oJoDtt0Ow4u-00000-00000945-00001270 The train runs like a narrative, ever onward oJoDtt0Ow4u-00001-00001270-00001596 A story told with the weariness in our faces oJoDtt0Ow4u-00002-00001596-00001883 Her face talks about her children, loves them oJoDtt0Ow4u-00003-00001883-00002091 More than anything she's loved anything before oJoDtt0Ow4u-00004-00002091-00002205 Her day was long oJoDtt0Ow4u-00005-00002205-00002456 But she endures for them oJoDtt0Ow4u-00006-00002456-00002718 The world is colder than he thought it was oJoDtt0Ow4u-00007-00002718-00002976 A man who wants his story written in lights oJoDtt0Ow4u-00008-00002976-00003274 A man who wants to want for nothing oJoDtt0Ow4u-00009-00003274-00003631 I turn to the sunset looking out over the bay oJoDtt0Ow4u-00010-00003631-00003789 But instead... oJoDtt0Ow4u-00011-00003789-00004054 My reflection stares back oJoDtt0Ow4u-00012-00004054-00004242 Dark, and unfamiliar in the glass oJoDtt0Ow4u-00013-00004242-00004382 Dark, and unfamiliar in the glass oJoDtt0Ow4u-00014-00004382-00004688 As our stories rumble's down the tracks, I wonder oJoDtt0Ow4u-00015-00004688-00004785 What story will I tell? oNF6n_-3uxk-00000-00000186-00000702 Dear members of JLU, dear students and employees, oNF6n_-3uxk-00001-00000798-00001422 At the end of this winter semester 2022/2023, I would like to address a few personal words to all of you oNF6n_-3uxk-00002-00001422-00001962 as President of Justus Liebig University Giessen. A semester is coming to an end oNF6n_-3uxk-00003-00001962-00002496 that has left a lasting mark on us, that will we will think back on for a long time to come, oNF6n_-3uxk-00004-00002496-00003072 and that has once again posed a challenge to us as a society. Much has changed for all of us in the past year, oNF6n_-3uxk-00005-00003072-00003546 because we were once again confronted with unexpected crises that have demanded a lot from all of us. oNF6n_-3uxk-00006-00003690-00004176 A challenge from which we as a university - I hope - can also emerge stronger. oNF6n_-3uxk-00007-00004356-00004890 Since the Corona pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, oNF6n_-3uxk-00008-00004890-00005466 we have had to question many supposedly certain assessments and beliefs. We have been confronted oNF6n_-3uxk-00009-00005466-00005922 with the fact that health, stability, security and peace cannot be taken for granted. oNF6n_-3uxk-00010-00006060-00006522 Instead, we are dealing with a great deal of unpredictability, which can cause fears. oNF6n_-3uxk-00011-00006522-00006990 Especially in these times of crisis, it is therefore important oNF6n_-3uxk-00012-00006990-00007362 to strengthen social cohesion. oNF6n_-3uxk-00013-00007602-00008208 The 24th of February, which will soon be the first anniversary of the start of the war, oNF6n_-3uxk-00014-00008208-00008766 makes this abundantly clear to us. And so our sympathy continues to go out to the people in Ukraine oNF6n_-3uxk-00015-00008766-00009318 who have to suffer daily from the drastic consequences of the war in their country. oNF6n_-3uxk-00016-00009438-00009750 And we will continue to stand by our Ukrainian partners and students oNF6n_-3uxk-00017-00009750-00010086 here in Giessen and support them. oNF6n_-3uxk-00018-00010302-00010728 In the meantime, however, the far-reaching consequences of the war oNF6n_-3uxk-00019-00010728-00011136 have also forced their way into our everyday lives - with an ominous energy crisis, oNF6n_-3uxk-00020-00011136-00011784 rising prices and pressure to save energy. Who could have imagined all this? oNF6n_-3uxk-00021-00011958-00012468 In this uncertain situation, the university has done exemplary work. oNF6n_-3uxk-00022-00012468-00013068 I would like to thank you - on behalf of the entire Executive Board - for your great commitment, oNF6n_-3uxk-00023-00013068-00013506 which has helped to ensure that the energy-saving measures at JLU in particular are having an effect! oNF6n_-3uxk-00024-00013710-00014082 The other Board members and I are aware that you, the students, oNF6n_-3uxk-00025-00014082-00014646 are particularly burdened as you are trying to successfully undertake your studies in this situation oNF6n_-3uxk-00026-00014646-00015191 and at the same time are being forced to deal with the consequences of the pandemic as well as with unforeseen additional costs. oNF6n_-3uxk-00027-00015413-00015774 However, the winter semester also offered a contrasting programme to the crises of the past oNF6n_-3uxk-00028-00015774-00016350 year that inspires hope. Many of us longed for an end to the pandemic and a return to normality - oNF6n_-3uxk-00029-00016350-00016860 and with it came the desire for exchange and more time together. oNF6n_-3uxk-00030-00016860-00017514 In many respects, we can once again live as we had hoped at JLU. oNF6n_-3uxk-00031-00017514-00018060 On-campus encounters are possible once again. oNF6n_-3uxk-00032-00018060-00018672 We can meet face to face again - albeit with due consideration. oNF6n_-3uxk-00033-00018672-00019164 We can have inspiring conversations, and we can research, oNF6n_-3uxk-00034-00019164-00019620 teach, learn, discuss and celebrate together again! oNF6n_-3uxk-00035-00019770-00020262 The inauguration of the new CIGL research building, the fifteenth anniversary of the Refugee Law Clinic Giessen, oNF6n_-3uxk-00036-00020262-00020862 the “Festakt” 2022 or the New Year's Reception for the administration oNF6n_-3uxk-00037-00020862-00021312 are just a few pleasing examples showing that we were able to celebrate together. oNF6n_-3uxk-00038-00021438-00021888 In addition, there were countless other events organised by the departments oNF6n_-3uxk-00039-00021888-00022314 in the domains of research, teaching and academic transfer, oNF6n_-3uxk-00040-00022314-00022926 which were also again able to take place as face-to-face events or as hybrid formats. oNF6n_-3uxk-00041-00022926-00023466 The latter offer the prospect of providing a broad interested public oNF6n_-3uxk-00042-00023466-00023946 as well as partners and friends of the university with exciting insights into our study programmes, oNF6n_-3uxk-00043-00023946-00024336 research foci and our research successes. oNF6n_-3uxk-00044-00024474-00024924 This was recently impressively demonstrated by the joint University Information Days oNF6n_-3uxk-00045-00024924-00025290 of the Justus Liebig University and the THM - University of Applied Sciences. oNF6n_-3uxk-00046-00025488-00025944 Despite the difficult challenges that accompanied us through autumn and winter, oNF6n_-3uxk-00047-00025944-00026664 the past semester was a very successful one for JLU in terms of research, study, teaching and transfer: oNF6n_-3uxk-00048-00026664-00027120 a number of scientists, lecturers and students received awards oNF6n_-3uxk-00049-00027120-00027618 for their outstanding achievements, oNF6n_-3uxk-00050-00027618-00028026 several large collaborative projects were extended or acquired, oNF6n_-3uxk-00051-00028026-00028656 a number of innovative study programmes were designed and oNF6n_-3uxk-00052-00028656-00029022 significant contributions to social development were made. I would like to thank you all oNF6n_-3uxk-00053-00029022-00029412 very much for your commitment. Let us continue like this together! oNF6n_-3uxk-00054-00029580-00030126 I now wish you a good and healthy end to this winter semester oNF6n_-3uxk-00055-00030126-00030600 and I look forward to a successful start to the coming summer semester 2023. opfnjOjT-EM-00000-00002003-00002803 Farewell my darling, farewell as the army is leaving, opfnjOjT-EM-00001-00002836-00003603 and if I didn’t leave too it would be cowardly! opfnjOjT-EM-00002-00003703-00004503 And if I didn’t leave too it would be cowardly! opfnjOjT-EM-00003-00005003-00005803 I have the sword, the guns, the shotgun with me: opfnjOjT-EM-00004-00005836-00006603 when the sun appears I will leave you! opfnjOjT-EM-00005-00006636-00007403 When the sun appears I will leave you! opfnjOjT-EM-00006-00009403-00010203 The prepared bag... on my humerus it fits; opfnjOjT-EM-00007-00010236-00012303 I am a man and I am a soldier: long live freedom! opI5S6tRqUk-00000-00000075-00000365 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE, I'M PETTY OFFICER IAN COTTER. opI5S6tRqUk-00001-00000365-00000861 MORE THAN 2,500 U.S. MILITARY PERSONNEL ARE CURRENTLY PARTICIPATING IN OPERATION UNITED opI5S6tRqUk-00002-00000861-00001259 ASSISTANCE IN WEST AFRICA TO HELP WITH THE CURRENT EBOLA OUTBREAK. opI5S6tRqUk-00003-00001259-00001684 PENTAGON SPOKESMAN, REAR ADMIRAL JOHN KIRBY, SAID UNITED ASSISTANCE COULD EXTEND BEYOND opI5S6tRqUk-00004-00001684-00001950 ITS SIX MONTH MISSION IF THE SITUATION WORSENS. opI5S6tRqUk-00005-00001950-00002626 "I THINK IT'S IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER WHAT OUR CORE MISSIONS ARE IN LIBERIA AGAINST THE EBOLA opI5S6tRqUk-00006-00002626-00003292 VIRUS. AND THAT IS OUR UNIQUE MILITARY CAPABILITIES OF COMMAND AND CONTROL, ENGINEERING, TRAINING, opI5S6tRqUk-00007-00003292-00003992 AND SOME LOGISTICAL SUPPORT. THE MISSION INSIDE LIBERIA OF OUR TROOPS DOES NOT INCLUDE DIRECT opI5S6tRqUk-00008-00003993-00004514 CONTACT WITH PATIENTS, HANDLING OF PATIENTS, OR OF THE BLOOD SAMPLES." opI5S6tRqUk-00009-00004514-00005037 IT IS ESTIMATED THAT 1,000 TO 2,000 NEW CASES OF EBOLA ARE DIAGNOSED EVERY WEEK. opI5S6tRqUk-00010-00005037-00005428 VISIT THE CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION WEBSITE FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION opI5S6tRqUk-00011-00005428-00005624 ON THE OUTBREAK. oOMIDI0eaqo-00000-00000063-00000163 Hi! oOMIDI0eaqo-00001-00000163-00000733 Today I want to improvise for you about " to graze". oOMIDI0eaqo-00002-00000733-00001215 I was looking in dictionary and I did like 2 ways "to break grass with the mouth",is oOMIDI0eaqo-00003-00001215-00002143 about animals,and "to follow someone,to stalk" and I thought that "to graze" is so beautiful oOMIDI0eaqo-00004-00002143-00002757 to be to fallow happy moments,to follow kindness moments,forgiveness ,to not be bad, because oOMIDI0eaqo-00005-00002757-00004204 for me this Easter is about kindness and I keep the Easter lent.Not from meat but from oOMIDI0eaqo-00006-00004204-00004969 badness.What does it mean to you this Easter? oOR2kb7GoYo-00000-00001096-00001424 Let's now take the perfective tenses of thetransitive verbs. oOR2kb7GoYo-00001-00001424-00001973 In the perfective tenses of the transitive verbs, the subject is followed by thepostposition ने oOR2kb7GoYo-00002-00001973-00002346 and the verb agrees with the object in number and gender. oOR2kb7GoYo-00003-00002346-00002836 So here in this table, the subject रमेश has postposition ने. oOR2kb7GoYo-00004-00002836-00002903 रमेश ने, oOR2kb7GoYo-00005-00002903-00003427 And the verb खरीदना takes the form of the object in number andgender. oOR2kb7GoYo-00006-00003427-00003800 In the first sentence, the object is कैमरा, a camera. oOR2kb7GoYo-00007-00003800-00003926 It is a masculine singular. oOR2kb7GoYo-00008-00003926-00004316 The verbis also in the masculine singular form खरीदा. oOR2kb7GoYo-00009-00004316-00004568 So, रमेश ने एक कैमरा खरीदा. oOR2kb7GoYo-00010-00004568-00004738 "Ramesh bought a camera." oOR2kb7GoYo-00011-00004738-00005002 In the second sentence, रमेश ने एक घड़ी खरीदी। , oOR2kb7GoYo-00012-00005002-00005296 "Ramesh bought a watch." oOR2kb7GoYo-00013-00005296-00005504 The object is घड़ी, a watch. oOR2kb7GoYo-00014-00005504-00005679 It is feminine singular. oOR2kb7GoYo-00015-00005679-00006090 So the verb takes the feminine singular form खरीदी. oOR2kb7GoYo-00016-00006090-00006385 And in the third sentence, रमेश ने दो कैमरे खरीदे। , oOR2kb7GoYo-00017-00006385-00006635 "Ramesh bought two cameras." oOR2kb7GoYo-00018-00006635-00007074 The object is masculine plural, दो कैमरे, two cameras. oOR2kb7GoYo-00019-00007074-00007448 The verb willtake masculine plural form, that is खरीदे. oOR2kb7GoYo-00020-00008136-00008608 The subject, as I said, is followed by ने and ने behaves like a postposition. oOR2kb7GoYo-00021-00008608-00008881 So, the noun will be in the obliqueform. oOR2kb7GoYo-00022-00008881-00009087 So लड़का will become लड़के. oOR2kb7GoYo-00023-00009087-00009401 लड़के ने कहानी पढ़ी। , "the boy read the story". oOR2kb7GoYo-00024-00009401-00009794 कहानी, a story,is feminine singular, so the verb form is पढ़ी. oOR2kb7GoYo-00025-00009794-00010190 लड़के ने उपन्यास पढ़ा।, "the boy read a novel." oOR2kb7GoYo-00026-00010190-00010870 उपन्यास, a novel, is masculine singular, so the verb form is masculine singular, पढ़ा. oOR2kb7GoYo-00027-00010870-00011200 लड़के ने कहानियाँ पढ़ीं। , "the boy read stories." oOR2kb7GoYo-00028-00011200-00011635 कहानियाँ is feminine plural, so पढ़ीं, the feminine plural form. oOR2kb7GoYo-00029-00011635-00012064 लड़के ने उपन्यास पढ़े। "the boy read novels." oOR2kb7GoYo-00030-00012064-00012546 उपन्यास is masculine plural, so पढ़े, the masculine plural form. oOR2kb7GoYo-00031-00012560-00013063 Similarly, हरीश ने एक केला खाया। "Harish ate a banana." oOR2kb7GoYo-00032-00013083-00013233 एक केला, one banana. oOR2kb7GoYo-00033-00013233-00013326 So, खाया. oOR2kb7GoYo-00034-00013326-00013462 Banana is masculine. oOR2kb7GoYo-00035-00013462-00013923 हरीश ने पांच केले खाये। "Harish ate 5 bananas." oOR2kb7GoYo-00036-00013923-00014226 पांच केले, 5 bananas, so खाये. oOR2kb7GoYo-00037-00014226-00014633 हरीश ने एक नारंगी खायी। "Harish ate an orange." oOR2kb7GoYo-00038-00014633-00014917 एक नारंगी, one orange, so खायी. oOR2kb7GoYo-00039-00014917-00015059 नारंगी is feminine. oOR2kb7GoYo-00040-00015059-00015513 हरीश ने पांच नारंगियाँ खायीं। "Harish ate 5 oranges." oOR2kb7GoYo-00041-00015530-00015895 पांच नारंगियाँ, 5 oranges, so खायीं. oOR2kb7GoYo-00042-00016528-00017123 And finally, just as in case with thetransitive verbs, the helping verb shows the precise perfective tense. oOR2kb7GoYo-00043-00017123-00017630 Simple perfectiveor present perfective or past perfective. oOR2kb7GoYo-00044-00017630-00018334 The English corresponding tenses are simple past, present perfect, and past perfect respectively. oOR2kb7GoYo-00045-00018334-00018609 राम ने फ़िल्म देखी। "Ram saw the film." oOR2kb7GoYo-00046-00018609-00018719 It is simplepast. oOR2kb7GoYo-00047-00018719-00019086 सुनीता ने फ़िल्म देखी है। "Sunita film has seen the film." oOR2kb7GoYo-00048-00019086-00019237 It is present perfect. oOR2kb7GoYo-00049-00019237-00019721 छात्रों ने फ़िल्म देखी थी। "the students had seen the film." oOR2kb7GoYo-00050-00019721-00019919 It is past perfect. oOR2kb7GoYo-00051-00019936-00020382 Similarly, लड़कियों ने कहानियाँ पढ़ीं। "the girls read the story." oOR2kb7GoYo-00052-00020382-00020568 It is simple past. oOR2kb7GoYo-00053-00020568-00020986 हमारे अध्यापक ने कहानियाँ पढ़ी हैं। "our teacher has read the stories." oOR2kb7GoYo-00054-00020986-00021236 This sentence is present perfect. oOR2kb7GoYo-00055-00021236-00021600 गोपाल ने कहानियाँ पढ़ी थीं। "Gopal had red the stories". oOR2kb7GoYo-00056-00021600-00021735 This is past perfect. oOR2kb7GoYo-00057-00021735-00022121 Please do not worry aboutthese different types of perfective tenses, oOR2kb7GoYo-00058-00022121-00022415 you will use, most of the time, the simpleperfective. oOR2kb7GoYo-00059-00022415-00022682 That means the one without the helping verb. oOR2kb7GoYo-00060-00022682-00023306 The context overwhelmingly demands the simple past in Hindi as well as in English. oPHbOAk6pOA-00000-00000000-00001140 All text is on the screen. Enjoy! oS1ug2gndPY-00000-00000298-00000877 I should have turned nearly 20 seconds ago to land where I wanted to... oS1ug2gndPY-00001-00000966-00001166 ...I am realizing this now... oS1ug2gndPY-00002-00003579-00004296 I am already too low, so I will just have to turn now and overshoot my landing spot... oS1ug2gndPY-00003-00004350-00004546 ...As soon as I get my feet free... oS1ug2gndPY-00004-00005410-00005760 Way too low to turn around! oS1ug2gndPY-00005-00005960-00006518 This is not where I wanted to land oSqt5iZuggu-00000-00000097-00000616 We've been i the 4th phase for actually quite some time now, and the fourth phase is all oSqt5iZuggu-00001-00000616-00001407 about dissolving our continuity fear around the idea of a view point having a fixed viewpoint. oVwXGfvsqYU-00000-00000499-00000629 Hello everybody! oVwXGfvsqYU-00001-00000629-00001133 This video is about how to restore deleted history, sent files, contacts and password oVwXGfvsqYU-00002-00001133-00001273 in Skype. oVwXGfvsqYU-00003-00001273-00001420 Method one. oVwXGfvsqYU-00004-00001420-00001796 Creating a preparatory Skype data backup and using it for recovery. oVwXGfvsqYU-00005-00001796-00002554 Go to Tools / Options / Privacy / Privacy Settings. oVwXGfvsqYU-00006-00002554-00002967 Find the section “Keep history for” and in the appearing menu, choose the period for oVwXGfvsqYU-00007-00002967-00003147 which it should be kept. oVwXGfvsqYU-00008-00003147-00003378 Select “Forever” and click on “Save.” oVwXGfvsqYU-00009-00003378-00003772 Now the chat history will be saved always and in full. oVwXGfvsqYU-00010-00003772-00004232 In order to backup entire chat history, sent and received files, do the following: oVwXGfvsqYU-00011-00004232-00004404 Close Skype. oVwXGfvsqYU-00012-00004404-00004996 Go to the folder C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Skype. oVwXGfvsqYU-00013-00004996-00005461 This folder keeps all Skype data, including all accounts that logged in Skype from this oVwXGfvsqYU-00014-00005461-00005561 computer. oVwXGfvsqYU-00015-00005561-00005971 The ideal option would be to create a backup copy of the entire folder. oVwXGfvsqYU-00016-00005971-00007120 Copy these files to a flash drive, for example. oVwXGfvsqYU-00017-00007120-00007336 Ready. oVwXGfvsqYU-00018-00007336-00007928 Now, after reinstalling the operating system or formatting the hard disk, it is very easy oVwXGfvsqYU-00019-00007928-00008396 to restore chat history as well as all sent and received files that existed at the time oVwXGfvsqYU-00020-00008396-00008539 of creating the backup copy. oVwXGfvsqYU-00021-00008539-00009322 All you have to do is to place these files back to the folder C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Skype\ oVwXGfvsqYU-00022-00009322-00009703 after you have installed Skype. oVwXGfvsqYU-00023-00009703-00009820 Method two. oVwXGfvsqYU-00024-00009820-00010296 How to restore chat history, received and sent files, as well as access to an account, oVwXGfvsqYU-00025-00010296-00010540 when there is no Skype data backup. oVwXGfvsqYU-00026-00010540-00010810 How to recover Skype chat history. oVwXGfvsqYU-00027-00010810-00011247 After reinstalling the operating system or the application itself and when starting for oVwXGfvsqYU-00028-00011247-00011727 the first time, Skype automatically downloads a part of its chat history and user data that oVwXGfvsqYU-00029-00011727-00011870 is stored in the cloud. oVwXGfvsqYU-00030-00011870-00012185 This data covers the last 30 days. oVwXGfvsqYU-00031-00012185-00012706 So what should you do to recover Skype history for a period longer than the last 30 days? oVwXGfvsqYU-00032-00012706-00013771 You should replace the existing file main.db which is located here: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Skype\YourLoginSkype oVwXGfvsqYU-00033-00013771-00014166 with the same file containing the entire Skype history. oVwXGfvsqYU-00034-00014166-00014766 To get such file, let us recover Skype history file from the disk where the copy of the program oVwXGfvsqYU-00035-00014766-00014990 with entire history was installed before. oVwXGfvsqYU-00036-00014990-00015554 Run Hetman Partition Recovery and scan the hard disk. oVwXGfvsqYU-00037-00015554-00015803 Click on the “Wizard” button. oVwXGfvsqYU-00038-00015803-00015908 Note. oVwXGfvsqYU-00039-00015908-00016436 If you need to recover Skype history after deleting the program and reinstalling it, oVwXGfvsqYU-00040-00016436-00016685 running a fast scan of the hard disk will be enough. oVwXGfvsqYU-00041-00016685-00017288 If the operating system was reinstalled and/or the hard disk was formatted, scan the disk oVwXGfvsqYU-00042-00017288-00017414 using the full analysis. oVwXGfvsqYU-00043-00017414-00017837 In this case, I will choose full analysis. oVwXGfvsqYU-00044-00017837-00017937 Next. oVwXGfvsqYU-00045-00017937-00018200 Wait until the scanning process is complete. oVwXGfvsqYU-00046-00018200-00018500 Ready: the program has found a number of files. oVwXGfvsqYU-00047-00018500-00019001 In order to find the necessary file quicker, use the search function: just click on the oVwXGfvsqYU-00048-00019001-00019445 magnifying glass icon in the upper right part of the screen, enter the file name in the oVwXGfvsqYU-00049-00019445-00019937 appearing “Find File” window and click on “Find.” oVwXGfvsqYU-00050-00019937-00020157 Ready. oVwXGfvsqYU-00051-00020157-00020605 In my case, the program shows several files with the name “main.db,” and I choose oVwXGfvsqYU-00052-00020605-00021403 the one having the oldest date of creation, and recover it. oVwXGfvsqYU-00053-00021403-00021885 Ready. oVwXGfvsqYU-00054-00021885-00022786 Go to the folder C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Skype\YourLoginSkype and replace the existing file main.db with oVwXGfvsqYU-00055-00022786-00023321 the recovered one. oVwXGfvsqYU-00056-00023321-00023790 Ready. oVwXGfvsqYU-00057-00023790-00024244 Skype history for over than the last 30 days has been recovered. oVwXGfvsqYU-00058-00024244-00024672 In the same way, you can recover files received and sent via Skype. oVwXGfvsqYU-00059-00024672-00025132 You will have to follow the same steps but instead of the file main.db you should find oVwXGfvsqYU-00060-00025132-00025702 and recover all files received or sent with Skype, or a particular file that you are looking oVwXGfvsqYU-00061-00025702-00025802 for. oVwXGfvsqYU-00062-00025802-00025902 Note. oVwXGfvsqYU-00063-00025902-00026176 You have to know the names of files from the chat history that you need to recover oVwXGfvsqYU-00064-00026176-00026872 Then copy these file into the folder “My Skype Received Files” which is located here: oVwXGfvsqYU-00065-00026872-00027382 C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Skype\My Skype Received Files. oVwXGfvsqYU-00066-00027382-00027889 This way, Skype chat history will show sent and received files which were lost because oVwXGfvsqYU-00067-00027889-00028518 of reinstalling Skype or Windows, or formatting the hard disk. oVwXGfvsqYU-00068-00028518-00029070 How to recover access to a Skype account If a password (or even login) to a Skype account oVwXGfvsqYU-00069-00029070-00029469 was lost or forgotten, access can be restored like this: oVwXGfvsqYU-00070-00029469-00029922 Before that, you should adjust the program’s settings to allow Skype run automatically oVwXGfvsqYU-00071-00029922-00030444 without checking the login and password, and then Skype will start in the common mode. oVwXGfvsqYU-00072-00030444-00030978 Usually this option is activated by default, so you should not have any problems. oVwXGfvsqYU-00073-00030978-00031708 Now you need the file config.xml, which contains data on the user’s login and password. oVwXGfvsqYU-00074-00031708-00032133 You can get this file from a backup copy, and in the first part of this video I showed oVwXGfvsqYU-00075-00032133-00032277 how to do it. oVwXGfvsqYU-00076-00032277-00033106 After that, copy and replace it to the folder C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Skype\YourLoginSkype. oVwXGfvsqYU-00077-00033106-00033572 If there is no Skype backup copy, you can restore this file in the same way as with oVwXGfvsqYU-00078-00033572-00034137 the file main.db or received and sent Skype files - with the help of Hetman Partition oVwXGfvsqYU-00079-00034137-00034237 Recovery. oVwXGfvsqYU-00080-00034237-00034418 That is all for now. oVwXGfvsqYU-00081-00034418-00034518 Thanks for watching. oVwXGfvsqYU-00082-00034518-00034694 I hope this video will be useful for you. oVwXGfvsqYU-00083-00034694-00035128 If you liked this video, click the Like button below and subscribe to our channel to see oVwXGfvsqYU-00084-00035128-00035165 more. oYOTFXqeeH0-00000-00000139-00000893 Hard Carry I’ve never lost a game before oYOTFXqeeH0-00001-00000919-00001420 I always see the end, overflowing with passion We have slight foam but we don’t lose when oYOTFXqeeH0-00002-00001420-00001957 it comes to playing – A skilled gambler Lock my fingers with yours, that’s your seatbelt oYOTFXqeeH0-00003-00001957-00002212 Close your eyes and it’s the next level up,level up that oYOTFXqeeH0-00004-00002216-00002526 My arms and legs are a off-roading four wheeler oYOTFXqeeH0-00005-00002526-00002688 Rough roading makes the quality of the ride a hundred oYOTFXqeeH0-00006-00002710-00002896 times better – Put your ear on my chest, it’s a six-piston oYOTFXqeeH0-00007-00002896-00003252 heartbeat – Safety first, I will take care of you for real oYOTFXqeeH0-00008-00003252-00003497 There’s no onflight announcement But I’m a microphone checker oYOTFXqeeH0-00009-00003497-00003914 So sit tight you better I’m breathless oYOTFXqeeH0-00010-00003914-00004330 and my whole body is sweaty But I don’t want to stop oYOTFXqeeH0-00011-00004330-00004776 what u gon what u gonna do It’s just that you are the only one, out oYOTFXqeeH0-00012-00004776-00005196 of many things It’s just your heart you know you know I’m all about you oYOTFXqeeH0-00013-00005196-00005944 I keep wanting to go, just you and me I want to do everything, with you and me oYOTFXqeeH0-00014-00005962-00006118 Ayy it’s going to start now oYOTFXqeeH0-00015-00006118-00006614 Everyone put your hands above your head like this, lit oYOTFXqeeH0-00016-00006614-00006870 Don’t watch what other people think and just go with the flow oYOTFXqeeH0-00017-00006870-00007334 I’m not tired yet, there’s time before dawn oYOTFXqeeH0-00018-00007390-00007809 Climax it’s going up and going tension is still there and it’s crazy oYOTFXqeeH0-00019-00007856-00008240 What is it that you like about him When I see you oYOTFXqeeH0-00020-00008240-00008466 I don’t think he likes you oYOTFXqeeH0-00021-00008466-00008960 Why don’t you get it She’s having a hard time but there’s not oYOTFXqeeH0-00022-00008960-00010062 much I can do I want you to find me and save me oYOTFXqeeH0-00023-00010396-00011004 I’m in danger, I’m shouting mayday Please be the last missing piece of the puzzle oYOTFXqeeH0-00024-00011026-00011416 When I go home after a tiring day You take the weight off my shoulders oYOTFXqeeH0-00025-00011416-00011516 when I see you oYOTFXqeeH0-00026-00011516-00011800 I put my legs on the sofa, kicked back relax oYOTFXqeeH0-00027-00011800-00012378 Hot hot bath time just lay back You are the vitamin of my life, my girl oYOTFXqeeH0-00028-00012378-00012770 I want to show you off to the whole world You will always be by my side, baby oYOTFXqeeH0-00029-00012782-00013266 you yeah you are just my home you are just my home oYOTFXqeeH0-00030-00013478-00013668 No matter how much I think about it oYOTFXqeeH0-00031-00013668-00013900 I don’t know when it was oYOTFXqeeH0-00032-00013900-00014236 You looked different all at once oYOTFXqeeH0-00033-00014330-00014552 Your face grew pretty oYOTFXqeeH0-00034-00014563-00014733 It’s an appeal that oYOTFXqeeH0-00035-00014740-00015208 would be sad to let go to waste I will always make you happy oYOTFXqeeH0-00036-00015208-00015441 I could only look on from far away but oYOTFXqeeH0-00037-00015472-00016002 Now I want to protect even your smile If we can love oYOTFXqeeH0-00038-00016034-00016134 Uh yeah, come on! oYOTFXqeeH0-00039-00016191-00016644 Every day passes and my heart still hurts But you are completely fine oYOTFXqeeH0-00040-00016660-00017040 You won’t even think about memories when We laughed when we enjoyed things together oYOTFXqeeH0-00041-00017062-00017702 and cried when we fought You’re going to worry, I should at least oYOTFXqeeH0-00042-00017702-00018022 leave you a message My mind is already at REM sleep stage oYOTFXqeeH0-00043-00018056-00018264 Getting drowsy now, while I closed my eyes oYOTFXqeeH0-00044-00018288-00018686 While my eyelid is closed for a split second Blurred out but you’re coming into my sight oYOTFXqeeH0-00045-00018706-00019034 I don’t want to wake up, stay high I’m trapped in my dream oYOTFXqeeH0-00046-00019064-00019298 Will you hold my hand baby oYOTFXqeeH0-00047-00019298-00019521 Hold my hand wherever you go, please don’t let go oYOTFXqeeH0-00048-00019521-00019749 I will cherish you baby oYOTFXqeeH0-00049-00019784-00020032 I will make memories everyday oYOTFXqeeH0-00050-00020042-00020252 Will you believe me now oYOTFXqeeH0-00051-00020252-00020410 Don’t listen to what other people say oYOTFXqeeH0-00052-00020410-00020532 will you, for me? oYOTFXqeeH0-00053-00020562-00021174 I follow your heart So girl just let me hold your hand oZQBWEyKIqo-00000-00000010-00000193 TALBERT. oZQBWEyKIqo-00001-00000193-00000200 TALBERT. oZQBWEyKIqo-00002-00000200-00000573 TALBERT. >> Collin: EVEN WITH THE SNOW oZQBWEyKIqo-00003-00000573-00000580 TALBERT. >> Collin: EVEN WITH THE SNOW oZQBWEyKIqo-00004-00000580-00000653 TALBERT. >> Collin: EVEN WITH THE SNOW OUTSIDE, CAN YOU BELIEVE oZQBWEyKIqo-00005-00000653-00000660 >> Collin: EVEN WITH THE SNOW OUTSIDE, CAN YOU BELIEVE oZQBWEyKIqo-00006-00000660-00000740 >> Collin: EVEN WITH THE SNOW OUTSIDE, CAN YOU BELIEVE BASEBALL IS RIGHT AROUND THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00007-00000740-00000747 OUTSIDE, CAN YOU BELIEVE BASEBALL IS RIGHT AROUND THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00008-00000747-00000950 OUTSIDE, CAN YOU BELIEVE BASEBALL IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER AND THAT INCLUDES THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00009-00000950-00000957 BASEBALL IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER AND THAT INCLUDES THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00010-00000957-00001247 BASEBALL IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER AND THAT INCLUDES THE START OF THE 2018 SEASON FOR THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00011-00001247-00001254 CORNER AND THAT INCLUDES THE START OF THE 2018 SEASON FOR THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00012-00001254-00001277 CORNER AND THAT INCLUDES THE START OF THE 2018 SEASON FOR THE TWINS. oZQBWEyKIqo-00013-00001277-00001284 START OF THE 2018 SEASON FOR THE TWINS. oZQBWEyKIqo-00014-00001284-00001354 START OF THE 2018 SEASON FOR THE TWINS. BUT BEFORE SPRING TRAINING, THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00015-00001354-00001361 TWINS. BUT BEFORE SPRING TRAINING, THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00016-00001361-00001448 TWINS. BUT BEFORE SPRING TRAINING, THE WINTER CARAVAN ONCE AGAIN oZQBWEyKIqo-00017-00001448-00001454 BUT BEFORE SPRING TRAINING, THE WINTER CARAVAN ONCE AGAIN oZQBWEyKIqo-00018-00001454-00001551 BUT BEFORE SPRING TRAINING, THE WINTER CARAVAN ONCE AGAIN TRAVELS ALL ACROSS THE STATE, oZQBWEyKIqo-00019-00001551-00001558 WINTER CARAVAN ONCE AGAIN TRAVELS ALL ACROSS THE STATE, oZQBWEyKIqo-00020-00001558-00001711 WINTER CARAVAN ONCE AGAIN TRAVELS ALL ACROSS THE STATE, STOPPING IN MORE THAN 40 oZQBWEyKIqo-00021-00001711-00001718 TRAVELS ALL ACROSS THE STATE, STOPPING IN MORE THAN 40 oZQBWEyKIqo-00022-00001718-00001871 TRAVELS ALL ACROSS THE STATE, STOPPING IN MORE THAN 40 COMMUNITIES THROUGHOUT THE TRIP. oZQBWEyKIqo-00023-00001871-00001878 STOPPING IN MORE THAN 40 COMMUNITIES THROUGHOUT THE TRIP. oZQBWEyKIqo-00024-00001878-00001975 STOPPING IN MORE THAN 40 COMMUNITIES THROUGHOUT THE TRIP. THAT INCLUDED TONIGHT IN oZQBWEyKIqo-00025-00001975-00001981 COMMUNITIES THROUGHOUT THE TRIP. THAT INCLUDED TONIGHT IN oZQBWEyKIqo-00026-00001981-00002135 COMMUNITIES THROUGHOUT THE TRIP. THAT INCLUDED TONIGHT IN BEMIDJI, AS FOX SPORTS NORTH'S oZQBWEyKIqo-00027-00002135-00002142 THAT INCLUDED TONIGHT IN BEMIDJI, AS FOX SPORTS NORTH'S oZQBWEyKIqo-00028-00002142-00002242 THAT INCLUDED TONIGHT IN BEMIDJI, AS FOX SPORTS NORTH'S DICK BREMER ALONG WITH CURRENT oZQBWEyKIqo-00029-00002242-00002248 BEMIDJI, AS FOX SPORTS NORTH'S DICK BREMER ALONG WITH CURRENT oZQBWEyKIqo-00030-00002248-00002399 BEMIDJI, AS FOX SPORTS NORTH'S DICK BREMER ALONG WITH CURRENT PLAYERS EDDIE ROSARIO AND JOHN oZQBWEyKIqo-00031-00002399-00002405 DICK BREMER ALONG WITH CURRENT PLAYERS EDDIE ROSARIO AND JOHN oZQBWEyKIqo-00032-00002405-00002505 DICK BREMER ALONG WITH CURRENT PLAYERS EDDIE ROSARIO AND JOHN CURTISS WERE WELCOMED TO THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00033-00002505-00002512 PLAYERS EDDIE ROSARIO AND JOHN CURTISS WERE WELCOMED TO THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00034-00002512-00002615 PLAYERS EDDIE ROSARIO AND JOHN CURTISS WERE WELCOMED TO THE EAGLES CLUB. oZQBWEyKIqo-00035-00002615-00002622 CURTISS WERE WELCOMED TO THE EAGLES CLUB. oZQBWEyKIqo-00036-00002622-00002826 CURTISS WERE WELCOMED TO THE EAGLES CLUB. HUNDREDS OF FANS GATHERED TO ASK oZQBWEyKIqo-00037-00002826-00002832 EAGLES CLUB. HUNDREDS OF FANS GATHERED TO ASK oZQBWEyKIqo-00038-00002832-00002936 EAGLES CLUB. HUNDREDS OF FANS GATHERED TO ASK QUESTIONS AND MEET THE TEAM, oZQBWEyKIqo-00039-00002936-00002942 HUNDREDS OF FANS GATHERED TO ASK QUESTIONS AND MEET THE TEAM, oZQBWEyKIqo-00040-00002942-00003009 HUNDREDS OF FANS GATHERED TO ASK QUESTIONS AND MEET THE TEAM, ALONG WITH GETTING AUTOGRAPHS, oZQBWEyKIqo-00041-00003009-00003016 QUESTIONS AND MEET THE TEAM, ALONG WITH GETTING AUTOGRAPHS, oZQBWEyKIqo-00042-00003016-00003473 QUESTIONS AND MEET THE TEAM, ALONG WITH GETTING AUTOGRAPHS, AN OVERALL FUN NIGHT. oZQBWEyKIqo-00043-00003473-00003480 ALONG WITH GETTING AUTOGRAPHS, AN OVERALL FUN NIGHT. oZQBWEyKIqo-00044-00003480-00003633 ALONG WITH GETTING AUTOGRAPHS, AN OVERALL FUN NIGHT. >> WE'LL SEE PEOPLE WHO TRAVELED oZQBWEyKIqo-00045-00003633-00003640 AN OVERALL FUN NIGHT. >> WE'LL SEE PEOPLE WHO TRAVELED oZQBWEyKIqo-00046-00003640-00003830 AN OVERALL FUN NIGHT. >> WE'LL SEE PEOPLE WHO TRAVELED A LONG WAYS IN THE MIDDLE OF oZQBWEyKIqo-00047-00003830-00003837 >> WE'LL SEE PEOPLE WHO TRAVELED A LONG WAYS IN THE MIDDLE OF oZQBWEyKIqo-00048-00003837-00004017 >> WE'LL SEE PEOPLE WHO TRAVELED A LONG WAYS IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER TO JUST GET A LITTLE BIT oZQBWEyKIqo-00049-00004017-00004024 A LONG WAYS IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER TO JUST GET A LITTLE BIT oZQBWEyKIqo-00050-00004024-00004120 A LONG WAYS IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER TO JUST GET A LITTLE BIT CLOSER TO THIS BASEBALL TEAM, oZQBWEyKIqo-00051-00004120-00004127 WINTER TO JUST GET A LITTLE BIT CLOSER TO THIS BASEBALL TEAM, oZQBWEyKIqo-00052-00004127-00004304 WINTER TO JUST GET A LITTLE BIT CLOSER TO THIS BASEBALL TEAM, AND THAT'S A LOT OF FUN TO oZQBWEyKIqo-00053-00004304-00004310 CLOSER TO THIS BASEBALL TEAM, AND THAT'S A LOT OF FUN TO oZQBWEyKIqo-00054-00004310-00004404 CLOSER TO THIS BASEBALL TEAM, AND THAT'S A LOT OF FUN TO WITNESS. oZQBWEyKIqo-00055-00004404-00004411 AND THAT'S A LOT OF FUN TO WITNESS. oZQBWEyKIqo-00056-00004411-00004908 AND THAT'S A LOT OF FUN TO WITNESS. IT'S REALLY FUN TO SEE THE FANS' oZQBWEyKIqo-00057-00004908-00004914 WITNESS. IT'S REALLY FUN TO SEE THE FANS' oZQBWEyKIqo-00058-00004914-00005161 WITNESS. IT'S REALLY FUN TO SEE THE FANS' REACTION AND THEIR PASSION FOR oZQBWEyKIqo-00059-00005161-00005168 IT'S REALLY FUN TO SEE THE FANS' REACTION AND THEIR PASSION FOR oZQBWEyKIqo-00060-00005168-00005215 IT'S REALLY FUN TO SEE THE FANS' REACTION AND THEIR PASSION FOR TWINS BASEBALL. oZQBWEyKIqo-00061-00005215-00005221 REACTION AND THEIR PASSION FOR TWINS BASEBALL. oZQBWEyKIqo-00062-00005221-00005328 REACTION AND THEIR PASSION FOR TWINS BASEBALL. >> AWESOME SEEING A BUNCH OF oZQBWEyKIqo-00063-00005328-00005335 TWINS BASEBALL. >> AWESOME SEEING A BUNCH OF oZQBWEyKIqo-00064-00005335-00005512 TWINS BASEBALL. >> AWESOME SEEING A BUNCH OF PLACES I HAVEN'T BEEN BEFORE, oZQBWEyKIqo-00065-00005512-00005518 >> AWESOME SEEING A BUNCH OF PLACES I HAVEN'T BEEN BEFORE, oZQBWEyKIqo-00066-00005518-00005812 >> AWESOME SEEING A BUNCH OF PLACES I HAVEN'T BEEN BEFORE, INTERACTING WITH A BUNCH OF TWIN oZQBWEyKIqo-00067-00005812-00005819 PLACES I HAVEN'T BEEN BEFORE, INTERACTING WITH A BUNCH OF TWIN oZQBWEyKIqo-00068-00005819-00005972 PLACES I HAVEN'T BEEN BEFORE, INTERACTING WITH A BUNCH OF TWIN FANS, THE EXPANSIVENESS OF THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00069-00005972-00005979 INTERACTING WITH A BUNCH OF TWIN FANS, THE EXPANSIVENESS OF THE oZQBWEyKIqo-00070-00005979-00006032 INTERACTING WITH A BUNCH OF TWIN FANS, THE EXPANSIVENESS OF THE TERRITORY AND SEEING WHAT A TRUE oakP00a28bu-00000-00001684-00002266 28th of April 1937 a man is born in Tikrit Iraq oakP00a28bu-00001-00002284-00002858 His name is Saddam Hussein, and he will grow up to change Iraqi history forever oakP00a28bu-00002-00002892-00003404 But the story of Saddam Hussein doesn't take shape until the end of the 50s oakP00a28bu-00003-00003404-00004060 When Abd Al-Karim Qasim takes power in the country after defeating the former king of Iraq. oakP00a28bu-00004-00004079-00004640 At the beginning Kasim are supported by the Communists and the Arab nationalistic bath party oakP00a28bu-00005-00004662-00005256 One of the members in the last-mentioned party is 21 year old Saddam Hussein oakP00a28bu-00006-00005432-00006066 Within time a bloody civil war begins between Communist's, bathist's and the regime of Kasim oakP00a28bu-00007-00006148-00006966 Kasim answers back and kills thousands of opposition members, the regime also forbids the Communist Party oakP00a28bu-00008-00007638-00008018 In Kurdistan, the Kurds also starts a revolution oakP00a28bu-00009-00008018-00008522 Against Qasim and this one will hold on for 10 years with over oakP00a28bu-00010-00008536-00008750 100,000 dead people oakP00a28bu-00011-00008806-00009236 Kasim are exposed of several attempted murders but survives oakP00a28bu-00012-00009250-00009644 One of them are carried out by 17 bath party members oakP00a28bu-00013-00009660-00010160 However, one of them successfully fled the country dressed up as a beduin oakP00a28bu-00014-00010308-00010892 This photo of Saddam Hussein is taken in Egypt Cairo just after a successful escape oakP00a28bu-00015-00011094-00011296 In the beginning of 1963 oakP00a28bu-00016-00011296-00012222 Qasim is overthrown from power and a day after he is executed as his destroyed body is shown publicly on TV oakP00a28bu-00017-00012638-00013224 A few years later, 1968, the bath party takes full control of the country oakP00a28bu-00018-00013224-00013994 The new president name is Ahmed Hassan al-bakr and his right hand is the well-known and young Saddam Hussein oakP00a28bu-00019-00014034-00014324 The vice-president of Iraq. oakP00a28bu-00020-00014397-00014590 As the vice president the oakP00a28bu-00021-00014594-00015438 Responsibility of security is his and thousands of possible threats are killed before they become one oakP00a28bu-00022-00015784-00016062 In the 70s a new Iraq is growing oakP00a28bu-00023-00016071-00016577 This Iraq is dealing about peace with the Kurds after ten years of battle oakP00a28bu-00024-00016620-00016930 However, the truce will be short remained as Iraq oakP00a28bu-00025-00016930-00017752 Simultaneously are cooperating with the Soviet union who delivers weapons and thousands of military advisors oakP00a28bu-00026-00017762-00018466 Also Iraq are building advanced technology from USA and France in order to build their nuclear oakP00a28bu-00027-00018474-00018798 reactors and create chemical weapons oakP00a28bu-00028-00019090-00019710 During the reign of Saddam as vice president Iraq takes control over all oil fields in the country and oakP00a28bu-00029-00019738-00020270 When the crisis of oil hits the world Iraq can collect a lot of money oakP00a28bu-00030-00020420-00020620 In 16th of July oakP00a28bu-00031-00020620-00020894 1979 Saddam Hussein reaches his goal oakP00a28bu-00032-00020894-00021472 on the official pictures the president al-bakr steps down with his own will oakP00a28bu-00033-00021472-00021916 But in reality Saddam Hussein forces him out of power oakP00a28bu-00034-00021994-00022602 In the first year Saddam executed hundreds from his own party to clean up all inside threats oakP00a28bu-00035-00022654-00022924 However, a new one will appear from the outside oakP00a28bu-00036-00022926-00023414 In the neighboring country Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini have claimed the power from the Shah oakP00a28bu-00037-00023414-00024066 The new regime is Shia and they urges Iraqi Shia to stand up against Saddam oakP00a28bu-00038-00024066-00024788 To secure his stand Saddam executed hundreds of Shias in Iraq and over 10,000 flees oakP00a28bu-00039-00024808-00025174 The country is at the edge of war oakP00a28bu-00040-00025228-00025672 20th of September 1980 Iraq suddenly attacks Iran oakP00a28bu-00041-00025686-00025960 Saddam expects an easy victory oakP00a28bu-00042-00025962-00026374 Mostly due to the support from the west and many Arab countries oakP00a28bu-00043-00026380-00026756 Iraq conquers large areas in western Iran, however oakP00a28bu-00044-00026756-00027294 The wind will turn against Iraq. Iran answers and within a year oakP00a28bu-00045-00027294-00027733 Iraqi troops retreats to the former borders of the countries oakP00a28bu-00046-00027733-00028386 now a war from these borders begins oakP00a28bu-00047-00029006-00029772 Ayatollah khomeini shows off with the evil tactic sending large groups of unarmed children against the Iraqi frontline. oakP00a28bu-00048-00029858-00030777 The Iraqi troops doesn't show any compassion and neither do Iran, who right away sends more and more children to the frontlines oakP00a28bu-00049-00031076-00031689 Between 1986 and 1988 Iran starts supporting the Kurds of Iraq against Saddam oakP00a28bu-00050-00031695-00032348 The resistance of the Kurds is strong. However, Saddam decides to crush the Kurds once and for all oakP00a28bu-00051-00032362-00032742 Over 5000 Kurdish villages are destroyed and over oakP00a28bu-00052-00032745-00032946 200,000 people gets killed oakP00a28bu-00053-00033177-00033351 The most brutal oakP00a28bu-00054-00033351-00033742 Action is in the 16th of March 1988 in Halabja oakP00a28bu-00055-00033742-00034378 Saddam Hussein's poisonous chemical weapons are released over the city and over 7,000 people dies oakP00a28bu-00056-00034378-00034796 most of them being women and children oakP00a28bu-00057-00037286-00037754 In August 1988 a truce is signed between Iraq and Iran oakP00a28bu-00058-00037760-00038398 Over a million people have died as a result of the war without any part winning oakP00a28bu-00059-00038456-00039034 despite the war and the massacre of the Kurds, USA remains their support for Saddam Hussein. oakP00a28bu-00060-00039090-00039628 A support which will have an immediate stop within a few years oakP00a28bu-00061-00039648-00039990 Iraq has high costly depths after the war and in oakP00a28bu-00062-00040020-00040580 1990 the neighboring country Kuwait are demanding billions of dollars from Iraq oakP00a28bu-00063-00040608-00041000 However, Saddam Hussein does not plan to pay his depths oakP00a28bu-00064-00041000-00041288 instead he wakes and he waken up a whole fight between oakP00a28bu-00065-00041306-00041834 The countries of certain land areas and the main reason is to collect their oil oakP00a28bu-00066-00041852-00042566 2nd of August 1990 Iraqi troops enters Kuwait. Saddam trust his mighty American and Arabic allies. oakP00a28bu-00067-00042626-00043396 However, the very same day United Nation condemns the invasion. After several warnings denied by Saddam oakP00a28bu-00068-00043396-00044006 Bush sends a speech to the people calling for the operation to force out Saddam from Kuwait oakP00a28bu-00069-00044672-00045282 Over 30 countries participate in the American majority attack against Iraq oakP00a28bu-00070-00046076-00046438 The Alliance commanded under general Schwarzkopf oakP00a28bu-00071-00046452-00047002 Promised a fast war but a missiles does not always hit their targets oakP00a28bu-00072-00047034-00047512 Hundreds of women and children dies when one missile hits the safe house oakP00a28bu-00073-00047974-00048544 In February 1991 UN puts in their ground troops and two days later oakP00a28bu-00074-00048544-00049004 Kuwait are celebrating the liberation of the country oakP00a28bu-00075-00049426-00050032 Bush doesn't stop there however, he urges the Iraqi people to rise against Saddam Hussein. oakP00a28bu-00076-00050200-00050948 The Kurds and the Shia's of Iraq follows the calls but Saddam responds with a merciless slaughter oakP00a28bu-00077-00051168-00051670 At least 50,000 Shia Muslim dies and a million of Kurds flees oakP00a28bu-00078-00051678-00052310 Saddam hunts them with planes over the mountains and the injuries on phosphorus weapons are burning oakP00a28bu-00079-00052336-00053007 Kurdish children women and men but in the middle of all the misery the hope of Independence are still growing among the Kurds oakP00a28bu-00080-00053046-00053762 In the rest of the 19th UN tries to make Saddam dismantle all of his chemical weapon factories oakP00a28bu-00081-00053814-00054429 The economic sanction of UN keeps on hurting they already heard that Iraqi people oakP00a28bu-00082-00054440-00054982 However, soon something happens. That would make it all even worse for the people in the area oakP00a28bu-00083-00055005-00055354 The so called 911 attack occure. oakP00a28bu-00084-00055354-00055794 People ask themselves who could be capable of doing such things oakP00a28bu-00085-00055822-00056512 Saddam Hussein denies being involved in the attack but the new american president george. W bush has made his decision oakP00a28bu-00086-00056528-00056770 Either you are with us oakP00a28bu-00087-00056779-00057038 or you are with the terrorists oakP00a28bu-00088-00057046-00057586 A Few weeks after 9/11 America attacks Afghanistan Iraq is next on the list oakP00a28bu-00089-00057628-00058304 The world is skeptical to American plans. Many doubts the connection between Iraq and 9/11 oakP00a28bu-00090-00058316-00059088 But Bush has another argument to fight Iraq. He claims that Iraq holds weapons of mass destructions oakP00a28bu-00091-00059096-00059817 However, the UN expector can't find these weapons therefore Bush acts without the support from UN oakP00a28bu-00092-00060986-00061854 Saddam Hussein and his sons refuses three days later USA attacks in the middle of the night oakP00a28bu-00093-00062320-00063110 After only three weeks Baghdad Falls and the symbolic statue of the dictator are destroyed oakP00a28bu-00094-00063654-00064438 Saddam Hussein are captured 7 months later in an hide out outside his hometown of Tikrit oakP00a28bu-00095-00064800-00065098 Many believe that the peace has come to Iraq oakP00a28bu-00096-00065098-00065698 But this is only the beginning the Americans had a plan for the war but no plan for the peace oakP00a28bu-00097-00065708-00066058 They now put the power in the hands of the Iraqis oakP00a28bu-00098-00066058-00066790 Many many different parts are trying to gain power and the violence increases in the country oakP00a28bu-00099-00067150-00067916 In the middle of the violence Iraq hosts elections, the new Iraqi president name is now Jalal Talabani oakP00a28bu-00100-00067916-00068394 A Kurdish leader, which opposed to a former Iraqi regime of Saddam oakP00a28bu-00101-00068416-00069194 Until now mostly the Sunnis of Iraq have had power in the country, but in the new Iraq Kurds and Shia gets more power oakP00a28bu-00102-00069200-00069740 however, new Islamic movement tried to collect power in a shaken Iraq oakP00a28bu-00103-00069788-00070374 One of the most violent is a Zarqawi's group the same group which will evolve into the Islamic state oakP00a28bu-00104-00070442-00070728 He declares war against the Shias in Iraq oakP00a28bu-00105-00070728-00071492 At least 10,000 people are killed in the Islamic terror between Shia and Sunni in Iraq oakP00a28bu-00106-00072738-00073814 The fifth of November 2006 the time of Saddam Hussein is over the dictator is sentenced to death through hanging oakP00a28bu-00107-00074576-00075240 Now what's your opinion comment down below and if you want the rest of the conflict don't miss out the video where we explain about oakP00a28bu-00108-00075270-00075925 Isis by clicking here and don't miss out the video where we talked about the Halabja genocide by clicking here oakP00a28bu-00109-00075999-00076328 Also, don't forget to subscribe to the channel and share this video of3eJj3aV2I-00000-00000014-00000168 On a scale of 1 to 10, of3eJj3aV2I-00001-00000168-00000340 how excited were you to come here? of3eJj3aV2I-00002-00000618-00000923 Okay, we're gonna go get cherries instead of lambs. of3eJj3aV2I-00003-00000923-00001224 >> Mom, have him hold me still! of3eJj3aV2I-00004-00001224-00001398 [Captions by Judy V. at Y Translator] of3eJj3aV2I-00005-00001500-00001698 8 PASSENGERS of3eJj3aV2I-00006-00001864-00002178 >> Thanks for making those two, of3eJj3aV2I-00007-00002226-00002636 and I want a cookie with both of them. of3eJj3aV2I-00008-00002636-00002804 >> Of course, you do. of3eJj3aV2I-00009-00003092-00003350 >> Oops, sorry for screaming. of3eJj3aV2I-00010-00003461-00003646 >> Hello passengers. of3eJj3aV2I-00011-00003646-00003828 How are you guys today? of3eJj3aV2I-00012-00003828-00004046 I am in a really fine mood. of3eJj3aV2I-00013-00004124-00004518 I've done something for myself that just feels really good. of3eJj3aV2I-00014-00004519-00005108 I gave myself two hours to sit and do nothing. of3eJj3aV2I-00015-00005108-00005208 I read two books, of3eJj3aV2I-00016-00005208-00005514 and one of them I hated. of3eJj3aV2I-00017-00005592-00005672 I didn't like it. of3eJj3aV2I-00018-00005672-00005871 I'm not gonna share with you what book that was. of3eJj3aV2I-00019-00005871-00006038 I'm cutting onions right now. of3eJj3aV2I-00020-00006078-00006956 [Music] of3eJj3aV2I-00021-00006956-00007231 >> Thank you. Thank you. of3eJj3aV2I-00022-00007231-00007418 >> Well, you are welcome. of3eJj3aV2I-00023-00007472-00007656 It's a lot of hard work to do spaghetti. of3eJj3aV2I-00024-00007656-00007830 I used to eat these raw too. of3eJj3aV2I-00025-00007830-00008080 Did you guys eat spaghetti noodles raw? of3eJj3aV2I-00026-00008122-00008262 >> I want one. >> Okay. of3eJj3aV2I-00027-00008262-00008329 >> I want one. of3eJj3aV2I-00028-00008330-00008418 >> All right. All right. All right. of3eJj3aV2I-00029-00008418-00008568 >> What do they taste like? of3eJj3aV2I-00030-00008568-00008660 >> Try it. of3eJj3aV2I-00031-00008660-00008764 What do you think? of3eJj3aV2I-00032-00008808-00009420 [Music] of3eJj3aV2I-00033-00009744-00009878 Did he say "mmm"? of3eJj3aV2I-00034-00009878-00010054 I think he said "mmm". of3eJj3aV2I-00035-00010054-00010267 I've always bought the big family pack, of3eJj3aV2I-00036-00010267-00010540 but then like saved half the bag, of3eJj3aV2I-00037-00010540-00010878 or a quarter of the bag, or three quarters of the bag, of3eJj3aV2I-00038-00010878-00011444 and slowly gotten to the point where I have to cook all of this. of3eJj3aV2I-00039-00011680-00011852 I always break these in half first, of3eJj3aV2I-00040-00011852-00012076 so, that it's not as messy. of3eJj3aV2I-00041-00012154-00012456 >> These actually don't taste like anything. of3eJj3aV2I-00042-00012702-00012860 >> I got your dress. of3eJj3aV2I-00043-00013450-00013732 Okay, because I know you're gonna ask, I found the book that I've been reading. of3eJj3aV2I-00044-00013734-00014032 It's "Yes, Your Teen Is Crazy". of3eJj3aV2I-00045-00014032-00014150 It's a pretty good book, of3eJj3aV2I-00046-00014150-00014452 and the funny thing is he has, of3eJj3aV2I-00047-00014640-00014868 "Yes, Your Parents Are Crazy" of3eJj3aV2I-00048-00014868-00015036 for the teens to read. of3eJj3aV2I-00049-00015036-00015118 It's so funny. of3eJj3aV2I-00050-00015118-00015246 Look how he's dressed like, of3eJj3aV2I-00051-00015246-00015404 you're not going out dressed like that. of3eJj3aV2I-00052-00015404-00015803 It's just like all the things that parents do that drive kids crazy, of3eJj3aV2I-00053-00015803-00015978 it's because your parents are crazy. of3eJj3aV2I-00054-00016019-00016166 I think it's pretty close. of3eJj3aV2I-00055-00016184-00016422 So anyway, it's a really good read. of3eJj3aV2I-00056-00016422-00016731 If I remember, I'll link in the description box. of3eJj3aV2I-00057-00016731-00016845 It's not sponsored or anything. of3eJj3aV2I-00058-00016845-00017101 I'm just sharing something that I found on my own, of3eJj3aV2I-00059-00017101-00017314 and I really, really enjoyed. of3eJj3aV2I-00060-00017314-00018250 [Music] of3eJj3aV2I-00061-00018250-00018408 You ready to go pick cherries? of3eJj3aV2I-00062-00018408-00018702 >> I just really want to go over this fence, of3eJj3aV2I-00063-00018702-00018878 and pet that cow. of3eJj3aV2I-00064-00018968-00019085 I really want to. of3eJj3aV2I-00065-00019086-00019314 >> If we snuck a lamb over the fence and took it home, of3eJj3aV2I-00066-00019314-00019450 they will never know it was us. of3eJj3aV2I-00067-00019484-00019586 >> That's true. of3eJj3aV2I-00068-00019586-00019712 You guys want a pet? of3eJj3aV2I-00069-00019782-00019886 >> Pet a goat. of3eJj3aV2I-00070-00019886-00020051 >> It would be mine. of3eJj3aV2I-00071-00020052-00020166 >> It's a lamb, not a goat. of3eJj3aV2I-00072-00020166-00020362 Okay we're gonna go get cherries, of3eJj3aV2I-00073-00020362-00020588 instead of lambs and goats today. of3eJj3aV2I-00074-00020588-00021692 [Music] of3eJj3aV2I-00075-00021692-00021858 You picked one and then you ate it? of3eJj3aV2I-00076-00021958-00022164 >> But I wanted to put it in there. of3eJj3aV2I-00077-00022164-00022344 >> Find another one to put in your bucket. of3eJj3aV2I-00078-00022366-00022932 [Music] of3eJj3aV2I-00079-00022932-00023122 >> Hey Julie, can you hand me the bucket? of3eJj3aV2I-00080-00023122-00023264 >> Cherries. of3eJj3aV2I-00081-00023264-00023492 I gotta show you my cherries left. of3eJj3aV2I-00082-00023550-00023922 >> One, two, three, you have six. of3eJj3aV2I-00083-00023922-00025254 [Music] of3eJj3aV2I-00084-00025254-00025548 >> Mom, look how many I have now. of3eJj3aV2I-00085-00025548-00025814 >> Good, those look yummy. of3eJj3aV2I-00086-00025898-00026122 >> I signed up for football today. of3eJj3aV2I-00087-00026122-00026264 >> You did? >> Yeah. of3eJj3aV2I-00088-00026264-00026360 >> You paid for it? of3eJj3aV2I-00089-00026360-00026564 >> I wanted to pay for it, >> Got it. of3eJj3aV2I-00090-00026564-00026769 >> And then, but he said, of3eJj3aV2I-00091-00026769-00026952 you have ten extra dollars in your account. of3eJj3aV2I-00092-00026952-00027082 So, I used my money, of3eJj3aV2I-00093-00027082-00027252 but I'll pay him back. of3eJj3aV2I-00094-00027252-00027330 >> Okay. of3eJj3aV2I-00095-00027330-00027483 How many did you get? >> [inaudible] cherries. of3eJj3aV2I-00096-00027483-00027554 >> Ten. of3eJj3aV2I-00097-00027676-00027810 >> Do they have ladders? of3eJj3aV2I-00098-00027848-00028002 You have to bring your own maybe. of3eJj3aV2I-00099-00028002-00028204 I bet you could climb it up though. of3eJj3aV2I-00100-00028205-00028324 I'm gonna get on Chad's shoulders. of3eJj3aV2I-00101-00028324-00028439 We'll see how this goes. of3eJj3aV2I-00102-00028439-00028595 There's some high up ones, of3eJj3aV2I-00103-00028595-00028722 but we don't have a ladder. of3eJj3aV2I-00104-00028724-00028818 I got buff shoulders. of3eJj3aV2I-00105-00028818-00029074 >> I want to get into here, >> That's why I can hit hard in football. of3eJj3aV2I-00106-00029074-00029174 >> and pick these. of3eJj3aV2I-00107-00029204-00029337 All right, I'm gonna leapfrog. of3eJj3aV2I-00108-00029338-00029450 On the count of three. One-- of3eJj3aV2I-00109-00029450-00029712 >> No, don't leap frog, cause then I'll -- you'll snap my neck. of3eJj3aV2I-00110-00029712-00029860 >> Like this? >> Yep. of3eJj3aV2I-00111-00030295-00030504 >> Push her up. Push her up. of3eJj3aV2I-00112-00030533-00030602 >> Ruby... of3eJj3aV2I-00113-00030848-00030920 >> Ruby... of3eJj3aV2I-00114-00030933-00031010 >> Okay. of3eJj3aV2I-00115-00031030-00031118 There we go. of3eJj3aV2I-00116-00031527-00031730 These cherries are like perfect. of3eJj3aV2I-00117-00031730-00031832 >> It's hard to breathe. of3eJj3aV2I-00118-00031976-00032162 >> Can I climb up with Shari? >> No. of3eJj3aV2I-00119-00032206-00032486 >> Do what you want. You don't have to ask my permission to climb. of3eJj3aV2I-00120-00032486-00032681 >> Shari [inaudible] climb up [inaudible] of3eJj3aV2I-00121-00032682-00032918 >> There's no room up here, Abby. >> Yes, there is. of3eJj3aV2I-00122-00032918-00033003 >> If you want to-- of3eJj3aV2I-00123-00033003-00033133 >> Can you tell my kids are fighting? of3eJj3aV2I-00124-00033133-00033214 I'm just like, of3eJj3aV2I-00125-00033214-00033438 >> Am I the only one that's actually being good? of3eJj3aV2I-00126-00033438-00033750 >> This supposed to be a nice, fun activity where-- of3eJj3aV2I-00127-00033750-00033890 >> You can't plan activities, Mom. of3eJj3aV2I-00128-00033924-00034096 You got to like play it by ear. of3eJj3aV2I-00129-00034096-00034424 >> And they are never sweet like I want them to be. of3eJj3aV2I-00130-00034550-00034666 >> I'm sweet. of3eJj3aV2I-00131-00034670-00034792 >> Yeah, you are. of3eJj3aV2I-00132-00034980-00035080 >> Hey! of3eJj3aV2I-00133-00035102-00035212 >> Do you need me to get down? of3eJj3aV2I-00134-00035212-00035436 >> Since when did it come to the point of3eJj3aV2I-00135-00035436-00035620 where the son is lifting the mom, of3eJj3aV2I-00136-00035664-00035982 and the mom's not lifting the son? of3eJj3aV2I-00137-00036082-00036206 >> You grew up, Chad. of3eJj3aV2I-00138-00036374-00036502 >> Yeah, my back just cracked. of3eJj3aV2I-00139-00036502-00036602 >> Do you want me get off? of3eJj3aV2I-00140-00036614-00036680 >> No, it's good. of3eJj3aV2I-00141-00036750-00036828 Keep going. of3eJj3aV2I-00142-00036848-00037008 >> Okay, take a step forward, of3eJj3aV2I-00143-00037008-00037214 because I've got some cherries here I want to... of3eJj3aV2I-00144-00037384-00037582 >> Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up. of3eJj3aV2I-00145-00037854-00037968 >> That was fun! of3eJj3aV2I-00146-00037968-00038070 >> My shoulders... of3eJj3aV2I-00147-00038070-00038225 she cut off the circulation. of3eJj3aV2I-00148-00038276-00038524 >> If I stop growing, and he keeps growing, of3eJj3aV2I-00149-00038524-00038712 we can do this easier next year. of3eJj3aV2I-00150-00038776-00038934 I have to stop growing though. of3eJj3aV2I-00151-00038934-00039032 That's the secret. of3eJj3aV2I-00152-00039032-00039312 [Music] of3eJj3aV2I-00153-00039600-00039736 >> Make sure you get some good ones. of3eJj3aV2I-00154-00039798-00039938 >> There's nowhere to walk. of3eJj3aV2I-00155-00039938-00040224 >> Chad, just pick a spot and stay there! of3eJj3aV2I-00156-00040400-00040732 >> Mom, have him hold me still! of3eJj3aV2I-00157-00040736-00040878 >> Abby, Abby. of3eJj3aV2I-00158-00040878-00041118 Dad, make him-- of3eJj3aV2I-00159-00041120-00041288 >> You're gonna kill yourself. of3eJj3aV2I-00160-00041288-00041688 [Music] of3eJj3aV2I-00161-00041688-00041866 >> Mom... of3eJj3aV2I-00162-00042012-00042158 I can't. of3eJj3aV2I-00163-00042308-00042528 Make him get me off! of3eJj3aV2I-00164-00042748-00042934 >> You are worse than Grandpa. of3eJj3aV2I-00165-00042934-00043052 No, you are Grandpa. of3eJj3aV2I-00166-00043052-00043174 I'm sitting here taking selfies, of3eJj3aV2I-00167-00043174-00043404 and Chad's like, Oh no, Mom. Selfie's not that great here. of3eJj3aV2I-00168-00043404-00043544 Let me help you out. Let me take ##. of3eJj3aV2I-00169-00043544-00043846 And he like acts like he's all taking some great photos of us. of3eJj3aV2I-00170-00043846-00044010 Then I get the phone back, of3eJj3aV2I-00171-00044010-00044158 and this is what it is. of3eJj3aV2I-00172-00044256-00044350 Chad. of3eJj3aV2I-00173-00044362-00044512 >> Put it in selfie. of3eJj3aV2I-00174-00044628-00045146 [Music] of3eJj3aV2I-00175-00045146-00045452 >> Mom, did you know white bears are real? of3eJj3aV2I-00176-00045452-00045586 >> Yeah, I did. of3eJj3aV2I-00177-00045636-00046452 >> And those are secret, secret bears. of3eJj3aV2I-00178-00046552-00046710 >> On a scale of 1 to 10, of3eJj3aV2I-00179-00046710-00046884 how excited were you to come here? of3eJj3aV2I-00180-00046884-00047018 >> No! of3eJj3aV2I-00181-00047018-00047095 >> Not really excited. of3eJj3aV2I-00182-00047095-00047203 On a scale of one to ten, of3eJj3aV2I-00183-00047203-00047378 how fun was it actually? of3eJj3aV2I-00184-00047378-00047554 >> It was decent. >> Zero. of3eJj3aV2I-00185-00047554-00047692 >> It was decent. of3eJj3aV2I-00186-00047746-00047962 >> Shari, she just got in the car, of3eJj3aV2I-00187-00047962-00048137 was telling me how excited it was of3eJj3aV2I-00188-00048137-00048470 that she got all of the sheep communicate with her. of3eJj3aV2I-00189-00048538-00048710 Shari, the sheep whisperer. of3eJj3aV2I-00190-00048710-00048877 >> They all looked up and turned their heads. of3eJj3aV2I-00191-00048877-00049097 >> Shari, come demonstrate right now. of3eJj3aV2I-00192-00049097-00049262 Come demonstrate. of3eJj3aV2I-00193-00049262-00049420 >> I did hear her. She came in, she's like, of3eJj3aV2I-00194-00049420-00049574 I can talk to sheep. of3eJj3aV2I-00195-00049574-00049699 I'm a sheep whisperer. of3eJj3aV2I-00196-00049700-00049938 So, it was a little more decent, of3eJj3aV2I-00197-00049974-00050170 a little more than just decent. of3eJj3aV2I-00198-00050170-00050600 We're trying to have more experiences with our family, of3eJj3aV2I-00199-00050702-00050824 and this was a lot of fun. of3eJj3aV2I-00200-00050824-00050998 I'm glad that we came cherry-picking. of3eJj3aV2I-00201-00050998-00051386 Thanks kids for putting up with all of my crazy ideas. of3eJj3aV2I-00202-00051386-00051452 >> Of course. of3eJj3aV2I-00203-00051467-00052136 [Music] p1B-oV8AqLg-00000-00001184-00001592 ah p1B-oV8AqLg-00001-00001664-00002984 y'all p1B-oV8AqLg-00002-00003528-00004384 uh p1B-oV8AqLg-00003-00004472-00005784 oh p1B-oV8AqLg-00004-00009800-00009984 huh p1B-oV8AqLg-00005-00011072-00011384 um no p1B-oV8AqLg-00006-00011664-00012784 can you not p1B-oV8AqLg-00007-00013919-00014184 is p1B-oV8AqLg-00008-00016000-00016984 hmm p1B-oV8AqLg-00009-00019536-00019784 me p1B-oV8AqLg-00010-00019848-00021184 mama p1B-oV8AqLg-00011-00023352-00023360 you p8KPhrlwU50-00000-00000034-00000320 Hey y’all. Today I'm going to show you how I make p8KPhrlwU50-00001-00000325-00000617 my Broccoli Cheddar Orzo. You can find this p8KPhrlwU50-00002-00000619-00000872 recipe on deepfriedhoney . com along with all p8KPhrlwU50-00003-00000872-00001226 of my other recipes. The recipe calls for four p8KPhrlwU50-00004-00001227-00001453 cups of vegetable broth. I didn't have any on p8KPhrlwU50-00005-00001455-00001747 hand, so I made some using better than bouillon p8KPhrlwU50-00006-00001748-00002010 's roasted vegetable base along with some water. p8KPhrlwU50-00007-00002011-00002350 Just mixed that together and then I roasted my broccoli. p8KPhrlwU50-00008-00002411-00002663 Now you don't have to roast the broccoli for this recipe. p8KPhrlwU50-00009-00002664-00002900 You can boil it or steam it or whatever. I like p8KPhrlwU50-00010-00002901-00003402 roasting it. I roast it in an 475 degree oven, seasoned p8KPhrlwU50-00011-00003404-00003627 the broccoli really simply with onion powder, p8KPhrlwU50-00012-00003627-00003943 garlic powder, kosher salt, and then some grapeseed oil. p8KPhrlwU50-00013-00003943-00004266 just to help everything adhere. I like to roast p8KPhrlwU50-00014-00004268-00004511 the broccoli while I'm working on the orzo so p8KPhrlwU50-00015-00004511-00004765 that it just kind of flows together. But if the p8KPhrlwU50-00016-00004765-00005015 multitasking intimidates you, just cook p8KPhrlwU50-00017-00005015-00005200 the broccoli first. It's not going to matter p8KPhrlwU50-00018-00005200-00005531 at the end of the recipe. The base of our orzo p8KPhrlwU50-00019-00005531-00005799 is a roux. We melt half a stick of butter over p8KPhrlwU50-00020-00005800-00006100 medium high heat and then we saute some p8KPhrlwU50-00021-00006100-00006350 yellow onion, just until it's translucent. p8KPhrlwU50-00022-00006350-00006658 It'll take about 5 to 7 minutes. Translucent p8KPhrlwU50-00023-00006658-00006916 meaning some of the pieces are slightly see through. p8KPhrlwU50-00024-00006976-00007258 After that happens, we stir in the garlic and p8KPhrlwU50-00025-00007258-00007451 then I just let that cook for a minute or two, p8KPhrlwU50-00026-00007452-00007816 just until I can smell the garlic. Next I sprinkle p8KPhrlwU50-00027-00007816-00008054 in the all- purpose flour, just a little bit p8KPhrlwU50-00028-00008055-00008283 less than the amount of butter that I added earlier, p8KPhrlwU50-00029-00008291-00008518 and then I stir them together and let it cook p8KPhrlwU50-00030-00008519-00008806 with the garlic and the onions. I'm just letting p8KPhrlwU50-00031-00008808-00009076 the flour taste cook out. Just takes about two p8KPhrlwU50-00032-00009077-00009344 or three minutes or so. I don't wanna add the liquid p8KPhrlwU50-00033-00009345-00009583 before I allow the flour to cook, because if p8KPhrlwU50-00034-00009583-00009870 I don't, that raw flour taste will kind of impart p8KPhrlwU50-00035-00009872-00010165 itself on the entire dish. It's it's no good. p8KPhrlwU50-00036-00010301-00010498 After the flour taste has been cooked out, I p8KPhrlwU50-00037-00010500-00010754 add in the vegetable broth along with half of p8KPhrlwU50-00038-00010755-00010998 the milk that's called for, not all of it, p8KPhrlwU50-00039-00010998-00011283 I like to reserve some in case I want to loosen p8KPhrlwU50-00040-00011283-00011588 it towards the end of the recipe. And I add in p8KPhrlwU50-00041-00011590-00011816 the dry seasonings, which are dried oregano, p8KPhrlwU50-00042-00011818-00012094 ground mustard, ground white pepper, seasoned p8KPhrlwU50-00043-00012095-00012287 salt and black pepper. p8KPhrlwU50-00044-00012481-00012793 And next we add in the orzo along with a little p8KPhrlwU50-00045-00012794-00013042 bit of lemon juice. And then we're going to bring p8KPhrlwU50-00046-00013044-00013397 that to a simmer, reduce the heat to medium low, p8KPhrlwU50-00047-00013397-00013783 cover it and just let it cook until the orzo is tender. p8KPhrlwU50-00048-00015030-00015288 Once the orzo is tender, we're gonna add in the p8KPhrlwU50-00049-00015288-00015533 remaining milk. It's up to you if you wanna use p8KPhrlwU50-00050-00015538-00015858 the whole cup that’s leftover or if you want yours p8KPhrlwU50-00051-00015860-00016144 maybe a little tighter than we like ours. It's, p8KPhrlwU50-00052-00016152-00016333 you know, you do you, you know your taste buds p8KPhrlwU50-00053-00016333-00016557 better than I do, but after you have the milk p8KPhrlwU50-00054-00016558-00016783 mixed in, you're gonna add in that beautifully p8KPhrlwU50-00055-00016783-00017047 roasted broccoli from earlier. Then you're p8KPhrlwU50-00056-00017047-00017244 going to cover and let this simmer for about p8KPhrlwU50-00057-00017246-00017522 3 to 4 minutes. We just want to let these flavors meld. p8KPhrlwU50-00058-00020717-00020986 And the last step of this Broccoli Cheddar Orzo p8KPhrlwU50-00059-00020988-00021319 is stirring in the sour cream and the shredded p8KPhrlwU50-00060-00021319-00021638 sharp cheddar cheese. So the recipe calls for sour cream p8KPhrlwU50-00061-00021639-00021911 but yes, you did just see me add cream cheese. p8KPhrlwU50-00062-00021916-00022088 That is because I didn't realize I was out of p8KPhrlwU50-00063-00022089-00022346 sour cream until I was pulling out the ingredients p8KPhrlwU50-00064-00022347-00022658 to make this and I had like— my mouth was all p8KPhrlwU50-00065-00022658-00022947 set on it so I had to follow through. Figured cream p8KPhrlwU50-00066-00022947-00023194 cheese would be OK as an alternative and it was p8KPhrlwU50-00067-00023196-00023392 I actually couldn’t tell the difference between p8KPhrlwU50-00068-00023417-00023757 the regular version and this version. So cream p8KPhrlwU50-00069-00023758-00024014 cheese or sour cream will work, don't skip it. p8KPhrlwU50-00070-00024024-00024411 It adds this like really nice level of creaminess p8KPhrlwU50-00071-00024411-00024738 that you will miss if you omit it. So don't omit it. p8KPhrlwU50-00072-00024747-00025030 Use sour cream or cream cheese and then instead p8KPhrlwU50-00073-00025032-00025322 of just sharp cheddar cheese this time I used p8KPhrlwU50-00074-00025333-00025589 extra sharp Cabot cheddar cheese. p8KPhrlwU50-00075-00027173-00027450 I served this broccoli cheddar orzo with these p8KPhrlwU50-00076-00027451-00027777 crispy chicken cutlets, basically just fried p8KPhrlwU50-00077-00027779-00027972 boneless skinless chicken breasts. And I'm p8KPhrlwU50-00078-00027973-00028283 gonna upload the video on how I make these either p8KPhrlwU50-00079-00028285-00028594 later today or tomorrow. But either way, thank p8KPhrlwU50-00080-00028595-00028860 you for watching. I am very grateful you decided p8KPhrlwU50-00081-00028861-00029201 to spend 5 minutes of your day with me today. p8KPhrlwU50-00082-00029202-00029492 I hope you have a great rest of your week. Bye. pruCs2bE0my-00000-00000115-00000425 - As we work with these advanced integration techniques, pruCs2bE0my-00001-00000425-00000689 we're going to take a look at trigonometric substitution pruCs2bE0my-00002-00000689-00001055 to answer the question, how do we pruCs2bE0my-00003-00001055-00003053 take the integral of the square root of a sum pruCs2bE0my-00004-00003053-00003513 or difference of squares? pruCs2bE0my-00005-00003979-00004146 In other words, how do we take integrals pruCs2bE0my-00006-00004146-00004455 that have the square root of a perfect square pruCs2bE0my-00007-00004455-00005058 minus x squared, or the square root of x squared pruCs2bE0my-00008-00005058-00005505 plus a perfect square, or the square root of x pruCs2bE0my-00009-00005505-00005697 squared minus a perfect square? pruCs2bE0my-00010-00005697-00005989 How do we take integrals involving those expression? pruCs2bE0my-00011-00005989-00006225 Those are very difficult to take generally pruCs2bE0my-00012-00006225-00006369 with our current strategies. pruCs2bE0my-00013-00006369-00008615 But if we use trig substitution and Pythagorean identities, pruCs2bE0my-00014-00008615-00008800 these integrals become much simpler pruCs2bE0my-00015-00008800-00009019 to evaluate, especially with the strategies we pruCs2bE0my-00016-00009019-00009530 saw with the trig equations in our previous lesson. pruCs2bE0my-00017-00009530-00009793 So first, just to review the main Pythagorean identity pruCs2bE0my-00018-00009793-00010240 that we know is that sine squared theta plus cosine pruCs2bE0my-00019-00010240-00010619 squared theta equals 1. pruCs2bE0my-00020-00010619-00010786 To get the other Pythagorean identities, pruCs2bE0my-00021-00010786-00011045 we either divided by sine squared or cosine squared. pruCs2bE0my-00022-00011045-00011221 If we divide by cosine squared, we pruCs2bE0my-00023-00011221-00011614 end up with tangent squared theta plus 1 pruCs2bE0my-00024-00011614-00011931 equals secant squared theta. pruCs2bE0my-00025-00011931-00012152 If you divide by sine squared, you get the other one. pruCs2bE0my-00026-00012152-00012400 We're not going to use the other one today. pruCs2bE0my-00027-00012400-00012757 These properties will help us simplify stuff pruCs2bE0my-00028-00012757-00013192 down to integrals that are much easier to work with. pruCs2bE0my-00029-00013192-00013330 So let's take a look at the three pruCs2bE0my-00030-00013330-00013682 cases with the square roots of sums and differences. pruCs2bE0my-00031-00013682-00013837 Let's start with the case where we're pruCs2bE0my-00032-00013837-00014376 taking the square root of a perfect square, maybe 25, 9, pruCs2bE0my-00033-00014376-00014725 49, minus our variable squared. pruCs2bE0my-00034-00014996-00015246 If we have a case where we have the square root pruCs2bE0my-00035-00015246-00015981 of a squared minus x squared, what we will do pruCs2bE0my-00036-00015981-00016891 is we will let x equal a times sine of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00037-00016891-00017151 Now, when we do that, what that means, pruCs2bE0my-00038-00017151-00017466 if I divide both sides by a, that means x over a pruCs2bE0my-00039-00017466-00017784 is equal to the sine of theta, so we pruCs2bE0my-00040-00017784-00018278 can build a triangle to represent our theta angle, pruCs2bE0my-00041-00018278-00018453 a right triangle. pruCs2bE0my-00042-00018453-00018728 Remember, sine is opposite over hypotenuse, pruCs2bE0my-00043-00018728-00019155 so if sine is x over a, the hypotenuse is x-- pruCs2bE0my-00044-00019155-00019445 sorry, the opposite is x the hypotenuse is z. pruCs2bE0my-00045-00019445-00019602 And the Pythagorean theorem tells pruCs2bE0my-00046-00019602-00019836 the other side is our a squared minus x squared. pruCs2bE0my-00047-00020094-00020821 But what's nice is from this, if we let x equal a sine theta, pruCs2bE0my-00048-00020821-00021219 then dx is equal to a cosine theta. pruCs2bE0my-00049-00021597-00021776 Let's take a look at an example. pruCs2bE0my-00050-00021776-00021972 Make that number 1 in black. pruCs2bE0my-00051-00021972-00022292 Let's take a look at an example where we use this substitution pruCs2bE0my-00052-00022292-00022652 and see how nice it simplifies our integral. pruCs2bE0my-00053-00022652-00022883 Let's say we've got the integral of x pruCs2bE0my-00054-00022883-00023400 cubed divided by the square root of 25 minus x squared dx. pruCs2bE0my-00055-00023729-00024062 Notice we've got that square root bit with the difference pruCs2bE0my-00056-00024062-00024461 of squares, 25 minus x squared. pruCs2bE0my-00057-00024461-00024890 When we recognize that we have a perfect square minus x squared, pruCs2bE0my-00058-00024890-00025343 we will always say, let's let x equal a, which pruCs2bE0my-00059-00025343-00025777 is the square root of the 25, 5 sine theta. pruCs2bE0my-00060-00026031-00026456 We know that means x over 5 equals sine theta, which pruCs2bE0my-00061-00026456-00027041 means we can build a triangle to represent our angle, theta. pruCs2bE0my-00062-00027041-00027344 x over 5 is the sine. pruCs2bE0my-00063-00027344-00027833 And the adjacent side then is 25 minus x squared. pruCs2bE0my-00064-00027833-00028280 We'll come back to that triangle in just a minute. pruCs2bE0my-00065-00028280-00028598 dx is the derivative of 5 sine, which pruCs2bE0my-00066-00028598-00029025 is 5 cosine theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00067-00029364-00029527 There should be a d theta up above too. pruCs2bE0my-00068-00029527-00029741 That's an error up there. pruCs2bE0my-00069-00029741-00029891 d theta is important so we know what pruCs2bE0my-00070-00029891-00030152 variable we're working with. pruCs2bE0my-00071-00030152-00030305 So when we make our substitution, pruCs2bE0my-00072-00030305-00030567 we end up with the integral of x cubed. pruCs2bE0my-00073-00030567-00030872 x is 5 sine theta, so when we cube 5, pruCs2bE0my-00074-00030872-00031577 we get 125 sine cubed of theta over the square root pruCs2bE0my-00075-00031577-00031886 of 25 minus x squared. pruCs2bE0my-00076-00031886-00032441 Square the 5, we'll get 25 sine squared of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00077-00032441-00032984 dx-- the dx also gets replaced by multiplying pruCs2bE0my-00078-00032984-00033434 by 5 cosine theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00079-00033765-00033961 What's really nice is that square root is going pruCs2bE0my-00080-00033961-00034150 to simplify very beautifully. pruCs2bE0my-00081-00034150-00034772 If we factor out a 25, you get 1 minus sine squared theta. pruCs2bE0my-00082-00034772-00035383 And 1 minus sine squared theta is cosine squared theta. pruCs2bE0my-00083-00035674-00035970 And what's nice is this is all under a square root. pruCs2bE0my-00084-00035970-00036207 And the square root of 25 is 5. pruCs2bE0my-00085-00036207-00036759 The square root of cosine squared is cosine theta. pruCs2bE0my-00086-00036759-00036944 So all of this is going to simplify pruCs2bE0my-00087-00036944-00037787 to the integral of 125 sine cubed theta over 5 cosine theta pruCs2bE0my-00088-00037787-00038394 times 5 cosine theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00089-00038394-00038577 And then the magic happens. pruCs2bE0my-00090-00038577-00038675 The 5s divide out. pruCs2bE0my-00091-00038675-00038864 The cosines divide out. pruCs2bE0my-00092-00038864-00039194 Really, all that we are left with to actually take pruCs2bE0my-00093-00039194-00039443 the integral of is-- pruCs2bE0my-00094-00039443-00039671 I'm going to pull that 125 out-- pruCs2bE0my-00095-00039671-00040369 125 times the integral of sine cubed theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00096-00040738-00041287 Much easier integral to take than the original integral. pruCs2bE0my-00097-00041287-00041419 We did this yesterday. pruCs2bE0my-00098-00041419-00041688 We know with an odd sine we're going to pull out sine squared, pruCs2bE0my-00099-00041688-00041974 so we have 125 times the integral of sine pruCs2bE0my-00100-00041974-00042448 squared theta times sine of theta d theta pruCs2bE0my-00101-00042448-00043009 because that sine squared is 1 minus cosine squared pruCs2bE0my-00102-00043009-00043648 theta times sine theta d theta, so that u pruCs2bE0my-00103-00043648-00043918 can be the cosine of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00104-00043918-00044213 du is sine theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00105-00044527-00045121 And so we end up with the 125 times the integral of 1 pruCs2bE0my-00106-00045121-00046412 minus u squared du, which is 125 times u minus 1/3 u cubed. pruCs2bE0my-00107-00046703-00047057 u is cosine, so we have 125 times the cosine pruCs2bE0my-00108-00047057-00047793 of theta minus 1/3 cosine cubed of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00109-00047793-00047987 Now that we've finally got our answer, pruCs2bE0my-00110-00047987-00048626 not forgetting our plus c, we can go back to x's finally. pruCs2bE0my-00111-00048626-00049043 And that's where our triangle comes in handy. pruCs2bE0my-00112-00049043-00049148 So now if I scroll over-- pruCs2bE0my-00113-00049148-00049305 I'll be scrolling back and forth. pruCs2bE0my-00114-00049305-00049708 We've got 125 times the cosine of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00115-00049708-00050117 Going to my triangle, cosine is the adjacent pruCs2bE0my-00116-00050117-00050348 divided by the hypotenuse, so it's pruCs2bE0my-00117-00050348-00050603 the square root divided by 5. pruCs2bE0my-00118-00050603-00051024 The square root of 125-- pruCs2bE0my-00119-00051024-00051074 oops. pruCs2bE0my-00120-00051074-00051124 Sorry. pruCs2bE0my-00121-00051124-00051623 The square root of 25 minus x squared pruCs2bE0my-00122-00051623-00052216 divided by the hypotenuse of 5 minus 1/3 times pruCs2bE0my-00123-00052216-00052980 the cosine cubed, which is the square root of 25, pruCs2bE0my-00124-00052980-00053569 minus x squared, all over 5 cubed plus a constant. pruCs2bE0my-00125-00054126-00054285 Extra parentheses that I missed there. pruCs2bE0my-00126-00054578-00054737 So we're going to clean this up a bit. pruCs2bE0my-00127-00054737-00054863 Technically, it's correct. pruCs2bE0my-00128-00054863-00055158 But it's really hard to see what's going on. pruCs2bE0my-00129-00055158-00055894 Let's cube top and bottom, so we have 125 times the square root pruCs2bE0my-00130-00055894-00056655 of 25 minus x squared over 5 minus 1/3 times-- pruCs2bE0my-00131-00056655-00056884 let's write this as a fractional exponent. pruCs2bE0my-00132-00056884-00057463 25 minus x squared to the 3/2 power over 5 cubed pruCs2bE0my-00133-00057463-00057816 is 125 plus a constant. pruCs2bE0my-00134-00058148-00058561 And if we distribute the 125 through on to both parts, pruCs2bE0my-00135-00058561-00058724 it's going to reduce quite nicely. pruCs2bE0my-00136-00058724-00059089 We end up with 25 times the square root of 25 pruCs2bE0my-00137-00059089-00060121 minus x squared minus 1/3 times the 25 pruCs2bE0my-00138-00060121-00060851 minus x squared to the 3/2 power plus a constant. pruCs2bE0my-00139-00060851-00061024 And let's actually settle there. pruCs2bE0my-00140-00061024-00061549 That looks pretty clean to me for our final anti-derivative. pruCs2bE0my-00141-00061887-00062092 So it took a little bit of paper to get there. pruCs2bE0my-00142-00062092-00062330 But the key that made everything possible was we pruCs2bE0my-00143-00062330-00062550 let x equal a sine theta. pruCs2bE0my-00144-00062550-00062816 And then everything simplified out quite nicely, pruCs2bE0my-00145-00062816-00063151 giving us an integral that was much easier to solve. pruCs2bE0my-00146-00063151-00063351 Notice the only thing we took an integral of was pruCs2bE0my-00147-00063351-00063794 a simple polynomial, 1 minus u squared. pruCs2bE0my-00148-00063794-00064161 And that was possible because of that trig substitution. pruCs2bE0my-00149-00064636-00064860 So that is our strategy when we have pruCs2bE0my-00150-00064860-00065101 a perfect square minus the x squared, pruCs2bE0my-00151-00065101-00065251 the difference of squares. pruCs2bE0my-00152-00065251-00065526 What is our strategy, though, if we're adding pruCs2bE0my-00153-00065526-00065683 a squared plus x squared? pruCs2bE0my-00154-00066077-00066594 C. Square root of a squared plus x squared. pruCs2bE0my-00155-00066873-00067095 If we've got a squared plus x squared, pruCs2bE0my-00156-00067095-00067341 we're going to do a very similar thing. pruCs2bE0my-00157-00067341-00067788 This time we're going to let x equal pruCs2bE0my-00158-00067788-00068475 a tangent of theta, which means x over a equals pruCs2bE0my-00159-00068475-00068788 the tangent of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00160-00068788-00069327 So if we build our triangle, x over a pruCs2bE0my-00161-00069327-00069672 is opposite over adjacent, so the hypotenuse pruCs2bE0my-00162-00069672-00069944 is the square root of a squared plus x squared. pruCs2bE0my-00163-00070301-00070777 But what's nice about letting x equal a tangent of theta, pruCs2bE0my-00164-00070777-00071093 then we know that dx is going to be a times pruCs2bE0my-00165-00071093-00071444 its derivative, secant squared of theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00166-00071718-00071948 This will allow us to use the other Pythagorean pruCs2bE0my-00167-00071948-00072482 identity to simplify and clean up the problem quite nicely. pruCs2bE0my-00168-00072482-00072620 Let's take a look at the integral pruCs2bE0my-00169-00072620-00073219 of x cubed times the square root of 4 plus x squared dx. pruCs2bE0my-00170-00073623-00073970 Notice we see the sum of squares 4 plus x squared pruCs2bE0my-00171-00073970-00074289 is inside that square root. pruCs2bE0my-00172-00074289-00074502 That is our key that we're going to let pruCs2bE0my-00173-00074502-00074997 x equal the square root of 4, which is 2, and tangent theta, pruCs2bE0my-00174-00074997-00075454 because we're adding, which means x over 2 pruCs2bE0my-00175-00075454-00075740 is equal to the tangent of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00176-00075740-00076246 And so we can draw our little triangle from theta. pruCs2bE0my-00177-00076246-00076624 x over 2 is the opposite and the adjacent. pruCs2bE0my-00178-00076624-00076991 Square root of 4 plus x squared is the hypotenuse. pruCs2bE0my-00179-00076991-00077206 Again, we'll come back to that picture pruCs2bE0my-00180-00077206-00077440 when we get to our final substitution step. pruCs2bE0my-00181-00077712-00078109 And now let's see how this cleans up our problem. pruCs2bE0my-00182-00078109-00078391 dx then is 2 secant squared theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00183-00078692-00079029 And so we have the integral of x cubed. pruCs2bE0my-00184-00079029-00079536 2 cubed is 8 tangent cubed of theta times pruCs2bE0my-00185-00079536-00079889 the square root of plus x squared. pruCs2bE0my-00186-00079889-00080324 2 squared is 4 tangent squared of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00187-00080324-00080697 Times dx-- that dx becomes the entire thing-- pruCs2bE0my-00188-00080697-00081168 times 2 secant squared theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00189-00081535-00081868 Again, that square root is going to simplify quite nicely. pruCs2bE0my-00190-00081868-00082183 Following much the same process, if you factor out the 4, pruCs2bE0my-00191-00082183-00082417 the square root of 4 is 2. pruCs2bE0my-00192-00082417-00082616 Then we'll have 1 plus tangent squared, pruCs2bE0my-00193-00082616-00082840 which you should know is secant of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00194-00083114-00083495 So that square root is going to simplify to 2 secant theta, pruCs2bE0my-00195-00083495-00083734 giving us the integral of-- pruCs2bE0my-00196-00083734-00083860 let's multiply these numbers. pruCs2bE0my-00197-00083860-00084227 8 times 2 times 2 is 32. pruCs2bE0my-00198-00084227-00084508 And let's pull that 32 out front. pruCs2bE0my-00199-00084508-00085165 32 times the integral of tangent cubed theta times pruCs2bE0my-00200-00085165-00085717 secant cubed theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00201-00085717-00085919 Combine those secants together. pruCs2bE0my-00202-00086179-00086329 When we look at this expression that pruCs2bE0my-00203-00086329-00086561 has a tangent cubed and a secant cubed in it, pruCs2bE0my-00204-00086561-00086749 we know with an odd power of tangent, pruCs2bE0my-00205-00086749-00087082 we can pull one tangent and one secant out. pruCs2bE0my-00206-00087082-00087232 And then we'll end up with something pruCs2bE0my-00207-00087232-00087589 we can do a secant substitution on. pruCs2bE0my-00208-00087589-00087742 Keep the 32 out front. pruCs2bE0my-00209-00087742-00087985 Careful not to lose the 32. pruCs2bE0my-00210-00087985-00088237 And we're left with tangent squared theta pruCs2bE0my-00211-00088237-00088699 and a secant squared theta times a secant theta tangent theta pruCs2bE0my-00212-00088699-00088909 that we pulled out. pruCs2bE0my-00213-00088909-00089125 d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00214-00089125-00089478 Keeping the 32 out front, tangent squared. pruCs2bE0my-00215-00089478-00089692 We know that tangent squared is secant squared pruCs2bE0my-00216-00089692-00090224 minus 1 times secant squared theta pruCs2bE0my-00217-00090224-00090528 times the secant theta tangent theta d pruCs2bE0my-00218-00090528-00090989 theta, which is equal to-- pruCs2bE0my-00219-00090989-00091235 keeping the 32 out front and distributing pruCs2bE0my-00220-00091235-00091676 the secant squared through, secant to the fourth theta pruCs2bE0my-00221-00091676-00092119 minus secant squared theta times-- pruCs2bE0my-00222-00092119-00092369 I'm going to have to write small here-- secant theta tangent pruCs2bE0my-00223-00092369-00092685 theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00224-00092685-00092840 All that stuff at the end, though, we pruCs2bE0my-00225-00092840-00093425 know is going to become our du as we make our substitution. pruCs2bE0my-00226-00093425-00093722 u equals secant of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00227-00093722-00094464 du then is secant theta tangent theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00228-00094464-00094862 And so we end up with 32 times the integral pruCs2bE0my-00229-00094862-00095312 of u to the fourth minus u squared du. pruCs2bE0my-00230-00095691-00096013 And finally, after all the trig and all the algebra, pruCs2bE0my-00231-00096013-00096169 we're ready to actually do calculus pruCs2bE0my-00232-00096169-00096509 on a very easy, simple problem. pruCs2bE0my-00233-00096509-00097429 32 out front times 1/5 e to the fifth, minus 1/3 u pruCs2bE0my-00234-00097429-00097807 cubed plus a constant. pruCs2bE0my-00235-00098168-00098331 Now, before we start substituting back, pruCs2bE0my-00236-00098331-00098468 I'm going to do a little cleanup. pruCs2bE0my-00237-00098468-00098814 I'm going to factor out a u cubed. pruCs2bE0my-00238-00098814-00099100 And I'm also going to factor out a 15, pruCs2bE0my-00239-00099100-00099495 1/15 gets rid of the fraction and combines as many of the u's pruCs2bE0my-00240-00099495-00099597 together as possible. pruCs2bE0my-00241-00099597-00100134 So we have 32/15 u cubed. pruCs2bE0my-00242-00100134-00100332 And we factor a 15 out of 1/5. pruCs2bE0my-00243-00100332-00100773 We're left with 3 u squared after 3 of them pruCs2bE0my-00244-00100773-00101133 came out minus 1/3. pruCs2bE0my-00245-00101133-00101379 Factor out 1/15. pruCs2bE0my-00246-00101379-00101610 We're going to have 5. pruCs2bE0my-00247-00101610-00101923 All the u's came out plus a constant. pruCs2bE0my-00248-00102316-00102606 And now we'll start substituting back until we end up with pruCs2bE0my-00249-00102606-00102829 our x's. pruCs2bE0my-00250-00102829-00103647 So we have 32/15 times u, which is secant cubed of theta, pruCs2bE0my-00251-00103647-00104172 times 3u, which is secant squared of theta, pruCs2bE0my-00252-00104172-00104388 minus 5 plus a constant. pruCs2bE0my-00253-00104677-00105003 Now we can go back to our triangle. pruCs2bE0my-00254-00105003-00105354 Secant is the hypotenuse divided by the adjacent. pruCs2bE0my-00255-00105354-00105552 It's the reciprocal of the cosine. pruCs2bE0my-00256-00105552-00105777 So the secant is just the square root of 4 pruCs2bE0my-00257-00105777-00106165 plus x squared divided by 2. pruCs2bE0my-00258-00106165-00106310 And so when we plug that in, we get pruCs2bE0my-00259-00106310-00106974 32/15 times secant, which is the square root of 4 pruCs2bE0my-00260-00106974-00107880 plus x squared divided by 2, cubed times 3 times pruCs2bE0my-00261-00107880-00108063 the secant, which is the square root of 4 pruCs2bE0my-00262-00108063-00109208 plus x squared divided by 2, squared minus 5 pruCs2bE0my-00263-00109208-00109291 plus the constant. pruCs2bE0my-00264-00110058-00110398 Cleaning up then, let's do those exponents. pruCs2bE0my-00265-00110398-00110941 32/15 times-- let's write the 4 plus x squared pruCs2bE0my-00266-00110941-00111370 with a fractional exponent 3/2 over 2 cubed pruCs2bE0my-00267-00111370-00112078 is 8 times 3 times the square root squared just pruCs2bE0my-00268-00112078-00113017 gives us 4 plus x squared over 2 squared is 4 minus 5 pruCs2bE0my-00269-00113017-00113086 plus a constant. pruCs2bE0my-00270-00113386-00113946 And a little bit of cleanup, 32/8 reduces down to 4. pruCs2bE0my-00271-00113946-00114255 And then I'm going to distribute that 4 onto both parts, pruCs2bE0my-00272-00114255-00114818 so we're left with 1/15 times 4 plus x pruCs2bE0my-00273-00114818-00115413 squared to the 3/2 times-- pruCs2bE0my-00274-00115413-00115798 and the 4s divide out and we're just left with the 3. pruCs2bE0my-00275-00115798-00116015 And then I'm going to also distribute the 3 through. pruCs2bE0my-00276-00116015-00116543 3 times 4 is 12 plus 3x squared minus-- pruCs2bE0my-00277-00116543-00116672 distribute the 4 through. pruCs2bE0my-00278-00116672-00117014 4 times 5 is 20. pruCs2bE0my-00279-00117014-00117315 Plus a constant. pruCs2bE0my-00280-00117315-00117674 And let's just combine our final like terms together, pruCs2bE0my-00281-00117674-00118467 the 12 plus the 20, to get our final answer of 1/15 times 4 pruCs2bE0my-00282-00118467-00118924 plus x squared to the 3/2 times-- pruCs2bE0my-00283-00118924-00119405 we've got a 3x squared minus 8 plus a constant. pruCs2bE0my-00284-00119824-00120021 And we have our anti-derivative. pruCs2bE0my-00285-00120622-00120994 Again, it followed much the same strategy as before. pruCs2bE0my-00286-00120994-00121308 We'll do a substitution, where x is equal to a times pruCs2bE0my-00287-00121308-00121528 the tangent of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00288-00121528-00121753 Simplify the trig. pruCs2bE0my-00289-00121753-00122085 And then it should simplify to something we can take, again, pruCs2bE0my-00290-00122085-00122285 a very easy integral. pruCs2bE0my-00291-00122285-00122456 The only actual integral we took was u pruCs2bE0my-00292-00122456-00122688 to the fourth minus u squared. pruCs2bE0my-00293-00122688-00123431 It should simplify to something we know how to integrate. pruCs2bE0my-00294-00123431-00123636 Now, the one we just looked at here, pruCs2bE0my-00295-00123636-00123949 the sum of a squared plus x squared, pruCs2bE0my-00296-00123949-00124185 addition works both ways, so this would also work pruCs2bE0my-00297-00124185-00124433 for x squared plus a squared. pruCs2bE0my-00298-00124433-00124732 However, the first example we did, pruCs2bE0my-00299-00124732-00124976 subtraction, the order does matter pruCs2bE0my-00300-00124976-00125208 and it does make a difference. pruCs2bE0my-00301-00125208-00125358 So with the first example, it has pruCs2bE0my-00302-00125358-00125758 to be the perfect square minus x squared. pruCs2bE0my-00303-00125758-00126247 If the order is switched and we have the square root pruCs2bE0my-00304-00126247-00126716 of x squared minus the perfect square, pruCs2bE0my-00305-00126716-00127008 we can still use a trig substitution. pruCs2bE0my-00306-00127008-00127732 But this time, we're going to let x equal a secant of theta pruCs2bE0my-00307-00127732-00128080 and follow pretty much the same pattern. pruCs2bE0my-00308-00128080-00128460 x over a then is equal to the secant of theta, pruCs2bE0my-00309-00128460-00128960 so we can draw a triangle to represent our theta angle. pruCs2bE0my-00310-00128960-00129193 Secant is the reciprocal of cosine. pruCs2bE0my-00311-00129193-00129486 Cosine is adjacent over hypotenuse, pruCs2bE0my-00312-00129486-00129706 so x is the hypotenuse. pruCs2bE0my-00313-00129706-00129904 a is the adjacent. pruCs2bE0my-00314-00129904-00130530 Square root of x squared minus a squared is the other side then. pruCs2bE0my-00315-00130530-00131099 And we also can calculate our dx is a times secant theta tangent pruCs2bE0my-00316-00131099-00131149 theta. pruCs2bE0my-00317-00131509-00132024 Let's take a look at an example of what this looks like. pruCs2bE0my-00318-00132024-00132585 Let's do the integral of dx over the square root pruCs2bE0my-00319-00132585-00132849 of x squared minus 4. pruCs2bE0my-00320-00133146-00133590 Again we see that x squared minus 4 under the square root. pruCs2bE0my-00321-00133590-00134022 That is our key that we are going to let x equal-- pruCs2bE0my-00322-00134022-00134379 square root of 4 is 2 secant of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00323-00134681-00134874 Well, that tells us that x over 2 pruCs2bE0my-00324-00134874-00135627 is equal to the secant of theta, so we can draw a triangle pruCs2bE0my-00325-00135627-00135937 where x is the hypotenuse, 2 is the adjacent, pruCs2bE0my-00326-00135937-00136385 and the other side is x squared minus 4. pruCs2bE0my-00327-00136385-00136708 dx we also know is 2 times secant pruCs2bE0my-00328-00136708-00137026 theta tangent theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00329-00137026-00137284 Never forget the d theta, which I did on number 1 there. pruCs2bE0my-00330-00137643-00137848 Now that we've got our setup done, pruCs2bE0my-00331-00137848-00138261 we're ready to actually make our substitutions. pruCs2bE0my-00332-00138261-00138483 The integral of dx-- pruCs2bE0my-00333-00138483-00138951 dx becomes 2 secant theta tangent theta d pruCs2bE0my-00334-00138951-00139783 theta over the square root of x squared. pruCs2bE0my-00335-00139783-00139833 Ooh. pruCs2bE0my-00336-00139833-00140178 But x is-- pruCs2bE0my-00337-00140178-00140730 2 squared is 4 secant squared theta minus 4. pruCs2bE0my-00338-00140730-00141065 We should recognize that that's going to simplify with a 2. pruCs2bE0my-00339-00141065-00141237 Square root of 4 is 2. pruCs2bE0my-00340-00141237-00141439 Secant squared minus 1 is tangent pruCs2bE0my-00341-00141439-00142267 of theta, which becomes very nice because the 2s divide out. pruCs2bE0my-00342-00142267-00142526 The tangent divides out. pruCs2bE0my-00343-00142526-00142928 And this equation simplifies to the integral pruCs2bE0my-00344-00142928-00143330 of the secant of theta d theta. pruCs2bE0my-00345-00143330-00143573 And we already know the integral of secant of theta pruCs2bE0my-00346-00143573-00144047 is the natural log of the secant theta pruCs2bE0my-00347-00144047-00144839 plus the tangent of theta plus a constant. pruCs2bE0my-00348-00144839-00145333 This one simplified very nicely for us. pruCs2bE0my-00349-00145333-00145897 So now to simplify back, we have the natural log of the secant. pruCs2bE0my-00350-00145897-00146496 Secant is the hypotenuse divided by the adjacent, x over 2, pruCs2bE0my-00351-00146496-00146658 plus the tangent. pruCs2bE0my-00352-00146658-00146865 Looking at our triangle, the tangent's pruCs2bE0my-00353-00146865-00147094 the opposite over the hypotenuse-- pruCs2bE0my-00354-00147094-00147384 I'm sorry, the opposite over the adjacent. pruCs2bE0my-00355-00147384-00147878 x squared minus 4 over 2 plus a constant. pruCs2bE0my-00356-00148165-00148579 And now we have our anti-derivative or integral pruCs2bE0my-00357-00148579-00148918 of dx over the square root of x squared minus 4. pruCs2bE0my-00358-00149207-00149450 So all the trig substitution follows generally pruCs2bE0my-00359-00149450-00149609 the same pattern. pruCs2bE0my-00360-00149609-00149933 We need to identify which type we're talking about. pruCs2bE0my-00361-00149933-00150179 If we've got a difference of squares, pruCs2bE0my-00362-00150179-00150879 where the x comes first, we'll let x equal a secant theta. pruCs2bE0my-00363-00150879-00151160 If we have a sum of squares, we'll pruCs2bE0my-00364-00151160-00151631 let x equal a tangent of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00365-00151631-00151793 And if we have a difference of squares pruCs2bE0my-00366-00151793-00151979 where the perfect square comes first, pruCs2bE0my-00367-00151979-00152328 we'll let x equal a sine of theta. pruCs2bE0my-00368-00152328-00152585 Then all the problems solve pretty much identical pruCs2bE0my-00369-00152585-00152799 from there. pruCs2bE0my-00370-00152799-00152990 So take a look at practicing some of these. pruCs2bE0my-00371-00152990-00153210 And we will talk about these in class pruCs2bE0my-00372-00153210-00153434 as we look at them a bit closer. pruCs2bE0my-00373-00153434-00153605 Good luck. psFEdx0nJEE-00000-00000015-00000501 Hi friends! Today I'm making Japanese pancakes. psFEdx0nJEE-00001-00000610-00000908 2 eggs, psFEdx0nJEE-00002-00002006-00002301 40 g sugar, psFEdx0nJEE-00003-00002311-00002511 10 g vanilla sugar, psFEdx0nJEE-00004-00002610-00002913 1 tbsp . honey, psFEdx0nJEE-00005-00003703-00004003 beat until sugar dissolves, psFEdx0nJEE-00006-00004908-00005208 90 g flour, psFEdx0nJEE-00007-00005403-00005703 1 tsp . baking powder, psFEdx0nJEE-00008-00006505-00007016 what city are you watching my videos from? psFEdx0nJEE-00009-00007608-00007908 2 tbsp water, psFEdx0nJEE-00010-00009111-00009506 