5KX-rDaa_Mu-00000-00000100-00000500 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on for and foreach Loops in Perl 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00001-00000600-00001000 In this tutorial, we will learn about: for loop in Perl and 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00002-00001100-00001200 foreach loop in Perl 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00003-00001300-00002000 I am using Ubuntu Linux12.04 operating system and Perl 5.14.2 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00004-00002100-00002400 I will also be using the gedit Text Editor. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00005-00002500-00002800 You can use any text editor of your choice. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00006-00002900-00003200 You should have basic knowledge of Variables and Comments in Perl. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00007-00003300-00003900 If not, please go through the relevant spoken tutorials on the spoken tutorial website. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00008-00004000-00004800 Perl provides a mechanism by which we can check a condition repeatedly for various values. This is done using loops. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00009-00004900-00005100 There are various types of loops in Perl; 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00010-00005200-00005300 for loop 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00011-00005300-00005400 foreach loop 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00012-00005400-00005500 while loop & 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00013-00005500-00005600 do-while loop 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00014-00005600-00006000 In this tutorial, we'll cover for and foreach loop. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00015-00006100-00006600 for loop in Perl can be used to execute a piece of code for a certain number of times. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00016-00006700-00006900 The syntax of for loop is as follows: 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00017-00007000-00007900 for space open bracket variable initialization semicolon condition semicolon increment 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00018-00008000-00008100 close bracket Press Enter 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00019-00008200-00008300 Open curly brackets 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00020-00008400-00008700 Piece of code to be executed multiple times 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00021-00008800-00008900 Close curly brackets 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00022-00009000-00009200 Now let us look at an example of a for loop. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00023-00009300-00010100 Open the Terminal and type; gedit forLoop.pl space & (ampersand) 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00024-00010200-00010300 and press Enter 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00025-00010300-00010700 This will open the forLoop.pl file in gedit. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00026-00010800-00011700 Type the following piece of code;hash exclamation mark slash u s r slash bin slash perl 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00027-00011800-00011900 Press Enter 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00028-00012000-00013700 for space open bracket dollar i equals to zero semicolon space dollar i less than or equal to four semicolon space dollar i plus plus close bracket 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00029-00013800-00013900 space 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00030-00013900-00014000 Open curly bracket press enter 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00031-00014100-00015400 typeprint space double quote Value of i colon space dollar i slash n close double quote semicolon 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00032-00015500-00015600 And Press Enter 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00033-00015600-00015800 now close curly bracket 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00034-00015900-00016100 Press Ctrl+S to save the file. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00035-00016200-00016500 Let me explain what the for loop does. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00036-00016600-00016900 The variable i is initialized to zero. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00037-00017000-00017200 Next, the condition is checked. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00038-00017300-00017800 In this case, the condition is i less than or equal to 4. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00039-00017900-00018400 If this condition is true, the code within the curly bracket will be executed. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00040-00018500-00019000 This means the first print statement "Value of i colon 0" 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00041-00019100-00019300 will be displayed on the terminal. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00042-00019400-00019700 After this, the variable i is incremented by 1. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00043-00019800-00020200 And the for loop condition is checked once again. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00044-00020300-00020800 This loop will exit when the value of i becomes greater than 4. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00045-00020900-00021700 In this case, the for loop will be executed for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00046-00021800-00022000 which is a total of 5 times. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00047-00022100-00022300 Now, switch to terminal. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00048-00022400-00022700 Type the following to check for any compilation or syntax error: 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00049-00022800-00023300 perl hyphen c forLoop dot pl 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00050-00023400-00023500 and press Enter. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00051-00023600-00023700 Here it displays a message 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00052-00023800-00024000 forLoop.pl syntax OK 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00053-00024100-00024200 So, we have no errors. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00054-00024300-00025000 Now, let's execute the Perl script by typing perl forLoop dot pl and press Enter. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00055-00025100-00025500 The following output will be shown on terminal. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00056-00025600-00025800 Now, let us look at foreach loop. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00057-00025900-00026400 If we want to iterate a condition for an array, we can make use of foreach loop. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00058-00026500-00027400 The syntax is: foreach space dollar variable space within brackets at the rate array space 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00059-00027500-00027600 open curly bracket 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00060-00027700-00028100 perform action on each element of an array Press Enter 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00061-00028200-00028300 Close the curly bracket. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00062-00028400-00029100 Please note: We'll cover array, array initialization and defining an array in subsequent tutorials. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00063-00029200-00029500 Now let us look at an example of foreach loop. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00064-00029600-00030700 Open the Terminal and type gedit foreachLoop dot pl space ampersandand Press Enter 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00065-00030800-00031100 This will open the foreachLoop.pl file in gedit. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00066-00031200-00031400 Type the following piece of code 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00067-00031500-00032400 hash exclamation mark slash u s r slash bin slash perl and Press Enter 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00068-00032500-00033800 at the rate myarray space is equal to space open bracket ten comma twenty comma thirty close bracket semicolon 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00069-00033900-00034000 press enter 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00070-00034100-00035100 foreach space dollar var space open bracket at the rate myarray close bracket space 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00071-00035200-00035500 Open curly bracket press enter and type 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00072-00035600-00037200 'print space double quote Element of an array is colon dollar var slash n close double quote semicolon 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00073-00037300-00037600 Press Enter and Close the curly bracket 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00074-00037700-00037900 Press ctrl+s to save the file. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00075-00038000-00038600 Let me explain what this code does. An array myarray is declared. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00076-00038700-00039200 It has 3 elements 10, 20 and 30. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00077-00039300-00039900 In each iteration of foreach loop dollar var will contain the single element of an array 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00078-00040000-00040600 foreach keyword will repeat this loop for each element of an array. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00079-00040700-00041400 That is, the code within the curly bracket will be executed for each myarray element. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00080-00041500-00041900 Back-slash n will place the prompt on a new line. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00081-00042000-00042500 This means the first element '10' will be displayed on the terminal. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00082-00042600-00043100 Then 20 and so on, till all the elements are printed. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00083-00043200-00043600 This loop will exit after printing all the elements in myarray. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00084-00043700-00044300 Now, switch to terminal and type the following to check for any compilation or syntax error. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00085-00044400-00045100 type perl hyphen c foreachLoop dot pland press Enter. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00086-00045200-00045500 The following line will be shown on terminal 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00087-00045600-00045700 There are no compilation or syntax errors. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00088-00045800-00046000 So let us execute the Perl script. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00089-00046100-00046700 Type perl foreachLoop dot pl and press Enter 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00090-00046800-00047300 The following output will be shown on terminal. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00091-00047400-00047600 So, that's it about for loop and foreach loop. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00092-00047700-00047800 Let us summarize. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00093-00047900-00048100 In this tutorial, we have learnt - 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00094-00048200-00048500 for loop and foreach loop in Perl 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00095-00048600-00048680 using some sample programs. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00096-00048700-00048900 Here is an assignment for you - 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00097-00049000-00049200 Declare a string as 'Spoken Tutorial' and 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00098-00049300-00049500 Print it 5 times 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00099-00049600-00051100 Declare an array of colors as @colorArray = open bracket in single quote red comma white comma blue close the bracket and 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00100-00051200-00051500 Print the element of an array using foreach loop 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00101-00051600-00051900 Watch the video available at the following link 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00102-00052000-00052200 It summaries the Spoken Tutorial project 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00103-00052300-00052700 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00104-00052800-00053400 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00105-00053500-00053800 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00106-00053900-00054600 For more details, please write to contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00107-00054700-00055100 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00108-00055200-00055900 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00109-00056000-00057000 More information on this Mission is available spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00110-00057100-00057300 Hope you enjoyed this Perl tutorial. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00111-00057400-00057500 This is Amol signing off. 5KX-rDaa_Mu-00112-00057600-00058100 Thanks for joining. 5LPEZZE7u84-00000-00004205-00004729 So, our lives all revolve around the Internet, whether we notice it or not. Like, if I had 5LPEZZE7u84-00001-00004729-00005244 to ask you this, how many of you here go on Facebook or have a Facebook account at least? 5LPEZZE7u84-00002-00005244-00005454 Come on, show of hands again. 5LPEZZE7u84-00003-00005454-00005979 How many of you here would not even remember your friends' birthdays if not for Facebook? 5LPEZZE7u84-00004-00005979-00006195 Okay. 5LPEZZE7u84-00005-00006195-00006870 How many of you here watch YouTube more than you watch television now? I see. So just by 5LPEZZE7u84-00006-00006870-00007493 this show of hands, we can see that our lives all revolve around the Internet at one way 5LPEZZE7u84-00007-00007493-00007634 or another. 5LPEZZE7u84-00008-00007634-00008202 Nowadays, it's so easy for us to go online and find anything we want to find. Because 5LPEZZE7u84-00009-00008202-00008793 of technology, everything that we want to know is there. All the information that we 5LPEZZE7u84-00010-00008793-00009034 want to look for are online. 5LPEZZE7u84-00011-00009034-00009638 And day by day, more information goes online and at the same time, it becomes easier and 5LPEZZE7u84-00012-00009638-00009834 easier for us to get these information. 5LPEZZE7u84-00013-00009834-00010347 Like, 10 years ago, you will probably not be able to go online and find information 5LPEZZE7u84-00014-00010347-00010947 as easy as you can today. With all technologies today like Google and Wikipedia, information 5LPEZZE7u84-00015-00010947-00011477 really has been travelling a lot faster nowadays because, the information that 5LPEZZE7u84-00016-00011477-00012204 we get online are like all pulled together into this one big body that is so conveniently 5LPEZZE7u84-00017-00012204-00012668 placed somewhere that we can just go to at the comfort of our own homes. 5LPEZZE7u84-00018-00012668-00013122 You don't have to go to a library anymore and search for maybe even hours just to find 5LPEZZE7u84-00019-00013122-00013694 something you're looking for when nowadays you can just go online, type something and 5LPEZZE7u84-00020-00013694-00013886 you're there. 5LPEZZE7u84-00021-00013886-00014388 It's so easy to find information online and nobody's going to stop you from finding what 5LPEZZE7u84-00022-00014388-00014573 you're looking for. 5LPEZZE7u84-00023-00014573-00015254 There's this great freedom in the Internet. But at the same time, we become spoiled. We 5LPEZZE7u84-00024-00015254-00015820 may not notice it but with how easy it is for us to get these information, we become 5LPEZZE7u84-00025-00015820-00015998 spoiled with information. 5LPEZZE7u84-00026-00015998-00016609 We stop caring about the value of the information that we're getting. It's like since it's so 5LPEZZE7u84-00027-00016609-00017073 easy to get, it's like what's the point of, you know, take - find - it's like we lose 5LPEZZE7u84-00028-00017073-00017256 the value of them. 5LPEZZE7u84-00029-00017256-00017776 And so I'd like to talk about how I came to this realization when last summer I decided 5LPEZZE7u84-00030-00017776-00018581 to create a game. All right. So this game was something that I did summer because I 5LPEZZE7u84-00031-00018581-00018712 was just really bored. 5LPEZZE7u84-00032-00018712-00019210 Ah, I'm not a professional programmer. I've never had any professional training in programming. 5LPEZZE7u84-00033-00019210-00019583 But I thought maybe it would be fun if I tried it out. 5LPEZZE7u84-00034-00019583-00020265 So this game called "When Pigs Fly", it was my summer project. I made it, ah, for the 5LPEZZE7u84-00035-00020265-00020848 first month of summer last year from scratch and I never actually published the game but 5LPEZZE7u84-00036-00020848-00021376 I learned a lot from making this and for me that was the most important thing about this 5LPEZZE7u84-00037-00021376-00021476 game. 5LPEZZE7u84-00038-00021476-00022076 So I'd like to talk about my experience when creating "When Pigs Fly". So when you're going 5LPEZZE7u84-00039-00022076-00022516 to do something nowadays, when you want to learn how to do something, a lot of you would 5LPEZZE7u84-00040-00022516-00022731 probably do the same thing that I did. 5LPEZZE7u84-00041-00022731-00023394 I went to Google then typed in the search box, "how to create an app" or "how to make 5LPEZZE7u84-00042-00023394-00023826 a game" and I just kept on changing the query until I got what I was looking for. 5LPEZZE7u84-00043-00023826-00024258 Nowadays, when we're researching, that's pretty much all we have to do, right? And that's 5LPEZZE7u84-00044-00024258-00024410 the same thing I did. 5LPEZZE7u84-00045-00024410-00024996 So for my first day, first few days, I was researching and I found this framework that 5LPEZZE7u84-00046-00024996-00025507 I thought it would be easy for me to learn. And so I decided that, "Hey, this would be 5LPEZZE7u84-00047-00025507-00025693 fun." I actually tried it out. 5LPEZZE7u84-00048-00025693-00026399 And so I spent a week or so trying to research more about this framework and I couldn't find 5LPEZZE7u84-00049-00026399-00027155 anything because as it turns out, this framework was quite new at that point and it's not like, 5LPEZZE7u84-00050-00027155-00027708 popular software such as Photoshop or things like that wherein if you go online and you 5LPEZZE7u84-00051-00027708-00028127 want to do something there, just look for a tutorial and there's instructions there 5LPEZZE7u84-00052-00028127-00028272 about how you can do things. 5LPEZZE7u84-00053-00028272-00028895 But for this, when I searched online, all I could find were like how to do the basics 5LPEZZE7u84-00054-00028895-00029437 and I was just not used to it being that way. And so that's where I ran into some trouble. 5LPEZZE7u84-00055-00029437-00029908 And then that's when I realized that, "Okay, now what?" 5LPEZZE7u84-00056-00029908-00030618 And then so I tried it out. So I tried researching on the basics and I tried learning a bit. 5LPEZZE7u84-00057-00030618-00031166 And so I spent a week or so trying to get a grasp of these basics and I tried playing 5LPEZZE7u84-00058-00031166-00031662 with them on my own which is something I really have not done before. 5LPEZZE7u84-00059-00031662-00032294 But eventually, after a week, I came up with a prototype for this game actually and when 5LPEZZE7u84-00060-00032294-00032670 I showed it to my friends, they were like, "Oh, it's nice. We should, you know, progress 5LPEZZE7u84-00061-00032670-00032928 this. We should add some more." 5LPEZZE7u84-00062-00032928-00033740 And so online, it's like I got these, all, I got all of these - I got all of these ingredients 5LPEZZE7u84-00063-00033740-00034290 to make a burger and with these ingredients, I was like, "What am I supposed to do with 5LPEZZE7u84-00064-00034290-00034891 these?" Because normally, if I want a burger, it's either prepared for me already or I know 5LPEZZE7u84-00065-00034891-00035262 how to prepare it already. But for this, I had no idea what to do. 5LPEZZE7u84-00066-00035262-00036068 But then eventually, we got our burger done and we called it "When Pigs Fly". So after 5LPEZZE7u84-00067-00036068-00036622 that, I gathered my friends. We started building on the graphics and some more of the game 5LPEZZE7u84-00068-00036622-00037100 concepts and we came up with this. 5LPEZZE7u84-00069-00037100-00037536 So here are some screen shots for the game. And so as you can 5LPEZZE7u84-00070-00037536-00037674 see, it’s a rather simple game actually. Ah, if you’re interested to see the video, 5LPEZZE7u84-00071-00037674-00038056 there’s a video here. So the game is actually a pretty simple game. All you have to do is, ah, tap and try to 5LPEZZE7u84-00072-00038024-00038550 manoeuvre this pig as he flies across the sky and eat food. And while you’re up there, 5LPEZZE7u84-00073-00038550-00039034 there are these birds flying that are trying to attack the pigs. And that was just a sheer 5LPEZZE7u84-00074-00039034-00039371 coincidence and it had nothing to do with that very popular game with birds attacking 5LPEZZE7u84-00075-00039371-00039393 pigs. 5LPEZZE7u84-00076-00039393-00039827 Yeah. So here is the short video of the game. And, yeah, I was really happy that I got it 5LPEZZE7u84-00077-00039827-00040653 done. Ah, I did it in around a month or so and I had a really great time, you know, ah, 5LPEZZE7u84-00078-00040653-00041324 creating this game. I learned a lot and at the same time, - and at the same time, I got 5LPEZZE7u84-00079-00041324-00042006 something done. And this, where we see the value of the information that we get online. 5LPEZZE7u84-00080-00042006-00042527 You know, it's not like, the information there is not for us to just be able to get anytime 5LPEZZE7u84-00081-00042527-00043053 you want, but it is something for us to learn from. Because people put them up there so 5LPEZZE7u84-00082-00043053-00043728 that you can – you know, it's available to everyone but, you know, when you see, it 5LPEZZE7u84-00083-00043728-00044327 you don’t just look at it, read it and that's it. You stop there. 5LPEZZE7u84-00084-00044327-00044871 These are informations that allow you to learn. Like, for example, if you want to 5LPEZZE7u84-00085-00044871-00045286 learn how to play the guitar, what I see what most of you are doing nowadays is just go 5LPEZZE7u84-00086-00045286-00045912 online then grab maybe some tabs or something then play the song and that's it. Just memorize 5LPEZZE7u84-00087-00045912-00046330 how to play the song. And for them, that's already playing the guitar. 5LPEZZE7u84-00088-00046330-00046824 But for me I think, the most important thing there is how you're going to use that thing 5LPEZZE7u84-00089-00046824-00047266 you learned about playing the guitar and maybe, you know, create your own songs, which most 5LPEZZE7u84-00090-00047266-00047490 people are not really doing nowadays. 5LPEZZE7u84-00091-00047490-00048003 Or likewise, let's say, for all the chefs out there, if you want to learn how to cook, 5LPEZZE7u84-00092-00048003-00048483 a lot of people would nowadays will just go online, look for a recipe, then that's it. 5LPEZZE7u84-00093-00048483-00048884 Follow the recipe as it is given to you and just stop there. 5LPEZZE7u84-00094-00048884-00049337 But there's more to cooking than just that. There's a lot more that you can learn from 5LPEZZE7u84-00095-00049337-00049863 the things that you actually see in recipes that we take for granted because these recipes 5LPEZZE7u84-00096-00049863-00050149 are just so easy for us to get. 5LPEZZE7u84-00097-00050149-00050796 And so, I’d like to ask you this. How many of you cannot start a research paper or cannot 5LPEZZE7u84-00098-00050796-00051230 start researching unless you go to Wikipedia first, for all the students out there? 5LPEZZE7u84-00099-00051230-00051886 Go on. I know there are a lot of you that go to Wikipedia at least once just to start 5LPEZZE7u84-00100-00051886-00052489 a research. Because, before I’d like to end, I’d like to ask you this also. How 5LPEZZE7u84-00101-00052489-00052877 many of you have actually contributed information in Wikipedia? 5LPEZZE7u84-00102-00052877-00053605 Okay, a lot less answer. Because if you don’t know, Wikipedia, you can actually edit the 5LPEZZE7u84-00103-00053605-00054254 pages there and add your own content. Because, before I end, I’d like to ask you to share 5LPEZZE7u84-00104-00054254-00054810 what you also know because the things online, you only find them there because someone put 5LPEZZE7u84-00105-00054810-00054929 them up there. 5LPEZZE7u84-00106-00054929-00055816 And it's also with you, your responsibility as netizens to also share what you know, that 5LPEZZE7u84-00107-00055816-00056441 you can share the things that you've learned, share the things that you realize online for 5LPEZZE7u84-00108-00056441-00056951 people to see. And who knows? You may one day be part of their own learning experience 5LPEZZE7u84-00109-00056951-00057351 online. Thank you. 5p2ugs_OmWu-00000-00000462-00000662 Pouch for First Aid Kit, Quick Removable Large 5p2ugs_OmWu-00001-00001047-00001469 There is access to two compartments without the need to remove the pouch 5p2ugs_OmWu-00002-00002812-00003233 It is securely attached to the equipment, but can be easily removed if necessary 5p2ugs_OmWu-00003-00003401-00003720 The front compartment has a flap for quick access 5p2ugs_OmWu-00004-00004280-00004738 Both departments have organizers for both emergency medicine and everyday needs 5p2ugs_OmWu-00005-00005228-00005762 Materials: Cordura 1000D, Original Velcro and YKK zipper. 5p2ugs_OmWu-00006-00005762-00007458 You can find this pouch on our website SRVV. STORE 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00000-00000064-00000632 Hi everyone - my name is Roshni and I'm from Sydney, Australia. I'm from team HB5. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00001-00000752-00001256 Hello, my name is Carly and I'm in Colorado in the United States, and I am from HB4. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00002-00001496-00001839 Across every cohort, the most tangible and impactful outcome 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00003-00001839-00002256 from Homeward Bound is the connection with other incredible STEMM women. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00004-00002256-00002624 So, we'd like to invite you to join our inter-cohort networking program. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00005-00002696-00003016 Just imagine, the possibilities of what we can do together as we 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00006-00003016-00003392 continue to meet other Homeward Bound sisters and strengthen our bonds. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00007-00003464-00003984 In this networking programme, groups of 10-12 women from across cohorts 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00008-00003984-00004424 will be sorted depending on preferences listed in the registration form. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00009-00004536-00005120 After the welcome and orientation meetings, these groups will meet for 1 hour every 6 weeks, 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00010-00005120-00005656 for 9-months at a time of their choosing. Topics and prompts will be provided. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00011-00005744-00006280 Each group will have a virtual whiteboard to capture their conversations, thoughts and ideas. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00012-00006400-00006704 Every 3 months, there will be a network-wide event, 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00013-00006704-00007056 giving participants the chance to meet other women in the program. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00014-00007136-00007759 At the end of the 9-months, there will be a grand celebration event at the HB Unconference. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00015-00007920-00008616 Registrations open on November 15, 2021, and close on December 13, 2021. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00016-00008752-00009224 So please join us! We are really excited to have you on board, 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00017-00009224-00009576 to meet you all and help strengthen bonds with each other. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00018-00009880-00010232 If you happen to be in HB6, upon completion of your Homeward Bound 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00019-00010232-00010632 journey the network program will be passed on to your leadership. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00020-00010632-00011088 Please connect if you're interested in leading the networking program for 2023! 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00021-00011216-00011408 Here also is our email address (intercohortnetwork@homewardboundprojects.com.au) 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00022-00011408-00011728 if you have questions regarding registration. Otherwise, 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00023-00011728-00012048 the registration email and welcome package will be sent to you soon. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00024-00012152-00012584 We can't wait to meet you all and we really look forward to receiving your registration. 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00025-00012648-00012936 We're really excited to launch this networking program and 5Q2vz6MyCYQ-00026-00012936-00013256 we're very much looking forward to strengthen our bonds with all of you. 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00000-00000408-00000803 Hello there Peoples! 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00001-00000803-00000903 CaliMeatWagon here. 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00002-00000903-00001408 Bringing you the changes in GTA Online for the week of January 27th, 2022. 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00003-00001408-00001850 This week unlock the Nagasaki White Hoodie by becoming an Associate or an MC Member. 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00004-00001850-00002253 The Prize Ride for this week is the Karin Previon, won by placing top 3 in Car Meet 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00005-00002253-00002732 Races for 3 days in row The Podium Vehicle is the Progen T20 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00006-00002732-00003137 And the Declasse Granger 3600LX is now purchasable. 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00007-00003137-00003540 This week's Premium Race is Senora Freeway The Time Trial is Observatory 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00008-00003540-00003819 And the RC Time Trial is Power Station 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00009-00003819-00004254 The discounts for this week are 60% Off of the Albany Buccaneer Custom and Declasse Voodoo 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00010-00004254-00004626 Custom 50% Off of Weed Farms and Document Forgery 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00011-00004626-00005140 Offices, plus their Upgrades 50% Off of Turbo Tuning, the Nagasaki Stryder, 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00012-00005140-00005690 and Pegassi Vortex 40% Off of MC Clubhouses and the Shitzu Hakuchou 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00013-00005690-00006021 Drag Plus 30% Off of the Enus Jubilee 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00014-00006021-00006506 The bonuses for this week are Triple Cash and RP for Every Bullet Counts Adversary Modes, 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00015-00006506-00006875 and Motorcycle Races Additionally get Double Cash and RP on Weed 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00016-00006875-00007373 and Forged Document sales, plus MC Work, Challenges, and Contracts 5S3z5Ai8O8E-00017-00007373-00007657 Alrighty Peoples, that’s it for this week, until the next one 5Slz57ciOUA-00000-00000076-00000347 Hello everyone, welcome to my channel! 5Slz57ciOUA-00001-00000347-00001054 Let's talk today about Polissias, or else it is called Aralia. 5Slz57ciOUA-00002-00001054-00001788 This is a large plant that I have on my chest of drawers. 5Slz57ciOUA-00003-00001788-00002496 It belongs to the Araliaceae family, which is why it is called that. 5Slz57ciOUA-00004-00002496-00002852 Ivy and Fatsia belong to the same well-known family. 5Slz57ciOUA-00005-00002852-00003147 What are the main features of Poliscias. 5Slz57ciOUA-00006-00003147-00004032 They lie in the fact that the plant grows quickly, and Polissias can be an excellent 5Slz57ciOUA-00007-00004032-00004371 replacement for well-known houseplants such as Ficus. 5Slz57ciOUA-00008-00004371-00005164 Because everyone is already tired of Ficuses, but Polisciases are less common in interiors 5Slz57ciOUA-00009-00005164-00005570 and in stores, while they are still waiting for their wave of popularity. 5Slz57ciOUA-00010-00005570-00006312 He can play the role of a shaped plant in your apartment, be a large, unpretentious, 5Slz57ciOUA-00011-00006312-00006494 green and hardy friend. 5Slz57ciOUA-00012-00006494-00006812 Including they are often used for bonsai. 5Slz57ciOUA-00013-00006812-00007492 Another feature is that the stems are quite flexible, they are very difficult to break, 5Slz57ciOUA-00014-00007492-00007747 you can even tie it, shape it. 5Slz57ciOUA-00015-00007747-00008592 While the bush is young, its leaves have a simple shape, but over the years there is 5Slz57ciOUA-00016-00008592-00008832 a division into segments. 5Slz57ciOUA-00017-00008832-00009654 In general, Poliscias is found in nature in huge quantities in tropical latitudes. 5Slz57ciOUA-00018-00009654-00010397 These are places where there is partial shade, high humidity, that is, you need to understand 5Slz57ciOUA-00019-00010397-00010876 that Polissias will require such conditions from you at home. 5Slz57ciOUA-00020-00010876-00011363 Hundreds of species in nature, these are hedge plants. 5Slz57ciOUA-00021-00011363-00012275 Flower growers actively use 8 types of Polissias, they are cultivated: Polissias Balfour, Poliscias 5Slz57ciOUA-00022-00012275-00012861 Shrub, Poliscias Paniculata, Poliscias Guilfoyle, Poliscias Tupolistny, Polissias Papari-leaved, 5Slz57ciOUA-00023-00012861-00012990 Polissias Helmet-shaped. 5Slz57ciOUA-00024-00012990-00013641 Actually, I have Helmet Poliscias, let's take a closer look. 5Slz57ciOUA-00025-00013641-00014162 Here is my Poliscias, about a meter high. 5Slz57ciOUA-00026-00014162-00015233 I really fell in love with this plant, it just looks, but live juicy leaves look very 5Slz57ciOUA-00027-00015233-00015333 nice. 5Slz57ciOUA-00028-00015333-00015433 Somehow we immediately became friends. 5Slz57ciOUA-00029-00015433-00016045 As for lighting, the plant is undemanding, because it grows in tropical latitudes, where 5Slz57ciOUA-00030-00016045-00016229 there are shady forests. 5Slz57ciOUA-00031-00016229-00016729 Consequently, diffused light, and even it is positioned as a shade-tolerant plant. 5Slz57ciOUA-00032-00016729-00017306 There is also information that a houseplant requires bright diffused light. 5Slz57ciOUA-00033-00017306-00018065 But keep in mind that if you are looking for a plant that can survive in partial shade, 5Slz57ciOUA-00034-00018065-00018454 then Poliscias will survive in this light. 5Slz57ciOUA-00035-00018454-00019175 As for the temperature, 20-23 degrees is optimal for him in the hot season. 5Slz57ciOUA-00036-00019175-00019489 I have 24 degrees here. 5Slz57ciOUA-00037-00019489-00020179 When the dormant period comes, the temperature should be slightly lower. 5Slz57ciOUA-00038-00020179-00020620 As for watering, it should not be flooded in any case. 5Slz57ciOUA-00039-00020620-00020989 It's better to dry out than to flood. 5Slz57ciOUA-00040-00020989-00022029 It is advisable to water moderately and rarely, if you keep it dry for a while, then it will 5Slz57ciOUA-00041-00022029-00022629 not be as dangerous as if you flood it. 5Slz57ciOUA-00042-00022629-00022755 It will immediately begin to respond. 5Slz57ciOUA-00043-00022755-00023273 But as for the pluses, the same Ficuses are deciduous, they have a lot of manifestations 5Slz57ciOUA-00044-00023273-00023380 for your care. 5Slz57ciOUA-00045-00023380-00024026 But Poliscias is considered an omnivore, a very tolerant hardy plant. 5Slz57ciOUA-00046-00024026-00024790 As for top dressing, the plant is fed with mineral fertilizers once every 15 days, that 5Slz57ciOUA-00047-00024790-00026008 is, 2 times a month during the growth period, from April to October, when daylight hours 5Slz57ciOUA-00048-00026008-00026131 increase. 5Slz57ciOUA-00049-00026131-00026620 As for the transplant. 5Slz57ciOUA-00050-00026620-00027627 If you bought a plant, and you have it small, then it is recommended to replant every year 5Slz57ciOUA-00051-00027627-00028368 in the spring to give it a good start for future growth. 5Slz57ciOUA-00052-00028368-00029733 If your plant is as strong and large as mine, then you can repot it every 3 years. 5Slz57ciOUA-00053-00029733-00030462 If you decide to transplant, you will need a mixture of humus, coarse-grained river sand, 5Slz57ciOUA-00054-00030462-00030675 peat, leafy soil, soddy soil. 5Slz57ciOUA-00055-00030675-00031352 As for pests and colds, there are few of them, and in general they appear if you completely 5Slz57ciOUA-00056-00031352-00031586 start caring for a plant, do not protect it at all. 5Slz57ciOUA-00057-00031586-00032344 And if you try, then in principle there will be no problems, if you do not flood the soil, 5Slz57ciOUA-00058-00032344-00032778 and it does not start to rot, then there are no problems. 5Slz57ciOUA-00059-00032778-00033951 And I would like to know your opinion if you have grown Poliscias or come across them. 5Slz57ciOUA-00060-00033951-00034549 There is a dispute, some call it whimsical, others argue that it is a very hardy plant. 5Slz57ciOUA-00061-00034549-00035102 I agree with the second option, I think it is very hardy. 5Slz57ciOUA-00062-00035102-00035426 I like the way it behaves. 5Slz57ciOUA-00063-00035426-00036379 By the way, I forgot to indicate that air humidity is important for him, so it is advisable 5Slz57ciOUA-00064-00036379-00036858 to spray it if possible, or it is recommended to put a container with liquid next to it. 5Slz57ciOUA-00065-00036858-00037093 I just have such an opportunity, it has not yet been transplanted, in such a decorative 5Slz57ciOUA-00066-00037093-00037450 basket, so I will do so. 5Slz57ciOUA-00067-00037450-00038206 Please tell us if you have experience, if you would like to grow Poliscias at home. 5Ss-efvzVec-00000-00000000-00000200 A Plague Tale Innocence | Game Walkthrough Chapter #4 5U0S-r0kvj0-00000-00000120-00000383 [Han Jimin's Life Game] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00001-00000383-00000878 [Surviving in Australia] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00002-00001195-00001578 [Jimin who got to go to the beautiful sea city 'Cairns' due to her schedule as the honorary ambassador of Australia!] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00003-00001625-00001897 [Happy B and Jimin's Team 5] [Everyone, there is a day in Australia with not much schedule] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00004-00001897-00002128 [Then shall we prepare content?] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00005-00002128-00002369 [Since she is not good at making choices, how about making her choose everything?] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00006-00002407-00002584 [What if she can't finish the schedule in a day?] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00007-00002584-00002781 [Can we return....?] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00008-00002781-00003117 [Like this, Jimin got to spend a day with Happy B... And she makes all the choices for the day...] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00009-00003117-00003366 [Not robbers intruding, it's Jimin's Team] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00010-00003366-00003526 [Jimin who was taking a break after her work as the honorary ambassador] [What...?] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00011-00003526-00003622 [It's Happy B] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00012-00003624-00003850 I was really surprised, why do you carry the camera like a variety show? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00013-00003850-00003946 [Correct] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00014-00003946-00004133 [Since we are in Australia, Happy B made preparations to shoot a variety show with Jimin] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00015-00004134-00004241 [Amazed...] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00016-00004241-00004379 You are cute. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00017-00004379-00004429 [Stop being cute, let's start] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00018-00004518-00004628 What is this? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00019-00004628-00004678 Ba-bam. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00020-00004678-00004873 What were you doing?! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00021-00004873-00005049 [You curious?] Me? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00022-00005049-00005130 Nothing. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00023-00005130-00005223 I was spacing out. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00024-00005223-00005283 [Clap] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00025-00005283-00005428 Tomorrow, we are finally! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00026-00005428-00005585 [Clap] Finally, 5U0S-r0kvj0-00027-00005586-00005710 Finally, the schedule for day 3 in 'Cairns'.. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00028-00005710-00005850 You are not as energetic as earlier. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00029-00005850-00005945 Cut. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00030-00005945-00006051 I mean, earlier you were like.. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00031-00006051-00006216 Starting tomorrow! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00032-00006217-00006371 [Widely opened eyes] You were like this earlier. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00033-00006371-00006508 I can't be a star PD. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00034-00006508-00006670 Again x3 5U0S-r0kvj0-00035-00006730-00006890 [(Sigh..)] Now! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00036-00006890-00006987 [This is it] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00037-00006987-00007094 Tomorrow, we will finally be on 5U0S-r0kvj0-00038-00007094-00007275 [Following Happy B] day 3! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00039-00007417-00007491 [?] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00040-00007491-00007610 [Jimin's schedule is 10 days long] It's only day 3? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00041-00007611-00007695 [LOL X100] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00042-00007695-00008071 We are in Australia, and tomorrow you will go around places with Happy B. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00043-00008210-00008292 The most exciting day. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00044-00008292-00008497 [Can't stop excited Jimin] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00045-00008497-00008565 [?] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00046-00008565-00008682 Eww. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00047-00008682-00008854 [LOL X100] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00048-00008854-00009194 So Happy B made preparation since we were in Seoul. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00049-00009194-00009317 [I am proud of you!] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00050-00009317-00009545 The concept is to choose between the two. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00051-00009545-00009755 [Choose one between the two cards and carry out the mission right away /There is a luck card hidden] [It's still a special day, shall I dress up? /Being comfortable is the best, sporty look 5U0S-r0kvj0-00052-00009755-00009825 [Change to lovely Jimin / Change to sporty Jimin] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00053-00009825-00009946 [Despair] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00054-00009946-00010115 [INFP] You know my MBTI, right? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00055-00010116-00010307 That is why we prepared it, between the two! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00056-00010307-00010458 Do I have to choose on my own? I am not allowed to ask? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00057-00010458-00010838 You can ask, but it might be faster 5U0S-r0kvj0-00058-00010838-00010969 [Right] for you to choose it. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00059-00010969-00011088 Are we all similar? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00060-00011088-00011198 [Jimin's Team is one in body and soul] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00061-00011198-00011648 So choose between the two, and there is a mission written at the back, 5U0S-r0kvj0-00062-00011648-00011913 you can carry it out right away. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00063-00011913-00012012 Okay. x2 5U0S-r0kvj0-00064-00012012-00012196 That's the concept. (And) We prepared a gift. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00065-00012196-00012311 YEAH! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00066-00012312-00012559 [Mirror ball that appears frequently today] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00067-00012559-00012657 Colorful. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00068-00012657-00012743 I want to film them too. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00069-00012743-00012848 [Excited] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00070-00012848-00012926 [Can't proceed] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00071-00012926-00013027 We have a gift. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00072-00013027-00013377 [Let's dance, pump this party] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00073-00013377-00013511 [LOL X100] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00074-00013511-00013592 [Calmed down] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00075-00013592-00013699 It's fun. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00076-00013699-00013837 We are the only ones having fun, right? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00077-00013837-00013939 [Found] Why aren't you doing it? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00078-00013940-00014092 [Found the manager who was not doing it on his own] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00079-00014092-00014313 [Pump this party] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00080-00014313-00014404 [LOL X100] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00081-00014404-00014577 [What has happened to Jimin's Team's energy?] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00082-00014578-00014768 [For real!] We are sane. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00083-00014768-00014965 We prepared a gift. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00084-00014965-00015294 [BUT for Happy B's gift too! She has to choose a card and receive one only] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00085-00015294-00015510 What basket is this? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00086-00015510-00015687 It's not a basket. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00087-00015687-00015847 Is it a bag that is trendy these days? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00088-00015847-00016126 It's a bag, we thought it looked good with Jimin 5U0S-r0kvj0-00089-00016126-00016310 it looks like the haenyeo basket of Young Ok. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00090-00016310-00016411 [Agreed] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00091-00016411-00016481 Ba-bam. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00092-00016481-00016589 [Clap!] Ba-bam. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00093-00016589-00016785 [Jimin finds it funny that Happy B is proceeding with the on-air version instead of the usual self] [So excited] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00094-00016785-00016895 [Curious] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00095-00016958-00017206 - What is it? - Like this. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00096-00017206-00017341 Oh, you are showing that. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00097-00017341-00017522 [Covered it with the hand to prevent spoilers] [It will go on like this] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00098-00017522-00017659 [Thinking] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00099-00017659-00017966 Since tomorrow, we are going to be with 5U0S-r0kvj0-00100-00017966-00018138 [Can't say no to Happy B] Happy B 5U0S-r0kvj0-00101-00018138-00018405 and do the things prepared by them, 5U0S-r0kvj0-00102-00018454-00018562 it's a special day. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00103-00018562-00018749 And since I am in Australia, 5U0S-r0kvj0-00104-00018749-00019140 [Change to lovely Jimin] I will dress up! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00105-00019142-00019236 1 5U0S-r0kvj0-00106-00019236-00019336 2 5U0S-r0kvj0-00107-00019384-00019434 3 5U0S-r0kvj0-00108-00019434-00019521 Yellow. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00109-00019522-00019622 [I love it!] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00110-00019622-00019792 Can you see my toenails? Yellow. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00111-00019792-00019904 [LOL X100] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00112-00019905-00020105 - A look that looks good with this bag. - A look. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00113-00020105-00020228 [Cute] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00114-00020228-00020381 Right now.. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00115-00020382-00020581 Sorry, but this is the main camera! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00116-00020582-00020722 [Naturally] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00117-00020722-00020842 [Showing off] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00118-00020842-00021062 Thank you. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00119-00021062-00021328 Then let's have fun tomorrow. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00120-00021328-00021430 See you tomorrow. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00121-00021430-00021530 [Bang / Bang] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00122-00021793-00021983 [Mijin] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00123-00021985-00022065 What is this? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00124-00022066-00022249 [Amazed / Jimin is amazed by the new camera] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00125-00022249-00022385 What is this? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00126-00022566-00022666 So funny. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00127-00022666-00022857 - Aren't you too pretty? - Does it look good? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00128-00022857-00022990 [Proud] You dressed up really well. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00129-00022990-00023176 [100 points in accomplishing the mission] I tried Young Ok's style. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00130-00023176-00023581 Young Ok had long hair. I think this is the longest hair ever. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00131-00023582-00023951 [Checking her beauty] Her bangs grew. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00132-00023951-00024095 Let's go. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00133-00024305-00024622 [Han Jimin's Life Game] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00134-00024622-00024938 [Surviving in Australia] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00135-00025074-00025318 [Just put it in first! / How Jimin installs the camera] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00136-00025318-00025500 [Complete] Done! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00137-00025500-00025729 As I said yesterday. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00138-00025729-00026092 [It was explained yesterday] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00139-00026092-00026178 You know my MBTI, right? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00140-00026178-00026305 [Let's go] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00141-00026305-00026408 -Ba-bam. -Ba-bam. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00142-00026408-00026889 There are two places that are really famous in 'Cairns' so we prepared this. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00143-00026889-00026993 One place 5U0S-r0kvj0-00144-00026993-00027197 [Green] has lots of plants 5U0S-r0kvj0-00145-00027197-00027303 another place has 5U0S-r0kvj0-00146-00027303-00027503 [splash] water 5U0S-r0kvj0-00147-00027503-00027573 1 5U0S-r0kvj0-00148-00027573-00027663 2 5U0S-r0kvj0-00149-00027663-00027769 3 5U0S-r0kvj0-00150-00027874-00028059 Since it's Australia, it should be water! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00151-00028059-00028299 There are lots of uncommon plants in Australia! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00152-00028299-00028496 [ Knows Australia well / Completely agrees] Really a lot. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00153-00028497-00028848 Hmm.. Plants for today, 5U0S-r0kvj0-00154-00028848-00028931 [Off to 'Cairns' 'Botanic Garden'] Plants? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00155-00028931-00029115 I think I would look good with plants today, 5U0S-r0kvj0-00156-00029115-00029192 [LOL X100] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00157-00029192-00029253 [Jimin over Flowers?] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00158-00029253-00029401 Bbyong. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00159-00029401-00029593 Off to 'Cairns' 'Botanic Garden'! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00160-00029594-00029783 YEAH 'Botanic Garden'! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00161-00029845-00029970 Arrived. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00162-00029970-00030193 Wow, the trees. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00163-00030193-00030276 [Are you awake?] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00164-00030276-00030445 Can you see the big leaf? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00165-00030445-00030999 You can go in after choosing the camera. You can carry it around and take photos. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00166-00030999-00031112 - Not this. - No. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00167-00031112-00031191 [Understood] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00168-00031191-00031336 The one you want. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00169-00031336-00031492 [I want to check the photo right away] [I want to remember Australia even in Seoul] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00170-00031492-00031609 Polaroid. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00171-00031609-00031709 [Right?] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00172-00031709-00031891 I want to remember Australia even in Seoul. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00173-00031891-00032018 Hmm.. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00174-00032234-00032330 [I choose you!] Bbyong. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00175-00032418-00032710 Remembering with film camera. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00176-00032710-00033028 I like film camera. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00177-00033028-00033171 Let's go. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00178-00033171-00033411 Thank you, this looks good with me too. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00179-00033411-00033463 Everything looks good. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00180-00033466-00033736 This place is great. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00181-00033871-00034198 It is great, oh look at this. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00182-00034198-00034358 [I have to take a photo] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00183-00034358-00034549 - Is this fruitz? - Fruitz? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00184-00034549-00034622 [LOL X100] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00185-00034622-00034932 Fruitz? Is that Jeju dialect? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00186-00034932-00035051 Amazing, right? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00187-00035052-00035156 [Huh?] I will take a photo! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00188-00035157-00035372 [Fruitz? / First model of Jimin] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00189-00035372-00035625 [Powerful Passionate / Will the fruit know her effort..] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00190-00035625-00035805 [Name: Fruit and Passion By: Han Jimin] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00191-00035805-00035979 You saw? My passion x3 5U0S-r0kvj0-00192-00035979-00036040 This is passion. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00193-00036040-00036211 [This is passion.] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00194-00036211-00036506 [Arrived] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00195-00036506-00036677 Let's go! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00196-00036771-00036896 It's amazing X2 5U0S-r0kvj0-00197-00036896-00037082 [We will put this here] - It's like Jurassic Park. - Wow, amazing. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00198-00037082-00037273 There could be dinosaurs. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00199-00037273-00037499 [phytoncide] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00200-00037499-00037772 There are amazingly big trees in Australia, you know? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00201-00037772-00037986 The trees are really big. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00202-00037986-00038070 [Hurriedly] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00203-00038070-00038355 Wow, this is really big. I will stand there! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00204-00038355-00038705 [Jimin is 180 cm when she is on her own / Getting smaller as she approaches the tree] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00205-00038705-00038926 Really big, right? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00206-00038926-00039085 [Cute and Adorable] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00207-00039085-00039334 [Han / Han Jimin is] [Ji /Really] [Min /Cute] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00208-00039336-00039553 Hey, there are so many things that we saw for the first time, right? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00209-00039576-00039666 This place is a bit scary. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00210-00039706-00039979 [Do I still look like Botanic Garden to you..] Scary, right? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00211-00039979-00040435 I love it. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00212-00040435-00040677 Look, it's really long. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00213-00040679-00040878 [Stretched] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00214-00040879-00041094 What is that, I think it is a cactus. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00215-00041094-00041191 [Spiky] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00216-00041191-00041419 Right? But it is pretty. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00217-00041419-00041632 [Take a photo of this] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00218-00041770-00041918 [Name: Possibly a cactus By: Han Jimin] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00219-00042179-00042512 [1st Australia English Listening Assessment by Han Jimin] [Held on July 25, 2022 (Wed.) / Grade B Class H Name 'Happy B'] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00220-00042752-00043148 They made some kind of fog system here. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00221-00043148-00043396 [Informative Jimin tine] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00222-00043396-00043627 [Sweet Jimin] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00223-00043845-00044091 It is humid, so it is hot. Even though the sun is not out. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00224-00044091-00044268 [Face genius] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00225-00044391-00044648 Wow, look at the size of that tree. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00226-00044648-00044760 [Gigantic] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00227-00044760-00045136 - I think it would be great to take a photo here. - Right. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00228-00045138-00045294 With the item we prepared, 5U0S-r0kvj0-00229-00045294-00045749 [Tilt] Let's take a group photo and upload it on Instagram Story. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00230-00045749-00045922 [Bring it on] Okay. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00231-00045922-00046189 [It feels like I am at a concert today. Group photo with slogan.] Group photo with the one-and-only clothing in the world. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00232-00046189-00046390 [Hmm] It's scary. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00233-00046390-00046902 It feels like I am at a concert today. Group photo with slogan. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00234-00046902-00047070 - I am nervous. - Pick it. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00235-00047070-00047188 Ba-bam. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00236-00047188-00047421 Happy B prepared Jimin t-shirt. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00237-00047421-00047621 YEAH But where is it? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00238-00047621-00047890 But isn't there something else there? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00239-00047890-00048141 Luck card. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00240-00048141-00048460 - You picked the luck card, so let's pick one luck card too. - Okay. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00241-00048522-00048589 Middle. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00242-00048725-00048863 Roma Roha Crocs! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00243-00048863-00048967 [Really?] Oh. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00244-00048967-00049278 Who is in Australia? Prepared gifts for cute Roma and Roha. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00245-00049278-00049416 [Yeah / Happy goat Jimin is here] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00246-00049416-00049554 [Oh my...] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00247-00049554-00050065 [Touched...] They will love it, oh my, what is this. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00248-00050066-00050142 [High-frequency / Happy dolphin Jimin is here] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00249-00050144-00050413 Oh my, it's so cute. Look. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00250-00050414-00050560 Was it not getting filmed? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00251-00050561-00050611 [Yes] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00252-00050611-00050858 [Refreshing green color] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00253-00050858-00051150 [Cute Jibbitz] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00254-00051151-00051423 [Perfect for Roma and Roha] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00255-00051513-00051830 I picked it really well. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00256-00051830-00052106 Oh my, it wasn't Roma, Roha Crocs for everything, right? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00257-00052106-00052175 [Nope] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00258-00052175-00052472 - But what was the Jimin t-shirt? - Oh Jimin t-shirt! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00259-00052472-00052657 [Australia's main character] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00260-00052658-00052791 [Aesthetic] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00261-00052791-00052947 [Cute butts are a bonus] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00262-00052976-00053137 So cute, look at this. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00263-00053137-00053193 [High-frequency / Happy dolphin Jimin is here] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00264-00053193-00053317 I love it. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00265-00053317-00053400 [LOL X100] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00266-00053400-00053500 I really love it. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00267-00053522-00053741 Please show the back, the key point! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00268-00053741-00053995 [Must be crazy] It's so cute at the back. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00269-00053995-00054145 [I want to take it now] When are we going to take the photo with this on? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00270-00054146-00054351 [Mission accomplished] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00271-00054351-00054757 [Proof on Story] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00272-00054757-00054923 Look at the big leaf. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00273-00054923-00055041 [Gigantic] It's huge. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00274-00055041-00055249 It looks like a frog will carry it around. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00275-00055249-00055401 [LOL X100] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00276-00055401-00055729 Umbrella for the frog. It should avoid the rain. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00277-00055782-00055989 Oh my, this is pretty too. Look. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00278-00055989-00056110 It's as big as me. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00279-00056110-00056199 [Nice to meet you] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00280-00056199-00056426 Oh my, this is pretty. Look. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00281-00056426-00056603 [Who is the flower?] Can you see it? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00282-00056603-00056806 Oops, there are lots of bugs. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00283-00056806-00056868 [Embarrassed] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00284-00056868-00057296 [What will Jimin choose / Happy B making her choose between the two at a cafe they dropped by for a break] Since we are in a famous tourist spot 5U0S-r0kvj0-00285-00057296-00057560 [Focused] It would be great to show the fans 5U0S-r0kvj0-00286-00057561-00057873 and tell them how you got here 5U0S-r0kvj0-00287-00057873-00058317 with the SNS! We prepared 2 versions. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00288-00058317-00058617 If you pick one, we will do that. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00289-00058617-00058838 This method. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00290-00058838-00059155 [Thinking] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00291-00059155-00059590 I think live is the fun part of communicating with fans. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00292-00059590-00059777 [Let's try something new at a new place] [SNS live for the first time in a while] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00293-00059777-00059888 [Instagram Live right now for 10 minutes] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00294-00059888-00060173 Instagram Live right now for 10 minutes 5U0S-r0kvj0-00295-00060300-00060459 Why is my heart beating so fast? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00296-00060459-00060633 [Dry lips] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00297-00060633-00060973 Hello, can you hear me? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00298-00061088-00061145 Heh 5U0S-r0kvj0-00299-00061256-00061440 I will go now, bye. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00300-00061440-00061638 [Huge success /Mission accomplished!] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00301-00061638-00061925 I forgot how to turn it off again, is it this one? 5U0S-r0kvj0-00302-00062092-00062424 [Butterflies and plants together!] [Jimin came indoors after the live] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00303-00062424-00062526 I think I would sleep well here. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00304-00062526-00062732 [Natural ASMR] Sound of water too. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00305-00062743-00062841 Look! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00306-00062841-00063002 [Excited] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00307-00063002-00063141 Nemo color. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00308-00063141-00063563 [Please be on camera / Camera going crazy with the appearance of Nemo butterfly] - It's Nemo - Right, Nemo 5U0S-r0kvj0-00309-00063563-00063805 [Where are you / busy eyes] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00310-00063805-00063949 [Found it] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00311-00063949-00064249 It's on the hat next to Happy B, wait. Look. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00312-00064249-00064516 [Happy B nervous about it flying away] Pretty 5U0S-r0kvj0-00313-00064516-00064820 Oh, do you like people. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00314-00064820-00065211 Amazing, it's on you. I will take a photo! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00315-00065233-00065517 It's lunch time soon 5U0S-r0kvj0-00316-00065517-00065727 [Hungry!] we should go eat. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00317-00065729-00065944 [Best weather! Enjoy Cairns outdoor] Dessert in a warm cafe 5U0S-r0kvj0-00318-00065944-00066078 [Dessert is nice] Dessert 5U0S-r0kvj0-00319-00066078-00066468 Best weather! Enjoy Cairns outdoor 5U0S-r0kvj0-00320-00066468-00066793 I love the outdoors! 5U0S-r0kvj0-00321-00066795-00066968 [Photosynthesis] Best weather! Enjoy Cairns outdoor 5U0S-r0kvj0-00322-00066968-00067072 [Let's go] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00323-00067072-00067169 I will pick. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00324-00067225-00067447 [Terrace Cafe] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00325-00067447-00067572 Terrace Cafe 5U0S-r0kvj0-00326-00067572-00067819 Wow, good. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00327-00067819-00067959 [Dance] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00328-00067959-00068147 [Jimin getting ready to go to the terrace cafe. 5U0S-r0kvj0-00329-00068147-00068577 [The next story of Jimin going to the terrace will be revealed tomorrow at 5 PM!] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00330-00068760-00069119 [Han Jimin's Life Game] 5U0S-r0kvj0-00331-00069119-00069516 [Surviving in Australia] 5X4bAW81U7u-00000-00008650-00009050 Would you let your friends or loved ones drive drunk after a few gulps of alcohol? 5X4bAW81U7u-00001-00009070-00009300 If your answer is no, then you shouldn't let them drive drowsy 5X4bAW81U7u-00002-00009320-00009630 Research shows that driving drowsy is just as bad as driving drunk 5X4bAW81U7u-00003-00009650-00010180 A driver with one sleepless night is like a drunk driver with an alcohol level of 0.10% 5X4bAW81U7u-00004-00010200-00010480 which is above the legal limit of 0.08% 5X4bAW81U7u-00005-00010500-00010700 Drowsy driving is more serious than it seems 5X4bAW81U7u-00006-00010720-00011080 In one year, there are about 100,000 crashes due to drowsy driving 5X4bAW81U7u-00007-00011100-00011300 According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 5X4bAW81U7u-00008-00011320-00011890 About 71,000 people get injured from drowsy driving and 1,550 actually died 5X4bAW81U7u-00009-00011910-00012180 Especially among adults ages 18 to 25 5X4bAW81U7u-00010-00012200-00012500 Surveys show that 51% of drivers in the past have driven sleepy 5X4bAW81U7u-00011-00012520-00013000 And 17% admit that they've fallen asleep behind the wheel 5X4bAW81U7u-00012-00013210-00013380 Sleep is important for life functioning 5X4bAW81U7u-00013-00013400-00013680 Fatal Familial insomnia kills humans in months 5X4bAW81U7u-00014-00013700-00013880 Other animals show how sleeping is vital 5X4bAW81U7u-00015-00013900-00014180 There are lab reports of rats dying from no sleep after 3 weeks 5X4bAW81U7u-00016-00014200-00014390 They ate constantly, but lost weight dramatically 5X4bAW81U7u-00017-00014410-00014780 They developed sores all over their bodies and experienced hair loss 5X4bAW81U7u-00018-00014800-00015090 This shows how too little sleep negatively affects the body 5X4bAW81U7u-00019-00015110-00015580 Adults sleep 6.8 hours on the weekdays and 7.4 hours on the weekend 5X4bAW81U7u-00020-00015600-00015919 8 hours of sleep is important because any less would accumulate a sleep debt 5X4bAW81U7u-00021-00015940-00016110 But people are unaware of their sleepiness 5X4bAW81U7u-00022-00016130-00016360 People are often depressed from sleep deprivation 5X4bAW81U7u-00023-00016380-00016480 Because their immune system fails 5X4bAW81U7u-00024-00016500-00016800 And they experience brain and emotional functioning deficits 5X4bAW81U7u-00025-00016950-00017260 We all have a circadian rhythm that controls our timing of sleep 5X4bAW81U7u-00026-00017280-00017500 And is influenced by our surrounding environment such as light 5X4bAW81U7u-00027-00017520-00017790 Based on the charts, we can tell when we are more alert during the day 5X4bAW81U7u-00028-00017810-00018080 The sleep homeostat chart shows how we get sleepy throughout the day 5X4bAW81U7u-00029-00018100-00018300 It controls the intensity and depth of sleep 5X4bAW81U7u-00030-00018400-00018580 When people don't get enough sleep 5X4bAW81U7u-00031-00018600-00018780 They can develop poor health, such as 5X4bAW81U7u-00032-00018800-00018890 Type 2 diabetes 5X4bAW81U7u-00033-00018900-00018980 Cardiovascular problems 5X4bAW81U7u-00034-00019000-00019110 Obesity and Ulcers 5X4bAW81U7u-00035-00019120-00019390 Reduced sleep efficiency also results in slowed reactioned time 5X4bAW81U7u-00036-00019400-00019680 Which makes a sleepy driver a danger to everyone on the road 5X4bAW81U7u-00037-00019800-00019900 Fatigue is different from being tired 5X4bAW81U7u-00038-00019920-00020100 The only cure for being tired is sleep 5X4bAW81U7u-00039-00020120-00020280 There are cures for fatigue 5X4bAW81U7u-00040-00020300-00020680 Do not drive when you have sleep inertia, which is grogginess 5X4bAW81U7u-00041-00020700-00020790 Take a walk before you drive 5X4bAW81U7u-00042-00020800-00021170 You might not see a child picking up a ball on the street and kill him 5X4bAW81U7u-00043-00021180-00021510 Do not drive until you have enough time to get blood circulation to the brain 5X4bAW81U7u-00044-00021520-00021790 Fatigue is also caused from having a large meal 5X4bAW81U7u-00045-00021800-00021910 Give your body time to digest 5X4bAW81U7u-00046-00021920-00022190 Digesting reduces blood flow from the brain causing fatigue 5X4bAW81U7u-00047-00022200-00022310 Going to the restroom can remove fatigue 5X4bAW81U7u-00048-00022320-00022670 Because the bladder and bowel requires blood that distracts you from driving 5X4bAW81U7u-00049-00022680-00022790 Illness is also a cause of fatigue 5X4bAW81U7u-00050-00022800-00022990 Certain Tylenol(R) Severe Allergy, Nyquil(R) 5X4bAW81U7u-00051-00023000-00023400 Or medicines with antihistamines such as alcazeltzer causes drowsiness 5X4bAW81U7u-00052-00023520-00023730 If possible, ask a friend to drive you or take the bus 5X4bAW81U7u-00053-00023740-00023990 Rumble strip is one way to alert drivers from fatigue 5X4bAW81U7u-00054-00024000-00024290 They cause noise and vibration when a car goes off the edge of the road 5X4bAW81U7u-00055-00024300-00024490 If you are a shift worker that has to drive late at night 5X4bAW81U7u-00056-00024500-00024790 And feel sleepy, make sure you park and take a nap 5X4bAW81U7u-00057-00024800-00025090 Getting to your destination alive is more important than being late 5X4bAW81U7u-00058-00025100-00025490 A study done on 12 healthy volunteers between the ages of 23 to 45 in New York 5X4bAW81U7u-00059-00025500-00025810 Shows that taking periodical breaks improves driving performance 5X4bAW81U7u-00060-00025820-00026280 Although it is only a temporary effect on fatigue and gives little benefit to the sleepy driver 5X4bAW81U7u-00061-00026320-00026789 A survey of 595 truck drivers were tested anonymously online for obstructive sleep apnea 5X4bAW81U7u-00062-00026800-00027189 Not only did 20.5% reported falling asleep at stoplights 5X4bAW81U7u-00063-00027200-00027389 These shift workers are extremely unhealthy 5X4bAW81U7u-00064-00027400-00027610 Because their sleep time negatively affects their health 5X4bAW81U7u-00065-00027620-00028010 78.3% had hypertension or obesity 5X4bAW81U7u-00066-00028020-00028589 Furthermore, a phone sample of 3,345 drivers in New York ages 18 and older 5X4bAW81U7u-00067-00028600-00029010 Shows that shift workers have a short sleep duration that is less than 6 hours 5X4bAW81U7u-00068-00029020-00029300 20% of the workers developed excessive sleepiness 5X4bAW81U7u-00069-00029310-00029710 5% reported having sleep attacks that occur 3 times more than day time workers 5X4bAW81U7u-00070-00029720-00030020 Of the car accidents that occured, 3.6% were shift workers 5X4bAW81U7u-00071-00030030-00030289 With fixed nights and evening schedules 5X4bAW81U7u-00072-00030300-00030489 The study shows that working at night results in shorter sleep duration 5X4bAW81U7u-00073-00030500-00030700 And increased risk of car accidents 5X4bAW81U7u-00074-00030739-00030910 Drowsy driving occurs all over the world 5X4bAW81U7u-00075-00030920-00031410 In France, 4,774 drivers between ages 18 to 30 were interviewed over the phone 5X4bAW81U7u-00076-00031420-00031689 28% reported severe sleepiness while driving 5X4bAW81U7u-00077-00031700-00032020 11% reported near miss accidents that was 46% sleep related 5X4bAW81U7u-00078-00032030-00032300 5.8% were in actual accidents 5X4bAW81U7u-00079-00032310-00032700 The estimate of car accidents due to drowsy driving in France is about 90,000 per year 5X4bAW81U7u-00080-00032710-00033000 53.8% of drowsy driving occurs within cities 5X4bAW81U7u-00081-00033010-00033420 84.6% accidents occur during short trips and during the daytime 5X4bAW81U7u-00082-00033500-00033690 Avoid accidents by driving comfortably 5X4bAW81U7u-00083-00033700-00033840 Put the air conditioner on a cool setting 5X4bAW81U7u-00084-00033850-00034210 Open the windows, or listen to loud upbeat music that keeps you alert 5X4bAW81U7u-00085-00034220-00034600 Treat sleep with the same importance of drinking water or eating lunch 5X4bAW81U7u-00086-00034610-00034890 More drivers must be aware of the dangers of drowsy driving 5X4bAW81U7u-00087-00034900-00035200 Please pass this information to your loved ones and save lives 5Yq480KliUU-00000-00002345-00002665 The United States commitment to the alliance, 5Yq480KliUU-00001-00002665-00002919 US Army's commitment to US European command, 5Yq480KliUU-00002-00002919-00003365 what we call strong Europe-- the Army contribution is OK 5Yq480KliUU-00003-00003365-00003554 as long as the Army is able to provide 5Yq480KliUU-00004-00003554-00003838 the rotational capability that's associated 5Yq480KliUU-00005-00003838-00004076 with the regionally aligned force. 5Yq480KliUU-00006-00004076-00004317 So with what we have here forward stationed 5Yq480KliUU-00007-00004317-00004464 and in rotational capability that 5Yq480KliUU-00008-00004464-00004816 will come over division headquarters, aviation, armor 5Yq480KliUU-00009-00004816-00005035 brigade, then I'm satisfied that we 5Yq480KliUU-00010-00005035-00005193 can meet all of our requirements. 5Yq480KliUU-00011-00005193-00005495 But it seems that with the draw down, and the downsizing 5Yq480KliUU-00012-00005495-00005889 and such a loss of manpower, your mission demands 5Yq480KliUU-00013-00005889-00006052 have expanded. 5Yq480KliUU-00014-00006052-00006345 It's actually quite true, but that's also 5Yq480KliUU-00015-00006345-00006480 true for the entire Army. 5Yq480KliUU-00016-00006480-00006745 Right now 10 division headquarters in the Army, 5Yq480KliUU-00017-00006745-00007005 9 of those 10 are committed somewhere. 5Yq480KliUU-00018-00007005-00007388 So even as the Army has begun withdrawing in the post Asaf 5Yq480KliUU-00019-00007388-00007820 world, I don't think I remember any time where nine division 5Yq480KliUU-00020-00007820-00008095 headquarters were committed somewhere. 5Yq480KliUU-00021-00008095-00008526 I have been amazed with how much US Army Europe is involved 5Yq480KliUU-00022-00008526-00008789 in priority support to US European command. 5Yq480KliUU-00023-00008789-00009023 We're the Army component, but I had 5Yq480KliUU-00024-00009023-00009369 no idea how much US Army Europe does for Africa, 5Yq480KliUU-00025-00009369-00009720 for example-- logistically, intelligence, signal, 5Yq480KliUU-00026-00009720-00010052 even aviation, engineers. 5Yq480KliUU-00027-00010052-00010292 And then of course we support the AFRICOM headquarters 5Yq480KliUU-00028-00010292-00010605 in Stuttgart with communications and infrastructure. 5Yq480KliUU-00029-00010605-00010901 We do a lot for central command. 5Yq480KliUU-00030-00010901-00011231 We are essential to the air and ballistic missile defense. 5Yq480KliUU-00031-00011231-00011442 Great Army medical system. 5Yq480KliUU-00032-00011442-00011785 Not just [INAUDIBLE] hospital, but the medical commands 5Yq480KliUU-00033-00011785-00012297 support AFRICOM, CENTCOM, as well as UCOM. 5Yq480KliUU-00034-00012297-00012531 It is a lot. 5Yq480KliUU-00035-00012531-00012825 We don't have depth in places like we used to. 5Yq480KliUU-00036-00012825-00013144 So there's one medical brigade, one signal brigade, 5Yq480KliUU-00037-00013144-00013468 one sustainment brigade. 5Yq480KliUU-00038-00013468-00013591 So not a lot of depth. 5Yq480KliUU-00039-00013591-00013806 Now some of our clearances that are required, you-- 5Yq480KliUU-00040-00013806-00014103 I'm very happy with the quality of the leaders that we have, 5Yq480KliUU-00041-00014103-00014401 and I think that's why the Army has focused on leader 5Yq480KliUU-00042-00014401-00014585 development, because we're never going 5Yq480KliUU-00043-00014585-00014741 to have enough resources anywhere 5Yq480KliUU-00044-00014741-00014913 to do what we have to do. 5Yq480KliUU-00045-00014913-00015191 So as long as we can continued to grow our own good leaders 5Yq480KliUU-00046-00015191-00015446 and get quality people into Europe, 5Yq480KliUU-00047-00015446-00015666 I think we'll still be able to meet our requirements. 5Yq480KliUU-00048-00015666-00016033 But it is worth noting that a year ago nobody 5Yq480KliUU-00049-00016033-00016324 knew Russia was going to-- that President Putin was 5Yq480KliUU-00050-00016324-00016562 going to illegally annex Crimea. 5Yq480KliUU-00051-00016562-00016846 There was no Ebola outbreak. 5Yq480KliUU-00052-00016846-00017179 And ISIL was not on the scene yet. 5Yq480KliUU-00053-00017179-00017496 Obviously there were extremists out there, but nothing 5Yq480KliUU-00054-00017496-00017628 on the scale of ISIL. 5Yq480KliUU-00055-00017628-00017884 So three of the biggest things that have dominated the news 5Yq480KliUU-00056-00017884-00018222 and have required military capability 5Yq480KliUU-00057-00018222-00018487 were not even on the screen just a year ago. 5Yq480KliUU-00058-00018487-00018718 So that's why I worry about the depth. 5Yq480KliUU-00059-00018718-00019399 Also, frankly, decision makers, policymakers don't immediately 5Yq480KliUU-00060-00019399-00019655 see why it's important have forward 5Yq480KliUU-00061-00019655-00019777 stationed forces in Europe. 5Yq480KliUU-00062-00019777-00020188 If you had your wish, given all that's on your plate, 5Yq480KliUU-00063-00020188-00020491 would you want more forward stationed soldiers? 5Yq480KliUU-00064-00020491-00020571 For sure. 5Yq480KliUU-00065-00020571-00020867 I would take as many engineers as the Army could ever 5Yq480KliUU-00066-00020867-00021242 provide because engineers do so many different tasks. 5Yq480KliUU-00067-00021242-00021568 I'm an infantry soldier, but I love having engineers. 5Yq480KliUU-00068-00021568-00021803 Now that I'm a much older person I 5Yq480KliUU-00069-00021803-00021981 realize the benefit of logistics. 5Yq480KliUU-00070-00021981-00022297 Nobody does big logistics like the United States Army. 5Yq480KliUU-00071-00022297-00022687 So the alliance depends on US Army logistics. 5Yq480KliUU-00072-00022687-00023089 The proposed very high readiness joint task force, VJTF, 5Yq480KliUU-00073-00023089-00023427 that came out of the Wales summit-- 5Yq480KliUU-00074-00023427-00023941 I think US contribution to that will very likely include 5Yq480KliUU-00075-00023941-00024023 logistics. 5Yq480KliUU-00076-00024023-00024349 Our logisticians were the first Army response 5Yq480KliUU-00077-00024349-00024520 to dealing with Ebola. 5Yq480KliUU-00078-00024520-00024826 Certainly, US Army Patriot systems 5Yq480KliUU-00079-00024826-00025013 are completely stretched. 5Yq480KliUU-00080-00025013-00025363 I would welcome more depth there. 5Yq480KliUU-00081-00025363-00025794 But that's my concern-- is that we don't have the depth that I 5Yq480KliUU-00082-00025794-00026148 think we need to-- but that's true of the entire Army. 5Yq480KliUU-00083-00026148-00026544 The threats that you prepare for in Europe-- safe to say it 5Yq480KliUU-00084-00026544-00027202 is Russia, it is an ISIL, it is another health contingency that 5Yq480KliUU-00085-00027202-00027447 could pop up, Syria. 5Yq480KliUU-00086-00027447-00027760 What US Army Europe has been doing this past year, 5Yq480KliUU-00087-00027760-00028023 for example, an operation Atlantic Resolve-- 5Yq480KliUU-00088-00028023-00028300 that operation under US European command 5Yq480KliUU-00089-00028300-00028681 was initiated to assure our allies. 5Yq480KliUU-00090-00028681-00028876 Everybody saw those great paratroopers 5Yq480KliUU-00091-00028876-00029112 from Vicenza arriving in the three Baltic countries 5Yq480KliUU-00092-00029112-00029507 in Poland, followed by the arrival of a heavy brigade 5Yq480KliUU-00093-00029507-00029716 combat team from the 1st Cavalry Division. 5Yq480KliUU-00094-00029716-00029982 That was all about assurance to our allies 5Yq480KliUU-00095-00029982-00030445 and deterring Russia from threatening our allies. 5Yq480KliUU-00096-00030445-00030927 ISIL certainly is a threat because so many 5Yq480KliUU-00097-00030927-00031093 of the terrorists, the extremists, 5Yq480KliUU-00098-00031093-00031393 who have joined their ranks come from countries 5Yq480KliUU-00099-00031393-00031552 that are in Europe. 5Yq480KliUU-00100-00031552-00031842 All of the countries here where US Army Europe operates, 5Yq480KliUU-00101-00031842-00032131 they're concerned, of course, about extremists 5Yq480KliUU-00102-00032131-00032433 going to Syria or Iraq, joining the fight there, getting 5Yq480KliUU-00103-00032433-00032775 experience, and then coming back home and inspiring 5Yq480KliUU-00104-00032775-00033398 or opening up their own attacks in these European countries. 5Yq480KliUU-00105-00033398-00033874 Plus they also worry about the so-called lone wolf 5Yq480KliUU-00106-00033874-00034226 who on his own or her own decides 5Yq480KliUU-00107-00034226-00034631 to attack a target inside one of these countries. 5Yq480KliUU-00108-00034631-00035154 I think that threat is going to be out there for a long time. 5Yq480KliUU-00109-00035154-00035375 The recent terrorism attack in Paris-- 5Yq480KliUU-00110-00035375-00035526 what's the impact to you? 5Yq480KliUU-00111-00035526-00035674 First thing we did, of course, was 5Yq480KliUU-00112-00035674-00035967 get accountability of all of our men and women, 5Yq480KliUU-00113-00035967-00036205 families who may have been on a tour in Paris 5Yq480KliUU-00114-00036205-00036388 or elsewhere in France. 5Yq480KliUU-00115-00036388-00036592 Second thing we've done is make sure 5Yq480KliUU-00116-00036592-00037098 that our procedures at all of our installations are straight. 5Yq480KliUU-00117-00037098-00037639 We do have installations that throughout Europe, 5Yq480KliUU-00118-00037639-00037981 but most soldiers and families live on the economy 5Yq480KliUU-00119-00037981-00038210 just as we've done for years, maintaining the right 5Yq480KliUU-00120-00038210-00038501 kind of profile, low profile, being smart about what you due, 5Yq480KliUU-00121-00038501-00038779 paying attention, that sort of thing. 5Yq480KliUU-00122-00038779-00039125 You can't stop a determined attacker, especially someone 5Yq480KliUU-00123-00039125-00039276 that's willing to blow themselves up 5Yq480KliUU-00124-00039276-00039589 or to die in the process of an attack, 5Yq480KliUU-00125-00039589-00039772 but you can do a lot of things to reduce 5Yq480KliUU-00126-00039772-00039911 your own vulnerability. 5Yq480KliUU-00127-00039911-00040217 I would also say I'm very happy with the cooperation 5Yq480KliUU-00128-00040217-00040460 with our host nation authorities, 5Yq480KliUU-00129-00040460-00040646 Germany as well as other countries. 5Yq480KliUU-00130-00040646-00041067 Cooperation with police, government agencies. 5Yq480KliUU-00131-00041067-00041299 I'm very pleased with that. 5Yq480KliUU-00132-00041299-00041495 That's an important part of this process. 5Yq480KliUU-00133-00041495-00041815 Is Russia considered to be one of the most likely threats 5Yq480KliUU-00134-00041815-00041961 that you would face here in Europe? 5Yq480KliUU-00135-00041961-00042342 What Russia's doing right now with their illegal annexation 5Yq480KliUU-00136-00042342-00042554 of Crimea, the obvious support that they're 5Yq480KliUU-00137-00042554-00042998 given to pro-separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine, 5Yq480KliUU-00138-00042998-00043565 the so-called frozen conflicts in Transnistria, in Georgia, 5Yq480KliUU-00139-00043565-00043873 the increased activity that they've 5Yq480KliUU-00140-00043873-00044254 shown buzzing US Navy ships-- that sort of activity 5Yq480KliUU-00141-00044254-00044546 is worrisome because I think it's destabilizing. 5Yq480KliUU-00142-00044546-00044990 The way that the alliance coming out of the Wales Summit, 5Yq480KliUU-00143-00044990-00045353 the way the EU has stuck together with the sanctions 5Yq480KliUU-00144-00045353-00045652 shows that all the countries of Europe 5Yq480KliUU-00145-00045652-00045970 along with the US and Canada believe 5Yq480KliUU-00146-00045970-00046306 that this is unacceptable behavior 5Yq480KliUU-00147-00046306-00046550 to annex a part of a country. 5Yq480KliUU-00148-00046550-00046791 NATO, the most successful alliance in history of world 5Yq480KliUU-00149-00046791-00047034 is based on article five of the Washington 5Yq480KliUU-00150-00047034-00047345 treaty-- an attack on one is an attack on all. 5Yq480KliUU-00151-00047345-00047827 So that's the core principle of NATO-- collective security. 5Yq480KliUU-00152-00047827-00048031 I am sure that Russia's number one objective 5Yq480KliUU-00153-00048031-00048227 is to fracture our great alliance, 5Yq480KliUU-00154-00048227-00048578 to peel off countries, to put doubt 5Yq480KliUU-00155-00048578-00048860 in the minds of some countries. 5Yq480KliUU-00156-00048860-00049060 |'m also sure that Russia believes they probably 5Yq480KliUU-00157-00049060-00049345 have seven or eight weeks to do something 5Yq480KliUU-00158-00049345-00049814 before the alliance process could fully complete and come 5Yq480KliUU-00159-00049814-00050094 to a decision to act as an alliance. 5Yq480KliUU-00160-00050094-00050489 So what US Army Europe does on behalf of the Army 5Yq480KliUU-00161-00050489-00050888 in support of UCOM is give the President options 5Yq480KliUU-00162-00050888-00051295 to assure allies deter Russia, exactly what happened 5Yq480KliUU-00163-00051295-00051766 all this past year, resulting in the operation Atlantic Resolve. 5Yq480KliUU-00164-00051766-00052044 You can only do that with forward station forces 5Yq480KliUU-00165-00052044-00052441 that have relationships and longstanding exercises 5Yq480KliUU-00166-00052441-00052537 with our allies. 5Yq480KliUU-00167-00052537-00052704 If I'm understanding what you're saying, 5Yq480KliUU-00168-00052704-00053380 USAREUR serves the NATO purpose by being a presence. 5Yq480KliUU-00169-00053380-00053450 For sure. 5Yq480KliUU-00170-00053450-00053807 We represent US commitment to the alliance. 5Yq480KliUU-00171-00053807-00054088 Just like US Air Force Europe, and the US Navy Europe, 5Yq480KliUU-00172-00054088-00054449 and Marine Forces Europe, we represent US commitment 5Yq480KliUU-00173-00054449-00054554 to the alliance. 5Yq480KliUU-00174-00054554-00054813 I mean, US Army Europe, 30,000 soldiers-- probably 5Yq480KliUU-00175-00054813-00055413 about 67,000 total-- all services forward stationed 5Yq480KliUU-00176-00055413-00055467 in Europe. 5Yq480KliUU-00177-00055467-00055639 And then the Army's contribution actually 5Yq480KliUU-00178-00055639-00055951 is above that because of the rotational force capability 5Yq480KliUU-00179-00055951-00056164 that comes over and other exercises 5Yq480KliUU-00180-00056164-00056373 that will attract other units. 5Yq480KliUU-00181-00056373-00056729 In Lithuania, just a few weeks ago there was a magazine. 5Yq480KliUU-00182-00056729-00056946 On the front of that magazine, the caption 5Yq480KliUU-00183-00056946-00057392 read "Lithuania's Man of the Year," the NATO soldier. 5Yq480KliUU-00184-00057392-00057659 And there was a picture of a US Army Staff Sergeant 5Yq480KliUU-00185-00057659-00057907 from the 173rd Airborne Brigade. 5Yq480KliUU-00186-00057907-00058264 That was the impact of one company of paratroopers 5Yq480KliUU-00187-00058264-00058884 from Vicenza, Italy arriving in Lithuania to assure 5Yq480KliUU-00188-00058884-00059161 our allies that the US was there. 5Yq480KliUU-00189-00059161-00059215 I'm curious. 5Yq480KliUU-00190-00059215-00059467 You're coming into this job after having 5Yq480KliUU-00191-00059467-00059704 served in a NATO position. 5Yq480KliUU-00192-00059704-00060080 How does that experience factor into what you're shaping here? 5Yq480KliUU-00193-00060080-00060391 As the commander of Allied Land Command, 5Yq480KliUU-00194-00060391-00060588 I've worked with all the countries 5Yq480KliUU-00195-00060588-00060925 of the alliance plus PFP, partnership 5Yq480KliUU-00196-00060925-00061083 for peace countries, and that was 5Yq480KliUU-00197-00061083-00061314 where I realized the importance of being 5Yq480KliUU-00198-00061314-00061473 specific about interoperability-- 5Yq480KliUU-00199-00061473-00061777 communications, NATO standards, and so on. 5Yq480KliUU-00200-00061777-00062149 And so then when I transitioned to commander of US Army Europe, 5Yq480KliUU-00201-00062149-00062464 I have the privilege of working with all the same countries, 5Yq480KliUU-00202-00062464-00062697 all the same leaders, but now I can 5Yq480KliUU-00203-00062697-00062963 help make sure that US Army Europe is also 5Yq480KliUU-00204-00062963-00063182 using NATO standards, that US Army Europe is 5Yq480KliUU-00205-00063182-00063591 prepared to operate inside alliance formations-- 5Yq480KliUU-00206-00063591-00063800 if you will, multinational formations. 5Yq480KliUU-00207-00063800-00064062 And also now I have resources. 5Yq480KliUU-00208-00064062-00064314 I can give units two exercises. 5Yq480KliUU-00209-00064314-00064677 I have facilities that can contribute. 5Yq480KliUU-00210-00064677-00065238 So our three enduring priorities in US Army Europe-- developing 5Yq480KliUU-00211-00065238-00065591 leaders, readiness, and enabling the alliance. 5Yq480KliUU-00212-00065591-00065773 So my manning priorities, for example, 5Yq480KliUU-00213-00065773-00065936 are filling all US Army positions 5Yq480KliUU-00214-00065936-00066104 in any NATO headquarters. 5Yq480KliUU-00215-00066104-00066347 I think if I had not worked at LANDCOM before this, 5Yq480KliUU-00216-00066347-00066562 that would have never even occurred to me. 5Yq480KliUU-00217-00066562-00066878 Now it's my priority for manning because that's 5Yq480KliUU-00218-00066878-00067061 how the US helps enable the alliance, 5Yq480KliUU-00219-00067061-00067388 but it's also how we increase the number of men and women 5Yq480KliUU-00220-00067388-00067927 who get experience in Europe and understand the alliance. 5Yq480KliUU-00221-00067927-00068122 You have your senior leaders gathered here. 5Yq480KliUU-00222-00068122-00068172 Why? 5Yq480KliUU-00223-00068172-00068483 I think it's very important in an organization like US Army 5Yq480KliUU-00224-00068483-00068751 Europe, something this size that's 5Yq480KliUU-00225-00068751-00068928 distributed over several countries, 5Yq480KliUU-00226-00068928-00069228 to come together occasionally-- building the teams, 5Yq480KliUU-00227-00069228-00069668 talking about priorities, explaining my expectations. 5Yq480KliUU-00228-00069668-00069830 We put a lot responsibility in a lot 5Yq480KliUU-00229-00069830-00070190 of young commanders-- the garrison commanders, 5Yq480KliUU-00230-00070190-00070453 the Aviation Brigade, the logisticians, the Medical 5Yq480KliUU-00231-00070453-00070721 Brigade, the commander of the hospital, and so on. 5Yq480KliUU-00232-00070721-00071239 And so we get together about once a quarter and talk about, 5Yq480KliUU-00233-00071239-00071525 how can the headquarters help you, the commander, 5Yq480KliUU-00234-00071525-00071647 be successful? 5Yq480KliUU-00235-00071647-00072046 How can we enable them to do all that we ask them to do? 5Yq480KliUU-00236-00072046-00072247 But also, I have a responsibility 5Yq480KliUU-00237-00072247-00072473 for their development too. 5Yq480KliUU-00238-00072473-00072673 Leader development is not just about lieutenants 5Yq480KliUU-00239-00072673-00072838 and young sergeants. 5Yq480KliUU-00240-00072838-00073232 It's about officers, and civilian leaders, and NCOs, 5Yq480KliUU-00241-00073232-00073305 all the way up. 5Yq480KliUU-00242-00073305-00073530 So that's why we're doing this. 5Yq480KliUU-00243-00073530-00073834 I'm coming from across the pond in the States. 5Yq480KliUU-00244-00073834-00074129 When we look at USAREUR these days, most of us 5Yq480KliUU-00245-00074129-00074900 look upon a much smaller command than what it used to be. 5Yq480KliUU-00246-00074900-00075210 What would be the message that you would send to those folks 5Yq480KliUU-00247-00075210-00075290 back in the States? 5Yq480KliUU-00248-00075290-00075699 US Army in Europe, Strong Europe, 5Yq480KliUU-00249-00075699-00076243 is the framework that represents the contribution on behalf 5Yq480KliUU-00250-00076243-00076697 of the army to NATO, to US European command, to AFRICOM, 5Yq480KliUU-00251-00076697-00076855 and CENTCOM. 5Yq480KliUU-00252-00076855-00077030 It's relationships. 5Yq480KliUU-00253-00077030-00077215 It's capabilities. 5Yq480KliUU-00254-00077215-00077606 It is what enables early entry instead 5Yq480KliUU-00255-00077606-00077922 of having to do a forcible entry. 5Yq480KliUU-00256-00077922-00078162 That's what Strong Europe is all about. 5Yq480KliUU-00257-00078162-00078643 And I would also say that US Army Europe, Strong Europe, 5Yq480KliUU-00258-00078643-00078892 is the best leadership lab for the Army. 5Yq480KliUU-00259-00078892-00079178 The Army's priority is building adaptive leaders. 5Yq480KliUU-00260-00079178-00079451 There's no better place to do that than in USAREUR. 5Yq480KliUU-00261-00079451-00079848 We are living the Army Operating Concept. 5Yq480KliUU-00262-00079848-00080055 That's what USAREUR is. 5aj5lDoiCWM-00000-00000000-00000200 Trending fashion design for women 5alkIal44OU-00000-00000134-00000544 momochino channel 5alkIal44OU-00001-00000598-00000942 KO NN NI CHI NO 5alkIal44OU-00002-00001140-00001404 Hello~ I'm momochino. 5alkIal44OU-00003-00001452-00001596 Nice to meet you. 5alkIal44OU-00004-00001602-00002126 This time, For the first time shooting a Youtube video, I am a little nervous. 5alkIal44OU-00005-00002260-00002546 My name is "momochino" 5alkIal44OU-00006-00002595-00002898 First, introduce myself. 5alkIal44OU-00007-00002922-00003558 I am a model activity that makes use of my big butt. 5alkIal44OU-00008-00003578-00004028 My waist size is about 70cm. 5alkIal44OU-00009-00004040-00004610 The bottom size is 104cm. 5alkIal44OU-00010-00005122-00005484 I make use of this big Butt, I mean ... 5alkIal44OU-00011-00005500-00006336 Last year(2017), I was selected as a finalist for the "Curves and big butt contest" at the Fetish festival. 5alkIal44OU-00012-00006348-00006673 My Butt will never know how much I appreciate it. 5alkIal44OU-00013-00006673-00006966 I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart (not enough words to express). 5alkIal44OU-00014-00006966-00007284 And I have been to various people. 5alkIal44OU-00015-00007304-00007718 Why did I start posting videos on Youtube? 5alkIal44OU-00016-00007718-00008624 I have many people who say, "I want to see you, but I can't go there in the distance." 5alkIal44OU-00017-00008624-00008892 I am very happy to receive such a message. 5alkIal44OU-00018-00008892-00010018 I was sorry that I couldn't meet my fans because they lived far away. 5alkIal44OU-00019-00010042-00010446 So, I thought that posting videos on Youtube would reduce 5alkIal44OU-00020-00010448-00010928 the distance between everyone and me a little, so I started YouTube. 5alkIal44OU-00021-00010942-00011502 I want to convey this feeling a lot to those who like big butt. 5alkIal44OU-00022-00012026-00012968 I thought negatively that my butt and thighs were big. 5alkIal44OU-00023-00012990-00013380 I participated in the "Curves and big butt contest", 5alkIal44OU-00024-00013388-00013791 had many people take pictures as a butt model, 5alkIal44OU-00025-00013802-00014316 and participated in various photo sessions. 5alkIal44OU-00026-00014328-00014719 And a lot of people say, "It's a very good butt" or 5alkIal44OU-00027-00014730-00015280 "Your thick thighs are wonderful." 5alkIal44OU-00028-00015291-00015641 It's now my favorite body part. 5alkIal44OU-00029-00015652-00016078 So, people who are worried about "I hate my butt because I have a big butt." 5alkIal44OU-00030-00016078-00016604 "I am chubby." "I will fail no matter how much I try to lose weight." 5alkIal44OU-00031-00016604-00017270 Surprisingly, some people like that figure. It's the pleasure of seeing that figure for them. 5alkIal44OU-00032-00017286-00017678 I had such an experience myself. 5alkIal44OU-00033-00017678-00018216 Even if you dislike it, it may be attractive to others. 5alkIal44OU-00034-00018224-00018998 I wanted to express this to everyone, so I decided to start YouTube. 5alkIal44OU-00035-00019026-00019578 I want to try various things on Youtube. 5alkIal44OU-00036-00019630-00020038 I want to make underwear. 5alkIal44OU-00037-00020042-00020646 And I'd like everyone to watch while wearing the underwear that I made and saying "How do I look?" 5alkIal44OU-00038-00020646-00020916 I want to shoot like that. 5alkIal44OU-00039-00020962-00021488 I also want to review the feeling of buying and wearing a costume sold on Amazon. 5alkIal44OU-00040-00021498-00021930 It may be that the length was shorter than expected. 5alkIal44OU-00041-00021930-00022546 I want everyone to see such a figure. 5alkIal44OU-00042-00022588-00023048 There are many other things that I am interested in, such as "Let's Play" and "Butt work out", 5alkIal44OU-00043-00023058-00023508 so I would like to try various things and release them on Youtube. 5alkIal44OU-00044-00023526-00023962 I want to make another "Butt channel". 5alkIal44OU-00045-00024000-00024240 It is Butt Only !! 5alkIal44OU-00046-00024266-00024442 Butt playing Let's Play. 5alkIal44OU-00047-00024474-00024742 Butt doing Work out and more 5alkIal44OU-00048-00024798-00025352 I want to make a channel that only shoots such Butt. 5alkIal44OU-00049-00025352-00025650 If you like Butt, please take a look. 5alkIal44OU-00050-00025680-00025959 If you have a costume you want me to wear, 5alkIal44OU-00051-00025960-00026364 please leave a comment on Youtube or a message on Twitter. 5alkIal44OU-00052-00026364-00026810 I am going to use it as an example. 5alkIal44OU-00053-00026856-00027232 I mutter the latest information on Twitter and update it frequently, 5alkIal44OU-00054-00027239-00027527 so it's easy to see in my eyes. 5alkIal44OU-00055-00027560-00028030 If you watch my video and get a request to "wear such a costume," 5alkIal44OU-00056-00028033-00028452 follow me on Twitter and send me a message. 5alkIal44OU-00057-00028582-00029044 Twitter, Instagram ID, and Patreon URL are written in the video summary section. 5alkIal44OU-00058-00029076-00029282 You must Follow me !! 5alkIal44OU-00059-00029316-00029682 There are a lot of big butts that will satisfy you. I have that confidence. 5alkIal44OU-00060-00029788-00029989 Big butts are waiting for you. 5alkIal44OU-00061-00030080-00030345 Please follow me. 5alkIal44OU-00062-00030374-00030566 And 5alkIal44OU-00063-00030572-00030834 if you think my Big butt is good, 5alkIal44OU-00064-00030834-00031164 Please subscribe to my channnel! And a lot of thumbs up! 5alkIal44OU-00065-00031164-00031439 See you~ 5alkIal44OU-00066-00031504-00031720 Big butt "Please Subscribe!!" 5bHwC2F4-4E-00000-00000000-00000268 QUEENNY Live begins 5bHwC2F4-4E-00001-00000268-00000941 I'm going to apply one coat with QUEENNY Jang-Su Base Gel 5bHwC2F4-4E-00002-00000941-00001490 I'm going to apply one coat with QUEENNY Color Gel No.60 5bHwC2F4-4E-00005-00010651-00011106 I'm going to overlay the background gradation with Jang-Su Base Gel 5bHwC2F4-4E-00007-00016206-00017029 Without being curing, I'm going to wipe the gradation with a brush 5bHwC2F4-4E-00008-00017029-00017966 I'm going to put Jocheong Clear Gel and the parts 5bHwC2F4-4E-00009-00017966-00019095 I'm going to finish it with QUEENNY Handy Top Gel 5bHwC2F4-4E-00010-00019095-00019351 Romantic Sunset Nail Art Complete! 5bHwC2F4-4E-00011-00019351-00019445 Clap clap clap!! 5bHwC2F4-4E-00012-00019445-00019599 Thanks for watching :) 5bHwC2F4-4E-00013-00019599-00019902 Please "Subscribe" and "Like" on SARACEN TV! 5bZTygAcBS4-00000-00000059-00000231 - Really appreciate you all being here today 5bZTygAcBS4-00001-00000231-00000505 and for those of you who are familiar 5bZTygAcBS4-00002-00000505-00000739 with some of our tradition here around the Christmas season, 5bZTygAcBS4-00003-00000739-00000945 we actually spend the month of December 5bZTygAcBS4-00004-00000945-00001193 looking into the Christmas story 5bZTygAcBS4-00005-00001193-00001604 and so this morning we're doing that again. 5bZTygAcBS4-00006-00001604-00001742 And you might wonder about that 5bZTygAcBS4-00007-00001742-00001927 because there's not that many verses in the Bible 5bZTygAcBS4-00008-00001927-00002107 that share the Christmas story 5bZTygAcBS4-00009-00002107-00002371 but it is true that they are so incredibly filled 5bZTygAcBS4-00010-00002371-00002608 with depth and richness 5bZTygAcBS4-00011-00002608-00002759 you could probably preach on them 5bZTygAcBS4-00012-00002759-00002965 every single Sunday for a year 5bZTygAcBS4-00013-00002965-00003290 and not exhaust their incredible depth. 5bZTygAcBS4-00014-00003502-00003696 We're in Isaiah the ninth chapter 5bZTygAcBS4-00015-00003696-00003985 and there's a mic that needs to be shut off 5bZTygAcBS4-00016-00003985-00004226 to limit this feedback. 5bZTygAcBS4-00017-00004226-00004309 Thank you. 5bZTygAcBS4-00018-00004538-00004988 "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. 5bZTygAcBS4-00019-00004988-00005304 "On those living in the land of deep darkness, 5bZTygAcBS4-00020-00005304-00005539 "a light has dawned. 5bZTygAcBS4-00021-00005539-00005946 "You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy. 5bZTygAcBS4-00022-00005946-00006415 "They rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, 5bZTygAcBS4-00023-00006415-00006797 "as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder." 5bZTygAcBS4-00024-00006797-00007261 He gives two pictures of a season of great rejoicing. 5bZTygAcBS4-00025-00007261-00007580 "For as in the day of minions defeat, 5bZTygAcBS4-00026-00007580-00007931 "you have shattered the yolk that burdens them, 5bZTygAcBS4-00027-00007931-00008166 "the bar across their shoulders, 5bZTygAcBS4-00028-00008166-00008408 "the rod of their oppressors, 5bZTygAcBS4-00029-00008546-00008770 "every warriors boot used in battle 5bZTygAcBS4-00030-00008770-00009010 "and every garment rolled in blood 5bZTygAcBS4-00031-00009010-00009256 "will be destined for burning, 5bZTygAcBS4-00032-00009256-00009555 "will be fuel for the fire. 5bZTygAcBS4-00033-00009555-00009796 "For unto us a child is born, 5bZTygAcBS4-00034-00009954-00010146 "to us, a son is given, 5bZTygAcBS4-00035-00010279-00010589 "and the government will be upon his shoulders 5bZTygAcBS4-00036-00010589-00010695 "and he will be called", 5bZTygAcBS4-00037-00010695-00010947 let's all read the rest of this slide together. 5bZTygAcBS4-00038-00010947-00011055 "He will be called 5bZTygAcBS4-00039-00011055-00011275 "Wonderful Counselor, 5bZTygAcBS4-00040-00011275-00011439 "Mighty God, 5bZTygAcBS4-00041-00011439-00011647 "Everlasting Father, 5bZTygAcBS4-00042-00011647-00011789 "Prince of Peace. 5bZTygAcBS4-00043-00011889-00012183 "Of the greatness of his government and peace 5bZTygAcBS4-00044-00012183-00012366 "there will be no end. 5bZTygAcBS4-00045-00012486-00012819 "He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, 5bZTygAcBS4-00046-00012819-00012988 "establishing and upholding it 5bZTygAcBS4-00047-00012988-00013219 "with justice and righteousness 5bZTygAcBS4-00048-00013219-00013477 "from that time on and forever. 5bZTygAcBS4-00049-00013577-00013993 "The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this." 5bZTygAcBS4-00050-00014279-00014638 There certainly has been an ongoing commercialization 5bZTygAcBS4-00051-00014638-00015068 of this holy day and you've probably noticed 5bZTygAcBS4-00052-00015068-00015343 a secularization of this holy day 5bZTygAcBS4-00053-00015429-00015605 and a lot of people are afraid 5bZTygAcBS4-00054-00015605-00015995 that the true meaning of Christmas is being lost 5bZTygAcBS4-00055-00015995-00016253 if it hasn't been lost already. 5bZTygAcBS4-00056-00016345-00016549 You probably remember a couple of years ago, 5bZTygAcBS4-00057-00016549-00016687 there was great controversy 5bZTygAcBS4-00058-00016687-00017018 about a particular coffee establishment. 5bZTygAcBS4-00059-00017018-00017460 They were accused of having anti Christmas cups, 5bZTygAcBS4-00060-00017460-00017712 actually they were just plain red cups 5bZTygAcBS4-00061-00017712-00018083 but because they didn't put any holiday symbolism on it, 5bZTygAcBS4-00062-00018083-00018357 some people thought they were making a statement. 5bZTygAcBS4-00063-00018357-00018495 Just so you know, 5bZTygAcBS4-00064-00018495-00018715 I don't think it's the job of a coffee company 5bZTygAcBS4-00065-00018715-00019037 to proclaim the good news of the birth of Christ 5bZTygAcBS4-00066-00019037-00019243 or of our government for that matter either. 5bZTygAcBS4-00067-00019243-00019555 I think that privilege belongs to our families 5bZTygAcBS4-00068-00019555-00019846 and to the family of God. 5bZTygAcBS4-00069-00019846-00020246 You probably will find a lot less religious symbolism 5bZTygAcBS4-00070-00020246-00020471 in the images this holy day 5bZTygAcBS4-00071-00020593-00020726 but the true meaning of Christmas 5bZTygAcBS4-00072-00020726-00021009 can actually be found in many of the activities 5bZTygAcBS4-00073-00021009-00021239 that we participate in. 5bZTygAcBS4-00074-00021239-00021539 For example, where did the idea come 5bZTygAcBS4-00075-00021683-00022041 of putting up lights in the dark come from? 5bZTygAcBS4-00076-00022258-00022716 Where did the idea of giving and receiving gifts come from? 5bZTygAcBS4-00077-00022716-00022959 The truth is that those of us 5bZTygAcBS4-00078-00022959-00023337 who have accepted the gift of God's son into our lives, 5bZTygAcBS4-00079-00023337-00023552 don't see the Christmas story 5bZTygAcBS4-00080-00023552-00023902 the same way everyone else does. 5bZTygAcBS4-00081-00023902-00024318 Certainly not the way others who have received grace. 5bZTygAcBS4-00082-00024318-00024636 And there are some people who get frustrated 5bZTygAcBS4-00083-00024636-00024914 that the nativity scenes and religious symbols 5bZTygAcBS4-00084-00024914-00025284 are being reduced or eliminated from public environments 5bZTygAcBS4-00085-00025284-00025483 and what I want you to know this morning, 5bZTygAcBS4-00086-00025483-00025783 I'm surprised they were ever allowed 5bZTygAcBS4-00087-00025880-00026046 because this is what's true, 5bZTygAcBS4-00088-00026046-00026287 those of us who know the Christmas story 5bZTygAcBS4-00089-00026287-00026385 and have accepted grace, 5bZTygAcBS4-00090-00026385-00026539 we see this very differently 5bZTygAcBS4-00091-00026539-00026709 but you have to know that the Christmas story 5bZTygAcBS4-00092-00026709-00026942 can be very, very offensive. 5bZTygAcBS4-00093-00027176-00027332 The passage that we just read today 5bZTygAcBS4-00094-00027332-00027566 can really frustrate people. 5bZTygAcBS4-00095-00027704-00027970 You see, we put lights on trees. 5bZTygAcBS4-00096-00028133-00028457 In our house, our children developed a dislike 5bZTygAcBS4-00097-00028457-00028757 for helping me light the tree. 5bZTygAcBS4-00098-00028757-00028965 They still talk about it. 5bZTygAcBS4-00099-00029098-00029232 If they're home and I say, 5bZTygAcBS4-00100-00029232-00029460 "Would you like to help me light the tree?", 5bZTygAcBS4-00101-00029460-00029718 they break out in a cold sweat. 5bZTygAcBS4-00102-00029718-00029964 And it's not because they had to do it that much, 5bZTygAcBS4-00103-00029964-00030143 in fact, it's because how little they had to do 5bZTygAcBS4-00104-00030143-00030314 that frustrated them more than anything else. 5bZTygAcBS4-00105-00030314-00030433 They held the strands of lights 5bZTygAcBS4-00106-00030433-00030642 and followed me around the tree 5bZTygAcBS4-00107-00030642-00030813 and I wasn't the kind of person 5bZTygAcBS4-00108-00030813-00031003 who would just throw the lights on the tree 5bZTygAcBS4-00109-00031003-00031181 or just ring the tree, 5bZTygAcBS4-00110-00031181-00031417 we had to go in and out of every little branch 5bZTygAcBS4-00111-00031417-00031611 and that could take awhile 5bZTygAcBS4-00112-00031611-00032028 and they still have painful memories associated with that. 5bZTygAcBS4-00113-00032183-00032313 We put lights in our houses, 5bZTygAcBS4-00114-00032313-00032513 we put candles in the windows 5bZTygAcBS4-00115-00032513-00032804 and these lights are beautiful 5bZTygAcBS4-00116-00032804-00033150 and they hold an incredibly deep meaning. 5bZTygAcBS4-00117-00033150-00033567 Christmas reminds us that the world is a dark place 5bZTygAcBS4-00118-00033776-00033860 and it is. 5bZTygAcBS4-00119-00034083-00034385 Our world is not shed abroad in lights 5bZTygAcBS4-00120-00034385-00034585 but it hides deep darkness 5bZTygAcBS4-00121-00034585-00034836 and Christmas reminds us that until the light comes 5bZTygAcBS4-00122-00034836-00035019 we cannot find our way 5bZTygAcBS4-00123-00035133-00035530 and that's what frustrates some people. 5bZTygAcBS4-00124-00035530-00035874 If someone accuses you of being in the dark, 5bZTygAcBS4-00125-00035874-00036160 you never consider that a compliment. 5bZTygAcBS4-00126-00036160-00036374 It's only when someone tells us that we're bright 5bZTygAcBS4-00127-00036374-00036486 or we're enlightened, 5bZTygAcBS4-00128-00036486-00036759 that we realize that they're saying something nice. 5bZTygAcBS4-00129-00036759-00037016 Being in the dark or living in darkness 5bZTygAcBS4-00130-00037016-00037304 indicates that there's something potentially wicked or evil 5bZTygAcBS4-00131-00037304-00037408 that's going on. 5bZTygAcBS4-00132-00037408-00037552 Those were dark times, 5bZTygAcBS4-00133-00037552-00037764 that's what they usually mean. 5bZTygAcBS4-00134-00037764-00037990 It suggests that there's a lack of knowledge. 5bZTygAcBS4-00135-00037990-00038244 They were in the dark about something. 5bZTygAcBS4-00136-00038244-00038378 It suggests blindness, 5bZTygAcBS4-00137-00038378-00038726 not just physical blindness but spiritual blindness. 5bZTygAcBS4-00138-00038726-00038868 It suggests that there's something 5bZTygAcBS4-00139-00038868-00039186 that's unhealthy within our nature or our personality 5bZTygAcBS4-00140-00039186-00039348 'cause people will talk about 5bZTygAcBS4-00141-00039348-00039615 when their thoughts became dark. 5bZTygAcBS4-00142-00039752-00040095 Our world is filled full of violence and abuse of power 5bZTygAcBS4-00143-00040095-00040481 and poverty and oppression and greed and terror 5bZTygAcBS4-00144-00040481-00040879 and you should know this is not new to our world. 5bZTygAcBS4-00145-00040879-00041116 We might be freshly aware of it 5bZTygAcBS4-00146-00041116-00041575 but it has been so since the very first family. 5bZTygAcBS4-00147-00041575-00041766 Of course, there's hope 5bZTygAcBS4-00148-00041858-00042130 that we will figure out our problems, 5bZTygAcBS4-00149-00042130-00042218 and we're told this, 5bZTygAcBS4-00150-00042218-00042335 if we just work together 5bZTygAcBS4-00151-00042335-00042531 and if we would just all get on the same page 5bZTygAcBS4-00152-00042531-00042799 then we can bring peace to any conflict 5bZTygAcBS4-00153-00042799-00043153 and we can outlaw destructive behavior 5bZTygAcBS4-00154-00043153-00043465 and if we work together and we come together, 5bZTygAcBS4-00155-00043465-00043714 then we can make this world a better place. 5bZTygAcBS4-00156-00043714-00043914 And there's so much of that sentimentality 5bZTygAcBS4-00157-00043914-00044298 that especially gets spoken this time of year. 5bZTygAcBS4-00158-00044419-00044567 So we're constantly surprised 5bZTygAcBS4-00159-00044567-00044832 when we bring our very brightest minds together 5bZTygAcBS4-00160-00044832-00045208 and they don't seem to be able to resolve our problems 5bZTygAcBS4-00161-00045208-00045488 and we pour incredible resources into things 5bZTygAcBS4-00162-00045488-00045834 and we don't seem to be able to resolve our problems. 5bZTygAcBS4-00163-00045834-00046270 The same science that we use to extend life and to save life 5bZTygAcBS4-00164-00046270-00046486 can be used to take life 5bZTygAcBS4-00165-00046486-00046764 because there are weapons of incredible destruction 5bZTygAcBS4-00166-00046764-00047160 and the same technology that uses to connect us 5bZTygAcBS4-00167-00047160-00047368 can be used to target us. 5bZTygAcBS4-00168-00047561-00047703 So we're troubled 5bZTygAcBS4-00169-00047871-00048156 and we think if everybody would just have good intentions, 5bZTygAcBS4-00170-00048156-00048316 you have to realize good intentions 5bZTygAcBS4-00171-00048316-00048527 do not remove bad intentions, 5bZTygAcBS4-00172-00048527-00048853 it just creates more conflict. 5bZTygAcBS4-00173-00048853-00049027 The simple truth is 5bZTygAcBS4-00174-00049027-00049303 we need something far more than science and technology 5bZTygAcBS4-00175-00049303-00049409 to save us. 5bZTygAcBS4-00176-00049409-00049565 Please don't misunderstand this. 5bZTygAcBS4-00177-00049565-00049903 This is not an anti science or anti technology talk. 5bZTygAcBS4-00178-00049903-00050063 There's far too many religious voices 5bZTygAcBS4-00179-00050063-00050220 that speak against those things 5bZTygAcBS4-00180-00050220-00050409 as though they are the source of our problems. 5bZTygAcBS4-00181-00050409-00050558 They do not. 5bZTygAcBS4-00182-00050558-00050731 They are not the source of our problems. 5bZTygAcBS4-00183-00050731-00051029 It's just the more we look at them for our salvation, 5bZTygAcBS4-00184-00051029-00051429 the more we realize how incredibly darkened our hearts are 5bZTygAcBS4-00185-00051429-00051646 and our world is. 5bZTygAcBS4-00186-00051646-00051841 If we're just here by accident, 5bZTygAcBS4-00187-00051841-00052171 if certain atoms happened to collide at just the right time 5bZTygAcBS4-00188-00052171-00052306 and just the right place 5bZTygAcBS4-00189-00052306-00052489 that we would eventually become this, 5bZTygAcBS4-00190-00052489-00052753 then there really is no vision 5bZTygAcBS4-00191-00052753-00052889 of what we were supposed to be 5bZTygAcBS4-00192-00052889-00053045 or purpose assigned to it 5bZTygAcBS4-00193-00053045-00053458 and life without purpose is not very enjoyable. 5bZTygAcBS4-00194-00053458-00053694 If that's true then our only real goal 5bZTygAcBS4-00195-00053694-00053894 is just to survive as long as we can 5bZTygAcBS4-00196-00053894-00054232 and reproduce as much as we can. 5bZTygAcBS4-00197-00054232-00054371 And if there's nothing beyond the grave, 5bZTygAcBS4-00198-00054371-00054589 then what hope is there? 5bZTygAcBS4-00199-00054589-00054835 Those that we've lost we'll never see again 5bZTygAcBS4-00200-00054835-00055229 and once we're gone they'll be nothing left. 5bZTygAcBS4-00201-00055229-00055554 This is the darkness our world sits in. 5bZTygAcBS4-00202-00055686-00055790 But the Christmas story, 5bZTygAcBS4-00203-00055790-00056058 while it tells us that it is a dark world 5bZTygAcBS4-00204-00056058-00056477 it also tells us that there's reason to hope, 5bZTygAcBS4-00205-00056477-00056636 a light has dawned. 