens in real time yeah don't ask and it plays out like a japanese game of chess SI6hhEEyGSu-00324-00230680-00231216 there's three other armies on the map and your goal is basically to find them pursue them and SI6hhEEyGSu-00325-00231216-00231728 wipe them out it's no command and conquer but you can see where the ideas came from originally SI6hhEEyGSu-00326-00232560-00233223 apparently this is the game that went on to create the fire pro wrestling series of games SI6hhEEyGSu-00327-00233223-00233936 there's six wrestlers and um i grew up playing rock and wrestle and the wwf SI6hhEEyGSu-00328-00233936-00234544 wrestlemania from ocean software and i've got good memories of those but uh this SI6hhEEyGSu-00329-00234544-00235136 this seems to do better it looks awful by today's standards but it nails it the SI6hhEEyGSu-00330-00235136-00235592 core gameplay mechanics are good so if you're into wrestling games i think you'll like this SI6hhEEyGSu-00331-00236256-00236816 i think this is the third in the series on the famicom disc system and this is the four player SI6hhEEyGSu-00332-00236816-00237632 version the this type of game is definitely uh only popular really in china and japan um don't SI6hhEEyGSu-00333-00237632-00238336 really play it in europe but uh i have played a game similar to this on the amstrad cpc never SI6hhEEyGSu-00334-00238336-00239584 really understood this type of game on a computer or console because you don't actually win anything SI6hhEEyGSu-00335-00239919-00240552 this one has a weird premise you're a fan you've attended a concert and one of japan's uh upcoming SI6hhEEyGSu-00336-00240552-00241160 pop idols he's front stage and center all of a sudden the skies darken and your adventure SI6hhEEyGSu-00337-00241160-00241688 story begins sounds massively ridiculous unfortunately i don't have a scooby how SI6hhEEyGSu-00338-00241688-00242216 to play it but it's got the old adventure element to it as well not quite text based SI6hhEEyGSu-00339-00242216-00243832 it looks to be more menu driven and a wager it's a good game because konami's behind it SI6hhEEyGSu-00340-00243832-00244440 i mean correct me if i'm wrong by all means but this just looks like cheap tat surely they SI6hhEEyGSu-00341-00244440-00244936 could have made more of it personally i'd have taken this straight back to the shop SI6hhEEyGSu-00342-00244936-00245648 we had games back in the uk that were around 199 or 299 that were light years ahead of this stuff SI6hhEEyGSu-00343-00245648-00246336 and also personally i had access to my dad's secret stash of porn not so SI6hhEEyGSu-00344-00246336-00246800 secret eh but fair play to them they actually show you on the cover how crap this game is SI6hhEEyGSu-00345-00247440-00248056 if you love the old adventure games before the days of point and click especially those SI6hhEEyGSu-00346-00248056-00248656 who liked the bard's tale series i think you like me will be right at home here SI6hhEEyGSu-00347-00248656-00248984 and the best part is that it's been translated to english SI6hhEEyGSu-00348-00249040-00249560 what's weird is you don't actually have a samurai sword despite the game being called samurai sword SI6hhEEyGSu-00349-00249560-00250023 but you're in the hut you have to hunt one down so that you can take out an evil priest or something SI6hhEEyGSu-00350-00250080-00250784 underneath these graphics and a mountain of texts is a deep story uh it's quite a good game SI6hhEEyGSu-00351-00251071-00251808 well anybody in europe great britain will know this one as ping pong and uh it's a fantastic game SI6hhEEyGSu-00352-00251808-00252536 really addictive and this one feels arcade perfect to me the difficulty is set just right it slowly SI6hhEEyGSu-00353-00252536-00253104 brings you in as you progress through the levels and for me this this game really does on lots SI6hhEEyGSu-00354-00253104-00253640 of different platforms stand the test of time in fact you can put this one down for years and not SI6hhEEyGSu-00355-00253640-00254240 play it and then come back years later and you can pick up where you left off it's like riding a bike SI6hhEEyGSu-00356-00254856-00255200 i like to judge these footy games on the year that they came out SI6hhEEyGSu-00357-00255264-00255808 uh and not look back at them now with superstar soccer or fifa goggles SI6hhEEyGSu-00358-00255808-00256200 and i i quite like it i think it's addictive i would have played this i mean i played SI6hhEEyGSu-00359-00256200-00256696 uh world cup by arctic on the amstrad cpc as a kid and thought that was brilliant SI6hhEEyGSu-00360-00256696-00257248 so that's the kind of mindset i'm looking for when uh i'm looking at these games or reviewing SI6hhEEyGSu-00361-00257248-00257800 them or being critical as far as recommendations go you're either into footy games or you're not SI6hhEEyGSu-00362-00258519-00259184 another game i had on the amstrad cpc and i think i played it on the commodore 64. but this one is SI6hhEEyGSu-00363-00259184-00259896 super load runner and although it looks really basic by today's standards and standards back SI6hhEEyGSu-00364-00259896-00260576 then really i quite like it i can't hide it i'm a fan of these types of games i like bruce lee SI6hhEEyGSu-00365-00260576-00261984 an older game called chucky egg manic miner and my kids love these types of games as well so kudos SI6hhEEyGSu-00366-00262200-00262672 i'm one of those people that don't think there's anything wrong with more of the same great stuff SI6hhEEyGSu-00367-00262728-00263320 and that's basically what you get here more of the same stuff i remember a couple of games i had back SI6hhEEyGSu-00368-00263320-00264080 in the day renegade and target renegade and i just wish that the third game could have been SI6hhEEyGSu-00369-00264080-00264600 a mixture of the first two games and not try to reinvent the wheel because they already had SI6hhEEyGSu-00370-00264600-00265104 a fantastic formula but as i've mentioned this is just more of the same good stuff SI6hhEEyGSu-00371-00265784-00266016 well this is just a great game isn't it that's the SI6hhEEyGSu-00372-00266088-00266856 the only thing i can say really i didn't experience um mario or super mario on the nes SI6hhEEyGSu-00373-00266856-00267504 i first experienced super mario games on the super nintendo which came with the super mario SI6hhEEyGSu-00374-00267504-00268240 all stars games and it had the mario had mario 1 2 3 and the super mario SI6hhEEyGSu-00375-00268240-00268984 land or world i absolutely love them my sister was fantastic at all of them and completed them SI6hhEEyGSu-00376-00269560-00270328 again uh what can i say i think the second one was miles better than the first one but my favorite SI6hhEEyGSu-00377-00270328-00271032 let me think i think mario 3. i know graphically it wasn't the best and i can only talk from the SI6hhEEyGSu-00378-00271032-00271504 experience of playing playing it on the super nintendo but i think i found it SI6hhEEyGSu-00379-00271504-00272024 easier more playable than super mario world but irregardless i SI6hhEEyGSu-00380-00272024-00272536 don't think apart from the original game boy version that i've played a bad mario game SI6hhEEyGSu-00381-00273144-00273632 so this is uh a form of japanese chess i'm not gonna lie to you i SI6hhEEyGSu-00382-00273632-00274024 couldn't get into this and i don't really understand what it is that you've got to do SI6hhEEyGSu-00383-00274104-00274568 but i would like to find out more about japan discover japan SI6hhEEyGSu-00384-00274568-00275120 and one day visit japan i don't know why i was always obsessed with america growing up as a kid SI6hhEEyGSu-00385-00275184-00275896 but later on i became obsessed with japan i think that grows and stems from video games and probably SI6hhEEyGSu-00386-00275896-00276584 none so more than shenmue also i guess video games have exposed me to the rich culture of japan SI6hhEEyGSu-00387-00276888-00277536 i'm not really into tennis games if i'm honest uh there was one tennis game on the atari 800 xl SI6hhEEyGSu-00388-00277536-00278176 that i really liked and then i don't feel as though they mastered tennis properly SI6hhEEyGSu-00389-00278176-00278816 until i played virtua tennis on the dreamcast now that was good but it was really arcadey and SI6hhEEyGSu-00390-00278816-00279296 then they brought out virtual tennis 2 that went even more extreme arcade SI6hhEEyGSu-00391-00279296-00279656 and then it just lost the plot and i lost interest but yeah this seems decent SI6hhEEyGSu-00392-00279656-00280184 enough SI6hhEEyGSu-00393-00280544-00281320 now this type of game for me um reinforces why i'd probably want to collect this system SI6hhEEyGSu-00394-00281488-00281984 and just just have it sitting there and play every now and again with these types of games these are SI6hhEEyGSu-00395-00281984-00282544 my favorite types of games basically and this one is no exception it's really fast it's fun SI6hhEEyGSu-00396-00282544-00283032 it looks decent i guess we have to remember when these games came out so SI6hhEEyGSu-00397-00283032-00283536 it was early days but the vertical scroll is fantastic and the challenge is brilliant SI6hhEEyGSu-00398-00284240-00284576 again i need to be honest i'm not really a fan of this type of game SI6hhEEyGSu-00399-00284640-00285456 um i'm a fan believe it or not of excite bike 64 that came out on the n64 i thought that was SI6hhEEyGSu-00400-00285456-00285880 absolutely brilliant and it's still one of my favorite games of all time SI6hhEEyGSu-00401-00285952-00286440 i wish nintendo wouldn't ignore that game i really do like it and it needs a remake SI6hhEEyGSu-00402-00286504-00287184 in fact that golden eye and a few other games are the reason i still keep my n64 SI6hhEEyGSu-00403-00287944-00288352 this is all right a bit basic but i'd have definitely played this it's got a little SI6hhEEyGSu-00404-00288352-00289120 bit of patman pepper oh mummy going on about it amadar i think it was called absolutely love the SI6hhEEyGSu-00405-00289120-00289744 tune that plays in the background and that vehicle looks a little bit like a big track i don't know SI6hhEEyGSu-00406-00289744-00290344 if you recall it's the one that brings the apple or banana to the to the kids dad in the uk advert SI6hhEEyGSu-00407-00290344-00291808 but yeah this looks brilliant really good and it's tato wow so a quick google search and apparently SI6hhEEyGSu-00408-00291880-00292384 this is super mario 2 and the only reason i recognize that it's super mario 2 SI6hhEEyGSu-00409-00292384-00293056 is because again i had this on the super nintendo it was part of the super mario pack and my sister SI6hhEEyGSu-00410-00293056-00293528 used to play as the princess and i remember that she'd pick those things off those roots SI6hhEEyGSu-00411-00293528-00294128 out of the ground and throw them so what happened here then is this some weird license restriction SI6hhEEyGSu-00412-00294128-00294672 don't get me wrong it's a great game and you know you'd be a fool not to play it it's that good SI6hhEEyGSu-00413-00295200-00295736 i've included this one i wish i hadn't i don't know why i did i've not got a clue what's going SI6hhEEyGSu-00414-00295736-00296208 on it looks like you've got to reveal a person i'm not going to lie to you i'm not SI6hhEEyGSu-00415-00296208-00296800 a fan of these types of games unfortunately they seem to litter the famicom disc system SI6hhEEyGSu-00416-00296800-00297304 personally for me it's another waste of a disc and it leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth SI6hhEEyGSu-00417-00298168-00298752 apparently this is the original and host to the famicom disk system and you get to use SI6hhEEyGSu-00418-00298752-00299272 the microphone and the atmosphere the sound effects and the music SI6hhEEyGSu-00419-00299272-00299600 are brilliant much better than you get on the nes version SI6hhEEyGSu-00420-00299784-00300296 sadly we've reached the end i've really enjoyed this one if you like this video please don't SI6hhEEyGSu-00421-00300296-00301000 forget to comment like ring that bell for future subscriptions and also please don't forget to SI6hhEEyGSu-00422-00301000-00301792 subscribe if people like this video i'd like to do a part two until next time terrar a bit SKw5-7gRS4A-00000-00001672-00002544 I think the most important thing, the most generalizable thing is that students need to take ownership of the learning process. SKw5-7gRS4A-00001-00002544-00003069 Too often we get into a situation where it's us passively providing the information to them. SKw5-7gRS4A-00002-00003069-00003576 They've got to find some way to participate in that process, own it, and be accountable for it. SKw5-7gRS4A-00003-00003576-00004723 One way that I do that right from day one is just by knowing every student's name in the class on the first day of class. SKw5-7gRS4A-00004-00004723-00005608 When I call on a student who has never had me in a class before by name, at the beginning of the first class, SKw5-7gRS4A-00005-00005608-00006510 it sets a completely different tone in the classroom, because all of the students know that they are accountable. SKw5-7gRS4A-00006-00006510-00007241 And they know that they have been recognized, and so I think there's a feeling of respect there, too. SKw5-7gRS4A-00007-00007241-00007946 Participation is usually 20-25% of the grade in my classes. SKw5-7gRS4A-00008-00007946-00009240 How I define participation - good participation - in the class, is saying things or asking questions that help everyone else to learn. SKw5-7gRS4A-00009-00009240-00010176 And so, it's not necessarily about making your points, it's about saying things that are demonstrating to me that SKw5-7gRS4A-00010-00010176-00011005 you're really thinking about it, you're taking the concepts to a new place, and that you are interested in helping everyone else learn too, SKw5-7gRS4A-00011-00011005-00011219 and bringing everyone else along together. SKw5-7gRS4A-00012-00011219-00012299 In terms of exams and in terms of homeworks and papers and assignments, there's a base of knowledge that I know that they've got to have. SKw5-7gRS4A-00013-00012299-00013499 And that's what I'm testing on. But I think that if I limit the class to just those baseline things, it's pretty stark, and it's pretty basic. SKw5-7gRS4A-00014-00013499-00014052 And they're getting a much richer experience and one that's going to stay with them for a lot longer SKw5-7gRS4A-00015-00014052-00014604 by allowing them to have some control over what it's really about in the classroom time. SKw5-7gRS4A-00016-00014604-00015280 The classroom time is the most memorable. It's the most significant, it's the most important. SKw5-7gRS4A-00017-00015280-00015875 And that's sort of, what all of the homework and all the outside work sort of leads up to. SKw5-7gRS4A-00018-00016575-00017080 So, the way that I run my courses is highly discussion-based. SKw5-7gRS4A-00019-00017080-00017861 And it's really dependent on the students themselves participating in the creation of learning. SKw5-7gRS4A-00020-00017861-00018685 So, as we have these discussions, I have to recognize that I'm letting go of control, to some degree, SKw5-7gRS4A-00021-00018685-00019088 of what is going to happen at any moment in the class. SKw5-7gRS4A-00022-00019088-00019911 Now, I can do that because I don't use slides, and so it's a lot easier for me to jump around in the material. SKw5-7gRS4A-00023-00019911-00020661 Now, in order to do that, it's really important that I know the material very well, so I have a good sense of what I'm hitting now, SKw5-7gRS4A-00024-00020661-00021003 but also what I was planning to hit in fifteen minutes. SKw5-7gRS4A-00025-00021003-00021563 And so, if a student makes a very strong point that relates to something I'm going to be talking about later, SKw5-7gRS4A-00026-00021563-00022544 I can either choose to table it or I can jump to that next topic and then try and cycle back around to the points that I'm trying to make now. SKw5-7gRS4A-00027-00022544-00023221 And so, it's more of an opportunistic strategy. And it does require a lot of improvisation, SKw5-7gRS4A-00028-00023221-00024196 but the value of it is that when I contextualize what I'm talking about based on what the students are bringing in now, SKw5-7gRS4A-00029-00024196-00024682 then, again, they're much more likely to own it and they're much more likely to contextualize it and SKw5-7gRS4A-00030-00024682-00025279 it's much more likely to become part of their general understanding of the topic. SKw5-7gRS4A-00031-00025279-00026079 What it also does is it sort of creates a feeling in the class that they don't really know where the class is going to go. SKw5-7gRS4A-00032-00026079-00026728 They know that I have a sense of where I want it to be, but they don't necessarily know how they're going to get there. SKw5-7gRS4A-00033-00026728-00027099 Because I don't know how we're going to get there, and that's alright. SKw5-7gRS4A-00034-00027099-00027100 Subtitles by the Amara.org community SNpVH04oSH8-00000-00001003-00001416 The SDGs are the 17 goals that the UN plans to comply for SNpVH04oSH8-00001-00001416-00001932 be able to have an inclusive future of peace and fair on a healthy planet and away from climate change. SNpVH04oSH8-00002-00002012-00002684 Specifically, in this video we will talk of goal number 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. SNpVH04oSH8-00003-00002812-00003304 We are in a moment of history in the one that various places in the world they find themselves in constant violence. SNpVH04oSH8-00004-00003356-00003820 In countries like Syria, South Sudan and Somalia, they have been at war for several years, SNpVH04oSH8-00005-00003820-00004136 and this last year the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. SNpVH04oSH8-00006-00004236-00004599 We understand that it is essential that for sustainable development SNpVH04oSH8-00007-00004599-00005055 people do not be afraid of any form of violence and that they may feel safe until the end of their life. SNpVH04oSH8-00008-00005188-00005564 Access to justice is a basic principle of the rule of law. SNpVH04oSH8-00009-00005644-00006144 Without it, people could not make your voice heard or fight against to discrimination. SNpVH04oSH8-00010-00006228-00006640 Therefore, the administration of the justice must be impartial and not discriminatory, and SNpVH04oSH8-00011-00006640-00007244 independent of the other powers to so that they can provide services transparent, effective and accountable. SNpVH04oSH8-00012-00007376-00007723 But in order to meet the objectives described by the UN, SNpVH04oSH8-00013-00007723-00008244 we must get partnerships informed and managed with transparency, and after all, SNpVH04oSH8-00014-00008244-00008644 that public institutions and their administrations are accountable to the society. SNpVH04oSH8-00015-00008700-00009036 Well, only in a society with transparent institutions, SNpVH04oSH8-00016-00009036-00009376 fair and inclusive there may be sustainable development. SNpVH04oSH8-00017-00009476-00009936 And what role can computing take on this development goal sustainable? SNpVH04oSH8-00018-00010004-00010616 Well, let's take as an example the corruption of public institutions, whether judicial, police, etc. SNpVH04oSH8-00019-00010700-00011144 The rise of Blockchain is generating a lot of enthusiasm like anti-corruption method. SNpVH04oSH8-00020-00011156-00011603 It has characteristics that can help anchor integrity in bureaucracies, SNpVH04oSH8-00021-00011603-00012192 by ensuring identity, track funds, register assets and get contracts. SNpVH04oSH8-00022-00012192-00012596 Therefore, we believe that the use adequate technologies such as Blockchain will be SNpVH04oSH8-00023-00012596-00012963 keys to achieving greater transparency of public administration. SNsYyAv95sk-00000-00000160-00000778 hello friends today I'm going to show you how you can bring current from SNsYyAv95sk-00001-00000778-00001205 the engine bay into the cabin welcome to a new video SNsYyAv95sk-00002-00002609-00002893 there is a way to do this you can access SNsYyAv95sk-00003-00002893-00003592 the engine bay underneath the air filter so you have to take the air filter out SNsYyAv95sk-00004-00003592-00004945 this part in this part and then you have a small access way down here so there it is SNsYyAv95sk-00005-00005499-00005785 so I removed the air filter intake SNsYyAv95sk-00006-00006218-00007194 I removed that bolt there and I only have to remove that screw over there in order to detach that SNsYyAv95sk-00007-00007194-00007965 hose and I can lift the air filter house out so when you lift this clip you can lift this part out SNsYyAv95sk-00008-00007965-00008721 as well so we're not removing the whole battery just as far as I can get as you can see the port SNsYyAv95sk-00009-00008721-00009420 box is here and the backside blocks there but I still can manage to see the excess finally to SNsYyAv95sk-00010-00009420-00010173 pull the battery out because the access wasn't really doable and this way I can actually access SNsYyAv95sk-00011-00010173-00011412 it as I should so guys I'm fine in as you can see what I've done the rubber that's holding the SNsYyAv95sk-00012-00011412-00012558 big electric cable it's very thick so you can't really slide the cable along its side so I pierced SNsYyAv95sk-00013-00012558-00013365 the big rubber with my Swiss knife and then I slide the cable just next to it as you can see SNsYyAv95sk-00014-00014107-00015755 there is next to the knife point so I can put it all the way so when you want to access the SNsYyAv95sk-00015-00015755-00016493 cabin from the engine bay the easiest way is to remove the air filter intake SNsYyAv95sk-00016-00016493-00017435 remove the battery remove the air filter housing and then you pierce with a knife SNsYyAv95sk-00017-00017435-00018440 the big rubber next to the heavy cable and you can catch the cable in the cabin SNGJHwlY4Lo-00000-00001216-00002512 Sometimes to rekt nazis you need something bigger than rifles and SMGs. Today we will discuss heavy guns, which have more potential, weight and skill to be used correctly. SNGJHwlY4Lo-00001-00003040-00005808 DP is a very accurate, average fire rate, nice damage LMG. It's more of a defence weapon and is easier to use while still, defending a point. Assaulting with an LMG is rather difficult, you better take SMG. Once again, its very accurate on long range. SNGJHwlY4Lo-00002-00005824-00006544 Shoot from a hidden spot or position. It might look like this, SNGJHwlY4Lo-00003-00006656-00006784 Or this! SNGJHwlY4Lo-00004-00009456-00011840 Did I say how awful soviet tanks are? No? Well, you heard it now. They are weaker than other in this game, so tankers have no motivation to fight for father Soviet Union. But help is here, from an unexpected spot. Or, with unexpected weapon. SRKLgFYTtlE-00000-00000872-00001416 yeah let's go i ain't the first with the curse with the thirst that i wanna be better not worse SRKLgFYTtlE-00001-00001416-00001920 man it hurts i'm on this earth with my words and i put them all together insert cause i wanna have SRKLgFYTtlE-00002-00001920-00002456 worth working really hard till they put me in the dirt gonna go far man listen to my words SRKLgFYTtlE-00003-00002456-00002984 gonna be a star man life's like a blur when you're working this hard SRKLgFYTtlE-00004-00004239-00005167 she asking to crash with me smash with me she's savage she wants cash money SSsCJzjxfCy-00000-00000090-00000606 Across the country, states are grappling with an array of different regulatory strategies, SSsCJzjxfCy-00001-00000606-00001200 overseen by different agencies, to address drugs prescribed to workers for their injuries. SSsCJzjxfCy-00002-00001200-00001757 A new WCRI report─Workers’ Compensation Prescription Drug Regulations: A National SSsCJzjxfCy-00003-00001757-00002452 Inventory, 2023─provides a basic understanding of the different strategies adopted by all SSsCJzjxfCy-00004-00002452-00002716 50 states and the District of Columbia. SSsCJzjxfCy-00005-00002716-00003216 There is a wealth of information here on some of the most prominent prescription drug issues SSsCJzjxfCy-00006-00003216-00003911 policymakers and system stakeholders are concerned about today, such as