cover and let stand for 10 minutes, psFEdx0nJEE-00011-00010906-00011205 low heat, psFEdx0nJEE-00012-00011701-00012001 as soon as bubbles appear, turn over, psFEdx0nJEE-00013-00012715-00013101 ready in a minute, psFEdx0nJEE-00014-00013608-00013906 chocolate-nut butter, psFEdx0nJEE-00015-00016405-00016915 Thank you for watching and liking! py26H8Mw9Pk-00000-00000010-00000196 >>> NOW, LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. py26H8Mw9Pk-00001-00000196-00000203 >>> NOW, LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. py26H8Mw9Pk-00002-00000203-00000340 >>> NOW, LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. >> IF YOU ARE IN THE MOOD FOR py26H8Mw9Pk-00003-00000340-00000347 >>> NOW, LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. >> IF YOU ARE IN THE MOOD FOR py26H8Mw9Pk-00004-00000347-00000617 >>> NOW, LAKELAND NEWS AT 10:00. >> IF YOU ARE IN THE MOOD FOR STEAM THIS WEEKEND FINLANDIA SKI py26H8Mw9Pk-00005-00000617-00000623 >> IF YOU ARE IN THE MOOD FOR STEAM THIS WEEKEND FINLANDIA SKI py26H8Mw9Pk-00006-00000623-00000730 >> IF YOU ARE IN THE MOOD FOR STEAM THIS WEEKEND FINLANDIA SKI MARATHON IS THE THING TO DO. py26H8Mw9Pk-00007-00000730-00000737 STEAM THIS WEEKEND FINLANDIA SKI MARATHON IS THE THING TO DO. py26H8Mw9Pk-00008-00000737-00001051 STEAM THIS WEEKEND FINLANDIA SKI MARATHON IS THE THING TO DO. THE CROSS COUNTRY SKI MARATHON py26H8Mw9Pk-00009-00001051-00001057 MARATHON IS THE THING TO DO. THE CROSS COUNTRY SKI MARATHON py26H8Mw9Pk-00010-00001057-00001217 MARATHON IS THE THING TO DO. THE CROSS COUNTRY SKI MARATHON WELCOMES SKIERS AND CONSISTS OF py26H8Mw9Pk-00011-00001217-00001224 THE CROSS COUNTRY SKI MARATHON WELCOMES SKIERS AND CONSISTS OF py26H8Mw9Pk-00012-00001224-00001391 THE CROSS COUNTRY SKI MARATHON WELCOMES SKIERS AND CONSISTS OF FIVE RACES AND SKIERS FROM ALL py26H8Mw9Pk-00013-00001391-00001398 WELCOMES SKIERS AND CONSISTS OF FIVE RACES AND SKIERS FROM ALL py26H8Mw9Pk-00014-00001398-00001538 WELCOMES SKIERS AND CONSISTS OF FIVE RACES AND SKIERS FROM ALL OFFER THE COUNTRY ARE EXPECTED py26H8Mw9Pk-00015-00001538-00001544 FIVE RACES AND SKIERS FROM ALL OFFER THE COUNTRY ARE EXPECTED py26H8Mw9Pk-00016-00001544-00001718 FIVE RACES AND SKIERS FROM ALL OFFER THE COUNTRY ARE EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE, INCLUDING CANADA py26H8Mw9Pk-00017-00001718-00001725 OFFER THE COUNTRY ARE EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE, INCLUDING CANADA py26H8Mw9Pk-00018-00001725-00002031 OFFER THE COUNTRY ARE EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE, INCLUDING CANADA FOR THE SPECTATOR SPORT AND IT py26H8Mw9Pk-00019-00002031-00002038 TO PARTICIPATE, INCLUDING CANADA FOR THE SPECTATOR SPORT AND IT py26H8Mw9Pk-00020-00002038-00002242 TO PARTICIPATE, INCLUDING CANADA FOR THE SPECTATOR SPORT AND IT TAKE ANYWHERE FROM ONE TO THREE py26H8Mw9Pk-00021-00002242-00002248 FOR THE SPECTATOR SPORT AND IT TAKE ANYWHERE FROM ONE TO THREE py26H8Mw9Pk-00022-00002248-00002435 FOR THE SPECTATOR SPORT AND IT TAKE ANYWHERE FROM ONE TO THREE HOURS TO COMPLETE THE RACE, AND py26H8Mw9Pk-00023-00002435-00002442 TAKE ANYWHERE FROM ONE TO THREE HOURS TO COMPLETE THE RACE, AND py26H8Mw9Pk-00024-00002442-00002619 TAKE ANYWHERE FROM ONE TO THREE HOURS TO COMPLETE THE RACE, AND GO AROUND THE COURSE TWO TO py26H8Mw9Pk-00025-00002619-00002625 HOURS TO COMPLETE THE RACE, AND GO AROUND THE COURSE TWO TO py26H8Mw9Pk-00026-00002625-00002746 HOURS TO COMPLETE THE RACE, AND GO AROUND THE COURSE TWO TO THREE TIMES. py26H8Mw9Pk-00027-00002746-00002752 GO AROUND THE COURSE TWO TO THREE TIMES. py26H8Mw9Pk-00028-00002752-00003039 GO AROUND THE COURSE TWO TO THREE TIMES. THERE WILL BE CHANGES TO THE py26H8Mw9Pk-00029-00003039-00003046 THREE TIMES. THERE WILL BE CHANGES TO THE py26H8Mw9Pk-00030-00003046-00003073 THREE TIMES. THERE WILL BE CHANGES TO THE COURSE. py26H8Mw9Pk-00031-00003073-00003079 THERE WILL BE CHANGES TO THE COURSE. py26H8Mw9Pk-00032-00003079-00003279 THERE WILL BE CHANGES TO THE COURSE. >>> WE DECIDED TO SHORTEN THE py26H8Mw9Pk-00033-00003279-00003286 COURSE. >>> WE DECIDED TO SHORTEN THE py26H8Mw9Pk-00034-00003286-00003393 COURSE. >>> WE DECIDED TO SHORTEN THE COURSE THIS YEAR. py26H8Mw9Pk-00035-00003393-00003400 >>> WE DECIDED TO SHORTEN THE COURSE THIS YEAR. py26H8Mw9Pk-00036-00003400-00003733 >>> WE DECIDED TO SHORTEN THE COURSE THIS YEAR. IT'S NORMALLY A 25K LOOP. py26H8Mw9Pk-00037-00003733-00003740 COURSE THIS YEAR. IT'S NORMALLY A 25K LOOP. py26H8Mw9Pk-00038-00003740-00004094 COURSE THIS YEAR. IT'S NORMALLY A 25K LOOP. WE HAVE GONE DOWN TO AN 11K py26H8Mw9Pk-00039-00004094-00004100 IT'S NORMALLY A 25K LOOP. WE HAVE GONE DOWN TO AN 11K py26H8Mw9Pk-00040-00004100-00004300 IT'S NORMALLY A 25K LOOP. WE HAVE GONE DOWN TO AN 11K ACROSS THE ROAD HERE OR WHAT WE py26H8Mw9Pk-00041-00004300-00004307 WE HAVE GONE DOWN TO AN 11K ACROSS THE ROAD HERE OR WHAT WE py26H8Mw9Pk-00042-00004307-00004544 WE HAVE GONE DOWN TO AN 11K ACROSS THE ROAD HERE OR WHAT WE CALL THE WEST SIDE OF BIEWN py26H8Mw9Pk-00043-00004544-00004551 ACROSS THE ROAD HERE OR WHAT WE CALL THE WEST SIDE OF BIEWN py26H8Mw9Pk-00044-00004551-00004651 ACROSS THE ROAD HERE OR WHAT WE CALL THE WEST SIDE OF BIEWN VISTA SKI AREA. py26H8Mw9Pk-00045-00004651-00004657 CALL THE WEST SIDE OF BIEWN VISTA SKI AREA. py26H8Mw9Pk-00046-00004657-00004818 CALL THE WEST SIDE OF BIEWN VISTA SKI AREA. >> DUE TO THE WARM WEATHER, THE py26H8Mw9Pk-00047-00004818-00004824 VISTA SKI AREA. >> DUE TO THE WARM WEATHER, THE py26H8Mw9Pk-00048-00004824-00004951 VISTA SKI AREA. >> DUE TO THE WARM WEATHER, THE START TIMES FOR THE RACE HAVE pyefDwbu4pM-00000-00000374-00000644 We all try to be more effective in our work, pyefDwbu4pM-00001-00000644-00000849 but how do we know where to start? pyefDwbu4pM-00002-00000849-00001100 Do we need entirely new ways of working, pyefDwbu4pM-00003-00001100-00001393 or should we focus on adapting old ones? pyefDwbu4pM-00004-00001393-00001741 To get a sense of how your new ideas would impact on people, pyefDwbu4pM-00005-00001741-00002007 inside and outside your organisation, pyefDwbu4pM-00006-00002007-00002253 it is helpful to have an overview of the things you do pyefDwbu4pM-00007-00002253-00002680 and create, activities, products, services, pyefDwbu4pM-00008-00002680-00002937 and the points of interaction with the end users of these pyefDwbu4pM-00009-00002937-00003114 products and services. pyefDwbu4pM-00010-00003114-00003379 We call this overview a blueprint. pyefDwbu4pM-00011-00003379-00003651 Blueprints help you to see how existing resources are pyefDwbu4pM-00012-00003651-00003876 used at different interaction points, pyefDwbu4pM-00013-00003876-00004065 how they might be used differently, pyefDwbu4pM-00014-00004065-00004355 and what new resources might be needed. pyefDwbu4pM-00015-00004355-00004608 This also helps you to get a sense of the overall impact pyefDwbu4pM-00016-00004608-00004877 of your activities It is very useful when pyefDwbu4pM-00017-00004877-00005271 trying to plan or improve your work. pyefDwbu4pM-00018-00005271-00005523 Cynthia works for a social venture in India pyefDwbu4pM-00019-00005523-00005923 that aims to help people get easier access to clean water pyefDwbu4pM-00020-00005923-00006308 and improves how they collect, store, and use it. pyefDwbu4pM-00021-00006308-00006577 Cynthia's team has developed a simple product, pyefDwbu4pM-00022-00006577-00006839 a pushable water container that can transport pyefDwbu4pM-00023-00006839-00007081 large amounts of water at a time. pyefDwbu4pM-00024-00007081-00007269 The product is affordable for the people that pyefDwbu4pM-00025-00007269-00007631 need it most and enables them to carry water over long distances pyefDwbu4pM-00026-00007631-00007784 more quickly. pyefDwbu4pM-00027-00007784-00007958 The product is a great one, but they pyefDwbu4pM-00028-00007958-00008189 need to understand how to take it to market, pyefDwbu4pM-00029-00008189-00008426 and how to effectively interact with their users pyefDwbu4pM-00030-00008426-00008632 and other stakeholders. pyefDwbu4pM-00031-00008632-00008875 They begin by creating a blueprint. pyefDwbu4pM-00032-00008875-00009047 They map out all of the interactions pyefDwbu4pM-00033-00009047-00009240 with their users over time. pyefDwbu4pM-00034-00009240-00009494 They note down the various activities of their users pyefDwbu4pM-00035-00009494-00009881 at different stages of the process, the things being used pyefDwbu4pM-00036-00009881-00010417 when they first engage with the product, pyefDwbu4pM-00037-00010417-00011017 and how they feel when they first receive it, pyefDwbu4pM-00038-00011017-00011171 the period that they use the wheel pyefDwbu4pM-00039-00011171-00011718 and interact with Cynthia's company, pyefDwbu4pM-00040-00011718-00011878 and at the end of using the product. pyefDwbu4pM-00041-00012206-00012394 They also are careful to note down pyefDwbu4pM-00042-00012394-00012602 which activities are done by the team pyefDwbu4pM-00043-00012602-00012861 while they're interacting with users and other stakeholders pyefDwbu4pM-00044-00012861-00012940 during this period. pyefDwbu4pM-00045-00013303-00013574 By mapping all of this out, Cynthia and her colleagues pyefDwbu4pM-00046-00013574-00013844 have made an overview of their key activities, pyefDwbu4pM-00047-00013844-00014194 what their users do, and how these two are related. pyefDwbu4pM-00048-00014194-00014479 They can see some areas that can be improved. pyefDwbu4pM-00049-00014479-00014734 They realise it would be more effective to partner with local pyefDwbu4pM-00050-00014734-00014966 NGOs to engage new users. pyefDwbu4pM-00051-00014966-00015154 They want to explore mobile payments, pyefDwbu4pM-00052-00015154-00015388 and they are aware that the instruction manual would pyefDwbu4pM-00053-00015388-00015727 be easier to understand if they use pictures. pyefDwbu4pM-00054-00015727-00015937 Cynthia and her team can now start pyefDwbu4pM-00055-00015937-00016244 making these improvements, so they can help more people pyefDwbu4pM-00056-00016244-00016688 to collect, store, and use clean water effectively. p-g184W72By-00000-00004400-00005010 Good morning. I love Xavier School. Now, I'm p-g184W72By-00001-00005010-00005528 not saying that just to kiss the ass of Mr. - Fr. Johnny Go because that's the truth, p-g184W72By-00002-00005528-00005734 because it changed my life. p-g184W72By-00003-00005734-00006100 Here as a student, that's what I'm supposed - that's what's supposed to happen. I'm supposed p-g184W72By-00004-00006100-00006602 to go inside in a blank slate and get out and say, "Wow, I'm a changed man. I'm a man p-g184W72By-00005-00006602-00007037 with not just - striving with a passion for justice." p-g184W72By-00006-00007037-00007614 So for 12 years, I've been in school. That's my whole conscious life. That's endless hours p-g184W72By-00007-00007614-00008097 of reading books, endless hours of listening to teachers, and you know, occasionally sleeping p-g184W72By-00008-00008097-00008651 in class. But it's still part of that. p-g184W72By-00009-00008651-00009039 I'll tell you now that I may not be the best Xaverian out there. I may not be that those p-g184W72By-00010-00009039-00009594 that are engraved in plaques by the time I graduate. But that's the point here. Not everyone p-g184W72By-00011-00009594-00009933 is like that. Not everyone is born with greatness. p-g184W72By-00012-00009933-00010525 You don't go to school and expect to be the valedictorian or the cum laude. I can expect p-g184W72By-00013-00010525-00010938 that most of us here are just here are random students trying to get by – failing math p-g184W72By-00014-00010938-00011381 and trying to find out the parabola and finding X of a triangle. p-g184W72By-00015-00011381-00012056 See, here's an idea here. How about we focus on extra curricular activities? Because that's p-g184W72By-00016-00012056-00012676 what I tried to do. That's what I try to do. I took pride with how I took the most out p-g184W72By-00017-00012676-00013252 of the little time I had in Xavier School. I only have one year left, then I'm off to p-g184W72By-00018-00013252-00013445 college. And that scares me. p-g184W72By-00019-00013445-00013884 So what I did was, "All right. Let's join some extra curricular activities." As of now, p-g184W72By-00020-00013884-00014493 I've had - I've had a hand in organizing interactions and facilitating them, even joined Model United p-g184W72By-00021-00014493-00014932 Nations and my little baby, the Debate Club. p-g184W72By-00022-00014932-00015576 Now, things weren't always like that. Because now, high school is colorful. It's a rainbow. p-g184W72By-00023-00015576-00016123 I'm having fun. This are the times of my life. When I watch TV and they say high school is p-g184W72By-00024-00016123-00016549 the time of your life, this is it. I can say I'm living. But frankly, that's not how it p-g184W72By-00025-00016549-00017145 always was because grade school was boring. p-g184W72By-00026-00017145-00017935 Let me tell you a story first. At the past, I was a shy boy. You can ask any teacher here p-g184W72By-00027-00017935-00018338 and they're going to say, "Raynard Lao? Oh, that's a very obedient boy." When the class p-g184W72By-00028-00018338-00018768 was rowdy, the teacher would say, "Why are you guys like that? You guys should be like p-g184W72By-00029-00018768-00019415 Raynard Lao." And I'd be smiling. I'd be like, you know, because that's how I was. p-g184W72By-00030-00019415-00020018 I was so shy that in third grade, my father enrolled me into a basketball - ahmm, in basketball p-g184W72By-00031-00020018-00020437 when I was first grade. And I was so scared. I mean, I couldn't play basketball. I was p-g184W72By-00032-00020437-00020687 just so thin and I'd say, "This is just not my sport." p-g184W72By-00033-00020687-00021198 Whenever I'd go in front and people will be staring at me, well, I'll just (crush) out p-g184W72By-00034-00021198-00021542 and I wouldn't know what to do. I wouldn't know how to dribble with my left hand; what p-g184W72By-00035-00021542-00021854 more with my right hand? And so it scared me. p-g184W72By-00036-00021854-00022409 So that in third grade, when I was in Dreamscape, an arcade that is sadly not here anymore, p-g184W72By-00037-00022409-00022820 my dad said, "Hey, why don't you try out in this arcade competition where you shoot hoops?" p-g184W72By-00038-00022820-00023279 You know, that arcade hoop game. And I said, "All right. Why not?" But I was scared, right? p-g184W72By-00039-00023279-00023718 So when I did it, I ended up in eighth place. And so, all right, that's cool. I - now I p-g184W72By-00040-00023718-00024462 can go to the finals. The finals. And so what happened was they didn't get my score. I had p-g184W72By-00041-00024462-00024613 to do it again. p-g184W72By-00042-00024613-00025206 And so you know what I did? I cried. I said, "I don't want to do it no more. I don't want p-g184W72By-00043-00025206-00026041 to do it." So I just couldn't take that pressure. I had no confidence. I had horrible self-esteem, p-g184W72By-00044-00026041-00026614 so much so that in grade school, I chose not to do anything because I told myself, "I can't p-g184W72By-00045-00026614-00026898 do that. I'm just going to lose. I'm not going to play a sport. Those big boys are going p-g184W72By-00046-00026898-00026982 to push me around." p-g184W72By-00047-00026982-00028083 And so I was stuck in that rut for seven years. But when I was a freshman, I said, "All right. p-g184W72By-00048-00028083-00028585 Things should change," right? I was telling myself, "I want to do something more now." p-g184W72By-00049-00028585-00029261 So that when I reached sophomore year, my friend goes up to me and says, "Hey, why don't p-g184W72By-00050-00029261-00029839 you join the debate team?" And I was like, "Me? I can't even stand in front of my classroom p-g184W72By-00051-00029839-00030292 without wetting myself. And you expect me to join the debate team?" I had horrible self-esteem. p-g184W72By-00052-00030292-00030675 I said, "I couldn't do it." But I tried to. p-g184W72By-00053-00030675-00031419 So much so that, well, I - so I was able to, you know, to try out. I (set) going there p-g184W72By-00054-00031419-00031906 guns blazing. I was like, "All right. I can do this thing. This is my goal. This is my p-g184W72By-00055-00031906-00032131 time to shine," right. p-g184W72By-00056-00032131-00032723 What happened was I didn't get in. I didn't get into the debate team. I was waitlisted. p-g184W72By-00057-00032723-00033093 The only reason why I was still there because my friends were like, "Uy, cute, tara. Maganda p-g184W72By-00058-00033093-00033392 'to. Angas 'to. Cool 'to." That's it. Not because I was good but because I was their p-g184W72By-00059-00033392-00033807 friend. And so that was a crushing blow to me. I was like, "Wow!" p-g184W72By-00060-00033807-00034420 This is the first time I stuck my neck out and I got shot down. But apparently, you know, p-g184W72By-00061-00034420-00034907 I wasn't that bad at public speaking. I would go on to go abroad. I would go on and represent p-g184W72By-00062-00034907-00035573 Xavier School in Korea and Singapore. That's why I ask myself, "Why not?" p-g184W72By-00063-00035573-00036186 I said, "All right. Look where I am now. I was able to go abroad." I mean, who would p-g184W72By-00064-00036186-00036749 say that a club would be able to bring you overseas? I was able to meet so much people. p-g184W72By-00065-00036749-00037237 I was able to learn so much things that I know I wouldn't have learned in school. p-g184W72By-00066-00037237-00037766 I said, "I'd go out there and I'd meet people from different ethnicities, different religions p-g184W72By-00067-00037766-00038296 and I'd learn." Instead of being limited into a Chinese exclusive boys' school, I would p-g184W72By-00068-00038296-00038928 meet girls, I would meet Muslims, I would meet atheists, I would meet Swedish girls p-g184W72By-00069-00038928-00039209 who are not gay and who are not straight. p-g184W72By-00070-00039209-00039672 So that confused me. I was like, "Wow! The world is so different!" And I wouldn't have p-g184W72By-00071-00039672-00039931 gone there if it wasn't for extra curricular activities. p-g184W72By-00072-00039931-00040392 Like, I was able to meet a British girl and she was like, "How are you, sir? Where you p-g184W72By-00073-00040392-00040686 are from?" And I was like, "I'm from the Philippines." And she was like, "Oh yeah, the Philippines! p-g184W72By-00074-00040686-00041150 (You also like) McDonald's." And I was like, "Oh no, it's more like Jollibee." But then p-g184W72By-00075-00041150-00041293 they couldn't understand that. p-g184W72By-00076-00041293-00041708 They said, "Wow! This guy is from the Philippines." They thought we were a village. They thought p-g184W72By-00077-00041708-00042322 we were, you know, this small tribal hut with no Internet. So it was kind of fun, you know, p-g184W72By-00078-00042322-00042569 messing around with them saying, "Oh, yeah, you know, we like, cook our own food and like, p-g184W72By-00079-00042569-00042907 I dress up in like, a river." So that was good. p-g184W72By-00080-00042907-00043416 But I figured, "Wow! This is fun. This is what high school is all about." And I wouldn't p-g184W72By-00081-00043416-00043608 have done this if I didn't stick my neck out. p-g184W72By-00082-00043608-00044068 Now, I'm not here trying to advertise, "Hey guys, join debate," because that may not be p-g184W72By-00083-00044068-00044666 your thing. But it's my thing. And that's what's important – doing what you want. p-g184W72By-00084-00044666-00045212 That's why I commend those who ran for student council and won yesterday because that's hard, p-g184W72By-00085-00045212-00045746 going in there campaigning and saying, "Well, I might lose," right? But things worked out p-g184W72By-00086-00045746-00046306 and that's what it's all about. Because high - I have to say, high school is not a chore. p-g184W72By-00087-00046306-00046747 High school is not a phase. High school is an opportunity. It's a place where you can p-g184W72By-00088-00046747-00047021 be more than what you were before. p-g184W72By-00089-00047021-00047455 And that's what I did. I said, "High school. What can I - what does it have to offer?" p-g184W72By-00090-00047455-00048101 Well, I was busy in class reading books of old dead white men. I would - I would be excited p-g184W72By-00091-00048101-00048555 to go to a debate lecture that would be for three hours – three hours about Mahatma p-g184W72By-00092-00048555-00049156 Gandhi or the Arab Spring. It's just because it was my thing. It's just because I like p-g184W72By-00093-00049156-00049294 doing it. p-g184W72By-00094-00049294-00049912 I mean, in debate, I was able to meet a monk, like a legitimate monk, so much so that he p-g184W72By-00095-00049912-00050394 can't shake hands with a girl because if he did he'd have to fast. Would you - any of p-g184W72By-00096-00050394-00050769 you be able to say that you've met a monk? So much so that people outside of school? p-g184W72By-00097-00050769-00051276 Because these things open my eyes. And because of that, I say I was more of a student now. p-g184W72By-00098-00051276-00051705 I learned so much that, well, when I was in the curriculum, I'll be honest here, I was p-g184W72By-00099-00051705-00052164 bored. I would sit in class and I'd sleep because I'd say, "Wow. I don't think I'm going p-g184W72By-00100-00052164-00052595 to be physicist when I grow up. I'm not going to study Algebra." But I didn't tell myself p-g184W72By-00101-00052595-00053069 I'd be a debater either. I just said I did what I like. p-g184W72By-00102-00053069-00053719 So I had to ask myself, "What now? What does the future have to hold?" Because I only have p-g184W72By-00103-00053719-00054176 one year left in Xavier School. And I was like, "I have to top junior year." p-g184W72By-00104-00054176-00054751 You see, I was - I came up here and I was tasked to changed the world because, you know, p-g184W72By-00105-00054751-00055132 that's what TED's about. I must come here and and change your lives, right? And I was p-g184W72By-00106-00055132-00055557 like, "Wow. That - that's pretty scary." p-g184W72By-00107-00055557-00055963 I'm here in front of people who are older than me, people who are much more accomplished, p-g184W72By-00108-00055963-00056422 people who have done so much more and I'm tasked to change your lives. Because I'm pretty p-g184W72By-00109-00056422-00056913 sure you guys didn't come up to TED just to listen to us speak. But you came up here and p-g184W72By-00110-00056913-00057367 said, "Wow. I want to go in there and I want my life to be changed." p-g184W72By-00111-00057367-00057819 Because I'm not here to just boast. I'm not here to say how nice my life was. I'm here p-g184W72By-00112-00057819-00058102 to say that you guys can start something now. p-g184W72By-00113-00058102-00058541 At the end of this speech, you go out there and just go home and do your homework and p-g184W72By-00114-00058541-00059052 sleep while at the same time you can go out, meet your friends and, you know, like, go p-g184W72By-00115-00059052-00059516 to some charity - charity case like in Gawad Kalinga saying, "Why not?" p-g184W72By-00116-00059516-00059954 I mean, it's there. It's there waiting for you and you're just sitting down in your couch p-g184W72By-00117-00059954-00060533 like a potato saying, "I'm lazy. No, I don't want to go out. No." Because that's not how p-g184W72By-00118-00060533-00060729 it needs to be. p-g184W72By-00119-00060729-00061195 My challenge for you is that outside of this, outside of TEDx, you do something. Because p-g184W72By-00120-00061195-00061608 we're not here to talk. We're not here to bore you. We're here to change your lives. p-g184W72By-00121-00061608-00061989 And that's what I try to do. And that's what high school has done for me. p-g184W72By-00122-00061989-00062470 But that wouldn't have been the case if I didn't let it be so. So I ask, "What are you p-g184W72By-00123-00062470-00062870 guys doing later?" Thank you. p_Jhu_8DolE-00000-00000000-00000352 RGBaitor controls 3 channels to generate colors p_Jhu_8DolE-00001-00000384-00000626 generate the color that you want p_Jhu_8DolE-00002-00000672-00000940 you can see that values change p_Jhu_8DolE-00003-00001638-00002294 now if you click "Clipboard me", you'll copy the numbers so you can paste them to any other software p_Jhu_8DolE-00004-00003294-00003668 you can also generate random colors pEP3cnAgpZA-00000-00000611-00001187 A Ilíada termina sob uma névoa de fumaça de uma pira funerária. E realmente uma das pEP3cnAgpZA-00001-00001187-00001848 coisas marcantes sobre a Guerra de Tróia é como na literatura subsequente, não é pEP3cnAgpZA-00002-00001848-00002419 a guerra boa. É descrito como sendo catastrófico tanto para as vítimas quanto para os vencedores. pEP3cnAgpZA-00003-00002419-00003240 Mas, há outro épico ligado a ele. E essa é a Odisseia. Geralmente pensado ser um pouco pEP3cnAgpZA-00004-00003240-00004218 mais tarde do que a Ilíada. Talvez composto por um bardo, ou trazido para algum tipo de pEP3cnAgpZA-00005-00004218-00004746 unidade composicional por um bardo mestre que pegou um monte de histórias diferentes pEP3cnAgpZA-00006-00004746-00005538 e assumiu. E conversamos um pouco da última vez sobre teorias da autoria homérica e como pEP3cnAgpZA-00007-00005538-00005912 elas mudaram. Mas a Odisseia tem um tom muito diferente pEP3cnAgpZA-00008-00005912-00006757 Da Ilíada. Na verdade, seu herói, Ulisses, foi chamado de herói atípico. Isto pode pEP3cnAgpZA-00009-00006757-00007513 ou não ser Ulisses. Algumas pessoas identificam esta pequena figura como sendo o próprio pEP3cnAgpZA-00010-00007513-00008180 herói. Mas o que faz dele um herói atípico? Ele é baixinho, ao contrário de Aquiles, pEP3cnAgpZA-00011-00008180-00009288 Ajax ou Hector, são sempre descritos como sendo imponente. Ele é esperto. Ele é eloquente. pEP3cnAgpZA-00012-00009288-00009797 Ele é um mestre das palavras. Na embaixada em Aquiles, Ulisses é um dos principais embaixadores. pEP3cnAgpZA-00013-00009797-00010584 E Aquiles diz a ele, com irritação pouco escondida. Odeio como os portões de Hades pEP3cnAgpZA-00014-00010584-00011635 o homem que diz uma coisa e mantém outra em seu coração. Bem, isso é Ulisses por pEP3cnAgpZA-00015-00011635-00012454 todo o lado.Então ele é baixinho. Ele é esperto. Ele é eloquente. Ele é traiçoeiro. pEP3cnAgpZA-00016-00012454-00013318 É Ulisses quem é creditado com o ardil do cavalo de Tróia, que não aparece em nenhum pEP3cnAgpZA-00017-00013318-00013983 dos épicos sobreviventes. Mas que conhecemos de, é claro,de outras histórias. Ele está pEP3cnAgpZA-00018-00013983-00014802 curioso. O início da Odisseia é “Diga-me, musa, de um homem de muitas voltas.”Polytropon. pEP3cnAgpZA-00019-00014802-00015830 Voltaremos a isso em um momento. E Ulisses é um homem de reviravoltas. Ele também está, pEP3cnAgpZA-00020-00015830-00016596 e muito invulgarmente, interessado em comida. Não há outro herói que fale tanto sobre pEP3cnAgpZA-00021-00016596-00017140 comer como Odisseu. E, de fato, a Odisseia foi descrita, e eu acho com precisão, como pEP3cnAgpZA-00022-00017140-00017709 um poema de apetite versus inteligência.Em um sentido muito real, você é o que você pEP3cnAgpZA-00023-00017709-00019231 come e como você come. E voltaremos a isso também. Além disso, a arma preferida de pEP3cnAgpZA-00024-00019231-00020178 Ulisses éo arco. Ele é um grande arqueiro. Agora, o que há com o arco? Bem, isso te pEP3cnAgpZA-00025-00020178-00021266 coloca a uma distância um pouco mais segura do inimigo do que combate mão a mão com pEP3cnAgpZA-00026-00021266-00022075 espada. E lança e escudo. Então, Olisses, após a queda de Tróia, vagueia tentando pEP3cnAgpZA-00027-00022075-00022656 voltar para casa e trazer seus companheiros em segurança para casa. pEP3cnAgpZA-00028-00022656-00023659 Isto é também das primeiras linhas da Odisseia. E em suas viagens, Homero diz, ele viu as pEP3cnAgpZA-00029-00023659-00024259 cidades e aprendeu a mente de muitos homens diferentes. O que aconteceu em casa é problema, pEP3cnAgpZA-00030-00024259-00024918 e voltaremos a isso em um momento. Mas quero apresentar-vos mais três termos-chave. Um pEP3cnAgpZA-00031-00024918-00025729 deles é Metis. E este é um tipo particular de inteligência astuta. É diferente da sabedoria. pEP3cnAgpZA-00032-00025729-00026380 É diferente mesmo de uma espécie de inteligência filosófica teórica. Isto é um tipo de inteligência pEP3cnAgpZA-00033-00026380-00027234 traiçoeira e conivente. E isso é Ulisses por todo o lado, também. Eu mencionei um pEP3cnAgpZA-00034-00027234-00027944 momento atrás, este termo polytropos, significando versátil, adaptável e até mesmo bem viajado. pEP3cnAgpZA-00035-00027944-00028741 Isso também é Ulisses. Mas outro elemento-chave da Odisseia é um valor cultural muito importante pEP3cnAgpZA-00036-00028741-00029616 chamado xenia. Esta é a troca ritualizada entre um anfitrião e um convidado. Este é pEP3cnAgpZA-00037-00029616-00030194 um dos valores culturais mais importantes que os poemas homéricos transmitem. Para pEP3cnAgpZA-00038-00030194-00030668 dar apenas um pequeno exemplo, no Livro Cinco da Ilíada, um guerreiro grego chamado Diomedes pEP3cnAgpZA-00039-00030668-00031311 está em uma condição de aristeia. Ele está matando todos os cavalos de Tróia que se pEP3cnAgpZA-00040-00031311-00031938 metem no seu caminho. E finalmente acaba cara a cara com um cavalo de Tróia chamado Glaucus. pEP3cnAgpZA-00041-00031938-00032499 E Diomedes disse, diga-me quem você é, para que eu saiba quem estou matando. E Glaucus pEP3cnAgpZA-00042-00032499-00033109 diz, me dê um tempo ou algo assim, o equivalente grego. E diz-lhe a sua linhagem. E como Glaucus pEP3cnAgpZA-00043-00033109-00033505 descreve sua família, Diomedes - que, lembre-se, esteve em uma fúria mortal - diz, a partir pEP3cnAgpZA-00044-00033505-00034378 de agora, devemos evitar um ao outro no campo de batalha. Por quê? Porque seus avós compartilhavam pEP3cnAgpZA-00045-00034378-00035608 xenia. Isso está em um mundo de constante disputa, conflito, a necessidade de se destacar. pEP3cnAgpZA-00046-00035608-00036412 É uma quebra muito importante nisso. Mas o que aconteceu na ausência de Odisseu em pEP3cnAgpZA-00047-00036412-00037112 seu palácio em Ítica é que vários pretendentes se estabeleceram para cortejar sua esposa, pEP3cnAgpZA-00048-00037112-00037905 Penélope, que é, afinal, considerada uma viúva elegível. E o que eles fazem é tomar pEP3cnAgpZA-00049-00037905-00038666 e comer, e tomar e comer sem qualquer gesto de reciprocidade. Eles estão vivendo em uma pEP3cnAgpZA-00050-00038666-00039127 constante violação da Xenia. E não há ninguém lá, nem mesmo o filho de Ulisses pEP3cnAgpZA-00051-00039127-00039619 Telêmaco, que possa se livrar deles, pelo menos ainda não. Onde Ulisses esteve? Ele pEP3cnAgpZA-00052-00039619-00040433 esteve na ilha de Calypso. E ele tem vivido uma vida de total, pode-se dizer, satisfação pEP3cnAgpZA-00053-00040433-00041406 física. Ela é linda, ela é uma ninfa, eles fazem muito sexo. E, no entanto, o que ele pEP3cnAgpZA-00054-00041406-00041965 faz? Ele muitas vezes apenas senta na costa chorando. E assim que puder, aproveita a oportunidade pEP3cnAgpZA-00055-00041965-00042843 para ir embora. Porque uma vida de total satisfação física, mas sem qualquer tipo de glória, pEP3cnAgpZA-00056-00042843-00043868 não é uma vida que um herói possa viver. E então ele pousa na ilha de Phiecia, é pEP3cnAgpZA-00057-00043868-00044483 arrastado lentamente de volta para a sociedade. E temos provavelmente a parte mais conhecida pEP3cnAgpZA-00058-00044483-00045183 da Odisseia, os chamados Livros de Aventura. São contos entrelaçados. Eles têm alguns pEP3cnAgpZA-00059-00045183-00046092 motivos folclóricos, mas podemos agrupá-los mais ou menos. E há três grupos de três, pEP3cnAgpZA-00060-00046092-00046806 interrompidos com uma viagem ao submundo. E nesses três grupos de três, existem, eles pEP3cnAgpZA-00061-00046806-00047583 são caracterizados. Cada conto é caracterizado, sinto muito, devo dizer, por um monstro ou pEP3cnAgpZA-00062-00047583-00048516 pela tentação ou pela loucura. Os monstros são geralmente identificados como canibais. pEP3cnAgpZA-00063-00048516-00049333 E o mais famoso é certamente o enorme monstro de um olho Polyphemus. A descrição que Olisses pEP3cnAgpZA-00064-00049333-00049981 dá de sua interação com Polifemo envolve não apenas xenia e suas violações. Quer pEP3cnAgpZA-00065-00049981-00050415 dizer, Polifemo não é um grande hospedeiro, ele começa a matar os homens de Ulisses e pEP3cnAgpZA-00066-00050415-00051172 a comê-los. Ulisses não é um grande convidado, ele entra e começa a roubar coisas. Mas ainda pEP3cnAgpZA-00067-00051172-00051535 mais do que isso, há alguns indícios da realidade social da época. pEP3cnAgpZA-00068-00051535-00052283 A ilha em que Polyphemus vive, é descrita como tendo um bom porto, madeira abundante, pEP3cnAgpZA-00069-00052283-00052971 bom abastecimento de água. Veremos em uma palestra ou duas que os gregos estão começando pEP3cnAgpZA-00070-00052971-00053670 a enviar colônias agora para o Mediterrâneo. E este é o local perfeito para montar uma pEP3cnAgpZA-00071-00053670-00054166 colônia. Mas ainda mais importante do que isso, o ciclope pEP3cnAgpZA-00072-00054166-00055060 é descrito como não comer pão e como não realizar sacrifícios. Um grande estudioso pEP3cnAgpZA-00073-00055060-00055681 francês, Pierre Vidal Naquet, analisou isso. E ele apontou que não comer pão significa pEP3cnAgpZA-00074-00055681-00056329 que os ciclopes não fazem trabalho agrícola. E o fato de que eles não realizam sacrifícios pEP3cnAgpZA-00075-00056329-00056864 significa que eles não reconhecem a importância dos deuses. Estas duas características, isto pEP3cnAgpZA-00076-00056864-00057270 é, não fazer trabalhos agrícolas e não reconhecer os deuses, marca o ciclope como pEP3cnAgpZA-00077-00057270-00058141 desumano. Ainda mais do que o seu enorme tamanho e apetite canabalista e o único olho no meio pEP3cnAgpZA-00078-00058141-00058804 da testa. Usando astúcia, esperteza, Oddyseu e seus homens cegam o ciclope e conseguem pEP3cnAgpZA-00079-00058804-00059457 escapar. Mas quando ele está partindo, Ulisses provoca o ciclope. Até este ponto, Ulisses pEP3cnAgpZA-00080-00059457-00060204 chamou-se a si mesmo. Ootus, nenhum homem. Mas agora ele diz, você pode dizer aos outros pEP3cnAgpZA-00081-00060204-00060929 ciclopes que aquele que te cegou é Ulisses. Erro ruim, é um mau ponto para Ulisses reivindicar pEP3cnAgpZA-00082-00060929-00061564 sua identidade, porque dá ao ciclope a oportunidade de amaldiçoá-lo. Se o ciclope chamasse isso pEP3cnAgpZA-00083-00061564-00062344 de maldição em nenhum homem, é claro que não funcionaria. Mas o pai do ciclope é pEP3cnAgpZA-00084-00062344-00063024 o grande deus da terra e do mar, Poseidon, e ele está furioso. E Odisseu está vagando pEP3cnAgpZA-00085-00063024-00064102 com Poseidon, a raiva de Poseidon meio que o ofusca. Odisseu também encontra tentação pEP3cnAgpZA-00086-00064102-00065270 de várias formas. Provavelmente o mais famoso é na forma da bruxa, Circe, que transforma pEP3cnAgpZA-00087-00065270-00066201 seus homens, por meio de uma poção mágica, em suínos. E dificilmente poderíamos ter pEP3cnAgpZA-00088-00066201-00066989 uma ilustração mais clara do que eu estava falando, em termos de apetite versus inteligência. pEP3cnAgpZA-00089-00066989-00067931 Ulisses recebe um pouco de assistência divina, consegue superar Circe. Mas ela o envia em pEP3cnAgpZA-00090-00067931-00069430 uma missão, e a busca é para o submundo. Este é o Livro 11 da Odisseia, e nos dá pEP3cnAgpZA-00091-00069430-00070373 a primeira e de muitas maneiras, a descrição mais detalhada. De como se pensava que a vida pEP3cnAgpZA-00092-00070373-00071816 era depois de um morrer. Não é o inferno. Ou seja, não é um lugar de tormento constante. pEP3cnAgpZA-00093-00071816-00072747 Em vez disso, é um lugar frio, escuro. E as pessoas existem em uma forma de sombra pEP3cnAgpZA-00094-00072747-00073335 de si mesmas. Quando Ulisses desce ao submundo, ele encontra alguns de seus antigos companheiros pEP3cnAgpZA-00095-00073335-00073747 da guerra em Tróia. Ali está Agamenon, que foi morto por sua esposa traiçoeira, Clytemnestra. pEP3cnAgpZA-00096-00073747-00074460 Há sempre uma tensão neste poema sobre o que realmente vai acontecer quando Ulisses pEP3cnAgpZA-00097-00074460-00075525 chegar em casa. Que sabemos, por assim dizer, o que vai acontecer. Mas o, o poema continua pEP3cnAgpZA-00098-00075525-00076202 criando uma contra-possibilidade, que Penelope fiel pode não vir a ser tão fiel afinal. pEP3cnAgpZA-00099-00076202-00076638 E talvez, tipo, Chlytemestra, acabe matando seu marido herói quando ele finalmente aparecer. pEP3cnAgpZA-00100-00076638-00077479 Ulisses também vê Aquiles. E com o mesmo tipo de franqueza que ele tinha mostrado na pEP3cnAgpZA-00101-00077479-00078293 Ilíada, Aquiles lhe diz, o que você está fazendo aqui? Ulisses diz que estamos em uma pEP3cnAgpZA-00102-00078293-00079400 missão e ele diz, que você tem tudo o que um herói pode querer. Você tem uma grande pEP3cnAgpZA-00103-00079400-00080383 reputação. Você tem fama. Você tem barro em todos os lugares. Você tem um filho que pEP3cnAgpZA-00104-00080383-00081622 anda atrás de você. E Aquiles diz, não fale comigo tão levemente sobre a morte. pEP3cnAgpZA-00105-00081622-00082598 Você tem que voltar. E então, em uma das frases mais marcantes de toda a Odisseia, pEP3cnAgpZA-00106-00082598-00083283 Aquiles diz que eu preferia ser um servo vivo. Essa é a forma mais baixa de trabalhador pEP3cnAgpZA-00107-00083283-00083906 agrícola livre. Prefiro ser um servo vivo a um herói morto. Tanto para o código heroico. pEP3cnAgpZA-00108-00083906-00084343 E então Ulisses vê Ajax, que se suicidou depois de Ulisses o ter traído da armadura pEP3cnAgpZA-00109-00084343-00085241 de Aquiles. Ajax se recusa a falar com ele. Mesmo no submundo, que ajudam seus amigos pEP3cnAgpZA-00110-00085241-00085579 e machucam seus inimigos, esse código persiste. Odisseu também enfrenta instâncias de loucura, pEP3cnAgpZA-00111-00085579-00086004 mas às vezes consegue seguir as instruções. Uma cena famosa o faz encher as orelhas de pEP3cnAgpZA-00112-00086004-00087231 seus homens com cera. E então ele se amarrou a um mastro para que ele possa ouvir o canto pEP3cnAgpZA-00113-00087231-00087774 das sirenes, que de outra forma atraem navios para destruição nas rochas. Algumas pinturas pEP3cnAgpZA-00114-00087774-00088516 maravilhosas mostram uma sirene com uma harpa. E as pessoas sugeriram que o que ela poderia pEP3cnAgpZA-00115-00088516-00088782 estar cantando é um verso heroico. As canções dos heróis, como Homer. A Odisseia está pEP3cnAgpZA-00116-00088782-00089443 cheia de contos folclóricos que são uma espécie de girado na narrativa principal. pEP3cnAgpZA-00117-00089443-00089967 E quando Odisseu voltar para Ítaca, ele tem que descobrir quem foi leal e quem não foi. pEP3cnAgpZA-00118-00089967-00090498 E então ele se disfarça de mendigo. Toda a questão do reconhecimento e da identidade pEP3cnAgpZA-00119-00090498-00091062 vem à tona. Ulisses conseguiu alcançar o 1º de seus objetivos, que é chegar em casa. pEP3cnAgpZA-00120-00091062-00091722 Mas aqui nesta placa maravilhosa, ele está disfarçado de mendigo, e ele está falando pEP3cnAgpZA-00121-00091722-00092358 com sua esposa Penélope. Mas o velho código heroico do campo de batalha pEP3cnAgpZA-00122-00092358-00093099 agora é trazido para o salão de Ítica. Ulisses alinha aliados. Ali está o nobre pEP3cnAgpZA-00123-00093099-00093760 rebanho de suínos Eumaeus. Há o seu próprio filho, Telêmaco, que agora chegou a uma espécie pEP3cnAgpZA-00124-00093760-00094191 de maturidade e um ou dois outros. E enfrentam os pretendentes. Isto é mais uma vez um exemplo pEP3cnAgpZA-00125-00094191-00095152 de uma divisão absoluta entre aliados e adversários. O massacre no grande salão, desculpe, isso pEP3cnAgpZA-00126-00095152-00096099 está um pouco embaçado, mas você tem algum senso dos pretendentes se escondendo atrás pEP3cnAgpZA-00127-00096099-00097047 das mesas. O massacre no grande salão é horrível. Ninguém é poupado, nem mesmo pEP3cnAgpZA-00128-00097047-00098016 o bom pretendente. Os únicos que são poupados são o bardo, Fémio, e o arauto. São preciosos pEP3cnAgpZA-00129-00098016-00098458 demais para desperdiçar, são preciosos demais para matar. Então, temos Odessyus em casa, pEP3cnAgpZA-00130-00098458-00098623 ele se livrou dos pretendentes. Ainda resta uma reunião com Penélope que tem de ser pEP3cnAgpZA-00131-00098623-00099170 realizada. A bolsa recente deu muito mais atenção ao papel das mulheres em geral no pEP3cnAgpZA-00132-00099170-00099689 mundo antigo. Para as mulheres na Odisseia, há muitas, muito mais poderosas personagens pEP3cnAgpZA-00133-00099689-00100287 femininas na Odisseia, certamente do que na Ilíada. Já vimos um deles, Circe, mas Penelope pEP3cnAgpZA-00134-00100287-00100825 é, por assim dizer, o centro deles. Ela é, de certa forma, a esposa grega ideal, fiel, pEP3cnAgpZA-00135-00100825-00101442 um tecelão extraordinário, um bom gerente da família. Mas no final deste poema, ela pEP3cnAgpZA-00136-00101442-00102144 também revela que ela é uma mestre de truques, um par de seu marido há muito errante. Quando pEP3cnAgpZA-00137-00102144-00103351 ela o engana para se identificar dizendo que ele tem que mover a cama. Ele disse que não pEP3cnAgpZA-00138-00103351-00104148 pode mover a cama, eu coloquei aquela cama lá. Está embutido no tronco de uma oliveira. pEP3cnAgpZA-00139-00104148-00104802 E Penelope finalmente percebe que ele é o único que sabe o segredo além de si mesma. pEP3cnAgpZA-00140-00104802-00105477 E Ulisses conta sua história. Então, onde estamos? Mais uma vez, no final de uma introdução pEP3cnAgpZA-00141-00105477-00106102 demasiado superficial a este magnífico épico. Mas também podemos pensar em algumas questões pEP3cnAgpZA-00142-00106102-00106222 maiores. Primeiro, a Ilíada é geralmente descrita como sendo semelhante à tragédia pEP3cnAgpZA-00143-00106222-00106704 e a Odisseia à comédia. Tem um alcance muito mais amplo, claro geograficamente, muito mais pEP3cnAgpZA-00144-00106704-00106939 extenso. E é uma espécie de herói atípico no centro das coisas. Mas nós também temos, pEP3cnAgpZA-00145-00106939-00107802 e vamos falar muito mais sobre isso mais tarde, a introdução dos deuses. Quero fazer um pEP3cnAgpZA-00146-00107802-00108322 ponto, e apenas um ponto. Os deuses são poderosos. Eles podem tomar favoritos, ou ter inimigos pEP3cnAgpZA-00147-00108322-00109274 entre os humanos. Mas a única coisa que realmente distingue os deuses de nós é que nós morremos pEP3cnAgpZA-00148-00109274-00110325 e eles não. Os deuses não são moralmente exemplares. Eles não são feitos para serem pEP3cnAgpZA-00149-00110325-00110673 admirados, a esse respeito. O grande historiador, Heródoto, diz que Homero pEP3cnAgpZA-00150-00110673-00111135 e Hesíodo deram aos gregos seus deuses. Falaremos sobre Hesíodo em breve. Mas, por enquanto, pEP3cnAgpZA-00151-00111135-00111927 você pode querer pensar sobre o fato de que a vida humana, como descrito nos poemas homéricos, pEP3cnAgpZA-00152-00111927-00112677 é muito mais séria do que a vida divina. Os deuses simplesmente não têm consequências pEP3cnAgpZA-00153-00112677-00113315 para o que fazem. Para humanos, homens e mulheres, todos nós, há consequências reais. E no pEP3cnAgpZA-00154-00113315-00113922 início, no tipo de fonte da literatura ocidental, temos tanta sorte de ter Homero com os dois pEP3cnAgpZA-00155-00113922-00114376 grandes épicos. Para nos dar uma noção de como nos colocamos no mundo. pFhuzZvLCw4-00000-00000048-00000624 Depending on how much time one spent in school, being bold can seem like not being yourself. pFhuzZvLCw4-00001-00000728-00001376 As much as we can learn from the focused intensity of a classroom, the price is an acceptance to pFhuzZvLCw4-00002-00001376-00002176 unnecessary control. When you make the decisions that lead to a thriving, vibrant life, it will pFhuzZvLCw4-00003-00002176-00002840 always run contrary to classroom conditioning. So, when you step out into the boldness you pFhuzZvLCw4-00004-00002840-00003624 will need to make and keep your business and family, it may seem a little fake; it's not. pFhuzZvLCw4-00005-00003736-00004560 Being your bold, honest self goes as a package. Enslaved thinking is the real fakery. pFhuzZvLCw4-00006-00004616-00005072 And, that is The Point. I'm Jesse Steele, jessesteele.com. pGrkcCKYrJM-00000-00000336-00000520 Hi everyone. My name is Victoria, pGrkcCKYrJM-00001-00000520-00000872 and I’m a highly creative and technically competent graphic designer pGrkcCKYrJM-00002-00000872-00001288 with almost two years of experience. I work with different kinds of projects, pGrkcCKYrJM-00003-00001288-00001648 but my goal is always to deliver the perfect results to the client. pGrkcCKYrJM-00004-00001648-00002264 I am skilled with Adobe creative suite, programs like Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. pGrkcCKYrJM-00005-00002264-00002704 And also AutoCad and 3Ds Max programs for 3D designing pGrkcCKYrJM-00006-00002704-00003032 Talking about 3D designing I have the skills pGrkcCKYrJM-00007-00003032-00003696 to make 3D backgrounds and locations for gaming or specific detail 3D objects. pGrkcCKYrJM-00008-00003696-00004248 Moreover, I can visualize an apartment or building based on real patterns. pGrkcCKYrJM-00009-00004248-00004960 3D visualization brings architects' ideas to life, making plans, architectural illustrations, pGrkcCKYrJM-00010-00004960-00005488 and reference materials and using these to produce photo-realistic 3D images. pGrkcCKYrJM-00011-00005488-00005872 For all examples, I mentioned you can check in my portfolio. pGrkcCKYrJM-00012-00005872-00005954 Thank you. pHmE5vadQ2E-00000-00000010-00000204 Here is my courtyard fence. pHmE5vadQ2E-00001-00000204-00000483 Not this, but this pile of timber. pHmE5vadQ2E-00002-00000483-00000897 Over the last five or six months, our fence has been falling down. pHmE5vadQ2E-00003-00000897-00001387 Despite repeated complaints to the property manager, nothing has been done about it. pHmE5vadQ2E-00004-00001387-00001614 The owner simply does not want to fix it. pHmE5vadQ2E-00005-00001614-00001942 Our backyard is now open to the street. pHmE5vadQ2E-00006-00001942-00002500 Just the other day, a large dog wandered on in while my kids were playing out the back. pHmE5vadQ2E-00007-00002500-00003045 Luckily they ran inside and nothing bad happened, but this isn’t the first time that it’s pHmE5vadQ2E-00008-00003045-00003142 happened. pHmE5vadQ2E-00009-00003142-00003732 Basically, my kids can’t play out the backyard unless an adult is out there actively patrolling pHmE5vadQ2E-00010-00003732-00003848 the perimeter. pHmE5vadQ2E-00011-00003848-00004225 But despite this, they decided to jack up the rent last month. pHmE5vadQ2E-00012-00004225-00004578 Out of respect to myself, I refused to pay. pHmE5vadQ2E-00013-00004578-00005073 I said I’m not signing the new lease if the owners are refusing to fix anything. pHmE5vadQ2E-00014-00005073-00005464 The property manager just told us that if we don’t sign, they’ll basically kick pHmE5vadQ2E-00015-00005464-00005576 us out. pHmE5vadQ2E-00016-00005576-00005975 She said, “We can easily find somebody else in this market”. pHmE5vadQ2E-00017-00005975-00006362 And that’s the state of being a renter in Australia at the moment. pHmE5vadQ2E-00018-00006362-00006500 No power. pHmE5vadQ2E-00019-00006500-00006756 We’re at the whim of greedy owners. pHmE5vadQ2E-00020-00006756-00007267 Ultimately, we reached an agreement with the real estate agent saying that we are actively pHmE5vadQ2E-00021-00007267-00007723 looking for our own property, and therefore, they allowed us to stay on while paying our pHmE5vadQ2E-00022-00007723-00008063 rent month-by-month until we find our own place. pHmE5vadQ2E-00023-00008063-00008309 A so-called, periodic lease. pHmE5vadQ2E-00024-00008309-00008472 So why can this happen? pHmE5vadQ2E-00025-00008472-00008940 Well, as many of you would know, house prices are rather crazy here in Australia at the pHmE5vadQ2E-00026-00008940-00009044 moment. pHmE5vadQ2E-00027-00009044-00009269 Start auxiliary power units! pHmE5vadQ2E-00028-00009269-00009563 Retract gaseous oxygen vent arm! pHmE5vadQ2E-00029-00009563-00009749 Activate main engine! pHmE5vadQ2E-00030-00009749-00009884 LIFTOFF! pHmE5vadQ2E-00031-00009884-00010513 Yes, Australian house prices are rocketing up, at least, according to the pundits: “Australian pHmE5vadQ2E-00032-00010513-00011182 house prices to rise by 15 per cent this year but slow in 2022”; “House prices reach pHmE5vadQ2E-00033-00011182-00011725 yet another record level due to ‘perfect storm’ of low interest rates, improving pHmE5vadQ2E-00034-00011725-00012257 economy”; “Australia’s housing boom rolls on with national home values lifting pHmE5vadQ2E-00035-00012257-00012569 another 2.2% in May”. pHmE5vadQ2E-00036-00012569-00013094 Many people have told me that it’s a horrible time to buy, but yet, everyone’s buying. pHmE5vadQ2E-00037-00013094-00013192 Why? pHmE5vadQ2E-00038-00013192-00013617 Well, it probably has something to do with record-low interest rates. pHmE5vadQ2E-00039-00013617-00013882 As rates go down, what goes up? pHmE5vadQ2E-00040-00013882-00014119 House prices and debt! pHmE5vadQ2E-00041-00014119-00014774 As it becomes cheaper to borrow, people borrow more, and inevitably house prices go up. pHmE5vadQ2E-00042-00014774-00015281 Yes, Australians are in a record amount of debt just so they can say that they are living pHmE5vadQ2E-00043-00015281-00015846 the Australia dream – “A belief that in Australia, home ownership can lead to a better pHmE5vadQ2E-00044-00015846-00016331 life and is an expression of success and security”. pHmE5vadQ2E-00045-00016331-00016873 From my experiences in the last six months, it’s become more of an Australian Nightmare. pHmE5vadQ2E-00046-00016873-00017091 People say, it’s just the market! pHmE5vadQ2E-00047-00017091-00017322 But I want to call BS on that. pHmE5vadQ2E-00048-00017322-00017768 This market has been heavily manipulated by government incentives. pHmE5vadQ2E-00049-00017768-00018368 “Federal Budget 2021: Renters lose out in huge government cash splash. pHmE5vadQ2E-00050-00018368-00018853 Consumer bodies are now warning that Australia's red-hot property market – which has seen pHmE5vadQ2E-00051-00018853-00019407 prices rise at the fastest month-on-month rate in more than three decades – is preventing pHmE5vadQ2E-00052-00019407-00019719 renters from being able to save for a deposit. pHmE5vadQ2E-00053-00019719-00020222 Escalating housing prices are pushing more and more people into homelessness, including pHmE5vadQ2E-00054-00020222-00020781 women and children escaping family violence, young people who can't stay at home and older pHmE5vadQ2E-00055-00020781-00021084 people on low incomes, especially women”. pHmE5vadQ2E-00056-00021084-00021467 Yes, this is what the Government of Australia does for its citizens. pHmE5vadQ2E-00057-00021467-00021730 Lets the property market get out of control. pHmE5vadQ2E-00058-00021730-00021872 It doesn’t try to stop it. pHmE5vadQ2E-00059-00021872-00022075 It actively encourages it. pHmE5vadQ2E-00060-00022075-00022258 [Sound of kissing]. pHmE5vadQ2E-00061-00022258-00022725 Some of you might be saying, “But low interest rates are great for buyers, aren’t they? pHmE5vadQ2E-00062-00022725-00022901 Cheap mortgages are great!”. pHmE5vadQ2E-00063-00022901-00023265 Well, a piece by The Conversation begs to differ. pHmE5vadQ2E-00064-00023265-00023615 “Paying off a home loan used to be easier than it looked. pHmE5vadQ2E-00065-00023615-00023746 It’s now harder. pHmE5vadQ2E-00066-00023746-00023879 Here’s why. pHmE5vadQ2E-00067-00023879-00024416 For our parents, buying a home was an exceptionally good deal, not only because homes were cheaper pHmE5vadQ2E-00068-00024416-00024901 — until the end of the 1990s homes typically cost between two and three times household pHmE5vadQ2E-00069-00024901-00025516 after-tax income, they now cost closer to five — but also because over time the loan pHmE5vadQ2E-00070-00025516-00025716 became easier to pay off. pHmE5vadQ2E-00071-00025716-00026160 That isn’t because mortgage rates were coming down — at times they were going up — it’s pHmE5vadQ2E-00072-00026160-00026649 because during our parents’ times wages (and prices) were climbing. pHmE5vadQ2E-00073-00026649-00027060 It meant that even if someone of our parents’ generation just squeaked through one of the pHmE5vadQ2E-00074-00027060-00027577 bank’s tests about their ability to make payments on a mortgage, a few years and lots pHmE5vadQ2E-00075-00027577-00028186 of inflation and several big wage rises down the track those mortgage payments shrank compared pHmE5vadQ2E-00076-00028186-00028367 to everything else.” pHmE5vadQ2E-00077-00028367-00028851 So yeah, it’s a whole lot of BS saying that low interest rates somehow help us. pHmE5vadQ2E-00078-00028851-00029401 All they do is inflate property prices, reduce people’s ability to save due to low deposit pHmE5vadQ2E-00079-00029401-00029840 rates, and get people into a lifetime of debt. pHmE5vadQ2E-00080-00029840-00030142 But maybe there’s some hope for us on the horizon. pHmE5vadQ2E-00081-00030142-00030353 Enter iron ore! pHmE5vadQ2E-00082-00030353-00030999 “Aussie house prices 'at risk' from China shift on iron ore”; “Iron ore price: Fears pHmE5vadQ2E-00083-00030999-00031602 Australian property will suffer after China move”; “How housing prices could CRASH pHmE5vadQ2E-00084-00031602-00032068 if China takes revenge and cuts off Australia's iron ore”. pHmE5vadQ2E-00085-00032068-00032275 Here’s the article from the Daily Mail. pHmE5vadQ2E-00086-00032275-00032793 “How housing prices could CRASH if China takes revenge and cuts off Australia's iron pHmE5vadQ2E-00087-00032793-00033114 ore – and it's only a matter of time”. pHmE5vadQ2E-00088-00033114-00033569 Okay, so perhaps it’s a bit sensationalised, but let’s read on. pHmE5vadQ2E-00089-00033569-00034149 “China threatens to cut off Australian iron ore exports in latest saga of trade war. pHmE5vadQ2E-00090-00034149-00034684 Commodity used to make steel accounted for 39 per cent of Australia's exports. pHmE5vadQ2E-00091-00034684-00035274 Expert says Chinese reliance on Australian iron ore is 'strategically unviable'. pHmE5vadQ2E-00092-00035274-00035814 David Llewellyn-Smith expects Australian property prices to tumble as a result. pHmE5vadQ2E-00093-00035814-00036367 Iron ore prices last month hit record highs above $US200 a metric tonne. pHmE5vadQ2E-00094-00036367-00036949 But property prices could crash in Australia should China be able to substantially source pHmE5vadQ2E-00095-00036949-00037420 the commodity from somewhere other than Western Australia's Pilbara region. pHmE5vadQ2E-00096-00037420-00037764 Whether China cuts off Australian iron ore is not in question. pHmE5vadQ2E-00097-00037764-00037954 Only the timing of it is. pHmE5vadQ2E-00098-00037954-00038297 As well as what it will do to the Australian economy when it does. pHmE5vadQ2E-00099-00038297-00038930 Property prices in May also reached record highs in 66 of Australia's 88 sub markets pHmE5vadQ2E-00100-00038930-00039561 with Sydney's median house value since January soaring by 15.1 per cent to a record high pHmE5vadQ2E-00101-00039561-00039962 $1.1 million, new CoreLogic data showed. pHmE5vadQ2E-00102-00039962-00040549 Still, Mr Llewellyn-Smith predicted Australian house prices would tumble and 'radically devalue pHmE5vadQ2E-00103-00040549-00040877 versus the world via the collapsing currency'”. pHmE5vadQ2E-00104-00040877-00041090 Make of that what you will. pHmE5vadQ2E-00105-00041090-00041365 But interest rates aren’t going to stay low for ever. pHmE5vadQ2E-00106-00041365-00041543 Here’s an article on the ABC. pHmE5vadQ2E-00107-00041543-00042165 “House prices jump in May, CoreLogic says, as borrowers urged to refinance loans before pHmE5vadQ2E-00108-00042165-00042342 interest rates rise. pHmE5vadQ2E-00109-00042342-00042655 Rising house prices push out first home buyers. pHmE5vadQ2E-00110-00042655-00043102 The rapid rise in housing values over the past six months or so is starting to have pHmE5vadQ2E-00111-00043102-00043393 an effect on the type of buyers in the market. pHmE5vadQ2E-00112-00043393-00043915 Looking at the ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) finance data, first-home-buyer lending has pHmE5vadQ2E-00113-00043915-00044211 fallen 5 per cent in the past two months. pHmE5vadQ2E-00114-00044211-00044716 But my guess is that, with house prices rising as quickly as they are, first home buyers pHmE5vadQ2E-00115-00044716-00045121 aren't going to be able to keep up in this market unless they've got significant help pHmE5vadQ2E-00116-00045121-00045500 from parents or maybe access to a low-deposit home loan. pHmE5vadQ2E-00117-00045500-00045800 Ultra-low fixed mortgage rates disappearing. pHmE5vadQ2E-00118-00045800-00046400 While variable and short-term fixed mortgage rates remain at or near record lows, longer pHmE5vadQ2E-00119-00046400-00046600 term fixed rates are rising. pHmE5vadQ2E-00120-00046600-00047172 RateCity said the last sub-2 per cent four-year fixed mortgage rate had now disappeared from pHmE5vadQ2E-00121-00047172-00047839 the market, with BankVic lifting from 1.95 to 2.29 per cent”. pHmE5vadQ2E-00122-00047839-00048322 I guess it’s no surprise that “monthy” housing credit growth has been going up. pHmE5vadQ2E-00123-00048322-00048543 People are madly getting into more debt. pHmE5vadQ2E-00124-00048543-00048786 And perhaps I’ll be joining them. pHmE5vadQ2E-00125-00048786-00049324 My wife and I went to a mortgage broker recently and we are able to secure a small home loan pHmE5vadQ2E-00126-00049324-00049673 of about $100,000 to $150,000. pHmE5vadQ2E-00127-00049673-00050212 But this means we need a very big deposit, which we have, but most of it is tied up in pHmE5vadQ2E-00128-00050212-00050326 shares. pHmE5vadQ2E-00129-00050326-00050833 As I don’t know where the stock market is headed, I decided to sell half my shares. pHmE5vadQ2E-00130-00050833-00051340 Over the last couple of years, I’ve been investing in this ETF, Vanguard Australian pHmE5vadQ2E-00131-00051340-00051617 Shares Index, or VAS. pHmE5vadQ2E-00132-00051617-00052208 I bought it about here, and sold it about here, so yes I’ve made a fairly tidy profit pHmE5vadQ2E-00133-00052208-00052551 considering all the things that have happened over the last year or so. pHmE5vadQ2E-00134-00052551-00052916 I averaged about 10 to 11% year-on-year returns. pHmE5vadQ2E-00135-00052916-00053411 Anyway, I’ve dumped all that in a “high interest” savings account, and I use that pHmE5vadQ2E-00136-00053411-00053549 term liberally. pHmE5vadQ2E-00137-00053549-00054192 I’m getting a massive 1.1% interest per year, but hey, at least my deposit is safe pHmE5vadQ2E-00138-00054192-00054475 if the share market happened to tank. pHmE5vadQ2E-00139-00054475-00054623 More news from the ABC. pHmE5vadQ2E-00140-00054623-00055254 “No winners in building materials shortage as builders, rich, vulnerable all impacted. pHmE5vadQ2E-00141-00055254-00055721 A nationwide shortage of building materials is putting pressure on Queensland's construction pHmE5vadQ2E-00142-00055721-00056210 industry, with fears the building boom will claim several casualties. pHmE5vadQ2E-00143-00056210-00056682 The building boom was meant to be a veritable gold rush for builders but — in a cruel pHmE5vadQ2E-00144-00056682-00057280 twist — high demand, price increases and delays have been costing them dearly. pHmE5vadQ2E-00145-00057280-00057749 Building delays are forcing tenants to renew their rental leases, worsening the housing pHmE5vadQ2E-00146-00057749-00057866 crisis. pHmE5vadQ2E-00147-00057866-00058366 Builders are under extreme pressure as they face financial and mental health implications pHmE5vadQ2E-00148-00058366-00058574 because of delays”. pHmE5vadQ2E-00149-00058574-00059026 So as you can probably tell, this housing boom really hasn’t helped many Australians. pHmE5vadQ2E-00150-00059026-00059442 The Government don’t seem to care though and continue to push policies that inflate pHmE5vadQ2E-00151-00059442-00059578 house prices. pHmE5vadQ2E-00152-00059578-00059919 They benefit the few at the expense of the many. pHmE5vadQ2E-00153-00059919-00060411 It’s awful, and I hope one day we see the error in our ways and start treating housing pHmE5vadQ2E-00154-00060411-00060950 as we should, as something that we all need, not something that we make money off at the pHmE5vadQ2E-00155-00060950-00061122 expense of others. pHIqIdpk-qc-00000-00000000-00000200 Dry Bones Live Again pHIqIdpk-qc-00001-00000200-00000530 A long time ago, there was a prophet named Ezekiel. 아주 옛날에 에제키엘이라는 예언자가 있었습니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00002-00000530-00000866 One day God showed him a vision. 어느 날 하느님은 그에게 어떤 환상을 보여주셨습니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00003-00000866-00001003 What do you see? 무엇이 보이느냐? pHIqIdpk-qc-00004-00001003-00001286 God, dry bones. 하느님, 마른 뼈들이 보입니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00005-00001286-00001658 The valley is full, and the bones are all dried out. 골짜기에 가득한데 뼈들은 다 말라 비틀어졌습니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00006-00001658-00001890 Can these bones come back to life? 이 뼈들이 살아날 것 같으냐? pHIqIdpk-qc-00007-00001890-00002119 LORD God, only you can answer that. 주님, 당신만 아십니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00008-00002119-00002464 Ezekiel, speak my words to these bones. 에제키엘, 이 뼈들에게 내 말을 전하라. pHIqIdpk-qc-00009-00002464-00002961 Dry bones, listen to what the LORD is saying to you, 마른 뼈들아, 야훼의 말씀을 들어라. 주 야훼가 말씀하신다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00010-00002961-00003339 Ezekiel obeyed God and said. 에제키엘은 하느님께 순종하여 말씀을 전했습니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00011-00003339-00003750 I will put breath in you, and once again you will live. 내가 너희 속에 숨을 불어넣어 너희를 살리리라. pHIqIdpk-qc-00012-00003750-00004125 I will wrap you with muscles and skin 너희에게 힘줄을 이어 살을 붙이고 가죽을 덮으리라. pHIqIdpk-qc-00013-00004125-00004699 and breathe life into you. Then you will know that I am the LORD. 내가 너희 속에 숨을 불어 넣으면 너희는 살아나고 내가 야훼임을 알리라. pHIqIdpk-qc-00014-00004699-00005234 When they heard Ezekiel's words, the bones moved and there was a sound of bones sticking to each other. 에제키엘의 말을 듣자 뼈들이 움직이며 뼈와 뼈가 달라붙는 소리가 났습니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00015-00005234-00005525 muscles and skin covered the bones. 힘줄과 살이 붙고 가죽이 덮였습니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00016-00005525-00005755 Lord, the bones were coming together! 주님, 뼈들이 달라붙습니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00017-00005755-00005991 but they had no life in them. 하지만 숨을 쉬지는 않습니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00018-00005991-00006256 Ezekiel, now say to the wind, 에제키엘, 숨을 향해 내 말을 전하라. pHIqIdpk-qc-00019-00006256-00006451 The LORD God commands you 주 야훼께서 말씀하신다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00020-00006451-00006959 to blow from every direction and to breathe life into these dead bodies, so they can live again. 숨아, 사방에서 불어와서 이 죽은 자들을 스쳐 살아나게 하여라! pHIqIdpk-qc-00021-00006959-00007559 As soon as I said this, the wind blew among the bodies, and they came back to life! 에제키엘이 순종하자 뼛속으로 숨이 들어가더니 모두 살아나 제 발로 일어섰습니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00022-00007559-00008121 They all stood up! there were enough to make a large army! 하느님, 뼈들이 살아났습니다! 사람들이 일어섰습니다. 거대한 군대입니다! pHIqIdpk-qc-00023-00008121-00008435 The people of Israel are like dead bones. 이 뼈들은 이스라엘의 온 백성들이다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00024-00008435-00008895 They complain that they are dried up and that they have no hope for the future. 뼈는 마르고 희망은 사라져 끝이 났다고 불평하던 자들이다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00025-00008895-00009149 So tell them. 너는 이들에게 내 말을 전하라. pHIqIdpk-qc-00026-00009149-00009364 The LORD God promise 주 야훼가 말씀하신다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00027-00009364-00009833 to open your graves and set you free. 나 이제 무덤을 열고 내 백성인 너희를 무덤에서 끌어올려 pHIqIdpk-qc-00028-00009833-00010099 I will bring you back to Israel, 이스라엘 고향 땅으로 데려가리라. pHIqIdpk-qc-00029-00010099-00010644 and when that happens, you will realize that I am the LORD. 마른 뼈들이 무덤에서 살아나면 그제야 너희는 내가 야훼임을 알게 되리라. pHIqIdpk-qc-00030-00010644-00011084 The God who breathed into the dry bones and brought them back to life is Almighty. 마른 뼈들에게 숨을 불어 넣어 다시 살리신 하느님은 전능하십니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00031-00011084-00011359 Nothing is impossible with God. 하느님께 불가능 한 것은 없습니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00032-00011359-00011673 God never turned away from God' people. 하느님은 하느님의 사람을 버리지 않으십니다. pHIqIdpk-qc-00033-00011673-00012148 God is the one who keep what he promise 하느님은 한번 말씀하신 것을 그대로 이루시는 분이십니다. pHaVlDWwgXo-00000-00001218-00003900 # NEW YORK, NEW YORK (MUSIC) pHaVlDWwgXo-00001-00004351-00004477 To think that I should walk pHaVlDWwgXo-00002-00004477-00004726 around the block with you pHaVlDWwgXo-00003-00004726-00005138 And find eternity, and tomorrow too pHaVlDWwgXo-00004-00005138-00005564 And dreams I thought had died or were not true pHaVlDWwgXo-00005-00005564-00005829 Walking with your pale courage pHaVlDWwgXo-00006-00005829-00006150 And the lemon scented essence of my will that I had packed away pHaVlDWwgXo-00007-00006150-00006584 A whole lifelong century pHaVlDWwgXo-00008-00006584-00006827 Or some other day pHaVlDWwgXo-00009-00006827-00007087 Was that traffic or did they stop it pHaVlDWwgXo-00010-00007087-00007418 And what about the people, did they stare? pHaVlDWwgXo-00011-00007418-00007665 I would have if I'd been there pHaVlDWwgXo-00012-00007665-00007928 Watching us walking around the block pHaVlDWwgXo-00013-00007928-00008222 Without an earthly hoping view pHaVlDWwgXo-00014-00008222-00008474 And yet your arm across my shoulder pHaVlDWwgXo-00015-00008474-00008697 Your barest touch was such pHaVlDWwgXo-00016-00008697-00008865 That my mind distracted pHaVlDWwgXo-00017-00008865-00009155 For a moment from disasterous things pHaVlDWwgXo-00018-00009155-00009347 Found suddenly again pHaVlDWwgXo-00019-00009347-00009684 That everything was there pHaVlDWwgXo-00020-00009684-00009884 I found speech again pHaVlDWwgXo-00021-00009884-00010280 And words that for a million years I had not dared to utter pHaVlDWwgXo-00022-00010280-00010435 Stumbled and certain pHaVlDWwgXo-00023-00010435-00010686 force from out of me pHaVlDWwgXo-00024-00010686-00010915 Shamelessly I clung to you pHaVlDWwgXo-00025-00010915-00011355 Oblivious for a moment, or was it two pHaVlDWwgXo-00026-00011355-00011638 Until I realised in my dizzy mind pHaVlDWwgXo-00027-00011638-00011929 Realing with happiness sky high pHaVlDWwgXo-00028-00011929-00012104 That all we did pHaVlDWwgXo-00029-00012104-00012194 Was walk around the block 0:02:03.00,0:02:03.00, And say goodbye. pL5657sTy9y-00000-00000039-00000500 I have looked at the Intel NUC as music server that was affordable, works fine but a bit pL5657sTy9y-00001-00000500-00001219 fiddly to set up, as I showed in my 3 part video. I reviewed the Roon Nucleus+ server pL5657sTy9y-00002-00001219-00001798 that needed only a drive full of music to get playing but came at a premium. This time pL5657sTy9y-00003-00001798-00002373 a music server that is easy to set up, supports about any protocol used for audio servers pL5657sTy9y-00004-00002373-00003473 and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. pL5657sTy9y-00005-00003473-00004010 There is this thing in the audio world, and perhaps beyond that, where there is very low pL5657sTy9y-00006-00004010-00004825 appreciation for good software. At least in the monetary sense. This is so unjust. For pL5657sTy9y-00007-00004825-00005390 unless you are rather knowledgable you might encounter all kinds of small problems when pL5657sTy9y-00008-00005390-00006086 setting up a music server yourself, as I notice from the questions asked to me. And I really pL5657sTy9y-00009-00006086-00006589 can’t help you in those individual cases. I’m not clairvoyant and remote trouble shooting pL5657sTy9y-00010-00006589-00007264 takes more time than I can afford. That’s why I came to love music server I’ll discus pL5657sTy9y-00011-00007264-00007911 here. Only very basic computer skills are needed to set it up and it comes with a lifetime pL5657sTy9y-00012-00007911-00008507 support. pL5657sTy9y-00013-00008507-00009089 The sonicTransporter i5 has a black aluminium housing and is about the size of a Mac mini pL5657sTy9y-00014-00009089-00010048 measuring 58 x 134 x 172mm. The front only holds the power button. Short presses switch pL5657sTy9y-00015-00010048-00010572 the computer on or off while a long press forces it to switch off without waiting for pL5657sTy9y-00016-00010572-00011138 the software to power down. Just as on any other normal computer. And, in fact it is pL5657sTy9y-00017-00011138-00012093 a normal fanless computer made by Polywell that runs an Intel Core i5-5257U at 2.7 GHz, pL5657sTy9y-00018-00012093-00012936 and has 8 Gigabytes of RAM and a 64 GB SSD inside for the server database. The rear Shows pL5657sTy9y-00019-00012936-00013770 us two USB3 ports, an HDMI and VGA port for service purposes only - so there is no audio pL5657sTy9y-00020-00013770-00014672 over HDMI, two USB 2 ports, a gigabit ethernet port and the 12 volt DC power input. Although pL5657sTy9y-00021-00014672-00015431 there are four USB ports, only one USB drive can be mounted at one time. pL5657sTy9y-00022-00015431-00016073 No, I’m not going to open the computer for the simple reason there is not much to learn pL5657sTy9y-00023-00016073-00016862 audio wise. What is interesting audio wise is the server version of the sonicorbiterOS pL5657sTy9y-00024-00016862-00017299 that you can see as a Linux based front end from which you select the server software pL5657sTy9y-00025-00017299-00017915 you want to use. Just open an internet browser on another computer, tablet or smartphone pL5657sTy9y-00026-00017915-00018590 and type sonictransport.local in the address field. The HTML interface includes a mobile pL5657sTy9y-00027-00018590-00019497 version so even on a smartphone maintenance is done with ease. The Apps-menu lets you pL5657sTy9y-00028-00019497-00020234 check if there is an update for the sonicTransporter OS, check on the installed software and lets pL5657sTy9y-00029-00020234-00020890 you install other software. Since the software version was up to date, let’s go to the pL5657sTy9y-00030-00020890-00021490 installed apps. Currently Drive mounter and Roon Server are installed. But installing pL5657sTy9y-00031-00021490-00022233 another type server, like HQPlayer Server, MinimServer, Plex Media Server, BubbleUPnP pL5657sTy9y-00032-00022233-00022884 Server, Subsonic media streamer or Squeezebox Server is a matter of a few clicks to stop pL5657sTy9y-00033-00022884-00023611 or uninstall Roon Server and installing the alternative. I also ran Roon Server and Squeezebox pL5657sTy9y-00034-00023611-00024148 Server simultaneously, although this is foolish, of course, since Roon is capable of driving pL5657sTy9y-00035-00024148-00024754 Squeezeboxes as well. For payed software like HQPlayer and Roon, you do need to buy the pL5657sTy9y-00036-00024754-00025400 licence separately. Also keep in mind that erasing a server software will also erase pL5657sTy9y-00037-00025400-00026086 the library data. Instructions on how to save and backup this data can be found in the forum. pL5657sTy9y-00038-00026086-00026636 Next to the server programs there are also some nice tools, like the Sonore UPnP Bridge pL5657sTy9y-00039-00026636-00027327 that lets you use selected DLNA renderers as endpoint for Roon or Squeezebox. I didn’t pL5657sTy9y-00040-00027327-00027851 try this since I didn’t have an appropriate DLNA renderer available during the testing. pL5657sTy9y-00041-00027851-00028739 Judging by the forum information this is really something for the enthusiast. pL5657sTy9y-00042-00028739-00029211 When you open the settings for Roon Server, there will be options that the Roon Rock server pL5657sTy9y-00043-00029211-00029824 doesn’t offer: you can have the server acces the drive containing music in Read-only mode, pL5657sTy9y-00044-00029824-00030311 so protecting your music collection. This also means that you can’t connect to the pL5657sTy9y-00045-00030311-00030839 drives on the sonicTransporter using a file finder and thus need to connect the drive pL5657sTy9y-00046-00030839-00031512 to another computer to add music. Or change the setting temporarily, of course. A second pL5657sTy9y-00047-00031512-00032201 option lets you switch on or off local playback in Roon Server. I presume it saves resources pL5657sTy9y-00048-00032201-00032924 when local playback is not used. Remarkable is that you have to mount a USB drive manually pL5657sTy9y-00049-00032924-00033539 using the External Drive Mounter while Roon Rock offers auto-mounting. But it needs to pL5657sTy9y-00050-00033539-00034143 be done only once, so it’s not really a problem. For the rest you use the Roon interface pL5657sTy9y-00051-00034143-00034662 for all settings in Roon. The same goes for using other server programs. The Squeezebox pL5657sTy9y-00052-00034662-00035157 server looked and functioned identical to the regular version and I presume the same pL5657sTy9y-00053-00035157-00035857 goes for the other server programs. A feature I really like is the System status that shows pL5657sTy9y-00054-00035857-00036834 the CPU load, it takes away uncertainty if there is something wrong in your system. pL5657sTy9y-00055-00036834-00037584 According to Small Green Computer the sonicTransporter i5 is suited for music libraries up to 450.000 pL5657sTy9y-00056-00037584-00038327 tracks. I can’t imagine there are many people that have that amount of tracks. To show you pL5657sTy9y-00057-00038327-00038904 how powerful the sonicTransporter i5 is, I started playback of eight streams while still pL5657sTy9y-00058-00038904-00039491 importing more music. On the right the CPU load as indicated by the System Status. The pL5657sTy9y-00059-00039491-00040005 top graph shows the cumulative load, ignore the lower graphs and certainly don’t think pL5657sTy9y-00060-00040005-00040597 there are 4 cores. The Intel Hyperthreading technology simulates four cores as where there pL5657sTy9y-00061-00040597-00041285 are just two. As you can see that’s probably all you need and it results in a 9 watts specified pL5657sTy9y-00062-00041285-00041900 power consumption. Another thing on this test: most streams also needed DSP work since they pL5657sTy9y-00063-00041900-00042562 were chosen for that. Look at the Zones panel: the top Apple TV played DSD and thus needed pL5657sTy9y-00064-00042562-00043279 to be downsampled to 44.1 kHz, the second Apple TV was playing downsampled music from pL5657sTy9y-00065-00043279-00044042 24/192 as was the Jabra Bluetooth headset, connected to my iMac 5K, and the Sonos. The pL5657sTy9y-00066-00044042-00044540 other endpoints could handle the higher sampling rates. Please realise that these are eight pL5657sTy9y-00067-00044540-00045071 separate signals and not one track sent to all endpoints. In the background there were pL5657sTy9y-00068-00045071-00045820 also other DSP functions active: Headroom management -3 dB and three band stop filters pL5657sTy9y-00069-00045820-00046768 at 32, 64 and 128 Hz with a q of 15. At no single moment did the CPU load exceed 85%. pL5657sTy9y-00070-00046768-00047499 Where the sound is concerned, the following. If you use the sonicTransporter as intended pL5657sTy9y-00071-00047499-00048024 using a networked audio interface like the Sonore and SOtM models or other endpoints pL5657sTy9y-00072-00048024-00048706 connected over the network, the sonicTransporter doesn’t sound; meaning that there is no pL5657sTy9y-00073-00048706-00049394 sound quality difference with other wel built audio server in the same situation. Only when pL5657sTy9y-00074-00049394-00049967 you connect a DAC directly to it, the sound quality will be influenced. Don’t forget pL5657sTy9y-00075-00049967-00050584 that the hardware is just a good fanless computer. It’s not better or worse than an Intel NUC pL5657sTy9y-00076-00050584-00051230 running Rock or Roon Nucleus+. Only if you use a computer that is specially tweaked for pL5657sTy9y-00077-00051230-00051884 audio or a streamer built to do the server part as well, you might get results equal pL5657sTy9y-00078-00051884-00052539 to using a networked audio interface. A rather expensive way to go. I receive many questions pL5657sTy9y-00079-00052539-00053362 on this topic and will dive deeper into this, next month. pL5657sTy9y-00080-00053362-00053941 The US price is 795 dollars. European viewers keep in mind that prices in the States always pL5657sTy9y-00081-00053941-00054520 are excluding sales tax as where in Europe vendors are obliged to publish prices including pL5657sTy9y-00082-00054520-00055246 sales tax, called VAT. Also realise that the sonicTransporter i5 comes with an operating pL5657sTy9y-00083-00055246-00055905 system. I know, if you’re computer savvy you could use Roon Rock or Linux and that’s pL5657sTy9y-00084-00055905-00056398 free. But for those that are not, be aware that even mounting a drive on a Linux system pL5657sTy9y-00085-00056398-00056941 can take you an hour or more if you don’t know anything about Linux. Been there, done pL5657sTy9y-00086-00056941-00057617 it. I have been looking around and found a silent NUC and when configured identically pL5657sTy9y-00087-00057617-00058257 it costed 1000 euros. If you want to save money, go for a NUC with forced cooling and pL5657sTy9y-00088-00058257-00058854 step back to an Intel Core i3 processor if your music library is not too big and you pL5657sTy9y-00089-00058854-00059408 don’t want to use DSP functions. What you can’t buy separately is the SonicOrbiter pL5657sTy9y-00090-00059408-00060129 server version. And although I have installed Roon Rock many times now for my testing and pL5657sTy9y-00091-00060129-00060655 for people in the trade that rather have me do it, I enjoyed the almost plug and play pL5657sTy9y-00092-00060655-00061229 approach by Small Green Computer. For reference I will place links to the other reviews of pL5657sTy9y-00093-00061229-00061892 servers and I keep a keen eye for other interesting servers. So if you’re interested in even pL5657sTy9y-00094-00061892-00062451 more of these, subscribe to this channel or follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Google+. pL5657sTy9y-00095-00062451-00063020 If you liked this video, please consider supporting the channel through Patreon or Paypal. Any pL5657sTy9y-00096-00063020-00063596 financial support is much appreciated. The links are in the comments. Help me to help pL5657sTy9y-00097-00063596-00064128 even more people enjoy music at home by telling your friends on the web about this channel. pL5657sTy9y-00098-00064128-00064754 I am Hans Beekhuyzen, thank you for watching and see you in the next show or on theHBproject.com. pL5657sTy9y-00099-00064754-00065950 And whatever you do, enjoy the music. pPpCE7YUaGA-00000-00000000-00000849 Welcome to our YouTube channel! Today, we're going to be talking about the importance of eating healthy. pPpCE7YUaGA-00001-00000849-00001549 Eating a healthy diet is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. pPpCE7YUaGA-00002-00001549-00002949 A healthy diet can help you maintain a healthy weight, provide you with the energy you need to get through your day, and support the proper functioning of your body's systems. pPpCE7YUaGA-00003-00002949-00004099 A healthy diet should include a variety of nutrient-rich foods, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. pPpCE7YUaGA-00004-00004099-00005699 It's also important to limit your intake of processed and sugary foods, as these can contribute to weight gain and increase your risk of certain health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. pPpCE7YUaGA-00005-00005699-00006699 Eating a healthy diet can also help boost your immune system, which is especially important during cold and flu season. pPpCE7YUaGA-00006-00006699-00007699 It can also help improve your mood and cognitive function, and may even help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. pPpCE7YUaGA-00007-00007699-00008199 So, how can you start eating healthier? Here are a few tips: pPpCE7YUaGA-00008-00008199-00008699 Make sure to include a variety of foods in your diet. pPpCE7YUaGA-00009-00008699-00009799 Don't be afraid to try new fruits and vegetables, and consider incorporating more whole grains and plant-based proteins into your meals. pPpCE7YUaGA-00010-00009799-00010298 Plan ahead and prepare healthy meals and snacks in advance. pPpCE7YUaGA-00011-00010298-00011148 This can help you avoid the temptation to reach for unhealthy options when you're short on time or hungry. pPpCE7YUaGA-00012-00011148-00011648 Be mindful of portion sizes. pPpCE7YUaGA-00013-00011648-00012498 It's important to pay attention to how much you're eating, as well as the types of foods you're consuming. pPpCE7YUaGA-00014-00012498-00012998 Stay hydrated. pPpCE7YUaGA-00015-00012998-00013848 Aim to drink at least 8 cups of water per day to help keep your body hydrated and functioning properly. pPpCE7YUaGA-00016-00013848-00014448 Eating healthy is an important part of overall health and well-being. pPpCE7YUaGA-00017-00014448-00015848 So, make sure to incorporate a variety of healthy foods into your diet, and be mindful of portion sizes to help maintain a healthy weight and support your body's systems. pPpCE7YUaGA-00018-00015848-00016348 Thanks for watching. pWovxW7AqGk-00000-00000003-00000434 hi my name's Chris and I'm a recovering drug addict and alcoholic and I'm here pWovxW7AqGk-00001-00000434-00002199 in this video to tell all of you enabling Bobby burns but focus on the pWovxW7AqGk-00002-00002199-00002803 solution to help you to improve your mental health pWovxW7AqGk-00003-00004067-00006180 my beautiful girlfriend though let me make this Bobby burns video until this pWovxW7AqGk-00004-00006180-00006504 weekend because we saw what was going on Instagram which I will share with you in pWovxW7AqGk-00005-00006504-00007350 a second just now I was just finishing up a different project for and while pWovxW7AqGk-00006-00007350-00007683 this video was wandering I'm just scrolling through the comments on pWovxW7AqGk-00007-00007683-00008493 Bobby's new Instagram post oh no people don't understand what enabling is so pWovxW7AqGk-00008-00008493-00008877 let's talk about this and again who knows the Bobby burns will ever see this pWovxW7AqGk-00009-00008877-00009129 video who knows if a bunch of Bobby burns fans pWovxW7AqGk-00010-00009129-00009554 will ever see this video but if you have somebody in your life whether they are a pWovxW7AqGk-00011-00009554-00010068 drug addict or not this is a good thing to kind of learn about when it comes to pWovxW7AqGk-00012-00010068-00010575 enabling because I don't think a lot of people understand what is so before I pWovxW7AqGk-00013-00010575-00011057 get started here is a disclaimer that a lot of people are going to disregard and pWovxW7AqGk-00014-00011057-00012425 leave angry comments anyways do it anyways so first thing is I'm not saying pWovxW7AqGk-00015-00012425-00012717 the Bobby is a drug addict drop the holic I'm going to talk a little bit pWovxW7AqGk-00016-00012717-00013014 about self-medicating though alright so anyways pWovxW7AqGk-00017-00013014-00013437 for those of you who don't know Bobby burns you know he got a lot of YouTube pWovxW7AqGk-00018-00013437-00013828 stardom from you know shame his collaboration with Shane Dawson well be pWovxW7AqGk-00019-00013828-00014272 purged made a hate video shannon dawson made a series called confronting my pWovxW7AqGk-00020-00014272-00014565 hater they came together became good friends pWovxW7AqGk-00021-00014565-00015312 Bobby's channel blew up some videos in the past about his mental health and its pWovxW7AqGk-00022-00015312-00016347 mental breakdown and so anyways most recently he posted a picture of him pWovxW7AqGk-00023-00016347-00016948 like kind of bruised up and he said that now one of the things that happened was pWovxW7AqGk-00024-00016948-00017725 Shane moved Bobby out to Los Angeles and Shane Bobby og okay so Bobby got into a pWovxW7AqGk-00025-00017725-00018132 wreck in this Jeep he was all bruised up apparently there was a bunch of comments pWovxW7AqGk-00026-00018132-00018484 saying like oh my god you ruined Shane's Jeep like Bobby's already been getting a pWovxW7AqGk-00027-00018484-00018837 lot of flack for kind of like ruining the opportunity that Shane Dawson gave pWovxW7AqGk-00028-00018837-00019906 them I don't know if I can necessarily disagree with that but creativity but pWovxW7AqGk-00029-00019906-00020266 like from an outsider's perspective and I might do a whole nother video on this pWovxW7AqGk-00030-00020266-00020657 like his mental health is deteriorating pWovxW7AqGk-00031-00021341-00021843 okay with all the better help who blog going on here's my thoughts on it either pWovxW7AqGk-00032-00021843-00022393 he's not really using better help and working with a therapist or be he is but pWovxW7AqGk-00033-00022393-00022915 he's just not listening to his therapist that's like just surely my opinion I pWovxW7AqGk-00034-00022915-00023343 might be totally wrong healing your mental health takes a while but pWovxW7AqGk-00035-00023343-00023781 following his journey it doesn't seem like it well anyways happy Bobby post pWovxW7AqGk-00036-00023781-00024229 said he got a lot of hate and who just made a new video which I'll show you pWovxW7AqGk-00037-00024229-00024643 right now yo so it's one two hop on here and say shout out to all the people who pWovxW7AqGk-00038-00024643-00025372 are so angry at me for breaking Shane's Jeep I got a car wreck your guys are pWovxW7AqGk-00039-00025372-00026125 acting childish is like seriously I got a car wreck it's pWovxW7AqGk-00040-00026125-00026485 the first car I've ever been in my entire life I was completely sober go pWovxW7AqGk-00041-00026485-00026739 look at the comments on my last picture you guys all understand what I'm saying pWovxW7AqGk-00042-00026739-00027283 most of the comments are like 500 600 likes Wow you destroyed the last thing pWovxW7AqGk-00043-00027283-00027945 you had from Shane I got in a car wreck I I was close to dying today and all pWovxW7AqGk-00044-00027945-00028591 anyone can read about is the fact that a car that another youtuber bought me was pWovxW7AqGk-00045-00028591-00029605 damaged that's that's pretty I'm okay I'm okay pWovxW7AqGk-00046-00029605-00031158 but that's like that's okay like is Bobby playing a victim here yes so I'll pWovxW7AqGk-00047-00031158-00031738 say this working in addiction recovery and I've been clean for six years my pWovxW7AqGk-00048-00031738-00032785 substance of choice was opiate over 72,000 people in the United States alone pWovxW7AqGk-00049-00032785-00033262 died of overdose right like I know plenty of people who have overdosed and pWovxW7AqGk-00050-00033262-00033784 survived I am somebody who almost died from my addiction right but here's how pWovxW7AqGk-00051-00033784-00034279 you talk to somebody who is screwing up like this right it says hey this is what pWovxW7AqGk-00052-00034279-00034816 I would say hey I'm glad you're alive but you need to straighten up all right pWovxW7AqGk-00053-00034816-00035311 it's both of those things like I work I work in a field where life and death is pWovxW7AqGk-00054-00035311-00035770 real right like I have had over 70 people die in the last three years alone pWovxW7AqGk-00055-00035770-00036214 I don't play with okay so like when somebody overdoses I'm not just like pWovxW7AqGk-00056-00036214-00036666 well glad you're alive let's just forget about the behaviors so one of the things pWovxW7AqGk-00057-00036666-00037144 about he mentioned in his video was that he was sober and I call bull on that I pWovxW7AqGk-00058-00037144-00037812 call so much bull like are you serious in the fact that people are going to pWovxW7AqGk-00059-00037812-00038343 pretend like he was okay so in case you don't follow Bobby burns on pWovxW7AqGk-00060-00038343-00038895 the only thing he's been posting about for a while now is getting high that's pWovxW7AqGk-00061-00038895-00039361 all he's posted about and let's not forget his Instagram story showing us pWovxW7AqGk-00062-00039361-00039761 what happened before his accident pWovxW7AqGk-00063-00040308-00040513 you pWovxW7AqGk-00064-00041103-00041550 yo so it's one to hop on here and say shout out to all the people who are so pWovxW7AqGk-00065-00041550-00042243 angry at me for breaking Shane's Jeep I got a car wreck y'all guys are acting pWovxW7AqGk-00066-00042243-00044724 childish is like seriously this is somebody under the influence and we're pWovxW7AqGk-00067-00044724-00045384 supposed to believe that when he got in a car accident this was the one time the pWovxW7AqGk-00068-00045384-00046191 one time he was sober like that is being willfully ignorant okay this is how you pWovxW7AqGk-00069-00046191-00046455 might be enabling somebody in your life all right pWovxW7AqGk-00070-00046455-00046893 oh well they were sober when they did that like come on you guys you're better pWovxW7AqGk-00071-00046893-00047302 than that you're better than that there are there are so many people who die pWovxW7AqGk-00072-00047302-00047836 from not just addiction but accidents while being under the influence that a pWovxW7AqGk-00073-00047836-00048372 lot of it was because people lived in a state of denial the people in their pWovxW7AqGk-00074-00048372-00048793 lives lived in a state of get out I don't know I don't know what everybody's pWovxW7AqGk-00075-00048793-00049371 been but look Matt Miller just passed away okay we had people like little peep pWovxW7AqGk-00076-00049371-00049947 pass away we have people like Michael Jackson Prince we had celebrities commit pWovxW7AqGk-00077-00049947-00050455 suicide you know like just so many things so many things and one of the pWovxW7AqGk-00078-00050455-00050737 reasons for this and one of the reasons I'm a mental health trainer or trying to pWovxW7AqGk-00079-00050737-00051144 increase awareness and decrease the stigma is like everybody just normalizes pWovxW7AqGk-00080-00051144-00051609 it like when I'm looking at those comments of people defending Bobby all I pWovxW7AqGk-00081-00051609-00052069 see is positive reinforcement why is Bobby going to slow down or change his pWovxW7AqGk-00082-00052069-00052654 behavior when people are co-signing his BS you know like something that breaks pWovxW7AqGk-00083-00052654-00052954 my heart something that breaks my heart is when I pWovxW7AqGk-00084-00052954-00053560 see people pass away and everybody is surprised except for people like me who pWovxW7AqGk-00085-00053560-00053969 see this stuff coming from a mile away pWovxW7AqGk-00086-00054077-00054417 because we keep these blinders on you know what I mean pWovxW7AqGk-00087-00054417-00054946 but Bobby has been self-destructing for a while now and something that you know pWovxW7AqGk-00088-00054946-00055533 we just found out was that him and his longtime girlfriend Jordan just split up pWovxW7AqGk-00089-00055533-00056117 alright so it seems to me from an outside perspective that Bobby is pWovxW7AqGk-00090-00056117-00056655 self-medicating with weed okay he is somebody who wasn't messing around with pWovxW7AqGk-00091-00056655-00057258 the stuff a little bit I wonder by the way this can be a whole pWovxW7AqGk-00092-00057258-00057489 nother video I wonder if Jordan feels any guilt about pWovxW7AqGk-00093-00057489-00058014 that because it seemed like from what I saw it seemed like Jordan smoked she got pWovxW7AqGk-00094-00058014-00058399 him into it and Bobby just kind of ran with it right but if you go through his pWovxW7AqGk-00095-00058399-00058816 Instagram you go through his videos all of them were about rolling blood like pWovxW7AqGk-00096-00058816-00059158 people have been messing what Bobby like saying like all right dude we get it you pWovxW7AqGk-00097-00059158-00059367 smoke weed like that's all he talks about pWovxW7AqGk-00098-00059367-00059848 that's all he talks about but I kind of more like on a serious note like again pWovxW7AqGk-00099-00059848-00060310 like I'm extremely empathetic like I've been there I've been there I feel like pWovxW7AqGk-00100-00060310-00061545 he is self-medicating with so I know some people might think I'm making like pWovxW7AqGk-00101-00061545-00061983 this false equivalent talking about people have passed away like listen I pWovxW7AqGk-00102-00061983-00062440 live in Las Vegas I voted to legalize weed I do not care about weed I don't pWovxW7AqGk-00103-00062440-00062958 think Bobby's gonna overdose on weed but but although you can't overdose on weed pWovxW7AqGk-00104-00062958-00063472 if he is getting drunk and high and driving like that can kill him so that pWovxW7AqGk-00105-00063472-00063772 we won't kill him but driving under the influence can and I hope that makes pWovxW7AqGk-00106-00063772-00064302 sense but like again again like okay I'm telling you from one like as a pWovxW7AqGk-00107-00064302-00064711 recovering drug addict you know many times I told people I was sober you know pWovxW7AqGk-00108-00064711-00065266 many times I snuck into the bathroom and snorted pills and messed something up at pWovxW7AqGk-00109-00065266-00066136 work and told people I was sober like you guys some people why it's I know pWovxW7AqGk-00110-00066136-00066547 it's hard to believe but some people like and especially when they're abusing pWovxW7AqGk-00111-00066547-00067256 substances but what I would hope and this man this us um pWovxW7AqGk-00112-00067256-00067910 I'll end with this you know I made a video about my passive the way and she pWovxW7AqGk-00113-00067910-00068324 got into a car accident she got into a near-death car accident maybe about a pWovxW7AqGk-00114-00068324-00068723 year two years before she passed away all right and she was driving drunk and pWovxW7AqGk-00115-00068723-00069205 then she died at 24 years from alcoholism all right so like you guys pWovxW7AqGk-00116-00069205-00069572 like we can't just keep minimizing this stuff like I'm legitimately making this pWovxW7AqGk-00117-00069572-00070112 video because I care yes I give tough love but all of you out there need to pWovxW7AqGk-00118-00070112-00070618 quit enabling this behavior sorry like that's just the way it is do not be pWovxW7AqGk-00119-00070618-00071024 surprised if he continues to spiral downhill because people are defending pWovxW7AqGk-00120-00071024-00072542 his behaviors I don't care thanks for watching and thank you so much to pWovxW7AqGk-00121-00072542-00072842 everybody on patreon who is helping support the channel and if you're new pWovxW7AqGk-00122-00072842-00073168 make sure you subscribe and bring that notification though because I make a ton pWovxW7AqGk-00123-00073168-00073693 a ton of these tough love videos if you would like to help support the channel pWovxW7AqGk-00124-00073693-00073933 and support what I'm doing here make sure you click the top of that icon pWovxW7AqGk-00125-00073933-00074463 right there thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00000-00000692-00001125 Can you believe that a recent study by the United States National Science Foundation pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00001-00001125-00001593 showed that one in four people still believes the Sun revolves around the Earth? pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00002-00001593-00002005 Those of us in the know understand that this is a misconception. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00003-00002005-00002582 People holding such misconceptions about major concepts in science is not a recent phenomenon. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00004-00002582-00003059 Science has always evolved based on what humans know about the observable universe. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00005-00003059-00003485 Throughout history we have lived happily while holding complete misconceptions about the pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00006-00003485-00003633 world around us. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00007-00003633-00004187 In fact it is not unusual to form a misconception, like the example of the Sun revolving around pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00008-00004187-00004512 the Earth, in order to explain the world we live in. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00009-00004512-00004958 Misconceptions formed as a result of having insufficient knowledge on a subject could pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00010-00004958-00005376 be better described as original or alternative ideas. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00011-00005376-00005811 For the most part, these misconceptions are unavoidable and although they are probably pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00012-00005811-00006433 better described as pre-conceptions or pre-concepts they are misconceptions none the less. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00013-00006433-00006668 We all have misconceptions. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00014-00006668-00007278 Part of the importance of learning science is to understand the true explanation. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00015-00007278-00007854 When ancient philosophers and scientists shaped their ideas without the benefit of experimentation, pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00016-00007854-00008214 it often resulted in misconceptions about the natural world. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00017-00008214-00008752 2000 years ago Ptolemy imagined the Earth at centre of everything and therefore that pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00018-00008752-00009000 the Sun revolves around the Earth. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00019-00009000-00009347 This is called the Geocentric model. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00020-00009347-00009942 Without the benefit of a telescope or space travel, he based his theory on his observations. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00021-00009942-00010482 And so for many centuries this misconception was the theory present in the minds of people. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00022-00010482-00010939 It was not until the 16th century that Copernicus, after many hours of observing the heavens pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00023-00010939-00011468 systematically with a telescope, came up with the theory that the Sun was at the centre of the solar pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00024-00011468-00011603 system. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00025-00011603-00012089 Unlike the Geocentric theory of Ptolemy, the Heliocentric theory had the Earth revolving pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00026-00012089-00012289 around the Sun. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00027-00012289-00012596 This theory could explain the motion of the planets. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00028-00012596-00013078 Without the benefit of knowledge on the movement of planets, it is little wonder that people, pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00029-00013078-00013578 often through their own observations, come up with a similar concept to Ptolemy - why pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00030-00013578-00013716 wouldn't they? pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00031-00013716-00014331 Ask yourself this - which concept might children in a third world country with no formal education pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00032-00014331-00014598 and through observation alone come to conclude? pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00033-00014598-00015143 And how could we change this pre-concept to a more acceptable concept? pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00034-00015143-00015648 It is through the use of models that we convince students to move on from their pre-conception pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00035-00015648-00015981 and accept the earth revolving around the Sun. pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00036-00015981-00016493 In this unit we will investigate a common misconception held by many about the forces pXsEJ-RcqmQ-00037-00016493-00016651 involved in circular motion. pXBmISKA5q8-00000-00000000-00000050 After 4 of hard work pXBmISKA5q8-00001-00000050-00000122 Suhana wants to become an actress pXb_leMk1SE-00000-00000896-00001080 i'm still gonna try and catch you anyway pXb_leMk1SE-00001-00001192-00001855 you're on the edge let's see if i can eat you dough you're moving away pXb_leMk1SE-00002-00002728-00002984 i'm about to eat you pXb_leMk1SE-00003-00003832-00004384 no come on pXb_leMk1SE-00004-00006112-00006184 i'm so close pY9EakOJctQ-00000-00000048-00000612 I've been a little busy recently, so I wasn't able to make a lot of videos. but hello. pY9EakOJctQ-00001-00000720-00000953 soon, I'm gonna make more videos. pY9EakOJctQ-00002-00001230-00001932 and I hope you guys enjoyed them, because I don't know if they'll be very good for you or not. pdMmjWWjoUk-00000-00001376-00001592 foreign pdMmjWWjoUk-00001-00003904-00004384 foreign pdMmjWWjoUk-00002-00006400-00007184 foreign pdMmjWWjoUk-00003-00009824-00009984 say pdMmjWWjoUk-00004-00011184-00011384 me pdMmjWWjoUk-00005-00021072-00021122 m piAFWVJGKAc-00000-00000000-00000200 HAI Sea food piAFWVJGKAc-00001-00000200-00000400 Live sea food piAFWVJGKAc-00002-00000400-00000600 Indonesian food piAFWVJGKAc-00003-00000600-00000800 Asian food pkPT2AMn7aE-00000-00001100-00001900 Wary of US sanctions, Iran offers oil to India at rates cheapest in 14 years pkPT2AMn7aE-00001-00002000-00003500 Wary of US sanctions, Iran offers oil to India at rates cheapest in 14 years Reports suggest India imported a record700,000 barrels from Iran each day. pkPT2AMn7aE-00002-00003600-00005200 In a bid to deter its biggest oil customers ahead of US sanctions scheduled to make comeback later this year, Iran has offered oil to India and China at rates which are the lowest in 14 years. pkPT2AMn7aE-00003-00005300-00007100 IRNA, the country's state-run news agency, quoted sources in the Iranian oil ministry as saying that while the official figures cannot be revealed, the rates offered to buyers in Asia are at their lowest level in 14 years. pkPT2AMn7aE-00004-00007200-00009000 India and China account for over half of the oil that Iran exports globally. And while China has said it won't cut back on how much oil it procures from Iran, the country has also said it won't increase figures. pkPT2AMn7aE-00005-00009100-00010900 India, meanwhile, is treading a cautious path. Reuters reported that the country imported larger volumes oil from Iran in July - a month which also saw Saudi Arabia pip Iraq as India's largest oil supplier. pkPT2AMn7aE-00006-00011000-00013500 "Iranian crude OSPs for July have moved in tandem with other middle east producers but incentives offered by Iran has made its oil more attractive compared to other alternatives," Sushant Gupta, Research Director, Asia Pacific Refining, at consultancy Wood Mackenzie, was quoted as saying. pkPT2AMn7aE-00007-00013600-00015000 Other reports have suggested that despite numerous incentives to buy from Iran, India is looking at other options which include increasing volumes from Venezuela and Nigeria. pkPT2AMn7aE-00008-00015100-00017200 Iranian oil, however, is loaded with incentives especially because the US has begun implementing sanctions against the country and would target the petroleum sector from November. "Trade with us or trade with Iran," US President Donald Trump has warned countries. pkPT2AMn7aE-00009-00017300-00019100 India is hoping to earn some leeway from Washington but industry experts are not too hopeful of New Delhi getting one. In such a situation, many feel that imports from Tehran could drop down to a trickle in the time to come. png0jYFJoZI-00000-00000080-00000824 mr ballen has made bad videos before, which is a bit sad. now here, you would have made about six png0jYFJoZI-00001-00000824-00002048 thousand views, and we've kissed about one view per hour, but it's so sad to dislike it for that reason, png0jYFJoZI-00002-00002200-00003080 and from here, starting from this video, i'm gonna start. png0jYFJoZI-00003-00003296-00003696 sometimes, i actually gonna like this. in the next video, png0jYFJoZI-00004-00003696-00004128 i'm gonna keep going until i find three places, anything that might be bad. png0jYFJoZI-00005-00005712-00006032 graphical, now i'm going to keep going until i find png0jYFJoZI-00006-00006032-00006472 at least one other video. is brought to you by hellofresh. sometimes, the q16G5wrF7PA-00000-00000000-00000200 ok q5nczbaJIbI-00000-00000930-00001030 NOTHING q5nczbaJIbI-00001-00001030-00001320 Episode 4 Masks down q5nczbaJIbI-00002-00002800-00003000 Oh ! That's him ! q5nczbaJIbI-00003-00003000-00003200 - That's Michel ? - Incredible ! q5nczbaJIbI-00004-00003200-00003400 We don't see you at the pub ! q5nczbaJIbI-00005-00003410-00003600 You don't watch horse races anymore ? q5nczbaJIbI-00006-00003610-00003890 It's your birthday ! q5nczbaJIbI-00007-00003900-00004100 Don't leave us ! q5nczbaJIbI-00008-00005000-00005100 Hello q5nczbaJIbI-00009-00005100-00005470 Hi Michel ! So, how do you feel ? q5nczbaJIbI-00010-00005500-00005600 About what ? q5nczbaJIbI-00011-00005610-00005950 - About your birthday party ! - It's absolutely not my birthday q5nczbaJIbI-00012-00005960-00006220 - Haha ! Right... - What... q5nczbaJIbI-00013-00006230-00006420 See you later ! Bye q5nczbaJIbI-00014-00007636-00007730 Hi Mum... q5nczbaJIbI-00015-00007740-00007970 Happy Birthday pumpkin q5nczbaJIbI-00016-00007980-00008230 It's really funny but i'm tired and... q5nczbaJIbI-00017-00008240-00008440 Oh wait ! Let me put your dad on ! q5nczbaJIbI-00018-00008450-00008670 ♪ Happy Birthday to you ♫ q5nczbaJIbI-00019-00008690-00008970 ♪ Happy Birthday to you ♫ q5nczbaJIbI-00020-00009010-00009210 ♪ Happy Birthday to... q5nczbaJIbI-00021-00009314-00009620 *HB my friend ! Have a good time* q5nczbaJIbI-00022-00009950-00010200 It's not my birthday !! q5nczbaJIbI-00023-00013430-00013630 So... You don't want to celebrate Michel? q5nczbaJIbI-00024-00013640-00014000 Who are you ? Leave me alone ! What did I do ? q5nczbaJIbI-00025-00014240-00014300 Michel... q5nczbaJIbI-00026-00014419-00014700 If you refuse to celebrate your birthday... q5nczbaJIbI-00027-00014740-00014950 we'll have to force you to q5nczbaJIbI-00028-00017346-00017546 Turn on ! Turn on ! q5nczbaJIbI-00029-00017740-00017840 Hello ! q5nczbaJIbI-00030-00017870-00018120 There are some crazy people in my house. they want to make me celebrate ! q5nczbaJIbI-00031-00018140-00018580 Don't worry Mr Nolan. We're sending you a patrol q5nczbaJIbI-00032-00018600-00018780 Thank you... q5nczbaJIbI-00033-00018890-00018980 Wait... q5nczbaJIbI-00034-00019070-00019250 How do you know my name ? q5nczbaJIbI-00035-00019260-00019570 Mr Nolan. It's your birthday... q5nczbaJIbI-00036-00019590-00019800 Everyone knows who you are today q5nczbaJIbI-00037-00022200-00022370 Come on Michel... q5nczbaJIbI-00038-00022400-00022550 Blow ! q5nczbaJIbI-00039-00022800-00022930 It's beautiful right ? q7d_HX8G66U-00000-00000478-00001072 pavilions in MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ, in PRAGUE and the architect MICHAL BRIX q7d_HX8G66U-00001-00001082-00001489 – Back then, Milan Kopřiva, a graphic designer living in Prague, q7d_HX8G66U-00002-00001499-00001914 moved to his house in Mariánské Lázně, q7d_HX8G66U-00003-00001923-00002324 and because he was known in Prague culture scene q7d_HX8G66U-00004-00002334-00002778 for his organizing capabilities q7d_HX8G66U-00005-00002788-00003195 he started to leave his mark there in the local culture. q7d_HX8G66U-00006-00003205-00003626 Apart from him, there was also Ing. Janeček there, q7d_HX8G66U-00007-00004009-00004422 working for municipal technical services, q7d_HX8G66U-00008-00004432-00004838 whose task was to renovate this wellspring, which was quite deteriorated, q7d_HX8G66U-00009-00004848-00005256 and he was looking for someone who would know how to solve this problem. q7d_HX8G66U-00010-00005266-00005688 He told me to do some sketches, so I did and he built it. q7d_HX8G66U-00011-00005698-00006102 This spring called Antonín’s is still in operation; q7d_HX8G66U-00012-00006112-00006527 it’s a source of a great mineral water; q7d_HX8G66U-00013-00006537-00006928 nothing has changed about it. q7d_HX8G66U-00014-00006938-00007356 And should I admit any direct inspiration then it would be Santini, q7d_HX8G66U-00015-00007366-00007781 and it is quite appropriate because it is not too far from here q7d_HX8G66U-00016-00007791-00008216 to the crossroads that leads to the Monastery of Kladruby q7d_HX8G66U-00017-00008475-00008862 that was designed by Santini. q7d_HX8G66U-00018-00008872-00009262 It is done in the spirit of the region. q7d_HX8G66U-00019-00009272-00009674 – It deserves to be said that a part of this architectonic thought, q7d_HX8G66U-00020-00009684-00010107 as it started to express itself, q7d_HX8G66U-00021-00010117-00010528 wasn’t so different from what was happening elsewhere. q7d_HX8G66U-00022-00010538-00010933 And the stress put on the plurality and on the visual or fine art accent q7d_HX8G66U-00023-00011562-00011973 that could be seen in all of the architecture q7d_HX8G66U-00024-00011983-00012385 was in line with what has been labelled, even derogatorily, as the postmodernism. q7d_HX8G66U-00025-00012395-00012809 Concerning the onset of this architecture q7d_HX8G66U-00026-00012819-00013241 and the related generation of fine artists, q7d_HX8G66U-00027-00013251-00013658 what I found vital was what happened q7d_HX8G66U-00028-00013668-00014075 in relation to the so-called Painted Architecture. q7d_HX8G66U-00029-00014085-00014481 It was a show that had taken place in 1985 in Roztoky u Prahy; q7d_HX8G66U-00030-00014491-00014899 quite a turning point, in my opinion. q7d_HX8G66U-00031-00015088-00015480 It was a spontaneous reaction to what was happening abroad. q7d_HX8G66U-00032-00015490-00015901 But you managed to spontaneously take up the spirit q7d_HX8G66U-00033-00016380-00016783 which became evident at first in the Painted Architecture q7d_HX8G66U-00034-00016793-00017208 where your work played the central role. q7d_HX8G66U-00035-00017218-00017626 But right after that, there was this collaboration, q7d_HX8G66U-00036-00017636-00018048 when the Urbanita festival was being prepared. q7d_HX8G66U-00037-00018058-00018466 You co-organized it, q7d_HX8G66U-00038-00018476-00018884 dealt with the exhibition space and also shown outstanding projects there, q7d_HX8G66U-00039-00018894-00019292 although they were just projects, not realizations. q7d_HX8G66U-00040-00019302-00019703 But what was accomplished here, was a realization that reflects directly q7d_HX8G66U-00041-00019713-00020156 and exactly the feelings of that generation. q7d_HX8G66U-00042-00020166-00020569 – The technical services were next tasked with the restoration of the music pavilion, q7d_HX8G66U-00043-00020579-00020982 situated right across from the Lesní Spring, q7d_HX8G66U-00044-00020992-00021378 because it was leaning forward. q7d_HX8G66U-00045-00021388-00021795 All in all, it was a matter of things threatening with falling down q7d_HX8G66U-00046-00021805-00022225 or generally in a state of decay. And he was ordered to make it right. q7d_HX8G66U-00047-00022235-00022647 There were a few studies done. q7d_HX8G66U-00048-00022657-00023051 And it was the same: he told me to draw something and then we would see. q7d_HX8G66U-00049-00023061-00023464 And he had liked this, too, so he built it. q7d_HX8G66U-00050-00023674-00024092 But, of course, the remoteness of the city played its role; q7d_HX8G66U-00051-00024102-00024511 it wasn’t even a country seat, q7d_HX8G66U-00052-00024521-00024960 so the influence of the powerful wasn’t really felt there. q7d_HX8G66U-00053-00024970-00025381 It was the backwoods. q7d_HX8G66U-00054-00025391-00025808 So the conditions were really favourable q7d_HX8G66U-00055-00025818-00026224 for the things that a little or even wildly different q7d_HX8G66U-00056-00026234-00026629 from what was being done elsewhere. q7d_HX8G66U-00057-00026639-00027043 The story of the whole of the premises is tied closely with the Lesní Spring q7d_HX8G66U-00058-00027053-00027466 because the spa guests were enjoying the drinking cures there. q7d_HX8G66U-00059-00027938-00028347 And then the spring got closed because of its pollution q7d_HX8G66U-00060-00028532-00028962 and the source of the meaning of the premises thus disappeared. q7d_HX8G66U-00061-00029179-00029567 At the time when we were working on it, it was still in operation. q7d_HX8G66U-00062-00029577-00029979 There were concerts taking place there; q7d_HX8G66U-00063-00029989-00030386 it was really being used as a music pavilion. q7d_HX8G66U-00064-00030396-00030795 We have never even dreamt of the premises and its function fading away like this. q7d_HX8G66U-00065-00031304-00031705 These days, it is a resting place on a walking route q7d_HX8G66U-00066-00031715-00032123 in the forest surroundings of Mariánské Lázně. q7d_HX8G66U-00067-00032133-00032542 People, who return from the walk, stop there in the café. q7d_HX8G66U-00068-00032552-00032958 – It is related to the changes of the spa culture itself q7d_HX8G66U-00069-00033168-00033564 and generally the way the spa objects are being used q7d_HX8G66U-00070-00033574-00033985 not just in the case of this music pavilion. q7d_HX8G66U-00071-00034144-00034550 – Well, it is related to the way privatization was brought about. q7d_HX8G66U-00072-00034560-00034912 – No doubt. q7d_HX8G66U-00073-00034922-00035337 – Yellow and blue are the colour of the coat-of-arms of Mariánské Lázně. q7d_HX8G66U-00074-00035347-00035748 Blue is the colour of Virgin Mary’s cloak and yellow is the colour of the background. q7d_HX8G66U-00075-00035758-00036160 – Everything has its meaning. q7d_HX8G66U-00076-00036170-00036565 – And the halo is yellow. q7d_HX8G66U-00077-00036575-00036974 Actually, the background is also white. q7d_HX8G66U-00078-00036984-00037383 It is actually quite simple; it is a section of a rondel, a rounded building. q7d_HX8G66U-00079-00037711-00038125 It is the inner structure of a building made apparent, I’d say. q7d_HX8G66U-00080-00038507-00038906 – And that is what constitutes the plurality of views. q7d_HX8G66U-00081-00038916-00039326 The concept of this building... q7d_HX8G66U-00082-00039336-00039732 everybody sees it differently. q7d_HX8G66U-00083-00039742-00040148 Me, myself, I have always seen it as a form of... q7d_HX8G66U-00084-00040158-00040545 not a literary hyperbole, but a literary deconstruction q7d_HX8G66U-00085-00040555-00040960 of that which is physically present q7d_HX8G66U-00086-00040970-00041384 and that which is hidden somewhere in the content and intention. q7d_HX8G66U-00087-00041666-00042090 And by throwing a doubt on a real experience, q7d_HX8G66U-00088-00042589-00042982 this building offers a critical variation q7d_HX8G66U-00089-00042992-00043403 you will find nowhere near the usual, grey building production. q7d_HX8G66U-00090-00043795-00044194 – This is how thorough the cut is, q7d_HX8G66U-00091-00044204-00044617 on the inside of this Doric column you can see a cut-through pipe made of stainless steel. q7d_HX8G66U-00092-00044627-00045037 And the reasons tend to be quite mundane, really. q7d_HX8G66U-00093-00045047-00045440 There were some stainless steel pipes still left from the reconstruction of the Antonín’s spring, q7d_HX8G66U-00094-00045450-00045880 so Pavel Janeček asked whether I could find a use for them q7d_HX8G66U-00095-00045890-00046283 since he can’t write them off as they had been already bought. q7d_HX8G66U-00096-00046293-00046701 That’s how I came up with this idea of a stainless steel pipe on the inside of a Doric column. q7d_HX8G66U-00097-00046711-00047137 And the Doric column cut in half is actually a miniature of the whole of the rounded ground plan. q7d_HX8G66U-00098-00047147-00047564 – It’s about this ambivalence and, to a certain extent, q7d_HX8G66U-00099-00047574-00047979 even a kind of an inherent irony, q7d_HX8G66U-00100-00047989-00048400 that come from those many layers being projected onto the architecture back then. q7d_HX8G66U-00101-00048799-00049210 And when this, say, "fine art augmentation" q7d_HX8G66U-00102-00049220-00049630 of architecture becomes a dogma, then it becomes kitsch. q7d_HX8G66U-00103-00049640-00050042 But here, there is still the critical attitude q7d_HX8G66U-00104-00050052-00050452 in the perception of architecture. q7d_HX8G66U-00105-00050462-00050886 And it is this very architecture of these small structures q7d_HX8G66U-00106-00050896-00051298 in the extraordinary context of Mariánské Lázně q7d_HX8G66U-00107-00051308-00051705 together with the experience of those times is what I consider to be the turning point. q7d_HX8G66U-00108-00052183-00052590 I think these small structures are the traces that should not disappear. q7d_HX8G66U-00109-00053185-00053594 – This is a different story. q7d_HX8G66U-00110-00053604-00054044 It is after the Velvet Revolution. q7d_HX8G66U-00111-00054054-00054487 It is not the case of the proverbial “inner exile” anymore. q7d_HX8G66U-00112-00054940-00055352 In Mariánské Lázně, it was an escape from Prague to the world q7d_HX8G66U-00113-00055362-00055761 where you can do different things. q7d_HX8G66U-00114-00055771-00056183 Though paradoxically, the context is quite similar, q7d_HX8G66U-00115-00056193-00056597 because it is a large part of Stromovka Park q7d_HX8G66U-00116-00056607-00057014 with a beautiful natural environment, q7d_HX8G66U-00117-00057024-00057437 but dimensions-wise it is utterly different. q7d_HX8G66U-00118-00057447-00057872 It is certainly not a small garden architecture. q7d_HX8G66U-00119-00058051-00058454 It is quite obvious that those towers are to resonate with the towers of The Industrial Palace. q7d_HX8G66U-00120-00058718-00059192 – The Industrial Palace itself was built q7d_HX8G66U-00121-00059202-00059626 by combining distinctively fine art and visual aspects with technical sturdiness, q7d_HX8G66U-00122-00060061-00060466 because even back then, in those times long ago, q7d_HX8G66U-00123-00060476-00060878 one had to build with technical efficiency... – And fast. q7d_HX8G66U-00124-00061093-00061505 – ... appropriating technical and construction elements q7d_HX8G66U-00125-00061515-00061915 and options available back then, in 19th century. q7d_HX8G66U-00126-00062238-00062655 And I find this new layer, designed by Michal, q7d_HX8G66U-00127-00062971-00063389 to be the same thing but in its 1990s rendition. q7d_HX8G66U-00128-00063399-00063808 It is a building that draws from a fine art and visual inspiration of that time. q7d_HX8G66U-00129-00063818-00064253 It is a continuation of the evolution. q7d_HX8G66U-00130-00064263-00064669 But it is designed as a building q7d_HX8G66U-00131-00064679-00065090 that is technically realizable, reachable q7d_HX8G66U-00132-00065100-00065517 and that could be built fast employing contemporary construction resources. q7d_HX8G66U-00133-00065907-00066315 It is a sort of a counterpart to what was being built in 19th century. q7d_HX8G66U-00134-00066656-00067066 And I believe it should it be preserved as a clear layer q7d_HX8G66U-00135-00067433-00067845 that helps us to understand the meaning of the whole of the premises. q7d_HX8G66U-00136-00067855-00068253 What’s important for the experience of... what is it? q7d_HX8G66U-00137-00068263-00068679 A few decades now... – Some thirty years today. q7d_HX8G66U-00138-00068850-00069262 – That it is an affirmation of what repeats itself cyclically q7d_HX8G66U-00139-00069272-00069681 in the evolution of the building trade, not just architecture. q7d_HX8G66U-00140-00070274-00070682 Meaning, there is always a certain idea set on the backdrop of the previous one, q7d_HX8G66U-00141-00070692-00071108 but then, later in the process, often comes a degradation or... q7d_HX8G66U-00142-00071118-00071565 not deformation but... – Watering down. q7d_HX8G66U-00143-00071575-00071976 – And exploitation. – But I think that is unavoidable. q7d_HX8G66U-00144-00071986-00072394 – I think that the development from the 1980s to this very day only affirms it. q7d_HX8G66U-00145-00072865-00073283 – As the reaction to that visual watering down and degradation q7d_HX8G66U-00146-00073293-00073707 came a rigour, so now is the time for cheerfulness. q7d_HX8G66U-00147-00073921-00074305 – I am not sure about cheerfulness... – I call it cheerfulness. q7HtgMVuZLu-00000-00000258-00000706 No I never wanted to become a priest q7HtgMVuZLu-00003-00001451-00001692 My name is Padre Alberto q7HtgMVuZLu-00004-00001692-00002039 I'm 66 years old. I belong to the Franciscan Order q7HtgMVuZLu-00005-00002039-00002414 and I've been working in Honduras q7HtgMVuZLu-00006-00002414-00002822 since September of 1973 q7HtgMVuZLu-00008-00003529-00003954 Honduras together with Haiti q7HtgMVuZLu-00009-00003954-00004282 they're considered the two poorest countries on earth q7HtgMVuZLu-00010-00004282-00004723 Honduras now has eighteen states, the biggest one q7HtgMVuZLu-00011-00004723-00005137 is Olancho, it has 500,000 people q7HtgMVuZLu-00012-00005137-00005461 and in Olancho I've been here for the last 30 years q7HtgMVuZLu-00016-00006656-00006722 I think there's q7HtgMVuZLu-00017-00006722-00007056 Violence all over, what happens is that q7HtgMVuZLu-00018-00007056-00007440 violence and bad news sell q7HtgMVuZLu-00019-00007440-00007789 and Olancho like from forever q7HtgMVuZLu-00020-00007789-00008122 it has been depicted, as from the 18 states q7HtgMVuZLu-00021-00008122-00008578 the most violent state, but I can assure you after living 40 years down q7HtgMVuZLu-00022-00008578-00008629 here q7HtgMVuZLu-00023-00008629-00009010 that the good guys outnumber q7HtgMVuZLu-00024-00009010-00009710 the bad guys 100 to 1 q7HtgMVuZLu-00025-00010586-00010855 there's a problem in all of Honduras their called q7HtgMVuZLu-00026-00010855-00011189 los ninos del la caya, kids who q7HtgMVuZLu-00027-00011189-00011496 for one reason or another literally q7HtgMVuZLu-00028-00011496-00011919 they live in boxes on the street. We started putting up q7HtgMVuZLu-00029-00011919-00012264 the orphanage, which today has the q7HtgMVuZLu-00030-00012264-00012963 name Hogar De Ninos Santa Maria Los Angelos. Once the orphanage started functioning q7HtgMVuZLu-00031-00013009-00013341 dozens of very poor kids, half of them naked q7HtgMVuZLu-00032-00013341-00013663 used to come over asking for milk q7HtgMVuZLu-00033-00013663-00013965 asking for a little tortillas or whatever q7HtgMVuZLu-00034-00013965-00014265 at the orphanage we have 38 q7HtgMVuZLu-00035-00014265-00014585 Yes, we take care of them, we're bringing them up q7HtgMVuZLu-00036-00014585-00015285 we try to help them with their studies, etc q7HtgMVuZLu-00037-00015700-00015993 Honduras has been a stepping stone for q7HtgMVuZLu-00038-00015993-00016422 the drug trade, most of it going to the United States q7HtgMVuZLu-00039-00016422-00016784 and we were losing a whole generation q7HtgMVuZLu-00040-00016784-00017160 of young kids to very very hard drugs q7HtgMVuZLu-00041-00017160-00017575 youth don't have youth, after they finish school q7HtgMVuZLu-00042-00017575-00017931 or after they finish working in the fields they q7HtgMVuZLu-00043-00017931-00018298 just sit down on the street, smoke and play cards q7HtgMVuZLu-00044-00018298-00018632 so we thought of building a soccer q7HtgMVuZLu-00045-00018632-00019032 ground for 20,000 people, we've been q7HtgMVuZLu-00046-00019032-00019335 at it for the last 4 1/2 years q7HtgMVuZLu-00047-00019335-00019872 with a budget of 40 million lempiras that comes to about 2 million dollars q7HtgMVuZLu-00048-00019872-00020572 that for here, is big big money q7HtgMVuZLu-00049-00020681-00021004 here they even now have a saying and the saying is q7HtgMVuZLu-00050-00021004-00021328 there's more time than life q7HtgMVuZLu-00051-00021328-00021652 so why hurry q7HtgMVuZLu-00052-00021652-00021968 life ends and time still goes on q7HtgMVuZLu-00053-00021968-00022288 in 40 years I've been learning from them and I'm still learning q7HtgMVuZLu-00054-00022288-00022636 from they're simplicity, humility they're q7HtgMVuZLu-00055-00022636-00022968 a happy people and more than anything q7HtgMVuZLu-00056-00022968-00023337 what I learned is, that they enjoy the simple things of life q8fRrXNS5i0-00000-00000000-00000506 if you're like me in tons of other people around the world social media is q8fRrXNS5i0-00001-00000506-00001011 taking its toll on your life and that's why we are constantly hearing about more q8fRrXNS5i0-00002-00001011-00001512 and more people leaving social media and this is part of something called digital q8fRrXNS5i0-00003-00001512-00001994 minimalism I have personally been doing that for this last month or so and in q8fRrXNS5i0-00004-00001994-00002378 this video I want to discuss what my experience has been like as well as some q8fRrXNS5i0-00005-00002378-00003632 of the benefits to getting rid of social media what is up everybody this is Chris q8fRrXNS5i0-00006-00003632-00003996 from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the q8fRrXNS5i0-00007-00003996-00004311 solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about mental health q8fRrXNS5i0-00008-00004311-00004671 and what I like to do is sometimes use my own personal experience or things q8fRrXNS5i0-00009-00004671-00005016 going on in culture to try to teach you how to improve your mental and emotional q8fRrXNS5i0-00010-00005016-00005391 well-being so if any of that stuff make sure you subscribe and bring that q8fRrXNS5i0-00011-00005391-00006078 notification bell so yeah this has been going on for a while now I recently just q8fRrXNS5i0-00012-00006078-00006434 came back to YouTube I started seeing more and more youtubers talking about q8fRrXNS5i0-00013-00006434-00006776 leaving social media and there's something that I started doing you know q8fRrXNS5i0-00014-00006776-00007329 like a week or two before I came back to YouTube and I want to discuss it a q8fRrXNS5i0-00015-00007329-00007904 little bit so I took a mental health break not too long ago and for an entire q8fRrXNS5i0-00016-00007904-00008325 week I was completely shut off from social media so what was my life like q8fRrXNS5i0-00017-00008325-00008931 before that so I'm a youtuber I'm on social media I stayed engaged with my q8fRrXNS5i0-00018-00008931-00009461 audience and everything like that and a lot of my day like no joke was spent q8fRrXNS5i0-00019-00009461-00009861 just doing what a lot of us do just refreshing refreshing and scrolling q8fRrXNS5i0-00020-00009861-00010260 right as a youtuber I was constantly refreshing you know my feed are there q8fRrXNS5i0-00021-00010260-00010607 new comments are there new subscribers I was refreshing Twitter I was refreshing q8fRrXNS5i0-00022-00010607-00011039 Instagram I was getting DMS from everybody some of it was business some q8fRrXNS5i0-00023-00011039-00011460 of it was you know fans DMing me and all that like I was constantly on social q8fRrXNS5i0-00024-00011460-00011835 media when I would go out to dinner or wherever was like everywhere I was q8fRrXNS5i0-00025-00011835-00012414 social media was right there in my face and leading up to you know me leaving q8fRrXNS5i0-00026-00012414-00013013 social media it came to this point where just I had this like break where I was q8fRrXNS5i0-00027-00013013-00013316 like no I cannot this and a lot of it came from you know q8fRrXNS5i0-00028-00013316-00013631 negative comments and you know videos being made about me and all sorts of q8fRrXNS5i0-00029-00013631-00014138 stuff and I'm like I have to stop this right so before I actually delete his q8fRrXNS5i0-00030-00014138-00014718 social media off my phone and things like that I picked up a book by dr. Cal q8fRrXNS5i0-00031-00014718-00015279 Newport and it was recommended on subscribe to a monthly reading list from q8fRrXNS5i0-00032-00015279-00015672 an author named Ryan holiday he makes some amazing books like ego is the enemy q8fRrXNS5i0-00033-00015672-00016161 the obstacle is the way and other books like that so anyways I was reading q8fRrXNS5i0-00034-00016161-00016734 digital minimalism and Cal Newport he was he was saying some things that q8fRrXNS5i0-00035-00016734-00017159 really connected with me they really fascinated me especially because part of q8fRrXNS5i0-00036-00017159-00017523 what I do on my YouTube channel or just in life in general I'm comfy just like q8fRrXNS5i0-00037-00017523-00018186 looking at you know society my own behaviors I'm just fascinated without q8fRrXNS5i0-00038-00018186-00018609 how our minds work and you know the behaviors that we do and everything like q8fRrXNS5i0-00039-00018609-00019004 that and he was he was spitting some good stuff in that book so by the way q8fRrXNS5i0-00040-00019004-00019409 I'm gonna link his book down below it's called digital minimalism and like if q8fRrXNS5i0-00041-00019409-00019757 you're interested in this and want to learn the benefits some studies behind q8fRrXNS5i0-00042-00019757-00020195 this you know and some great stories in there as well like make sure you check q8fRrXNS5i0-00043-00020195-00020538 that book out it's it's phenomenal alright so one of the things that he q8fRrXNS5i0-00044-00020538-00021110 brought up was this thing called solitude deprivation alright and I was q8fRrXNS5i0-00045-00021110-00021731 like oh my god like you're absolutely right so they they talk about studies q8fRrXNS5i0-00046-00021731-00022223 where even though we're more connected than ever before more people feel lonely q8fRrXNS5i0-00047-00022223-00022569 than ever before before and Cal Newport in this book he talks about like q8fRrXNS5i0-00048-00022569-00022950 conflicting studies and he kind of analyzes why they conflict with one q8fRrXNS5i0-00049-00022950-00023498 another but for example I believe it was NPR who did a study where or they made q8fRrXNS5i0-00050-00023498-00023807 they wrote an article about a study where they talked to people who were on q8fRrXNS5i0-00051-00023807-00024231 social media and found that people felt lonelier they struggle with more q8fRrXNS5i0-00052-00024231-00024603 depression more anxiety but you know they had all these friends and followers q8fRrXNS5i0-00053-00024603-00025004 and everything like that so anyways one of the things that he brings up a q8fRrXNS5i0-00054-00025004-00025481 solitude deprivation okay so we are deprived of solitude q8fRrXNS5i0-00055-00025481-00025752 we are never just alone with our thoughts q8fRrXNS5i0-00056-00025752-00026179 and what's even more fascinating is I remember another study that I actually q8fRrXNS5i0-00057-00026179-00026770 was able to find again where like check this out okay so this university I q8fRrXNS5i0-00058-00026770-00027157 believe it was the University of Virginia so this experiment went in q8fRrXNS5i0-00059-00027157-00027691 stages so it says this the researchers then decided to take the experiment a q8fRrXNS5i0-00060-00027691-00028147 step further for fifteen minutes the team left participants alone in a lab q8fRrXNS5i0-00061-00028147-00028519 room in which they could push a button and shock themselves if they wanted to q8fRrXNS5i0-00062-00028519-00029038 the results were startling even though all participants had previously stated q8fRrXNS5i0-00063-00029038-00029527 that they would pay money to avoid being shocked with electricity sixty-seven q8fRrXNS5i0-00064-00029527-00029986 percent of men and twenty-five percent of women chose to inflict it on q8fRrXNS5i0-00065-00029986-00030463 themselves rather than just sit there quietly and think the team reports q8fRrXNS5i0-00066-00030463-00030973 online today in science we went into this thinking it wouldn't be that hard q8fRrXNS5i0-00067-00030973-00031423 for people to entertain themselves Wilson says we have this huge brain and q8fRrXNS5i0-00068-00031423-00031786 it's stuffed full of pleasant memories and we had the ability to construct q8fRrXNS5i0-00069-00031786-00032230 fantasies and stories we really thought this thinking time was something people q8fRrXNS5i0-00070-00032230-00032674 would like he suggests that the results may be mixed science of boredom and the q8fRrXNS5i0-00071-00032674-00032857 trouble that we have controlling our thoughts q8fRrXNS5i0-00072-00032857-00033313 I think our mind is built to engage the world he says so when we don't give it q8fRrXNS5i0-00073-00033313-00033643 anything to focus on it's kind of hard to know what to do q8fRrXNS5i0-00074-00033643-00034309 like how bananas is that okay like think about that for a second people said they q8fRrXNS5i0-00075-00034309-00034657 would pay money to avoid being shocked but you sit him in a room by themselves q8fRrXNS5i0-00076-00034657-00035391 and 67% of men 25% of women hit the button to shock themselves like think q8fRrXNS5i0-00077-00035391-00035929 about that for a second so when I think about this I think about you know how q8fRrXNS5i0-00078-00035929-00036319 when wherever we are like if you if you get stuck in line at like you know a q8fRrXNS5i0-00079-00036319-00036799 coffee shop or the DMV or even when you go out to dinner with you know friends q8fRrXNS5i0-00080-00036799-00037408 or family or whatever it is like just or a reaction to pick up our phone like we q8fRrXNS5i0-00081-00037408-00037876 are people who just don't like having our own thoughts and this is one of the q8fRrXNS5i0-00082-00037876-00038281 reasons that a lot of people don't like meditation right a lot of people do not q8fRrXNS5i0-00083-00038281-00038656 want to meditate because then they are stuck alone with their thoughts q8fRrXNS5i0-00084-00038656-00039066 and that's one of the reasons why I promote meditation so so so much because q8fRrXNS5i0-00085-00039066-00039436 I had a brain that would never stop and meditation has taught me how to sit q8fRrXNS5i0-00086-00039436-00039928 there and watch the movie rather than being stuck in the movie I can watch q8fRrXNS5i0-00087-00039928-00040270 these thoughts and just be like huh that's interesting like our brain is q8fRrXNS5i0-00088-00040270-00040645 constantly going during my first week of just completely getting rid of social q8fRrXNS5i0-00089-00040645-00041158 media off my phone I noticed a few things one of them was this automatic q8fRrXNS5i0-00090-00041158-00041596 response I have to just pick up my phone and check it right constantly checking q8fRrXNS5i0-00091-00041596-00041956 to see if there's notifications if there's not notifications then maybe I q8fRrXNS5i0-00092-00041956-00042213 don't know maybe is glitch or maybe I need to go check the app and refresh q8fRrXNS5i0-00093-00042213-00042544 that and all these other things and I noticed I was doing that a ton that q8fRrXNS5i0-00094-00042544-00042931 first week and then like I would be like oh yeah I deleted all social media apps q8fRrXNS5i0-00095-00042931-00043270 and I would just kind of stare at my phone for a minute and be like oh I q8fRrXNS5i0-00096-00043270-00043615 don't really have anything to do on this and I'll just set it back down I would q8fRrXNS5i0-00097-00043615-00043957 just kind of be very mindful of my experience notice the sights the sounds q8fRrXNS5i0-00098-00043957-00044374 what I whatever I was doing if I was with somebody you know maybe engage the q8fRrXNS5i0-00099-00044374-00044815 conversation more and things like that but it's just interesting noticing how q8fRrXNS5i0-00100-00044815-00045250 often we just automatically pick up our phone the other thing that I noticed was q8fRrXNS5i0-00101-00045250-00045763 what I think a lot of us struggle with with social media which is FOMO right q8fRrXNS5i0-00102-00045763-00046270 fear of missing out like we we believe that if we're not on social media if q8fRrXNS5i0-00103-00046270-00046558 we're not plugged in if we're not on Instagram or not a face but we're not on q8fRrXNS5i0-00104-00046558-00046945 Twitter we're not in these things like some crazy news is gonna happen or q8fRrXNS5i0-00105-00046945-00047230 something's gonna pop off on Twitter something's gonna happen q8fRrXNS5i0-00106-00047230-00047677 and we're going to miss it all right let me tell you about my experience you're q8fRrXNS5i0-00107-00047677-00048178 not gonna miss it and here's why because people are going to text you and let you q8fRrXNS5i0-00108-00048178-00048610 know what's going on and all those things so like we need to really q8fRrXNS5i0-00109-00048610-00049132 recognize that and also this is not as much about quitting social media q8fRrXNS5i0-00110-00049132-00049693 entirely it's being more mindful of how you're using it when you're using and q8fRrXNS5i0-00111-00049693-00050053 the things like that and I might do more videos in depth on my kind of how I've q8fRrXNS5i0-00112-00050053-00050478 done that but anyways so the entire first week I was completely on social q8fRrXNS5i0-00113-00050478-00051001 media but the second week I came back so I did this kind of like in stages and q8fRrXNS5i0-00114-00051001-00051232 phase and things you know because I'm a q8fRrXNS5i0-00115-00051232-00051781 youtuber this is my job so I can't just completely get rid of social media but I q8fRrXNS5i0-00116-00051781-00052396 can tell you this I still do not have Twitter on my phone there's absolutely q8fRrXNS5i0-00117-00052396-00052801 no reason for me to have Twitter on my phone even though I you know post new q8fRrXNS5i0-00118-00052801-00053268 YouTube videos to Twitter I'll post you know updates and things like that um as q8fRrXNS5i0-00119-00053268-00053845 far as Facebook still do not have that on my phone alright so real quick hack q8fRrXNS5i0-00120-00053845-00054202 fir if you're trying to do this digital minimalism thing one of the tips is like q8fRrXNS5i0-00121-00054202-00054601 keep it on your computer okay any computer not on your phone because q8fRrXNS5i0-00122-00054601-00054974 obviously you know when we're out and about and doing things like we don't q8fRrXNS5i0-00123-00054974-00055424 need to be as plugged in and connected in all those other things like start q8fRrXNS5i0-00124-00055424-00055637 getting into that solitude you know what I mean q8fRrXNS5i0-00125-00055637-00056095 so those are two apps I still don't have all my phone Instagram I reinstalled on q8fRrXNS5i0-00126-00056095-00056563 my phone just because the desktop version isn't that great but I don't q8fRrXNS5i0-00127-00056563-00056912 really check Instagram all that much and even since coming back I think I've only q8fRrXNS5i0-00128-00056912-00057341 made two posts and maybe a couple stories and that's just to say hey q8fRrXNS5i0-00129-00057341-00057749 there's new videos up or this or this or this all right and then lastly like q8fRrXNS5i0-00130-00057749-00058274 YouTube I actually didn't reinstall the YouTube app for I think q8fRrXNS5i0-00131-00058274-00058985 two whole weeks and I'm a youtuber I'm a youtuber and I did not have the YouTube q8fRrXNS5i0-00132-00058985-00059401 app on my phone for two whole weeks now it's back on my phone I'm trying to q8fRrXNS5i0-00133-00059401-00059782 be you know mindful of how often I check it I'm trying not to you know do that q8fRrXNS5i0-00134-00059782-00060142 mindless thing I do why refresh it and say okay how many feels is this video q8fRrXNS5i0-00135-00060142-00060595 good how many subscribers do I got I mean I am I losing whatever it is so I q8fRrXNS5i0-00136-00060595-00061061 try to be very mindful for those of you who don't know there is also a YouTube q8fRrXNS5i0-00137-00061061-00061588 studio app so for creators you can go in there you know check comments check your q8fRrXNS5i0-00138-00061588-00062137 analytics you know check you know views and you can also check or you can edit q8fRrXNS5i0-00139-00062137-00062602 videos and things like that I still do not have that app on my phone and that's q8fRrXNS5i0-00140-00062602-00063035 an app that I spent a lot of time in so rising the actual YouTube app I was q8fRrXNS5i0-00141-00063035-00063541 spending more time in the YouTube studio and that is still not on my phone all q8fRrXNS5i0-00142-00063541-00063814 right and what's the results it's been about q8fRrXNS5i0-00143-00063814-00064437 three three or I'm on week four it's been great I've had to be very q8fRrXNS5i0-00144-00064437-00064967 mindful because I'm the type of person where I'll find workarounds for my own q8fRrXNS5i0-00145-00064967-00065472 things so I have to be mindful of that and you know I downloaded two apps this q8fRrXNS5i0-00146-00065472-00065829 is not a sponsored video but two apps that were mentioned in the book that I q8fRrXNS5i0-00147-00065829-00066216 ended up downloading one of them was called the moment app and that's for q8fRrXNS5i0-00148-00066216-00066540 your phone and basically that monitors how many times you're picking up your q8fRrXNS5i0-00149-00066540-00066933 phone it also monitors screen time for different apps basically for that you q8fRrXNS5i0-00150-00066933-00067245 just like take screenshots of your battery usage it walks you through it q8fRrXNS5i0-00151-00067245-00067680 he'll tell you how many how much time they're spending in specific apps you q8fRrXNS5i0-00152-00067680-00068064 know each day or that week or whatever it is but mainly I use it for like how q8fRrXNS5i0-00153-00068064-00068472 many times I pick up my phone in a day on average I think it says like most q8fRrXNS5i0-00154-00068472-00068829 people pick up the phone like over a hundred times every single day I have my q8fRrXNS5i0-00155-00068829-00069462 limit set they're like 40 and every 10 like 10 20 30 40 it tells me it's like q8fRrXNS5i0-00156-00069462-00069870 hey you've picked up your phone 20 times today and it it forces me to be more q8fRrXNS5i0-00157-00069870-00070362 mindful of how much I'm actually picking up my phone all right and like for me q8fRrXNS5i0-00158-00070362-00070701 it's a little bit difficult sometimes but it helps me be more mindful because q8fRrXNS5i0-00159-00070701-00071145 for example I keep all my notes for videos like kind of like a little like q8fRrXNS5i0-00160-00071145-00071637 talking point script I also put down you know video ideas because my mind is q8fRrXNS5i0-00161-00071637-00072009 always going I'm like okay here write this down so that causes me to pick up q8fRrXNS5i0-00162-00072009-00072537 my phone even more but I'd still have done extremely well not picking it up q8fRrXNS5i0-00163-00072537-00073002 more than 40 times each day which is less than half of the average then the q8fRrXNS5i0-00164-00073002-00073302 other app that I got which you can download on your computer and your phone q8fRrXNS5i0-00165-00073302-00073806 that was recommended in Cal Newports book it's called the freedom app and q8fRrXNS5i0-00166-00073806-00074403 that will legit block apps on your phone or block websites on your computer okay q8fRrXNS5i0-00167-00074403-00074808 so like that's been very beneficial I need to do some more research because I q8fRrXNS5i0-00168-00074808-00075219 listen to a lot of audiobooks and I have like right there I have the audible app q8fRrXNS5i0-00169-00075219-00075786 on my computer and if something going on we're like freedom is like interfering q8fRrXNS5i0-00170-00075786-00076215 with audible so like even though I can't find the setting for it so I need to q8fRrXNS5i0-00171-00076215-00076623 research that so sometimes I just turn it off but I will tell you this now that q8fRrXNS5i0-00172-00076623-00076966 I've limited most of my social media usage to my computer q8fRrXNS5i0-00173-00076966-00077278 well I do my work you know I play video games and things like that q8fRrXNS5i0-00174-00077278-00077788 like I have noticed that I've been using it a lot less I had the freedom apps set q8fRrXNS5i0-00175-00077788-00078226 so I can only use like Twitter for example for 15 minute increments and q8fRrXNS5i0-00176-00078226-00078511 that's been working wonders you know what I mean q8fRrXNS5i0-00177-00078511-00078862 I've gone into you know some you know discussions and things like that but I q8fRrXNS5i0-00178-00078862-00079276 limit my time the freedom app says no poom you're off of it and then I'm gone q8fRrXNS5i0-00179-00079276-00079741 you know what I mean so it's been extremely beneficial for me if you have q8fRrXNS5i0-00180-00079741-00080149 found that social media is taking its toll on your mental health I highly q8fRrXNS5i0-00181-00080149-00080431 recommend you try some of these strategies or just at least pick up the q8fRrXNS5i0-00182-00080431-00080845 book by Cal Newport like like what's the worst that's gonna happen like I am like q8fRrXNS5i0-00183-00080845-00081337 this is my job and I was afraid to read that book because this is my job this is q8fRrXNS5i0-00184-00081337-00081652 what I do for a living this is how I support my son this is how I pay my q8fRrXNS5i0-00185-00081652-00082033 bills right and I was like oh I don't want you convincing me to get out right q8fRrXNS5i0-00186-00082033-00082591 but it's actually been a very freeing experience I have read more books when q8fRrXNS5i0-00187-00082591-00082984 you know my beautiful girlfriend Tristan I we go out and stuff like that I'm not q8fRrXNS5i0-00188-00082984-00083326 on my phone as much when I'm with my son I'm not on my phone as much and all q8fRrXNS5i0-00189-00083326-00083653 sorts of things so anyways I highly recommend it I might do some other q8fRrXNS5i0-00190-00083653-00084046 videos on like strategies or maybe apps or things like that anyways if you have q8fRrXNS5i0-00191-00084046-00084454 any questions or comments about digital minimalism or if you've tried it q8fRrXNS5i0-00192-00084454-00084811 yourself let me know and let's like have a discussion down below alright anyways q8fRrXNS5i0-00193-00084811-00085120 that's all I got for this video if you like this video please give it a thumbs q8fRrXNS5i0-00194-00085120-00085507 up if you do make sure you subscribe and ring that notification bell and a huge q8fRrXNS5i0-00195-00085507-00085795 huge thank you to everybody supporting the channel on patreon you are all q8fRrXNS5i0-00196-00085795-00086242 amazing and the March Q&A will be posted this week so stay tuned and if you would q8fRrXNS5i0-00197-00086242-00086533 like to get involved through the top on that patreon icon right there alright q8fRrXNS5i0-00198-00086533-00086967 thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time q8mg1QTXMII-00000-00000000-00000192 hi guys this is Vernon Croy for Monday q8mg1QTXMII-00001-00000192-00000330 april third we'll get to your free q8mg1QTXMII-00002-00000330-00000543 sports picks from just a moment first of q8mg1QTXMII-00003-00000543-00000681 all make sure that you yourself and your q8mg1QTXMII-00004-00000681-00000911 bankroll favor subscribe to my youtube q8mg1QTXMII-00005-00000911-00001092 channel right now i'm currently on q8mg1QTXMII-00006-00001092-00001365 dominating 36 from 22 free sports picks run q8mg1QTXMII-00007-00001365-00001604 subscribe to my youtube channel right q8mg1QTXMII-00008-00001604-00001863 now youtube subscribers also get my q8mg1QTXMII-00009-00001863-00002043 bonus break and play alerts i'm q8mg1QTXMII-00010-00002043-00002193 currently on a 6-0 run with q8mg1QTXMII-00011-00002193-00002391 those make sure that you subscribe to my q8mg1QTXMII-00012-00002391-00002646 youtube channel right now i'm coming off q8mg1QTXMII-00013-00002646-00002847 another winning day sunday as i cashed my q8mg1QTXMII-00014-00002847-00003099 8 Unit NHL's game of the year that's q8mg1QTXMII-00015-00003099-00003285 seven straight winning days for my q8mg1QTXMII-00016-00003285-00003435 clients that's right a brought home money q8mg1QTXMII-00017-00003435-00003590 for my clients from seven straight days q8mg1QTXMII-00018-00003590-00003864 overall my goal for the week was out my q8mg1QTXMII-00019-00003864-00004055 hundred dollar clients up two thousand q8mg1QTXMII-00020-00004055-00004269 dollars I ended up having my hundred q8mg1QTXMII-00021-00004269-00004434 dollar clients up forty one hundred and q8mg1QTXMII-00022-00004434-00004653 twenty dollars across all sports make q8mg1QTXMII-00023-00004653-00004803 sure that you got my sports picks right now q8mg1QTXMII-00024-00004803-00005127 exclusively at docsports.com we have the q8mg1QTXMII-00025-00005127-00005334 best guarantee in the business you win q8mg1QTXMII-00026-00005334-00005546 or you get picks for free until we show q8mg1QTXMII-00027-00005546-00005771 you a profit make sure you get my text q8mg1QTXMII-00028-00005771-00005922 right now it's closely at Doc's Sports Picks q8mg1QTXMII-00029-00005922-00006225 I went 14-5 this past week q8mg1QTXMII-00030-00006225-00006440 good for seventy-four percent make my q8mg1QTXMII-00031-00006440-00006729 hundred dollar clients 4120 dollars make q8mg1QTXMII-00032-00006729-00006843 sure you get my picks right now q8mg1QTXMII-00033-00006843-00007148 exclusively at docsports.com I have a q8mg1QTXMII-00034-00007148-00007467 huge sexy on MLB opening day play I love q8mg1QTXMII-00035-00007467-00007656 this place get it right now exclusively q8mg1QTXMII-00036-00007656-00007893 at doc sports com i also have your five q8mg1QTXMII-00037-00007893-00008090 unit called basketball championship game q8mg1QTXMII-00038-00008090-00008259 make sure you get that pic as well q8mg1QTXMII-00039-00008259-00008504 exclusively at docsports.com as i go q8mg1QTXMII-00040-00008504-00008682 for eight straight winning days in a row q8mg1QTXMII-00041-00008682-00008915 right here in monday your free sports picks q8mg1QTXMII-00042-00008915-00009096 for monday april third we're q8mg1QTXMII-00043-00009096-00009272 taking the LA angels on the money line q8mg1QTXMII-00044-00009272-00009504 over the Oakland Athletics the angels q8mg1QTXMII-00045-00009504-00009792 with hit 311 as a team lifetime against q8mg1QTXMII-00046-00009792-00010017 agreement with the on-base percentage of q8mg1QTXMII-00047-00010017-00010284 340 the Oakland Athletics have hit just q8mg1QTXMII-00048-00010284-00010532 250 lifetime of team against Nolasco q8mg1QTXMII-00049-00010532-00010845 with on-base percentage 289 and the q8mg1QTXMII-00050-00010845-00011043 angels are eight and three in their last q8mg1QTXMII-00051-00011043-00011310 11 road games against I applaud it so q8mg1QTXMII-00052-00011310-00011468 let's get in your free sports picks for q8mg1QTXMII-00053-00011468-00011670 monday april third we're taking the LA q8mg1QTXMII-00054-00011670-00011846 angels on the money line over the q8mg1QTXMII-00055-00011846-00012039 oakland athletics and make sure you get q8mg1QTXMII-00056-00012039-00012228 my picks right now at doc's sports q8mg1QTXMII-00057-00012228-00012450 com is to go for eight straight wedding q8mg1QTXMII-00058-00012450-00012650 days in a row right here Monday make q8mg1QTXMII-00059-00012650-00012825 sure you also give this video thumbs up q8mg1QTXMII-00060-00012825-00013273 I appreciate it in winning, Vernon Croy qqWozJ5G7Eu-00000-00000072-00000304 By heaven, I do love. qqWozJ5G7Eu-00001-00000376-00000568 TV Heaven 41. qufpNOzSwqy-00000-00000000-00000200 EjRqhRdl aktdlTek q_wCaBa5Zh0-00000-00000066-00000166 14. q_wCaBa5Zh0-00001-00000166-00000266 A Language Adventure. q_wCaBa5Zh0-00002-00000266-00000548 My First Real Job Returning on my bicycle from a late night q_wCaBa5Zh0-00003-00000548-00001216 bowl of onion soup at Les Halles, the produce market featured in the movie Irma La Douce, q_wCaBa5Zh0-00004-00001216-00001682 I found a letter in my mailbox advising me that I had been accepted into the Canadian q_wCaBa5Zh0-00005-00001682-00001948 Foreign Trade Service. q_wCaBa5Zh0-00006-00001948-00002391 A friend of mine had persuaded me to write the Foreign Service exam at the Canadian Embassy q_wCaBa5Zh0-00007-00002391-00002916 some months earlier, and here I was now with a job! q_wCaBa5Zh0-00008-00002916-00003419 This same friend and I had been planning to travel around the world on Honda motorcycles q_wCaBa5Zh0-00009-00003419-00003669 if Honda would sponsor us. q_wCaBa5Zh0-00010-00003669-00004137 The Foreign Service opportunity looked more promising. q_wCaBa5Zh0-00011-00004137-00004694 As wonderful as my stay in France was, I often felt homesick for Canada. q_wCaBa5Zh0-00012-00004694-00005261 Going abroad allowed me to better understand and even to better appreciate my own home q_wCaBa5Zh0-00013-00005261-00005449 and original culture. q_wCaBa5Zh0-00014-00005449-00005878 Learning another language and culture does not take away from the enjoyment of your own q_wCaBa5Zh0-00015-00005878-00006276 background, it only intensifies it. q_wCaBa5Zh0-00016-00006276-00006772 Yet I was destined to live abroad for many more years in Asia before finally settling q_wCaBa5Zh0-00017-00006772-00007755 down in Vancouver. qBMhJ9XmroA-00000-00000000-00000606 A motivational speaker, hands out a balloon to each of the 200 attendees, and tells them qBMhJ9XmroA-00001-00000606-00001104 to write their name on it. The balloons are then collected and placed in an adjacent room. qBMhJ9XmroA-00002-00001164-00001572 The speaker then instructs the 200 attendees to enter that room and, qBMhJ9XmroA-00003-00001572-00001955 within 5 short minutes, find the balloon with their name on it. qBMhJ9XmroA-00004-00001955-00002592 All of them were pushing and colliding with each other but no one found "his" balloon. qBMhJ9XmroA-00005-00002592-00003102 The speaker then tells each person to pick up any random balloon and give it the person qBMhJ9XmroA-00006-00003102-00003654 whose name is written on it. Within a few minutes everyone has their balloon back. qBMhJ9XmroA-00007-00003654-00004128 Then the speaker said; These balloons are the symbolism for happiness that all of qBMhJ9XmroA-00008-00004128-00004602 we are searching for. This fulfilment rarely comes from selfish pursuits, qBMhJ9XmroA-00009-00004602-00005178 but almost always come from doing good deeds for others. By helping others we help ourselves. qCYjhdvLy4U-00000-00000059-00000159 Hi! qCYjhdvLy4U-00001-00000159-00000326 Today I want to improvise for you about "to signal". qCYjhdvLy4U-00002-00000326-00000911 One of the meanings from the dictionary is "to comunicate through signals" and I am thinking qCYjhdvLy4U-00003-00000911-00002298 that the way it was in the past, I understand that during a war they used to comunicate qCYjhdvLy4U-00004-00002298-00002563 through light signals from a hill to another. qCYjhdvLy4U-00005-00002563-00003083 I remember I was at a course where someone said "How it would be like that in a couple qCYjhdvLy4U-00006-00003083-00003644 the two people to comunicate through some sort of signals before to start an argument" qCYjhdvLy4U-00007-00003644-00004494 Meaning if he observe at her that she wants to start to argue to establish a signal.For qCYjhdvLy4U-00008-00004494-00004885 example to say " window" and she ,if she observe at him that he want to start to argue to establish qCYjhdvLy4U-00009-00004885-00005382 another signal,I don't know, "fork" and then when they observe each other and they say qCYjhdvLy4U-00010-00005382-00005822 these signals,for sure it would turn into something funny and they won't be in the mood qCYjhdvLy4U-00011-00005822-00005922 to argue anymore. qCYjhdvLy4U-00012-00005922-00006242 What is your opinion about "to signal" in this way? qCYjhdvLy4U-00013-00006242-00006277 Bye! qJhtaARH5D8-00000-00000160-00000360 Encounter with Haruno qJhtaARH5D8-00001-00000400-00000600 I fell in love with this photo I found on the net qJhtaARH5D8-00002-00000772-00000972 I went to see you immediately qJhtaARH5D8-00003-00001076-00001276 Smaller and cute than the picture qJhtaARH5D8-00004-00003072-00003272 There are various things from there qJhtaARH5D8-00005-00003484-00003684 Haruno became our family qJhtaARH5D8-00006-00003772-00003972 Haruno had a ribbon attached at the store qJhtaARH5D8-00007-00004206-00004406 From today you are Haruno qJhtaARH5D8-00008-00004938-00005138 Cute to sit qJhtaARH5D8-00009-00006416-00006616 Did you understand? qJhtaARH5D8-00010-00006620-00006820 Let’s repeat the problem scene qJhtaARH5D8-00011-00006864-00007064 While having such a cute face qJhtaARH5D8-00012-00008009-00008210 Haruno was peeing qJhtaARH5D8-00013-00008236-00008436 Cleaned qJhtaARH5D8-00014-00009088-00009288 Discover toys! qJhtaARH5D8-00015-00010436-00010636 Bouncing qJhtaARH5D8-00016-00011756-00011956 Is it too big to bite? qJhtaARH5D8-00017-00012324-00012524 Will continue for a while qJhtaARH5D8-00018-00017812-00018012 Haruno couldn't play well qJhtaARH5D8-00019-00018100-00018300 It will be a little while before Haruno will be able to do it qJhtaARH5D8-00020-00018364-00018564 Continue to baby edition ② qJhtaARH5D8-00021-00018674-00018874 Please subscribe to the channel qKedepaZVYI-00000-00000024-00000994 In the 8.5 house, we represent the next waiting procedures in the queue qKedepaZVYI-00001-00001022-00002312 This house represents the point at which the tasks are in the trigger for execution, to enter the phase of Action. qKedepaZVYI-00002-00002364-00003370 So these tasks are really the next procedure, the next task, the closer task qKedepaZVYI-00003-00003447-00003894 So because of this house is quite rotating qKedepaZVYI-00004-00003894-00004090 It has a fast flow qKedepaZVYI-00005-00004118-00004950 The idea is that only the tasks that are actually in a procedure, that have to stay in that region of the frame qKedepaZVYI-00006-00005018-00005212 in this house 8.5 qKedepaZVYI-00007-00005230-00005810 and the region next to it, above the word tasks, in the field, called doing it. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00000-00000014-00000487 Hello everyone it is me FrankJavCee and in this video tutorial I will show you qL2H1xBGaDQ-00001-00000487-00000806 how to make pretentious alternative experimental music qL2H1xBGaDQ-00002-00000806-00001190 faster than the length of the actual song in audacity. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00003-00001190-00001471 First off, what is AMBIEN T DRONE MUSIC! qL2H1xBGaDQ-00004-00001471-00001850 Ambient music was invented by Brian Eno sometime in the early 70's qL2H1xBGaDQ-00005-00001850-00002307 this special kinda music is often played in the background to set the mood or tone. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00006-00002307-00002666 It's simple music that's quite is inconspicious in nature, qL2H1xBGaDQ-00007-00002666-00003141 but also seeks the listeners attention by being too inconspicious, qL2H1xBGaDQ-00008-00003141-00003452 like when someone updates their status on social media as... qL2H1xBGaDQ-00009-00003452-00003552 "SIGH..." qL2H1xBGaDQ-00010-00003552-00003723 So other people can give them attention. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00011-00003723-00004268 Drone music is music in which one long note is sustained through out the entire piece. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00012-00004268-00004707 Drones are also those cute little flying robots that will kill us all one day when they achieve qL2H1xBGaDQ-00013-00004707-00005014 enough intelligents to round up all the humans into a ZOO. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00014-00005014-00005428 To make AMBIENT DRONE MUSIC IN AUDACITY You're gonna need to use a feature known as qL2H1xBGaDQ-00015-00005428-00005532 IMPORT RAW DATA. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00016-00005532-00005782 >go to file >select IMPORT qL2H1xBGaDQ-00017-00005782-00006089 >select RAW DATA That's how I like my data qL2H1xBGaDQ-00018-00006089-00007798 RAW Now in WINDOWS locate SYSTEM32 qL2H1xBGaDQ-00019-00007798-00007898 And DELETE THAT SHIT!!! qL2H1xBGaDQ-00020-00007898-00007998 GLITCH qL2H1xBGaDQ-00021-00007998-00008098 I'm just fucking joking with you. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00022-00008098-00008505 Now you can select any type of file on your computer and AUDACITY will turn it into audio qL2H1xBGaDQ-00023-00008505-00008605 data. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00024-00008605-00008869 Most text pictures and video files will be turned into WHITE NOISE qL2H1xBGaDQ-00025-00008869-00009154 which is just random noise generated on the sound spectrum qL2H1xBGaDQ-00026-00009154-00009621 . However if you open up an executable file it will create vast and varied sounds. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00027-00009621-00009800 In this tutorial I will be selecting qL2H1xBGaDQ-00028-00009800-00010147 >MSPAINT.EXE Because that sounds vaporwave as fuck m8 qL2H1xBGaDQ-00029-00010147-00010490 For encoding 16 bit wave samples are usually the standard. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00030-00010490-00010749 For byte order I'm gonna choose big... because I like it BIG! qL2H1xBGaDQ-00031-00010749-00011068 For channels stereo cuz no one wants to listen to MONO qL2H1xBGaDQ-00032-00011068-00011299 what do you think this for the CLUB ? qL2H1xBGaDQ-00033-00011299-00011972 Now we have a sound file that looks and sounds like this... qL2H1xBGaDQ-00034-00011972-00012225 SOUNDS qL2H1xBGaDQ-00035-00012225-00012481 wow qL2H1xBGaDQ-00036-00012481-00012903 So there's some white noise and tone. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00037-00012903-00013209 Lets get rid of the white noise and focus solely on the tone by trimming these the fat qL2H1xBGaDQ-00038-00013209-00013341 of this juicy beat. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00039-00013341-00013508 Perfect, now we got our song. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00040-00013508-00014116 Now here's where all the 69,420 hours audio engineering and production training come handy. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00041-00014116-00014272 You see this man. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00042-00014272-00014761 This wonderful tuft of man is Paul Nasca , and in 2006 he designed the extreme audio qL2H1xBGaDQ-00043-00014761-00015058 stretching and smoothing software known as PAUL STRETCH. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00044-00015058-00015319 With this software a new genre of music was born on YouTube qL2H1xBGaDQ-00045-00015319-00015476 called 800 times. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00046-00015476-00015772 In which people would stretch regular audio 800 times qL2H1xBGaDQ-00047-00015772-00016109 to create a smooth pitch synced version of audio that sounded like qL2H1xBGaDQ-00048-00016109-00016434 whales riding aesthetics down the waterfall of life. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00049-00016434-00016564 (BEAUTIFUL SOUNDS LIKE WHALES) qL2H1xBGaDQ-00050-00016564-00016970 The new versions of AUDACITY come prepackaged with PAULSTRETCH under EFFECTS. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00051-00016970-00017376 So select this and lets stretch this audio sample 800 times, and have a smooth resolution qL2H1xBGaDQ-00052-00017376-00017772 of 0.01 second to make it sound really fucking good. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00053-00017772-00018119 But we're not done, now we need to make this drone sample ambient. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00054-00018119-00018326 By adding some REVERB and DELAY. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00055-00018326-00018426 Just press okay. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00056-00018426-00018815 I'll go into great detail on REVERB and DELAY on future episodes. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00057-00018815-00019037 Now we must master this track. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00058-00019037-00019331 Mastering is a lot like MASTERBAITING it takes about 10 years to really master. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00059-00019331-00019710 I've learned the simplest way to master a track is to normalize the audio spectrum and qL2H1xBGaDQ-00060-00019710-00020176 select a limit of 0.01dB to give it that extra loudness and now we qL2H1xBGaDQ-00061-00020176-00020522 have a copy of perfectly dynamic ambient drone music. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00062-00020522-00021603 Now all we got to do is press play and enter the VOID! qL2H1xBGaDQ-00063-00021603-00022478 lol that was qL2H1xBGaDQ-00064-00022478-00022578 fucking boring qL2H1xBGaDQ-00065-00022578-00022752 So thank you for watching this video. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00066-00022752-00023087 If you want to download AUDACITY and experiment with your own GLITCHES the links are in the qL2H1xBGaDQ-00067-00023087-00023187 description. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00068-00023187-00023581 If you make something cool upload it to SOUNDCLOUD and share it with me on FACEBOOK or TWITTER qL2H1xBGaDQ-00069-00023581-00023945 Also I wanna thank everyone who purchased my MIXTAPE the perks time is now over and qL2H1xBGaDQ-00070-00023945-00024295 I'll be sending you your perks via email before the month is up. qL2H1xBGaDQ-00071-00024295-00024459 Remember to create exponentially qL2H1xBGaDQ-00072-00024459-00024581 love FrankJavCee. qPUxYhEbel4-00000-00000880-00001326 OK, let's start with this one about lunch boxes. qPUxYhEbel4-00001-00001326-00001682 I like it. I think it describes the problem well. qPUxYhEbel4-00002-00001682-00001993 All those plastic containers polluting our beaches. qPUxYhEbel4-00003-00001993-00002459 And what I hadn't thought about was the threat to fish and marine animals qPUxYhEbel4-00004-00002459-00002997 through them swallowing the plastic. But he's not talking about all plastic, is he? qPUxYhEbel4-00005-00002997-00003547 If you look at the objectives, he only mentions producing biodegradable lunch boxes qPUxYhEbel4-00006-00003547-00004001 and saving fish. That's one of the good things about it. qPUxYhEbel4-00007-00004001-00004439 He's narrowed his field down to a specific manageable project. qPUxYhEbel4-00008-00004439-00004951 More would have been too ambitious I think. Well he's certainly thought qPUxYhEbel4-00009-00004951-00005257 if through. The schedule is realistic qPUxYhEbel4-00010-00005257-00005771 and a budget is doable but I feel he's let himself down in his qPUxYhEbel4-00011-00005771-00005921 executive summary. qPUxYhEbel4-00012-00005921-00006439 It's very weak and doesn't do justice to the ideas and really fails to qPUxYhEbel4-00013-00006439-00006514 inspire. qPUxYhEbel4-00014-00006514-00006730 In fact it's boring. qPUxYhEbel4-00015-00006806-00007384 Yes, I have to say I agree. It's a pity because the idea's good. qPUxYhEbel4-00016-00007384-00007809 When are these design schools going to start teaching the importance of a qPUxYhEbel4-00017-00007809-00008242 good executive summary? They just get tagged on as an afterthought. qPUxYhEbel4-00018-00008242-00008774 Anything else we need to say about it? Is it in, or out at this stage? qPUxYhEbel4-00019-00008774-00008988 Out! Too boring. qPUxYhEbel4-00020-00009098-00009520 Pity, I like the idea of saving the fish. qPUxYhEbel4-00021-00009542-00010054 OK, let's move on to the second one. This is the one qPUxYhEbel4-00022-00010054-00010499 about having a festival of street art. That's a nice take on the environment. qPUxYhEbel4-00023-00010499-00010896 And I think, is it a man or a woman? A woman. qPUxYhEbel4-00024-00010896-00011196 OK, I think she puts the case very strongly qPUxYhEbel4-00025-00011196-00011736 As she points out, there are a lot of boring walls and spaces in Hong Kong that need qPUxYhEbel4-00026-00011736-00011878 brightening up! qPUxYhEbel4-00027-00011878-00012247 I really like the idea of ads around building sites. qPUxYhEbel4-00028-00012247-00012671 They are so boring, they don't even carry advertising. qPUxYhEbel4-00029-00012671-00013200 It's painful to have to look at them. Mmm, I don't know, not if I can help it! qPUxYhEbel4-00030-00013200-00013571 Her objectives are clear: to brighten up qPUxYhEbel4-00031-00013571-00013931 dull spaces, encourage creativity qPUxYhEbel4-00032-00013931-00014249 and give space for graffiti artists to work. qPUxYhEbel4-00033-00014249-00014552 Mmm, the idea is imaginative qPUxYhEbel4-00034-00014552-00014975 and fun! The executive summary is well-written. qPUxYhEbel4-00035-00014975-00015561 I got quite excited and she included a good summary of the whole thing too. qPUxYhEbel4-00036-00015682-00015876 Didn't you find the creative qPUxYhEbel4-00037-00015876-00016415 strategy at bit vague? I don't really have a clear idea of how she's going to qPUxYhEbel4-00038-00016415-00016529 pull it off. qPUxYhEbel4-00039-00016540-00016814 She talks about having a competition qPUxYhEbel4-00040-00016814-00017284 for designs, but she doesn't say more. Who will it be open to? qPUxYhEbel4-00041-00017284-00017705 Will there be a theme? How about involving non-professionals? qPUxYhEbel4-00042-00017705-00018055 Very airy-fairy! qPUxYhEbel4-00043-00018055-00018366 Mmm, so's the schedule. She hasn't given any qPUxYhEbel4-00044-00018366-00018878 dates. That kind of shows she hasn't seriously thought it through. qPUxYhEbel4-00045-00018878-00019246 Or she wrote the whole thing in a hurry. Same difference! qPUxYhEbel4-00046-00019246-00019621 There are still no dates, so we'd have to pin her down on that. qPUxYhEbel4-00047-00019621-00019951 What's the verdict? Does she stay in? qPUxYhEbel4-00048-00019951-00020465 Definitely in for now. I wouldn't want to turn down the idea. qPUxYhEbel4-00049-00020465-00020750 Not for the moment. Mmm, OK. qPUxYhEbel4-00050-00020864-00021032 Here's the third one. qPUxYhEbel4-00051-00021238-00021378 I love this one! qPUxYhEbel4-00052-00021378-00021739 What a brilliant idea! A statue qPUxYhEbel4-00053-00021739-00022219 made out of used plastic bags! And I mean a huge statue qPUxYhEbel4-00054-00022219-00022613 made of used plastic bags. And she was very specific qPUxYhEbel4-00055-00022613-00023117 about how it would all work. How to make it solid enough to stand up. qPUxYhEbel4-00056-00023117-00023435 But I was a bit worried about all that glue. qPUxYhEbel4-00057-00023435-00023799 Doesn't that go against the environmental theme? qPUxYhEbel4-00058-00023799-00024229 Wouldn't the glue pollute as badly as the plastic bags? qPUxYhEbel4-00059-00024229-00024541 I think you can get non-smelly ones. qPUxYhEbel4-00060-00024541-00024940 Well, she should say that in the proposal. qPUxYhEbel4-00061-00024940-00025269 Let's not be too hard on her at this stage. qPUxYhEbel4-00062-00025269-00025677 Presumably she'd be willing to go into all that if she was chosen. qPUxYhEbel4-00063-00025677-00026095 I can't believe she won't have thought it through. She could do qPUxYhEbel4-00064-00026095-00026693 with putting one or two more objectives to create an art work made out of used qPUxYhEbel4-00065-00026693-00026803 plastic bags qPUxYhEbel4-00066-00026803-00027163 is obviously the immediate objective, but qPUxYhEbel4-00067-00027163-00027495 there are surely long-term ones she could have given. qPUxYhEbel4-00068-00027495-00027816 Mmm, but I just love the idea! qPUxYhEbel4-00069-00027816-00028312 A giant plastic bag made out of thousands of plastic bags with the slogan, qPUxYhEbel4-00070-00028312-00028645 "this is not a plastic bag." Wonderful! qPUxYhEbel4-00071-00028645-00029047 Totally irreverent ... and sending up consumerism gives qPUxYhEbel4-00072-00029047-00029571 it a double edge environmentally ... the more we talk about it the more I like it. qPUxYhEbel4-00073-00029571-00029903 It's certainly the most original. qPUxYhEbel4-00074-00029903-00030293 I will look forward to seeing some sketches. So she's stays in? qPUxYhEbel4-00075-00030293-00030437 Definitely. qQhjefJ0GoA-00000-00000589-00000924 The battle is over; Ishval is now under our control. qQhjefJ0GoA-00001-00000958-00001550 And all thanks to you. Well done major Kimblee. So tell us how did the stone work out? qQhjefJ0GoA-00002-00001560-00001736 It's beyond amazing. qQhjefJ0GoA-00003-00001736-00002159 It lets you bypass the equivalent exchange to harness an immense power. qQhjefJ0GoA-00004-00002277-00002852 Excellent. Write up the details in your formal report for us. But, we'll need the stone back first. qQhjefJ0GoA-00005-00002930-00003052 HOOOOMP. qQhjefJ0GoA-00006-00003052-00003150 HOMP. qQhjefJ0GoA-00007-00003250-00003450 HOMP. qQhjefJ0GoA-00008-00003540-00003750 It's been too long since I've used this. qQhjefJ0GoA-00009-00003790-00004200 And it's governed by death, I will paint it red with the shard of destruction. qQhjefJ0GoA-00010-00004230-00004390 HA-OMP. qQhjefJ0GoA-00011-00004396-00004620 I couldn't dream of a more fulfilling job! qQhjefJ0GoA-00012-00004660-00004820 SLEEEEUUUURP qT85lmw4Nj8-00000-00000000-00000171 I mean, it was unbelievable. qT85lmw4Nj8-00001-00000171-00000500 And having that that that notion that, you know, qT85lmw4Nj8-00002-00000517-00000855 you're supposed to go any picks now qT85lmw4Nj8-00003-00000905-00001138 Houston has submitted its pick. qT85lmw4Nj8-00004-00001146-00001447 The New York Giants are now on the clock qT85lmw4Nj8-00005-00001555-00001672 What's up, Joe? qT85lmw4Nj8-00006-00001755-00002064 All right, now you get a little you get a little bit nervous. qT85lmw4Nj8-00007-00002064-00002323 And when I looked, my phone was ringing qT85lmw4Nj8-00008-00002323-00002569 at the time, I believe the Giants had the call. qT85lmw4Nj8-00009-00002594-00002869 And I had no idea the Falcons had traded up. qT85lmw4Nj8-00010-00002869-00003257 And when I looked at my phone, it said: Atlanta, Georgia. qT85lmw4Nj8-00011-00003311-00003561 So we're swapping picks and qT85lmw4Nj8-00012-00003666-00003903 36-- 38 for 43. qT85lmw4Nj8-00013-00003978-00004295 And you're getting 114. qT85lmw4Nj8-00014-00004800-00005096 Atlanta is now on the clock qT85lmw4Nj8-00015-00005505-00005613 AK! qT85lmw4Nj8-00016-00005676-00005851 What's up, how are you doing? qT85lmw4Nj8-00017-00005855-00005964 How you doing, man? qT85lmw4Nj8-00018-00005964-00006131 I'm doing great, man. qT85lmw4Nj8-00019-00006131-00006272 You want to be a falcon? qT85lmw4Nj8-00020-00006272-00006452 Hell yeah I'm ready to go!!! qT85lmw4Nj8-00021-00006452-00006519 All right, man. qT85lmw4Nj8-00022-00006519-00006606 I like it. I like it. qT85lmw4Nj8-00023-00006606-00006694 All right qT85lmw4Nj8-00024-00006740-00006840 Didn't really hit me. qT85lmw4Nj8-00025-00006840-00007223 Until I talked to them and all the emotions just came out qT85lmw4Nj8-00026-00007223-00007319 And it was qT85lmw4Nj8-00027-00007319-00007636 I went from being completely calm to actually qT85lmw4Nj8-00028-00007636-00007882 feeling it qT85lmw4Nj8-00029-00007957-00008062 Hell yeah, dawg! qT85lmw4Nj8-00030-00008078-00008345 People was telling me I was going to cry, and I was like qT85lmw4Nj8-00031-00008358-00008750 There's no way on earth I'm crying and getting that call qT85lmw4Nj8-00032-00008783-00009154 I could feel myself getting emotional qT85lmw4Nj8-00033-00009430-00009755 Anybody that got that call understands that feeling is qT85lmw4Nj8-00034-00009755-00009909 unbelievable qT85lmw4Nj8-00035-00010231-00010352 Ebiketie is an outstanding passrusher qT85lmw4Nj8-00036-00010352-00010610 we mention that's where they have to go, they've got to get some production. qT85lmw4Nj8-00037-00010610-00011165 And Joel, with his 34 inch arms and his get-off and power, he's a leverage rusher. qT85lmw4Nj8-00038-00011165-00011327 That's a nightmare for tackles. qT85lmw4Nj8-00039-00011327-00011540 I feel like rushing the passer qT85lmw4Nj8-00040-00011540-00011932 is just special and it fits me best, qT85lmw4Nj8-00041-00011932-00012253 I mean, I always described my game as someone that's qT85lmw4Nj8-00042-00012395-00012483 relentless qT85lmw4Nj8-00043-00012483-00012912 you're not going to win every time, but just the ability to get up every time qT85lmw4Nj8-00044-00012941-00013209 and just having the will to get it done. qT85lmw4Nj8-00045-00013279-00013530 That's what motivate me every time. qT85lmw4Nj8-00046-00013530-00013709 When I go out there, qT85lmw4Nj8-00047-00013801-00014093 I think it comes down to being a competitor. qT85lmw4Nj8-00048-00014164-00014339 I think I got it from my dad. qT85lmw4Nj8-00049-00014339-00014689 I've been a competitor my whole life and moving qT85lmw4Nj8-00050-00014706-00014960 to America, soccer was my first love. qT85lmw4Nj8-00051-00014989-00015415 And going to school with everybody else there was more basketball qT85lmw4Nj8-00052-00015415-00015623 players and football players. qT85lmw4Nj8-00053-00015623-00015786 I wanted to be competitive qT85lmw4Nj8-00054-00015786-00016157 and bond with the other guys and that's why I made a transition qT85lmw4Nj8-00055-00016157-00016624 Sports you don't really have to speak as much and it comes down to making bonds qT85lmw4Nj8-00056-00016674-00016983 through the game that you guys all love qT85lmw4Nj8-00057-00016983-00017142 Arnold Ebiketie! qT85lmw4Nj8-00058-00017142-00017621 My dad was more familiar because my dad actually developed qT85lmw4Nj8-00059-00017621-00018018 a love for the game of football early on when I was still in high school. qT85lmw4Nj8-00060-00018018-00018222 But my mom had no idea until-- qT85lmw4Nj8-00061-00018284-00018672 I mean, she the first time she actually started taking football qT85lmw4Nj8-00062-00018672-00019060 seriously was when I got a scholarship offer to go play for Temple qT85lmw4Nj8-00063-00019060-00019202 Play-action here for Buechele qT85lmw4Nj8-00064-00019202-00019411 Pocket collapsing-- And here comes Ebiketie! qT85lmw4Nj8-00065-00019461-00019748 Oh! What another sack there by Arnold Ebiketie! qT85lmw4Nj8-00066-00019748-00020095 And that's when she actually went back and started learning the game qT85lmw4Nj8-00067-00020095-00020528 and now it-- I mean it's unbelievable for my whole family, qT85lmw4Nj8-00068-00020562-00021037 given the fact that I was also able to inspire them being someone that didn't qT85lmw4Nj8-00069-00021037-00021438 grow up playing the sport and getting to where I am today is just qT85lmw4Nj8-00070-00021483-00021713 unbelievable. qT85lmw4Nj8-00071-00021713-00021796 YEAH AK!!! qT85lmw4Nj8-00072-00022176-00022380 there's a lot of expectation that comes with it qT85lmw4Nj8-00073-00022430-00022889 A team that believes in you-- believes in your potential believes in what you'll qT85lmw4Nj8-00074-00022889-00023189 accomplish at the college level and expects you qT85lmw4Nj8-00075-00023189-00023523 to do the same thing in the league and for me it's more so qT85lmw4Nj8-00076-00023594-00023932 I intend to go out there and be a professional. qT85lmw4Nj8-00077-00023982-00024336 Work on my craft, because the goal is to go out there on Sunday and qT85lmw4Nj8-00078-00024336-00024587 prove your game. qVNw_SOhhiQ-00000-00000512-00001064 Sorry for bothering you, but due the climate change's high temperature rise , electronic devices have started to malfunctioning. qVNw_SOhhiQ-00001-00001064-00001526 The US could have acted if Trump had not begun to say that climate change did not exist. qVNw_SOhhiQ-00002-00001526-00001792 But don't worry, our president have said that they'll act. qVNw_SOhhiQ-00003-00001805-00002198 OK, I'll stop making bad jokes qVNw_SOhhiQ-00004-00002252-00002608 Climate change are the parents qVNw_SOhhiQ-00005-00002616-00003048 Its so hot... Luckily we can move to the Amazon, there the weather is cooler. qVNw_SOhhiQ-00006-00003048-00003496 Oh wait, we can't. Thank you, Jair Bolsonaro. qVNw_SOhhiQ-00007-00003576-00003964 I'll translate ir for the most indifferent ones. Climate change = no more party qVNw_SOhhiQ-00008-00003997-00004390 No more beer qVNw_SOhhiQ-00009-00004428-00004816 No more evenings with the blanker at the sofa watching Netflix. qVNw_SOhhiQ-00010-00004864-00005266 No more funfair rides qVNw_SOhhiQ-00011-00005294-00005660 Next 50 years look so good :) qarlA2u_0TQ-00000-00000050-00000391 WITH THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR IN SIGHT, MOST STUDENTS ARE THINKING ABOUT WHAT THEY qarlA2u_0TQ-00001-00000391-00000592 ARE GOING TO DO FOR FUN THIS SUMMER, qarlA2u_0TQ-00002-00000592-00001124 BUT FOR THE GRADUATING CLASS OF 2015 ALL THEY CAN THINK ABOUT IS WALKING ACROSS THE STAGE qarlA2u_0TQ-00003-00001124-00001598 AND RECEIVING THE DIPLOMA THEY HAVE WORKED HARD FOR. FOR ONE STUDENT IN PARTICULAR, qarlA2u_0TQ-00004-00001604-00002052 SHE IS PUSHING HERSELF PAST THE STANDARD AND BREAKING GENDER BARRIERS ALONG HER WAY. qarlA2u_0TQ-00005-00002052-00002421 EVER SINCE I WAS A KID I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO HELP PEOPLE, AND MEDICINE HAS ALWAYS BEEN qarlA2u_0TQ-00006-00002421-00002503 MY PASSION. qarlA2u_0TQ-00007-00002503-00002932 ANGEL SPENT HER SPARE TIME WORKING AS A RED CROSS VOLUNTEER AT NAVAL BRANCH HEALTH CLINIC qarlA2u_0TQ-00008-00002932-00002996 SASEBO. qarlA2u_0TQ-00009-00002996-00003594 NOT ONLY DOES HAVE A GREAT ATTITUDE AND JUST VERY EXCITED ABOUT MEDICINE AND THE SCIENCE qarlA2u_0TQ-00010-00003594-00004128 FILED IN GENERAL, BUT SHE HAS A GREAT WAY OF SPEAKING AND COMMUNICATING WITH PATIENTS qarlA2u_0TQ-00011-00004128-00004418 THAT YOU REALLY DON'T SEE A LOT IN A YOUNG LADY HER AGE. qarlA2u_0TQ-00012-00004418-00005142 WITH DIPLOMA IN HAND, ANGEL, ALONG WITH THE REST OF HER GRADUATING CLASS, TAKE THE FIRST STEPS TO THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. qarlA2u_0TQ-00013-00005144-00005460 SEAMAN JAMES HUNT, FLEET ACTIVITIES SASEBO, JAPAN. qgjSYEbhJsy-00000-00000626-00000953 So just a few intros while they're sitting down. qgjSYEbhJsy-00001-00000953-00001331 Rodrigo, our moderator , here is associate general counsel qgjSYEbhJsy-00002-00001331-00001381 at Paradigm. qgjSYEbhJsy-00003-00001381-00001734 Prior to joining Paradigm, he was outside counsel qgjSYEbhJsy-00004-00001734-00002241 to crypto investors and entrepreneurs at Cooley LLP. qgjSYEbhJsy-00005-00002241-00002664 Prior to that Rodrigo was a founding member of DLx Law, qgjSYEbhJsy-00006-00002664-00002904 a blockchain and crypto focused boutique. qgjSYEbhJsy-00007-00002904-00003138 Rodrigo earned a JD from MBA law school, qgjSYEbhJsy-00008-00003138-00003381 and a BA in philosophy and political science qgjSYEbhJsy-00009-00003381-00003722 from Middlebury College. qgjSYEbhJsy-00010-00003722-00003974 Joining us is also Ryan Miller. qgjSYEbhJsy-00011-00003974-00004412 Ryan is general counsel of FTX US, a regulated cryptocurrency qgjSYEbhJsy-00012-00004412-00004520 exchange. qgjSYEbhJsy-00013-00004520-00004837 Prior to joining FTX US, Ryan was partner at qgjSYEbhJsy-00014-00004837-00005171 and co-head of Sullivan and Cromwell Commodities Futures qgjSYEbhJsy-00015-00005171-00005318 and Derivatives Group. qgjSYEbhJsy-00016-00005318-00005528 Ryan is a member of the Derivatives and Future Law qgjSYEbhJsy-00017-00005528-00005716 Committee of the American Bar Association, qgjSYEbhJsy-00018-00005716-00005900 and he's a member of the executive committee qgjSYEbhJsy-00019-00005900-00006218 of the Futures Industry Association's Law qgjSYEbhJsy-00020-00006218-00006368 and Compliance Division. qgjSYEbhJsy-00021-00006368-00006767 Ryan previously worked at the US Commodities Futures Trading qgjSYEbhJsy-00022-00006767-00007226 Commission as legal counsel to CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler. qgjSYEbhJsy-00023-00007226-00007406 Thank you, both of you. qgjSYEbhJsy-00024-00007406-00007609 Thank you. qgjSYEbhJsy-00025-00007609-00007920 Thanks, everybody, for coming today. qgjSYEbhJsy-00026-00007920-00008216 So to start off, I wanted to maybe lay qgjSYEbhJsy-00027-00008216-00008570 the ground as to what the general arc of the discussion qgjSYEbhJsy-00028-00008570-00008720 that we're hoping to have is. qgjSYEbhJsy-00029-00008720-00008948 And I wanted to start pretty generally qgjSYEbhJsy-00030-00008948-00009266 talking about regulation and technology, qgjSYEbhJsy-00031-00009266-00009716 and then try to narrow down into some of the US-specific issues. qgjSYEbhJsy-00032-00009716-00009884 And then get Ryan's input on some qgjSYEbhJsy-00033-00009884-00010164 of the FTC's specific issues. qgjSYEbhJsy-00034-00010164-00010446 It's a pretty ambitious agenda for 30 minutes. qgjSYEbhJsy-00035-00010446-00010677 But we have a great speaker and we're at MIT. qgjSYEbhJsy-00036-00010677-00010997 So I figured we'd swing for the fences. qgjSYEbhJsy-00037-00010997-00011351 So to start off on kind of thinking about what qgjSYEbhJsy-00038-00011351-00011634 the role of regulation and technology are, qgjSYEbhJsy-00039-00011634-00011864 I think there's two points that I'd like to kind of get qgjSYEbhJsy-00040-00011864-00012071 your input on here. qgjSYEbhJsy-00041-00012071-00012413 First, what do you think the role of regulation qgjSYEbhJsy-00042-00012413-00012872 is in kind of fomenting, and also I qgjSYEbhJsy-00043-00012872-00013190 guess providing consumer protection vis a vis qgjSYEbhJsy-00044-00013190-00013352 emerging technologies? qgjSYEbhJsy-00045-00013352-00013682 And then the second one, which I think is more crypto specific, qgjSYEbhJsy-00046-00013682-00014255 is if one of the main benefits of Bitcoin and blockchain qgjSYEbhJsy-00047-00014255-00014774 is the ability of it to avoid the censorship. qgjSYEbhJsy-00048-00014774-00015135 Is that inherently opposed to regulation? qgjSYEbhJsy-00049-00015135-00015269 Yeah, really good question. qgjSYEbhJsy-00050-00015269-00015452 So what is regulation? qgjSYEbhJsy-00051-00015452-00015596 What's it supposed to do? qgjSYEbhJsy-00052-00015596-00015860 And is it any different for crypto qgjSYEbhJsy-00053-00015860-00016055 than it is for any other industry? qgjSYEbhJsy-00054-00016055-00016216 And I think maybe we'll leave that qgjSYEbhJsy-00055-00016216-00016426 for the end of my initial remarks. qgjSYEbhJsy-00056-00016426-00016553 I'm not sure it is. qgjSYEbhJsy-00057-00016553-00016940 But what is the role of regulation with any emerging qgjSYEbhJsy-00058-00016940-00017015 technology? qgjSYEbhJsy-00059-00017015-00017273 And financial services is a great starting point. qgjSYEbhJsy-00060-00017273-00017561 Because financial services is just the continuance qgjSYEbhJsy-00061-00017561-00017858 of emerging technology in the passing back and forth qgjSYEbhJsy-00062-00017858-00017975 of value between folks. qgjSYEbhJsy-00063-00017975-00018149 So what's the role of government there? qgjSYEbhJsy-00064-00018149-00018440 And I think it's two things, and the first one qgjSYEbhJsy-00065-00018440-00018516 I'll go deeper on. qgjSYEbhJsy-00066-00018516-00018725 But it's to stop the bad stuff. qgjSYEbhJsy-00067-00018725-00018935 But we have to define what is the bad stuff. qgjSYEbhJsy-00068-00018935-00019254 At the same time, it's to do so in a way-- and now, qgjSYEbhJsy-00069-00019254-00019409 this is the second job of government, qgjSYEbhJsy-00070-00019409-00019643 I'll come back to stopping the bad stuff-- qgjSYEbhJsy-00071-00019643-00019874 it's to do so in a way that doesn't chill innovation. qgjSYEbhJsy-00072-00019874-00020040 It's very easy to say. qgjSYEbhJsy-00073-00020040-00020228 What does it mean to not chill innovation? qgjSYEbhJsy-00074-00020228-00020555 It's that folks can take risk, bring new services to market, qgjSYEbhJsy-00075-00020555-00020834 try to create new pockets of value, qgjSYEbhJsy-00076-00020834-00021113 without being afraid of a major violation, qgjSYEbhJsy-00077-00021113-00021353 a major investigation, and going to jail qgjSYEbhJsy-00078-00021353-00021461 sort of at the end of it. qgjSYEbhJsy-00079-00021461-00021806 And the going to jail piece ties back to, what are the qgjSYEbhJsy-00080-00021806-00022082 don't do bad stuff that government's supposed to stop? qgjSYEbhJsy-00081-00022082-00022259 And I put it in four buckets. qgjSYEbhJsy-00082-00022259-00022442 You mentioned customer protection, qgjSYEbhJsy-00083-00022442-00022594 or consumer protection. qgjSYEbhJsy-00084-00022594-00022952 I think of it, mostly because I come from a trading background, qgjSYEbhJsy-00085-00022952-00023081 but investor protection. qgjSYEbhJsy-00086-00023081-00023333 And it's about disclosure and transparency. qgjSYEbhJsy-00087-00023333-00023487 What the government wants you to do-- qgjSYEbhJsy-00088-00023487-00023733 and what they should want you to do if you're an innovator, qgjSYEbhJsy-00089-00023733-00023915 an entrepreneur, or a business person-- qgjSYEbhJsy-00090-00023915-00024257 tell people what you're doing in a way that's truthful, qgjSYEbhJsy-00091-00024257-00024588 that's materially complete, and that's not fraudulent. qgjSYEbhJsy-00092-00024588-00024884 And so that to me is disclosure transparency qgjSYEbhJsy-00093-00024884-00025045 around investor protection. qgjSYEbhJsy-00094-00025045-00025229 There's a few other pieces of what qgjSYEbhJsy-00095-00025229-00025488 government is supposed to do that I like to add on to it. qgjSYEbhJsy-00096-00025488-00025712 The second is market integrity. qgjSYEbhJsy-00097-00025712-00025994 And that that's stepping back from a single company, qgjSYEbhJsy-00098-00025994-00026320 entrepreneur, creator, and looking across the market more qgjSYEbhJsy-00099-00026320-00026383 generally. qgjSYEbhJsy-00100-00026383-00026939 Is this market taking or putting away fraud? qgjSYEbhJsy-00101-00026939-00027045 Is it taking? qgjSYEbhJsy-00102-00027045-00027343 Are the rules in place such that folks cannot take advantage qgjSYEbhJsy-00103-00027343-00027493 of users of this market? qgjSYEbhJsy-00104-00027493-00027616 Is the market efficient? qgjSYEbhJsy-00105-00027616-00027835 Does it does it avoid manipulation? qgjSYEbhJsy-00106-00027835-00028052 So that's the market integrity piece of it. qgjSYEbhJsy-00107-00028052-00028294 And then I think, a third bucket that's important qgjSYEbhJsy-00108-00028294-00028527 is just financial crimes generally. qgjSYEbhJsy-00109-00028527-00028669 Even if a market is efficient, you qgjSYEbhJsy-00110-00028669-00028867 can still go to it to do money laundering. qgjSYEbhJsy-00111-00028867-00029164 You could still do activity that might violate sanctions laws. qgjSYEbhJsy-00112-00029164-00029389 So that's what the government is trying to solve for. qgjSYEbhJsy-00113-00029389-00029587 What they need to do so is create qgjSYEbhJsy-00114-00029587-00029951 rules that don't stifle innovation at the same time. qgjSYEbhJsy-00115-00029951-00030272 And the way that we have always said that at FTX qgjSYEbhJsy-00116-00030272-00030589 is principles based regulation is really important. qgjSYEbhJsy-00117-00030589-00030925 The rules should be focused on what the market is doing. qgjSYEbhJsy-00118-00030925-00031420 But not so prescriptive that it actually defines your business. qgjSYEbhJsy-00119-00031420-00031726 The government should not be business model promoting. qgjSYEbhJsy-00120-00031726-00031892 It should be a business model agnostic. qgjSYEbhJsy-00121-00031892-00032174 It should be technology agnostic. qgjSYEbhJsy-00122-00032174-00032224 Great. qgjSYEbhJsy-00123-00032224-00032299 Thank you. qgjSYEbhJsy-00124-00032299-00032563 Is there anything you like to add about Bitcoin qgjSYEbhJsy-00125-00032563-00032962 in particular, and how its inherent anti-censorship qgjSYEbhJsy-00126-00032962-00033241 characteristics interplay with regulation. qgjSYEbhJsy-00127-00033241-00033634 With Bitcoin, and I'll say digital assets more broadly, qgjSYEbhJsy-00128-00033634-00033874 brought a lot of these questions to the forefront. qgjSYEbhJsy-00129-00033874-00034123 Financial crimes is where the government first qgjSYEbhJsy-00130-00034123-00034339 started to look at the digital asset industry, qgjSYEbhJsy-00131-00034339-00034603 and Bitcoin particularly around anti-money laundering. qgjSYEbhJsy-00132-00034603-00034804 And the government realized very quickly, qgjSYEbhJsy-00133-00034804-00035098 if these things have value then it's a way qgjSYEbhJsy-00134-00035098-00035245 to move value back and forth. qgjSYEbhJsy-00135-00035245-00035428 And our laws, at least in the United States qgjSYEbhJsy-00136-00035428-00035629 around sanctions and money laundering, qgjSYEbhJsy-00137-00035629-00035809 don't tie to the US dollar. qgjSYEbhJsy-00138-00035809-00036295 Anything of value can be used to launder assets, launder value, qgjSYEbhJsy-00139-00036295-00036382 evade sanctions. qgjSYEbhJsy-00140-00036382-00036637 And so, I think the government came very quickly to the table qgjSYEbhJsy-00141-00036637-00037105 2012, 2013, and said, look, our financial crimes laws qgjSYEbhJsy-00142-00037105-00037288 apply to this space. qgjSYEbhJsy-00143-00037288-00037609 That didn't mean overnight that some of the anonymous features qgjSYEbhJsy-00144-00037609-00037807 of digital assets were useless. qgjSYEbhJsy-00145-00037807-00038161 But it meant that, if you were dealing in sums of value that qgjSYEbhJsy-00146-00038161-00038392 were above whatever the thresholds are in the US, qgjSYEbhJsy-00147-00038392-00038720 it was pretty clear that some regulation was going to apply. qgjSYEbhJsy-00148-00038720-00039019 So I think it's less attention than an acknowledgment qgjSYEbhJsy-00149-00039019-00039342 that, look, Bitcoin became a thing of value. qgjSYEbhJsy-00150-00039342-00039526 You know, bricks of gold are things of value qgjSYEbhJsy-00151-00039526-00039718 and are pretty anonymously transported. qgjSYEbhJsy-00152-00039718-00040297 But they're totally covered by our US financial crimes laws. qgjSYEbhJsy-00153-00040297-00040504 So now maybe, zooming in a little bit qgjSYEbhJsy-00154-00040504-00040907 and thinking about the US in particular, qgjSYEbhJsy-00155-00040907-00041188 I'd love to get your general thoughts qgjSYEbhJsy-00156-00041188-00041707 about how the US has responded, in terms of regulation. qgjSYEbhJsy-00157-00041707-00041989 And then maybe putting on our professor hats, qgjSYEbhJsy-00158-00041989-00042466 thinking about grading them across the different areas qgjSYEbhJsy-00159-00042466-00042769 that you mentioned, investor protection, market integrity, qgjSYEbhJsy-00160-00042769-00042868 financial crimes. qgjSYEbhJsy-00161-00042868-00042918 Sure. qgjSYEbhJsy-00162-00042918-00043159 And one of the great things about speaking in open panels qgjSYEbhJsy-00163-00043159-00043447 is, someone here writes down what I say qgjSYEbhJsy-00164-00043447-00043597 and they publish it in an article. qgjSYEbhJsy-00165-00043597-00043774 And it's not exactly what I said. qgjSYEbhJsy-00166-00043774-00044155 So I'm going to be very careful about grading the regulators. qgjSYEbhJsy-00167-00044155-00044260 But what have they done? qgjSYEbhJsy-00168-00044260-00044599 Like what is the US regulatory program for digital assets? qgjSYEbhJsy-00169-00044599-00044683 Huge topic. qgjSYEbhJsy-00170-00044683-00044866 You could do a whole week long panel on it. qgjSYEbhJsy-00171-00044866-00045145 But we've brought our markets regulatory programs qgjSYEbhJsy-00172-00045145-00045274 to digital assets. qgjSYEbhJsy-00173-00045274-00045413 It's very straightforward. qgjSYEbhJsy-00174-00045413-00045709 The spot exchanges, places like FTX, Coinbase. qgjSYEbhJsy-00175-00045709-00045946 You've got a 50 state regulatory program qgjSYEbhJsy-00176-00045946-00046309 that is regulating our businesses, similar to money qgjSYEbhJsy-00177-00046309-00046597 transmission businesses like Western Union, qgjSYEbhJsy-00178-00046597-00046813 or as money services businesses. qgjSYEbhJsy-00179-00046813-00046966 It looks a lot like a check cashing qgjSYEbhJsy-00180-00046966-00047098 type regulatory program. qgjSYEbhJsy-00181-00047098-00047374 You've got to do KYC on your customers. qgjSYEbhJsy-00182-00047374-00047599 You've got to make sure suspicious transactions are qgjSYEbhJsy-00183-00047599-00047908 reported to the US financial crimes authorities. qgjSYEbhJsy-00184-00047908-00048178 And basically, you've got to make qgjSYEbhJsy-00185-00048178-00048514 sure you've got disclosures that cover material completeness, qgjSYEbhJsy-00186-00048514-00048661 that are not fraudulent. qgjSYEbhJsy-00187-00048661-00048880 And that's really how the spot exchanges qgjSYEbhJsy-00188-00048880-00049108 have been regulated today. qgjSYEbhJsy-00189-00049108-00049321 From a markets regulation perspective, qgjSYEbhJsy-00190-00049321-00049534 there are two federal markets regulators qgjSYEbhJsy-00191-00049534-00049727 who are just starting to get into crypto. qgjSYEbhJsy-00192-00049727-00049987 And so the CFTC and the SEC. qgjSYEbhJsy-00193-00049987-00050170 CFTC regulates derivatives. qgjSYEbhJsy-00194-00050170-00050347 The SEC regulates securities. qgjSYEbhJsy-00195-00050347-00050708 We've seen the CFTC look at crypto two different ways. qgjSYEbhJsy-00196-00050708-00051046 First, where you had derivatives, so futures, swaps, qgjSYEbhJsy-00197-00051046-00051334 options, on digital assets, the CFTC qgjSYEbhJsy-00198-00051334-00051516 said those are clearly regulated by us. qgjSYEbhJsy-00199-00051516-00051655 No one was surprised by that. qgjSYEbhJsy-00200-00051655-00051886 And I think the CFTC has done a pretty good job. qgjSYEbhJsy-00201-00051886-00052111 They've required different futures contracts qgjSYEbhJsy-00202-00052111-00052455 to be submitted to the CFTC before they can go live. qgjSYEbhJsy-00203-00052455-00052882 The other thing the CFTC has done is, from time to time, qgjSYEbhJsy-00204-00052882-00053197 where there's been manipulation or fraud in a digital asset qgjSYEbhJsy-00205-00053197-00053404 market that didn't involve derivatives. qgjSYEbhJsy-00206-00053404-00053588 So in the underlying spot market. qgjSYEbhJsy-00207-00053588-00053777 The CFTC has stepped in and said, look, qgjSYEbhJsy-00208-00053777-00054052 we have general manipulation and fraud authority qgjSYEbhJsy-00209-00054052-00054148 over the spot market. qgjSYEbhJsy-00210-00054148-00054340 It has nothing to do with derivatives, nothing qgjSYEbhJsy-00211-00054340-00054429 to do with futures. qgjSYEbhJsy-00212-00054429-00054630 But where there is manipulation and fraud, qgjSYEbhJsy-00213-00054630-00054832 we technically can get involved there, too. qgjSYEbhJsy-00214-00054832-00055024 