8qjD_BcjwJ0-00000-00000000-00000750 After a fragile ceasefire lasting just five months, the TPLF (Tigray People’s Liberation Front) have once again initiated violent conflict with federal forces in Northern Ethiopia. They started the war in November 2020, were forced to retreat just over a year later, but not content with the level of human suffering resulting from their initial barbarism, they are, it seems, determined to kill and kill again; to rape and beat their Ethiopian brethren; to once more destroy property, burn farmland, slaughter livestock, sending fear through communities, deepening the pain of a nation in their frenzied quest for power. This latest offensive was launched on 24 August, violating the humanitarian truce agreed with the Ethiopian government, and shattering the temporary peace. A Government statement relayed that, “Ignoring all of the peace alternatives presented by the government, the terrorist group TPLF…. continued its recent provocations and launched an attack” The TPLF used the months of peace, not to enter unto constructive dialogue with the government, to address the needs of people in Tigray impacted by the war and beg for forgiveness, but to actively re-arm and rebuild its forces. The Crisis Grouprelatethat they have “solid evidence” of at least 10 Antonov planes making deliveries (of arms it is assumed) “to two airports in Tigray,” almost certainly from Sudan. One such aircraft, en route from Sudan and loaded with weapons, was recently shot down by the Ethiopian air force. The government has known about these arial shipments for some time, but failed to clamp down on them. This lack of decisive action, particularly in relation to law and order issues has been a feature of the Abiy premiership, and is something that needs to change. Whilst TPLF thugs lit the fuse of renewed conflict in Tigray’s southern border, other misguided fighters, many little more thanchildren, raided a World Food Program (WFP) warehouse in Mekelle (capital of Tigray region). “12 full fuel tankers with 570,000 litres of fuel” were taken, and UN staff detained, reported, Stephane Dujarric, chief spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. “These fuel stocks were to be used solely for humanitarian purposes, for the distribution of food, fertilizer and other emergency relief items. This loss of fuel will impact humanitarian operations supporting communities in all of northern Ethiopia.” Stealing from the UN to enable war is nothing new for the TPLF; From July-September 2021 the WFPstatethat, “445 contracted non-WFP trucks entered Tigray, but only 38 ….returned,” – 407 were stolen by the TPLF. The lack of vehicles the agency said, was “the primary impediment to ramping up the humanitarian response” within Tigray. The inability of UN agencies to deliver humanitarian aid is of no concern whatsoever to the TPLF leadership, who care not a jot for the people of Tigray, and even less for other ethnic groups throughout Ethiopia. Alongside the declaration of a humanitarian truce, the March 24 agreement initiated by the Government, allowed for unfettered humanitarian access to Tigray, and created a platform for peace talks. But the TPLF do not want peace, have never wanted peace and have no intention of working for it. They failed toengagewith the Main Peace Committee – established to “peacefully resolve the conflict in the northern part of the country”, or the National Dialogue Commission,setup by the government on 29 December 2021, to“facilitate “inclusive dialogue on national issues for the creation of national consensus and establishment of common grounds.” From the beginning of the conflict the government has repeatedly looked for a peaceful resolution, but the TPLF have erected obstacle after excuse after condition to scupper any progress; for its part the government has consistentlysaidit will talk to TPLF representatives anytime, “without precondition, at any venue.” This accommodating approach however is wasted on the TPLF: their aim is clear, to fracture Ethiopia, inject discord, hopefully overthrow the government (with western nations’ support) – the first government to be democratically elected by the way – and regain power. They will fail totally; they are hated and despised throughout the country (including within Tigray) and by Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia everywhere, and with every Ethiopian that they kill, rape and abuse that hate deepens a little further. The TPLF have been a malignant force in Ethiopia for decades.They dominated the previous EPRDF government (a coalition in name only) for 27 years (1991-2018), stealing election after election. Ruling through fear, enflaming division, agitating ethnic disagreements, violently crushing human rights and committing state terrorism in various parts of Ethiopia. Throughout their time in office and since their overthrow Western powers, to the bewilderment of many, have consistently supported them. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given their addiction to regional meddling, the main sponsor of TPLF terror is the US government. Successive administrations, together with the UK, and to a lesser degree the European Union, have backed the TPLF, empowering them financially, politically, and throughout their war on the Ethiopian State, it is widely believed, militarily. With western political support and lasting TPLF influence in Washington, London, New York and Geneva, has come media collusion. CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, The Guardian, New York Times etc, all have been guilty of mis/dis-information; biased or just poorly researched stories ranging from outright lies to nauseating bothsidesism as with Voice of America (VOA) reporting of the recent theft of WFP fuel by TPLF fighters, witnessed by UN staff. VOAstatethat Tigrayan forces are condemned for “allegedly stealing” the fuel:allegedly! The extent to which western politicians were, and given the recent attacks, appear to remain, involved in the TPLF’s terror war was revealed by a video that wasleakedin November 2021. The footage shows a Zoom meeting between Berhane Gebre-Christos, referred to as “a “chief representative of the TPLF,” and top US, UK and European Union diplomats with long-standing connections to Ethiopia, including US Ambassador to Somalia Donald Yamamoto. The group reportedly celebrated the TPLF’s advance on Addis Ababa (which never actually transpired) and discussed how the TPLF could form a post-Abiy government. It is geopolitics at its most ugly and menacing; these ex-colonial/imperialist political powers have no interest in seeing Ethiopians or indeed anyone in Sub-Saharan Africa prosper and are still trying to install puppet regimes wherever possible. As long as the TPLF continue to receive support from ‘foreign powers’ the terrorists will continue to wage war on the Ethiopian people. The ‘international community’, which equates in this case primarily to the US, needs to stop feeding the dogs of war and start compelling the TPLF, a cancer within the nation and the wider region, to engage meaningfully in peace talks with the government. 8uzP7ltX3QY-00000-00000000-00000316 Hyderabad - Ramoji Film City - Bahuballi Settings with Balaji 8uzP7ltX3QY-00001-00011314-00011364 you 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00001-00000200-00000360 Thanks for asking about me 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00003-00001290-00001689 Today will make hot milk cake 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00004-00001689-00002290 New version With jam and nutella 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00006-00002823-00003023 Lets make it 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00008-00003721-00004020 4 eggs(room temp) 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00010-00004617-00005016 250gm sugar 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00012-00005415-00005615 Mix well 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00013-00005814-00006000 Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00015-00006477-00006876 Mix untill become light and foamy 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00017-00007077-00007277 Set aside 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00018-00007376-00007559 1 cup of milk 250ml 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00020-00007707-00008006 70gm butter 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00022-00008316-00008716 let it boil 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00023-00008716-00008910 Set aside 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00025-00009031-00009830 320gm of flour +2 teaspoon of baking powder+1/4 teaspoon of salt 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00027-00010400-00010998 Sieve flour gradually over egg mixture 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00029-00011513-00011713 mix on low speed 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00031-00012453-00012752 Add remaining flour 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00035-00013612-00014512 Add hot milk with butter on 2 times 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00037-00016375-00016874 Pour the cake mixture into acup 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00039-00017782-00018258 Pour half the mixture into cake pan 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00041-00018683-00018883 cook for(13-15 min) in preheated oven 180c 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00043-00019530-00019830 clean toothpicks 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00044-00019830-00021090 put remaining cake mixture into piping bag, and add a little on the edges 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00046-00021606-00022806 Add Jam filling on half of the cake, choose the type you like 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00048-00023705-00025204 On the other half, add Nutella or keep the jam. 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00050-00026398-00027698 Pour the remaining cake over the filling, ensure that the filling is completely covered, 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00052-00029547-00030145 Put it again in the oven for 15 min. 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00054-00030600-00031200 Keep it till completely cool down, and then remove it from the mold 8xjQ8XOaSMQ-00055-00031200-00032700 Enjoy the light and lovely taste. 8xZKNNjqAco-00000-00000035-00000510 It was a joy to hear the global climate hero Greta Thunberg speak here on Tuesday. 8xZKNNjqAco-00001-00000510-00000680 She was electrifying. 8xZKNNjqAco-00002-00000680-00001120 But she also condemned the hypocrisy of politicians who express concern about the climate while 8xZKNNjqAco-00003-00001120-00001282 voting against action. 8xZKNNjqAco-00004-00001282-00001723 Although it has been a political battle to make the progress we have, I hope she would 8xZKNNjqAco-00005-00001723-00002198 be pleased by the EU’s agenda on sustainable finance - one of the most important tools 8xZKNNjqAco-00006-00002198-00002602 to ensure the promise of systemic change to halt climate breakdown. 8xZKNNjqAco-00007-00002602-00003158 I am proud that once again the EU leads the world on environmental standards - this time 8xZKNNjqAco-00008-00003158-00003707 by agreeing the world’s first mandatory disclosure regime for a major financial market. 8xZKNNjqAco-00009-00003707-00004064 Citizens should expect the same transparency when buying financial products as when we 8xZKNNjqAco-00010-00004064-00004219 buy food. 8xZKNNjqAco-00011-00004219-00004637 When people found horsemeat in their lasagne it was a scandal, but we have not had the 8xZKNNjqAco-00012-00004637-00005126 right to know whether our pension fund was invested in a windfarm or cutting down a rainforest 8xZKNNjqAco-00013-00005126-00005404 to plant a palm-oil plantation. 8xZKNNjqAco-00014-00005404-00005844 I deeply regret that the Council did not match the Parliament’s level of ambition and continued 8xZKNNjqAco-00015-00005844-00006348 to insist that some of the sustainability risks and impacts of investments can be concealed 8xZKNNjqAco-00016-00006348-00006493 from citizens. 8xZKNNjqAco-00017-00006493-00006928 The inclusion of a regrettable ‘comply or explain’ exemption means that companies 8xZKNNjqAco-00018-00006928-00007478 can continue to choose to hide dirty and destructive investments, thus undermining the power of 8xZKNNjqAco-00019-00007478-00007743 the sustainable finance agenda. 8xZKNNjqAco-00020-00007743-00008184 But with thousands of climate demonstrators out on our streets, we call on our parliamentary 8xZKNNjqAco-00021-00008184-00008620 colleagues and member states to listen to the will of the citizens calling for a truly 8xZKNNjqAco-00022-00008620-00009065 sustainable transition and to use our financial system to facilitate this. 8yaMdOz37ZQ-00000-00000000-00000200 This time-lapse shows the sky getting darker while driving. 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00002-00000426-00000496 Hello! 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00003-00000528-00000640 I'm Thomas 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00005-00000740-00000852 I'm a Waldorf traveler 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00006-00000926-00001038 all over the world 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00007-00001092-00001514 After working for thirty years as a Waldorf tutor in Germany . 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00010-00002656-00003194 I'm currently visiting my colleagues at their classrooms 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00011-00003202-00003550 and we always work looking to 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00013-00003646-00003800 renew something 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00014-00003842-00004011 develop something 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00015-00004052-00004184 and Caracol 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00016-00004232-00004524 is a wonderful guide to me 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00017-00004632-00004974 first, for their social approach 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00018-00004996-00005264 it is also a beautiful example 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00019-00005314-00005414 of 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00020-00005510-00005608 preserve 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00021-00005640-00005800 or renew 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00022-00005822-00006042 the Pre-Columbian culture 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00023-00006092-00006166 something 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00024-00006242-00006522 something I'm honestly seeking for 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00025-00006534-00006704 is for the schools 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00026-00006814-00007040 to work with 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00027-00007104-00007330 the richness of their cultures 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00028-00007345-00007518 mostly, regarding the arts 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00029-00007590-00007788 not only imitating 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00030-00007790-00007988 what has been done in Europe 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00031-00008050-00008312 All over the Waldorf community 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00032-00008340-00008608 we have the problem 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00033-00008660-00008812 of a lacking of 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00034-00008844-00008944 trained teachers 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00035-00009012-00009194 Here, in Caracol 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00036-00009250-00009584 they have been facing this situation wonderfully 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00037-00009604-00009742 because for several years 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00038-00009802-00010178 with the aid of a Dutch foundation 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00039-00010248-00010442 teachers have been able to 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00040-00010492-00010808 be part of the training journeys in Mexico 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00041-00010878-00011068 During my visits 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00042-00011082-00011452 I try to strengthen what they have learned 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00043-00011496-00011750 and worked in Mexico 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00045-00011972-00012502 you cannot work without permanent training in a Waldorf School 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00047-00012614-00012850 because at a Waldorf School 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00048-00012886-00013068 each and every day 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00049-00013110-00013452 teacher has to cook a fresh meal for their students 8Bqgc_XvVjU-00050-00013513-00013782 and never something already made. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00000-00000000-00000425 Use the properties of real numbers to rewrite and simplified each expression. State 8GkM8YkB4i8-00001-00000425-00000585 which properties apply. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00002-00000585-00000921 Let's begin by reviewing the properties of real numbers. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00003-00000921-00001275 First we have the commutative property of addition and the commutative property 8GkM8YkB4i8-00004-00001275-00001719 of multiplication. The commutative property of addition is when we change 8GkM8YkB4i8-00005-00001719-00002283 the order of a sum which states a plus b equals b plus a. The community property 8GkM8YkB4i8-00006-00002283-00002688 multiplication is when we change the order of multiplication, which dates a 8GkM8YkB4i8-00007-00002688-00002942 times b equals b times a. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00008-00002942-00003446 Next we have the associative property which deals with grouping. The associative 8GkM8YkB4i8-00009-00003446-00003962 property of addition states a times the quantity b plus c equals the quantity a 8GkM8YkB4i8-00010-00003962-00004434 + b + c. When we change the grouping of a sum we are using the associative 8GkM8YkB4i8-00011-00004434-00004521 property. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00012-00004521-00005264 The associative property of multiplication states a times b c equals a b times c. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00013-00005264-00005616 When we change the grouping of multiplication, we are using the 8GkM8YkB4i8-00014-00005616-00005742 associative property. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00015-00005742-00006194 Next is the distributive property which states a times the quantity b plus c 8GkM8YkB4i8-00016-00006194-00006951 equals a times b plus a times c. The distributive property is often referred 8GkM8YkB4i8-00017-00006951-00007203 to as multiplication across addition. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00018-00007203-00007718 Next is the identity property of addition and of multiplication. The identity 8GkM8YkB4i8-00019-00007718-00008265 property of addition states there exists a unique real number called the additive 8GkM8YkB4i8-00020-00008265-00008915 identity, 0, such that for any real number a + 0 equals a. The identity property of 8GkM8YkB4i8-00021-00008915-00009285 multiplication states there exists a unique real number called the 8GkM8YkB4i8-00022-00009285-00009993 multiplicative identity, one, such that for any real number a, a times 1 equals a. And 8GkM8YkB4i8-00023-00009993-00010359 then finally we have the inverse property of addition and the inverse 8GkM8YkB4i8-00024-00010359-00010779 property of multiplication. The inverse property of addition states every real 8GkM8YkB4i8-00025-00010779-00011253 number a has an additive inverse or opposite denoted negative a of the 8GkM8YkB4i8-00026-00011253-00011685 opposite of a such that a plus negative a equals 0. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00027-00011685-00012309 The inverse property of multiplication states every nonzero real number, a, has a 8GkM8YkB4i8-00028-00012309-00012819 multiplicative inverse or reciprocal denoted one over a such that a times 1 8GkM8YkB4i8-00029-00012819-00012878 over a 8GkM8YkB4i8-00030-00012878-00013434 equals 1. So going back to our example, looking at expression one. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00031-00013434-00013878 Let's begin simplifying by clearing parentheses by distributing the four. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00032-00013878-00014312 Using the distributive property, distributing the four we have 4 times 7 8GkM8YkB4i8-00033-00014312-00014612 plus 4 times 5. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00034-00014872-00015060 Again this is distributive 8GkM8YkB4i8-00035-00015060-00015516 property. The next have in simplifying is to determine the products. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00036-00015603-00016145 4 times 7 equals 28. 4 times 5 equals 20. 28 plus 20 equals 8GkM8YkB4i8-00037-00016145-00016670 48. For the next expression 8GkM8YkB4i8-00038-00016745-00017223 notice notice how nine and negative nine are opposites and therefore let's change the 8GkM8YkB4i8-00039-00017223-00017697 grouping of this sum. Let's group the nine plus negative nine instead of the three 8GkM8YkB4i8-00040-00017697-00018165 plus 9. Changing the grouping of addition is associative property of addition. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00041-00018285-00018780 The given expression is equal to 3 plus the quantity 9 plus negative 9. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00042-00018780-00019326 This is the associative property of addition. Now let's find the sum of 8GkM8YkB4i8-00043-00019326-00019901 the opposites inside the parentheses. 9 plus negative 9 is equal to 0. This is 8GkM8YkB4i8-00044-00019901-00020691 the inverse property of addition. And three plus zero is equal to three. Adding 8GkM8YkB4i8-00045-00020691-00021258 0 is the identity property of addition. The given expression simplifies three 8GkM8YkB4i8-00046-00021320-00021843 Next we have eight minus the quantity 11 + 6. To begin simplifying let's clear the 8GkM8YkB4i8-00047-00021843-00022245 parentheses. Because of the subtraction we clear the parentheses by distributing 8GkM8YkB4i8-00048-00022245-00022485 negative 1. To make this more obvious 8GkM8YkB4i8-00049-00022485-00023067 let's write the given expression as a sum. 8 minus the quantity 11 plus 6 8GkM8YkB4i8-00050-00023067-00023790 is equivalent to the expression 8 plus negative 1 times the quantity 11 + 6. In 8GkM8YkB4i8-00051-00023790-00024213 this form it's much more obvious to clear the parentheses we distribute 8GkM8YkB4i8-00052-00024213-00025148 negative 1. Distributing we have eight plus negative 1 times eleven plus 8GkM8YkB4i8-00053-00025148-00025920 negative 1 times 6. This is the distributive property. Now we simplify by 8GkM8YkB4i8-00054-00025920-00026499 determining the products. We have eight plus negative 1 times eleven is 8GkM8YkB4i8-00055-00026499-00026886 negative 11. We can write plus negative 11 or just minus 11. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00056-00026945-00027495 Let's go ahead and write plus negative eleven. Plus negative 1 times six equals 8GkM8YkB4i8-00057-00027495-00027600 negative 6. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00058-00027600-00028139 So we can write plus negative 6 or minus 6. Let's right plus negative 6. Now we 8GkM8YkB4i8-00059-00028139-00028778 simplify. 8 plus negative 11 is negative 3 negative. Negative 3 plus negative 6 equals 8GkM8YkB4i8-00060-00028778-00028849 negative 9. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00061-00028849-00029350 The given expression simplifies to negative 9. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00062-00029350-00030061 Next we have three fourth times the product of seven ninths and four thirds. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00063-00030061-00030516 Well three fourths and four thirds are reciprocals. Therefore let's change 8GkM8YkB4i8-00064-00030516-00030883 the order of this product inside the parentheses using the commutative 8GkM8YkB4i8-00065-00030883-00031333 property of multiplication. That way we will have three fourths and four thirds next 8GkM8YkB4i8-00066-00031333-00031425 to each other. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00067-00031425-00031936 The given expression equals three fourths times the quantity four thirds 8GkM8YkB4i8-00068-00031936-00032556 times seven-ninths due to the community property of multiplication. Now let's 8GkM8YkB4i8-00069-00032556-00032977 change the grouping of the product. Let's group three fourths and four thirds, 8GkM8YkB4i8-00070-00032977-00033378 which are reciprocals. This is an example of the associative property of 8GkM8YkB4i8-00071-00033378-00033844 multiplication. The expression is equal to the quantity three fourths times four 8GkM8YkB4i8-00072-00033844-00034312 thirds times seven-ninths, due to the associative property of multiplication. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00073-00034312-00034786 And now we'll determine the product of the reciprocals. Three fourths times four 8GkM8YkB4i8-00074-00034786-00035188 thirds equals 1, which is the inverse property of multiplication. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00075-00035296-00036178 From here we know one times seven ninths equals seven ninths but because multiplying by 1 is an 8GkM8YkB4i8-00076-00036178-00036427 example of the identity property application 8GkM8YkB4i8-00077-00036427-00036753 let's first change you order this multiplication using the community 8GkM8YkB4i8-00078-00036753-00037047 property multiplication. Then we can use the identity property of multiplication. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00079-00037047-00037699 So the given product 1 times seven ninths is equal to 7 9 times one due to the commutative 8GkM8YkB4i8-00080-00037699-00038350 property of multiplication. Then seven ninths x 1 is equal to seven ninths. Multiplying 8GkM8YkB4i8-00081-00038350-00038896 by 1 is an example of the identity property of multiplication. Of course, we 8GkM8YkB4i8-00082-00038896-00039228 would not go through all these steps to simplify the given expression but this 8GkM8YkB4i8-00083-00039228-00039540 is a nice way to demonstrate many of the properties of real numbers. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00084-00039603-00040219 Let's look at our last example. We have 100 times the quantity 0.23 plus 8GkM8YkB4i8-00085-00040219-00040831 negative 1.78. We will begin by clearing the brackets or grouping symbols by 8GkM8YkB4i8-00086-00040831-00041328 distributing the 100. Therefore we use the distributive property the given 8GkM8YkB4i8-00087-00041328-00041686 expression is equal to 100 times 0.23 8GkM8YkB4i8-00088-00041747-00042293 plus 100 times negative 1 point 7 8. Again this is the distributive property 8GkM8YkB4i8-00089-00042293-00043001 And now we simplify by determining the products. 100 times zero point two three equals 23. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00090-00043088-00043622 We have 23 + 100 times a negative 1 point 7 8 equals negative 178. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00091-00043760-00044465 Now we find sum. 23 plus negative 178 equals negative 155. The given expression 8GkM8YkB4i8-00092-00044465-00044813 simplifies to negative 155. 8GkM8YkB4i8-00093-00044813-00044927 I hope you found this helpful. 8IZ9SNtQJ6I-00000-00000544-00001512 i won't lie to you but i know he's just not right for you and you can 8IZ9SNtQJ6I-00001-00002144-00002984 situation and anytime you want it to stop 8IZ9SNtQJ6I-00002-00003136-00004384 is 8IZ9SNtQJ6I-00003-00005624-00007184 baby just wake tell me 8IZ9SNtQJ6I-00004-00007272-00008584 why are we wasting time 8IZ9SNtQJ6I-00005-00009856-00011384 i won't let you down 8IZ9SNtQJ6I-00006-00012088-00012216 tell me why i'll be wasting 8IZ9SNtQJ6I-00007-00012712-00012784 you time 8IaGsZV41P4-00000-00000018-00000860 How fast the sanctions are introduced and how profound the background work is indicate the sanctions had been in the making for a long time. 8IaGsZV41P4-00001-00000860-00001122 Meanwhile, it is understandable that 8IaGsZV41P4-00002-00001122-00001742 the sanctions would have been enforced regardless of the development of Russian-Ukrainian relations. 8IaGsZV41P4-00003-00001818-00003000 The sanctions could have been enforced in several packages instead of at the same time but we would have received them anyway. 8IaGsZV41P4-00004-00003000-00003357 It is more true for Russia in this case. 8IaGsZV41P4-00005-00003357-00004216 It is necessary to understand that it is a confrontation of the United States of America and China from the global point of view. 8IaGsZV41P4-00006-00004216-00005087 While dealing with the global problem of redesigning the world... 8IaGsZV41P4-00007-00005087-00005336 (China has emerged as a new powerful player) 8IaGsZV41P4-00008-00005495-00005993 they are trying to deal with Russia and Belarus in passing. 8IaGsZV41P4-00009-00005993-00006834 In other words, it is part of the global thing all of us will have to spectate soon. 8IaGsZV41P4-00010-00006834-00007436 It will be very bad if the union of Belarus and Russia fails. 8IaGsZV41P4-00011-00007436-00007725 It will be very bad, mildly speaking. 8IaGsZV41P4-00012-00007725-00008256 On the whole, we in Belarus had been preparing for such a scenario. 8IaGsZV41P4-00013-00008256-00008625 I warned you about it more than two years ago, 8IaGsZV41P4-00014-00008625-00009393 when we encountered diseases on the global scale, the so-called pandemic if you remember. 8IaGsZV41P4-00015-00009393-00009699 Back then I told you... I'll just remind you. 8IaGsZV41P4-00016-00009812-00010167 We don't know whether this pandemic is artificial or not. 8IaGsZV41P4-00017-00010167-00010760 But we know precisely that its consequences will be serious in the foreseeable future. 8IaGsZV41P4-00018-00010760-00010947 This is the way it happened. 8IaGsZV41P4-00019-00010947-00011428 Back then I warned everyone that we are talking about the redivision of the world. 8IaGsZV41P4-00020-00011555-00011775 Everyone talks about it today. 8IaGsZV41P4-00021-00011969-00012677 In other words, we knew what would happen. At least I warned everyone about this trend. 8IaGsZV41P4-00022-00012900-00013284 And naturally we tried to take certain measures back then. 8IaGsZV41P4-00023-00013336-00014016 Russia provided important support to us then, primarily in the sphere of economy. 8IaGsZV41P4-00024-00014084-00014314 During a recent visit to Moscow 8IaGsZV41P4-00025-00014314-00015388 President Putin and I discussed matters of mutual cooperation in manufacturing sector, freight shipping, fuel and energy industry, and finance. 8IaGsZV41P4-00026-00015519-00016240 Most importantly, we evaluate the situation concerning Belarus and Russia in the same way. 8IaGsZV41P4-00027-00016299-00016707 New windows of opportunity are indeed opening for our countries. 8IaGsZV41P4-00028-00016707-00017375 Huge niches became vacant due to the withdrawal of Western companies from the Union State market. 8IaGsZV41P4-00029-00017375-00017638 We will have to explore them. 8IaGsZV41P4-00030-00017638-00017992 The question is what prevented us from doing it in the past. 8IaGsZV41P4-00031-00017992-00018439 Lobbyists? Competition? Corruption? Probably all of it. 8IaGsZV41P4-00032-00018627-00019325 Many countries, which followed the powers that be and thoughtlessly joined in the sanctions, 8IaGsZV41P4-00033-00019325-00019800 are already starting to think and understand something. 8IaGsZV41P4-00034-00019800-00019960 Even undertake something. 8IaGsZV41P4-00035-00020033-00020740 Some Western companies have fled Belarus and Russia. Individual companies are coming back. 8IaGsZV41P4-00036-00020887-00021190 Some of them haven't even left. They've only issued statements. 8IaGsZV41P4-00037-00021190-00022058 Essentially the restrictive measures introduced by the United States and its allies against Belarus and Russia 8IaGsZV41P4-00038-00022058-00022422 are becoming sanctions that affect the entire world in the end. 8IaGsZV41P4-00039-00022500-00022818 The existing trade system has been destroyed. 8IaGsZV41P4-00040-00022932-00023551 They make weaker the states which introduce them and are even harmful to these states to a larger degree. 8IaGsZV41P4-00041-00023551-00023729 Consider, for instance, the European Union. 8IaGsZV41P4-00042-00023870-00024369 Fuel is in short supply. Prices have spiked. There are shortages of food. 8IaGsZV41P4-00043-00024369-00025107 Agriculture is very concerned since it lacks enough mineral fertilizers and the rest. 8IaGsZV41P4-00044-00025468-00025914 Powers, which understand this problem, in particular, China 8IaGsZV41P4-00045-00025914-00026572 speak up against the sanctions of countries of the Western world that destabilize the world market. 8JciGkQoLJk-00006-00002344-00002592 Refind Flour - 1 Cup(150gm) 8JciGkQoLJk-00007-00002592-00002994 Butter/Ghee - 80 gm 8JciGkQoLJk-00008-00003270-00003472 Curd - 1/2 cup 8JciGkQoLJk-00009-00003494-00003774 Sugar powder - 1 Cup(150gm) 8JciGkQoLJk-00010-00003774-00004031 Vanilla Essence - 1 Tsp 8JciGkQoLJk-00011-00004032-00004333 Baking Powder 8JciGkQoLJk-00012-00004334-00004658 Baking Soda - 1/2 Tsp 8JciGkQoLJk-00013-00004932-00005428 Take a pressure cooker and preheat it. 8JciGkQoLJk-00014-00005482-00005780 put some salt in the cooker 8JciGkQoLJk-00019-00007030-00007323 Close the lid and set the flame to medium 8JciGkQoLJk-00020-00007530-00007762 Preheat for 15 minutes and remove the whistle 8JciGkQoLJk-00023-00008228-00008556 Put butter paper on base of the cake tin 8JciGkQoLJk-00025-00008860-00009144 Grease the cake tin with butter 8JciGkQoLJk-00030-00010002-00010290 Cake tin is ready 8JciGkQoLJk-00031-00010330-00010708 mix butter and sugar 8JciGkQoLJk-00035-00011546-00011874 Add whisked curd 8JciGkQoLJk-00037-00012182-00012710 Add vanilla essence and mix well 8JciGkQoLJk-00040-00013256-00013530 Take a bowl 8JciGkQoLJk-00042-00013806-00015018 sieve the refind flour along with baking powder and baking soda 8JciGkQoLJk-00053-00017332-00017790 Add little refind flour at a time and mix it 8JciGkQoLJk-00060-00019550-00019733 mill/water - 1/4 cup 8JciGkQoLJk-00074-00024030-00024504 carefully put the cake tin in the cooker 8JciGkQoLJk-00077-00025674-00025870 close the lid and keep the flame on medium for 40 minutes 8JciGkQoLJk-00078-00026214-00026410 40 minutes are over now open the lid 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00000-00001372-00001570 Aloha! 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00001-00001574-00001973 Hawai'i is surrounded by thousands of miles of saltwater solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00002-00002005-00002414 And when winter time rolls around, these surrounding waters send big waves 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00003-00002414-00002800 especially towards the northern shores of all of the islands. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00004-00002820-00003242 Now O'ahu, on it's northern shore, has what's called the 'Miracle Mile', 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00005-00003256-00003652 which stretches from Pipeline all the way up to about Sunset Beach, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00006-00003656-00003829 back in that direction. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00007-00003850-00004334 The reason it's called that is because of all of these waves that are awesome. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00008-00004362-00004738 So as you prepare for this next lecture on solutions, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00009-00004738-00005026 take a look at some of these daredevils out there in the water 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00010-00005026-00005330 as they surf some of these awesome waves. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00011-00010612-00010812 (Jeff) Did you get that guy? (Alicia) Yeah. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00012-00010812-00011010 (Jeff) Aw, killer. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00013-00013032-00013246 Aloha, and welcome back. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00014-00013263-00013650 This lecture begins the next main topic of our course, solutions. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00015-00013708-00013952 Solutions are very important in chemistry. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00016-00013953-00014441 They not only provide a medium in which many chemical reactions occur, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00017-00014441-00014705 but they also exhibit certain special properties 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00018-00014705-00014969 that pure solvents do not. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00019-00014969-00015279 And in this lecture and also the next couple of lectures, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00020-00015279-00015519 we'll study solutions in pretty good detail. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00021-00015519-00016203 Not only defining what solutions are, and what's involved as a solution forms, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00022-00016203-00016261 as well as 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00023-00016261-00016642 what are the solution concentration units that we use. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00024-00016642-00017075 But also what are these special properties that solutions exhibit. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00025-00017075-00017383 And why do they exhibit them. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00026-00017383-00017603 But before we get into that level of detail, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00027-00017603-00017973 let's first recall some basic information that you might recall 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00028-00017973-00018311 from first semester general chemistry. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00029-00018420-00018748 A solution is defined as a homogenous mixture 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00030-00018748-00019206 of two or more substances in one phase. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00031-00019206-00019448 A mixture is a solution 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00032-00019448-00020000 when the components of the mixture are mixed together in a homogenous fashion. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00033-00020000-00020358 That means all of the components have been completely broken apart 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00034-00020358-00020819 into their smallest pieces, and have been thoroughly mixed together. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00035-00020868-00021230 You cannot have a large clump of one component 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00036-00021231-00021431 that has not been broken apart yet. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00037-00021431-00022035 All of the components need to be completely broken apart and mixed. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00038-00022067-00022467 Now I've listed several examples of solutions here. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00039-00022515-00022840 One of the most popular solutions is salt water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00040-00022840-00023384 Here, water is the solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00041-00023384-00023519 And salt, or table salt, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00042-00023519-00023925 which is sodium chloride is said to be the solute. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00043-00023925-00024431 Now, the solvent is the component that's present in the most abundance. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00044-00024431-00024804 And the solute is less abundant. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00045-00024804-00025343 And it's described as - the solute is dissolved in the solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00046-00025343-00025572 So this is a liquid phase solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00047-00025572-00025931 Another liquid phase solution is sugar water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00048-00025931-00026631 And again, water is the solvent, and table sugar, or sucrose, is the solute. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00049-00026797-00027208 Now in our course, we will actually focus on liquid-phase solutions, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00050-00027208-00027525 and more specifically, aqueous solutions. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00051-00027525-00027927 However, it's good to be aware that gaseous solutions 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00052-00027927-00028272 and solid-phase solutions also exist. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00053-00028272-00028550 And I've listed a couple of examples here. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00054-00028550-00028820 An example of a gaseous solution is air. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00055-00028844-00029168 Now, air is mostly nitrogen. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00056-00029168-00029648 In fact, about 80% of air, by mass, is nitrogen. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00057-00029648-00029886 So it's considered as the solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00058-00029886-00030227 The rest of the 20% of air is mostly oxygen. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00059-00030227-00030655 But perhaps a fraction of a percentage is carbon dioxide, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00060-00030655-00031076 and maybe a couple of other trace components as well. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00061-00031076-00031422 So it's definitely possible to have more than one solute 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00062-00031422-00031849 dissolved in the solvent, like in air. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00063-00031849-00032113 A few solid-phase solutions are listed here. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00064-00032113-00032394 A popular one is brass, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00065-00032394-00033084 which is mostly copper with some zinc dissolved in the copper. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00066-00033084-00033753 So, zinc is considered as the solute, since it's a little less abundant. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00067-00033753-00034448 Now, a few unorthodox solutions, that are solid-phase, are crystals. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00068-00034448-00035106 It's really interesting how a crystal can be considered as a solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00069-00035106-00035806 And amethyst is actually silicon dioxide, which is really quartz crystal. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00070-00035870-00036140 And if you recall from our previous lecture, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00071-00036140-00036571 quartz crystal is a nice clear-looking crystal. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00072-00036571-00036971 And you can imagine the crystal lattice of quartz. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00073-00036971-00037518 If you distribute throughout that lattice a few iron three pluses here and there 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00074-00037518-00037806 in a homogenous fashion. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00075-00037806-00038215 The iron three pluses affect the electronic properties of the crystal 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00076-00038215-00038640 in such a way to give amethyst that nice purple color. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00077-00038640-00039281 So, again, really interesting how a crystal can be considered as a solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00078-00039281-00039659 You have your pure solvent, which is the quartz, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00079-00039659-00039786 and the iron three pluses 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00080-00039786-00040126 that are distributed here and there, throughout the crystal lattice, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00081-00040126-00040382 is the solute. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00082-00040410-00040756 Another crystal solution is ruby. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00083-00040758-00041368 Ruby is aluminum oxide, which is a clear corundum crystal. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00084-00041368-00041954 And again, if you imagine that crystal lattice of the aluminum oxide, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00085-00041954-00042156 nice clear crystal lattice. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00086-00042156-00042621 However if you distribute a few chromium three plus ions, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00087-00042621-00042856 here and there in a homogenous fashion, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00088-00042856-00043222 they again affect the electronic properties of the crystal in such a way 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00089-00043222-00043507 to give ruby that nice red color. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00090-00043507-00044247 Now, here are a few examples of mixtures that are not solutions. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00091-00044268-00044592 The first one is marinara. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00092-00044592-00044806 If you make marinara like I do, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00093-00044807-00045252 you will have large clumps of tomato, onion, garlic 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00094-00045252-00045543 and perhaps some other components as well. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00095-00045543-00045844 So again, these components have not been thoroughly broken down 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00096-00045844-00046035 into their smallest pieces. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00097-00046035-00046566 So this is not a homogenous mixture and definitely not a solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00098-00046566-00046916 You describe it as a heterogenous mixture. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00099-00046928-00047346 Another heterogenous mixture that's not a solution is cement. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00100-00047356-00047718 Cement has large chunks of rock, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00101-00047718-00048056 and perhaps other debris mixed throughout the cement. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00102-00048056-00048472 So again, heterogenous. Not homogenous. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00103-00048472-00048778 Now the last example might come as a little surprise. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00104-00048790-00049188 Mud water, which is dirt mixed with water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00105-00049198-00049718 Even if you mix that dirt up really well, and you get that nice cloudy mixture, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00106-00049718-00049878 it's still not a solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00107-00049878-00050250 Because, afterall, you can grab a magnifying glass 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00108-00050250-00050387 and look at the mud water, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00109-00050387-00050736 and see those little dirt particles that are floating around. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00110-00050736-00051037 And if you can see them with your eye, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00111-00051037-00051438 that means the dirt particles on the molecular level, are huge. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00112-00051438-00051694 And millions and millions and millions of dirt particles 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00113-00051694-00052037 make up one of those little specks that you see. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00114-00052037-00052353 So again, it has not been completely broken down 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00115-00052353-00052566 into it's smallest pieces. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00116-00052566-00053010 And you can even filter out the dirt using a filter paper, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00117-00053010-00053592 collect the water underneath and trap the dirt on top of the filter paper. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00118-00053592-00054010 So...not a solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00119-00054010-00054393 Now in this course, we will focus on liquid-phase solutions, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00120-00054393-00054974 and more specifically, solutions where water is the solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00121-00054974-00055217 These are called 'Aqueous Solutions'. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00122-00055217-00055520 And I've drawn a couple of aqueous solutions here, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00123-00055520-00055893 so we can wrap our mind around what a solution might look like, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00124-00055893-00056142 on the molecular level. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00125-00056142-00056743 The first one is sucrose dissolved in water - this is table sugar. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00126-00056743-00057016 Now when sucrose dissolves in water, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00127-00057016-00057662 and the little 'aq' in parentheses means it's dissolved in water, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00128-00057662-00058239 the molecules of the sucrose become completely separated from one another. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00129-00058239-00058549 And I've drawn a molecule right here, and you can see that it's separated 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00130-00058549-00058902 from that one right there - and they're all separated from each other, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00131-00058902-00059233 and mixed together in a pretty even fashion, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00132-00059233-00059575 so a homogenous solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00133-00059598-00060112 Another example of an aqueous solution is sodium chloride dissolved in water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00134-00060112-00060437 However, when sodium chloride dissolves in water, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00135-00060438-00060591 something different happens, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00136-00060591-00061122 in that the cations become separated from the anions. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00137-00061122-00061651 Now the reason that happens is because water is a polar molecule. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00138-00061651-00061951 And if you recall from our previous lecture, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00139-00061951-00062276 water molecules have a dipole, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00140-00062276-00062648 meaning it has a negative end and a positive end. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00141-00062648-00063010 The oxygen of a water molecule is electronegative, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00142-00063010-00063392 and it pulls electrons towards one end of the molecule, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00143-00063392-00063741 leaving the other end partially positive. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00144-00063741-00064067 And this dipole on the water molecule 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00145-00064067-00064475 is very good as pulling apart cations from anions 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00146-00064475-00064785 when ionic compounds dissolve in water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00147-00064785-00065116 And so what you end up with are a bunch of cations 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00148-00065116-00065389 floating around separately from the anions 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00149-00065389-00065797 with water surrounding them in a homogenous fashion. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00150-00065797-00066392 Now, because there are charges in this mixture right here, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00151-00066392-00066805 it has a special property in that it conducts electricity. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00152-00066805-00067124 And you can see that by taking two terminals of a battery 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00153-00067124-00067417 and immersing them in the water, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00154-00067417-00067638 and you'll see that electricity is able to flow 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00155-00067638-00067867 from one terminal to the other. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00156-00067867-00068567 And the reason that happens is because the charges help the electricity flow. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00157-00068572-00068841 Now we'll talk about electricity flowing through water 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00158-00068841-00069097 and electrochemistry in a later lecture. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00159-00069097-00069419 But, it's really interesting how some solutions 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00160-00069419-00069951 are able to conduct electricity because they contain ions and other do not. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00161-00069951-00070524 You call them electrolytes and nonelectrolytes. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00162-00070524-00070873 Now with solutions you can ask many questions. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00163-00070873-00071157 And perhaps one of the first questions that you ask is, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00164-00071157-00071500 'How much solute is dissolved in the solvent?'. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00165-00071500-00071956 There are several answers to this question, and you can take a naive approach, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00166-00071956-00072358 and say that there is just a little bit of solute dissolved, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00167-00072358-00072595 and call the solution dilute. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00168-00072595-00072787 Or you can say that there is a lot of it dissolved 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00169-00072787-00073123 and call the solution concentrated. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00170-00073123-00073336 One or the other. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00171-00073336-00073667 You can probably guess that's not gonna be good enough for this course. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00172-00073667-00074079 We need a more quantitative measure of solution concentration. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00173-00074214-00074502 There are many different measures of solution concentration, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00174-00074502-00074888 and in this course, we'll be needing three of them. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00175-00074888-00075288 The first one, you probably recall from first semester general chemistry. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00176-00075288-00075496 And that's the molarity. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00177-00075506-00076178 The molarity is defined as moles of solute divided by liters of solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00178-00076183-00076844 So the units here are moles per liter, or simply capital 'M' for molarity. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00179-00076844-00077169 Now we should notes that this is a temperature dependent measure 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00180-00077169-00077401 of solution concentration. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00181-00077401-00077943 And that's because the volume of solution, which goes down here in the denominator, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00182-00077943-00078267 can vary, depending on the temperature. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00183-00078267-00078800 You should recall that solids, liquids and gases all expand a little bit, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00184-00078800-00079095 when you increase the temperature. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00185-00079095-00079387 Gases more so than solids and liquids. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00186-00079387-00079657 However, they still expand a little bit. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00187-00079657-00080160 And under hotter temperatures, the volume of solution would be a little bit bigger, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00188-00080160-00080620 which would make the molarity a little bit smaller. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00189-00080620-00080981 Now this example shows how to calculate the molarity. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00190-00080981-00081451 Find the molarity if 5.22 grams sodium chloride 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00191-00081451-00082130 is dissolved in enough water to form 125 milliliters solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00192-00082130-00082732 So to do this, we need moles solute and liters of solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00193-00082750-00083119 The calculation is done using dimensional analysis. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00194-00083119-00083419 So let's see how this goes. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00195-00083420-00084033 Starting with the mass of the solute, 5.22 grams of sodium chloride. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00196-00084033-00084457 We convert that to moles using the following conversion factor, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00197-00084457-00084977 1 mole over 58.44 grams. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00198-00084978-00085594 And if you do the calculation up to here, you have moles of sodium chloride. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00199-00085594-00085998 So we need to divide by the liters of solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00200-00085998-00086566 So the first thing we do is multiply by 1 over 125 milliliters. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00201-00086566-00087006 That's the same thing as dividing by the milliliters of solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00202-00087006-00087417 And we can change that unit in the denominator to liters 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00203-00087417-00088117 by the last conversion factor, which is 1000 milliliters over 1 liter. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00204-00088120-00088449 So, doing the multiplication, you can check your units, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00205-00088449-00088786 you end up with moles per liter. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00206-00088786-00089236 And you get 0.715 molarity. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00207-00089236-00089655 Now the next measure of concentration is kind of similar. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00208-00089655-00090077 The molality, indicated by little 'm'. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00209-00090078-00090598 Here the molality is moles of solute divided by kilograms of solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00210-00090598-00091148 Notice here it's solvent this time, not solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00211-00091148-00091470 And it's mass of solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00212-00091470-00091875 So this is a temperature-independent measure. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00213-00091875-00092548 And that's because the moles and the mass do not change with temperature. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00214-00092548-00093248 So under hot conditions or cold conditions, the molality would always be the same. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00215-00093322-00093673 The example shows how to calculate the molality. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00216-00093673-00094173 Find the molality if 10.5 grams potassium bromide 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00217-00094173-00094697 is mixed with 212 grams water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00218-00094698-00095234 So again using dimensional analysis, starting with the mass of the solute, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00219-00095235-00095935 10.5 grams potassium bromide, converting to moles using the molar mass, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00220-00095964-00096475 and then dividing by the mass of the solvent, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00221-00096475-00096795 which is 0.212 kilograms. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00222-00096888-00097416 So, working it out, you get moles per kilogram, or molality. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00223-00097434-00097836 And you get 0.416 molality. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00224-00097836-00098168 Now the last measure is probably the simplest. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00225-00098168-00098379 And that's the mole fraction, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00226-00098379-00098689 which is represented by this Greek letter, 'Χ'. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00227-00098689-00099066 The mole fraction is defined as moles of solute 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00228-00099066-00099452 over total moles in solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00229-00099452-00099962 So, to determine the mole fraction you need to know the moles of everything 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00230-00099962-00100204 in the solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00231-00100204-00100430 The following example shows how to do this. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00232-00100430-00101334 Find the mole fraction of potassium bromide if 7.31 grams is mixed with 50 grams water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00233-00101367-00101802 So, we do need the moles of everything in the solution, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00234-00101802-00102140 and that's potassium bromide and water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00235-00102140-00102659 So to find the moles of potassium bromide, we start with it's mass 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00236-00102660-00102997 and we convert it to moles using the molar mass again. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00237-00102997-00103447 And you get 0.06143 moles potassium bromide. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00238-00103447-00103704 This is a three sig fig number, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00239-00103704-00104269 I left the extra digit, because we're gonna use this number again. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00240-00104269-00104632 The moles of water is calculated the same way, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00241-00104632-00104920 mass over the molar mass. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00242-00104920-00105565 And you get 2.775 moles water, again a 3 sig fig number. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00243-00105565-00106019 So a lot more moles of water here than potassium bromide. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00244-00106019-00106707 So we should expect the mole fraction of potassium bromide to be kind of small, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00245-00106707-00107028 because there's not very many moles of it. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00246-00107028-00107540 So, the mole fraction is defined as the part over the whole, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00247-00107540-00107872 just like any other fraction. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00248-00107872-00108500 And we take the part, which is potassium bromide, 0.06143, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00249-00108501-00108982 divided by the whole, which is all of the moles, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00250-00108982-00109432 0.06143 + 2.775. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00251-00109432-00109778 And you end up with 0.0217. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00252-00109816-00110340 So that's a pretty small fraction, which is potassium bromide. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00253-00110340-00110826 Now, if you wanted to find the mole fraction which is water, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00254-00110826-00111195 it would be done the same way, except in the numerator, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00255-00111195-00111463 it would be moles of water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00256-00111463-00111668 But you don't really need to do that 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00257-00111668-00112175 because, after all, all of the fractions add up to one. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00258-00112175-00112631 And if you find one of the fractions, then the other one is just 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00259-00112631-00112938 whatever you add to this to get one. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00260-00112938-00113149 And so the mole fraction of water 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00261-00113149-00113600 would be one minus the mole fraction of potassium bromide. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00262-00113600-00113839 And that's 0.9783. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00263-00113839-00114514 So, there are other concentration measures that are out there - 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00264-00114514-00114947 we just won't be using them, but they're worth mentioning. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00265-00114947-00115400 One is the mass fraction, which is very similar to the mole fraction, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00266-00115400-00115733 except it would be the mass of the component 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00267-00115733-00116009 over the total mass. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00268-00116009-00116452 And a very closely related unit, which is mass percent, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00269-00116452-00117038 and that's simply the mass fraction multiplied by 100. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00270-00117038-00117430 There are other concentration units you might see from time to time 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00271-00117430-00117714 in other areas. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00272-00117714-00118086 And that's the parts per million and parts per billion. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00273-00118086-00118414 The parts per million is kind of like the mass percent, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00274-00118414-00118865 except it's the mass fraction times a million. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00275-00118865-00119336 And the parts per billion is the mass fraction times a billion. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00276-00119336-00120036 The two are used to measure very small, dilute solutions. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00277-00120104-00120374 A useful skill to have is to be able to convert 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00278-00120375-00120733 from one type of concentration unit to another. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00279-00120733-00121026 However, such a conversion is not as trivial 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00280-00121026-00121398 as some of the unit conversions that we're normally used to doing are. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00281-00121398-00121898 And that's because concentration units are inherently different from each other. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00282-00121898-00122252 And doing those calculations requires a little bit more care, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00283-00122252-00122622 and as we'll see, a trick or two. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00284-00122630-00123108 First let's recall a normal type of unit conversion. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00285-00123108-00123400 And you may have seen this one before. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00286-00123400-00123975 Let's take 55 miles per hour and convert it to meters per second. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00287-00123975-00124533 Now here the starting unit and ending unit are both units of velocity, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00288-00124533-00124782 and they're of the same type. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00289-00124782-00125082 Although this is a derived unit, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00290-00125082-00125604 it has a unit in the numerator and a unit in the denominator, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00291-00125604-00125978 we know the relation between this numerator unit 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00292-00125978-00126189 and that numerator unit. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00293-00126189-00126569 We can go from miles to meters pretty easily. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00294-00126569-00127040 And we can go from hours to seconds fairly easily also. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00295-00127040-00127298 And so we just do it one at a time here. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00296-00127298-00127745 To take miles and convert it to meters, we first convert miles to feet, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00297-00127745-00128294 then feet to inches, inches to centimeters, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00298-00128294-00128556 centimeters to meters. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00299-00128556-00128836 So the numerator unit has been adjusted. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00300-00128836-00129141 To go from hours to seconds in the denominator, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00301-00129141-00129824 we throw in the last conversion factor, where 1 hour is 3600 seconds. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00302-00129824-00130054 And so all of the units have been changed. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00303-00130054-00130561 And we end up with 24.6 meters per second. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00304-00130561-00130934 However, converting one type of concentration unit 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00305-00130934-00131163 into another is a little bit different. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00306-00131163-00131800 And that's because the units are not of the same type. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00307-00131800-00132125 For instance, to go from molarity to molality 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00308-00132125-00132778 Molarity is moles solute per liter solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00309-00132778-00133229 And molality is moles solute per kilogram of solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00310-00133229-00133528 So, whereas the numerator units are the same 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00311-00133528-00133908 the denominator units are of a different type. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00312-00133908-00134427 We need to take liters of solution and convert it to kilograms of solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00313-00134427-00134657 That's a little bit tricky. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00314-00134657-00135355 So what we're going to do is to take 3 molarity of HCl solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00315-00135355-00136055 We're gonna convert that to molality, then convert molality to mole fraction, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00316-00136059-00136402 and then finally mole fraction back to molarity again. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00317-00136402-00136920 So we should end up with 3 molarity. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00318-00136920-00137386 Now to do the first conversion we'll be needing the density. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00319-00137386-00138048 And the density of 3 molar HCl is 1.05 grams per milliliter. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00320-00138048-00138748 So, the trick here is to assume a convenient amount of solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00321-00138821-00139122 Concentration is an intensive unit and it doesn't matter 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00322-00139122-00139387 how much solution you have. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00323-00139387-00140087 So let's just assume a convenient amount, and that is one liter of solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00324-00140101-00140616 Because we're starting with molarity, if we assume one liter of solution, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00325-00140616-00141113 that means we have three moles of HCl. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00326-00141113-00141549 So we know exactly how much HCl we have. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00327-00141549-00142048 But we need to convert one liter of solution 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00328-00142048-00142491 and figure out how many kilograms of solvent there are. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00329-00142491-00142951 So here's how we do it. We take our one liter of solution, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00330-00142951-00143474 convert it to milliliters, using that relation. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00331-00143474-00143850 Then convert the milliliters to grams using the density. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00332-00143850-00144424 And we end up with 1050 grams of solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00333-00144424-00144771 Now if we can subtract off the mass of the solute, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00334-00144771-00145087 we would then have the mass of the solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00335-00145087-00145288 Now we can do that because we know 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00336-00145288-00145748 in 1 liter of solution we have 3 moles of HCl. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00337-00145748-00146385 So we can take our 3 moles of HCl, convert it to grams using the molar mass, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00338-00146385-00146961 and that means we have 109.38 grams. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00339-00146961-00147424 So we take our mass of solution, subtract the mass of the solute, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00340-00147424-00147709 to get the mass of the solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00341-00147709-00148222 So we have all the pieces that we need. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00342-00148222-00148664 We know that we have 3 moles of solute. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00343-00148664-00149452 And we take that and multiply it by 1 over 940.62 grams of solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00344-00149452-00149934 So now we have moles of solute per grams of solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00345-00149935-00150437 We need moles per kilogram, so we throw in the last conversion factor 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00346-00150437-00150796 and now we have moles of solute per kilogram of solvent, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00347-00150796-00150990 and that's the molality. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00348-00150990-00151400 And we end up with 3.189 molality. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00349-00151406-00151760 Molality is pretty close to molarity, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00350-00151761-00152095 as long as the concentrations are fairly dilute, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00351-00152095-00152715 and the density is roughly the same as that of water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00352-00152722-00153334 So let's take our 3.189 molality and convert it to mole fraction. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00353-00153334-00153902 Now, here we need to pick another convenient amount of solution, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00354-00153902-00154296 and the convenient amount this time is enough solution 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00355-00154296-00154692 that contains one kilogram of solvent. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00356-00154692-00155282 Now this is a convenient amount because we know what we're starting with. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00357-00155282-00155848 If we start with molality and we assume 1 kilogram of solvent, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00358-00155848-00156491 then that means we have 3.189 moles of HCl. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00359-00156491-00156908 So to get to mole fraction, we need the moles of HCl 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00360-00156908-00157242 and the moles of water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00361-00157242-00157718 So we already have the moles of HCl, so let's get the moles of water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00362-00157718-00158158 So we take our 1 kilogram of solvent, which is water, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00363-00158158-00158272 we convert it to grams, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00364-00158272-00158796 and then we convert the grams to moles using the molar mass. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00365-00158796-00159380 And you end up with 55.509 moles of water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00366-00159380-00159724 So we have moles of HCl and moles of water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00367-00159724-00159777 We can get the mole fraction. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00368-00159777-00160296 The mole fraction of HCl is the moles of HCl 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00369-00160296-00160655 over the total number of moles. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00370-00160655-00161355 And you end up with 0.05433 is the mole fraction of HCl. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00371-00161377-00161863 Let's take our mole fraction of HCl and convert it back to molarity. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00372-00161863-00162355 So, 0.05433 is the mole fraction of HCl. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00373-00162355-00162772 Now again, we need to pick a convenient amount of solution, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00374-00162772-00163173 and a convenient amount, as we did before, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00375-00163173-00163435 is convenient for the starting unit. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00376-00163435-00163770 So, a convenient amount for mole fraction 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00377-00163770-00164381 is just to assume one mole total in the solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00378-00164381-00165239 If you have 1 mole total in solution, that means you have 0.05433 moles of HCl, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00379-00165248-00165662 and the rest of the moles, which is 1 minus this number, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00380-00165662-00165949 is the moles of the water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00381-00165949-00166608 So, we take our moles of HCl and our moles of water, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00382-00166608-00167260 and we convert them to grams of HCl and grams of water, using the molar masses. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00383-00167260-00168116 So we end up with 1.981 grams of HCl and 17.036 grams of water. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00384-00168132-00168672 And if we add these two masses, we get the total mass of solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00385-00168672-00169262 Now, we can convert our mass of solution to liters of solution 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00386-00169262-00169546 using the density again. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00387-00169546-00170096 So, we already know how many moles of HCl, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00388-00170096-00170459 and we know how to get to volume of solution, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00389-00170459-00170692 so we should be able to get to molarity. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00390-00170692-00170950 And here's how we do it. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00391-00170950-00171650 We take our 0.05433 moles of HCl, that's a typo right here, 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00392-00171685-00171965 that should be 'point zero'. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00393-00171965-00172831 And we convert that by multiplying by 1 over 19.017 grams of solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00394-00172858-00173534 And we change that to milliliters of solution using the density. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00395-00173550-00173824 And then finally milliliters to liters. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00396-00173824-00174332 So if you do this calculation, you end up with moles of HCl 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00397-00174332-00174580 per liter of solution. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00398-00174580-00175014 And you get 3.000 molarity. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00399-00175144-00175736 So, in this lecture we have gone through and we have defined what a solution is 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00400-00175737-00176161 as well as a couple of interesting things regarding solutions. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00401-00176161-00176459 We've also talked about solution concentrations. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00402-00176459-00177069 In our next lecture, we'll get into the enthalpy of solution formation. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00403-00177069-00177335 So what happens when a solution forms? 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00404-00177335-00177555 And there are some rather interesting things 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00405-00177555-00177941 regarding the enthalpy as well as the entropy. 8Kcdo2T_tx0-00406-00177952-00178430 And we'll also get into, uh, Henry's Law. 8Lacp2dun-o-00000-00000045-00000287 Friends are very necessary in life. 8Lacp2dun-o-00001-00000287-00000627 And true friendship is one of the sweetest things in life. 8Lacp2dun-o-00002-00000627-00000866 Friends are the family we choose. 8Lacp2dun-o-00003-00000866-00001479 We all need friends for socialization, comfort keeping, communication, and so on. 8Lacp2dun-o-00004-00001479-00002068 Friends cheer us through discouraging seasons; they celebrate with us in our joyous moments; 8Lacp2dun-o-00005-00002068-00002417 they also lift our heads and hearts when we need it the most. 8Lacp2dun-o-00006-00002417-00002713 So friends are very important to have. 8Lacp2dun-o-00007-00002713-00002984 God also expects us to have friends. 8Lacp2dun-o-00008-00002984-00003709 In fact the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, "Two are better than one, because they have 8Lacp2dun-o-00009-00003709-00004246 a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. 8Lacp2dun-o-00010-00004246-00004615 But pity anyone who falls down and has no one to help them up. 8Lacp2dun-o-00011-00004615-00004946 Also if two lie down together, they will keep warm. 8Lacp2dun-o-00012-00004946-00005169 But how can one keep warm alone? 8Lacp2dun-o-00013-00005169-00005549 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. 8Lacp2dun-o-00014-00005549-00006000 A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." 8Lacp2dun-o-00015-00006000-00006294 So God expects us to have friends. 8Lacp2dun-o-00016-00006294-00006688 The idea of having friends is in fact a great idea except where our friends don't share 8Lacp2dun-o-00017-00006688-00006981 in our values, then there can be real problems. 8Lacp2dun-o-00018-00006981-00007489 Now let's look at some of the general characteristics a good friend must have, then we would look 8Lacp2dun-o-00019-00007489-00007920 later at who the Christian's friend should be. 8Lacp2dun-o-00020-00007920-00008431 Always remember that a friend is someone you can trust and one who has your back even if 8Lacp2dun-o-00021-00008431-00008893 it means pointing out to you certain defects in your own perception of life, so you can 8Lacp2dun-o-00022-00008893-00009185 effect the necessary changes if need be. 8Lacp2dun-o-00023-00009185-00009638 A friend is someone you can talk to freely about your life without rousing jealous feelings 8Lacp2dun-o-00024-00009638-00009738 and envy. 8Lacp2dun-o-00025-00009738-00010185 They are those who want to see you progress in life and will be willing to offer a helping 8Lacp2dun-o-00026-00010185-00010602 hand in any capacity they can to make that a reality. 8Lacp2dun-o-00027-00010602-00011100 If a person lacks these qualities, and if they act as though they are in competition 8Lacp2dun-o-00028-00011100-00011686 with you even though you are supposed to be friends, then you may want to rethink this 8Lacp2dun-o-00029-00011686-00012124 friendship, whether it even qualifies to be called that. 8Lacp2dun-o-00030-00012124-00012765 Because the Bible says in Proverbs 17:17, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother 8Lacp2dun-o-00031-00012765-00013008 is born for a time of adversity." 8Lacp2dun-o-00032-00013008-00013541 If your friend does not love all the time but is jealous of you and your achievements, 8Lacp2dun-o-00033-00013541-00013975 and doesn't want to see you progressing in life or excelling in your calling, then just 8Lacp2dun-o-00034-00013975-00014487 maybe they may not be your friend but a rival disguising as a friend. 8Lacp2dun-o-00035-00014487-00014920 And please do remember also that this is a two way street. 8Lacp2dun-o-00036-00014920-00015115 It must apply to you as well. 8Lacp2dun-o-00037-00015115-00015456 You must become the type of friend you would want your friends to be to you. 8Lacp2dun-o-00038-00015456-00015997 You must offer your friends the support and love you want them to give you. 8Lacp2dun-o-00039-00015997-00016806 Because the Bible says in Luke 6:31, "Do to others as you would have them do to you." 8Lacp2dun-o-00040-00016806-00017065 So learn to become the kind of friend you wish they were to you. 8Lacp2dun-o-00041-00017065-00017448 In that way, you will have your heart desires met. 8Lacp2dun-o-00042-00017448-00017980 Now these values of love and support are the most basic values you should expect a friendship 8Lacp2dun-o-00043-00017980-00018132 to be founded on. 8Lacp2dun-o-00044-00018132-00018594 Your friends must love you so much as to oppose you sometimes if they realize you are not 8Lacp2dun-o-00045-00018594-00018812 pulling your wait in some areas of your life. 8Lacp2dun-o-00046-00018812-00019269 They must be those who can also look straight into your eyes and rebuke you for something 8Lacp2dun-o-00047-00019269-00019509 you are doing they know will destroy you. 8Lacp2dun-o-00048-00019509-00019985 They should be able to tell you the truth even if it hurts knowing that that is part 8Lacp2dun-o-00049-00019985-00020229 of their calling as a friend. 8Lacp2dun-o-00050-00020229-00020665 If your friends cannot be straight forward with you, especially where you are headed 8Lacp2dun-o-00051-00020665-00021120 in a direction that will eventually destroy you, then you are in trouble. 8Lacp2dun-o-00052-00021120-00021537 If they believe in having your back even when you are headed for destruction, then they 8Lacp2dun-o-00053-00021537-00021750 are not good friends. 8Lacp2dun-o-00054-00021750-00022542 The Bible says in Proverbs 28:23, "Whoever rebukes a person will in the end gain favor 8Lacp2dun-o-00055-00022542-00022826 rather than one who has a flattering tongue." 8Lacp2dun-o-00056-00022826-00023774 And it says also in Proverbs 27:5-6, "Better is open rebuke than hidden love. 8Lacp2dun-o-00057-00023774-00024354 Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses." 8Lacp2dun-o-00058-00024354-00024998 A friend who applauds or encourages you as you make decisions they know will not help 8Lacp2dun-o-00059-00024998-00025437 you, are according to these verses of Scripture, your enemy. 8Lacp2dun-o-00060-00025437-00025897 The one mistake a lot of people make is to assume that friends should be there to agree 8Lacp2dun-o-00061-00025897-00026164 with them no matter what they do. 8Lacp2dun-o-00062-00026164-00026433 Nothing could be further from the truth. 8Lacp2dun-o-00063-00026433-00026861 Friends are not just there to support us, they are there also to provide the necessary 8Lacp2dun-o-00064-00026861-00027298 and needed checks and balances, and to ensure that we are growing in life and making the 8Lacp2dun-o-00065-00027298-00027708 right decisions for ourselves and those who depend on us. 8Lacp2dun-o-00066-00027708-00028437 The Bible says in Proverbs 27:17, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." 8Lacp2dun-o-00067-00028437-00029060 We all need people in our lives who can help us rub off the hard edges and who honestly 8Lacp2dun-o-00068-00029060-00029327 have our best interests when they do it. 8Lacp2dun-o-00069-00029327-00029661 And this is the place our friends must have in our lives. 8Lacp2dun-o-00070-00029661-00030293 In fact there are times when these sharpening conversations can come across as harsh, mean, 8Lacp2dun-o-00071-00030293-00030469 or even judgmental. 8Lacp2dun-o-00072-00030469-00030877 But it definitely helps to know that these friends care and that they have a genuine 8Lacp2dun-o-00073-00030877-00031210 interest in helping us grow and improve. 8Lacp2dun-o-00074-00031210-00031867 "Iron sharpening iron" requires some level of accountability – or a proclivity or predisposition 8Lacp2dun-o-00075-00031867-00032337 on our part to allow some dear friends to look close enough into our lives so that they 8Lacp2dun-o-00076-00032337-00032965 can see the specific weaknesses or problem areas we may have and proffer advice accordingly, 8Lacp2dun-o-00077-00032965-00033123 and vice versa. 8Lacp2dun-o-00078-00033123-00033830 The Bible also says in Proverbs 27:9, "Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the 8Lacp2dun-o-00079-00033830-00034262 pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice." 8Lacp2dun-o-00080-00034262-00034841 If your friends are not doing this, then may be you should rethink these friendships. 8Lacp2dun-o-00081-00034841-00035254 I need to point out though that this is not giving anyone the permission to go around 8Lacp2dun-o-00082-00035254-00035705 with a critical and negative attitude that delights in pointing out the faults of others 8Lacp2dun-o-00083-00035705-00035810 and being judgmental. 8Lacp2dun-o-00084-00035810-00036337 We are talking here about friends helping each other mature and improve in life, not 8Lacp2dun-o-00085-00036337-00036634 tearing each other down through criticism. 8Lacp2dun-o-00086-00036634-00037157 The believer however must go beyond the basic values we have just talked about. 8Lacp2dun-o-00087-00037157-00037643 The Christian's friend is the one who has been carefully considered and chosen with 8Lacp2dun-o-00088-00037643-00037878 the help of the Holy Spirit in prayer. 8Lacp2dun-o-00089-00037878-00038262 He or she is one that is approved by the Spirit of God. 8Lacp2dun-o-00090-00038262-00038691 Otherwise they can be the influence that the enemy will plant to oppose the direction of 8Lacp2dun-o-00091-00038691-00039186 the Holy Spirit of God in your life, even though they themselves may also identify as 8Lacp2dun-o-00092-00039186-00039286 Christians. 8Lacp2dun-o-00093-00039286-00039741 They can even become a tool in the Hands of the devil to prevent God's agenda from being 8Lacp2dun-o-00094-00039741-00039922 fulfilled in your life. 8Lacp2dun-o-00095-00039922-00040637 The Bible says in Proverbs 12:26, "The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way 8Lacp2dun-o-00096-00040637-00040852 of the wicked leads them astray." 8Lacp2dun-o-00097-00040852-00041667 We need to understand that the dealings of God with the body of Christ are very personal, 8Lacp2dun-o-00098-00041667-00042071 and that we all as believers must have our own personal relationship with Him, and obey 8Lacp2dun-o-00099-00042071-00042393 the voice of the Holy Spirit in our personal walk with Him. 8Lacp2dun-o-00100-00042393-00043064 Yet our friends as Christians must be sensitive enough to know and understand this, and allow 8Lacp2dun-o-00101-00043064-00043580 us follow the leading and guidance of the Spirit without becoming the unneeded opposition 8Lacp2dun-o-00102-00043580-00044120 or hindrance to the voice and direction of the Spirit of God for our lives. 8Lacp2dun-o-00103-00044120-00044696 Instead, they must prayerfully support and encourage us to obey the inward witness of 8Lacp2dun-o-00104-00044696-00044925 the Spirit of Christ. 8Lacp2dun-o-00105-00044925-00045486 Believers in Christ do not need so many friends, only a number of friends we can be certain 8Lacp2dun-o-00106-00045486-00045586 of. 8Lacp2dun-o-00107-00045586-00045859 Those that the Holy Spirit will approve. 8Lacp2dun-o-00108-00045859-00046514 Because the road to salvation in Christ is one that is not only narrow, but is also littered 8Lacp2dun-o-00109-00046514-00046999 with thorns and thistles, temptations and persecutions, and it takes discernment and 8Lacp2dun-o-00110-00046999-00047371 sensitivity to the Spirit of Christ to succeed in navigating it. 8Lacp2dun-o-00111-00047371-00047887 You don't want to have too many voices around you which could confuse and contradict the 8Lacp2dun-o-00112-00047887-00048377 one most important voice, which is the voice of the Holy Spirit. 8Lacp2dun-o-00113-00048377-00048843 All you need are people of good quality in the Christian faith, people you trust and 8Lacp2dun-o-00114-00048843-00048943 respect. 8Lacp2dun-o-00115-00048943-00049308 There is a saying that "you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with." 8Lacp2dun-o-00116-00049308-00049913 If this is true, why then don't you choose the people or the Christians who can affect 8Lacp2dun-o-00117-00049913-00050315 your faith positively by the kind of life they live? 8Lacp2dun-o-00118-00050315-00050825 Those that will challenge you to grow closer in your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ 8Lacp2dun-o-00119-00050825-00050946 and His Spirit? 8Lacp2dun-o-00120-00050946-00051209 You see God is a jealous God. 8Lacp2dun-o-00121-00051209-00051577 And when He puts His Spirit in you, you become His. 8Lacp2dun-o-00122-00051577-00052009 You must in view of this therefore submit yourself to Him completely in obedience for 8Lacp2dun-o-00123-00052009-00052269 His will for your life to be fulfilled. 8Lacp2dun-o-00124-00052269-00052702 That is why He will not allow friends and relationships that are ungodly to stifle this 8Lacp2dun-o-00125-00052702-00052822 work in you. 8Lacp2dun-o-00126-00052822-00053503 The Bible says in James 4:5, "Or do you think Scripture says without reason that He jealously 8Lacp2dun-o-00127-00053503-00053905 longs for the Spirit He has caused to dwell in us?" 8Lacp2dun-o-00128-00053905-00054674 And again He says in Philippians 1:6, "Being confident of this, that He who began a good 8Lacp2dun-o-00129-00054674-00055196 work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." 8Lacp2dun-o-00130-00055196-00055804 Know that the Holy Spirit will begin to disconnect certain people from your life when He comes 8Lacp2dun-o-00131-00055804-00056258 in; people who are likely to continue to be bad influences in your life. 8Lacp2dun-o-00132-00056258-00056670 And sometimes you need to know which friendships or friends are leading you away from the Lord, 8Lacp2dun-o-00133-00056670-00057066 in which case you must choose between Christ or that friendship. 8Lacp2dun-o-00134-00057066-00057667 Being a loving and forgiving Christian doesn't mean that you are to hang around with everybody 8Lacp2dun-o-00135-00057667-00058050 or with bad company who bring peer pressure in your life. 8Lacp2dun-o-00136-00058050-00058776 The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:33, "Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character." 8Lacp2dun-o-00137-00058776-00059319 If the Holy Spirit separates you from a bad influence in your life, do not go back to 8Lacp2dun-o-00138-00059319-00059502 that relationship. 8Lacp2dun-o-00139-00059502-00059908 It is better to love them from a distance and allow the Spirit of God to have His way 8Lacp2dun-o-00140-00059908-00060383 in your life, than to cut short His work in your life and open yourself up to attacks 8Lacp2dun-o-00141-00060383-00060541 from the enemy. 8Lacp2dun-o-00142-00060541-00060907 Don't cut short your destiny by associating with the wrong people. 8Lacp2dun-o-00143-00060907-00061414 Be discerning enough to disconnect from all ungodly relationships, relationships that 8Lacp2dun-o-00144-00061414-00061687 impede the work of the Spirit. 8Lacp2dun-o-00145-00061687-00062410 You know J.C. Ryle is quoted to have said once that, "But depend on it, bad company 8Lacp2dun-o-00146-00062410-00062948 in this life, is the sure way to procure worse company in the life to come." 8Lacp2dun-o-00147-00062948-00063329 Don't let the love of ungodly associations change your eternal destination. 8Lacp2dun-o-00148-00063329-00063929 We will be wise to heed J.C. Ryle's advice, because that is the reason why the Spirit 8Lacp2dun-o-00149-00063929-00064196 of God disconnects us from bad influences when He comes in. 8Lacp2dun-o-00150-00064196-00064730 Wise Christian friends will build you up, help you and bring wisdom into your life. 8Lacp2dun-o-00151-00064730-00065287 But a bad friend will lead you to sin, encourage ungodly traits, and would rather see you fall 8Lacp2dun-o-00152-00065287-00065477 than do good in life. 8Lacp2dun-o-00153-00065477-00066054 The Bible says in Proverbs 13:20, "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion 8Lacp2dun-o-00154-00066054-00066466 of fools suffers harm." 8Lacp2dun-o-00155-00066466-00066829 Sometimes some of these bad influences in your life could even be family members. 8Lacp2dun-o-00156-00066829-00067268 There are times and seasons in our lives where we need to disconnect from even some family 8Lacp2dun-o-00157-00067268-00067752 members who are bad influences, if we desire to see growth in our lives as believers, and 8Lacp2dun-o-00158-00067752-00068148 if we want to have a meaningful relationship with the Lord through the Spirit of Christ. 8Lacp2dun-o-00159-00068148-00068932 In all things, ask for wisdom from God and pray so that you may not make silly mistakes, 8Lacp2dun-o-00160-00068932-00069196 and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit. 8Lacp2dun-o-00161-00069196-00069602 It is not everyone you must associate with no matter how friendly you are. 8Lacp2dun-o-00162-00069602-00070034 The call to love as a Christian is not a call to be everybody's friend. 8Lacp2dun-o-00163-00070034-00070547 Don't associate with the wicked; don't participate in the wicked deeds of the sinful; and don't 8Lacp2dun-o-00164-00070547-00070857 grief the Spirit of God who is in you. 8Lacp2dun-o-00165-00070857-00071280 Love those who are bad influences in your life from afar and pray for them, rather than 8Lacp2dun-o-00166-00071280-00071675 allowing them to lead you astray, or sway you to their way of life. 8Lacp2dun-o-00167-00071675-00072355 Be like King David who said in Psalm 26:4-7, "I do not sit with the deceitful, nor do I 8Lacp2dun-o-00168-00072355-00072488 associate with the hypocrites. 8Lacp2dun-o-00169-00072488-00072962 I abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked. 8Lacp2dun-o-00170-00072962-00073519 I wash my hands in innocence, and go about your altar LORD, proclaiming aloud your praise 8Lacp2dun-o-00171-00073519-00073803 and telling of all your wonderful deeds." 8Lacp2dun-o-00172-00073803-00074249 Be discerning enough through the help of the Spirit to choose the right people who will 8Lacp2dun-o-00173-00074249-00074386 help you grow in the Lord. 8Lacp2dun-o-00174-00074386-00074898 Because in the end it is those friends who will encourage us not only to grow, but also 8Lacp2dun-o-00175-00074898-00075429 to gather fruits for eternity by winning souls and living pure lives that are the most valuable 8Lacp2dun-o-00176-00075429-00075579 of all. 8Lacp2dun-o-00177-00075579-00075988 These are the ones we must seek out because these are the ones we can still be friends 8Lacp2dun-o-00178-00075988-00076180 with even in eternity. 8Lacp2dun-o-00179-00076180-00076297 God bless you. 8Lacp2dun-o-00180-00076297-00076788 May the Lord help us choose the right friends who will stir the love of God in us by the 8Lacp2dun-o-00181-00076788-00077060 example they set for us by the lives they live. 8Lacp2dun-o-00182-00077060-00077515 May the Spirit of God connect us to those He will like us to learn from, those who will 8Lacp2dun-o-00183-00077515-00077696 not be bad influences in our lives. 8Lacp2dun-o-00184-00077696-00078173 May we look out for friends who have their eternal destination firmly fixed before them 8Lacp2dun-o-00185-00078173-00078638 as a priority in their walk in Christ, those who will encourage and motivate us to win 8Lacp2dun-o-00186-00078638-00079012 souls and do good in this life in expectation of the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus 8Lacp2dun-o-00187-00079012-00079138 Christ. 8Lacp2dun-o-00188-00079138-00079361 In His Mighty name I pray. 8Lacp2dun-o-00189-00079361-00079426 Amen. 8NVQJYWzT5Q-00000-00000000-00000200 godavari rajahmundry kovvuru gopadakshetram temple floods heavy flows godavari river 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00000-00000003-00000413 Hey, what up Z clan, how're you doing and everybody else who's just joined. 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00001-00000435-00000827 I'm not sure if you knew about this, but did you know that the red rocket? 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00002-00000927-00001475 If you see red rocket and visit red rocket and fallout 76, right? 