5bZTygAcBS4-00206-00056745-00056971 "On those living in the land of deep darkness, 5bZTygAcBS4-00207-00056971-00057175 "a light has dawned." 5bZTygAcBS4-00208-00057175-00057317 Now I love the language there 5bZTygAcBS4-00209-00057317-00057619 because it reminds us of the light of the sun. 5bZTygAcBS4-00210-00057619-00057756 When you use the word dawn 5bZTygAcBS4-00211-00057756-00057950 it reminds us of the light of the sun 5bZTygAcBS4-00212-00057950-00058050 and here's the thing, 5bZTygAcBS4-00213-00058050-00058355 how many are enjoying all the sunlight today? 5bZTygAcBS4-00214-00058355-00058632 How many is responsible for that sunlight today, 5bZTygAcBS4-00215-00058632-00058770 you turned the sun on? 5bZTygAcBS4-00216-00058770-00058992 None of us did and you know what else, 5bZTygAcBS4-00217-00058992-00059274 if for any reason the sun ceased to shine 5bZTygAcBS4-00218-00059274-00059721 then all life on this planet would cease to exist. 5bZTygAcBS4-00219-00059721-00059883 We can enjoy the light 5bZTygAcBS4-00220-00059883-00060085 and we can walk in it 5bZTygAcBS4-00221-00060085-00060325 but we don't create it. 5bZTygAcBS4-00222-00060325-00060489 Isaiah uses this concept 5bZTygAcBS4-00223-00060489-00060723 of a dawning light that comes upon us, 5bZTygAcBS4-00224-00060723-00060970 it reminds us that there's an external light 5bZTygAcBS4-00225-00060970-00061292 that we have no control over or cause, 5bZTygAcBS4-00226-00061292-00061564 we didn't cause to have but we benefit from it. 5bZTygAcBS4-00227-00061564-00061774 We don't cause the sun to shine 5bZTygAcBS4-00228-00061774-00062040 and we don't cause God's light to shine in our life 5bZTygAcBS4-00229-00062040-00062360 and without that external source of light, 5bZTygAcBS4-00230-00062360-00062552 then we seize to exist. 5bZTygAcBS4-00231-00062743-00062890 The light that Isaiah refers to 5bZTygAcBS4-00232-00062890-00063169 is far more than just the sun. 5bZTygAcBS4-00233-00063169-00063363 Just as surely as the sunlight 5bZTygAcBS4-00234-00063363-00063717 reveals the truth of what exists in our world, 5bZTygAcBS4-00235-00063717-00063974 God's word is the truth 5bZTygAcBS4-00236-00063974-00064291 that reveals what exists in our heart. 5bZTygAcBS4-00237-00064392-00064816 And that is something we're not always comfortable with. 5bZTygAcBS4-00238-00064816-00065026 Sunrises and sunsets are beautiful, 5bZTygAcBS4-00239-00065026-00065390 I see lots of pictures of them online all the time 5bZTygAcBS4-00240-00065390-00065806 and I've taken many pictures of sunrises and sunsets myself 5bZTygAcBS4-00241-00065976-00066156 and while they're always beautiful, 5bZTygAcBS4-00242-00066156-00066397 it is also true that the light that they shed 5bZTygAcBS4-00243-00066397-00066798 doesn't always reveal beautiful things. 5bZTygAcBS4-00244-00066798-00066975 The light of God's word, 5bZTygAcBS4-00245-00066975-00067286 well, it exposes some of our hopelessness, 5bZTygAcBS4-00246-00067286-00067518 it exposes some of our addictions, 5bZTygAcBS4-00247-00067518-00067820 it exposes some of our unhealthy desires, 5bZTygAcBS4-00248-00067820-00068049 it exposes our discontent, 5bZTygAcBS4-00249-00068049-00068299 it exposes our spiritual death 5bZTygAcBS4-00250-00068443-00068808 and people are not comfortable with that. 5bZTygAcBS4-00251-00068808-00069230 So you can see how offensive the Christmas story can be. 5bZTygAcBS4-00252-00069230-00069393 And what is this light that has dawned? 5bZTygAcBS4-00253-00069393-00069558 Isaiah reveals the answer. 5bZTygAcBS4-00254-00069558-00069812 "For to us a child is born, 5bZTygAcBS4-00255-00069812-00070046 "to us a son is given, 5bZTygAcBS4-00256-00070046-00070386 "the child is revealed to be the Mighty God 5bZTygAcBS4-00257-00070386-00070557 "and the Everlasting Father." 5bZTygAcBS4-00258-00070557-00070725 If this baby born in Bethlehem 5bZTygAcBS4-00259-00070725-00070985 is actually the Mighty God and the Everlasting Father, 5bZTygAcBS4-00260-00070985-00071236 then we cannot ignore him. 5bZTygAcBS4-00261-00071236-00071378 If he's just a fable, 5bZTygAcBS4-00262-00071378-00071512 if he's just a story, 5bZTygAcBS4-00263-00071512-00071786 if he's just an inspirational figure out of history, 5bZTygAcBS4-00264-00071786-00071895 then he doesn't much matter 5bZTygAcBS4-00265-00071895-00072108 other than the retelling of the tale 5bZTygAcBS4-00266-00072108-00072396 so that we all feel slightly better this time of year. 5bZTygAcBS4-00267-00072396-00072620 But if he really is the Mighty God, 5bZTygAcBS4-00268-00072620-00072892 if he really is the Everlasting Father, 5bZTygAcBS4-00269-00072892-00073020 how can you ignore him? 5bZTygAcBS4-00270-00073020-00073267 And by the way, when Jesus walked the earth, 5bZTygAcBS4-00271-00073267-00073359 nobody did. 5bZTygAcBS4-00272-00073448-00073644 They either hated him and tried to kill him 5bZTygAcBS4-00273-00073644-00073829 or they loved him and they worshiped him 5bZTygAcBS4-00274-00073829-00074146 but there was nobody that ignored him. 5bZTygAcBS4-00275-00074256-00074519 If he really is the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father 5bZTygAcBS4-00276-00074519-00074620 he cannot be ignored 5bZTygAcBS4-00277-00074620-00074890 and if he really is the Wonderful Counselor 5bZTygAcBS4-00278-00074890-00075015 and Prince of Peace, 5bZTygAcBS4-00279-00075015-00075456 then he is someone who actually understands us. 5bZTygAcBS4-00280-00075456-00075659 This is fascinating. 5bZTygAcBS4-00281-00075659-00075871 That Jesus was born into poverty 5bZTygAcBS4-00282-00075871-00076243 and so he understands the challenges of the poor. 5bZTygAcBS4-00283-00076243-00076428 He was threatened and he was beaten 5bZTygAcBS4-00284-00076428-00076660 so he knows what pain is like. 5bZTygAcBS4-00285-00076660-00076990 Jesus was abandoned by his very closest friends 5bZTygAcBS4-00286-00076990-00077235 so he understands betrayal, 5bZTygAcBS4-00287-00077235-00077443 Jesus was accused falsely 5bZTygAcBS4-00288-00077528-00077796 and found guilty of crimes he did not commit, 5bZTygAcBS4-00289-00077796-00078125 so Jesus understands injustice. 5bZTygAcBS4-00290-00078125-00078547 The simple truth is, no matter what you face in your life, 5bZTygAcBS4-00291-00078547-00078742 God understands. 5bZTygAcBS4-00292-00078742-00078924 And God doesn't just claim to understand 5bZTygAcBS4-00293-00078924-00079060 because he created us, 5bZTygAcBS4-00294-00079060-00079230 he claims to understand 5bZTygAcBS4-00295-00079230-00079463 because he became one of us. 5bZTygAcBS4-00296-00079557-00079832 Now when you see the love of God, 5bZTygAcBS4-00297-00079937-00080354 that's when the light of God is beginning to dawn on you. 5bZTygAcBS4-00298-00080447-00080644 Until you see the love of God, 5bZTygAcBS4-00299-00080644-00080894 it's still just darkness, 5bZTygAcBS4-00300-00080894-00081130 it's still just darkness 5bZTygAcBS4-00301-00081130-00081392 because when you begin to see the love of God, 5bZTygAcBS4-00302-00081392-00081638 you begin to see the truth about him. 5bZTygAcBS4-00303-00081638-00081842 There are lots of people who had this view of God, 5bZTygAcBS4-00304-00081842-00081980 he's just so angry, 5bZTygAcBS4-00305-00081980-00082304 he's looking for any reason to pick a fight with someone, 5bZTygAcBS4-00306-00082304-00082404 to put them down, 5bZTygAcBS4-00307-00082404-00082572 to eliminate them or to punish them, 5bZTygAcBS4-00308-00082572-00082698 to cause pain in their lives, 5bZTygAcBS4-00309-00082698-00083070 and people who don't even show up in religious environments 5bZTygAcBS4-00310-00083070-00083246 will often say things like, 5bZTygAcBS4-00311-00083246-00083488 "I wonder what it is that I did in my life 5bZTygAcBS4-00312-00083488-00083865 "that caused God to want to do this to me?" 5bZTygAcBS4-00313-00083865-00084125 And what I want you to know is when we think like that 5bZTygAcBS4-00314-00084125-00084535 it reveals that we're still sitting in a great darkness. 5bZTygAcBS4-00315-00084535-00084865 The Bible tells us what the overriding 5bZTygAcBS4-00316-00084865-00085145 and sole motivation that God has for us 5bZTygAcBS4-00317-00085145-00085289 is for our entire world, 5bZTygAcBS4-00318-00085289-00085585 for God so loved the world, 5bZTygAcBS4-00319-00085585-00085852 do you want to know what drives the heart of God? 5bZTygAcBS4-00320-00085852-00086051 Do you want to know the motives of his heart? 5bZTygAcBS4-00321-00086051-00086211 You want to know what drives all of his actions, 5bZTygAcBS4-00322-00086211-00086311 all of his responses, 5bZTygAcBS4-00323-00086311-00086513 all of his language and all of his behavior? 5bZTygAcBS4-00324-00086513-00086799 It's one word, it's love. 5bZTygAcBS4-00325-00086799-00086921 And when we begin to understand that, 5bZTygAcBS4-00326-00086921-00087220 we begin to see him for who he is 5bZTygAcBS4-00327-00087220-00087521 but it's also true that we begin to see ourselves 5bZTygAcBS4-00328-00087521-00087668 for who we are. 5bZTygAcBS4-00329-00087668-00088043 When the light comes on it's just what it is. 5bZTygAcBS4-00330-00088372-00088789 I can remember my sister getting a little makeup mirror 5bZTygAcBS4-00331-00088890-00089115 and you could change the light. 5bZTygAcBS4-00332-00089115-00089354 There was this little slider 5bZTygAcBS4-00333-00089354-00089715 and it was everything from daylight to dim light 5bZTygAcBS4-00334-00089715-00089990 and I guess the makeup you put on 5bZTygAcBS4-00335-00090121-00090581 should be dependent on the light you're going to be in 5bZTygAcBS4-00336-00090581-00090923 and some of us realize that different lights 5bZTygAcBS4-00337-00090923-00091165 cause us to look differently. 5bZTygAcBS4-00338-00091319-00091488 And it does. 5bZTygAcBS4-00339-00091488-00091648 The light of God, 5bZTygAcBS4-00340-00091648-00091836 it shows us the truth about him 5bZTygAcBS4-00341-00091836-00092150 but it also shows us the truth about ourselves. 5bZTygAcBS4-00342-00092150-00092398 It shows us that we actually are spiritually dead 5bZTygAcBS4-00343-00092398-00092553 and we are spiritually blind 5bZTygAcBS4-00344-00092553-00092789 and we tend to use things in this world 5bZTygAcBS4-00345-00092789-00092992 to try to help make us feel like we have meaning 5bZTygAcBS4-00346-00092992-00093145 or feel secure. 5bZTygAcBS4-00347-00093145-00093405 If I just had more money, I would be more secure. 5bZTygAcBS4-00348-00093405-00093572 If I just had more resources, 5bZTygAcBS4-00349-00093572-00093901 then i would be more important and significant in life. 5bZTygAcBS4-00350-00093901-00094037 If I just had more friends, 5bZTygAcBS4-00351-00094037-00094224 then I would be better connected 5bZTygAcBS4-00352-00094224-00094431 and I would feel more important. 5bZTygAcBS4-00353-00094431-00094630 If I just had a position of power, 5bZTygAcBS4-00354-00094630-00094854 then people would see me differently. 5bZTygAcBS4-00355-00094854-00095134 And we keep using all of these things in life, 5bZTygAcBS4-00356-00095134-00095361 trying to make us feel more significant 5bZTygAcBS4-00357-00095361-00095577 and make us feel more secure, 5bZTygAcBS4-00358-00095577-00095969 but the pursuit of those things without spiritual light 5bZTygAcBS4-00359-00095969-00096346 actually just leads to greater darkness. 5bZTygAcBS4-00360-00096346-00096704 It reveals how great the darkness is in us. 5bZTygAcBS4-00361-00096979-00097248 So it's the love of God that changes everything 5bZTygAcBS4-00362-00097248-00097548 and it tells us that a son is given. 5bZTygAcBS4-00363-00097652-00097946 The son of God is the gift of God. 5bZTygAcBS4-00364-00097946-00098261 The son of God is the gift of God. 5bZTygAcBS4-00365-00098261-00098435 And here's the thing, 5bZTygAcBS4-00366-00098435-00098612 to receive a gift 5bZTygAcBS4-00367-00098612-00098964 means that you have to acknowledge something, 5bZTygAcBS4-00368-00098964-00099089 to receive God's gift 5bZTygAcBS4-00369-00099089-00099486 means that you have to acknowledge you need his gift. 5bZTygAcBS4-00370-00099486-00099725 Now I don't know, did anybody in this place 5bZTygAcBS4-00371-00099725-00099992 ever get a gift you didn't want? 5bZTygAcBS4-00372-00100113-00100296 I used to have an aunt 5bZTygAcBS4-00373-00100429-00100779 who every year would buy me a record album 5bZTygAcBS4-00374-00100897-00101189 of music that her generation liked. 5bZTygAcBS4-00375-00101385-00101688 Sometimes I never even bothered to open it 5bZTygAcBS4-00376-00101688-00102054 'cause I knew this was not going to go well. 5bZTygAcBS4-00377-00102162-00102354 Or how many have ever gotten a gift 5bZTygAcBS4-00378-00102354-00102674 and you wondered what message they're trying to send you? 5bZTygAcBS4-00379-00102674-00102774 You ever get one of those gifts? 5bZTygAcBS4-00380-00102774-00102899 How about this? 5bZTygAcBS4-00381-00103010-00103418 Overcoming Anger and Irritability: A Self Help Guide. 5bZTygAcBS4-00382-00103418-00103662 If You get that wouldn't you wonder. 5bZTygAcBS4-00383-00103662-00103854 Or how about this gift? 5bZTygAcBS4-00384-00104015-00104214 Maybe they're trying to tell you something. 5bZTygAcBS4-00385-00104214-00104374 Or how about this gift? 5bZTygAcBS4-00386-00104374-00104666 Etiquette: Manners for a New World. 5bZTygAcBS4-00387-00104763-00105014 Even worse when it comes from your mother-in-law. 5bZTygAcBS4-00388-00105014-00105236 That says something. 5bZTygAcBS4-00389-00105236-00105665 Or Nutrisystem: Lose Up to Seven Pounds in Two Weeks. 5bZTygAcBS4-00390-00105665-00106013 When you open that up don't you go, "Hmm."? 5bZTygAcBS4-00391-00106013-00106163 Or home drug test? 5bZTygAcBS4-00392-00106592-00106825 What are they trying to say? 5bZTygAcBS4-00393-00107068-00107378 When we accept the gift of God, 5bZTygAcBS4-00394-00107378-00107735 we accept something that he's telling us 5bZTygAcBS4-00395-00107735-00108137 and that's hard for some of us to accept. 5bZTygAcBS4-00396-00108137-00108451 This is why it's so hard for so many people 5bZTygAcBS4-00397-00108451-00108674 to receive grace. 5bZTygAcBS4-00398-00108674-00109091 Because the grace of God assaults and attacks our pride. 5bZTygAcBS4-00399-00109501-00109601 It tells us, 5bZTygAcBS4-00400-00109795-00110012 the Christmas story reveals to us, 5bZTygAcBS4-00401-00110012-00110429 it reminds us that I am so lost I cannot save myself. 5bZTygAcBS4-00402-00110734-00111084 It reminds us that I am such a sinner 5bZTygAcBS4-00403-00111084-00111402 that even if I do good the rest of my life, 5bZTygAcBS4-00404-00111402-00111662 it doesn't balance out the scales. 5bZTygAcBS4-00405-00111662-00112079 It actually requires the death of the perfect Son of God 5bZTygAcBS4-00406-00112266-00112407 to erase my sins. 5bZTygAcBS4-00407-00112586-00112824 The Christmas story suggests 5bZTygAcBS4-00408-00112824-00113166 I have to surrender trying to run my life 5bZTygAcBS4-00409-00113279-00113546 to allowing God to lead my life. 5bZTygAcBS4-00410-00113647-00113947 And that frustrates a lot of people. 5bZTygAcBS4-00411-00114068-00114260 So when you trim your tree this year, 5bZTygAcBS4-00412-00114260-00114360 notice the lights. 5bZTygAcBS4-00413-00114360-00114556 When you drive through the neighborhoods at night, 5bZTygAcBS4-00414-00114556-00114693 notice the lights, 5bZTygAcBS4-00415-00114693-00114850 because they're everywhere. 5bZTygAcBS4-00416-00114850-00115201 Darkness has been invaded by grace. 5bZTygAcBS4-00417-00115201-00115495 God has not left us alone. 5bZTygAcBS4-00418-00115495-00115602 He has come to us, 5bZTygAcBS4-00419-00115602-00115810 "unto us a child is born, 5bZTygAcBS4-00420-00115917-00116117 "to us, a son is given." 5bZTygAcBS4-00421-00116255-00116751 Sometimes that darkness comes in the form of unforgiveness 5bZTygAcBS4-00422-00116751-00117092 and our assumption is that until the person apologizes, 5bZTygAcBS4-00423-00117092-00117277 we're stuck in life 5bZTygAcBS4-00424-00117277-00117645 and God wants to shed his light on that 5bZTygAcBS4-00425-00117645-00117941 and let us know that there's forgiveness from him. 5bZTygAcBS4-00426-00117941-00118041 That's more important 5bZTygAcBS4-00427-00118041-00118328 than forgiveness we will get from anybody else. 5bZTygAcBS4-00428-00118328-00118574 Sometimes our darkness is a grief, 5bZTygAcBS4-00429-00118574-00119020 the assumption that the pain in my heart cannot be healed, 5bZTygAcBS4-00430-00119020-00119212 it cannot be comforted, 5bZTygAcBS4-00431-00119212-00119554 or sometimes the darkness is a regret and a shame 5bZTygAcBS4-00432-00119554-00119922 which is an assumption that you will be forever defined 5bZTygAcBS4-00433-00119922-00120148 by your past behavior. 5bZTygAcBS4-00434-00120148-00120446 Or our darkness can be a fear in which we assume 5bZTygAcBS4-00435-00120446-00120761 that only bad things are going to happen to us 5bZTygAcBS4-00436-00120761-00121039 or impatience, where our assumption is 5bZTygAcBS4-00437-00121039-00121339 I cannot be happy if I have to wait. 5bZTygAcBS4-00438-00121441-00121727 Or selfishness which says I cannot be happy 5bZTygAcBS4-00439-00121727-00121964 if I don't get what I want. 5bZTygAcBS4-00440-00121964-00122110 And what God wants us to know 5bZTygAcBS4-00441-00122110-00122526 is those of us who are sitting in such a great darkness, 5bZTygAcBS4-00442-00122673-00122907 that light is dawning on us. 5bZTygAcBS4-00443-00123065-00123375 A gift that has been hidden maybe from our view, 5bZTygAcBS4-00444-00123375-00123659 for so long is now available. 5bZTygAcBS4-00445-00123659-00123811 And the question is, 5bZTygAcBS4-00446-00123811-00124086 are you ready to receive it? 5bZTygAcBS4-00447-00124086-00124341 Are you willing to receive him? 5bZTygAcBS4-00448-00124341-00124616 Let's bow our heads this morning. 5bZTygAcBS4-00449-00126191-00126334 You might be here this morning 5bZTygAcBS4-00450-00126334-00126726 and while I was talking God was speaking to you 5bZTygAcBS4-00451-00127354-00127724 and you realized that while you've been exposed to grace, 5bZTygAcBS4-00452-00127724-00128116 you haven't actually received it or accepted it 5bZTygAcBS4-00453-00128239-00128514 and so what I want you to know is 5bZTygAcBS4-00454-00128656-00128997 there's no hoop to jump through, 5bZTygAcBS4-00455-00128997-00129397 there's no religious ritual you have to fulfill, 5bZTygAcBS4-00456-00129571-00129964 it's just a willingness to open this incredible gift 5bZTygAcBS4-00457-00129964-00130150 and receive what God has for you, 5bZTygAcBS4-00458-00130150-00130266 his very best. 5bZTygAcBS4-00459-00130574-00130818 That's all he's ever wanted for anybody in this room 5bZTygAcBS4-00460-00130818-00131099 and anyone in this world. 5bZTygAcBS4-00461-00131099-00131248 It doesn't matter 5bZTygAcBS4-00462-00131248-00131678 what portion of the world you've come from, 5bZTygAcBS4-00463-00131678-00131936 how much you have or you don't, 5bZTygAcBS4-00464-00132050-00132278 the consistent thing about God 5bZTygAcBS4-00465-00132278-00132461 is his love for anyone 5bZTygAcBS4-00466-00132563-00132859 who's been created in his image and likeness. 5bZTygAcBS4-00467-00132859-00132968 And you have. 5bZTygAcBS4-00468-00133056-00133245 So I'm gonna ask this morning, 5bZTygAcBS4-00469-00133245-00133554 if you are interested in receiving this gift, 5bZTygAcBS4-00470-00133554-00133676 maybe this is something you realize 5bZTygAcBS4-00471-00133676-00133943 that hasn't happened in your life, 5bZTygAcBS4-00472-00133943-00134186 then I'm gonna start over here by the wall side, 5bZTygAcBS4-00473-00134186-00134343 the lobby side of our auditorium, 5bZTygAcBS4-00474-00134343-00134527 and I'm gonna work my way through to every section 5bZTygAcBS4-00475-00134527-00134747 until I get to the window side of our auditorium, 5bZTygAcBS4-00476-00134747-00135003 and if you want to receive this gift, 5bZTygAcBS4-00477-00135003-00135163 I'm just gonna ask you to lift up your eyes 5bZTygAcBS4-00478-00135163-00135285 and look right at me 5bZTygAcBS4-00479-00135285-00135657 and make sure I catch your attention today. 5bZTygAcBS4-00480-00135657-00135769 And what I want you to know is 5bZTygAcBS4-00481-00135769-00136149 I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone 5bZTygAcBS4-00482-00136149-00136440 but I think it would be astonishing 5bZTygAcBS4-00483-00136535-00137030 if God's grace would be shed abroad in your heart today 5bZTygAcBS4-00484-00137030-00137403 and you would discover how truly good he is. 5bZTygAcBS4-00485-00137403-00137698 So I'm over in this section by the lobby 5bZTygAcBS4-00486-00137698-00137958 and if you would like to receive that gift today, 5bZTygAcBS4-00487-00137958-00138058 just look right at me. 5bZTygAcBS4-00488-00138058-00138386 I see you, I see you, just anyone else, 5bZTygAcBS4-00489-00138386-00138582 just keep looking right at me until I acknowledge you, 5bZTygAcBS4-00490-00138582-00138746 I'm in the next section over, 5bZTygAcBS4-00491-00138746-00138861 anyone here that would like 5bZTygAcBS4-00492-00138861-00139122 to accept that amazing gift of grace today 5bZTygAcBS4-00493-00139122-00139205 just look right at me, 5bZTygAcBS4-00494-00139205-00139362 I see you, I see you, thank you, 5bZTygAcBS4-00495-00139362-00139503 anyone else? 5bZTygAcBS4-00496-00139503-00139641 Just keep looking right at me. 5bZTygAcBS4-00497-00139641-00139802 I'm in the next section over. 5bZTygAcBS4-00498-00139802-00139930 If you'd like to receive that today, 5bZTygAcBS4-00499-00139930-00140095 thank you, I see you. 5bZTygAcBS4-00500-00140095-00140409 Anyone else, just, thank you, I see you, 5bZTygAcBS4-00501-00140409-00140509 anyone else? 5bZTygAcBS4-00502-00140603-00140757 And in the last section by the windows, 5bZTygAcBS4-00503-00140757-00141075 just look right at me, thank you, I see you, 5bZTygAcBS4-00504-00141075-00141175 anyone else? 5bZTygAcBS4-00505-00141383-00141691 Heavenly Father, we have been sitting 5bZTygAcBS4-00506-00141820-00142075 in such a great darkness 5bZTygAcBS4-00507-00142075-00142309 and our world is lost in it. 5bZTygAcBS4-00508-00142541-00142816 It's caused us to be very afraid. 5bZTygAcBS4-00509-00142987-00143396 It has revealed actions and behaviors and motives 5bZTygAcBS4-00510-00143565-00143757 that we're not proud of 5bZTygAcBS4-00511-00143939-00144223 but for reasons we cannot explain, 5bZTygAcBS4-00512-00144482-00144707 rather than be angry at us, 5bZTygAcBS4-00513-00144818-00145193 you come to us and you shine a light upon us. 5bZTygAcBS4-00514-00145642-00145858 "Unto us, a son is given." 5bZTygAcBS4-00515-00146153-00146363 So Father, I ask, that you would help 5bZTygAcBS4-00516-00146363-00146683 every single person in this room today, 5bZTygAcBS4-00517-00146683-00147065 especially those who lifted their eyes 5bZTygAcBS4-00518-00147065-00147455 to freshly receive the grace that you offer, 5bZTygAcBS4-00519-00147455-00147894 the forgiveness of all of our faults and our failures, 5bZTygAcBS4-00520-00147894-00147982 and the knowledge 5bZTygAcBS4-00521-00147982-00148398 that we will never know a single moment apart from you, 5bZTygAcBS4-00522-00148495-00148930 that your wisdom will lead us and your grace will sustain us 5bZTygAcBS4-00523-00148930-00149264 and your spirit will abide in us 5bZTygAcBS4-00524-00149264-00149712 and not only have you come to shed your light on us 5bZTygAcBS4-00525-00149712-00150059 you want to show your light through us. 5bZTygAcBS4-00526-00150059-00150491 We thank you for that today in Jesus' name. 5bZTygAcBS4-00527-00150491-00150749 Just stay with me this morning. 5cgKfEimCRk-00000-00000000-00000050 Oh 5hoQtYstFu4-00000-00000011-00000042 gs 5mLC2cehajI-00000-00000016-00000376 Hi, welcome to the Movie Recapper, today We will watch a 5mLC2cehajI-00001-00000376-00001152 Mystery, Thriller, Sci-Fi Movie from 2009, titled Triangle. This is a spoiler content video. 5mLC2cehajI-00002-00001152-00001392 the movie is about Yacht passengers, 5mLC2cehajI-00003-00001392-00001872 that encounter mysterious weather conditions that force them to jump onto another ship, 5mLC2cehajI-00004-00001872-00002304 only to have the odd havoc increase. Enjoy the video and let's begin... 5mLC2cehajI-00005-00002936-00003552 The film opens with Jess at home with her autistic son, Tommy. We watch as Jess goes about cleaning 5mLC2cehajI-00006-00003552-00004256 up after her son. Suddenly, there is a buzz at the front door. Jess goes to see who it was, but finds 5mLC2cehajI-00007-00004256-00004848 no-one there. Asking a neighbor who was working in his yard, he claims he didn't see anyone. 5mLC2cehajI-00008-00004848-00005432 Sometime afterward, she accepts the invitation of a friend named Greg, to go sailing on his 5mLC2cehajI-00009-00005432-00006096 boat. A couple, Downey and Sally, and their friend Heather, accompany him. Moments later, 5mLC2cehajI-00010-00006096-00006744 Victor, a friend of Greg is added to them. Jess is coming behind him, Greg had also invited Jess to 5mLC2cehajI-00011-00006744-00007295 bring her son Tommy with her, but when he asks Jess where he is, Jess hesitates for a moment, 5mLC2cehajI-00012-00007295-00007752 before saying he's at school. The crew seems to be sailing along okay, 5mLC2cehajI-00013-00007752-00008352 when the wind suddenly dies down. Also of question is a strange electrical storm that is steadily 5mLC2cehajI-00014-00008352-00008976 approaching. Greg tries to radio the coast guard, but finds their communications wavering. 5mLC2cehajI-00015-00008976-00009464 Another communication comes across, but Greg's request for coordinates of this unknown 5mLC2cehajI-00016-00009464-00010128 communication soon gives way to more static. The storm soon reaches the boat, which capsizes, 5mLC2cehajI-00017-00010128-00010688 but not before Heather is swept out of the boat into the stormy waters. When the weather clears, 5mLC2cehajI-00018-00010688-00011264 the survivors climb onto the upturned boat, And they seem to have lost Heather, unsure what to do 5mLC2cehajI-00019-00011264-00011912 next. Suddenly, a large cruise ship floats into view, and the survivors quickly board it, only 5mLC2cehajI-00020-00011912-00012504 to find no-one on deck or in the halls. As they criss-cross through the corridors of the ship, 5mLC2cehajI-00021-00012504-00013112 Jess begins to have an eerie sense of deja vu. As they keep moving around the ship, a sudden noise 5mLC2cehajI-00022-00013112-00013647 catches their attention. What they find is a set of car keys, that are exactly like the set that 5mLC2cehajI-00023-00013647-00014304 Jess carries! No-one is sure what this can mean, and the search continues. Unable to find anyone 5mLC2cehajI-00024-00014304-00014912 on-board, everyone meets in the dining area. Jess sees someone running away and informs the group. 5mLC2cehajI-00025-00014968-00015504 Victor runs after this unknown person. Greg and Jess go around further looking for someone from 5mLC2cehajI-00026-00015504-00016176 the ship. They ask Downey and Sally to wait in the dining area. Greg and Jess find a room with “Go To 5mLC2cehajI-00027-00016176-00016720 Theatre” written on a mirror in blood. Jess freaks out about the blood and wants off the liner, 5mLC2cehajI-00028-00016720-00017296 but Greg intends to head to the theatre, and they separate. Jess goes to the dining area and 5mLC2cehajI-00029-00017296-00017904 no one is there, Victor comes all bloodied. Victor attacks Jess, but in the process, 5mLC2cehajI-00030-00017904-00018432 Jess locates a wound to the back of Victor’s head and aggravates it, and kills him. 5mLC2cehajI-00031-00018432-00019080 Jess hears a gunshot, she follows it to the theatre. Greg is lying dead. Downey and Sally 5mLC2cehajI-00032-00019080-00019744 are blaming Jess for this. And they say that Greg told them that Jess shot him. From above, a masked 5mLC2cehajI-00033-00019744-00020344 person shoots both Downey and Sally and kills them. Jess escapes and is chased by the masked 5mLC2cehajI-00034-00020344-00020968 person. Jess overpowers the masked person who mumbles something before falling off the liner. 5mLC2cehajI-00035-00020968-00021496 With everyone around her seemingly dead, and no idea who the masked person was, 5mLC2cehajI-00036-00021496-00022048 Jess goes to a cabin on the ship, only to hear yelling from off the boat a few moments later. 5mLC2cehajI-00037-00022048-00022440 Looking over the edge, she is shocked to see the overturned boat, 5mLC2cehajI-00038-00022440-00023144 and everyone, even herself! calling to be rescued. Jess runs around in disbelief following group. In 5mLC2cehajI-00039-00023144-00023848 the process, Jess drops her keys. new Jess picks up the keys saying it was hers. The new Jess, 5mLC2cehajI-00040-00023848-00024528 informs group about the ‘someone’ running away. Victor runs after Jess. Victor catches up to Jess, 5mLC2cehajI-00041-00024528-00025120 Jess tries to explain what has just happened. Obviously, Victor doesn’t understand and thinks 5mLC2cehajI-00042-00025120-00025776 she is crazy. By mistake, Jess pushes Victor back on to a sharp protrusion impaling him on the head. 5mLC2cehajI-00043-00025832-00026360 Jess freaks out and runs. She finds a room with shotguns and notes on the floor, 5mLC2cehajI-00044-00026360-00026816 saying, “if they board, kill everyone”. The letters are all written by previous 5mLC2cehajI-00045-00026816-00027392 versions of Jess. Jess’s locket gets pulled off her neck only to fall onto a bunch of replicas, 5mLC2cehajI-00046-00027392-00027944 lockets that belonged to the earlier versions of Jess. She picks up a gun shot and heads to save 5mLC2cehajI-00047-00027944-00028608 the others. First, Jess intercepts another Jess and Victor’s meeting. This helps stop new Jess 5mLC2cehajI-00048-00028608-00029256 from aggravating Victor’s wound and killing him. Jess doesn’t kill new Jess, new Jess runs away. 5mLC2cehajI-00049-00029256-00029727 Jess runs to the theatre and saves Downey and Sally. Greg is dead, 5mLC2cehajI-00050-00029727-00030239 again. The Jess shoots the masked shooter on top and causes a flesh wound on the head. 5mLC2cehajI-00051-00030295-00030927 Downey, Sally, and Jess make a run for it, but Jess momentarily separates from the two of them. 5mLC2cehajI-00052-00030927-00031383 moments later, A version of Jesse who appeared to have boarded a ship before her, 5mLC2cehajI-00053-00031383-00031960 With a wound on the top of her head, tricks Downey and Sally to follow her into the room, she kills 5mLC2cehajI-00054-00031960-00032616 Downey with a knife and fatally wounds Sally, and she makes a run for it. Original Jess spots Sally, 5mLC2cehajI-00055-00032616-00033264 and runs behind her to help. Sally finds a control room and tries to send out a distress signal. 5mLC2cehajI-00056-00033264-00033680 This signal is the same as what Greg is shown to receive at the start of the movie. 5mLC2cehajI-00057-00033736-00034208 Sally runs to the upper levels to a location that has a whole bunch of dead Sally’s. 5mLC2cehajI-00058-00034264-00034952 Just like the many lockets and notes, many Sallys have already died. After this, Jess sees that new 5mLC2cehajI-00059-00034952-00035504 Jess is Killing a Jess who had Mask before. Sally dies from bleeding, Jess and new Jess 5mLC2cehajI-00060-00035504-00036056 are alive, watching a new group of themselves come to the liner. Jess realizes that this is 5mLC2cehajI-00061-00036056-00036584 going to keep happening until everyone, including herself is killed and no one enters the liner. 5mLC2cehajI-00062-00036640-00037240 Jess now goes ahead and cleans up all the bodies. Jess removes Downey’s body and writes “Go To 5mLC2cehajI-00063-00037240-00037760 Theatre” with his blood on the mirror. Jess sees another Jess wounding Victor to the head. 5mLC2cehajI-00064-00037816-00038376 Original Jess goes to the dining hall and tells Downey and Sally to go to the theatre. 5mLC2cehajI-00065-00038376-00038968 Jess gets a gun, puts on a mask, and follows Greg into the theatre, Greg recognizes that 5mLC2cehajI-00066-00038968-00039592 the shooter is Jess, then she shoots him. Jess shoots and kills Downey and Sally. newer 5mLC2cehajI-00067-00039592-00040136 Jess escapes, and the original Jess chases. she follows and shoots her, until the point 5mLC2cehajI-00068-00040136-00040760 that newer Jess gets the upper hand, Original Jess mumbles “kill everyone” and falls off the liner. 5mLC2cehajI-00069-00040760-00041328 Jess awakes on a beach soon after , and makes it back home... only to find herself there that 5mLC2cehajI-00070-00041328-00041920 morning, where the film started. However, this time, we hear the audio that was missing... 5mLC2cehajI-00071-00041920-00042512 and find out that past-Jess is blatantly angry with Tommy, cursing at him and yelling at him. 5mLC2cehajI-00072-00042512-00042960 Tommy sees Original Jess outside the window and causes the paint to spill. 5mLC2cehajI-00073-00042960-00043432 another Jess yells at Tommy and starts cleaning up the colour and soils her dress. 5mLC2cehajI-00074-00043488-00044040 Jess rings the doorbell and hides. another Jess hears the doorbell, but no one is there. 5mLC2cehajI-00075-00044096-00044512 Jess sneaks up behind another Jess and bludgeons her with a hammer. 5mLC2cehajI-00076-00044512-00045080 Unfortunately, Tommy witnesses this, and Jess assures her son he just had a 'bad dream.' 5mLC2cehajI-00077-00045144-00045624 Jess then takes the locket from her former self's neck, and puts the dead body in a black 5mLC2cehajI-00078-00045624-00046240 duffle bag, before putting it in her car's trunk. Jess then proceeds to drive her son to school, 5mLC2cehajI-00079-00046240-00046792 promising that things are going to be different from now on. As they drive along the ocean, 5mLC2cehajI-00080-00046792-00047360 a seagull suddenly slams into the windshield, leaving bloody streaks. Jess pulls over to 5mLC2cehajI-00081-00047360-00047880 retrieve the dead bird and throw it into the ocean. However, when she goes to throw it over 5mLC2cehajI-00082-00047880-00048376 the edge of the embankment, she sees something that causes her to pause: there are multiple 5mLC2cehajI-00083-00048376-00048856 dead seagulls pooled in the area where she was planning to dispose of the one she just hit. 5mLC2cehajI-00084-00048912-00049496 Jess gets back in the car and starts driving. Distracted by Tommy, she hits a truck, 5mLC2cehajI-00085-00049496-00050032 and the car tumbles. This kills Tommy. The body of the dead other Jess is lying out. 5mLC2cehajI-00086-00050088-00050728 However, Jess is uninjured and standing around watching the accident. A taxi guy offers a ride, 5mLC2cehajI-00087-00050728-00051288 and she heads to the harbour. When she enters the harbour, she meets a Victor, a Greg, 5mLC2cehajI-00088-00051288-00051816 a Downey, a Sally, and a Heather. They are just preparing for the sail. 5mLC2cehajI-00089-00051816-00052224 The loop has started all over. Make sure to like and subscribe 5mLC2cehajI-00090-00052224-00052840 and turn on the notification bell so you can watch more videos like this. 5npcK7bH6So-00000-00000803-00001757 my dear Spencer how the mighty have fallen your umbrella has folded and 5npcK7bH6So-00001-00001757-00002550 now you are a fugitive in the same world you want sought to control welcome to the 5npcK7bH6So-00002-00002550-00003066 umbrella archives please select the desired service from the menu 5npcK7bH6So-00003-00003306-00004158 we shall meet again before the conclusion of this drama then you will learn the history 5npcK7bH6So-00004-00004338-00004620 I will write for this world 614QY7TBikU-00000-00000104-00000712 so we say we say a lot of things don't we so when you start with the premise that when you 614QY7TBikU-00001-00000712-00001264 are connected to who you really are you are powerful so let's just use that as the basis 614QY7TBikU-00002-00001264-00001855 from which we move forward and now we want to say to you that what you give your attention to 614QY7TBikU-00003-00001944-00002528 is what you're attracting into your experience and now we want to say something to you and 614QY7TBikU-00004-00002528-00003279 you will remember it all of this day that the difference the only difference worth talking about 614QY7TBikU-00005-00003279-00003784 between the non-physical you that we described as your inner being who is aware of you at all 614QY7TBikU-00006-00003784-00004384 times and with you in every moment and you the only difference between the two of you 614QY7TBikU-00007-00004512-00004928 that we really want you to remember forever is that your inner being 614QY7TBikU-00008-00004984-00005928 does not look back your inner being just keeps being the forward most version of you not looking 614QY7TBikU-00009-00005928-00006895 back in any justification in any comparison in any defense just be this wonderful culmination of life 614QY7TBikU-00010-00006952-00007695 looking forward to now here's where you come in you're in your body and you're exposed to contrast 614QY7TBikU-00011-00007695-00008056 that's a good thing doesn't feel so good sometimes to you but it is a good thing 614QY7TBikU-00012-00008144-00008544 so as you're exposed to this contrast knowing what you don't want and therefore knowing what 614QY7TBikU-00013-00008544-00009136 you do want whether you can speak it or not and launching these rockets of desire you are creating 614QY7TBikU-00014-00009136-00009664 a vibrational reality and the reason we call it a vibrational reality is because it takes a little 614QY7TBikU-00015-00009664-00010384 bit of time for those thoughts to turn to things it's a vibrational reality that is perfection 614QY7TBikU-00016-00010384-00011088 by your choices because you put all of the ingredients all of the elements of it forward 614QY7TBikU-00017-00011088-00011512 and they've been collected by the law of attraction they are in what we are calling a 614QY7TBikU-00018-00011512-00012040 vibrational reality this is a vibrational reality that is so real that we named it the vortex wrote 614QY7TBikU-00019-00012040-00012456 two books about it we want you to accept the realness of this and we want you to know that 614QY7TBikU-00020-00012456-00013119 your inner being is there with all of that so picture it this way all of the ingredients that 614QY7TBikU-00021-00013119-00013688 you have been finding through life all the yes i prefer that and wouldn't that be wonderful and i 614QY7TBikU-00022-00013688-00014176 really like that and i will look forward to that and i know what i don't want i know what i do want 614QY7TBikU-00023-00014176-00014712 all of that sifting and sorting that you have done for far beyond what you recall from this physical 614QY7TBikU-00024-00014712-00015496 life experience is in this vibrational reality and your inner being is all over it knowing 614QY7TBikU-00025-00015496-00016008 every bit of it and what that means is now this is new we have not said this to you before 614QY7TBikU-00026-00016008-00016592 but this is your new empowering information this will take you into the stratosphere in terms of 614QY7TBikU-00027-00016592-00017152 what other people are watching around you this will put you into a category of creating that 614QY7TBikU-00028-00017152-00017888 is so sublime that others will wonder what your magic is and it's not magic it's just a productive 614QY7TBikU-00029-00017888-00018496 application of the law of attraction it's utilizing the power that is within you to 614QY7TBikU-00030-00018496-00018968 focus it in the direction of the things that you care about things for yourself personally things 614QY7TBikU-00031-00018968-00019560 for others whom you care about even things that are on a global scale or a universal scale you 614QY7TBikU-00032-00019560-00020088 have power that you have not been utilizing and we think that it's a good time to begin utilizing it 614QY7TBikU-00033-00020160-00020888 so here is this vibrational reality that you have gathered and you've gathered it incrementally 614QY7TBikU-00034-00020888-00021656 and let's call it full of ingredients all right let's have fun with this so when you 614QY7TBikU-00035-00021816-00022272 are out ahead of it meaning you're in that place of non-resisted thought 614QY7TBikU-00036-00022400-00023344 maybe you're swimming maybe you're making love maybe you're meditating maybe you're 614QY7TBikU-00037-00023344-00023920 basking in the deliciousness of something and as you are in that state of non-resistant 614QY7TBikU-00038-00023920-00024584 these ingredients present themselves to you in the form of an idea or an impulse 614QY7TBikU-00039-00024672-00025352 a powerful idea or impulse now you don't know what's powerful because it's just sort of like 614QY7TBikU-00040-00025352-00025960 a simple thought stop at 7-eleven or it's just a simple thought i think i'll take a 614QY7TBikU-00041-00025960-00026408 run or i think i'll go to the beach or i think i'll call my mom or or or 614QY7TBikU-00042-00026632-00027176 but what we want you to know about it is because the ingredients are there and because your inner 614QY7TBikU-00043-00027176-00027639 being is there with those ingredients and because your inner being knows where you are 614QY7TBikU-00044-00027639-00028200 in relationship to everything that you want when you get into that state of pure positive energy 614QY7TBikU-00045-00028200-00028768 when you get into that state momentarily it might be 10 seconds long of non-resisted thought you 614QY7TBikU-00046-00028768-00029432 have access to what your inner being knows about everything that's in there and then an idea occurs 614QY7TBikU-00047-00029432-00030144 to you and when you follow that impulse this time and next time and next time and next time 614QY7TBikU-00048-00030144-00030888 you begin to discover your true power that's where the ideas that matter most come from 614QY7TBikU-00049-00030960-00031408 now they've always been there for you those ingredients have always been there for you and 614QY7TBikU-00050-00031408-00032095 your inner being has always been focusing them in to thoughts that you could receive but you can't 614QY7TBikU-00051-00032095-00032680 unless you're in a non-resistant place because you have to match up with what that thought is 614QY7TBikU-00052-00032680-00033368 and that thought is pure positive energy we want you to feel the power of your vortex 614QY7TBikU-00053-00033368-00033920 we want you to reap the benefits of all that you have been living we want you to find the timing 614QY7TBikU-00054-00033920-00034672 this moment in time timing we want you to know that when you tune into that that the impulse 614QY7TBikU-00055-00034736-00035376 and then the next and then the next and then the next will come you following that you sort of 614QY7TBikU-00056-00035376-00035976 kind of believe it when we say the easiest way for you to have non-resisted thought 614QY7TBikU-00057-00035976-00036528 is to get out ahead of it oh we'll say it to you even in a more blunt way the easiest way for you 614QY7TBikU-00058-00036528-00037056 to have non-resistant thought is to hang out with a new person that you don't know the less 614QY7TBikU-00059-00037056-00038032 you know about them the less resistant thought is within you oh you're a stranger i love you 614QY7TBikU-00060-00038032-00038216 oh you killed your entire family oh 614QY7TBikU-00061-00038792-00039192 we're just playing with you a little bit here but we want you to just for a moment 614QY7TBikU-00062-00039192-00039832 try to feel the power of this non-resistive thought so we've been saying recently what 614QY7TBikU-00063-00039832-00040344 you want to do is get out ahead of it you want to get out ahead of your thoughts and people 614QY7TBikU-00064-00040344-00040784 want to get out ahead of it they just don't know what that means and we gave one example already 614QY7TBikU-00065-00040840-00041392 segment intending means i'm in a new segment new people just walked into the room and do you know 614QY7TBikU-00066-00041392-00041840 that our segment just changed because they have no idea what we've been talking about 614QY7TBikU-00067-00041960-00042728 and so the energy of the room has just shifted now not a problem to all of us because we're in the 614QY7TBikU-00068-00042728-00043232 vortex yes we're in that empowerment might be a little while for them to catch up with it but the 614QY7TBikU-00069-00043232-00043736 segment did just shift and therefore you are going to notice a little repetition that you wouldn't 614QY7TBikU-00070-00043736-00044296 have noticed before had new people not walked into the room following what we're getting at getting 614QY7TBikU-00071-00044296-00044816 out ahead of it don't want confusion on the part of those that haven't been here so when you get 614QY7TBikU-00072-00044816-00045280 into your automobile it's a new segment when a new person joins you at the dinner table a new segment 614QY7TBikU-00073-00045280-00045856 begins and if you will take just a moment we're talking about a few seconds to acknowledge ah 614QY7TBikU-00074-00045856-00046528 new segment and what i intend is because if you get out ahead of it what i intend is 614QY7TBikU-00075-00046528-00047144 to have fun if you're out ahead of it even though somebody who joined your dinner table who was in a 614QY7TBikU-00076-00047144-00047648 bad mood and wasn't planning on having any fun if you got out ahead of it with your intent to have 614QY7TBikU-00077-00047648-00048232 fun you're more likely to have fun even though he isn't this is powerful stuff because you are we 614QY7TBikU-00078-00048232-00049112 love you so much you are indeed jerkers you have knee-jerk reactions to life and that holds you in 614QY7TBikU-00079-00049176-00049912 mundane creation it holds you in less powerful creation it doesn't let you feel your absolute 614QY7TBikU-00080-00049912-00050504 power now here's another thing we're going to stay with you for a little while on this conversation 614QY7TBikU-00081-00050504-00051152 until we can feel that you're grasping it because this process you've heard the words before 614QY7TBikU-00082-00051240-00051984 daydream do you remember when you were kids before you were responsible before you felt responsible 614QY7TBikU-00083-00052191-00052704 before you were resistant before you were defensive some of you can remember those moments 614QY7TBikU-00084-00052704-00053560 in time some of them you've been living recently but it's a little snatch of time where somehow 614QY7TBikU-00085-00053655-00054391 you're not resisting in thought and your mind is just receiving the ingredients of your vortex 614QY7TBikU-00086-00054464-00055167 they're putting themselves together with the tutelage or tutoriage or tutorialage with the help 614QY7TBikU-00087-00055248-00055824 of your inner being who knows where you stand in relationship to everything that you want 614QY7TBikU-00088-00055824-00056376 and knows what the ingredients that you put into your vortex is so knows what the path 614QY7TBikU-00089-00056376-00056991 of least resistance is for you to receive a thought so do you think that you're here 614QY7TBikU-00090-00057079-00057512 to create your own reality you are but do you think that the reason that you are here 614QY7TBikU-00091-00057512-00057991 to create your own reality is that when you create your own reality you will like it better 614QY7TBikU-00092-00058136-00058696 well that's one reason but it isn't the reality that you are creating that you are here about 614QY7TBikU-00093-00058760-00059352 it's the thrill of reality creating that you're here about it's the thrill of lining up with your 614QY7TBikU-00094-00059352-00059904 true power and watching what you desire flow to you through the power of your own focus 614QY7TBikU-00095-00060000-00060432 it's the journey now you've heard that your whole life the joy is in the journey 614QY7TBikU-00096-00060432-00060840 almost everybody is saying it and nobody knows even what they mean when they're talking about 614QY7TBikU-00097-00060840-00061320 the joy is in the journey but we want you to know that what we mean by the joys in the journey 614QY7TBikU-00098-00061320-00061728 is that you did a lot of the journey when you knew what you didn't want and therefore knew what you 614QY7TBikU-00099-00061728-00062312 did want you say well that was not all that joyful and we say well it was to your inner being because 614QY7TBikU-00100-00062312-00062864 you were identifying who you are when someone was rude you said i like nicer when somebody 614QY7TBikU-00101-00062864-00063440 was hateful you want more love when somebody is diminished in some way you want upliftment 614QY7TBikU-00102-00063440-00064008 when someone is sick you want well when someone's confused you want clarity when it's you even more 614QY7TBikU-00103-00064008-00064679 you've been isolating and identifying and there is this extraordinary grouping of 614QY7TBikU-00104-00064679-00065400 ingredients that are the making of an ecstatic life experience for you but you got to find a way 614QY7TBikU-00105-00065464-00065928 to be in the vibrational vicinity of it now we've been telling you this story in lots of different 614QY7TBikU-00106-00065928-00066552 ways we've been saying to you step one is you ask that's the contrast part of it know what i 614QY7TBikU-00107-00066552-00067288 don't want ask for what i do want whether you put it in words or not step two is that's the source 614QY7TBikU-00108-00067288-00067696 energy part of it that's your inner being part of it that's the vortex part of that's the gathering 614QY7TBikU-00109-00067696-00068264 of the cooperative components part of it step two when you ask it is given it's in vibrational form 614QY7TBikU-00110-00068264-00068720 and you say i don't want it to be in vibrational form i want it to be out where i can see it i'd 614QY7TBikU-00111-00068720-00069224 like to park it in my garage i'd like to take it to my bed i would like to go to the movies with it 614QY7TBikU-00112-00069304-00070024 i don't want this vibrational reality creation and we say but it is that way in the beginning and so 614QY7TBikU-00113-00070024-00070560 if you will accept that the ingredients are there and that you will be guided you will be led you'll 614QY7TBikU-00114-00070560-00071152 be called you are being guided you are being led you are being called to your path of least 614QY7TBikU-00115-00071152-00071688 resistance but what we're saying to you here today is you've got some whopping resistance going on 614QY7TBikU-00116-00071744-00072360 because you have played the objective game so much that you hardly ever put yourself 614QY7TBikU-00117-00072360-00072968 in a position where you can receive an impulse that's on the path of least resistance and feel 614QY7TBikU-00118-00072968-00073648 the empowerment of your inner being about it so as we're moving forward in this day 614QY7TBikU-00119-00073704-00074320 we'll play some of this with you if you want to we want this to just not be something that sort of is 614QY7TBikU-00120-00074376-00074968 intellectually satisfying or even something that makes some sense to you if you've been studying 614QY7TBikU-00121-00074968-00075456 the law of attraction we want it to be something that feels real to you we want it to be something 614QY7TBikU-00122-00075456-00076112 that you say all day long as esther often does oh i've got that magical thing going because if 614QY7TBikU-00123-00076112-00076744 you take 10 seconds here and 10 seconds there and 10 seconds here to let yourself dream free if you 614QY7TBikU-00124-00076744-00077280 will allow yourself to just dream free esther's been playing this game we'll tell you some of 614QY7TBikU-00125-00077280-00077744 it we'll tell you some of the amazing things that have been happening as a result of it but here's 614QY7TBikU-00126-00077744-00078360 one really extraordinary manifestation that came about as a result of esther hearing what we're 614QY7TBikU-00127-00078360-00078992 saying about daydream and by daydream we mean you're not asleep by daydream we mean you're awake 614QY7TBikU-00128-00078992-00079536 and by daydream we mean it hasn't manifested yet still it's still a dream and by daydream we mean 614QY7TBikU-00129-00079536-00080072 you're in your day you're wide awake but what's in your vortex which you are still calling a dream 614QY7TBikU-00130-00080072-00080648 is visualized by you it's felt by you it's known by you you know it even though it hasn't come out 614QY7TBikU-00131-00080648-00081112 to play to you these thoughts have not yet turned to things where you and everyone else can see them 614QY7TBikU-00132-00081112-00081648 but they are real and they are unfolding and they will come out and play with you where you will see 614QY7TBikU-00133-00081648-00082072 them there's power in this but if you daydream a little and then you kill it with reality and 614QY7TBikU-00134-00082072-00082448 then you daydream a little and then you kill it with reality and you daydream a little and then 614QY7TBikU-00135-00082448-00082848 you contradict it with some other fact then you're going back and forth and back and forth and back 614QY7TBikU-00136-00082848-00083432 and forth and you're never allowing the true power of this to culminate into something that manifests 661Knazm6_I-00000-00001100-00001800 Monalisa as 'daayan' has found a way to return in 'Nazar' 661Knazm6_I-00001-00001900-00003100 Monalisa as 'daayan' has found a way to return in 'Nazar'—Watch promo You can't miss her horror avatar and also the hard-hitting scary dialogue. 661Knazm6_I-00002-00003200-00005100 New Delhi: Bhojpuri actress Antara Biswas aka Monalisa has now moved to television and her maiden venture 'Nazar' has upped the curiosity levels amongst the viewers. The horror drama features her as a daayan—an evil force. 661Knazm6_I-00003-00005200-00005900 And she has been getting a big thumbs up for her part on social media. 661Knazm6_I-00004-00006000-00007200 The actress travelled across the country as part of the promotional spree for the show which will scare the hell out of the viewers, as promised by the promos. 661Knazm6_I-00005-00007300-00009500 Recently, she shared a new promo from 'Nazar' and be ready to get scared, we say. For All My Lovely Friends. Eagerly waiting for my return. #Repost @starplus with @get_repost ・・・ Daayan ne dhoondh liya hai laut aane ka raasta. 661Knazm6_I-00006-00009600-00011600 #Nazar, Mon-Fri at 11pm, only on StarPlus. @aslimonalisa @rajputharshjayesh The 'daayan' has found a way to return and how! You can't miss her horror avatar and also the hard-hitting scary dialogue. 661Knazm6_I-00007-00011700-00013800 She plays a character named Mohona in her maiden drama 'Nazar' which airs on Starplus channel. She also played Jhuma Boudi in 'Dupur Thakurpo' season 2. The sizzling beauty plays Boudi's character in the popular Bengali web-series which is streamed on Hoichoi. 661Knazm6_I-00008-00013900-00015200 The girl-next-door Monalisa was one of the favourite 'Bigg Boss 10' contestants and her friendship with Manu Sharma and Manveer Gurjar remained the highlight of the season. 661Knazm6_I-00009-00015300-00016600 Monalisa had a dreamy wedding inside the reality show where the makers called her then-boyfriend Vikrant Singh Rajpoot, who by the way is also a Bhojpuri actor. 661Knazm6_I-00010-00016700-00018200 Mona has featured in over 125 Bhojpuri films and acted in several language movies such as Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Oriya and Bengali as well. 661Knazm6_I-00011-00018300-00019000 She is a big name in the Bhojpuri film industry and is famous for her terrific dance moves.. 66KVEHfwxwM-00000-00000126-00000540 hi friends Howie perks here and you're finding this video because you're looking for more 66KVEHfwxwM-00001-00000540-00001068 information about the live good Matrix and I wanted to give you the information that you're 66KVEHfwxwM-00002-00001068-00001602 looking for show you exactly how the Matrix works and help you understand how important it 66KVEHfwxwM-00003-00001602-00002286 is to join somebody who's early in their build and also uh who is part of a team that's grown really 66KVEHfwxwM-00004-00002286-00002682 really fast so I'm going to show you how you can benefit from not only what I'm doing as a marketer 66KVEHfwxwM-00005-00002778-00003240 um I like to do YouTube videos I want you to take note you most likely found this video on 66KVEHfwxwM-00006-00003240-00003894 page one of YouTube so if you want to learn how to do YouTube marketing I can teach you that and 66KVEHfwxwM-00007-00003894-00004470 our team is is a team of marketers who knows how to drive traffic online and how to build business 66KVEHfwxwM-00008-00004470-00004896 really fast so with that being said I'm going to go ahead and go over to the little chart I 66KVEHfwxwM-00009-00004896-00005544 made to try to help you understand more about the Matrix so my name is Howie perks so I'm going to 66KVEHfwxwM-00010-00005544-00005988 show you what you know kind of where I'm at in my build I'm really early in my build I did not plan 66KVEHfwxwM-00011-00005988-00006576 on building live good I was introduced to live good by Rob Rob's a top internet marketer online 66KVEHfwxwM-00012-00006684-00007188 um and he showed me what what was going on with live good and initially I only got in because of 66KVEHfwxwM-00013-00007188-00007716 the products because I like clean organic products and I was actually burnt out by network marketing 66KVEHfwxwM-00014-00007716-00008226 however I saw what Rob was doing and what Nick was doing as well he's a top internet marketer 66KVEHfwxwM-00015-00008226-00008796 he introduced Rob and I saw what they were doing and how excited they were about live good so I 66KVEHfwxwM-00016-00008796-00009252 decided to take a closer look and I just decided to start building so I've been in about a month 66KVEHfwxwM-00017-00009252-00009762 I've just been starting to promote the last couple weeks I'm starting to gain some momentum and I'm 66KVEHfwxwM-00018-00009762-00010314 going to show you in a little bit of where I'm ranking on a video that I just did today and I'm 66KVEHfwxwM-00019-00010314-00010776 going to continue to do these videos and this is where you can benefit if you decide to get started 66KVEHfwxwM-00020-00010776-00011382 click on the link below get your pre-enrolling position in an upgrade and then you'll you'll be 66KVEHfwxwM-00021-00011382-00011754 able to get positioned in The Matrix so let's just say that's you you decide to get going 66KVEHfwxwM-00022-00011844-00012324 um you know and basically you get placed in The Matrix so the major Matrix is going to fill from 66KVEHfwxwM-00023-00012324-00012876 left to right all the way down 14 levels I stopped here but you see as you go down in 66KVEHfwxwM-00024-00012876-00013368 your levels it basically you know it's going to get larger and larger and so the bigger the team 66KVEHfwxwM-00025-00013368-00013938 is of somebody who you join the the longer it's going to take for you to receive any potential 66KVEHfwxwM-00026-00013938-00014358 spillover because it has to fill from left to right so as you see it's easier to fill level 66KVEHfwxwM-00027-00014358-00014976 one you know I I sponsor five people it goes here you know first first five spots are open 66KVEHfwxwM-00028-00014976-00015456 are going to fill like this and that's where your potential spillover can come in so you see how 66KVEHfwxwM-00029-00015456-00015900 important it is to join somebody who is early in their build who's a builder if they're not 66KVEHfwxwM-00030-00015900-00016386 doing anything obviously you're not going to get any any potential spillover because they're just 66KVEHfwxwM-00031-00016386-00016944 sitting there hoping to get spill over themselves but I'm a builder I'm gonna aggressively Market 66KVEHfwxwM-00032-00016944-00017628 live good because I see what's happening and my intention is to teach Inspire and Empower hundreds 66KVEHfwxwM-00033-00017628-00018126 of thousands of people to achieve Success Through online marketing through businesses like this and 66KVEHfwxwM-00034-00018126-00018552 in order for me to do that I have to attract leaders and I have to put myself out there 66KVEHfwxwM-00035-00018612-00019050 um you know and if I can Empower you and to teach and inspire you hopefully you're a leader and you 66KVEHfwxwM-00036-00019050-00019704 know with us together as our team grows we all can co-create sex success for a lot of people um so 66KVEHfwxwM-00037-00019704-00020328 and as you see it compounds four people on your on your second level eight on your third 16 on your 66KVEHfwxwM-00038-00020328-00020898 fourth down ten you have a thousand twenty four so you see if you join a leader out there who's been 66KVEHfwxwM-00039-00020898-00021348 building for a while yes can you get help from them can you learn you know and if you want to 66KVEHfwxwM-00040-00021348-00021834 join them that's great but it is going to take a little longer for you to benefit from what they're 66KVEHfwxwM-00041-00021834-00022266 doing as a marketer because they already have a lot of people on their team so it's going to take 66KVEHfwxwM-00042-00022266-00022758 a while before you receive any type of spillover from them and also any type of spillover from the 66KVEHfwxwM-00043-00022758-00023232 people that they're working with above so again Rob's a top marketer and Nick's a top marketer 66KVEHfwxwM-00044-00023232-00023724 as well so let me give you an example here let's just say you decide to get started uh and then 66KVEHfwxwM-00045-00023724-00024348 all of a sudden Rob brings in another person and and with the way his Matrix fills out all of a 66KVEHfwxwM-00046-00024348-00024930 sudden now this position here gets filled by Rob's spillover so we'll go ahead and put that and let's 66KVEHfwxwM-00047-00024930-00025434 just say the same thing happens with Nick um and and through the Matrix all the spots are filled 66KVEHfwxwM-00048-00025434-00026022 from left to right and the next open spot is here so all of a sudden Fred just got two new people 66KVEHfwxwM-00049-00026112-00026789 um you know from from spillover from from Rob and Nick um and then it'll again it goes over to the 66KVEHfwxwM-00050-00026789-00027492 left so now let's just say I you know through my YouTube videos a couple people join and now all of 66KVEHfwxwM-00051-00027492-00028122 a sudden Elaine has two new people underneath her because of the fact that I'm actually out there 66KVEHfwxwM-00052-00028122-00028698 aggressively marketing and maybe Elaine decides to get busy and she starts to build and then all of 66KVEHfwxwM-00053-00028698-00029208 a sudden the people that I brought in here could potentially have spillover from a lane from there 66KVEHfwxwM-00054-00029208-00029586 as you see uh you know if Elaine's a builder then these two people are going to get lucky because 66KVEHfwxwM-00055-00029586-00030198 they joined Elaine early in her build and being a builder that's where you know that momentum can 66KVEHfwxwM-00056-00030198-00030714 happen for somebody getting in and locking in a position uh and then again you could potentially 66KVEHfwxwM-00057-00030786-00031386 have a builder fall underneath you so just let's just say Nick I'm sorry Rob Rob brings in another 66KVEHfwxwM-00058-00031386-00031962 person and that goes underneath you so now you know as you see you did right away you didn't 66KVEHfwxwM-00059-00031962-00032442 get any spillover um you know because the further you're down the longer it's going to take and I 66KVEHfwxwM-00060-00032442-00032814 just want you to make sure you know that a lot of great leaders out there but there's a lot of 66KVEHfwxwM-00061-00032814-00033354 great leaders that have been in the business for a while so if you're looking for you know 66KVEHfwxwM-00062-00033354-00033864 for the opportunity to get spill over early then you would want to get positioned with somebody 66KVEHfwxwM-00063-00033864-00034326 early in their build like me I would love to lock arms with other leaders because the more 66KVEHfwxwM-00064-00034326-00034920 leaders I can bring in the more I can help other people succeed and that is my whole goal with this 66KVEHfwxwM-00065-00034980-00035508 um you know obviously I want to be able to lock on some people who want to help other people and 66KVEHfwxwM-00066-00035508-00035886 co-create success for them and if you're somebody who just wants to get in and see what happens 66KVEHfwxwM-00067-00035886-00036456 that's fine you can lock in a position there's no guarantees however the guarantee that I can give 66KVEHfwxwM-00068-00036456-00036870 you is that I'm going to aggressively market and I'm going to show you where one of my videos that 66KVEHfwxwM-00069-00036870-00037440 I've done to I did today is ranking number three for the keyword that I went after already and I'm 66KVEHfwxwM-00070-00037440-00037902 going to continue to do that I've only done like five or six videos now and and some shorts to be 66KVEHfwxwM-00071-00037902-00038292 able to drive traffic towards my live good and I'm already starting to get leads from that and 66KVEHfwxwM-00072-00038292-00038820 sales coming in from that so again let's go ahead and let's just say Nick brings in somebody else 66KVEHfwxwM-00073-00038820-00039306 and all of a sudden you know from his internet marketing skills that ends up falling underneath 66KVEHfwxwM-00074-00039306-00039708 you and that person's a builder and boy did you get lucky because you got two Builders underneath 66KVEHfwxwM-00075-00039708-00040278 you now is that gonna happen um who knows what's gonna happen who knows uh you know who gets in and 66KVEHfwxwM-00076-00040278-00040704 who's going to get busy some people are going to get in and wish hope and want and nothing's 66KVEHfwxwM-00077-00040704-00041046 ever going to happen and they're going to end up quitting and some people are going to get active 66KVEHfwxwM-00078-00041046-00041646 and start building because they see the momentum of live good they love the products I would 66KVEHfwxwM-00079-00041646-00042186 definitely highly recommend if you get in at least get the products you'll see how clean they are 66KVEHfwxwM-00080-00042186-00042684 um and how affordably they probably how how affordably priced they are you know just 66KVEHfwxwM-00081-00042684-00043374 think of it as a whole wholesale membership like a Costco or Sam's Club for the live good products so 66KVEHfwxwM-00082-00043374-00043860 you know definitely you know if you read labels I do and I know Nick called Nick calls himself 66KVEHfwxwM-00083-00043860-00044394 an ingredient snob um he's real careful what he puts in his body so that's really what attracted 66KVEHfwxwM-00084-00044394-00044796 me these are really good products from what I can tell by reading the labels um you know and 66KVEHfwxwM-00085-00044796-00045378 I bought a few of the products like the organic coffee and the um the D3 and I'm gonna buy more 66KVEHfwxwM-00086-00045378-00046086 but so far so good I love what I'm seeing and I love the ability for this pay plan to really help 66KVEHfwxwM-00087-00046086-00046644 a lot of people succeed since it's only forty dollars for you to pay for your affiliate fee 66KVEHfwxwM-00088-00046644-00047418 if you want to get in as an affiliate and then 9.95 a month in order to you know in order to um 66KVEHfwxwM-00089-00047418-00047892 you know have that Costco membership for the live good products or Sam's Club or whatever type of 66KVEHfwxwM-00090-00047892-00048414 Club is around you that's wholesale so let me give you an example of what I was talking about with 66KVEHfwxwM-00091-00048414-00048894 um how I'm ranking videos and how my marketing can can help you so I'm going to go over to an 66KVEHfwxwM-00092-00048894-00049494 incognito window if you don't if you know anything about marketing you know that um you know if I'm 66KVEHfwxwM-00093-00049494-00050094 on YouTube and I search for something on YouTube It's Gonna most likely show me my stuff because 66KVEHfwxwM-00094-00050094-00050562 I'm connected to my account so I'm going to go ahead and show you through an incognito window and 66KVEHfwxwM-00095-00050562-00051174 I'm going to do a keyword that I just did a video on which is the live good power line and I want to 66KVEHfwxwM-00096-00051174-00051852 see where I'm ranking right now live just so you know that that if you decide to join me this is 66KVEHfwxwM-00097-00051852-00052379 the type of marketing I'm doing to attract people who are looking to get in to live good and they 66KVEHfwxwM-00098-00052379-00052902 can potentially become part of your team so let me go ahead and type in Powerline try to find it here 66KVEHfwxwM-00099-00052974-00053538 real quick live good power line and let's see the results so this is live right here so there 66KVEHfwxwM-00100-00053538-00054072 I am there's a video I just made four hours ago live good power line explained full breakdown 66KVEHfwxwM-00101-00054150-00054629 um and the only two videos that are ranking above me are the actual Company videos so 66KVEHfwxwM-00102-00054629-00055032 just so you know that I I've I used to have an SEO business in San Diego 66KVEHfwxwM-00103-00055134-00055584 um I ranked some local clients websites in Google but I love video marketing and this type of video 66KVEHfwxwM-00104-00055584-00056202 marketing helped me sponsor over 111 people into another business and I helped a good handful of 66KVEHfwxwM-00105-00056202-00056760 people that worked with me hit residual uh very very fast I hit residual within 30 days I'm going 66KVEHfwxwM-00106-00056760-00057191 to scroll down here I want to see if any of my shorts are ranking um that I just did as 66KVEHfwxwM-00107-00057191-00057660 well yeah there's there's my short right here live good power line explained and this uh this short 66KVEHfwxwM-00108-00057660-00058152 will lead back to the other long video there so let me click on that real quick it's just 66KVEHfwxwM-00109-00058152-00058746 a little snippet of of the video that I did the long form video let me go ahead and pause that 66KVEHfwxwM-00110-00058829-00059429 um so that leaves right back there so let me get out of here and go back and just know if you if 66KVEHfwxwM-00111-00059429-00059838 you decide to join us that you're going to be part of a great team you're going to get access 66KVEHfwxwM-00112-00059838-00060474 to a private Facebook group a private Telegram and again we have a team of marketers that know how to 66KVEHfwxwM-00113-00060474-00061026 Market online this page here was created by Nick Nick's you know top online marketer he's created 66KVEHfwxwM-00114-00061026-00061446 a lot of multi-million dollar funnels so you'll get access to this this exact page and there's 66KVEHfwxwM-00115-00061446-00062028 like 11 others as well to be able to promote your live good and then these green buttons will 66KVEHfwxwM-00116-00062028-00062634 be connected to your live good page to where somebody can actually become a pre-enrollee 66KVEHfwxwM-00117-00062712-00063060 um here and it'll say your name oh yeah I didn't put the name into here let me 66KVEHfwxwM-00118-00063060-00063450 go ahead and give you an example of that real quick I don't want to make this video too long 66KVEHfwxwM-00119-00063774-00064367 so now when I go here it's gonna it should go ahead and go over to my live good and this is 66KVEHfwxwM-00120-00064367-00064800 how you can become a pre-enrollee and upgrade so you'll click on that button you'll see Howie 66KVEHfwxwM-00121-00064800-00065291 perks website your name will be here instead of mine when you join first name last name email 66KVEHfwxwM-00122-00065291-00065760 reserve your position and then you can go ahead and upgrade from there once you upgrade I'll get 66KVEHfwxwM-00123-00065760-00066354 an email and I will connect with you and if you just want to get in and see what happens let me 66KVEHfwxwM-00124-00066354-00066780 know I won't bother you with any information on marketing but if you're somebody who's a leader 66KVEHfwxwM-00125-00066780-00067290 and you want to build your business and you want to do it to help other people um then let me know 66KVEHfwxwM-00126-00067290-00067764 because I want to get you connected to all our groups and help you understand the type 66KVEHfwxwM-00127-00067764-00068214 of marketing that you want to be able to utilize in order to build your business with that being 66KVEHfwxwM-00128-00068214-00068628 said again it's Howie perks I really appreciate you watching this video um if you're already in 66KVEHfwxwM-00129-00068628-00069108 live good with somebody else or you decide to join somebody else much success to you um you know and 66KVEHfwxwM-00130-00069108-00069588 maybe I'll see you out in an event or somewhere in the future I hope you're having a really great day 67E4rte6-9g-00000-00003753-00003876 MSN Saver 6qsE8wiLUPM-00000-00000000-00001000 Hey guys, my names AJ, or arjun. just call me AJ. HERES A TOUR OF A CASTLE 6qsE8wiLUPM-00001-00002550-00003050 BAM, the castle, what you see is what you get. 6qsE8wiLUPM-00002-00003544-00003879 heres bob omb battlefield, nice 6qsE8wiLUPM-00003-00004550-00005452 oh, i left a coin in whops fortress 6qsE8wiLUPM-00004-00007702-00007994 hey guys, i think king whomp stole it!! 6qsE8wiLUPM-00005-00010240-00010696 its gonna be long. well, i cant do any thing, lakitu speed it up please 6qsE8wiLUPM-00006-00012456-00012600 SHHHHH, its sleeping 6qsE8wiLUPM-00007-00012956-00013224 DIE 6qsE8wiLUPM-00008-00013932-00014156 GUYS I THINK KING WHOMP IS UP AHEAD 6qsE8wiLUPM-00009-00015766-00016150 KING WHOMP, GIVE ME BACK ME UNCLES NUMBER ONE DIME! PRONTO 6qsE8wiLUPM-00010-00016440-00016552 no way king whomp 6qsE8wiLUPM-00011-00017576-00017718 ow 6qsE8wiLUPM-00012-00018108-00018236 king whomp: OW OW OW 6qsE8wiLUPM-00013-00018676-00018852 king whomp: HEY, STOP IT!! 6qsE8wiLUPM-00014-00019278-00019684 AHAHAHAAHAAAAAAAA 6qsE8wiLUPM-00015-00020062-00021040 THE NUMBER ONE DIME, RETURNED!! 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00000-00000000-00000525 (Korean subscribers prepared it for us.) 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00001-00000662-00000917 Here's a lot of kimchi. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00002-00001281-00001731 [This video is about receiving gifts from subscribers. It's not a commercial video, but it's just an announcement.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00003-00001731-00002048 -Seoul 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00004-00002381-00002861 -We came to Seoul for an appointment. We slept at my brother's house yesterday, and slept at a hotel today. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00005-00002861-00003278 -The room in this hotel is pretty, but the scenery is so beautiful. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00006-00003278-00003345 -Look at this. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00007-00003622-00003936 [Kuriko bought a coat for the first time in Korea.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00008-00004058-00004289 -Kangnam 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00009-00004500-00004973 -I got a message from a subscriber who runs a beef restaurant in Seoul last week. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00010-00004973-00005334 -He said he would like to give us beef as a gift if we come to Seoul. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00011-00005334-00005678 -We just came to Seoul for an appointment, and now we're going to that restaurant. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00012-00005932-00006221 [The two children from the countryside are amazed at the park in Seoul.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00013-00006315-00006562 -It's a squirrel. -Yes, it is. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00014-00006562-00006812 -There's an animal in there. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00015-00006812-00007346 (Kuriko confused "squirrel" and "pickled radish" in Korean._ 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00016-00007500-00007825 -Look at this. It's so cute. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00017-00008000-00008321 -A countryman came to Seoul. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00018-00008321-00008639 -It's cool. It's so cool! 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00019-00008806-00009129 [We arrived at the subscriber's store.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00020-00009129-00009535 -You're finally here! We've been waiting! 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00021-00009931-00010186 [The room was really luxurious.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00022-00010186-00010524 -It's so beautiful here. -It's like a hotel. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00023-00010725-00011056 -I'm so amazed to see you in real 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00024-00011056-00011356 -Would you like to look over there? over there... 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00025-00011356-00011527 And here 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00026-00011698-00012241 [He prepared a surprise for us!!!] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00027-00012241-00012527 [He copied the prank of this clip. LOL] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00028-00012687-00013243 (It's a picture of Pachinko when Kuriko introduced herself. LOL] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00029-00013243-00013430 -This picture is really pretty haha 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00030-00013776-00014089 [The food is being served.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00031-00014285-00014569 [I've never seen mustard like this before.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00032-00014569-00015125 [They gave us the best part of Korean beef.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00033-00015296-00015578 [We've never seen anything like this before. LOL] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00034-00015951-00016223 -It's your first time eating Korean beef, right? -Yeah. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00035-00016601-00016848 -This mustard looks like an egg and it's so delicious. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00036-00017380-00017646 -Express it with your face. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00037-00017646-00017892 [It means it's really delicious. LOL] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00038-00017892-00018130 -I'll try the meat with wasabi. -Sounds great. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00039-00018852-00019127 -If you eat meat, eat kimchi. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00040-00019127-00019673 -Drink this soup if it's greasy. -Oh, I'm so busy 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00041-00020091-00020203 -This is zero calories. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00042-00020542-00021028 -Oh my gosh -It's been 3 years since you made a Kuki couple channel tomorrow. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00043-00021028-00021427 [We even forgot about the date!!!!!] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00044-00021427-00021673 [They made us a cake using raw beef "Yukhoe".] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00045-00021790-00021941 -Is this a proposal? 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00046-00022826-00023110 [Kuriko is eating yukhoe for the first time in Korea.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00047-00023913-00024366 -It's really luxurious here. And you're so cute. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00048-00024694-00024914 [She suddenly stepped forward.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00049-00025033-00025535 [It's a Korean trot song that she's studying recently studying. LOL] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00050-00025840-00026186 -You really can't dance. -What? 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00051-00026186-00026430 -You're like a dancing Polish fifties. LOL 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00052-00026430-00026667 [The sexy principal's dance. LOL] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00053-00026814-00027102 [The yellow mold is dancing before he dies. LOL] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00054-00027630-00027789 -How do you feel seeing us in person? 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00055-00027789-00028193 -You guys look just like in the video. And... 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00056-00028193-00028873 ★★★★★★Kyung-sik's head is not as big as I thought★★★★★★ 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00057-00029107-00029334 -Did you think this much? 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00058-00029334-00029581 [Why is Kuriko excited?!!] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00059-00030194-00030508 (Daejeon, the city where handsome people are born) 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00060-00030508-00031112 -You look like the star in the commercial. - (Song of Korean Advertising) 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00061-00031203-00031598 -I got a message from a subscriber who runs a kimchi factory. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00062-00031598-00031809 -He said he wants to give us kimchi as a gift. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00063-00031809-00032410 -So we are going to receive kimchi thankfully. -I'm so excited. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00064-00032410-00032918 -What kimchi does Kuriko want to try the most? -I want to try Dongchimi. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00065-00032918-00033484 -I saw it on TV in Korea before and I was really curious about the taste. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00066-00033793-00034653 -This is a new department store. Isn't it so pretty? -Yes. There are so many brand stores. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00067-00034738-00034903 -Please take a picture with me. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00068-00034903-00035164 [We met another subscriber.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00069-00035270-00035536 -I think you're a good singer. -Yes, I know. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00070-00035536-00035753 [Somebody kick Kyungsik. LOL] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00071-00035881-00036616 -There's a problem. The subscriber brought 20kg of kimchi, so we're going to get it. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00072-00036616-00036863 -That kimchi is the same weight as me. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00073-00037030-00037254 [Finally, we met.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00074-00037325-00038076 -Thank you for coming from far away. I'll enjoy your kimchi. -Feel free to tell me if you need Kimchi. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00075-00038334-00038656 -Kuriko's prettier in person than in the video. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00076-00038656-00038965 [Actually, this is the second time we're filming this. LOL] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00077-00038965-00039385 -How about me? -K.. Kyungsik is similar. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00078-00039385-00039619 -What's his head size? -Ah... it.. is..... 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00079-00039957-00040298 -He's a very nice guy. -Right. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00080-00040298-00040514 -He's a better man than I am. -Right! 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00081-00040967-00041679 -Kimchi is also heavy, but it is heavier because it contains the love of subscribers. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00082-00041679-00042061 [We're more nervous than Christmas.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00083-00042061-00042199 -I'm gonna open this. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00084-00042455-00042781 [Kimchi is sleeping deliciously.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00085-00042781-00043081 -II've never seen anything like this before. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00086-00043242-00043543 -There's a lot of kimchi. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00087-00043543-00043831 [Kuriko has never seen so much kimchi before.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00088-00043831-00044165 -Please explain what this kimchi is made of. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00089-00044637-00045000 [This is the Dongchimi Kuriko wanted the most.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00090-00045000-00045320 -Is this Dongchimi? -It's the Dongchimi you wanted to eat. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00091-00045320-00045684 -Wow, I want to swim here. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00092-00045928-00046287 -This is radish kimchi. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00093-00046719-00046944 -I like the smell of this kimchi the best. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00094-00047111-00047311 -I want to buy this fragrant perfume. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00095-00047500-00047795 [This kimchi is made of radish called kkakdugi.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00096-00047795-00048146 -Unbelievable... Kkakdugi is 5kg... 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00097-00048816-00049085 -I'll send it to the subscriber. -I'm so happy 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00098-00049168-00049604 -Let's eat together, honey. -Try the kimchi with your hands. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00099-00050109-00050335 -It's so fresh. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00100-00050598-00050946 [Kyungsik is on a diet from tomorrow.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00101-00050946-00051326 -What's this? -It's radish. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00102-00051769-00052250 -I want to eat this with soju. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00103-00052659-00052842 -The smell is fantastic... 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00104-00052982-00053439 [She saw Dongchimi for the first time.] 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00105-00053439-00053639 -This is Dongchimi, which was made in February. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00106-00054042-00054242 -I want a bath in here. 6qv0d8WJ1OI-00107-00054388-00054656 -I want to sing to the kimchi. 6qbweRiwppu-00000-00002068-00002643 Oh, the music, that's the heavenly symphony orchestra. 6qbweRiwppu-00001-00002643-00002891 I like them. 6qbweRiwppu-00002-00002891-00003967 Like the heavenly choir, too, but just between you and me, i really prefer the forest choir... 6qbweRiwppu-00003-00003967-00004067 so..., 6qbweRiwppu-00004-00004067-00004332 Come on in, come on in... don't be shy. 6qbweRiwppu-00005-00004332-00004485 What is it? 6qbweRiwppu-00006-00004485-00004862 oh... the hat... 6qbweRiwppu-00007-00004862-00006017 Well, I've been working on a tough case: might have heard of him: Rick Perry. ...he might 6qbweRiwppu-00008-00006017-00006291 be a lost cause... 6qbweRiwppu-00009-00006291-00006978 I think he may be working for the other team... 6qbweRiwppu-00010-00006978-00007138 That's a local reference, folks. 6qbweRiwppu-00011-00007138-00007597 If you don't get the joke, then you can thank... uh,...Me! (and you WOULD! 6qbweRiwppu-00012-00007597-00008017 if you did...) 6qbweRiwppu-00013-00008017-00008619 So, now... 6qbweRiwppu-00014-00008619-00008725 Let me get a little more comfortable.... 6qbweRiwppu-00015-00008725-00008922 [snaps fingers] 6qbweRiwppu-00016-00008922-00009122 Much better! 6qbweRiwppu-00017-00009122-00009619 So whatta ya wanna know? 6qbweRiwppu-00018-00009619-00010106 God, why haven't you made your existence and goodness unambiguously evident? 6qbweRiwppu-00019-00010106-00010428 It's not really like I was hiding. 6qbweRiwppu-00020-00010428-00010697 Ever seen a squirrel bury a nut? 6qbweRiwppu-00021-00010697-00010878 A dog chase a cat? 6qbweRiwppu-00022-00010878-00011301 Ever see a pretty girl or a handsome man? 6qbweRiwppu-00023-00011301-00011401 Duh! 6qbweRiwppu-00024-00011401-00011572 There I was! 6qbweRiwppu-00025-00011572-00011836 Dear God, how old is the Universe? 6qbweRiwppu-00026-00011836-00012606 It's getting to be about 1 universe old... so, you know, look out! 6qbweRiwppu-00027-00012606-00012985 Why would you create something fully knowing that creation will undoubtedly suffer? 6qbweRiwppu-00028-00012985-00013413 Well, yeah, suffering... 6qbweRiwppu-00029-00013413-00014075 You know, I never said I was all knowing, all powerful, infallible and all that rot. 6qbweRiwppu-00030-00014075-00014459 That's stuff you said about me! 6qbweRiwppu-00031-00014459-00014918 Usually when you were buttering me up to ask for something! 6qbweRiwppu-00032-00014918-00015397 And, you know, creation was kinda a rush job. 6qbweRiwppu-00033-00015397-00015699 If I'd a' had 2 weeks... 6qbweRiwppu-00034-00015699-00016696 There are a few things I would do different today, might do it different next time... 6qbweRiwppu-00035-00016696-00017064 but, well, I'm working on it. 6qbweRiwppu-00036-00017064-00017242 You do a little maintenance. 6qbweRiwppu-00037-00017242-00017615 Fix a little now and then. 6qbweRiwppu-00038-00017615-00018109 I take it day by day and just try to make it a little bit better.. 6qbweRiwppu-00039-00018109-00018361 What is the function/purpose of our existence? 6qbweRiwppu-00040-00018361-00018766 If it is for Gods amusement am I wrong in being angry? 6qbweRiwppu-00041-00018766-00018866 Yeah. 6qbweRiwppu-00042-00018866-00019020 It is. 6qbweRiwppu-00043-00019020-00019325 It is for my amusement. 6qbweRiwppu-00044-00019325-00019431 I was bored. 6qbweRiwppu-00045-00019431-00019598 And lonely. 6qbweRiwppu-00046-00019598-00020081 So really the only true sin is living a boring life. 6qbweRiwppu-00047-00020081-00020739 Is it wrong for you to be angry? 6qbweRiwppu-00048-00020739-00020887 Well... 6qbweRiwppu-00049-00020887-00021662 I'm not fond of it, but... not if you mad at me. 6qbweRiwppu-00050-00021662-00021795 You know, that's OK. 6qbweRiwppu-00051-00021795-00021896 I'm big enough. 6qbweRiwppu-00052-00021896-00022030 I can take it. 6qbweRiwppu-00053-00022030-00022729 Where is the love of my life and how can I make her mine? 6qbweRiwppu-00054-00022729-00025141 Let me check the records... 6qbweRiwppu-00055-00025141-00025342 You know, Sorry! 6qbweRiwppu-00056-00025342-00025583 I lost your card! 6qbweRiwppu-00057-00025583-00026154 So I'll get right on that. 6qbweRiwppu-00058-00026154-00026254 Keep looking. 6qbweRiwppu-00059-00026254-00026354 You're gonna be surprised... 6qbweRiwppu-00060-00026354-00026838 What do I have to endure to reach perfect happiness? 6qbweRiwppu-00061-00026838-00027073 That's a good one! 6qbweRiwppu-00062-00027073-00027274 Jeez, You tell me! 6qbweRiwppu-00063-00027274-00027375 That's tough. 6qbweRiwppu-00064-00027375-00027526 I don't know. 6qbweRiwppu-00065-00027526-00027700 You ever taste cognac? 6qbweRiwppu-00066-00027700-00027822 It's a great drink. 6qbweRiwppu-00067-00027822-00028837 The very best ones have a little tiny bit of unpleasant flavors. 6qbweRiwppu-00068-00028837-00029370 Too much and they're bad, of course, but if they completely lack them they're less than 6qbweRiwppu-00069-00029370-00029764 if the have just a smidgeon. 6qbweRiwppu-00070-00029764-00030394 If you only felt happiness - nothing else - you wouldn't feel anything... 6qbweRiwppu-00071-00030394-00030687 uh, which can be arranged... 6qbweRiwppu-00072-00030687-00031168 Is there intelligent life places other than the planet Earth and if so what do they think/feel 6qbweRiwppu-00073-00031168-00031464 about God? 6qbweRiwppu-00074-00031464-00031755 You think there's intelligent life on earth? 6qbweRiwppu-00075-00031755-00032077 You've got some cheek! 6qbweRiwppu-00076-00032077-00032474 Yeah, there are other intelligent life forms. 6qbweRiwppu-00077-00032474-00032883 My next appointments are with a vulcan, a ferengi, and a time lord... 6qbweRiwppu-00078-00032883-00033266 What do they think? 6qbweRiwppu-00079-00033266-00033535 You'll find out soon enough... 6qbweRiwppu-00080-00033535-00034208 When the time comes, just remember, "Klaatu Barada Nikto" It's important. 6qbweRiwppu-00081-00034208-00034558 How can I explain to a parent why their baby died? 6qbweRiwppu-00082-00034558-00034850 O.K. respect for that. 6qbweRiwppu-00083-00034850-00035173 I'm not going to make a joke. 6qbweRiwppu-00084-00035173-00036162 And I hope you never have to try. 6qbweRiwppu-00085-00036162-00036594 Have you read the Bible and if so how many stars out of five would you give it? 6qbweRiwppu-00086-00036594-00036869 Have I ever read the bible? 6qbweRiwppu-00087-00036869-00037222 Hell, I *wrote* 7 percent of it! 6qbweRiwppu-00088-00037222-00037470 The rest is crap.... 6qbweRiwppu-00089-00037470-00037831 but you know, that's not a bad percentage for a holy book... 6qbweRiwppu-00090-00037831-00038250 Is there an afterlife? 6qbweRiwppu-00091-00038250-00038519 If there is can I opt out? 6qbweRiwppu-00092-00038519-00039203 Yes there will be a time after your life, and no, you can't opt out of it until every 6qbweRiwppu-00093-00039203-00039951 does... and then maybe not even after that, since then there will be a time after everyone's 6qbweRiwppu-00094-00039951-00040051 life. 6qbweRiwppu-00095-00040051-00040272 Dear God, why do you exist? 6qbweRiwppu-00096-00040272-00040377 What's your purpose? 6qbweRiwppu-00097-00040377-00040579 Why do I exist? 6qbweRiwppu-00098-00040579-00041083 You lot are into the "whys" aren't you? 6qbweRiwppu-00099-00041083-00041301 Always liked that about you. 6qbweRiwppu-00100-00041301-00042201 Let me ask you a question: What better thing could I be doing if I wasn't busy existing? 6qbweRiwppu-00101-00042201-00042568 Why do you allow less than helpful things happen to "good" people? 6qbweRiwppu-00102-00042568-00042921 You talk like I'm always running the whole show. 6qbweRiwppu-00103-00042921-00043238 Do you know how much work that would be? 6qbweRiwppu-00104-00043238-00043496 Sometimes I'm just watching the show. 6qbweRiwppu-00105-00043496-00044025 How low will the human population need to fall, & how fast, to reach a level which is 6qbweRiwppu-00106-00044025-00044125 sustainable? 6qbweRiwppu-00107-00044125-00044444 What level of Technology will society retain afterwards ? 6qbweRiwppu-00108-00044444-00044966 That one's really up to you. 6qbweRiwppu-00109-00044966-00045263 It could grow and be sustainable, or fall and be sustainable. 6qbweRiwppu-00110-00045263-00045853 But the bigger it gets, the more you have to respect each other, and the more you have 6qbweRiwppu-00111-00045853-00046491 to limit yourselves, to make it all work. 6qbweRiwppu-00112-00046491-00046869 And nothing is truly "sustainable" if you have my kind of timeline. 6qbweRiwppu-00113-00046869-00047363 As one of my prophets said, in the long run you're are all dead. 6qbweRiwppu-00114-00047363-00048190 The universe reaches equilibrium in heat death, and we shuffle the cards and start again. 6qbweRiwppu-00115-00048190-00048737 Hey, next time it will be better - promise - cause I'll have more practice. 6qbweRiwppu-00116-00048737-00048975 You comments are appreciated. 6qbweRiwppu-00117-00048975-00049272 They will help me make it better... 6qbweRiwppu-00118-00049272-00049575 so, you should fell good about that. 6qbweRiwppu-00119-00049575-00050169 What does it indicate, Dear God, when I have no questions ; because life appears to make 6qbweRiwppu-00120-00050169-00050376 perfect sense to me? 6qbweRiwppu-00121-00050376-00050727 I think it means you're applying for my job. 6qbweRiwppu-00122-00050727-00051306 And I'll file your application, along with the others... 6qbweRiwppu-00123-00051306-00051655 Why do you allow horrible things to happen to me when I try so hard? 6qbweRiwppu-00124-00051655-00051871 You're kinda repeating yourself. 6qbweRiwppu-00125-00051871-00052021 Sometimes bad things happen. 6qbweRiwppu-00126-00052021-00052604 But let me tell you this: shit doesn't just happen. 6qbweRiwppu-00127-00052604-00052895 There's always an asshole involved... 6qbweRiwppu-00128-00052895-00053173 WTF were you thinking? 6qbweRiwppu-00129-00053173-00054150 I was thinking, could the sun be just a little bit yellower? 6qbweRiwppu-00130-00054150-00054276 Sorry... 6qbweRiwppu-00131-00054276-00054814 If you could have your portrait painted by any painter in history, to whom would you 6qbweRiwppu-00132-00054814-00055082 give the commission? 6qbweRiwppu-00133-00055082-00055335 O.K. Rembrandt. 6qbweRiwppu-00134-00055335-00055467 Really like his stuff. 6qbweRiwppu-00135-00055467-00055694 And the Greek Parrahasius... 6qbweRiwppu-00136-00055694-00055870 you ever see any of his paintings?... 6qbweRiwppu-00137-00055870-00055991 no, you haven't. 6qbweRiwppu-00138-00055991-00056154 Uh, none exist anymore. 6qbweRiwppu-00139-00056154-00056544 But trust me, he was really good. 6qbweRiwppu-00140-00056544-00056959 And Hokusai, the print maker. 6qbweRiwppu-00141-00056959-00057797 But the other day I saw a crayon drawing by a 7 year old girl in Romania... probably go 6qbweRiwppu-00142-00057797-00057904 with her. 6qbweRiwppu-00143-00057904-00058167 Is Sufism compatible with Christianity? 6qbweRiwppu-00144-00058167-00058389 If so, how? 6qbweRiwppu-00145-00058389-00058686 Well, yes and no... 6qbweRiwppu-00146-00058686-00059574 They're equally true, cause they're equally wrong... just like all the others! 6qbweRiwppu-00147-00059574-00059955 What are mosquitoes good for? 6qbweRiwppu-00148-00059955-00060154 Bats a gotta eat too.... 6qbweRiwppu-00149-00060154-00060641 Which of those things I regret were truly my fault, and when I was I the victim of something 6qbweRiwppu-00150-00060641-00060883 someone else should regret? 6qbweRiwppu-00151-00060883-00061394 What you're really asking about is sin. 6qbweRiwppu-00152-00061394-00062366 But you're asking it in sort of a mealy-mouthed way, where maybe it's not really my fault 6qbweRiwppu-00153-00062366-00062820 maybe it's someone else's fault... which it is, sometimes. 6qbweRiwppu-00154-00062820-00063291 But less often than you think. 6qbweRiwppu-00155-00063291-00063605 So... does that help? 6qbweRiwppu-00156-00063605-00064077 No, I didn't think it would... 6qbweRiwppu-00157-00064077-00064504 Are you separate from us, part of us, or something else? 6qbweRiwppu-00158-00064504-00064632 If so, what? 6qbweRiwppu-00159-00064632-00065054 In other words are you transcendent or immanent? 6qbweRiwppu-00160-00065054-00065880 Well, somebody called me Emmanuel, which is pretty immanent. 6qbweRiwppu-00161-00065880-00067020 I said I was within you, and among you, and you're still trying to figure out what I meant. 6qbweRiwppu-00162-00067020-00067355 I don't think you're ready for that one. 6qbweRiwppu-00163-00067355-00068411 Have you ever considered, neither "transcendent or immanent" but rather "emergent"? 6qbweRiwppu-00164-00068411-00069022 How and why were we not worth talking to in some respectful way? 6qbweRiwppu-00165-00069022-00069308 If I spoke to you in plain English... 6qbweRiwppu-00166-00069308-00070322 well, then the birds and the bugs and the bears wouldn't understand. 6qbweRiwppu-00167-00070322-00070422 The cats wouldn't understand. 6qbweRiwppu-00168-00070422-00070569 And I love cats. 6qbweRiwppu-00169-00070569-00070741 I love every kind of cat. 6qbweRiwppu-00170-00070741-00071128 I just want to hug all of them but I can't - I cant hug every cat... 6qbweRiwppu-00171-00071128-00071320 I'm sorry... 6qbweRiwppu-00172-00071320-00071801 I'm thinking about cats again... 6qbweRiwppu-00173-00071801-00072195 Dear God, please explain the physical laws of the universe. 6qbweRiwppu-00174-00072195-00072588 For example, what is dark matter? 6qbweRiwppu-00175-00072588-00072701 What is matter? 6qbweRiwppu-00176-00072701-00072865 Never mind. 6qbweRiwppu-00177-00072865-00073112 What is mind? 6qbweRiwppu-00178-00073112-00073277 No matter... 6qbweRiwppu-00179-00073277-00073770 I cribbed that from Homer Simpson. 6qbweRiwppu-00180-00073770-00074306 I wanna mention that, beause comics don't like it when you steal their jokes. 6qbweRiwppu-00181-00074306-00074923 They feel that joke-stealing should be left to the professionals... 6qbweRiwppu-00182-00074923-00075023 Why? 6qbweRiwppu-00183-00075023-00075202 Again with the whys! 6qbweRiwppu-00184-00075202-00075302 always with the whys! 6qbweRiwppu-00185-00075302-00075402 Look, I got two words for you: Why not? 6qbweRiwppu-00186-00075402-00075502 DO YOU EXIST? 6qbweRiwppu-00187-00075502-00075731 For you... no! 6qbweRiwppu-00188-00075731-00076345 But it's been nice talking to you. 6qbweRiwppu-00189-00076345-00076533 My cloud is always open. 6qbweRiwppu-00190-00076533-00076942 Don't be a stranger, But... 6qbweRiwppu-00191-00076942-00077552 I've got this Mr. Spck coming up... his questions are always... 6qbweRiwppu-00192-00077552-00077932 well, ... try telling a Vulcacn the universe isn't logical... 6qbweRiwppu-00193-00077932-00078413 This has been a production of the GBC. 6qbweRiwppu-00194-00078413-00078594 God's broadcasting company. 6qbweRiwppu-00195-00078594-00080016 Up next, a panel discussion featuring Moses, Mithras, and Gilgamesh discussing the significance 6qbweRiwppu-00196-00080016-00081401 of the great bull of heaven. 6qbweRiwppu-00197-00081401-00081770 O.K. so I had a little fun with this. 6qbweRiwppu-00198-00081770-00082002 I hope you had alittle fun, too. 6qbweRiwppu-00199-00082002-00082268 Hope I haven't offended anyone - wasn't my intention. 6qbweRiwppu-00200-00082268-00082772 But I did have a little bit of a point. 6qbweRiwppu-00201-00082772-00083725 One of my most serious criticisms of orthodox christianity, which is the faith I'm most 6qbweRiwppu-00202-00083725-00084601 familiar with, is that from the garden of eden to armeggedon god doesn't laugh - not 6qbweRiwppu-00203-00084601-00084843 even once! 6qbweRiwppu-00204-00084843-00085151 And you know that's not right. 6qbweRiwppu-00205-00085151-00086023 All you have to do is take off your clothes and look in the mirror to know god has a sense 6qbweRiwppu-00206-00086023-00086123 of humor. 6qbweRiwppu-00207-00086123-00086260 And not a very elevated one! 6qbweRiwppu-00208-00086260-00087307 Now I know YouTube skews young, and if you're 17, or 23, and fit or athletic, that may not 6qbweRiwppu-00209-00087307-00087933 make a lot of sense to you, but... give it time. 6qbweRiwppu-00210-00087933-00088592 So I hope I gave you something to chuckle about, or something to think about, all through 6qbweRiwppu-00211-00088592-00088637 the night. 6uYP2PxilNE-00000-00000469-00000573 - Okay. 6uYP2PxilNE-00001-00000573-00000886 I don't know. 6uYP2PxilNE-00002-00000886-00001199 It says on. 6uYP2PxilNE-00003-00001199-00001929 Oh, it was moving, here, okay, great. 6uYP2PxilNE-00004-00001929-00002655 My name is Natalya Bailey, and thank you for having me, and coming to the talk, and it's 6uYP2PxilNE-00005-00002655-00002848 an exciting week here. 6uYP2PxilNE-00006-00002848-00003396 This coincides with the 50th anniversary of Apollo, the moon landing. 6uYP2PxilNE-00007-00003396-00004314 So I was here at MIT for my PhD in Core 16, AeroAstro, and spun my research out into a 6uYP2PxilNE-00008-00004314-00005187 company called Accion Systems, and we work on a new type of ion propulsion for smallsats, 6uYP2PxilNE-00009-00005187-00005656 eventually large satellites, and beyond. 6uYP2PxilNE-00010-00005656-00006529 So generally, you know, a lot of us are here today and this week because of this, a CubeSat, 6uYP2PxilNE-00011-00006529-00007062 or a little bit more broadly, because of the factors that led to the development of such 6uYP2PxilNE-00012-00007062-00007951 a satellite standard, a more affordable, a smaller spacecraft, and then the resulting 6uYP2PxilNE-00013-00007951-00008424 ideas, and innovations, and enthusiasm in the industry today. 6uYP2PxilNE-00014-00008424-00009175 But one of the areas where there remains much innovation to be done, so that we can realize 6uYP2PxilNE-00015-00009175-00009827 all of the potential of smallsats, and the new space industry, is in propulsion. 6uYP2PxilNE-00016-00009827-00010448 Satellites typically need propulsion on orbit, which is different from launch propulsion, 6uYP2PxilNE-00017-00010448-00011214 for doing things like staying in orbit, maneuvering to reach their intended altitude, avoiding 6uYP2PxilNE-00018-00011214-00011918 colliding with debris, or other spacecraft, station keeping, and more. 6uYP2PxilNE-00019-00011918-00012489 The requirements and drivers for successful missions and businesses built around those 6uYP2PxilNE-00020-00012489-00013263 missions are very different for smallsats, compared to the more traditional school bus-sized 6uYP2PxilNE-00021-00013263-00013426 satellites. 6uYP2PxilNE-00022-00013426-00014109 Large satellites care about reliability first, and then things like size, and simplicity, 6uYP2PxilNE-00023-00014109-00014422 and cost much later. 6uYP2PxilNE-00024-00014422-00014862 Small satellites kind of flip those requirements on their head, and care first and foremost 6uYP2PxilNE-00025-00014862-00015460 about cost and size and simplicity. 6uYP2PxilNE-00026-00015460-00016222 So large traditional, let's say geostationary satellites often used an ion engine, like 6uYP2PxilNE-00027-00016222-00016322 this one here. 6uYP2PxilNE-00028-00016322-00017074 So a neutral gas, like xenon or argon would be injected into the ionization chamber, and 6uYP2PxilNE-00029-00017074-00017697 a high energy stream of electrons would also be injected into the chamber, and the job 6uYP2PxilNE-00030-00017697-00018243 of those electrons would be to find and collide with one of those neutral atoms, and turn 6uYP2PxilNE-00031-00018243-00018474 it into an ion. 6uYP2PxilNE-00032-00018474-00019125 Then here, at the extraction and acceleration grids, there's a voltage applied between those, 6uYP2PxilNE-00033-00019125-00019613 so there's an electric field, and some of those ions would happen to make their way 6uYP2PxilNE-00034-00019613-00020105 to this grid through the holes, and they'd be accelerated out the back of the spacecraft, 6uYP2PxilNE-00035-00020105-00020529 producing thrust and moving the satellite in that direction. 6uYP2PxilNE-00036-00020529-00021090 So this type of engine is not low-cost, it's not small, and in fact, it doesn't even scale 6uYP2PxilNE-00037-00021090-00021398 down to fit on a small satellite. 6uYP2PxilNE-00038-00021398-00021869 The pressure vessels that it needs to store the xenon can preclude it from being launched 6uYP2PxilNE-00039-00021869-00022100 on a rideshare launch. 6uYP2PxilNE-00040-00022100-00022640 It's complex, and it was designed to be made in volumes of about one or two per year. 6uYP2PxilNE-00041-00022640-00023076 So that's, like, the opposite of all those things I mentioned that smallsats care about, 6uYP2PxilNE-00042-00023076-00023320 as far as requirements go. 6uYP2PxilNE-00043-00023320-00023892 So in order to overcome some of those challenges, for a new class of spacecraft, and new hierarchies 6uYP2PxilNE-00044-00023892-00024477 of requirements, Accion, that's my company, we've introduced a new type of ion engine, 6uYP2PxilNE-00045-00024477-00024955 based on a technique called the ion electrospray, and we use a liquid propellant, instead of 6uYP2PxilNE-00046-00024955-00025061 a gas. 6uYP2PxilNE-00047-00025061-00025769 So this equation here basically says that you produce an ion beam by applying that same 6uYP2PxilNE-00048-00025769-00026245 electric field that a traditional ion engine uses to accelerate ions, you apply that same 6uYP2PxilNE-00049-00026245-00026788 electric field, and you can not only accelerate ions, but you can also produce them, you can 6uYP2PxilNE-00050-00026788-00027210 extract them from the propellant, using just that same field. 6uYP2PxilNE-00051-00027210-00027860 So in this way, there's no need to spend energy ionizing the gas, there's no need for a big 6uYP2PxilNE-00052-00027860-00028441 chamber for that ionization to happen in, and this mechanism occurs naturally on an 6uYP2PxilNE-00053-00028441-00028923 incredibly small scale, so there's no need to try to shrink something very large down 6uYP2PxilNE-00054-00028923-00029107 to fit on a small satellite. 6uYP2PxilNE-00055-00029107-00029639 Instead, we can actually massively parallelize this technique to produce thrust for satellites 6uYP2PxilNE-00056-00029639-00029816 of all sizes. 6uYP2PxilNE-00057-00029816-00030376 So it's inherently small, the liquid is stored, unpressurized, and the resulting feed system 6uYP2PxilNE-00058-00030376-00030482 is very simple. 6uYP2PxilNE-00059-00030482-00030827 So these systems are easy to launch on rideshare launches. 6uYP2PxilNE-00060-00030827-00031369 All of the components are mass-manufactured, well, without any specialized processes or 6uYP2PxilNE-00061-00031369-00031835 equipment, and the technology has the potential for thrust and power levels currently not 6uYP2PxilNE-00062-00031835-00032194 attainable by any other means of electric propulsion, actually. 6uYP2PxilNE-00063-00032194-00032700 So that makes us excited to continue to work on this for larger satellites, and one day, 6uYP2PxilNE-00064-00032700-00033004 interplanetary missions. 6uYP2PxilNE-00065-00033004-00033494 You'd think I'd know my talk by now, but here we are. 6uYP2PxilNE-00066-00033494-00034131 So here's a video of the electrospray techniques, there's an electric field applied between 6uYP2PxilNE-00067-00034131-00034797 this electrode and a, another electrode you can't see here, it stressed the liquid, and 6uYP2PxilNE-00068-00034797-00035355 as we kept increasing, maybe I can play it again, as we kept increasing the field, the 6uYP2PxilNE-00069-00035355-00036057 liquid eventually assumed this, a conical shape, and then a beam of ions actually start 6uYP2PxilNE-00070-00036057-00036195 issuing from the tip here. 6uYP2PxilNE-00071-00036195-00036656 And so this is an individual ion emitter, these, this isn't actually operating in ion 6uYP2PxilNE-00072-00036656-00037293 mode, you wouldn't be able to see this here if it were, but more for demonstration here, 6uYP2PxilNE-00073-00037293-00037466 illustrative purposes. 6uYP2PxilNE-00074-00037466-00037879 But this is essentially what's happening over and over again in our devices, on hundreds 6uYP2PxilNE-00075-00037879-00038261 or thousands of tiny ion emitters. 6uYP2PxilNE-00076-00038261-00039052 So all of this ion extraction and acceleration magic happens here in a thruster chip, we 6uYP2PxilNE-00077-00039052-00039556 can place any number of these anywhere on a spacecraft, and connect them to the propellant 6uYP2PxilNE-00078-00039556-00040169 supply system, and then connect that to the power electronics, like so. 6uYP2PxilNE-00079-00040169-00040718 At the end of last year, we sent, finally, our first two ion engines into space, and 6uYP2PxilNE-00080-00040718-00041097 we're currently in the process, this next year, for us, will look like transitioning 6uYP2PxilNE-00081-00041097-00041828 from mostly pure research and development into some commercial manufacturing, and starting 6uYP2PxilNE-00082-00041828-00042247 to sell the first commercial generation of these engines. 6uYP2PxilNE-00083-00042247-00043078 So I like to include this fellow, because putting liquid in a tiny electrical device 6uYP2PxilNE-00084-00043078-00043576 comes with plenty of, we like to call them opportunities for technology advancement and 6uYP2PxilNE-00085-00043576-00043676 development. 6uYP2PxilNE-00086-00043676-00044422 So a big effort at Accion recently has been into microfluidic control of the propellant. 6uYP2PxilNE-00087-00044422-00045071 So we're finding that there aren't a lot of great existing off-the-shelf solutions for 6uYP2PxilNE-00088-00045071-00045546 controlling really small amounts of fluid, things like self-priming valves that work 6uYP2PxilNE-00089-00045546-00046116 with our propellants, and that also happen to work in micro or zero gravity, and in the 6uYP2PxilNE-00090-00046116-00046233 vacuum of space. 6uYP2PxilNE-00091-00046233-00046767 So these aren't typical requirements that you'd find a biotech or a medical device company 6uYP2PxilNE-00092-00046767-00047344 having to work with, so we're doing a lot of in-house innovation around microfluidics 6uYP2PxilNE-00093-00047344-00047917 at Accion, working on some neat things in that area. 6uYP2PxilNE-00094-00047917-00048556 And then another big area of work for us at Accion has been in the geometry of the individual 6uYP2PxilNE-00095-00048556-00048656 ion emitters. 6uYP2PxilNE-00096-00048656-00049148 So I showed you that video, that would be happening from each of these emitter structures 6uYP2PxilNE-00097-00049148-00049574 here, and so these are where the ion beams form. 6uYP2PxilNE-00098-00049574-00050219 And the geometry of these emitters affects how straight and columnated the beam of ions 6uYP2PxilNE-00099-00050219-00050809 is, and this has a direct effect of the performance and lifetime of the propulsion system. 6uYP2PxilNE-00100-00050809-00051362 So we started with emitters that look like this, and we've had a big push in kind of 6uYP2PxilNE-00101-00051362-00052079 micro and nano fabrication, materials, coatings, and various processes, and now we're starting 6uYP2PxilNE-00102-00052079-00052342 to produce ion emitters that look more like this. 6uYP2PxilNE-00103-00052342-00052792 And the result has been improved performance, and longer lifetimes. 6uYP2PxilNE-00104-00052792-00053657 So I always try not to spoil exciting announcements, but just recently, because of a lot of changes 6uYP2PxilNE-00105-00053657-00054285 here, we hit a performance target for satellites up to about 75 kilograms, so. 6uYP2PxilNE-00106-00054285-00054504 Yes, it's exciting. 6uYP2PxilNE-00107-00054504-00054814 Okay, so. 6uYP2PxilNE-00108-00054814-00055591 Aside from what we're working on specifically, in the kind of materials, emitter geometry, 6uYP2PxilNE-00109-00055591-00056049 microfluidic valve control, there's some other activity in the industry, and in propulsion 6uYP2PxilNE-00110-00056049-00056301 that I wanted to spend some time touching on. 6uYP2PxilNE-00111-00056301-00056954 So we heard earlier today from Larry, from JPL, about Insight, but what's a little bit 6uYP2PxilNE-00112-00056954-00057600 less well known is that along with the Insight Lander, NASA sent two CubeSats on the same 6uYP2PxilNE-00113-00057600-00057848 launch to Mars. 6uYP2PxilNE-00114-00057848-00058516 And the mission of those CubeSats was to relay coms from the dark com side of Mars, where 6uYP2PxilNE-00115-00058516-00059104 it could normally take up to an hour for that transmission to get to the Mars Reconnaissance 6uYP2PxilNE-00116-00059104-00059347 Orbiter, and then back to earth. 6uYP2PxilNE-00117-00059347-00059829 So this relay setup using CubeSats wasn't a requirement for Insight, but NASA was demonstrating 6uYP2PxilNE-00118-00059829-00060501 a new capability, and it was a success, and this could be used on future Mars or lunar 6uYP2PxilNE-00119-00060501-00060995 missions, where timely communication is really important, like when you're trying to land, 6uYP2PxilNE-00120-00060995-00061129 for example. 6uYP2PxilNE-00121-00061129-00061699 So this pair of CubeSats used cold gas thrusters, but those could be replaced by an electric 6uYP2PxilNE-00122-00061699-00062314 propulsion system, like electrospray, for a savings in mass and volume on future escort 6uYP2PxilNE-00123-00062314-00062644 missions of this type. 6uYP2PxilNE-00124-00062644-00063079 So the next area I wanted to mention is satellite servicing. 6uYP2PxilNE-00125-00063079-00063611 So this picture is from DARPA Phoenix, which has been kind of a wild ride, if you've been 6uYP2PxilNE-00126-00063611-00063733 following that. 6uYP2PxilNE-00127-00063733-00064301 But in general, servicing, satellite servicing, to me, seems quite exciting, because it's 6uYP2PxilNE-00128-00064301-00065044 an important stepping stone on the way to more prolific proximity operations in space, 6uYP2PxilNE-00129-00065044-00065454 like those that will be necessary once humans are spending more time there. 6uYP2PxilNE-00130-00065454-00066055 So satellite servicing missions include tasks like refueling or repairing defunct spacecraft, 6uYP2PxilNE-00131-00066055-00066762 or attaching a new propulsion and attitude control system to the spacecraft to take over. 6uYP2PxilNE-00132-00066762-00067236 And then, of course, these servicing spacecraft will require their own precise propulsion 6uYP2PxilNE-00133-00067236-00067450 to achieve this. 6uYP2PxilNE-00134-00067450-00068313 One of the first such missions is Orbital ATK Northrop Grumman, their MEV-1 mission. 6uYP2PxilNE-00135-00068313-00068986 The mission extension vehicle will approach Intelsat-901, which is in graveyard orbit, 6uYP2PxilNE-00136-00068986-00069421 rendezvous and dock with it, and then provide its attitude control for up to another 16 6uYP2PxilNE-00137-00069421-00069521 years. 6uYP2PxilNE-00138-00069521-00070155 So the satellite has already been in orbit for I think almost 19 years, and so because 6uYP2PxilNE-00139-00070155-00070575 of this mission, it could be given another 16 years of lifetime. 6uYP2PxilNE-00140-00070575-00071099 And this was supposed to launch in February, I think now it's going up in May, but straight 6uYP2PxilNE-00141-00071099-00071535 out of a science fiction novel, that this is happening, and it's starting to happen 6uYP2PxilNE-00142-00071535-00071793 really soon, so that's pretty neat. 6uYP2PxilNE-00143-00071793-00072270 And then lastly, I wanted to touch on de-orbiting. 6uYP2PxilNE-00144-00072270-00072750 So I realize this is a picture of launchers, but I think it's all quite related. 6uYP2PxilNE-00145-00072750-00073210 And this discussion around de-orbit and debris requirements isn't going to go away any time 6uYP2PxilNE-00146-00073210-00073763 soon, especially with the proposed rules from the FCC recently. 6uYP2PxilNE-00147-00073763-00074516 So part of me is quite happy that spacecraft intending to operate above 650 kilometers 6uYP2PxilNE-00148-00074516-00075023 may soon be responsible for getting themselves there from a much lower orbit, I would be 6uYP2PxilNE-00149-00075023-00075521 happy to sell them those propulsion systems, but I think, in general, the industry is a 6uYP2PxilNE-00150-00075521-00075981 bit concerned that this could end up hampering growth, and, while at the same time not actually 6uYP2PxilNE-00151-00075981-00076658 avoiding the critical debris problems, like failed de-orbit systems, or generally incapacitated 6uYP2PxilNE-00152-00076658-00076758 satellites. 6uYP2PxilNE-00153-00076758-00077248 So let's say you want to raise an orbit from 550 kilometers to 1,000 kilometers. 6uYP2PxilNE-00154-00077248-00077862 If you have a $200,000 CubeSat, you're gonna spend another million dollars on propulsion, 6uYP2PxilNE-00155-00077862-00078167 and it's now going to be a refrigerator-sized satellite. 6uYP2PxilNE-00156-00078167-00078654 But more realistically, the mission's just not going to happen. 6uYP2PxilNE-00157-00078654-00079205 So even if you made it through that hurdle, that spacecraft could still just fail when 6uYP2PxilNE-00158-00079205-00079637 it gets to 1,000 kilometers, exacerbating the debris problem, anyways. 6uYP2PxilNE-00159-00079637-00080202 So instead, what I expect we'll start to see is being able to use these dedicated launchers, 6uYP2PxilNE-00160-00080202-00080763 or perhaps even a new kick stage, or more capable third state to drop spacecraft off 6uYP2PxilNE-00161-00080763-00081545 at their intended higher altitudes, and that there will be much more of a focus on innovation 6uYP2PxilNE-00162-00081545-00081787 in de-orbit technologies. 6uYP2PxilNE-00163-00081787-00082302 And I learned, when preparing for this, that several organizations, including NASA, have 6uYP2PxilNE-00164-00082302-00082767 flown CubeSat de-orbit systems successfully in recent years, so a lot of them are TRL 6uYP2PxilNE-00165-00082767-00082870 Nine already. 6uYP2PxilNE-00166-00082870-00083263 One of them was called Terminator Tape, which I thought was fun. 6uYP2PxilNE-00167-00083263-00084018 So I'm gonna wrap up here, we're, you know, I think we're at an extremely exciting time 6uYP2PxilNE-00168-00084018-00084473 in the industry, and in propulsion, specifically, so I look forward to any questions, digging 6uYP2PxilNE-00169-00084473-00085470 into this more here in the Q&A, and throughout the rest of the day, thank you. 6uYP2PxilNE-00170-00085470-00085836 Oh, thank you. 6uYP2PxilNE-00171-00085836-00086583 - How does your system compare to, ISP-wise, compare to cold gas, or in that last picture, 6uYP2PxilNE-00172-00086583-00086864 I guess that was sort of warm gas. 6uYP2PxilNE-00173-00086864-00087795 - Sure, so typical cold gas is, you know, 150, less than 100 seconds, so ion electrospray, 6uYP2PxilNE-00174-00087795-00088434 today, we're operating around 1,800 seconds, but theoretically, up to about 4,000. 6uYP2PxilNE-00175-00088434-00088534 - Wow. 6uYP2PxilNE-00176-00088534-00088634 - Yeah. 6uYP2PxilNE-00177-00088634-00088734 - And they're small? 6uYP2PxilNE-00178-00088734-00088834 - Yes, see? 6uYP2PxilNE-00179-00088834-00088963 - I get it. 6uYP2PxilNE-00180-00088963-00089063 - Yeah. 6uYP2PxilNE-00181-00089063-00089227 - I totally get it. 6uYP2PxilNE-00182-00089227-00089327 - Great. 6uYP2PxilNE-00183-00089327-00089809 We didn't plan that, yeah, oh, I guess I'll, yeah. 6uYP2PxilNE-00184-00089809-00089915 - Well, hi. 6uYP2PxilNE-00185-00089915-00090382 I think most of the CubeSat is designed to be working in a short period of time, like, 6uYP2PxilNE-00186-00090382-00090982 they designed it to work in, like, less than one years, and the idea of CubeSat is to be 6uYP2PxilNE-00187-00090982-00091887 replaceable, like the Planet So my question is, is it worth trying to implementing such 6uYP2PxilNE-00188-00091887-00092499 an expensive technology, like electric propulsion, into the satellite, that maybe last maybe 6uYP2PxilNE-00189-00092499-00092840 not more than one or two years? 6uYP2PxilNE-00190-00092840-00093479 - Yeah, that's a great common question I get, so generally, I think, if you're going to 6uYP2PxilNE-00191-00093479-00094023 spend money to put something in orbit, you don't hope that it only lasts one year, and 6uYP2PxilNE-00192-00094023-00094650 if, in fact, it could last a bit longer, and economically, all of that made sense, you 6uYP2PxilNE-00193-00094650-00095050 would hope that it would stay in orbit longer, and keep operating. 6uYP2PxilNE-00194-00095050-00095686 So that's one part, and the other part is that CubeSats, I think, have evolved into 6uYP2PxilNE-00195-00095686-00096388 more of the kind of technology demonstration and academic program sort of realm, and so 6uYP2PxilNE-00196-00096388-00096833 most of the time, we're talking with customers with slightly larger satellites, so about 6uYP2PxilNE-00197-00096833-00097497 25 kilograms to 150, and then, you know, up to 400 kilograms. 6uYP2PxilNE-00198-00097497-00097597 Yeah. 6uYP2PxilNE-00199-00097597-00097697 Yes? 6uYP2PxilNE-00200-00097697-00098664 - Thank you very much for your speech. 6uYP2PxilNE-00201-00098664-00099167 Your technology is so fascinating, but may I ask you about your business, because I'm 6uYP2PxilNE-00202-00099167-00099493 from Sloan Business School. 