And they've done that a couple of times, which qgjSYEbhJsy-00215-00055024-00055149 is an interesting development. qgjSYEbhJsy-00216-00055149-00055414 They've avoided doing that to any large extent qgjSYEbhJsy-00217-00055414-00055530 in traditional commodities. qgjSYEbhJsy-00218-00055530-00055791 And they've started to look into it in digital assets. qgjSYEbhJsy-00219-00055791-00056089 One thing that I think is really interesting there is, does that qgjSYEbhJsy-00220-00056089-00056485 become an entry point for the CFTC, a federal markets qgjSYEbhJsy-00221-00056485-00056800 regulator, to a broader regulatory program for spot qgjSYEbhJsy-00222-00056800-00056971 markets? qgjSYEbhJsy-00223-00056971-00057137 I think that's an interesting idea. qgjSYEbhJsy-00224-00057137-00057358 I think we all ought to spend time thinking about it. qgjSYEbhJsy-00225-00057358-00057654 But a federal regulator for the spot markets qgjSYEbhJsy-00226-00057654-00057911 is something FTX thinks is a good idea. qgjSYEbhJsy-00227-00057911-00058201 It's something we've talked to the CFTC and the SEC about. qgjSYEbhJsy-00228-00058201-00058380 We've talked to state regulators about, qgjSYEbhJsy-00229-00058380-00058755 there is at least statutory authority for the CFTC qgjSYEbhJsy-00230-00058755-00058939 to look at fraud and manipulation. qgjSYEbhJsy-00231-00058939-00059116 And they might be able to build on that qgjSYEbhJsy-00232-00059116-00059440 to maybe expand what they're looking at in the spot markets. qgjSYEbhJsy-00233-00059440-00059690 Switch to the SEC, and they've really qgjSYEbhJsy-00234-00059690-00059890 looked at it from the traditional securities law qgjSYEbhJsy-00235-00059890-00059977 perspectives. qgjSYEbhJsy-00236-00059977-00060304 If they see a token, a project, a coin economy, qgjSYEbhJsy-00237-00060304-00060598 that to them looks like this traditional word investment qgjSYEbhJsy-00238-00060598-00060811 contract, or securities transaction, qgjSYEbhJsy-00239-00060811-00061102 the SEC has stepped in and said the traditional securities qgjSYEbhJsy-00240-00061102-00061196 laws apply. qgjSYEbhJsy-00241-00061196-00061420 They've not really done anything to date qgjSYEbhJsy-00242-00061420-00061723 that I think I would call innovative, or paving qgjSYEbhJsy-00243-00061723-00061987 the way for the next generation of digital assets qgjSYEbhJsy-00244-00061987-00062104 or digital securities. qgjSYEbhJsy-00245-00062104-00062395 There's a few no action letters that I think qgjSYEbhJsy-00246-00062395-00062623 are the beginning of a lot of rules and guidance qgjSYEbhJsy-00247-00062623-00062839 that's going to continue to come out of the SEC. qgjSYEbhJsy-00248-00062839-00063004 But today, the big starting point qgjSYEbhJsy-00249-00063004-00063322 is, is a particular token, or security token, qgjSYEbhJsy-00250-00063322-00063548 or coin an investment contract. qgjSYEbhJsy-00251-00063548-00064079 And if so, were the securities laws complied with. qgjSYEbhJsy-00252-00064079-00064341 So maybe, one other focus of regulation qgjSYEbhJsy-00253-00064341-00064498 has been systemic risk. qgjSYEbhJsy-00254-00064498-00064597 Sure. qgjSYEbhJsy-00255-00064597-00064738 So I'd like to get your take. qgjSYEbhJsy-00256-00064738-00065062 What do you think the systemic risk implications qgjSYEbhJsy-00257-00065062-00065197 of crypto today are? qgjSYEbhJsy-00258-00065197-00065584 And how is the government starting to think about this? qgjSYEbhJsy-00259-00065584-00066139 So systemic risk, for some in this room who are as old as me, qgjSYEbhJsy-00260-00066139-00066415 and many who are not as old as me, younger, qgjSYEbhJsy-00261-00066415-00066682 Dodd-Frank really is the most recent moment qgjSYEbhJsy-00262-00066682-00067030 we had as a society to think about what is systemic risk. qgjSYEbhJsy-00263-00067030-00067321 You had several large global financial institutions qgjSYEbhJsy-00264-00067321-00067543 create a bunch of non-transparent risk qgjSYEbhJsy-00265-00067543-00067861 on their balance sheets that, when the risk environment qgjSYEbhJsy-00266-00067861-00068248 changed in the markets, created huge unfunded liabilities qgjSYEbhJsy-00267-00068248-00068467 across some really big balance sheets. qgjSYEbhJsy-00268-00068467-00068755 And interestingly, across some really big balance sheets qgjSYEbhJsy-00269-00068755-00069123 that supported some other lines of business banking, insurance, qgjSYEbhJsy-00270-00069123-00069265 and a few others, that were really qgjSYEbhJsy-00271-00069265-00069484 critical to the functioning of the global economy. qgjSYEbhJsy-00272-00069484-00069797 When you put those business lines at risk, banking, qgjSYEbhJsy-00273-00069797-00070174 insurance, a few other financial products, at risk qgjSYEbhJsy-00274-00070174-00070519 to cover the losses of, basically, dark trading qgjSYEbhJsy-00275-00070519-00070810 and non-transparent trading, policymakers globally qgjSYEbhJsy-00276-00070810-00070930 reacted very harshly. qgjSYEbhJsy-00277-00070930-00071161 They said, these risks got way too big. qgjSYEbhJsy-00278-00071161-00071395 We've got to create rules that impose transparency, qgjSYEbhJsy-00279-00071395-00071734 disclosure, recordkeeping, capital requirements. qgjSYEbhJsy-00280-00071734-00071917 So, that's what systemic risk can be. qgjSYEbhJsy-00281-00071917-00072058 Something can get too big. qgjSYEbhJsy-00282-00072058-00072295 It creates a threat to the smooth and efficient qgjSYEbhJsy-00283-00072295-00072550 functioning of traditional financial markets. qgjSYEbhJsy-00284-00072550-00072751 And the way the government responds, qgjSYEbhJsy-00285-00072751-00073027 transparency, disclosure, registration, qgjSYEbhJsy-00286-00073027-00073141 capital requirements. qgjSYEbhJsy-00287-00073141-00073627 Now the size of risk that I think really created-- qgjSYEbhJsy-00288-00073627-00074050 there was the focus of much of 2008 2009 financial crisis-- qgjSYEbhJsy-00289-00074050-00074284 was many, and many, of trillions of dollars. qgjSYEbhJsy-00290-00074284-00074470 The size of over-the-counter derivatives qgjSYEbhJsy-00291-00074470-00074755 markets, hundreds of trillions of notional. qgjSYEbhJsy-00292-00074755-00075010 And so, really huge, really gigantic. qgjSYEbhJsy-00293-00075010-00075283 Is crypto now a systemically risky thing? qgjSYEbhJsy-00294-00075283-00075460 Is it somewhere we've got to start having qgjSYEbhJsy-00295-00075460-00075637 these types of discussions? qgjSYEbhJsy-00296-00075637-00075826 I don't know the answer to that. qgjSYEbhJsy-00297-00075826-00076003 On a given day, the crypto market, qgjSYEbhJsy-00298-00076003-00076132 depending how you add it up. qgjSYEbhJsy-00299-00076132-00076340 You're just looking at the value of all the coins, qgjSYEbhJsy-00300-00076340-00076510 basically where they last traded, times qgjSYEbhJsy-00301-00076510-00076651 how many coins are out there. qgjSYEbhJsy-00302-00076651-00076876 You call it $2 trillion, you call it $3 trillion, qgjSYEbhJsy-00303-00076876-00076945 give or take. qgjSYEbhJsy-00304-00076945-00077101 It's not the hundreds and trillions qgjSYEbhJsy-00305-00077101-00077305 that we have in the global over-the-counter derivatives qgjSYEbhJsy-00306-00077305-00077368 markets. qgjSYEbhJsy-00307-00077368-00077443 But it's real. qgjSYEbhJsy-00308-00077443-00077797 I mean $2 trillion is 1/10 of the US GDP, qgjSYEbhJsy-00309-00077797-00078001 maybe a little less than that now. qgjSYEbhJsy-00310-00078001-00078292 When you look at derivatives on crypto, qgjSYEbhJsy-00311-00078292-00078610 each day we have anywhere from $100 billion to $200 billion qgjSYEbhJsy-00312-00078610-00078952 in notional of crypto derivatives traded globally. qgjSYEbhJsy-00313-00078952-00079258 90% plus give or take outside of the United States. qgjSYEbhJsy-00314-00079258-00079462 A much smaller amount inside the United States. qgjSYEbhJsy-00315-00079462-00079633 Is it systemically important? qgjSYEbhJsy-00316-00079633-00079825 I don't think so right now. qgjSYEbhJsy-00317-00079825-00080275 Because, systemic importance ties to, qgjSYEbhJsy-00318-00080275-00080509 is it a threat to the traditional financial system? qgjSYEbhJsy-00319-00080509-00080821 The way that folks access banking, insurance, lending, qgjSYEbhJsy-00320-00080821-00080930 et cetera. qgjSYEbhJsy-00321-00080930-00081289 We've not seen the traditional financial institutions step qgjSYEbhJsy-00322-00081289-00081389 in to crypto. qgjSYEbhJsy-00323-00081389-00081569 And one of the reasons they haven't done so qgjSYEbhJsy-00324-00081569-00081799 is because they know they have to answer this question. qgjSYEbhJsy-00325-00081799-00082012 Once they've got crypto exposures on their balance qgjSYEbhJsy-00326-00082012-00082288 sheet, is it a threat to the traditional banking products qgjSYEbhJsy-00327-00082288-00082390 that they're providing? qgjSYEbhJsy-00328-00082390-00082777 I think it's a thinking exercise that many of the banks qgjSYEbhJsy-00329-00082777-00082934 are doing actively right now. qgjSYEbhJsy-00330-00082934-00082993 You know this. qgjSYEbhJsy-00331-00082993-00083055 I know this. qgjSYEbhJsy-00332-00083055-00083197 And I think they want to find out, qgjSYEbhJsy-00333-00083197-00083401 where can we bring in the digital asset qgjSYEbhJsy-00334-00083401-00083653 ecosystem to the products that our users want, qgjSYEbhJsy-00335-00083653-00084103 our customers want, but also address the obligations we have qgjSYEbhJsy-00336-00084103-00084574 as global financial institutions to not introduce systemic risk. qgjSYEbhJsy-00337-00084574-00084814 One other point that you mentioned qgjSYEbhJsy-00338-00084814-00085354 as part of systemic risk is transparency of these assets, qgjSYEbhJsy-00339-00085354-00085453 or these instruments. qgjSYEbhJsy-00340-00085453-00085615 Is there a distinction there to be qgjSYEbhJsy-00341-00085615-00085987 made between crypto assets, which are theoretically more qgjSYEbhJsy-00342-00085987-00086383 transparent than traditional financial instruments? qgjSYEbhJsy-00343-00086383-00086581 I mean the transparency-- qgjSYEbhJsy-00344-00086581-00086722 so, yes. qgjSYEbhJsy-00345-00086722-00087049 Crypto, you could argue for any transaction that's qgjSYEbhJsy-00346-00087049-00087313 taking place involving the blockchain, qgjSYEbhJsy-00347-00087313-00087667 interchange transfers, or transactions between chains, qgjSYEbhJsy-00348-00087667-00087766 the world can see it. qgjSYEbhJsy-00349-00087766-00087913 The world can do the math, and get qgjSYEbhJsy-00350-00087913-00088166 a sense of the volume of what's going on. qgjSYEbhJsy-00351-00088166-00088339 However, I think at the end of the day qgjSYEbhJsy-00352-00088339-00088573 when we're thinking about risk, and build up of risk, qgjSYEbhJsy-00353-00088573-00088870 we're looking at centralized risk at an institution, or even qgjSYEbhJsy-00354-00088870-00089095 a central clearing counterparty, for example. qgjSYEbhJsy-00355-00089095-00089335 And you can't get a sense of that qgjSYEbhJsy-00356-00089335-00089599 just by looking at publicly available blockchain data. qgjSYEbhJsy-00357-00089599-00089869 You need some level of transparency. qgjSYEbhJsy-00358-00089869-00090127 And we have this, in the United States, in the EU, qgjSYEbhJsy-00359-00090127-00090424 and most of Asia, every derivatives transaction qgjSYEbhJsy-00360-00090424-00090658 has to be reported, crypto or otherwise. qgjSYEbhJsy-00361-00090658-00090904 And that's the beginning of transparency qgjSYEbhJsy-00362-00090904-00091364 into where the global markets are trading. qgjSYEbhJsy-00363-00091364-00091996 So having kind of examined the US regulatory reaction, qgjSYEbhJsy-00364-00091996-00092401 and Golin Ryan's grading, which for those reporting, qgjSYEbhJsy-00365-00092401-00092632 he said they've done amazing. qgjSYEbhJsy-00366-00092632-00093130 I'd like to look forward now and think about policy. qgjSYEbhJsy-00367-00093130-00093454 What are the main kind of policy initiatives? qgjSYEbhJsy-00368-00093454-00093904 Or how do you see the policy discussion playing out qgjSYEbhJsy-00369-00093904-00094192 in the mid-term? qgjSYEbhJsy-00370-00094192-00094457 OK, so how is policy going to play out in the midterms. qgjSYEbhJsy-00371-00094457-00094568 You're talking-- qgjSYEbhJsy-00372-00094568-00094730 I didn't mean the midterm elections. qgjSYEbhJsy-00373-00094730-00095003 I mean, not the short term but the medium term. qgjSYEbhJsy-00374-00095003-00095167 So not the elections, right? qgjSYEbhJsy-00375-00095167-00095236 Or the election? qgjSYEbhJsy-00376-00095236-00095330 I can avoid politics. qgjSYEbhJsy-00377-00095330-00095380 Good. qgjSYEbhJsy-00378-00095380-00095600 So where does crypto policy go? qgjSYEbhJsy-00379-00095600-00095872 I think, so I work at FTX. qgjSYEbhJsy-00380-00095872-00096022 I used to not work at FTX. qgjSYEbhJsy-00381-00096022-00096133 I worked at a law firm. qgjSYEbhJsy-00382-00096133-00096400 I serviced the broader financial markets. qgjSYEbhJsy-00383-00096400-00096748 I read the room, and I said, this crypto thing qgjSYEbhJsy-00384-00096748-00096896 is not going away. qgjSYEbhJsy-00385-00096896-00097285 This is one of these multi-decade innovations. qgjSYEbhJsy-00386-00097285-00097507 It brings so much efficiency to the way qgjSYEbhJsy-00387-00097507-00097757 that value transfers, value is stored, qgjSYEbhJsy-00388-00097757-00097903 and the way that folks can interact qgjSYEbhJsy-00389-00097903-00098062 with each other globally. qgjSYEbhJsy-00390-00098062-00098210 It's not going away. qgjSYEbhJsy-00391-00098210-00098572 And so, I think we spend a ton of time in Washington, DC, qgjSYEbhJsy-00392-00098572-00098818 and in other countries, talking with policymakers. qgjSYEbhJsy-00393-00098818-00099040 And a lot of people have bought into that vision. qgjSYEbhJsy-00394-00099040-00099391 Blockchain distributed ledgers, the idea of trustless value qgjSYEbhJsy-00395-00099391-00099847 transfer, at least on the transaction level basis, qgjSYEbhJsy-00396-00099847-00099968 is not going away. qgjSYEbhJsy-00397-00099968-00100222 It's an innovation that unlocks a lot of potential. qgjSYEbhJsy-00398-00100222-00100499 And so, I'm not an evangelist for it. qgjSYEbhJsy-00399-00100499-00100681 But I think it's not going away, and I'm qgjSYEbhJsy-00400-00100681-00100978 starting to see policymakers dive in with that same level qgjSYEbhJsy-00401-00100978-00101060 of commitment. qgjSYEbhJsy-00402-00101060-00101356 So the policy is going to be, how do we support this? qgjSYEbhJsy-00403-00101356-00101485 Unlocking the value? qgjSYEbhJsy-00404-00101485-00101761 Encouraging innovators and creators to unlock the value? qgjSYEbhJsy-00405-00101761-00101972 Of what distributed ledgers blockchain, qgjSYEbhJsy-00406-00101972-00102148 et cetera can do for us. qgjSYEbhJsy-00407-00102148-00102322 That's where the policy is going. qgjSYEbhJsy-00408-00102322-00102598 I don't know exactly what else that means. qgjSYEbhJsy-00409-00102598-00102766 But you're seeing, like if you want qgjSYEbhJsy-00410-00102766-00102913 to get elected in the United States qgjSYEbhJsy-00411-00102913-00103082 in a contentious jurisdiction. qgjSYEbhJsy-00412-00103082-00103332 This is an interesting outplay of this. qgjSYEbhJsy-00413-00103332-00103726 There is funding that comes in for candidates qgjSYEbhJsy-00414-00103726-00103900 who are openly pro-crypto. qgjSYEbhJsy-00415-00103900-00104147 And openly pro the idea of innovation. qgjSYEbhJsy-00416-00104147-00104275 It hasn't double clicked yet. qgjSYEbhJsy-00417-00104275-00104586 It's not more specific than saying the idea of blockchain qgjSYEbhJsy-00418-00104586-00104856 is a good one, and there's some transformational something qgjSYEbhJsy-00419-00104856-00104914 there. qgjSYEbhJsy-00420-00104914-00105328 But the policy is trending towards let's let it happen. qgjSYEbhJsy-00421-00105633-00106153 So thinking about future regulation, qgjSYEbhJsy-00422-00106153-00106311 I'd like to get your take on, how qgjSYEbhJsy-00423-00106311-00106758 do you see Bitcoin and blockchain fundamentally qgjSYEbhJsy-00424-00106758-00106972 altering market structures? qgjSYEbhJsy-00425-00106972-00107242 And what do you think the implications qgjSYEbhJsy-00426-00107242-00107632 on the regulatory system should be? qgjSYEbhJsy-00427-00107632-00107743 Sure. qgjSYEbhJsy-00428-00107743-00107860 That's a good question. qgjSYEbhJsy-00429-00107860-00107978 It's a really big question. qgjSYEbhJsy-00430-00107978-00108274 So, how is how is Bitcoin and blockchain going qgjSYEbhJsy-00431-00108274-00108459 to change market structure? qgjSYEbhJsy-00432-00108459-00108660 Let's just stay on that discrete question. qgjSYEbhJsy-00433-00108660-00109081 The great opportunity set is that the first thing qgjSYEbhJsy-00434-00109081-00109383 that Bitcoin, at least, solved is the ability qgjSYEbhJsy-00435-00109383-00109771 to send value from A to B on a truly trustless basis. qgjSYEbhJsy-00436-00109771-00110029 You could have come to this conference-- qgjSYEbhJsy-00437-00110029-00110249 this is the ninth annual MIT Bitcoin conference. qgjSYEbhJsy-00438-00110249-00110479 You could have come to the first one, and learned that. qgjSYEbhJsy-00439-00110479-00110770 Trustless transfer of value between two parties. qgjSYEbhJsy-00440-00110770-00111055 That's a huge innovation. qgjSYEbhJsy-00441-00111055-00111336 The next step is trustless management qgjSYEbhJsy-00442-00111336-00111633 of risk between two or more parties. qgjSYEbhJsy-00443-00111633-00111922 So it's not a single moment in time transfer of value, qgjSYEbhJsy-00444-00111922-00112204 but a stretch of time, or range of time, qgjSYEbhJsy-00445-00112204-00112474 risk exposure between one or more counterparties. qgjSYEbhJsy-00446-00112474-00112733 How do we manage that on a trustless basis? qgjSYEbhJsy-00447-00112733-00112921 The only good way we've done it, and we qgjSYEbhJsy-00448-00112921-00113109 haven't done it perfectly as a society, qgjSYEbhJsy-00449-00113109-00113578 is central counterparties, clearinghouses, and look we qgjSYEbhJsy-00450-00113578-00113773 have a central clearing party as part qgjSYEbhJsy-00451-00113773-00113920 of the FTX line of business. qgjSYEbhJsy-00452-00113920-00114205 And there are several products that are coming out, qgjSYEbhJsy-00453-00114205-00114408 called DeFi or decentralized finance. qgjSYEbhJsy-00454-00114408-00114519 Everyone follows this. qgjSYEbhJsy-00455-00114519-00114933 Where the value proposition is a trustless management qgjSYEbhJsy-00456-00114933-00115221 of risk between counterparties on an open basis. qgjSYEbhJsy-00457-00115221-00115545 Not a transaction, one open and shut transaction, qgjSYEbhJsy-00458-00115545-00115872 but an ongoing risk management program that's trustless. qgjSYEbhJsy-00459-00115872-00116064 And if that happens-- qgjSYEbhJsy-00460-00116064-00116433 and can happen at the scale of global finance, so a million, qgjSYEbhJsy-00461-00116433-00116871 two million, 10 million moments per second of bids, offers, qgjSYEbhJsy-00462-00116871-00117279 trades, cancels, rejects, modifications-- qgjSYEbhJsy-00463-00117279-00117723 if you can move a market and a risk management program qgjSYEbhJsy-00464-00117723-00117970 into a decentralized, trustless basis, qgjSYEbhJsy-00465-00117970-00118160 you don't need market structure anymore. qgjSYEbhJsy-00466-00118160-00118416 You've gotten rid of all of Wall Street. qgjSYEbhJsy-00467-00118416-00118524 I still live in New York. qgjSYEbhJsy-00468-00118524-00118798 I live very close to Wall Street I don't think it's going away. qgjSYEbhJsy-00469-00118798-00119084 But, if you solve for that I mean, qgjSYEbhJsy-00470-00119084-00119407 DeFi theoretically solves for all of global finance. qgjSYEbhJsy-00471-00119407-00119766 So it completely disrupts traditional market structure. qgjSYEbhJsy-00472-00119766-00120011 I think we're a long ways from there, though. qgjSYEbhJsy-00473-00120011-00120543 One, to say that you could go and do a million or even qgjSYEbhJsy-00474-00120543-00120951 10,000 actions per second on a blockchain qgjSYEbhJsy-00475-00120951-00121179 that you would need on a traditional exchange, qgjSYEbhJsy-00476-00121179-00121410 it's not realistic at the moment. qgjSYEbhJsy-00477-00121410-00121734 So, assuming we end up reaching that goal. qgjSYEbhJsy-00478-00121734-00122001 What is the appropriate regulatory regime qgjSYEbhJsy-00479-00122001-00122155 look for that? qgjSYEbhJsy-00480-00122155-00122466 Yeah, I think that's a good question, too. qgjSYEbhJsy-00481-00122466-00122721 Whereas, if you've got no central actor, qgjSYEbhJsy-00482-00122721-00123126 if there's no gate around which you can make rules. qgjSYEbhJsy-00483-00123126-00123525 I think, you're going to see regulators look for an actor. qgjSYEbhJsy-00484-00123525-00123795 Sometimes the actor is going to be a large participant. qgjSYEbhJsy-00485-00123795-00124068 Sometimes that can be a high volume of transactions, qgjSYEbhJsy-00486-00124068-00124326 high volume of value at risk. qgjSYEbhJsy-00487-00124326-00124698 The government's going to look for the large users of a given qgjSYEbhJsy-00488-00124698-00124965 system, whether that's a protocol in exchange, qgjSYEbhJsy-00489-00124965-00125033 or whatever. qgjSYEbhJsy-00490-00125033-00125217 And say, here are the things we worry about. qgjSYEbhJsy-00491-00125217-00125510 And you go back to investor protection, market integrity, qgjSYEbhJsy-00492-00125510-00125625 financial crimes. qgjSYEbhJsy-00493-00125625-00125909 And they're going to think about new ways to solve those. qgjSYEbhJsy-00494-00125909-00126291 For example, one thing we've seen come out qgjSYEbhJsy-00495-00126291-00126483 in the financial crimes area, there qgjSYEbhJsy-00496-00126483-00126741 are certain wallets that are blacklisted by US sanctions qgjSYEbhJsy-00497-00126741-00126804 authorities. qgjSYEbhJsy-00498-00126804-00126981 They've got no idea who the people are qgjSYEbhJsy-00499-00126981-00127083 behind those wallets. qgjSYEbhJsy-00500-00127083-00127320 If they could, they would just find them and arrest them. qgjSYEbhJsy-00501-00127320-00127667 But there are certain wallets that are blacklisted by the US, qgjSYEbhJsy-00502-00127667-00127957 I think it's the US financial crimes authorities. qgjSYEbhJsy-00503-00127957-00128111 And they've said all the transactions qgjSYEbhJsy-00504-00128111-00128336 we see going to that wallet tend to be in qgjSYEbhJsy-00505-00128336-00128554 and around what we see as financial crimes. qgjSYEbhJsy-00506-00128554-00128850 And that's largely AI driven. qgjSYEbhJsy-00507-00128850-00129228 It's about analytics of the data that you can get in connection qgjSYEbhJsy-00508-00129228-00129354 with anonymous transactions. qgjSYEbhJsy-00509-00129354-00129547 And that's going to continue to grow as well. qgjSYEbhJsy-00510-00129547-00129858 So AI-based, analytics-based regulation qgjSYEbhJsy-00511-00129858-00130196 versus prescriptive-based regulation. qgjSYEbhJsy-00512-00130196-00130530 So, we have a couple more minutes qgjSYEbhJsy-00513-00130530-00130730 here and trying to rush through a few questions. qgjSYEbhJsy-00514-00130730-00130841 Sure. qgjSYEbhJsy-00515-00130841-00131297 What do you see as the main kind of gaps or misalignments qgjSYEbhJsy-00516-00131297-00131540 in today's regulatory framework? qgjSYEbhJsy-00517-00131540-00131876 There's a large moat around the cost to be regulated, qgjSYEbhJsy-00518-00131876-00132125 the cost to get started up and turn on your business, qgjSYEbhJsy-00519-00132125-00132359 is much higher than-- qgjSYEbhJsy-00520-00132359-00132614 the regulatory and legal cost is much higher than, qgjSYEbhJsy-00521-00132614-00132776 in many cases, the technical costs. qgjSYEbhJsy-00522-00132776-00133073 I can find really talented people and, in 10 days, qgjSYEbhJsy-00523-00133073-00133346 they can build a great product that's qgjSYEbhJsy-00524-00133346-00133670 peer reviewed, audited on the code, et cetera, that works. qgjSYEbhJsy-00525-00133670-00134000 But they can't release it without 14 months of regulation qgjSYEbhJsy-00526-00134000-00134318 application, and a million and a half of lawyers fees. qgjSYEbhJsy-00527-00134318-00134420 And we're lawyers. qgjSYEbhJsy-00528-00134420-00134516 We're not against that. qgjSYEbhJsy-00529-00134516-00134822 But everyone else seems to be. qgjSYEbhJsy-00530-00134822-00135203 I do appreciate the job security, for sure. qgjSYEbhJsy-00531-00135203-00135398 So maybe, going back to one thing qgjSYEbhJsy-00532-00135398-00135599 you said earlier, to just try to unpack it. qgjSYEbhJsy-00533-00135599-00135971 This idea of a principle-based regulatory regime qgjSYEbhJsy-00534-00135971-00136460 versus a technology-specific regulatory regime. qgjSYEbhJsy-00535-00136460-00136598 I think a lot of us like to think qgjSYEbhJsy-00536-00136598-00137051 that Bitcoin is an innovation that requires a new framework. qgjSYEbhJsy-00537-00137051-00137468 How do you get there without being technology specific? qgjSYEbhJsy-00538-00137468-00137989 It's so how do you get to the regulation of Bitcoin qgjSYEbhJsy-00539-00137989-00138131 without being technology specific? qgjSYEbhJsy-00540-00138131-00138461 I mean, at the highest level, don't do fraud. qgjSYEbhJsy-00541-00138461-00138677 And now we leave it to the judges, qgjSYEbhJsy-00542-00138677-00138929 we leave it to the courts, to figure out what is fraud. qgjSYEbhJsy-00543-00138929-00139139 And so, that is the highest level. qgjSYEbhJsy-00544-00139139-00139256 Don't do fraud. qgjSYEbhJsy-00545-00139256-00139376 Don't lie. qgjSYEbhJsy-00546-00139376-00139667 Don't release materially incomplete statements. qgjSYEbhJsy-00547-00139667-00139958 That then creates a basis for liability. qgjSYEbhJsy-00548-00139958-00140120 Liability from a criminal authority qgjSYEbhJsy-00549-00140120-00140351 be it a Department of Justice, or liability qgjSYEbhJsy-00550-00140351-00140474 in a civil context. qgjSYEbhJsy-00551-00140474-00140708 And you can go way past don't do fraud. qgjSYEbhJsy-00552-00140708-00140834 You can do. qgjSYEbhJsy-00553-00140834-00141080 please provide a disclosure along these lines. qgjSYEbhJsy-00554-00141080-00141425 But once you get to, only do transactions qgjSYEbhJsy-00555-00141425-00141602 with these six types of individuals, qgjSYEbhJsy-00556-00141602-00141863 for these six purposes, on these six times a day, qgjSYEbhJsy-00557-00141863-00142013 then you've lost you've lost, right? qgjSYEbhJsy-00558-00142013-00142352 You've now created a business model defining qgjSYEbhJsy-00559-00142352-00142613 regulatory program, rather than a principles qgjSYEbhJsy-00560-00142613-00142866 based regime around which people can innovate. qgjSYEbhJsy-00561-00142866-00143099 And so, it's pretty obvious. qgjSYEbhJsy-00562-00143099-00143246 But that's how I think about it. qgjSYEbhJsy-00563-00143246-00143634 Principles-based regulation is really important, qgjSYEbhJsy-00564-00143634-00143945 particularly as technology evolves super quickly. qgjSYEbhJsy-00565-00143945-00144209 Because you can't prescribe a business model. qgjSYEbhJsy-00566-00144209-00144579 You don't know what the business model is going to be. qgjSYEbhJsy-00567-00144579-00144807 So, now that we're getting towards the end qgjSYEbhJsy-00568-00144807-00145332 I'd like to really zoom in into a specific kind of FTX issue. qgjSYEbhJsy-00569-00145332-00145761 So FTX US is petitioning the CFTC qgjSYEbhJsy-00570-00145761-00146262 to allow for consumer-facing margin trading. qgjSYEbhJsy-00571-00146262-00146568 I'm wondering if you could speak about the product. qgjSYEbhJsy-00572-00146568-00146835 And then speak about the changes that you guys qgjSYEbhJsy-00573-00146835-00147003 are seeking in your license. qgjSYEbhJsy-00574-00147003-00147132 Sure, yeah . qgjSYEbhJsy-00575-00147132-00147228 We're happy to. qgjSYEbhJsy-00576-00147228-00147366 This is a big initiative of ours. qgjSYEbhJsy-00577-00147366-00147666 So I mentioned $200 billion, give or take, qgjSYEbhJsy-00578-00147666-00147963 some less, some more, global derivatives volume daily. qgjSYEbhJsy-00579-00147963-00148233 A de minimis amount of that trades in the United States. qgjSYEbhJsy-00580-00148233-00148518 And we think a major reason is in the United States qgjSYEbhJsy-00581-00148518-00148839 derivatives exchanges are regulated by the CFTC. qgjSYEbhJsy-00582-00148839-00149160 We have a license, and we have a clearinghouse license. qgjSYEbhJsy-00583-00149160-00149463 To date, all the trading and derivatives in the US qgjSYEbhJsy-00584-00149463-00149649 trades on a daily basis. qgjSYEbhJsy-00585-00149649-00149805 There's a nightly close. qgjSYEbhJsy-00586-00149805-00149991 And it's closed on the weekends, too. qgjSYEbhJsy-00587-00149991-00150267 So, you've had experiences over time qgjSYEbhJsy-00588-00150267-00150570 where risk actually builds up while the market is closed. qgjSYEbhJsy-00589-00150570-00150744 And individuals aren't able to trade. qgjSYEbhJsy-00590-00150744-00151077 Globally, crypto derivatives markets trade 24-7. qgjSYEbhJsy-00591-00151077-00151413 So that's the first innovation we've asked the CFTC to do. qgjSYEbhJsy-00592-00151413-00151665 For our US derivatives market, we've qgjSYEbhJsy-00593-00151665-00152053 petitioned for approval to list products on a 24/7 basis. qgjSYEbhJsy-00594-00152053-00152241 And more importantly than list products, qgjSYEbhJsy-00595-00152241-00152616 is to do the risk margining program on a 24/7 basis. qgjSYEbhJsy-00596-00152616-00152940 If your position goes underwater at 11 PM at night, qgjSYEbhJsy-00597-00152940-00153333 we're able to close out that position by 11:30, by 11:15, qgjSYEbhJsy-00598-00153333-00153485 depending on market conditions. qgjSYEbhJsy-00599-00153485-00153669 We don't need to wait till the next morning. qgjSYEbhJsy-00600-00153669-00153822 If it happens to be a Friday night, qgjSYEbhJsy-00601-00153822-00154002 we don't need to wait until Monday morning. qgjSYEbhJsy-00602-00154002-00154305 We think this introduces a ton of efficiency into the way qgjSYEbhJsy-00603-00154305-00154629 that markets can be monitored, surveilled, and managed qgjSYEbhJsy-00604-00154629-00154753 from a risk perspective. qgjSYEbhJsy-00605-00154753-00154940 And so we've asked for permission to do that. qgjSYEbhJsy-00606-00154940-00155253 And the proof of why it's a good idea. qgjSYEbhJsy-00607-00155253-00155526 We've spent thousands of hours with the CFTC, qgjSYEbhJsy-00608-00155526-00155784 and they continue to engage very productively with us, qgjSYEbhJsy-00609-00155784-00155961 as does all of Washington DC. qgjSYEbhJsy-00610-00155961-00156246 But explaining that, in the global derivatives market qgjSYEbhJsy-00611-00156246-00156423 this has been done for several years, qgjSYEbhJsy-00612-00156423-00156636 and there's a lot of lessons learned. qgjSYEbhJsy-00613-00156636-00156876 But there's a lot of good risk management practices qgjSYEbhJsy-00614-00156876-00157386 that you can bring in for 24-7 risk management that make it, qgjSYEbhJsy-00615-00157386-00157683 in many respects, better than the traditional model that's qgjSYEbhJsy-00616-00157683-00157806 used in the United States. qgjSYEbhJsy-00617-00157806-00157977 The second innovation we want to do qgjSYEbhJsy-00618-00157977-00158541 on top of 24-7 risk margining is direct to user access qgjSYEbhJsy-00619-00158541-00158637 of the markets. qgjSYEbhJsy-00620-00158637-00158859 A lot of the US market has traditionally qgjSYEbhJsy-00621-00158859-00159186 accessed derivatives through an intermediary, such as a broker. qgjSYEbhJsy-00622-00159186-00159444 And that is not something that we're saying qgjSYEbhJsy-00623-00159444-00159546 shouldn't be there. qgjSYEbhJsy-00624-00159546-00159867 Brokers are more than welcome to bring user flow to FTX. qgjSYEbhJsy-00625-00159867-00160086 We're doing a lot of work to sign up qgjSYEbhJsy-00626-00160086-00160417 what are called FCMs in the US futures market. qgjSYEbhJsy-00627-00160417-00160638 So futures brokers to our exchange. qgjSYEbhJsy-00628-00160638-00160962 But we also want to, as a parallel market access model, qgjSYEbhJsy-00629-00160962-00161178 permit anyone to show up, and create qgjSYEbhJsy-00630-00161178-00161445 their own account with the exchange and the clearinghouse. qgjSYEbhJsy-00631-00161445-00161559 We can make an app. qgjSYEbhJsy-00632-00161559-00161914 It plugs into our Amazon cloud service in Virginia. qgjSYEbhJsy-00633-00161914-00162147 You don't need a special technology team qgjSYEbhJsy-00634-00162147-00162372 to create access to the FTC's exchange. qgjSYEbhJsy-00635-00162372-00162663 And it's really straightforward to go straight to users. qgjSYEbhJsy-00636-00162663-00163059 And so that's the other thing we've asked for permission for. qgjSYEbhJsy-00637-00163059-00163455 So we focused a lot of this talk on financial products, qgjSYEbhJsy-00638-00163455-00163776 but you guys also have an NFT platform. qgjSYEbhJsy-00639-00163776-00163989 So I'm wondering if you could explain a little bit. qgjSYEbhJsy-00640-00163989-00164290 What are some of the regulatory issues around NFTs? qgjSYEbhJsy-00641-00164290-00164340 Sure. qgjSYEbhJsy-00642-00164340-00164742 So yeah, we have a centralized NFT exchange and marketplace. qgjSYEbhJsy-00643-00164742-00165024 It means that folks can load up their NFTs qgjSYEbhJsy-00644-00165024-00165144 from different blockchains. qgjSYEbhJsy-00645-00165144-00165333 Right now we support Ether and Solana. qgjSYEbhJsy-00646-00165333-00165654 And they can, essentially, put them into their FTX wallet, qgjSYEbhJsy-00647-00165654-00165954 and buy and sell them with other FTX users. qgjSYEbhJsy-00648-00165954-00166132 NFTs have been fun. qgjSYEbhJsy-00649-00166132-00166404 I think that's the initial adjective I would use. qgjSYEbhJsy-00650-00166404-00166611 They've allowed for communities to create qgjSYEbhJsy-00651-00166611-00166734 new ways of engagement. qgjSYEbhJsy-00652-00166734-00166929 And we wanted to find a way to support that. qgjSYEbhJsy-00653-00166929-00167352 I'm not sure where NFTs go without a lot more innovation. qgjSYEbhJsy-00654-00167352-00167515 And that innovation is happening. qgjSYEbhJsy-00655-00167515-00167808 But as a pure create interesting pictures qgjSYEbhJsy-00656-00167808-00167978 and sell them back and forth. qgjSYEbhJsy-00657-00167978-00168153 There's a lot more that can be done there. qgjSYEbhJsy-00658-00168153-00168505 And I think it's going to be about community engagement. qgjSYEbhJsy-00659-00168505-00168651 Some of the interesting challenges, qgjSYEbhJsy-00660-00168651-00168906 if you were on a centralized NFT marketplace, qgjSYEbhJsy-00661-00168906-00169236 are the same ones that happen if you're on a centralized crypto qgjSYEbhJsy-00662-00169236-00169323 spot exchange. qgjSYEbhJsy-00663-00169323-00169596 You've got to KYC users, which we're doing. qgjSYEbhJsy-00664-00169596-00169923 And that's a feature that makes us less competitive qgjSYEbhJsy-00665-00169923-00170163 versus some of the other NFT platforms out there. qgjSYEbhJsy-00666-00170163-00170445 And we do a lot of content moderation, essentially qgjSYEbhJsy-00667-00170445-00170658 to make sure that anything that is listed, qgjSYEbhJsy-00668-00170658-00170943 the listers have the IP rights, that the content is qgjSYEbhJsy-00669-00170943-00171060 appropriate content. qgjSYEbhJsy-00670-00171060-00171357 And so, it's been a really fun project for us. qgjSYEbhJsy-00671-00171357-00171633 We've had some enthusiastic staffers qgjSYEbhJsy-00672-00171633-00171909 go out and create new types of communities and engagement qgjSYEbhJsy-00673-00171909-00171981 programs. qgjSYEbhJsy-00674-00171981-00172167 And I think that will continue. qgjSYEbhJsy-00675-00172167-00172512 Does it become a parallel to the spot crypto exchange qgjSYEbhJsy-00676-00172512-00172650 from markets perspective? qgjSYEbhJsy-00677-00172650-00172786 I don't know. qgjSYEbhJsy-00678-00172786-00173088 I do, though, think that it continues to be a community qgjSYEbhJsy-00679-00173088-00173229 engagement thing. qgjSYEbhJsy-00680-00173229-00173466 And we haven't seen even near the beginning qgjSYEbhJsy-00681-00173466-00173772 of what that can be. qgjSYEbhJsy-00682-00173772-00173977 Did he just kick us off? qgjSYEbhJsy-00683-00173977-00174073 I'm looking around. qgjSYEbhJsy-00684-00174073-00174206 I feel like we're out of time. qgjSYEbhJsy-00685-00174206-00174256 OK. qgjSYEbhJsy-00686-00174256-00174464 Do we have time for any questions, or are we done? qgjSYEbhJsy-00687-00174702-00174825 One question? qgjSYEbhJsy-00688-00174825-00174995 You're the moderator. qgjSYEbhJsy-00689-00174995-00175134 It was very quick on the draw. qgjSYEbhJsy-00690-00175413-00175729 Thank you very much for the presentation. qgjSYEbhJsy-00691-00175729-00175872 Thanks for coming. qgjSYEbhJsy-00692-00175872-00176436 Where do the analogies between traditional finance and DeFi qgjSYEbhJsy-00693-00176436-00176514 break? qgjSYEbhJsy-00694-00176514-00176757 And because that's going to be what requires qgjSYEbhJsy-00695-00176757-00177042 the real regulatory innovation. qgjSYEbhJsy-00696-00177042-00177223 And where do you see that going? qgjSYEbhJsy-00697-00177223-00177387 As we said, where do the analogies qgjSYEbhJsy-00698-00177387-00177654 between traditional finance and DeFi break? qgjSYEbhJsy-00699-00177654-00177801 I don't really know. qgjSYEbhJsy-00700-00177801-00178305 But I think in traditional finance, qgjSYEbhJsy-00701-00178305-00178596 you've got a lot of volume and trading activity qgjSYEbhJsy-00702-00178596-00178779 that was tied to credit. qgjSYEbhJsy-00703-00178779-00179055 And the ability to, in fact, trust your counterparty. qgjSYEbhJsy-00704-00179055-00179550 And the ability of the large banks, top five, qgjSYEbhJsy-00705-00179550-00179832 top 10 global banks, to intermediate with credit. qgjSYEbhJsy-00706-00179832-00180075 That allowed for a lot of transaction activity qgjSYEbhJsy-00707-00180075-00180207 that never would have happened. qgjSYEbhJsy-00708-00180207-00180516 In DeFi, you can no longer go to Goldman or JP Morgan, qgjSYEbhJsy-00709-00180516-00180759 and say give me $100 million line of credit, qgjSYEbhJsy-00710-00180759-00180873 based on my business. qgjSYEbhJsy-00711-00180873-00181077 And let me go into the markets, and create qgjSYEbhJsy-00712-00181077-00181200 transaction activity. qgjSYEbhJsy-00713-00181200-00181444 With DeFi, it's a completely different model. qgjSYEbhJsy-00714-00181444-00181725 And so, there will be credit that comes from somewhere. qgjSYEbhJsy-00715-00181725-00181971 It's going to be risk that builds up in the system. qgjSYEbhJsy-00716-00181971-00182211 Regulators understand credit and risk, qgjSYEbhJsy-00717-00182211-00182412 or at least they've done decades of work qgjSYEbhJsy-00718-00182412-00182610 to understand credit and risk at banks. qgjSYEbhJsy-00719-00182610-00182736 And how that's provided. qgjSYEbhJsy-00720-00182736-00183018 They don't yet understand how credit and risk exist qgjSYEbhJsy-00721-00183018-00183203 in decentralized protocols. qgjSYEbhJsy-00722-00183203-00183387 And they're going to have to learn, and then qgjSYEbhJsy-00723-00183387-00183603 figure out what they want to do about it as opposed qgjSYEbhJsy-00724-00183603-00183941 to prohibit it. qgjSYEbhJsy-00725-00183941-00184119 Thanks for coming. qlgIgykUsII-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi everyone qlgIgykUsII-00001-00000200-00000400 Crude oil 1 minute chart qlgIgykUsII-00002-00000400-00002519 Currently sell call is going so red color candle qlgIgykUsII-00003-00002614-00004134 After pm market we focus qlgIgykUsII-00004-00004134-00006520 Buy trend begin so Green color candle opened qlgIgykUsII-00005-00006520-00008194 18 point first target qlgIgykUsII-00006-00008267-00010493 After 17 mins target achieved qlgIgykUsII-00007-00010569-00011928 For chart subscription details WhatsApp - 9488462166 qlFKGcLp_po-00000-00000003-00000312 LBW: There's this thing now Facebook's like we want to avoid fake news we want to qlFKGcLp_po-00001-00000312-00000750 move away from people being influenced by these fake news outlets so that qlFKGcLp_po-00002-00000750-00001041 that's their story right and then they start you know changing their algorithm qlFKGcLp_po-00003-00001041-00001442 and make it more difficult to find videos like put on by SubMedia for qlFKGcLp_po-00004-00001442-00002105 instance have you seen a significant drop in your I guess exposure or qlFKGcLp_po-00005-00002105-00002556 distribution as a result of this qlFKGcLp_po-00006-00002556-00002751 FRANK LOPEZ: Oh yeah without a doubt yeah and I and you can qlFKGcLp_po-00007-00002751-00003213 ask you know and keep asking independent media makers but not just them even big qlFKGcLp_po-00008-00003213-00003669 outlets like the New York Times and another big mainstream media everyone is qlFKGcLp_po-00009-00003669-00004110 being affected by this and and you know it was it was a kind of catch-22 qlFKGcLp_po-00010-00004110-00004794 situation because we we we didn't start the first it was the Stimulator page we qlFKGcLp_po-00011-00004794-00005259 didn't start that on Facebook it was a fan who did and eventually handed us the qlFKGcLp_po-00012-00005259-00005991 page to to us because you know I became popular and and the reality is that qlFKGcLp_po-00013-00005991-00006353 Facebook sort of became like the internet you know I mean most people qlFKGcLp_po-00014-00006353-00006881 like back in the day people would just go to websites our website was getting qlFKGcLp_po-00015-00006881-00007476 my you know sixty thousand visitors a month before Facebook now people only go qlFKGcLp_po-00016-00007476-00007872 to websites if they found that they find out through Facebook to a lesser degree qlFKGcLp_po-00017-00007872-00008688 Twitter and to a much lesser degree reddit and so we were forced to engage qlFKGcLp_po-00018-00008688-00009231 with that platform because there was a bit of a missed opportunity there too qlFKGcLp_po-00019-00009231-00009672 while you know dealing with the uncountable fact that this is a major qlFKGcLp_po-00020-00009672-00010086 corporation that you know as we have been saying before the Cambridge qlFKGcLp_po-00021-00010086-00010518 Analytic a thing like that that particular scandal shouldn't have qlFKGcLp_po-00022-00010518-00010968 surprised anybody you know like this is something that that anybody who was qlFKGcLp_po-00023-00010968-00011759 has pay attention could have seen coming right but you know I backtrack qlFKGcLp_po-00024-00011777-00012195 back when not to keep referring to the to the glorious day or the qlFKGcLp_po-00025-00012195-00012668 anti-globalization movement but back then the thing that gave the anarchist in the qlFKGcLp_po-00026-00012668-00013103 anti-capitalist movement a lot of power was in the media and the fact that this qlFKGcLp_po-00027-00013103-00013613 was a resource for spreading news that belong to us and that was qlFKGcLp_po-00028-00013613-00014151 decentralized and that it was worldwide and I'll explain what Indymedia is qlFKGcLp_po-00029-00014151-00014619 because a lot of young people out there might not know Indymedia which still qlFKGcLp_po-00030-00014619-00015027 exists there certainly like a very small fraction of what it used to be it was a qlFKGcLp_po-00031-00015027-00015681 global network of independent media centers and websites that were local but qlFKGcLp_po-00032-00015681-00015984 part of a network so there will be like an independent media center in qlFKGcLp_po-00033-00015984-00016464 Seattle another one and Brisbane Australia another one Cape Town South qlFKGcLp_po-00034-00016464-00017001 Africa for instance even Palestine had an indie media center and and it was qlFKGcLp_po-00035-00017001-00017517 open publishing and so these folks were hugely making a huge breakthrough so qlFKGcLp_po-00036-00017517-00018021 before YouTube you can post videos there before Twitter you can actually post qlFKGcLp_po-00037-00018021-00018615 short stories that would appear in a Twitter like feed called the news wire you qlFKGcLp_po-00038-00018615-00019074 could post photos like on Instagram there was all that in one platform qlFKGcLp_po-00039-00019074-00019521 before any of these things that became commercialize and and basically put qlFKGcLp_po-00040-00019521-00020016 everybody else kind of like you know in a very last place in terms of like qlFKGcLp_po-00041-00020016-00020613 ranking and all that stuff and so but this belonged to us and at this qlFKGcLp_po-00042-00020613-00021018 particular moment in time specifically in the anti-globalization movement we qlFKGcLp_po-00043-00021018-00021450 could tell our side of the story we can talk to people on the street and say why qlFKGcLp_po-00044-00021450-00021738 we're going to this protest why they we're trying to stop the world trade qlFKGcLp_po-00045-00021738-00022338 organisation or the g20 meetings or the World Bank meetings alright those little qlFKGcLp_po-00046-00022338-00022616 big three that people were going after and all these Free Trade Agreement qlFKGcLp_po-00047-00022616-00023316 convergences and it was hugely effective you know and then people began qlFKGcLp_po-00048-00023316-00023775 organizing through that and through email lists right and and now all of qlFKGcLp_po-00049-00023775-00024162 this stuff is really if you don't if you don't have an event on Facebook or you qlFKGcLp_po-00050-00024162-00024666 know or a protest in facebook you're you're missing out on like a potentially qlFKGcLp_po-00051-00024666-00025278 huge pool of people but the problem is and this is where hackers and and media qlFKGcLp_po-00052-00025278-00025767 activists always tell us this shit does not belong to us and so the fact that we qlFKGcLp_po-00053-00025767-00026307 invest in building our profiles on these platforms that don't belong to us makes qlFKGcLp_po-00054-00026307-00026775 us hugely vulnerable because one SubMedia could get kicked out qlFKGcLp_po-00055-00026775-00027333 of facebook at any moment you know and we and really we have no no real legal qlFKGcLp_po-00056-00027333-00028220 recourse to sort of fight it you know and and two these companies are profiting qlFKGcLp_po-00057-00028220-00029007 off of us and and so you know we we well we don't like it we have been parallely qlFKGcLp_po-00058-00029007-00029541 parallely trying to build both our platform our independent platform in qlFKGcLp_po-00059-00029541-00030198 case any other shit happens or and building our social media or rather that qlFKGcLp_po-00060-00030198-00030533 we spend a hundred percent of our time our independent media platform but the qlFKGcLp_po-00061-00030533-00030902 reality is different but who knows I mean like now that Facebook has qlFKGcLp_po-00062-00030902-00031395 basically pull the rug out of everybody now it's just like we have to you know qlFKGcLp_po-00063-00031395-00031995 reflect and and and start to boost our own independent media structures qnaJlaO-tjY-00000-00000088-00000518 Hi All, This week, we focus on processes of cell division. qnaJlaO-tjY-00001-00000518-00001118 These processes are vital for keeping a body of cells alive and for the act of reproduction. qnaJlaO-tjY-00002-00001190-00001710 For example, a sea urchin starts off as a single cell, a single fertilized egg. qnaJlaO-tjY-00003-00001710-00002250 That egg undergoes cell division to form a two-celled embryo (as can be seen in the photo on the left). qnaJlaO-tjY-00004-00002260-00002622 Those two cells divide to form a four-celled embryo. qnaJlaO-tjY-00005-00002662-00003229 Those cells divide to form eight cells. Then sixteen (as can be seen in the middle photo). qnaJlaO-tjY-00006-00003229-00003684 And so on until an adult sea urchin, made of millions of cells, is produced. qnaJlaO-tjY-00007-00003752-00004208 A similar process is involved in the development of a single, fertilized human egg, qnaJlaO-tjY-00008-00004208-00004898 through many rounds of cell division, to produce a baby who is born with a body made of tens of trillions of cells. qnaJlaO-tjY-00009-00004940-00005354 One of the amazing things about that process of embryological development qnaJlaO-tjY-00010-00005354-00005962 is that every one of those millions of urchin cells is identical to every other one of that urchin’s cells. qnaJlaO-tjY-00011-00005962-00006608 The same is true of human babies (and adults)—all the cells of a person’s body are clones of one another qnaJlaO-tjY-00012-00006608-00006892 (that means the cells are genetically identical). qnaJlaO-tjY-00013-00007080-00007295 These are human karyotypes. qnaJlaO-tjY-00014-00007295-00007784 Each karyotypes is the picture of the chromosomes in that person’s cells. qnaJlaO-tjY-00015-00007806-00008252 Here, we can see three karyotypes—dad’s, mom’s, and child’s. qnaJlaO-tjY-00016-00008316-00008804 Human karyotypes usually show 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total). qnaJlaO-tjY-00017-00008882-00009308 We’ll make use of these karyotypes as we discuss the processes of cell division. qnaJlaO-tjY-00018-00009544-00010192 Since one of the hallmarks of cell division in a single organism’s body is genetic identicalness qnaJlaO-tjY-00019-00010192-00010612 (as compared to the genetic variation that is characteristic of sexual reproduction qnaJlaO-tjY-00020-00010612-00011120 to produce the next generation), we’ll start by defining some genetic terms. qnaJlaO-tjY-00021-00011190-00011664 The Genome is all of the DNA in a cell of an organism’s body. qnaJlaO-tjY-00022-00011664-00012136 DNA is the molecule that organisms use to encode genetic information. qnaJlaO-tjY-00023-00012136-00012668 So an organism’s genome represents that organism’s total genetic composition. qnaJlaO-tjY-00024-00012790-00013344 A Chromosome is one molecule of DNA and proteins that the DNA is wrapped on. qnaJlaO-tjY-00025-00013386-00013922 Each chromosome is like a cookbook of protein recipes (called genes). qnaJlaO-tjY-00026-00014010-00014386 A gene is a recipe to make a protein (as I just said). qnaJlaO-tjY-00027-00014412-00014828 Proteins are really important for proper cellular function. qnaJlaO-tjY-00028-00014828-00015313 They are so important that we have a dedicated library of recipes (genes) to make them. qnaJlaO-tjY-00029-00015480-00016074 Homologous Chromosomes are chromosomes that have the same genes in the same order and location. qnaJlaO-tjY-00030-00016113-00016742 We can say that the human genome consists of 23 homologous chromosome pairs. qnaJlaO-tjY-00031-00016848-00017344 When you look at this human karyotype, you can envision that this is a person’s genetic library. qnaJlaO-tjY-00032-00017344-00017944 It’s actually two matching libraries—one set of 23 cookbooks (chromosomes) came from mom qnaJlaO-tjY-00033-00017944-00018320 and a matching set of 23 cookbooks came from dad. qnaJlaO-tjY-00034-00018358-00019020 Each cookbook a few hundred to a few thousand recipes (genes) encoded along its length. qnaJlaO-tjY-00035-00019120-00019736 A cell is said to be Diploid, when it has a pair of each chromosomes (as this karyotype shows). qnaJlaO-tjY-00036-00019772-00020176 For human cells, the Diploid number is 46 chromosomes. qnaJlaO-tjY-00037-00020262-00020796 A cell is said to be Haploid when it has only one of each type of chromosome. qnaJlaO-tjY-00038-00020820-00021200 For humans, the Haploid number is 23 chromosomes. qnaJlaO-tjY-00039-00021222-00021774 We’ll use these terms as we discuss the rest of the concepts from Chapters 06 and 07. qnaJlaO-tjY-00040-00021774-00022130 In the next video, we’ll look at the Somatic Cell Cycle, qnaJlaO-tjY-00041-00022130-00022722 the orderly process of cellular reproduction that is used to maintain the tissues of our body. r188722LZRQ-00000-00000000-00000200 PADANG OMELET EGG INDONESIAN FOOD RECIPE r188722LZRQ-00001-00000200-00000400 For the complete recipe, see description r188722LZRQ-00002-00000400-00000600 This video has 2 subtitles : Indonesia and English r1HAl1lLBOk-00000-00000044-00000938 Facebook Fanpage: Wh1t3R0s3 - @WhiteRose.IT r1HAl1lLBOk-00001-00000998-00001140 How To Download A Complete Website To Browse Offline Without Internet? r1HAl1lLBOk-00002-00005354-00005554 Open a web browser. Ex: Google Chorme, Firefox, ... r1HAl1lLBOk-00003-00005554-00005638 URL: www.google.com r1HAl1lLBOk-00004-00005802-00006002 Search: HTTrack r1HAl1lLBOk-00005-00006002-00006112 Click HTTrack Website Copier ... r1HAl1lLBOk-00006-00006254-00006454 Click Download r1HAl1lLBOk-00007-00008736-00009068 OS: Windows, Linux, Android r1HAl1lLBOk-00008-00009104-00009658 OS now: Windows 10 - 64bit r1HAl1lLBOk-00009-00009898-00010132 Click httrack x64-3.49.2.exe r1HAl1lLBOk-00010-00010174-00010374 Select save location and Save r1HAl1lLBOk-00011-00010982-00011182 Open the file folder r1HAl1lLBOk-00012-00012218-00012486 Double-Click httrack_x64-3.49.2 r1HAl1lLBOk-00013-00012522-00012634 Click Run r1HAl1lLBOk-00014-00012634-00012746 Next r1HAl1lLBOk-00015-00012746-00012832 Choose "I accept the agreement" r1HAl1lLBOk-00016-00012869-00012994 Next r1HAl1lLBOk-00017-00013034-00013090 Choose "Don't create a Start Menu folder" r1HAl1lLBOk-00018-00013090-00013141 Next r1HAl1lLBOk-00019-00013210-00013410 Next -> Install r1HAl1lLBOk-00020-00013728-00013928 Finish r1HAl1lLBOk-00021-00016116-00016336 Create a new folder in drive D with name "Offline-Site" r1HAl1lLBOk-00022-00016396-00016550 Right-Click -> New -> Folder r1HAl1lLBOk-00023-00016550-00016688 Type Name: "Offline-Site" r1HAl1lLBOk-00024-00016688-00016764 Enter r1HAl1lLBOk-00025-00016764-00016814 Double-Click Offline-Site r1HAl1lLBOk-00026-00018162-00018392 Back to the browser r1HAl1lLBOk-00027-00019118-00019274 Type Search: "tutorial point" r1HAl1lLBOk-00028-00019274-00019350 Enter r1HAl1lLBOk-00029-00019350-00019550 Click TutorialsPoint r1HAl1lLBOk-00030-00021540-00021762 Examples of SEO topics r1HAl1lLBOk-00031-00021832-00022006 Click "Learn SEO Techniques" r1HAl1lLBOk-00032-00023040-00023294 URL now: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/seo/index.htm r1HAl1lLBOk-00033-00024128-00024798 See many other link r1HAl1lLBOk-00034-00025494-00026016 It will download all links after this link: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/seo/............. r1HAl1lLBOk-00035-00027100-00027300 Back to Httrack r1HAl1lLBOk-00036-00027300-00027420 Next r1HAl1lLBOk-00037-00028730-00029020 Type Project Name: "Learn SEO" r1HAl1lLBOk-00038-00030354-00030554 Type Project Category: "IT" r1HAl1lLBOk-00039-00031132-00031624 Base path - select to save location r1HAl1lLBOk-00040-00031624-00031768 OK r1HAl1lLBOk-00041-00031768-00031945 Next r1HAl1lLBOk-00042-00033724-00033996 Copy link & Paste link to Web Adress (URL) r1HAl1lLBOk-00043-00034000-00034172 Next r1HAl1lLBOk-00044-00034338-00034664 Finish r1HAl1lLBOk-00045-00034784-00035710 Waiting ... r1HAl1lLBOk-00046-00036796-00036996 Next r1HAl1lLBOk-00047-00037150-00037314 Done r1HAl1lLBOk-00048-00038290-00038560 Turn off the network r1HAl1lLBOk-00049-00039384-00039640 Now! Access the web offline r1HAl1lLBOk-00050-00039718-00039988 Open folder saved location. D:\Offline-Site r1HAl1lLBOk-00051-00040810-00041010 Double-Click Index.html r1HAl1lLBOk-00052-00041746-00042042 Click Learn SEO r1HAl1lLBOk-00053-00043246-00043512 Try access other link r1HAl1lLBOk-00054-00044630-00045142 Thank you for watching! r2nsv3mbBbU-00000-00000048-00000512 you guys have to stop for just a moment while i tell you about my new video. there r2nsv3mbBbU-00001-00000512-00001152 are two videos of me playing at once, and this is something i really like, except i r2nsv3mbBbU-00002-00001152-00001592 don't want you guys in the video, because, well that would kill me, and i would not want that. r5dbxS8k04y-00000-00000000-00000420 the Canada goose is a species of wild goose that is native to North America r5dbxS8k04y-00001-00000522-00001080 they are known for their distinctive black head and neck white cheeks and long black curved bill r5dbxS8k04y-00002-00001170-00001560 Canada geese are found throughout North America and are also found r5dbxS8k04y-00003-00001560-00001944 in parts of Europe and Asia as introduced or feral populations r5dbxS8k04y-00004-00002052-00002586 they are often seen in parks and near bodies of water and are known for their loud honking calls r5dbxS8k04y-00005-00002670-00003342 they are migratory birds and travel long distances between their breeding and wintering habitats the r5dbxS8k04y-00006-00003342-00003828 Canada goose is also a game bird and hunting is regulated by the government in most countries r8R8Fe00lXu-00000-00000016-00001465 Hello everyone. r8R8Fe00lXu-00001-00001465-00001789 Welcome to this material characterization course. r8R8Fe00lXu-00002-00001789-00002351 In the last class we just looked at the applications of X-ray diffraction. r8R8Fe00lXu-00003-00002351-00002573 And we looked at typically three cases. r8R8Fe00lXu-00004-00002573-00003376 One is the crystal structure determination and we also looked at how to look at the stress r8R8Fe00lXu-00005-00003376-00003626 measurements that is a basic principles of stress measurements. r8R8Fe00lXu-00006-00003626-00004076 And also, we looked at the phase identification in a phase mixture. r8R8Fe00lXu-00007-00004076-00004653 We looked at all those very fundamental ideas behind the application of this x-ray diffraction r8R8Fe00lXu-00008-00004653-00005004 and it is how the intensity is calculated and so on. r8R8Fe00lXu-00009-00005004-00005572 And today's class I will just show you some demonstrations through the laboratory videos. r8R8Fe00lXu-00010-00005572-00006181 I will take you to our XRD lab and then show the equipment details. r8R8Fe00lXu-00011-00006181-00006741 How the x-ray diffraction equipment looks like and what are the primary components and r8R8Fe00lXu-00012-00006741-00007384 how one would perform an X-ray diffraction experiments in a polycrystalline material. r8R8Fe00lXu-00013-00007384-00007741 So, you will get a basic idea from this. r8R8Fe00lXu-00014-00007741-00008265 Though you will not be able to do other detailed experiments since it is only apart of this r8R8Fe00lXu-00015-00008265-00008880 material characterization course, I thought it would be very nice idea if you have some r8R8Fe00lXu-00016-00008880-00009539 detail about how the equipment will look like and what are the basic details about in XRD r8R8Fe00lXu-00017-00009539-00009639 macines. r8R8Fe00lXu-00018-00009639-00010575 So, if you look at the screen where I started showing, this is the Brooker X-ray diffractometer r8R8Fe00lXu-00019-00010575-00011583 and you can see that it is all enclosed in a big a box. r8R8Fe00lXu-00020-00011583-00012339 You can see in a long shot and you can also see our one of the scholars in our department r8R8Fe00lXu-00021-00012339-00013472 is going to operate this machine for us and I will just show you the details one by one. r8R8Fe00lXu-00022-00013472-00014675 So, this is X-ray diffractometer and you have the power console here and on and off and r8R8Fe00lXu-00023-00014675-00014775 everything. r8R8Fe00lXu-00024-00014775-00015613 So, it is a long shot and what you are going to look at again from okay now we have opened r8R8Fe00lXu-00025-00015613-00015777 this equipment. r8R8Fe00lXu-00026-00015777-00016448 Now, you are seeing the details of the diffractometer. r8R8Fe00lXu-00027-00016448-00017430 What you are seeing in the background I mean backside the big a circular disc is a goniometer. r8R8Fe00lXu-00028-00017430-00018435 It is called a goniometer are and it is also referred as a diffractometer circle. r8R8Fe00lXu-00029-00018435-00019067 And then what you are now seeing is everything in a closer short. r8R8Fe00lXu-00030-00019067-00019754 And do not worry you will be seeing this for very long time so you get the details. r8R8Fe00lXu-00031-00019754-00020418 So, this is a specimen stage where your specimens are kept, whether it is a bulk sample or a r8R8Fe00lXu-00032-00020418-00020604 powder sample. r8R8Fe00lXu-00033-00020604-00021174 A bulk sample is directly kept on this whereas the powder sample is mixed with some medium r8R8Fe00lXu-00034-00021174-00021759 and in kept on a glass slide or something like that. r8R8Fe00lXu-00035-00021759-00022285 And this is a specimen stage we will talk about it much more detail. r8R8Fe00lXu-00036-00022285-00023107 So, what we need to know from this equipment is the basic component some of the basic components r8R8Fe00lXu-00037-00023107-00023725 which you require is the X-ray source. r8R8Fe00lXu-00038-00023725-00024006 This is the X-ray source. r8R8Fe00lXu-00039-00024006-00024981 And from where we will talk about some slits and through which the x-ray beam comes out r8R8Fe00lXu-00040-00024981-00025516 and then it made fall on this specimen here. r8R8Fe00lXu-00041-00025516-00025969 So, and this is a detector. r8R8Fe00lXu-00042-00025969-00026361 This is a detector again which has got lot of slits inside. r8R8Fe00lXu-00043-00026361-00027114 We will discuss about the role of slits and then you have an x-ray detector in this cas. r8R8Fe00lXu-00044-00027114-00027963 So, the primary component is X-ray source, a sample stage and a detector. r8R8Fe00lXu-00045-00027963-00028649 You can see that, all these three are shown in this. r8R8Fe00lXu-00046-00028649-00029377 And one important thing you have to understand is the X-ray source and a detector is kept r8R8Fe00lXu-00047-00029377-00029758 intentionally on the goniometer circle. r8R8Fe00lXu-00048-00029758-00030248 You just see that. r8R8Fe00lXu-00049-00030248-00031066 The X-ray source and the detector are going to be on the goniometer circle or you can r8R8Fe00lXu-00050-00031066-00031394 say that diffractometer circle. r8R8Fe00lXu-00051-00031394-00031797 You just observe these details for some clarity. r8R8Fe00lXu-00052-00031797-00032452 These are all on XY movement for this specimen stage. r8R8Fe00lXu-00053-00032452-00033199 We will discuss about the importance of this movement. r8R8Fe00lXu-00054-00033199-00033683 Okay. r8R8Fe00lXu-00055-00033683-00034670 The specimen also can go in that semicircle fashion in this manner. r8R8Fe00lXu-00056-00034670-00035350 So, what I would like to do is before our scholar perform the experiments, let me also r8R8Fe00lXu-00057-00035350-00035756 explain some of the basic components. r8R8Fe00lXu-00058-00035756-00036365 Like you can see that what I would like to explain here is you just I will just stop r8R8Fe00lXu-00059-00036365-00036590 this video here. r8R8Fe00lXu-00060-00036590-00037768 This is the goniometer circle your X-ray source as well as the detector are kept in the diffractometer r8R8Fe00lXu-00061-00037768-00037963 circle or goniometer circle. r8R8Fe00lXu-00062-00037963-00038552 And the specimen is always kept in the center here, the center stage. r8R8Fe00lXu-00063-00038552-00039290 We will now just discuss the basic requirement of keeping the sample in the center of this r8R8Fe00lXu-00064-00039290-00040280 goniometer circle and that is a we will talk about X-ray optics before we do that experiment. r8R8Fe00lXu-00065-00040280-00041216 So, what I will do is, let me draw a line diagram on the blackboard in order to appreciate r8R8Fe00lXu-00066-00041216-00041389 what you are now seeing. r8R8Fe00lXu-00069-00057149-00058285 Suppose if you have the source here and then it goes to the sample and get reflected here r8R8Fe00lXu-00070-00058285-00058941 and this is another X-ray source which is falling on the sample in the point B and get r8R8Fe00lXu-00071-00058941-00060197 focused here in F. And you see that the angle between this is 2θ and this is α, and this r8R8Fe00lXu-00072-00060197-00061197 is α and you can have the relation here, but the circle inscribing the angle and what r8R8Fe00lXu-00073-00061197-00061875 you have to keep in mind, whenever you have the X-ray source which goes into a sample r8R8Fe00lXu-00074-00061875-00062694 and get back to the a point F, that is, the this is incident ray and this is diffracted r8R8Fe00lXu-00075-00062694-00063522 ray are getting focused again at a point F. So, you can say that this is a source of X-ray r8R8Fe00lXu-00076-00063522-00064061 and this is your detector and this is your sample for example. r8R8Fe00lXu-00077-00064061-00064989 So, if you, this geometry is maintained for all the scanning, for all the scanning for r8R8Fe00lXu-00078-00064989-00065967 variable 2θ, this is completely maintained for all the wherever you keep variable 2θ r8R8Fe00lXu-00079-00065967-00066294 this geometry is maintained. r8R8Fe00lXu-00080-00066294-00068477 And we can write. r8R8Fe00lXu-00082-00071576-00072712 And then I will draw one more schematic which will show the para focusing of the goniometer r8R8Fe00lXu-00083-00072712-00073487 as well as the what the sample you are going to scan during various angles of 2θ. r8R8Fe00lXu-00086-00102869-00104001 How this Bragg Brentano geometry or I would say Bragg Brentano para focusing method which r8R8Fe00lXu-00087-00104001-00104235 is being adopted in this particular diffractometer. r8R8Fe00lXu-00088-00104235-00104841 So, you have this is a diffractometer circle or goniometer circle which I showed you in r8R8Fe00lXu-00089-00104841-00105276 the video and this is your sample which I said that. r8R8Fe00lXu-00090-00105276-00105724 So, these two there are we are talking about two circles here. r8R8Fe00lXu-00091-00105724-00106182 One is diffractometer circle goniometer circle. r8R8Fe00lXu-00092-00106182-00106475 The other is a focusing circle. r8R8Fe00lXu-00093-00106475-00106794 So, what is this focusing circle? r8R8Fe00lXu-00094-00106794-00107051 Depending upon the 2θ, it is going to vary. r8R8Fe00lXu-00095-00107051-00107843 So, you see that you see you are as I said that your specimen detector and the source r8R8Fe00lXu-00096-00107843-00108002 should be in that circle. r8R8Fe00lXu-00097-00108002-00108575 So, assume that this is a focusing circle and this is your diffractometer circle. r8R8Fe00lXu-00098-00108575-00109145 Depending upon the 2θ, it is going to vary this way or this way. r8R8Fe00lXu-00099-00109145-00109708 So, in this case you see that this is the specimen and the specimen normal and this r8R8Fe00lXu-00100-00109708-00110331 is the incoming source and this is a diffracted beam, which is focused and then you see that r8R8Fe00lXu-00101-00110331-00111103 the specimen is kept in the circle on the perimeter of the circle of focusing. r8R8Fe00lXu-00102-00111103-00111553 So, depending upon the 2θ, you can see that the 2θ is becoming smaller, then you see r8R8Fe00lXu-00103-00111553-00111798 that the focusing circle is also becoming smaller. r8R8Fe00lXu-00104-00111798-00112447 As the 2θ becomes bigger, then you see that it is the you are focusing circling also. r8R8Fe00lXu-00105-00112447-00113226 So, this geometry is preserved and that geometry is called Bragg Brentano geometry. r8R8Fe00lXu-00106-00113226-00113852 And this kind of focusing is called para focusing and which is being adopted in this particular r8R8Fe00lXu-00107-00113852-00113952 diffractometer. r8R8Fe00lXu-00108-00113952-00114479 So, with this background now you go back and look at the video. r8R8Fe00lXu-00109-00114479-00114760 You will be able to appreciate what I am trying to say. r8R8Fe00lXu-00110-00114760-00116224 Now, if you look at the video again, what I will do is, now you can see the goniometer r8R8Fe00lXu-00111-00116224-00117016 circle and then that we finish that before I go goniometer circle and this is the source r8R8Fe00lXu-00112-00117016-00117559 and this is a detector and this is a sample which is kept in the center of the goniometer r8R8Fe00lXu-00113-00117559-00118260 circle in order to maintain this focusing circle which will be here, depending upon r8R8Fe00lXu-00114-00118260-00118797 it is going to vary, right now it is small because now the 2θ, 2θ is here. r8R8Fe00lXu-00115-00118797-00119536 This 2θ is, this is sample you draw a straight line and this is the diffracted beam. r8R8Fe00lXu-00116-00119536-00119716 So, this angle is 2θ. r8R8Fe00lXu-00117-00119716-00120443 So, that is going to vary then you see that the focusing circles also vary. r8R8Fe00lXu-00118-00120443-00121086 So, now we will look at much more detail about this. r8R8Fe00lXu-00119-00121086-00121814 This is about the basic components of the diffractometer. r8R8Fe00lXu-00120-00121814-00122323 We will now show some of the important components here. r8R8Fe00lXu-00121-00122323-00122423 Okay. r8R8Fe00lXu-00122-00122423-00123274 This is what we are now seeing here in the screen is the X-ray tube what is the typical r8R8Fe00lXu-00123-00123274-00123709 X-ray tube one would look at. r8R8Fe00lXu-00124-00123709-00123906 Okay. r8R8Fe00lXu-00125-00123906-00124424 So, now you have the better view. r8R8Fe00lXu-00126-00124424-00125045 This is an X- ray tube where you have the target material which is inside and later, r8R8Fe00lXu-00127-00125045-00125515 we will also open this and then show you some of the details of the X-ray tube. r8R8Fe00lXu-00128-00125515-00126111 This is how the X-ray tube will look like at least you have some idea and which will r8R8Fe00lXu-00129-00126111-00126949 go into that source what we have just shown. r8R8Fe00lXu-00130-00126949-00127956 So, of course this the whole tube is under the cooling system and then you have the beryllium r8R8Fe00lXu-00131-00127956-00128506 windows through which your X-ray comes out. r8R8Fe00lXu-00132-00128506-00128732 Beryllium windows are transparent to X-ray. r8R8Fe00lXu-00133-00128732-00129040 So, that detail I would like to finish. r8R8Fe00lXu-00134-00129040-00129660 So, have a close look at this x-ray tube. r8R8Fe00lXu-00135-00129660-00130448 So, now we will move on to an experiment. r8R8Fe00lXu-00136-00130448-00131134 Now, before even go to the experiment let me stop here and then explain little more r8R8Fe00lXu-00137-00131134-00131246 details about this. r8R8Fe00lXu-00138-00131246-00131849 So, I said that the X-ray source is here and it is going to come out through this exit r8R8Fe00lXu-00139-00131849-00132464 window and you remember the X rays which are coming out of this window is completely divergent r8R8Fe00lXu-00140-00132464-00132767 beam and it is divergent beam in all directions. r8R8Fe00lXu-00141-00132767-00133013 So, it needs to be controlled. r8R8Fe00lXu-00142-00133013-00133845 The one of the way to control this divergence is by through slits and we have a typical r8R8Fe00lXu-00143-00133845-00134790 slits which are popular and then which are kept inside this and then it is being made r8R8Fe00lXu-00144-00134790-00135248 to fall or collimated beam is made fall on to this specimen. r8R8Fe00lXu-00145-00135248-00135973 And similarly, the detector also will have a lot of slits and filters. r8R8Fe00lXu-00146-00135973-00136928 Please remember, we are interested in taking only a particular x-ray beam for example Kα r8R8Fe00lXu-00147-00136928-00137451 and you will in general if you if without the slits you will also come across Kβ and r8R8Fe00lXu-00148-00137451-00137551 so on. r8R8Fe00lXu-00149-00137551-00138126 So, the other radiations are blocked by this filter for example Kβ is suppressed. r8R8Fe00lXu-00150-00138126-00138508 You cannot eliminate completely but it can be substantially suppressed as compared to r8R8Fe00lXu-00151-00138508-00138684 Kα radiation. r8R8Fe00lXu-00152-00138684-00139044 The filters are here and this is a detector. r8R8Fe00lXu-00153-00139044-00139368 It could be a semiconductor device as well. r8R8Fe00lXu-00154-00139368-00140115 So, now I think that is the basic idea you should have about this X-ray diffractometer. r8R8Fe00lXu-00155-00140115-00141306 And then now we can even look at how experiment is being performed in this machine. r8R8Fe00lXu-00156-00141306-00141865 And please remember this stage is a rotating stage. r8R8Fe00lXu-00157-00141865-00143136 It can rotate 3600 and also it can move same in on a semicircle in the in the stage which r8R8Fe00lXu-00158-00143136-00143719 I have mentioned. r8R8Fe00lXu-00159-00143719-00144716 Now you can see that a typical stage movement in order to save time, I am just cutting some r8R8Fe00lXu-00160-00144716-00145310 of the shots so that you will be able to see this. r8R8Fe00lXu-00161-00145310-00146155 You can see that the source and detector are moving but still that focusing circle is maintained r8R8Fe00lXu-00162-00146155-00147850 here not to mention that I mean preserve that Bragg Brentano geometry, para focusing geometry. r8R8Fe00lXu-00163-00147850-00148329 You can see that the stage is moving. r8R8Fe00lXu-00164-00148329-00150226 yeah now that it is measuring the beam with various angles 2θ angles. r8R8Fe00lXu-00165-00150226-00150821 Now we will see that the stage will also move in a this the same a semi-circle fashion in r8R8Fe00lXu-00166-00150821-00151528 order to, one of the primary requirements are the use of this the stage movement is r8R8Fe00lXu-00167-00151528-00152107 you will be exposing the sample in all possible and diffracting planes. r8R8Fe00lXu-00168-00152107-00153089 For example, if you are interested in particular plane or if it is a powder sample the statistical r8R8Fe00lXu-00169-00153089-00153442 important statistically important data you will be able to generate if you are able to r8R8Fe00lXu-00170-00153442-00154072 rotate this stage in all the three directions like this. r8R8Fe00lXu-00171-00154072-00155079 See that the stamp sample is coming towards the front and x and y movement and you will r8R8Fe00lXu-00172-00155079-00156654 be able to appreciate that. r8R8Fe00lXu-00173-00156654-00158840 And we will see that the sample will move in this direction it will rotate in this direction. r8R8Fe00lXu-00174-00158840-00160292 That also you can see. r8R8Fe00lXu-00175-00160292-00160493 Yeah what you are now seeing is a top view. r8R8Fe00lXu-00176-00160493-00161449 The sample is now completely rotated you can see in that in that semicircle stage. r8R8Fe00lXu-00177-00161449-00161878 It has move. r8R8Fe00lXu-00178-00161878-00163078 Now it is coming back you can see that. r8R8Fe00lXu-00179-00163078-00163667 And these rotations are completely exploited in the in the case of a texture measurements r8R8Fe00lXu-00180-00163667-00163784 which we are not showing. r8R8Fe00lXu-00181-00163784-00164371 We are trying to just show the instrumentation detail and what are the possible you know r8R8Fe00lXu-00182-00164371-00164605 tilt angles and so on. r8R8Fe00lXu-00183-00164605-00165158 And we will simply look at the basic diffraction data which comes out of this sample. r8R8Fe00lXu-00184-00165158-00165857 The sample which is being used as I think α silicon oxide, powder and you will see r8R8Fe00lXu-00185-00165857-00166621 that the kind of diffraction data which will be obtained from this experiment. r8R8Fe00lXu-00186-00166621-00167380 You can see that the specimen rotation completely. r8R8Fe00lXu-00187-00167380-00168392 It’s a 360°. r8R8Fe00lXu-00188-00168392-00168730 Okay. r8R8Fe00lXu-00189-00168730-00169033 This is just for work for your information. r8R8Fe00lXu-00190-00169033-00169490 The x-ray tube which I we showed earlier, now it has opened up. r8R8Fe00lXu-00191-00169490-00169649 This is where anode material. r8R8Fe00lXu-00192-00169649-00170460 It could be you can change this target material based upon the specimen you are analyzing. r8R8Fe00lXu-00193-00170460-00171180 It could be a chromium or you know chromium target copper target and so on depending upon r8R8Fe00lXu-00194-00171180-00172250 the type of sample you analyze and what the other dismantled part is okay this is a close-up r8R8Fe00lXu-00195-00172250-00173119 view of this anode just for your information and this is the beryllium window which we r8R8Fe00lXu-00196-00173119-00173669 talked about through which X-rays will come out. r8R8Fe00lXu-00197-00173669-00174954 This is a dismantle part, not just important here but just for an information how the X-ray r8R8Fe00lXu-00198-00174954-00175275 tube parts are shown. r8R8Fe00lXu-00199-00175275-00176011 So, we will now quickly do a one full set of complete experiment and then generate an r8R8Fe00lXu-00200-00176011-00177880 X-ray diffraction pattern and then we will see what we get. r8R8Fe00lXu-00201-00177880-00178682 So. r8R8Fe00lXu-00202-00178682-00179582 the data collected from the instrument is completely analyzed by the interface software r8R8Fe00lXu-00203-00179582-00180354 and we will show you how what kind of data you get and then how it is how the background r8R8Fe00lXu-00204-00180354-00180798 everything is filtered by the software and then you can have a look at it. r8R8Fe00lXu-00205-00180798-00181961 So, let the first experiment starts with all the possible 2θ angles. r8R8Fe00lXu-00206-00181961-00182720 We will not hold this video for the complete experiment we will quickly go to that final r8R8Fe00lXu-00207-00182720-00182855 result. r8R8Fe00lXu-00208-00182855-00183835 So, you see that the sample is kept here and then it is being measured at various 2θ angles. r8R8Fe00lXu-00209-00183835-00184677 I will skip that step because you have known you now you know that how this diffract meter r8R8Fe00lXu-00210-00184677-00184845 functions. r8R8Fe00lXu-00211-00184845-00186209 I will quickly forward this video in order to save some time. r8R8Fe00lXu-00212-00186209-00187010 Okay. r8R8Fe00lXu-00213-00187010-00187433 Now you are seeing that how you are dynamically getting that signal. r8R8Fe00lXu-00214-00187433-00187917 We are viewing through software. r8R8Fe00lXu-00215-00187917-00188577 You see that typical X-ray diffraction peaks are coming on the screen. r8R8Fe00lXu-00216-00188577-00189880 So, all this 2θ corresponding peak belong to a characteristic peak of silicon, α silicon r8R8Fe00lXu-00217-00189880-00190208 oxide which I just said powder. r8R8Fe00lXu-00218-00190208-00190648 A poly crystalline diffraction pattern, typical polycrystalline diffraction pattern will appear r8R8Fe00lXu-00219-00190648-00192055 like this and you can compare this 2θ value and go to a JCPDS database to identify particular r8R8Fe00lXu-00220-00192055-00192305 crystal system. r8R8Fe00lXu-00221-00192305-00193010 Of course, you have large number of software parameters to derive the data from I mean r8R8Fe00lXu-00222-00193010-00193674 information from this basic data and this is a typical x-ray diffraction spectrum you r8R8Fe00lXu-00223-00193674-00193913 will get. r8R8Fe00lXu-00224-00193913-00194837 I will finish this, I will go to the another important aspect of the system. r8R8Fe00lXu-00225-00194837-00195391 Whatever we are now seen as a powder diffractometer. r8R8Fe00lXu-00226-00195391-00196861 You see that another important source I would like to show is this. r8R8Fe00lXu-00227-00196861-00197727 The equipment which I am going to show you is another very important x-ray machine which r8R8Fe00lXu-00228-00197727-00198696 measures the residual stresses in an RA stress measurement system basic which is industrially r8R8Fe00lXu-00229-00198696-00198820 important? r8R8Fe00lXu-00230-00198820-00199329 Then you can see that this is the equipment typical equipment. r8R8Fe00lXu-00231-00199329-00200159 You have a look at it and then we will discuss about the function functionality of this equipment. r8R8Fe00lXu-00232-00200159-00201125 So, this is an extended arm where you have this I will probably stop here, and unlike r8R8Fe00lXu-00233-00201125-00201975 the Bragg Brentano geometry, what we have just witnessed before which is not maintained r8R8Fe00lXu-00234-00201975-00202077 here. r8R8Fe00lXu-00235-00202077-00202555 And here this is an X-ray source, x-ray source here. r8R8Fe00lXu-00236-00202555-00202699 It is not a diverged beam here. r8R8Fe00lXu-00237-00202699-00203519 It is a parallel beam parallel beam and the X-ray source straightaway comes there and r8R8Fe00lXu-00238-00203519-00204159 then you see that there is a typical connecting rod which is being measured which is clamped r8R8Fe00lXu-00239-00204159-00204913 through a stand here and the X-ray beams are simply falling on this connecting rod and r8R8Fe00lXu-00240-00204913-00205275 then you have the two detectors besides this. r8R8Fe00lXu-00241-00205275-00205660 In fact, the you are looking at the side view. r8R8Fe00lXu-00242-00205660-00206509 So, the detector will move on this the curved of off-circle stage like this. r8R8Fe00lXu-00243-00206509-00207255 So, the x-rays will come straight on the sample and then get diffracted into the two that r8R8Fe00lXu-00244-00207255-00207900 I mean detectors which is kept side by side to this source. r8R8Fe00lXu-00245-00207900-00208591 So, the difference between the previous diffract meter and this is, here the X-rays are a parallel r8R8Fe00lXu-00246-00208591-00209484 beam and you have the direct collection of the diffracted beam and then you try to analyze r8R8Fe00lXu-00247-00209484-00209977 the X-ray data. r8R8Fe00lXu-00248-00209977-00210485 So, now you can have a close look at this arrangement. r8R8Fe00lXu-00249-00210485-00211694 This is one of the unique facility of this our laboratory a stress measurements using r8R8Fe00lXu-00250-00211694-00212071 X-ray diffraction. r8R8Fe00lXu-00251-00212071-00212260 Okay. r8R8Fe00lXu-00252-00212260-00212605 You have no better clarity here, yes. r8R8Fe00lXu-00253-00212605-00213608 The source which I am talking about this X-ray source and the two detectors are kept side r8R8Fe00lXu-00254-00213608-00215830 by side. r8R8Fe00lXu-00255-00215830-00216444 The one advantage with this kind of setup is, you do not have any restriction on the r8R8Fe00lXu-00256-00216444-00216625 specimen size. r8R8Fe00lXu-00257-00216625-00217116 Any specimen which can be fixed into this stage can be brought you can see that. r8R8Fe00lXu-00258-00217116-00217950 Now how the scanning is done the X-ray source can rotate and that off circle and then you r8R8Fe00lXu-00259-00217950-00218436 can see that this is a source now very clearly source and the detectors are side by side. r8R8Fe00lXu-00260-00218436-00219602 The source in the center and two detectors yeah now it scans for all the two theta measurements r8R8Fe00lXu-00261-00219602-00219780 here. r8R8Fe00lXu-00262-00219780-00220869 So, this is an advantage of this particular machine of any component a big component can r8R8Fe00lXu-00263-00220869-00221306 be scanned and then you will get the data. r8R8Fe00lXu-00264-00221306-00222263 So, with that what I think is you have some basic idea if not very detailed idea how the r8R8Fe00lXu-00265-00222263-00222998 X-ray diffractometer look like and then how the source and the specimens are kept and r8R8Fe00lXu-00266-00222998-00223715 how the detectors are kept and what is the basic data you get out of this equipment and r8R8Fe00lXu-00267-00223715-00224284 we have also demonstrated to you the stress measurement equipment, how it scans. r8R8Fe00lXu-00268-00224284-00225215 There is a big difference between these two equipments and most importantly this the x-ray r8R8Fe00lXu-00269-00225215-00225841 optics behind these two equipments are also quite different and I hope these equipments r8R8Fe00lXu-00270-00225841-00226602 and this small demonstrations gave you some basic insight about an X-ray diffraction laboratory r8R8Fe00lXu-00271-00226602-00227323 if you are not able to access this laboratory, at least you know now how this equipment look r8R8Fe00lXu-00272-00227323-00227653 like and how what are the basic operations behind this. r8R8Fe00lXu-00273-00227653-00228248 We have not done in elaborate experiment here due to the constraint of the time but I hope r8R8Fe00lXu-00274-00228248-00228954 you had some basic idea and now you can connect what the what we do I mean theoretically what r8R8Fe00lXu-00275-00228954-00229613 we study in the books and then what practically you can do it in the laboratory. r8R8Fe00lXu-00276-00229613-00230214 When you have an opportunity to look at these equipments in some other labs, now you will r8R8Fe00lXu-00277-00230214-00230644 have some idea how it is done and how the basic data is generated. r8R8Fe00lXu-00278-00230644-00231021 So, that was my intention of doing this laboratory demonstration. r8R8Fe00lXu-00279-00231021-00231173 Thank you. rqlz-Jy289E-00000-00000509-00000905 Sacred to the memory of the thousands of our brave soldiers rqlz-Jy289E-00001-00000905-00001236 who have sacrificed themselves upon the altar rqlz-Jy289E-00002-00001236-00001637 their country, in defensive of her laws and institutions; rqlz-Jy289E-00003-00001637-00002143 our liberties rights. With the courage rqlz-Jy289E-00004-00002143-00002604 and ardor of Patriots; with the enthusiasm of rqlz-Jy289E-00005-00002604-00002919 loyal subjects under a good government; rqlz-Jy289E-00006-00002919-00003275 with the intelligence and zeal rqlz-Jy289E-00007-00003275-00003750 the Union loving citizens, and an unselfish devotion to the lofty rqlz-Jy289E-00008-00003750-00003917 principles of truth rqlz-Jy289E-00009-00003917-00004240 and justice, and an eye rqlz-Jy289E-00010-00004240-00004638 upon the basis have a lasting peace, they went forth rqlz-Jy289E-00011-00004638-00004948 pledging their lives and sacred Honor rqlz-Jy289E-00012-00004948-00005273 and maintenance and the glorious cause. rqlz-Jy289E-00013-00005273-00005607 Many have languished and died rqlz-Jy289E-00014-00005607-00005907 in prisons, and thus sleep rqlz-Jy289E-00015-00005907-00006339 the noble youth of our country; the pride of the land; rqlz-Jy289E-00016-00006339-00006779 the heroic sons of our worthy sires, rqlz-Jy289E-00017-00006779-00007117 and the honored brave of our Spartan-like mothers. rqlz-Jy289E-00018-00007117-00007783 They have fallen. Like autumn leaves at touch of frost, rqlz-Jy289E-00019-00007783-00008224 they have been swept to the earth where they lie in rqlz-Jy289E-00020-00008224-00008721 undistinguished piles. The hearts of the people rqlz-Jy289E-00021-00008721-00009195 shall be their tombs, but marble and granite should be lifted high, rqlz-Jy289E-00022-00009195-00009597 as the testomonial of grateful mankind rqlz-Jy289E-00023-00009597-00009947 for the deeds they have done, and the radiant rqlz-Jy289E-00024-00009947-00010297 glory with which they have crowned the nation. rqmkztrDL3y-00000-00000057-00000806 Breastfeeding: The First Weeks What should I know about getting started with rqmkztrDL3y-00001-00000806-00000906 breastfeeding? rqmkztrDL3y-00002-00000906-00001006 1. rqmkztrDL3y-00003-00001006-00001449 The primary long stretches of breastfeeding are a learning time for yourself as well as rqmkztrDL3y-00004-00001449-00001607 your child. rqmkztrDL3y-00005-00001607-00001722 2. rqmkztrDL3y-00006-00001722-00002239 You are figuring out how to really focus on and feed your child, rqmkztrDL3y-00007-00002239-00002680 And your child is finding how to breastfeed and request solace. rqmkztrDL3y-00008-00002680-00002920 Show restraint. rqmkztrDL3y-00009-00002920-00003039 3. rqmkztrDL3y-00010-00003039-00003473 Over the course of the following long stretches of time, rqmkztrDL3y-00011-00003473-00003868 Both of you will figure out how to breastfeed. rqmkztrDL3y-00012-00003868-00003996 4. rqmkztrDL3y-00013-00003996-00004253 Assist with breastfeeding is accessible. rqmkztrDL3y-00014-00004253-00004396 5. rqmkztrDL3y-00015-00004396-00004945 A medical caretaker or lactation specialist will notice you and your child breastfeeding rqmkztrDL3y-00016-00004945-00005257 before you leave the emergency clinic. rqmkztrDL3y-00017-00005257-00005391 6. rqmkztrDL3y-00018-00005391-00006078 During the primary weeks, your milk will change from colostrum (a thick, rich liquid) to develop rqmkztrDL3y-00019-00006078-00006439 milk (a more slender, whitish liquid). rqmkztrDL3y-00020-00006439-00006727 This happens steadily. rqmkztrDL3y-00021-00006727-00006870 7. rqmkztrDL3y-00022-00006870-00007238 Your milk gives all the food and liquid your child needs. rqmkztrDL3y-00023-00007238-00007547 A good start with breastfeeding: rqmkztrDL3y-00024-00007547-00007709 1. rqmkztrDL3y-00025-00007709-00008063 We urge you to put your child to breast after birth. rqmkztrDL3y-00026-00008063-00008181 2. rqmkztrDL3y-00027-00008181-00008677 Keep your child with you so you can breastfeed frequently (24 Hour Rooming-In). rqmkztrDL3y-00028-00008677-00008964 3. rqmkztrDL3y-00029-00008964-00009328 Breastfeeding gives solace as well as nourishment to your child. rqmkztrDL3y-00030-00009328-00009428 4. rqmkztrDL3y-00031-00009428-00010061 Offer your breast at whatever point your child shows taking care of prompts, for example, rqmkztrDL3y-00032-00010061-00010746 mouthing, lip smacking, moving in the direction of the breast, sucking on clench hands. rqmkztrDL3y-00033-00010746-00010872 5. rqmkztrDL3y-00034-00010872-00011443 Benefiting from sign or on request will guarantee great milk supply since child's nursing drives rqmkztrDL3y-00035-00011443-00011636 the milk supply. rqmkztrDL3y-00036-00011636-00011785 6. rqmkztrDL3y-00037-00011785-00012040 Infants breastfeed frequently. rqmkztrDL3y-00038-00012040-00012195 7. rqmkztrDL3y-00039-00012195-00012568 The normal is eight to 12 feedings each day. rqmkztrDL3y-00040-00012568-00012713 8. rqmkztrDL3y-00041-00012713-00012941 Breastfeeding shouldn't do any harm. rqmkztrDL3y-00042-00012941-00013068 9. rqmkztrDL3y-00043-00013068-00013591 The more you breastfeed, the more milk you will make for your child. rqmkztrDL3y-00044-00013591-00013691 10. rqmkztrDL3y-00045-00013691-00014152 When you and your child figure out how to breastfeed, breastfeeding will be a great rqmkztrDL3y-00046-00014152-00014533 opportunity to unwind and partake in one another. rqmkztrDL3y-00047-00014533-00014863 Where should I breastfeed my baby? rqmkztrDL3y-00048-00014863-00014997 1. rqmkztrDL3y-00049-00014997-00015401 Select a calm, agreeable spot to breastfeed. rqmkztrDL3y-00050-00015401-00015508 2. rqmkztrDL3y-00051-00015508-00015985 On the off chance that you'd like, present yourself with a glass of water or squeeze rqmkztrDL3y-00052-00015985-00016288 to drink while you are breastfeeding your child. rqmkztrDL3y-00053-00016288-00016389 3. rqmkztrDL3y-00054-00016389-00016899 Pick a seat with arm backing and put your feet on a stool to carry your child nearer rqmkztrDL3y-00055-00016899-00016999 to you. rqmkztrDL3y-00056-00016999-00017447 Or on the other hand take a stab at resting on your side. rqmkztrDL3y-00057-00017447-00017547 4. rqmkztrDL3y-00058-00017547-00018002 Use pads on your lap or under your arms to help your child and try not to strain your rqmkztrDL3y-00059-00018002-00018137 back. rqmkztrDL3y-00060-00018137-00018273 5. rqmkztrDL3y-00061-00018273-00018792 Assuming you are in torment, take medication prior to breastfeeding to assist with making rqmkztrDL3y-00062-00018792-00019037 you more agreeable. rqmkztrDL3y-00063-00019037-00019234 How should I hold my baby? rqmkztrDL3y-00064-00019234-00019334 1. rqmkztrDL3y-00065-00019334-00019744 Hold your child near you, "belly to stomach." rqmkztrDL3y-00066-00019744-00020192 Your child's entire body ought to confront your body. rqmkztrDL3y-00067-00020192-00020673 2.Take off your child's clothing, aside from the diaper. rqmkztrDL3y-00068-00020673-00020773 3. rqmkztrDL3y-00069-00020773-00021318 Hold the person in question as near you as could really be expected. rqmkztrDL3y-00070-00021318-00021620 4.Skin-to-skin contact is ideal. rqmkztrDL3y-00071-00021620-00022117 5.Keep your child's head higher than their stomach. rqmkztrDL3y-00072-00022117-00022464 How do I know when my baby is getting milk? rqmkztrDL3y-00073-00022464-00022579 1. rqmkztrDL3y-00074-00022579-00023001 Changes in your child's sucking example will assist you with knowing when your milk lets rqmkztrDL3y-00075-00023001-00023210 down or is delivered. rqmkztrDL3y-00076-00023210-00023351 2. rqmkztrDL3y-00077-00023351-00023792 Your child will start with fast, short sucking movements. rqmkztrDL3y-00078-00023792-00023941 3. rqmkztrDL3y-00079-00023941-00024514 Not long after you will see a more slow, consistent sucking example and will hear your child swallow. rrsiyRYBHMy-00000-00000006-00000287 do you want in? rrsiyRYBHMy-00001-00001532-00001952 all right what's up everybody my name is Stephen today we're gonna go over some rrsiyRYBHMy-00002-00001952-00002327 tips on installing sound deadening alright tip number one is to use a rrsiyRYBHMy-00003-00002327-00002793 decent roller this one's about two inches wide and includes a nice thumb rrsiyRYBHMy-00004-00002793-00003321 rest the way you can really get in main benefit for this is using this flat edge rrsiyRYBHMy-00005-00003321-00003737 on smoothing out that sound deadening because when you're using this roller rrsiyRYBHMy-00006-00003737-00004205 it's a little bit harder in the colder temps but when you get this back side rrsiyRYBHMy-00007-00004205-00004572 you can really smooth everything out and get a great adhesion to the side of your rrsiyRYBHMy-00008-00004572-00004937 vehicle tip number two is to install your mats in a warmer temperature if rrsiyRYBHMy-00009-00004937-00005303 you're not in that type of climate you can use a hairdryer or a heat gun to rrsiyRYBHMy-00010-00005303-00005798 heat up the mats and then install it and roll it and adhere it to the side of rrsiyRYBHMy-00011-00005798-00006173 your van so tip number three is a safety tip wear gloves rrsiyRYBHMy-00012-00006173-00006588 I cut myself at least five times installing these mats I didn't look at rrsiyRYBHMy-00013-00006588-00006927 the instructions and I didn't look at the safety precautions and that's the rrsiyRYBHMy-00014-00006927-00007214 price that paid a tip number four you don't need your vehicle to look like a rrsiyRYBHMy-00015-00007214-00007550 spaceship when you're installing these sound deadening mats it's gonna be rrsiyRYBHMy-00016-00007550-00007889 diminishing returns it's going to waste money and it's gonna create more weight rrsiyRYBHMy-00017-00007889-00008358 on your vehicle tip number five cover your wheel wells those are gonna create rrsiyRYBHMy-00018-00008358-00008739 a lot of sound when you're driving obviously it's right next to the road rrsiyRYBHMy-00019-00008739-00009069 and it's right next to your tire as a spinning so I'm gonna give that some rrsiyRYBHMy-00020-00009069-00009477 good coverage to alright tip number six you don't need a sauce and deadening on rrsiyRYBHMy-00021-00009477-00010097 the roof or the floor if you want to it will be better but the ridges in the rrsiyRYBHMy-00022-00010097-00010620 roof in the floor already create a sound deadening effect tip number seven LIKE rrsiyRYBHMy-00023-00010620-00010956 and subscribe I want to see you guys back here for this van build I'm gonna rrsiyRYBHMy-00024-00010956-00011428 post a playlist right up here I'll see you guys in the next video rsg6i4MsIdQ-00000-00000000-00000050 Reliance Jio rsg6i4MsIdQ-00001-00000050-00000100 Anil Ambani rsg6i4MsIdQ-00002-00000100-00000150 Mukesh Ambani rsg6i4MsIdQ-00003-00000150-00000200 Anand Piramal rsckn9ZoCjg-00000-00000000-00000552 Hello and welcome to this event which is called Curious Connections the Social Life of Egg and rsckn9ZoCjg-00001-00000552-00001120 Sperm Donation. My name is Jennifer Mason i'm from the Morgan Centre at the University of Manchester rsckn9ZoCjg-00002-00001120-00001584 and i'm going to be chairing the event and session one is called 'Being and egg or sperm donor: rsckn9ZoCjg-00003-00001584-00002264 findings from the Curious Connections project' and this session provides insights and key findings rsckn9ZoCjg-00004-00002264-00002984 from the ESRC funded curious connections project that's been been conducted in the morgan center rsckn9ZoCjg-00005-00002984-00003784 and the department of sociology at the university of manchester between 2017 and 2020 and i'm going rsckn9ZoCjg-00006-00003784-00004296 to introduce to you petra nordqvist who's the the project lead from the from the and she's waving rsckn9ZoCjg-00007-00004296-00005104 that from the curious connections project and leah gilman who's the project researcher and she's also rsckn9ZoCjg-00008-00005104-00005680 waving and they are going to outline the aim of the project talk about its research methods rsckn9ZoCjg-00009-00005680-00006176 um and who took part and then they'll discuss the key discoveries they've made about donors lives rsckn9ZoCjg-00010-00006176-00006831 and relationships they're going to speak for about 40 minutes i think and then we should have around rsckn9ZoCjg-00011-00006831-00007631 30 minutes for for a q a so at that point i'd like to hand over please to petra who's going to begin. rsckn9ZoCjg-00012-00007759-00008792 thank you thank you i hope you can hear me i'm going to share my screen everybody rsckn9ZoCjg-00013-00009520-00010096 right well thank you everyone for attending i'm so delighted to have you here and although i am rsckn9ZoCjg-00014-00010096-00010736 absolutely gutted that i can't actually be in the same room as you now um it's delightful that rsckn9ZoCjg-00015-00010736-00011264 bringing this event online has made it possible for lots of other people to join us so we have rsckn9ZoCjg-00016-00011264-00011896 quite a lot of people from abroad here today um and people um people from all over the place so rsckn9ZoCjg-00017-00011896-00012424 that is really fantastic in terms of you know seeing a positive and bringing this event online rsckn9ZoCjg-00018-00012480-00012863 so in terms of the structure i'm going to introduce the project and what the project is rsckn9ZoCjg-00019-00012863-00013432 about and the ideas behind it and leah will cover what we did how we did the research rsckn9ZoCjg-00020-00013432-00013863 and then we have a huge amount of data between us so what we're going to do is to give you a rsckn9ZoCjg-00021-00013863-00014463 flavor of the kinds of findings that we've made over the course of the project and we will then rsckn9ZoCjg-00022-00014528-00015152 we will we are writing these findings as well as other findings up in a book that will be published rsckn9ZoCjg-00023-00015152-00015952 with emerald next year we hope um so do keep an eye out and and uh bear in mind as well that these rsckn9ZoCjg-00024-00015952-00016384 are these are sort of um these are work in progress finding so because of the pandemic rsckn9ZoCjg-00025-00016384-00016832 we are a bit delayed uh many in the team have children who have been at home for months on end rsckn9ZoCjg-00026-00016936-00017592 so your well your questions are really welcome we're still sort of fine-tuning our analysis and rsckn9ZoCjg-00027-00017592-00018032 so on so it'd be really interesting to hear to hear your ideas and your notes on this rsckn9ZoCjg-00028-00018208-00018744 um also before i before i sort of move on and actually introducing the project in more detail rsckn9ZoCjg-00029-00018744-00019272 i want to say that the team and i have decided that we wanted to dedicate this event to our dear rsckn9ZoCjg-00030-00019272-00019928 colleague david morgan who very sadly passed away a couple of weeks back in june david was the most rsckn9ZoCjg-00031-00019984-00020616 generous and fantastic colleague and even though he was retired uh he kept on coming to meetings rsckn9ZoCjg-00032-00020616-00021144 and was such an alive part of the morgan center and david was indeed the morgan of the morgan rsckn9ZoCjg-00033-00021144-00021736 center so we are very sad at this loss and sad at david not being here with us today which rsckn9ZoCjg-00034-00021736-00022552 i'm sure he would have been so this is this is for david in some ways so uh what is then the rsckn9ZoCjg-00035-00022552-00023000 curious connections project well it's a it's