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00003-00001560-00001760 You will always find 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00004-00001834-00002468 My stash box. I didn't know that till the second day of beta on PC. I've 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00005-00002553-00002753 accidentally actually figured it out and 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00006-00002811-00003059 I've tested this because I found red rocket in 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00007-00003117-00003297 another three or four locations 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00008-00003297-00003845 And they all ended up having this baby right here because in my plans today 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00009-00003846-00004268 I was planning to look and scrap the entire city this one right here and 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00010-00004342-00004655 I wanted to build my own camp now. I don't need to because the 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00011-00004798-00005091 Vault-tec stashes right here. So guys 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00012-00005091-00005411 I hope you knew about it already 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00013-00005419-00005744 But if you didn't that means my video actually helped 8O0h3CPpZ3g-00014-00005769-00006281 So don't forget to leave that like leave a comment and I'll see you on the next video. Bye 8OO9m71SSmM-00000-00000759-00001288 [Music] good morning everybody mark crawford with sustainable frugal living and there's 8OO9m71SSmM-00001-00001288-00001807 another update of our garden after last night's severe thunderstorms 8OO9m71SSmM-00002-00001992-00002672 got another beating while this garden is hanging on tell you what you can see here the carrots 8OO9m71SSmM-00003-00002736-00003704 took a severe beating let's see if they come back okay the sweet peppers are still very very slow on 8OO9m71SSmM-00004-00003704-00004424 this side our sugar peas have all but died we got one plant in the corner there that's hanging on 8OO9m71SSmM-00005-00004488-00005128 looks like it's going to be all right of course our okra transplants and i noticed this morning 8OO9m71SSmM-00006-00005128-00006152 all of these radishes really grown up so went ahead and started picking them let's see here 8OO9m71SSmM-00007-00006400-00007184 they're good to go now it's time for some radish onion cilantro and barbacoa tacos 8OO9m71SSmM-00008-00007248-00007848 that's what i'm talking about and back over here let's see we got our tomato plants hanging on 8OO9m71SSmM-00009-00008016-00008608 i think you can see them we got a few tomatoes here a few tomatoes there they're scattered but 8OO9m71SSmM-00010-00008880-00009464 wow water rain looks like they survived our okra 8OO9m71SSmM-00011-00009672-00010320 is uh survived we got some welcome on those 8OO9m71SSmM-00012-00010600-00011384 these and our cucumbers you can see that big one back right back there hanging on the outside 8OO9m71SSmM-00013-00011736-00012136 and there's a few in here there's just cucumbers everywhere 8OO9m71SSmM-00014-00012344-00012888 if you can see that one right there under there big one there 8OO9m71SSmM-00015-00013128-00013584 there's quite a few more developing quite a few flowers we noticed um 8OO9m71SSmM-00016-00013776-00014544 some bees this year praise the lord i guess maybe some of the neighbors got some bees or they're 8OO9m71SSmM-00017-00014544-00015368 just wild bees we don't have bees here something we like to look into our bush beans are producing 8OO9m71SSmM-00018-00015552-00016208 good we've already got a harvest off of them you see this one's pretty much picked but uh 8OO9m71SSmM-00019-00016472-00016984 we got a few more here 8OO9m71SSmM-00020-00017104-00017376 these are tasting very very good 8OO9m71SSmM-00021-00017584-00018432 so there's some more here there's there's a few more there gonna be ready to pick four long 8OO9m71SSmM-00022-00018432-00018824 like i said teresa picked a bunch of these that were already six seven inches long 8OO9m71SSmM-00023-00018944-00019784 to eat for a meal and they were very very good otherwise known as snap peas snap beans 8OO9m71SSmM-00024-00020056-00020808 we were actually looking to plant pole beans in the spring but we have these bush beans 8OO9m71SSmM-00025-00020808-00021344 so we went ahead and threw them in a fall garden they've done real well anyway 8OO9m71SSmM-00026-00021600-00022240 gonna go through here and pick the larger radish let the smaller ones go for a little while and 8OO9m71SSmM-00027-00022352-00022864 looking forward to some barbacoa tacos with radish onion and cilantro one of my favorites 8OO9m71SSmM-00028-00023144-00023680 anyway thanks for watching the video i appreciate you stopping by and checking 8OO9m71SSmM-00029-00023680-00024376 out our update for our garden if you're new to our channel just hit the subscribe button below 8OO9m71SSmM-00030-00024472-00025184 and you can check out if you hit the notifications button or bell then you'll be notified when we put 8OO9m71SSmM-00031-00025184-00025800 up post up a new video we put out a new video at least once every couple of weeks usually 8OO9m71SSmM-00032-00025800-00026495 sometimes once every three or four days but we're all about sustainable frugal living 8OO9m71SSmM-00033-00026592-00027272 including gardening we have uh some animals right now we just have two dogs nine chickens 8OO9m71SSmM-00034-00027327-00027983 and three pigs we're looking at rabbits this weekend and on the prowl for some goats as well 8OO9m71SSmM-00035-00028104-00028848 um we have a lot of diy projects from solar to rainwater collection tv antenna things like that 8OO9m71SSmM-00036-00028904-00029256 so if you like that sort of thing or you know somebody that does please share 8OO9m71SSmM-00037-00029320-00029904 our channel with others and be sure to hit the subscribe button and the notification bell 8OO9m71SSmM-00038-00030048-00030983 to get notifications of our new videos appreciate you watching and god bless 8OO9m71SSmM-00039-00031652-00031760 [Music] you 8Qrl2lUB2HQ-00000-00000072-00001144 the jump has started to slow down. now this is normal, but it happened after 13 hours in this case,which is a really long time, and was a low one. 8Qrl2lUB2HQ-00001-00001144-00001855 it only became 50 to 60 views per hour after this which was much less than before 8Qrl2lUB2HQ-00002-00001855-00002360 but still not zero i was expecting it to slowly stop but no but it didn't happen 8QUQqeAutwu-00000-00000000-00000528 is true that if you do that people will start to notice you but the problem 8QUQqeAutwu-00001-00001388-00001488 [Music] 8QUQqeAutwu-00002-00001488-00002034 Hey my friend! Jean-Serge Gagnon here and today we're going to talk again about the attraction 8QUQqeAutwu-00003-00002034-00003030 marketing truth the five simple you know organic steps to getting the sale and number three out of 8QUQqeAutwu-00004-00003030-00003732 five is engage on posts of your most targeted prospects you can get this eBook at attraction 8QUQqeAutwu-00005-00003732-00004404 marketing truth and we're going to talk about that exact number three in just second but first this 8QUQqeAutwu-00006-00004524-00005202 So the real question is this: What are the strategies, techniques and tools that you 8QUQqeAutwu-00007-00005202-00005838 need to learn to generate residual income from the e-learning boom that's happening right now? 8QUQqeAutwu-00008-00005904-00006492 My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon and welcome to Course Income Secrets... 8QUQqeAutwu-00009-00006623-00007080 all right so I'm sure you've heard about attraction marketing personal branding 8QUQqeAutwu-00010-00007080-00007554 growing your brand growing your audience on Facebook and on other social media platforms 8QUQqeAutwu-00011-00007554-00008328 and today we're going to talk about exactly that part of it which is engaging on the right post 8QUQqeAutwu-00012-00008328-00008796 now how do you know what are the right posts before we get into that I want to remind you if 8QUQqeAutwu-00013-00008796-00009132 you're listening to the audio of this you're going to want to go check out the video at 8QUQqeAutwu-00014-00009132-00009912 cis453.jsgagnon.com because of course I'm going to share my screen and there's going to be a blog 8QUQqeAutwu-00015-00009912-00010368 post as well all right so let's get right to it let me share my screen and kind of talk to you 8QUQqeAutwu-00016-00010368-00010914 about what I mean let's go over here all right so you're on Facebook you're scrolling through 8QUQqeAutwu-00017-00010914-00011436 your feed you're going to engage on the post that you see in your feed right that's basically what 8QUQqeAutwu-00018-00011436-00012024 Facebook wants you to do they want you to engage on the post on your feed they just want you to you 8QUQqeAutwu-00019-00012024-00012624 know follow their lead right follow what they say do what they want you to do so you know 8QUQqeAutwu-00020-00012624-00013122 most people that's what they do and that's what leaders Teach as well they teach to just do the 8QUQqeAutwu-00021-00013122-00013500 engagement keep going keep going eventually you know it's going to work eventually people are 8QUQqeAutwu-00022-00013500-00013991 going to start to notice your stuff they're gonna start to and you know what that is true right that 8QUQqeAutwu-00023-00013991-00014682 is true that if you do that people will start to notice you but the problem is after a while after 8QUQqeAutwu-00024-00014682-00015282 a while you're gonna notice that you see always the same people's stuff always the same posts 8QUQqeAutwu-00025-00015282-00015744 always the same the same and you're engaging in the same people's stuff and the same people 8QUQqeAutwu-00026-00015744-00016290 are seeing your stuff right that's basically what it's all about and that doesn't scale it 8QUQqeAutwu-00027-00016290-00016728 doesn't work for a long for a while right it works in the beginning maybe maybe the first 8QUQqeAutwu-00028-00016728-00017208 six months maybe the first year even maybe the first two years it works if you do it that way 8QUQqeAutwu-00029-00017268-00017760 but after a while you're gonna notice that like I said you see all the same stuff so you what 8QUQqeAutwu-00030-00017760-00018384 do you do to go find new people now you could use tools that help you to automate things to 8QUQqeAutwu-00031-00018384-00018936 uh send friend requests you know like I mean I've seen this tools that tell you to go do 8QUQqeAutwu-00032-00018936-00019440 this right they tell you to go to the group and if I go to this group here for example that I'm 8QUQqeAutwu-00033-00019440-00020064 in Zach Zach Crawford's group he's a you know an affiliate he's a he sells a product and he's he 8QUQqeAutwu-00034-00020064-00020532 promotes Affiliates to sell his stuff right so if I go to his group and I go to members here 8QUQqeAutwu-00035-00020670-00021294 oh I can actually go and I can see there's 43 000 members I can scroll down the list and see 8QUQqeAutwu-00036-00021294-00021906 the newer ones or members I have things in common with right if I click on this one here I see all 8QUQqeAutwu-00037-00021906-00022356 the members I have in common with I could actually just go in here add a friend I can send a message 8QUQqeAutwu-00038-00022356-00022914 to Tim and say hey Tim I noticed you're in Zach's group I I see you're in affiliate marketing that's 8QUQqeAutwu-00039-00022914-00023292 awesome I just thought it'd be great to connect right I can send a message that people teach to 8QUQqeAutwu-00040-00023292-00023790 do that right and that's not awful it's not terrible but the thing you have to remember 8QUQqeAutwu-00041-00023790-00024564 or realize is that this is cold Outreach it's cold contacting you can contact people this way 8QUQqeAutwu-00042-00024564-00025128 but it's cold contacting all these people some of them might have a clue about you but most of 8QUQqeAutwu-00043-00025128-00025614 them don't they've never even seen your posts they have no clue who you are so if you're sending them 8QUQqeAutwu-00044-00025614-00026112 a message you're sending a friend request you're basically doing cold Outreach which is the lowest 8QUQqeAutwu-00045-00026202-00026850 a possible response right so it works because if you are able to send to 100 people you're going 8QUQqeAutwu-00046-00026850-00027389 to get maybe one or two that are actually going to respond to your message maybe more depends on if 8QUQqeAutwu-00047-00027389-00027894 you're targeting right and if they have mutual friends like C5 was to go and say everybody's 8QUQqeAutwu-00048-00027894-00028332 got at least 50 mutual friends they'll do that with well the ones that have more than a certain 8QUQqeAutwu-00049-00028332-00028920 number of mutual friends would obviously be more more likely to be in your space 8QUQqeAutwu-00050-00028920-00029508 right in your niches in your interests the same thing so that definitely one way you can do it 8QUQqeAutwu-00051-00029574-00030174 let's use that but there but the thing is that with that you don't know like the better thing 8QUQqeAutwu-00052-00030174-00030714 is if I go to Collins page here let's just go to his page for example I'll just open this in a new 8QUQqeAutwu-00053-00030714-00031289 pad so if I go to say Collins page right here and first of all you'll notice that it takes me to the 8QUQqeAutwu-00054-00031289-00031889 group profile page not his not his post not his page I have to click on this little three thing 8QUQqeAutwu-00055-00031889-00032406 and whoops my video is a little bit my videos in the way a little bit let's move it a little bit 8QUQqeAutwu-00056-00032406-00032874 you see that if I click on these three little dots here you see view main profile or block 8QUQqeAutwu-00057-00032874-00033432 right if I click on zoom in profile it takes me to his main profile I'll just move my video back 8QUQqeAutwu-00058-00033546-00034278 so it's actually loading up but it takes me to his page now I can be like okay I'm looking at his 8QUQqeAutwu-00059-00034278-00034848 post on his page and I'm going to engage on his post right I can comment on his stuff now I know 8QUQqeAutwu-00060-00034848-00035622 that this guy Colin is posting on Facebook because he wants people to react to his posts right why 8QUQqeAutwu-00061-00035622-00036054 would you be posting on Facebook if you're not looking for people to notice react comment and 8QUQqeAutwu-00062-00036054-00036594 that kind of stuff on your post right everybody who's on Facebook who's doing it for business they 8QUQqeAutwu-00063-00036594-00037062 want the same thing they want people to notice their stuff they want people to comment on this 8QUQqeAutwu-00064-00037062-00037542 stuff they want people to engage on their stuff they want people to you know buy their stuff as 8QUQqeAutwu-00065-00037542-00038076 well right they're selling things or whatever now look at this he says he helps top producers remote 8QUQqeAutwu-00066-00038076-00038604 uh top producing remote sales reps by connecting them with their best job opportunities well that's 8QUQqeAutwu-00067-00038604-00039186 you know that's great that's what he does so here's the thing if I comment on two or three of 8QUQqeAutwu-00068-00039186-00039732 his posts not much is gonna happen it's not much different than me sending him a friend request and 8QUQqeAutwu-00069-00039732-00040386 a message out of the blue without him even having any clue about me right but if I take his you know 8QUQqeAutwu-00070-00040386-00041184 URL his his his profile address if you will or his profile right if I take that put it in some file 8QUQqeAutwu-00071-00041256-00041898 and make sure I go back and visit his profile every few days and I comment on his stuff 8QUQqeAutwu-00072-00041898-00042408 whenever he posts stuff he's brand new to me I've never heard of him before right if 8QUQqeAutwu-00073-00042408-00043002 I comment on his stuff he will eventually after a few maybe maybe it'll take a few 8QUQqeAutwu-00074-00043002-00043464 weeks maybe it'll take just a few days it really depends on the person and what how busy they are 8QUQqeAutwu-00075-00043518-00044178 but they will eventually notice you they will eventually notice your comments your your your 8QUQqeAutwu-00076-00044178-00044778 reactions to their posts or whatever because it's gonna be in their notifications right so that's so 8QUQqeAutwu-00077-00044778-00045288 that's one way that's well actually that's how I do it right I basically go through here I look at 8QUQqeAutwu-00078-00045288-00045990 these I say okay Leanne here she's got 37 friends in common I go and I open up her page which again 8QUQqeAutwu-00079-00045990-00046542 you can't see the URL here but it's the group slash whatever URL it's not the personal profile 8QUQqeAutwu-00080-00046680-00047238 um and but if she's an affiliate marketer right so but still I go here and I go to main profile 8QUQqeAutwu-00081-00047238-00047964 right then I see her main page and now I have her linked to her profile and I can comment 8QUQqeAutwu-00082-00047964-00048480 on her post and now she's gonna see my note my comments on her posts she's gonna see my 8QUQqeAutwu-00083-00048480-00049296 reactions and her notifications if I keep her URL aside and I go back to her Pro profile regularly 8QUQqeAutwu-00084-00049296-00049812 then that's she's eventually going to notice me notice my comments she's going to notice 8QUQqeAutwu-00085-00049812-00050568 your comments and eventually going to maybe go to your page but not just that Facebook will 8QUQqeAutwu-00086-00050568-00051402 reward you for engaging on this new person by showing your posts on their feed so if Leanne 8QUQqeAutwu-00087-00051402-00051870 here for example doesn't do this process of going directly to people's profiles and things like that 8QUQqeAutwu-00088-00051966-00052458 and she just Scrolls through the news feed eventually she's going to see your post in her 8QUQqeAutwu-00089-00052458-00052967 news feed just like every other post that she sees because Facebook is going to reward you for being 8QUQqeAutwu-00090-00052967-00053658 a person who engages on her profile posts right and so just keep going right you go through this 8QUQqeAutwu-00091-00053658-00054576 list Robert here Jacqueline maybe Jeremy Rick all these people that have a certain number of 8QUQqeAutwu-00092-00054576-00055074 mutual friends you can probably engage on their posts and they will notice you and eventually 8QUQqeAutwu-00093-00055074-00055704 over time they will see your posts they will see your comments and that's how you do the 8QUQqeAutwu-00094-00055764-00056238 um engaging and post of your most targeted prospects so why do I say that because if I if 8QUQqeAutwu-00095-00056238-00056579 I'm in affiliate marketing obviously if you're in weight loss or if you're in something else you're 8QUQqeAutwu-00096-00056579-00056922 not going to be going to this group you're going to go to other groups but you're going to follow 8QUQqeAutwu-00097-00056922-00057450 the same process you're going to look through the um the list of members in the group and 8QUQqeAutwu-00098-00057450-00057810 you're going to go to their profile and you're going to go engage on some of their posts but 8QUQqeAutwu-00099-00057810-00058428 you're going to do that regularly instead of like I said instead of using the news feed to decide 8QUQqeAutwu-00100-00058428-00059112 who you who you will be engaging on right okay so there's a better way too obviously there's 8QUQqeAutwu-00101-00059112-00059610 tools out there like I mean I could I could probably I could probably I don't know this 8QUQqeAutwu-00102-00059610-00060114 word but if I do this I'm just curious because I haven't tried this if I just do this like this 8QUQqeAutwu-00103-00060204-00060810 and I just okay let's say I go all the way to here copy all this and let's actually go into 8QUQqeAutwu-00104-00060917-00061866 sheets I don't know if it'd be sheets let's go to Sheets it's a new sheet that I created I don't 8QUQqeAutwu-00105-00061866-00062262 know why it's taking me to a new sheet okay well let's just paste that in here and see what happens 8QUQqeAutwu-00106-00062334-00062741 I I this is the kind of stuff that I haven't tried yet but let me just see what it does 8QUQqeAutwu-00107-00062802-00063564 if I paste it okay so it gives me the name and then there so it doesn't let it doesn't 8QUQqeAutwu-00108-00063564-00064158 show it as you know as a as a tape but still I get their names right and does 8QUQqeAutwu-00109-00064158-00064517 that give me a link it gives me a link right so I can actually go to this link if I want 8QUQqeAutwu-00110-00064770-00065352 and there's probably a better way to to do this like using things like Google Sheets or whatever 8QUQqeAutwu-00111-00065352-00066042 right I might be able to say import as a CSV or something I don't think you can save this 8QUQqeAutwu-00112-00066042-00066510 from Facebook here directly right there might be tools that let you extract this list right 8QUQqeAutwu-00113-00066510-00067188 and maybe I should create one but I do have a tool that does something even better than that 8QUQqeAutwu-00114-00067188-00067686 because you know if I go through the seven figure affiliate the actual discussion here 8QUQqeAutwu-00115-00067830-00068382 in this particular group let's say I want to contact the people that are actually engaging 8QUQqeAutwu-00116-00068382-00068802 in the group not actually posting right Zach obviously is the admin so he's going to be posting 8QUQqeAutwu-00117-00068802-00069222 a ton of stuff I don't know if he anybody else posted anything else in here probably not okay 8QUQqeAutwu-00118-00069222-00069894 but I can still look at the comments I can see right here this particular has 22 comments right 8QUQqeAutwu-00119-00069894-00070428 so if I just click on view more comments right here I can see the people that are commenting on 8QUQqeAutwu-00120-00070428-00071376 here right Don Allison Simon right these people are actually engaging in the Facebook group 8QUQqeAutwu-00121-00071376-00071964 in the posts so these people are more likely to actually be active because you know even if I go 8QUQqeAutwu-00122-00071964-00072492 through this list this Colin here could have been somebody who hasn't posted in in months right he 8QUQqeAutwu-00123-00072492-00073428 has he does post regular March 9th February 26 not that often right February 8th if I look at 8QUQqeAutwu-00124-00073428-00074256 the end here 18 hours ago 19 hours ago 22 hours ago she posts like two three times a day if not 8QUQqeAutwu-00125-00074256-00074982 more of 22 hour 22 hours one day ago one day ago so I guess you post a few times a day right so she 8QUQqeAutwu-00126-00074982-00075402 would be a great candidate to actually be able to go to her page almost every day and engage 8QUQqeAutwu-00127-00075402-00076110 on her posts but maybe if I look at the members list I I find a bunch of members but they're not 8QUQqeAutwu-00128-00076110-00076566 even active some of them don't even post at all they're just they're just members of the 8QUQqeAutwu-00129-00076566-00077106 group and they just look at stuff but they never post anything so you can't you know go to their 8QUQqeAutwu-00130-00077106-00077838 page and engage on their stuff because they're not gonna see your stuff even if you I mean if 8QUQqeAutwu-00131-00077838-00078198 they're not posting anything there's no way that they'll see your stuff if they're not on Facebook 8QUQqeAutwu-00132-00078330-00078936 um unless you message them right which would be like I said another option right but this is 8QUQqeAutwu-00133-00078936-00079626 another way to see who is actually active in the groups and the best way to get this list I mean 8QUQqeAutwu-00134-00079626-00080076 sure you can use a spreadsheet you can go in here you can copy the URLs you know right click copy 8QUQqeAutwu-00135-00080076-00080682 link address paste that inside of a spreadsheet or something go to this other one here and paste that 8QUQqeAutwu-00136-00080682-00081408 whoops go to this other one and paste this other one as well sorry for the cuff there and for the 8QUQqeAutwu-00137-00081408-00081918 yawn my apologies okay so you can actually get all these by just right clicking and copying the 8QUQqeAutwu-00138-00081918-00082332 view more comments and see more and whatever right you see all these comments over here in this post 8QUQqeAutwu-00139-00082410-00082980 you can do that you can do that yourself manually but that takes a lot of work definitely a lot of 8QUQqeAutwu-00140-00082980-00083604 work now I've created a tool called active group users with lets you get that list and work from 8QUQqeAutwu-00141-00083604-00084084 that list so I'm just going to kind of show you a little bit so basically this tool lets you put 8QUQqeAutwu-00142-00084084-00084714 groups in you put the groups in that you want and it lets you choose the groups you want and 8QUQqeAutwu-00143-00084714-00085188 then after you've run it you've gotten the data if I click on view data here it takes me to the 8QUQqeAutwu-00144-00085296-00085974 to the actual page over here where it's the data of your your list of the users that are actually 8QUQqeAutwu-00145-00085974-00086646 active in those groups that you chose so this is going to show us right here that there is 8QUQqeAutwu-00146-00086646-00087378 a list of 765 results that this is just the list of the people that are actually active 8QUQqeAutwu-00147-00087378-00087906 in the groups that I chose and you can see the groups are here right and then you can 8QUQqeAutwu-00148-00087906-00088374 just click on their names to go visit their page right if I just click on this name here 8QUQqeAutwu-00149-00088476-00089208 I go there it takes me to that person's Facebook profile and I don't have to track copy things 8QUQqeAutwu-00150-00089208-00089748 and post paste them in my in a spreadsheet or anything like that I just use this this tool 8QUQqeAutwu-00151-00089748-00090288 here to give me the list of the people that are actually active in the groups right you 8QUQqeAutwu-00152-00090288-00091002 can see right here the number that's here 12 14 26 a 21 7. those numbers represent how many 8QUQqeAutwu-00153-00091002-00091500 posts how many comments they've done so you know they're active so if I was just I can actually 8QUQqeAutwu-00154-00091500-00092040 sort them by the people that have done the most posts in the last 30 days so let's just do that 8QUQqeAutwu-00155-00092112-00092676 just to kind of show you how you can see these are active people look Zach see we said that 8QUQqeAutwu-00156-00092676-00093192 exact the X group he posted 35 times in the last month which makes sense he would post it probably 8QUQqeAutwu-00157-00093192-00093684 once a day in this group right uh Ray Higdon's the same thing he posted 35 whoops get that out 8QUQqeAutwu-00158-00093684-00094434 of there oops 35 times 33 times for Brian for now 29 times for Maria Marianne one I don't 8QUQqeAutwu-00159-00094434-00094974 know who that is but I guess I can't comment on her post which is what it says there uh 27 8QUQqeAutwu-00160-00094974-00095532 26 25 18 15 now those are the people that post in groups what about the people the commenting 8QUQqeAutwu-00161-00095532-00095964 groups I can actually click here to sort by the number of people that comment on groups 8QUQqeAutwu-00162-00096090-00096816 okay and uh now I can see 215 comments from this person which probably isn't a group admin 8QUQqeAutwu-00163-00096900-00097362 you know somebody who posts a lot a lot of comments is usually an admin of a group but 8QUQqeAutwu-00164-00097362-00098118 if I scroll down a little bit and see the ones that posted 7068 55 46 40 36 31 29 those are 8QUQqeAutwu-00165-00098118-00098562 people that are probably active very active in the groups and they're commenting on other people's 8QUQqeAutwu-00166-00098562-00098976 stuff they're trying to build their reputation they're trying to get people to know them that 8QUQqeAutwu-00167-00098976-00099636 is definitely a great person to be trying to Target trying to get to know so they get to know 8QUQqeAutwu-00168-00099636-00100482 you that is kind of how you actually engage on the people that are your most targeted prospects your 8QUQqeAutwu-00169-00100482-00101022 most targeted prospects are the people that are in your groups well not necessarily your groups 8QUQqeAutwu-00170-00101022-00101616 obviously you can you can have your own groups but in the groups that your target market hangs out 8QUQqeAutwu-00171-00101616-00102264 in right so if you're into weight loss well the groups they're going to look into is groups that 8QUQqeAutwu-00172-00102264-00102798 talk about losing weight that help people to lose weight right they're going to go into those groups 8QUQqeAutwu-00173-00102798-00103164 and then you're going to get the list of the people that are actually commenting and posting in 8QUQqeAutwu-00174-00103164-00103776 those groups and you're going to be able to go and visit their profiles right like if I just click on 8QUQqeAutwu-00175-00103776-00104526 Maria Garcia here which I never visited before she has 31 comments so I don't know if I click on this 8QUQqeAutwu-00176-00104633-00105192 I can see some of her posts if I wanted to so 69 she did six posts so what are the 8QUQqeAutwu-00177-00105192-00105708 posts I guess these are French she's she's French so she's posted some French stuff 8QUQqeAutwu-00178-00105785-00106272 okay now what about her comments so she's got a bunch of comments here these are comments 8QUQqeAutwu-00179-00106272-00106770 that she's post replied the the green part is the comments right so she's just 8QUQqeAutwu-00180-00106890-00107628 replying to post which is great all right so that's great whoops could I close this up here 8QUQqeAutwu-00181-00107730-00108420 but if I just click on her name here it takes me to her personal profile not the group profile we 8QUQqeAutwu-00182-00108420-00109188 don't care about the group profile really I want to go see her page to see if she is posting stuff 8QUQqeAutwu-00183-00109188-00109668 that now this is a French person which you know I could probably engage with or whatever but 8QUQqeAutwu-00184-00109668-00110285 because I'm trying to build my brand in English I'm not gonna bother because anybody who's French 8QUQqeAutwu-00185-00110358-00110718 even though they probably understand English because she's commenting on stuff in English 8QUQqeAutwu-00186-00110880-00111354 um she probably would want french stuff so I'm gonna just close this and then I'm gonna go in 8QUQqeAutwu-00187-00111354-00112092 here and I'm gonna say I say not in English so that'll let me know if I ever go to if I ever 8QUQqeAutwu-00188-00112092-00112535 see her name in the list again I see that she's not in English so I'm not going to bother going 8QUQqeAutwu-00189-00112535-00113183 back to her to her profile again but if I go to say for example somebody who I actually have 8QUQqeAutwu-00190-00113183-00114288 three days ago let's just go look Gerson River do I have no idea let's go to see his page uh 8QUQqeAutwu-00191-00114288-00115074 let's see if I go to his page what do I get I get a picture I get a post from March 20th again he's 8QUQqeAutwu-00192-00115074-00115824 Portuguese I think he might not be English either even though he's replying or posting comments 8QUQqeAutwu-00193-00115985-00116508 this is not so this wouldn't be somebody that I would probably engage with I just close this 8QUQqeAutwu-00194-00116508-00117066 and I go in here and I oh it says can't I already had a note that I couldn't comment so let me just 8QUQqeAutwu-00195-00117066-00117785 sort this list without the comments I want to have no notes so without a note click on filter here 8QUQqeAutwu-00196-00117942-00118440 and let's say I also want only people that I have not visited in at least 8QUQqeAutwu-00197-00118596-00119238 um in at least six days I can look at these these I have not visited yet 10 days ago four days ago 8QUQqeAutwu-00198-00119238-00119766 10 days ago not yet you can see this four days ago I probably won't want to visit them again 8QUQqeAutwu-00199-00119832-00120438 for another at least I've been doing six days so I don't bother so let's just say I put minimum 8QUQqeAutwu-00200-00120438-00120990 days of six right here and filter again so now it's going to give me the list of just the people 8QUQqeAutwu-00201-00120990-00121668 that I have not visited in at least six days so right here I've got Don Anderson and I can just go 8QUQqeAutwu-00202-00121668-00122406 visit her profile right so click on that now the idea here is that as I engage on posts of people 8QUQqeAutwu-00203-00122478-00123150 I will actually record that I have visited their Pro their Pro their profile and commented on their 8QUQqeAutwu-00204-00123150-00123533 post so let me just uh you see all these little things popping up that's because I have some other 8QUQqeAutwu-00205-00123533-00124092 tools that I've got installed but I just want to see if I can get this uh she's posting real 8QUQqeAutwu-00206-00124092-00124668 though right I remember her she just posted she just posts reels which is great so she's focusing 8QUQqeAutwu-00207-00124668-00125166 on reels which is one of the things that lots of people say do reels well here's a post here 8QUQqeAutwu-00208-00125232-00126078 and I'm just gonna see oh let's reloaded to the topic let me go back down here uh no no mountain 8QUQqeAutwu-00209-00126240-00126804 oh my I'm just gonna say wow that looks like a that must have been a great hike 8QUQqeAutwu-00210-00127068-00127085 foreign 8QUQqeAutwu-00211-00127542-00127668 a great hike 8QUQqeAutwu-00212-00127974-00128346 okay so now I'm just gonna I could comment on some of her 8QUQqeAutwu-00213-00128454-00128748 reels but I just want to do this here don't wait for anything before 8QUQqeAutwu-00214-00128838-00129233 definitely and I'm just gonna like this and now I'm just kind of showing you I just want 8QUQqeAutwu-00215-00129233-00129983 to actually do the work that I would normally do which is read the posts and comment on it and uh 8QUQqeAutwu-00216-00130374-00130626 and I would normally say something maybe a little 8QUQqeAutwu-00217-00130626-00130854 bit more than that but for now just to kind of show you 8QUQqeAutwu-00218-00131142-00131586 and what's this one saying how can I get rid of that thing 8QUQqeAutwu-00219-00131976-00132678 uh showing how it's done what does it say some serious respect for those proud and then I'm 8QUQqeAutwu-00220-00132678-00133470 going to just say wow I'm just gonna say that because I couldn't I can't read the the whole 8QUQqeAutwu-00221-00133470-00133968 thing because it looks like it's underneath this thing but now I've got three basically this is the 8QUQqeAutwu-00222-00133968-00134520 idea I've engaged on three posts but you know if you don't know what you've done with a particular 8QUQqeAutwu-00223-00134520-00134982 Prospect you don't know when it's time to actually reach out to them right so now if I close this I 8QUQqeAutwu-00224-00134982-00135732 go over here and just say three posts three posts and I save it now I've got this it's green because 8QUQqeAutwu-00225-00135732-00136284 it means I visited this now right in the last 24 hours also gives me these numbers anyways I'm not 8QUQqeAutwu-00226-00136284-00136746 going to spend that stuff because that's part of another training but if you wanted to use a tool 8QUQqeAutwu-00227-00136746-00137334 like this you definitely can and you can reach out but I just kind of wanted to let you know how 8QUQqeAutwu-00228-00137334-00137982 do you find the people that are actually active that are actually your best target market well you 8QUQqeAutwu-00229-00138036-00138582 like I said you have to go through the groups you have to go see who's actually commenting and 8QUQqeAutwu-00230-00138582-00139128 you know imagine imagine if you did that yourself where you would actually go to every single one of 8QUQqeAutwu-00231-00139128-00139908 these comments put them in some spreadsheet keep them and then and then you know tomorrow you come 8QUQqeAutwu-00232-00139908-00140436 back here and you look at the list you look at the comments again you see who's who knew like uh 8QUQqeAutwu-00233-00140520-00141114 and as you know who has already commented that you've already gotten your spreadsheet right now 8QUQqeAutwu-00234-00141372-00141924 my apology sorry sorry um I was trying to keep that in but just didn't want to stay in 8QUQqeAutwu-00235-00141924-00142530 my apologies okay so you got your list here and your and this is not what I mean but you would 8QUQqeAutwu-00236-00142530-00142950 have their name and their link their you know maybe you have a number here that says how many 8QUQqeAutwu-00237-00142950-00143430 times they commented so every single time you find them in the group here in the comments you have to 8QUQqeAutwu-00238-00143430-00144108 go back and see oh do I already have this person but how do you know like you know how do you keep 8QUQqeAutwu-00239-00144108-00144888 track of okay Jennifer Hale here she commented on this post now how do I know tomorrow when 8QUQqeAutwu-00240-00144888-00145494 I come back and look at this post how do I know that Jennifer Hill I already have her in here as 8QUQqeAutwu-00241-00145494-00146112 one comment right on this one post so does that mean I have to keep track of every single post 8QUQqeAutwu-00242-00146178-00146880 that they comment on well yeah I guess you do but doing that manually is a crazy amount of work 8QUQqeAutwu-00243-00146880-00147420 obviously right but it's possible and some people you know have done that because that's basically 8QUQqeAutwu-00244-00147420-00148218 how we come up with these ideas is because people are doing things themselves they're doing these 8QUQqeAutwu-00245-00148218-00148770 things using their their their you know manually or maybe even remembering in their head oh yeah 8QUQqeAutwu-00246-00148770-00149232 I've seen this name lots of times I know that you know I've visited their profile lots of 8QUQqeAutwu-00247-00149232-00149568 times because every time you go maybe you'll recognize their picture their profile picture 8QUQqeAutwu-00248-00149568-00150156 maybe you'll recognize their page their their you know things like that so you end up remembering 8QUQqeAutwu-00249-00150156-00150594 that you visited somebody multiple times and maybe you think okay now it's time to reach out to them 8QUQqeAutwu-00250-00150594-00151062 right but what if you're not you're not sure what if you don't really know because you're 8QUQqeAutwu-00251-00151062-00151428 not doing this every day you're doing it every couple days right and then you start to forget 8QUQqeAutwu-00252-00151428-00152178 things you don't really remember because maybe MJ here you visited them like I don't know a month or 8QUQqeAutwu-00253-00152178-00152580 two ago you won't necessarily remember what their page looks like right unless you went almost every 8QUQqeAutwu-00254-00152580-00153240 day which is totally ridiculous to do that to every single you know there's like what look 44 8QUQqeAutwu-00255-00153240-00153954 000 people in his group right so that's the thing you got to find a way to actually figure out who's 8QUQqeAutwu-00256-00154068-00154584 active in groups who's the best person to actually reach out to who is your most 8QUQqeAutwu-00257-00154584-00155286 targeted prospects right who is it who is it and you need to get this by the way this eBook 8QUQqeAutwu-00258-00155286-00155970 is really nice really really nice little eBook that kind of goes through the five steps of of 8QUQqeAutwu-00259-00156042-00156846 um the five simplest social media organic steps to getting the sale go to attraction uh what is it uh 8QUQqeAutwu-00260-00156942-00157404 the traction marketing secret attraction marketing truth attraction marketing 8QUQqeAutwu-00261-00157404-00157758 truth right attraction marketing truth do I have the link here 8QUQqeAutwu-00262-00157920-00158214 let me see if I have it in here so I can actually put it in here 8QUQqeAutwu-00263-00158298-00159216 I don't have that link I don't think but I do have this link which is uh active group users this link 8QUQqeAutwu-00264-00159216-00159648 here which is the software I was telling you about this software here right if you want to try it out 8QUQqeAutwu-00265-00159744-00160080 um attract activegroupusers.com it'll take you to this page here 8QUQqeAutwu-00266-00160212-00160734 which basically talks about the tool and you can actually watch this video here which kind 8QUQqeAutwu-00267-00160734-00161238 of explains how do you actually use the tool just click on this play right here and the tool will 8QUQqeAutwu-00268-00161238-00161688 then the video will the video will start to play I'll kind of explaining how to use the tool how 8QUQqeAutwu-00269-00161688-00162306 to install it and all that stuff with this video here but basically there's links here but yeah 8QUQqeAutwu-00270-00162306-00162906 you just go to activegripusers.com to go get that and there might be a bonus there might be a way to 8QUQqeAutwu-00271-00162906-00163614 get a free upgrade or things like that depending on what uh when you're watching this video right 8QUQqeAutwu-00272-00163614-00164358 or when you're reading this blog but really that's the secret you can go through your Facebook feed 8QUQqeAutwu-00273-00164418-00165192 you can engage on the posts in the feet you can but like I said over time it will not be 8QUQqeAutwu-00274-00165294-00165834 the best people to engage on because eventually they're going to be all the same they're always 8QUQqeAutwu-00275-00165834-00166638 going to be the same right it's just never going to be new people right it's always going 8QUQqeAutwu-00276-00166638-00167406 to be these original same 20 maybe 30 friends that you're gonna see because this is actually friends 8QUQqeAutwu-00277-00167406-00168180 and Pages you follow right it's it's not uh random posts of random people at least not that often 8QUQqeAutwu-00278-00168180-00168702 sometimes it's post friends of friends right that kind of stuff but it's but it's can it's not under 8QUQqeAutwu-00279-00168702-00169206 your control the platform controls it you want to take over you want to control it you want to be 8QUQqeAutwu-00280-00169206-00169770 the one that decides who's post to visit not the platform you don't want the platform to decide for 8QUQqeAutwu-00281-00169770-00170460 you right at least I don't and I'm sure you don't either all right so hopefully this uh had some 8QUQqeAutwu-00282-00170460-00171174 interest in it I hopefully hopefully explain this um not too bad and we'll see you in the next video 8QUQqeAutwu-00283-00171324-00171888 This has been Course Income Secrets, the entrepreneur's blueprint to generating 8QUQqeAutwu-00284-00171888-00172296 income from the e-learning boom! Some of your friends need to hear this message, 8QUQqeAutwu-00285-00172296-00172866 so don't forget to share. For more content like this, go to CourseIncomeSecrets.com and 8QUQqeAutwu-00286-00172866-00173466 make sure to subscribe and follow us here. My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon, until next time... 8RYqoPKONoY-00000-00000000-00000200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00001-00000200-00000400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00002-00000400-00000600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00003-00000600-00000800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00004-00000800-00001000 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00005-00001000-00001200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00006-00001200-00001400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00007-00001400-00001600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00008-00001600-00001800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00009-00001800-00002000 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00010-00002000-00002200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00011-00002200-00002400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00012-00002400-00002600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00013-00002600-00002800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00014-00002800-00003000 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00015-00003000-00003200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00016-00003200-00003400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00017-00003400-00003600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00018-00003600-00003800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00019-00003800-00004000 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00020-00004000-00004200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00021-00004200-00004400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00022-00004400-00004600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00023-00004600-00004800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00024-00004800-00005000 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00025-00005000-00005200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00026-00005200-00005400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00027-00005400-00005600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00028-00005600-00005800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00029-00005800-00006000 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00030-00006000-00006200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00031-00006200-00006400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00032-00006400-00006600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00033-00006600-00006800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00034-00006800-00007000 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00035-00007000-00007200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00036-00007200-00007400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00037-00007400-00007600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00038-00007600-00007800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00039-00007800-00008000 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00040-00008000-00008200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00041-00008200-00008400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00042-00008400-00008600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00043-00008600-00008800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00044-00008800-00009000 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00045-00009000-00009200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00046-00009200-00009400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00047-00009400-00009600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00048-00009600-00009800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00050-00010000-00010200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00051-00010200-00010400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00052-00010400-00010600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00053-00010600-00010800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00054-00010800-00011000 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00055-00011000-00011200 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00056-00011200-00011400 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00057-00011400-00011600 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8RYqoPKONoY-00058-00011600-00011800 ঝিনাইদহে জাতীয় ভোটার দিবস পালিত 8SsajT0qEUo-00000-00000240-00000872 good morning happy friday welcome to t-tac toronto i'm your girl named nicole as we sip and spill 8SsajT0qEUo-00001-00000872-00001832 that tea grab your coffee grab your tea come and sip and spill with me hi there and welcome to tea 8SsajT0qEUo-00002-00001832-00002648 talk with your host namek nicole subscribe like and share tea talk where we sip and spill that tea 8SsajT0qEUo-00003-00002648-00003424 on celebrity gossip pop culture and mainstream media she'll be sipping and spilling that tea tita 8SsajT0qEUo-00004-00003479-00004336 with naimka nicole now talk about dj academics okay all you know me i love a dj and why not 8SsajT0qEUo-00005-00004336-00005344 so the girl here is cromas okay toronto first lady badass okay i don't know what happened she 8SsajT0qEUo-00006-00005344-00006232 end up in the states then she went on clubhouse and she said that academic lied on her and said 8SsajT0qEUo-00007-00006232-00007112 he whatever they did and they didn't do we tell me needs this man come out and start to get and 8SsajT0qEUo-00008-00007831-00007904 pardon me 8SsajT0qEUo-00009-00008159-00008720 oh so if only i want to hear what he said only need to google it because 8SsajT0qEUo-00010-00008720-00009488 that was too much i cannot even repeat the things but i'm here to tell him something 8SsajT0qEUo-00011-00009720-00010440 dj academics i i know about you long long time since my my my son was like whatever 8SsajT0qEUo-00012-00010440-00010872 grade he's always watching you okay i was not youtuber yet i used to do other things 8SsajT0qEUo-00013-00010872-00011472 i used to work with youth group and thing so i i i'm a struggling new youtuber here in toronto 8SsajT0qEUo-00014-00011640-00011944 and i think you and i need to connect and i'll tell you why 8SsajT0qEUo-00015-00012112-00012784 i like your ideas i like your advice and i want you to teach me i want you to teach me how to 8SsajT0qEUo-00016-00012863-00013872 you know survive in this media youtube thing yeah man because i've been trying trying trying 8SsajT0qEUo-00017-00013872-00014312 and you know things are going good yes i have 6 000 people and i'm very proud yes and it's 8SsajT0qEUo-00018-00014312-00014888 growing oh yeah yeah yeah i start modeling in the hallway i start doing all kind of things anything 8SsajT0qEUo-00019-00014888-00015368 for clothes that's what cardi b says so i start doing that and next thing i know it didn't grow 8SsajT0qEUo-00020-00015368-00015976 and so but beside that i want to talk to you and so you and i need to connect forget the first lady 8SsajT0qEUo-00021-00016040-00016712 okay everybody is replaceable she was the first i'm the next i'm the second whatever 8SsajT0qEUo-00022-00016712-00017208 number you give me i don't even care i think you know number nine is my favorite number okay 8SsajT0qEUo-00023-00017432-00018544 um yeah you know what i'm saying right so yeah you and i need to talk i've always want to um 8SsajT0qEUo-00024-00018624-00019400 learn to dj i've dated djs but for some reason they tell me stay in my lean but i have a wrap 8SsajT0qEUo-00025-00019400-00019880 for you let me check out chroma so you don't get confused because you you know cardi b say 8SsajT0qEUo-00026-00019880-00020552 anything for clouds nicki minaj just coming out with pink friday with a little baby dj academics 8SsajT0qEUo-00027-00020552-00021184 i think you and i could do something hold up i should put on my glasses hold on you don't know 8SsajT0qEUo-00028-00021720-00022408 nwf a n w f a baby call me honey i don't need your money i need your love 8SsajT0qEUo-00029-00022472-00022888 on your heart turn the light down low back shot on the floor 8SsajT0qEUo-00030-00023136-00023640 i do not have a condom but the core of it 8SsajT0qEUo-00031-00023864-00024456 moving on you get the point dj academic you get the point all you need to do is get a beat 8SsajT0qEUo-00032-00024560-00025072 and i'm going to tell you what nwfa means okay when we do the release party attica people 8SsajT0qEUo-00033-00025072-00025768 like to do two but you can't get up too much so i could be your your uprising artist here in toronto 8SsajT0qEUo-00034-00025768-00026295 that you could teach me because i'm brave i i'm not a singer i'm not a robber i'm just brave okay 8SsajT0qEUo-00035-00026295-00026695 so maybe you know what i'm saying you can market me and you don't know anything set 8SsajT0qEUo-00036-00026695-00027464 up and like i said be my mentor now come on man these academics you should be my mentor i have 8SsajT0qEUo-00037-00027464-00028336 an open mind and i'm a libra and i'm willing to learn okay that's all i got to say for now i hope 8SsajT0qEUo-00038-00028336-00029008 if you don't get this one day just one day as i get bigger you might right now you may not 8SsajT0qEUo-00039-00029008-00029520 know who i am but don't worry about that you know what i'm saying and when you come to toronto don't 8SsajT0qEUo-00040-00029520-00029960 worry about nothing let me show you something dj academics have it all planned out for you 8SsajT0qEUo-00041-00029960-00030768 we're gonna take this street car okay that's the streetcar um it run dong tong i don't get them 8SsajT0qEUo-00042-00030768-00031712 for free because you know you just get that you look you didn't see nobody you get 3.25 dory i 8SsajT0qEUo-00043-00031712-00032160 know you have a lot of money but i'm just telling you the things that i do in toronto for fun you 8SsajT0qEUo-00044-00032160-00032776 just come with me we jump on the street car we jump off you know with the we i'm the new lady 8SsajT0qEUo-00045-00033040-00033704 okay all right moving on okay so that's my message for dj academics if anybody 8SsajT0qEUo-00046-00033704-00034344 watching on all you know him tell him that um toronto has a new lady in town 8SsajT0qEUo-00047-00034344-00035888 do we have a problem no we don't no we do not buy y'all as we sit and spill that tea 8cZ2alOPvhY-00000-00000014-00000114 You just discovered a magical movie theater. 8cZ2alOPvhY-00001-00000114-00000214 What is is it like? 8cZ2alOPvhY-00002-00000214-00000314 What happens next? 8cZ2alOPvhY-00003-00000314-00000413 Here's a short illustrated video prompt that gets your students excited about writing. 8cZ2alOPvhY-00004-00000413-00000514 Enjoy what you're seeing? 8cZ2alOPvhY-00005-00000514-00000614 Please subscribe to the channel: http://bit.ly/spencervideos 8cZ2alOPvhY-00006-00000614-00000714 You walk past an abandoned building one day when you notice a ticket on the ground. 8cZ2alOPvhY-00007-00000714-00001042 As you pick it up, the front doors fly open, revealing an empty movie theater. 8cZ2alOPvhY-00008-00001042-00001243 At first, it seems normal. 8cZ2alOPvhY-00009-00001243-00001926 But then, something happens and you realize . . . it’s magical. 8cZ2alOPvhY-00010-00001926-00002300 Now imagine that magical theater. 8cZ2alOPvhY-00011-00002300-00002515 What does the theater sound like? 8cZ2alOPvhY-00012-00002515-00002923 What kinds of films do they show and how are they magical? 8cZ2alOPvhY-00013-00002923-00003254 Who makes the movies and how are they made? 8cZ2alOPvhY-00014-00003254-00003429 What kind of food do they serve there? 8cZ2alOPvhY-00015-00003429-00003707 Who is the typical audience? 8cZ2alOPvhY-00016-00003707-00004319 After imagining that theater, turn it into a story as if you just returned from that 8cZ2alOPvhY-00017-00004319-00004646 theater. 8l6YOMIPe-4-00000-00000000-00000200 Welcome Back to my Channel 8l9CBbgpNZ0-00000-00000000-00000200 But you didn't have to cut me off 8l9CBbgpNZ0-00001-00000200-00000301 Black Mask 8l9CBbgpNZ0-00002-00000301-00000651 Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing 8l9CBbgpNZ0-00003-00000651-00000801 And I don't even need your love 8l9CBbgpNZ0-00004-00000801-00001150 But you treat me like a stranger, and that feels so rough 8l9CBbgpNZ0-00005-00001373-00001495 Woah woah woah woah wo 8l9CBbgpNZ0-00006-00001495-00001645 WO WOAH WOAH WOAH 8l9CBbgpNZ0-00007-00001645-00001800 HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY 8mHIPUXhd6c-00000-00001637-00002011 1939, Finland is fighting desperately 8mHIPUXhd6c-00001-00002060-00002233 against the Soviet Red Army 8mHIPUXhd6c-00002-00002293-00002517 and is waiting help from their Western Allies. 8mHIPUXhd6c-00003-00003713-00003951 Despite requests from their own people 8mHIPUXhd6c-00004-00003994-00004150 neither France or England are 8mHIPUXhd6c-00005-00004185-00004357 willing or able to take any 8mHIPUXhd6c-00006-00004357-00004630 decisive actions against the Soviet Union. 8mHIPUXhd6c-00007-00007292-00007643 Finally after 105 days of hard fighting 8mHIPUXhd6c-00008-00007721-00007936 the Finnish army is near collapse 8mHIPUXhd6c-00009-00007972-00008229 and Finnish politicians are forced to agree 8mHIPUXhd6c-00010-00008250-00008486 to the Soviet hard terms of peace. 8mHIPUXhd6c-00011-00008821-00009342 Finland "celebrates" that day by flying flags at half-staff. 8mHIPUXhd6c-00012-00010989-00011373 Hard and fierce war is followed by a difficult peace. 8mHIPUXhd6c-00013-00011460-00011669 With food storages depleted, 8mHIPUXhd6c-00014-00011697-00011911 mass civilian evacuations, 8mHIPUXhd6c-00015-00011959-00012307 with tens of thousands of men killed or permanently wounded, 8mHIPUXhd6c-00016-00012370-00012527 the armed forces beat up 8mHIPUXhd6c-00017-00012577-00012881 resources depleted, trade routes closed, 8mHIPUXhd6c-00018-00012928-00013295 Finland is faced with serious problems. 8mHIPUXhd6c-00019-00013499-00013723 Sweden cannot provide sufficient help 8mHIPUXhd6c-00020-00013794-00013988 and of the two major powers around, 8mHIPUXhd6c-00021-00014048-00014365 only Germany is willing to trade with Finland. 8mHIPUXhd6c-00022-00014618-00014821 In the beginning of 1941, 8mHIPUXhd6c-00023-00014844-00015084 Germany takes Finland "in to the circles" 8mHIPUXhd6c-00024-00015142-00015473 and informs the civilian and military rulers of Finland 8mHIPUXhd6c-00025-00015522-00015764 about their plans against Soviet Union. 8mHIPUXhd6c-00026-00016373-00016593 Due to past agreements on troop and 8mHIPUXhd6c-00027-00016593-00016803 material transports to Norway, 8mHIPUXhd6c-00028-00016848-00017147 there are already some German troops in Finland, 8mHIPUXhd6c-00029-00017147-00017413 and Hitler wants to open another front against 8mHIPUXhd6c-00030-00017413-00017703 the Soviet Union, through Finnish territory. 8mHIPUXhd6c-00031-00018112-00018338 It is made clear, that this will happen 8mHIPUXhd6c-00032-00018338-00018605 with or without Finnish concent, 8mHIPUXhd6c-00033-00018894-00019175 Finland sees this, as a chance for retribution 8mHIPUXhd6c-00034-00019201-00019619 against the Soviets and agrees to join in on the fight. 8mHIPUXhd6c-00035-00019764-00020508 And so, in June of 1941, the Continuation War begins... 90SGQ2hJifY-00000-00000060-00000163 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. 90SGQ2hJifY-00001-00000200-00000400 HERE'S WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOUR NAVY. 90SGQ2hJifY-00002-00000400-00000600 COMMANDER, NAVY INSTALLATIONS COMMAND, 90SGQ2hJifY-00003-00000600-00000700 VICE ADM. 90SGQ2hJifY-00004-00000700-00000900 DIXON SMITH, DECLARED APRIL CHILD ABUSE 90SGQ2hJifY-00005-00000900-00001000 PREVENTION MONTH. 90SGQ2hJifY-00006-00001000-00001201 THIS YEARS CAMPAIGN, "CHILDREN THRIVE, 90SGQ2hJifY-00007-00001201-00001398 WHEN SUPERVISED, SAFE AND SOUND", 90SGQ2hJifY-00008-00001398-00001598 WILL FOCUS ON ACTIVE PARENTING PRACTICES AND 90SGQ2hJifY-00009-00001598-00001798 PRECAUTIONS TO KEEP CHILDREN SAFE. 90SGQ2hJifY-00010-00001858-00002035 COMMANDER, SUBMARINE GROUP 7, 90SGQ2hJifY-00011-00002035-00002238 CONDUCTED TALKS WITH THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA NAVY, 90SGQ2hJifY-00012-00002238-00002339 IN GUAM. 90SGQ2hJifY-00013-00002369-00002582 THE THEME OF THE TALKS WAS THE STRONG RELATIONSHIP 90SGQ2hJifY-00014-00002582-00002782 BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES TO ADVANCE THE 90SGQ2hJifY-00015-00002782-00002982 CAPABILITIES OF BOTH SUBMARINE FORCES. 90SGQ2hJifY-00016-00003063-00003286 THE NAVY EXCHANGE SERVICE COMMAND CELEBRATED 70 90SGQ2hJifY-00017-00003286-00003536 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE NAVY FAMILY ON APRIL 1ST. 90SGQ2hJifY-00018-00003610-00003830 THE NAVY EXCHANGE SERVICE COMMAND PROVIDES OVERSIGHT 90SGQ2hJifY-00019-00003830-00004230 FOR MORE THAN 300 STORES, 39 NAVY LODGES AND 134 90SGQ2hJifY-00020-00004230-00004330 SHIP STORES. 90SGQ2hJifY-00021-00004364-00004564 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND 90SGQ2hJifY-00022-00004564-00004764 YOUR NAVY AT NAVY.MIL. 96x0poKDVuA-00000-00000475-00000978 Frankie and Johnny were lovers, O lordy how they could love. 96x0poKDVuA-00001-00000978-00001373 Swore to be true to each other, true as the stars above; 96x0poKDVuA-00002-00001373-00002018 He was her man but he done her wrong, so wrong. 96x0poKDVuA-00003-00002018-00002484 Johnny's mother told him, and she was mighty wise, 96x0poKDVuA-00004-00002484-00002864 Don't spend Frankie's money on that parlor Ann Eliz; 96x0poKDVuA-00005-00002864-00003282 You're Frankie's man, and you're doin' her wrong, 96x0poKDVuA-00006-00003282-00003444 so wrong. 96x0poKDVuA-00007-00003444-00003876 Frankie and Johnny went walking, Johnny in his bran' new suit, 96x0poKDVuA-00008-00003876-00004337 "O good Lawd," says Frankie, "Don't my Johnny look cute?" 96x0poKDVuA-00009-00004337-00004939 He was her man but he done her wrong, so wrong. 96x0poKDVuA-00010-00004939-00005351 Frankie went down to the corner, to buy a glass of beer; 96x0poKDVuA-00011-00005351-00005772 She says to the fat bartender, "Has my lovliest man been here? 96x0poKDVuA-00012-00005772-00006352 He was my man but he's done me wrong, so wrong." 96x0poKDVuA-00013-00006352-00006792 Frankie went down to the pawn shop, she bought herself a little forty-four 96x0poKDVuA-00014-00006792-00007214 She aimed it at the ceiling, shot a big hole in the floor; 96x0poKDVuA-00015-00007214-00007818 "Where is my man, he's doin' me wrong, so wrong?" 96x0poKDVuA-00016-00007818-00008293 Frankie went down to the hotel, looked in the window so high, 96x0poKDVuA-00017-00008293-00008677 There she saw her lovin' Johnny a-lovin' up Alice Bly; 96x0poKDVuA-00018-00008677-00009247 He was her man but he done her wrong, so wrong. 96x0poKDVuA-00019-00009247-00009682 Frankie went down to the hotel, she rang that hotel bell, 96x0poKDVuA-00020-00009682-00010095 "Stand back all of you floozies or I'll blow you all to hell, 96x0poKDVuA-00021-00010095-00010661 I want my man, he's doin' me wrong, so wrong." 96x0poKDVuA-00022-00010661-00011054 Frankie threw back her kimono, she took out her forty-four, 96x0poKDVuA-00023-00011054-00011532 Root-a-toot-toot, three times she shot, right through that hardwood floor, 96x0poKDVuA-00024-00011532-00012118 She shot her man, 'cause he done her wrong, so wrong. 96x0poKDVuA-00025-00012118-00012588 Johnny grabbed off his Stetson, "O good Lawd, Frankie, don't shoot," 96x0poKDVuA-00026-00012588-00013022 But Frankie put her finger on the trigger, and the gun went roota-toot-toot, 96x0poKDVuA-00027-00013022-00013618 He was her man but she shot him down. 96x0poKDVuA-00028-00013618-00014091 Johnny saw Frankie a comin', down the backstairs he did scoot; 96x0poKDVuA-00029-00014091-00014445 Frankie had the little gun out, let him have it rooty-de-toot; 96x0poKDVuA-00030-00014445-00015170 For he was her man, but she shot him down. 96x0poKDVuA-00031-00015170-00015612 Johnny he mounted the staircase, cried, "O Frankie don't shoot!" 96x0poKDVuA-00032-00015612-00016047 Three times she pulled the forty-four gun a rooty-toot-toot-toot-toot, 96x0poKDVuA-00033-00016047-00016555 She nailed the man what threw her down. 96x0poKDVuA-00034-00016555-00017019 "Roll me over easy, roll me over slow, 96x0poKDVuA-00035-00017019-00017467 Roll me over easy, boys, 'cause my wounds they hurt me so, 96x0poKDVuA-00036-00017467-00017990 But I was her man, and I done her wrong, so wrong." 96x0poKDVuA-00037-00017990-00018555 "Oh my baby, kiss me once before I go, 96x0poKDVuA-00038-00018555-00018915 Turn me over on my right side, doctor, where de bullet hurt me so. 96x0poKDVuA-00039-00018915-00019532 I was her man but I done her wrong, so wrong." 96x0poKDVuA-00040-00019532-00019881 Johnny he was a gambler, he gambled for the gain, 96x0poKDVuA-00041-00019881-00020376 The very last words he ever said were, "High-low Jack and the game." 96x0poKDVuA-00042-00020376-00020962 He was her man but he done her wrong, so wrong. 96x0poKDVuA-00043-00020962-00021440 Bring out your long black coffin, bring out your funeral clo'es; 96x0poKDVuA-00044-00021440-00021809 Bring back Johnny's mother; to the churchyard Johnny goes. 96x0poKDVuA-00045-00021809-00022406 He was her man but he done her wrong, so wrong. 96x0poKDVuA-00046-00022406-00022795 Frankie went to his coffin, she looked down on his face, 96x0poKDVuA-00047-00022795-00023306 She said, "O Lawd, have mercy on me, I wish I could take his place, 96x0poKDVuA-00048-00023306-00023805 He was my man, and I done him wrong, so wrong." 96x0poKDVuA-00049-00023805-00024339 Oh bring on your rubber-tired hearses, bring on your rubber-tired hacks, 96x0poKDVuA-00050-00024339-00024770 They're takin' Johnny to the buryin* groun* an' they won't bring a bit of him back; 96x0poKDVuA-00051-00024770-00025328 He was her man but he done her wrong, so wrong. 96x0poKDVuA-00052-00025328-00025782 Frankie stood on the corner to watch the funeral go by; 96x0poKDVuA-00053-00025782-00026201 "Bring back my poor dead Johnny to me," to the undertaker she did say, 96x0poKDVuA-00054-00026201-00026789 "He was my man, but he done me wrong, so wrong." 96x0poKDVuA-00055-00026789-00027247 Frankie heard a rumbling away down in the ground, 96x0poKDVuA-00056-00027247-00027656 Maybe it was little Johnny where she had shot him down. 96x0poKDVuA-00057-00027656-00028238 He was her man and she done him wrong, so wrong. 96x0poKDVuA-00058-00028238-00028664 Frankie went to Mrs. Halcomb, she fell down on her knees, 96x0poKDVuA-00059-00028664-00029110 She said, "Mrs. Halcomb, forgive me, forgive me, if you please, 96x0poKDVuA-00060-00029110-00029492 For I've killed my man what done me wrong, so wrong." 96x0poKDVuA-00061-00029492-00030200 "Forgive you, Frankie darling, forgive you I never can. 96x0poKDVuA-00062-00030200-00030558 Forgive you, Frankie darling, for killing your only man, 96x0poKDVuA-00063-00030558-00030972 Oh he was your man tho' he done you wrong, so wrong." 96x0poKDVuA-00064-00030972-00031581 The sheriff came around in the morning, said it was all for the best, 96x0poKDVuA-00065-00031581-00032070 He said her lover Johnny was nothin* but a doggone pest. 96x0poKDVuA-00066-00032070-00032552 He was her man but he done her wrong, so wrong. 96x0poKDVuA-00067-00032552-00033072 The judge said to the jury, "It's as plain as plain can be; 96x0poKDVuA-00068-00033072-00033553 This woman shot her lover, it's murder in the second degree, 96x0poKDVuA-00069-00033553-00034071 He was her man tho' he done her wrong, so wrong." 96x0poKDVuA-00070-00034071-00034576 Now it was not murder in the second degree, and was not murder in the third, 96x0poKDVuA-00071-00034576-00034989 The woman simply dropped her man, like a hunter drops a bird. 96x0poKDVuA-00072-00034989-00035482 He was her man but he done her wrong, so wrong. 96x0poKDVuA-00073-00035482-00035986 "Oh bring a thousand policemen, bring 'em around today, 96x0poKDVuA-00074-00035986-00036093 Oh lock me in. 96x0poKDVuA-00075-00036093-00036378 that dungeon, and throw the keys away, 96x0poKDVuA-00076-00036378-00036901 I shot my man, 'cause he done me wrong, so wrong." 96x0poKDVuA-00077-00036901-00037457 "Yes, put me in that dungeon, oh put me in that cell, 96x0poKDVuA-00078-00037457-00037816 Put me where the northeast wind blows from the southeast corner of hell. 96x0poKDVuA-00079-00037816-00038403 I shot my man, 'cause he done me wrong, so wrong." 96x0poKDVuA-00080-00038403-00038866 Frankie mounted to the scaffold as calm as a girl can be, 96x0poKDVuA-00081-00038866-00039544 And turning her eyes to heaven, she said, "Good Lord, I am coming to Thee. 96x0poKDVuA-00082-00039544-00040183 He was my man, but he done me wrong, so wrong." 9rxzadOmyuU-00000-00000048-00000360 Hi guys! In this video I'm going to walk you through 9rxzadOmyuU-00001-00000360-00000783 what you would see once you log into Canvas. If this is your first online 9rxzadOmyuU-00002-00000783-00001040 course I want to point out some key areas of 9rxzadOmyuU-00003-00001040-00001416 the Canvas portal. When you first log into canvas it will 9rxzadOmyuU-00004-00001416-00001911 bring you to your dashboard. Click on the Anatomy 25 class icon and 9rxzadOmyuU-00005-00001911-00002400 it will bring you to this home page in the center panel. On the right you 9rxzadOmyuU-00006-00002400-00002711 have a few quick links to see the Course Stream, 9rxzadOmyuU-00007-00002711-00003080 View the course calendar or any notifications. 9rxzadOmyuU-00008-00003080-00003407 From time to time I will be posting important announcements 9rxzadOmyuU-00009-00003407-00003968 for the class and it will show up here. There is also your upcoming to-do list 9rxzadOmyuU-00010-00003968-00004471 for the course. On the far left you will see your 9rxzadOmyuU-00011-00004471-00004855 account icon. If you click on it you can update 9rxzadOmyuU-00012-00004855-00005319 your notification settings and your profile 9rxzadOmyuU-00013-00005376-00005776 next to the center panel are your main navigation links 9rxzadOmyuU-00014-00005776-00006087 I've kept it simple so it is easier to navigate through 9rxzadOmyuU-00015-00006087-00006623 this course but your options here may vary from course to course 9rxzadOmyuU-00016-00006623-00007047 after the home button is the modules button which will guide you through the 9rxzadOmyuU-00017-00007047-00007615 main content of the course. This course is laid out in seven 9rxzadOmyuU-00018-00007615-00008247 units with one orientation unit and six principal units which we cover 9rxzadOmyuU-00019-00008247-00008800 throughout the semester. The modules page is like the table of 9rxzadOmyuU-00020-00008800-00009175 contents in a book. You can see what topics are covered in 9rxzadOmyuU-00021-00009175-00009624 the unit and quickly jump to the page that you're interested in 9rxzadOmyuU-00022-00009624-00010024 but it is designed to be completed in chronological order. 9rxzadOmyuU-00023-00010024-00010392 Because this is a fully online course all of your work 9rxzadOmyuU-00024-00010392-00010807 will be done using your textbook and these modules 9rxzadOmyuU-00025-00010807-00011552 your assignments, discussions, quizzes and exams are all completed on canvas 9rxzadOmyuU-00026-00011552-00011960 they are indented here from the content pages so it is easier for you to see the 9rxzadOmyuU-00027-00011960-00012247 work you need to do. 9rxzadOmyuU-00028-00012304-00012839 You should start with the first page of a module. 9rxzadOmyuU-00029-00012839-00013240 It will usually describe what the unit is about and summarize 9rxzadOmyuU-00030-00013240-00013656 what you need to do. When you scroll to the bottom of the page 9rxzadOmyuU-00031-00013656-00013959 you will see buttons that will take you to the next page 9rxzadOmyuU-00032-00013959-00014559 or the previous page. You will want to click next to keep going through 9rxzadOmyuU-00033-00014559-00014968 the module one page at a time. If you do it this way 9rxzadOmyuU-00034-00014968-00015312 you will end up seeing all of the pages in the module. 9rxzadOmyuU-00035-00015312-00015784 Some pages will have tabs on the top. 9rxzadOmyuU-00036-00015823-00016176 It is important you go through all of the tabs before moving on to the next 9rxzadOmyuU-00037-00016176-00016408 page. 9rxzadOmyuU-00038-00016592-00016904 When you have an assignment page you will have instructions 9rxzadOmyuU-00039-00016904-00017320 on how to submit the assignment and instructions on what to do. 9rxzadOmyuU-00040-00017320-00017695 If you ever get lost you can always go back to the modules link 9rxzadOmyuU-00041-00017695-00018080 on the navigation pane and pick up where you left off. 9rxzadOmyuU-00042-00018080-00018440 Another important button is the syllabus button. 9rxzadOmyuU-00043-00018440-00018776 Not only does it give you important information about the course, 9rxzadOmyuU-00044-00018776-00019256 how to contact me, and objectives, but it also has this course 9rxzadOmyuU-00045-00019256-00019623 summary at the bottom. Many students like to use this 9rxzadOmyuU-00046-00019623-00020104 to see the upcoming assignments listed by date. 9rxzadOmyuU-00047-00020104-00020431 The grades button is also another very important button 9rxzadOmyuU-00048-00020431-00020848 on Canvas. It will list your grades for the assignments that you have completed 9rxzadOmyuU-00049-00020848-00021208 and it is helpful to see your standing in the class at any time. 9rxzadOmyuU-00050-00021208-00021648 The people button will show you your classmates and how to contact them. 9rxzadOmyuU-00051-00021648-00021959 And if you want to record how you want your name to be pronounced 9rxzadOmyuU-00052-00021959-00022431 you can use the name coach roster. Alright, I hope you enjoyed the 9rxzadOmyuU-00053-00022431-00022759 navigation video. Let me know if you have any questions. 9rxzadOmyuU-00054-00022759-00023184 See you online! 9srCOYxNwBc-00000-00001368-00001872 My name is William T. Harris, I am President and CEO of Space Center Houston. We're a 9srCOYxNwBc-00001-00001872-00002416 science center focused on space exploration, and we're also the official visitor center for NASA 9srCOYxNwBc-00002-00002416-00002952 Johnson Space Center. Well, as a science-based institution when we plan to reopen because like 9srCOYxNwBc-00003-00002952-00003552 everyone would close down for a period of time, and in the case of Texas our governor opened the state 9srCOYxNwBc-00004-00003552-00003920 pretty promptly, we were one of the among the first states to begin opening up. 9srCOYxNwBc-00005-00003920-00004592 Just at the time we were planning to reopen we had a surge a second wave in Texas, and so um 9srCOYxNwBc-00006-00004592-00005224 we discussed it thoroughly and I took the position that well, we represent NASA and NASA is all about 9srCOYxNwBc-00007-00005224-00005920 risk management, and so we decided to plan to reopen in compliance with CDC guidelines. You know 9srCOYxNwBc-00008-00005920-00006320 the other thing I said to my team was, listen, we've had people living in the International 9srCOYxNwBc-00009-00006320-00006848 Space Station, which is basically a very small compartment, for 20 years. And they really 9srCOYxNwBc-00010-00006848-00007240 have to know how to manage these, because humans are vectors for all kinds of things. 9srCOYxNwBc-00011-00007304-00007920 And so we applied that to our institution, and really we conceptualized our guest experience. 9srCOYxNwBc-00012-00007992-00008728 We have touchless turnstyles, we augmented our visitor app, we made major changes. We had 9srCOYxNwBc-00013-00008728-00009424 one-way flow, social distancing, required masks, we have a popular tram tour that takes people 9srCOYxNwBc-00014-00009424-00009896 behind the scenes at NASA Johnson Space Center, we were allowed to continue a portion of that and of 9srCOYxNwBc-00015-00009896-00010472 course we had to put in place all of the human resources practices and policies, so what happens 9srCOYxNwBc-00016-00010472-00011096 if the staff member is diagnosed? Or what are protocols for coming to work? So we've put in place 9srCOYxNwBc-00017-00011096-00011640 um an app called Safety Pass where people felt declared wanted them more than anything else to 9srCOYxNwBc-00018-00011640-00012216 read it and say you feel sick and feel sick stay home don't come to work um and you had to declare 9srCOYxNwBc-00019-00012216-00012760 that. And then if you put in place the whole system contact tracing, so similar procedures and 9srCOYxNwBc-00020-00012760-00013319 practices of other organizations. Um what I think was really extraordinary with this pandemic is 9srCOYxNwBc-00021-00013319-00013928 we've been learning as we go, and we have been dealing with this an extremely accelerated path. 9srCOYxNwBc-00022-00014008-00014744 We are the number one tourist destination in the Houston region and we have, before the pandemic, 70 percent 9srCOYxNwBc-00023-00014744-00015280 of our visitors were born in domestic tourists ,and so people like staying connected with us through 9srCOYxNwBc-00024-00015280-00015856 our website and other electronic mediums, so we're really looking at that how we could better 9srCOYxNwBc-00025-00015856-00016416 integrate our experiences and provide present them in a more dynamic way through a digital strategy. 9srCOYxNwBc-00026-00016416-00016936 We were at a point in developing it when the pandemic struck that it was our lifeblood, it 9srCOYxNwBc-00027-00016936-00017512 really saved us because we had the bones of it in place and we were able to build on that, 9srCOYxNwBc-00028-00017584-00018128 and begin to provide content out to our stakeholders, both free and some fee based. 9srCOYxNwBc-00029-00018216-00018768 On the other side of the coin it compelled the whole world to get more digitally engaged, so 9srCOYxNwBc-00030-00018768-00019416 that was really the silver lining. This has been a very interesting journey, and I don't think it's 9srCOYxNwBc-00031-00019416-00020016 unique to us, but um I'm very conscientious with my team around their experience and what they're 9srCOYxNwBc-00032-00020016-00020728 going through. We're a bigger institution compared to many science centers, and um we have about 240 9srCOYxNwBc-00033-00020728-00021280 full-time equivalent staff, and with my leadership team we made the strategic decision that we were 9srCOYxNwBc-00034-00021280-00021704 not going to lay out for furlough staff. And we were going to look at how we could constrain 9srCOYxNwBc-00035-00021704-00022264 expenses and augment some of our alternative revenue sources to keep the institution moving 9srCOYxNwBc-00036-00022264-00022648 forward. But most important I wanted to be sure that my team maintained their health benefits. 9srCOYxNwBc-00037-00022752-00023296 And that they also psychologically felt knew that they had a job, and would continue to be 9srCOYxNwBc-00038-00023296-00023920 supported. Because eventually I knew we were going to emerge from this so we were doing um virtual 9srCOYxNwBc-00039-00023920-00024376 all staff meetings at least monthly, they were more frequent in the beginning about every three weeks, 9srCOYxNwBc-00040-00024432-00025088 just to keep them informed about where we were at as an institution, what our plans were, and 9srCOYxNwBc-00041-00025088-00025624 reminding everyone of what the best practices were. I would do briefings around the status of 9srCOYxNwBc-00042-00025624-00026280 COVID in our region, um and just assure them too, that it is a preventable disease if you comply 9srCOYxNwBc-00043-00026280-00026695 with the protocols you can minimize your risk. You can't eliminate it 100 percent but you can really 9srCOYxNwBc-00044-00026695-00027344 minimize it. And that we all have that power and that responsibility. We also took the position that 9srCOYxNwBc-00045-00027344-00027927 we needed to help the public understand this, so we curated our own exhibit called Mission: 9srCOYxNwBc-00046-00027927-00028695 Control the Spread, where we collected information about how various NASA centers were doing research 9srCOYxNwBc-00047-00028695-00029376 and helping to address the COVID-19 pandemic. One center developed a really low cost 9srCOYxNwBc-00048-00029376-00029968 oxygen mask. There was another um center that actually came there was someone there a young 9srCOYxNwBc-00049-00029968-00030544 engineer came up with a pendant that opened open source, and you could print on a 3D printer that 9srCOYxNwBc-00050-00030544-00031176 would ping every time you went to touch your face. We really tried to, um, kind of humanize the disease 9srCOYxNwBc-00051-00031232-00031720 um, and make it people understand kind of their things around us all the time there are all kinds 9srCOYxNwBc-00052-00031720-00032368 of viruses how do we keep ourselves well? When we first opened, I had to address an issue where 9srCOYxNwBc-00053-00032368-00032936 the floor staff, the operations staff, were here, and our administrative staff were working from 9srCOYxNwBc-00054-00032936-00033448 home, because we mostly have cubicles in our offices. And so there was a little bit of 9srCOYxNwBc-00055-00033576-00034080 tension, because the staff on-site were like, "wait why are we putting ourselves at risk and the 9srCOYxNwBc-00056-00034080-00034560 administrative staff are at home and they're not at risk?" And, so we have to be really clear about 9srCOYxNwBc-00057-00034560-00034872 that we all have different jobs and different goals we're all going to have different levels 9srCOYxNwBc-00058-00034872-00035512 of risk. And so to help address that uh we started having administrative staff come in on cycles 9srCOYxNwBc-00059-00035512-00036192 to help on the floor, more for team spirit and team support. I really want to be sure there wasn't 9srCOYxNwBc-00060-00036192-00036864 a perceived divide, of you know haves and have-nots. It really has been a real journey. I feel like 9srCOYxNwBc-00061-00036864-00037488 we've come out of it stronger as as an institution uh because we really focused on you know taking 9srCOYxNwBc-00062-00037488-00038032 care of our team and and we do care and we've been like clear about all the things that we're doing. 9srCOYxNwBc-00063-00038032-00038600 We're human and that we have a lot of factors and stresses and tensions in our lives, and you have to 9srCOYxNwBc-00064-00038600-00039208 have that humanity in managing your team. You know I, I feel that we are a community gathering place 9srCOYxNwBc-00065-00039208-00039664 a place where people come together, learn and can be aspirational about the future. 9srCOYxNwBc-00066-00039904-00040496 I was really fortunate to serve on the one of the REALM committees for libraries and museums 9srCOYxNwBc-00067-00040592-00041336 looking at virus on services, and it was phenomenal to be at the table and looking 9srCOYxNwBc-00068-00041336-00041808 at the outcome of research, and helping to kind of structure some of the components of that study. 9srCOYxNwBc-00069-00041880-00042592 And it was so valuable to connect colleagues, um and be with colleagues who work in museums, but 9srCOYxNwBc-00070-00042592-00043136 also colleagues in libraries, where we're related and we overlap and things that we do but we are 9srCOYxNwBc-00071-00043136-00043752 different professions. But there was such a rich discussion and exchange of ideas and I think there 9srCOYxNwBc-00072-00043752-00044296 were lessons learned around how we both operate and things that we could learn from each other 9srCOYxNwBc-00073-00044296-00044928 to improve our service to the public. It's not the last pandemic that's going to happen, and I 9srCOYxNwBc-00074-00044928-00045384 think it's going to be really important for us to document our process, journey and lessons learned 9srCOYxNwBc-00075-00045384-00046144 as we through this you know pandemic together. And so I hope that we'll be better, we'll 9srCOYxNwBc-00076-00046144-00046736 be more even more nimble and more effective in responding to COVID 20 or 21, or whatever the next 9srCOYxNwBc-00077-00046816-00047472 pandemic is that comes down the pipe I think that we now have opened up communication that hopefully 9srCOYxNwBc-00078-00047472-00049296 will be of service not only to our professions, museums and libraries, but to others as well. <music fades out> 9sxWa99dJV4-00000-00000283-00000373 >>> HI EVERYONE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00001-00000373-00000380 >>> HI EVERYONE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00002-00000380-00000473 >>> HI EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. 9sxWa99dJV4-00003-00000473-00000480 >>> HI EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. 9sxWa99dJV4-00004-00000480-00000603 >>> HI EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. IT WAS A NIGHT OF CELEBRATION AS 9sxWa99dJV4-00005-00000603-00000610 THANKS FOR JOINING US. IT WAS A NIGHT OF CELEBRATION AS 9sxWa99dJV4-00006-00000610-00000707 THANKS FOR JOINING US. IT WAS A NIGHT OF CELEBRATION AS THE CITY OF BEMIDJI CAME 9sxWa99dJV4-00007-00000707-00000714 IT WAS A NIGHT OF CELEBRATION AS THE CITY OF BEMIDJI CAME 9sxWa99dJV4-00008-00000714-00000857 IT WAS A NIGHT OF CELEBRATION AS THE CITY OF BEMIDJI CAME TOGETHER TO CELEBRATE ITS TITLE 9sxWa99dJV4-00009-00000857-00000864 THE CITY OF BEMIDJI CAME TOGETHER TO CELEBRATE ITS TITLE 9sxWa99dJV4-00010-00000864-00001151 THE CITY OF BEMIDJI CAME TOGETHER TO CELEBRATE ITS TITLE OF MINNESOTA MONTHLY'S BEST TOWN 9sxWa99dJV4-00011-00001151-00001157 TOGETHER TO CELEBRATE ITS TITLE OF MINNESOTA MONTHLY'S BEST TOWN 9sxWa99dJV4-00012-00001157-00001414 TOGETHER TO CELEBRATE ITS TITLE OF MINNESOTA MONTHLY'S BEST TOWN IN MINNESOTA. 9sxWa99dJV4-00013-00001414-00001421 OF MINNESOTA MONTHLY'S BEST TOWN IN MINNESOTA. 9sxWa99dJV4-00014-00001421-00001674 OF MINNESOTA MONTHLY'S BEST TOWN IN MINNESOTA. JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW ONE 9sxWa99dJV4-00015-00001674-00001681 IN MINNESOTA. JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW ONE 9sxWa99dJV4-00016-00001681-00001961 IN MINNESOTA. JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW ONE PARTY PULLED OUT ALL THE STOPS 9sxWa99dJV4-00017-00001961-00001968 JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW ONE PARTY PULLED OUT ALL THE STOPS 9sxWa99dJV4-00018-00001968-00002175 JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US HOW ONE PARTY PULLED OUT ALL THE STOPS TO SHOWCASE WHY IT IS NUMBER 9sxWa99dJV4-00019-00002175-00002182 PARTY PULLED OUT ALL THE STOPS TO SHOWCASE WHY IT IS NUMBER 9sxWa99dJV4-00020-00002182-00002202 PARTY PULLED OUT ALL THE STOPS TO SHOWCASE WHY IT IS NUMBER ONE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00021-00002202-00002208 TO SHOWCASE WHY IT IS NUMBER ONE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00022-00002208-00002429 TO SHOWCASE WHY IT IS NUMBER ONE. >> A CITY THAT WAS BESTOWED A 9sxWa99dJV4-00023-00002429-00002435 ONE. >> A CITY THAT WAS BESTOWED A 9sxWa99dJV4-00024-00002435-00002685 ONE. >> A CITY THAT WAS BESTOWED A GREAT HONOR CELEBRATED ITS NEW 9sxWa99dJV4-00025-00002685-00002692 >> A CITY THAT WAS BESTOWED A GREAT HONOR CELEBRATED ITS NEW 9sxWa99dJV4-00026-00002692-00003002 >> A CITY THAT WAS BESTOWED A GREAT HONOR CELEBRATED ITS NEW TITLE, OF THE BEST TOWN IN 9sxWa99dJV4-00027-00003002-00003009 GREAT HONOR CELEBRATED ITS NEW TITLE, OF THE BEST TOWN IN 9sxWa99dJV4-00028-00003009-00003163 GREAT HONOR CELEBRATED ITS NEW TITLE, OF THE BEST TOWN IN MINNESOTA. 9sxWa99dJV4-00029-00003163-00003169 TITLE, OF THE BEST TOWN IN MINNESOTA. 9sxWa99dJV4-00030-00003169-00003346 TITLE, OF THE BEST TOWN IN MINNESOTA. THOUSANDS FLOODED THE PARK TO 9sxWa99dJV4-00031-00003346-00003353 MINNESOTA. THOUSANDS FLOODED THE PARK TO 9sxWa99dJV4-00032-00003353-00003456 MINNESOTA. THOUSANDS FLOODED THE PARK TO EXPERIENCE THE LAKE AND THE LIFE 9sxWa99dJV4-00033-00003456-00003463 THOUSANDS FLOODED THE PARK TO EXPERIENCE THE LAKE AND THE LIFE 9sxWa99dJV4-00034-00003463-00003546 THOUSANDS FLOODED THE PARK TO EXPERIENCE THE LAKE AND THE LIFE AND JUST WHY BEMIDJI WAS 9sxWa99dJV4-00035-00003546-00003553 EXPERIENCE THE LAKE AND THE LIFE AND JUST WHY BEMIDJI WAS 9sxWa99dJV4-00036-00003553-00003777 EXPERIENCE THE LAKE AND THE LIFE AND JUST WHY BEMIDJI WAS PRESENTED THIS TITLE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00037-00003777-00003783 AND JUST WHY BEMIDJI WAS PRESENTED THIS TITLE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00038-00003783-00004397 AND JUST WHY BEMIDJI WAS PRESENTED THIS TITLE. >> THERE'S SO MUCH VIBRANT, SO 9sxWa99dJV4-00039-00004397-00004404 PRESENTED THIS TITLE. >> THERE'S SO MUCH VIBRANT, SO 9sxWa99dJV4-00040-00004404-00004541 PRESENTED THIS TITLE. >> THERE'S SO MUCH VIBRANT, SO MUCH TO DO, I KNOW WHY THIS TOWN 9sxWa99dJV4-00041-00004541-00004547 >> THERE'S SO MUCH VIBRANT, SO MUCH TO DO, I KNOW WHY THIS TOWN 9sxWa99dJV4-00042-00004547-00004697 >> THERE'S SO MUCH VIBRANT, SO MUCH TO DO, I KNOW WHY THIS TOWN WAS RATED BEST AS MINNESOTA 9sxWa99dJV4-00043-00004697-00004704 MUCH TO DO, I KNOW WHY THIS TOWN WAS RATED BEST AS MINNESOTA 9sxWa99dJV4-00044-00004704-00004728 MUCH TO DO, I KNOW WHY THIS TOWN WAS RATED BEST AS MINNESOTA TOWN. 9sxWa99dJV4-00045-00004728-00004734 WAS RATED BEST AS MINNESOTA TOWN. 9sxWa99dJV4-00046-00004734-00004868 WAS RATED BEST AS MINNESOTA TOWN. >> BEMIDJI WAS CHOSEN AS BEST 9sxWa99dJV4-00047-00004868-00004874 TOWN. >> BEMIDJI WAS CHOSEN AS BEST 9sxWa99dJV4-00048-00004874-00005004 TOWN. >> BEMIDJI WAS CHOSEN AS BEST TOWN FOR MANY REASONS BUT ONE 9sxWa99dJV4-00049-00005004-00005011 >> BEMIDJI WAS CHOSEN AS BEST TOWN FOR MANY REASONS BUT ONE 9sxWa99dJV4-00050-00005011-00005138 >> BEMIDJI WAS CHOSEN AS BEST TOWN FOR MANY REASONS BUT ONE THAT STOOD OUT WAS THE WAY THE 9sxWa99dJV4-00051-00005138-00005145 TOWN FOR MANY REASONS BUT ONE THAT STOOD OUT WAS THE WAY THE 9sxWa99dJV4-00052-00005145-00005271 TOWN FOR MANY REASONS BUT ONE THAT STOOD OUT WAS THE WAY THE TOWN FACES CHALLENGES HEAD ON 9sxWa99dJV4-00053-00005271-00005278 THAT STOOD OUT WAS THE WAY THE TOWN FACES CHALLENGES HEAD ON 9sxWa99dJV4-00054-00005278-00005361 THAT STOOD OUT WAS THE WAY THE TOWN FACES CHALLENGES HEAD ON AND WORKS TOGETHER. 9sxWa99dJV4-00055-00005361-00005368 TOWN FACES CHALLENGES HEAD ON AND WORKS TOGETHER. 9sxWa99dJV4-00056-00005368-00005508 TOWN FACES CHALLENGES HEAD ON AND WORKS TOGETHER. >> SOME PEOPLE ASK ME HOW DOES 9sxWa99dJV4-00057-00005508-00005515 AND WORKS TOGETHER. >> SOME PEOPLE ASK ME HOW DOES 9sxWa99dJV4-00058-00005515-00005618 AND WORKS TOGETHER. >> SOME PEOPLE ASK ME HOW DOES BEMIDJI DO EVERYTHING THAT YOU 9sxWa99dJV4-00059-00005618-00005625 >> SOME PEOPLE ASK ME HOW DOES BEMIDJI DO EVERYTHING THAT YOU 9sxWa99dJV4-00060-00005625-00005658 >> SOME PEOPLE ASK ME HOW DOES BEMIDJI DO EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE DOING? 9sxWa99dJV4-00061-00005658-00005665 BEMIDJI DO EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE DOING? 9sxWa99dJV4-00062-00005665-00005822 BEMIDJI DO EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE DOING? AND I HONESTLY ONE OF THE WAYS 9sxWa99dJV4-00063-00005822-00005829 ARE DOING? AND I HONESTLY ONE OF THE WAYS 9sxWa99dJV4-00064-00005829-00006002 ARE DOING? AND I HONESTLY ONE OF THE WAYS WE DO IT IS THAT WE ALL GET 9sxWa99dJV4-00065-00006002-00006009 AND I HONESTLY ONE OF THE WAYS WE DO IT IS THAT WE ALL GET 9sxWa99dJV4-00066-00006009-00006106 AND I HONESTLY ONE OF THE WAYS WE DO IT IS THAT WE ALL GET TOGETHER AND WE WORK TOGETHER TO 9sxWa99dJV4-00067-00006106-00006112 WE DO IT IS THAT WE ALL GET TOGETHER AND WE WORK TOGETHER TO 9sxWa99dJV4-00068-00006112-00006209 WE DO IT IS THAT WE ALL GET TOGETHER AND WE WORK TOGETHER TO MAKE THINGS BETTER. 9sxWa99dJV4-00069-00006209-00006216 TOGETHER AND WE WORK TOGETHER TO MAKE THINGS BETTER. 9sxWa99dJV4-00070-00006216-00006413 TOGETHER AND WE WORK TOGETHER TO MAKE THINGS BETTER. >> BUT THROWING A PARTY THAT 9sxWa99dJV4-00071-00006413-00006419 MAKE THINGS BETTER. >> BUT THROWING A PARTY THAT 9sxWa99dJV4-00072-00006419-00006526 MAKE THINGS BETTER. >> BUT THROWING A PARTY THAT SHOWCASES WHY BEMIDJI IS THE 9sxWa99dJV4-00073-00006526-00006533 >> BUT THROWING A PARTY THAT SHOWCASES WHY BEMIDJI IS THE 9sxWa99dJV4-00074-00006533-00006689 >> BUT THROWING A PARTY THAT SHOWCASES WHY BEMIDJI IS THE BEST WAS CHALLENGING. 9sxWa99dJV4-00075-00006689-00006696 SHOWCASES WHY BEMIDJI IS THE BEST WAS CHALLENGING. 9sxWa99dJV4-00076-00006696-00006860 SHOWCASES WHY BEMIDJI IS THE BEST WAS CHALLENGING. AND ONE THE COMMUNITY WAS READY 9sxWa99dJV4-00077-00006860-00006866 BEST WAS CHALLENGING. AND ONE THE COMMUNITY WAS READY 9sxWa99dJV4-00078-00006866-00006996 BEST WAS CHALLENGING. AND ONE THE COMMUNITY WAS READY TO FACE HEAD ON. 9sxWa99dJV4-00079-00006996-00007003 AND ONE THE COMMUNITY WAS READY TO FACE HEAD ON. 9sxWa99dJV4-00080-00007003-00007170 AND ONE THE COMMUNITY WAS READY TO FACE HEAD ON. FROM FOOD VENDORS TO HOME BASED 9sxWa99dJV4-00081-00007170-00007177 TO FACE HEAD ON. FROM FOOD VENDORS TO HOME BASED 9sxWa99dJV4-00082-00007177-00007297 TO FACE HEAD ON. FROM FOOD VENDORS TO HOME BASED PRODUCTS TO NATURAL RESOURCES 9sxWa99dJV4-00083-00007297-00007303 FROM FOOD VENDORS TO HOME BASED PRODUCTS TO NATURAL RESOURCES 9sxWa99dJV4-00084-00007303-00007437 FROM FOOD VENDORS TO HOME BASED PRODUCTS TO NATURAL RESOURCES THE BEST TOWN PARTY FEATURES 9sxWa99dJV4-00085-00007437-00007444 PRODUCTS TO NATURAL RESOURCES THE BEST TOWN PARTY FEATURES 9sxWa99dJV4-00086-00007444-00007757 PRODUCTS TO NATURAL RESOURCES THE BEST TOWN PARTY FEATURES EVERYTHING THAT MAKES BEMIDJI 9sxWa99dJV4-00087-00007757-00007764 THE BEST TOWN PARTY FEATURES EVERYTHING THAT MAKES BEMIDJI 9sxWa99dJV4-00088-00007764-00007814 THE BEST TOWN PARTY FEATURES EVERYTHING THAT MAKES BEMIDJI NUMBER ONE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00089-00007814-00007821 EVERYTHING THAT MAKES BEMIDJI NUMBER ONE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00090-00007821-00007977 EVERYTHING THAT MAKES BEMIDJI NUMBER ONE. THEY SUBMITTED THE APPLICATION 9sxWa99dJV4-00091-00007977-00007984 NUMBER ONE. THEY SUBMITTED THE APPLICATION 9sxWa99dJV4-00092-00007984-00008258 NUMBER ONE. THEY SUBMITTED THE APPLICATION FOR THE HONOR IN 2017 AND HAS 9sxWa99dJV4-00093-00008258-00008264 THEY SUBMITTED THE APPLICATION FOR THE HONOR IN 2017 AND HAS 9sxWa99dJV4-00094-00008264-00008438 THEY SUBMITTED THE APPLICATION FOR THE HONOR IN 2017 AND HAS COME FULL CIRCLE BY THROWING A 9sxWa99dJV4-00095-00008438-00008445 FOR THE HONOR IN 2017 AND HAS COME FULL CIRCLE BY THROWING A 9sxWa99dJV4-00096-00008445-00008545 FOR THE HONOR IN 2017 AND HAS COME FULL CIRCLE BY THROWING A PARTY THAT WAS A COMMUNITY 9sxWa99dJV4-00097-00008545-00008551 COME FULL CIRCLE BY THROWING A PARTY THAT WAS A COMMUNITY 9sxWa99dJV4-00098-00008551-00008578 COME FULL CIRCLE BY THROWING A PARTY THAT WAS A COMMUNITY EFFORT. 9sxWa99dJV4-00099-00008578-00008585 PARTY THAT WAS A COMMUNITY EFFORT. 9sxWa99dJV4-00100-00008585-00008802 PARTY THAT WAS A COMMUNITY EFFORT. >> IT IS THE PEOPLE THAT IS THE 9sxWa99dJV4-00101-00008802-00008808 EFFORT. >> IT IS THE PEOPLE THAT IS THE 9sxWa99dJV4-00102-00008808-00008915 EFFORT. >> IT IS THE PEOPLE THAT IS THE FIBER AND AS I TALK WITH 9sxWa99dJV4-00103-00008915-00008922 >> IT IS THE PEOPLE THAT IS THE FIBER AND AS I TALK WITH 9sxWa99dJV4-00104-00008922-00009035 >> IT IS THE PEOPLE THAT IS THE FIBER AND AS I TALK WITH DIFFERENT PEOPLE, MOST OF THEM 9sxWa99dJV4-00105-00009035-00009042 FIBER AND AS I TALK WITH DIFFERENT PEOPLE, MOST OF THEM 9sxWa99dJV4-00106-00009042-00009115 FIBER AND AS I TALK WITH DIFFERENT PEOPLE, MOST OF THEM SAID IT IS THE PEOPLE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00107-00009115-00009122 DIFFERENT PEOPLE, MOST OF THEM SAID IT IS THE PEOPLE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00108-00009122-00009235 DIFFERENT PEOPLE, MOST OF THEM SAID IT IS THE PEOPLE. IT'S THE PEOPLE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00109-00009235-00009242 SAID IT IS THE PEOPLE. IT'S THE PEOPLE. 9sxWa99dJV4-00110-00009242-00009365 SAID IT IS THE PEOPLE. IT'S THE PEOPLE. >> NOW THAT BEMIDJI HAS THE 9sxWa99dJV4-00111-00009365-00009372 IT'S THE PEOPLE. >> NOW THAT BEMIDJI HAS THE 9sxWa99dJV4-00112-00009372-00009582 IT'S THE PEOPLE. >> NOW THAT BEMIDJI HAS THE TITLE, THE KEY IS TO LIVE UP TO 9sxWa99dJV4-00113-00009582-00009589 >> NOW THAT BEMIDJI HAS THE TITLE, THE KEY IS TO LIVE UP TO 9sxWa99dJV4-00114-00009589-00009723 >> NOW THAT BEMIDJI HAS THE TITLE, THE KEY IS TO LIVE UP TO THE NAME, WHICH IS A CHALLENGE 9sxWa99dJV4-00115-00009723-00009729 TITLE, THE KEY IS TO LIVE UP TO THE NAME, WHICH IS A CHALLENGE 9sxWa99dJV4-00116-00009729-00009859 TITLE, THE KEY IS TO LIVE UP TO THE NAME, WHICH IS A CHALLENGE THE CITY IS READY TO TAKE ON. 9sxWa99dJV4-00117-00009859-00009866 THE NAME, WHICH IS A CHALLENGE THE CITY IS READY TO TAKE ON. 9sxWa99dJV4-00118-00009866-00010019 THE NAME, WHICH IS A CHALLENGE THE CITY IS READY TO TAKE ON. >> WE WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN THIS 9sxWa99dJV4-00119-00010019-00010026 THE CITY IS READY TO TAKE ON. >> WE WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN THIS 9sxWa99dJV4-00120-00010026-00010153 THE CITY IS READY TO TAKE ON. >> WE WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN THIS AWARD IF IT WASN'T FOR REALLY A 9sxWa99dJV4-00121-00010153-00010160 >> WE WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN THIS AWARD IF IT WASN'T FOR REALLY A 9sxWa99dJV4-00122-00010160-00010346 >> WE WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN THIS AWARD IF IT WASN'T FOR REALLY A LOT OF PEOPLE COMING TOGETHER TO 9sxWa99dJV4-00123-00010346-00010353 AWARD IF IT WASN'T FOR REALLY A LOT OF PEOPLE COMING TOGETHER TO 9sxWa99dJV4-00124-00010353-00010490 AWARD IF IT WASN'T FOR REALLY A LOT OF PEOPLE COMING TOGETHER TO CELEBRATE WHAT MAKES BEMIDJI 9sxWa99dJV4-00125-00010490-00010497 LOT OF PEOPLE COMING TOGETHER TO CELEBRATE WHAT MAKES BEMIDJI 9sxWa99dJV4-00126-00010497-00010523 LOT OF PEOPLE COMING TOGETHER TO CELEBRATE WHAT MAKES BEMIDJI GREAT. 9sxWa99dJV4-00127-00010523-00010530 CELEBRATE WHAT MAKES BEMIDJI GREAT. 9sxWa99dJV4-00128-00010530-00010660 CELEBRATE WHAT MAKES BEMIDJI GREAT. >> WITH BEMIDJI BEING NAMED 9sxWa99dJV4-00129-00010660-00010667 GREAT. >> WITH BEMIDJI BEING NAMED 9sxWa99dJV4-00130-00010667-00010824 GREAT. >> WITH BEMIDJI BEING NAMED MINNESOTA MONTHLY'S INAUGURAL 9sxWa99dJV4-00131-00010824-00010830 >> WITH BEMIDJI BEING NAMED MINNESOTA MONTHLY'S INAUGURAL 9sxWa99dJV4-00132-00010830-00011081 >> WITH BEMIDJI BEING NAMED MINNESOTA MONTHLY'S INAUGURAL BEST TOWN, THE BAR HAS BEEN SET 9sxWa99dJV4-00133-00011081-00011087 MINNESOTA MONTHLY'S INAUGURAL BEST TOWN, THE BAR HAS BEEN SET 9sxWa99dJV4-00134-00011087-00011211 MINNESOTA MONTHLY'S INAUGURAL BEST TOWN, THE BAR HAS BEEN SET HIGH FOR WHICHEVER TOWN FOLLOWS 9sxWa99dJV4-00135-00011211-00011217 BEST TOWN, THE BAR HAS BEEN SET HIGH FOR WHICHEVER TOWN FOLLOWS 9sxWa99dJV4-00136-00011217-00011384 BEST TOWN, THE BAR HAS BEEN SET HIGH FOR WHICHEVER TOWN FOLLOWS IN BEMIDJI'S FOOTSTEPS. 9sxWa99dJV4-00137-00011384-00011391 HIGH FOR WHICHEVER TOWN FOLLOWS IN BEMIDJI'S FOOTSTEPS. 9sxWa99dJV4-00138-00011391-00011618 HIGH FOR WHICHEVER TOWN FOLLOWS IN BEMIDJI'S FOOTSTEPS. REPORTING FROM THE BEST TOWN IN 9sxWa99dJV4-00139-00011618-00011624 IN BEMIDJI'S FOOTSTEPS. REPORTING FROM THE BEST TOWN IN 9sxWa99dJV4-00140-00011624-00011735 IN BEMIDJI'S FOOTSTEPS. REPORTING FROM THE BEST TOWN IN MINNESOTA, IN BEMIDJI, JOSH 9sxWa99dJV4-00141-00011735-00011741 REPORTING FROM THE BEST TOWN IN MINNESOTA, IN BEMIDJI, JOSH 9sxWa99dJV4-00142-00011741-00011921 REPORTING FROM THE BEST TOWN IN MINNESOTA, IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. 9sxWa99dJV4-00143-00011921-00011928 MINNESOTA, IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. 9sxWa99dJV4-00144-00011928-00012132 MINNESOTA, IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> OVER 42 VENDORS TOOK PART IN 9sxWa99dJV4-00145-00012132-00012138 PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> OVER 42 VENDORS TOOK PART IN 9sxWa99dJV4-00146-00012138-00012238 PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> OVER 42 VENDORS TOOK PART IN THE CELEBRATION. 9sxWa99dJV4-00147-00012238-00012245 >> OVER 42 VENDORS TOOK PART IN THE CELEBRATION. 9sxWa99dJV4-00148-00012245-00012625 >> OVER 42 VENDORS TOOK PART IN THE CELEBRATION. AND AS PART OF THE FESTIVITIES, 9sxWa99dJV4-00149-00012625-00012632 THE CELEBRATION. AND AS PART OF THE FESTIVITIES, 9sxWa99dJV4-00150-00012632-00012836 THE CELEBRATION. AND AS PART OF THE FESTIVITIES, BEMIDJI MAYOR ALBRIGHT READ A 9z4Bveo4D1M-00000-00000834-00001459 Let's take a look at some multiple forms that we can use. So in this case, we can 9z4Bveo4D1M-00001-00001459-00002238 look at the year, for example. Here we have something that's... like a 9z4Bveo4D1M-00002-00002238-00002917 famous book that doesn't really have a very clear, maybe publication, one-time 9z4Bveo4D1M-00003-00002917-00003292 publication. Most books, most journals are going to be very clear. They come out 9z4Bveo4D1M-00004-00003292-00003604 once. What about if you have something like the Bible? What are you going to do 9z4Bveo4D1M-00005-00003604-00004107 with that? Well, in that case, you're going to do what you can to help the reader 9z4Bveo4D1M-00006-00004107-00004525 see which one are you using, because it could be different ones, different 9z4Bveo4D1M-00007-00004525-00005143 versions. So that's this idea of version. So here, we write the title the Bible, 9z4Bveo4D1M-00008-00005143-00005707 but it doesn't have one author, does it? It's the authorized King James Version. 9z4Bveo4D1M-00009-00005707-00006385 So here we write out the version: Oxford University Press, 1998. So if I'm 9z4Bveo4D1M-00010-00006385-00006772 going to go look for this... if I'm going to try to find this Bible that you're 9z4Bveo4D1M-00011-00006772-00007381 citing, then I know to go to Oxford University Press, 1998, and it's the King 9z4Bveo4D1M-00012-00007381-00008002 James Version. What about different Edition? Because books have different 9z4Bveo4D1M-00013-00008002-00008383 editions, and those editions can be different. Not always radically different, 9z4Bveo4D1M-00014-00008383-00009001 but... somewhat different. So here is the author's name Cheyfitz, Eric, 9z4Bveo4D1M-00015-00009001-00009538 last name, first, first name, last. The Poetics of Imperialism. Translation and 9z4Bveo4D1M-00016-00009538-00009993 Colonization from the Tempest to Tarzan. So this is the book name. How do we know 9z4Bveo4D1M-00017-00009993-00010632 it's a book name? Because it's italicized. Now then, we have the period here at the end, 9z4Bveo4D1M-00018-00010632-00011242 but then we're going to explain what is this version. This is the expanded 9z4Bveo4D1M-00019-00011242-00011793 edition. How do we know it's the expanded edition? Because on the book cover, 9z4Bveo4D1M-00020-00011793-00012411 on the inside page, the copyright page, it says the name. This is the Poetics of 9z4Bveo4D1M-00021-00012411-00013137 Imperialism, Translation and Colonization from The Tempest to Tarzan, Expanded 9z4Bveo4D1M-00022-00013137-00013695 edition. It says that somewhere, Expanded edition, right there. It's published from University 9z4Bveo4D1M-00023-00013695-00014212 of Pennsylvania, P, which means publisher...... I think in this case 9z4Bveo4D1M-00024-00014212-00015043 it's publisher, University of Pennsylvania, publisher, 1997. Miller, Casey and Kate Swift, last 9z4Bveo4D1M-00025-00015043-00015493 name, first, first name, last, and then first name, first, last name, last. Two 9z4Bveo4D1M-00026-00015493-00016144 authors. Words and women, so this must be the books name Updated edition. So here we 9z4Bveo4D1M-00027-00016144-00017170 have the period and then updated edition. Harper Collins publishers, 1991. Newcomb, 9z4Bveo4D1M-00028-00017170-00017873 Horace, last name, first, first name, last. He's the editor, and the name of the book is 9z4Bveo4D1M-00029-00017873-00018559 Television: The Critical View. 7th edition. This is the Edition. So here, he's 9z4Bveo4D1M-00030-00018559-00019108 the editor, which means that this book probably has many chapters, but we're not 9z4Bveo4D1M-00031-00019108-00019633 citing any chapters. We're talking about the book overall. We're just going to 9z4Bveo4D1M-00032-00019633-00020110 cite this overall book, so we just go ahead and list the editor first, and 9z4Bveo4D1M-00033-00020110-00020701 it's the one editor, not editors, because there's only one, and it's from Oxford 9z4Bveo4D1M-00034-00020701-00021135 press the 7th edition. This is like those classics books, like the Bible we were 9z4Bveo4D1M-00035-00021135-00021448 just talking about. Only here, we know it's William Shakespeare, so Shakespeare 9z4Bveo4D1M-00036-00021448-00022144 last name, first, first name, last. The tragedy of Othello. So this is the name 9z4Bveo4D1M-00037-00022144-00022779 of the play in this case, and it's in a book. So it's edited by Barbara Mowat and Paul 9z4Bveo4D1M-00038-00022779-00023593 Werstine, and the version is 1.3.1, So that's a very specific version. Luminary 9z4Bveo4D1M-00039-00023593-00024238 Digital Media, 2013. So that's a nice little example of a very specific 9z4Bveo4D1M-00040-00024238-00024698 version number. Software, for example, very often 9z4Bveo4D1M-00041-00024698-00025167 has a version number. If you were to cite software, you would want to have the 9z4Bveo4D1M-00042-00025167-00025337 version number, just like that. 9zgqysk8-H4-00000-00000984-00001936 Dan Brown From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 9zgqysk8-H4-00001-00001936-00002641 Daniel "Dan" Brown (born June 22, 1964) is an American author of thriller fiction who 9zgqysk8-H4-00002-00002641-00003186 is best known for the 2003 bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code. 9zgqysk8-H4-00003-00003186-00003779 Brown's novels are treasure hunts set in a 24-hour period, and feature the recurring 9zgqysk8-H4-00004-00003779-00004400 themes of cryptography, keys, symbols, codes, and conspiracy theories. 9zgqysk8-H4-00005-00004400-00005119 His books have been translated into 52 languages, and as of 2012, sold over 200 million copies. 9zgqysk8-H4-00006-00005119-00005839 Two of them, The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons, have been adapted into films. 9zgqysk8-H4-00007-00005839-00006237 Brown's novels that feature the lead character Robert Langdon also include historical themes 9zgqysk8-H4-00008-00006237-00006875 and Christianity as motifs, and as a result, have generated controversy. 9zgqysk8-H4-00009-00006875-00007288 Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a 9zgqysk8-H4-00010-00007288-00007781 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply 9zgqysk8-H4-00011-00007781-00008383 "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the 9zgqysk8-H4-00013-00012761-00013274 Dan Brown was born and raised in Exeter, New Hampshire, United States, the eldest of three 9zgqysk8-H4-00014-00013274-00013451 children. 9zgqysk8-H4-00015-00013451-00014070 He grew up on the campus of Phillips Exeter Academy, where his father, Richard G. Brown, 9zgqysk8-H4-00016-00014070-00015226 was a teacher of mathematics and wrote textbooks from 1968 until his retirement in 1997.Brown's 9zgqysk8-H4-00017-00015226-00015757 parents are singers and musicians, having served as church choir masters, with his mother, 9zgqysk8-H4-00018-00015757-00016820 Constance "Connie", also serving as church organist.[4][5] Brown was raised an Episcopalian, 9zgqysk8-H4-00019-00016820-00017690 but has stated he had drifted away from Christianity before finding a renewed interest in religion. 