6uYP2PxilNE-00203-00099493-00100295 Okay, who's the most significant customer who buys your technology, or who, does this 6uYP2PxilNE-00204-00100295-00100749 make a profit now, or, business-side. 6uYP2PxilNE-00205-00100749-00101144 - So soon, it will be profitable, very soon. 6uYP2PxilNE-00206-00101144-00101932 Our longest kind of anchor customer has been DoD, and when we first started the company, 6uYP2PxilNE-00207-00101932-00102523 we thought that our earliest adopters would be other space startups, who needed to be 6uYP2PxilNE-00208-00102523-00102742 adventurous in the technologies they adopted. 6uYP2PxilNE-00209-00102742-00103310 But it turns out that they're very risk adverse, because they themselves are very risky, and 6uYP2PxilNE-00210-00103310-00103829 we're all trying not to further compound our risk by doing these missions. 6uYP2PxilNE-00211-00103829-00104453 So it's actually been companies like Lockheed and Boeing, and organizations like DoD and 6uYP2PxilNE-00212-00104453-00105189 NASA that we've worked with early on. 6uYP2PxilNE-00213-00105189-00105969 - Hi, I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about kind of any of the technology 6uYP2PxilNE-00214-00105969-00106605 challenges you had, moving from kind of an R&D type of environment into a commercial 6uYP2PxilNE-00215-00106605-00106705 product. 6uYP2PxilNE-00216-00106705-00106805 - Yes. 6uYP2PxilNE-00217-00106805-00107710 Well, the one part that maybe wasn't our fault was that when we spun out the company from 6uYP2PxilNE-00218-00107710-00108358 MIT, everybody was still focused on CubeSats as being the, basically the majority of the 6uYP2PxilNE-00219-00108358-00108949 commercial new space market, and the technology at that point was very close to ready for, 6uYP2PxilNE-00220-00108949-00109327 in terms of performance, and maturity for that market segment. 6uYP2PxilNE-00221-00109327-00109979 And then while we were, you know, busy product-izing that for CubeSats, the industry sort of decided 6uYP2PxilNE-00222-00109979-00110457 that, no, we need to use larger and larger satellites, so CubeSats aren't going to quite 6uYP2PxilNE-00223-00110457-00110644 cut it for most of these missions. 6uYP2PxilNE-00224-00110644-00111272 So then we had to go back into lab, and improve the performance to be able to address these 6uYP2PxilNE-00225-00111272-00111372 larger satellites. 6uYP2PxilNE-00226-00111372-00112184 So that ended up being much more pure R&D than, like, an engineering or a product effort, 6uYP2PxilNE-00227-00112184-00112750 and we ended up needing to approach a lot of things from, like, a blank slate, and kind 6uYP2PxilNE-00228-00112750-00113304 of completely start over in some areas where we had assumed it was going to be small tweaks 6uYP2PxilNE-00229-00113304-00113477 that would get us there. 6uYP2PxilNE-00230-00113477-00113933 So that was probably the biggest challenge. 6uYP2PxilNE-00231-00113933-00114033 Yeah? 6uYP2PxilNE-00232-00114033-00114572 - Could you talk about your experience fundraising for not only a hardware company, but a space 6uYP2PxilNE-00233-00114572-00114672 company? 6uYP2PxilNE-00234-00114672-00115316 And then also touch on if, how you used government contracts to kind of help kickstart your company 6uYP2PxilNE-00235-00115316-00115473 and revenue? 6uYP2PxilNE-00236-00115473-00116226 - Sure, so as far as fundraising, it's been fine. 6uYP2PxilNE-00237-00116226-00117023 I think what helped us early on was coming from a kind of strong foundation in the lab 6uYP2PxilNE-00238-00117023-00117442 here, where we had actually already launched the technology into space, and had checked 6uYP2PxilNE-00239-00117442-00117688 off a lot of the proof points. 6uYP2PxilNE-00240-00117688-00118045 So then that made fundraising a lot easier. 6uYP2PxilNE-00241-00118045-00118519 If you have specific questions on that side, I'd be happy to dive in more, but I don't 6uYP2PxilNE-00242-00118519-00118983 have any other, fundraising for any other company experience, so it just kind of is 6uYP2PxilNE-00243-00118983-00119135 what it is. 6uYP2PxilNE-00244-00119135-00120153 And then, sorry, can you repeat-- Yeah, so. 6uYP2PxilNE-00245-00120153-00120608 We've raised venture capital, and then also raised almost the same amount of money in 6uYP2PxilNE-00246-00120608-00120903 non-dilutive funding from the government. 6uYP2PxilNE-00247-00120903-00121682 But those contracts were kind of the follow-ons to ones that we already had here at MIT, and 6uYP2PxilNE-00248-00121682-00122108 there are contract vehicles that exist when you're trying to take an academic research 6uYP2PxilNE-00249-00122108-00122321 project, and spin it out into a small business. 6uYP2PxilNE-00250-00122321-00122769 So that was kind of where we focused, since we already had those relationships, and then 6uYP2PxilNE-00251-00122769-00123248 there was a lot of interest in commercializing technology the government has already spend 6uYP2PxilNE-00252-00123248-00123348 money on academically. 6uYP2PxilNE-00253-00123348-00123972 So that was kind of a sweet spot that we found that I would suggest people look into. 6uYP2PxilNE-00254-00123972-00124528 Any other questions? 6uYP2PxilNE-00255-00124528-00124713 Okay. 6uYP2PxilNE-00256-00124713-00125641 Great, oh, yeah, got one. 6uYP2PxilNE-00257-00125641-00126033 - Reusability, for instance. 6uYP2PxilNE-00258-00126033-00126922 Last year, the Goldman Sachs report on space noticed that for nanosats, the average cost 6uYP2PxilNE-00259-00126922-00127472 actually increased, smooth launches made it possible, but there was no decrease in cost. 6uYP2PxilNE-00260-00127472-00129026 Now, when you look at, like, 1,000 K, what is your vision of average cost, when you add 6uYP2PxilNE-00261-00129026-00129462 solutions, your propulsions, and the cost, what do you see it as for something, maybe 6uYP2PxilNE-00262-00129462-00130313 50 K, and the satellite, or, let's say 300 K in earth orbit, 1,000, 1,500 in the next 6uYP2PxilNE-00263-00130313-00130489 two years. 6uYP2PxilNE-00264-00130489-00131500 - Yes, so I think there's kind of a line that separates them, for up to a certain size of 6uYP2PxilNE-00265-00131500-00132053 satellite or mission, I'm not sure how I would categorize it, but I would say if you're able 6uYP2PxilNE-00266-00132053-00132858 to take any launch, and then get yourself exactly where you need to be, that ends up, 6uYP2PxilNE-00267-00132858-00133309 operationally and launch cost-wise, saving you quite a bit of money, until you hit a 6uYP2PxilNE-00268-00133309-00133863 threshold where you're needing to move yourself by, you know, 700 kilometers. 6uYP2PxilNE-00269-00133863-00134589 And then I think that's when there currently is no good solution, and that's why I mentioned, 6uYP2PxilNE-00270-00134589-00135177 on the launcher de-orbit slide, that I think there needs to be something like a kick stage, 6uYP2PxilNE-00271-00135177-00135846 or I think folks were looking at putting chemical propulsion on an ESPA ring, and using that 6uYP2PxilNE-00272-00135846-00136100 to drive around and drop satellites off. 6uYP2PxilNE-00273-00136100-00136685 So doing that part right now is still incredibly expensive, to add your own propulsion, and 6uYP2PxilNE-00274-00136685-00137138 there's no other great solution, but if you're able to maneuver yourself for the smaller 6uYP2PxilNE-00275-00137138-00137720 adjustments, I think there can be a big cost savings, but I don't have the exact numbers. 6uYP2PxilNE-00276-00137720-00137957 Yeah? 6uYP2PxilNE-00277-00137957-00138422 - There's a number of other startups in the EP field, small EP, and so how do you position 6uYP2PxilNE-00278-00138422-00138801 Accion Systems, to sort of differentiate it from the field? 6uYP2PxilNE-00279-00138801-00139449 - Yeah, what I'm seeing mostly are many other companies that are trying to take the existing 6uYP2PxilNE-00280-00139449-00140047 EP systems, and scale them down, and so a lot of focus is on haul thrusters, because 6uYP2PxilNE-00281-00140047-00140624 traditionally, if you scale a haul thruster down, the efficiency falls off to, like, below 6uYP2PxilNE-00282-00140624-00140724 10%. 6uYP2PxilNE-00283-00140724-00141247 And so several of these companies are working on incrementally bringing that back up by 6uYP2PxilNE-00284-00141247-00141722 improving the cathode, and the chamber materials, and so on. 6uYP2PxilNE-00285-00141722-00142466 So I think, you know, we're still seeing efficiencies, like, 20, 25%, and on these small satellites, 6uYP2PxilNE-00286-00142466-00143071 power is still incredibly important and precious, so that's very challenging. 6uYP2PxilNE-00287-00143071-00143563 And then the other very real competitor that we have and that we're watching closely is 6uYP2PxilNE-00288-00143563-00144109 a company called Enpulsion, and they do something quite similar to what we do, actually, but 6uYP2PxilNE-00289-00144109-00144346 they use a liquid metal. 6uYP2PxilNE-00290-00144346-00144846 So same, they even form those same cones, and have small emitters, but the propellant 6uYP2PxilNE-00291-00144846-00145427 is a metal, and it turns out that to extract, you still have to, you have to ionize the 6uYP2PxilNE-00292-00145427-00145740 metal atom, and then extract and accelerate it. 6uYP2PxilNE-00293-00145740-00146305 And that power draw to do that is about six to 10 times greater than from the propellant 6uYP2PxilNE-00294-00146305-00146634 that we use, and again, you run into that power issue. 6uYP2PxilNE-00295-00146634-00147234 So I think there's a lot of very viable stuff out there happening in propulsion, but it 6uYP2PxilNE-00296-00147234-00148061 might be missing some of the marks, like, on power, mm-hmm? 6uYP2PxilNE-00297-00148061-00148375 - Hi. 6uYP2PxilNE-00298-00148375-00148728 Following the launch of those two engines at the end of last year, I was wondering if 6uYP2PxilNE-00299-00148728-00149053 there were any important lessons that you took away from that event that you're going 6uYP2PxilNE-00300-00149053-00149644 to be bringing with you into this commercialization space, going forward. 6uYP2PxilNE-00301-00149644-00150094 - Yes, a complete redesign of one of the components. 6uYP2PxilNE-00302-00150094-00150838 Yeah, we learned a lot of about the environment during storage, and even on the launchpad, 6uYP2PxilNE-00303-00150838-00151380 that we had been designing to sort of the average case, and then we ended up seeing 6uYP2PxilNE-00304-00151380-00151883 the extreme cases, and realizing that we probably couldn't design to the average. 6uYP2PxilNE-00305-00151883-00152617 So to get a little bit clearer, especially around humidity, so we did not expect to sit 6uYP2PxilNE-00306-00152617-00153161 on a humid launchpad, or nearby it for nine months, because that wasn't the average case 6uYP2PxilNE-00307-00153161-00153379 we were designing to, and then that happened. 6uYP2PxilNE-00308-00153379-00154096 So now we've had to redesign the parts of the system that that affects accordingly. 6uYP2PxilNE-00309-00154096-00154495 And then the other thing that we learned, internally, that, you know, maybe we should 6uYP2PxilNE-00310-00154495-00155132 have known sooner, but, that, you know, we have to, even if you think you're, the integrator 6uYP2PxilNE-00311-00155132-00155572 knows that they shouldn't do something, you should probably still say it explicitly, like, 6uYP2PxilNE-00312-00155572-00156259 don't, you know, take it out of the dry bag six months before it's going to be integrated, 6uYP2PxilNE-00313-00156259-00156533 just in case something gets delayed. 6uYP2PxilNE-00314-00156533-00156955 So things like that we learned, just to be more clear about and explicit about, good 6uYP2PxilNE-00315-00156955-00157086 question, yeah? 6uYP2PxilNE-00316-00157086-00157652 - Actually, just to build on that last question, can you elaborate on, like, what the operational 6uYP2PxilNE-00317-00157652-00158213 and management structure of, like, your teams look like when doing this kind of work, because 6uYP2PxilNE-00318-00158213-00158855 I know it's one thing to have a research project kind of structure, it's another for commercialization, 6uYP2PxilNE-00319-00158855-00159058 or technology application structure. 6uYP2PxilNE-00320-00159058-00159572 Do you work in, like, feature sprints, do you, like, can you just, like, just sketch 6uYP2PxilNE-00321-00159572-00159733 what the work process looks like? 6uYP2PxilNE-00322-00159733-00160187 - Yeah, I'll say a couple of things that come to mind. 6uYP2PxilNE-00323-00160187-00160679 So as far as the structure of the company, we're about, you know, 32 technical people, 6uYP2PxilNE-00324-00160679-00161175 engineers and researchers, and then, you know, three business and office manager type people. 6uYP2PxilNE-00325-00161175-00161364 So very, very technical. 6uYP2PxilNE-00326-00161364-00162086 My VP of engineering comes from an industry where he's taken products to market several 6uYP2PxilNE-00327-00162086-00162392 times, and gone through that iteration, and spun things up for manufacturing. 6uYP2PxilNE-00328-00162392-00162897 So that's been very important, because we were operating, like, just like our lab here, 6uYP2PxilNE-00329-00162897-00163244 until bringing that experience on the team. 6uYP2PxilNE-00330-00163244-00163905 And, yeah, I think, anything else, specifically? 6uYP2PxilNE-00331-00163905-00164955 Oh, we do, we do some form of Agile, so we do work in sprints, but we renamed them orbits. 6uYP2PxilNE-00332-00164955-00165278 Uh-huh? 6uYP2PxilNE-00333-00165278-00165923 Anyone else? 6uYP2PxilNE-00334-00165923-00166569 - Oh, sorry. 6uYP2PxilNE-00335-00166569-00167033 Do you have, sorry, do you have any parameters for the reliability of your solution, when 6uYP2PxilNE-00336-00167033-00167267 operating in space? 6uYP2PxilNE-00337-00167267-00168098 - Yes, so we have the three different components, so as far as sub-components that are off the 6uYP2PxilNE-00338-00168098-00168626 shelf, we have data sheets, and we do our own testing there. 6uYP2PxilNE-00339-00168626-00169278 As far as our custom, unique components, we're just now starting to kind of spin up the test 6uYP2PxilNE-00340-00169278-00169676 machine to be able to get some statistically significant results. 6uYP2PxilNE-00341-00169676-00170255 So we have early models of the reliability for each component with, you know, a lot of 6uYP2PxilNE-00342-00170255-00170633 curve smoothing happening right now, and then we're gonna keep building those up. 6uYP2PxilNE-00343-00170633-00171038 But, you know, our first customers will have to, to be okay with the fact that they're 6uYP2PxilNE-00344-00171038-00171438 buying something that's, you know, research grade. 6uYP2PxilNE-00345-00171438-00172598 All right, we can get a head start on lunch, ahead of other room, okay, thank you. 6weWlQDdTgA-00000-00000886-00001353 welcome to my YouTube channel in this video I will tell you how to check the 6weWlQDdTgA-00001-00001353-00001917 gate 2019 response shape first of all you need to open the gate official 6weWlQDdTgA-00002-00001917-00002669 website the link will be provided in the description box after open the gate 6weWlQDdTgA-00003-00002669-00003386 official site you need to login with your login credentials enter your email 6weWlQDdTgA-00004-00003386-00005680 and password then enter the CAPTCHA then press submit to login after you login 6weWlQDdTgA-00005-00005680-00007095 click on view response the response rate will be appeared in this response sheet 6weWlQDdTgA-00006-00007095-00007679 you will be able to see the complete question paper and the answers are 6weWlQDdTgA-00007-00007679-00008646 baited by you you can also calculate your marks by manually but it is very 6weWlQDdTgA-00008-00008646-00009177 too difficult so how to calculate your gate marks easily and how to predict 6weWlQDdTgA-00009-00009177-00009789 your gate score and rank I will provide you on link in the description box just 6weWlQDdTgA-00010-00009789-00010400 click on it or paste in the new chip if you are new to this website you need to 6weWlQDdTgA-00011-00010400-00011039 log in with your mobile number and vote EP click on predict my rank then a 6weWlQDdTgA-00012-00011039-00012252 search bar will be appear then go to the gate website and copy that responds with 6weWlQDdTgA-00013-00012252-00013295 URL and just paste in the search bar after 6weWlQDdTgA-00014-00013295-00013983 page you need to click on the predictor my rank then it will automatically 6weWlQDdTgA-00015-00013983-00015068 calculate it and will show your gate marks score and predicted gate rank also 6weWlQDdTgA-00016-00015068-00015701 this gate marks will almost same as the official marks but the rank and the 6weWlQDdTgA-00017-00015701-00016673 score will be vary this rank only predictor ranked by the started ships 6weWlQDdTgA-00018-00016673-00017162 available in the website thanks for watching 6xQ2ToAviQY-00000-00000000-00000200 កិច្ចសម្ភាសន៍នេនសាងផ្នួស៧ថ្ងៃដើម្បីតបគុណលោកឪពុកទើបតែស្លាប់លាចាកលោកនេះទៅកាន់បរលោក 6_vZAjGDQ6U-00000-00000072-00000744 videos without playing sound while i browse youtube on my tv. because of this, 6_vZAjGDQ6U-00001-00000744-00001240 although i can always change it in settings, i can turn it off or it can dismiss now. there 6_vZAjGDQ6U-00002-00001240-00001688 are some icons right next to those to make it easier to know which one you're clicking on, 6_vZAjGDQ6U-00003-00001688-00002520 so if where i say you might be able to see them, but that is different from the last time i saw it, 6_vZAjGDQ6U-00004-00002592-00002984 although this is something i've seen before, so. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00000-00000014-00000099 DAN GARCIA: Welcome back, folks. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00001-00000099-00000362 Today, we're going to be talking about programming paradigms. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00002-00000362-00000618 And programming paradigms are the style you use to program. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00003-00000618-00000869 So, we'll learn a couple of those today. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00004-00000869-00001250 So, formally, this is the definition of that from Wikipedia. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00005-00001250-00001528 "The concepts and abstractions used to represent 6Cw8DpudPsy-00006-00001528-00001919 the elements of a program-- for example, objects, functions, variables, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00007-00001919-00002294 and constraints, et cetera-- and the steps 6Cw8DpudPsy-00008-00002294-00002989 that compose a computation-- assignment, evaluation, continuation, data flow. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00009-00002989-00003218 All these are complicated words, but it means the style 6Cw8DpudPsy-00010-00003218-00003372 you use to program a computer. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00011-00003372-00003701 And most of you have only seen the way we're programming your computer, which 6Cw8DpudPsy-00012-00003701-00003997 is through Snap!, so it's hard for you to get a sense of other ones. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00013-00003997-00004293 So, today, I'm going to try to share with you other ways that you might 6Cw8DpudPsy-00014-00004293-00004538 want to be able to program a computer. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00015-00004538-00004798 The style is the paradigm. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00016-00004798-00004968 The first is a functional model. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00017-00004968-00005206 And this is, again, the third time we've seen this slide. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00018-00005206-00005330 This is all review. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00019-00005330-00005744 We're talking about-- the world is only functions that 6Cw8DpudPsy-00020-00005744-00006293 have inputs and a single output, and you compose them together in clever ways. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00021-00006293-00006567 So, here is this function f that you're trying to write. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00022-00006567-00006901 And itself, it's written by composing other functions together. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00023-00006901-00007309 So, you borrow the plus function, and the square root function, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00024-00007309-00007705 and the multiply function, and then feed the data in this way. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00025-00007705-00007954 What I've added is-- on the bottom corner, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00026-00007954-00008242 you'll see the code that actually embodies that function in Snap! 6Cw8DpudPsy-00027-00008242-00008582 So, you can think of that is being this picture where data flows like this, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00028-00008582-00008856 or you can just thinking about the expression that Snap! is. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00029-00008856-00008952 That's a little easier. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00030-00008952-00009118 So, that's functional models. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00031-00009118-00009281 Again, very standard. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00032-00009281-00009448 We've seen it before many times. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00033-00009448-00009800 And remember, no state, no side effects, and no mutation. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00034-00009800-00009913 Those are the three things. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00035-00009913-00010101 Same inputs, same outputs. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00036-00010101-00010295 All you've seen before. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00037-00010295-00010488 Ooh, new idea. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00038-00010488-00010843 This is called imperative programming, and imperative programming 6Cw8DpudPsy-00039-00010843-00010951 is like a recipe. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00040-00010951-00011348 The picture I've shown here is because I think of it like a recipe. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00041-00011348-00011922 First, break the eggs, then scramble them, then add some chives, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00042-00011922-00012089 and then put them on a pot. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00043-00012089-00012284 So, it's all these steps. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00044-00012284-00012415 So, it's called imperative. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00045-00012415-00012646 Another word for this is called sequential. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00046-00012646-00012913 So, it's a sequential nature-- you're doing one after the other, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00047-00012913-00013050 after the other, after the other. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00048-00013050-00013457 So, if you were to try to recreate that same function over here-- f of x 6Cw8DpudPsy-00049-00013457-00013816 equals x plus 3 times the square root of x-- the way 6Cw8DpudPsy-00050-00013816-00014191 you can do that is by saying, here's the procedure right here, f of x. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00051-00014191-00014295 Answer equals x. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00052-00014295-00014433 Let's just start with the answer. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00053-00014433-00014569 I'm going to return an answer. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00054-00014569-00014705 But I say answer equals x. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00055-00014705-00014836 Uh-oh, there's an equal sign. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00056-00014836-00015094 Already, we're not functional because I've used an equal sign. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00057-00015094-00015336 You're not allowed to have an equal sign in any assignment 6Cw8DpudPsy-00058-00015336-00015459 in a functional model. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00059-00015459-00015629 So, assignment-- all of a sudden you know 6Cw8DpudPsy-00060-00015629-00015775 you're out of the functional world. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00061-00015775-00015866 The answer equals x. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00062-00015866-00015940 So, we start with the answer. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00063-00015940-00016026 I'm going to return an answer. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00064-00016026-00016238 So, I'm going to give you at least x back. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00065-00016238-00016493 And then, what if I say, answer equals square root of answer? 6Cw8DpudPsy-00066-00016493-00016588 What does that do? 6Cw8DpudPsy-00067-00016588-00016883 Well, that says that, now, it's the square root of x. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00068-00016883-00017088 Because, remember, the answer was x a second ago. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00069-00017088-00017250 So, now our answer is square root of x. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00070-00017250-00017522 So, I'm working my way through my computation. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00071-00017522-00018008 Answer equals x plus 3 times answer. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00072-00018008-00018288 And now, all of a sudden, I'm done by computation. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00073-00018288-00018617 If I return answer, I'm returning the quantity x 6Cw8DpudPsy-00074-00018617-00018821 plus 3 times square root of x. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00075-00018821-00019282 So, that's a way to have some assignments, some stages. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00076-00019282-00019624 And you might think about why that's the reason why 6Cw8DpudPsy-00077-00019624-00020121 we can't parallelize imperative and sequential programs very easily. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00078-00020121-00020482 It's because you have these stages, and these stages all 6Cw8DpudPsy-00079-00020482-00020863 have-- what's the word to say? 6Cw8DpudPsy-00080-00020863-00021101 The stages all have kind of a step. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00081-00021101-00021414 You can't just say, well, I've done three or four steps in my algorithm, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00082-00021414-00021552 and they can't come out of order. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00083-00021552-00021801 There's a particular order that's required. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00084-00021801-00022076 When you send computation to many machines, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00085-00022076-00022407 they come back out of order because that machine's faster, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00086-00022407-00022651 the network is slow there, the disk is really slow there, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00087-00022651-00022849 that machine's bogged down with computation. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00088-00022849-00023071 So, you have to be able to handle work out 6Cw8DpudPsy-00089-00023071-00023435 of order, which is why functional stuff is so beautiful, because there's 6Cw8DpudPsy-00090-00023435-00023563 no order to those things. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00091-00023563-00023797 In the flow-- I'll go back a picture-- in this flow, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00092-00023797-00024192 it didn't matter whether the square root happen before the plus. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00093-00024192-00024285 Think about that. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00094-00024285-00024659 Here's the flow of the data through that kind of box. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00095-00024659-00024805 Didn't matter which happened first. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00096-00024805-00025024 At the end, the time is going to wait for both of those to be ready. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00097-00025024-00025229 When they're both ready, they'll come out and do the right thing. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00098-00025229-00025376 Didn't matter whether there's an order here. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00099-00025376-00025483 But look at this stage. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00100-00025483-00025641 Look at this answer equals answer. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00101-00025641-00025967 If you send each of those lines to a machine, you can't have them come back, 6Cw8DpudPsy-00102-00025967-00026086 and it doesn't make sense. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00103-00026086-00026355 You needed the results from the earlier step 6Cw8DpudPsy-00104-00026355-00026523 to be able to work with the next step. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00105-00026523-00026933 So, you can't paralyze sequential or imperative programs as easily. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00106-00026933-00027208 You can do it in limited cases. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00107-00027208-00027454 So far, what we've seen is an introduction to what 6Cw8DpudPsy-00108-00027454-00027675 the idea of a programming paradigm is. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00109-00027675-00027932 It's the style of programming, the style taking your thoughts 6Cw8DpudPsy-00110-00027932-00028069 and embodying them in code. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00111-00028069-00028362 We've seen the functional model, and we've seen the imperative model. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00112-00028362-00028550 Next, video we'll talk about two more models. 6Cw8DpudPsy-00113-00028550-00028705 Thanks. 6Fb_N6WNvtQ-00000-00000040-00000656 hey guys. i've just been able to hit myself about 10 000 times for the third time in a row 6Fb_N6WNvtQ-00001-00000656-00001480 without a break, no breaks, even a third of a second long for the entire 17 and a half minute duration. 6Fb_N6WNvtQ-00002-00001560-00001968 that was really tiring on the arm, and if you could do that, 6Fb_N6WNvtQ-00003-00002280-00002400 and you're a legend. 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00000-00000494-00000777 It is compared against the Internet 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00001-00000777-00001224 both current, archived, and large databases 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00002-00001224-00001350 of academic articles 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00003-00001350-00001780 books obtained through publisher agreements and Turnitin's own database 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00004-00001780-00001968 of student papers. 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00005-00001968-00002405 When you look at the paper in the originality report 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00006-00002405-00002756 you'll see highlighted text 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00007-00002756-00003059 numbered to show 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00008-00003059-00003504 which of these sources on the right 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00009-00003504-00003790 it matches 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00010-00003790-00004082 If I click 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00011-00004082-00004382 on number itself 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00012-00004382-00004835 It will show me that section in the context of the match 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00013-00004835-00005218 if I keep going down through paper then 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00014-00005218-00005573 I will see where the other matches are 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00015-00005573-00006022 Here's my number one match, the largest match 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00016-00006022-00006330 six-percent. That means 6 percent 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00017-00006330-00006659 of the students' paper matches 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00018-00006659-00007113 this text. Now in this case the glimpse 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00019-00007113-00007592 view is kind of full up with the match so I'm going to click 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00020-00007592-00007793 up here 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00021-00007793-00008197 on the right, top right of the glimpse on full source view 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00022-00008197-00008585 so that I can see a more extensive 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00023-00008585-00008889 section of the original paper. 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00024-00008889-00009211 Now let's take a look for a moment 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00025-00009211-00009529 this match number two and it says to me 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00026-00009529-00009845 look, this section in the reference list matches this 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00027-00009845-00010165 paper from Chulalongkorn University 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00028-00010165-00010518 Now, does that mean that my student 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00029-00010518-00011063 has access to a paper from Chulalongkorn University 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00030-00011063-00011515 does it mean that they perhaps submitted a paper to Chulalongkorn University 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00031-00011515-00011853 It's possible, it's perhaps unlikely 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00032-00011853-00012314 What it could tell me is that a student who submitted a paper to 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00033-00012314-00012702 Chulalongkorn University used the same references 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00034-00012702-00013100 So that student and my student 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00035-00013100-00013507 may in fact be accessing that from the same third source 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00036-00013507-00013919 if I click here I'm going to view the match breakdown 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00037-00013919-00014273 I'm going to say okay that's interesting 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00038-00014273-00014720 that was one possible match to Chulalongkorn University 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00039-00014720-00015363 in another context 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00040-00015363-00015458 and another context 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00041-00015669-00016166 so sometimes in fact what we need to do 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00042-00016166-00016425 is look below the first match 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00043-00016425-00016929 if when in fact looking to pick up something in particular 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00044-00016929-00017210 With the highlighting, the glimpse view, 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00045-00017210-00017535 the full source view, 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00046-00017535-00017840 and perhaps the match 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00047-00017840-00018281 overview, the match breakdown, I can 6Ku_tDnK4_4-00048-00018281-00018584 explore what's going on in this text. 6RiYYvQFJDg-00000-00000056-00000568 i also saw one comment, probably 10 seconds ago, 6RiYYvQFJDg-00001-00000664-00001144 that is less than 10 seconds before the heart was added, and the comments loaded. 6RiYYvQFJDg-00002-00001200-00002088 so just before i started, there was about to be another comment. if this happens, i may stay on 6RiYYvQFJDg-00003-00002088-00002824 the page a little bit longer, and this is to make sure that the next user is saw, and within a few 6RiYYvQFJDg-00004-00002824-00003664 seconds. i might see that one, and then approve the user very quickly. seven new users have been added. 6SwnqnFcXug-00000-00000206-00001149 IHDR sRGB gAMA pHYs IDATx^ |_VeVV @`B QOig4 @`^ zob8 &s}.o] @ }LG^ t{zZu 5x^5 z{?A" y5gV 6SwnqnFcXug-00001-00001149-00002155 a@/[T \ZQF 6x^5( }{!J bh-`@ 6z,y Nq'0x Aw[d 8x^Ur t<.} ]F{t6V -)Oz C5w[ f]ot #dLMu' ikC@ 6SwnqnFcXug-00002-00002155-00002952 sK<- E$&Xm H'|E p'p |q0g ))ZX 4F-r .9;$6 =}z= FiSt {hjk&H URQU ~yFMm= u]_{ aKj, *Ue^xWm 6SwnqnFcXug-00003-00002952-00003568 EZy3 "arh{ ?jr& P{-4 kopi 4\:o QP]r 8RM: '>'g} qc-):o iWio 2iy(:u T1{t ZBN_ U=n^ =JI \ZQ\T 6SwnqnFcXug-00004-00003568-00004111 <+9x U4X5qWzJ ^>.~ X)[c| na`BPs%O C>~q IS}4 QV4. ?yj! 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@`9 n6<Q 7m}h NG;+~ ~54o @`^ '"@`f N-qX x!`8 ?xh^ 2~e@ BwGM%@ 7aEj 6SwnqnFcXug-00015-00014059-00014856 9~7` kM2T @ U Im#@ <-!@ 0J@ @`K@ P& P& 2~%A @`v 5:Hj IDAT IEND 6TxnaRsgzKo-00000-00000008-00001592 uh 6TxnaRsgzKo-00001-00002160-00002984 me 6TxnaRsgzKo-00002-00005200-00005784 it's 6TxnaRsgzKo-00003-00006784-00007184 me 6TxnaRsgzKo-00004-00012704-00014184 everybody in the place 6TxnaRsgzKo-00005-00015488-00016984 scooby wow 6TxnaRsgzKo-00006-00018784-00019784 so 6TxnaRsgzKo-00007-00021128-00021184 me 6TxnaRsgzKo-00008-00024352-00025384 do 6TxnaRsgzKo-00009-00029439-00029583 performance 6TxnaRsgzKo-00010-00036672-00039384 yes me 6TxnaRsgzKo-00011-00041280-00042184 foreign 6TxnaRsgzKo-00012-00042608-00043584 boys 6TxnaRsgzKo-00013-00045392-00046384 um 6TxnaRsgzKo-00014-00047408-00047416 you 6UIL33iX7Ok-00000-00000000-00000630 Aviation is beautiful, but we sometimes face unwanted moments. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00001-00000646-00001002 In today's episode we will show you 6UIL33iX7Ok-00002-00001002-00001198 a rescue training session. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00003-00001212-00001607 It took place during Polish Medical Rescue Congress in Cracow. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00004-00001634-00002046 Thanks to: Aeroklub Krakowski for lending glider and trailer, 6UIL33iX7Ok-00005-00002068-00002464 and all individuals mentioned here. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00006-00002478-00002790 Special thanks to: Kamil, Eliza and Dorota. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00007-00002822-00003190 Nearly 800 paramedics attended the congress. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00008-00003224-00003734 They were free to join training sessions, including this one. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00009-00003772-00004626 Simulated crash interested people, it was also shown in TV news. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00010-00004672-00005066 Not airworthy, bu complete Pirat glider 6UIL33iX7Ok-00011-00005080-00005388 was placed on its side. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00012-00005404-00005838 Original harness was replaced with a modern one. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00013-00005856-00006190 Each harness is to be unbuckled with a single move. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00014-00006224-00006659 Participants were introduced to glider construction, 6UIL33iX7Ok-00015-00006672-00007073 cockpit equipment, pilot position, 6UIL33iX7Ok-00016-00007098-00007472 and common accident types, excluding the ones requiring the use of parachute. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00017-00007480-00008073 Few people have the idea of how much can a glider withstand, 6UIL33iX7Ok-00018-00008073-00008512 how fast or how heavy it is. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00019-00008522-00009046 Outlanding or aerobatic capabilities are a true surprise. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00020-00009070-00009496 The same with high altitude soaring, 6UIL33iX7Ok-00021-00009508-00009948 and presence of oxygen installation onboard. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00022-00009988-00010568 After analyzing forces, their direction and possible mechanism of injury 6UIL33iX7Ok-00023-00010596-00011292 and having chosen proper medical equipment we began our training. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00024-00011340-00011908 We focused on accessing and evacuating the pilot. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00025-00011944-00012532 Using parachute harness to evacuate seems the most beneficial. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00026-00012552-00013163 We don't recommend taking the parachute off or using KED device or short spinal board. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00027-00013204-00013863 Take a look if pilot's feet are not restricted by rudder pedal straps. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00028-00013904-00014916 We used Paramedic Rescue Pack type stretcher. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00029-00014940-00015563 They immobilize, secure against elements, 6UIL33iX7Ok-00030-00015588-00016047 and allow to carry victim with suspenders. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00031-00016047-00016416 They can also be lifted by helicopter winch. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00032-00016432-00016780 Training made us form the following conclusion. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00033-00016792-00016916 FOR PILOTS: 6UIL33iX7Ok-00034-00016952-00017332 Secure parchute and seat harness tightly. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00035-00017380-00018180 Seat cushions increase spine injury risk (if they are not made of special shock absorbing foam). 6UIL33iX7Ok-00036-00018220-00019144 In any case, even short field, landing should be made with lowered gear. It is safer to circle around a wing than to belly land. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00037-00019180-00019360 FOR RESCUERS: 6UIL33iX7Ok-00038-00019396-00020012 If the crash is in remote area, the time before your arrival may have been long. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00039-00020072-00020812 Assess vital signs and then decide if rapid evacuation is necessary. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00040-00020844-00021328 Glider pilot you rescue is tested to be otherwise healthy. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00041-00021368-00021824 Evacuate on parachute harness, and gently roll to the back outside the cockpit. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00042-00021860-00022088 One move - one axis. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00043-00022132-00022552 Our goal is not to make patient lay down on the board, 6UIL33iX7Ok-00044-00022584-00022940 but maneuvering in a way safest for the spine. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00045-00022964-00023360 Patient may reach hospital in other position than on the back. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00046-00023396-00024204 Ensure that harness and clothing will not get tangled into any cockpit element. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00047-00024224-00024436 FOR WITNESSES: 6UIL33iX7Ok-00048-00024476-00025040 Approach and assess if the pilot is breathing properly. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00049-00025072-00025776 If not - take him/her out and initiate resuscitation. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00050-00025820-00026464 If the pilot is clearly breathing properly, stay there 6UIL33iX7Ok-00051-00026500-00026876 stabilize the head and stop bleeding if it occurs. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00052-00026892-00027152 Do not pull the pilot out alone. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00053-00027183-00027783 Find out how many people are injured, and call for an ambulance telling precise location, 6UIL33iX7Ok-00054-00027804-00028176 and tell if the place is accessible by car. 6UIL33iX7Ok-00055-00028176-00028376 FOR MEDIA: 6UIL33iX7Ok-00056-00028416-00028848 If you cover license plate numbers of crashed cars, 6UIL33iX7Ok-00057-00028872-00029360 do the same in case of airplanes and gliders. 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00000-00000000-00000450 This Video is the one way about analysis of Lottery. It's for the Korean Lotto. but.. 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00001-00000459-00000900 Not only the Korean Lottery, but also it’s same to other country. Apply the same way to your nation’s lotto 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00002-00000940-00001173 The result of Lottolab's Prediction 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00003-00001193-00001538 The prediction result through the Lottolab's Features 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00004-00001548-00001745 The result of Lottolab's Prediction for the 864th Korean Lottery 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00005-00001806-00002225 The result of Korean lottery on last week - details 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00006-00002450-00003240 The result of Korean Lottery for the 864th Korean Lottery The sales volume: Total amount of sold lotto 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00007-00003240-00003736 The number of winner 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00008-00003736-00004665 The probablity of winner for last week 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00009-00004665-00005890 Prize money on Korean Lottery(\:Korean won) 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00010-00006021-00006196 Lottolab’s Features. 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00011-00006196-00006553 The result of Lottolab’s Features during last 10 weeks. 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00012-00006663-00006801 The summery of Lottolab's Features 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00013-00006901-00007738 The last week, the 5 winning numbers and the 5 Lottolab’s Features came out. 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00014-00007738-00009931 Especially the 12 of the Next Num. during last 10 weeks. And the 2 of the Occurence Marin on last week. 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00015-00010031-00010198 the result of Lottolab’s Prediction 1 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00016-00010211-00010650 The Units Digit Num. and the Occurence Margin 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00018-00014465-00014631 the result of Lottolab’s Prediction 2 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00019-00014656-00015028 The Next Num. the Mating of them and the Duplicated Num. 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00021-00020823-00021271 May the Force of "Daebak" be with you~~ 6Vuj0jhDmN8-00022-00021271-00021761 If you want to gether more information, Pleas subscrive me 6VGErF3oAFy-00000-00000004-00000162 I think I need to know that in this one, 6VGErF3oAFy-00001-00000164-00000586 in this first evaluation, I will have budget options. 6VGErF3oAFy-00002-00000588-00000749 I can spend on land, 6VGErF3oAFy-00003-00000752-00001026 depends on the size of projects, example. $100,000, 6VGErF3oAFy-00004-00001028-00001805 or I can spend $200,000, or I can spend $300,000, or $400,000 or $500,000. 6VGErF3oAFy-00005-00001807-00001850 Ok. 6VGErF3oAFy-00006-00001852-00002250 We will be very important in that price range. 6VGErF3oAFy-00007-00002252-00002514 When I go to visit the site to 6VGErF3oAFy-00008-00002516-00002934 the evaluation, the objective of this field visit is to 6VGErF3oAFy-00009-00002936-00003482 to be able to define the most convenient way in terms of price and structure for 6VGErF3oAFy-00010-00003484-00003704 to be able to develop here the project of 6VGErF3oAFy-00011-00003704-00003958 that villa or that apartment or that modeling. 6VGErF3oAFy-00012-00003960-00004434 It is essential to be able to scrutinize, to really analyze, to evaluate, 6VGErF3oAFy-00013-00004436-00004942 calculate what can be done in that field, taking into consideration 6VGErF3oAFy-00014-00004944-00005358 a complete understanding of the area of the sun, the wind, 6VGErF3oAFy-00015-00005360-00005722 the proportion that the terrain is irregular, if it has a topography, 6VGErF3oAFy-00016-00005724-00006132 if it really has a suitable type of soil, the neighboring thing that allows me to 6VGErF3oAFy-00017-00006132-00006334 city hall, all those things that I mention in the video, 6VGErF3oAFy-00018-00006336-00006734 but the visitor is looking for the most convenient price level. 6VGErF3oAFy-00019-00006736-00006884 The future. What does this mean? 6VGErF3oAFy-00020-00006888-00007273 We used to ask the builder how much a house can cost? 6VGErF3oAFy-00021-00007276-00007495 The builder saw that I didn't know and he 6VGErF3oAFy-00022-00007495-00007681 I didn't know either and said it can't cost that much. 6VGErF3oAFy-00023-00007684-00007945 And he filled his mouth saying it is going to cost and it is not. 6VGErF3oAFy-00024-00007948-00008090 But the question is how much do you need? 6VGErF3oAFy-00025-00008092-00008398 And you don't know how much, you don't know how much mortar? 6VGErF3oAFy-00026-00008400-00008554 You don't know how much it touched me. 6VGErF3oAFy-00027-00008556-00008685 You don't know what you're having. 6VGErF3oAFy-00028-00008688-00008892 On a good day, the ideal shape on this 6VGErF3oAFy-00029-00008892-00009126 visit can be calculated according to space, 6VGErF3oAFy-00030-00009128-00009470 depth and through developing an open concept. 6VGErF3oAFy-00031-00009472-00009878 How many walls will I need, how much concrete, how much steel? 6VGErF3oAFy-00032-00009880-00010374 And by that calculation we will still have an approximate budget, 6VGErF3oAFy-00033-00010376-00010610 because we do not know what is below the ground. 6VGErF3oAFy-00034-00010612-00010985 We can understand that below the floor we will use a footing and perhaps a platea 6VGErF3oAFy-00035-00010988-00011190 where there is a lot of money left and maybe we are going to pilot. 6VGErF3oAFy-00036-00011192-00011346 Come on, it depends on many things, 6VGErF3oAFy-00037-00011348-00011810 but the idea with this budget is to have, to know that we are going to have options. 6VGErF3oAFy-00038-00011812-00012138 The budget number at the end of the 6VGErF3oAFy-00039-00012140-00012348 The size of the house and the quality of 6VGErF3oAFy-00040-00012348-00012621 the house will be divided by the size of the house. 6VGErF3oAFy-00041-00012624-00013130 We used to make a house at any given time with so many divisions that it looked like 6VGErF3oAFy-00042-00013132-00013458 a labyrinth, thus adding divisions here. 6VGErF3oAFy-00043-00013460-00013713 Ok? And this division to what they were doing was 6VGErF3oAFy-00044-00013716-00014126 that even if the house was the same size, it raised the price, 6VGErF3oAFy-00045-00014128-00014630 The cost was increased, besides generating more aisle and then the price went up. 6VGErF3oAFy-00046-00014632-00014882 Here we will understand that in this situation 6VGErF3oAFy-00047-00014884-00015358 let's go for an open, modern concept, very much in line with the tastes of the house. 6VGErF3oAFy-00048-00015360-00015538 Yes, for the house, for market tastes, 6VGErF3oAFy-00049-00015540-00015882 if an investment issue per apartment, but what I have to know that in this, 6VGErF3oAFy-00050-00015884-00016302 in this first evaluation I will have budget options. 6VGErF3oAFy-00051-00016304-00016470 I can spend on land, 6VGErF3oAFy-00052-00016472-00016834 depends on the size of the project, example. $100,000, or I can spend 6VGErF3oAFy-00053-00016836-00017526 200,000 or I can spend $300, 000, or $400,000 or $500,000. 6VGErF3oAFy-00054-00017528-00017786 Ok, we will be in that price range. 6VGErF3oAFy-00055-00017788-00018112 The important thing is to know that every 6VGErF3oAFy-00056-00018112-00018461 time I take a smaller budget or that we can 6VGErF3oAFy-00057-00018464-00018961 do the same villa, but what goes, what we're going to adjust in this adjustment 6VGErF3oAFy-00058-00018964-00019474 I have here, or I'm going down or up, is the size or quality of the material. 6VGErF3oAFy-00059-00019476-00019998 So that I adjusting the size of the kitchen spaces, 6VGErF3oAFy-00060-00020000-00020346 of the bathrooms, of the canopy, I can improve the price, 6VGErF3oAFy-00061-00020348-00020618 whether for or against, because if leaving the house bigger, 6VGErF3oAFy-00062-00020620-00021034 by adjusting the finish, you also improve the price. 6VGErF3oAFy-00063-00021036-00021586 And the idea with this evaluation visit is that we go into a budget 6VGErF3oAFy-00064-00021588-00021938 that poet here or here, wherever we feel comfortable, 6VGErF3oAFy-00065-00021940-00022148 we don't know that it is possible because 6VGErF3oAFy-00066-00022148-00022386 we decided to make the walking closes smaller, 6VGErF3oAFy-00067-00022388-00022710 because we simply go to that whole house twice a week, 6VGErF3oAFy-00068-00022712-00023214 We reduce the size of the walking close and logically the price has to go down. 6VGErF3oAFy-00069-00023216-00023400 Or we decide that my family is going to live 6VGErF3oAFy-00070-00023400-00023610 a lot of people and perhaps a larger pool. 6VGErF3oAFy-00071-00023612-00023986 Then we raise the size of the pool and the budget will go up. 6VGErF3oAFy-00072-00023988-00024156 The idea is to scrutinize the 6VGErF3oAFy-00073-00024156-00024494 possibilities, to calculate what can be done there and in 6VGErF3oAFy-00074-00024496-00025134 based on that, adjust the final budget, adjust the project layout, layout, 6VGErF3oAFy-00075-00025136-00025490 adjusting it, changing it, modifying it until we can find the right 6VGErF3oAFy-00076-00025492-00025782 the most convenient, ideal or convenient price, 6VGErF3oAFy-00077-00025783-00026210 the one that fits your pocket, your family's pocket, the plan you have. 6VGErF3oAFy-00078-00026212-00026514 By understanding the objective, we avoid having to spend 6VGErF3oAFy-00079-00026516-00026688 unnecessary, unnecessary column or 6VGErF3oAFy-00080-00026688-00026930 unnecessary void which was what was happening, 6VGErF3oAFy-00081-00026932-00027358 spend more and this align it with what is fundamental to the project be. 6VGErF3oAFy-00082-00027360-00027598 the very important thing is that when we have 6VGErF3oAFy-00083-00027600-00028014 clarity in that evaluation view, what is the budget that we are going to use? 6VGErF3oAFy-00084-00028016-00028150 How do we adjust it? 6VGErF3oAFy-00085-00028152-00028339 Downsizing and adjusting the level of 6VGErF3oAFy-00086-00028339-00028566 completion and taking advantage of the lot. 6VGErF3oAFy-00087-00028568-00028789 Or we can already passed a layout that this 6VGErF3oAFy-00088-00028792-00029202 that we are talking about mouth ok that we have each one here we can pass it on 6VGErF3oAFy-00089-00029204-00029745 paper and on paper to be able to visualize that which we tended to Calderón. 6VGErF3oAFy-00090-00029748-00029998 Now I do feel comfortable because I am in. 6VGErF3oAFy-00091-00030000-00030414 The ideal budget and what I see chooses the right path. 6VGErF3oAFy-00092-00030416-00030745 I know I'm on the same page with the architect. 6VGErF3oAFy-00093-00030748-00030902 We are not understanding what I am talking about. 6VGErF3oAFy-00094-00030904-00031218 I imagined, what I am seeing and it is what can be done in my field. 6VGErF3oAFy-00095-00031220-00031582 So making the paper did not happen as it used to happen before, that we had to make 6VGErF3oAFy-00096-00031583-00031874 a wall, make a pool and knock it down, pass again. 6VGErF3oAFy-00097-00031876-00032074 No paper. We called her with Rosetta and she left 6VGErF3oAFy-00098-00032076-00032602 to the pool and we go again on paper, adjusting the size to fit it. 6VGErF3oAFy-00099-00032604-00032870 Very important, adjusting the size of that pool, adjusting the size of that pool, 6VGErF3oAFy-00100-00032872-00033094 adjusting the size of that pool, adjusting the size of that pool. 6VGErF3oAFy-00101-00033096-00033430 open concept, adjusting the size of that marquee to 6VGErF3oAFy-00102-00033432-00033802 that the price better and visually what I will receive paper, 6VGErF3oAFy-00103-00033804-00034146 may have rewritten it before construction began. 6VGErF3oAFy-00104-00034148-00034322 If the most convenient way is requested, 6VGErF3oAFy-00105-00034324-00034758 is me being able to see something on paper before I start. 6VGErF3oAFy-00106-00034760-00034870 What if I do it on paper? 6VGErF3oAFy-00107-00034872-00035242 What if I nourish the paper with an idea and nourish it with adjustments? 6VGErF3oAFy-00108-00035244-00035570 Well, if I can deliver that's why the part after the visit. 6VGErF3oAFy-00109-00035572-00036054 What is very important is that we can make a layout so that in that layout we can 6VGErF3oAFy-00110-00036056-00036296 adjust the size, the material, the shape 6VGErF3oAFy-00111-00036296-00036598 to your liking and thus be able to find the right 6VGErF3oAFy-00112-00036600-00036958 the most convenient price in terms of structure. 6VGErF3oAFy-00113-00036960-00037450 Now if we go on the same page, then from there we pass it to construction 6VGErF3oAFy-00114-00037452-00037766 and in this construction we are carrying it out in stages. 6VGErF3oAFy-00115-00037768-00037940 It is very important if we are going to 6VGErF3oAFy-00116-00037940-00038226 build a house that it is in function of the taste of our clients. 6VGErF3oAFy-00117-00038228-00038606 his, not Calderon's, it's about your family, as I speak in all the videos. 6VGErF3oAFy-00118-00038608-00038902 Your tastes and your tastes, 6VGErF3oAFy-00119-00038904-00039338 of your family, are transmitted through images, through photography, 6VGErF3oAFy-00120-00039340-00039694 of the Hague paper, are transmitted through size. 6VGErF3oAFy-00121-00039696-00039858 How big do I want it to be? 6VGErF3oAFy-00122-00039860-00040014 How comfortable do I want you to be? 6VGErF3oAFy-00123-00040016-00040194 Convey a concept through style 6VGErF3oAFy-00124-00040196-00040582 open, modern, and also adjusting to the budget. 6VGErF3oAFy-00125-00040584-00040766 A very good way to adjust the budget. 6VGErF3oAFy-00126-00040768-00040978 You know what I won't need all of you 6VGErF3oAFy-00127-00040980-00041298 days and what I do that time, what life gives me. 6VGErF3oAFy-00128-00041300-00041544 Terrace kitchen an open concept 6VGErF3oAFy-00129-00041544-00041782 of a beautiful view, not having a gold floor. 6VGErF3oAFy-00130-00041784-00042254 So there I go, aligning their culture as they live through prayer. 6VGErF3oAFy-00131-00042256-00042442 And we are moving on from the visit of that 6VGErF3oAFy-00132-00042444-00043014 budget to a book and from the already to the construction very important 6VGErF3oAFy-00133-00043016-00043378 that we can see it and that we can talk to you. 6VGErF3oAFy-00134-00043380-00043590 For me it is essential to listen to him. 6VGErF3oAFy-00135-00043592-00043714 To the extent that I listen to it, 6VGErF3oAFy-00136-00043716-00044014 I can then understand it, I can help you along the way. 6VGErF3oAFy-00137-00044016-00044278 There are things that are going to make the home 6VGErF3oAFy-00138-00044280-00044486 and to be able to carry out these stages, 6VGErF3oAFy-00139-00044488-00044734 which are stages that will lead to a successful 6VGErF3oAFy-00140-00044736-00045358 the project along that convenient path and thus take 100% advantage of the land. 6VGErF3oAFy-00141-00045360-00045662 I am the architect Calderón, species under construction. 6VGErF3oAFy-00142-00045664-00045808 We are going to see each other very soon 6VGErF3oAFy-00143-00045808-00046042 because I will go to your site to make the evaluation and there 6VGErF3oAFy-00144-00046044-00046414 we are looking at the way forward, what budget, what options we have, 6VGErF3oAFy-00145-00046416-00046596 what we are going to adjust, how we are 6VGErF3oAFy-00146-00046596-00046874 going to look at a layout and so we can come to a good end. 6VGErF3oAFy-00147-00046876-00046968 See you in the next video. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00000-00001430-00001764 Do you ever advocate sort of different remarketing strategies 6VJn6EmbV1M-00001-00001764-00002041 based on actions that people take in the store? 6VJn6EmbV1M-00002-00002041-00002152 A 100%. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00003-00002152-00002649 We can't really take all the visitors and potential customers 6VJn6EmbV1M-00004-00002649-00003006 and treat them the same way because we have to start splitting 6VJn6EmbV1M-00005-00003006-00003239 all the audience as different audiences. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00006-00003432-00003641 Okay, so, there are people that came, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00007-00003641-00003910 they bounced, so we don't really care about them. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00008-00003910-00004209 If they never saw our landing page, we don't care. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00009-00004209-00004629 So, the people that spent at least 15 to 20 seconds, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00010-00004629-00004826 I would say even more, but let's say, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00011-00004826-00004998 let's start from people that at least, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00012-00004998-00005339 they saw our product like 15 seconds or more than. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00013-00005339-00005681 So, people that viewed our content, viewed our landing page, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00014-00005681-00005896 viewed our product, so this is one audience. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00015-00005896-00006220 The next audience is the people who added to cart. Awesome. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00016-00006220-00006602 The next people are people who started initiating their check outs. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00017-00006602-00006836 They started filling all the information 6VJn6EmbV1M-00018-00006836-00007130 and, of course, obviously, they are the people who purchased. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00019-00007130-00007444 So, these are four, if I counted right, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00020-00007445-00007853 four different audiences that we have to treat them differently. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00021-00007853-00008386 Why? Because if someone has added to cart, even greater, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00022-00008386-00008813 has started initiating the account, he just need a little push. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00023-00008813-00009191 What I'm going to do is we're going to go to our creatives. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00024-00009191-00009549 We're going to offer like free shipping or a coupon, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00025-00009549-00009812 or even if people or when people-- 6VJn6EmbV1M-00026-00009812-00009946 and this is the biggest mistake. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00027-00009946-00010136 Believe it or not, the biggest mistake I've seen 6VJn6EmbV1M-00028-00010136-00010542 is that when people started and their getting that initial sale, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00029-00010542-00010747 they're looking for another guy. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00030-00010747-00011133 No. The guy, he just paid you money. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00031-00011133-00011519 Just make sure that you give him an amazing customer experience 6VJn6EmbV1M-00032-00011519-00011940 and make sure you turn him into a customer for life. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00033-00011940-00012040 Yeah. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00034-00012044-00012512 It doesn't even matter even if next day, you give him a coupon for 50% off. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00035-00012512-00012839 I talk to people and tell them that and they say, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00036-00012839-00013215 "What? You're crazy, like 50% off? It kills off my margin." 6VJn6EmbV1M-00037-00013216-00013384 That's your biggest mistake. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00038-00013384-00013768 Stop treating the guys like, money in versus money out. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00039-00013768-00014169 A really good customer and the lifetime customer value, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00040-00014169-00014343 and that's number four... -Yeah. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00041-00014343-00014506 ...of the matrix that they look at. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00042-00014506-00014677 It's super most important thing. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00043-00014677-00014867 I had customers working with people 6VJn6EmbV1M-00044-00014867-00015239 that they had customers coming back into their store 6VJn6EmbV1M-00045-00015239-00015586 in less than six months and buying for the 10th time. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00046-00015586-00015833 Obviously, they have an average order value 6VJn6EmbV1M-00047-00015833-00016329 of a $100, $150, $200, not many but still, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00048-00016329-00016507 you have someone who has trusted you, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00049-00016507-00016800 you've given them an amazing customer experience 6VJn6EmbV1M-00050-00016801-00017118 so they will come back and buy from you again. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00051-00017118-00017597 Definitely, and obviously, we need to treat all these audiences differently. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00052-00017597-00017871 We need to give them a little pop, a little kick. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00053-00017871-00018205 "Come on dude, buy from us again. We are super cool store." 6VJn6EmbV1M-00054-00018205-00018408 And then, once you get them that second time, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00055-00018408-00018530 it's like a whole other thing, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00056-00018531-00018724 they're no longer just that one-time customer. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00057-00018724-00018969 You get them two times, you can get them again and again. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00058-00018969-00019069 Of course. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00059-00019071-00019293 Again, going back to the eCommerce expert survey, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00060-00019293-00019474 I think one of the number one pain points 6VJn6EmbV1M-00061-00019474-00019758 or the reasons that people were having problems with eCommerce 6VJn6EmbV1M-00062-00019758-00019908 is not enough repeat customers. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00063-00019908-00020188 I think it goes to everything that we've talked about 6VJn6EmbV1M-00064-00020188-00020488 in this interview series, back to creative 6VJn6EmbV1M-00065-00020488-00020870 and customer experience and funnel and then, all the way back to strategy. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00066-00020870-00021303 It's like you have to build a business with repeat customers in mind 6VJn6EmbV1M-00067-00021303-00021489 to really make a go of it these days. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00068-00021489-00021660 Absolutely. 100%. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00069-00021660-00022075 You don't really have to think of this as a one-time thing. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00070-00022076-00022248 You have to think long-term. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00071-00022248-00022655 So, how I like to think in eCommerce in general, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00072-00022655-00022888 I like to think to start building something 6VJn6EmbV1M-00073-00022888-00023151 that my two-year-old can take and run 6VJn6EmbV1M-00074-00023151-00023345 once he's like 20 or 30 years old. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00075-00023345-00023713 Most of the people start dropshipping as a great way to get started 6VJn6EmbV1M-00076-00023713-00023973 or print on the demand or whatever someone is doing, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00077-00023973-00024257 but most of the people are doing it for the money. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00078-00024257-00024470 They are not treating the customer right 6VJn6EmbV1M-00079-00024470-00024783 and it's really funny because I do this kind of video, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00080-00024783-00025002 I go and order from some stores 6VJn6EmbV1M-00081-00025003-00025392 and I go tape, record myself in the video doing these things, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00082-00025392-00025711 people don't give an amazing customer experience. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00083-00025711-00026041 This is why we have only one-time buyers from the store 6VJn6EmbV1M-00084-00026041-00026289 because they didn't really care about the customer. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00085-00026289-00026543 They only care about the money they put in their pockets 6VJn6EmbV1M-00086-00026543-00026695 and they go to find the next one. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00087-00026695-00026979 Even if you screw up and you tell the customer, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00088-00026979-00027247 90% of the customers will appreciate it. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00089-00027382-00027630 Dropshipping, we're talking about really big delivery time, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00090-00027630-00027890 taking some time, like four weeks, six weeks, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00091-00027890-00028179 and you have some really furious customers, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00092-00028179-00028353 if you take them and tell them, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00093-00028353-00028610 "We are sorry, we apologize. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00094-00028610-00028863 You are right, here's a coupon, get your money back, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00095-00028863-00029086 here's a refund, here's a coupon for next order." 6VJn6EmbV1M-00096-00029086-00029351 Whatever you do, when you please the customer, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00097-00029351-00029901 we have to be really grateful for the things that we get. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00098-00029901-00030303 When you get to show the customer that you really do care, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00099-00030303-00030727 it's when the moment that the customer is customer for life. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00100-00030727-00031061 I was really joking with a friend the other day, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00101-00031061-00031239 we were having lunch and I said, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00102-00031239-00031405 "Man, who paid for this lunch?" 6VJn6EmbV1M-00103-00031405-00031525 He said, "I did." 6VJn6EmbV1M-00104-00031525-00031764 "No, bro, you didn't. Our customers paid for that." 6VJn6EmbV1M-00105-00031764-00032085 Because we really did care and gave them 6VJn6EmbV1M-00106-00032085-00032293 an amazing customer experience. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00107-00032293-00032735 So, when we really did care about them, they paid us money. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00108-00032735-00033120 We gave them a good value, we took some of the money, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00109-00033120-00033245 and we are happy about it. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00110-00033245-00033355 Sounds like Capitalism. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00111-00033355-00033460 Yes. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00112-00033460-00033664 Sounds like a good model. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00113-00033664-00033879 So, what I'm curious about, what are your goals? 6VJn6EmbV1M-00114-00033879-00034092 What are your goals for 2018 and beyond? 6VJn6EmbV1M-00115-00034092-00034413 Where do you want to take your corner of the eCommerce world? 6VJn6EmbV1M-00116-00034413-00034622 -And the irony, make more money. -Yeah, exactly. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00117-00034622-00034788 Yeah, you got me good. That's right. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00118-00034788-00034910 Make more money. Yeah. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00119-00034911-00035093 Actually, I want to educate more people. 6VJn6EmbV1M-00120-00035093-00035500 It's one of my goals when I really first started, 6VJn6EmbV1M-00121-00035500-00035646 to really do care... 6WAh4uxFmM0-00000-00001076-00001100 snare 6WAh4uxFmM0-00001-00002107-00002206 arpeggio 6WAh4uxFmM0-00002-00004158-00004674 piano solo 6WAh4uxFmM0-00003-00005194-00005394 piano not solo 6WAh4uxFmM0-00004-00006232-00006468 this is my favourite part of the song tbh 6WAh4uxFmM0-00005-00006491-00006514 woaw 6WAh4uxFmM0-00006-00006539-00006563 waw 6WAh4uxFmM0-00007-00006589-00006639 hwuooaargh 6WAh4uxFmM0-00008-00006678-00006864 i give up on syncing these to the song honestly 6WAh4uxFmM0-00009-00006864-00007064 the s p h e r e it oscilates 6WAh4uxFmM0-00010-00008346-00008546 predrop time 6WAh4uxFmM0-00011-00009078-00009278 piano solo again 6WAh4uxFmM0-00012-00009313-00009334 taco bel 6WAh4uxFmM0-00013-00009345-00009482 drop time 6WAh4uxFmM0-00014-00009499-00009645 fun fact 6WAh4uxFmM0-00015-00009645-00009845 the bell icon was going to be synced to the taco bell ding 6WAh4uxFmM0-00016-00009845-00010045 but the sound is copyrighted so we would've been DQ'd 6WAh4uxFmM0-00017-00010097-00010147 yeah 6WAh4uxFmM0-00018-00010383-00010583 exactly 2 bars of dubstep 6WAh4uxFmM0-00019-00010896-00011018 this growl was made with Echa's (one of the BGA artists') voice 6WAh4uxFmM0-00020-00011020-00011115 he just screamed directly over a mic and i somehow made a growl out of it 6WAh4uxFmM0-00021-00011118-00011196 dunno how i did it, i don't produce dubstep 6WAh4uxFmM0-00022-00011414-00011614 final drop (?) 6WAh4uxFmM0-00023-00013494-00013694 more piano solo 6WAh4uxFmM0-00024-00014536-00014736 we are now in the outro thank you for coming 6WAh4uxFmM0-00025-00015488-00015490 ą̵͔͍̱̞̟̾̾͗̀̔̌̒͆͑̋̏m̴̦̦͉͖̯̮̻̗̺̠̔̍̓̓͗o̵̡̳̫̬̦̙̯̊̒͊̾͂͋̎̿̌͗́́̕̚͠g̷̭͙͕̣̽̃̔̅͆͒́̀͂̕ư̷̡̢̡̛̛̟̮͕͔͓͚̳͖͎̱̽͆̃̀̌̈́̅̇̎̈́̿̈́̑͘͠ͅs̸̛͙͋́͂̆͗̎̾̏́͌͑̊̃̕ 6WAh4uxFmM0-00026-00015511-00015517 ŝ̴̰̔̄̀̈̈́͝ǘ̷̡̯͙̟͖͚̞̺̞͎̗̥̺̗͈̈́͊̄͊̎͆̀̓̔͐͛̀̔̆͠ͅs̴̡͖͈̠̮̝̜̲͍̆̊̌̄̚ 6WB6V2Vpm58-00000-00000500-00000704 Hello internet In today’s episode 6WB6V2Vpm58-00001-00000704-00000936 we are going to review newest Android 6WB6V2Vpm58-00002-00000936-00001278 tablet Cube T10. The device built on 6WB6V2Vpm58-00003-00001278-00001623 Octa-core processor MTK8783 has 6WB6V2Vpm58-00004-00001623-00001863 2GB of RAM and 32GB of 6WB6V2Vpm58-00005-00001863-00001989 memory storage. 6WB6V2Vpm58-00006-00001989-00002151 It is one of the best-looking tablets 6WB6V2Vpm58-00007-00002151-00002411 we have seen so far. It has a solid build. 6WB6V2Vpm58-00008-00002411-00002643 The device is very light, comfortable to 6WB6V2Vpm58-00009-00002643-00002883 hold and use. There is a mini-jack for 6WB6V2Vpm58-00010-00002883-00003117 headphones, slot for memory card, 6WB6V2Vpm58-00011-00003117-00003311 Sim-tray, micro-USB port and port 6WB6V2Vpm58-00012-00003311-00003539 for DC on the left side and power 6WB6V2Vpm58-00013-00003539-00003750 button followed by the volume key on the 6WB6V2Vpm58-00014-00003750-00004073 top. Cube t10 equipped with a 2MP front 6WB6V2Vpm58-00015-00004073-00004320 camera, and 8MP rear camera. 6WB6V2Vpm58-00016-00004320-00004677 T10 supports GPS, 3G and 4G networks. 6WB6V2Vpm58-00017-00004677-00004995 The tablet has a tremendous 10.1 inch 6WB6V2Vpm58-00018-00004995-00005198 IPS display with Full HD resolution. 6WB6V2Vpm58-00019-00005198-00005478 The screen is sharp, bright, and has perfect 6WB6V2Vpm58-00020-00005478-00005694 viewing angles. On Ultra High 6WB6V2Vpm58-00021-00005694-00005880 settings Epic Citadel showing the result 6WB6V2Vpm58-00022-00005880-00006221 around 25 FPS, while Antutu giving the 6WB6V2Vpm58-00023-00006221-00006501 device score 39000, which making it 6WB6V2Vpm58-00024-00006501-00006729 suitable not only for work but also for 6WB6V2Vpm58-00025-00006729-00007106 gaming. Impressive 6500mAh battery 6WB6V2Vpm58-00026-00007106-00007386 holding around 6-7 hours of 6WB6V2Vpm58-00027-00007386-00007622 playing games and about 2 days of 6WB6V2Vpm58-00028-00007622-00007938 normal use. You can buy Cube T10 tablet 6WB6V2Vpm58-00029-00007938-00008186 by clicking this icon or following the 6WB6V2Vpm58-00030-00008186-00008433 link in the description. Don’t forget to like our 6WB6V2Vpm58-00031-00008433-00008670 video and subscribe to our channel. 6WB6V2Vpm58-00032-00008670-00008750 Thank you for watching and 6WB6V2Vpm58-00033-00008750-00009011 Farewell! 6XMtE6d1C7U-00000-00000000-00000266 Hello, I’m Erica and I have Multiple Sclerosis. 6XMtE6d1C7U-00001-00000316-00000432 3 years ago, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00002-00000432-00000686 when the first symptoms appeared, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00003-00000686-00000922 but I still had no diagnosis, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00004-00000922-00001172 I decided to turn to Riccardo Giacopuzzi, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00005-00001172-00001460 a Kinesiologist. Already from the first sessions 6XMtE6d1C7U-00006-00001460-00001749 I realized that I had a professional in front of me. 6XMtE6d1C7U-00007-00001750-00001880 In the sense that 6XMtE6d1C7U-00008-00001880-00002194 I immediately realized that his goal was not to 6XMtE6d1C7U-00009-00002194-00002482 temporarily remove the pain, but to 6XMtE6d1C7U-00010-00002482-00002726 understand where it came from and 6XMtE6d1C7U-00011-00002726-00002952 try to prevent it from reoccurring 6XMtE6d1C7U-00012-00002952-00003200 in the future. During a session 6XMtE6d1C7U-00013-00003200-00003494 I tried the Taopatch® and I assure you 6XMtE6d1C7U-00014-00003494-00003715 that when I went out 6XMtE6d1C7U-00015-00003744-00004034 I felt like I had two new legs. He made me 6XMtE6d1C7U-00016-00004034-00004202 try them 2/3 more times, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00017-00004202-00004450 after which, even discussing with him 6XMtE6d1C7U-00018-00004450-00004734 I decided to try them and 6XMtE6d1C7U-00019-00004734-00004990 I assure you that I will never thank him enough 6XMtE6d1C7U-00020-00004990-00005103 because 6XMtE6d1C7U-00021-00005104-00005348 the Taopatch® has really 6XMtE6d1C7U-00022-00005348-00005676 improved my life. The pain has decreased, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00023-00005722-00005981 I have more awareness of my posture 6XMtE6d1C7U-00024-00005981-00006278 but above all I have started to 6XMtE6d1C7U-00025-00006278-00006573 do the things that I really love, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00026-00006573-00006858 like walks in the mountains, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00027-00006858-00007051 things that before I couldn’t do 6XMtE6d1C7U-00028-00007052-00007368 because of the pain. I personally met 6XMtE6d1C7U-00029-00007372-00007630 Fabio Fontana because I went 6XMtE6d1C7U-00030-00007630-00007742 to two of his conferences 6XMtE6d1C7U-00031-00007742-00008029 and I also had the pleasure of 6XMtE6d1C7U-00032-00008030-00008274 speaking and discussing with him. 6XMtE6d1C7U-00033-00008274-00008576 He is an exquisite person, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00034-00008576-00008796 extremely available, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00035-00008796-00009124 when you hear him speaking you understand that 6XMtE6d1C7U-00036-00009124-00009430 Taopatch® is a technology that 6XMtE6d1C7U-00037-00009430-00009549 has brought him 6XMtE6d1C7U-00038-00009549-00009765 a lot of benefits 6XMtE6d1C7U-00039-00009765-00010026 and his goal is to get it 6XMtE6d1C7U-00040-00010026-00010305 to the greatest number of people, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00041-00010306-00010582 to make them feel good, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00042-00010582-00010870 and you can perceive this when you hear him speaking. 6XMtE6d1C7U-00044-00011068-00011294 He is also extremely available 6XMtE6d1C7U-00045-00011294-00011606 In the sense that I write him on social media 6XMtE6d1C7U-00046-00011606-00011906 and he always answers me, he is truly 6XMtE6d1C7U-00047-00011906-00012148 a delightful person. 6XMtE6d1C7U-00048-00012148-00012369 If you have the opportunity, go to one 6XMtE6d1C7U-00049-00012370-00012674 of his conferences because the information 6XMtE6d1C7U-00050-00012674-00012926 he gives you during the conferences 6XMtE6d1C7U-00051-00012926-00013208 is very important. 6XMtE6d1C7U-00052-00013208-00013472 I really want to recommend you all 6XMtE6d1C7U-00053-00013472-00013785 Taopatch® because they are 6XMtE6d1C7U-00054-00013785-00014027 good for me, as I’m sick, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00055-00014027-00014307 but they also bring great well-being 6XMtE6d1C7U-00056-00014307-00014523 to healthy people, 6XMtE6d1C7U-00057-00014523-00014830 so I recommend them! 6Y14Wx5JM5k-00000-00000000-00000200 RC Monster really cars 4WD 🏎️ Test power #rc #rccar 6YIR6wLZjgI-00000-00000000-00000050 Dermot Oleary Presents The Saturday Sessions 2015 Top List 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00000-00000173-00000783 oh bro 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00001-00000783-00002003 flashlight we already have 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00002-00002003-00002614 sex foreign 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00003-00002614-00002919 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00004-00002919-00003529 foreign [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00005-00003529-00005207 thank you 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00007-00009228-00010572 very soon 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00008-00010572-00010696 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00009-00010696-00011389 look monkeys oh next book 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00010-00011389-00012731 what did you find [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00012-00015940-00016397 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00013-00016397-00017310 [Music] foreign 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00014-00017310-00017767 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00015-00017767-00018223 together 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00016-00018223-00018680 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00017-00018680-00019137 foreign 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00018-00019137-00019593 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00019-00019593-00020050 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00020-00020050-00020507 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00021-00020507-00020962 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00022-00020962-00021420 foreign 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00024-00024529-00025616 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00026-00037481-00038132 okay hi [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00027-00038132-00038566 [Music] wait 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00028-00038566-00038783 wait 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00029-00038783-00039828 [Music] oh you're gonna stay with me 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00030-00039828-00039990 oh it's this one 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00031-00039990-00041206 suck up [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00032-00041206-00041527 so blessed oh 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00033-00041527-00042294 it's um I found it 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00035-00048497-00050565 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00036-00050565-00052633 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00037-00052633-00052761 thank you 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00038-00052761-00052861 foreign 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00039-00052861-00053688 [Music] 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00040-00053688-00055055 [Music] good life 6ZRR7SCxIMQ-00041-00055055-00055474 [Music] 6aeZUiNH9KA-00000-00003238-00005008 If there are any well-wishers, those who know what would be beneficial, those who are ready to do good in the Muslim network or in the political field 6aeZUiNH9KA-00001-00005008-00005478 then Muslims should listen to their advice and follow the path suggested by them. 6aeZUiNH9KA-00002-00005478-00007420 If there is no one like that that listen to what I say. [ Dhanyavādaḥ to Divya Soti ji for English translation ] 6c0tf54zcSy-00000-00000000-00001592 next 60 seconds the station will conduct a test of the emergency broadcast system this is only a test 6c0tf54zcSy-00001-00003632-00004072 this is a test of the emergency broadcast system the broadcasters of your area 6c0tf54zcSy-00002-00004072-00004552 in voluntary cooperation with the fcc and other authorities have developed this system to keep 6c0tf54zcSy-00003-00004552-00005056 you informed in the event of an emergency if this had been an actual emergency you would have been 6c0tf54zcSy-00004-00005056-00005536 instructed where to turn in your area for news and official information this concludes this 6c0tf54zcSy-00005-00005536-00006160 test of the emergency broadcast system alison rosari today on the channel 5 news at 4 30 6hu64FnOOi0-00000-00000128-00000204 Good afternoon 6hu64FnOOi0-00001-00000409-00000630 I'm Nick Casey I'm the Governor's Chief of Staff 6hu64FnOOi0-00002-00000665-00000972 And I was here on behalf of the governor and 6hu64FnOOi0-00003-00001071-00001177 the Department of Revenue 6hu64FnOOi0-00004-00001228-00001331 To give 6hu64FnOOi0-00005-00001382-00001775 Give the information that we give it out I think monthly on a normal basis 6hu64FnOOi0-00006-00001817-00001894 Regarding the 6hu64FnOOi0-00007-00001945-00002346 Activities of the state for the last month and since we just now cleared the end of the fiscal year 6hu64FnOOi0-00008-00002346-00002598 I can give you what some numbers are for the entirety of the fiscal year 6hu64FnOOi0-00009-00002662-00002944 The bad news is for the fiscal year purposes 6hu64FnOOi0-00010-00002995-00003174 We actually into the fiscal year 6hu64FnOOi0-00011-00003276-00003430 If you count revenues 6hu64FnOOi0-00012-00003481-00003584 Actually what I call 6hu64FnOOi0-00013-00003609-00003711 Collected revenues 6hu64FnOOi0-00014-00003737-00004070 That we got from third-party sources such as taxation or fees 6hu64FnOOi0-00015-00004096-00004366 We ended the year about $100 million in the hole 6hu64FnOOi0-00016-00004428-00004838 Fortunately we were able to make up that hundred million dollar hole because prior to the end of the year 6hu64FnOOi0-00017-00004864-00005043 The Legislature approved 6hu64FnOOi0-00018-00005094-00005401 A raid or a take on the Rainy Day Fund of 40 million dollars 6hu64FnOOi0-00019-00005452-00005632 And then on top of that 6hu64FnOOi0-00020-00005657-00005939 Various departments including the executive branch of state government 6hu64FnOOi0-00021-00005964-00006476 Were able to sweep or garner from accounts 60 million dollars worth of money that was either available 6hu64FnOOi0-00022-00006502-00006579 or which we had 6hu64FnOOi0-00023-00006598-00006737 had collected because of prior 6hu64FnOOi0-00024-00006963-00007065 Percentage cuts 6hu64FnOOi0-00025-00007154-00007219 In the budget 6hu64FnOOi0-00026-00007244-00007398 Going back through the 12 months 6hu64FnOOi0-00027-00007448-00007732 Prior to July 1st of 2017 6hu64FnOOi0-00028-00007756-00008140 So while we had a hundred million dollar if you will hole we were able to feel that with Rainy Day Fund and 6hu64FnOOi0-00029-00008166-00008320 Some people call them sweeps to get there 6hu64FnOOi0-00030-00008371-00008524 Why do we have a 100 million dollar hole 6hu64FnOOi0-00031-00008550-00008883 Last year that we had to backfill with the Rainy Day Fund and with 6hu64FnOOi0-00032-00008985-00009139 It's primarily because we had 6hu64FnOOi0-00033-00009164-00009292 We had various 6hu64FnOOi0-00034-00009344-00009507 Actual collections below estimates 6hu64FnOOi0-00035-00009523-00009625 As an example 6hu64FnOOi0-00036-00009651-00009702 The 6hu64FnOOi0-00037-00009804-00010137 Consumer sales tax for the 12 months was 62 million 6hu64FnOOi0-00038-00010188-00010291 Dollars below 6hu64FnOOi0-00039-00010368-00010419 our estimate 6hu64FnOOi0-00040-00010496-00010752 The personal income tax for last year was a hundred 6hu64FnOOi0-00041-00010803-00010931 Million dollars below 6hu64FnOOi0-00042-00010982-00011084 What our estimate was 6hu64FnOOi0-00043-00011161-00011724 Also this information will be contained in the spreadsheets we normally they'll be on the tax commission spreadsheet 6hu64FnOOi0-00044-00011724-00011929 So you all can take a look at those online 6hu64FnOOi0-00045-00011980-00012057 There are probably 6hu64FnOOi0-00046-00012083-00012160 going to be available 6hu64FnOOi0-00047-00012185-00012397 If not immediately after this they may already be up there 6hu64FnOOi0-00048-00012441-00012723 The first 62 million of personal income tax we were short 6hu64FnOOi0-00049-00012774-00013312 About a hundred million $100.35 a hundred million 359,000 we were short 6hu64FnOOi0-00050-00013337-00013491 On personal income tax 6hu64FnOOi0-00051-00013542-00013772 We were short on corporate net income tax 6hu64FnOOi0-00052-00013793-00014157 of $20,094,000 6hu64FnOOi0-00053-00014208-00014796 The only real bright spot last year when you look at it is really the prediction that the Governor gave us when he did the State of the State 6hu64FnOOi0-00054-00014847-00014950 That for the last 6hu64FnOOi0-00055-00014976-00015052 4 months of 6hu64FnOOi0-00056-00015078-00015283 The fiscal year basically March April 6hu64FnOOi0-00057-00015334-00015564 and May, well, March April May and June 6hu64FnOOi0-00058-00015590-00015744 Severance taxes were actually 6hu64FnOOi0-00059-00015769-00015974 58 million dollars above 6hu64FnOOi0-00060-00016025-00016107 the estimates 6hu64FnOOi0-00061-00016128-00016256 So we're pleased the Governor was able to 6hu64FnOOi0-00062-00016281-00016332 Predict that one 6hu64FnOOi0-00063-00016384-00016537 So as we finish this year 6hu64FnOOi0-00064-00016691-00016742 We 6hu64FnOOi0-00065-00016768-00017203 Don't look too good but we did actually create a surplus when I say create a surplus 6hu64FnOOi0-00066-00017228-00017484 We traded that surplus because we took Rainy Day Fund 6hu64FnOOi0-00067-00017561-00017689 And we took these sweeps 6hu64FnOOi0-00068-00017715-00018073 But we did appear to end the year with a surplus of revenue 6hu64FnOOi0-00069-00018124-00018355 Based upon the sweeps and the Rainy Day raid 6hu64FnOOi0-00070-00018380-00018585 Of about 63 million dollars 6hu64FnOOi0-00071-00018662-00018969 Now just informationally what happens to the 63 million dollars 6hu64FnOOi0-00072-00018995-00019353 Statutorily half of that goes back to the Rainy Day Fund 6hu64FnOOi0-00073-00019404-00019968 The other half of it rolls over and can be used for appropriations in the upcoming budget 6hu64FnOOi0-00074-00019983-00020198 year that started July 1st going forward 6hu64FnOOi0-00075-00020275-00020787 So the good news is that part of that created Surplus do the raid on the rainy day fund is going to flow over in 6hu64FnOOi0-00076-00020793-00020940 so 2018's budget 6hu64FnOOi0-00077-00020992-00021196 The bad news on that is that 6hu64FnOOi0-00078-00021222-00021299 That about 6hu64FnOOi0-00079-00021324-00021427 When you do the mathematics 6hu64FnOOi0-00080-00021529-00021811 The Legislature predicted in their budget there would be 6hu64FnOOi0-00081-00021862-00021990 82 million dollars 6hu64FnOOi0-00082-00022016-00022067 Flowing 6hu64FnOOi0-00083-00022092-00022144 In Surplus 6hu64FnOOi0-00084-00022272-00022348 You cut that in half 6hu64FnOOi0-00085-00022400-00022528 Because half that would go the Rainy Day Fund 6hu64FnOOi0-00086-00022579-00022988 So they rolled into next year's budget out 40 million dollars 41 million dollars 6hu64FnOOi0-00087-00023040-00023372 of expected surplus from this year that they can spend next year 6hu64FnOOi0-00088-00023475-00023756 The negative is that that number is only going to be about 30 million dollars 6hu64FnOOi0-00089-00023782-00023936 So there's an 11 million dollar gap 6hu64FnOOi0-00090-00024089-00024371 Just to give you a perspective as we started July 1 6hu64FnOOi0-00091-00024422-00024857 The prediction of the Legislature that we would in fact have a surplus that we could spend 6hu64FnOOi0-00092-00024883-00025267 Was overstated by $11 million so we started the year $11 million in the hole 6hu64FnOOi0-00093-00025395-00025753 And that's of concern to us because we start the year $11 million in the hole 6hu64FnOOi0-00094-00025779-00026035 That means that we're going to have to look at some issues 6hu64FnOOi0-00095-00026086-00026188 Some of that Surplus 6hu64FnOOi0-00096-00026214-00026316 That was expected 6hu64FnOOi0-00097-00026367-00026777 It is not there was intended to go to DHHR so DHHR will have some shortfall 6hu64FnOOi0-00098-00026828-00027443 Some of that money was expected possibly to go to volunteer fire departments they will possibly have a shortfall on that regard at least 6hu64FnOOi0-00099-00027445-00027595 they appear right now to have that shortfall 6hu64FnOOi0-00100-00027622-00027724 Beacause of the $11 million 6hu64FnOOi0-00101-00027750-00027929 And we'll have to look at other things that 6hu64FnOOi0-00102-00027955-00028185 Can be controlled by the executive branch 6hu64FnOOi0-00103-00028339-00028390 whether it be 6hu64FnOOi0-00104-00028467-00028804 Pick something you know when you don't have $11 million you have to find somewhere to get it so 6hu64FnOOi0-00105-00028825-00029055 We'll have to look at things whether it be fall 6hu64FnOOi0-00106-00029132-00029209 Stock 6hu64FnOOi0-00107-00029235-00029439 Stockings of the creeks and rivers 6hu64FnOOi0-00108-00029465-00029977 In the fall or whether it be some other additional changes to fairs and festivals we'll just have to work through that 6hu64FnOOi0-00109-00030002-00030368 We do know that DHHR and volunteer firefighters are initially 6hu64FnOOi0-00110-00030418-00030517 Affected on there 6hu64FnOOi0-00111-00030591-00030745 So as we go forward 6hu64FnOOi0-00112-00030771-00030873 The information's 6hu64FnOOi0-00113-00030899-00031155 Pretty much detailed on the schedule that is there 6hu64FnOOi0-00114-00031206-00031299 But we 6hu64FnOOi0-00115-00031333-00031964 We face the year now next year basically predicting what was a balanced budget to already be $11 million behind 6hu64FnOOi0-00116-00032025-00032307 Some positives we think in July the Governor 6hu64FnOOi0-00117-00032332-00032409 Appears 6hu64FnOOi0-00118-00032435-00032537 To be correct 6hu64FnOOi0-00119-00032614-00032665 Thankfully 6hu64FnOOi0-00120-00032691-00032870 That severance taxes continue to be a bright spot 6hu64FnOOi0-00121-00032921-00033151 So we think the severance taxes hopefully will be there 6hu64FnOOi0-00122-00033331-00033919 If the severance taxes do as the Governor has predicted they will we're going to find ourselves in a strange situation as we go later in the year 6hu64FnOOi0-00123-00033971-00034252 Because we can only spend what the Legislature has appropriated 6hu64FnOOi0-00124-00034278-00034483 If the Governor is right on the severance tax 6hu64FnOOi0-00125-00034508-00034892 And secondarily once the roads kick in as an engine to drive more effort 6hu64FnOOi0-00126-00034943-00035251 We may find as we get later in the year we hope that we have more revenue 6hu64FnOOi0-00127-00035302-00035379 than was budgeted 6hu64FnOOi0-00128-00035455-00035686 The only trouble is if you have more revenue than is budgeted you can't spend it 6hu64FnOOi0-00129-00035763-00036095 So you need the Legislature to come back to us for example and 6hu64FnOOi0-00130-00036121-00036479 in the session in 2018 and tell us where any additional revenue 6hu64FnOOi0-00131-00036531-00036735 Via the roads energy or the 6hu64FnOOi0-00132-00036761-00036838 The severance tax 6hu64FnOOi0-00133-00036889-00036940 Benefits 6hu64FnOOi0-00134-00036991-00037427 When they start showing up we're not going to be able to spend though so we hate that we are working with 6hu64FnOOi0-00135-00037435-00037580 a budget that constrains us 6hu64FnOOi0-00136-00037657-00037939 To stay within those budgeted line items and we can't use this 6hu64FnOOi0-00137-00037964-00038271 Hope for additional severance taxes and hope for additional effort 6hu64FnOOi0-00138-00038323-00038476 From the road funds all of which I 6hu64FnOOi0-00139-00038527-00038681 Tell you were the Governor's leadership 6hu64FnOOi0-00140-00038707-00038860 We're hoping that those come in great 6hu64FnOOi0-00141-00038911-00039284 Then we'll just have to deal with how we can get some kind of ability to spend those funds later on 6iYVKr0VwiM-00000-00000053-00000362 Hi, there! My name is José Ignacio Araujo García, reaching out 6iYVKr0VwiM-00001-00000362-00000861 from Caracas, Venezuela. Today, I am going to have a new user join 6iYVKr0VwiM-00002-00000861-00001533 the world of Bitcoin Cash, a peer-to-peer electronic cash that is transcending borders. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00003-00001533-00002090 We are downloading the app so you can experience first hand 6iYVKr0VwiM-00004-00002090-00002541 how to send and receive Bitcoin Cash through Bitcoin.com's wallet. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00005-00002541-00002699 Please, introduce yourself. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00006-00002699-00003215 Hello! How are you guys? This is Elena, from Saint Petersburg, Russia. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00007-00003215-00003629 I am currently here in Venezuela as part of a volunteering program. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00008-00003629-00004160 Great, Elena! Now, the first thing you should now is that Bitcoin Cash, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00009-00004160-00004644 as I mentioned before, is electronic cash, meaning that it's actual money that 6iYVKr0VwiM-00010-00004644-00005265 you can use for your everyday transactions, whether to make purchases, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00011-00005265-00005696 send remittances, make remote payments from one country to another, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00012-00005696-00006208 or even make donations related to the activities you are carrying out in Venezuela. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00013-00006208-00006619 Now, the first thing step is to go on your cellphone, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00014-00006619-00007089 It's an Apple device in this case. Please log into the App Store, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00015-00007177-00007416 and search for "Bitcoin Wallet". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00016-00008063-00008121 ..."Wallet". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00017-00008229-00008650 That one, that's the wallet of Bitcoin.com. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00018-00008650-00009143 That's it. Bitcoin.com's wallet is now downloaded on your device. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00019-00009143-00009541 Now, let's continue with some step-by-step directions on how to use it. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00020-00009541-00009741 Let's access the wallet. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00021-00009884-00010175 Now, click on "next". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00022-00010295-00010932 It is now showing the options available to negotiate, make purchases, invest. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00023-00010932-00011132 Click on "Next" again. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00024-00011132-00011696 As I said, you can also spend Bitcoin Cash when shopping in stores worldwide, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00025-00011696-00011907 restaurants and drugstores. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00026-00011907-00012051 Click on "Next". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00027-00012048-00012527 Of course, you have to create an account on Bitcoin.com. This can be done both 6iYVKr0VwiM-00028-00012527-00013124 via the App Store or Google Play. In this case, for the sake of your confidentiality, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00029-00013124-00013349 I'd suggest to go "anonymous mode". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00030-00013488-00013562 Great! 6iYVKr0VwiM-00031-00013562-00013934 Yout Bitcoin.com wallet is being created now. Let's give it a couple of minutes. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00032-00013934-00013997 Done! 6iYVKr0VwiM-00033-00014060-00014313 It reads "Bitcoin wants to send you notifications", which is fine. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00034-00014313-00014713 Now, let's quickly go over what you need to know, Elena. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00035-00014713-00015447 First of all, in the event you purse or phone goes missing, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00036-00015447-00015956 they get stolen -let's hope not- or you want to switch to a new device, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00037-00015956-00016630 then you might wonder how to recover the money you have on your Bitcoin.com's wallet. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00038-00016630-00016786 - Am I right? -Yes. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00039-00016786-00017425 My suggestion is to save a "private key", also known as "recovery phrase". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00040-00017425-00017893 Please click on the "adjustments" icon down at the right botton of the screen, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00041-00017893-00018179 Proceed to click on "Backup and Security". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00042-00018240-00018834 Now choose "Manual Security Backup" and then select "My Bitcoin Cash wallet". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00043-00018980-00019496 Now, this part do not show to me, as these are your 12 private words 6iYVKr0VwiM-00044-00019496-00020002 that you can later on store on apps such as LastPass 6iYVKr0VwiM-00045-00020002-00020697 or store them in a safe place if you want to switch phones or in case yours goes missing. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00046-00020697-00021047 That's how you will be able to recover your funds. Sounds good? 6iYVKr0VwiM-00047-00021047-00021360 Do I have to memorize all these words? 6iYVKr0VwiM-00048-00021360-00021678 Not necessarily. You can always write them down in a place you consider safe. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00049-00021678-00021876 Let's go to the homepage. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00050-00021876-00022076 Now we are ready to continue! 6iYVKr0VwiM-00051-00022076-00022449 In case your phone goes missing and you want to recover your funds, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00052-00022449-00022954 press "Add/Import" right here at the top, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00053-00022954-00023253 and then, on "Import Wallet". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00054-00023279-00023510 "Bitcoin Cash" will be displayed, of course. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00055-00023510-00023879 It's right there where you'll enter your 12-word recovery phrase. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00056-00023879-00024481 Now, it's time learn how to send and receive Bitcoin Cash. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00057-00024525-00025130 I'm going to send you a few cents of dollar so you can check 6iYVKr0VwiM-00058-00025130-00025480 how a Bitcoin Cash transaction is made. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00059-00025480-00026151 Select "Receive" and a QR code will display. Can you see it? 6iYVKr0VwiM-00060-00026151-00026270 Yes, I see it. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00061-00026270-00026701 You can scan that QR code to make payments when in person. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00062-00026701-00027293 Now, if you are off the country,or want to send it to someone who's not present, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00063-00027297-00027802 you can make use of your the numbers and letters down below, as those are your wallet address. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00064-00027802-00028456 Press "copy address" so you can share it via WhatsApp, Telegram or any other app 6iYVKr0VwiM-00065-00028456-00028561 and get paid. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00066-00028561-00029280 I will proceed to click on "send", then scan your QR code to send you 5 US Dollar cents. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00067-00029280-00029542 I'll click "continue" and then slide right... 6iYVKr0VwiM-00068-00029650-00029779 ...and that's it! 6iYVKr0VwiM-00069-00029779-00030178 Let's check now if you received the money. Please click on "back". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00070-00030178-00030487 - Did you see? - Now, that was quick! 6iYVKr0VwiM-00071-00030487-00030718 That's super fast! What do you think? 6iYVKr0VwiM-00072-00030718-00031035 -Are we doing fine so far? How do you like it? - Yes, I do like it! 6iYVKr0VwiM-00073-00031035-00031577 -Great. Now let's try and send money, shall we? - Let's do it. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00074-00031577-00031897 You don't have to give it back to me, it is just for you to learn how to proceed. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00075-00031897-00032339 In the "send" section, let's select Bitcoin Cash under the initials "BCH". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00076-00032339-00032532 - What are the initials, again? - "BCH". 6iYVKr0VwiM-00077-00032532-00032777 Perfect. Here we have several options: 6iYVKr0VwiM-00078-00032777-00033054 You can paste a Bitcoin Cash address. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00079-00033054-00033407 Just like I mentioned earlier, in case you are not in the same physical place, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00080-00033407-00033809 you must paste the wallet address at the top. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00081-00033809-00034106 Now we have "Scan QR Code", which is the same option I explained moments ago 6iYVKr0VwiM-00082-00034106-00034281 and the one we used when I scanned your code. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00083-00034281-00034917 We also have "My wallets". In case you want to save user info after a transaction is made, 6iYVKr0VwiM-00084-00034917-00035117 you can save and have it stored there. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00085-00035117-00035371 It doesn't get any easier than this, Elena, don't you think? 6iYVKr0VwiM-00086-00035371-00035558 Yes! I think its pretty simple, actually. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00087-00035558-00036168 I encourage now you to buy Bitcoin Cash and incorporate this experience 6iYVKr0VwiM-00088-00036168-00036278 into your daily routine. 6iYVKr0VwiM-00089-00036278-00036728 - Thank you very much and welcome to Bitcoin Cash! - Thank you! Thank you, guys! 6kymkUm7deg-00000-00000000-00000400 (Music plays) 6kymkUm7deg-00001-00000400-00000650 Light sound Plays 6kymkUm7deg-00002-00000650-00000806 Lewis Dawkins voice actor for Dawko says: Okay? 6kymkUm7deg-00003-00000806-00001118 Light sound continues playing 6kymkUm7deg-00004-00001118-00001233 I don’t even know what sound is this, so i’ll call it “FNAF1 Window Scare Sound” plays 6kymkUm7deg-00005-00001233-00001412 Dawko: Hello? 6kymkUm7deg-00006-00001412-00001612 Dawko: Ohwo n-! 6kymkUm7deg-00007-00001612-00002243 Is it the pufferf-? Aaa! (FNAF3 Breathing sounds) 6kymkUm7deg-00008-00002243-00002543 Dawko laughter (Ha!) 6kymkUm7deg-00009-00002720-00003000 Oh no! Uh 6kymkUm7deg-00010-00003107-00004693 bite sounds, dawko laughing, springtrap jumpscare Dawko: What the heck?? its just a rip pufferfish video! just with fnaf sound effects. 6kymkUm7deg-00011-00004701-00004953 NO- 714HTad-oKY-00000-00025225-00025767 I want to convey my sincere and genuine feelings 714HTad-oKY-00001-00025775-00026075 Through a gift for you 714HTad-oKY-00002-00026075-00026320 You who is always by my side no matter how much time goes by 714HTad-oKY-00003-00026357-00026575 Make a wish 714HTad-oKY-00004-00026582-00026830 Forever with me 714HTad-oKY-00005-00026832-00027102 And I know whatever happens 714HTad-oKY-00006-00027105-00027580 You'll be the ones who're always there for me 714HTad-oKY-00007-00027580-00027620 No matter what happens 714HTad-oKY-00008-00027620-00027625 Your passion burns bright 714HTad-oKY-00009-00027625-00028185 Your passion burns bright 714HTad-oKY-00010-00028185-00028747 Everyone's company means the world to me 714HTad-oKY-00011-00028747-00028995 No matter rain or shine 714HTad-oKY-00012-00028995-00029307 I want to spend every moment 714HTad-oKY-00013-00029307-00029912 Of the rest of my life with you 714HTad-oKY-00014-00032105-00032692 I want to gather all the happiness and luck in this world 714HTad-oKY-00015-00032692-00032970 And place it in a gift 714HTad-oKY-00016-00032970-00033190 Dedicated to you who is always by my side 714HTad-oKY-00017-00033290-00033485 Make a wish 714HTad-oKY-00018-00033485-00033755 Forever with me 714HTad-oKY-00019-00033755-00034030 And I know whatever happens 714HTad-oKY-00020-00034030-00034490 You'll be the ones who're always there for me 714HTad-oKY-00021-00034490-00034492 No matter what happens 714HTad-oKY-00022-00034492-00034535 No matter what happens 714HTad-oKY-00023-00034535-00035087 Your passion burns bright 714HTad-oKY-00024-00035087-00035647 Everyone's company means the world to me 714HTad-oKY-00025-00035647-00035890 No matter rain or shine 714HTad-oKY-00026-00035890-00036197 I want to spend every moment 714HTad-oKY-00027-00036197-00036810 Of the rest of my life with you 714HTad-oKY-00028-00039002-00039062 Together 714HTad-oKY-00029-00039062-00039630 Walking shoulder-to-shoulder on that road 714HTad-oKY-00030-00039630-00040130 We see wishes that have come true in full bloom 714HTad-oKY-00031-00040130-00040190 No matter what happens 714HTad-oKY-00032-00040190-00040737 Your passion burns bright 714HTad-oKY-00033-00040737-00041297 Everyone's company means the world to me 714HTad-oKY-00034-00041297-00041570 No matter rain or shine 714HTad-oKY-00035-00041570-00041837 I want to spend every moment 714HTad-oKY-00036-00041837-00042442 Of the rest of my life with you 714HTad-oKY-00037-00075120-00075367 It's been a while, Traveler. I've brought you the latest performance! 714HTad-oKY-00038-00102245-00102480 Military training has been tough, and I've been craving something sweet 714HTad-oKY-00039-00102616-00102937 I think you might like the Candied Ajilenakh Nut. It's very sweet, and people all over Sumeru love it 714HTad-oKY-00040-00103118-00103373 Hehe! Paimon has had it before. The Traveler can make it! 714HTad-oKY-00041-00104097-00104243 HAPPY NEW YEAR 714HTad-oKY-00042-00104270-00104450 Genshin Impact Restaurant 714HTad-oKY-00043-00104562-00104787 Tonkotsu Ramen, Crab, Ham & Veggie Bake, Almond Tofu, Candied Ajilenakh Nuts 714HTad-oKY-00044-00104912-00105117 Wow, Paimon is so excited! 714HTad-oKY-00045-00105324-00105572 Crab, Ham & Veggie Bake 714HTad-oKY-00046-00105597-00105795 I... I can do it! 714HTad-oKY-00047-00105800-00106000 When Sucrose is making #Crab, Ham & Veggie Bake# 714HTad-oKY-00048-00106072-00106159 Let there be crab miso 714HTad-oKY-00049-00106159-00106300 Let there be ham 714HTad-oKY-00050-00106325-00106442 Let there be cream 714HTad-oKY-00051-00106442-00106552 Let there be vegetable juice 714HTad-oKY-00052-00106552-00106945 Vegetables are good for your health, let me put some more in it... 714HTad-oKY-00053-00107188-00107334 Oh nooo, I poured too much! 714HTad-oKY-00054-00107360-00107984 Amazing Albedo 714HTad-oKY-00055-00108012-00108307 2,000 YEARS LATER 714HTad-oKY-00056-00108309-00108509 We've finally perfected it! Thank you, Mr. Albedo! 714HTad-oKY-00057-00108509-00108830 No problem... Also, we are about the same age... 714HTad-oKY-00058-00108867-00109434 CRAB MISO - No.1033, HAM - No. 1035, CREAM - No.1037, VEGETABLE JUICE - Experiment 905 714HTad-oKY-00059-00112802-00112995 Sucrose's Specialty Dish - Nutritious Meal (V.593) 714HTad-oKY-00060-00113180-00113742 Travelers, you've got to stay healthy to keep on going. Take care in the new year! 714HTad-oKY-00061-00113931-00114180 Tonkotsu Ramen 714HTad-oKY-00062-00114192-00114405 Tonkotsu Ramen ×1, Remark: 714HTad-oKY-00063-00114552-00114920 Happy New Year! My wish is to touch Top Dog Gorou's ears, to gain the Ever-Victorious General's blessings 714HTad-oKY-00064-00115384-00115782 Grrr, there will be no rubbing of my ears, and that's final 714HTad-oKY-00065-00115832-00116056 Well, maybe... 714HTad-oKY-00066-00120531-00120727 Gorou's Specialty Dish -Victorious Legend 714HTad-oKY-00067-00120931-00121677 Here's a little Gorou for you in the ramen, you... you can touch its ears. Maybe it will bring you good luck in the new year... 714HTad-oKY-00068-00121864-00122059 Almond Tofu 714HTad-oKY-00069-00122062-00122267 Almond Tofu... I will do it 714HTad-oKY-00070-00124912-00125155 What a surprise, it went alright. Almost finished now, just need to put some osmanthus syrup on it 714HTad-oKY-00071-00125235-00125450 Osmanthus Syrup 714HTad-oKY-00072-00125459-00125745 You have no respect for the ways of the adepti! 714HTad-oKY-00073-00125813-00126067 It... it was Zhongli who put it there 714HTad-oKY-00074-00126235-00126600 ...If it was Master Zhongli, there must have been a good reason... 714HTad-oKY-00075-00126607-00126942 Well, guess I have to think of an alternative 714HTad-oKY-00076-00128593-00128790 Xiao's Specialty Dish -"Sweet Dream" 714HTad-oKY-00077-00128977-00129380 Ephemeral circumstance. Perpetual agony. However, you deserve the happiness, dear Travelers. I wish for all of your dreams to come true in this wonderful new year 714HTad-oKY-00078-00129620-00129945 Candied Ajilenakh Nut 714HTad-oKY-00079-00130195-00130445 Alhaitham, can you make me some Candied Ajilenakh Nuts? 714HTad-oKY-00080-00130925-00131135 Hey, what's with the silence! 714HTad-oKY-00081-00131317-00131940 You never think things through before asking questions. I'm giving you some time to make up for that 714HTad-oKY-00082-00132097-00132172 What do I do? 714HTad-oKY-00083-00132172-00132277 Who else can make the dish? 714HTad-oKY-00084-00132309-00132495 I got you, let me make it for you! 714HTad-oKY-00085-00132502-00132632 Lesser Lord Kusanali! It's such an honor! 714HTad-oKY-00086-00132632-00132867 No problem! Please tell me some fun stories instead! 714HTad-oKY-00087-00133190-00133550 I'm going to make a special version of Candied Ajilenakh Nuts, it's called "Halvamazd" 714HTad-oKY-00088-00136290-00136637 Do you know? Mazd stands for "wisdom" in Sumeru 714HTad-oKY-00089-00137572-00137792 Nahida's Specialty Dish - Halvamazd 714HTad-oKY-00090-00137972-00138432 As the God of Wisdom, I grant to you my blessing: From here onward, may your journey be free from confusion that clouds your mind and obstacles that block your path 714HTad-oKY-00091-00138432-00138600 Dear Travelers, Paimon, happy new year! 714HTad-oKY-00092-00138607-00138925 Wow, thank you! Happy new year! 714HTad-oKY-00093-00140779-00141080 Emergency Food 714HTad-oKY-00094-00141080-00141345 Noooo! Don't eat me!!! 714HTad-oKY-00095-00141430-00141650 END 714HTad-oKY-00096-00143898-00144102 Yes, Amber did it before. 714HTad-oKY-00097-00144102-00144240 No! That's not true! 714HTad-oKY-00098-00144420-00144517 Huh? 714HTad-oKY-00099-00144554-00144745 Are those your fans? 714HTad-oKY-00100-00144802-00145035 Yes... 714HTad-oKY-00101-00145191-00145345 The Kamisato Clan is the best! 714HTad-oKY-00102-00145345-00145687 Yes! Kamisato! Kamisato! 714HTad-oKY-00103-00145695-00145812 Is that what you're thinking? 714HTad-oKY-00104-00145812-00145922 Huh? 714HTad-oKY-00105-00145922-00146100 Sangonomiya is the best! 714HTad-oKY-00106-00146100-00146587 Sangonomiya!Kamisato! Sangonomiya!Kamisato! 714HTad-oKY-00107-00146705-00146882 Raiden Shogun is the best. 714HTad-oKY-00108-00147165-00147317 Why are they...!! 714HTad-oKY-00109-00147317-00147725 Is that Paimon? She seems worried. 714HTad-oKY-00110-00147775-00147925 Paimon, what's wrong? 714HTad-oKY-00111-00147963-00148217 Venti! Zhongli! Raiden Shogun! 714HTad-oKY-00112-00148217-00148430 They're not coming today! 714HTad-oKY-00113-00148437-00148652 Hello, Paimon. Hello, Traveler. 714HTad-oKY-00114-00148660-00149262 Um... why have you taken this form? Bah, never mind. 714HTad-oKY-00115-00149301-00149695 Welcome, everyone, to the Genshin Award Ceremony. 714HTad-oKY-00116-00149752-00150340 Unfortunately, the other three Archons could not make it today. 714HTad-oKY-00117-00150340-00150680 The Anemo Archon is singing on stage. 714HTad-oKY-00118-00150680-00151162 Geo Archon is attending to very pressing matters. 714HTad-oKY-00119-00151162-00151727 And the Raiden Shogun is too busy tasting desserts. 714HTad-oKY-00120-00151727-00152265 Without further ado, the first award for Best Picture goes to... 714HTad-oKY-00121-00152351-00152545 Amber Fighting the Dragon with a Bow! 714HTad-oKY-00122-00152649-00152967 The Second Award for Best Picture goes to "The Dark Night" Diluc! 714HTad-oKY-00123-00153204-00153510 The Third Award, The Pirates of the Guyun Stone Forest! 714HTad-oKY-00124-00153785-00153960 The Fourth, Bennett "Indiana" Jones! 714HTad-oKY-00125-00154185-00154630 The Fifth goes to "Breaking Bad Alchemy"! 714HTad-oKY-00126-00155104-00155567 The Sixth goes to "Sumeru's Doctor," "the Good Doctor" Tighnari! 714HTad-oKY-00127-00155909-00156232 And last but certainly not least, 714HTad-oKY-00128-00156267-00156415 Well played, Aether! 714HTad-oKY-00129-00156612-00156767 NO!!! 714HTad-oKY-00130-00156790-00157112 Next up, the award for Best Costume goes to Cyno! 714HTad-oKY-00131-00157137-00157377 Thank you for your votes... 714HTad-oKY-00132-00157377-00157572 Yes! He definitely deserved it! 714HTad-oKY-00133-00157572-00157750 His bare feet. 714HTad-oKY-00134-00157750-00158035 Yes, and his midriff baring clothes. 714HTad-oKY-00135-00158100-00158187 ...Heh... 714HTad-oKY-00136-00158229-00158447 Yes, I agree. 714HTad-oKY-00137-00158491-00158745 And the prize for best short man goes to Xiao! 714HTad-oKY-00138-00158809-00159110 He is so short and can pass through any crevice. 714HTad-oKY-00139-00159110-00159640 And he won't get hurt in battle, because he's too short. 714HTad-oKY-00140-00159728-00160085 And finally, the award for most popular character goes to... 714HTad-oKY-00141-00160574-00160737 Whoa... 714HTad-oKY-00142-00160742-00161117 And finally, the award for most popular character goes to... 714HTad-oKY-00143-00161117-00161405 Haha, don't keep us waiting! 714HTad-oKY-00144-00161405-00161602 When this is over, I'm gonna mess you up! 714HTad-oKY-00145-00161602-00161812 I'll be waiting for you, partner! 714HTad-oKY-00146-00162217-00162655 And finally, the award for most popular character goes to... 714HTad-oKY-00147-00162655-00162902 Paimon! 714HTad-oKY-00148-00162902-00163115 Thank you, everyone! 714HTad-oKY-00149-00163633-00163865 This is the way to win! 714HTad-oKY-00150-00163925-00164057 Why don't you take it from here? 714HTad-oKY-00151-00164321-00164510 Oh please, I'm clearly better than him. It'll be interesting watching a duel between you two 714HTad-oKY-00152-00165192-00165492 We have found a very secret place this time 714HTad-oKY-00153-00165557-00165782 Let's hope he won't find us 714HTad-oKY-00154-00166186-00166302 Found you 714HTad-oKY-00155-00166857-00166992 Let's play a round! 714HTad-oKY-00156-00168085-00168325 Go find someone else, I’m leaving 714HTad-oKY-00157-00168327-00168580 (Fleeing Sunlight:Allows a specific character to disengage from the duel) 714HTad-oKY-00158-00168948-00169130 Hmph, you're not going anywhere 714HTad-oKY-00159-00169130-00169295 (Rex Lapis... Assassinated!:Blocks all duel zones and removes the effect of the opponent's Event Card) 714HTad-oKY-00160-00170019-00170162 Let me handle this! 714HTad-oKY-00161-00170215-00170497 (The Possessed Katheryne:Summons Katheryne to take the damage dealt by the opponent and the effect of the Event Card) 714HTad-oKY-00162-00170832-00171042 I'll play a game against you! 714HTad-oKY-00163-00171165-00171287 Interesting 714HTad-oKY-00164-00172115-00172400 Duel! 714HTad-oKY-00165-00172492-00172767 Behold!Xingqiu, Chongyun! 714HTad-oKY-00166-00172909-00173400 I will activate the event card "Fight for Justice" to speed up energy recharge in this round 714HTad-oKY-00167-00173442-00173557 Let's go! 714HTad-oKY-00168-00173580-00173805 Xingqiu, Chongyun, attack! 714HTad-oKY-00169-00174152-00174370 (Timmie's Pigeons:Summons a group of pigeons with Taunt ability to withstand the attacks) 714HTad-oKY-00170-00174816-00175572 It's my turn. I will activate the event card "I'm RICH" to summon two character cards onto the field 714HTad-oKY-00171-00175676-00175990 Come on out! Tighnari and the Traveler! 