a psychological research project based in the rsckn9ZoCjg-00036-00023000-00023520 sociology department looking at uh how what it means to be an entertainer in terms of donors rsckn9ZoCjg-00037-00023520-00023952 own lives and donors and relationships so it explores this from the from the point of view of rsckn9ZoCjg-00038-00023952-00024472 donors themselves but the project has gone beyond donors to look at also what it means for donors rsckn9ZoCjg-00039-00024472-00025128 partners stoner's parents their own assistants in some places as well as infertility counsellors rsckn9ZoCjg-00040-00025240-00025760 as jennifer said it's funded by the economic and social research council and it started in january rsckn9ZoCjg-00041-00025760-00026320 2017. we've had a few children has been born since then which is why it's it's still with us rsckn9ZoCjg-00042-00026320-00026912 and we're still working on it so why then should we study against sperm donors well according to rsckn9ZoCjg-00043-00026912-00027400 the official statistics in the uk provided by the human fertilization and embryology authority rsckn9ZoCjg-00044-00027464-00028256 just under 58 000 children has have been born since record began in 1992 and until 2016 which rsckn9ZoCjg-00045-00028256-00028888 is the most recent data that we have so for those of you who know quite a lot about donor conception rsckn9ZoCjg-00046-00028888-00029520 you will know that there's obviously a huge sort of or we don't know but that is likely to be rsckn9ZoCjg-00047-00029520-00030032 quite a conservative estimate because there's also obviously children born before records began there rsckn9ZoCjg-00048-00030032-00030504 are people who go abroad for donor conception who are not counted in this there are people who use rsckn9ZoCjg-00049-00030504-00031080 friends or online communities to find their donors and they are also not counted in these numbers so rsckn9ZoCjg-00050-00031080-00031624 so that the number of babies are likely to be higher than this uh obviously donors are really rsckn9ZoCjg-00051-00031624-00032280 central to these practices and yet relatively little is known about them and particularly what rsckn9ZoCjg-00052-00032280-00032824 we bring with with our project is to look then at how being a donor impacts on donors own lives and rsckn9ZoCjg-00053-00032824-00033312 their relationships uh and how this compares for different kinds of donors so we've been talking rsckn9ZoCjg-00054-00033312-00033784 to both egg and sperm donors we've been talking to identity released owners as well as known donors rsckn9ZoCjg-00055-00033864-00034328 we've been talking to egg shadows so there's a huge complexity actually amongst the donors who rsckn9ZoCjg-00056-00034328-00034976 are included in the project um why is it that important to understand something more about rsckn9ZoCjg-00057-00034976-00035600 donors in relation not not just donors are sort of free-floating islands if you like but also rsckn9ZoCjg-00058-00035600-00036080 in relation to their relationships well i was part of a study a few years back called relative rsckn9ZoCjg-00059-00036080-00036728 strangers where i together with carol smart was looking at how participants have done a conception rsckn9ZoCjg-00060-00036856-00037312 disclose and think about their donor conception in relation to not just not just to themselves as rsckn9ZoCjg-00061-00037312-00037776 parents but also in relation to grandparents and why they can and we found that donor conception rsckn9ZoCjg-00062-00037776-00038376 could really ripple through family relationships and sort of um reverberate if you like sometimes rsckn9ZoCjg-00063-00038376-00039032 causing secrets and some causing sensitivities and tensions in whole family networks and sort of rsckn9ZoCjg-00064-00039032-00039592 changing ways of relating so when i started thinking about donors i was also thinking well if rsckn9ZoCjg-00065-00039592-00040168 receiving donor eggs into the family can cause these kind of ripples through the family networks rsckn9ZoCjg-00066-00040168-00040736 then what is it like to give away donor sperm and how do donors navigate these you know have rsckn9ZoCjg-00067-00040736-00041424 it having given away donor sperm so why is it then study and why is it important that we study rsckn9ZoCjg-00068-00041424-00041960 this now well done conception is at a really interesting point historically speaking because rsckn9ZoCjg-00069-00041960-00042384 it had changed so dramatically over the recent years so whereas it used to be sort of something rsckn9ZoCjg-00070-00042384-00042984 that was kept secret donors were encouraged to go home and forget about donating and parents were rsckn9ZoCjg-00071-00042984-00043472 that was also the case for parents we had donor and inimitative for a very long time in the uk rsckn9ZoCjg-00072-00043576-00044136 and then in in the sort of early 2000s things started to change and donor identity release rsckn9ZoCjg-00073-00044136-00044752 meaning that donors were no longer completely anonymous in uk clinics but rather donor conceived rsckn9ZoCjg-00074-00044752-00045488 children could trace their identity when they turn 18. that became that came into law in 2005. so on rsckn9ZoCjg-00075-00045488-00046096 the horizon now in 2023 the first of these young people will turn 18 and will be able to realize rsckn9ZoCjg-00076-00046168-00046752 their right of of tracing the identity of the donors so for donors that has meant that the rsckn9ZoCjg-00077-00046752-00047400 possibility of keeping it secret when going home and forgetting about it isn't no longer sort of as rsckn9ZoCjg-00078-00047400-00047936 possible as it used to be perhaps which means that they also need to deliberate on whether they're rsckn9ZoCjg-00079-00047936-00048520 going to tell people they're a donor and if so how and and just because that is the sort of need rsckn9ZoCjg-00080-00048520-00049056 that they maybe now need to do it doesn't mean it's necessarily a straightforward task to do so rsckn9ZoCjg-00081-00049056-00049512 and there is there is some evidence to suggest that family members may not necessarily receive rsckn9ZoCjg-00082-00049512-00050112 these news um very happily and we'll we'll come on to talking a little bit about that later on rsckn9ZoCjg-00083-00050184-00050672 uh but our apprentices before i hand over to leah is just to say that our sociological approach rsckn9ZoCjg-00084-00050736-00051192 as i said is to start with a donor but then look beyond the donor and and look at the rsckn9ZoCjg-00085-00051192-00051704 relationships in which the donor is embedded and so in that sense we come from a relational rsckn9ZoCjg-00086-00051704-00052152 perspective in sociology which which says that in order to understand an individual's life rsckn9ZoCjg-00087-00052152-00052760 we need to look beyond that individual and look at the lives that lives in parallel to it that impede rsckn9ZoCjg-00088-00052760-00053440 it and that it impedes as well so our focus is a relational focus also our focus is a qualitative rsckn9ZoCjg-00089-00053440-00053991 focus which means that rather than asking people to fill in questionnaires we ask people in rsckn9ZoCjg-00090-00053991-00054440 to take part in interviews where we talk about their experiences and by doing so we understand rsckn9ZoCjg-00091-00054440-00055024 something about processes that questionnaires can't really provide so with these words i'm going rsckn9ZoCjg-00092-00055024-00055432 to stop sharing my screen and i'm going to hand over to leah who's going to talk about what we did rsckn9ZoCjg-00093-00055608-00056184 so let's hope this works relatively well rsckn9ZoCjg-00094-00057832-00058064 all right hi everyone can everyone hear me okay rsckn9ZoCjg-00095-00058191-00058752 yep that's great um so i'm going to talk about our research method and then going to talk about rsckn9ZoCjg-00096-00058752-00059320 some key findings from the study so in terms of our research methods as petra said this is rsckn9ZoCjg-00097-00059320-00059784 qualitative study so one of the big things that we did was we went out and we talked to people rsckn9ZoCjg-00098-00059840-00060504 we conducted in-depth interviews with donors and with jonah's relatives and we also spoke to rsckn9ZoCjg-00099-00060504-00061104 infertility councillors who work with donors um in addition to that um we analyzed um rsckn9ZoCjg-00100-00061104-00061600 legal and policy documents which regulate donor conception and we thought especially rsckn9ZoCjg-00101-00061600-00062208 about what they meant for donors donating in in this age of openness and traceability rsckn9ZoCjg-00102-00062576-00063079 then in terms of the actual data set that we looked at this picture is a rsckn9ZoCjg-00103-00063079-00063488 is representative of our final sample our final data rsckn9ZoCjg-00104-00063488-00063864 and as you can see a big part of it is the interviews that we conducted rsckn9ZoCjg-00105-00064312-00064864 so we conducted 52 interviews with an even split there so half were sperm donors rsckn9ZoCjg-00106-00064864-00065279 and then we spoke to 25 egg donors and also one um embryo donor who rsckn9ZoCjg-00107-00065279-00065848 was a single woman and in addition to that we spoke to 21 relatives of donors rsckn9ZoCjg-00108-00065848-00066512 18 counsellors or donor coordinators and we analyze 61 and policy documents as well rsckn9ZoCjg-00109-00066720-00067112 um now as many of you will already know there are all these different rsckn9ZoCjg-00110-00067112-00067832 pathways and routes that people can take into to being an echo sperm donor and this graph rsckn9ZoCjg-00111-00067832-00068568 is really just an attempt to kind of map that really um to think about the types of donation rsckn9ZoCjg-00112-00068568-00069136 that the donors we interviewed had experienced now i want to emphasize that they don't necessarily rsckn9ZoCjg-00113-00069136-00069840 map onto individual donors so one donor might have experienced multiple types of donation rsckn9ZoCjg-00114-00069952-00070392 and i'm not going to go into the exact numbers here just because of time and people can look rsckn9ZoCjg-00115-00070392-00070896 back at to this if they want to but i just really want to point out the mix of different rsckn9ZoCjg-00116-00070952-00071440 kinds of donation the people we'd interviewed had experienced so we spoke to people who were who rsckn9ZoCjg-00117-00071440-00072088 were egg sharers for example which means that they um were having their own ivf treatment and they rsckn9ZoCjg-00118-00072088-00072664 decided to donate half their eggs in exchange for reduced cost treatment themselves uh we donated rsckn9ZoCjg-00119-00072664-00073216 we spoke to people who donated to somebody that they knew in some capacity and and we donated rsckn9ZoCjg-00120-00073216-00074056 um we spoke um to um what the clinics often call altruistic donors as well which basically means rsckn9ZoCjg-00121-00074056-00074632 people who were donating to someone they didn't know and and who also weren't participating rsckn9ZoCjg-00122-00074632-00075088 weren't having their own treatment so they weren't egg sharers or sperm shares as sometimes available rsckn9ZoCjg-00123-00075200-00075592 it's also worth saying that amongst the men we interviewed there were some sperm donors rsckn9ZoCjg-00124-00075648-00076104 who donate donated completely outside of clinics as well so obviously egg donors would need to go rsckn9ZoCjg-00125-00076104-00076608 to a clinic for the medical procedure but some of the sperm donors had had sort of not gone through rsckn9ZoCjg-00126-00076608-00077224 the clinic route um and amongst the known donors we interviewed that was a really diverse group as rsckn9ZoCjg-00127-00077224-00077808 well because we'd met we'd interview people who had donated to someone in their personal network rsckn9ZoCjg-00128-00077808-00078448 perhaps a friend or family member or more distance than that and but we also spoke to donors who rsckn9ZoCjg-00129-00078528-00079280 mess a recipient or look for a recipient on um one of the matching websites that are out there or via rsckn9ZoCjg-00130-00079280-00079840 facebook groups or other kind of online groups as well as a small number of egg donors who'd rsckn9ZoCjg-00131-00079920-00080408 become known egg donors um through a surrogacy agency and found a recipient that way rsckn9ZoCjg-00132-00080504-00080976 um and one of the big things that sort of brings them most of the donors together is that nearly rsckn9ZoCjg-00133-00080976-00081424 all have donated since they're changing the laws that petra mentioned so they'd all donate rsckn9ZoCjg-00134-00081424-00082168 more most of them had donated since 2005 when it when donors had to consent to become traceable rsckn9ZoCjg-00135-00082232-00082616 um but we did include a few who are donated earlier than that for various rsckn9ZoCjg-00136-00082616-00083296 theoretical reasons um and in terms of the sample is it's quite diverse in terms of rsckn9ZoCjg-00137-00083296-00083760 age in terms of socio-economic background of the donors and in terms of sexual orientation rsckn9ZoCjg-00138-00083816-00084312 but it's not very diverse our sample in terms of ethnicity it's quite white um rsckn9ZoCjg-00139-00084464-00084888 nearly all of the donors that we interviewed were identified as being white whether it's rsckn9ZoCjg-00140-00084888-00085400 white british white european white other um and just two of the sperm donors rsckn9ZoCjg-00141-00085400-00085840 didn't identify as being like so one black british sperm donor and one asian sperm donor rsckn9ZoCjg-00142-00086192-00086744 uh and just briefly before we move on to the findings this just this graph shows the donor rsckn9ZoCjg-00143-00086744-00087280 relatives that we interviewed so there's a there's a mix there in terms of we spoke to rsckn9ZoCjg-00144-00087280-00087864 parents to partners of donors and also some people who were siblings of donors as well rsckn9ZoCjg-00145-00087864-00088288 and and i have to say we did find certain groups easier to recruit than others so rsckn9ZoCjg-00146-00088288-00088920 we found it harder to speak to relatives of sperm donors generally speaking and part as rsckn9ZoCjg-00147-00089128-00089872 more easy to speak to than parents um so as petra said rather than trying to say everything that we rsckn9ZoCjg-00148-00089872-00090184 found out in one talk which i think would be impossible uh what we've done is we picked rsckn9ZoCjg-00149-00090184-00090736 up on three key findings from the study um so the first thing i want to talk about is that rsckn9ZoCjg-00150-00090736-00091184 is the particular moral pressures that seem to be experienced by people who rsckn9ZoCjg-00151-00091184-00091776 donate in the context of of this ethic of openness and in the context of traceability rsckn9ZoCjg-00152-00091856-00092512 on the one hand there's this expectation that they should be available to people conceived rsckn9ZoCjg-00153-00092512-00092936 from the donation on the other hand there's also an expectation that they that they take a sort of rsckn9ZoCjg-00154-00092936-00093544 step back from recipient families that they that they show they know their place as non-parent rsckn9ZoCjg-00155-00093608-00094096 and what we found is that there could be a kind of tension between these two moral imperatives rsckn9ZoCjg-00156-00094296-00094912 so first being available um what we found is that nearly all the donors we spoke to rsckn9ZoCjg-00157-00094912-00095384 talked about this moral commitment to being available for contact with people born from rsckn9ZoCjg-00158-00095384-00095912 the donation if those people wanted it um and i guess in a way it's not surprising because rsckn9ZoCjg-00159-00095912-00096512 we've mostly spoken to people who donated since 2005 when when the law changed around anonymity rsckn9ZoCjg-00160-00096576-00096872 but i think it's interesting to note that first of all it was more than rsckn9ZoCjg-00161-00096872-00097264 that they were just agreeing or going along with this it was really backed rsckn9ZoCjg-00162-00097264-00097768 up often by a strong sense of this being the right thing to do this being a moral obligation rsckn9ZoCjg-00163-00097848-00098376 and and secondly it was a feeling that was generally shared by those donors who who'd gone rsckn9ZoCjg-00164-00098376-00098928 out of clinics um so we can probably then assume that people weren't then going out of the clinics rsckn9ZoCjg-00165-00098928-00099376 in this case in our in the case of people we interviewed to kind of avoid that rule in some way rsckn9ZoCjg-00166-00099488-00100032 so like enrique that's quoted here um lots of donors specifically reference this idea that rsckn9ZoCjg-00167-00100032-00100584 children have a right to know where they've come from um and as we know this is a this is a phrase rsckn9ZoCjg-00168-00100584-00101144 it's been quite prominent in the in the in the drive for greater openness and donor conception rsckn9ZoCjg-00169-00101224-00101768 um but we also found that donors also talked about this commitment to being available in relation to rsckn9ZoCjg-00170-00101768-00102496 kind of broader moral commitments as adults who ought to take responsibility for the consequences rsckn9ZoCjg-00171-00102496-00103111 of their actions and they also drew on discourses around children's rights in children's voice and rsckn9ZoCjg-00172-00103111-00103640 the importance of enabling young people to make choices about their lives so one egg share donor rsckn9ZoCjg-00173-00103640-00104072 said to me said if if this might have been petra actually that should feel good if you play a rsckn9ZoCjg-00174-00104072-00104640 part in bringing someone into the world this is me putting half towards the creation of another human rsckn9ZoCjg-00175-00104640-00105232 being and which means that i am responsible in a way for that person if they ever wanted me to be rsckn9ZoCjg-00176-00105480-00105983 however um alongside this commitment to knowing to being available was another rsckn9ZoCjg-00177-00105983-00106583 strong moral commitment to knowing their place and knowing their place as non-parent rsckn9ZoCjg-00178-00106640-00107288 and the importance of signaling this understanding to see that signal their understandings to rsckn9ZoCjg-00179-00107288-00107696 especially to recipient parents and this was often discussed rsckn9ZoCjg-00180-00107696-00108383 um in relation to ideas about kind of proper gift giving so for it to really be a gift you you have rsckn9ZoCjg-00181-00108383-00108959 to be prepared to let that go and let people do as they wish with the gifts that you've given rsckn9ZoCjg-00182-00108959-00109359 um and they also talked about it in relation to enabling recipients rsckn9ZoCjg-00183-00109359-00109968 to experience parenthood fully and properly and to make sure that recipients felt like rsckn9ZoCjg-00184-00110080-00110520 to make sure they didn't get in the way of that feeling of being a parent in any way and did not rsckn9ZoCjg-00185-00110520-00110896 make them feel like they had to share that sense of being a parent in any way because that would rsckn9ZoCjg-00186-00110896-00111535 have undermined being a parent which is the whole point as they put it as i wanted to be a donor so rsckn9ZoCjg-00187-00111535-00111896 beth says that's the whole point of being an egg donor she wants someone to go off and have all the rsckn9ZoCjg-00188-00111896-00112392 fun of being a parent it's no fun being a parent if someone's poking their nose in all the time rsckn9ZoCjg-00189-00112504-00113144 so in order not to be seen as treading on the toes of parents this meant avoiding any appearance of rsckn9ZoCjg-00190-00113144-00113711 being kind of too attached to the child born from the donation or appearing to take too rsckn9ZoCjg-00191-00113711-00114311 much responsibility for them in a way which could be viewed as kind of too close to being parental rsckn9ZoCjg-00192-00114488-00115064 so we can see then there's a sort of potential tension here between those two moral pressures rsckn9ZoCjg-00193-00115064-00115496 because they seem to pull donors in kind of different directions in relation to recipient rsckn9ZoCjg-00194-00115496-00116024 families and on the one hand you've got to make it clear you're available and you're open for rsckn9ZoCjg-00195-00116024-00116528 some kind of connection but on the other hand you need to make it clear that you know that rsckn9ZoCjg-00196-00116528-00117016 it's your place to step back and let recipient parents get on with being parents rsckn9ZoCjg-00197-00117080-00117632 um and i use the word attention but i do want to stress that often this is not a huge stress rsckn9ZoCjg-00198-00117632-00118080 for donors it's not necessarily this hugely problematic thing that they they're wrestling rsckn9ZoCjg-00199-00118080-00118664 with all the time but it's something that balancing is something that characterizes donating rsckn9ZoCjg-00200-00118664-00119183 um in the contemporary uk context we found and which balance into which donors are rsckn9ZoCjg-00201-00119320-00119583 in the everyday sense kind of balancing and negotiating rsckn9ZoCjg-00202-00119696-00120224 um so to give one example of a kind of more everyday example of how this is kind of balanced rsckn9ZoCjg-00203-00120224-00120816 um i want to talk about ian so he had been telling me about how he'd been collecting rsckn9ZoCjg-00204-00120816-00121383 family old phone photographs and the kind of doing his family history and he'd noticed this what he rsckn9ZoCjg-00205-00121383-00121840 saw was really strong resemblance between one of his one of the children can see from his donation rsckn9ZoCjg-00206-00121840-00122440 and his great on possibly a great great aunt and he stored up these photos um he was fascinated by rsckn9ZoCjg-00207-00122440-00122848 this resemblance and he had stored these up um with the view to thinking that maybe one rsckn9ZoCjg-00208-00122848-00123392 day someone will get in contact with him um and they might want to see them and he was preparing rsckn9ZoCjg-00209-00123392-00123848 himself to make these available for them and to fulfill that sense of obligation to them rsckn9ZoCjg-00210-00123920-00124464 but he was also very clear when he asked that absolutely he wouldn't mention this to um to rsckn9ZoCjg-00211-00124464-00125200 the to the recipient parents he was in contact with a known donor so he'd said um the girls rsckn9ZoCjg-00212-00125200-00125680 having a family a really sacred thing for them it's a really important part of their identity rsckn9ZoCjg-00213-00125680-00126088 i'm not going in there and taking any part of that away from them because actually if i was going to rsckn9ZoCjg-00214-00126088-00126800 go and do that that's sort of undermining a bit psychologically isn't it and so we kind of managed rsckn9ZoCjg-00215-00126800-00127168 that by just thinking well i just i'll just not mention in that situation it's not appropriate rsckn9ZoCjg-00216-00127224-00127680 um but then a case where the tension is a bit more explicit maybe more pronounced was it was abby's rsckn9ZoCjg-00217-00127735-00128168 where in this case there have been a breakdown of the relationship with her known recipients rsckn9ZoCjg-00218-00128224-00128735 um so there's there was a recipient couple in particular who she realized were trying to kind of rsckn9ZoCjg-00219-00128735-00129559 distance themselves from her um and she felt like it was her place to respect us and she she had to rsckn9ZoCjg-00220-00129559-00130183 respect their views in that case but she also felt a bit torn because she'd already developed rsckn9ZoCjg-00221-00130183-00130744 a relationship um with their daughter with the recipient's daughter that with the child can rsckn9ZoCjg-00222-00130744-00131400 see from her examination and and as had had her own daughter and she felt responsibility almost rsckn9ZoCjg-00223-00131400-00131976 did not just suddenly disappear for seemingly no reason and so she made the decision that she would rsckn9ZoCjg-00224-00131976-00132520 keep sending christmas and birthday presents as she had been but kind of recognizing and making rsckn9ZoCjg-00225-00132520-00133000 it clear that she realized that the parents might not want to pass them all and that was fine um rsckn9ZoCjg-00226-00133088-00133496 so in this case it was a bit more of a sort of tangible dilemma a bit more kind of rsckn9ZoCjg-00227-00133608-00133992 sense of it being really kind of weighed up and not knowing quite what to do and rsckn9ZoCjg-00228-00133992-00134456 resolving on this being the answer whereas with ian it was a bit more instinctive you rsckn9ZoCjg-00229-00134456-00134816 don't just don't bring it off if it's going to be something that's going to upset people rsckn9ZoCjg-00230-00135008-00135600 um so this and then the second finding then i want to move on to is um is i want to highlight what we rsckn9ZoCjg-00231-00135600-00136256 found was a really strong emphasis across a lot of the interviews um with the donors we spoke rsckn9ZoCjg-00232-00136256-00136992 to on being neutral and passive and responsive um in their interactions with donor conceived people rsckn9ZoCjg-00233-00137064-00137688 and what i want to suggest is that they this was a kind of strategy to manage rsckn9ZoCjg-00234-00137904-00138584 the moral tensions that i've just set out so it's quite interesting really given the range rsckn9ZoCjg-00235-00138584-00139040 of ways people go into donation that this is one of the few things that nearly everyone agreed on rsckn9ZoCjg-00236-00139040-00139584 um that yes it was important to be available to join up and see people but the character of rsckn9ZoCjg-00237-00139584-00140216 this connection you know what it might become if anything at all is very much left up to the donor rsckn9ZoCjg-00238-00140216-00140848 conceived person or if it was a known donation maybe in conjunction with their parents to figure rsckn9ZoCjg-00239-00140848-00141480 that out um so these kind of statements were just really typical across all the interviews so people rsckn9ZoCjg-00240-00141480-00141968 say look whatever it is it's not all on their terms i want them to be the creators of the paris rsckn9ZoCjg-00241-00142056-00142560 creators of the parameters of our relationship and i'm being very much led by them it's got to rsckn9ZoCjg-00242-00142560-00143136 be down to them um and the opposite was also true so donors were often rsckn9ZoCjg-00243-00143136-00143704 very disapproving of the idea that they would be leading this relationship in any way or to rsckn9ZoCjg-00244-00143704-00144208 have any kind of agenda or expectations about what it might be and they might use words like rsckn9ZoCjg-00245-00144208-00145056 controlling or imposing to talk about that even just having a view about how you wanted it to go rsckn9ZoCjg-00246-00145344-00145808 so i'm gonna give three kind of tangible examples of how this came through in rsckn9ZoCjg-00247-00145808-00146360 the data so first thing is that when we asked identity release donors you know rsckn9ZoCjg-00248-00146360-00146840 how they felt about the possibility of being contacted in the future rsckn9ZoCjg-00249-00146840-00147576 we found that um often they were very reluctant to really offer an opinion either way um rsckn9ZoCjg-00250-00147576-00148032 so becky saying i'm not um i'm not saying it'd be better if they got in touch or it would be rsckn9ZoCjg-00251-00148032-00148432 better if they didn't i think it would better if they did if they were able to do what was rsckn9ZoCjg-00252-00148432-00149032 right for them um and donors were also aware that if someone did get in touch with them rsckn9ZoCjg-00253-00149032-00149560 maybe it would be a letter maybe it would be an email and it could be a one-off just one-off me rsckn9ZoCjg-00254-00149560-00150168 thing for a coffee or it could be an ongoing kind of relationship um and they really often emphasize rsckn9ZoCjg-00255-00150168-00150888 that really any of those is fine and it's really up to them and how this how this goes um as one rsckn9ZoCjg-00256-00150888-00151384 of the sperm donors we interviewed vincent said this you know it's not my gift to decide that rsckn9ZoCjg-00257-00151656-00152240 um and with the known donors they were obviously in a slightly different um situation um rsckn9ZoCjg-00258-00152328-00152832 but it kind of expressed itself in a different way so in this case it tended to be about in terms rsckn9ZoCjg-00259-00152832-00153568 of communications with recipients families and being responsive and not initiating communication rsckn9ZoCjg-00260-00153632-00154288 and and also about not always waiting to be invited rather than suggesting that you might meet rsckn9ZoCjg-00261-00154288-00154696 up so as gavin says like i wouldn't say or when can you come and visit when can we come to visit rsckn9ZoCjg-00262-00155080-00155536 um and another thing that was interesting was that when we asked donors okay so you know you don't rsckn9ZoCjg-00263-00155536-00155992 know if it'll happen and you know there's so many possibilities here but what do you think would you rsckn9ZoCjg-00264-00155992-00156464 actually do if if you did meet up with somebody in the future or if it's a known donation you know rsckn9ZoCjg-00265-00156464-00156992 when they get older what do you think you might actually do together um if anything and one of rsckn9ZoCjg-00266-00156992-00157424 the things that repeatedly came up was oh i guess they'll have a lot of questions and i'll just be rsckn9ZoCjg-00267-00157424-00157992 answering their questions that would be the thing that came up it was nearly always the first answer rsckn9ZoCjg-00268-00157992-00158760 and it and it very often came up um so yeah it was quite interesting because donors spent quite a lot rsckn9ZoCjg-00269-00158760-00159200 of time they're quite diligent so spend a lot of time thinking and anticipating or what kind of rsckn9ZoCjg-00270-00159200-00159640 questions might they have and they often try to put the answers to these questions down in the rsckn9ZoCjg-00271-00159640-00160208 pen portrait if they were clinic donors um and they like ian and there were other people who'd rsckn9ZoCjg-00272-00160208-00160632 spent a bit of time like thinking about their family history or gathering a few resources that rsckn9ZoCjg-00273-00160632-00161208 they might be interested in but i think what's interesting here for us is that how one way it was rsckn9ZoCjg-00274-00161208-00161896 so it's not to say that donors didn't have interest or curiosity about the people born from rsckn9ZoCjg-00275-00161896-00162584 the donation but the questions are always imagined being two donors very much one way and don't rsckn9ZoCjg-00276-00162792-00163272 frame their own interest is a bit more trivial or i was just like a scientific interest kind of rsckn9ZoCjg-00277-00163272-00164064 thing so i suggest that we can understand these statements and these actions as as a response to rsckn9ZoCjg-00278-00164064-00164912 the particular moral pressures on on donors so by trying to be neutral and passive they rsckn9ZoCjg-00279-00164912-00165464 they're able to sort of fulfill their obligations to both be available and also to know their place rsckn9ZoCjg-00280-00165560-00165864 and i think about this as an attempt to assign relational rsckn9ZoCjg-00281-00165864-00166368 authority to others and that is an attempt to kind of let others decide rsckn9ZoCjg-00282-00166432-00167240 whether and how this connection might develop what character it might take on however there are rsckn9ZoCjg-00283-00167296-00167872 examples in our research which suggests this was all much easier to say than it was to actually do rsckn9ZoCjg-00284-00167992-00168464 so i'm going to talk about these examples first and then come on to why actually i think this um rsckn9ZoCjg-00285-00168536-00169112 this narrative this ideology of being neutral and being passive was actually really quite difficult rsckn9ZoCjg-00286-00169112-00169968 to do in practice um so first of all eliza and james um these are obviously all pseudonyms you've rsckn9ZoCjg-00287-00169968-00170640 probably realized um um these are two examples where their attempts to appear passive and neutral rsckn9ZoCjg-00288-00170640-00171384 actually ended up appearing kind of odd or strange the situation that they were in or unusual and rsckn9ZoCjg-00289-00171384-00171856 they're quite different stories but i think they illustrate the same point so um eliza had donated rsckn9ZoCjg-00290-00171856-00172384 eggs to really close friends of hers and a whole interview it was a really like amazing story it's rsckn9ZoCjg-00291-00172384-00172856 a really lovely story um there was a big emphasis in her interview about this being actually so rsckn9ZoCjg-00292-00172856-00173472 very normal and like this relationship of anything was closer they were still very good friends the rsckn9ZoCjg-00293-00173472-00173912 donation was not an issue at all they saw lots of each other their children played together rsckn9ZoCjg-00294-00173992-00174384 but she did say you know if there is one thing that's different or that's changed rsckn9ZoCjg-00295-00174384-00174912 but our relationship is that i wouldn't offer her any advice about the kids um and she said rsckn9ZoCjg-00296-00174912-00175536 actually maybe that that's probably something that is different because um she you know the rsckn9ZoCjg-00297-00175640-00176176 eliza's kids were that little bit older and also the the friends children she'd had twins and they rsckn9ZoCjg-00298-00176176-00176528 were quite challenging as troubles sometimes i just thought you know what maybe normally rsckn9ZoCjg-00299-00176528-00176832 i might have just said something but i just feel like it's not my place to say anything rsckn9ZoCjg-00300-00176944-00177672 um so in that case it's a fairly small side note to a broader it being a non-issue type situation rsckn9ZoCjg-00301-00177768-00178312 but then the other example i want to mention is james so in his case he donated sperm to rsckn9ZoCjg-00302-00178312-00178928 his brother and and his wife so they could have a child um and it was all successful and they'd had rsckn9ZoCjg-00303-00178928-00179424 um that they'd had a son who was his nephew and but again he really emphasized this idea of like rsckn9ZoCjg-00304-00179424-00179944 i just don't want to get in the way i don't want to i wouldn't just be really hands off and not rsckn9ZoCjg-00305-00179944-00180512 make anything awkward for my brother who was really close to and loved deeply um but then he rsckn9ZoCjg-00306-00180512-00180896 sort of reflected on this a couple of years later when we were doing the interview and by this point rsckn9ZoCjg-00307-00180968-00181520 he'd had his own daughter um and he said you know what i didn't even i didn't visit rsckn9ZoCjg-00308-00181520-00182168 when my nephew was born and actually when i did visit i don't think i even held the baby rsckn9ZoCjg-00309-00182168-00182696 and so he kind of reflected on it later and you could see how his attempt to kind of just stand rsckn9ZoCjg-00310-00182696-00183384 back and know his place actually ended up with him behaving in a way which on reflection he realized rsckn9ZoCjg-00311-00183384-00184040 this may be a bit strange for an uncle of a with this in this close family and within this case he rsckn9ZoCjg-00312-00184040-00184536 he had there was quite a bit of a tinge to sadness of sadness to the whole interview because he felt rsckn9ZoCjg-00313-00184536-00185048 that he had lost some of that closeness with his brother and he wondered whether the whole this rsckn9ZoCjg-00314-00185048-00185584 whole situation had anything to do with it so i've mentioned these two stories because i think they rsckn9ZoCjg-00315-00185584-00186120 make visible the fact that in our attempts to kind of appear passive and just go along with rsckn9ZoCjg-00316-00186120-00186800 what other people want and not have our own view or not try and lead that relationship rsckn9ZoCjg-00317-00186800-00187296 these are actually still forms of interactions which do shape the relationship and and it's rsckn9ZoCjg-00318-00187296-00187912 visible here because these are known donations in cases where we might have expectations about rsckn9ZoCjg-00319-00187912-00188440 relationships with nephews or close friends and break some of the norms there so you notice it rsckn9ZoCjg-00320-00188504-00189080 more but i think it's a point that can be true across all kinds of in all kinds of situations rsckn9ZoCjg-00321-00189080-00189544 when we try and be neutral or passive it's going to impact that relationship rsckn9ZoCjg-00322-00189976-00190536 and another reason why i think this impression of being neutral is not so easy to actually do rsckn9ZoCjg-00323-00190536-00191312 in practice was that donor's commitment to being entirely responsive inevitably ended up involving rsckn9ZoCjg-00324-00191312-00191920 other people as well so for example donors had to manage their parents and their siblings in rsckn9ZoCjg-00325-00191920-00192440 various ways to avoid upsetting their display of kind of knowing their place sometimes this just rsckn9ZoCjg-00326-00192440-00192920 meant not telling them um sometimes this meant right correcting their language saying you know rsckn9ZoCjg-00327-00192920-00193424 no no you're not a grandparent it's not like that um or it could be a bit more actually some don't rsckn9ZoCjg-00328-00193424-00193760 even touch that and i have to hold them back because they want to be a bit too involved here rsckn9ZoCjg-00329-00193840-00194344 on the whole this wasn't seen as a major ethical dilemma but it when it came to thinking about rsckn9ZoCjg-00330-00194344-00194992 their own children it sometimes got a bit more complicated for donors um so for example rsckn9ZoCjg-00331-00195080-00195784 becky was a solo is a solo mum and she had um she was egg sharing in order to rsckn9ZoCjg-00332-00195864-00196240 initially in order to freeze her own eggs but then of through the process decide you know rsckn9ZoCjg-00333-00196240-00196704 what i'm just going to go ahead and use a sperm donor and i'm going to have the baby now and rsckn9ZoCjg-00334-00196704-00197264 when we did the interview she had a young baby and she was very committed to this idea of being rsckn9ZoCjg-00335-00197264-00197856 available to the donor conceived person who might be born from her eggs and very much committed to rsckn9ZoCjg-00336-00197856-00198360 it being up to them whether they contacted and how this goed and she she was committed to that rsckn9ZoCjg-00337-00198424-00198968 but what she said was i made these decisions when it was just just me and i think it's right there rsckn9ZoCjg-00338-00198968-00199704 i got no um agency in this if you see what i mean that is right that i don't have a say but now that rsckn9ZoCjg-00339-00199704-00200168 i've got my daughter it feels harder because i've made these decisions on her behalf to some extent rsckn9ZoCjg-00340-00200168-00200584 and she might really want to know this person who's conceived from my ex she might really not rsckn9ZoCjg-00341-00200584-00201064 want to know them but i've made this commitment to kind of go along with what this other person who rsckn9ZoCjg-00342-00201064-00201624 we've never met may never met has once said and she didn't drop that commitment but you rsckn9ZoCjg-00343-00201624-00202120 could see it was harder for her now that she was thinking about it from a perspective as a mother rsckn9ZoCjg-00344-00202248-00202696 um and there were others like becky who found that commitment to following other slaves more rsckn9ZoCjg-00345-00202696-00203160 difficult but they thought about when it realized they impacted on their children rsckn9ZoCjg-00346-00203160-00203624 and how they could interact with their own children and it could conflict with that rsckn9ZoCjg-00347-00203624-00204360 other moral imperative that we have um in 20th century to to put our children's needs first rsckn9ZoCjg-00348-00204520-00205088 um so i just want to finish up by thinking about what this all tells us um so i want to suggest rsckn9ZoCjg-00349-00205088-00205688 that these these narratives and practices of neutrality and passivity offer seem to offer rsckn9ZoCjg-00350-00205688-00206264 solution of a kind to this moral balancing act required of contemporary donors to sort of be rsckn9ZoCjg-00351-00206264-00206856 available and also know their place however it's much easier to say than doing practice and it can rsckn9ZoCjg-00352-00206856-00207519 only really be partial for various reasons and one of those is and i'm paraphrasing susie scott here rsckn9ZoCjg-00353-00207592-00208119 is that doing nothing is a social act and it has social effects whether we intend them or rsckn9ZoCjg-00354-00208119-00208871 not and if we try and only be responsive and not active or leading in our interactions then rsckn9ZoCjg-00355-00208871-00209416 sometimes that's uh that can be seen as a kind of odd way to behave or it certainly has an effect rsckn9ZoCjg-00356-00209416-00209856 and feminist methodologists have actually long made this point when it comes to rsckn9ZoCjg-00357-00209856-00210480 to research interviews and try not to like lead lead participants and ask unleading questions rsckn9ZoCjg-00358-00210480-00211080 but i think it holds true here as well that that's the case and the second thing i just rsckn9ZoCjg-00359-00211136-00211623 finished by drawing attention to how how socially complex it is rsckn9ZoCjg-00360-00211623-00212264 to give the impression of neutral in a relationship um and one of the reasons that is so rsckn9ZoCjg-00361-00212264-00212776 complicated complex is because of our embeddedness in all these other relationships that are going on rsckn9ZoCjg-00362-00212776-00213096 so giving the impression of being passive in a relationship to one person we might rsckn9ZoCjg-00363-00213096-00213688 actually require you to assert authority about how others relate to them or how others relate to you rsckn9ZoCjg-00364-00213688-00214344 um so you can quickly see how it can't it's maybe not as easy as it as it may be sounded rsckn9ZoCjg-00365-00214344-00214808 what from those initial um quotes that are saying oh well we'll just play it by ear and that'll be rsckn9ZoCjg-00366-00214864-00215352 that'll be fine we'll just play it by you um okay and that's i'm going to finish rsckn9ZoCjg-00367-00215352-00215823 there and hand over to petra for our third or third finding but thank you for listening rsckn9ZoCjg-00368-00216056-00216160 just stop sharing rsckn9ZoCjg-00369-00216656-00217184 okay so let me get this up rsckn9ZoCjg-00370-00217896-00218496 right thank you leah so i'm going to try and whisk through uh the last 10 minutes talking about rsckn9ZoCjg-00371-00218576-00219216 how who donors tell why they tell other people and their patterns of disclosure if you like rsckn9ZoCjg-00372-00219271-00219640 and the theme really for this presentation is about or this part of the presentation is about rsckn9ZoCjg-00373-00219640-00220104 whose story is this you know who as i said in the beginning in my little introduction rsckn9ZoCjg-00374-00220104-00220536 donors do come with connections of their own they're someone's partner they're someone's rsckn9ZoCjg-00375-00220536-00221256 child they're also someone's parent often uh and that in itself raises questions about rsckn9ZoCjg-00376-00221256-00221688 do they need to tell that they're a donor that they've donated if so who needs to know rsckn9ZoCjg-00377-00221744-00222248 um why do they need to know when do they need to know do they need to know at the stage rsckn9ZoCjg-00378-00222248-00222800 before the donation goes ahead or is it okay to tell them years down the line um do they have rsckn9ZoCjg-00379-00222800-00223352 a right to have a say do they have a right to interfere and to sort of say i don't want you to rsckn9ZoCjg-00380-00223352-00223928 do this if if that's how they feel um disclosure is something that has been at the heart of data rsckn9ZoCjg-00381-00223928-00224400 conception debates for some time now are very much focusing on the children's right to know rsckn9ZoCjg-00382-00224456-00225112 and parents patterns of disclosure particularly to their children so recipient parents excuse me but rsckn9ZoCjg-00383-00225112-00225680 very little is known to date about donors patterns of disclosure and particularly how that sits rsckn9ZoCjg-00384-00225736-00226319 in relation to their own families so what i'm really trying to get at here is about who is rsckn9ZoCjg-00385-00226319-00226856 seeing to have a stake in the donation who seem to be affected by it other than just the donor rsckn9ZoCjg-00386-00226912-00227432 and by the asking questions about well whose story is this uh who is into need to know and rsckn9ZoCjg-00387-00227432-00228064 who in that is given the right to have a say and i will be looking in particular at donor's rsckn9ZoCjg-00388-00228064-00228496 family members so first looking at partners and then looking at donor's own children rsckn9ZoCjg-00389-00228552-00229048 and then looking at families of origin so that mean by that i mean donors parents stoners rsckn9ZoCjg-00390-00229048-00229848 siblings aunts uncles nieces and nephews and so on um so the first then is about telling partners and rsckn9ZoCjg-00391-00229848-00230432 what was really interesting for us as sociologists was that these relationships uh that donors sort rsckn9ZoCjg-00392-00230432-00230960 of dealt with the donation in very different ways in these relationships so when it came to partners rsckn9ZoCjg-00393-00230960-00231440 we found that the absolute majority of donors emphasized that they should tell their partner rsckn9ZoCjg-00394-00231504-00231919 and this as you can see on the screen this has been found been found in in previous research rsckn9ZoCjg-00395-00231919-00232400 as well uh partners would not just seem to be affected or sort of have a stake in the rsckn9ZoCjg-00396-00232400-00232976 donation but they would also seen to be involved in the donation process they were often asked rsckn9ZoCjg-00397-00232976-00233560 before a donation sorry before a donor agreed to donate they were involved in having a say rsckn9ZoCjg-00398-00233704-00234167 counsellors would often say that they invited partners to be part of a counselling process and rsckn9ZoCjg-00399-00234167-00234776 some even went as far as saying that they wouldn't allow a donor to go ahead unless their partner was rsckn9ZoCjg-00400-00234776-00235448 um was in agreement but that the donation was a good idea and they sort of um that they as rsckn9ZoCjg-00401-00235448-00235936 partners had had agreed that the donation was okay and something that was okay to happen rsckn9ZoCjg-00402-00236023-00236664 um so that was really very clear uh very sort of a strong finding a strong scene when it comes to rsckn9ZoCjg-00403-00236664-00237160 telling children there was a bit more flexibility in the way that donors sort of approached it and rsckn9ZoCjg-00404-00237160-00237776 the way in which counselors also talked about this so the vast majority of our donors and rsckn9ZoCjg-00405-00237776-00238296 just under half of donors had children of their own in in the study and these children ranged from rsckn9ZoCjg-00406-00238352-00238871 uh preschool to adult children some donors became donors when their when their own children were rsckn9ZoCjg-00407-00238871-00239416 already adults um so the vast majority of donors and counselors thought the children did have a rsckn9ZoCjg-00408-00239416-00239864 right to know but they were given there was a lot more flexibility in terms of how donors approached rsckn9ZoCjg-00409-00239864-00240480 this and when children were told about a donation so as a rule children were not invited to have a rsckn9ZoCjg-00410-00240480-00241088 say but they might be told um when someone had conceived or even when a child had been born rsckn9ZoCjg-00411-00241088-00241688 so much much sort of later down further down the line um when it came to families of origin rsckn9ZoCjg-00412-00241688-00242280 it looked really different actually uh donors as well as counselors would approach telling families rsckn9ZoCjg-00413-00242352-00242744 like bonus parents and siblings and so on with a lot more flexibility rsckn9ZoCjg-00414-00242840-00243296 typically parents were told after and siblings were told after the donation rsckn9ZoCjg-00415-00243296-00243823 took place if they were told at all usually after a birth had taken place um rsckn9ZoCjg-00416-00244056-00244584 all plants or donors spoke to us about their plans for telling in the future but not being entirely rsckn9ZoCjg-00417-00244584-00245056 sure how to go about doing that so parents and sibling they were they were fail to have rsckn9ZoCjg-00418-00245056-00245471 a stake in the donation but it didn't necessarily translate into a perception that they should have rsckn9ZoCjg-00419-00245471-00246040 a say at all but they were not invited to be part of the decision-making process and part of this rsckn9ZoCjg-00420-00246040-00246600 was to do with age in the sense that donors might think that oh well by the time a donor conceived rsckn9ZoCjg-00421-00246600-00247112 child comes and finds me my parents will be long dead so that why should i upset them or why should rsckn9ZoCjg-00422-00247112-00247567 i sort of even broach the topic but that wasn't the whole story when it came to families of origin rsckn9ZoCjg-00423-00247567-00248112 there was also a sort of perception that it wasn't that place really to have a say in what jonas did rsckn9ZoCjg-00424-00248288-00248704 so looking at them what is going on here we found these really radically different patterns in rsckn9ZoCjg-00425-00248704-00249264 terms of who don't thought they should say sorry who they should tell and when they should tell rsckn9ZoCjg-00426-00249264-00249584 and we should suggest that this is very much linked to patterns uh rsckn9ZoCjg-00427-00249656-00250208 that sort of work out in relationship with different relational norms follow different moral rsckn9ZoCjg-00428-00250208-00250744 ideas about what the right thing to do is given a particular relationship whether their relationship rsckn9ZoCjg-00429-00250744-00251328 is a couple relationship or whether it's a parent child a relationship or a sibling relationship rsckn9ZoCjg-00430-00251440-00251848 so being a partner then is guided by very different ideas when it comes to reproduction rsckn9ZoCjg-00431-00251919-00252456 and we found that that donation sort of weaved its way in through these relational norms into into rsckn9ZoCjg-00432-00252456-00252992 how it was kind of worked through in relationships and as it did that we found that two very powerful rsckn9ZoCjg-00433-00252992-00253608 social ideas about what donation is and what it means come into play in different ways within rsckn9ZoCjg-00434-00253608-00254264 these relationships and these two ideas i've tried to try to make something um a bit of a picture rsckn9ZoCjg-00435-00254264-00255016 about them so on the one hand adults donors are seen as self-directed autonomous individuals who rsckn9ZoCjg-00436-00255016-00255544 make decisions on their own it's their body their right to decide what's going to happen to their rsckn9ZoCjg-00437-00255544-00256071 body and so on so that's that's sort of pulling in one direction if you like but that isn't the rsckn9ZoCjg-00438-00256071-00256719 whole story because there is also the idea that jonas and dona's family are connected by them by rsckn9ZoCjg-00439-00256719-00257319 virtue of being embedded in each other's lives um and we call that reproductive connectedness rsckn9ZoCjg-00440-00257423-00257840 and and so that that sort of pulls in in a completely different direction from the idea that rsckn9ZoCjg-00441-00257840-00258432 donors are completely autonomous and self-directed individuals making their own decisions about about rsckn9ZoCjg-00442-00258432-00259119 their lives sorry strong direction so the warden comes into play here it seemingly in partner rsckn9ZoCjg-00443-00259119-00259864 relationships is that uh the idea of reproductive connectedness so the blue arrow is really uh sort rsckn9ZoCjg-00444-00259864-00260471 of um takes a very has a really strong hold in couple relationships so polly's account here rsckn9ZoCjg-00445-00260471-00260919 so this is a quote she says my boyfriend and i looked through it both together we didn't apply rsckn9ZoCjg-00446-00260919-00261367 until i spoke to him about it so i made sure he was fine with it and then we went ahead that was rsckn9ZoCjg-00447-00261367-00262208 a really really common uh quote within the data set um angela as i said many um sorry infertility rsckn9ZoCjg-00448-00262208-00262688 counselors spoke about partners being very strongly encouraged to come along to counseling rsckn9ZoCjg-00449-00262688-00263464 sessions so um the the reap the sort of the idea of partners being connected to the donation and rsckn9ZoCjg-00450-00263464-00264000 being invited to say it was really strong the idea that donors should just make their own decision rsckn9ZoCjg-00451-00264000-00264512 was was what was almost completely absent in donor stories when it came to their partners rsckn9ZoCjg-00452-00264664-00265160 and when it came to their children sorry i keep doing that uh that looked really quite different rsckn9ZoCjg-00453-00265160-00265680 because disclosure that there was sort of more flexibility when it came to children and the rsckn9ZoCjg-00454-00265680-00266248 idea of donors making their own decisions and actually children having some sort of stake in rsckn9ZoCjg-00455-00266248-00266792 the donation they were they were both sort of a little bit on the agenda so rita for example rsckn9ZoCjg-00456-00266792-00267232 a fertility counselor said i say to donors that talking to their own children in their own time rsckn9ZoCjg-00457-00267232-00267688 when they felt ready could be a positive thing so you can hear there's quite a lot more sort of rsckn9ZoCjg-00458-00267688-00268120 flexibility in terms of whether children should be told and when they should be told and so on rsckn9ZoCjg-00459-00268200-00268752 um and we found that donors such as jill jill's children were teenagers by the time that she rsckn9ZoCjg-00460-00268752-00269264 started thinking about whether she should tell them that she had acted as a donor as part of rsckn9ZoCjg-00461-00269264-00269840 her own process of becoming a parent so she said i never had a chat to my children but but i've now rsckn9ZoCjg-00462-00269840-00270408 started having that conversation with them um so so when it came to children there was quite a rsckn9ZoCjg-00463-00270408-00271008 lot more flexibility when it came into families of origin there was there was um it was almost rsckn9ZoCjg-00464-00271008-00271584 reversed to when it came to partners because the idea of donors being their own individuals to rsckn9ZoCjg-00465-00271584-00272024 take their own autonomous decisions was very much in ascendancy here so the yellow arrow rsckn9ZoCjg-00466-00272128-00272840 whereas the reproductive connectivity was there and and donors did think that maybe their parents rsckn9ZoCjg-00467-00272840-00273232 would be interested or feel themselves to be connected in some way but that didn't lead them rsckn9ZoCjg-00468-00273232-00273896 to think that they should have a say at all so oliver was really common it was really typical rsckn9ZoCjg-00469-00273896-00274512 in saying it was 100 my decision as i said i told my brother afterwards and my cousins afterwards rsckn9ZoCjg-00470-00274512-00275160 and that again and i definitely release donor i just told my sister she had brothers but rsckn9ZoCjg-00471-00275160-00275648 she didn't tell her brothers she didn't think anyone needs to know she didn't tell her mom rsckn9ZoCjg-00472-00275760-00276152 no i thought there was no reason to tell really i'm quite an independent person rsckn9ZoCjg-00473-00276152-00276624 these kinds of accounts were really common if if donors told families of origin at all rsckn9ZoCjg-00474-00276680-00277232 they would quite often often tell one person one sibling one sister who was close but not another rsckn9ZoCjg-00475-00277288-00277752 or they might tell a sister but not their parents and so on and they might also swear that sisters rsckn9ZoCjg-00476-00277752-00278448 to secrecy uh so to not tell them counsellors equally took quite a flexible approach to rsckn9ZoCjg-00477-00278448-00278936 telling families and would even discourage donors from bringing in their own parents to counselling rsckn9ZoCjg-00478-00278936-00279704 sessions so diane said you're an adult can you do this on your own so um so this meant then rsckn9ZoCjg-00479-00279704-00280368 sorry i'm slightly over time now that whereas we found that the donation very rarely give rate rsckn9ZoCjg-00480-00280368-00280864 give raise to tensions seemingly in couple relationships it was not uncommon that tension rsckn9ZoCjg-00481-00280864-00281440 would exist around the donation in relation to with parents and siblings who hadn't been rsckn9ZoCjg-00482-00281440-00281976 allowed to have a say at all and who would often like louise who i'm just going to talk about very rsckn9ZoCjg-00483-00281976-00282744 briefly might not at all be invited to have a say so luis was a sister of a donor and she she felt rsckn9ZoCjg-00484-00282816-00283280 she felt a very conflicted position where she did have her own thoughts about the donation rsckn9ZoCjg-00485-00283280-00283760 but didn't feel like she had a space to voice her own feelings about it so she said i have rsckn9ZoCjg-00486-00283760-00284224 a different opinion around it okay obviously i think my sister's a grown woman she can make her rsckn9ZoCjg-00487-00284224-00284744 own decisions this is on the sort of superficial level she's a grown woman her choice her body rsckn9ZoCjg-00488-00284744-00285192 her life right but i find it difficult to dissociate with you know they still her rsckn9ZoCjg-00489-00285192-00285704 her biological child for me it's quite difficult to process it but i feel i can't talk about it so rsckn9ZoCjg-00490-00285704-00286288 this was something in the family that wasn't um a subject really that the family that she felt rsckn9ZoCjg-00491-00286288-00286912 and that the family didn't really speak of and this was not uncommon in in our interviews with rsckn9ZoCjg-00492-00286912-00287744 parents and siblings that this this sort of theme would come up so in terms of the questions whose rsckn9ZoCjg-00493-00287744-00288232 story is this story about the nation um i think the answer is that that is quite a contentious rsckn9ZoCjg-00494-00288232-00288840 question and and actually the people involved have quite diverging opinions about whose story this is rsckn9ZoCjg-00495-00288904-00289520 donor's patterns of disclosure vary radically whether people within donors networks are allowed rsckn9ZoCjg-00496-00289520-00290056 to make up their own opinions about donation and what it means and if they have a stake in it rsckn9ZoCjg-00497-00290056-00290896 that also varies quite radically so the ideas of donation being other people's stories but also my rsckn9ZoCjg-00498-00290896-00291448 body my decision so this sort of idea of autonomy fluctuates and weaves its way in different ways in rsckn9ZoCjg-00499-00291448-00292040 different relationships i hope that makes sense but it's most stark in darkness so that the idea rsckn9ZoCjg-00500-00292040-00292544 of autonomy my body my my decision is most stark and donors relationship with families of origin rsckn9ZoCjg-00501-00292720-00293464 um so i think i'll stop there and i'll hand over back to jennifer who will uh will take rsckn9ZoCjg-00502-00293464-00293928 your questions now through the chat function and lea and i will be very happy to ask to answer any rsckn9ZoCjg-00503-00293928-00294800 questions thank you both very much that was that was fantastic so interesting um okay so we'll rsckn9ZoCjg-00504-00294800-00295408 we'll open it up and up for questions now just to remind you please put your questions in the chat rsckn9ZoCjg-00505-00295480-00295904 function it for those of you who haven't used it before it's at the bottom of the screen so if you rsckn9ZoCjg-00506-00295904-00296472 hover over that you can open the chat and put a question in there um please tell us if you can rsckn9ZoCjg-00507-00296552-00297208 who you work for or what you're interested in in donation um okay so rsckn9ZoCjg-00508-00297328-00297864 if you have a thing can put put your questions in the chat and we're going to filter those through rsckn9ZoCjg-00509-00297864-00298400 um i've actually got one um to start with to sort of kick us off um rsckn9ZoCjg-00510-00298520-00299296 which is to both of you um petra and leah um it's about um whose story it is and whose gift rsckn9ZoCjg-00511-00299296-00299944 it is i suppose so um you know if you can say a bit more about the language of gifts i think rsckn9ZoCjg-00512-00299944-00300560 that's really interesting and and what the gift is and who it's to and does that change over time rsckn9ZoCjg-00513-00300560-00301016 um and is there is there a tension in what people say about whether or not you can give rsckn9ZoCjg-00514-00301016-00301544 you can actually give a person as a gift or is it a gift of parenthood um so that those kinds rsckn9ZoCjg-00515-00301544-00301904 of questions it would be really interesting if you could elaborate a bit on that thank you rsckn9ZoCjg-00516-00302088-00302656 um shall i say something um yeah i think well i think in relation to that last bit of rsckn9ZoCjg-00517-00302656-00303032 the question saying is this a gift of a person with this gift of parenthood i think the donor rsckn9ZoCjg-00518-00303032-00303480 that we spoke to would be pretty adamant that this is a gift of parenthood rsckn9ZoCjg-00519-00303480-00304016 that you're you're giving something that enables people to become parents and it would be quite rsckn9ZoCjg-00520-00304016-00304616 problematic for them to think about this as a gift of a child or as a baby and that was rsckn9ZoCjg-00521-00304616-00305208 something they'd come up against i think when they were discussing this with family or with friends i rsckn9ZoCjg-00522-00305208-00305768 think i can think of one edge in particular who's whose mother saw her your mother felt like she was rsckn9ZoCjg-00523-00305768-00306424 giving away a baby and she just you know that was actually quite um upsetting for her to put rsckn9ZoCjg-00524-00306424-00306928 that for what she was doing to be viewed in that way and she this donor had her own children so rsckn9ZoCjg-00525-00307008-00307720 the gift of parenthood i think was was the key phrase that was used or implied very often rsckn9ZoCjg-00526-00307720-00308328 and and the fact that it was a gift of parenthood meant there were certain things that the donors rsckn9ZoCjg-00527-00308328-00308912 had to do to make sure parenthood was fully experienced if that does that if that makes sense rsckn9ZoCjg-00528-00308912-00309568 to make people to ensure people didn't to feel like they were experiencing parenthood fully which rsckn9ZoCjg-00529-00309568-00310240 meant not in any way feel feeling like they had to share it with anybody else other than a partner rsckn9ZoCjg-00530-00310536-00311112 thank you that's a that's a lovely question i think also um in terms of who the gift is rsckn9ZoCjg-00531-00311112-00311888 from i was truly struck by that that the donation seems to be and maybe reproduction more broadly rsckn9ZoCjg-00532-00311888-00312520 seem to be very much located in the couple relationship so it was almost as if it was a rsckn9ZoCjg-00533-00312520-00312992 gift so we had one donor who said i don't know no sorry there was a donor's partner who said rsckn9ZoCjg-00534-00313088-00313600 is it me or is it is it also from me or is it not so he was really sort of struggling with that yes rsckn9ZoCjg-00535-00313600-00314112 it's her thing but it's not like she's just joined the club she's doing this i've come along to every rsckn9ZoCjg-00536-00314112-00314672 appointment i'm really involved in this so it was almost i think it does raise questions about rsckn9ZoCjg-00537-00314672-00315216 who the gift is from but what i thought was so interesting about patterns of disclosure that i rsckn9ZoCjg-00538-00315216-00315856 just talked about was about that it didn't really follow genetic connectedness so you might think rsckn9ZoCjg-00539-00315856-00316432 that the gift is the is the gamete but the gift seemed to be from the couple and the disclosure rsckn9ZoCjg-00540-00316432-00317040 was it was emphasizing the couple who and obviously the partner had no genetic connection rsckn9ZoCjg-00541-00317040-00317704 to that egg or sperm that was given away whereas the families of origin and siblings and so on did rsckn9ZoCjg-00542-00317704-00318216 have that genetic connection but they weren't really in the picture they were not sort of rsckn9ZoCjg-00543-00318216-00318856 in the picture as much as partners were so it was a really interesting um you know who he seemed to rsckn9ZoCjg-00544-00318856-00319384 sort of be part of giving that gift was was perhaps quite counterintuitive in some ways rsckn9ZoCjg-00545-00319520-00320040 okay thank you there's lots of questions uh flooding in now so i'm i'm having to be rsckn9ZoCjg-00546-00320040-00320584 selective i'm afraid but here's one from emily from the university of westminster rsckn9ZoCjg-00547-00320584-00321032 were there any instances where the relationship with known donors changed from what it was rsckn9ZoCjg-00548-00321032-00321640 originally intended so for example a donor became more involved or attached over time rsckn9ZoCjg-00549-00321640-00322064 than what was than what was the original plan did donor conceived children rsckn9ZoCjg-00550-00322064-00322528 lead on how close this relationship was again not sticking to the plan as it were rsckn9ZoCjg-00551-00322824-00323584 um yeah um shall i go first leah that's a really good question i think these relationships rsckn9ZoCjg-00552-00323712-00324440 people sort of often did go into it with a plan but we also found that they um they could change rsckn9ZoCjg-00553-00324440-00324928 really rather quite a lot uh not just that they sort of changed into one thing but they rsckn9ZoCjg-00554-00324928-00325664 they could change again into something quite different again and donors known donors who had rsckn9ZoCjg-00555-00325664-00326216 quite a big number of recipients so some of the numbers that we had so some of the donors that rsckn9ZoCjg-00556-00326216-00326768 we have in the study are have quite a big number of recipients and their relationships with the rsckn9ZoCjg-00557-00326848-00327360 with the recipients and their families could really be very varied and unchanged over time rsckn9ZoCjg-00558-00327416-00328072 um to becoming really close but it could also go really wrong for a period of time or become rsckn9ZoCjg-00559-00328072-00328592 very intense and then it could become less intense uh it could be really joyous and that that could rsckn9ZoCjg-00560-00328592-00329408 change so there was a lot of flux uh within those relationships um i don't i don't know do you have rsckn9ZoCjg-00561-00329408-00329936 you got a sense of whether that flux was led by children i think maybe sometimes it was but do you rsckn9ZoCjg-00562-00329936-00330536 want to i think it's really interesting because that is very much the kind of especially when you rsckn9ZoCjg-00563-00330536-00331040 speak to the identity release donors that's very much the kind of idea about how this should happen rsckn9ZoCjg-00564-00331120-00331696 but actually with the known donors i mean and this is partly about age um and so a rsckn9ZoCjg-00565-00331696-00332136 lot of the time with the known donors that we'd interviewed mostly we're talking about rsckn9ZoCjg-00566-00332136-00332752 quite young children that had been born from the donation so it was probably more about rsckn9ZoCjg-00567-00332952-00333472 the recipient family or the parents leading that and i i'm thinking about one rsckn9ZoCjg-00568-00333592-00333888 example in particular where there was a known donor and he rsckn9ZoCjg-00569-00334464-00335048 losing you leah slightly he was one of the people i felt this idea oh sorry is that any better yes rsckn9ZoCjg-00570-00335048-00335672 okay yeah um he talked very much about this whole like i just you know it's their gift i've always rsckn9ZoCjg-00571-00335672-00336040 made it clear that i'm very hands-off it's up to them how this goes i can just disappear everyone rsckn9ZoCjg-00572-00336040-00336472 or i can be around you know it's really up to you and he said it's really interesting because rsckn9ZoCjg-00573-00336472-00337008 i think because i've been like that the recipients have relaxed and actually now rsckn9ZoCjg-00574-00337008-00337440 i really like it and i'm quite involved and like they might stop by on the way to the shops and rsckn9ZoCjg-00575-00337440-00338008 the kids sort of call me um uncle harry and it's you know you know i can play with them and they're rsckn9ZoCjg-00576-00338008-00338552 kind of you all he used ideas about this being a kind of very extended family type relationship rsckn9ZoCjg-00577-00338616-00339320 but that came from his willingness to be led if you see what i mean um or he's he viewed it that rsckn9ZoCjg-00578-00339320-00339944 way his willingness to kind of accept whatever label or practice was put on this relationship rsckn9ZoCjg-00579-00340048-00340920 he saw that as enabling that to be possible if that makes sense um thank you okay there are there rsckn9ZoCjg-00580-00340920-00341552 are quite a few questions about how you recruited participants and also whether you were able to get rsckn9ZoCjg-00581-00341552-00342080 any data about donors children or include their perspectives in any way sorry there are quite a rsckn9ZoCjg-00582-00342080-00342760 few people ask that so i haven't named the people okay um so i guess just briefly about recruitment rsckn9ZoCjg-00583-00342760-00343264 i didn't talk about that in the slides for timing reasons i suppose we took a really rsckn9ZoCjg-00584-00343360-00343848 varied approach to recruitment because this was quite a hard to reach group and also because we rsckn9ZoCjg-00585-00343848-00344576 wanted to incorporate the diversity of routes into donation as i kind of mentioned before so we've rsckn9ZoCjg-00586-00344576-00345048 we've recruited through all kinds of methods really we've recruited some donors directly rsckn9ZoCjg-00587-00345048-00345736 through clinics um but we've also recruited through um some of the matching websites and rsckn9ZoCjg-00588-00346136-00346616 the facebook groups and through personal nets we probably have a slightly disproportionate rsckn9ZoCjg-00589-00346616-00347472 number of donors who have also um who are also family and parents through donation rsckn9ZoCjg-00590-00347472-00347936 as well as having been a donor which has been an interesting sort of subgroup to speak to um rsckn9ZoCjg-00591-00348048-00348464 so that's kind of the recruitment side of things and then donors children rsckn9ZoCjg-00592-00348464-00349064 we haven't been able to speak to donor children directly as part of the study um which i agree rsckn9ZoCjg-00593-00349120-00349864 is a fascinating fascinating topic to explore but we have heard about donors children through their rsckn9ZoCjg-00594-00349864-00350392 parents and their experiences of talking to them or overhearing things that their rsckn9ZoCjg-00595-00350392-00350896 their children have said and that's i think that's been the little bits that we have gained through rsckn9ZoCjg-00596-00350896-00351472 that have been really interesting and it's quite it's quite varied i think there are some donors rsckn9ZoCjg-00597-00351472-00352152 who've who quite want to put a label on this relationship with their with their children and um rsckn9ZoCjg-00598-00352312-00352824 usually kind of try and just in that in those cases maybe kind of discouraging the idea of rsckn9ZoCjg-00599-00352824-00353256 thinking about this is a sibling and maybe worried about their children thinking about this as a rsckn9ZoCjg-00600-00353256-00353872 sibling because um it could lead to feelings of kind of loss because they know that as children rsckn9ZoCjg-00601-00353872-00354672 of donors they don't have any rights to find out about um you can donate conceived siblings or to rsckn9ZoCjg-00602-00354672-00355232 contact them or anything like that so that it's sort of a most protective thing to say rsckn9ZoCjg-00603-00355232-00355632 they're not your brothers or sisters i mean let's not start thinking about them like that because rsckn9ZoCjg-00604-00355632-00356040 that could lead to feelings that might be difficult down that down the line rsckn9ZoCjg-00605-00356040-00356664 but i think there were also other donors who really quite like just really intrigued by how rsckn9ZoCjg-00606-00356664-00357208 their children were going to make sense of this in it um i and in some cases it rsckn9ZoCjg-00607-00357208-00357848 could be like a sort of safe way to explore the relationships between two families to rsckn9ZoCjg-00608-00358216-00358760 kind of to see what the kids did with it in a way um i don't know if that makes sense but they were rsckn9ZoCjg-00609-00358760-00359128 you know quite interested to see what language said that the children would put on this whether rsckn9ZoCjg-00610-00359128-00359568 they would use words like half brother or half sister or or not or come up with a whole rsckn9ZoCjg-00611-00359568-00360000 different way of thinking about it and it could be really interesting and a way that they could rsckn9ZoCjg-00612-00360000-00360464 explore the relationship between their family and recipient family in a less threatening way rsckn9ZoCjg-00613-00360464-00360984 i suppose than thinking about the relationship between the donor and the donor conceived person rsckn9ZoCjg-00614-00361152-00361640 just to add really briefly to that that we set out to interview partners and parents they were rsckn9ZoCjg-00615-00361640-00362184 sort of our kin group oh we identified kim and then as as we went on we sort of started rsckn9ZoCjg-00616-00362184-00362728 to realize how interesting these other other kin groups would be to talk to and so we have rsckn9ZoCjg-00617-00362728-00363256 some sisters who have taken part and it would be absolutely fascinating to talk to dana's children rsckn9ZoCjg-00618-00363256-00363776 um particularly i mean we're going to talk to paul about policy in session number two here today but rsckn9ZoCjg-00619-00363776-00364192 uh donor's children are really not sort of on in on the map at all uh rsckn9ZoCjg-00620-00364192-00364632 and it would be absolutely fascinating as well as really important i think to include rsckn9ZoCjg-00621-00364696-00365312 donors children in a study as far as that's possible um i'd like to read another couple rsckn9ZoCjg-00622-00365312-00365680 of questions that relate to this theme i don't know how fully you can answer them now or whether rsckn9ZoCjg-00623-00365680-00366280 it's for later but i just wanted to read them to you anyway uh one is from olivia montouchy rsckn9ZoCjg-00624-00366280-00366816 donor conception network and she says so genetic relatedness seems to be acknowledged by the donor rsckn9ZoCjg-00625-00366816-00367456 towards the potential child to be but to be denied with with relation to their own family rsckn9ZoCjg-00626-00367456-00368160 some donor conceived adults believe or feel that the donors family are their family and the other rsckn9ZoCjg-00627-00368160-00368696 one is from cassandra adams a donor conceived adult do you think the hesitation to discuss with rsckn9ZoCjg-00628-00368696-00369312 family of origin is rooted in the realization that the donor's biological family is also the donor rsckn9ZoCjg-00629-00369312-00369792 conceived person's biological family and hence there is more tension in acknowledging that they rsckn9ZoCjg-00630-00369792-00370336 are keeping the donor conceived child separate separated from their entire family and vice versa rsckn9ZoCjg-00631-00370744-00371072 and if you want to comment further on those or yeah rsckn9ZoCjg-00632-00371072-00371576 thank you for those comments that's really really interesting i think i think it is um rsckn9ZoCjg-00633-00371776-00372264 as a sociologist i suppose the first thing that i'd like to say in that the studies that i've been rsckn9ZoCjg-00634-00372264-00372808 part of in terms of doing the conception is that genetics isn't one thing for people it doesn't rsckn9ZoCjg-00635-00372808-00373272 people rather rather than sort of assuming that it's just something that is there it's something rsckn9ZoCjg-00636-00373272-00373952 that people negotiate and see people navigate and give meaning to or deny meaning or in sort rsckn9ZoCjg-00637-00373952-00374496 of give different kinds of meaning to you so that is very sort of part of the picture here i think rsckn9ZoCjg-00638-00374496-00375088 genetics can both be meaningful and and not at all meaningful almost at the same time within rsckn9ZoCjg-00639-00375088-00375456 you know we've heard that within interviews within minutes of each other people say yes rsckn9ZoCjg-00640-00375456-00375912 it's really important and it doesn't matter at all so there's a lot of complexity i think rsckn9ZoCjg-00641-00375912-00376488 in in the way that people attach meaning to to what biology is what genetics are what blood is rsckn9ZoCjg-00642-00376544-00377048 all of these concepts are really complex in in the way that they weave their way into everyday lives rsckn9ZoCjg-00643-00377128-00377816 um but it is interesting in the way that donors uh you know this disclosure patterns to families of rsckn9ZoCjg-00644-00377816-00378424 origin and i think what is really what is really interesting there is that actually that we have as rsckn9ZoCjg-00645-00378424-00379040 uh within within society i don't you know donors are not making this up i think in the way that rsckn9ZoCjg-00646-00379040-00379608 they disclose to their own families of origin they very much follow paths of relating that are very rsckn9ZoCjg-00647-00379608-00380208 sort of very well established social norms so the way that adults often relate to their own rsckn9ZoCjg-00648-00380264-00380920 parents as they become adults is through uh being self-directed autonomous indeed that is part of rsckn9ZoCjg-00649-00380920-00381544 how we as a society understand what it means to sort of achieve adulthood and also be a sort of rsckn9ZoCjg-00650-00381544-00382024 good adult so in some ways you know these patterns uh jennifer for example has been rsckn9ZoCjg-00651-00382024-00382576 involved in studies by grandparents and these patterns are also really evident in how people rsckn9ZoCjg-00652-00382576-00383080 you know navigate being a grandparent but not interfering and allowing people to be autonomous rsckn9ZoCjg-00653-00383080-00383800 and self-directed uh so this is you know it's rather than sort of emphasizing genetics i suppose rsckn9ZoCjg-00654-00383800-00384480 i think the norms that go through here is sort of that the donors kind of draw on these wider social rsckn9ZoCjg-00655-00384480-00385024 norms in order to make sense of what is going on in terms of being a donor um i think that rsckn9ZoCjg-00656-00385024-00385704 is sort of almost stronger than thinking about the genetics for many donors don't know if julia wants rsckn9ZoCjg-00657-00385704-00386160 to add something to that yeah thank you very much that's a really interesting question and i think rsckn9ZoCjg-00658-00386160-00386928 it kind of ties in a little bit with the last one about donor's children um because i think i think rsckn9ZoCjg-00659-00387000-00387656 the possibility of families of origin thinking about their relationship to the donor conceived rsckn9ZoCjg-00660-00387656-00388240 person in a kind in the in the framework of a kind of genetic kinship idea is part rsckn9ZoCjg-00661-00388240-00388856 of the reason why some donors don't want to tell especially their parents maybe siblings rsckn9ZoCjg-00662-00388856-00389624 because they're aware they might see this as like their as their grandchild and i don't think on the rsckn9ZoCjg-00663-00389624-00390152 i think on the whole the worry about that is the worry that then they they will impose themselves rsckn9ZoCjg-00664-00390152-00390784 um on the recipient family and that that could be a problem and also it can be a worry because rsckn9ZoCjg-00665-00390848-00391312 they don't have if if they're not alone don't know if this is an identity release situation then rsckn9ZoCjg-00666-00391480-00392072 they could also feel cause feelings of grief and sadness that they're not able to ever contact rsckn9ZoCjg-00667-00392072-00393048 this person and we often say well actually you know what my mum's in her 70s now you know it's rsckn9ZoCjg-00668-00393048-00393456 going to be years and years until someone might possibly possibly contact me um they're not in rsckn9ZoCjg-00669-00393456-00394048 good health what would be the point in telling them because the word you know it can only it's rsckn9ZoCjg-00670-00394048-00394416 only likely to cause distress because they're not going to be able to ever meet them more and rsckn9ZoCjg-00671-00394416-00395144 they certainly can't initiate that um so i think i think there was that but i think this is why i rsckn9ZoCjg-00672-00395144-00395520 think it relates to the last questions but i think there were more concerns and i'm not sure we fully rsckn9ZoCjg-00673-00395520-00396120 explored this i think we'd like to explore it more there were more concerns around someone like a a rsckn9ZoCjg-00674-00396120-00396640 parent a grandparent of um a parent of a donor so someone who might see themselves as a grandparent rsckn9ZoCjg-00675-00396640-00397464 imposing that kinship label on this relationship to donor conceived people much more so than about rsckn9ZoCjg-00676-00397464-00397920 children so so there was less there wasn't ten they didn't tend to be the same concerns about rsckn9ZoCjg-00677-00397920-00398536 oh my own children are gonna really impose this idea that their brothers or sisters that didn't rsckn9ZoCjg-00678-00398536-00398944 seem to be coming off as a potential threat to the recipient family it could be problematic in rsckn9ZoCjg-00679-00398944-00399504 other ways for donors but this idea that they could impose it in a way that would sort of rsckn9ZoCjg-00680-00399600-00400032 undermine this gift of parenthood it didn't seem to come up in the same way and i think rsckn9ZoCjg-00681-00400032-00400600 there's something interesting about generation going on there and what what can be seen as um rsckn9ZoCjg-00682-00400600-00401408 as sort of a threat to the the boundaries of the recipient family perhaps can i just um feed in rsckn9ZoCjg-00683-00401408-00401936 another question there that's come in from debbie kennett uh who says we have already seen a number rsckn9ZoCjg-00684-00401936-00402432 of instances of grandparents taking a consumer dna test and discovering that they had an unknown rsckn9ZoCjg-00685-00402432-00402936 donor grandchild where the donors and infertility council is not aware of this possibility rsckn9ZoCjg-00686-00403216-00403640 this is something very much on the horizon now isn't it with with a sort of increase in dna rsckn9ZoCjg-00687-00403640-00404224 testing and i think we will see more of those and i mean i think it's also important to keep rsckn9ZoCjg-00688-00404224-00404784 in mind that donors in the in the uk in the 1980s and 90s donated under very different circumstances rsckn9ZoCjg-00689-00404840-00405320 they were they were anonymous they were they were told that no no contact would rsckn9ZoCjg-00690-00405320-00405896 ever be made um you know it's important so it's important i think to understand the context in rsckn9ZoCjg-00691-00405896-00406408 which they donated and and what they were told to think about the donation and how rsckn9ZoCjg-00692-00406408-00406920 they would they were told by uh by clinic staff at the time to think about it and so rsckn9ZoCjg-00693-00406984-00407496 uh if they haven't told then perhaps that is embedded within the context in which they decided rsckn9ZoCjg-00694-00407496-00408072 to become a donor as well which has obviously changed massively over the last 10-15 years rsckn9ZoCjg-00695-00408400-00409208 okay yeah thank you i think we can squeeze one more um clutch of questions um if that's okay rsckn9ZoCjg-00696-00409208-00409728 in i'm just uh kind of pulling them together so there's there are there are a couple at least a rsckn9ZoCjg-00697-00409728-00410464 couple of questions which are interested in uh any differences between sperm donors and egg donors in rsckn9ZoCjg-00698-00410464-00411056 relation to their families of origin and how they talked about that and there's also one which is rsckn9ZoCjg-00699-00411056-00411656 asking about the um more about the sexuality of the recipients how the rsckn9ZoCjg-00700-00411735-00412200 more about how the sexuality of the recipients shape donors interpretations of their roles as rsckn9ZoCjg-00701-00412200-00412639 donors sorry i know those aren't the same thing i've i've put some questions in there rsckn9ZoCjg-00702-00412639-00413120 um but if you i think we've got time if you if you can if you can address both of those rsckn9ZoCjg-00703-00413120-00413616 thank you if i can start with the first one maybe i can deal with the second one rsckn9ZoCjg-00704-00413776-00414408 you'd be delighted to think that's more of a challenging question yeah i'll do my best um rsckn9ZoCjg-00705-00414408-00415088 so interestingly on the issue of did egg donors and sperm donors uh disclose uh differently rsckn9ZoCjg-00706-00415088-00415624 and we actually found that they were remarkably similar in terms of who they told and when they rsckn9ZoCjg-00707-00415624-00416064 told and these patterns that i was saying that you know telling within a couple of relationships rsckn9ZoCjg-00708-00416064-00416664 is really very prominent and much much less so that it did it did span egg donors and and rsckn9ZoCjg-00709-00416664-00417447 sperm donors um in similar ways and it also span i think known donors and identity release donors in rsckn9ZoCjg-00710-00417447-00418192 similar ways so there wasn't a clear gendered patterns in terms of of who donald told which rsckn9ZoCjg-00711-00418192-00418656 i think is quite interesting in its own right i don't know julia i want to add anything to that rsckn9ZoCjg-00712-00418728-00419135 i think it's i think i agree with you in terms of the pattern in terms of the tendency to tell rsckn9ZoCjg-00713-00419792-00420096 i've lost you there for a second yeah you froze again lisa look rsckn9ZoCjg-00714-00421104-00421496 yeah could you repeat what you just said because i think yes i'm just saying i agree with you in rsckn9ZoCjg-00715-00421496-00422072 terms of the tendency to tell the different groups and and the kind of logic behind that i think rsckn9ZoCjg-00716-00422072-00422680 overall in our sample probably sperm donors just tended to be less likely to tell people in general rsckn9ZoCjg-00717-00422752-00423184 which i think is perhaps generally due to the sort of stigma the greatest stigma attached to being a rsckn9ZoCjg-00718-00423256-00423768 donor and the more slightly more suspicion maybe or cynicism about their motivations rsckn9ZoCjg-00719-00423768-00424192 that then they'd feel they'd have to like explain egg donors tend to be more free with rsckn9ZoCjg-00720-00424192-00424776 whom they told they often told people at work and friends maybe not even that close friend um rsckn9ZoCjg-00721-00424776-00425192 and one of the reasons we found it difficult to recruit some of sperm donor relatives was because rsckn9ZoCjg-00722-00425335-00425935 we did it through the donors and so um often standards to say well i haven't told my parents rsckn9ZoCjg-00723-00425935-00426688 that i'm single so i can't help you basically um but i'm just wary of making that to be anything rsckn9ZoCjg-00724-00426688-00427272 generalizable because actually that very much reflects the the way we recruited our participants rsckn9ZoCjg-00725-00427272-00427984 as well so we had a lot of sperm donors who'd come through the online groups as well um rsckn9ZoCjg-00726-00428039-00428808 often slightly older and so i i'd be wary of saying that that's about gender completely or only rsckn9ZoCjg-00727-00428808-00429576 um and the question about um sexual orientation sexual orientation of recipients right and how rsckn9ZoCjg-00728-00429576-00430288 that shaped donor's attitudes i'm i think it is a factor but i'm not actually quite sure rsckn9ZoCjg-00729-00430343-00431056 how to kind of sum it up at this point um petra you might might be able to help but i i rsckn9ZoCjg-00730-00431056-00431568 i it definitely was something that that came more and there were um a lot rsckn9ZoCjg-00731-00431568-00432088 of the donors that we spoke to who'd gone through the facebook groups or the online rsckn9ZoCjg-00732-00432088-00432639 kind of way of finding recipients it's more likely to be donating to lesbian couples or single women rsckn9ZoCjg-00733-00432735-00433560 and that would often be kind of like celebrated and um i'm just thinking about how it really rsckn9ZoCjg-00734-00433560-00434112 relates to how they related to the family and i think people had different ideas then i think i rsckn9ZoCjg-00735-00434112-00434760 think well i think the fact that there was no male partner involved that could sometimes be seen to rsckn9ZoCjg-00736-00434760-00435328 make things a little bit easier for sperm donors because they would feel in the few cases where rsckn9ZoCjg-00737-00435328-00436000 they had donated to a known heterosexual couple then they would often be more um rsckn9ZoCjg-00738-00436088-00436864 awareness of the particular threat around for them of the donor perceived better donor to the male rsckn9ZoCjg-00739-00436864-00437712 partner um which is interesting um i don't know do you want to ask yeah no i think that's right i rsckn9ZoCjg-00740-00437712-00438224 think um the research that i've done with lesbian couples has also sort of shown that they are more rsckn9ZoCjg-00741-00438360-00438968 happy with some level of involvement not not necessarily as a co-parent but as a known donor rsckn9ZoCjg-00742-00438968-00439760 who to some extent is known which um there might be a huge sort of number of heterosexual couples rsckn9ZoCjg-00743-00439760-00440384 who do have known donors but if if so we haven't heard very much about those couples and the known rsckn9ZoCjg-00744-00440384-00441008 donors who do that there seems to be a lot more tensions essentially around masculinities and rsckn9ZoCjg-00745-00441008-00441712 sort of uh peggy monitor masculinities when when sperm donors donate to heterosexual couples uh rsckn9ZoCjg-00746-00441712-00442352 in those kind of known relationships so um yeah it tends to be single women and lesbian rsckn9ZoCjg-00747-00442352-00443112 couples who sort of come up and we did have some journalists who kind of drew assumptions from uh rsckn9ZoCjg-00748-00443112-00444143 the sexuality of food and 82 about the likelihood of a delicacy person well seem to get in touch to rsckn9ZoCjg-00749-00444143-00444568 touch with them as well so some people would make assumptions that it might be more likely rsckn9ZoCjg-00750-00444568-00445152 that someone would get in touch if they didn't have a dad in you know in their in their family rsckn9ZoCjg-00751-00445152-00445800 that they might then start being more interested in in the donor in that circumstances which could rsckn9ZoCjg-00752-00445800-00446335 be perceived in both both ways actually i think interestingly as like that might be really great rsckn9ZoCjg-00753-00446335-00446784 because they might be allowed to get in touch but also maybe some concerns around it as well rsckn9ZoCjg-00754-00446984-00447296 well thank you very much both of you that's that's absolutely fascinating rsckn9ZoCjg-00755-00447296-00447832 and thanks everybody for their questions which have been piling in enormously rudQmArWcyu-00000-00000000-00001499 Hey guys, today we are going to be seeing how well a Barbarian does against a 1000-degree knife, axe, and sword. rudQmArWcyu-00001-00001542-00001742 Very sharp! rudQmArWcyu-00002-00002103-00002303 Let's add some flames! rudQmArWcyu-00003-00003581-00003981 This could work better. rudQmArWcyu-00004-00003981-00004181 Sword Time! rudQmArWcyu-00005-00004355-00004555 Flames... rudQmArWcyu-00006-00004572-00004675 PERFECT! rudQmArWcyu-00007-00004675-00004875 Chops like butter. rudQmArWcyu-00008-00005131-00005230 Knife time! rudQmArWcyu-00009-00005232-00005330 Flames! rudQmArWcyu-00010-00005330-00005530 Ow! That hurts, time to die. rudQmArWcyu-00011-00006133-00006333 Can't cut very well... rudQmArWcyu-00012-00007722-00007922 I don't think this can cut at all. rudQmArWcyu-00013-00011276-00011476 I think the sword works best. rudQmArWcyu-00014-00012735-00012935 Ow!! rudQmArWcyu-00015-00014552-00014752 Cuts great! rudQmArWcyu-00016-00017078-00017278 There goes the head. rudQmArWcyu-00017-00019803-00020003 One arm off rudQmArWcyu-00018-00020003-00020203 Head too rudQmArWcyu-00020-00022056-00023554 Well, know we know how well barbarians get chopped, bye! ruNSi0h33CY-00000-00000058-00000294 Hello, my name Nguyen Toan ruNSi0h33CY-00001-00000294-00000490 Good morning ruNSi0h33CY-00002-00000543-00000884 Very nice see you, to day me eat all the lemons ryq8i_U5GII-00000-00000129-00000183 Drake? ryq8i_U5GII-00001-00000266-00000367 Yes, sir. ryq8i_U5GII-00002-00000367-00000487 How you doing, man? ryq8i_U5GII-00003-00000487-00000608 Good. How are you? ryq8i_U5GII-00004-00000671-00000846 You want to be a Falcon? ryq8i_U5GII-00005-00000942-00001355 With the eighth pick in the 2022 NFL Draft ryq8i_U5GII-00006-00001426-00001785 the Atlanta Falcons select Drake London ryq8i_U5GII-00007-00001868-00002089 wide receiver, USC. ryq8i_U5GII-00008-00002277-00002410 It's just surreal right now. ryq8i_U5GII-00009-00002410-00002898 I don't even know how to put into words what I'm feeling, what I'm about to feel. ryq8i_U5GII-00010-00002898-00003111 But I'm just blessed. ryq8i_U5GII-00011-00003111-00003232 What's up Falcons fans. ryq8i_U5GII-00012-00003315-00003691 I'm here at the NFL Draft, soaking it all in. ryq8i_U5GII-00013-00003707-00004024 I'm just excited to be a part of the team, be a part of this electric offense ryq8i_U5GII-00014-00004054-00004287 and contribute any way I possibly can. ryq8i_U5GII-00015-00004333-00004525 Dirty birds. Let's go. ryq8i_U5GII-00016-00004525-00004692 I'm just going to say LFG. ryq8i_U5GII-00017-00004692-00004875 That's all I need to do. ryq8i_U5GII-00018-00004875-00005034 Yeah, yeah. ryq8i_U5GII-00019-00005034-00005309 Feel free to, like, move, OK? ryq8i_U5GII-00020-00005330-00005559 We're building in the right direction now. ryq8i_U5GII-00021-00005584-00005847 Hopefully they pick me to go there to win games, you know, ryq8i_U5GII-00022-00005847-00006051 and that's what I'm going to come in and try to do and try to prove. ryq8i_U5GII-00023-00006056-00006285 I think it's like a ticking time bomb. You can never tell ryq8i_U5GII-00024-00006423-00006523 when I'm about to go off. ryq8i_U5GII-00025-00006523-00006773 You can say that every time the ball about to get in my hands, ryq8i_U5GII-00026-00006773-00007002 I feel like I have a chance to make a play. ryq8i_U5GII-00027-00007002-00007373 Honestly, football is a physical sport, and you got to impose ryq8i_U5GII-00028-00007373-00007707 your will on somebody in order to make it to make a statement and be known. ryq8i_U5GII-00029-00007707-00007962 So that's what I try to do every time I step out on the field. ryq8i_U5GII-00030-00008053-00008095 It's OK. ryq8i_U5GII-00031-00008095-00008291 See, I'm already dirty like a dirty bird. ryq8i_U5GII-00032-00008792-00009159 Oh, let's go. ryq8i_U5GII-00033-00009159-00009330 That jersey look good. ryq8i_U5GII-00034-00009334-00009442 I think it's the start of something ryq8i_U5GII-00035-00009442-00009718 great and I'm excited. ryq8i_U5GII-00036-00009743-00010039 My life has changed for the better, my family's life has changed for the better. ryq8i_U5GII-00037-00010126-00010422 Honestly, I'm just living out a dream right now and soaking it all in. ryq8i_U5GII-00038-00010464-00010760 I mean, I wouldn't be in the position I am today without them. ryq8i_U5GII-00039-00010777-00011073 They're always there for me and that's why I love them so much. ryq8i_U5GII-00040-00011436-00011490 How are you doing? ryq8i_U5GII-00041-00011941-00012091 I need one of them lil... ryq8i_U5GII-00042-00012091-00012249 Oh, yeah. ryq8i_U5GII-00043-00012249-00012458 I came here to win, and that's the end goal. ryq8i_U5GII-00044-00012458-00012787 I came here to contribute any way I possibly can at the end of the day. ryq8i_U5GII-00045-00012787-00013071 We're trying to build a winning culture at the end of the day, and, ryq8i_U5GII-00046-00013146-00013380 yeah, I'll come in with the same mindset regardless. ryq8i_U5GII-00047-00013471-00013847 I think it's just people who I wanted to be surrounded by people who understand me. ryq8i_U5GII-00048-00013847-00013893 for me. ryq8i_U5GII-00049-00014047-00014168 They're going to allow me to elevate my game ryq8i_U5GII-00050-00014168-00014376 to the highest level it could possibly be. rzgMj8CA6g0-00000-00000318-00000944 This video will demonstrate how to use collections within your Learning Portfolio. rzgMj8CA6g0-00001-00000944-00001488 Collections organize a group of artifacts to make finding specific artifacts easier. rzgMj8CA6g0-00002-00001488-00002244 To create a new collection go to your Learning Portfolio dashboard and choose New Collection. rzgMj8CA6g0-00003-00002244-00003084 Give the new collection a name. rzgMj8CA6g0-00004-00003084-00003717 You could choose to add a description if you'd like, I suggest that you also use tags. rzgMj8CA6g0-00005-00003717-00005135 I'm going to use the tag 'First Year', and I'm going to click save. rzgMj8CA6g0-00006-00005135-00005635 The real power with collections comes from that fact that you can automatically collect rzgMj8CA6g0-00007-00005635-00005980 artifacts based on tags that you use. rzgMj8CA6g0-00008-00005980-00006508 For instance, if you use the First Year tag to organize all of your First year artifacts, rzgMj8CA6g0-00009-00006508-00006859 you can use this collection to automatically collect those. rzgMj8CA6g0-00010-00006859-00007919 If you scroll down and add to collection, you can choose to add a tag list. rzgMj8CA6g0-00011-00007919-00009296 Give it a tag list name, and add tags to the list. rzgMj8CA6g0-00012-00009296-00009444 And click Save. rzgMj8CA6g0-00013-00009444-00010139 Now, anytime you add an artifact with the tag First Year, it will automatically be collected rzgMj8CA6g0-00014-00010139-00010728 in this collection. rzgMj8CA6g0-00015-00010728-00011364 You can see I have one thing already listed as First Year, and here it is in my collection. rzgMj8CA6g0-00016-00011364-00011562 I'm going to click Save and Close. rzT4IpkFxqu-00000-00000038-00000546 Hi, In today’s video, I am going to talk about “Top 5 questions of doing