9zgqysk8-H4-00020-00017690-00018098 Brown's interest in secrets and puzzles stems from their presence in his household as a 9zgqysk8-H4-00021-00018098-00018587 child, where codes and ciphers were the linchpin tying together the mathematics, music and 9zgqysk8-H4-00022-00018587-00018932 languages in which his parents worked. 9zgqysk8-H4-00023-00018932-00019431 The young Brown spent hours working out anagrams and crossword puzzles, and he and his siblings 9zgqysk8-H4-00024-00019431-00020040 participated in elaborate treasure hunts devised by their father on birthdays and holidays. 9zgqysk8-H4-00025-00020040-00020587 On Christmas, for example, Brown and his siblings did not find gifts under the tree, but followed 9zgqysk8-H4-00026-00020587-00020994 a treasure map with codes and clues throughout their house and even around town to find the 9zgqysk8-H4-00027-00020994-00021710 gifts.[7] Brown's relationship with his father inspired that of Sophie Neveu and Jacques 9zgqysk8-H4-00028-00021710-00022191 Sauniere in The Da Vinci Code, and Chapter 23 of that novel was inspired by one of his 9zgqysk8-H4-00029-00022191-00022606 childhood treasure hunts. 9zgqysk8-H4-00030-00022606-00023098 After graduating from Phillips Exeter, Brown attended Amherst College, where he was a member 9zgqysk8-H4-00031-00023098-00023393 of Psi Upsilon fraternity. 9zgqysk8-H4-00032-00023393-00023862 He played squash, sang in the Amherst Glee Club, and was a writing student of visiting 9zgqysk8-H4-00033-00023862-00024154 novelist Alan Lelchuk. 9zgqysk8-H4-00034-00024154-00024673 Brown spent the 1985 school year abroad in Seville, Spain, where he was enrolled in an 9zgqysk8-H4-00035-00024673-00025201 art history course at the University of Seville. 9zgqysk8-H4-00036-00025201-00025968 Brown graduated from Amherst in 1986. 9zgqysk8-H4-00037-00025968-00026081 Songwriter and pop singer 9zgqysk8-H4-00038-00026081-00026606 After graduating from Amherst, Brown dabbled with a musical career, creating effects with 9zgqysk8-H4-00039-00026606-00027152 a synthesizer, and self-producing a children's cassette entitled SynthAnimals, which included 9zgqysk8-H4-00040-00027152-00027988 a collection of tracks such as "Happy Frogs" and "Suzuki Elephants"; it sold a few hundred 9zgqysk8-H4-00041-00027988-00028145 copies. 9zgqysk8-H4-00042-00028145-00028708 He then formed his own record company called Dalliance, and in 1990 self-published a CD 9zgqysk8-H4-00043-00028708-00029368 entitled Perspective, targeted to the adult market, which also sold a few hundred copies. 9zgqysk8-H4-00044-00029368-00030033 In 1991 he moved to Hollywood to pursue a career as singer-songwriter and pianist. 9zgqysk8-H4-00045-00030033-00030581 To support himself, he taught classes at Beverly Hills Preparatory School. 9zgqysk8-H4-00046-00030581-00031252 He also joined the National Academy of Songwriters, and participated in many of its events. 9zgqysk8-H4-00047-00031252-00031714 It was there that he met Blythe Newlon, a woman 12 years his senior, who was the Academy's 9zgqysk8-H4-00048-00031714-00032016 Director of Artist Development. 9zgqysk8-H4-00049-00032016-00032454 Though it was not officially part of her job, she took on the seemingly unusual task of 9zgqysk8-H4-00050-00032454-00033090 helping to promote Brown's projects; she wrote press releases, set up promotional events, 9zgqysk8-H4-00051-00033090-00033547 and put him in contact with people who could be helpful to his career. 9zgqysk8-H4-00052-00033547-00034006 She and Brown also developed a personal relationship, though this was not known to all of their 9zgqysk8-H4-00053-00034006-00034593 associates until 1993, when Brown moved back to New Hampshire, and it was learned that 9zgqysk8-H4-00054-00034593-00034847 Newlon would accompany him. 9zgqysk8-H4-00055-00034847-00035649 They married in 1997, at Pea Porridge Pond, near Conway, New Hampshire.[11] 9zgqysk8-H4-00056-00035649-00036574 In 1993 Brown released the CD Dan Brown, which included songs such as "976-Love" and "If 9zgqysk8-H4-00057-00036574-00036797 You Believe in Love." 9zgqysk8-H4-00058-00036797-00037349 In 1994 Brown released a CD titled Angels & Demons. 9zgqysk8-H4-00059-00037349-00037790 Its artwork was the same ambigram by artist John Langdon which he later used for the novel 9zgqysk8-H4-00060-00037790-00038033 Angels & Demons. 9zgqysk8-H4-00061-00038033-00038557 The liner notes also again credited his wife for her involvement, thanking her "for being 9zgqysk8-H4-00062-00038557-00039287 my tireless cowriter, coproducer, second engineer, significant other, and therapist." 9zgqysk8-H4-00063-00039287-00040156 The CD included songs such as "Here in These Fields" and the religious ballad "All I Believe."[12] 9zgqysk8-H4-00064-00040156-00040760 Brown and his wife moved to his home town in New Hampshire in 1993. 9zgqysk8-H4-00065-00040760-00041247 Brown became an English teacher at his alma mater Phillips Exeter, and gave Spanish classes 9zgqysk8-H4-00066-00041247-00041971 to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at Lincoln Akerman School, a small school for K–8th grade with 9zgqysk8-H4-00067-00041971-00042605 about 250 students, in Hampton Falls.[13] 9zgqysk8-H4-00068-00042605-00042705 Writing career 9zgqysk8-H4-00069-00042705-00043466 While on vacation in Tahiti in 1993,[7] Brown read Sidney Sheldon's novel The Doomsday Conspiracy, 9zgqysk8-H4-00070-00043466-00044486 and was inspired to become a writer of thrillers.[7][14][15] He started work on Digital Fortress, setting 9zgqysk8-H4-00071-00044486-00044993 much of it in Seville, where he had studied in 1985. 9zgqysk8-H4-00072-00044993-00045613 He also co-wrote a humor book with his wife, 187 Men to Avoid: A Survival Guide for the 9zgqysk8-H4-00073-00045613-00046172 Romantically Frustrated Woman, under the pseudonym "Danielle Brown." 9zgqysk8-H4-00074-00046172-00046750 The book's author profile reads, "Danielle Brown currently lives in New England: teaching 9zgqysk8-H4-00075-00046750-00047130 school, writing books, and avoiding men." 9zgqysk8-H4-00076-00047130-00047466 The copyright is attributed to Dan Brown. 9zgqysk8-H4-00077-00047466-00047990 In 1996 Brown quit teaching to become a full-time writer. 9zgqysk8-H4-00078-00047990-00048441 Digital Fortress was published in 1998. 9zgqysk8-H4-00079-00048441-00049006 His wife, Blythe, did much of the book's promotion, writing press releases, booking Brown on talk 9zgqysk8-H4-00080-00049006-00049336 shows, and setting up press interviews. 9zgqysk8-H4-00081-00049336-00049913 A few months later, Brown and his wife released The Bald Book, another humor book. 9zgqysk8-H4-00082-00049913-00050330 It was officially credited to his wife, though a representative of the publisher said that 9zgqysk8-H4-00083-00050330-00050666 it was primarily written by Brown. 9zgqysk8-H4-00084-00050666-00051319 Brown subsequently wrote Angels & Demons and Deception Point, released in 2000 and 2001 9zgqysk8-H4-00085-00051319-00051755 respectively, the former of which was the first to feature the lead character, Harvard 9zgqysk8-H4-00086-00051755-00052080 symbology expert Robert Langdon. 9zgqysk8-H4-00087-00052080-00052541 Brown's first three novels had little success, with fewer than 10,000 copies in each of their 9zgqysk8-H4-00088-00052541-00052772 first printings. 9zgqysk8-H4-00089-00052772-00053205 His fourth novel, The Da Vinci Code, became a bestseller, going to the top of the New 9zgqysk8-H4-00090-00053205-00053792 York Times Best Seller list during its first week of release in 2003. 9zgqysk8-H4-00091-00053792-00054253 It is now credited with being one of the most popular books of all time, with 81 million 9zgqysk8-H4-00092-00054253-00054757 copies sold worldwide as of 2009. 9zgqysk8-H4-00093-00054757-00055341 Its success has helped push sales of Brown's earlier books. 9zgqysk8-H4-00094-00055341-00056046 In 2004 all four of his novels were on the New York Times list in the same week,[18] 9zgqysk8-H4-00095-00056046-00056741 and in 2005 he made Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people of the year. 9zgqysk8-H4-00096-00056741-00057604 Forbes magazine placed Brown at No. 12 on their 2005 "Celebrity 100" list, and estimated 9zgqysk8-H4-00097-00057604-00058195 his annual income at US$76.5 million. 9zgqysk8-H4-00098-00058195-00058834 The Times estimated his income from Da Vinci Code sales as $250 million. 9zgqysk8-H4-00099-00058834-00059279 Brown's third novel featuring Robert Langdon, The Lost Symbol, was released on September 9zgqysk8-H4-00100-00059279-00060096 15, 2009.[19] According to the publisher, on its first day the book sold over one million 9zgqysk8-H4-00101-00060096-00060558 in hardcover and e-book versions in the US, the UK and Canada, prompting the printing 9zgqysk8-H4-00102-00060558-00061321 of 600,000 hardcover copies in addition to the five million first printing.[20] The story 9zgqysk8-H4-00103-00061321-00062213 takes place in Washington D.C. over a period of 12 hours, and features the Freemasons. 9zgqysk8-H4-00104-00062213-00062590 Brown's promotional website states that puzzles hidden in the book jacket of The Da Vinci 9zgqysk8-H4-00105-00062590-00063134 Code, including two references to the Kryptos sculpture at CIA Headquarters in Langley, 9zgqysk8-H4-00106-00063134-00063397 Virginia, give hints about the sequel. 9zgqysk8-H4-00107-00063397-00064020 This repeats a theme from some of Brown's earlier work. 9zgqysk8-H4-00108-00064020-00064423 Brown's fourth novel featuring Robert Langdon, Inferno is a mystery thriller novel released 9zgqysk8-H4-00109-00064423-00065310 on May 14, 2013, by Doubleday.[21] It immediately became a bestseller. 9zgqysk8-H4-00110-00065310-00066136 In a 2006 interview, Brown has stated that he had ideas for about 12 future books featuring 9zgqysk8-H4-00111-00066136-00066560 Robert Langdon. 9zgqysk8-H4-00112-00066560-00067001 Characters in Brown's books are often named after real people in his life. 9zgqysk8-H4-00113-00067001-00067431 Robert Langdon is named after John Langdon, the artist who created the ambigrams used 9zgqysk8-H4-00114-00067431-00067800 for the Angels & Demons CD and novel. 9zgqysk8-H4-00115-00067800-00068371 Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca is named after "On A Claire Day" cartoonist friend Carla 9zgqysk8-H4-00116-00068371-00068567 Ventresca. 9zgqysk8-H4-00117-00068567-00069012 In the Vatican Archives, Langdon recalls a wedding of two people named Dick and Connie, 9zgqysk8-H4-00118-00069012-00069306 which are the names of his parents. 9zgqysk8-H4-00119-00069306-00069957 Robert Langdon's editor Jonas Faukman is named after Brown's real life editor Jason Kaufman. 9zgqysk8-H4-00120-00069957-00070393 Brown also said that characters were based on a New Hampshire librarian, and a French 9zgqysk8-H4-00121-00070393-00070733 teacher at Exeter, Andre Vernet. 9zgqysk8-H4-00122-00070733-00071236 Cardinal Aldo Baggia, in Angels & Demons, is named after Aldo Baggia, instructor of 9zgqysk8-H4-00123-00071236-00071787 modern languages at Phillips Exeter Academy. 9zgqysk8-H4-00124-00071787-00072317 In interviews, Brown has said that his wife is an art historian and painter. 9zgqysk8-H4-00125-00072317-00072814 When they met, she was the Director of Artistic Development at the National Academy for Songwriters 9zgqysk8-H4-00126-00072814-00073074 in Los Angeles. 9zgqysk8-H4-00127-00073074-00073606 During the 2006 lawsuit over alleged copyright infringement in The Da Vinci Code, information 9zgqysk8-H4-00128-00073606-00074123 was introduced at trial that showed that Blythe did research for the book. 9zgqysk8-H4-00129-00074123-00075007 In one article, she was described as "chief researcher." 9zgqysk8-H4-00130-00075007-00075107 Influences and habits 9zgqysk8-H4-00131-00075107-00075563 In addition to Sidney Sheldon, Dan Brown has been quite vocal about a number of other literary 9zgqysk8-H4-00132-00075563-00075916 influences who have inspired his writing. 9zgqysk8-H4-00133-00075916-00076604 He has named his six favorite literary works as Gödel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter, 9zgqysk8-H4-00134-00076604-00077092 Codes Ciphers & Other Cryptic & Clandestine Communication by Fred Wrixon, Of Mice and 9zgqysk8-H4-00135-00077092-00077670 Men by John Steinbeck, Wordplay: Ambigrams and Reflections on the Art of Ambigrams by 9zgqysk8-H4-00136-00077670-00078304 John Langdon, Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and The Puzzle Palace by James Bamford. 9zgqysk8-H4-00137-00078304-00078813 Commenting on Much Ado About Nothing, Browns says, "I didn't understand how funny this 9zgqysk8-H4-00138-00078813-00079272 play Much Ado About Nothing truly was until I became an English teacher and had to teach 9zgqysk8-H4-00139-00079272-00079414 it. 9zgqysk8-H4-00140-00079414-00079721 There is no wittier dialogue anywhere." 9zgqysk8-H4-00141-00079721-00080316 Speaking of Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Trilogy, he states, "Ludlum's early books are complex, 9zgqysk8-H4-00142-00080316-00080710 smart, and yet still move at a lightning pace. 9zgqysk8-H4-00143-00080710-00081611 This series got me interested in the genre of big-concept, international thrillers."[27][28] 9zgqysk8-H4-00144-00081611-00082081 His other favorite books include Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, Plum Island by Nelson 9zgqysk8-H4-00145-00082081-00082788 DeMille and The Elements of Style by Strunk and White.[28] Recurring elements that Brown 9zgqysk8-H4-00146-00082788-00083220 prefers to incorporate into his novels include a simple hero pulled out of their familiar 9zgqysk8-H4-00147-00083220-00083707 setting and thrust into a new one with which they are unfamiliar, strong female characters, 9zgqysk8-H4-00148-00083707-00084526 travel to interesting locations, and a 24-hour time frame in which the story takes place. 9zgqysk8-H4-00149-00084526-00084956 Because of the research-intensive nature of his novels, Brown can spend up to two years 9zgqysk8-H4-00150-00084956-00085151 writing them. 9zgqysk8-H4-00151-00085151-00085610 To remain focused on such projects, Brown ensures that when he chooses a theme for the 9zgqysk8-H4-00152-00085610-00086229 novel (what he refers to as the "big idea"), and its subject, that they be those that can 9zgqysk8-H4-00153-00086229-00086365 hold his interest. 9zgqysk8-H4-00154-00086365-00086877 In Brown's view, the ideal topic does not have an easily defined right or wrong view, 9zgqysk8-H4-00155-00086877-00087342 but presents a moral grey area that can lend itself to debate. 9zgqysk8-H4-00156-00087342-00087910 Because his favorite subjects include codes, puzzles, treasure hunts, secretive organizations 9zgqysk8-H4-00157-00087910-00088542 and academic lectures on obscure topics, he tends to incorporate those into his novels. 9zgqysk8-H4-00158-00088542-00089054 Because Brown considers writing to be a discipline that requires constant practice, he has developed 9zgqysk8-H4-00159-00089054-00089361 a routine to maintain his abilities. 9zgqysk8-H4-00160-00089361-00089982 He wakes up at 4:00 am when there are no distractions (a practice he began with Digital Fortress 9zgqysk8-H4-00161-00089982-00090438 when he had two daytime teaching jobs) and when he feels most productive, in order to 9zgqysk8-H4-00162-00090438-00090880 give symbolic importance to the first order of business each day. 9zgqysk8-H4-00163-00090880-00091342 He keeps an antique hourglass on his desk, so that he can stop briefly every hour to 9zgqysk8-H4-00164-00091342-00092105 do push-ups, sit-ups and stretching exercises to keep his blood flowing.[29] Brown does 9zgqysk8-H4-00165-00092105-00092364 his writing in his loft. 9zgqysk8-H4-00166-00092364-00092928 He has also told fans that he uses inversion therapy to help with writer's block. 9zgqysk8-H4-00167-00092928-00093493 He uses gravity boots and says, "hanging upside down seems to help me solve plot challenges 9zgqysk8-H4-00168-00093493-00093983 by shifting my entire perspective." 9zgqysk8-H4-00169-00093983-00094083 Film adaptations 9zgqysk8-H4-00170-00094083-00094645 In 2006 Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code was released as a film by Columbia Pictures, with 9zgqysk8-H4-00171-00094645-00095159 director Ron Howard; the film starred Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon, Audrey Tautou as 9zgqysk8-H4-00172-00095159-00095544 Sophie Neveu and Sir Ian McKellen as Sir Leigh Teabing. 9zgqysk8-H4-00173-00095544-00096104 It was much anticipated and served to launch the 2006 Cannes Film Festival, though it received 9zgqysk8-H4-00174-00096104-00096350 overall poor reviews. 9zgqysk8-H4-00175-00096350-00096926 It currently has a 24% rating at the film review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, 9zgqysk8-H4-00176-00096926-00097641 derived from 165 negative reviews of the 214 counted. 9zgqysk8-H4-00177-00097641-00098383 It was later listed as one of the worst films of 2006 on Ebert & Roeper,[32] but also the 9zgqysk8-H4-00178-00098383-00099239 second highest grossing film of the year, pulling in $750 million USD worldwide. 9zgqysk8-H4-00179-00099239-00099738 Brown was listed as one of the executive producers of the film The Da Vinci Code, and also created 9zgqysk8-H4-00180-00099738-00100016 additional codes for the film. 9zgqysk8-H4-00181-00100016-00100700 One of his songs, "Phiano," which Brown wrote and performed, was listed as part of the film's 9zgqysk8-H4-00182-00100700-00100809 soundtrack. 9zgqysk8-H4-00183-00100809-00101226 In the film, Brown and his wife can be seen in the background of one of the early book 9zgqysk8-H4-00184-00101226-00101432 signing scenes. 9zgqysk8-H4-00185-00101432-00102161 The next film, Angels & Demons, was released on May 15, 2009, with Howard and Hanks returning. 9zgqysk8-H4-00186-00102161-00102709 It, too, garnered mostly negative reviews, though critics were kinder to it than to its 9zgqysk8-H4-00187-00102709-00102911 predecessor. 9zgqysk8-H4-00188-00102911-00103911 As of July 2013, it has a 37% meta-rating at Rotten Tomatoes. 9zgqysk8-H4-00189-00103911-00104702 Filmmakers expressed interest in adapting The Lost Symbol into a film as well.[35][36] 9zgqysk8-H4-00190-00104702-00105740 The screenplay is being written by Danny Strong, with pre-production expected to begin in 2013. 9zgqysk8-H4-00191-00105740-00105882 Copyright infringement cases 9zgqysk8-H4-00192-00105882-00106499 In August 2005 author Lewis Perdue unsuccessfully sued Brown for plagiarism, on the basis of 9zgqysk8-H4-00193-00106499-00107088 claimed similarity between The Da Vinci Code and his novels, The Da Vinci Legacy (1983) 9zgqysk8-H4-00194-00107088-00107434 and Daughter of God (2000). 9zgqysk8-H4-00195-00107434-00108017 Judge George Daniels said, in part: "A reasonable average lay observer would not conclude that 9zgqysk8-H4-00196-00108017-00108598 The Da Vinci Code is substantially similar to Daughter of God." 9zgqysk8-H4-00197-00108598-00109175 In April 2006 Brown's publisher, Random House, won a copyright infringement case brought 9zgqysk8-H4-00198-00109175-00109633 by authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, who claimed that Brown stole ideas from their 9zgqysk8-H4-00199-00109633-00110280 1982 book Holy Blood Holy Grail for his 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code. 9zgqysk8-H4-00200-00110280-00110734 It was in the book Holy Blood Holy Grail that Baigent, Leigh, and co-author Henry Lincoln 9zgqysk8-H4-00201-00110734-00111174 had advanced the theory that Jesus and Mary Magdalene married and had a child and that 9zgqysk8-H4-00202-00111174-00111474 the bloodline continues to this day. 9zgqysk8-H4-00203-00111474-00111742 Brown even alluded to the two authors' names in his book. 9zgqysk8-H4-00204-00111742-00112229 Leigh Teabing, a lead character in both the novel and the film, uses Leigh's name as the 9zgqysk8-H4-00205-00112229-00112815 first name, and anagrammatically derives his last name from Baigent's. 9zgqysk8-H4-00206-00112815-00113357 Mr Justice Peter Smith found in Brown's favor in the case, and as a private amusement, embedded 9zgqysk8-H4-00207-00113357-00113846 his own Smithy code in the written judgment. 9zgqysk8-H4-00208-00113846-00114533 On March 28, 2007, Brown's publisher, Random House, won an appeal copyright infringement 9zgqysk8-H4-00209-00114533-00114677 case. 9zgqysk8-H4-00210-00114677-00115134 The Court of Appeal of England and Wales rejected the efforts from Baigent and Leigh, who became 9zgqysk8-H4-00211-00115134-00115770 liable for paying legal expenses of nearly US$6 million. 9zgqysk8-H4-00212-00115770-00116177 A contributing factor for the outcome of the case is that these authors presented their 9zgqysk8-H4-00213-00116177-00116720 work as non-fiction, and fiction writers often draw upon non-fiction resources for content 9zgqysk8-H4-00214-00116720-00116896 research. 9zgqysk8-H4-00215-00116896-00116996 Charity work 9zgqysk8-H4-00216-00116996-00117714 In October 2004 Brown and his siblings donated US$2.2 million to Phillips Exeter Academy 9zgqysk8-H4-00217-00117714-00118401 in honor of their father, to set up the Richard G. Brown Technology Endowment to help "provide 9zgqysk8-H4-00218-00118401-00118996 computers and high-tech equipment for students in need." 9zgqysk8-H4-00219-00118996-00119726 Brown and his wife Blythe are also supporters of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. 9zgqysk8-H4-00220-00119726-00120438 On April 14, 2011, Brown and his wife created the Dan '86 and Blythe Brown Scholarship Fund 9zgqysk8-H4-00221-00120438-00120979 to celebrate his 25th reunion from Amherst College, a permanently endowed scholarship 9zgqysk8-H4-00222-00120979-00121413 fund at the college whose income provides financial aid to students there, with preference 9zgqysk8-H4-00223-00121413-00121974 for incoming students with an interest in writing. 9zgqysk8-H4-00224-00121974-00122466 Criticism 9zgqysk8-H4-00225-00122466-00123215 Brown's prose style has been criticized as clumsy,[43][44] 'committing style and word 9zgqysk8-H4-00226-00123215-00123985 choice blunders in almost every paragraph' of the Da Vinci Code, it has been claimed.[45] 9zgqysk8-H4-00227-00123985-00124441 Much criticism also centers on Brown's claim found in its preface that the novel is based 9zgqysk8-H4-00228-00124441-00125053 on fact in relation to Opus Dei and the Priory of Sion, and that "all descriptions of artwork, 9zgqysk8-H4-00229-00125053-00125950 architecture, documents and secret rituals in [the] novel are accurate." 9zgqysk8-H4-00230-00125950-00126483 In an interview with Matt Lauer on The Today Show in September 2009, Brown responded by 9zgqysk8-H4-00231-00126483-00127038 saying, "I do something very intentional and specific in these books. 9zgqysk8-H4-00232-00127038-00127459 And that is to blend fact and fiction in a very modern and efficient style, to tell a 9zgqysk8-H4-00233-00127459-00127632 story. 9zgqysk8-H4-00234-00127632-00128015 There are some people who understand what I do, and they sort of get on the train and 9zgqysk8-H4-00235-00128015-00128435 go for a ride and have a great time, and there are other people who should probably just 9zgqysk8-H4-00236-00128435-00128834 read somebody else." 9zgqysk8-H4-00237-00128834-00128934 Bibliography 9zgqysk8-H4-00238-00128934-00129079 Stand-alone novels 9zgqysk8-H4-00239-00129079-00129658 Digital Fortress (1998) Deception Point (2001) 9zgqysk8-H4-00240-00129658-00129808 Robert Langdon series 9zgqysk8-H4-00241-00129808-00130323 Angels & Demons (2000) The Da Vinci Code (2003) 9zl9DvjtrPI-00000-00000483-00000896 Srinath: Hello and welcome back to the fourth episode of Offspring Magazine the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00001-00000896-00001408 Podcast! I'm your host Srinath Ramkumar and joining me today is again Nikolai Hörmann! 9zl9DvjtrPI-00002-00001408-00001904 Nikolai: Hello, everyone! S: So in this episode, we're going to continue our 9zl9DvjtrPI-00003-00001904-00002464 discussion with Dr. Peter Suber. If you haven't listened to the previous episode yet, please make 9zl9DvjtrPI-00004-00002464-00003048 sure you check it out, as we have discussed a variety of topics, including how he started 9zl9DvjtrPI-00005-00003048-00003584 with the Open Access initiative. And what do we plan to discuss in this episode with him, Niko? 9zl9DvjtrPI-00006-00003584-00004152 N: So part of this episode will be publishing models. For example, there's the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00007-00004272-00004992 gold standard of Open Access publishing, which is called Gold Open Access, and journals that have 9zl9DvjtrPI-00008-00004992-00005792 this model, they just publish every article accessible for everyone for free. Another 9zl9DvjtrPI-00009-00005792-00006472 type of Open Access is the Green Open Access and this is actually about repositories: basically, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00010-00006552-00007304 repositories make everything that is uploaded to them freely accessible. And you can basically 9zl9DvjtrPI-00011-00007304-00008000 upload things like the preprint or some other article version to that, which other people then 9zl9DvjtrPI-00012-00008000-00008712 can access. Then, one thing that many journals are doing nowadays is actually having a hybrid model: 9zl9DvjtrPI-00013-00008712-00009200 so, on the one hand side, they have their regular articles that are behind a payroll, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00014-00009200-00009848 but then authors can pay an extra fee, which is actually quite expensive sometimes, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00015-00009936-00010280 and then the article is Open Access, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00016-00010344-00011096 but only this article and not the whole journal. S: Okay, so these are three very different models 9zl9DvjtrPI-00017-00011096-00011248 of Open Access. N: Yes. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00018-00011248-00011872 S: Okay, so this actually gives us some idea about what kind of publishing model the various 9zl9DvjtrPI-00019-00011872-00012296 journals are planning to use. And we should be aware of that when we're planning to publish in 9zl9DvjtrPI-00020-00012296-00012520 these respective journals. N: That's right. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00021-00012520-00014184 S: Okay, without any further ado, let's get on with the discussion with Dr. Suber. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00022-00014476-00015208 N: Another topic that I'd like to talk about is research evaluatioN: Because I think this whole 9zl9DvjtrPI-00023-00015319-00016416 movement of Open Access is also connected to research evaluation - how people 9zl9DvjtrPI-00024-00016416-00017120 can advance their careers in science. Because one thing that I have to admit 9zl9DvjtrPI-00025-00017120-00018048 I myself am still not so sure about is, for example, if right now, let's say, I have really 9zl9DvjtrPI-00026-00018048-00019008 good results and my PI tells me this could be a Nature/Science/Cell paper or whatever, and then I 9zl9DvjtrPI-00027-00019008-00019720 would probably not tell him that I would rather publish it in e-Life instead. Because, of course, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00028-00019720-00020632 it shows something to people if it is in one of those journals. So what would you tell a person, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00029-00020704-00021464 or me I guess, in this case, to try to convince me to actually publish in in e-Life, for example? 9zl9DvjtrPI-00030-00021464-00021824 Dr. Peter Suber: Are you saying the other person is the PI and you're not? 9zl9DvjtrPI-00031-00021824-00022568 N: Yes, I guess like the PI is telling me ‘okay, this work could be published in a high profile 9zl9DvjtrPI-00032-00022568-00023080 journal’, I guess, or like a prestigious journal. PS: Usually, the PI makes that decision or if the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00033-00023080-00023576 PI has a strong preference, everybody else has to go along, so it's not always a matter of 9zl9DvjtrPI-00034-00023696-00024368 advice, that is. It might be better for certain reasons to publish it in e-Life but you won't cut 9zl9DvjtrPI-00035-00024368-00024840 any ice with your PI. On the other hand, my first advice is to try it out and try to persuade them, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00036-00025000-00025464 but another is just to remember that even if you publish in a non-open journal 9zl9DvjtrPI-00037-00025536-00025800 you can still make the work opeN: N: Okay, yes. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00038-00025800-00026232 PS: Remember that there's Green Open Access or Open Access through repositories, not just 9zl9DvjtrPI-00039-00026360-00027136 Open Access to journals. So many junior faculty are under pressure to publish their work in 9zl9DvjtrPI-00040-00027136-00027544 high-prestige journals. Sometimes it's because the decision is made by somebody else, namely, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00041-00027544-00028064 a senior PI. Sometimes it's because the promotion and tenure committee makes that an important 9zl9DvjtrPI-00042-00028064-00028520 criterion - they give you more credit if you publish in a high perceived journal than if 9zl9DvjtrPI-00043-00028520-00029064 you don’t, and they give Nature and Science more credit points than they give e-Life, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00044-00029064-00029832 even though e-Life is now in the same category. But no matter what pressure you feel as a 9zl9DvjtrPI-00045-00029832-00030344 young researcher to publish in a non-open journal just remember there's such a thing as Green Open 9zl9DvjtrPI-00046-00030344-00030800 Access. So you can go along with that pressure, you can say ‘okay, I'll publish in that non-open 9zl9DvjtrPI-00047-00030800-00031464 journal but I will be careful to make sure that a version of it goes open in an open repository’, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00048-00031464-00031895 N: That's true. I actually have to admit I forgot about this. Yes, the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00049-00031895-00032416 like the embargo is, I think I remember, like six months to a year or something like this? 9zl9DvjtrPI-00050-00032416-00032904 PS: Well, we have to be careful about that too but some funders 9zl9DvjtrPI-00051-00033080-00033800 permit embargoes on Green Open Access up to, say, 6 or 12 months but they don't require embargoes of 9zl9DvjtrPI-00052-00033800-00034392 6 to 12 months. Some publishers require embargoes and they say ‘you can make the same work open in 9zl9DvjtrPI-00053-00034392-00034984 a repository, provided you wait a certain time’. On the other hand, if your university has a Rights 9zl9DvjtrPI-00054-00034984-00035432 Retention policy, then they have a right to ignore that publisher's request for an embargo, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00055-00035504-00035932 and, as I said, Harvard has this kind of policy and we do ignore those requests for embargo. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00056-00035932-00036264 N: Okay, I see. PS: We don't ignore author requests but we 9zl9DvjtrPI-00057-00036264-00036720 do ignore publisher requests. So if the author has some reason to want an embargo we'll respect that 9zl9DvjtrPI-00058-00036800-00037352 and if the publisher persuades the author to ask for the embargo, okay, we don't even know about 9zl9DvjtrPI-00059-00037352-00037800 that, but we'll respect that, too. But if the publisher has a standing policy that you can only 9zl9DvjtrPI-00060-00037800-00038328 make work Green Open Access after 12 months, our view is - we’re not getting permission from the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00061-00038328-00038920 publisher so we don't need to follow that rule. We get permission directly from the author prior 9zl9DvjtrPI-00062-00038920-00039504 to the author signing the publishing contract. N: Okay, I see. So it's just a matter of getting 9zl9DvjtrPI-00063-00039504-00040112 this content from the author first and then it's possible to put it on Green Open Access? 9zl9DvjtrPI-00064-00040112-00040432 PS: It's not just getting the content, it's getting the rights. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00065-00040432-00040800 N: Okay, I see. PS: So when you write something new, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00066-00040800-00041320 you're the copyright holder and you hold all the rights until you transfer them to somebody else 9zl9DvjtrPI-00067-00041320-00041928 like a publisher. And our policy works on that principle. So we ask the authors for these rights 9zl9DvjtrPI-00068-00041928-00042448 before they transfer them to any publisher. N: Okay, I see. That’s nice. I mean, I have 9zl9DvjtrPI-00069-00042448-00042816 to admit I heard like a different story where it was basically the other way around - where 9zl9DvjtrPI-00070-00042880-00043416 a PI was actually telling me that he would love to publish only in Open Access journals because 9zl9DvjtrPI-00071-00043416-00043888 for his career it doesn't matter anymore if he publishes Nature papers or not, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00072-00044040-00044688 but the problem is he doesn't want the careers of his students to be bad because of that... So 9zl9DvjtrPI-00073-00044688-00045040 I guess there's both sides to it. PS: Yeah, that can happen too. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00074-00045120-00045856 And it's unfortunately true that junior faculty are often judged on the prestige 9zl9DvjtrPI-00075-00045856-00046272 of the journals, in which they publish, and they get more points for publishing in a high prestige 9zl9DvjtrPI-00076-00046272-00046920 closed journal than in open journal. But even if you want to help them out that way - that is, help 9zl9DvjtrPI-00077-00046920-00047352 them with their promotion and tenure committee, help them get into a prestigious closed journal, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00078-00047432-00047856 you can still make sure that the peer-reviewed version of the article is Open Access in a 9zl9DvjtrPI-00079-00047856-00048472 repository. And one way to make that easier is to get a Rights Retention policy at your school. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00080-00048552-00049176 By the way, even without a Rights Retention policy, 70% or so of publishers permit Green 9zl9DvjtrPI-00081-00049176-00049560 Open Access, although they do it under terms and conditions, sometimes that's an embargo. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00082-00049560-00049768 N: I see. PS: But if you want to avoid all those 9zl9DvjtrPI-00083-00049768-00050272 terms and conditions, if you want to make it Green even for authors who publish in the other 30% 9zl9DvjtrPI-00084-00050272-00050848 of those journals, if you never want to have to ask publishers for permission, then Rights 9zl9DvjtrPI-00085-00050848-00051320 Retention policy solves all those problems. N: Okay, yeah, I think generally, if I speak 9zl9DvjtrPI-00086-00051320-00051944 about my institute, for example, it seems like people are... it's like a mixed bag. There's some 9zl9DvjtrPI-00087-00051944-00052360 people who are quite enthusiastic about Open Science and Open Access and they actually try 9zl9DvjtrPI-00088-00052360-00053160 to make an effort to do so - to publish in Open Access journals and also pay attention that they 9zl9DvjtrPI-00089-00053160-00053904 upload their data and make everything accessible. But then, this is not the case for all people, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00090-00053904-00054512 so I wanted to ask, what do you think of the Max Planck Society as a whole? Does it 9zl9DvjtrPI-00091-00054512-00055367 seem to push for Open Science and Open Access or is it just like one of the other institutes that 9zl9DvjtrPI-00092-00055367-00056048 tries to just sell stuff or do its research? PS: I don't know Max Planck from the inside, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00093-00056048-00056728 I know a little about it from the outside, I think of it as a leader in Open Access. It's the, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00094-00056800-00057216 let’s say, the host, the founding host of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00095-00057216-00057688 It has the Max Planck Digital Library, which is a leader in providing Open Access. It’s also 9zl9DvjtrPI-00096-00057688-00058296 providing advice to researchers about Open Access. It hosts these wonderful Open Science days. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00097-00058424-00059016 It’s the home of Open Access 2020, which is an important broad initiative to advance the cause 9zl9DvjtrPI-00098-00059016-00059832 of Open Access. Now, your question arose from the specific perspective of a researcher going through 9zl9DvjtrPI-00099-00059832-00060320 promotion and tenure, and I don't know what Max Planck does there. I don't know whether they 9zl9DvjtrPI-00100-00060320-00060832 provide good incentives to make their work Open or whether they provide bad incentives. For example, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00101-00060912-00061440 giving weight to journal impact factors is a bad incentive. It steers people toward, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00102-00061655-00062104 generally speaking, non-open journals. Some open journals have very high impact factors 9zl9DvjtrPI-00103-00062104-00062640 but impact factors discriminate against new journals. You can't even get an impact 9zl9DvjtrPI-00104-00062640-00063208 factor until you're two years old. That’s right, you need two years worth of data 9zl9DvjtrPI-00105-00063208-00063704 even to compute the impact factor. So brand new journals are ineligible, even journals one and 9zl9DvjtrPI-00106-00063704-00064208 a half years old are ineligible. And even after you're two years old, it's discretionary, whether 9zl9DvjtrPI-00107-00064279-00064776 you'll get an impact factor. You have to kind of prove your worth to a private for-profit company. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00108-00065016-00065792 And most of the closed journals with the highest journal impact factors 9zl9DvjtrPI-00109-00065792-00066280 are quite a bit older than two years. That is, they're venerable, they're very well established. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00110-00066280-00066864 Some of them are more than a century old. And the average Open Access journal is young, the average 9zl9DvjtrPI-00111-00066864-00067472 Open Access journal is much much younger than the average high prestige closed journal. And 9zl9DvjtrPI-00112-00067576-00068032 notice, by the way, that impact factors not only discriminate against Open Access journals because 9zl9DvjtrPI-00113-00068032-00068544 they're younger, they also discriminate against all new journals whether they're open or closed. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00114-00068544-00069192 So if there's some exciting new field of research, like COVID viruses or nanotechnology, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00115-00069264-00069576 something that we had no journals until very, very recently, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00116-00069672-00070104 then these criteria discriminate against them, too, because they're too young to have impact 9zl9DvjtrPI-00117-00070104-00070752 factors or to have large impact factors. But, by the way, Open Access journals can play the impact 9zl9DvjtrPI-00118-00070752-00071328 factor game and win if they want to because Open Access increases the citations to work 9zl9DvjtrPI-00119-00071384-00071776 to individual articles and therefore increases the citations to the journals, in which they're 9zl9DvjtrPI-00120-00071776-00072264 published. And journals that have converted from subscription to Open Access have said this, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00121-00072264-00072664 “we've noticed our citations go up and our general impact factor has gone up with it”. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00122-00072752-00073232 Nevertheless, it's a bad incentive if promotion and tenure committees give high scores or, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00123-00073232-00074008 you know, credit to articles in high impact factory journals. On the whole, not in every case, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00124-00074008-00074520 but on the whole they're discouraging publication in Open Access journals. That’s bad. That's a bad 9zl9DvjtrPI-00125-00074520-00075120 incentive. A better incentive would be to say ‘if you want us as the promotion and tenure committee 9zl9DvjtrPI-00126-00075120-00075624 to read your journal articles and evaluate them, we'll do it only if they're on deposit 9zl9DvjtrPI-00127-00075624-00075940 in the institutional repository’. N: Ah, okay, that's nice. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00128-00075940-00076368 PS: “We're not telling you where to publish, we're not telling you what to publish, we're just saying 9zl9DvjtrPI-00129-00076368-00076552 it has to be there [available in a repository], otherwise we're not going to pay attention.” 9zl9DvjtrPI-00130-00076552-00077024 N: Okay, well that's great! And I mean the thing is, I mean coming first of all 9zl9DvjtrPI-00131-00077024-00077488 back to the comment, it's nice that the Max Planck society is being taken actually as an 9zl9DvjtrPI-00132-00077728-00078264 institution that tries to push for this. Because I think they're trying to put some effort in there, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00133-00078360-00078968 definitely. So not only in money but also teaching people about it. And only last year, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00134-00078968-00079560 we actually had an Early Career Researcher Conference on Open Access. And then, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00135-00079560-00080304 coming back to the general impact factor, I think it's quite one-dimensional, and the calculation 9zl9DvjtrPI-00136-00080304-00081264 and all this has a lot of issues by itself, so just using this as a metric is really difficult 9zl9DvjtrPI-00137-00081264-00081976 to assess research. Sorry, you were saying? PS: I was focusing on the the problems or the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00138-00081976-00082344 disincentives for making work Open but the impact factor has lots of other problems. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00139-00082496-00083056 Among them, it can be gamed - you can drive up your impact factor if you really wanted 9zl9DvjtrPI-00140-00083056-00083624 to. However, the impact factor of an article is based on the citations to the whole journal, not 9zl9DvjtrPI-00141-00083624-00084184 to your individual article, and your article might be dragging down the average because it's so bad, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00142-00084256-00084544 or your article might be bringing up the average because it's so good. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00143-00084704-00085152 Moreover, finally, many articles are highly cited because they're bad or because they're 9zl9DvjtrPI-00144-00085152-00085584 wrong, and that gives a very misleading impression if we're just counting citations. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00145-00085584-00086216 N: So what kind of other metrics would you actually suggest? Or would come into play 9zl9DvjtrPI-00146-00086216-00086776 to evaluate research properly? I mean, yeah, I find one of the limiting factors in general is 9zl9DvjtrPI-00147-00086776-00087192 just time. I just heard actually today, when I was speaking to colleagues, that 9zl9DvjtrPI-00148-00087192-00087800 for one PI position at an institute they got a thousand applicants. So even if you're a 9zl9DvjtrPI-00149-00087800-00088464 faculty of 30 people, each of them has to just review at least 30 people. So this can be an 9zl9DvjtrPI-00150-00088464-00089136 endless game where you just review people… PS: That's a hard problem. I've been on 9zl9DvjtrPI-00151-00089224-00089888 more than 20 searches in my career and in every case there were far too many applicants to treat 9zl9DvjtrPI-00152-00089888-00090448 everybody with the same time and respect. And the way most committees solve this problem in practice 9zl9DvjtrPI-00153-00090520-00090872 is to develop shortlists and say, of all these hundreds of applicants, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00154-00091008-00091688 which are the 20 that most deserve our attention? And you can often whittle down to a list of 20 9zl9DvjtrPI-00155-00091688-00092184 just based on their areas of specialisation. And maybe you can whittle down to a list of 9zl9DvjtrPI-00156-00092264-00092672 five based on other factors. But then, when you have that shortlist, you look 9zl9DvjtrPI-00157-00092672-00093568 very very closely at everything they've done. N: Okay, so basically just seeing what research 9zl9DvjtrPI-00158-00093568-00093984 would fit to the institute or university that they're applying to, what the other 9zl9DvjtrPI-00159-00094064-00094608 faculty are doing, in general. Okay, I see. PS: That's right. If we're talking about academic 9zl9DvjtrPI-00160-00094608-00095080 departments hiring faculty, they tend to hire people to fill a certain niche. They want people 9zl9DvjtrPI-00161-00095080-00095560 with a certain specialisation and, believe it or not, they get applications from people who 9zl9DvjtrPI-00162-00095560-00095968 do not have the advertised specialisation - people just send in their application 9zl9DvjtrPI-00163-00096109-00096544 as a shot in the dark, just to see what their chances are. It's pretty easy to discard those. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00164-00096544-00096928 They might be very very good people but they have the wrong specialisations for the job. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00165-00096928-00097424 N: I see. So that's also kind of pushing up the numbers of the applications in the end? 9zl9DvjtrPI-00166-00097424-00097888 PS: Right. N: Also one of the issues 9zl9DvjtrPI-00167-00097888-00098552 is, the number of PhD students that exist nowadays is also a lot larger than the number of 9zl9DvjtrPI-00168-00098552-00099192 PI positions. So they were not growing at the same rate so, I guess, it's only normal that the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00169-00099384-00099968 spots will be scarcer than before. PS: Yes, and I'm afraid that problem will get 9zl9DvjtrPI-00170-00099968-00100720 worse. I think the pandemic recession will simply reduce the number of faculty positions everywhere. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00171-00100832-00101368 Wealthy schools and less wealthy schools alike, everything is shrinking, everything is taking 9zl9DvjtrPI-00172-00101368-00102048 a serious financial hit. And yet, the number of students who are trained to become faculty 9zl9DvjtrPI-00173-00102120-00102520 will shrink more slowly and there are still students in the pipeline. Let's say, it may be 9zl9DvjtrPI-00174-00102520-00103032 harder to finish because of the pandemic but once you're finished you're competing with your peers 9zl9DvjtrPI-00175-00103032-00103624 for a smaller number of jobs. That's not good. N: Yeah. I mean the time scale it will take for 9zl9DvjtrPI-00176-00103624-00104208 the jobs to start picking up again, compared to the people finishing, is not in the same. I mean 9zl9DvjtrPI-00177-00104208-00104864 until the recession and everything will be better again or recovered it will take 9zl9DvjtrPI-00178-00104935-00105135 quite a few years, I'm afraid. PS: That's right. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00179-00105135-00105735 N: Now, so actually going to the funders’ perspective, do you think that the funding is, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00180-00105959-00106424 I mean I heard kind of that it's stagnant a bit. The scientific funding, how is it in the US? Is it 9zl9DvjtrPI-00181-00106583-00106983 like going up, the NIH? PS: Well, before the pandemic, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00182-00106983-00107440 it actually was going up a little bit. And that was after it had gone down a little bit so 9zl9DvjtrPI-00183-00107592-00108359 that was some good news. On the other hand, the Trump administration has been removing 9zl9DvjtrPI-00184-00108359-00109192 some Open Access research funded by the Federal Government. It didn't slash research budgets 9zl9DvjtrPI-00185-00109192-00109935 as much as it opposed Open Access to already published research, but the funding was going up 9zl9DvjtrPI-00186-00109935-00110408 at the Federal Research Agencies until the pandemic. And I'm not sure what's going to happen 9zl9DvjtrPI-00187-00110408-00111159 now. So much money has been used for economic stimulus, justifiably, it leaves less money 9zl9DvjtrPI-00188-00111159-00111640 for other purposes, including good purposes. Almost all the other purposes are good but 9zl9DvjtrPI-00189-00111640-00112159 research funding is one of them. It's too early to say what the outcome will be. We're supposed 9zl9DvjtrPI-00190-00112159-00112664 to have the next Federal Budget in October. We almost never succeed in reaching the deadline 9zl9DvjtrPI-00191-00112800-00113159 and so we operate on, what are called, continuing resolutions in the absence of a budget. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00192-00113224-00113759 But the big fight will come about. Then we see how much money Congress is willing to 9zl9DvjtrPI-00193-00113759-00114224 allocate to research as opposed to all the other pressing needs that we face right now. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00194-00114440-00114880 N: I mean I'm not too knowledgeable with the funding in the States, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00195-00114880-00115544 so is there some kind of incentive, coming back to Open Access, for funders? Or do the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00196-00115544-00116152 funders say that Open Access should be mandatory? PS: Open Access has been mandatory for the largest 9zl9DvjtrPI-00197-00116152-00116904 funder, the NIH, National Institutes of Health since 2008. And in 2013, under Barack Obama, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00198-00117008-00117648 the largest two dozen federal agencies were asked to adopt policies kind of like the NIH. They 9zl9DvjtrPI-00199-00117648-00118111 were not asked to adopt policies exactly like the NIH but similarly to require Open Access. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00200-00118296-00118648 They were supposed to have those policies ready for inspection within one year. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00201-00118648-00119264 They did not do that but they did do it eventually. And so they're slow, they were 9zl9DvjtrPI-00202-00119264-00119680 slow at being rolled out, but most of them have been rolled out. They had to be approved by the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00203-00119680-00120056 White House and most of them were approved by the White House, that was still under Barack Obama. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00204-00120135-00120583 Even the ones that have been approved, I would say, are still in the early days of implementation 9zl9DvjtrPI-00205-00120664-00121288 and, on the whole, unhappily, they didn't learn all the lessons that the NIH learned. For example, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00206-00121288-00121768 it's not enough just to say, ‘it's mandatory to deposit in a repository’, you have to have 9zl9DvjtrPI-00207-00121768-00122216 sanctions for those who do not deposit. It took the NIH several years to learn that. And the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00208-00122216-00122824 other agencies have not taken the same lesson. But if you just look at the policies by themselves, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00209-00122904-00123464 about two dozen of the largest federal research funding agencies now do have Open Access 9zl9DvjtrPI-00210-00123464-00124159 requirements for the research that they fund. And when I say two dozen, it's basically all the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00211-00124159-00124816 Federal Funding agencies that spend 100 million dollars or more per year on research. So the only 9zl9DvjtrPI-00212-00124816-00125552 ones that are exempted are the smaller ones. N: Okay, I see. I mean I think, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00213-00125552-00126080 like also in Europe, they're starting to get behind this. And the European funding, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00214-00126080-00126832 as far as I know, also requires the published research to be Open Access by now. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00215-00126832-00127256 PS: That's right. And so there are several European countries that have national Open Access 9zl9DvjtrPI-00216-00127256-00127904 policies or national Open Access mandate. They're all smaller than the US, of course, and that's one 9zl9DvjtrPI-00217-00127904-00128464 problem - we'll never have a national policy that way that covers every single one of our 9zl9DvjtrPI-00218-00128464-00129096 funders or we probably never will. But one reason is, simply, that we're so large the NIH policy 9zl9DvjtrPI-00219-00129176-00129728 by itself spends more money on research than all the public funders in the UK put together. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00220-00130008-00130576 It spends like five times more than all of them put together. So that gives you an idea of the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00221-00130576-00130952 size. And that's only one agency. It happens to be the biggest of all of our agencies but 9zl9DvjtrPI-00222-00131136-00131576 it's a good thing that it started first because the big one went first and it was easier for the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00223-00131576-00132048 smaller ones to follow. The smaller ones are now following. Yes, it'll just take them a while to 9zl9DvjtrPI-00224-00132160-00132744 adopt all the lessons learned by the NIH but, in addition to those scenarios, in Europe, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00225-00132744-00133376 there's plan S. And the plan S is picking up funders in many European countries but 9zl9DvjtrPI-00226-00133376-00133800 also outside Europe. And some of them are not the same as those already covered by 9zl9DvjtrPI-00227-00133800-00134272 existing national policies. Some of them are already covered but the plan S is stronger 9zl9DvjtrPI-00228-00134272-00134712 than the original policy was. And some of the plan's funders are private and not public. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00229-00134896-00135840 N: I mean, to be honest, the biggest changes I'm afraid will have to be made by the funders. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00230-00135840-00136496 Because if they can set the incentives to publish Open Access, make everything available… 9zl9DvjtrPI-00231-00136496-00136920 PS: I completely agree. N: So, if they can make the quickest 9zl9DvjtrPI-00232-00136920-00137520 change, I guess, because, I have to admit, I heard some of your interviews from before and 9zl9DvjtrPI-00233-00137720-00138488 you mentioned something - that this change to complete Open Science will require quite 9zl9DvjtrPI-00234-00138488-00139120 a generational shift or change before it will be more implemented. And I was hoping that actually 9zl9DvjtrPI-00235-00139120-00139760 if the funders were willing for it, it might actually be quicker. Or what is your view on this? 9zl9DvjtrPI-00236-00139760-00140232 PS: You're completely right. I can put it in a slightly broader perspective. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00237-00140232-00140904 The people who really regulate the pace of change, or the pace of Open Access, are authors. Because 9zl9DvjtrPI-00238-00140904-00141352 authors decide whether to submit their work to Open Access journals, whether to put copies in 9zl9DvjtrPI-00239-00141352-00141840 Open Access repositories, and whether to transfer their copyrights, and if so on what terms. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00240-00141896-00142440 And so authors could do this overnight if they wanted to, if they were enlightened, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00241-00142440-00142736 if they all acted together. And, of course, that's not going to happen. But they could. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00242-00142736-00143224 And so they're the key decision-makers. So the next question is, which institutions are in a 9zl9DvjtrPI-00243-00143224-00143816 position to influence author decisions? And there are two, two big ones - universities and funders. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00244-00143896-00144368 And between the two of them, funders have more power to influence author’s decisions than 9zl9DvjtrPI-00245-00144368-00145088 universities. It’s hard for universities to adopt strong mandates because that might trigger faculty 9zl9DvjtrPI-00246-00145088-00145672 resistance. That's why the Harvard policy has this opt-out, even though the waiver rate is very low. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00247-00145768-00146288 But the NIH policy has no opt-out. The NIH policy is also a Rights Retention Policy. It says: 9zl9DvjtrPI-00248-00146288-00146688 you must put your work in an Open Access repository, you must retain the rights 9zl9DvjtrPI-00249-00146688-00147160 necessary to make it open, and you must exercise those rights to make the work open. And if your 9zl9DvjtrPI-00250-00147160-00147736 publisher doesn't like that, you must seek another publisher. Period. No opt-out, no waiver. And 9zl9DvjtrPI-00251-00147824-00148400 the position of the author is: if I don't like that, I have to seek my grant from somewhere else. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00252-00148456-00149144 And very often they don't want to or they can't or they've tried the others. So when funders issue a 9zl9DvjtrPI-00253-00149144-00149656 well-written mandate, it has far more power. It's far more effective than when universities do the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00254-00149656-00149904 same, even though it's better if they both do it. N: Yes. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00255-00149904-00150512 PS: So I think funders hold the reins and they can make change overnight. I also think it's important 9zl9DvjtrPI-00256-00150512-00151096 to remember that funders are basically charities, They're not-for-profit corporations. If they're 9zl9DvjtrPI-00257-00151096-00151600 public funders, they're government agencies who are duty-bound to act in the public interest. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00258-00151600-00152120 And if they're private foundations, then they are literally charities. And either way, their goal is 9zl9DvjtrPI-00259-00152120-00152872 to pursue the public interest, not to seek revenue or profit, or pay shareholders. So their mission 9zl9DvjtrPI-00260-00153040-00153472 completely supports the idea of shifting over to requiring Open Access. It’s just taking them 9zl9DvjtrPI-00261-00153472-00154008 a long time to realise that. I think if funders… if funders are not already requiring 9zl9DvjtrPI-00262-00154008-00154360 Open Access they're certainly thinking about it because they understand the logic of this. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00263-00154360-00155120 N: Ah, okay, that's good to hear. So maybe one last question to the future of open Open 9zl9DvjtrPI-00264-00155120-00155792 Science and Open Access. So, first of all, how long do you think this whole transition will 9zl9DvjtrPI-00265-00155792-00156536 take? Like do you think five or ten years? And then, also concerning more open data, I guess, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00266-00156768-00157232 do you think it will be easier or possible to get like really big 9zl9DvjtrPI-00267-00157232-00157920 repositories with good guidelines for open data soon-ish? Or do you think this is still 9zl9DvjtrPI-00268-00157920-00158376 something that will take quite long? Considering the Open Access, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00269-00158376-00159008 it started like 20 years ago, roughly. PS: Yeah. Let me do the second one first. Open 9zl9DvjtrPI-00270-00159008-00159552 data already exists. Open data policies already exist. Open data repositories already exist. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00271-00159648-00160448 And open data, I think, is a messier problem than open access to texts. And if open data is 9zl9DvjtrPI-00272-00160448-00161048 moving more slowly, that's the reason why. And the various stakeholders have to sort out these 9zl9DvjtrPI-00273-00161048-00161744 complexities. You already know what they are but, for example, research on human subjects often has 9zl9DvjtrPI-00274-00161744-00162328 data that has privacy problems, or you can't just share it without thinking about privacy issues. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00275-00162536-00162896 There's a timing issue - many authors that completely support Open Access 9zl9DvjtrPI-00276-00162968-00163312 want to be the first one to publish articles based on their data. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00277-00163312-00163600 And they don't want to share their data before they have a chance to publish on it. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00278-00163704-00164264 The last thing they want is to be scooped with their own data. And some journals, by the way, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00279-00164264-00164880 which I support, have open data policies that say, “if you publish the text of an article in our 9zl9DvjtrPI-00280-00164880-00165488 journal, you must make the data open the same day, the day of publication”. And some authors, who are 9zl9DvjtrPI-00281-00165488-00165920 friendly to open, are reluctant to do that because they don't want to publish just one article on 9zl9DvjtrPI-00282-00165920-00166352 their data, they want to publish five or ten articles on their data before they give it up. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00283-00166352-00166896 They're happy to give it up eventually but they want exclusivity for a while, for a few articles. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00284-00166952-00167552 So that's author's self-interest. Even from people who support open - that's a problem. Another 9zl9DvjtrPI-00285-00167552-00168352 problem is simply size - data sets in astronomy, or in some aspects of biology, are huge. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00286-00168416-00168856 And some of the ones in astronomy are actually literally too big to share on the internet. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00287-00168920-00169424 You can host them but you could never really download them in real-time because it would take 9zl9DvjtrPI-00288-00169424-00170240 days and weeks. So the best way to share them is for the user to visit the website and run queries 9zl9DvjtrPI-00289-00170240-00170600 without downloading any data at all. But then you need a very sophisticated 9zl9DvjtrPI-00290-00170600-00171168 website that supports querying, kind of like Amazon. You've got to build that kind of software. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00291-00171256-00171568 But another possibility, which Google tried once upon a time, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00292-00171568-00172304 is to ship the data sets on physical hard drives through the ordinary mail. No matter how big the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00293-00172304-00172784 data set is, you can always ship it that way if you had to. And Google had a cool program for a 9zl9DvjtrPI-00294-00172784-00173184 while that said it's willing to do that, it's willing to send anybody's data set anywhere, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00295-00173248-00173800 provided Google got to make a copy of it first. N: Okay, interesting. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00296-00173800-00174016 PS: If we're talking about research data that's not 9zl9DvjtrPI-00297-00174016-00174464 a bad deal. You're trying to share with the world so why not share it with Google anyway? Google, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00298-00174464-00174936 for some reason, pulled the plug on that program. But if you've got terabytes and terabytes of data, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00299-00175016-00175384 the best way to share it with somebody else is just to send them a piece of hardware. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00300-00175384-00175800 N: Yeah, that's true. PS: It's hard to reconcile with Open Access, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00301-00175800-00176232 or it's hard to make it open in the very same way that we make it open. On the other hand, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00302-00176360-00176768 data is somehow, sometimes, in other respects, easier than Open Access to texts. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00303-00176824-00177328 For example, publishers never published data, they only published text, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00304-00177384-00177864 so if you make your data open they're not losing anything. In fact, if you're opening data that 9zl9DvjtrPI-00305-00177864-00178352 accompanies one of their articles, they're gaining something, they can claim truthfully 9zl9DvjtrPI-00306-00178352-00178800 that the article is more reproducible, or that the readers benefit more from the article now with the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00307-00178800-00179480 accompanying data than they did before without the accompanying data. So many closed publishers 9zl9DvjtrPI-00308-00179544-00180256 support open data and they support it strongly. And then another related aspect 9zl9DvjtrPI-00309-00180256-00180784 is that most data sets are not copyrighted or copyrightable and so there's nobody 9zl9DvjtrPI-00310-00180848-00181296 who's got a legal basis to oppose the release of it, unless it's on some other ground like privacy. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00311-00181352-00181832 N: Okay, I see. Interesting. PS: And, by the way, just back to policy, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00312-00181832-00182368 that's why most publisher, I'm sorry, most funder open data policies don't positively require 9zl9DvjtrPI-00313-00182368-00183056 open data. Instead, they require data sharing plans. And so you tell the funder how you plan 9zl9DvjtrPI-00314-00183056-00183576 to share data with people who need it or people who claim to need it, and your plan might be, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00315-00183576-00184032 they have to sign a non-disclosure form or they have to prove that they work in this certain area 9zl9DvjtrPI-00316-00184112-00184448 and then I'll share it. But technically a research sharing plan could be - I'm not going 9zl9DvjtrPI-00317-00184448-00185120 to share with anybody, and that could comply with the funders. So if funders simply say, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00318-00185120-00185456 “no, you must make it open. Period. No matter what,” then they run into all these problems 9zl9DvjtrPI-00319-00185456-00185832 that I just mentioned. And they know about the problems and they don't want those problems 9zl9DvjtrPI-00320-00185832-00186528 so they back up, they have a softer requirement. N: And concerning the future of Open Access? 9zl9DvjtrPI-00321-00186728-00187312 PS: That's really hard. I don't have a prediction about that. I'll just observe that in all the time 9zl9DvjtrPI-00322-00187312-00187792 I've been working on it, which is roughly since the beginning of Open Access itself, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00323-00187792-00188312 progress has been steadily upwards. It’s not like the stock market, doesn't go up and down and up 9zl9DvjtrPI-00324-00188312-00188872 and down, it's steadily upwards. The slope of the curve is shallow compared to what we would like, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00325-00188968-00189632 that means it's slow, but it's slow and steady, as opposed to slow and faltering. So I think it's not 9zl9DvjtrPI-00326-00189632-00190232 long before the slow and steady progress will reach some kind of tipping point. I don't like 9zl9DvjtrPI-00327-00190232-00190608 the language of tipping points because it suggests that one day there'll be sudden change but there 9zl9DvjtrPI-00328-00190608-00191184 really could be sudden change. But even without sudden change, there is this generational change 9zl9DvjtrPI-00329-00191184-00191664 and I think a much larger percentage of young researchers today understand what Open Access is 9zl9DvjtrPI-00330-00191664-00192144 and understand its benefits and want it for themselves than was true 10 years ago. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00331-00192208-00192760 And I think that'll be even more true 10 years from now. And, as I said before about authors, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00332-00192760-00193296 that's all it takes: if authors want Open Access to their own work, they can get it. They can get 9zl9DvjtrPI-00333-00193296-00193968 it tomorrow. They get it for all their new work starting tomorrow. And so one of the key variables 9zl9DvjtrPI-00334-00193968-00194464 is author understanding, correct understanding, as opposed to misunderstanding. There's a large 9zl9DvjtrPI-00335-00194464-00194880 number of options for making your work open and it's really hard to know about all those options. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00336-00194880-00195304 For example, as we pointed out, if you can't easily publish in an Open Access journal, at least 9zl9DvjtrPI-00337-00195304-00195848 remember that there's repositories. Many people do forget that but if you know all your options and 9zl9DvjtrPI-00338-00195848-00196272 if you want Open Access you can get it for your future work starting tomorrow. And more and more 9zl9DvjtrPI-00339-00196328-00196784 authors are educated about their options and they do want it. And I think that's the most promising 9zl9DvjtrPI-00340-00196960-00197400 aspect of this. More universities are adopting policies, more funders are adopting policies, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00341-00197464-00197992 more Open Access journals exist, more Open Access repositories exist. So while authors 9zl9DvjtrPI-00342-00197992-00198536 and researchers are becoming better educated about their interests, we're also getting the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00343-00198536-00198840 infrastructure necessary to host it all. N: No, I completely agree. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00344-00198840-00199376 PS: So I'm still optimistic. N: Yes, thanks for that. No, I mean we're 9zl9DvjtrPI-00345-00199376-00199888 trying to do our best. Also educating other people because, as you said, I think the authors have 9zl9DvjtrPI-00346-00199968-00200520 the power, they could decide if they wanted to go Open Access. All right, so 9zl9DvjtrPI-00347-00200600-00201080 thanks a lot for the interview. I think it was really great for us to speak to 9zl9DvjtrPI-00348-00201080-00201640 you. I hope you also enjoyed it to some extent. PS: I did. Thank you for your good questions, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00349-00201640-00201928 I appreciate them! N: And 9zl9DvjtrPI-00350-00202240-00202856 we will be hoping that the future will be looking a bit bright on this side! 9zl9DvjtrPI-00351-00202856-00203408 PS: Yeah, and the younger researchers today who want Open Access will be the journal editors and 9zl9DvjtrPI-00352-00203408-00203784 the journal publishers and the promotion and tenure committee members of tomorrow, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00353-00203856-00204184 and that will make all the difference. N: Yes, I'm looking forward to this future. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00354-00204184-00204576 PS: Yes, me too. S: Well, thanks for joining us, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00355-00204576-00205160 Dr. Suber. We really appreciated the interview! PS: Okay, well, thank you, Nikolai and Srinath! 9zl9DvjtrPI-00356-00205596-00205696 S: 9zl9DvjtrPI-00357-00205696-00206167 So what do you think of that conversation? N: It was really intense. I mean I liked it a lot 9zl9DvjtrPI-00358-00206167-00206800 because the topic is, I think, very dear to me. And also it concerns myself and many other people 9zl9DvjtrPI-00359-00206800-00207408 that might want to go into academia. So having this conversation is very important but also 9zl9DvjtrPI-00360-00207408-00208136 difficult because it has so many different facets that have nothing to do with your PhD project. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00361-00208136-00208648 So having to think about all of this at the same time is making it a bit difficult. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00362-00208648-00209144 S: I mean, of course, it tries to sort of open your eyes towards the 9zl9DvjtrPI-00363-00209200-00209719 various facets that are associated with not just doing the science but also getting the science 9zl9DvjtrPI-00364-00209719-00210312 out there and communicating the science in a way that is accessible for everybody. I think this is 9zl9DvjtrPI-00365-00210312-00210896 very important and this is something that everyone should be aware of as long as they're involved in 9zl9DvjtrPI-00366-00210896-00211367 the scientific field and scientific industry. N: Yes, I completely agree. It’s necessary 9zl9DvjtrPI-00367-00211367-00212023 nowadays to confront these issues that are in the research system, and the way that the publishing 9zl9DvjtrPI-00368-00212023-00212640 works, and the way that research evaluation works, and also, I guess, acquiring money. So thinking 9zl9DvjtrPI-00369-00212640-00213104 about it is really going to be necessary in the future, even more so than now I guess. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00370-00213104-00213944 S. Yes and, as you said, we are sort of primed with the right tools to become the future PIs 9zl9DvjtrPI-00371-00213944-00214256 and future funders. N: Yes, wow, and editors. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00372-00214336-00215023 Exactly you just desk reject everything. S: Yeah, so Open Access is the way forward and 9zl9DvjtrPI-00373-00215104-00215519 even if it doesn't take a generational change it definitely is going to take 9zl9DvjtrPI-00374-00215519-00215967 time so that it's globally adopted. N: Yes, definitely. But it will be 9zl9DvjtrPI-00375-00215967-00216271 nice when it happens. I mean it might still be now, it should 9zl9DvjtrPI-00376-00216271-00216767 hopefully still be in our lifetimes. S: I would hope for that as well, yes. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00377-00216884-00217600 S: Okay, thanks all for listening to this interview with Dr. Peter Suber. And I hope 9zl9DvjtrPI-00378-00217600-00218248 you guys enjoyed this. And if you want to look for more content and details of how to find them you 9zl9DvjtrPI-00379-00218248-00218864 can find them in the show notes below. N: And also if you have any questions 9zl9DvjtrPI-00380-00218864-00219456 concerning any of the topics, feel free to write either an email to me 9zl9DvjtrPI-00381-00219456-00220048 or to the Open Science work group of the PhDnet, and we will try to help you solve 9zl9DvjtrPI-00382-00220048-00220512 your issues or questions. Because I think educating people, as we also discussed in 9zl9DvjtrPI-00383-00220512-00221088 the interview, is very important. S: Great, very well articulated. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00384-00221088-00221736 S: The Offspring Magazine Podcast is hosted by Srinath Rankumar and Nikolai Hörmann. It's 9zl9DvjtrPI-00385-00221736-00222336 produced by the PhD networking group on Science Communication, called the Offspring Magazine, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00386-00222416-00222992 and produced by the Max Planck PhD network. If you would like to get in touch with us, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00387-00222992-00223304 please feel free to write to us at Offspring.podcasts@phdnet.mpg.de. 9zl9DvjtrPI-00388-00223696-00224223 The intro and outro tunes were composed by Srinath Rankumar and the pre-intro jingle was composed by 9zl9DvjtrPI-00389-00224223-00224856 Gustavo Carrico. Please feel free to check out the Offspring blog on the Max Planck PhDnet website, 9zl9DvjtrPI-00390-00224856-00225352 as we have many interesting articles coming up along the lines of the Open Science awareness 9zl9DvjtrPI-00391-00225352-00225896 initiative. We'll be back with you next week with another exciting episode. Until then it's a bye 9zl9DvjtrPI-00392-00225896-00226984 from me and bye from Niko! N: Bye! 9zsxUIygbcU-00000-00000063-00000769 Information technology is all about managing computer based information systems. 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Find your passion and 9zsxUIygbcU-00017-00009572-00009936 fulfill your potential today! 9zVBhyuqpGI-00000-00000000-00000200 Woohoo! Going to the State Fair! 9zVBhyuqpGI-00001-00000200-00000354 Yea. Anna is here! 9zVBhyuqpGI-00002-00000725-00000967 It's way up at night time, it's very crowded out. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00003-00001572-00001818 This is probably the most famous part of the state fair. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00004-00001997-00002360 It's a major part of the culture here in Wisconsin. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00005-00002389-00002836 And if you want to fully appreciate this is the dairy state, 9zVBhyuqpGI-00006-00002902-00003165 this probably was what made. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00007-00003182-00003528 Milwaukee famous except for its beer. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00008-00003528-00003812 Ohoooh. Now you can see how they make them. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00009-00003812-00004095 no cameras, no cameras, no cameras. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00010-00004233-00004637 I think that's a lot of creampuff 9zVBhyuqpGI-00011-00004992-00005201 pressure. That would be amazing. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00012-00005234-00005426 Do you think she can hear me? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00013-00006043-00007044 Thank you. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00014-00007682-00008062 How is it? There is a lot of powdered sugar in my mouth. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00015-00008062-00008241 I mainly got cream. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00016-00008333-00008500 Will wants a bite. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00017-00008996-00009275 How did you manage not to get anything on your mouth. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00018-00009275-00009555 You did it wrong. OK. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00019-00009638-00009926 More! 9zVBhyuqpGI-00020-00010105-00010347 He doesn’t even know what he is missing. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00021-00010347-00010668 And the other thing that is really good to eat is the drum sticks. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00022-00011027-00011273 Is it yummy? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00023-00011323-00011503 What's next? Animals? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00024-00011503-00011657 What kind of animals? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00025-00011665-00011961 Take your pick. All right, guys, what kind of animal do you want to go see? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00026-00012107-00012174 Pigs. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00027-00014639-00014910 We're going to get busy this afternoon to Friday, 9zVBhyuqpGI-00028-00015102-00015427 probably Friday, and we'll probably see the horses a little bit, 9zVBhyuqpGI-00029-00015427-00015598 Will’s first corn dog. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00030-00015598-00015686 How was it? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00031-00015686-00016036 It’s pretty good. Oh, he likes it. Oh he does? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00032-00016312-00016520 That’s hot though buddy. You have to go *fffff*. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00033-00016579-00016745 He spilled lemonade all over his shirt. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00034-00016820-00016891 Anna, what is it like 20, 21? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00035-00016891-00017463 This is it. First corn dog in 20 years. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00036-00017525-00017988 The last corn dog you had was when... I was 10. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00037-00018059-00018414 I'm going to try a fried pickle which i’ve never had before in my life. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00038-00018414-00018822 You’ve never had a fried pickle and you live in Wisconsin? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00039-00018822-00018943 I never did. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00040-00018943-00019256 You never had one either. And you call yourself a Wisconsinite? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00041-00019256-00019461 I never even went to a pig race. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00042-00019461-00019669 I'll put it right because I didn't have it back then. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00043-00019669-00019928 Try the corn dog. You want me to try it? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00044-00020040-00020249 Ever tried deep fried oreos? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00045-00020249-00020332 Never. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00046-00020332-00020445 Woh that was a big bite. 9zVBhyuqpGI-00047-00020507-00020774 How was it? 9zVBhyuqpGI-00048-00020795-00021058 That’s the end of the Wisconsin State Fair. 9_yVnylW7-E-00000-00000650-00000765 Hi, everyone! 9_yVnylW7-E-00001-00000765-00000840 It's Bre. 9_yVnylW7-E-00002-00000840-00001226 This is daiso. 9_yVnylW7-E-00003-00001475-00002103 I came here to buy a fish trap to catch some food for my crocodiles. 9_yVnylW7-E-00004-00002103-00002630 I'm not sure this shop sells a fish trap but anyway I'm gonna catch fish to feed crocodiles by using what I bought at here. 9_yVnylW7-E-00005-00002727-00002941 We all know this shop. 9_yVnylW7-E-00006-00002941-00003123 Daiso. 9_yVnylW7-E-00007-00003171-00003659 Please understand that I have to lower the camera a little bit because other people's faces shouldn't appear in the video. 9_yVnylW7-E-00008-00003659-00004267 I bought seamonkey at here before. 9_yVnylW7-E-00009-00004267-00004536 You can find daiso in everywhere. 9_yVnylW7-E-00010-00004536-00004859 Well, I hope there's a fish trap, 9_yVnylW7-E-00011-00004859-00005020 but I don't think there is. 9_yVnylW7-E-00012-00005020-00005210 I think I haven't seen that in here. 9_yVnylW7-E-00013-00005210-00005453 These are the fishing tools. 9_yVnylW7-E-00014-00005453-00005786 Hmm... 9_yVnylW7-E-00015-00005786-00006010 What should I buy to catch fish? 9_yVnylW7-E-00016-00006010-00006490 I haven't prepared anything. 9_yVnylW7-E-00017-00006520-00006701 What about covering this with plastic? 9_yVnylW7-E-00018-00006701-00006931 That's not funny, right? 9_yVnylW7-E-00019-00007226-00007450 Oh, guys. Look at this. 9_yVnylW7-E-00020-00007526-00007609 Cool. 9_yVnylW7-E-00021-00007609-00007737 I found a pack of bait. 9_yVnylW7-E-00022-00007737-00008009 It's gluten. 9_yVnylW7-E-00023-00008009-00008429 I heard that it's not good for environment. 9_yVnylW7-E-00024-00008451-00008650 So I'll use this just a little bit. 9_yVnylW7-E-00025-00008896-00009114 Let's buy this. 9_yVnylW7-E-00026-00009114-00009740 Now we should find something to make a fish trap like an airtight container or a bag. 9_yVnylW7-E-00027-00009740-00010032 What about this one? 9_yVnylW7-E-00028-00010068-00010157 No, no. 9_yVnylW7-E-00029-00010157-00010235 This is too small. 9_yVnylW7-E-00030-00010235-00010678 The fish trap should be a little larger because I want to catch a lot of fish. 9_yVnylW7-E-00031-00010678-00010739 A pot. 9_yVnylW7-E-00032-00010739-00011008 What about heating a pot and catching fish? 9_yVnylW7-E-00033-00011133-00011232 I'm just kidding. 9_yVnylW7-E-00034-00011325-00011462 Wait. 9_yVnylW7-E-00035-00011532-00011696 This is pretty good. 9_yVnylW7-E-00036-00011696-00011741 What's this? 9_yVnylW7-E-00037-00011921-00012221 There's a material that keeps things cold in this box. 9_yVnylW7-E-00038-00012221-00012571 Ice... kinda.. Ice bag. 9_yVnylW7-E-00039-00012571-00012684 Cooler bag. 9_yVnylW7-E-00040-00012684-00012915 Let's buy a cooler bag. 9_yVnylW7-E-00041-00013011-00013093 Let's see. 9_yVnylW7-E-00042-00013556-00013734 Here it is. 9_yVnylW7-E-00043-00013734-00013884 Okay. 9_yVnylW7-E-00044-00013884-00014653 Let's go to a valley or a fresh water stream and catch crocodile food. 9_yVnylW7-E-00045-00014653-00014863 I'm so smart. 9_yVnylW7-E-00046-00014863-00014976 Anything else? 9_yVnylW7-E-00047-00015178-00015510 It's fixed. 9_yVnylW7-E-00048-00015636-00016211 Did you buy this after watching my video? 9_yVnylW7-E-00049-00016211-00016366 They refill the stock well. 9_yVnylW7-E-00050-00016366-00016550 I feel good. 9_yVnylW7-E-00051-00016550-00016643 Cool. 9_yVnylW7-E-00052-00016753-00016993 We got everything. 9_yVnylW7-E-00053-00016993-00017234 I saw this at the shop before actually. 9_yVnylW7-E-00054-00017234-00017402 And it was still there. 9_yVnylW7-E-00055-00017880-00018134 There's no fish trap yet. 9_yVnylW7-E-00056-00018134-00018291 So let's use this cooler bag. 9_yVnylW7-E-00057-00018291-00018506 It's pretty good though, isn't it? 9_yVnylW7-E-00058-00018506-00019532 Fish have the characteristics of moving left and right when trapped or fleeing from the enemy. 9_yVnylW7-E-00059-00019532-00019843 So if we make a hole in the top, 9_yVnylW7-E-00060-00019843-00020216 the fish will smell the bait and go into the hole and 9_yVnylW7-E-00061-00020216-00020792 they will be caught because they can't find a hole in the left and right sides. 9_yVnylW7-E-00062-00020792-00020958 That's what I think. 9_yVnylW7-E-00063-00020958-00021389 Let's make the trap. 9_yVnylW7-E-00064-00022152-00022213 Alright. 9_yVnylW7-E-00065-00022213-00022392 I made a hole. 9_yVnylW7-E-00066-00022392-00022538 It's so easy. 9_yVnylW7-E-00067-00022611-00022774 I think this size will do. 9_yVnylW7-E-00068-00022774-00023792 If we put a bait in the bag and put it in the water, there will be a lot of fish in here later. 9_yVnylW7-E-00069-00023830-00024494 -Making a bait- 9_yVnylW7-E-00070-00024594-00024746 I made it. 9_yVnylW7-E-00071-00024746-00025050 It smells good. 9_yVnylW7-E-00072-00025120-00025326 It's a little big. 9_yVnylW7-E-00073-00025326-00025606 Well, a lot of fish will come because of the smell. 9_yVnylW7-E-00074-00025606-00025794 Let me test this first. 9_yVnylW7-E-00075-00025794-00026008 I have tropical fish. 9_yVnylW7-E-00076-00026008-00026208 Let's test this with them. 9_yVnylW7-E-00077-00026208-00026502 There's many fish in the tank. 9_yVnylW7-E-00078-00026502-00027317 If they smell the bait and come to eat it, we can think it works. 9_yVnylW7-E-00079-00027317-00027536 Let's see. 9_yVnylW7-E-00080-00027811-00027976 Oh, look at that! 9_yVnylW7-E-00081-00027976-00028268 They eat. 9_yVnylW7-E-00082-00028297-00028491 They eat the bait. 9_yVnylW7-E-00083-00028624-00028819 I have a good feeling. 9_yVnylW7-E-00084-00029064-00029150 Ta-da. 9_yVnylW7-E-00085-00029150-00029297 Guys. 9_yVnylW7-E-00086-00029297-00029439 I've arrived. 9_yVnylW7-E-00087-00029439-00029542 Is that a pee? 9_yVnylW7-E-00088-00029542-00029648 What's that? 9_yVnylW7-E-00089-00029648-00029875 Who peed?! 9_yVnylW7-E-00090-00030189-00030502 It's been a long time since I heard the sound of water. 9_yVnylW7-E-00091-00030502-00030720 It's so good, isn't it? 9_yVnylW7-E-00092-00030783-00031205 Let's install the trap. 9_yVnylW7-E-00093-00031205-00031320 Hmm. 9_yVnylW7-E-00094-00031320-00031574 At this spot. Somewhere around this spot. 9_yVnylW7-E-00095-00031574-00031858 By the way, the water has gone down a lot. 9_yVnylW7-E-00096-00031858-00032116 The water was really deep here. 9_yVnylW7-E-00097-00032116-00032235 Oh, it's deep there. 9_yVnylW7-E-00098-00032235-00032506 It's a good point. 9_yVnylW7-E-00099-00032506-00032790 The water is deep. We should be careful. 9_yVnylW7-E-00100-00032790-00032949 There's a lot of marsh snails here. 9_yVnylW7-E-00101-00032949-00033159 Oh my gosh, it's too deep. 9_yVnylW7-E-00102-00033159-00033296 I can't. 9_yVnylW7-E-00103-00033296-00033537 Be careful. 9_yVnylW7-E-00104-00033537-00033785 It's dangerous. 9_yVnylW7-E-00105-00034058-00034227 Let's go there. 9_yVnylW7-E-00106-00034771-00034854 Wow. 9_yVnylW7-E-00107-00034854-00035149 A huge fish just passed by. 9_yVnylW7-E-00108-00035149-00035286 I think this is a good spot. 9_yVnylW7-E-00109-00035286-00035876 This is a little isolated place and the water is also pretty deep. 9_yVnylW7-E-00110-00035876-00036392 Nobody will come here. 9_yVnylW7-E-00111-00036392-00036643 Let's fill the water. 9_yVnylW7-E-00112-00036934-00037297 It should be sink down. 9_yVnylW7-E-00113-00037297-00037811 I already put the bait in the trap. It shouldn't be floated over the water. 9_yVnylW7-E-00114-00037811-00037936 Here. 9_yVnylW7-E-00115-00038394-00038489 Go inside. 9_yVnylW7-E-00116-00038489-00038714 Sink down in the water. 9_yVnylW7-E-00117-00038714-00038781 No way. 9_yVnylW7-E-00118-00038873-00039127 Why does it keep floating on the water? 9_yVnylW7-E-00119-00039127-00039261 This is my work. 9_yVnylW7-E-00120-00039878-00039908 Wow. 9_yVnylW7-E-00121-00039908-00040122 The water is really cold. 9_yVnylW7-E-00122-00040122-00040250 It's cold, guys. 9_yVnylW7-E-00123-00040547-00040941 It dosen't sink. Let's put some stones in here. 9_yVnylW7-E-00124-00041178-00041443 It'll work. 9_yVnylW7-E-00125-00041443-00041584 Let's not add too much. 9_yVnylW7-E-00126-00041718-00041830 It's deep here, too. 9_yVnylW7-E-00127-00042086-00042285 There are many fish in the water! 9_yVnylW7-E-00128-00042285-00042424 We should install it at here. 9_yVnylW7-E-00129-00042424-00042608 It's good. It's good. 9_yVnylW7-E-00130-00042608-00042746 So many fish in there. 9_yVnylW7-E-00131-00042746-00043482 Let's just install the trap in here. 9_yVnylW7-E-00132-00043482-00043680 But we've got a problem. 9_yVnylW7-E-00133-00043680-00043862 It keeps floating. 9_yVnylW7-E-00134-00043862-00043992 Let's add more stones. 9_yVnylW7-E-00135-00043992-00044079 Cool. 9_yVnylW7-E-00136-00044079-00044448 There are mant fish here. 9_yVnylW7-E-00137-00044448-00044588 It looks good. 9_yVnylW7-E-00138-00044588-00045344 It sank down well. 9_yVnylW7-E-00139-00045344-00045817 I'll be back here tomorrow morning. 9_yVnylW7-E-00140-00045817-00046196 It will be about 12 hours later. 9_yVnylW7-E-00141-00046196-00046755 I'll come here early in the morning and see what fish have been caught. 9_yVnylW7-E-00142-00046755-00047286 I'm doing this for my crocodiles. 9_yVnylW7-E-00143-00047322-00047500 I think there will be fish in the trap. 9_yVnylW7-E-00144-00047500-00047622 I have a good feeling. 9_yVnylW7-E-00145-00047622-00047869 Let's see tomorrow. 9_yVnylW7-E-00146-00048147-00048467 Like & Subscribe please :) 9_yVnylW7-E-00147-00048467-00048675 -12 hours later..- 9_yVnylW7-E-00148-00048675-00048890 Alright, guys. 9_yVnylW7-E-00149-00048890-00049091 We came here again. 9_yVnylW7-E-00150-00049091-00049713 There must be a lot of fish because there are many migratory birds. 9_yVnylW7-E-00151-00049713-00049870 How many are there? 9_yVnylW7-E-00152-00049870-00050152 Wait. There's the spot I installed the trap! 9_yVnylW7-E-00153-00050152-00050371 There's my trap! 9_yVnylW7-E-00154-00050515-00051013 Migratory birds gather because there are many fish. 9_yVnylW7-E-00155-00051013-00051229 They're flying away. 9_yVnylW7-E-00156-00051229-00051367 Where do you go? 9_yVnylW7-E-00157-00051367-00051577 Are they running away from me? 9_yVnylW7-E-00158-00051577-00051677 Good bye! 9_yVnylW7-E-00159-00051724-00051939 I'm excited. 9_yVnylW7-E-00160-00051939-00052102 I'm dying to know the result. 9_yVnylW7-E-00161-00052102-00052566 The migratory birds all flied away. 9_yVnylW7-E-00162-00052566-00052778 I'm all excited. 9_yVnylW7-E-00163-00052778-00053670 Catching alligator food with bags and food bought from Daiso. 9_yVnylW7-E-00164-00053670-00053904 It must be sucessful. 9_yVnylW7-E-00165-00053904-00054190 The water sounds good. 9_yVnylW7-E-00166-00054190-00054754 I'll go catch various fishes including stickleback fish soon later. 9_yVnylW7-E-00167-00054754-00054864 With a landing net, of course. 9_yVnylW7-E-00168-00054989-00055148 It's here. 9_yVnylW7-E-00169-00055258-00055692 There are many fish around the trap! 9_yVnylW7-E-00170-00055692-00055785 So many! 9_yVnylW7-E-00171-00055785-00055999 Did you see that? 9_yVnylW7-E-00172-00055999-00056279 Okay, then... 9_yVnylW7-E-00173-00056279-00056928 We should bring it up quickly so the fish can't run away. 9_yVnylW7-E-00174-00057827-00058104 I don't know the result, too. 9_yVnylW7-E-00175-00058104-00058698 Let's see together on the ground. 9_yVnylW7-E-00176-00058837-00059251 Is there something? 9_yVnylW7-E-00177-00059251-00059455 Let's open it. 9_yVnylW7-E-00178-00059512-00059734 Will there are fish? 9_yVnylW7-E-00179-00059846-00060073 What the heck? 9_yVnylW7-E-00180-00060073-00060195 The zipper is opened! 9_yVnylW7-E-00181-00060509-00060591 It's impossible. 9_yVnylW7-E-00182-00061023-00061160 No way..... 9_yVnylW7-E-00183-00061489-00061770 Oh, no. Why is it opend? 9_yVnylW7-E-00184-00063162-00063245 I am at a loss for words. 9_yVnylW7-E-00185-00063541-00063735 See you tomorrow again. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00000-00000181-00002492 1. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00001-00002492-00004373 Synthesis reactions involve synthesizing new products. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00002-00004373-00004473 2. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00003-00004473-00004744 The atoms combine into a new compound. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00004-00004744-00005289 According to Jean Brainard at CK-12, “a synthesis reactions occur when two or more 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00005-00005289-00005605 reactants combine to form a single product” (1). 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00006-00005605-00005705 3. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00007-00005705-00006013 You can distinguish the reaction because its adding two elements and they combine to form 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00008-00006013-00006126 a single product. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00009-00006126-00006226 4. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00010-00006226-00006326 Imbed a video 5. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00011-00006326-00007397 This can be simply represented by A + B —> AB 6. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00012-00007397-00009749 2 sample chemical equations 1. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00013-00009749-00012490 This reactions identification is breaking down compounds. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00014-00012490-00012590 2. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00015-00012590-00013313 The compound’s atoms split apart, as “compounds break down into two or more simpler substances” 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00016-00013313-00013668 (Madame Lavoisier 1). 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00017-00013668-00013787 3. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00018-00013787-00014768 This is the only reaction that splits atoms apart and rearranges them into different compounds. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00019-00014768-00015122 4. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00020-00015122-00015775 Imbed a video 5. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00022-00019983-00021511 2 sample chemical equations: 1. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00024-00025198-00025428 substitution reaction. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00025-00025428-00025675 New compound formed. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00026-00025675-00025775 2. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00027-00025775-00026465 One atom forcefully enters the compound and knocks out the other atom or “One element 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00028-00026465-00026843 being displaced from a compound by another element” (Allison 1). 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00029-00026843-00026943 3. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00030-00026943-00027391 This equation represents the atom displacing the other atom as a bully knocking the other 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00031-00027391-00027491 out. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00032-00027491-00027870 You can remember single displacement with the bully analogy. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00033-00027870-00027970 4. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00034-00027970-00028263 Imbed a video 5. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00035-00028263-00028668 A + BC → AC + B 6. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00036-00028668-00029266 2 sample chemical equations: 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00037-00029266-00029508 1. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00039-00036259-00036674 atoms being exchanged. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00040-00036674-00036778 New Compounds formed. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00041-00036778-00036878 2. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00042-00036878-00037434 In a double displacement reaction two compounds “exchange bonds or ions in order to form 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00043-00037434-00037622 different compounds” (Allison 1). 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00044-00037622-00037850 This reaction involves two atoms switching places 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00045-00037850-00037963 3. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00046-00037963-00039476 When I see two atoms switch it reminds me of double replacement. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00047-00039476-00039638 4. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00048-00039638-00039897 Imbed a video 5. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00049-00039897-00040273 AB + CD → AC + BD 6. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00050-00040273-00041000 2 sample chemical equations: 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00051-00041000-00043018 2Ag(No3) + K2(CO3) → Ag2(CO3) + 2K(NO3) 1. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00052-00043018-00044822 This 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00053-00044822-00045087 is an explosive reaction heat is generated. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00054-00045087-00045187 2. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00055-00045187-00046769 “A combustion reaction is a type of redox reaction in which a combustible 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00056-00046769-00047519 material combines with an oxidizer to form oxidized products and generate heat (exothermic 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00057-00047519-00047619 reaction)” (Allison 1). 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00058-00047619-00047730 Atoms rearrange in an explosive manner. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00059-00047730-00047830 3. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00060-00047830-00048366 This reaction involves a huge release of energy, light, heat, Carbon Dioxide, and water. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00061-00048366-00048916 This reminds me of combustion. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00062-00048916-00049337 4. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00063-00049337-00050353 Imbed a video 5. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00064-00050353-00052429 CxHx + O2 → CO2 + H2O 6. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00065-00052429-00053055 2 sample chemical equations: 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00066-00053055-00053722 Change in color Bubbling Odor or gas Release of energy (Explosion) 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00067-00053722-00053874 Brainard, Jean. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00068-00053874-00054327 Synthesis Reactions, 12 Nov. 2016, https://www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/cms/lib/NC01001395/Centricity/Domain/7788/SYNTHESIS%20REACTIONS.pdf. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00069-00054327-00054479 Madame, Lavoisier. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00070-00054479-00055008 Decomposition Reactions Libretexts, 8 Aug. 2022, https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Introductory_Chemistry/Introductory_Chemistry_(CK-12)/11%3A_Chemical_Reactions/11.05%3A_Decomposition_Reactions 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00071-00055008-00055160 Hilary, Allison. 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00072-00055160-00056688 ThoughtCo, Common Types of Chemical Reactions, 3 Dec. 2019, https://www.thoughtco.com/types-of-chemical-reactions-604038 9_cf9mcIoiQ-00073-00056688-00057111 5 Reactions 9BAeqB9lUhu-00000-00000409-00000509 so I'm gonna show you some examples are displayed this BBD and we're going to see one of the 9BAeqB9lUhu-00001-00000509-00000610 commonest types of bad data people get all the time so let me open that particular file 9BAeqB9lUhu-00002-00000610-00001050 so what I have here is a bad data format I will be can see them would agree with few 9BAeqB9lUhu-00003-00001050-00001782 seconds now it looks okay everything is in columns every column is heading and so on 9BAeqB9lUhu-00004-00001782-00002454 and so forth but there is a problem these gaps under remember gaps and column E the 9BAeqB9lUhu-00005-00002454-00003005 amount column are not the problem only in the year and month there is a problem because 9BAeqB9lUhu-00006-00003005-00003483 if you saw take free converted to a pivot table if you figure it all the gaps will fall 9BAeqB9lUhu-00007-00003483-00004123 in together which is not correct because some gaps whinge and some gaps mean much so invariably 9BAeqB9lUhu-00008-00004123-00004801 we end up taking this extra work of filling up Our Hand and Waste Precious Life That Is 9BAeqB9lUhu-00009-00004801-00005287 Called Inefficiency in Fact If You Are Wasting Half an Hour One Whatever It Takes to Fill 9BAeqB9lUhu-00010-00005287-00005842 the Gaps You Who Is Helping Excel Instead of Excel Helping You and If You Understand 9BAeqB9lUhu-00011-00005842-00006473 My Concept Benefit Attended My Session Earlier on Our Bus See My Blog If You Are Helping 9BAeqB9lUhu-00012-00006473-00006995 the Software That Means You Are Met in Is Inefficient You Must Assume That Microsoft 9BAeqB9lUhu-00013-00006995-00007489 Must Have Detected This Problem and Solved This Now This Kind of Data Typically Comes 9BAeqB9lUhu-00014-00007489-00008059 from Pivot Table Typically Very Often We Want to Do Something in a Pivot Table but It Doesn't 9BAeqB9lUhu-00015-00008059-00008497 Allow You to Do It so We Feel We Should Copy Pasted As Well Use and While You're Doing 9BAeqB9lUhu-00016-00008497-00009015 That We Know That the Pivot Table Is Good to Misbehave and It Is Going to Be My Extra 9BAeqB9lUhu-00017-00009015-00009590 Work to Fill in the Gaps of This Is a Pivot Table Now Now before I Copy I Never Even Attempted 9BAeqB9lUhu-00018-00009590-00010086 to Think That Pivot Table Will Be Capable of Filling the Gaps of This Is How You Find 9BAeqB9lUhu-00019-00010086-00010586 Assume That There Is a Solution of This and That Solution Has To Be in a Pivot Table Manual 9BAeqB9lUhu-00020-00010586-00010964 so This Is Not an Analysis Related Issue This Is the Look and Feel Issues so You Would to 9BAeqB9lUhu-00021-00010964-00011597 Design Eliminate the Unwanted Buttons like I'm Not Adding Subtotals and Not Adding Rancorous 9BAeqB9lUhu-00022-00011597-00012040 May Be Report Layout As the Issue Read All the Options and Then Surprisingly You Will 9BAeqB9lUhu-00023-00012040-00012543 Find This Button Sitting There for Almost 56 Years Which Nobody Noticed When If You 9BAeqB9lUhu-00024-00012543-00013179 Don't Notice It and Click on It It Fills the Gaps in One Click People Spend Hours Doing 9BAeqB9lUhu-00025-00013179-00013722 This When There Is a Button Which Could Have Done It in Seconds so Start Exploring and 9BAeqB9lUhu-00026-00013722-00014019 Start Benefiting from That Is One Kind of bad data. 9E8ks8cURk0-00000-00000008-00000422 Does this also happen a lot to you, You're just getting into your room or office with 9E8ks8cURk0-00001-00000422-00000762 your laptop ready to plug it in to your desk setup. 