714HTad-oKY-00172-00177097-00177177 Transformation 714HTad-oKY-00173-00177487-00177682 Let me help you! 714HTad-oKY-00174-00178266-00178347 What!? 714HTad-oKY-00175-00178575-00178725 It's not over yet 714HTad-oKY-00176-00178725-00178915 Show yourself!Barbara! 714HTad-oKY-00177-00179772-00179970 Now it's my turn! 714HTad-oKY-00178-00179970-00180265 Greedy Paimon, I choose you! (Greedy Paimon:Draw three cards at random) 714HTad-oKY-00179-00180430-00180690 I guess fortune is on my side (Electro Gnosis:When The Balladeer and The Doctor are on the field at the same time, you can use Electro Gnosis to summon Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal) 714HTad-oKY-00180-00182922-00183565 Don't get too excited! I'll activate "Institute for Toy Research" directly from my Hand! (Institute for Toy Research:Special Summon: Summon 6 Ruin Guards) 714HTad-oKY-00181-00185012-00185312 (Khaenri'ah Technology:Merge two Khaenri'ah units into an advanced Khaenri'ah unit) 714HTad-oKY-00182-00188050-00188137 (Dominus Lapidis:Grants you the Dominus Lapidis skill effect this round) 714HTad-oKY-00183-00188137-00188305 Solidify! 714HTad-oKY-00184-00188738-00188935 Hah, you don't have much HP left 714HTad-oKY-00185-00189137-00189210 So what? 714HTad-oKY-00186-00189262-00189555 So, let's end the game with THIS card! 714HTad-oKY-00187-00191191-00191857 Hey, hey, hey! The story you are telling is not about Genius Invokation TCG at all! 714HTad-oKY-00188-00191889-00192737 Not funny? Well, now it seems I'm much better at telling jokes than writing Genius Invokation TCG novels! 714HTad-oKY-00189-00192970-00193332 Actually... You can think about something else as well 714HTad-oKY-00190-00193532-00194255 Light novels written by the General Mahamatra should sell at a good price after simple modification 714HTad-oKY-00191-00196357-00196545 Welcome to the Adventurers’ Guild 714HTad-oKY-00192-00196652-00196927 Hast thou a glorious task worthy of our skill? 714HTad-oKY-00193-00196927-00197437 A lyrical duel is today’s commission. The best insult to the other wins the contest 714HTad-oKY-00194-00197437-00197727 An Astrologist is above such meaningless prattle 714HTad-oKY-00195-00197727-00197907 How about for one million Mora? 714HTad-oKY-00196-00198372-00198535 Okay blondie, let’s battle 714HTad-oKY-00197-00199922-00200160 You’d best watch your pathetic peasant tongue 714HTad-oKY-00198-00200160-00200402 Don’t mess with the Prinzessin der Verurteilung 714HTad-oKY-00199-00200402-00200650 The Immernachtreich host came prepared for this roast 714HTad-oKY-00200-00200650-00200912 My brainpower shall devour you like fisherman’s toast 714HTad-oKY-00201-00200912-00201180 My bow slays foes whilst my sick prose flows 714HTad-oKY-00202-00201180-00201420 Just look at your clothes. They're cheap and it shows! 714HTad-oKY-00203-00201420-00201687 My restraint displayed in throwing shade is coming to an end 714HTad-oKY-00204-00201687-00201945 This retrograde chambermaid has no friends 714HTad-oKY-00205-00202182-00202440 You dare turn your nose up at this Astrologer Genius? 714HTad-oKY-00206-00202440-00202695 Allow me to elucidate the difference between us 714HTad-oKY-00207-00202695-00202927 I gaze upon the heavens and the universe speaks 714HTad-oKY-00208-00202927-00203202 You read a book, stole a look and lied through your teeth 714HTad-oKY-00209-00203202-00203447 The little girl and her squawking crow, I swear that I’ll scream 714HTad-oKY-00210-00203447-00203715 If *I* end up stuck inside one of *your* cutscenes! 714HTad-oKY-00211-00203715-00203952 I’m spitting hot fire while you’re breaking a sweat 714HTad-oKY-00212-00203952-00204225 Cause my Hydro splashes gets shall turn you into a drowned rat 714HTad-oKY-00213-00204452-00204582 Oh scry me a river 714HTad-oKY-00214-00204582-00204944 You pathetic runt who can’t even prevent her financial descent 714HTad-oKY-00215-00204944-00205075 Your fortune’s already spent 714HTad-oKY-00216-00205075-00205207 It’s an eviction event 714HTad-oKY-00217-00205207-00205360 Why not rise up and challenge me 714HTad-oKY-00218-00205360-00205467 So you can pay your stinking rent!? 714HTad-oKY-00219-00205467-00205725 Didst thou cry out my holy name in earnest supplication 714HTad-oKY-00220-00205725-00205977 It must be time to just remind this servant of her station 714HTad-oKY-00221-00205977-00206105 Thine finances, a pity 714HTad-oKY-00222-00206105-00206227 Thine coinpurse, a joke 714HTad-oKY-00223-00206227-00206502 Mein fraulein would like to remind you That you are totally broke 714HTad-oKY-00224-00206725-00206847 Tell that turkey to stuff it 714HTad-oKY-00225-00206847-00206975 You will eat crow and love it 714HTad-oKY-00226-00206975-00207112 The astrologist has demolished this 714HTad-oKY-00227-00207112-00207240 Princess and her puppet 714HTad-oKY-00228-00207240-00207472 I’m laying the smackdown on this two-bit quack 714HTad-oKY-00229-00207472-00207605 Spitting bars like shooting stars, 714HTad-oKY-00230-00207605-00207735 With my zodiac attack 714HTad-oKY-00231-00207735-00207977 In fact, it needs to be said 714HTad-oKY-00232-00207977-00208267 Monstadt won’t shut up about your momma’s homemade bread 714HTad-oKY-00233-00208267-00208360 No one cares what you’ve read 714HTad-oKY-00234-00208360-00208487 Get some self-help books instead 714HTad-oKY-00235-00208487-00208602 "Immernachtreich?" 714HTad-oKY-00236-00208602-00208765 More like "Immer not right in the head" 714HTad-oKY-00237-00209002-00209144 My vassal is under duress 714HTad-oKY-00238-00209144-00209260 Perhaps it is the stress 714HTad-oKY-00239-00209260-00209402 Of being a watered-down magic clown 714HTad-oKY-00240-00209402-00209527 Who is also a poor, soggy sorceress 714HTad-oKY-00241-00209527-00209762 Your rhymes barely pass muster 714HTad-oKY-00242-00209762-00210007 All your savings are spent on things that are lackluster 714HTad-oKY-00243-00210007-00210127 Let this be a lesson 714HTad-oKY-00244-00210127-00210267 You’re not predicting, you’re guessin' 714HTad-oKY-00245-00210267-00210525 A foolish lunatic done in,Her place by the Prinzessin 714HTad-oKY-00246-00210525-00210642 You can’t match my title, 714HTad-oKY-00247-00210642-00210787 My prestige or my wealth 714HTad-oKY-00248-00210787-00210894 I humbly beseech thee 714HTad-oKY-00249-00210894-00211050 To extricate thyself 714HTad-oKY-00250-00211272-00211405 Witness Mona Megistus 714HTad-oKY-00251-00211405-00211519 I’m nobody’s vassal 714HTad-oKY-00252-00211519-00211650 See my moon sign rising 714HTad-oKY-00253-00211650-00211800 And you can kiss my astral 714HTad-oKY-00254-00211800-00211905 And it’s frankly absurd 714HTad-oKY-00255-00211905-00212030 That this idiot bird 714HTad-oKY-00256-00212030-00212305 Has to hang out and translate for some role-playing nerd 714HTad-oKY-00257-00212305-00212410 Here’s a prediction! 714HTad-oKY-00258-00212410-00212555 You are nothing but fiction 714HTad-oKY-00259-00212555-00212665 Your name, your eyepatch 714HTad-oKY-00260-00212665-00212815 And your ridiculous diction 714HTad-oKY-00261-00212815-00212940 It’s over, it’s finished 714HTad-oKY-00262-00212940-00213057 Katheryne, pay me 714HTad-oKY-00263-00213057-00213327 Cause everybody knows her real name is Amy 714HTad-oKY-00264-00235494-00235657 I can tell you this story 714HTad-oKY-00265-00247789-00248339 Wouldn't it be nice if we could live a mortal's life after all of this? 714HTad-oKY-00266-00248511-00249019 I... do not believe... 714HTad-oKY-00267-00249044-00249364 We will ever be suited for such things 714HTad-oKY-00268-00249621-00249856 Maybe so... 714HTad-oKY-00269-00249899-00250364 Perhaps we are nothing more than slaughterers 714HTad-oKY-00270-00250384-00250766 But even slaughterers have a right to dream 714HTad-oKY-00271-00252501-00252904 However... 714HTad-oKY-00272-00252904-00253174 In the end I was the only one left 714HTad-oKY-00273-00253601-00253979 None of you had the chance to live a mortal's life 714HTad-oKY-00274-00253979-00254196 But at least these people can 714HTad-oKY-00275-00254196-00254414 If I get them out of here 714HTad-oKY-00276-00255051-00255726 May I ask... birds, antiques, flowers... 714HTad-oKY-00277-00256081-00256476 Hmm... What deeper meaning do they hold? 714HTad-oKY-00278-00256811-00257294 What if there is no deeper meaning... 714HTad-oKY-00279-00257294-00257804 ...but simply indulging in the joys of a mortal's life 714HTad-oKY-00280-00259569-00260266 Rex Lapis said mortals release "lanterns" around this time and make a wish 714HTad-oKY-00281-00260679-00261016 Alatus, what would you wish for? 714HTad-oKY-00282-00261171-00261584 I'm not sure 714HTad-oKY-00283-00261611-00262079 If you can't think of one, we'll make a wish for you 714HTad-oKY-00284-00262184-00262721 I hope Alatus will have more reasons to smile 714HTad-oKY-00285-00278411-00278919 I'm a genie. If you help me find my lost pages, I shall grant you three wishes 714HTad-oKY-00286-00281679-00281886 Even gods can be poisoned... 714HTad-oKY-00287-00281931-00282261 We all have a part to play in protecting the environment! 714HTad-oKY-00288-00283546-00283879 Magical Hair Growth Shampoo, quality guaranteed by Dori! Get it at a special Black Friday price, only 999,999 Mora! 714HTad-oKY-00289-00302264-00302414 I got your back! 714HTad-oKY-00290-00304561-00304739 Hey,whereareyougoing? 714HTad-oKY-00291-00304739-00304921 Icouldatakenthem,youknow! 714HTad-oKY-00292-00304921-00305136 This job isn't about winning 714HTad-oKY-00293-00305136-00305414 It's about getting out before they do 714HTad-oKY-00294-00306079-00306294 Well, I guess that's one way to finish a job 714HTad-oKY-00295-00306294-00306481 Not quite done yet 714HTad-oKY-00296-00306481-00306831 Looks like we found the one who's been paying these guys 714HTad-oKY-00297-00308231-00308574 Whoa! What is this thing? 714HTad-oKY-00298-00308574-00308904 This... is our ride out of here 714HTad-oKY-00299-00309509-00309736 You sure you know how to use this thing, right? 714HTad-oKY-00300-00309736-00309959 I mean— we're going pretty fast... 714HTad-oKY-00301-00310679-00310899 Apparently, not fast enough 714HTad-oKY-00302-00310924-00310984 Eh? 714HTad-oKY-00303-00312379-00312476 I'm borrowing this! 714HTad-oKY-00304-00312476-00312784 That's mine, you can't just— AHHH 714HTad-oKY-00305-00313026-00313254 W—Wha—What are you doing? 714HTad-oKY-00306-00313254-00313489 If we die, you owe me double! 714HTad-oKY-00307-00315249-00315471 Just for that, you owe me double anyway! 714HTad-oKY-00308-00318496-00318651 Hey, I'm not dead! 714HTad-oKY-00309-00319941-00320114 Ughh, HEY COME BACK HERE! 714HTad-oKY-00310-00320146-00320271 Dehya! 714HTad-oKY-00311-00320356-00320654 The Treasure Box... the Fatui's taken it! 714HTad-oKY-00312-00325249-00325441 Thanks for the test drive 714HTad-oKY-00313-00325441-00325786 I think the Qixing will want this even more now 714HTad-oKY-00314-00325841-00326024 So I'll be taking it back 714HTad-oKY-00315-00326506-00326849 So,Let's talk about how much you owe me 714HTad-oKY-00316-00329046-00329216 Dehya, what are you doing here? 714HTad-oKY-00317-00329241-00329344 Come with me! 714HTad-oKY-00318-00336026-00336156 Alhaitham 714HTad-oKY-00319-00336419-00336526 Cyno 714HTad-oKY-00320-00336579-00336744 That doesn't belong to you. 714HTad-oKY-00321-00336921-00337131 I thought knowledge belongs to all who pursue it? 714HTad-oKY-00322-00337161-00337306 Return the Divine Knowledge Capsule. 714HTad-oKY-00323-00337431-00337624 You must be new here. 714HTad-oKY-00324-00337849-00338081 Aaru Village is a peaceful place. 714HTad-oKY-00325-00338149-00338349 I recommend you take your fight elsewhere. 714HTad-oKY-00326-00338586-00338739 This capsule. 714HTad-oKY-00327-00338936-00339059 This? 714HTad-oKY-00328-00339244-00339331 This is what all the — 714HTad-oKY-00329-00345761-00345874 Candace? 714HTad-oKY-00330-00346019-00346386 You know better than to fight this close to the village. 714HTad-oKY-00331-00346446-00346594 Where is it? 714HTad-oKY-00332-00346979-00347159 There's a sandstorm coming. 714HTad-oKY-00333-00347159-00347306 Come, 714HTad-oKY-00334-00347306-00347466 let's talk this over. 714HTad-oKY-00335-00349251-00349406 I won't ask again. 714HTad-oKY-00336-00352279-00352441 What is your wish? 714HTad-oKY-00337-00352551-00352691 I wish to find Lumine and Paimon 714HTad-oKY-00338-00356439-00356671 Thoma, what are you doing here? 714HTad-oKY-00339-00356734-00356964 I'm on vacation right now, getting ready to head back to Mondstadt 714HTad-oKY-00340-00357554-00358124 on the waves, a song I’ve always known 714HTad-oKY-00341-00358159-00358736 caught in between two distant worlds 714HTad-oKY-00342-00358881-00359564 once I chased a flame that flickered somewhere in my soul 714HTad-oKY-00343-00359629-00360061 and stayed where I found hope 714HTad-oKY-00344-00360236-00360824 fluttering like petals in the spring, once more 714HTad-oKY-00345-00360824-00361484 eternally searching for "home" 714HTad-oKY-00346-00363679-00364086 this place I left behind me 714HTad-oKY-00347-00364154-00364531 the same as it was before 714HTad-oKY-00348-00364594-00364946 I’m making new beginnings 714HTad-oKY-00349-00364991-00365359 I’ll live my life and go with the flow 714HTad-oKY-00350-00365436-00365829 as dawn’s light carries our spirits 714HTad-oKY-00351-00365874-00366254 the mountains bearing the storm 714HTad-oKY-00352-00366314-00366684 a whisper deep in the forest 714HTad-oKY-00353-00366739-00367106 where stars fall down by the shore 714HTad-oKY-00354-00367184-00367524 I’ve followed where the wind blows 714HTad-oKY-00355-00367616-00367949 my heart still hoping for more 714HTad-oKY-00356-00368049-00368389 windblumes in the window 714HTad-oKY-00357-00368439-00368809 their familiar hues taking me “home” 714HTad-oKY-00358-00368879-00369214 old memories, though long gone, 714HTad-oKY-00359-00369244-00369929 a yearning still burning within every song lost once on the waves, 714HTad-oKY-00360-00369954-00370346 now a place I belong 714HTad-oKY-00361-00370384-00371261 sparks of fate, come light my journey 714HTad-oKY-00362-00371309-00372196 guide me back to eternity 714HTad-oKY-00363-00373361-00373901 in a place far away, there’s a city 714HTad-oKY-00364-00373961-00374476 at its heart burns a blazing forge 714HTad-oKY-00365-00374566-00375114 where the seas carry dreams of a young lost boy 714HTad-oKY-00366-00375149-00375666 finally making his way home 714HTad-oKY-00367-00377629-00378126 Thanks for helping me out every time I get in trouble! 714HTad-oKY-00368-00378309-00378689 It is as the stars foretold 714HTad-oKY-00369-00378839-00379184 I was about to ask you — what is your greatest wish? 714HTad-oKY-00370-00379434-00379649 It is now time for you to witness my resolve 714HTad-oKY-00371-00380014-00380296 I've got a very special gift for you 714HTad-oKY-00372-00380589-00380816 I hope today too shall be prosperous 714HTad-oKY-00373-00381119-00381545 If I wipe out some evil presence and it happens to benefit you, don't thank me. It's just a force of habit 714HTad-oKY-00374-00381769-00382046 Oh, why don't we celebrate on Watatsumi Island? 714HTad-oKY-00375-00382286-00382546 Our journey begins anew 714HTad-oKY-00376-00382856-00383014 Let's go out and play! 714HTad-oKY-00377-00383254-00383491 Let's celebrate together 714HTad-oKY-00378-00383766-00384101 I picked out a potted plant in full bloom for you 714HTad-oKY-00379-00384311-00384689 I hope this pretty smile will become our lucky charm 714HTad-oKY-00380-00384921-00385176 I make sure to always cherish the here and now 714HTad-oKY-00381-00385451-00385741 Morning, comrade! You're raring to go today, I see 714HTad-oKY-00382-00386029-00386556 What they say is true: you have to see the world for yourself to appreciate how beautiful it is 714HTad-oKY-00383-00387379-00387479 Welcome, Traveler! 714HTad-oKY-00384-00387479-00387604 I'm glad you finally made it 714HTad-oKY-00385-00387629-00387784 Your mission is to defeat all enemies 714HTad-oKY-00386-00387784-00388166 And to cleanse the dragon of his evil and save Teyvat 714HTad-oKY-00387-00388239-00388454 We will teach you to master all the powers in Teyvat 714HTad-oKY-00388-00388541-00388661 Your training starts now 714HTad-oKY-00389-00390506-00390636 I think I can do that 714HTad-oKY-00390-00391779-00392036 Maybe we start with something that is a little easier,Try this 714HTad-oKY-00391-00393309-00393469 How is this easier!? 714HTad-oKY-00392-00395006-00395234 Maybe we'll start with something even easier 714HTad-oKY-00393-00396606-00396826 He mastered the Fuufuu Windwheel 714HTad-oKY-00394-00396961-00397056 Try this 714HTad-oKY-00395-00398549-00398664 I will have order 714HTad-oKY-00396-00399271-00399424 Great! Now you are ready to face the dragon 714HTad-oKY-00397-00399424-00399501 Are you kidding me!? 714HTad-oKY-00398-00399844-00399956 Are you sure about that? 714HTad-oKY-00399-00400279-00400571 As long as I have you by my side, I believe I can do it 714HTad-oKY-00400-00400639-00400766 Bye, have fun! 714HTad-oKY-00401-00401279-00401547 I trained so hard for this, I will not lose! 714HTad-oKY-00402-00402421-00402561 I think you need a new Traveler 714HTad-oKY-00403-00402789-00402889 Welcome, Traveler! 714HTad-oKY-00404-00402889-00402989 I'm glad you finally made it 714HTad-oKY-00405-00402989-00403044 No! 714HTad-oKY-00406-00403044-00403139 I'm not doing this again! 714HTad-oKY-00407-00403139-00403336 Wait, don't you want your sister back!? 714HTad-oKY-00408-00403371-00403486 Hey brother, long time no see! 714HTad-oKY-00409-00403711-00403921 She can fight the dragon, I don't care 714HTad-oKY-00410-00403921-00403964 Brother! 714HTad-oKY-00411-00403964-00404031 Brother! 714HTad-oKY-00412-00405054-00405236 What do you want for your second wish? 714HTad-oKY-00413-00405269-00405456 I wish that I could set you free 714HTad-oKY-00414-00420116-00420244 Yoimiya, what are you doing here? 714HTad-oKY-00415-00420269-00420524 I'm trying out a firecracker I just made. Here you go! 714HTad-oKY-00416-00421299-00421614 Yoo-hoo, the moon is out. The night sky goes boom! 714HTad-oKY-00417-00421614-00421959 To the music we dance. Come and dance to the rhythm~ 714HTad-oKY-00418-00421959-00422256 Let's enjoy ourselves. Check those bustling stalls♪ 714HTad-oKY-00419-00422256-00422619 Play those Taiko drums. Play the drum on your belly, boom! 714HTad-oKY-00420-00423806-00424136 Thinking about sparks day and night 714HTad-oKY-00421-00424161-00424459 I guess I don't have to wake up yet... 714HTad-oKY-00422-00424496-00424746 What's going on? So noisy outside 714HTad-oKY-00423-00424761-00425076 I can't fall asleep anymore 714HTad-oKY-00424-00425091-00425261 Yoo-hoo, the stars are out 714HTad-oKY-00425-00425261-00425399 So much more excited, boom! 714HTad-oKY-00426-00425416-00425729 Let's dance. So content like our bellies are full 714HTad-oKY-00427-00425754-00426064 So tired that we fall to the ground. But when we wake up, we can start all over again♪ 714HTad-oKY-00428-00426089-00426341 In our sweet dreams. Fireworks fly up the sky and boom! 714HTad-oKY-00429-00426371-00426689 Now's the time to present my cherished masterpiece 714HTad-oKY-00430-00426729-00427034 So splendid that no words can describe 714HTad-oKY-00431-00427034-00427374 One by one, they shoot up the sky 714HTad-oKY-00432-00427384-00427744 One after another, they blend into the sky 714HTad-oKY-00433-00427796-00428081 If you find some free time. Come to Naganohara 714HTad-oKY-00434-00428146-00428389 Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. I must've talked too much! 714HTad-oKY-00435-00428464-00428796 Pulled another all-nighter, haven't I? The sun's all out 714HTad-oKY-00436-00428849-00429356 No wonder I'm about to pass out... 714HTad-oKY-00437-00430341-00430509 Hold your head up high 714HTad-oKY-00438-00430509-00430729 Or you'll miss the fireworks in the sky 714HTad-oKY-00439-00430729-00430976 Fizz, hiss, boom.Fizz, hiss, boom.Fizz, hiss, boom, pop 714HTad-oKY-00440-00430976-00431196 Whatever's troubling your mind 714HTad-oKY-00441-00431196-00431374 Leave them all to me 714HTad-oKY-00442-00431374-00431561 Fizz, hiss, boom.Fizz, hiss, boom.Fizz, hiss, boom, pop 714HTad-oKY-00443-00431811-00432121 After a storm comes the sun. Fireworks explode against the drumbeats, boom! 714HTad-oKY-00444-00432154-00432459 A brand new year, a grand opening 714HTad-oKY-00445-00432479-00432779 Now let the fireworks bloom and the drums play. Ready to be amazed at the sparks~♪ 714HTad-oKY-00446-00432796-00433091 Once you start dancing. Your trouble's all gone! 714HTad-oKY-00447-00448111-00448334 I have to go. Please tell me your final wish 714HTad-oKY-00448-00449481-00449984 Stars, see them fall 714HTad-oKY-00449-00449984-00450536 The winds guide them further 714HTad-oKY-00450-00450536-00451596 To start their journey 714HTad-oKY-00451-00451631-00452344 Guard your heart, valiant Traveler 714HTad-oKY-00452-00452376-00452781 You will soon find 714HTad-oKY-00453-00452814-00453661 The one your soul desires 714HTad-oKY-00454-00454571-00455299 Through the winding forest, Illusions, mirages, and dreams that never end 714HTad-oKY-00455-00455771-00456491 Yield your mighty weapon. A blade with a curve and a battle to the dirt 714HTad-oKY-00456-00456964-00458135 A hero who fears death is a trifle to the people desiring to live 714HTad-oKY-00457-00458201-00458521 You better stay alert and on your toes 714HTad-oKY-00458-00458521-00458789 This is the rule among the desert folk 714HTad-oKY-00459-00458789-00459064 You'll never make it if you're on your own 714HTad-oKY-00460-00459064-00459354 Do not forget this or you will die alone 714HTad-oKY-00461-00459354-00459731 Come and play together all day 714HTad-oKY-00462-00459871-00460249 We'll watch the world unravel away 714HTad-oKY-00463-00460491-00460869 Holding hands as we dance and sway 714HTad-oKY-00464-00461011-00461576 To the music of the forest, it will remember us when we're... 714HTad-oKY-00465-00461644-00462004 Once, a little bird was born 714HTad-oKY-00466-00462029-00462611 She witnessed all the stories through the windows of her cage 714HTad-oKY-00467-00462724-00463141 And then a knight came running with his friends 714HTad-oKY-00468-00463141-00463426 And found her once again 714HTad-oKY-00469-00463426-00463919 Happily, she told them 714HTad-oKY-00470-00463919-00464376 Come and play together all day 714HTad-oKY-00471-00464466-00464996 We'll watch the world unravel away 714HTad-oKY-00472-00465041-00465484 Holding hands as we dance and sway 714HTad-oKY-00473-00465589-00466166 To the music of the forest, it will remember us when we're gone 714HTad-oKY-00474-00466904-00467714 Through the snowstorm, a butterfly passed on 714HTad-oKY-00475-00467714-00468154 The "fools" they gather 'round 714HTad-oKY-00476-00468154-00468551 And aim to seize the heavens 714HTad-oKY-00477-00468551-00468949 Careful, they will not stop 714HTad-oKY-00478-00468949-00470189 Until they see the gods kneel before their feet 714HTad-oKY-00479-00470714-00471316 Your adventure never sees the end 714HTad-oKY-00480-00471316-00471966 For sure, you're tired but I have plan 714HTad-oKY-00481-00471966-00472635 See the flowers bloom in the summer night 714HTad-oKY-00482-00472635-00473689 And all the stories sealed in the sparkling, fleeting lights 714HTad-oKY-00483-00475364-00475651 Cease all toil and ready up tonight 714HTad-oKY-00484-00475651-00475996 Don't you dare go spoil the party or I'll fight 714HTad-oKY-00485-00475996-00476574 Deeply fried in oil, the smell of snacks already in the air 714HTad-oKY-00486-00476706-00477329 The sea is dark, perfect for the flight of the fireworks eager to alight 714HTad-oKY-00487-00477329-00477894 Momentary sparks will last forever and beyond 71jZ1EgQn4k-00000-00000618-00000744 - [Instructor] Hello, and welcome 71jZ1EgQn4k-00001-00000744-00001001 to Tips and Troubleshooting for Zoom. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00002-00001001-00001155 In this video, we will share 71jZ1EgQn4k-00003-00001155-00001361 a few helpful tips for using Zoom, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00004-00001361-00001792 including how to make sure your audio and video are working, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00005-00001792-00002050 how to mute and unmute your microphone, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00006-00002050-00002241 how to use the chat function, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00007-00002241-00002433 and how to change your display name. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00008-00002901-00003262 First, make sure your computer volume is on, and turned up. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00009-00003539-00003929 When you join a meeting, a box like this will pop up. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00010-00003929-00004127 You can easily test your audio levels 71jZ1EgQn4k-00011-00004127-00004370 by clicking Test Speaker and Microphone. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00012-00005249-00005546 Then click Join with Computer Audio. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00013-00005546-00005745 You can turn your video on and off 71jZ1EgQn4k-00014-00005745-00006041 by clicking the Start Video button on the menu bar 71jZ1EgQn4k-00015-00006041-00006284 at the bottom-left corner of your screen. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00016-00006284-00006531 If your audio or video is interrupted, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00017-00006531-00006845 and you receive an internet unstable message, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00018-00006845-00007009 it means that your internet connection 71jZ1EgQn4k-00019-00007009-00007220 is not strong enough for Zoom. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00020-00007220-00007615 You may need to move to an area with a better Wi-Fi signal. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00021-00007615-00007770 This might mean moving closer 71jZ1EgQn4k-00022-00007770-00007959 to where the router or modem is. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00023-00008453-00008799 To mute and unmute yourself, simply click the Mute button 71jZ1EgQn4k-00024-00008799-00009004 in the bottom-left corner of your screen. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00025-00009159-00009343 It's important to keep your microphone 71jZ1EgQn4k-00026-00009343-00009676 on mute during your class unless you need to ask a question, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00027-00009676-00009954 so that everyone can hear what your instructor is saying, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00028-00009954-00010272 and so that background noise is kept to a minimum. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00029-00010272-00010431 It's a good idea to mute yourself 71jZ1EgQn4k-00030-00010431-00010575 as soon as you join the meeting 71jZ1EgQn4k-00031-00010575-00010879 if you are not already muted, so you can be ready to go. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00032-00011351-00011661 During your class, your instructor will need to verify 71jZ1EgQn4k-00033-00011661-00011841 your name and student ID. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00034-00011841-00012122 They will use the chat function to do this. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00035-00012122-00012364 The chat is located at the bottom of your screen 71jZ1EgQn4k-00036-00012364-00012555 in the center of the menu bar. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00037-00012555-00012712 Notifications will pop up 71jZ1EgQn4k-00038-00012712-00012944 when there is a new unread message. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00039-00012944-00013233 The chat will be monitored by an instructor. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00040-00013233-00013407 If you need to ask a question, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00041-00013407-00013644 you can send a message to everyone in the meeting, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00042-00013644-00013911 or use the drop-down arrow to send a private message 71jZ1EgQn4k-00043-00013911-00014116 to the instructor monitoring the chat. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00044-00014972-00015171 You might need to change your display name 71jZ1EgQn4k-00045-00015171-00015428 because it's not your correct first and last name. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00046-00015428-00015644 It's important that your name is correct, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00047-00015644-00015825 so that your instructor can find you, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00048-00015825-00016063 and confirm your student ID with you. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00049-00016063-00016221 To change your display name, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00050-00016221-00016471 click the Participants button from the menu bar 71jZ1EgQn4k-00051-00016471-00016657 at the bottom of your screen. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00052-00016657-00016909 A section will appear on the right side of your screen 71jZ1EgQn4k-00053-00016909-00017157 with all the participants in the meeting. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00054-00017157-00017335 Hover your mouse over your name, 71jZ1EgQn4k-00055-00017335-00017696 and click the More drop-down button, and choose Rename. 71jZ1EgQn4k-00056-00017784-00017892 Change your name. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00000-00000067-00000267 >> Voiceover: Live from Orlando, Florida, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00001-00000267-00000566 it's theCUBE covering SAPPHIRE NOW. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00002-00000566-00000796 Headline sponsored by SAP HANA Cloud, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00003-00000796-00001010 the leader in platform as a service, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00004-00001010-00001381 with support from Console, Inc, the cloud internet company. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00005-00001381-00001755 Now, here are your hosts, John Furrier and Peter Burris. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00006-00001755-00001854 >> Hey, welcome back everyone. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00007-00001854-00002075 We are live in Orlando, Florida for SAPPHIRE NOW 71XTLlLK6Y4-00008-00002075-00002322 SiliconANGLE Media's Flagship Program, theCUBE, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00009-00002322-00002512 where we go out to the events and extract 71XTLlLK6Y4-00010-00002512-00002616 the signal from the noise. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00011-00002616-00002806 I'm John Furrier with my co-host, Peter Burris. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00012-00002806-00002944 I want to give a shoutout to our sponsors, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00013-00002944-00003350 SAP HANA Cloud, Console, Inc, thanks for sponsoring us. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00014-00003350-00003552 Our next guest is Jim Brett, who is the Vice President 71XTLlLK6Y4-00015-00003552-00003814 of Global Strategic Progress at SAP, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00016-00003814-00003993 and we have Michael Yadgar, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00017-00003993-00004293 who is Principal Advisor at EY, formerly Ernst and Young, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00018-00004293-00004397 but you go by EY now, so-- 71XTLlLK6Y4-00019-00004397-00004485 >> EY, EY. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00020-00004485-00004609 >> Welcome to theCUBE. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00021-00004609-00004706 >> Jim: Thank you. >> Michael: Thank you. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00022-00004706-00004842 >> So guys, talk about the relationship, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00023-00004842-00004950 because we've been seeing 71XTLlLK6Y4-00024-00004950-00005217 it's been a phenomenal highlight year 71XTLlLK6Y4-00025-00005217-00005575 because services, per se, like professional services, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00026-00005575-00005881 system integration, has been a big discussion point 71XTLlLK6Y4-00027-00005881-00006229 because the ecosystem battle has been laid out. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00028-00006229-00006448 Peter and I talked about it on our wrap up yesterday, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00029-00006448-00006729 that we believe that the ecosystem 71XTLlLK6Y4-00030-00006729-00007042 will be the winning formula for whoever takes a big part 71XTLlLK6Y4-00031-00007042-00007316 of this next generation IT, cloud, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00032-00007316-00007639 whatever market you want to call it, consumerization of IT, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00033-00007639-00007915 because of the entrepreneurial nature of it, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00034-00007915-00008078 and also for the rapid development. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00035-00008078-00008322 So Jim, what's the play for you guys 71XTLlLK6Y4-00036-00008322-00008670 as you guys go forward, and where does EY fit into this? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00037-00008670-00008986 >> Well obviously, our ecosystem at SAP is critical 71XTLlLK6Y4-00038-00008986-00009326 to our company's overall strategy. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00039-00009326-00009590 I would say, I'm responsible personally 71XTLlLK6Y4-00040-00009590-00009801 for our relationship with EY globally. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00041-00009801-00009892 I've been in that role 71XTLlLK6Y4-00042-00009892-00010200 since the inception of our alliance five years ago, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00043-00010200-00010367 five, six years ago. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00044-00010471-00010614 It's been extremely exciting 71XTLlLK6Y4-00045-00010614-00010965 to watch this channel, if you will, this relationship, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00046-00010965-00011213 grow from predominantly being one region 71XTLlLK6Y4-00047-00011213-00011552 to one of our largest global partners, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00048-00011552-00011784 global strategic partners worldwide. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00049-00011784-00012149 So, I think the future is very bright 71XTLlLK6Y4-00050-00012149-00012379 for our two organizations together. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00051-00012379-00012594 There's a lot of innovation happening. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00052-00012594-00012864 There's a lot of energy being exchanged 71XTLlLK6Y4-00053-00012864-00013011 and captured at this event, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00054-00013011-00013253 and we're going to springboard even further moving forward. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00055-00013253-00013497 >> Michael, I got to ask you, EY, or formerly Ernst and Young, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00056-00013497-00013762 was really part of that original Big Six accounting mindset 71XTLlLK6Y4-00057-00013762-00014080 during the 25 years ago when SAP broke into the business. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00058-00014080-00014428 Everyone was automating app processes, but a lot's changed. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00059-00014428-00014600 The deployment cycle times have changed, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00060-00014600-00014804 but you guys have always been the brain trust 71XTLlLK6Y4-00061-00014804-00014997 behind implementing and making it work, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00062-00014997-00015234 and actually wrapping more services around it. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00063-00015234-00015373 It's been a good economic model. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00064-00015373-00015661 But as we move on from this point forward with cloud, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00065-00015661-00015891 things are much different, it's very entrepreneurial. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00066-00015891-00016184 You guys do the Entrepreneur of the Year Award every year, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00067-00016184-00016518 as Ernst and Young, now EY, which is a huge (mumbles), 71XTLlLK6Y4-00068-00016518-00016620 all the big companies are in there, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00069-00016620-00016778 we were just talking about that. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00070-00016778-00016978 This is a new mindset organizationally, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00071-00016978-00017305 this entrepreneurial execution. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00072-00017305-00017537 Could you share some color into things that you're seeing 71XTLlLK6Y4-00073-00017537-00017932 around one, the mindset of the customer, your customers, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00074-00017932-00018229 an SAP's customer, or a customer's customer, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00075-00018229-00018380 and some of the challenges that they have. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00076-00018380-00018471 Is it a technology challenge? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00077-00018471-00018571 Is it a process challenge? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00078-00018571-00018684 Both? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00079-00018684-00018829 Just add some color on that. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00080-00018829-00018938 >> Yeah, thank you. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00081-00018938-00019149 So what we see a lot of our customers having 71XTLlLK6Y4-00082-00019149-00019331 is they need speed. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00083-00019331-00019475 They need to move fast. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00084-00019475-00019707 They really need to make sure that they deploy quickly, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00085-00019707-00020024 because the cycle time in business cycles 71XTLlLK6Y4-00086-00020024-00020156 it's really short now. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00087-00020156-00020367 They have to make moves today. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00088-00020367-00020551 What we see companies doing is trying to figure out 71XTLlLK6Y4-00089-00020551-00020836 how to accelerate the adoption of SAP 71XTLlLK6Y4-00090-00020836-00021119 and technology and process change in their organizations. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00091-00021119-00021454 So what that means is that they can't customize SAP. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00092-00021454-00021621 They can't customize software. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00093-00021621-00021934 We have to take standard SAP, deploy it quickly, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00094-00021934-00022125 work on the adoption in the organization, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00095-00022125-00022285 and get the benefits quickly thereafter. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00096-00022285-00022475 So it's really about speed, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00097-00022475-00022729 and it's about accepting SAP as it is 71XTLlLK6Y4-00098-00022729-00022947 for their organization, because it's based on 71XTLlLK6Y4-00099-00022947-00023211 25 plus years of industry best practices. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00100-00023211-00023311 It works. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00101-00023311-00023511 They got to adopt it, then go. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00102-00023511-00023755 >> And what's the focus this year at SAPPHIRE for you guys? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00103-00023755-00023936 For the folks watching who aren't here at the event, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00104-00023936-00024041 what are some of the things you guys 71XTLlLK6Y4-00105-00024041-00024249 are either announcing, working on, showing off, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00106-00024249-00024388 here at the show? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00107-00024388-00024553 >> So right now, if you go to our booth right now 71XTLlLK6Y4-00108-00024553-00024676 and spend some time with us, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00109-00024676-00024982 we're highlighting our four areas of focus. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00110-00024982-00025174 We have four pods that are set up to talk about 71XTLlLK6Y4-00111-00025174-00025350 what we're innovating on. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00112-00025350-00025607 One is around cyber security. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00113-00025607-00025840 What you find out, we look at cyber security, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00114-00025840-00026272 over 60% of the threats that come via cyber security 71XTLlLK6Y4-00115-00026272-00026693 are internal, and 50% of those are malicious. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00116-00026693-00026901 So how do you internally or externally 71XTLlLK6Y4-00117-00026901-00027075 protect your organization? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00118-00027075-00027268 We're working a lot with SAP to figure out, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00119-00027268-00027724 how do we innovate together to make SAP a secure platform? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00120-00027724-00028014 And coming in, we're looking at finance, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00121-00028014-00028216 the future of finance and how we work together 71XTLlLK6Y4-00122-00028216-00028476 using S/4 finance, and how we're helping clients 71XTLlLK6Y4-00123-00028476-00028802 not just adopt software, but change their business model. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00124-00028802-00029191 Supply chain and digital supply chain and digital consumer 71XTLlLK6Y4-00125-00029191-00029346 is an area of focus for us, as well. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00126-00029346-00029481 We're co-innovating with SAP 71XTLlLK6Y4-00127-00029481-00029727 using something called HANA Cloud Platform 71XTLlLK6Y4-00128-00029727-00030008 to actually innovate and bring capability to the market. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00129-00030008-00030337 And lastly, it's all about our capabilities 71XTLlLK6Y4-00130-00030337-00030624 in human capital, success factors, the cloud, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00131-00030624-00030826 how to help companies transform themselves 71XTLlLK6Y4-00132-00030826-00031074 via success factors. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00133-00031074-00031225 >> Jim, talk about the SAP relation, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00134-00031225-00031394 because now HANA Cloud Platform, you've brought that up, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00135-00031394-00031624 was interesting because it's kind of new, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00136-00031624-00031834 it's kind of like sneaking up on the market, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00137-00031834-00031955 I don't think it's getting 71XTLlLK6Y4-00138-00031955-00032152 the fanfare it should be getting, in my opinion, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00139-00032152-00032413 based on looking at all the hype in other areas. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00140-00032413-00032546 But there's a lot of meat and potatoes in there, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00141-00032546-00032799 and from an enablement standpoint, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00142-00032799-00033024 it seems to integrate well. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00143-00033024-00033229 How is that going to fit into this growth, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00144-00033229-00033533 because if it plays out the way we're seeing it here, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00145-00033533-00033837 it's going to be a gold mine of enablement, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00146-00033837-00034062 because it's got so much power to it, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00147-00034062-00034197 yet it's got more customization, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00148-00034197-00034434 you see entrepreneurship, startups using it. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00149-00034434-00034624 How does it get put into practice? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00150-00034624-00034954 >> Yeah, I think when you think about SAP and our legacy 71XTLlLK6Y4-00151-00034954-00035330 of having core transactional process oriented software, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00152-00035330-00035532 and then the evolution into analytics, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00153-00035532-00035807 this is really the next progression, if you will, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00154-00035807-00036142 the extension of that core enterprise platform, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00155-00036142-00036378 the extension of our cloud solutions, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00156-00036378-00036655 whether they be human capital, supply chain, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00157-00036655-00036912 even areas like cyber. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00158-00036912-00037175 So the way I look at the HANA Cloud Platform, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00159-00037175-00037535 which has matured dramatically in the last year or two, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00160-00037535-00037800 tremendous amount of investment we've put into it, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00161-00037800-00038067 is it's somewhat of a blank canvas, right? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00162-00038067-00038350 So, when we look to the ecosystem, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00163-00038445-00038723 many of which are here today, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00164-00038723-00038958 you're seeing a lot of ISV, smaller partners, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00165-00038958-00039237 building apps, available on our SAP store, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00166-00039237-00039478 but when we look at our global strategic partnerships, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00167-00039478-00039652 what we're really looking to do 71XTLlLK6Y4-00168-00039652-00040025 is take the best of their intellectual capital 71XTLlLK6Y4-00169-00040025-00040285 and embed that into the HANA Cloud Platform 71XTLlLK6Y4-00170-00040285-00040477 to really bring it to life, right? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00171-00040477-00040740 So as to how we take that to market, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00172-00040740-00041157 that could be various models between our organizations, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00173-00041246-00041547 which we're still working through in some cases, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00174-00041547-00041789 but when we look to a partner like E&Y, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00175-00041789-00042107 and you think about their incredible capabilities 71XTLlLK6Y4-00176-00042107-00042523 in areas like cyber, in areas like risk, in areas like tax, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00177-00042650-00042974 you talk about extending our core platform, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00178-00042974-00043365 we believe that no other vendor out there 71XTLlLK6Y4-00179-00043365-00043672 is offering something like that in the market, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00180-00043672-00043892 and we're very excited about the investments 71XTLlLK6Y4-00181-00043892-00044087 that E&Y has made. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00182-00044087-00044452 >> We've had other, and maybe I'm going to just go (mumbles), 71XTLlLK6Y4-00183-00044452-00044832 but we've had some other big enterprise partners on theCUBE 71XTLlLK6Y4-00184-00044832-00045178 in the last couple of days, and we've talked a lot about 71XTLlLK6Y4-00185-00045178-00045403 how the ecosystem and the platform 71XTLlLK6Y4-00186-00045403-00045828 increasingly is becoming the focus of competition. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00187-00045828-00046061 In a marketplace, how are... 71XTLlLK6Y4-00188-00046236-00046644 Every customer looks at a different channel choice 71XTLlLK6Y4-00189-00046644-00046953 or a different partner choice as a unique way of getting 71XTLlLK6Y4-00190-00046953-00047269 something a little bit different out of SAP. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00191-00047269-00047715 What is it that the SAP-E&Y partnership is bringing 71XTLlLK6Y4-00192-00047715-00048089 that's unique relative to others, including cyber security? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00193-00048089-00048347 EY has got a great legacy in cyber security world, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00194-00048347-00048642 but what is it that you guys are putting forward 71XTLlLK6Y4-00195-00048642-00048977 that makes you unique to that core group of customers 71XTLlLK6Y4-00196-00048977-00049313 who want that little bit more out of SAP? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00197-00049313-00049396 >> I'll start if that's okay. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00198-00049396-00049479 >> Please, please. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00199-00049479-00049819 >> So I'll talk about what it means for us at EY, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00200-00049819-00050130 specifically, our relationship with SAP as we grow. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00201-00050130-00050512 Right now, our biggest technology platform by far, bar none, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00202-00050512-00050807 is SAP, for us to grow and achieve our results, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00203-00050807-00051111 which is encapsulated in something called Vision 2020. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00204-00051111-00051334 So for us to grow, we're focused on SAP, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00205-00051334-00051641 which means the attention, the focus, the investment, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00206-00051641-00051931 is on SAP, which helps us have successful results 71XTLlLK6Y4-00207-00051931-00052167 with our customers with SAP. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00208-00052167-00052319 This year, we're extremely proud. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00209-00052319-00052704 We won the Pinnacle Award for Quality, quality services. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00210-00052704-00052871 That's the brand that we want. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00211-00052871-00053141 So what we say to SAP and to the customers is, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00212-00053141-00053291 we're the safest choice. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00213-00053291-00053498 We're the safe choice because of how we work with SAP-- 71XTLlLK6Y4-00214-00053498-00053581 >> Peter: To the customer? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00215-00053581-00053676 >> To the customer. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00216-00053676-00053760 >> Got it. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00217-00053760-00053855 >> We're the safest choice to the customer 71XTLlLK6Y4-00218-00053855-00053975 because of the quality work that we do, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00219-00053975-00054142 and because of that relationship 71XTLlLK6Y4-00220-00054142-00054321 and the success that we've had, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00221-00054321-00054579 we're able to get the investment, and we put investment in, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00222-00054579-00054761 we put in SAP technology. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00223-00054761-00055007 So back in January, we announced the launch 71XTLlLK6Y4-00224-00055007-00055329 of our HANA Cloud Platform Center in Alpharetta, Georgia, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00225-00055329-00055706 dedicated to building applications on HANA Cloud Platform. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00226-00055706-00055939 And Jim mentioned, and I didn't even prompt him to say this, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00227-00055939-00056106 but within our entire organization, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00228-00056106-00056424 we're going to sweep the floor, take all our IP, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00229-00056424-00056733 whether it's tax, risk, cyber, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00230-00056733-00057065 and we're going to re-platform all that on HANA Cloud Platform. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00231-00057065-00057237 That's something that I would say 71XTLlLK6Y4-00232-00057237-00057462 I'm not sure other partners have made that commitment 71XTLlLK6Y4-00233-00057462-00057615 to do with SAP. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00234-00057615-00057892 >> So you're saying, "Look, we're putting money 71XTLlLK6Y4-00235-00057892-00058034 "where our mouth is." 71XTLlLK6Y4-00236-00058034-00058123 >> Michael: Yes. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00237-00058123-00058494 >> Jim, are you seeing that also as customers come to you, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00238-00058494-00058759 and are you getting a common set of stories 71XTLlLK6Y4-00239-00058759-00059034 or a common set of objectives from your customers? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00240-00059034-00059168 >> Well, one of the things 71XTLlLK6Y4-00241-00059168-00059366 that we've talked a lot about with EY 71XTLlLK6Y4-00242-00059366-00059682 is this kind of evolution of the consulting space, right? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00243-00059682-00060016 So services are being delivered in different ways, right? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00244-00060016-00060132 The billable hour model, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00245-00060132-00060560 you talked about shrinking project timelines, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00246-00060560-00060952 this is really a way of digitizing the services 71XTLlLK6Y4-00247-00061295-00061523 and digitizing the partnership, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00248-00061523-00061899 so you're taking the world-class technology of SAP 71XTLlLK6Y4-00249-00061899-00062345 and matching it with the smarts, if you will, of EY, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00250-00062345-00062569 and we know where those smarts lie, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00251-00062569-00062725 they lie in a lot of different areas, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00252-00062725-00062938 line of business, service line, industry. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00253-00062938-00063057 I think you're going to see a lot 71XTLlLK6Y4-00254-00063057-00063380 coming out of the EY Experience Center, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00255-00063380-00063553 which they've launched, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00256-00063553-00063957 and I think there's going to be other investments coming 71XTLlLK6Y4-00257-00063957-00064141 in the near future. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00258-00064141-00064509 >> Digital businesses, or the process of digitization, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00259-00064509-00064736 we've been doing it for a long time in operations, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00260-00064736-00065015 so we've been digitizing our operating models. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00261-00065015-00065231 Now we're trying to digitize more the business model, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00262-00065231-00065619 how we engage our customers, how we deliver value, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00263-00065619-00065890 and how we capture value back. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00264-00065890-00066216 When we were digitizing the operating model, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00265-00066216-00066464 everybody has accounting, everybody has finance. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00266-00066464-00066643 We've found ways to do it a little bit differently, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00267-00066643-00066848 but it's a lot more common. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00268-00066848-00067119 When we start talking about digitizing engagement, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00269-00067119-00067340 now we're talking about the crown jewels, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00270-00067340-00067615 the uniqueness of the corporation. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00271-00067615-00067873 It's EY, SAP, and the customer. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00272-00068026-00068173 How are you ensuring 71XTLlLK6Y4-00273-00068173-00068382 that the customer's intellectual property, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00274-00068382-00068561 the thing that makes the customer unique 71XTLlLK6Y4-00275-00068561-00068747 as they engage with the customer, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00276-00068747-00068965 is reflected in the solutions your building 71XTLlLK6Y4-00277-00068965-00069361 but doesn't walk to their competitors? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00278-00069361-00069472 >> I'll start, if that's okay. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00279-00069472-00069556 >> Please. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00280-00069556-00069762 >> So, you asked two questions. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00281-00069762-00069983 How do we preserve it with the customer 71XTLlLK6Y4-00282-00069983-00070185 and make sure it doesn't go somewhere else? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00283-00070185-00070275 What we do a lot of, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00284-00070275-00070488 and actually it's being represented here, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00285-00070488-00070646 we're actually having one of our leaders 71XTLlLK6Y4-00286-00070646-00070809 speak about our digital program 71XTLlLK6Y4-00287-00070809-00071009 and one of our clients here at SAPPHIRE, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00288-00071009-00071285 we do it and we try to do it in a more collaborative fashion 71XTLlLK6Y4-00289-00071285-00071735 with SAP and our customer in a unique engagement model, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00290-00071735-00071931 because it has to be their skin in the game, too. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00291-00071931-00072068 It's their brand. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00292-00072068-00072157 So what we try to do 71XTLlLK6Y4-00293-00072157-00072324 is we try to approach the project different. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00294-00072324-00072595 Back to Jim's point, it's not necessarily rate times hour 71XTLlLK6Y4-00295-00072595-00072848 equals billable dollars. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00296-00072848-00072931 We try to engage-- 71XTLlLK6Y4-00297-00072931-00073014 >> Peter: It's not anymore. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00298-00073014-00073097 >> Michael: We can't do it. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00299-00073097-00073438 If that's going to be the way it is, we're going to lose. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00300-00073438-00073523 So what we're trying to do 71XTLlLK6Y4-00301-00073523-00073718 is have a different engagement model with our customers, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00302-00073718-00073925 so we're really driving to their outcome, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00303-00073925-00074071 what they're trying to achieve, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00304-00074071-00074363 around their brand, around their customer experience, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00305-00074363-00074570 and honestly, that's more risk for us, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00306-00074570-00074714 but that's where the market is going, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00307-00074714-00074888 and we're working with our partner, with SAP, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00308-00074888-00075090 to make sure that the technology works, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00309-00075090-00075206 we provide the right services, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00310-00075206-00075395 and the customer has skin in the game, too, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00311-00075395-00075666 to make sure that all three elements are going to be in place. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00312-00075666-00075987 >> But is it important for you to put safeguards, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00313-00075987-00076123 or to demonstrate to the customers 71XTLlLK6Y4-00314-00076123-00076279 that you can put some safeguards, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00315-00076279-00076460 on their IP, on their know-how, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00316-00076460-00076616 on their knowledge of customers 71XTLlLK6Y4-00317-00076616-00076751 and how they engage their customers? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00318-00076751-00076834 >> Yeah, absolutely. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00319-00076834-00077029 One thing that is their crown jewel is in, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00320-00077029-00077187 just like our IP and our organization 71XTLlLK6Y4-00321-00077187-00077447 is extremely important, we know theirs is as well. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00322-00077447-00077623 So what we do do is we set it up ahead of time 71XTLlLK6Y4-00323-00077623-00077874 exactly what is and is not allowed or provision 71XTLlLK6Y4-00324-00077874-00078103 for us to be able to share with anybody else. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00325-00078103-00078251 That's why at these events, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00326-00078251-00078430 we have to go through a lot of checks to make sure, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00327-00078430-00078651 "Do you want to come and tell your story?" 71XTLlLK6Y4-00328-00078651-00078871 Sometimes we don't, and that's okay, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00329-00078871-00079054 but that kind of safeguarding, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00330-00079054-00079282 whether it's the project to make sure it's successful, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00331-00079282-00079498 and afterwards, to make sure we protect their IP, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00332-00079498-00079696 is first and foremost on how we work with our clients, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00333-00079696-00079809 especially in that area. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00334-00079809-00079938 >> Let me make one more quick comment. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00335-00079938-00080083 We had some other people on theCube that said, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00336-00080083-00080450 "Ah, the IP question is a little bit overrated," 71XTLlLK6Y4-00337-00080450-00080533 didn't we? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00338-00080533-00080617 >> Yep, yeah. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00339-00080617-00080744 >> It's important. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00340-00080744-00080969 >> We agree, that is one thing 71XTLlLK6Y4-00341-00080969-00081134 that distinguishes you already. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00342-00081134-00081217 >> Michael: Thank you. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00343-00081217-00081300 >> Yeah, and that's great. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00344-00081300-00081399 So I want to shift gears back on that, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00345-00081399-00081482 because Jim had mentioned something 71XTLlLK6Y4-00346-00081482-00081872 about how you guys are changing your model 71XTLlLK6Y4-00347-00081872-00082114 with the line of business, and then you said, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00348-00082114-00082246 "I'm sweeping the floor with the IP." 71XTLlLK6Y4-00349-00082246-00082520 So I got to ask this question, because this is interesting. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00350-00082520-00082789 The cloud enables a lot of integration opportunities, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00351-00082789-00082949 certainly we see it with the HANA Cloud, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00352-00082949-00083170 but yet the applications, the workloads themselves, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00353-00083170-00083323 are very domain specific. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00354-00083323-00083641 So for E&Y, you guys have customers and they trust you, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00355-00083641-00083757 you know your business. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00356-00083757-00084056 So there's a lot of vertical integration on the app side. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00357-00084056-00084320 Yet the data model, the cloud, allows a lot of other stuff 71XTLlLK6Y4-00358-00084320-00084501 to work across different apps, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00359-00084501-00084840 which requires both a horizontally scalable data model, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00360-00084840-00085033 data transversal, if you will, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00361-00085033-00085369 but yet having the uniqueness of prepackaged applications 71XTLlLK6Y4-00362-00085369-00085680 with analytics and other goodness. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00363-00085680-00085838 What are you seeing, Michael, on this? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00364-00085838-00086170 Because this is the challenge that I see on the top leaders 71XTLlLK6Y4-00365-00086170-00086358 around how to architect this, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00366-00086358-00086560 because right around the corner is IoT. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00367-00086560-00086700 That's going to even make this 71XTLlLK6Y4-00368-00086700-00086900 even more compelling of a conversation. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00369-00086900-00087076 How do you talk with customers about this? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00370-00087076-00087323 Because this is an architectural shift, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00371-00087323-00087548 but yet the workloads at the edge 71XTLlLK6Y4-00372-00087548-00087799 have to behave in a very unique way. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00373-00087799-00087882 >> Yeah, it's a good question, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00374-00087882-00088100 because if you look at what we're about to embark on 71XTLlLK6Y4-00375-00088100-00088379 with S/4 HANA as an example, and the cloud, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00376-00088379-00088659 and what it enables, if you look at it in the same lens 71XTLlLK6Y4-00377-00088659-00088959 of how you looked at the work for the last 20 years, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00378-00088959-00089083 where's the value? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00379-00089083-00089394 It's really looking at the opportunity of the organization, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00380-00089394-00089745 different ways of working, that's what S/4 HANA enables, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00381-00089745-00089963 and you have to take a different way of looking at it. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00382-00089963-00090207 It can't be taking the new technology 71XTLlLK6Y4-00383-00090207-00090372 into the old way of working. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00384-00090372-00090648 So the data model and the S/4 HANA capability 71XTLlLK6Y4-00385-00090648-00090844 allows work to happen differently, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00386-00090844-00090980 and that's where we come in and say, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00387-00090980-00091194 "How's the operating model going to be different?" 71XTLlLK6Y4-00388-00091194-00091382 That's the question we want to talk about with the clients, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00389-00091382-00091610 because that enables different ways of working, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00390-00091610-00091707 and that's what-- 71XTLlLK6Y4-00391-00091707-00091946 >> And technology selection will also drive decision of... 71XTLlLK6Y4-00392-00091946-00092220 That question will drive the technology decision, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00393-00092220-00092333 and here's an example. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00394-00092333-00092651 I have a mobile app and I'm doing a financial app 71XTLlLK6Y4-00395-00092651-00092945 or tax prep or something, and all of a sudden, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00396-00092945-00093255 I'm out on the streets and I engage something physically 71XTLlLK6Y4-00397-00093255-00093560 out in the real world, but the data about me 71XTLlLK6Y4-00398-00093560-00093753 is in another database. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00399-00093753-00093972 Now, real time, I need to get 71XTLlLK6Y4-00400-00093972-00094277 better personalization and insight pushed to me 71XTLlLK6Y4-00401-00094277-00094676 from another database, so the data alchemy, if you will, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00402-00094676-00094877 becomes the real opportunity, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00403-00094877-00095039 which is a technical challenge, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00404-00095039-00095343 because the databases are tied to the apps. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00405-00095343-00095515 That's what we're going to. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00406-00095515-00095620 Are customers there yet? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00407-00095620-00095833 Are they talking to you about those kinds of problems, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00408-00095833-00096096 or is it yet, are they leveraging 71XTLlLK6Y4-00409-00096096-00096298 that real time data movement around? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00410-00096298-00096525 "Oh that's John, and he's in that database, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00411-00096525-00096632 "he did some things over here, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00412-00096632-00096850 "but he's in a different app, but if I had that data, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00413-00096850-00097027 "I could actually give him better insights 71XTLlLK6Y4-00414-00097027-00097200 "and predictive goodness." 71XTLlLK6Y4-00415-00097200-00097283 >> Yeah, yep. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00416-00097283-00097417 You know, the concept... 71XTLlLK6Y4-00417-00097417-00097500 I'll start, Jim. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00418-00097500-00097598 May you weigh in as well, too? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00419-00097598-00097681 >> Jim: Yeah. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00420-00097681-00097765 >> If that's okay. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00421-00097765-00097895 A lot of our clients are architecting 71XTLlLK6Y4-00422-00097895-00098089 to enable that as a data lake, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00423-00098089-00098275 the concept of a data lake which is actually fed 71XTLlLK6Y4-00424-00098275-00098480 from multiple sources to enable just that, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00425-00098480-00098775 whether it's going to be you're going to subscribe from it, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00426-00098775-00098946 in terms of information they push to you, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00427-00098946-00099153 you're going to publish to it, in terms of information, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00428-00099153-00099274 and report off of it. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00429-00099274-00099467 So we heard today a lot about analytics 71XTLlLK6Y4-00430-00099467-00099611 in the keynote earlier today 71XTLlLK6Y4-00431-00099611-00099912 about the new capabilities that are out there. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00432-00099912-00100033 That is something that, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00433-00100033-00100198 if you look at architecture of data lakes, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00434-00100198-00100417 what you see SAP doing is, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00435-00100417-00100633 the source of where data comes from is interesting, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00436-00100633-00100909 but they have the analytics across all the data sources 71XTLlLK6Y4-00437-00100909-00101074 is more interesting for SAP, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00438-00101074-00101303 and that's what we see our customers wanting, as well, too, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00439-00101303-00101677 is SAP capabilities to reside over many data sources 71XTLlLK6Y4-00440-00101677-00101893 that reside in a data lake. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00441-00101893-00101986 >> And that's a real trend. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00442-00101986-00102069 You see that clearly. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00443-00102069-00102198 >> You bet, you bet. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00444-00102198-00102332 >> But it's also, it's not just... 71XTLlLK6Y4-00445-00102332-00102555 I mean, absolutely right, right answer, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00446-00102555-00102850 but it's also, I mean HANA, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00447-00102850-00103216 having a columnar in-memory database, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00448-00103216-00103364 kind of the unwritten... 71XTLlLK6Y4-00449-00103364-00103511 Just to geek out for a second, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00450-00103511-00103939 the unwritten rule is that you didn't run a transaction 71XTLlLK6Y4-00451-00103939-00104275 required more than 50 to 100 to 150 disk I/Os. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00452-00104275-00104393 >> Michael: Yeah. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00453-00104393-00104723 >> When you put a database in memory, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00454-00104723-00105114 you're now talking about 10,000 potential I/Os, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00455-00105114-00105541 so the level of complexity that you could support at scale 71XTLlLK6Y4-00456-00105541-00105754 is astronomically higher. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00457-00105754-00106035 It just completely opens up what's possible 71XTLlLK6Y4-00458-00106035-00106442 to think about what the software can do for the business. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00459-00106442-00106592 It's a game changer. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00460-00106592-00106859 And I think in many respects, it creates the potential 71XTLlLK6Y4-00461-00106859-00107111 for a customer to be able to think really big 71XTLlLK6Y4-00462-00107111-00107323 in terms of the insights that they have 71XTLlLK6Y4-00463-00107323-00107523 that they'd like to see digitized, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00464-00107523-00107718 and E&Y finding those things 71XTLlLK6Y4-00465-00107718-00107955 and helping them translate that into software, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00466-00107955-00108180 and then a platform that has, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00467-00108180-00108398 relative to what we've been used to, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00468-00108398-00108839 unlimited potential to actually run that capability. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00469-00108839-00108995 >> Jim: Sky is the limit, right? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00470-00108995-00109213 >> It's just, it's a remarkable combination. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00471-00109213-00109337 >> John: All right guys, final question. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00472-00109337-00109471 What are you guys seeing in the event? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00473-00109471-00109599 Summarize in your mind's eye 71XTLlLK6Y4-00474-00109599-00109885 and for the folks watching who couldn't make it down. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00475-00109885-00110033 What's the notable highlights for you guys 71XTLlLK6Y4-00476-00110033-00110125 here at this year? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00477-00110125-00110453 Obviously, it's 25 years, 25,000 people, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00478-00110453-00110659 so it's in the big numbers. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00479-00110659-00111063 Thoughts, observations, anecdotes, hallway conversations? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00480-00111063-00111414 >> And obviously, my main focus is our great partner, EY, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00481-00111414-00111713 so I would say my focus, our focus together, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00482-00111713-00112013 has been quality delivery, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00483-00112013-00112461 we're celebrating the growth that our partnership has. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00484-00112461-00112677 E&Y has been recognized for two Pinnacle Awards. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00485-00112677-00113000 We're celebrating later tonight on that topic. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00486-00113000-00113218 But I think, and you touched on this, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00487-00113218-00113408 the innovation that is starting 71XTLlLK6Y4-00488-00113408-00113694 to emerge out of this partnership is really exciting, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00489-00113694-00113878 because there's a paradigm shift here. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00490-00113878-00114198 There's a lot that's possible with the technology. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00491-00114198-00114401 It's here already. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00492-00114401-00114607 It's changing the way we deliver work together, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00493-00114607-00114895 and it's opening up a tremendous, tremendous potential 71XTLlLK6Y4-00494-00114895-00115091 for us to deliver value together. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00495-00115091-00115174 >> Absolutely. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00496-00115174-00115257 >> Thoughts? 71XTLlLK6Y4-00497-00115257-00115415 >> Yeah, I tell you, I've been coming to SAPPHIRE 71XTLlLK6Y4-00498-00115415-00115721 for a number of years, I've been coming for almost 20 years, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00499-00115721-00115881 and one thing I've never seen before 71XTLlLK6Y4-00500-00115881-00116118 until I saw this SAPPHIRE was actually 71XTLlLK6Y4-00501-00116118-00116390 standing room only for all the keynotes, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00502-00116390-00116599 even outside the main theater, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00503-00116599-00116715 where people are standing around 71XTLlLK6Y4-00504-00116715-00116917 almost every TV to listen. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00505-00116917-00117156 That says to me one thing, people want to learn, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00506-00117156-00117405 and it's the potential, the potential that's out there. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00507-00117405-00117685 So for us, the future has never been brighter for SAP 71XTLlLK6Y4-00508-00117685-00117820 and our relationship. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00509-00117820-00118015 We're really honored with the Pinnacle Awards 71XTLlLK6Y4-00510-00118015-00118201 we won this year and the growth that we've had, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00511-00118201-00118435 and we see only opportunity in front of us, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00512-00118435-00118556 and we see a lot of interest 71XTLlLK6Y4-00513-00118556-00118807 in helping change the way people work 71XTLlLK6Y4-00514-00118807-00118983 and really change their business, 71XTLlLK6Y4-00515-00118983-00119188 which is really exciting for both of us. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00516-00119188-00119323 >> Congratulations on the relationship. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00517-00119323-00119413 You guys are great. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00518-00119413-00119508 Great to have you on theCube. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00519-00119508-00119592 Good to get the insights. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00520-00119592-00119801 Thanks for sharing the data with the audience 71XTLlLK6Y4-00521-00119801-00119970 and here on theCUBE, appreciate that. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00522-00119970-00120295 This is SiliconANGLE's theCUBE live in Orlando, Florida 71XTLlLK6Y4-00523-00120295-00120425 for SAPPHIRE NOW. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00524-00120425-00120509 You're watching theCUBE. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00525-00120509-00120630 We'll be right back. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00526-00120630-00120938 (light techno music) 71XTLlLK6Y4-00527-00121328-00121463 >> Voiceover: There'll be millions of people 71XTLlLK6Y4-00528-00121463-00121770 in the near future that want to be involved 71XTLlLK6Y4-00529-00121770-00122218 in their own personal well being and in wellness. 71XTLlLK6Y4-00530-00122218-00122426 Nobody wants to age in a way that we're... 74iiD3tC0yy-00000-00000245-00000515 Greetings everyone, this is Energyxxer. 74iiD3tC0yy-00001-00000515-00000976 I've created a system that allows the communication between the vanilla game and an external program, 74iiD3tC0yy-00002-00000976-00001326 providing a way to make complex systems that would otherwise be difficult or even impossible 74iiD3tC0yy-00003-00001326-00001426 to do with command blocks. 74iiD3tC0yy-00004-00001472-00001712 Here are a few examples of what this can do: 74iiD3tC0yy-00005-00012736-00013152 Most of the work required to run these contraptions is being done by another program, and then 74iiD3tC0yy-00006-00013154-00013724 instructions for Minecraft to run are added, or "injected" into the world in the form of commands 74iiD3tC0yy-00007-00013756-00014100 To achieve this, we need a few things: 74iiD3tC0yy-00008-00014101-00014504 First, we need something that allows the program to read input from the game. 74iiD3tC0yy-00009-00014504-00014847 Simply put, this is the log file generated by the game. 74iiD3tC0yy-00010-00014847-00015301 Each time a command executes or a chat message is sent, it is written to a latest.log file 74iiD3tC0yy-00011-00015301-00015581 within the logs folder of the minecraft directory. 74iiD3tC0yy-00012-00015581-00015936 This is how Minecraft communicates with the injection program. 74iiD3tC0yy-00013-00015936-00016180 That was simple. However, we still need something else. 74iiD3tC0yy-00014-00016410-00016770 We need something in-game that can access information from outside the game. 74iiD3tC0yy-00015-00016770-00017020 Luckily enough, we have structure blocks. 74iiD3tC0yy-00016-00017020-00017384 Structure blocks read .nbt files inside the world's structures folder. 74iiD3tC0yy-00017-00017384-00017615 This is the main idea behind this concept. 74iiD3tC0yy-00018-00017615-00017902 First, we have a redstone clock powering a structure block. 74iiD3tC0yy-00019-00017902-00018162 This structure block is trying to load a file called "vi0". 74iiD3tC0yy-00020-00018162-00018612 However, this structure file does not exist in the world's structures folder, so the structure 74iiD3tC0yy-00021-00018612-00019032 block is essentially doing nothing at the moment; that is until the injection program 74iiD3tC0yy-00022-00019032-00019223 decides that it wants to do something in-game. 74iiD3tC0yy-00023-00019223-00019661 So, the program creates a structure with a few command blocks inside, and saves that 74iiD3tC0yy-00024-00019661-00019888 structure under the name "vi0". 74iiD3tC0yy-00025-00019948-00020406 On the next cycle, now that there is a file called "vi0", the structure block will realize 74iiD3tC0yy-00026-00020406-00020902 that there is now a file to load, and so it will spawn the structure, with all the commands in it. 74iiD3tC0yy-00027-00020938-00021302 Since these command blocks are set to Always Active, they will trigger immediately, 74iiD3tC0yy-00028-00021308-00021490 running the commands inside. 74iiD3tC0yy-00029-00021490-00021870 This works for the first cycle, but what happens if the program wants to do something in-game 74iiD3tC0yy-00030-00021870-00022045 a second time? 74iiD3tC0yy-00031-00022045-00022599 After all, whenever the game loads a structure, it will "remember" it until the world is reloaded, 74iiD3tC0yy-00032-00022599-00022728 even if that file changes. 74iiD3tC0yy-00033-00022728-00023040 So, even if the program did generate the file again, 74iiD3tC0yy-00034-00023040-00023260 the game would not see it as a new structure. 74iiD3tC0yy-00035-00023260-00023756 The way around this is to generate structure files with different names every time. 74iiD3tC0yy-00036-00023756-00024266 The original structure block had zero offset, meaning that it would replace itself after loading. 74iiD3tC0yy-00037-00024266-00024670 Additionally, the generated structure also had a structure block at the origin. 74iiD3tC0yy-00038-00024671-00025129 This means that, when the structure "vi0" is loaded, the structure block would be replaced 74iiD3tC0yy-00039-00025129-00025426 with another one that's trying to load "vi1" instead. 74iiD3tC0yy-00040-00025426-00025806 The external program will remember the last number it generated, and will continue generating 74iiD3tC0yy-00041-00025806-00026082 structure files with the next name in the sequence. 74iiD3tC0yy-00042-00026174-00026400 Of course, there is a lot more behind the scenes. 74iiD3tC0yy-00043-00026400-00026792 The tool needs to remember the last number it generated when relaunched. 74iiD3tC0yy-00044-00026792-00027230 The structures folder shouldn't have more than 20 injection structure files at any one time 74iiD3tC0yy-00045-00027230-00027604 and it shouldn't generate structures if the game is paused or closed. 74iiD3tC0yy-00046-00027604-00027957 All of these things have been considered to make this system as optimized as possible. 74iiD3tC0yy-00047-00027957-00028530 I have left the Java code for the injection library in a GitHub repository linked to in the description 74iiD3tC0yy-00048-00028530-00028880 as well as the examples shown in this video for you to try out. 74iiD3tC0yy-00049-00028881-00029013 That's it for now, thanks for watching. 76fcKEdI4qu-00000-00001953-00002653 Let us resume our discussion on Dualism, as you all know that, Descartes is advocating 76fcKEdI4qu-00001-00002982-00003682 the substance dualism. And in the last class I mentioned that, we will be discussing the 76fcKEdI4qu-00002-00003683-00004383 criticism of Ryle and John Searle, with reference to Descartes substance dualism. We had briefly 76fcKEdI4qu-00003-00004835-00005535 discussed about Gilbert Wright’s criticism, that is how Descartes commits category mistake. 76fcKEdI4qu-00004-00005879-00006579 Descartes is being debated and discussed for last probably more than 400 years now and 76fcKEdI4qu-00005-00007040-00007597 the problem of dualism is becoming perennial problem in philosophy of mind. 76fcKEdI4qu-00006-00007597-00008297 Now, how does Descartes commit category mistake? Descartes commits this category mistake, because 76fcKEdI4qu-00007-00008359-00009059 Descartes puts mind and the body into two different frame works and for him they are 76fcKEdI4qu-00008-00009230-00009930 categorically distinct from each other. Now, this is was not acceptable to many and Ryle 76fcKEdI4qu-00009-00010065-00010765 understanding the difficulties that Descartes is a committee points out that, this is a 76fcKEdI4qu-00010-00010774-00011300 category mistake. Now, category mistakes becomes a problematic 76fcKEdI4qu-00011-00011300-00012000 one, because Descartes does not see the interaction between the mind and the body, and this interaction 76fcKEdI4qu-00012-00012109-00012809 has to be a logical interaction. This interaction is not to be you know governed by the existence 76fcKEdI4qu-00013-00012822-00013522 of god or any other mystical power. So, therefore, Ryle points out that mind has to be located 76fcKEdI4qu-00014-00013775-00014343 in the body and has to be exhibited in our voluntary actions; mind is not a mystical 76fcKEdI4qu-00015-00014343-00015037 entity, mind is something that is shown in our everyday activities. 76fcKEdI4qu-00016-00015037-00015637 Nothing hidden, as I mentioned that one of the questions was about, is there is something 76fcKEdI4qu-00017-00015637-00016290 hidden. Ryle was certainly referring to the foreordain notion of a mind, which says that 76fcKEdI4qu-00018-00016290-00016990 there is a subconscious mind. And this subconscious mind is not given to our consciousness and 76fcKEdI4qu-00019-00017134-00017834 that it remains, you know an important category for, because the subconscious minds sometimes 76fcKEdI4qu-00020-00017913-00018613 can control and the conscious mind and the subconscious mind perform voluntary actions, 76fcKEdI4qu-00021-00018629-00019329 which are known to the conscious mind, you know there are many a movies sort in this 76fcKEdI4qu-00022-00019418-00020118 particular problem of foreordain unconsciousness. Now, let us do not go in to that right now, 76fcKEdI4qu-00023-00020274-00020937 probably will come back to this little later in our lecture, what is the significance of 76fcKEdI4qu-00024-00020937-00021585 foreordain consciousness. But today, we are going to resume our discussion on the problem 76fcKEdI4qu-00025-00021585-00022285 of dualism, precisely giving two things in our mind, one is whether Ryle criticism against 76fcKEdI4qu-00026-00022554-00023254 Descartes is little problematic, and how far it is acceptable to others, and second one 76fcKEdI4qu-00027-00023443-00024143 is as I mentioned earlier, that will be also discussing about Searle’s criticism to Descartes 76fcKEdI4qu-00028-00024277-00024977 concept of mind, does dualism reveal, is a question mark, and with all this criticisms, 76fcKEdI4qu-00029-00025123-00025610 let us look at the difficulties that a Ryle commits. 76fcKEdI4qu-00030-00025610-00026275 Now, Hofstadter in one of his paper Ryle on category mistake writes, I would summarize 76fcKEdI4qu-00031-00026275-00026800 the kind of problem, I find there are three important problem Hofstadter is mentioning, 76fcKEdI4qu-00032-00026800-00027500 one is that, Ryle is making a brilliant attack on mentalism in general and dualism in particular. 76fcKEdI4qu-00033-00027692-00028276 And second one is, dualism is not a factual mistake for Ryle, it is a logical mistakes, 76fcKEdI4qu-00034-00028276-00028976 and the logical mistake is based on the problem of the study of logic of language. 76fcKEdI4qu-00035-00029007-00029554 As you know, during that time MacDonald points out in one of his paper and all this paper 76fcKEdI4qu-00036-00029554-00030241 published in 1951, after Ryle’s work the famous work, the concept of mind and many 76fcKEdI4qu-00037-00030241-00030941 of them were discussing about Descartes problem, and they were as higher Gilbert Beilstein 76fcKEdI4qu-00038-00031002-00031702 and many others. And Ryle probably saving their ideas with us, but this piece of work, 76fcKEdI4qu-00039-00031869-00032560 the concept of mind is a classic to the philosophical community who is working in philosophy of 76fcKEdI4qu-00040-00032560-00033062 mind. Now, Ryle says that it is, there is something 76fcKEdI4qu-00041-00033062-00033762 problematic about the logic of language, this way the language is been used and another 76fcKEdI4qu-00042-00033799-00034448 problem which Hofstadter finds is that, it Ryle is committing to a some kind of a sophisticated 76fcKEdI4qu-00043-00034448-00035051 naive behaviorism. Now, is it true that Ryle is committing to that kind of behaviorism, 76fcKEdI4qu-00044-00035051-00035396 what is behaviorism? That will be discussing little later. 76fcKEdI4qu-00045-00035396-00036067 So, keeping all these three points in mind, let us look at what makes the bodily movement 76fcKEdI4qu-00046-00036067-00036695 a voluntary one is a casual question for Hofstadter and that is one important question which I 76fcKEdI4qu-00047-00036695-00037329 was discussing yesterday. And this is one of the first you know disagreement with Ryle; 76fcKEdI4qu-00048-00037329-00038002 Ryle says that how are the mental concepts applicable to human behavior, is a question 76fcKEdI4qu-00049-00038002-00038596 about causation of behavior. This is something very significant, when we 76fcKEdI4qu-00050-00038596-00039296 talk about how do we perform voluntary actions? Is this voluntary actions are consciously 76fcKEdI4qu-00051-00039400-00040100 performed or they are intentional, so on and so forth. Now, all intentional actions are 76fcKEdI4qu-00052-00040119-00040819 conscious actions, all intentional actions are subject to moral evaluation, whether being 76fcKEdI4qu-00053-00040879-00041579 as a moral one must talk about or must say that, whether this action is good or bad, 76fcKEdI4qu-00054-00041721-00042337 right or wrong, this is how we evaluate, this is how we reflect on our actions. 76fcKEdI4qu-00055-00042337-00043037 Now, Hofstadter points out, that if somebody is performing an action, if somebody is behaving 76fcKEdI4qu-00056-00043184-00043884 in a particular way, now these behaviors are certainly caused by something. Now, what is 76fcKEdI4qu-00057-00043925-00044625 the cause of this action? One of the disagreements of Hofstadter with a Ryle, the other one is, 76fcKEdI4qu-00058-00044800-00045472 is it the behavior which is caused by the body and not by some kind of a nonmaterial 76fcKEdI4qu-00059-00045472-00046172 agency or the self, Descartes discusses, now if it is caused by the body and what is the 76fcKEdI4qu-00060-00046453-00047054 causal principle. Now, according to Ryle, there are dispositions 76fcKEdI4qu-00061-00047054-00047754 and sub dispositions, which can manifest in to actions, so body has certain dispositional 76fcKEdI4qu-00062-00048071-00048771 capacities and this dispositional capacities cause action, cause behavior. Now, the Ryle 76fcKEdI4qu-00063-00049030-00049730 therefore, according to Hofstadter is committing to some kind of a naives behaviorism. 76fcKEdI4qu-00064-00049828-00050528 Now, behaviorism is a materialistic theory of mind, there are other materialistic theory 76fcKEdI4qu-00065-00050706-00051374 of mind, which will be discussing in the next class, say for example, functionalism is one 76fcKEdI4qu-00066-00051374-00052074 of the you know materialistic schools of thought. So, let us think, how does Ryle overcome this 76fcKEdI4qu-00067-00052769-00053469 issues, probably for Ryle as we talked about the second point, that Ryle was only talking 76fcKEdI4qu-00068-00053516-00054216 about some kind of a analysis or Ryle was giving to us some kind of analysis of the 76fcKEdI4qu-00069-00054252-00054952 kind of concepts, which were used by Descartes; so that was something interesting, Ryle is 76fcKEdI4qu-00070-00055066-00055766 not a behaviorist in the way we understand behaviorism. So, Ryle is not eliminating the 76fcKEdI4qu-00071-00056006-00056473 concept of mind, Ryle is not reducing the concept of mind. 76fcKEdI4qu-00072-00056473-00057173 Now, the question is, is Ryle giving an explanation of the concept of mind or he is just describing 76fcKEdI4qu-00073-00057372-00058072 the mental phenomena say for example, evolution, emotion, feeling are all these concepts are 76fcKEdI4qu-00074-00058139-00058712 dealt separately in different steps in the particular classic called the concept of mind. 76fcKEdI4qu-00075-00058712-00059412 Now, where Ryle gives an elaborate analysis of this this concepts, now there is a distinction 76fcKEdI4qu-00076-00059873-00060573 between philosophical explanation and the scientific explanation, philosophical explanation 76fcKEdI4qu-00077-00060661-00061361 is a kind of a description, where as scientific explanation is some kind of a causal explanation; 76fcKEdI4qu-00078-00061470-00062129 as you know science follows, the principle of causality and tries to find out, what is 76fcKEdI4qu-00079-00062129-00062822 the cause of a particular event, if the event is occurring in the world, then what is the 76fcKEdI4qu-00080-00062822-00063216 cause of it. For Hofstadter, the question was whether Ryle 76fcKEdI4qu-00081-00063216-00063916 is looking for the cause, the way scientist are looking for the cause of mind or he is 76fcKEdI4qu-00082-00064107-00064807 just giving an analysis and the analysis is based on the logic of the language. Now, if 76fcKEdI4qu-00083-00064863-00065563 that is true, then this kind of you know questions, which Hofstadter is making that, what makes 76fcKEdI4qu-00084-00065564-00066250 the bodily movement voluntary is a causal question. Because, look at the last a sentence 76fcKEdI4qu-00085-00066250-00066950 in Ryle’s is a question about the causation of behavior, so that was no point which Ryle 76fcKEdI4qu-00086-00066972-00067551 is talking about and that can be translated as, this what makes the bodily movements, 76fcKEdI4qu-00087-00067551-00067649 movement of voluntary. 76fcKEdI4qu-00088-00067649-00068292 Now, the second disagreement which Hofstadter is having is that Descartes is not to be blamed 76fcKEdI4qu-00089-00068292-00068842 for advocating dualism, because historically if you look at the concept of dualism, it 76fcKEdI4qu-00090-00068842-00069530 has been advocated by the stoics, it has been advocated by Plato, Aristotle, and Augustine 76fcKEdI4qu-00091-00069530-00070193 and many others. So, dualism is not an issue only with the Descartes, Descartes is only 76fcKEdI4qu-00092-00070193-00070870 trying to show us that, how mind cannot be explained within the frame work of a mechanistic 76fcKEdI4qu-00093-00070870-00071570 world, mechanistic world if you, which is given by the science. And how can we talk 76fcKEdI4qu-00094-00071595-00072295 about the mind with certainty that, there exist something and that is a real one, how 76fcKEdI4qu-00095-00072499-00072960 can we talk about such a self evident truth that mind exist. 76fcKEdI4qu-00096-00072960-00073660 So, Descartes and dual is something very significant in that direction, if somebody tries to read 76fcKEdI4qu-00097-00073673-00074294 Desecrates from this point of view, I am sure that he would try to find out, how Descartes 76fcKEdI4qu-00098-00074294-00074994 philosophical presuppositions are based on these epistemological concepts as we mention 76fcKEdI4qu-00099-00075092-00075792 certainty, clarity, distinctness and self-evidence. So, all these if something is real, then they 76fcKEdI4qu-00100-00076056-00076756 must fulfill all these characteristics, and that will be you know, that will give some 76fcKEdI4qu-00101-00076780-00077230 kind of authenticities. So, but Ryle questions the authenticities 76fcKEdI4qu-00102-00077230-00077930 of Descartes, because Ryle finds that, this is some kind of a privileged access, it the 76fcKEdI4qu-00103-00078024-00078724 self is only privileged to have this access to the mind. So, the privileged access thesis 76fcKEdI4qu-00104-00078792-00079492 talks about that only an individual is having this you know access to its private mind and 76fcKEdI4qu-00105-00079849-00080549 it is not accessible through the other, meaning there by others would not know my mind, it 76fcKEdI4qu-00106-00080560-00081260 is of course true that I am aware of my own thoughts, as all of you are aware of your 76fcKEdI4qu-00107-00081354-00081802 thoughts. So, and it is true that, we look at mind from 76fcKEdI4qu-00108-00081802-00082324 our own point of view, is something very important, will come back to that. But, what is important 76fcKEdI4qu-00109-00082324-00083024 here is to note, that dualism is not a problem with Descartes, rather dualism is been advocated 76fcKEdI4qu-00110-00083176-00083795 and Descartes is not to be blamed for this that he is making a kind of a category mistake. 76fcKEdI4qu-00111-00083795-00084482 So, that was Hofstadter point, say let us see how do we explain actions? So, philosophical 76fcKEdI4qu-00112-00084482-00085058 explanation as I pointed out earlier, that it is descriptive rather than explanatory. 76fcKEdI4qu-00113-00085058-00085702 Because, when we talk about human actions, when we talk about voluntary actions, now 76fcKEdI4qu-00114-00085702-00086402 all these voluntary actions are having some kind of a purpose. Now, if they are teleological, 76fcKEdI4qu-00115-00086416-00087116 and therefore, they cannot be explained only with reference to the kind of the nervous 76fcKEdI4qu-00116-00087164-00087679 systems function like a cybernatic mechanism. So, they cannot be explained only with reference 76fcKEdI4qu-00117-00087679-00088243 to the physiology of the body, the physiological function of the body, the physiological function 76fcKEdI4qu-00118-00088243-00088943 is alright say we do accept that, there are physiological functions which goes in with 76fcKEdI4qu-00119-00089076-00089661 our thoughts. So, there is a kind of a harmony between the activities of the body and the 76fcKEdI4qu-00120-00089661-00090099 mental activities. So, that harmony is not ruled out, but what 76fcKEdI4qu-00121-00090099-00090673 is important is this that, most of the time when we talk about scientific explanations 76fcKEdI4qu-00122-00090673-00091373 of the mind, we refer to the cybernetic mechanism or the mechanism that are there with reference 76fcKEdI4qu-00123-00091599-00092299 to the anatomy, human anatomy or physiology. And they give evidences and science grows 76fcKEdI4qu-00124-00092317-00092933 with evidence, because evidence will show us how it can be proved, how it can be proved 76fcKEdI4qu-00125-00092933-00093535 that this is what is happening. So, scientific analyses are mostly demonstrative 76fcKEdI4qu-00126-00093535-00094227 as you know it can be viewed from a third persons point of view, so demonstrative attitude 76fcKEdI4qu-00127-00094227-00094927 of science it is explicitly present in Ryle. So, therefore, Ryle is trying to give an explanatory 76fcKEdI4qu-00128-00095180-00095880 account, rather than giving a kind of a descriptive account of the philosophy of mind. Now, what 76fcKEdI4qu-00129-00095927-00096627 is descriptive, and why description holds sound on what context description holds sound, 76fcKEdI4qu-00130-00096729-00096886 is to be seen. 76fcKEdI4qu-00131-00096886-00097562 Now, most of the cases when we talk about mind is not an observable phenomenon, it is 76fcKEdI4qu-00132-00097562-00098188 not observable facts, all observable facts are explained with the help of a theory, science 76fcKEdI4qu-00133-00098188-00098888 talks about a theory, which explains the phenomenon; if mind is an unobservable fact, then certainly 76fcKEdI4qu-00134-00099067-00099536 we cannot have an explanation of mind in the frame work of science. 76fcKEdI4qu-00135-00099536-00100236 So, therefore, we need to talk about a descriptive theory, probably will help us to talk about 76fcKEdI4qu-00136-00100261-00100961 mind, so that is something very interesting. So, that science deals with explanation where 76fcKEdI4qu-00137-00101111-00101620 as philosophical explanations are different from scientific explanations and you all know 76fcKEdI4qu-00138-00101620-00102320 Wittgenstein’s famous statement; that philosophy is not science, philosophy is either, neither 76fcKEdI4qu-00139-00102597-00103109 above or below science. So, the very fact that philosophy is not to 76fcKEdI4qu-00140-00103109-00103788 be identified science, so philosophical enterprise is something different, it is something unique 76fcKEdI4qu-00141-00103788-00104388 and for Wittgenstein say philosophical explanations are are to be descriptive, because when we 76fcKEdI4qu-00142-00104388-00105088 talk about scientific explanation, if we accept scientific explanation a something true and 76fcKEdI4qu-00143-00105127-00105827 it is fundamental. So, for us truth is concerned, then probably we will not see the significance 76fcKEdI4qu-00144-00105932-00106632 of unobservable phenomenon like the mind, so human mind is an unobservable fact, it 76fcKEdI4qu-00145-00106841-00107541 is an experiential fact will be eliminated, will be will not be discussed as it has been 76fcKEdI4qu-00146-00107666-00108366 discussed in philosophical theories. So, scientific theory eliminates probably 76fcKEdI4qu-00147-00108369-00109069 the concept of mind, so there is a danger in looking for a scientific explanation of 76fcKEdI4qu-00148-00109106-00109758 the philosophical mind. So, philosophy has to differentiated self, the way it studies 76fcKEdI4qu-00149-00109758-00110393 its own phenomenon, now why there will be mind, as I said when we talk about voluntary 76fcKEdI4qu-00150-00110393-00110463 actions. 76fcKEdI4qu-00151-00110463-00111163 When we perform voluntary actions, we do perform it with this idea that there is something 76fcKEdI4qu-00152-00111188-00111888 called a self or there is something called an accent, who is you know directing us and 76fcKEdI4qu-00153-00112130-00112774 this direction with a purpose, so there is a purpose in our actions, so and that is why 76fcKEdI4qu-00154-00112774-00113335 it is called voluntary actions. Look at now the way Hofstadter defines the concept of 76fcKEdI4qu-00155-00113335-00114035 man, what is man he says, and why this dualism? I could Hofstadter, man exhibits certain characteristics 76fcKEdI4qu-00156-00114144-00114844 in behavior; a complex persistence in variation, teleological unit, multiple tracked dispositions 76fcKEdI4qu-00157-00114994-00115648 and so on, where as stones do not, that is why a human being is different from the other 76fcKEdI4qu-00158-00115648-00116348 objects, other things in the world, other material bodies and look at the next quotation. 76fcKEdI4qu-00159-00116410-00117110 Men are something more than the bodily, having something competent as body is not, to make 76fcKEdI4qu-00160-00117208-00117908 body behave intelligently, and this is soul. Now, what makes the body to behave intelligently 76fcKEdI4qu-00161-00118051-00118751 is something interesting, so there we can talk about, we can presuppose, that there 76fcKEdI4qu-00162-00118946-00119552 is somebody or there is something called soul or there is something called mind which is 76fcKEdI4qu-00163-00119552-00120252 directing us, and that is not to be explained. Now, of when we talk about, how there are 76fcKEdI4qu-00164-00120308-00121008 multiple dispositions and the complexity of human body mechanisms, that is not the issue, 76fcKEdI4qu-00165-00121008-00121708 rather how things are planned, and how things are executed and so on so forth. How do we 76fcKEdI4qu-00166-00121714-00122414 imagine about the reality, all these are important, how do we rationalize our actions and how 76fcKEdI4qu-00167-00122476-00123176 do we justify our selves, now that is something interesting. That gives us a clue to understand 76fcKEdI4qu-00168-00123492-00124121 this presuppositions, that there is something called mind and that is real and Hofstadter 76fcKEdI4qu-00169-00124121-00124821 says that it is like pilot in the ship parenthesis, without the pilot the ship wonders aimlessly. 76fcKEdI4qu-00170-00124920-00125538 Hofstadter mentions this lines, this sounds like totally a, because there is an end to 76fcKEdI4qu-00171-00125538-00126055 life and human actions are directed towards that. 76fcKEdI4qu-00172-00126055-00126755 So, there is a goal, there is a purpose and this purposes makes you know our actions teleological, 76fcKEdI4qu-00173-00126767-00127467 there is a delouse, there is a purpose in performing an action. So, now, let us go back 76fcKEdI4qu-00174-00127617-00128317 to Searle’s criticism against Descartes; now, so with this we, I will conclude Ryle’s 76fcKEdI4qu-00175-00128526-00129226 criticism, that even if we talk about mind-body dualism, we find that dualism is a kind of 76fcKEdI4qu-00176-00129411-00130111 a problem that would go on in philosophical discourse. Because, looking at the Searle’s 76fcKEdI4qu-00177-00130479-00131179 criticism, Searle is raising this in his famous eighth lecture series on mind-body problem 76fcKEdI4qu-00178-00131316-00131922 the title of the book which was published in 1984 minds, brains and science by Harvard 76fcKEdI4qu-00179-00131922-00132027 university phrase. 76fcKEdI4qu-00180-00132027-00132719 I refer to Searle’s this particular text and the first chapter of this text tells us, 76fcKEdI4qu-00181-00132719-00133419 the mind and body problem, why dualism still remains? Is a fundamental questions, because 76fcKEdI4qu-00182-00133422-00134032 looking at Hofstadter’s and many others, we will find that mind is not something to 76fcKEdI4qu-00183-00134032-00134732 be eliminated easily, as it is probably mind is a substance is not acceptable to many others. 76fcKEdI4qu-00184-00134892-00135592 And, but what kind of dualism, Searle thinks that it is inevitable in the discourse of 76fcKEdI4qu-00185-00135652-00136032 philosophy of mind. So, therefore, Searle finds that there are 76fcKEdI4qu-00186-00136032-00136681 two things which are incompatible, and probably that is something very problematic for Searle; 76fcKEdI4qu-00187-00136681-00137345 one there is a commonsensical picture and the picture is, that man is conscious is free, 76fcKEdI4qu-00188-00137345-00137961 mindful, rational, agents and the other one is that there is a scientific conception of 76fcKEdI4qu-00189-00137961-00138482 the world, that everything in the world is constituted of certain material or physical 76fcKEdI4qu-00190-00138482-00138893 particles. So, therefore, we encounter the problem of 76fcKEdI4qu-00191-00138893-00139593 dualism, because on the one hand, we find that there is a world and the world is constituted 76fcKEdI4qu-00192-00139712-00140412 of certain material bodies, the finest molecules, particles etcetera etcetera, carbons etcetera 76fcKEdI4qu-00193-00140413-00141113 etcetera, the other hand you have mind and which is treated as a as a conscious one which 76fcKEdI4qu-00194-00141443-00142143 is free etcetera etcetera. Now, there is some kind of incompatibility between two, and how 76fcKEdI4qu-00195-00142299-00142789 do we can eliminate this difficulties? 76fcKEdI4qu-00196-00142789-00143489 How can we make this, there is some compatibility there mind-body relations? Now, Searle’s 76fcKEdI4qu-00197-00143573-00144154 is raising two important questions in this context, one is how human beings represent 76fcKEdI4qu-00198-00144154-00144798 the world, a something very significant, how essentially meaningless world contains meaning? 76fcKEdI4qu-00199-00144798-00145498 Now, these two questions I think are very important to talk about the concept of mind, 76fcKEdI4qu-00200-00145539-00146239 because in Ryle’s discussion we found that dualism is treated; we found that mentalism 76fcKEdI4qu-00201-00146434-00147122 is also treated and most of the scientific analyses of the the concept of mind or the 76fcKEdI4qu-00202-00147122-00147769 scientific explanation of the concept of mind. After 1950’s onwards the kind of literature 76fcKEdI4qu-00203-00147769-00148469 which are been produced, mostly are inclined to development that are happening in science. 76fcKEdI4qu-00204-00148485-00149185 Now, their inclination is probably acceptable, I mean need to respect the scientific endeavor 76fcKEdI4qu-00205-00149302-00150002 which is very productive, productive because we are finding more and more evidences with 76fcKEdI4qu-00206-00150026-00150726 reference to our know actions and with reference to our mind perceive. So, the investigating 76fcKEdI4qu-00207-00150949-00151570 that is carried out by science is certainly a fruitful exercise, no doubt about it. 76fcKEdI4qu-00208-00151570-00152270 We have advanced in the direction of neurophysiology, neurobiology, psychology, artificial intelligence, 76fcKEdI4qu-00209-00152302-00153002 etcetera etcetera. Now there are so many disciplines in science which are studying the concept 76fcKEdI4qu-00210-00153257-00153957 of mind, what is human mind and how human mind can be explained in scientific terms. 76fcKEdI4qu-00211-00153961-00154661 So, that is that is of course, is to be discussed and people are debating on this issue. 76fcKEdI4qu-00212-00154905-00155605 But, what is important is whether there is a mind at all, Searle’s first question talks 76fcKEdI4qu-00213-00155625-00156296 about that, how human beings represent the world, it is through human beings the world 76fcKEdI4qu-00214-00156296-00156908 is being represented. So, it is through mind in other words, it is through that the mind 76fcKEdI4qu-00215-00156908-00157491 world is being represented and Descartes was probably emphasizing on this that there is 76fcKEdI4qu-00216-00157491-00158191 representational mind, and look at his idea of clarity and distinctness. 76fcKEdI4qu-00217-00158368-00159020 And, Descartes mentions that if language enters hints, then the representation becomes a some 76fcKEdI4qu-00218-00159020-00159687 kind of an unclear one. So, I mean this is particularly with reference to how do we know 76fcKEdI4qu-00219-00159687-00160387 our mind, so the moment I bring language, the moment I try to express myself, there 76fcKEdI4qu-00220-00160449-00161149 is some kind of a know gape found, but when I try to know myself there is no such gap. 76fcKEdI4qu-00221-00161155-00161809 So, that kind of know thing is advocated with the mentalist, mentalist finds that mind is 76fcKEdI4qu-00222-00161809-00162509 real and mind represents the world. And the other question, which is important 76fcKEdI4qu-00223-00162570-00163063 how essentially meaningless world contains meanings, which is if the world is constituted 76fcKEdI4qu-00224-00163063-00163709 of material particles, then there is no meaning exist in this particles; there will be meaning 76fcKEdI4qu-00225-00163709-00164409 if and only if there is a meaner, there is a knower it is the existence of the knower 76fcKEdI4qu-00226-00164434-00164988 which will talk about meaning. So, meaning is meaning with reference to the existence 76fcKEdI4qu-00227-00164988-00165551 of a person who means it is, so there is a some kind of an epistemological concern John 76fcKEdI4qu-00228-00165551-00166239 Searle here, that Searle is not only talking about the ontology of the mind, because unless 76fcKEdI4qu-00229-00166239-00166915 the mind is real it cannot represent the world. The other one is that, there is a kind of 76fcKEdI4qu-00230-00166915-00167510 an epistemological significance associated with this semantic enterprise, which Searle 76fcKEdI4qu-00231-00167510-00168210 is looking for; that without the knower knowledge about the world is impossible, in other words 76fcKEdI4qu-00232-00168305-00169005 without knower the existence of world is meaningless. So, all this meaning that we talk about it 76fcKEdI4qu-00233-00169095-00169795 with reference to human society, with reference to human life as a whole, it is nothing to 76fcKEdI4qu-00234-00169833-00170170 do with a the world in itself. 76fcKEdI4qu-00235-00170170-00170870 Now there is of course, Searle says this discussion has some kind of a spill over effects. So, 76fcKEdI4qu-00236-00171044-00171744 people have tried to look at human mind from the perspective of computer science or artificial 76fcKEdI4qu-00237-00171766-00172105 intelligence. Now, people have really taken the question 76fcKEdI4qu-00238-00172105-00172805 seriously, is mind a machine is a question. Do we think like machines or there is a ghost 76fcKEdI4qu-00239-00172809-00173213 in the machine, what we say that there is a little man in the brain which is thinking. 76fcKEdI4qu-00240-00173213-00173735 So, this kind of a debate, is something very interesting and we will be definitely talking 76fcKEdI4qu-00241-00173735-00174294 about it, in our future classes. So, Searle says does digital computer give 76fcKEdI4qu-00242-00174294-00174941 us right picture of the human mind, is a question, because of most of the cases when we find 76fcKEdI4qu-00243-00174941-00175491 that mind is been studied from the prospective of artificial intelligence, and the cognitive 76fcKEdI4qu-00244-00175491-00175936 science claims this, that mind is like a digital machine. 76fcKEdI4qu-00245-00175936-00176636 And, the way digital machine operates, mind operates in a similar way; and we will be 76fcKEdI4qu-00246-00176665-00177334 discussing about it particularly professor Nath will be dealing extensively on this issue, 76fcKEdI4qu-00247-00177334-00177987 when he talks about why computer cannot think and what kind of creativity computers will 76fcKEdI4qu-00248-00177987-00178687 have, and what kind of creativity computers cannot have, are probably may not have you 76fcKEdI4qu-00249-00178720-00179232 know the way, we have seen computers. Now, coming back to Searle’s discussion 76fcKEdI4qu-00250-00179232-00179912 on dualism, Searle says mind-body dualism has something to do with a kind of a stomach 76fcKEdI4qu-00251-00179912-00180612 digestion problem. So, mind-body problem is like like a stomach digestion problem, now 76fcKEdI4qu-00252-00180703-00181403 when we talk about stomach, when you say that foods are digested in the stomach; now digested 76fcKEdI4qu-00253-00181463-00182163 through a particular biological process. So, similarly mind is a reality to us, because 76fcKEdI4qu-00254-00182183-00182820 there is a brain, so mind-body problem for Searle is not mind-body problem, whether mind-brain 76fcKEdI4qu-00255-00182820-00183443 problem; and that is an analogous to stomach digestion problem, the way brain processes 76fcKEdI4qu-00256-00183443-00184143 thinks it gives birth to consciousness, so consciousness is in fact, caused by the brain 76fcKEdI4qu-00257-00184413-00184984 processes. So, that is why Searle’s says it is a mind-brain 76fcKEdI4qu-00258-00184984-00185674 issue, so mind-brain problem; and the other problem that he finds problematic is this 76fcKEdI4qu-00259-00185674-00186374 that in Descartes, we are now finding a different kind of vocabulary. Descartes and the critics 76fcKEdI4qu-00260-00186852-00187552 of Descartes are concerned with some kind of categories like either you are monist or 76fcKEdI4qu-00261-00187583-00188283 a dualist, either you are a materialist or a mentalist, if you are a materialist then 76fcKEdI4qu-00262-00188497-00189197 either you are a behaviorist or you you know you are a physicalist or you are a functionalist. 76fcKEdI4qu-00263-00189342-00189996 Now, this kind of categories, the way the philosophers have you know have explained 76fcKEdI4qu-00264-00189996-00190671 mind with the help of this categories are to be abandoned, are to be you know rejected, 76fcKEdI4qu-00265-00190671-00191371 because those categories create you know enormous problem to us and therefore, we do not see 76fcKEdI4qu-00266-00191514-00192214 mind as it is, and it is for that mind-brain problem still remains a kind of an interesting 76fcKEdI4qu-00267-00192519-00193058 philosophical problem to us. Now, once we start knowing about, how the 76fcKEdI4qu-00268-00193058-00193758 brain processes, cause mind probably we do not have the difficulties in understanding 76fcKEdI4qu-00269-00193884-00194584 the concept of mind. So, Descartes is certainly concerned with the existence of mind, now 76fcKEdI4qu-00270-00194783-00195351 the question is whether Searle is concerned with the mind? 76fcKEdI4qu-00271-00195351-00195927 As I mentioned about these two questions, before that you know how mind human beings 76fcKEdI4qu-00272-00195927-00196605 represent the world, now certainly Searle is not eliminating ontology of mind; Searle 76fcKEdI4qu-00273-00196605-00197300 is also not avoiding the epistemological issue that is embedded in discourse of mind. 76fcKEdI4qu-00274-00197300-00198000 What is Searle’s interest here? Searle is raising a different problem and the problems 76fcKEdI4qu-00275-00198002-00198702 are very important, because there is an enormous development is happened in the scientific 76fcKEdI4qu-00276-00198953-00199653 understanding of mind, and scientific understanding of mind gives a materialistic picture of mind 76fcKEdI4qu-00277-00199727-00199953 and that picture is like this. 76fcKEdI4qu-00278-00199953-00200653 So, there is subjective, conscious mental states are not real in fact there reducible 76fcKEdI4qu-00279-00200761-00201461 to anything else in the universe quote they can be reducible to and this reduction is 76fcKEdI4qu-00280-00201534-00202130 a casual reduction, and there are several kinds of reduction, Searle talks about it 76fcKEdI4qu-00281-00202130-00202830 in his work the rediscovery of mind will come back to those criticism of Searle’s against 76fcKEdI4qu-00282-00202969-00203669 materialism. But, Searle says materialism somehow rejected the motion of mind is undermined 76fcKEdI4qu-00283-00204252-00204684 the existence of mind, and that is what is not acceptable. 