business rzT4IpkFxqu-00001-00000546-00001074 in Poland” cause we get so many inquiries and some of the question are frequented asked rzT4IpkFxqu-00002-00001074-00001707 by you guys, so we decided to make a video answering your questions on this subject. rzT4IpkFxqu-00003-00001707-00002151 Q1 Does it require me to be in Poland to operate my business ? rzT4IpkFxqu-00004-00002151-00002822 The answer is No, you don’t have to be physically in Poland in order to run your business, unless rzT4IpkFxqu-00005-00002822-00002984 you want to. rzT4IpkFxqu-00006-00002984-00003527 For example if you own a trading company in Poland and your trade partners are all foreign rzT4IpkFxqu-00007-00003527-00004212 companies from other countries, plus filing taxes and doing bankings can both be processed rzT4IpkFxqu-00008-00004212-00004312 online. rzT4IpkFxqu-00009-00004312-00004435 It is much easier than you think. rzT4IpkFxqu-00010-00004435-00004836 Q2 What are the most popular industries to foreign investors? rzT4IpkFxqu-00011-00004836-00005359 Financial services, Import & Export, IT, e-commerce and Real Estate. rzT4IpkFxqu-00012-00005359-00005841 As a matter of fact, because of Poland’s location in Europe and great support of EU rzT4IpkFxqu-00013-00005841-00006354 funding, there are many industries involving Foreign Direct Investment here. rzT4IpkFxqu-00014-00006354-00006956 Q3 Do I must have a physical office to operate my business? rzT4IpkFxqu-00015-00006956-00007384 If your company business does not involve direct meeting with clients or suppliers, rzT4IpkFxqu-00016-00007384-00007688 you don’t need to rent or buy an office space. rzT4IpkFxqu-00017-00007688-00008181 You can choose flexible virtual address services for your company. rzT4IpkFxqu-00018-00008181-00008861 Q4 I am a foreigner, if I have a Polish business, does that mean my company have the same treatment rzT4IpkFxqu-00019-00008861-00009484 as other Polish companies owned by Polish citizens or EU citizens or different? rzT4IpkFxqu-00020-00009484-00009992 Your Polish company has the same benefits as other Polish companies owned by Polish rzT4IpkFxqu-00021-00009992-00010679 or other EU citizens, as your company is regarded as a Polish company, which is also an EU company. rzT4IpkFxqu-00022-00010679-00011431 Q5 I want to invest in Poland, but how am I supposed to be sure that my investment is rzT4IpkFxqu-00023-00011431-00011531 secure? rzT4IpkFxqu-00024-00011531-00012025 Don’t worry, during the economic recession a decade ago, Poland was the only country rzT4IpkFxqu-00025-00012025-00012245 that sustained the recession. rzT4IpkFxqu-00026-00012245-00012938 Being the country ranking No. 6 in GDP among EU nations, our economy is stable and booming, rzT4IpkFxqu-00027-00012938-00013303 what’s more our laws protect investors’ interest. rzT4IpkFxqu-00028-00013303-00013497 Come and start your business in Poland. rzT4IpkFxqu-00029-00013497-00013978 If you have any questions about how to start your business in Poland, please subscribe rzT4IpkFxqu-00030-00013978-00014513 our YouTube channel , or contact us for tailor-made business solution that suits you the best rzT4IpkFxqu-00031-00014513-00014649 from down below. rzT4IpkFxqu-00032-00014649-00014847 By for now, see you next time. rA2ArWqq9cA-00000-00000064-00000728 This video is about using database connections with dplyr pipelines rA2ArWqq9cA-00001-00000784-00001288 to use dplyr to run commands inside the database. rA2ArWqq9cA-00002-00001368-00002000 If you're already familiar with dplyr, but not as comfortable with SQL, rA2ArWqq9cA-00003-00002072-00003048 it's possible to use dplyr commands to interact directly with a database. So let's look at this rA2ArWqq9cA-00004-00003048-00003576 using the same query that we performed last time using sql, rA2ArWqq9cA-00005-00003576-00004384 where we want to count the number of individuals associated with each species id. rA2ArWqq9cA-00006-00004536-00005320 We start by creating a connection to an individual table, or multiple tables if we want rA2ArWqq9cA-00007-00005320-00005928 to work with multiple tables, using the 'tbl()' function like we did a couple of videos ago. rA2ArWqq9cA-00008-00006016-00006992 So remember we can create a linked version of the table in R by coming up with the name rA2ArWqq9cA-00009-00006992-00007656 that we want to apply to that table, 'surveys' in this case, and then running the 'tbl()' function rA2ArWqq9cA-00010-00007752-00008496 with the connection that we've made to the database, 'portaldb', and then the name of rA2ArWqq9cA-00011-00008496-00009128 the table that we want to connect to in quotes. So for this query that's the 'surveys' table. rA2ArWqq9cA-00012-00009440-00010424 Once we have this connection we can then work with it just like it's a data frame using dplyr. And so rA2ArWqq9cA-00013-00010504-00011512 let's create a output variable called 'species_counts' and we'll then build rA2ArWqq9cA-00014-00011512-00012104 a dplyr pipeline for working with this. And so we're going to start with the 'surveys' data, rA2ArWqq9cA-00015-00012264-00013024 I will then pipe that into the 'group_by()' function because in dplyr we group things first, rA2ArWqq9cA-00016-00013024-00013552 so we're going to say 'group_by()', and we want to group by the 'species_id' column rA2ArWqq9cA-00017-00013688-00014368 so we want to get a count for each species id, and then we want to 'summarize()', rA2ArWqq9cA-00018-00014696-00015376 to create a 'count' column that is a count of the number of rows with each species id rA2ArWqq9cA-00019-00015432-00016080 which we do with this 'n()' function. And if I run this rA2ArWqq9cA-00020-00016304-00017344 we'll get back a 'species_counts' object that we can look at and we'll see that it has this same rA2ArWqq9cA-00021-00017440-00017976 output that we're looking for with a count associated with each species id. rA2ArWqq9cA-00022-00018056-00018848 And even though we wrote this as a dplyr pipeline all of this work was rA2ArWqq9cA-00023-00018848-00019504 actually done in the database itself. and that happened because dbplyr rA2ArWqq9cA-00024-00019616-00020528 helped translate our dplyr pipeline into SQL and then run everything in the database. And rA2ArWqq9cA-00025-00020528-00021256 so that means that all of the benefits of working faster and working with out of memory scale data rA2ArWqq9cA-00026-00021336-00022152 are available to us without needing to know how to write the SLQ. We can just use our dplyr pipeline rA2ArWqq9cA-00027-00022152-00022832 like we have before, but with a table that's a database connection instead of a data frame in R. rA2ArWqq9cA-00028-00023088-00023640 Now as with other cases we can see that when we do this the resulting data rA2ArWqq9cA-00029-00023640-00024408 is still in the database and so if we want to bring it back so that we can do additional work rA2ArWqq9cA-00030-00024408-00025032 with it in R we can add one final step in our pipeline which is to add the 'collect()' function rA2ArWqq9cA-00031-00025032-00025744 at the end. And now we'll see that 'species_counts' shows up in the data section rA2ArWqq9cA-00032-00025744-00026488 of our global environment and we can open it just like a data frame because that's now what it is. rA2ArWqq9cA-00033-00026600-00027280 So that's how we can connect to a database and work with the data in that database directly rA2ArWqq9cA-00034-00027280-00028104 using dplyr functions. We create a connection to each table we need to work with using the rA2ArWqq9cA-00035-00028104-00029039 'tbl()' function and then we treat that table just like we would a data frame in our dplyr pipeline. rA2ArWqq9cA-00036-00029095-00029512 And then if we want to get the results of that pipeline back into R so that we can rA2ArWqq9cA-00037-00029512-00030136 work with them further we run the 'collect()' function as the last command in the pipeline. rA2ArWqq9cA-00038-00030600-00031099 This blah bla bla bla bla blah. rCN_eu8HCW0-00000-00000021-00001138 WATCH: Tim Allen Goes On Jimmy Kimmel, Sends Anti-Trump Hollywood Elites A Message They rCN_eu8HCW0-00001-00001138-00001275 Can’t Ignore rCN_eu8HCW0-00002-00001275-00001682 Tim Allen is one of the few well-known conservatives and Republicans in Hollywood. rCN_eu8HCW0-00003-00001682-00002111 Ordinarily, they are shunned and refused work because of how liberal the rest of the entertainment rCN_eu8HCW0-00004-00002111-00002239 industry is. rCN_eu8HCW0-00005-00002239-00002689 The alienation of Allen worsened when he expressed his support for President Trump. rCN_eu8HCW0-00006-00002689-00003031 But his support for the President was never more clear than when he appeared on Jimmy rCN_eu8HCW0-00007-00003031-00003257 Kimmel’s late-night talk show. rCN_eu8HCW0-00008-00003257-00003423 Deadline.com reported, rCN_eu8HCW0-00009-00003423-00003929 “Tim Allen stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Friday night, where he shared his experience rCN_eu8HCW0-00010-00003929-00004312 about going to Donald Trump’s inauguration and how being a conservative in Hollywood rCN_eu8HCW0-00011-00004312-00004589 is like living in 1930s Germany. rCN_eu8HCW0-00012-00004589-00005091 I was invited, we did a VIP thing for the vets, and went to a veterans ball, so I went rCN_eu8HCW0-00013-00005091-00005496 to go see Democrats and Republicans,” the Last Man Standing actor said. rCN_eu8HCW0-00014-00005496-00005696 “Yeah I went to the inauguration.” rCN_eu8HCW0-00015-00005696-00006182 “I’m not attacking you,” laughed Jimmy Kimmel, after Allen turned defensive. rCN_eu8HCW0-00016-00006182-00006561 “You’ve gotta be real careful around here,” Allen replied. rCN_eu8HCW0-00017-00006561-00006889 “You get beat up if don’t believe what everybody believes. rCN_eu8HCW0-00018-00006889-00007018 This is like ’30s Germany. rCN_eu8HCW0-00019-00007018-00007222 I don’t know what happened. rCN_eu8HCW0-00020-00007222-00007643 If you’re not part of the group, ‘You know what we believe is right,’ I go, ‘Well, rCN_eu8HCW0-00021-00007643-00007805 I might have a problem with that.’ rCN_eu8HCW0-00022-00007805-00008113 I’m a comedian, I like going on both sides.” rCN_eu8HCW0-00023-00008113-00008622 Allen, who’s previously spoken out about Hollywood being “hypocritical,” told Megyn rCN_eu8HCW0-00024-00008622-00008981 Kelly on Fox News last year that he finds it “odd” that Hollywood didn’t like rCN_eu8HCW0-00025-00008981-00009116 Trump because he was a bully. rCN_eu8HCW0-00026-00009116-00009521 “But if you had any kind of inkling that you were for Trump, you got bullied,” he rCN_eu8HCW0-00027-00009521-00009647 explained. rCN_eu8HCW0-00028-00009647-00010042 During his interview with Kimmel, Allen also discussed how people should be paranoid about rCN_eu8HCW0-00029-00010042-00010414 our privacy being compromised by the government and other major companies. rCN_eu8HCW0-00030-00010414-00010853 “If a government drove by with a gray sedan with a camera on it, you’d be rioting and rCN_eu8HCW0-00031-00010853-00011070 going to Washington,” he explained. rCN_eu8HCW0-00032-00011070-00011547 “But if it’s white, with emojis and Google on it, ‘Yay,’ you’re waving at it. rCN_eu8HCW0-00033-00011547-00011809 They’re taking pictures of your house!”” rCN_eu8HCW0-00034-00011809-00012170 Allen is most known for his old show Home Improvement and his more recent show that rCN_eu8HCW0-00035-00012170-00012382 he starred in Last Man Standing. rCN_eu8HCW0-00036-00012382-00012853 A great show, that got amazing reviews, yet was pulled from the network. rCN_eu8HCW0-00037-00012853-00013144 Something Allen attributes to his conservative-leaning character. rCN_eu8HCW0-00038-00013144-00013597 A Los Angeles Times article event reported that there are 2,500 of his entertainment rCN_eu8HCW0-00039-00013597-00014022 colleagues who joined a secret group for entertainers who are conservative because of the fear that rCN_eu8HCW0-00040-00014022-00014353 if they are open about it they will be ostracized from the industry. rCN_eu8HCW0-00041-00014353-00014519 The Washington Post reported, rCN_eu8HCW0-00042-00014519-00014996 “In 30 years of show business, I’ve never seen it like this,” an unnamed actor told rCN_eu8HCW0-00043-00014996-00015096 the outlet. rCN_eu8HCW0-00044-00015096-00015484 “If you are even lukewarm to Republicans, you are excommunicated from the church of rCN_eu8HCW0-00045-00015484-00015619 tolerance.” rCN_eu8HCW0-00046-00015619-00016060 Since it premiered several years ago, Allen’s show has been hailed as a rare counterexample rCN_eu8HCW0-00047-00016060-00016234 to Hollywood politics. rCN_eu8HCW0-00048-00016234-00016826 “Finally, we have a hero who hunts, fishes, watches sports, and occasionally drives a rCN_eu8HCW0-00049-00016826-00017059 tank,” the Imaginative Conservative wrote. rCN_eu8HCW0-00050-00017059-00017513 But Allen himself has complained of network censorship when his protagonist, an alpha-male rCN_eu8HCW0-00051-00017513-00017927 family man whom the actor has called ‘an educated Archie Bunker,’ tries to go after rCN_eu8HCW0-00052-00017927-00018078 liberal icons. rCN_eu8HCW0-00053-00018078-00018474 Allen “admits he has gotten more than one warning to stop calling President Obama a rCN_eu8HCW0-00054-00018474-00018845 ‘communist,’” the TV Page reported in 2015. rCN_eu8HCW0-00055-00018845-00019306 Allen didn’t sound so dire during the Republican primaries, when the Hollywood Reporter asked rCN_eu8HCW0-00056-00019306-00019601 whether he vented his own political views through his character. rCN_eu8HCW0-00057-00019601-00019859 “It’s getting more and more comfortable,” he said. rCN_eu8HCW0-00058-00019859-00020242 “These guys know me so well that they’re writing stuff that is exactly what I would’ve rCN_eu8HCW0-00059-00020242-00020342 said. rCN_eu8HCW0-00060-00020342-00020772 It’s a marvelous thing when you have lib­eral people writing for [a show like this].” rCN_eu8HCW0-00061-00020772-00021088 And he sounded lukewarm about the prospect of a Trump presidency. rCN_eu8HCW0-00062-00021088-00021489 “Forget the stupid s— he says about immigrants,” Allen said. rCN_eu8HCW0-00063-00021489-00021660 “That’s just ignorant. rCN_eu8HCW0-00064-00021660-00021953 But he might be able to do the stuff that really needs fixing.” rCN_eu8HCW0-00065-00021953-00022457 After the election, on Fox News, Allen compared Trump to an amateur performer with “very rCN_eu8HCW0-00066-00022457-00022604 bad comic timing.” rCN_eu8HCW0-00067-00022604-00022877 “I don’t want to defend the guy,” he said. rCN_eu8HCW0-00068-00022877-00023427 The industry has become more toxic to conservatives since Trump took office, the Los Angeles Times rCN_eu8HCW0-00069-00023427-00023527 reported. rCN_eu8HCW0-00070-00023527-00023888 Workers complained of political shouting matches on set and the professional shunning of those rCN_eu8HCW0-00071-00023888-00024419 known to hold right-leaning views — although some had enough celebrity to speak out safely.” rCN_eu8HCW0-00072-00024419-00024820 Tim Allen is a comedic genius who has found success in the entertainment industry for rCN_eu8HCW0-00073-00024820-00024984 over 30 years. rCN_eu8HCW0-00074-00024984-00025460 He has been able to carve out a spot for himself as a high profile, high profiting, and well rCN_eu8HCW0-00075-00025460-00025673 known conservative actor. rCN_eu8HCW0-00076-00025673-00026004 Something that almost none of his other counterparts have been able to do. rCN_eu8HCW0-00077-00026004-00026464 Which is exactly why he has found success, especially with Last Man Standing. rCN_eu8HCW0-00078-00026464-00026850 It was something that spoke to real people, middle-class Americans. rCN_eu8HCW0-00079-00026850-00027639 And it is this messaging that won Republicans power in the general elections as well as rCN_eu8HCW0-00080-00027639-00028416 the midterm elections. rDBJQ3VTiwY-00000-00082020-00082220 Here start the battle with Hazama and Takeo rDcaKXcg1XQ-00000-00000039-00000827 In this exam question it comes to absorption and vapor pressure. rDcaKXcg1XQ-00001-00000827-00001767 Air - a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen is at 25 ° C and a total pressure of 1 bar with rDcaKXcg1XQ-00002-00001767-00001935 water in equilibrium. rDcaKXcg1XQ-00003-00001935-00002940 The temperature is lowered and 10 ° C . ( Pressure remains constant - isobar ) How to change rDcaKXcg1XQ-00004-00002940-00003626 the mole fraction of oxygen in the liquid phase and the mole fraction of water in the rDcaKXcg1XQ-00005-00003626-00003874 gas phase. rDcaKXcg1XQ-00006-00003874-00004694 The absorption of oxygen in water is an exothermic process , which means , this equilibrium shifts rDcaKXcg1XQ-00007-00004694-00005271 with decreasing temperature to the right : the solubility of oxygen decreases with decreasing rDcaKXcg1XQ-00008-00005271-00005943 temperature . The evaporation of the water , however, is an endothermic process , that rDcaKXcg1XQ-00009-00005943-00006767 is, the equilibrium of the process decreases with decreasing temperature , as well as the rDcaKXcg1XQ-00010-00006767-00007073 vapor pressure curve (for example, with the Clausius - Clapeyron calculated ) shows . This rDcaKXcg1XQ-00011-00007073-00007687 means that if we lower the temperature , the oxygen content decreases in the water but rDcaKXcg1XQ-00012-00007687-00008335 the water vapor content in the gas phase decreases. rDcaKXcg1XQ-00013-00008335-00009337 We start from the same initial state and reduce the pressure to 0.5 bar . What impact does rDcaKXcg1XQ-00014-00009337-00010013 this have on the mole fraction of oxygen and the partial pressure of water? rDcaKXcg1XQ-00015-00010013-00010598 According to Henry's law partial pressure and dissolved amount of a gas are proportional rDcaKXcg1XQ-00016-00010598-00011529 . The means at lower pressure also decreases the amount of oxygen in the water. rDcaKXcg1XQ-00017-00011529-00012269 The vapor pressure , however, is substantially independent of the external pressure - it rDcaKXcg1XQ-00018-00012269-00012404 remains constant rEG_xd1wZ5I-00000-00000000-00000200 #قناة_ بيت_من_لحن_القصائد_للشاعرة_الدكتورة_امل_العربى_تهتم_بالثقافة_و_الادب_و_الشعر_و_الفنون rEG_xd1wZ5I-00001-00000200-00000400 #ادعمنا#بالاشتراك#فى#قصيدة rEG_xd1wZ5I-00002-00000400-00000600 #لا#أخشي#الرحيل#قصيدة#للشاعرة#دكتورة#امل#العربي #شعر#واداء#القاء#دكتورة#امل_العربي rEG_xd1wZ5I-00003-00000600-00000800 #لاتنسى_الاشتراك#وعمل#دعم #وعمل#لايك#وتفعيل#الجرس rGxfAp5le7E-00000-00000008-00000608 yes okay so we kind of got through the scriptures that you brought up and uh we didn't even go in rGxfAp5le7E-00001-00000608-00001160 as deep as we could have went because there's so much in there but we're running lower on time and rGxfAp5le7E-00002-00001160-00001880 we got to kind of wrap things down a little bit so i want to preempt the scriptures i brought in rGxfAp5le7E-00003-00001880-00002272 because we're talking about the letter of the law and we're talking about the law in general rGxfAp5le7E-00004-00002328-00003152 and what i want to do is i want to define this a little bit more yes so in proverbs 6 23 it says rGxfAp5le7E-00005-00003152-00003920 for the commandment as the whole divine torah law is a lamp as a glistening candle rGxfAp5le7E-00006-00003984-00004976 and the law even the precept and the statute of it is a light is the illumination of happiness rGxfAp5le7E-00007-00005088-00005888 now how can some that's happiness be a curse but that's what we're told reproofs for correction rGxfAp5le7E-00008-00005944-00006736 and refutation of instruction as doctrine and a warning of reconstruct of restraint are the way of rGxfAp5le7E-00009-00006736-00007600 life restraint but the restraint that we're seeing is i'm not keeping no commandments that's a curse rGxfAp5le7E-00010-00007768-00008424 that's the restraint that we see out there but know this this kingdom is coming yes and you're rGxfAp5le7E-00011-00008424-00009016 either going to be with it or not but nobody that's a rebel or rebeller or anything like that rGxfAp5le7E-00012-00009016-00009600 is gonna get into that kingdom we're gonna cover that as well so with that being said we're shown rGxfAp5le7E-00013-00009600-00010160 that the commandment is a light we're also told that we're like candles not to be put under a rGxfAp5le7E-00014-00010160-00010664 basket we're going to kind of get into a little bit of that now so what i'm going to do is uh the rGxfAp5le7E-00015-00010664-00011192 main gist of this particular section in matthew 5 that i'm going to read is you're not getting in rGxfAp5le7E-00016-00011360-00012064 you violate this text you are not getting into the kingdom so what i'm going to do is because there's rGxfAp5le7E-00017-00012064-00012560 a fair amount of scripture here i'm just going to read through this section and then we'll stop rGxfAp5le7E-00018-00012560-00012896 and we'll elaborate a little and i'm going to go through another section we're reading rGxfAp5le7E-00019-00012896-00013312 through a little bit and then we're going to kind of start to conclude at that point okay so in rGxfAp5le7E-00020-00013312-00014008 matthew 5 verse 14 it says you are the light with luminescent rays of the world a city with walls rGxfAp5le7E-00021-00014008-00014712 that is set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket used for rGxfAp5le7E-00022-00014712-00015304 measuring but on a lamp stand and it gives light to radiate brilliantly to all who are in the house rGxfAp5le7E-00023-00015424-00016096 let your light with luminescent rays so shine to radiate brilliantly before men that they may rGxfAp5le7E-00024-00016096-00016672 see your good moral works and morality only comes from obedience to divine law rGxfAp5le7E-00025-00016800-00017192 that's where that's where good works come from yes because if you're doing it according to rGxfAp5le7E-00026-00017192-00017688 man's law then it's it's man's righteousness and that's not we what we do or at least that's not rGxfAp5le7E-00027-00017688-00018424 what we focus on um and they may see your good moral morally works as an occupation rGxfAp5le7E-00028-00018488-00018808 and glorify by rendering honor to your father in heaven rGxfAp5le7E-00029-00019112-00019784 do not to the point of denial think that i came i yahshua came to destroy loosen rGxfAp5le7E-00030-00019784-00020312 overthrow or disintegrate the law of moses and the gospels as a prescription rGxfAp5le7E-00031-00020392-00020976 or the prophets i did not come to destroy loosen or overthrow or disintegrate it but rGxfAp5le7E-00032-00020976-00021488 to fulfill by making it complete perfect fully preaching it to its perfection rGxfAp5le7E-00033-00021552-00021976 if you don't get that one you're not getting anything and you're just an outright rebel rGxfAp5le7E-00034-00022112-00022640 for surely i say to you till heaven and earth pass away that is perish which it has not rGxfAp5le7E-00035-00022784-00023384 one jot a small part of the tenth letter of the hebrew alphabet or one tittle the apex rGxfAp5le7E-00036-00023384-00024112 of a hebrew letter will by no means in any way possible pass or perish from the law of moses rGxfAp5le7E-00037-00024112-00024776 and the gospel as a prescription till all is fulfilled by coming into being or existence rGxfAp5le7E-00038-00025048-00025760 whoever therefore breaks by dissolving or destroying one or first of the least in size rGxfAp5le7E-00039-00025760-00026568 and or dignity of these commandments that is an authoritative prescription and teaches as to learn rGxfAp5le7E-00040-00026568-00027776 not to do them by men so you shall be called out loud least which means far less than least rGxfAp5le7E-00041-00027776-00028520 it's not even least it's far far far like far away you're so far away we can't even see you anymore rGxfAp5le7E-00042-00028632-00029320 now that's a pretty degrading statement by those resting currently in the kingdom rGxfAp5le7E-00043-00029392-00029895 the realm of rule of heaven but whoever does by executing without delay rGxfAp5le7E-00044-00029960-00030680 and teaches to the point of acting on them he shall be called out loud great mighty to the rGxfAp5le7E-00045-00030680-00031280 point of fear in by those resting currently in the kingdom the realm of rule of heaven rGxfAp5le7E-00046-00031480-00032183 verse 20 for i say in boasting to you that unless your righteousness justified character rGxfAp5le7E-00047-00032183-00032936 exceeds as to super abound in quality and quantity the righteousness of the scribes rGxfAp5le7E-00048-00032936-00033392 who is a professional writer and the pharisees a religious separatist rGxfAp5le7E-00049-00033392-00034504 you will by no means by absolute denial enter the kingdom that rules of heaven you have heard rGxfAp5le7E-00050-00034504-00035104 it was said to those of old you shall not murder and whoever murders will be in danger rGxfAp5le7E-00051-00035104-00035848 and in a state of liability and imputed of the judgment as a decision for tribunal and damnation rGxfAp5le7E-00052-00035848-00036656 from the divine law but i say to you that whoever is angry to provoke enragement and exasperation rGxfAp5le7E-00053-00036656-00037192 with his brother without a cause that is beyond measure shall be in danger and in rGxfAp5le7E-00054-00037192-00038032 a state of liability of the judgment as decision for tribunal and damnation through divine law so rGxfAp5le7E-00055-00038096-00038736 i wanted to read that because it is so emphatically written here if you're rGxfAp5le7E-00056-00038736-00039176 teaching against the commandments you're telling men oh you don't need to keep them commandments rGxfAp5le7E-00057-00039320-00039792 you don't you don't want you're not supposed to be a jew you're a gentile mm-hmm you keep eating your rGxfAp5le7E-00058-00039792-00040528 pork you keep uh uh breaking the sabbath you go on sunday and worship on that day and the pagan rGxfAp5le7E-00059-00040528-00041624 days and all that other stuff this is what it said this is what it said right here that you are in a rGxfAp5le7E-00060-00041624-00042352 in a decision for tribunal damnation from the divine law of torah and it's written like that in rGxfAp5le7E-00061-00042352-00043040 the book of revelation also all those who rebel the torah is going to judge you the very thing rGxfAp5le7E-00062-00043040-00043728 that these teachers in the christian church are trying to bash us on have not been schooled rGxfAp5le7E-00063-00043728-00044216 in this and yet they've made themselves to be experts and they're not yes because you rGxfAp5le7E-00064-00044216-00044696 don't live this way of life you have no damn idea what the hell you're even talking about rGxfAp5le7E-00065-00044800-00045312 you're not qualified and you are the gatekeepers to the people in your congregation rGxfAp5le7E-00066-00045368-00045800 that's bringing a curse on your people because you don't want them to know about this way rGxfAp5le7E-00067-00045968-00046384 so you really don't have their best interest in mind and i say shame on you rGxfAp5le7E-00068-00046480-00046864 if you want to stay on that side of the fence stay on that side of fence but don't come over here and rGxfAp5le7E-00069-00046864-00047528 think that you're qualified to tell me who i'm part of israel what i am and i'm not and what i rGxfAp5le7E-00070-00047528-00048144 should do and what i should not do because we just went through the scriptures and boy i got more rGxfAp5le7E-00071-00048240-00048576 i got more you got something you want to say on this section you get your tongue tied rGxfAp5le7E-00072-00048664-00048952 it's good oh boy okay so let's go on rI491dBJbJ0-00000-00000096-00000816 hey everybody robbie here robbie's fly tying channel today i'm going to tie for you this rI491dBJbJ0-00001-00000816-00001632 green and gold minnow it's very similar to a deceiver but there are some differences rI491dBJbJ0-00002-00001632-00002984 i think you'll enjoy it and okay let's get into it rI491dBJbJ0-00003-00003080-00003911 okay i'm using a size 10 extra long hook i love size 10 extra long hooks for small minnow patterns rI491dBJbJ0-00004-00003911-00004896 and i'm using black 70 denier thread by the way if you want to use um thicker thread than 70 140 rI491dBJbJ0-00005-00004896-00005384 denier is actually pretty good for a minnow because then you won't break your thread but rI491dBJbJ0-00006-00005384-00006216 i managed to not break it okay i'm taking a small piece of tinsel tying it with the gold side down rI491dBJbJ0-00007-00006272-00006752 at the front tie it with the gold side down because i want the gold side to show rI491dBJbJ0-00008-00006952-00007488 now what i'm doing here is i'm going to wrap this all the way down and then wrap it all rI491dBJbJ0-00009-00007488-00008016 the way back up you don't have to do it that way i'm going to put the camera in fast motion rI491dBJbJ0-00010-00008016-00008400 you can just start it down by the bend of the hook but sometimes i like to do rI491dBJbJ0-00011-00008400-00009000 it this way just because you get really good coverage on the hook now before i come back up rI491dBJbJ0-00012-00009064-00009704 i'm putting a little bit of head cement on the body just for added strength but while you're rI491dBJbJ0-00013-00009704-00010200 doing that don't let go of the tinsel got to keep it tight then just wrap it right back up rI491dBJbJ0-00014-00011200-00011384 okay then you're going to tie it off rI491dBJbJ0-00015-00011824-00012400 now i'm taking white bucktail i've already pulled out all the cruddy looking stuff the rI491dBJbJ0-00016-00012400-00012928 ones that are way too long and the curlies i'm kind of measuring it it's going to be about rI491dBJbJ0-00017-00013136-00013896 a hook length coming off the back i don't when i put bug tail on i don't trim it to the end rI491dBJbJ0-00018-00013896-00014552 by the way you're using the pinch method pinch it really tight a little bit toward you rI491dBJbJ0-00019-00014744-00015336 do a couple loose wraps then pull it nice and tight coming up then do that again and then pull rI491dBJbJ0-00020-00015336-00016096 back that left over and wrap in the front and then you're gonna grab it and just cut it off rI491dBJbJ0-00021-00016232-00016968 i like to trim it at the end i think it's easier with bucktail than trying to just you know rI491dBJbJ0-00022-00016968-00017536 tying that butt in anyway kind of give some security wraps there you got your bucktail on rI491dBJbJ0-00023-00018088-00018864 and now we are going to tie on this is called supreme hair chartreuse rI491dBJbJ0-00024-00019088-00019784 because this is going to give the fly the green part rI491dBJbJ0-00025-00019856-00020376 excuse me my dog just came through here was probably a little loud anyway i'm rI491dBJbJ0-00026-00020376-00021184 just pulling off a few strands this stuff is very coarse so i'm not going to use very much rI491dBJbJ0-00027-00021328-00021984 and the easiest way with especially with more coarse materials like this wrap it rI491dBJbJ0-00028-00021984-00022584 around the thread like so then just kind of place it on top of the hook rI491dBJbJ0-00029-00022816-00023336 i think i end up moving it forward place it kind of on top of the hook just get it in place rI491dBJbJ0-00030-00023432-00024104 then you can tie it down once you know it's right where you want it okay rI491dBJbJ0-00031-00024408-00024592 so there's that coming off the back rI491dBJbJ0-00032-00024816-00025416 now i'm going to take some shell colored polar flash well first i'm going to give rI491dBJbJ0-00033-00025416-00026783 some security wraps i'm going to do the same thing with some polar flash rI491dBJbJ0-00034-00027112-00027383 and here it is rI491dBJbJ0-00035-00027727-00028360 i guess it's silverish shell colored you know whatever that color is um rI491dBJbJ0-00036-00028527-00029080 anyway i'm just pulling off maybe 10 to 12 strands on that rI491dBJbJ0-00037-00029264-00029648 it's not as long but it doesn't matter it'll be plenty long enough for this fly rI491dBJbJ0-00038-00029648-00029920 anyway doing the same thing i'm just wrapping it around the thread rI491dBJbJ0-00039-00030439-00030800 and i am just tying it up on the top it's kind of a little loop on the top rI491dBJbJ0-00040-00030856-00031239 then you just tie it down it's a really nice way to put on flash rI491dBJbJ0-00041-00031495-00032208 making sure it's centered where i want it then i'm just tying it down now that's all the materials rI491dBJbJ0-00042-00032288-00032488 so now i'm going to start building the head rI491dBJbJ0-00043-00032727-00033016 i'm also going to trim off the material off the back rI491dBJbJ0-00044-00033624-00034376 i think here is where i put the okay this is where i trim it i trim it just past the end of rI491dBJbJ0-00045-00034376-00034888 that white bug tail and stay tuned for the end i'll show you how to make that end look a little rI491dBJbJ0-00046-00034888-00035520 more natural so it's not just a straight cut anyway right here i put the camera in fast motion rI491dBJbJ0-00047-00035600-00036232 just to build up that head now if you want to do the very last step with me i'm going to add rI491dBJbJ0-00048-00036304-00036840 hologram eyes so you got to build a head that's big enough to hold the eyes so that's what i do rI491dBJbJ0-00049-00036840-00037536 here now when you're using thicker thread so you don't have to make so many wraps but anyway if rI491dBJbJ0-00050-00037536-00038080 you don't have eyes then you can be done here you can just put some head cement on it call it good rI491dBJbJ0-00051-00038264-00038800 if you want to put eyes on i'll show you exactly how i do it by the way i'm using rI491dBJbJ0-00052-00038800-00039432 small eyes i think these are four four millimeter take your bodkin and pull pull them off the sheet rI491dBJbJ0-00053-00039432-00039920 the best you can and then place them on your wrist i find that the easiest way rI491dBJbJ0-00054-00040112-00040520 to access them when you're ready for them then you want going to want to get your rI491dBJbJ0-00055-00040696-00041256 your glue your zapper gap this is very intricate you have to be careful here don't put too much rI491dBJbJ0-00056-00041256-00041968 zapper gap turn the fly on the side put just a tiny drop now because these eyes are small i rI491dBJbJ0-00057-00041968-00042488 don't just slap them on because that's a good way to glue your finger on to the fly so i start at rI491dBJbJ0-00058-00042488-00042968 the eye of the hook see how i just place it right on the eye of the hook then i just slide it back rI491dBJbJ0-00059-00043072-00043328 it it is easier just to use your thumb rI491dBJbJ0-00060-00043408-00043816 but you've got to do it that way with these small eyes look how perfect that came out rI491dBJbJ0-00061-00043936-00044600 okay i make sure it's on there i kind of press it on but i try not to glue my finger to the fly rI491dBJbJ0-00062-00044760-00045400 okay that's how you get the eyes started it's not the whole process but that's how you get them rI491dBJbJ0-00063-00045400-00046128 on there zappa cap is great it's super strong by the way i do the exact same method with this side rI491dBJbJ0-00064-00046208-00046456 i skipped it because you didn't need to see it again probably rI491dBJbJ0-00065-00046536-00046824 so i've got the eyes on there i'm happy with where they're centered rI491dBJbJ0-00066-00047008-00047992 and now i use my uv glue and flashlight to finish it and the way i do it i kind of tilt the fly back rI491dBJbJ0-00067-00048152-00048480 a little bit so that i don't get the uv glue in the eye of the hook rI491dBJbJ0-00068-00048920-00049336 tilt it back just a little just put one drop rI491dBJbJ0-00069-00049744-00050256 like i said if you don't have the eyes you could have just tied it off put head cement rI491dBJbJ0-00070-00050256-00050824 on it and you would have had a nice little fly but i i just love the eyes i don't know rI491dBJbJ0-00071-00050824-00051984 how much they add to the productiveness of the fly but i like them anyway one drop on the top rI491dBJbJ0-00072-00052055-00052600 then after that you're going to turn it upside down and do the same thing rI491dBJbJ0-00073-00052776-00053024 i think this is where i speed up the video rI491dBJbJ0-00074-00053144-00053832 and i turn the fly upside down and i also make sure it's tilted in the same direction so that rI491dBJbJ0-00075-00054040-00054248 uv resin doesn't go into the eye of the hook rI491dBJbJ0-00076-00054576-00055064 yeah see how i did that now if there's a big gap if they're rI491dBJbJ0-00077-00055064-00055352 bigger eyes and you end up with a really big gap you might have to rI491dBJbJ0-00078-00055408-00055928 reapply it two or three times to the top and bottom till you get it you want a nice bubble rI491dBJbJ0-00079-00055928-00056520 in there you don't want tons of gap between the eyes that's because they can get torn off too easy rI491dBJbJ0-00080-00056576-00056991 this way they don't come off if you can get the uv resin all the way up to the edge of the eye rI491dBJbJ0-00081-00057088-00057728 and that's it now one last step if you want to make the tail look a little more natural rI491dBJbJ0-00082-00057816-00058424 and once again i don't know if the fish notice but for me i like doing this just turn your rI491dBJbJ0-00083-00058424-00059088 fly around like that grab the tail and grab your scissors you're just going to make parallel cuts rI491dBJbJ0-00084-00059200-00059920 to the tail see this and it gets away some of that straightness and makes it a little more jagged and rI491dBJbJ0-00085-00059920-00060496 that makes it look a little more natural and that's it i hope you guys enjoyed the video rI491dBJbJ0-00086-00060640-00061784 thank you very much and i'll see you at the next video thanks rI491dBJbJ0-00087-00062064-00062072 you rJCciCbRPNQ-00000-00000032-00000384 you made me really angry and made me lose my temper. rJCciCbRPNQ-00001-00000384-00000712 i hit myself 10 times. i even had to hit you a lot, rJCciCbRPNQ-00002-00000776-00001592 and i had no other choice. it's because i am really, really sad about this, and i want you to stop. rMBgcx9oOIg-00000-00000093-00000593 The next kind of questions I want to show you in Typeform I'm calling them data questions rMBgcx9oOIg-00001-00000593-00001031 and really what it is is just email and web addresses. rMBgcx9oOIg-00002-00001031-00001495 And depending on the version of Typeform that you have it could include file uploads. rMBgcx9oOIg-00003-00001495-00001610 Let me show you how this works. rMBgcx9oOIg-00004-00001610-00002162 What I've got I'm already in full screen and I've got a template of the version I've been rMBgcx9oOIg-00005-00002162-00002428 using before that has a welcome screen. rMBgcx9oOIg-00006-00002428-00002719 I'll just click on that and see what it's like. rMBgcx9oOIg-00007-00002719-00003161 It's the same that I've had before, i've just changed the title, it's down here. rMBgcx9oOIg-00008-00003161-00003539 That's fine and I'll close that. rMBgcx9oOIg-00009-00003539-00003960 And I ask for the person's first name, then I'm going to ask for their email address. rMBgcx9oOIg-00010-00003960-00005176 So, I just come over to email and drag that right here. rMBgcx9oOIg-00011-00005176-00005462 I'm actually going to paste in the text for this question. rMBgcx9oOIg-00012-00005462-00005720 You can just say email. rMBgcx9oOIg-00013-00005720-00006164 I'm going to make a couple of sentences here and I will replace this right here with the rMBgcx9oOIg-00014-00006164-00006467 person's name that we get from the first question. rMBgcx9oOIg-00015-00006467-00006745 So, thanks and what's the best email address for you? rMBgcx9oOIg-00016-00006745-00007114 And they type in their answer. rMBgcx9oOIg-00017-00007114-00007525 I could make this required depending on the situation that I'm in, and in fact I think rMBgcx9oOIg-00018-00007525-00007686 in this one. rMBgcx9oOIg-00019-00007686-00008190 Because often its the only way to contact people or identify them with unique identifier rMBgcx9oOIg-00020-00008190-00008379 that might be appropriate in this situation. rMBgcx9oOIg-00021-00008379-00008965 So you see, it has the little asterisk next to it to indicate that it is required. rMBgcx9oOIg-00022-00008965-00009553 The other kind of data question, again using my very general term here is website. rMBgcx9oOIg-00023-00009553-00010054 So, I'll come over here to website and I'll drag that in as well. rMBgcx9oOIg-00024-00010054-00010440 Make sure it gets in the right place. rMBgcx9oOIg-00025-00010440-00010824 And I'll just paste in the text from my question right here. rMBgcx9oOIg-00026-00010824-00011249 See, do you have a website or a link to a social media profile that you would like to rMBgcx9oOIg-00027-00011249-00011349 share. rMBgcx9oOIg-00028-00011349-00011575 Some people have their own personal websites, I do. rMBgcx9oOIg-00029-00011575-00011961 Or you might have a Linkedin profile or a Facebook profile or something that you want rMBgcx9oOIg-00030-00011961-00012061 to share. rMBgcx9oOIg-00031-00012061-00012800 And you see, by the way, that the answer already has the http://, that's already in there. rMBgcx9oOIg-00032-00012800-00013215 And that makes it a little clearer where the answer is supposed to go and a little easier rMBgcx9oOIg-00033-00013215-00013493 to process the information. rMBgcx9oOIg-00034-00013493-00013851 I don't think we're going to require that because not everyone has one, and that's more rMBgcx9oOIg-00035-00013851-00014210 than we usually need.I'll come back and I'll hit save. rMBgcx9oOIg-00036-00014210-00015044 Now, I'm intentionally using the free version of Typeform in this first course. rMBgcx9oOIg-00037-00015044-00015372 And I'm doing that because I know that most people will use the free version. rMBgcx9oOIg-00038-00015372-00015856 It allows you to get up to 100 responses per month, it allows you to ask any kind of question rMBgcx9oOIg-00039-00015856-00016399 pretty much, and it certainly allows you time to get used to Typeform. rMBgcx9oOIg-00040-00016399-00016629 And there's wonderful things there. rMBgcx9oOIg-00041-00016629-00017073 There are the paid versions which are Pro and Pro+ and one of the differences is that rMBgcx9oOIg-00042-00017073-00017268 the paid versions allow you to do a file upload. rMBgcx9oOIg-00043-00017268-00017781 Now, i'm just going to show you what happens if I try to do a file upload right here. rMBgcx9oOIg-00044-00017781-00018276 I'm going to come over here and I'm going to drag it over and it looks like everything rMBgcx9oOIg-00045-00018276-00018565 is going to be a go and then ta-dah! rMBgcx9oOIg-00046-00018565-00019115 I get the little promo window here that says Well, this is a Pro feature and they'll show rMBgcx9oOIg-00047-00019115-00019393 you what it looks like, this is one of their live demos. rMBgcx9oOIg-00048-00019393-00020001 And you can drag a file in there and you can either upgrade or even get a little trial rMBgcx9oOIg-00049-00020001-00020101 version. rMBgcx9oOIg-00050-00020101-00020545 In a subsequent course, I will show you all of the Pro and Pro+ features. rMBgcx9oOIg-00051-00020545-00021080 For right now, I want you to simply know that it exists, but I'm going to click out of this rMBgcx9oOIg-00052-00021080-00021629 one, and you see it put it back over here, so I don't even have to worry about that. rMBgcx9oOIg-00053-00021629-00022197 So really, I only have two kinds of questions that I"m asking here; emails and websites. rMBgcx9oOIg-00054-00022197-00022657 And we can come over here; view my Typeform and see what the finished product looks like, rMBgcx9oOIg-00055-00022657-00022887 it's going to be very short. rMBgcx9oOIg-00056-00022887-00023276 And one of the things I really like about Typeform is the ability to get through the rMBgcx9oOIg-00057-00023276-00023398 whole thing with the keyboard. rMBgcx9oOIg-00058-00023398-00023754 So, I just hit enter to start. rMBgcx9oOIg-00059-00023754-00023854 What's my name? rMBgcx9oOIg-00060-00023854-00024356 My name is Bart and this form is required see the asterisk there on the end. rMBgcx9oOIg-00061-00024356-00024629 Hit enter to go to the next one, what's the best email address? rMBgcx9oOIg-00062-00024629-00025058 Now, I want to show you one of the nice things about both the email and the web address is rMBgcx9oOIg-00063-00025058-00025312 that Typeform actually does some validation. rMBgcx9oOIg-00064-00025312-00025606 If you enter something that's not right, it's going to let you know. rMBgcx9oOIg-00065-00025606-00026154 So, I'm going to put here for instance bart space at space datalab.cc. rMBgcx9oOIg-00066-00026154-00026783 And so, that's not an email address because it doesn't have the at sign and it's got spaces rMBgcx9oOIg-00067-00026783-00026883 in it. rMBgcx9oOIg-00068-00026883-00027008 But ta-dah! rMBgcx9oOIg-00069-00027008-00027485 when I hit okay to try to go to the next one, it says there's a problem in here. rMBgcx9oOIg-00070-00027485-00028405 So, I can just back up and now when I hit okay we go right ahead. rMBgcx9oOIg-00071-00028405-00028555 And the same thing goes down here. rMBgcx9oOIg-00072-00028555-00029574 If I put in a space and I put datalab dot cc , again it’s going to say that's not rMBgcx9oOIg-00073-00029574-00029714 properly formatted. rMBgcx9oOIg-00074-00029714-00030191 Now, it will let you do websites that don't exist and it'll let you do some things that rMBgcx9oOIg-00075-00030191-00030527 in the strictest sense it shouldn't. rMBgcx9oOIg-00076-00030527-00030756 But it's a very simple and quick validation. rMBgcx9oOIg-00077-00030756-00031158 Now, I've got that one and it goes ahead and we're done. rMBgcx9oOIg-00078-00031158-00031675 And so, those are two very common kinds of information; email address and the websites rMBgcx9oOIg-00079-00031675-00032183 with the possibility of doing file upload which I'll show in another course. rMBgcx9oOIg-00080-00032183-00032577 But for right now this gives you just another way of counting information that may be very rMBgcx9oOIg-00081-00032577-00032781 important in your own forms. rMBgcx9oOIg-00082-00032781-00033237 And the Typeform does it quick and easy, does so validation work for you and lets you go rMBgcx9oOIg-00083-00033237-00033449 ahead and get the rest of the information you need. rMTOcKaZn9E-00000-00000000-00000875 Smash That Subscribe Button! And Hit The Bell Notification! For More Videos! rOzBBJPN384-00000-00000144-00000576 In this video, we'll look at identifying and naming ketones and aldehydes. rOzBBJPN384-00001-00000888-00001152 Ketones and aldehydes look very similar. They rOzBBJPN384-00002-00001152-00001592 both contain the carbonyl group - this is the C-double-bond-O group. rOzBBJPN384-00003-00001655-00001944 The difference lies in where the carbonyl is in the molecule. rOzBBJPN384-00004-00002023-00002320 If it is on the end of a chain, then it's called an aldehyde. rOzBBJPN384-00005-00002384-00002648 If it's anywhere else in the molecule, it's a ketone. rOzBBJPN384-00006-00002720-00003048 We make this distinction because the position of the carbonyl rOzBBJPN384-00007-00003048-00003408 group in the molecule affects the chemical reactions that it can undergo. rOzBBJPN384-00008-00003511-00004000 So you can see that I've drawn the generic ketone here with two R-groups coming off it, rOzBBJPN384-00009-00004000-00004384 because there's another part of the molecule coming off either side of the carbonyl. rOzBBJPN384-00010-00004440-00004952 Actually, to be properly generic we should put a little prime on one of the Rs like this, rOzBBJPN384-00011-00004952-00005400 to indicate that these two bits sticking off the two Rs could be different. rOzBBJPN384-00012-00005552-00005840 In the aldehyde, because the carbonyl is on the end, rOzBBJPN384-00013-00005840-00006240 the carbon atom needs an extra bond, so it has a hydrogen poking off one side. rOzBBJPN384-00014-00006304-00006680 And then on the other side is the rest of the molecule, represented here as R. rOzBBJPN384-00015-00006872-00007216 If the molecule is a ketone, then its name ends in "-one". rOzBBJPN384-00016-00007216-00007776 And if it's an aldehyde, it ends in "-al". Be careful not to confuse this with the "-ol" rOzBBJPN384-00017-00007776-00007880 of the alcohols. rOzBBJPN384-00018-00008048-00008376 Now, just a note on drawing stick structures for these guys. rOzBBJPN384-00019-00008376-00008872 For an aldehyde, remember, the carbonyl group is on the end carbon, and it has a hydrogen attached. rOzBBJPN384-00020-00008944-00009328 When drawing a stick structure, it's a good idea to draw this end hydrogen out rOzBBJPN384-00021-00009328-00009728 explicitly to remind yourself and other readers that it is an aldehyde. rOzBBJPN384-00022-00009792-00010144 However, it is technically correct to draw an aldehyde like this, rOzBBJPN384-00023-00010144-00010368 leaving the end hydrogen as implicit. rOzBBJPN384-00024-00010560-00010680 So let's try naming this. rOzBBJPN384-00025-00010800-00011040 The longest chain that includes the functional group rOzBBJPN384-00026-00011040-00011456 is five carbons - don't forget to include the carbon that's part of the carbonyl. rOzBBJPN384-00027-00011536-00012080 So it's based on pentane. But it's an aldehyde, so we're going to call it pentanal. rOzBBJPN384-00028-00012216-00012488 Now, we number the chain starting from the aldehyde group, rOzBBJPN384-00029-00012488-00013000 and we find that we have 3-fluoro and 4-methyl as our substituents. rOzBBJPN384-00030-00013096-00013496 So we put all that together and we alphabetize the substituents, rOzBBJPN384-00031-00013496-00013784 and so we get 3-fluoro-4-methylpentanal. rOzBBJPN384-00032-00014016-00014184 Good. So, now a ketone. rOzBBJPN384-00033-00014272-00014472 You can see from the stick structure that rOzBBJPN384-00034-00014472-00014863 there's a carbonyl group, and it has one carbon poking out on either side. rOzBBJPN384-00035-00014944-00015480 So, the main chain is this string of three carbons. So this molecule is based on propane. rOzBBJPN384-00036-00015576-00015888 But it's a ketone, so we're going to call it propanone. rOzBBJPN384-00037-00016056-00016600 Now, you could specify that the carbonyl group is on the second carbon and call it propan-2-one. rOzBBJPN384-00038-00016736-00017144 But can you see that for this molecule, it actually can't be anything else? rOzBBJPN384-00039-00017144-00017560 If the carbonyl were on either of the other two carbons, it would be an aldehyde. rOzBBJPN384-00040-00017664-00018008 So, because you've got the "-one" on the end, and that rOzBBJPN384-00041-00018008-00018432 indicates that it's a ketone, you can just get away with calling it propanone. rOzBBJPN384-00042-00018432-00018776 And in fact, this compound is more commonly known as acetone. rOzBBJPN384-00043-00018952-00019072 Lastly, how about this... rOzBBJPN384-00044-00019152-00019432 The main chain is a ring with five carbons - so, rOzBBJPN384-00045-00019432-00019784 cyclopentane - but it has a carbonyl group stuck on it. rOzBBJPN384-00046-00019872-00020328 It's not on an end carbon; a cycloalkane doesn't have any end carbons. rOzBBJPN384-00047-00020328-00020584 So it's definitely a ketone and not an aldehyde. rOzBBJPN384-00048-00020640-00020848 So, we call it cyclopentanone. rOzBBJPN384-00049-00020968-00021240 This example also doesn't need to be numbered; rOzBBJPN384-00050-00021240-00022584 that is, we don't need to call it cyclopentan-1-one. Can you see why? rRM9P7WvUjc-00000-00000000-00000200 I’m only seeing the sky. rSHuc08aL1u-00001-00005050-00006150 WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO rTSzL3YK9XM-00000-00000003-00000423 Well howdy and welcome at Scott and Jeff. And today, we are talking about rTSzL3YK9XM-00001-00000423-00001959 if Mormons are Christians. We are of course two practicing Mormons. By rTSzL3YK9XM-00002-00001959-00002451 practicing I mean, I guess the term is card-carrying. Card-carrying yeah. If rTSzL3YK9XM-00003-00002451-00002819 you've ever heard that before. But and by Card-carrying... We'll explain this in rTSzL3YK9XM-00004-00002819-00003378 another episode, another program. But there's cards that you can have that we rTSzL3YK9XM-00005-00003378-00003996 can carry. That kind of identify us as active and practicing members of the rTSzL3YK9XM-00006-00003996-00004329 Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. It's not like a driver's license rTSzL3YK9XM-00007-00004329-00004761 though. Well, it doesn't have our picture on it? No. It doesn't. But it does have our rTSzL3YK9XM-00008-00004761-00005121 signature on it. Yeah a little barcode, right, yeah. Does have a little barcode. That's rTSzL3YK9XM-00009-00005121-00005462 right. But we digress. Well, we digress and there's no reason to rTSzL3YK9XM-00010-00005462-00005814 be mysterious. It's called a temple recommend. And if you're just learning rTSzL3YK9XM-00011-00005814-00006137 about the Mormon Church for the first time, there are buildings. You've seen rTSzL3YK9XM-00012-00006137-00006558 them around depending on where you live. They're all over the world. They're not rTSzL3YK9XM-00013-00006558-00007004 on every corner. Unless you live in Utah. If you live in Utah, it seems like rTSzL3YK9XM-00014-00007004-00007448 they're everywhere. 14? Is there 14 temples? At least 14. Now, when we say temples, we're rTSzL3YK9XM-00015-00007448-00008093 not talking about Church standard...Standard? Church buildings, chapels. Those rTSzL3YK9XM-00016-00008093-00008804 are found on every corner in Utah and in parts of Arizona, California, Idaho. Pretty rTSzL3YK9XM-00017-00008804-00009264 much anywhere within a certain. Yeah. I don't know, maybe a thousand miles of rTSzL3YK9XM-00018-00009264-00009722 where the church is headquartered in Salt Lake City. 150 operating temples rTSzL3YK9XM-00019-00009722-00010107 around the world. Is that the round number 150? And I think, I think there's a rTSzL3YK9XM-00020-00010107-00010764 number handful 20 to 25 more planned. And yeah. But in order to enter one of those rTSzL3YK9XM-00021-00010764-00011189 temples you have to "A", be a baptized member of the Church of Jesus Christ of rTSzL3YK9XM-00022-00011189-00011502 Latter day Saints. Which we will call from here on out, for times sake, the rTSzL3YK9XM-00023-00011502-00012197 Mormon Church. You probably know us as Mormons. And you have to be worthy to go rTSzL3YK9XM-00024-00012197-00012593 to the temple. You aren't automatically deemed worthy just because you're a rTSzL3YK9XM-00025-00012593-00013116 member of this faith. However having that little card which we call a temple rTSzL3YK9XM-00026-00013116-00013572 recommend, I don't know, it's I guess it's evidence rTSzL3YK9XM-00027-00013572-00014143 that you're living a life that is worthy enough to be able to enter a temple and rTSzL3YK9XM-00028-00014143-00014544 and worship God in a temple. And again, we'll talk about some of this in the rTSzL3YK9XM-00029-00014544-00015085 later episode. Yeah. Our question today that we get hit with a lot. And by we, I'm rTSzL3YK9XM-00030-00015085-00015763 going to go ahead and represent the over 16 million members of the church rTSzL3YK9XM-00031-00015763-00016372 worldwide. Because it is, it's heard often. And that is why aren't you Christians? rTSzL3YK9XM-00032-00016372-00016960 Why don't you believe in Jesus? Are you Christians? You travel a lot. Yeah. rTSzL3YK9XM-00033-00016960-00017365 Do people know that you're a Mormon wherever you go? No. I mean, it's not like rTSzL3YK9XM-00034-00017365-00017872 you... Yeah. Not like I've got you know, I'm wearing something on my clothes or a rTSzL3YK9XM-00035-00017872-00018244 stamp or something like that. But you know, when I tell people that I'm from rTSzL3YK9XM-00036-00018244-00018574 Utah, you know, a lot of times that, "Oh, you're Mormons?" You know? "Yeah, you guys rTSzL3YK9XM-00037-00018574-00019117 Christian?" You know and it's like, "Well, of course." And you know, that the first of rTSzL3YK9XM-00038-00019117-00019633 all the name of the church, the Church of who Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. rTSzL3YK9XM-00039-00019633-00019867 That's the one thought that enters my mind. The other thought that enters my rTSzL3YK9XM-00040-00019867-00020208 mind, I know you made mention of this a little bit when we were talking before rTSzL3YK9XM-00041-00020208-00020689 is of course the Book of Mormon. We're going to have some some videos and rTSzL3YK9XM-00042-00020689-00021037 episodes on that as well. But the subtitled of the Book of Mormon is rTSzL3YK9XM-00043-00021037-00021550 another testament of Jesus Christ. And I just found out recently that if you read rTSzL3YK9XM-00044-00021550-00022020 The Book of Mormon and if you're really a data number cruncher, you'll find that rTSzL3YK9XM-00045-00022020-00022690 every 1.6 verses has either a direct mention or (Yeah) some sort of an rTSzL3YK9XM-00046-00022690-00023251 allusion to Christ. 1.6 verses throughout the entire book. That rTSzL3YK9XM-00047-00023251-00023665 of course means that, you know, you are going to have some chapters that are, you rTSzL3YK9XM-00048-00023665-00024022 know, his name or something about the Savior or the Lamb of God or something rTSzL3YK9XM-00049-00024022-00024423 has mentioned every other word. And those are going to, you know, cover the places rTSzL3YK9XM-00050-00024423-00024943 where you might go awhile without actually... Because it is rTSzL3YK9XM-00051-00024943-00025369 covering the whole book. It's an average, right? But I mean I love that. I mean, rTSzL3YK9XM-00052-00025369-00026139 let's just state clearly. We are Christians. Now, some people will say, "Well, rTSzL3YK9XM-00053-00026139-00026530 you call yourself Christians but you're not Christians based on (You know) rTSzL3YK9XM-00054-00026530-00026977 the actual definition of a Christian." And to which we would ask, "Well, what is that rTSzL3YK9XM-00055-00026977-00027744 to you?" Yeah. Well, someone who believes in Jesus Christ as our Savior, who believes rTSzL3YK9XM-00056-00027744-00028408 in His grace, who believes that he's the son of God, that he died on the cross for rTSzL3YK9XM-00057-00028408-00028920 our sins. And so far, as long, you know, while you're saying that I'm ticking rTSzL3YK9XM-00058-00028920-00029506 that off in my mind going, "Got it, Good, thank you, yes we have that." rTSzL3YK9XM-00059-00029506-00030277 Yeah. You know, I mean, we... Again, maybe we just state clearly.-- We absolutely... It's rTSzL3YK9XM-00060-00030277-00030906 not just that we believe in Jesus Christ. He is the absolute central figure in rTSzL3YK9XM-00061-00030906-00031566 everything that we do believe in. He's the beginning of all of our beliefs. In rTSzL3YK9XM-00062-00031566-00032233 fact, Joseph Smith, the the prophet who who established, restored the church. rTSzL3YK9XM-00063-00032233-00032631 We'll talk about this in another video as well. He put together a series of rTSzL3YK9XM-00064-00032631-00033171 articles of faith. 13 of them. That he said, he put together because he was rTSzL3YK9XM-00065-00033171-00033546 asked these questions so much. In order to just save time, it was almost like a rTSzL3YK9XM-00066-00033546-00034015 public affairs press release, if you will. Yeah. That he had these published these rTSzL3YK9XM-00067-00034015-00034411 answers to these many many questions that he had that he was constantly rTSzL3YK9XM-00068-00034411-00034977 getting. And the first one is we believe in God, the eternal father, his son Jesus rTSzL3YK9XM-00069-00034977-00035472 Christ and the Holy Ghost, right off the bat, there's mention of what you rTSzL3YK9XM-00070-00035472-00036165 know, most Christians of many faiths would call the "Trinity". But further down, rTSzL3YK9XM-00071-00036165-00036700 about two or three more down, he also says that the first four principles and rTSzL3YK9XM-00072-00036700-00037219 ordinances of the gospel, our first faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. rTSzL3YK9XM-00073-00037219-00037906 That is where we start. It's not an appendage, it's not an afterthought, it's rTSzL3YK9XM-00074-00037906-00038427 not something that we want all the other Christians around the world, they really, rTSzL3YK9XM-00075-00038427-00038841 really, believe in Jesus. You know like, it's like, "Duh". You know? I mean, it's, rTSzL3YK9XM-00076-00038841-00039300 that's the first thing. Mm-hmm. That we've been. That word belief and faith and that. rTSzL3YK9XM-00077-00039300-00039880 You know, for us it's an action word. You know, we try as hard as we can, we rTSzL3YK9XM-00078-00039880-00040503 try to make sure that it's not just lip service, right? That I'm trying to act and rTSzL3YK9XM-00079-00040503-00041155 emulate and live my life in a way that Christ did. You know, you've got your your rTSzL3YK9XM-00080-00041155-00041488 Bible verses that you can think of that everybody is aware of. You know, feeding rTSzL3YK9XM-00081-00041488-00041956 the nake... I'm sorry. Clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, taking care of the rTSzL3YK9XM-00082-00041956-00042360 widow's, things of that nature and a whole host of other things that rTSzL3YK9XM-00083-00042360-00043036 would kind of show that... My favorite something that's action. Yes. Not just rTSzL3YK9XM-00084-00043036-00043555 okay, "I'm, yeah sure. And and I don't really live up to those." Jesus himself said, "By rTSzL3YK9XM-00085-00043555-00043885 their fruits, you shall know them." Yeah. It's somewhere in the New Testament. You rTSzL3YK9XM-00086-00043885-00044326 know, Jeff and I are both we both hold the priesthood. We're both fathers, we've rTSzL3YK9XM-00087-00044326-00044740 both been members of the church pretty much our whole lives. But I don't think rTSzL3YK9XM-00088-00044740-00045280 either of us could sit here and quote exact references. No. I'm not going to rTSzL3YK9XM-00089-00045280-00045703 pontificate. You know, in second chronicles chapter 29... Right. You know, rTSzL3YK9XM-00090-00045703-00046186 we're not that. Which is in fact the Old Testament. Yes. That much I do know. rTSzL3YK9XM-00091-00046186-00046540 Because I taught a lesson on sidles last week. rTSzL3YK9XM-00092-00046540-00046981 Are you a Sunday-school teacher? Yeah. I'm a Sunday-school teacher. We'll talk more rTSzL3YK9XM-00093-00046981-00047275 about that all of our episode as well. But you mentioned a good thing rTSzL3YK9XM-00094-00047275-00047836 earlier, Scott. And this might give some good episodes coming up these 13 rTSzL3YK9XM-00095-00047836-00048136 articles of faith. We could probably do an episode on each one of those. This rTSzL3YK9XM-00096-00048136-00048490 first one really takes care of that first article of faith. You know, we rTSzL3YK9XM-00097-00048490-00048979 believe in God the Father and Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. So, if you rTSzL3YK9XM-00098-00048979-00049516 are, you know, happening and you know, upon this video and wondering a little bit rTSzL3YK9XM-00099-00049516-00049909 more about well what is this all about. I would highly recommend reading through rTSzL3YK9XM-00100-00049909-00050364 those 13 articles faith. That's a great place to start to get a good basic rTSzL3YK9XM-00101-00050364-00050758 foundational understanding of just what are these, what are these Mormons all rTSzL3YK9XM-00102-00050758-00051445 about. Yeah. If you go to lds.org and just type in the search menu there. Articles rTSzL3YK9XM-00103-00051445-00051766 of faith, it will come up right away. And again, as mentioned, it's 13 different rTSzL3YK9XM-00104-00051766-00052384 quick, little declarations of our faith and who we are, what we believe. But to rTSzL3YK9XM-00105-00052384-00052697 kind of just wrap this one up. Yeah please be... rTSzL3YK9XM-00106-00052697-00052979 If you're just hearing about Mormons for the first time and you know, you hear the rTSzL3YK9XM-00107-00052979-00053366 board Mormon a lot. Who is Mormon? What is Mormon? Again, another episode for rTSzL3YK9XM-00108-00053366-00053645 another time. Remember the subtitle of that book the rTSzL3YK9XM-00109-00053645-00054067 Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. There's the Old Testament rTSzL3YK9XM-00110-00054067-00054827 which pretty much is Jesus's book from pre-Jesus day. So, you know he was Jehovah rTSzL3YK9XM-00111-00054827-00055304 of the Old Testament. It's a testament of him and how the people worshipped him as rTSzL3YK9XM-00112-00055304-00055879 Jehova. The New Testament is of course his own, he's alive. Its witnesses the 4 rTSzL3YK9XM-00113-00055879-00056258 Gospels and others. And now, the Book of Mormon which we'll talk about again rTSzL3YK9XM-00114-00056258-00056648 another time is another testament of Jesus Christ. We believe he is our Savior, rTSzL3YK9XM-00115-00056648-00057029 we believe he through under a commandment from the Father created this rTSzL3YK9XM-00116-00057029-00057464 world. We believe that he is our brother, we believe that he is the son of God and rTSzL3YK9XM-00117-00057464-00057986 that to just kind of put a bow on it. We believe that there are 3 members of rTSzL3YK9XM-00118-00057986-00058307 the Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. But we do not believe that rTSzL3YK9XM-00119-00058307-00059134 they are one entity, that they're one person. Which is a fairly common belief, rTSzL3YK9XM-00120-00059134-00059702 Trinitarian belief. We believe that there are three separate personages just as we rTSzL3YK9XM-00121-00059702-00060038 read in the New Testament. When Jesus is baptized. There's Jesus there being rTSzL3YK9XM-00122-00060038-00060488 baptized. We hear the voice of the father in the form of the the dove is the Holy rTSzL3YK9XM-00123-00060488-00060875 Ghost. There's three different entities at work. But they are one in purpose and rTSzL3YK9XM-00124-00060875-00061658 so, it doesn't detract from the authority or power or kind of holiness of the rTSzL3YK9XM-00125-00061658-00062092 Savior at all. To think of him as a distinct individual from his father. In rTSzL3YK9XM-00126-00062092-00062546 fact, if anything, it helps us recognize the power of unity rTSzL3YK9XM-00127-00062546-00063029 in purpose. And that the father and son are one in purpose. And look very much rTSzL3YK9XM-00128-00063029-00063454 alike as a father and son do on this earth. So, rTSzL3YK9XM-00129-00063454-00063824 if you have any questions, if you have any further... There's a lot more to know rTSzL3YK9XM-00130-00063824-00064397 about this of course. We encourage you to again, look at lds.org and search for rTSzL3YK9XM-00131-00064397-00064841 Jesus the Savior, Jesus the Redeemer, Jesus the anointed, the Good rTSzL3YK9XM-00132-00064841-00065162 Shepherd, the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God. There's all kinds of rTSzL3YK9XM-00133-00065162-00065669 names that are associated with Jesus. But I think it'll be pretty... You come away rTSzL3YK9XM-00134-00065669-00067125 hopefully convinced that we... Yeah, we're Christians. Mormons are Christians. rU4RXYzv8TA-00000-00000158-00000258 iuyu rUjWKoSFCay-00000-00000000-00000050 ... raNZXfHfE-Q-00000-00000003-00000397 okay I'd like to talk about filters now and just as a fair warning raNZXfHfE-Q-00001-00000397-00000798 this next piece is going to contain a few spoilers but the Hunger Games series raNZXfHfE-Q-00002-00000798-00001184 so if you haven't read all the books this next part maybe a little surprising raNZXfHfE-Q-00003-00001184-00001632 just a fair warning so on to the tributes so now I would want to talk raNZXfHfE-Q-00004-00001632-00002047 about filter so it filters do is they allow you to filter your information raNZXfHfE-Q-00005-00002047-00002353 well as you to sort and kind of cut down the raNZXfHfE-Q-00006-00002353-00002807 data you have so CNC were interested in maybe the districts raNZXfHfE-Q-00007-00002807-00003128 so we can see right now that they're sort of jumbled they're not in any raNZXfHfE-Q-00008-00003128-00003243 particular order raNZXfHfE-Q-00009-00003243-00003705 so if we select all this data either by clicking and a wind and then holding raNZXfHfE-Q-00010-00003705-00004061 shifting clicking in you 22 slick this entire range raNZXfHfE-Q-00011-00004061-00004453 or we can click and drag to select all of this information raNZXfHfE-Q-00012-00004453-00004903 now it's important to get the headers up top here because those will not be raNZXfHfE-Q-00013-00004903-00005039 changed in the filter raNZXfHfE-Q-00014-00005039-00005396 now we can start filter Riva clicking on this button the kinda looks like a raNZXfHfE-Q-00015-00005396-00005455 funnel raNZXfHfE-Q-00016-00005455-00005930 or we can click on data and click Filter again with the little funnel raNZXfHfE-Q-00017-00005930-00006369 so if we go ahead click on that we can see these numbers are highlighted in raNZXfHfE-Q-00018-00006369-00006436 green raNZXfHfE-Q-00019-00006436-00006829 and if we click outsider the filter we can see there's a green border raNZXfHfE-Q-00020-00006829-00007352 that indicates that a filter is active we can also see there now these little raNZXfHfE-Q-00021-00007352-00007806 a rose here if we click on one of these we get some options raNZXfHfE-Q-00022-00007806-00008167 we have the option to filter out particular items raNZXfHfE-Q-00023-00008167-00008540 order to sort the column so let's go ahead and sort a tizzy raNZXfHfE-Q-00024-00008540-00009014 we can see now that sorts it based on district is 1234 terror terror raNZXfHfE-Q-00025-00009014-00009320 now what if we were curious about grouping known raNZXfHfE-Q-00026-00009320-00009720 by the ones that are the attributes that are still alive and those that raNZXfHfE-Q-00027-00009720-00010025 were not so fortunate the odds were not in their favor raNZXfHfE-Q-00028-00010025-00010432 all we can say we can do that too know what if we're only interested in seeing raNZXfHfE-Q-00029-00010432-00010468 the raNZXfHfE-Q-00030-00010468-00010770 those that are still alive while the weekend uncheck this raNZXfHfE-Q-00031-00010770-00011218 click OK and we're left with BS and now we can sort those raNZXfHfE-Q-00032-00011218-00011615 from a tizzy and they were curious more about raNZXfHfE-Q-00033-00011615-00011928 the other districts of weeks go sort from raNZXfHfE-Q-00034-00011928-00012329 z to a well look at that now we've got number 12 on top raNZXfHfE-Q-00035-00012329-00012718 we have Katniss Peeta hey rich so we can see how that raNZXfHfE-Q-00036-00012718-00013050 works we can basically sort down our data we can pare it down to get raNZXfHfE-Q-00037-00013050-00013159 particular things raNZXfHfE-Q-00038-00013159-00013663 I wanna filter has been applied you can see that this change is to show that raNZXfHfE-Q-00039-00013663-00013833 kind of a little filter icon raNZXfHfE-Q-00040-00013833-00014206 so if we click that and put the check back to deceased raNZXfHfE-Q-00041-00014206-00014631 we see that they come right on back now say we were only curious raNZXfHfE-Q-00042-00014631-00014683 and raNZXfHfE-Q-00043-00014683-00015141 and about I don't know perhaps raNZXfHfE-Q-00044-00015141-00015658 those tributes in the 32 say fifty range raNZXfHfE-Q-00045-00015658-00015984 so we can then select phase because those are our raNZXfHfE-Q-00046-00015984-00016326 interest-group and then it cuts and down and we can see well raNZXfHfE-Q-00047-00016326-00016757 there we go those are the ones we were interested in know we can click Clear raNZXfHfE-Q-00048-00016757-00017063 select all to raNZXfHfE-Q-00049-00017063-00017401 check or uncheck all of those options that we click OK raNZXfHfE-Q-00050-00017401-00017744 everything's back now once we're done filtering raNZXfHfE-Q-00051-00017744-00018075 we can click data and turn off filter raNZXfHfE-Q-00052-00018075-00018480 and then those little drop down a rose go away raNZXfHfE-Q-00053-00018480-00018958 now those are distinct from these because when you click on raNZXfHfE-Q-00054-00018958-00019456 this it selects the entire row and it allows you to sort it raNZXfHfE-Q-00055-00019456-00019793 if you sort that row it sorts everything including raNZXfHfE-Q-00056-00019793-00020133 the headers so if we do that again we go sort raNZXfHfE-Q-00057-00020133-00020680 a tizzy you see it kind of changes everything but it doesn't allow us those raNZXfHfE-Q-00058-00020680-00020817 kind of handy filter raNZXfHfE-Q-00059-00020817-00020863 functions raalpjvnLLM-00000-00000585-00000783 - Hello everyone. raalpjvnLLM-00001-00000783-00001096 Welcome to the session, Using UniTime to Rebuild Schedules, raalpjvnLLM-00002-00001096-00001419 e.g. due to the pandemic. raalpjvnLLM-00003-00001419-00001620 The presenter is Tomas Muller. raalpjvnLLM-00004-00001620-00001920 Please leave yourself muted and cameras turned off raalpjvnLLM-00005-00001920-00002070 during the presentation. raalpjvnLLM-00006-00002070-00002309 If you would like to ask a question, raalpjvnLLM-00007-00002309-00002631 wait until the Q and A portion after the presentation raalpjvnLLM-00008-00002631-00002898 or use the shared notes to the left above the user list raalpjvnLLM-00009-00002898-00003146 to ask the presenter questions. raalpjvnLLM-00010-00003146-00003361 Please use the chat box only for chat, raalpjvnLLM-00011-00003361-00003586 not questions to the presenter. raalpjvnLLM-00012-00003586-00003770 If you have any technical issues, raalpjvnLLM-00013-00003770-00004310 please send me, Stephanie Schluttenhofer, a direct message raalpjvnLLM-00014-00004310-00004986 and we can assist you in any way we can. raalpjvnLLM-00015-00004986-00005121 All right. raalpjvnLLM-00016-00005121-00005323 You're on, Tomas. raalpjvnLLM-00017-00005323-00005423 - Okay. raalpjvnLLM-00018-00005423-00005523 Hello. raalpjvnLLM-00019-00005523-00005721 I hope you can hear me. raalpjvnLLM-00020-00005721-00006494 And okay, you should also see the representation now. raalpjvnLLM-00021-00006494-00006689 So my name is Tomas, raalpjvnLLM-00022-00006689-00006798 and this will be a presentation raalpjvnLLM-00023-00006798-00006964 about scheduling system UniTime raalpjvnLLM-00024-00006964-00007608 and how it can be used to make schedule changes. raalpjvnLLM-00025-00007608-00007818 So first I would like to present raalpjvnLLM-00026-00007818-00008006 just a brief introduction of UniTime. raalpjvnLLM-00027-00008006-00008116 For more details, raalpjvnLLM-00028-00008116-00008586 please see us at the one of the expositions raalpjvnLLM-00029-00008586-00008786 or see our video. raalpjvnLLM-00030-00008786-00009153 UniTime is a comprehensive academic scheduling solution. raalpjvnLLM-00031-00009153-00009436 It has five components, course timetabling, raalpjvnLLM-00032-00009436-00009672 examination timetabling, student scheduling, raalpjvnLLM-00033-00009672-00009922 instructor scheduling and event management. raalpjvnLLM-00034-00009922-00010022 UniTime is open source raalpjvnLLM-00035-00010022-00010350 and it is part of the Apereo family since 2015. raalpjvnLLM-00036-00010350-00010632 It is based with an in Java using modern technologies raalpjvnLLM-00037-00010632-00011043 like hibernate spring framework or Google Web toolkit. raalpjvnLLM-00038-00011043-00011287 We use state of the art optimization algorithms, raalpjvnLLM-00039-00011287-00011390 and we have published raalpjvnLLM-00040-00011390-00011608 a number of research papers about them. raalpjvnLLM-00041-00011608-00011762 We have also core organized raalpjvnLLM-00042-00011762-00012086 a course timetabling competition recently. raalpjvnLLM-00043-00012086-00012439 UniTime allows for multiple users with various roles. raalpjvnLLM-00044-00012439-00012667 For instance, all the data can be distributed raalpjvnLLM-00045-00012667-00013061 to individual timetabling units with the timetabling raalpjvnLLM-00046-00013061-00013562 either done centrally or by each of the departments. raalpjvnLLM-00047-00013562-00014140 Today, I will not be talking about how UniTime raalpjvnLLM-00048-00014140-00014320 can be used to build various schedules, raalpjvnLLM-00049-00014320-00014613 but how to make changes to these schedules. raalpjvnLLM-00050-00014613-00014770 I will start with a bit of theory raalpjvnLLM-00051-00014770-00015056 and follow up with a case study from Purdue University raalpjvnLLM-00052-00015056-00015372 that the fall to 2020 course timetable raalpjvnLLM-00053-00015372-00015572 and students' schedules have to be rebuilt raalpjvnLLM-00054-00015572-00015700 due to the COVID pandemic. raalpjvnLLM-00055-00015700-00016093 I would also like to invite you to come see us raalpjvnLLM-00056-00016093-00016484 at one of the expositions where I can do a short demo raalpjvnLLM-00057-00016484-00016862 of how the changes can be made using UniTime. raalpjvnLLM-00058-00016862-00017353 First of all, raalpjvnLLM-00059-00017353-00017657 I will be talking about making small changes. raalpjvnLLM-00060-00017657-00018050 In particular, once a course timetable is created raalpjvnLLM-00061-00018050-00018159 by running the solver raalpjvnLLM-00062-00018159-00018417 which takes into account all the timetabling constraints raalpjvnLLM-00063-00018417-00018712 and preferences on times, rooms and students, raalpjvnLLM-00064-00018712-00019048 you can use the suggestions page to make adjustments. raalpjvnLLM-00065-00019048-00019309 In this mode, all the decisions are left on the operator raalpjvnLLM-00066-00019309-00019627 but we still make use of the timetabling solver raalpjvnLLM-00067-00019627-00020066 to check for conflicts and provide suggestions raalpjvnLLM-00068-00020066-00020326 on how to resolve these conflicts. raalpjvnLLM-00069-00020326-00020701 This page can be used by just clicking at a class raalpjvnLLM-00070-00020701-00021143 anywhere on the page under the course timetabling menu. raalpjvnLLM-00071-00021143-00021351 It is also useful to figure out why the solver raalpjvnLLM-00072-00021351-00021519 cannot assign all classes raalpjvnLLM-00073-00021519-00021880 if the problem is over constrained. raalpjvnLLM-00074-00021880-00022133 It can be also used in a combination raalpjvnLLM-00075-00022133-00022405 with what we call an interactive mode or the solver, raalpjvnLLM-00076-00022405-00022695 where the operator is allowed to break some hard constraints raalpjvnLLM-00077-00022695-00023079 without the need to go back and change the requirements raalpjvnLLM-00078-00023079-00023323 in the input data. raalpjvnLLM-00079-00023323-00023831 On the small screen on the right side, raalpjvnLLM-00080-00023831-00024133 you can see how the page looks like. raalpjvnLLM-00081-00024133-00024409 I can try to scroll in. raalpjvnLLM-00082-00024409-00025098 One can either try to manually select a different time raalpjvnLLM-00083-00025098-00025473 or room where they'll show what other classes raalpjvnLLM-00084-00025473-00026311 would would conflict with the assignments. raalpjvnLLM-00085-00026311-00026481 The page also provides suggestions raalpjvnLLM-00086-00026481-00026658 how to resolve these conflicts. raalpjvnLLM-00087-00026658-00026952 It also provides suggestions on how... raalpjvnLLM-00088-00026952-00027115 Excuse me. raalpjvnLLM-00089-00027115-00027386 It is also possible to just look at the suggestions raalpjvnLLM-00090-00027386-00027849 and use the filter to find the change raalpjvnLLM-00091-00027849-00028344 that would work the best. raalpjvnLLM-00092-00028344-00028918 Another case, how small changes can be done in UniTime raalpjvnLLM-00093-00028918-00029166 is by using the class assignment page. raalpjvnLLM-00094-00029166-00029266 This is useful raalpjvnLLM-00095-00029266-00029468 when you do not want to run the solver anymore. raalpjvnLLM-00096-00029468-00029658 For example, when the class schedule raalpjvnLLM-00097-00029658-00029758 had been already published raalpjvnLLM-00098-00029758-00030056 and there are students enrolling in classes. raalpjvnLLM-00099-00030056-00030227 It is perfect to make small adjustment raalpjvnLLM-00100-00030227-00030394 directly to the current schedule. raalpjvnLLM-00101-00030394-00030688 For example, if I need to move a class to a bigger room raalpjvnLLM-00102-00030688-00030872 or add an additional section raalpjvnLLM-00103-00030872-00031112 to one of the available time center rooms. raalpjvnLLM-00104-00031112-00031363 Since you are no longer running the solver, raalpjvnLLM-00105-00031363-00031522 there are no suggestions. raalpjvnLLM-00106-00031522-00031738 But the UniTime still checks for conflicts. raalpjvnLLM-00107-00031738-00032043 This page also allows to break any of the constraints raalpjvnLLM-00108-00032043-00032237 and even move a class into a room raalpjvnLLM-00109-00032237-00032555 that is not currently available to the department. raalpjvnLLM-00110-00032555-00032670 The class assignment page, raalpjvnLLM-00111-00032670-00032852 just like the suggestions page, raalpjvnLLM-00112-00032852-00033136 allows to explore a change of multiple classes raalpjvnLLM-00113-00033136-00033518 before any of the changes are actually made. raalpjvnLLM-00114-00033518-00033949 We can see some of that on the page... raalpjvnLLM-00115-00033949-00034440 Well, I'm failing to zoom in properly. raalpjvnLLM-00116-00034440-00034669 So like if I try to select a class raalpjvnLLM-00117-00034669-00034934 to move it to a different time in the same room, raalpjvnLLM-00118-00034934-00035139 it shows me that there are some other classes raalpjvnLLM-00119-00035139-00035656 that are in conflict and I have the possibility raalpjvnLLM-00120-00035656-00035909 to also make the changes to these classes raalpjvnLLM-00121-00035909-00036246 or just leave them on unassigned raalpjvnLLM-00122-00036246-00036508 and get back to them in the next step. raalpjvnLLM-00123-00036508-00036768 Now, let's talk about large changes. raalpjvnLLM-00124-00036768-00037163 For these, we can run the solver in a vertical and MPP mode. raalpjvnLLM-00125-00037163-00037462 The MPP stands for Minimum Perturbation Problem, raalpjvnLLM-00126-00037462-00037643 and it tries to find a new solution raalpjvnLLM-00127-00037643-00038031 that is as close as possible to the original solution, raalpjvnLLM-00128-00038031-00038311 that for instance has been already published. raalpjvnLLM-00129-00038311-00038553 This is also very useful for doing cardio simulations raalpjvnLLM-00130-00038553-00038874 and what if scenarios. raalpjvnLLM-00131-00038874-00039286 So it is a brief description of what we mean raalpjvnLLM-00132-00039286-00039468 by the Minimum Perturbation Problem. raalpjvnLLM-00133-00039468-00039618 We have input data, raalpjvnLLM-00134-00039618-00039997 which is typically the previous or the published solution, raalpjvnLLM-00135-00039997-00040118 for instance, a class schedule. raalpjvnLLM-00136-00040118-00040408 Next to the schedule, we had modified the input data. raalpjvnLLM-00137-00040408-00040649 For instance, in case of the pandemic, raalpjvnLLM-00138-00040649-00040899 we needed to change the capacity of the rooms raalpjvnLLM-00139-00040899-00041446 to improve social distancing or make some classes online. raalpjvnLLM-00140-00041446-00041555 The input data changes raalpjvnLLM-00141-00041555-00041769 are usually breaking the previous solution. raalpjvnLLM-00142-00041769-00042118 Like a class can no longer be placed in its room raalpjvnLLM-00143-00042118-00042418 because the room is now way too small. raalpjvnLLM-00144-00042418-00042986 So the solution of this MPP problem is a new schedule, raalpjvnLLM-00145-00042986-00043217 which solve the modified problem. raalpjvnLLM-00146-00043217-00043494 The aim is for the new solution to minimize changes raalpjvnLLM-00147-00043494-00043694 with the initial already published solution. raalpjvnLLM-00148-00043694-00044084 We can also consider some changes as not allowed raalpjvnLLM-00149-00044084-00044247 or with different penalization. raalpjvnLLM-00150-00044247-00044463 For example, we may prohibit raalpjvnLLM-00151-00044463-00044652 or extremely penalize time changes raalpjvnLLM-00152-00044652-00044897 while the room changes are still okay. raalpjvnLLM-00153-00044897-00045340 In the end, the optimization has two components. raalpjvnLLM-00154-00045340-00045599 The preferences, excuse me, raalpjvnLLM-00155-00045599-00045780 and requirements given by the problem, raalpjvnLLM-00156-00045780-00046105 just like when the sever is run usually, raalpjvnLLM-00157-00046105-00046406 plus there is a perturbation genetic component raalpjvnLLM-00158-00046406-00046630 that measures and tries to minimize changes raalpjvnLLM-00159-00046630-00047137 to the initial solution. raalpjvnLLM-00160-00047137-00047397 So that has been for the theory. raalpjvnLLM-00161-00047397-00047594 Now, let's take a look at the case study raalpjvnLLM-00162-00047594-00047747 from Purdue University. raalpjvnLLM-00163-00047747-00047956 I would like to start with a brief explanation raalpjvnLLM-00164-00047956-00048198 how the course timetabling and students scheduling raalpjvnLLM-00165-00048198-00048386 breaks at a normal year. raalpjvnLLM-00166-00048386-00048613 We usually take the previous last year data raalpjvnLLM-00167-00048613-00048880 and use the last year's student course enrollments raalpjvnLLM-00168-00048880-00049036 to minimize student conflicts. raalpjvnLLM-00169-00049036-00049283 The course timetabling happens in a few stages. raalpjvnLLM-00170-00049283-00049620 First of all, the class schedule for large lecture rooms raalpjvnLLM-00171-00049620-00049961 and large active learning rooms gets done centrally. raalpjvnLLM-00172-00049961-00050152 It is about 1,000 of classes raalpjvnLLM-00173-00050152-00050677 that need one of the large rooms in the campus. raalpjvnLLM-00174-00050677-00050884 Next second, each department, raalpjvnLLM-00175-00050884-00051213 and there are about 70 departments at Purdue University, raalpjvnLLM-00176-00051213-00051403 built its own timetable using the rooms raalpjvnLLM-00177-00051403-00051665 they have been allocated to them. raalpjvnLLM-00178-00051665-00051984 If some department has more classes that they have space, raalpjvnLLM-00179-00051984-00052204 they can pass some of their classes raalpjvnLLM-00180-00052204-00052415 to the so-called need room problem. raalpjvnLLM-00181-00052415-00052612 And these overflow departmental classes raalpjvnLLM-00182-00052612-00052729 are timetabled centrally raalpjvnLLM-00183-00052729-00053064 after all the individual departmental schedules are done. raalpjvnLLM-00184-00053064-00053501 And finally, we build the class schedule for computing labs. raalpjvnLLM-00185-00053501-00053751 The whole process takes about a month, raalpjvnLLM-00186-00053751-00054162 and the final class schedule for fall term is published raalpjvnLLM-00187-00054162-00054672 somewhere like first week of March. raalpjvnLLM-00188-00054672-00055164 Once the class schedule is published, raalpjvnLLM-00189-00055164-00055482 we have students registered to the classes they need. raalpjvnLLM-00190-00055482-00055667 In fall, we need to distinguish raalpjvnLLM-00191-00055667-00055833 between two populations of students. raalpjvnLLM-00192-00055833-00056174 We have continuing students, each need to have their class raalpjvnLLM-00193-00056174-00056337 schedule around the end of the spring term. raalpjvnLLM-00194-00056337-00056672 And we have incoming students that are admitted in May raalpjvnLLM-00195-00056672-00056894 and get their schedules in July, raalpjvnLLM-00196-00056894-00057110 just a few weeks before classes start. raalpjvnLLM-00197-00057110-00057348 For fall 2020, continuing students, raalpjvnLLM-00198-00057348-00057629 we were in a process of introducing registration. raalpjvnLLM-00199-00057629-00058066 So we had about 6,000 students of continuing students raalpjvnLLM-00200-00058066-00058338 that registered for courses they needed. raalpjvnLLM-00201-00058338-00058612 And we use the UniTime students scheduling sever raalpjvnLLM-00202-00058612-00058998 to build their sketch class schedules somewhere in April. raalpjvnLLM-00203-00058998-00059129 The rest of the students raalpjvnLLM-00204-00059129-00059776 register for their classes directly. raalpjvnLLM-00205-00059776-00060012 So for the spring 2020, raalpjvnLLM-00206-00060012-00060248 the pandemic hit in the middle of the term. raalpjvnLLM-00207-00060248-00060452 So all classes just become online, raalpjvnLLM-00208-00060452-00060716 following the original schedule for that time. raalpjvnLLM-00209-00060716-00060922 So we actually did not do any rescheduling raalpjvnLLM-00210-00060922-00061041 for fall spring 2020. raalpjvnLLM-00211-00061041-00061250 However, for fall 2020, raalpjvnLLM-00212-00061250-00061491 the pandemic around the time when the class schedules raalpjvnLLM-00213-00061491-00061810 were already published and the continuing students raalpjvnLLM-00214-00061810-00061950 or most of the continuing student raalpjvnLLM-00215-00061950-00062119 already had their class schedules. raalpjvnLLM-00216-00062119-00062624 So after long discussions for fall, raalpjvnLLM-00217-00062624-00063039 it was decided that still offer some face-to-face classes, raalpjvnLLM-00218-00063039-00063305 but with reduced capacity and a lot of safety rules raalpjvnLLM-00219-00063305-00063718 like regular testing, contact tracing, mask mandates, raalpjvnLLM-00220-00063718-00063864 and so on. raalpjvnLLM-00221-00063864-00064060 The room capacity is reduced to about 50% raalpjvnLLM-00222-00064060-00064413 with the cap of 150 students in a room. raalpjvnLLM-00223-00064413-00064810 We gave the students a choice to come to campus raalpjvnLLM-00224-00064810-00065197 and have some face to face classes or stay at home raalpjvnLLM-00225-00065197-00065374 and get a fully online schedules. raalpjvnLLM-00226-00065374-00065675 We also have international students from around the world raalpjvnLLM-00227-00065675-00066062 and some of them were not allowed to come to US. raalpjvnLLM-00228-00066062-00066329 So a lot of courses had to offer sections raalpjvnLLM-00229-00066329-00066477 that were taught synchronously raalpjvnLLM-00230-00066477-00066662 and not requiring the students to be available raalpjvnLLM-00231-00066662-00067205 for an online meeting at a certain time. raalpjvnLLM-00232-00067205-00067808 So for fall 2020 calls timetabling, raalpjvnLLM-00233-00067808-00068029 the schedule has to be rebuilt. raalpjvnLLM-00234-00068029-00068200 It was decided that you would like raalpjvnLLM-00235-00068200-00068487 to keep the existing times as much as possible. raalpjvnLLM-00236-00068487-00068839 However, for each class that would be a choice. raalpjvnLLM-00237-00068839-00068994 Some classes are taught online, raalpjvnLLM-00238-00068994-00069357 so they do not need any room anymore. raalpjvnLLM-00239-00069357-00069567 Some classes are fully face to face, raalpjvnLLM-00240-00069567-00069718 so they need a bigger room, raalpjvnLLM-00241-00069718-00069988 or we may need to add a few more sections. raalpjvnLLM-00242-00069988-00070247 In the brackets next to each line, raalpjvnLLM-00243-00070247-00070472 there is some estimate numbers of classes raalpjvnLLM-00244-00070472-00070836 that actually fall into that category. raalpjvnLLM-00245-00070836-00071092 And some classes are essential left in the same time raalpjvnLLM-00246-00071092-00071335 and room, but only certain number of students raalpjvnLLM-00247-00071335-00071512 would be able to attend face to face. raalpjvnLLM-00248-00071512-00071612 So for instance... raalpjvnLLM-00249-00071612-00071973 So imagine that that is a Monday, Wednesday, Friday class, raalpjvnLLM-00250-00071973-00072273 and we can have just like one third of the students raalpjvnLLM-00251-00072273-00072471 attending the class in person on Mondays raalpjvnLLM-00252-00072471-00072752 and other set on Wednesdays and the last set on Fridays. raalpjvnLLM-00253-00072752-00073180 There is other students attending the class online. raalpjvnLLM-00254-00073180-00073462 There are also additional rooms allocated for timetabling raalpjvnLLM-00255-00073462-00073781 like some conference rooms, university reserved rooms, raalpjvnLLM-00256-00073781-00074101 or rooms that are originally planned to be taken offline raalpjvnLLM-00257-00074101-00074312 for maintenance for the term. raalpjvnLLM-00258-00074312-00074668 We have used the MPP solver to first run some simulations raalpjvnLLM-00259-00074668-00074967 to a certain time how many rooms will be needed raalpjvnLLM-00260-00074967-00075279 and or how many classes can be done face to face. raalpjvnLLM-00261-00075279-00075475 We have also run the MPP solver raalpjvnLLM-00262-00075475-00075701 to move classes to different rooms. raalpjvnLLM-00263-00075701-00075930 This was done centrally with the input raalpjvnLLM-00264-00075930-00076224 from individual departments on what they want to do raalpjvnLLM-00265-00076224-00076380 with each course, raalpjvnLLM-00266-00076380-00076600 given the option that I have mentioned earlier. raalpjvnLLM-00267-00076600-00076931 Also, there were additional courses offered fully online. raalpjvnLLM-00268-00076931-00077317 Here is an example of English 106 OL, raalpjvnLLM-00269-00077317-00077688 as an online only alternative to English 106. raalpjvnLLM-00270-00077688-00077942 These OL courses are only available to students raalpjvnLLM-00271-00077942-00078701 that did not come to campus. raalpjvnLLM-00272-00078701-00078907 For students scheduling, raalpjvnLLM-00273-00078907-00079250 we needed to rebuild class schedules for a lot of students. raalpjvnLLM-00274-00079250-00079569 We have decided to use bed scheduling for that. raalpjvnLLM-00275-00079569-00079693 For continuing students raalpjvnLLM-00276-00079693-00079987 that were already enrolled in one or more courses raalpjvnLLM-00277-00079987-00080151 that needed to be changed in a way raalpjvnLLM-00278-00080151-00080423 that prevented the student to just stay in the sections raalpjvnLLM-00279-00080423-00080523 they were in before, raalpjvnLLM-00280-00080523-00080736 we have dropped them from the courses raalpjvnLLM-00281-00080736-00081141 and created registrations for them to get the courses back, raalpjvnLLM-00282-00081141-00081554 preferring the sections either or a general in. raalpjvnLLM-00283-00081554-00081857 These students were not able to make schedule changes raalpjvnLLM-00284-00081857-00082284 after like mid-July when the course timetable raalpjvnLLM-00285-00082284-00082452 and students schedules were done. raalpjvnLLM-00286-00082452-00082722 For the incoming students, raalpjvnLLM-00287-00082722-00082988 the day on campus where the students come in, raalpjvnLLM-00288-00082988-00083247 we call it the star student transition advising raalpjvnLLM-00289-00083247-00083417 and registration program. raalpjvnLLM-00290-00083417-00083656 It was done completely online. raalpjvnLLM-00291-00083656-00084031 And the students registered essentially as usually raalpjvnLLM-00292-00084031-00084187 based on whether they indicated raalpjvnLLM-00293-00084187-00084433 that they will come on campus or not come to campus. raalpjvnLLM-00294-00084433-00084574 So essentially when they decided raalpjvnLLM-00295-00084574-00084718 they will not come to campus, raalpjvnLLM-00296-00084718-00084993 they're only allowed to take the OL, raalpjvnLLM-00297-00084993-00085116 the online only courses. raalpjvnLLM-00298-00085116-00085235 When they come to campus, raalpjvnLLM-00299-00085235-00085802 they pick up the regular residential courses. raalpjvnLLM-00300-00085802-00086189 For students that decided to be off campus, raalpjvnLLM-00301-00086189-00086385 and this could be some of the incoming students raalpjvnLLM-00302-00086385-00086632 but also some of the continuing students, raalpjvnLLM-00303-00086632-00086930 the students registered together with the incoming students, raalpjvnLLM-00304-00086930-00087274 but only for using these OL online only courses. raalpjvnLLM-00305-00087274-00087537 All these students were batch together in mid July raalpjvnLLM-00306-00087537-00087808 using the UniTime students scheduling solver. raalpjvnLLM-00307-00087808-00088091 And that allows us to make changes to their schedules raalpjvnLLM-00308-00088091-00088343 only after this was done. raalpjvnLLM-00309-00088343-00088675 So they had a couple of weeks before the classes started raalpjvnLLM-00310-00088675-00089444 to make some adjustments if they needed to. raalpjvnLLM-00311-00089444-00089544 Here are some results raalpjvnLLM-00312-00089544-00089767 for the fall 2020 students rescheduling. raalpjvnLLM-00313-00089767-00090002 We have around the students scheduling raalpjvnLLM-00314-00090002-00090273 for close to 25,000 of students. raalpjvnLLM-00315-00090273-00090856 15,000 students that only needed to be rescheduled in one raalpjvnLLM-00316-00090856-00090976 or more of their courses raalpjvnLLM-00317-00090976-00091137 due to the course timetabling changes. raalpjvnLLM-00318-00091137-00091605 This is the continuing care residential students. raalpjvnLLM-00319-00091605-00091872 Then there're about about 3,700 of students raalpjvnLLM-00320-00091872-00092011 that did not come to campus, raalpjvnLLM-00321-00092011-00092372 both continuing online and incoming online students. raalpjvnLLM-00322-00092372-00092730 And finally, there were about 8,000 of incoming students raalpjvnLLM-00323-00092730-00092991 that have chosen to come to campus. raalpjvnLLM-00324-00092991-00093335 Overall, we were able to give these students raalpjvnLLM-00325-00093335-00093704 about 95 to 99% of the courses they requested raalpjvnLLM-00326-00093704-00093938 and almost all of those that were marked raalpjvnLLM-00327-00093938-00094144 as critical in their degree plans. raalpjvnLLM-00328-00094144-00094405 The table also shows how good the solver was raalpjvnLLM-00329-00094405-00094688 in trying to satisfy students' preferences. raalpjvnLLM-00330-00094688-00094892 For the continuing students, raalpjvnLLM-00331-00094892-00095019 the preferences were actually raalpjvnLLM-00332-00095019-00095206 based on the original enrollment. raalpjvnLLM-00333-00095206-00095455 So we were able to satisfy most of these. raalpjvnLLM-00334-00095455-00095586 For the online students, raalpjvnLLM-00335-00095586-00095807 that hasn't really been that many of choice. raalpjvnLLM-00336-00095807-00096002 So a lot of the preferences there raalpjvnLLM-00337-00096002-00096189 that they didn't get much choice. raalpjvnLLM-00338-00096189-00096623 So we just gave them the course that they prefer, raalpjvnLLM-00339-00096623-00096869 or the section that they preferred. raalpjvnLLM-00340-00096869-00097257 For the incoming students, the number is a little lower. raalpjvnLLM-00341-00097257-00097593 Finally, that is also a percentage of residential students raalpjvnLLM-00342-00097593-00097832 that did not get any face to face classes, raalpjvnLLM-00343-00097832-00098037 which fortunate levels very small, raalpjvnLLM-00344-00098037-00098491 or that got less than half of their classes face to face. raalpjvnLLM-00345-00098491-00098760 Yeah, I would also like to mention that raalpjvnLLM-00346-00098760-00099001 for the continuing residential students, raalpjvnLLM-00347-00099001-00099416 on average 1.8 courses they had in the schedule. raalpjvnLLM-00348-00099416-00099764 So from average like 5.5 courses raalpjvnLLM-00349-00099764-00100016 were courses that they were already batched to. raalpjvnLLM-00350-00100016-00100219 So most of their schedule just stay as it is. raalpjvnLLM-00351-00100219-00100449 And there have been a couple of changes raalpjvnLLM-00352-00100449-00101643 for essentially each of these students. raalpjvnLLM-00353-00101643-00101883 There were additional challenges to this process. raalpjvnLLM-00354-00101883-00102122 We had to make various improvements to unitize raalpjvnLLM-00355-00102122-00102357 mostly to help the automation of the process, raalpjvnLLM-00356-00102357-00102623 but also to allow for the course timetabling solver raalpjvnLLM-00357-00102623-00102797 to run in the MPP mode, raalpjvnLLM-00358-00102797-00102968 where the times that only allowed raalpjvnLLM-00359-00102968-00103389 to be changed for four classes that are newly added. raalpjvnLLM-00360-00103389-00103647 So all the existing classes had to absolutely raalpjvnLLM-00361-00103647-00104124 stay in the times in that schedule raalpjvnLLM-00362-00104124-00104340 and we were just moving the rooms around. raalpjvnLLM-00363-00104340-00104625 Similarly, for the bed scheduling of continuing students, raalpjvnLLM-00364-00104625-00104818 we had to make sure that for those students raalpjvnLLM-00365-00104818-00105273 we were batching that the other courses on their schedule, raalpjvnLLM-00366-00105273-00105524 that they stayed fixed. raalpjvnLLM-00367-00105524-00105950 There was also a class attendance program at Purdue raalpjvnLLM-00368-00105950-00106190 helping that contact tracing raalpjvnLLM-00369-00106190-00106377 and attendance of those classes, raalpjvnLLM-00370-00106377-00106660 which only allow some students to attend each morning. raalpjvnLLM-00371-00106660-00106949 So it was on the instructors to decide, "Okay, raalpjvnLLM-00372-00106949-00107115 this set of the students will come on Monday. raalpjvnLLM-00373-00107115-00107305 This set of students will come on Wednesdays raalpjvnLLM-00374-00107305-00107595 and they set up the students will come on on Fridays." raalpjvnLLM-00375-00107595-00107701 And they had... raalpjvnLLM-00376-00107701-00107996 It was up to them to decide how to split the students raalpjvnLLM-00377-00107996-00108422 within the meetings they had. raalpjvnLLM-00378-00108422-00108696 We have also had a bit, raalpjvnLLM-00379-00108696-00108877 the so-called course modality reporting, raalpjvnLLM-00380-00108877-00109202 tracking how many courses or classes are being offered raalpjvnLLM-00381-00109202-00109557 in the face to face or online mode. raalpjvnLLM-00382-00109557-00109877 This was actually quite important as we needed to make sure raalpjvnLLM-00383-00109877-00110077 that for the students that come to campus, raalpjvnLLM-00384-00110077-00110344 they have at least some face-to-face classes raalpjvnLLM-00385-00110344-00110465 and preferably at least raalpjvnLLM-00386-00110465-00110645 half of their schedules face to face. raalpjvnLLM-00387-00110645-00110825 Because like would they come to campus raalpjvnLLM-00388-00110825-00111652 to not have any face to face classes? raalpjvnLLM-00389-00111652-00111767 For the last two slides, raalpjvnLLM-00390-00111767-00112035 I have also few notes about the following terms raalpjvnLLM-00391-00112035-00112255 and the so-called getting back to normal. raalpjvnLLM-00392-00112255-00112672 For spring 2021, the timetabling and students scheduling raalpjvnLLM-00393-00112672-00113027 use the same policies as for fall 2020. raalpjvnLLM-00394-00113027-00113382 But the process was easier since the timetabling raalpjvnLLM-00395-00113382-00113580 and student schedules are built from the start raalpjvnLLM-00396-00113580-00113911 with these policies in mind. raalpjvnLLM-00397-00113911-00114148 That was also more focused in making sure that raalpjvnLLM-00398-00114148-00114544 each department offers enough face-to-face classes and, raalpjvnLLM-00399-00114544-00114667 excuse me, the course timetabling raalpjvnLLM-00400-00114667-00115020 for all the classrooms on campus was done centrally. raalpjvnLLM-00401-00115020-00115334 We also have first time ever at Purdue, raalpjvnLLM-00402-00115334-00115563 all the under graduate students registered raalpjvnLLM-00403-00115563-00115783 and they go their initial schedules raalpjvnLLM-00404-00115783-00116063 based on their pre-registration raalpjvnLLM-00405-00116063-00116367 built using the UniTime's batch students scheduling solver. raalpjvnLLM-00406-00116367-00116542 This provided some additional challenges raalpjvnLLM-00407-00116542-00116875 as there were over 31,000 of students raalpjvnLLM-00408-00116875-00117305 that registered and had to be batched. raalpjvnLLM-00409-00117305-00117672 And that's a huge optimization problem. raalpjvnLLM-00410-00117672-00117905 We have also added the prioritizations, raalpjvnLLM-00411-00117905-00118059 giving more priority to athletes raalpjvnLLM-00412-00118059-00118200 and other priority students, raalpjvnLLM-00413-00118200-00118405 then the students that are about to graduate raalpjvnLLM-00414-00118405-00118648 and senior students. raalpjvnLLM-00415-00118648-00118757 For fall 2021, raalpjvnLLM-00416-00118757-00119074 we are back to normal in the types of policies. raalpjvnLLM-00417-00119074-00119194 The room capacities are back raalpjvnLLM-00418-00119194-00119441 and there are no off campus students. raalpjvnLLM-00419-00119441-00119664 That are, however, still quite a lot of courses raalpjvnLLM-00420-00119664-00120100 being offered online or with some online components to them. raalpjvnLLM-00421-00120100-00120383 Also, the course timetabling still was done centrally raalpjvnLLM-00422-00120383-00120657 for all classes needing a classroom raalpjvnLLM-00423-00120657-00120886 and all the undergraduate students did preregister raalpjvnLLM-00424-00120886-00121095 and have been batched. raalpjvnLLM-00425-00121095-00121307 We are currently raalpjvnLLM-00426-00121307-00121540 in the preregistration of incoming students, raalpjvnLLM-00427-00121540-00122016 where we are looking at an unusually large incoming class raalpjvnLLM-00428-00122016-00122307 that brings additional challenges to the process. raalpjvnLLM-00429-00122307-00122658 - [Stephanie] It's 20 minutes. raalpjvnLLM-00430-00122658-00123134 - Okay, I have the last slide here. raalpjvnLLM-00431-00123134-00123234 Here are some results raalpjvnLLM-00432-00123234-00123567 from the students scheduling of spring 2021. raalpjvnLLM-00433-00123567-00123899 This is that I've mentioned close to 31,000 of students raalpjvnLLM-00434-00123899-00124139 and the table is actually there at two ways. raalpjvnLLM-00435-00124139-00124553 It's split by whether they came to campus or online, raalpjvnLLM-00436-00124553-00124692 or either private. raalpjvnLLM-00437-00124692-00124996 So the priority students then graduating students raalpjvnLLM-00438-00124996-00125313 that had 100 or more credits already, raalpjvnLLM-00439-00125313-00125541 senior students that had less than 100, raalpjvnLLM-00440-00125541-00126088 but more than 60 or more and the remaining students. raalpjvnLLM-00441-00126088-00126432 We have been able out of these gave raalpjvnLLM-00442-00126432-00126860 over 96 of the courses that these students requested. raalpjvnLLM-00443-00126860-00127095 And you can see that the priority students raalpjvnLLM-00444-00127095-00127413 got a little better. raalpjvnLLM-00445-00127413-00127705 In most cases, students did not get courses raalpjvnLLM-00446-00127705-00127901 because there were had no space available. raalpjvnLLM-00447-00127901-00128294 So yeah, a lot of the stuff it's up to the limit. raalpjvnLLM-00448-00128294-00128432 But for the critical courses, raalpjvnLLM-00449-00128432-00128609 for the courses that are marked as critical raalpjvnLLM-00450-00128609-00128724 in their degree plans, raalpjvnLLM-00451-00128724-00129076 those you're able to give all of them. raalpjvnLLM-00452-00129076-00129645 For the preferences, the overall numbers are a little better raalpjvnLLM-00453-00129645-00129745 but it's mostly raalpjvnLLM-00454-00129745-00130055 because we were able to build all of them together. raalpjvnLLM-00455-00130055-00130327 And you can also see for the residential students, raalpjvnLLM-00456-00130327-00130795 how many of the students did get any face to face classes raalpjvnLLM-00457-00130795-00131751 or did get less than half of their schedules face to face. raalpjvnLLM-00458-00131751-00131851 Thank you. raalpjvnLLM-00459-00131851-00131951 Before we start with the questions, raalpjvnLLM-00460-00131951-00132191 I would like to know that you can come see us raalpjvnLLM-00461-00132191-00132358 at one of the expositions raalpjvnLLM-00462-00132358-00132691 and that there will be one more presentation about UniTime. raalpjvnLLM-00463-00132691-00133133 I think it's on Wednesday about the APIs. raalpjvnLLM-00464-00133133-00133695 So, are there any questions? raalpjvnLLM-00465-00133695-00133991 I don't see anything in the shared notes I think. raalpjvnLLM-00466-00133991-00134852 - [Stephanie] I'm not currently seeing any questions either. raalpjvnLLM-00467-00134852-00135610 So I guess we will just go ahead and wrap this up raalpjvnLLM-00468-00135610-00135907 if no one has any questions, raalpjvnLLM-00469-00135907-00136401 and get the room prepared for the next presenter. raalpjvnLLM-00470-00136401-00136539 Thank you all for attending. raalpjvnLLM-00471-00136539-00136689 - Yeah, thank you. rc7JWqneU0A-00000-00000008-00000369 Hi guys, welcome to the second video of my progression on my musa. rc7JWqneU0A-00001-00000369-00000750 Today I will be showing u my work that I've done in one week of playing. rc7JWqneU0A-00002-00000750-00001300 I wasn't grinding that much, but I've still managed to get some money and exp. rc7JWqneU0A-00003-00001300-00001682 This video we will be starting at the same place that we've ended the last one. rc7JWqneU0A-00004-00001682-00001982 So I've grinded my level 59 on Gahaz bandits. rc7JWqneU0A-00005-00001982-00002213 Then I've done a couple of main quests. rc7JWqneU0A-00006-00002213-00002686 At this time, I've collected enough money to buy TRI Kzarka, which pushed my AP a little rc7JWqneU0A-00007-00002686-00003164 bit, so I've decided to try my luck in Crescent shrine. rc7JWqneU0A-00008-00003164-00003868 I was getting 6 to 7k of thrash loot, 2-4 soiled crescent rings and 2-5 ancient scrolls rc7JWqneU0A-00009-00003868-00004458 I've got three Crescent rings while I was grinding here. rc7JWqneU0A-00010-00004458-00005498 In the meantime, I was also doing shadow rifts, which helped me to get some extra silver. rc7JWqneU0A-00011-00005498-00006528 And there you have some of the openings that I've done this week. rc7JWqneU0A-00012-00006528-00007053 In my gear are just four new things, the first one is PRI: Ogre ring, which I've got from rc7JWqneU0A-00013-00007053-00007647 event box, the second thing is my TRI Dande which I've bought from the market My TRI Kzarka rc7JWqneU0A-00014-00007647-00008510 is from the market as well and the last thing is my Belt which is from Dark Rift. rc7JWqneU0A-00015-00008510-00009030 So this was my progress from one week of playing, as I said I wasn't really griding that much, rc7JWqneU0A-00016-00009030-00009275 but I think that I've done good progress anyways. rc7JWqneU0A-00017-00009275-00009594 I hope u liked this video and it would be nice to leave a comment. rc7JWqneU0A-00018-00009594-00009628 Bye! rceXDOqnodE-00000-00000016-00000680 so my name is lee rauk i am a phd student at the university of miami my pronouns are she her hers rceXDOqnodE-00001-00000744-00000936 and i'll pass it to scott to introduce himself rceXDOqnodE-00002-00001096-00001784 everybody scott evans also university of miami uh united states um associate professor rceXDOqnodE-00003-00001784-00002240 in our school of education and human development uh pronouns he him his rceXDOqnodE-00004-00002480-00003096 great um i don't know if we want to do quick introductions scott or just use the chat function rceXDOqnodE-00005-00003240-00003552 i think we're small enough to folks mind just doing a quick uh hello and rceXDOqnodE-00006-00003552-00003992 check in so we can maybe hear your voice and potentially see your face if it works for you rceXDOqnodE-00007-00004088-00004384 others although numbers seem to be growing here rceXDOqnodE-00008-00004752-00005240 uh hi i'll i'll say uh chris i'm the host for the sessions i'm only tech rceXDOqnodE-00009-00005328-00005784 support at the moment at victoria university in melbourne australia rceXDOqnodE-00010-00006536-00006936 anybody else can introduce themselves or just introduce yourselves in the chat whichever rceXDOqnodE-00011-00006936-00007776 you feel most comfortable with my my name's rama um he him pronouns and i'm at victoria university rceXDOqnodE-00012-00007776-00008584 in australia as well great my name is roshani um same as rama from victoria university australia rceXDOqnodE-00013-00008880-00009408 hi i'm gina langhow i use she her hers pronouns and i'm at university of california at santa cruz rceXDOqnodE-00014-00009864-00009896 hi rceXDOqnodE-00015-00010848-00011384 um yeah i finished a victoria university a couple of years ago um my first rceXDOqnodE-00016-00011384-00011872 international conference it's been really uh wonderful so far so yeah nice to meet you rceXDOqnodE-00017-00012032-00012784 interesting first international conference um i'm amy quayle at bu as well rceXDOqnodE-00018-00013976-00014312 people were go ahead rceXDOqnodE-00019-00014768-00015247 sorry might have interrupted somebody but maybe we'll ask the rest of folks just to drop their rceXDOqnodE-00020-00015247-00015519 quick intros and preferred pronouns in the chat rceXDOqnodE-00021-00015624-00016184 and then we can timely short so we'll kind of move it along thanks back to lee great rceXDOqnodE-00022-00016319-00016824 yeah so thanks for being here everyone good morning good afternoon good evening wherever rceXDOqnodE-00023-00016824-00017328 you are in the world right now um we just wanted to start off really sort of quickly rceXDOqnodE-00024-00017328-00017824 with a land acknowledgement um we're just going to acknowledge the land of where we are in miami rceXDOqnodE-00025-00017824-00018296 um and just acknowledge that we live and work on the ancestral land of the quest of people the rceXDOqnodE-00026-00018296-00018824 seminole people the missus people and the miami people and we just acknowledge that naming this rceXDOqnodE-00027-00018824-00019272 is you know just merely the beginning steps to pair respects to the members of these communities rceXDOqnodE-00028-00019272-00019760 both past and present and to honor the larger truth-telling and reconciliation efforts um rceXDOqnodE-00029-00019760-00020144 while recognizing the effects of colonization on the people who lived here for centuries before rceXDOqnodE-00030-00020208-00020640 and we just encourage you to um if you don't know already to look up the land that you're rceXDOqnodE-00031-00020640-00021344 on and to just um you know acknowledge maybe the place where you're at right now so um today we rceXDOqnodE-00032-00021344-00021936 wanted to have a conversation about anti-racism and what that means for us as researchers as rceXDOqnodE-00033-00022000-00022640 community members community partners as we build relationships to do the work that we do um just rceXDOqnodE-00034-00022640-00023136 to sort of start the conversation we'll share just a little bit about our own experience with rceXDOqnodE-00035-00023136-00023624 anti-racism and committing to that work and what it means for us to build an anti-racist practice rceXDOqnodE-00036-00023680-00024176 sort of a disclaimer i think both of us are in the early infancy stages of building our own rceXDOqnodE-00037-00024176-00024624 anti-racist practice and you know certainly are not the experts and so we're really just happy rceXDOqnodE-00038-00024624-00025152 to have this space with you all today to learn from each other learn what you all are doing um rceXDOqnodE-00039-00025152-00025592 and just talk about what it means to have an anti-racist practice what that looks like rceXDOqnodE-00040-00025592-00026088 um and how can we help each other to build that to improve the work that we do with rceXDOqnodE-00041-00026088-00026664 our communities so for us and for me i'm currently working on my dissertation and rceXDOqnodE-00042-00026664-00027056 have been working with an organization in miami for the past two years called power u rceXDOqnodE-00043-00027056-00027576 they're a black led youth organizing group here in miami and they focus on dismantling rceXDOqnodE-00044-00027576-00028095 the school-to-prison pipeline and really work on organizing black and brown working-class young rceXDOqnodE-00045-00028095-00028856 people in miami to you know change the conditions of their education of their communities and as i rceXDOqnodE-00046-00028856-00029304 began working with them in an interest to do work with them not just because of my rceXDOqnodE-00047-00029304-00029704 dissertation but because i was really interested and committed to the work that they're doing rceXDOqnodE-00048-00029704-00030072 um you know i started to think about what does it mean for me to be a white person in this space rceXDOqnodE-00049-00030072-00030752 with these young people and with these organizers who are black and marginalized and people of color rceXDOqnodE-00050-00030752-00031320 and you know realizing that i haven't hadn't spent a lot of time thinking about my own whiteness and rceXDOqnodE-00051-00031320-00031760 what it means to be white especially to be a white researcher who you know brings with me a rceXDOqnodE-00052-00031760-00032248 lot of history of harm that white researchers have caused on marginalized communities so rceXDOqnodE-00053-00032327-00032752 um you know really started looking for how do i do this work in a way that's rceXDOqnodE-00054-00032824-00033432 that is you know mitigating harm as best as i can and that wasn't really being talked about rceXDOqnodE-00055-00033432-00033944 in my core community psychology classes and so i started looking for readings and resources rceXDOqnodE-00056-00033944-00034568 outside of my coursework and um took a training on anti-racism from a black woman in miami who rceXDOqnodE-00057-00034568-00034960 does a lot of trainings around anti-racist work and what it means to have an anti-racist rceXDOqnodE-00058-00034960-00035424 practice and really just began learning from her and from that training um what that means rceXDOqnodE-00059-00035424-00035848 and what that looks like and so you know for me that means a lot of personal reflection building rceXDOqnodE-00060-00035848-00036456 in that personal reflection into my dissertation asking myself constantly what how am i showing rceXDOqnodE-00061-00036456-00036904 up in this space what does solidarity mean how can i be in solidarity with this organization rceXDOqnodE-00062-00036904-00037456 and with other community partners working with a local showing up for racial justice group where rceXDOqnodE-00063-00037456-00037952 you know myself and other white and white passing folks talk about whiteness and what that means and rceXDOqnodE-00064-00037952-00038480 unpacking our own biases paying attention to who i cite in my dissertation and other rceXDOqnodE-00065-00038480-00039200 works of publications and conference work that i do um you know trying to redistribute rceXDOqnodE-00066-00039200-00039888 financial resources when i really benefit from a person of color's work and when it really helps rceXDOqnodE-00067-00039888-00040400 um just shape my own learning and trying to pay them for their time and their labor and rceXDOqnodE-00068-00040400-00040784 compensate them in that way so those are just a few things that i've started doing rceXDOqnodE-00069-00040920-00041440 you know very basic things but i think really important things to be doing and so really just rceXDOqnodE-00070-00041440-00041952 excited to share ideas share what it means to be building this anti-racist practice what that looks rceXDOqnodE-00071-00041952-00042472 like for all of us and how we can support each other and building this work and i'll give scott rceXDOqnodE-00072-00042472-00042936 a little bit of space to talk about what we've done on the team on our research team and so rceXDOqnodE-00073-00043224-00044032 thanks lee um yeah and i think um too recently i've had to really come to grips with um rceXDOqnodE-00074-00044144-00044848 how i in my own graduate studies years ago i wasn't really forced at any point to um to rceXDOqnodE-00075-00044848-00045528 come to grips with my own privilege and i think um partially due to some gaps in in my graduate rceXDOqnodE-00076-00045528-00046072 program um but also just a lot of blind spots that i was working with and that you know comes with rceXDOqnodE-00077-00046128-00046856 all the privilege that i have just being a white male and you know truly i've been rceXDOqnodE-00078-00046984-00047656 forced to and challenged uh in a great way by by my community partners and and also the students rceXDOqnodE-00079-00047656-00048344 that i work with lee being one of them to to really change the way we do our research team rceXDOqnodE-00080-00048496-00049024 meetings in general and the way we approach our community work and some of that involved rceXDOqnodE-00081-00049024-00049680 like we said bringing in some outside folks to help us kind of wrestle with um rceXDOqnodE-00082-00049856-00050432 some things that we haven't really looked at in detail and and and also acknowledging that we're rceXDOqnodE-00083-00050432-00051048 uh kind of embedded in an institution that's certainly uh kind of grounded in kind of white rceXDOqnodE-00084-00051048-00051608 supremacist culture and so bringing a lot of those things to the foreground has been really important rceXDOqnodE-00085-00051688-00052360 and i just saw natalie pop in natalie was on my research team before she retreated back to uh rceXDOqnodE-00086-00052479-00053008 to canada and she was really involved in kind of getting a lot of that started where we were rceXDOqnodE-00087-00053008-00053600 using the research team space to examine a lot of our own assumptions our own biases and certainly rceXDOqnodE-00088-00053600-00054096 our own privilege but this more recent work with with power you that we is reverting to rceXDOqnodE-00089-00054160-00055000 uh referring to um is has really helped us um kind of approach this uh in a way that is more rceXDOqnodE-00090-00055000-00055640 focused on kind of anti-racism anti-racist practice and so likely said hoping we can um rceXDOqnodE-00091-00055712-00056279 you know uh acknowledge that we're um or at least i'll speak for myself i'm still uh rceXDOqnodE-00092-00056352-00056967 kind of learning how to how to be better and how to do this um this work and really commit to this rceXDOqnodE-00093-00056967-00057504 type of practice um and we kind of wanted to put ourselves out there in this in this rceXDOqnodE-00094-00057504-00058064 conference with you guys in this session uh to see if we could uh have an honest dialogue about rceXDOqnodE-00095-00058120-00058720 um the benefits and challenges of of coming face-to-face with privilege in the context rceXDOqnodE-00096-00058720-00059536 of our working communities we'll pass it back to lee great yeah thanks for sharing that extra bit rceXDOqnodE-00097-00059536-00060055 of information scott so yeah before we jump into a conversation together i just want to rceXDOqnodE-00098-00060144-00060464 establish some group norms you know these conversations are difficult and rceXDOqnodE-00099-00060464-00060864 um really challenging and so we just want to make sure we're entering into this conversation rceXDOqnodE-00100-00060864-00061448 sort of all at the same baseline and understanding um so some norms that i've put together that i rceXDOqnodE-00101-00061448-00061967 think can help guide our conversation today are welcoming multiple viewpoints especially at an rceXDOqnodE-00102-00061967-00062424 international conference we're all coming from all over the world which is um such an amazing rceXDOqnodE-00103-00062424-00063000 space to be a part of owning your intentions and your impact working to recognize your privileges rceXDOqnodE-00104-00063000-00063488 taking risks by leaning into the discomfort of the conversation and stepping into your bravery rceXDOqnodE-00105-00063488-00064016 maybe sharing things that feel uncomfortable but that can contribute to the learning environment rceXDOqnodE-00106-00064072-00064672 making space and taking space on name and noticing and naming group dynamics in the moment rceXDOqnodE-00107-00064752-00065248 this is a learning environment and so naming those those dynamics in the moment really helps us to rceXDOqnodE-00108-00065248-00065720 to learn together actively listening to one another and challenging with care rceXDOqnodE-00109-00065720-00066232 you know this is again a challenging and difficult conversation but i think we can rceXDOqnodE-00110-00066296-00066664 be in the space to challenge each other and to push each other um but that's the norms that rceXDOqnodE-00111-00066664-00067208 i came up with is there any other group norms that others want to add or name and you can drop rceXDOqnodE-00112-00067208-00067600 them in the chat or you can unmute yourself and just add to the collective group norms rceXDOqnodE-00113-00068208-00068976 i'm hearing none um so i think we're a big enough group that will just maybe divide off into two rceXDOqnodE-00114-00068976-00069624 small breakout rooms and just have a conversation i have some questions to to guide the small group rceXDOqnodE-00115-00069624-00070176 but of course you know we can feel free to talk about this this topic and with anything that comes rceXDOqnodE-00116-00070176-00070664 up for you but um some questions that i've put together are what does anti-racism mean to you rceXDOqnodE-00117-00070664-00071136 what does a commitment to an anti-racist practice mean for you and how would a commitment to an rceXDOqnodE-00118-00071136-00071648 anti-racist racism or an anti-racist practice impact your research and community partnerships rceXDOqnodE-00119-00071760-00072608 i also put together a jam board which is just a way where you can basically like write down a rceXDOqnodE-00120-00072608-00073040 little sticky notes your responses that you talk about in your groups i find that sometimes when rceXDOqnodE-00121-00073040-00073408 we come back to a large group it's like what did we talk about i don't know what to report back so rceXDOqnodE-00122-00073472-00074072 this is a great way to just capture people's responses just to hear what we all have to say and rceXDOqnodE-00123-00074208-00074760 basically at the top of the jamboard there is the different frames that have the different questions rceXDOqnodE-00124-00074760-00075112 and then off to the side you can drag and drop a new sticky note rceXDOqnodE-00125-00075112-00075544 and you can edit the sticky note and just add things the sticky notes are anonymous so they rceXDOqnodE-00126-00075544-00075960 won't have your name attached to them but feel free to add what you talk about in your groups rceXDOqnodE-00127-00076208-00076560 so lee i've made scott host unless he wants to revert that back to me rceXDOqnodE-00128-00076560-00076984 then i can coordinate the breakout rooms otherwise scotty you're in the driving seat rceXDOqnodE-00129-00077056-00077712 you're recording you're doing the whole lot i have control i'm gonna do three groups that's okay rceXDOqnodE-00130-00077712-00078248 lee because it looks like we got about 20 or so folks so give us a little bit more breathing room rceXDOqnodE-00131-00078480-00079368 and how many minutes did you say um about 20 minutes okay and i'll post the while the questions rceXDOqnodE-00132-00079368-00080160 are on the gm board but we'll drop them into the breakout room chat as well um and ready go rceXDOqnodE-00133-00080272-00081384 join rceXDOqnodE-00134-00085376-00085584 hey lester are you there can you hear me rceXDOqnodE-00135-00086872-00087224 hey lester if you can hear me we're uh we're in small groups you should have a rceXDOqnodE-00136-00087304-00088384 option to join a breakout room on your screen if you if you're able to see it rceXDOqnodE-00137-00101008-00102384 um rceXDOqnodE-00138-00113583-00113592 you rceXDOqnodE-00139-00116472-00117783 um rceXDOqnodE-00140-00150224-00151384 yes rceXDOqnodE-00141-00154840-00155584 oh rceXDOqnodE-00142-00165568-00166784 um rceXDOqnodE-00143-00178984-00179384 okay rceXDOqnodE-00144-00181968-00182744 hi i was on room one i think i was turned off because of my son rceXDOqnodE-00145-00182824-00183584 i don't know if i could come back rceXDOqnodE-00146-00196136-00196200 still just us rceXDOqnodE-00147-00196712-00196784 oh man rceXDOqnodE-00148-00197384-00197608 oh no we found some other people it's not just us anymore rceXDOqnodE-00149-00198512-00198920 i don't know you guys experience when you teach classes when you when you close the breakout rceXDOqnodE-00150-00198920-00199280 rooms it gives you 60 seconds but students automatically leave they're like we're going rceXDOqnodE-00151-00199640-00200000 we waited like half we said our goodbyes and then out of there rceXDOqnodE-00152-00200280-00200848 we also had multiple babies in our session which was really lovely still one is still there rceXDOqnodE-00153-00201136-00201344 hopefully hopefully with adult supervision they're not just rceXDOqnodE-00154-00201344-00201784 there by them by themselves hanging out talking about their anti-racist practice rceXDOqnodE-00155-00202288-00202432 that's totally a session i would join rceXDOqnodE-00156-00202632-00202960 mine's going to be joining in a second and i swear she looks like she's ready for college rceXDOqnodE-00157-00202960-00203320 so she'll probably come and contribute to the conversation even though she can only say daddy rceXDOqnodE-00158-00203600-00204280 all right well i think we have most people back um so i'm just you know i guess report rceXDOqnodE-00159-00204280-00204848 back on what you talked about in your small groups what was generative what was helpful rceXDOqnodE-00160-00204936-00205271 what came up for you all in your conversations i'm really curious to hear rceXDOqnodE-00161-00205832-00205984 done i'll share it once rceXDOqnodE-00162-00207856-00207936 oh all right rceXDOqnodE-00163-00208223-00208784 let's hate to zoom silence rceXDOqnodE-00164-00209040-00209352 um yeah i was in the babies group rceXDOqnodE-00165-00209680-00210360 and um we talked about a lot of things but we did talk about the fact that um rceXDOqnodE-00166-00210576-00211296 we many of us have found it tricky in the organizations that we work in because rceXDOqnodE-00167-00211408-00212176 that kind of happy to to to talk about anti-racist or any oppressive practice rceXDOqnodE-00168-00212271-00213208 um in relation to the external world um and in the community and that sort of terminology rceXDOqnodE-00169-00213208-00213976 is is viewed as absolutely appropriate in that setting but um suggesting that rceXDOqnodE-00170-00213976-00215056 there is a level of internal racial inequity is much much much more difficult so they can rceXDOqnodE-00171-00215056-00215784 support what you're doing externally but if you want to turn the mirror a lot of resistance rceXDOqnodE-00172-00216544-00217088 i think i really resonate with that um just even being a grad student you know i feel like this rceXDOqnodE-00173-00217088-00217792 work externally is you know really supported by community partners and um by other relationships rceXDOqnodE-00174-00217792-00218271 with other community members that i've built but um once the conversation sort of comes internally rceXDOqnodE-00175-00218271-00218848 into you know our own program or even thinking about scraw as an organization there definitely rceXDOqnodE-00176-00218848-00219240 seems to be a lot more resistance to having that conversation or implicating ourselves and rceXDOqnodE-00177-00219408-00219984 you know racist practices or oppressive practices so i certainly resonate with that rceXDOqnodE-00178-00221080-00221664 we also in the i was also in the same group um we also just spoke about the rceXDOqnodE-00179-00221792-00222616 the emotional work that would be needed to do this and how it wouldn't be easy and how we've seen in rceXDOqnodE-00180-00222616-00223144 different spaces when it works and when it doesn't work because it brings up so many emotions and rceXDOqnodE-00181-00223216-00223656 white fragility or you know any one of these dynamics that we rceXDOqnodE-00182-00223656-00224304 tend to prefer leaving under the surface so how do we do this in such a way that we don't rceXDOqnodE-00183-00224304-00224871 other like or that we don't that people don't feel judged and that they feel rather on the rceXDOqnodE-00184-00224871-00225688 contrary healed and held um in the work of moving towards um anti-racist dynamics rceXDOqnodE-00185-00226256-00226567 yeah i think that's a good point and i'd like to speak to rceXDOqnodE-00186-00226567-00227200 that um i've been i have read in the past some of zeus leonardo's work and he talks about rceXDOqnodE-00187-00227200-00227928 um kind of the technology of emotion for white folks and how as whites we tend to bifurcate rceXDOqnodE-00188-00228032-00228496 um whiteness into the good whites and the bad whites so i find it useful at least in rceXDOqnodE-00189-00228496-00229064 my community psychology classes and in activist settings i'm in and other spaces too to talk about rceXDOqnodE-00190-00229064-00229640 how um like there's this isn't about good and bad um but it's about like rceXDOqnodE-00191-00229744-00230312 if if we've messed up and somebody's calling us in that's an act of love and to try to hold it that rceXDOqnodE-00192-00230312-00230944 way and like that person wouldn't have raised it if they didn't think that i was capable of change rceXDOqnodE-00193-00230944-00231471 and so that's the way that i personally have worked to get through my own defensiveness rceXDOqnodE-00194-00231471-00232056 around that issue and i think it's useful to just have open conversations about that and to hear rceXDOqnodE-00195-00232144-00232816 i guess from other white people how we strategize like staying present and showing up again rceXDOqnodE-00196-00232816-00233984 after we've messed up and yeah seeing things as a process and not ever perfect rceXDOqnodE-00197-00234352-00234712 thanks for that gina and i was telling my small group that rceXDOqnodE-00198-00234776-00235223 my biggest challenge has been kind of dealing with my own defensiveness and you know maybe rceXDOqnodE-00199-00235223-00235680 thinking that i'm i'm one of the good lights right and then i get called in or called out i rceXDOqnodE-00200-00235680-00236096 like well wait a minute um and so being really honest about rceXDOqnodE-00201-00236096-00236800 um those moments and it is an emotional reaction that i feel um that turns into defensiveness um rceXDOqnodE-00202-00236856-00237440 and trying to kind of get past that and kind of step back into it has been my ongoing practice rceXDOqnodE-00203-00237728-00238080 yeah it's a it's a great question like we we so often talk about rceXDOqnodE-00204-00238080-00238648 calling people out or um i like it like the way it's put like instead of confront we care rceXDOqnodE-00205-00238648-00239448 from but we don't often talk about or reflect upon being called out um yeah it's just a that's really rceXDOqnodE-00206-00239448-00240048 sat with it and it's um it's it's half it's at least half of the picture isn't it is not more um rceXDOqnodE-00207-00240119-00240640 we can't look at ourselves and accept any criticism be it just or not um rceXDOqnodE-00208-00240856-00241223 the biggest hypocrites in the world and i said as a white person being the biggest hypocrite and rceXDOqnodE-00209-00241344-00241560 the most privileged person there could be rceXDOqnodE-00210-00242208-00242696 we in our our group we didn't take any notes because we got really into our conversation so rceXDOqnodE-00211-00242696-00243208 my apologies lean's gone um but one of the things that yeah yeah one of the things we were talking rceXDOqnodE-00212-00243208-00243600 about one things that i brought up but then we had a nice conversation about was kind of breaking rceXDOqnodE-00213-00243600-00244200 down white solidarity so this idea that if someone does something that like you stay silent through rceXDOqnodE-00214-00244200-00245112 those moments um and the the the ways in which the everyday ubiquitous nature of of racism needing to rceXDOqnodE-00215-00245112-00245544 just be a part of the conversation and needing to stand up and stand with our partners and not put rceXDOqnodE-00216-00245544-00246223 the weight of of that call out and call in on um our racialized colleagues and friends and um that rceXDOqnodE-00217-00246223-00246888 that is part of the kind of action of being anti-racist and that when we claim you know rceXDOqnodE-00218-00246888-00247288 as white people that that work is exhausting or it's too much or or whatever that might rceXDOqnodE-00219-00247288-00248008 be like checking ourselves um about the the the smaller risk we take when we stand up against the rceXDOqnodE-00220-00248008-00249384 kind of those everyday moments of how racism is manifesting in our workplaces or our communities rceXDOqnodE-00221-00251432-00252048 chris named it as zoom silence that's uh you know discomfort with zoom silence and rceXDOqnodE-00222-00252048-00253584 here i go jumping right into it sorry thanks for posting that that link gina rceXDOqnodE-00223-00254919-00255360 all right i'll jump in i think um something we talked about in our group that was interesting um rceXDOqnodE-00224-00255432-00255967 somebody asked a question about like naming it an anti-racist practice does that then become sort rceXDOqnodE-00225-00255967-00256512 of like this set of checklist things that we add to our practice and then like oh we're doing our rceXDOqnodE-00226-00256512-00257040 practice because we're able to check them off or um and so you know thinking about what that means rceXDOqnodE-00227-00257040-00257871 to um one incorporate an anti-racist practice into everyday life our everyday life not just um rceXDOqnodE-00228-00257871-00258223 you know with our work with communities or when we're in those particular spaces rceXDOqnodE-00229-00258223-00258671 with our community partners but doing that on an everyday basis and then also making sure that um rceXDOqnodE-00230-00258736-00259448 it doesn't become a set of checklist items that we can say that we're quote unquote good because rceXDOqnodE-00231-00259448-00259840 we're checking off the boxes right and it's something that's always evolving and making rceXDOqnodE-00232-00259840-00260360 sure that it doesn't become something that's just like checking it off and then saying like okay i rceXDOqnodE-00233-00260360-00260904 did my anti-racist practice for today you know so i thought that was interesting to think about um rceXDOqnodE-00234-00260904-00261576 just using this this term practice is it limiting in some way or does it um perhaps lead to um maybe rceXDOqnodE-00235-00261576-00262304 not being as productive or something i don't know i'm sure you can get a an app for that rceXDOqnodE-00236-00262920-00263432 you get like points and like rewards and things like that right yeah rceXDOqnodE-00237-00263432-00264784 a disney subscription if you accrue enough points rceXDOqnodE-00238-00265160-00265552 um one of the other things we talked about in our group and this was something that candy talks a rceXDOqnodE-00239-00265552-00266624 lot about is um it's it's easier to some degree to um kind of notice and call out or call in kind of rceXDOqnodE-00240-00266624-00267328 racist behaviors um or even notice it in ourselves and it's you know kenny talks about the work of rceXDOqnodE-00241-00267328-00268200 really trying to identify and call out racist policies um and and looking at those structural rceXDOqnodE-00242-00268392-00269136 norms that are kind of upholding racism and some of those are right under our nose rceXDOqnodE-00243-00269136-00269560 and and happening you know in our own departments in our own programs institutions rceXDOqnodE-00244-00269680-00270240 and really trying to really witness those and identify those and try to rceXDOqnodE-00245-00270240-00270720 challenge them one example i give to students sometimes is like you know the rceXDOqnodE-00246-00270720-00271408 university that i'm in has a um endowment right so there's there's a money that's being invested rceXDOqnodE-00247-00271464-00272048 um in places right so when you when you look at where those investments are you know some of those rceXDOqnodE-00248-00272048-00272616 investments are going to private prisons some of those investments are going to uh petroleum rceXDOqnodE-00249-00272616-00273160 oil companies right so there's and there's a lot of ways that those investments are racist rceXDOqnodE-00250-00273160-00273968 because they uphold a certain injustice in some way so just an example of ways of trying to open rceXDOqnodE-00251-00273968-00274600 the hood and look at some of the policies that are contributing to racial injustice and inequalities rceXDOqnodE-00252-00274760-00275272 i think another way that we can think about our institutions is that you know they're also very rceXDOqnodE-00253-00275272-00275856 much the way that we think about um accountability is at the individual level which is all about rceXDOqnodE-00254-00275856-00276344 whiteness too right so at uc santa cruz i'm sure this is true at some other institutions as well rceXDOqnodE-00255-00276344-00276928 on the website there's like this report hate bias button and you can click on it and you can report rceXDOqnodE-00256-00276928-00277440 if somebody did something but there's no way to report a policy or a practice and so i've rceXDOqnodE-00257-00277440-00277832 been talking with my institution about what would it mean to actually be able to report rceXDOqnodE-00258-00277832-00278240 policies and practices and when i first raised this a couple of years ago i was rceXDOqnodE-00259-00278240-00278888 told like oh we can't do that because we don't know how to like investigate that essentially or rceXDOqnodE-00260-00278888-00279408 to remedy it and so we have a new person in charge of that so i've been talking with her rceXDOqnodE-00261-00279408-00279808 and um now they're working on trying to figure out like what would that mean rceXDOqnodE-00262-00279808-00280216 and can we do it so i'm hoping that we can have some forward momentum on this rceXDOqnodE-00263-00280464-00280976 and i love that idea i do love that idea but i also need to jump in because um i realize rceXDOqnodE-00264-00280976-00281376 that we're over time actually a little bit um so i hope this conversation continues rceXDOqnodE-00265-00281376-00281784 in the rest of the sessions and that we can all talk again but really appreciate rceXDOqnodE-00266-00281784-00282128 everybody for the conversation today and i hope you have a good rest of your conference rfhHHhWiwqk-00000-00001688-00002596 Barbara Baum is one of the most renowned costume designers in Germany, if not in Europe. The grande dame of European cinema, so to speak. rfhHHhWiwqk-00001-00002596-00003076 And we have now dedicated a wonderful exhibition to her. rfhHHhWiwqk-00002-00003076-00003824 Barbara Baum – the name may not be familiar to many at first. But one has certainly seen one or two of her films. rfhHHhWiwqk-00003-00003824-00005028 She has designed costumes for Meryl Streep, for Faye Dunaway, for Jeanne Moreau, Burt Lancaster, for Catherine Zeta-Jones... rfhHHhWiwqk-00004-00005028-00005700 ...and she is probably best known for her collaboration with Rainer Werner Fassbinder. The collaboration between the two was non-verbal,... rfhHHhWiwqk-00005-00005700-00006688 ...i.e. Fassbinder didn't actually want to see the costume designs, but trusted Barbara Baum so much that he only saw the finished costumes on set and was inspired by them. rfhHHhWiwqk-00006-00006868-00008068 The heart of this exhibition is Barbara Baum's archive, embedded in a replica of her Berlin studio. We have a large display case that is designed in the style of their long worktables,... rfhHHhWiwqk-00007-00008068-00009008 ...in which Barbara Baum's production materials can be found. Scripts, costume excerpts, shooting schedules, call sheets, but also fitting photos, photos from the set,... rfhHHhWiwqk-00008-00009008-00009956 ...of course many fabric samples. The results of this artistic but also organizational process are lined up around this studio space,... rfhHHhWiwqk-00009-00009956-00010704 ...the 52 original costumes from different costume houses in Europe and in Germany. rfhHHhWiwqk-00010-00010704-00011484 A quote from her, "I always think in fabrics“, was perhaps also the basis for how we conceived this exhibition. rfhHHhWiwqk-00011-00011484-00012316 There are 3 fabric libraries in the exhibition. You can browse through these fabrics, you can touch them, feel them,... rfhHHhWiwqk-00012-00012316-00012888 ...you can guess what kind of fabric it is, to have the haptic experience of how such a fabric feels on the skin. rfhHHhWiwqk-00013-00012888-00013516 We even went one step further and designed the entire exhibition for blind and visually impaired people. rfhHHhWiwqk-00014-00013516-00014200 We made tactile translations of Barbara's drawings, applied text in Braille and as relief. rfhHHhWiwqk-00015-00014200-00014900 This means that you can also read with your fingertips what Barbara Baum had in mind when designing a costume. rfhHHhWiwqk-00016-00014900-00015676 Visitors can expect an inclusive exhibition on costume design. For instance we offer an audio guide... rfhHHhWiwqk-00017-00015676-00016212 ...that guides blind and visually impaired visitors through the exhibition. rfhHHhWiwqk-00018-00016212-00017080 A further sensual element of this exhibition are so-called digital canvases, which also enable us to create a direct connection... rfhHHhWiwqk-00019-00017080-00017824 ...between the statically presented costume and, directly behind it, the filmic context intended for it. rfhHHhWiwqk-00020-00017824-00018536 This means that one can directly compare the costume and the effect when worn by an actor. rfhHHhWiwqk-00021-00018536-00019608 We were blown away by our visitors’ feedback. We are particularly pleased that we also have a broad spectrum of visitors in the exhibition: rfhHHhWiwqk-00022-00019608-00020636 young, old, female, male, that doesn't really matter at all, because everyone finds their individual approach to this exhibition and to Barbara Baum. rfhHHhWiwqk-00023-00020636-00021408 The exhibition is designed for this space here, but can also be adapted to other venues, other spaces... rfhHHhWiwqk-00024-00021408-00022304 ...and we would be very happy if it would tour and could be seen in other cities, even countries. rfntZL27XLo-00000-00000404-00000722 Grácio fights against malaria. rfntZL27XLo-00001-00000758-00001167 The parasite brought the fever to 40 degrees during the night. rfntZL27XLo-00002-00001210-00001335 His body was warming up. rfntZL27XLo-00003-00001500-00002010 Then I brought him to the hospital last night. It started last night. rfntZL27XLo-00004-00002087-00002708 This child has malaria, hyperparasitemia, he has five crosses of the [parasite] Plasmodium Falciparum. rfntZL27XLo-00005-00002734-00002873 Five crosses, is that too much? rfntZL27XLo-00006-00002873-00003055 It's the limit. It's the maximum. rfntZL27XLo-00007-00003109-00003363 It is considered a severe case. rfntZL27XLo-00008-00003485-00003821 The prognosis of malaria depends on the severity rfntZL27XLo-00009-00003821-00004512 and the sooner you start treatment, the better. rfntZL27XLo-00010-00004598-00005030 The sooner the better, but here most are too far away from everything. rfntZL27XLo-00011-00005080-00005511 Every year, malaria causes one third of the deaths in Mozambique rfntZL27XLo-00012-00005511-00005937 and almost half of the deaths of children under 5 years old. rfntZL27XLo-00013-00006045-00006323 Next to the hospital where Grácio is being treated, rfntZL27XLo-00014-00006323-00006748 is headquarted the Manhiça Health Research Center, rfntZL27XLo-00015-00006748-00007088 that helped to discover a signal in the blood, rfntZL27XLo-00016-00007088-00007934 a biomarker, a micro RNA that appears when malaria is severe. rfntZL27XLo-00017-00007934-00008365 Blood samples from children like Grácio help the investigation. rfntZL27XLo-00018-00008365-00008963 The samples are received here and are distributed by the laboratories. rfntZL27XLo-00019-00008963-00009559 Once processed, the results go to a computer system. rfntZL27XLo-00020-00009565-00010012 The technicians process the samples and save the results. rfntZL27XLo-00021-00010012-00010668 This computer system allows the researcher Alfredo Mayor, in Barcelona, Spain, rfntZL27XLo-00022-00010668-00011100 to find out if that micro RNA biomarker he has been studying rfntZL27XLo-00023-00011100-00011382 can also give an early signal, rfntZL27XLo-00024-00011382-00011875 that is, a warning, early in the disease. rfntZL27XLo-00025-00011875-00012210 Our hypothesis is that this biomarker rfntZL27XLo-00026-00012210-00012540 can be used in the initial, previous moments of the disease, rfntZL27XLo-00027-00012540-00012756 but we haven't demonstrated that yet. rfntZL27XLo-00028-00012756-00013288 So, part of this validation I see is needed, rfntZL27XLo-00029-00013288-00013759 should be about this: see to what extent rfntZL27XLo-00030-00013759-00014157 this biomarker has a prognosis value, rfntZL27XLo-00031-00014157-00014408 predicts what will happen. rfntZL27XLo-00032-00014443-00014985 An early diagnosis of malaria that would help save lives rfntZL27XLo-00033-00014985-00015307 with the contribution of Mozambican research. rfntZL27XLo-00034-00015307-00015731 In Manhiça research center, work continues in the laboratories. rfntZL27XLo-00035-00015768-00016082 I had previously prepared the sample. rfntZL27XLo-00036-00016082-00016553 I diluted the sample and added 'Gen expert' reagent. rfntZL27XLo-00037-00016603-00017065 Now it's the second part, to introduce it into the machine. rfntZL27XLo-00038-00017065-00017439 The Health Research Center of Manhiça (CISM) with all staff, rfntZL27XLo-00039-00017439-00018105 infrastructure, demographic and morbidity platforms, etc., rfntZL27XLo-00040-00018105-00018830 allowed to identify children participating in the study rfntZL27XLo-00041-00018830-00019305 and make a very good clinical characterization. rfntZL27XLo-00042-00019305-00019720 For this type of studies it is essential, basic, rfntZL27XLo-00043-00019720-00020100 that there is a very good characterization of the participants. rfntZL27XLo-00044-00020100-00020601 The prognosis of malaria needs a new phase of testing, rfntZL27XLo-00045-00020601-00021009 but covid-19 may delay the process. rfntZL27XLo-00046-00021280-00021759 Yes, you can suffer [delays]. Now, in these moments, rfntZL27XLo-00047-00021759-00022406 many of the team's efforts are meant to try to understand rfntZL27XLo-00048-00022406-00022672 what is happening with covid-19. rfntZL27XLo-00049-00022887-00023336 Applying these efforts in this situation rfntZL27XLo-00050-00023336-00023842 compromises the time we have to dedicate to other activities. rfntZL27XLo-00051-00023879-00024241 Children like Grácio hope the pandemic will go away quickly rfntZL27XLo-00052-00024251-00024615 so that the fight against malaria regains vigor. rfuKcnovfoE-00000-00000000-00000357 What is up guys karma medic here and welcome back to another dose rfuKcnovfoE-00001-00000367-00000767 Welcome to the one and only video your ever gonna see me film in my bathroom rfuKcnovfoE-00002-00000768-00001325 So with the recent coronavirus outbreak and everybody panicking buying as much pasta and toilet paper as they can rfuKcnovfoE-00003-00001326-00001913 I've been washing my hands quite a lot which got me thinking about how most people don't actually know how to wash their hands properly rfuKcnovfoE-00004-00001930-00002241 And decontaminate them after a possible contamination rfuKcnovfoE-00005-00002241-00002921 And so this video is karma medics public service announcement on how to wash your hands properly and protect yourself from the corona virus rfuKcnovfoE-00006-00002922-00003117 Alright, and without further ado, let's get started rfuKcnovfoE-00007-00003117-00003285 alright, so once you turn on the tap rfuKcnovfoE-00008-00003285-00003729 You don't want to touch it again because if the top was already contaminated and then you touch it rfuKcnovfoE-00009-00003729-00003947 Well, there was no point in washing your hands to begin with rfuKcnovfoE-00010-00003947-00004105 So you want to wet your hands completely? rfuKcnovfoE-00011-00004105-00004257 before adding the soap rfuKcnovfoE-00012-00004257-00004601 Once you've done that you can add as much soap as you need to cover your hands rfuKcnovfoE-00013-00004609-00005198 Entirely and you want to rub your palms together back and forth in order to generate enough flow after that rfuKcnovfoE-00014-00005198-00005687 You want to flip your hands over and wash the back of your hands with your fingers interlocked. rfuKcnovfoE-00015-00005796-00005996 Switch and do the same on the other side rfuKcnovfoE-00016-00006046-00006486 Then bring your palms together again with your fingers interlocked and wash like this rfuKcnovfoE-00017-00006618-00007085 After that, you want to lock your fingers together and move them around in a rotational motion rfuKcnovfoE-00018-00007150-00007358 Cleaning the palm of your hands in each way rfuKcnovfoE-00019-00007718-00008259 After that you want to clean your thumbs so you're gonna grab your thumb with your other hand do it in a rotational motion and rfuKcnovfoE-00020-00008417-00008617 then again the same other side rfuKcnovfoE-00021-00008693-00009229 and then finally clean the fingers bring them in a claw like this put them on your palm and move rotationally rfuKcnovfoE-00022-00009350-00009550 and again on the other side rfuKcnovfoE-00023-00009638-00009838 then rinse off your hands again and rfuKcnovfoE-00024-00010136-00010452 Then close the top with anything but your hands that you just washed. rfuKcnovfoE-00025-00010475-00010711 Ideally, you want to dry your hands with a single-use towel rfuKcnovfoE-00026-00010711-00011097 but if you're at home assuming that your own bath towel is clean. That should be fine rfuKcnovfoE-00027-00011156-00011452 all right, nice and easy your hands are actually clean now and rfuKcnovfoE-00028-00011513-00012018 decontaminated if they had anything on them from before. Now, the reason that we have a hand washing technique in medicine rfuKcnovfoE-00029-00012019-00012385 Is that multiple studies have shown that the same parts of your hands tend to go? rfuKcnovfoE-00030-00012395-00012636 Unwashed when people just wash them. However they want rfuKcnovfoE-00031-00012636-00013089 so the methods that I showed you in this video are designed to make sure that the entire hand is clean rfuKcnovfoE-00032-00013118-00013566 including those parts that we often miss when we just wash our hands. However, we want. Alright guys rfuKcnovfoE-00033-00013566-00013663 That's the end of this video rfuKcnovfoE-00034-00013663-00014169 please do stay safe and wash your hands as much as you can throughout the day and make sure not to touch your mouth or rfuKcnovfoE-00035-00014169-00014673 your eyes especially if you're outside, they say stay healthy and I will see you in the next one rfuKcnovfoE-00036-00014674-00014766 Peace! riJ2HK_vesY-00000-00002768-00003071 Today, for the honey jelly came to the home, plus riJ2HK_vesY-00001-00006445-00006742 this time, M & M's as I create, remove the black riJ2HK_vesY-00002-00011215-00011716 I'll make chocolate bolkkul jelly cash like girders color yeppeul riJ2HK_vesY-00003-00013616-00014114 I sound like pebbles on the sea shouting waves - a reminds - empty plastic bottle riJ2HK_vesY-00004-00015919-00016119 Sea contains the full lemme put riJ2HK_vesY-00005-00018458-00018858 you put the honey overflows, please containing halves and put the riJ2HK_vesY-00006-00024215-00024716 honey jelly into the chocolate to see is I'm not a hard lot'll need a little less frozen ~ riJ2HK_vesY-00007-00025213-00025511 today Paris baguette was also prepared as a rainbow cake riJ2HK_vesY-00008-00026327-00026627 honey jelly when just like yirang water eat eating!!! riJ2HK_vesY-00009-00026927-00027625 Hello. This is Prettyman. Today's menu is M&M's Chocolate Honey Jelly. riJ2HK_vesY-00010-00027734-00028232 To eat together, Paris Baguette prepared a rainbow cake. riJ2HK_vesY-00011-00028329-00028529 Then, let's eat deliciously today. riJ2HK_vesY-00012-00029473-00029770 It's frozen hard again riJ2HK_vesY-00013-00030726-00030926 ㅋㅋ I'll eat it thank you. riJ2HK_vesY-00014-00031274-00031675 Subscriptions and likes are a big help to me.. Give me strength riJ2HK_vesY-00015-00034777-00035074 ~~~ I 'll take a break for a while~ It's riJ2HK_vesY-00016-00037356-00037657 definitely more delicious than just honey jelly with chocolate balls~ riJ2HK_vesY-00017-00040368-00040568 (Still!!) It's so sweet~~ riJ2HK_vesY-00018-00041561-00041859 If you put a lot of chocolate balls, freeze them a little ~ This is the riJ2HK_vesY-00019-00051131-00051331 last time~~ riJ2HK_vesY-00020-00051831-00052231 Wow~ This comes out well (it comes out well when it melts a little) riJ2HK_vesY-00021-00055169-00055467 Eat only a little too sweet food~~ riJ2HK_vesY-00022-00057238-00057735 I'm editing this video right now and I'm doing the same thing hahaha riJ2HK_vesY-00023-00058996-00059393 Wow~~ Sweet sweet and bright sweet~~~ riJ2HK_vesY-00024-00062069-00062371 This time, I'm going to eat cake So I'll prepare milk~ riJ2HK_vesY-00025-00063474-00063674 Cake!!! (Very good~~) The riJ2HK_vesY-00026-00066026-00066325 cake is also delicious!!?? riJ2HK_vesY-00027-00067033-00067533 It's a rainbow cake, so it's going to taste like fresh fruit, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, riJ2HK_vesY-00028-00067620-00067920 . riJ2HK_vesY-00029-00070271-00070869 I'm eating it sparingly because there's only one piece of cake. I riJ2HK_vesY-00030-00073207-00073407 ended up eating it with riJ2HK_vesY-00031-00075149-00075426 milk~~ I ate it with gratitude. riJ2HK_vesY-00032-00075431-00075730 Always be happy~ See you next time~ (Thank you ^^) rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00000-00006529-00007900 Good morning, even if I would say better afternoon, since here in Italy it rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00001-00007900-00008000 is 15:20, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00002-00008000-00008408 mr, master, maestro or just David Lynch? rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00003-00008408-00009267 It's November 20, 2021 and it's a Saturday rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00004-00009267-00009563 Here in Naples 68 fahrenheit around 20 celsius rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00005-00009563-00010352 and this means it's always that day really, really rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00006-00010352-00010784 really, really mild as in these days and in this period. rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00007-00010784-00011058 Yes, we are just average. rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00008-00011058-00012210 Today first of all thank him, he will almost certainly say the phrase about weekend projects, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00009-00012210-00012675 so I thank him and also reciprocate the luck for him. rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00010-00012675-00013434 Then I was thinking about his Weather Report from last October 28th why rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00011-00013434-00014232 he quoted a song and I tonight, 1:00 Italian time, but I could also change the time, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00012-00014232-00014482 the schedule is for tonight but I might as well change it, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00013-00014482-00014865 anyway, I said just before, I will upload this piece that as I said he quoted, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00014-00014865-00015391 if someone goes to review that report obviously he can understand what piece it is. rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00015-00015391-00015894 In any case it is an instrumental cover of mine, not sung precisely, and in two versions. rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00016-00015894-00016879 then, for whose are intersted, I insert the link in the description. so if you have nothing better to do (impossible), rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00017-00016879-00017565 mark the time, go to my keyboard channel, mark the link, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00018-00017565-00018260 if you want to subscribe and go see the video. rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00019-00018260-00018690 A great song. rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00020-00018690-00019984 Anyway as he just see from the window, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00021-00020880-00021573 today we finally have those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00022-00021573-00022138 but I say that we have had them because by now it is already late and rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00023-00022138-00022631 I hope that it will stay that way until evening, but I really hope so. rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00024-00022631-00023173 So we can say that finally, after a black or almost black November so far rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00025-00023173-00023918 We finally have some of those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine. rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00026-00023918-00024898 So we are happy like this and therefore I do not say the phrase “obviously things can always rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00027-00024898-00024998 change rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00028-00024998-00025973 from one moment to the next, but as always we’ll see", it is useless to say it therefore. rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00029-00025973-00026249 But, said this: rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00030-00026249-00027232 so from the mythical window with the colored courtain, beautiful, beautiful today, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00031-00027232-00027738 what a light today with this sun, with these beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00032-00027738-00028385 and its green roller shooter. rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00033-00028385-00029739 really, really green, really green, green very green today rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00034-00029739-00030236 behind me rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00035-00030337-00031795 and finally from my mythical keyboard Yamaha DGX640 YPG-625 rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00036-00031995-00032636 have a great day him all the people who follow the channel and the reports, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00037-00032636-00033110 always hardcore fans, Patrick, Yused always, Douglas, as I always say rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00038-00033110-00033809 and I'm repeating it these days, even if few, even if few, very important for me, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00039-00033809-00034339 greetings also to the haters, you are always important to me rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00040-00034339-00034979 and also to the man who made the report from Vermont, also a greeting to him and his family, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00041-00034979-00035362 I hope that he too will come back to make the report as soon as possible, rl8eT2Z2Uwy-00042-00035362-00036363 so again have a great day him, all these people and everyone too! rmdO-w00gBu-00000-00001601-00002399 There ain't no gold in this river rmdO-w00gBu-00001-00002472-00003173 That I've been washin' my hands in forever rmdO-w00gBu-00002-00003273-00003944 I know there is hope in these waters rmdO-w00gBu-00003-00004044-00004504 But I can't bring myself to swim rmdO-w00gBu-00004-00004534-00005505 When I am drowning in this silence Baby, let me in rmdO-w00gBu-00005-00005705-00006800 Go easy on me, baby I was still a child rmdO-w00gBu-00006-00006800-00007297 Didn't get the chance to rmdO-w00gBu-00007-00007497-00008405 Feel the world around me I had no time to choose rmdO-w00gBu-00008-00008505-00009803 What I chose to do So go easy on me rmdO-w00gBu-00009-00010500-00011251 There ain't no room for things to change rmdO-w00gBu-00010-00011351-00012048 When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways rmdO-w00gBu-00011-00012082-00012896 You can't deny how hard I have tried rmdO-w00gBu-00012-00012996-00014090 I changed who I was to put you both first But now I give up rmdO-w00gBu-00013-00014190-00015241 Go easy on me, baby I was still a child rmdO-w00gBu-00014-00015341-00015702 Didn't get the chance to rmdO-w00gBu-00015-00015802-00016896 Feel the world around me I had no time to choose rmdO-w00gBu-00016-00016997-00017954 What I chose to do So go easy on me s0dQZWqdSwY-00000-00000612-00001051 Hi everybody! I'm Phillip Goodman from the Nevada Real Estate Group at Keller s0dQZWqdSwY-00001-00001051-00001498 Williams Group One Inc in Reno Nevada. Today I am with Chris McCabe who is our s0dQZWqdSwY-00002-00001498-00001867 expert up at Lake Tahoe and Stateline Nevada. s0dQZWqdSwY-00003-00001867-00002226 How have you been Chris? I'm doing great thank you. Talk about your drive over the hill. s0dQZWqdSwY-00004-00002226-00002605 A little white, a little powdery? It was! It was rather exciting I had about s0dQZWqdSwY-00005-00002605-00002896 4" of fresh snow and it's starting to look like winter and I'm s0dQZWqdSwY-00006-00002896-00003108 getting excited. And on your way back you're gonna pull s0dQZWqdSwY-00007-00003108-00003331 over and hit the slopes? It could happen tomorrow. s0dQZWqdSwY-00008-00003331-00003808 Nice, nice. Well before we get you into your ski boots let's get you into MLS s0dQZWqdSwY-00009-00003808-00004315 and let's take a look at the sales activity in October is a little bit s0dQZWqdSwY-00010-00004315-00004681 light but you know many drops make a mighty the ocean so let's take a look s0dQZWqdSwY-00011-00004681-00005260 inside MLS. So we've already looked at the Incline Village data. And before we s0dQZWqdSwY-00012-00005260-00005764 do go deep into the Stateline and South Tahoe area my question is why is s0dQZWqdSwY-00013-00005764-00006411 everything south of Sand Harbor part of the Reno-Sparks MLS? Well from Incline s0dQZWqdSwY-00014-00006411-00006901 Village to Sand Harbor to all the way to Glenbrook is all public National Forest s0dQZWqdSwY-00015-00006901-00007327 Service land. Highway Spooner comes up and meets Glenbrook which is an s0dQZWqdSwY-00016-00007327-00007864 exclusive lake community. Many houses on the lake, private piers, buoys and s0dQZWqdSwY-00017-00007864-00008565 million-dollar houses. You head east, south, to Lake Ridge, Skyland, Zephyr Cove has s0dQZWqdSwY-00018-00008565-00009148 some nice condominiums and ending up at Round Hill Mall. As you get a little s0dQZWqdSwY-00019-00009148-00009601 closer to the StateLine you've got Kingsbury Grade that of course s0dQZWqdSwY-00020-00009601-00010114 heads up towards Heavenly ski area and there's a lot of neighborhoods off of s0dQZWqdSwY-00021-00010114-00010654 Kingsbury that actually have some flat ground and some nice lots, some nice houses s0dQZWqdSwY-00022-00010654-00011131 Well as we've looked at in previous market reports Market Insights is a very s0dQZWqdSwY-00023-00011131-00011637 helpful tool however it only covers the Reno-Sparks s0dQZWqdSwY-00024-00011637-00012052 incorporated areas and not all the way up in Tahoe. So here we have pulled s0dQZWqdSwY-00025-00012052-00012601 specifically the sold properties in October for the the areas that Chris and s0dQZWqdSwY-00026-00012601-00013144 I looked at over the map and Chris of the 15 properties that sold a third of s0dQZWqdSwY-00027-00013144-00013563 that were condos. Well you know in this case condominiums are definitely a s0dQZWqdSwY-00028-00013563-00013931 little more and the condominiums in the Stateline s0dQZWqdSwY-00029-00013931-00014426 area tend to be higher up the mountain closer towards the ski area so as we get s0dQZWqdSwY-00030-00014426-00014954 closer to the ski time the ski condos are starting to sell. And as we've s0dQZWqdSwY-00031-00014954-00015434 talked about every time the higher the price the longer the property sits on s0dQZWqdSwY-00032-00015434-00016100 the market so when we re-sort this by price we see a couple of heavy hitting s0dQZWqdSwY-00033-00016100-00016688 numbers up here. Yes there's one for 746 Lincoln Highway that's sold for two s0dQZWqdSwY-00034-00016688-00017225 and a half million. It was built in 1926 and very unique property. The s0dQZWqdSwY-00035-00017225-00017672 timbers came over from Virginia City and the gold mines and they were brought s0dQZWqdSwY-00036-00017672-00018007 over and they built this house and it's right on the beach and it was gorgeous. s0dQZWqdSwY-00037-00018007-00018422 Took a while to sell it though. But look at this! A $6million property s0dQZWqdSwY-00038-00018422-00019025 moved in half a year. Well it was priced to move. s0dQZWqdSwY-00039-00019025-00019400 That actually happened to be a nice beachfront home as well. So as we also s0dQZWqdSwY-00040-00019400-00019925 look at the median price here down at Stateline how does this or can it even s0dQZWqdSwY-00041-00019925-00020288 compare to what we saw in October for Incline Village? s0dQZWqdSwY-00042-00020288-00020765 Typically the the median prices are a little bit lower in Stateline than s0dQZWqdSwY-00043-00020765-00021137 they are an Incline. Incline tends to be a little bit more exclusive but that's s0dQZWqdSwY-00044-00021137-00021689 not always the case. It just depends on the home. Previously in Incline Village s0dQZWqdSwY-00045-00021689-00022289 we saw the percent of asked received was closer to the 97% range but now s0dQZWqdSwY-00046-00022289-00022895 we're seeing it at 95 percent in October down in Stateline and Chris a couple of s0dQZWqdSwY-00047-00022895-00023459 these properties came down well over $100,000. Is this common? Well this time s0dQZWqdSwY-00048-00023459-00023801 of the year it does happen. There are people that are determined to sell their s0dQZWqdSwY-00049-00023801-00024200 house before the snow flies and they'll just take you know they'll take a s0dQZWqdSwY-00050-00024200-00024566 drastic reduction in order to do that. And it only takes a few homes at that s0dQZWqdSwY-00051-00024566-00025245 price point to skew the average. It sure does. $95,000 price drop s0dQZWqdSwY-00052-00025245-00025982 $285,000, almost $200K here on MacKay. $50K here so days on s0dQZWqdSwY-00053-00025982-00026348 market are 284 so they never on the market like for a year and it was time s0dQZWqdSwY-00054-00026348-00026735 for it to go. So there you have it that is your October market report for Lake s0dQZWqdSwY-00055-00026735-00027007 Tahoe Stateline Nevada. If you have any more questions about it s0dQZWqdSwY-00056-00027007-00027258 or if you're ready to go see a property down there s0dQZWqdSwY-00057-00027258-00027741 you should contact Chris McCabe at the info you see on your screen now. Speaking s0dQZWqdSwY-00058-00027741-00028261 of Stateline and the the south end of the lake what's happening down there for s0dQZWqdSwY-00059-00028261-00028702 New Year's? Well I'll tell you, Stateline is the place to be. They literally s0dQZWqdSwY-00060-00028702-00029143 they shut down the street where the casinos are and they have live bands and s0dQZWqdSwY-00061-00029143-00029818 fireworks and it's a real party. If you're not into that scene at the s0dQZWqdSwY-00062-00029818-00030175 village over at Heavenly, there's plenty of restaurants and ice skating s0dQZWqdSwY-00063-00030175-00030666 and other activities. A lot to do. Well hopefully you found this information s0dQZWqdSwY-00064-00030666-00031111 helpful and if you did hopefully you will give it a like and a share on your s0dQZWqdSwY-00065-00031111-00031552 social media as well. For Chris McCabe for the Nevada Real Estate Group at s0dQZWqdSwY-00066-00031552-00032594 Keller Williams Group Inc, I'm Phillip Goodman. We'll see you next time. s66afPfxEkQ-00000-00000154-00000754 The discovery of new species of animal continues with the recent finding of a new species of s66afPfxEkQ-00001-00000754-00001226 primate in China. I always enjoy these stories, as for those s66afPfxEkQ-00002-00001226-00002027 of us that believe in and research the existence of cryptids it can give us renewed hope. s66afPfxEkQ-00003-00002027-00002577 So in this video let’s take a look at this monkey and other ape like cryptids that could s66afPfxEkQ-00004-00002577-00002986 be discovered next. s66afPfxEkQ-00005-00002986-00003594 Welcome to if……………………. s66afPfxEkQ-00006-00003594-00004871 This species of gibbon was rediscovered after it s66afPfxEkQ-00007-00004871-00005538 was thought to have been long extinct, remains were found in a 2300 year old tomb showing s66afPfxEkQ-00008-00005538-00006184 that these creatures lived until recent history and could well be living today. s66afPfxEkQ-00009-00006184-00006706 This new species was given the name ‘Junzi Imeprialis’ by the British scientist whom s66afPfxEkQ-00010-00006706-00007308 discovered it, finding a partially buried skull in the tomb. This tomb was located in s66afPfxEkQ-00011-00007308-00007789 the Chinese province of Shaanxi. The Chinese considered the Gibbon a noble s66afPfxEkQ-00012-00007789-00008420 creature and they were often kept as pets by the ruling elite of the country. s66afPfxEkQ-00013-00008420-00008847 This explains why the skull was found in a tomb, the remains were thought to have been s66afPfxEkQ-00014-00008847-00009545 buried with Lady Xia the grandmother Qin ShiHuang the emperor whose warriors built the great s66afPfxEkQ-00015-00009545-00009710 channel wall. s66afPfxEkQ-00016-00009710-00010254 This discovery could give hope to those in the cryptid community whom are always praying s66afPfxEkQ-00017-00010254-00010843 for a new discovery to prove the existence of creatures thought to be mythical. s66afPfxEkQ-00018-00010843-00011347 So what ape like cryptids could be likely to be found next? s66afPfxEkQ-00019-00011347-00012242 We all know about the big three Yeti, Bigfoot, and Yowie, but what others are out there? s66afPfxEkQ-00020-00012242-00012878 First up is the Agogwe. The Agogwe is described as a small bipedal s66afPfxEkQ-00021-00012878-00013469 human-like creature. Reports of the cryptid coming from the forests of East Africa. s66afPfxEkQ-00022-00013469-00014144 The small ape like creature is said to stand at around 5 ½ feet tall with long arms and s66afPfxEkQ-00023-00014144-00014671 long rust-colored woolly hair. Oddly it is reported as having yellowish-red s66afPfxEkQ-00024-00014671-00015330 skin under this thick wooly-coat. Other variants of color have been reported s66afPfxEkQ-00025-00015330-00015951 with some sightings saying they have seen the animals have black or grey hair. s66afPfxEkQ-00026-00015951-00016666 This ape differs from identified species because of its distinct rounded forehead, small canines s66afPfxEkQ-00027-00016666-00017140 and its odd hair coloration and strange skin tone. s66afPfxEkQ-00028-00017140-00017673 The next hominid is more ‘human like’in its appearance and behavior. s66afPfxEkQ-00029-00017673-00018168 The Almas. Said to be Found Mongolia this "wild man", s66afPfxEkQ-00030-00018168-00018951 is purported to inhabit the Caucasus and Pamir Mountains of Central Asia, and the Altai Mountains s66afPfxEkQ-00031-00018951-00019449 of western Mongolia. The Almas shares many characteristics with s66afPfxEkQ-00032-00019449-00020268 its Bigfoot cousin but is thought to be slightly smaller and more human like in intelligence. s66afPfxEkQ-00033-00020268-00020812 Some speculate that it could be a surviving member of an ancient group human, similar s66afPfxEkQ-00034-00020812-00021382 to Neanderthals. There have been many sightings and a few expeditions s66afPfxEkQ-00035-00021382-00021970 to find the beast, but all have met with failure thus far. s66afPfxEkQ-00036-00021970-00022648 A lesser known cryptid ape comes from the Philippines the Amomongo. s66afPfxEkQ-00037-00022648-00023218 Philippine folklore, tells tale of a creature described as hairy, man-sized and ape-like s66afPfxEkQ-00038-00023218-00023879 with long sharp nails. The people of La Castellana in Negros Occidental s66afPfxEkQ-00039-00023879-00024580 refer to the creature as a "wild monkey" that lives in caves near the foot of Mt. Kanlaon. s66afPfxEkQ-00040-00024580-00025243 Interactions with Amomongo do not go well, the creature is said to be vicious and will s66afPfxEkQ-00041-00025243-00025920 attack livestock and people that wonder too close to its subterranean home. s66afPfxEkQ-00042-00025920-00026570 Another interesting humanoid from the region comes from the borders of Laos, Vietnam, and s66afPfxEkQ-00043-00026570-00026874 Borneo. The Batutut. s66afPfxEkQ-00044-00026874-00027458 People in the region talk of "forest people", and many groups that have explored these regions s66afPfxEkQ-00045-00027458-00027927 have had sightings. French colonist refered to a animal they had s66afPfxEkQ-00046-00027927-00028404 encountered as a wild man. There were reports of this creature being s66afPfxEkQ-00047-00028404-00029169 captured in 1974 but still no hard evidence has come to light. s66afPfxEkQ-00048-00029169-00029688 Footprints are often found and reports still come in with villagers in the area saying s66afPfxEkQ-00049-00029688-00030379 these hominids are fact, they are extremely reclusive so gathering hard evidence is very s66afPfxEkQ-00050-00030379-00030877 difficult. This being said many footprints and other s66afPfxEkQ-00051-00030877-00031508 anecdotal evidence does exist and this makes me believe this is a good contender to be s66afPfxEkQ-00052-00031508-00031988 discovered soon. However the last species of ape we will look s66afPfxEkQ-00053-00031988-00032718 at was said to have been discovered but was then discredited as a hoax. s66afPfxEkQ-00054-00032718-00033560 Many actually still believe the initial discovery was correct and this is a distinct ape species. s66afPfxEkQ-00055-00033560-00034131 The De Loy’s ape. This Ape was classified by science and given s66afPfxEkQ-00056-00034131-00034719 the name Ateles loysi. A Swiss explorer discovered the large primate s66afPfxEkQ-00057-00034719-00035262 in South America. He supplied only one photograph as evidence s66afPfxEkQ-00058-00035262-00035758 for the ape and this led many to believe it to be hoax. s66afPfxEkQ-00059-00035758-00036527 Today many believe it to be the misidentification of a spider monkey with some photographic s66afPfxEkQ-00060-00036527-00037400 manipulation to make the animal appear larger. Do you think any of these cryptids will discovered? s66afPfxEkQ-00061-00037400-00038062 Which would you most like to see found? What other ape like or humanoid cryptids are s66afPfxEkQ-00062-00038062-00040453 you interested in? Let me know in the comments below. sqCL8PbQFDc-00000-00000000-00000096 Hey, everyone! sqCL8PbQFDc-00001-00000096-00000371 This is week 14 and this is our weekly update. sqCL8PbQFDc-00002-00000428-00000732 This week we will be starting UNIT 4: Ecology sqCL8PbQFDc-00003-00000788-00000968 So, since we finished UNIT 3, please sqCL8PbQFDc-00004-00001064-00001486 Take note that your unit 3 Journal reflection entry will ... sqCL8PbQFDc-00005-00001486-00001719 be do this Saturday April 17th. sqCL8PbQFDc-00006-00001772-00001968 By 11:59 p.m.. sqCL8PbQFDc-00007-00002108-00002148 Eastern Standard Time sqCL8PbQFDc-00008-00002200-00002472 Also due this week is module k. sqCL8PbQFDc-00009-00002528-00002632 Chapter 19. sqCL8PbQFDc-00010-00002700-00002976 Population and Community ecology. sqCL8PbQFDc-00011-00003032-00003267 Let's go ahead and take a look at the assignment ... sqCL8PbQFDc-00012-00003267-00003539 schedule together to see what is due by this Saturday. sqCL8PbQFDc-00013-00003611-00003932 So I have shared my screen with you and you can see ... sqCL8PbQFDc-00014-00003932-00004268 that we are now in UNIT 4 ecology and the first unit. sqCL8PbQFDc-00015-00004380-00004504 or Module in this UNIT sqCL8PbQFDc-00016-00004580-00004660 is Module K sqCL8PbQFDc-00017-00004712-00004952 Populations and Community ecology. sqCL8PbQFDc-00018-00005016-00005208 If we click on our chapter resource folder. sqCL8PbQFDc-00019-00005260-00005610 Access are assignment checklist we will briefly go ... sqCL8PbQFDc-00020-00005610-00005911 over everything that's due by this weekend. sqCL8PbQFDc-00021-00005984-00006444 We see with chapter 19 we have four individual lessons ... sqCL8PbQFDc-00022-00006444-00006833 so we have four voiceThread watch attendance ... sqCL8PbQFDc-00023-00006833-00007027 assignments and four. sqCL8PbQFDc-00024-00007104-00007400 Quick Check quizzes at the end of each lesson. sqCL8PbQFDc-00025-00007476-00007858 We also have three visual or ART connection questions ... sqCL8PbQFDc-00026-00007858-00008199 these are discussion board posts where you get a ... sqCL8PbQFDc-00027-00008199-00008590 chance to interact with your peers please make sure you ... sqCL8PbQFDc-00028-00008590-00009015 comment on the original question found within each figure. sqCL8PbQFDc-00029-00009080-00009360 And comment on one of your classmates. sqCL8PbQFDc-00030-00009484-00009792 Also you have a critical thinking question do. sqCL8PbQFDc-00031-00009892-00010274 And as always we have our end of chapter test and end ... sqCL8PbQFDc-00032-00010274-00010419 of chapter survey. sqCL8PbQFDc-00033-00010480-00010902 All these items are due by April 17th at 11:59 p.m. sqCL8PbQFDc-00034-00010902-00011107 Eastern Standard Time. sqCL8PbQFDc-00035-00011164-00011700 That concludes the weekly update for week 14 again we just started. sqCL8PbQFDc-00036-00011760-00011800 UNIT 4 sqCL8PbQFDc-00037-00011852-00011936 Ecology. sqCL8PbQFDc-00038-00012000-00012380 Therefore your unit 3 evolution and the diversity of life. sqCL8PbQFDc-00039-00012436-00012648 Journal reflective peace will be due. sqCL8PbQFDc-00040-00012728-00012828 at the end of this week sqCL8PbQFDc-00041-00012904-00013184 April 17th 11:59 p.m.. sqCL8PbQFDc-00042-00013291-00013336 Eastern standard time sqCL8PbQFDc-00043-00013396-00013797 If anyone has any questions comments or concerns. sqCL8PbQFDc-00044-00013797-00013911 please, email sqCL8PbQFDc-00045-00013963-00014080 Call my office. sqCL8PbQFDc-00046-00014163-00014612 using the correct extension or schedule a virtual meeting using OnceHub sqCL8PbQFDc-00047-00014712-00014944 Have a great week ahead we'll talk soon. ssyb-YoecDQ-00000-00000408-00000719 [Music] ssyb-YoecDQ-00001-00000873-00001210 Hello to all friends and welcome for this new video on ROK! ssyb-YoecDQ-00002-00001221-00001860 Today, folks, we're right back together. to eight days since it is the 2nd ssyb-YoecDQ-00003-00001870-00002388 December, we meet finds its way back to the battery eight days before the date ssyb-YoecDQ-00004-00002390-00002830 of the future KvK, namely the December 10th. ssyb-YoecDQ-00005-00002840-00003252 If you missed the video where on the lilith leak ssyb-YoecDQ-00006-00003260-00003628 I'm suggesting the link, normally based on the information that ssyb-YoecDQ-00007-00003629-00004162 now everyone has, at the time, that had just fled, the kvk season 3 ssyb-YoecDQ-00008-00004170-00004567 so on the oldest servers will take place on December 10th and we're tails ssyb-YoecDQ-00009-00004570-00005112 at eight days, so it's pre-KvK. that would "begin", I use ssyb-YoecDQ-00010-00005120-00005571 a conditional on that date since if it were to start now. ssyb-YoecDQ-00011-00005580-00005980 if kvk should start on December 10 prê-KvK ssyb-YoecDQ-00012-00005992-00006447 would be now, so if you missed this video do not hesitate to subscribe ssyb-YoecDQ-00013-00006450-00006723 to the chain by clicking on the bell so you don't miss any videos. ssyb-YoecDQ-00014-00006723-00007117 I remind you that we've set ourselves up in the live the target for January from 2000 subscribers ssyb-YoecDQ-00015-00007117-00007495 we've been making good progress since this live show so I'm thank you for it, let's keep it up so we can ssyb-YoecDQ-00016-00007495-00007911 is going to be able to do it, so we're at the top of our game. thank you to you and don't hesitate, you do it ssyb-YoecDQ-00017-00007911-00008224 know it helps a lot with SEO of the chain, to release a big blue thumb ssyb-YoecDQ-00018-00008224-00008622 If you like the content, we'll move on. very quickly like that and I'll get back to you. ssyb-YoecDQ-00019-00008622-00009049 thank you again. So it's a question of today we're going to talk about it: already ssyb-YoecDQ-00020-00009049-00009396 when you connect, no one can miss ssyb-YoecDQ-00021-00009396-00009711 wonderful, wonderful science of the marketing ssyb-YoecDQ-00022-00009711-00010288 the cybermonday with this patch Exceptional cyber monday sales one ssyb-YoecDQ-00023-00010288-00010704 only day, obviously this pack is no better than a ssyb-YoecDQ-00024-00010704-00011235 other event pack it is very standard I would even say from my point of view ssyb-YoecDQ-00025-00011235-00011796 since he's not as well because look at him. the items are not chests where ssyb-YoecDQ-00026-00011796-00012192 you have the choice of resources they are imposed resources so they are imposed resources ssyb-YoecDQ-00027-00012192-00012486 Certainly it may seem like a lot. important but when it comes to ssyb-YoecDQ-00028-00012486-00012832 imposed resources that you do not have the choice they always put more and more of it on you ssyb-YoecDQ-00029-00012832-00013144 saw it in the video of the event packs that I made you, ssyb-YoecDQ-00030-00013144-00013543 I put you the link suggestions if you missed it, you can see that ssyb-YoecDQ-00031-00013543-00014026 usually when it's chests and that we have a choice there are less than ssyb-YoecDQ-00032-00014026-00014500 when we have no choice, so that's it. like the pack if we go to see the batch of ssyb-YoecDQ-00033-00014500-00014731 value the pack ssyb-YoecDQ-00034-00014731-00015118 resource reserves there are more because it's specific to that, and by ssyb-YoecDQ-00035-00015118-00015490 the more they are imposed on us, we have no choice in short, in any case when you don't have the ssyb-YoecDQ-00036-00015490-00015766 and they impose it on us like this that we don't have a resource chest of ssyb-YoecDQ-00037-00015766-00016237 level 1 2 3 or 4 since at the last pack it's four, well, we still have more than ssyb-YoecDQ-00038-00016237-00016423 resources so don't think it's a good deal ssyb-YoecDQ-00039-00016423-00016726 It's a pack like any other I'll give you. advise not to buy it, I'll tell you ssyb-YoecDQ-00040-00016726-00017059 really advises to book yourself for for the holiday season if you ssyb-YoecDQ-00041-00017059-00017423 would you like to do a little something nice about that? will always be more optimized, especially ssyb-YoecDQ-00042-00017423-00017918 when combined with gems, event like one ssyb-YoecDQ-00043-00017918-00018346 just got when you spend 2500 gems in the day you have a ssyb-YoecDQ-00044-00018346-00018784 gift: an additional box obviously it's more optimized when ssyb-YoecDQ-00045-00018784-00019103 that's the way it is. So don't rush into it. So in ssyb-YoecDQ-00046-00019103-00019495 this quiet period we often... I say "calm" because right now if we're really in ssyb-YoecDQ-00047-00019495-00019879 seven days, since it's the 02/12, we're eight days from ssyb-YoecDQ-00048-00019879-00020429 of the pre-kvk of season 3, now you have to get ready so now you see ssyb-YoecDQ-00049-00020429-00020854 that an event has pop: "from scratch" according to the waiters depending on where we are, I have ssyb-YoecDQ-00050-00020854-00021166 accounts and it's either events construction accelerator ssyb-YoecDQ-00051-00021166-00021587 and training events or events of expenditure to create ssyb-YoecDQ-00052-00021587-00021898 troops. obviously it would have been much better ssyb-YoecDQ-00053-00021898-00022112 if it had appeared at the same time as the MGE ssyb-YoecDQ-00054-00022112-00022525 the mightiest governor but it's not the case so here it is expenditure I ssyb-YoecDQ-00055-00022525-00022904 would say dry only for one event, that is, I'm here. Again, once again ssyb-YoecDQ-00056-00022904-00023323 I always advise you so see this a pop yesterday the first one is the 2 I'll tell you ssyb-YoecDQ-00057-00023323-00023635 always advises to wait before to spend, to wait until the last day to ssyb-YoecDQ-00058-00023635-00023978 do them when there is no reset at midnight since these are the most important periods ssyb-YoecDQ-00059-00023978-00024278 where you can see if you are have an accumulation of events. ssyb-YoecDQ-00060-00024278-00024679 So this is not the case so we can stuff it on. When you have this guy ssyb-YoecDQ-00061-00024679-00025079 of event I always ask myself the same question and that's really what ssyb-YoecDQ-00062-00025079-00025444 I wanted to discuss today with you is that I spend in this ssyb-YoecDQ-00063-00025444-00025757 event or do I reserve myself for the MGE since ssyb-YoecDQ-00064-00025757-00026110 precisely on the greatest governor the first day is exactly the same. ssyb-YoecDQ-00065-00026110-00026509 Thing's gonna be an expense. training accelerator and the ssyb-YoecDQ-00066-00026509-00026866 fourth day, Thursday It's going to be an expense for ssyb-YoecDQ-00067-00026866-00027409 increase power and that includes the construction power is really fine ssyb-YoecDQ-00068-00027409-00027958 depend on your server and the rate of accelerator you have because very ssyb-YoecDQ-00069-00027958-00028493 few players can afford it all simply, are fat girls. ssyb-YoecDQ-00070-00028493-00029038 whales to have enough for spend both in this type of event and in ssyb-YoecDQ-00071-00029038-00029462 the greatest governor, and rarely are we sees the players displayed on both ssyb-YoecDQ-00072-00029462-00029756 there. When we go to watch what can we gain there we can ssyb-YoecDQ-00073-00029756-00030161 win 20 heads in gold or when you're first 10 heads in second and so that's it. ssyb-YoecDQ-00074-00030161-00030533 still decreases very quickly certainly, it's generic heads and the ssyb-YoecDQ-00075-00030533-00030784 the greatest governor is not a generic heads but still this ssyb-YoecDQ-00076-00030784-00031283 is decreasing very quickly and we're on the right track. accelerators that count the minute and ssyb-YoecDQ-00077-00031283-00031783 not the power gained so really the expense there you have to calculate it. If we ssyb-YoecDQ-00078-00031783-00032164 look on my server the first one is not not at such an important level as that ssyb-YoecDQ-00079-00032164-00032921 since he's at 157,000, 157000 minutes, 157000 minutes if you do ssyb-YoecDQ-00080-00032921-00033380 the conversion we look at right away over 157,000 minutes is a little bit like ssyb-YoecDQ-00081-00033380-00033863 more than two thousand six hundred hours, 2600 hours is about a hundred and ten hours. ssyb-YoecDQ-00082-00033863-00034190 days so since a little more so Let's say 110 days ago. ssyb-YoecDQ-00083-00034190-00034690 of accelerator is not crazy if he had to create t5s ssyb-YoecDQ-00084-00034690-00035162 by transforming t4 to t5 with boosts is fine ssyb-YoecDQ-00085-00035162-00035503 take 12 hours, which is the most optimized in this way as already mentioned ssyb-YoecDQ-00086-00035503-00035900 in the tips of the most popular video type a great gourvener so there for 110 days ssyb-YoecDQ-00087-00035900-00036377 he's going to do he's going to do four one hundred and forty thousand troops, 440000 ssyb-YoecDQ-00088-00036377-00036893 T5 troop, that's it. will allow him to do about that, ssyb-YoecDQ-00089-00036893-00037196 it's going to make him about 26 million points on the first ssyb-YoecDQ-00090-00037196-00037568 day if it makes the troops obviously because given his level he ssyb-YoecDQ-00091-00037568-00037742 would make the troops, there is no construction after, ssyb-YoecDQ-00092-00037742-00038021 I know him so it would be what he would do, as is the case with the ssyb-YoecDQ-00093-00038021-00038348 most of the first ones so it's not enormous 26 million on the MGE ssyb-YoecDQ-00094-00038348-00038726 so he's right to invest in this event where he can put himself ssyb-YoecDQ-00095-00038726-00039191 first with only I would say 110 days of acceleration knowing that the ssyb-YoecDQ-00096-00039191-00039662 first on the MGE 200 300 400 400 500 days or more ssyb-YoecDQ-00097-00039662-00040163 in acceleration boost so when you hesitate about that, I do. ssyb-YoecDQ-00098-00040163-00040610 was talking to a guildmate yesterday, when you hesitate on this type of event ssyb-YoecDQ-00099-00040610-00040790 that's what you have to take in consideration, ssyb-YoecDQ-00100-00040790-00041240 how many accelerators do you have already in stock and what are you ssyb-YoecDQ-00101-00041240-00041462 prefer: is what you prefer ssyb-YoecDQ-00102-00041462-00041894 to have on the MGE, let's say you are going to have between 10 and 20 heads, it's ssyb-YoecDQ-00103-00041894-00042239 hard to get the podium when you're in the middle of a to ask these questions, this type of ssyb-YoecDQ-00104-00042239-00042557 questions here, do you prefer having 10 or 20 heads of Attila for ssyb-YoecDQ-00105-00042557-00042869 trigger the pack ssyb-YoecDQ-00106-00042911-00043397 "history writers" at 5 49 thereafter, which will still go to you ssyb-YoecDQ-00107-00043397-00043793 bring back 10 generic heads, or is it it's better to invest there, it's ssyb-YoecDQ-00108-00043793-00044177 really that factor that's going to be taken for consideration. ssyb-YoecDQ-00109-00044177-00044714 I advise you if you can't not really elbowing your way ssyb-YoecDQ-00110-00044714-00044990 server on the MGE, to really invest in the heads ssyb-YoecDQ-00111-00044990-00045386 generic and then you will try to have cards in the king, ssyb-YoecDQ-00112-00045386-00045616 that appears once a month, we should see him within the week, I think. ssyb-YoecDQ-00113-00045616-00046106 and so to have the governor you miss that. will be much simpler and much easier ssyb-YoecDQ-00114-00046106-00046520 more efficient from the point of view of your profile, however, if you cannot ssyb-YoecDQ-00115-00046520-00046891 play the first three places on your server on this event, ssyb-YoecDQ-00116-00046891-00047378 obviously I don't advise you to to do "from scratch" ssyb-YoecDQ-00117-00047378-00047759 and try the TOP25 MGE because this that you can aim for a top 25 and the ssyb-YoecDQ-00118-00047759-00048074 top 25 will still allow you to have some heads on the ssyb-YoecDQ-00119-00048074-00048644 MGE, if you have enough boost to play I would say here on this event ssyb-YoecDQ-00120-00048644-00048976 where you can also play for the top 25, if you ssyb-YoecDQ-00121-00048976-00049312 you fall back on this on the MGE. So really several ssyb-YoecDQ-00122-00049312-00049792 factors to be considered if I have to summarize the first one, it's ssyb-YoecDQ-00123-00049792-00050116 the configuration of your server if you have players who ssyb-YoecDQ-00124-00050116-00050473 unfortunately are able to stuff the top 10 of the two events ssyb-YoecDQ-00125-00050473-00050902 and make the top 10, the top 10 of this one all the time because once ssyb-YoecDQ-00126-00050902-00051181 you passed the 10th place when it comes to even watching you fall to three ssyb-YoecDQ-00127-00051181-00051583 gold sculptures it doesn't become very interesting given the investment in boost, ssyb-YoecDQ-00128-00051583-00052108 which is what it takes if the same players are the same able to block you from the top 50 of the ssyb-YoecDQ-00129-00052108-00052438 MGE unfortunately, you are in a server where there is ssyb-YoecDQ-00130-00052438-00052804 a lot of whales and big ones whales and very little low spender ssyb-YoecDQ-00131-00052804-00053188 or freeplayer so it's going to be very complicated for you to play ssyb-YoecDQ-00132-00053188-00053822 the events and we're gonna have to play simply the evolution of your ssyb-YoecDQ-00133-00053822-00054254 city, your village, if on the other hand you're not in this type of ssyb-YoecDQ-00134-00054254-00054583 configuration there on your server the factors to be taken into account in ssyb-YoecDQ-00135-00054583-00054889 consideration: am I waiting for the last day of ssyb-YoecDQ-00136-00054889-00055444 the event, can I play the top 3 of the event, i.e. to ensure that I have the ssyb-YoecDQ-00137-00055444-00055792 minus five sculptures if you are not able to do so ssyb-YoecDQ-00138-00055792-00056281 keep, keep for several years weeks, for several months if he does ssyb-YoecDQ-00139-00056281-00056737 to invest at a time when you are really want the governor you ssyb-YoecDQ-00140-00056737-00057191 can do it at the largest level Governor, you can do on this guy ssyb-YoecDQ-00141-00057191-00057412 of event, if you prefer generic heads ssyb-YoecDQ-00142-00057412-00057779 knowing of course that even a first place there will ensure you ssyb-YoecDQ-00143-00057779-00058252 only 20 gold sculptures generic but it's almost 20 ssyb-YoecDQ-00144-00058252-00058642 sculptures easier to take than 20 sculptures in the greatest governor ssyb-YoecDQ-00145-00058642-00058942 since if I don't talk nonsense, 20 sculptures in the largest in the ssyb-YoecDQ-00146-00058942-00059419 Governor, it must be a top ten or a top ten. top 15 I think it's a top 10 so ssyb-YoecDQ-00147-00059419-00059734 you have to be able to hold it. It still stays that way. ssyb-YoecDQ-00148-00059734-00060223 a very high level and if you don't do your 25 30 35 million points is fine ssyb-YoecDQ-00149-00060223-00060679 be difficult so calculate it well before, knowing that now we're sure ssyb-YoecDQ-00150-00060679-00061138 several types of accelerator drives and construction so that ssyb-YoecDQ-00151-00061138-00061450 may also allow you to give an indication, it is better to ssyb-YoecDQ-00152-00061450-00061936 invest here or invest in the most great governor because the accelerators ssyb-YoecDQ-00153-00061936-00062295 of construction you will earn fewer points on day 4 in the MGE ssyb-YoecDQ-00154-00062295-00062749 that invests in this type of event, when I say will bring you back - points ssyb-YoecDQ-00155-00062749-00063424 i.e. the expenditure will be more profitable here since, the ssyb-YoecDQ-00156-00063424-00063679 big players, this factor also to be taken into account in ssyb-YoecDQ-00157-00063679-00064000 consideration, the big players who are already at the maximum ssyb-YoecDQ-00158-00064000-00064339 they will only be able to do training accelerators since they ssyb-YoecDQ-00159-00064339-00064627 have no more construction to do so if you have a large stock ssyb-YoecDQ-00160-00064627-00064984 of construction accelerator there is no doesn't have that many questions to ask himself. ssyb-YoecDQ-00161-00064984-00065383 it is in these events that we need to invest to try to rank on the ssyb-YoecDQ-00162-00065383-00065632 as best as possible and that's why we're doing it. sees here ssyb-YoecDQ-00163-00065632-00066022 as alexmaroufleurs and as follows except pepto ssyb-YoecDQ-00164-00066022-00066358 so if we exclude the first one and fifth, these are players who do not have ssyb-YoecDQ-00165-00066358-00066772 their construction to the maximum so it's for that reason they can rank well there ssyb-YoecDQ-00166-00066772-00067267 above using their accelerator of Construction here, listen, I hope you're listening. ssyb-YoecDQ-00167-00067267-00067786 it will have helped you with this video. decide whether to invest or not, because ssyb-YoecDQ-00168-00067786-00068164 that I'm being asked and I've been asked again yesterday the question: are we going, are we going? ssyb-YoecDQ-00169-00068164-00068413 that I'm going, is that that I'm saving for the greatest ssyb-YoecDQ-00170-00068413-00068665 Governor, these are questions you ask me. ssyb-YoecDQ-00171-00068665-00069106 The best thing is obviously to succeed in invest a little bit here to earn ssyb-YoecDQ-00172-00069106-00069463 two, three heads and invest a small little in the greatest governor for ssyb-YoecDQ-00173-00069463-00069853 to win three or four heads can be interesting since the largest ssyb-YoecDQ-00174-00069853-00070270 Governor will return several times to the minus three times the same commander if ssyb-YoecDQ-00175-00070270-00070585 you have several times five heads at the minus two times five heads is fine with you. ssyb-YoecDQ-00176-00070585-00070976 ensure that the commander in question. Here you go, listen to them. ssyb-YoecDQ-00177-00070976-00071306 friends I hope this video will be for you useful if this is the case do not hesitate to ssyb-YoecDQ-00178-00071306-00071585 drop a big blue thumb, you know that. it helps a lot of development of ssyb-YoecDQ-00179-00071585-00071918 the chain and I remind you of our target of 2000 subscribers by January ssyb-YoecDQ-00180-00071918-00072272 so don't hesitate if it's not already to subscribe to the channel and to ssyb-YoecDQ-00181-00072272-00072602 click on the bell to be informed of any new video do not hesitate ssyb-YoecDQ-00182-00072602-00073013 either to respond to the survey that will be here all week, which will remain all week. ssyb-YoecDQ-00183-00073013-00073598 the week in on the youtube page of the chain in the community part where ssyb-YoecDQ-00184-00073598-00073973 I'm asking you to find out which ones schedules you prefer for live performances at ssyb-YoecDQ-00185-00073973-00074297 that is, 11 hours or 18 hours apparently 18 hours is well into ssyb-YoecDQ-00186-00074297-00074528 head. I wish you all a good game and I ssyb-YoecDQ-00187-00074528-00074842 I'll see you later on ROK. ssyb-YoecDQ-00188-00075097-00075409 [Music] sutNgShJU3c-00000-00000000-00000200 enjoy the video :) svzusiP6RKY-00000-00000000-00000328 Subscribe to us for Chemistry 10+2 level course. sysVC25UStY-00000-00000000-00000200 Ekansgamerop minecraft s_U0aW_zlR4-00000-00000390-00000708 You can help a child learn about more and less, s_U0aW_zlR4-00001-00000708-00001040 by putting some small objects in two groups. s_U0aW_zlR4-00002-00001190-00001511 For this activity, you can use any objects you have available, s_U0aW_zlR4-00003-00001529-00001827 but for my example, I'll be using rocks. s_U0aW_zlR4-00004-00001927-00002377 So, we'll put two rocks in one group... s_U0aW_zlR4-00005-00002562-00003117 and we'll put three rocks in another group. s_U0aW_zlR4-00006-00003273-00003733 Now together, you and child can count out how many rocks are in each group. s_U0aW_zlR4-00007-00003776-00004122 We have one, two rocks in this group... s_U0aW_zlR4-00008-00004188-00004579 and one, two, three rocks in the other group. s_U0aW_zlR4-00009-00004759-00005107 Then you can ask the child, "which group has more?" s_U0aW_zlR4-00010-00005114-00005314 And the child can point at it. s_U0aW_zlR4-00011-00005418-00005714 Then you can ask them, "which group has less?" s_U0aW_zlR4-00012-00005978-00006223 You can change up the groups... s_U0aW_zlR4-00013-00006838-00007200 and ask the child, "which group has more?" s_U0aW_zlR4-00014-00007382-00007582 and "which group has less?" s_U0aW_zlR4-00015-00007885-00008216 When a child learns about more and less, s_U0aW_zlR4-00016-00008216-00008582 it helps them when they learn to add and subtract. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00000-00000000-00000433 I will quit my job. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00001-00000433-00000712 I will do it. I decided. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00002-00000712-00001237 How did my junior partner do with my decision. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00003-00001733-00002279 We have just finished shooting a video about our goods. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00004-00003190-00003598 Did it go well? I will check. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00005-00003774-00003974 Will you wear these socks? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00006-00003974-00004211 I will later. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00007-00004211-00004344 I put them aside here. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00008-00004347-00004819 This time, I will play a prank on Shota. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00009-00004819-00004974 It’s called... sC_xVM1X7Ey-00010-00004974-00005583 If the older partner tell the junior partner to quit job, how will he react? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00011-00005583-00006140 I will clarify if my junior partner will react with my lie. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00012-00006375-00006687 Spy camera is very useful. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00013-00006770-00007100 Pass me the T-shirt on there. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00014-00007100-00007386 Left one. It’s green long T-shirt. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00015-00007386-00007586 Which? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00016-00007863-00008063 Hurry up. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00017-00008213-00008551 Do you want to wear the same color’s shirt as mine? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00018-00008570-00008926 I will wear it underneath. You are annoying. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00019-00008960-00009203 The words were too sharp. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00020-00009203-00009618 I can‘t choose my clothes. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00021-00009629-00009922 Whatever. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00022-00010962-00011341 Shota sC_xVM1X7Ey-00023-00011341-00011500 Sho-chan sC_xVM1X7Ey-00024-00011500-00011924 What? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00025-00011924-00012124 Listen to me. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00026-00012938-00013138 I will ... sC_xVM1X7Ey-00027-00013470-00013670 quit my job. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00028-00013787-00014080 I decided it. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00029-00014225-00014425 What are you supposed to do? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00030-00014478-00014766 I wanna work YouTube only. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00031-00014766-00015111 (No) sC_xVM1X7Ey-00032-00015446-00016000 I think now situation is not good for our channel. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00033-00016024-00016427 Well, it must be half-baked. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00034-00016427-00016665 It can’t be. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00035-00016665-00016865 Both of job and YouTube. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00036-00016865-00017239 They can’t be half-baked. You work all hard enough. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00037-00017239-00018062 I thought it was better to choose one of the two, so I have done YouTube. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00038-00018290-00019178 You’re wrong. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00039-00019210-00020270 Resignation letter has to be handed over one month before I leave my office. I will quit my job this year, so I handed over it already. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00040-00020400-00020540 Really? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00041-00020540-00020740 It’s true. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00042-00020875-00021332 I will quit my job at the end of December. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00043-00021332-00021475 Hold on. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00044-00021475-00022208 (I am confused.) sC_xVM1X7Ey-00045-00022277-00022578 That may be wrong. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00046-00022578-00022871 Why? This is my decision. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00047-00022871-00023769 It’s not the point whether you may not work hard and need choose one. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00048-00023769-00024194 I apologize you for not having told you about it. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00049-00024194-00024580 I believed you would accept what I did. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00050-00024580-00025070 No, I never do. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00051-00025077-00025500 We two should devote ourselves to YouTube. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00052-00025500-00026815 We will do well with it and it canna be happy for me and the viewers, but sC_xVM1X7Ey-00053-00026815-00027677 To be honest, the income is getting lower and our lifestyle should be worse. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00054-00027686-00028326 But, after we come over the difficulties, we can bear fruit. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00055-00028326-00028594 We will be definitely happy after the demanding lifestyle. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00056-00028594-00029000 Let me see, sC_xVM1X7Ey-00057-00029000-00029200 I can’t agree with you. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00058-00029200-00029572 It’s too late. I handed over the resignation letter. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00059-00029911-00030863 In case we are well off, I can agree with you. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00060-00030863-00031282 We have some savings. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00061-00031282-00031843 Shota, which is more important for you, money or me. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00062-00032036-00032545 (It is out of the point.) sC_xVM1X7Ey-00063-00032545-00032863 Which is important? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00064-00033435-00033931 That’s not point. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00065-00033969-00034308 As you know, money is important because we can‘t live without money. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00066-00034308-00034508 Right. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00067-00034565-00035500 Money is essential for us to live even though it is downplayed. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00068-00035500-00036196 I can image our lifestyle without money is so miserable. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00069-00036197-00036591 We can‘t do anything without money. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00070-00036606-00037016 But, I handed over resignation letter already. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00071-00037362-00037834 Well, sC_xVM1X7Ey-00072-00037834-00038951 some families have a housewife and a man of worker. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00073-00038951-00039732 I think you should think better of it. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00074-00039746-00040033 But, I handed over. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00075-00040033-00040233 It’s caused by you. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00076-00040265-00040886 You should have considered it deeply and consulted with me. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00077-00040886-00041184 I decided it myself. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00078-00041184-00041459 Not good. That‘s terrible. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00079-00041459-00041678 I can‘t agree with you. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00080-00041678-00041942 Well, what should I do? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00081-00041942-00042424 Do talk with your boss. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00082-00042451-00043822 Should I say “I want to rescind my resignation”? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00083-00043822-00044289 (It‘s complicated.) sC_xVM1X7Ey-00084-00044289-00045442 No, I am not saying I don’t wanna support you. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00085-00045442-00046395 I think it is better you work as long as you are in a good condition. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00086-00046406-00046606 It can save money. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00087-00046606-00047176 We can save the best for last. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00088-00047176-00048210 We have worked on YouTube and I found there are enough times to shoot some videos. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00089-00048210-00048545 I think most you tubers are the same situation as us. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00090-00048545-00048875 Now situation must be the best for us. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00091-00048886-00049086 (That‘s great advice.) sC_xVM1X7Ey-00092-00049110-00049310 Do you understand me? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00093-00049383-00049706 You say so, but I want to give up. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00094-00049706-00049906 Your job? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00095-00049918-00050457 No, I am talking about shooting YouTube videos in spare moments. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00096-00050554-00050711 (Our argument is lasting.) sC_xVM1X7Ey-00097-00050711-00051193 It’s impossible for you. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00098-00051271-00051471 You don’t like to be kept under surveillance. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00099-00051536-00052068 You are reminiscent of the saying of fortune-teller. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00100-00052068-00052476 (The guy said “Working at the office is the best for him.” ) sC_xVM1X7Ey-00101-00052476-00054061 For the YouTube, you should not be anxious because we can shoot videos in the off-days. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00102-00054061-00054832 I can know your anxiety. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00103-00054832-00055403 Our current lifestyle is not bad for us. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00104-00055515-00055836 I will tell Shota all of them were lie. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00105-00055870-00056510 At last, I want to talk about one thing to you. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00106-00056510-00057687 The camera is shooting to check your reaction now. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00107-00058319-00058519 (He should be slapped.) sC_xVM1X7Ey-00108-00059471-00059857 Did you honestly think I will quit my job? sC_xVM1X7Ey-00109-00059927-00060883 I could take a guess what you would talk about is your job. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00110-00060893-00061500 But, I was honestly impatient when you said you handed over the resignation letter. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00111-00061500-00061783 But, I would make you rescind your resignation. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00112-00061783-00062217 I don’t quit. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00113-00062217-00062749 We can‘t live without my job. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00114-00062749-00063769 I should know better than to quit my job. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00115-00063769-00063969 That’s all good. sC_xVM1X7Ey-00116-00064411-00064969 This is CM. sDVK3r0-L-A-00000-00000858-00001350 good evening everybody um my name is Bridget Shearer I'm the Parks and Recreation director sDVK3r0-L-A-00001-00001350-00002304 for the city of Belmont and I'm pleased to welcome you all to our March Belmont talks event um just sDVK3r0-L-A-00002-00002304-00002982 uh um quick overview of what Belmont talks is all about you've all heard of TED talks and thanks sDVK3r0-L-A-00003-00002982-00003606 to our volunteer volunteer coordinator Susan rendina we have modified TED talks to um bring sDVK3r0-L-A-00004-00003606-00004188 it to Belmont and make a Belmont talk series and so since January I think of last year we have been sDVK3r0-L-A-00005-00004188-00004872 hosting a talk series every month on all different types of topics and one of our most popular um is sDVK3r0-L-A-00006-00004872-00005544 about gardening and so we're excited to be hosting this evening this evening's topic next month sDVK3r0-L-A-00007-00005544-00006300 on April 13th we're going to be offering a um a presentation about the dangers of fentanyl as you sDVK3r0-L-A-00008-00006300-00006648 know that's a big problem in in every community in the United States right now and that's going sDVK3r0-L-A-00009-00006648-00007344 to be hosted by the Bell police department and on May 11th we're going to have Toastmasters sDVK3r0-L-A-00010-00007344-00008009 come and talk to us about giving presentations and um and being comfortable with public speaking so sDVK3r0-L-A-00011-00008009-00008496 um again I want to thank you all for for joining us on this rainy evening whether you're in person sDVK3r0-L-A-00012-00008496-00009126 or on zoom and thank you to the Belmont Library for making the space available to us um so now I'm sDVK3r0-L-A-00013-00009126-00009648 going to hand over to um Jonathan prop who's going to be talking about spring and summer sDVK3r0-L-A-00014-00009648-00010410 vegetable gardening welcome everybody I apologize for not being there in person in the library but sDVK3r0-L-A-00015-00010410-00011250 um given the weather I didn't feel great about driving up there tonight and so fortunately sDVK3r0-L-A-00016-00011250-00012054 Bridget and Susan were flexible and willing to let me present via Zoom so I'm down here in Menlo Park sDVK3r0-L-A-00017-00012174-00012690 um we're going to talk about spring and summer vegetable gardening and I was thinking today sDVK3r0-L-A-00018-00012882-00013644 um given how cold it's been and how rainy it is it's it's hard to kind of wrap your mind around sDVK3r0-L-A-00019-00013644-00014526 the concept of Summer gardening right now but the fact is it really is time to start planning sDVK3r0-L-A-00020-00014526-00015240 out your spring and summer vegetable garden and to actually start planting stuff so that's what sDVK3r0-L-A-00021-00015240-00016116 we'll cover today um before I start just a couple of things the if you're not familiar sDVK3r0-L-A-00022-00016116-00017058 with the Master Gardeners um we are a volunteer branch of UC Cooperative Extension uh which is sDVK3r0-L-A-00023-00017058-00017706 the Agricultural Extension Service of of the University of California um there's a master sDVK3r0-L-A-00024-00017706-00018744 Gardener's branch in pretty much every county in California the same the chapter the San Mateo-San sDVK3r0-L-A-00025-00018744-00019746 Francisco chapter has been around since I think 2006 and I joined in 2008. okay let's get started sDVK3r0-L-A-00026-00019746-00020406 I'm gonna go for an hour here and we'll leave a half hour for Q and A so if you do have questions sDVK3r0-L-A-00027-00020406-00021036 just put them in the chat window we're gonna have people monitoring the chat stream and they're sDVK3r0-L-A-00028-00021036-00021642 going to compile the questions and then at the very end we'll start digging into the questions sDVK3r0-L-A-00029-00021756-00022440 okay well um let's get started so here's the agenda for tonight we'll talk about sDVK3r0-L-A-00030-00022440-00023178 soil because soil is so important to Growing good vegetables what when and where to plant which is sDVK3r0-L-A-00031-00023178-00023910 probably what you're most interested in we'll talk about propagating seeds transplanting then sDVK3r0-L-A-00032-00023910-00024552 we'll we'll talk about some things about caring for your plants as they're growing and maturing sDVK3r0-L-A-00033-00024552-00025110 and fruiting and then just a little bit at the end about things like irrigation Pest Control sDVK3r0-L-A-00034-00025200-00026142 there's a lot of slides here and I'm not going to have time to go through them all really but sDVK3r0-L-A-00035-00026142-00027077 you all will have access to the presentation it went out in the invitation today as a PDF file sDVK3r0-L-A-00036-00027077-00028026 and if if you don't have it then just give your email address to Susan in the library and she'll sDVK3r0-L-A-00037-00028026-00028566 make sure that you can get the presentation that way there's a lot of detail on some of the slides sDVK3r0-L-A-00038-00028566-00029868 that you we may not get to in the next hour okay so soil this is a a great view of what soil is and sDVK3r0-L-A-00039-00029927-00030570 I I think for a lot of people it's kind of eye-opening to see what is soil made sDVK3r0-L-A-00040-00030570-00031488 of and you know so for example it's 25 percent air right and and 25 Water sDVK3r0-L-A-00041-00031589-00032430 mineral particles 45 and then the remaining is organic matter with which you can see broken out sDVK3r0-L-A-00042-00032430-00033474 at at the end there's been a lot of research about soil in the last 20 years or or so and I think we sDVK3r0-L-A-00043-00033474-00034230 understand so much better what is going on down there basically what it is is that soil is alive sDVK3r0-L-A-00044-00034308-00035184 there are microorganisms and organisms who live in the soil we've learned a lot about sDVK3r0-L-A-00045-00035268-00036126 fungi and bacteria specifically mycorrhizal fungi which have a symbiotic relationship with plants sDVK3r0-L-A-00046-00036126-00037212 and they free up nutrients from the soil to the plant in exchange for some of the sugars that the sDVK3r0-L-A-00047-00037212-00038136 plant creates through photosynthesis so there's an amazing web of life in the soil and the reason sDVK3r0-L-A-00048-00038136-00039078 that matters is because if you want healthy plants and tasty vegetables you need to cultivate good sDVK3r0-L-A-00049-00039078-00040062 soil and a lot of our native soils here in in the Bay Area and on the peninsula are not very good sDVK3r0-L-A-00050-00040218-00040854 um they've been you know sort of the product of tectonic plates mashing together and sDVK3r0-L-A-00051-00040854-00041448 so we have a lot of clay in in our soils they're fairly alkaline sDVK3r0-L-A-00052-00041574-00042666 um and so you need to cultivate good soil and as you build soil over the years you want to sDVK3r0-L-A-00053-00042666-00043662 make sure that you don't dig it up and kill some of the microorganisms now you know not all of us sDVK3r0-L-A-00054-00043662-00044736 have the luxury of being able to Garden in the natural soil um so you can have potting soil sDVK3r0-L-A-00055-00044736-00045492 in containers for example and and we'll address that later but the first thing you want to think sDVK3r0-L-A-00056-00045492-00046404 about in the springtime is feeding your soil so the best way to do that is to add some compost sDVK3r0-L-A-00057-00046494-00047328 compost is putting organic matter into the soil so if you remember that chart some sDVK3r0-L-A-00058-00047484-00048354 um ten percent five percent of the soil is organic matter right it's decomposed uh plants sDVK3r0-L-A-00059-00048354-00049326 and manure and things like that um you want to be adding compost to your soil in the spring so um sDVK3r0-L-A-00060-00049536-00050448 the best thing to do is is to get a good two to three inches of compost put it apply it to your sDVK3r0-L-A-00061-00050448-00051582 bed and um then mix it into the top few inches of of the soil a lot of times people will ask we get sDVK3r0-L-A-00062-00051582-00052674 free compost from Recology and various people have looked at that soil at that compost and sometimes sDVK3r0-L-A-00063-00052674-00053591 there's some uh not great stuff that comes through in that compost and doesn't fully break down so if sDVK3r0-L-A-00064-00053591-00054276 if you're serious and you want to have an organic vegetable garden I would recommend that you sDVK3r0-L-A-00065-00054366-00054948 buy an organic compost you can get at a garden store down here in the South sDVK3r0-L-A-00066-00054948-00055541 Peninsula there there are some places like web Ranch where you can pick up organic compost sDVK3r0-L-A-00067-00055644-00056262 Etc so what do you do in the spring add compost mix it into your soil sDVK3r0-L-A-00068-00056376-00057300 um if you need more nutrients in the soil then add some fertilizer okay and we'll talk about sDVK3r0-L-A-00069-00057300-00058098 when you might want to do that mix it into the top of your soil once you've planted and you sDVK3r0-L-A-00070-00058098-00058991 have seedlings then you can start mulching the soil and mulch is a layer on top of your soil sDVK3r0-L-A-00071-00058991-00059766 which reduces evaporation and reduces weed growth and it can reduce evaporation by as sDVK3r0-L-A-00072-00059766-00060329 much as 50 percent so particularly in hot summers here that can be really important sDVK3r0-L-A-00073-00060648-00061476 if you planted a cover crop this is a photograph of fava beans which are commonly used cover crop sDVK3r0-L-A-00074-00061476-00062441 crimson clover is another good one then at this point in the season it's grown up reasonably High sDVK3r0-L-A-00075-00062532-00063354 it's too late to plant a cover crop now if you do a cover crop for next year you want it in in the sDVK3r0-L-A-00076-00063354-00064020 garden in October that way it can Sprout and start to grow grow slowly through the winter sDVK3r0-L-A-00077-00064020-00064866 it'll pick up as the days get longer at this time of the year and cover cropping is a very natural sDVK3r0-L-A-00078-00064866-00065808 way to add nutrients to the soil so fava beans and crimson clover that I mentioned vetch, oats, sDVK3r0-L-A-00079-00065808-00066654 buckwheat, plants like that -- a lot of them add nitrogen to the soil so they're and nitrogen is sDVK3r0-L-A-00080-00066654-00067500 one of the key nutrients that plants need so a lot of the cover crops are basically fixing nitrogen sDVK3r0-L-A-00081-00067500-00068262 into the soil and that's why we do cover crops they also keep the soil from getting compacted sDVK3r0-L-A-00082-00068262-00068868 because you have Roots growing down through there and that helps keep the air and the water in in sDVK3r0-L-A-00083-00068868-00069834 the soil if you have grown a cover crop there's absolutely no need to pull the plants out with the sDVK3r0-L-A-00084-00069834-00070656 roots that'll disturb the microorganisms in there so you can just cut them off right at ground level sDVK3r0-L-A-00085-00070740-00071730 and then chop them up really fine they'll be nice green mulch for your garden The Roots sDVK3r0-L-A-00086-00071730-00072384 will die without any photosynthesis going on above them so that's an easy thing to do sDVK3r0-L-A-00087-00072492-00073164 um if if you want to turn them under by all means you you can do so as I said once you cut the sDVK3r0-L-A-00088-00073164-00073866 plants down the roots Will Will just die and Decay and they'll become more organic matter in the soil sDVK3r0-L-A-00089-00073998-00074946 now do you need to add fertilizer or not well to some extent it depends on what you grew in sDVK3r0-L-A-00090-00074946-00075798 that I'm assuming that this is a garden bed maybe a raised bed where you grew vegetables last year sDVK3r0-L-A-00091-00075918-00076674 if you did grow vegetables last year it depends on what you had in there so plants are characterized sDVK3r0-L-A-00092-00076674-00077616 as heavy feeders light feeders and what we call Soil neutrals. heavy feeders are plants that use sDVK3r0-L-A-00093-00077616-00078348 a lot of nutrients from the soil these are going to be your typical warm weather vegetables like sDVK3r0-L-A-00094-00078348-00079218 tomatoes, cucumber, squash, eggplant, Etc that corn is is notorious for using up a lot of nutrients sDVK3r0-L-A-00095-00079272-00080214 so if you were growing these last year then you've depleted a lot of the nutrients in the soil and sDVK3r0-L-A-00096-00080214-00081132 unless you cover cropped you're going to need to add some nitrogen phosphorus potassium (N, P and K) sDVK3r0-L-A-00097-00081132-00082050 the main elements of fertilizer into your soil now other plants are light feeders so you can see a sDVK3r0-L-A-00098-00082050-00083190 lot of the um a lot of the root crops here -- mustard greens, Swiss chard, so those don't take a lot of sDVK3r0-L-A-00099-00083190-00083898 nutrients from the soil if that's what you had in the bed you may not need to add fertilizer in sDVK3r0-L-A-00100-00083898-00084972 the spring now soil neutrals are the legumes -- beans and peas -- and like the cover crops that I mentioned sDVK3r0-L-A-00101-00084972-00085824 beans and peas actually add nitrogen to the soil it's it's what it's called nitrogen fixing if you sDVK3r0-L-A-00102-00085824-00086442 pull up your bean plant and look at the root it's got these little white nodules on it and sDVK3r0-L-A-00103-00086442-00087252 and those are nitrogen fixing bacteria so they're taking nitrogen and feeding it down into the soil sDVK3r0-L-A-00104-00087318-00088488 once those beans and peas start seeding and creating pods then that process reverses and sDVK3r0-L-A-00105-00088488-00089292 it takes the nitrogen out of the soil to feed the the pods so that's why we call them soil neutrals sDVK3r0-L-A-00106-00089292-00090102 they put so they put nitrogen in but then they're going to pull it out later um and the reason when sDVK3r0-L-A-00107-00090102-00091116 you cover crop using say fava beans the reason you cut you cut them down is because you don't sDVK3r0-L-A-00108-00091116-00091776 want them to to pod and form beans because they're going to reverse that nitrogen process so if you sDVK3r0-L-A-00109-00091776-00092400 do have a cover crop of fava beans you want to let them flower and then chop them down sDVK3r0-L-A-00110-00092916-00093822 all right um one more thing on what to put in the garden and that is this idea of crop rotation so sDVK3r0-L-A-00111-00093924-00095226 a lot of soil-borne diseases will build up in a vegetable bed if you keep planting the same family sDVK3r0-L-A-00112-00095316-00096078 of vegetables over and over again so this Photograph here is something called verticillium sDVK3r0-L-A-00113-00096078-00096546 Wilt and you can see it's a tomato plant and you can see the leaves are turning brown and sDVK3r0-L-A-00114-00096546-00097344 dying there are two main types of Wilt in tomatoes fusarium Wilt and verticillium Wilt sDVK3r0-L-A-00115-00097344-00098010 once they're in your soil they're really hard to get out and they last there for years and it'll sDVK3r0-L-A-00116-00098010-00099120 just kill any tomatoes that you grow there so the way to avoid that is by not planting crops sDVK3r0-L-A-00117-00099120-00099648 from the same family in successive years so for example if you're looking at Tomatoes they're in sDVK3r0-L-A-00118-00099648-00100602 the nightshade family you you don't want you want to try to avoid whoops sorry you want to try to sDVK3r0-L-A-00119-00100602-00101580 avoid planting these crops in the same place year after year similar for for the other crops like sDVK3r0-L-A-00120-00101580-00102509 the cruciferous vegetables here your your broccoli cauliflower brussels sprouts Etc um so you want to sDVK3r0-L-A-00121-00102509-00103320 rotate your crops now that said we don't all have the luxury to rotate crops for example sDVK3r0-L-A-00122-00103320-00104333 in my yard I really only have like a couple of areas which get enough heat and sunlight to grow sDVK3r0-L-A-00123-00104418-00105240 the eggplants and tomatoes and peppers so if you're in that situation then what are your sDVK3r0-L-A-00124-00105318-00106080 choices well you can plant disease resistant varieties so if for example with tomatoes they'll sDVK3r0-L-A-00125-00106080-00107274 have an F1 or V1 notification on the seed pack F1 being fusarium wilt, V1 being verticillium Wilt sDVK3r0-L-A-00126-00107274-00107970 and that means that these are hybrid seeds that have been bred to be resistant to those varieties sDVK3r0-L-A-00127-00107970-00108744 so if that's something you can try to do if you don't have the option to to rotate crops sDVK3r0-L-A-00128-00109158-00110040 all right so um when to plant I'm sure this is what everyone was interested in this is a planning sDVK3r0-L-A-00129-00110040-00110706 calendar that we have on the Master Gardener website if if you go to the website of the San sDVK3r0-L-A-00130-00110706-00111311 Mateo San Francisco county Master Gardeners and and you go into gardening resources you'll see sDVK3r0-L-A-00131-00111311-00112109 something called planting calendars and these were put together by one of our best gardeners Carol sDVK3r0-L-A-00132-00112109-00113190 O'Donnell um over a decade ago and she created three calendars what we call foggy sunny and hot sDVK3r0-L-A-00133-00113261-00114000 and that's because we have so many micro climates within San Francisco and San Mateo sDVK3r0-L-A-00134-00114000-00114846 counties we have the whole fog belt which is over on the coast and much of San Francisco sDVK3r0-L-A-00135-00115032-00115944 um the southern Peninsula side of San Mateo county is The Hot Zone Redwood City Menlo Park sDVK3r0-L-A-00136-00115944-00116861 Atherton Woodside for example um and then sort of the in-between area is is what we call the sDVK3r0-L-A-00137-00116861-00118074 sunny area so I would say you know San Mateo um San Mateo San Carlos I chose this one for sDVK3r0-L-A-00138-00118074-00118733 this presentation because I think Belmont kind of falls into the sunny area I mean you guys aren't sDVK3r0-L-A-00139-00118733-00119538 really in the fog belt but you're definitely not in the banana belt of of San Mateo County sDVK3r0-L-A-00140-00119616-00120420 so if you go to the website you can you can access all three there we even have them in in Spanish sDVK3r0-L-A-00141-00120582-00121302 um and at the end I think Mandarin so the way to read this is you know for a sDVK3r0-L-A-00142-00121302-00122226 particular month this is what you can plant and then s refers to seed and T refers to transplant sDVK3r0-L-A-00143-00122352-00123168 if you look at this you'll see a few things first of all you can plant all the root crops from seed sDVK3r0-L-A-00144-00123168-00124404 at this point um carrots carrots turnips beets um Etc um they don't mean particularly warm soil sDVK3r0-L-A-00145-00124542-00125111 um I'll show you a slide in a second that gives you sort of optimum soil temperatures sDVK3r0-L-A-00146-00125111-00125802 for germination you you can basically plant any of your root crops right now the other thing you sDVK3r0-L-A-00147-00125802-00126606 can plan from seed right now is a lot of your greens so for example spinach will do just sDVK3r0-L-A-00148-00126606-00127872 fine lettuce will do just fine um collards Swiss chard um Etc so the greens generally sDVK3r0-L-A-00149-00127872-00128670 can tolerate kind of cool soil conditions as well and you can you can plant them if you're sDVK3r0-L-A-00150-00128670-00129474 thinking you can also plant your cruciferous vegetables now your cabbage cauliflower broccoli sDVK3r0-L-A-00151-00129540-00130272 Etc but you'll really want to plant them from transplants which means you've either got to sDVK3r0-L-A-00152-00130272-00131052 go buy them in a garden store or you'll have had to have started them six weeks ago indoors sDVK3r0-L-A-00153-00131214-00132150 um and then the one thing you'll see you you will see is missing from March is the warm sDVK3r0-L-A-00154-00132150-00133188 weather vegetables so tomatoes peppers eggplants cucumbers beans it's just not warm enough for them sDVK3r0-L-A-00155-00133188-00133986 yet particularly this year because it's been so cold um so the soil is not warm enough the sDVK3r0-L-A-00156-00133986-00134808 nighttime temperatures are not warm enough those you're going to find really in late April and May sDVK3r0-L-A-00157-00134970-00135408 um you know when I started as a Master Gardener the perceived wisdom was that you put your sDVK3r0-L-A-00158-00135408-00136158 tomatoes in the ground on May 1st and you know as our climate's been changing and warming you know sDVK3r0-L-A-00159-00136158-00137088 that date has really moved into the second half of April I think and um I'll talk at sDVK3r0-L-A-00160-00137088-00137880 the end about our spring seedling sale which is April 15th and that's a perfect time for sDVK3r0-L-A-00161-00137880-00138564 getting your warm weather seedlings you buy them in mid-april you give them a week to what we call sDVK3r0-L-A-00162-00138564-00139170 harden off and that is get used to being outside and and then they go in the ground in late April sDVK3r0-L-A-00163-00139596-00140172 now the question of whether you plant from seed or from transplants sDVK3r0-L-A-00164-00140292-00141372 um so first of all all the root crops don't transplant well so you must sow directly from seed sDVK3r0-L-A-00165-00141462-00142608 the um the greens mostly and then um some of the cucurbits down here and the legumes sDVK3r0-L-A-00166-00142692-00143946 you can do either um in my experience you know greens are pretty tender and and and fussy to sDVK3r0-L-A-00167-00143946-00144714 transplant I mean you think about transplanting a a small lettuce seedling it's it's pretty tender sDVK3r0-L-A-00168-00144714-00145914 and small and kind of easy to to break it um all those greens will will do just fine from seed sDVK3r0-L-A-00169-00145914-00146820 and as I said they'll germinate in pretty cool temperatures so these are you can do these from sDVK3r0-L-A-00170-00146922-00147390 um transplants if you want to get an early start for example but they'll do sDVK3r0-L-A-00171-00147390-00148116 just fine from seed peas and beans again if you want to get an early start you can sDVK3r0-L-A-00172-00148116-00148998 you can start them inside but they really do quite well um so directly in your soil sDVK3r0-L-A-00173-00149100-00149868 um similarly for squash and cucumbers they germinate quite well Outdoors it's just you sDVK3r0-L-A-00174-00149868-00150504 need much warmer soil temperature for for these guys down here than you have right now sDVK3r0-L-A-00175-00150690-00151602 um and then you know in terms of some of these vegetables here it's generally um sDVK3r0-L-A-00176-00151662-00152220 is generally perceived that it's better to do them as transplants than direct seeding sDVK3r0-L-A-00177-00152358-00153204 um and so that's what most of us do now obviously someone's got to start it somewhere as a seed but sDVK3r0-L-A-00178-00153282-00153804 um you know that's typically something that's going to be done indoors or in a greenhouse sDVK3r0-L-A-00179-00153804-00154950 and then eventually taken outside that said I have a an Italian-American neighbor here who sDVK3r0-L-A-00180-00154950-00155790 seeds all her Tomatoes directly outdoors in the spring in like 50 degrees soil and she says sDVK3r0-L-A-00181-00155874-00156402 it works every year and she learned it from her mother so I think there's sDVK3r0-L-A-00182-00156402-00157092 exceptions to every Rule and you know you probably could grow these um directly from sDVK3r0-L-A-00183-00157092-00157632 seed Outdoors if you wanted to but most people are going to do them as transplants sDVK3r0-L-A-00184-00157896-00158712 now this is this is some useful information about um you know the kind of seed temperatures sDVK3r0-L-A-00185-00158712-00159354 you need to germinate so you know the the minimums are pretty low you can see sDVK3r0-L-A-00186-00159354-00159882 here and like here you know here Tomatoes you know you can put them in as low as 50 degrees sDVK3r0-L-A-00187-00160032-00160842 um but you can see the optimum range here and um you know it's a lot higher particularly I sDVK3r0-L-A-00188-00160842-00161652 mean look look at this for squash the optimum range is really um quite High eggplant as well sDVK3r0-L-A-00189-00161778-00162558 um and and and here's why that matters um this is days to germinate at different soil temperatures sDVK3r0-L-A-00190-00162558-00163518 so you could put your Tomatoes into 50 degree soil and um they'll take a month and a half to sDVK3r0-L-A-00191-00163518-00164418 germinate okay um whereas if if you know you plant your tomatoes in 68 degrees soil it'll take a week sDVK3r0-L-A-00192-00164508-00165252 and and this is why for things that you wanted direct seed outside like like your your your beans sDVK3r0-L-A-00193-00165252-00166260 uh like say your beans or or your cucumbers or um not seeing squash here um you're really going to sDVK3r0-L-A-00194-00166260-00167076 want to see your soil temperature get up around 65 degrees or so before you put them in the soil sDVK3r0-L-A-00195-00167184-00167652 um conversely I mean look at lettuce I mean lettuce is going to germinate in a sDVK3r0-L-A-00196-00167652-00168360 week in 50 degree soil so you know there's no reason you can't go out there tomorrow sDVK3r0-L-A-00197-00168498-00168840 um and plant lettuce except that you'll get rain dumped on you sDVK3r0-L-A-00198-00168972-00169740 um so the one of the best tools you can get yourself as a gardener is a soil thermometer sDVK3r0-L-A-00199-00169794-00170574 costs like eight bucks and it's just a little probe you stick into the soil and that way you sDVK3r0-L-A-00200-00170574-00171168 know when it's a good time to plant or not and I went out there last week and I stuck sDVK3r0-L-A-00201-00171168-00171858 it down my soil and it was like 50 degrees and if you think about it you know the nights have sDVK3r0-L-A-00202-00171858-00172752 been around 40 and the days have been barely 55 so um it's not surprising that my soil is sDVK3r0-L-A-00203-00172752-00173448 50 degrees and that's pretty cool for this time of year so get yourself a soil thermometer and sDVK3r0-L-A-00204-00173448-00174138 that way you can monitor when it's a good time to start sowing directly in in in in the beds sDVK3r0-L-A-00205-00174312-00174858 okay now a lot of times people ask is it better to plant seeds versus seedlings sDVK3r0-L-A-00206-00175116-00175872 well as we already talked about there are some vegetables that you uh really want to sDVK3r0-L-A-00207-00175872-00176430 direct seed and not try to transplant so for those you're always going to want to sDVK3r0-L-A-00208-00176430-00177252 do seeds but where you have a choice you know what are the what are the pros and cons well sDVK3r0-L-A-00209-00177252-00177930 seeds are going to be cheaper right you'll pay you know three dollars for a seed pack sDVK3r0-L-A-00210-00178080-00179160 um and you know that can have you know dozens of seeds in it whereas you'll pay like four or sDVK3r0-L-A-00211-00179160-00179898 five dollars for a six pack of of transplants like you know down in this photo here so it's sDVK3r0-L-A-00212-00179898-00180522 certainly cheaper to do seeds another reason to do seeds is that there are sDVK3r0-L-A-00213-00180522-00181410 way more varieties available if the the the the nurseries are stocking the most popular sDVK3r0-L-A-00214-00181518-00182268 Brands varieties of vegetable and if you want something that's a little bit different sDVK3r0-L-A-00215-00182352-00182922 you're not going to find it there right and that means you got to start from seed so for example sDVK3r0-L-A-00216-00183066-00184110 um if I look at um snap beans um and I go to the nursery like they're always Blue Lake and Kentucky sDVK3r0-L-A-00217-00184110-00184890 Wonder and those just aren't my favorite varieties of beans there are other varieties that I like sDVK3r0-L-A-00218-00184890-00185496 better so I'll buy the Seed packets for those because you can get those whereas you can't get sDVK3r0-L-A-00219-00185496-00186420 the seedlings for those so that's a big reason um to get to start from seeds rather than seedlings sDVK3r0-L-A-00220-00186420-00187140 particularly if you're interested in growing like heirloom varieties there are a lot of seed sDVK3r0-L-A-00221-00187140-00188022 companies now like Baker Creek seeds that sell some really wonderful heirloom variety vegetables sDVK3r0-L-A-00222-00188202-00188616 um now the downside with seeds is it requires Advanced planning right sDVK3r0-L-A-00223-00188748-00189300 um it's it's it's gonna be four to six weeks or so sDVK3r0-L-A-00224-00189366-00190566 before those seeds turn into something you can transplant so um you know it if you didn't do the sDVK3r0-L-A-00225-00190566-00191214 advanced planning and you're like I want Swiss chard plants tomorrow then you're going to go sDVK3r0-L-A-00226-00191214-00191916 out and get seedlings from from the garden store okay but if you can plan it out ahead of time you sDVK3r0-L-A-00227-00191916-00192750 have the space and tools to start things indoors then you know working from seeds is a great option sDVK3r0-L-A-00228-00193074-00194268 let's talk a little bit about types of seeds so um hybrid seeds are commercially bred seeds sDVK3r0-L-A-00229-00194268-00194862 they're not naturally occurring varieties they can be bred for disease resistance sDVK3r0-L-A-00230-00194862-00195654 like we talked about with tomatoes or yield or or whatever if you try to save those seeds sDVK3r0-L-A-00231-00195744-00196236 you're not going to get the same variety the next year because it's a mix of a couple of other sDVK3r0-L-A-00232-00196236-00197058 varieties you'll get something but it's not going to be the same variety open pollinated seeds are sDVK3r0-L-A-00233-00197058-00197730 these are naturally occurring seeds if you save those you'll get the same variety the next year sDVK3r0-L-A-00234-00197808-00198528 heirlooms you often hear a lot about heirlooms they're simply an open pollinated variety that's sDVK3r0-L-A-00235-00198528-00199218 got some sort of a long pedigree and a lot of us that grow heirlooms sDVK3r0-L-A-00236-00199278-00199974 do it because you you don't find a lot of them in the grocery stores sDVK3r0-L-A-00237-00200058-00200772 like for example with tomatoes a lot of the heirloom tomatoes have great flavor but they don't sDVK3r0-L-A-00238-00200772-00201888 travel well so they're not going to be in the Safeways for example so so that's why a lot of us will sDVK3r0-L-A-00239-00201888-00202440 grow heirlooms because if if you want those varieties that's how you're going to get them sDVK3r0-L-A-00240-00202914-00203430 I'm not going to spend time on this so just one thing about Nursery starts sDVK3r0-L-A-00241-00203544-00204540 um avoid really sort of tall leggy plants um any yellowing is a sign that um that plant long ago sDVK3r0-L-A-00242-00204540-00204978 used up the nutrients in the soil and it's not going to be a particularly healthy plant sDVK3r0-L-A-00243-00205121-00205919 um double stems you want to try to avoid you you really want to try to find a sturdy stem and then sDVK3r0-L-A-00244-00206058-00206694 dark green means that it's getting enough nitrogen particularly and other nutrients sDVK3r0-L-A-00245-00206694-00207510 out of the soil and then when I say right size for pot A good rule of thumb is that sDVK3r0-L-A-00246-00207582-00208476 the root structure is a half to two-thirds of the length of the stem okay so if you sDVK3r0-L-A-00247-00208476-00209028 look at the stem on this really tall tomato here or this tall basil plant sDVK3r0-L-A-00248-00209112-00209898 you can easily figure out that the roots have sort of bottomed out here in which case they're going sDVK3r0-L-A-00249-00209898-00210462 to start going anywhere they can they're going to wrap around themselves and you'll never get a good sDVK3r0-L-A-00250-00210462-00211062 root structure out of that plant so it's a little counterintuitive you know you go to the nursery sDVK3r0-L-A-00251-00211062-00211842 and you think I want to buy the biggest thing for my money but oftentimes buying that oversized pot sDVK3r0-L-A-00252-00211842-00212382 is going to give you an unhealthy plant so buy something that's right size for the pot sDVK3r0-L-A-00253-00212873-00213930 okay starting seeds indoors um this is a way to you know get a jump start on the season so sDVK3r0-L-A-00254-00214038-00214896 um if if you're you know planning to put your warm season crops in the ground in late April then sDVK3r0-L-A-00255-00214973-00215586 um you should have planted them indoors by now it's it's not by any means too late to sDVK3r0-L-A-00256-00215586-00215969 start now you could you could go out and start this next week and you'd be fine sDVK3r0-L-A-00257-00216090-00216816 um but a lot of us will have started in February uh here this is my setup here sDVK3r0-L-A-00258-00216960-00217548 um I've appropriated my son's bedroom you can see his world map here over the desk and sDVK3r0-L-A-00259-00217619-00218190 um I just I just have a tray here there's a heating mat under that and that is to sDVK3r0-L-A-00260-00218190-00218640 we talked about soil temperatures for germination a heating mat is going to sDVK3r0-L-A-00261-00218640-00219173 give you a warmer soil temperature while you're germinating the seeds sDVK3r0-L-A-00262-00219258-00219906 um and then I've got a grow light over it and and and we'll talk about um grow lights because sDVK3r0-L-A-00263-00220032-00220752 um once those seeds have germinated you're going to need to give them light and oftentimes whatever sDVK3r0-L-A-00264-00220752-00221514 is coming through the windows is not enough so you you'll want to provide them some light um sDVK3r0-L-A-00265-00221730-00222558 okay so um to germinate indoors first of all you want to clean your trays pots whatever you're sDVK3r0-L-A-00266-00222558-00223560 using with a 10 percent bleach solution um I reuse you know when I buy vegetables at the nursery that sDVK3r0-L-A-00267-00223560-00224376 transplants um they'll come in four inch pots I save all my four inch pots and reuse them but sDVK3r0-L-A-00268-00224376-00225390 just in case there were some diseases in there I'll wash all the pots in water in a 10 percent bleach sDVK3r0-L-A-00269-00225390-00225936 solution I'll just take a big bucket fill it with water put some bleach in there and then I'll just sDVK3r0-L-A-00270-00225936-00226650 take all the pots and stir them around in there get everything off them and then rinse it rinse sDVK3r0-L-A-00271-00226650-00227238 them out make sure they have holes on the bottom so water can drain out and again you're going to sDVK3r0-L-A-00272-00227238-00228023 put this in a in a seed tray so the seed tray holds all the water but the pots themselves sDVK3r0-L-A-00273-00228126-00228654 you'll want holes in the bottom and then um the water would get wicked up sDVK3r0-L-A-00274-00228654-00229308 from underneath by by The Roots um key thing to know about is that seed starting medium sDVK3r0-L-A-00275-00229452-00230262 um often called planting mix is not the same as potting soil it's a special kind of mix that's sDVK3r0-L-A-00276-00230262-00231048 lighter in weight so it's easier for seeds to germinate and pop through and it doesn't sDVK3r0-L-A-00277-00231048-00231798 generally have any nutrients in it so it's really something that's just designed for germination and sDVK3r0-L-A-00278-00231798-00232823 then you're going to need to either add nutrients or what we call up pot those seedlings to potting sDVK3r0-L-A-00279-00232823-00233621 soil which is going to have more body and and nutrients in them make sure you keep them moist sDVK3r0-L-A-00280-00233742-00234246 um if you look at my setup here this is a plastic cover here sDVK3r0-L-A-00281-00234402-00235271 when I when I start this and I and I I put seeds in in here and I set it down in the heating mat sDVK3r0-L-A-00282-00235410-00236040 um and and this I'll have the soil moist when I start I cover it with this sDVK3r0-L-A-00283-00236040-00236873 um plastic or it's over here and that keeps the heat and humidity there and after about a sDVK3r0-L-A-00284-00236873-00237569 week everything's sprouted I just take the plastic cover off but then you need to make sure you keep sDVK3r0-L-A-00285-00237569-00238314 adding water in there and the best way to water it is is from is not from the top but from the sDVK3r0-L-A-00286-00238314-00239166 bottom okay so water only from Below and I turn the heating mat off after everything's germinated sDVK3r0-L-A-00287-00239250-00240078 key Point label your pots I've made this mistake it's like you got I got 18 different pots in that sDVK3r0-L-A-00288-00240078-00240671 tray and if I don't label them I'm like oh okay what was this and is this a tomato and sDVK3r0-L-A-00289-00240671-00241319 what variety of tomato Etc so it may seem kind of mundane but label your pots okay sDVK3r0-L-A-00290-00241542-00241992 um we've been doing a lot of work in the Master Gardeners with soil blocking sDVK3r0-L-A-00291-00242094-00242778 um it's a technique it's been around for a long time but um it's it's it's actually it's a really sDVK3r0-L-A-00292-00242778-00243612 cool technique it's um this is there are lots of different size and type soil blockers but it's sDVK3r0-L-A-00293-00243612-00244067 um not a fancy device and and this is something that'll create sDVK3r0-L-A-00294-00244206-00245028 um essentially four two by two inch blocks at one time and so with soil blocking sDVK3r0-L-A-00295-00245166-00245988 um basically this thing serves as soil and pot at the same time um so you just plant in sDVK3r0-L-A-00296-00245988-00246408 this thing and the great thing about the soil blocker is when you pull the handle sDVK3r0-L-A-00297-00246408-00247050 down it creates the block and it creates a little divot in the top which is where you drop the seed sDVK3r0-L-A-00298-00247176-00247752 um so it's kind of an all-in-one easy as you go kind of thing and then you don't need to sDVK3r0-L-A-00299-00247752-00248736 up pot at all these um this is a a uh it's it's really more of a potting soil than a planting mix sDVK3r0-L-A-00300-00248736-00249402 and it has some nutrients in it you you can make your own soil mix or you can do it out sDVK3r0-L-A-00301-00249402-00250164 of potting soil and then this whole block just goes straight in the garden as as a transplant sDVK3r0-L-A-00302-00250223-00250776 so um it's it's a it's a really nice way to go and we're doing more and more of it sDVK3r0-L-A-00303-00251028-00251760 okay once your seeds have germinated as I said you need a light source um about six sDVK3r0-L-A-00304-00251760-00252366 to 12 inches from top of the plants um the arrangement that I have that I showed before sDVK3r0-L-A-00305-00252510-00253319 um the the light is hanging on a chain and so I can adjust the chain as the seedlings get sDVK3r0-L-A-00306-00253319-00254076 taller I can I can move the light up now here's the thing an ordinary fluorescent light doesn't sDVK3r0-L-A-00307-00254076-00255023 really do the trick um vegetables absorb the ends of the light spectrum the blue end sDVK3r0-L-A-00308-00255023-00255623 and the red end okay which is why it looks green because that's what it reflects back sDVK3r0-L-A-00309-00255623-00256686 which is in the middle so you need both blue and red light for full spectrum um the light sDVK3r0-L-A-00310-00256686-00257580 the light I have there is is what they call a grow light um it was like forty dollars and it sDVK3r0-L-A-00311-00257580-00258258 has basically it's all LEDs it's not fluorescence it's got a red tube a blue tube and a white tube sDVK3r0-L-A-00312-00258354-00259050 um and if if you're serious about this it's probably worth doing the investment in in a grow sDVK3r0-L-A-00313-00259050-00259938 light otherwise I I would say you could do sort of a low budget option of um a bluish fluorescent sDVK3r0-L-A-00314-00259938-00260580 which is what they call cool white and a reddish fluorescent which is what they call Warm White sDVK3r0-L-A-00315-00260796-00261492 um here's a good trick you want to provide some air circulation so take a fan and put it on lowest sDVK3r0-L-A-00316-00261492-00262194 speed and just blow it across the seedlings it helps them develop thicker sturdier stems sDVK3r0-L-A-00317-00262254-00262842 plants need to sleep at night just like we do so basically mimic the sDVK3r0-L-A-00318-00262842-00263262 daylight hours turn on the grow light in the morning turn it off at night sDVK3r0-L-A-00319-00263400-00264108 um trim to one plant per pod or per soil block rather than trying to tease out the sDVK3r0-L-A-00320-00264108-00264558 different stems from each other you can just trim it off with scissors and like I said sDVK3r0-L-A-00321-00264558-00265362 the the root will die in there and just make sure they stay moist and and water from Below sDVK3r0-L-A-00322-00265584-00266406 okay thinning whether you know once you've planted outside in the bed so particularly if you've sDVK3r0-L-A-00323-00266406-00267018 direct seeded outside and you've you've seeded something like lettuce or greens or whatever sDVK3r0-L-A-00324-00267018-00267906 you're gonna have way too many uh plants out there for you to use and and you need to give plants sDVK3r0-L-A-00325-00267906-00268578 adequate space to let them grow up otherwise you'll you'll get you know very stunted plants sDVK3r0-L-A-00326-00268668-00269328 um this is particularly true with your root crops um like if you've ever you know had a couple of sDVK3r0-L-A-00327-00269328-00269874 carrots growing right next to each other then you you've seen that you don't get full-size carrots sDVK3r0-L-A-00328-00269874-00270816 there because they're competing with each other so you have to give plants adequate spacing for sDVK3r0-L-A-00329-00270816-00271572 what for when they grow up and just remember you know when you're doing things like when you're sDVK3r0-L-A-00330-00271572-00272226 thinning something like greens say mustard greens or lettuce or swiss chard or whatever sDVK3r0-L-A-00331-00272226-00272826 those things are perfectly edible you know they're what people call Micro greens and sell for a lot sDVK3r0-L-A-00332-00272826-00273888 of money and and they're really tender and and good so whenever I I thin my um my uh my greens sDVK3r0-L-A-00333-00274002-00274824 um I'll just snap the leaves off and save those and then throw those into salads but sDVK3r0-L-A-00334-00274824-00275556 you definitely have to thin and thinning is really boring and yet it's it's something you have to do sDVK3r0-L-A-00335-00275862-00276534 how much sun do your vegetables need well um your leaf or root vegetables can get by sDVK3r0-L-A-00336-00276534-00277368 in six hours a day just fine but your fruiting vegetables and um you know those will include sDVK3r0-L-A-00337-00277368-00278268 your squash cucumbers Peppers eggplants Tomatoes corn Etc they they need as much sDVK3r0-L-A-00338-00278268-00278892 sunlight as you can give them and a minimum of eight hours a day um so all those warm weather sDVK3r0-L-A-00339-00278892-00279612 vegetables you they just want as much sun and and as much heat as you as you can give them sDVK3r0-L-A-00340-00279924-00280308 so when you get your warm weather vegetables and you're going to plant them sDVK3r0-L-A-00341-00280434-00281094 um first of all plant deeply to establish root growth and when I say deep I mean deep and it's sDVK3r0-L-A-00342-00281094-00282288 like it's hard to believe but you know a third to a half of the stem gets planted Underground sDVK3r0-L-A-00343-00282390-00283200 okay so think about a tomato that you've got that you know might be this tall you're gonna put sDVK3r0-L-A-00344-00283200-00284106 half of that um under the soil and that helps it develop a deep root system um follow the spacing sDVK3r0-L-A-00345-00284106-00284898 guidelines I love this photo I found it online if you've ever grown a sun gold tomato which is the sDVK3r0-L-A-00346-00284898-00285654 most wonderful cherry tomato it's a what we call a vigorous grower meaning that it'll it'll take over sDVK3r0-L-A-00347-00285654-00286464 your garden if you let it go um so you know this thing started at some point as this high right sDVK3r0-L-A-00348-00286584-00287160 um and so when they give you spacing requirements on seed packs they're there for a reason sDVK3r0-L-A-00349-00287298-00288018 um follow them like I said soil temperature needs to be 55 degrees and then they're sDVK3r0-L-A-00350-00288018-00288654 all Heavy feeders so you're going to need to fertilize them every every two to four weeks sDVK3r0-L-A-00351-00289110-00289776 um now companion planting there's been a lot of you know there's a lot of folk tales about sDVK3r0-L-A-00352-00289776-00290478 companion planning what goes well what doesn't go well um only in the last few years have there sDVK3r0-L-A-00353-00290478-00290994 has there been some good research on this and you know what is myth and what is fact sDVK3r0-L-A-00354-00291126-00292044 um but some basic things is your cucurbits which are your cucumbers and your squash and melons sDVK3r0-L-A-00355-00292128-00292854 need pollinators they have separate male and female flowers and they need somebody to take sDVK3r0-L-A-00356-00292854-00293574 the pollen from the male flower to the female flower okay so having some flowers around that sDVK3r0-L-A-00357-00293574-00294354 can attract pollinators is is a good thing for the cucurbits um your your nightshade family Tomatoes sDVK3r0-L-A-00358-00294354-00295242 eggplants Peppers um they have male and female in the same flower so they don't need pollinators sDVK3r0-L-A-00359-00295242-00296262 although there has been some interesting research done that bumblebees help the the male and female sDVK3r0-L-A-00360-00296262-00297186 parts of the Tomato flower to to mingle that the buzzing of of bumblebees somehow the vibration sDVK3r0-L-A-00361-00297282-00297948 helps the pollination process which is just fascinating um tomatoes onions and basil seem sDVK3r0-L-A-00362-00297948-00298416 to go well together aside from the fact that they taste great together I don't know why this sDVK3r0-L-A-00363-00298416-00299196 is but it seems to happen um lettuce carrots and radishes do seem to go well together uh sDVK3r0-L-A-00364-00299250-00299850 I like to sort of plant them in alternative rows carrots and radishes of course are deep sDVK3r0-L-A-00365-00299850-00300606 rooted lettuce is shallow rooted so you can you can intersperse them fairly closely together sDVK3r0-L-A-00366-00300738-00301590 um you know carrots lettuce radishes Etc corn beans and squash is known as the three sisters sDVK3r0-L-A-00367-00301710-00302772 um the indigenous peoples have grown these in combination for years um in the Santa Clara sDVK3r0-L-A-00368-00302772-00303216 Master Gardeners demonstration garden down in San Jose they have a whole Three Sisters sDVK3r0-L-A-00369-00303216-00304164 demonstration garden um and you know they there's good scientific reasons why these work sDVK3r0-L-A-00370-00304290-00305496 um corn and squash are heavy feeders beans provide nitrogen to the soil so the beans essentially feed sDVK3r0-L-A-00371-00305496-00306522 the corn and squash the corn provides a stalk for the beans to grow up so you don't need a trellis sDVK3r0-L-A-00372-00306588-00307026 and then if you think about it the corn is really vertical sDVK3r0-L-A-00373-00307182-00307956 and then the squash is very horizontal and spreads out between the stems of sDVK3r0-L-A-00374-00307956-00308700 the Corn so the squash helps shade the soil in between the rows of corn sDVK3r0-L-A-00375-00308772-00309516 so that's a well-researched and well proven combination um that that works well together sDVK3r0-L-A-00376-00309978-00310710 you know in the Bay Area we all have small yards pretty much so you know what are sDVK3r0-L-A-00377-00310710-00311340 some hacks you can do to make the most of small spaces so you can choose climbing varieties sDVK3r0-L-A-00378-00311466-00312276 um this is uh kind of squash that I love it's called trumpeta which means trumpet in Italian sDVK3r0-L-A-00379-00312276-00312978 and you can see it kind of looks like a you know an old medieval trumpet here it's a I mean it's sDVK3r0-L-A-00380-00312978-00313668 absolutely beautiful and it's a Vining squash so so you can you know put it on a trellis or sDVK3r0-L-A-00381-00313740-00314250 um or you know put it up a tomato cage or something like that sDVK3r0-L-A-00382-00314352-00314814 um I like to grow a lot of stuff vertically because I don't have a lot of space horizontally sDVK3r0-L-A-00383-00314814-00315756 so pole beans instead of uh bush beans for example and I'll just trellis them up um you know you can sDVK3r0-L-A-00384-00315756-00316500 something like winter squash sprawls all over the place right so you could plant it right at the sDVK3r0-L-A-00385-00316500-00317166 corner of your raised bed and then let the winter squash just kind of sprawl outside of your bed sDVK3r0-L-A-00386-00317286-00318120 um if you have shade loving plants like lettuce you can plant them beneath taller plants and sDVK3r0-L-A-00387-00318120-00319302 keep your tallest plants at the end of the bed so they don't block the sun um one one of uh our best sDVK3r0-L-A-00388-00319302-00320502 Master Gardeners sent me a photograph Last Summer of um how he he did the reverse um he planted his sDVK3r0-L-A-00389-00320502-00321234 taller crops where they blocked the sunlight to some of his other crops and he was showing the sDVK3r0-L-A-00390-00321234-00322182 the difference in growth between the ones that were shaded and the ones that weren't and um he sDVK3r0-L-A-00391-00322182-00322698 was he was very embarrassed about doing it but it was it was a great demonstration of the fact that sDVK3r0-L-A-00392-00322698-00323340 you want to have your shorter plants closer to the side that's getting the Sun and not block the Sun sDVK3r0-L-A-00393-00323628-00324144 okay a little bit about containers if you want to use containers for vegetables sDVK3r0-L-A-00394-00324258-00325152 um for your large plants like tomatoes or squash use at least a five gallon container sDVK3r0-L-A-00395-00325152-00326004 and and that means 18 inches deep the next slide is taken from the book Golden Gate gardening and sDVK3r0-L-A-00396-00326004-00326634 it actually gives some recommendations on on how deep you need your containers but sDVK3r0-L-A-00397-00326688-00327222 um you know when I buy fruit trees from the nursery they'll come in like five sDVK3r0-L-A-00398-00327222-00327924 gallon sometimes even larger pots I will save those pots and again clean sDVK3r0-L-A-00399-00327924-00329142 them with a bleach solution and use them as as pots for um for tomatoes um oops sorry um sDVK3r0-L-A-00400-00329364-00330288 so you can actually reuse the potting soil in your containers this is a big if if you're maintaining sDVK3r0-L-A-00401-00330288-00331026 nutrients and soil structure so you can't just take the same soil and replant in it the next sDVK3r0-L-A-00402-00331026-00331602 year you got it because all the nutrients are taken out of that potting soil so you'll want to sDVK3r0-L-A-00403-00331602-00332388 add some fertilizer and compost to that soil just like you do to your your garden beds but if you sDVK3r0-L-A-00404-00332388-00333000 do something like that you you can probably get two to three years out of um out of potting soil sDVK3r0-L-A-00405-00333228-00333918 now just one thing to bear in mind with containers is that you'll need to water sDVK3r0-L-A-00406-00333918-00334518 more frequently and you'll need to add nutrients more frequently because it's sDVK3r0-L-A-00407-00334518-00335202 a smaller space and the water and the nutrients are going to get absorbed more quickly ceramic sDVK3r0-L-A-00408-00335202-00335958 pots especially can get pretty hot in in hot weather so um and when we do have a sDVK3r0-L-A-00409-00335958-00336528 heat wave you need to check your plants and containers and if they're starting to be droopy sDVK3r0-L-A-00410-00336624-00337494 um then you got to water them I put mulch into my containers and that keeps it from evaporating sDVK3r0-L-A-00411-00337614-00338712 um try not to water from above and get it on the leaves try you you know the phrase I love is water sDVK3r0-L-A-00412-00338712-00339528 the soil not the plant right when the plant can absorb the water through its leaves or the stem sDVK3r0-L-A-00413-00339594-00340458 okay the plan can only get the water through its roots so when you water vegetables you you sDVK3r0-L-A-00414-00340458-00341148 want to water the soil and not the plants so that you know if you do have drip irrigation sDVK3r0-L-A-00415-00341304-00341778 um run a drip line into the pot I have a lot of my containers sDVK3r0-L-A-00416-00341934-00342390 um sort of next to my raised beds and so I'll just take a drip line and run sDVK3r0-L-A-00417-00342390-00343200 it from the drip line that's in my raised bed and and put it into the uh the container sDVK3r0-L-A-00418-00343506-00344562 um harvesting um takes a lot of time plan for it bear in mind that um you know some vegetables need sDVK3r0-L-A-00419-00344628-00345396 to be harvested to keep producing so you know we've all had the experience of sDVK3r0-L-A-00420-00345450-00346182 the zucchini that was hiding under a leaf and we didn't see it and when we found it it was the size sDVK3r0-L-A-00421-00346182-00347202 of a baseball bat well if the plant is feeding that zucchini then it's not feeding other zucchini sDVK3r0-L-A-00422-00347202-00348144 okay so you want to harvest things like squash and beans when they're at the appropriate size sDVK3r0-L-A-00423-00348144-00349476 for harvesting because that in turn means that new new fruits will be created and then do successive sDVK3r0-L-A-00424-00349476-00350142 plantings of of you know things like this to extend the season so for example you know with sDVK3r0-L-A-00425-00350142-00350910 my beans I'll kind of plant beans every few weeks or so and that way you know I have have sort of a sDVK3r0-L-A-00426-00350910-00351876 continual supply of beans similarly you know with some of the greens um if you just keep sowing them sDVK3r0-L-A-00427-00351876-00352488 every few weeks or so that way you can sort of have lettuce going on all through the season sDVK3r0-L-A-00428-00352626-00353484 um so just it takes a lot of planning because you know the the seed that you put in there today sDVK3r0-L-A-00429-00353568-00354360 is gonna germinate in a week or two and then it's going to take a couple more weeks to get to any sDVK3r0-L-A-00430-00354360-00355002 sort of decent sort of size so you always want to be thinking about six weeks ahead of time here's sDVK3r0-L-A-00431-00355002-00355674 a better photo here you can see I've got some I've got some mustard greens and such already sDVK3r0-L-A-00432-00355674-00356652 growing and then I've created a a row because I'm going to play in Swiss chard in between okay sDVK3r0-L-A-00433-00356652-00357414 so you know the Swiss chart will get planted in in between the mustard greens and then um as the sDVK3r0-L-A-00434-00357414-00358224 mustard greens are sort of getting late in their life then the Chard is is going to be uh emerging sDVK3r0-L-A-00435-00358440-00358908 okay I'm gonna wrap up very quickly on on a couple of topics and then we'll stop for sDVK3r0-L-A-00436-00358908-00359736 questions irrigation water soil not the plant for that reason drip irrigation is the best way to go sDVK3r0-L-A-00437-00359880-00360804 um it's not cheap uh it's not easy it tends to break but it is Far and Away the best way sDVK3r0-L-A-00438-00360804-00361506 to deliver water directly to the soil if you take a hand sprayer and you go out there in sDVK3r0-L-A-00439-00361506-00362136 the afternoon and you spray your vegetable garden from above half of that water is going straight up sDVK3r0-L-A-00440-00362136-00362910 into the atmosphere okay and so if you have drip irrigation you're generally going to want to run sDVK3r0-L-A-00441-00362910-00363816 it before Sunrise when evaporation is low and that water is going to go down to the roots of sDVK3r0-L-A-00442-00363816-00364752 the plants where it's it's needed um water needs will change over the life cycle of a plant when sDVK3r0-L-A-00443-00364752-00365430 you're germinating you need to keep the soil moist when plants are fruiting they generally sDVK3r0-L-A-00444-00365430-00366102 have a need for a little bit more water and then after they've fruited you you can cut back on the sDVK3r0-L-A-00445-00366102-00366792 water but you got to look at things like you know is my soil clay or Sandy how much water sDVK3r0-L-A-00446-00366792-00367788 does it retain and like mulching are we having Heat Wave etc etc um I'm not going to spend sDVK3r0-L-A-00447-00367788-00368646 time on this you can look at this yourself but basically it's a way of trying to figure out how sDVK3r0-L-A-00448-00368646-00369372 much water you need to give to your vegetables and unfortunately if you go online at some place like sDVK3r0-L-A-00449-00369462-00370254 um UC agriculture and natural resources and and you look at irrigating vegetables they sDVK3r0-L-A-00450-00370254-00371106 talk in in terms of this it's like one to two inches per week okay because that's how the sDVK3r0-L-A-00451-00371106-00371772 commercial Growers think about water use but it's like what does that mean for me right sDVK3r0-L-A-00452-00371880-00372480 um so I've done some of the math here to help you help you figure it out and basically what sDVK3r0-L-A-00453-00372480-00373080 it means is that for me using a four by eight bed which is a fairly standard size sDVK3r0-L-A-00454-00373224-00373758 um and I've got drip irrigation with sort of standard emitters I basically need to sDVK3r0-L-A-00455-00373758-00374586 run it for two hours a week okay but you know you just need to do the math for your own situation sDVK3r0-L-A-00456-00374790-00375216 okay uh finally pests um love them hate them sDVK3r0-L-A-00457-00375318-00375966 um I think we get more questions about pests than anything else as Master Gardeners and sDVK3r0-L-A-00458-00376038-00376956 um so UC ANR promotes something we call Integrated Pest Management and the whole idea is you know sDVK3r0-L-A-00459-00376956-00377784 don't go out there and just dump a bunch of chemicals on on your your vegetables not sDVK3r0-L-A-00460-00377784-00378438 good for the soil not good for you not good for the environment and the other animals out there sDVK3r0-L-A-00461-00378552-00379404 um so you know they have sort of this five step process monitoring for pests like you know look sDVK3r0-L-A-00462-00379404-00380214 for the signs of pest damage okay um and then figure out what you have there are some great sDVK3r0-L-A-00463-00380214-00380874 resources online if you go to UC ANR to their integrated Pest Management web website they'll sDVK3r0-L-A-00464-00380874-00381660 have like photographs that'll show you oh it's you know it's uh you know this kind of a beetle sDVK3r0-L-A-00465-00381660-00382662 or it's it's this kind of of a moth or something like that um also it's a great use for the Master sDVK3r0-L-A-00466-00382662-00383442 Gardeners you can email photos of the damage to our helpline and we'll get back to you you sDVK3r0-L-A-00467-00383442-00384216 know within a day or so I'm telling you what your problem is so once you figure out what it is then sDVK3r0-L-A-00468-00384216-00384978 you start to do things like habitat modification so if it's snails you know you know can you get sDVK3r0-L-A-00469-00384978-00385548 rid of areas where there might be snail nests nearby or rat's nests nearby or whatever sDVK3r0-L-A-00470-00385692-00386256 um and then you go to population control so for snails you can go out at night and hand pick them sDVK3r0-L-A-00471-00386256-00387060 so that it's the best proven method to reduce snail populations or if it's rats or mice then sDVK3r0-L-A-00472-00387060-00387696 you put out traps and so forth right and then you know kind of the last step is biological sDVK3r0-L-A-00473-00387696-00388764 controls which is you know follow nature and do what nature does to you know to control nature sDVK3r0-L-A-00474-00388764-00389628 so most of these pests have predators right so you use those predators to eliminate the pests sDVK3r0-L-A-00475-00389628-00390504 you know most of us are having kind of a rat and squirrel explosion on the peninsula these sDVK3r0-L-A-00476-00390504-00391254 days and in large part it's because the natural predators of those animals have disappeared right sDVK3r0-L-A-00477-00391254-00392196 so you know so how do you how can we use nature to control pests a couple of things that that I use sDVK3r0-L-A-00478-00392298-00393108 um these are called floating row covers it's a it's a thin woven material um it lets in more than sDVK3r0-L-A-00479-00393108-00394110 95 percent of the sunlight it's porous uh to rain and and so for my low crops particularly my greens sDVK3r0-L-A-00480-00394206-00395016 um I'll cover them in these floating row covers um and you can look online for you know lots of sDVK3r0-L-A-00481-00395016-00396228 good techniques for um for you know putting these over your beds um but you can see obviously this sDVK3r0-L-A-00482-00396228-00396978 is going to keep out four-legged uh pests like squirrels and rats and mice um but it's also going sDVK3r0-L-A-00483-00396978-00397584 to keep out a lot of insect pests so it's going to keep out your aphids and your beet Leaf miners sDVK3r0-L-A-00484-00397584-00398244 for your squash for your Swiss chard and stuff like that now obviously if you have a tall plant like sDVK3r0-L-A-00485-00398244-00398970 a tomato it's not going to work right so this only works for for where you have low crops sDVK3r0-L-A-00486-00399096-00399840 um and then this is something else I use this is an electric fence this is my attempt at squirrel sDVK3r0-L-A-00487-00399918-00400434 pest control and basically it delivers a kind of mild charge sDVK3r0-L-A-00488-00400548-00400902 um to any squash who wants to go in and steal a tomato sDVK3r0-L-A-00489-00401160-00401772 um okay not gonna spend time on composting we're going to stop for for questions so just a reminder sDVK3r0-L-A-00490-00401892-00402570 um here are the flyers for the spring garden market Saturday April 15th 9 A.M to 1 p.m San sDVK3r0-L-A-00491-00402570-00403542 Mateo County Event Center in San Mateo uh if there we have a lot of varieties of you know things like sDVK3r0-L-A-00492-00403542-00404316 tomatoes that grow well in the fog belt if there are specific varieties you're interested in at the sDVK3r0-L-A-00493-00404316-00404838 market I would say get there early because a lot of the tomatoes are going to be gone by 11 o'clock sDVK3r0-L-A-00494-00405078-00405882 and that is it um just want to do a big shout out to the library and Parks and Rec for sDVK3r0-L-A-00495-00405882-00406764 doing such a great job of organizing and for doing this last minute pivot today so with that sDVK3r0-L-A-00496-00406830-00407010 um Let's do let's see if we have any questions sDVK3r0-L-A-00497-00407256-00407808 well so far Jonathan your your presentation was so complete we actually don't have any sDVK3r0-L-A-00498-00407808-00408402 online questions although I do have a question for you if you don't mind which might interest sDVK3r0-L-A-00499-00408402-00408888 other people too when you're using drip irrigation and you've got your little sDVK3r0-L-A-00500-00408888-00409530 seedlings do you have to put the seedling right next to the drip hole or will the water kind of sDVK3r0-L-A-00501-00409530-00410142 spread underground even though you can't see it happening that's a great question sDVK3r0-L-A-00502-00410346-00410982 I I originally felt that it was better to be near the drip hole sDVK3r0-L-A-00503-00411156-00411882 and then The more I've read about this the more I've learned that the water just travels sDVK3r0-L-A-00504-00411972-00412692 in the soil now it depends on your soil right if you have you know a real clay-like soil that sDVK3r0-L-A-00505-00412692-00413442 doesn't have a lot of good air pockets in it then maybe the water's not traveling as well but if sDVK3r0-L-A-00506-00413442-00414222 you've got a good soil with decent air pockets then the water is probably going to travel in sDVK3r0-L-A-00507-00414222-00414984 there thank you I've always wondered do we have any questions from the people who are at the sDVK3r0-L-A-00508-00414984-00415776 library we do oh the PowerPoint came well I can get it to you if you give me your email but if you sDVK3r0-L-A-00509-00415776-00416604 signed up it came in your email today there was a PDF yeah so you should have it another question sDVK3r0-L-A-00510-00417096-00417726 I'd like to ask about how Jonathan feels about pruning tomatoes is he not and if he does sDVK3r0-L-A-00511-00417912-00418764 what's his process did you ask a question yeah okay pruning tomatoes that wasn't a Master sDVK3r0-L-A-00512-00418764-00419760 Gardener asking that question was it does a plant in the audience not at all okay okay so I um Susan sDVK3r0-L-A-00513-00419760-00420372 it might help if you repeat questions but I think what I heard was pruning tomatoes yes do you prune sDVK3r0-L-A-00514-00420372-00421212 them and yeah and how and how okay how is as important as if you do them okay so if you want sDVK3r0-L-A-00515-00421212-00422297 to get two Master Gardeners to argue you you you talk about pruning tomatoes um so Tomatoes they're sDVK3r0-L-A-00516-00422297-00423030 um there are these things called Suckers right so you've got a main stem okay so first of all sDVK3r0-L-A-00517-00423120-00423852 two different types of tomatoes determine it and indeterminate and when you buy your Tomatoes sDVK3r0-L-A-00518-00423852-00424512 make sure you know which type you're getting we have both types in the Master Gardener seedling sDVK3r0-L-A-00519-00424512-00425352 sale there's a lot more indeterminate tomatoes than determinate determinate Tomatoes basically sDVK3r0-L-A-00520-00425435-00426120 you're going to get all your fruit pretty much within a short window of time so it pretty much sDVK3r0-L-A-00521-00426120-00427428 fruits at once okay indeterminate they they keep growing and they keep fruiting over time um and so sDVK3r0-L-A-00522-00427428-00428550 determinate Tomatoes tend to have sort of a more branching to them and you tend to just let them go sDVK3r0-L-A-00523-00428730-00429204 um for indeterminate tomatoes and most of the varieties you're going to see are indeterminate sDVK3r0-L-A-00524-00429204-00429834 they have this thing called Suckers and so you've got your main tomato stem going up sDVK3r0-L-A-00525-00429834-00430608 and then you've got a leaf going off at like 90 degrees okay and then there's there's something sDVK3r0-L-A-00526-00430608-00431322 that starts coming out it's like a bud that comes out at 45 degrees between the two okay and well sDVK3r0-L-A-00527-00431322-00431922 it's and it turns into a stem right you've seen these on tomatoes that thing is called a sucker sDVK3r0-L-A-00528-00432012-00432726 okay if you let that thing develop it'll become a whole new stem sDVK3r0-L-A-00529-00432858-00433872 okay um and and it'll it'll continue and then the leaves will grow off that and and flowers sDVK3r0-L-A-00530-00433872-00434310 will come off that and maybe they'll be even more suckers coming off of that sDVK3r0-L-A-00531-00434430-00434982 um some gardeners believe that you have to just pinch off all those suckers sDVK3r0-L-A-00532-00435078-00435984 okay um you know right when they form just pinch them off others say no just let them develop sDVK3r0-L-A-00533-00436110-00436997 um you know what I've learned I tend to be variety specific so for example Sun gold I showed you a sDVK3r0-L-A-00534-00436997-00437874 sun gold you get a lot of suckers and if you don't pinch some or a lot of those off you're going to sDVK3r0-L-A-00535-00437874-00438804 get this just very very bushy uh plant and it's important that um the plant get enough sunlight sDVK3r0-L-A-00536-00438804-00439674 into it so and it's a fine line because you want enough sunlight getting into it for the fruit sDVK3r0-L-A-00537-00439746-00440189 to grow but you don't want so much that they're going to get sunburned sDVK3r0-L-A-00538-00440322-00441293 um so I tend to kind of leave a few suckers on on my bigger Tomatoes sDVK3r0-L-A-00539-00441420-00442188 um and and and let them sort of fill out a little bit um some people do believe in pruning them back sDVK3r0-L-A-00540-00442266-00443118 uh I don't with most but some like the sun Golds I mean they just keep going and going and going sDVK3r0-L-A-00541-00443118-00443724 and they'll get 12 feet high which is kind of high to harvest so with something like the sun sDVK3r0-L-A-00542-00443724-00444354 Golds I will cut some of the stems off and then it'll of course grow more lateral stems sDVK3r0-L-A-00543-00444485-00444893 um so it's it's very much sort of variety specific I think sDVK3r0-L-A-00544-00445032-00445578 um if it's starting to get Too Tall then just cut it off and let it grow more laterally sDVK3r0-L-A-00545-00445704-00446268 um give it a little bit of of uh bushiness but not too much bushiness sDVK3r0-L-A-00546-00446472-00446958 okay thanks any other questions in the room one another question okay sDVK3r0-L-A-00547-00447114-00447366 on cover crops on cover crops yeah sDVK3r0-L-A-00548-00447732-00448085 yeah cut them off at the ground and leave the roots in is that only cover crops sDVK3r0-L-A-00549-00448302-00448943 or like a tomato plant would you cut that off the ground and leave the room sDVK3r0-L-A-00550-00449118-00449646 can you cut like a tomato plant off at the ground and leave the roots in absolutely you could do but sDVK3r0-L-A-00551-00449646-00450222 you can do it with anything like the roots will just Decay but the thing I want to point out is sDVK3r0-L-A-00552-00450222-00450984 if there's any possibility that that plant harbored a disease then you don't want to do sDVK3r0-L-A-00553-00450984-00451860 that you want to get that plant completely out of there but yet I mean in any plant and so you know sDVK3r0-L-A-00554-00451938-00452742 when I started vegetable gardening I was an assiduous turn turn the soil over kind of guy sDVK3r0-L-A-00555-00452742-00453420 in fact I was doing what they called the double digging technique which is like a lot of digging sDVK3r0-L-A-00556-00453420-00454043 and going deep and stuff like that and then you know there's this whole no-till movement sDVK3r0-L-A-00557-00454043-00454692 that started in in the last 20 years which basically says don't turn the soil over at sDVK3r0-L-A-00558-00454692-00455693 all don't disturb the microorganisms in the soil and I've really come around more to that now so sDVK3r0-L-A-00559-00455796-00456347 um I'm just not going to disturb the roots I'm gonna cut them off right at soil level sDVK3r0-L-A-00560-00456347-00457122 and let them decay in there you're just letting nature be nature is that even true with like sDVK3r0-L-A-00561-00457122-00457956 weeds that you know no no okay not at all yeah okay I have a couple online questions sDVK3r0-L-A-00562-00457956-00458604 now if that's all right Jonathan Beth would like to know the best way to tackle aphids sDVK3r0-L-A-00563-00458838-00459912 um so um I have a one of my beds is close to a plum tree which gets an aphid infestation sDVK3r0-L-A-00564-00459912-00461010 Every Spring and and and so um so the I I put the floating row cover on that so the floating sDVK3r0-L-A-00565-00461010-00461766 row cover will keep out the aphids um if you get aphids on leaves um so obviously lady beetles sDVK3r0-L-A-00566-00461766-00462582 which is the which is the proper term for ladybugs they eat aphids so like if you have lady beetles sDVK3r0-L-A-00567-00462582-00463224 love them and and hopefully they'll eat your aphids you can buy lady beetles at nurseries sDVK3r0-L-A-00568-00463224-00463739 and I've just heard so many stories about people who buy the lady beetles from the nursery they sDVK3r0-L-A-00569-00463739-00464393 come home they open it up the lady beetles fly away never come back so but here's the thing sDVK3r0-L-A-00570-00464622-00465450 um a good solid spray of water works wonders on aphids just you know spray the leaves but on the sDVK3r0-L-A-00571-00465450-00466092 underside okay the the aphids are gonna be on the underside of the leaves because that's where they sDVK3r0-L-A-00572-00466092-00466860 get access to um to the nutrients in in the leaf in the water that they're interested in so you sDVK3r0-L-A-00573-00466860-00467466 got to spray the underside of them um if you have like a hose spray or a lot of them will sDVK3r0-L-A-00574-00467466-00468180 have like a horizontal spray setting um and you use that and you just you just spray up at the sDVK3r0-L-A-00575-00468180-00468846 leaves and if you do that every day every couple of days it'll generally take care of your aphids sDVK3r0-L-A-00576-00468954-00469542 that's great thank you and Steve would like to know what types of fertilizers you recommend sDVK3r0-L-A-00577-00469710-00470364 okay um again you know if you want to get a couple of gardeners arguing you sDVK3r0-L-A-00578-00470364-00470814 can start talking about organic versus inorganic fertilizers sDVK3r0-L-A-00579-00470952-00472218 um so you know so fertilizer there's generally three numbers N nitrogen P phosphorus K potassium sDVK3r0-L-A-00580-00472218-00473220 three main nutrients okay and for an inorganic fertilizer you're gonna like like you know say sDVK3r0-L-A-00581-00473316-00473982 um what is it called um Miracle Grow or something like that um you'll see numbers like sDVK3r0-L-A-00582-00474132-00474912 20 20 20. something like that pretty high numbers um an organic fertilizer sDVK3r0-L-A-00583-00474912-00475902 you're going to get numbers like four four four okay much lower numbers so organic fertilizers sDVK3r0-L-A-00584-00476034-00477030 um they work more slowly inorganic fertilizers basically all those nutrients go straight to the sDVK3r0-L-A-00585-00477030-00477900 roots and your plant just like it it's like you're putting your plant on speed okay and that's great sDVK3r0-L-A-00586-00477900-00478685 but then you know a few days later you've lost the benefit of that organic fertilizers it you know sDVK3r0-L-A-00587-00478739-00479370 just as we say water the soil not the plants feed the soil not the plant okay sDVK3r0-L-A-00588-00479460-00480078 so when you're applying fertilizer what you're doing is you're building up nutrients in the soil sDVK3r0-L-A-00589-00480078-00480654 or what you want to do is build up nutrients in the soil rather than going directly to the sDVK3r0-L-A-00590-00480654-00481620 plant so that's why a lot of us will do an organic fertilizer is because it it helps sDVK3r0-L-A-00591-00481620-00482160 build up your soil which is really what you want to do to give yourself healthy vegetables sDVK3r0-L-A-00592-00482304-00482964 um a lot of the organic fertilizers will also have things like mycorrhizal fungi sDVK3r0-L-A-00593-00482964-00483576 in them and and and we'll try to boost some of the microorganisms in the soil sDVK3r0-L-A-00594-00483666-00484302 so I recommend an or organic fertilizer they're you know they're more expensive for sure sDVK3r0-L-A-00595-00484404-00484860 um but I think you'll get better results well thanks we're going to have to wrap it up because sDVK3r0-L-A-00596-00484860-00485610 the library is going to be closing so thank you so much for this this was great um thank you both sDVK3r0-L-A-00597-00485610-00486606 and we we we did send out the PDF if you need and some people have it if you do need to get get that sDVK3r0-L-A-00598-00486606-00487620 and you didn't sign up you can send them mail to volunteer coord at belmont.gov I'm the volunteer sDVK3r0-L-A-00599-00487620-00488100 coordinator a volunteer volunteer coordinator and I'll get you that PDF and here are the other sDVK3r0-L-A-00600-00488256-00488688 if you want to say something um but yeah here are the other sDVK3r0-L-A-00601-00488789-00489618 resources that you can have you have access to yeah I just wanted to um in last minute sure sDVK3r0-L-A-00602-00489618-00490272 this is this is information on the helpline here um and so it's a great it's all free sDVK3r0-L-A-00603-00490416-00491214 um information and and it's a great way to get answers to your gardening questions foreign sDVK3r0-L-A-00604-00491406-00492474 thanks for doing this and taking your time to do this here and ever and all the other sDVK3r0-L-A-00605-00492474-00493164 places you do thank you very much okay thank you guys have a good evening good evening too bye sEYfQieCnlu-00000-00000000-00000151 Hello, "ConE"-heads. sEYfQieCnlu-00001-00000151-00000327 I want to talk to you today sEYfQieCnlu-00002-00000328-00000771 about a subject that's been kind of getting at me lately. sEYfQieCnlu-00003-00000944-00001237 Let me just go ahead and start out by saying sEYfQieCnlu-00004-00001237-00001527 I'm probably going to offend a lot of chivalrous people out there, sEYfQieCnlu-00005-00001527-00001824 and I don't mean to, sEYfQieCnlu-00006-00001824-00001972 but I want them to see. sEYfQieCnlu-00007-00002246-00002727 They follow a book that... sEYfQieCnlu-00008-00002727-00002836 I have to admit sEYfQieCnlu-00009-00002836-00003314 it's one of the greatest literary books I've ever read. sEYfQieCnlu-00010-00003315-00003546 I still read it today, sEYfQieCnlu-00011-00003546-00003721 but... sEYfQieCnlu-00012-00003801-00004135 Dulcinea doesn't exist. sEYfQieCnlu-00013-00004412-00004946 You don't understand that your chivalrous actions sEYfQieCnlu-00014-00004946-00005326 are hurting the surroundings around you. sEYfQieCnlu-00015-00005326-00005571 You attack our windmills. sEYfQieCnlu-00016-00005663-00005831 Then you hurt yourself sEYfQieCnlu-00017-00005831-00006575 by standing up to a huge stampede of raging bulls. sEYfQieCnlu-00018-00006721-00007232 And you completely doubt reality around you. sEYfQieCnlu-00019-00007333-00007698 Now, I'm not trying to offend you, sEYfQieCnlu-00020-00007790-00008013 but it's not real. sEYfQieCnlu-00021-00008096-00008493 Now, yes, Don Quixote in his time sEYfQieCnlu-00022-00008493-00008951 ...and I would like to say that sEYfQieCnlu-00023-00008951-00009198 I don't think that he is real either... sEYfQieCnlu-00024-00009198-00009423 affected a lot of people. sEYfQieCnlu-00025-00009424-00009797 That doesn't make him any more real sEYfQieCnlu-00026-00009798-00010214 as the totem pole that you put him on. sEYfQieCnlu-00027-00010214-00010346 Totem pole... sEYfQieCnlu-00028-00010346-00010669 as the pedestal you put him on. sEYfQieCnlu-00029-00010868-00011147 Now, I know you're going to hate me, sEYfQieCnlu-00030-00011147-00011409 and some of you probably want to kill me now. sEYfQieCnlu-00031-00011604-00011825 And some of you are thinking, sEYfQieCnlu-00032-00011893-00012089 "Why would anybody want to kill you?" sEYfQieCnlu-00033-00012089-00012402 "Our chivalry is a chivalry of love." sEYfQieCnlu-00034-00012452-00012677 but that's not the way that the world works. sEYfQieCnlu-00035-00012677-00012937 Some people take this stuff very seriously, sEYfQieCnlu-00036-00012937-00013185 and they want to go out and kill people sEYfQieCnlu-00037-00013185-00013385 in the name of this book sEYfQieCnlu-00038-00013385-00013614 that you so cherish. sEYfQieCnlu-00039-00013764-00014202 And the book has a lot of sEYfQieCnlu-00040-00014232-00014657 things in it that might be considered history, sEYfQieCnlu-00041-00014657-00014877 literature, sEYfQieCnlu-00042-00014991-00015353 and definitely it shows the history of us sEYfQieCnlu-00043-00015353-00015544 as a civilization. sEYfQieCnlu-00044-00015650-00015950 But it's still fiction. sEYfQieCnlu-00045-00016058-00016267 And I want you to realize that. sEYfQieCnlu-00046-00016321-00016653 And I know that you want to stand up for Duclinea, sEYfQieCnlu-00047-00016653-00017298 and that your life would be empty without Dulcinea. sEYfQieCnlu-00048-00017381-00017560 But she doesn't exist. sEYfQieCnlu-00049-00017918-00018023 You know? sEYfQieCnlu-00050-00018120-00018454 You might think that I'm just sEYfQieCnlu-00051-00018541-00018941 waking up from reality as Alonso Quixano did. sEYfQieCnlu-00052-00018941-00019109 and... sEYfQieCnlu-00053-00019186-00019524 but it's not that simple. sEYfQieCnlu-00054-00019719-00020097 A lot of you say that he came back sEYfQieCnlu-00055-00020097-00020463 and he's living among us right now, sEYfQieCnlu-00056-00020537-00021162 but I'm not talking about the person you believe in. sEYfQieCnlu-00057-00021162-00021317 I'm talking about you sEYfQieCnlu-00058-00021317-00021524 and all of you. sEYfQieCnlu-00059-00021524-00021785 All of you as a group are hurting society. sEYfQieCnlu-00060-00022015-00022230 I know a lot of you don't go out sEYfQieCnlu-00061-00022230-00022480 and stand in front of bulls sEYfQieCnlu-00062-00022480-00022975 and fight with people at the inn sEYfQieCnlu-00063-00023132-00023518 or bring down windmills, sEYfQieCnlu-00064-00023518-00023631 but some of you do. sEYfQieCnlu-00065-00023704-00024053 And you're promoting that insanity... sEYfQieCnlu-00066-00024053-00024307 Oh, I shouldn't call it insanity, sEYfQieCnlu-00067-00024460-00024687 but it is! sEYfQieCnlu-00068-00024687-00025224 It's insane to believe that this book sEYfQieCnlu-00069-00025224-00025566 is real and that it should be followed sEYfQieCnlu-00070-00025567-00025744 in your life. sEYfQieCnlu-00071-00026219-00026270 You know... sEYfQieCnlu-00072-00026270-00026498 Look around the world for once sEYfQieCnlu-00073-00026498-00026939 without looking through the eyes of a knight-errant. sEYfQieCnlu-00074-00027121-00027398 The world is not so empty without Dulcinea sEYfQieCnlu-00075-00027398-00027584 affecting everything around you. sEYfQieCnlu-00076-00027830-00027968 This is craniumonempty. sEYfQieCnlu-00077-00028032-00028214 Just think a little. sEYfQieCnlu-00078-00028500-00028800 Don Quixote de la Mancha! sFxScwtfSUI-00000-00000048-00000936 JFIF #2aq %4Cr &DSs 8ETc #2aq 456Cb JF<l G<y? 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