9E8ks8cURk0-00002-00000762-00001221 But, low battery and you forgot your charger, well fear no more. 9E8ks8cURk0-00003-00001221-00001346 You can just use your phone charger. 9E8ks8cURk0-00004-00001620-00001710 *Click of supposed death* 9E8ks8cURk0-00005-00001710-00002102 Okay that was a bit unorthodox, I actually completely forgot to do an intro I don't really 9E8ks8cURk0-00006-00002103-00002589 know what happened there, but Chrome OS 76 has been delayed on the beta channel, so I 9E8ks8cURk0-00007-00002589-00002938 don't have it yet, so to compensate I have some more tips. 9E8ks8cURk0-00008-00002938-00003038 | 9E8ks8cURk0-00009-00003038-00003461 The second tip starts in settings, more specifically, mousepad settings. 9E8ks8cURk0-00010-00003461-00003832 You can see these two toggles, enable tap-to-click and enable tap dragging. 9E8ks8cURk0-00011-00003832-00004388 Basically tap-to-click allows you to use the mousepad without physically clicking down 9E8ks8cURk0-00012-00004388-00004488 on it. 9E8ks8cURk0-00013-00004488-00005245 And to complete the experience tap-dragging allows you to drag things without, clicking 9E8ks8cURk0-00014-00005245-00005610 down on the mousepad, dragging and letting go. 9E8ks8cURk0-00015-00005610-00006153 What you instead do is double tap the mousepad, that is still without clicking it and then 9E8ks8cURk0-00016-00006153-00006367 drag and then let go. 9E8ks8cURk0-00017-00006367-00006828 Personally I really love being able to use the mousepad without ever clicking down on 9E8ks8cURk0-00018-00006828-00007664 it, and you should try it out, and see if it's for you, who knows if you'll like it 9E8ks8cURk0-00019-00007664-00007764 | 9E8ks8cURk0-00020-00007764-00008009 Okay this is the last tip, if you own a midi device and you've tried using it with a Mac 9E8ks8cURk0-00021-00008009-00008427 or a PC, you're probably familiar with installing midi drivers. 9E8ks8cURk0-00022-00008427-00008985 And guess what, you don't need to do that on chromebooks, you can just plug in any midi 9E8ks8cURk0-00023-00008985-00009272 device and start playing away, no drivers needed. 9E8ks8cURk0-00024-00009272-00009920 You still need a program though, I suggest using soundtrap, as you can hear it sounds 9E8ks8cURk0-00025-00009920-00010495 pretty good, i'll leave a link in the description, but you might be able to find something else 9E8ks8cURk0-00026-00010495-00010688 that also works. 9E8ks8cURk0-00027-00010688-00011309 [new features animation] This right here is the only new feature on 9E8ks8cURk0-00028-00011309-00011595 the beta channel the last month, but it is really awesome. 9E8ks8cURk0-00029-00011595-00012560 If you plug in a USB stick or an ssd or some other external media and it has multiple partitions, 9E8ks8cURk0-00030-00012560-00012894 it looks like this now, and it's incredible alright. 9E8ks8cURk0-00031-00012894-00013428 If you're working with installing a lot of operating systems or something where you work 9E8ks8cURk0-00032-00013428-00013963 with drives with many partitions, you know the pain of plugging something in and 15 different 9E8ks8cURk0-00033-00013963-00014578 partitions popping up on your screen and different partitions having different drive letters, 9E8ks8cURk0-00034-00014578-00015243 it's a pain, oh and don't get me started on having to format it. 9E8ks8cURk0-00035-00015243-00015868 But this thing that chrome OS has done, is the perfect solution, it's absolutely ingenious, 9E8ks8cURk0-00036-00015868-00016676 and no other OS does this, and **you** might not know this, but this right here is **awesome** 9E8ks8cURk0-00037-00016676-00016776 | 9E8ks8cURk0-00038-00016776-00017270 I usually keep this series free of things that could happen in the future, I wanna show 9E8ks8cURk0-00039-00017270-00017792 you cool new features that you, if you own a chromebook can use right now. 9E8ks8cURk0-00040-00017792-00018373 But today i'll make an exception, because there was a chrome OS “hackathon” where 9E8ks8cURk0-00041-00018373-00018959 some people hacked some really cool new features into Chrome OS and they dubbed it onechrome, 9E8ks8cURk0-00042-00018959-00019552 and it's mostly about connecting your phone and your chromebook better together. 9E8ks8cURk0-00043-00019552-00020039 Some of the features they've are really cool, they've made of course shared clipboard, and 9E8ks8cURk0-00044-00020039-00020562 they've implemented a way to push a phone number from your desktop browser to your phone, 9E8ks8cURk0-00045-00020562-00021145 and the same thing with websites, and some other features that are probably cool for 9E8ks8cURk0-00046-00021145-00021245 developers. 9E8ks8cURk0-00047-00021245-00021509 Oh yeah and it's encrypted. 9E8ks8cURk0-00048-00021509-00022143 But take this with a pretty massive grain of salt, because the features aren't implemented 9E8ks8cURk0-00049-00022143-00022914 into actual chrome OS yet, but we can always cross our fingers that google takes some inspiration 9E8ks8cURk0-00050-00022914-00023576 [bug fixes animation] There's a bug with the power button in tablet 9E8ks8cURk0-00051-00023576-00024187 mode, and it's been there since the release of Chrome OS 70 so why am I bringing it up 9E8ks8cURk0-00052-00024187-00024287 now. 9E8ks8cURk0-00053-00024287-00024954 Well because now, it's been marked as fixed, and it hasn't been fixed, at least not properly. 9E8ks8cURk0-00054-00024954-00025574 Basically if you were in tablet mode and you pressed the power button, or held it or whatever, 9E8ks8cURk0-00055-00025574-00026181 the screen would instantly go black and after a little while you would be logged out. 9E8ks8cURk0-00056-00026181-00026475 And it still does that, if you tap the button. 9E8ks8cURk0-00057-00026475-00027087 If you hold the button it now brings up the menu, but it still doesn't do that if you 9E8ks8cURk0-00058-00027087-00027378 just tap the button like that [title: you came so close but yet so far]. 9E8ks8cURk0-00059-00027378-00027820 And that's all I have for you today, stay tuned for the next one though, it'll be feature 9E8ks8cURk0-00060-00027820-00027920 packed. 9E8ks8cURk0-00061-00027920-00028360 And in the meantime subscribe, and if you have any suggestions for anything I should 9E8ks8cURk0-00062-00028360-00028553 do, leave it in the comments. 9E8ks8cURk0-00063-00028553-00029269 And remember, I'll upload every monday at 7 PM UTC, and I will do that I have summer 9E8ks8cURk0-00064-00029269-00029298 vacation. 9FoBPB1jDE4-00000-00005864-00006056 welcome everyone 9FoBPB1jDE4-00001-00006328-00007256 my name is xander garcia and you know what no no no no no no no no screw that i'm throwing 9FoBPB1jDE4-00002-00007256-00007864 the entire format right out the window much love to dante but i gotta do this my way 9FoBPB1jDE4-00003-00007936-00008552 i'm x i'm the interim gm for premiere wrestling this is state of premiere boom there you go 9FoBPB1jDE4-00004-00008552-00009200 we're done and i cannot wait i've been sitting on this i've been wanting to get it out here it is 9FoBPB1jDE4-00005-00009352-00010352 whoo naw they cheated their way to get in so they got their space in the place absolutely premier 9FoBPB1jDE4-00006-00010352-00011072 wrestling we honor our word we said that was gonna happen it's gonna happen absolutely but guess what 9FoBPB1jDE4-00007-00011128-00011568 that means we have to split everything that's right everything just gets split 9FoBPB1jDE4-00008-00011760-00012536 so in that that means there's going to be two separate rosters and i know everybody's 9FoBPB1jDE4-00009-00012536-00013112 thinking is pretty simple the people who joined naw they got the t-shirts they joined up they did 9FoBPB1jDE4-00010-00013112-00013632 all their little shenanigans and tomfoolery and underhandedness that's good for them 9FoBPB1jDE4-00011-00013712-00014552 however you fought for a space in the place that means premier wrestling owns you that's right we 9FoBPB1jDE4-00012-00014552-00015288 own your contracts you thought you had this big victory no you were fighting to get space in our 9FoBPB1jDE4-00013-00015288-00016008 place so that means you belong to us so what we're going to do is we're going to do a draft 9FoBPB1jDE4-00014-00016008-00016632 that's right that's right we're just shuffling everybody everywhere there is going to be a draft 9FoBPB1jDE4-00015-00016744-00017520 because oh i'm so excited so excited two different rosters one roster will obviously be the 9FoBPB1jDE4-00016-00017584-00018264 new attitude wrestling the second roster is going to be premier wrestling overload that's 9FoBPB1jDE4-00017-00018264-00018992 right premier wrestling overload i cannot wait for that oh i've been sitting on it 9FoBPB1jDE4-00018-00019056-00019624 so now let's dive right into the rest of this for our current champions big shout out to all 9FoBPB1jDE4-00019-00019624-00020528 of them you got ace he is the men's heavyweight champion of the world yep the rebel sweetheart 9FoBPB1jDE4-00020-00020528-00021480 she is the women's champion we got ryan jameson he is the middleweight champion then you have lg 9FoBPB1jDE4-00021-00021480-00022224 as the lightweight champion congratulations to each and every one of you good job good work 9FoBPB1jDE4-00022-00022312-00022784 now let's talk about some injuries let's let's get let's get the bat out of the way right now 9FoBPB1jDE4-00023-00022872-00023536 heart goes out to you we at premiere are hoping you a speedy recovery and come back to us 9FoBPB1jDE4-00024-00023536-00025040 we miss you the dubinator hellhound kim the diva divine and brandon exito they are injured please 9FoBPB1jDE4-00025-00025120-00025968 follow our twitter follow us there follow the shows check us out on youtube as that develops 9FoBPB1jDE4-00026-00026239-00026783 oh did i mention twitter yes i did i mentioned twitter another huge announcement 9FoBPB1jDE4-00027-00026992-00027664 premier wrestling we we got a spotlight shout out 9FoBPB1jDE4-00028-00027664-00028439 on second life's twitter yeah that's right lyndon labs featured us on their twitter 9FoBPB1jDE4-00029-00028504-00029176 go check it out it's it's right there the facts all line up we are so grateful and we 9FoBPB1jDE4-00030-00029176-00029768 appreciate you second life we appreciate your lyndon labs and everybody that supports us 9FoBPB1jDE4-00031-00029839-00030520 as we wish to support you thank you very much for that we are honored and we are humbled 9FoBPB1jDE4-00032-00030760-00031400 so the state of premiere wow there's a lot going into that but don't worry folks 9FoBPB1jDE4-00033-00031464-00031976 everything is just kind of like flying all over the place you got the good the bad and the what 9FoBPB1jDE4-00034-00032056-00032536 that's all right that's all right because if you just you just follow us it made sense we 9FoBPB1jDE4-00035-00032536-00033160 fought for this in season 10. you can go check it out you can binge it it's all right it's 9FoBPB1jDE4-00036-00033160-00033856 all right to binge premier wrestling we've got 10 seasons worth of it so you've got more than 9FoBPB1jDE4-00037-00033856-00034576 a full weekend to catch up to watch as premier tried to defend itself against an internal threat 9FoBPB1jDE4-00038-00034664-00035064 with the return of vince aftermath and him forming new attitude wrestling 9FoBPB1jDE4-00039-00035152-00035656 oh unfortunately we're here spoiler alerts i guess that's what we should call this state of premiere 9FoBPB1jDE4-00040-00035728-00036512 calling spoiler alerts that's great but we fought for this they won and again 9FoBPB1jDE4-00041-00036512-00037288 i congratulate them bravo to them don't want to take anything away from that however going forward 9FoBPB1jDE4-00042-00037368-00038088 oh it's like it just got started so you definitely want to watch what is to come 9FoBPB1jDE4-00043-00038248-00039024 but if you got some time go check out what has happened so don't worry we've got this 9FoBPB1jDE4-00044-00039208-00039720 now speaking of we've got this and talking to everybody out there now it's like i get 9FoBPB1jDE4-00045-00039720-00040368 to take a piece and you get to talk to me because right now we are on questions these are questions 9FoBPB1jDE4-00046-00040368-00041008 sent in by you and i have not seen them yet so let's let's reveal it let's let's move that 9FoBPB1jDE4-00047-00041008-00041392 move that down the teleprompter no move it down a little bit thank you right there here we go 9FoBPB1jDE4-00048-00041536-00042272 question one oh oh it's a two-parter how is the health of dante and will he be returning 9FoBPB1jDE4-00049-00042368-00043344 well i am very proud to announce dante is recovering beautifully he is recovering 9FoBPB1jDE4-00050-00043344-00043768 so beautifully he's bouncing back quicker than most other people i've seen 9FoBPB1jDE4-00051-00043896-00044808 so awesome to that will he be returning yes yes he will be returning and i'm just gonna 9FoBPB1jDE4-00052-00044808-00045208 add in i'm just going to add on to that because that's what i do i'm just going to add on to it 9FoBPB1jDE4-00053-00045296-00045808 he will be returning but not his general manager he will be returning 9FoBPB1jDE4-00054-00045944-00046600 in a different role so watch for that because i am i don't even know what he's coming back as 9FoBPB1jDE4-00055-00046704-00047520 he might be my boss he might not be who knows all right let yeah go ahead bump it down next 9FoBPB1jDE4-00056-00047520-00048544 question hey i know that you're dude do i want to become the permanent gm going forward 9FoBPB1jDE4-00057-00048624-00049448 hmm i don't know i don't know because i still i still itch to get in that ring and you know 9FoBPB1jDE4-00058-00049448-00049880 general manager won't have enough time for the ring and the ring the general manager thing so 9FoBPB1jDE4-00059-00050000-00050584 at this point in my life at this point in my career i i want to say 9FoBPB1jDE4-00060-00050760-00051424 maybe we'll say maybe because i got full faith and confidence in myself to handle this 9FoBPB1jDE4-00061-00051479-00052128 but i i want to be in the ring a little more if that makes sense if not ask me on twitter 9FoBPB1jDE4-00062-00052128-00052808 i'm there we can we can have a discussion this feels like a discussion type thing all right 9FoBPB1jDE4-00063-00052936-00053784 will events be posted on the premier website further in advance oh now see that is an amazing 9FoBPB1jDE4-00064-00053784-00054432 question that's the kind of question that i need so i am definitely going to look into that for for 9FoBPB1jDE4-00065-00054432-00055216 you for whoever asked that if for all who want to know i will indefinitely be looking into so or we 9FoBPB1jDE4-00066-00055216-00055704 will cause i'm to bring it to the people because this is you know premier wrestling it's it's 9FoBPB1jDE4-00067-00055704-00056184 like it's like a family thing it's it's a group it's a group effort i am definitely not alone 9FoBPB1jDE4-00068-00056264-00056888 like ever seriously there's five guys behind this screen right now and then there's three females 9FoBPB1jDE4-00069-00056888-00057560 like over on the it doesn't matter all right next question can matt the model please have a shot at 9FoBPB1jDE4-00070-00057560-00058632 the lightweight title okay oh well we'll see we'll see we'll see if he becomes a contender 9FoBPB1jDE4-00071-00058632-00058984 but yeah well actually he is already i mean an actual official contender 9FoBPB1jDE4-00072-00059048-00059544 for the title so so we'll see about that we'll see about that again it's not simple answers 9FoBPB1jDE4-00073-00059704-00060384 all right what are your thoughts on the on what luca did at the season finale 9FoBPB1jDE4-00074-00060672-00061440 i will definitely be addressing this just not right now so no comment 9FoBPB1jDE4-00075-00061679-00062576 will the ticket system be improved okay uh well yeah we've been working on updates actually 9FoBPB1jDE4-00076-00062576-00062944 this is this is kind of befitting i wasn't expecting this kind of question 9FoBPB1jDE4-00077-00063008-00063664 but uh yeah we have been working on them so there there have been some updates there have been some 9FoBPB1jDE4-00078-00063664-00064360 improvements some all that good stuff so we're working on it not really 100 just right now but 9FoBPB1jDE4-00079-00064360-00065104 it will get there we we will get there alright next question will naw have its own discord server 9FoBPB1jDE4-00080-00065352-00066064 no next question will there be tag team belts brought in next season 9FoBPB1jDE4-00081-00066144-00067016 oh oh whoever asked this question thank you so much every ounce and molecule of my soul 9FoBPB1jDE4-00082-00067016-00067992 wants to scream from the high heavens yes however no but i will say there is a new 9FoBPB1jDE4-00083-00068048-00069024 championship title coming forth yes there is folks there is a new championship title coming 9FoBPB1jDE4-00084-00069024-00069912 forth so definitely watch for that because we got a whole new slew of contenders for that contenders 9FoBPB1jDE4-00085-00069912-00070760 you already know you didn't know they were contenders we know at premiere we know all right 9FoBPB1jDE4-00086-00070760-00071744 everyone that seems to be just about it i'm so excited i'm just gonna rock a quick recap here we 9FoBPB1jDE4-00087-00071744-00072488 premiere wrestling were featured on second lives that's right lyndon labs twitter go check that out 9FoBPB1jDE4-00088-00072488-00073200 we thank them we appreciate them and we look forward to all future business endeavors with them 9FoBPB1jDE4-00089-00073344-00074528 next we're gonna have two rosters two rosters naw and premier wrestling overload that's right 9FoBPB1jDE4-00090-00074528-00075432 premier wrestling overload naw two totally separate rosters after the draft that's right 9FoBPB1jDE4-00091-00075432-00076144 everybody could be screaming out premiere for live naw for life unless your life is only a few 9FoBPB1jDE4-00092-00076144-00076944 weeks old like a magpie no you can't be like i'm still naw for life but you're on premiere overload 9FoBPB1jDE4-00093-00076944-00077568 thrust you gotta you gotta figure that out but it's okay we will figure that out with a draft 9FoBPB1jDE4-00094-00077632-00078280 anything goes anything can happen so watch that because i know who i want on my roster 9FoBPB1jDE4-00095-00078432-00079160 but will i get them probably not probably not but that's my job as interim gm is to tell myself 9FoBPB1jDE4-00096-00079160-00079792 probably not get our champions we've got the heavyweight champion of the world ace 9FoBPB1jDE4-00097-00079968-00080560 we've got the women's champion the rebel sweetheart we've got the middleweight 9FoBPB1jDE4-00098-00080560-00081488 champion ryan jameson and we have the lightweight champion lg so again congratulations to them they 9FoBPB1jDE4-00099-00081488-00082464 worked hard for it our injury list is the dubinator hell hound kim devine the diva 9FoBPB1jDE4-00100-00082560-00083776 brandon exito so thank you everyone again this has been state of premier imx see you next time 9Fzj2TIc7mA-00000-00000000-00000200 Take My Money “IRA” LIFELIKE HUMAN FACE 9HJukWmTlaE-00000-00000003-00000434 Hi everyone it's Apostle Michelle Peterson and so in this video I want to 9HJukWmTlaE-00001-00000434-00001076 talk to you about how you can protect your finances by giving them to God in 9HJukWmTlaE-00002-00001076-00001994 this video okay so I just want to share this with you guys 9HJukWmTlaE-00003-00001994-00002457 we all know about you know giving it to God giving it to God and you know just 9HJukWmTlaE-00004-00002457-00003009 trusting God with it and so we try to do that but a lot of times we don't know 9HJukWmTlaE-00005-00003009-00003332 how to do that we don't know what does that look like how do we give everything 9HJukWmTlaE-00006-00003332-00003729 to God you know how do we do that I'm gonna share with you a really cool 9HJukWmTlaE-00007-00003729-00004251 revelation from my own experience something that happened to me and how I 9HJukWmTlaE-00008-00004251-00004803 learned to give my finances to God and to actually leave it there with him so 9HJukWmTlaE-00009-00004803-00005244 this is what happened with me being in deliverance and ministering the people 9HJukWmTlaE-00010-00005244-00005723 that you know always being attacked by witches warlocks the cult members and 9HJukWmTlaE-00011-00005723-00006126 you know different things like that and one of the things they will come and do 9HJukWmTlaE-00012-00006126-00006609 is try to attack your finances they have things that they can do to your finances 9HJukWmTlaE-00013-00006609-00007047 in the spirit room that will tie them up lock them up they will do some things 9HJukWmTlaE-00014-00007047-00007668 with it so it was happening to me they were attacking my finances and so the 9HJukWmTlaE-00015-00007668-00008279 Lord actually was you know teaching me about how they attacked my finances how 9HJukWmTlaE-00016-00008279-00008822 to get my finances removed and how I can give my finances to him and they will be 9HJukWmTlaE-00017-00008822-00009246 protected so I started doing that I started giving my finances to die and 9HJukWmTlaE-00018-00009246-00009722 whenever I was starving I would give my finances to God the finances would flow 9HJukWmTlaE-00019-00009722-00010100 really you know good they would flow naturally everything was taken care of 9HJukWmTlaE-00020-00010100-00010575 but then you know it would get cut off and so then I would say Lord what's 9HJukWmTlaE-00021-00010575-00010935 going on I had to keep getting you know he said that they had my finances again 9HJukWmTlaE-00022-00010935-00011406 and so they had him tied up again so I would have to give him back give him 9HJukWmTlaE-00023-00011406-00011936 back to the Lord so that they could be protected so it kept happening so I 9HJukWmTlaE-00024-00011936-00012525 excellor I was like what's happening why why is it my finances stand protect it 9HJukWmTlaE-00025-00012525-00012986 with you and so this is what he told me he said that I keep taking 9HJukWmTlaE-00026-00012986-00013794 the finances back from him and so I said okay how am i taking it back so this is 9HJukWmTlaE-00027-00013794-00014465 what he told me when I gave the finances to him I gave my finances to him it 9HJukWmTlaE-00028-00014465-00015119 became his finances basically so whenever I went out and I took a dollar 9HJukWmTlaE-00029-00015119-00016047 and I spent it somewhere or I got food without asking him first if I can use 9HJukWmTlaE-00030-00016047-00016743 his finances to do that what I did I took the finances out of his care and I 9HJukWmTlaE-00031-00016743-00017151 placed them back into my control I started doing whatever I wanted to do 9HJukWmTlaE-00032-00017151-00017573 with the money I didn't ask him about you know if I can take this money to do 9HJukWmTlaE-00033-00017573-00018023 anything I took control over it so when I took control over it it came back into 9HJukWmTlaE-00034-00018023-00018831 my hands you know so this is this is something that I learned from God is 9HJukWmTlaE-00035-00018831-00019406 that when we give something to him we have to leave it with him and with your 9HJukWmTlaE-00036-00019406-00019907 finances you know if you put your finances in his hands when you spend a 9HJukWmTlaE-00037-00019907-00020213 dollar like every time I go to the store I go to the grocery store spending 9HJukWmTlaE-00038-00020213-00020622 anything now I asked the Lord Lord is it okay if I spend this not hear them say 9HJukWmTlaE-00039-00020622-00021026 yes I've never heard him say no I mean if I'm going to start a list of money 9HJukWmTlaE-00040-00021026-00021372 and throw our money away you'll probably hear him say no but if it's something 9HJukWmTlaE-00041-00021372-00021785 you need things and you're asking him always let them hear them say yes and so 9HJukWmTlaE-00042-00021785-00022203 it's like that with every situation that you're dealing with in your life when 9HJukWmTlaE-00043-00022203-00022800 you put something in God's care his hands believe it there is his if you 9HJukWmTlaE-00044-00022800-00023534 take it back it becomes yours again it's not protected the enemy can still he 9HJukWmTlaE-00045-00023534-00023865 could steal it he can do whatever he wants to do and then the people that 9HJukWmTlaE-00046-00023865-00024276 work with them they could attach it they could attack it and have it locked up 9HJukWmTlaE-00047-00024276-00024791 somewhere and then your finances aren't flowing but is for everything and so I 9HJukWmTlaE-00048-00024791-00025218 just wanted to share that with you guys I apply this to my life now and my 9HJukWmTlaE-00049-00025218-00025794 finances are protected you know if I forget to ask Lord about spending money 9HJukWmTlaE-00050-00025794-00026228 first I just and I'm accent to forgive me and then I 9HJukWmTlaE-00051-00026228-00026663 give my finances back to him for him to keep it safe and so all of you guys 9HJukWmTlaE-00052-00026663-00027197 enjoyed this this is something that I do in my life I hope it helps you where you 9HJukWmTlaE-00053-00027197-00027693 can actually give God your finances and give him other things in your life also 9HJukWmTlaE-00054-00027693-00028088 and trust him to take care of it and then whenever you're spending money just 9HJukWmTlaE-00055-00028088-00028562 X him you know get his permission to spend his money because you gave it to 9HJukWmTlaE-00056-00028562-00029069 him basically and then you know he'll he'll let you spin it you know let's 9HJukWmTlaE-00057-00029069-00029438 just speed it off but um but do it like that and you'll see a lot of things 9HJukWmTlaE-00058-00029438-00029864 changing your life so alright I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see 9HJukWmTlaE-00059-00029864-00030269 you in the next video god bless 9NBQpV2d3rE-00000-00000374-00000853 Welcome to High Definition, a web series for the 21st century viewer 9NBQpV2d3rE-00001-00000880-00001520 dedicated to the analysis, discussion and shenanigans of the many films around the world. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00002-00001542-00001988 The goal is to enjoy movies but always with more contexts. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00003-00001998-00003014 Now I will do a review as big as a mammoth, yes: that big, because it's time to analyze the dinosaurs of Jurassic World: Fallen kingdom. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00004-00003956-00005322 Up to front, I will tell you that this film is made to be seen in the theaters, so give yourself the chance to go out and enjoy it on the "big screen" because the only dinosaurs that look great on television ... are those of the Flintstones. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00005-00005782-00007368 Now, to be the fifth installment of a franchise: is not bad at all. In fact, at some moments I was pleasantly surprised. However, this film represents a before and after in the franchise and that can be controversial. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00006-00007368-00008744 To understand this direction switch we have to go back to 1993. At that time I was a little boy and like the whole world, I surrendered to the fantastic adventure with dinosaurs 9NBQpV2d3rE-00007-00008744-00009868 so real that more than science seemed magic. And all of it thanks to the magical powers of that sorcerer known as Steven Spielberg. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00008-00009888-00010818 In addition to this, the film was tremendously educational because it not only put me in contact with the dinosaurs; it also helped me understand 9NBQpV2d3rE-00009-00010818-00011540 something more about that scientific process that very little was known about in the 90's: I mean cloning. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00010-00011556-00012854 I found Jurassic Park 2 hilarious, even more than the first part. I guess that was because it fed the morbid fantasy of every kid by bringing a Tyrannosaur into the city. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00011-00012858-00013494 Unfortunately, I grew up, I lost my innocence and that's why I didn't watch Jurassic Park 3. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00012-00013518-00014454 But nostalgia is fashionable, and in 2015 I ran to watch Jurassic World and to be honest I enjoyed as a child! 9NBQpV2d3rE-00013-00014472-00015650 I loved discovering all the winks to Jurassic Park and how they introduced other new elements such as the Indominus Rex, a dinosaur designed at will by genetic manipulation. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00014-00015660-00017030 I also enjoyed watching how those "monsters" of the previous deliveries; now became our allies: I mean the fierce Velociraptors and the king: thee Tyrannosaurus Rex. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00015-00017030-00018432 Yes, I was very pleased, and once again the whole world surrendered to Jurassic World who crowned the fourth movie of the franchise as the fifth most-viewed movie in history. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00016-00018444-00019352 I confess that when they announced the fifth installment, I could not help feeling skeptic knowing that the director of the film would be the Spanish 9NBQpV2d3rE-00017-00019360-00020458 Juan Antonio Bayona, a director known for his ability to tell family dramas as we could see in his movies The Orphanage, The Impossible and A Monster Comes to See Me. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00018-00020464-00021824 Do not misunderstand me, I like his work but I don't believe -well I did not- that Bayona had the skills to tell an adventure in the style of Steven Spielberg. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00019-00021840-00022656 And I was right because Jurassic World: The fallen kingdom is very different from its predecessors. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00020-00022656-00023224 Not because it lacks action and adventure, in fact, these elements are present from the very first act of the film, 9NBQpV2d3rE-00021-00023280-00024736 but then we witness something unusual in this franchise: this time humans no longer run to save our lives. This time the dinosaurs need our help to escape extinction once again. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00022-00024824-00025368 To be honest, after 5 movies we have created a certain emotional bond with those beasts 9NBQpV2d3rE-00023-00026383-00026750 not only with those who now have a name, being Blue the most endearing. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00024-00026752-00027539 I mean all the dinosaurs! If you do not believe me, you will remember me at the brontosaurus scene on the island. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00025-00027564-00028620 Of course, the Jurassic adventure would not be complete without the threat of a great predator and The Fallen Kingdom introduces a new dinosaur: 9NBQpV2d3rE-00026-00028620-00029256 the Indoraptor who has its moment of glory not because he is just dangerous, he is intelligent and has feelings as well. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00027-00029256-00030608 However, as this film represents many changes, I was pleased finding out that the film endorses that the most dangerous of all predators are not dinosaurs but the very human being. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00028-00030648-00031872 The other great achievement of the film is giving you the feeling that they are building up a mythology: a great story where all the points are connected, 9NBQpV2d3rE-00029-00031904-00033180 being cloning and genetic manipulation the essential theme of the saga, as well as the responsibilities and consequences that the human race must face when playing with things that are not due. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00030-00033200-00034244 Although what for many is a success for others may be a mistake, and surely there will be those who feel betrayed with the change of direction in the franchise (from adventure to epic). 9NBQpV2d3rE-00031-00034272-00035244 This change is evident even in the film atmosphere, which passes from the impressive landscapes of Nublar Island to claustrophobic cages or a building. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00032-00035328-00036164 In short, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, is the most emotional and much darker of all the movies in the franchise, which is not bad 9NBQpV2d3rE-00033-00036200-00036956 but probably many "laid back" watchers could feel disappointed and I only hope that this does not take the franchise to the extinction. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00034-00037500-00038236 Hi! If you liked my review an want to watch my last review, click here. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00035-00038268-00038692 If you want to watch even more reviews, click this other link. 9NBQpV2d3rE-00036-00038732-00039208 If you want to receive my reviews "just out the oven": subscribe to my channel! 9NBQpV2d3rE-00037-00039216-00039964 And don't forget to comment, like and even better: share my video. It is easy and you would made me so happy! 9UFbuap1IE8-00000-00000000-00000556 [music] 9UFbuap1IE8-00001-00000556-00001199 This video will cover bivariate data, scatter plots, and null values. 9UFbuap1IE8-00002-00001200-00001930 Measures of central tendency, variability, and spread summarize a single variable by providing important information about its distribution. 9UFbuap1IE8-00003-00001930-00002216 Often, more than one variable is collected on each individual. 9UFbuap1IE8-00004-00002216-00002943 For example, in large health studies of populations it is common to obtain variables such as age, sex, height, weight, blood pressure, and 9UFbuap1IE8-00005-00002943-00003673 total cholesterol on each individual. Economic studies may be interested in, among other things, personal income and years of education. 9UFbuap1IE8-00006-00003673-00004176 As a third example, most university admissions committees ask for an applicant's high school 9UFbuap1IE8-00007-00004176-00004509 grade point average and standardized admission test scores (e.g., SAT). 9UFbuap1IE8-00008-00004510-00005250 Bivariate data, consists of twoquantitative variablesfor each individual, in contrast with univariate (or single variable) data. 9UFbuap1IE8-00009-00005250-00005846 Our first interest is in summarizing such data in a way that is analogous to summarizing univariate data. 9UFbuap1IE8-00010-00005846-00006523 By way of illustration, let's consider something with which we are all familiar: age. Let’s begin by asking if people tend to marry other people of 9UFbuap1IE8-00011-00006523-00007049 about the same age. Our experience tells us "yes," but how good is the correspondence? One 9UFbuap1IE8-00012-00007050-00007503 way to address the question is to look at pairs of ages for a sample of married couples. 9UFbuap1IE8-00013-00007503-00008173 Table 1 shows the ages of 10 married couples. Going across the columns we see that, yes, husbands and wives tend to be of about the 9UFbuap1IE8-00014-00008173-00008649 same age, with men having a tendency to be slightly older than their wives. This is no big 9UFbuap1IE8-00015-00008650-00009106 surprise, but at least the data bear out our experiences, which is not always the case. 9UFbuap1IE8-00016-00009106-00009726 The pairs of ages in Table 1 are from a dataset consisting of 282 pairs of spousal ages, too 9UFbuap1IE8-00017-00009726-00010346 many to make sense of from a table. What we need is a way to summarize the 282 pairs of ages. 9UFbuap1IE8-00018-00010346-00010943 We know that each variable can be summarized by ahistogram, which is a graphical representation of a distribution. A histogram 9UFbuap1IE8-00019-00010943-00011699 partitions thevariable on the x-axis into various contiguousclass intervalsof (usually) equal widths. The heights of the bars represent the 9UFbuap1IE8-00020-00011700-00012293 class frequencies.) Here, we can see that each distribution is fairlyskewedwith a long right tail. 9UFbuap1IE8-00021-00012293-00012813 We can also summarize the variables with a mean and standard deviation. 9UFbuap1IE8-00022-00012813-00013369 From Table 1 we can see that that not all husbands are older than their wives and it is important to see that this fact is lost when we 9UFbuap1IE8-00023-00013369-00014080 separate the variables. That is, even though we provide summary statistics on each variable, the pairing within couple is lost by separating the 9UFbuap1IE8-00024-00014080-00014896 variables. We cannot say, for example, based on the means alone what percentage of couples has younger husbands than wives. We have to count 9UFbuap1IE8-00025-00014896-00015563 across pairs to find this out. Only by maintaining the pairing can meaningful answers be found about couples. 9UFbuap1IE8-00026-00015563-00016249 Another example of information not available from the separate descriptions of husbands and wives' ages is the mean age of husbands with 9UFbuap1IE8-00027-00016250-00017053 wives of a certain age. For instance, what is the average age of husbands with 45-year-old wives? Finally, we do not know the relationship 9UFbuap1IE8-00028-00017053-00017719 between the husband's age and the wife's age. We can learn much more by displaying thebivariatedata in a graphical form that 9UFbuap1IE8-00029-00017720-00018316 maintains the pairing. Figure 2 shows ascatter plotof the paired ages. The x-axis represents the 9UFbuap1IE8-00030-00018316-00018649 age of the husband and the y-axis the age of the wife. 9UFbuap1IE8-00031-00018650-00019270 There are two important characteristics of the data revealed by Figure 2. First, it is clear that there is a strong relationship between the 9UFbuap1IE8-00032-00019270-00020136 husband's age and the wife's age: the older the husband, the older the wife. When one variable (Y) increases with the second variable (X), we 9UFbuap1IE8-00033-00020136-00021053 say that X and Y have apositive association. Conversely, when Y decreases as X increases, we say that they have anegative association. 9UFbuap1IE8-00034-00021053-00021696 Second, the points cluster along a straight line. When this occurs, the relationship is called alinear relationship. 9UFbuap1IE8-00035-00021696-00022526 Figure 3 shows a scatter plot of Arm Strength and Grip Strength from 149 individuals working in physically demanding jobs including electricians, 9UFbuap1IE8-00036-00022526-00023163 construction and maintenance workers, and auto mechanics. Not surprisingly, the stronger someone's grip, the stronger their arm tends to 9UFbuap1IE8-00037-00023163-00023876 be. There is therefore a positive association between these variables. Although the points cluster along a line, they are not clustered quite 9UFbuap1IE8-00038-00023876-00024226 as closely as they are for the scatter plot of spousal age. 9UFbuap1IE8-00039-00024226-00024629 A common problem when working with real world data is the presence of missing, or Null, values 9UFbuap1IE8-00040-00024630-00025023 within a dataset. There are 3 strategies to deal with this issue: 9UFbuap1IE8-00041-00025023-00025503 The first one is to omit the rows - if the variable is very important to the analysis and there are not 9UFbuap1IE8-00042-00025503-00026076 many observations with missing values, it can be acceptable to filter or delete those rows. 9UFbuap1IE8-00043-00026076-00026596 The second is to treat missing as a separate category. If the variable is categorical, this is 9UFbuap1IE8-00044-00026596-00027313 easy. If the variable is numeric, then the variable will need to be binned and a category created for the missing rows. 9UFbuap1IE8-00045-00027313-00028093 The third is to impute a value using distribution measures (such as the mean or median) or other variables. If values of other fields have differing 9UFbuap1IE8-00046-00028093-00028799 distributions for the variable with missing values, we can calculate separate distribution measures using these categories. 9UFbuap1IE8-00047-00028800-00029333 This concludes our video on bivariate data, scatter plots, and null values. 9UFbuap1IE8-00048-00029333-00030436 [music] 9Vqx3NSHttE-00000-00001011-00001462 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah 9Vqx3NSHttE-00001-00001462-00002265 Sayyidi how do non-Muslims come closer when ignited with the light and love of Islam? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00002-00002265-00002452 How to come closer? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00003-00002452-00003191 [Somebody sneezes] Like that [everyone laughs]. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00004-00003191-00004034 How to come closer is by following the teachings, that by coming through the YouTube, watching 9Vqx3NSHttE-00005-00004034-00004732 the teachings, watching the articles, reading the articles, following the app for any type 9Vqx3NSHttE-00006-00004732-00005235 of recitations that they can do but mainly a lot of it is the teachings. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00007-00005235-00005769 That if they come and they listen to the teachings and open their heart into the teachings then 9Vqx3NSHttE-00008-00005769-00006323 Allah (AJ) guides whom Allah (AJ) wants and the tariqahs (spiritual paths) are very strong 9Vqx3NSHttE-00009-00006323-00006687 at guidance and that light reaching to people. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00010-00006687-00007079 That’s why if you go through the comments on these videos then you’ll see that how 9Vqx3NSHttE-00011-00007079-00007701 many new people are continuously coming and that they want to take their shahadah (testimony 9Vqx3NSHttE-00012-00007701-00008164 of faith) that they’ve never heard these things like this before and become more and 9Vqx3NSHttE-00013-00008164-00008353 more towards the opening. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00014-00008353-00008945 When the world enters into its state of difficulty and mankind is convinced that it’s in its 9Vqx3NSHttE-00015-00008945-00009668 last phase of life then you should see people coming in droves to Islam because it answers… 9Vqx3NSHttE-00016-00009668-00010445 it has its answer for everything and has the immense majestic power from the heart of Sayyidina 9Vqx3NSHttE-00017-00010445-00011150 Muhammad ﷺ but people have to be careful with all of these energies and difficulties 9Vqx3NSHttE-00018-00011150-00011489 until they can reach to that point, inshaAllah. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00019-00011489-00012104 As salaamu alaykum Ya Shaykh Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah 9Vqx3NSHttE-00020-00012104-00012584 Forgive me for my ignorance but can you please tell us about the reality of sense and which 9Vqx3NSHttE-00021-00012584-00013156 sense should we use? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00022-00013156-00013256 Reality of sense? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00023-00013256-00014003 You have to get the ‘Timeless Reality’ [book] and the sense of hearing is the most 9Vqx3NSHttE-00024-00014003-00014125 important right now. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00025-00014125-00014625 That’s why they’re talking tonight about the sense, is the sense of hearing. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00026-00014625-00014837 So you have to hear. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00027-00014837-00015223 If we don’t hear all the other sense makes no sense. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00028-00015223-00015323 Right? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00029-00015323-00016209 If you don’t hear it, you don’t hear the reality, you didn’t hear the teaching, very 9Vqx3NSHttE-00030-00016209-00016414 small and every every step of it. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00031-00016414-00016918 The shaykh says, ‘Do like that, do like this, do like that, do like that.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00032-00016918-00017276 If they don’t hear it and you see them not even fulfilling what the shaykh just talked 9Vqx3NSHttE-00033-00017276-00017895 about then you wonder to yourself that - these people have no sense. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00034-00017895-00018205 What else could possibly open if you don’t first open your ears. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00035-00018205-00018834 You think the sense of seeing will open without the person having an ear that listens and 9Vqx3NSHttE-00036-00018834-00018934 submits? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00037-00018934-00019034 No. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00038-00019034-00019356 That’s only jinn (unseen beings) playing with them and making them feel like they’re 9Vqx3NSHttE-00039-00019356-00019673 having some sort of a vision but no. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00040-00019673-00020084 Until they reach a state in which “Sam’ina wa ata’na” that they’re hearing and 9Vqx3NSHttE-00041-00020084-00020280 they hear at every aspect. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00042-00020280-00020619 You know when the shaykh says, ‘Make it like this, do it like this, sit like that, 9Vqx3NSHttE-00043-00020619-00021010 do like this,’ all of those are conditioning. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00044-00021010-00021334 We said before – it’s not when the shaykh says, ‘Please give me a tafsir (interpretation) 9Vqx3NSHttE-00045-00021334-00021470 of Surah YaSeen ﷺ.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00046-00021470-00021676 They’re looking for the big mission. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00047-00021676-00021951 That’s not listening. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00048-00021951-00022727 The listening is in every interaction is the ear actually listening, hearing what he said, 9Vqx3NSHttE-00049-00022727-00022872 and doing it as he said. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00050-00022872-00023569 Even you think it’s wrong, you still do it so that to condition yourself to not use 9Vqx3NSHttE-00051-00023569-00023990 your head, not use your head, not use your head. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00052-00023990-00024533 So this is not an easy state and they achieve that not by any type of easiness and immense 9Vqx3NSHttE-00053-00024533-00024762 amounts of difficulty. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00054-00024762-00025015 So the most important is the sense of hearing. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00055-00025015-00025779 If we don’t accomplish hearing then every other sense is nonsense [shaykh laughs]. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00056-00025779-00026755 We said before, the shaykh would have big gatherings, he would giving big talk and then 9Vqx3NSHttE-00057-00026755-00027366 he would look to one of the people says, ‘Go get me some pizzas for my house please.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00058-00027366-00027793 Right in the middle of the talk he would say, ‘You go get some pizzas and take it to the 9Vqx3NSHttE-00059-00027793-00027955 house.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00060-00027955-00028658 And the person just looked, was so upset that he’s being called out of an association, 9Vqx3NSHttE-00061-00028658-00029215 he’s going to lose all these secrets and whatever he thought he was able to pick up 9Vqx3NSHttE-00062-00029215-00029631 from these understandings and then, ‘Go get a pizza! 9Vqx3NSHttE-00063-00029631-00030033 What the heck is that kind of an order?’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00064-00030033-00030521 And then he reluctantly with huffing and puffing and everybody’s watching like, ‘Oh my 9Vqx3NSHttE-00065-00030521-00030716 God, you’re not going to listen to the shaykh?’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00066-00030716-00031163 He reluctantly went and did it and when he went then the Mawlana (Q) would talk and say 9Vqx3NSHttE-00067-00031163-00031731 that, ‘You achieved more by listening than by thinking you’re going to sit in a talk.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00068-00031731-00032320 So when an isharat (sign) came at that moment, ‘Go do that,’ what he would have achieved 9Vqx3NSHttE-00069-00032320-00032881 by immediately listening would have been more than what he thought he was going to absorb 9Vqx3NSHttE-00070-00032881-00033225 with his nafs (ego) sitting there on the carpet. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00071-00033225-00033747 Means at that moment it came for him, ‘move’ and see if they’ll move and what he would 9Vqx3NSHttE-00072-00033747-00034200 have been dressed with is again something he couldn’t have comprehended. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00073-00034200-00034653 So this was our whole way of teaching and how we were brought up. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00074-00034653-00035030 Now it just very simple, you can’t say anything to anyone because they’re going to get angry 9Vqx3NSHttE-00075-00035030-00035463 with you but that was the reality that this ear doesn’t open. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00076-00035463-00035855 And if you tell somebody, ‘Don’t do that, don’t… 9Vqx3NSHttE-00077-00035855-00036049 don’t send out emails without my permission.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00078-00036049-00036203 Oh they get so angry. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00079-00036203-00036708 Huffing, puffing, huffing, puffing but there’s a hikmah and a wisdom in everything that the 9Vqx3NSHttE-00080-00036708-00036890 shaykhs are teaching. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00081-00036890-00037168 One - is a protection for people from hasad (jealousy). 9Vqx3NSHttE-00082-00037168-00037656 They don’t praise people in front of other people because nobody’s capable of carrying 9Vqx3NSHttE-00083-00037656-00037781 the hasad. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00084-00037781-00038308 Tomorrow you become crippled and blind and all sorts of sicknesses and difficulties then 9Vqx3NSHttE-00085-00038308-00038671 say, ‘Oh thank you, you praised me in front of these people, I got sick.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00086-00038671-00039058 So they understand, other people don’t understand, the shaykhs understand everything. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00087-00039058-00039737 So but the system it’s how much we can hear and then how much we can fulfill. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00088-00039737-00040590 That then keeps unlocking, unlocking, unlocking until Prophet ﷺ is happy with their hearing, 9Vqx3NSHttE-00089-00040590-00040880 inshaAllah. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00090-00040880-00041318 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah 9Vqx3NSHttE-00091-00041318-00041815 Sayyidi could you please elaborate on the tajweed in the Qur’an – the symbols on 9Vqx3NSHttE-00092-00041815-00041915 the words? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00093-00041915-00042544 You’ve spoken before when it’s above the letter and below the letter. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00094-00042544-00042840 Yes, no [Shaykh laughs]. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00095-00042840-00043080 It’s a coding. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00096-00043080-00043318 So, alhamdulillah. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00097-00043318-00043508 These are a coding from Sayyidina Uthman… 9Vqx3NSHttE-00098-00043508-00043980 Sayyidina Uthman al Ghani – Jami’ul Qur’anil Majeed (the Compiler of Honored Qur'an). 9Vqx3NSHttE-00099-00043980-00044691 The beloved Sayyidina Uthman (as) whom Allah (AJ) gave that gift and that reward that would 9Vqx3NSHttE-00100-00044691-00045620 take and gather the Qur’an which was one immensely amazing and then put all the markings 9Vqx3NSHttE-00101-00045620-00045812 upon it. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00102-00045812-00046600 So that these markings are codings not only for the non-Arab to recite, ‘Oo, waw’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00103-00046600-00047214 like they say the vowels but the marking on top it represents a tajalli (manifestation) 9Vqx3NSHttE-00104-00047214-00047855 that this huroof (Arabic letter) is a dress from heavens coming upon that. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00105-00047855-00048341 That huroof and the secret of that kalaam – that one word. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00106-00048341-00049108 When it has a line below the huroof that kalaam and that letter is giving a dressing onto 9Vqx3NSHttE-00107-00049108-00049236 earth. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00108-00049236-00049540 So means it’s receiving one on the top. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00109-00049540-00050036 When it’s below it, it is dressing something upon the earth, upon the reciter, upon the 9Vqx3NSHttE-00110-00050036-00050168 human. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00111-00050168-00050865 When it has the waw, it has a reality from Allah’s (AJ) ancient oceans of wadood (love). 9Vqx3NSHttE-00112-00050865-00051589 When it has the crown where it’s to duplicate the sound or to the longation of a letter 9Vqx3NSHttE-00113-00051589-00052226 but it’s actually like a crown and that has to do with the kingdom and sultanate and 9Vqx3NSHttE-00114-00052226-00052850 letters represent something from the reality of the sultanate (kingdom) of Sayyidina Muhammad 9Vqx3NSHttE-00115-00052850-00052950 ﷺ. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00116-00052950-00053611 So means everything he was coding, he was coding which is immensely miraculous, that 9Vqx3NSHttE-00117-00053611-00054258 to put all of these markings and coding it with the Divinely codings. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00118-00054258-00054595 So means the Holy Companions (as) they’re not normal people. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00119-00054595-00055195 That from the light of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ Allah (AJ) took that light and made these 9Vqx3NSHttE-00120-00055195-00055714 four Holy Companions (as) and they carry immense realities and that’s why you always see 9Vqx3NSHttE-00121-00055714-00056302 their names orbiting Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00122-00056302-00056967 They are the elements that orbit the reality of Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00123-00056967-00057437 So their station is not something matchable, not even understandable. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00124-00057437-00057750 By loving them they dress us. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00125-00057750-00058219 By loving Sayyidina Uthman (as) – Jami’ul Qur’anil Majeed then inshaAllah departs 9Vqx3NSHttE-00126-00058219-00058826 within our soul secrets of Holy Qur’an and its realities and its dress. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00127-00058826-00059270 Said each companion wants to dress us from their secret. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00128-00059270-00059858 Sayyidina Abu Bakr as Siddiq (as) is guiding then, ‘Come to Naqshbandiya Siddiqiya because 9Vqx3NSHttE-00129-00059858-00060586 I will dress you from this character, my character, my love, I am the moon for Sayyidina Muhammad 9Vqx3NSHttE-00130-00060586-00060686 ﷺ.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00131-00060686-00061431 So alhamdulillah Allah (AJ) granted us this immense gift by guiding us into Islam, guiding 9Vqx3NSHttE-00132-00061431-00062243 us into Naqshbandiya tul ‘Aliya (The Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Order), inshaAllah. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00133-00062243-00062770 As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi Ya Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah 9Vqx3NSHttE-00134-00062770-00063304 We were reading the Timeless Reality [book], can you please elaborate a bit more on the 9Vqx3NSHttE-00135-00063304-00063677 thumb print and the shahadah finger during meditation? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00136-00063677-00064136 Good job, mashaAllah. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00137-00064136-00064562 We have somebody who read the Timeless Reality, alhamdulillah. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00138-00064562-00065089 InshaAllah the thumb print and the shahadah finger, everything is coded. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00139-00065089-00065812 So, Allah (AJ) describes, ‘We’re going to replicate you all the way to the marking 9Vqx3NSHttE-00140-00065812-00065983 upon your thumb.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00141-00065983-00066781 So means that every thumb has a unique code for who you are and your shahadah finger carries 9Vqx3NSHttE-00142-00066781-00067256 a light from the reality of your soul in Divinely Presence. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00143-00067256-00067810 When that shahadah finger is touching the thumb, it’s like a bar code scanner - it’s 9Vqx3NSHttE-00144-00067810-00068469 scanning your identity and bringing your haqqaiqs and your realities to you. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00145-00068469-00068650 You don’t need that all the time. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00146-00068650-00069010 So that’s why when they sit for tafakkur (contemplation) then they sit in a way in 9Vqx3NSHttE-00147-00069010-00069710 which to have that bar coding scanned and that nobody notice it and begin to ask for 9Vqx3NSHttE-00148-00069710-00070313 the energy that is their reality to come more to them because they’re sitting in a state 9Vqx3NSHttE-00149-00070313-00070549 of meditation and contemplation. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00150-00070549-00071039 They’re sitting to know their Lord and to know themself so they can know their Lord. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00151-00071039-00071492 But doesn’t mean going everywhere and putting your hand like Buddhist people then all the 9Vqx3NSHttE-00152-00071492-00071682 Muslims come against everybody. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00153-00071682-00072075 They copied and understood it and then they did it differently. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00154-00072075-00072794 Just to scan for your identity and then you hold it, and that calls upon your reality 9Vqx3NSHttE-00155-00072794-00072984 to come to you inshaAllah. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00156-00072984-00073691 As salaamu alaykum ya Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah 9Vqx3NSHttE-00157-00073691-00074136 Forgive me for my ignorance but how should we prepare for what’s coming for us and 9Vqx3NSHttE-00158-00074136-00074495 our families in these days of difficulty? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00159-00074495-00075133 I think we talked last night that there’s no way to prepare for qiyamah (resurrection) 9Vqx3NSHttE-00160-00075133-00075616 but what you can prepare is for Sayyidina Mahdi (as). 9Vqx3NSHttE-00161-00075616-00076470 And immense, immense events are coming and that requires good character, love and hold 9Vqx3NSHttE-00162-00076470-00076733 firm to the shaykhs. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00163-00076733-00077272 There are 50 shaykhs that will have 50 locations of light upon this earth. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00164-00077272-00078027 They know who their selves are and the light that they spread and the ability that Allah 9Vqx3NSHttE-00165-00078027-00078641 (AJ) will dress them with for safety and for protection upon this earth. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00166-00078641-00079180 Keeping their love, keeping their companionship, keeping their understandings through all of 9Vqx3NSHttE-00167-00079180-00079694 these immensities and difficulties, keeping the meditation, the muraqabah (spiritual connection), 9Vqx3NSHttE-00168-00079694-00080135 all of these are the training for those days. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00169-00080135-00080341 What can somebody do? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00170-00080341-00080931 Then you buy your food, stock your home, keep batteries, food, essential food, crackers, 9Vqx3NSHttE-00171-00080931-00081200 peanut butter, diapers if you have children. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00172-00081200-00081441 All of the essentials like you have a little market. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00173-00081441-00081764 That’s why we have an entire market. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00174-00081764-00082243 But everyone else should have like a little market in their home, in their cupboard. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00175-00082243-00082757 As a result Allah’s (AJ) watching, Prophet ﷺ is watching that, ‘This person believes 9Vqx3NSHttE-00176-00082757-00082944 but they have no supplies. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00177-00082944-00083147 Hmm.. they don’t really believe.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00178-00083147-00083779 So belief is something quantitative – is that the correct word Toufeeq? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00179-00083779-00084100 Yeah that you can verify. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00180-00084100-00084745 It’s not fictional like some people say, ‘Oh pray, I pray, I pray in my heart, I’m 9Vqx3NSHttE-00181-00084745-00084845 good with God.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00182-00084845-00084945 That’s not true. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00183-00084945-00085501 That everything you can quant...what is it called? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00184-00085501-00085606 ‘Quantify.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00185-00085606-00085982 Means you can take a quantity out of it. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00186-00085982-00086247 So Allah (AJ) looking and say, ‘Okay they have no supplies. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00187-00086247-00086366 What kind of belief is that?’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00188-00086366-00086893 Then when you have supplies say, ‘Oh okay he heard and they actually have supplies.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00189-00086893-00087345 So those are the protections that we put our supplies and Allah (AJ) make it to last. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00190-00087345-00087819 Then I’m listening to the meditation, I’m doing it, Ya Rabbi grant me this nazar (gaze), 9Vqx3NSHttE-00191-00087819-00088012 grant me protection, grant me a light.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00192-00088012-00088466 How light going to come to you, you never sit to do any type of meditation or tafakkur. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00193-00088466-00088625 So then I said, ‘No I’m going to sit. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00194-00088625-00089073 I don’t have to be the best one at doing it,’ but Allah (AJ) said: ‘Take one step 9Vqx3NSHttE-00195-00089073-00089407 I take 99 steps towards you.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00196-00089407-00089664 And these difficulties that come, they come from all over. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00197-00089664-00090162 People can’t imagine from Alaska they’ll be attacking through Canada, from Korea they’ll 9Vqx3NSHttE-00198-00090162-00090742 be attacking into California, they’ll be launching missiles and bombs beyond belief. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00199-00090742-00091130 And at that time Allah (AJ) will give in the hands of awliyaullah (saints) to protect their 9Vqx3NSHttE-00200-00091130-00091872 people and they’ll be using all of Allah’s (AJ) Might and Majesty. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00201-00091872-00092372 So these things will be happening in an instant and people will be taken by surprise when 9Vqx3NSHttE-00202-00092372-00092735 they wake up in the morning, it become a new world. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00203-00092735-00093236 So it’s a matter of belief and people having good character. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00204-00093236-00093791 When you find people whom are yelling and fighting too much it’s because demons are 9Vqx3NSHttE-00205-00093791-00094454 trying to overtake them to lose their protection and we can’t reiterate that enough and people 9Vqx3NSHttE-00206-00094454-00094697 don’t seem to understand it. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00207-00094697-00095318 Everyone feels that their anger is acknowledgeable or they have a right to their anger, they 9Vqx3NSHttE-00208-00095318-00095531 have a right to be angry. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00209-00095531-00095994 And nobody has a right to be angry, nobody has a right to be angry. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00210-00095994-00096638 Only Allah (AJ) has a right to be angry because only Allah (AJ) is not accountable. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00211-00096638-00097285 But in our time and in our difficulty anyone whom angers and stays within a state of anger, 9Vqx3NSHttE-00212-00097285-00097563 shaitan (satan) is blocking their connection. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00213-00097563-00098272 So imagine you have an umbrella of connection and protection and shaitan is stealing it 9Vqx3NSHttE-00214-00098272-00098813 by bad character and the person thinks that their anger is justifiable but you’re trying 9Vqx3NSHttE-00215-00098813-00099330 to teach that, ‘Oh it look like the devil just stole your umbrella right before a missile 9Vqx3NSHttE-00216-00099330-00099611 launches on your head.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00217-00099611-00100157 So means they said this whole west coast is all under difficulty from that region across 9Vqx3NSHttE-00218-00100157-00100818 the water and it’s just a matter of time when Allah (AJ) give them isharat and they 9Vqx3NSHttE-00219-00100818-00101130 begin launching what they’re going to launch. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00220-00101130-00101797 So these difficulties that are eminent everywhere then it requires their muraqabah, their good 9Vqx3NSHttE-00221-00101797-00102344 character, and shaitans are biting at them to become angry and they have to be strong 9Vqx3NSHttE-00222-00102344-00102581 and not angry, not angry. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00223-00102581-00103073 They shouldn’t exhibit anger and if they do get angry they wash, they pray, make their 9Vqx3NSHttE-00224-00103073-00103507 salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) and to have good character. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00225-00103507-00104169 The sign of anger and anger staying is that shaitan has took your cover and your protection 9Vqx3NSHttE-00226-00104169-00104269 away. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00227-00104269-00104782 You invoke Allah (AJ) all you want but apparently if you’re angry shaitan is with you, not 9Vqx3NSHttE-00228-00104782-00105522 Allah (AJ), inshaAllah. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00229-00105522-00105667 People are now having their dreams. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00230-00105667-00106075 They are seeing these wars in everywhere. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00231-00106075-00106514 They’re seeing the bombings that are coming from every direction and the difficulties 9Vqx3NSHttE-00232-00106514-00106692 that are coming. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00233-00106692-00107311 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah 9Vqx3NSHttE-00234-00107311-00107780 Sayyidi would you speak more on the uncreated speech of Allah (AJ)? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00235-00107780-00108389 There is the Arabic we here of a recitation, is the uncreated speech the energy behind 9Vqx3NSHttE-00236-00108389-00109559 the sound? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00237-00109559-00110575 The uncreated speech is the ihtiram and the respect, that Allah’s (AJ) words are not 9Vqx3NSHttE-00238-00110575-00110717 created. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00239-00110717-00111654 The Qur’an is a … is Allah’s (AJ) compilation of words that are not created. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00240-00111654-00112407 So something not created is coming in something created – that within itself is of a miraculous 9Vqx3NSHttE-00241-00112407-00113166 nature in which Allah (AJ) is providing its power and its energy to that extent. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00242-00113166-00113880 But to the extent of sound we said before that the Qur’an and the immensity of its 9Vqx3NSHttE-00243-00113880-00114813 power and Allah (AJ) describes that, “sayhatan wahidatan” that I think four times in Surat 9Vqx3NSHttE-00244-00114813-00115155 Al YaSeen ﷺ, ‘It’s but one shout.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00245-00115155-00115738 Draws our attention that in one shout Allah (AJ) can decimate and take away all of creation, 9Vqx3NSHttE-00246-00115738-00116173 in one shout Allah (AJ) can raise all of creation, bring them into a location. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00247-00116173-00116576 So means that the power of sound was most supreme. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00248-00116576-00117213 That’s why from the time of Sayyidina Isa (as) and his relationship and reality to Sayyidina 9Vqx3NSHttE-00249-00117213-00117784 Muhammad ﷺ was an Injeel (Gospel), was a spoken. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00250-00117784-00118413 And then by the time Qur’an comes with the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, it’s 9Vqx3NSHttE-00251-00118413-00119374 a recited with a beatific verse, beatific sound and the reality of the nodes of sounds 9Vqx3NSHttE-00252-00119374-00119690 - the 7 qira’ats (recitations) up to 14. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00253-00119690-00120230 Means then the power of the sound of Qur’an is something that can’t be understood again 9Vqx3NSHttE-00254-00120230-00120539 because of the reality of sound. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00255-00120539-00121376 But what was the sound of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and because we’re not capable of understanding 9Vqx3NSHttE-00256-00121376-00121902 that sound, what the Sahabi (Holy Companions of Prophet ﷺ) heard of the holy voice. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00257-00121902-00122727 That Prophet ﷺ heard from Allah’s (AJ) Speech and what Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ spoke 9Vqx3NSHttE-00258-00122727-00123096 is not something that’s even understandable. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00259-00123096-00123697 As a result, the station and the purity of the Companions is not something that can be 9Vqx3NSHttE-00260-00123697-00123797 achieved. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00261-00123797-00124429 Just by the sound vibration that was hitting them and all their imperfections taken and 9Vqx3NSHttE-00262-00124429-00124733 all their perfections granted. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00263-00124733-00125283 So just the sound of that voice is something that can’t be understood. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00264-00125283-00125740 Then the voice of the Sahabi to Tabi’yeen (followers of the holy companions) because 9Vqx3NSHttE-00265-00125740-00126363 they were dressed with the vibration that not achievable and as a result when they spoke 9Vqx3NSHttE-00266-00126363-00126742 to the companions, their companions what was that power. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00267-00126742-00127116 That’s why the hierarchy of that reality. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00268-00127116-00127858 So they were taking these vibrations from the vibration of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00269-00127858-00128483 As a result the prosperity of the nation was highest at those 300 years because they were 9Vqx3NSHttE-00270-00128483-00129097 taking the vibrations and they were pure and sending out those vibrations. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00271-00129097-00129751 As the vibration became weaker and weaker then the nation became in more and more difficulty. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00272-00129751-00130208 By the time they were inheriting, they were not at that level as the ones who had come 9Vqx3NSHttE-00273-00130208-00130808 before them and they were not at that frequency as the ones who had come before them. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00274-00130808-00131276 And that’s why awliyaullah would go and recite and 200,000 people would come. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00275-00131276-00131902 They would go and they would memorize 600,000 hadith, unimaginable realities. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00276-00131902-00132501 So when they were speaking, they were speaking with a vibration that was purifying. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00277-00132501-00133095 And that’s why it was like a pyramid - the top of it was Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and then 9Vqx3NSHttE-00278-00133095-00133207 down, down, down. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00279-00133207-00133930 They say up to 300 years was the prime of the nation and the vibration and all the immensities 9Vqx3NSHttE-00280-00133930-00134409 of what was coming out from the realities of Qur’an and the realities of Islam. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00281-00134409-00135120 As the vibration became weaker then it became more difficulty until the last days hadith 9Vqx3NSHttE-00282-00135120-00135585 is that, ‘The last days will be filled with oppression against Muslims.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00283-00135585-00135788 And companions say, ‘Why there will be no Muslims?’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00284-00135788-00136044 Say, ‘No they’ll be so many but they’re hiding.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00285-00136044-00136471 They don’t look like Muslims anymore. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00286-00136471-00136592 Right. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00287-00136592-00137214 They look like hipsters and gangsters and every type of crook and criminal. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00288-00137214-00137513 So they left ‘Izzatullah (Allah's (AJ) Might and Magnificence), ‘izzatur Rasul (honor 9Vqx3NSHttE-00289-00137513-00137613 of the Messenger). 9Vqx3NSHttE-00290-00137613-00138005 So you have a bunch of Muslim everywhere but they don’t look Muslim, they’re wearing 9Vqx3NSHttE-00291-00138005-00138517 inappropriate clothing, they’re dressed inappropriate, acting inappropriate. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00292-00138517-00138623 So what they have of Islam? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00293-00138623-00138955 They lost the ‘Izzah (Honor) and the Might of Allah (AJ). 9Vqx3NSHttE-00294-00138955-00139539 They lost the ‘izzat of Rasulallah ﷺ because in reality how Allah (AJ) can dress you with 9Vqx3NSHttE-00295-00139539-00140078 might and power if not Prophet ﷺ dressing you first. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00296-00140078-00140234 Right? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00297-00140234-00140758 So Prophet ﷺ has to be happy with you, Allah (AJ) completes the happiness and says, ‘I’m 9Vqx3NSHttE-00298-00140758-00140858 also happy.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00299-00140858-00141004 Why Allah (AJ) say, ‘I’m happy with this servant. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00300-00141004-00141137 Why am I happy with this servant?’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00301-00141137-00141447 No beard, no hat, no sunnah (traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), no ring, no cane, no 9Vqx3NSHttE-00302-00141447-00141620 sunnah prayers, no nothing. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00303-00141620-00141826 Why Allah’s (AJ) happy with them? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00304-00141826-00142149 Because their khushbu (fragrance)? 9Vqx3NSHttE-00305-00142149-00142341 No. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00306-00142341-00142935 So actually the secret of Allah’s (AJ) happiness is that, ‘Oh look they are Muhammadiyoon. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00307-00142935-00143424 They are the people whom they love Prophet ﷺ and they’re trying to imitate Prophet 9Vqx3NSHttE-00308-00143424-00143584 ﷺ. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00309-00143584-00143927 As a result of their imitation, I’m happy with them.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00310-00143927-00144137 Allah (AJ) dresses that servant. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00311-00144137-00144856 They then have ‘Izzatullah, ‘izzatur Rasul and then the real mumineen (believers) - ‘izzatul 9Vqx3NSHttE-00312-00144856-00145236 mumineen (honour of the believers) are all around them, guiding, teaching them and trying 9Vqx3NSHttE-00313-00145236-00145382 to bless them and protect them. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00314-00145382-00145672 So that has an immense secret. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00315-00145672-00146212 That hadith of last days, ‘They would be bountiful and everywhere but… but they don’t 9Vqx3NSHttE-00316-00146212-00146312 look Muslim.’ 9Vqx3NSHttE-00317-00146312-00146739 So they lost their might and the key to that kingdom. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00318-00146739-00147350 Subhana rabbikarabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahirabbil 9Vqx3NSHttE-00319-00147350-00147450 ‘aalameen. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00320-00147450-00148124 Ila sharifin Nabi ﷺ wa ila aalihi wa sahbihil kiram wa ila mashayikhina fit tariqatin Naqshbandiyatil 9Vqx3NSHttE-00321-00148124-00148442 ‘aaliyah,… wa sayiri wa sadatina wa Siddiqin. 9Vqx3NSHttE-00322-00148442-00148534 Al Fatiha. 9V_8UEUsL2k-00000-00000024-00000872 i just keep it on film hey guys what is up everybody it's me skyler today 9V_8UEUsL2k-00001-00000872-00001456 i'm here with my father hello my dad is going to be teaching me how to drive 9V_8UEUsL2k-00002-00001456-00001839 let's just see how this goes i have to put the seat up because i am 4 foot 10. 9V_8UEUsL2k-00003-00002712-00003072 start the car you guys pulling the brake push that button and it'll start 9V_8UEUsL2k-00004-00003456-00003847 you have your foot in the back i'm going to come left all right and now you're 9V_8UEUsL2k-00005-00003847-00004384 going to back up because you're going to go that way go ahead back up a little bit 9V_8UEUsL2k-00006-00004464-00005024 now you're going to stop now you're going to turn left so you didn't put your blinker on you have 9V_8UEUsL2k-00007-00005024-00005448 to put my blinker on when i'm in a parking lot not really just getting to the habit we went 9V_8UEUsL2k-00008-00005536-00005784 back up you're signaling until you get to the stop sign 9V_8UEUsL2k-00009-00006032-00006400 drive confidence i'm very confident good they know i'm a new driver 9V_8UEUsL2k-00010-00006856-00007352 that's not good just pretend it's a balance beat 9V_8UEUsL2k-00011-00007576-00007823 if your tires touched the white lines you failed 9V_8UEUsL2k-00012-00008208-00008584 got to make it painful you don't like to fail now put in park and let's see 9V_8UEUsL2k-00013-00008680-00009304 what ah sorry try it again are you looking in here you want to try back it in 9V_8UEUsL2k-00014-00009616-00009984 okay put in park 9V_8UEUsL2k-00015-00010312-00010568 okay i had a little bit of room did i pass yeah 9V_8UEUsL2k-00016-00010776-00011384 i am confusion dad how do you think of me learning to drive at 19. 9V_8UEUsL2k-00017-00012632-00012856 should be on a leash but it's not oh stop 9V_8UEUsL2k-00018-00012991-00013712 i don't want to run it there you go you got this you're doing excellent dad do you feel comfortable 9V_8UEUsL2k-00019-00013712-00014184 driving with me yes i do surprisingly the moving car there's a moving vehicle 9V_8UEUsL2k-00020-00014240-00014752 scott that's going to be common cars actually move why don't you try parking one more time 9V_8UEUsL2k-00021-00014991-00015632 well i mean you still have a room you probably should be a little bit more to this this side so 9V_8UEUsL2k-00022-00015632-00016144 you always want to be like even on both sides because if that person is too close to you 9V_8UEUsL2k-00023-00016144-00016512 and they open their door they're going to smash right into you and they're going to dent your car 9V_8UEUsL2k-00024-00016512-00016968 door and you don't like that you know what i'm saying when you're backing up you better look in 9V_8UEUsL2k-00025-00016968-00017432 the rear view mirror you don't look forward when you're backing up you look here and you look here 9V_8UEUsL2k-00026-00017520-00017824 you're going right into a curb here you're about two feet from a curb 9V_8UEUsL2k-00027-00017824-00018408 i don't like the way you back up you gotta fix that 9V_8UEUsL2k-00028-00018408-00019000 hugging the left again hug the right what is this i'm going to the right you 9V_8UEUsL2k-00029-00019000-00019392 are you're doing a good job now you just said what is this no i'm saying what is 9V_8UEUsL2k-00030-00019392-00019856 this before i ask you five times to stay to the right here we go that's a perfect turn 9V_8UEUsL2k-00031-00020448-00021184 i think we need to park now okay okay why are you looking forward when you're backing up 9V_8UEUsL2k-00032-00022408-00022696 you're weighing on the line here it's a balance beam 9V_8UEUsL2k-00033-00022896-00023200 you do it i'm just gonna just sit and be quiet park it 9V_8UEUsL2k-00034-00023416-00023944 check it out you like hugging the right when you park in the left when you drive i give you 9V_8UEUsL2k-00035-00023944-00024536 an a minus for the driving session today thank you guys so much for watching this 9V_8UEUsL2k-00036-00024536-00024984 video i really hope you enjoyed it remember to subscribe turn on the post notification bell 9V_8UEUsL2k-00037-00024984-00025416 like this video please and share it with all of your friends and family because 9V_8UEUsL2k-00038-00025416-00025832 i know that they probably want to laugh today and they will probably laugh at this video 9V_8UEUsL2k-00039-00025832-00026783 i love you guys so much and i will see you in my next video bye guys 9V_8UEUsL2k-00040-00027416-00028183 so 9V_8UEUsL2k-00041-00030072-00030080 you 9WkVFU--aTY-00000-00000000-00000200 bugatti chiron 2022 drift #shorts #bugattichiron #rakafunny 9WkVFU--aTY-00001-00000200-00000400 #shorts #bugattichiron #rakafunny 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00000-00000576-00001040 you know what what they really brought to the program was just a real sensibility of what's 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00001-00001040-00001648 this going to be like when it's experienced at the other end and so it was just um yeah 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00002-00001648-00002023 they were just they were just really on point with everything and they just thought of stuff that we 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00003-00002023-00002512 hadn't really necessarily thought of we just think oh that's the usual process but we didn't think 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00004-00002512-00002936 how would that usual process be received at the other end that might be as simple as like 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00005-00002936-00003584 a kind of referral process or you know how you greet people and I guess they were also 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00006-00003664-00004280 much more aware of some of the barriers to get in the way of people accessing as well so that 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00007-00004280-00004632 was one side of the other thing is we had to train up a group of peer coaches in order to 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00008-00004632-00005208 do this work as well um and one thing I just really remember about their involvement was 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00009-00005312-00006040 they were really informally in the in the in the program particularly in the training 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00010-00006040-00006512 so rather necessarily fronting the training um although they're kind of visible part of 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00011-00006512-00006895 the team they're also just in the background kind of just checking the temperature of how 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00012-00006895-00007312 it was going for people and what they thought was working or not working and in a way they 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00013-00007312-00007768 brought a real kind of they just brought a realness to what was going on rather deludedly 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00014-00007768-00008584 thinking everything was hunky-dory when it wasn't they could really flag up problems really early 9X_w3MGd9Y8-00015-00008784-00008792 you 9fLZTC3_HRE-00000-00000256-00001238 how to make glass of wine or a bottle or plate in model I think this is the 9fLZTC3_HRE-00001-00001238-00001789 faster we're fastest we have fun there might be another one that I'm not aware 9fLZTC3_HRE-00002-00001789-00002633 from you have an empty mesh pen tool in polygon and in both side now make sure 9fLZTC3_HRE-00003-00002633-00003464 you zoom in a bit so you're not drawing a glass with too big and start drawing 9fLZTC3_HRE-00004-00003464-00003955 with it and you see 10 mil is pretty good for what I'm doing so draw like 9fLZTC3_HRE-00005-00003955-00005158 this try not to have too much space here and maybe something like this then you 9fLZTC3_HRE-00006-00005158-00005592 could go back and tweak your shape 9fLZTC3_HRE-00007-00005827-00006394 q when you're done you can still tweak the shape by selecting a polygon in the 9fLZTC3_HRE-00008-00006394-00007177 move with W or with the point you could just middle click to point and move them 9fLZTC3_HRE-00009-00007177-00007753 with the move tool here but that this should be good enough make sure to be in 9fLZTC3_HRE-00010-00007753-00008611 polygon duplicate radial sweep cut eight is enough 0 to 360 and try to click at 9fLZTC3_HRE-00011-00008611-00009421 the center here and you might be off a little bit then times you may be 0 is 9fLZTC3_HRE-00012-00009421-00010069 not there so maybe I'll leave it to where it was said or said is the other 9fLZTC3_HRE-00013-00010069-00010936 way so that's fine q and we can go in camera shift to frame 9fLZTC3_HRE-00014-00010936-00011956 it default and we can press tab it's very easy now to tweak a few things so 9fLZTC3_HRE-00015-00011956-00012715 quickly if we're not happy with this we can select those edges here just like 9fLZTC3_HRE-00016-00012715-00013684 that by doing middle click and we can scale them in water or we can even scale 9fLZTC3_HRE-00017-00013684-00014497 in two axes like that the top if you want it to be a very sharp we could go 9fLZTC3_HRE-00018-00014497-00015907 in polygon L and just do a bevel like this shift a what else for lighting you 9fLZTC3_HRE-00019-00015907-00016470 could just go M call that glass if you need a liquid inside the glass 9fLZTC3_HRE-00020-00016470-00017122 there's many way to do this but one way is to copy those polygons even the 9fLZTC3_HRE-00021-00017122-00017773 bottom one go L shift up to grow the selection and maybe deselect this 9fLZTC3_HRE-00022-00017773-00018432 control middle click and then we could copy this 9fLZTC3_HRE-00023-00018475-00019780 and new layer taste control V and in the new layer we can use thicken should be 9fLZTC3_HRE-00024-00019780-00020863 here click here and drag it inside now this is in tab so what I'm gonna do I'm 9fLZTC3_HRE-00025-00020863-00021967 gonna hide my glass and untap it and tap so the water the wine whatever it is and 9fLZTC3_HRE-00026-00021967-00022534 if you want to remain this shape there's a few way you can do it we could simply 9fLZTC3_HRE-00027-00022534-00023401 use an add loop with both side and we could do one here shift-click to do a 9fLZTC3_HRE-00028-00023401-00024508 new one we could do one there Q then we could do one without both side here cute 9fLZTC3_HRE-00029-00024508-00025506 and finally maybe one here then the shape should remain pretty much the same 9fLZTC3_HRE-00030-00025506-00026445 now when you hand hide this one you might find that this one is instruction 9fLZTC3_HRE-00031-00026445-00026872 it's not too bad here but sometime it touched a little bit so if this happen 9fLZTC3_HRE-00032-00026872-00027663 in polygon you can go deform push if I can find it 9fLZTC3_HRE-00033-00027677-00028474 Touche click and move the blue gesture here that could help a little bit and 9fLZTC3_HRE-00034-00028474-00029032 for the rendering it's pretty straightforward let me turn off my try 9fLZTC3_HRE-00035-00029032-00030082 ball here we go right click to bring a plane to scale it 9fLZTC3_HRE-00036-00030082-00030907 and we could change this light to right click change type to an area light if 9fLZTC3_HRE-00037-00030907-00031573 you cannot see it in this view make sure that the light is turn off turn on here 9fLZTC3_HRE-00038-00031573-00032205 and then we could just move it up a little bit make it stronger and wider 9fLZTC3_HRE-00039-00032205-00033091 rotate it and that should be a good start for the rendering to make sure 9fLZTC3_HRE-00040-00033091-00034015 that the light is doing something f/8 and you can easily hide the light I'm 9fLZTC3_HRE-00041-00034015-00034756 gonna hide the liquid for now what and make sure that this is the same as the 9fLZTC3_HRE-00042-00034756-00035743 camera yeah the other same and like I said you can hide the light and there's 9fLZTC3_HRE-00043-00035743-00036253 a difference but it's not huge it's mostly a backlight it's like a rim light 9fLZTC3_HRE-00044-00036253-00037189 now so we'll move it forward a little bit maybe make it stronger you can also 9fLZTC3_HRE-00045-00037189-00038406 play with the intensity of the light here so we could make this maybe 3 3 and 9fLZTC3_HRE-00046-00038406-00039306 then finally we could make a glass from scratch I'll just use the preset f6 9fLZTC3_HRE-00047-00039306-00040284 material glass and we could try one of those like this 9fLZTC3_HRE-00048-00040415-00041336 so I'm using a laptop so it's very slow but you can go in shading here click 9fLZTC3_HRE-00049-00041336-00041846 here to see the material and here the blue should come from here there's a 9fLZTC3_HRE-00050-00041846-00042341 little bit of blue so if you wanna less you would go 12 mm you will increase the 9fLZTC3_HRE-00051-00042341-00043028 absorption distance so more light passes through and you could also add a non 9fLZTC3_HRE-00052-00043028-00043658 verum environment to get better reflection such as this one or even a 9fLZTC3_HRE-00053-00043658-00044163 kitchen or something like this now if you do this you might have to go to 9fLZTC3_HRE-00054-00044163-00044882 environment you could hide it so this mean transparent and most of the time 9fLZTC3_HRE-00055-00044882-00045362 you'll have to turn it down and maybe rotate it a little bit things like this 9fLZTC3_HRE-00056-00045362-00046013 but you should get better highlight out of this one and you could hide it in the 9fLZTC3_HRE-00057-00046013-00046672 refraction if you think it helped you could rotate it to come here and put 9fLZTC3_HRE-00058-00046672-00047272 maybe 30 degree to change whether highlight okay now on the laptop it's 9fLZTC3_HRE-00059-00047272-00047671 really so voila 9gL9VODo2D0-00000-00000337-00000658 Du du dunnn Zheh Roger 9gL9VODo2D0-00001-00000658-00001174 Du du du du, du du dunn Rhema 9gL9VODo2D0-00002-00001174-00001569 Tears may flow in the night Joy comes in the morning 9gL9VODo2D0-00003-00001569-00001872 Oh yes, He Lives On Jesus Lives On 9gL9VODo2D0-00004-00001872-00001972 I may fall today I won’t fall tomorrow 9gL9VODo2D0-00005-00001972-00002225 Oh yes, He Lives On Jesus Lives On 9gL9VODo2D0-00006-00002225-00002386 Though I walk through the valleys, of the shadows of death Oh. 9gL9VODo2D0-00007-00002386-00002486 I fear no evil Jesus Lives On 9gL9VODo2D0-00008-00002486-00002586 I won’t be afraid I won’t be afraid oh 9gL9VODo2D0-00009-00002586-00002686 Cuz He Lives On Jesus Lives On 9gL9VODo2D0-00010-00002686-00002786 I won’t be afraid I won’t be afraid oh 9gL9VODo2D0-00011-00002786-00002886 Cuz He Lives On Jesus Lives On 9gL9VODo2D0-00012-00002886-00003127 Oh yes, He reigns Oh yes, He reigns 9gL9VODo2D0-00013-00003127-00003227 Oh yes, He reigns He reigns, He reigns, He reigns 9gL9VODo2D0-00014-00003227-00003327 Oh yes, He reigns Oh yes, He reigns 9gL9VODo2D0-00015-00003327-00003427 Oh yes, He reigns He reigns 9gL9VODo2D0-00016-00003427-00003527 He died on the cross 9gL9VODo2D0-00017-00003527-00003851 And rose again oh He rose with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00018-00003851-00004876 He rose with me He died on the cross 9gL9VODo2D0-00019-00004876-00006092 And rose again oh He rose with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00020-00006092-00006437 Jesus rose me He rose with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00021-00006437-00007903 He rose with me He rose with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00022-00007903-00009911 He reigns, He reigns, He reigns He reigns with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00023-00009911-00010587 He Lives with me He rose with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00024-00010587-00011553 He reigns, He reigns, He reigns He reigns with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00025-00011553-00011825 He Lives with me (Oooh) He Lives with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00026-00011825-00011925 He Lives, Yeah I won’t be afraid 9gL9VODo2D0-00027-00011925-00012064 I won’t be afraid oh He Lives with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00028-00012064-00012217 He Lives with me I won’t be afraid 9gL9VODo2D0-00029-00012217-00012585 I won’t be afraid ooh He rose with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00030-00012585-00012685 Jesus Lives with me I won’t be afraid 9gL9VODo2D0-00031-00012685-00012785 I won’t be afraid ooh He rose with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00032-00012785-00014400 Jesus rose with me He reigns again oh 9gL9VODo2D0-00033-00014400-00016704 He Lives again oh He Lives with me 9gL9VODo2D0-00034-00016704-00017019 He Lives, He Lives with me 9h6XUvxFnY4-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 3050 8GB | Cyberpunk 2077 | 1440p Ultra DLSS Balanced 9ipzLRtaTJu-00000-00004608-00005408 long hair tipss 9ipzLRtaTJu-00001-00009088-00010112 long hair home made remedy aoExzDXKb9M-00000-00000100-00000430 Charlie just bended over on the bridge to see which word is written aoExzDXKb9M-00001-00000544-00000840 Martijn, which word already got realised? aoExzDXKb9M-00002-00000840-00000969 future aoExzDXKb9M-00003-00001244-00001560 and what is this? you already saw a few of these in the neighbourhood aoExzDXKb9M-00004-00001634-00001834 how do you feel about that? aoExzDXKb9M-00005-00001876-00002134 it surprises you, so it's real art aoExzDXKb9M-00006-00002162-00002370 it makes you think, the words make you think aoExzDXKb9M-00007-00002910-00003492 yeah future, it's new, it's a different offer to begin thinking aoExzDXKb9M-00008-00004120-00004320 it's part of the ''gedachtenroute'' - mindroute aoExzDXKb9M-00009-00004632-00004954 we want to put the thoughts of the neighbourhood into a poem aoExzDXKb9M-00010-00005020-00005296 and parts of the poem will take place in the route aoExzDXKb9M-00011-00005448-00005842 can you tell me a few words that come up to your mind linked to the other parts of the route? aoExzDXKb9M-00012-00005890-00006182 you say ''poem'' so then I think about Leidsche Rijn aoExzDXKb9M-00013-00006232-00006488 a lot of bricks and pain aoExzDXKb9M-00014-00006518-00006708 because the nature is gone.. aoExzDXKb9M-00015-00006878-00007056 but living here is no bad luck aoExzDXKb9M-00016-00007150-00007358 wow, look at this! you're a poet! aoExzDXKb9M-00017-00008380-00008580 you support the GedachtenLezen (reading thoughts) project? aoExzDXKb9M-00018-00008874-00009074 definitely, I really like that this is happening aoExzDXKb9M-00019-00009194-00009414 it should be realised all over the city! aoFgegj1g-y-00000-00000506-00000606 Jon: Alright… aoFgegj1g-y-00001-00000606-00001215 Jon: Alright, hi guys, this is Jonathan Bowen with Hub Edge Realty and we’re here with aoFgegj1g-y-00002-00001215-00001850 John Stagnone of the Friends of the State Theatre here in, ah, Stoughton Center and aoFgegj1g-y-00003-00001850-00002283 I am a new resident of Stoughton, I just moved here in January, so I don’t know much about aoFgegj1g-y-00004-00002283-00003025 this but I know that this would be a huge asset to the Town of Stoughton and the surrounding aoFgegj1g-y-00005-00003025-00003586 communities so when I heard about this, they’re doing a gala here shortly, and John’s going aoFgegj1g-y-00006-00003586-00004373 to tell us about that, ahm, the restoration of this theatre would, eh, be huge, in my aoFgegj1g-y-00007-00004373-00005081 opinion, for all homeowners in Stoughton and it would be a regional center, in my opinion, aoFgegj1g-y-00008-00005081-00005875 that people from surrounding towns would come to to see some live theatre and it would a aoFgegj1g-y-00009-00005875-00006303 meeting spot for the community so let’s talk to John and “John, who are you?” aoFgegj1g-y-00010-00006303-00006754 and I got this list everybody, I’m no professional person here so “Who are you and where are aoFgegj1g-y-00011-00006754-00006854 you from?” aoFgegj1g-y-00012-00006854-00007240 John: Ah, I’m John Stagnone, as you said, ahm, I’m from Stoughton, I’m on the Board aoFgegj1g-y-00013-00007240-00007745 of Directors for the Friends of the State Theatre, one of, ah, seven, and, ahm, we’ve aoFgegj1g-y-00014-00007745-00008218 been working on the restoration of the Theatre, eh, part of it we’ve bought the original aoFgegj1g-y-00015-00008218-00008547 blueprints and it’s, we’re looking to bring it back the way it was in 1927 when aoFgegj1g-y-00016-00008547-00008647 the building opened. aoFgegj1g-y-00017-00008647-00008747 Jon: Sigh… aoFgegj1g-y-00018-00008747-00008899 “Why did you get involved with the State Theatre?” aoFgegj1g-y-00019-00008899-00009317 John: Ah, I’ve been involved in a lot of Town activities and Committees and Boards aoFgegj1g-y-00020-00009317-00009625 and, ahm, this is just one of the things, giving back to the community. aoFgegj1g-y-00021-00009625-00009725 Jon: Okay. aoFgegj1g-y-00022-00009725-00009825 Alright. aoFgegj1g-y-00023-00009825-00009925 I like that answer. aoFgegj1g-y-00024-00009925-00010289 Ah, what, what, tell me about the State Theatre’s history. aoFgegj1g-y-00025-00010289-00010610 “What is, what has been going on here since it was built?” aoFgegj1g-y-00026-00010610-00011139 John: Ahm, well the State Theatre’s evolved it, as I mentioned it’s, ah, opened in 1927 aoFgegj1g-y-00027-00011139-00011713 is, as a vaudeville theatre, is, back in the era, ahm, this was what was known is as an aoFgegj1g-y-00028-00011713-00012096 atmospheric theatre which, ahm, for people that don’t know, it’s, ah, the ceiling aoFgegj1g-y-00029-00012096-00012528 is painted blue and there’s clouds, stars projected above and things and there’s a aoFgegj1g-y-00030-00012528-00012916 lot of trees and things so it gives you the atmosphere that you’re outdoors but indoors, aoFgegj1g-y-00031-00012916-00013507 ahm, you know, so we, our goal is to restore it back to that and make this a destination aoFgegj1g-y-00032-00013507-00013621 place for the, ahm, the, the region. aoFgegj1g-y-00033-00013621-00014259 Jon: So you told me that it’s about 650 seats combining the downstairs and the upstairs aoFgegj1g-y-00034-00014259-00014681 and you are hoping to get about that many seats after the restoration’s complete? aoFgegj1g-y-00035-00014681-00015097 John: Yeah, we’re should be still able to keep around there we’re also looking to, aoFgegj1g-y-00036-00015097-00015622 ahm, put some VIP tables down front and we’re trying to make the, ah, theatre so that we aoFgegj1g-y-00037-00015622-00015845 can do multiple things during the day, a business… aoFgegj1g-y-00038-00015845-00016045 Jon: “Is this like, is this like Gillette Stadium? aoFgegj1g-y-00039-00016045-00016145 We’re going to do some, ah, corporate boxes? aoFgegj1g-y-00040-00016145-00016245 Is that what we’re doing?” aoFgegj1g-y-00041-00016245-00016881 John: No, no corporate boxes but it’s, you know, if somebody wants to purchase some maybe aoFgegj1g-y-00042-00016881-00017111 we could (inaudible) that in. aoFgegj1g-y-00043-00017111-00017476 Jon: “Ahm, what is your, tell me about the future, what’s your vision, what would you aoFgegj1g-y-00044-00017476-00017671 really like to see here, what are your options?” aoFgegj1g-y-00045-00017671-00018136 John: Ah, well ultimately the goal is, like you said, is to do a, a full restoration back aoFgegj1g-y-00046-00018136-00018644 to where it was in 1927, we have some artist renderings, which, if you go to our website, aoFgegj1g-y-00047-00018644-00019147 ah, statetheater.us, you’ll find, ah, the renderings on there and, you know, that’s aoFgegj1g-y-00048-00019147-00019566 the ultimate goal but, if worst case scenario we’re looking to start looking at, you know, aoFgegj1g-y-00049-00019566-00019906 what are our options, what are the minimum things we need to do, how can we get some aoFgegj1g-y-00050-00019906-00020388 shows going, and then get people excited about it, because, ah, it’s a really great building, aoFgegj1g-y-00051-00020388-00020840 it’s got some good bones and, ahm, there’s a lot of good people working behind it, eh, aoFgegj1g-y-00052-00020840-00020987 volunteers working to get this done. aoFgegj1g-y-00053-00020987-00021553 Jon: “How does this fit into the revital…, hopeful revitalization of Stoughton Center, aoFgegj1g-y-00054-00021553-00021933 which in my opinion right now, is, it nee…, I, I’ll be honest it needs a lot of work, aoFgegj1g-y-00055-00021933-00022769 there’s a lot of things here that, I drive by here everyday, and I look at these storefronts aoFgegj1g-y-00056-00022769-00023129 and I say ‘this could be better’, how does this fit in with the overall restoration?” aoFgegj1g-y-00057-00023129-00023560 John: Eh, actually, the Town of Stoughton just did a Master Plan and the Theatre is aoFgegj1g-y-00058-00023560-00024072 one of the key pieces to the Master Plan and making this downtown to be a success, ahm, aoFgegj1g-y-00059-00024072-00024573 so, yeah it fits in as a major part of this, and the Town actually supports this, ahm, aoFgegj1g-y-00060-00024573-00025093 they’ve, ahm, pledged, ah, $500,000 to the project already, Town Meeting’s approved aoFgegj1g-y-00061-00025093-00025487 that, so, so the Town’s behind it, the State, we’ve been having som… money fro…, in aoFgegj1g-y-00062-00025487-00025920 the State budget, through our State Representatives and Senator, they’ve been very supportive, aoFgegj1g-y-00063-00025920-00026391 ahm, so and we’re hopefully going to set the meeting with our Congressmen pretty soon. aoFgegj1g-y-00064-00026391-00026527 Jon: Great. aoFgegj1g-y-00065-00026527-00027226 Ahm, ahm, sorry, let me add onto that, Stoughton Station, another part of the revitalization, aoFgegj1g-y-00066-00027226-00027929 ah, the Library, another part of the revitalization, those are three big keys for the downtown aoFgegj1g-y-00067-00027929-00028029 Stoughton area. aoFgegj1g-y-00068-00028029-00028170 John: Eh, Absolutely. aoFgegj1g-y-00069-00028170-00028676 Ahm, the Town is been very proactive in the last few years and spent a lot of money investing aoFgegj1g-y-00070-00028676-00028937 itself besides the Master Plan, ahm, with other planning and, ah, the Redevelopment aoFgegj1g-y-00071-00028937-00029527 Authority and Town is been, ah, did a study on the downtown and specific, coming up with aoFgegj1g-y-00072-00029527-00030010 specific plan for the revitalization of the downtown, so we’re also talking, hopefully, aoFgegj1g-y-00073-00030010-00030470 ah, we’ve had some preliminarily talks with moving the post office and redeveloping that aoFgegj1g-y-00074-00030470-00030744 site and making a big park or something. aoFgegj1g-y-00075-00030744-00030881 Jon: Great, great, great. aoFgegj1g-y-00076-00030881-00031219 Ahm, we want money, right? aoFgegj1g-y-00077-00031219-00031418 Friends of Stoughton Theatre wants money, right? aoFgegj1g-y-00078-00031418-00031773 “What are you folks doing to get some of that, I see there are some big donati…, aoFgegj1g-y-00079-00031773-00032466 ah, do…, ah, donations on your website, ahm, Carlos Vargas of Vargas & Vargas Insurance, aoFgegj1g-y-00080-00032466-00032850 there are some big businesses that are helping, who are some of the businesses that have helped aoFgegj1g-y-00081-00032850-00033279 and who, who do you want to help in the future, who do you want, eh, eh, eh, you want everybody