opioids, drug formularies, SSsCJzjxfCy-00007-00003911-00004149 medical marijuana, and price regulations. SSsCJzjxfCy-00008-00004149-00004639 Let’s take a look at one of the tables so you can see the quality of the information SSsCJzjxfCy-00009-00004639-00004739 in this report. SSsCJzjxfCy-00010-00004739-00005425 For example, Table 4 shows you a top-level summary of prescription rules in workers’ SSsCJzjxfCy-00011-00005425-00005759 compensation as of Jan. 1, 2023. SSsCJzjxfCy-00012-00005759-00006180 Everything is broken down by state and answers these questions: SSsCJzjxfCy-00013-00006180-00006391 Is there a pharmacy fee schedule? SSsCJzjxfCy-00014-00006391-00006656 Is generic substitution mandated? SSsCJzjxfCy-00015-00006656-00006820 Is there a formulary? SSsCJzjxfCy-00016-00006820-00007051 Is preauthorization required? SSsCJzjxfCy-00017-00007051-00007292 Are there treatment guidelines for any drugs? SSsCJzjxfCy-00018-00007292-00007492 Who chooses the pharmacy? SSsCJzjxfCy-00019-00007492-00007706 May physicians dispense? SSsCJzjxfCy-00020-00007706-00008109 Not only do you find the answer to your question, but you also have the ability to dig deeper SSsCJzjxfCy-00021-00008109-00008550 into the findings using the blue links located in the column header. SSsCJzjxfCy-00022-00008550-00009015 For example, if you are interested in learning more about drug formularies, click here to SSsCJzjxfCy-00023-00009015-00009211 view Table 10. SSsCJzjxfCy-00024-00009211-00009979 As you see, you then can learn the formulary source, the primary purpose for its implementation, SSsCJzjxfCy-00025-00009979-00010463 and a link to the statute in case you want to dig even deeper. SSsCJzjxfCy-00026-00010463-00010840 We hope you found this video helpful and will download the study. SSsCJzjxfCy-00027-00010840-00011213 If you did like the video, please click on the “thumbs up” button below. SSsCJzjxfCy-00028-00011213-00011649 Also, please make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay up to date with our latest SSsCJzjxfCy-00029-00011649-00012090 research and discussions about important workers’ compensation topics. SSsCJzjxfCy-00030-00012090-00012231 Thanks for watching! SSuTrZ6pQUY-00000-00000078-00001217 welcome to The A-I-O Aadarsh (INTRO) SSuTrZ6pQUY-00001-00001217-00001946 Hello friends I am Aadarsh Mandrah and you are welcome to The A-I-O Aadarsh channel SSuTrZ6pQUY-00002-00001946-00002319 You know that my channel name has changed some times SSuTrZ6pQUY-00003-00002319-00002736 first, it was Cartoon Dubbing by Master Aadarsh, then The FanDubber Aadarsh, then I changed SSuTrZ6pQUY-00004-00002736-00003209 it into The A-I-O Aadarsh because I don't only want to dub, but want SSuTrZ6pQUY-00005-00003209-00003500 to do everything in this channel A-I-O means All In One. SSuTrZ6pQUY-00006-00003500-00004272 Like You can see I do video editing Game Developing and I am learning Game developing(sorry SSuTrZ6pQUY-00007-00004368-00004856 for noise) Like the title is Free Fire In Bluestacks SSuTrZ6pQUY-00008-00004856-00005052 I am showing you GamePlay of Free Fire in Bluestacks SSuTrZ6pQUY-00009-00005052-00005396 I am opening bluestacks and pausing video because it take some time to open SSuTrZ6pQUY-00010-00005396-00006096 See that friends, It is OPENED How I downloaded Free Fire SSuTrZ6pQUY-00011-00006096-00006576 You can download free fire from Google Play Store SSuTrZ6pQUY-00012-00006576-00007018 or You can download APK or XAPK file from browser SSuTrZ6pQUY-00013-00007122-00007506 I download XAPK file of free fire from ApkPure Website SSuTrZ6pQUY-00014-00007609-00008208 If you download XAPK file so you have to install ES File Explorer and XAPK Installer. SSuTrZ6pQUY-00015-00008208-00008324 In some videos, You can find how to install XAPK files in BlueStacks SSuTrZ6pQUY-00016-00008324-00008775 Then We will Open Free Fire I am forwarding you to lobby through pause-resume SSuTrZ6pQUY-00017-00008806-00009144 See friends, we are in Starting page Let's Tap to Begin SSuTrZ6pQUY-00018-00009326-00011004 (SORRY MUSIC IS HIGH AND MY VOICE IS LOW) I am not capturing video SSuTrZ6pQUY-00019-00011004-00011374 See friends It Started SSuTrZ6pQUY-00020-00011375-00013193 You can get BSOD errors sometimes when using BlueStacks but it can be solved SSuTrZ6pQUY-00021-00013193-00013853 Friends are calling me but I will not go. SSuTrZ6pQUY-00022-00013853-00014912 Let's Go to training and check how we can play in bluestacks SSuTrZ6pQUY-00023-00014912-00015203 I use full graphics mode SSuTrZ6pQUY-00024-00015203-00015568 and this is my sensitivity settings SSuTrZ6pQUY-00025-00015762-00016540 In sound I use 100 level in voice to hear teammates voice SSuTrZ6pQUY-00026-00016642-00016986 So let's start MATCHMAKING SSuTrZ6pQUY-00027-00016986-00017564 I am pausing friends because it take some time SSuTrZ6pQUY-00028-00017564-00018062 See that friends Matchmaking doesn't took long time SSuTrZ6pQUY-00029-00018062-00018552 (SORRY FOR NOISE) My smart controls are working friends SSuTrZ6pQUY-00030-00018552-00019022 One thing I am going to tell you which is also in description that SSuTrZ6pQUY-00031-00019022-00019502 if you Smart Controls not working then do this SSuTrZ6pQUY-00032-00019502-00019850 See here in Settings SSuTrZ6pQUY-00033-00019850-00020700 I am using OpenGL instead of DirectX in Graphics Renderer because smart controls do not work SSuTrZ6pQUY-00034-00020700-00021496 in DirectX for me and you can see the fire icon on top left SSuTrZ6pQUY-00035-00021496-00022714 because the joystick move anywhere that's why i put that on top left SSuTrZ6pQUY-00036-00022716-00023060 you can also put there but I got problem of joystick there SSuTrZ6pQUY-00037-00023060-00023528 Let's try a weapon friends So let's use AWM friends SSuTrZ6pQUY-00038-00023528-00025500 It is my favorite gun Let's check scope firing SSuTrZ6pQUY-00039-00025500-00025974 Yeh good sensitivity SSuTrZ6pQUY-00040-00025974-00026236 Oops SSuTrZ6pQUY-00041-00026236-00026576 see that My every shot is perfect SSuTrZ6pQUY-00042-00026576-00027314 Oh no this was not perfect Becaause I am not Pro in PC SSuTrZ6pQUY-00043-00027314-00028012 See That Let's Try Kar98 SSuTrZ6pQUY-00044-00028012-00028489 But we should use Groza here But we will use M14 SSuTrZ6pQUY-00045-00028489-00029126 Changing Mind I am using 2,3,4 instead of 1,2,3 because SSuTrZ6pQUY-00046-00029126-00029582 when I used standard mode because I was using DirectX. SSuTrZ6pQUY-00047-00029582-00030316 it was 2,3,4 and it came in my habit so I am using that in Smart Mode in OpenGL SSuTrZ6pQUY-00048-00031214-00031464 Let's use 4X scope SSuTrZ6pQUY-00049-00031464-00032006 We will get it here and we got it I inserted 4x scope in M14 SSuTrZ6pQUY-00050-00032006-00032586 Sorry friends, there was call of my friends when I paused video SSuTrZ6pQUY-00051-00032586-00033128 He saw I am playing so He is inviting me But Video is the work not playing with friends SSuTrZ6pQUY-00052-00033128-00033410 Scope shots are very good Let"s try with HitMarker SSuTrZ6pQUY-00053-00033410-00033918 WOW, Shots are very goooooood See friends SSuTrZ6pQUY-00054-00034022-00034720 If you have your own PC and you play free fire in Mobile, So don't play only in MOBILE, SSuTrZ6pQUY-00055-00034720-00035090 Play in PC with smart controls of BlueStacks SSuTrZ6pQUY-00056-00035090-00035414 So Thanks for watching and don't forget to LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE SSuTrZ6pQUY-00057-00035414-00035668 BYE BYE!!!!! :) :) :) SSuTrZ6pQUY-00058-00035668-00036032 ^ Check this video. Subscribe Here ^ SVUkC_I5Hwu-00000-00000003-00000594 Trust issue in the relationship. Building trust in a relationship. Hi guys, my name is SVUkC_I5Hwu-00001-00000594-00001041 Elena Semenek. This is my youtube channel "Psychology of Happiness", where SVUkC_I5Hwu-00002-00001041-00001575 happiness is the purpose of life! Today's question came from my youtube channel SVUkC_I5Hwu-00003-00001575-00002163 from one of the you guys. A woman is askin, "My boyfriend is in Germany and SVUkC_I5Hwu-00004-00002163-00002676 I'm in Mexico but Visa is taking too long and the more time passes the more SVUkC_I5Hwu-00005-00002676-00003234 insecure and scared I feel, we are going to get married on December but I'm going SVUkC_I5Hwu-00006-00003234-00003600 crazy because he should have been here since June 1st SVUkC_I5Hwu-00007-00003600-00004130 sometimes I believe he did it to get some time free but I have no evidence he SVUkC_I5Hwu-00008-00004130-00004782 is very sweet to me we video chat every day he's committed 24/7 to me but still SVUkC_I5Hwu-00009-00004782-00005268 there is something inside of me tell me that this delay might have been on SVUkC_I5Hwu-00010-00005268-00005727 purpose planned by him should they confront him and how can I know if he's SVUkC_I5Hwu-00011-00005727-00006098 telling me the truth I only want to know the truth SVUkC_I5Hwu-00012-00006098-00006822 thank you so how can you know if the guy or a girl is telling you the truth SVUkC_I5Hwu-00013-00006822-00007476 how can you come thrown the person and should you confront a person how to deal SVUkC_I5Hwu-00014-00007476-00008067 with those feelings inside you when you feel that something is not quite right SVUkC_I5Hwu-00015-00008067-00008643 and you don't want to screw up your relationship but at the same time those SVUkC_I5Hwu-00016-00008643-00009096 thoughts are bothering you and you're not feeling happy so let's talk about SVUkC_I5Hwu-00017-00009096-00009668 trust in the relationship Trust is the key element of any relationship SVUkC_I5Hwu-00018-00009668-00010221 especially if you are planning to get married with the person if you don't SVUkC_I5Hwu-00019-00010221-00010838 have trust right now then in your marriage you will have a lot of problems SVUkC_I5Hwu-00020-00010838-00011610 but how to confront the person if you feel that something is not right and SVUkC_I5Hwu-00021-00011610-00012195 should you confront the person yes you should but do not take any instant SVUkC_I5Hwu-00022-00012195-00013002 decisions take 1 to 3 days let your emotions come down as possible and if in SVUkC_I5Hwu-00023-00013002-00013444 three days situation did not change them talk to a person but SVUkC_I5Hwu-00024-00013444-00014216 instead of confronting him instead of blaming him used I statement say I feel SVUkC_I5Hwu-00025-00014216-00014954 said it's very hard for me to talk about this I'm afraid to tell you my feelings SVUkC_I5Hwu-00026-00014954-00015881 I feel that our connection is not there anymore or you can say I miss you a lot SVUkC_I5Hwu-00027-00015881-00016645 or for example you can say I would like to have us trustful open relationship SVUkC_I5Hwu-00028-00016645-00016951 and it's very important for me to tell you that SVUkC_I5Hwu-00029-00016951-00017648 bla bla bla so when you talk to your partner use I statement I feel sad I SVUkC_I5Hwu-00030-00017648-00018278 feel bad I am worried I am afraid it's very hard for me and then when you SVUkC_I5Hwu-00031-00018278-00018845 share your feelings when you open your heart then the person might share his SVUkC_I5Hwu-00032-00018845-00019325 feelings and he might start opening his heart because if you're gonna confront SVUkC_I5Hwu-00033-00019325-00019870 him or blame him then it's gonna be only an argument and your relationship will SVUkC_I5Hwu-00034-00019870-00020488 go in you know down instead of growing and you know creating something bigger SVUkC_I5Hwu-00035-00020488-00020876 so how you can build trust in the relationship SVUkC_I5Hwu-00036-00020876-00021548 step by step do not rush us start sharing with your partner what's SVUkC_I5Hwu-00037-00021548-00022172 happening in your life you concerns your worries maybe some of your problems SVUkC_I5Hwu-00038-00022172-00022891 maybe some of your fears but do not you know tell him a huge drama that happens SVUkC_I5Hwu-00039-00022891-00023363 in your life if you just started dating or if you're at the beginning of the SVUkC_I5Hwu-00040-00023363-00023984 relationship because your partner might might might not know how to react SVUkC_I5Hwu-00041-00023984-00024859 he might not face this type of situation before and you might scare him so it SVUkC_I5Hwu-00042-00024859-00025337 might be also hard for you because if you were raised in a family in your SVUkC_I5Hwu-00043-00025337-00025996 parents did not talk to each other about their concerns their fears then you SVUkC_I5Hwu-00044-00025996-00026482 probably get used to hold your feelings and emotions SVUkC_I5Hwu-00045-00026482-00027097 inside you and when you couldn't do it anymore it was a big argument or big SVUkC_I5Hwu-00046-00027097-00027544 scandal and it's not gonna help your relationship it's gonna destroy them so SVUkC_I5Hwu-00047-00027544-00028144 you have to learn how to trust other person and you have to learn how to open SVUkC_I5Hwu-00048-00028144-00028735 your heart your feelings start by telling your partner maybe something SVUkC_I5Hwu-00049-00028735-00029352 small maybe some stories in your childhood when you wanted to have a toy SVUkC_I5Hwu-00050-00029352-00029952 but your parents did not buy it for you or maybe when everyone got an ice cream SVUkC_I5Hwu-00051-00029952-00030736 and you did not because you had allergy or maybe something else but see how your SVUkC_I5Hwu-00052-00030736-00031272 partner reacts so do not overload your partner with your traumas and your heart SVUkC_I5Hwu-00053-00031272-00031861 situations start a little by little because Trust is something that should SVUkC_I5Hwu-00054-00031861-00032488 grow in a couple it's not gonna happen like this it's gonna happen over time so SVUkC_I5Hwu-00055-00032488-00032944 take care of yourself take care of your emotions your feelings and take care of SVUkC_I5Hwu-00056-00032944-00033535 your partner of his emotions and of his reactions if you would like to know how SVUkC_I5Hwu-00057-00033535-00034072 to build a happy relationship that lasts long I will leave the link to another SVUkC_I5Hwu-00058-00034072-00034555 video below this one share this video with your friends share your opinions SVUkC_I5Hwu-00059-00034555-00035017 below write your comments ask your questions and your question might be the SVUkC_I5Hwu-00060-00035017-00035368 topic of the next video and if you have a private question SVUkC_I5Hwu-00061-00035368-00035884 contact me privately the links will be below the video I offer online private SVUkC_I5Hwu-00062-00035884-00036325 sessions and webinars share this video with your friends post it on your SVUkC_I5Hwu-00063-00036325-00036820 Facebook, Twitter, subscribe to my channel and thank you for watching "Psychology of Happiness", SVUkC_I5Hwu-00064-00036820-00037332 where happiness is the purpose of life! SXHA63xSoYA-00000-00000386-00000504 where he got? SXHA63xSoYA-00001-00000594-00000754 ahhh, my arm got stuck.. SXHA63xSoYA-00002-00000808-00000942 ahhh, the feds! SXHA63xSoYA-00003-00001262-00001506 Shion, I always wanted to tell you that SXHA63xSoYA-00004-00001510-00001616 ha!.. lesbians SXHA63xSoYA-00005-00001773-00002026 thank you aunn, you've always been there for me SXHA63xSoYA-00006-00002112-00002260 aunn, help me.. SXHA63xSoYA-00007-00002308-00002372 please..! SXHA63xSoYA-00008-00002516-00002960 reimu, This is not easy, but I'm going to have to cut your arm SXHA63xSoYA-00009-00003008-00003138 but it will grow again? SXHA63xSoYA-00010-00003188-00003278 ehhh... yes! SXHA63xSoYA-00011-00003334-00003546 quiet reimu is not going to hurt SXHA63xSoYA-00012-00003596-00003694 what's going on,aunn SXHA63xSoYA-00013-00004114-00004258 his arm got stuck SXHA63xSoYA-00014-00005166-00005358 you already tried to drop the can Sb05nHmon4c-00000-00000773-00001076 Another 3D printer has arrived in my workshop. Sb05nHmon4c-00001-00001116-00001773 It's a CR-10 and same as my previous printers I got it from the online dealer Gearbest for this review. Sb05nHmon4c-00002-00001853-00002640 The rated print volume is 30 times 30 times 40cm, by what the CR-10 is made for printing large objects. Sb05nHmon4c-00003-00002990-00003810 The printer comes as a kit, but most parts are preassembled so that the build instruction is short and you can put it all together in one hour. Sb05nHmon4c-00004-00004036-00005250 Tools needed for the assembly and included in the box are a side cutter, two wrenches, five hexagon tools, a screwdriver and a scraper that is useful to remove parts from the print bed. Sb05nHmon4c-00005-00005456-00006220 The frame is composed of aluminum profiles of the dimensions 40 times 20mm and 20 times 20mm. Sb05nHmon4c-00006-00006493-00007209 The orange rubber inserts are nothing but decoration and they have a strong smell after unboxing - at least for the first week. Sb05nHmon4c-00007-00007300-00007893 Minor scratches on the aluminum frame don't affect the functionality - it's a machine for your workshop. Sb05nHmon4c-00008-00008190-00008526 No more than two parts of the frame have to be assembled. Sb05nHmon4c-00009-00008866-00009223 The end switch of the Z axis is at one of the bracings. Sb05nHmon4c-00010-00009290-00009600 That's all to finish the mechanics of the printer. Sb05nHmon4c-00011-00009986-00010233 The wiring is also done quickly. Sb05nHmon4c-00012-00010313-00010970 All plugs are labeled and protected against reverse polarity by what a faulty wiring is nearly ruled out. Sb05nHmon4c-00013-00011223-00011740 All cables are bound together by weaved tubes, so there is no cable spaghetti. Sb05nHmon4c-00014-00012000-00012493 The electronics, including the power supply, is covered by a solid metal case. Sb05nHmon4c-00015-00012560-00012916 With that, the insulation of the mains power is perfect. Sb05nHmon4c-00016-00013166-00013813 Turn the selection switch to the proper mains voltage of your country before powering the device for the first time. Sb05nHmon4c-00017-00014203-00014943 All axes are guided by plastic rolls with ball bearings, but I noticed unwanted backlash at the mechanism of the print bed. Sb05nHmon4c-00018-00015150-00016276 When having a look at the bottom side, you can see that 6 rolls are used to guide that axis - a strange number of bearings, because the middle rolls are an unwanted pivot point of the construction. Sb05nHmon4c-00019-00016546-00017320 That's why I removed them - additionally the remaining fours bearings were a bit loose, thus I tightened them with a higher torque. Sb05nHmon4c-00020-00017373-00017906 With that simple modification the backlash at the Y axis is successfully eliminated. Sb05nHmon4c-00021-00018363-00019233 The Z axis is driven by a single motor through one spindle - the second end of the X axis rides on three rolls without another motor. Sb05nHmon4c-00022-00019913-00020046 When lifting... Sb05nHmon4c-00023-00020296-00021130 ...and pushing down that end of the X axis by hand, we get an error of approximately 0.4mm, which is anything but negligible. Sb05nHmon4c-00024-00021200-00021750 However, while operating the machine, gravity pulls the axis in only one direction. Sb05nHmon4c-00025-00021826-00022063 When driving the carriage to the right... Sb05nHmon4c-00026-00022426-00022536 ...to the left... Sb05nHmon4c-00027-00023036-00023790 ...and back to the right, that end of the X axis moves for no more than approximately 0.02mm. Sb05nHmon4c-00028-00023853-00025003 Even more important is, that the reading on the dial indicator varies for clearly less than 0.01mm whenever the carriage is at the right end of the X axis, which is nearly perfect. Sb05nHmon4c-00029-00025356-00026103 On the aluminum plate of the heated print bed there is a glass plate covered with adhesive tape, kept in place by four metal clamps. Sb05nHmon4c-00030-00026539-00026916 The height of the print bed is adjustable through knurled nuts. Sb05nHmon4c-00031-00026986-00027480 Adjust the bed to a low position before turning the printer on for the first time. Sb05nHmon4c-00032-00027823-00028420 Besides the two dismounted bearings, a couple of screws are left over, which gives good karma points. Sb05nHmon4c-00033-00028636-00029383 Furthermore the kit comes with a spare bowden tube including a brass bush and a second nozzle, as well as a roll of adhesive tape. Sb05nHmon4c-00034-00029803-00030036 Time for turning the machine on: Sb05nHmon4c-00035-00030370-00030926 Even in idle mode the printer is very loud, because of the two fans in the power supply... Sb05nHmon4c-00036-00031480-00031973 ...as well as the third fan at the hotend that emits a high frequency noise. Sb05nHmon4c-00037-00032760-00033210 The printer is operated through a rotary knob and an LCD display. Sb05nHmon4c-00038-00033683-00033963 With that you can move the motor of the X... Sb05nHmon4c-00039-00034370-00034550 ...and Y axis. Sb05nHmon4c-00040-00035516-00035850 You can also home all axes with one command. Sb05nHmon4c-00041-00037340-00038163 Before adjusting the printer, you should preheat the print bed to 60 degrees, because the large aluminum plate expands noticeably while heating up. Sb05nHmon4c-00042-00038223-00039246 Don't move the print head by hand while leveling the bed - use the control panel instead, because as demonstrated before, the right end of the X axis bends under load. Sb05nHmon4c-00043-00039410-00039736 Besides that the procedure is a usual: Sb05nHmon4c-00044-00039800-00040156 The height of the print bed is adjusted in several runs... Sb05nHmon4c-00045-00040540-00041073 ...until finally nothing but a sheet of paper fits tightly between nozzle and print bed. Sb05nHmon4c-00046-00041600-00041970 The printer comes with a spool of white PLA filament. Sb05nHmon4c-00047-00042090-00042763 However I am using a 1kg spool of blue PLA to get a higher contrast for my first video sequences. Sb05nHmon4c-00048-00043076-00043713 To feed the extruder with filament, you must preheat the hotend to 185 degrees Celsius... Sb05nHmon4c-00049-00044213-00044490 ...and drive the X-Axis to the right end. Sb05nHmon4c-00050-00045070-00045360 The CR-10 has a bowden extruder. Sb05nHmon4c-00051-00045463-00046240 At this type of extruder the heavy stepper motor pulling the filament into the hotend is not part of the carriage moving along the X axis. Sb05nHmon4c-00052-00046320-00047220 Both parts of the print head are connected through a tube, usually made of Polytetrafluoroethylene, a type of plastics with hight temperature resistance and low friction. Sb05nHmon4c-00053-00047793-00048526 As soon as the target temperature of the hotend is reached, the filament can be inserted by pressing the lever on the stepper motor. Sb05nHmon4c-00054-00049100-00049516 Pull in the filament until a strand of plastics exits the nozzle. Sb05nHmon4c-00055-00049866-00050146 Now, the printer is prepared for the first job. Sb05nHmon4c-00056-00050546-00051236 In order to print one of the files that come with the printer, insert the micro SD-card on the right side of the control box. Sb05nHmon4c-00057-00051696-00051983 After that, you must initialize the card. Sb05nHmon4c-00058-00052076-00052603 Select "Change SD-Card" whenever you want to remove the card, to avoid data corruption. Sb05nHmon4c-00059-00052813-00053143 After initialization you can select one of the files. Sb05nHmon4c-00060-00054143-00054650 The job starts as soon as the target temperatures of print bed and hotend are reached. Sb05nHmon4c-00061-00055046-00055856 My advice is to use one of the sample files that come with the printer for your first test run, since they work properly on the device. Sb05nHmon4c-00062-00055926-00056870 However, the "cat" file confused me - not because the CR-10 could not print cats, but the parameters chosen for that sculpture are not as I expected them to be: Sb05nHmon4c-00063-00056933-00057976 The first filament strand extruded around the print area to pull out the air in the hotend, is very close to the edge of the first layer of the figure - it simply doesn't stand out. Sb05nHmon4c-00064-00058046-00058643 Furthermore, the first layer looks very rough, because it is printed with low infill and low layer height. Sb05nHmon4c-00065-00058736-00059260 I expected to see smooth layers from the beginning of the print, but that did not happen. Sb05nHmon4c-00066-00059360-00060076 Because of the rough output I canceled the print three times in order to check the bed leveling as well as the extruder. Sb05nHmon4c-00067-00060813-00061686 As I could not find anything wrong with the adjustment of the printer I simply let things slide and after a couple of layers it all started looking good. Sb05nHmon4c-00068-00062453-00062800 The "cat" file on the SD-card grows layer by layer. Sb05nHmon4c-00069-00063370-00063763 The sculpture has a hollow body - the infill it set to zero. Sb05nHmon4c-00070-00064306-00064860 With growing height, the print looks better and better and my skepticism disappeared over time. Sb05nHmon4c-00071-00065236-00066213 The printer has a 0.4mm nozzle, the layer height is set to 0.12mm and the hotend is adjusted to 200 degrees Celcius. Sb05nHmon4c-00072-00066920-00067256 There are no visible strings between the ears of the cat. Sb05nHmon4c-00073-00067353-00067933 The print is paused while retracting the filament a couple of millimeters before the print head passes a gap. Sb05nHmon4c-00074-00068016-00068376 With that, oozing is eliminated nearly perfectly. Sb05nHmon4c-00075-00068776-00069196 After 3 hours and 35 minutes, the cat is printed. Sb05nHmon4c-00076-00069420-00069923 There is a reason for the rough structure of the bottom layers I found faulty, first: Sb05nHmon4c-00077-00070040-00070380 You can remove the cat from the print bed with ease. Sb05nHmon4c-00078-00070760-00071360 All details of the cat, including the Chinese characters meaning fortune, are clearly visible. Sb05nHmon4c-00079-00071446-00072370 Good prints should not be based on good fortune, but on knowledge about filament printing as well as on a solid mechanics so that the results are repeatable. Sb05nHmon4c-00080-00073023-00073590 Next thing I stored on the SD-card in order to get printed is a link of my cable chain. Sb05nHmon4c-00081-00073743-00074070 The layer height is set to 0.1mm. Sb05nHmon4c-00082-00074443-00074966 There is almost no oozing - the few strings being visible are very thin. Sb05nHmon4c-00083-00075026-00075600 One of the advantages of a bowden extruder is that the mass of the moving parts is very low. Sb05nHmon4c-00084-00075656-00076473 With that, the acceleration of the print head in X direction is set to a high value, which cuts the unwanted strings coming out of the nozzle. Sb05nHmon4c-00085-00077230-00077843 The scrapper is very useful to remove the prints, because there is a really good adhesion on the print bed. Sb05nHmon4c-00086-00078553-00079506 Same as the links printed with the Tronxy P802 and the Anet A8, the green parts made with the CR-10 fit into the cable chain perfectly. Sb05nHmon4c-00087-00079580-00080550 One working print of a link could be nothing but good fortune, however multiple prints with same quality point out that the CR-10 performs not bad. Sb05nHmon4c-00088-00081056-00081720 With a print bed of the dimensions 30 times 30cm, the CR-10 is made for large objects. Sb05nHmon4c-00089-00081880-00082200 Here I am creating a wing part of a model plane. Sb05nHmon4c-00090-00082306-00082693 The base area is 8 times 25cm. Sb05nHmon4c-00091-00083506-00083943 The infill is set to 10 percent, the fill pattern is honey combs. Sb05nHmon4c-00092-00084370-00084963 the layer height is set 0.3mm in order to reduce the total print time. Sb05nHmon4c-00093-00085060-00085570 A "winglet", which is an end plate at the tip of a wing, is printed layer by layer. Sb05nHmon4c-00094-00086263-00086933 The cross section of the airfoil is very thin at the rear end - at this point, the print head changes direction rapidly Sb05nHmon4c-00095-00087060-00087393 The CR-10 prints that edge of the winglet precisely. Sb05nHmon4c-00096-00087926-00088276 The maximum height of the winglet is 20cm. Sb05nHmon4c-00097-00088760-00089353 The print was finished after 20 hours - you need lots of patience when creating large objects. Sb05nHmon4c-00098-00089570-00090240 Especially at the rear end of the horizontal part of the winglet you can clearly see the layered structure of the print. Sb05nHmon4c-00099-00090323-00091493 While designing an object you should always have an eye on the direction of layers and surfaces, however my design failure shows that the printer did a good job - all edges are running in parallel. Sb05nHmon4c-00100-00091820-00092800 The surface of the airfoil is smooth at the vertical part - the perimeters are running perpendicular to the layers, by what the low print resolution doesn't matter that much. Sb05nHmon4c-00101-00092890-00093220 A step is formed near the rear edge of the airfoil... Sb05nHmon4c-00102-00093420-00093913 ...however a look at the design in slic3r shows that this is ruled by software. Sb05nHmon4c-00103-00094136-00094980 The rear edge of the airfoil is dead straight which is an indication that the frame of the printer is sturdy and there is no noticeable backlash. Sb05nHmon4c-00104-00095056-00095740 The front edge is also dead straight and the shape of the airfoil is replicated with no visible deformations. Sb05nHmon4c-00105-00096030-00096926 However the weight is too high for an airplane which is why I must change major parts of the internal structure of the design to get it more lightweight. Sb05nHmon4c-00106-00097486-00098156 In comparison to my first 3D printers, the limit of the CR-10 is closer to the sky - literally: Sb05nHmon4c-00107-00098306-00098593 Next object printed is a rocket mockup. Sb05nHmon4c-00108-00098656-00099060 It's standing on the print bed with four wings and the rocket engine. Sb05nHmon4c-00109-00099143-00099536 Once more the layer height is set to 0.3mm. Sb05nHmon4c-00110-00100076-00100776 The 6mm wings are getting closer to the rocket body layer by layer forming an angle of 69 degrees. Sb05nHmon4c-00111-00101470-00101910 The maximum diameter of the rocket body is 75mm. Sb05nHmon4c-00112-00102000-00102509 The object is printed as hollow body with a wall thickness of two filament layers. Sb05nHmon4c-00113-00102613-00103006 The print speed is 60mm per second for the inner layer... Sb05nHmon4c-00114-00103359-00103696 ...and 40mm per second for the outer layer. Sb05nHmon4c-00115-00104113-00104616 With a height of 40cm the rocket brings the CR-10 to it's limit. Sb05nHmon4c-00116-00104926-00105593 As you can see, the bowden cable touches the upper cross bar of the printer at a height of 35cm. Sb05nHmon4c-00117-00105900-00106543 That doesn't really matter for now as there is not much movement along the X axis while printing the tip of the rocket. Sb05nHmon4c-00118-00106763-00107390 However you should consider that limitation when printing objects going above 35cm. Sb05nHmon4c-00119-00107863-00108166 After four and a half hours the print it done. Sb05nHmon4c-00120-00108976-00109316 The thin wings at the bottom of the rocket are straight. Sb05nHmon4c-00121-00109400-00110003 The rocket body is circular and has a smooth surface without gaps in the thin walls of the print. Sb05nHmon4c-00122-00110230-00111033 The filament shrinks while cooling down which makes it very tricky to create dimensionally stable, large objects with a filament printer. Sb05nHmon4c-00123-00111103-00111509 You can find more information about those issues on my project page. Sb05nHmon4c-00124-00112020-00112453 As a conclusion, the CR-10 is an allrounder for large... Sb05nHmon4c-00125-00112950-00113200 ..as well as small workpieces. Sb05nHmon4c-00126-00113280-00114109 I really like the print quality of the CR-10 and you can have a closer look at the full resolution photos of my sample prints on my pages. Sb05nHmon4c-00127-00114306-00114550 Thanks for watching and: "I'll be back!" SeRfpEr0PCM-00000-00000012-00000262 Bruce Blumberg: So, if I can just extract one thing from this SeRfpEr0PCM-00001-00000262-00000809 in terms of a takeaway from NHGRI since Ned is sitting right behind me, it sounds to me SeRfpEr0PCM-00002-00000809-00001408 that there would be some opportunities to potentially do a policy analysis to say, you SeRfpEr0PCM-00003-00001408-00001959 know, are there things that we could do from a policy perspective that would reinforce SeRfpEr0PCM-00004-00001959-00002059 the effort. SeRfpEr0PCM-00005-00002059-00002294 So I just put that on the list of possible things to consider. SeRfpEr0PCM-00006-00002294-00002538 I’ll just also do a time check. SeRfpEr0PCM-00007-00002538-00002713 We’ve got about 10 minutes. SeRfpEr0PCM-00008-00002713-00002818 Female Speaker: Right. SeRfpEr0PCM-00009-00002818-00003186 So we still have about 10 minutes, you guys, for open questions and comments at this point SeRfpEr0PCM-00010-00003186-00003339 in time. SeRfpEr0PCM-00011-00003339-00003717 I think we kind of moved into some of the general discussion bulleted points that are SeRfpEr0PCM-00012-00003717-00004001 listed on page 16, particularly some of the barriers. SeRfpEr0PCM-00013-00004001-00004260 But I do want to open it up to other questions. SeRfpEr0PCM-00014-00004260-00004427 I see, Erin, you have one. SeRfpEr0PCM-00015-00004427-00004673 And also, Helen, I know you had one from earlier. SeRfpEr0PCM-00016-00004673-00004773 No? SeRfpEr0PCM-00017-00004773-00004873 You -- SeRfpEr0PCM-00018-00004873-00004973 Helen: [unintelligible] SeRfpEr0PCM-00019-00004973-00005073 Female Speaker: It’s answered. SeRfpEr0PCM-00020-00005073-00005173 Okay. SeRfpEr0PCM-00021-00005173-00005273 So, Erin? SeRfpEr0PCM-00022-00005273-00005373 Erin: I just wanted to come back to something that SeRfpEr0PCM-00023-00005373-00005837 came up in Nazneen’s talk when she was talking about categorizing variants in two or three SeRfpEr0PCM-00024-00005837-00006032 and reporting them as no management. SeRfpEr0PCM-00025-00006032-00006475 I’m just wondering how this gets updated. SeRfpEr0PCM-00026-00006475-00006812 And is there messaging that goes back to the physicians? SeRfpEr0PCM-00027-00006812-00007665 But thinking about that in a larger scale, with the ClinVar database and other EMR systems SeRfpEr0PCM-00028-00007665-00008101 and clinical decision support tools, how does this ongoing curation happen? SeRfpEr0PCM-00029-00008101-00008406 How does it get pushed out to patients? SeRfpEr0PCM-00030-00008406-00009242 And when we do simplify for physicians and patients, how do we fix what might have been SeRfpEr0PCM-00031-00009242-00009424 somewhat incorrect messaging originally? SeRfpEr0PCM-00032-00009424-00010054 So, there’s a big difference between”no management, you’re off the hook” and “well, SeRfpEr0PCM-00033-00010054-00010403 we’re not really sure so we’re going to act conservatively right now.” SeRfpEr0PCM-00034-00010403-00010632 Nazneen Rahman: Yes. SeRfpEr0PCM-00035-00010632-00011380 So I should say that I’m in a sort of position that’s sort of helpful in that regard and SeRfpEr0PCM-00036-00011380-00011768 also speaks to that integration between clinical and research, which I think is going to be SeRfpEr0PCM-00037-00011768-00012068 really vitally important in having that two-way process. SeRfpEr0PCM-00038-00012068-00012861 So, as a clinician as having that head of a service to which I can to a certain extent SeRfpEr0PCM-00039-00012861-00013551 determine how we’re going to be organizing that practice and reviewing it, but also in SeRfpEr0PCM-00040-00013551-00014011 my research we’re fortunate enough to have a national study to which we can recruit all SeRfpEr0PCM-00041-00014011-00014165 breast cancer patients. SeRfpEr0PCM-00042-00014165-00014715 So any data that I have in Class 2 or Class 3, I can and we do recruit all those people SeRfpEr0PCM-00043-00014715-00014968 to our research because we want them to find new genes. SeRfpEr0PCM-00044-00014968-00015465 But it also means that we have a mechanism there whereby we can still highlight all of SeRfpEr0PCM-00045-00015465-00015766 those variants that we can come back to. SeRfpEr0PCM-00046-00015766-00016240 So I appreciate that that, in that particular area in breast cancer in my place gives me SeRfpEr0PCM-00047-00016240-00016971 a fallback so that if we reclassify so all of the Class 3 gets reviewed every three months. SeRfpEr0PCM-00048-00016971-00017306 And if there’s any new data that comes out of the literature, we can review that, but SeRfpEr0PCM-00049-00017306-00017693 we also have a log then of all the people that we’ve previously sent that out to so SeRfpEr0PCM-00050-00017693-00017824 that we can revise that. SeRfpEr0PCM-00051-00017824-00018336 I mean, I do think that it is that balance between what -- if we want to get it into SeRfpEr0PCM-00052-00018336-00018740 mainstream medicine, and it’s a balance for ourselves as researchers or clinicians SeRfpEr0PCM-00053-00018740-00019346 between that balance of wanting to be able to use something which involves having to SeRfpEr0PCM-00054-00019346-00019446 be pragmatic. SeRfpEr0PCM-00055-00019446-00019546 We have to be pragmatic. SeRfpEr0PCM-00056-00019546-00020156 And it’s really quite painful, but unless we do that, we can’t move forward. SeRfpEr0PCM-00057-00020156-00020793 And also, this issue that part of the reason we’re -- I’m hard line with respect to SeRfpEr0PCM-00058-00020793-00021266 the BRCA genes in terms of that information is that despite our best efforts, if data SeRfpEr0PCM-00059-00021266-00021895 on variants which, you know, 99 percent or whatever is likely to not be pathogenic, if SeRfpEr0PCM-00060-00021895-00022212 that gets into the patient record, people start acting on it. SeRfpEr0PCM-00061-00022212-00022581 They start acting on it as being if they’re -- that they’re guilty. SeRfpEr0PCM-00062-00022581-00022902 They say on the safe side, let’s do this, or we’ll do a bit of predictive testing. SeRfpEr0PCM-00063-00022902-00023432 And so there, the potential for harm is higher than the potential for good. SeRfpEr0PCM-00064-00023432-00023623 So, you know, that’s that balance. SeRfpEr0PCM-00065-00023623-00024278 And I should also say in terms of -- because of breast cancer, each gene will have to have SeRfpEr0PCM-00066-00024278-00024665 its -- and each disease will have to be individually thought of. SeRfpEr0PCM-00067-00024665-00025042 But if there is a very strong family history where we could really do those LOD scores, SeRfpEr0PCM-00068-00025042-00025432 we find a -- we just find truncating mutations because that’s what they look like. SeRfpEr0PCM-00069-00025432-00025716 These are mutations are in families with two, three, four cases. SeRfpEr0PCM-00070-00025716-00025923 They’re incredibly common. SeRfpEr0PCM-00071-00025923-00026434 And there’s abundant evidence showing that, you know, BRCA are not the cause of those. SeRfpEr0PCM-00072-00026434-00026877 So, that’s -- I’m not -- I haven’t got all the answers. SeRfpEr0PCM-00073-00026877-00027219 A lot of what we’re doing is a pragmatic way of dealing with the situation that we SeRfpEr0PCM-00074-00027219-00027340 have in hand. SeRfpEr0PCM-00075-00027340-00027558 Female Speaker: [unintelligible], did you have a quick comment? SeRfpEr0PCM-00076-00027558-00027770 Male Speaker: Yes, just in this country, since we don’t SeRfpEr0PCM-00077-00027770-00028186 have a national system of national identifier, it’s obviously much more challenging. SeRfpEr0PCM-00078-00028186-00028866 But Harvard Partners has developed a process by which there would be a service layer that SeRfpEr0PCM-00079-00028866-00029312 would interact between the clinician ordering the test and the electronic health record SeRfpEr0PCM-00080-00029312-00029837 where that patient was identified and the laboratory that’s actually running the test, SeRfpEr0PCM-00081-00029837-00030183 where if there’s new information around a variant that’s identified, that there SeRfpEr0PCM-00082-00030183-00030561 actually is a maintained link that can then go back and message the clinician and say SeRfpEr0PCM-00083-00030561-00030819 we have additional information about this individual. SeRfpEr0PCM-00084-00030819-00031318 We would suggest that, you know, we’re reclassifying and you can contact your patient with this SeRfpEr0PCM-00085-00031318-00031418 information. SeRfpEr0PCM-00086-00031418-00032019 I think the Health Heritage model that Bill talked about also has the potential to do SeRfpEr0PCM-00087-00032019-00032494 that but to do it on that patient-managed side of things, so we’re going to have to SeRfpEr0PCM-00088-00032494-00032999 come up with some solutions where we can confidently identify patients who have had tests where SeRfpEr0PCM-00089-00032999-00033513 we -- when we do have new knowledge, we can get that knowledge back to them somehow. SeRfpEr0PCM-00090-00033513-00034062 It gets -- it rubs up against the, you know, the recontact and that, but I think in the SeRfpEr0PCM-00091-00034062-00034459 long run, given that this is an evolving field, we have to solve the problem. SeRfpEr0PCM-00092-00034459-00034941 Female Speaker: So just to add to that two quick points to SeRfpEr0PCM-00093-00034941-00035391 think about the payer’s standpoint [unintelligible] if there are some payers in the room, we’ve SeRfpEr0PCM-00094-00035391-00035491 been talking about that. SeRfpEr0PCM-00095-00035491-00036113 How does that additional analysis and messaging get covered from a payer’s standpoint? SeRfpEr0PCM-00096-00036113-00036446 And in the era when we have a whole genome sequence sitting there that we’re going SeRfpEr0PCM-00097-00036446-00037475 to reaccess for new tests or new analyses in the future related to different diseases, SeRfpEr0PCM-00098-00037475-00038191 how does that additional analysis get regulated by CLIA since the analysis will be very discreet SeRfpEr0PCM-00099-00038191-00038472 from the sequence generation? SeRfpEr0PCM-00100-00038472-00038715 Female Speaker: So I can address that. SeRfpEr0PCM-00101-00038715-00039205 The system Mark was mentioning is this genome site system that we developed. SeRfpEr0PCM-00102-00039205-00039594 And one of the reasons that we developed a mechanism for this automated updating process SeRfpEr0PCM-00103-00039594-00039897 is because these services are not billable today. SeRfpEr0PCM-00104-00039897-00040465 We have no way as a clinical lab to bill for a reinterpretation, and it’s -- and that’s SeRfpEr0PCM-00105-00040465-00040565 very expensive. SeRfpEr0PCM-00106-00040565-00040996 And so, the system essentially works in an automated way so that if I sign out a new SeRfpEr0PCM-00107-00040996-00041566 case with a variant that was reported in an old case, any of those old cases automatically SeRfpEr0PCM-00108-00041566-00041883 get updated the same time without me doing extra work. SeRfpEr0PCM-00109-00041883-00042338 And that was a way to get around the costly process of doing that. SeRfpEr0PCM-00110-00042338-00042731 The other thing that we’ve done with that software is taken it to the FDA, and it’s SeRfpEr0PCM-00111-00042731-00043224 a Class I exempt medical device in terms of how it functions because it does act in an SeRfpEr0PCM-00112-00043224-00043686 automated way and therefore it’s under FDA’s purview to sort of regulate it. SeRfpEr0PCM-00113-00043686-00044074 But that also enabled it to be a lot more robust in terms of how it functioned within SeRfpEr0PCM-00114-00044074-00044283 the health care environment. SeRfpEr0PCM-00115-00044283-00044737 And we are now integrating that directly into our EHR system at Partner’s Health Care SeRfpEr0PCM-00116-00044737-00045125 and working with Mark about doing that at Intermountain Health as well. SeRfpEr0PCM-00117-00045125-00045587 So it enables some process, but it doesn’t cover everything because we don’t always SeRfpEr0PCM-00118-00045587-00045838 see a variant again. SeRfpEr0PCM-00119-00045838-00046256 And some physicians may want us to go back on their old case and redo that. SeRfpEr0PCM-00120-00046256-00046809 And so I still think there is the need to develop a mechanism to bill for simply evaluating SeRfpEr0PCM-00121-00046809-00046909 data again. SeRfpEr0PCM-00122-00046909-00047097 That’s definitely needed. SeRfpEr0PCM-00123-00047097-00047293 Female Speaker: Howard? SeRfpEr0PCM-00124-00047293-00047619 Howard: So, my thoughts are along the same lines. SeRfpEr0PCM-00125-00047619-00048050 And I’ll start by reiterating something I said yesterday morning but clarifying it, SeRfpEr0PCM-00126-00048050-00048893 that while clinicians want a clear, fast, concise answer, they, again, don’t want SeRfpEr0PCM-00127-00048893-00049509 to be lied to, don’t want to be told something’s negative when in fact it’s uncertain, and SeRfpEr0PCM-00128-00049509-00049744 that does breed ill will. SeRfpEr0PCM-00129-00049744-00050281 And clinicians typically tune out a channel that tends to give useless or wrong information. SeRfpEr0PCM-00130-00050281-00050727 And I think there’s a preponderance of evidence that shows that clinicians actually are capable SeRfpEr0PCM-00131-00050727-00051252 of dealing with uncertainty as long as it’s clearly and concisely stated as uncertain, SeRfpEr0PCM-00132-00051252-00051413 just don’t know what to do. SeRfpEr0PCM-00133-00051413-00052067 I also have a little concern, therefore, about reporting your Category 3 of possibly assigned SeRfpEr0PCM-00134-00052067-00052167 as negative. SeRfpEr0PCM-00135-00052167-00052727 In my mind, I equate that to Jonathan’s BIN2A [spelled phonetically] or maybe 2B. SeRfpEr0PCM-00136-00052727-00053235 What I would propose is report those out as they are, uncertain. SeRfpEr0PCM-00137-00053235-00053855 And I’ll further go on and make perhaps a even more disruptive comment or suggestion, SeRfpEr0PCM-00138-00053855-00054467 and that is that the BIN1s, the clearly abnormal “this is disease-causing” are probably SeRfpEr0PCM-00139-00054467-00054713 among the easier things to manage. SeRfpEr0PCM-00140-00054713-00055190 And when we think about the resources of medical geneticists, this is going to break down silo SeRfpEr0PCM-00141-00055190-00055588 walls, but maybe medical geneticists are no longer so critical for many of those. SeRfpEr0PCM-00142-00055588-00055832 We’ve already seen that in CF and sickle cell disease. SeRfpEr0PCM-00143-00055832-00056254 How many clinical geneticists in this room have seen a CF or sickle cell patient for SeRfpEr0PCM-00144-00056254-00056354 ongoing care? SeRfpEr0PCM-00145-00056354-00056595 I see it happen in neurofibromatosis now as well. SeRfpEr0PCM-00146-00056595-00057088 So, perhaps the role of the limited medical geneticist specialty resources shouldn’t SeRfpEr0PCM-00147-00057088-00057557 be in the clearly normal and clearly abnormal realm but in these possibly assigned, these SeRfpEr0PCM-00148-00057557-00057819 variants of likely but not definite significance. SeRfpEr0PCM-00149-00057819-00058287 And that’s where we can bring to bear our skills and talents as medical geneticists. SeRfpEr0PCM-00150-00058287-00058624 Nazneen Rahman: Can I just clarify in terms of that negative? SeRfpEr0PCM-00151-00058624-00059161 The management report is not saying that the report of the sequence variants is negative. SeRfpEr0PCM-00152-00059161-00059311 There are two different reports. SeRfpEr0PCM-00153-00059311-00059641 There’s the report of the outcome of the genetic test. SeRfpEr0PCM-00154-00059641-00059979 And that could have all of your synonymous, all of your -- it could have whatever you SeRfpEr0PCM-00155-00059979-00060079 like. SeRfpEr0PCM-00156-00060079-00060404 That is just the report of the outside of the test. SeRfpEr0PCM-00157-00060404-00060777 The management report is how are you going to manage that patient. SeRfpEr0PCM-00158-00060777-00061232 And I would very strongly argue that if you have a missense variant, that you should not SeRfpEr0PCM-00159-00061232-00061545 be managing that as a positive BRCA mutation. SeRfpEr0PCM-00160-00061545-00062082 You should not be suggesting to that patient that they should have prophylactic mastectomies SeRfpEr0PCM-00161-00062082-00062485 or ovariectomies or doing predictive -- so in that sense, it’s how you’re managing SeRfpEr0PCM-00162-00062485-00062585 them. SeRfpEr0PCM-00163-00062585-00062971 So the report that comes out is negative is you’re not managing that as a positive BRCA SeRfpEr0PCM-00164-00062971-00063104 mutation. SeRfpEr0PCM-00165-00063104-00063320 And I very strongly believe that that is the case. SeRfpEr0PCM-00166-00063320-00063591 And there is abundant evidence that you shouldn’t do that. SeRfpEr0PCM-00167-00063591-00063961 So that’s why I think there’s a difference between what’s negative and positive. SeRfpEr0PCM-00168-00063961-00064270 In terms of your sequence variant report, that’s an information. SeRfpEr0PCM-00169-00064270-00064370 That’s the test. SeRfpEr0PCM-00170-00064370-00064783 It has a whole load of information about the sequence information. SeRfpEr0PCM-00171-00064783-00065384 In terms of your clinical management, that is potentially different. SeRfpEr0PCM-00172-00065384-00065804 And I think that is, and I totally agree in terms of those [unintelligible] there are SeRfpEr0PCM-00173-00065804-00066001 two things that I agree. SeRfpEr0PCM-00174-00066001-00066352 In terms of you’ve got -- a number of people have said, “I’ve got my patient today. SeRfpEr0PCM-00175-00066352-00066533 She’s in my waiting room today. SeRfpEr0PCM-00176-00066533-00066655 What am I doing today?” SeRfpEr0PCM-00177-00066655-00067038 And that’s what that clinical management report has there. SeRfpEr0PCM-00178-00067038-00067551 Then there’s the whole aspect of what is all this interpretation and the change of SeRfpEr0PCM-00179-00067551-00068001 potentially changing that for tomorrow and how you’re going to interpret those sequence SeRfpEr0PCM-00180-00068001-00068101 variants. SeRfpEr0PCM-00181-00068101-00068342 And I don’t think generally if you got a busy clinic and you’re saying things that SeRfpEr0PCM-00182-00068342-00068957 people want to and are able to deal with those nuances, that they need it to have been stratified SeRfpEr0PCM-00183-00068957-00069366 down for the patient that I’m seeing in five minutes today. SeRfpEr0PCM-00184-00069366-00069791 So, I think that does address that issue. SeRfpEr0PCM-00185-00069791-00070139 Howard: So there’s just one nuance that I didn’t SeRfpEr0PCM-00186-00070139-00070595 articulate well enough, and that is that while you’re absolutely correct that it’s wrong SeRfpEr0PCM-00187-00070595-00071361 to manage the BIN3 or BIN2A as positive, I think it can be argued that it’s also wrong SeRfpEr0PCM-00188-00071361-00071614 to manage it as totally negative. SeRfpEr0PCM-00189-00071614-00072167 And I would disagree with your thesis that we must be discreet as yes or no, manage it SeRfpEr0PCM-00190-00072167-00072451 as high risk or not high risk. SeRfpEr0PCM-00191-00072451-00072982 I would propose that there’s an intermediary zone that is very gray, very muddy, very hard SeRfpEr0PCM-00192-00072982-00073375 to define, but not clearly normal, not clearly positive. SeRfpEr0PCM-00193-00073375-00073672 Nazneen Rahman: Well, that might be for some cases. SeRfpEr0PCM-00194-00073672-00074000 And the number of stratifications you have depends on your disease. SeRfpEr0PCM-00195-00074000-00074383 So if you’ve got -- there may be three or four different ways because you can do this SeRfpEr0PCM-00196-00074383-00074733 screening for that and that -- you have to tailor it. SeRfpEr0PCM-00197-00074733-00075142 We sort of spent a long time about this and thinking how do you manage an uncertain. SeRfpEr0PCM-00198-00075142-00075242 What is one? SeRfpEr0PCM-00199-00075242-00075342 What are you going to do? SeRfpEr0PCM-00200-00075342-00075483 Take off one of their breasts? SeRfpEr0PCM-00201-00075483-00075680 I mean, you know, there is -- SeRfpEr0PCM-00202-00075680-00075780 [laughter] SeRfpEr0PCM-00203-00075780-00075885 Female Speaker: Well, yes -- SeRfpEr0PCM-00204-00075885-00075985 [unintelligible] SeRfpEr0PCM-00205-00075985-00076250 Female Speaker: I’m going to stop this. SeRfpEr0PCM-00206-00076250-00076350 [laughter] SeRfpEr0PCM-00207-00076350-00076687 Male Speaker: And the bottom line is that we do this all SeRfpEr0PCM-00208-00076687-00076791 the time with guidelines. SeRfpEr0PCM-00209-00076791-00077170 Guidelines can, you know, we follow or we don’t follow a guideline. SeRfpEr0PCM-00210-00077170-00077270 That’s what it is. SeRfpEr0PCM-00211-00077270-00077627 And we can choose using clinical judgment to follow or not follow, so I don’t see SeRfpEr0PCM-00212-00077627-00077892 incompatibility with what we’re doing with these two things. SeRfpEr0PCM-00213-00077892-00078213 Female Speaker: All right, but I do think we’re -- if you SeRfpEr0PCM-00214-00078213-00078358 want me to, right -- time. SeRfpEr0PCM-00215-00078358-00078502 So, thank you. SeRfpEr0PCM-00216-00078502-00078768 Thanks to the panelists for coming and speak today. SeRfpEr0PCM-00217-00078768-00079116 I’m going to -- Mark, do we have directions for lunch or -- Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00000-00000012-00000429 This tutorial video will demonstrate how to turn a completed hand-written syntax tree Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00001-00000429-00000799 into a digital image that can be used in assignments using SynTree. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00002-00000799-00001226 However, the language that SynTree speaks can also be used by the other online syntax Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00003-00001226-00001403 trees listed in the video description. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00004-00001403-00001588 We'll be working with the following sentence: Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00005-00001588-00001805 This is a wug. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00006-00001805-00001951 Here is a picture of our completed digital Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00007-00001951-00002131 syntax tree. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00008-00002131-00002530 Before we start, keep in mind that online tools can help you present the work that you've Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00009-00002530-00002981 done, but with most tools, it's hard to analyze the sentence structure at the same time that Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00010-00002981-00003148 you're putting in text. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00011-00003148-00003383 These tools are better at creating a digital representation Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00012-00003383-00003619 of an analysis you've already done, Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00013-00003619-00003992 which is why we recommend starting with a hand-drawn tree and not just the sentence Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00014-00003992-00004155 from your assignment. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00015-00004155-00004389 Now we'll start putting our tree into SynTree's language. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00016-00004484-00004651 SynTree uses a bracket notation. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00017-00004651-00005152 In the bracket notation, a label is placed immediately after the opening bracket. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00018-00005203-00005598 Any other items included after the label are children of that label. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00019-00005689-00005965 So in the simplest form, we can build a bracket set out of Noun wug Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00020-00005965-00006093 with the following: Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00021-00006176-00006455 open bracket capital N Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00022-00006455-00006678 space wug Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00023-00006678-00006812 close bracket Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00024-00006812-00007021 In SynTree, that gives us this. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00025-00007084-00007463 Now we're going to build on that and recreate the whole Noun Phrase in SynTree. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00026-00007522-00008047 First, we build our opening and closing brackets and put NP immediately after the open bracket. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00027-00008047-00008414 Next, we add a space and then the children of NP: Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00028-00008426-00008665 the word "a", space, and the bracket Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00029-00008665-00008935 set we built for Noun wug. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00030-00009015-00009235 Let's take a look at all that in SynTree. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00031-00009235-00009496 Okay, now we're ready to move up to the Verb Phrase. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00032-00009533-00009881 First we'll set up our brackets with what we already know: Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00033-00009881-00010106 open bracket capital VP Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00034-00010106-00010406 our Verb branch our Noun Phrase bracket set Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00035-00010406-00010534 close bracket Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00036-00010534-00010764 But how do we get this Verb into order? Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00037-00010764-00010980 To do this, we'll put V and is in brackets, Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00038-00010980-00011215 the same way we did for N and wug. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00039-00011215-00011429 Now we have a bracket set for the verb as well, Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00040-00011429-00011724 and we'll move that into position immediately Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00041-00011724-00011869 after VP. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00042-00011869-00011967 We now have Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00043-00011967-00012155 open bracket VP Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00044-00012155-00012437 space the bracket set of V and is Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00045-00012437-00012743 space the bracket set for the Noun Phrase Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00046-00012743-00012886 close bracket Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00047-00012886-00013153 Here's our completed Verb Phrase in SynTree. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00048-00013153-00013529 We only need to move up one more layer now to create the entire sentence. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00049-00013594-00013819 open bracket S Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00050-00013819-00014079 the Noun Phrase our Verb Phrase bracket set Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00051-00014079-00014257 close bracket Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00052-00014257-00014602 So now we'll translate that first Noun Phrase into SynTree's language. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00053-00014602-00015209 We'll add brackets and move the NP label and the terminal node into the correct order. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00054-00015209-00015618 At this point, you can see how all of the brackets nest in each other. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00055-00015618-00015991 Since they are nested, the closing brackets are placed immediately after the branch they Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00056-00015991-00016163 are associated with. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00057-00016163-00016596 So the closing bracket for Noun Phrase This is right after the word "This," Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00058-00016596-00016990 and for Verb is is right after the word "is." Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00059-00016990-00017465 When we put this into SynTree, we now have a completed syntax tree for the sentence. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00060-00017465-00017819 When your image is finished, you can take a screenshot, or save it as an image on your Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00061-00017819-00018324 computer using right-click or control-click and selecting "Save image as." Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00062-00018379-00018850 As you're branching off into your own trees, keep these tips in mind: Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00063-00018850-00019320 All bracket sets must have an opening label and at most one regular word, just like all Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00064-00019320-00019769 of the parts of your tree have a parent label and at most one terminal node that is a word. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00065-00019769-00020236 If a bracket set has three components, it will start with a label, but at least one Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00066-00020236-00020662 of the other other components on the right will be another set of brackets, as in our Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00067-00020662-00020941 NP a N wug example. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00068-00020941-00021312 If you're diagramming a particularly long and complicated sentence, or if you're new Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00069-00021312-00021848 to online syntax trees, it can help to try building pieces from your tree and then copy Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00070-00021848-00022267 your successful code for these phrases somewhere safe, like a text document. Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00071-00022267-00022687 This way, if you run into complications later, you have some of the steps already in place Sg-L6Z0P9UM-00072-00022687-00022878 to help you climb back up that tree. Shte1uL-Trk-00000-00000200-00000500 A coronavaccination starts with an injection, Shte1uL-Trk-00001-00000500-00000700 typically in the shoulder. Shte1uL-Trk-00002-00000700-00001500 In the vaccines from BioNTech-Pfizer and Moderna, the injection contains RNA-molecyles inside lipid nanoparticles. Shte1uL-Trk-00003-00001600-00002050 These molecules enter the cell, and are then released from their nanoparticle coat. Shte1uL-Trk-00004-00002200-00003150 Other vaccine types, for example those from AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson, are given as DNA inside another virus - which is not coronavirus. Shte1uL-Trk-00005-00003150-00003500 They are called viral vector vaccines. Shte1uL-Trk-00006-00003700-00004400 In these vaccines, the DNA-strand continues into the cell nucleus - where your own DNA is also found. Shte1uL-Trk-00007-00004500-00005400 Here it is transcribed. That means that information is copied from DNA to RNA, and then exported out of the cell nucleus. Shte1uL-Trk-00008-00005500-00006350 From that point, the mechanism of the four vaccine types is again the same: vaccine informationen is found as RNA ready for translation. Shte1uL-Trk-00009-00006400-00007450 RNA is actually supposed to be translated and made into your own proteins, but with vaccine-RNA the proteins found on corona-virus are made. Shte1uL-Trk-00010-00007450-00007800 They are called spike-proteins. Shte1uL-Trk-00011-00007900-00008500 Spike-protein gives coronavirus its shape - and also its name ‘corona’. Shte1uL-Trk-00012-00008550-00008900 It is that molecule that virus uses to gain access to the cells of your body. Shte1uL-Trk-00013-00009000-00009500 The spike-protein is exported outside of the cell. Shte1uL-Trk-00014-00009500-00010100 And there it is captured by an antigen-presenting cell. Shte1uL-Trk-00015-00010200-00011200 It is then presented to a T-cell. Like this. When this happens an immune reaction begins. Shte1uL-Trk-00016-00011200-00012200 An immune reaction, is a complex interplay of cells being activated - here for example it's a so-called B-cell. Shte1uL-Trk-00017-00012200-00013100 Overall, the result will be that your body starts producing antibodies against spike-protein. Shte1uL-Trk-00018-00013300-00014000 Without this prepared defense, we are easily infected with coronavirus. Shte1uL-Trk-00019-00014100-00015000 However, when the body and its immune system is prepared, it will quickly combat invading corona virus. SkuMPT1Hz40-00000-00000154-00000346 Hello, my name is Jessica Yox, SkuMPT1Hz40-00001-00000346-00001267 and I was a single term instructor for both an entrepreneurial finance course as well as an entrepreneurship toolkit course. SkuMPT1Hz40-00002-00001267-00002134 And so in terms of my interest in open education, I actually first became interested in open education when I was a college student. SkuMPT1Hz40-00003-00002134-00002602 I was absolutely thrown off by the cost of educational materials when I was in school. SkuMPT1Hz40-00004-00002602-00003382 It was definitely a sticker shock. And I'm also a former high school educator through the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, SkuMPT1Hz40-00005-00003382-00004159 and I remember really sympathizing with my students that had graduated and would come back in and brag about their freshman year, SkuMPT1Hz40-00006-00004159-00004828 but also comment on the cost of the textbooks that they needed to purchase for their courses. SkuMPT1Hz40-00007-00004828-00005728 And so when I was given the opportunity to teach at the collegiate level, I wanted to look for engaging materials that did not increase student costs. SkuMPT1Hz40-00008-00005728-00006697 And so I actually based both of my courses around podcast episodes as well as other free online resources. SkuMPT1Hz40-00009-00006697-00007642 Not only did this not adjust student costs, but I also think that it gave the students the opportunity to engage with totally SkuMPT1Hz40-00010-00007642-00008290 current up to date materials podcast episodes that were dropped in real time and SkuMPT1Hz40-00011-00008290-00008836 then also gave them the opportunity to engage with other listeners all across the SkuMPT1Hz40-00012-00008836-00009490 world instead of just with the other individuals in their classroom in Cleveland. SkuMPT1Hz40-00013-00009490-00009832 Not only that, but the podcast continues to be produced. SkuMPT1Hz40-00014-00009832-00010876 And so the students have the opportunity to continue to engage in the course concept as they go about their lives beyond the semester schedule. SkuMPT1Hz40-00015-00010876-00011545 And so in terms of the advice that I would have for faculty that are just beginning to explore open education. SkuMPT1Hz40-00016-00011545-00012250 My recommendation would be to start small. You don't need to revamp your entire course all at once. SkuMPT1Hz40-00017-00012250-00012961 You don't need to throw out semester's worth of work on a course that you've developed around a textbook. SkuMPT1Hz40-00018-00012961-00013678 Instead, you can look for opportunities to incorporate low cost or no cost educational materials. SkuMPT1Hz40-00019-00013678-00014858 Slowly identify one section one units even one lesson that you can use low cost or no cost material in. SkuMPT1Hz40-00020-00014858-00015724 And this will allow you to conduct a mini experiment of sorts and determine if there's any impact to student learning and student satisfaction, SkuMPT1Hz40-00021-00015724-00016333 and also determine if you like using open education resources rather than thinking that you need to just, SkuMPT1Hz40-00022-00016333-00017116 you know, scrap your whole course and start over. And so thank you so much for the opportunity to share my experience with open education. SkuMPT1Hz40-00023-00017116-00017642 And I wish you the best of luck in incorporating open education into your courses in the future. SmPy8Bam5lk-00000-00000000-00000326 hello This is Dream Interpretation TV SmPy8Bam5lk-00001-00000326-00000710 Today I will tell you about the dream of coming out of the stream SmPy8Bam5lk-00002-00000710-00001166 A stream is a small stream of water flowing through a valley or field SmPy8Bam5lk-00003-00001166-00001557 A dream about a stream is similar to a dream about a river SmPy8Bam5lk-00004-00001557-00001798 If you dream of clear stream water SmPy8Bam5lk-00005-00001798-00002099 Promotion, advancement, or business luck SmPy8Bam5lk-00006-00002099-00002411 If you pick up a mysterious object by the stream SmPy8Bam5lk-00007-00002411-00002689 There are many dreams that suggest windfall SmPy8Bam5lk-00008-00002689-00003087 There are many cases of dream interpretation related to streams SmPy8Bam5lk-00009-00003087-00003433 The dream of coming out of the stream in audiobook format SmPy8Bam5lk-00010-00003433-00003572 I plan to read it SmPy8Bam5lk-00011-00003572-00003949 Listen to it and compare it to the dream you had last night SmPy8Bam5lk-00012-00003949-00004170 Please try to interpret the dream SmPy8Bam5lk-00013-00004170-00004451 For more details, check the More section SmPy8Bam5lk-00014-00004451-00004789 If you have any questions, please ask in the comments SmPy8Bam5lk-00015-00004789-00004871 thank you SmPy8Bam5lk-00016-00004871-00005274 Dream of picking up a shiny stone by a river or stream SmPy8Bam5lk-00017-00005274-00005912 A sign that the child to be born in the future will rise to a high official position and achieve great success SmPy8Bam5lk-00018-00005912-00006154 Dream that nasturtiums are in bloom SmPy8Bam5lk-00019-00006154-00006562 Students will explore science and truth or create literary works SmPy8Bam5lk-00020-00006562-00007764 There are love dreams, encounters, awards, medals, honor, inventions, excavations, congratulations, joy, news, marriage, marriage, and luck SmPy8Bam5lk-00021-00007764-00008123 Dream of catching crucian carp by hand by the stream SmPy8Bam5lk-00022-00008123-00008539 By doing business, you earn a lot of money and become a married man SmPy8Bam5lk-00023-00008539-00008796 It is Taemong who gives birth to a daughter SmPy8Bam5lk-00024-00008796-00009252 Picking up a beautiful pebble from the side of a stream and returning home SmPy8Bam5lk-00025-00009252-00009554 Through conception, she gives birth to a smart son SmPy8Bam5lk-00026-00009554-00009801 Go shopping at a local department store SmPy8Bam5lk-00027-00009801-00010161 Dream of retrieving withered cabbage floating in a stream SmPy8Bam5lk-00028-00010161-00010612 You will get sick or receive an obituary, and you will hear ominous news SmPy8Bam5lk-00029-00010612-00011008 Catch a lot of crucian carp from the stream and bring it home SmPy8Bam5lk-00030-00011008-00011469 Investing in the production and food industries will generate significant returns SmPy8Bam5lk-00031-00011469-00011726 It is Taemong who gives birth to a daughter SmPy8Bam5lk-00032-00011726-00012057 Dream of picking up clams from a stream or mountain SmPy8Bam5lk-00033-00012057-00012803 If you dream of picking up clams from a stream or mountain, you will accumulate wealth or collect research papers in your field of study SmPy8Bam5lk-00034-00012803-00013057 I caught a fish in a stream in the woods SmPy8Bam5lk-00035-00013057-00013686 You will have the good fortune to achieve your goals and achieve your goals without a hitch, and you will accumulate wealth SmPy8Bam5lk-00036-00013686-00014056 Dream that there is a stream or cliff in front of the gate SmPy8Bam5lk-00037-00014056-00014865 Just as it is difficult to get out if there is a stream or cliff in front of the door, there is an obstacle in everything and nothing goes the way you want SmPy8Bam5lk-00038-00014865-00015496 Picking up clams from a dry stream or mountain or receiving and swallowing clams falling from the air SmPy8Bam5lk-00039-00015496-00015796 If you pick up clams from a dry stream or mountain, SmPy8Bam5lk-00040-00015796-00016454 or catch clams that fall in the air and swallow them, you will collect or obtain public property or works of art SmPy8Bam5lk-00041-00016454-00016704 Washing hands by a clear stream SmPy8Bam5lk-00042-00016704-00017347 To dream that you are washing your hands by a clear stream means that your work will go smoothly and you will start a new job SmPy8Bam5lk-00043-00017347-00017798 Dream of seeing a person carrying water and crossing a muddy stream SmPy8Bam5lk-00044-00017798-00018134 He suffers from appendicitis and is cured by surgery SmPy8Bam5lk-00045-00018134-00018465 Picking up clams in a creek or mountain without water SmPy8Bam5lk-00046-00018465-00018851 Collect precious wealth or antiques, and do professional work SmPy8Bam5lk-00047-00018851-00019156 Dream of catching fish in a stream in the forest SmPy8Bam5lk-00048-00019156-00019408 Carry out what you have planned and get results SmPy8Bam5lk-00049-00019408-00019749 Dream that there is a stream in front of the house door SmPy8Bam5lk-00050-00019749-00020347 An ominous fortune that will cause you to fall into a dilemma because an intruder will interfere with your work SmPy8Bam5lk-00051-00020347-00020589 A sign that everything will not go your way SnjoTljnwzk-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video SnjoTljnwzk-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view SnjoTljnwzk-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. SnjoTljnwzk-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much T0teQPYdS2c-00000-00000000-00000273 Hang him from a Hover till he’s sober T0teQPYdS2c-00001-00000273-00000550 Hang him from a Hover till he’s sober T0teQPYdS2c-00002-00000550-00000806 Hang him from a Hover till he’s sober T0teQPYdS2c-00003-00000806-00001070 Early in the morning! T0teQPYdS2c-00004-00001166-00001473 Arr! Commander, it’s you again. T0teQPYdS2c-00005-00001573-00001773 So you came to see the bot, eh? T0teQPYdS2c-00006-00001803-00002063 And I still want my revenge! T0teQPYdS2c-00007-00002113-00002386 Wanna help me with those DSC rats ahead? T0teQPYdS2c-00008-00002473-00002976 Nay? Looks like I’ll have to do it single-handedly! T0teQPYdS2c-00009-00003356-00003503 This one's for me hand! T0teQPYdS2c-00010-00003583-00003743 This one’s for our ship! T0teQPYdS2c-00011-00003820-00004060 Here’s for old man Stross! T0teQPYdS2c-00012-00004100-00004923 And this… Well, it looked like he was getting away with our loot! T0teQPYdS2c-00013-00005133-00005766 Now, if a pirate has to walk o’er land, they better find themselves a proper bot. T0teQPYdS2c-00014-00005843-00006100 Corporation bounty money is no joke. T0teQPYdS2c-00015-00006143-00006390 Mars here will serve ye handsomely. T0teQPYdS2c-00016-00006480-00006776 What is that fourth cannon you might ask? T0teQPYdS2c-00017-00006853-00007113 It’s detachable firepower. T0teQPYdS2c-00018-00007206-00007763 You can put it on the ground and safely sit around the corner while it softens your enemy up. T0teQPYdS2c-00019-00007813-00008180 Or even surprise a shielded bot with a volley from the rear. T0teQPYdS2c-00020-00008230-00008680 And if you're too old for these tricks, you can leave the turret where it is. T0teQPYdS2c-00021-00008746-00009243 Just don't touch the button and the thing will serve as an extra gun. T0teQPYdS2c-00022-00009353-00009713 Mars also has an Aegis shield to help you withstand a good pounding. T0teQPYdS2c-00023-00009763-00010250 Aye! That’s quite a bit of tech for something that stays on land all the time. T0teQPYdS2c-00024-00010350-00010530 Care for some advice from an old merc? T0teQPYdS2c-00025-00010580-00010783 Avoid brawling if you can. T0teQPYdS2c-00026-00010833-00011046 Mars isn’t the heaviest of bots. T0teQPYdS2c-00027-00011090-00011443 Go for the new Fainter guns or Hazards if you have them. T0teQPYdS2c-00028-00011443-00011653 They’ll pair up with your turret nicely. T0teQPYdS2c-00029-00012053-00012220 Why am I telling you all this? T0teQPYdS2c-00030-00012280-00012596 Because you have a ship, which means you’re no landlubber. T0teQPYdS2c-00031-00012643-00012969 We might even make a deal and sack a convoy or two. T0teQPYdS2c-00032-00013016-00013519 That’s if you don’t prefer slogging away for corporations, haha! T0teQPYdS2c-00033-00013593-00013786 We’ll meet again, Commander. T0teQPYdS2c-00034-00013836-00013960 Clyde out! T1e66kTsv04-00000-00000000-00000073 hey this is my fist video i hope you enjoy TsrxE2EiXnc-00000-00000000-00000200 Salam alekum meme Original by Laugh and Enjoy Warning: Too Lazy, Cannibalism, blood. TsrxE2EiXnc-00001-00001503-00001800 Btw, thx to Dot ExE (Wholesome_amy) for giving permission to use two of her character's for this meme!^^ TsrxE2EiXnc-00002-00002800-00004300 Bebebebebebebebra smell, smell, smell the bebra(and that repeats again and again) Thx for watching! For now i will put this at every of my outros. And translation again by the author, lol!)) TsssXfCegao-00000-00000103-00000274 Operating systems TsssXfCegao-00001-00000327-00000545 Process synchronization TsssXfCegao-00002-00000582-00000718 Semaphores TsssXfCegao-00003-00000844-00001120 When, inside a computing machine, TsssXfCegao-00004-00001120-00001359 there are more than one process running TsssXfCegao-00005-00001359-00001606 (what we call multiprogramming), TsssXfCegao-00006-00001606-00001958 they might encounter some specific situations TsssXfCegao-00007-00001958-00002248 derived from concurrency. TsssXfCegao-00008-00002248-00002675 For example, when accessing to a shared resource, TsssXfCegao-00009-00002675-00003088 or needing to synchronize at a given point, TsssXfCegao-00010-00003088-00003348 or cooperate to solve a problem. TsssXfCegao-00011-00003434-00003813 These situations, that can emerge TsssXfCegao-00012-00003813-00004205 independently of the number of CPUs we may have, TsssXfCegao-00013-00004205-00004480 can yield to some well-known problems TsssXfCegao-00014-00004480-00004861 and, among them, the mutual exclusion problem. TsssXfCegao-00015-00004861-00005221 Roughly, the point of this problem is to guarantee TsssXfCegao-00016-00005221-00005472 the exclusive access to a resource, TsssXfCegao-00017-00005472-00005792 so other processes cannot modify it TsssXfCegao-00018-00005792-00006075 while the first one is working on it. TsssXfCegao-00019-00006129-00006446 We will call this piece of code “critical section”. TsssXfCegao-00020-00006600-00006746 To solve this, TsssXfCegao-00021-00006746-00007051 people invented the entry and ouptput sections TsssXfCegao-00022-00007051-00007439 which, somehow, allows just one process to get in, TsssXfCegao-00023-00007476-00007767 and force the rest to wait outside. TsssXfCegao-00024-00007863-00008166 We can do so in many different ways: TsssXfCegao-00025-00008256-00008488 disabling HW interruptions, TsssXfCegao-00026-00008488-00008857 although this just works with monoprocessor systems, TsssXfCegao-00027-00008888-00009170 or special machine instructions. TsssXfCegao-00028-00009170-00009565 Independently of how we guarantee this fact, TsssXfCegao-00029-00009565-00009934 it’s clear that the entry and output sections TsssXfCegao-00030-00009934-00010233 must be executed atomically. TsssXfCegao-00031-00010322-00010557 Otherwise, we cannot be sure TsssXfCegao-00032-00010557-00010839 about the exclusive access to the critical section. TsssXfCegao-00033-00010901-00011039 Even worse, TsssXfCegao-00034-00011039-00011734 may be there appear inconsistencies in the variables used in the entry and output sections and TsssXfCegao-00035-00012679-00012980 well, not that much, rather... TsssXfCegao-00036-00012980-00013174 "Oh my dog! the entry section's not working!" TsssXfCegao-00037-00013174-00013302 "I'll try to fix it!" TsssXfCegao-00038-00013366-00013794 Additionally, we may want processes to cooperate TsssXfCegao-00039-00013794-00014230 and not just “behave civically” among them. TsssXfCegao-00040-00014400-00014768 That’s why, back in 1965, TsssXfCegao-00041-00014821-00015150 Dijkstra (ˈdɛikstra) proposed the semaphore concept: TsssXfCegao-00042-00015212-00015671 a signaling tool to solve the mutual exclusion problem, TsssXfCegao-00043-00015671-00015957 to synchronize process TsssXfCegao-00044-00015957-00016410 and, in general terms, allow processes to cooperate. TsssXfCegao-00045-00016430-00016888 With them, if a process wants to transmit a signal to the sempahores TsssXfCegao-00046-00016888-00017465 it calls signal(s) or, more commonly, TsssXfCegao-00047-00017465-00018051 V(s) .V as in Verhoog (increment). TsssXfCegao-00048-00018051-00018509 If a process wants to receive a signal through the semaphore "s" TsssXfCegao-00049-00018509-00018761 it calls wait(s) TsssXfCegao-00050-00018761-00019023 or, more commonly, P(s) TsssXfCegao-00051-00019023-00019341 P as in Probeer (try). TsssXfCegao-00052-00019341-00019687 Did I comment that Dijkstra is dutch? TsssXfCegao-00053-00019851-00020005 Why increment and try? TsssXfCegao-00054-00020167-00020438 Let’s imaging a bunch of shared resources, TsssXfCegao-00055-00020438-00020615 let’s say 3 seats in a room. TsssXfCegao-00056-00020700-00020891 If you want to use a seat, TsssXfCegao-00057-00020891-00021348 you may ask how many of them are yet free at the entrance of the room. TsssXfCegao-00058-00021420-00021576 It there’s some available, TsssXfCegao-00059-00021576-00021948 you can take it and decrement the number of the seats left at the door TsssXfCegao-00060-00022094-00022591 You have tried or performed a P(s) operation. TsssXfCegao-00061-00022630-00022819 You can keep working in your seat. TsssXfCegao-00062-00022890-00023038 If more people arrive, TsssXfCegao-00063-00023100-00023580 will perform the same operation until there’s no free seat left. TsssXfCegao-00064-00023775-00024105 If there’s none, you’ll have to wait at the door, TsssXfCegao-00065-00024105-00024542 in a queue hat will grow if more people ask for them. TsssXfCegao-00066-00024579-00024726 On the contrary, TsssXfCegao-00067-00024726-00025053 imagine you finished and want to leave. TsssXfCegao-00068-00025053-00025353 Well, you can release the chair TsssXfCegao-00069-00025353-00025722 and say out loud "there’s one more seat available!". TsssXfCegao-00070-00025722-00026089 If there was someone waiting in the queue, one of these TsssXfCegao-00071-00026089-00026375 can be freed and assigned to a seat. TsssXfCegao-00072-00026479-00026691 The rest will have to keep waiting. TsssXfCegao-00073-00026832-00027307 So, sempahores are variables starting in a non-negative value TsssXfCegao-00074-00027307-00027569 than can be incremented or decremented TsssXfCegao-00075-00027569-00027824 and have the power to block processes TsssXfCegao-00076-00027824-00028205 if its variable reaches values below 1. TsssXfCegao-00077-00028205-00028753 Of course, the P and V operations must be atomic!! TsssXfCegao-00078-00028846-00029319 Actually, the initialization value, what does it mean? TsssXfCegao-00079-00029472-00029894 Exactly the number of processes allowed to get simultaneously TsssXfCegao-00080-00029894-00030400 into the critical section (in the seats example, 3). TsssXfCegao-00081-00030586-00030955 You will see around the world a special kind of semaphores, TsssXfCegao-00082-00030955-00031506 allowing just two values, zero and one, these are the so-called TsssXfCegao-00083-00031506-00031820 binary semaphores or mutex, TsssXfCegao-00084-00031820-00032299 but we can use them to recreate the functionality of the original semaphores. TsssXfCegao-00085-00032414-00032928 So, how can we use these tools to solve the aforementioned problems? TsssXfCegao-00086-00033013-00033211 Let’s start with the mutual exclusion: TsssXfCegao-00087-00033300-00033566 We initialize the semaphore to 1, TsssXfCegao-00088-00033616-00033984 since only one process can pass through it at a time. TsssXfCegao-00089-00034156-00034500 Only one process (let's say, P2) TsssXfCegao-00090-00034500-00034688 can access to the resource, TsssXfCegao-00091-00034688-00035121 forbidding the other to simultaneously manipulate the variable. TsssXfCegao-00092-00035226-00035603 Once P2 finishes executing the critical section, TsssXfCegao-00093-00035603-00035779 it can reach the output section, TsssXfCegao-00094-00035779-00036144 perform a signaling with V(s) TsssXfCegao-00095-00036144-00036520 and allow P1 getting into the critical section. TsssXfCegao-00096-00036667-00036860 To synchronize processes, TsssXfCegao-00097-00036860-00037197 for example forcing instructions S2 of process P2 TsssXfCegao-00098-00037197-00037603 being executed after instructions S1 of process P1, TsssXfCegao-00099-00037603-00038004 we can establish a semaphore with initial value 0 TsssXfCegao-00100-00038004-00038291 and let it work this way. TsssXfCegao-00101-00038463-00038804 However, semaphores are not the panacea, TsssXfCegao-00102-00038894-00039215 and may produce new problems as deadlocks, TsssXfCegao-00103-00039215-00039486 but that’s another different story... Tv6AsNeKpYc-00000-00001290-00001354 Dewa Game TwBOr-heYKA-00000-00000009-00000344 How much money a novice can earn by running takeout for a day with hands raised, let TwBOr-heYKA-00001-00000349-00000472 me tell you TwBOr-heYKA-00002-00000485-00000605 , hello everyone, TwBOr-heYKA-00003-00000605-00000733 I’m Jingjing. I’m here for a TwBOr-heYKA-00004-00000733-00000957 meal run again this evening. Let’s TwBOr-heYKA-00005-00000957-00001212 see how much money I can run tonight. I’ve TwBOr-heYKA-00006-00001310-00001468 got a meal and it’s very close, TwBOr-heYKA-00007-00001530-00001812 although it ’s in this community. It's inside, TwBOr-heYKA-00008-00001826-00002044 but it 's still easier to find. There's a navigation TwBOr-heYKA-00009-00002106-00002268 here. I'm also familiar with it. TwBOr-heYKA-00010-00002282-00002384 Wait for him. It's TwBOr-heYKA-00011-00002422-00002832 actually only a few hundred meters and 1.6 meters away from the food delivery shop. Today TwBOr-heYKA-00012-00003066-00003347 's second order is a little far away, and it's delivered to Xinqiao . I TwBOr-heYKA-00013-00003350-00003539 came here, and then the road was blocked again TwBOr-heYKA-00014-00003582-00003835 . By the time I got here, it was already six minutes overtime. TwBOr-heYKA-00015-00003846-00004147 It is estimated that I will deduct money for another TwBOr-heYKA-00016-00004170-00004367 three kilometers today. I will go TwBOr-heYKA-00017-00004860-00004947 around Liang Daxu TwBOr-heYKA-00018-00005062-00005167 and call the customer, and TwBOr-heYKA-00019-00005350-00005507 he will tell me how to get here. TwBOr-heYKA-00020-00005558-00005783 This floor is new . The TwBOr-heYKA-00021-00005850-00005979 stone is a bit TwBOr-heYKA-00022-00006006-00006107 hard to find. TwBOr-heYKA-00023-00006174-00006254 It's wet TwBOr-heYKA-00024-00006338-00006487 today TwBOr-heYKA-00025-00006546-00006687 . I don't know how much I will charge for two. It's so TwBOr-heYKA-00026-00006881-00007085 noisy that it's finally delivered. I'm relieved TwBOr-heYKA-00027-00007086-00007217 now that my lunch box is empty. I TwBOr-heYKA-00028-00007218-00007423 took another order on the way back and TwBOr-heYKA-00029-00007550-00007729 it was delivered. It's very comfortable to TwBOr-heYKA-00030-00007730-00007943 run the orders one by one, the TwBOr-heYKA-00031-00008012-00008184 money ding dong ding dong into the pocket, TwBOr-heYKA-00032-00008184-00008329 it feels so good and so TwBOr-heYKA-00033-00008432-00008712 cool , something interesting happened, I am picking up TwBOr-heYKA-00034-00008712-00008941 food here today, and the meal is a bit slow. TwBOr-heYKA-00035-00009044-00009175 This TwBOr-heYKA-00036-00009175-00009442 handsome guy TwBOr-heYKA-00037-00009471-00009626 and I am also a runner. TwBOr-heYKA-00038-00009663-00009843 He thinks that TwBOr-heYKA-00039-00009843-00010290 people are arguing with others and they are scolding each other there. It is so interesting. TwBOr-heYKA-00040-00010427-00010590 I went to dinner together with TwBOr-heYKA-00041-00010605-00010868 me . He thinks that people are arguing with this shop TwBOr-heYKA-00042-00010905-00011088 for a few minutes. TwBOr-heYKA-00043-00011173-00011268 Why is TwBOr-heYKA-00044-00011369-00011544 everyone talking to each other ? To understand, I TwBOr-heYKA-00045-00011561-00011748 want to go on a business trip early to TwBOr-heYKA-00046-00012218-00012447 eat, let me cook some noodles for you, I TwBOr-heYKA-00047-00012458-00012575 don’t want to TwBOr-heYKA-00049-00012774-00012931 eat noodles , TwBOr-heYKA-00050-00013026-00013347 this egg is delicious for cooking noodles, okay, okay, old rules, old rules, I’ll report to you today, I TwBOr-heYKA-00051-00013394-00013483 ran nine orders TwBOr-heYKA-00052-00013574-00013894 and four Nineteen dollars, why do you think there are forty-nine dollars? TwBOr-heYKA-00053-00013894-00014175 There are a few far-off orders that are a little more expensive. Eighty TwBOr-heYKA-00055-00014338-00014447 -nine dollars. What are you going to get TwBOr-heYKA-00056-00014502-00014603 , what are TwBOr-heYKA-00057-00014606-00014767 you going to get, what are you going to get? TwBOr-heYKA-00058-00014778-00014995 The higher the income today, the higher the income. TwBOr-heYKA-00059-00014998-00015207 Well , I ran for more than an hour. TwBOr-heYKA-00060-00015250-00015355 Two hours, more than TwBOr-heYKA-00061-00015446-00015522 an hour, TwBOr-heYKA-00062-00015522-00015739 which more than an hour, it started TwBOr-heYKA-00063-00015763-00015856 at seven o'clock TwBOr-heYKA-00064-00015893-00016133 , now it's ten o'clock, two hours, two, TwBOr-heYKA-00065-00016133-00016304 three , two, four, two hours, two hours, two hours, more than TwBOr-heYKA-00066-00016469-00016589 two hours, ah TwBOr-heYKA-00067-00016589-00016736 , well , here we go , today's video is here, TwBOr-heYKA-00068-00016744-00017578 Miaomiao Happy Knife, grass in the mountain, all kinds of tastes of love and hate drifting in the wind, put a word between the TwBOr-heYKA-00069-00017940-00018903 eyebrows and look at a scene of the world, who is not tasting the TwBOr-heYKA-00071-00020197-00021308 joys and sorrows. Yesterday is not today should be forgotten Txp6QcBOI7I-00000-00000083-00000735 In this short video, you will learn how to quickly find books in QuickSearch. Txp6QcBOI7I-00001-00000825-00001792 QuickSearch is a powerful tool that allows you to search most of Sacred Heart University Library’s resources from one search box. Txp6QcBOI7I-00002-00001976-00003065 For a full list of the resources being searched, click on the “What is QuickSearch?” link in the QuickSearch box on the library homepage. Txp6QcBOI7I-00003-00003156-00004093 To begin, simply type in your search terms in the QuickSearch box on the library’s homepage and click Search. Txp6QcBOI7I-00004-00004283-00004583 This will bring you to the results page. Txp6QcBOI7I-00005-00004607-00006121 It is important to remember that QuickSearch will retrieve results in a wide variety of formats, including journal articles, books, DVDs, streaming videos, and more. Txp6QcBOI7I-00006-00006207-00007181 If you are just looking for books, you can simply click the “Books” checkbox under “Limit by Source Type” on the left hand side. Txp6QcBOI7I-00007-00007237-00007879 These results will include both books in the library and eBooks that you can read online. Txp6QcBOI7I-00008-00007997-00008949 To limit the results down to physical books in the library, click the “Physical Collection” link under the Limit To section. Txp6QcBOI7I-00009-00009049-00010085 Each result will display the book’s Location in the library, the Call Number, and the current availability Status of the book. Txp6QcBOI7I-00010-00010123-00010647 Note down the Location and Call Number to find the book in the library. Txp6QcBOI7I-00011-00010723-00011345 If you would like to find similar books, you can click on a book title from the results page. Txp6QcBOI7I-00012-00011387-00012275 Scrolling to the bottom of the page, you can click on the Similar Books section to browse related books in the library’s collection. Txp6QcBOI7I-00013-00012431-00013249 Similarly, you can browse other books by the author by clicking on the Other Books by this Author section. Txp6QcBOI7I-00014-00013429-00014189 For further assistance with finding books in QuickSearch or any other questions, feel free to contact us at the library! Tyzln8-FDcu-00000-00000010-00000096 FIRST RESPONDERS THROUGH THE Tyzln8-FDcu-00001-00000096-00000103 FIRST RESPONDERS THROUGH THE Tyzln8-FDcu-00002-00000103-00000233 FIRST RESPONDERS THROUGH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Tyzln8-FDcu-00003-00000233-00000240 FIRST RESPONDERS THROUGH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Tyzln8-FDcu-00004-00000240-00000453 FIRST RESPONDERS THROUGH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. >>> WE'RE ONLY A FEW SHORT WEEKS Tyzln8-FDcu-00005-00000453-00000460 STATE OF MINNESOTA. >>> WE'RE ONLY A FEW SHORT WEEKS Tyzln8-FDcu-00006-00000460-00000580 STATE OF MINNESOTA. >>> WE'RE ONLY A FEW SHORT WEEKS AWAY FROM CHRISTMAS, BUT ONE Tyzln8-FDcu-00007-00000580-00000587 >>> WE'RE ONLY A FEW SHORT WEEKS AWAY FROM CHRISTMAS, BUT ONE Tyzln8-FDcu-00008-00000587-00000774 >>> WE'RE ONLY A FEW SHORT WEEKS AWAY FROM CHRISTMAS, BUT ONE ORGANIZATION IN BRAINERD IS Tyzln8-FDcu-00009-00000774-00000780 AWAY FROM CHRISTMAS, BUT ONE ORGANIZATION IN BRAINERD IS Tyzln8-FDcu-00010-00000780-00000904 AWAY FROM CHRISTMAS, BUT ONE ORGANIZATION IN BRAINERD IS RINGING IN THE FESTIVE HOLIDAY A Tyzln8-FDcu-00011-00000904-00000910 ORGANIZATION IN BRAINERD IS RINGING IN THE FESTIVE HOLIDAY A Tyzln8-FDcu-00012-00000910-00001020 ORGANIZATION IN BRAINERD IS RINGING IN THE FESTIVE HOLIDAY A LITTLE EARLY, ALL FOR A GOOD Tyzln8-FDcu-00013-00001020-00001027 RINGING IN THE FESTIVE HOLIDAY A LITTLE EARLY, ALL FOR A GOOD Tyzln8-FDcu-00014-00001027-00001171 RINGING IN THE FESTIVE HOLIDAY A LITTLE EARLY, ALL FOR A GOOD CAUSE. Tyzln8-FDcu-00015-00001171-00001177 LITTLE EARLY, ALL FOR A GOOD CAUSE. Tyzln8-FDcu-00016-00001177-00001608 LITTLE EARLY, ALL FOR A GOOD CAUSE. CLAYTON CASTLE HAS THE STORY. Tyzln8-FDcu-00017-00001608-00001614 CAUSE. CLAYTON CASTLE HAS THE STORY. Tyzln8-FDcu-00018-00001614-00001755 CAUSE. CLAYTON CASTLE HAS THE STORY. >> Reporter: WE HAVEN'T HIT Tyzln8-FDcu-00019-00001755-00001761 CLAYTON CASTLE HAS THE STORY. >> Reporter: WE HAVEN'T HIT Tyzln8-FDcu-00020-00001761-00001905 CLAYTON CASTLE HAS THE STORY. >> Reporter: WE HAVEN'T HIT THANKSGIVING YET BUT CHRISTMAS Tyzln8-FDcu-00021-00001905-00001911 >> Reporter: WE HAVEN'T HIT THANKSGIVING YET BUT CHRISTMAS Tyzln8-FDcu-00022-00001911-00002215 >> Reporter: WE HAVEN'T HIT THANKSGIVING YET BUT CHRISTMAS HAS COME EARLY TO A HOME ON GULL Tyzln8-FDcu-00023-00002215-00002222 THANKSGIVING YET BUT CHRISTMAS HAS COME EARLY TO A HOME ON GULL Tyzln8-FDcu-00024-00002222-00002415 THANKSGIVING YET BUT CHRISTMAS HAS COME EARLY TO A HOME ON GULL LAKE AS ZONTA CLUB INTERNATIONAL Tyzln8-FDcu-00025-00002415-00002422 HAS COME EARLY TO A HOME ON GULL LAKE AS ZONTA CLUB INTERNATIONAL Tyzln8-FDcu-00026-00002422-00002635 HAS COME EARLY TO A HOME ON GULL LAKE AS ZONTA CLUB INTERNATIONAL IS HOLDING CHRISTMAS AT THIS Tyzln8-FDcu-00027-00002635-00002642 LAKE AS ZONTA CLUB INTERNATIONAL IS HOLDING CHRISTMAS AT THIS Tyzln8-FDcu-00028-00002642-00002782 LAKE AS ZONTA CLUB INTERNATIONAL IS HOLDING CHRISTMAS AT THIS HOME AND IT'S ALL FOR A GOOD Tyzln8-FDcu-00029-00002782-00002789 IS HOLDING CHRISTMAS AT THIS HOME AND IT'S ALL FOR A GOOD Tyzln8-FDcu-00030-00002789-00002836 IS HOLDING CHRISTMAS AT THIS HOME AND IT'S ALL FOR A GOOD CAUSE. Tyzln8-FDcu-00031-00002836-00002842 HOME AND IT'S ALL FOR A GOOD CAUSE. Tyzln8-FDcu-00032-00002842-00003002 HOME AND IT'S ALL FOR A GOOD CAUSE. >> OUR GOAL AND OUR MISSION IS Tyzln8-FDcu-00033-00003002-00003009 CAUSE. >> OUR GOAL AND OUR MISSION IS Tyzln8-FDcu-00034-00003009-00003146 CAUSE. >> OUR GOAL AND OUR MISSION IS TO EMPOWER WOMEN AROUND THE Tyzln8-FDcu-00035-00003146-00003153 >> OUR GOAL AND OUR MISSION IS TO EMPOWER WOMEN AROUND THE Tyzln8-FDcu-00036-00003153-00003186 >> OUR GOAL AND OUR MISSION IS TO EMPOWER WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD. Tyzln8-FDcu-00037-00003186-00003193 TO EMPOWER WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD. Tyzln8-FDcu-00038-00003193-00003373 TO EMPOWER WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD. WE DO THAT BOTH LOCALLY HERE IN Tyzln8-FDcu-00039-00003373-00003379 WORLD. WE DO THAT BOTH LOCALLY HERE IN Tyzln8-FDcu-00040-00003379-00003620 WORLD. WE DO THAT BOTH LOCALLY HERE IN THE BRAINERD AREA, BUT OUR LOCAL Tyzln8-FDcu-00041-00003620-00003626 WE DO THAT BOTH LOCALLY HERE IN THE BRAINERD AREA, BUT OUR LOCAL Tyzln8-FDcu-00042-00003626-00003773 WE DO THAT BOTH LOCALLY HERE IN THE BRAINERD AREA, BUT OUR LOCAL CLUB ALSO CONTRIBUTES TO OUR Tyzln8-FDcu-00043-00003773-00003780 THE BRAINERD AREA, BUT OUR LOCAL CLUB ALSO CONTRIBUTES TO OUR Tyzln8-FDcu-00044-00003780-00003870 THE BRAINERD AREA, BUT OUR LOCAL CLUB ALSO CONTRIBUTES TO OUR INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00045-00003870-00003877 CLUB ALSO CONTRIBUTES TO OUR INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00046-00003877-00003987 CLUB ALSO CONTRIBUTES TO OUR INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS. >> Reporter: PLANNING THE EVENT Tyzln8-FDcu-00047-00003987-00003993 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS. >> Reporter: PLANNING THE EVENT Tyzln8-FDcu-00048-00003993-00004184 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS. >> Reporter: PLANNING THE EVENT IS AN INTEGRAL PROCESS BUT ONE Tyzln8-FDcu-00049-00004184-00004190 >> Reporter: PLANNING THE EVENT IS AN INTEGRAL PROCESS BUT ONE Tyzln8-FDcu-00050-00004190-00004364 >> Reporter: PLANNING THE EVENT IS AN INTEGRAL PROCESS BUT ONE WORTH THE SMILES WHEN PEOPLE Tyzln8-FDcu-00051-00004364-00004371 IS AN INTEGRAL PROCESS BUT ONE WORTH THE SMILES WHEN PEOPLE Tyzln8-FDcu-00052-00004371-00004551 IS AN INTEGRAL PROCESS BUT ONE WORTH THE SMILES WHEN PEOPLE COME IN AND SEE THE FESTIVE Tyzln8-FDcu-00053-00004551-00004557 WORTH THE SMILES WHEN PEOPLE COME IN AND SEE THE FESTIVE Tyzln8-FDcu-00054-00004557-00004627 WORTH THE SMILES WHEN PEOPLE COME IN AND SEE THE FESTIVE DECORATIONS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00055-00004627-00004634 COME IN AND SEE THE FESTIVE DECORATIONS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00056-00004634-00004824 COME IN AND SEE THE FESTIVE DECORATIONS. >> WE FIND A VERY GENEROUS Tyzln8-FDcu-00057-00004824-00004831 DECORATIONS. >> WE FIND A VERY GENEROUS Tyzln8-FDcu-00058-00004831-00004978 DECORATIONS. >> WE FIND A VERY GENEROUS HOMEOWNER WHO WILL GIVE US THEIR Tyzln8-FDcu-00059-00004978-00004984 >> WE FIND A VERY GENEROUS HOMEOWNER WHO WILL GIVE US THEIR Tyzln8-FDcu-00060-00004984-00005125 >> WE FIND A VERY GENEROUS HOMEOWNER WHO WILL GIVE US THEIR HOUSE FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS AND Tyzln8-FDcu-00061-00005125-00005131 HOMEOWNER WHO WILL GIVE US THEIR HOUSE FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS AND Tyzln8-FDcu-00062-00005131-00005288 HOMEOWNER WHO WILL GIVE US THEIR HOUSE FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS AND WE INVITE SMALL BUSINESSES FROM Tyzln8-FDcu-00063-00005288-00005295 HOUSE FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS AND WE INVITE SMALL BUSINESSES FROM Tyzln8-FDcu-00064-00005295-00005525 HOUSE FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS AND WE INVITE SMALL BUSINESSES FROM THROUGHOUT THE AREA TO DECORATE, Tyzln8-FDcu-00065-00005525-00005532 WE INVITE SMALL BUSINESSES FROM THROUGHOUT THE AREA TO DECORATE, Tyzln8-FDcu-00066-00005532-00005715 WE INVITE SMALL BUSINESSES FROM THROUGHOUT THE AREA TO DECORATE, ROOMS, PARTS OF ROOMS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00067-00005715-00005722 THROUGHOUT THE AREA TO DECORATE, ROOMS, PARTS OF ROOMS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00068-00005722-00005839 THROUGHOUT THE AREA TO DECORATE, ROOMS, PARTS OF ROOMS. SO WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL Tyzln8-FDcu-00069-00005839-00005845 ROOMS, PARTS OF ROOMS. SO WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL Tyzln8-FDcu-00070-00005845-00005912 ROOMS, PARTS OF ROOMS. SO WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL DECORATIONS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00071-00005912-00005919 SO WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL DECORATIONS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00072-00005919-00006099 SO WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL DECORATIONS. WE ALSO HAVE PEOPLE THAT SELL Tyzln8-FDcu-00073-00006099-00006106 DECORATIONS. WE ALSO HAVE PEOPLE THAT SELL Tyzln8-FDcu-00074-00006106-00006259 DECORATIONS. WE ALSO HAVE PEOPLE THAT SELL THINGS, WE HAVE VENDORS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00075-00006259-00006266 WE ALSO HAVE PEOPLE THAT SELL THINGS, WE HAVE VENDORS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00076-00006266-00006423 WE ALSO HAVE PEOPLE THAT SELL THINGS, WE HAVE VENDORS. >> Reporter: WHILE THIS IS NOT Tyzln8-FDcu-00077-00006423-00006429 THINGS, WE HAVE VENDORS. >> Reporter: WHILE THIS IS NOT Tyzln8-FDcu-00078-00006429-00006623 THINGS, WE HAVE VENDORS. >> Reporter: WHILE THIS IS NOT THE FIRST CHRISTMAS HOUSE ZONTA Tyzln8-FDcu-00079-00006623-00006629 >> Reporter: WHILE THIS IS NOT THE FIRST CHRISTMAS HOUSE ZONTA Tyzln8-FDcu-00080-00006629-00006790 >> Reporter: WHILE THIS IS NOT THE FIRST CHRISTMAS HOUSE ZONTA HAS PUT ON, IT'S THE FIRST HOME Tyzln8-FDcu-00081-00006790-00006796 THE FIRST CHRISTMAS HOUSE ZONTA HAS PUT ON, IT'S THE FIRST HOME Tyzln8-FDcu-00082-00006796-00006893 THE FIRST CHRISTMAS HOUSE ZONTA HAS PUT ON, IT'S THE FIRST HOME ON GULL LAKE. Tyzln8-FDcu-00083-00006893-00006900 HAS PUT ON, IT'S THE FIRST HOME ON GULL LAKE. Tyzln8-FDcu-00084-00006900-00007043 HAS PUT ON, IT'S THE FIRST HOME ON GULL LAKE. >> USUALLY WE'RE IN BRAINERD OR Tyzln8-FDcu-00085-00007043-00007050 ON GULL LAKE. >> USUALLY WE'RE IN BRAINERD OR Tyzln8-FDcu-00086-00007050-00007143 ON GULL LAKE. >> USUALLY WE'RE IN BRAINERD OR BAXTER. Tyzln8-FDcu-00087-00007143-00007150 >> USUALLY WE'RE IN BRAINERD OR BAXTER. Tyzln8-FDcu-00088-00007150-00007287 >> USUALLY WE'RE IN BRAINERD OR BAXTER. WE THOUGHT WELL, LET'S TRY A Tyzln8-FDcu-00089-00007287-00007293 BAXTER. WE THOUGHT WELL, LET'S TRY A Tyzln8-FDcu-00090-00007293-00007430 BAXTER. WE THOUGHT WELL, LET'S TRY A HOUSE ON GULL LAKE. Tyzln8-FDcu-00091-00007430-00007437 WE THOUGHT WELL, LET'S TRY A HOUSE ON GULL LAKE. Tyzln8-FDcu-00092-00007437-00007627 WE THOUGHT WELL, LET'S TRY A HOUSE ON GULL LAKE. A LITTLE FARTHER OUT BUT WE'RE Tyzln8-FDcu-00093-00007627-00007634 HOUSE ON GULL LAKE. A LITTLE FARTHER OUT BUT WE'RE Tyzln8-FDcu-00094-00007634-00007774 HOUSE ON GULL LAKE. A LITTLE FARTHER OUT BUT WE'RE HOPING PEOPLE TO COME FROM Tyzln8-FDcu-00095-00007774-00007781 A LITTLE FARTHER OUT BUT WE'RE HOPING PEOPLE TO COME FROM Tyzln8-FDcu-00096-00007781-00007971 A LITTLE FARTHER OUT BUT WE'RE HOPING PEOPLE TO COME FROM NISSWA AND PEQUOT LAKES, TOO. Tyzln8-FDcu-00097-00007971-00007977 HOPING PEOPLE TO COME FROM NISSWA AND PEQUOT LAKES, TOO. Tyzln8-FDcu-00098-00007977-00008131 HOPING PEOPLE TO COME FROM NISSWA AND PEQUOT LAKES, TOO. >> Reporter: THE EVENT STARTED Tyzln8-FDcu-00099-00008131-00008138 NISSWA AND PEQUOT LAKES, TOO. >> Reporter: THE EVENT STARTED Tyzln8-FDcu-00100-00008138-00008294 NISSWA AND PEQUOT LAKES, TOO. >> Reporter: THE EVENT STARTED LAST NIGHT AND CONTINUES TO Tyzln8-FDcu-00101-00008294-00008301 >> Reporter: THE EVENT STARTED LAST NIGHT AND CONTINUES TO Tyzln8-FDcu-00102-00008301-00008451 >> Reporter: THE EVENT STARTED LAST NIGHT AND CONTINUES TO TOMORROW AND NOT TOO LATE TO Tyzln8-FDcu-00103-00008451-00008458 LAST NIGHT AND CONTINUES TO TOMORROW AND NOT TOO LATE TO Tyzln8-FDcu-00104-00008458-00008598 LAST NIGHT AND CONTINUES TO TOMORROW AND NOT TOO LATE TO TAKE PART IN THE FUN. Tyzln8-FDcu-00105-00008598-00008605 TOMORROW AND NOT TOO LATE TO TAKE PART IN THE FUN. Tyzln8-FDcu-00106-00008605-00008758 TOMORROW AND NOT TOO LATE TO TAKE PART IN THE FUN. >> TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE Tyzln8-FDcu-00107-00008758-00008765 TAKE PART IN THE FUN. >> TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE Tyzln8-FDcu-00108-00008765-00008868 TAKE PART IN THE FUN. >> TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR FOR $12. Tyzln8-FDcu-00109-00008868-00008875 >> TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR FOR $12. Tyzln8-FDcu-00110-00008875-00009129 >> TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR FOR $12. IF YOU COME AND BUY A TICKET, Tyzln8-FDcu-00111-00009129-00009135 DOOR FOR $12. IF YOU COME AND BUY A TICKET, Tyzln8-FDcu-00112-00009135-00009272 DOOR FOR $12. IF YOU COME AND BUY A TICKET, SHERWOOD FOREST HAS BEEN VERY Tyzln8-FDcu-00113-00009272-00009279 IF YOU COME AND BUY A TICKET, SHERWOOD FOREST HAS BEEN VERY Tyzln8-FDcu-00114-00009279-00009439 IF YOU COME AND BUY A TICKET, SHERWOOD FOREST HAS BEEN VERY GENEROUS ALSO WITH US LETTING Tyzln8-FDcu-00115-00009439-00009446 SHERWOOD FOREST HAS BEEN VERY GENEROUS ALSO WITH US LETTING Tyzln8-FDcu-00116-00009446-00009569 SHERWOOD FOREST HAS BEEN VERY GENEROUS ALSO WITH US LETTING USE THEIR PARKING AND THEY'RE Tyzln8-FDcu-00117-00009569-00009576 GENEROUS ALSO WITH US LETTING USE THEIR PARKING AND THEY'RE Tyzln8-FDcu-00118-00009576-00009989 GENEROUS ALSO WITH US LETTING USE THEIR PARKING AND THEY'RE DOING A 2-FOR-1 APPETIZER. Tyzln8-FDcu-00119-00009989-00009996 USE THEIR PARKING AND THEY'RE DOING A 2-FOR-1 APPETIZER. Tyzln8-FDcu-00120-00009996-00010130 USE THEIR PARKING AND THEY'RE DOING A 2-FOR-1 APPETIZER. >> Reporter: THE EVENT Tyzln8-FDcu-00121-00010130-00010136 DOING A 2-FOR-1 APPETIZER. >> Reporter: THE EVENT Tyzln8-FDcu-00122-00010136-00010340 DOING A 2-FOR-1 APPETIZER. >> Reporter: THE EVENT CONTINUES TO TOMORROW FROM 9:00 Tyzln8-FDcu-00123-00010340-00010346 >> Reporter: THE EVENT CONTINUES TO TOMORROW FROM 9:00 Tyzln8-FDcu-00124-00010346-00010543 >> Reporter: THE EVENT CONTINUES TO TOMORROW FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. HERE AT THE Tyzln8-FDcu-00125-00010543-00010550 CONTINUES TO TOMORROW FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. HERE AT THE Tyzln8-FDcu-00126-00010550-00010954 CONTINUES TO TOMORROW FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. HERE AT THE HOME ON GULL LAKE. Tyzln8-FDcu-00127-00010954-00010960 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. HERE AT THE HOME ON GULL LAKE. Tyzln8-FDcu-00128-00010960-00011154 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. HERE AT THE HOME ON GULL LAKE. CLAYTON CASTLE, LAKELAND NEWS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00129-00011154-00011161 HOME ON GULL LAKE. CLAYTON CASTLE, LAKELAND NEWS. Tyzln8-FDcu-00130-00011161-00011231 HOME ON GULL LAKE. CLAYTON CASTLE, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Tyzln8-FDcu-00131-00011231-00011237 CLAYTON CASTLE, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Tyzln8-FDcu-00132-00011237-00011304 CLAYTON CASTLE, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: OTHER ORGANIZATIONS THAT THE ZONTA CLUB OF BRAINERD Tyzln8-FDcu-00133-00011304-00011311 >>Dennis: OTHER ORGANIZATIONS THAT THE ZONTA CLUB OF BRAINERD Tyzln8-FDcu-00134-00011311-00011361 >>Dennis: OTHER ORGANIZATIONS THAT THE ZONTA CLUB OF BRAINERD WORK WITH THROUGHOUT THE YEAR TzYeXvpKsDU-00000-00000000-00000386 [MUSIC PLAYING] TzYeXvpKsDU-00001-00000693-00000839 I'm Harm, and I'm here with Eliza. TzYeXvpKsDU-00002-00000840-00000976 And we're from Reece High School, TzYeXvpKsDU-00003-00000976-00001193 and we'll be interviewing local musician, Clinton. TzYeXvpKsDU-00004-00001193-00001279 Let's go have a chat. TzYeXvpKsDU-00005-00001556-00001819 Clinton, can you tell me a bit more about what you do? TzYeXvpKsDU-00006-00001820-00002226 Yeah, basically I'm a musician. TzYeXvpKsDU-00007-00002226-00002746 I play all over the state and occasionally interstate. TzYeXvpKsDU-00008-00002746-00003266 My job, I guess, is doing functions for people, TzYeXvpKsDU-00009-00003266-00003666 so people will ring up and hire either myself or one TzYeXvpKsDU-00010-00003666-00003853 of my other bands that I'm in. TzYeXvpKsDU-00011-00003853-00004226 And that's what we do-- we go and provide entertainment TzYeXvpKsDU-00012-00004226-00004526 for the masses, so that's my main source of income. TzYeXvpKsDU-00013-00004526-00004923 What's your favorite part about being a professional musician? TzYeXvpKsDU-00014-00004923-00005466 My favorite part is I get to play my guitar, I get to sing, TzYeXvpKsDU-00015-00005466-00005819 and a lot of the time I get to sing songs that I want to sing, TzYeXvpKsDU-00016-00005820-00005950 and I get paid to do it. TzYeXvpKsDU-00017-00005950-00006096 What are some of the opportunities TzYeXvpKsDU-00018-00006096-00006333 of the industry that some people might not realize? TzYeXvpKsDU-00019-00006333-00006616 If you put yourself out there and make yourself available TzYeXvpKsDU-00020-00006616-00006949 and make yourself known, there's opportunities everywhere TzYeXvpKsDU-00021-00006950-00007583 from little luncheon gigs to corporate gigs to-- yeah, TzYeXvpKsDU-00022-00007583-00007789 from all clubs and sporting events, TzYeXvpKsDU-00023-00007790-00008006 it's quite a lot of work out there TzYeXvpKsDU-00024-00008006-00008536 and I guess you've just got to be available to do it. TzYeXvpKsDU-00025-00008536-00008859 So what got you interested in being in the music industry TzYeXvpKsDU-00026-00008860-00009093 in the first place? TzYeXvpKsDU-00027-00009093-00009379 I always loved music, but it wasn't TzYeXvpKsDU-00028-00009380-00009723 until I got to about grade 9 and grade 10 TzYeXvpKsDU-00029-00009723-00009999 at school that I realized some my friends were TzYeXvpKsDU-00030-00010000-00010470 very good at music and I wanted to tag along as well. TzYeXvpKsDU-00031-00010470-00010670 And I started to probably dream then TzYeXvpKsDU-00032-00010670-00010860 that, yeah, I wouldn't mind getting in a band TzYeXvpKsDU-00033-00010860-00011130 and making a go of this. TzYeXvpKsDU-00034-00011130-00011313 It's-- I'm realizing the dream, I suppose. TzYeXvpKsDU-00035-00011313-00011459 I get to do what I want to do. TzYeXvpKsDU-00036-00011460-00011616 It's my passion. TzYeXvpKsDU-00037-00011616-00011919 Who is suited to something like this? TzYeXvpKsDU-00038-00011920-00012706 I believe if anybody's got some ability and passion for music, TzYeXvpKsDU-00039-00012706-00013076 but more importantly for performing. TzYeXvpKsDU-00040-00013076-00013326 For someone wanting to get into the music industry, TzYeXvpKsDU-00041-00013326-00013536 what pathways should they take? TzYeXvpKsDU-00042-00013536-00013739 I believe the first step you need to take TzYeXvpKsDU-00043-00013740-00014353 is get as good or the best you can at your chosen instrument, TzYeXvpKsDU-00044-00014353-00014673 whether it's singing or playing guitar or playing piano or even TzYeXvpKsDU-00045-00014673-00014876 playing multiple instruments. TzYeXvpKsDU-00046-00014876-00015346 You need to get yourself out there as often as you can. TzYeXvpKsDU-00047-00015346-00015476 You can't be picky and choosy. TzYeXvpKsDU-00048-00015476-00015623 When you're starting off, you've got TzYeXvpKsDU-00049-00015623-00015993 to do gigs that sometimes might not be suited to you, TzYeXvpKsDU-00050-00015993-00016233 but it's all about learning and getting TzYeXvpKsDU-00051-00016233-00016693 used to performing in multiple and different environments. TzYeXvpKsDU-00052-00016693-00017049 I'd also encourage people to become entrepreneurs, TzYeXvpKsDU-00053-00017050-00017283 so you have to be an accountant-- you TzYeXvpKsDU-00054-00017283-00017583 have to be able to travel with yourself and book TzYeXvpKsDU-00055-00017583-00017713 your and things. TzYeXvpKsDU-00056-00017713-00017959 And if you get in a band and you work without other people, TzYeXvpKsDU-00057-00017960-00018203 then you've got to be very good at relationships TzYeXvpKsDU-00058-00018203-00018633 because that is probably the hardest thing that keeps TzYeXvpKsDU-00059-00018633-00019013 talented bands together or not. TzYeXvpKsDU-00060-00019013-00019393 What other skills are important to have as a musician? TzYeXvpKsDU-00061-00019393-00019676 If you can-- you do need to have a sense of humor, TzYeXvpKsDU-00062-00019676-00020139 I believe, and don't be so serious TzYeXvpKsDU-00063-00020140-00020396 because that, I believe, is a big no-no TzYeXvpKsDU-00064-00020396-00020493 for a lot of musicians. TzYeXvpKsDU-00065-00020493-00020876 They take it so-- everything's so much too heart TzYeXvpKsDU-00066-00020876-00021073 and you're going to get a lot of knock downs. TzYeXvpKsDU-00067-00021073-00021603 But if you can be resilient and take your good times TzYeXvpKsDU-00068-00021603-00022029 with your bad times, you'll enjoy what you do. TzYeXvpKsDU-00069-00022030-00022300 So that's a big skill I think. TzYeXvpKsDU-00070-00022300-00022666 You've also got to be good at performing TzYeXvpKsDU-00071-00022666-00022889 your instrument of choice. TzYeXvpKsDU-00072-00022890-00023190 And those that make good choices, I believe, TzYeXvpKsDU-00073-00023190-00023576 are the ones that have success eventually. TzYeXvpKsDU-00074-00023576-00023649 Thanks, Clinton. TzYeXvpKsDU-00075-00023650-00023890 Today has been great to get an insight into the music TzYeXvpKsDU-00076-00023890-00023950 industry. TzYeXvpKsDU-00077-00023950-00024210 Hopefully it gives students an idea of what to expect TzYeXvpKsDU-00078-00024210-00024300 and the opportunities. TzYeXvpKsDU-00079-00024300-00024663 [MUSIC PLAYING] T_SUyPKxSco-00000-00000426-00000580 My name is Steven Goldberg, I'm an attorney T_SUyPKxSco-00001-00000580-00000924 at the Steinberg Law Firm going on my 25th year of practice. T_SUyPKxSco-00002-00000924-00001054 So I'm born and rasied in T_SUyPKxSco-00003-00001054-00001212 Charleston, South Carolina. T_SUyPKxSco-00004-00001212-00001678 My dad practiced law for 50 years, over 45 years; he was a member of the Steinberg Law T_SUyPKxSco-00005-00001678-00001778 Firm. T_SUyPKxSco-00006-00001778-00001878 He always said, "You've got to be happy T_SUyPKxSco-00007-00001878-00002032 with your clients and your clients have got T_SUyPKxSco-00008-00002032-00002193 to be happy with you or else it doesn't T_SUyPKxSco-00009-00002193-00002293 work". T_SUyPKxSco-00010-00002293-00002525 In today's age, being in a place that's T_SUyPKxSco-00011-00002525-00002772 convenient for the clients is important. T_SUyPKxSco-00012-00002772-00002931 So we have an office downtown, we have an T_SUyPKxSco-00013-00002931-00003100 office in Summerville, and we have an T_SUyPKxSco-00014-00003100-00003290 office in Goose Creek. T_SUyPKxSco-00015-00003290-00003390 We don't charge T_SUyPKxSco-00016-00003390-00003527 anyone for even accepting their case T_SUyPKxSco-00017-00003527-00003677 unless we make a recovery. T_SUyPKxSco-00018-00003677-00003777 If we can help T_SUyPKxSco-00019-00003777-00003978 them we will, and if we can't, we'll advise T_SUyPKxSco-00020-00003978-00004107 them on what we think the best course T_SUyPKxSco-00021-00004107-00004207 of action is. T_SUyPKxSco-00022-00004207-00004364 Again, all free of charge. T_SUyPKxSco-00023-00004364-00004791 As the Steinberg law firm is entering its 90th year; we've been around this T_SUyPKxSco-00024-00004791-00004934 Charleston community forever. T_SUyPKxSco-00025-00004934-00005097 I enjoy giving back to the community; T_SUyPKxSco-00026-00005097-00005217 it's something we want to do. T_SUyPKxSco-00027-00005217-00005317 And we're a T_SUyPKxSco-00028-00005317-00005474 successful law firm; we've helped many T_SUyPKxSco-00029-00005474-00005721 many clients out, and we turn around and T_SUyPKxSco-00030-00005721-00005910 give back to the community, because T_SUyPKxSco-00031-00005910-00006098 it's the right thing to do. T_SUyPKxSco-00032-00006098-00006198 I do work in T_SUyPKxSco-00033-00006198-00006406 almost all aspects of personal injury: T_SUyPKxSco-00034-00006406-00006643 trucking cases, automobile accidents, T_SUyPKxSco-00035-00006643-00006865 workers compensation and do nursing home T_SUyPKxSco-00036-00006865-00007098 cases for people who have been abused in a T_SUyPKxSco-00037-00007098-00007238 nursing home. T_SUyPKxSco-00038-00007238-00007352 If you've been injured, that's had a big T_SUyPKxSco-00039-00007352-00007513 impact on your life, and T_SUyPKxSco-00040-00007513-00007688 you really don't want to go this alone. T_SUyPKxSco-00041-00007688-00007847 You want somebody who's gonna come in and T_SUyPKxSco-00042-00007847-00008053 deal with all the paperwork and what T_SUyPKxSco-00043-00008053-00008153 your rights are. T_SUyPKxSco-00044-00008153-00008261 Your job should just be T_SUyPKxSco-00045-00008261-00008382 to get better. T_SUyPKxSco-00046-00008382-00008482 While you'll be working T_SUyPKxSco-00047-00008482-00008656 with one lawyer primarily, you will know that T_SUyPKxSco-00048-00008656-00008879 you got a team of lawyers working for you. T_SUyPKxSco-00049-00008879-00009075 This is a big decision to make whether T_SUyPKxSco-00050-00009075-00009325 you're gonna hire a lawyer or not, and a lot of T_SUyPKxSco-00051-00009325-00009484 people have pause before hiring a lawyer. T_SUyPKxSco-00052-00009484-00009584 But T_SUyPKxSco-00053-00009584-00009703 remember that the person who may have T_SUyPKxSco-00054-00009703-00009914 caused you injury of the job that you T_SUyPKxSco-00055-00009914-00010140 got injured at: they have a team of T_SUyPKxSco-00056-00010140-00010240 lawyers working for them. T_SUyPKxSco-00057-00010240-00010340 It doesn't make T_SUyPKxSco-00058-00010340-00010472 sense for you to go against them without T_SUyPKxSco-00059-00010472-00010622 having your own team of professionals T_SUyPKxSco-00060-00010622-00010864 who can guide you through the system. T_SUyPKxSco-00061-00010864-00010974 We want to T_SUyPKxSco-00062-00010974-00011270 make our services convenient for the people who live here. T_SUyPKxSco-00063-00011270-00011456 I'm available every day of the week in T_SUyPKxSco-00064-00011456-00011634 Summerville if you need me! TAx86TPK738-00000-00000000-00000693 Hi everyone, welcome to another video, we are now in May of our Circuit Breaker and there is TAx86TPK738-00001-00000693-00001338 good news that some businesses are gradually opening up, and I believe everybody will be TAx86TPK738-00002-00001338-00001926 going out to get some haircuts or laundry services! Anyway, I met some new friends TAx86TPK738-00003-00001926-00002544 and feedback who someone had asked me, this circuit breaker cannot conduct any viewings TAx86TPK738-00004-00002544-00003267 and will my business be affected? First of all, i want to thank you for the concern and yes, TAx86TPK738-00005-00003267-00003965 the property market is slow due to viewing difficulties and that was why we are conducting TAx86TPK738-00006-00003965-00004545 virtual home viewing which was mentioned in my previous video. But the true fact is there are TAx86TPK738-00007-00004545-00005082 still viewing requests from the buyers or tenants who are searching for their home. TAx86TPK738-00008-00005082-00005889 Why is it so? Because beside searching for what to eat during this circuit breaker, if you feel TAx86TPK738-00009-00005889-00006656 like buying a car, and you really want to own that car or that watch or that latest gadget, TAx86TPK738-00010-00006656-00007425 or that bag for the ladies? Would you want to wait after the lockdown to search for it? Or will this TAx86TPK738-00011-00007425-00008109 circuit breaker going to stop you from searching? Or is it even you are staying at home now, TAx86TPK738-00012-00008109-00008766 you are still searching online and looking at the specifications of that bag or that latest TAx86TPK738-00013-00008766-00009348 gadget that you want? So please tell me here, are you still searching? And comment below TAx86TPK738-00014-00009348-00009942 if you still searching the thing that you wish to get? So this is why there are still TAx86TPK738-00015-00009942-00010611 viewing requests! Because serious buyers or tenants are still searching for a Home. TAx86TPK738-00016-00010611-00011193 But the thing is everybody hoping for what? Hoping for the circuit breaker to TAx86TPK738-00017-00011193-00011730 cause prices to tank! especially there was an article written just a few days ago that TAx86TPK738-00018-00011799-00012489 developers likely to cut prices of Singapore new launches! But if we look at the positive side, TAx86TPK738-00019-00012489-00013022 probably we may stand a chance to get a unit that the developer may TAx86TPK738-00020-00013022-00013710 sell us way below market price? Probably yes, because every crisis there is an opportunity, TAx86TPK738-00021-00013808-00014463 is whether would you buy when nobody is buying or you will buy when everybody is buying? TAx86TPK738-00022-00014463-00015063 So is there a chance for the developers cutting their prices for this coming 3 to TAx86TPK738-00023-00015063-00015765 4 months? This may happen to those developers who probably only sold 10% of their units and TAx86TPK738-00024-00015765-00016278 therefore there maybe a chance for them to cut their price in their coming months, TAx86TPK738-00025-00016278-00016968 because they didn't sold enough units in the beginning. But so far we haven't TAx86TPK738-00026-00016968-00017670 witness a drastic price drop for the developers on the ground, probably some developers already TAx86TPK738-00027-00017670-00018456 sold 70% or more units and they are already safe, because they still have the time to sell TAx86TPK738-00028-00018456-00019194 their remaining units till their TOP or within the 5years. So they actually can lower their TAx86TPK738-00029-00019194-00019983 target to sell 10units for every month slowly. Then is hardly for them to go for fire sales! TAx86TPK738-00030-00019983-00020835 Secondly, for developers who previously launched with a higher profit margin, than probably there TAx86TPK738-00031-00020835-00021660 will be a chance for the developer to cut price later on, and why they can do so? Because they TAx86TPK738-00032-00021660-00022236 can still sell by lowering their profit margin that they had already made earlier on! You see? TAx86TPK738-00033-00022236-00023043 But for those developers who have a lower profit margin, the risk for them to cut their prices are TAx86TPK738-00034-00023043-00023805 lower because they are already selling at almost at a breakeven price, therefore is hardly for them TAx86TPK738-00035-00023805-00024600 to cut their price later on. Lastly, is those buyers who already bought a unit but haven't TAx86TPK738-00036-00024600-00025422 actually exercise, for this group, the developers will dare not cut the prices to jeopardise these TAx86TPK738-00037-00025422-00026064 cases, because it will affect their sales and they still need to answer to the banks. TAx86TPK738-00038-00026124-00026933 Therefore in conclusion, not every launches you can buy, but what you can do, is to do TAx86TPK738-00039-00026933-00027714 your research to evaluate the details of the individuals launches and also understanding how TAx86TPK738-00040-00027714-00028560 does the developers Pricing Strategy work? So always remember cheap doesn't mean is good and TAx86TPK738-00041-00028560-00029502 cheap is always never the reason to buy, value is! So lastly, most people actually saw the headline TAx86TPK738-00042-00029502-00030210 of the article, but is actually a commentary written for a survey by NUS, is an opinion TAx86TPK738-00043-00030210-00031092 comparing with a factual from an announcement by MND in few days later for the Temporary Relief TAx86TPK738-00044-00031092-00031806 Measures for Property Sector due to COVID-19 Pandemic. So please go and read about it, I will TAx86TPK738-00045-00031806-00032414 put these links below and take this opportunity to really understand the property market. TAx86TPK738-00046-00032414-00032961 So this comes to end of my video, please give a thumbs up if you like this video TAx86TPK738-00047-00032961-00033486 and share to anyone who you feel it is useful to them! And comment below TAx86TPK738-00048-00033486-00033873 if you like to share your thoughts, I would greatly appreciate that and TAx86TPK738-00049-00033873-00034356 i will see you in the next video, as always Stay Home and Stay Safe! TFh7TObIcQ4-00000-00000024-00000744 hey everyone welcome to my channel i'm luis just a little while ago i've evolved all my titans in my TFh7TObIcQ4-00001-00000744-00001616 web account now i am going to upgrade the titans using all the titan xp potions that i can can get TFh7TObIcQ4-00002-00001744-00002136 and so i'm going to check first my my rankings and all of that TFh7TObIcQ4-00003-00002280-00002680 so currently as in the previous video i've upgraded TFh7TObIcQ4-00004-00002824-00003944 my my i've went up my ranking by 121 positions and to this uh total titan power just almost 160k TFh7TObIcQ4-00005-00004192-00005320 and um my current teams or my current team are specifically 66k for just the water titans TFh7TObIcQ4-00006-00005320-00006376 i believe it was 57 before the evolutions and um 82k using angus here and i believe it was TFh7TObIcQ4-00007-00006376-00007256 before the evolution 71k so about about 10k increase for this composition here and about TFh7TObIcQ4-00008-00007472-00008192 something like 8k or so for just water titans so we have the numbers TFh7TObIcQ4-00009-00008192-00009216 to the current numbers now let's take a look at what we have as consumables so we have so TFh7TObIcQ4-00010-00009216-00010040 for the titans we have 56 000 titan potions with almost 57 actually we also have here TFh7TObIcQ4-00011-00010128-00010992 24 and almost in the way to 25 000 sparks of power so that's for the heroes to evolve their TFh7TObIcQ4-00012-00011088-00011792 their their their um gift of the elements and then we have i see TFh7TObIcQ4-00013-00011888-00012504 it's not going to be used now but we have also 152 000 essences of the alignments that's going to be TFh7TObIcQ4-00014-00012608-00013528 used some other time in a future video we have um where do we have those in the coins we have 1000 TFh7TObIcQ4-00015-00013591-00014432 bronze guild wars trophies and these are important i will explain why in a little bit we also have um TFh7TObIcQ4-00016-00014528-00015152 34 000 titan skin stones i don't think we're going to do this today but just to take a note TFh7TObIcQ4-00017-00015272-00015847 so and the soul stones as as shown in the previous video we have TFh7TObIcQ4-00018-00015919-00016536 more than one thousand secrets and more more than 900 novas and more than TFh7TObIcQ4-00019-00016600-00017248 almost 900 mary soul stones okay that's that's the remaining soul stones after evolution that's TFh7TObIcQ4-00020-00017248-00017792 all the the soul stones that were extra that we didn't need for the evolutions TFh7TObIcQ4-00021-00017792-00018424 so we have also the numbers for all the things that we can use and now we're going to take a look TFh7TObIcQ4-00022-00018616-00019304 on a few different things so um the first off what i'm going to do is write off TFh7TObIcQ4-00023-00019400-00019992 go here in the merchant and i'll trade all these extra soul stones for the titan soul coins okay TFh7TObIcQ4-00024-00020072-00020968 this will net me almost 29 000 so coins right you see those there now with this we can trade TFh7TObIcQ4-00025-00021072-00022080 this um titanfall coins for titan potions okay i have right now 50 almost 57 000 titan pattern TFh7TObIcQ4-00026-00022080-00022800 potions but we also can trade all those trophies going here in the merchant or going to town then TFh7TObIcQ4-00027-00022800-00023880 the merchant we can trade um here we can trade all these bronze guild war trophies into titan potions TFh7TObIcQ4-00028-00023880-00024584 we can also do one other thing that i'm not going to do today but we could do a trade of our gold TFh7TObIcQ4-00029-00024648-00025639 guild war trophies into silver ones using this exchange here and then we could also trade the TFh7TObIcQ4-00030-00025639-00026160 silver resulting silver so now we have 1 500 we would have a bit more with the the gold TFh7TObIcQ4-00031-00026224-00026760 the gold ones and then trade them into into bros guild war trophies which we could then TFh7TObIcQ4-00032-00026760-00027368 trade into titan potions the reason i'm not going to do those all those trades is because TFh7TObIcQ4-00033-00027480-00028208 i haven't really figured out if i want to use this gold and silver trophies for TFh7TObIcQ4-00034-00028312-00029192 buying skins here buying soul stones i haven't figured or even ruins here using the TFh7TObIcQ4-00035-00029536-00030376 now these are also bronze using the the trophies here the chances are really those are random so TFh7TObIcQ4-00036-00030439-00031112 not interested but um you know the other things i might i might in the future so one thing i'm TFh7TObIcQ4-00037-00031112-00031824 not going to trade for sure is for jews because i already have us six stars and i'm not planning TFh7TObIcQ4-00038-00031824-00032527 to have jet anytime soon so i don't i don't care for having extra soul stones for him and the other TFh7TObIcQ4-00039-00032784-00033800 the other the other heroes here i will probably not be getting but then you never know huh arachne TFh7TObIcQ4-00040-00033800-00034272 0 those could end up being options for my third team he asked me not really TFh7TObIcQ4-00041-00034272-00034704 i'm not i'm not planning to use jasmine so with that in mind i'm not going to touch those TFh7TObIcQ4-00042-00034704-00035376 uh because you know the skins here i might i might want to have juice champion skin here um TFh7TObIcQ4-00043-00035448-00036176 might want to have tia's champion ski skin here that costs me silver silver trophies so i'm going TFh7TObIcQ4-00044-00036176-00036808 just to focus on the one thing that i know is that i can and i should trade all these bronze TFh7TObIcQ4-00045-00036888-00037528 trophies for the only things that matter that you can trade them and that's either runes TFh7TObIcQ4-00046-00037528-00038640 or potions so let's go for the potions this will give me 757 500 potions right let's go TFh7TObIcQ4-00047-00038992-00039840 so all of them except 32 are gone and now it's going to list here TFh7TObIcQ4-00048-00039840-00040952 64 000 which we can also check here the 64 000 titan potions right now um TFh7TObIcQ4-00049-00041216-00041760 let's also trade these ones here so you saw i traded 1 000 TFh7TObIcQ4-00050-00041888-00042752 i believe it was 1 000. 1000 bronze silver bronze trophies sorry for that into titan potions 7 000 TFh7TObIcQ4-00051-00042848-00044440 and i can trade 28 almost 29 000 um titan soul coins into 114 000 titans all coins TFh7TObIcQ4-00052-00044664-00045344 right um titan potions i mean with the twenty eight and five hundred thousand TFh7TObIcQ4-00053-00045344-00046000 soul coins that's a lot of titan potions let's go for that i don't really care about the sparks now TFh7TObIcQ4-00054-00046080-00046560 i'm gonna get sparks of power anyways without operating at items so i i don't really care TFh7TObIcQ4-00055-00046560-00047024 about those now and i certainly don't care about the goal because that's the least effective way TFh7TObIcQ4-00056-00047128-00047816 of trading these unless you have already upgraded all your titans and all the heroes that you needed TFh7TObIcQ4-00057-00047928-00048280 with the sparks of power so to create their their gift of the elements TFh7TObIcQ4-00058-00048456-00049616 so let's see the totals curious to see we have uh seven 178 k last time i remember seeing that big TFh7TObIcQ4-00059-00049616-00050584 number was probably with the buggy black friday uh titan bundle event in mobile in november 2020 TFh7TObIcQ4-00060-00050760-00051328 but uh probably even more than i well that's that was a long time ago so TFh7TObIcQ4-00061-00051464-00052072 we've done that uh we're also not gonna trade the the remaining summoning spheres you opening the TFh7TObIcQ4-00062-00052072-00052440 remaining summoning series if you're wondering i'm going to save those because it's always TFh7TObIcQ4-00063-00052440-00053072 good to save a few during during the course of the week because there might they might show TFh7TObIcQ4-00064-00053072-00054079 up a new event i might um use those so always keep a few like 10 or 20 extra so we have that TFh7TObIcQ4-00065-00054079-00055679 absurd number of titan potions almost 191 1090 one thousand and ah [ __ ] 180 000 titan potions and TFh7TObIcQ4-00066-00055991-00056752 now the question is what do we upgrade first and all those priorities so as you might seen TFh7TObIcQ4-00067-00056824-00057464 as you might have seen in my previous video my main my main theme is the water titans TFh7TObIcQ4-00068-00057464-00058088 right and so those are probably the the ones i should be focusing more better i also need to TFh7TObIcQ4-00069-00058088-00058808 focus a bit on or upgrade a bit the others right so i can have not all the others TFh7TObIcQ4-00070-00058952-00059520 maybe more more certain of others but the reasons for that is to have a TFh7TObIcQ4-00071-00059616-00060736 suitable team for the dungeon and also options for for the fights i don't just mean the the TFh7TObIcQ4-00072-00060736-00061216 the guild wars but also here in the titan valley right in the tournament of the elements that's for TFh7TObIcQ4-00073-00061360-00062055 as you know browser specific version of the game not for the mobile version today is a saturday so TFh7TObIcQ4-00074-00062055-00063088 we it's not open we cannot see we cannot even see the logs but um that's also a place where you TFh7TObIcQ4-00075-00063088-00063640 you can use different combinations and where you probably will use more different combinations of TFh7TObIcQ4-00076-00063640-00064176 of titans in the browser version of the game not available in the mobile so TFh7TObIcQ4-00077-00064328-00065136 the trick here i think would be to first upgrade the titan tank and see the main titan tank and see TFh7TObIcQ4-00078-00065232-00066064 as the cost grows when should we stop then pick up on the super and then pick up on the on the TFh7TObIcQ4-00079-00066064-00066936 supports right but in the meanwhile don't forget about the other the other elements besides water TFh7TObIcQ4-00080-00066936-00067864 so let's start with cigarette and at this point it's costing just 1390 and titan potions so not TFh7TObIcQ4-00081-00067864-00068448 really that much and we're gonna get as we increase the the level of the of the titans TFh7TObIcQ4-00082-00068448-00069312 also our sparks that i was mentioning just a while ago so we start and i think the first mark will be TFh7TObIcQ4-00083-00069680-00070184 70 i think it's a good a good point where we should stop TFh7TObIcQ4-00084-00070328-00070704 because that's already a lot that we we spent we burned through TFh7TObIcQ4-00085-00070760-00071584 and now we're going to also upgrade our other tanks so they don't get left behind TFh7TObIcQ4-00086-00072064-00072808 and this is always my my advice keep your tanks as high as possible TFh7TObIcQ4-00087-00072960-00073496 and probably keep your your main tank higher than than all the other tanks so TFh7TObIcQ4-00088-00073496-00073984 i'm starting starting to differentiate differentiate a bit here so cigarette TFh7TObIcQ4-00089-00074104-00074888 having a higher level than angus and warlock and now i'll upgrade hyperion also why i appear in TFh7TObIcQ4-00090-00074888-00075576 first because it's a super but because it's also at five stars and not six stars like nova or mary TFh7TObIcQ4-00091-00075576-00076456 so he is um is more vulnerable than he would be than if he would be six stars so i'm giving him a TFh7TObIcQ4-00092-00076456-00077408 higher bump here so now it's at 50 and the others are at 45 let's try let's try aim for 16 here TFh7TObIcQ4-00093-00077568-00078048 or maybe just let's and i don't have a really defined plan as i don't really knew TFh7TObIcQ4-00094-00078048-00078424 the amount of hidden potions i would have i'm just going as i go TFh7TObIcQ4-00095-00078504-00079064 parallel plan live just changing now we're going to increase mary to 50 TFh7TObIcQ4-00096-00079280-00079648 and also nova 250 that's a comfortable upgrade TFh7TObIcQ4-00097-00079856-00080616 and now we need to look at the others as well because they are far behind 40 40 and TFh7TObIcQ4-00098-00080616-00081272 if i want to use raji and eden in my fights then in my arena fights in my TFh7TObIcQ4-00099-00081368-00081808 tournament of the element fights then then i need to pay attention to them otherwise they are just TFh7TObIcQ4-00100-00081872-00082304 not useful so let's bring at least 245 TFh7TObIcQ4-00101-00082440-00083104 45 let's not forget about ignis TFh7TObIcQ4-00102-00083544-00083864 and let's not forget about avalon as well TFh7TObIcQ4-00103-00084120-00084184 okay TFh7TObIcQ4-00104-00084616-00085208 and then we have vulcan and silva those are really the ones i care the least about TFh7TObIcQ4-00105-00085208-00085832 in any version of the game browser mobile doesn't matter i always keep them at the TFh7TObIcQ4-00106-00085832-00086464 end of my priority i don't leave them without upgrades but if i have every other titan at TFh7TObIcQ4-00107-00086584-00087304 i don't know level 50 then or level 50 and above then vulcan and civil will probably be TFh7TObIcQ4-00108-00087384-00088096 10 levels be behind so in this case we have ignis and eden and arranging at 45 and and TFh7TObIcQ4-00109-00088096-00088896 evelyn also at 40 and so i have vulcan and silva at 30. probably not bad idea so TFh7TObIcQ4-00110-00089088-00089784 we have now 50k almost 50k titan potions that's still some room for improvement TFh7TObIcQ4-00111-00089856-00090248 we're going to push we're going to push raji TFh7TObIcQ4-00112-00090536-00090904 to 15 also eden TFh7TObIcQ4-00113-00091160-00091736 and now english as you can see i'm just i'm just improvising TFh7TObIcQ4-00114-00091808-00092912 no plan other than the logics right i have 26 000 now and i can try push a bit more TFh7TObIcQ4-00115-00093072-00093984 now i should push a bit more the the weaker tightness here 35 at least TFh7TObIcQ4-00116-00094200-00094344 i have 21 000 TFh7TObIcQ4-00117-00094608-00095672 and should i go for hyperion TFh7TObIcQ4-00118-00095888-00096120 should i go for araji or eden TFh7TObIcQ4-00119-00096328-00096400 what's the cost TFh7TObIcQ4-00120-00096640-00097224 so five levels here will cost me almost more than 10k portions TFh7TObIcQ4-00121-00097432-00098184 five levels here will cost me close to 10k potions so tough choices where should i put my points TFh7TObIcQ4-00122-00098240-00098784 if you think i should put my points differently my potions leave a comment and and let me know why TFh7TObIcQ4-00123-00098928-00099720 well what i'm going to do is um i really wanted to use also raji this tool level but my main is TFh7TObIcQ4-00124-00099720-00100592 the water item so i'm going to improve my period so reopen here to take a look at the TFh7TObIcQ4-00125-00100656-00101648 the new list 70 cigarette 60 hyperion and then 15 over 50 mary but also 60 moloch and 60 angles TFh7TObIcQ4-00126-00101648-00102616 and we have then all the others ignis and avalon 45 araji and hidden 50 35 vulcan and silva TFh7TObIcQ4-00127-00102768-00103032 there are just a few more potions that i can use TFh7TObIcQ4-00128-00103111-00103783 i can even opt for i don't know saving them for any random reason TFh7TObIcQ4-00129-00104224-00104511 oh man i think i will just push TFh7TObIcQ4-00130-00104728-00104968 yeah i think that's what makes sense TFh7TObIcQ4-00131-00105056-00106144 pushing rg i really like raji what can i say there you go five levels and the rest will go for eden TFh7TObIcQ4-00132-00106432-00106752 level 52 that's all buddy you don't have any more TFh7TObIcQ4-00133-00106840-00108008 i'm out of potions let's let's complete this by checking what this upgrade means so so this team TFh7TObIcQ4-00134-00108288-00108576 that's a drastic change this thing was i believe TFh7TObIcQ4-00135-00108872-00109704 before the evolutions in the previous video at 57k then with evolution 65k and now it's 87 TFh7TObIcQ4-00136-00109704-00110992 85k so that's 20k increase right then if i include angus here so last time i checked we were at TFh7TObIcQ4-00137-00111096-00112288 82k i believe this team right here now it's 105k that's also close to 20k increase TFh7TObIcQ4-00138-00112288-00113359 and before that 20 71k so with that in mind that's more than than 30k increase and if we put here TFh7TObIcQ4-00139-00113359-00114983 uh rg 100 000 hidden nine 999 i 99 000 so it's not that that's far away from from angus right TFh7TObIcQ4-00140-00115144-00116535 so good good upgrade let's check the ranking so an increase of uh 351 um in the ranking so TFh7TObIcQ4-00141-00116752-00117504 i went up to 351 positions this is this is considering uh also the upgrades TFh7TObIcQ4-00142-00117504-00118144 the evolutions that i did on the other video today so it's not like the difference TFh7TObIcQ4-00143-00118144-00119183 from that to now it's all of those together and um i believe we were at a hundred and forty something TFh7TObIcQ4-00144-00119248-00120368 total titan power and now 200 000 so something like 60k increase for all titans all right that's TFh7TObIcQ4-00145-00120368-00121111 that's it i hope you enjoyed this i certainly did i hope to see my position here in the TFh7TObIcQ4-00146-00121408-00122240 in the team a bit better i guess i need to improve more not just not just the titans but that's TFh7TObIcQ4-00147-00122240-00122944 that's a big increase i'm not the last anymore i hope you enjoyed this i did and i hope to see you TFh7TObIcQ4-00148-00122944-00123808 around leave a like subscribe if you want and then you know see you around bye bye have fun TF-FrSvUUYI-00000-00000134-00000458 Guys there's nothing here, we're moving to... TF-FrSvUUYI-00001-00000698-00000898 Driver can you hear me? TF-FrSvUUYI-00002-00000898-00001048 (Oly) Yes TF-FrSvUUYI-00003-00001092-00001432 We're going East to reinforce the others, let's go TF-FrSvUUYI-00004-00001518-00001818 (Oly) We were there and were shot at, at the other corner TF-FrSvUUYI-00005-00001818-00001944 OK nevermind TF-FrSvUUYI-00006-00001944-00002146 (Oly) That's why I brought it here TF-FrSvUUYI-00007-00002794-00003122 Then let's go the other side to... No wait TF-FrSvUUYI-00008-00003252-00003454 Receiving fire TF-FrSvUUYI-00009-00003544-00003792 (CYP) Yes he's hidden somewhere TF-FrSvUUYI-00010-00005338-00005538 Where's the cunt? TF-FrSvUUYI-00011-00005616-00005816 (Yannis) I'm looking for him too TF-FrSvUUYI-00012-00006372-00006572 (Jerko) Where are you? TF-FrSvUUYI-00013-00006664-00006923 (Oly) At the other corner TF-FrSvUUYI-00014-00008266-00008510 Vehicle wait for a bit TF-FrSvUUYI-00015-00008626-00008826 I wanna put something in the inventory TF-FrSvUUYI-00016-00009176-00009264 OK TF-FrSvUUYI-00017-00009452-00009896 Come this way along the wall, and peek from that corner TF-FrSvUUYI-00018-00010922-00011402 (<= Commander) Get in the humvees and get close to the others TF-FrSvUUYI-00019-00011490-00011778 Get ready to move by Humvee TF-FrSvUUYI-00020-00011846-00012046 (MAK) Where are you? TF-FrSvUUYI-00021-00012058-00012406 We're at the NW, West side of the compound TF-FrSvUUYI-00022-00013060-00013260 Driver move carefully TF-FrSvUUYI-00023-00013672-00013872 (MAK) What's our callsign, 1-3? TF-FrSvUUYI-00024-00013872-00014008 Affirmative TF-FrSvUUYI-00025-00016122-00016341 Is everybody at the vehicle? TF-FrSvUUYI-00026-00016470-00016670 (Various) Yup TF-FrSvUUYI-00027-00016832-00017072 I want two people on foot... TF-FrSvUUYI-00028-00017388-00017588 (=>) 1-3 is ready to move TF-FrSvUUYI-00029-00018516-00018784 We're waiting for the order to move TF-FrSvUUYI-00030-00018922-00019350 For the moment let's go NE to find the others TF-FrSvUUYI-00031-00019682-00019882 Eyes West TF-FrSvUUYI-00032-00020334-00020662 Bullshit, there's nothing West, eyes North TF-FrSvUUYI-00033-00020710-00021074 (<= Hawaii) Command we've entered the compound TF-FrSvUUYI-00034-00021440-00021640 (<= Commander) What compound? TF-FrSvUUYI-00035-00021686-00021886 (<= Hawaii) The other <garbled> TF-FrSvUUYI-00036-00021994-00022266 (<= Commander) Look at your map, that doesn't sound right TF-FrSvUUYI-00037-00022474-00022810 (<= Hawaii) Yes, right, but there are people here TF-FrSvUUYI-00038-00023656-00023856 Humvee move East TF-FrSvUUYI-00039-00024038-00024274 Belay that, everyone board the Humvee TF-FrSvUUYI-00040-00024372-00024536 Wait here TF-FrSvUUYI-00041-00025100-00025300 Gunner look North TF-FrSvUUYI-00042-00025498-00025698 Who's missing? TF-FrSvUUYI-00043-00025836-00026064 (MAK) Let's go! (Jerko) Everyone's here TF-FrSvUUYI-00044-00026130-00026330 Move Eastwards TF-FrSvUUYI-00045-00026588-00026908 (Someone) Contacts East straight ahead, in the trees, unless they're friendlies TF-FrSvUUYI-00046-00026908-00027008 (Someone) Contacts East straight ahead, in the trees, unless they're friendlies (Me) They're friendlies TF-FrSvUUYI-00047-00027008-00027136 (Me) They're friendlies TF-FrSvUUYI-00048-00027500-00027739 Go right a bit towards the compound TF-FrSvUUYI-00049-00028162-00028518 (<=) Open your maps and find 1-1, they have contacts TF-FrSvUUYI-00050-00028542-00028695 Front! TF-FrSvUUYI-00051-00028800-00029092 Get back, get back, get back! TF-FrSvUUYI-00052-00029145-00029345 Go back! TF-FrSvUUYI-00053-00029358-00029527 