76fcKEdI4qu-00284-00204684-00205355 Whether for Searle is a quote, “consciousness is the central fact of specifically human 76fcKEdI4qu-00285-00205355-00206055 aspects of our existence-language, love, humour and so on-would be impossible”. And quote 76fcKEdI4qu-00286-00206105-00206805 without consciousness, so without consciousness all our human aspects of life is really meaningless 76fcKEdI4qu-00287-00206996-00207696 and that gives a clue, how to talk about the ontology of mind, so that is something very 76fcKEdI4qu-00288-00207859-00208523 problematic. So, as I mentioned earlier that Searle’s says there are four things we need 76fcKEdI4qu-00289-00208523-00209223 to talk about, because these four things are important to us and they are consciousness, 76fcKEdI4qu-00290-00209500-00210200 intentionality, subjectivity and mental causation. Now, all four things are problematic and their 76fcKEdI4qu-00291-00210621-00211321 need to be given proper scientific you know account and there need to be explained a way 76fcKEdI4qu-00292-00211617-00212317 by the materialist. So, as I mentioned earlier, that mind is caused by brain processes or 76fcKEdI4qu-00293-00212580-00213278 consciousness is caused by brain processes and Searle’s famous hypothesis is this that 76fcKEdI4qu-00294-00213278-00213646 mind is caused by brain processes and realized in brain processes. 76fcKEdI4qu-00295-00213646-00214346 So, Searle says it is the brain processes, which causes mind or consciousness and again 76fcKEdI4qu-00296-00214478-00215111 these conscious mental states which are caused by brain processes or realized in the brain 76fcKEdI4qu-00297-00215111-00215811 processes. So, there is a kind of a know casual connection Searle is talking about, when he 76fcKEdI4qu-00298-00215901-00216601 talks about mind and body relationship, now this casual connection is certainly different 76fcKEdI4qu-00299-00216740-00217440 from the kind of casual connection which other emergent’s are talking about. 76fcKEdI4qu-00300-00217469-00218169 We will have know exclusive discussion on the problem of emergent’s, when we will 76fcKEdI4qu-00301-00218223-00218923 discuss the famous emergent’s is Jaegwon Kim and Searle, how to they differ the Searle 76fcKEdI4qu-00302-00219115-00219815 agree with emergent’s notion of mind or his notion of mind is something different 76fcKEdI4qu-00303-00219855-00220488 that will see know in different context. But, for today let us accept this proposition of 76fcKEdI4qu-00304-00220488-00221160 Searle that mind is caused by brain processes and that is how consciousness is being caused 76fcKEdI4qu-00305-00221160-00221860 and consciousness includes all kinds of you know mental states conscious or unconscious, 76fcKEdI4qu-00306-00221960-00222660 now all these mental states are intrinsically intentional. 76fcKEdI4qu-00307-00222683-00223383 Mental states like believe, desire, hope etcetera, are intentional mental states and now there 76fcKEdI4qu-00308-00223469-00224169 intentional because, consciousness has this property called intentionality and intentionality 76fcKEdI4qu-00309-00224296-00224996 is intrinsically associated with consciousness. And otherwise, how can we say that the mind 76fcKEdI4qu-00310-00225173-00225873 is about anything, how does the mind represents the things, now this about nests or offense 76fcKEdI4qu-00311-00226250-00226905 is nothing but, to talk about the intentionality of the mind, because certainly the brain the 76fcKEdI4qu-00312-00226905-00227605 stuff inside my head is not representing things directly, they did not really mean what they 76fcKEdI4qu-00313-00227685-00228131 represent, they are just a kind of a facilitating the representation. 76fcKEdI4qu-00314-00228131-00228635 So, the second question, look at the second question how can it refer to anything, how 76fcKEdI4qu-00315-00228635-00229275 can the brain refer to anything? So, there is certainly something, that is consciousness 76fcKEdI4qu-00316-00229275-00229975 and it is that conscious mind which makes referential claims and that reference happens 76fcKEdI4qu-00317-00230128-00230817 if and only if there is intentionality intrinsic to the mind, so therefore, it is the mind 76fcKEdI4qu-00318-00230817-00231517 which represents the world. So, Searle is talking about intentionality is famous work, 76fcKEdI4qu-00319-00231538-00232238 intentionality is published in Cambridge university in 1983 is something very important text on 76fcKEdI4qu-00320-00232657-00233276 philosophy of mind, and that is one of the original text of John Searle now, there the 76fcKEdI4qu-00321-00233276-00233708 title of the text is intentionality an essay in philosophy of mind. 76fcKEdI4qu-00322-00233708-00234311 Look at the next problem that Searle is talking about, Searle says it is not the problem of 76fcKEdI4qu-00323-00234311-00235011 intentionality alone intentionality gives birth to another problem that is subjectivity. 76fcKEdI4qu-00324-00235034-00235734 So, human mental states are subjective, their subjectively associated with mind or our self, 76fcKEdI4qu-00325-00236080-00236780 so for example, when I say I have pain I look at this sensation from my own point of view, 76fcKEdI4qu-00326-00236948-00237648 when I say that I have pain I am looking at my own point of view. So, all the feelings 76fcKEdI4qu-00327-00237711-00238411 sensations and experiences that we are having all the mental states that we are having are 76fcKEdI4qu-00328-00238729-00239290 looked at from the subjects point of view and that constitutes the subjectivity. 76fcKEdI4qu-00329-00239290-00239990 So, subjectivity is an epistemic category for Searle, will come back to that how Searle 76fcKEdI4qu-00330-00240303-00240971 talks about ontology and epistemology of the mind later in our discussion on when we talk 76fcKEdI4qu-00331-00240971-00241671 about the structure of mental states or structure of mind. But, the very fact that I am aware 76fcKEdI4qu-00332-00241676-00242376 of myself, my intentional mental state is internal to me are different from the mental 76fcKEdI4qu-00333-00242475-00243116 states of yours or the mental states of others, people is something very significant. 76fcKEdI4qu-00334-00243116-00243816 He says those mental states are subjective, they are part of my consciousness and similarly, 76fcKEdI4qu-00335-00244175-00244838 your conscious states and your intentional mental states are could be seen from your 76fcKEdI4qu-00336-00244838-00245523 own point of view. So, there is some kind of subjectivity, which is associated with 76fcKEdI4qu-00337-00245523-00246223 the problem of consciousness the problem of mind and that cannot be eliminated and the 76fcKEdI4qu-00338-00246228-00246792 other problem which Searle is talking about is the mental position. 76fcKEdI4qu-00339-00246792-00247492 Searle says, there is bodily activity say for example, look at will Einstein famous 76fcKEdI4qu-00340-00247846-00248546 statement, the hand is moving upward and I raise my hand know, the second statement I 76fcKEdI4qu-00341-00248735-00249435 raise my hand is a kind of a voluntary action, and the reason for making the statement is 76fcKEdI4qu-00342-00249739-00250439 that I intend to raise my hand up by doing this by performing this action, I am giving 76fcKEdI4qu-00343-00250577-00251277 or I am generating a kind of a meaning to my action. But, when I say that hand is moving 76fcKEdI4qu-00344-00251678-00252378 up probably I am not voluntarily doing that, I am not voluntarily performing the action, 76fcKEdI4qu-00345-00252766-00253466 think of myself lying on the bed and I am conscious of it that hand is going up and 76fcKEdI4qu-00346-00253823-00254523 down, but I have no control of it. So, bodily actions, bodily movements are performed 76fcKEdI4qu-00347-00254702-00255402 their without having any control over it, digestion is performed without my control 76fcKEdI4qu-00348-00255415-00256115 over it, so digestion palpitations are not voluntary actions there by biological actions, 76fcKEdI4qu-00349-00256202-00256902 so of human organism. So, now similarly, brain processes happening it is natural biological 76fcKEdI4qu-00350-00257006-00257706 fact that brain processes will produce some amount of consciousness, some amount of mental 76fcKEdI4qu-00351-00257711-00258155 states, so brain processes do cause mental states. 76fcKEdI4qu-00352-00258155-00258855 And Searle say, when we talk about voluntary actions, we explain or voluntary actions with 76fcKEdI4qu-00353-00258881-00259581 reference to a particular mental state or with reference to collection of mental states, 76fcKEdI4qu-00354-00259673-00260367 so that is the reason for my action. So, my action is intentional and they can be an intentional 76fcKEdI4qu-00355-00260367-00261067 casual explanation of this voluntary actions that my hand is going up, and whereas, the 76fcKEdI4qu-00356-00261256-00261956 bodily movements are the existence of my body is possible, because there is a gravitational 76fcKEdI4qu-00357-00261960-00262660 force operating around me; that is making my you know in this possibility is that, I 76fcKEdI4qu-00358-00262719-00263419 can sit on the chair and I will not fly in the sky. So, I am not going my body will not 76fcKEdI4qu-00359-00263446-00263810 go up, so there is a certainly gravitational force operating me. 76fcKEdI4qu-00360-00263810-00264510 So, Searle is saying that, there is a world and the world has a casual influence on the 76fcKEdI4qu-00361-00264703-00265403 material body, and there is also a world called mind, which is the part of the world, and 76fcKEdI4qu-00362-00265813-00266318 that is causing voluntary reactions. So, when he talks about meaning, when he talks about 76fcKEdI4qu-00363-00266318-00266965 representation, it is at the second world of course, Searle does not speak in terms 76fcKEdI4qu-00364-00266965-00267306 of this world. Searle does not say that there is a first 76fcKEdI4qu-00365-00267306-00267804 world, second world or third world, but it is for our understanding I am making this 76fcKEdI4qu-00366-00267804-00268504 statement that it is the mind it is the mind that we make representations; and mind has 76fcKEdI4qu-00367-00268625-00269325 a special role to play when it comes to our semantic activities, when it comes to our 76fcKEdI4qu-00368-00269328-00270028 knowledge forming capacities, when it comes to our building up institutions etcetera. 76fcKEdI4qu-00369-00270046-00270746 So, Searle is talking about in the language of 21st century, Searle is of course not really 76fcKEdI4qu-00370-00270825-00271525 talking the way the Descartes thoughts in 17th century. So, one of the problems that 76fcKEdI4qu-00371-00271616-00272316 Searle says, that let us do not talk about those categories of dualism, monism, populism 76fcKEdI4qu-00372-00272445-00273145 etcetera etcetera. Let us talk about the kind of reality which we are encountered, I think 76fcKEdI4qu-00373-00273228-00273928 Searle’s criticism against Descartes is something very significant in this context. 76fcKEdI4qu-00374-00273970-00274670 Searle is not eliminating dualism, Searle probably does not believing those kind of 76fcKEdI4qu-00375-00274810-00275510 a categories, but Searle is interested in this question, and many people have questioned 76fcKEdI4qu-00376-00275523-00276098 Searle that, Searle is committing a kind of a property dualism will see that in our next 76fcKEdI4qu-00377-00276098-00276611 classes. But with this, I would like to conclude that, 76fcKEdI4qu-00378-00276611-00277311 how Ryle criticism is significant in the direction of understanding the concept of mind and how 76fcKEdI4qu-00379-00277569-00278269 Searle’s criticism makes a fruitful exercise in analyzing the problem of mind, thank you. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00000-00000517-00000701 Hello, I am Nastassia Grimm, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00001-00000701-00000977 and I am a postdoctoral researcher working in the group of Camille. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00002-00001000-00001303 Have you always been interested in science, Nastassia? 7sid_ulhJ9u-00003-00001303-00001454 Yes, certainly! 7sid_ulhJ9u-00004-00001454-00001902 As a kid, I really loved watching documentaries about nature and science. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00005-00001964-00002324 And I would say my first big love was Mathematics: 7sid_ulhJ9u-00006-00002324-00002670 I was really interested in logical puzzles 7sid_ulhJ9u-00007-00002689-00003163 and later as a teenager I participated in the Mathematical Olympiad. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00008-00003187-00003488 Within this Olympiad there were several disciplines 7sid_ulhJ9u-00009-00003500-00003855 and what I enjoyed the most were the geometrical problems. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00010-00003906-00004385 So for that we would typically get a certain set of instructions 7sid_ulhJ9u-00011-00004385-00004766 for how to construct some triangles,lines and circles 7sid_ulhJ9u-00012-00004766-00005420 and then within that, within that constellation, we would have to find very specific properties. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00013-00005500-00006188 So, this kind of problem doesn't necessarily have a lot of real-lifeapplications, but I found a lot of beauty in it. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00014-00006188-00006630 For me, I would say that mathematics is truly a form of art. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00015-00006652-00007102 But if you love Mathematics so much, how did you end up choosing cosmology as your research field? 7sid_ulhJ9u-00016-00007176-00007742 Well, cosmologists usemathematics all the time! It's one of our everyday life tool. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00017-00007742-00008479 In particular,our current understanding of the evolution of the Universe is based on the theory of General Relativity, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00018-00008485-00008856 thefamous theory that was developed by Albert Einstein. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00019-00008914-00009666 General Relativity, roughly speaking,describes the curvature andgeometry of space and time. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00020-00009732-00010332 It is built on the mathematicalfield of Differential Geometry. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00021-00010386-00010794 So, as you can see, my love for geometry did enter here! 7sid_ulhJ9u-00022-00010860-00011384 Moreover, cosmology itself is a really exciting and fascinating research field. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00023-00011419-00012125 I think it is quite natural for mankind to try and find out as much as possible about the Universe that we live in. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00024-00012234-00012816 And now is really the best epoch for doing so because of our advances in technology, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00025-00012816-00013112 we are building better and better telescopes. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00026-00013148-00013902 Soon, our newest telescopes will be able to measure or observe up to a billion of galaxies, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00027-00013902-00014198 and manyof them are billions of years old. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00028-00014235-00015000 This opens a lot of fascinating possibilities to try and solve some mysteries in our Universe. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00029-00015100-00015609 Hopefully, the other videos on this channel will give you some insights about that. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00030-00015609-00016068 But for now what I can summarise is that it is truly a great time to be a cosmologist. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00031-00016116-00016368 What do you enjoy the mostabout being a scientist? 7sid_ulhJ9u-00032-00016476-00016813 For me, the great part is really the creative process 7sid_ulhJ9u-00033-00016813-00017470 and the fact that what you create just with your mind - your thoughts and your ideas - they really matter a lot. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00034-00017533-00018000 Here, at the University of Geneva, we have agreat research group, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00035-00018000-00018372 and what I perceive as a very productive work atmosphere. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00036-00018409-00018906 Everyone's thoughts and ideas and concerns are listened to. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00037-00018906-00019458 So we can sit down together, discuss together, learn from each other, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00038-00019458-00019977 and develop approaches totackle and resolve research questions. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00039-00020010-00020642 And after a while, so maybe after just a few weeks, maybe after months, sometimes after years, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00040-00020642-00021308 this processleads to a finished piece of research which can then be published in a scientific journal. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00041-00021387-00022035 It is truly satisfying to see such a finished piece of research and to read your name on it, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00042-00022035-00022307 and know that you made avital contribution to this. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00043-00022325-00022709 I think that's a kind of satisfactionthat is quite difficult to find somewhere else. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00044-00022735-00023079 What are the downsides of being a scientist? 7sid_ulhJ9u-00045-00023132-00023695 Well as great as it is, of course, Sciences comes with some disadvantages as everything in life. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00046-00023768-00024500 Currently, I am apostdoctoral researcher, which means that I havefinished all my studies, including my doctoral studies 7sid_ulhJ9u-00047-00024500-00024905 and I am now employedat the Universityas a full-time scientist. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00048-00024927-00025175 I enjoy my current position a lot, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00049-00025201-00025757 but onething that I noticed when I talk with friends outside of academia 7sid_ulhJ9u-00050-00025757-00026113 is that they are quite surprised about one thing 7sid_ulhJ9u-00051-00026113-00026413 and that is that my position is not permanent. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00052-00026425-00026957 You see, Sciences works a lot different than most other career paths. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00053-00027031-00027565 After your PhD, so after doctoral studies, you typically have 7sid_ulhJ9u-00054-00027573-00027941 only very short contractsof about two or three years in length. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00055-00027987-00028297 Then, you will need to apply for a new position, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00056-00028297-00028750 and that would typically be ina different country or even in another continent. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00057-00028800-00029138 So if you are successful with your application process, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00058-00029138-00029717 it means that you will need to find a new place tolive, find a new new health insurance, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00059-00029717-00030307 get a new residencepermit, find a new childcare place for your child, and so on. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00060-00030395-00031115 At the end of this process, you wish to acquire a permanent position, but there are only quite few of them. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00061-00031115-00031554 So even if you are really good, there is never guarantee that you will succeed. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00062-00031617-00032548 To summarise, Science is great and gives you a lot of unique experiences, but there are of course a lot of personal sacrifices. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00063-00032568-00032874 Which changes would youlike to see in the future? 7sid_ulhJ9u-00064-00032939-00033596 If I look outside of the academic world, I see that many of the topcompanies compete for the best employees 7sid_ulhJ9u-00065-00033596-00034170 by offering the best working conditions, and this approach seems to work quite well for them. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00066-00034224-00035081 In fact, lots of really smart researchers are lured by these companies, and are willing to quit their academic jobs. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00067-00035207-00036055 So, now I am thinking, wouldn't it be better for Science and for the quality of the scientific work that we achieve, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00068-00036055-00036555 if we would also ameliorating the working conditions within academia. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00069-00036602-00037308 I think one way of doing so would be to reduce the expectations for mobility. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00070-00037344-00038032 Nowadays, scientists have plenty of possibilities to connect with other researchers from allover the world, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00071-00038032-00038371 without necessarily having to move every two or three years. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00072-00038492-00039500 Another thing that I would really love to see in this world is that every country - or at leastevery university - would offer enough parental leave and childcare places. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00073-00039529-00040203 This might seem like a quite far away goal, but I think it is important that we keep on voicing ourdemands for equal opportunity. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00074-00040203-00040460 What do you personally want to achievein the future? 7sid_ulhJ9u-00075-00040592-00041147 So I would say in the long run,I just have one main goal which is to live a happy life! 7sid_ulhJ9u-00076-00041168-00041639 You might say I am avoiding the question a little bit as it is not a very specific goal. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00077-00041724-00042240 So, Science is of course great and I love what I am doing right now: 7sid_ulhJ9u-00078-00042240-00042618 it is truly one of the thing that I love most in my current life. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00079-00042654-00043192 But of course you do not know for sure if it will work out in the future. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00080-00043239-00043750 However, what I can say for sure is that Iwill pursue an interesting career, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00081-00043765-00044294 whichever exactly it will be, and I will put my skills and experiences to very good use. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00082-00044313-00045103 Personally, it is a better approach to trust yourabilities, rather than having a very particular goal in mind. 7sid_ulhJ9u-00083-00045191-00045699 However right now I am involved in several very interesting research projects, 7sid_ulhJ9u-00084-00045699-00046379 so for the more near future, my goal is to create some more research work! 7sid_ulhJ9u-00085-00046415-00046945 And I really hope that you will keep on following this YouTube channel to learn more about it! 7uvbQAyPJvA-00000-00001035-00001520 Welcome to AEDT 4120 – Serious Gaming and Simulations. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00001-00001521-00001974 Week one – Introduction, video clip two of three. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00002-00001993-00002283 I’m Professor Bill Kapralos, and over the next few minutes 7uvbQAyPJvA-00003-00002284-00002533 I'm going to talk to you about simulation. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00004-00002535-00002784 More specifically, I’ll introduce simulation, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00005-00002786-00003138 define it, and provide a brief historical over- [audio cuts out] 7uvbQAyPJvA-00006-00003139-00003307 However, before we begin, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00007-00003308-00003674 here's the list of analysis questions for this particular video clip. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00008-00003675-00004024 Number one. What is simulation, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00009-00004025-00004382 what does it mean to simulate, and what is a simulator? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00010-00004384-00004895 Number two. Differentiate between physical and virtual simulation. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00011-00004896-00005162 Number three. Why use simulation? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00012-00005163-00005482 Or in other words, what are the benefits of simulation? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00013-00005549-00005732 And finally, number four. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00014-00005733-00006090 What are, or what were the two main driving forces 7uvbQAyPJvA-00015-00006092-00006345 or applications of simulation? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00016-00006394-00006622 So, what is simulation? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00017-00006668-00006905 I think it's safe to say that we all know the term, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00018-00006907-00007140 and we’ve all heard the term, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00019-00007142-00007621 but what exactly do we mean when we refer to the term, simulation? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00020-00007622-00008020 Are we all referring to the same thing when we use the term? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00021-00008022-00008247 There's probably many different mental images 7uvbQAyPJvA-00022-00008249-00008515 that are conjured up by the term, simulation. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00023-00008517-00008787 Perhaps some are you are thinking of computer simulation, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00024-00008789-00009047 others are thinking of virtual simulation, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00025-00009084-00009302 some are thinking of flight simulator, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00026-00009304-00009575 some are thinking of physical mannequins 7uvbQAyPJvA-00027-00009577-00009878 used in medical education to train doctors and nurses, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00028-00009978-00010254 and yet others may even think of games. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00029-00010255-00010599 All those, by the way, are examples of simulation. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00030-00010658-00010994 So, let’s begin with a definition of simulation – 7uvbQAyPJvA-00031-00010995-00011314 and this definition is provided by Becker and Parker. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00032-00011316-00011482 And although there's various definitions, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00033-00011483-00011824 essentially they all mean something along the lines of – 7uvbQAyPJvA-00034-00011826-00012228 "The process of designing a model of a real or imagined system 7uvbQAyPJvA-00035-00012229-00012507 and conducting experiments with that model. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00036-00012508-00012728 The purpose of running the experiments 7uvbQAyPJvA-00037-00012729-00012911 is to understand the behaviour of a system, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00038-00012913-00013360 or to evaluate strategies for the operation of the system. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00039-00013361-00013596 Assumptions are made about the system, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00040-00013597-00013904 and relationships are derived to describe these assumptions. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00041-00013905-00014239 And this constitutes what's known as 'model,' 7uvbQAyPJvA-00042-00014241-00014490 that can reveal how the system works.” 7uvbQAyPJvA-00043-00014544-00014719 Now, of course, hinging on this definition 7uvbQAyPJvA-00044-00014721-00015019 is this concept of a system and of a model. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00045-00015063-00015263 So, let's begin with system. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00046-00015264-00015549 A system, it can be defined as a collection of elements 7uvbQAyPJvA-00047-00015551-00015810 that act together to achieve some goal, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00048-00015812-00016135 and with this definition, we can now define a model. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00049-00016136-00016417 So a model can be defined as a description of the system 7uvbQAyPJvA-00050-00016418-00016572 that you wish to study. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00051-00016574-00016767 You start by describing the elements of interest, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00052-00016768-00017091 which often end up becoming the variables and their behaviours, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00053-00017092-00017579 and the behaviours are those things that the element that can and cannot do 7uvbQAyPJvA-00054-00017580-00017898 as well as the relationships that they may have amongst each other. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00055-00017900-00018265 So, a model itself doesn't have to be a description of a real-life system, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00056-00018267-00018649 but it does have to be consistent, and that's very important. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00057-00018651-00018855 A model must be consistent. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00058-00018857-00019151 It doesn't have to necessarily refer to a physical model, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00059-00019152-00019501 it can- uh, you can develop a purely mathematical model 7uvbQAyPJvA-00060-00019502-00019857 where it is possible to describe the properties and behaviours of the model, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00061-00019858-00020087 only using mathematical formula. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00062-00020088-00020308 Of course, for the duration of this course, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00063-00020309-00020630 we’re not concerned with purely mathematical models. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00064-00020631-00020902 The model is essentially a way of describing a system 7uvbQAyPJvA-00065-00020903-00021231 whether the system is real or fantasy, and that’s another key point here. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00066-00021233-00021629 The model itself doesn't have to be a real-world model – 7uvbQAyPJvA-00067-00021631-00021860 it can be purely fantasy. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00068-00021861-00022011 More on this later. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00069-00022012-00022399 So, a model will likely not be able to describe everything 7uvbQAyPJvA-00070-00022401-00022676 um, that there is to know about any given system, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00071-00022677-00022982 and more specifically, there are very few, if any, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00072-00022984-00023158 perfect models available. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00073-00023212-00023515 So, your description of the model in all the types- 7uvbQAyPJvA-00074-00023517-00023833 and, and the types of values and relationships you include 7uvbQAyPJvA-00075-00023834-00024082 will determine what you can do with the model. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00076-00024140-00024376 In other words, your model is only as good 7uvbQAyPJvA-00077-00024377-00024577 as your description of it. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00078-00024755-00025031 And it’s important to know, uh, what you plan to do 7uvbQAyPJvA-00079-00025032-00025212 with the model right from the beginning, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00080-00025213-00025517 because that will dictate how well your model is described. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00081-00025518-00025834 So, with this concept of model and system, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00082-00025835-00026061 we can n-now have another view of simulation, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00083-00026139-00026484 and we can look at it as the implementation of a model 7uvbQAyPJvA-00084-00026486-00026850 regardless of whether you're creating a computer-based simulation 7uvbQAyPJvA-00085-00026851-00027115 or a live-action training simulation. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00086-00027157-00027384 And this is, this is also very important. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00087-00027386-00027765 Although it's, it's probably obvious, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00088-00027766-00028281 simulations do not have to- do not necessarily include a computer. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00089-00028283-00028617 Simulations can be purely pen and pencil based- 7uvbQAyPJvA-00090-00028618-00028818 uh, pen and paper based, for example. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00091-00028819-00029123 When, when we are referring to computer-based simulations, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00092-00029124-00029592 basically the simulation will ultimately be expressed as a program 7uvbQAyPJvA-00093-00029593-00030001 or a set of programs on some type of computering device, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00094-00030002-00030455 whether it be a desktop, a laptop, a tablet such as an iPad, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00095-00030456-00030785 a cell phone, PDA, et cetera. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00096-00030786-00031109 And, of course, when we're dealing with computer-based s-simulation, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00097-00031111-00031457 which, of course, the majority of this course will focus on, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00098-00031459-00031798 you need to have a precise and unambiguous description 7uvbQAyPJvA-00099-00031799-00032039 of the model that you wish to implement. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00100-00032082-00032314 You need to know how to describe your model 7uvbQAyPJvA-00101-00032315-00032620 using a form that you can turn into a computer program 7uvbQAyPJvA-00102-00032621-00032805 without much difficulty. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00103-00032807-00033206 We won’t ponder on this point right, uh, right now, but we'll discuss it later. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00104-00033207-00033473 And, of course, when we’re looking at computer-based simulations, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00105-00033475-00033888 externally, we can be – they can be roughly grouped into two main types. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00106-00033889-00034467 We can have experimental simulations, which seek to answer some question, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00107-00034468-00034791 or we can have experiential simulations, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00108-00034792-00035176 which provide an environment with which one or more users can interact. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00109-00035177-00035471 And, of course, for the duration of this course, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00110-00035472-00035807 we're gonna be dealing with experiential simulations, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00111-00035808-00036007 where, again, we provide an environment 7uvbQAyPJvA-00112-00036008-00036272 with which one or more users can interact. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00113-00036273-00036829 So, ex-experimental simulations are used to answer "what if" type of questions. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00114-00036831-00037209 So, for example, what is the optimum timing of traffic lights? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00115-00037210-00037505 What is the optimum number of cashiers to be working 7uvbQAyPJvA-00116-00037506-00037712 at a grocery store during rush hour? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00117-00037715-00037867 Et cetera. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00118-00037868-00038188 Now that we know what a simulation is, why bother? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00119-00038190-00038550 Or in other words, what is the purpose and the significance of simulation? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00120-00038551-00039074 Well, there's a number of reasons why we would want to actually simulate 7uvbQAyPJvA-00121-00039076-00039336 a system and corresponding model. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00122-00039337-00039689 When we’re dealing with experiential simulations, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00123-00039690-00040018 which, of course, we will be dealing for the remainder of this course, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00124-00040019-00040430 they essentially provide a safe, cost effective, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00125-00040432-00040854 and ethical means of training and education. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00126-00040855-00041317 So, in other words, simulation provides a means of learning. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00127-00041319-00041619 In fact, simulation is a powerful learning tool 7uvbQAyPJvA-00128-00041621-00041868 when learning outcomes are clearly defined, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00129-00041869-00042293 and simulation may involve a wide range of techniques and approaches 7uvbQAyPJvA-00130-00042294-00042532 that are applicable to learners at all levels. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00131-00042571-00042785 So, we may have simulations that are geared 7uvbQAyPJvA-00132-00042786-00043035 specifically to novice trainees and learners, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00133-00043037-00043438 and we may have simulations that are geared specifically 7uvbQAyPJvA-00134-00043439-00043719 to expert trainees and learners and everything in between. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00135-00043766-00044129 It is also important to note here that simulation itself is not dependent 7uvbQAyPJvA-00136-00044130-00044374 on high or low fidelity technologies. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00137-00044429-00044846 So, a simulation can be a very simple paper-based activity. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00138-00044848-00045368 So, just to reiterate, a computer or a virtual environment of some sort 7uvbQAyPJvA-00139-00045370-00045607 is not necessary for a simulation. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00140-00045642-00046026 A good example of a simulation that does not employ a computer 7uvbQAyPJvA-00141-00046027-00046273 or a virtual environment is role-playing. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00142-00046274-00046546 So, when we look at simulation and learning, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00143-00046548-00047013 there's another term that comes to play, and that is "simulator." 7uvbQAyPJvA-00144-00047014-00047297 So, what exactly is a simulator? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00145-00047298-00047588 So, according to the, uh, Merriam-Webster dictionary, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00146-00047589-00047768 it's "one that simulates," 7uvbQAyPJvA-00147-00047770-00048152 and more specifically, "It's a device that enables the operator 7uvbQAyPJvA-00148-00048153-00048523 to reproduce or represent under test conditions 7uvbQAyPJvA-00149-00048524-00049003 phenomena that are likely to occur in an actual performance." 7uvbQAyPJvA-00150-00049140-00049347 Or you can look at it as a machine 7uvbQAyPJvA-00151-00049348-00049670 that is used to show what something looks or feels like, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00152-00049714-00050136 um, and is usually used to study something or to train people. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00153-00050223-00050767 I like to look at simulator as something that implements a simulation. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00154-00050769-00050982 And when we’re dealing with simulators, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00155-00050984-00051451 you probably have already seen many, including flight simulators 7uvbQAyPJvA-00156-00051453-00051851 and mannequins that are used to train nurses and doctors. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00157-00051852-00052034 So, now that we- now that we were presented 7uvbQAyPJvA-00158-00052036-00052192 with an overview of simulation – 7uvbQAyPJvA-00159-00052194-00052579 we know what simulation is used for, we know the benefits of simulation – 7uvbQAyPJvA-00160-00052581-00052790 I’m going to spend the next few minutes 7uvbQAyPJvA-00161-00052791-00053215 just briefly discussing a historical overview of simulation. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00162-00053261-00053615 So, the first simulations were probably military-based, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00163-00053617-00053925 and there's stories of Roman soldiers using a tree trunk, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00164-00053926-00054332 which they used to represent a human enemy soldier, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00165-00054333-00054672 and they used, used this to practice with their sword. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00166-00054673-00054951 This was later developed into logs hanging on a rope, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00167-00054953-00055150 and this introduced movement. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00168-00055152-00055574 So in other words, their model of an enemy soldier 7uvbQAyPJvA-00169-00055575-00055890 represented by a tree trunk, was now able to move, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00170-00055891-00056438 which represented a greater, more faithful, um, representation 7uvbQAyPJvA-00171-00056439-00056810 of an enemy soldier- human e- enemy soldier. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00172-00056851-00057126 This then evolved to work from horseback and boats 7uvbQAyPJvA-00173-00057128-00057367 using wooden figures to represent enemy soldiers. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00174-00057369-00057562 Again, the model evolves. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00175-00057564-00057827 And improvements continued for centuries, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00176-00057829-00058011 reas– reaching the current state. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00177-00058013-00058468 Computer simulation really gets its start during World War Two. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00178-00058470-00058786 Prior to that, of course, things- we didn't have computers, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00179-00058787-00059102 and simulations did not r-rely on a computer – 7uvbQAyPJvA-00180-00059103-00059328 they were pure- purely physical-based. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00181-00059583-00060055 One of the first simulators is the Link Trainer, developed in 1929, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00182-00060057-00060269 and it’s a simple mechanical flight simulator 7uvbQAyPJvA-00183-00060270-00060691 developed by Edward Link to train pilots at an indoor location. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00184-00060770-00060967 So, a trainee learns to fly and navigate 7uvbQAyPJvA-00185-00060969-00061396 using a cockpit with a replica instrument panel, and no computer. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00186-00061397-00061648 This was, again, a purely physical simulator 7uvbQAyPJvA-00187-00061649-00061967 without any rely- without relying on any computer. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00188-00061969-00062285 NASA has made extensive use of simulation and simulators 7uvbQAyPJvA-00189-00062286-00062546 since the a-advent of the manned space program, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00190-00062548-00063095 and in fact, the Apollo moon missions relied heavily on simulate– simulators 7uvbQAyPJvA-00191-00063096-00063447 and simulation to train astronauts prior to their moon landing. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00192-00063517-00063721 Current focus on military simulation 7uvbQAyPJvA-00193-00063722-00064144 is on virtual reality-based technologies and serious gaming in particular. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00194-00064207-00064443 More on this as the course progresses. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00195-00064727-00065122 Another widely, uh, field of simulate– 7uvbQAyPJvA-00196-00065123-00065479 uh, field of application of simulations is medical education. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00197-00065517-00065771 First medical simulations and simulators 7uvbQAyPJvA-00198-00065772-00065982 were simple models of human patients. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00199-00065984-00066447 And one of the first medical simulators was a fetal model and pelvis 7uvbQAyPJvA-00200-00066448-00066606 that was used to train midwives, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00201-00066607-00066969 and this was developed by Madam du Coudray in 1759. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00202-00067096-00067630 In general, medical education has been a large proponent of simulation, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00203-00067631-00067847 both physical and virtual. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00204-00067848-00068039 And over the past 40 years, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00205-00068040-00068351 there's been a very large emphasis on the use of simulation. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00206-00068352-00068543 Currently in medical education, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00207-00068544-00068893 the emphasis is also placed on virtual-based technologies – 7uvbQAyPJvA-00208-00068894-00069284 so in addition to the physical mannequins that they use, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00209-00069285-00069751 virtual reality-based technologies are becoming a larger and larger part. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00210-00069852-00070143 And when we’re dealing with medical simulation, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00211-00070144-00070496 the rationale, the, the rationale for its use 7uvbQAyPJvA-00212-00070498-00070919 is essentially that by mimicking the basic functions of the human body, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00213-00070920-00071355 mannequin simulators provide a much more realistic training exercise 7uvbQAyPJvA-00214-00071356-00071572 than a traditional classroom lecture. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00215-00071573-00071749 In other words, simulation, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00216-00071750-00072036 especially when we’re dealing with ma- uh, mannequins 7uvbQAyPJvA-00217-00072037-00072234 and physical simulators, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00218-00072235-00072661 they provide a very hands-on approach to education and learning. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00219-00072883-00073156 Despite some skepticism about simulation, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00220-00073157-00073461 some medi- you know, they're- some medi- medical experts 7uvbQAyPJvA-00221-00073462-00073785 say that medicine, surgery and general healing 7uvbQAyPJvA-00222-00073786-00074025 are too complex to simulate accurately. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00223-00074026-00074329 This, of course, is a minority, and in general, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00224-00074330-00074557 simulation has been widely accepted. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00225-00074611-00074876 And when we also consider the technological advances 7uvbQAyPJvA-00226-00074878-00075248 in the past two decades, we are now able to simulate practices 7uvbQAyPJvA-00227-00075249-00075678 from yearly fa- family doctor visits to complex operasi- operations, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00228-00075679-00075840 such as open-heart surgery. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00229-00075887-00076081 And there, is of course, plenty of evidence 7uvbQAyPJvA-00230-00076082-00076378 to support simulation-based medical training, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00231-00076379-00076768 but the area is still somewhat open, and much work remains. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00232-00076971-00077461 So, this brings us to the end of video clip two of week one, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00233-00077462-00077884 and we end the clip with a set of Synthesis Questions. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00234-00077968-00078176 So, the first question. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00235-00078178-00078470 Are there any disadvantages to the use of simulation – 7uvbQAyPJvA-00236-00078472-00078622 why or why not? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00237-00078625-00078776 Second question. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00238-00078777-00079182 Virtual simulations are superior to physical simulations. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00239-00079184-00079403 Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00240-00079404-00079554 Explain. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00241-00079625-00079779 And finally, number three. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00242-00079781-00080241 For the purposes of this course, virtual simulations will incorporate a computer. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00243-00080243-00080693 What implications does the use of a computer have to the final product, 7uvbQAyPJvA-00244-00080694-00080993 or in other words, to the simulation itself? 7uvbQAyPJvA-00245-00080994-00081378 And this concludes video clip 1.2. 7uvbQAyPJvA-00246-00081379-00081548 Thank you. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00000-00000590-00001058 Hello, my name is Diana Gutman and I am running in the 2020 7v5pUtfuAcU-00001-00001058-00001408 special elections for City Commissioner, position number two. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00002-00001408-00002100 Today I will be answering questions sent by PSU students who want to get to know me a little bit more. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00003-00002632-00003246 Some of the passions I would bring with me is my advocacy for survivors of violence and abuse. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00004-00003246-00003611 I believe that violence and abuse is never acceptable. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00005-00003611-00004198 And it's important that the City works with our community partners to help advocate for those in need. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00006-00004230-00004548 I take pride in my Indigenous heritage! 7v5pUtfuAcU-00007-00004554-00005050 And advocating for our land and wildlife is very important to me. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00008-00005050-00005556 And I look forward to coming up with creative ways to engage our community 7v5pUtfuAcU-00009-00005556-00006022 so that we can address the pressing problems that our city is facing. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00010-00006590-00007102 I started attending the Portland City Council meetings back in 2018, 7v5pUtfuAcU-00011-00007102-00007534 and I was inspired by how our city worked with community partners 7v5pUtfuAcU-00012-00007534-00007906 to help address the issues that our city was facing. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00013-00007928-00008138 I learned so much! 7v5pUtfuAcU-00014-00008138-00008512 And I even learned how to get legislation passed in the state of Oregon 7v5pUtfuAcU-00015-00008512-00008770 to help survivors of violence and abuse. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00016-00008852-00008924 (sigh) 7v5pUtfuAcU-00017-00008924-00009350 The things that I'm passionate about are the big reasons on why I'm running. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00018-00009376-00009650 I want to see our city thrive. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00019-00009650-00009972 I want to see those who are vulnerable, be protected. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00020-00009972-00010698 I want to see that, our land and wildlife... the conditions, that they're currently in will be improved. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00021-00010698-00011088 That people in our homeless community will be able to get off the streets 7v5pUtfuAcU-00022-00011096-00011378 and come into stable permanent housing. 7v5pUtfuAcU-00023-00011472-00011840 I think that public safety is a community effort, 7v5pUtfuAcU-00024-00011840-00012381 and I'm running for the Portland City Commissioner, position number two because 7v5pUtfuAcU-00025-00012381-00013014 I want the opportunity to serve the city of Portland and to serve you. 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00000-00000016-00000440 most people think that if you want a huge difference in your life 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00001-00000440-00000855 you must make dramatic changes. this information is not true and can 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00002-00000855-00001136 discourage people in making a positive change in their life 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00003-00001136-00001567 The fact is we can make a large impact on how our 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00004-00001567-00001927 days goes and overall life by just creating a few 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00005-00001927-00002319 new small habits especially while we are at home right now 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00006-00002319-00002727 what better time to set ourselves up for the success we desire 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00007-00002727-00003190 here are five small habits that can change your life 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00008-00003190-00003992 [Music] 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00009-00004144-00004468 write down 3 things you are gratefu l for 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00010-00004468-00005216 something very good and very important happened in your life and you are trying to remember it, but cannot remember it no 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00011-00005216-00005503 matter how hard you try because you didn't write it down 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00012-00005503-00005968 We obviously cannot remember everything always and tend to forget 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00013-00005968-00006384 most part of our days however keeping a gratitude journal or 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00014-00006384-00006640 just pondering about what you are grateful 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00015-00006640-00006968 for each day can make a drastic change in your life 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00016-00006968-00007408 taking up a habit of writing down at least three things you are grateful for 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00017-00007408-00007831 will help you shut down any negativity and remind you to be 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00018-00007831-00008109 thankful for those great things 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00019-00008109-00008429 Try to clean at least for 10 minutes each day 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00020-00008429-00009170 You must have walked in your room and saw this big mess you've created and have this thought cross your mind 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00021-00009170-00009640 How am i ever gonna clean this room? To avoid this thought you can break down your tasks 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00022-00009640-00010040 into smaller portions it's probably not realistic to expect to 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00023-00010040-00010424 spend two hours every day cleaning from ceiling to floor 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00024-00010424-00010672 10 minutes is a reasonable amount of time 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00025-00010672-00011104 picking up items lying around sweeping through the house cleaning up spills as 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00026-00011104-00011447 they happen can make a world of difference you can 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00027-00011447-00011807 also start with one room at a time like in the 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00028-00011807-00012136 kitchen doing dishes or straighten cushions in the living 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00029-00012136-00012600 room keeping things organized and even just making the bed helps us feel 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00030-00012600-00013080 better. It helps us be more efficient and definitely allows for a better night's sleep 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00031-00013080-00013335 Take good care of your skin 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00032-00013335-00014047 many of us get upset about our dry skin especially in winters. The way we are feeling is 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00033-00014047-00014431 strangely related to how our skin looks and vice versa 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00034-00014431-00014784 some problems like inflamed skin thinning hair 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00035-00014784-00015240 and brittle nails can be a physical manifestation of your mental state 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00036-00015240-00015576 the changes will have a negative impact on your life 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00037-00015576-00015951 which is why taking care of your skin is very important 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00038-00015951-00016351 doing something nice for yourself even if it's small will help you power 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00039-00016351-00016616 through and give you that much needed sense of 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00040-00016616-00017141 accomplishment simply put when you look good you feel good 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00041-00017141-00017370 implement the 80 20 principle 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00042-00017370-00017891 The 80 20 principle was absorbed by an economist named Wilfredo pareto in 1800s 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00043-00017891-00018751 For the people who don't know the 80 20 principle, it maintains that 80 percent of the outcomes come from 20 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00044-00018751-00019408 of causes. Simply put in the 80 20 rule 80 of your success is produced 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00045-00019408-00019749 prioritizing the 20 of your work. 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00046-00019749-00020295 This means 80 percent of what you do will not be relatable to your success 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00047-00020295-00020744 the main point of applying 80 20 principle in your life is to identify 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00048-00020744-00021104 that 20 of the things that you do actually 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00049-00021104-00021495 results in success the question is how to apply it for this 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00050-00021495-00022023 you can make a to-do list with your most important tasks at the top and the least 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00051-00022023-00022456 important at the bottom now what you need to do is cross out 80 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00052-00022456-00022831 of your tasks from the bottom when you do this you will be left with 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00053-00022831-00023427 the important top 20 of the tasks that will actually give you success 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00054-00023427-00023715 Implement effective daily routines 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00055-00023715-00024533 there is always a time when we wake up in the morning feeling unmotivated and insanely tired 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00056-00024533-00024583 This can be a sign to tell you that something in your daily routine is not going well 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00057-00024583-00025568 It is so simple.Creating a daily routine for yourself can make a big difference in your life 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00058-00025568-00026079 the best routines i found come at the start and the end of the day 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00059-00026079-00026560 for the morning you can read some news go out for a jog or listen to some music 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00060-00026560-00027136 whereas for the evening routine after a long day at work or school first you 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00061-00027136-00027512 need to do is de-stress yourself and for that you can 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00062-00027512-00028008 read some story books writing or watching tv will also help 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00063-00028008-00028391 now developing these habits do require determination 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00064-00028391-00028863 patience and constant effort maybe it'll take just a few weeks 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00065-00028863-00029327 or maybe more than a year it doesn't matter how long it takes to build the 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00066-00029327-00029575 habit as long as you don't give up once you 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00067-00029575-00029968 take control of your habits you begin taking control of your life 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00068-00029968-00030315 any from this list will lead to positive results 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00069-00030315-00030736 I hope you guys liked the video if you did make sure to click that like button 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00070-00030736-00031144 and also join us by subscribing you guys see you in the next video 7-Sb1VGCKWo-00071-00031144-00031752 Thank you for watching 7_riPcrNpxg-00000-00000483-00001206 Product costs are the total of direct materials, direct labor and indirect manufacturing overhead. 7_riPcrNpxg-00001-00001206-00001859 Recall that direct costs, like direct materials and direct labor, are traced to the finished product 7_riPcrNpxg-00002-00001860-00002496 whereas indirect costs, like manufact uring overhead, are allocated to the finished product. 7_riPcrNpxg-00003-00002496-00003313 There are three common ways to allocate manufacturing overhead to products. The most common is the plant-wide rate. 7_riPcrNpxg-00004-00003313-00003803 This is what we earlier described as the predetermined overhead rate. 7_riPcrNpxg-00005-00003803-00004119 Another method is departmental rates. 7_riPcrNpxg-00006-00004120-00004626 And f inally, the most refined method is activity-based costing. 7_riPcrNpxg-00007-00004626-00005196 This video will revisit the plant-wide rate method. 7_riPcrNpxg-00008-00005196-00005943 Direct materials is a concept most understand because they end up in product or product packaging. 7_riPcrNpxg-00009-00005943-00006843 Direct labor is also fairly understandable because it is the labor costs to directly assemble or manufacture the products. 7_riPcrNpxg-00010-00006843-00007189 Manufacturing overhead is slightly more complicated. 7_riPcrNpxg-00011-00007190-00008156 In short, it is all the costs in a manufacturing plant that aren’t either direct materials or direct labor. 7_riPcrNpxg-00012-00008156-00008859 Examples include depreciation, utilities, maintenance, supplies, insurance, 7_riPcrNpxg-00013-00008860-00009450 and indirect labor like supervision, setup, cleanup, and testing. 7_riPcrNpxg-00014-00009450-00009753 With a plant-wide overhead rate, 7_riPcrNpxg-00015-00009753-00010673 all of the manufacturing overhead is totaled and then allocated to products based on an allocation bases. 7_riPcrNpxg-00016-00010673-00011053 Common allocation bases are direct labor costs, 7_riPcrNpxg-00017-00011053-00011469 direct labor hours, or machine hours. 7_riPcrNpxg-00018-00011470-00011813 When you first learned about a plant-wide rate, 7_riPcrNpxg-00019-00011813-00012363 we used the term “predetermined overhead rate”. Remember that these terms are interchangeable. 7_riPcrNpxg-00020-00012363-00013073 The formula for the plant-wide rate is estimated annual manufacturing plant overhead costs 7_riPcrNpxg-00021-00013073-00013626 divided by the total estimated annual allocation bases. 7_riPcrNpxg-00022-00013626-00014326 So let’s look at an example of a dairy plant. I worked in the dairy industry for 6 years after I graduated from college, 7_riPcrNpxg-00023-00014326-00015079 most of that time as a cost accountant and one of my tasks was determine product costs each month. 7_riPcrNpxg-00024-00015080-00015766 A dairy plant estimates that its manufacturing overhead will be $2,500,000 for the upcoming year. 7_riPcrNpxg-00025-00015766-00016513 It allocates overhead with a plant-wide rate using direct labor hours as the allocation bases. 7_riPcrNpxg-00026-00016513-00017076 100,000 direct labor hours are estimated to be used in the upcoming year. 7_riPcrNpxg-00027-00017076-00017726 So we divide the cost of $2.5 million by the 100,000 direct labor hours 7_riPcrNpxg-00028-00017726-00018553 to determine that $25 of overhead will be allocated to the gallons of milk for every 1 hour of 7_riPcrNpxg-00029-00018553-00019176 of direct labor hours used to manufacture the milk. 7_riPcrNpxg-00030-00019176-00020306 Assume the plant can produce 2,500 gallons per hour, then each gallon will be allocated $.01 of overhead. 7_P0sZWc5Co-00000-00000367-00000746 - What should we do if we think we might have coronavirus? 7_P0sZWc5Co-00001-00000746-00001074 If we have a fever and cough but can breathe normally, 7_P0sZWc5Co-00002-00001074-00001299 it's best to simply stay at home 7_P0sZWc5Co-00003-00001299-00001439 because there are not enough tests 7_P0sZWc5Co-00004-00001439-00001703 to diagnose the coronavirus infection 7_P0sZWc5Co-00005-00001703-00002057 and because there's no medicine that will stop the virus. 7_P0sZWc5Co-00006-00002057-00002407 Going to the doctor might expose us to other germs 7_P0sZWc5Co-00007-00002407-00002750 and might expose the other patients to coronavirus. 7_P0sZWc5Co-00008-00002750-00002952 We should drink plenty of fluids 7_P0sZWc5Co-00009-00002952-00003294 like water with lemon and sugar or tea with honey. 7_P0sZWc5Co-00010-00003294-00003547 If we can eat, we should do so. 7_P0sZWc5Co-00011-00003547-00003721 Acetaminophen may be safer than ibuprofen 7_P0sZWc5Co-00012-00003721-00003940 if the fever gets uncomfortable, 7_P0sZWc5Co-00013-00003940-00004110 though that is not known for sure. 7_P0sZWc5Co-00014-00004206-00004561 If we begin to feel out of breath or have chest pain, 7_P0sZWc5Co-00015-00004561-00004855 we should call our doctor or go to an emergency room. 7ADT9I9QZE4-00000-00000000-00000150 E̸̻͉̲̥̎͊ḩ̵͇̭̼̠͙̫̠̍̓̍̆̀̉̿h̵̟̑͝h̵̟̟̯̰̦͎̼̝͔͔͒̾͊̍͆̓͒̈́͘ḩ̷̡͔̪̮̦̜͙͍̄̓͊͌͌̆̏͌̕ḣ̸̨̻̯͇̫̼̖͎̙͆̈́̐h̶̡̤͔̟̪̅̉́̈́͛͆͐͐͛͜ ̸̡̟̩̮̯̟̑ 7ADT9I9QZE4-00001-00000189-00000339 Ḧ̸̩͍͙̫̫̳̦͕͎́͒̈́͐̒͘͝ę̸̗̻̤̲̙̇̉̌͘͜ļ̵̲̲͎̠̥̞͑͐̌l̷̨̨̛͕̲̲̺̓̏̎̍͆̇̈͌o̶̢̱̠͖̮̮͔̓̉̈́̄͋͗͝?̴̙͚̯͙͎͉͇̈́͋̈́́͝ 7ADT9I9QZE4-00002-00000373-00000550 ̴̧̡̣͍̝͙̥̽̓̈́͐͗̇̉D̴̰̙͕̎̽̔͊̈́͊͌ờ̴̢͔͙͍͈̥͋̈̀̽̿͊͘̚ ̵̰̳̰̯̘̪̦͈͍̀͂͊̈́̈͛͠ẙ̵͕̬̼̱͊̏ó̶͔̞̪̃̎̋̓̓͆̍ͅu̸̧̢̝̘̟͕̪̱̔̀͑̂̑̎̋͜ ̴̦̺̖̋͐̀̽̚h̸̞̮̭̯̭̳͙̄̕ͅe̸̤̻̤͐̈́̓̀̚ͅǎ̷̡̢̬̳͉̺̰̙̯̰͛r̶̺̟͖̅̀͛̊̂̅̀͌ͅ ̸̡̝͎̲̦͍͐̍ṃ̷͕͖̏̌̓̈͜è̷͕͓͕͙͉̙̂̇̑̈̏̑?̸̲̪̊ 7ADT9I9QZE4-00003-00000622-00000883 ̶̡͔͙͙̖͌̐͑̏I̶̠͍̬̗͊́̔͛͒̕͝ş̴̞̪̮̱̯̯̙̄̑ͅ ̵̝̦̻͇͍̤͑̂i̷̘̬̤̳̫̇̋̐̿̀͐́ẗ̵̨̗͚̖͍̱̜̪̣̏̾̾̇ ̴̨̡̨̡̥͓̟̮̭̋̒̂͐c̵̼͔̳̋͐̈́̊̈̒͂͠ͅo̷̧̗̳̬̫̰̖̟͛́͒̉̾͗̅͐̂n̶͔̤̬̮͒̋̽͌͗͆̆̐̕n̵̟̲̬̯̟͈̬̮̔̃͗̇͋̆̿͘͝e̸̛̪̜͑̈́͒̒̐̋̎̕͝c̷̡̧͎͇̱͒̒͗̄̔̃͒͂̓͜͠t̴̙̄̇̀͊͛̎ͅę̴͓̟͎͖͖̜͍̫͕̃͆d̴̢͉̝̻̙͚̺̾͆̕̚?̷̳̻̙̟̠̿̾̈́́̔̓ 7ADT9I9QZE4-00004-00000901-00001013 ̵̫̠͌̇̅̏͋̑̈̀̀Ǔ̶̦̹̝̻͇̪̅́̈́͝g̷̢̮̥͚̱͙̟͌̎͆͂̔̋͘h̸͉͍̹͍͑̀h̶̢̨̧̺̪̥̞̹̾̉̾ͅh̸̛͍͕̙̜̻͍̻̘̟̪̓̅̎́̃̾͘͠h̸̡̙̺̗͕͋͛͗̈̆̎̓͗̌͝h̸̹͔̹̜̃̇͌̍͜ ̷̘̺̫̹̥̃̇̀͑̾͌͠ 7ADT9I9QZE4-00005-00001050-00001473 c̴̞͖̟͚̞̬̪͐͑͑̈̈́͐͘͝o̷̙͓̫̯͂͌͘n̶̡̰̠͙̩͕̠̊̀̑̿̃͝n̷̥̭͋͗̒̑͘ë̸̝̟͓́̇̀c̷̞̲̰̻̥̼̪̎̎̐̊t̸̡̲͍͕͇̰̟̦̃͗͑̃̍̅̃̽̚͜͠ͅi̶͕̮̤͇̒͋͗̍̓̀n̸̈́̌͑̈́̽́ͅĝ̶̱͕̱̪̯̼̞̜͇͙͌̐̇͐͛͘͠ ̸̥͇̗̯͎̇̏͋͒̑̚͜t̵̺̹͉̩̦̓͑̽͛̔̍͌ͅo̴̭͚̠̭͍̳̗͐̈́̃͆͜ ̴̢̧̱̱̖̪̜̣͇̺̉̒͑̒͋͋͑̄e̷̜̲̔͐̃́̏͆̀̐̚ḁ̵̄͛͑̏̿͆̈́̇͌r̸̳̫͙̦̳͆̆̋͌͌̓t̷̡̹̀h̸̺̙̱̥͚̗́̐'̸͍̱̠̈́͒̉̓͘͝s̴̡̖̪̰̰͍̺̙̲͇̄̀̽̄̇͑͂͘̚ ̸̬̻̟̲̮̜̅̃̕͝ṇ̷̡̢̲͖̥͇̞̮̾̐̑̆̾̐̋͠͝e̶̢̝̟̱͌t̶͕͖̯̯̳͆ẅ̸̞̩̩̱̞̞͈̦́̒̋̓͋͛̀̈́̾͂ͅō̵̢̲̜̱̞̞̖̼̔̍̔̔̕ṟ̴̯̻̟͎̼̊͠k̵̬̺̪̳̄̇̑͌͌͊̆͑͜͝͝ ̸̢͕̹̫̪̈́̎̌í̵̢̞̑̓̃̐̅̚͘ṣ̵̒͝ ̴̧͉̯̪̯̮̹̽͐̂͂͝d̷̢̮̥͔͔̐̀̋̆̃͆͒̔i̷̲̝͔̩̱̱̔͘f̵͓͓̙͉͊f̶̨̛̲̤̞͍͈̒̌̊̉̚ȋ̸̭̯̟͓̯͙͚̗̠̏̂͂ć̴͕̪̠̬̩̼͉̈́͌̽̅̆̕͝u̵̡̝͉̜̲͕̤̲̮̫͂̍̃͊͊͠l̵͎̗̱̂̓͂͒͗t̵͉̬͔̫͚̝̚ͅ.̵͇̼̪̝͉̙̼̃̈́͐́̏͝.̶̞̻̖̠̬̓.̸̢͖̐͝ 7ADT9I9QZE4-00006-00001571-00001657 ̶̧̱̳̜̫͍͋̆͌̽̓̔̚H̴̨̛͍̣̬̪͇͍̱̋̀̈́̅ͅm̶̘͗̋͌̈́̈́͛̀̍͂͝p̷̧̼̣͎̟̳͚̫̦͛ḧ̴̨̳̓̃!̶̦̼̖̫͔̳͇͍̀̂̐̽͆̎͛ͅ 7CNlXZwZzEu-00000-00000487-00000802 MAY IS ASIAN AMERICAN AND PACIFIC ISLANDER HERITAGE MONTH. 7CNlXZwZzEu-00001-00000802-00001200 THIS YEAR'S THEME IS, "I AM BEYOND" AND IT'S AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE NAVY TO CELEBRATE THE 7CNlXZwZzEu-00002-00001200-00001748 CONTRIBUTIONS OF GENERATIONS OF ASIANS AND PACIFIC ISLANDERS TO OUR ARMED FORCES. 7CNlXZwZzEu-00003-00001748-00002041 CHECK WITH YOUR COMMAND TO FIND OUT ABOUT EVENTS ON YOUR INSTALLATION. 7CNlXZwZzEu-00004-00002041-00002530 A PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION, OR PCS, CAN BE MUCH EASIER WHEN YOU HAVE HELP. 7CNlXZwZzEu-00005-00002530-00002905 WHEN YOU GET NEW ORDERS, YOUR RECEIVING COMMAND ASSIGNS YOU A SPONSOR. 7CNlXZwZzEu-00006-00002905-00003357 THE COMMAND SPONSOR AND INDOCTRINATION PROGRAM HAS VOLUNTEERS WHO WILL ASSIST YOU WITH CHECKING 7CNlXZwZzEu-00007-00003357-00003790 IN, FINDING HOUSING, AND ANSWERING QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE ABOUT MOVING TO YOUR NEW DUTY 7CNlXZwZzEu-00008-00003790-00003890 STATION. 7CNlXZwZzEu-00009-00003890-00004312 IF YOU WANT TO SPONSOR A SHIPMATE, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COMMAND SPONSOR COORDINATOR AND 7CNlXZwZzEu-00010-00004312-00004743 BE SURE TO READ THE RELATED INSTRUCTION ON THE NAVY PERSONNEL COMMAND'S WEBSITE. 7CNlXZwZzEu-00011-00004743-00004964 READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. 7CNlXZwZzEu-00012-00004964-00005135 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. 7Fha8DeNbHc-00000-00000000-00000882 How to easily download any video from youtube 7G1scNQD6Zu-00000-00000264-00000526 In this lesson we talked about alternative 7G1scNQD6Zu-00001-00000526-00000760 and renewable fuels. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00002-00000760-00000890 So exactly what are those? 7G1scNQD6Zu-00003-00000890-00001311 The main categories are wind, hydro, solar, 7G1scNQD6Zu-00004-00001311-00001486 geothermal, and biomass. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00005-00001814-00002171 This graphic shows the percentage of total energy 7G1scNQD6Zu-00006-00002171-00002682 consumption in the US that renewable energy represents. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00007-00002682-00002982 You see at this point in time, as of the latest information 7G1scNQD6Zu-00008-00002982-00003582 for 2010, renewable energy only represented 8% of total 7G1scNQD6Zu-00009-00003582-00003739 US energy consumption. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00010-00003739-00004018 And within that group, you can see that the breakdown is 7G1scNQD6Zu-00011-00004018-00004573 solar, geothermal, wind, biomass, and 7G1scNQD6Zu-00012-00004573-00004698 hydroelectric power. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00013-00005067-00005477 This chart shows the total that the renewables represent, 7G1scNQD6Zu-00014-00005477-00005797 in terms of consumption and major sources, with with a 7G1scNQD6Zu-00015-00005797-00006158 further breakdown into the hydroelectric, wood, 7G1scNQD6Zu-00016-00006158-00006261 biofuels, and wind. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00017-00006261-00006576 And you can see just in the last several years, wind has 7G1scNQD6Zu-00018-00006576-00006897 started to increase as a percentage of total 7G1scNQD6Zu-00019-00006897-00007022 consumption. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00020-00007423-00007858 The pie chart shows the change in renewable energy 7G1scNQD6Zu-00021-00007858-00008251 consumption between 2006 and 2010. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00022-00008251-00008675 Most notably, biomass has increased as an overall 7G1scNQD6Zu-00023-00008675-00008792 percentage. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00024-00008792-00009085 Hydroelectric, in fact, has decreased. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00025-00009085-00009495 Solar has remained about the same, as well as geothermal. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00026-00009495-00009882 But the increase has been in wind, as one would expect. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00027-00010249-00010551 Wind power was once used for mechanical drives only, and 7G1scNQD6Zu-00028-00010551-00010859 it's gaining in popularity as a clean alternative source of 7G1scNQD6Zu-00029-00010859-00011161 electricity using turbine generators. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00030-00011161-00011439 Large wind farms are being built everywhere across the 7G1scNQD6Zu-00031-00011439-00011597 country where wind is considered to 7G1scNQD6Zu-00032-00011597-00011839 be a natural resource. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00033-00011839-00012092 I'm personally familiar with and have seen massive wind 7G1scNQD6Zu-00034-00012092-00012494 farms in places such as West Texas, the Texas panhandle, 7G1scNQD6Zu-00035-00012494-00012762 Western Oklahoma, and throughout Kansas. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00036-00012762-00013106 However, most of the wind farms started in California. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00037-00013106-00013357 And most of you, no doubt, have seen one of 7G1scNQD6Zu-00038-00013357-00013513 these in your travels. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00039-00013513-00013869 They will continue to increase in terms of overall locations 7G1scNQD6Zu-00040-00013869-00014129 as well as the number of windmills 7G1scNQD6Zu-00041-00014129-00014299 themselves in these farms. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00042-00014651-00014956 Hydro power has been around for centuries. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00043-00014956-00015305 You're utilizing the water itself, the flow of the water, 7G1scNQD6Zu-00044-00015305-00015588 as a source of energy. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00045-00015588-00015801 Centuries ago it primarily used as a mechanical drive 7G1scNQD6Zu-00046-00015801-00016369 suchs as, the old water mill used to grind grain. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00047-00016369-00016860 But in modern times, a lot of the water is used to generate 7G1scNQD6Zu-00048-00016860-00017179 electricity using hydroelectric generators. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00049-00017179-00017422 There are thousands of hydroelectric dams 7G1scNQD6Zu-00050-00017422-00017630 throughout the world. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00051-00017630-00018170 One of the more modern and recent types of use of water 7G1scNQD6Zu-00052-00018170-00018503 currents themselves is the new generation 7G1scNQD6Zu-00053-00018503-00018728 of tidal power turbines. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00054-00018728-00018933 The current-- 7G1scNQD6Zu-00055-00018933-00019352 water moving from, say, for instance, the ocean into a 7G1scNQD6Zu-00056-00019352-00019795 port or a river's natural flow to the sea-- 7G1scNQD6Zu-00057-00019795-00020162 can be harnessed with underwater turbines that spin 7G1scNQD6Zu-00058-00020162-00020422 as the current moves through. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00059-00020422-00020915 The one pictured in the lower picture here is actually 7G1scNQD6Zu-00060-00020915-00021271 located in the North Sea off of Scotland. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00061-00021271-00021704 There's also an experimental tidal wave turbine being used 7G1scNQD6Zu-00062-00021704-00022077 in the East River in New York City, and currently, it's 7G1scNQD6Zu-00063-00022077-00022344 powering a few small stores on the Brooklyn 7G1scNQD6Zu-00064-00022344-00022487 side of the East River. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00065-00022854-00022976 Solar energy industry-- 7G1scNQD6Zu-00066-00022976-00023261 solar's been with us for several decades. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00067-00023261-00023707 The first real interest in the use of the sun's rays and 7G1scNQD6Zu-00068-00023707-00024073 sun's heat or energy purposes came with the first oil 7G1scNQD6Zu-00069-00024073-00024499 embargo back in 1973 and 1974. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00070-00024499-00024828 There was a subsequent oil embargo in 1979. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00071-00024828-00025134 Of course, at this point in time, you had the Organization 7G1scNQD6Zu-00072-00025134-00025550 of Petroleum Exporting Countries that were 7G1scNQD6Zu-00073-00025550-00026047 controlling a vast majority of oil production, and decisions 7G1scNQD6Zu-00074-00026047-00026314 they made caused major problems in the United States 7G1scNQD6Zu-00075-00026314-00026519 in terms of the supply of oil. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00076-00026519-00027017 So many looked to solar energy as a safe and clean 7G1scNQD6Zu-00077-00027017-00027156 alternative. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00078-00027156-00027506 The simple process is really just to collect the heat and 7G1scNQD6Zu-00079-00027506-00027668 energy from the sun. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00080-00027668-00027983 It can be used for space heating and, the 7G1scNQD6Zu-00081-00027983-00028095 heating of hot water. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00082-00028095-00028460 It can actually generate steam for electric turbines. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00083-00028460-00028854 And then, the light of the sun can be converted directly into 7G1scNQD6Zu-00084-00028854-00028979 electricity. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00085-00029208-00029352 Solar comes in two types-- 7G1scNQD6Zu-00086-00029352-00029630 passive and active. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00087-00029630-00029983 In the passive use of solar energy, we're basically taking 7G1scNQD6Zu-00088-00029983-00030447 the sun's heat by using type of the solar collector, and 7G1scNQD6Zu-00089-00030447-00030791 primarily it's being used for space heating and water 7G1scNQD6Zu-00090-00030791-00031026 heating and generation of steam. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00091-00031314-00031649 Active solar power is the conversion of the sunlight 7G1scNQD6Zu-00092-00031649-00032032 into electricity using photovoltaic cells. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00093-00032032-00032345 that have semiconductive materials in them. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00094-00032345-00032677 A large part of this is going to be dependent on atmospheric 7G1scNQD6Zu-00095-00032677-00032801 conditions. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00096-00032801-00033060 Several days of overcast skies may limit the amount of 7G1scNQD6Zu-00097-00033060-00033326 electricity that can actually be generated. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00098-00033326-00033702 And of course, the Earth's position relative to the sun-- 7G1scNQD6Zu-00099-00033702-00034102 in some of the more northern parts of the United States and 7G1scNQD6Zu-00100-00034102-00034647 North America, solar power may not be as easily accessible or 7G1scNQD6Zu-00101-00034647-00034919 a reliable source of energy as in other areas. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00102-00035206-00035569 Geothermal energy is, basically, taking the 7G1scNQD6Zu-00103-00035569-00035930 naturally occurring energy that exists below the surface 7G1scNQD6Zu-00104-00035930-00036350 of the earth for both heating and cooling purposes. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00105-00036350-00036754 Almost everyone's familiar with geysers and natural steam 7G1scNQD6Zu-00106-00036754-00036975 that emanates from the ground. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00107-00036975-00037457 That can be harnessed and, used for industrial and space 7G1scNQD6Zu-00108-00037457-00037589 heating purposes. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00109-00037589-00037928 The steam itself can actually drive electric turbines. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00110-00037928-00038387 What isn't as well know is the use of the cool air below the 7G1scNQD6Zu-00111-00038387-00038738 surface of the earth for space cooling. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00112-00038738-00039236 This application has been utilized in homes and large 7G1scNQD6Zu-00113-00039236-00039438 businesses. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00114-00039438-00039867 Basically, wells are drilled down, anywhere from 40 to 50 7G1scNQD6Zu-00115-00039867-00040173 feet, and the cool air is brought up to the surface, 7G1scNQD6Zu-00116-00040173-00040568 piped into buildings to cool them down, which creates 7G1scNQD6Zu-00117-00040568-00040898 considerable savings on electricity over running air 7G1scNQD6Zu-00118-00040898-00041023 conditioning units. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00119-00041252-00041429 There are several types of biomass. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00120-00041429-00041599 Several of these we're all familiar with. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00121-00041599-00041863 Of course, there's wood. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00122-00041863-00042257 We're familiar with corn and other crops that are used to 7G1scNQD6Zu-00123-00042257-00042498 make ethanol, which is a fuel source 7G1scNQD6Zu-00124-00042498-00042714 that's added to gasoline. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00125-00042714-00042933 Landfill gases-- 7G1scNQD6Zu-00126-00042933-00043384 garbage itself can be burned and turned into energy. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00127-00043384-00043740 And then any type of fruit that can be fermented into 7G1scNQD6Zu-00128-00043740-00044429 alcohol, basically, represents a source of a type of fuel. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00129-00044429-00044539 Biomass-- 7G1scNQD6Zu-00130-00044539-00044789 this is a landfill. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00131-00044789-00045164 Landfill gas is derived from decaying trash. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00132-00045164-00045476 If you think about it, landfills are fairly large in 7G1scNQD6Zu-00133-00045476-00045772 their scope, and all of that garbage, the organic matter 7G1scNQD6Zu-00134-00045772-00046026 eventually will decompose. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00135-00046026-00046523 And methane is one of the byproducts of decomposition. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00136-00046523-00046930 Literally, there are wells, as we do call them, that are 7G1scNQD6Zu-00137-00046930-00047309 drilled down through the landfill itself to extract the 7G1scNQD6Zu-00138-00047309-00047482 methane gas. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00139-00047482-00047901 And multiple wells can be drilled if the landfill itself 7G1scNQD6Zu-00140-00047901-00048055 is large enough. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00141-00048055-00048439 Primarily, the methane is used on site to generate 7G1scNQD6Zu-00142-00048439-00048732 electricity with a small natural gas 7G1scNQD6Zu-00143-00048732-00049079 fueled electricity generator. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00144-00049079-00049344 Another form of biomass is what we refer 7G1scNQD6Zu-00145-00049344-00049512 to as trash to energy. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00146-00049512-00049831 Solid waste itself can be used as a fuel source for 7G1scNQD6Zu-00147-00049831-00050058 combustion to create steam. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00148-00050058-00050570 That steam can be used in industrial processes or to 7G1scNQD6Zu-00149-00050570-00050852 generate electricity using a steam generator. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00150-00050852-00051178 Where I reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we do have a trash 7G1scNQD6Zu-00151-00051178-00051524 to energy facility in the west part of town. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00152-00051524-00051901 The steam that's generated is sold it to two oil refineries, 7G1scNQD6Zu-00153-00051901-00052147 and the electricity goes into the grid 7G1scNQD6Zu-00154-00052147-00052272 for the local utility. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00155-00052589-00052937 Another form of biomass is wood itself or wood waste. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00156-00052937-00053341 Obviously, you can burn wood or wood pulp, and wood chips. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00157-00053341-00053616 So it's a heat source for industrial steam and 7G1scNQD6Zu-00158-00053616-00053786 electrical generation. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00159-00053786-00054139 Weyerhauser, one of the largest paper product 7G1scNQD6Zu-00160-00054139-00054504 manufacturers in the country, has a very large facility in 7G1scNQD6Zu-00161-00054504-00054788 the southeastern part of Oklahoma. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00162-00054788-00055136 They, in essence, recycle their own wood pulp and wood 7G1scNQD6Zu-00163-00055136-00055414 chips to create steam on site. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00164-00055414-00055716 They use that in the process of certain paper products. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00165-00055716-00055941 They also can use the steam to generate their own 7G1scNQD6Zu-00166-00055941-00056066 electricity. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00167-00056352-00056671 A form of biomass that's continuing to gain in 7G1scNQD6Zu-00168-00056671-00057047 popularity are the fuels that are made from crops, grasses, 7G1scNQD6Zu-00169-00057047-00057363 and any type of biodegradable matter. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00170-00057363-00057721 Most of us are familiar with ethanol, primarily made from 7G1scNQD6Zu-00171-00057721-00058124 corn, certain sugars, and certain types of grasses. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00172-00058124-00058516 When you go into a retail gasoline station and you see 7G1scNQD6Zu-00173-00058516-00058937 things like 90/10, that means that the gasoline that you're 7G1scNQD6Zu-00174-00058937-00059301 going to put in your car is comprised 90% of unleaded, and 7G1scNQD6Zu-00175-00059301-00059878 10% of that has been ethanol a type of alcohol added to the 7G1scNQD6Zu-00176-00059878-00060059 gasoline itself. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00177-00060059-00060264 There's also biodiesel. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00178-00060264-00060428 There are engines-- 7G1scNQD6Zu-00179-00060428-00060649 whether they're trucks or buses-- 7G1scNQD6Zu-00180-00060649-00061184 that currently use diesel that can also use things such as 7G1scNQD6Zu-00181-00061184-00061582 vegetable oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, or even recycled 7G1scNQD6Zu-00182-00061582-00061707 restaurant grease. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00183-00062044-00062404 Nuclear energy is considered to be a renewable energy 7G1scNQD6Zu-00184-00062404-00062860 source because of the very finite amount of uranium 7G1scNQD6Zu-00185-00062860-00063115 that's required to create steam and generate 7G1scNQD6Zu-00186-00063115-00063249 electricity. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00187-00063249-00063599 We don't believe we'd run out of uranium on this planet for 7G1scNQD6Zu-00188-00063599-00063800 thousands of years. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00189-00063800-00063985 I chose this picture in particular 7G1scNQD6Zu-00190-00063985-00064223 because I like the contrast. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00191-00064223-00064588 In the background, you have the Simpsons-like cooling 7G1scNQD6Zu-00192-00064588-00064757 towers of a nuclear power plant. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00193-00064757-00065254 And in the foreground, you have a very large solar array 7G1scNQD6Zu-00194-00065254-00065592 of photovoltaic cells that generate electricity. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00195-00065592-00066176 So we have the nuclear energy with its questionable safety 7G1scNQD6Zu-00196-00066176-00066691 record versus the natural alternative and renewable 7G1scNQD6Zu-00197-00066691-00066880 energy source of the sun. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00198-00067287-00067597 Without going into too much of the physics here, this is a 7G1scNQD6Zu-00199-00067597-00068071 basic diagram of how we do, in fact, create nuclear energy 7G1scNQD6Zu-00200-00068071-00068249 through the process of nuclear fission. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00201-00068566-00069079 The last slide here is a generic diagram, of electrical 7G1scNQD6Zu-00202-00069079-00069226 generation. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00203-00069226-00069636 The key process here is to create steam. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00204-00069636-00069904 The fuel source itself doesn't matter. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00205-00069904-00070104 It can be biomass. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00206-00070104-00070209 It can be coal. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00207-00070209-00070352 It can be natural gas. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00208-00070352-00070559 It can be diesel fuel. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00209-00070559-00070799 But the idea is we want to create steam. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00210-00070799-00071148 So whatever the fuel is that is combustible, we're going to 7G1scNQD6Zu-00211-00071148-00071433 create fire in a boiler. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00212-00071433-00071938 Tubes carrying cold water will circulate through that boiler, 7G1scNQD6Zu-00213-00071938-00072136 which creates steam, and in turn, will 7G1scNQD6Zu-00214-00072136-00072374 drive a steam turbine. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00215-00072374-00072710 A steam turbine is nothing more than fan blades. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00216-00072710-00072995 And attached to those fan blades-- 7G1scNQD6Zu-00217-00072995-00073505 you can see the turbine itself is in white and blue-- 7G1scNQD6Zu-00218-00073505-00073827 there are magnets tied to a shaft. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00219-00073827-00074257 Those are housed in a copper wire containment. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00220-00074257-00074559 The spinning of those magnets creates the current that goes 7G1scNQD6Zu-00221-00074559-00074722 out to the grid. 7G1scNQD6Zu-00222-00074722-00075131 Anywhere between 90% and 98% of the steam then goes through 7G1scNQD6Zu-00223-00075131-00075534 a cooling tower and is recaptured, chilled, and the 7G1scNQD6Zu-00224-00075534-00075659 process repeats itself. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00000-00000184-00000729 Hi everyone, my name is Noor Zafar and I'm an attorney with the ACLU. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00001-00000729-00001152 Part of my work at the ACLU is, I work in the National Security Project, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00002-00001152-00001694 and in that project, what we do is challenge abusive government policies 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00003-00001694-00001994 in the national security space, challenge abusive immigration 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00004-00001994-00002250 and criminal law policies as well. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00005-00002250-00002727 I want to thank Simon and ArtsLink for putting together this program 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00006-00002727-00003086 and for inviting me to give a short presentation. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00007-00003086-00003648 So what I want to do in my talk is build upon this concept of solidarity, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00008-00003648-00004069 but I want to look at it from a slightly different angle. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00009-00004069-00004514 You know, because in my work, what we see a lot is that 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00010-00004514-00004835 different government policies that are discriminatory 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00011-00004835-00005271 and abusive actions by the state are often interconnected, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00012-00005271-00005562 and we see this repeatedly, right? 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00013-00005562-00005864 A policy can be enacted as a national security measure, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00014-00005864-00006275 but it ends up having negative impacts and discriminatory impacts on 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00015-00006275-00006494 certain groups of immigrants. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00016-00006494-00007000 So that highlights for me, that highlights for me the fact that 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00017-00007000-00007300 it's all the more important for our resistance to these policies 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00018-00007300-00007732 to be similarly collaborative and intersectional, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00019-00007732-00007967 because you know they, because these policies 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00020-00007967-00008246 themselves are interconnected, therefore the resistance to 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00021-00008246-00008568 them must take into account the intersectional 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00022-00008568-00008810 nature of these policies. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00023-00008810-00009007 And I want to use the example of the Muslim ban 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00024-00009007-00009411 to further highlight and elucidate this point. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00025-00009411-00009946 So when the Muslim ban was enacted, the underlying or the primary 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00026-00009946-00010350 rationale for the ban was, the Trump administration 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00027-00010350-00010702 basically said that the president has unchecked 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00028-00010702-00011343 power as an executive, to exclude anyone he wants, based on, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00029-00011343-00011560 for national security reasons, right? 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00030-00011560-00011764 That was the underpinning rationale of the ban, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00031-00011764-00012072 is that the executive, he has been given this 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00032-00012072-00012557 power to unilaterally decide who can and cannot come into this country, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00033-00012557-00013061 and if the president unilaterally decides that a group of people pose some sort 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00034-00013061-00013549 of national security threat, that he has the power to exclude them. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00035-00013549-00014162 This rationale was upheld and endorsed when the Supreme Court allowed 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00036-00014162-00014363 the ban to stay in place. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00037-00014363-00014926 So in doing so, you know, if you read through the Court's opinion, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00038-00014926-00015159 a big part of the argument that the plaintiffs made 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00039-00015159-00015519 was that you have to look at the president's statements. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00040-00015519-00015802 You have to look at the statements that his deputies 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00041-00015802-00016037 and other people in the administration made. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00042-00016037-00016412 And if you do that, it's fairly clear that this policy 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00043-00016412-00016692 is not based on national security, but that this policy 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00044-00016692-00017092 is a xenophobic, Islamophobic racist policy 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00045-00017092-00017574 that pretty much enacts the xenophobia that Trump kind of rode 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00046-00017574-00018053 on during his campaign and into his presidential tenure. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00047-00018053-00018383 The Court ignored all that, saying that's irrelevant, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00048-00018383-00018662 and instead basically agreed with the Trump administration 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00049-00018662-00019048 in saying that the President does have unlimited power 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00050-00019048-00019327 and if he says, national security, then that means 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00051-00019327-00019672 that national security is actually what's at issue, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00052-00019672-00020029 and that can be used to exclude groups of people 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00053-00020029-00020265 and that can be used to enact a discriminatory 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00054-00020265-00020499 immigration policy. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00055-00020499-00020773 So now fast-forwarding to a couple months later, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00056-00020773-00021129 I'm sure many of you read about this last week, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00057-00021129-00021412 the president enacted a ban, an asylum ban, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00058-00021412-00021782 that essentially prevents people, individuals, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00059-00021782-00022268 migrating from Central American countries from receiving asylum. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00060-00022268-00022442 And it's interesting, because if you look at, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00061-00022442-00022890 so this ban was also enacted via a presidential proclamation, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00062-00022890-00023141 unilateral executive order, and if you look at the 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00063-00023141-00023555 text of this proclamation, it relies on the very same authority 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00064-00023555-00023893 that underpinned the Muslim ban, namely that the president 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00065-00023893-00024488 has unchecked executive power and that if he says a group of people 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00066-00024488-00024925 pose a national security threat, that those individuals can be excluded, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00067-00024925-00025143 because he has the power to do that. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00068-00025143-00025488 So I mean, what this connection between the Muslim ban 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00069-00025488-00026158 and this new asylum ban shows is that policies and rationales and 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00070-00026158-00026487 reasonings that are used in one realm to exclude 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00071-00026487-00026812 one group of people, if those are sanctioned by the courts, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00072-00026812-00027157 which you know, which the Muslim ban was, they will very quickly and 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00073-00027157-00027394 can very easily be used to target a completely 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00074-00027394-00027782 different group of people under a very similar rationale. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00075-00027782-00028127 And you know, we know, and anyone who kind of looks at 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00076-00028127-00028377 President Trump's comments and takes them at face value, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00077-00028377-00028712 knows that both the Muslim ban and all the rhetoric preceding it, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00078-00028712-00029079 and this asylum ban and the rhetoric preceding it 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00079-00029079-00029443 is grounded in racism and it's grounded in xenophobia. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00080-00029443-00029806 But the court, but the Supreme Court when it refused to look at all that 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00081-00029806-00030062 essentially sanctioned the use of national security 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00082-00030062-00030385 as a sort of pretext to allow the president, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00083-00030385-00030633 to allow the executive to discriminate. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00084-00030633-00030951 So that just shows some interesting connections between, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00085-00030951-00031237 you know, policy that was designed to exclude Muslims 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00086-00031237-00031560 and then, a policy that is designed to exclude 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00087-00031560-00031966 Latino refugees and migrants. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00088-00031966-00032179 And the parallels don't stop there. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00089-00032179-00032468 I think they go a little bit further. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00090-00032468-00032687 So this, you know, I spoke about how kind of in 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00091-00032687-00032875 the domestic realm and the realm of domestic policy, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00092-00032875-00033096 domestic law, there's these interconnections 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00093-00033096-00033595 between national security and immigration that extends to the global space as well, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00094-00033595-00034045 because if, in both the Central American countries 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00095-00034045-00034346 from where these migrants are coming and in the Middle Eastern countries 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00096-00034346-00034811 or primarily Middle Eastern countries from which Muslims have been excluded, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00097-00034811-00035170 the US has a pretty long history of imperialism 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00098-00035170-00035476 and war making and military intervention, right? 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00099-00035476-00035917 And it's not, it's not a coincidence that the US has been involved 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00100-00035917-00036297 in very negative ways in both parts of these worlds 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00101-00036297-00036672 and created the conditions from which people are fleeing. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00102-00036672-00036902 And then, when those people are trying to flee those conditions and 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00103-00036902-00037358 seek refuge in this country, we're turning around and excluding them. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00104-00037358-00037613 So, you know, an example. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00105-00037613-00037940 In Guatemala, the US, and this is like, you know, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00106-00037940-00038148 history that throughout the '80s repeated itself 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00107-00038148-00038576 in various Central American countries, in Guatemala, in El Salvador, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00108-00038576-00038918 in Honduras, in Nicaragua, in all these countries, the US 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00109-00038918-00039285 supported right-wing regimes that were brutally oppressive 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00110-00039285-00039496 towards their people, and it supported military 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00111-00039496-00039952 coups that created, you know, decades of violence, which is, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00112-00039952-00040147 or the effects of which we're seeing to this day 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00113-00040147-00040628 and the effects of which are precisely what people are fleeing from. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00114-00040628-00040988 So the US is not some kind of innocent bystander 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00115-00040988-00041313 when it comes to people all the sudden showing up at its borders. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00116-00041313-00041638 Like, there's a history and a global history to this 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00117-00041638-00041824 that we have to recognize. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00118-00041824-00042250 And I think in order to have policies, immigration policies, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00119-00042250-00042781 that are moral, that are compassionate, we really have to understand 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00120-00042781-00043158 history in a way that I think oftentimes in this 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00121-00043158-00043523 country, we try to ignore, We have a very short-sighted view of. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00122-00043523-00043815 Similarly, in the Middle East, the same story repeats itself, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00123-00043815-00044009 maybe on a little bit more of a recent timeline. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00124-00044009-00044407 You know, when the US invaded Iraq, it destabilized that region 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00125-00044407-00044749 and created conditions that led to the rise of ISIS, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00126-00044749-00045035 which is now destabilizing Syria, which is where a lot of 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00127-00045035-00045491 these refugees and immigrants that we have banned are coming from. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00128-00045491-00045990 The US is complicit in the Saudi-led war in Yemen, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00129-00045990-00046255 which has created one of the worst humanitarian crises 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00130-00046255-00046468 of our lifetimes. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00131-00046468-00047172 And we've always had kind of like tension with Iran, ever since we 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00132-00047172-00047455 supported a coup that overthrew their democratically-elected 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00133-00047455-00047683 prime minister, and that's just been an ongoing source 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00134-00047683-00048086 of really brutal economic and foreign policies 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00135-00048086-00048263 towards that country. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00136-00048263-00048683 So I think, just pointing out these intersections 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00137-00048683-00049397 in both the domestic space and globally, to me highlights two points, right? 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00138-00049397-00049782 The first is that these links between the Muslim ban and the asylum ban 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00139-00049782-00050291 and the links between these bans and US foreign policy 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00140-00050291-00050646 emphasizes the fact that our resistance to these policies 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00141-00050646-00051172 has to be intersectional and we have to understand that, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00142-00051172-00051556 you know, one law or one group of policies that's used to target one group of people 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00143-00051556-00051788 can easily be used to target a different group of people 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00144-00051788-00052125 and that we've seen through the Muslim and asylum bans. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00145-00052125-00052389 At the same time, our resistance to these policies 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00146-00052389-00052712 also has to take into account a sort of global understanding 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00147-00052712-00053114 of the issue in a global framework, because oftentimes 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00148-00053114-00053570 policies that are enacted here in the US have global repercussions 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00149-00053570-00054092 and people across the world feel repercussions of things that we, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00150-00054092-00054404 that we allow our lawmakers to sanction. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00151-00054404-00054666 So I think those are just two important principles 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00152-00054666-00055248 to keep in mind when thinking about, how do we kind of continue to resist 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00153-00055248-00055462 abusive and discriminatory state policies? 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00154-00055462-00055860 And then, just one last point about the usefulness of courts. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00155-00055860-00056141 I think when the Muslim, when the Supreme Court 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00156-00056141-00056497 upheld the Muslim ban, it was a pretty disheartening 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00157-00056497-00056849 moment for a lot of lawyers, because just by virtue of our profession, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00158-00056849-00057323 we put a lot of faith in the courts and I think that highlighted 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00159-00057323-00057711 for a lot of folks that while maybe the courts can continue 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00160-00057711-00058062 to be one avenue of redress, that they should not be the 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00161-00058062-00058229 exclusive avenue of redress. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00162-00058229-00058599 And the real organizing and the real resistance 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00163-00058599-00058872 and the real change happens when people organize 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00164-00058872-00059168 and people get together and people change the narratives 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00165-00059168-00059383 and change the stories that we tell about others, 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00166-00059383-00059643 because the courts never lead change. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00167-00059643-00059819 They always follow change. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00168-00059819-00060155 And I think we, you know, we as people and we as communities 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00169-00060155-00060462 and we as people of conscience have to create the change 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00170-00060462-00060666 and change the narrative so that the courts 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00171-00060666-00060850 and the legal system can then follow. 7HSLQ3PWE2M-00172-00060850-00060919 Thank you. 7Hbciyd7d-o-00000-00000144-00000248 take the objectives 7Hbciyd7d-o-00001-00001344-00001592 taking a 7Hbciyd7d-o-00002-00001904-00001984 enemy has f 7Hbciyd7d-o-00003-00002200-00002280 a secured 7Hbciyd7d-o-00004-00002504-00002984 taking c 7Hbciyd7d-o-00005-00003352-00003432 enemy has a 7Hbciyd7d-o-00006-00003928-00004384 c secure 7Hbciyd7d-o-00007-00006431-00006512 taking bravo 7Hbciyd7d-o-00008-00007064-00008584 enemy has delta bravo lockdown 7Hbciyd7d-o-00009-00010232-00011384 taking foxtrot 7Hbciyd7d-o-00010-00012736-00012808 securing f 7Hbciyd7d-o-00011-00014104-00014304 hostile spy plane established overhead 7Hbciyd7d-o-00012-00015104-00015584 foxtrot lockdown 7Hbciyd7d-o-00013-00015840-00016984 losing charlie 7Hbciyd7d-o-00014-00017264-00018384 we lost charlie 7Hbciyd7d-o-00015-00020672-00021184 taking charlie 7Hbciyd7d-o-00016-00022112-00022584 sorry hold down 7Hbciyd7d-o-00017-00023776-00023984 losing charlie 7Hbciyd7d-o-00018-00024208-00025384 taking echo 7Hbciyd7d-o-00019-00025704-00025768 losing a 7Hbciyd7d-o-00020-00025983-00026264 echo lockdown losing b 7Hbciyd7d-o-00021-00026600-00026783 enemy has alpha 7Hbciyd7d-o-00022-00027064-00027160 we lost bravo 7Hbciyd7d-o-00023-00027648-00028183 enemy spy plane inbound 7Hbciyd7d-o-00024-00028783-00028848 losing c 7Hbciyd7d-o-00025-00029176-00029608 multiple enemy spy plane contacts 7Hbciyd7d-o-00026-00029608-00030983 has jolly 7Hbciyd7d-o-00027-00032944-00033784 uh 7Hbciyd7d-o-00028-00034912-00035184 security 7Hbciyd7d-o-00029-00036112-00036584 secure 7Hbciyd7d-o-00030-00037800-00038160 losing c securing bravo 7Hbciyd7d-o-00031-00038760-00038792 taking 7Hbciyd7d-o-00032-00039328-00039712 bravo secure hostile care package inbound 7Hbciyd7d-o-00033-00039920-00040784 d lock down 7Hbciyd7d-o-00034-00041408-00042184 enemy gunship inbound on your location losing bravo 7Hbciyd7d-o-00035-00043048-00043112 we lost b 7Hbciyd7d-o-00036-00043392-00043584 enemies 7Hbciyd7d-o-00037-00043768-00044984 lucy charlie 7Hbciyd7d-o-00038-00045648-00046384 multiple enemies 7Hbciyd7d-o-00039-00047584-00047784 multiple enemy spy plane contacts 7Hbciyd7d-o-00040-00048008-00049184 multiple hostile spy planes detected 7Hbciyd7d-o-00041-00050328-00050584 hmm 7Hbciyd7d-o-00042-00051864-00051896 taking 7Hbciyd7d-o-00043-00053304-00053384 established overhead 7Hbciyd7d-o-00044-00054344-00054784 charlie lockdown 7Hbciyd7d-o-00045-00055432-00055760 losing charlie 7Hbciyd7d-o-00046-00056016-00056184 enemies 7Hbciyd7d-o-00047-00057240-00057584 securing b 7Hbciyd7d-o-00048-00058640-00058984 securing 7Hbciyd7d-o-00049-00059872-00059960 securing delta 7Hbciyd7d-o-00050-00060360-00060488 enemy care package above 7Hbciyd7d-o-00051-00060920-00061784 securing a 7Hbciyd7d-o-00052-00062344-00063184 alpha secure 7Hbciyd7d-o-00053-00063376-00063504 trophy system neutralized 7Hbciyd7d-o-00054-00064536-00064616 losing alpha 7Hbciyd7d-o-00055-00064960-00065984 taking c 7Hbciyd7d-o-00056-00066432-00066520 enemy has a 7Hbciyd7d-o-00057-00066760-00067384 c locked down 7Hbciyd7d-o-00058-00068240-00068784 inbound 7Hbciyd7d-o-00059-00069824-00070184 established overhead 7Hbciyd7d-o-00060-00072880-00073224 fight harper enemies pipeline in town 7Hbciyd7d-o-00061-00073704-00074384 enemy counters by playing inbound we lost 7Hbciyd7d-o-00062-00075032-00075208 multiple hostile spy planes detected 7Hbciyd7d-o-00063-00076896-00077184 detected 7Hbciyd7d-o-00064-00078160-00078584 they've taken these we have to get out of here now 7Hbciyd7d-o-00065-00085576-00085584 you 7Hbciyd7d-o-00066-00087088-00088384 uh 7Hbciyd7d-o-00067-00090288-00091184 so 7Hbciyd7d-o-00068-00095072-00095080 you 7I6EdX8xME0-00000-00000416-00000704 This epic track is perfect for your videos. 7I6EdX8xME0-00001-00001048-00001468 Use it for free. Monetize your videos and don’t get complaints from YouTube. 7I6EdX8xME0-00002-00001723-00002420 A prerequisite is a subscription to my channel and an indication of me in the description for your video. 7IjoDVX17kU-00000-00000504-00001184 Hi, I am Alex. I work with GFBio and I'm here to give you a very, very brief summary of aGFBio Roadshow. 7IjoDVX17kU-00001-00001184-00001777 And also, we’re standing outside, apparently, and that's where you get a lot of yourdata. 7IjoDVX17kU-00002-00001777-00002216 You're probably a researcher in a working group or a single individual that's doing their PhD, 7IjoDVX17kU-00003-00002352-00002928 maybe a postdoc, maybe a professor and you're in the biological and environmental sciences. 7IjoDVX17kU-00004-00002928-00003472 In a roadshow we cover basically two big parts: the essentials of research data management and 7IjoDVX17kU-00005-00003472-00003880 what GFBio can do to help you with your research data management. 7IjoDVX17kU-00006-00003880-00004750 We’ll cover the question of thefate of research data. What’s good scientificpractice nowadays? What are the relevant dataguidelines? 7IjoDVX17kU-00007-00004750-00005168 What does the DFG tell you about what you need to do with your data? We’ll cover 7IjoDVX17kU-00008-00005168-00005816 fair data principles, then will proceed to a data management plan. 7IjoDVX17kU-00009-00005816-00006352 What is a data management plan? Why do you need it? Why is it good andso forth. We’ll cover data documentation, 7IjoDVX17kU-00010-00006352-00006848 we’ll cover metadata. We'll talk a little bit about the difference between data storage andbackup 7IjoDVX17kU-00011-00006848-00007400 from data archival. We’ll also talk about data publication. 7IjoDVX17kU-00012-00007400-00008080 Then we'll talk about whatGFBio does to facilitate all of this. What are ourtools, what are our services? How can we help you 7IjoDVX17kU-00013-00008080-00008664 in your day-to-day practice? Our Roadshow takes about 60 to 90 minutes of your time. 7IjoDVX17kU-00014-00008664-00009314 We come to your place. Your place can be anywhere here on this map or somewhere onthe internet 7IjoDVX17kU-00015-00009314-00009768 Let us know, we'll be happy to visit you. And just, you know, put your pin on the map. 7IjoDVX17kU-00016-00009832-00010360 Here’s a lot of room (3x). You’re in Osnabrück, you’re in Münster, you’re in Bielefeld, 7IjoDVX17kU-00017-00010360-00010846 you’re in Nuremberg. Let us know, we’ll come. We’ll be happy to visit! 7ILA80xK8ro-00000-00000000-00000200 Lit de chien drôle de vol humain 7JNR085AShk-00000-00000000-00000200 DLBC CHARLOTTESVILLE JESUS ONLY IS OUR MESSAGE SUBSCRIBE, LISTEN AND SHARE HABAKKUK 2:2-4;1 SSAMUEL 9:21 1)PERMANENT BUILDING FOR THE CHURCH 2)CHURCH VAN 7KfN3oIugPk-00000-00000513-00001362 I guess what I would have to say is whenever I think about teaching online I’m thinking 7KfN3oIugPk-00001-00001362-00001593 of an individual student. 7KfN3oIugPk-00002-00001593-00002531 I’m thinking what it is they need and what I can provide for them to be successful, because 7KfN3oIugPk-00003-00002531-00002870 that is the whole point! 7KfN3oIugPk-00004-00002870-00003611 And as a designer of the classroom where they will learn and where I will teach, I want 7KfN3oIugPk-00005-00003611-00004351 to make sure that I anticipate their questions, that I think about what their issues and problems 7KfN3oIugPk-00006-00004351-00005373 will be, and I make my expectations extremely explicit, and that every point I’m constantly 7KfN3oIugPk-00007-00005373-00005798 thinking about them. 7KfN3oIugPk-00008-00005798-00007049 I try to isolate it to a single individual so it helps me relate better, but I am very 7KfN3oIugPk-00009-00007049-00007659 conscious of wanting to help them be successful. 7KfN3oIugPk-00010-00007659-00008170 It could be argued that you are giving them too much information, you are doing work for 7KfN3oIugPk-00011-00008170-00008985 them or whatever, and I completely disagree with that. 7KfN3oIugPk-00012-00008985-00009760 Giving them as much information as possible that can help them be successful is not spoiling 7KfN3oIugPk-00013-00009760-00010574 them or making them not self-sufficient; it’s helping them understand in the absence of 7KfN3oIugPk-00014-00010574-00010897 a physical person. 7KfN3oIugPk-00015-00010897-00011570 In the absence of being physically present, they need all the information they can in 7KfN3oIugPk-00016-00011570-00012559 order to make their decisions, take responsibility for their own learning, and to me, we are 7KfN3oIugPk-00017-00012559-00013078 helping students learn how to learn. 7KfN3oIugPk-00018-00013078-00013828 To me, that is the most important thing; helping students understand in this technology mediated 7KfN3oIugPk-00019-00013828-00014129 environment, how to be successful. 7KfN3oIugPk-00020-00014129-00014858 How to use the tools and information that is presented there to achieve whatever their 7KfN3oIugPk-00021-00014858-00015110 academic goal is. 7KfN3oIugPk-00022-00015110-00015812 To give them as much information as possible, I use rubrics and very explicit course information 7KfN3oIugPk-00023-00015812-00016172 documentation, so it’s kind of like a blown out syllabus. 7KfN3oIugPk-00024-00016172-00016996 So it’s not just like an attached file that is 20 pages long; I grouped it up so that 7KfN3oIugPk-00025-00016996-00017884 at a glance a student can see these are my expectations, these are my materials, these 7KfN3oIugPk-00026-00017884-00018279 are my tools, these are my readings, or whatever. 7KfN3oIugPk-00027-00018279-00019488 Everything I can think of that the student would need to know, I put into the course. 7KfN3oIugPk-00028-00019488-00020147 To me, this is like a process of moving form how I was taught in a very teacher centered 7KfN3oIugPk-00029-00020147-00020695 environment to how I would have like to have been taught, which would have been much more 7KfN3oIugPk-00030-00020695-00022237 learner-centered; giving me choices, responsibility, my own engagement, etc. 7KfN3oIugPk-00031-00022237-00023020 The way that can be facilitated by the instructor is to create an environment in which you provide 7KfN3oIugPk-00032-00023020-00023715 choice and options to engage their own interests. 7KfN3oIugPk-00033-00023715-00025013 You need to make it real to them and show them how to apply it immediately in their 7KfN3oIugPk-00034-00025013-00025664 own life. 7KfN3oIugPk-00035-00025664-00026680 No matter what it is you are doing, whether facilitating or presenting content, all of 7KfN3oIugPk-00036-00026680-00027588 it needs to be done from the perspective of the student and in a method that is engaging. 7KfN3oIugPk-00037-00027588-00027922 It is easier said than done! 7KfN3oIugPk-00038-00027922-00028154 I struggle with it every day. 7KfN3oIugPk-00039-00028154-00028891 I’m very conscious of it and I want to be learner centered, I’m constantly asking 7KfN3oIugPk-00040-00028891-00030236 myself, “Am I giving my students the opportunity to learn as much as they can with this? 7KfN3oIugPk-00041-00030236-00030792 Or am I taking away from them by going off on something I’m particularly interested 7KfN3oIugPk-00042-00030792-00031787 in?” 7KfN3oIugPk-00043-00031787-00032364 But it’s not about my passion; it’s about catalyzing that passion in them. 7KfN3oIugPk-00044-00032364-00033116 So at every moment, I have to question whether I am taking away the possibility of learning 7KfN3oIugPk-00045-00033116-00034126 or am I giving them the possibility to learn themselves -- to explore, apply, refute, engage 7KfN3oIugPk-00046-00034126-00034373 with what the concept is. 7KfN3oIugPk-00047-00034373-00034998 If I am doing all of the work, then I am the one doing the learning. 7KfN3oIugPk-00048-00034998-00035893 It is a challenge; it’s not intuitive and it isn’t easy, that is why they call it 7KfN3oIugPk-00049-00035893-00036608 the Practice of Teaching because it is something you have to keep trying to do and trying to 7KfN3oIugPk-00050-00036608-00037302 do better. 7KWxxhhLjdo-00000-00000504-00001592 #CUTE 7KWxxhhLjdo-00001-00002912-00003328 KATZ AND DOGZ 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00000-00000043-00000809 hi lazy Arquitecto, my autocad issue is that sometimes I receive autocad blocks 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00001-00000809-00001484 from clients I cannot explode. I hate to waste time recreating these blocks. 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00002-00001484-00001934 Martha, I have four solutions for your issue 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00003-00002578-00003248 I'm the lazy architect, and let's jump to this new video on AutoCAD issues and solution series 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00004-00003248-00004026 solution 1, how to explode a dynamic block that has been locked 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00005-00004026-00004818 when it was created? so here I have a dynamic block of a person. 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00006-00004818-00005598 now, if I type X to explode and press Enter. if you look down the bottom 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00007-00005598-00006305 here it says can't explode that block. to explode this block first we need to learn 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00008-00006305-00007227 how to unlock a block in AutoCAD. so, select it, left click on it, and pick edit block 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00009-00007227-00007992 you can also double click the block to access AutoCAD block editor. here type PR 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00010-00007992-00008804 to open properties palette. find allow exploding settings and change to yes 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00011-00008804-00009638 close in safe block editor. now, you can explode a block that was locked 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00012-00010451-00011228 if you still can't explode an AutoCAD block, solution two, use AutoCAD flatten command 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00013-00011228-00012005 here, I have an AutoCAD minsert block. these are protected blocks 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00014-00012005-00012775 that were inserted using Minsert command. so, how to explode an insert block? 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00015-00012775-00013352 solution one wouldn't work because if you double click on block to access block editor 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00016-00013352-00013982 nothing will happen. so, how to explode anonymous block in AutoCAD? 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00017-00013982-00014909 simply type flatten on command line and press ENTER. type Y for yes 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00018-00014909-00015213 and press ENTER again 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00019-00015829-00016034 ... 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00020-00016158-00016747 now, you can see your block broken in pieces and you learned how to explode anonymous blocks 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00021-00016747-00017695 solution 3, if you still can explode a block in autocad 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00022-00017695-00018504 use AutoCAD boundary command. first, draw rectangles surrounding your block 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00023-00018535-00019006 second, type boundary on command line and press Enter 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00024-00019006-00019477 make sure polyline is selected and press ok 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00025-00019477-00020161 finally, click inside your rectangle. give it a moment to recreate your block 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00026-00020161-00020813 please save your drawing before using this method as the program might crash 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00027-00020813-00021241 depending on your computer specs 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00028-00021499-00022245 as you can see your autocad block was recreated. simply remove rectangle 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00029-00022245-00022623 and un-explodable block 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00030-00023291-00023497 ... 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00031-00024031-00024606 solution four, if you still want to explode blocks that are un-explodable 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00032-00024606-00025473 use autocad export and import commands. first, select your block and type ctrl C to copy block 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00033-00025473-00026238 second, open a new drawing and type ctrl V to paste your AutoCAD block 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00034-00026238-00027183 third, type export on command line and press enter. pick dgn file, a name 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00035-00027183-00027500 and save 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00036-00028068-00028274 ... 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00037-00028889-00029766 fourth, type import and press enter. find the DGN file you just exported it and open 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00038-00029766-00030044 ... 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00039-00030426-00031208 fifth, explode your AutoCAD block two times. now, you can see your issue 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00040-00031208-00031920 can't explode AutoCAD block was solved. don't forget to give this video a like, 7M8U8Z0ZFNA-00041-00031920-00032630 share with your friends, and click Subscribe for less clicks and more done! 7NoKBDzXJEo-00000-00000000-00000264 Craig Chavis Jr.: Another shortcut to achieving personal 7NoKBDzXJEo-00001-00000264-00000822 and professional growth in life is the infamous PIE formula. S 7NoKBDzXJEo-00002-00000822-00001248 the P stands for performance The I stands for image, and the 7NoKBDzXJEo-00003-00001251-00001662 E stands for exposure. So for performance, make sure you work 7NoKBDzXJEo-00004-00001662-00001971 your hardest. When it comes to your image, make sure that 7NoKBDzXJEo-00005-00001971-00002367 you're adequately branding and marketing yourself. But then the 7NoKBDzXJEo-00006-00002370-00002703 E exposure The most important is that you're constantly 7NoKBDzXJEo-00007-00002703-00003087 positioning yourself for new opportunities and advancement in 7NoKBDzXJEo-00008-00003087-00003495 life. So if you want a quick hack to short cutting your 7NoKBDzXJEo-00009-00003495-00003810 personal professional growth, always remember the PIE formula 7NoKBDzXJEo-00010-00003854-00004101 performance image and exposur 7OyRzV0TjYI-00000-00000000-00000200 free d block europe type beat,free d block europe type beat 2021,free d block europe type beat 2022,d block europe type beat 2021,d block europe type beat 2022,d block europe type beat,young adz d block europe type beat,dirtbike lb d block europe type beat,young adz type beat 2022,young adz type beat 2021,young adz type beat free,dirtbike lb type beat 2021,dirtbike lb type beat 2022,dirtbike lb type beat free,d block europe type beat free 2022,dbe type beat, melodic type beat 2022 #DBlockEuropeTypeBeat #DBlockEuropeTypeBeat2022 #MelodicTypeBeat2022 7RyQKgyx084-00000-00000088-00000338 (techno music) 7RyQKgyx084-00001-00000799-00001047 [Narrator] Strategic Cybersecurity, Module 11: 7RyQKgyx084-00002-00001047-00001289 The Concept of Dataveillance. 7RyQKgyx084-00003-00001417-00001620 Once you have completed the readings, 7RyQKgyx084-00004-00001620-00001810 lecture, activity, and assessment, 7RyQKgyx084-00005-00001810-00001953 you will be able to 7RyQKgyx084-00006-00001953-00002413 articulate Rosenzweig's concept of "dataveillance" 7RyQKgyx084-00007-00002413-00002734 and articulate problems with "dataveillance" 7RyQKgyx084-00008-00002734-00003052 with respect to authoritarian governments. 7RyQKgyx084-00009-00003052-00003265 (techno music) 7RyQKgyx084-00010-00003265-00003666 [Narrator] Welcome to Strategic Cybersecurity, Module 11. 7RyQKgyx084-00011-00003666-00003881 This module covers the concept of combining 7RyQKgyx084-00012-00003881-00004068 big data analysis 7RyQKgyx084-00013-00004068-00004385 with technical surveillance, or "dataveillance." 7RyQKgyx084-00014-00004385-00004539 Traditional surveillance methods 7RyQKgyx084-00015-00004539-00004755 have typically been physical in nature, 7RyQKgyx084-00016-00004755-00005026 with authorities tracking suspected criminals 7RyQKgyx084-00017-00005026-00005143 in the physical realm. 7RyQKgyx084-00018-00005143-00005596 For instance, consider the 2007 terrorist threat in Germany 7RyQKgyx084-00019-00005596-00005836 involving a three-person team of operatives 7RyQKgyx084-00020-00005836-00006203 of the Islamic Jihad Union, or IJU. 7RyQKgyx084-00021-00006203-00006356 These IJU operatives 7RyQKgyx084-00022-00006356-00006615 cased numerous American bases in the country, 7RyQKgyx084-00023-00006615-00006866 looking for the most vulnerable to attack. 7RyQKgyx084-00024-00006866-00007199 Alerted fairly early, American authorities were able 7RyQKgyx084-00025-00007199-00007389 to track the terrorists as they sought 7RyQKgyx084-00026-00007389-00007793 high-concentration hydrogen peroxide to construct a bomb. 7RyQKgyx084-00027-00007793-00007987 The authorities physically tracked 7RyQKgyx084-00028-00007987-00008186 the terrorists' movements for months, 7RyQKgyx084-00029-00008186-00008426 with reports that surveillance of each required 7RyQKgyx084-00030-00008426-00008807 four German counterterrorism agents per eight-hour shift. 7RyQKgyx084-00031-00008807-00009068 As you can imagine, the manpower required 7RyQKgyx084-00032-00009068-00009354 to track these terrorists each day for months 7RyQKgyx084-00033-00009354-00009643 cost the German government an exorbitant amount. 7RyQKgyx084-00034-00009643-00009983 In fact, this was one of the largest surveillance operations 7RyQKgyx084-00035-00009983-00010224 in postwar German history. 7RyQKgyx084-00036-00010224-00010562 We are slowly moving into a world where, increasingly, 7RyQKgyx084-00037-00010562-00010832 such physical surveillance is being replaced with 7RyQKgyx084-00038-00010832-00011000 electronic surveillance. 7RyQKgyx084-00039-00011000-00011241 This "dataveillance," as Rosenzweig calls it, 7RyQKgyx084-00040-00011241-00011447 combines the surveillance techniques 7RyQKgyx084-00041-00011447-00011740 like facial recognition and gate analysis 7RyQKgyx084-00042-00011740-00012020 with analysis of a person's digital dust, 7RyQKgyx084-00043-00012020-00012372 which we leave whenever and wherever we go on the Internet 7RyQKgyx084-00044-00012372-00012737 and which, for all intents and purposes, is permanent. 7RyQKgyx084-00045-00012737-00012965 As the readings for this module indicate, 7RyQKgyx084-00046-00012965-00013284 two trends enable the ability for dataveillance: 7RyQKgyx084-00047-00013284-00013677 (1) nearly exponential increases in computer power, 7RyQKgyx084-00048-00013677-00014121 and (2) similar decreases in the cost of data storage. 7RyQKgyx084-00049-00014121-00014343 Increases in computer power 7RyQKgyx084-00050-00014343-00014592 are making it possible to quickly sort through 7RyQKgyx084-00051-00014592-00014881 and analyze fast reams of data, 7RyQKgyx084-00052-00014881-00015144 such as those produced by the faces and gates of 7RyQKgyx084-00053-00015144-00015379 hundreds of thousands of daily travelers 7RyQKgyx084-00054-00015379-00015625 passing through an international airport. 7RyQKgyx084-00055-00015625-00015986 And storing this data is becoming less and less expensive. 7RyQKgyx084-00056-00015986-00016101 Think about this: 7RyQKgyx084-00057-00016101-00016426 In 1984, storage for 1 megabyte of data 7RyQKgyx084-00058-00016539-00016699 cost roughly $200. 7RyQKgyx084-00059-00016699-00016968 Today, we can purchase a tiny thumb drive 7RyQKgyx084-00060-00016968-00017262 with one terabyte of storage capacity 7RyQKgyx084-00061-00017262-00017404 for under $10. 7RyQKgyx084-00062-00017404-00017664 And these trends will only continue. 7RyQKgyx084-00063-00017664-00017848 As Rosenzweig points out, 7RyQKgyx084-00064-00017848-00018100 these trends increasingly give both the government 7RyQKgyx084-00065-00018100-00018476 and corporations access to our lives and to our digital dust 7RyQKgyx084-00066-00018476-00018653 for some future purpose. 7RyQKgyx084-00067-00018653-00019025 Although we still have adequate protections inside our homes, 7RyQKgyx084-00068-00019025-00019316 problems arise as we enter the public sphere, 7RyQKgyx084-00069-00019316-00019686 where our every move can potentially be recorded and stored. 7RyQKgyx084-00070-00019686-00020168 We are rapidly losing the ability to live in practical obscurity. 7RyQKgyx084-00071-00020168-00020401 The capabilities of big data analysis 7RyQKgyx084-00072-00020401-00020563 are not all bad, however. 7RyQKgyx084-00073-00020563-00020797 For instance, online retailers 7RyQKgyx084-00074-00020797-00020977 might sift through your purchase history 7RyQKgyx084-00075-00020977-00021249 and recommend products based on your preferences. 7RyQKgyx084-00076-00021249-00021475 Police agencies will increasingly be able to 7RyQKgyx084-00077-00021475-00021647 operate more efficiently 7RyQKgyx084-00078-00021647-00021926 by digitally tracking terrorist suspects. 7RyQKgyx084-00079-00021926-00022149 Even so, we have a long way to go 7RyQKgyx084-00080-00022149-00022297 with perfecting these technologies. 7RyQKgyx084-00081-00022297-00022569 Think back to your reading in this module 7RyQKgyx084-00082-00022569-00022866 about the "Non-Obvious Relationship Analysis," 7RyQKgyx084-00083-00022866-00023006 or NORA, system, 7RyQKgyx084-00084-00023006-00023282 that Las Vegas casinos employ to identify 7RyQKgyx084-00085-00023282-00023539 potentially threatening individuals. 7RyQKgyx084-00086-00023539-00023726 NORA may be a good system, 7RyQKgyx084-00087-00023726-00024062 but it was not good enough to identify Stephen Paddock, 7RyQKgyx084-00088-00024062-00024376 the Las Vegas shooter who killed nearly 60 people 7RyQKgyx084-00089-00024376-00024726 and wounded hundreds from his hotel casino room's window. 7RyQKgyx084-00090-00024726-00025049 In fact, given his lack of online presence 7RyQKgyx084-00091-00025049-00025283 and low profile over the previous decades, 7RyQKgyx084-00092-00025283-00025555 no system likely could have identified him. 7RyQKgyx084-00093-00025555-00025832 To end the module on a good note, however, 7RyQKgyx084-00094-00025832-00026163 I will point out that the Islamic Jihad Union terrorists 7RyQKgyx084-00095-00026163-00026272 mentioned earlier 7RyQKgyx084-00096-00026272-00026497 were, with the purported help of 7RyQKgyx084-00097-00026497-00026689 NSA's big data capability, 7RyQKgyx084-00098-00026689-00027141 eventually arrested, prosecuted, and sent to prison. 7RyQKgyx084-00099-00027141-00027332 (techno music) 7RyQKgyx084-00100-00027332-00027458 Quiz Question 1: 7RyQKgyx084-00101-00027458-00027751 Which of the following best describes 7RyQKgyx084-00102-00027751-00028002 the concept of dataveillance? 7RyQKgyx084-00103-00028002-00028497 A: The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) 7RyQKgyx084-00104-00028497-00028769 to track potential criminals. 7RyQKgyx084-00105-00028769-00029127 B: The collection and analysis of personal data 7RyQKgyx084-00106-00029127-00029569 and information about an individual or corporation. 7RyQKgyx084-00107-00029569-00029999 C: A term coined by the Supreme Court indicating 7RyQKgyx084-00108-00029999-00030250 unlawful surveillance by police 7RyQKgyx084-00109-00030250-00030547 using unapproved technology. 7RyQKgyx084-00110-00030547-00030952 D: The ability to sift through large data sets 7RyQKgyx084-00111-00030952-00031227 to determine someone's location. 7RyQKgyx084-00112-00031227-00031407 The answer is B. 7RyQKgyx084-00113-00031407-00031786 The collection and analysis of personal data 7RyQKgyx084-00114-00031786-00031922 and information 7RyQKgyx084-00115-00031922-00032261 about an individual or corporation. 7RyQKgyx084-00116-00032261-00032492 Quiz Question 2: 7RyQKgyx084-00117-00032492-00032688 True or false: 7RyQKgyx084-00118-00032688-00033053 The two trends that have facilitated the explosion 7RyQKgyx084-00119-00033053-00033464 and dataveillance are increases in computer power 7RyQKgyx084-00120-00033464-00033822 and decreases in the costs of data storage. 7RyQKgyx084-00121-00033926-00034084 The answer is true. 7RyQKgyx084-00122-00034255-00034427 Quiz Question 3: 7RyQKgyx084-00123-00034427-00034631 Which of the following is not a way 7RyQKgyx084-00124-00034631-00034823 that authoritarian governments 7RyQKgyx084-00125-00034823-00035199 are likely to use dataveillance capabilites? 7RyQKgyx084-00126-00035199-00035489 A: To track suspected dissidents 7RyQKgyx084-00127-00035489-00035801 using facial recognition technology. 7RyQKgyx084-00128-00035801-00036138 B: To help critics of the government travel 7RyQKgyx084-00129-00036138-00036414 anonymously while abroad. 7RyQKgyx084-00130-00036414-00036755 C: To reduce the ability of its citizens 7RyQKgyx084-00131-00036755-00037052 to anonymously surf the Internet. 7RyQKgyx084-00132-00037052-00037412 D: To identify foreign intelligence officers 7RyQKgyx084-00133-00037412-00037672 operating in their country. 7RyQKgyx084-00134-00037672-00037846 The answer is B: 7RyQKgyx084-00135-00037846-00038096 To help critics of the government travel 7RyQKgyx084-00136-00038096-00038304 anonymously while abroad. 7RyQKgyx084-00137-00038420-00038656 The activity for this module asks 7RyQKgyx084-00138-00038656-00038919 that you assess the amount of digital dust 7RyQKgyx084-00139-00038919-00039284 you have left in the past 48 hours. 7RyQKgyx084-00140-00039284-00039648 Include things such as the websites you have visited. 7RyQKgyx084-00141-00039648-00040087 Include the comments you have made onto social media. 7RyQKgyx084-00142-00040087-00040332 Do you allow Google to track your location 7RyQKgyx084-00143-00040332-00040520 through your cell phone? 7RyQKgyx084-00144-00040520-00040863 Think about the last time you checked your privacy settings 7RyQKgyx084-00145-00040863-00041138 on any social media you may have. 7RyQKgyx084-00146-00041225-00041373 What might an entity 7RyQKgyx084-00147-00041373-00041771 engaged in dataveillance on your internet habits 7RyQKgyx084-00148-00041771-00042133 learn about your life based on the digital dust 7RyQKgyx084-00149-00042133-00042353 you have left behind? 7RyQKgyx084-00150-00042353-00042603 (techno music) 7S01Y-CuXIo-00000-00000163-00000600 So, you asked me before about how I got into educational computing and 7S01Y-CuXIo-00001-00000600-00000933 technology and Logo and all of that. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00002-00000933-00001471 So the way that actually happened is when I first showed up at MIT -- this was 7S01Y-CuXIo-00003-00001471-00001971 the end of the 1960s, and it was that wonderful time when students were 7S01Y-CuXIo-00004-00001971-00002165 doing demonstrations on campus. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00005-00002165-00002571 And I was a new graduate student and, of course, I got to walk 7S01Y-CuXIo-00006-00002571-00002923 around and smell the tear gas, which was one of the wonderful things 7S01Y-CuXIo-00007-00002923-00003211 about campuses in those days. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00008-00003211-00003918 And the Students for a Democratic Society at MIT had occupied the President's office. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00009-00003918-00004492 And they were sitting around there doing wonderful things like re-playing 7S01Y-CuXIo-00010-00004492-00004857 the tapes of the IBM Selectric typewriters so they could see all 7S01Y-CuXIo-00011-00004857-00005362 the official MIT correspondence over the last month or something. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00012-00005362-00005629 And they decided to hold open house in the President's office. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00013-00005629-00006060 And I was a new graduate student and I said, "Gosh, I'm never going 7S01Y-CuXIo-00014-00006060-00006576 to get a chance to see the MIT President's office. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00015-00006576-00006882 Never in my life will I ever be in the MIT President's office! 7S01Y-CuXIo-00016-00006882-00007013 I'm just a graduate student." 7S01Y-CuXIo-00017-00007013-00007150 So I figured I'd go in for the open house. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00018-00007150-00008017 So I walked in and there were a bunch of people sitting around on the floor in the 7S01Y-CuXIo-00019-00008017-00008168 President's office, talking and having a good time. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00020-00008168-00008653 And I ran into a fellow that I had gone to high school with, who I had lost track 7S01Y-CuXIo-00021-00008653-00008917 of when we were both undergraduates. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00022-00008917-00009164 And I said "Hi" and we greeted each other and he 7S01Y-CuXIo-00023-00009164-00009295 said "Hal, what are you doing?" 7S01Y-CuXIo-00024-00009295-00009514 And I said, "Gee, Ron, I'm just here at MIT. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00025-00009514-00009831 This is my first week as a graduate student. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00026-00009831-00010047 I'm looking for a job." 7S01Y-CuXIo-00027-00010047-00010574 And he said, "I heard the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory is a nice place to work. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00028-00010574-00010795 Why don't you go over and ask there?" 7S01Y-CuXIo-00029-00010795-00011011 So I walked over to the Artificial Intelligence laboratory 7S01Y-CuXIo-00030-00011011-00011481 and I found out there was going to be a talk by a guy named Seymour 7S01Y-CuXIo-00031-00011481-00011750 Papert. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00032-00011750-00012339 And I went to the talk and it was about this idea that kids, 7S01Y-CuXIo-00033-00012339-00012538 that kids could program computers. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00034-00012538-00013136 You know, this was 1969 when computers cost millions and millions of dollars. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00035-00013136-00013453 It just blew me away, the idea that you could be thinking 7S01Y-CuXIo-00036-00013453-00013660 like that. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00037-00013660-00014169 So I walked around the AI Lab some more the next week 7S01Y-CuXIo-00038-00014169-00014610 and at one point got in the elevator -- was walking around looking 7S01Y-CuXIo-00039-00014610-00015016 -- and then two floors later, the elevator stopped and the door opened 7S01Y-CuXIo-00040-00015016-00015244 and Papert walked in. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00041-00015244-00015344 So I introduced myself. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00042-00015344-00015734 I said, "I really liked his talk and I'm a brand new graduate student and I'm looking 7S01Y-CuXIo-00043-00015734-00015834 for a job." 7S01Y-CuXIo-00044-00015834-00015936 And he said, "Well, who are you working for?" 7S01Y-CuXIo-00045-00015936-00016111 And I said, "I don't know, can I work for you?" 7S01Y-CuXIo-00046-00016111-00016419 And he said "Well, yeah, you can work for me." 7S01Y-CuXIo-00047-00016419-00016553 And that's how this all got started. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00048-00016553-00016931 That's how I got into educational technology and that's how I got into the career 7S01Y-CuXIo-00049-00016931-00017078 that I'm in. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00050-00017078-00017742 I like telling this story to MIT students who come in and are just 7S01Y-CuXIo-00051-00017742-00018405 very deliberate in having their life planned out. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00052-00018405-00018940 Just last week, I was supervising contest judging from students 7S01Y-CuXIo-00053-00018940-00019179 who were making applications they thought other students could 7S01Y-CuXIo-00054-00019179-00019279 use. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00055-00019279-00019765 And one of them was making a scheduler that you could 7S01Y-CuXIo-00056-00019765-00020141 use when you show up as a freshman at MIT and plot out what your 7S01Y-CuXIo-00057-00020141-00020362 courses would be over the next four years. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00058-00020362-00020547 And he was real proud of it. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00059-00020547-00020862 And I said to him, "Do you actually think that's a good thing, 7S01Y-CuXIo-00060-00020862-00021048 that people should have that thing?" 7S01Y-CuXIo-00061-00021048-00021434 He sort of ... it's like he never thought about that 7S01Y-CuXIo-00062-00021434-00021559 question before. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00063-00021559-00022162 Students these days do not appreciate the critical impact of 7S01Y-CuXIo-00064-00022162-00022510 randomness in your life. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00065-00022510-00023169 I deeply believe that the way you sort of are going to be successful is to allow yourself 7S01Y-CuXIo-00066-00023169-00023576 to be carried by randomness to a certain amount and take advantage 7S01Y-CuXIo-00067-00023576-00024075 of the things that come along. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00068-00024075-00024518 My daughter, when she was in high school, we talked 7S01Y-CuXIo-00069-00024518-00024729 about, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" 7S01Y-CuXIo-00070-00024729-00025092 And I sort of said, "The important thing is that you don't know. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00071-00025092-00025596 It's really important not to know and not to have it planned out 7S01Y-CuXIo-00072-00025596-00026129 and not to decide at age 15 what you are going to be doing for the 7S01Y-CuXIo-00073-00026129-00026229 next 20 years." 7S01Y-CuXIo-00074-00026229-00026427 And I like to tell that little story about how I got 7S01Y-CuXIo-00075-00026427-00026527 into what I am doing as an example of that. 7S01Y-CuXIo-00076-00026527-00026528 ["Thank you" from interviewer.] 7TzqbMAHCXM-00000-00005507-00006523 Mengenal 6 Ciri dalam Profil Pelajar Pancasila yang Sesuai dengan Visi dan Misi Kemendikbud 7TzqbMAHCXM-00001-00006523-00006623 Profil Pelajar Pancasila ini tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 7TzqbMAHCXM-00002-00006623-00006723 Nomor 22 Tahun 2020. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00003-00006723-00006823 Dalam Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 22 Tahun 2020 ini dijelaskan bahwa Profil 7TzqbMAHCXM-00004-00006823-00006923 Pelajar Pancasila memiliki 6 ciri yang sesuai dengan Visi dan Misi dari Kemendikbud. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00005-00006923-00007023 Profil Pelajar Pancasila merupakan perwujudan siswa Indonesia sebagai pelajar sepanjang 7TzqbMAHCXM-00006-00007023-00007123 hayat yang punya kompetensi global dan berperilaku sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Pancasila. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00007-00007123-00007223 Dalam menjalankan tugasnya ini, Profil Pelajar Pancasila punya 6 ciri utama. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00008-00007223-00007323 6 ciri utama Profil Pelajar Pancasila ini memiliki ciri yang berbeda, sehingga akan 7TzqbMAHCXM-00009-00007323-00007423 diterangkan sebagai berikut ini. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00010-00007423-00007523 1. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00011-00007523-00007623 Beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME, dan berakhlak mulia 7TzqbMAHCXM-00012-00007623-00007723 Pelajar Indonesia yang beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME, dan berakhlak mulia adalah pelajar 7TzqbMAHCXM-00013-00007723-00007823 yang berakhlak dalam hubungan dengan Tuhan YME. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00014-00007823-00007923 Ada 5 elemen kunci yaitu akhlak beragama, akhlak pribadi, akhlak pada manusia, akhlak 7TzqbMAHCXM-00015-00007923-00008023 pada alam, serta akhlak bernegara. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00016-00008023-00008123 2. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00017-00008123-00008223 Berkebinekaan global 7TzqbMAHCXM-00018-00008223-00008323 Pada hal ini pelajar Indonesia mempertahankan budaya luhur, lokalitas dan identitasnya, 7TzqbMAHCXM-00019-00008323-00008423 serta tetap berpikiran terbuka dalam berinteraksi dengan budaya lain. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00020-00008423-00008523 Sehingga menumbuhkan rasa saling menghargai dan tidak bertentangan dengan budaya luhur 7TzqbMAHCXM-00021-00008523-00008623 bangsa. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00022-00008623-00008723 3. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00023-00008723-00008823 Bergotong royong 7TzqbMAHCXM-00024-00008823-00008923 Pelajar Indonesia punya kemampuan bergotong royong, yaitu sebuah kemampuan untuk melakukan 7TzqbMAHCXM-00025-00008923-00009023 kegiatan secara bersama-sama dengan suka rela agar kegiatan yang dikerjakan bisa berjalan 7TzqbMAHCXM-00026-00009023-00009123 lancar. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00027-00009123-00009223 4. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00028-00009223-00009323 Mandiri 7TzqbMAHCXM-00029-00009323-00009423 Ciri Profil Pelajar Pancasila yang berikutnya adalah pelajar Indonesia merupakan pelajar 7TzqbMAHCXM-00030-00009423-00009523 mandiri. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00031-00009523-00009623 Pelajar yang bertanggung jawab dalam proses dan hasil belajarnya. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00032-00009623-00009723 Elemen kunci mandiri terdiri dari kesadaran akan diri, situasi yang dihadapi, dan regulasi 7TzqbMAHCXM-00033-00009723-00009823 diri. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00034-00009823-00009923 5. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00035-00009923-00010023 Bernalar kritis 7TzqbMAHCXM-00036-00010023-00010123 Pelajar yang bernalar kritis mampu secara objektif memproses informasi berupa kualitatif 7TzqbMAHCXM-00037-00010123-00010223 ataupun kuantitatif, membangun keterkaitan antara beragam informasi, serta menganalisis 7TzqbMAHCXM-00038-00010223-00010323 informasi, menyimpulkan dan mengevaluasinya. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00039-00010323-00010423 6. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00040-00010423-00010523 Kreatif 7TzqbMAHCXM-00041-00010523-00010623 Pelajar kreatif mampu menghasilkan sesuatu yang orisinal, bermanfaat, bermakna dan berdampak. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00042-00010623-00010723 Elemen kunci kreatif terdiri dari menghasilkan gagasan, tindakan dan karya yang orisinal. 7TzqbMAHCXM-00043-00010723-00010823 Itulah keenam ciri utama dari Profil Pelajar Pancasila yang sesuai dengan Visi dan Misi 7TzqbMAHCXM-00044-00010823-00010923 Kemendikbud Keenam ciri utama Profil Pelajar Pancasila 7TzqbMAHCXM-00045-00010923-00010924 ini telah diterangkan dan dijelaskan di dalam laman resmi Kemendikbud 7UhD-QiMKW8-00000-00000016-00000256 Hi friends! It's Monica and 7UhD-QiMKW8-00001-00000256-00000592 today I'm going to be unboxing an Unplugged book box 7UhD-QiMKW8-00002-00001040-00001632 So Unplugged is a subscription book box that has a focus on self-care 7UhD-QiMKW8-00003-00001632-00002272 and they pick out books that are less known to I guess the majority of the public 7UhD-QiMKW8-00004-00002352-00003016 and I really enjoy that about them and I do have a rep code and it's BIBLIO5 7UhD-QiMKW8-00005-00003016-00003336 I will show that on the screen and in this description below and 7UhD-QiMKW8-00006-00003336-00003728 I'll be unboxing the April young adult box 7UhD-QiMKW8-00007-00003728-00003872 I'm going to be moving a little bit over 7UhD-QiMKW8-00008-00003872-00004240 so I could display some of the items on the shelf behind me. 7UhD-QiMKW8-00009-00004360-00004648 I think this one... this is heavy this month 7UhD-QiMKW8-00010-00004648-00005152 So this month's theme is Power and 7UhD-QiMKW8-00011-00005152-00005680 it's the young adult April 2021 box and this is the spoiler card 7UhD-QiMKW8-00012-00005680-00006616 So the first item right on top is coffee actually so this is Luke's Star Hollow, Connecticut, 7UhD-QiMKW8-00013-00006616-00006895 houseblend ground coffee brewed for Luke's Diner 7UhD-QiMKW8-00014-00006968-00007344 and this is made by Fair Dinkum Coffee Co 7UhD-QiMKW8-00015-00007344-00007640 and this is inspired by the Gilmore Girls 7UhD-QiMKW8-00016-00007640-00008208 I'm actually not familiar with the TV show so i don't know who- what Luke's Diner is 7UhD-QiMKW8-00017-00008208-00008504 But the coffee does smell really good 7UhD-QiMKW8-00018-00008504-00008704 The next item is really bubble wrapped 7UhD-QiMKW8-00019-00008872-00009592 Okay so this is a candle. It's Girl on Fire. It's a Hunger Games candle. 7UhD-QiMKW8-00020-00009592-00010200 It's made by Fiction Field Candles and it has the scents: moss, amber, sea grass, and sage 7UhD-QiMKW8-00021-00010368-00011144 and it's unplugged exclusive. Wow, it smells really fresh and woodsy. 7UhD-QiMKW8-00022-00011144-00011440 I love candles and perfect for the self-care theme. 7UhD-QiMKW8-00023-00011440-00012480 The next item here is a whipped scrub and this is inspired from When Dimple Met Rishi 7UhD-QiMKW8-00024-00012480-00012824 The scents are cherry blossom and true love 7UhD-QiMKW8-00025-00012824-00013272 and if you're curious about the ingredients: they're right there 7UhD-QiMKW8-00026-00013424-00013632 and this is made by Natural Pure Honest 7UhD-QiMKW8-00027-00013776-00013928 Sealed for your protection 7UhD-QiMKW8-00028-00013928-00014216 It smells really good and that's how it looks like 7UhD-QiMKW8-00029-00014216-00014463 It's like a pink color 7UhD-QiMKW8-00030-00014463-00015080 We have a bunch of crinkles, paper crinkles... 7UhD-QiMKW8-00031-00015080-00015680 And we have a spoon and it says "books and coffee" 7UhD-QiMKW8-00032-00015912-00016752 and the spoon is- it's just a bookish coffee spoon and it matches for the coffee that we got 7UhD-QiMKW8-00033-00016880-00017536 OK This is a jade roller so it's [used] on your face 7UhD-QiMKW8-00034-00017536-00017824 And it says "You, my queen, are fair" 7UhD-QiMKW8-00035-00017968-00018328 And this is inspired by the Lunar Chronicles 7UhD-QiMKW8-00036-00018328-00018584 "Use this exclusive jade roller to massage your face" 7UhD-QiMKW8-00037-00018584-00018944 I actually don't own one of these so this is really handy. 7UhD-QiMKW8-00038-00018944-00019632 The next item is a luxury foot soak so this is from the Fairy Hideout 7UhD-QiMKW8-00039-00019632-00020320 Tea's Resurrection luxury foot soak. The scents of Apothecary potions, absinthe, and cherry 7UhD-QiMKW8-00040-00020320-00020784 For recovery after accidental resurrection inspired by The Bone Witch 7UhD-QiMKW8-00041-00020784-00021208 And yeah, we're not done. Unplugged Box - they stuff these boxes to the brim. 7UhD-QiMKW8-00042-00021304-00021464 We actually have a glass 7UhD-QiMKW8-00043-00021520-00021880 I'm really happy [it] did not break during transport 7UhD-QiMKW8-00044-00021880-00022160 This glass is inspired by The Raven Cycle 7UhD-QiMKW8-00045-00022160-00022352 So this quote says: "My words are 7UhD-QiMKW8-00046-00022352-00022904 unerring tools of destruction and I've come unequipped to disarm them" Maggie Stiefvater 7UhD-QiMKW8-00047-00022904-00023536 and then the other side is another quote: "The head is too wise. The heart is all fire." 7UhD-QiMKW8-00048-00023536-00023688 That's really great. 7UhD-QiMKW8-00049-00023800-00024016 Now, we have paper products 7UhD-QiMKW8-00050-00024016-00024800 So we do have a bookmark. This one says "We don't need words, we just know." By Akemi Dawn Bowen. 7UhD-QiMKW8-00051-00024864-00025160 This is inspired by Starfish 7UhD-QiMKW8-00052-00025216-00025528 On the flip side, this side says: 7UhD-QiMKW8-00053-00025528-00025872 "We all have to dream our own dreams. We only get one life 7UhD-QiMKW8-00054-00025872-00026144 to live - live it for yourself, not anyone else." 7UhD-QiMKW8-00055-00026248-00026752 Okay the other paper products are going to be showing off the book [see them later] 7UhD-QiMKW8-00056-00026752-00027208 And we get the book wrapped in this nice paper wrapping 7UhD-QiMKW8-00057-00027327-00027872 The book of the month is Dragonfly Girl by Marti Liembach 7UhD-QiMKW8-00058-00027960-00028536 So I actually did recently haul this and I'm really excited for this one 7UhD-QiMKW8-00059-00028536-00029008 I will be reading the description here. 7UhD-QiMKW8-00060-00035472-00035912 That sounds really really nice and it's a purple hardback 7UhD-QiMKW8-00061-00036032-00036584 and with that, we do get a Dragonfly Girl bookmark 7UhD-QiMKW8-00062-00036928-00037160 and a signed book plate 7UhD-QiMKW8-00063-00037160-00037760 and we also have an author letter and just like a nice graphic on the back 7UhD-QiMKW8-00064-00037992-00038384 We do have instructions on how to use the jade roller 7UhD-QiMKW8-00065-00038480-00038752 and we have the photo challenge on the other side 7UhD-QiMKW8-00066-00038848-00039104 That was everything in this Unplugged book box 7UhD-QiMKW8-00067-00039104-00039440 And Power was the theme again 7UhD-QiMKW8-00068-00039440-00039640 We do have the themes for May. 7UhD-QiMKW8-00069-00039640-00040200 The Young Adult book box is Imagination and the Adult book box is Vitality 7UhD-QiMKW8-00070-00040288-00040912 and on the other side, Unplugged is having a special edition One Last Stop box 7UhD-QiMKW8-00071-00040912-00041296 in collaboration with Casey McQuiston for her book One Last Stop 7UhD-QiMKW8-00072-00041376-00041856 and you could go check that out and it is available for purchase now. 7UhD-QiMKW8-00073-00041856-00042464 So that was my conclusion of the unboxing of the Unplugged April Young Adult 2021 box 7UhD-QiMKW8-00074-00042528-00043024 and if you're interested in purchasing your own Unplugged book box 7UhD-QiMKW8-00075-00043024-00043280 I do again have that rep code and 7UhD-QiMKW8-00076-00043280-00043584 I will show that on the screen here and in the description below 7UhD-QiMKW8-00077-00043656-00044056 Thanks so much for watching. Give me a thumbs up and comment down below: 7UhD-QiMKW8-00078-00044056-00044296 what is your self-care routine! 7UhD-QiMKW8-00079-00044352-00044491 I'll see you guys next time! 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00000-00000000-00000050 Y'all ready? Y'all ready? 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00001-00000562-00000696 Welcome to the 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00002-00000696-00000930 Upside Down Smilie Show 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00003-00000930-00001142 where we talk about real life 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00004-00001142-00001382 but we don't take life too seriously 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00005-00001382-00001631 I don't know how to use the internet 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00006-00001631-00001823 Is this MMT headquarters? 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00007-00001823-00002074 We are at MMT headquarters 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00008-00002074-00002174 and we are talking about honesty 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00009-00002174-00002288 cue the intro 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00010-00003828-00003974 So my name is Shereene 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00011-00003974-00004234 Kunal and do you like to go by Ria? 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00012-00004234-00004340 We're in Jersey 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00013-00004340-00004868 so bit of a different background today we're gonna talk about honesty and the 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00014-00004869-00005307 reason why I chose that topic for them it's because they have a podcast called 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00015-00005307-00005723 Mild Mannered and Timid and tell them what it's about 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00016-00005723-00006080 we're basically we started it by just saying we're like three brown folks that are 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00017-00006080-00006452 tired of the safe shit 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00018-00006453-00007058 we have an irreverent take on what it's like to be Indian here in America 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00019-00007059-00007397 but also in India cuz we do a lot with like I think like a lot of people don't 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00020-00007398-00007748 know what's going on over there yeah so we try to report as much as we can 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00021-00007748-00007926 on what's happening over there 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00022-00007926-00008190 and how it relates to here 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00023-00008190-00008565 I appreciate that because I don't know a lot about that. I'm learning 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00024-00008565-00008853 whenever we go through the articles I'm like I don't you know why we started 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00025-00008853-00009218 that you probably started and got interested 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00026-00009218-00009699 I was like look at the stupid shit going on over there 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00027-00009699-00010020 My show is about about real talk sharing everyday people's stories 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00028-00010020-00010389 because I think there's a lot of podcast a lot of shows about famous 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00029-00010389-00010749 people and I feel it's important to hear from everyday people 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00030-00010749-00011181 and to understand that you have value in your stories and that your story should 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00031-00011181-00011460 be shared so we are three people 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00032-00011460-00011703 that are about honesty and just keeping it real 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00033-00011703-00012154 because why would you want 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00034-00012154-00012488 to anything else? 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00035-00012488-00012798 Why? I just don't get it 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00036-00012798-00013299 I think I gravitated towards your guys's podcast because of that and then 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00037-00013299-00013686 also this I don't even know how I started following you guys yeah it was 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00038-00013686-00013971 really nice you just like messaged us one day and it was just really sweet you 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00039-00013971-00014304 and your husband both 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00040-00014304-00014622 and I was just like these people are really nice 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00042-00015303-00015624 I told her specifically because she gets a lot of DMS and a lot of things sometimes 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00043-00015624-00015966 and she'll miss it so I specifically was like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00044-00015966-00016136 when you see these two 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00045-00016136-00016278 make sure you respond and 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00046-00016278-00016424 I was already about to 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00047-00016425-00016731 I was genuinely surprised I was like wow nice people 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00048-00016731-00017148 yeah I think he may have been already following you guys he was aware 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00049-00017148-00017589 some work somehow and I'm trying to remember when because 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00050-00017589-00017991 you've been sharing some stuff from last year and I think it must 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00051-00017991-00018279 have been after that because I don't think I ever saw anything about 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00052-00018279-00018744 Shawn Mendes performance share what you 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00053-00018744-00019041 guys do because I feel like I kind of connects with this whole idea right yeah 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00054-00019041-00019557 what we do as in life in life whatever you want to share what you do as a 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00055-00019557-00020320 person as a person you like to eat 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00056-00020350-00020698 I am by training and education I'm an attorney 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00057-00020698-00021196 I was creative for a really I say was always it's so weird 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00058-00021196-00021613 you're still doing this shit you have a podcast 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00060-00021850-00022330 I was a creative well before I decided to pursue my legal studies and 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00061-00022330-00022762 the reason I became a lawyer was just because I was like the people 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00062-00022762-00023155 who get f'ed first are usually the artists and creatives and the ones who 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00063-00023155-00023497 are gonna get screwed first are gonna be the Indian ones because we 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00064-00023497-00023890 don't have any representation over there and you know I was selfish in the sense 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00065-00023890-00024178 that I was like maybe I could make some money there but secondly I was like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00066-00024178-00024495 somebody needs to teach them because they're just gonna go sign away all their rights 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00067-00024495-00025033 exactly I think also all that information is 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00068-00025033-00025432 interjected into your podcast because it's about you guys and it's 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00069-00025432-00025776 about your story it's about your journey and you're a musician 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00070-00025776-00026332 I'm a musician I wasn't always a full time musician but I 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00071-00026332-00026701 recently started taking that dive and he has been helping me with my 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00072-00026701-00027177 contract my legal stuff I wouldn't know half the things about what I own versus 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00073-00027177-00027562 what I'm allowed to get when it comes to like companies who offer me 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00074-00027562-00027982 stuff or whatever it is I wouldn't know about it if it wasn't for him and you 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00075-00027982-00028464 know it's not that that we focus that topic on to the podcast but it is a 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00076-00028464-00028924 huge part of who we are and being honest about the artistic 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00077-00028924-00029045 process 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00078-00029045-00029272 It does color a lot of our experiences 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00079-00029272-00029680 a lot of people would they reached out to us about the podcast pretty much because nobody else 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00080-00029680-00030061 who's kind of like doing it saying it the way that we are yes three 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00081-00030061-00030427 voices right and it's like the three of us have pretty different 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00082-00030427-00030695 viewpoints on things I jump out the window a lot 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00083-00030695-00030810 We have a common ground though 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00084-00030810-00031299 And then Ria and Kush reel it back in Kush is the guy that 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00085-00031299-00031773 kind of just like he will always try to play devil's advocate just to see I 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00086-00031773-00032214 want to punch him in his face he does that a lot Kunal he's been in this game for 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00087-00032214-00032535 a long time so he knows a lot of things that you have colored his 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00088-00032535-00032841 vision over time and I'm kind of just getting into it so I have this and 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00089-00032841-00033123 I also have a female perspective on a lot of things You're also just 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00090-00033123-00033573 practical yeah and sensible and I think you are just shamelessly you 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00091-00033573-00034070 yeah I guess so As we all should be 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00092-00034070-00034266 I think that's probably a 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00093-00034266-00034728 part of why we're so honest is because we're very aware of who we are 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00094-00034728-00035142 right and I think that was a journey probably in itself Indian people in 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00095-00035142-00035670 genera they just kind of struggle with just keeping it really just like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00096-00035670-00036174 being honest because it's like the issue of shame 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00097-00036174-00036636 trying to put off this image status all that shit is so 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00098-00036636-00037014 important I think is like a lot of times they again they don't know what they're 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00099-00037014-00037479 going for because a lot of us just from the moment we're born we're told 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00100-00037479-00037956 what to do and a lot of people don't break out of that until much 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00101-00037956-00038648 later and so they A. don't know what they really are who they are 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00102-00038648-00038727 what they want to do with life 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00103-00038727-00039252 I think that's the big thing 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00104-00039252-00039561 We don't have a whole lot to look up to so you don't have any role 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00105-00039561-00039969 model it's a time right now where I think a lot of people are realizing that 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00106-00039969-00040275 they're unhappy with their career choices or choices that they've made we 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00107-00040275-00040662 hear about that a lot most of the messages that 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00108-00040662-00041166 I get from singers who are younger or even older are like I wish I could 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00109-00041166-00041451 have done this the ones that are were older I wish I could have done this I wish I had 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00110-00041451-00041823 the courage to do so and the younger ones who are just like you make it seem 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00111-00041823-00042159 like it's not impossible and that's what we were lacking right 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00112-00042159-00042525 representation yeah we thought like we could do this right and so now 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00113-00042525-00042807 that it's happening there's a lot of people were are possibly trying like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00114-00042807-00043213 getting trying to get their foot in and so they're kind of 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00115-00043213-00043537 just confused they don't really have that identity figured out yet so they're 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00116-00043537-00043944 trying to build not only this identity of what they want to be but 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00117-00043944-00044221 also who they actually are and it's just like really confusing 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00118-00044221-00044468 it gets lost sometimes because 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00119-00044468-00044668 who you want to be may not be exactly you are today 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00120-00044668-00045211 and that's okay because I think this all can be aspirational but 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00121-00045211-00045760 you can take steps to move forward in that direction 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00122-00045760-00046066 I think the most important thing out of all of this is the reason why we do this 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00123-00046066-00046644 to constantly remain authentic about it the podcast is a total just 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00124-00046644-00047083 offshoot of like the three of us me, him and Kush having conversations on a 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00125-00047083-00047455 pretty daily basis about this kind of stuff and you've 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00126-00047455-00047743 been wanting to start a podcast for a while Kush 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00127-00047743-00048066 actually tried a couple years ago because it was a lot of work on his own 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00128-00048066-00048376 and it didn't end up happening it definitely sucks doing something by yourself 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00129-00048376-00048802 much better in a group we're meeting up anyways we're 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00130-00048802-00049147 working on music he mixes our music for us he's been working with us for a 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00131-00049147-00049531 really long time and we share really interesting conversations so we're like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00132-00049531-00049972 let's record this we have the setup and I was ranting all the time on my 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00133-00049972-00050620 Instagram and that has completely just stop and now you use this as a creative outlet 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00134-00050620-00050747 but people used respond 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00135-00050747-00051072 to all these random rants I have and I felt weird cuz I was like you know 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00136-00051072-00051433 I was just like why am I talking into my phone 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00137-00051433-00051516 but people would respond 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00138-00051516-00051727 and they did want to hear about certain things I was like all 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00139-00051727-00052150 let's just try this because the people are connecting with it and 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00140-00052150-00052830 then not everyone feels comfortable in talking to their phone 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00141-00052830-00053679 I think us three are pretty comfortable right 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00142-00053679-00054066 I think we're just like comfortable maybe like sharing whatever it is a that 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00143-00054066-00054501 stops you from talking into your phone at least in the case of me and I imagine 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00144-00054501-00054787 it's probably for you two as well when you feel you have something important 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00145-00054787-00055116 that you have to say you're able to get past that barrier it feels like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00146-00055116-00055533 your seams are going to burst if you don't I literally I 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00147-00055533-00055945 still don't like doing it you don't love it I just know that it has to be said I 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00148-00055945-00056466 have planned stories in my mind from things from like yesterday 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00149-00056466-00056935 from last night I'm like we're gonna address the fact that a lot of Indian 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00150-00056935-00057361 dudes think it's okay to like touch a girl like I'm gonna address that in 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00151-00057361-00057763 my story I'm gonna definitely address the fact that there wasn't a lot 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00152-00057763-00058204 of South Indian representation at that venue I'm gonna address that I met an 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00153-00058204-00058888 influencer and she was so kind and so it's just like I feel like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00154-00058888-00059314 we kind of feel like maybe it's a part of our purpose and we have this obligation I 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00155-00059314-00059742 almost that I have some obligation because I am so confident and 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00156-00059742-00060229 I feel like I have this voice that I am doing a disservice to the world if I 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00157-00060229-00060637 don't use it once the podcast started getting any traction because 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00158-00060637-00060976 literally the best part of it was we didn't expect anything and I mean that 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00159-00060976-00061377 honest no I love that you guys were like 2 people 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00160-00061377-00061735 the three of us already have this career passion that is going on 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00161-00061735-00062101 it's taking off the music stuff is huge for me it's huge for him he's an 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00162-00062101-00062398 entertainment attorney Kush is an audio engineer we all have these like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00163-00062398-00062745 things going on this just felt like a conversation 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00164-00062745-00063088 and so we expected like we just like started putting these audio clips out 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00165-00063088-00063370 and people were like holy shit this is hilarious slash extremely 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00166-00063370-00063766 relatable and they were like where can we find this what is this what kind 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00167-00063766-00064119 of what is this a podcast we started telling people very vague 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00168-00064119-00064516 we didn't have an Instagram until a week ago it was kind 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00169-00064516-00064966 of like that anti social media not on purpose we really 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00170-00064966-00065232 just don't like it it probably felt like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00171-00065232-00065569 another thing to manager right and we just 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00172-00065569-00065935 realized like there are people who want to hear this because there's enough 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00173-00065935-00066478 podcasts out there like really just like colorful like sugar-coated stuff 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00174-00066478-00066838 sometimes you just got to be like dude these people who say they support you 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00175-00066838-00066966 don't and sometimes 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00176-00066966-00067177 there's certain people you find 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00177-00067177-00067531 that you never expected to support who do right it's just like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00178-00067531-00067783 that people just don't want to hear I've been told so many times like work really 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00179-00067783-00068242 hard and you like get there and I'm just like if that was if that was how it 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00180-00068242-00068650 works like I would have been good so many people are so 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00181-00068650-00068908 talented so much more talented than 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00182-00068908-00069325 people that are on the radio it's not about that and follow your 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00183-00069325-00069784 dreams like I'm gonna obviously follow my dreams stop telling me to 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00184-00069784-00070129 follow my dreams and that things will come when they come in 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00185-00070129-00070597 timing I know that already but that is not actually the 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00186-00070597-00071002 truth of it is that you need to support as much as you say you do and as much as 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00187-00071002-00071398 you say but also no knock to that stuff I sometimes have to hear that stuff 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00188-00071398-00071761 my mental spirit sometimes just 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00189-00071761-00072235 needs to be kind of fead with that like fluff but it's not necessarily 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00190-00072235-00072961 fluff I think it's intentional and it's good but it's not what I 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00191-00072961-00073447 want to put out into the world everything in moderation that stuff helps 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00192-00073447-00073804 us to I tell Rio that - I'll be like listen we just got to 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00193-00073804-00074146 work harder I say that too but there's people that are like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00194-00074146-00074508 hundred and fifty percent out there and they're just like positivity positivity 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00195-00074508-00074810 and it's like Dawg you're probably broke 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00196-00074810-00075078 As I'm wearing positivity is key 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00197-00075256-00075536 this is the coolest dress though 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00198-00075536-00075838 I'm on board with this 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00199-00075922-00076466 maybe I'm wrong but like no I'm not 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00200-00076466-00076790 I don't mean to say those people who say that 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00201-00076790-00077156 are wrong I think it's just when you're looking for real support and real 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00202-00077156-00077489 advice I think it's important to recognize that there's a lot of bumps in 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00203-00077489-00077816 the road and that you have to really stick to your word and support 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00204-00077816-00078134 these people if you say that you do it's really the only thing like I say 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00205-00078134-00078524 time and time again the only reason I'm on Instagram is so that I can 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00206-00078524-00078968 show you my art and you can physically like it cuz unfortunately that's what we 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00207-00078968-00079346 have to count on I can't get a sponsorship until someone else sees I'm 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00208-00079346-00079736 already a well rounded package right there which was not the case 10 years ago 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00209-00079736-00080255 you won't be a well rounded package and attractive to them 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00210-00080255-00080783 until you have like some numbers that because it's all data 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00211-00080783-00081317 they have to see data that will support an investment 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00212-00081317-00081740 but I feel like we talked about support 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00213-00081740-00082487 support I feel is so underrated I think people think that they're supporting 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00214-00082487-00082979 from afar or supporting with well wishes or prayers I 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00215-00082979-00083479 appreciate you praying to God or whoever that is 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00216-00083479-00083936 I need more you got to put your money 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00217-00083936-00084317 where mouth is we need action I need you to share shit we need you to tell people 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00218-00084317-00084683 what else are you really talking to your friends about 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00219-00084683-00085016 going out like this new restaurant why don't you talk to people about 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00220-00085016-00085454 people that you know most people that probably watch my shit 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00221-00085454-00085886 they either know me or know of me right people that are connected to you 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00222-00085886-00086315 somehow they're connected so you have this connection to 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00223-00086315-00086669 someone that is creating they're doing something very scary 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00224-00086669-00087251 they're doing a brave it's free to share shit on we're not actually 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00225-00087251-00087557 asking anyone to pay for anything if they come to our concert if you 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00226-00087557-00087964 come on the show also know if I put on a show if they put on a 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00227-00087964-00088292 show it's gonna be quality we 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00228-00088292-00088645 all know who's the last person getting paid me right like we pay all the 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00229-00088645-00089000 instrumentalists everyone is working everything I'm the last one sometimes I 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00230-00089000-00089366 don't get paid most of the time we try to like make sure that I do but 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00231-00089366-00089747 it because we're trying to make things right economical 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00232-00089747-00090341 for y'all folk it's cool to be able to say all 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00233-00090341-00090662 of this stuff on MMT sometimes I did feel when I was first 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00234-00090662-00091130 trying to gain more fans and stuff I did feel like I had to sort of like the 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00235-00091130-00091594 quiet up a little bit and I was never like I was 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00236-00091594-00091910 always a very nice person but always spoke my mind 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00237-00091910-00092219 and so it felt really strange to now have to be like I'm gonna sing a cover 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00238-00092219-00092654 for you and I hope you like my voice and then like there was a point 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00239-00092654-00092936 where I'm just like yeah it's not cutting it this doesn't feel good 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00240-00092936-00093272 I started being like pretty real I'm sure people have been 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00241-00093272-00093806 supporting and in great ways but I think there could be more 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00242-00093806-00094448 I think about all the people that follow you and if maybe 10% if 10% 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00243-00094448-00094650 of my followers like shared my shit 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00244-00094650-00094876 I'd be poppin you have your network and you have 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00245-00094876-00095230 just a little bit outside of that when you're when your friends like people 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00246-00095231-00095693 you're not closest with but that you do know know 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00247-00095693-00096014 you're in those circles so your close friends will just share it to them 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00248-00096014-00096445 but what's really important is that it gets shared past that 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00249-00096445-00096814 otherwise you're always in a bubble people that don't know you yet 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00250-00096814-00097252 because especially nowadays when there's such an influx of 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00251-00097252-00097643 content and like everyone's doing their own thing it's so saturated it's the 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00252-00097643-00097913 only way people start following you I think it's like proven now is like if 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00253-00097913-00098326 it's a referral from somebody you know it's so much like sometimes I just get 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00254-00098326-00098726 overwhelmed with the amount of people that I follow and I'm like I can't spend 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00255-00098726-00099137 time I'd rather trust what my you know my boy or somebody else is telling me 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00256-00099137-00099536 like hey check this out right I'll trust that that's really the 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00257-00099536-00099824 name of the game nowadays so that's all we ask we're just like hey if you like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00258-00099824-00100274 it don't just simply listen to it and like it we love it that you're 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00259-00100274-00100554 there but like just share it to one more 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00260-00100554-00100970 person that we don't know that's powerful and understand that power 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00261-00100970-00101406 it's truly very powerful what you're doing is you're basically saying 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00262-00101406-00102008 I appreciate this I think other people would appreciate it too if 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00263-00102008-00102360 they don't appreciate it don't share don't do that 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00264-00102360-00102605 sometimes I feel like a whiny bitch maybe people don't share it because they 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00265-00102606-00103078 don't like it hey possibly I mean possibly but I don't know this so 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00266-00103078-00103226 but then why am I getting messages 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00267-00103226-00103448 from people I don't know 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00268-00103449-00103835 that can relate to it it's less that people don't like it it's 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00269-00103835-00104126 just people don't want to go out of their way it takes a second to go out of 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00270-00104126-00104461 their way and they just don't want to do it there's an article I wish I could 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00271-00104463-00104799 find it I haven't been able to find it it broke people down it was a scientific 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00272-00104799-00105204 article and one of the categories was the facilitator and there were 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00273-00105204-00105533 other ones that I thought I aligned with in that article but then that one was 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00274-00105533-00105822 particularly something that I was like oh that's really me because like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00275-00105822-00106208 whenever I'm one of those types of people that whenever something is cool 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00276-00106208-00106599 to me or intriguing to me and there's a very low bar in terms of what's cool to 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00277-00106599-00106846 me like every thing is cool to me 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00278-00106846-00107005 You're just fascinated 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00279-00107005-00107117 I will share it 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00280-00107117-00107400 I literally will always send it 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00281-00107400-00107679 I'll send it to Ria, I'll send it to my best friend, I'll send it to a bunch of people 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00282-00107679-00107988 be like yo look at this but then I realized from reading that 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00283-00107988-00108348 article that like a lot of people don't do that and those 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00284-00108348-00108726 facilitators are the ones who kind of make those connections without 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00285-00108726-00109041 realizing what they're doing we're connectors I definitely consider myself 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00286-00109041-00109358 a connector it's really powerful 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00287-00109358-00109653 it's a really cool thing there was other categories in there like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00288-00109653-00110073 the innovator and stuff which I also think is me as well but yeah we're all 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00289-00110073-00110508 probably that because we are creators 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00290-00110508-00110759 but that facilitator one really it speaks to this 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00291-00110759-00111158 it's not enough that you life something in this day 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00292-00111158-00111582 and age you have the ability to influence at least for brown folks 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00293-00111582-00111963 who's gonna be representing you in future and that's really powerful like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00294-00111963-00112278 our parents didn't have that our parents didn't have it and they didn't care about it 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00295-00112278-00112638 and we kind of suffer from that now where we don't really have people there 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00296-00112638-00112893 and so now you know it's something as 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00297-00112893-00113289 simple as just sharing something that you like could help bring about the 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00298-00113289-00113708 next person who is able to speak on your behalf and support you and help you and 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00299-00113708-00114083 these days you just never know who's got what connection and if 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00300-00114083-00114369 you just share it with somebody who might see that it's important enough to 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00301-00114369-00114723 share with somebody who might be able to really help you that's like really 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00302-00114723-00115083 really powerful and I think that's what we're kind of lacking in if that's what 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00303-00115083-00115419 you guys do then we'll see some results because I feel like you know we're 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00304-00115419-00115811 working our ass off I'm not knocking anyone that doesn't share our shit 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00305-00115811-00116181 we're trying to educate why you should 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00306-00116181-00116655 and especially if you believe in it and I appreciate if you are telling 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00307-00116655-00117006 people in person but I need you to share it on social media as well because 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00308-00117006-00117450 there's just like a sense of legitimacy and it's just the reality if you believe in 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00309-00117450-00117990 something I just feel like why wouldn't you share it because wouldn't you want 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00310-00117990-00118542 more eyes on it like we work really hard and you are bringing more exposure 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00311-00118542-00119193 you're bringing more eyes and so the value of our work goes up because 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00312-00119193-00119751 there's more eyes on it right and so we can put more energy into the correct 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00313-00119751-00120198 things that deserve our energy this is gonna sound so weird but I've said this 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00314-00120198-00120614 a million times before and anyone can fight me about it 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00315-00120614-00121257 but all art is not art some of this crap that people put out is trash and 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00316-00121257-00121508 it's garbage and there's brown people who do it and there's all different 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00317-00121508-00122100 colors and I have another thought because I don't knock people's hustle 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00318-00122100-00122493 unless you're doing hurtful things but I respect your opinion 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00319-00122493-00122976 I'm saying like so then there's only certain people doing things like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00320-00122976-00123399 the MMT podcast I'll be real like we're they're 100 percent honest about all 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00321-00123399-00123807 sorts of topics and will literally tell you we don't know if we're right 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00322-00123807-00124188 we're just trying to bring this up so you can talk about it so you have 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00323-00124188-00124533 the ability to support that if you have the ability to make that decision like 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00324-00124533-00125042 hey yeah this is good I should support this as opposed to just like the same old 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00325-00125042-00125399 we've been seeing for years that doesn't really go anywhere or what's already popular 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00326-00125399-00125819 I am a big 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00327-00125819-00126227 believer in still supporting people that are popular Lilly Singh 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00328-00126227-00126680 the people have already kind of grown to that point because 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00329-00126680-00127004 they still need it because they still need to validate 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00330-00127004-00127490 where they're at right but you really need to support the people that are down 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00331-00127490-00128003 because they have so much growth to do I already know that we 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00332-00128003-00128429 are going to be at a point where we don't have to say this as much because I 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00333-00128429-00128858 I already know in my heart that we are going in that direction I just 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00334-00128858-00129191 need you guys to help us to get there faster how many people do you 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00335-00129191-00129539 know that are saying real shit that's all I'm wondering oh you have 50 people 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00336-00129539-00129910 that you know that are saying real shit and creating something oh cool go 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00337-00129910-00130745 like all their stuff I'm just like mad confused by I'm like oh do you know do 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00338-00130745-00131168 you know four other acoustic singers that are sang for the NBA sang for 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00339-00131168-00131558 AR Rahman and have written a Broadway musical and have done all this other 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00340-00131558-00131969 stuff like do you though because if you have an influx of that type of material 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00341-00131969-00132308 I get why you wouldn't share it since you don't and there's somebody who's 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00342-00132308-00132628 actually really freaking good at what they do 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00343-00132628-00132996 Why wouldn't you like and share that's what confuses me that was my point 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00344-00132996-00133266 and if you'e single and if you're a 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00345-00133266-00133882 female that's single this is the goal you want someone that will hype 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00346-00133883-00134270 the shit out of you that believes in you so hard it doesn't even matter I don't 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00347-00134270-00134927 even think we said we were married we're married that would have been like wait why 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00348-00134927-00135078 is he supporting so much 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00349-00135078-00135396 okay girl you better get away from this guy 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00350-00135396-00135836 And you're her manager I just try to help her as much as I can and as I'm 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00351-00135836-00136086 taking that role on as well 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00352-00136086-00136362 I don't know anything people will say 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00353-00136363-00136681 will say like hey I'm a manager and all you've ever done is one thing in your 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00354-00136681-00136935 life but like I don't know I'm just helping 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00355-00136935-00137107 I'm learning I don't know if I'm a manager 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00356-00137107-00137238 I'm just helping 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00357-00137238-00137288 I'm trying to do what I can to help 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00358-00137288-00137454 He got me the NBA gig 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00359-00137454-00137552 so I mean that's what managers 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00360-00137552-00137674 do and he looks at every single 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00361-00137674-00137866 contract that I don't have the ability 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00362-00137866-00138049 to understand and sometimes I know what's going on I'm 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00363-00138049-00138445 I'm trying to help you believe in the vision you believe in the story you believe in 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00364-00138445-00138808 the talent and that's like the same case with me like the one thing I would be 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00365-00138808-00139282 most disappointed in is if I didn't try try to make it happen right because 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00366-00139282-00139732 she has a talent she has something that could be offered to the world and there 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00367-00139732-00140098 aren't other people yo are there seven other people are there five of the 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00368-00140098-00140431 other three other acoustic singer songwriters who's done what she's done so 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00369-00140431-00140944 then so then cool don't support us but since they're 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00370-00140944-00141289 aren't maybe you should support 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00371-00141289-00141712 we may not always say the right thing I make mistakes all the time in my videos 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00372-00141712-00142258 I say like the wrong thing and I sometimes I'll be like should I cut that out 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00373-00142258-00142477 should I edit that out I sound stupid 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00374-00142477-00142960 I say "um" a lot I say "like" a lot I'm trying to avoid all those things but I'm not 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00375-00142960-00143476 going to let it hold me back from doing this because if 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00376-00143476-00143902 we're not gonna do it who will 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00377-00143902-00144541 to be honest we need y'all to support us 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00378-00144541-00144874 go take a listen to the Mild Mannered and Timid podcast you can 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00379-00144874-00145396 find us on Spotify Apple Google Play Stitcher I Heart Radio just 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00380-00145396-00145687 anywhere you can find us just put Mild Mannered and Timid into Google 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00381-00145687-00146014 you'll find it's easy we're on instagram at @MildManneredTimid 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00382-00146014-00146240 there's no "and" in there 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00383-00146240-00146368 take a listen to a few episodes 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00384-00146368-00146816 just skip around and if you don't like it that's cool but if you do hey 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00385-00146816-00147058 send them a message 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00386-00147058-00147420 my Instagram for music is @RianjaliMusic 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00387-00147420-00147842 and I'm just at @Kalysay and most of his content is 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00388-00147842-00147984 literally me 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00389-00147984-00148096 I know what works 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00390-00148096-00148288 She's killing it 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00391-00148288-00148388 so you should follow that whether or not you 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00392-00148388-00148707 like her or not that's nice just do it just do it 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00393-00148707-00148838 us, Mild Mannered and Timid 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00394-00148838-00148978 you can decide if you like it 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00395-00148978-00149157 So you can know when she pops off 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00396-00149157-00149612 super hard that you can be like I started following her when she was at 6K 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00397-00149612-00150200 and you can be like oh I was like in the beginning I was like when she wasu underground 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00398-00150200-00150392 There's a lot of people that say that to me they're like oh I'm just waiting for you to pop off 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00399-00150392-00150660 because I've been there since day one and I was like shout out to you you're 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00400-00150660-00151040 gonna get the front row ticket when I'm there I see those people I 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00401-00151040-00151258 know their exact handles I remember that 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00402-00151258-00151391 When me and Sanu are 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00403-00151391-00151920 touring around the world DJ show do you guys want to pay or do you 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00404-00151920-00152240 want to come in for free we know you're Brown you know you want 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00405-00152240-00152748 free tickets that's the goal we remember every person that supports 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00406-00152748-00153084 thank you so much to everyone that supports thank you for everyone that messages me 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00407-00153084-00153320 thank you for letting me in your home 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00408-00153330-00153602 She asked our doorman if we were serial killers 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00409-00153602-00154090 because this is the first time we're meeting we might be 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00410-00154090-00154326 Thank you guys so much 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00411-00154326-00154520 Thank you for watching 7ZgnGdTUkXM-00412-00154520-00154670 Bye! 7as1EPqJDAy-00000-00000122-00000494 My name is Aankit Patel, I want to thank you all for coming. 7as1EPqJDAy-00001-00000494-00000848 I did want to introduce my two sort of panelists at co presenters. 7as1EPqJDAy-00002-00000848-00000991 and I'll just hand the mic over. 7as1EPqJDAy-00003-00000991-00001091 Okay. 7as1EPqJDAy-00004-00001091-00001191 So Steven Azeka. 7as1EPqJDAy-00005-00001191-00001553 I am a program officer part of the Robin hood learning and tech fund. 7as1EPqJDAy-00006-00001553-00001832 So we are a, we're private philanthropy. 7as1EPqJDAy-00007-00001832-00002076 That's focused on fighting poverty throughout the city. 7as1EPqJDAy-00008-00002076-00002449 And I specifically focused on investing and several different 7as1EPqJDAy-00009-00002449-00002792 nonprofits, primarily around the computational thinking and computer 7as1EPqJDAy-00010-00002792-00003017 science space for, elementary school. 7as1EPqJDAy-00011-00003017-00003117 Hi everyone. 7as1EPqJDAy-00012-00003117-00003484 I'm Tom Liam Lynch, and the education policy director at the center for New 7as1EPqJDAy-00013-00003484-00003938 York city affairs at the new school, and also editor in chief of a website 7as1EPqJDAy-00014-00003938-00004343 called inside schools, which provides information about New York city schools 7as1EPqJDAy-00015-00004343-00004601 to families and the public as well. 7as1EPqJDAy-00016-00004601-00005204 I asked Steve and Tom to be on this panel, cause we are all passionate about, 7as1EPqJDAy-00017-00005204-00005791 curriculum in our schools because we feel like one it's, it's really important. 7as1EPqJDAy-00018-00005791-00006199 Like for example, Steve has been funding work of mine at CUNY. 7as1EPqJDAy-00019-00006199-00006465 so I worked specifically on a teacher education, to try to 7as1EPqJDAy-00020-00006465-00006870 integrate computer science or computational thinking into schools. 7as1EPqJDAy-00021-00006870-00007261 What curriculum is being used is really important to figuring out how we do that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00022-00007261-00007686 Tom is talking to in like reporting to families and I certainly think families 7as1EPqJDAy-00023-00007686-00008089 are interested in what curriculum are being used with, with their children. 7as1EPqJDAy-00024-00008089-00008327 and then, as I'm thinking about teacher preparation and we're 7as1EPqJDAy-00025-00008327-00008703 sending teachers, student teachers, Undergraduates that are learning how 7as1EPqJDAy-00026-00008703-00008887 this all works out a lot on their plate. 7as1EPqJDAy-00027-00008887-00009210 We send them into student teaching and they're learning how school 7as1EPqJDAy-00028-00009210-00009351 works and who their teacher is. 7as1EPqJDAy-00029-00009351-00009599 There also, they don't have any idea necessarily what curriculum 7as1EPqJDAy-00030-00009599-00009869 is being used with no way to prepare, themselves going in. 7as1EPqJDAy-00031-00009869-00010129 we all have these different reasons that we're interested in curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00032-00010129-00010647 I started poking around, looking for data on curriculum is it's very close to 7as1EPqJDAy-00033-00010647-00010954 like student learning and on all of these projects that we're doing, I couldn't find 7as1EPqJDAy-00034-00010954-00011292 a way to just be able to say, all right, this school is using this curriculum 7as1EPqJDAy-00035-00011292-00011487 for math, this curriculum for ELA. 7as1EPqJDAy-00036-00011487-00011643 I could find lots of information. 7as1EPqJDAy-00037-00011643-00011865 As far as, about those two things. 7as1EPqJDAy-00038-00011865-00012272 And we're really interested in sharing our passion for not only curriculum, 7as1EPqJDAy-00039-00012272-00012775 but other types of data beyond just test scores about our schools. 7as1EPqJDAy-00040-00012775-00013151 Really with the sort of key here, the difference between the types of data. 7as1EPqJDAy-00041-00013151-00013516 I think we're going to try to point out and hopefully share our passion with you. 7as1EPqJDAy-00042-00013516-00013887 is that formatted data that has test scores that have, that are 7as1EPqJDAy-00043-00013887-00014285 in like CSV or day sound format with school identifiers or student 7as1EPqJDAy-00044-00014285-00014436 identifies with things like that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00045-00014436-00014838 And it's really easy for researchers and policymakers or folks to use them. 7as1EPqJDAy-00046-00014838-00015309 And then there's a lot of other data that is open, but it's not accessible. 7as1EPqJDAy-00047-00015309-00015533 where it's, you can't just quickly use it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00048-00015533-00015633 It's messy. 7as1EPqJDAy-00049-00015633-00015924 That's curriculum that's tool services, like especially different special 7as1EPqJDAy-00050-00015924-00016312 ed services that are offered in schools multi-lingual or El services. 7as1EPqJDAy-00051-00016312-00016533 that it's really hard to get. 7as1EPqJDAy-00052-00016533-00016714 And we think it's really important to try to liberate that and 7as1EPqJDAy-00053-00016714-00017034 make it possible for folks, to interrogate it and to know about it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00054-00017034-00017391 so the first question that I did want to start out with, and I think we, we 7as1EPqJDAy-00055-00017391-00017738 wanted to address is it test scores are. 7as1EPqJDAy-00056-00017738-00017931 Important to some extent, because there's a bunch of 7as1EPqJDAy-00057-00017931-00018059 decisions being made about them. 7as1EPqJDAy-00058-00018059-00018424 So we want it frame our discussion, starting with what is available and 7as1EPqJDAy-00059-00018424-00018797 what's structured and then delve into the things that our curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00060-00018797-00019230 maybe Tom, you want to talk about why. 7as1EPqJDAy-00061-00019230-00019422 Yeah. 7as1EPqJDAy-00062-00019422-00019615 Sure. 7as1EPqJDAy-00063-00019615-00020069 so when it comes to talking about the K-12 compulsory education, like we need data to 7as1EPqJDAy-00064-00020069-00020418 work with understand, like what works in schools, what are we basing decisions on? 7as1EPqJDAy-00065-00020418-00020688 Whether it's policy funding, whatever it might be. 7as1EPqJDAy-00066-00020688-00021016 And the kinds of data that we've arrived at as a nation has 7as1EPqJDAy-00067-00021016-00021555 been, achievement scores or test scores and those test scores. 7as1EPqJDAy-00068-00021555-00021713 They're gathered from a couple of different, places. 7as1EPqJDAy-00069-00021713-00022145 And in fact, right now in New York state, if anybody is the parent of a. 7as1EPqJDAy-00070-00022145-00022484 Third through eighth grader, you will probably know from your 7as1EPqJDAy-00071-00022484-00022761 school that like the ELA tests are coming later in this month, that'll 7as1EPqJDAy-00072-00022761-00022886 be mapped the month after that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00073-00022886-00023093 It will be science for eighth graders right after that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00074-00023093-00023420 And then it'll be the regions, New York state's exams as well. 7as1EPqJDAy-00075-00023420-00023993 So these kinds of, these kinds of tests, they do provide a proxy for 7as1EPqJDAy-00076-00023993-00024226 quality of a student's learning. 7as1EPqJDAy-00077-00024226-00024722 what's important to also note though about these kinds of data, is that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00078-00024722-00025389 In the United States, every state tackles their achievement data differently. 7as1EPqJDAy-00079-00025389-00025779 it's a state-by-state issue and that's different than every other country. 7as1EPqJDAy-00080-00025779-00026038 We compare ourselves to internationally. 7as1EPqJDAy-00081-00026038-00026397 So in any other country where you hear, when the Piza scores come out and it's 7as1EPqJDAy-00082-00026397-00026877 the United States has fallen to 30th place in math or whatever it might be. 7as1EPqJDAy-00083-00026877-00027144 Most of those other nations where we're comparing ourselves to, they actually 7as1EPqJDAy-00084-00027144-00027510 handle all of this kind of achievement data collection at a national level. 7as1EPqJDAy-00085-00027510-00027650 There's a national curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00086-00027650-00028066 There's a national ministry that manages the way in which schools 7as1EPqJDAy-00087-00028066-00028192 execute on that curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00088-00028192-00028382 It's not to say there isn't freedom at the school level. 7as1EPqJDAy-00089-00028382-00028558 That's just to say that like it's all hands. 7as1EPqJDAy-00090-00028558-00028822 at a national level, we don't do that in the United States. 7as1EPqJDAy-00091-00028822-00029177 the word education doesn't appear anywhere in a us constitution 7as1EPqJDAy-00092-00029177-00029329 doesn't appear in the bill of rights. 7as1EPqJDAy-00093-00029329-00029508 Doesn't appear in the declaration of independence. 7as1EPqJDAy-00094-00029508-00029824 neither do the words teaching school or anything like that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00095-00029824-00030138 So what happens here is that it's actually a state by state basis. 7as1EPqJDAy-00096-00030138-00030368 And every state tackles it differently. 7as1EPqJDAy-00097-00030368-00030781 Every state is all is on the hook to provide this kind of test score data 7as1EPqJDAy-00098-00030781-00031132 to the federal government, mostly for funding purposes and sometimes 7as1EPqJDAy-00099-00031132-00031472 through verbal for legal as well, but it's handled state by state. 7as1EPqJDAy-00100-00031472-00031822 So that's something really important to, to understand when we are talking about 7as1EPqJDAy-00101-00031822-00032281 test scores, you can be pretty confident talking about a state in terms of how and 7as1EPqJDAy-00102-00032281-00032511 why, which exams they give, how and why. 7as1EPqJDAy-00103-00032511-00032861 Whenever it comes to comparing states, it starts to get a little dicier. 7as1EPqJDAy-00104-00032861-00033206 and certainly when it's about trying to compare our entire country to another 7as1EPqJDAy-00105-00033206-00033529 country, it would be like taking 50 little countries who do their own. 7as1EPqJDAy-00106-00033529-00033974 Averaging their scores and then calling that something, is that helpful? 7as1EPqJDAy-00107-00033974-00034091 Yeah. 7as1EPqJDAy-00108-00034091-00034211 Yeah. 7as1EPqJDAy-00109-00034211-00034867 So Tom, you talk about how, averaging our national test scores across 50 7as1EPqJDAy-00110-00034867-00035156 different states, which is comparing and compiling our, those 50 different 7as1EPqJDAy-00111-00035156-00035529 countries now, even think about just the conversations that you all had when you 7as1EPqJDAy-00112-00035529-00035838 were talking about your K-12 experiences. 7as1EPqJDAy-00113-00035838-00036188 Those imagine trying to just modernize all of those experiences 7as1EPqJDAy-00114-00036188-00036452 and report on it with a test score. 7as1EPqJDAy-00115-00036452-00036908 and the work we do we feel like every day is like, all right, w what we're doing 7as1EPqJDAy-00116-00036908-00037163 and what we're trying to do, the changes that we're trying to make in schools 7as1EPqJDAy-00117-00037163-00037582 are not reflected up into those test scores, because it gets so rolled up. 7as1EPqJDAy-00118-00037582-00037797 so I'd love to bring it down. 7as1EPqJDAy-00119-00037797-00037897 To that level. 7as1EPqJDAy-00120-00037897-00038169 And that's where we'd like to stay for the rest of this is what is the actual 7as1EPqJDAy-00121-00038169-00038678 experience going on in the classroom? and so maybe, I, Steve, I talked to Tom about 7as1EPqJDAy-00122-00038678-00039093 his, learning experience, but maybe you can share yours and maybe, a 7as1EPqJDAy-00123-00039093-00039359 little bit about what in your work as the current state. 7as1EPqJDAy-00124-00039359-00039459 Sure. 7as1EPqJDAy-00125-00039459-00039891 So I'm just gonna send him a bill off of what it's talking about. 7as1EPqJDAy-00126-00039891-00039991 So what are the consequences? 7as1EPqJDAy-00127-00039991-00040366 If we're taking all these measurements, we have all these test scores. 7as1EPqJDAy-00128-00040366-00040476 What happens if I do well? 7as1EPqJDAy-00129-00040476-00040613 What happens if I do poorly? 7as1EPqJDAy-00130-00040613-00041044 So as I was interested in just a minute ago, my experience is 7as1EPqJDAy-00131-00041044-00041263 my background is in teacher. 7as1EPqJDAy-00132-00041263-00041627 So I was a public high school teacher for many years and also the 7as1EPqJDAy-00133-00041627-00041787 elementary school teacher in the city. 7as1EPqJDAy-00134-00041787-00041896 So by the media. 7as1EPqJDAy-00135-00041896-00042271 One of the first things that if your students do poorly. 7as1EPqJDAy-00136-00042271-00042509 That reflects poorly in your own evaluations. 7as1EPqJDAy-00137-00042509-00042906 So there's very real consequences for not only the students, as far 7as1EPqJDAy-00138-00042906-00043213 as their learnings, but there's very real consequences for the teachers 7as1EPqJDAy-00139-00043213-00043391 that are involved with the schools. 7as1EPqJDAy-00140-00043391-00043742 If you consistently perform poorly that they have. 7as1EPqJDAy-00141-00043742-00043954 And it's rather being shut down. 7as1EPqJDAy-00142-00043954-00044431 If your district is doing poorly funders for better or worse owners like myself. 7as1EPqJDAy-00143-00044431-00044920 One of the things that we look at is test scores that we have, we're investing tens 7as1EPqJDAy-00144-00044920-00045277 of billions of dollars that we want to see a return on investment and for better 7as1EPqJDAy-00145-00045277-00045667 or worse, when the only measures that we have that we currently actually measure. 7as1EPqJDAy-00146-00045667-00045888 His test scores. 7as1EPqJDAy-00147-00045888-00046121 So I think that gives us somewhat of a little bit of the landscape 7as1EPqJDAy-00148-00046121-00046403 of where we're at, as far as some of the problems that we have. 7as1EPqJDAy-00149-00046403-00046771 I would love to see if there was more information around, oh, 7as1EPqJDAy-00150-00046771-00046919 what's the quality of teaching? 7as1EPqJDAy-00151-00046919-00047278 What are the actual practices that are going in the classroom that maybe I 7as1EPqJDAy-00152-00047278-00047535 could measure and advocate for that? 7as1EPqJDAy-00153-00047535-00047702 We don't have that type of information. 7as1EPqJDAy-00154-00047702-00048118 and I think one of the things that ended up happening is so many times now with 7as1EPqJDAy-00155-00048118-00048729 funders, we have somewhat of a mentality of if you build it, they will come. 7as1EPqJDAy-00156-00048729-00049088 So because we have so little control over so many other components. 7as1EPqJDAy-00157-00049088-00049247 So what do I mean by? 7as1EPqJDAy-00158-00049247-00049863 So for example, Melinda gates, four years ago, they invested $10 million 7as1EPqJDAy-00159-00049863-00050269 into high quality instructional materials are Robinhood learning. 7as1EPqJDAy-00160-00050269-00050411 Tech does something similar. 7as1EPqJDAy-00161-00050411-00050834 A lot of this, we don't know while we starting to see early indicators that 7as1EPqJDAy-00162-00050834-00051359 these are becoming effective curriculum, but we largely don't know what this will 7as1EPqJDAy-00163-00051359-00051514 actually look like in implementation. 7as1EPqJDAy-00164-00051514-00051853 So there's some challenges that a lot of times we invest in. 7as1EPqJDAy-00165-00051853-00052148 We try our best to see and track what's actually happening, 7as1EPqJDAy-00166-00052148-00052248 but we largely don't know. 7as1EPqJDAy-00167-00052248-00052741 And then we then ask for the test results, if you will, and 7as1EPqJDAy-00168-00052741-00052936 see what is the result of that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00169-00052936-00053239 So there's this whole gap from the time that we invest to the time 7as1EPqJDAy-00170-00053239-00053660 that we actually see the results and the time in between that 7as1EPqJDAy-00171-00053660-00053980 this largely sort of a black box. 7as1EPqJDAy-00172-00053980-00054373 And that's some of the work that we're hoping to do is. 7as1EPqJDAy-00173-00054373-00054673 Maybe there are things that maybe the cricket doesn't even matter, right? 7as1EPqJDAy-00174-00054673-00054944 Maybe it's something else that's happening within the school, but for 7as1EPqJDAy-00175-00054944-00055367 us right now, we're at our to really say, We know it's maybe inclusive, 7as1EPqJDAy-00176-00055367-00055704 maybe strongly correlated, maybe not, but that's where we're at. 7as1EPqJDAy-00177-00055704-00056079 I'll get off my soapbox, but generally where we're at as far as, especially 7as1EPqJDAy-00178-00056079-00056181 from the funding first time. 7as1EPqJDAy-00179-00056181-00056448 I'm riffing on the questions here as I hear what Tom and see we're talking. 7as1EPqJDAy-00180-00056448-00056918 And so the, I think Steve is pointing out that, we don't know, we have a black 7as1EPqJDAy-00181-00056918-00057370 box, so I think for all of you, I'd like to like open what is available right now. 7as1EPqJDAy-00182-00057370-00057616 so Tom, maybe you want to talk about some of the data sources either 7as1EPqJDAy-00183-00057616-00058001 like inside schools or others that I can pull up while you're talking. 7as1EPqJDAy-00184-00058001-00058291 it's occurring to me that, and we'll we're talking about test scores. 7as1EPqJDAy-00185-00058291-00058788 They mean something and in a certain way, they do, as Steve was saying, but in 7as1EPqJDAy-00186-00058788-00059174 another sense, you have to ask yourself, There's a test score actually capture the 7as1EPqJDAy-00187-00059174-00059401 quality of a child's learning experience. 7as1EPqJDAy-00188-00059401-00059879 Does a test score actually capture the quality of a teacher's teaching 7as1EPqJDAy-00189-00059879-00060299 experience and, it's, we could have a very long discussion about that, 7as1EPqJDAy-00190-00060299-00060464 but the answer is not as simple. 7as1EPqJDAy-00191-00060464-00060564 Yes. 7as1EPqJDAy-00192-00060564-00060956 And the answer is probably not a simple, no, either, but it is to say that like the 7as1EPqJDAy-00193-00060956-00061457 one, like confidence set of data, we have that very important decisions are being 7as1EPqJDAy-00194-00061457-00061836 made on those data are like, Complicated. 7as1EPqJDAy-00195-00061836-00062037 And they're flawed in a lot of ways too. 7as1EPqJDAy-00196-00062037-00062404 and so we use this word curriculum, but we need to be clear about 7as1EPqJDAy-00197-00062404-00062902 what we mean by curriculum. and there's like a, there's a trifecta in 7as1EPqJDAy-00198-00062902-00063004 teaching and pedagogy. 7as1EPqJDAy-00199-00063004-00063422 So you have assessment, you have currently. 7as1EPqJDAy-00200-00063422-00063641 And you have instruction. 7as1EPqJDAy-00201-00063641-00063954 Those are like the big three and they relate to each other, 7as1EPqJDAy-00202-00063954-00064122 but they're not the same. 7as1EPqJDAy-00203-00064122-00064386 So the curriculum might be like, this is, these are, a 7as1EPqJDAy-00204-00064386-00064574 scope and sequence lesson plans. 7as1EPqJDAy-00205-00064574-00064848 It might be the textbook might be the curricular material that 7as1EPqJDAy-00206-00064848-00065177 you're, that might be used in a lot of settings, but it's like, what's 7as1EPqJDAy-00207-00065177-00065479 been thought about in advance. 7as1EPqJDAy-00208-00065479-00065977 That maps to content standards, learning standards, educational 7as1EPqJDAy-00209-00065977-00066104 research, learning research. 7as1EPqJDAy-00210-00066104-00066542 and then what has been mapped in terms of a series of experiences 7as1EPqJDAy-00211-00066542-00066733 or activities for students? 7as1EPqJDAy-00212-00066733-00067005 You can have a curriculum that's really awesome. 7as1EPqJDAy-00213-00067005-00067433 And then an experienced teacher doesn't understand well enough, 7as1EPqJDAy-00214-00067433-00067533 like what to do with it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00215-00067533-00067777 Because it takes time to actually study it and to understand who are my 7as1EPqJDAy-00216-00067777-00067969 kids that I'm trying to teach here? 7as1EPqJDAy-00217-00067969-00068222 How does it relate with what's in the textbook or whatever it might be. 7as1EPqJDAy-00218-00068222-00068582 and then you have these assessment data, which take a lot of different 7as1EPqJDAy-00219-00068582-00069104 forms, but it includes the high stakes testing data that we talked as well. 7as1EPqJDAy-00220-00069104-00069492 So when we talk about curriculum, what we're really trying to fix it on. 7as1EPqJDAy-00221-00069492-00070061 We should be able to see some sense of what is being taught in the schools. 7as1EPqJDAy-00222-00070061-00070352 And the curriculum is not the standards. 7as1EPqJDAy-00223-00070352-00070587 Sometimes that's a misunderstanding, like what we have learning standards. 7as1EPqJDAy-00224-00070587-00070964 isn't that the curriculum, no, the learning the curriculum is 7as1EPqJDAy-00225-00070964-00071593 how somebody takes all of the content knowledge within a field. 7as1EPqJDAy-00226-00071593-00071836 All of the learning standards. 7as1EPqJDAy-00227-00071836-00072181 All of the values and things that a district or a teacher or a school might 7as1EPqJDAy-00228-00072181-00072786 have, perhaps the kids inquiries and needs and interests, I would hope as well. 7as1EPqJDAy-00229-00072786-00072995 And you weave it all together. 7as1EPqJDAy-00230-00072995-00073142 In a series of learning experiences. 7as1EPqJDAy-00231-00073142-00073355 Does that make sense? 7as1EPqJDAy-00232-00073355-00073836 So it's like the curricular piece is crucial, especially when you're in a 7as1EPqJDAy-00233-00073836-00074182 city that has such high teacher turnover. 7as1EPqJDAy-00234-00074182-00074466 If you're a new, there's a difference between being a new teacher with no 7as1EPqJDAy-00235-00074466-00075001 curricular foundation at all, and being a teacher who has some curricular 7as1EPqJDAy-00236-00075001-00075174 resources to draw on and support. 7as1EPqJDAy-00237-00075174-00075662 so if anybody know like a new teacher in their lives, No some, yeah, 7as1EPqJDAy-00238-00075662-00075991 like they're probably freaking the heck out, like in their first year. 7as1EPqJDAy-00239-00075991-00076148 You've probably hear them talking about all. 7as1EPqJDAy-00240-00076148-00076251 I got to plan tomorrow's lesson. 7as1EPqJDAy-00241-00076251-00076352 I got to find tomorrow's lesson. 7as1EPqJDAy-00242-00076352-00076698 I got to do this like that, that, like racing to catch up is because they 7as1EPqJDAy-00243-00076698-00077111 don't have that curricular foundation provided for them in a meaningful way. 7as1EPqJDAy-00244-00077111-00077432 And they're not supported in executing on it and learning about it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00245-00077432-00077631 So in New York city, your transition. 7as1EPqJDAy-00246-00077631-00077731 Yeah. 7as1EPqJDAy-00247-00077731-00077831 Thank you man. 7as1EPqJDAy-00248-00077831-00078055 In New York city, we have these standards. 7as1EPqJDAy-00249-00078055-00078508 so I have math up right now, but if I click on English language arts books 7as1EPqJDAy-00250-00078508-00078997 on the top big two, it's a math had the standards linked and I had a curriculum 7as1EPqJDAy-00251-00078997-00079304 called go math, linked and ELA. 7as1EPqJDAy-00252-00079304-00079597 I don't see anything of that nature. 7as1EPqJDAy-00253-00079597-00079697 That's right. 7as1EPqJDAy-00254-00079697-00079797 And yeah, exactly. 7as1EPqJDAy-00255-00079797-00080143 So like my son is 12 he's in the middle school here in the city. 7as1EPqJDAy-00256-00080143-00080504 And there, his school is using a curriculum called expeditionary learning. 7as1EPqJDAy-00257-00080504-00080782 So again, this is a private, I don't know if they're private or nonprofit. 7as1EPqJDAy-00258-00080782-00080956 I don't know what their status is, but they're a company who's 7as1EPqJDAy-00259-00080956-00081177 intentionally created an ELA curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00260-00081177-00081401 And it's mapped to standards, but they're not the standards. 7as1EPqJDAy-00261-00081401-00081573 It includes the standards. 7as1EPqJDAy-00262-00081573-00081764 Won't tell you what texts to teach. 7as1EPqJDAy-00263-00081764-00082297 It will tell you, like what aspect like of literacy you're trying to get at. 7as1EPqJDAy-00264-00082297-00082451 And so you can pick the text, that kind of thing. 7as1EPqJDAy-00265-00082451-00082616 So the curriculum would do all of that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00266-00082616-00082855 his school uses expeditionary learning. 7as1EPqJDAy-00267-00082855-00083266 but there's no, there's no official requirement for his school or all 7as1EPqJDAy-00268-00083266-00083482 middle schools to use the same thing. 7as1EPqJDAy-00269-00083482-00083929 So his school has made their own decision to use this particular, free curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00270-00083929-00084330 and the school right down the block might be using something totally. 7as1EPqJDAy-00271-00084330-00084441 And that's up to the principal. 7as1EPqJDAy-00272-00084441-00084674 In some cases, a lot of schools that's up to the two. 7as1EPqJDAy-00273-00084674-00084992 To decide like how they're going to go about teaching stuff. 7as1EPqJDAy-00274-00084992-00085092 you have up here, ed reports. 7as1EPqJDAy-00275-00085092-00085343 You want to explain what this is and why you pulled it up? 7as1EPqJDAy-00276-00085343-00085443 Yeah. 7as1EPqJDAy-00277-00085443-00085748 Thomas talking about the curriculum that is, his son's middle school use. 7as1EPqJDAy-00278-00085748-00086088 So one of the tools that I'm using now, as I try to figure out 7as1EPqJDAy-00279-00086088-00086388 what curriculum might be used in different schools across the city. 7as1EPqJDAy-00280-00086388-00086586 I need to know, Hey, a starting point. 7as1EPqJDAy-00281-00086586-00086806 what are all the curriculum out there? 7as1EPqJDAy-00282-00086806-00087002 So every force is one group that we've been talking to. 7as1EPqJDAy-00283-00087002-00087402 they have a list of lots of curricula and then they create reports that I think 7as1EPqJDAy-00284-00087402-00087891 are based on, I don't know, maybe you have more information on like where the 7as1EPqJDAy-00285-00087891-00088270 sort of quote they do quality ratings and they have some sort of process that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00286-00088270-00088701 To say this curriculum meets X, Y, and Z standards. 7as1EPqJDAy-00287-00088701-00089016 It might be common core standards, or it might be something else like 7as1EPqJDAy-00288-00089016-00089231 that, which maybe so they look at. 7as1EPqJDAy-00289-00089231-00089805 And actually, if you go into any of the comparable cereals, they 7as1EPqJDAy-00290-00089805-00090229 look at usability, alignments, several different factors and, 7as1EPqJDAy-00291-00090229-00090480 that's, they give like a, I forgot. 7as1EPqJDAy-00292-00090480-00090580 One to three. 7as1EPqJDAy-00293-00090580-00090886 So the rating, as far as if it's high quality. 7as1EPqJDAy-00294-00090886-00091074 So the big question then becomes, okay, there's lots of 7as1EPqJDAy-00295-00091074-00091174 different curriculum out there. 7as1EPqJDAy-00296-00091174-00091464 Why would you not use a high quality curriculum? 7as1EPqJDAy-00297-00091464-00091838 Why wouldn't you just use something that's like a 36 across 7as1EPqJDAy-00298-00091838-00091943 all these different dimensions. 7as1EPqJDAy-00299-00091943-00092232 yeah, so it goes around complexity and things like that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00300-00092232-00092631 Tom just mentioned, That every school can choose their own curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00301-00092631-00092860 You could have 1600 curriculum for each and every school in New York 7as1EPqJDAy-00302-00092860-00093148 city and all the different grades. 7as1EPqJDAy-00303-00093148-00093467 And we know some of them are more vetted than others. 7as1EPqJDAy-00304-00093467-00093567 Some of them are newer. 7as1EPqJDAy-00305-00093567-00093667 There may be experimental. 7as1EPqJDAy-00306-00093667-00093987 They don't know what it's actually going to be like in their 7as1EPqJDAy-00307-00093987-00094413 classrooms, but a large factor of that too is just marketing. 7as1EPqJDAy-00308-00094413-00094788 Companies like Pearson's that have the ability to go into schools 7as1EPqJDAy-00309-00094788-00095180 and they depend a lot of times on schools, not knowing this information, 7as1EPqJDAy-00310-00095180-00095639 This ignorance of information and data and transparency that okay. 7as1EPqJDAy-00311-00095639-00095782 If I'm a rental, I don't know. 7as1EPqJDAy-00312-00095782-00096074 Ed reports, I don't know what these different qualities look like. 7as1EPqJDAy-00313-00096074-00096335 Person, whoever it is, it doesn't have the pictures. 7as1EPqJDAy-00314-00096335-00096743 Pearson makes certain products that are good, but it could be any vendor 7as1EPqJDAy-00315-00096743-00096947 comes in and okay, sounds good. 7as1EPqJDAy-00316-00096947-00097047 Looks good. 7as1EPqJDAy-00317-00097047-00097200 You're going to provide professional development for me. 7as1EPqJDAy-00318-00097200-00097610 I just have to pay this one price and then it lets go. 7as1EPqJDAy-00319-00097610-00098007 So there's a level of importance of having access to this information. 7as1EPqJDAy-00320-00098007-00098291 There's importance of actually making sure. 7as1EPqJDAy-00321-00098291-00098604 Not only that they're aligned, but one of the things I mentioned 7as1EPqJDAy-00322-00098604-00098744 earlier, that's usable, right? 7as1EPqJDAy-00323-00098744-00099222 If I give a teacher here's a five and they've done this in the past, here's 7as1EPqJDAy-00324-00099222-00099992 a 500 page manual of how to use a sixth grade as a first-year teacher, like 7as1EPqJDAy-00325-00099992-00100122 kids all over the place right now. 7as1EPqJDAy-00326-00100122-00100294 I'm just trying to figure out which way is north. 7as1EPqJDAy-00327-00100294-00100566 I don't have the time to read through. 7as1EPqJDAy-00328-00100566-00100817 200 pages for my next lesson. 7as1EPqJDAy-00329-00100817-00101016 So there is a usability, not only just quality. 7as1EPqJDAy-00330-00101016-00101632 So we have to take all these sorts of things into account. 7as1EPqJDAy-00331-00101632-00101858 That's a really great point, I guess one of the key things that, I guess 7as1EPqJDAy-00332-00101858-00102116 just to drive home, to connect some of the dots and we have a question, 7as1EPqJDAy-00333-00102116-00102361 it sounds like too, there's. 7as1EPqJDAy-00334-00102361-00102461 Just to make it clear. 7as1EPqJDAy-00335-00102461-00102734 We're saying that the test score data, the data that we have, widely 7as1EPqJDAy-00336-00102734-00102951 available to us is insufficient, right? 7as1EPqJDAy-00337-00102951-00103374 It doesn't capture the phenomenon of learning and teaching sufficiently. 7as1EPqJDAy-00338-00103374-00103813 we're saying that curricular resources are a key factor. 7as1EPqJDAy-00339-00103813-00104106 In the quality of instruction that happens at a school. 7as1EPqJDAy-00340-00104106-00104357 There's a lot of researchers who will say that like quality curriculum is a 7as1EPqJDAy-00341-00104357-00104620 prerequisite for quality instruction. 7as1EPqJDAy-00342-00104620-00104869 We have 1600 schools who are using their own curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00343-00104869-00105215 They're making their own curricular choices and we have no easy way 7as1EPqJDAy-00344-00105215-00105404 to actually see who's chosen. 7as1EPqJDAy-00345-00105404-00105757 What, why for whom and how well has it worked? 7as1EPqJDAy-00346-00105757-00105857 That's the rub? 7as1EPqJDAy-00347-00105857-00105957 we have a question. 7as1EPqJDAy-00348-00105957-00106057 Sorry, go ahead. 7as1EPqJDAy-00349-00106057-00106350 Ma'am yeah, I hear what you're saying. 7as1EPqJDAy-00350-00106350-00106795 Are you saying that you think that, The information about all the different 7as1EPqJDAy-00351-00106795-00107391 curriculums available should be shown somewhere where everyone's looking at. 7as1EPqJDAy-00352-00107391-00107491 Exactly. 7as1EPqJDAy-00353-00107491-00107600 Thank you so much for that question. 7as1EPqJDAy-00354-00107600-00107990 And it's actually, maybe that's a great prompt to transition into that part. 7as1EPqJDAy-00355-00107990-00108105 Where that is exactly there. 7as1EPqJDAy-00356-00108105-00108332 Rob, we're looking at the New York city public schools from all these different 7as1EPqJDAy-00357-00108332-00108683 perspectives and angles, and we're saying, how can this data set not exist? 7as1EPqJDAy-00358-00108683-00109109 Like how can we not see it in one glance, the curriculum that have 7as1EPqJDAy-00359-00109109-00109392 been chosen by schools and the effectiveness, according to whatever 7as1EPqJDAy-00360-00109392-00109539 metrics like the effectiveness. 7as1EPqJDAy-00361-00109539-00110044 And so that's what on Keith, and Steve, embarked on what are some 7as1EPqJDAy-00362-00110044-00110429 of the qualitative aspects of the curriculum that you can aggregate? 7as1EPqJDAy-00363-00110429-00110708 Or is it more just qualitative, that you're looking for? 7as1EPqJDAy-00364-00110708-00111119 Are you asking like specifically like data about different cases and like, 7as1EPqJDAy-00365-00111119-00111342 how do you get data about curriculum? 7as1EPqJDAy-00366-00111342-00111624 What are the, some of the examples? 7as1EPqJDAy-00367-00111624-00112210 So I think ed reports is a great example about like how curricular be there. 7as1EPqJDAy-00368-00112210-00112645 There's some, this group is trying to create quantitative data about curricula, 7as1EPqJDAy-00369-00112645-00113195 and in, in, I guess the w it's almost like a question that we S an open question that 7as1EPqJDAy-00370-00113195-00113382 we have is like, how do we use this data? 7as1EPqJDAy-00371-00113382-00113823 is it like, are there going to be issues with us applying this data to 7as1EPqJDAy-00372-00113823-00114205 a repository of of all the schools and what, what curriculum they use? 7as1EPqJDAy-00373-00114205-00114308 So it's a good question. 7as1EPqJDAy-00374-00114308-00114447 I don't really have an answer. 7as1EPqJDAy-00375-00114447-00114572 this is one source right now. 7as1EPqJDAy-00376-00114572-00114747 I don't know of other sorts. 7as1EPqJDAy-00377-00114747-00114953 Looking at these, which is great. 7as1EPqJDAy-00378-00114953-00115258 And thinking about all the different things there are to measure a curriculum 7as1EPqJDAy-00379-00115258-00115642 I'm given like the sort of inequitable funding in our school system. 7as1EPqJDAy-00380-00115642-00116057 I wonder what role that curricular costs and the total cost of bringing 7as1EPqJDAy-00381-00116057-00116486 whatever curriculum into a school, what role like that data has in 7as1EPqJDAy-00382-00116486-00116658 looking at what schools choose with. 7as1EPqJDAy-00383-00116658-00116758 Correct. 7as1EPqJDAy-00384-00116758-00116858 Yeah. 7as1EPqJDAy-00385-00116858-00116958 So that's a great point. 7as1EPqJDAy-00386-00116958-00117375 I was unable to am my digging to find curricular like specific, like purchase 7as1EPqJDAy-00387-00117375-00117571 order information for curricula. 7as1EPqJDAy-00388-00117571-00117903 looking at school budgets, that stuff is rolled up into categories that 7as1EPqJDAy-00389-00117903-00118229 don't offer that level of granularity. 7as1EPqJDAy-00390-00118229-00118483 but that is really important question because these different. 7as1EPqJDAy-00391-00118483-00118638 I have different costs. 7as1EPqJDAy-00392-00118638-00118928 Steve was talking about the marketing of it like that, then 7as1EPqJDAy-00393-00118928-00119126 results in maybe a higher cost. 7as1EPqJDAy-00394-00119126-00119319 Some curricula like engage in wise. 7as1EPqJDAy-00395-00119319-00119597 The statewide site provides free curriculum that is often 7as1EPqJDAy-00396-00119597-00120332 thought of as very high quality. 7as1EPqJDAy-00397-00120332-00121600 What's it called again. 7as1EPqJDAy-00398-00121600-00121937 See you are they T to character? 7as1EPqJDAy-00399-00121937-00122479 They, if you were a teacher, you can go to F web.net. 7as1EPqJDAy-00400-00122479-00122810 Cause I take PD with them. 7as1EPqJDAy-00401-00122810-00122946 Is this virtual. 7as1EPqJDAy-00402-00122946-00123046 Okay. 7as1EPqJDAy-00403-00123046-00123387 And they actually, they, they just started, as a brand new company 7as1EPqJDAy-00404-00123387-00123570 or what have you, but these are. 7as1EPqJDAy-00405-00123570-00124004 teachers or administrators who got together and put together 7as1EPqJDAy-00406-00124004-00124249 some type of website or something. 7as1EPqJDAy-00407-00124249-00124535 It's pretty reliable cause I checked myself. 7as1EPqJDAy-00408-00124535-00124749 and then the second thing is a comment as well. 7as1EPqJDAy-00409-00124749-00125163 New York city and I agree they have to make diverse curriculums. 7as1EPqJDAy-00410-00125163-00125794 So it will be quite difficult to actually compile and get a true sense of what's 7as1EPqJDAy-00411-00125794-00126066 going on in the schools because every. 7as1EPqJDAy-00412-00126066-00126590 Even by district here, they broken up into loaves, like almost like bolt in blocks, 7as1EPqJDAy-00413-00126590-00126726 Because it's related to subject economics. 7as1EPqJDAy-00414-00126726-00126955 And so everything here is so complex. 7as1EPqJDAy-00415-00126955-00127089 There's so many different layers. 7as1EPqJDAy-00416-00127089-00127385 It'd be very hard not to say you shouldn't do the job and 7as1EPqJDAy-00417-00127385-00127485 say you should stop working. 7as1EPqJDAy-00418-00127485-00127716 But you got to have a challenge to be ready for it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00419-00127716-00128088 The question before, which was the line what's the point question, 7as1EPqJDAy-00420-00128088-00128475 of like what's the point of this. 7as1EPqJDAy-00421-00128475-00128974 As a new Yorker, I should be able, I should be able to see like how much 7as1EPqJDAy-00422-00128974-00129447 money was spent on which curricula that is doing best by the kids, or is like 7as1EPqJDAy-00423-00129447-00129824 having the best effect on test scores or that teachers are, we should have some 7as1EPqJDAy-00424-00129824-00130274 sense of which like, if you're a school that serves this population, which math 7as1EPqJDAy-00425-00130274-00130570 curricula like works best throughout this. 7as1EPqJDAy-00426-00130570-00130954 There's no easy way to find that simple information, but to 7as1EPqJDAy-00427-00130954-00131401 on Keith's point in theory, it actually exists because everything 7as1EPqJDAy-00428-00131401-00131600 is not, everything is purchased. 7as1EPqJDAy-00429-00131600-00131848 lots of curricula are purchased though. 7as1EPqJDAy-00430-00131848-00132261 And anytime you put in a purchase, you're putting in codes in a 7as1EPqJDAy-00431-00132261-00132721 database, that's saying it's this curricula, this many I'm purchasing. 7as1EPqJDAy-00432-00132721-00132821 This is my school. 7as1EPqJDAy-00433-00132821-00133051 It's tied to all sorts of other information about the school 7as1EPqJDAy-00434-00133051-00133392 or you're creating your own. 7as1EPqJDAy-00435-00133392-00133724 Which would be like its own thing, but it's like the data are there, 7as1EPqJDAy-00436-00133724-00134071 but the city doesn't make them or require they don't make them available. 7as1EPqJDAy-00437-00134071-00134588 and you can, and this is the project that on Keith and Steve embarked on, you can 7as1EPqJDAy-00438-00134588-00135054 take these PDFs essentially that each school individually creates the called 7as1EPqJDAy-00439-00135054-00135337 CPS or comprehensive education plans. 7as1EPqJDAy-00440-00135337-00135788 In those, the schools, the principals of the schools will say, oh, we're using 7as1EPqJDAy-00441-00135788-00136116 go math or we're using expeditionary. 7as1EPqJDAy-00442-00136116-00136508 It's it's a doc that's been PDF where you can scrape it and you 7as1EPqJDAy-00443-00136508-00136666 can pull some of those data. 7as1EPqJDAy-00444-00136666-00136926 And so that's what they, that's what they embarked on, but it's, 7as1EPqJDAy-00445-00136926-00137329 they had to do it because this basic data set, isn't even available. 7as1EPqJDAy-00446-00137329-00137429 Yeah. 7as1EPqJDAy-00447-00137429-00137786 so this is what our project work in progress that we wanted to share. 7as1EPqJDAy-00448-00137786-00138163 and hopefully, inspire other work around, liberating, really 7as1EPqJDAy-00449-00138163-00138263 important data from school. 7as1EPqJDAy-00450-00138263-00138516 So like Tom said, so we had this interest. 7as1EPqJDAy-00451-00138516-00138891 I go, what is the curricula at that schools? 7as1EPqJDAy-00452-00138891-00138996 Can we aggregate it? 7as1EPqJDAy-00453-00138996-00139096 Can we. 7as1EPqJDAy-00454-00139096-00139240 dimension in the back about the different districts. 7as1EPqJDAy-00455-00139240-00139555 There are school districts that are separate from community districts. 7as1EPqJDAy-00456-00139555-00139998 And so we want it to be able to look at the curriculum in these different ways. 7as1EPqJDAy-00457-00139998-00140461 so one way to get at this curriculum data right now, the only way that 7as1EPqJDAy-00458-00140461-00140839 I can think of, or I've been able to find is looking at the CFTC PS. 7as1EPqJDAy-00459-00140839-00141154 So I'm going to show you one there's. 7as1EPqJDAy-00460-00141154-00141613 So every year, schools are required by, I believe I like November, but 7as1EPqJDAy-00461-00141613-00141996 to put together these comprehensive, education plans that have, information 7as1EPqJDAy-00462-00141996-00142507 such as, they're just general school, planning their mission, their goals, 7as1EPqJDAy-00463-00142507-00142725 what their sort of smart goals are. 7as1EPqJDAy-00464-00142725-00142974 They're achievable goals for that year. 7as1EPqJDAy-00465-00142974-00143186 And the folks that put it together, the school leadership team, 7as1EPqJDAy-00466-00143186-00143448 it's the principal assistant principals, a parent coordinator. 7as1EPqJDAy-00467-00143448-00143548 Lead teacher. 7as1EPqJDAy-00468-00143548-00143823 So these are the people that are like down on the ground, 7as1EPqJDAy-00469-00143823-00143934 understand how a school works. 7as1EPqJDAy-00470-00143934-00144376 they also put together important information about how they're serving 7as1EPqJDAy-00471-00144376-00144723 English language learners, which is extremely important, in this city. 7as1EPqJDAy-00472-00144723-00145024 So it's actually like really two documents here. 7as1EPqJDAy-00473-00145024-00145347 The English language learning pieces are driven by a different 7as1EPqJDAy-00474-00145347-00145486 set of legal requirements. 7as1EPqJDAy-00475-00145486-00145838 Uploaded, I think they're are created in word they're uploaded in PDF. 7as1EPqJDAy-00476-00145838-00146103 And and it has a ton of great information. 7as1EPqJDAy-00477-00146103-00146314 That's almost impossible to get at it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00478-00146314-00146753 So for example, if somebody at the Robin hood foundation program, officer wants 7as1EPqJDAy-00479-00146753-00147000 to look at a bunch of different schools and understand what's happening, they 7as1EPqJDAy-00480-00147000-00147368 have to go into each one of these PDFs, look at them for different years, if they 7as1EPqJDAy-00481-00147368-00147836 can get access to the ones in different past years and then control app and 7as1EPqJDAy-00482-00147836-00148144 look for the stuff that they're looking for, or just read through all of this. 7as1EPqJDAy-00483-00148144-00148561 I took the CPS for the last 10 years, actually. 7as1EPqJDAy-00484-00148561-00148926 Yeah. from 2009, 10 school year to the 2018 19, 7as1EPqJDAy-00485-00148926-00149285 I still have to get the two years. 7as1EPqJDAy-00486-00149285-00149635 In the intervening that were actually published the pandemic, there was 7as1EPqJDAy-00487-00149635-00149755 one year that were, they were not. 7as1EPqJDAy-00488-00149755-00149889 and I pulled all the texts out of them. 7as1EPqJDAy-00489-00149889-00150388 and one project that we did over two summers ago was to just search for a 7as1EPqJDAy-00490-00150388-00150834 specific set of curriculum that the Robin hood foundation was, had like 7as1EPqJDAy-00491-00150834-00151151 their partners were using or their partners, schools had reported using. 7as1EPqJDAy-00492-00151151-00151553 And we looked to see across the city, what were, what was their usage? 7as1EPqJDAy-00493-00151553-00152099 Then we're like, okay, now we know this sort of very, at a very like high level, 7as1EPqJDAy-00494-00152099-00152420 this specific set of curriculum that the Robin hood foundation cares about 7as1EPqJDAy-00495-00152420-00152648 what other curriculum are available. 7as1EPqJDAy-00496-00152648-00152932 So when we started talking to ed reports, and then how then what are we actually 7as1EPqJDAy-00497-00152932-00153164 gonna do with this curricular information? 7as1EPqJDAy-00498-00153164-00153407 we're that's the step that we're at now. 7as1EPqJDAy-00499-00153407-00153507 and. 7as1EPqJDAy-00500-00153507-00153924 Taking this text data, making it a searchable was the first step. 7as1EPqJDAy-00501-00153924-00154465 Now I actually like having a, like a clear, reporting of schools with 7as1EPqJDAy-00502-00154465-00154923 their curriculum in math and ELA, social studies, science along with 7as1EPqJDAy-00503-00154923-00155100 any other contextual information. 7as1EPqJDAy-00504-00155100-00155350 this is where we're going. 7as1EPqJDAy-00505-00155350-00155505 Something to show you on that front. 7as1EPqJDAy-00506-00155505-00155917 just yet, but maybe, Steve, do you want to talk about why you think that type 7as1EPqJDAy-00507-00155917-00156279 of, information would be helpful to you? 7as1EPqJDAy-00508-00156279-00156569 We have a whole bunch of things that we evaluate different grants around. 7as1EPqJDAy-00509-00156569-00156703 one of them is common surprise. 7as1EPqJDAy-00510-00156703-00157140 Like how many schools are actually using the curriculum that we find. 7as1EPqJDAy-00511-00157140-00157555 So now we're able to ask them to, to as hunky will show. 7as1EPqJDAy-00512-00157555-00157829 through the tool, we're actually being able to see that, at the 7as1EPqJDAy-00513-00157829-00158205 system-wide city-wide level, before you got to actually go to the vendor 7as1EPqJDAy-00514-00158205-00158548 and then be able to have them be able to share the information with you. 7as1EPqJDAy-00515-00158548-00158825 And that may not even always be accurate, especially if you have 7as1EPqJDAy-00516-00158825-00159103 open source curriculum, like there's no one that's actually 7as1EPqJDAy-00517-00159103-00159408 aggregating or there's some people, but they're not willing to share it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00518-00159408-00159765 I'd say the other thing too is, this is just the. 7as1EPqJDAy-00519-00159765-00160216 We could do curricula, but we can also look at practices too, that I could 7as1EPqJDAy-00520-00160216-00160440 just as easily search for a curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00521-00160440-00160561 Let's say engage in New York. 7as1EPqJDAy-00522-00160561-00160778 I could also search for, project based learning. 7as1EPqJDAy-00523-00160778-00161203 I get searched for other sort of key terms that maybe we see these shifts as 7as1EPqJDAy-00524-00161203-00161372 they adopt these different curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00525-00161372-00161629 Maybe we're starting to see other substantive pedagogical 7as1EPqJDAy-00526-00161629-00161784 shifts within school. 7as1EPqJDAy-00527-00161784-00162172 So there's a lot of different things as a funder that we are. 7as1EPqJDAy-00528-00162172-00162470 Really starting to explore it through tools like this. 7as1EPqJDAy-00529-00162470-00162714 Whereas before if I go all the way back to the foot, one of the first 7as1EPqJDAy-00530-00162714-00162978 things I said, we were primarily just looking at test scores. 7as1EPqJDAy-00531-00162978-00163313 Cause that was the only thing that we really, and just sheer numbers of students 7as1EPqJDAy-00532-00163313-00163571 that are actually using the curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00533-00163571-00163753 That those are the few things that we had. 7as1EPqJDAy-00534-00163753-00164167 But now we're opening up the world to, to things that we can look at. 7as1EPqJDAy-00535-00164167-00164315 So I'll pass it over to that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00536-00164315-00164673 have you actually confirmed that the finance department or whatever? 7as1EPqJDAy-00537-00164673-00164773 I don't know. 7as1EPqJDAy-00538-00164773-00165004 I spread the New York city. 7as1EPqJDAy-00539-00165004-00165728 Sort of the vendor contracts and when you miss, so yeah, no, we have not failed it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00540-00165728-00166129 we've been using the existing open data tools on schools and there's, there 7as1EPqJDAy-00541-00166129-00166275 is a ton of information, published. 7as1EPqJDAy-00542-00166275-00166647 So for example, I'm on tools@nyc.edu. 7as1EPqJDAy-00543-00166647-00167000 I thought this is like one of the ways I went into the school budget reports. 7as1EPqJDAy-00544-00167000-00167102 I couldn't find it there. 7as1EPqJDAy-00545-00167102-00167517 I, I do believe because there is a roll-up I think, I dunno if we can look 7as1EPqJDAy-00546-00167517-00167845 at budgets here, those are, there's a different link for the school budgets 7as1EPqJDAy-00547-00167845-00168321 on the NYC, on the schools, a mic site, this gets into specific, performance. 7as1EPqJDAy-00548-00168321-00168553 I know that this data exists. 7as1EPqJDAy-00549-00168553-00168698 It sounds like there's purchase orders. 7as1EPqJDAy-00550-00168698-00168848 It goes into a database that exists. 7as1EPqJDAy-00551-00168848-00168948 We have not failed it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00552-00168948-00169237 we have other things that we have looked at. 7as1EPqJDAy-00553-00169237-00169479 There's a, so the middle school and high school, because their school 7as1EPqJDAy-00554-00169479-00169751 choice in the city we've looked at these direct uses a ton of stuff. 7as1EPqJDAy-00555-00169751-00169979 That's in here curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00556-00169979-00170228 Reported in here, you'll have things like extra school activities 7as1EPqJDAy-00557-00170228-00170655 reported, but not curricula around ELA or math or those types of things. 7as1EPqJDAy-00558-00170655-00171065 And probably worth also mentioning too, That a lot of the larger curriculums that 7as1EPqJDAy-00559-00171065-00171237 people are using now are open source. 7as1EPqJDAy-00560-00171237-00171599 So they wouldn't necessarily have that vendor contract outlined 7as1EPqJDAy-00561-00171599-00171699 to what you'd never see it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00562-00171699-00172090 I'm curious if you have looked at the school survey data at all, parents 7as1EPqJDAy-00563-00172090-00172516 actually fill it out and they make comments about just for someone who works 7as1EPqJDAy-00564-00172516-00172984 in the school, it was like, it's easy for a principal to put on the CP we're using. 7as1EPqJDAy-00565-00172984-00173084 GOMAP. 7as1EPqJDAy-00566-00173084-00173240 But the teacher closed the door and do whatever they want. 7as1EPqJDAy-00567-00173240-00173636 So I think that the parent perception, cause they're already there at 7as1EPqJDAy-00568-00173636-00173998 the local level experiencing the curriculum and what's actually 7as1EPqJDAy-00569-00173998-00174142 happening in the classroom. 7as1EPqJDAy-00570-00174142-00174452 if you're not familiar, school survey, there's a huge survey of teachers 7as1EPqJDAy-00571-00174452-00174688 and students and parents, every year. 7as1EPqJDAy-00572-00174688-00175085 And that information is available, on the DOE sites, I'd have to pick a school here. 7as1EPqJDAy-00573-00175085-00175207 the school survey. 7as1EPqJDAy-00574-00175207-00175349 I looked at it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00575-00175349-00175790 There's nothing specific about this curriculum user in there. 7as1EPqJDAy-00576-00175790-00176147 It would be a sort of a very interesting question to ask about whether 7as1EPqJDAy-00577-00176147-00176561 you're using the curriculum or not. 7as1EPqJDAy-00578-00176561-00176885 this is another reason that we're, that we think using the CDPs could 7as1EPqJDAy-00579-00176885-00177214 be potentially useful is that there are teachers in the room. 7as1EPqJDAy-00580-00177214-00177449 They're there, the leader lead teachers. 7as1EPqJDAy-00581-00177449-00177751 And so they are trying to, they're not like all of the teachers, 7as1EPqJDAy-00582-00177751-00178170 but there is some level of granularity that they're getting to. 7as1EPqJDAy-00583-00178170-00178453 The CPS are going not necessarily to central district, but they're 7as1EPqJDAy-00584-00178453-00178712 going to the superintendents within, sorry, central office. 7as1EPqJDAy-00585-00178712-00178873 They're going to the superintendents. 7as1EPqJDAy-00586-00178873-00179000 so it's. 7as1EPqJDAy-00587-00179000-00179209 I that I would love to know more. 7as1EPqJDAy-00588-00179209-00179447 we've talked to some of the schools that are in Robyn and programs 7as1EPqJDAy-00589-00179447-00179617 about what's reported on the CP. 7as1EPqJDAy-00590-00179617-00179744 How accurate is that? 7as1EPqJDAy-00591-00179744-00179945 we're not sure how to necessarily gauge that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00592-00179945-00180407 So that, that remains an open question earlier I talked about there's a second. 7as1EPqJDAy-00593-00180407-00180600 And there's curriculum and there's instruction. 7as1EPqJDAy-00594-00180600-00180835 That's an imperfect kind of Trinity, but it works. 7as1EPqJDAy-00595-00180835-00181094 if you think about it more of a, as a V like the assessment 7as1EPqJDAy-00596-00181094-00181211 data is like the high level. 7as1EPqJDAy-00597-00181211-00181536 It's really, the states is all the highest, the high stakes achievement data, 7as1EPqJDAy-00598-00181536-00181654 the achievement tests are all the states. 7as1EPqJDAy-00599-00181654-00182010 So you have the assessment data, you have curricular data, and then 7as1EPqJDAy-00600-00182010-00182433 you have instructional data, mostly what we're focusing on right now, 7as1EPqJDAy-00601-00182433-00182707 acknowledging that it's instruction that you really want to get at. 7as1EPqJDAy-00602-00182707-00182963 Like what's actually happening in a class. 7as1EPqJDAy-00603-00182963-00183245 In 30 seconds between a teacher and a student. 7as1EPqJDAy-00604-00183245-00183376 And why is that happening? 7as1EPqJDAy-00605-00183376-00183702 That's where you really want to get, this curricular piece is means to 7as1EPqJDAy-00606-00183702-00184028 that, in order to make sense of what happens in the classroom, the curricular 7as1EPqJDAy-00607-00184028-00184195 piece also needs to be understood. 7as1EPqJDAy-00608-00184195-00184652 there is also, I'll just say like the whole city went online with the pandemic. 7as1EPqJDAy-00609-00184652-00185144 There is a, there's a significant, possibility for new kinds of data 7as1EPqJDAy-00610-00185144-00185422 that relate to both curricula assessment and instruct. 7as1EPqJDAy-00611-00185422-00185751 from online and blended models as well, depending on how the city rolls 7as1EPqJDAy-00612-00185751-00186183 it out, they've been very sheepish about sharing any of those kinds of 7as1EPqJDAy-00613-00186183-00186398 data, including basic attendance data. 7as1EPqJDAy-00614-00186398-00186700 So I don't think we should expect it anytime soon, but in theory, if the 7as1EPqJDAy-00615-00186700-00187207 largest school district in the country is mostly using Google, Google classroom 7as1EPqJDAy-00616-00187207-00187555 at the middle and high school level, then we actually should have access 7as1EPqJDAy-00617-00187555-00187861 to a certain kind of data about. 7as1EPqJDAy-00618-00187861-00188166 Blended and online models of learning that could be, could complicate in some 7as1EPqJDAy-00619-00188166-00188511 interesting ways, like this question around the curricular and instructional 7as1EPqJDAy-00620-00188511-00188798 kind of interplay in a couple of these questions, like the question about 7as1EPqJDAy-00621-00188798-00189188 have we foiled this information, it leads to some of the things that we're 7as1EPqJDAy-00622-00189188-00189328 hoping comes out of this session. 7as1EPqJDAy-00623-00189328-00189634 One is that this data is very messy and it's been, I think 7as1EPqJDAy-00624-00189634-00190007 having some more structured, ways to get at it would be great. 7as1EPqJDAy-00625-00190007-00190374 I myself, don't, I'm more of like a open data hacker I'm 7as1EPqJDAy-00626-00190374-00190521 working on teacher preparation. 7as1EPqJDAy-00627-00190521-00190782 So I don't have that type of experience with foil. 7as1EPqJDAy-00628-00190782-00191181 as we come here to hopefully find members of the community that can. 7as1EPqJDAy-00629-00191181-00191612 add those elements if you have that type of insight, or if you're involved 7as1EPqJDAy-00630-00191612-00192011 at your school and how CPS are built, we'd love to talk to you about, do you 7as1EPqJDAy-00631-00192011-00192382 think that this is the source of data to continue to and Derrick interrogate 7as1EPqJDAy-00632-00192382-00192813 to pull this information out of, and to get closer to what order, actual 7as1EPqJDAy-00633-00192813-00193233 learning experiences like, and other, is there data that we might be missing? 7as1EPqJDAy-00634-00193233-00193510 that's you all were talking about your learning experiences and we 7as1EPqJDAy-00635-00193510-00193805 never actually came back to that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00636-00193805-00194050 But is this like this layer of curriculum? 7as1EPqJDAy-00637-00194050-00194221 Is that still too high? 7as1EPqJDAy-00638-00194221-00194574 Are we getting down to what your actual learning experiences are like? 7as1EPqJDAy-00639-00194574-00194780 so those are asks that we have of you all. 7as1EPqJDAy-00640-00194780-00194988 we'll be hanging out after the session. 7as1EPqJDAy-00641-00194988-00195323 really appreciate that everybody has engaged with us in this. 7as1EPqJDAy-00642-00195323-00195534 it is certainly like devolving work. 7as1EPqJDAy-00643-00195534-00195688 it's messy work, but. 7as1EPqJDAy-00644-00195688-00195914 it's really exciting to be here and to talk to all of you and to see 7as1EPqJDAy-00645-00195914-00196200 everybody in person, Tom, Steve, do you want to say anything in closing 7as1EPqJDAy-00646-00196200-00196300 for me? 7as1EPqJDAy-00647-00196300-00196595 I think I want to underscore, I guess what on Kesha said, like that opening activity 7as1EPqJDAy-00648-00196595-00197004 that we did with like that, what was that moment that you remember as a student 7as1EPqJDAy-00649-00197004-00197269 that like really impacted you somehow? 7as1EPqJDAy-00650-00197269-00197704 we acknowledge that even curricular data is like really far away from. 7as1EPqJDAy-00651-00197704-00197874 Does that make sense? 7as1EPqJDAy-00652-00197874-00198132 it's related to, but separate meaning your teacher had some 7as1EPqJDAy-00653-00198132-00198588 sort of intentional plan in all likelihood when you experienced that. 7as1EPqJDAy-00654-00198588-00198789 In a classroom in some way. 7as1EPqJDAy-00655-00198789-00199182 we see the curricular piece as helping understand how that's made possible. 7as1EPqJDAy-00656-00199182-00199454 we acknowledged too that it's still a really far, it's a far 7as1EPqJDAy-00657-00199454-00199805 leap from those kinds of moments to which get closer to instruction. 7as1EPqJDAy-00658-00199805-00200246 See if there's anything you want to say before we conclude, 7as1EPqJDAy-00659-00200246-00200741 but I think generally right schools largely. 7as1EPqJDAy-00660-00200741-00201267 We don't really largely know what's happening at the system level. 7as1EPqJDAy-00661-00201267-00201576 So now we're starting to finally be able to probe into it. 7as1EPqJDAy-00662-00201576-00201794 Get an actual look at a system wide. 7as1EPqJDAy-00663-00201794-00202260 And, all of this other applications that we talked about today, funding, 7as1EPqJDAy-00664-00202260-00202646 pedagogical choices and approaches to different other curricular consequences, 7as1EPqJDAy-00665-00202646-00202904 but there's a lot to the best state. 7as1EPqJDAy-00666-00202904-00203341 And we're just at this with the precipice, okay, we have all this information. 7as1EPqJDAy-00667-00203341-00203523 Now we have all this data dump. 7as1EPqJDAy-00668-00203523-00203623 Now. 7as1EPqJDAy-00669-00203623-00203723 Now we're starting to see. 7as1EPqJDAy-00670-00203723-00203915 Okay, what can we actually do with it? 7as1EPqJDAy-00671-00203915-00204295 And our starting point right now is this curriculum. 7as1EPqJDAy-00672-00204295-00204383 So 7bKdVg9DL3k-00000-00002798-00002932 So here is what I would like you to do 7bKdVg9DL3k-00001-00002932-00003018 and then I am going to ask you to 7bKdVg9DL3k-00002-00003018-00003286 repeat the task to me. I am going to put 7bKdVg9DL3k-00003-00003286-00003496 you at a specific anchor chart, you are 7bKdVg9DL3k-00004-00003496-00003685 each going to have an article. I am going 7bKdVg9DL3k-00005-00003685-00003911 to give you guys one minute to read that 7bKdVg9DL3k-00006-00003911-00004183 whole article and then come up with a 7bKdVg9DL3k-00007-00004183-00004438 quick nickname. Okay? There is little 7bKdVg9DL3k-00008-00004438-00004612 pages at the bottom, either right 7bKdVg9DL3k-00009-00004612-00004820 here on the desk or attached 7bKdVg9DL3k-00010-00004820-00005090 to the poster, where you can write 7bKdVg9DL3k-00011-00005090-00005307 the quick nickname, Okay? 7bKdVg9DL3k-00012-00005307-00005492 And after one minute passes, 7bKdVg9DL3k-00013-00005492-00005612 I am going to call your attention to the 7bKdVg9DL3k-00014-00005612-00005753 center and we are going to rotate 7bKdVg9DL3k-00015-00005753-00005988 clockwise. You are going to hit 7bKdVg9DL3k-00016-00005988-00006261 all seven of these articles and then 7bKdVg9DL3k-00017-00006261-00006509 we are going to pick the best one. Okay? 7bKdVg9DL3k-00018-00006509-00006776 So I'd like you to turn and talk to your team 7bKdVg9DL3k-00019-00006776-00006948 please describe the task and then 7bKdVg9DL3k-00020-00006948-00007033 I am going to call on someone to 7bKdVg9DL3k-00021-00007033-00007084 help me out. 7bKdVg9DL3k-00022-00007580-00007723 Figure out a nickname for all of them. 7bKdVg9DL3k-00023-00007723-00007902 We are gong to read it over and then 7bKdVg9DL3k-00024-00007902-00008095 we are going to write a nickname down. 7bKdVg9DL3k-00025-00008095-00008265 And at the end she is going to ask one of 7bKdVg9DL3k-00026-00008265-00008547 us to say which of the five 7bKdVg9DL3k-00027-00008547-00008751 nicknames she says and then we will 7bKdVg9DL3k-00028-00008751-00008954 all pick the one that sounds the best. 7bKdVg9DL3k-00029-00008954-00009176 Agreed? 7bKdVg9DL3k-00030-00009176-00009251 Agreed. 7bKdVg9DL3k-00031-00009251-00009692 Yeah. 7bKdVg9DL3k-00032-00009692-00009887 Look at my hand. Thank you. Jay, 7bKdVg9DL3k-00033-00009887-00009998 can you rephrase what I would like 7bKdVg9DL3k-00034-00009998-00010245 you to do in your task? 7bKdVg9DL3k-00035-00010245-00010368 You would like us to 7bKdVg9DL3k-00036-00010368-00010551 read the article and then write down 7bKdVg9DL3k-00037-00010551-00010727 a nickname that you would say 7bKdVg9DL3k-00038-00010727-00010954 and at the end, you would ask one of us 7bKdVg9DL3k-00039-00010954-00011202 to read all of the five ones 7bKdVg9DL3k-00040-00011202-00011299 and then we would all decide the 7bKdVg9DL3k-00041-00011299-00011411 one together. 7bKdVg9DL3k-00042-00011411-00011577 Okay, we are going to pick the best one. 7bKdVg9DL3k-00043-00011577-00011751 How long are you going to have to accomplish 7bKdVg9DL3k-00044-00011751-00011930 this at each poster Braden? 7bKdVg9DL3k-00045-00011930-00012040 Seven minutes. 7bKdVg9DL3k-00046-00012040-00012187 Well, seven minutes total but there's -- 7bKdVg9DL3k-00047-00012187-00012298 One Minute. 7bKdVg9DL3k-00048-00012298-00012528 One minute, there you go. 7bKdVg9DL3k-00049-00012528-00012656 So I am going to tell you where I would like 7bKdVg9DL3k-00050-00012656-00012706 you to start. I'm going to have this triad 7bKdVg9DL3k-00051-00012706-00013111 start at article one. 7c2PwE3o-iM-00000-00000359-00000697 welcome to mass muscle building in minutes review 7c2PwE3o-iM-00001-00000697-00001075 mass muscle building in minutes said book is a powerful guide 7c2PwE3o-iM-00002-00001075-00001420 that will provide you with the vital ingredients you need for quick and 7c2PwE3o-iM-00003-00001420-00001562 effective results 7c2PwE3o-iM-00004-00001562-00001964 these are not met so medical cures this is the truth 7c2PwE3o-iM-00005-00001964-00002411 by grabbing this guide and incorporating it into your life you will be well on 7c2PwE3o-iM-00006-00002411-00002830 your way to packing on quality slabs have muscle and having the body of your 7c2PwE3o-iM-00007-00002830-00002926 dreams 7c2PwE3o-iM-00008-00002926-00003361 you can make muscle gain promises to yourself all day and night 7c2PwE3o-iM-00009-00003361-00003724 but actually sticking to your goals is the hard part 7c2PwE3o-iM-00010-00003724-00004071 within this guide you will discover what works 7c2PwE3o-iM-00011-00004071-00004582 hear exactly what you will get learn why this is the most effective form of 7c2PwE3o-iM-00012-00004582-00004721 training for mass 7c2PwE3o-iM-00013-00004721-00005128 discover the most important thing in training each to grow 7c2PwE3o-iM-00014-00005128-00005476 nutrition overhaul and much much more 7c2PwE3o-iM-00015-00005476-00005878 don't let the few dollars you'll invest in this book stop you from making a 7c2PwE3o-iM-00016-00005878-00006376 decision to change your life think instead about how much you lose out if 7c2PwE3o-iM-00017-00006376-00006729 you don't take advantage of what's on offer here 7c2PwE3o-iM-00018-00006729-00007162 mass muscle building in minutes for the amazingly low price of just forty seven 7c2PwE3o-iM-00019-00007162-00007234 dollars 7c2PwE3o-iM-00020-00007234-00007715 yes just forty seven dollars 7c2PwE3o-iM-00021-00007715-00008152 visit our websites now and click here to get your mass muscle building in minutes 7c2PwE3o-iM-00022-00008152-00008239 guide 7c2PwE3o-iM-00023-00008239-00008886 breed absorb and apply then observe the results 7c2PwE3o-iM-00024-00008886-00009466 of this guide to packing on mass muscle in only minutes per day 7c2PwE3o-iM-00025-00009466-00009881 just read absorb and apply then observe the results 7ezIjbOPylu-00000-00000114-00000326 Had a pretty good experience 7ezIjbOPylu-00001-00000326-00000538 a little bit of fiasco with paperwork, 7ezIjbOPylu-00002-00000538-00000671 But I figured that's kind of normal 7ezIjbOPylu-00003-00000741-00000880 Yes, I would recommend 7ezIjbOPylu-00004-00000880-00001128 Salespeople are really awesome kind friendly. 7ezIjbOPylu-00005-00001128-00001226 Yeah good 7fJ69R7jwxy-00000-00000112-00000402 So let's start with the survey then and just 7fJ69R7jwxy-00001-00000451-00000919 talk about what the options are and this will be sort of unstructured and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00002-00000980-00001264 conversational with forays into other areas 7fJ69R7jwxy-00003-00001346-00001564 first of all the striking 7fJ69R7jwxy-00004-00001673-00001926 thing when you want to study 7fJ69R7jwxy-00005-00002011-00002754 Psychoactive drugs and plants and their impact on human culture and that's really what interests me 7fJ69R7jwxy-00006-00002822-00003120 Is how drugs affect culture? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00007-00003175-00003573 after I went through young and McLuhan and illion 7fJ69R7jwxy-00008-00003573-00004197 my next port of call was McLuhan and I absorbed very deeply the notion that 7fJ69R7jwxy-00009-00004271-00004471 media structure 7fJ69R7jwxy-00010-00004582-00005271 Civilizations in ways that the civilizations are never aware of and young of course talked about print and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00011-00005348-00006027 Manuscript and electronic culture. He did not talk about drugs, but drugs are a form of media 7fJ69R7jwxy-00012-00006089-00006257 because they 7fJ69R7jwxy-00013-00006257-00006879 information travels through the drug to the mind that's a medium of communication and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00014-00006982-00007254 various societies where drugs 7fJ69R7jwxy-00015-00007370-00008125 Like clothing with no awareness of their existence at all somewhat in the way of the de fish to water 7fJ69R7jwxy-00016-00008170-00008757 So that for instance if you're in Dublin, you are swimming in the ambience of an alcohol 7fJ69R7jwxy-00017-00008839-00008954 culture 7fJ69R7jwxy-00018-00008954-00009279 You don't have to be drunk to be in Dublin although it helps 7fJ69R7jwxy-00019-00009338-00009786 but the the entire society is promised on the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00020-00009842-00010432 Possibility you see the entire society is promised on the possibility in India 7fJ69R7jwxy-00021-00010450-00010794 the entire society is promised on the possibility of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00022-00010877-00011042 hashish 7fJ69R7jwxy-00023-00011042-00011289 intoxication and social mores 7fJ69R7jwxy-00024-00011368-00011568 building design 7fJ69R7jwxy-00025-00011629-00012189 Everything takes account of this cultures. Don't see this we do not think of ourselves 7fJ69R7jwxy-00026-00012229-00012459 As a meat sugar 7fJ69R7jwxy-00027-00012518-00013074 Alcohol culture people do not walk around saying. Oh, wow. I'm so high on 7fJ69R7jwxy-00028-00013126-00013326 meat alcohol and sugar 7fJ69R7jwxy-00029-00013406-00013727 you know, I can hardly stand it, but they are and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00030-00013844-00013994 certain 7fJ69R7jwxy-00031-00013994-00014786 Consequences flow from that. So as I make my way through this survey, you need to bear in mind that a culture 7fJ69R7jwxy-00032-00014850-00015433 takes its tone its clothing from the drugs that it admits and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00033-00015486-00016066 You can know a great deal about a culture from the drugs that it excludes the drugs that it 7fJ69R7jwxy-00034-00016109-00016312 excoriates and fears 7fJ69R7jwxy-00035-00016395-00016595 because various drugs 7fJ69R7jwxy-00036-00016595-00016873 accentuate and suppress different parts of the psyche 7fJ69R7jwxy-00037-00016873-00017422 So these are statements about anxiety about various parts of the psyche 7fJ69R7jwxy-00038-00017501-00018139 the striking thing when you set out to do a cultural survey like this is you discover that our 7fJ69R7jwxy-00039-00018228-00018634 culture the culture of Europe for most of us 7fJ69R7jwxy-00040-00018634-00019327 Some of us are blacks on the serration, but the largely the roots of American culture lie in Europe. This is the most 7fJ69R7jwxy-00041-00019593-00019709 Pharmacologically 7fJ69R7jwxy-00042-00019709-00019881 impoverished 7fJ69R7jwxy-00043-00019881-00020458 Cultural area on the entire planet. It has the longest history of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00044-00020778-00020983 Disconnection from any kind of ecstatic 7fJ69R7jwxy-00045-00021048-00021245 intoxication and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00046-00021245-00021586 the cultural forms of Europe linear 7fJ69R7jwxy-00047-00021666-00021819 abstract 7fJ69R7jwxy-00048-00021819-00022594 Narcissistic and promoting of male dominance are to my mind exactly what you would expect in a culture 7fJ69R7jwxy-00049-00022617-00023026 long derived of the boundary dissolving 7fJ69R7jwxy-00050-00023100-00023207 numinous 7fJ69R7jwxy-00051-00023207-00023452 Encounter with the vegetable mind 7fJ69R7jwxy-00052-00023510-00024286 So a lot of the cultural problems we're dealing with are based on the fact that we as Europeans have no place 7fJ69R7jwxy-00053-00024329-00024829 for drugs, we don't really know quite what to do with that as 7fJ69R7jwxy-00054-00024969-00025339 as you move south from Europe into the continent of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00055-00025440-00025632 human origins 7fJ69R7jwxy-00056-00025632-00026101 Africa you discovered that while Africa supports a tropical 7fJ69R7jwxy-00057-00026193-00026677 Ecosystem which because that means increased speciation of plan 7fJ69R7jwxy-00058-00026702-00027002 you would think would indicate an increased number of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00059-00027061-00027175 hallucinogens 7fJ69R7jwxy-00060-00027175-00027310 Africa is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00061-00027310-00027510 surprisingly poor in 7fJ69R7jwxy-00062-00027562-00028206 Hallucinogens. This is not well understood as we go through this survey. I will make reference to numerous 7fJ69R7jwxy-00063-00028266-00028976 Unsolved mysteries in the field and I always try to do this because I'm hoping that there are graduate students 7fJ69R7jwxy-00064-00029008-00029645 Listening who are looking for research topics and there are numerous research areas. Where 7fJ69R7jwxy-00065-00029680-00030452 Important work can be done. One of them is this question of the poverty of hallasan engines in Africa? Why? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00066-00030558-00031358 Does it have something to do with the extreme length of time that Africa has been subject to human impact probably 7fJ69R7jwxy-00067-00031464-00031841 Because Africa is species poor generally for a tropical 7fJ69R7jwxy-00068-00031894-00032382 Continent however in the interests of thoroughness, there is one 7fJ69R7jwxy-00069-00032497-00033083 Hallucinogenic drug complex that should be mentioned because it raises issues that are important for the broader 7fJ69R7jwxy-00070-00033133-00033333 context and that is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00071-00033409-00034067 Ibogaine or tabernae the iboga the so called boa tea cults of zyre and Gabon 7fJ69R7jwxy-00072-00034090-00034290 now this is the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00073-00034357-00034770 Psychedelic about which we in the West probably know the least 7fJ69R7jwxy-00074-00034807-00035168 It has spawned no waves of social hysteria 7fJ69R7jwxy-00075-00035239-00035627 it has not been the subject of pogroms or 7fJ69R7jwxy-00076-00035697-00035897 media freak out 7fJ69R7jwxy-00077-00035902-00036522 it's and it's a powerful hallucinogen and it's not only a powerful hallucinogen, but it has a 7fJ69R7jwxy-00078-00036607-00037214 component of sexual excitation to it, which is ancillary and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00079-00037330-00037875 Unusual, if you actually have ever looked into the subject of aphrodisiacs 7fJ69R7jwxy-00080-00037987-00038262 The truth is there ain't any 7fJ69R7jwxy-00081-00038362-00038939 There are things which cause genital itching and prolonged erection and so forth but a true 7fJ69R7jwxy-00082-00038991-00039509 Aphrodisiac that chemical which would impel you to want to have sex? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00083-00039580-00039780 There's nothing quite like that 7fJ69R7jwxy-00084-00039806-00040140 except this tavern antha iboga is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00085-00040265-00040609 Very interesting we tend to think of an aphrodisiac 7fJ69R7jwxy-00086-00040681-00040877 because we tend to 7fJ69R7jwxy-00087-00040877-00041484 break our heart away from our genitals as a kind of a as a kind of a 7fJ69R7jwxy-00088-00041716-00041834 Cold 7fJ69R7jwxy-00089-00041834-00042363 Thing I think but when you talk to these people who are taking ebo game, they don't talk about 7fJ69R7jwxy-00090-00042431-00042726 Aphrodisiac they say this causes 7fJ69R7jwxy-00091-00042827-00042944 open-heartedness 7fJ69R7jwxy-00092-00042944-00043118 one heartedness 7fJ69R7jwxy-00093-00043118-00043890 they call it and one heartedness is what they are striving for in the bowie tea cult and they achieve it and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00094-00043925-00044125 They achieve it 7fJ69R7jwxy-00095-00044125-00044655 And it allows them to resist cultural incursions by Christian 7fJ69R7jwxy-00096-00044716-00044919 missionaries Bowie tea is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00097-00044971-00045201 the main cultural force 7fJ69R7jwxy-00098-00045253-00045453 That is holding back 7fJ69R7jwxy-00099-00045496-00045837 conversion to Christianity by these people 7fJ69R7jwxy-00100-00046055-00046837 Fang culture the people who are using this evil game. It's an interesting culture it there's a great deal of anxiety 7fJ69R7jwxy-00101-00046894-00046996 in 7fJ69R7jwxy-00102-00046996-00047247 Fang culture about divorce 7fJ69R7jwxy-00103-00047344-00048099 Because in relationships between men and women divorce is very easily obtained among the Fang 7fJ69R7jwxy-00104-00048236-00048469 But it's always followed by 7fJ69R7jwxy-00105-00048538-00048738 extremely lengthy and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00106-00048766-00049461 protracted negotiations with the family of the divorced partner about return of dowry and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00107-00049528-00050289 A huge amount of neurosis and agony and murder and violence goes on over these dowry return 7fJ69R7jwxy-00108-00050396-00050596 negotiations the eople game 7fJ69R7jwxy-00109-00050650-00051042 Stands right in the middle of this as a source of one heartedness 7fJ69R7jwxy-00110-00051094-00051720 Making divorce less likely so it's very important as a force for social 7fJ69R7jwxy-00111-00051754-00052426 cohesion and I mention this because when we reach ayahuasca, we will see I mean when we reach South America 7fJ69R7jwxy-00112-00052426-00052626 We will see ayahuasca 7fJ69R7jwxy-00113-00052708-00053317 functioning not as an aphrodisiac or a thing to unify chuckles but as a kind of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00114-00053361-00054139 Telepathic pheromone that unifies whole small tribal groups together into a one hearted one 7fJ69R7jwxy-00115-00054171-00054285 minded 7fJ69R7jwxy-00116-00054285-00054583 modality and if we get into a discussion of the possible 7fJ69R7jwxy-00117-00054687-00055264 Evolutionary impact of hallucinogens will see that it always lies in the direction of these 7fJ69R7jwxy-00118-00055338-00055559 collectivized states of mind and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00119-00055725-00055925 Dissolution of boundaries 7fJ69R7jwxy-00120-00055947-00056354 Between people other than tabernac the iboga 7fJ69R7jwxy-00121-00056427-00056987 Africa's Hollis antigens are trivial and I won't mention them in the time we have 7fJ69R7jwxy-00122-00057066-00057820 Cannabis is in Africa as well. But cannabis is worldwide now and probably has been for quite some time 7fJ69R7jwxy-00123-00057897-00058541 cannabis is a special case chemically and culturally we tend to think of cannabis as a 7fJ69R7jwxy-00124-00058608-00059404 Recreational drug, but that's because in the 20th century, we always smoked our cannabis in the 18th and 19th 7fJ69R7jwxy-00125-00059463-00059692 century cannabis was eaten and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00126-00059787-00060412 Jellied forms of cannabis that were eaten judging by the prose of people like Theodore Gautier 7fJ69R7jwxy-00127-00060507-00060707 Baudelaire 7fJ69R7jwxy-00128-00060765-00061403 It's Hugh Ludlow and people like that. It was as powerful as LSD without doubt 7fJ69R7jwxy-00129-00061403-00061957 I mean, these people were being swept in type 2 Titanic Li alien 7fJ69R7jwxy-00130-00062097-00062516 dimensions well when we cross from Africa to India 7fJ69R7jwxy-00131-00062595-00062705 India interestingly 7fJ69R7jwxy-00132-00062705-00063419 Of course as you all know tremendous depth of at least concern with the spiritual dimension 7fJ69R7jwxy-00133-00063419-00063712 If not realization of it, that's a tougher call 7fJ69R7jwxy-00134-00063929-00064104 India 7fJ69R7jwxy-00135-00064104-00064799 would be a likely place to look for indigenous hallucinogenic plant cults simply because of the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00136-00064836-00065470 spiritual obsession that characterizes Indian thought when we look at the historical foundations 7fJ69R7jwxy-00137-00065516-00066137 of Indian thought we find that it all rests on a group of texts composed between 7fJ69R7jwxy-00138-00066213-00066928 4,500 and 2,000 years ago called the Vedas and the Vedas are nothing less, but the world's longest 7fJ69R7jwxy-00139-00066998-00067127 continuing 7fJ69R7jwxy-00140-00067127-00067876 Advertisement for a hallucinogenic plant the problem is we don't know what this plant is. This is the mysterious 7fJ69R7jwxy-00141-00067935-00068182 soma of the RIC Vedas and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00142-00068303-00069016 Mandala nine of the Rig Veda is an entirely ahem - soma soma held 7fJ69R7jwxy-00143-00069116-00069766 Hinduism of the Vedic phase together later, it was repressed and again 7fJ69R7jwxy-00144-00069836-00070558 Graduate students pay attention one of the very interesting problems to be looked at by sociologists social 7fJ69R7jwxy-00145-00070628-00070828 psychologists and anthropologists is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00146-00070874-00071542 how if a drug once discovered or a plant once discovered is so 7fJ69R7jwxy-00147-00071616-00072046 Wonderful, how can these things ever be lost or forgotten? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00148-00072119-00072418 And yet in several instances we deal with 7fJ69R7jwxy-00149-00072482-00072775 literature's which sing the praises of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00150-00072857-00073531 Some plant or drug the identity of which we cannot figure out or it becomes a big 7fJ69R7jwxy-00151-00073619-00073912 arm-wrestle between various competing schools of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00152-00073997-00074476 Scholarship, we do not to this day know what soma was 7fJ69R7jwxy-00153-00074531-00074812 Rob Gordon Wasson, who 7fJ69R7jwxy-00154-00074897-00075526 Some of you may know as the discoverer the modern discoverer of the mushroom cults of Mexico 7fJ69R7jwxy-00155-00075593-00075907 founder of the science of ethno mycology 7fJ69R7jwxy-00156-00075944-00076393 Believed to his dying breath that soma was aa Moneta 7fJ69R7jwxy-00157-00076412-00076747 muscaria the red topped white 7fJ69R7jwxy-00158-00076823-00077023 speckled Amanita 7fJ69R7jwxy-00159-00077156-00077677 This is a mushroom, which has a major role in Tunguska can Arctic 7fJ69R7jwxy-00160-00077729-00077835 shamanism 7fJ69R7jwxy-00161-00077835-00078478 But to say as Wasson did that this is the supreme and thean of all time 7fJ69R7jwxy-00162-00078551-00078904 Is not supported by the evidence, I think 7fJ69R7jwxy-00163-00078977-00079177 Wasson zone efforts to become 7fJ69R7jwxy-00164-00079238-00079591 Intoxicated on I'm Annina. Muscaria were not successful 7fJ69R7jwxy-00165-00079739-00080020 My effort have not been successful 7fJ69R7jwxy-00166-00080142-00080359 Occasionally you will hear anecdotal evidence 7fJ69R7jwxy-00167-00080427-00080935 someone will tell a story about eating a banana muscaria that obviously they had a 7fJ69R7jwxy-00168-00081008-00081664 staggering breakthrough to a rupture of plane as Mercy Leone in his wonderful phrase 7fJ69R7jwxy-00169-00081675-00081910 But it's extremely undependable 7fJ69R7jwxy-00170-00081918-00082652 and when you look at the botany of how many know muscaria you discover that it's chemical constituency is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00171-00082752-00082952 seasonally variant 7fJ69R7jwxy-00172-00082974-00083102 genetically 7fJ69R7jwxy-00173-00083102-00083302 variant 7fJ69R7jwxy-00174-00083339-00083454 Geographically 7fJ69R7jwxy-00175-00083454-00083687 variant and so forth so 7fJ69R7jwxy-00176-00083751-00084196 often I think as we gain an understanding of a given 7fJ69R7jwxy-00177-00084249-00085039 shamanism, we will see that it depended on an extremely deep local knowledge and if you take what 7fJ69R7jwxy-00178-00085143-00085759 Ayacucho Minh says about how many know muscaria an attempt to apply it in the national forests of New Mexico 7fJ69R7jwxy-00179-00085785-00086108 You know you could end up with a tag on your toe 7fJ69R7jwxy-00180-00086313-00086752 These things do this kind of information doesn't travel well 7fJ69R7jwxy-00181-00086820-00087580 One of the one of the you know, there are old shamans and bold shamans, but there are no old bold 7fJ69R7jwxy-00182-00088214-00088660 In looking at the indian sub-continent for other hallucinogens 7fJ69R7jwxy-00183-00088737-00088937 That may have made a contribution 7fJ69R7jwxy-00184-00089001-00089374 The obvious one to my mind is stropharia 7fJ69R7jwxy-00185-00089420-00089911 cubensis that mushroom which grows in the dung of cows and that the book my brother and I was 7fJ69R7jwxy-00186-00089969-00090169 wrote was about 7fJ69R7jwxy-00187-00090188-00090847 other possibilities some of you may know that there are a family of the argyria family of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00188-00090981-00091532 morning-glories an Asian family of morning-glories distributed from India to the sought to 7fJ69R7jwxy-00189-00091607-00091722 Micronesia 7fJ69R7jwxy-00190-00091722-00091973 13 species all containing 7fJ69R7jwxy-00191-00092039-00092323 psychoactive ergot alkaloids none 7fJ69R7jwxy-00192-00092397-00093167 With an history of human usage now. This is another area which really fascinates me 7fJ69R7jwxy-00193-00093312-00094039 Why do some plants become discovered by human beings and become the objects of? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00194-00094101-00094372 cults which last millennia and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00195-00094431-00094816 others are never discovered at all in 7fJ69R7jwxy-00196-00094893-00095288 societies absolutely obsessed with spiritual advancement 7fJ69R7jwxy-00197-00095351-00095701 This our jury and nervosa is a perfect example 7fJ69R7jwxy-00198-00095751-00096502 Because you take the seeds the seeds or the active part and you don't need much of this thing you need 7fJ69R7jwxy-00199-00096551-00097108 Four or five seeds less than a tablespoon of plant material 7fJ69R7jwxy-00200-00097116-00097604 Which I would bet would make it per unit volume. Probably one of the most powerful 7fJ69R7jwxy-00201-00097688-00097888 hallucinogens in nature and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00202-00098120-00098485 The hallucinations are absolutely stunning and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00203-00098598-00098926 Nobody has ever claimed this it's free 7fJ69R7jwxy-00204-00098994-00099186 for the taking 7fJ69R7jwxy-00205-00099186-00099547 This means you can cut a deal with an ally that 7fJ69R7jwxy-00206-00099588-00100213 Doesn't belong to the Hindus the Mayans of the somebody else. It's an unoccupied 7fJ69R7jwxy-00207-00100299-00100499 parking space in 7fJ69R7jwxy-00208-00100658-00100858 Hyperspace and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00209-00100939-00101543 It's very interesting the discoveries are continuous just a year ago 7fJ69R7jwxy-00210-00101658-00101876 some phyto chemists in the Midwest 7fJ69R7jwxy-00211-00101974-00102654 Discovered a new plant. It's always been there. Nobody's ever taken it very seriously treated it like a weed 7fJ69R7jwxy-00212-00102717-00102870 desmond --this 7fJ69R7jwxy-00213-00102870-00103244 illinois ANSYS the illinois bundle weed 7fJ69R7jwxy-00214-00103276-00103980 This is suggestive that it's called bundle weed because a medicine bundle is of course a shamans 7fJ69R7jwxy-00215-00104007-00104378 Mojo bag, you know but so bundle weed 7fJ69R7jwxy-00216-00104503-00104795 6% by dry weight and then dimethyltryptamine 7fJ69R7jwxy-00217-00104896-00105396 the largest concentration of DMT in any plant and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00218-00105486-00106176 Unclaimed by native peoples unknown to the folk medicine of the North American Indians as far as as 7fJ69R7jwxy-00219-00106282-00106580 We can tell well, so this is very interesting 7fJ69R7jwxy-00220-00106884-00107531 Continuing our survey since we're now somewhere on the Eurasian continent we should mention 7fJ69R7jwxy-00221-00107698-00107845 a 7fJ69R7jwxy-00222-00107845-00108138 Papaver summon a forum the opium poppy 7fJ69R7jwxy-00223-00108232-00108624 With cannabis, this is probably the oldest human 7fJ69R7jwxy-00224-00108739-00108939 narcotic known 7fJ69R7jwxy-00225-00109005-00109676 In the the later phase of Minoan civilization and was entirely based on 7fJ69R7jwxy-00226-00109792-00110171 opium on the use of opium and in fact when Michael Ventris 7fJ69R7jwxy-00227-00110259-00110505 Translated the tablets the linear b tablets 7fJ69R7jwxy-00228-00110626-00111366 They got these tallies and they thought at first that the symbol for opium must be the symbol for wheat 7fJ69R7jwxy-00229-00111427-00111601 because the tallies 7fJ69R7jwxy-00230-00111601-00112326 Were so huge of the stuff being moved and sold and then when they sorted out they realized no in tho for the last 7fJ69R7jwxy-00231-00112335-00112513 thousand years of its existence 7fJ69R7jwxy-00232-00112513-00112713 the Minoan civilization 7fJ69R7jwxy-00233-00112767-00113474 Drifted deeper and deeper into an opium narcosis. That was its way I think of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00234-00113610-00113736 anesthetize 7fJ69R7jwxy-00235-00113736-00114335 The pain of the death of this last outpost of the goddess religion because that's what it was 7fJ69R7jwxy-00236-00114335-00114905 It was a cultural anachronism while Asia Minor had gone over to God King 7fJ69R7jwxy-00237-00114979-00115701 City-states and bronze tipped Spears. The people of Minoan Crete had kept the old old 7fJ69R7jwxy-00238-00115813-00116459 archaic religion that came out of Africa and then in the last gasp of that Minoan culture 7fJ69R7jwxy-00239-00116497-00117249 Those mysteries were handed on to the mainland of Greece and became the mysteries at at 7fJ69R7jwxy-00240-00117313-00117466 elusive and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00241-00117466-00117902 and other cults sites it was said by the by the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00242-00117967-00118503 commentators contemporary commentators of the Hellenistic world the site the the rites 7fJ69R7jwxy-00243-00118549-00118910 practiced in secret Atta lusus are practiced in 7fJ69R7jwxy-00244-00118966-00119558 Public at canosa and this this was the difference, you know the going underground of the old 7fJ69R7jwxy-00245-00119644-00119895 protamine known Mother religion 7fJ69R7jwxy-00246-00120043-00120329 in modern times, we have a horror of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00247-00120394-00120532 opium 7fJ69R7jwxy-00248-00120532-00120968 I mean people are amazed that I even mention it in the same breath 7fJ69R7jwxy-00249-00120969-00121344 But it doesn't hurt to remind ourselves that this 7fJ69R7jwxy-00250-00121390-00122115 virulent, ly addictive substance opium was not even noticed to be addictive by anybody until 7fJ69R7jwxy-00251-00122218-00122633 1627 when the English physician John Playfair for the first time 7fJ69R7jwxy-00252-00122701-00122866 commented that 7fJ69R7jwxy-00253-00122866-00123461 Opium once taken over a long period of time then that would be a requirement that it be taken 7fJ69R7jwxy-00254-00123565-00123765 throughout life 7fJ69R7jwxy-00255-00124000-00124655 We're right in the middle of a drug war at the moment and it's interesting in that context to 7fJ69R7jwxy-00256-00124801-00125376 Notice how the goals of drug wars can change a hundred years ago 7fJ69R7jwxy-00257-00125436-00125972 The British Navy was involved in what was called the opium wars in China 7fJ69R7jwxy-00258-00126043-00126809 Very few people in the modern world have bothered to inform themselves to find out that the opium wars 7fJ69R7jwxy-00259-00126858-00127370 Were about the right of the British government to deal opium 7fJ69R7jwxy-00260-00127430-00128041 the emperor of china did not want opium dealt in the ports of China and the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00261-00128091-00128587 British government used cannon to enforce their desire 7fJ69R7jwxy-00262-00128622-00128905 to sell opium in the ports of China 7fJ69R7jwxy-00263-00128919-00129505 Why were the English trying to sell opium in the ports of China because the tea trade? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00264-00129570-00130316 Had collapsed through overproduction and they were stuck with all these tea ships. They had created a whole global 7fJ69R7jwxy-00265-00130371-00130991 Infrastructure for the sale of tea when the market fell out on tea. They just turned to opium 7fJ69R7jwxy-00266-00130991-00131731 They grew it in Goa and they sold it in China. This was government policy less than a hundred and twenty years ago 7fJ69R7jwxy-00267-00131871-00132003 Okay, well 7fJ69R7jwxy-00268-00132003-00132460 Moving on then from Eurasia, and I'm sure I'm missing different things 7fJ69R7jwxy-00269-00132461-00132839 but if I missed your favorite thing bring it up in the question period 7fJ69R7jwxy-00270-00132900-00133092 to the North American 7fJ69R7jwxy-00271-00133092-00133402 continent and the North American continent is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00272-00133479-00134095 I almost said similarly cursed like Europe, but that's just my prejudice 7fJ69R7jwxy-00273-00134096-00134576 The North American continent is similarly poor in Hollis antigens 7fJ69R7jwxy-00274-00134700-00134900 there are no 7fJ69R7jwxy-00275-00134910-00135602 very interesting hallucinogens in North America and North American Indians North American culture 7fJ69R7jwxy-00276-00135642-00135952 Did not avail itself of this 7fJ69R7jwxy-00277-00136029-00136456 Ecstatic plant induced chauvinism attended more to go for what's called ordeal 7fJ69R7jwxy-00278-00136494-00136889 shamanism the Sundance thing where you hang yourself by your 7fJ69R7jwxy-00279-00136950-00137242 Pectorals on hooks and stuff like that 7fJ69R7jwxy-00280-00137242-00137587 I mean there are other ways to attain these visions 7fJ69R7jwxy-00281-00137589-00138116 but you see that absence of good Hollis antigens in North America just 7fJ69R7jwxy-00282-00138180-00138835 Reinforced that whole beer and woolen and uptight thing that came from Europe 7fJ69R7jwxy-00283-00138927-00139122 the only major 7fJ69R7jwxy-00284-00139122-00139553 Hollis antigen to have a role in Native American culture is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00285-00139605-00139816 of course peyote and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00286-00139880-00140128 many people without informing themselves 7fJ69R7jwxy-00287-00140202-00140482 imagined that peyote is something which goes 7fJ69R7jwxy-00288-00140550-00141130 Millennia into the past and that it and this is absolutely not true 7fJ69R7jwxy-00289-00141216-00141739 Peyote use may well be less than a thousand years old among Native 7fJ69R7jwxy-00290-00141807-00142220 Americans when you go back into the old graves and the old 7fJ69R7jwxy-00291-00142320-00142816 Burial sites in the Rio Grande Valley and South you don't find peyote 7fJ69R7jwxy-00292-00142848-00143288 What you find are the beans of Sephora Secunda folia 7fJ69R7jwxy-00293-00143352-00143635 You all probably know this plant though. You may not know its name 7fJ69R7jwxy-00294-00143642-00144256 It's the plant that produces the very hard red and black bean that they can 7fJ69R7jwxy-00295-00144297-00144977 Constrain if you all know what color a mace are these are Aerith dryness which are related to these things 7fJ69R7jwxy-00296-00145004-00145204 Okay, that stuff contains 7fJ69R7jwxy-00297-00145329-00145488 Cytosine and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00298-00145488-00145688 cysteine this is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00299-00145754-00146476 These are what are called ordeal poisons, and it might be worthwhile to just talk for a minute about our deal poisons 7fJ69R7jwxy-00300-00146477-00147010 I said there's more than one way to skin a cat. There's more than one way to 7fJ69R7jwxy-00301-00147072-00147626 Have this experience that shoves you through to an awareness of the numinous 7fJ69R7jwxy-00302-00147641-00148195 That's what we're trying to do is have an awareness of the numinous well in certain parts of the world 7fJ69R7jwxy-00303-00148233-00148630 Where howís antigens were not present in the biome? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00304-00148707-00148848 people 7fJ69R7jwxy-00305-00148848-00149016 concentrated on 7fJ69R7jwxy-00306-00149016-00149701 ordeal poisons and what an ordeal poison is is it's a chemical compound that you take it and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00307-00149733-00150401 You think you're going to die and you beg for death and you do not die 7fJ69R7jwxy-00308-00150455-00150709 You get better you're fine. And you're 7fJ69R7jwxy-00309-00150789-00150989 So damn glad to be alive 7fJ69R7jwxy-00310-00151148-00151750 That you undergo an ab reaction you get straight you shed some of your 7fJ69R7jwxy-00311-00151799-00152194 complexes and you make a you turn over a new leaf this 7fJ69R7jwxy-00312-00152264-00152475 is what it is well in 7fJ69R7jwxy-00313-00152537-00153295 Madagascar these ordeal poisons have been brought to a high state of perfection. Also in Malaya. There's a poison 7fJ69R7jwxy-00314-00153350-00153853 Complex that replaces a hallucinogenic drug complex, and these are horrific 7fJ69R7jwxy-00315-00153959-00154136 poisons so 7fJ69R7jwxy-00316-00154136-00154821 What apparently was going on in the Rio Grande Valley was after centuries of the Sephora Secunda folia cult 7fJ69R7jwxy-00317-00154904-00155115 someone discovered peyote and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00318-00155195-00155395 sadly 7fJ69R7jwxy-00319-00155423-00156130 You know, thank God and then the other the other plant which was big in the in the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00320-00156251-00156619 Southern California northern Mexico and across the southwest were the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00321-00156830-00157599 Tropane containing de Torres the so called to lodge religion of southern california. Well, these are 7fJ69R7jwxy-00322-00157679-00157838 deliriant 7fJ69R7jwxy-00323-00157838-00158428 Confusions that are unless you have a psychic Constitution that is not like mine 7fJ69R7jwxy-00324-00158465-00158818 you can't take these things there - I 7fJ69R7jwxy-00325-00158870-00159070 Just found them 7fJ69R7jwxy-00326-00159113-00159215 confusing 7fJ69R7jwxy-00327-00159215-00159795 It was like a kind of madness and also physically very difficult to handle. I 7fJ69R7jwxy-00328-00159821-00160357 experimented I had a phase with these things when I was in Nepal because there are 7fJ69R7jwxy-00329-00160403-00160472 sadhus 7fJ69R7jwxy-00330-00160472-00160807 holy men in the Kathmandu Valley who swear by this 7fJ69R7jwxy-00331-00160817-00161394 Stuff and if you're in Katmandu you may notice in the gutter or you'll notice plenty in the gutter 7fJ69R7jwxy-00332-00161395-00161716 But you may also notice these datura pods 7fJ69R7jwxy-00333-00161795-00162466 Empty datura pods and I know the stomach started asking questions and then out at the Kings game preserve past 7fJ69R7jwxy-00334-00162521-00162969 Pashupatinath, I found a bunch of these things and laid in a supply 7fJ69R7jwxy-00335-00163028-00163130 and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00336-00163130-00163330 But it is an occult 7fJ69R7jwxy-00337-00163343-00163478 watery 7fJ69R7jwxy-00338-00163478-00163693 It's a dimension of confusion 7fJ69R7jwxy-00339-00163693-00164172 not a dimension of high awareness and I think some of you have heard me tell the story about 7fJ69R7jwxy-00340-00164204-00164424 the reason I gave it up with 7fJ69R7jwxy-00341-00164449-00164929 An Englishman a friend of mine who lived in this little village in Nepal where I lived? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00342-00164929-00165351 He was also experimenting with this stuff one day I was buying 7fJ69R7jwxy-00343-00165404-00166006 Potatoes and tomatoes in the market and I ran into him and we started having a conversation 7fJ69R7jwxy-00344-00166028-00166239 and in the course of the conversation 7fJ69R7jwxy-00345-00166292-00166674 He revealed that he believed we were in his apartment 7fJ69R7jwxy-00346-00166730-00166871 and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00347-00166871-00167071 Then I knew that 7fJ69R7jwxy-00348-00167234-00167674 You know, we weren't we were losing hold on our grounding 7fJ69R7jwxy-00349-00167789-00168214 So I don't recommend that I don't have a whole lot to say about it 7fJ69R7jwxy-00350-00168214-00168658 apparently it's a it's a thing for magic power magic and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00351-00168674-00169185 I've never been particularly interested in that because I'm afraid of it. I'm 7fJ69R7jwxy-00352-00169256-00169373 I'm a 7fJ69R7jwxy-00353-00169373-00170065 Watcher I like to look I like to get very close to it and watch it, but I'm not into 7fJ69R7jwxy-00354-00170123-00170605 Grabbing it or doing anything with it. I have a feeling that would lead to catastrophe 7fJ69R7jwxy-00355-00170735-00170935 For me personally 7fJ69R7jwxy-00356-00171185-00171745 Okay, where are we now northern Mexico now we've gone all around we started in Europe 7fJ69R7jwxy-00357-00171745-00172281 We went down into Africa across the Eurasian continent North American northern Mexico now things get interesting 7fJ69R7jwxy-00358-00172367-00172761 Because as you leave the Sonoran uplands and go south 7fJ69R7jwxy-00359-00172871-00173071 in the Sierra Mazatec 7fJ69R7jwxy-00360-00173171-00173563 it is this mushroom complex, which 7fJ69R7jwxy-00361-00173615-00174082 valentina and Gordon Watson discovered in the 1953 7fJ69R7jwxy-00362-00174263-00174667 S17 222 species. It depends on who's counting of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00363-00174761-00175477 extremely endemic meaning very localised species of mushrooms all producing psilocybin a 7fJ69R7jwxy-00364-00175541-00176088 coincident with the Mayan the cultural site of the Mayan mixtec and Mazatec and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00365-00176153-00176554 civilizations and this is su assignment an 7fJ69R7jwxy-00366-00176630-00176759 extraordinarily 7fJ69R7jwxy-00367-00176759-00176933 powerful 7fJ69R7jwxy-00368-00176933-00177133 visionary and benign 7fJ69R7jwxy-00369-00177251-00177679 hallucinogenic metabolite once the Wasson's 7fJ69R7jwxy-00370-00177816-00178600 had nailed down this Mexican mushroom complex, then people started checking and they discovered these mushrooms or 7fJ69R7jwxy-00371-00178692-00178970 conspecific species in many localities 7fJ69R7jwxy-00372-00179088-00179714 - that are worth mentioning are the Pacific Northwest, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia 7fJ69R7jwxy-00373-00179766-00180196 Which appears to be the world's center for species? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00374-00180249-00180491 density of the psilocybin gene and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00375-00180543-00180738 strangely enough 7fJ69R7jwxy-00376-00180738-00181343 Very good ethnographic research turns up. No hint that these 7fJ69R7jwxy-00377-00181488-00181688 Kwakiutl shim-sham 7fJ69R7jwxy-00378-00181767-00182480 Enget and other people had any hint of this they lived in the center of the psilocybin 7fJ69R7jwxy-00379-00182565-00183116 Distribution complex and as far as we can tell their shamanism, which was highly evolved never 7fJ69R7jwxy-00380-00183207-00183715 discovered or made use of this knot so these civilizations of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00381-00183777-00184525 Mesoamerica the other place where these mushrooms have now been discovered and the range seems to be extending every year is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00382-00184677-00185425 Europe the tragedy of European civilization is that the logos was apparently there all the time 7fJ69R7jwxy-00383-00185670-00185870 The English countryside I 7fJ69R7jwxy-00384-00185925-00186680 understand is now practically a scene of annual mushroom runs that are not unlike the lemming runs of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00385-00186741-00187229 Scandinavia and everybody pours out to to collect the semi land sea otter 7fJ69R7jwxy-00386-00187287-00187781 Mushrooms, they I've been told I haven't been to these sites, but I've been told that 7fJ69R7jwxy-00387-00187893-00188168 Ionia where the Book of Kells was 7fJ69R7jwxy-00388-00188238-00188433 composed and where 7fJ69R7jwxy-00389-00188433-00188633 St. Columba went is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00390-00188697-00189005 covered with mushrooms is very clearly any 7fJ69R7jwxy-00391-00189078-00189246 mushroom ecology 7fJ69R7jwxy-00392-00189246-00189446 attention graduate students the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00393-00189540-00190283 Tracing of mushroom motifs in European art and civilization and culture is an extremely rich 7fJ69R7jwxy-00394-00190359-00190687 Untapped field if you need some clues 7fJ69R7jwxy-00395-00190806-00191269 Look at family escutcheons. Look at family crests 7fJ69R7jwxy-00396-00191346-00191747 in France in France and the Italian parts of France 7fJ69R7jwxy-00397-00191747-00192274 the more le family has the more L on their 7fJ69R7jwxy-00398-00192374-00192727 Escutcheon, there are other mushroom families and mushroom 7fJ69R7jwxy-00399-00192785-00193423 Names, so there may have been you know, this may have been the struggle between paganism and Christianity 7fJ69R7jwxy-00400-00193484-00193667 May have revolved 7fJ69R7jwxy-00401-00193667-00194242 Around a mushroom we know druids were into plants. We know they were into oak Grove's 7fJ69R7jwxy-00402-00194297-00194399 but 7fJ69R7jwxy-00403-00194399-00194665 The plant that is always mentioned is the druid 7fJ69R7jwxy-00404-00194733-00194974 psychedelic psychic plant of choice is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00405-00195038-00195319 mistletoe but mistletoe is chemically very 7fJ69R7jwxy-00406-00195396-00195628 disappointing and I've wondered if 7fJ69R7jwxy-00407-00195704-00195904 mistletoe is not 7fJ69R7jwxy-00408-00195992-00196249 It wasn't the plant they wanted to symbolize 7fJ69R7jwxy-00409-00196249-00196738 They wanted to symbolize the symbiosis of one plant upon another 7fJ69R7jwxy-00410-00196772-00197068 It's that the mistletoe symbolizes epiphytic 7fJ69R7jwxy-00411-00197126-00197247 existence 7fJ69R7jwxy-00412-00197247-00197455 anyway, this isn't on an 7fJ69R7jwxy-00413-00197525-00197725 untapped area 7fJ69R7jwxy-00414-00197726-00198379 once you get into the new world tropics, then you are in the great domain of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00415-00198449-00198916 Of the hallucinogenic plants and no one knows 7fJ69R7jwxy-00416-00198996-00199465 Why it is that the tropics of the new world are 7fJ69R7jwxy-00417-00199601-00199801 tremendously rich in 7fJ69R7jwxy-00418-00199869-00200248 Hallucinogens. I mean, I don't know how many of you are botanists or 7fJ69R7jwxy-00419-00200354-00200554 biologists, but try to imagine 7fJ69R7jwxy-00420-00200694-00200923 figuring out a set of evolutionary 7fJ69R7jwxy-00421-00200978-00201406 Constraints that we're operating on one side of the planet but not on the other 7fJ69R7jwxy-00422-00201447-00201967 you know when we take for instance the jungles of southern Colombia and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00423-00202037-00202531 Compare them with let us say the jungles of New Guinea. These are both 7fJ69R7jwxy-00424-00202586-00202786 continental Flora's both 7fJ69R7jwxy-00425-00202833-00203353 equatorial both climax data species rich climax and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00426-00203409-00203962 One has dozens of house in urchins in it, and the other has none 7fJ69R7jwxy-00427-00204042-00204242 none 7fJ69R7jwxy-00428-00204243-00204796 This is not well understood, I mean theories range as wildly as 7fJ69R7jwxy-00429-00204923-00205355 obviously that South America must be where the flying saucer landed and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00430-00205490-00205774 You know, that's where the genes were seeded. I 7fJ69R7jwxy-00431-00205863-00206239 I confess I'm not sure why it is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00432-00206331-00206834 At first I thought that it had to do with the extremely primitive state 7fJ69R7jwxy-00433-00206894-00207514 So-called primitive these extremely archaic state of culture in the South American jungles 7fJ69R7jwxy-00434-00207546-00207836 That they represent a real Stone Age culture 7fJ69R7jwxy-00435-00207921-00208110 Where when you go into? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00436-00208110-00208229 Indonesia 7fJ69R7jwxy-00437-00208229-00208975 It may look primitive to you. But the Dutch were there before the English arrived in North America it is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00438-00209031-00209524 It has had centuries and centuries for which in which these things could be forgotten 7fJ69R7jwxy-00439-00209532-00209941 but of course then come the botanist who care nothing for 7fJ69R7jwxy-00440-00209994-00210656 Ethnographic data and who simply carry out plant surveys and chemical analysis of plants 7fJ69R7jwxy-00441-00210656-00211219 They can't find these howís antigens either. So this is a great mystery in 7fJ69R7jwxy-00442-00211317-00211517 the tropics of them of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00443-00211626-00211826 Mesoamerica and and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00444-00211878-00212228 the equatorial tropics of the new world there's a vast 7fJ69R7jwxy-00445-00212367-00213119 panoply of Hallas antigens not only the mushroom complex, but then also this ayahuasca or 7fJ69R7jwxy-00446-00213186-00213333 yah-hey 7fJ69R7jwxy-00447-00213333-00213598 Complex that we've referred to several times 7fJ69R7jwxy-00448-00213714-00214015 this is a huge jungle vine and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00449-00214071-00214430 As we cross into the yah-hey area 7fJ69R7jwxy-00450-00214452-00214883 We also cross we cross an interesting 7fJ69R7jwxy-00451-00215042-00215242 Barrier 7fJ69R7jwxy-00452-00215342-00215569 Because we move from plants 7fJ69R7jwxy-00453-00215646-00216146 single plants which are hallucinogenic Li active into the realm of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00454-00216198-00216619 Preparations we're on the threshold of the concept drug 7fJ69R7jwxy-00455-00216687-00216997 Here because what ayahuasca is is? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00456-00217119-00217801 Two plants which are not active unless brought into combination with each other 7fJ69R7jwxy-00457-00217850-00218048 one plant 7fJ69R7jwxy-00458-00218048-00218248 contains a monoamine oxidase 7fJ69R7jwxy-00459-00218292-00219067 inhibitor and the other plant contains DMT, which would be destroyed in the gut if taken orally 7fJ69R7jwxy-00460-00219146-00219577 Unless it were taken orally in the presence of an MAO inhibitor 7fJ69R7jwxy-00461-00219632-00219994 well, this was not understood by Western pharmacology until 7fJ69R7jwxy-00462-00220079-00220648 1956 but it was understood by Amazonian shamans millennia ago 7fJ69R7jwxy-00463-00220733-00221218 so they bring these two things together and by varying the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00464-00221282-00221530 ratio between the plant containing the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00465-00221609-00222223 beta-carboline s that inhibit Mao and the plants that contain DMT they can intensify or 7fJ69R7jwxy-00466-00222335-00222500 de-emphasize 7fJ69R7jwxy-00467-00222500-00222686 the visions 7fJ69R7jwxy-00468-00222686-00222886 well, most of the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00469-00223044-00223694 Most of the hallucinogens in the Amazon basin run on tryptamine of some sort 7fJ69R7jwxy-00470-00223826-00224170 usually DMT in the upper basin of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00471-00224234-00224785 Colombia Ecuador Peru like that you get these ban Asteria 7fJ69R7jwxy-00472-00224913-00225104 Yahei! Ayahuasca 7fJ69R7jwxy-00473-00225104-00225466 Beverages these are things you drink and then it comes on 7fJ69R7jwxy-00474-00225467-00226060 You know these outlandish trips as you go down into the lower base and the banisteriopsis 7fJ69R7jwxy-00475-00226100-00226486 Cult gives way to these snuff cults 7fJ69R7jwxy-00476-00226553-00226984 abena and Neal Poe depending on the languages 7fJ69R7jwxy-00477-00227013-00227773 These are don't depend on an MAO inhibitor for their activity because they're absorbed through the sub nasal 7fJ69R7jwxy-00478-00227817-00227867 mucosa 7fJ69R7jwxy-00479-00227867-00228262 Which is an extremely effective way for getting drugs 7fJ69R7jwxy-00480-00228302-00228667 into the system the problem with these 7fJ69R7jwxy-00481-00228717-00229501 with that complex, the snuff complex is that we are just physically such delicate and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00482-00229563-00230173 Wimpy people that we can't stand that route route of drug 7fJ69R7jwxy-00483-00230231-00230690 administration because what they do is they toast these seeds of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00484-00230734-00231312 Anodyne anther a peregrine this huge leguminous tree, which is the source of the seeds 7fJ69R7jwxy-00485-00231325-00231842 They toast these seeds and powder them. So what you get is a kind of rough 7fJ69R7jwxy-00486-00231928-00232084 cross between 7fJ69R7jwxy-00487-00232084-00232655 sawdust and charcoal and then they have a hollow tube about this long and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00488-00232671-00233339 they load it up with this stuff and you squat down and put the nostril the tube into your 7fJ69R7jwxy-00489-00233362-00233984 Nostril and your friend your friend, not you because you would not do it hard enough 7fJ69R7jwxy-00490-00234064-00234327 your friend then takes a huge breath of air and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00491-00234417-00234791 and it's just like being hit in the face with a 7fJ69R7jwxy-00492-00234894-00235667 2x4. I mean it's like being hit in the face and you fall over backwards you scream you salivate 7fJ69R7jwxy-00493-00235667-00236066 you squirm around there in the dirt for a minute or two and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00494-00236146-00236366 Then you sit back up and by that time 7fJ69R7jwxy-00495-00236437-00236747 The tube has been reloaded for the other nostril 7fJ69R7jwxy-00496-00237044-00237592 And then you know and your eyes your sinuses can't believe what's happening to you 7fJ69R7jwxy-00497-00237690-00237973 So you have to sort out this whole sinus? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00498-00238038-00238408 shock, which is going on in parallel with them an 7fJ69R7jwxy-00499-00238467-00239029 evolving strange state of mind which is beginning to take over and and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00500-00239085-00239339 Clarify everything and then there are numerous 7fJ69R7jwxy-00501-00239415-00239562 minor 7fJ69R7jwxy-00502-00239562-00239851 variations on these things 7fJ69R7jwxy-00503-00240023-00240325 Might talk just a little bit about the chemistry of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00504-00240387-00241075 These things and the chemistry of how the sentence generally my attitude toward these 7fJ69R7jwxy-00505-00241203-00241403 this question of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00506-00241440-00242086 Plants compounds drugs should these things be used for spiritual growth? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00507-00242294-00242950 If the answer is no then that finishes, you know have to go any further if the answer is maybe or yes then 7fJ69R7jwxy-00508-00243003-00243153 other questions 7fJ69R7jwxy-00509-00243153-00243353 arise which 7fJ69R7jwxy-00510-00243419-00244126 Compounds out of this whole survey and at what frequency and at what dosage and under what? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00511-00244323-00244496 Circumstances and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00512-00244496-00244589 over the years 7fJ69R7jwxy-00513-00244589-00245315 I've sort of evolved a threeway test that I will share with you because I think it's maybe them 7fJ69R7jwxy-00514-00245388-00245977 Operationally the most useful thing you'll hear this weekend and that is if you are contemplating 7fJ69R7jwxy-00515-00246048-00246189 some 7fJ69R7jwxy-00516-00246189-00246665 Some compound some plant then the first thing to ask yourself is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00517-00246732-00247144 Does it occur in nature does it have some? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00518-00247212-00247627 tangential 'ti to what is already existing because obviously 7fJ69R7jwxy-00519-00247692-00248200 What exists that's nature has undergone some? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00520-00248283-00248483 vast winnowing process 7fJ69R7jwxy-00521-00248532-00248885 out of the set of all things which might 7fJ69R7jwxy-00522-00248952-00249752 exist in that wonderful phrase of Alfred North Whitehead z-- certain things have undergone the formality of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00523-00249807-00250007 actually occurring 7fJ69R7jwxy-00524-00250044-00250671 You know and then and so certain certain compounds have undergone the formality of actually 7fJ69R7jwxy-00525-00250708-00250903 occurring in the biological 7fJ69R7jwxy-00526-00250903-00251549 matrix, and so they should be they should be our pool out of which our 7fJ69R7jwxy-00527-00251611-00252071 Experimental compound should be drawn, but this is thousands of compounds 7fJ69R7jwxy-00528-00252071-00252311 How can we further narrow it? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00529-00252358-00252971 Well, an excellent way of narrowing it further is to ask the question of this compound 7fJ69R7jwxy-00530-00252996-00253277 Does it have a history of human usage? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00531-00253354-00253751 Does it have a history of human usage? That is your 7fJ69R7jwxy-00532-00253846-00254046 FDA approval 7fJ69R7jwxy-00533-00254067-00254867 because if you can point to a tribe of people who have been taking this plant or mushroom or whatever it is from millennia and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00534-00254884-00255064 they don't have 7fJ69R7jwxy-00535-00255064-00255262 miscarriages tumors 7fJ69R7jwxy-00536-00255262-00255462 cataracts blindness Down 7fJ69R7jwxy-00537-00255502-00255998 syndrome eight fingers on the left-hand or whatever it is, then you 7fJ69R7jwxy-00538-00256054-00256812 Can be fairly confident that this thing is benign that these people have observed its action on pregnant women the elderly 7fJ69R7jwxy-00539-00256869-00257258 The those with you know, and and that it has passed 7fJ69R7jwxy-00540-00257404-00257604 that test 7fJ69R7jwxy-00541-00258058-00258278 Then finally the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00542-00258342-00258926 Narrowest gate through which a compound has to go to to intersect 7fJ69R7jwxy-00543-00258927-00259419 My precious body is it has to have an affinity? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00544-00259494-00259694 to ordinary brain 7fJ69R7jwxy-00545-00259717-00260217 Chemistry, it has to have an affinity to ordinary brain chemistry 7fJ69R7jwxy-00546-00260217-00260954 We don't want to launch something on your brain that it can't recognize at all that it has no biosynthetic 7fJ69R7jwxy-00547-00260992-00261722 Pathways to degrade that it has no receptors for just some crazy thing, you know 7fJ69R7jwxy-00548-00261792-00261992 five amino three 7fJ69R7jwxy-00549-00262039-00262791 Triethyl fin file an accident or something. We don't want that. There's not the spirit that we're acting in here 7fJ69R7jwxy-00550-00262852-00263271 so if the compound can get through those three barriers 7fJ69R7jwxy-00551-00263325-00263525 Then it's an excellent candidate for 7fJ69R7jwxy-00552-00263701-00264020 Providing spiritual gain at low 7fJ69R7jwxy-00553-00264184-00264561 Physiological impact. Well now some people may say oh well 7fJ69R7jwxy-00554-00264561-00265358 you've taken all the fun out of it all the good things have been tossed aside in this mad rush to 7fJ69R7jwxy-00555-00265408-00265652 Purity or something. Not at all 7fJ69R7jwxy-00556-00265729-00266312 the very best stuff was retained in this process because 7fJ69R7jwxy-00557-00266512-00266771 In terms of relative strength and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00558-00266848-00267459 bizarreness of effect and so forth the strangest the most powerful the most 7fJ69R7jwxy-00559-00267508-00268016 transformative of all Hollis antigens in nature or out is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00560-00268093-00268293 dimethyltryptamine DMT 7fJ69R7jwxy-00561-00268312-00268459 and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00562-00268459-00268922 It's worth talking about DMT for a moment because it will raise 7fJ69R7jwxy-00563-00269008-00269222 certain issues and distinctions 7fJ69R7jwxy-00564-00269296-00269496 That you may not have been aware of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00565-00269626-00270426 First of all DMT is hands-down the most powerful of all hallucinogens. I mean it is so powerful that 7fJ69R7jwxy-00566-00270499-00270879 Whatever since second place is lost over the horizon 7fJ69R7jwxy-00567-00270988-00271117 Yet 7fJ69R7jwxy-00568-00271117-00271231 Yet 7fJ69R7jwxy-00569-00271231-00271754 It is the most benign of all house energons 7fJ69R7jwxy-00570-00271810-00272099 Because it occurs as an endogenous neurotransmitter 7fJ69R7jwxy-00571-00272197-00272484 in the normal human brain 7fJ69R7jwxy-00572-00272578-00272985 We every single one of us at this moment have an end dimethyltryptamine 7fJ69R7jwxy-00573-00273037-00273220 being synthesized 7fJ69R7jwxy-00574-00273220-00273426 activated and degraded in our 7fJ69R7jwxy-00575-00273514-00273691 synaptic membrane 7fJ69R7jwxy-00576-00273691-00274266 So this is almost a paradox the most benign of all house antigens the most 7fJ69R7jwxy-00577-00274288-00274824 Fast-acting I should also add is also the most harmless 7fJ69R7jwxy-00578-00274879-00275369 The the easiest to take it sort of remove it sort of puts a certain obligation 7fJ69R7jwxy-00579-00275434-00276036 On the experience because there is no reason to hold back 7fJ69R7jwxy-00580-00276157-00276389 Except that there is this question 7fJ69R7jwxy-00581-00276466-00277010 Does it drive you mad? And then the more serious version of that question? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00582-00277081-00277412 What about the possibility of death by astonishment? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00583-00277773-00277973 This is no joke 7fJ69R7jwxy-00584-00278044-00278595 Death by astonishment is I think probably the major risk. Could we run? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00585-00278727-00279134 with this stuff because the impact of the breakthrough is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00586-00279198-00279545 is so total so complete so 7fJ69R7jwxy-00587-00279667-00280197 unexpected and in a way this sort of brings me back around to my theme because I 7fJ69R7jwxy-00588-00280348-00281009 Encountered DMT LSD all of these things in that very period when I was getting set to 7fJ69R7jwxy-00589-00281082-00281297 Take flight as a union 7fJ69R7jwxy-00590-00281373-00281526 analyst and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00591-00281526-00281673 What? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00592-00281673-00282407 Completely blew my mind about DMT and I mention it in again. Here's an opportunity for research is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00593-00282459-00282662 How trash here's a heretical 7fJ69R7jwxy-00594-00282756-00282956 construction how trans 7fJ69R7jwxy-00595-00283005-00283352 archetypal the content of the flash 7fJ69R7jwxy-00596-00283417-00283658 Seemed I was appalled 7fJ69R7jwxy-00597-00283701-00284312 Because not only had I a certain amount of interest in young and proclivity along those lines 7fJ69R7jwxy-00598-00284323-00284837 But my original major had been art history art historians 7fJ69R7jwxy-00599-00284838-00285434 What we're trained to do is to be able to look at a motif and say oh, yes 7fJ69R7jwxy-00600-00285434-00286088 I'm familiar from with this from ceramic from second. Millennia Peru and also men dyin 7fJ69R7jwxy-00601-00286236-00286420 embroidery work 7fJ69R7jwxy-00602-00286420-00286964 We know motifs. We're trained to recognize and connect disparate 7fJ69R7jwxy-00603-00287028-00287732 Aesthetic domains or when I smoked DMT and came down I said, you know, this is not on the map 7fJ69R7jwxy-00604-00287736-00288215 I can't believe it that this doesn't connect up to anything 7fJ69R7jwxy-00605-00288247-00288953 How can there be domains of the human mind that do not announce themselves in folklore? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00606-00289023-00289185 fairy tales 7fJ69R7jwxy-00607-00289185-00289571 dreams or mandala painting that are so 7fJ69R7jwxy-00608-00289656-00290339 Removed from the ven of what is human that they are apparently not accessible in 7fJ69R7jwxy-00609-00290376-00290576 structuring our 7fJ69R7jwxy-00610-00290596-00290898 maps of our self and our psyche and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00611-00290954-00291652 for me was the contact with what I call and I didn't call it this rudolf otto called it this and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00612-00291675-00292166 this term influenced young otto proceeded young was it is the holy 7fJ69R7jwxy-00613-00292245-00292380 other 7fJ69R7jwxy-00614-00292380-00292966 And if there is an archetype of the holy other then this is it 7fJ69R7jwxy-00615-00292994-00293237 But perhaps the whole the other 7fJ69R7jwxy-00616-00293322-00293981 Transcends the archetypes this may explain to some degree Jung's interest in Gnosticism 7fJ69R7jwxy-00617-00294066-00294724 Especially the Valentinian school of Gnosticism which holds you know that there is a higher and hidden 7fJ69R7jwxy-00618-00294822-00295214 father all god who is outside the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00619-00295296-00295452 machinery of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00620-00295452-00295894 Cosmic fate and it seemed to me that in those extremely profound 7fJ69R7jwxy-00621-00295956-00296371 DMT flashes, I was actually witnessing a domain 7fJ69R7jwxy-00622-00296451-00297005 Outside the machinery of the archetypes which is for us as moderns 7fJ69R7jwxy-00623-00297005-00297557 That's what the machinery of faith is. It's not zodiacal machinery, its 7fJ69R7jwxy-00624-00297615-00298144 Hardwiring in our psychology and our genes that gives us our fate 7fJ69R7jwxy-00625-00298221-00298421 Well, so having said that 7fJ69R7jwxy-00626-00298482-00298696 I've not only made the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00627-00298770-00298884 the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00628-00298884-00299084 survey, but also 7fJ69R7jwxy-00629-00299103-00299476 Brought us to by ending with DMT 7fJ69R7jwxy-00630-00299544-00299676 the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00631-00299676-00300188 subject matter of this quest and I want to make it clear I 7fJ69R7jwxy-00632-00300276-00300482 speak about the power of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00633-00300585-00300791 the psychedelic experience 7fJ69R7jwxy-00634-00300855-00301546 Because I think people should be informed of their birthright and I feel very antsy 7fJ69R7jwxy-00635-00301596-00301761 around the notion 7fJ69R7jwxy-00636-00301761-00302080 That someone might go from birth to the grave 7fJ69R7jwxy-00637-00302157-00302441 without ever having a psychedelic 7fJ69R7jwxy-00638-00302496-00303191 Experience it makes me as antsy as the notion that somebody might go from birth to the grave without having a sexual experience 7fJ69R7jwxy-00639-00303291-00303535 It's a strange kind of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00640-00303866-00304120 Protective denial or a 7fJ69R7jwxy-00641-00304186-00304902 Kind of expression of fear. This is our birthright. This is part of what it means 7fJ69R7jwxy-00642-00304976-00305128 to be human 7fJ69R7jwxy-00643-00305128-00305547 These altered states of consciousness I think are pretty much 7fJ69R7jwxy-00644-00305584-00305949 scripted in to the existence of women because they 7fJ69R7jwxy-00645-00306044-00306244 Most of them will give birth 7fJ69R7jwxy-00646-00306272-00306976 which is an organically scripted psychedelic experience from which there is no escape unless of course you go for the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00647-00307022-00307533 drug knock out the spinal and then you miss everything but 7fJ69R7jwxy-00648-00307589-00307708 biologically 7fJ69R7jwxy-00649-00307708-00308328 physiologically women are set up for this experience men are not it's possible to 7fJ69R7jwxy-00650-00308378-00308576 build such barriers 7fJ69R7jwxy-00651-00308576-00309229 against overwhelm n't that it never happens in your whole life, and I believe that if we 7fJ69R7jwxy-00652-00309307-00309633 psychologically analyze the effects of these 7fJ69R7jwxy-00653-00309821-00310273 Psychedelics what they do is they dissolve boundaries 7fJ69R7jwxy-00654-00310316-00311082 That's all I mean, if you interview ten thousand people who've had a psychedelic trip. Each one has their own 7fJ69R7jwxy-00655-00311156-00311514 Herethen a their own hero's gamos that unfolded for them 7fJ69R7jwxy-00656-00311515-00311715 but the sum total of it is 7fJ69R7jwxy-00657-00311729-00312459 boundaries dissolve and then whatever's on the other side of your boundary comes flooding in to claim you and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00658-00312539-00313054 And to reshape and remake your psyche. Well, I see the entire 7fJ69R7jwxy-00659-00313139-00313339 illness of our 7fJ69R7jwxy-00660-00313376-00313740 Civilization as an as an ego 7fJ69R7jwxy-00661-00313810-00313940 inflationary 7fJ69R7jwxy-00662-00313940-00314542 Illness, we have gone. So sick with ego that we are literally 7fJ69R7jwxy-00663-00314603-00314838 murdering the planet rather than 7fJ69R7jwxy-00664-00314918-00315121 confronting the consequences of our 7fJ69R7jwxy-00665-00315239-00315389 psychic 7fJ69R7jwxy-00666-00315389-00315578 imbalance and 7fJ69R7jwxy-00667-00315578-00316239 The psychedelics act to redress this they are almost an inoculation 7fJ69R7jwxy-00668-00316357-00317097 Against the ego and I I see the ego as a phenomenon arising in historical 7fJ69R7jwxy-00669-00317191-00317883 or rather actually history is caused by the ego but the ego is a component of 7fJ69R7jwxy-00670-00317933-00318133 the psyche that 7fJ69R7jwxy-00671-00318179-00318430 arose in the post 7fJ69R7jwxy-00672-00318497-00318765 archaic phase in the post 7fJ69R7jwxy-00673-00318836-00319036 psychedelic phase 7fJ69R7jwxy-00674-00319064-00319270 It's entirely a modern 7fJ69R7jwxy-00675-00319355-00320145 invention, it's less than fifteen thousand years old and the assumptions of the ego are the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00676-00320146-00320346 source of our 7fJ69R7jwxy-00677-00320429-00320629 Neurosis our disequilibrium 7fJ69R7jwxy-00678-00320714-00320917 Why did the ego arise? 7fJ69R7jwxy-00679-00320996-00321331 it arose because of the 7fJ69R7jwxy-00680-00321494-00321832 Climatologically enforced abandonment of these 7fJ69R7jwxy-00681-00322013-00322311 Psychedelic religions of the archaic period 7iiwWWjiHv0-00000-00000802-00001039 Alright I wanted to first do 7iiwWWjiHv0-00001-00001039-00001366 a little bit of review of what youve been talking about 7iiwWWjiHv0-00002-00001366-00001788 kinda pull it all together into one idea and then 7iiwWWjiHv0-00003-00001788-00002181 and then broaden that idea a little bad to to other things 7iiwWWjiHv0-00004-00002181-00002709 other kinds of energy that you'll talk about, that you'll be working on 7iiwWWjiHv0-00005-00002709-00003075 in the next week. Basically the next week 7iiwWWjiHv0-00006-00003075-00003395 you're gonna, you'll still be working with the same kind of energies 7iiwWWjiHv0-00007-00003395-00003560 but you'll be doing calculations 7iiwWWjiHv0-00008-00003560-00003960 so we'll talk a little bit about the calculations 7iiwWWjiHv0-00009-00003960-00004325 and just that they can before Thursday 7iiwWWjiHv0-00010-00004325-00004783 we'll add in a couple of new kinds of energy, so we'll talk about those today 7iiwWWjiHv0-00011-00004783-00004847 also. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00012-00004847-00005241 so far 7iiwWWjiHv0-00013-00005241-00005653 most of what you've been talking about could be considered 7iiwWWjiHv0-00014-00005653-00006070 in a general character, the general term would be internal energies. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00015-00006070-00006554 [In] this bowling ball there are 7iiwWWjiHv0-00016-00006554-00006986 a lot of energies associated with it. Different kinds of energy associated with 7iiwWWjiHv0-00017-00006986-00007109 this bowling ball. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00018-00007109-00007557 That are all do to stuff that's inside it and not anything else around. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00019-00007557-00007942 So that's what internal energy means, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00020-00007942-00008367 and my example would just be: think of that bowling ball. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00021-00008367-00008711 It is a collection of protons, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00022-00008711-00009024 and neutrons, and electrons; 7iiwWWjiHv0-00023-00009024-00009543 it's a really specific collection, they're put together and really specific ways 7iiwWWjiHv0-00024-00009543-00009878 in that bowling ball, but that's what it's made of. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00025-00009878-00010200 There are interaction 7iiwWWjiHv0-00026-00010200-00010695 energies, so much of what we're going to talk about 7iiwWWjiHv0-00027-00010695-00011134 that's new (kind of) over the next few weeks are interaction energies. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00028-00011134-00011527 Energies that we associate with two things that interact with each other. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00029-00011527-00011913 Things that 7iiwWWjiHv0-00030-00011913-00012310 interact with each other in this bowling ball, well the protons 7iiwWWjiHv0-00031-00012310-00012718 attract other protons when they're close enough, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00032-00012718-00013045 and neutrons and the neutrons attract other neutrons 7iiwWWjiHv0-00033-00013045-00013480 so those things stick together. They stick together really tightly, in really 7iiwWWjiHv0-00034-00013480-00013665 close together in the nucleus. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00035-00013665-00014027 There's an interaction between those things, an attractive interaction 7iiwWWjiHv0-00036-00014027-00014321 between those things that holds the nucleus together. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00037-00014321-00014671 That particular interaction 7iiwWWjiHv0-00038-00014671-00015241 energy is what you're talking about when you talk about nuclear energy, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00039-00015241-00015322 and we're not gonna 7iiwWWjiHv0-00040-00015322-00015622 spend time this quarter talking about nuclear energy, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00041-00015622-00015929 it is just another kinda bond energy. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00042-00015929-00016334 Nuclei, the nucleons, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00043-00016334-00016690 the protons and the neutrons are bound to each other 7iiwWWjiHv0-00044-00016690-00017044 and so they have bond energies that can go up and down. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00045-00017044-00017513 When there's a nuclear reaction, bond energies go up, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00046-00017513-00017986 or bond energies go down, and that's what nuclear reactions are about: their 7iiwWWjiHv0-00047-00017986-00018126 about nuclear bonds 7iiwWWjiHv0-00048-00018126-00018826 and nuclear binding energy changes. Once you have a nucleus 7iiwWWjiHv0-00049-00018910-00019219 there are other interactions that count of course, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00050-00019219-00019543 the nucleus is positively charged and so 7iiwWWjiHv0-00051-00019543-00019994 it attracts, it interacts, with the electrons. So there are what you could 7iiwWWjiHv0-00052-00019994-00020059 call 7iiwWWjiHv0-00053-00020059-00020381 atomic energies. Those are electron energy levels. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00054-00020381-00020901 The atomic energies, even though we'll never talk about nuclear energies, are 7iiwWWjiHv0-00055-00020901-00021025 almost never [relevant to us] again 7iiwWWjiHv0-00056-00021025-00021523 the atomic energies we will come back to it talk about a little bit in 7C, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00057-00021523-00021941 sometime in the distant future, when we talk about quantum mechanics, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00058-00021941-00022293 because there's no good way to understand them without 7iiwWWjiHv0-00059-00022293-00022990 quantum mechanics. But those are another kind of [interaction], the atomic 7iiwWWjiHv0-00060-00023090-00023192 electron 7iiwWWjiHv0-00061-00023192-00023521 the energy associated with 7iiwWWjiHv0-00062-00023521-00023954 the interaction, attractive interaction, between an electron 7iiwWWjiHv0-00063-00023954-00024474 and a nucleus, those attract each other and electrons are stuck to the nucleus. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00064-00024474-00024945 They're bonded to the nucleus and so that's a kind of an atomic 7iiwWWjiHv0-00065-00024945-00025309 bond that you can talk about. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00066-00025309-00025673 For the most part 7iiwWWjiHv0-00067-00025673-00026195 we're not going to worry, in 7A we're not going to worry about changes 7iiwWWjiHv0-00068-00026195-00026608 in the atomic energy levels. That is not 7iiwWWjiHv0-00069-00026608-00027002 an important thing in this world until the temperatures start getting 7iiwWWjiHv0-00070-00027002-00027457 higher than they are right now. Until you get temperatures of thousands of 7iiwWWjiHv0-00071-00027457-00027572 Kelvin, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00072-00027572-00027998 electron energy changes, atomic energy changes, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00073-00027998-00028336 are unimportant, they don't happen, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00074-00028336-00028760 until you get high temperatures and we don't live in that world, we live in the 7iiwWWjiHv0-00075-00028760-00029130 world of 300 Kelvin and so we don't see those. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00076-00029130-00029445 what we do see is changes 7iiwWWjiHv0-00077-00029445-00029785 in chemical bond energy. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00078-00029785-00030199 So chemical bond energy is just another kind of bond. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00079-00030199-00030695 So we started out with nuclear bonds between nucleons, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00080-00030695-00031012 the atomic bonds between the nucleus and the electrons 7iiwWWjiHv0-00081-00031012-00031466 and then a group of electrons bonded to a nucleus and another group of 7iiwWWjiHv0-00082-00031466-00031752 electrons bonded to a nucleus are atoms. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00083-00031752-00032050 When atoms are very far apart they're basically not 7iiwWWjiHv0-00084-00032050-00032425 interacting, but when you get them close enough together 7iiwWWjiHv0-00085-00032425-00032834 there's an attractive interaction between them.The electrons can rearrange 7iiwWWjiHv0-00086-00032834-00033197 themselves a little bit, again that's a quantum mechanics thing, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00087-00033197-00033594 and there's an attractive interaction 7iiwWWjiHv0-00088-00033594-00033901 and so that's a chemical bond, and that is 7iiwWWjiHv0-00089-00033901-00034293 almost the only kinda internal energy 7iiwWWjiHv0-00090-00034293-00034652 that we're going to be talking about here cuz it the only one 7iiwWWjiHv0-00091-00034652-00035098 that's really important at the temperatures we live at. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00092-00035098-00035484 So chemical bond energy is what we're gonna mean by this bond energy, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00093-00035484-00035938 it is just another thing inside this bowling ball. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00094-00035938-00036358 The nucleons are bound together in the nucleus the electrons are attracted 7iiwWWjiHv0-00095-00036358-00036462 to the nucleus 7iiwWWjiHv0-00096-00036462-00036869 all of those energies are part of what makes up this bowling ball 7iiwWWjiHv0-00097-00036869-00037266 and so does the atoms bound to each other 7iiwWWjiHv0-00098-00037266-00037831 into long polymers that make up the plastic that eventually hardens when you 7iiwWWjiHv0-00099-00037831-00038428 cool it down enough and makes up that bowling ball. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00100-00038428-00038771 All of those are internal energies for the 7iiwWWjiHv0-00101-00038771-00039130 next couple of DL's, that's mostly what you're still talking about is 7iiwWWjiHv0-00102-00039130-00039785 internal energy of things. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00103-00039785-00040282 But right at the end we're gonna add in a different kind of energy, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00104-00040282-00040796 not a bunch of energies inside an object, but the energy of an object as a 7iiwWWjiHv0-00105-00040796-00041065 whole, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00106-00041065-00041408 and I've mentioned these words before, I think, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00107-00041408-00041974 this bowling ball with all its internal energies 7iiwWWjiHv0-00108-00041974-00042305 exactly the same can have 7iiwWWjiHv0-00109-00042305-00042704 another kind of energy the whole bowling ball can be moving. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00110-00042704-00043363 So an energy of motion that we're gonna call kinetic energy 7iiwWWjiHv0-00111-00043363-00043672 it didn't have an energy of motion until I 7iiwWWjiHv0-00112-00043672-00044119 did work on it, until I transferred energy to it, and now the thing is 7iiwWWjiHv0-00113-00044119-00044352 swinging around. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00114-00044352-00044787 Kinetic energy depends on, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00115-00044787-00045313 we'll talk about in a second, depends on the speed of an object 7iiwWWjiHv0-00116-00045313-00045772 and so when this object is moving fast it has a high kinetic energy when it's 7iiwWWjiHv0-00117-00045772-00045933 moving slowly it has a 7iiwWWjiHv0-00118-00045933-00046297 small kinetic energy. There's a point, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00119-00046297-00046670 there are actually two points, over here there's a point in this swing when this 7iiwWWjiHv0-00120-00046670-00046946 ball is moving slowly 7iiwWWjiHv0-00121-00046946-00047354 you can tell it's moving slowly cuz of how easy it was for me to do that 7iiwWWjiHv0-00122-00047354-00047777 I can't just ... it's hard to stop a bowling ball 7iiwWWjiHv0-00123-00047777-00048300 so the way I can hold it there really easily is I grab a hold of it 7iiwWWjiHv0-00124-00048300-00048480 when it's already stopped. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00125-00048480-00048928 It stops up here and then it's moving faster and faster as it comes down. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00126-00048928-00049280 I try to stop it here it's a lot different than 7iiwWWjiHv0-00127-00049280-00049855 if I try to stop it at the top because at the bottom it's moving really fast 7iiwWWjiHv0-00128-00049855-00050231 so the kinetic energy is actually large here 7iiwWWjiHv0-00129-00050231-00050652 and small when it gets up high. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00130-00050652-00051182 so if that's an energy that's changing around 7iiwWWjiHv0-00131-00051182-00051532 it's a pretty good bet 7iiwWWjiHv0-00132-00051532-00051850 that when that kinetic energy goes down another energy is going to 7iiwWWjiHv0-00133-00051850-00051890 go up. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00134-00051890-00052432 That's our idea of conservation energy. The total energy in the world is constant 7iiwWWjiHv0-00135-00052432-00052762 If this ball slows down and stops right there some 7iiwWWjiHv0-00136-00052762-00053062 other energy went up. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00137-00053062-00053370 So to decide what that would be we just think okay 7iiwWWjiHv0-00138-00053370-00053914 why did it stop? Okay it didn't stop because I stopped it, it stops up here 7iiwWWjiHv0-00139-00053914-00054236 even without me stopping it, without me holding it, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00140-00054236-00054555 all I do is grab a hold of it when it is stopped 7iiwWWjiHv0-00141-00054555-00054941 and keep it stopped, but it does stop up there. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00142-00054941-00055317 So what interaction, what object? 7iiwWWjiHv0-00143-00055317-00055639 (I'm gonna ask you for an object) what object is 7iiwWWjiHv0-00144-00055639-00056151 interacting with that bowling ball and causing it to come to a halt right here 7iiwWWjiHv0-00145-00056151-00056485 rather than just swinging up and slamming into the ceiling? 7iiwWWjiHv0-00146-00056485-00056887 The earth! The earth is pulling down on it 7iiwWWjiHv0-00147-00056887-00057380 as this thing swings up higher and higher the earth is pulling down on it 7iiwWWjiHv0-00148-00057380-00057714 the whole time 7iiwWWjiHv0-00149-00057714-00058185 and so the kinetic energy goes down but there's an interaction energy 7iiwWWjiHv0-00150-00058185-00058675 that goes up. The interaction energy associated with the earth 7iiwWWjiHv0-00151-00058675-00059086 I don't want to just let that swing or it will kinda slowly swing around like this 7iiwWWjiHv0-00152-00059086-00059299 and start to kill people 7iiwWWjiHv0-00153-00059299-00059816 and I have been cautioned that that's a problem, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00154-00059816-00060339 no I already knew it was a problem really, nobody had to tell me. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00155-00060339-00060807 That interaction energy, all interaction energies we're going to model as a 7iiwWWjiHv0-00156-00060807-00061173 potential energy. We're gonna call them potential energies. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00157-00061173-00061619 The interaction between that bowling ball and the earth 7iiwWWjiHv0-00158-00061619-00062101 we'll represent with the gravitational potential energy. Gravity is the name for 7iiwWWjiHv0-00159-00062101-00062222 the interaction 7iiwWWjiHv0-00160-00062222-00062572 but the two objects interacting are the bowling ball 7iiwWWjiHv0-00161-00062572-00062936 and the earth. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00162-00062936-00063322 Every two objects, by the way, have gravitational 7iiwWWjiHv0-00163-00063322-00063652 interactions between them. There's a gravitational attraction for 7iiwWWjiHv0-00164-00063652-00064160 that ball by me, I am pulling on that with 7iiwWWjiHv0-00165-00064160-00064579 a force at a distance, cuz I have a mass and so does the bowling ball 7iiwWWjiHv0-00166-00064579-00064990 or so does the tennis ball but that's so weak that 7iiwWWjiHv0-00167-00064990-00065420 we should ignore it! Its incredibly weak. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00168-00065420-00065908 The only interaction, the only gravitational interaction we have to worry about 7iiwWWjiHv0-00169-00065908-00066287 in this world is the one between something, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00170-00066287-00066812 anything that we care about, and the earth. The earth is the biggest thing around 7iiwWWjiHv0-00171-00066812-00067119 and so that's the only thing that we have to worry about we talk about 7iiwWWjiHv0-00172-00067119-00067287 gravitational interactions. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00173-00067287-00067656 We gotta worry about the interaction between the earth and whatever we care 7iiwWWjiHv0-00174-00067656-00067767 about: 7iiwWWjiHv0-00175-00067767-00068092 tennis ball, bowling ball, person, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00176-00068092-00068504 whatevers important. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00177-00068504-00068888 We'll talk about spring potential energy later I'm just bringing it up because 7iiwWWjiHv0-00178-00068888-00068994 it's another 7iiwWWjiHv0-00179-00068994-00069417 kind of potential energy. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00180-00069417-00069757 You probably already know this, but I wanna say it 7iiwWWjiHv0-00181-00069757-00070105 once: interaction energies 7iiwWWjiHv0-00182-00070105-00070454 depend on the locations of things. They depend on 7iiwWWjiHv0-00183-00070454-00070827 distances. If I have two oxygen 7iiwWWjiHv0-00184-00070827-00071324 atoms, so here's my model of two oxygen atoms, and they're very far apart 7iiwWWjiHv0-00185-00071324-00071783 then they're not interacting, but if I start to bring them together 7iiwWWjiHv0-00186-00071783-00072216 there will be a interaction that gets stronger and stronger. They start to pull 7iiwWWjiHv0-00187-00072216-00072414 on each other, to attract each other, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00188-00072414-00072812 because their electrons rearrange a little bit and it starts to look more like 7iiwWWjiHv0-00190-00072902-00073239 a covalent bond kind of arrangement of electrons 7iiwWWjiHv0-00191-00073239-00073598 and at some point the interaction, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00192-00073598-00073929 the force of attraction, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00193-00073929-00074358 is getting bigger and bigger, at some point it's as big as its gonna get 7iiwWWjiHv0-00194-00074358-00074763 and if I get too close then they'll start to repel each other. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00195-00074763-00075401 I can't shove two oxygen atoms right on top of each other 7iiwWWjiHv0-00196-00075401-00075733 So the 7iiwWWjiHv0-00197-00075733-00076095 interaction energy, the interaction strength, is gonna depend on this 7iiwWWjiHv0-00198-00076095-00076220 distance. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00199-00076220-00076654 If I let them get close enough and then I take a bunch of bond energy 7iiwWWjiHv0-00200-00076654-00076693 out, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00201-00076693-00077042 if I take energy out somehow and put it somewhere else, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00202-00077042-00077426 then I can have an O2 molecule bonded together; 7iiwWWjiHv0-00203-00077426-00078126 which will then vibrate and run around and do all sorts of things in the room. 7iiwWWjiHv0-00204-00078220-00078533 So potential energies always depend on 7iiwWWjiHv0-00205-00078533-00078993 distances and lengths and things like that, 7iiwWWjiHv0-00206-00078993-00079464 and so that will be, distance, will be the kind of thing will look for 7iiwWWjiHv0-00207-00079464-00079566 potential energy changes. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00000-00000111-00000709 In this video we'll go over some descriptive statistics concepts that are useful for curve 7mBU-wrMjAU-00001-00000709-00000959 fitting applications. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00002-00000959-00001340 After studying this video you should be able to understand the meaning of several common 7mBU-wrMjAU-00003-00001340-00001784 statistics concepts that we can use to describe a data set. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00004-00001784-00002225 Also, you should be able to use several built in MATLAB functions to compute descriptive 7mBU-wrMjAU-00005-00002225-00002539 statistics. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00006-00002539-00002864 So one area of statistics concerns measures of location. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00007-00002864-00003547 In other words, getting a sense for what the overall data is telling us. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00008-00003547-00003843 And you should be familiar with these concepts. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00009-00003843-00004287 One being the mean of the data, or the average of the data. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00010-00004287-00005278 That's defined as the sum of all of the data values divided by the number of values. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00011-00005278-00005888 And there's a built in MATLAB function to calculate the mean or average and that's just 7mBU-wrMjAU-00012-00005888-00006992 the mean where Y now is a vector or matrix of values. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00013-00006992-00008003 Now, if it's a matrix the mean function outputs a row vector that's actually the average of 7mBU-wrMjAU-00014-00008003-00008427 each column of the matrix. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00015-00008427-00009290 The median is the midpoint of a group of data which may or may not line up with the mean 7mBU-wrMjAU-00016-00009290-00009647 depending on how the data is distributed. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00017-00009647-00010165 The median can be calculated using the median function in MATLAB. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00018-00010165-00010660 And the mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a group of data. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00019-00010660-00011068 And again, there's a mode function in MATLAB. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00020-00011068-00012268 So that's like if there was a set of data that was 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 4, 1, then the mode 7mBU-wrMjAU-00021-00012268-00012621 would be 4. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00022-00012621-00012975 Just in case you're not familiar with the concept of a mode. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00023-00012975-00013605 So we are interested in kind of the central tendency or the location of data. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00024-00013605-00014101 We also once we know that usually the average of the data is what we're most interested 7mBU-wrMjAU-00025-00014101-00014201 in. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00026-00014201-00014638 We would like to know how is that data spread about the average? 7mBU-wrMjAU-00027-00014638-00015059 And so measures of spread that are commonly used are the variance. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00028-00015059-00015656 Where the variance is the sum of these residuals squared. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00029-00015656-00016333 And one note here, these, so this, we call these the residuals. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00030-00016333-00016640 There's that term again. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00031-00016640-00017637 With respect to the mean since it's the i'th data point minus the mean. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00032-00017637-00018020 And then we square them and the reason we square them is so that the negative and positive 7mBU-wrMjAU-00033-00018020-00018348 residuals don't cancel each other out. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00034-00018348-00018776 And then take the sum and divide by N minus 1. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00035-00018776-00020179 And in N minus 1, the 1 here is because we have one degree of freedom in the model that 7mBU-wrMjAU-00036-00020179-00020385 describes the data. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00037-00020385-00021093 And in this case the model is just the mean Y bar. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00038-00021093-00021310 So that's just one value. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00039-00021310-00021636 So it has one degree of freedom. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00040-00021636-00021970 And that concept will become more important as we move into curve fitting. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00041-00021970-00022305 There's a built in function to calculate the variance. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00042-00022305-00022405 VAR. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00043-00022405-00023090 And again, that's the sum of the squares of the residuals with respect to the mean. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00044-00023090-00023331 You might see that looking somewhat familiar. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00045-00023331-00023967 Recall the idea of the Euclidean norm. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00046-00023967-00024676 And so that would be the Euclidean norm of the residuals vectors where if we refer to 7mBU-wrMjAU-00047-00024676-00025723 E as the residual vector and this is actually the square of the norms. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00048-00025723-00026224 Recall that Euclidean norm was the square root of the sum of the squares in a vector. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00049-00026224-00026689 So we would then take this value and square it. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00050-00026689-00027350 So there's another way to think about that denominator, or sorry, the numerator in the 7mBU-wrMjAU-00051-00027350-00027900 variance equation and just relate that back to some things we were talking about previous. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00052-00027900-00028277 The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00053-00028277-00028885 And the standard deviation is the most common measure of spread. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00054-00028885-00029487 And the reason that this is preferred over the variance is because here we're squaring 7mBU-wrMjAU-00055-00029487-00029993 the residuals which makes sense to do so that the positive and negative values don't cancel 7mBU-wrMjAU-00056-00029993-00030208 each other out, and then summing them. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00057-00030208-00030666 But now the order and the units on the residuals are not the same as the data itself. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00058-00030666-00031937 So taking the square root makes the standard deviation is now dimensionally consistent 7mBU-wrMjAU-00059-00031937-00032225 with the mean Y bar. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00060-00032225-00032570 In other words it has the same units as the mean. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00061-00032570-00033168 And MATLAB has the built in function STD to calculate the standard deviation. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00062-00033168-00033574 And again, like I said before, MATLAB statistics functions. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00063-00033574-00034052 You can input a matrix or a vector as the input argument for the data. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00064-00034052-00034931 If it is a matrix the function operates column by column and the output is a row vector. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00065-00034931-00035466 So as we're looking at a data set one thing we might want to look at is how is that data 7mBU-wrMjAU-00066-00035466-00035736 distributed about the mean? 7mBU-wrMjAU-00067-00035736-00036305 And so a visual representation of that is called a histogram. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00068-00036305-00037371 And basically a histogram, what we do is count the data in what we call bins where we will 7mBU-wrMjAU-00069-00037371-00037494 set up a bin. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00070-00037494-00038587 And in this case we'll say 16 values in that bin. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00071-00038587-00039124 Over here we've got in that central bin 212 values. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00072-00039124-00039636 And all that's coming from this output that I'll explain in a minute. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00073-00039636-00040372 So in statistics theory if we have data that's normally distributed data we would expect 7mBU-wrMjAU-00074-00040372-00040980 that if we took an infinite number of data points eventually this histogram would have 7mBU-wrMjAU-00075-00040980-00041746 the look of the bell curve that you might be familiar with from previous coursework. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00076-00041746-00042388 MATLAB actually has a built in function to generate normally distributed data and that 7mBU-wrMjAU-00077-00042388-00042764 is this "randn" function. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00078-00042764-00043743 So that generates normally distributed, random data. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00079-00043743-00044325 So what I did in this little example here is just use that to add some uncertainty to 7mBU-wrMjAU-00080-00044325-00045191 a mean value of Y bar equals 50 and adding it basically, 5 times that random number, 7mBU-wrMjAU-00081-00045191-00045402 those are going to be between zero and one. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00082-00045402-00045750 Or sorry, between negative one and one. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00083-00045750-00046237 So adding those to that 50 creates this normally distributed data set. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00084-00046237-00046496 And then MATLAB has a built in function histogram. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00085-00046496-00047224 HIST will actually produce the histogram and the. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00086-00047224-00047920 If you assign output it will output the bin counts. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00087-00047920-00048974 The X output here are the centers of each bin and the N output are how many values in 7mBU-wrMjAU-00088-00048974-00049352 the data set are in that bin. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00089-00049352-00049734 So let's talk a little bit more about normally distributed data. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00090-00049734-00050115 So again if we had an infinite number of data points eventually this histogram would look 7mBU-wrMjAU-00091-00050115-00050353 like a nice, smooth bell curve. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00092-00050353-00051080 And that bell curve is described by the gallacy distribution function f(x) is equal to 1 over 7mBU-wrMjAU-00093-00051080-00051850 sigma times the square root of 2 pi times the exponential of negative 1/2 times X minus 7mBU-wrMjAU-00094-00051850-00051974 mu over sigma. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00095-00051974-00052961 So in this case X is our data points, mu is actually the mean, so it would be X bar, and 7mBU-wrMjAU-00096-00052961-00053695 sigma is the standard deviation. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00097-00053695-00054291 So that's the equation that describes the bell curve and we're not going to go into 7mBU-wrMjAU-00098-00054291-00054952 proving this in this class but I do want to talk briefly about this idea of a confidence 7mBU-wrMjAU-00099-00054952-00055104 interval. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00100-00055104-00055694 So what this bell curve says and you can prove this is notice this is in terms of standard 7mBU-wrMjAU-00101-00055694-00055892 deviations going away from the mean. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00102-00055892-00056157 Again that's the mean, X bar. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00103-00056157-00056904 And what this tells us is that 34 plus 34 is 68, so 68 percent. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00104-00056904-00058091 We have a 68 percent probability or we expect 68 percent of the data will fall in the mean 7mBU-wrMjAU-00105-00058091-00058473 plus or minus one standard deviation. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00106-00058473-00058691 And that 68 percent. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00107-00058691-00059816 Now if we go out two standard deviations we add to that 68 another 27 and so we see 95 7mBU-wrMjAU-00108-00059816-00060716 percent will fall in X bar plus or minus 2 standard deviations. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00109-00060716-00061124 And this will be a useful concept when we want to think about how well, as we get into 7mBU-wrMjAU-00110-00061124-00061861 curve fitting, how well does a model actually predict what we would expect to measure if 7mBU-wrMjAU-00111-00061861-00062220 we were taking additional data about a system. 7mBU-wrMjAU-00112-00062220-00062652 And we'll get into that in the next video as we start exploring curve fitting. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00000-00000300-00000700 You must have thought about the creation of this world and universe. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00001-00001104-00001500 But have you ever thought that Perhaps the world around you 7mWQu7kUFWo-00002-00001500-00001800 Is not similar in reality, to the way it seems to you. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00003-00002700-00003200 The sun, moon, stars and the vastness of the universe are an illusion of yours. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00004-00004400-00004800 This thought has a long philosophical and scientific history, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00005-00004800-00005000 That reality is an illusion. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00006-00005029-00005300 And since ancient times, different philosophers and scientists 7mWQu7kUFWo-00007-00005300-00005600 Through their theories, regarding it. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00008-00005600-00005900 Have been satisfying themselves and others, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00009-00006100-00006400 Dar ul Amal and Dar ul Akhirat, the Big Bang theory, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00010-00006400-00006700 The theory of human evolution, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00011-00006700-00006900 And now through scientific advancements, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00012-00006900-00007300 The determination to conquer the world and space; is not unfamiliar to us. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00013-00007500-00007704 The famous philosopher and author, Socrates, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00014-00007745-00008000 In one of his allegorical story, "The Cave", 7mWQu7kUFWo-00015-00008000-00008200 Has explained this idea in this way that 7mWQu7kUFWo-00016-00008200-00008500 We, in this world, are like a prisoner, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00017-00008529-00008900 Who is bound by his neck and feet in a dark cave. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00018-00009000-00009200 And in front of him is a blank wall. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00019-00009300-00009500 And above his head, a fire is burning. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00020-00009600-00010000 Due to this fire, the shadows are formed on the blank wall 7mWQu7kUFWo-00021-00010000-00010300 We consider them our whole world. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00022-00010400-00010904 We name them, we think, laugh and cry about them. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00023-00011100-00011300 And we do not know that outside of this cave 7mWQu7kUFWo-00024-00011300-00011600 Is a bright, shiny and colorful world 7mWQu7kUFWo-00025-00011700-00012100 Where a real light is showing everything in its true color. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00026-00012204-00012500 The modern form of the same idea is "Simulation Theory." 7mWQu7kUFWo-00027-00012600-00013000 In 2003, a philosopher, Nick Bostrom, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00028-00013000-00013104 Presented the hypothesis of Trilemma. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00029-00013200-00013400 And providing argument, said 7mWQu7kUFWo-00030-00013400-00014000 If we assume that the present human beings evolve to become a new specie. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00031-00014000-00014300 And they become able to form new worlds through simulation 7mWQu7kUFWo-00032-00014300-00014800 Then it is not possible unless we also believe that it is also possible 7mWQu7kUFWo-00033-00014800-00015400 That we are already living in a simulation created by an evolved human species. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00034-00015500-00015700 Those who believe in Simulation Theory think that 7mWQu7kUFWo-00035-00015700-00015900 All of the things of this world: 7mWQu7kUFWo-00036-00015900-00016200 The Sun, the moon, stars, day and night 7mWQu7kUFWo-00037-00016200-00016400 Are created like a computer program, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00038-00016400-00016700 According to a certain ratio under a system, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00039-00016800-00017000 Which is working automatically. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00040-00017000-00017200 And if any disorder occurs, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00041-00017200-00017400 Then it is able to adjust itself. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00042-00017400-00018100 Computer programmers have already, by creating a nearly real environment in video games and VR 7mWQu7kUFWo-00043-00018100-00018400 Producing almost real emotions in people. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00044-00018500-00018745 And in this artificial environment, people laugh and cry. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00045-00018800-00019000 So that time is not far away, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00046-00019000-00019500 When some intelligent people will be able to create a simulation or artificial world better than this, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00047-00019500-00019700 And their inhabitants would not know, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00048-00019700-00019900 That they are artificially created. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00049-00019900-00020200 Physics also proves this argument. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00050-00020300-00020600 According to scientists, only because of the reason 7mWQu7kUFWo-00051-00020600-00020800 That we think of this world as real and material, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00052-00020900-00021200 Cannot prove that, it actually exists this way. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00053-00021300-00021700 Rizwan Virk, who authored “The Simulation Hypothesis”, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00054-00021700-00021900 Says that, Quantum Physics, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00055-00021900-00022300 Which provides information about the smallest particle of matter, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00056-00022400-00022600 Casts some doubts on the reality of matter. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00057-00022700-00023100 The scientists search more for the matter in the material world 7mWQu7kUFWo-00058-00023100-00023404 The more they get to know that it has no existence. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00059-00023500-00023700 And that everything in this world, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00060-00023700-00023900 Is fundamentally only energy. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00061-00024000-00024200 Reality is only an illusion, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00062-00024300-00024500 Although it is quite a persistent illusion. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00063-00024500-00024700 Similarly, when we have dreams 7mWQu7kUFWo-00064-00024800-00025100 We feel it as real and original until 7mWQu7kUFWo-00065-00025100-00025400 We stay in that dream. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00066-00025400-00025800 Then can not this real and original world of ours be like a dream? 7mWQu7kUFWo-00067-00025800-00026100 The reason for Déjà vu Is also the same 7mWQu7kUFWo-00068-00026100-00026504 That our world readjusts after some error 7mWQu7kUFWo-00069-00026600-00027000 And we feel like we have already come across that particular situation. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00070-00027100-00027400 Moreover, the golden ratio, present in the natural system 7mWQu7kUFWo-00071-00027500-00027800 Fibonacci sequence, and cosmic four number 7mWQu7kUFWo-00072-00027800-00028100 Also present the basic laws of this world. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00073-00028145-00028400 However, there are many, who provide evidence against this theory. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00074-00028545-00028800 For example, an expert of Quantum Computing, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00075-00028800-00029000 Dave Bacon thinks that, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00076-00029000-00029200 Today wherever we look, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00077-00029200-00029700 We find examples of computers, computation and information theory. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00078-00029800-00030100 And we, exaggerating it, include it in scientific laws. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00079-00030200-00030500 Moreover, the system of our world is such a complicated one 7mWQu7kUFWo-00080-00030500-00030800 That no human can create this system. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00081-00030900-00031300 However, Elon Musk also believes firmly in this theory. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00082-00031300-00031500 In a podcast, he said that 7mWQu7kUFWo-00083-00031500-00031700 There is a very less chance of the fact 7mWQu7kUFWo-00084-00031700-00032000 That this world of ours is a complete reality. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00085-00032000-00032400 According to Socrates, some people who step out of this dark cave, 7mWQu7kUFWo-00086-00032400-00032700 Understand that the shadows present on the wall 7mWQu7kUFWo-00087-00032700-00032900 Are not actually the complete reality 7mWQu7kUFWo-00088-00032900-00033100 They get to know the reality 7mWQu7kUFWo-00089-00033100-00033300 And also want to give awareness to others 7mWQu7kUFWo-00090-00033400-00033600 But the other prisoners of the cave 7mWQu7kUFWo-00091-00033600-00034000 Do not want to leave that prison and are happy in it. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00092-00034100-00034600 Do you think that this world of ours is something else apart from the physical world? 7mWQu7kUFWo-00093-00034600-00035000 And by getting free from it we can reach a more real world? 7mWQu7kUFWo-00094-00035000-00035200 Please share your opinion with us. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00095-00035200-00035400 We will wait for it. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00096-00035600-00036204 It is our mission that we bring world wide information for you in your own language. 7mWQu7kUFWo-00097-00036300-00036600 But we want this too That you become a part of our community 7mWQu7kUFWo-00098-00036700-00036845 And add your friends too. 82xn6XBpr5u-00000-00000587-00001214 State of Connecticut Qui Transtulit Sustinet 82xn6XBpr5u-00001-00001217-00001761 A Proclamation By His Excellency Wilbur L. Cross, Governor 82xn6XBpr5u-00002-00001771-00002122 As the colors of autumn stream down the wind 82xn6XBpr5u-00003-00002125-00002689 scarlet in sumach and maple, spun gold in the birches, 82xn6XBpr5u-00004-00002695-00003256 a splendor of smoldering fire in the oaks along the hill 82xn6XBpr5u-00005-00003259-00003563 and the last leaves flutter away, 82xn6XBpr5u-00006-00003566-00003953 and dusk falls briefly about the worker 82xn6XBpr5u-00007-00003957-00004424 bringing in from the field a late load of its fruit, 82xn6XBpr5u-00008-00004427-00004824 and Arcturus is lost to sight 82xn6XBpr5u-00009-00004824-00005368 and Orion swings upward that great sun upon his shoulder, 82xn6XBpr5u-00010-00005371-00005692 we are stirred once more to ponder 82xn6XBpr5u-00011-00005692-00006089 the Infinite Goodness that has set apart for us, 82xn6XBpr5u-00012-00006092-00006456 in all this moving mystery of creation 82xn6XBpr5u-00013-00006459-00006826 a time of living and a home. 82xn6XBpr5u-00014-00006830-00007353 In such a spirit I appoint Thursday, the twenty-fourth of November, 82xn6XBpr5u-00015-00007357-00007660 a day of Public Thanksgiving. 82xn6XBpr5u-00016-00007664-00008004 In such a spirit I call upon the people 82xn6XBpr5u-00017-00008007-00008298 to acknowledge heartily, in friendly gathering 82xn6XBpr5u-00018-00008304-00008488 and house of prayer, 82xn6XBpr5u-00019-00008491-00008912 the increase of the season nearing now its close: 82xn6XBpr5u-00020-00008915-00009112 the harvest of earth, 82xn6XBpr5u-00021-00009115-00009512 the yield of patient mind and faithful hand, 82xn6XBpr5u-00022-00009516-00009839 that have kept us fed and clothed 82xn6XBpr5u-00023-00009843-00010346 and have made for us shelter even against the storm. 82xn6XBpr5u-00024-00010350-00010590 It is right that we 82xn6XBpr5u-00025-00010593-00011047 whose arc of sky has been darkened by no war hawk, 82xn6XBpr5u-00026-00011051-00011454 who have been forced by no man to stand and speak 82xn6XBpr5u-00027-00011458-00011948 when to speak was to choose between death and life, 82xn6XBpr5u-00028-00011951-00012519 should now give thanks also for the further mercies we have enjoyed, 82xn6XBpr5u-00029-00012522-00012916 beyond desert or any estimation 82xn6XBpr5u-00030-00012919-00013486 of Justice, Freedom, Loving-kindness, Peace - 82xn6XBpr5u-00031-00013490-00013783 resolving, as we prize them, 82xn6XBpr5u-00032-00013787-00014210 to let no occasion go without some prompting 82xn6XBpr5u-00033-00014214-00015021 or some effort worthy in a way however humble of those proudest among man's ideals, 82xn6XBpr5u-00034-00015024-00015722 which burn, though it may be like candles fitfully in our gusty world, 82xn6XBpr5u-00035-00015725-00016356 with a light so clear we name its source divine. 8570H3Snigk-00000-00000003-00000475 So let's say I'm sitting in a train. I reach into my pockets and I pull out 8570H3Snigk-00001-00000475-00001062 two positive charges. I hold these charges next to each other. Like this! 8570H3Snigk-00002-00001062-00001583 What's gonna happen? They fly apart and repel each other. Okay, now let's look at the 8570H3Snigk-00003-00001583-00002088 situation again from Bob's reference frame. Now Bob is standing on the 8570H3Snigk-00004-00002088-00002624 platform watching this train was fine and when I hold the charges like this 8570H3Snigk-00005-00002624-00003303 from Bob's point of view, these charges are moving forward with the train. 8570H3Snigk-00006-00003303-00003867 Now moving charges constitute an electric current and two currents moving in the 8570H3Snigk-00007-00003867-00004412 same direction attract each other. So in Bob's reference frame if he goes 8570H3Snigk-00008-00004412-00004862 through the calculations and the laws of electromagnetism there should be a very 8570H3Snigk-00009-00004862-00005453 very weak attractive force between these two charges. And as the train gets very 8570H3Snigk-00010-00005453-00005868 very very fast the current gets stronger and stronger because the charges are 8570H3Snigk-00011-00005868-00006360 moving more quickly and this attractive force should become quite noticeable. 8570H3Snigk-00012-00006360-00006773 It wouldn't be enough to overpower the repulsion but it'll be enough to make it 8570H3Snigk-00013-00006773-00007233 noticeable that they're repelling each other more slowly. And in fact if this 8570H3Snigk-00014-00007233-00007661 train were to accelerate all the way to the speed of light, the two 8570H3Snigk-00015-00007661-00008090 charges wouldn't repel each other at all. The attraction due to the current would 8570H3Snigk-00016-00008090-00008667 perfectly cancel the repulsion due to their positive natures. So what this 8570H3Snigk-00017-00008667-00009138 means is me, sitting on the train, I just see two stationary charges together they 8570H3Snigk-00018-00009138-00009686 repel. But Bob standing on the platform, sees two charges either repel 8570H3Snigk-00019-00009686-00010224 each other slowly or maybe not even repel each other at all. How can this be 8570H3Snigk-00020-00010224-00010860 right? I mean who is right? Is Bob right or am I right? Now as we 8570H3Snigk-00021-00010860-00011292 established in the last section the laws of physics should be valid in any 8570H3Snigk-00022-00011292-00011706 reference frame, there's no reason to pick Bob's reference frame or mine. 8570H3Snigk-00023-00011706-00012275 You might think, look we can definitely say, me on the train I'm moving. 8570H3Snigk-00024-00012275-00012830 Well Bob on the platform he's not. But both standing on the earth and an astronaut 8570H3Snigk-00025-00012830-00013073 in space would say no Bob spinning around the Sun at 30 kilometers per 8570H3Snigk-00026-00013073-00013365 second how can he possibly claim to be the one reference 8570H3Snigk-00027-00013365-00013931 frame that's correct. So who's correct Bob on the platform or me on the train? 8570H3Snigk-00028-00013931-00014506 To find out we need to derive special relativity! 89BhqhIyVZ8-00000-00000000-00001030 Becky: Hello and welcome. I'm Brenda Hough, and I'll be facilitating today's webinar 89BhqhIyVZ8-00001-00001030-00001560 which is about Mobile Technology Training, taking technology training out of the library 89BhqhIyVZ8-00002-00001570-00002250 and into the community, focusing on a cool project call Tech-a-la-Carte. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00003-00002250-00002790 Before we do that, I want to cover a little bit of housekeeping. We're using ReadyTalk, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00004-00002790-00003510 and you can use the chat to ask questions, share links, share ideas, at any point. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00005-00003520-00003929 So keep using the chat. I see lots of you have already typed messages in there. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00006-00003929-00004700 Also you can put tech issues in there if you have them. We have Sarah and Shab both on the line 89BhqhIyVZ8-00007-00004700-00005590 in chat who are helping with tech issues, too. So just let us know if you're having any trouble. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00008-00005590-00006270 If you do happen to lose your Internet connection, like most things it just a kind of reboot process. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00009-00006270-00006770 Go back into the email that you received from us, and just follow the link back into the room again. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00010-00006780-00007340 That usually should take care of it. If you're using your phone for audio instead of Voice Over IP, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00011-00007340-00007620 same thing. If for some reason the call gets dropped, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00012-00007620-00007990 just redial the number, and usually that works. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00013-00007990-00008530 This session is being recorded. Later today, we'll send out a link to the recording, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00014-00008540-00009120 and we'll send out the slides from the presentation and then any links that are shared today, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00015-00009120-00009620 any web sites. We'll be gathering those. We have already a list of the ones we know 89BhqhIyVZ8-00016-00009620-00010160 we'll be talking about. So you'll receive a follow-up email today that has all of that information. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00017-00010160-00010840 For those of you on Twitter, the hash tag is #techsoup. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00018-00010840-00011380 With that, let's go ahead and get started with our content for today. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00019-00011380-00011840 Again, this is a session on Mobile Technology Training, and featuring the Tech a la Carte 89BhqhIyVZ8-00020-00011850-00012340 program from Poudre River Library District in Fort Collins, Colorado. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00021-00012340-00012760 I'm Brenda Hough, and I'll be facilitating today's discussion. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00022-00012760-00013390 Irene Romsa is here. She's our special guest. Again, I mention Shab and Sarah are in chat, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00023-00013390-00013890 and they can help with questions. Again, feel free to ask your questions at any point. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00024-00013890-00014340 You can see on the agenda we're going to quickly talk about TechSoup, TechSoup for Libraries, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00025-00014340-00014790 the Edge Benchmarks, which is part of an Edge Benchmark webinar series, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00026-00014790-00015480 and then most of the time it will be Tech-a-la-Carte. Irene will give us an overview of that project, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00027-00015480-00016080 and then we'll have lots of time for questions and answers. Put your questions in the chat 89BhqhIyVZ8-00028-00016080-00016500 at any point. We'll be tracking those, and then we'll have them ready for Irene 89BhqhIyVZ8-00029-00016510-00016830 when we get to that part of the session. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00030-00016830-00017430 Okay, we'll tell you a little bit about TechSoup. TechSoup is a nonprofit 89BhqhIyVZ8-00031-00017430-00017940 focused on providing other nonprofits and libraries with technology that empowers them 89BhqhIyVZ8-00032-00017940-00018460 to fulfill their missions and serve their communities. Qualified nonprofits and libraries 89BhqhIyVZ8-00033-00018470-00019070 can request and receive tech products donated by TechSoup partners like Microsoft, Adobe, Cisco, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00034-00019070-00019790 and Symantec. TechSoup for Libraries is a special part of TechSoup that is focused on the needs 89BhqhIyVZ8-00035-00019790-00020550 of libraries. The content there is specifically targeted at the needs of libraries. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00036-00020550-00021220 This webinar today is one of a series of webinars exploring the Edge Initiative Benchmark. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00037-00021220-00021980 These are benchmarks being developed by a coalition of organizations including TechSou 89BhqhIyVZ8-00038-00021980-00022410 and also Web Junction, the Public Library Association, several State libraries, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00039-00022410-00023050 and also lots of input from the library community. The benchmarks will help libraries 89BhqhIyVZ8-00040-00023050-00023630 determine where they stand in terms of public access to technology. There are 13 benchmarks, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00041-00023630-00024480 and today's webinar is focused on #8, which is about building relationships to maximize access 89BhqhIyVZ8-00042-00024480-00025010 to technology. A specific indicator that we are going to be talking about that is part of that benchmark 89BhqhIyVZ8-00043-00025010-00025580 is the library engages in technology outreach by maintaining mobile training equipment 89BhqhIyVZ8-00044-00025580-00025970 for library-sponsored technology training in partner facilities. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00045-00025980-00026680 That is what Irene Romsa from the Poudre River Library District in Fort Collins Colorado, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00046-00026680-00027280 where she manages the Outreach Department is here to talk to us today. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00047-00027280-00027789 As I said, first of all, she'll give us an overview of the project, and then we'll have time for questions 89BhqhIyVZ8-00048-00027789-00028200 and answers, too. Feel free to put those in the chat at any point. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00049-00028210-00028410 Irene, are you there? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00050-00028410-00028639 Irene: Here I am. Hello, everybody. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00051-00028639-00029010 Brenda: Well, I will turn it over to you. Welcome. Glad to have you here. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00052-00029010-00029450 Irene: Thank you, Brenda. So my intent today is to take about 10 or 15 minutes 89BhqhIyVZ8-00053-00029460-00030170 going through an overview of what Tech-a-la-Carte is. That way, we will allow the most time possible 89BhqhIyVZ8-00054-00030170-00030539 for your questions and answers, and we might have to go back to some of the slides, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00055-00030539-00031050 depending if I go too quickly over one of them, and there are still questions out there. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00056-00031050-00031639 So the products or the service we want to highlight today is this new program 89BhqhIyVZ8-00057-00031650-00032470 we're calling Tech-a-la-Carte. With me, I brought today, of course, my bilingual instructor, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00058-00032470-00033350 Alba Williams. She'll be available for your questions as well at that time. Now we'll go here. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00059-00033350-00034250 Who are we? As Brenda was saying, located in Colorado, we grew from a city library, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00060-00034260-00035070 a Fort Collins library into a district in 2006, and now we are faced with the challenge 89BhqhIyVZ8-00061-00035070-00035900 of serving a larger population, a large square mileage, and we are anchored by three libraries. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00062-00035900-00036600 The three libraries are located in the city. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00063-00036600-00037120 I wanted to play around with this and try to gauge who we have out there, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00064-00037120-00037700 and my first question for the group would be: do you currently offer computer literacy? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00065-00037710-00038260 I have two yes options there: yes (in English only); and yes (in English & other languages); 89BhqhIyVZ8-00066-00038260-00038960 sometimes, if you are not consistent or there's no regularity; and then no. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00067-00038960-00039750 For us, computer literacy is we had to find a common definition and for us it's allowing people 89BhqhIyVZ8-00068-00039750-00040480 to understand their computers and how to use them. So let's jump into that question screen. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00069-00040490-00041110 Brenda: I started that, Irene, and I'll take the task. Just give people a few minutes to tally up. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00071-00045020-00045370 Brenda: So Irene, do you want me to go ahead and skip to results? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00072-00045370-00048150 Irene: Yes. Let's see what we have. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00073-00048150-00048510 Brenda: It looks like lots of people offering computer literacy, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00074-00048510-00048980 quite a few in other languages besides English, too. Some are doing it sometimes, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00075-00048980-00049550 and there are some who aren't yet. So let's look at Irene's slide. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00076-00049550-00050150 Irene: So I see then that the majority right now is offering classes in English. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00077-00050150-00050740 For us here at Poudre libraries, we are offering in English and in Spanish at the time 89BhqhIyVZ8-00078-00050740-00051450 because of the demographics of our population. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00079-00051450-00051940 Here we go now onto — I hear some feedback. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00080-00051940-00052570 Are you all hearing feedback? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00081-00052570-00053360 Okay. So for us, we're teaching in English and in Spanish, and when we became a district, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00082-00053360-00054090 which is what I was telling you before, we created also the Outreach Department. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00083-00054090-00054570 We had a couple of staff members, me included, who would individually do outreach out there, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00084-00054570-00055040 but there was no department or no formal programming budget for us, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00085-00055040-00055729 but in 2011 our department was created. So we are very, very new to the game. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00086-00055740-00056450 We were created with the mission of delivering off - site library services to the underserved. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00087-00056450-00057120 We pulled staff from other areas and, in total, we have three full-time staff members 89BhqhIyVZ8-00088-00057129-00057590 in the Outreach Department. So relatively it's a very, very small department 89BhqhIyVZ8-00089-00057590-00058329 for a staff of 190 people at this time for our district. We are the smallest unit, I think. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00090-00058329-00059400 We divide our efforts, resources, staff time in the following areas. Our major focus is in early literacy, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00091-00059400-00059970 and then right behind it is digital literacy. Of course we also have the homebound delivery services 89BhqhIyVZ8-00092-00059970-00060520 under our responsibility, all the volunteer management piece and community engagement, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00093-00060529-00061450 which is something that we are looking to grow. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00094-00061450-00061870 What was the situation that brought us to this discussion, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00095-00061870-00062350 this thinking of the creation of Tech-a-la-Carte? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00096-00062350-00062700 We found ourselves when the department was created that we were tasked 89BhqhIyVZ8-00097-00062710-00063410 with being the library representative out there, outside of the library building, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00098-00063410-00064010 and we had more area to cover as a district, but no new libraries were going to be built. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00099-00064010-00064670 We are a library that does not have a bookmobile. Talking about computer classes now, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00100-00064670-00065420 we started to see what was going on there. We referred a lot to ALA and their statement 89BhqhIyVZ8-00101-00065420-00065960 on the transformation of libraries, and they talk about how libraries in the future 89BhqhIyVZ8-00102-00065960-00066930 will be a key player in digital literacy. They think that that's the niche where libraries are going to be 89BhqhIyVZ8-00103-00066930-00067380 and remain relevant in the future as we face all these challenges 89BhqhIyVZ8-00104-00067380-00067720 and questioning of the role of libraries. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00105-00067720-00068230 So we took that. We grabbed that and that's why we took the banner of digital literacy 89BhqhIyVZ8-00106-00068240-00069040 as one of the main tenets for the work of Outreach. We saw that some participants in our classes 89BhqhIyVZ8-00107-00069040-00069620 were feeling left behind in the large group environment. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00108-00069620-00070330 We also saw that for our Spanish computer classes we were suffering with low participation 89BhqhIyVZ8-00109-00070330-00071140 and low retention in comparison to the English-only classes. Because our task was to serve those 89BhqhIyVZ8-00110-00071140-00071900 who were underserved, our initial reaction was to look into those people who were not benefitting 89BhqhIyVZ8-00111-00071900-00072460 of the program and services that were being delivered inside of the libraries. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00112-00072460-00073220 We also found, as we talked to people, that our locations and the scheduled classes did not work 89BhqhIyVZ8-00113-00073230-00073750 for everybody. We were hearing that over and over again, especially when we were trying to find 89BhqhIyVZ8-00114-00073750-00074100 the poorest of the poor, asking them, "Why are you not coming to our classes? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00115-00074100-00074570 We are offering these classes in Spanish." We would get that a lot. They had two jobs. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00116-00074570-00075030 Then they come home and they have kids to feed, and they have a husband to take care of, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00117-00075030-00075590 so life was just coming in the way of them acquiring that knowledge 89BhqhIyVZ8-00118-00075600-00076780 that they were aware they needed and wanted. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00119-00076780-00077280 Okay, now who are the underserved? We use that word a lot here in Outreach. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00120-00077280-00078070 For us, our adaptation of the definition is that the underserved are those who cannot access 89BhqhIyVZ8-00121-00078070-00078540 library services. It could be because of their distance from one of the three libraries, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00122-00078540-00079080 or because of language barriers, or they have limited mobility and cannot come into our building. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00123-00079080-00079590 So we are looking to serve them. Among them we find the homebound. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00124-00079590-00080100 We find students who cannot get a ride to the library on their own. We find immigrants. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00125-00080100-00080680 We find all the outlying communities that we serve and that are taxpayers. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00126-00080680-00081640 We find the seniors. We find those who are of low income. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00127-00081640-00082180 Now a question back to you. I see that more participants have joined. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00128-00082180-00082650 To continue asking the question, I'm not assuming that all of you are libraries, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00129-00082650-00083010 so the question would be: Do you do that role of outreach? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00130-00083010-00083670 Do you look into delivering services outside of your physical building? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00131-00083670-00084350 If you do, who does that? Is it a task for any of your staff members, or nobody does that, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00132-00084360-00084700 or you have an assigned department or staff member to do that, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00133-00084700-00085880 or a combination of all of the above? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00134-00085880-00087780 And I see you voting already. Okay. This is actually comforting to see your responses. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00135-00087780-00089410 We see that leading, we have a combination of the above, with a little bit of whoever wants to do it. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00136-00089410-00090020 Any library staff person can go ahead and go out and start engaging people 89BhqhIyVZ8-00137-00090020-00090870 for the delivery of services outside of your building. Okay. Is that enough time, Brenda? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00138-00090870-00091250 Brenda: Sure, I think so. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00139-00091260-00092180 Irene: Okay. So some combination of the above, and now I reveal to you my answer. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00140-00092180-00092760 For us, it is the same. As I was explaining, we are a very new department. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00141-00092770-00093450 We've been around for barely a year, and we have staff in our district 89BhqhIyVZ8-00142-00093450-00093880 who will be celebrating 20 years of service this coming month. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00143-00093880-00094410 So you can see how we are a somewhat old institution with this new challenge 89BhqhIyVZ8-00144-00094410-00094860 of what is the Outreach Department supposed to be doing for us. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00145-00094860-00095430 So we have still a combination of Outreach staff who will be going out there, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00146-00095440-00096210 but we also have some staff, like the teen librarians going out and engaging the teens 89BhqhIyVZ8-00147-00096210-00096810 in the Middle School. I think that, for us, we still have a lot to figure out. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00148-00096810-00097630 We are in that road right now, and the key I consider is to balance the concept of wanting that 89BhqhIyVZ8-00149-00097630-00097980 embedded librarian out there being relevant to the community, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00150-00097990-00098710 but also with the desire of being intentional, strategic, and intensive in our outreach. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00151-00098710-00099870 How to balance those two is something that is ongoing conversation for our district. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00152-00099870-00101130 Now let's jump into the concept. The concept, basically, was to grab that classroom 89BhqhIyVZ8-00153-00101140-00101860 and make it fit into a piece of luggage, so tailored computer classes 89BhqhIyVZ8-00154-00101860-00102310 through a small, mobile computer lab which would be flexible, which would give us 89BhqhIyVZ8-00155-00102310-00102680 that rapid response that we wanted, that responsiveness 89BhqhIyVZ8-00156-00102680-00103770 that the community so much desired, especially in our target population. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00157-00103770-00104109 How did we do it? What steps did we follow? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00158-00104109-00105480 First we did the ask/sell. That is, I had in my mind something of what I wanted for this program, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00159-00105480-00106100 but then I had to force myself to not tell people what they need, but actually ask people 89BhqhIyVZ8-00160-00106109-00106709 what they need, and not to promise anything until I heard from them. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00161-00106709-00107150 The ask is an important part of the actual implementation, in my mind. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00162-00107159-00107650 You're asking and at the same time you're selling. It also helps to calm the critics. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00163-00107650-00108250 We did get many questions like, so you intend to take all this expensive equipment 89BhqhIyVZ8-00164-00108250-00108640 into the poorest of neighborhoods and in the middle of the night? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00165-00108640-00109370 Well, that was a valid question, but let's not kill the idea yet. It was still being presented as an idea. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00166-00109370-00110020 I still had to hear from many people. I asked fellow librarians. We went and asked the community, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00167-00110020-00110540 those people who would register into one class and not attend the second one. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00168-00110540-00111050 We would come and ask, "Why are you not coming?" We did find out that computer classes 89BhqhIyVZ8-00169-00111050-00111620 were valuable to them. They understood the need. They could see it around them. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00170-00111620-00112030 They could see that they could not even apply to McDonald's without doing it on the computer, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00171-00112030-00112470 so they were aware of the need. But life was coming in the way, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00172-00112470-00112800 and they had very valid reasons. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00173-00112800-00113400 Our library had already tried to solve some of these by offering child care 89BhqhIyVZ8-00174-00113400-00114090 in some of the Spanish computer classes, but this was proving to be a little difficult to sustain, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00175-00114090-00114540 to hire a second person during the classes to just take care of the children. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00176-00114540-00115409 So that answer of the people actually helped us. I interviewed several families at their homes. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00177-00115409-00115930 I didn't make them come into the library. I actually visited them, and it was in one of those visits 89BhqhIyVZ8-00178-00115930-00116609 that I saw that the children actually went into their bedroom and played and did their homework, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00179-00116609-00117100 and I was able to chat with the mother for almost an hour uninterrupted. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00180-00117100-00117930 I think that really was revealing to me. I was able to have a meaningful conversation. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00181-00117930-00118750 The children were still at home. They were safe, and that's when the idea started taking shape 89BhqhIyVZ8-00182-00118750-00119380 by thinking, "I could've been teaching a class in this last hour without interruptions 89BhqhIyVZ8-00183-00119380-00120070 and having the full participation of the family." So that started shaping the program. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00184-00120070-00120520 I didn't have a full answer in my head when I started out with the questions. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00185-00120520-00121090 We also asked vendors. I went to our current cell phone vendor, which is Verizon, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00186-00121100-00121640 and started talking with them, started to see their coverage, looked at other competitors, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00187-00121640-00122330 and identified that Verizon was the one that had the best coverage in our area. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00188-00122330-00123030 By having a conversation with them, they were also interested and gave us a loaner unit. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00189-00123030-00123609 They let me take it out to the field for two weeks, and I drove all around our district 89BhqhIyVZ8-00190-00123620-00124509 just testing Wi-Fi reception. That helped a lot to give a little more security into the program. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00191-00124509-00125450 I had to go ask/sell with our potential funders and see if this was an idea they would be willing 89BhqhIyVZ8-00192-00125450-00126240 to back up with their money and their support. I also talked to other agencies, mostly universities. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00193-00126240-00126980 We're a university town, so I tend to go there a lot just to brainstorm and I kind of threw the idea 89BhqhIyVZ8-00194-00126980-00127590 their way just to see what they thought. In all of this, the aim of the foundation 89BhqhIyVZ8-00195-00127590-00128050 was to provide a service that would give us portability, flexibility, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00196-00128050-00128459 and at the same would be safe and sustainable. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00197-00128459-00128959 So the next step after asking and talking around town with everybody 89BhqhIyVZ8-00198-00128970-00130020 was to go into lining up the resources. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00199-00130020-00130420 Once we decided yes, this is something we do want to pursue, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00200-00130420-00130950 we had to start lining up the resources. We are recipients of the BTOP grant 89BhqhIyVZ8-00201-00130950-00131800 so I had already had a preliminary yes from them on the purchase of the equipment 89BhqhIyVZ8-00202-00131800-00132350 because I had had some savings on the original purchase of equipment. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00203-00132350-00133010 Talking to them a while about this new program, they were willing to support this new pilot. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00204-00133020-00133600 Talking to the Friends of the Library who is the agency that helps us a lot with funding 89BhqhIyVZ8-00205-00133600-00134170 of our programs. Management team had to be behind it. Of course, the IT Department, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00206-00134170-00134510 which I needed for procurement and for the prepping of those computers, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00207-00134510-00135120 to have them go out. And something that I didn't want to oversee is having the right instructor. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00208-00135120-00135580 For me, this was the deal breaker. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00209-00135580-00136100 We needed someone who would be a good community worker 89BhqhIyVZ8-00210-00136110-00136730 because I can teach how to teach computer classes to many people, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00211-00136730-00137310 but how to go out and be in the field was the key element. We did have that, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00212-00137310-00137730 so that also gave me the comfort that we could go ahead with this project. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00213-00137740-00138550 What was I looking for in the instructor? Someone who was bilingual, to reach that target population. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00214-00138550-00138970 Someone who was friendly because he was going to be going into the home, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00215-00138980-00139460 so it's someone that the family will be willing to open the doors of their intimate home to 89BhqhIyVZ8-00216-00139460-00140130 on a regular basis, and pretty much welcome to their family. So friendliness was crucial. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00217-00140130-00141050 Extremely flexible and very competent. Flexibility is actually not a strong enough term. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00218-00141060-00141830 I was going to be asking this person to live out of luggage, a piece of luggage, and her own vehicle, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00219-00141830-00142470 go into the mobile home parks and use her evenings, use her weekends to teach others. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00220-00142470-00143270 It's something that I must say our instructor wasn't comfortable with at the beginning, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00221-00143270-00143870 but with time it's proven to be very, very rewarding. So it wasn't only challenging, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00222-00143880-00144510 but it was fun and it was something that, as a manager, I wouldn't ask someone to do something 89BhqhIyVZ8-00223-00144510-00145000 I myself wouldn't be willing to do. I kind of had tested that and I thought, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00224-00145010-00145680 "Hey, this is something that is doable." So I felt a little bit comfortable with asking somebody else 89BhqhIyVZ8-00225-00145680-00146110 to jump into the boat with me. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00226-00146110-00146770 Now, you've heard me mention BTOP. How many of you know what BTOP is? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00227-00146770-00148900 Let's run that little poll again, Brenda. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00228-00148900-00149950 Perfect. I suspect that most of you have heard about this webinar through BTOP then. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00229-00149950-00150690 Okay, then. We have BTOP recipients, people who have heard about BTO 89BhqhIyVZ8-00230-00150690-00151070 or public computer centers is another term being used out there, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00231-00151070-00151550 and some people have no clue why I've been using BTOP and what that is. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00232-00151560-00152330 So let's get up to speed quickly. I'll try to advance so I can reach my goal of 50 minutes talking, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00233-00152330-00152500 and then questions and answers. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00234-00152500-00153240 Well, we are a BTOP recipient, and it's a federal program. For our state, the State of Colorado, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00235-00153240-00153770 we were fortunate enough to have the State Library really lead in this 89BhqhIyVZ8-00236-00153780-00154380 and start contacting libraries in our state to join them, or for us to join rather, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00237-00154380-00154940 in a joint program and grant-seeking process, which we were able to attain 89BhqhIyVZ8-00238-00154940-00155310 with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00239-00155310-00156300 This was crucial for our program. We considered Tech-a-la-Carte to be a baby of the BTOP grant. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00240-00156300-00157110 Going quickly into the start-up costs, here you see a listing of what our mobile lab is. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00241-00157110-00158120 It's basically six laptops with Windows, Office, a projector, a screen, very important is a hot spot, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00242-00158120-00158920 which is a Verizon one that reaches most of our district; then luggage, and outlet strips. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00243-00158930-00159760 I love advertising, so we included a promotional flag because it's important for us 89BhqhIyVZ8-00244-00159760-00160190 that wherever we are, people know we are the library and that we are there for them. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00245-00160190-00160790 When we're out of the building, that becomes a little bit challenging. So that's what there. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00246-00160790-00161310 We also have some promotional stickers all over our equipment, and some teaching supplies. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00247-00161310-00161980 For us, this was the basic budget of what we started working with. It was around $4,000. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00248-00161980-00162720 To that we add some ongoing expenses which I would say are very, very low 89BhqhIyVZ8-00249-00162720-00163540 for the amount of population we're able to reach. You have it right there in front of you. It's minimal. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00250-00163540-00164220 There we have Alba again. This picture is from last Friday. After I took her to the BTOP conference 89BhqhIyVZ8-00251-00164220-00164820 in Colorado Springs, she got into her car when we returned to Fort Collins 89BhqhIyVZ8-00252-00164820-00165330 and went into a mobile home park, late at night. You can see that it's night, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00253-00165330-00165810 and the equipment is right there in the back of her trunk, and she's pulling it out. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00254-00165820-00166390 I bet it's some family member from the participants taking the picture of her. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00255-00166390-00167170 So thank you, Alba, for being such a trooper. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00256-00167170-00167780 And then launch. We're still talking about the steps of how we did all this. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00257-00167780-00168570 Launching is very important because I am a business administrator and I love planning. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00258-00168570-00169400 But I've tried to control myself through the years in not spending too much time in planning, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00259-00169400-00170230 to a point that I won't take the jump or that leap of faith, so I try not to think too much about it. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00260-00170240-00170900 Once I was confident that it was well received and people were behind it, then just launch. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00261-00170900-00171450 Things won't be perfect, but you just have to take that jump. So we launched. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00262-00171450-00172250 We started small, which was part of the key to success. If something were to go wrong, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00263-00172250-00172890 it was small enough that we could control the damage, per se. So we started small, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00264-00172890-00173420 one, two families or two groups, and these were groups that were known to us. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00265-00173430-00174110 The first participants were referrals or people who had just heard of it through word of mouth. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00266-00174110-00174560 So if something went wrong, they were aware that we were just trying our best 89BhqhIyVZ8-00267-00174560-00175190 to deliver improved and increased services, so they were going to be kind to us. And they were. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00268-00175200-00175860 We started out by screening, visiting the homes. I did the first home visit before sending Alba out 89BhqhIyVZ8-00269-00175860-00176350 on her second home visit, to make sure that the house presented the conditions. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00270-00176350-00176970 We are looking for at least a table, a dining table where we can set up five computers 89BhqhIyVZ8-00271-00176980-00177580 around that table; for it to have enough electrical outlets; for it to be clean enough 89BhqhIyVZ8-00272-00177580-00178460 to have that table assigned to only learning during that time; for the children to be at a level 89BhqhIyVZ8-00273-00178460-00179040 where they can entertain themselves, do their homework or play on their own; 89BhqhIyVZ8-00274-00179040-00179700 for the family to be receptive; and the environment to be safe. We were able to find that out 89BhqhIyVZ8-00275-00179700-00180350 through this first visit. The first visit is not called a screening, but rather we call it a meeting 89BhqhIyVZ8-00276-00180350-00181060 where we will discuss what it is that this group wants, what they are looking for, what they need, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00277-00181060-00181730 how many classes that will require, what's more or less the level at which each participant is at, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00278-00181730-00182390 and we take down the names of who will be the participants for that class. Then we sign a contract. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00279-00182400-00182810 You have a little image there, but it's also one of the attachments to this webinar, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00280-00182810-00183200 the contract in English and in Spanish that we sign with the families 89BhqhIyVZ8-00281-00183200-00184020 where they are committing to present all of the conditions for us to come in and give the class. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00282-00184030-00184470 So we are both committing to something when we sign that contract. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00283-00184470-00185070 We are constantly in this launching phase looking for opportunities to grow and serve. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00284-00185070-00185670 It started as something where we would go into the house to provide that training, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00285-00185680-00186220 but from that day when we started in February it has become so much more. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00286-00186220-00186910 We are going to after-school classrooms or groups. We've gone to evacuation centers. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00287-00186910-00187620 We've gone to parks. We are constantly keeping our eyes open to find and identify 89BhqhIyVZ8-00288-00187620-00188170 those opportunities to serve. We do assessing and tracking and, of course, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00289-00188170-00188840 reporting and sharing are very important. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00290-00188840-00189670 I cannot say enough about the Colorado Initiative, the Colorado public computer centers. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00291-00189680-00190330 They have been such an ally and an inspiration in this effort. Through this joint grant, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00292-00190330-00191150 they have arranged with library user services for a survey to be filled out by participants every time 89BhqhIyVZ8-00293-00191160-00192270 we finish a class. That provides me so many statistics. It allows me to sort by place or location. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00294-00192270-00192840 Tech-a-la-Carte is not our only location where we provide computer classes outside of the library. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00295-00192840-00193400 We have established public computer centers at three fixed sites. One is a church, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00296-00193400-00194120 and two are community/daycare centers. Tech-a- la-Carte was a third solution 89BhqhIyVZ8-00297-00194130-00195020 we were trying to create. So it allows me to sort. It gives me demographics of female, male, ages, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00298-00195020-00195710 their level of knowledge, why they want this class, and it allows me, this survey tool 89BhqhIyVZ8-00299-00195720-00196330 that Colorado libraries have created with LRS to also look at the outcomes. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00300-00196330-00197000 Although I am not the person who's out there every week with the families or with the participants, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00301-00197000-00197570 in the comfort of my computer at home or at work, I can see how many participants were there, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00302-00197570-00198160 what they thought of the class, and what benefit it's bringing to them. So from February to September, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00303-00198170-00198720 the program started in February, we've provided 53 classes. We've had 208 participants, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00304-00198720-00199380 and the average satisfaction is 90%. All this is data that I would not have had 89BhqhIyVZ8-00305-00199380-00200280 if LRS hadn't been working with State libraries for that. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00306-00200290-00200960 These are the faces. This cannot be tracked by LRS, but we try to track it as well. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00307-00200960-00201500 As you can see, the environment is very, very small. Here I want to go back to the point 89BhqhIyVZ8-00308-00201500-00202100 of why I needed as an instructor a good community worker. Not everybody feels comfortable working 89BhqhIyVZ8-00309-00202100-00202580 in a space where they have to clear the table, they have to work around dirty dishes 89BhqhIyVZ8-00310-00202580-00203410 and a very tight space, and it's not your typical library classroom environment. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00311-00203410-00203790 You have to be very flexible and you have to sit in with the group. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00312-00203790-00204660 You have to just be one of them and be sharing as a colleague, as a neighborly type of model 89BhqhIyVZ8-00313-00204660-00205380 for teaching, a facilitator model. So that's some of our classrooms in the homes. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00314-00205380-00205830 Most of them are mobile homes. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00315-00205830-00206290 What else can we do? As I was saying before, we've been able to go into festivals. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00316-00206300-00206900 We've been able to do remote library card sign - ups with the mobile lab. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00317-00206900-00207330 We have been able to visit after-school programs. One of the pictures you see there 89BhqhIyVZ8-00318-00207340-00207960 was a C+ programming class for teenagers. We had no idea what that meant, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00319-00207960-00208390 so we were able to find someone in the community who was willing to teach that class, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00320-00208390-00208969 and it was a very, very good class according to what the survey brought back. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00321-00208969-00209430 We can go into classrooms. We can go into businesses. You see a boardroom there, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00322-00209430-00209840 and that is the boardroom of the water district where they used our computers 89BhqhIyVZ8-00323-00209840-00210269 for one of their meetings. Most importantly, what has brought us a lot of good press 89BhqhIyVZ8-00324-00210280-00210719 and good feedback has been the response to emergencies with the type of fire 89BhqhIyVZ8-00325-00210719-00211100 that happened here in Colorado, we were able to respond within 24 hours 89BhqhIyVZ8-00326-00211100-00211760 and be there at the evacuation center, helping all evacuees connect with the Red Cross, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00327-00211760-00212190 being able to register, and connecting with their families, which was so crucial, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00328-00212190-00212619 so they could report that they were safe or where they were at. And we were able to respond 89BhqhIyVZ8-00329-00212619-00213369 because the tool was there. It was flexible. It was safe, and it was portable 89BhqhIyVZ8-00330-00213380-00214040 and we had already been training on this flexibility since February. So responding to this fire 89BhqhIyVZ8-00331-00214040-00215290 was just one other program for us, and did not present that much of a challenge. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00332-00215290-00215669 One last question before we jump into your questions is: 89BhqhIyVZ8-00333-00215669-00216360 Is this something that you have already been considering, or something that you could apply 89BhqhIyVZ8-00334-00216360-00218090 in the next 6-18 months. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00335-00218090-00218700 Okay. I think that we have a crowd of people who were already thinking about it 89BhqhIyVZ8-00336-00218700-00219510 and are at that ask/sell stage where they're checking other libraries, other agencies 89BhqhIyVZ8-00337-00219510-00220019 to see what they're doing, what could be tweaked. Some are not sure, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00338-00220019-00220800 and then we've got some no answers. So we've got a tie between those who think they can do it 89BhqhIyVZ8-00339-00220810-00221719 in the next year and a half and those who are not quite sure yet. Perfect. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00340-00221719-00222950 Now let's jump into my answer. I have responded to that question as well. My answer is, I'm not sure. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00341-00222950-00223510 We have the first lab, but we're still at that stage of launching and, if you recall, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00342-00223510-00224080 we're still in that stage where this has been called a pilot program. So what's next? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00343-00224080-00224869 What we have next is we need to regroup, look at all the data, all the wonderful outcomes 89BhqhIyVZ8-00344-00224869-00225580 we've gathered in these months, and assess what's the next step for us. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00345-00225580-00226230 We know that mobile learning is here. It's here to stay, and we have no idea where it's going. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00346-00226230-00226840 We just know it's going to increase. We know that this program fits just right 89BhqhIyVZ8-00347-00226850-00228040 with the trend of mobile learning. However, what's next for us is something that we are still discussing. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00348-00228040-00228650 We are very, very pleased with the results. We are very encouraged, and we are convinced 89BhqhIyVZ8-00349-00228650-00229240 that we are addressing issues of the digital divide by bringing computers directly into the home, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00350-00229250-00229919 directly into the after-school program, into that boardroom. And as I was preparing, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00351-00229919-00230480 I love this website, Sigmobile or mobile, however you want to pronounce it. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00352-00230480-00231150 They talk about the tyranny of geography being done with by this mobile learning, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00353-00231150-00231619 by this revolution of wireless systems, of cellular systems, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00354-00231619-00232150 and mobile computing and communications. And I think we're right there. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00355-00232160-00232719 We don't know exactly where libraries are heading for sure, or where mobile technology is heading, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00356-00232719-00233530 but we have already one foot in there and this gives us an advantage. We're encouraged. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00357-00233530-00233969 We're going to back into that stage of selling and of asking, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00358-00233980-00234700 to try to make this a permanent program. We had about $3,000 of savings this year. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00359-00234700-00235260 I was saving that money in case I needed maintenance or replacement of equipment. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00360-00235269-00235700 I didn't know if all of a sudden we were going to be highjacked and the equipment stolen, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00361-00235700-00236219 so we saved some money there. Now we are investing that money for a second lab. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00362-00236230-00236890 I have a little bit of limitations with instructors. I need to find the right profile for this to work. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00363-00236890-00237719 That is a little bit of a limitation on my side, and we need to find a way, if the district as a whole 89BhqhIyVZ8-00364-00237719-00238250 wants to absorb this program, of how to bring this into our regular budget and planning system 89BhqhIyVZ8-00365-00238250-00239010 and maturing from a pilot into a full recognized and mature service 89BhqhIyVZ8-00366-00239019-00239310 of the Poudre River Public Library District. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00367-00239310-00239840 So that was my quick presentation. I am very anxious to hear your questions. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00368-00239840-00240560 This is a copy of the agreements we sign with the groups, and let's hear from you. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00369-00240560-00241090 Brenda: Okay. Let me read you some of the questions we've been receiving. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00370-00241100-00241850 I'll just put that one one up while we're doing this. Okay. I understand that you have Alba with you, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00371-00241850-00242190 too. Is that right, Irene? And Alba's the instructor? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00372-00242190-00242530 Irene: Yes. Alba's our bilingual instructor, and she's right here next to me. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00373-00242530-00242919 Brenda: Okay, got it. Some questions about going into the home. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00374-00242919-00243400 Is it just one staff person who goes, one at a time? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00375-00243410-00243930 Irene: Yes. In the beginning, in the first few classes, I did the screening. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00376-00243930-00244440 Once we were comfortable, then Alba is just one instructor. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00377-00244440-00244930 So far I feel comfortable with this model because we've had referrals by agencies 89BhqhIyVZ8-00378-00244930-00245590 telling us these people need this class because they're trying to access a healthcare service 89BhqhIyVZ8-00379-00245590-00245969 or something, and they don't have the knowledge. So they are referrals to us. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00380-00245969-00246469 When we visit the home, we're able to gauge that level of safety that we feel, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00381-00246480-00247180 and my instructions to Alba have now been, "If you feel the slightest doubt, it's a no. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00382-00247180-00247690 You are empowered to not go and serve a group if you feel uncomfortable." 89BhqhIyVZ8-00383-00247690-00247860 Do you want to add something, Alba? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00384-00247860-00248450 Alba: Sure. Hi, everybody. I just want to let you know that the first assessment, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00385-00248450-00249110 I do initially go into their houses and I so not promise them that I will come to their houses. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00386-00249110-00249760 So we meet either in a community place, I get their phone numbers, their names. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00387-00249769-00250360 I set up a meeting time. I let know my supervisor about that, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00388-00250360-00250910 and then when I do go into their houses, not the first day that I start with a class, it's an assessment 89BhqhIyVZ8-00389-00250910-00251460 about how the house looks like, where am I going to be projecting, where can I put my screen, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00390-00251460-00252490 where can I put the projector. We talk about some rules. I see if the place is nice for me to be there 89BhqhIyVZ8-00391-00252500-00253230 doing a class, teaching a class. I encounter places where they do not have an elevator 89BhqhIyVZ8-00392-00253230-00253919 and they live on the second or third floor, so that usually is a process of elimination. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00393-00253919-00254490 So I ask them if there is another community place where they will be able to go, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00394-00254500-00254900 and I try to be more flexible in finding the time and places 89BhqhIyVZ8-00395-00254900-00255350 and do more one-to-one to do with specific people. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00396-00255350-00255680 Irene: And I know this is just the first question, but I wanted to add something more, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00397-00255680-00256390 because that was one big question that many people had. I just wanted to add that for us, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00398-00256400-00257210 as libraries, this is a very new concept, a librarian in the home. It raises just big questions 89BhqhIyVZ8-00399-00257210-00258000 and red flags, but I wanted to tell you that at that ask/sell process or stage of the program, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00400-00258000-00258560 I went to other agencies who had been doing this for decades or centuries, health services, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00401-00258560-00259419 social work. They have been going into the homes. Nurses on the road, females to do home visits, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00402-00259419-00259940 and they have reported that that has been the most effective way of connecting with families. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00403-00259940-00260380 So that was part of the asking. I went to those who are already doing this 89BhqhIyVZ8-00404-00260380-00260850 to get a gauge if this was something we could do. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00405-00260860-00261419 Brenda: How often would you say it is that, after the screening, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00406-00261419-00261810 you decide it's not the right environment or it doesn't feel safe, or for whatever reason 89BhqhIyVZ8-00407-00261810-00262300 it's not going to work? What percentage of the time do you think that's happening? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00408-00262300-00262800 Irene: So far it hasn't happened. We've done all the classes except for once, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00409-00262810-00263070 and Alba's going to share that one. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00410-00263070-00263610 Alba: The only time where I decided I wasn't going to go to that house was 89BhqhIyVZ8-00411-00263620-00264270 because I wasn't willing to take to the third floor on the stairs a full mobile lab. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00412-00264270-00265180 We checked with the apartment building, if we could use the rec center, so we used that place 89BhqhIyVZ8-00413-00265180-00265730 to teach the class. That was the only time I actually said no to a home, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00414-00265730-00266450 but we still did it in their own environment. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00415-00266460-00267180 Irene: There's something I also want to add. I've told Alba that another option is always 89BhqhIyVZ8-00416-00267180-00267560 if there's a group and they're organized and ready to receive a class 89BhqhIyVZ8-00417-00267560-00268100 but they do not present the right environment, you can always schedule that class inside the library. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00418-00268100-00268580 Book one of the study rooms and have that class at their own time of the day they decide, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00419-00268580-00269050 but at the library. So there are always options. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00420-00269050-00269610 Brenda: Okay, great. Thank you. Let's see. Let's take a look at the other questions we're getting. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00421-00269620-00270520 Questions about the technology that you use and people are very interested in the hot spot. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00422-00270520-00271140 Does that work well? Does that give you a strong enough signal for Internet training? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00423-00271150-00271860 Irene: Yes. We're learning, too. Remember. It's a pilot. The great thing about pilots 89BhqhIyVZ8-00424-00271860-00272420 is that we can make mistakes and correct, and receive not much criticism. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00425-00272430-00272860 At the beginning I thought I was going to go fancy, and I went for one of those phones 89BhqhIyVZ8-00426-00272860-00273510 that at the same time will give you Wi-Fi or a hot spot, and it could feed up to five computers. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00427-00273520-00274200 After four months, I realized I had made a mistake. That was not working. We did not need a phone. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00428-00274200-00274670 I thought it would be good to have the instructor with a phone in case she needed to call 89BhqhIyVZ8-00429-00274670-00275160 or something, but that was not necessary. She has her own phone. So I went back to Verizon, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00430-00275160-00275710 and we moved into a hot spot, a mobile hot spot only, not a phone. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00431-00275720-00276280 We also discovered that they had improved the technology. Now the unit that they gave us, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00432-00276280-00276720 it's only a hot spot and can feed up to ten computers. It does it beautifully, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00433-00276720-00277110 and the coverage is great. That's something that you need to do. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00434-00277120-00277420 You need to go into the different we Bsites and look at their coverage maps 89BhqhIyVZ8-00435-00277420-00278140 to see which ones look the most promising. But then I really recommend to request 89BhqhIyVZ8-00436-00278140-00278730 one of those loaner hot spots and drive throughout your district or area. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00437-00278730-00279250 When I had Pandora, I had Pandora on my iPad connected to the mobile 89BhqhIyVZ8-00438-00279250-00280030 so whenever my music would stop, I knew that that was a spot that had problems. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00439-00280040-00280750 Brenda: Okay. Would you consider tablets as you think about the future? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00440-00280750-00281720 Irene: Yes. I would love tablets. It's incredible how technology is advancing. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00441-00281730-00282400 Back in February, I was not that convinced. Now that I see how technology is advancing 89BhqhIyVZ8-00442-00282400-00282880 and how some families are opting for tablets, maybe not the iPads 89BhqhIyVZ8-00443-00282880-00283510 but those cheap $200 or even $99 this Black Friday tablet, they're finding, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00444-00283520-00284330 especially those who are low income, that that is a viable solution for their family. I am very interested 89BhqhIyVZ8-00445-00284330-00284890 in that model and we have heard of other libraries that are going to go that route with the mobile labs. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00446-00284900-00285750 So if I had the money, I would definitely have a second lab and it would be tablets. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00447-00285750-00286330 Brenda: Okay. Also a question about the classes that you teach. I know the forms that you shared 89BhqhIyVZ8-00448-00286330-00286650 with us, and they were attached to the reminder email that went out today 89BhqhIyVZ8-00449-00286650-00286990 and I'll also attach them again. You have them in both English and Spanish, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00450-00286990-00287450 and you shared those with us. Those list different classes, but I'm curious. What's most popular? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00451-00287450-00287780 What classes are you teaching the most, Alba? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00452-00287790-00288590 Alba: First of all, some of them are computer comfort, mostly of the people I go to their houses, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00453-00288590-00289040 it's the first time they are taught the computer and the first time they're seeing a computer 89BhqhIyVZ8-00454-00289040-00289790 in their own home, and they want to learn how to use. After that, they want to learn about Internet. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00455-00289790-00290540 They want to learn how to search for different web sites. One of the most funny ones 89BhqhIyVZ8-00456-00290540-00291140 is they want to learn how to use Craig's List because they can find stuff, they can sell, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00457-00291140-00291790 they can find jobs, they can find places to live. So that is one of them Internet searching, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00458-00291790-00292440 and for social media, they like Facebook and Skype. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00459-00292450-00292920 Brenda: How about job searching, is that, things related to job searching or resume writing, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00460-00292920-00293210 are you seeing that as a big topic, or not really? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00461-00293220-00293890 Alba: Yes. One of the big topics is actually learning how to do resume in Microsoft Word 89BhqhIyVZ8-00462-00293890-00294840 and then how to find web sites where they can apply for a job. So it's usually job searching, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00463-00294840-00295500 one of the most hot topics they wanted to do, but my problem that I encounter is 89BhqhIyVZ8-00464-00295500-00296450 that some of them do not speak English so some of the jobs where they can apply are limited.' 89BhqhIyVZ8-00465-00296450-00297010 Brenda: Okay, thank you. Irene, there was a question about the survey 89BhqhIyVZ8-00466-00297010-00297490 and if there would be a way to share the questions that you asked with the survey with everyone. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00467-00297500-00297880 Is there a way to do that? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00468-00297880-00298140 Irene: I'm sorry. Can you repeat that question? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00469-00298140-00298470 Brenda: Yes. There's a question about the survey, and I pulled that up again, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00470-00298470-00298800 the survey that you have everyone complete after they take the classes. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00471-00298810-00299160 Is there a way to share that with people who are attending today, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00472-00299160-00299370 share the questions that you asked? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00473-00299370-00299760 Irene: Yes, definitely, and I must say that I did not design that survey. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00474-00299760-00300290 It was designed by our Colorado State Library, but we love it, and it's available in English 89BhqhIyVZ8-00475-00300300-00300890 and Spanish. So I will just quickly email them and make sure that we can share it, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00476-00300890-00301210 and I will definitely add it and send it your way. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00477-00301210-00301760 Brenda: Okay, great. Thank you, and then I'll include it as part of the resources that we send out 89BhqhIyVZ8-00478-00301760-00302700 after today's session. What other questions do we have, or do people want to share some ideas 89BhqhIyVZ8-00479-00302700-00303330 for what you're thinking about doing, too? Let's see. I see one question I missed on safety. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00480-00303340-00304130 Does Alba call in when she is leaving? As you arrive and leave training sites, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00481-00304130-00304380 do you check in with anyone else? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00482-00304380-00304960 Alba: Not really. I don't usually check in with anybody else other than my husband 89BhqhIyVZ8-00483-00304970-00305890 and my babysitter, but I think it will be nice if I can shoot them a text message and say, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00484-00305890-00306630 "I'm here with this family." We actually keep track of where I am going every week, every hour. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00485-00306630-00307380 So we have a spreadsheet where I'm completing that before and after I go. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00486-00307390-00308200 The hours are already set. The contract is sent to my boss, so she knows specific where I am 89BhqhIyVZ8-00487-00308200-00308990 and, of course, it will be nice an idea to shoot a message saying "I'm leaving." 89BhqhIyVZ8-00488-00308990-00309930 But, yes, it will be something to consider again, but I think we built so much of a relationshi 89BhqhIyVZ8-00489-00309940-00310580 with the families and the people that we're meeting that I feel really safe every time I go. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00490-00310580-00310820 Sometimes they even feed me. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00491-00310830-00311190 Irene: They always feed her. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00492-00311190-00311820 Brenda: Yes. I taught classes within the library, and people are so appreciative, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00493-00311820-00312440 so I'm sure for this level, I'm sure they're triply appreciative. That's great. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00494-00312440-00313140 Well, you may know of other sources, things like this happening in other libraries, too, Irene, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00495-00313140-00313730 and I guess I'll let you share. I see that we have Jean Whitehorse who's also participating today, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00496-00313730-00314230 and she is on the Navaho Reservation in New Mexico area. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00497-00314240-00314770 They have something called Fast Forward New Mexico, a program. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00498-00314770-00315080 They provide computer training on the Navaho Reservation, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00499-00315080-00315770 and Jean's training is in the Navaho language. So we can include a link to that in the resources, too. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00500-00315780-00316290 Someone asked in the chat about jobs and whether that was a hot topic, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00501-00316290-00316820 and I've seen some libraries, I think it was Gwinnet County in Georgia, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00502-00316830-00317530 and they have a bus-size mobile lab with 13 computers. Theirs is focused on jobs. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00503-00317530-00318070 It's a job center, and they have three job coaches that go along with the lab. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00504-00318070-00318680 I know there are some things happening with that. I've heard of other libraries. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00505-00318680-00319260 The Houston Public Library has a mobile express, and that has 13 computers or 13 desktops 89BhqhIyVZ8-00506-00319270-00319730 and seven laptops. So lots of different interesting things happening. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00507-00319730-00320230 In Lexington, Kentucky, their mobile lab does all kinds of training throughout the community, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00508-00320230-00320820 and they received an award for work with Second Chance, which is a program for ex-offenders, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00509-00320830-00321180 kind of a rehabilitation program. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00510-00321180-00321660 The State Library of Ohio has a mobile tech training center. It's a big 35-foot bus 89BhqhIyVZ8-00511-00321660-00322070 that goes all over the state and people can request that, too. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00512-00322070-00322780 So there are lots of interesting things happening. Have you heard of other things? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00513-00322780-00323400 Have you encountered anyone else, another library, who's going into the home as you are? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00514-00323400-00324200 Irene: No. Actually what we heard was a lot of questioning and people just wanting to make sure 89BhqhIyVZ8-00515-00324200-00325060 that we really, really wanted to do this. What I know is we are — I checked with universities 89BhqhIyVZ8-00516-00325060-00325710 and tried to check all over the place. From what we know, we don't know of any other library 89BhqhIyVZ8-00517-00325720-00326160 going into the home. We had heard of people going into the business place 89BhqhIyVZ8-00518-00326160-00326830 or into an after-school program, but not all the way into the home. So I don't know. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00519-00326830-00327240 This is a new model. We are still working on it. If you hear of someone, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00520-00327240-00327480 we would love to chat with that person. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00521-00327480-00327820 I see a couple of questions. One is asking how long the class lasts. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00522-00327820-00328440 In our contract, we tell them that the classes will last two hours. I have to make it worth the tri 89BhqhIyVZ8-00523-00328450-00329040 for all of us, so it's a two-hour minimum, and we can offer up to five classes of their choice 89BhqhIyVZ8-00524-00329040-00329600 and negotiate it with Alba. So it's five classes, each one two hours. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00525-00329600-00330030 Another question there is about the brand of my luggage or my case. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00526-00330030-00330580 I started off with a fancy hard case pieces of luggage, and it just lasted about three, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00527-00330590-00331140 four months and then it gave in, so my second case was a Pelican. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00528-00331140-00331630 I think it was one of my explorations that didn't go that well. I would recommend 89BhqhIyVZ8-00529-00331640-00332010 going with the professionals, with the Pelican. I did not want to do Pelican 89BhqhIyVZ8-00530-00332010-00332390 because it was heavier than the others. It was bulkier. But it's going to last. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00531-00332390-00332930 It's going to last and it's going to be worth the investment. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00532-00332940-00333640 Brenda: A good question about how people can continue what they've learned after the classes. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00533-00333640-00334050 Do some families get Internet access and a computer at home, do you find, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00534-00334050-00334380 or are you encouraging them to use library computers? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00535-00334380-00334800 What happens after they're done with the classes? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00536-00334800-00335310 Alba: Well, after they're done with the classes, some of them usually they want to learn 89BhqhIyVZ8-00537-00335320-00335810 about Facebook, so we made a Facebook account called Tech-a-la-Carte 89BhqhIyVZ8-00538-00335810-00336300 where they can reach me any time and just post a couple of questions, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00539-00336300-00336870 and I'm able to answer them in my own time, in my spare time, just as a hobby. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00540-00336870-00337490 Another thing is we do have the public computer center set up around the neighborhood, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00541-00337500-00338290 and we have our library, so I encourage them to come over to the library to try to use, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00542-00338290-00338960 to ask questions. We always have somebody friendly to answer any questions 89BhqhIyVZ8-00543-00338960-00339330 at any of the libraries, or sometime even at the public centers. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00544-00339330-00340120 Also, they can re-take the classes with a different family, or come over to another classes 89BhqhIyVZ8-00545-00340120-00340910 that are being offered at the library. It's not that we would limit their service. It's ongoing, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00546-00340920-00341460 so they can come back to me any time. They can request again after a while and see, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00547-00341460-00342100 but they at least have to have two or three different persons that weren't in their initial class. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00548-00342110-00342890 Another thing that I do show and encourage them is to go to different places to try out and see 89BhqhIyVZ8-00549-00342890-00343560 which ones seem the best for them. With Black Friday coming up, some of the questions were, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00550-00343560-00343930 "Oh, look at this ad. Can I buy this? Can I buy this older one?" 89BhqhIyVZ8-00551-00343930-00344560 But I also tell them I can't tell them which ones to buy. I tell them to go and try by their own time 89BhqhIyVZ8-00552-00344560-00345130 and see which one seems the best for them. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00553-00345140-00345490 Brenda: What percentage of attendees are women? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00554-00345490-00346430 Alba: Probably like 90% of them. Sometimes they have their small newborn coming over 89BhqhIyVZ8-00555-00346440-00346970 and being nearby. Sometime they bring their older daughter and they take turns 89BhqhIyVZ8-00556-00346970-00347320 about who's going to take care of the other small children that are around, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00557-00347320-00348100 or help them with their homework. Yes, usually I do have more women coming out than men. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00558-00348100-00348510 Brenda: Do you issue library cards during the classes if needed or wanted? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00559-00348510-00349240 Alba: Yes. I actually have my own kit to sign up for library. Actually one of the classes 89BhqhIyVZ8-00560-00349240-00349900 I bore them to hear about the library, library services, and how they can learn different things 89BhqhIyVZ8-00561-00349900-00350360 through our database and how they can use our services from their own home, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00562-00350360-00350890 and that is where the tablet comes up handy for them to learn and know about 89BhqhIyVZ8-00563-00350890-00351660 because then they are able to use the library any time. I also encourage them to look u 89BhqhIyVZ8-00564-00351660-00352210 for the program, and I give them homework. Their homework is to look up at the library web site 89BhqhIyVZ8-00565-00352220-00352630 and come up with something that they need to tell me for the next class, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00566-00352630-00353120 so I know they are actually using a computer. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00567-00353120-00353710 Brenda: So this agreement that you shared with us already, one is English and one is Spanish, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00568-00353710-00354320 this lists I think it's six different classes and then "other" is also a line on that. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00569-00354320-00354900 This is a complete list of the classes you offer. Is that right? Are there different options? 89BhqhIyVZ8-00570-00354900-00355330 Alba: No.On the "other" we actually figure in what they wanted to learn. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00571-00355330-00355970 This is the basic or most popular that after we did a survey what we came up with, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00572-00355970-00356650 but a lot of people want to learn about different things that are not listed in there. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00573-00356650-00357030 Brenda: Okay, so we are reaching the end of our session. Again, we'll be following up today 89BhqhIyVZ8-00574-00357040-00357840 with resources, so we'll share the Poudre River's web site, and then we have those sample forms 89BhqhIyVZ8-00575-00357840-00358350 from them. We've got a few different other examples of library mobile labs. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00576-00358350-00358860 Some resources have been shared throughout the day, so we'll share those, too. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00577-00358860-00359350 Then Irene has graciously offered to let me include her email address 89BhqhIyVZ8-00578-00359360-00359780 and is happy to take questions that way, too, if people have them. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00579-00359780-00360260 I want to thank you both so much. This has been great. This has been really inspiring. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00580-00360260-00360730 This is some outside-of-the-box thinking, and I'm glad to have learned about it myself 89BhqhIyVZ8-00581-00360730-00361060 and to be able to share it with other people, too. So thank you so much, Irene, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00582-00361070-00361290 and thank you, Alba, too, for being here. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00583-00361290-00361400 Irene: You're welcome. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00584-00361400-00361480 Alba: You're welcome. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00585-00361480-00361610 Irene: Thank you for inviting us. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00586-00361620-00362010 Brenda: Our next Edge webinar will be on December 4, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00587-00362010-00362560 and that one will be on Tech-Savvy Staff, how to get your staff feeling comfortable with technology. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00588-00362560-00363060 We'll have Penny Talbert and Stephanie Zimmerman from Pennsylvania joining us 89BhqhIyVZ8-00589-00363060-00363470 for that one. In the follow-up message today, I'll include a link to register for that one, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00590-00363480-00363690 so that will make that easy. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00591-00363690-00364030 Thanks to ReadyTalk who sponsored today's session. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00592-00364040-00364660 As we leave, you'll get a link to an evaluation form. If you can, use that to let us know 89BhqhIyVZ8-00593-00364660-00365180 how today's session was, your thoughts on it, and how we can make future sessions better, 89BhqhIyVZ8-00594-00365180-00365650 or what topics you'd like to see us cover, anything that would be useful in that way. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00595-00365650-00366070 We'd love to hear that, so please take a minute and fill out the eval form. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00596-00366070-00366440 We hope to see you at another webinar soon, and thanks again to Irene and Alba. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00597-00366440-00366850 Thanks to Sarah and Shab, too, for capturing the questions for us. 89BhqhIyVZ8-00598-00366850-00367530 That helped a lot. All right. Goodbye, everyone. Thank you.