aoFgegj1g-y-00082-00033279-00033379 I know… aoFgegj1g-y-00083-00033379-00033712 John: Yeah, they, it’s, it’s, a you know, it’s a grassroots things, there’s, ahm, aoFgegj1g-y-00084-00033712-00034155 there is naming rights available to, for the, ahm, as a performing arts center, you know, aoFgegj1g-y-00085-00034155-00034663 at the State Theatre, ahm, the stage, the auditorium, all these things have naming rights aoFgegj1g-y-00086-00034663-00034905 that we, are possible, for a corporation… aoFgegj1g-y-00087-00034905-00035005 Jon: Yup. aoFgegj1g-y-00088-00035005-00035412 John: Ahm, IKEA was one of the first ones who pledged, ah, $25,000 early on. aoFgegj1g-y-00089-00035412-00035721 Jon: I love IKEA by the way. aoFgegj1g-y-00090-00035721-00035853 John: Yeah, so… aoFgegj1g-y-00091-00035853-00035953 Jon: I have an IKEA kitchen. aoFgegj1g-y-00092-00035953-00036053 I love IKEA. aoFgegj1g-y-00093-00036053-00036153 Yeah. aoFgegj1g-y-00094-00036153-00036455 John: Yeah, so and you mentioned Vargas & Vargas, Carlos is been, ah, fantastic, he was, you aoFgegj1g-y-00095-00036455-00036754 know, he was another first corporation, and I don’t want to leave anybody out… aoFgegj1g-y-00096-00036754-00037159 Jon: Sure, of course not, of course not, basically people can go on your website and they can aoFgegj1g-y-00097-00037159-00037765 see the list of, ah, people, ah, people and corporations who have, so far, donated to aoFgegj1g-y-00098-00037765-00037865 the restoration. aoFgegj1g-y-00099-00037865-00037965 John: Yeah. aoFgegj1g-y-00100-00037965-00038216 There’s a lot of individuals and companies and, ahm, as I said, it’s going to take aoFgegj1g-y-00101-00038216-00038427 many different to make it happen. aoFgegj1g-y-00102-00038427-00038655 Jon: Right, right, right. aoFgegj1g-y-00103-00038655-00039000 Ahm, you and I just spoke off camera. aoFgegj1g-y-00104-00039000-00039803 I would love to see somebody out there who has the ability or knows of a website or a aoFgegj1g-y-00105-00039803-00040452 company that would allow for continuous weekly or monthly donations to the Friends of State aoFgegj1g-y-00106-00040452-00041229 Theatre, maybe it’s somebody, ah, gives $10 a week or maybe its $100 a month, I think aoFgegj1g-y-00107-00041229-00041637 for the State Theatre, if they knew that they were having a revenue stream, I think that aoFgegj1g-y-00108-00041637-00042188 could be very important in, ahm, moving this forward… aoFgegj1g-y-00109-00042188-00042819 John: Yeah, eh, obviously if you, if you could get a, a pledge for so much per month, or aoFgegj1g-y-00110-00042819-00043246 whatever, like a lot of organizations do, it it could help us maybe go get a loan to aoFgegj1g-y-00111-00043246-00043429 to move some of the things that… aoFgegj1g-y-00112-00043429-00043529 Jon: Sure. aoFgegj1g-y-00113-00043529-00043629 $10,000 a month. aoFgegj1g-y-00114-00043629-00043729 $20,000 a month. aoFgegj1g-y-00115-00043729-00043829 $500 a month. aoFgegj1g-y-00116-00043829-00043929 John: Ehm, $10,000. aoFgegj1g-y-00117-00043929-00044029 Whatever, whatever people could afford… aoFgegj1g-y-00118-00044029-00044372 Jon: What I’m saying, what I’m saying if you could, if everybody could pile that aoFgegj1g-y-00119-00044372-00044987 together and now you’re bringing in $20,000 a month, that would be fantastic, every little, aoFgegj1g-y-00120-00044987-00045087 every little bit helps… aoFgegj1g-y-00121-00045087-00045187 John: Absolutely. aoFgegj1g-y-00122-00045187-00045287 Jon: Okay. aoFgegj1g-y-00123-00045287-00045387 Great. aoFgegj1g-y-00124-00045387-00045487 So here we go. aoFgegj1g-y-00125-00045487-00045587 So, tell us about this gala. aoFgegj1g-y-00126-00045587-00045829 I actually have a check for you, a $100 check for the gala that’s coming up. aoFgegj1g-y-00127-00045829-00045929 Tell us about that… aoFgegj1g-y-00128-00045929-00046029 John: Yeah. aoFgegj1g-y-00129-00046029-00046428 The gala is, ahm, it’s a raffle fundraiser, but ahm, it, we also going to have live entertainment, aoFgegj1g-y-00130-00046428-00046988 some, ahm, appetizers and whatever for folks, a cash bar, ahm, so it’s, it’s for raise aoFgegj1g-y-00131-00046988-00047535 money for the for the restoration and some programming, ah, we did start, ah, another, aoFgegj1g-y-00132-00047535-00047937 ah, company, ah, under the Friends of the State Theatre which is State of the Arts and aoFgegj1g-y-00133-00047937-00048143 we’re looking to start doing some productions and things, ahm, hopefully in the near future… aoFgegj1g-y-00134-00048143-00048537 Jon: So, I’m, so tell me a little bit, I don’t know anything about that, please tell aoFgegj1g-y-00135-00048537-00048637 me a little about that, I don’t know… aoFgegj1g-y-00136-00048637-00048946 John: Ah, it was just what, you know, we, we’re looking to, like you said, just start aoFgegj1g-y-00137-00048946-00049046 doing productions and… aoFgegj1g-y-00138-00049046-00049146 Jon: Offsite… aoFgegj1g-y-00139-00049146-00049246 John: It would be offsite. aoFgegj1g-y-00140-00049246-00049346 Jon: Ah! aoFgegj1g-y-00141-00049346-00049540 John: And build, kind of brand the business, build the business, and things… aoFgegj1g-y-00142-00049540-00049640 Jon: That’s interesting. aoFgegj1g-y-00143-00049640-00049740 That’s great. aoFgegj1g-y-00144-00049740-00049840 Yeah… aoFgegj1g-y-00145-00049840-00049974 John: And, you know, again, it’s to get people to know us and see what we’re looking aoFgegj1g-y-00146-00049974-00050341 to do because we’re not, you know, we’re looking to do community theatre as well, but, aoFgegj1g-y-00147-00050341-00050641 we’re looking to do Broadway type performance and professional theatre… aoFgegj1g-y-00148-00050641-00050741 Jon: Sure, sure, sure… aoFgegj1g-y-00149-00050741-00051082 John: Ah, so, you know, we’re really looking to make this a higher end, like we said, a aoFgegj1g-y-00150-00051082-00051292 destination for folks to come to. aoFgegj1g-y-00151-00051292-00051829 Jon: So my girlfriend’s sister is a booking agent on Broadway and she’s actually going aoFgegj1g-y-00152-00051829-00052537 to be here next weekend, and this may be a little bit too small for her, but I can get aoFgegj1g-y-00153-00052537-00053005 her, you know, started to maybe think about this little Stoughton, she’s actually opening aoFgegj1g-y-00154-00053005-00053533 up her own company, and maybe start thinking about this little theatre in the future, maybe aoFgegj1g-y-00155-00053533-00054069 booking, you know, ahm, alright, so, a few things, I have a check here for a $100 for aoFgegj1g-y-00156-00054069-00054601 the, ah, gala so my girlfriend and I will be there and for Hub Edge Realty we’re going aoFgegj1g-y-00157-00054601-00055119 to give you 500 bucks today and I know it’s not a lot of money, okay, but it’s probably aoFgegj1g-y-00158-00055119-00055782 a doorknob, but, hopefully when this is finished I look at a doorknob and I said “ I helped aoFgegj1g-y-00159-00055782-00056583 to build this place” so I, I glad, I glad to, ah, glad to give to local nonprofits, aoFgegj1g-y-00160-00056583-00057246 this would be a giant boon to the Town of Stoughton, I promise you as a real estate aoFgegj1g-y-00161-00057246-00058054 broker, this would increase your property values, if you’re a homeowner in Stoughton aoFgegj1g-y-00162-00058054-00058729 and you want to increase your property values, please give to the Friends of the State Theatre, aoFgegj1g-y-00163-00058729-00059101 I promise you that it will pay dividends down the road. aoFgegj1g-y-00164-00059101-00059201 Okay. aoFgegj1g-y-00165-00059201-00059301 John: Alright. aoFgegj1g-y-00166-00059301-00059401 Jon: Thank you sir. aoFgegj1g-y-00167-00059401-00059501 Thanks John. aoFgegj1g-y-00168-00059501-00059601 John: Take care. aoFgegj1g-y-00169-00059601-00059701 Jon: Okay. aoFgegj1g-y-00170-00059701-00059701 Cheers. a4Oj4uacF0u-00000-00003103-00003556 OSCILLA is an interactive audiovisual environment a4Oj4uacF0u-00001-00003556-00003669 that explores the oscillatory roots of sound and its visualisation. a4Oj4uacF0u-00002-00003669-00004132 Using optical tracking, a4Oj4uacF0u-00003-00004132-00004523 the position and movement of objects or people in space... a4Oj4uacF0u-00004-00004523-00004896 controls the volume and frequency a variable number a4Oj4uacF0u-00005-00004896-00005434 of sine wave oscillators a4Oj4uacF0u-00006-00005434-00005822 A video-projected projected interactive area shows traditional music (the letters on top) a4Oj4uacF0u-00007-00005822-00006175 as well as frequency values in Hertz a4Oj4uacF0u-00008-00006175-00006875 representing the number of oscillations per second a4Oj4uacF0u-00009-00007139-00007438 A visual representation of the resulting combination of sounds a4Oj4uacF0u-00010-00007438-00007613 is plotted on a second screen. a4Oj4uacF0u-00011-00007613-00007977 These patterns, known as Lissajous curves, a4Oj4uacF0u-00012-00007977-00008313 depend on the ratios between each frequency generated ... a4Oj4uacF0u-00013-00008313-00009013 and the relative volumes. a4Oj4uacF0u-00014-00009471-00009775 Different projection modes and a scalable interface... a4Oj4uacF0u-00015-00009775-00010134 allow for a variety of interactions and site-specific solutions, a4Oj4uacF0u-00016-00010134-00010468 including group interactions of participants ... a4Oj4uacF0u-00017-00010468-00010811 or performers within a given space. a4Oj4uacF0u-00018-00010811-00011342 Each oscillator may also be assigned to a discrete audio output a4Oj4uacF0u-00019-00011684-00012135 using multiple loudspeakers to create spatial sound diffusion effects a4Oj4uacF0u-00020-00014116-00014697 OSCILLA allows participants to create morphing harmonic structures, a4Oj4uacF0u-00021-00014697-00015003 explore standard in unconventional musical intervals a4Oj4uacF0u-00022-00015003-00015403 microtonal variations, beat frequencies, a4Oj4uacF0u-00023-00015403-00015748 the mathematics of musical ratios... a4Oj4uacF0u-00024-00015748-00016395 and other fascinating aspects of sound. a6r6gHdyv3U-00000-00000000-00000600 We want to thank, first of all, I want to thank Celestia. She's our a6r6gHdyv3U-00001-00000600-00001083 secretary, church secretary, and she does a lot of things, of course, for the office, a6r6gHdyv3U-00002-00001083-00001582 but she also does a lot of things just not even connected with the office. a6r6gHdyv3U-00003-00001582-00002146 So many things that she does to help the youth group, and a lot of people a6r6gHdyv3U-00004-00002146-00002436 rely on her for so much. a6r6gHdyv3U-00005-00002436-00003072 She organized our young ladies today, who distributed the Life is Chocolate little pamphlets. a6r6gHdyv3U-00006-00003072-00004024 I hope every lady here has received that small gesture of love and respect for all of the ladies here at Choctaw. a6r6gHdyv3U-00007-00004024-00004398 And if, for some reason, you may have come in from the side, or came in a little later, a6r6gHdyv3U-00008-00004398-00004707 and you didn't get one of these, I don't know if we have any left, but I'd ask a6r6gHdyv3U-00009-00004708-00005508 whoever's got them to go into the foyer before you leave so that you can pick one of these up. a6r6gHdyv3U-00010-00005508-00006548 Very nice devotional, devotional booklet. If you're a mom, then the booklet is to say we appreciate you and a6r6gHdyv3U-00011-00006548-00007352 if you're not a mom, then the booklet is to say we appreciate the mother who raised you. a6r6gHdyv3U-00012-00007352-00007818 And if you've lost your mom or you are separated from your mother in a6r6gHdyv3U-00013-00007818-00008750 some way, this booklet is a token of love that hopefully will always be there between yourself and your mother. a6r6gHdyv3U-00014-00008750-00009136 Of course, we do this on this particular day because a6r6gHdyv3U-00015-00009136-00009798 our nation pauses to recognize the beauty and the sacredness of motherhood, a6r6gHdyv3U-00016-00009798-00010224 once during the year. a6r6gHdyv3U-00017-00010224-00011118 More than ever it is important to renew the importance of this divinely created and a6r6gHdyv3U-00018-00011118-00012121 appointed role for women, because there is such an attack being made on the legitimacy of motherhood. a6r6gHdyv3U-00019-00012121-00012854 Genetic engineers continue to tinker with the possibility of creating human life, a6r6gHdyv3U-00020-00012854-00013404 artificially, outside a woman's body. a6r6gHdyv3U-00021-00013404-00013813 Modern science lists at least, there may be more, but at least a6r6gHdyv3U-00022-00013813-00014778 nine different ways to produce a child in addition to the original conception produced by a man and a woman. a6r6gHdyv3U-00023-00014778-00015428 There is a movement to liberate, through these various methods, a6r6gHdyv3U-00024-00015428-00016212 to liberate a woman from the need to conceive, carry, and give birth to children. a6r6gHdyv3U-00025-00016212-00016814 Imagine, imagine, where we're at, when this is what we're working on. a6r6gHdyv3U-00026-00016814-00017902 The idea is that if a woman is freed from the burden of having babies, then women will be equal to men and will a6r6gHdyv3U-00027-00017902-00018344 better be able to compete with men. a6r6gHdyv3U-00028-00018344-00019220 Of course, the fact that men don't have babies has not necessarily done wonders for their character. a6r6gHdyv3U-00029-00019220-00019924 Do we really need to have women become more like men? a6r6gHdyv3U-00030-00019924-00020586 Do we really need to have children born in bottles, without a clear identity and raised by a6r6gHdyv3U-00031-00020586-00021242 institutions, so the sexes can battle each other for a greater share of the earth's resources? a6r6gHdyv3U-00032-00021242-00021396 Really? a6r6gHdyv3U-00033-00021396-00021770 Is this what we want? a6r6gHdyv3U-00034-00021770-00021990 Take a look at the New Town shootings, a6r6gHdyv3U-00035-00021990-00023058 and the violence in our inner cities, and see what angry, rootless, faithless children can do. a6r6gHdyv3U-00036-00023058-00023908 Now, what we need is quite the opposite. We need to respect motherhood every day of the year. a6r6gHdyv3U-00037-00023908-00024738 Not just on one day, so card makers and flower shops and candy makers can make money. a6r6gHdyv3U-00038-00024738-00025883 We need to create an environment where women can have their babies in safety and in peace and security. a6r6gHdyv3U-00039-00025883-00026268 We need the kind of leadership that will encourage and reward a6r6gHdyv3U-00040-00026268-00026939 mothers who sacrifice a good part of their lives to staying at home in order to raise children a6r6gHdyv3U-00041-00026939-00027618 and get them off to a good start. Whether they're working moms or stay at home moms, a6r6gHdyv3U-00042-00027618-00028330 we need the type of mothers that have been crucial to the growth of this congregation over the last a6r6gHdyv3U-00043-00028330-00028870 70 years. a6r6gHdyv3U-00044-00028870-00029983 I propose to you that we have here, in Choctaw, turned out the kind of women that the world desperately needs. a6r6gHdyv3U-00045-00029983-00030439 So my sermon today is entitled, The Mothers of Choctaw. a6r6gHdyv3U-00046-00030440-00031206 And I'd like to talk a little bit about the special mothers here who have made an enormous difference, a6r6gHdyv3U-00047-00031206-00031704 not only here, but in the community and I dare say even in the world. a6r6gHdyv3U-00048-00031704-00032286 So to begin with, there were the first mothers. a6r6gHdyv3U-00049-00032286-00032962 More than seven decades ago a few young mothers, like Opal Gibson and a6r6gHdyv3U-00050-00032962-00033396 Beatrice Larson, came to hear the preachers a6r6gHdyv3U-00051-00033396-00034340 who came from Capitol Hill, in order to hold a gospel meeting here in Choctaw, up here on Twenty-Third street a6r6gHdyv3U-00052-00034340-00034930 70 years ago, more than 70 years ago, 1939 to be exact. a6r6gHdyv3U-00053-00034930-00035478 There was such enthusiasm that the meeting went on for another week and seeing as there was a a6r6gHdyv3U-00054-00035478-00036084 mind to continue meeting, the group rented the Lodge Hall on Main Street, and the Choctaw congregation a6r6gHdyv3U-00055-00036084-00036430 was formally established that fall. a6r6gHdyv3U-00056-00036430-00037120 This September we'll celebrate the 74th anniversary of that beginning. a6r6gHdyv3U-00057-00037120-00037986 It's never been easy for mothers to be regular at the assembly, a6r6gHdyv3U-00058-00037986-00038966 what with babies and toddlers needing their constant, and the key word there is constant, attention. a6r6gHdyv3U-00059-00038966-00039800 But these first mothers, they stayed the course and they encourage their men to lead the congregation a6r6gHdyv3U-00060-00039800-00040488 in building a more permanent meeting house for the children of the Lord. a6r6gHdyv3U-00061-00040488-00041584 Some of our old timers remember the construction of the first building across the street from that Lodge Hall in 1941. a6r6gHdyv3U-00062-00041584-00042055 I knew Opal Gibson, as many of you did, she has passed on. a6r6gHdyv3U-00063-00042055-00042846 She was a charter member and she wrote the history of that time and I quote from her writings now a6r6gHdyv3U-00064-00042846-00043476 she writes, "In the early spring of 1941, the men started to work on the foundation, a6r6gHdyv3U-00065-00043476-00044164 to put the building on. It was very cold and the men would work mostly on weekends. a6r6gHdyv3U-00066-00044164-00044808 The ladies of the church would fix hot meals and serve the men in the old Lodge Hall. a6r6gHdyv3U-00067-00044808-00045144 They would take them hot coffee on the job and the men really a6r6gHdyv3U-00068-00045144-00045700 appreciated it. The ladies felt they were having a part in getting their own place of worship. a6r6gHdyv3U-00069-00045700-00046410 The women also did a lot of finishing touches on the inside of the building. It was a grand day in May of 1941 a6r6gHdyv3U-00070-00046410-00047106 when we had our first meeting in our own place of worship. Even though we had crude benches, a6r6gHdyv3U-00071-00047106-00047592 we were proud of our gas heating and our outdoor restrooms. a6r6gHdyv3U-00072-00047592-00048276 We had come a long way," she writes. a6r6gHdyv3U-00073-00048276-00049448 The first mothers had, indeed, come a long way, because they provided the vision for what could be. a6r6gHdyv3U-00074-00049448-00050176 And through others like Bea Learson and Ruth Hott, ladies who have passed on, and Opal Gibson, of course, a6r6gHdyv3U-00075-00050176-00050814 we have received a lifetime of example for Christian living. a6r6gHdyv3U-00076-00050814-00051450 We have Bernice Farmer, here is a person who's been a member, I believe, the longest - a6r6gHdyv3U-00077-00051450-00052029 60 years. Do I hear amen for 60 years? a6r6gHdyv3U-00078-00052029-00052708 The first mothers were faithful, their children were faithful, a6r6gHdyv3U-00079-00052708-00052954 and even their children's children are faithful today. a6r6gHdyv3U-00080-00052954-00053467 The first mothers pioneered the kind of tough, a6r6gHdyv3U-00081-00053467-00054272 yet caring faith that has been a hallmark of Choctaw women throughout the 70-plus years of our history. a6r6gHdyv3U-00082-00054272-00054882 And so, for this reason, we honor the first mothers today. a6r6gHdyv3U-00083-00054882-00055836 In addition to these precious first mothers, we also honor the faithful mothers. a6r6gHdyv3U-00084-00055836-00056267 Not everyone can have the good fortune of being the first or a6r6gHdyv3U-00085-00056267-00056910 being the original at something, and God doesn't require this of us. a6r6gHdyv3U-00086-00056910-00057391 But God does recognize faithfulness, and here at Choctaw, a6r6gHdyv3U-00087-00057391-00058200 we have been blessed with so many wonderful women who have and had great faith. a6r6gHdyv3U-00088-00058200-00058491 If you follow the history of this congregation, a6r6gHdyv3U-00089-00058491-00059155 you would see its development pattern as a series of ups and downs, up and down movements. a6r6gHdyv3U-00090-00059155-00059736 That's the history of this church - up and down, and up and down. There have been wars. a6r6gHdyv3U-00091-00059736-00060024 There have been droughts. a6r6gHdyv3U-00092-00060024-00060612 There have been boom times and bust times, and several construction projects. a6r6gHdyv3U-00093-00060612-00060936 Preachers have come and preachers have gone. a6r6gHdyv3U-00094-00060936-00061305 Attendance has risen, only to drop dangerously low. a6r6gHdyv3U-00095-00061305-00062116 But through all of this, there have been a legion of mothers who have faithfully taught Bible class and a6r6gHdyv3U-00096-00062116-00062752 tended the nursery, who have organized VBS and worked in the office, a6r6gHdyv3U-00097-00062752-00063091 who have aided the poor and a6r6gHdyv3U-00098-00063091-00063708 provided quilts, who have visited the sick and the elderly and those who are lonely, a6r6gHdyv3U-00099-00063708-00064552 cooked a million meals for church meetings and picnics and weddings and potlucks and funerals, and a6r6gHdyv3U-00100-00064552-00065240 done innumerable acts of kindness for others, whether they were members or not. a6r6gHdyv3U-00101-00065240-00066138 Mothers, who by their grinding perseverance in bringing babies and children to Bible class Sunday after Sunday after Sunday, a6r6gHdyv3U-00102-00066138-00066514 week after week, year in and year out, a6r6gHdyv3U-00103-00066514-00067006 nurtured their family's faith into maturity. a6r6gHdyv3U-00104-00067006-00067800 I cannot count how many adults begin the story of their conversion to Christianity with the words, if a6r6gHdyv3U-00105-00067800-00068446 it weren't for my mother, and you fill in the blank. a6r6gHdyv3U-00106-00068446-00069488 Mothers without husbands, who single-handedly kept their families faithful, a6r6gHdyv3U-00107-00069488-00070968 through sheer strength of character and total faith in the Lord. a6r6gHdyv3U-00108-00070968-00071868 Choctaw has an honor roll of faithful mothers who have been, for years, a6r6gHdyv3U-00109-00071868-00072456 the backbone of this congregation and kept it going. a6r6gHdyv3U-00110-00072456-00072966 To name one would be to forget another. a6r6gHdyv3U-00111-00072966-00073622 But their names are evident if you follow the progress of this congregation. a6r6gHdyv3U-00112-00073622-00074264 Their names are the ones who you see at the head of the sign-up sheets. a6r6gHdyv3U-00113-00074264-00074822 Their names are signed at the bottom of your get well cards. a6r6gHdyv3U-00114-00074822-00075422 Their names appear when food is needed, when help is needed. a6r6gHdyv3U-00115-00075422-00076030 Their names lead the list of volunteers for good works. a6r6gHdyv3U-00116-00076030-00077242 Their names are on the lips of your children when they speak of their Bible class teachers. a6r6gHdyv3U-00117-00077242-00078526 Their names are whispered in prayers of thanksgiving for kindnesses received. a6r6gHdyv3U-00118-00078526-00078982 They are the faithful mothers of Choctaw. a6r6gHdyv3U-00119-00078982-00079870 And we honor you before God this day, and we are assured that He knows every one of your names. a6r6gHdyv3U-00120-00079870-00080346 And then finally, in addition to the first and the faithful mothers, a6r6gHdyv3U-00121-00080346-00080994 we also lift up the names of the mothers of tomorrow. a6r6gHdyv3U-00122-00080994-00081816 Have you noticed that our nursery and our toddler class is kind of full? a6r6gHdyv3U-00123-00081816-00082680 I have news for you, it's going to be ever more crowded before we celebrate our 75th anniversary in the year 2014. a6r6gHdyv3U-00124-00082680-00083310 According to our statistics, young married couples or couples with babies and small children are the a6r6gHdyv3U-00125-00083310-00083722 fastest growing segment of this congregation. a6r6gHdyv3U-00126-00083722-00084104 From a church growth perspective, this is wonderful news. a6r6gHdyv3U-00127-00084104-00084550 The church of tomorrow is right there in our nursery. a6r6gHdyv3U-00128-00084550-00085240 It's right there in our Time Travelers program. It's right there in all of your Bible classes. a6r6gHdyv3U-00129-00085240-00085504 It's right there in VBS a6r6gHdyv3U-00130-00085504-00086064 We are seeing one generation of mothers, hand down to the next, a6r6gHdyv3U-00131-00086064-00086878 the precious responsibility of carrying on the work that they have so diligently done for so long. a6r6gHdyv3U-00132-00086878-00087428 One of the things that my own daughters, our own daughters, a6r6gHdyv3U-00133-00087428-00088294 have repeated to me and Lise over and over again, the thing that they looked forward to, a6r6gHdyv3U-00134-00088294-00088674 was to see their children participate in VBS. They looked forward to that day. a6r6gHdyv3U-00135-00088674-00089174 To see Lily and Daxton and Savannah a6r6gHdyv3U-00136-00089174-00090692 yes, even Titus and Emil and Christian and Sophia, a6r6gHdyv3U-00137-00090692-00091602 and two other babies that are yet to be born, three other babies. a6r6gHdyv3U-00138-00091602-00092214 It's inspiring to see our young marrieds, our new mothers, walking in the footsteps of the a6r6gHdyv3U-00139-00092214-00092400 first mothers and a6r6gHdyv3U-00140-00092400-00093154 the many faithful mothers who have set the pattern for loving and faithful service to the Lord here in Choctaw. a6r6gHdyv3U-00141-00093154-00093590 We salute you, young moms. a6r6gHdyv3U-00142-00093590-00094390 And our prayer is that when those who celebrate our 100th anniversary speak, a6r6gHdyv3U-00143-00094390-00095368 they will speak of you in the same way that we have spoken of those who came before you. a6r6gHdyv3U-00144-00095368-00095636 God bless you. a6r6gHdyv3U-00145-00095636-00096248 And God bless all the good mothers that are here today. a6r6gHdyv3U-00146-00096248-00097014 The history of this congregation is intertwined with the wonderful Christian mothers a6r6gHdyv3U-00147-00097014-00097308 who have served here for so long. a6r6gHdyv3U-00148-00097308-00097842 I hope we will continue in this way until Jesus returns. a6r6gHdyv3U-00149-00097842-00098550 For this reason, I pray that when Jesus does come, He will find all the mothers a6r6gHdyv3U-00150-00098550-00098940 faithful to Him in obedience. a6r6gHdyv3U-00151-00098940-00099358 Faithful to their families in love. a6r6gHdyv3U-00152-00099358-00100006 And faithful to the church in service. If any are here, not just mothers, a6r6gHdyv3U-00153-00100006-00100806 but if any here need assistance to be obedient to Christ or helpful to this church and a6r6gHdyv3U-00154-00100806-00101518 yes, even perhaps a better mom, if you need the prayers of the church for this, a6r6gHdyv3U-00155-00101518-00102116 then we encourage you to come now as we stand and as we sing our song of encouragement. a6s6eDYurg8-00000-00000000-00000392 Because most of the nutrients have been stripped from the processed foods that a6s6eDYurg8-00001-00000392-00000552 most of us eat, a6s6eDYurg8-00002-00000552-00001050 we are still in many ways malnourished and very often deficient in many a6s6eDYurg8-00003-00001050-00001610 vitamins and minerals which can directly impact behavior and the ability to focus a6s6eDYurg8-00004-00001610-00002067 and learn. While switching to a Real Food diet like we talked about last week a6s6eDYurg8-00005-00002067-00002508 drastically improves the vitamin and mineral levels in the body, a6s6eDYurg8-00006-00002576-00002960 there are a couple reasons why food is not enough to correct the deficiencies a6s6eDYurg8-00007-00002960-00003143 that could be in place. a6s6eDYurg8-00008-00003143-00003651 First of all, your body may not be absorbing the vitamins and minerals to a6s6eDYurg8-00009-00003651-00004251 its full capacity if you have conditions such as leaky gut or candida. If you a6s6eDYurg8-00010-00004251-00004721 haven't corrected those issues, you may still be eating better food but much of a6s6eDYurg8-00011-00004721-00005087 the vitamins and minerals in those foods are just passing through your body a6s6eDYurg8-00012-00005087-00005339 without being fully absorbed. a6s6eDYurg8-00013-00005339-00005687 We'll talk more about what you do to fix those conditions and definitely a6s6eDYurg8-00014-00005687-00006060 switching to a Real Food diet like we talked about last week is step number a6s6eDYurg8-00015-00006060-00006371 one. Second of all, a6s6eDYurg8-00016-00006371-00006942 once a deficiency has taken place within the body, a food source usually does not a6s6eDYurg8-00017-00006942-00007454 provide enough of the vitamin or mineral to correct that deficiency. It's enough a6s6eDYurg8-00018-00007454-00007934 to maintain those levels once the deficiency has been corrected, but a a6s6eDYurg8-00019-00007934-00008268 supplement is often needed to get those levels back up, at least initially. a9aPbUMYUHc-00000-00000024-00000488 stack buffer overflows what are those a9aPbUMYUHc-00001-00000280-00000800 well it's when you have too much ACID a9aPbUMYUHc-00002-00000488-00001055 data being copied from attacker's data a9aPbUMYUHc-00003-00000800-00001279 into a vulnerable buffer on the stack so a9aPbUMYUHc-00004-00001055-00001496 for instance if we had a memcpy and it a9aPbUMYUHc-00005-00001279-00001688 had an attacker controlled length and an a9aPbUMYUHc-00006-00001496-00001911 attacker-controlled data then an a9aPbUMYUHc-00007-00001688-00002096 attacker could cause an overflow of this a9aPbUMYUHc-00008-00001911-00002272 vulnerable buffer basically you know a9aPbUMYUHc-00009-00002096-00002456 whatever the size of that buffer is if a9aPbUMYUHc-00010-00002272-00002703 the attacker controls the size then they a9aPbUMYUHc-00011-00002456-00002864 can just keep increasing the size until a9aPbUMYUHc-00012-00002703-00002959 they ultimately exceed the bounds of the a9aPbUMYUHc-00013-00002864-00003143 buffer a9aPbUMYUHc-00014-00002959-00003328 so if this means something to you right a9aPbUMYUHc-00015-00003143-00003496 now good great you know hopefully that a9aPbUMYUHc-00016-00003328-00003696 was enough for you but if it wasn't a9aPbUMYUHc-00017-00003496-00003847 let's go ahead and cover some background a9aPbUMYUHc-00018-00003696-00003944 before we come back to the slide again a9aPbUMYUHc-00019-00003847-00004184 later a9aPbUMYUHc-00020-00003944-00004432 so first of all what is the stack well a9aPbUMYUHc-00021-00004184-00004616 the stack can refer to a fundamental a9aPbUMYUHc-00022-00004432-00004920 data structure type so if you think of a9aPbUMYUHc-00023-00004616-00005087 things like linked lists or queues stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00024-00004920-00005296 is another type of data structure a9aPbUMYUHc-00025-00005087-00005536 specifically it's a data structure where a9aPbUMYUHc-00026-00005296-00005760 it's called first in last out it's a9aPbUMYUHc-00027-00005536-00006000 basically like a stack of plates so you a9aPbUMYUHc-00028-00005760-00006192 put a plate onto the stack and you put a9aPbUMYUHc-00029-00006000-00006360 another plate onto the stack and you a9aPbUMYUHc-00030-00006192-00006479 just keep putting them on the top of the a9aPbUMYUHc-00031-00006360-00006752 stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00032-00006479-00006879 and so the first data that you put in is a9aPbUMYUHc-00033-00006752-00006976 going to be at the bottom of the stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00034-00006879-00007159 and you're not going to be able to get a9aPbUMYUHc-00035-00006976-00007447 to that plate you can't pull it out from a9aPbUMYUHc-00036-00007159-00007623 underneath you have to pop data off the a9aPbUMYUHc-00037-00007447-00007847 top of the stack in order to get access a9aPbUMYUHc-00038-00007623-00008008 to that earlier data so in this class a9aPbUMYUHc-00039-00007847-00008200 when we refer to the stack we're not a9aPbUMYUHc-00040-00008008-00008456 going to be referring to the data a9aPbUMYUHc-00041-00008200-00008647 structure but rather a region of memory a9aPbUMYUHc-00042-00008456-00008943 that behaves like that sort of data a9aPbUMYUHc-00043-00008647-00009192 structure so in the memory area that's a9aPbUMYUHc-00044-00008943-00009400 allocated for an executing program or a a9aPbUMYUHc-00045-00009192-00009568 kernel or firmware or anything else if a9aPbUMYUHc-00046-00009400-00009720 we imagine things with low addresses low a9aPbUMYUHc-00047-00009568-00009911 and high address is high there might be a9aPbUMYUHc-00048-00009720-00010047 some area that's reserved for the code a9aPbUMYUHc-00049-00009911-00010168 that's going to execute a9aPbUMYUHc-00050-00010047-00010415 and then there's an area that is a9aPbUMYUHc-00051-00010168-00010728 reserved for the stack there's also an a9aPbUMYUHc-00052-00010415-00010960 area reserved for the heap and so we say a9aPbUMYUHc-00053-00010728-00011192 that the stack you know grows towards a9aPbUMYUHc-00054-00010960-00011360 low addresses so basically the stack is a9aPbUMYUHc-00055-00011192-00011439 effectively upside down in this sort of a9aPbUMYUHc-00056-00011360-00011639 picture a9aPbUMYUHc-00057-00011439-00011832 so basically the top of the stack here a9aPbUMYUHc-00058-00011639-00012039 and it continues to grow towards lower a9aPbUMYUHc-00059-00011832-00012207 addresses and the heap generally grows a9aPbUMYUHc-00060-00012039-00012407 towards higher addresses a9aPbUMYUHc-00061-00012207-00012671 so in the context of C programs the a9aPbUMYUHc-00062-00012407-00012863 stack is used to store temporary data a9aPbUMYUHc-00063-00012671-00013080 most importantly things like local a9aPbUMYUHc-00064-00012863-00013368 variables that's where the buffer that's a9aPbUMYUHc-00065-00013080-00013600 going to overflow is going to be stored a9aPbUMYUHc-00066-00013368-00013800 so if we look at just some simple code a9aPbUMYUHc-00067-00013600-00014047 here you might recognize some things a9aPbUMYUHc-00068-00013800-00014240 like okay this refers to globals buff a9aPbUMYUHc-00069-00014047-00014472 one and buff two these are outside of a a9aPbUMYUHc-00070-00014240-00014672 function they must be globals you might a9aPbUMYUHc-00071-00014472-00014808 see this buff three that's inside of a a9aPbUMYUHc-00072-00014672-00015023 function that looks like a local a9aPbUMYUHc-00073-00014808-00015247 variable and then you see that this a9aPbUMYUHc-00074-00015023-00015568 malloc is being used to allocate eight a9aPbUMYUHc-00075-00015247-00015776 bytes of memory from the heap and take a9aPbUMYUHc-00076-00015568-00016023 the pointer and store it into this buff a9aPbUMYUHc-00077-00015776-00016272 four so where are all of these things a9aPbUMYUHc-00078-00016023-00016487 stored and you know which piece is used a9aPbUMYUHc-00079-00016272-00016680 in using the stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00080-00016487-00016856 so for instance these buff one and buff a9aPbUMYUHc-00081-00016680-00016976 two these are globals and they're not a9aPbUMYUHc-00082-00016856-00017208 going to be on the stack they're going a9aPbUMYUHc-00083-00016976-00017351 to be in special global areas so for a9aPbUMYUHc-00084-00017208-00017551 instance there turns out there's a9aPbUMYUHc-00085-00017351-00017744 different areas typically for zero a9aPbUMYUHc-00086-00017551-00018015 initialized global variables a9aPbUMYUHc-00087-00017744-00018312 buff one in this case and also there are a9aPbUMYUHc-00088-00018015-00018551 areas for non-zero initialized global a9aPbUMYUHc-00089-00018312-00018808 variables so buff 2 is set to 0 1 2 3 4 a9aPbUMYUHc-00090-00018551-00019023 5 6 7 and therefore it's going to go a9aPbUMYUHc-00091-00018808-00019184 into a different memory region now buff a9aPbUMYUHc-00092-00019023-00019400 3 and before are what we're going to a9aPbUMYUHc-00093-00019184-00019631 care about in this section these are a9aPbUMYUHc-00094-00019400-00019936 local variables and local variables are a9aPbUMYUHc-00095-00019631-00020087 stored on the stack so buff three is a9aPbUMYUHc-00096-00019936-00020231 going to be eight bytes allocated on the a9aPbUMYUHc-00097-00020087-00020464 stack and buff four is going to be a9aPbUMYUHc-00098-00020231-00020695 whatever the pointer with is if it's 32 a9aPbUMYUHc-00099-00020464-00020951 bit system it's 32 bits if it's a 64-bit a9aPbUMYUHc-00100-00020695-00021168 system it's 64 bits and then this malloc a9aPbUMYUHc-00101-00020951-00021368 is going to allocate 8 bytes of memory a9aPbUMYUHc-00102-00021168-00021536 on the heap it's going to return a a9aPbUMYUHc-00103-00021368-00021792 pointer to that memory and it's going to a9aPbUMYUHc-00104-00021536-00021976 store it into the local variable buff 4 a9aPbUMYUHc-00105-00021792-00022192 which is on the stack so but 4 is on the a9aPbUMYUHc-00106-00021976-00022272 stack the data it points to is on the a9aPbUMYUHc-00107-00022192-00022448 heap a9aPbUMYUHc-00108-00022272-00022679 so we could visualize that like this a9aPbUMYUHc-00109-00022448-00022928 buff 1 is zero initialized and there's a a9aPbUMYUHc-00110-00022679-00023151 special area for zero or uninitialized a9aPbUMYUHc-00111-00022928-00023368 global memory buff two on the other hand a9aPbUMYUHc-00112-00023151-00023672 because it was initialized is going to a9aPbUMYUHc-00113-00023368-00023856 go into a special area for globals that a9aPbUMYUHc-00114-00023672-00024031 are initialized and I'm actually showing a9aPbUMYUHc-00115-00023856-00024248 this in green the same way as code here a9aPbUMYUHc-00116-00024031-00024512 just to kind of indicate that typically a9aPbUMYUHc-00117-00024248-00024672 because you have specific initialization a9aPbUMYUHc-00118-00024512-00024928 those specific values are going to be a9aPbUMYUHc-00119-00024672-00025128 compiled into the binary on disk so all a9aPbUMYUHc-00120-00024928-00025343 of this green stuff came from the actual a9aPbUMYUHc-00121-00025128-00025623 compiled binary on disk whereas this a9aPbUMYUHc-00122-00025343-00025816 pink stuff is actually just allocated at a9aPbUMYUHc-00123-00025623-00026023 execution time but again the part that a9aPbUMYUHc-00124-00025816-00026280 we really care about is this buff three a9aPbUMYUHc-00125-00026023-00026488 and buff four these are local variables a9aPbUMYUHc-00126-00026280-00026639 and they exist on the stack so buff a9aPbUMYUHc-00127-00026488-00026927 three will be eight bytes of data on the a9aPbUMYUHc-00128-00026639-00027191 stack but four is a pointer on the stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00129-00026927-00027383 and it points to after this malloc like a9aPbUMYUHc-00130-00027191-00027544 initially it points to nothing but after a9aPbUMYUHc-00131-00027383-00027783 the malloc it points to these eight a9aPbUMYUHc-00132-00027544-00027975 bytes on the heap but before we get too a9aPbUMYUHc-00133-00027783-00028160 much into this we need to establish some a9aPbUMYUHc-00134-00027975-00028336 conventions that we're going to use for a9aPbUMYUHc-00135-00028160-00028504 diagrams in this class a9aPbUMYUHc-00136-00028336-00028775 if you see gray that is meant to a9aPbUMYUHc-00137-00028504-00029072 indicate it is uninitialized data blue a9aPbUMYUHc-00138-00028775-00029295 is initialized red is ACID attacker a9aPbUMYUHc-00139-00029072-00029519 controlled input data and blue a9aPbUMYUHc-00140-00029295-00029880 transitioning into red means that it's a9aPbUMYUHc-00141-00029519-00030112 semi attacker control data or SACI data a9aPbUMYUHc-00142-00029880-00030327 now you will see that there are frequent a9aPbUMYUHc-00143-00030112-00030536 cases where an attacker may not exactly a9aPbUMYUHc-00144-00030327-00030752 control everything about the data but a9aPbUMYUHc-00145-00030536-00030960 still even with SACI data instead of a9aPbUMYUHc-00146-00030752-00031152 ACID data an attacker can still achieve a9aPbUMYUHc-00147-00030960-00031391 their goals most of the time a9aPbUMYUHc-00148-00031152-00031632 so if this was 64 bytes then when we're a9aPbUMYUHc-00149-00031391-00031832 drawing it as a stack diagram we will a9aPbUMYUHc-00150-00031632-00032024 place low address as low and high a9aPbUMYUHc-00151-00031832-00032191 address is high this is a convention a9aPbUMYUHc-00152-00032024-00032447 that's common in computer architecture a9aPbUMYUHc-00153-00032191-00032575 books and is also used in other ost-2 a9aPbUMYUHc-00154-00032447-00032752 classes a9aPbUMYUHc-00155-00032575-00032944 now in this convention if we assume that a9aPbUMYUHc-00156-00032752-00033160 we've got a little andian architecture a9aPbUMYUHc-00157-00032944-00033368 we're going to draw the little end or a9aPbUMYUHc-00158-00033160-00033600 the least significant byte here to the a9aPbUMYUHc-00159-00033368-00033847 right and the big end or most a9aPbUMYUHc-00160-00033600-00034088 significant byte to the left okay well a9aPbUMYUHc-00161-00033847-00034272 we know that a stack data structure has a9aPbUMYUHc-00162-00034088-00034463 data growing from the bottom of the a9aPbUMYUHc-00163-00034272-00034632 stack to the top of the stack and a9aPbUMYUHc-00164-00034463-00034816 therefore with our low dresses low and a9aPbUMYUHc-00165-00034632-00035032 high address as high convention we're a9aPbUMYUHc-00166-00034816-00035280 going to be seeing the stack growing a9aPbUMYUHc-00167-00035032-00035463 downward so eight bytes at a time for a9aPbUMYUHc-00168-00035280-00035672 instance on a 64-bit architecture are a9aPbUMYUHc-00169-00035463-00035856 typically pushed onto the stack and that a9aPbUMYUHc-00170-00035672-00036096 means it's going to grow towards a9aPbUMYUHc-00171-00035856-00036312 progressively lower things and the thing a9aPbUMYUHc-00172-00036096-00036544 at the lowest address is the top of the a9aPbUMYUHc-00173-00036312-00036760 stack and the thing at the top of the a9aPbUMYUHc-00174-00036544-00036960 diagram is the bottom of the stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00175-00036760-00037303 all right so stack grows towards low a9aPbUMYUHc-00176-00036960-00037440 addresses but memory rights grow towards a9aPbUMYUHc-00177-00037303-00037624 high addresses a9aPbUMYUHc-00178-00037440-00037888 so any sort of right is going to a9aPbUMYUHc-00179-00037624-00038152 overwrite this direction going up on a9aPbUMYUHc-00180-00037888-00038528 this diagram in this orientation a9aPbUMYUHc-00181-00038152-00038624 so for instance if we had a 64 byte a9aPbUMYUHc-00182-00038528-00038816 buffer a9aPbUMYUHc-00183-00038624-00039136 the indexing which is going to be used a9aPbUMYUHc-00184-00038816-00039456 on our stack diagrams is index 0 and x1 a9aPbUMYUHc-00185-00039136-00039647 etc all the way up through index 63 up a9aPbUMYUHc-00186-00039456-00039975 here at the top a9aPbUMYUHc-00187-00039647-00040144 and so if we had some value like hex one a9aPbUMYUHc-00188-00039975-00040384 one two two three three four four a9aPbUMYUHc-00189-00040144-00040512 etcetera if this was a little endian a9aPbUMYUHc-00190-00040384-00040688 architecture meaning the least a9aPbUMYUHc-00191-00040512-00040880 significant byte is here on the right a9aPbUMYUHc-00192-00040688-00041119 and the most significant byte is here on a9aPbUMYUHc-00193-00040880-00041280 the left then we would convert to this a9aPbUMYUHc-00194-00041119-00041536 eight individual bytes if we were a9aPbUMYUHc-00195-00041280-00041736 interpreting it as a keyword or a a9aPbUMYUHc-00196-00041536-00041903 one signed long long a9aPbUMYUHc-00197-00041736-00042072 that would be interpreted as an eight a9aPbUMYUHc-00198-00041903-00042231 byte value of hex one two three four a9aPbUMYUHc-00199-00042072-00042447 five etc a9aPbUMYUHc-00200-00042231-00042663 so you know this is just uh trying to a9aPbUMYUHc-00201-00042447-00042856 remind us you know how little endianness a9aPbUMYUHc-00202-00042663-00043040 works on architecture a9aPbUMYUHc-00203-00042856-00043312 on the other hand if you had something a9aPbUMYUHc-00204-00043040-00043472 like a string instead of a number well a9aPbUMYUHc-00205-00043312-00043888 the least significant byte of a string a9aPbUMYUHc-00206-00043472-00043991 is over here so slash h o m e slash u s a9aPbUMYUHc-00207-00043888-00044216 e r a9aPbUMYUHc-00208-00043991-00044503 so this would for instance be the string a9aPbUMYUHc-00209-00044216-00044759 slash home slash user slash sbo a9aPbUMYUHc-00210-00044503-00044984 so again the little endian-ness means a9aPbUMYUHc-00211-00044759-00045240 that it's going to go from the right to a9aPbUMYUHc-00212-00044984-00045408 the left bottom to the top in stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00213-00045240-00045568 diagrams a9aPbUMYUHc-00214-00045408-00045736 now when it comes to what's going on a9aPbUMYUHc-00215-00045568-00045919 behind the scenes there's a variety of a9aPbUMYUHc-00216-00045736-00046152 things that can be stored on the stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00217-00045919-00046375 and it's going to depend on the computer a9aPbUMYUHc-00218-00046152-00046559 architecture the calling conventions a9aPbUMYUHc-00219-00046375-00046775 that are used by the particular a9aPbUMYUHc-00220-00046559-00047000 compilers and code that's being compiled a9aPbUMYUHc-00221-00046775-00047263 and we cover this in other classes such a9aPbUMYUHc-00222-00047000-00047424 as assembly classes for purposes of this a9aPbUMYUHc-00223-00047263-00047608 class the only thing that you really a9aPbUMYUHc-00224-00047424-00047824 really need to know is the fact that a9aPbUMYUHc-00225-00047608-00048016 there is a return address generally a9aPbUMYUHc-00226-00047824-00048231 stored on the stack somewhere on most a9aPbUMYUHc-00227-00048016-00048416 architectures not necessarily in leaf a9aPbUMYUHc-00228-00048231-00048559 functions but pretty much every a9aPbUMYUHc-00229-00048416-00048736 architecture is going to have something a9aPbUMYUHc-00230-00048559-00049040 like a return address and the return a9aPbUMYUHc-00231-00048736-00049272 address is the address of code where a9aPbUMYUHc-00232-00049040-00049608 code should return when you return out a9aPbUMYUHc-00233-00049272-00049816 of a C function right so in C we call a a9aPbUMYUHc-00234-00049608-00050000 function in order to jump in and start a9aPbUMYUHc-00235-00049816-00050240 executing the code and when we're done a9aPbUMYUHc-00236-00050000-00050552 with function we return back from that a9aPbUMYUHc-00237-00050240-00050719 function and so somewhere somehow a9aPbUMYUHc-00238-00050552-00050903 the architecture has to store like how a9aPbUMYUHc-00239-00050719-00051136 do we get back to the place that we came a9aPbUMYUHc-00240-00050903-00051320 from when this call was issued and we a9aPbUMYUHc-00241-00051136-00051495 call that the return address which is a9aPbUMYUHc-00242-00051320-00051736 stored on the stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00243-00051495-00051944 so if the stack is organized into like a a9aPbUMYUHc-00244-00051736-00052176 sequence of frames for function one a9aPbUMYUHc-00245-00051944-00052439 calls function two calls function three a9aPbUMYUHc-00246-00052176-00052632 then on our stack diagrams the frames a9aPbUMYUHc-00247-00052439-00052824 for earlier functions will be on the top a9aPbUMYUHc-00248-00052632-00053072 and later functions and ultimately the a9aPbUMYUHc-00249-00052824-00053224 leaf function will be on the bottom and a9aPbUMYUHc-00250-00053072-00053383 so again there's a variety of things a9aPbUMYUHc-00251-00053224-00053591 that could be on the stack and it really a9aPbUMYUHc-00252-00053383-00053760 all just depends but what I want to say a9aPbUMYUHc-00253-00053591-00053967 is that return address is going to be a9aPbUMYUHc-00254-00053760-00054136 the very key and critical thing this is a9aPbUMYUHc-00255-00053967-00054360 what attackers are going to be trying to a9aPbUMYUHc-00256-00054136-00054544 corrupt with stack buffer overflows but a9aPbUMYUHc-00257-00054360-00054736 there's also things like local variables a9aPbUMYUHc-00258-00054544-00054936 and attackers can get a lot of benefit a9aPbUMYUHc-00259-00054736-00055183 from corrupting local variables a9aPbUMYUHc-00260-00054936-00055472 there's saved registers in terms of a9aPbUMYUHc-00261-00055183-00055655 callee and caller saved registers a9aPbUMYUHc-00262-00055472-00055816 there's function parameters a9aPbUMYUHc-00263-00055655-00055976 on some architectures which might get a9aPbUMYUHc-00264-00055816-00056191 saved on the stack and it could depend a9aPbUMYUHc-00265-00055976-00056383 on how many parameters are passed to a a9aPbUMYUHc-00266-00056191-00056560 function and so forth a9aPbUMYUHc-00267-00056383-00056783 and then you know again return addresses a9aPbUMYUHc-00268-00056560-00057024 so this is the type of things that we a9aPbUMYUHc-00269-00056783-00057208 could have I left out various things a9aPbUMYUHc-00270-00057024-00057351 depending on architecture but in general a9aPbUMYUHc-00271-00057208-00057520 all architectures are going to have this a9aPbUMYUHc-00272-00057351-00057712 kind of stuff and the one we really a9aPbUMYUHc-00273-00057520-00057879 really care about is that return address a9aPbUMYUHc-00274-00057712-00058000 that's going to be a good target for an a9aPbUMYUHc-00275-00057879-00058200 attacker a9aPbUMYUHc-00276-00058000-00058360 so those are our conventions let's get a9aPbUMYUHc-00277-00058200-00058704 back to it what is a stack buffer a9aPbUMYUHc-00278-00058360-00058936 overflow it's when too much ACID data is a9aPbUMYUHc-00279-00058704-00059072 copied into a stack buffer overflowing a9aPbUMYUHc-00280-00058936-00059295 its bounds a9aPbUMYUHc-00281-00059072-00059527 so let's you know let's consider this a9aPbUMYUHc-00282-00059295-00059712 you know visualize this let's say we had a9aPbUMYUHc-00283-00059527-00059944 a memcpy and it's a9aPbUMYUHc-00284-00059712-00060200 copying into vulnerable buffer it's a9aPbUMYUHc-00285-00059944-00060407 copying from ACID buffer and it has an a9aPbUMYUHc-00286-00060200-00060583 attacker controlled length so this would a9aPbUMYUHc-00287-00060407-00060800 look something like this you're copying a9aPbUMYUHc-00288-00060583-00061024 the data from here and it's flowing and a9aPbUMYUHc-00289-00060800-00061239 it's flowing and eventually it's a9aPbUMYUHc-00290-00061024-00061472 overflowing the bounds of the vulnerable a9aPbUMYUHc-00291-00061239-00061695 buffer and it's consequently smashing a9aPbUMYUHc-00292-00061472-00061912 the return address on the stack and that a9aPbUMYUHc-00293-00061695-00062064 gives the attacker some benefit they a9aPbUMYUHc-00294-00061912-00062288 overwrite the return address and a9aPbUMYUHc-00295-00062064-00062479 therefore when the function returns it's a9aPbUMYUHc-00296-00062288-00062632 going to go to some attacker controlled a9aPbUMYUHc-00297-00062479-00062839 location a9aPbUMYUHc-00298-00062632-00063072 so what are the common causes of stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00299-00062839-00063272 buffer overflows well we've got two root a9aPbUMYUHc-00300-00063072-00063455 causes we've got the sweet potato and a9aPbUMYUHc-00301-00063272-00063672 the carrot these being the only roots a9aPbUMYUHc-00302-00063455-00063912 available in the emoji set at the time a9aPbUMYUHc-00303-00063672-00064120 so in the sweet potato case we've got a9aPbUMYUHc-00304-00063912-00064320 unsafe or weakly bounded common a9aPbUMYUHc-00305-00064120-00064576 functions like memcpy strcpy a9aPbUMYUHc-00306-00064320-00064783 string cat s printf etc these are things a9aPbUMYUHc-00307-00064576-00064967 that typically you know are either a9aPbUMYUHc-00308-00064783-00065207 explicitly for purposes of copying a9aPbUMYUHc-00309-00064967-00065400 memory or you know implicitly doing a9aPbUMYUHc-00310-00065207-00065672 things like string operations which will a9aPbUMYUHc-00311-00065400-00065792 lead to copying memory there's also very a9aPbUMYUHc-00312-00065672-00066000 frequently a9aPbUMYUHc-00313-00065792-00066224 wrappers where you know some programmer a9aPbUMYUHc-00314-00066000-00066400 wants to do a custom memcpy that's a9aPbUMYUHc-00315-00066224-00066600 just for their particular struct data a9aPbUMYUHc-00316-00066400-00066783 type or something like that and at the a9aPbUMYUHc-00317-00066600-00067039 end of the day they may be copying one a9aPbUMYUHc-00318-00066783-00067183 struct to another struct but behind the a9aPbUMYUHc-00319-00067039-00067360 scenes you know it's usually backed by a9aPbUMYUHc-00320-00067183-00067495 something like a memcpy so you have to a9aPbUMYUHc-00321-00067360-00067727 watch out for these sort of wrapper a9aPbUMYUHc-00322-00067495-00067927 functions as well a9aPbUMYUHc-00323-00067727-00068168 then we've got the other caret cause a9aPbUMYUHc-00324-00067927-00068512 which is sequential data rights within a a9aPbUMYUHc-00325-00068168-00068720 loop that is an asset exit condition so a9aPbUMYUHc-00326-00068512-00068872 data rights so right here means like a9aPbUMYUHc-00327-00068720-00069104 it's copying it's copying from one a9aPbUMYUHc-00328-00068872-00069264 location to a different memory location a9aPbUMYUHc-00329-00069104-00069439 usually not with something like a mem a9aPbUMYUHc-00330-00069264-00069639 copy usually something just like you a9aPbUMYUHc-00331-00069439-00069807 know assigning to a9aPbUMYUHc-00332-00069639-00070048 some dereferenced pointer or something a9aPbUMYUHc-00333-00069807-00070256 like that so you've got rights and a9aPbUMYUHc-00334-00070048-00070536 they're within a loop so it effectively a9aPbUMYUHc-00335-00070256-00070751 is a memory copy operation and when that a9aPbUMYUHc-00336-00070536-00070888 loop exit condition is attacker a9aPbUMYUHc-00337-00070751-00071056 controlled that's when you're going to a9aPbUMYUHc-00338-00070888-00071224 get into problems because they can a9aPbUMYUHc-00339-00071056-00071536 potentially control that loop to keep a9aPbUMYUHc-00340-00071224-00071768 copying too much and ultimately overflow a9aPbUMYUHc-00341-00071536-00071960 buffer so let's see a trivial example of a9aPbUMYUHc-00342-00071768-00072144 a stack buffer overflow we're going to a9aPbUMYUHc-00343-00071960-00072327 see a whole bunch of real examples a9aPbUMYUHc-00344-00072144-00072568 shortly but you've got to always start a9aPbUMYUHc-00345-00072327-00072839 with something trivial so in this case a9aPbUMYUHc-00346-00072568-00073072 we have main which is taking a argument a9aPbUMYUHc-00347-00072839-00073376 count and an argument vector and we've a9aPbUMYUHc-00348-00073072-00073576 got buff which is what it's a stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00349-00073376-00073824 buffer it's a stack buffer because it's a9aPbUMYUHc-00350-00073576-00074063 a local variable and this buff is only a9aPbUMYUHc-00351-00073824-00074336 eight bytes big but we are going to use a9aPbUMYUHc-00352-00074063-00074560 an unbounded strcpy function to a9aPbUMYUHc-00353-00074336-00074639 copy an arbitrary number of bytes from a9aPbUMYUHc-00354-00074560-00074992 the a9aPbUMYUHc-00355-00074639-00075176 1th artwonth argument of the arg vector a9aPbUMYUHc-00356-00074992-00075416 and that's going to be copied into buff a9aPbUMYUHc-00357-00075176-00075736 so that's just a arbitrary size string a9aPbUMYUHc-00358-00075416-00075968 could be 256 bytes and that'll be copied a9aPbUMYUHc-00359-00075736-00076176 into buff which is only eight bytes so a9aPbUMYUHc-00360-00075968-00076392 which case is this which common root a9aPbUMYUHc-00361-00076176-00076624 cause case is this this is the sweet a9aPbUMYUHc-00362-00076392-00076839 potato case sweet potato is these weekly a9aPbUMYUHc-00363-00076624-00077063 bounded functions so what does this look a9aPbUMYUHc-00364-00076839-00077272 like when we visualize it here is our a9aPbUMYUHc-00365-00077063-00077488 stack diagram visualization we're using a9aPbUMYUHc-00366-00077272-00077727 by convention in this section high a9aPbUMYUHc-00367-00077488-00077912 address is high low address is low a9aPbUMYUHc-00368-00077727-00078151 least significant byte to the right most a9aPbUMYUHc-00369-00077912-00078360 significant byte to the left a9aPbUMYUHc-00370-00078151-00078639 so when we have the argument vector a9aPbUMYUHc-00371-00078360-00078848 initialized it turns out that argv is a9aPbUMYUHc-00372-00078639-00079088 stored somewhere on the stack so this a9aPbUMYUHc-00373-00078848-00079295 arc v of zero is actually going to be a9aPbUMYUHc-00374-00079088-00079504 SACI data as shown here it's not a9aPbUMYUHc-00375-00079295-00079736 completely attacker controlled because a9aPbUMYUHc-00376-00079504-00079936 if we you know put on our nerd glasses a9aPbUMYUHc-00377-00079736-00080160 and look at it very carefully we would a9aPbUMYUHc-00378-00079936-00080448 say that attacker cannot completely a9aPbUMYUHc-00379-00080160-00080583 control this path because if they could a9aPbUMYUHc-00380-00080448-00080736 then that would mean they could put it a9aPbUMYUHc-00381-00080583-00080951 anywhere on the system and if they could a9aPbUMYUHc-00382-00080736-00081151 do that then that would suggest that a9aPbUMYUHc-00383-00080951-00081360 they already had administrative rights a9aPbUMYUHc-00384-00081151-00081583 and if they had that then on most unix a9aPbUMYUHc-00385-00081360-00081751 type systems they've already won so a9aPbUMYUHc-00386-00081583-00081919 we're going to say that it's SACI data a9aPbUMYUHc-00387-00081751-00082232 and in my particular case I was running a9aPbUMYUHc-00388-00081919-00082480 it from slash home slash user slash sbo a9aPbUMYUHc-00389-00082232-00082712 so rv 0 by convention usually is going a9aPbUMYUHc-00390-00082480-00082927 to be the path to the executable itself a9aPbUMYUHc-00391-00082712-00083127 and then arc v1 is going to be the a9aPbUMYUHc-00392-00082927-00083383 actual command line argument that's a9aPbUMYUHc-00393-00083127-00083616 passed to that particular executable a9aPbUMYUHc-00394-00083383-00083848 here now you can see that rv1 is a9aPbUMYUHc-00395-00083616-00084104 completely attacker-controlled input so a9aPbUMYUHc-00396-00083848-00084344 they can put whatever they want there a9aPbUMYUHc-00397-00084104-00084488 then once other memory is initialized a9aPbUMYUHc-00398-00084344-00084632 we're just going to give that a dot dot a9aPbUMYUHc-00399-00084488-00084792 dot and say you know this exists a9aPbUMYUHc-00400-00084632-00084976 somewhere on the stack some other stuff a9aPbUMYUHc-00401-00084792-00085239 is going to be initialized that's blue a9aPbUMYUHc-00402-00084976-00085495 for initialized and then finally main is a9aPbUMYUHc-00403-00085239-00085744 called now a side effect of calling a a9aPbUMYUHc-00404-00085495-00086048 function as we said before is that you a9aPbUMYUHc-00405-00085744-00086304 have the return address to get back to a9aPbUMYUHc-00406-00086048-00086583 wherever you came from pushed onto the a9aPbUMYUHc-00407-00086304-00086880 stack and so even though you only wrote a9aPbUMYUHc-00408-00086583-00087072 the main function inside of your code a9aPbUMYUHc-00409-00086880-00087216 something somewhere has to call and a9aPbUMYUHc-00410-00087072-00087448 invoke that main and that's something a9aPbUMYUHc-00411-00087216-00087656 somewhere that return back out of main a9aPbUMYUHc-00412-00087448-00087856 whatever that function is that's going a9aPbUMYUHc-00413-00087656-00088112 to have the return address back to that a9aPbUMYUHc-00414-00087856-00088319 function pushed onto the stack okay so a9aPbUMYUHc-00415-00088112-00088551 now we assume main has been called first a9aPbUMYUHc-00416-00088319-00088848 thing it does is it allocates space for a9aPbUMYUHc-00417-00088551-00089183 that local variable the buff eight a9aPbUMYUHc-00418-00088848-00089344 and so buff is eight bytes on the stack a9aPbUMYUHc-00419-00089183-00089583 that is going to be allocated but a9aPbUMYUHc-00420-00089344-00089824 uninitialized so it's just reserved but a9aPbUMYUHc-00421-00089583-00089936 it's not set to anything yet and it just a9aPbUMYUHc-00422-00089824-00090144 assumes that the code needs to a9aPbUMYUHc-00423-00089936-00090360 initialize that at some point a9aPbUMYUHc-00424-00090144-00090712 then next comes this dangerous string a9aPbUMYUHc-00425-00090360-00090944 copy and that's going to copy from rv1 a9aPbUMYUHc-00426-00090712-00091168 to buff and you can see that rgb1 is a9aPbUMYUHc-00427-00090944-00091400 bigger than buff so what happens when we a9aPbUMYUHc-00428-00091168-00091632 start that copy well attacker controlled a9aPbUMYUHc-00429-00091400-00091951 input gets put in and oh no it's a9aPbUMYUHc-00430-00091632-00092144 smashing the stack for fun and profit a9aPbUMYUHc-00431-00091951-00092304 and the net result of that is that all a9aPbUMYUHc-00432-00092144-00092519 of a sudden that return address which a9aPbUMYUHc-00433-00092304-00092688 was supposed to return back to whatever a9aPbUMYUHc-00434-00092519-00092872 function called main a9aPbUMYUHc-00435-00092688-00093104 now points at an arbitrary a9aPbUMYUHc-00436-00092872-00093327 attacker-controlled value and that means a9aPbUMYUHc-00437-00093104-00093536 the attacker gets to return back to code a9aPbUMYUHc-00438-00093327-00093704 anywhere they want on the system of a9aPbUMYUHc-00439-00093536-00093872 course it's ultimately up to the a9aPbUMYUHc-00440-00093704-00094151 attacker to figure out where is a9aPbUMYUHc-00441-00093872-00094327 profitable to return to and that's not a9aPbUMYUHc-00442-00094151-00094551 the topic for this class that would be a a9aPbUMYUHc-00443-00094327-00094704 future exploitation class in this class a9aPbUMYUHc-00444-00094551-00094848 we're just going to try to figure out a9aPbUMYUHc-00445-00094704-00095032 where are these vulnerabilities that a9aPbUMYUHc-00446-00094848-00095192 would allow these sort of attacks a9aPbUMYUHc-00447-00095032-00095456 so stack buffer overflows you know a9aPbUMYUHc-00448-00095192-00095616 they're very old type of vulnerability a9aPbUMYUHc-00449-00095456-00095839 you know it's not just smashing the a9aPbUMYUHc-00450-00095616-00096048 stack for fun and profit 1996 type old a9aPbUMYUHc-00451-00095839-00096304 that I cited before we're talking like a9aPbUMYUHc-00452-00096048-00096568 1980s old and really you know their a9aPbUMYUHc-00453-00096304-00096848 citations back to the to the 70s a9aPbUMYUHc-00454-00096568-00097104 so you know the very first worm that was a9aPbUMYUHc-00455-00096848-00097392 ever released on the proto internet the a9aPbUMYUHc-00456-00097104-00097688 arpanet was the morris worm released in a9aPbUMYUHc-00457-00097392-00097944 1988 and this was a stack buffer a9aPbUMYUHc-00458-00097688-00098216 overflow vulnerability it exploited a a9aPbUMYUHc-00459-00097944-00098448 stack overflow in the finger daemon a9aPbUMYUHc-00460-00098216-00098639 which would typically run on most unix a9aPbUMYUHc-00461-00098448-00098807 systems it was a way of querying a9aPbUMYUHc-00462-00098639-00098944 information about other users on the a9aPbUMYUHc-00463-00098807-00099136 system a9aPbUMYUHc-00464-00098944-00099400 so this has been going on for a very a9aPbUMYUHc-00465-00099136-00099544 long time and so the point here is of a9aPbUMYUHc-00466-00099400-00099768 saying that it's going on for a very a9aPbUMYUHc-00467-00099544-00099951 long time is that you know a9aPbUMYUHc-00468-00099768-00100207 if everybody's still making these sort a9aPbUMYUHc-00469-00099951-00100407 of mistakes in this day and age after a9aPbUMYUHc-00470-00100207-00100551 you know well more than 30 years that a9aPbUMYUHc-00471-00100407-00100712 means you know it's not fundamentally a9aPbUMYUHc-00472-00100551-00100912 the programmer's problem it's the a9aPbUMYUHc-00473-00100712-00101104 programming language problem that's why a9aPbUMYUHc-00474-00100912-00101295 we're not trying to demonize people who a9aPbUMYUHc-00475-00101104-00101439 make these sort of mistakes most people a9aPbUMYUHc-00476-00101295-00101648 have never learned anything about them a9aPbUMYUHc-00477-00101439-00101888 so how could they know you know not to a9aPbUMYUHc-00478-00101648-00102048 have this kind of thing occurring and so a9aPbUMYUHc-00479-00101888-00102280 here we're really just trying to focus a9aPbUMYUHc-00480-00102048-00102495 on how do we recognize these kind of a9aPbUMYUHc-00481-00102280-00102688 mistakes and avoid them a9aPbUMYUHc-00482-00102495-00103116 so now let's go look at some real a9aPbUMYUHc-00483-00102688-00103116 examples from real vulnerabilities asxzdeSdxKk-00000-00000000-00000310 Oh lordy! What a week it's been! asxzdeSdxKk-00001-00000310-00000438 Pikachu left! asxzdeSdxKk-00002-00000438-00000556 I was sad... asxzdeSdxKk-00003-00000556-00000730 He came back asxzdeSdxKk-00004-00000730-00000822 Works been crazy asxzdeSdxKk-00005-00000822-00001068 Chicken jigglings been kind of down asxzdeSdxKk-00006-00001254-00001454 I just need to relax! I need to relax! asxzdeSdxKk-00007-00001454-00002128 I'm gonna play some of my favorite Hanna-Barbera character, Yogi Bear! asxzdeSdxKk-00008-00002356-00002668 Oh boy! A lot of people are really proud of this! asxzdeSdxKk-00009-00002668-00002858 HERE COMES YOGI!! asxzdeSdxKk-00010-00002864-00003062 Ahh ahh! Ok ok ok! asxzdeSdxKk-00011-00003062-00003488 Geez! Right out of the gate Yogi just comes yelling and screaming at you asxzdeSdxKk-00012-00004010-00004208 Look at this goofy bastard! asxzdeSdxKk-00013-00004844-00005128 Snow Business: Stage One asxzdeSdxKk-00014-00005128-00005298 Oh, so this is Yogi huh? asxzdeSdxKk-00015-00005316-00005390 Oh boy! asxzdeSdxKk-00016-00005390-00005590 Why does he run so fast... asxzdeSdxKk-00017-00005590-00005746 and umm.. asxzdeSdxKk-00018-00005746-00005946 Why is everything so floaty? asxzdeSdxKk-00019-00005946-00006146 Oh! Picnic baskets! Gotta get those! asxzdeSdxKk-00020-00006146-00006260 Umm... asxzdeSdxKk-00021-00006260-00006459 or not asxzdeSdxKk-00022-00006459-00006570 Ok, that works! asxzdeSdxKk-00023-00006570-00006712 Oh rabbits! Time to... asxzdeSdxKk-00024-00006712-00006762 Ooh! asxzdeSdxKk-00025-00006762-00006914 Get 'em! GET 'EM asxzdeSdxKk-00026-00006914-00007114 Yogi, you're a bear! Eat the rabbits! asxzdeSdxKk-00027-00007114-00007178 What are you doing? asxzdeSdxKk-00028-00007178-00007290 and I died... asxzdeSdxKk-00029-00007442-00007508 Good... asxzdeSdxKk-00030-00007659-00007959 I really really really really really like Yogi asxzdeSdxKk-00031-00008076-00008206 *door knocking* asxzdeSdxKk-00032-00008206-00008308 Ugh, I swear... asxzdeSdxKk-00033-00008308-00008444 Everytime I want to play... asxzdeSdxKk-00034-00008444-00008644 somebody knocks on my door! asxzdeSdxKk-00035-00008794-00008872 Ugh! asxzdeSdxKk-00036-00009038-00009238 Making me get up and stuff! asxzdeSdxKk-00037-00010270-00010386 I don't remember ordering anything! asxzdeSdxKk-00038-00010596-00010780 What the heck could this be? asxzdeSdxKk-00039-00011406-00011544 Baymax? asxzdeSdxKk-00040-00011598-00011798 Why the heck are you here Baymax? asxzdeSdxKk-00041-00011814-00012082 I... threw you in some boxes... asxzdeSdxKk-00042-00012134-00012334 Why are you delivered to my house? asxzdeSdxKk-00043-00012394-00012506 Oh well! You know what? asxzdeSdxKk-00044-00012530-00012736 It's time for you to learn how to fly again! asxzdeSdxKk-00045-00012736-00012941 I hope you have your pilot wings, Baymax! asxzdeSdxKk-00046-00013494-00013568 Shut the door... asxzdeSdxKk-00047-00014141-00014336 and we wash our hands of that madness! asxzdeSdxKk-00048-00014644-00014750 I'm tired asxzdeSdxKk-00049-00014752-00014847 Imma take a nap asxzdeSdxKk-00050-00019152-00019264 Ooof! asxzdeSdxKk-00051-00019386-00019436 What?! asxzdeSdxKk-00052-00019490-00019540 Fuck! asxzdeSdxKk-00053-00020016-00020216 What is that? Is that Baymax? asxzdeSdxKk-00054-00020310-00020378 Ugh! asxzdeSdxKk-00055-00020646-00020756 Ugh, I cant see! asxzdeSdxKk-00056-00020772-00020822 Hold on! asxzdeSdxKk-00057-00020822-00021022 Let me get my glasses asxzdeSdxKk-00058-00021376-00021488 That is Baymax... asxzdeSdxKk-00059-00021534-00021734 and he has a knife? asxzdeSdxKk-00060-00022164-00022342 Uh oh! He's attacking! asxzdeSdxKk-00061-00022506-00022706 Whoa buddy! asxzdeSdxKk-00062-00022940-00023090 You... don't want to kill me! asxzdeSdxKk-00063-00023210-00023436 I'm just a small Youtuber! asxzdeSdxKk-00064-00023674-00024024 AAAAHHH!! asxzdeSdxKk-00065-00024024-00024224 Ugh, my arm! asxzdeSdxKk-00066-00024224-00024406 Ugh, you're going to pay for that! asxzdeSdxKk-00067-00024410-00024534 Hey Baymax? asxzdeSdxKk-00068-00024534-00024812 It's pizza time! asxzdeSdxKk-00069-00024944-00025144 Did someone order extra sausage? asxzdeSdxKk-00070-00025872-00026072 As for you... asxzdeSdxKk-00071-00026072-00026154 Ho ho ho! asxzdeSdxKk-00072-00026177-00026377 I have some plans for you! asxzdeSdxKk-00073-00026476-00026624 Oh Baymax... asxzdeSdxKk-00074-00026624-00026780 It kind of sucks really... asxzdeSdxKk-00075-00026804-00027004 You came to life! asxzdeSdxKk-00076-00027004-00027256 I thought it would be kind of cool to have like a roommate, you know? asxzdeSdxKk-00077-00027256-00027358 Like a little friend asxzdeSdxKk-00078-00027408-00027574 But, you tried to kill me asxzdeSdxKk-00079-00027574-00027774 So now, you have to die! asxzdeSdxKk-00080-00027802-00027882 Toodles! asxzdeSdxKk-00081-00027882-00028168 Baymax, I'm gonna make a pillow! asxzdeSdxKk-00082-00028182-00028382 Out of you! asxzdeSdxKk-00083-00028432-00029114 Yes I'm gonna make a pillow, out of you! asxzdeSdxKk-00084-00029133-00029222 Nighty night! asxzdeSdxKk-00085-00029327-00029433 Huh boy! asxzdeSdxKk-00086-00029650-00029818 Killing Baymax is hard! asxzdeSdxKk-00087-00029818-00029956 I'm tired asxzdeSdxKk-00088-00029956-00030156 Time for me to go back to sleep! asxzdeSdxKk-00089-00030610-00031177 We hope you enjoyed your stay! asxzdeSdxKk-00090-00031236-00031527 It's good to have you with us! asxzdeSdxKk-00091-00031550-00031832 Even if it's just for the day! asxzdeSdxKk-00092-00031832-00032352 We hope you enjoyed your stay! asxzdeSdxKk-00093-00032458-00032658 I wish that you could stay, asxzdeSdxKk-00094-00032714-00032974 but we gotta go for another day! asxzdeSdxKk-00095-00033066-00033242 Hey Baymax? asxzdeSdxKk-00096-00033334-00033534 It's pizza time! ascLnNqVXoQ-00000-00000000-00000652 [Music] ascLnNqVXoQ-00001-00000652-00001058 How many times have you received a compliment and later doubted whether or not ascLnNqVXoQ-00002-00001058-00001165 it was truly sincere? ascLnNqVXoQ-00003-00001165-00001778 It's always good to assume that people have good intentions, but the sad reality is that ascLnNqVXoQ-00004-00001778-00002041 this isn't always the case. ascLnNqVXoQ-00005-00002041-00002563 Sometimes, people are just pretending to be nice to us, and it's a point to know the telltale ascLnNqVXoQ-00006-00002563-00002714 signs of this behavior. ascLnNqVXoQ-00007-00002714-00003116 Are you wondering whether or not the people around you are genuinely kind? ascLnNqVXoQ-00008-00003116-00003617 Here are 10 signs of fake nice people. ascLnNqVXoQ-00009-00003617-00004361 Humble bragging; humble bragging is a relatively new term, but it's been around for ages. ascLnNqVXoQ-00010-00004361-00004721 This is when people exhibit false modesty. ascLnNqVXoQ-00011-00004721-00005219 They pretend to downplay their own accomplishments while sully bragging about them at the same ascLnNqVXoQ-00012-00005219-00005319 time. ascLnNqVXoQ-00013-00005319-00005774 An example would be someone who says "I hate being beautiful because people flirt with ascLnNqVXoQ-00014-00005774-00005982 me all the time". ascLnNqVXoQ-00015-00005982-00006472 According to psychological studies, it's actually better if you go ahead and fully brag in these ascLnNqVXoQ-00016-00006472-00007063 situations, people like genuine bragging way more than humble bragging. ascLnNqVXoQ-00017-00007063-00007740 Passive-aggressive behavior; you'd be surprised how easy it is for some people to be extremely ascLnNqVXoQ-00018-00007740-00008224 aggressive while maintaining a guise of positive and nice behavior. ascLnNqVXoQ-00019-00008224-00008825 This is known as "passive-aggressive behavior" and it's one of the big signs of a fake nice ascLnNqVXoQ-00020-00008825-00008943 person. ascLnNqVXoQ-00021-00008943-00009377 According to research, this behavior is common with people who have suppressed their rage ascLnNqVXoQ-00022-00009377-00009631 and want to maintain civility and sophistication. ascLnNqVXoQ-00023-00009631-00010314 When they do let their anger out however, they can only do so by being passive-aggressive. ascLnNqVXoQ-00024-00010314-00011000 For example, someone might give you a compliment but it seems rather sarcastic and backhanded. ascLnNqVXoQ-00025-00011000-00011567 Ghosting; another big sign of fake nice people is ghosting. ascLnNqVXoQ-00026-00011567-00012042 This is when people completely fall off the radar, refusing to answer your calls or reply ascLnNqVXoQ-00027-00012042-00012204 to your text. ascLnNqVXoQ-00028-00012204-00012628 Ghosting often occurs right after the relationship is seemingly going pretty well. ascLnNqVXoQ-00029-00012628-00013215 The other person might even seem nice and polite, then all of a sudden, they completely ascLnNqVXoQ-00030-00013215-00013447 cut you out of their lives. ascLnNqVXoQ-00031-00013447-00014119 At this point, it becomes obvious that their nice behavior was just a big act. ascLnNqVXoQ-00032-00014119-00014701 Crocodile tears; the phrase "crocodile tears" is used to describe people who fake emotions; ascLnNqVXoQ-00033-00014701-00014944 usually, sadness or remorse. ascLnNqVXoQ-00034-00014944-00015383 We see it all the time with politicians and well-known public figures. ascLnNqVXoQ-00035-00015383-00015741 So, how do you spot crocodile tears? ascLnNqVXoQ-00036-00015741-00016179 Research has shown that people faking emotions like remorse and sadness tend to exaggerate ascLnNqVXoQ-00037-00016179-00016279 these emotions. ascLnNqVXoQ-00038-00016279-00016810 They also show a wide range of different emotions which don't always make sense. ascLnNqVXoQ-00039-00016810-00017323 For example, they might switch suddenly from being sad to being hopeful. ascLnNqVXoQ-00040-00017323-00018057 How to spot a fake smile; fake nice people are obviously very likely to show off a fake ascLnNqVXoQ-00041-00018057-00018209 smile. ascLnNqVXoQ-00042-00018209-00018640 But how do you tell the difference between their smiles and real smiles from genuine ascLnNqVXoQ-00043-00018640-00018874 happy and nice people? ascLnNqVXoQ-00044-00018874-00019320 According to psychologists, real smiles almost always use more facial muscles. ascLnNqVXoQ-00045-00019320-00019711 Specifically, you should be on the lookout for wrinkles around the eyes. ascLnNqVXoQ-00046-00019711-00020155 These are key signs of a real smile. ascLnNqVXoQ-00047-00020155-00020746 Fake nice people can't listen; genuinely nice people are always ready to lend an ear. ascLnNqVXoQ-00048-00020746-00021268 No matter what you're going through, they can sit and listen to what you have to say. ascLnNqVXoQ-00049-00021268-00021720 Fake nice people might have a hard time doing this however because they're usually very ascLnNqVXoQ-00050-00021720-00021894 self-centered people. ascLnNqVXoQ-00051-00021894-00022241 To put it simply, it's all about them. ascLnNqVXoQ-00052-00022241-00022666 Fake nice people might act the part, but they'll try their best to sway the conversation towards ascLnNqVXoQ-00053-00022666-00022975 topics that involved them, not you. ascLnNqVXoQ-00054-00022975-00023451 For example, you might be explaining struggles you have at school or work, and then someone ascLnNqVXoQ-00055-00023451-00023985 cuts in and starts giving you a long story about their personal experiences in that area. ascLnNqVXoQ-00056-00023985-00024721 They always seem to want something; there's usually a reason behind why fake nice people ascLnNqVXoQ-00057-00024721-00024951 are acting so kind and considerate. ascLnNqVXoQ-00058-00024951-00025351 In most cases, it's because they want something from you. ascLnNqVXoQ-00059-00025351-00025773 This might not be immediately obvious, but eventually they'll start slowly, steering ascLnNqVXoQ-00060-00025773-00026074 the conversation to their needs and desires. ascLnNqVXoQ-00061-00026074-00026620 Usually, they'll ask you to do something or you'll discover that you have something they ascLnNqVXoQ-00062-00026620-00026750 want. ascLnNqVXoQ-00063-00026814-00027374 They're only nice to people who have power; another big sign of a fake nice person is ascLnNqVXoQ-00064-00027375-00027789 that they only act in a positive way towards those with power. ascLnNqVXoQ-00065-00027789-00028163 It's always good to judge people based on how they treat people who are less fortunate ascLnNqVXoQ-00066-00028163-00028431 or less powerful than themselves. ascLnNqVXoQ-00067-00028431-00028991 If their nice behavior seems directed solely towards those with power, then that nice behavior ascLnNqVXoQ-00068-00028991-00029268 probably isn't genuine. ascLnNqVXoQ-00069-00029268-00029956 They like to gossip and criticize others; it's always easy to laugh at other peoples ascLnNqVXoQ-00070-00029956-00030502 expense, and you might even be fooled into thinking that nice people do this as well. ascLnNqVXoQ-00071-00030502-00031025 But, if someone is bringing other people down in an effort to get close to you, then you ascLnNqVXoQ-00072-00031025-00031368 know that deep inside they're not very nice people. ascLnNqVXoQ-00073-00031368-00031845 Fake nice people love to gossip and they might do so in a way that seems nice. ascLnNqVXoQ-00074-00031845-00032199 They might act with a false sense of concern over other people's misfortune. ascLnNqVXoQ-00075-00032199-00032769 For example, they might talk about someone else's substance issues with a gossipy and ascLnNqVXoQ-00076-00032769-00033152 unsympathetic tone, while pretending to be concerned. ascLnNqVXoQ-00077-00033152-00033932 Sometimes, it's hard to spot this behavior, but it's a big sign of fake niceness. ascLnNqVXoQ-00078-00033932-00034475 Fake nice people are actually pretty rare; although there are many signs of fake nice ascLnNqVXoQ-00079-00034475-00034737 people, they're actually not very common. ascLnNqVXoQ-00080-00034737-00035274 For the most part, when someone is acting nice towards you, they really mean it. ascLnNqVXoQ-00081-00035274-00035957 In fact, people have a tendency to view themselves as less likeable than others see them. ascLnNqVXoQ-00082-00035957-00036478 Fake nice people do exist, but people probably like you a lot more than you think. ascLnNqVXoQ-00083-00036478-00036957 That's why it's always a good idea to assume the best in people, because you might be irrationally ascLnNqVXoQ-00084-00036957-00037086 fearing the worst. ascLnNqVXoQ-00085-00037086-00037369 Do you have any experiences with fake nice people? ascLnNqVXoQ-00086-00037369-00037630 Let us know in the comments below. ascLnNqVXoQ-00087-00037630-00038177 Be sure to Subscribe to our Channel and watch our videos on topics like depression or anxiety. auggSIcVryu-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, auggSIcVryu-00001-00000105-00000301 we will look at solving equations auggSIcVryu-00002-00000301-00000405 with rational exponents. auggSIcVryu-00003-00000405-00000707 As we do, we will wanna clear the rational exponent auggSIcVryu-00004-00000707-00001002 by making it multiply to 1. auggSIcVryu-00005-00001002-00001400 If we had the exponent a over b to equal 1, auggSIcVryu-00006-00001400-00001703 we would want to multiply by b over a. auggSIcVryu-00007-00001703-00002008 Because if we did, the a's and b's would divide out, auggSIcVryu-00008-00002008-00002304 leaving just the 1. auggSIcVryu-00009-00002304-00002601 This means we can clear a rational exponent auggSIcVryu-00010-00002601-00002806 by using a reciprocal... auggSIcVryu-00011-00003102-00003208 exponent. auggSIcVryu-00012-00003806-00004006 As we use the reciprocal exponent, auggSIcVryu-00013-00004006-00004205 it will be important to remember auggSIcVryu-00014-00004205-00004509 that a rational exponent really just means a radical, auggSIcVryu-00015-00004509-00004905 where the denominator is the index; auggSIcVryu-00016-00004905-00005405 the numerator remains as the exponent on everything. auggSIcVryu-00017-00005405-00005605 It is also important to remember auggSIcVryu-00018-00005605-00006001 that we need to check our answer if you use... auggSIcVryu-00019-00006204-00006404 an even exponent. auggSIcVryu-00020-00006909-00007205 Because this means you've cleared an even radical, auggSIcVryu-00021-00007205-00007600 which could have an extraneous solution. auggSIcVryu-00022-00007600-00007905 Also remember, we have two answers if you use... auggSIcVryu-00023-00008205-00008506 an even...root, auggSIcVryu-00024-00008506-00008808 because this means you've cleared an even exponent, auggSIcVryu-00025-00008808-00009107 which has two solutions. auggSIcVryu-00026-00009107-00009401 For example, if we have this problem, auggSIcVryu-00027-00009401-00009608 and we want to clear the exponent of 2/3, auggSIcVryu-00028-00009608-00010009 we would use an exponent of 3/2--the reciprocal-- auggSIcVryu-00029-00010009-00010209 on both sides. auggSIcVryu-00030-00010401-00010704 This would allow the 3s and 2s to divide out, auggSIcVryu-00031-00010704-00011006 and on the left, we have 3x minus 6. auggSIcVryu-00032-00011203-00011703 On the right, we have the 3/2 power on 64. auggSIcVryu-00033-00011703-00012004 The denominator is the index. auggSIcVryu-00034-00012004-00012405 We want the square root of 64, and we'll cube the answer. auggSIcVryu-00035-00012708-00013101 Because we have an even root, auggSIcVryu-00036-00013101-00013400 this is actually gonna have two solutions. auggSIcVryu-00037-00013400-00013706 We're actually clearing an even exponent. auggSIcVryu-00038-00013706-00014001 We need a plus or minus. auggSIcVryu-00039-00014001-00014608 The square root of 64 is 8, and 8 cubed is 512. auggSIcVryu-00040-00014900-00015600 The 3/2 power of 64 is going to be either plus or minus 512. auggSIcVryu-00041-00015600-00015903 We can finish solving by adding 6: auggSIcVryu-00042-00015903-00016304 3x equals 6, plus or minus 512, auggSIcVryu-00043-00016304-00016504 and dividing by 3; auggSIcVryu-00044-00016609-00017104 x is equal to 6, plus or minus 512, over 3. auggSIcVryu-00045-00017104-00017409 And then, we just have to consider our two answers-- auggSIcVryu-00046-00017409-00017806 one from the plus, one from the minus: auggSIcVryu-00047-00017806-00019001 6 plus 512 is 518, over 3; and 6 minus 512 is -506, over 3. auggSIcVryu-00048-00019001-00019402 And we have our two solutions, because we had an even exponent, auggSIcVryu-00049-00019402-00019702 which we cleared with an even root. auggSIcVryu-00050-00019809-00020106 Let's try another example. auggSIcVryu-00051-00020106-00020605 In this problem, we need to clear the exponent of 5/4. auggSIcVryu-00052-00020605-00021100 We will do it with a 4/5-- or reciprocal exponent. auggSIcVryu-00053-00021300-00021601 The 4s and 5s will undo each other, auggSIcVryu-00054-00021601-00022304 leaving us with 5x plus 1, equals the 4/5 power on 32; auggSIcVryu-00055-00022304-00022903 well, a 5th in the root goes in as the index. auggSIcVryu-00056-00022903-00023207 All of that is raised to the 4th power. auggSIcVryu-00057-00023207-00023409 Notice we have an even exponent, auggSIcVryu-00058-00023409-00023702 which means we're clearing an even root. auggSIcVryu-00059-00023702-00024102 We will have to check this answer to be sure it works. auggSIcVryu-00060-00024102-00024601 The 5th root of 32 is 2; to the 4th power is 16. auggSIcVryu-00061-00024709-00025107 We can continue solving by subtracting 1, auggSIcVryu-00062-00025107-00025703 giving us 5x equals 15, and then finally dividing by 5 auggSIcVryu-00063-00025703-00026003 to find out x equals 3. auggSIcVryu-00064-00026003-00026406 To be sure, we will check our answer in the original problem: auggSIcVryu-00065-00026406-00027000 5 times x, plus 1, to the 5/4 power, auggSIcVryu-00066-00027000-00027205 will hopefully be 32; auggSIcVryu-00067-00027205-00027700 5 times 3 is 15, plus 1, to the 5/4 power, auggSIcVryu-00068-00027700-00027908 will hopefully be 32. auggSIcVryu-00069-00027908-00028300 This means we have 16 to the 5/4, auggSIcVryu-00070-00028300-00028506 or the 4th root of 16 auggSIcVryu-00071-00028506-00028802 to the 5th power. auggSIcVryu-00072-00028802-00029008 The 4th root of 16 is 2; auggSIcVryu-00073-00029008-00029407 to the 5th power is 32. auggSIcVryu-00074-00029407-00029609 Our answer works. aA8UvChpYzE-00000-00000000-00000396 Title: Simontive 6 Episode 37 The Appleland Move aA8UvChpYzE-00001-00000413-00000750 Simon: It is time to invade Appleland now. Let's cut to the chase. aA8UvChpYzE-00002-00000786-00001558 Yi: We must move Appleland to the skies and claim our land upon the nation of Dogland with funding from China. aA8UvChpYzE-00003-00001864-00002148 Marfnagle: I also agree with this, and this will be implemented. aA8UvChpYzE-00004-00002326-00002670 Green Pig: I agree as chief executive. aA8UvChpYzE-00005-00002710-00002878 Erik Wamboldt: I also vote for this. aA8UvChpYzE-00006-00003016-00003326 Tank Man: We do not know where those characters are right now. aA8UvChpYzE-00007-00003510-00004602 Mr. Dinosaur: Hopefully, we can get them later, but we are here to announce the freed Appleland from the Peoples' and Dogs' Republic of Dogland. Go Airport Rabbit and contact Simon. aA8UvChpYzE-00008-00004666-00006431 Airport Rabbit: President Simon and Mr. Dinosaur have just announced that Appleland is now freed from PDROD or the Peoples' and Dogs' Republic of Dogland. The leaders of PDROD are wanted. If they are found, please call your emergency numbers in any Dogland claimed territory. aA8UvChpYzE-00009-00006464-00006781 Penguin Jr.: They have done well. Don't you agree? aA8UvChpYzE-00010-00007372-00007566 Teddy Churchill: I also agree. aA8UvChpYzE-00011-00007900-00008818 Governor FBI: I also agree, and the United States will send out a mission to find the escaped leaders of PDROD. We must continue this series after the original final episode. aC25z_L5Exy-00000-00000120-00000437 - AT THE END OF ATRIAL AND VENTRICULAR DIASTOLE, aC25z_L5Exy-00001-00000443-00000877 RELAXATION, WE HAD THE FIRING OF THE SA NODE. aC25z_L5Exy-00002-00000884-00001171 THE SA NODE PASSED THE ACTION POTENTIAL aC25z_L5Exy-00003-00001177-00001644 ALL THROUGH THE MYOCARDIUM OF THE ATRIA. aC25z_L5Exy-00004-00001651-00001978 AND THAT IS RECEIVED, aC25z_L5Exy-00005-00001985-00002165 THAT INFORMATION, THAT ACTION POTENTIAL, aC25z_L5Exy-00006-00002172-00002619 IS RECEIVED BY THE CONTRACTILE CELLS AND NOW THEY GO. aC25z_L5Exy-00007-00002625-00003012 WE HAVE ATRIAL CONTRACTION, OR ATRIAL SYSTOLE. aC25z_L5Exy-00008-00003019-00003189 NOTICE WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. aC25z_L5Exy-00009-00003196-00003396 WE HAVE LITTLE RED ARROWS HERE INDICATING aC25z_L5Exy-00010-00003403-00003843 THAT WE'RE DECREASING THE VOLUME OF THE ATRIA. aC25z_L5Exy-00011-00003850-00004020 WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN? aC25z_L5Exy-00012-00004027-00004391 WE ARE NO LONGER PASSIVELY FILLING OUR VENTRICLES. aC25z_L5Exy-00013-00004397-00004734 BLOOD IS NOW FORCED INTO THE VENTRICLES. aC25z_L5Exy-00014-00004741-00004951 AND THIS IS GOING TO DO TWO THINGS: aC25z_L5Exy-00015-00004958-00005198 IT'S GOING TO INCREASE THE PRESSURE, aC25z_L5Exy-00016-00005205-00005448 AND IT'S GOING TO INCREASE THE VOLUME. aC25z_L5Exy-00017-00005455-00005698 REMEMBER THAT WHEN WE WERE PASSIVELY FILLING aC25z_L5Exy-00018-00005705-00005995 OUR VENTRICLES, WE WERE INCREASING THE VOLUME. aC25z_L5Exy-00019-00006002-00006219 BUT WE HAD NO CHANGE IN THE PRESSURE, aC25z_L5Exy-00020-00006226-00006422 BECAUSE IT WAS JUST A PASSIVE PROCESS. aC25z_L5Exy-00021-00006429-00006843 THE VENTRICLES WERE RELAXING TO ACCOMMODATE THE INCREASE aC25z_L5Exy-00022-00006850-00007043 OF VOLUME THAT WAS COMING IN, aC25z_L5Exy-00023-00007050-00007343 SO THERE WAS NO CHANGE IN THE PRESSURE. aC25z_L5Exy-00024-00007350-00007927 80 PERCENT OF VENTRICULAR FILLING HAPPENS THIS WAY-- aC25z_L5Exy-00025-00007934-00008058 PASSIVELY. aC25z_L5Exy-00026-00008064-00008424 SO MOST OF THE BLOOD GETS MOVED INTO THE VENTRICLE aC25z_L5Exy-00027-00008431-00008641 IN THAT PASSIVE PERIOD. aC25z_L5Exy-00028-00008648-00009322 HOWEVER, THE LAST 20 PERCENT IS SMASHED INTO THE VENTRICLES aC25z_L5Exy-00029-00009329-00009626 WHEN THE ATRIA CONTRACT. aC25z_L5Exy-00030-00009632-00009779 NOW YOU CAN IMAGINE THAT, YEAH, aC25z_L5Exy-00031-00009786-00010086 THAT'S TOTALLY GOING TO INCREASE THE PRESSURE. aC25z_L5Exy-00032-00010093-00010470 THE CONTRACTION IS ELECTRICAL. aC25z_L5Exy-00033-00010477-00010777 SO KEEP IN MIND THAT WE HAVE ACTION POTENTIALS RUNNING aC25z_L5Exy-00034-00010784-00010944 THROUGH CONTRACTILE CELLS aC25z_L5Exy-00035-00010950-00011231 AND THAT'S WHERE WE GET THIS P-WAVE. aC25z_L5Exy-00036-00011237-00012011 THE P-WAVE IS ASSOCIATED WITH ATRIAL CONTRACTION. aC25z_L5Exy-00037-00012018-00012572 YEAH, YEAH, YEAH. NOW. aC25z_L5Exy-00038-00012579-00012726 WE HAVE TO ACCOMMODATE, aC25z_L5Exy-00039-00012732-00013069 OR WE HAVE TO ADDRESS THE FACT THAT, YEAH, aC25z_L5Exy-00040-00013076-00014187 WE FIRED THE SA NODE AND THE MESSAGE GOES WHERE, NEXT? aC25z_L5Exy-00041-00014194-00014357 YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE. aC25z_L5Exy-00042-00014364-00014614 THE MESSAGE IS GOING TO GO TO THE AV NODE. aC25z_L5Exy-00043-00014621-00015078 NOW: AV NODE IS, aC25z_L5Exy-00044-00015085-00015495 SOMEHOW WE HAVE TO GET THE MESSAGE OF THE ORDER aC25z_L5Exy-00045-00015502-00015865 TO CONTRACT TO THE VENTRICLES IF, WOULDN'T YOU EXPECT aC25z_L5Exy-00046-00015872-00016259 THAT VENTRICULAR CONTRACTION IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT? aC25z_L5Exy-00047-00016266-00016459 AND REMEMBER THE ANATOMY. aC25z_L5Exy-00048-00016466-00016699 WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE AV BUNDLE, aC25z_L5Exy-00049-00016706-00016943 WHICH, REMEMBER, THIS ISN'T IN THE CHAMBER, aC25z_L5Exy-00050-00016950-00017193 IT'S ACTUALLY IN THE INTERVENTRICULAR SEPTUM, aC25z_L5Exy-00051-00017200-00017654 AND INTO MY BUNDLE BRANCHES AND DOWN INTO THE PURKINJE FIBERS. aC25z_L5Exy-00052-00017660-00018071 AND WHILE THE ATRIA CONTRACT, aC25z_L5Exy-00053-00018078-00018441 THE AV NODE HANGS ONTO THE MESSAGE. aC25z_L5Exy-00054-00018448-00018778 THAT'S WHY THE AV NODE SLOWS IT DOWN. aC25z_L5Exy-00055-00018785-00019099 BECAUSE IMAGINE THAT IF THE ATRIA ARE CONTRACTING aC25z_L5Exy-00056-00019105-00019512 AND THE VENTRICLES ARE CONTRACTING AT THE SAME TIME, aC25z_L5Exy-00057-00019519-00019843 CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW BASICALLY THERE'S GOING TO BE, LIKE, aC25z_L5Exy-00058-00019849-00020063 A PUSH-PULL, LIKE, WHO'S GOING TO WIN? aC25z_L5Exy-00059-00020070-00020276 I'M VOTING ON THE VENTRICLES, aC25z_L5Exy-00060-00020283-00020573 THEY'RE A LITTLE BIGGER AND TOUGHER THAN THE ATRIA, aC25z_L5Exy-00061-00020580-00020764 IF YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING. aC25z_L5Exy-00062-00020770-00021087 SO IT'S NOT A GREAT STRATEGY. aC25z_L5Exy-00063-00021094-00021331 LET'S GO AHEAD AND HAVE THE ATRIA CONTRACT aC25z_L5Exy-00064-00021337-00021684 FIRST SO THEY CAN SQUEEZE ALL THAT BLOOD INTO THE VENTRICLES, aC25z_L5Exy-00065-00021691-00021838 HOLD ONTO THE MESSAGE-- aC25z_L5Exy-00066-00021845-00022128 WAIT FOR IT, VENTRICLES, WAIT FOR IT. aC25z_L5Exy-00067-00022135-00022335 AND THEN WE'LL SEND THE MESSAGE. aC25z_L5Exy-00068-00022342-00022699 NOW THE MESSAGE IS REALLY FAST. aC25z_L5Exy-00069-00022705-00022952 BUT, AGAIN, ANATOMICALLY aC25z_L5Exy-00070-00022959-00023413 ALL THE ACTION POTENTIAL IS HELD IN A CERTAIN SPACE. aC25z_L5Exy-00071-00023420-00023803 SO THE ACTION POTENTIAL ISN'T ALLOWED TO SPREAD RIGHT AWAY. aC25z_L5Exy-00072-00023810-00023967 IT ISN'T ALLOWED TO SPREAD aC25z_L5Exy-00073-00023973-00024187 UNTIL IT GETS TO THE BOTTOM OF THE VENTRICLE. aC25z_L5Exy-00074-00024194-00024631 THIS RIGHT HERE IS VENTRICULAR---. aC25z_L5Exy-00075-00024637-00024888 THE MESSAGE IS PASSING DOWN INTO THE VENTRICLES, aC25z_L5Exy-00076-00024894-00025061 THE ACTION POTENTIAL, aC25z_L5Exy-00077-00025068-00025351 AND WE'RE GETTING READY TO DEPOLARIZE THE VENTRICLES. aC25z_L5Exy-00078-00025358-00025755 WE'RE GETTING READY FOR THIS STAGE OF THE EKG. aC25z_L5Exy-00079-00025762-00026272 WE'RE GOING TO SUM IT ALL UP WITH THE QRS COMPLEX. aC25z_L5Exy-00080-00026279-00026429 BUT WE'RE NOT QUITE THERE YET, aC25z_L5Exy-00081-00026436-00026709 WE'RE JUST SPREADING THE ACTION POTENTIALS. aC25z_L5Exy-00082-00026716-00026840 AND WE'RE GETTING READY. aC25z_L5Exy-00083-00026846-00027146 SO WHAT IS COMING UP NEXT? GO AHEAD AND GUESS. aJoHyspBZ_E-00000-00000040-00000128 katniss come on aJoHyspBZ_E-00001-00000688-00001216 how could any of us even trust each other it's not about trust it's about drive it's aJoHyspBZ_E-00002-00001216-00001648 about power we stay hungry we devour put in the work put in the hours and take what's ours aJJWRbycPey-00000-00000019-00000423 One Year Bible reading for April 20th, World English Bible aJJWRbycPey-00001-00000423-00000597 Joshua twenty-one. aJJWRbycPey-00002-00000597-00001063 Then the heads of fathers’ houses of the Levites came near to Eleazar the priest, and aJJWRbycPey-00003-00001063-00001498 to Joshua the son of Nun, and to the heads of fathers’ houses of the tribes of the aJJWRbycPey-00004-00001498-00001628 children of Israel. aJJWRbycPey-00005-00001628-00002050 They spoke to them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, saying, “Yahweh commanded through aJJWRbycPey-00006-00002050-00002599 Moses to give us cities to dwell in, with their pasture lands for our livestock.” aJJWRbycPey-00007-00002599-00002928 The children of Israel gave to the Levites out of their inheritance, according to the aJJWRbycPey-00008-00002928-00003292 commandment of Yahweh, these cities with their pasture lands. aJJWRbycPey-00009-00003292-00003560 The lot came out for the families of the Kohathites. aJJWRbycPey-00010-00003560-00004012 The children of Aaron the priest, who were of the Levites, had thirteen cities by lot aJJWRbycPey-00011-00004012-00004428 out of the tribe of Judah, out of the tribe of the Simeonites, and out of the tribe of aJJWRbycPey-00012-00004428-00004528 Benjamin. aJJWRbycPey-00013-00004528-00004909 The rest of the children of Kohath had ten cities by lot out of the families of the tribe aJJWRbycPey-00014-00004909-00005358 of Ephraim, out of the tribe of Dan, and out of the half-tribe of Manasseh. aJJWRbycPey-00015-00005358-00005746 The children of Gershon had thirteen cities by lot out of the families of the tribe of aJJWRbycPey-00016-00005746-00006224 Issachar, out of the tribe of Asher, out of the tribe of Naphtali, and out of the half-tribe aJJWRbycPey-00017-00006224-00006396 of Manasseh in Bashan. aJJWRbycPey-00018-00006396-00006772 The children of Merari according to their families had twelve cities out of the tribe aJJWRbycPey-00019-00006772-00007122 of Reuben, out of the tribe of Gad, and out of the tribe of Zebulun. aJJWRbycPey-00020-00007122-00007545 The children of Israel gave these cities with their pasture lands by lot to the Levites, aJJWRbycPey-00021-00007545-00007720 as Yahweh commanded by Moses. aJJWRbycPey-00022-00007720-00008048 They gave out of the tribe of the children of Judah, and out of the tribe of the children aJJWRbycPey-00023-00008048-00008416 of Simeon, these cities which are mentioned by name: and they were for the children of aJJWRbycPey-00024-00008416-00008824 Aaron, of the families of the Kohathites, who were of the children of Levi; for theirs aJJWRbycPey-00025-00008824-00008989 was the first lot. aJJWRbycPey-00026-00008989-00009505 They gave them Kiriath Arba, named after the father of Anak (also called Hebron), in the aJJWRbycPey-00027-00009505-00009834 hill country of Judah, with its pasture lands around it. aJJWRbycPey-00028-00009834-00010205 But they gave the fields of the city and its villages to Caleb the son of Jephunneh for aJJWRbycPey-00029-00010205-00010306 his possession. aJJWRbycPey-00030-00010306-00010707 To the children of Aaron the priest they gave Hebron with its pasture lands, the city of aJJWRbycPey-00031-00010707-00011252 refuge for the man slayer, Libnah with its pasture lands, Jattir with its pasture lands, aJJWRbycPey-00032-00011252-00011756 Eshtemoa with its pasture lands, Holon with its pasture lands, Debir with its pasture aJJWRbycPey-00033-00011756-00012252 lands, Ain with its pasture lands, Juttah with its pasture lands, and Beth Shemesh with aJJWRbycPey-00034-00012252-00012606 its pasture lands: nine cities out of those two tribes. aJJWRbycPey-00035-00012606-00013131 Out of the tribe of Benjamin, Gibeon with its pasture lands, Geba with its pasture lands, aJJWRbycPey-00036-00013131-00013663 Anathoth with its pasture lands, and Almon with its pasture lands: four cities. aJJWRbycPey-00037-00013663-00014054 All the cities of the children of Aaron, the priests, were thirteen cities with their pasture aJJWRbycPey-00038-00014054-00014154 lands. aJJWRbycPey-00039-00014154-00014503 The families of the children of Kohath, the Levites, even the rest of the children of aJJWRbycPey-00040-00014503-00014869 Kohath, had the cities of their lot out of the tribe of Ephraim. aJJWRbycPey-00041-00014869-00015272 They gave them Shechem with its pasture lands in the hill country of Ephraim, the city of aJJWRbycPey-00042-00015272-00015751 refuge for the man slayer, and Gezer with its pasture lands, Kibzaim with its pasture aJJWRbycPey-00043-00015751-00016186 lands, and Beth Horon with its pasture lands: four cities. aJJWRbycPey-00044-00016186-00016770 Out of the tribe of Dan, Elteke with its pasture lands, Gibbethon with its pasture lands, Aijalon aJJWRbycPey-00045-00016770-00017276 with its pasture lands, Gath Rimmon with its pasture lands: four cities. aJJWRbycPey-00046-00017276-00017749 Out of the half-tribe of Manasseh, Taanach with its pasture lands, and Gath Rimmon with aJJWRbycPey-00047-00017749-00017986 its pasture lands: two cities. aJJWRbycPey-00048-00017986-00018361 All the cities of the families of the rest of the children of Kohath were ten with their aJJWRbycPey-00049-00018361-00018488 pasture lands. aJJWRbycPey-00050-00018488-00018873 They gave to the children of Gershon, of the families of the Levites, out of the half-tribe aJJWRbycPey-00051-00018873-00019446 of Manasseh Golan in Bashan with its pasture lands, the city of refuge for the man slayer, aJJWRbycPey-00052-00019446-00019809 and Be Eshterah with its pasture lands: two cities. aJJWRbycPey-00053-00019809-00020309 Out of the tribe of Issachar, Kishion with its pasture lands, Daberath with its pasture aJJWRbycPey-00054-00020309-00020924 lands, Jarmuth with its pasture lands, En Gannim with its pasture lands: four cities. aJJWRbycPey-00055-00020924-00021452 Out of the tribe of Asher, Mishal with its pasture lands, Abdon with its pasture lands, aJJWRbycPey-00056-00021452-00021966 Helkath with its pasture lands, and Rehob with its pasture lands: four cities. aJJWRbycPey-00057-00021966-00022387 Out of the tribe of Naphtali, Kedesh in Galilee with its pasture lands, the city of refuge aJJWRbycPey-00058-00022387-00022938 for the man slayer, Hammothdor with its pasture lands, and Kartan with its pasture lands: aJJWRbycPey-00059-00022938-00023055 three cities. aJJWRbycPey-00060-00023055-00023431 All the cities of the Gershonites according to their families were thirteen cities with aJJWRbycPey-00061-00023431-00023567 their pasture lands. aJJWRbycPey-00062-00023567-00023932 To the families of the children of Merari, the rest of the Levites, out of the tribe aJJWRbycPey-00063-00023932-00024507 of Zebulun, Jokneam with its pasture lands, Kartah with its pasture lands, Dimnah with aJJWRbycPey-00064-00024507-00024953 its pasture lands, and Nahalal with its pasture lands: four cities. aJJWRbycPey-00065-00024953-00025440 Out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer with its pasture lands, Jahaz with its pasture lands, aJJWRbycPey-00066-00025440-00025962 Kedemoth with its pasture lands, and Mephaath with its pasture lands: four cities. aJJWRbycPey-00067-00025962-00026418 Out of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Gilead with its pasture lands, the city of refuge aJJWRbycPey-00068-00026418-00026958 for the man slayer, and Mahanaim with its pasture lands, Heshbon with its pasture lands, aJJWRbycPey-00069-00026958-00027268 Jazer with its pasture lands: four cities in all. aJJWRbycPey-00070-00027268-00027649 All these were the cities of the children of Merari according to their families, even aJJWRbycPey-00071-00027649-00027863 the rest of the families of the Levites. aJJWRbycPey-00072-00027863-00028035 Their lot was twelve cities. aJJWRbycPey-00073-00028035-00028422 All the cities of the Levites among the possessions of the children of Israel were forty-eight aJJWRbycPey-00074-00028422-00028555 cities with their pasture lands. aJJWRbycPey-00075-00028555-00028841 Each of these cities included their pasture lands around them. aJJWRbycPey-00076-00028841-00029008 It was this way with all these cities. aJJWRbycPey-00077-00029008-00029373 So Yahweh gave to Israel all the land which he swore to give to their fathers. aJJWRbycPey-00078-00029373-00029544 They possessed it, and lived in it. aJJWRbycPey-00079-00029544-00029938 Yahweh gave them rest all around, according to all that he swore to their fathers. aJJWRbycPey-00080-00029938-00030237 Not a man of all their enemies stood before them. aJJWRbycPey-00081-00030237-00030468 Yahweh delivered all their enemies into their hand. aJJWRbycPey-00082-00030468-00030820 Nothing failed of any good thing which Yahweh had spoken to the house of Israel. aJJWRbycPey-00083-00030820-00031149 All came to pass. aJJWRbycPey-00084-00031149-00031456 Joshua twenty-two, verses one through twenty. aJJWRbycPey-00085-00031456-00031880 Then Joshua called the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, and said to aJJWRbycPey-00086-00031880-00032308 them, “You have kept all that Moses the servant of Yahweh commanded you, and have aJJWRbycPey-00087-00032308-00032560 listened to my voice in all that I commanded you. aJJWRbycPey-00088-00032560-00032988 You have not left your brothers these many days to this day, but have performed the duty aJJWRbycPey-00089-00032988-00033190 of the commandment of Yahweh your God. aJJWRbycPey-00090-00033190-00033558 Now Yahweh your God has given rest to your brothers, as he spoke to them. aJJWRbycPey-00091-00033558-00034041 Therefore now return and go to your tents, to the land of your possession, which Moses aJJWRbycPey-00092-00034041-00034316 the servant of Yahweh gave you beyond the Jordan. aJJWRbycPey-00093-00034316-00034778 Only take diligent heed to do the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of Yahweh aJJWRbycPey-00094-00034778-00035319 commanded you, to love Yahweh your God, to walk in all his ways, to keep his commandments, aJJWRbycPey-00095-00035319-00035784 to hold fast to him, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.” aJJWRbycPey-00096-00035784-00036147 So Joshua blessed them, and sent them away; and they went to their tents. aJJWRbycPey-00097-00036147-00036635 Now to the one half-tribe of Manasseh Moses had given inheritance in Bashan; but Joshua aJJWRbycPey-00098-00036635-00037019 gave to the other half among their brothers beyond the Jordan westward. aJJWRbycPey-00099-00037019-00037447 Moreover when Joshua sent them away to their tents, he blessed them, and spoke to them, aJJWRbycPey-00100-00037447-00037916 saying, “Return with much wealth to your tents, with very much livestock, with silver, aJJWRbycPey-00101-00037916-00038319 with gold, with bronze, with iron, and with very much clothing. aJJWRbycPey-00102-00038319-00038591 Divide the plunder of your enemies with your brothers.” aJJWRbycPey-00103-00038591-00038977 The children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh returned, aJJWRbycPey-00104-00038977-00039421 and departed from the children of Israel out of Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan, aJJWRbycPey-00105-00039421-00039812 to go to the land of Gilead, to the land of their possession, which they owned, according aJJWRbycPey-00106-00039812-00040021 to the commandment of Yahweh by Moses. aJJWRbycPey-00107-00040021-00040368 When they came to the region near the Jordan, that is in the land of Canaan, the children aJJWRbycPey-00108-00040368-00040758 of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh built an altar there aJJWRbycPey-00109-00040758-00041047 by the Jordan, a great altar to look at. aJJWRbycPey-00110-00041047-00041428 The children of Israel heard this, “Behold, the children of Reuben and the children of aJJWRbycPey-00111-00041428-00041923 Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh have built an altar along the border of the land of Canaan, aJJWRbycPey-00112-00041923-00042278 in the region around the Jordan, on the side that belongs to the children of Israel.” aJJWRbycPey-00113-00042278-00042700 When the children of Israel heard of it, the whole congregation of the children of Israel aJJWRbycPey-00114-00042700-00043072 gathered themselves together at Shiloh, to go up against them to war. aJJWRbycPey-00115-00043072-00043441 The children of Israel sent to the children of Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and aJJWRbycPey-00116-00043441-00043916 to the half-tribe of Manasseh, into the land of Gilead, Phinehas the son of Eleazar the aJJWRbycPey-00117-00043916-00044016 priest. aJJWRbycPey-00118-00044016-00044463 With him were ten princes, one prince of a fathers’ house for each of the tribes of aJJWRbycPey-00119-00044463-00044816 Israel; and they were each head of their fathers’ houses among the thousands of Israel. aJJWRbycPey-00120-00044816-00045129 They came to the children of Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and to the half-tribe aJJWRbycPey-00121-00045129-00045599 of Manasseh, to the land of Gilead, and they spoke with them, saying, “The whole congregation aJJWRbycPey-00122-00045599-00046053 of Yahweh says, ‘What trespass is this that you have committed against the God of Israel, aJJWRbycPey-00123-00046053-00046455 to turn away today from following Yahweh, in that you have built yourselves an altar, aJJWRbycPey-00124-00046455-00046675 to rebel today against Yahweh? aJJWRbycPey-00125-00046675-00047047 Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we have not cleansed ourselves aJJWRbycPey-00126-00047047-00047505 to this day, although there came a plague on the congregation of Yahweh, that you must aJJWRbycPey-00127-00047505-00047693 turn away today from following Yahweh? aJJWRbycPey-00128-00047693-00048143 It will be, since you rebel today against Yahweh, that tomorrow he will be angry with aJJWRbycPey-00129-00048143-00048322 the whole congregation of Israel. aJJWRbycPey-00130-00048322-00048769 However, if the land of your possession is unclean, then pass over to the land of the aJJWRbycPey-00131-00048769-00049124 possession of Yahweh, in which Yahweh’s tabernacle dwells, and take possession among aJJWRbycPey-00132-00049124-00049607 us; but don’t rebel against Yahweh, nor rebel against us, in building an altar other aJJWRbycPey-00133-00049607-00049784 than Yahweh our God’s altar. aJJWRbycPey-00134-00049784-00050283 Didn’t Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the devoted thing, and wrath fell on all aJJWRbycPey-00135-00050283-00050438 the congregation of Israel? aJJWRbycPey-00136-00050438-00050545 That man didn’t perish alone in his iniquity.’” aKeAx1cdsxE-00000-00000000-00000567 welcome to 13 reasons why long badazz edit. aKeAx1cdsxE-00001-00000620-00000715 ugh... aKeAx1cdsxE-00002-00003359-00003469 splatfest kid 2022: SIKEEEE! (but its tyler the creator that said this lol.) aKeAx1cdsxE-00003-00003497-00004147 two guns yea, 4 c 4 aKeAx1cdsxE-00004-00004147-00004466 hold up, hold up, hold up, hold on.. aKeAx1cdsxE-00005-00004600-00004796 (unreleased) happy stutter - suave lee aKeAx1cdsxE-00006-00008054-00008189 ba- aKeAx1cdsxE-00007-00008189-00008723 bop it. aKeAx1cdsxE-00008-00008851-00008928 bop-bop-bop-bop aKeAx1cdsxE-00009-00008990-00009179 🐶🐶🐶🐶 aKeAx1cdsxE-00010-00009784-00010300 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 aKeAx1cdsxE-00011-00010544-00010744 (edited) green light - dababy aKeAx1cdsxE-00012-00011150-00011606 baby, probably in a fast car, ridin' with the cap off (zoom) pull off with a bad aKeAx1cdsxE-00013-00012327-00012439 (not copyrighted but edited) LSD - tisakorean - i like em chocolate. aKeAx1cdsxE-00014-00012444-00012678 coco coco cocoa puffs. (ooh, she so thick!) aKeAx1cdsxE-00015-00012687-00013003 i like em chocolate coco coco cocoa puffs. (d@mn dawg!) aKeAx1cdsxE-00016-00013007-00013346 (background): I AM NOT YOUR GODD@MN SHAR GET THE FVCK AWAY FROM ME! (go to the floor then you beat his azz up.) - i said... aKeAx1cdsxE-00017-00013346-00013636 jason, misha, don, karen! - subscribe. aNqzyojfzAI-00000-00000117-00000548 OddCoupons presents The Tao of Badass Guide. aNqzyojfzAI-00001-00000548-00000939 Guys, are you looking for some amazing ways to attract women to you? aNqzyojfzAI-00002-00000939-00001369 These 7 simple scientific tricks to have any woman you want. aNqzyojfzAI-00003-00001369-00001869 Learn how to honestly, effectively attract women to you now. aNqzyojfzAI-00004-00001869-00002358 Visit oddcoupons.com or click on the link below this video for "Tao of Badass Coupons"badass aNqzyojfzAI-00005-00002358-00002423 dating, tinder dating aU4zlPgAFdE-00000-00000050-00000294 ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN aU4zlPgAFdE-00001-00000294-00000344 ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN aU4zlPgAFdE-00002-00000344-00000431 ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN aU4zlPgAFdE-00003-00000431-00000830 DARK DARKER YET DARKER aU4zlPgAFdE-00004-00000830-00001400 THE DARKNESS KEEPS GROWING aU4zlPgAFdE-00005-00001446-00001900 THE SHADOWS CUTTING DEEPER aU4zlPgAFdE-00006-00001914-00002400 PHOTON READINGS NEGATIVE aU4zlPgAFdE-00007-00002423-00002800 THIS NEXT EXPERIMENT aU4zlPgAFdE-00008-00002882-00002982 SEEMS aU4zlPgAFdE-00009-00002984-00003215 VERY aU4zlPgAFdE-00010-00003252-00003332 VERY aU4zlPgAFdE-00011-00003400-00003679 INTERESTING aU4zlPgAFdE-00012-00003708-00003868 ... aU4zlPgAFdE-00013-00003904-00004300 WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK? aZnKYR1MMrQ-00000-00000075-00000462 Hello, this is Kirill from ForexBoat.com and welcome back to the course on Forex aZnKYR1MMrQ-00001-00000487-00000600 Trading in today's tutorial. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00002-00000625-00000875 We will talk about Forex Market hours. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00003-00000925-00001262 We will see in which timezone the Forex Market operates and how it aZnKYR1MMrQ-00004-00001275-00001762 so happens that the Forex Market is so different to any stock market in the aZnKYR1MMrQ-00005-00001775-00002075 way that it works 24 hours a day, for this tutorial. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00006-00002125-00002425 I really wanted to show you a global map of the world with the Forex aZnKYR1MMrQ-00007-00002487-00002625 sessions visualized on it. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00008-00002675-00002987 And because I couldn't find a decent one on the net I went ahead and aZnKYR1MMrQ-00009-00003025-00003325 It one of my own and this is what it looks like aZnKYR1MMrQ-00010-00003412-00003712 and I'll definitely share it with you by giving you the link to download it aZnKYR1MMrQ-00011-00003725-00003837 at the end of this tutorial. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00012-00003925-00004137 So on this map at the bottom, we've got a Time axis aZnKYR1MMrQ-00013-00004200-00004450 and the way to read it is from right to left aZnKYR1MMrQ-00014-00004500-00004725 because the sun rises from east to west aZnKYR1MMrQ-00015-00004800-00005312 that axis is in a GMT time and then we've got aZnKYR1MMrQ-00016-00005375-00005987 the four main Forex sessions starting from bottom to top as they commenced. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00017-00006012-00006087 Through a new day. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00018-00006125-00006375 So the first one is the Sydney session then it's a Tokyo session aZnKYR1MMrQ-00019-00006412-00006525 then it's London session. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00020-00006562-00006750 And then it's the New York session. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00021-00006825-00007200 So what can we see from this visualization of the Forex Market hours aZnKYR1MMrQ-00022-00007237-00007412 and how can we use this in our trading? aZnKYR1MMrQ-00023-00007450-00007812 Let's have a closer look at the sessions one by one and see what exactly aZnKYR1MMrQ-00024-00007862-00007912 happens aZnKYR1MMrQ-00025-00007912-00008187 over 24 hour period on the Forex market. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00026-00008275-00008725 So, the Australian session you will notice that the very first session to open aZnKYR1MMrQ-00027-00008812-00008950 during any given day is the Sydney aZnKYR1MMrQ-00028-00009037-00009125 Forex Market session aZnKYR1MMrQ-00029-00009187-00009600 and Australians are the First Nation to wake up into a new day. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00030-00009675-00009912 It's still 22 hours. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00031-00009925-00010025 So 10 p.m. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00032-00010062-00010537 Of the previous day in London when Sydney banks open up. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00033-00010550-00010850 So this means that if you live in Europe or in the US and it's aZnKYR1MMrQ-00034-00010912-00010949 Tuesday, aZnKYR1MMrQ-00035-00010950-00011225 then you can already trade the Wednesday aZnKYR1MMrQ-00036-00011300-00011537 Sydney Forex Market session and that's just a aZnKYR1MMrQ-00037-00011637-00011987 mind-blowing fact that I was very interested to learn when I first got into Forex aZnKYR1MMrQ-00038-00012025-00012375 also you may ask what about the New Zealand session and that's a Fair aZnKYR1MMrQ-00039-00012425-00012875 Point New Zealand is located even more to the right from Australia and the New aZnKYR1MMrQ-00040-00012887-00013212 Zealand session starts about two hours before the Sydney session. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00041-00013275-00013737 However, without the Australian session the liquidity on the New Zealand Market is very low aZnKYR1MMrQ-00042-00013775-00014200 and so that's why people focus on the Sydney session rather than in New Zealand aZnKYR1MMrQ-00043-00014262-00014375 session, moving on. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00044-00014400-00014875 The next session is the Tokyo session which follows shortly after this session is also aZnKYR1MMrQ-00045-00014912-00014987 called the Asian session. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00046-00015037-00015150 Because right off the Tokyo aZnKYR1MMrQ-00047-00015200-00015575 large economic hubs like Singapore and Hong Kong start waking up aZnKYR1MMrQ-00048-00015625-00016050 the Asian session starts around midnight GMT when most of Europe is still in a aZnKYR1MMrQ-00049-00016075-00016550 deep sleep and this is why you often hear European Traders talking about waking up aZnKYR1MMrQ-00050-00016575-00016637 at 3 a.m. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00051-00016700-00017025 Just to trade the Asian session before going back to bed. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00052-00017087-00017387 Also, you may have already noticed that some of the Forex sessions aZnKYR1MMrQ-00053-00017475-00017975 overlap quite significantly. For example, the Australian session and Asian sessions overlap for the aZnKYR1MMrQ-00054-00018062-00018262 Majority of the Forex Market hours aZnKYR1MMrQ-00055-00018287-00018625 and the good news is that you can use this knowledge to your advantage. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00056-00018712-00018787 Naturally when these two aZnKYR1MMrQ-00057-00018862-00019200 sessions overlap currency pairs like the AUDJPY aZnKYR1MMrQ-00058-00019250-00019675 and the NZDJPY will have their highest volatility. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00059-00019762-00020175 The next session that follows the Tokyo session is the London session. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00060-00020287-00020737 Undoubtedly, London is the economic Center of Europe and it's essential that the European session aZnKYR1MMrQ-00061-00020762-00020937 is also called the London session aZnKYR1MMrQ-00062-00020987-00021024 moreover, aZnKYR1MMrQ-00063-00021025-00021275 By the time banks open up in Great Britain aZnKYR1MMrQ-00064-00021325-00021687 other major economic hubs like Frankfurt, Luxembourg and Zurich aZnKYR1MMrQ-00065-00021725-00022050 have already started into their Forex Market hours for the day aZnKYR1MMrQ-00066-00022125-00022225 an interesting observation. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00067-00022225-00022537 Is that the Forex hours of the Tokyo and London sessions aZnKYR1MMrQ-00068-00022600-00023050 overlap for approximately one hour and this varies a little bit for other European countries, aZnKYR1MMrQ-00069-00023112-00023525 and you can and you probably should use this fact to your advantage aZnKYR1MMrQ-00070-00023575-00023787 this slight overlap means that aZnKYR1MMrQ-00071-00023825-00023975 all of the crosses of aZnKYR1MMrQ-00072-00024012-00024200 European currencies and the Japanese Yen aZnKYR1MMrQ-00073-00024225-00024612 will have their highest volatility at the start of the European session. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00074-00024687-00025100 So if you're trading the British pound Japanese Yen, for instance. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00075-00025137-00025675 You can simply carry out a few very powerful trades between 8:00 a.m. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00076-00025687-00025750 And 9:00 a.m. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00077-00025825-00026175 GMT and then you're free for the day and some Traders actually do that. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00078-00026187-00026712 They capitalize on this narrow window of time when both sessions are open. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00079-00026737-00026975 They take the most out of the movements of aZnKYR1MMrQ-00080-00027025-00027275 volatile currency pairs like the GBPJPY, aZnKYR1MMrQ-00081-00027375-00027437 and aZnKYR1MMrQ-00082-00027437-00027712 then they finished their trading very early on in the day aZnKYR1MMrQ-00083-00027787-00027975 and they have the rest of the day for themselves. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00084-00028150-00028425 And finally, the last session to open up is the New York session aZnKYR1MMrQ-00085-00028500-00028637 Forex Market hours in the US aZnKYR1MMrQ-00086-00028675-00028750 start with New York. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00087-00028762-00028837 And this is because aZnKYR1MMrQ-00088-00028912-00029287 New York is one of the biggest Financial Centers in the world and it is aZnKYR1MMrQ-00089-00029325-00029562 the East most major city in America. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00090-00029612-00030025 The American session also includes other major economic hubs like Chicago, aZnKYR1MMrQ-00091-00030062-00030487 which is the world's largest derivative market and let's not forget about Toronto which is aZnKYR1MMrQ-00092-00030575-00030800 a major Canadian Financial Hub. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00093-00030837-00031100 So what happens when you put more firewood into a fire? aZnKYR1MMrQ-00094-00031175-00031200 That's right. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00095-00031225-00031487 It burns even harder and saying thing happens here aZnKYR1MMrQ-00096-00031525-00031775 New York and London are the two of the world's aZnKYR1MMrQ-00097-00031850-00031950 biggest Financial Centers aZnKYR1MMrQ-00098-00032012-00032462 and the American session starts when the European session is only halfway through aZnKYR1MMrQ-00099-00032500-00032937 and of course you're going to get an extremely fast-paced and volatile market aZnKYR1MMrQ-00100-00032987-00033100 during that overlap. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00101-00033175-00033375 And once again, you can profit from this aZnKYR1MMrQ-00102-00033425-00033637 a lot of the major pairs like the EURUSD aZnKYR1MMrQ-00103-00033700-00034100 GBPUSD and the USDCHF experienced massive movements and aZnKYR1MMrQ-00104-00034175-00034325 specific patterns during this time. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00105-00034375-00034825 In fact, I created a holistic trading strategy for the GBPUSD aZnKYR1MMrQ-00106-00034875-00035300 just based on this one fact, the strategy is called simple system version 6.0 aZnKYR1MMrQ-00107-00035350-00035650 and you can find it in my Forex robots course, aZnKYR1MMrQ-00108-00035700-00036087 it uses an extremely profitable pattern that I discovered for the British pound dollar aZnKYR1MMrQ-00109-00036162-00036425 and in that course, I give it away for you to for free. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00110-00036462-00036762 So if you're interested definitely check out that course aZnKYR1MMrQ-00111-00036887-00037112 And finally to sum up the Forex Market hours. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00112-00037162-00037400 Let's have a look at the end of the New York session aZnKYR1MMrQ-00113-00037450-00037525 as you can see, aZnKYR1MMrQ-00114-00037575-00038000 even though the Sydney session and the New York session do not overlap. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00115-00038025-00038112 They follow each other aZnKYR1MMrQ-00116-00038162-00038212 back to back aZnKYR1MMrQ-00117-00038225-00038675 and this illustrates why the Forex Market is open 24 hours a day. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00118-00038725-00038775 If you take aZnKYR1MMrQ-00119-00038837-00039362 any time zone on this map at least one for accession will always be open aZnKYR1MMrQ-00120-00039425-00039475 and in the end. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00121-00039475-00039825 I'd like to say that whatever your trading strategy is it is aZnKYR1MMrQ-00122-00039862-00040375 Is beneficial to keep in mind the Forex Market hours or the Forex sessions aZnKYR1MMrQ-00123-00040412-00040962 This is because different sessions are dominated by different types of Traders, Banks, governments, aZnKYR1MMrQ-00124-00041025-00041337 and as we discussed different types of currency Pairs aZnKYR1MMrQ-00125-00041375-00041625 and taking this into account will certainly give you aZnKYR1MMrQ-00126-00041625-00042000 a competitive advantage over other Forex Traders. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00127-00042087-00042362 So that brings us to the end of this tutorial as promised. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00128-00042387-00042612 Here's the link to this map. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00129-00042650-00042825 Just go to www.forexboat.com aZnKYR1MMrQ-00130-00042925-00042987 www.forexboat.com/forex-market-hours aZnKYR1MMrQ-00131-00043062-00043250 www.forexboat.com/forex-market-hours aZnKYR1MMrQ-00132-00043275-00043512 and there you can get this map in HD resolution. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00133-00043550-00044000 I'm also planning on releasing a map like this for every single time zone. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00134-00044050-00044512 So soon enough you'll be able to download this map specific to your location. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00135-00044537-00044875 And because it's in HD unlike other Forex maps on the net aZnKYR1MMrQ-00136-00044900-00045100 you can even use it as your aZnKYR1MMrQ-00137-00045200-00045275 desktop wallpaper aZnKYR1MMrQ-00138-00045300-00045562 and that is very handy to always have it in front of your eyes so aZnKYR1MMrQ-00139-00045575-00045700 you can quickly reference aZnKYR1MMrQ-00140-00045762-00045825 in which aZnKYR1MMrQ-00141-00045875-00046250 Forex Market session you are currently trading on that note. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00142-00046275-00046587 I'll wrap up today's tutorial when you do visit me on forexboat.com. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00143-00046675-00047062 Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter so that you can get access to more aZnKYR1MMrQ-00144-00047150-00047425 free tools like this and other tips and tricks. aZnKYR1MMrQ-00145-00047475-00047762 I look forward to seeing you next time and until then Happy Trading. aa73el5gVN8-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video aa73el5gVN8-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view aa73el5gVN8-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. aa73el5gVN8-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much aaflHKBmKE0-00000-00000008-00000440 hey hi there everyone just recently I watched this Netflix documentary called aaflHKBmKE0-00001-00000440-00001008 the social media dilemma and it actually got to me quite a bit because I was aaflHKBmKE0-00002-00001008-00001616 aware that um the way that Facebook and google operates is obviously not right aaflHKBmKE0-00003-00001688-00002608 but I was not really um so much um aware of that how far the whole thing goes and what aaflHKBmKE0-00004-00002608-00003024 you know how persuasive the whole thing is and what kind of impact this has already aaflHKBmKE0-00005-00003088-00003820 and I feel that us working in social media need to reflect this more so the first thing I'd aaflHKBmKE0-00006-00003888-00004520 say to everyone please go and watch it and then lean back and then join the discussion um. aaflHKBmKE0-00007-00004616-00005168 i called this vlog the sort of revolution that eats its children because i learned in school aaflHKBmKE0-00008-00005240-00005872 that the french revolution the guys that pushed for it actually ended up on the guillotine in the aaflHKBmKE0-00009-00005872-00006536 end so i'm not sure whether this is going to happen to the social media likes but in a way aaflHKBmKE0-00010-00006536-00007223 the idea behind it is that if you push for this all this persuasion and all that to that degree aaflHKBmKE0-00011-00007223-00007984 that you actually kill the the basis of your business model when i started working in aaflHKBmKE0-00012-00008088-00008608 in public public relations just to tell you a little story about this there was someone who aaflHKBmKE0-00013-00008608-00009360 told me that in consumer health over-the-counter public relations recently journalists had been aaflHKBmKE0-00014-00009360-00010248 given away laptops big thing at the time obviously quite expensive and um in a way this meant that aaflHKBmKE0-00015-00010328-00010936 this meant actually corruption so you can actually give up on your public relations efforts aaflHKBmKE0-00016-00010992-00011680 if you actually bribe people so in a way if you push so hard but for your limits in your business aaflHKBmKE0-00017-00011752-00012344 that you actually dissolve the the ground that you stand on then you lose so i just aaflHKBmKE0-00018-00012344-00012912 wanted to bring that over to you guys to start thinking about it because i do think social media aaflHKBmKE0-00019-00012984-00013696 are important they have a place in this world but you slowly need to rein them in and especially in aaflHKBmKE0-00020-00013696-00014272 development cooperation where you have one part of the people who don't want to have anything to aaflHKBmKE0-00021-00014272-00014888 do with social media that hardly press the like button because they know it's traceable because aaflHKBmKE0-00022-00014888-00015480 they know their boss might be seeing that so they think the the organization uh you know aaflHKBmKE0-00023-00015480-00015919 better don't touch it because you you never know how they actually how the bosses feel about this aaflHKBmKE0-00024-00015919-00016360 so you have those kind of people that are very hesitant which is too bad in a way aaflHKBmKE0-00025-00016360-00017096 and then you have a lot of people um that sort of go on about anything possible facebook aaflHKBmKE0-00026-00017096-00017688 all sorts of advertisement anything possible so that's also not good so we need to find a way to aaflHKBmKE0-00027-00017688-00018480 clarify how in development cooperation we want to use social media in the future thank you very much aavLcAjbeNQ-00000-00000547-00000727 seal aavLcAjbeNQ-00001-00001732-00001892 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00002-00002966-00003134 load aavLcAjbeNQ-00003-00004117-00004262 the aavLcAjbeNQ-00004-00005175-00005335 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00005-00006195-00006354 at aavLcAjbeNQ-00006-00007224-00007394 lead aavLcAjbeNQ-00007-00008365-00008528 lid aavLcAjbeNQ-00008-00009587-00009750 door aavLcAjbeNQ-00009-00010910-00011106 loan aavLcAjbeNQ-00010-00012216-00012402 soil aavLcAjbeNQ-00011-00013453-00013614 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00012-00014616-00014797 seal aavLcAjbeNQ-00013-00015801-00015962 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00014-00016953-00017130 area aavLcAjbeNQ-00015-00018025-00018201 no aavLcAjbeNQ-00016-00019041-00019196 air aavLcAjbeNQ-00017-00020133-00020293 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00018-00021297-00021461 data aavLcAjbeNQ-00019-00022475-00022649 salt aavLcAjbeNQ-00020-00023674-00023849 sail aavLcAjbeNQ-00021-00024885-00025045 till aavLcAjbeNQ-00022-00025976-00026145 on aavLcAjbeNQ-00023-00027052-00027213 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00024-00028215-00028396 seal aavLcAjbeNQ-00025-00029332-00029514 art aavLcAjbeNQ-00026-00030419-00030570 hot 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aavLcAjbeNQ-00387-00441335-00441500 deal aavLcAjbeNQ-00388-00442611-00442774 door aavLcAjbeNQ-00389-00443933-00444130 loan aavLcAjbeNQ-00390-00445277-00445446 hold aavLcAjbeNQ-00391-00446515-00446677 oil aavLcAjbeNQ-00392-00447619-00447782 lid aavLcAjbeNQ-00393-00448719-00448879 here aavLcAjbeNQ-00394-00449775-00449939 do aavLcAjbeNQ-00395-00450764-00450940 no aavLcAjbeNQ-00396-00451848-00452008 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00397-00453083-00453262 oral aavLcAjbeNQ-00398-00454330-00454490 too aavLcAjbeNQ-00399-00455522-00455700 land aavLcAjbeNQ-00400-00456726-00456907 line aavLcAjbeNQ-00401-00457819-00457983 end aavLcAjbeNQ-00402-00458889-00459061 lot aavLcAjbeNQ-00403-00459968-00460122 let aavLcAjbeNQ-00404-00460970-00461138 she aavLcAjbeNQ-00405-00462073-00462248 nail aavLcAjbeNQ-00406-00463184-00463351 hit aavLcAjbeNQ-00407-00464185-00464352 die aavLcAjbeNQ-00408-00465185-00465344 lie aavLcAjbeNQ-00409-00466270-00466431 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00410-00467517-00467687 hold aavLcAjbeNQ-00411-00468775-00468936 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00412-00469938-00470098 hear aavLcAjbeNQ-00413-00471185-00471355 hold aavLcAjbeNQ-00414-00472452-00472617 deal aavLcAjbeNQ-00415-00473553-00473721 she aavLcAjbeNQ-00416-00474647-00474808 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00417-00475703-00475869 to aavLcAjbeNQ-00418-00476695-00476843 her aavLcAjbeNQ-00419-00477849-00478008 toll aavLcAjbeNQ-00420-00479153-00479332 oral aavLcAjbeNQ-00421-00480357-00480518 site aavLcAjbeNQ-00422-00481339-00481521 as aavLcAjbeNQ-00423-00482452-00482634 also aavLcAjbeNQ-00424-00483692-00483852 too aavLcAjbeNQ-00425-00484847-00485022 sale aavLcAjbeNQ-00426-00486025-00486203 less aavLcAjbeNQ-00427-00487266-00487433 loss aavLcAjbeNQ-00428-00488497-00488658 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00429-00489578-00489737 oh aavLcAjbeNQ-00430-00490657-00490837 lens aavLcAjbeNQ-00431-00491763-00491926 end aavLcAjbeNQ-00432-00492767-00492927 oh aavLcAjbeNQ-00433-00493779-00493927 her aavLcAjbeNQ-00434-00494785-00494948 end aavLcAjbeNQ-00435-00495884-00496066 last aavLcAjbeNQ-00436-00497091-00497266 nail aavLcAjbeNQ-00437-00498289-00498462 into aavLcAjbeNQ-00438-00499560-00499742 tool aavLcAjbeNQ-00439-00500761-00500910 her aavLcAjbeNQ-00440-00501844-00502004 hear aavLcAjbeNQ-00441-00503068-00503234 loss aavLcAjbeNQ-00442-00504201-00504376 so aavLcAjbeNQ-00443-00505139-00505296 in aavLcAjbeNQ-00444-00506120-00506288 need aavLcAjbeNQ-00445-00507122-00507304 as aavLcAjbeNQ-00446-00508186-00508360 salt aavLcAjbeNQ-00447-00509374-00509540 than aavLcAjbeNQ-00448-00510467-00510630 end aavLcAjbeNQ-00449-00511555-00511714 head aavLcAjbeNQ-00450-00512621-00512795 so aavLcAjbeNQ-00451-00513762-00513945 also aavLcAjbeNQ-00452-00515055-00515235 lost aavLcAjbeNQ-00453-00516287-00516447 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00454-00517437-00517617 line aavLcAjbeNQ-00455-00518464-00518621 in aavLcAjbeNQ-00456-00519413-00519569 air aavLcAjbeNQ-00457-00520565-00520729 hall aavLcAjbeNQ-00458-00521828-00522006 land aavLcAjbeNQ-00459-00522997-00523184 test aavLcAjbeNQ-00460-00524125-00524305 line aavLcAjbeNQ-00461-00525306-00525488 last aavLcAjbeNQ-00462-00526369-00526551 as aavLcAjbeNQ-00463-00527379-00527542 lid aavLcAjbeNQ-00464-00528455-00528623 tree aavLcAjbeNQ-00465-00529637-00529806 road aavLcAjbeNQ-00466-00530802-00530950 her aavLcAjbeNQ-00467-00531817-00531980 red aavLcAjbeNQ-00468-00532916-00533080 data aavLcAjbeNQ-00469-00534034-00534195 site aavLcAjbeNQ-00470-00535135-00535297 tale aavLcAjbeNQ-00471-00536288-00536455 than aavLcAjbeNQ-00472-00537458-00537651 star aavLcAjbeNQ-00473-00538648-00538808 too aavLcAjbeNQ-00474-00539726-00539895 she aavLcAjbeNQ-00475-00540891-00541070 oral aavLcAjbeNQ-00476-00542155-00542329 salt aavLcAjbeNQ-00477-00543330-00543484 this aavLcAjbeNQ-00478-00544510-00544683 lose aavLcAjbeNQ-00479-00545733-00545898 heal aavLcAjbeNQ-00480-00546888-00547055 rate aavLcAjbeNQ-00481-00547952-00548116 do aavLcAjbeNQ-00482-00549023-00549189 that aavLcAjbeNQ-00483-00550166-00550347 line aavLcAjbeNQ-00484-00551360-00551535 sell aavLcAjbeNQ-00485-00552572-00552737 deal aavLcAjbeNQ-00486-00553848-00554011 door aavLcAjbeNQ-00487-00555020-00555192 sit aavLcAjbeNQ-00488-00556105-00556266 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00489-00557256-00557436 line aavLcAjbeNQ-00490-00558437-00558601 deal aavLcAjbeNQ-00491-00559616-00559777 dead aavLcAjbeNQ-00492-00560780-00560942 tail aavLcAjbeNQ-00493-00561848-00562023 so aavLcAjbeNQ-00494-00562966-00563144 land aavLcAjbeNQ-00495-00564268-00564450 tool aavLcAjbeNQ-00496-00565573-00565738 hell aavLcAjbeNQ-00497-00566778-00566947 list aavLcAjbeNQ-00498-00567939-00568105 that aavLcAjbeNQ-00499-00569071-00569215 then acXU8Xy-7a0-00000-00000000-00000200 TANJUNG BIRA Sea food adndoX9G9vE-00000-00001914-00002080 It’s Dimitri! adndoX9G9vE-00001-00002082-00002528 I don't know what to do, but I'm gonna have to hurry to save my friends. adndoX9G9vE-00002-00002582-00002656 Yeah. adndoX9G9vE-00003-00003358-00003511 Where the hell am I? adndoX9G9vE-00004-00003908-00004202 Greetings my friend! adndoX9G9vE-00005-00004202-00004500 What the hell? Is that Eric? adndoX9G9vE-00006-00004636-00004892 You can rule the world with me as my right hand! adndoX9G9vE-00007-00004996-00005072 Or… adndoX9G9vE-00008-00005188-00005380 You can just become a robot.. adndoX9G9vE-00009-00005380-00006044 Wait, you made Derek like that. It was you! you fuckin..! adndoX9G9vE-00010-00006212-00006484 Exactly, clever man! adndoX9G9vE-00011-00006744-00006872 Take him away. adndoX9G9vE-00012-00007056-00007520 Uh... Christina? We have to hurry. adndoX9G9vE-00013-00015160-00015272 Thomas? adndoX9G9vE-00014-00015272-00015432 Shh! Quiet! adndoX9G9vE-00015-00015740-00015896 What the hell are you doing here? adndoX9G9vE-00016-00016052-00016356 Wha..What happened to you? I saw you die! adndoX9G9vE-00017-00016620-00017100 Listen, Tom, I don't know why, but the robots have taken our friends. adndoX9G9vE-00018-00017120-00017352 And we saw them bringing in Dimitri. adndoX9G9vE-00019-00017400-00017496 Interesting. adndoX9G9vE-00020-00017568-00017868 Tom we don't have any time. We gotta save them. adndoX9G9vE-00021-00017928-00018144 You two? This is a fortress! adndoX9G9vE-00022-00018144-00018348 There are thousands of these things here! adndoX9G9vE-00023-00018412-00018548 Do you mean us three? adndoX9G9vE-00024-00018664-00018716 What? adndoX9G9vE-00025-00018776-00018916 No no no no no. adndoX9G9vE-00026-00018968-00019284 I’m not staying here any longer I just managed to escape! adndoX9G9vE-00027-00019320-00019600 We’ll turn around and run as far we can. adndoX9G9vE-00028-00019664-00019916 I...I can't do that. adndoX9G9vE-00029-00020176-00020576 Please help me Tom. Noah was kidnapped too. adndoX9G9vE-00030-00020616-00021024 I don't want to run away....I don’t want to lose him too.. adndoX9G9vE-00031-00021032-00021168 Please. adndoX9G9vE-00032-00021616-00021916 ….Alright…. Come with me. I know the way. adndoX9G9vE-00033-00022372-00022528 This is crazy. adndoX9G9vE-00034-00027948-00028288 You SON OF BITCH! What the hell did you do with them?!! adndoX9G9vE-00035-00028372-00028692 Them? Oh, those mercenaries? adndoX9G9vE-00036-00028736-00029312 Well, cyborgs are an amazing invention but sadly, it can't save dead people. adndoX9G9vE-00037-00029376-00029895 However, the genetic information derived from their bodies is worth gold.. adndoX9G9vE-00038-00029932-00030239 So that’s the why the bodies disappeared ... adndoX9G9vE-00039-00030239-00030344 You took them!! adndoX9G9vE-00040-00030344-00030572 You son of a bitch! We couldn't even bury them!! adndoX9G9vE-00041-00030808-00030992 I don't care what you call me. adndoX9G9vE-00042-00031036-00031512 Why are you doing this? Why Eric? Why did you betray us? adndoX9G9vE-00043-00031524-00031580 BETRAY? adndoX9G9vE-00044-00031852-00032544 You're like me. I'm crazy about blood too. But you seem to need to domesticate. adndoX9G9vE-00045-00032632-00032987 You want to fight. But you.. you don't even know what you're fighting for. adndoX9G9vE-00046-00033104-00033592 But one of these chips ... is going to make you have a goal.. adndoX9G9vE-00047-00033592-00033716 Answer me! adndoX9G9vE-00048-00033816-00033952 Why did you do this?? adndoX9G9vE-00049-00034232-00034388 Yes, I heard that. adndoX9G9vE-00050-00034468-00034708 Well now, you might feel a bit dizzy. adndoX9G9vE-00051-00034896-00035244 If you even lay a single fucking finger on me, I'll..! adndoX9G9vE-00052-00035728-00036200 After two hours, the drug will have spread in your entire body. adndoX9G9vE-00053-00036272-00036568 And I'll see you then my friend. adndoX9G9vE-00054-00037216-00037448 Come back.. you coward..! adndoX9G9vE-00055-00038180-00038380 Now guys, wait a sec. adndoX9G9vE-00056-00038584-00038704 Look, It’s Derek! adndoX9G9vE-00057-00038764-00038924 Stop.. he is already... adndoX9G9vE-00058-00038960-00039036 What? adndoX9G9vE-00059-00039292-00039472 Damn it. Run! just run! adndoX9G9vE-00060-00039884-00040148 What the heck is going, Thomas!? That was Derek! adndoX9G9vE-00061-00040148-00040476 It’s his body, but he’s not himself anymore. Just run! adndoX9G9vE-00062-00040492-00040736 What? what does that mean?! adndoX9G9vE-00063-00040740-00040908 Just. Run! adndoX9G9vE-00064-00040976-00041088 *Security alert! adndoX9G9vE-00065-00041268-00041612 Squad. Find that intruder. adndoX9G9vE-00066-00042312-00042472 That’s the way. Go first. adndoX9G9vE-00067-00042492-00042752 What are you talking about. We stay together! adndoX9G9vE-00068-00042764-00042944 I can store them! Just go! adndoX9G9vE-00069-00042976-00043240 Nope. Together, we can go past there. adndoX9G9vE-00070-00043348-00043568 It's hard for two. Can you help us? adndoX9G9vE-00071-00043712-00043764 Damn. adndoX9G9vE-00072-00044964-00045028 This way! adndoX9G9vE-00073-00047684-00047772 This way! adndoX9G9vE-00074-00050560-00050732 I'm surprised we are still alive. adndoX9G9vE-00075-00050956-00051291 What.. What is this place? adndoX9G9vE-00076-00051376-00051488 The laboratory. adndoX9G9vE-00077-00053036-00053472 There'll be a door out there if you go further. Put that blueprint down, it's useless. adndoX9G9vE-00078-00053496-00053748 It's a complicated device .. adndoX9G9vE-00079-00053764-00053976 It’s connected somewhere in the body ... adndoX9G9vE-00080-00054040-00054228 There should be more blueprints somewhere.. adndoX9G9vE-00081-00054228-00054500 I can't just get out. I need to find…. adndoX9G9vE-00082-00054500-00054672 I know. adndoX9G9vE-00083-00054672-00054855 That’s why I brought you here. adndoX9G9vE-00084-00055008-00055091 Christina..? adndoX9G9vE-00085-00055367-00055460 Look over there... adndoX9G9vE-00086-00055928-00055976 Noah! adndoX9G9vE-00087-00056712-00056764 Noah.. adndoX9G9vE-00088-00057064-00057160 Christina..? adndoX9G9vE-00089-00057272-00057352 Get him up. adndoX9G9vE-00090-00057352-00057579 Wait, what about Dimitry? adndoX9G9vE-00091-00057652-00057779 Did he become like Derek? adndoX9G9vE-00092-00057779-00057940 I’m not sure. But... adndoX9G9vE-00093-00058240-00058352 Ah… Shit. adndoX9G9vE-00094-00058352-00058612 Get him out of here. There coming... adndoX9G9vE-00095-00058712-00058875 We need to leave now! adndoX9G9vE-00096-00058876-00058996 Alright. Shit. adndoX9G9vE-00097-00059312-00059372 Thomas! adndoX9G9vE-00098-00059372-00059484 Go first. I store them! adndoX9G9vE-00099-00059484-00059536 What?! adndoX9G9vE-00100-00059548-00059732 Where the heck does that change of heart come from?! adndoX9G9vE-00101-00059755-00059840 LET’S GO!! adndoX9G9vE-00102-00059840-00059967 NO! Go first! adndoX9G9vE-00103-00059967-00060160 Stop picking around, come on! adndoX9G9vE-00104-00060532-00060616 I'm okay. adndoX9G9vE-00105-00060767-00060906 I'm okay... adndoX9G9vE-00106-00061032-00061184 So go ahead. adndoX9G9vE-00107-00061184-00061267 What the?! adndoX9G9vE-00108-00061312-00061488 Take him out immediately. adndoX9G9vE-00109-00061488-00061720 Before I change my mind, and shoot you. adndoX9G9vE-00110-00061876-00061928 Jacob! adndoX9G9vE-00111-00062760-00062940 Sir, did you find them? adndoX9G9vE-00112-00062940-00063228 No. I think I missed them. adndoX9G9vE-00113-00063228-00063432 What a surprise. you missed them. adndoX9G9vE-00114-00063516-00063596 Eric. adndoX9G9vE-00115-00063655-00063912 They took Noah. Can you find them? adndoX9G9vE-00116-00063912-00064044 I can still track them. adndoX9G9vE-00117-00064044-00064184 Hey wait…. adndoX9G9vE-00118-00064184-00064412 Well, GET THEM. adndoX9G9vE-00119-00064424-00064488 Yes sir adndoX9G9vE-00120-00065148-00065336 Are you okay my friend? adndoX9G9vE-00121-00065396-00065636 ...Yeah. I’m alright. adndoX9G9vE-00122-00065688-00065928 The intruder took Noah. adndoX9G9vE-00123-00065928-00066416 As soon as Demoman knows where they hide, we attack immediately. adndoX9G9vE-00124-00066508-00066784 You should get rest until he finds them. adndoX9G9vE-00125-00066956-00067032 I will. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00000-00000003-00000735 Hello, and welcome to DataArt’s first webinar in a new series. Today's webinar is entitled The ag9Q45-7hrQ-00001-00000735-00001311 Role of Data Lakes in Modern Data Platforms. I'm Bob Leibholz, Chief Business Development ag9Q45-7hrQ-00002-00001311-00001848 Officer here at DataArt, and I'm honored to host two really illustrious speakers today. These two ag9Q45-7hrQ-00003-00001848-00002400 panelists will include Alexey Utkin. Alexey is a Principal Consultant and Head of DataArt’s Data ag9Q45-7hrQ-00004-00002400-00002976 Management Competency; he's located in London and has worked with many of our clients for well over ag9Q45-7hrQ-00005-00002976-00003627 a decade. Also speaking will be Oleg Komissarov, a Senior Architect and Consultant based here in ag9Q45-7hrQ-00006-00003627-00004260 New York. Oleg has been with the company for more than 15 years and works on many of our largest, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00007-00004260-00004953 most complex data management and data lake projects. Alexey, can I turn it over to you? Yeah, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00008-00004953-00005568 thank you very much, Bob. Hello, Alexey here, hi Internet. We all got here to talk about data ag9Q45-7hrQ-00009-00005568-00006069 architectures and data lakes, but before we do that, I'd like to spend just a few minutes ag9Q45-7hrQ-00010-00006069-00006705 recapping the business context, and why it all matters. And I'd like to start with three trends ag9Q45-7hrQ-00011-00006705-00007302 we see in business. So, the first one is the expectations of the customers in the digital ag9Q45-7hrQ-00012-00007302-00007970 area. Customers expect experiences like those they get from Airbnb, Uber, Revolut, and all these new ag9Q45-7hrQ-00013-00007970-00008628 tech companies. This experience, aside from media that personalized the informed and they shall ag9Q45-7hrQ-00014-00008628-00009108 turn on the understanding of the customer and his context, they deliver it in the context; so, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00015-00009108-00009873 the expectation of people moves from one industry to another, and everyone needs to play that part. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00016-00009873-00010584 The second trend is the new volumes of data. All you know is that all the cool things in analytics, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00017-00010584-00011538 Machine Learning is very data-hungry. So, the data is growing 40% a year, and in five-six years, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00018-00011538-00012096 it will reach almost 200 zettabyte The number of Internet users will soon be everyone who is ag9Q45-7hrQ-00019-00012096-00012792 capable of using any digital device, and we have social data, AI data, virtual agents, and all ag9Q45-7hrQ-00020-00012792-00013458 that. And the channels of the Internet, Internet pipes are developed, and so, all this data around. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00021-00013458-00014211 A third trend I want to mention is the new types of data and dark data. Historically, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00022-00014211-00014724 companies used to deal with operational systems like customer records, transactions, and all ag9Q45-7hrQ-00023-00014724-00015309 that. But, more and more, in every industry, firms are looking for the usage of dark data ag9Q45-7hrQ-00024-00015309-00015861 and alternative data. And by dark data, I mean the term coined by Gartner a few years ago, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00025-00015861-00016620 which refers to the database firm collects processes and stores for regular business but ag9Q45-7hrQ-00026-00016620-00017103 not for other purposes, and the alternative data is pretty much everything you see on the screen: ag9Q45-7hrQ-00027-00017103-00017592 it's image, data, clickstream, social media, tags, geo-location, all that; ag9Q45-7hrQ-00028-00017592-00018282 some would move for the companies, and small businesses use it so. What's interesting for me, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00029-00018282-00018882 in particular, is that I get surprised. Every year I have a number of client conversations, and I am ag9Q45-7hrQ-00030-00018882-00019584 surprised how little predictability, particularly technical people and firms, have about the need of ag9Q45-7hrQ-00031-00019584-00020187 processing this type of data. Their company has existed for decades, and nothing really changed ag9Q45-7hrQ-00032-00020187-00020811 in terms of core business processes; still the same entities, but then literally tomorrow, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00033-00020811-00021456 their business stakeholders may come and say, “We need to process all that in this margin.” So, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00034-00021456-00021990 with all these trends, what is the real business opportunity today? We all know the general ag9Q45-7hrQ-00035-00021990-00022677 benefits of data analytics; you've heard it many times: new products, services, business agility, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00036-00022677-00023388 competitive advantages, high revenues, lower costs and risk, we heard all that. But, for today, I ag9Q45-7hrQ-00037-00023388-00024009 want to highlight just three areas, which are more common among the clients we see. So, the first ag9Q45-7hrQ-00038-00024009-00024534 one is a massive personalization of products, services, and marketing channels. Think of it ag9Q45-7hrQ-00039-00024534-00025224 as B2C in pretty much every industry. So, let's take an example of health insurance. There, it ag9Q45-7hrQ-00040-00025224-00026031 would mean that you go from a bucket rescore, your policy is being priced or based on a large pool of ag9Q45-7hrQ-00041-00026031-00026748 people to an individual price, but even further to individual recommendations tailored for you on how ag9Q45-7hrQ-00042-00026748-00027302 you should change your lifestyle to be healthy and lower the risk. In other industries like finance, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00043-00027302-00028002 travel, or media, the same area applies to new tailored product offerings to the clients. So, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00044-00028002-00028518 the second theory is real-time and predictive risk analytics. Let's take as an example a company like ag9Q45-7hrQ-00045-00028518-00029183 Uber. If they have a sudden drop in rights in one region, only a few years ago, it would take them ag9Q45-7hrQ-00046-00029183-00029783 days to pull the relevant data and do analysis and figure out all the reasons why. Today, they can ag9Q45-7hrQ-00047-00029783-00030227 see it in real-time, maybe its payment provider dropped or something like that, and they can see ag9Q45-7hrQ-00048-00030279-00030960 and act on it immediately. Another case would be fraud analytics. There is not much use looking at ag9Q45-7hrQ-00049-00030960-00031502 that a few days after it happens, you need facts, and that's immediate. And the third theory I want ag9Q45-7hrQ-00050-00031502-00032049 to mention is operations optimization. It's basically the more data you collect and the ag9Q45-7hrQ-00051-00032049-00032580 more you know about how you conduct business and it operates, the more you can also make and ag9Q45-7hrQ-00052-00032580-00033063 get to such nice use cases to be implemented for a number of our clients, like predictive ag9Q45-7hrQ-00053-00033063-00033687 maintenance and supply chain optimization. We all often hear these buzzwords like “data is an asset, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00054-00033687-00034365 data is the new oil, data is a lifeblood.” Some of us are tired of that, but for me, it is so ag9Q45-7hrQ-00055-00034365-00034854 much a reflection of the importance of data for the competitive edge. Even though the way I think ag9Q45-7hrQ-00056-00034854-00035490 about it is that advanced technologies like cloud, machine learning, and all that have become really ag9Q45-7hrQ-00057-00035490-00036042 accessible for the business. Literally, you can get your hands on this stuff almost immediately. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00058-00036042-00036676 But what really makes you able to complete is the data you collect, and one term I particularly have ag9Q45-7hrQ-00059-00036676-00037227 in my mind is Salesforce. If you choose to compete with them, you may be able to replicate their ag9Q45-7hrQ-00060-00037227-00037758 technology by hiring the technology teams or using some cloud technology to have that power. But you ag9Q45-7hrQ-00061-00037758-00038298 will struggle to compete because of the data they managed to accumulate; you won't have it, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00062-00038298-00038856 so they power their decisions on it. This is their competitive edge. I pulled some statistics ag9Q45-7hrQ-00063-00038856-00039411 on the companies, which are advanced, so-called insights-driven companies in the data analytics ag9Q45-7hrQ-00064-00039411-00039900 space, from Forrester Research and presented them here on the slide. They grow faster, they have ag9Q45-7hrQ-00065-00039900-00040555 higher revenues and profits, they compete bets. And the companies that are behind obviously lose ag9Q45-7hrQ-00066-00040555-00041173 this sort of competition. By the same Forrester Research, only 8% or so of the companies may call ag9Q45-7hrQ-00067-00041173-00041836 themselves advanced in terms of data analytics; and the rest, more than half, are just beginning ag9Q45-7hrQ-00068-00041836-00042214 the journey or haven't started yet. Today we focus on data architecture, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00069-00042214-00042775 and I don't want to go too deep into all these organizational aspects and people processes, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00070-00042775-00043312 which are super important in the data analytics space in general. But that's a topic for another ag9Q45-7hrQ-00071-00043312-00043933 webinar or conversation, and please reach out to us if you're interested in hearing one. But, still ag9Q45-7hrQ-00072-00043933-00044518 on the subject of these advanced insights-driven companies, I want to say very few things about how ag9Q45-7hrQ-00073-00044518-00045064 they're different from others. So, the first is they're very strategic and decisive about ag9Q45-7hrQ-00074-00045064-00045718 the role of data analytics and have no doubt about it. Second, they empower business users with data, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00075-00045718-00046279 and they collect more and more data. And the last is that they implement analytics in a very ag9Q45-7hrQ-00076-00046279-00046852 agile manner, in short iterations with small teams getting into results quickly, and they ag9Q45-7hrQ-00077-00046852-00047392 use the right technology, they invest in the right technology to do that. With all that, we come to ag9Q45-7hrQ-00078-00047392-00047971 the topic of technology. But before we dive into all the different architectures and data lakes, I ag9Q45-7hrQ-00079-00047971-00048733 wouldn't set the scene, just recap in everyone on what we still see or used to see just recently and ag9Q45-7hrQ-00080-00048733-00049246 what is called a traditional legacy data analytics pack. Typically, you have your systems, like ag9Q45-7hrQ-00081-00049246-00049783 operational systems; again, it’s transactions, customer records, and all that. And in one way, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00082-00049783-00050584 now it flew into some sort of data warehouse or data Mart, which then powers reports of BI ag9Q45-7hrQ-00083-00050584-00051427 dashboards. There are three main problems with this setup. First, the implementation cycles for ag9Q45-7hrQ-00084-00051427-00052072 analytics take too long. So to work in your data set and build materials with their words takes ag9Q45-7hrQ-00085-00052072-00052807 weeks, sometimes months. Second, the scalability is very limited; it's on-premise, you need to buy ag9Q45-7hrQ-00086-00052807-00053316 more hardware and appliances, pay more licenses, and, hence, the costs are very high. And the third ag9Q45-7hrQ-00087-00053316-00053854 is that, from a functional perspective, it doesn't live up to the expectations of modern analytical ag9Q45-7hrQ-00088-00053854-00054480 business users, such as processing structured data, ad-hoc queries, and machine learning data ag9Q45-7hrQ-00089-00054480-00055045 science workloads. So, basically, with this setup, firms struggle to just keep the speed of business. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00090-00055045-00055660 And even more, among the clients we have, we often see friends who just see it from operational ag9Q45-7hrQ-00091-00055660-00056205 systems and reports from those systems and don't have analytical infrastructure at all. So, now, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00092-00056205-00056710 what is on the other side of the spectrum? What do all these advanced firms have? They ag9Q45-7hrQ-00093-00056710-00057247 still may have their data warehouse, which is structured, optimized for high-quality data, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00094-00057247-00057709 and will serve the wide range of users in the business, which is important, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00095-00057709-00058345 but they don't stop there. They basically got from an ability to answer known questions with ag9Q45-7hrQ-00096-00058345-00058999 unknown data. So then, I directly transfer unknown questions with known data; and then, ultimately, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00097-00058999-00059413 they're now answering unknown questions with unknown data. In terms of what it caused, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00098-00059413-00059950 it means that they added unstructured data, ad-hoc queries, data science, and all these new types, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00099-00059950-00060492 which now contribute to another 80% of what they actually run through their analytical systems. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00100-00060492-00061084 They put detain the hands of business users and allow them to quickly explore and experiment with ag9Q45-7hrQ-00101-00061084-00061617 this data. And the platforms they have are very flexible and scalable, and we will be talking ag9Q45-7hrQ-00102-00061617-00062209 about that today; they're more like giga systems of platforms rather than single-built platforms. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00103-00062209-00063040 So, now, let's have some specifics about in what way these technology capabilities are different. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00104-00063040-00063642 From a perspective of data sources, traditionally, we have structured relational data. Advanced firms ag9Q45-7hrQ-00105-00063642-00064179 had that semi-structured and unstructured data: logs, websites, social media, alternative data. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00106-00064179-00065029 Now, they were able to store and ingest in-store almost unlimited amounts of data in the original ag9Q45-7hrQ-00107-00065029-00065605 form and do it at the required latency. From the data structure perspective and traditional setups, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00108-00065605-00066241 what we use to have is the structure, fixed, and it basically dictated the way your analytical ag9Q45-7hrQ-00109-00066241-00066791 database technologies store records and process records, and it was fixed. If something doesn't ag9Q45-7hrQ-00110-00066791-00067358 fit, it will break at the point of congestion. In the advanced firms, the schema is not fixed; ag9Q45-7hrQ-00111-00067358-00067763 when the data is captured, they can capture everything without breaking, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00112-00067763-00068453 and support a variety of different four months, which are open and enable absolutely different ag9Q45-7hrQ-00113-00068453-00069023 analytical pipelines, even tomorrow ones. From a data transformation perspective and ag9Q45-7hrQ-00114-00069023-00069665 traditional setup, it's a pretty important point. You have to do pretty much all that upfront. You ag9Q45-7hrQ-00115-00069665-00070196 do time-consuming data cleansing, and you’re gonna reach the data that you integrated to ag9Q45-7hrQ-00116-00070196-00070811 inform into some sort of single source of truth, which then is widely used in the business and is ag9Q45-7hrQ-00117-00070811-00071390 trusted. That was pretty much the only option. In advanced firms, it's not the only option. They can ag9Q45-7hrQ-00118-00071390-00071942 also do these ad-hoc queries, they're flexible, and they can have data-science related feature ag9Q45-7hrQ-00119-00071942-00072440 engineering. It's a totally different type of transformation, and they're flexible with it. From ag9Q45-7hrQ-00120-00072440-00073055 the analytics themselves, we used to have pretty much SQL queries, BI tools, and full-text search, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00121-00073055-00073628 which was good but limited. Advanced firms have big data analytics, so high-volume real-time ag9Q45-7hrQ-00122-00073628-00074324 scenarios. In Marshall Orion, they allow users to explore and query data, try it out, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00123-00074324-00074882 and visualize it very quickly. But it's also super important; it is very easy to introduce new types ag9Q45-7hrQ-00124-00074882-00075437 of analytics because all this technology and all the platforms are API-based, open format based. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00125-00075437-00076130 So, the new type of analytics comes in, and since it’s in an open format works almost right away. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00126-00076130-00076853 From the price/performance ratio, in a traditional setup, what we have is the high cost for storage ag9Q45-7hrQ-00127-00076853-00077474 and processing, but the data warehouses were super optimized for the queries they were able to run. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00128-00077474-00077987 The advanced firms have low-cost storage, and for the performance, it’s a trade-off ag9Q45-7hrQ-00129-00077987-00078722 between scale speed and cost. The users used to be BI business users, business analysts, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00130-00078722-00079349 and advanced firms had a whole range of other more sophisticated users such as data scientists, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00131-00079349-00080150 data engineers, and developers. The data quality in traditional setups was high, but it's not a ag9Q45-7hrQ-00132-00080150-00080801 good thing that, basically, it was supporting only high-quality data. In advanced firms, it ag9Q45-7hrQ-00133-00080801-00081380 can be high, but it can also be low; it depends on the use case. Some use cases can work on different ag9Q45-7hrQ-00134-00081380-00081938 qualities of data, but data quality must be transparent, otherwise, it's just not useful. And ag9Q45-7hrQ-00135-00081938-00082523 the last point, data sharing and collaboration, used to be very limited. A business user had to ag9Q45-7hrQ-00136-00082523-00083063 go through some central team, which was built into all these reports and dashboards, and work through ag9Q45-7hrQ-00137-00083063-00083840 that. In the new types of companies, the business users, analysts, and data scientists collaborate, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00138-00083840-00084479 they can share securely all the data sets models, their ports, or whatever they create without any ag9Q45-7hrQ-00139-00084479-00085145 central function. With all these backgrounds and the comparison of capabilities, we formulated some ag9Q45-7hrQ-00140-00085145-00085751 conceptual view of the modern data architecture, which we often deploy in one form or another to ag9Q45-7hrQ-00141-00085751-00086354 our client projects. So, here on the left side, you have sources. The structured/unstructured ag9Q45-7hrQ-00142-00086354-00087002 data come in from the existence of on-premise systems, clouds, open data, or social. And then ag9Q45-7hrQ-00143-00087002-00087740 it gets ingested into a data lake, which holds all that as a single source. Then, it can still go to ag9Q45-7hrQ-00144-00087740-00088379 data warehouse/data Marts for this high-quality curated optimized workload and go to the standard ag9Q45-7hrQ-00145-00088379-00089015 BI dashboards and reports you used to see. But it doesn't stop there. So, we have ad-hoc queries, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00146-00089015-00089561 which now can go to the data warehouse and the data lake as well. We have more sophisticated ag9Q45-7hrQ-00147-00089561-00090143 workloads like data science-related ones; they have a tendency to go into the data lake more ag9Q45-7hrQ-00148-00090143-00090614 often than using data from a data warehouse. And then, we have special applications like ag9Q45-7hrQ-00149-00090614-00091136 machine learning models, big data applications, and real-time apps. They have a tendency to just ag9Q45-7hrQ-00150-00091136-00091877 sit on top of the data lake. And the last type of workload is an external customers users face and ag9Q45-7hrQ-00151-00091877-00092669 data-driven apps, services, and APIs. They can go to both, but stay in-house more often just because ag9Q45-7hrQ-00152-00092669-00093269 it's more high-quality data. And the last point on this conceptual architecture is super important. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00153-00093339-00094131 It provides entry and common data services, such as data governance, metadata, security, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00154-00094131-00094848 data quality, and all that. And it doesn't begin end-to-end. Firms had a massive pain ag9Q45-7hrQ-00155-00094848-00095502 point trying to implement all these aspects in different budget systems. In modern architecture, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00156-00095502-00096231 it's a built-in blob. Support it’s in the whole, all the workloads, all the stores, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00157-00096231-00097065 everywhere. Just a recap on terminology. What is a data lake? So, originally the definition was a ag9Q45-7hrQ-00158-00097065-00097626 system or repository of data stored in its natural or raw format. But, from the functional side, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00159-00097710-00098325 it can quickly adjust anything. So, we don't enforce any schema or big data ingest and think ag9Q45-7hrQ-00160-00098325-00099045 of large volumes at a high speed. It has low-cost scalable storage, in clouds will be decoupled ag9Q45-7hrQ-00161-00099045-00099747 from compute. It allows users to have flexible access to diverse toolsets, changing toolsets, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00162-00099747-00100326 and different types of analytical processes. It holds all data in one place with a single source ag9Q45-7hrQ-00163-00100326-00100995 of truth for source data and it is future-proof; you can replace tooling and underlying technology. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00164-00100995-00101571 And users are different as well. I mentioned we have business users who are looking at ag9Q45-7hrQ-00165-00101571-00102108 the dashboards and reports. Now, we have more sophisticated business users who build the owner’s ag9Q45-7hrQ-00166-00102108-00102809 analytical models and drive in size. And then, on the further end, we have very tech-savvy data ag9Q45-7hrQ-00167-00102809-00103317 scientists, data engineers, and app developers who build their models and applications to solve ag9Q45-7hrQ-00168-00103317-00103869 business problems. The last thing I want to offer you today from my side is the view of ag9Q45-7hrQ-00169-00103869-00104430 the evolution of different architectural patterns in the data space. We start with traditional data ag9Q45-7hrQ-00170-00104430-00105195 warehouse and BI. We covered that, once again, key points: optimized for relational data and standard ag9Q45-7hrQ-00171-00105195-00105804 BI and reporting but has a high cost and low scalability and a long time to onboard new data ag9Q45-7hrQ-00172-00105804-00106368 and implement new scenarios. And then, with the emergence of all the Big Data technology, mainly ag9Q45-7hrQ-00173-00106368-00107063 advanced data, unstructured data, and large-scale data, they started to build big data solutions ag9Q45-7hrQ-00174-00107063-00107651 on-premise. Basically, through that, they enabled Marshall Onion and data science use cases. They ag9Q45-7hrQ-00175-00107651-00108239 couldn't just date a quick, clear any data. But the problem with this approach was it has a high ag9Q45-7hrQ-00176-00108239-00108713 implementation and maintenance cost. You need to source all this technology, build your clusters, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00177-00108713-00109202 configure, and maintain it. Then, a few years ago, a third pattern appeared, which is the ag9Q45-7hrQ-00178-00109202-00109763 modern cloud data warehouse; and Snowflake is one of the famous names in this space. This ag9Q45-7hrQ-00179-00109763-00110267 architecture is simple to set up and use, and it has a lot of benefits of data lake as well. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00180-00110267-00110927 So you can quickly onboard. It has structured and semi-structured data with powered advanced BI and ag9Q45-7hrQ-00181-00110927-00111416 ad-hoc queries, it has a great performance, it is as optimized as a traditional data warehouse, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00182-00111416-00112139 but also it has the cloud scale, so you get extra performance from that. But, at the same time, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00183-00112139-00112625 we need to understand it's not necessarily a low-level latency, it's a BI workload, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00184-00112625-00113330 so it's seconds. And low latency would still see it, and in big data, there's a lake category. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00185-00113330-00114050 Modern cloud data warehouses give all the cloud benefits because storage and computer separated, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00186-00114050-00114641 they scale elastically to a huge extent. They have folders, hand-to-hands, kubernetes, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00187-00114641-00115232 governance, and platform services. And many firms with slightly less sophisticated big ag9Q45-7hrQ-00188-00115232-00116039 data workloads, prefer that option and migrate to modern cloud data warehouses. But now we come to ag9Q45-7hrQ-00189-00116039-00116758 the fourth pattern, which is the cloud data lakes. In essence, it's similar to Big Data solutions but ag9Q45-7hrQ-00190-00116758-00117371 built in the cloud. So, they have all the same workload, the same scale and speed, all that. But ag9Q45-7hrQ-00191-00117371-00118040 it also has low implementation and running costs because it uses a lot of platform technologies, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00192-00118040-00118622 which are pre-integrated and out-of-the-box. It also has all these so-called benefits, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00193-00118622-00119171 like governance, security, durability, and resilience, which are tremendously expensive ag9Q45-7hrQ-00194-00119171-00119528 and hard to implement if you're talking about the on-premise solution. But also, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00195-00119528-00119999 they have this high flexibility of tools and underlying technology. Once again, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00196-00119999-00120590 all the API, open source, open standard, and base technologies evolve very quickly, and you ag9Q45-7hrQ-00197-00120590-00121406 can plug them in and drop them out very easily. We see a lot of clients who start with data lakes ag9Q45-7hrQ-00198-00121406-00121976 and clients who actually do both data lakes and data warehouses for different types of workloads: ag9Q45-7hrQ-00199-00121976-00122831 the more BI ones optimized will go with data warehouse, the more low latency, sophisticated, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00200-00122831-00123356 and structured data with the data lake. I have a few slides for you, but I won't cover them today, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00201-00123356-00123830 with more detailed coverage of the different features of these respective architectures. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00202-00123830-00124313 But at this point, I want to conclude and pass it over to a data lake deep dive. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00203-00124313-00125042 Thank you, Alexey. Let’s dive deeper into the data lake. During the next 20 minutes, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00204-00125042-00125498 you will understand how data lake is organized, whether you're in common ag9Q45-7hrQ-00205-00125498-00126149 principles, best practices, and technologies for data ingestion, storage, and analytics, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00206-00126149-00126923 and we will provide some key recommendations. So, if you decided to build your own data lake, there ag9Q45-7hrQ-00207-00126923-00127580 are several components that you most likely need to build, must-have components of the data lake. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00208-00127580-00128432 You need to source any data sources, as Alexey mentioned; you need to ingest them in a common, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00209-00128432-00129286 scalable store without any ETL transformation; you need to catalog all this data because, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00210-00129286-00130013 without catalogs, you will not be able to govern your data, discover your data, and organize access ag9Q45-7hrQ-00211-00130013-00130721 control; you need all types of analytics for batch processing, for stream analytics, for advanced ag9Q45-7hrQ-00212-00130721-00131516 analytics, such as machine learning; you need to orchestrate m2m data ingestion and analytic flows; ag9Q45-7hrQ-00213-00131516-00132284 you need to serve people to all types of your users and roles, including external partners; ag9Q45-7hrQ-00214-00132284-00133088 and you need a framework for the governance of analytics and data. Without governments, it is ag9Q45-7hrQ-00215-00133088-00133934 impossible to have great enterprise solutions. Modern data providers or cloud providers provide ag9Q45-7hrQ-00216-00133934-00134597 you with all the necessary components. So, AWS, for example, gives you data ingestion, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00217-00134597-00135347 centralized storage, catalogs, access and control, analytics, and serving governance components. But, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00218-00135347-00136064 as you see, there are plenty of technologies available in every one of these areas. On top of ag9Q45-7hrQ-00219-00136064-00136931 all that, AWS, for example, offers out-of-the-book AWS lake formation that you can use to build ag9Q45-7hrQ-00220-00136931-00137585 your data lakes. But in order to understand what actually is needed for you, which component, and ag9Q45-7hrQ-00221-00137585-00138230 which technology to use, you need to understand a little bit better ingest storage and analytics ag9Q45-7hrQ-00222-00138230-00138911 patterns. Let's take a look at ingestion. So, what are your typical data ingestion needs? You need to ag9Q45-7hrQ-00223-00138911-00139778 source data from all of your enterprise sources: relational, warehouses, file systems. You need to ag9Q45-7hrQ-00224-00139778-00140570 source data from external sources, PRMs, or APIs systems through different SDKs and APIs. And your ag9Q45-7hrQ-00225-00140570-00141152 typical needs are data workload migration. When you just organize your data lake, you ag9Q45-7hrQ-00226-00141152-00141710 need to move data, usually from your relational structure databases, to the data lake; you need to ag9Q45-7hrQ-00227-00141710-00142547 be able to ingest data in batches; after initial ingestion, you need to have incremental ingestion, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00228-00142547-00143405 and you need most likely streaming data ingestion. This low-velocity data usually goes through ag9Q45-7hrQ-00229-00143405-00144194 so-called cold paths, and high-velocity data goes through the hot path of the data lake. So, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00230-00144194-00145034 now that you know these categories of need from the ingestion and entice of ingestion, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00231-00145034-00145961 you can look at your data source. For example, if you need to move relational data for initial data ag9Q45-7hrQ-00232-00145961-00146573 migration to the cloud, you will be looking at database migration or transfer services ag9Q45-7hrQ-00233-00146573-00147479 provided by cloud data providers; or you should consider CDC change data capture systems. Change ag9Q45-7hrQ-00234-00147479-00148178 data capture systems are systems that allow you to point-and-click configuration. Without any code, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00235-00148178-00148994 in minutes and hours, you can start moving your data from relational sources to data lake. If ag9Q45-7hrQ-00236-00148994-00149594 you are looking to move your file sources to the cloud, you will get map storage gateways ag9Q45-7hrQ-00237-00149594-00150413 or you may even consider more exotic solutions, like small mobiles, or small balls. These are ag9Q45-7hrQ-00238-00150413-00150929 physical devices that you can order from your data centers, and then the cloud data provider, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00239-00150929-00151676 after you upload data from your data center to the device, over to their data center and upload ag9Q45-7hrQ-00240-00151676-00152528 your data to the cloud. When you need to import data from CRM or API systems, you will be looking ag9Q45-7hrQ-00241-00152528-00153422 at independent software vendor connectors or SDKs provided by these vendors. And for stream sources, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00242-00153422-00154124 you will be choosing streaming technology. Very often, people ask, “When do we need streaming ag9Q45-7hrQ-00243-00154124-00154784 code change data capture sources?” So, you need streaming ingestion. You need to ingest your logs ag9Q45-7hrQ-00244-00154784-00155558 files or your custom application events and change data capture usually used to move for continuous ag9Q45-7hrQ-00245-00155558-00156290 ingestion of your structured data sources to do data lake and for data lake migration. Now ag9Q45-7hrQ-00246-00156290-00156968 that you understand these tool categories, when you look at all this variety of ingestion tools ag9Q45-7hrQ-00247-00156968-00157727 provided by cloud vendors, you will be able to make the right decisions about what tool and what ag9Q45-7hrQ-00248-00157727-00158372 service you need for your needs. But there are also plenty of tools available provided by ag9Q45-7hrQ-00249-00158372-00159248 independent software vendors. attunity, recently acquired by Quickview, is a very good CDC change ag9Q45-7hrQ-00250-00159248-00159926 data capture system that supports a lot of different sources, orchestration, configuration, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00251-00159996-00160800 management, and analysis. It can move data to AWS, Azure, and many other platforms. Matillion is ag9Q45-7hrQ-00252-00160800-00161727 another tool with very sophisticated and flexible ETL capabilities. Oracle GoldenGate is a popular ag9Q45-7hrQ-00253-00161727-00162606 and traditional tool for CDC and data movement. And I recommend taking a look at other tools. In ag9Q45-7hrQ-00254-00162606-00163491 summary, you need to identify your business case first to use the most agile tool that you need for ag9Q45-7hrQ-00255-00163491-00164343 this business case. You need to focus on near-term needs, not on architect solutions. Your solution ag9Q45-7hrQ-00256-00164343-00165186 data lakes and ingestion can be set up in minutes, and you can start getting value very quickly, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00257-00165186-00166047 quickly business value. And also, one big recommendation is to automate ingestion. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00258-00166047-00166614 Without ingesting automation, if you live with it manually, you will accumulate technical debt, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00259-00166614-00167394 and anyway, you will need to cover it later. Let's move to storage now and review best practices ag9Q45-7hrQ-00260-00167394-00168051 here. Gorgeous crucial component because you can apply different tools on the top of your ag9Q45-7hrQ-00261-00168051-00168834 data lake, you can change compute tools for data moves and analytics, but storage is usually less ag9Q45-7hrQ-00262-00168834-00169542 flexible, and considering data volumes, it is very important to organize it correctly. Usually, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00263-00169542-00170253 data lakes have three zones. The first is the raw zone. In this zone, you store data in its ag9Q45-7hrQ-00264-00170253-00171009 original format: JSON, XML, CSV. So, why do we need this raw zone? Because you need immutable ag9Q45-7hrQ-00265-00171009-00171933 data in several major cases. You should be able to recreate entry process data at any time, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00266-00171933-00172692 especially if you need to come back new analysis of data you did not use before. You may need it ag9Q45-7hrQ-00267-00172692-00173444 for data disaster recovery. If anything happens to the original, you always have your extra ag9Q45-7hrQ-00268-00173444-00174365 replica. In an optimized store, you store data optimized for analytics and performance. If you ag9Q45-7hrQ-00269-00174365-00175037 give alien data to your raw storage, over time, your performance will be decreased. Optimized ag9Q45-7hrQ-00270-00175037-00176162 raw is done by converting files from raw zone to optimized formats, such as Avro, ORC, or Parquet. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00271-00176162-00177056 An optimized zone is a primary zone for all analytics in the system. And usually, the third ag9Q45-7hrQ-00272-00177056-00177875 zone is where analytic zone, where data scientists and analysts have their own sandboxes and copy ag9Q45-7hrQ-00273-00177875-00178658 data for analysis. You need this zone to not mess up the clean, well-defined, and well-structured ag9Q45-7hrQ-00274-00178658-00179456 data in optimized data space, and usually, this is a target location for all clean reporting. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00275-00179456-00180365 Sometimes, also, if you have PRI data, you may need a quarantine zone where data that did not ag9Q45-7hrQ-00276-00180365-00181319 pass here PRI checks is quarantined. Sometimes, people organize a standalone clean reporting zone. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00277-00181319-00182162 So, when I mentioned optimization, I mentioned several file formats. These file formats turn your ag9Q45-7hrQ-00278-00182162-00183128 data into basically a columnar database optimized for queries. And also, these file formats are open ag9Q45-7hrQ-00279-00183128-00183908 source; they are not proprietary, that's why you can apply various types of analytical tools on top ag9Q45-7hrQ-00280-00183908-00184835 of your data. So, that's how your data way becomes future-proof. All future analytical tools will be ag9Q45-7hrQ-00281-00184835-00185747 compatible with this open-source format. Another detail of optimizations, you usually store data. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00282-00185747-00186491 You have different data structures in your raw and optimized zones. Raw zones usually reflect ag9Q45-7hrQ-00283-00186491-00187436 your data source format, and the optimized zone is optimized for your query patterns. Optimized zone ag9Q45-7hrQ-00284-00187436-00188231 also has so-called partitions. Partitions are logical entities that point to physical files, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00285-00188231-00189179 and are used to minimize data scans and reduce the cost-improve performance of your queries. So, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00286-00189179-00190100 partitions and adjustment of your data structure for optimizing your data structures for queries is ag9Q45-7hrQ-00287-00190100-00190826 very important. Data catalog stores this partition information. Any information about data location, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00288-00190826-00191633 data columns, and table names is crucial for data governance, security, and access settings, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00289-00191633-00192236 as I mentioned. But you don't need to add all these metadata to data catalogs ag9Q45-7hrQ-00290-00192236-00192959 manually. The so-called Crawlers are responsible for automatically scanning and crawling your ag9Q45-7hrQ-00291-00192959-00193826 data and adding all these metadata to your data catalog automatically. And also one of the best ag9Q45-7hrQ-00292-00193826-00194546 practices is cost optimization. Data that you use infrequently, that doesn't require performance, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00293-00194546-00195149 you put it in a cheaper, slower data storage. And frequently-used data, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00294-00195149-00195947 you use it in a more expensive and performant data storage. You also should apply retention ag9Q45-7hrQ-00295-00195947-00196517 policies. If data is not used, it could be moved to super slow and cheap storage, it will remove ag9Q45-7hrQ-00296-00196517-00197249 from the data lake according to your compliance needs. What are your data analytics needs? You ag9Q45-7hrQ-00297-00197249-00197978 need it for batch processing, stream processing, machine learning, and analytics. And also, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00298-00197978-00198620 consider that usually there are slightly different tools used for cold paths and cold and hot paths ag9Q45-7hrQ-00299-00198620-00199436 of your data lake. And there are several analytics tool categories that are used in a data lake. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00300-00199436-00200211 Interactive analytics is very important and used by all types of users. Interactive analytics allow ag9Q45-7hrQ-00301-00200211-00200877 you to query data as soon as it faces to data lake. That's where you get into this agility ag9Q45-7hrQ-00302-00200877-00201516 data ingestion. If you do not care about schema, you can start acquiring this data. Tools, such ag9Q45-7hrQ-00303-00201516-00202521 as Amazon Athena, based on Presto, and Apache Hive can do that. And another big advantage of ag9Q45-7hrQ-00304-00202521-00203289 interactive analytics is you can transform data with queries without TPL's and save data back ag9Q45-7hrQ-00305-00203289-00204096 to your store and apply ELT transformation. So, with all the technical requirements, I needed to ag9Q45-7hrQ-00306-00204096-00204798 enable this type of transformation. And you can do interactive analytics not only with this tool. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00307-00204798-00205851 Modern data platforms such as Amazon Redshift and Snowflake allow linking external data sets ag9Q45-7hrQ-00308-00206019-00206814 and querying this data. You still need to define a schema for this data upfront, but you can apply ag9Q45-7hrQ-00309-00206814-00207663 your SQL queries to external data using a regular query language. Big data analytics. The king of ag9Q45-7hrQ-00310-00207663-00208467 big data analytics is Apache Spark. Most tools and frameworks are built on the top of Apache Spark, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00311-00208467-00209325 and this framework allows you to, in parallel, query tons of data, huge volumes of data. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00312-00209325-00210288 And in real-time analytics, also spark is the king; it can perform analysis on top of Apache ag9Q45-7hrQ-00313-00210288-00211046 Fling, Kafka, or other streaming technologies. So, the traditional architecture for data ag9Q45-7hrQ-00314-00211046-00211796 lake, the so-called Lambda Lake, required separate tools for batch and streaming analytics. And that ag9Q45-7hrQ-00315-00211796-00212376 introduced additional overhead and challenges because you need different tools, and you need to ag9Q45-7hrQ-00316-00212376-00213066 manage code in different places. So, later on, the so-called Kappa Lake architecture was introduced ag9Q45-7hrQ-00317-00213117-00214176 when you basically retire your layer and process all data as stream data by your analytical tools ag9Q45-7hrQ-00318-00214176-00214998 using the speed layer only. So, that simplifies architecture and technology stack, and recently, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00319-00214998-00215904 new technology was introduced. Delta lake and frameworks, such as Delta Lake or Apache Hudi, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00320-00215904-00216675 enabled this data architecture. One of the main advantages of data lake is that the table ag9Q45-7hrQ-00321-00216675-00217362 in this Delta Lake represents, at the same time, streaming, source, and batch table, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00322-00217362-00218325 and you can use any analytical tools to work with this unified data structure. But more than that, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00323-00218325-00219252 very recently, this Delta Lake technology added ACID Transactions, which means atomicity, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00324-00219252-00219954 consistency, isolation, and durability. Now, your data lake is getting properties of your ag9Q45-7hrQ-00325-00219954-00221115 traditional transactional database. So, very important, I highly recommend you take a look ag9Q45-7hrQ-00326-00221115-00221771 at this technology. And most of the users, especially business users, use all these BI ag9Q45-7hrQ-00327-00221771-00222336 and visualization frameworks you are most likely familiar with them. I just wanted to highlight ag9Q45-7hrQ-00328-00222336-00223215 that there are also open-source BI realization frameworks available. Apache superset is a recent ag9Q45-7hrQ-00329-00223215-00223965 ramp. You take a look at Apache superset; it has very rich operation features. And it ag9Q45-7hrQ-00330-00223965-00224715 has its own pros and cons, but in many cases, you can get a free BI tool for your organization. So, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00331-00224715-00225357 that's concluded in these three areas: ingestion, data storage, and analytics. And I will provide ag9Q45-7hrQ-00332-00225357-00226086 some key recommendations. So, first of all, a data lake may not be the right solution for your need. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00333-00226086-00226854 Some modern warehouses provide capabilities that were early available only in the data lake to data ag9Q45-7hrQ-00334-00226854-00227727 available in warehouses. So, Snowflake and Amazon Redshift give you an independent compute and store ag9Q45-7hrQ-00335-00227727-00228660 where you can query data lake data directly from these warehouses. They provide good performance, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00336-00228660-00229581 continuous data ingestion, and automated scale out options, scale-up options, and virtually ag9Q45-7hrQ-00337-00229581-00230538 require no management. So, if your business need may be solved without a more complex data lake, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00338-00230538-00231201 pay attention to it. Do not overcomplicate your solution, focus on providing business value as ag9Q45-7hrQ-00339-00231201-00231876 soon as possible, and do not over-architect, do not build frameworks. Because DataArt ag9Q45-7hrQ-00340-00231876-00232626 architectures are quite flexible, and you can add additional features later. If you decide, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00341-00232626-00233505 finally, to build a data lake, build all essential elements, and organize your data store using all ag9Q45-7hrQ-00342-00233505-00234252 three zones. You create a catalog even for raw data because, if you do not catalog data, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00343-00234252-00234921 your data lake is becoming a data swamp, and you're losing your government. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00344-00234921-00235584 Use data lake as a landing zone for all your data, secure data with role-based ag9Q45-7hrQ-00345-00235584-00236313 access control. Security is a very important topic, and it’s worth a separate webinar. So, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00346-00236313-00236832 if you are interested, send us a request, and we’ll organize individual sessions or ag9Q45-7hrQ-00347-00236832-00237603 another webinar on this topic. And avoid data swamps catalog on all your data. And ag9Q45-7hrQ-00348-00237603-00238446 if I could give three takeaways, I would say that insight-driven companies use data lakes, ag9Q45-7hrQ-00349-00238446-00239286 and 80% of data rewards is unstructured data. Data lakes could be enabled in a matter of ag9Q45-7hrQ-00350-00239286-00240325 days and allow you to add additional cases over time. And you need to choose a solution that is ag9Q45-7hrQ-00351-00240325-00240721 right for your needs. Well, gentlemen, thank you very much. It was a great presentation. ag9Q45-7hrQ-00352-00240721-00241183 I’ve certainly learned a lot. Please leave your email address or otherwise let us know ag9Q45-7hrQ-00353-00241183-00241711 if you'd like to have an individual consultation around the specifics of your data transformation ag9Q45-7hrQ-00354-00241711-00242185 and data lake needs. Thanks again, and have a wonderful day. Thank you! Thank you, everyone! ahdTdgRTxL8-00000-00000280-00000511 Hello! I'm here at the Inkscape® hackfest ahdTdgRTxL8-00001-00000497-00000997 And I am asking the contributors to Inkscape ahdTdgRTxL8-00002-00000997-00001177 about what they've been up ahdTdgRTxL8-00003-00001177-00001354 and how they're got into Inkscape ahdTdgRTxL8-00004-00001358-00001544 I'm here with Marc: ahdTdgRTxL8-00005-00001544-00001631 Hello ahdTdgRTxL8-00006-00001634-00001805 Would you like to introduce yourself to everybody? ahdTdgRTxL8-00007-00001808-00002078 Sure! Some of you already know me ahdTdgRTxL8-00008-00002078-00002360 I'm Marc I'm a research engineer in ahdTdgRTxL8-00009-00002362-00002590 a university in France called Télécom Paris ahdTdgRTxL8-00010-00002699-00002966 and i've been a contributor of Inkscape ahdTdgRTxL8-00011-00002966-00003176 for probably ten years now ahdTdgRTxL8-00012-00003229-00003402 Yep, more. May maybe more ahdTdgRTxL8-00013-00003516-00003807 and I'm part of the Board of Inkscape. ahdTdgRTxL8-00014-00003807-00004003 I do development, bug fixing ahdTdgRTxL8-00015-00004007-00004260 and lots of organization stuff. ahdTdgRTxL8-00016-00004257-00004654 Excellent! So how did you get into doing Inkscape development? ahdTdgRTxL8-00017-00004657-00004804 In the first place? ahdTdgRTxL8-00018-00004861-00005068 Well, that was a bit of a funny story ahdTdgRTxL8-00019-00005071-00005271 I was drawing with inkscape ahdTdgRTxL8-00020-00005275-00005588 for an online forum RPG game ahdTdgRTxL8-00021-00005582-00005782 so i was drawing some images ahdTdgRTxL8-00022-00005782-00005975 and i was hitting sometimes a ahdTdgRTxL8-00023-00005975-00006380 bug in inkscape. Like, er, displacement went ahdTdgRTxL8-00024-00006386-00006563 and grouping stuff whatever ahdTdgRTxL8-00025-00006563-00006866 and as this time I was not involved ahdTdgRTxL8-00026-00006866-00007052 with any open source stuff ahdTdgRTxL8-00027-00007050-00007296 so I just looked, and saw Inkscape is open-source ahdTdgRTxL8-00028-00007297-00007524 maybe I can fix this let's look at the code ahdTdgRTxL8-00029-00007540-00007770 And I saw there are hundreds of thousands of lines ahdTdgRTxL8-00030-00007777-00008061 I have no idea how to approach that ahdTdgRTxL8-00031-00008058-00008235 But I was on the chat and i asked ahdTdgRTxL8-00032-00008238-00008385 people and they say oh you can ahdTdgRTxL8-00033-00008385-00008583 probably fix it but they didn't know ahdTdgRTxL8-00034-00008591-00008780 how to guide me with that ahdTdgRTxL8-00035-00008858-00008984 they stayed on the charts and i ahdTdgRTxL8-00036-00008985-00009174 and I just answer other people's questions about ahdTdgRTxL8-00037-00009175-00009406 how to use Inkscape and after one ahdTdgRTxL8-00038-00009406-00009502 or two years ahdTdgRTxL8-00039-00009566-00009823 when i went in to enough discussions ahdTdgRTxL8-00040-00009823-00010084 around Inkscape i finally had a glimpse ahdTdgRTxL8-00041-00010083-00010273 of how to code works ahdTdgRTxL8-00042-00010280-00010640 So I thought maybe it's time that I fix it ahdTdgRTxL8-00043-00010637-00010781 and at this time i fixed it ahdTdgRTxL8-00044-00010810-00011041 So it took you a while to get into the ahdTdgRTxL8-00045-00011041-00011229 community and get familiar ahdTdgRTxL8-00046-00011348-00011530 especially with the code. Yeah, ahdTdgRTxL8-00047-00011528-00011675 I would say our code is very ahdTdgRTxL8-00048-00011678-00011931 large and when we get new people ahdTdgRTxL8-00049-00011935-00012133 in the project we advise them... ahdTdgRTxL8-00050-00012145-00012405 ...we cautioned them to not be overwhelmed. ahdTdgRTxL8-00051-00012405-00012602 because it's very easy to have ahdTdgRTxL8-00052-00012602-00012719 a look at the code base and ahdTdgRTxL8-00053-00012722-00012881 think oh my god this is so ahdTdgRTxL8-00054-00012882-00013113 much code and at the same time ahdTdgRTxL8-00055-00013113-00013410 we say just focus on the thing you want to fix ahdTdgRTxL8-00056-00013410-00013520 and then when you need help ahdTdgRTxL8-00057-00013520-00013663 ask ahdTdgRTxL8-00058-00013737-00013887 so since that time ahdTdgRTxL8-00059-00013880-00014093 do you think that we have in the ahdTdgRTxL8-00060-00014094-00014350 project become better at mentoring and..? ahdTdgRTxL8-00061-00014340-00014431 Yes ahdTdgRTxL8-00062-00014431-00014677 definitely because now if new people come ahdTdgRTxL8-00063-00014677-00014842 into the project i feel that there ahdTdgRTxL8-00064-00014841-00015072 is much more people to answer questions ahdTdgRTxL8-00065-00015071-00015302 about oh i want i noticed this ahdTdgRTxL8-00066-00015311-00015491 i want to fix this this is ahdTdgRTxL8-00067-00015492-00015681 like i feel like we always have ahdTdgRTxL8-00068-00015685-00015922 people in the developer channel to answer ahdTdgRTxL8-00069-00015935-00016136 oh this is probably in this folder and ahdTdgRTxL8-00070-00016136-00016457 this file, this function takes care of this ahdTdgRTxL8-00071-00016459-00016714 and basically we have much more developer ahdTdgRTxL8-00072-00016713-00016856 activities in the chat now. ahdTdgRTxL8-00073-00016856-00017097 So what do you work on an Inkscape now? ahdTdgRTxL8-00074-00017217-00017554 Do you have responsibilities inside of Inkscape? ahdTdgRTxL8-00075-00017564-00017761 beyond the code? ahdTdgRTxL8-00076-00017894-00018134 so i sometimes do stuff on the code ahdTdgRTxL8-00077-00018134-00018344 i also do some code reviews sometimes ahdTdgRTxL8-00078-00018488-00018785 my main responsibility now in Inkscape are ahdTdgRTxL8-00079-00018785-00018989 probably in the board and in the ahdTdgRTxL8-00080-00018988-00019282 organization of the developer group so i'm ahdTdgRTxL8-00081-00019282-00019516 So I'm part of the Inkscape board which means ahdTdgRTxL8-00082-00019516-00019855 that i vote on decisions on basically ahdTdgRTxL8-00083-00019856-00020150 how the Inkscape project spends its money and ahdTdgRTxL8-00084-00020153-00020351 how the Inkscape project as a project ahdTdgRTxL8-00085-00020353-00020487 organises ahdTdgRTxL8-00086-00020547-00021006 so basically big organization or spending decisions ahdTdgRTxL8-00087-00021077-00021407 and we also organize regular developer meetings ahdTdgRTxL8-00088-00021408-00021636 just to talk about what developer do ahdTdgRTxL8-00089-00021638-00021815 and how we can help one another ahdTdgRTxL8-00090-00021815-00021956 and what needs to be done and ahdTdgRTxL8-00091-00021955-00022141 one what needs to be looked at ahdTdgRTxL8-00092-00022142-00022430 or reviewed or how do we function ahdTdgRTxL8-00093-00022432-00022565 better as a development team. ahdTdgRTxL8-00094-00022565-00023016 Excellent. Do you also look after the windows builds? ahdTdgRTxL8-00095-00023019-00023109 Yes. ahdTdgRTxL8-00096-00023109-00023337 i also built Inkscape for the ahdTdgRTxL8-00097-00023336-00023612 windows installers i do most of the ahdTdgRTxL8-00098-00023613-00023928 stuff around the the build system so ahdTdgRTxL8-00099-00023963-00024212 making at the same time making releases ahdTdgRTxL8-00100-00024220-00024478 for some platforms and also how to ahdTdgRTxL8-00101-00024477-00024516 build ahdTdgRTxL8-00102-00024517-00024718 inkscape making sure that his scripts work ahdTdgRTxL8-00103-00024741-00024957 that's a it's easy to build Inkscape ahdTdgRTxL8-00104-00024958-00025129 and from the code to get a ahdTdgRTxL8-00105-00025128-00025248 proper binaries. ahdTdgRTxL8-00106-00025251-00025532 Excellent. And you also put those into the windows store, right? ahdTdgRTxL8-00107-00025562-00025967 yeah from the inkscape installers i tried ahdTdgRTxL8-00108-00025965-00026229 to make stuff into the windows store ahdTdgRTxL8-00109-00026249-00026519 which sometimes works and recently ahdTdgRTxL8-00110-00026533-00026755 as was broken then as a yes ahdTdgRTxL8-00111-00026756-00026918 if you notice that with the windows ahdTdgRTxL8-00112-00026920-00027163 store doesn't have the most recent release ahdTdgRTxL8-00113-00027203-00027401 that's normal and that's kind of my ahdTdgRTxL8-00114-00027404-00027575 fault but mostly microsoft's fault ahdTdgRTxL8-00115-00027697-00027847 they're big enough and rich enough to ahdTdgRTxL8-00116-00027857-00027986 to take take take the blame yes ahdTdgRTxL8-00117-00027991-00028338 but they say their scripts do not work! ahdTdgRTxL8-00118-00028428-00028668 okay so what would you see yourself ahdTdgRTxL8-00119-00028691-00028877 in Inkscape going forwards? ahdTdgRTxL8-00120-00028972-00029230 same mostly the same place as in ahdTdgRTxL8-00121-00029239-00029569 i don't think i'm completely over and ahdTdgRTxL8-00122-00029579-00029816 over and i in over my head ahdTdgRTxL8-00123-00029863-00030016 in the projects i ahdTdgRTxL8-00124-00030173-00030338 i liked some stuff i do in ahdTdgRTxL8-00125-00030343-00030644 the board stuff so i can keep ahdTdgRTxL8-00126-00030650-00030857 on doing that if people ahdTdgRTxL8-00127-00030857-00031271 want me on the board and as for the different ahdTdgRTxL8-00128-00031267-00031603 teams I don't, i think I'm most ahdTdgRTxL8-00129-00031604-00031826 efficient in the developer team, rather than ahdTdgRTxL8-00130-00031855-00032148 in vectors because i don't know anything about ahdTdgRTxL8-00131-00032175-00032589 outreach or how to explain like how ahdTdgRTxL8-00132-00032589-00032832 to get to people to explain stuff ahdTdgRTxL8-00133-00032832-00032916 about the project ahdTdgRTxL8-00134-00032989-00033146 Easily. ahdTdgRTxL8-00135-00033146-00033323 but in the developer team i can ahdTdgRTxL8-00136-00033323-00033713 still like guides people and like answers ahdTdgRTxL8-00137-00033710-00033908 those questions like oh how does this ahdTdgRTxL8-00138-00033910-00034084 work in the code. I kind of ahdTdgRTxL8-00139-00034090-00034345 know how to answer these questions so... ahdTdgRTxL8-00140-00034354-00034544 that's what I can keep on doing. ahdTdgRTxL8-00141-00034544-00034764 And you're actually kind of special ahdTdgRTxL8-00142-00034761-00034983 because you're the company that hires you ahdTdgRTxL8-00143-00035018-00035054 allows you ahdTdgRTxL8-00144-00035055-00035251 to spend some of your time on Inkscape? ahdTdgRTxL8-00145-00035251-00035351 Yeah. ahdTdgRTxL8-00146-00035351-00035655 so so technically some of your time is paid by... ahdTdgRTxL8-00147-00035675-00035732 Definitely. ahdTdgRTxL8-00148-00035732-00035999 ...by proxy. Whereas most people are like ahdTdgRTxL8-00149-00035999-00036245 thoroughly volunteer you're like a volunteer but... ahdTdgRTxL8-00150-00036246-00036453 Yeah, I used to be just ahdTdgRTxL8-00151-00036453-00036717 a volunteer during my studies mostly and ahdTdgRTxL8-00152-00036716-00036965 now that I'm employed at a public ahdTdgRTxL8-00153-00036966-00037032 university ahdTdgRTxL8-00154-00037070-00037325 i asked my managers if i could ahdTdgRTxL8-00155-00037323-00037539 spend some time on Inkscape and that's ahdTdgRTxL8-00156-00037567-00037887 kind of on my yearly assignments things... ahdTdgRTxL8-00157-00037887-00038109 your assignment. That's really cool 'cos ahdTdgRTxL8-00158-00038111-00038330 ...even if this hackfest ahdTdgRTxL8-00159-00038354-00038639 i'm here on company time. ahdTdgRTxL8-00160-00038645-00039082 Excellent! So thank you very much for talking to me ahdTdgRTxL8-00161-00039082-00039199 Thank you! Same. ajrTyUs2jVE-00000-00000616-00001229 I address the Russians who are watching us. Interviews of your soldiers will not be shown on federal channels ajrTyUs2jVE-00001-00001253-00002360 share this video among your friends and relatives, especially in Russian social networks, so that more people will know the truth about the war ajrTyUs2jVE-00002-00002360-00002743 -What's your full name? -Filanovich Dmitriy Evgenyevich ajrTyUs2jVE-00003-00002743-00003068 -Date of birth? -01.02.2004 ajrTyUs2jVE-00004-00003092-00003334 -2004, how old are you? -I'm 18 ajrTyUs2jVE-00005-00003334-00003534 -You're 18? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00006-00003534-00003692 -Are you a contractor? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00007-00003728-00004086 -When did you sign the contract? -On 13th of September ajrTyUs2jVE-00008-00004117-00004419 -Of 2022. That's from conscription to contract, isn't it? ajrTyUs2jVE-00009-00004449-00004800 Why did you sign it? -I don't know, I was stupid ajrTyUs2jVE-00010-00004908-00005216 -What do you mean? -I stupidly signed it ajrTyUs2jVE-00011-00005234-00005530 -You're 18, for how long were you supposed to serve in conscription? ajrTyUs2jVE-00012-00005683-00006024 -For half a year, for 7 months maybe ajrTyUs2jVE-00013-00006057-00006257 -What troops? Unit? ajrTyUs2jVE-00014-00006390-00006650 -SMF -What's that? ajrTyUs2jVE-00015-00006650-00006850 -Strategic Missile Forces ajrTyUs2jVE-00016-00006916-00007176 -Which region? -Irkutsk region ajrTyUs2jVE-00017-00007176-00007418 -Okay, where are you from? -Chuvashia ajrTyUs2jVE-00018-00007511-00007864 -Where were you positioned? -In Kharkiv region, Kupiansk district ajrTyUs2jVE-00019-00007881-00008400 -Kupiansk district, which settlement? -Kotlyarivka village ajrTyUs2jVE-00020-00008596-00009464 -So it's artillery, right? -No, it's infantry. 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade ajrTyUs2jVE-00021-00009497-00009823 -You went to the contract, that is, a gunner, right? -Transferred, yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00022-00009856-00010413 -How much money were you promised on contract? -180k or 170k rubles, it varied ajrTyUs2jVE-00023-00010437-00011232 -What if you're at the line of contact? -With an offensive, yes, you get paid more ajrTyUs2jVE-00024-00011232-00011603 -How much? -Maybe around 200k ajrTyUs2jVE-00025-00011654-00011980 -For how long does your contract last? -Until 2024 ajrTyUs2jVE-00026-00012019-00012240 -Do you have a family? -I do ajrTyUs2jVE-00027-00012240-00012492 -Who? -Mother, dad, 2 sisters ajrTyUs2jVE-00028-00012522-00012852 -What does your mom and dad do? -My mom works ajrTyUs2jVE-00029-00012852-00013052 -What does she do? -She works at a hospital ajrTyUs2jVE-00030-00013088-00013321 -What job title? -Cashier ajrTyUs2jVE-00031-00013378-00013671 -What about your dad? -Father is a bricklayer ajrTyUs2jVE-00032-00013696-00014375 -Where do your parents work and live? -They divorced. My dad lives in his flat and I live with my mom in her's ajrTyUs2jVE-00033-00014375-00014815 -Which settlement is it? -Novocheboksarsk ajrTyUs2jVE-00034-00014815-00015144 -Novocheboksarsk, that's Chuvashia? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00035-00015144-00015392 -I see. What's your parent's average salary? ajrTyUs2jVE-00036-00015592-00015702 -30k, maybe ajrTyUs2jVE-00037-00015816-00016408 -And you have 2 sisters, how old are they? -One is older sister, she's 21, the other is younger, she's 10 ajrTyUs2jVE-00038-00016423-00016662 -Does your older sister study or work? -She's studying ajrTyUs2jVE-00039-00016662-00016976 -Where? -In a neighboring city ajrTyUs2jVE-00040-00017054-00017374 -Who is she studying for? -I don't remember, I forgot ajrTyUs2jVE-00041-00017422-00017856 -Was it your decision to sign the contract or was it someone who advised you? ajrTyUs2jVE-00042-00018033-00018209 -It was my own decision ajrTyUs2jVE-00043-00018209-00018681 -What was your motive for it? -I was stupid. I watched a lot of news ajrTyUs2jVE-00044-00018705-00019164 -Look, I understand that, but were money your motive? ajrTyUs2jVE-00045-00019529-00019897 -It's 50/50, my motive was because of money and partly not ajrTyUs2jVE-00046-00019897-00020097 -And an idea, right? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00047-00020097-00020345 -So 50% were ideal ajrTyUs2jVE-00048-00020345-00021205 -Look, it's the month of September, the full-scale invasion, what you call SMO, it began in February ajrTyUs2jVE-00049-00021229-00021939 February, March, April, May, June, July, August, it was 8th month. To you it was SMO, right? ajrTyUs2jVE-00050-00022011-00022244 What do you mean by you watched news and were stupid? ajrTyUs2jVE-00051-00022355-00023278 -We watched news in the army during conscription, everything was shown to be fine, as in for the army ajrTyUs2jVE-00052-00023619-00023819 Then I was offered to sign the contract ajrTyUs2jVE-00053-00023939-00024244 -When did you invade Ukraine? -At the end of September ajrTyUs2jVE-00054-00024331-00024576 -When were you cpatured? -On the 11th of November ajrTyUs2jVE-00055-00025302-00025660 -So you were there for 2 weeks, right? -I invaded in September ajrTyUs2jVE-00056-00025677-00025877 -What day? -On the 25th-26th ajrTyUs2jVE-00057-00025877-00026077 -Yeah that's close, about a month ajrTyUs2jVE-00058-00026129-00026685 I see. What tasks were you given? -To hold position, guard the road ajrTyUs2jVE-00059-00026856-00027404 -You were captured when the AFU counteroffensive happened, right? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00060-00027491-00028480 -I see. Did you get conscripted right after school? -No ajrTyUs2jVE-00061-00028501-00028635 -How then? -I studied ajrTyUs2jVE-00062-00028647-00028895 -Where? -In my city ajrTyUs2jVE-00063-00028920-00029225 -Where exactly? -In academia, management technology ajrTyUs2jVE-00064-00029268-00029572 -How many years? -I was supposed to finish 4 years ajrTyUs2jVE-00065-00029587-00030077 -How many did you finish? -One, well, I was transferred to the 2nd, but then I left ajrTyUs2jVE-00066-00030095-00030508 -Why? -I had gathered too student debts, I skipped classes ajrTyUs2jVE-00067-00030708-00030882 -So you were exiled, right? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00068-00030960-00031268 -You couldn't solve that problem and got exiled -Indeed ajrTyUs2jVE-00069-00031304-00031527 Because of your own stupidity -Yes, that too ajrTyUs2jVE-00070-00031612-00032139 -Why did you skip? -I don't even know, I was lazy to do all of it ajrTyUs2jVE-00071-00032164-00032738 -Hanging out? -I'd rather go for a walk somewhere with friends ajrTyUs2jVE-00072-00032936-00033136 -How did you end up in conscription? ajrTyUs2jVE-00073-00033193-00033812 Did you get conscripted right after university? -No, as soon as I turned 18 I got drafting summons ajrTyUs2jVE-00074-00033848-00034096 I went to the enlistment office for medical checkup and got drafted ajrTyUs2jVE-00075-00034460-00034714 -So you didn't think about army after that, right? -After what? ajrTyUs2jVE-00076-00034714-00035061 -I mean conscription and then did you want to continue staying in the army or not? ajrTyUs2jVE-00077-00035112-00035456 -I had thoughts to just remain on contract -Why? ajrTyUs2jVE-00078-00035456-00036364 -Because I have to study after. I need to finish studies, get a specialized secondary or higher education, so that it would be easier in the army ajrTyUs2jVE-00079-00036544-00037220 -Ok, so you watched too much news that there's nothing and so on, but were there any ideological motives? ajrTyUs2jVE-00080-00037613-00037843 -No, just purely news, propaganda, like that ajrTyUs2jVE-00081-00038074-00039027 -So 50% was affected by propaganda. What was it exactly? -We were shown on TV every day that everything's ok in Ukraine ajrTyUs2jVE-00082-00039078-00040040 That the soldiers are well-equipped and there are no offensives. There aren't that many deaths ajrTyUs2jVE-00083-00040058-00040897 -Propaganda, for example, going to defend Luhansk and Donetsk regions, that there are Nazis here ajrTyUs2jVE-00084-00040897-00041736 -We were told that they joined Russia as well, that there are Nazis here, fascism, all that ajrTyUs2jVE-00085-00042105-00042634 -Look, you're 18, right? You're old enough to be my son ajrTyUs2jVE-00086-00042676-00043167 All these channels you were watching, was it federal channels? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00087-00043377-00043800 -Ok. I have a question: what is Nazism? ajrTyUs2jVE-00088-00044777-00044917 -Nazism? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00089-00045724-00046035 -I'm confusing nazism with nationalism ajrTyUs2jVE-00090-00046137-00046541 -Then what is fascism? -Fascism is what was in those years ajrTyUs2jVE-00091-00046643-00046876 -What years? -During the Great Patriotic war ajrTyUs2jVE-00092-00046927-00047292 -And when was there Nazism? -Back then as well, at the same time ajrTyUs2jVE-00093-00047334-00047813 -Back then is which year? -From 1939 to 1945 ajrTyUs2jVE-00094-00047903-00048391 -What happened from 1939 to 1945? -Great Patriotic war ajrTyUs2jVE-00095-00048444-00048600 -Great Patriotic war? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00096-00048672-00049200 -From 1939 to 1945? -It began in 1939 from Germany's side, they began conquering Europe ajrTyUs2jVE-00097-00049233-00049673 -That's called Great Patriotic war? -Not really, it's just... a war began ajrTyUs2jVE-00098-00049742-00049912 -A worldwide war? -Second ajrTyUs2jVE-00099-00049942-00050091 -Second World War, correct ajrTyUs2jVE-00100-00050253-00050633 -The Great Patriotic war started from 1941 to 1945 -Okay ajrTyUs2jVE-00101-00050717-00050986 Where was Fascism born? ajrTyUs2jVE-00102-00051091-00051477 -Either in Italy or Spain, I don't remember, or not... ajrTyUs2jVE-00103-00051851-00052234 Yes, it's either Spain or Italy ajrTyUs2jVE-00104-00052414-00052722 -Who ruled back then? Italy, right ajrTyUs2jVE-00105-00052881-00053168 -I don't remember that, I only remember the country Italy ajrTyUs2jVE-00106-00053321-00053506 -Where was Nazism born? ajrTyUs2jVE-00107-00054523-00054948 -I can't answer that -You can't where it was born, yes? ajrTyUs2jVE-00108-00054995-00055513 -Ok. How should Ukrainian nazism look like? From your imagination of what you've seen from federal channels ajrTyUs2jVE-00109-00055513-00055668 -Ukrainian nazi? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00110-00055764-00056720 -As we were shown when those people were taken in Azovstal, 2000 people were there. Everyone was with tattoos, swastikas ajrTyUs2jVE-00111-00056753-00057034 -Those are Nazis? -It turns out so ajrTyUs2jVE-00112-00057048-00057446 -So people with tattoos are Nazis as well? -Not all, not necessarily ajrTyUs2jVE-00113-00057446-00057673 -What kind of swastikas were there? -Fascist ones ajrTyUs2jVE-00114-00057673-00057873 -Fascist ones, or Nazi tattoos? ajrTyUs2jVE-00115-00057900-00058054 -Fascist and nazi ajrTyUs2jVE-00116-00058088-00058435 -What's the difference between fascist and nazi swastika? ajrTyUs2jVE-00117-00058520-00058836 -They have their own symbols -Which? Explain the difference ajrTyUs2jVE-00118-00058836-00059096 How did your federal channels explain? ajrTyUs2jVE-00119-00059096-00059517 -Those German crosses -So is it fascist or nazi? ajrTyUs2jVE-00120-00059517-00060083 -It's fascist, where some had crosses as tattoos ajrTyUs2jVE-00121-00060149-00060778 -And you're sure that all these people in Azovstal had cross tattoos -Not all ajrTyUs2jVE-00122-00060880-00061302 -But you're sure that those are Ukrainian nazis -They are Ukrainian people ajrTyUs2jVE-00123-00061362-00062123 -Look, my question is that you believe the Russian media that everyone here is a nazi ajrTyUs2jVE-00124-00062172-00062435 -I don't believe that now -Now you don't? ajrTyUs2jVE-00125-00062435-00062913 -No. As soon as I got captured I saw there are normal guys ajrTyUs2jVE-00126-00062944-00063144 -AFU captured you? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00127-00063144-00063979 -So no Nazi battalions, no troops of African origins, no Poles, no Georgians, who else there can be. It were Ukrainians, right? ajrTyUs2jVE-00128-00063979-00064044 -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00129-00064152-00064661 -Did they speak Russian? -Yes, some words I didn't understand, they said in Russian ajrTyUs2jVE-00130-00064727-00064981 -So Russian language isn't oppressed here? -It's not ajrTyUs2jVE-00131-00064981-00065301 -But before you thought it was? -No, I didn't ajrTyUs2jVE-00132-00065301-00065640 I knew that in Ukraine people know Russian language ajrTyUs2jVE-00133-00065655-00066044 -And they can talk on it -Yes. They can talk between themselves or in families ajrTyUs2jVE-00134-00066044-00066148 -Ok, so there are no Nazis? ajrTyUs2jVE-00135-00066247-00066372 -In Ukraine? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00136-00066414-00066961 -I don't think there is now. Before I thought there was Nazism and fascism ajrTyUs2jVE-00137-00066982-00067736 -Ok. It's one of the motives. Are there Nazis in Russia? -I think they're everywhere ajrTyUs2jVE-00138-00067736-00068164 -They are everywhere indeed. There are lots of Nazis in Russia, yes? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00139-00068224-00068376 -Is Nazism fought there or not? -Skinheads for example ajrTyUs2jVE-00140-00068478-00068807 -Skinheads for example, yes -I don't know if it's being fought with or not ajrTyUs2jVE-00141-00068860-00069365 -Ok. Do you read books? -Sometimes ajrTyUs2jVE-00142-00069431-00069631 -What was the last book you read? ajrTyUs2jVE-00143-00069892-00070200 -I read a few poems of Maxim Gorky -What exactly? ajrTyUs2jVE-00144-00070266-00070475 -"My Childhood", "In the World", My Universities" ajrTyUs2jVE-00145-00070500-00070700 -Do you like it? -I do ajrTyUs2jVE-00146-00071065-00071295 -Apart from federal channels, what else do you watch? ajrTyUs2jVE-00147-00071523-00071837 -I watched nothing while I was in the army, I had no opportunity ajrTyUs2jVE-00148-00071837-00072181 -Did your parents know you signed a contract? -They did ajrTyUs2jVE-00149-00072196-00072876 -What did they say? -My mom at first tried talking me out of it, like "Why do you need it" ajrTyUs2jVE-00150-00072978-00073223 Then she calmed down and that was it ajrTyUs2jVE-00151-00073256-00073873 -What about your dad? -I haven't told my dad about it. Even when I was leaving I didn't tell him ajrTyUs2jVE-00152-00074194-00074319 -Did he know you were fighting? ajrTyUs2jVE-00153-00074466-00074582 -Right now? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00154-00074582-00074830 -I haven't called home since September, he wouldn't know ajrTyUs2jVE-00155-00074959-00075576 My mom probably doesn't know either if I'm even alive or at least not missing ajrTyUs2jVE-00156-00075644-00077193 -Ok, look, fighting Nazism and so on. What do you think? Do people in North Korea live well? ajrTyUs2jVE-00157-00077301-00077666 -It's strict there -It is. It's dictatorship, isn't it? ajrTyUs2jVE-00158-00077680-00078374 Look, right now Russia has closer ties with North Korea. So dictatorship, everything is strict with people and so on ajrTyUs2jVE-00159-00078374-00078958 Do any countries interfere with North Korea? For example someone can say that people are oppressed there ajrTyUs2jVE-00160-00079102-00079320 -I don't even know, I never looked into this ajrTyUs2jVE-00161-00079520-00080152 -Where you were in Kharkiv region, that's Ukrainian territory -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00162-00080371-00081561 -You're the new generation of Russians. Were there calculations about how many Russians died? More than 125k died ajrTyUs2jVE-00163-00081561-00081905 Yes, right now. Can you tell me what did they all die for? ajrTyUs2jVE-00164-00082064-00082237 -For nothing -For nothing? ajrTyUs2jVE-00165-00082237-00082644 -Yes, it turns out so. I mean what did we fight for here? What do we even fight for? ajrTyUs2jVE-00166-00082844-00083533 -Why does enlightenment always come when we talk in my interview? Like you said they died for nothing ajrTyUs2jVE-00167-00083581-00084495 -Because you won't understand until you come here. You'll sit in Russia and think everything's normal, guys die for that and that ajrTyUs2jVE-00168-00084528-00085331 You come here and you understand that there's nothing to die for ajrTyUs2jVE-00169-00085379-00085783 I'd understand if Russia was attacked, but die for nothing like that, no ajrTyUs2jVE-00170-00085873-00086400 -So did Russia attack Ukraine? -Russia invaded ajrTyUs2jVE-00171-00086439-00086732 -Invasion, attack those are just synonyms -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00172-00087046-00087312 -You saw AFU guys, right? -I did ajrTyUs2jVE-00173-00087376-00087832 -Normal people are there as well, right? -There are mobilized there, contractors as well ajrTyUs2jVE-00174-00087832-00088284 -Do they have an idea? They're motivated, right? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00175-00088350-00088742 -Which? -They want to defend their homeland, their lands ajrTyUs2jVE-00176-00088800-00089000 -Are they correct? -They are, yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00177-00089338-00090390 -You talk to contractors who are your age, do they thing there are Nazis here as well? ajrTyUs2jVE-00178-00090576-00091778 -When I wasn't far away from Russian border, yes. Those who weren't here were also somewhat motvated ajrTyUs2jVE-00179-00091800-00092081 -Like they're locked on to f*ck Nazis, right? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00180-00092144-00092853 There's also the Wagner propaganda video ajrTyUs2jVE-00181-00092876-00093420 -A song by Vika Tsyganova? -No, there was some other ajrTyUs2jVE-00182-00093462-00093812 -They have some there -The one called "F*cking Nazis" ajrTyUs2jVE-00183-00093812-00094102 -Oh, the one with "Uno, dos, tres I'll take my pig cutter", right? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00184-00094141-00094446 -And so this motivates people -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00185-00094532-00095109 -People liked it? -They used to and still probably do ajrTyUs2jVE-00186-00095238-00095783 -Why is it like that? You're 18, what's your opinion? -Why is it what? ajrTyUs2jVE-00187-00095783-00095911 -Like that, in Russia ajrTyUs2jVE-00188-00096457-00097428 -I have no idea. My opinion is that, while I was in captive I had time to think ajrTyUs2jVE-00189-00097446-00098360 -What do you think? -That people already died and there's no way to return it back ajrTyUs2jVE-00190-00098360-00099280 and that Ukrainians will consider us enemies for generations -I mean you do understand what Russians did here ajrTyUs2jVE-00191-00099412-00099870 -I do understand, yes. We watch news here, too ajrTyUs2jVE-00192-00099984-00100343 We're shown the strikes and shot down's ajrTyUs2jVE-00193-00100577-00101044 -Theoretically, you'll have a son, can you explain what you did here? ajrTyUs2jVE-00194-00101172-00101677 For example, he'll be a smart 18 year old and he'll ask "Dad, what did you do in Ukraine?" ajrTyUs2jVE-00195-00101806-00102189 -I occupied territories of Kharkiv region, what else? ajrTyUs2jVE-00196-00102500-00102796 -Influenced by propaganda? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00197-00102924-00103232 -Do you want to say anything to Ukrainians? ajrTyUs2jVE-00198-00103333-00103611 -What do I tell them? -I don't know ajrTyUs2jVE-00199-00103611-00103743 -I don't even have anything to say ajrTyUs2jVE-00200-00104438-00104566 I have nothing to say ajrTyUs2jVE-00201-00104766-00104891 -Just an apology ajrTyUs2jVE-00202-00105068-00105370 -For what? I did nothing -What do you mean? ajrTyUs2jVE-00203-00105427-00105963 -The fact that I invaded Ukraine's territory with a weapon... -Look, you invaded and occupied territory ajrTyUs2jVE-00204-00106092-00106751 It's a crime already -Yes, and to invade with a weapon ajrTyUs2jVE-00205-00106781-00107293 -Do you understand now? And you say you did nothing ajrTyUs2jVE-00206-00107359-00107733 -I meant I didn't kill anyone ajrTyUs2jVE-00207-00107733-00108482 -See? Russians don't understand one thing. Someone from higher-up does something and they say they're not guilty ajrTyUs2jVE-00208-00108515-00108763 but common people like you come here with weapons ajrTyUs2jVE-00209-00109276-00109545 Lots of inmates ajrTyUs2jVE-00210-00109668-00109925 What's your opinion on inmates being sent to fight? ajrTyUs2jVE-00211-00110165-00110467 -Meh. Prigozhin really found the "people" to send ajrTyUs2jVE-00212-00110551-00110880 I'm even next to the inmates in the same cell ajrTyUs2jVE-00213-00110925-00111385 -What's your impression? -It's empty ajrTyUs2jVE-00214-00111585-00112637 They aren't real soldiers. They talk about how they were sent here, how some tried escaping as soon as they crossed the border, ajrTyUs2jVE-00215-00112637-00113158 border patrols stand there and some inmates are caught or shot dead ajrTyUs2jVE-00216-00113292-00113579 Execution is what happens there, sh*t like that ajrTyUs2jVE-00217-00113651-00114273 Some come to the positions drunk, that's it, they're kneeled and shot dead, specifically these Wagner inmates ajrTyUs2jVE-00218-00114432-00115355 We saw on the news yesterday that 50k inmates were brought here and roughly 10k may still be alive ajrTyUs2jVE-00219-00115400-00115900 -That's what inmates told you about the border patrols? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00220-00116068-00116703 Some succeed to escape. They're caught with weapons in Russia, in Belgorod region for example ajrTyUs2jVE-00221-00116883-00117842 They're caught there immediately, no small talk, and here they think that as they'll be exchanged they'll go home ajrTyUs2jVE-00222-00117932-00118381 -Sledgehammer awaits them? -I don't think so, I think they'll just come back here ajrTyUs2jVE-00223-00118429-00118629 -Why? -Because Wagnerites are sent back ajrTyUs2jVE-00224-00118629-00119323 The reason why they're exchanged quickly, because they return to Russia quickly, as soon as they cross the border, if there are no injuries, ajrTyUs2jVE-00225-00119323-00119490 they're sent back ajrTyUs2jVE-00226-00119583-00120374 -Here they're hoping they'll return home as heroes -They're already hoping for that, some with injuries ajrTyUs2jVE-00227-00120374-00120919 They think soon a new life will start with money ajrTyUs2jVE-00228-00121024-00121800 They were let out of prisons, those who still had to serve 6 or 7 years, but in reality they'll return to Russia and immediately be sent back here ajrTyUs2jVE-00229-00122156-00122400 -Do you want to say anything to Russians? ajrTyUs2jVE-00230-00122613-00123752 -I want them to protest a bit, so that this crap can cease in Ukraine, so that mobilization would cease as well ajrTyUs2jVE-00231-00123806-00124258 -You want Russians to protest, right? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00232-00124320-00124730 -You can't live like that, right? -Of course you can't ajrTyUs2jVE-00233-00124781-00126390 How many guys in Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk regions are lying in trenches right now, fighting for nothing ajrTyUs2jVE-00234-00126525-00127172 -You know, you're the first person to tell me that Russians need to protest so this ceases ajrTyUs2jVE-00235-00127235-00127321 -Now I know ajrTyUs2jVE-00236-00127344-00127625 -Are you afraid of what you said? -No, what is there to fear? ajrTyUs2jVE-00237-00127676-00127993 -God knows, you know what country you live in -So what? ajrTyUs2jVE-00238-00128146-00128346 Because that's really how it shouldn't be ajrTyUs2jVE-00239-00128744-00129300 -Do you want to say anything to Solovyov, Simonyan? -I didn't even watch them ajrTyUs2jVE-00240-00129327-00130037 -Who did you watch? I didn't watch any propagandists, I only watched news on the 1st channel ajrTyUs2jVE-00241-00130121-00130786 -They're propagandists to you, right? -They're the poorest propagandists ajrTyUs2jVE-00242-00130834-00132123 We watched yesterday on your ICTV channel, they're saying nonsense. We were shown parts of it. You just sit and laugh at it ajrTyUs2jVE-00243-00132228-00132706 And these shows are shown in Russia every day ajrTyUs2jVE-00244-00132982-00133503 -If you return home, what will you do? -Why if? ajrTyUs2jVE-00245-00133560-00133691 -Who knows? This is life ajrTyUs2jVE-00246-00133727-00134368 Do you understand that this is luck that we're talking here together -I know that this is luck for me ajrTyUs2jVE-00247-00134368-00135110 -You're not in a packet -I'm not in a trench, I'm not a meal for pigs, but I could be ajrTyUs2jVE-00248-00135215-00135571 -Who knows? Maybe you won't be needed for Russia and won't be exchanged ajrTyUs2jVE-00249-00135571-00136200 -I had gotten 3 injuries and lied in grass for 3 days ajrTyUs2jVE-00250-00136200-00136927 -What kind of injuries? -Bullet wounds, shrapnel in leg area and buttock ajrTyUs2jVE-00251-00137041-00137148 -Did Ukrainians treat you? ajrTyUs2jVE-00252-00137348-00137623 -Then how? -I treated myself for a month ajrTyUs2jVE-00253-00137767-00138663 -But you were captured. How did you treat yourself? -I bandaged the wounds with whatever I had, random cloths ajrTyUs2jVE-00254-00138663-00139166 -Wait, you were captured in November -Yes, we invaded in September ajrTyUs2jVE-00255-00139166-00139672 In October this chaos began and in November I was captured ajrTyUs2jVE-00256-00139717-00139917 -What happened in October? ajrTyUs2jVE-00257-00140184-00140384 You were injured in October, right? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00258-00140495-00141336 -And? Did Russians not help you? -"We don't abandon ours!" They f*cked off ajrTyUs2jVE-00259-00141384-00141500 -Really? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00260-00141515-00141886 -And you were alone? -I was alone for a month, wandering ajrTyUs2jVE-00261-00142060-00142437 Well, after an injury I lied with the dead for some time ajrTyUs2jVE-00262-00142497-00142697 -For how many? -3 days ajrTyUs2jVE-00263-00142728-00143087 -Because you couldn't move, right? -Because I couldn't move my legs ajrTyUs2jVE-00264-00143225-00143772 You just can't get up or walk, the pain is too great ajrTyUs2jVE-00265-00143922-00144476 I lied and thought that a bit more and I'll join these guys ajrTyUs2jVE-00266-00144676-00145650 Then something in my head sparked. I broke branches, got up and walked off. I made crutches, kinda ajrTyUs2jVE-00267-00145665-00146216 I came back to where we were retreating from, nobody was there ajrTyUs2jVE-00268-00146468-00147216 -What did you eat? What remained from the MREs? -Yes, there was a lot ajrTyUs2jVE-00269-00147240-00147551 -And you sat there in one place, it then healed, right? -Yes ajrTyUs2jVE-00270-00147664-00149297 -How did AFU find you? -I was on that same position. One soldier comes by, doesn't see me, ajrTyUs2jVE-00271-00149297-00149497 the second comes by, he turns his head and that's it ajrTyUs2jVE-00272-00149697-00150548 -Did your legs heal by now? -Not fully yet, but I was limping a lot ajrTyUs2jVE-00273-00150548-00151129 -Did AFU help you then? -No help was needed, everything had been covered by scrab already ajrTyUs2jVE-00274-00151186-00151683 You just walk limping, no bleeding, nothing of disturbance ajBSGKXqokQ-00000-00000753-00001027 - The challenge of teaching this course, ajBSGKXqokQ-00001-00001027-00001335 because it has both this lecture component ajBSGKXqokQ-00002-00001335-00001621 where we talk about the concepts ajBSGKXqokQ-00003-00001621-00001823 that are involved in research methods, ajBSGKXqokQ-00004-00001823-00002010 and then it has the laboratory component ajBSGKXqokQ-00005-00002010-00002471 where those concepts are applied on particular projects. ajBSGKXqokQ-00006-00002471-00002723 The challenge is that the material ajBSGKXqokQ-00007-00002723-00003068 that's covered in lecture is actually somewhat dry ajBSGKXqokQ-00008-00003068-00003218 and the students find it ajBSGKXqokQ-00009-00003218-00003495 to be in and of itself unmotivating. ajBSGKXqokQ-00010-00003495-00003893 They really love the application portion of this, ajBSGKXqokQ-00011-00003893-00004178 but the actual learning of the concepts ajBSGKXqokQ-00012-00004178-00004303 isn't all that exciting. ajBSGKXqokQ-00013-00004303-00004687 And to be fair, the best way to learn these concepts ajBSGKXqokQ-00014-00004687-00004900 is really by applying them. ajBSGKXqokQ-00015-00004900-00005048 So, the students actually have a point. ajBSGKXqokQ-00016-00005058-00005278 I've read teaching evaluations that basically say, ajBSGKXqokQ-00017-00005278-00005432 we should have all lab. ajBSGKXqokQ-00018-00005433-00005739 And so this blended classroom approach ajBSGKXqokQ-00019-00005739-00006061 is actually a way to get it closer to having all lab ajBSGKXqokQ-00020-00006061-00006346 and to get them to have some additional practice ajBSGKXqokQ-00021-00006346-00006511 with some of the theoretical concepts ajBSGKXqokQ-00022-00006511-00006709 that we aren't actually addressing ajBSGKXqokQ-00023-00006709-00006911 directly in the lab component. akCRcvl36Ku-00001-00000244-00000713 Welcome to Ashland Community and Technical College's MIT 204: Medical akCRcvl36Ku-00002-00000713-00001073 Coding course. This online course is taught and designed by instructor and akCRcvl36Ku-00003-00001073-00001454 program coordinator, Janet Thompson, who is a recipient of the 2020 akCRcvl36Ku-00004-00001454-00002036 Blackboard Exemplary Course Program award. MIT 204 is an introductory course akCRcvl36Ku-00005-00002036-00002414 to the world of medical coding. Students learn about, and practice using, code akCRcvl36Ku-00006-00002414-00002948 systems for diagnosis, procedures and durable medical equipment. The course akCRcvl36Ku-00007-00002948-00003340 aims to replicate a real-world setting for instruction, using current events and akCRcvl36Ku-00008-00003340-00003677 case studies, similar to what would be encountered on the job as a medical akCRcvl36Ku-00009-00003677-00004244 coder. In this course tour, I will highlight three standout practices that akCRcvl36Ku-00010-00004244-00004637 helped form this exemplary course and give you a brief peek at the course akCRcvl36Ku-00011-00004637-00005276 design. The first standout practice is the use of varied assessment strategies; akCRcvl36Ku-00012-00005276-00005825 including self-assessment and diverse resources. The reason for this variety, akCRcvl36Ku-00013-00005825-00006236 in the words of instructor Thompson, "assessment is the only way a medical akCRcvl36Ku-00014-00006236-00006586 coder can improve skills". So, multiple opportunities are offered to guide the akCRcvl36Ku-00015-00006586-00007013 student through the course. Instructor Thompson requires students to complete a akCRcvl36Ku-00016-00007013-00007322 variety of assessments meant to prepare them for the certified professional akCRcvl36Ku-00017-00007322-00007778 coding exam,. Rather than simply relying on a few exams in the course, students go akCRcvl36Ku-00018-00007778-00008422 through multiple cycles of chapter self-checks, reviews and quizzes. Self- akCRcvl36Ku-00019-00008422-00008657 assessment and review assignments allow for multiple akCRcvl36Ku-00020-00008657-00008987 attempts, which prepare students for single attempt quizzes and exams. akCRcvl36Ku-00021-00008987-00009356 Questions are similar to what they find in the certified professional coding akCRcvl36Ku-00022-00009356-00009848 exam. Each week has a lesson plan document that includes several extra akCRcvl36Ku-00023-00009848-00010256 free learning resources such as YouTube videos and web articles pertaining to akCRcvl36Ku-00024-00010256-00010784 course topics. The course lesson plan documents guide students in each step akCRcvl36Ku-00025-00010784-00011132 they are to take to complete the week's learning activities and how the week's akCRcvl36Ku-00026-00011132-00011497 content relates to the bigger picture of course learning objectives and akCRcvl36Ku-00027-00011497-00012113 competencies. The second standout practice is how instructor Thompson akCRcvl36Ku-00028-00012113-00012535 developed a collaborative and authentic learning environment for her students. akCRcvl36Ku-00029-00012535-00012929 Instructor Thompson's motivation was to create collaborative research that akCRcvl36Ku-00030-00012929-00013418 builds real-world job skills. As future medical coders, the students must get in akCRcvl36Ku-00031-00013418-00013868 the habit of conducting good research when working on the job.The course akCRcvl36Ku-00032-00013868-00014240 requires students to participate regularly in online discussions; these akCRcvl36Ku-00033-00014240-00014552 are group-assigned discussions where students interact with a set of five to akCRcvl36Ku-00034-00014552-00014900 six peers throughout the course. Instructor Thompson included these, not akCRcvl36Ku-00035-00014900-00015188 only to build community in our online course, but also create authentic akCRcvl36Ku-00036-00015188-00015560 learning environments where students research assigned topics just as they akCRcvl36Ku-00037-00015560-00016069 would in order to be successful in their field. Professional medical coders have akCRcvl36Ku-00038-00016069-00016423 to consult with other colleagues, research medical conditions and akCRcvl36Ku-00039-00016423-00016715 procedures and work as a team when out in the field. akCRcvl36Ku-00040-00016715-00017123 This assignment aims to build the soft skills, research and writing skills akCRcvl36Ku-00041-00017123-00017636 needed in the medical coders' workplace. Additionally, students have the akCRcvl36Ku-00042-00017636-00018026 opportunity to attend weekly synchronous sessions with instructor Thompson and akCRcvl36Ku-00043-00018026-00018410 their peers via Blackboard Collaborate. Sessions are recorded and available to akCRcvl36Ku-00044-00018410-00018818 all students. These sessions were designed to allow for review and further akCRcvl36Ku-00045-00018818-00019310 discussion which allows deeper connection with instructor and peers. The akCRcvl36Ku-00046-00019310-00019622 third standout practice, I would like to highlight, is the care instructor akCRcvl36Ku-00047-00019622-00020072 Thompson took to build in a structure to ensure successful student progress. She akCRcvl36Ku-00048-00020072-00020462 accomplished this through formative assessment and associated individualized akCRcvl36Ku-00049-00020462-00021014 support. In instructor Thompson's view, medical coding can be a complex and akCRcvl36Ku-00050-00021014-00021422 confusing subject and this step is much needed to shape the direction of course akCRcvl36Ku-00051-00021422-00021823 lectures and learning activities. Throughout the course, akCRcvl36Ku-00052-00021823-00022225 instructor Thompson uses information gained from check-in surveys to create akCRcvl36Ku-00053-00022225-00022615 tailored student support. These surveys are used to individually communicate akCRcvl36Ku-00054-00022615-00022984 with students, set appointments for tutoring and also prompts the akCRcvl36Ku-00055-00022984-00023362 development of short review lectures to help students remediate concepts and akCRcvl36Ku-00056-00023362-00023845 skills. This targeted approach is essential for student progress and akCRcvl36Ku-00057-00023845-00024436 support. In summary, authentic skill building through collaboration, varied akCRcvl36Ku-00058-00024436-00024823 assessments and resources and targeted support, based on formative assessment, akCRcvl36Ku-00059-00024823-00025548 work together to build an exceptional learning environment for students. In the akCRcvl36Ku-00060-00025548-00026032 words of instructor Thompson, "the MIT 204 medical coding course aims to make akCRcvl36Ku-00061-00026032-00026362 learning fun and interactive while preparing students for a specific work akCRcvl36Ku-00062-00026362-00026857 industry". Her focus on applied authentic assessment that harnesses the sort of akCRcvl36Ku-00063-00026857-00027258 collaborative work commonly used in the field helped make this an exemplary akCRcvl36Ku-00064-00027258-00027491 course. amZjSJ35lTM-00001-00004155-00004869 The basic question we will ask today is “What are the characteristics of digitalization?”. amZjSJ35lTM-00002-00004869-00005513 Digital information and communication technologies, ICT as we know them today, are the result amZjSJ35lTM-00003-00005513-00005951 of a merger of three previously separated technological trait characteristics. amZjSJ35lTM-00004-00005951-00006329 On the one hand there is storage, information storage. amZjSJ35lTM-00005-00006329-00006800 Technology that goes back to the cave painting, school and books printing press was part of amZjSJ35lTM-00006-00006800-00007045 this technology directory. amZjSJ35lTM-00007-00007045-00007826 Second there are communication technologies that include also the beginning: smoke signals, amZjSJ35lTM-00008-00007826-00008075 pigeon pose, but also telegraph. amZjSJ35lTM-00009-00008075-00008783 And third of all computation technologies that include the abacus as one of the first amZjSJ35lTM-00010-00008783-00008932 manual calculator. amZjSJ35lTM-00011-00008932-00009801 And all of these three now merge on the informational bits, on the binary digits where the digitalization amZjSJ35lTM-00012-00009801-00009959 comes from. amZjSJ35lTM-00013-00009959-00010438 And we can seamlessly switch between one and the other functionality. amZjSJ35lTM-00014-00010438-00011025 Now the result of that are some very important characteristics with regard to the possibilities amZjSJ35lTM-00015-00011025-00011339 that we are nowadays have in information processing. amZjSJ35lTM-00016-00011339-00011874 Digital information has characteristics that are different from analog information processing. amZjSJ35lTM-00017-00011874-00012324 Analog means like everyday would not be digitalized. amZjSJ35lTM-00018-00012324-00012797 Understanding its characteristics is very useful because once you understand them you amZjSJ35lTM-00019-00012797-00013495 will be able to make inferences about what will happen if a specific sector of society amZjSJ35lTM-00020-00013495-00013843 starts to embrace digital information. amZjSJ35lTM-00021-00013843-00014466 These characteristics they occur when you put information into digital network. amZjSJ35lTM-00022-00014466-00014655 And that is what we will be talking about today. amZjSJ35lTM-00023-00014655-00015111 I enlisted here ten of them and these are the ten in which we will work with in today’s amZjSJ35lTM-00024-00015111-00015211 lecture. amZjSJ35lTM-00025-00015211-00015647 But that does not mean that these are the only ones, but at one point I had to stop amZjSJ35lTM-00026-00015647-00016102 and I think these are ten of the ten most important ones. amZjSJ35lTM-00027-00016102-00016472 So I will just now list them and then during the rest of the lecture we will go through amZjSJ35lTM-00028-00016472-00016653 them one by one. amZjSJ35lTM-00029-00016653-00017347 We will start with the Digital Footprint that is left behind when we process information amZjSJ35lTM-00030-00017347-00017454 in digital networks. amZjSJ35lTM-00031-00017454-00017865 Second, there is a phenomenal is called Timeless Time. amZjSJ35lTM-00032-00017865-00018375 Third, the Death of Distance occurs with having information in digital network. amZjSJ35lTM-00033-00018375-00018839 Fourth, there’s Poly-directionality information processing possible. amZjSJ35lTM-00034-00018839-00019497 Fifth, there is an inherent Network Structure when processing information in digital network. amZjSJ35lTM-00035-00019497-00019962 Sixth, there are Network Externalities which are far reaching effect with regards with amZjSJ35lTM-00036-00019962-00020095 economics spectrum. amZjSJ35lTM-00037-00020095-00020590 Seven, the Economies of Scale that arise from digital contents. amZjSJ35lTM-00038-00020590-00021424 Eighth, there’s a Media Richness Selection that you have the power of choosing when processing amZjSJ35lTM-00039-00021424-00021598 information in digital network. amZjSJ35lTM-00040-00021598-00021758 Ninth, there’s Exposure Selection. amZjSJ35lTM-00041-00021758-00022134 So you’re able to select how much you want to expose. amZjSJ35lTM-00042-00022134-00022615 And last but not least, there’s what I called Algorithmification, for the lack of a better amZjSJ35lTM-00043-00022615-00023315 word and that comes from the merger of computational directory together with the communication amZjSJ35lTM-00044-00023315-00023487 network directory. amZjSJ35lTM-00045-00023487-00024220 So we included artificial intelligence and pre-programmed algorithm into our information amZjSJ35lTM-00046-00024220-00024362 network logic. amZjSJ35lTM-00047-00024362-00024620 Let’s start with the first one, the Digital Footprint. amZjSJ35lTM-00048-00024620-00025448 Have a look at this video together basic notion of what it is all about… amZjSJ35lTM-00049-00025448-00026045 The Digital Footprint that is recorded with every digital step you take gives us very amZjSJ35lTM-00050-00026045-00026590 interesting insight about the behavior pattern of individuals like we’ve seen in this video amZjSJ35lTM-00051-00026590-00027024 but also about more birds I’ve used societal behavior pattern. amZjSJ35lTM-00052-00027024-00027524 For example, this animation here shows you that somebody on Twitter says: “Good morning” amZjSJ35lTM-00053-00027524-00027840 or “Buenos dias” “Bonjour…”. amZjSJ35lTM-00054-00027840-00028102 And you can now use this to study society. amZjSJ35lTM-00055-00028102-00028549 For example, this shows you very clearly that people on the east coast in the United States, amZjSJ35lTM-00056-00028549-00029047 they get up a couple of hours earlier on average than people on the west coast (and there’s amZjSJ35lTM-00057-00029047-00029487 nothing to do with the time difference, they really do get up earlier). amZjSJ35lTM-00058-00029487-00030072 The Digital Footprint you can think about that more like also really a footprint that amZjSJ35lTM-00059-00030072-00030714 is left behind because something that we learned a lot about after we have digital technology amZjSJ35lTM-00060-00030714-00030977 is human mobility. amZjSJ35lTM-00061-00030977-00031577 For example, if you check the right boxes on your Google account or rather, you do not amZjSJ35lTM-00062-00031577-00032183 check them, what Google shows you here is your entire mobility pattern for the last amZjSJ35lTM-00063-00032183-00032403 couple of months or years. amZjSJ35lTM-00064-00032403-00032924 You can see where you, or rather where your mobile phone has been during that time. amZjSJ35lTM-00065-00032924-00033547 For example, you can see here that on November 17th, I’ve been moving around Davis, around amZjSJ35lTM-00066-00033547-00033647 all Davis. amZjSJ35lTM-00067-00033647-00034041 I have no idea anymore of what I did on all of these different places but I obviously amZjSJ35lTM-00068-00034041-00034141 did. amZjSJ35lTM-00069-00034141-00034758 Then on November 25th, I traveled to Bonozydous (in Argentina) and I had to go through New amZjSJ35lTM-00070-00034758-00035021 York in order to go to Bonozydous. amZjSJ35lTM-00071-00035021-00035611 My wife even didn’t know that I had to change plans in New York but Google did. amZjSJ35lTM-00072-00035611-00036215 "5:56-11:11 Mentioning that, don’t necessarily show this trick to your significant other. amZjSJ35lTM-00073-00036215-00036538 And under no circumstances to your mom. amZjSJ35lTM-00074-00036538-00037667 Some very interesting conversations can arise after collective access to your digital footprint. amZjSJ35lTM-00075-00037667-00038231 The fact that it is so easy and so cheap to create this digital footprint has also led amZjSJ35lTM-00076-00038231-00038683 to the tendency that generally people say that well if you’re in doubt just record amZjSJ35lTM-00077-00038683-00038783 everything. amZjSJ35lTM-00078-00038783-00039363 For example, during the years 2014 and 15 there had been several incidents in the United amZjSJ35lTM-00079-00039363-00039955 States where there was serious doubt about the legal use of police force which led to amZjSJ35lTM-00080-00039955-00040439 big protests and uprising and the Unites States administration, what they did as a result, amZjSJ35lTM-00081-00040439-00040875 they just said well it’d be really in doubt and it’s not clear if police force was used amZjSJ35lTM-00082-00040875-00041043 according to the law or not. amZjSJ35lTM-00083-00041043-00041633 Let’s just record it so that led to the fact that nowadays many policemen wore these amZjSJ35lTM-00084-00041633-00042136 kind of body cams where they just basically record all of the actions since they’re amZjSJ35lTM-00085-00042136-00042464 public officials, the government just says well record it and then we can see did you amZjSJ35lTM-00086-00042464-00042758 stick to the law or not. amZjSJ35lTM-00087-00042758-00043127 You can personally all to use the digital footprint for example if you’re in a long amZjSJ35lTM-00088-00043127-00043861 lecture or in a business meeting, there are apps around that allow you to sit in the meeting amZjSJ35lTM-00089-00043861-00044383 and every time something interesting has been said, you just press the button and what the amZjSJ35lTM-00090-00044383-00044988 app does, it records the 15 seconds that just happened previously. amZjSJ35lTM-00091-00044988-00045254 Kind of funny right? amZjSJ35lTM-00092-00045254-00045640 Well technologically of course how that happens is the app always records everything and then amZjSJ35lTM-00093-00045640-00046133 you press the button, it does not delete the 15 seconds that previously just happened but amZjSJ35lTM-00094-00046133-00046699 with the result being that actually you can listen to a 3 hour business meeting or lecture amZjSJ35lTM-00095-00046699-00046849 and you just record the nuggets. amZjSJ35lTM-00096-00046849-00047209 After they’ve been said, we have a very concise very interesting summary. amZjSJ35lTM-00097-00047209-00047540 At the end, this is also based on the idea just record everything. amZjSJ35lTM-00098-00047540-00048147 One thing that’s very important to remember and what many people have a difficulty wrapping amZjSJ35lTM-00099-00048147-00048684 their mind around is that information actually always is physical and that leads to the fact amZjSJ35lTM-00100-00048684-00048888 that the digital footprint is actually inevitable. amZjSJ35lTM-00101-00048888-00049506 Information’s always physical, what I mean by that is it needs a medium to be realized. amZjSJ35lTM-00102-00049506-00050288 So for example, if you speak face to face to somebody, your mouth moves the air molecules amZjSJ35lTM-00103-00050288-00050716 which leads to waves and these airwaves, these molecules then hit the eardrum of the other amZjSJ35lTM-00104-00050716-00050931 person so there’s a physical carrier. amZjSJ35lTM-00105-00050931-00051240 When information is in digital format, there are different carriers. amZjSJ35lTM-00106-00051240-00051646 For example, be it the information’s represented in silicon. amZjSJ35lTM-00107-00051646-00052166 It could be that the information is represented in photons, in these light flashes that go amZjSJ35lTM-00108-00052166-00052717 through a fiber optic cable or through radio waves that go through the air and once these amZjSJ35lTM-00109-00052717-00053382 are received, they are then decodified by a decodification hardware and software so amZjSJ35lTM-00110-00053382-00054117 these are applications like MPEG, JPEG, mp3 and whatever you have. amZjSJ35lTM-00111-00054117-00054349 And at this moment, the information again is physical. amZjSJ35lTM-00112-00054349-00054597 It’s really physically there. amZjSJ35lTM-00113-00054597-00055004 So you have two options now, either you can tell it or delete it or you can just say well amZjSJ35lTM-00114-00055004-00055104 keep it. amZjSJ35lTM-00115-00055104-00055367 But actually it’s the other way around. amZjSJ35lTM-00116-00055367-00055867 It’s not like information is ? especially not in digital, when information is digital. amZjSJ35lTM-00117-00055867-00056510 It is really there and then you actually have to actively tell it to be deleted, otherwise amZjSJ35lTM-00118-00056510-00057087 you can just say stay there and just use some different space to decode the rest and to amZjSJ35lTM-00119-00057087-00057583 record the rest and if you have enough storage, you could just keep everything and keep the amZjSJ35lTM-00120-00057583-00057683 digital footprint. amZjSJ35lTM-00121-00057683-00058261 There are several webpages on the internet which I invite you to look up where you can amZjSJ35lTM-00122-00058261-00058862 inform yourself how difficult it actually is to delete your own digital footprint. amZjSJ35lTM-00123-00058862-00059332 The digital footprint that you left behind by using different services. amZjSJ35lTM-00124-00059332-00059876 Sometimes it is impossible to delete it even if you delete your account because you don’t amZjSJ35lTM-00125-00059876-00060107 own your digital footprint anymore. amZjSJ35lTM-00126-00060107-00060207 You gave it away. amZjSJ35lTM-00127-00060207-00060577 You know these little boxes that you always scroll down and at the end you say okay I amZjSJ35lTM-00128-00060577-00060766 agree. amZjSJ35lTM-00129-00060766-00061205 What most of them say they give us important information what happens with this digital amZjSJ35lTM-00130-00061205-00061911 footprint and in some services, online services that you use, you basically give your digital amZjSJ35lTM-00131-00061911-00062011 footprint away. amZjSJ35lTM-00132-00062011-00062630 And then the company can use it for the rest of eternity to trade with it, to sell it to amZjSJ35lTM-00133-00062630-00062730 other people. amZjSJ35lTM-00134-00062730-00063019 You don’t own it anymore so even if you delete your account, there’s nothing you amZjSJ35lTM-00135-00063019-00063131 can do. amZjSJ35lTM-00136-00063131-00063655 So it’s very important for all of us to be aware that we create this digital footprint amZjSJ35lTM-00137-00063655-00064367 and also to think about which kind of digital footprint we want to leave behind and where amZjSJ35lTM-00138-00064367-00064935 because you know the future can be pretty uncertain and who knows maybe in ten twenty amZjSJ35lTM-00139-00064935-00065563 years you would like to get a job with an employer or you might want to run for public amZjSJ35lTM-00140-00065563-00066219 office even if it’s only locally or you find a significant other who does not agree amZjSJ35lTM-00141-00066219-00066319 you know. amZjSJ35lTM-00142-00066319-00066950 There are many possibilities and uncertainties so we all want to be very aware about the amZjSJ35lTM-00143-00066950-00067088 digital footprint that we do leave behind. b0rEshyDuBk-00000-00000035-00000816 it's all good if they do.....and boom! we are live! b0rEshyDuBk-00001-00000816-00001367 o the picture looks even better in the...these phones man but hows it going Mr. Diaz b0rEshyDuBk-00002-00001367-00001575 beautiful beautiful scenery thank you for having me b0rEshyDuBk-00003-00001575-00002016 I can't wait lets see how many of your old students chime in here b0rEshyDuBk-00004-00002016-00002486 but yea just hanging out with Mr. Diaz, Mr. Diaz is a Spanish teacher at Evergreen Valley High b0rEshyDuBk-00005-00002486-00002922 School for those who don't know he's known me for far too many far too many b0rEshyDuBk-00006-00002922-00003453 years don't want to tell how many huh yes yes but what we are going to do to today is just b0rEshyDuBk-00007-00003453-00003879 be hanging out with Mr. Diaz just get to know him a little more and see what he's been up to b0rEshyDuBk-00008-00003879-00004421 so what up Mr. Diaz how are you oh doing well Roman hi give me the first day of b0rEshyDuBk-00009-00004421-00005037 school see that you always done for anybody enjoying I see Alan just joined b0rEshyDuBk-00010-00005037-00005634 he's kind of a Ju Jitsu coach from India he so he has no idea who mr. Diaz is for those b0rEshyDuBk-00011-00005634-00006153 who don't know aside from the many years you taught Spanish and as an educator in b0rEshyDuBk-00012-00006153-00007056 coach what else what's the schpeel whats the story well it first of b0rEshyDuBk-00013-00007056-00007454 all I love what I do I'm a creature and and I've been doing it for a long long b0rEshyDuBk-00014-00007454-00008064 time and I just finished your 16 and so looking forward to the next 16 so that's b0rEshyDuBk-00015-00008064-00008592 a very important point in my in my career and in my life ah but the thing b0rEshyDuBk-00016-00008592-00009153 that I do for what I do is that I try to not almost not sell it as it's not just an b0rEshyDuBk-00017-00009153-00009417 elective because a lot of people think oh its a foreign language its an b0rEshyDuBk-00018-00009417-00009872 elective something that I just kind of do but no it's a life skill b0rEshyDuBk-00019-00009872-00010175 and that's something that is very important something that b0rEshyDuBk-00020-00010175-00010452 differents going to broaden your horizons especially in California b0rEshyDuBk-00021-00010452-00010779 especially in California and that's something that I really try to implicate b0rEshyDuBk-00022-00010779-00011036 in the students is that yeah this is important this is something that could b0rEshyDuBk-00023-00011036-00011379 you know get you a job get you an interview this is something that you you b0rEshyDuBk-00024-00011379-00011711 know it's n used some other places that you need and think we're possible b0rEshyDuBk-00025-00011711-00012081 and so so that's that's my thing sister's a doctor she's an MD and it's b0rEshyDuBk-00026-00012081-00012521 almost like mandatory that they all minor in Spanish that correct thing b0rEshyDuBk-00027-00012521-00012930 because they understand that the greatest demographic in California is b0rEshyDuBk-00028-00012930-00013486 going to be Hispanic cuisine on what is exact perfect we're word yeah anywhere b0rEshyDuBk-00029-00013486-00013837 doesn't work but but I mean you can just spanish when you go to Barcelona etc but b0rEshyDuBk-00030-00013837-00014094 I think their main purpose is you know they don't have to bring in a translator b0rEshyDuBk-00031-00014094-00014466 every time they have a patient and so forth they better at least be fluent in b0rEshyDuBk-00032-00014466-00014826 some type of Spanish at the least right if any language to be able to deal with b0rEshyDuBk-00033-00014826-00015301 people a lot you know far as Michael Martinez what up Michael if I'm not b0rEshyDuBk-00034-00015301-00015522 mistaken probably when your students you're b0rEshyDuBk-00035-00015522-00015862 telling me earlier how many students do you think oh well talk about the power b0rEshyDuBk-00036-00015862-00016356 of names oh my head is nineteen fifteen sixteen years total I'll just finish b0rEshyDuBk-00037-00016356-00016714 here for year 14 at evergreen so I was I was doing numbers this morning thinking like b0rEshyDuBk-00038-00016714-00017197 how many students how I come in contact and it's over 2,100 students at least b0rEshyDuBk-00039-00017197-00017512 during the years that I coach the you know you kind of add those and all the b0rEshyDuBk-00040-00017512-00017839 actives that are done when I've been advisor when I've been doing clubs a b0rEshyDuBk-00041-00017839-00018247 class advisor and so it's a lot of people and so that's another cool thing b0rEshyDuBk-00042-00018247-00018723 that I live in this community and so I I was just a couple days ago I was playing b0rEshyDuBk-00043-00018723-00019051 soccer with some of my former students it's really happy that I didn't get b0rEshyDuBk-00044-00019051-00019354 injured haha happy or else also that they have b0rEshyDuBk-00045-00019354-00019654 been invited because I think that does that's what it's important to me that we b0rEshyDuBk-00046-00019654-00019891 like that we're still part of the community and the students kind of think b0rEshyDuBk-00047-00019891-00020113 like oh going to play some soccer I thought that mr. Diaz can play some b0rEshyDuBk-00048-00020113-00020538 soccer he can at least bring some oranges or something so I could do the b0rEshyDuBk-00049-00020538-00021037 role waterboy you jumped in on our alumni basketball alumni games too b0rEshyDuBk-00050-00021037-00021565 man we got so many stories we could talk for days but as far as I remember b0rEshyDuBk-00051-00021565-00022023 so you grew up in Columbia I'm an ask what I don't even know so b0rEshyDuBk-00052-00022023-00022441 you grew up in in Columbia so yeah so I grew up in Columbia I came to the United b0rEshyDuBk-00053-00022441-00022920 States when I was 17 years old and I might limit how very limited knowledge b0rEshyDuBk-00054-00022920-00023176 of English and I'm still learning English is a very difficult language to b0rEshyDuBk-00055-00023176-00023494 learn and so I think that my students appreciate that that the fact that I'm b0rEshyDuBk-00056-00023494-00023965 learning right now I'm also trying to learn Vietnamese and world woah which b0rEshyDuBk-00057-00023965-00024394 is very very difficult I can't imagine I've looked at lessons 1-5 like 20 times b0rEshyDuBk-00058-00024394-00024838 so I feel when I'm stuck I need to go back and kind of review that but I'm b0rEshyDuBk-00059-00024838-00025188 learning so I came here when I was 17 I went to high school in Virginia went to b0rEshyDuBk-00060-00025188-00025672 high school and Falls Church Virginia okay then I went into the military I b0rEshyDuBk-00061-00025672-00026058 wasn't any US maybe for five years right god I remember into the person golf b0rEshyDuBk-00062-00026058-00026433 visited many many countries I had the opportunity to travel when b0rEshyDuBk-00063-00026433-00026958 in the Navy then I went to college in Indiana I have a bachelors in secondary b0rEshyDuBk-00064-00026958-00027339 education Spanish I also learned Portuguese when I was in college so I b0rEshyDuBk-00065-00027339-00027888 speak Portuguese somewhat fluent I think okay that's a tough thing is you know if b0rEshyDuBk-00066-00027888-00028360 you don't use it you is correct yeah so that's that's the challenge there so we b0rEshyDuBk-00067-00028360-00028920 got Michael saying something Randy yeah Michael saying what up mr. Diaz like b0rEshyDuBk-00068-00028920-00029368 when is recently changed my last name okay just want to say hello what up b0rEshyDuBk-00069-00029368-00029731 Michael hello Michael Oh we go way back with Michael - I think b0rEshyDuBk-00070-00029731-00030066 that only made dinner so I hope I think I saw him the other day and say you know b0rEshyDuBk-00071-00030066-00030430 we need to get to get together they came and they mow my lawn this was many years b0rEshyDuBk-00072-00030430-00030907 ago when I had it alone you know since I got grass in her backyard but it is b0rEshyDuBk-00073-00030907-00031351 really cool I just said I was down downtown and I run into one of my former b0rEshyDuBk-00074-00031351-00031918 students Vincent right from I think it's all six or seven oh so funny I ran to b0rEshyDuBk-00075-00031918-00032476 your target and your daughter says like Oh surprise dad runs into somebody she b0rEshyDuBk-00076-00032476-00032841 the cutest she's like yo you know too many people she said something along it b0rEshyDuBk-00077-00032841-00033418 was like yeah my children have not adapted to that yet and so you know it's b0rEshyDuBk-00078-00033418-00034075 a work in progress with them exactly I think somebody said to me Oh mr. Diaz b0rEshyDuBk-00079-00034075-00034522 teaches Spanish housing so popular why is it so popular but I think it's much b0rEshyDuBk-00080-00034522-00035086 more than Spanish honest to god I think I got a B once got to see once and if b0rEshyDuBk-00081-00035086-00035362 you ask me you know I studied hard for your test but you asked me what I b0rEshyDuBk-00082-00035362-00035983 learned today on my because you have to actually jump in so I use it but the b0rEshyDuBk-00083-00035983-00036499 relationship I built with you was much more than just Spanish you know it was b0rEshyDuBk-00084-00036499-00036862 kind of the you know the out-of-classroom the life stuff the b0rEshyDuBk-00085-00036862-00037255 being comfortable being able to talk to you and I think it's kind of a mutual b0rEshyDuBk-00086-00037255-00037900 respect to you being in the Navy serving right in the Persian Gulf and that part b0rEshyDuBk-00087-00037900-00038221 was probably you have to do a lot of traveling after that right after b0rEshyDuBk-00088-00038221-00038566 Stanford so yeah so I came through California to go to Stanford graduate b0rEshyDuBk-00089-00038566-00039046 school I came to do a PhD in policy analysis my goal was to be a professor b0rEshyDuBk-00090-00039046-00039430 and after I finished my course work after two years decided that that wasn't b0rEshyDuBk-00091-00039430-00039740 really had in mine you know I was the first one b0rEshyDuBk-00092-00039740-00040074 to go to college in my family so I had no idea even what guy just was going to b0rEshyDuBk-00093-00040074-00040428 be like and so I already had a degree in teaching I said you know that's that's b0rEshyDuBk-00094-00040428-00040881 always been my passion and so I came out of a graduate program I finished with a b0rEshyDuBk-00095-00040881-00041303 master's and so I came and start teaching in sunnyvale middle school so I b0rEshyDuBk-00096-00041303-00041490 taught middle school sixth grade for a couple years b0rEshyDuBk-00097-00041490-00041781 okay and then I had the opportunity to come to this new school that nobody knew b0rEshyDuBk-00098-00041781-00042306 well okay then I had the opportunity hi yes I was a and so I came to Evergreen b0rEshyDuBk-00099-00042306-00042756 and I've been here ever since and I will probably retire from Evergreen so that's b0rEshyDuBk-00100-00042756-00043121 what I'm looking forward to you know in the distant future I ran into the b0rEshyDuBk-00101-00043121-00043637 planning principal at a Parkinson's walk recently and only he knows he was kind b0rEshyDuBk-00102-00043637-00044025 of the planning principle I mean for people who don't know it was pretty b0rEshyDuBk-00103-00044025-00044502 crazy it was pretty easy mr. Diaz sporting his VHS oh yeah I noticed a lot b0rEshyDuBk-00104-00044502-00044868 of stuff that has cougar stuff on by the circle is a cool experience to be a part b0rEshyDuBk-00105-00044868-00045243 of I think for the kids but I don't know what kind of nightmare was for you guys b0rEshyDuBk-00106-00045243-00045906 but 2004 we got half the kids in portables at Silver Creek yeah I have to b0rEshyDuBk-00107-00045906-00046293 kick that portables and Mount Pleasant for what the first half of the first b0rEshyDuBk-00108-00046293-00046763 year or something along the right yeah yeah and then then we finally made our b0rEshyDuBk-00109-00046763-00047369 transition over to this brand-new school and they had some some wise ideas like b0rEshyDuBk-00110-00047369-00047891 giving the controversial movie I talked to mr. also was that giving laptops to b0rEshyDuBk-00111-00047891-00048237 every single student I'm sure admit that made all the other I b0rEshyDuBk-00112-00048237-00048918 kid also feel great that didn't that didn't last too long yeah that laptop b0rEshyDuBk-00113-00048918-00049250 for every student I think that was it was a good idea I think that it wasn't b0rEshyDuBk-00114-00049250-00049794 fully developed it was a pure poor execution I think and so because you b0rEshyDuBk-00115-00049794-00050177 can't just like give somebody something and be like you use it and figure out b0rEshyDuBk-00116-00050177-00050490 how to do this and so there wasn't really a whole house keeping process b0rEshyDuBk-00117-00050490-00050949 correct yeah the repairs I was in evident at all and you know and they b0rEshyDuBk-00118-00050949-00051326 look into the finances because you know technology gets outdated quite quickly b0rEshyDuBk-00119-00051326-00051764 so there just didn't look down the road but I did like the small school concept b0rEshyDuBk-00120-00051764-00052346 and in the sense that you were with your own group so you had yes you had a b0rEshyDuBk-00121-00052346-00052602 smaller group you got to know your students a lot better and I think that's b0rEshyDuBk-00122-00052602-00052851 what Michael comes saying not because Michael was one of those kids back in b0rEshyDuBk-00123-00052851-00052917 the day you b0rEshyDuBk-00124-00052917-00053466 that you know that you got to know and in every teacher I had a group that they b0rEshyDuBk-00125-00053466-00053812 advice and the idea was that you were supposed to move up with them so that b0rEshyDuBk-00126-00053812-00054169 kind of played the role the counselors which is hard because you know we don't b0rEshyDuBk-00127-00054169-00054625 get you know counseling is a separate profession and so I like the idea and so b0rEshyDuBk-00128-00054625-00054904 I take the group even though they didn't have foreign language is one of the b0rEshyDuBk-00129-00054904-00055222 people that could pick it but I wanted to be part of the community that's b0rEshyDuBk-00130-00055222-00055639 always been my idea is that are we thinking of the same thing the so they b0rEshyDuBk-00131-00055639-00056098 did basically they divided it up into four schools or school yes so we you b0rEshyDuBk-00132-00056098-00056545 know had like certain uh one was global economy remember one is human something b0rEshyDuBk-00133-00056545-00056895 yeah humanities humanities but yeah but essentially they're gonna have the same b0rEshyDuBk-00134-00056895-00057211 requirements obviously to graduate still and then through that you were assigned b0rEshyDuBk-00135-00057211-00057532 a group which you're talking correct so anyway you Atlanta group for thinking b0rEshyDuBk-00136-00057532-00057919 like 20 or 30 kids and you will see them every day and you advise them and so b0rEshyDuBk-00137-00057919-00058216 that was that's what you got to know the students on this days you know that's a b0rEshyDuBk-00138-00058216-00058612 much more difficult to do because we have grown so so large chain but to our b0rEshyDuBk-00139-00058612-00058975 credit we mean we were trying trying to be very experimental maybe maybe too b0rEshyDuBk-00140-00058975-00059287 experimental it was a good idea I think I think it b0rEshyDuBk-00141-00059287-00059601 would be great if we could it we could have developed it more and keep it going b0rEshyDuBk-00142-00059601-00060100 but it's always been a great community I love a love where I live I love being b0rEshyDuBk-00143-00060100-00060541 involved I love them my children go to our schools so I'm a strong believer in b0rEshyDuBk-00144-00060541-00061087 public education my little girls on Mill Brook right now and I won't name because b0rEshyDuBk-00145-00061087-00061533 you're probably killing when she sees down this down the road my son is going b0rEshyDuBk-00146-00061533-00061830 to go to Quimby and then a couple years lady's going to come to Evergreen with b0rEshyDuBk-00147-00061830-00062215 me and so I love I love being part of the community and I think that I grew up b0rEshyDuBk-00148-00062215-00062614 in Columbia and at a time where teachers were really integral part of the b0rEshyDuBk-00149-00062614-00062950 community I mean that was you saw them all the time it wasn't like they were b0rEshyDuBk-00150-00062950-00063349 just this people just came to your classroom and then left and so we will b0rEshyDuBk-00151-00063349-00063732 you know we'll see them on the market we'll see my the movies you see I was a b0rEshyDuBk-00152-00063732-00064123 soccer game and so I try to kind of replicate that because I feel like my b0rEshyDuBk-00153-00064123-00064377 teachers in Columbia we're really part of the community they b0rEshyDuBk-00154-00064377-00064672 really were involved in a lot of the projects and and so I like that I b0rEshyDuBk-00155-00064672-00064989 remember the other day you you call me and say I'm suggest I got this project b0rEshyDuBk-00156-00064989-00065485 with the San Jose was a salsa project of the project your nonprofit and so I I b0rEshyDuBk-00157-00065485-00065920 love hearing that I love being part of that because I know they divert the b0rEshyDuBk-00158-00065920-00066185 you know that's that's almost a responsibility that we have if we are b0rEshyDuBk-00159-00066185-00066526 members of this community we need to find a way to contribute and to make b0rEshyDuBk-00160-00066526-00066929 this community better and so it's not totally altruistic for me because I have b0rEshyDuBk-00161-00066929-00067276 something to gain and that is you know that my kids grow up in and an awesome b0rEshyDuBk-00162-00067276-00067661 community I love going out for walks late at night and kind of looking around b0rEshyDuBk-00163-00067661-00068011 and thinking like this is this is an amazing place to live and so I work very b0rEshyDuBk-00164-00068011-00068395 hard to make sure that evergreen high school is the best that it can be not b0rEshyDuBk-00165-00068395-00068644 just for you know my children but you know who everybody who is in the b0rEshyDuBk-00166-00068644-00068917 community right a lot of people come out of these great middle schools like b0rEshyDuBk-00167-00068917-00069301 Quimby oaks your boya and for that reason they think okay we immediately b0rEshyDuBk-00168-00069301-00069619 lose a lot of people to different private schools but I think people b0rEshyDuBk-00169-00069619-00070033 completely gave evergreen a chance to be very surprised as the you know for b0rEshyDuBk-00170-00070033-00070354 public school we shouldn't have to say that for a public school right don't b0rEshyDuBk-00171-00070354-00070711 even have to say that it's a it's a great school and I think surrounded by a b0rEshyDuBk-00172-00070711-00071449 very diverse in a great place but so you gave a coaching try a little bit with b0rEshyDuBk-00173-00071449-00071749 that yeah soccer I'll but the key here is I can b0rEshyDuBk-00174-00071749-00072248 relate to this where you did it also in Oh for so during a time where b0rEshyDuBk-00175-00072248-00072664 it's crazy you talk about chemistry and like Bassel what I went through was you b0rEshyDuBk-00176-00072664-00073085 got basically kids in eighth grade summer they're going into freshman year b0rEshyDuBk-00177-00073085-00073612 we have some sophomores and you got to have a varsity team and you've got to b0rEshyDuBk-00178-00073612-00074020 have a JV team and in some sports I mean it's doable when you think about b0rEshyDuBk-00179-00074020-00074275 football you think about wrestling you're like okay we can get these kids b0rEshyDuBk-00180-00074275-00074791 killed right yes yeah but and the beauty of it is like anything in life we get b0rEshyDuBk-00181-00074791-00075179 our butts we get our butts whipped but then anytime you start we all hit our b0rEshyDuBk-00182-00075179-00075616 junior year no seniors but we've been the same group essential right which you b0rEshyDuBk-00183-00075616-00076111 don't get in any other high school people move on then all of a sudden in b0rEshyDuBk-00184-00076111-00076444 basketball we should be started winning it and we started turning heads and b0rEshyDuBk-00185-00076444-00076766 people trying to understand why and essentially it was chemistry we had b0rEshyDuBk-00186-00076766-00077125 quite around each other and then the game of soccer of course chemistry b0rEshyDuBk-00187-00077125-00077536 packed the past oh definitely I we went through the same process because you're b0rEshyDuBk-00188-00077536-00077941 right I mean we have kids who were very young and so in our third year we won b0rEshyDuBk-00189-00077941-00078373 the championship also that ogre that year and and it was in a reminding me I b0rEshyDuBk-00190-00078373-00078749 was thinking about it this morning I mean we want to know I know seven it was b0rEshyDuBk-00191-00078749-00079162 a seven-year said we won the championship and so three four years b0rEshyDuBk-00192-00079162-00079492 down the road we started and it was really interest as b0rEshyDuBk-00193-00079492-00079939 he remained Emil speaking of basketball the Pistons of 2004 where they didn't b0rEshyDuBk-00194-00079939-00080395 have any superstars yes they wanted the worm they didn't run and they were kind b0rEshyDuBk-00195-00080395-00080770 of like where these people and so that's that's the that's kind of the idea that b0rEshyDuBk-00196-00080770-00081433 we had a team that we work together Alejandra Moises Senor Diaz it was a and b0rEshyDuBk-00197-00081433-00082012 so I love that you know and and coaching brought a lot of joy a lot of pride not b0rEshyDuBk-00198-00082012-00082354 in a neighborhood because that's you know when we made it to CCS we'll go and b0rEshyDuBk-00199-00082354-00082699 play with the private schools and they they have a different pool that can they b0rEshyDuBk-00200-00082699-00083242 can select from basically the whole the whole city and outside the city so for a b0rEshyDuBk-00201-00083242-00083548 neighborhood team to be successful that was that was pretty cool I was pretty b0rEshyDuBk-00202-00083548-00083980 new but you know another have children and I couldn't dedicate time to do to b0rEshyDuBk-00203-00083980-00084430 soccer get coaching it's a lot of time and I underestimated a la effort I b0rEshyDuBk-00204-00084430-00084850 helped out Fernandez at Andrew hill when I had when I came back and I like okay b0rEshyDuBk-00205-00084850-00085180 it'll be an assistant coaching gig it'll be it'll be fine I could do that in b0rEshyDuBk-00206-00085180-00085685 balance to Johnson it was in an insane commitment right b0rEshyDuBk-00207-00085685-00086038 aside from traveling I mean you get your practice schedule because so many things b0rEshyDuBk-00208-00086038-00086488 and it got to a point where you have to kind of be honest with yourself right b0rEshyDuBk-00209-00086488-00086779 and that I think that was my biggest problem early on if you think you're b0rEshyDuBk-00210-00086779-00087229 being productive by doing so many things but essentially I've learned that you're b0rEshyDuBk-00211-00087229-00087610 spreading yourself thin you're not gonna have to have the patience of mind to b0rEshyDuBk-00212-00087610-00088114 actually pick one thing and dig that hole and hand do it well but for us b0rEshyDuBk-00213-00088114-00088466 today I'm like wait I'm just gonna do one thing I can do that I can do this b0rEshyDuBk-00214-00088466-00088798 we're in a multi tasking work yeah yeah yeah but what happens is you end up b0rEshyDuBk-00215-00088798-00089368 being crappy at all of them right and that was the biggest I think kind of b0rEshyDuBk-00216-00089368-00089905 turnaround for me and important for everybody else who agrees out there so b0rEshyDuBk-00217-00089905-00090295 swollen experience that a Stanford like you like that you're fresh out the Navy b0rEshyDuBk-00218-00090295-00090976 well I have I got to Indiana University for and so when I came to Stanford it b0rEshyDuBk-00219-00090976-00091290 was a lot of work but I think that I work very hard to get into Stanford b0rEshyDuBk-00220-00091290-00091873 because you know they have really high standards and I have experience doing b0rEshyDuBk-00221-00091873-00092212 research so when I came so it wasn't an answer like a fish out of water can b0rEshyDuBk-00222-00092212-00092566 experience right another level yeah I was a completely different level b0rEshyDuBk-00223-00092566-00092947 and you know the expectations that they had there is that you'll be working you b0rEshyDuBk-00224-00092947-00093364 know 20 hours a day and then it seems like hyperbole but it truly that's kind b0rEshyDuBk-00225-00093364-00093688 of like you married to the program right because that's the kind of level b0rEshyDuBk-00226-00093688-00094099 commitment that they want and that you have to pursue and so after doing that b0rEshyDuBk-00227-00094099-00094564 for to two years I didn't feel like I wanted I just wasn't getting back what I b0rEshyDuBk-00228-00094564-00094810 thought I was going to get back and through and that's one you have to b0rEshyDuBk-00229-00094810-00095125 really analyze and say you know is this what I really want do I want to do this b0rEshyDuBk-00230-00095125-00095416 for the rest of my life and oh this is this is deciding with the PhD in b0rEshyDuBk-00231-00095416-00095809 corrects I don't wear my gender before I got it right in my teases I just thought b0rEshyDuBk-00232-00095809-00096220 nah I just don't think that this is what I want to do and also when you when you b0rEshyDuBk-00233-00096220-00096631 become a professor at the beginning you have to travel a lot you have to go to b0rEshyDuBk-00234-00096631-00096919 different places different states because they give you a just a two-year b0rEshyDuBk-00235-00096919-00097228 contract a three-year contract it's kind of like being in the military and I b0rEshyDuBk-00236-00097228-00097516 really didn't want that you just got out of that from the major break and i b0rEshyDuBk-00237-00097516-00097870 Persian Gulf yeah I just got out of that up because of that and I did you have to b0rEshyDuBk-00238-00097870-00098461 kid at the time when I was a stamp or my son was just born so I just take off b0rEshyDuBk-00239-00098461-00098947 yeah as our challenge and so yeah it changes everything I'm sure right it was b0rEshyDuBk-00240-00098947-00099445 a great institution I learned a lot from that and I think that you know you learn b0rEshyDuBk-00241-00099445-00099931 from all the experiences you have and you know having a degree from Stanford b0rEshyDuBk-00242-00099931-00100444 in these areas is valuable to a lot of people and grew but but for me that b0rEshyDuBk-00243-00100444-00100864 doesn't really define who I am I think that my actions and how you know I b0rEshyDuBk-00244-00100864-00101221 conduct myself and invitations that I set for myself or my students so you b0rEshyDuBk-00245-00101221-00101458 were talking about what I said to students in the first day is that my b0rEshyDuBk-00246-00101458-00101767 still owes always been that you're going to work really hard for whatever grade b0rEshyDuBk-00247-00101767-00102061 you get because I think that's what's important I think that you are high b0rEshyDuBk-00248-00102061-00102478 right yeah yeah you from the day one a geography yeah b0rEshyDuBk-00249-00102478-00102850 no because you work hard there's no way I'm not hiding that that work hard and b0rEshyDuBk-00250-00102850-00103335 DNA achieve a level of a high level success and so that's the thing that I b0rEshyDuBk-00251-00103335-00103686 am very clear is that I said I'm going to work hard for you and that's a good b0rEshyDuBk-00252-00103686-00104029 thing and a bad thing because you know if I'm working hard - practitioners that b0rEshyDuBk-00253-00104029-00104484 you will do the same in Greece you remember a question what do you think b0rEshyDuBk-00254-00104484-00105052 about the standardized tests and that whole shindig I mean I I interesting I b0rEshyDuBk-00255-00105052-00105448 think that we'd ever so much energy do to those things and b0rEshyDuBk-00256-00105448-00105844 it really takes away from the learning process indicator we get rid of it I get b0rEshyDuBk-00257-00105844-00106246 rid of that high school exit exam bull stuff oh crap how's it going uh yeah I b0rEshyDuBk-00258-00106246-00106522 think that what that's being faced out here for I think that we we got out of b0rEshyDuBk-00259-00106522-00106963 that any for us we get so jaded about it it's kind of like oh here's another b0rEshyDuBk-00260-00106963-00107389 round of testing we're going to lose X amount of days I gave Reno on this and b0rEshyDuBk-00261-00107389-00107695 so from what I wanted to call right from the things that I want to do is things b0rEshyDuBk-00262-00107695-00108097 that I think are important for my students and so my goal for me is to try b0rEshyDuBk-00263-00108097-00108502 to you know provide a strong foundation so even if you don't practice it every b0rEshyDuBk-00264-00108502-00108904 day we're ready for it right there you have the opportunity again I have so b0rEshyDuBk-00265-00108904-00109228 many students that come back to me years down the road and say I didn't realize b0rEshyDuBk-00266-00109228-00109692 how much I remember I went to para ye and you know I was in Cabo and I just b0rEshyDuBk-00267-00109692-00110036 had a student just last year who said you know I was at post office and b0rEshyDuBk-00268-00110036-00110508 ephemeral and he didn't help filling out their passport forms and I was able to b0rEshyDuBk-00269-00110508-00110841 help them and I integration I understood what they were saying to me and I was b0rEshyDuBk-00270-00110841-00111190 able to communicate so that's really cool I'm glad that's that's one of the b0rEshyDuBk-00271-00111190-00111654 things that really kind of makes my day when I go all right I'm done missing and b0rEshyDuBk-00272-00111654-00111982 I just want them to I want everyone to like see that at the beginning but you b0rEshyDuBk-00273-00111982-00112390 know when value at expiry go and you know I'm just going to try and get in a b0rEshyDuBk-00274-00112390-00112809 and so that's what I try to do China sailors the skill that is really really b0rEshyDuBk-00275-00112809-00113217 quickly how with language you got to dive in you got to be thrown b0rEshyDuBk-00276-00113217-00113623 in the water correct you say that's the quickest way to know if you learn that b0rEshyDuBk-00277-00113623-00113944 well you need a foundation like what you need a foundation I think it has to make b0rEshyDuBk-00278-00113944-00114301 sense because I think that when you are really young you can you can can b0rEshyDuBk-00279-00114301-00114636 interpret meeting from that well as you get older things don't come as easy b0rEshyDuBk-00280-00114636-00115063 believe me to me learning tenor to learn Vietnamese my age says I should just b0rEshyDuBk-00281-00115063-00115420 started you know three decades ago before they could say go but everybody b0rEshyDuBk-00282-00115420-00115807 nice manage sucks but I went to board Barcelona visa all that for about two b0rEshyDuBk-00283-00115807-00116269 weeks when I was done about there I was like man I I picked up some Spanish and b0rEshyDuBk-00284-00116269-00116665 but before I before actually got there would have been like no chance correct b0rEshyDuBk-00285-00116665-00117007 another really cool thing is that this is this is a tool this is something that b0rEshyDuBk-00286-00117007-00117336 you could really use and it's something that is going to really provide you with b0rEshyDuBk-00287-00117336-00117613 a lot of opportunities not just in a professional field but on the personal b0rEshyDuBk-00288-00117613-00118102 field mean I have students who are dating people from you know Argentina or b0rEshyDuBk-00289-00118102-00118509 Spain and they able to communicate they go be the families when they come on b0rEshyDuBk-00290-00118509-00118996 yeah and it provides a different perspective but you know learning is b0rEshyDuBk-00291-00118996-00119350 always something that is so cool and so that's that's why I teach because I feel b0rEshyDuBk-00292-00119350-00119533 like any I want to be learning all the time b0rEshyDuBk-00293-00119533-00120025 yeah that's what's really fascinated me too I was reading this this this pyramid b0rEshyDuBk-00294-00120025-00120496 that simulate the reading is actually one of the the least ways to actually b0rEshyDuBk-00295-00120496-00120858 learn the top of the pillar was simulation as in like video games b0rEshyDuBk-00296-00120858-00121216 depending on what you're doing if you're a pilot pilots have those pilots and b0rEshyDuBk-00297-00121216-00121683 leaders and then second to the first was obviously actually doing correct all b0rEshyDuBk-00298-00121683-00122085 right um so it doesn't matter what it is this was Robert Kiyosaki he was a b0rEshyDuBk-00299-00122085-00122464 cash-flow board game you created kind of like aha monopoly because it says the b0rEshyDuBk-00300-00122464-00122767 highest way to learn is actually simulate if you can if it's something b0rEshyDuBk-00301-00122767-00123261 that's go right away and that reading is actually at the bottom above that was b0rEshyDuBk-00302-00123261-00123723 actually writing things out but that's always just fascinated me of the pillars b0rEshyDuBk-00303-00123723-00124120 of that so I'm soccer soccer didn't hurt you too much b0rEshyDuBk-00304-00124120-00124683 I remember you being sore a few times getting in there with them let's see so b0rEshyDuBk-00305-00124683-00125365 I wanted to ask you why exactly Spanish out of all the languages obviously b0rEshyDuBk-00306-00125365-00125749 you're from from Colombia it was true you you but but I guess I'm an b0rEshyDuBk-00307-00125749-00126300 articulate si deep-level you felt the strongest well I when I went to college b0rEshyDuBk-00308-00126300-00126810 I had no idea what I wanted to be I mean I think that a lot of people know I'm b0rEshyDuBk-00309-00126810-00127359 sure like a go that have a meal on here so no idea but for me I really had no b0rEshyDuBk-00310-00127359-00127807 clue I was always very interested in working with people I knew that so I b0rEshyDuBk-00311-00127807-00128211 knew that much so I I contemplated you know going to medical school but then I b0rEshyDuBk-00312-00128211-00128539 was like oh my and it's going to be a long time he's you know because I didn't b0rEshyDuBk-00313-00128539-00128983 graduate from high school which is interesting and so when I went to the b0rEshyDuBk-00314-00128983-00129163 Navy without having a high school diploma b0rEshyDuBk-00315-00129163-00129538 I got a GED while I was in the Navy and they not that's how I got to college and b0rEshyDuBk-00316-00129538-00130069 so so education you know my formative years you know I wasn't a really good b0rEshyDuBk-00317-00130069-00130396 student as I could have been but when I got to college after being in the Navy I b0rEshyDuBk-00318-00130396-00130804 realized that that I could be really good at this I was really good at b0rEshyDuBk-00319-00130804-00131247 learning I liked learning and so after being in the military culture super easy b0rEshyDuBk-00320-00131247-00131679 the I remember when I was signing out for classes that you you have to be 12 b0rEshyDuBk-00321-00131679-00132204 hours 12 credits to be full-time and you could go up to 20 so I will take 20 b0rEshyDuBk-00322-00132204-00132666 credits because it was the same price and so I love that I love that you could b0rEshyDuBk-00323-00132666-00132942 go and you take the classes that you want in something that was interesting I b0rEshyDuBk-00324-00132942-00133431 took a lot of classes for fun like I took bowling twice so every time we go b0rEshyDuBk-00325-00133431-00133857 bowling with family I just I just kill everybody types of classes your finger b0rEshyDuBk-00326-00133857-00134286 family your wife's a teacher my wife's also an educator yeah is that what is b0rEshyDuBk-00327-00134286-00134589 that like people always say you know when you have the same occupation it's b0rEshyDuBk-00328-00134589-00134865 not a good thing but I'm sure what teachers it's a lot different knows it b0rEshyDuBk-00329-00134865-00135138 that's when you put you know like two doctors in the household is not a good b0rEshyDuBk-00330-00135138-00135357 thing that type of thing how's it been for you b0rEshyDuBk-00331-00135357-00135711 I'm sure it only makes you better oh I think that for us it's worked out b0rEshyDuBk-00332-00135711-00136185 quite well actually because I think that we get to understand each other's day b0rEshyDuBk-00333-00136185-00136617 well you know when you go and you and you say oh I had to had a hard day and b0rEshyDuBk-00334-00136617-00136977 you can explain it in words but I think when you explain each other you're like b0rEshyDuBk-00335-00136977-00137424 okay okay my day but my day was about a choice and so in comparison you know my b0rEshyDuBk-00336-00137424-00137784 day was good no but I always have so many so many good experiences so not b0rEshyDuBk-00337-00137784-00138660 really a lot of bad day three see oh hey hey oh really Ricci and so so we we talk b0rEshyDuBk-00338-00138660-00138996 shop I mean and so I you know at the end of the day when you know the kids are b0rEshyDuBk-00339-00138996-00139356 put to bed are they you know they get read to you know which is kind of like b0rEshyDuBk-00340-00139356-00139917 how was the day and so we always very focus on community and you know how do b0rEshyDuBk-00341-00139917-00140322 we look for opportunities to just recently at a conference in Phoenix for b0rEshyDuBk-00342-00140322-00140610 a week so it's when she came back she will be able to do a better job as an b0rEshyDuBk-00343-00140610-00141066 educator so I love it I think that that's so important like in whatever b0rEshyDuBk-00344-00141066-00141402 endeavor they have those trade shows they have those exhibitions and b0rEshyDuBk-00345-00141402-00141825 everybody goes how am I going to pay to go to that they're just making mega but b0rEshyDuBk-00346-00141825-00142185 you'd be so surprised and look at whoever is the best in the field they're b0rEshyDuBk-00347-00142185-00142566 doing either going every year yeah yeah you have to work at it what I can't b0rEshyDuBk-00348-00142566-00142830 stand is are some people that go oh there's no point in going there's going b0rEshyDuBk-00349-00142830-00143184 to be the same stuff as last year no I think that yeah I think that's a b0rEshyDuBk-00350-00143184-00143551 because you take yourself out of the environment from whatever you're doing b0rEshyDuBk-00351-00143551-00143842 and this could be whatever if you're in fashion there's a fashion trade show b0rEshyDuBk-00352-00143842-00144289 next looks but the amount of networking you can do in a non instant and you'll b0rEshyDuBk-00353-00144289-00144682 see all the top dogs they're all there they respect knowledge to a point where b0rEshyDuBk-00354-00144682-00145078 they're not playing games and you could think of 20 30 things that you're b0rEshyDuBk-00355-00145078-00145468 literally on the flyback that you can apply to and this happens in the subway b0rEshyDuBk-00356-00145468-00145927 world I'm sure that in the teaching world in the the real-estate world so I b0rEshyDuBk-00357-00145927-00146317 think I think obviously that knowledge far outweighs getting that fresh b0rEshyDuBk-00358-00146317-00146728 perspective and whatever the fee is for that yeah and if you did I'm just just b0rEshyDuBk-00359-00146728-00147166 growing and learning is exciting so that's that's why I teach because I b0rEshyDuBk-00360-00147166-00147586 think that I appreciate the success that you feel we learn and even though I've b0rEshyDuBk-00361-00147586-00147991 been in this country for many decades I sometimes I kind of catch myself b0rEshyDuBk-00362-00147991-00148348 thinking so I find him a public place and elevate or something and some people b0rEshyDuBk-00363-00148348-00148681 are speaking English and I go wow I understand what they saying and it's b0rEshyDuBk-00364-00148681-00148969 really interesting to me because I happen you didn't have that correct so b0rEshyDuBk-00365-00148969-00149323 growing up why you have that and so so that's the other thing that is really b0rEshyDuBk-00366-00149323-00149740 exciting is that I picked Spanish because I love the language so so it b0rEshyDuBk-00367-00149740-00150064 wasn't as simple as to experience that you teach Spanish but it's such a b0rEshyDuBk-00368-00150064-00150643 beautiful language spoken for so many people and it really it really changes b0rEshyDuBk-00369-00150643-00150964 your perspective how you look at the world how you look at your own life when b0rEshyDuBk-00370-00150964-00151222 you learn another language and that's something that I think that Americans b0rEshyDuBk-00371-00151222-00151591 I'm really appreciated that you know when you learn another language it just b0rEshyDuBk-00372-00151591-00151993 changes you completely for the better and so I love teaching I love going to b0rEshyDuBk-00373-00151993-00152458 work every day and I would summer to summer idea and work but I was still b0rEshyDuBk-00374-00152458-00152716 looking at lessons you know how can I make this better huh b0rEshyDuBk-00375-00152716-00153118 you know how can I introduce a vocabulary better how do I make this b0rEshyDuBk-00376-00153118-00153472 connection so students can and I always ask for student feedback and and you b0rEshyDuBk-00377-00153472-00153739 know that that could be dangerous sometimes when you ask you know people b0rEshyDuBk-00378-00153739-00154051 what do you think of what I do but you got to be prepared for that and you got b0rEshyDuBk-00379-00154051-00154312 a ready to realize that you know addition to not not doing well then I b0rEshyDuBk-00380-00154312-00154708 want to know about it so that I can do something about any chance or more you b0rEshyDuBk-00381-00154708-00155116 know it when you know it's so well I feel the more creative you can be on how b0rEshyDuBk-00382-00155116-00155446 your acts are eager to say so nothing's going to change for you you're going to b0rEshyDuBk-00383-00155446-00155734 keep continue learning if we're living you're going to find new ways to b0rEshyDuBk-00384-00155734-00156136 actually teach it to another which they don't even know what's happening on the b0rEshyDuBk-00385-00156136-00156485 other end but they're like well he approached that a different way b0rEshyDuBk-00386-00156485-00156896 or you can just throw a packet at them yeah thing about learning is that there b0rEshyDuBk-00387-00156896-00157139 are many ways that you can learn that a lot of people who say you know I learn a b0rEshyDuBk-00388-00157139-00157496 lot when you give me this huge packet for me to just fill in the blanks so my b0rEshyDuBk-00389-00157496-00157859 kid to say you know I learn a lot when I hear it so I do songs I do crossword b0rEshyDuBk-00390-00157859-00158087 puzzles I do kind of hangs on hangers on b0rEshyDuBk-00391-00158087-00158501 activity so I'm always thinking well do a visual and I'm trying to be created I b0rEshyDuBk-00392-00158501-00158942 don't I don't feel like I'm very created at all but sometimes like I watched a b0rEshyDuBk-00393-00158942-00159554 YouTube guy that fill his house with like balls and he did like this with a b0rEshyDuBk-00394-00159554-00159962 gumball thing Cameron which guy was but he had like this huge room with balls b0rEshyDuBk-00395-00159962-00160358 everywhere and he like threw himself and like lost himself in this I think how b0rEshyDuBk-00396-00160358-00160661 cool to do that I think it makes I can do that I into a smaller scale of course b0rEshyDuBk-00397-00160661-00160997 cuz I don't have the resources to buy you know tens of thousands of balls and b0rEshyDuBk-00398-00160997-00161363 so when I they are both of this dysplastic balls and I realized I'd b0rEshyDuBk-00399-00161363-00161705 really didn't do my math because I D I wasn't able to afford very many of them b0rEshyDuBk-00400-00161705-00162083 right and so I was able to do like a kiddy pool and so my wrists will jump in b0rEshyDuBk-00401-00162083-00162449 there and both will go everywhere and so my wife said you know at some point you b0rEshyDuBk-00402-00162449-00162815 need to do something with this ball and so I said why can't like throw em away b0rEshyDuBk-00403-00162815-00163190 and so I thought well let me do like a Scrabble so I came out with this idea to b0rEshyDuBk-00404-00163190-00163826 put a letter in religion ball and and so they do kind of like so kind of like a b0rEshyDuBk-00405-00163826-00164222 Scrabble idea so I give them the clue in Spanish and okay I'm thinking of this b0rEshyDuBk-00406-00164222-00164540 word and they had to kind of run and look and so it's a hands-on and the kids b0rEshyDuBk-00407-00164540-00164798 you'll be surprised the high school students actually like that cuz I'm b0rEshyDuBk-00408-00164798-00165122 thinking they're not going to like that it's kind of a childish game right I b0rEshyDuBk-00409-00165122-00165479 really they really liked it and so that's also making a connection breaking b0rEshyDuBk-00410-00165479-00165851 the norm right all right all right honey so I always trying to do things that I b0rEshyDuBk-00411-00165851-00166142 think it like ice trying to do something with frisbees last year and I actually b0rEshyDuBk-00412-00166142-00166529 went to the PE department say can I borrow your dad like a frisbee golf goal b0rEshyDuBk-00413-00166529-00166955 right and so I the idea and question is developing that thinking how can I do b0rEshyDuBk-00414-00166955-00167402 that do I do it like we send in sis construction and so you know about the b0rEshyDuBk-00415-00167402-00167831 see the level of bureaucracy I'm sure no I think that one and that's before we go b0rEshyDuBk-00416-00167831-00168125 with talking about relationships you know but as you try to get the the b0rEshyDuBk-00417-00168125-00168434 bureaucracy out of that because you know you don't want to be doing paperwork to b0rEshyDuBk-00418-00168434-00168707 borrow you know I'll just go to teacher say hey if you're done with that can I b0rEshyDuBk-00419-00168707-00168974 use it and they're so cool I think not just in life because some of us have b0rEshyDuBk-00420-00168974-00169232 worked there for so long but they know that you know they know b0rEshyDuBk-00421-00169232-00169505 that I'll take care of their equipment and so that's the thing that is really b0rEshyDuBk-00422-00169505-00169809 cool about our art school is that there's there's a lot of sense b0rEshyDuBk-00423-00169809-00170187 immunity between a lot of the teachers and the art we all of you to work really b0rEshyDuBk-00424-00170187-00170583 really hard though so that's that's good when you come to work so Miss Martin b0rEshyDuBk-00425-00170583-00170966 retires the country was still there my Chula steel man and we would have been b0rEshyDuBk-00426-00170966-00171447 to LA he arrived yeah I shall not like chill Oh sometimes before the school oh b0rEshyDuBk-00427-00171447-00171750 you gotta cook you have to connect me with them yeah but I'm taking over here b0rEshyDuBk-00428-00171750-00172287 the reason I became a conspiracy theorist Oh Jo no idea the effect you b0rEshyDuBk-00429-00172287-00172730 had on me the Alpha Nations I mean I think that that's the other thing is b0rEshyDuBk-00430-00172730-00173228 that that the learning can be very exciting and that's the thing that I try b0rEshyDuBk-00431-00173228-00173550 to do it with my student is to try to provide all these connections it's kind b0rEshyDuBk-00432-00173550-00173913 of like we're talking about names and how many students had gone through all b0rEshyDuBk-00433-00173913-00174285 these years and and I probably don't know of course I don't remember all of b0rEshyDuBk-00434-00174285-00174732 them because we've talked so much some of them you have a stronger connections b0rEshyDuBk-00435-00174732-00175026 so that's what it is is the same thing with vocabulary if you make this b0rEshyDuBk-00436-00175026-00175446 connection whatever the connection or however is silly maybe remember if you b0rEshyDuBk-00437-00175446-00175752 ever to retrieve it and so the more connections you make the knowledge the b0rEshyDuBk-00438-00175752-00176133 easiest to receive because it is in our brain and so for example I had a few b0rEshyDuBk-00439-00176133-00176469 years ago a student came back after many many years and I knew that she had been b0rEshyDuBk-00440-00176469-00177021 my student and I was thinking like I should remember this this kid's name and b0rEshyDuBk-00441-00177021-00177399 of course she was an adult by the time and so I said you know what write your b0rEshyDuBk-00442-00177399-00177692 name right 20 names of this page via this piece of paper b0rEshyDuBk-00443-00177692-00178040 alchemy I'll pick your name is your magical fairies correct and so I was b0rEshyDuBk-00444-00178040-00178434 looking at the names and I was like this is you and and it was really really good b0rEshyDuBk-00445-00178434-00178764 so I had that forgotten I just know whatever connection I had made to her b0rEshyDuBk-00446-00178764-00179042 name it was sever and so it wasn't as strong b0rEshyDuBk-00447-00179042-00179337 as it used to be because you know I had not seen him for you know six eight b0rEshyDuBk-00448-00179337-00179757 years and so that's what it is is that knowledge once you put it in long-term b0rEshyDuBk-00449-00179757-00180053 memory you should be able to retrieve it so you've got to make strong connections b0rEshyDuBk-00450-00180053-00180377 to it and you know I love teaching languages I love teaching Spanish b0rEshyDuBk-00451-00180377-00180633 because there's a lot of fun I have a lot of fun with the kids and you b0rEshyDuBk-00452-00180633-00181067 probably have some good memories you know whether it was you know now we were b0rEshyDuBk-00453-00181067-00181386 half of us what half us were you're younger than us that were in our classes b0rEshyDuBk-00454-00181386-00181664 because that tells an interesting time right well I Belle schedules and b0rEshyDuBk-00455-00181664-00182001 everything yeah I don't change oh yeah Morgan the rest of them obviously you're b0rEshyDuBk-00456-00182001-00182508 younger we're in the same classes so but it was nothing nothing but great time b0rEshyDuBk-00457-00182508-00183103 you remember the thing I was telling you about Sweden I think when we were eating b0rEshyDuBk-00458-00183103-00183526 lunch about how they kind of were second to last in education and then they ended b0rEshyDuBk-00459-00183526-00183853 up moving up to first and I think is Michael Moore documentary trying to b0rEshyDuBk-00460-00183853-00184281 figure out exactly why and the two things that they did was eliminate b0rEshyDuBk-00461-00184281-00185140 homework and increase outdoor activities and recess and I think that was for from b0rEshyDuBk-00462-00185140-00185542 high school all the way down it and they saw that it actually improved their b0rEshyDuBk-00463-00185542-00185902 standardized yeah fast and he was curious oh well you just let them run b0rEshyDuBk-00464-00185902-00186268 around outside like no they want to climb a tree they climb a tree will when b0rEshyDuBk-00465-00186268-00186577 they come back we just beat all right now and what they learned in there b0rEshyDuBk-00466-00186577-00187219 climbing a tree what are your thoughts yeah I know it's because obviously b0rEshyDuBk-00467-00187219-00187525 you're open to trying new things right I'm always trying new thing and I think b0rEshyDuBk-00468-00187525-00187942 that sometimes our decisions are not made based on research and I think that b0rEshyDuBk-00469-00187942-00188329 that if you have research that says you know homework is it doesn't make any b0rEshyDuBk-00470-00188329-00188839 difference for some reason we continue to do this right and so we're kind of b0rEshyDuBk-00471-00188839-00189280 stuck and change is difficult people people are very reluctant to change any b0rEshyDuBk-00472-00189280-00189589 thousands though the next thing as an excuse it's probably most likely the b0rEshyDuBk-00473-00189589-00190033 powers would be correct that wouldn't be open for example there's plenty of b0rEshyDuBk-00474-00190033-00190366 research that says the students as you start the day a lot later in the day b0rEshyDuBk-00475-00190366-00190690 right and and you know that just seems like a simple thing you know instead of b0rEshyDuBk-00476-00190690-00191106 studying a let's start at 9:00 9:30 so the student will be more alert more b0rEshyDuBk-00477-00191106-00191533 closing off for me as a teacher it doesn't make any difference on whether I b0rEshyDuBk-00478-00191533-00192055 get off with 3:15 or 4:15 or 5:15 you know I just accordingly and so it seems b0rEshyDuBk-00479-00192055-00192433 like something should be easy to do for some reason the mechanism is not there b0rEshyDuBk-00480-00192433-00192823 for change even even if we don't want to do it what kind of test trials and b0rEshyDuBk-00481-00192823-00193252 methods are we doing year after year to slowly start building this research b0rEshyDuBk-00482-00193252-00193573 before we pull the trigger implements all right right the answer is nothing b0rEshyDuBk-00483-00193573-00194059 right yeah because it's just kind of the people just dig their heels in and go b0rEshyDuBk-00484-00194059-00194665 you know when you trance in there Diaz you go home what up here hi so that my b0rEshyDuBk-00485-00194665-00195094 parent you deserved it probably his current says he failed me I'm not even b0rEshyDuBk-00486-00195094-00195595 gonna blame him but if I have to fail anybody uh and so my daughter for b0rEshyDuBk-00487-00195595-00196030 example just a really earnest my daughter D how full of my ability have b0rEshyDuBk-00488-00196030-00196379 any homework this year and second grade and I remember going to b0rEshyDuBk-00489-00196379-00196775 beginning another year meeting and parents were up in arms like what you b0rEshyDuBk-00490-00196775-00197145 going to do instead you provided any packets and then we they're going to b0rEshyDuBk-00491-00197145-00197348 fall behind and it was really interesting that when he something a b0rEshyDuBk-00492-00197348-00197612 babysitter and it was really want something really b0rEshyDuBk-00493-00197612-00197891 interested that one of the parents actually said you know how is my child b0rEshyDuBk-00494-00197891-00198338 gonna be prepared for AP classes in high school second grade I had had that on my b0rEshyDuBk-00495-00198338-00198716 list I haven't on my list of dealing with b0rEshyDuBk-00496-00198716-00199265 parents and I said two different worlds right because dealing with parents when b0rEshyDuBk-00497-00199265-00199703 and for those parents who are listening when you're a coach and dealing with b0rEshyDuBk-00498-00199703-00199952 parents I don't know which ones worse yeah b0rEshyDuBk-00499-00199952-00200382 dealing your parents when it's you know the back-to-school night etc you either b0rEshyDuBk-00500-00200382-00200747 have those parents that are that are working so damn hard they can't even b0rEshyDuBk-00501-00200747-00201101 show up to anything right and then you have those parents that are way more b0rEshyDuBk-00502-00201101-00201500 involved and they should be on a level that they're scrutinizing you know b0rEshyDuBk-00503-00201500-00202049 causing drama in that way you run the military yeah I don't have to tell you b0rEshyDuBk-00504-00202049-00202647 how how to deal with that but what would is out there at least for any parents b0rEshyDuBk-00505-00202647-00203126 that well for me I think that the key is communication and I think that that if b0rEshyDuBk-00506-00203126-00203559 you are very clear in your expectations and you communicate that I think I have b0rEshyDuBk-00507-00203559-00203975 very few problems and I think I don't know if that's by design I just said the b0rEshyDuBk-00508-00203975-00204357 luck of the draw but I think that when a problem arises I have no problem meeting b0rEshyDuBk-00509-00204357-00204638 with a parent and sitting down and saying this is what's happening this is b0rEshyDuBk-00510-00204638-00204992 what I expect this is what happened this is the result and this is how we can b0rEshyDuBk-00511-00204992-00205319 change things probably so important to do that with the kid they're incorrect b0rEshyDuBk-00512-00205319-00205733 right correct most the time with that type of stuff does no no no I was a big b0rEshyDuBk-00513-00205733-00206180 spoiled complainer early on so if I didn't get my way and I'm sure many kids b0rEshyDuBk-00514-00206180-00206756 will do they'll go to mom and they'll be like you know daddy cut me he's racist b0rEshyDuBk-00515-00206756-00207389 right or mom this teachers you know acting this way to me and I love that my b0rEshyDuBk-00516-00207389-00207815 mom was Loza was like well there's got to be reason for it sorry I'm not I'm b0rEshyDuBk-00517-00207815-00208130 not I'm not going to call him might help you out go figure it out at the time I b0rEshyDuBk-00518-00208130-00208554 was you know like pissed or like oh you don't even care this and that but in my b0rEshyDuBk-00519-00208554-00208763 mind I look back at Mosley oh she's awesome b0rEshyDuBk-00520-00208763-00209189 she didn't want me to be soft she you know and she wanted to push me and and b0rEshyDuBk-00521-00209189-00209448 she probably knew me better than anyone else like right I mean b0rEshyDuBk-00522-00209448-00209785 is suicides every story okay but everything boils down to communication I b0rEshyDuBk-00523-00209785-00210157 think that that I think if you allow both parties to kind of have their say b0rEshyDuBk-00524-00210157-00210538 and then you say okay this is how you know they media yeah correct hot things b0rEshyDuBk-00525-00210538-00210859 are going to progress from here and so that's that's what is key so I try to be b0rEshyDuBk-00526-00210859-00211398 very clear that's why I give my students a test on the second day of school and b0rEshyDuBk-00527-00211398-00211848 most of them fail it so miserably and that's kind of my kind of me ringing the b0rEshyDuBk-00528-00211848-00212196 bell saying you or not you know you you went ten weeks without doing anything b0rEshyDuBk-00529-00212196-00212598 with Spanish this is the result of that and anyone who's played an instrument b0rEshyDuBk-00530-00212598-00212986 anyone who's being an athlete knows that when you go that much time not doing b0rEshyDuBk-00531-00212986-00213298 anything and so the thing the same thing applies to the brain you have you have b0rEshyDuBk-00532-00213298-00213898 to keep it going and so healing with rejection or failure I think is huge I b0rEshyDuBk-00533-00213898-00214255 told my nephew got cut from his middle school team and I told him so did I and b0rEshyDuBk-00534-00214255-00214639 I played college ball however you will not I'm telling you will not be that b0rEshyDuBk-00535-00214639-00215089 person who's going to grab your dad and go talk to him hey that's not going to b0rEshyDuBk-00536-00215089-00215542 make things any better and that's not how you respond to situations like that b0rEshyDuBk-00537-00215542-00216010 in life so ask yourself what did you do and I told him straight up you probably b0rEshyDuBk-00538-00216010-00216423 were supposed to get cut so you probably started working out three weeks before b0rEshyDuBk-00539-00216423-00216853 you heard about tryouts so my question to you is how are you going to respond b0rEshyDuBk-00540-00216853-00217228 correct are you going to are you going to pout you get a moan you get you're b0rEshyDuBk-00541-00217228-00217623 going to give up are you embarrassed that other people so I get who cares you b0rEshyDuBk-00542-00217623-00217944 can respond even though season is not until the fall here start working right b0rEshyDuBk-00543-00217944-00218500 now right right and that that's the way to earn respect without running your b0rEshyDuBk-00544-00218500-00218886 mouth and I feel that that translates in so many ways I'm sure you'd agree to b0rEshyDuBk-00545-00218886-00219292 life and I think that was so important and he got he got on it then because b0rEshyDuBk-00546-00219292-00219625 there'll be no denying when that coach sees that you can prove wreck without b0rEshyDuBk-00547-00219625-00220033 saying any words that man you've really improved you know and there'll be many b0rEshyDuBk-00548-00220033-00220384 opportunities but the majority will do the opposite when I correct right well b0rEshyDuBk-00549-00220384-00220729 meaning because you ask human nature you try to take the easy path right an b0rEshyDuBk-00550-00220729-00221160 apparent emotion before logic with any humans for some reason even if it's b0rEshyDuBk-00551-00221160-00221656 logical we always choose emotion Carerra right and it's art when it comes to your b0rEshyDuBk-00552-00221656-00222111 child that's why I threw mama lion on what I said can you she feels she has to b0rEshyDuBk-00553-00222111-00222594 respond not my baby this is right and I just hope the b0rEshyDuBk-00554-00222594-00222856 parents and I think that it was very insured b0rEshyDuBk-00555-00222856-00223231 definitely advocate for the child there's no problem with that but again b0rEshyDuBk-00556-00223231-00223630 we go back to communication when was expectation why wasn't met and I think b0rEshyDuBk-00557-00223630-00224110 if you had those things said very clearly from the from the go there you b0rEshyDuBk-00558-00224110-00224458 know then that kind of minimizes all of that and again like I said I haven't had b0rEshyDuBk-00559-00224458-00224796 a whole lot of problems where I go man I'm dreading going because I love going b0rEshyDuBk-00560-00224796-00225157 to work I love having the interaction with the students I have them learn and b0rEshyDuBk-00561-00225157-00225478 come back let it be like oh I feel like I learned so much I didn't realize that b0rEshyDuBk-00562-00225478-00225798 I could do this with the stuff that you taught me and so and for me one of the b0rEshyDuBk-00563-00225798-00226369 biggest things is to to see the the case that a turkey Marty sook she just the b0rEshyDuBk-00564-00226369-00226698 professor of a college in India so I'm sure she can relate to everything I b0rEshyDuBk-00565-00226698-00227308 apologize I I cut you off there but but I think that attitude I agree with b0rEshyDuBk-00566-00227308-00227788 everything that you're saying any bad any bad experiences with a on the soccer b0rEshyDuBk-00567-00227788-00228211 field but I'm probably killing you right now so we're gonna move five feet b0rEshyDuBk-00568-00228211-00228742 forward so mr. Diaz doesn't pass out he destruction yeah b0rEshyDuBk-00569-00228742-00229619 heat exhaustion what is it sure if I help right here and we go sorry dudes b0rEshyDuBk-00570-00229619-00230342 take it go difficult Sun came out of nowhere I just came out of knowing b0rEshyDuBk-00571-00230712-00231166 negative experiences no I don't I don't I don't feel like I had anything what I b0rEshyDuBk-00572-00231166-00231634 feel like man this is a terrible day you know you have setbacks and you you know b0rEshyDuBk-00573-00231634-00231948 one of the things that was frustrating towards the end of my coaching career is b0rEshyDuBk-00574-00231948-00232294 that the kids were not committed and so wouldn't have enough players to really b0rEshyDuBk-00575-00232294-00232744 do any kind of substantial training and and that was that was difficult to deal b0rEshyDuBk-00576-00232744-00233050 with because I think that I didn't have that that I didn't expect that to happen b0rEshyDuBk-00577-00233050-00233448 to our kids you know who