50cal, open up at them TF-FrSvUUYI-00054-00029580-00030127 [50cal: Singing the song of its people] TF-FrSvUUYI-00055-00031056-00031304 Friendlies SE TF-FrSvUUYI-00056-00031460-00031660 (MAK) Is the car stuck? TF-FrSvUUYI-00057-00031674-00031918 (Me) Move SE, double time, floor it TF-FrSvUUYI-00058-00031918-00032112 MAK are you in? Let's go, go go! TF-FrSvUUYI-00059-00032186-00032386 (Jerko) Contacts NE TF-FrSvUUYI-00060-00032402-00032554 (MAK) Let's go! TF-FrSvUUYI-00061-00032852-00033148 (MAK) Turn South (Me) To the right a bit TF-FrSvUUYI-00062-00033222-00033486 Receiving, ..., go forward! Go! TF-FrSvUUYI-00063-00034186-00034386 (Jerko) Don't hit any pedestrians! TF-FrSvUUYI-00064-00034450-00034596 Nice TF-FrSvUUYI-00065-00034660-00034948 Tell us whenever you can stop to dismount TF-FrSvUUYI-00066-00035340-00035540 (Oly) Dismount TF-FrSvUUYI-00067-00035758-00036050 Turn around and face forward TF-FrSvUUYI-00068-00036378-00036578 (Oly) Where's forward? TF-FrSvUUYI-00069-00036680-00036976 Forward is North, where we're exposed TF-FrSvUUYI-00070-00037158-00037326 (Oly) Come again? TF-FrSvUUYI-00071-00037342-00037542 Turn North-West TF-FrSvUUYI-00072-00037684-00037940 ...because we're too exposed from that side TF-FrSvUUYI-00073-00039480-00040076 OK move left here, and get in the opening where the other guy is TF-FrSvUUYI-00074-00040352-00040628 Can you see me? Come this way TF-FrSvUUYI-00075-00040940-00041320 Take this side, don't go too much forward, gunner look at what you can TF-FrSvUUYI-00076-00041744-00042156 (<=) Peek at what you can from here, and we're moving Nort-East TF-FrSvUUYI-00077-00043582-00043854 Everyone to the Humvee TF-FrSvUUYI-00078-00044366-00044650 (<=) Vehicles take your teams and go... TF-FrSvUUYI-00079-00044650-00044858 Everyone back, MAK? TF-FrSvUUYI-00080-00044870-00045062 (MAK) On my way TF-FrSvUUYI-00081-00045638-00045782 (MAK) I'm in TF-FrSvUUYI-00082-00045984-00046184 (Jerko) Nearly shat myself! TF-FrSvUUYI-00083-00046288-00046488 (Jerko) Nevermind TF-FrSvUUYI-00084-00046670-00046898 (Oly) Following the Humvee? TF-FrSvUUYI-00085-00046978-00047270 Yes... but try not to hit the pedestrians TF-FrSvUUYI-00086-00047270-00047426 Toot the horn at them! TF-FrSvUUYI-00087-00047706-00047934 50cal how much ammo do you have? TF-FrSvUUYI-00088-00048086-00048376 (CYP) I've got.... almost 400 bullets TF-FrSvUUYI-00089-00048420-00048592 Excellent TF-FrSvUUYI-00090-00048658-00048910 (MAK) Cypriot, can you pass me a magazine? TF-FrSvUUYI-00091-00049202-00049438 (=>) Rath is following Alpha 2-2 TF-FrSvUUYI-00092-00049856-00050096 (MAK) Who put the RPG in? TF-FrSvUUYI-00093-00050096-00050306 Me. Just to be safe. TF-FrSvUUYI-00094-00050390-00050750 We're going North, and a bit to the North-West TF-FrSvUUYI-00095-00051014-00051252 (MAK) If he goes North we're good TF-FrSvUUYI-00096-00051294-00051634 Receiving fire from somewhere, but don't bother TF-FrSvUUYI-00097-00051914-00052254 We don't stop, we're going to reinforce Command TF-FrSvUUYI-00098-00052255-00052600 ...unless they're right in front of us, in which case we do a hit-and-run TF-FrSvUUYI-00099-00052829-00053044 (MAK) Turn left a bit TF-FrSvUUYI-00100-00053460-00053660 North all the way TF-FrSvUUYI-00101-00054140-00054416 (Various) Whoah... TF-FrSvUUYI-00102-00054454-00054726 Turn left wherever you can TF-FrSvUUYI-00103-00054898-00055198 (MAK) Left... North north north! TF-FrSvUUYI-00104-00055232-00055416 Left! TF-FrSvUUYI-00105-00055528-00055728 Go West, North-West TF-FrSvUUYI-00106-00057404-00057604 (Someone) Right next to us, to our left! TF-FrSvUUYI-00107-00057655-00057888 (MAK) GO GO GO Quickly! TF-FrSvUUYI-00108-00057888-00058044 (MAK) 12 o' clock! TF-FrSvUUYI-00109-00058055-00058186 Nice one, 50cal TF-FrSvUUYI-00110-00058298-00058512 [various noises] TF-FrSvUUYI-00111-00058512-00058714 Can we move? TF-FrSvUUYI-00112-00058855-00059076 Go, go, move, move! TF-FrSvUUYI-00113-00059100-00059300 Are we stuck? TF-FrSvUUYI-00114-00059316-00059490 (Oly) No TF-FrSvUUYI-00115-00059490-00059632 Go go go! TF-FrSvUUYI-00116-00059752-00060041 MAK where are you? Wait for MAK TF-FrSvUUYI-00117-00060041-00060186 (MAK) Just go, go go TF-FrSvUUYI-00118-00060326-00060594 Turn left Westwards to find the others TF-FrSvUUYI-00119-00060610-00060772 (MAK) I'm down TF-FrSvUUYI-00120-00060917-00061117 Are you dead, MAK? TF-FrSvUUYI-00121-00061184-00061384 Move TF-FrSvUUYI-00122-00061400-00061600 (Jerko) Don't stop, we're exposed TF-FrSvUUYI-00123-00061600-00061750 Westwards TF-FrSvUUYI-00124-00061978-00062226 Park it here behind the wall TF-FrSvUUYI-00125-00063034-00063234 MAK are you down? TF-FrSvUUYI-00126-00063310-00063510 Contacts SW TF-FrSvUUYI-00127-00063750-00063950 Everyone out TF-FrSvUUYI-00128-00064876-00065076 Mong is uncons... TF-FrSvUUYI-00129-00066296-00066552 Command from Rath, mong is down TF-FrSvUUYI-00130-00066826-00067026 (Someone) Who? TF-FrSvUUYI-00131-00067026-00067164 Mong TF-FrSvUUYI-00132-00068342-00068542 Come this way, West TF-FrSvUUYI-00133-00069088-00069288 Oh... TF-FrSvUUYI-00134-00069468-00069668 (Commander) Who's got the explosives? TF-FrSvUUYI-00135-00069668-00069844 (Someone) Placing... TF-FrSvUUYI-00136-00071016-00071242 Follow me guys TF-FrSvUUYI-00137-00071366-00071566 (Someone) Explosives set TF-FrSvUUYI-00138-00071566-00071790 (Commander) OK, get in the Humvees) TF-FrSvUUYI-00139-00071816-00072016 Get in the Humvees, we're moving TF-FrSvUUYI-00140-00072016-00072182 Explosives are set, let's go TF-FrSvUUYI-00141-00072680-00072880 (=>) Command what direction? TF-FrSvUUYI-00142-00073704-00073960 We bought something didn't we? TF-FrSvUUYI-00143-00073960-00074088 (Jerko) We bought 2 RPGs (Me) Go, go, go TK-t9RkXVf4-00001-00001241-00001555 so when you're thinking about doing a review you need to negotiate TK-t9RkXVf4-00002-00001555-00001900 with your reviewer what you want as an outcome TK-t9RkXVf4-00003-00001900-00002258 and so it depends on what you want it for maybe just want to improve your own TK-t9RkXVf4-00004-00002258-00002624 practice but maybe want because you're going to be applying for a promotion TK-t9RkXVf4-00005-00002624-00002970 or for you know teaching award or something TK-t9RkXVf4-00006-00002970-00003329 in which case you might want a more formal output TK-t9RkXVf4-00007-00003329-00003682 and that might shape the kind of feedback that they give you or the TK-t9RkXVf4-00008-00003682-00003743 tone of it TK-t9RkXVf4-00009-00003743-00004171 that so I don't know I guess what you need to do is TK-t9RkXVf4-00010-00004171-00004662 work that out between each other, I mean some departments have formal programs TK-t9RkXVf4-00011-00004662-00004719 where TK-t9RkXVf4-00012-00004719-00005194 there is an evaluator who's looking for specific things and going to give you TK-t9RkXVf4-00013-00005194-00005264 feedback TK-t9RkXVf4-00014-00005264-00005610 on those things whatever whatever you're teaching about TK-t9RkXVf4-00015-00005610-00006032 and whatever your interests are but in lots of other cases you're going to TK-t9RkXVf4-00016-00006032-00006394 I mean it should be an opportunity to to tell the TK-t9RkXVf4-00017-00006394-00006868 evaluator or your reviewer or your peer what you want to TK-t9RkXVf4-00018-00006868-00007292 get out of it what are your concerns about teaching you know when I TK-t9RkXVf4-00019-00007292-00007776 you know got some peer review done for me it was because I was teaching a TK-t9RkXVf4-00020-00007776-00007994 big classroom and I was really TK-t9RkXVf4-00021-00007994-00008336 unsure how that was coming off in a big lecture theatre TK-t9RkXVf4-00022-00008336-00008676 because that was new to me you know I done a lot of seminar teaching but I TK-t9RkXVf4-00023-00008676-00008952 haven't done teaching in a big lecture theatre and I wanted to know TK-t9RkXVf4-00024-00008952-00009287 you know is what I'm doing working for the space so then they can TK-t9RkXVf4-00025-00009287-00009772 be attuned to those specific issues that you've got that are you're concerns TK-t9RkXVf4-00026-00009772-00010155 and then they can also bring up other things that are you know whatever TK-t9RkXVf4-00027-00010155-00010478 whatever else they noticed that you might not even done thinking about I'm TK-t9RkXVf4-00028-00010478-00010645 that's what's really valuable too TK-t9RkXVf4-00029-00010645-00010974 right, is they'll don't notice things that never even occurred to you TK-t9RkXVf4-00030-00010974-00011320 something that really matters in both TK-t9RkXVf4-00031-00011320-00011722 you know the way you structure your your feedback back & your review TK-t9RkXVf4-00032-00011722-00012036 and the kind of stuff that you can expect to get TK-t9RkXVf4-00033-00012036-00012402 out of it, the feedback what what makes a difference is that the TK-t9RkXVf4-00034-00012402-00012830 hierarchies that are there or the status between you and the person who is TK-t9RkXVf4-00035-00012830-00012906 reviewing you TK-t9RkXVf4-00036-00012906-00013287 I've had both experiences I've had you know somebody who is quite high TK-t9RkXVf4-00037-00013287-00013506 ranking come in to give me feedback TK-t9RkXVf4-00038-00013506-00013828 and that can be like a little nerve-racking you know you feel like you TK-t9RkXVf4-00039-00013828-00013936 better perform TK-t9RkXVf4-00040-00013936-00014349 really well for them I found that I was able to just TK-t9RkXVf4-00041-00014349-00014706 tune out that presence after a little while but in the beginning TK-t9RkXVf4-00042-00014706-00015009 why it made my nerves run TK-t9RkXVf4-00043-00015009-00015310 but you can also get people who like others TK-t9RkXVf4-00044-00015310-00015729 you can get students who aren't your students you know but from another TK-t9RkXVf4-00045-00015729-00016088 discipline or department to come in and give you feedback and I found that you TK-t9RkXVf4-00046-00016088-00016129 get TK-t9RkXVf4-00047-00016129-00016559 you get really different feedback from those people, the more high ranking TK-t9RkXVf4-00048-00016559-00016662 people or say TK-t9RkXVf4-00049-00016662-00017076 your colleagues, who are also thinking about pedagogy with you TK-t9RkXVf4-00050-00017076-00017442 they they tend to be looking for the same things that TK-t9RkXVf4-00051-00017442-00017790 you're looking for they might see things in a different way but you share TK-t9RkXVf4-00052-00017790-00018181 perspective I found that when I have a student coming in and giving me feedback TK-t9RkXVf4-00053-00018181-00018556 I got totally different feedback back and really useful feedback you know TK-t9RkXVf4-00054-00018556-00018945 a student sees things from the perspective of a student from somebody TK-t9RkXVf4-00055-00018945-00019231 who doesn't know the discipline doesn't really know what you're teaching TK-t9RkXVf4-00056-00019231-00019724 and can tell you whether you're reaching them through those disciplinary barriers TK-t9RkXVf4-00057-00019724-00019770 or TK-t9RkXVf4-00058-00019770-00020081 barriers of different levels of learning and TK-t9RkXVf4-00059-00020081-00020382 you know I had a student who who just saw things TK-t9RkXVf4-00060-00020382-00020806 that had never occurred to me as being an issue in my teaching you know one TK-t9RkXVf4-00061-00020806-00020881 student who TK-t9RkXVf4-00062-00020881-00021220 went in and he sat in the back to the classroom and afterwards he said you TK-t9RkXVf4-00063-00021220-00021315 know the teaching TK-t9RkXVf4-00064-00021315-00021726 this was good this wasn't good but you know what really drove me crazy TK-t9RkXVf4-00065-00021726-00022085 was the people her sitting next to me and just chattering away TK-t9RkXVf4-00066-00022085-00022415 and then I realized oh you know that something I have to take into account too TK-t9RkXVf4-00067-00022415-00022971 is you know how I'm how I'm controlling the classroom the space and how people TK-t9RkXVf4-00068-00022971-00023318 are interacting and how that's impacting the learning experience of those TK-t9RkXVf4-00069-00023318-00023684 who are listening to me or not able to listen to me because TK-t9RkXVf4-00070-00023684-00023748 their neighbors are chatting TMtWCo_yejc-00000-00000000-00000708 Smash That Like And Subscribe Button! :) [Intro] TPUyIMoExJy-00000-00000016-00000280 seward is one of the most beautiful coastal cities TPUyIMoExJy-00001-00000280-00000648 in alaska located just two hours drive from anchorage TPUyIMoExJy-00002-00000648-00001592 it's a world-class destination and an ideal base camp to start an epic adventure in alaska TPUyIMoExJy-00003-00001968-00002416 a beautiful mountain town a hot spot for commercial fishing and the gateway to kenai TPUyIMoExJy-00004-00002416-00003008 fjords national park and today we will share with you 10 things to do in seward from places to eat TPUyIMoExJy-00005-00003008-00003640 places to stay hiking trails best tours and much more you will quickly understand why the world TPUyIMoExJy-00006-00003640-00004192 is a favorite playground for many visitors from around the world seward's boat harbor the boat TPUyIMoExJy-00007-00004192-00004792 harbor is the beaten heart of seward there is so much going on here a variety of fishing charters TPUyIMoExJy-00008-00004792-00005392 tour boats eateries and some quaint local shops take a walk around the marina to enjoy the TPUyIMoExJy-00009-00005392-00006008 beautiful scenery of the mountains the boats and if you're lucky you can even spot some wildlife TPUyIMoExJy-00010-00006008-00006656 usually otters harbor seals and a lot of seagulls this is the famous spot where you will go on a TPUyIMoExJy-00011-00006656-00007112 fishing charter come back here and you will take a picture with the whatever you caught TPUyIMoExJy-00012-00007112-00007568 many efficient chargers depart from the harbour there is also a large cleaning station by the TPUyIMoExJy-00013-00007568-00008104 marina for fishermen to clean their catch even if you don't go for a fishing charter stopping by the TPUyIMoExJy-00014-00008104-00008608 cleaning station by the end of the day to watch the cleaning process of huge halibuts and salmon TPUyIMoExJy-00015-00008608-00009168 is absolutely worth it both tours and day cruises also depart from here so that takes us to the next TPUyIMoExJy-00016-00009168-00009800 activity on the list and that is exploring kenai fjords on a day cruise in the summer months there TPUyIMoExJy-00017-00009800-00010416 are boat tours taking visitors on excursions in kenai fjords for wildlife and glacier viewing TPUyIMoExJy-00018-00010416-00010872 taking a boat tour is one of the best ways to explore some areas of the park that are only TPUyIMoExJy-00019-00010872-00011432 accessible by water a full day cruise is a great way to see some glaciers and wildlife native to TPUyIMoExJy-00020-00011432-00012216 the area and that includes whales eagles sea lions puffins sea otters and more the park covers an TPUyIMoExJy-00021-00012216-00012936 area of 670 thousand acres on the kenai peninsula in south central alaska with outflowing glaciers TPUyIMoExJy-00022-00012936-00013496 coastal fjords and islands not only that but it's one of very few national parks in alaska that are TPUyIMoExJy-00023-00013496-00014200 accessible by land and offers the opportunity to hike to a glacier exe glacier sewers exit glacier TPUyIMoExJy-00024-00014200-00014776 is one of alaska's most accessible glaciers so that takes us to the next activity and that's TPUyIMoExJy-00025-00014776-00015352 hiking xa glacier trail exit glacier trail starts from the nature center in the kenai fjords TPUyIMoExJy-00026-00015352-00015919 national park if you're driving from the city of seward the nature center is located 12 miles TPUyIMoExJy-00027-00015919-00016720 northwest of seward exit glacier trail is an easy 2.2 mile hike with an elevation gain of 429 feet TPUyIMoExJy-00028-00016720-00017216 very manageable if you're looking for an easy but rewarding hike this trail takes you from the TPUyIMoExJy-00029-00017216-00017824 cottonwood forest to a panoramic vista of exit glacier spilling down from the hardin ice field TPUyIMoExJy-00030-00017824-00018328 this trail is not only pleasant but it involves the history of 200 years of documented TPUyIMoExJy-00031-00018328-00018856 accelerating pullback of the glacier so keep an eye out for the signs on the trail and even on the TPUyIMoExJy-00032-00018856-00019408 road leading to the park these signs are marking the recession of the glacier throughout the years TPUyIMoExJy-00033-00019592-00020152 if you're up for a challenge from the same trailhead is the magnificent hardin icefield trail TPUyIMoExJy-00034-00020152-00020784 we're gonna start from the exit glacier nature center and then we will go all the way up TPUyIMoExJy-00035-00020784-00021320 to marmot meadows and then the next stop will be top of the cliffs and then the end of the trail TPUyIMoExJy-00036-00021320-00021744 hardiness field trail is one of the most spectacular day hikes in alaska TPUyIMoExJy-00037-00021744-00022456 this is a strenuous hike of 8.2 miles and an elevation gain of 3 812 feet you TPUyIMoExJy-00038-00022456-00023160 will experience breathtaking vistas of the vast hardin ice field which feeds nearly 40 glaciers TPUyIMoExJy-00039-00023424-00024080 this is unreal unbelievable i'm running out of words to even describe the magnitude of TPUyIMoExJy-00040-00024080-00024528 the ice field mountain here giant valley another mountain over there if it's just TPUyIMoExJy-00041-00024648-00025384 a sea of ice on a plane up here just in its own world TPUyIMoExJy-00042-00026856-00027400 the view from the top is worth the effort but if you don't have time or the physical ability to get TPUyIMoExJy-00043-00027400-00027960 to the end of the trail a shorter hike to marm meadows or the top of the cliffs overlook also TPUyIMoExJy-00044-00027960-00028527 offers incredible views of exit glacier before you start your hike check with the rangers about their TPUyIMoExJy-00045-00028527-00029104 activity and read the signs at the trail head make sure that you have bear spray with you enough TPUyIMoExJy-00046-00029104-00029983 water snacks and some good reliable hiking shoes next visit alaska sea life center the alaska sea TPUyIMoExJy-00047-00029983-00030527 life center is a facility that combines marine research education and wildlife response the TPUyIMoExJy-00048-00030527-00031232 center is home to rescued animals like puffins octopus harbor seals sea lions and other marine TPUyIMoExJy-00049-00031232-00031736 life oh he's just there he's chatting with the other one they're just like speaking through the TPUyIMoExJy-00050-00032056-00032552 if learning about marine life is not your thing you can still enjoy a fantastic view TPUyIMoExJy-00051-00032552-00033016 of the bay from their viewing deck and if you're lucky you can spot some whales if TPUyIMoExJy-00052-00033016-00033552 you're visiting during the right season the best time to spot whales in alaska is usually june TPUyIMoExJy-00053-00033552-00034248 and july when whales have made their migration how long some mammals can hold their breath underwater TPUyIMoExJy-00054-00034248-00035072 so we're looking at polar bears about one to three minutes humans usually one to two minutes with the TPUyIMoExJy-00055-00035072-00035832 world record of 20 minutes orca well 12 minutes sea lions 12 minutes come back well 15 to 30. TPUyIMoExJy-00056-00035888-00036504 we have the deepest human dive of 701 feet and then the deep down where it gets really TPUyIMoExJy-00057-00036504-00037048 dark and lonely and cold is where the sperm whale thrives and they can hold their breath TPUyIMoExJy-00058-00037048-00037712 up to 90 minutes enjoy some seafood a visit to sewer does not complete if you don't enjoy some TPUyIMoExJy-00059-00037712-00038264 fresh catch straight from the bay seward offers a good number of dining options that we were TPUyIMoExJy-00060-00038264-00038760 very pleased with i am usually skeptical about restaurants with the view because usually the TPUyIMoExJy-00061-00038760-00039272 quality of food is compromised but that wasn't the case at chinook's restaurant TPUyIMoExJy-00062-00039272-00039872 this restaurant is overlooking the marina you can enjoy watching boats and seagulls while dining TPUyIMoExJy-00063-00039872-00040408 the view is spectacular to say the least and their menu selection is very appetizing and is TPUyIMoExJy-00064-00040408-00041016 definitely worth checking out we enjoyed their crab cakes grilled halibut with rice their fish TPUyIMoExJy-00065-00041016-00041664 and chips and their dessert menu was equally good we also ate at alaska seafood grill about three TPUyIMoExJy-00066-00041664-00042440 times this restaurant offers a diversified menu of seafood fish and chips burgers fried fish baskets TPUyIMoExJy-00067-00042440-00042968 grilled fish and more my absolute favorite meal was grilled halibut with rice and a salad TPUyIMoExJy-00068-00043168-00043680 next visit sewers waterfront park sewers waterfront park extends from TPUyIMoExJy-00069-00043680-00044296 the boat harbor to the sea life center and contains tents and rv camping playgrounds TPUyIMoExJy-00070-00044296-00044904 picnic areas and beach access mile zero of the historic editorial trail also starts in TPUyIMoExJy-00071-00044904-00045464 the waterfront park a walk by the water opens a lot of opportunities for wildlife viewing TPUyIMoExJy-00072-00045464-00046080 especially sea otters and harbor seals there are a bunch of sea actors just swimming and enjoying TPUyIMoExJy-00073-00046080-00047784 the weather it really was interesting he was just kind of like sliding through the water TPUyIMoExJy-00074-00049264-00049864 explore resurrection bay resurrection bay is a fjord on the kenai peninsula of alaska TPUyIMoExJy-00075-00049864-00050416 it's called the gateway to the kianai fjords since water taxis kayak tours and boats use TPUyIMoExJy-00076-00050416-00050992 the bay to access the nearby kenai first national park as we were looking for accommodation we came TPUyIMoExJy-00077-00050992-00051704 across a lodge on the bay with jaw-dropped views resurrection lodge on the bay it's hands down one TPUyIMoExJy-00078-00051704-00052128 of the best places we have stayed in alaska all the stuff you've been looking for because like TPUyIMoExJy-00079-00052128-00052560 you wanted to be well prepared and reasonably so but they have all of it just sitting here TPUyIMoExJy-00080-00052624-00053136 they've gone all out to like have a good packet here prepared for anybody wants to come TPUyIMoExJy-00081-00053272-00053936 the lodge is tucked away with gorgeous views of the bay mountains crashing waves all night long TPUyIMoExJy-00082-00053936-00054488 high chances of seeing whales and bald eagles up close we literally just saw two bald eagles TPUyIMoExJy-00083-00054544-00055096 fighting and trying to get food from the seagulls i think the most beautiful wildlife site that TPUyIMoExJy-00084-00055096-00055552 i've ever seen i highly recommend staying at the resurrection lodge on the bay if you're TPUyIMoExJy-00085-00055552-00056024 looking for a place in seward and i have a full video tour of the lodge that you can check in TPUyIMoExJy-00086-00056024-00056888 the video link up here next attend seward's 4th of july celebration if you happen to be TPUyIMoExJy-00087-00056888-00057448 in sewer during independence day you will be in for a treat every year seward has a packed TPUyIMoExJy-00088-00057448-00058200 agenda for the 4th of july a famous race up mount marathon fireworks and a lively historic downtown TPUyIMoExJy-00089-00058200-00058848 by the way mount marathon is a very popular hiking sewer if you are up for a grueling challenge TPUyIMoExJy-00090-00058848-00059408 these are some of the top activities to explore seward and there are plenty more things to do TPUyIMoExJy-00091-00059408-00059944 like hiking to tonsina point visiting sword community library and museum TPUyIMoExJy-00092-00059944-00060552 kayaking is a great activity and going on a fishing charter much much more if you found TPUyIMoExJy-00093-00060552-00061136 this episode to be useful please give this video a thumbs up and consider subscribing to our channel TPUyIMoExJy-00094-00061136-00061784 my name is habiba this is trekking pals and i will see you very soon on a new adventure