make the varsity team to not show up to to a b0rEshyDuBk-00578-00233448-00233823 practicing right so that's one thing that worries a government issue correct b0rEshyDuBk-00579-00233823-00234148 right but in terms of grades I always kept an eye on the kids and and you know b0rEshyDuBk-00580-00234148-00234471 communication with a with the teachers when something happens you know let me b0rEshyDuBk-00581-00234471-00234730 know so we could do this and if you didn't do your work then you know you b0rEshyDuBk-00582-00234730-00235003 don't you don't deserve a spot over here because there's someone who is doing b0rEshyDuBk-00583-00235003-00235441 everything that they need to do in order to be here and so you know I've been b0rEshyDuBk-00584-00235441-00235855 very blessed I have a lot of good memories with with when I b0rEshyDuBk-00585-00235855-00236206 coach when I advice it was going to be the good grooves the bad groups as the b0rEshyDuBk-00586-00236206-00236608 years go on and you're going to want to do your best I'm sure it's tough because b0rEshyDuBk-00587-00236608-00236967 sometimes you feel like okay is it me as a damn how do i mold and not always b0rEshyDuBk-00588-00236967-00237529 never mean how do i have that's the challenge of how do i get through to b0rEshyDuBk-00589-00237529-00238000 them i'm sure one thing onion this is if I ever go back into coaching I think the b0rEshyDuBk-00590-00238000-00238531 the x-factor is really hard to do is when you build a solid year-round b0rEshyDuBk-00591-00238531-00238939 program which is such a commitment from your life uh-huh - but when I locate b0rEshyDuBk-00592-00238939-00239467 okay what if her Nana's do when he came in no matter what even if there wasn't a b0rEshyDuBk-00593-00239467-00239910 spring league he would find one grab practice release whether it was even b0rEshyDuBk-00594-00239910-00240301 he's retired now even if it was against the rules and I he'll find the summer b0rEshyDuBk-00595-00240301-00240871 league and this principle Olympian the guild high school such a powerhouse and b0rEshyDuBk-00596-00240871-00241231 wrestling and I asked him he said it's a community and then year-round program b0rEshyDuBk-00597-00241231-00241567 yeah they got people in there kids are in the big ideas old there's continued b0rEshyDuBk-00598-00241567-00241927 growth I mean I think that does the thing that is know summer in any fee and b0rEshyDuBk-00599-00241927-00242401 that group when yours came around and you know you're just obviously taking b0rEshyDuBk-00600-00242401-00242737 where you get the first year there's not going to be as much as level of b0rEshyDuBk-00601-00242737-00243169 commitment right right but it was crazy because I'm the guys who do come in the b0rEshyDuBk-00602-00243169-00243478 phone when school starts it's twice as hard for them to make the team because b0rEshyDuBk-00603-00243478-00243792 you have people who put out a minute now and most likely that usually that's not b0rEshyDuBk-00604-00243792-00244221 an issue because the ones over there year-round have already skill-wise it b0rEshyDuBk-00605-00244221-00244687 such and I think the same thing applies for for Spanish before any any to any b0rEshyDuBk-00606-00244687-00245023 course or a position that a mother of all details you got to keep going you b0rEshyDuBk-00607-00245023-00245367 gotta keep going and sometimes discipline is going to be wrinkly I mean b0rEshyDuBk-00608-00245367-00245671 I think it could be a really smart kid but if you kind of detach from the b0rEshyDuBk-00609-00245671-00245950 process of learning you know you're going to have to make up for that and b0rEshyDuBk-00610-00245950-00246304 you know and for the kids who continue learning so and I'm always trying to b0rEshyDuBk-00611-00246304-00246676 find things how to keep kids connected over the summer and it's difficult cuz b0rEshyDuBk-00612-00246676-00246982 you know they keep that tire and you know the summer comes and you just want b0rEshyDuBk-00613-00246982-00247398 to die you know relax and not do a whole lot right right I'm trying to siliceous b0rEshyDuBk-00614-00247398-00247963 each it improves our kind of oh no those are effects that the husband I never do b0rEshyDuBk-00615-00247963-00248677 something and but awesome seduce oh you're awesome for for doing this and be b0rEshyDuBk-00616-00248677-00249010 I mean we hang out I'm happy that I'm that you know you met b0rEshyDuBk-00617-00249010-00249406 up with me during you know anytime we go buy some weed evergreen just have lunch b0rEshyDuBk-00618-00249406-00249883 see how things are doing you mentioned some of the project I think was Jennifer b0rEshyDuBk-00619-00249883-00250392 a few others Patrick long I remember that yeah the gray to put that together b0rEshyDuBk-00620-00250392-00250831 and they approached me and asking if I would like to sponsor and donate I think b0rEshyDuBk-00621-00250831-00251242 we do that about four years now but I think that that's wonderful and that's b0rEshyDuBk-00622-00251242-00251731 so awesome not not only to give back but we went we basically you're part of it b0rEshyDuBk-00623-00251731-00252123 and with my selves come out with your families every year we pick school and b0rEshyDuBk-00624-00252123-00252634 basically just it just get together as a community and just do our best to fix it b0rEshyDuBk-00625-00252634-00253167 up as best we can at the resource that we have and in life we're just like you b0rEshyDuBk-00626-00253167-00253567 know I'd only get sappy in any way but we'll majority I'm nothing I'm better b0rEshyDuBk-00627-00253567-00254080 than anyone but majority work Austin Daye is take take take how are we going b0rEshyDuBk-00628-00254080-00254392 to get through the day you know we got it we got to do the rat race and feed b0rEshyDuBk-00629-00254392-00254905 our kids and pay our bills too but there there's no there's no explanation to the b0rEshyDuBk-00630-00254905-00255286 feeling that you get a little simple things in all the door open for somebody b0rEshyDuBk-00631-00255286-00255751 to do something like that nobody's watching nobody may care not care but b0rEshyDuBk-00632-00255751-00256098 you know that you've got your four nice everyone else give the elementary school b0rEshyDuBk-00633-00256098-00256369 they don't know who the hell mister D is if they don't know that you've improved b0rEshyDuBk-00634-00256369-00256861 at all but somebody up there's watching right and so I want to continue to do b0rEshyDuBk-00635-00256861-00257223 those things and I love Fantastico I definitely I'm on it so anytime you got b0rEshyDuBk-00636-00257223-00257566 a project like that that I can help well I can involve my students and my b0rEshyDuBk-00637-00257566-00258048 students they know that I we do food drives and you got like eleven kids to b0rEshyDuBk-00638-00258048-00258541 show up yeah that was pretty neat okay and the next time I had mister D is b0rEshyDuBk-00639-00258541-00258976 on we won't even mention or talk about it now but it'll be a mystery topic and b0rEshyDuBk-00640-00258976-00259339 that'll be the main subject but right now we wanted to just get to know mr. b0rEshyDuBk-00641-00259339-00259821 Diaz for those of you who are just joining us please go way back he's a b0rEshyDuBk-00642-00259821-00260298 Spanish teacher at Evergreen Valley High School and many of the students do know b0rEshyDuBk-00643-00260298-00261004 him he's overall in my opinion a great guy oh thank you sir Spanish assigned I b0rEshyDuBk-00644-00261004-00261369 respect is quite mutual yeah the LT we talked about crazy b0rEshyDuBk-00645-00261369-00261792 parents and students oh this is one that I don't know what I was thinking last b0rEshyDuBk-00646-00261792-00262069 night was any new traditions I missed out on that b0rEshyDuBk-00647-00262069-00262573 have been really cool a deviation we always had battle the classes yeah we b0rEshyDuBk-00648-00262573-00262933 still got that going yeah yeah what's the heart the other thing we're somebody b0rEshyDuBk-00649-00262933-00263266 showing up to well there's a little going on right now you know there's a b0rEshyDuBk-00650-00263266-00263716 huge effort because I think that we have grown so much okay I need to include the b0rEshyDuBk-00651-00263716-00264109 freshman class and so the freshman success has become something that is b0rEshyDuBk-00652-00264109-00264457 that it should be very important and so they had link crew so they have all b0rEshyDuBk-00653-00264457-00264868 these activities for the freshmen where they come in and they see the campus and b0rEshyDuBk-00654-00264868-00265284 they flicker kind of like it's an orientation where yeah yeah yeah this is b0rEshyDuBk-00655-00265284-00265789 gigantic and so that is a first look at correct whether we want to go there no b0rEshyDuBk-00656-00265789-00266056 you know it so that kind of makes you be part of the community so I think that b0rEshyDuBk-00657-00266056-00266635 there we have the ASB officers and and with Virginia that you know Virginia b0rEshyDuBk-00658-00266635-00267067 together is your IPS she totally is and so I think that's something that we are b0rEshyDuBk-00659-00267067-00267460 trying to do or that you know that they are trying to do as a community you can b0rEshyDuBk-00660-00267460-00267820 represent in either serve as Lucy Virginia we do care about you you know b0rEshyDuBk-00661-00267820-00268282 seen Olivia Sarah cetera and so I think that's really cool I think I like that b0rEshyDuBk-00662-00268282-00268612 because I think that again I came from the school that you know that I was very b0rEshyDuBk-00663-00268612-00269245 central point the community and I feel like it like a schools like a sacred b0rEshyDuBk-00664-00269245-00269599 place and like in church because because I think that that's where we all b0rEshyDuBk-00665-00269599-00269950 converge that's where you know we have a lot of things that we can work towards b0rEshyDuBk-00666-00269950-00270259 the community and so that's what it's important it's creating the sense of b0rEshyDuBk-00667-00270259-00270571 community I think that that's the one thing that I would think is a little bit b0rEshyDuBk-00668-00270571-00270979 change changed since you were there but we should continue with the battle the b0rEshyDuBk-00669-00270979-00271477 classes and homecoming competition and they know that and we have we have that b0rEshyDuBk-00670-00271477-00271942 over hundred clubs and so there's that was things every day at lunch remember b0rEshyDuBk-00671-00271942-00272383 there would always be a lunch thing once a year we would have a huge amount of b0rEshyDuBk-00672-00272383-00272698 clubs going to get correct fundraising so there's there's something for b0rEshyDuBk-00673-00272698-00272989 everybody and that's the one thing that is really cool is that's super generous b0rEshyDuBk-00674-00272989-00273459 I said over a hundred yeah thing like is that and you know and and that the b0rEshyDuBk-00675-00273459-00273898 credit goes to the people who support that you know the keyboard leader by the b0rEshyDuBk-00676-00273898-00274273 WHO and and it teachers who you know commit their time and energy to do in b0rEshyDuBk-00677-00274273-00274627 that because it is really important I mean I think in a school that is so b0rEshyDuBk-00678-00274627-00275089 large that I think is over 2,900 students for this coming year 20800 is b0rEshyDuBk-00679-00275089-00275614 quite large and comparison to 1600 when you were there so it's going quite a lot b0rEshyDuBk-00680-00275614-00276022 but I think they're trying to make it be so it's not you don't get lost in the b0rEshyDuBk-00681-00276022-00276349 shuffle because it's such a huge institution so that's that's important b0rEshyDuBk-00682-00276349-00276748 to us I think really positive I remember action on what a question is not even on b0rEshyDuBk-00683-00276748-00277489 my list this is a tough one we want to keep it positive but if you're genie we b0rEshyDuBk-00684-00277489-00277915 had your magic wand you could change one thing not not just about ever Green b0rEshyDuBk-00685-00277915-00278659 Valley High School but of kind of our system our curriculum in general what we b0rEshyDuBk-00686-00278659-00278995 what would it be obviously you're probably gonna say oh I b0rEshyDuBk-00687-00278995-00279645 think about a hundred but but you're only allowed to to choose choose one b0rEshyDuBk-00688-00279645-00280228 well would I change I think that there's a misconception I think that because b0rEshyDuBk-00689-00280228-00280708 evergreen is the newest school that we have that everything is given to us that b0rEshyDuBk-00690-00280708-00281293 the resources are abundant and actually that's not the case I think that I get b0rEshyDuBk-00691-00281293-00281842 it per year I usually get between $150 to $200 and I have 150 students so b0rEshyDuBk-00692-00281842-00282217 that's a you know that's a dollar to the dollar 30 something for stealing b0rEshyDuBk-00693-00282217-00282541 everything and so there's an a whole lot so so that would be and I'm not saying b0rEshyDuBk-00694-00282541-00282829 the money fixes everything I'm like research in high school district b0rEshyDuBk-00695-00282829-00283222 watching this give some damn money anybody there's more resources will be b0rEshyDuBk-00696-00283222-00283594 nice because I think that you know limits the scope of the things that you b0rEshyDuBk-00697-00283594-00283951 can do and so if you want to do something creative a lot of the time to b0rEshyDuBk-00698-00283951-00284368 keep your has to like either out of pocket or go out and find the money b0rEshyDuBk-00699-00284368-00284686 somewhere and so that's that or they might because the rough time so they b0rEshyDuBk-00700-00284686-00285115 don't do it correctly and so so you know sometimes you know that that would be b0rEshyDuBk-00701-00285115-00285425 one of the things I doubt that I will definitely change b0rEshyDuBk-00702-00285425-00285904 even impossible right and we you guys can use it in a more and more productive b0rEshyDuBk-00703-00285904-00286456 correct way we still a technology school we don't we got is a laptop do you have b0rEshyDuBk-00704-00286456-00287000 a computer lab so so we do have computers we have a lot of Chrome carts b0rEshyDuBk-00705-00287000-00287393 so those those are a lot but that's not just evergreen nothing at all the all b0rEshyDuBk-00706-00287393-00287755 the schools in the district like Chromebooks will go okay so there's two b0rEshyDuBk-00707-00287755-00288143 being a big push for that a lot of investing in technology hopefully we're b0rEshyDuBk-00708-00288143-00288551 going to get a language lab finally this coming year something that they PT EA or b0rEshyDuBk-00709-00288551-00289064 the P TSA has worked on for many years so a big shout to them in any software b0rEshyDuBk-00710-00289064-00289469 anyone's using remember school loop until users cool loop and we talked b0rEshyDuBk-00711-00289469-00289882 about that guys we remember his name mark mark hope yeah you see this one b0rEshyDuBk-00712-00289882-00290189 David I've ever it wasn't an economics it was something along that line I b0rEshyDuBk-00713-00290189-00290651 enjoyed him it was the first semester when we actually at that campus so had b0rEshyDuBk-00714-00290651-00291026 to be second semester and then after that I remember him you know saying Mike b0rEshyDuBk-00715-00291026-00291368 on the last day of school says hey guys I want to get to check out school but I b0rEshyDuBk-00716-00291368-00291713 want to talk to you guys you know I'm gonna be leaving because you know I've b0rEshyDuBk-00717-00291713-00292022 been working on school for a very long time yeah and I'm finally going to be b0rEshyDuBk-00718-00292022-00292391 launching this company and you know it's going to go great and we're like you b0rEshyDuBk-00719-00292391-00292975 know naive like juniors we're like okay dude like you don't remember I barely b0rEshyDuBk-00720-00292975-00293425 remember but to him you know fast forward is in our position you probably b0rEshyDuBk-00721-00293425-00293774 saw that for quite a bit of money probably worked very hard on us and we b0rEshyDuBk-00722-00293774-00294200 were probably going to getting pigs yeah see how we were reacting but it's a b0rEshyDuBk-00723-00294200-00294550 great tool and again you know we're given the resources we gain the tools b0rEshyDuBk-00724-00294550-00294928 and it's a kudos to him I wish it and we are you know they always kind of b0rEshyDuBk-00725-00294928-00295244 striving to make things better for students and you know confusion is a b0rEshyDuBk-00726-00295244-00295673 craft I mean I think that I I never want to get to the point where you know it's b0rEshyDuBk-00727-00295673-00296099 much whatever 15 and I go oh I know exactly with it let me open this folder b0rEshyDuBk-00728-00296099-00296471 and here kids is what you know I don't worry to that blur because if I get to b0rEshyDuBk-00729-00296471-00296806 that point then I might as well just hang it up into something else yeah you b0rEshyDuBk-00730-00296806-00297095 also go right so truly love it like you Judy b0rEshyDuBk-00731-00297095-00297518 you show that you're evolving your you grow you die right here you try to I b0rEshyDuBk-00732-00297518-00297802 mean I definitely you dumas and you got to continue learning so that's the thing b0rEshyDuBk-00733-00297802-00298231 that is that is important all right and so anybody who is watching and say like b0rEshyDuBk-00734-00298231-00298796 uh mr. Diaz attest from last year not a chance now yes something's changed b0rEshyDuBk-00735-00298796-00299291 that wood has changed yeah something is changing they're aware how much time has b0rEshyDuBk-00736-00299291-00299969 expired for us I guess a she'll never knows this thing 11:03 with us already b0rEshyDuBk-00737-00299969-00300610 but I think that's an amazing place to wrap up and be uploaded in this as well b0rEshyDuBk-00738-00300610-00301244 and won't be the last time that you see mr. Diaz or Hernan Diaz you know not b0rEshyDuBk-00739-00301244-00301646 just an educator but a mentor at Evergreen Valley High School I think I b0rEshyDuBk-00740-00301646-00302132 can personally vouch for many many others that has been kind of a what we b0rEshyDuBk-00741-00302132-00302621 need what we desperately need in our schools and evergreen to grade school so b0rEshyDuBk-00742-00302621-00303211 thank you very much thank you very much next alumni or teachers versus staff b0rEshyDuBk-00743-00303211-00303599 game I'm going to find a way all right and people we're not going to let him b0rEshyDuBk-00744-00303599-00303992 win because surprisingly he does well I score one at least one basket with that but b0rEshyDuBk-00745-00303992-00304552 this is Roman and Mr. Diaz signing out and we love you all take care Cheers b0rEshyDuBk-00746-00304552-00304693 bye b10sOqkCSdo-00000-00000000-00000106 Good morning Hank, it's Tuesday. b10sOqkCSdo-00001-00000112-00000428 Every four years the 32 best men's national soccer teams b10sOqkCSdo-00002-00000430-00000612 gather together for the World Cup b10sOqkCSdo-00003-00000612-00001036 which is played in whatever country has most successfully bribed FIFA officials. b10sOqkCSdo-00004-00001036-00001262 It's the most watched sporting event in the world! b10sOqkCSdo-00005-00001262-00001478 and the United States... won't be there. b10sOqkCSdo-00006-00001478-00001746 Here's an introduction to the 32 nations that will: b10sOqkCSdo-00007-00001746-00001994 Argentina have Lionel Messi, arguably the best b10sOqkCSdo-00008-00001994-00002136 player never to win the World Cup b10sOqkCSdo-00009-00002136-00002400 Australia's national team are called the Socceroos b10sOqkCSdo-00010-00002400-00002558 which makes them hard to dislike. b10sOqkCSdo-00011-00002558-00002738 Belgium have argyle in their uniforms b10sOqkCSdo-00012-00002738-00002892 so they'll probably win the tournament. b10sOqkCSdo-00013-00002892-00003108 Brazil are consistently a joy to watch b10sOqkCSdo-00014-00003108-00003229 except when they are playing Germany b10sOqkCSdo-00015-00003229-00003440 and they're the favorites to win the World Cup this year. b10sOqkCSdo-00016-00003440-00003690 Colombia's jerseys look like they have an armpit sweat pattern b10sOqkCSdo-00017-00003690-00003910 but I will not let that distract me from b10sOqkCSdo-00018-00003910-00004134 the extraordinary good looks of their star player James Rodriguez. b10sOqkCSdo-00019-00004134-00004372 Costa Rica just passed the United States in life expectancy b10sOqkCSdo-00020-00004372-00004680 in addition to beating us twice in World Cup qualifying, so that's nice for them. b10sOqkCSdo-00021-00004680-00004968 Croatia are notable for having a chessboard on their uniform. b10sOqkCSdo-00022-00004968-00005298 Denmark invented Lego so that makes them fun to root for. b10sOqkCSdo-00023-00005298-00005630 Egypt has qualified for their first World Cup since 1990 and they are b10sOqkCSdo-00024-00005630-00005914 led by noted hero and dreamboat Mohamed Salah b10sOqkCSdo-00025-00005914-00006468 and their goalkeeper is 45 years old which is a real inspiration to old people like me b10sOqkCSdo-00026-00006468-00006826 all in all they are my adopted team for the World Cup. b10sOqkCSdo-00027-00006826-00007000 England. Right, so the deal with England is that b10sOqkCSdo-00028-00007000-00007195 every World Cup all the fans are like b10sOqkCSdo-00029-00007195-00007492 "Our team isn't even that good. We probably won't even make the quarterfinals" b10sOqkCSdo-00030-00007492-00007908 and then they do make the quarterfinals whereupon they lose and all the fans are shocked and devastated b10sOqkCSdo-00031-00007908-00008334 that their national team did EXACTLY what it always does. b10sOqkCSdo-00032-00008334-00008690 France's mascot is a rooster. Also, they're a trendy pick to win the World Cup this year b10sOqkCSdo-00033-00008690-00009106 but they couldn't beat the United States in a friendly over the weekend so I'm a bit dubious. b10sOqkCSdo-00034-00009106-00009350 Germany are very good and they have a manager who always b10sOqkCSdo-00035-00009350-00009582 looks like an aging Beatle trying to hail a cab. b10sOqkCSdo-00036-00009582-00010006 Iceland qualified for the World Cup despite having a population smaller than Wichita, Kansas. b10sOqkCSdo-00037-00010006-00010296 HOW ARE WE NOT GOING TO THE WORLD CUP? b10sOqkCSdo-00038-00010296-00010452 I'm sorry. That is off topic. b10sOqkCSdo-00039-00010452-00010666 Congratulations to Iceland who would be a great pick b10sOqkCSdo-00040-00010666-00011000 for my adopted team if it weren't for my undying love for Mohamed Salah. b10sOqkCSdo-00041-00011000-00011436 Iran's backup goalkeeper slept on the floor of the pizza restaurant where he worked until b10sOqkCSdo-00042-00011436-00011662 signing a professional contract a few years ago. b10sOqkCSdo-00043-00011662-00012161 Almost all of Japan's players play professionally for Japanese teams, which is why it's no excuse to say MLS b10sOqkCSdo-00044-00012162-00012416 isn't good enough to develop World Cup level players. b10sOqkCSdo-00045-00012416-00012696 Mexico are obviously the best team in North America b10sOqkCSdo-00046-00012696-00013090 also they have Rafa Marquez who will be playing in his FIFTH World Cup. b10sOqkCSdo-00047-00013090-00013468 Morocco have a very strong defense which they will need against Spain and Portugal. b10sOqkCSdo-00048-00013468-00013732 Nigeria, meanwhile, have the best kits in the tournament b10sOqkCSdo-00049-00013732-00014080 and if they weren't in the hardest group they might go far. But... they *are* in the hardest group. b10sOqkCSdo-00050-00014080-00014376 Panama have qualified for their first World Cup ever which is b10sOqkCSdo-00051-00014376-00014700 great and I am totally over the fact that they beat the United States in qualifying b10sOqkCSdo-00052-00014700-00014974 HOW DO YOU LOSE TO TRINIDAD? b10sOqkCSdo-00053-00014974-00015473 My friend the writer Daniel Alarcón is Peruvian AND their uniform has a sash AND they've qualified for their first b10sOqkCSdo-00054-00015473-00015900 World Cup since 1982 making them an excellent choice for your adopted team b10sOqkCSdo-00055-00015900-00016247 until and unless you look into these dreamy eyes. b10sOqkCSdo-00056-00016247-00016742 Poland are a good long shot pick to go far in the tournament if their star striker Robert Lewandowski is in form. b10sOqkCSdo-00057-00016742-00017045 Portugal have Cristiano Ronaldo if you're into that kind of thing b10sOqkCSdo-00058-00017046-00017442 I'm sorry, I'm trying to work my way through some of my issues around Real Madrid right now. b10sOqkCSdo-00059-00017442-00017648 Russia is hosting the tournament and I'm not gonna say b10sOqkCSdo-00060-00017648-00017912 anything else because I am genuinely scared of Vladimir Putin. b10sOqkCSdo-00061-00017912-00018084 Saudi Arabia are the biggest underdogs b10sOqkCSdo-00062-00018084-00018370 Serbia has a defense with tons of experience b10sOqkCSdo-00063-00018370-00018586 or, put another way, they're old. b10sOqkCSdo-00064-00018586-00018794 Nobody agrees with me but I think Senegal could go to b10sOqkCSdo-00065-00018798-00019209 the semi-finals because Sadio Mane is really good and no this video has not b10sOqkCSdo-00066-00019209-00019431 been biased by my affection for Liverpool. b10sOqkCSdo-00067-00019431-00019790 South Korea's coach is only four years older than Egypt's goalkeeper. b10sOqkCSdo-00068-00019790-00020048 Spain are kind of the Yankees of soccer. b10sOqkCSdo-00069-00020048-00020500 Sweden no longer has football's biggest personality, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, so why bother? b10sOqkCSdo-00070-00020500-00020892 Switzerland specializes in neutrality which is perhaps why they play so many b10sOqkCSdo-00071-00020892-00021128 excruciatingly boring nil-nil draws. b10sOqkCSdo-00072-00021128-00021532 Tunisia's kits look so good I bought one but I fear their World Cup will be brief. b10sOqkCSdo-00073-00021532-00021936 And last but not least, Uruguay are probably best known for having a striker, Luis Suarez, b10sOqkCSdo-00074-00021936-00022218 who has bitten opponents on three separate occasions b10sOqkCSdo-00075-00022220-00022834 but that ignores the important fact that in more than 99% of his competitive games Luis Suarez hasn't bitten ANYONE b10sOqkCSdo-00076-00022834-00023078 a NEARLY perfect record. b10sOqkCSdo-00077-00023078-00023340 I'll be live-tweeting every game of this year's World Cup b10sOqkCSdo-00078-00023340-00023678 at my sports twitter @sportswithjohn I hope to see you there. b10sOqkCSdo-00079-00023682-00023996 Hank, I will see you on Friday. b3nj-fOMWp8-00000-00000000-00000200 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Far Cry 5 Gameplay +FPS Performance b3nj-fOMWp8-00001-00000200-00000400 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Far Cry 5 Gameplay +FPS Performance b3nj-fOMWp8-00002-00000400-00000600 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Far Cry 5 Gameplay +FPS Performance b3nj-fOMWp8-00003-00000600-00000800 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Far Cry 5 Gameplay +FPS Performance b3nj-fOMWp8-00004-00000800-00001000 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Far Cry 5 Gameplay +FPS Performance b3nj-fOMWp8-00005-00001000-00001200 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Far Cry 5 Gameplay +FPS Performance b3nj-fOMWp8-00006-00001200-00001400 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Far Cry 5 Gameplay +FPS Performance b4-SmENLAhE-00009-00006160-00006260 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00010-00006302-00006402 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00011-00007393-00007493 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00012-00008699-00008799 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00013-00013324-00013424 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00014-00013518-00013780 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00015-00014010-00014117 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00016-00014183-00014318 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00017-00014383-00014483 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00018-00014612-00014902 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00019-00014902-00015002 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00020-00015094-00015194 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00021-00015515-00015615 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00022-00016378-00016478 Like and Sublike nhé b4-SmENLAhE-00023-00020924-00021024 Like and Sublike nhé b80tYi1N3g4-00000-00000072-00000872 i lost one subscriber. so while i was sleeping i went from having 240 subscribers at night to b80tYi1N3g4-00001-00000872-00001680 having 239 subscribers at the end of the day. and when i woke up, i found that lost her subscribers. b9FVA0GWWzY-00000-00000003-00000750 yeah I'm kind of, I personally I'm at the point where I'm ready to try maybe small b9FVA0GWWzY-00001-00000750-00001529 and focused but really bold ideas that that actually where we you know where we b9FVA0GWWzY-00002-00001529-00002093 actually look look carefully at the values and ask ourselves where are we b9FVA0GWWzY-00003-00002093-00002634 missing the mark and what what would we do if we really did design scholarly b9FVA0GWWzY-00004-00002634-00003230 communication for some particular subfield of sociology perhaps what would b9FVA0GWWzY-00005-00003230-00003614 a values driven scholarly communication infrastructure b9FVA0GWWzY-00006-00003614-00004130 for some small subfield really looked like and could we both be bold and try b9FVA0GWWzY-00007-00004130-00004668 and try and incubate something like that as an example because I think we end up b9FVA0GWWzY-00008-00004668-00005271 making you know we end up trying to do something that actually works for a b9FVA0GWWzY-00009-00005271-00005751 broader constituency and we compromise values along the way and then it adds up b9FVA0GWWzY-00010-00005751-00006051 and adds up and you end up with some version of the same thing that we b9FVA0GWWzY-00011-00006051-00006558 started out with so I'd rather see us go small but really bold and prove that it b9FVA0GWWzY-00012-00006558-00006823 could happen bsy-CXQW_00-00000-00000017-00000500 I'm gonna be controlling his life for the next 24 hours, whatever I say he's gonna do! bsy-CXQW_00-00001-00000500-00000871 I've prepared a series of challenges for you today - The first one is this ice bath which bsy-CXQW_00-00002-00000871-00001288 I prepared for you in a used garbage can, So you're gonna need to get in here for 30 minutes bsy-CXQW_00-00003-00001288-00001947 You're gonna die! You're preparing your own death. My boy Airrack I want you to put your bsy-CXQW_00-00004-00001947-00002539 timer on. Siri start a timer for 30 minutes - oh it's counting down right now! Get in! Get in! bsy-CXQW_00-00005-00002539-00002698 Get in! bsy-CXQW_00-00006-00002698-00003361 Oh my God! I love you Airrack - I love you too buddy bsy-CXQW_00-00007-00003361-00003761 Strangest man I've ever met I'm peeing now - So I've got eight challenges prepared for bsy-CXQW_00-00008-00003761-00004205 you today, if you complete all eight of them in 24 hours, I have a little gift for you at bsy-CXQW_00-00009-00004205-00004635 the end - Wow, let's go! it's not going to be as easy as you think it's going to be bsy-CXQW_00-00010-00004635-00005025 I'm sure about that, you are a creative person Maybe a little too creative, you know what bsy-CXQW_00-00011-00005025-00005746 I mean? Look how red his skin is! It's going to be heaven after this - I promise, it will not be! bsy-CXQW_00-00012-00005746-00006543 Two... One, the first challenge is completed - Well done! I don't mean to rush you, but this next bsy-CXQW_00-00013-00006543-00006970 challenge you kind of gotta hurry! Get in the car, dry off, you're gonna go skydiving, in your bsy-CXQW_00-00014-00006970-00007795 boxers, like right now! I love you! No, no, no, no too cold, you're covered in pee - This is my first time sky-diving bsy-CXQW_00-00015-00007795-00009510 Airrack, I love you Jumping in boxers? Yeah - How long are your boxers? Quite long - I don't care [Music] bsy-CXQW_00-00016-00009510-00009860 [Music] bsy-CXQW_00-00017-00009860-00011239 This is the best thing I ever did in my life, let's go! Airrack I love you! Speaking about love, bsy-CXQW_00-00018-00011239-00011846 I decided to get a tattoo in Airrack's name - No this is not in the challenges and he have bsy-CXQW_00-00019-00011846-00012372 no idea I'm doing - This is my first tattoo! I love you Airrack, you are the best! I'm excited bsy-CXQW_00-00020-00012372-00012858 to see his reaction I will see now the next challenge - you have to find a stranger and bsy-CXQW_00-00021-00012858-00013586 convince him or her to take a spoonful of the world's hottest hot sauce with you! Oh Sh*t! bsy-CXQW_00-00022-00013586-00014307 Let's go! We're at the Hollywood Boulevard Street You want some sauce on your food? No bsy-CXQW_00-00023-00014307-00014981 Hey, can I ask you a question? Yeah, what's the question? This is hot sauce, then I will eat first - You will do it with me? Yeah bsy-CXQW_00-00024-00014981-00015947 I will do more, don't worry - This is the same portion, maybe more mine - Mack we're really bsy-CXQW_00-00025-00015947-00016369 doing this! Two... Three... bsy-CXQW_00-00026-00016369-00016606 Now it's ah... bsy-CXQW_00-00027-00016606-00017392 It's become more spicy - Off to the next challenge! Alright Fidias, you have to take your phone bsy-CXQW_00-00028-00017392-00017884 and set an alarm for every hour - when that alarm goes off, it doesn't matter where you bsy-CXQW_00-00029-00017884-00018350 are, it doesn't matter who you're with, youhave to find a way to pour a gallon of milk bsy-CXQW_00-00030-00018350-00018909 on your own head! What? A bus, a gallon of milk You could be arrested from another challenge bsy-CXQW_00-00031-00018909-00019270 in the cop car, you need to get away to get a gallon of milk on your own head record it bsy-CXQW_00-00032-00019270-00020048 Good one Mack - So, I have to put 22 gallons of milk on me? I hate your Mack - So, where is the milk? bsy-CXQW_00-00033-00020326-00021072 My stomach, it's hurting sir - That sauce was too hot Mack, I officially hate you - I want you to swim bsy-CXQW_00-00034-00021072-00021712 out in the ocean and steal one of these surfers surfboard Mack, we just came to the beach to bsy-CXQW_00-00035-00021712-00022306 steal the surfboard - Time for the milk! This is the worst challenge of all, I hate you Mack bsy-CXQW_00-00036-00022306-00023126 They are the surfers there and I will steal their board I asked him, "sir, can I use your bsy-CXQW_00-00037-00023126-00023708 surfboard", he said "yeah sure" I took the surfboard and never looked back! bsy-CXQW_00-00038-00023708-00025693 Later, I went and apologized - Challenge succeed! Onto the next challenge! No! We're stopping in a freeway bsy-CXQW_00-00039-00025693-00026177 If I showed you every time that I put milk, the video was going to be too long - So, here bsy-CXQW_00-00040-00026177-00026625 is all in one i actually saw on your channel, you recently broke up with your girlfriend bsy-CXQW_00-00041-00026625-00026972 I hate to hear that, but I think it's time for you to have a little bit of fun - I think bsy-CXQW_00-00042-00026972-00027444 you should download Tinder, match with a girl, convince her to go on a date with you bsy-CXQW_00-00043-00027444-00027870 The only catch, the restaurant that you're taking her to is a dumpster - you guys have to eat out bsy-CXQW_00-00044-00027870-00027970 of a dumpster! bsy-CXQW_00-00045-00027970-00028950 Ahh looks good - This is a trash expert and she found us this stuff, our dinner for my date bsy-CXQW_00-00046-00028950-00029303 that she's coming now - Shut up! Are you serious? bsy-CXQW_00-00047-00029303-00029994 Guys in this YouTube channel, I promise we never fake stuff Challenge was to go on a bsy-CXQW_00-00048-00029994-00030652 date with you - Yes! So, thanks for coming And now I guess we're on a date together, my name is Fidias bsy-CXQW_00-00049-00030652-00031269 What's your name? My name's Liz - Liz she have no idea I'll ask her to eat food from a dumpster bsy-CXQW_00-00050-00031269-00031839 Say to Mack that he put me I hate you - I hate you! Airrack put us a challenge to bsy-CXQW_00-00051-00031839-00032441 do on our date, the only catch restaurant that you're taking her to is a dumpster, you guys bsy-CXQW_00-00052-00032441-00033006 have to eat out of a dumpster! So, I was speaking with previously a homeless person bsy-CXQW_00-00053-00033006-00033433 some sort of food probably in any of these trashes If you don't want to do this, I'm totally bsy-CXQW_00-00054-00033433-00033990 fine with it, I will fail in the challenge! But, if you want to do this, I'm excited to bsy-CXQW_00-00055-00033990-00034593 get the prize on the challenge. From the dumpster, like this is unopened for you - So, it's never been bsy-CXQW_00-00056-00034593-00035047 opened before - I'll eat that - This is our meals bsy-CXQW_00-00057-00035047-00035813 What is that Tofu? I don't know about taste good though What is that? bsy-CXQW_00-00058-00035813-00036610 There's little balls in there We are on a date and we are eating from a dumpster bsy-CXQW_00-00059-00036610-00037269 So, she will read the next challenge: Touch Hollywood sign - Oh my God, you think it'll bsy-CXQW_00-00060-00037269-00037875 be possible? Yeah - yeah? You should do it Don't they get arrested? - Um I'm scared for bsy-CXQW_00-00061-00037875-00038753 mountain lions - What mountain lion?Oh my god! on our way to the Hollywood sign - We're here! One thing you might not bsy-CXQW_00-00062-00038753-00039419 know about the Hollywood sign, it's super difficult to touch it - Because, there is 24 hours security bsy-CXQW_00-00063-00039419-00040406 team above it, that they don't allow anyone to get near They caught us! bsy-CXQW_00-00064-00040406-00041097 Mission failed! They turn on the siren and they put the lights on us - And they were following bsy-CXQW_00-00065-00041097-00041724 us all the time! We went so near though, were like 200 meters Alright Fidias, it's getting bsy-CXQW_00-00066-00041724-00042244 late in the day i'm sure you're getting tired Uh, in order to sleep, um, I'm gonna need you bsy-CXQW_00-00067-00042244-00042832 to go knock door to door until a random stranger lets you sleep in a bed, for I don't know two hours... bsy-CXQW_00-00068-00042832-00043922 Four hours! It has to be their bed - 2 am in the morning, Airrack come on! He said in order bsy-CXQW_00-00069-00043922-00044884 to sleep - So, if I don't sleep, I still do the challenge - Hear him again! He said, "in order to sleep" bsy-CXQW_00-00070-00044884-00045556 So, if I don't sleep, I have the challenge done I have finished seven out of eight challenges bsy-CXQW_00-00071-00045556-00046023 The only thing I have left to win the prize, is to touch the Hollywood sign - Airrack in bsy-CXQW_00-00072-00046023-00046500 one of his videos, he touched the sign in time, now is 5:30 am and it's time to try again bsy-CXQW_00-00073-00046500-00047456 Because, I don't want to fail - I have to win the present of Airrack - We're so close bsy-CXQW_00-00074-00047456-00048125 So we failed twice - there is one police officer there that shouted there's no access to the bsy-CXQW_00-00075-00048125-00048806 sign - the penalty is 3000 euro! I hate it when this happens - So, I will try again alone this time bsy-CXQW_00-00076-00048806-00049283 I will try from the other side now! There is the sign guys - I was trying and i bsy-CXQW_00-00077-00049283-00050531 fell down, Got scratched everywhere! I'm stressed There is the sign, I'm so close [Music] bsy-CXQW_00-00078-00050531-00050800 [Music] bsy-CXQW_00-00079-00050800-00052098 I have 30 minutes left and I will meet Airrack! So, it was on point that I finished bsy-CXQW_00-00080-00052098-00052626 I'm excited to show him the tattoo and to see what present I want because i finished the challenges bsy-CXQW_00-00081-00052626-00053251 They are coming - You think I finished the challenges or no? You probably finished it bsy-CXQW_00-00082-00053251-00054039 Yes, I did! How much money you think I spent on this video? Well, I'm going to say bsy-CXQW_00-00083-00054039-00054595 you spent $750 - $730! I'm pretty good at guessing - That might be like all the dollars bsy-CXQW_00-00084-00054595-00055095 you have, you came to America, barely speaks the language - Somehow found a place bsy-CXQW_00-00085-00055095-00055992 to rent! You did not! Is that a real tattoo? Yeah Is that a real tattoo? Oh my gosh, dude bsy-CXQW_00-00086-00055992-00056817 [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh my gosh, dude! I'm telling you right now, you have to subscribe bsy-CXQW_00-00087-00056817-00057426 I genuinely feel like he's going to be really big! Crazy thing is it's actually 8:59 it just bsy-CXQW_00-00088-00057426-00058926 turned 9 o'clock right now - Yeah, so it means, milk time! Why? The final milk time! bsy-CXQW_00-00089-00058926-00059224 This is the strangest man on planet Earth Thank you guys for watching this video! bsy-CXQW_00-00090-00059224-00059829 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I have... We have the gift! I got all the happiness out of it, bsy-CXQW_00-00091-00059829-00060408 it was the journey, not the destination - Listen to the attitude Alright so this is what I got for you, you ready? bsy-CXQW_00-00092-00060408-00060880 So. I have this thing that is fully responsible and built my entire YouTube channel on it bsy-CXQW_00-00093-00060880-00061445 it now it sat on a shelf for like three months, I'm gonna give it to you, uh and that is the bsy-CXQW_00-00094-00061445-00061950 original camera, that I created - I know you're using this camera, might need a new one - So this is the original bsy-CXQW_00-00095-00061950-00062369 Airrack camera that every video ever was filmed on Uh, and I'm gonna give this to you bsy-CXQW_00-00096-00062369-00063232 Because, I think you're gonna use it more than I will - That's yours, enjoy that! [Laughter] bsy-CXQW_00-00097-00063232-00063335 Thank you guys, bye! bsy-CXQW_00-00098-00063335-00063408 [Music] bvDR8BKztZE-00000-00000595-00000788 from bvDR8BKztZE-00001-00001587-00001770 more bvDR8BKztZE-00002-00002567-00002750 water bvDR8BKztZE-00003-00003507-00003690 now bvDR8BKztZE-00004-00004432-00004615 now bvDR8BKztZE-00005-00005443-00005626 know bvDR8BKztZE-00006-00006412-00006600 way bvDR8BKztZE-00007-00007334-00007522 said bvDR8BKztZE-00008-00008345-00008528 word bvDR8BKztZE-00009-00009241-00009416 did bvDR8BKztZE-00010-00010111-00010286 were bvDR8BKztZE-00011-00010991-00011166 hot bvDR8BKztZE-00012-00011871-00012055 them bvDR8BKztZE-00013-00012932-00013120 number bvDR8BKztZE-00014-00013928-00014110 how bvDR8BKztZE-00015-00014972-00015147 your bvDR8BKztZE-00016-00015855-00016030 or bvDR8BKztZE-00017-00016605-00016780 he bvDR8BKztZE-00018-00017402-00017577 her bvDR8BKztZE-00019-00018339-00018514 you bvDR8BKztZE-00020-00019272-00019447 day bvDR8BKztZE-00021-00020205-00020388 they bvDR8BKztZE-00022-00021049-00021231 are bvDR8BKztZE-00023-00022075-00022258 which bvDR8BKztZE-00024-00022914-00023107 see bvDR8BKztZE-00025-00023705-00023880 to bvDR8BKztZE-00026-00024486-00024669 the bvDR8BKztZE-00027-00025246-00025429 we bvDR8BKztZE-00028-00026302-00026477 would bvDR8BKztZE-00029-00027219-00027412 has bvDR8BKztZE-00030-00028135-00028310 with bvDR8BKztZE-00031-00029039-00029214 two bvDR8BKztZE-00032-00029967-00030142 who bvDR8BKztZE-00033-00030745-00030915 at bvDR8BKztZE-00034-00031667-00031850 thing bvDR8BKztZE-00035-00032628-00032798 what bvDR8BKztZE-00036-00033718-00033893 would bvDR8BKztZE-00037-00034648-00034810 but bvDR8BKztZE-00038-00035538-00035713 may bvDR8BKztZE-00039-00036542-00036725 word bvDR8BKztZE-00040-00037495-00037670 day bvDR8BKztZE-00041-00038326-00038509 she bvDR8BKztZE-00042-00039193-00039368 that bvDR8BKztZE-00043-00040118-00040293 who bvDR8BKztZE-00044-00040982-00041176 has bvDR8BKztZE-00045-00041957-00042140 come bvDR8BKztZE-00046-00042931-00043114 more bvDR8BKztZE-00047-00043707-00043869 it bvDR8BKztZE-00048-00044616-00044804 first bvDR8BKztZE-00049-00045755-00045925 could bvDR8BKztZE-00050-00046672-00046847 go bvDR8BKztZE-00051-00047615-00047798 over bvDR8BKztZE-00052-00048584-00048767 write bvDR8BKztZE-00053-00049475-00049658 had bvDR8BKztZE-00054-00050329-00050504 did bvDR8BKztZE-00055-00051243-00051426 their bvDR8BKztZE-00056-00052042-00052236 see bvDR8BKztZE-00057-00052952-00053127 each bvDR8BKztZE-00058-00053890-00054060 what bvDR8BKztZE-00059-00054921-00055115 sound bvDR8BKztZE-00060-00055765-00055940 be bvDR8BKztZE-00061-00056525-00056700 if bvDR8BKztZE-00062-00057479-00057654 other bvDR8BKztZE-00063-00058375-00058550 by bvDR8BKztZE-00064-00059078-00059253 I bvDR8BKztZE-00065-00059785-00059968 in bvDR8BKztZE-00066-00060577-00060760 are bvDR8BKztZE-00067-00061502-00061695 most bvDR8BKztZE-00068-00062521-00062708 down bvDR8BKztZE-00069-00063474-00063662 have bvDR8BKztZE-00070-00064346-00064529 of bvDR8BKztZE-00071-00065281-00065465 write bvDR8BKztZE-00072-00066204-00066392 than bvDR8BKztZE-00073-00067042-00067230 use bvDR8BKztZE-00074-00068132-00068301 could bvDR8BKztZE-00075-00069033-00069221 his bvDR8BKztZE-00076-00069910-00070093 them bvDR8BKztZE-00077-00070741-00070929 use bvDR8BKztZE-00078-00071569-00071739 do bvDR8BKztZE-00079-00072502-00072685 water bvDR8BKztZE-00080-00073529-00073716 long bvDR8BKztZE-00081-00074299-00074474 a bvDR8BKztZE-00082-00075239-00075428 long bvDR8BKztZE-00083-00076054-00076229 he bvDR8BKztZE-00084-00076851-00077013 up bvDR8BKztZE-00085-00077818-00078000 call bvDR8BKztZE-00086-00078829-00079017 first bvDR8BKztZE-00087-00079894-00080077 about bvDR8BKztZE-00088-00080944-00081138 from bvDR8BKztZE-00089-00081864-00082052 was bvDR8BKztZE-00090-00082651-00082826 an bvDR8BKztZE-00091-00083497-00083672 that bvDR8BKztZE-00092-00084319-00084508 on bvDR8BKztZE-00093-00085106-00085281 if bvDR8BKztZE-00094-00085942-00086125 been bvDR8BKztZE-00095-00086723-00086906 we bvDR8BKztZE-00096-00087721-00087904 about bvDR8BKztZE-00097-00088541-00088711 at bvDR8BKztZE-00098-00089434-00089617 write bvDR8BKztZE-00099-00090296-00090471 her bvDR8BKztZE-00100-00091247-00091422 will bvDR8BKztZE-00101-00092229-00092404 you bvDR8BKztZE-00102-00093105-00093293 one bvDR8BKztZE-00103-00093886-00094069 as bvDR8BKztZE-00104-00094625-00094808 is bvDR8BKztZE-00105-00095489-00095678 these bvDR8BKztZE-00106-00096284-00096467 we bvDR8BKztZE-00107-00097253-00097436 call bvDR8BKztZE-00108-00098178-00098353 hot bvDR8BKztZE-00109-00099029-00099217 him bvDR8BKztZE-00110-00099740-00099915 I bvDR8BKztZE-00111-00100562-00100746 them bvDR8BKztZE-00112-00101495-00101678 for bvDR8BKztZE-00113-00102381-00102569 then bvDR8BKztZE-00114-00103413-00103588 your bvDR8BKztZE-00115-00104369-00104557 when bvDR8BKztZE-00116-00105241-00105416 go bvDR8BKztZE-00117-00106082-00106270 and bvDR8BKztZE-00118-00107051-00107240 many bvDR8BKztZE-00119-00108059-00108234 will bvDR8BKztZE-00120-00108940-00109115 go bvDR8BKztZE-00121-00109695-00109878 in bvDR8BKztZE-00122-00110774-00110957 people bvDR8BKztZE-00123-00111636-00111811 be bvDR8BKztZE-00124-00112367-00112537 at bvDR8BKztZE-00125-00113232-00113407 may bvDR8BKztZE-00126-00114280-00114462 which bvDR8BKztZE-00127-00115204-00115366 but bvDR8BKztZE-00128-00115993-00116176 the bvDR8BKztZE-00129-00116696-00116871 a bvDR8BKztZE-00130-00117464-00117652 on bvDR8BKztZE-00131-00118292-00118467 or bvDR8BKztZE-00132-00119083-00119266 the bvDR8BKztZE-00133-00120175-00120358 people bvDR8BKztZE-00134-00121110-00121293 of bvDR8BKztZE-00135-00121886-00122061 an bvDR8BKztZE-00136-00122761-00122936 with bvDR8BKztZE-00137-00123649-00123838 can bvDR8BKztZE-00138-00124572-00124754 make bvDR8BKztZE-00139-00125483-00125666 all bvDR8BKztZE-00140-00126301-00126476 to bvDR8BKztZE-00141-00127184-00127372 when bvDR8BKztZE-00142-00127970-00128153 is bvDR8BKztZE-00143-00128934-00129122 long bvDR8BKztZE-00144-00129908-00130092 for bvDR8BKztZE-00145-00130838-00131021 there bvDR8BKztZE-00146-00131719-00131894 by bvDR8BKztZE-00147-00132680-00132863 come bvDR8BKztZE-00148-00133597-00133785 this bvDR8BKztZE-00149-00134475-00134663 was bvDR8BKztZE-00150-00135535-00135724 number bvDR8BKztZE-00151-00136515-00136698 like bvDR8BKztZE-00152-00137628-00137798 could bvDR8BKztZE-00153-00138717-00138910 sound bvDR8BKztZE-00154-00139707-00139890 their bvDR8BKztZE-00155-00140580-00140767 time bvDR8BKztZE-00156-00141478-00141661 all bvDR8BKztZE-00157-00142311-00142494 no bvDR8BKztZE-00158-00143338-00143513 look bvDR8BKztZE-00159-00144373-00144560 down bvDR8BKztZE-00160-00145167-00145328 it bvDR8BKztZE-00161-00146133-00146308 your bvDR8BKztZE-00162-00147089-00147272 there bvDR8BKztZE-00163-00147928-00148111 are bvDR8BKztZE-00164-00148766-00148954 and bvDR8BKztZE-00165-00149649-00149837 can bvDR8BKztZE-00166-00150558-00150746 said bvDR8BKztZE-00167-00151614-00151796 which bvDR8BKztZE-00168-00152627-00152810 water bvDR8BKztZE-00169-00153523-00153698 by bvDR8BKztZE-00170-00154443-00154636 find bvDR8BKztZE-00171-00155399-00155592 some bvDR8BKztZE-00172-00156397-00156585 many bvDR8BKztZE-00173-00157462-00157656 sound bvDR8BKztZE-00174-00158465-00158659 most bvDR8BKztZE-00175-00159367-00159555 then bvDR8BKztZE-00176-00160341-00160524 thing bvDR8BKztZE-00177-00161302-00161485 how bvDR8BKztZE-00178-00162175-00162368 has bvDR8BKztZE-00179-00163108-00163283 each bvDR8BKztZE-00180-00163956-00164126 do bvDR8BKztZE-00181-00164787-00164975 one bvDR8BKztZE-00182-00165699-00165882 make bvDR8BKztZE-00183-00166610-00166799 these bvDR8BKztZE-00184-00167462-00167650 his bvDR8BKztZE-00185-00168570-00168753 people bvDR8BKztZE-00186-00169562-00169737 day bvDR8BKztZE-00187-00170435-00170628 side bvDR8BKztZE-00188-00171328-00171517 can bvDR8BKztZE-00189-00172107-00172290 is bvDR8BKztZE-00190-00173000-00173188 way bvDR8BKztZE-00191-00173907-00174082 that bvDR8BKztZE-00192-00174758-00174946 time bvDR8BKztZE-00193-00175584-00175772 use bvDR8BKztZE-00194-00176399-00176587 so bvDR8BKztZE-00195-00177169-00177352 as bvDR8BKztZE-00196-00178068-00178251 for bvDR8BKztZE-00197-00178969-00179157 this bvDR8BKztZE-00198-00179847-00180040 side bvDR8BKztZE-00199-00180756-00180931 two bvDR8BKztZE-00200-00181811-00181999 number bvDR8BKztZE-00201-00182806-00183000 find bvDR8BKztZE-00202-00183833-00184016 know bvDR8BKztZE-00203-00184700-00184888 on bvDR8BKztZE-00204-00185557-00185740 had bvDR8BKztZE-00205-00186411-00186594 of bvDR8BKztZE-00206-00187260-00187443 my bvDR8BKztZE-00207-00188081-00188263 no bvDR8BKztZE-00208-00188776-00188951 I bvDR8BKztZE-00209-00189541-00189724 she bvDR8BKztZE-00210-00190408-00190583 were bvDR8BKztZE-00211-00191362-00191544 over bvDR8BKztZE-00212-00192289-00192472 all bvDR8BKztZE-00213-00193224-00193418 some bvDR8BKztZE-00214-00194180-00194363 they bvDR8BKztZE-00215-00195110-00195298 have bvDR8BKztZE-00216-00196012-00196187 were bvDR8BKztZE-00217-00196876-00197059 been bvDR8BKztZE-00218-00197743-00197905 but bvDR8BKztZE-00219-00198634-00198817 make bvDR8BKztZE-00220-00199486-00199647 up bvDR8BKztZE-00221-00200353-00200541 than bvDR8BKztZE-00222-00201249-00201419 out bvDR8BKztZE-00223-00202239-00202422 word bvDR8BKztZE-00224-00203148-00203336 was bvDR8BKztZE-00225-00204080-00204264 they bvDR8BKztZE-00226-00205039-00205232 most bvDR8BKztZE-00227-00205898-00206082 she bvDR8BKztZE-00228-00206839-00207022 over bvDR8BKztZE-00229-00207735-00207928 side bvDR8BKztZE-00230-00208514-00208696 in bvDR8BKztZE-00231-00209436-00209611 you bvDR8BKztZE-00232-00210238-00210413 an bvDR8BKztZE-00233-00211027-00211215 so bvDR8BKztZE-00234-00211915-00212090 two bvDR8BKztZE-00235-00212899-00213088 down bvDR8BKztZE-00236-00213926-00214101 other bvDR8BKztZE-00237-00214809-00214992 my bvDR8BKztZE-00238-00215802-00215995 from bvDR8BKztZE-00239-00216577-00216752 a bvDR8BKztZE-00240-00217387-00217570 been 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bvDR8BKztZE-00578-00522866-00523049 the bvDR8BKztZE-00579-00523814-00524002 many bvDR8BKztZE-00580-00524752-00524940 said bvDR8BKztZE-00581-00525721-00525904 water bvDR8BKztZE-00582-00526863-00527045 people bvDR8BKztZE-00583-00527855-00528038 make bvDR8BKztZE-00584-00528809-00528992 write bvDR8BKztZE-00585-00529556-00529731 a bvDR8BKztZE-00586-00530353-00530546 has bvDR8BKztZE-00587-00531314-00531497 over bvDR8BKztZE-00588-00532455-00532638 people bvDR8BKztZE-00589-00533260-00533435 a bvDR8BKztZE-00590-00534041-00534216 her bvDR8BKztZE-00591-00535008-00535196 down bvDR8BKztZE-00592-00535888-00536058 do bvDR8BKztZE-00593-00536703-00536865 up bvDR8BKztZE-00594-00537554-00537724 out bvDR8BKztZE-00595-00538458-00538641 now bvDR8BKztZE-00596-00539428-00539603 you bvDR8BKztZE-00597-00540217-00540392 he bvDR8BKztZE-00598-00540985-00541160 to bvDR8BKztZE-00599-00541854-00542043 said bw4PZNv-KJM-00000-00000008-00000528 hey guys it's spartan jess and you know what today is a special day because i bw4PZNv-KJM-00001-00000528-00000896 get to show off and announce you the third installment of the products and tutorial bw4PZNv-KJM-00002-00000896-00001344 series now we got a lot to go over today whenever it comes to updates from the past bw4PZNv-KJM-00003-00001344-00001712 episodes of the series to the different kind of segments that are going to be in this video bw4PZNv-KJM-00004-00001712-00002280 specifically so first we'll go into the updates second we'll go into the tutorials and third well bw4PZNv-KJM-00005-00002280-00002720 we'll get into the products and there's a lot of them but before we continue into the video bw4PZNv-KJM-00006-00002720-00003096 if you guys would like to find out how to win one the brand new foundry airsoft magnums bw4PZNv-KJM-00007-00003152-00003536 stick around to the end of the video to learn more information about this bw4PZNv-KJM-00008-00003536-00004000 now with all that out of the way let's get into the video that you all have been waiting to watch bw4PZNv-KJM-00009-00004176-00004616 now for the beginning of our update segment let's start off with master lehman's the guy who's known bw4PZNv-KJM-00010-00004616-00005216 for making a couple of halo airsoft armor pieces mostly helmets chess pieces shoulder pieces etc bw4PZNv-KJM-00011-00005216-00005640 he's disappeared from etsy due to conflicts that have been happening around the world recently bw4PZNv-KJM-00012-00005640-00006192 and unfortunately his page has been kind of struck down from etsy so they've moved all their products bw4PZNv-KJM-00013-00006192-00006688 onto a website called crelandia crelandia i don't know hopefully i'm pronouncing that right it seems bw4PZNv-KJM-00014-00006688-00007056 like with everything about master lehman's i just kind of mispronounce everything i've been calling bw4PZNv-KJM-00015-00007056-00007464 him master lemons and now i'm not really sure if i'm pronouncing that website right but oh bw4PZNv-KJM-00016-00007464-00007904 well let's move on here you can see that he's got a couple of new additions um he's got a bw4PZNv-KJM-00017-00007904-00008440 master chief helmet he still has his odst helmets and he also has a new halo marine helmet and a bw4PZNv-KJM-00018-00008440-00008936 couple different variety of colors and same goes for all of his other helmets that he has on his bw4PZNv-KJM-00019-00008936-00009464 crelondia website so if you're still interested in master lehman's work make sure to go check it out bw4PZNv-KJM-00020-00009464-00009904 now let's move on to printing revolution and the update status of their etsy page bw4PZNv-KJM-00021-00009904-00010488 now turns out printing revolution is also alchemy from my previous products tutorials video you know bw4PZNv-KJM-00022-00010488-00010976 the segment where i show off one of the magnum kits made for an aep model eventually he moved bw4PZNv-KJM-00023-00010976-00011496 that magnum kit onto his etsy page what's cool is you can actually add electrical components into bw4PZNv-KJM-00024-00011496-00011952 this magnum kit as well i thought that was pretty interesting and looking at the other products that bw4PZNv-KJM-00025-00011952-00012392 printing revolution has made a while ago they announced that they were making odst bw4PZNv-KJM-00026-00012392-00013016 gear and now to this day it's on his shop they've also created a showcase video displaying the odst bw4PZNv-KJM-00027-00013016-00013552 gear in cinematic fashion and surprisingly the set of armor has a ton of positive reviews so that's a bw4PZNv-KJM-00028-00013552-00014024 great sign of the product's value but they don't just have odst armor they also have a marine bw4PZNv-KJM-00029-00014024-00014472 helmet so if you're looking for a quality marine bucket well printing revolution has one that's bw4PZNv-KJM-00030-00014472-00014919 not the only marine style looking helmet that they have moving on from their etsy page they also have bw4PZNv-KJM-00031-00014919-00015496 a shopify page and on there they have an exclusive new mombasa police department set so if you're bw4PZNv-KJM-00032-00015496-00015896 interested make sure to go check that out and one of the final things i wanted to mention about bw4PZNv-KJM-00033-00015896-00016336 printing revolution is that they're designing their own halo reach grenade launcher so with all bw4PZNv-KJM-00034-00016336-00016808 that being mentioned for printing revolution make sure to go check out all their stuff now let's get bw4PZNv-KJM-00035-00016808-00017400 into some of the pages and people that have been missing in action 39 bullets an etsy page that bw4PZNv-KJM-00036-00017400-00017936 used to produce a bunch of sci-fi airsoft helmets has unfortunately disappeared headhunter airsoft bw4PZNv-KJM-00037-00017936-00018584 3d the etsy page that used to produce magnum kits for the 23 is no longer on etsy anymore as well bw4PZNv-KJM-00038-00018584-00019408 glendon chan no no longer does smg commissions oh that hurts but i respect it and finally we bw4PZNv-KJM-00039-00019408-00019968 have foundry airsoft who thankfully is still around they're no longer on etsy however ever bw4PZNv-KJM-00040-00019968-00020464 since etsy updated their policies about i guess quote unquote firearm related products being sold bw4PZNv-KJM-00041-00020464-00020912 on their website foundry airsoft was one of the etsy pages that got taken down due to these new bw4PZNv-KJM-00042-00020912-00021408 policies so at the moment they're in the process of creating their brand new magnum kits that are bw4PZNv-KJM-00043-00021408-00021896 ejection molded can accommodate tracer units in the socom variant and overall the whole kit is bw4PZNv-KJM-00044-00021896-00022568 adaptable to all gen 17 18 and 19 airsoft glock variants so these magnums have great improvements bw4PZNv-KJM-00045-00022568-00022960 to them and they will be releasing very soon so if you want to keep in touch about more information bw4PZNv-KJM-00046-00022960-00023456 about foundry airsoft make sure to keep watching their instagram page hello what's this bw4PZNv-KJM-00047-00023456-00023952 looks like a collaboration with yours truly i'll be talking more about that at the end of the video bw4PZNv-KJM-00048-00023952-00024424 now with the update segment out of the way let's get into the tutorials now let's first start off bw4PZNv-KJM-00049-00024424-00024960 with gabler32 this is the guy who helped me create my own airsoft m40 just by showing tutorials about bw4PZNv-KJM-00050-00024960-00025528 how he did his so his method of conversion was to place a gas blowback airsoft pistol into the back bw4PZNv-KJM-00051-00025528-00026056 of a nerf m40 and ever since then he has about three or four videos showcasing all the different bw4PZNv-KJM-00052-00026056-00026664 versions of his ma40 build process his most recent video showcases his third version the black and bw4PZNv-KJM-00053-00026664-00027088 gold color scheme representing the one from the first call of duty black ops game if you'd like bw4PZNv-KJM-00054-00027088-00027536 to see a little bit more about the origins of the gas blowback ma40 conversion make sure to go check bw4PZNv-KJM-00055-00027536-00028192 out gabler32 staying on the same topic of the ma40 zero seitanta has created a short tutorial of how bw4PZNv-KJM-00056-00028192-00028904 to place an aeg airsoft m4 into the nerf me40 this is essentially the same method that the mangy mutt bw4PZNv-KJM-00057-00028904-00029392 showed me how to do in my recent ma40 tutorial but if you wanted to see a more quicker version bw4PZNv-KJM-00058-00029392-00029952 of the actual run through and build process of the aeg me40 make sure to go check out this video now bw4PZNv-KJM-00059-00029952-00030512 let's move on to missouri forge's 405 dmr thread where he goes into pretty specific detail about bw4PZNv-KJM-00060-00030512-00031239 how his progress has been so far with building his custom dmr by having the kjw case co2 as a main bw4PZNv-KJM-00061-00031239-00031727 platform for the build with a variety of internal upgrades he designed it in a way to where he could bw4PZNv-KJM-00062-00031727-00032272 bull puppet and place it into the back of the dmr design he bought his own lathe or at least a newer bw4PZNv-KJM-00063-00032272-00032744 version for himself just for this project he used a lathe for the muzzle brake and the outer barrel bw4PZNv-KJM-00064-00032744-00033320 and the dmr is a combination of pla 3d printed material and metal parts the handguard is made out bw4PZNv-KJM-00065-00033320-00033848 of stainless flat bar and the dmr has additional metal picatinny rails with plans to incorporate bw4PZNv-KJM-00066-00033848-00034344 the tycon ammo counter and to finish the body up with the cerakote this project is definitely bw4PZNv-KJM-00067-00034344-00034800 looking up becoming a really fascinating one from a custom build perspective you're probably going bw4PZNv-KJM-00068-00034800-00035248 to see a lot more about this project in the future so if you'd like to see the thread for yourself bw4PZNv-KJM-00069-00035248-00035688 make sure to check the link in the description now with another 405th post coming up we have bw4PZNv-KJM-00070-00035688-00036216 the one and only redshirt98 with this continued airsoft nikken needler conversion and with knowing bw4PZNv-KJM-00071-00036216-00036664 him you can already assume that he's going to try to make this as accurate to the game as possible bw4PZNv-KJM-00072-00036664-00037144 with recently adding a fiberglass interior layer into the needler making it a lot more durable bw4PZNv-KJM-00073-00037144-00037656 for airsoft impact working his hardest to make sure that the needle is fully contract into the bw4PZNv-KJM-00074-00037656-00038176 body of the needler and he also plans to make this needler hpa powered putting the tank at the bottom bw4PZNv-KJM-00075-00038176-00038704 grip of the needler and the best part about this whole project that it's a literal aimbot bw4PZNv-KJM-00076-00038704-00039248 that redshirt 98 is planning to install a radar scanning system so depending on wherever you are bw4PZNv-KJM-00077-00039248-00039664 in front of the needler the barrel will adjust to a moving player in front of it redshirt has been bw4PZNv-KJM-00078-00039664-00040136 working on the sneaker kneeler for a while now and the 405th thread is a very good read showing his bw4PZNv-KJM-00079-00040136-00040728 whole build process of this fascinating covenant weapon he's recently uploaded a update video about bw4PZNv-KJM-00080-00040728-00041176 the fiberglass edition but if you want to keep more up to date about this project redshirt is bw4PZNv-KJM-00081-00041176-00041592 a lot more active in this build thread so i definitely recommend giving it a good read bw4PZNv-KJM-00082-00041592-00042056 now moving away from the 405th post but still retaining the covenant weaponry topic we have bw4PZNv-KJM-00083-00042056-00042704 iron fox and his video showcase of his covenant airsoft armory where he displays a quick tutorial bw4PZNv-KJM-00084-00042704-00043208 about how he built all these custom airsoft guns the first being the plasma pistol with the mk1 bw4PZNv-KJM-00085-00043208-00043768 being the airsoft platform the mini carbine with the mk1 rifle being the platform plasma rifle bw4PZNv-KJM-00086-00043768-00044448 being at aep glock and the needler which is the aep sema m9 iron fox is another fellow halo air bw4PZNv-KJM-00087-00044448-00044864 softer it's pretty underrated whenever it comes to videos like this one thing to keep in mind bw4PZNv-KJM-00088-00044864-00045424 is that he is french but thankfully he activated subtitles on his videos so others can understand bw4PZNv-KJM-00089-00045424-00045744 what he's saying and you know what now that i'm thinking about it i should probably do the same bw4PZNv-KJM-00090-00045832-00046320 so if you'd like to learn how to make some pretty simplistic covenant airsoft builds make sure to bw4PZNv-KJM-00091-00046320-00046800 go check out iron fox's youtube channel now having another member of the halo airsoft community join bw4PZNv-KJM-00092-00046800-00047336 us here today we have parzival who's kind of known in the community for owning a ton of cb 88s and bw4PZNv-KJM-00093-00047336-00047736 he's worked on a lot of them on his spare time so he kind of knows these platforms like the back of bw4PZNv-KJM-00094-00047736-00048304 his hand he has also created a couple of unedited walkthroughs of most of the cb88 assembly process bw4PZNv-KJM-00095-00048304-00048792 and also if you do have any cb 88s that you would like to have repaired and whatnot partial will be bw4PZNv-KJM-00096-00048792-00049128 more than happy to take them off your hands and repair them for you in the future he's going to bw4PZNv-KJM-00097-00049128-00049616 be helping me with the updated version of how to repair the cb 88 so make sure to keep an eye out bw4PZNv-KJM-00098-00049616-00050024 for that partnered video and if you would like to see more videos about the assembly process bw4PZNv-KJM-00099-00050024-00050488 of the cb 88 make sure you go check out parzival's youtube channel and for a very last second edition bw4PZNv-KJM-00100-00050488-00051112 tactical odst has shared with us his suppressed smg made out of aap01 you're going to see a lot bw4PZNv-KJM-00101-00051112-00051679 of aapo one love in this video so be prepared for that by using a mix of parts acquired from etsy bw4PZNv-KJM-00102-00051679-00052264 and a couple of action army accessories like the nuptial folding grip and asg strike rds he had to bw4PZNv-KJM-00103-00052264-00052776 work the outer body edition onto the aap01 because it wasn't provided with any screws and tactical bw4PZNv-KJM-00104-00052776-00053184 odst had to do a little bit of sanding in order to attach it to the platform so if you're looking for bw4PZNv-KJM-00105-00053184-00053784 a very simple way to create an airsoft smg go look up tactical odst's instagram for any more bw4PZNv-KJM-00106-00053784-00054288 information about this build and finally for our tutorial segment of the video winley creations has bw4PZNv-KJM-00107-00054288-00054888 made his own airsoft halo reach ar by constructing the body completely by himself putting an aeg in bw4PZNv-KJM-00108-00054888-00055344 the back of the body and having the gun being top fed where the ammo counter is located bw4PZNv-KJM-00109-00055344-00055800 i personally don't get on tick-tock at all but if you guys would like to see this short showcase of bw4PZNv-KJM-00110-00055800-00056208 the halo reach ar build make sure to go check it out i'd also like to say that just about all bw4PZNv-KJM-00111-00056208-00056679 these tutorials came from the halo airsoft groups most notably the facebook and the discord group so bw4PZNv-KJM-00112-00056679-00057008 if you'd like to see more of these projects make sure to come and join i'll leave the links to the bw4PZNv-KJM-00113-00057008-00057432 discord and facebook groups in the description below and now we finally get into the product bw4PZNv-KJM-00114-00057432-00057848 section of the video now for the first phase of the products we're mostly going to be going into bw4PZNv-KJM-00115-00057848-00058400 information about colts 3d because there's been a lot of halo airsoft related 3d printable files bw4PZNv-KJM-00116-00058400-00058784 that have been showing up there recently and i just want to state this i do know not everybody bw4PZNv-KJM-00117-00058784-00059272 in the world has a 3d printer i'll be once again vouching for alpha to zeta industries for any 3d bw4PZNv-KJM-00118-00059272-00059655 printing services so if any of you guys are interested in some of the things i'm about to bw4PZNv-KJM-00119-00059655-00060144 mention 3d file wise but you're not able to print it yourself make sure to acquire the 3d file that bw4PZNv-KJM-00120-00060144-00060688 you're interested in and contact alpha to zeta through either their facebook page instagram or bw4PZNv-KJM-00121-00060688-00061120 etsy page they'll be more than happy to help you out and to start off our product section bw4PZNv-KJM-00122-00061120-00061744 let's look into reese davies magnum kit for the aap01 now reese davie is mainly known for creating bw4PZNv-KJM-00123-00061744-00062264 3d files for other franchises like star wars and whatnot but this is the one halo related 3d file bw4PZNv-KJM-00124-00062264-00062784 that they have on their colts 3d they also have a showcase video on youtube basically displaying the bw4PZNv-KJM-00125-00062784-00063432 magnum in action next up we got mastermaker 11s fn2000 halo assault rifle top shroud originally bw4PZNv-KJM-00126-00063432-00063976 created for iron fox master maker 11 decided to put the design up onto colts 3d so if you'd bw4PZNv-KJM-00127-00063976-00064616 want one for yourself look up mastermaker 11. incompetent hack has designed a very simplistic bw4PZNv-KJM-00128-00064616-00065191 smg file for the aap01 they also have a very short showcase video on youtube as well if you'd like a bw4PZNv-KJM-00129-00065191-00065736 very simplified smg go check out incompetent hack with a roster of four different kinds of magnums bw4PZNv-KJM-00130-00065736-00066344 on this colts 3d page we have pj works first being a slide and frame kit for the glock 17 gen 3 the bw4PZNv-KJM-00131-00066344-00066856 second also being a slide and frame kit but for the glock 19 the third kit being another glock 19 bw4PZNv-KJM-00132-00066856-00067392 kit but without the slide in frame and the final magnum file being designed for the aap01 and now bw4PZNv-KJM-00133-00067392-00068088 we have mccool studio designs with his hba br75 now he has 3d files for this br on his etsy page bw4PZNv-KJM-00134-00068088-00068688 and his colts 3d page mccool also has a tutorial video showing how to install the airsoft internals bw4PZNv-KJM-00135-00068688-00069088 into the body of his 3d design so it's definitely worth checking out if you're interested in getting bw4PZNv-KJM-00136-00069088-00069696 this hpa br the design was specifically made for the hba m4 and they also left some space for a bw4PZNv-KJM-00137-00069696-00070240 future ammo counter integration if demand is high enough for these brs or mccool's personal use of bw4PZNv-KJM-00138-00070240-00070864 his br75 he placed a wolverine gen 2 inferno with a spartan trigger board as part of the internals bw4PZNv-KJM-00139-00070864-00071376 for his gun that's not the only br style project that mccool studios has been working on they've bw4PZNv-KJM-00140-00071376-00072024 been designing what's called a br 75 t a battle rifle that's more realistic in nature whenever bw4PZNv-KJM-00141-00072024-00072448 it comes to performance and handling i'd keep an eye on the cool studios if you're more interested bw4PZNv-KJM-00142-00072448-00072936 in his battle rifle projects you'll probably see some collaboration videos with him and i as well bw4PZNv-KJM-00143-00072936-00073576 3d bb designs is known for his airsoft grenade launcher that can watch any kind of 40 millimeter bw4PZNv-KJM-00144-00073576-00074056 grenades and tag rounds they've been in the halo airsoft community for a while now showcasing their bw4PZNv-KJM-00145-00074056-00074488 build process of this grenade launcher and a good amount of people showed some positive feedback to bw4PZNv-KJM-00146-00074488-00075064 it 3db designs also has a disassembly video going through how to essentially build and take apart bw4PZNv-KJM-00147-00075064-00075488 the grenade launcher they've also kindly gave me a copy of their grenade launcher but pretty soon bw4PZNv-KJM-00148-00075488-00075928 you'll see a video of me assembling the grenade launcher and using it in action lulu crafting bw4PZNv-KJM-00149-00075928-00076400 girl has created her own little small arsenal of halo airsoft gear first being her magnum kit bw4PZNv-KJM-00150-00076400-00077136 for the glock 19 23 or 32 the halo reach shotgun design for the marui breacher the smg for the high bw4PZNv-KJM-00151-00077136-00077704 kappa and lulucraft's brand new design the br 85 designed for a high kappa as well lulu crafting bw4PZNv-KJM-00152-00077704-00078224 girl is another underrated halo air softer that's been active on instagram and uploads her designs bw4PZNv-KJM-00153-00078224-00078744 onto colts 3d and note that all four of these designs aren't on our cult's 3d page quite yet bw4PZNv-KJM-00154-00078744-00079232 but she is uploading them very soon so if you'd like to see any more future designs being uploaded bw4PZNv-KJM-00155-00079232-00079648 make sure to follow her on instagram i'm sure she'd appreciate it and the last page standing bw4PZNv-KJM-00156-00079648-00080264 for the 3d cult section is airsoft rnd let me tell you this is a special one airsoft r d has a wide bw4PZNv-KJM-00157-00080264-00080968 variety of halo airsoft 3d files whether it comes to his m90 shotgun cosmetic kit his set of magnums bw4PZNv-KJM-00158-00080968-00081648 for the aap01 being the m6 the socom and the m6c and airsoft r d doesn't just have bw4PZNv-KJM-00159-00081648-00082248 3d cults page he also has his own website where he sells not just the 3d files but also commission bw4PZNv-KJM-00160-00082248-00082672 kits if you don't want to go through the process of building it yourself they also have their bw4PZNv-KJM-00161-00082672-00083248 own halo reach grenade launcher and the very first airsoft spinker this thing looks awesome bw4PZNv-KJM-00162-00083320-00083816 i mean have you ever seen anybody dual wielding two halo airsoft rocket launchers i mean bw4PZNv-KJM-00163-00083816-00084344 come on and that's not the only thing up airsoft r d sleeve they also plan to release a couple of bw4PZNv-KJM-00164-00084344-00084832 covenant airsoft weapons as well with the covenant carbine almost being done with production and per bw4PZNv-KJM-00165-00084832-00085392 my personal request the airsoft needler rifle so if you'd like to check out any of airsoft rnd's bw4PZNv-KJM-00166-00085392-00085880 wide variety of halo airsoft guns or if you would like him to commission some for you make sure to bw4PZNv-KJM-00167-00085880-00086328 go check them out now moving away from the 3d file section i would like to point out that the rest of bw4PZNv-KJM-00168-00086328-00086776 our products coming up are all going to be located on etsy if you would like to attach ammo counters bw4PZNv-KJM-00169-00086776-00087376 onto halo airsoft props i'd recommend checking out west to be electronics for their easy to assemble bw4PZNv-KJM-00170-00087376-00087848 custom ammo counters whether you need one for your custom ma40 or a battle rifle bw4PZNv-KJM-00171-00087848-00088320 these are pretty simple to put together and attach them to your builds i've used two of the westby bw4PZNv-KJM-00172-00088320-00088944 electronic ammo counters for my older boomko ma5b conversion and now my recent ma40 conversion bw4PZNv-KJM-00173-00088944-00089312 so if this sparks your interest make sure to go contact west to be electronics bw4PZNv-KJM-00174-00089312-00090048 next we have male modeling studios who has an m6c and socom magnum 3d file and most notably an odst bw4PZNv-KJM-00175-00090048-00090576 rug sac based off the odst backpack design from the live action odst trailer you have a couple of bw4PZNv-KJM-00176-00090576-00091048 options for durability so if you're going for the airsoft version make sure to select that whenever bw4PZNv-KJM-00177-00091048-00091512 you're checking out the options this might be a bit of heresy for us halo airsofters but i bw4PZNv-KJM-00178-00091512-00091952 think some of their work is pretty interesting oni labs has developed a pretty decent lineup bw4PZNv-KJM-00179-00091952-00092432 for halo paintball and airsoft gear they have some really cool kits like the paintball smg bw4PZNv-KJM-00180-00092432-00092904 and some halo looking weapon attachments that can be put onto picatinny rails they also have bw4PZNv-KJM-00181-00092904-00093296 armor that you can attach onto your chest rig if you like as well like this halo reach spartan bw4PZNv-KJM-00182-00093296-00093736 chess piece currently oni labs is working on a marine helmet and also a halo infinite line bw4PZNv-KJM-00183-00093736-00094304 breaker helmet most recently i've actually ran into one of their custom elite helmets it looks bw4PZNv-KJM-00184-00094304-00094832 pretty sweet most of their work is commissioned so i recommend contacting only labs for anything bw4PZNv-KJM-00185-00094832-00095432 essentially specific the mksm shop has a large variety of cosplay or airsoft proof helmets bw4PZNv-KJM-00186-00095432-00095824 now i've been told strongly by some people in the community that these helmets have some bw4PZNv-KJM-00187-00095824-00096240 very good quality build to them now with their selection of helmets that you could get from their bw4PZNv-KJM-00188-00096240-00096768 etsy store you can get a raw set a raw kit or a straight up completed helmet all the details about bw4PZNv-KJM-00189-00096768-00097224 these selections are in the description and you can request helmet sizes you just gotta make sure bw4PZNv-KJM-00190-00097224-00097880 to contact them beforehand they also have a full set of odst gear prep for cosplay or airsoft so bw4PZNv-KJM-00191-00097880-00098360 if you're interested i'd definitely check them out and finally for our last presentation for the halo bw4PZNv-KJM-00192-00098360-00098952 airsoft products and tutorials episode 3 we have spark armory workshop who straight up creates full bw4PZNv-KJM-00193-00098952-00099552 metal odst gear if you want to talk about fully airsoft proof armor well an entire odst kit made bw4PZNv-KJM-00194-00099552-00100080 out of aluminum could definitely do the job all custom made for each purchase spark armory cuts bw4PZNv-KJM-00195-00100080-00100544 and forms all these aluminum pieces whether it being the chest plate the shoulder back plate and bw4PZNv-KJM-00196-00100544-00101080 elbow plates and fewer plates can't be made on a request these kits are specifically designed onto bw4PZNv-KJM-00197-00101080-00101600 an airsoft plate carrier and shoulder pads spark armory workshop has just recently started this bw4PZNv-KJM-00198-00101600-00102104 whole thing and it does look like some individual pieces are being sold like just play now it can be bw4PZNv-KJM-00199-00102104-00102632 a bit expensive justifiably so because after all these are custom-made aluminum armor pieces so bw4PZNv-KJM-00200-00102632-00103120 if you like to help support spark armory workshop make sure to go give his etsy page a look and with bw4PZNv-KJM-00201-00103120-00103608 all that research finally being finished we come to the conclusion of our video now unfortunately bw4PZNv-KJM-00202-00103608-00104088 i had to cut a couple of things because i wasn't completely sure if they were airsoft related and bw4PZNv-KJM-00203-00104088-00104544 the video was getting long enough as it is but hey if there's anything that i've missed to put into bw4PZNv-KJM-00204-00104544-00104952 this video let me know down in the comment section below and everything that i just mentioned will be bw4PZNv-KJM-00205-00104952-00105320 in the description of this video so don't worry about going out and trying to search for all this bw4PZNv-KJM-00206-00105320-00105752 yourself and if you decide to stick around for the end of the video to learn about how to win a brand bw4PZNv-KJM-00207-00105752-00106416 new foundry airsoft magnum um well that event is actually part of my brand new spartan jess patreon bw4PZNv-KJM-00208-00106416-00106864 where the supporters of this youtube channel are eligible to win unique prizes just like this bw4PZNv-KJM-00209-00106864-00107344 i go a lot more into detail about this in my recent future of the channel video but to keep bw4PZNv-KJM-00210-00107344-00107808 more simplified every couple months i'm going to be hosting what we call a brethren raffle it's bw4PZNv-KJM-00211-00107808-00108424 essentially a raffle perk that only the final tier in my patreon can attend in which is called the bw4PZNv-KJM-00212-00108424-00109072 spartan brethren i have other tiers on my patreon as well for those that don't specifically want to bw4PZNv-KJM-00213-00109072-00110064 be a spartan brethren like the rat enthusiast noble marine hell jumper graciously donated bw4PZNv-KJM-00214-00110064-00110592 by foundry airsoft the brand new injection molded magnum will be obtainable at the time of recording bw4PZNv-KJM-00215-00110592-00111080 this video at the end of this month if you'd like to participate in the very first brethren raffle bw4PZNv-KJM-00216-00111080-00111616 consider becoming one of my spartan brethrens or if not then any support is welcome after all bw4PZNv-KJM-00217-00111616-00112135 the patreon does fuel content like this with all that being said i'd just like to say thank bw4PZNv-KJM-00218-00112135-00113583 you guys for watching please like and subscribe and don't forget this is truly combat evolved bw4PZNv-KJM-00219-00114408-00114416 you bx0FKTk-wn4-00000-00000000-00002192 Sadhguru chants Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya bx0FKTk-wn4-00001-00033720-00034256 Sadhguru: Todays happens to be the Tamil New Year's Day. bx0FKTk-wn4-00002-00034256-00034938 One might wonder how many New Year's days in a year. bx0FKTk-wn4-00003-00034938-00035634 Well, this is because different calendars... bx0FKTk-wn4-00004-00035634-00036248 After all, the planet is round and it's spinning, from where you measure is left to you. bx0FKTk-wn4-00005-00036248-00036586 Different cultures started measuring New Year, bx0FKTk-wn4-00006-00036586-00037270 from a point which is most significant for them in terms of a new beginning. bx0FKTk-wn4-00007-00037270-00038122 Tamil Nadu, or the tamil culture being among the oldest agricultural cultures on the planet, bx0FKTk-wn4-00008-00038122-00039076 hold 14th of April, where there is a certain shift in Sun's relationship with the planet bx0FKTk-wn4-00009-00039076-00039878 and also in the rest of the country which is seen as Vaishaki or Baishaki in different parts of the country. bx0FKTk-wn4-00010-00039878-00040462 Because in the north it moves to harvest now bx0FKTk-wn4-00011-00040462-00041190 but in the south harvest has happened earlier, after pongal that is the 14th of January. bx0FKTk-wn4-00012-00041190-00041990 Now, it is preparation of the land, which is considered a very sacred duty. bx0FKTk-wn4-00013-00041990-00042774 So before we touch the land once again, we have left it for some time after the harvest, untouched. bx0FKTk-wn4-00014-00042774-00043518 Now before we once again go and put our plough into the land, it is considered a new beginning. bx0FKTk-wn4-00015-00043518-00043886 So this is the new year for the Tamil people. bx0FKTk-wn4-00016-00043886-00044318 The Telugu New Year was Ugadi,just a few days ago. bx0FKTk-wn4-00017-00044318-00045254 Because they go into the land little early because, largely Karnataka and... bx0FKTk-wn4-00018-00045254-00045922 and, Andhra Pradesh receive Southwestern monsoon which starts at the end of May. bx0FKTk-wn4-00019-00045922-00046346 Tamil Nadu also gets that, this part of Tamil Nadu gets it bx0FKTk-wn4-00020-00046346-00046932 but the larger part of Tamil Nadu waits for the Northeastern monsoon later on, bx0FKTk-wn4-00021-00046932-00047612 a milder Southwestern monsoon because of that, their calculations are little different andstarts... bx0FKTk-wn4-00022-00047612-00048182 today is the New Year's Day, because this is new agricultural year bx0FKTk-wn4-00023-00048182-00048592 because agriculture was the basis of lives here. bx0FKTk-wn4-00024-00048592-00049092 Because of that, the beginning of new agriculture is considered the New Year. bx0FKTk-wn4-00025-00049092-00049572 Not the December because... December January, bx0FKTk-wn4-00026-00049572-00050168 because at that time, nothing significant is happening for us in this culture. bx0FKTk-wn4-00027-00050168-00051182 So, my heartiest greetings to all the Tamil people across the world (Speaks in Tamil - not transcribed). bx0FKTk-wn4-00028-00051182-00051844 So as a part of that, our Sounds of Isha will perform bx0FKTk-wn4-00029-00051844-00052434 something that means a lot to the people of Tamil Nadu. bx0FKTk-wn4-00030-00129190-00130058 Now that the Tamil New Year is over, now we go to Kerala (Speaks in Malyalam - not transcribed) bx0FKTk-wn4-00031-00130058-00130394 It is also a new year in Kerala. bx0FKTk-wn4-00032-00130394-00130772 So to all the Malyali people across the world, bx0FKTk-wn4-00033-00130772-00131366 we wish you the best but these are not the best times, but may you be at your best. bx0FKTk-wn4-00034-00131366-00131826 Well, we'll have to go to Punjab, Bengal, Orissa, bx0FKTk-wn4-00035-00131826-00132682 we cannot wish them in their language, we can only shoo boo shoo boo shoo boo. bx0FKTk-wn4-00036-00132682-00133464 To every one of you, let this... bx0FKTk-wn4-00037-00133464-00134556 well, kind of dire situation, still there are a lot of people raising arguments, bx0FKTk-wn4-00038-00134556-00135232 "Oh, is this really needed? Let's go out and do what we have to do, let's see what happens." bx0FKTk-wn4-00039-00135232-00135712 Well, last time when... bx0FKTk-wn4-00040-00135712-00136392 when there was no air travel, when there was no such movement of populations as today, bx0FKTk-wn4-00041-00136392-00137240 last time when it happened - in 1918, the Spanish Flu killed fifty million people! bx0FKTk-wn4-00042-00137240-00137486 You want to try once again. bx0FKTk-wn4-00043-00137486-00137774 No, I think somebody has to stop you. bx0FKTk-wn4-00044-00137774-00138008 That's what the government is trying to do. bx0FKTk-wn4-00045-00138008-00138418 That's what governments around the world are trying to do. bx0FKTk-wn4-00046-00138418-00139182 Those who did not do the lockdown quick enough, unfortunately those nations are suffering immensely. bx0FKTk-wn4-00047-00139182-00139818 United States has crossed 24,000 fatalities. bx0FKTk-wn4-00048-00139818-00140492 Well, that's not an inspiration for the rest of the world, bx0FKTk-wn4-00049-00140492-00141252 because a most affluent nation with highest level of infrastructure, if it goes into this mode. bx0FKTk-wn4-00050-00141252-00142060 What happens to other countries is very intimidating situation. bx0FKTk-wn4-00051-00142060-00143380 So, India has been contained but not conquered the virus, we've only contained it. bx0FKTk-wn4-00052-00143380-00145338 Knowing the nature of these organisms, that they don't have a brain,I'm saying you're in good company. bx0FKTk-wn4-00053-00145338-00146316 They're probably single celled or probably a little bit, two, three cells but no specific brain as such. bx0FKTk-wn4-00054-00146316-00146690 But they are determined to do what they want to do. bx0FKTk-wn4-00055-00146690-00147850 They know what they want, for their life and they will incessantly, relentlessly work towards that. bx0FKTk-wn4-00056-00147850-00148826 They're not like you; three weeks at home, suddenly you think nothing will happen, your priorities will change. bx0FKTk-wn4-00057-00148826-00149574 They're not like that, their priorities don't change, they are simply on, on, and on! bx0FKTk-wn4-00058-00149574-00150222 You know we've been telling you, "Nischala tatvam, jeevan muktihi" bx0FKTk-wn4-00059-00150222-00150776 -an unwavering sense of purpose is liberation. bx0FKTk-wn4-00060-00150776-00151954 Well, they have an unwavering sense of purpose and they don't need liberation, they're ready to liberate you. bx0FKTk-wn4-00061-00151954-00152520 So this is not to be taken lightly, unfortunately, bx0FKTk-wn4-00062-00152520-00153334 a complex brain has not become an advantage for a whole lot of people. bx0FKTk-wn4-00063-00153334-00153690 This is the greatest advantage we have over every other creature bx0FKTk-wn4-00064-00153690-00154676 that we have a complex cerebral cortex, that we can look at things from many dimensions. bx0FKTk-wn4-00065-00154676-00155592 Unfortunately for a whole lot of human beings, instead of this capability; instead of bringing clarity, bx0FKTk-wn4-00066-00155592-00156218 has brought constant muddied confusion about everything. bx0FKTk-wn4-00067-00156218-00157254 Well, this is not a time to leave the world to individual freedoms and individual actions, bx0FKTk-wn4-00068-00157254-00157794 it has to be curtailed according to the needs of a society. bx0FKTk-wn4-00069-00157794-00158748 As I said, the virus has been kind of curtailed, but not conquered. bx0FKTk-wn4-00070-00158748-00159098 It may ramp up. bx0FKTk-wn4-00071-00159098-00159962 Next one week is very stringent enforcement of lockdown. bx0FKTk-wn4-00072-00159962-00160424 After that India is looking at partial lockdown, bx0FKTk-wn4-00073-00160424-00161168 selective relaxation of different economic activities that are necessary for the nation. bx0FKTk-wn4-00074-00161168-00161994 We must understand these relaxations are coming, not because we have conquered the virus or it is gone. bx0FKTk-wn4-00075-00161994-00162860 Simply because our economic compulsions are such that we have to get back into some kind of action. bx0FKTk-wn4-00076-00162860-00163412 So, an existential threat that we have to our life bx0FKTk-wn4-00077-00163412-00164240 and the economic problems that we may face are two different dimensions, bx0FKTk-wn4-00078-00164240-00164766 both need to be addressed, of course, for a nation, a society. bx0FKTk-wn4-00079-00164766-00166310 But staying alive, is the basic significance, having enough to live by living well, is a secondary significance. bx0FKTk-wn4-00080-00166310-00166906 So right now, addressing the basic significance of our existence is very, very important. bx0FKTk-wn4-00081-00166906-00168134 And we'll begin... we'll forget about the old lockdown, we'll begin a new lockdown, it's New Year's Day, fresh. bx0FKTk-wn4-00082-00168134-00168992 So then don't carry the burden of past three weeks, new lockdown till 3rd of May. bx0FKTk-wn4-00083-00168992-00169632 New lockdown, old one we gave it up, this is a new lockdown, bx0FKTk-wn4-00084-00169632-00170056 let's enjoy the new lockdown and make the best out of it. bx0FKTk-wn4-00085-00170056-00170478 And let's see what best we can do for everybody around us. bx0FKTk-wn4-00086-00170478-00170814 Our volunteers are doing a wonderful job bx0FKTk-wn4-00087-00170814-00171346 in terms of providing food for all the migrant labor in the local areas. bx0FKTk-wn4-00088-00171346-00172222 I think today it has touched probably 3000 people being served. bx0FKTk-wn4-00089-00172222-00172818 It is going to further increase and put a certain amount of financial burden on us. bx0FKTk-wn4-00090-00172818-00173316 But people around the world have been supporting us to make this happen. bx0FKTk-wn4-00091-00173316-00174014 Once again thanks to all of them who've been supporting us financially to make this happen. bx0FKTk-wn4-00092-00174014-00174704 We're also trying to... in the process of getting into some activity in a similar fashion bx0FKTk-wn4-00093-00174704-00175356 with the government of Karnataka in Bangalore region, that will also begin in a couple of days. bx0FKTk-wn4-00094-00175356-00176042 But, as I said, the most important thing, the fundamental responsibility is bx0FKTk-wn4-00095-00176042-00176788 that we do not provide transportation for this virus, because we are the transportation bx0FKTk-wn4-00096-00176788-00177210 –it needs us, without us it cannot survive. bx0FKTk-wn4-00097-00177210-00177562 So we just make keeping distance. bx0FKTk-wn4-00098-00177562-00178170 We're maintaining basic discipline, whatever other protocols which are there that all of you already know. bx0FKTk-wn4-00099-00178170-00178988 By following these things... and above all do not see it as imposed upon you. bx0FKTk-wn4-00100-00178988-00179460 See this is an opportunity where you can upgrade yourself. bx0FKTk-wn4-00101-00179460-00180170 If you see it that way, another nineteen days or so, till third of May, will not be a burden. bx0FKTk-wn4-00102-00180170-00180522 Having said that, bx0FKTk-wn4-00103-00180522-00181336 as I said, due to economic compulsions we will definitely open up to some extent by first week of May. bx0FKTk-wn4-00104-00181336-00181842 But that may be the time, hopefully it is not, but that could be the time bx0FKTk-wn4-00105-00181842-00182486 when virus will wait for its time and go crazy with us. bx0FKTk-wn4-00106-00182486-00182882 So, the intent is, bx0FKTk-wn4-00107-00182882-00183768 we are willing to take economic losses, but we want to limit the loss of life, that is the attitude right now. bx0FKTk-wn4-00108-00183768-00184044 That is the priority. bx0FKTk-wn4-00109-00184044-00184340 Please, especially those of you who are young, bx0FKTk-wn4-00110-00184340-00184858 who think, "Nothing will happen to me", yes maybe you may just get a little sick and better. bx0FKTk-wn4-00111-00184858-00185316 But the older generation may get wiped out. bx0FKTk-wn4-00112-00185316-00185954 If younger people behave irresponsibly, the older generation can get totally wiped out. bx0FKTk-wn4-00113-00185954-00186356 So please behave responsibly. It's not just about you. bx0FKTk-wn4-00114-00186356-00186618 It is about everybody else. bx0FKTk-wn4-00115-00186618-00187350 As a generation of people, we must come out of this successfully that's what is important about this. bx0FKTk-wn4-00116-00187350-00187540 Please... bx0FKTk-wn4-00117-00187540-00187766 Questioner:This question is from Roop. bx0FKTk-wn4-00118-00187766-00188350 "Namaskaram Sadhguru. With yourgrace, I had the fortune of moving to ashram last year. bx0FKTk-wn4-00119-00188350-00188762 From the very onset it was clear to me that I'm here to walk the path. bx0FKTk-wn4-00120-00188762-00189112 With this single-minded focus I sailed through all the programs bx0FKTk-wn4-00121-00189112-00189434 and worked upon myself in the ways I knew best. bx0FKTk-wn4-00122-00189434-00189934 Since a while I am having the urge to distance myself from social distractions bx0FKTk-wn4-00123-00189934-00190194 that I periodically get caught up in. bx0FKTk-wn4-00124-00190194-00190808 I feel this will help me enhance my focus and bring more intensity and balance towards the Seva bx0FKTk-wn4-00125-00190808-00191056 and Sadhanain a certain way. bx0FKTk-wn4-00126-00191056-00191604 Perhaps I could use the support of observing few days of... few hours of silence in a day. bx0FKTk-wn4-00127-00191604-00192312 I will be grateful to receive your guidance on this. Pranam." bx0FKTk-wn4-00128-00192312-00192816 Sadhguru:Why are you waiting for my guidance to just shut up? bx0FKTk-wn4-00129-00192816-00193224 That's what you're supposed to do all the time. bx0FKTk-wn4-00130-00193224-00193848 The ashram or the the Yoga Center is not a club. bx0FKTk-wn4-00131-00193848-00194534 It is not a society where you come and meet different kinds of people, you're making friendships, bx0FKTk-wn4-00132-00194534-00195262 you are having your own social media stuff going, that's not the reason why you're here. bx0FKTk-wn4-00133-00195262-00195636 This is not just for her, for every one of you. bx0FKTk-wn4-00134-00195636-00196724 You're here, as you said, single-minded focus towards enhancement of this life. bx0FKTk-wn4-00135-00196724-00197144 And you said, "I'm doing whatever I know best." bx0FKTk-wn4-00136-00197144-00197514 That is a big problem. bx0FKTk-wn4-00137-00197514-00197938 I thought every aspect of how you should do your life, bx0FKTk-wn4-00138-00197938-00198248 how you should breathe, how you should sit, how you should stand, bx0FKTk-wn4-00139-00198248-00198876 what you should eat, what you should not eat, when, where, what, everything has been spelled out, bx0FKTk-wn4-00140-00198876-00199246 but you're still doing your own thing. bx0FKTk-wn4-00141-00199246-00199542 Then why am I here? bx0FKTk-wn4-00142-00199542-00200222 Why am I here if I'm not guiding you what to do? bx0FKTk-wn4-00143-00200222-00200466 You're doing your own thing. bx0FKTk-wn4-00144-00200466-00201024 If you're doing your own thing, nothing wrong, it just takes a long time that's all. bx0FKTk-wn4-00145-00201024-00201550 What can be easily done will take unnecessarily long. bx0FKTk-wn4-00146-00201550-00202352 But if you... I don't know what your hororscope says. bx0FKTk-wn4-00147-00202352-00203156 If your hororscope says you have a 10,000 -year lifespan, then you can do what you want. bx0FKTk-wn4-00148-00203156-00204022 But if you're a normal human being who will live eighty,ninety, hundred years of age, bx0FKTk-wn4-00149-00204022-00205069 then you must listen to me, because then the time that is available... I'm sure you already sixty two. bx0FKTk-wn4-00150-00205069-00205417 No, no, no, she's thirty, I think. bx0FKTk-wn4-00151-00205417-00205804 I don't know who you are anyway. bx0FKTk-wn4-00152-00205804-00206917 Whatever your age even if you're thirty-five, nearly fifty percent of your effective life is gone. bx0FKTk-wn4-00153-00206917-00207219 This is not a time for you to do your own thing. bx0FKTk-wn4-00154-00207219-00207473 You must simply listen. bx0FKTk-wn4-00155-00207473-00207788 Otherwise you will go in circles unnecessarily. bx0FKTk-wn4-00156-00207788-00208434 So you are asking me, "Can I be silent for a few hours?" bx0FKTk-wn4-00157-00208434-00208888 You must be silent twenty-four hours of the day. bx0FKTk-wn4-00158-00208888-00209434 Snoring allowed. bx0FKTk-wn4-00159-00209434-00209842 And speaking only when it is necessary for activity. bx0FKTk-wn4-00160-00209842-00210644 Otherwise, we came this far away with beautiful mountains and all this space bx0FKTk-wn4-00161-00210644-00211669 so that you could simply be, that you could simply be looking at the mountain. bx0FKTk-wn4-00162-00211669-00212606 If mountain is not enough, I created a whole blue sky. bx0FKTk-wn4-00163-00212606-00212964 You must engage with life. bx0FKTk-wn4-00164-00212964-00213267 This is not a society. bx0FKTk-wn4-00165-00213267-00213876 You're here for your individual aspiration. bx0FKTk-wn4-00166-00213876-00214278 You're not here to build a society. bx0FKTk-wn4-00167-00214278-00215184 Well, we have to organize food, sleeping, this, that, a little bit of infrastructure. bx0FKTk-wn4-00168-00215184-00215873 Do not misunderstand the infrastructure to be a social infrastructure. It is not. bx0FKTk-wn4-00169-00215873-00216392 The place has been created for individual transformation and individual liberation. bx0FKTk-wn4-00170-00216392-00216940 I never said the whole crowd will get liberated – only individuals. bx0FKTk-wn4-00171-00216940-00217516 Because only individuals are bound and only individuals can become free. bx0FKTk-wn4-00172-00217516-00218369 So I don't see why you're asking whether I should give you permission to be silent. bx0FKTk-wn4-00173-00218369-00218716 If you had asked me, "Sadhguru, can I speak?" bx0FKTk-wn4-00174-00218716-00219130 Then I'd say okay, say three words. bx0FKTk-wn4-00175-00219130-00219673 Now when you ask, "Can I be silent?" I don't know what to say. bx0FKTk-wn4-00176-00219673-00219988 You must be silent. bx0FKTk-wn4-00177-00219988-00220421 Unless you have something meaningful and worthwhile to say, bx0FKTk-wn4-00178-00220421-00221223 either in terms of activity or in terms of question or in terms of a comment, otherwise, you must be silent. bx0FKTk-wn4-00179-00221223-00221812 More than being silent, the most important thing is bx0FKTk-wn4-00180-00221812-00222856 you must keep this compulsion that you have to communicate all the time, either like this or like this. bx0FKTk-wn4-00181-00222856-00223556 Now, at least you're a little muffled with a mask. bx0FKTk-wn4-00182-00223556-00224146 This longing to communicate with somebody don't think you have something fantastic to say. bx0FKTk-wn4-00183-00224146-00224790 This longing to communicate is coming because you feel incomplete otherwise. bx0FKTk-wn4-00184-00224790-00225256 That is exactly what we want you to address, not avoid. bx0FKTk-wn4-00185-00225256-00225956 You do not avoid your sense of being incomplete, you confront that. bx0FKTk-wn4-00186-00225956-00226386 Why is it, when this life has come as a full-fledge life, bx0FKTk-wn4-00187-00226386-00226850 why is it feeling incomplete, we have to address that we have to confront that. bx0FKTk-wn4-00188-00226850-00227402 Not avoid it by getting distracted with conversations. bx0FKTk-wn4-00189-00227402-00228267 All of you, Roop and Aroop,everybody, no conversations, why don't you do this? bx0FKTk-wn4-00190-00228267-00228804 Good time, lock down time... lock (Gestures) bx0FKTk-wn4-00191-00228804-00229267 I thought we were already on a lockdown as far as this (Referring to oneself) is concerned. bx0FKTk-wn4-00192-00229267-00229904 When it's necessary for work, you say something, otherwise, bx0FKTk-wn4-00193-00229904-00230834 your joy, your intentions, your love, that you wish to express, express it. bx0FKTk-wn4-00194-00230834-00231917 You will see that for this, you have to pay attention to every other life, not simply say something. bx0FKTk-wn4-00195-00231917-00232412 Not simply send a message. You have to pay attention. bx0FKTk-wn4-00196-00232412-00232700 Attention is always good. bx0FKTk-wn4-00197-00232700-00233450 Attention, without any intention is the best thing that you can do for yourself. bx0FKTk-wn4-00198-00233450-00233669 That's what silence means. bx0FKTk-wn4-00199-00233669-00233992 You're attentive, but you have no intent. bx0FKTk-wn4-00200-00233992-00234316 Noise happens because you have a intent. bx0FKTk-wn4-00201-00234316-00235214 The moment you have a intent, it will start working plans, projections, devious calculations, everything. bx0FKTk-wn4-00202-00235214-00235719 Simply, absolute attention, without an intention. bx0FKTk-wn4-00203-00235719-00236076 This is silence. bx0FKTk-wn4-00204-00236076-00236856 This also means you are beyond any kind of choices, what about this, what about that. bx0FKTk-wn4-00205-00236856-00237136 No such thing in you. bx0FKTk-wn4-00206-00237136-00237566 You're this, this, and this. bx0FKTk-wn4-00207-00237566-00237814 And this is spiritual process. bx0FKTk-wn4-00208-00237814-00238158 When you're this and that, that is materialistic life. bx0FKTk-wn4-00209-00238158-00238646 When you are this, this and this, this is a spiritual process. bx0FKTk-wn4-00210-00238646-00238794 I must tell you this. bx0FKTk-wn4-00211-00238794-00239406 When we were doing the first wholeness programme which was for ninety days, bx0FKTk-wn4-00212-00239406-00240002 blessed are those people who were with us, about sixty eight of them were with me for those ninety days, bx0FKTk-wn4-00213-00240002-00240566 when they did not know who the hell I am, they did not know where I will take them, bx0FKTk-wn4-00214-00240566-00241264 there was no infrastructure of any kind, they just came, men and women. bx0FKTk-wn4-00215-00241264-00241692 Just one burning aspiration, that's all. bx0FKTk-wn4-00216-00241692-00242176 Well, those those days I was not even nice like this how I am to you. bx0FKTk-wn4-00217-00242176-00242967 I'm like, (Gestures) always burning, spitting fire. bx0FKTk-wn4-00218-00243362-00243621 But they came. bx0FKTk-wn4-00219-00243621-00244114 So I started the process and I'm again and again, asking. bx0FKTk-wn4-00220-00244114-00244517 "Tell me yes or no? We want to do this, yes or no?" bx0FKTk-wn4-00221-00244517-00244646 This went on. bx0FKTk-wn4-00222-00244646-00245346 After a week, ten days, one day I came back, that was the Kaivalya Kutir, just one long hut, bx0FKTk-wn4-00223-00245346-00245734 it went down three times in those ninety days. bx0FKTk-wn4-00224-00245734-00245992 We had to build it back. bx0FKTk-wn4-00225-00245992-00246336 Because of the heavy monsoon winds. bx0FKTk-wn4-00226-00246336-00246717 And I came and there was only one blackboard. bx0FKTk-wn4-00227-00246717-00247067 That was our main infrastructure to put out any message. bx0FKTk-wn4-00228-00247067-00247404 There was no smart phones, there was no messages, bx0FKTk-wn4-00229-00247404-00247766 the only message board was one blackboard with a chalk piece written there, bx0FKTk-wn4-00230-00247766-00247967 anybody who wants to write something. bx0FKTk-wn4-00231-00247967-00248540 When I came back, "Sadhguru, yes and yes", they had written. bx0FKTk-wn4-00232-00248540-00248734 I said, what is this. bx0FKTk-wn4-00233-00248734-00249354 "No, Sadhguru, from now on you don't ask a yes or no. We are just yes and yes." bx0FKTk-wn4-00234-00249354-00249890 I said, if you are really yes and yes, then there is a lot I can do with you. bx0FKTk-wn4-00235-00249890-00250356 And we unleashed a whole dimension of things, bx0FKTk-wn4-00236-00250356-00251267 which we have not been able to repeat once again simply because yes or no. bx0FKTk-wn4-00237-00251267-00251710 Should I become silent? bx0FKTk-wn4-00238-00251710-00252364 You should only seek permission, "Should I speak?" bx0FKTk-wn4-00239-00252364-00252771 Yes, you should never ask me, "Should I become silent?" bx0FKTk-wn4-00240-00252771-00253319 "Sadhguru, can I speak I have not spoken for ten years, can I speak?" bx0FKTk-wn4-00241-00253319-00254028 Yes, today you can sing, I will say, not talk, sing. bx0FKTk-wn4-00242-00254028-00254476 So, for you to become silent, there's nothing. bx0FKTk-wn4-00243-00254476-00254952 If you are asking this question in terms of any particular sadhana, bx0FKTk-wn4-00244-00254952-00255408 when that time comes, we will tell you, right now, the sadhana that is on hand, bx0FKTk-wn4-00245-00255408-00255854 the tools that you have are still are not fully utlized. bx0FKTk-wn4-00246-00255854-00256708 If you exhaust them, you don't worry, I will call you for sure.. bx0FKTk-wn4-00247-00256708-00257542 Sadhguru chants Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya