zoSiAEBnG3c-00000-00000760-00000983 Christmas time, it's me. zoSiAEBnG3c-00001-00000983-00001141 Thanksgiving, it's me. zoSiAEBnG3c-00002-00001141-00001759 My parents' birthdays, it's me. Mother's Day and Father's Day it's me, only me. zoSiAEBnG3c-00003-00001759-00002685 And I've asked myself: why am I the one who is left alive and my brothers gone? zoSiAEBnG3c-00004-00003036-00003347 My mother said to me a couple of weeks ago, zoSiAEBnG3c-00005-00003347-00003856 the only thing people remember about her sons is how they died. zoSiAEBnG3c-00006-00003856-00004476 You never think this is going to happen. We never did. zoSiAEBnG3c-00007-00004476-00005304 On a cold January morning I got a phone call, January 24th, 2005, I got a phone call from zoSiAEBnG3c-00008-00005305-00005641 Todd’s girlfriend telling me that she couldn't get him up. zoSiAEBnG3c-00009-00005641-00006023 I told her to call 911. I was there within minutes. zoSiAEBnG3c-00010-00006023-00006643 It was obvious to me that Todd was already dead from a heroin overdose at 28 years old. zoSiAEBnG3c-00011-00006643-00007041 We were shocked, so when it happened again 2.5 years later, zoSiAEBnG3c-00012-00007041-00007348 a little more then 2.5 years later, we were really devastated. zoSiAEBnG3c-00013-00007350-00007614 This time is was my mother calling me to tell me that my zoSiAEBnG3c-00014-00007614-00008020 youngest brother, Josh, at age 25 had died of a heroin overdose. zoSiAEBnG3c-00015-00008020-00008438 It's a pain that will never go away. zoSiAEBnG3c-00016-00008439-00008699 With that I was left as the last man standing so to speak, zoSiAEBnG3c-00017-00008699-00008994 the last living child of my parents, zoSiAEBnG3c-00018-00008996-00009431 which made it that much more difficult for me in 2011 to tell them that I was entering zoSiAEBnG3c-00019-00009431-00010086 in-patient drug treatment for an addiction to prescription pain medication. zoSiAEBnG3c-00020-00010270-00011122 The stigma around the disease of addiction really kept me, and keeps many, many people zoSiAEBnG3c-00021-00011122-00011431 using, and keeps people sick. zoSiAEBnG3c-00022-00011431-00012247 We are in the worst-ever drug overdose death epidemic that the state, or the nation, has ever seen. zoSiAEBnG3c-00023-00012247-00012599 Who is being effected by drug addiction today? It is really everybody. zoSiAEBnG3c-00024-00012599-00013151 It is white, black, young, old, rich, poor. zoSiAEBnG3c-00025-00013152-00013410 Oftentimes we only hear about the failures, zoSiAEBnG3c-00026-00013410-00013909 we need to hear about the success and the recovery. zoSiAEBnG3c-00027-00014000-00014406 Two of the biggest barriers to treatment are funding and stigma. zoSiAEBnG3c-00028-00014406-00015018 This administration is addressing all of those things, as well as many, many others. zoSiAEBnG3c-00029-00015154-00015526 I look at the path I have taken and the experiences I've had in my life zoSiAEBnG3c-00030-00015526-00015932 and look at where I am today, zoSiAEBnG3c-00031-00015934-00016432 it's hard for me not to think that this is not somehow where I am supposed to be, zoSiAEBnG3c-00032-00016432-00016830 and that this is... my mission. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00000-00001106-00001672 Lonnie Thompson. I'm a University Distinguished Professor at the Ohio State University in z3Vw24vF5ZI-00001-00001673-00002153 the School of Earth Sciences and in the Byrd Polar Research Center. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00002-00002153-00002600 You can go to the polar regions either by going to high or low latitude, or by going z3Vw24vF5ZI-00003-00002600-00003300 to high elevation. For the last 35 years, we've been perfecting the drilling of glaciers z3Vw24vF5ZI-00004-00003390-00004090 above 20,000 feet in remote parts of the world—quite a challenge. It takes a special team to do z3Vw24vF5ZI-00005-00004118-00004818 that. It takes special lightweight equipment to get it up to 20,000 feet to drill the cores. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00006-00004855-00005530 A number of years ago, we developed the first solar-powered ice-core drill because if you z3Vw24vF5ZI-00007-00005530-00005987 go to the tropics and you go 20,000 feet, you have over half the Earth's atmosphere z3Vw24vF5ZI-00008-00005987-00006683 below you. Every panel works 20 to 30 percent above manufacturer's specs. It's a beautiful z3Vw24vF5ZI-00009-00006683-00007383 source of power. There's no pollution at the drill site. The only thing you have to worry z3Vw24vF5ZI-00010-00007425-00008028 about is that—in the tropics, drilling starts when the sun comes up. You reach your maximum z3Vw24vF5ZI-00011-00008028-00008497 drilling rate at noon. You've got to make sure you get to drill up before the sun sets, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00012-00008497-00009085 in the evening. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00013-00009085-00009706 Keeping the ice frozen. I mean, if you're working over in the Himalayas, a very remote z3Vw24vF5ZI-00014-00009706-00010406 part of the world, that the logistics, food supplies, medical kits—we have to take in z3Vw24vF5ZI-00015-00010449-00010894 everything so our team is self-sufficient. We couldn't do it without our colleagues in z3Vw24vF5ZI-00016-00010894-00011568 China that help us arrange what we need in the way of logistics. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00017-00011568-00012069 If you're drilling—the highest we've drilled is 23,500 feet, the top of the Himalayas, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00018-00012069-00012735 a place called Dasupo, wonderful history of the monsoon records—you can't get that out z3Vw24vF5ZI-00019-00012735-00013435 of the polar regions—but getting up there, living up there for six weeks, is a real challenge, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00020-00013532-00014232 and then keeping those cores frozen. We use Sherpas to backpack them from the high elevation z3Vw24vF5ZI-00021-00014245-00014590 down to the age of the glacier, but even when you get to the edge of the glacier, you're z3Vw24vF5ZI-00022-00014590-00015157 still 3,000 or 4,000 feet below where the trucks are out on the plateau. Then you've z3Vw24vF5ZI-00023-00015157-00015422 got to transfer that to special insulated boxes. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00024-00015422-00016099 In that part of the world, we put those boxes on yaks that carry the cores down to the trucks z3Vw24vF5ZI-00025-00016099-00016799 in the valleys below. We drill 500 to 600 meters of core. You can get two of these insulated z3Vw24vF5ZI-00026-00016848-00017548 boxes on a yak, so you get about 12 meters of core on one yak. If you're transporting z3Vw24vF5ZI-00027-00017612-00018312 500, 600 meters, you got to have a whole herd of yaks. Yaks are kind of like cats. They've z3Vw24vF5ZI-00028-00018343-00018838 got a mind of their own. You're trying to move them down to where the trucks are. Once z3Vw24vF5ZI-00029-00018838-00019337 you get them to the trucks, there's a dash across the plateau to Lhasa where there are z3Vw24vF5ZI-00030-00019337-00019721 freezers, where we can divide our samples between our Chinese colleagues. Then we air z3Vw24vF5ZI-00031-00019721-00020416 cargo them to Beijing, go through Chinese Customs, and air cargo them to Chicago in z3Vw24vF5ZI-00032-00020416-00020915 the US and go through US Customs. Then we put them on freezer trucks and then ship them z3Vw24vF5ZI-00033-00020915-00021395 down to Ohio State University. They're usually in transit for a month after we leave the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00034-00021395-00022066 field site. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00035-00022066-00022612 It's a long story. Actually, it's a remarkable story in many ways. I grew up in a small town z3Vw24vF5ZI-00036-00022612-00023294 called Gassaway in West Virginia, which is a coal-mining state in the US. Very poor family, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00037-00023294-00023926 no one in my family had ever gone to college, but I was very interested in science. I knew z3Vw24vF5ZI-00038-00023926-00024277 that when I was in sixth grade. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00039-00024277-00024806 There was a group of us, about eight of us, that hung out together. We competed with each z3Vw24vF5ZI-00040-00024806-00025506 other. All eight of this group went on to go to college. We got scholarships to go. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00041-00025769-00026309 I went to Marshall University. I started out in Physics because I knew I wanted to be a z3Vw24vF5ZI-00042-00026309-00026753 scientist but I wasn't sure what kind of a scientist, but that kind of was the basis z3Vw24vF5ZI-00043-00026753-00027453 for any science. Then when I was junior, I took a Geology class. I really liked it because z3Vw24vF5ZI-00044-00027514-00028058 you could see—dealt with big processes and you could see them, and you wouldn't have z3Vw24vF5ZI-00045-00028058-00028747 to spend the rest of your life in an office building. You can go out in remote parts of z3Vw24vF5ZI-00046-00028747-00029165 the world. I really, really liked that. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00047-00029165-00029750 Then when I graduated from there, I went to Ohio State University to study Coal Geology z3Vw24vF5ZI-00048-00029750-00030450 because I grew up in West Virginia. As a young person, I was looking for a job, a good-paying z3Vw24vF5ZI-00049-00030555-00031049 job. I was at Ohio State for about a quarter, and I got a message that there was an opening z3Vw24vF5ZI-00050-00031049-00031690 in what was then the Institute of Polar Studies to look at ice cores. I'd had Geomorphology. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00051-00031690-00032233 I knew that glaciers only cover 10 percent of the planet, and they're in places where z3Vw24vF5ZI-00052-00032233-00032887 people don't live, so how could they possibly be important? But if you took the research z3Vw24vF5ZI-00053-00032887-00033338 position, you could get your master's degree faster, and therefore get out and get your z3Vw24vF5ZI-00054-00033338-00034038 job faster. I took it. It took about a year-and-a-half of working with ice cores to start to realize z3Vw24vF5ZI-00055-00034168-00034409 what their potential was. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00056-00034409-00035109 It's not like I started out in that direction. I always tell my students that—and it's z3Vw24vF5ZI-00057-00035163-00035731 true. Most of them come—the families want them to get a good education and to get a z3Vw24vF5ZI-00058-00035731-00036300 good job to have a secure life. I tell them if they're really lucky, in this process, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00059-00036300-00036733 they will find their passion, the thing that they'll get up for every morning and go to z3Vw24vF5ZI-00060-00036733-00037246 work. Once you find your passion, don't worry about anything else because it takes care z3Vw24vF5ZI-00061-00037246-00037350 of itself. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00062-00037350-00038050 I made my first trip to Antarctica in 1973 as a graduate student. The following year—it's z3Vw24vF5ZI-00063-00038215-00038915 kind of interesting, the way things come to be, because all the work, at the time I started z3Vw24vF5ZI-00064-00039003-00039596 this, on ice cores was being done in the polar regions: in Greenland and Antarctica. All z3Vw24vF5ZI-00065-00039596-00040284 the pioneers in our field were alive, and I had the chance to meet them when I was a z3Vw24vF5ZI-00066-00040284-00040984 student. It was in 1973 that there were so many people working in Antarctica and Greenland z3Vw24vF5ZI-00067-00041253-00041650 that I came up with this idea that, "Wouldn't it be great to have a record somewhere in z3Vw24vF5ZI-00068-00041650-00042275 between to compare, to look at the connectedness between Antarctica—climate from Antarctica z3Vw24vF5ZI-00069-00042275-00042637 and climate from Greenland?" z3Vw24vF5ZI-00070-00042637-00043253 There was a geographer who had made an atlas of the glaciers of the world. He had all these z3Vw24vF5ZI-00071-00043253-00043953 aerial photos. In these photos, we found this tropical glacier called Quelccaya in the Andes z3Vw24vF5ZI-00072-00043953-00044653 of Peru at 18,670 feet. I took the photos to what was then the Polar Programs because z3Vw24vF5ZI-00073-00044943-00045621 they were the only agency at the time that funded ice-core research, made a case to the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00074-00045621-00046159 program manager that, "Wouldn't it be great to look at something in the low latitudes z3Vw24vF5ZI-00075-00046159-00046634 to connect to the high latitudes?" He listened, and he said afterwards—his name was Jay z3Vw24vF5ZI-00076-00046634-00047081 Zwally—he said, "Lonnie, that sounds really interesting, but you know I can't fund it z3Vw24vF5ZI-00077-00047081-00047481 because we can't fund anything that's not north of the Arctic Circle or south of the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00078-00047481-00047544 Antarctic Circle." z3Vw24vF5ZI-00079-00047544-00048244 In '73 and '74, in the winter, I went to Antarctica. Back then they had telexes. In February I z3Vw24vF5ZI-00080-00048286-00048952 got a telex from Jay Zwally, saying, "I have funded all of my real science projects, and z3Vw24vF5ZI-00081-00048952-00049566 I have 7,000 dollars left. What could you do on that tropical glacier for 7,000 dollars?" z3Vw24vF5ZI-00082-00049566-00049894 I telexed back and said, "Hey, I think we could get there." z3Vw24vF5ZI-00083-00049894-00050594 In the summer of '74, we made our first excursion to Peru, up in the Andes, found this ice cap, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00084-00050796-00051496 and that opened up a whole new area of research, not quickly, I might add, because we—it z3Vw24vF5ZI-00085-00051838-00052292 was clear there was a record there, but we still had to find the funding to be able to z3Vw24vF5ZI-00086-00052292-00052896 go there. Being young and naïve, I thought we would just make a contract with the Peruvian z3Vw24vF5ZI-00087-00052896-00053596 Air Force and bring the drill and the generator from Antarctica, and we would fly the helicopter z3Vw24vF5ZI-00088-00053630-00054248 up to the Andes and get it up on the ice field, get the drill out, drill the cores, put them z3Vw24vF5ZI-00089-00054248-00054839 into the helicopter, and fly them out. Well, it was a great idea but—and we got a contract, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00090-00054839-00055539 and we actually tried this in 1979. We had to fly the helicopter 13 hours to get it into z3Vw24vF5ZI-00091-00055879-00056416 the region. There were no airports up there, so we had to bring the fuel in by train on z3Vw24vF5ZI-00092-00056416-00056903 a boxcar. We staged out of the back of a small town in Sequane in the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00093-00056903-00056996 Andes. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00094-00056996-00057655 Well, when you get the helicopter up to 19,000 feet, it would—I mean, even in beautiful z3Vw24vF5ZI-00095-00057655-00058117 blue skies, it would just fall because there were updrafts and downdrafts and there was z3Vw24vF5ZI-00096-00058117-00058817 not enough air to support it. Eventually, the pilot said, "No, we can't do this." I z3Vw24vF5ZI-00097-00059028-00059728 mean, that was my first really big failure. I've been funded by NSF to do this. I was z3Vw24vF5ZI-00098-00059750-00060242 told by the pilots they could do it, but in the end they couldn't. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00099-00060242-00060664 There was a two-day journey from the end of the nearest road to this ice cap. You can z3Vw24vF5ZI-00100-00060664-00061351 only get there either walking or using horses. The drills from Antarctica were too big. The z3Vw24vF5ZI-00101-00061351-00062021 generator—no way you could put that on a horse. That year, we actually went to the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00102-00062021-00062629 ice cap, and we sampled down a crevice. We got our record going back 25 years, which z3Vw24vF5ZI-00103-00062629-00063079 we published in science. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00104-00063079-00063779 It's those things in life where you come to a point where: "Is this possible?" This was z3Vw24vF5ZI-00105-00063835-00064384 the first time we thought about using solar power because a panel, a solar panel, can z3Vw24vF5ZI-00106-00064384-00065084 go into special-made bags. They can be put on horses. You can—you need 40 pounds. You z3Vw24vF5ZI-00107-00065196-00065896 can get as many horses as you need to transport them to the edge of the ice. We came up with z3Vw24vF5ZI-00108-00065932-00066632 this idea. We took panels there. Sure enough, they performed 20 to 30 percent above specs, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00109-00066720-00066754 manufacturer's. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00110-00066754-00067454 Of course, we had to get reviewed for getting money to build a solar-powered drill. This z3Vw24vF5ZI-00111-00067733-00068433 was 1983. Solar power was just coming online. Willi Dansgaard, who was one of the pioneers z3Vw24vF5ZI-00112-00068555-00069127 in our field, reviewed the proposal. He sent me a copy of the review he sent to the NSF, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00113-00069127-00069657 National Science Foundation. It was very short. He said, "Quelccaya ice cap is too high for z3Vw24vF5ZI-00114-00069657-00070121 human beings, and the technology does not exist to drill it; therefore, you should not z3Vw24vF5ZI-00115-00070121-00070793 fund this project." Fortunately, there was a program manager who said—who was interested z3Vw24vF5ZI-00116-00070793-00071363 in monsoons and had gotten this PhD studying monsoons. He said, "Well, maybe Willi Dansgaard z3Vw24vF5ZI-00117-00071363-00071851 is right, but we won't know unless we try." z3Vw24vF5ZI-00118-00071851-00072321 We built this solar-powered drill. We tested on a parking garage in Columbus, Ohio. We z3Vw24vF5ZI-00119-00072321-00072732 brought in blocks of ice, and we were able to drill through the blocks of ice. It looked z3Vw24vF5ZI-00120-00072732-00073432 like it would work. But two weeks before we left on the expedition to drill there, I passed z3Vw24vF5ZI-00121-00073451-00073995 the MBA exam, Fisher School of Business, because this—if I failed, it would be my second z3Vw24vF5ZI-00122-00073995-00074690 failure, and I figured I'd need a new career line. I really liked Willi Dansgaard, read z3Vw24vF5ZI-00123-00074690-00075190 all of his papers when I was a student. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00124-00075190-00075890 We went down in 1983. We succeeded in not just drilling one core to bedrock but two, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00125-00076147-00076735 and bringing back 6,000 bottled water samples, because we hadn't devised a technology to z3Vw24vF5ZI-00126-00076735-00077305 keep the ice frozen, but we could cut it, prepare it in the field, and carry it out z3Vw24vF5ZI-00127-00077305-00077897 with horses. We brought it out. One set of those samples I sent to Willi Dansgaard who z3Vw24vF5ZI-00128-00077897-00078445 analyzed them. It was such a fantastic record that, from that day on, he was our greatest z3Vw24vF5ZI-00129-00078445-00079027 supporter on why we needed to drill in the high mountains around the world. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00130-00079027-00079620 I'm a very firm believer in the 10,000-hour rule, that if you want to be an expert in z3Vw24vF5ZI-00131-00079620-00080090 anything, you got to be willing to put in 10,000 hours, which turns out to be about z3Vw24vF5ZI-00132-00080090-00080660 eight- and-a-half-years of your life. I did that on the Quelccaya ice cap between the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00133-00080660-00081313 time of the concept and before we actually succeeded to drill it in 1983 using solar z3Vw24vF5ZI-00134-00081313-00081615 power. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00135-00081615-00081985 The other thing I always tell my students is it's very important at an early age to z3Vw24vF5ZI-00136-00081985-00082643 fail because it's in failure that you're really pushed to think about, "Is this what you really z3Vw24vF5ZI-00137-00082643-00083343 want to do," and to think about, "Okay, how can I accomplish it?" Success, you don't learn z3Vw24vF5ZI-00138-00083431-00083929 that much; failure, you learn a lot. It's good to do it when you're young because no z3Vw24vF5ZI-00139-00083929-00084408 one knows who you are. If you fail, yes, it's a big deal to you, but it's probably not for z3Vw24vF5ZI-00140-00084408-00084757 the rest of the world. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00141-00084757-00085416 That's kind of how we got started, and that ice core opened up a whole new field. We've z3Vw24vF5ZI-00142-00085416-00086116 now drilled in 16 countries, including Antarctica and Greenland. We've just finished my 58th z3Vw24vF5ZI-00143-00086470-00087047 expedition to New Guinea. At no other time in human history would it be possible for z3Vw24vF5ZI-00144-00087047-00087721 one human to do this because we move six tons of equipment to these countries and go through z3Vw24vF5ZI-00145-00087721-00088421 customs and get them up to these remote areas and get the ice core back frozen. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00146-00088572-00089211 It's amazing. I would never have thought when we started out that this would be possible, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00147-00089211-00089829 but now we have an archive. We have over 7,000 meters of core stored at minus-35 degrees z3Vw24vF5ZI-00148-00089829-00090529 at our freezers at Ohio State. It's the only tropical collection on Earth. No one has duplicated z3Vw24vF5ZI-00149-00090593-00091293 this because of the team. It really comes down to people, the team that we were able z3Vw24vF5ZI-00150-00091323-00091905 to put together that—they know what they're getting into. It's tough working at above z3Vw24vF5ZI-00151-00091905-00092305 20,000 feet, but they're marvelous records. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00152-00092305-00092937 Interviewer: Fifty-eight expeditions over four decades—what changes have you seen? z3Vw24vF5ZI-00153-00092937-00093627 Lonnie: Well, the glaciers—again, when we started in the '70s, there was no discussion z3Vw24vF5ZI-00154-00093627-00094141 of global warming. In fact they were talking about the coming ice age because there had z3Vw24vF5ZI-00155-00094141-00094841 been crop failures in what was then the Soviet Union because there had been some cold winters. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00156-00094957-00095634 We didn't go there to look at changing climate as much as to understood how a tropical glacier z3Vw24vF5ZI-00157-00095634-00096228 works versus those in the polar region. In going back to these places, we were able to z3Vw24vF5ZI-00158-00096228-00096928 document the changes taking place. What was really incredible was initially how slow the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00159-00097028-00097719 glaciers were retreating, and then how they have accelerated coming forward in time such z3Vw24vF5ZI-00160-00097719-00098333 that many of the sites that we drilled early in my career have disappeared. You cannot z3Vw24vF5ZI-00161-00098333-00099003 go get those records now. Therefore the archive we have—I mean, we cut our cores in half, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00162-00099003-00099426 and half of them go in the freezer for the future because we know there'll be new techniques; z3Vw24vF5ZI-00163-00099426-00100009 there'll be new ideas, but you're not going to be able to go out and recover an ice core z3Vw24vF5ZI-00164-00100009-00100625 from the summit of Kilimanjaro in Africa because the ice is not going to be there. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00165-00100625-00101325 I think that has—when I look into the future 100 years from now and I'm all forgotten, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00166-00101553-00102078 I think what will be remembered are that the quality of the records that have been obtained z3Vw24vF5ZI-00167-00102078-00102653 because those isotope values, those dust measurements, those chemistry measurements, they're not z3Vw24vF5ZI-00168-00102653-00103193 going to change. Interpretation of those may change, but those records will be there, and z3Vw24vF5ZI-00169-00103193-00103893 then the archive for future generations to work on will be a good legacy. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00170-00104140-00104840 As time proceeded, it became very clear that—especially the lower elevation glaciers—by that I mean z3Vw24vF5ZI-00171-00105069-00105769 glaciers at 5,000 meters, 18,000 feet, were going to disappear first. Getting those archives z3Vw24vF5ZI-00172-00106084-00106690 has really been—in recent years have become almost a salvage mission. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00173-00106690-00107201 When we went to New Guinea, in the center of this tropical rainforest—I mean, this z3Vw24vF5ZI-00174-00107201-00107879 is the middle of nowhere—it was to capture what's left. We should have drilled there z3Vw24vF5ZI-00175-00107879-00108579 in 1935. We had some old photos. There was a lot of ice there. We got a record at 32-meter z3Vw24vF5ZI-00176-00108826-00109526 cores to bedrock. We had a marvelous record down but they won't be there—my best guess z3Vw24vF5ZI-00177-00109581-00110136 is that glacier will disappear in 2017, three years from now. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00178-00110136-00110631 These glaciers—it's not just their area that's shrinking. They're no longer accumulating z3Vw24vF5ZI-00179-00110631-00111331 on top. They're losing mass from the surface down. To me this is one of the problems of z3Vw24vF5ZI-00180-00111425-00112051 using satellites to measure glaciers—is that you're not really measuring the volume z3Vw24vF5ZI-00181-00112051-00112751 change of that ice. Yet if you are in the Himalayas, where you have millions of people z3Vw24vF5ZI-00182-00112821-00113521 downstream depending on water, those glaciers will appear to be there on satellite image, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00183-00113527-00114061 but they are thinning vertically. One year there'll be glaciers, and the next year that z3Vw24vF5ZI-00184-00114061-00114720 glacier will be gone. On Kilimanjaro, those ice fields are thinning in about half-a-meter z3Vw24vF5ZI-00185-00114720-00115420 a year from the top down. On the Furtwängler Glacier, if you're looking at it from a satellite z3Vw24vF5ZI-00186-00115450-00116150 in 2017, there will appear to be a glacier; in 2018, it would just be bedrock because z3Vw24vF5ZI-00187-00116222-00116720 it'0s going from the top down. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00188-00116720-00117310 I think the implication for water supplies in these remote areas, if you go to a country z3Vw24vF5ZI-00189-00117310-00117966 like Peru—70 percent of the tropical glaciers on Earth are in Peru, in the Andes of Peru. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00190-00117966-00118450 Here you have a country of 34 million people. Over 50 percent live in the desert, on the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00191-00118450-00119150 west coast of Peru, depending on rivers that originate in the glaciers up in the Andes. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00192-00119235-00119776 Seventy-six percent of their electricity comes from hydropower, the water coming from those z3Vw24vF5ZI-00193-00119776-00120369 glaciers. They have a very distinct wet and dry season, so that glaciers are kind of like z3Vw24vF5ZI-00194-00120369-00121048 an insurance policy, that they accumulate snow during wet seasons and wet periods, and z3Vw24vF5ZI-00195-00121048-00121748 then they melt and release that during droughts and dry seasons, but they're getting smaller, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00196-00121757-00122085 so their ability to do that becomes less and less. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00197-00122085-00122603 This has tremendous implications for people who live in areas that depend on those water z3Vw24vF5ZI-00198-00122603-00123144 resources because downstream that water goes for those hydroelectric plants. It goes into z3Vw24vF5ZI-00199-00123144-00123471 irrigation. It goes into municipal supplies for cities. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00200-00123471-00124161 When you go to a city like Lima, Peru that have 15 million people in it, they are looking z3Vw24vF5ZI-00201-00124161-00124768 at putting in tunnels through the Andes to capture water now that goes into the Amazon z3Vw24vF5ZI-00202-00124768-00125468 and bring it back to the west coast for water supply for people. The implications of the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00203-00125563-00125808 change are tremendous in these areas. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00204-00125808-00126508 I think in the tropics, this is where you're going to see the first real impacts on people z3Vw24vF5ZI-00205-00126536-00127022 because people are living right downstream below the glaciers and there are large numbers z3Vw24vF5ZI-00206-00127022-00127645 of people living downstream, so what's happening to those glaciers become extremely important. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00207-00127645-00128180 When I first started working on this and seeing the system change—I think it was 1992 when z3Vw24vF5ZI-00208-00128180-00128851 I first testified at US Senate on climate change. Back then I talked about prevention. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00209-00128851-00129305 That time has come and gone. I think for now it's the mitigation, the adaptation, or the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00210-00129305-00130005 suffering. As we go further down this road, our options are becoming less and less of z3Vw24vF5ZI-00211-00130232-00130563 how we deal with these changes. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00212-00130563-00131099 If you're working in Tibet, there are 46,000 glaciers there. You take a river like the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00213-00131099-00131799 Indus River, it flows through China, through Pakistan, and through India, all nuclear-powered z3Vw24vF5ZI-00214-00131864-00132555 counties. All depend on that river for water supplies. These are places—geopolitical z3Vw24vF5ZI-00215-00132555-00133255 hotpots in the future. You look at population projections for the world by 2050, 50 percent z3Vw24vF5ZI-00216-00133395-00134008 of the world's population will live in megacities in southern China and India, so that water z3Vw24vF5ZI-00217-00134008-00134595 becomes more and more important as we go forward in time. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00218-00134595-00135108 Interviewer: It's interesting that you studied coal geology, and also at business school, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00219-00135108-00135343 and then go into climate science. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00220-00135343-00135429 Lonnie: Yes. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00221-00135429-00135863 Interviewer: There’s a common, I guess, argument against—to cast doubt on climate z3Vw24vF5ZI-00222-00135863-00136423 science, is that climate scientists are only agreeing with the human-caused global warming z3Vw24vF5ZI-00223-00136423-00136601 because they're in it for research money. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00224-00136601-00137227 Lonnie: I have never understood that argument. Anyone who's in science will tell you upfront z3Vw24vF5ZI-00225-00137227-00137750 that this is not where you go to make money. Science is where you—if you have a passion, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00226-00137750-00138446 you go there to seek that passion, fulfill a drive that you have within you. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00227-00138446-00139146 I must say that I've come to understand skeptics in climate change much better because of the z3Vw24vF5ZI-00228-00139217-00139917 instant that happened two-and-a-half years ago. Two-and-a-half years ago—I should go z3Vw24vF5ZI-00229-00139955-00140655 back and say 20 years ago. I was diagnosed with exercised-induced asthma because I'd z3Vw24vF5ZI-00230-00140912-00141488 have a hard time breathing when I'm doing exercise, and that's always an issue when z3Vw24vF5ZI-00231-00141488-00142055 you go to high elevation. The doctor told me that good thing about it was it served—if z3Vw24vF5ZI-00232-00142055-00142529 you had the right medicine, there's nothing in the world you can't do. I'm climbing mountains, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00233-00142529-00143229 drilling ice cores, but it was getting harder and harder to work at these high elevations. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00234-00143326-00144026 When I came back from Peru in 2009, I went to the Ross Heart Hospital, and I was diagnosed z3Vw24vF5ZI-00235-00144102-00144751 with congestive heart failure. My cardiologist looked at me, and he said, "Lonnie," he said, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00236-00144751-00145255 "you know, in your future, you have one choice and one choice only, and that is you're going z3Vw24vF5ZI-00237-00145255-00145848 to have to have heart transplant." I looked at him, and I said, "You're crazy. I've climbing z3Vw24vF5ZI-00238-00145848-00146445 the highest mountains in the world for…" I was 63 years old at that time. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00239-00146445-00147005 I fought this guy every step of the way for two years. I mean, I was running expeditions z3Vw24vF5ZI-00240-00147005-00147705 to New Guinea. I was in the Alps drilling in 2011. Then one day, I couldn't get up from z3Vw24vF5ZI-00241-00147817-00148513 my tent to go to the drill site. I couldn't breathe. I came down, and I ended up getting z3Vw24vF5ZI-00242-00148513-00149187 out of Italy back to the Ross Heart Hospital at Ohio State University. I went right to z3Vw24vF5ZI-00243-00149187-00149887 the emergency room. They put me initially on a heart pump. Then they had to put in an z3Vw24vF5ZI-00244-00149908-00150526 LVAD system, which is a turbine that was invented six years earlier, that goes into your old z3Vw24vF5ZI-00245-00150526-00151226 heart and you have a computer on the outside and you have a driveline. During the day you z3Vw24vF5ZI-00246-00151442-00152142 run on batteries, and at night you plug into the wall. Six months later, they found what z3Vw24vF5ZI-00247-00152400-00153096 turned out to be a pretty good match, and I got a heart transplant. One year after that, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00248-00153096-00153796 I was in—in 2013, I was at 20,000 feet in west central Tibet doing what—my passion, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00249-00154147-00154392 recovering these records. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00250-00154392-00155092 I use this story because I believe that I had two things, two options. The reason I z3Vw24vF5ZI-00251-00155230-00155724 didn't want to believe it was congestive heart failure is that if you put that on your medical z3Vw24vF5ZI-00252-00155724-00156201 form, there's no way you'd be permitted to go climb the next mountain to run the next z3Vw24vF5ZI-00253-00156201-00156901 project. I'd rather believe that it was asthma. The fact is, at the end of the day, we deal z3Vw24vF5ZI-00254-00157012-00157630 with what is, and what is was I had to have a heart transplant. When it comes to climate z3Vw24vF5ZI-00255-00157630-00158188 change, we will deal with what is because the system is changing, and we will have to z3Vw24vF5ZI-00256-00158188-00158327 deal with it. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00257-00158327-00159027 Unfortunately, as human beings, we don't usually do these things until we have no choice. Sometimes z3Vw24vF5ZI-00258-00159173-00159873 we can still deal with it. It may be touch and go for a while, but things can get better z3Vw24vF5ZI-00259-00159895-00160519 on the other side. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00260-00160519-00161219 First of all, we work with ice cores. We have now an 800,000-year history of C02, methane, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00261-00161230-00161930 nitrous oxide. We know that we have not had levels of C02 at 400 parts per million by z3Vw24vF5ZI-00262-00161958-00162658 volume in 800,000 years of history. We know that that's rising about 3.2 parts per million z3Vw24vF5ZI-00263-00162847-00163416 every year. We know where that C02 is coming from because we do the isotopes of the carbon. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00264-00163416-00164027 We know it's coming from fossil fuel. We know we're changing the composition of our atmosphere. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00265-00164027-00164449 We know the temperature of the Earth is going up because we have thermometers over the world, z3Vw24vF5ZI-00266-00164449-00164979 and we have a record that goes back 130 years that document that fact that temperatures z3Vw24vF5ZI-00267-00164979-00165660 are going up. At the same time, the glaciers all over the world are melting and retreating. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00268-00165660-00166237 That's what you would expect if the world was getting warmer. That water is flowing z3Vw24vF5ZI-00269-00166237-00166937 into the world's oceans, and sea level is rising. The rate of sea level rise is accelerating z3Vw24vF5ZI-00270-00166961-00167334 as the rate of glacial melt accelerates. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00271-00167334-00168034 The evidence is very clear—where we're headed and the fact that the humans are driving it. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00272-00168116-00168816 It's a matter of physics and chemistry. At the end of the day, science is about what z3Vw24vF5ZI-00273-00168880-00169450 is and what is is we're changing the climate system. z3Vw24vF5ZI-00274-00169450-00170120 How long it takes us to actually make meaningful advances on dealing with this problem to me z3Vw24vF5ZI-00275-00170120-00170820 is the only question. The fact that we will deal with it is a given. z4Cg8Xa86ag-00000-00000535-00000743 Hi, my name is Rob Wynne. z4Cg8Xa86ag-00001-00000743-00000928 Why did I choose my medium? z4Cg8Xa86ag-00002-00000928-00001570 Because I was always curious about finding materials that weren’t necessarily associated z4Cg8Xa86ag-00003-00001570-00001760 with “fine art.” z4Cg8Xa86ag-00004-00001760-00002404 So I started using string, and embroidery, and smoke, and then when I was able to pick z4Cg8Xa86ag-00005-00002404-00002918 up a ladle of glass, something really clicked and it was a wonderful material to use. z5rDamtOvZE-00000-00000504-00001120 the benefit of using appreciative inquiry for online learning the only way that we z5rDamtOvZE-00001-00001120-00001832 can improve an emphasis on the matters of safety's effectiveness and popularity of the future online z5rDamtOvZE-00002-00001832-00002528 if moment is by having more and more study and research there is no such thing as a perfect z5rDamtOvZE-00003-00002528-00003288 online learner it is due to the factors such as inconsistency of internet connection technology z5rDamtOvZE-00004-00003288-00003928 challenges a wide range of adult population from normal to disabled adults and the average age z5rDamtOvZE-00005-00003928-00004640 is older than the traditional physical classroom the only matters we know is that the online class z5rDamtOvZE-00006-00004640-00005288 offers the ideal online learning platform for adults who are restricted eccess to learning z5rDamtOvZE-00007-00005352-00006064 living distance away from physical classroom and family responsibilities please find my previous z5rDamtOvZE-00008-00006064-00006816 videos why is appreciative inquiry based for online classroom environment part 1 and part 2 z5rDamtOvZE-00009-00006888-00007600 from the above today almost everybody is doing something studying something working z5rDamtOvZE-00010-00007600-00008256 their businesses research and collaborative discussion using online platforms such as z5rDamtOvZE-00011-00008256-00009024 zoom facebook instagram etc online classroom to some people is very efficient and useful z5rDamtOvZE-00012-00009104-00009760 but online classroom can be quite vulnerable and level of involvement needs to be studied z5rDamtOvZE-00013-00009760-00010440 and taken into consideration so the term appreciative inquiry is coming into use to z5rDamtOvZE-00014-00010440-00011032 facilitate individual motivation engagement performance and appreciative inquiry z5rDamtOvZE-00015-00011032-00011688 is best for online classroom or learning environment so what is appreciative inquiry z5rDamtOvZE-00016-00011784-00012544 appreciative inquiry is for example the meaningful interactions meaningful discussion and activities z5rDamtOvZE-00017-00012544-00013256 and the instructors are providing timely feedback on the postings for example the grade of points z5rDamtOvZE-00018-00013256-00014104 the commands or rubrics appreciative inquiries is also effective input by the instructors regarding z5rDamtOvZE-00019-00014104-00014776 motivation building relationships and students performance so in appreciative inquiry the z5rDamtOvZE-00020-00014776-00015632 instructors also has the expertise on students personalities so that the is effective and have z5rDamtOvZE-00021-00015632-00016984 positive outcomes thank you for your participating watching and listening until next time z5rDamtOvZE-00022-00017632-00017640 you z7oNqGeB1Wg-00000-00000131-00000404 This video is gonna show you the beginnings z7oNqGeB1Wg-00001-00000404-00000743 of editing your movies in iMovie z7oNqGeB1Wg-00002-00000743-00001053 I got some clips in my event z7oNqGeB1Wg-00003-00001053-00001475 area and I have a project open called ITCC video z7oNqGeB1Wg-00004-00001475-00001853 and one I wanna start adding these clips to my time line z7oNqGeB1Wg-00005-00001853-00002202 so here's the basic procedure: I can click on a clip z7oNqGeB1Wg-00006-00002202-00002741 and a plus sign will appear and I'll add it to the time line z7oNqGeB1Wg-00007-00002741-00003063 but no what happens when I click on those clips z7oNqGeB1Wg-00008-00003063-00003375 if I hold my mouse over this plus sign for a few seconds z7oNqGeB1Wg-00009-00003375-00003777 it'll say and four seconds to the movie z7oNqGeB1Wg-00010-00003777-00004202 so it'll actually go in and an add four seconds z7oNqGeB1Wg-00011-00004202-00004732 a video to my movie. if the clip is shorter than four seconds it'll add z7oNqGeB1Wg-00012-00004732-00004801 whatever z7oNqGeB1Wg-00013-00004801-00005155 kinda percentage of that clip z7oNqGeB1Wg-00014-00005155-00005655 is appropriate If I click on this third clip again it'll add another four z7oNqGeB1Wg-00015-00005655-00005777 seconds a video z7oNqGeB1Wg-00016-00005777-00006126 so that might not be what you wanna do z7oNqGeB1Wg-00017-00006126-00006458 so I wanna show you just a couple the ways of z7oNqGeB1Wg-00018-00006458-00006902 adding video changing the durations and then some keyboard shortcuts for doing z7oNqGeB1Wg-00019-00006902-00006993 this procedure z7oNqGeB1Wg-00020-00006993-00007440 something ago can stretch out my time line and and delete all these clips that z7oNqGeB1Wg-00021-00007440-00007504 I added z7oNqGeB1Wg-00022-00007504-00007848 now another way to add video to the time line z7oNqGeB1Wg-00023-00007848-00008225 is to click on a clip and, let's go to the second one, z7oNqGeB1Wg-00024-00008225-00008625 and just start clicking down and dragging out and so in this case I'm z7oNqGeB1Wg-00025-00008625-00008942 selecting about eight and a half seconds worth the video z7oNqGeB1Wg-00026-00008942-00009399 if I click on the plus sign it will add that eight and a half z7oNqGeB1Wg-00027-00009399-00009747 seconds a video. If I do it again z7oNqGeB1Wg-00028-00009747-00010100 I can stretch out here and we'll do about z7oNqGeB1Wg-00029-00010100-00010535 six seconds or so, click on the plus sign z7oNqGeB1Wg-00030-00010535-00011010 and it adds that range each time we click on the plus sign z7oNqGeB1Wg-00031-00011010-00011378 alright now another way to do this with z7oNqGeB1Wg-00032-00011378-00011761 a keyboard shortcut is to select either the clip z7oNqGeB1Wg-00033-00011761-00012095 and 4 seconds or select a range z7oNqGeB1Wg-00034-00012095-00012403 of seventeen seconds. I can hit the z7oNqGeB1Wg-00035-00012403-00012836 E on the keyboard. Now you might think why do I need to bring the keyboard z7oNqGeB1Wg-00036-00012836-00013016 into this when the mouse is z7oNqGeB1Wg-00037-00013016-00013437 is working just fine. Well the advantage is can do this very quickly. You can z7oNqGeB1Wg-00038-00013437-00013574 select your range z7oNqGeB1Wg-00039-00013574-00014008 hit E on the keyboard and it will just pop right in. So it's kind of a z7oNqGeB1Wg-00040-00014008-00014387 a right-hand depending on what hand you use z7oNqGeB1Wg-00041-00014387-00014697 arm right hand on the mouse left him in the keyboard z7oNqGeB1Wg-00042-00014697-00015143 arm select your range he and the keyboard z7oNqGeB1Wg-00043-00015143-00015457 and you just pop clips in as quickly as that z7oNqGeB1Wg-00044-00015457-00015811 okay let's stretch out our z7oNqGeB1Wg-00045-00015811-00016130 time line again here so we can see all the clips z7oNqGeB1Wg-00046-00016130-00016639 and let's let's get rid of some of these. Select them all and hit the delete key z7oNqGeB1Wg-00047-00016639-00016956 now let's go back to our first clip z7oNqGeB1Wg-00048-00016956-00017260 and i wanna add the whole thing so z7oNqGeB1Wg-00049-00017260-00017560 I might be able to select the whole range z7oNqGeB1Wg-00050-00017560-00017914 of 2.9 seconds but z7oNqGeB1Wg-00051-00017914-00018323 let's not do it that way. I'm gonna click on the clip and click on the z7oNqGeB1Wg-00052-00018323-00018679 X key. That will select the entire clip z7oNqGeB1Wg-00053-00018679-00019062 if I wanna add the second clip, I'll click on it z7oNqGeB1Wg-00054-00019062-00019536 hit the X key and that will select the entire clip Now if I hit z7oNqGeB1Wg-00055-00019536-00020058 E on the keyboard it'll add that full 12-second clip to the time line z7oNqGeB1Wg-00056-00020058-00020536 right let's do it again, let's click this first clip now z7oNqGeB1Wg-00057-00020536-00021035 hit X, hit E, and it's added to the time line z7oNqGeB1Wg-00058-00021035-00021390 we'll do it one more time. We'll this z7oNqGeB1Wg-00059-00021390-00021769 this clip here and let's select a range this time z7oNqGeB1Wg-00060-00021769-00022083 we'll hit E on the keyboard z7oNqGeB1Wg-00061-00022083-00022386 and it adds that to the z7oNqGeB1Wg-00062-00022386-00022798 time line now E I like to use a pneumonic for these z7oNqGeB1Wg-00063-00022798-00023236 E stands end so every time you hit the E key, it will at the clip to the z7oNqGeB1Wg-00064-00023236-00023701 end of the time line. I'm going to click down in our time line again z7oNqGeB1Wg-00065-00023701-00024013 I'm holding down shift and then hitting the Z key z7oNqGeB1Wg-00066-00024013-00024511 to show all the clips in the window. It shows me about 75 percent z7oNqGeB1Wg-00067-00024511-00024911 of the full time line when you hit shift Z z7oNqGeB1Wg-00068-00024911-00025292 it won't quite send it all the way to the end but that'll z7oNqGeB1Wg-00069-00025292-00025375 give you z7oNqGeB1Wg-00070-00025375-00025663 a view of the entire time line in your window z7oNqGeB1Wg-00071-00025663-00025963 with some space to add some more stuff z7oNqGeB1Wg-00072-00025963-00026358 but let's say I wanna at a clip in between these first two z7oNqGeB1Wg-00073-00026358-00026666 if I take my cursor and put it between z7oNqGeB1Wg-00074-00026666-00027036 the first and the second clips and click down z7oNqGeB1Wg-00075-00027036-00027369 that'll stay there and then I can go z7oNqGeB1Wg-00076-00027369-00027827 and select a range in this last clip let's say z7oNqGeB1Wg-00077-00027827-00028205 and what I'm gonna do instead of hitting E to add it to the end, z7oNqGeB1Wg-00078-00028205-00028752 is I'll hit W to insert the clip between the first and the second z7oNqGeB1Wg-00079-00028752-00029103 now W, insert, how do you remember this well z7oNqGeB1Wg-00080-00029103-00029511 I think I've W as within. So if I wanted to z7oNqGeB1Wg-00081-00029511-00029888 insert a clip within two clips I hit the W key z7oNqGeB1Wg-00082-00029888-00030284 and that will add that clip in between the first and second in this case z7oNqGeB1Wg-00083-00030284-00030620 There's a third way z7oNqGeB1Wg-00084-00030620-00030988 that you can add a clip. Let's say I wanna bring in this particular one z7oNqGeB1Wg-00085-00030988-00031102 I'll just select a range z7oNqGeB1Wg-00086-00031102-00031402 again, and I'm gonna do what's called z7oNqGeB1Wg-00087-00031402-00031802 a connected clip So I'm going to click down somewhere but in the middle this first z7oNqGeB1Wg-00088-00031802-00031853 one z7oNqGeB1Wg-00089-00031853-00032168 and we'll go back up and just make sure this z7oNqGeB1Wg-00090-00032168-00032506 section is selected again and I'll hit cue z7oNqGeB1Wg-00091-00032506-00033009 okay and that adds what's called a connected clip z7oNqGeB1Wg-00092-00033009-00033365 so mine demonic for this to remember this is z7oNqGeB1Wg-00093-00033365-00033734 if you spell connect with the Q then you remember it z7oNqGeB1Wg-00094-00033734-00034150 so Q is for a connected clip now what this is also known as z7oNqGeB1Wg-00095-00034150-00034812 is what's called a cutaway so a fight start playing my video in this section z7oNqGeB1Wg-00096-00034812-00035150 we cut away to another scene and then eventually z7oNqGeB1Wg-00097-00035150-00035675 we cut back to the original video z7oNqGeB1Wg-00098-00035675-00036116 so that is just several ways that you can begin to z7oNqGeB1Wg-00099-00036116-00036478 edit your video you can start to add clips in different ways z7oNqGeB1Wg-00100-00036478-00036919 you can use the mouse if you want to but sometimes those keyboard shortcuts z7oNqGeB1Wg-00101-00036919-00037109 provide you a much quicker way z7oNqGeB1Wg-00102-00037109-00037416 to add the clips to the time line so z7oNqGeB1Wg-00103-00037416-00037615 hope that was helpful and we'll see you next time z7Ap_7gOf0I-00000-00002512-00003020 Motorcylepedia was born from a series of motorcycles that z7Ap_7gOf0I-00001-00003020-00003327 Jerry (Gerald) Arthur Doering and his son Ted have collected for decades z7Ap_7gOf0I-00002-00003364-00003871 Located in Newburgh, New York, it opened on April 16, 2011 z7Ap_7gOf0I-00003-00003931-00004280 With 85,000 square feet of exhibition space z7Ap_7gOf0I-00004-00004301-00004564 the two-story museum displays more than 600 vintages z7Ap_7gOf0I-00005-00004564-00004914 and rare motorcycles from 1897 onwards z7Ap_7gOf0I-00006-00004957-00005530 From classic motorcycles produced in the early 20th century to more eclectic z7Ap_7gOf0I-00007-00005551-00005890 and rare motorcycles, there are more than 3,000 motorcycle souvenirs z7Ap_7gOf0I-00008-00005943-00006399 The mission of the museum is to establish and maintain z7Ap_7gOf0I-00009-00006399-00006640 a motorcycle-related museum that is open to the public z7Ap_7gOf0I-00010-00006709-00007360 Collect, own, hold, maintain, preserve and provide to the public a series of motorcycles z7Ap_7gOf0I-00011-00007360-00007874 motorcycle souvenirs, motorcycle parts, peripherals, cultural relics and documents z7Ap_7gOf0I-00012-00007885-00008271 and display all aspects of their history, present and future z7Ap_7gOf0I-00013-00008290-00008627 To create the best motorcycle museum in the world z7Ap_7gOf0I-00014-00008679-00008976 Raise public awareness of the history of motorcycles z7Ap_7gOf0I-00015-00008976-00009300 through exhibitions, lectures, and other programs z7Ap_7gOf0I-00016-00009338-00009742 Cooperate and support motorcycle clubs, collectors, the public z7Ap_7gOf0I-00017-00009742-00010057 and museums around the world z7Ap_7gOf0I-00018-00010057-00010512 Enable them to display their motorcycles and motorcycle-related collections z7Ap_7gOf0I-00019-00011141-00011643 Jerry became associated with the Indian motorcycle brand in the late 1940s z7Ap_7gOf0I-00020-00011667-00011921 and began collecting in 1949 z7Ap_7gOf0I-00021-00011959-00012517 After more than 60 years of collection, Jerry has collected enough motorcycles to form z7Ap_7gOf0I-00022-00012517-00012843 the world's only Indian brand motorcycle timeline z7Ap_7gOf0I-00023-00012869-00013500 Motorcylepedia is home to the world’s most comprehensive collection of Indian motorcycles z7Ap_7gOf0I-00024-00013540-00014189 Beginning with the company’s first bicycle manufactured in 1901, the exhibition area spans two walls z7Ap_7gOf0I-00025-00014205-00014700 displaying the company’s motorcycles every year from business to 1953 z7Ap_7gOf0I-00026-00014744-00015221 Indian Motorcycles is known as the first motorcycle company in the United States z7Ap_7gOf0I-00027-00015262-00015600 In 1917, during the First World War z7Ap_7gOf0I-00028-00015610-00016054 The Indians sold most of their motorcycle inventory to the U.S. military z7Ap_7gOf0I-00029-00016062-00016500 So that their dealer network does not have any motorcycles for sale z7Ap_7gOf0I-00030-00016510-00016800 This caused the company to lose its ranking as the number z7Ap_7gOf0I-00031-00016800-00017067 one motorcycle brand in the U.S. during this period z7Ap_7gOf0I-00032-00017123-00017487 Later, when competing with the Harley-Davidson motorcycle brand z7Ap_7gOf0I-00033-00017487-00017797 The company strives to regain its popularity z7Ap_7gOf0I-00034-00017971-00018313 Ted began collecting in the late 1960s z7Ap_7gOf0I-00035-00018398-00018598 Ted is a Harley lover z7Ap_7gOf0I-00036-00018608-00019153 He collected a series of customized and original Harley-Davidson motorcycles and souvenirs z7Ap_7gOf0I-00037-00019367-00019903 The Harley series includes approximately 75 motorcycles dating back to 1907 z7Ap_7gOf0I-00038-00019922-00020251 Including the 1915 Dodge City Racer z7Ap_7gOf0I-00039-00020280-00020607 a Harley customized by Billy Joles, etc. z7Ap_7gOf0I-00040-00020896-00021220 The museum has a large collection of police and z7Ap_7gOf0I-00041-00021220-00021420 military motorcycles dating back to the early 20th century z7Ap_7gOf0I-00042-00021544-00022000 One of the many famous motorcycles in the series is the Harley Police Motorcycle z7Ap_7gOf0I-00043-00022284-00022662 The museum also displays the motorcycles of President Nixon’s motorcade z7Ap_7gOf0I-00044-00022672-00023146 And some very early models of Harley motorcycles from the NYC Police Department z7Ap_7gOf0I-00045-00024420-00024754 The museum also cleverly and meticulously records z7Ap_7gOf0I-00046-00024754-00024954 the status of motorcycles in American popular culture z7Ap_7gOf0I-00047-00025209-00025936 It features a replica of the motorcycle that Peter Fonda rode in the 1969 film "Easy Rider" z7Ap_7gOf0I-00048-00026008-00026679 Own a real skull-inlaid car from the 2007 Nicholas Cage movie "Ghost Rider" z7Ap_7gOf0I-00049-00027000-00027701 Movie posters, books, comic books and other original souvenirs are decorated z7Ap_7gOf0I-00050-00027733-00028001 on the walls and exhibits, adding a historical background to each motorcycle z7Ap_7gOf0I-00051-00028616-00029056 Any movie that has a motorcycle, the museum may have its poster z7Ap_7gOf0I-00052-00029288-00029591 Other outstanding exhibits include the museum’s displays of z7Ap_7gOf0I-00053-00029591-00029844 famous designers and custom works z7Ap_7gOf0I-00054-00030141-00030544 The museum also offers a large collection of Harley-Davidson motorcycle brands z7Ap_7gOf0I-00055-00030575-00030900 and various rare American and imported motorcycle brands z7Ap_7gOf0I-00056-00033774-00034215 Although Motorcyclepedia will attract motorcycle enthusiasts the most z7Ap_7gOf0I-00057-00034235-00034770 anyone interested in history will find a lot to see and z7Ap_7gOf0I-00058-00034770-00035196 read in the museum’s wide variety of motorcycles and exhibits z7Ap_7gOf0I-00059-00035282-00035581 In addition to motorcycle enthusiasts and clubs z7Ap_7gOf0I-00060-00035593-00035937 the museum also attracts a wide range of visitors z7Ap_7gOf0I-00061-00036036-00036349 Welcome to subscribe and share z7JdqDjdg5c-00000-00000135-00000552 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE, I'M PETTY OFFICER TYRELL MORRIS. z7JdqDjdg5c-00001-00000552-00000935 SUMMER IS HERE AND THE DAYS ARE GETTING HOTTER, SO WATCH YOUR THERMOSTAT. z7JdqDjdg5c-00002-00000935-00001373 IF YOU LIVE IN PUBLIC-PRIVATE VENTURE HOUSING, KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR ENERGY USAGE OR IT COULD z7JdqDjdg5c-00003-00001373-00001515 COST YOU. z7JdqDjdg5c-00004-00001515-00002028 SOME HOMES MAY FALL UNDER THE DOD'S RESIDENT ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAM, SO CAREFUL MONITORING z7JdqDjdg5c-00005-00002028-00002278 OF YOUR ELECTRICITY USAGE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. z7JdqDjdg5c-00006-00002278-00002930 "THE PROGRAM WORKS BY GROUPING HOMES INTO WHAT WE CALL, LIKE-TYPE-GROUPS, SIMILAR HOMES z7JdqDjdg5c-00007-00002940-00003637 THAT HAVE THE SAME ENERGY USAGE. WHAT WE DO IS WE COMPARE THE UTILITY CONSUMPTION OF THE RESIDENTS z7JdqDjdg5c-00008-00003637-00004132 LIVING IN LIKE-TYPE-GROUPS, AND WE CREATE AN AVERAGE AND THEN WE APPLY A 10-PERCENT z7JdqDjdg5c-00009-00004132-00004433 BUFFER ABOVE AND BELOW." z7JdqDjdg5c-00010-00004433-00005008 TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE RECP, GO TO THE CNIC HOUSING WEBSITE OR VISIT YOUR HOUSING OFFICE'S z7JdqDjdg5c-00011-00005008-00005708 WEBSITE TO FIND OUT IF YOU CAN SAVE MONEY. zqcoYrvjR94-00000-00000000-00000200 free d block europe type beat,free d block europe type beat 2021,free d block europe type beat 2022,d block europe type beat 2021,d block europe type beat 2022,young adz d block europe type beat,dirtbike lb d block europe type beat,young adz type beat 2022,young adz type beat 2021,young adz type beat free,dirtbike lb type beat 2021,dirtbike lb type beat 2022,dirtbike lb type beat free,d block europe type beat free 2022,dbe type beat,melodic type beat 2022 zskgRTz4Va8-00000-00000000-00000328 What does this have to do with that the big new cracker plant that's over there somewhere? zskgRTz4Va8-00001-00000392-00001216 So that plant was built on the promise of jobs. Yeah. Which would help to revitalize the economy zskgRTz4Va8-00002-00001216-00001912 in this area. So initially it was 600 permanent jobs and 8000 or so construction workers. Yeah zskgRTz4Va8-00003-00001912-00002368 a lot of construction workers. But they're about done now. So the construction is almost done so zskgRTz4Va8-00004-00002576-00003024 there's very few construction workers there now, and whatever 600 people they were going to zskgRTz4Va8-00005-00003024-00003568 employ are probably already employed because it's going to open up very soon. Uh-huh. So, whatever zskgRTz4Va8-00006-00003568-00004184 economic impact that particular plant is going to have in the area should have been felt. Most zskgRTz4Va8-00007-00004184-00004904 of the jobs construction jobs are gone so that was their peak, but all the economic indicators zskgRTz4Va8-00008-00004904-00005592 of this area didn't show any growth compared to the state as a whole or the country as a whole. zskgRTz4Va8-00009-00005672-00005976 So the impact hasn't been what i think people were expecting. zskgRTz4Va8-00010-00006064-00006480 Yeah that makes sense. I mean most of the steel and pipes and stuff like that comes from somewhere zskgRTz4Va8-00011-00006480-00006984 else. I mean the construction workers bought pizza and hotel rooms, so they had an impact, zskgRTz4Va8-00012-00006984-00007384 but that's done. Yeah it's done. So yeah. And the permanent workers: 600 is nice, zskgRTz4Va8-00013-00007384-00007712 but it's not that big of a deal. It's not that many local jobs. Yeah. Because those zskgRTz4Va8-00014-00007712-00008184 are highly specialized jobs... and a lot of them came from out of state. Yup. Yup. ztdxp0InXp0-00000-00000112-00000280 it-sa me mario ztdxp0InXp0-00001-00000584-00000703 oki doki ztdxp0InXp0-00002-00000796-00000896 HOO! (A press 1) ztdxp0InXp0-00003-00001528-00001695 Wah woo ztdxp0InXp0-00004-00001695-00001780 hoo hoo (A press 2) ztdxp0InXp0-00005-00001780-00001980 yippee (A press 3) ztdxp0InXp0-00006-00002118-00002189 hoo hoo ztdxp0InXp0-00007-00002189-00002286 OOF ztdxp0InXp0-00008-00002343-00002593 ok I'm tired of captioning (A press 4) ztdxp0InXp0-00009-00002938-00003050 (A press 5) ztdxp0InXp0-00010-00003530-00003636 (A press 6) ztdxp0InXp0-00011-00004600-00004700 (A press 7) ztdxp0InXp0-00012-00004864-00005083 here we go ztdxp0InXp0-00013-00005628-00005770 (A press 1) ztdxp0InXp0-00014-00006837-00006909 (A press 2) ztdxp0InXp0-00015-00007912-00008584 wow ztdxp0InXp0-00016-00010216-00010326 (A press 3) ztdxp0InXp0-00017-00012216-00012288 here we go ztdxp0InXp0-00018-00012770-00012850 (A press 1) ztdxp0InXp0-00019-00012921-00012993 (A press 2) ztdxp0InXp0-00020-00013122-00013172 (A press 3) ztdxp0InXp0-00021-00013536-00013827 wow yahoo ztdxp0InXp0-00022-00014503-00014697 (skip to 2:47) ztdxp0InXp0-00023-00016912-00017112 (A press 4) ztdxp0InXp0-00024-00017242-00017303 (A press 5) ztdxp0InXp0-00025-00018603-00018784 (A press 6 + 7) ztdxp0InXp0-00026-00018784-00018866 wow ztdxp0InXp0-00027-00019352-00019928 here we go you zuzoItselA0-00000-00000080-00000432 what is going on guys john manaj coming to child with another zuzoItselA0-00001-00000432-00000968 [ __ ] video man look today bro about to be reacting to milk crate challenges zuzoItselA0-00002-00000968-00001480 but i know y'all been saying this [ __ ] all over the internet bro twitter instagram facebook zuzoItselA0-00003-00001480-00001800 all this [ __ ] when [ __ ] just walking on a crate brad you could tell right here bruh zuzoItselA0-00004-00001864-00002528 um i ain't gonna lie if i was drunk and hide some [ __ ] i probably would do this [ __ ] bro but but zuzoItselA0-00005-00002528-00003136 but in reality when i'm sober i'm not doing this [ __ ] at all but these [ __ ] always end up falling zuzoItselA0-00006-00003136-00003647 nine times out of ten bro i only seen a couple more for this what i'm saying pass this [ __ ] but zuzoItselA0-00007-00003728-00004432 you ain't got no balance if you have drunk don't do it bro if you if you if you clumsy zuzoItselA0-00008-00004432-00004800 all that don't do it bro because these [ __ ] real questions are not strong but what are y'all zuzoItselA0-00009-00004800-00005240 thinking bruh but anyways let's get right into the [ __ ] video man milk crack challenge going wrong zuzoItselA0-00010-00005240-00005736 hood olympics man let's get him in let's [ __ ] go bro hey y'all know how y'all know how i thought zuzoItselA0-00011-00005736-00006088 i made that video that hood olympic video bro then that's when there's milk crack [ __ ] came zuzoItselA0-00012-00006088-00006848 out of my face mostly olympics at olympics i'm not saying i started it but rdc did start that [ __ ] zuzoItselA0-00013-00006848-00007208 get crazy zuzoItselA0-00014-00007208-00007616 and then it should be heard i ain't gonna lie zuzoItselA0-00015-00007616-00008000 i ain't gonna lie that one don't look like it hurt it that one look like i heard it zuzoItselA0-00016-00008000-00008584 but but i'm not it it does get worse it does get worse in these videos okay zuzoItselA0-00017-00009432-00009528 got a girl doing it zuzoItselA0-00018-00010920-00011384 this next one she gone zuzoItselA0-00019-00012296-00012784 but can you do that though bruh can you touch the crates zuzoItselA0-00020-00013384-00013728 is this the same area whole video okay no zuzoItselA0-00021-00014040-00014472 no here oh god you got it once you pass that top one bro you got it damn bro zuzoItselA0-00022-00014568-00014736 but you got to get on that top one first zuzoItselA0-00023-00015056-00015824 he gone uh dirk that's dirk right there his ass gone oh he on that [ __ ] he got it for real zuzoItselA0-00024-00016400-00016968 go bruh run down him when you on that other side but if you feel zuzoItselA0-00025-00016968-00017624 that [ __ ] tilting but run down the [ __ ] bro you got to cub you got to zuzoItselA0-00026-00018008-00018544 oh my you got past the top and then you gone run please zuzoItselA0-00027-00018752-00018848 oh my god zuzoItselA0-00028-00019272-00019784 man i hope they fixing them [ __ ] when the [ __ ] fall bro like scooting them back together because zuzoItselA0-00029-00019928-00020048 [ __ ] is not passing zuzoItselA0-00030-00020600-00020992 oh my god hit the side of his ear on that [ __ ] dude zuzoItselA0-00031-00021168-00022584 oh my god look look his head bounced off the crate oh my imagine imagine oh my god zuzoItselA0-00032-00023616-00024264 whoever brother this is whoever son this is whoever daddy this is whoever boyfriend this is zuzoItselA0-00033-00024264-00024904 you need to smack the [ __ ] out of him what the [ __ ] is you doing this [ __ ] with flop song for zuzoItselA0-00034-00024904-00025464 what are you doing bro he just pissed me off what are you doing bro you deserve to fall bro zuzoItselA0-00035-00025904-00026352 man that he done bro you lucky hang on zuzoItselA0-00036-00026712-00026864 dude look like he's 40. zuzoItselA0-00037-00027408-00028120 oh my god oh my god i wasn't expecting it bro oh my god wait zuzoItselA0-00038-00029080-00030039 it's back all the way bro back all the way because he played with his kids though boy bro hell zuzoItselA0-00039-00030256-00030616 oh yeah i just seen this one bruh no cap that's what made me want to do this video bro zuzoItselA0-00040-00030839-00030983 hello funny zuzoItselA0-00041-00031368-00032639 ain't no sound he's shaking like hell dog bruh he hella far in the air too but just yet zuzoItselA0-00042-00032752-00033336 damn cuz he looked dumb as [ __ ] though he look hella dumb bro zuzoItselA0-00043-00033600-00034608 can't believe i just did that [ __ ] zuzoItselA0-00044-00034608-00035184 what are these all [ __ ] doing zuzoItselA0-00045-00035496-00035984 why are y'all young [ __ ] convincing y'all parents y'all grandparents to do this [ __ ] zuzoItselA0-00046-00035984-00036416 bro do you want to see them live do you want them to have a back injury zuzoItselA0-00047-00036488-00037072 do you want do you want them to be mad at you all [ __ ] day but yelling at your ass zuzoItselA0-00048-00037072-00037664 i should never have though let me do that do you want that stop convincing them bruh please zuzoItselA0-00049-00037816-00038264 damn and then dude act like he was on the phone zuzoItselA0-00050-00038264-00039384 he know he's gonna get a yell in there i ain't gonna fake it look at dude hello zuzoItselA0-00051-00040600-00042184 oh hell camera man ill camera man all right zuzoItselA0-00052-00042728-00043584 oh so like doing again zuzoItselA0-00053-00043640-00044128 man what's up with the ones with no sound bro l video video zuzoItselA0-00054-00044432-00044552 no sound no reaction zuzoItselA0-00055-00044928-00045432 he was going for hellis i don't know it's only one more bravery don't go zuzoItselA0-00056-00045768-00046384 i'm a far player zuzoItselA0-00057-00047576-00048256 oh god oh god w that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about zuzoItselA0-00058-00048256-00048600 breath that [ __ ] wobbling run down their mouth yeah up there sitting there waiting zuzoItselA0-00059-00048784-00049176 until it start you got to do it when it's like when it's like that bro zuzoItselA0-00060-00049176-00049560 get the running bruh no cap if it's doing this you hurt [ __ ] is you talking about zuzoItselA0-00061-00049776-00050584 [ __ ] well zuzoItselA0-00062-00053320-00053432 i'm pretty sure we seen her zuzoItselA0-00063-00053864-00053976 bro it's a replay zuzoItselA0-00064-00054576-00055000 yes a replay all right bro y'all enjoyed that video man make sure to leave a like comment zuzoItselA0-00065-00055000-00055432 and subscribe to the god damn new video man i'm sorry that the video was trash and replay but uh zuzoItselA0-00066-00055432-00055760 it's all good man y'all saw what i wanted to see man i'm saying i hope zuzoItselA0-00067-00055760-00056336 you all enjoyed that hope it was funny hope y'all laughed you know yeah jimmy and jay ow zuzoItselA0-00068-00056567-00057032 like i'm out in vietnam zvio29wSGdQ-00000-00000819-00001363 Hello guys, welcome back with me isengdudegame.... okay... we do rush hour like always... zvio29wSGdQ-00001-00001490-00001946 This is my new AD, change Harmonia to Jultan... zvio29wSGdQ-00002-00002116-00002383 Okay, we start 21:24 (server time) zvio29wSGdQ-00003-00002570-00002970 We start from C2... lets go... zvio29wSGdQ-00004-00003229-00003629 Okay, we try this... zvio29wSGdQ-00005-00005246-00005373 Hallo bomb... zvio29wSGdQ-00006-00007793-00008193 Why should like this in beginning?? zvio29wSGdQ-00007-00009530-00009756 Its okay... zvio29wSGdQ-00008-00009843-00010456 Holy.... this Velajuel have 1k resistant i think... zvio29wSGdQ-00009-00010456-00010789 Damn it... zvio29wSGdQ-00010-00010816-00011083 OMG.. zvio29wSGdQ-00011-00011543-00011943 From before damn it.... that bomb.... zvio29wSGdQ-00012-00011990-00012290 Makes me mad from start.... zvio29wSGdQ-00013-00012806-00012956 Kill him... zvio29wSGdQ-00014-00013636-00013903 Dead... ouch not yet... zvio29wSGdQ-00015-00014546-00014789 Can we kill it? at least stun.. zvio29wSGdQ-00016-00014790-00015140 Okay dead.... atk buff gone... zvio29wSGdQ-00017-00015163-00015439 Okay wind of change.. zvio29wSGdQ-00018-00015476-00015749 ATB before Tiana dead.. zvio29wSGdQ-00019-00015830-00016069 We need to kill Perna.. zvio29wSGdQ-00020-00016069-00016386 Good... usually bomb will miss... zvio29wSGdQ-00021-00016386-00016863 Why so much miss in beginning?? damn it someone just got monkey king.. zvio29wSGdQ-00022-00016913-00017229 Shit!!!.. zvio29wSGdQ-00023-00018010-00018326 Acc so bad right now... zvio29wSGdQ-00024-00018816-00019076 Lucky we can win.. zvio29wSGdQ-00025-00019243-00019499 OMG!!! zvio29wSGdQ-00026-00021206-00021413 Just lucky... zvio29wSGdQ-00027-00021453-00021743 Ouch only got 8 point,almost lost... zvio29wSGdQ-00028-00021876-00022176 Okay, we do this with bomber... zvio29wSGdQ-00029-00022206-00022639 We can not Zaiross because Camilla.. Lushen also can not.. zvio29wSGdQ-00030-00023686-00023863 Good... zvio29wSGdQ-00031-00024133-00024299 Vela should dead... zvio29wSGdQ-00032-00024300-00024616 He can be trouble maker if not dead.. zvio29wSGdQ-00033-00025170-00025353 Its okay... zvio29wSGdQ-00034-00025380-00025546 You can not absorb.. zvio29wSGdQ-00035-00025546-00025723 Eat that..... zvio29wSGdQ-00036-00025980-00026146 Kill it... zvio29wSGdQ-00037-00026223-00026379 Not dead yet... zvio29wSGdQ-00038-00028276-00028569 Ritesh... so OP... zvio29wSGdQ-00039-00029456-00029799 I have a bad feeling about this... zvio29wSGdQ-00040-00029800-00030000 Damn it... zvio29wSGdQ-00041-00030070-00030470 Something weird... zvio29wSGdQ-00042-00031093-00031309 Can we Lushen this?? zvio29wSGdQ-00043-00031393-00031599 Yes we can... zvio29wSGdQ-00044-00031600-00031916 Lets try our luck... zvio29wSGdQ-00045-00032670-00033070 I think we can do this... zvio29wSGdQ-00046-00033360-00033643 Heal?? its not... zvio29wSGdQ-00047-00033643-00033943 You die if not heal... zvio29wSGdQ-00048-00034726-00035126 Hit again broo.... zvio29wSGdQ-00049-00035496-00035623 Good... zvio29wSGdQ-00050-00035970-00036276 Okay we continue... zvio29wSGdQ-00051-00036613-00036963 If Iris not counter we can... zvio29wSGdQ-00052-00038810-00039083 Okay not bad... zvio29wSGdQ-00053-00039133-00039359 I hope Iris not crazy.. zvio29wSGdQ-00054-00039383-00039759 Hmm... hope I got Iris yesterday... so delicious.. zvio29wSGdQ-00055-00041293-00041483 So hard to rush... zvio29wSGdQ-00056-00041610-00041833 Yes we can... zvio29wSGdQ-00057-00041876-00042203 Use bomber team... lets go... zvio29wSGdQ-00058-00043736-00044003 We kill Vanessa okay... zvio29wSGdQ-00059-00044930-00045140 No big deal.... zvio29wSGdQ-00060-00045330-00045490 Finish him.... zvio29wSGdQ-00061-00045616-00045799 Kill it... zvio29wSGdQ-00062-00046640-00046830 Hit it bro... zvio29wSGdQ-00063-00047916-00048316 Okay, just a little bit more... zvio29wSGdQ-00064-00049003-00049403 Yes we can, lets go... zvio29wSGdQ-00065-00049443-00049993 What we need to kill first is Vanessa and Ritesh (def break) zvio29wSGdQ-00066-00050230-00050513 Danger if... zvio29wSGdQ-00067-00051753-00052009 Hadehhhhh... zvio29wSGdQ-00068-00052283-00052683 Ouch, crazy that Vanessa. zvio29wSGdQ-00069-00052683-00052843 Only 1 bomb... zvio29wSGdQ-00070-00052903-00053143 Is that true?? zvio29wSGdQ-00071-00054383-00054903 Booooommm... its not... she usually procs... zvio29wSGdQ-00072-00055229-00055546 Ouch not dead, he will heal after this... zvio29wSGdQ-00073-00055576-00055776 That Ritesh... zvio29wSGdQ-00074-00055943-00056343 Thats awesome... zvio29wSGdQ-00075-00056579-00056773 Okay he dead... zvio29wSGdQ-00076-00057796-00058299 We can beat this, although there is a chance our Lushen dead by counter.. zvio29wSGdQ-00077-00058416-00058816 By dark Unicorn... zvio29wSGdQ-00078-00059196-00059436 OMG shield.. zvio29wSGdQ-00079-00059873-00060189 Can we kill?? not.. zvio29wSGdQ-00080-00060536-00060753 We are in danger... zvio29wSGdQ-00081-00061443-00061709 Megan dead zvio29wSGdQ-00082-00061770-00061853 Its not.. zvio29wSGdQ-00083-00061853-00062159 Dead now.. Damn it... zvio29wSGdQ-00084-00063070-00063470 LOL.. lucky its miss.. zvio29wSGdQ-00085-00063743-00063943 Die you!! zvio29wSGdQ-00086-00063943-00064136 use 2nd skill... zvio29wSGdQ-00087-00064593-00064866 Full spead so we can bomb again... zvio29wSGdQ-00088-00065346-00065486 Good... zvio29wSGdQ-00089-00066233-00066383 Lets go... zvio29wSGdQ-00090-00066470-00066770 I dont know who will be revive.. zvio29wSGdQ-00091-00067250-00067650 If Bastet dead we safe zvio29wSGdQ-00092-00068263-00068553 Okay, revive again.. zvio29wSGdQ-00093-00069336-00069586 Damn it... goooo!!!! zvio29wSGdQ-00094-00069653-00069953 Tiana dead?? okay... zvio29wSGdQ-00095-00070643-00070826 Kill... zvio29wSGdQ-00096-00072143-00072349 We continue... zvio29wSGdQ-00097-00072926-00073119 This one okay.. zvio29wSGdQ-00098-00075063-00075329 Its safe now.. zvio29wSGdQ-00099-00077026-00077426 We can do this lets go... zvio29wSGdQ-00100-00079723-00079909 Bastet not dead... zvio29wSGdQ-00101-00079950-00080240 Not crit maybe?? (all crit, this Bastet is tanky..) zvio29wSGdQ-00102-00080240-00080640 My eyes not good seeing that... zvio29wSGdQ-00103-00082453-00082696 Okay we try this... zvio29wSGdQ-00104-00082890-00083290 If Orion faster we dead... zvio29wSGdQ-00105-00084870-00085113 Ouch no one dead.. zvio29wSGdQ-00106-00085903-00086303 Ouch Juno revive, damn it.. zvio29wSGdQ-00107-00086820-00087060 He procs damn it.. zvio29wSGdQ-00108-00087493-00087893 Die you!!! nice... zvio29wSGdQ-00109-00088730-00089130 Okay, we continue... zvio29wSGdQ-00110-00089726-00090036 This one that bomb miss? zvio29wSGdQ-00111-00090083-00090223 Lets try again.. zvio29wSGdQ-00112-00092346-00092746 Its okay, we are ready... zvio29wSGdQ-00113-00093113-00093513 OMG this Ritesh... zvio29wSGdQ-00114-00093696-00093879 Ouch... zvio29wSGdQ-00115-00095203-00095676 Ouch Dover will die.. zvio29wSGdQ-00116-00096810-00097053 Damn it this Ritesh... zvio29wSGdQ-00117-00097720-00098120 This why i hate it.... Damn it Ritesh... zvio29wSGdQ-00118-00098593-00098733 Damn you.. zvio29wSGdQ-00119-00098826-00099026 Damn not dead.... zvio29wSGdQ-00120-00099523-00099923 Wew we lose this... zvio29wSGdQ-00121-00101470-00101660 Damn it... zvio29wSGdQ-00122-00102413-00102686 We can bomb this... zvio29wSGdQ-00123-00104973-00105139 Its okay... zvio29wSGdQ-00124-00105140-00105446 We kill Juno first... zvio29wSGdQ-00125-00106116-00106393 Enough damn it... zvio29wSGdQ-00126-00106406-00106806 1 isnt enough per turn??? zvio29wSGdQ-00127-00109496-00109813 Go ATB!!! zvio29wSGdQ-00128-00111140-00111323 Hit it.. zvio29wSGdQ-00129-00111683-00111856 Got it... zvio29wSGdQ-00130-00111909-00112183 OMG point drop... zvio29wSGdQ-00131-00112313-00112713 We can hit this... Hit again.. zvio29wSGdQ-00132-00116800-00116906 Point drop again... zvio29wSGdQ-00133-00117196-00117403 Just hit it using this... zvio29wSGdQ-00134-00118540-00118940 Damn it we can not bomb them... zvio29wSGdQ-00135-00119723-00119923 Shit!!!! zvio29wSGdQ-00136-00120270-00120553 FFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!! zvio29wSGdQ-00137-00120866-00121266 That crazy!!! zvio29wSGdQ-00138-00121803-00122026 CRAZY!!!!! zvio29wSGdQ-00139-00122103-00122329 Shit drop!!! zvio29wSGdQ-00140-00122756-00122979 Lets go bomb again.. zvio29wSGdQ-00141-00123100-00123723 Damn it.. Can not see Lushen damage, bit laggy... zvio29wSGdQ-00142-00123756-00124156 I will edit that to see damage... zvio29wSGdQ-00143-00126156-00126379 Genius Orion.. zvio29wSGdQ-00144-00126430-00126623 Awesome... zvio29wSGdQ-00145-00127300-00127700 Weird this Perna only 1 hit / turn.. damn it.. zvio29wSGdQ-00146-00128083-00128536 Perna feelsogood... see his prey... zvio29wSGdQ-00147-00130783-00131183 We hit this lets go... zvio29wSGdQ-00148-00133696-00134156 Damn it.... resist Molong.. zvio29wSGdQ-00149-00136606-00136789 Kill it.. zvio29wSGdQ-00150-00136870-00137070 Hit Molong... zvio29wSGdQ-00151-00137290-00137456 Hit again.. zvio29wSGdQ-00152-00138550-00138756 Weird Seara procs a lot... zvio29wSGdQ-00153-00138836-00139236 Crazy... zvio29wSGdQ-00154-00139236-00139403 She procs a lot.. zvio29wSGdQ-00155-00139856-00140006 Kill it.. zvio29wSGdQ-00156-00140103-00140293 Its okay.. zvio29wSGdQ-00157-00141033-00141189 ATB go!!! zvio29wSGdQ-00158-00141486-00141619 1 more.. zvio29wSGdQ-00159-00141710-00141900 Plant bomb.. zvio29wSGdQ-00160-00142336-00142569 Camilla will explode.. zvio29wSGdQ-00161-00144190-00144340 Okay we win.. zvio29wSGdQ-00162-00144403-00144603 3min left... zvio29wSGdQ-00163-00144810-00145210 Ouch how that 2 Rina def... zvio29wSGdQ-00164-00145773-00146173 This is last, i hope we can get point.. zvio29wSGdQ-00165-00146380-00146663 If not maybe we can drop C2... zvio29wSGdQ-00166-00147793-00148026 We bomb Camilla.. zvio29wSGdQ-00167-00148046-00148446 GGGRRRRRRRRR............... DAMN IT!!!! zvio29wSGdQ-00168-00150130-00150436 We kill Frigate... okay.. zvio29wSGdQ-00169-00151736-00152003 Can we get this?? zvio29wSGdQ-00170-00152456-00152629 Kill it... zvio29wSGdQ-00171-00152886-00153059 Can we?? zvio29wSGdQ-00172-00153093-00153316 GRrrrrr.. damn it... zvio29wSGdQ-00173-00153483-00153623 Can we kill?? zvio29wSGdQ-00174-00153803-00153993 Yes we can... zvio29wSGdQ-00175-00154226-00154576 *@&&##($*)(#*)$@#&*@$& zvio29wSGdQ-00176-00155170-00155360 C3 zvio29wSGdQ-00177-00155470-00155626 We can still in?? zvio29wSGdQ-00178-00155660-00156210 Okay thats all from me thank you.. Comment like subcribe... bye bye... zvPpk8_6LCQ-00000-00001066-00002420 The professional dancer, who has reached the final alongside Alexandra Burke, was seen having an intense conversation with The Only Way Is Essex beauty on a night out in London. zvPpk8_6LCQ-00001-00002570-00004188 Pictures obtained by The Sun saw the Giovanni Pernice, 27, and 32-year-old Jessica Wright looking particularly close out on the streets, gazing intently at each other as they spoke in the dark hours of the evening. zvPpk8_6LCQ-00002-00004338-00005418 The two haven't been seen together before, but it's only sparked rumours that there could be a romance possibly blossoming between the duo. zvPpk8_6LCQ-00003-00005568-00007058 A source told The Sun Online: 'Jess knows Giovanni through her brother and they were just on a nice night out.' OK! Online have contacted reps for Giovanni and Jess for comment. zvPpk8_6LCQ-00004-00007208-00008888 Giovanni has often come under speculation he's actually dating Debbie McGee, his gorgeous dance partner on the show. Despite their 30 year age gap, the pair's steamy routines have had fans whispering from day one. zvPpk8_6LCQ-00005-00009038-00010092 And it seems Debbie added fuel to the fire by boasting about her 'romance' with Giovanni - saying the pair's relationship is 'special'. zvPpk8_6LCQ-00006-00010242-00011617 'We really have a close relationship,' she told the i newspaper. 'It's a special friendship ... it's not a love affair, it's an incredible, deep, friendship.' zvPpk8_6LCQ-00007-00011767-00013375 And discussing future relationships following the death of her husband Paul Daniels, she added: 'This programme takes over your life. I don't see anybody, I haven't been going out because it's so exhausting. zvPpk8_6LCQ-00008-00013525-00014387 'Nobody knows who they are attracted to or who is going to ask you out, so I have no idea!' z_rOaem4HIM-00000-00000048-00000624 what's the biggest thing you've ever made. the biggest thing I've ever made. probably these z_rOaem4HIM-00001-00000624-00001104 nuts. when Jimmy told me about Deez Nuts, I knew it was going to be huge. when you first told me z_rOaem4HIM-00002-00001104-00001662 about Deez Nuts, I thought he was crazy. I love Deez Nuts. same, keep it pair on me at all times. z_rOaem4HIM-00003-00001662-00002304 these nuts taste so good, it's like this amazing peanut butter chocolate flavor nut tap. [Applause] z_rOaem4HIM-00004-00002304-00002952 umwills.com right now if you want some nuts in your mouth. zB3SIok0l0o-00000-00000003-00000447 Before we begin, please read through the data definitions that are available in zB3SIok0l0o-00001-00000447-00000894 the starter file. You will see that we have one data definition for a review zB3SIok0l0o-00002-00000894-00001299 that a customer could leave for a business online and one for a list of zB3SIok0l0o-00003-00001299-00001860 reviews. We want to design a function that takes a list of reviews and formats zB3SIok0l0o-00004-00001860-00002351 them as a string. As always, we'll follow our how to design functions recipe and zB3SIok0l0o-00005-00002351-00002955 start with the stub, including signature and purpose. Our problem statement tells zB3SIok0l0o-00006-00002955-00003342 us that this function takes a list of reviews and we know that we need to zB3SIok0l0o-00007-00003342-00003792 return a formatted string. For the purpose, let's say that this function zB3SIok0l0o-00008-00003792-00004389 formats and returns the reviews. Next we need the body of the stub. We know that zB3SIok0l0o-00009-00004389-00004832 it needs to return a value of the return type, in this case it needs to return a zB3SIok0l0o-00010-00004832-00005312 value of the type string. We can return any string but we'll use the empty zB3SIok0l0o-00011-00005312-00005814 string. Next, we need to write our examples. Because this function takes a zB3SIok0l0o-00012-00005814-00006278 list it's always a good idea to have our first example take the empty list as zB3SIok0l0o-00013-00006278-00006704 input. It's useful to do that because it helps us think about what our function zB3SIok0l0o-00014-00006704-00007197 should return if we give it an empty list. It also may help us catch bugs that zB3SIok0l0o-00015-00007197-00007581 we wouldn't find otherwise. Now let's think about what we want the function to zB3SIok0l0o-00016-00007581-00008154 return if we pass it a list of just one review. I can see that R1 is a review zB3SIok0l0o-00017-00008154-00008670 with a rating of 1 and the comment "This coffee shop was terrible." I will copy zB3SIok0l0o-00018-00008670-00009231 that comment to use in my formatted string. All right, one star - and then the zB3SIok0l0o-00019-00009231-00009639 comment. These examples are helping us think about what our function should zB3SIok0l0o-00020-00009639-00010203 return and exactly what format it should use. Now let's do an example with more zB3SIok0l0o-00021-00010203-00010638 than one review. We'll use our one star review and our three star review with zB3SIok0l0o-00022-00010638-00011132 the comment "The food was only ok and the service was slow." Now we have three zB3SIok0l0o-00023-00011132-00011688 examples, one is the empty list, one contains one review, and the last zB3SIok0l0o-00024-00011688-00012161 contains two reviews. Let's make sure to run our code to check for syntax errors. zB3SIok0l0o-00025-00012161-00012764 We can see that all our tests ran -- they have no syntax errors -- but they fail and zB3SIok0l0o-00026-00012764-00013175 that's what we expect because we haven't finished implementing the function body. zB3SIok0l0o-00027-00013175-00013656 The next step of the how to design functions recipe is the template. We zB3SIok0l0o-00028-00013656-00014072 need to copy the template from the appropriate data definition. I will look zB3SIok0l0o-00029-00014072-00014456 at the input type to determine which data definition I need to get the zB3SIok0l0o-00030-00014456-00015006 template from. Since this function takes a list of reviews as input I know that I zB3SIok0l0o-00031-00015006-00015363 need to use the template from the list of reviews in my function design. I'll zB3SIok0l0o-00032-00015363-00015872 scroll up to that data definition and copy the body of the template. Before I zB3SIok0l0o-00033-00015872-00016281 paste in the body of the template I'll comment out the body of the stub. The zB3SIok0l0o-00034-00016281-00016620 body of the stub has served its purpose because it allowed us to run the zB3SIok0l0o-00035-00016620-00017115 examples. As I paste in the body of the template I can see the call to fn_for_review zB3SIok0l0o-00036-00017115-00017514 in my template and I'm reminded that I may need to design a helper zB3SIok0l0o-00037-00017514-00017886 function that takes a review. We'll be able to determine whether we need a zB3SIok0l0o-00038-00017886-00018354 helper or not once we get further through our implementation. Let's move on zB3SIok0l0o-00039-00018354-00018681 to implementing the function body. I first need to think about the zB3SIok0l0o-00040-00018681-00019134 accumulator. Do I even need an accumulator to solve this problem? I know zB3SIok0l0o-00041-00019134-00019554 that I need to return these reviews formatted as a string and to be able to zB3SIok0l0o-00042-00019554-00019992 do that I will need to store a formatted string for each review as we iterate zB3SIok0l0o-00043-00019992-00020445 through the list so I do need an accumulator to store that. The type of zB3SIok0l0o-00044-00020445-00020838 the accumulator is going to be a string and we'll set the initial value to be zB3SIok0l0o-00045-00020838-00021303 the empty string because before we started iterating through the list of reviews we zB3SIok0l0o-00046-00021303-00021779 do not yet have any formatted reviews. The description of the accumulator zB3SIok0l0o-00047-00021779-00022287 should be the accumulator stores the formatted reviews seen so far. Now let's zB3SIok0l0o-00048-00022287-00022757 think about the for loop. What do we need to do for each review? We need to format zB3SIok0l0o-00049-00022757-00023213 it and then store it in the accumulator. Formatting the review sounds like its zB3SIok0l0o-00050-00023213-00023619 own task and the call to review's template function is already hinting zB3SIok0l0o-00051-00023619-00024012 that we need a helper function here so I'm going to edit the call to the zB3SIok0l0o-00052-00024012-00024363 template function with a call to a function that I would like to use. It zB3SIok0l0o-00053-00024363-00024876 doesn't exist yet but we will go and design it soon. Before we implement the zB3SIok0l0o-00054-00024876-00025341 helper function I'll finish implementing this function body. I know I have the zB3SIok0l0o-00055-00025341-00025760 accumulator which is storing the result so far and I also have the result zB3SIok0l0o-00056-00025760-00026277 returned from format_review. I need to concatenate or put these together so I zB3SIok0l0o-00057-00026277-00026789 can write accumulator equals accumulator plus the return value from format_review. zB3SIok0l0o-00058-00026789-00027312 That takes the current value of the accumulator and concatenates the zB3SIok0l0o-00059-00027312-00027713 current review to the end of it. Once we've gone through our loop we need to zB3SIok0l0o-00060-00027713-00028161 return the value that's stored in the accumulator. If we rerun the test and zB3SIok0l0o-00061-00028161-00028566 scroll down we can see that we have an error because the name format_review is zB3SIok0l0o-00062-00028566-00028964 not defined. That serves as a reminder that we need to design that function because zB3SIok0l0o-00063-00028964-00029463 we've called a function that doesn't exist. I'll design this function now and zB3SIok0l0o-00064-00029463-00029880 I'll work through it fairly quickly. Once it's time to write the examples for zB3SIok0l0o-00065-00029880-00030312 format_review I'll put them in the same testing block as the test for format_reviews zB3SIok0l0o-00066-00030312-00030687 and note that I'm putting them in the same order that the functions zB3SIok0l0o-00067-00030687-00031287 appear. That's not required but it does make your program easier to read. I can zB3SIok0l0o-00068-00031287-00031674 look to my examples for format_reviews to see what this helper function needs zB3SIok0l0o-00069-00031674-00032205 to return. For R1 we expect the string "1 star - This coffee shop was zB3SIok0l0o-00070-00032205-00032663 terrible." I want to ensure that I have more than one example just to make sure zB3SIok0l0o-00071-00032663-00033047 that the function isn't always returning the same string so let's do an example zB3SIok0l0o-00072-00033047-00033597 for R3 as well. In this case it should return "3 stars - The food was only zB3SIok0l0o-00073-00033597-00034122 okay and the service was slow." I've completed my examples for format review zB3SIok0l0o-00074-00034122-00034665 so I'll run the code hoping that there's no syntax errors... but there is one, I can zB3SIok0l0o-00075-00034665-00035090 see that I use the wrong name in my function definition. I wanted it to be zB3SIok0l0o-00076-00035090-00035730 format_review not review_format. I'll fix that and run again and now we're happy zB3SIok0l0o-00077-00035730-00036213 because we have no syntax errors. I'll continue following the recipe and move zB3SIok0l0o-00078-00036213-00036702 on to the template step. I'll comment out the body of the stub, paste the body of zB3SIok0l0o-00079-00036702-00037068 the template, and write a note about where I copied the template from. And zB3SIok0l0o-00080-00037068-00037518 this reminds me that I forgot to do this in the previous design so I'll add it zB3SIok0l0o-00081-00037518-00038028 now. Ideally we want to make that comment as soon as we copy the template body as zB3SIok0l0o-00082-00038028-00038505 it helps our readers figure out where the template body came from. Now we need zB3SIok0l0o-00083-00038505-00038883 to finish implementing this function body and I can use the examples to guide zB3SIok0l0o-00084-00038883-00039375 me. I know that I need to return the rating which is a number but I know that zB3SIok0l0o-00085-00039375-00039884 I can use the built in str or string function to convert that to a string. So zB3SIok0l0o-00086-00039884-00040163 it's the rating concatenated with a space zB3SIok0l0o-00087-00040163-00040709 the word star a dash and then a space and then the comment. Oops just noticed I zB3SIok0l0o-00088-00040709-00041213 forgot to close that parenthesis. Let's rerun our tests and see if they pass. We zB3SIok0l0o-00089-00041213-00041646 can see that one of our tests failed. Let's try to figure out why. If I look at zB3SIok0l0o-00090-00041646-00042030 the result that we got there's no space between the one star and the three star zB3SIok0l0o-00091-00042030-00042480 review but in the result that we expect there is a space between the one star zB3SIok0l0o-00092-00042480-00042953 and three star review. We need to think about where to fix this error. I think zB3SIok0l0o-00093-00042953-00043377 it's most appropriate to fix this in the format_review function and add a space zB3SIok0l0o-00094-00043377-00043841 after the end of every review. Now we have to change the values that we expect zB3SIok0l0o-00095-00043841-00044250 for both of the format_review examples and we'll end up with an extra space at zB3SIok0l0o-00096-00044250-00044950 the end of this example.Okay, now I forgot to add a space here... zB3SIok0l0o-00097-00045066-00045607 Finally all of our tests pass.In this screencast we worked through an example zB3SIok0l0o-00098-00045607-00046018 in which we needed to design a helper function to perform a specific sub task zB3SIok0l0o-00099-00046018-00046488 and our template helped us figure out that we needed a helper function because zB3SIok0l0o-00100-00046488-00046948 the call to review's template function in list of reviews template served as a zB3SIok0l0o-00101-00046948-00047529 hint and a reminder that we may need to create a helper function there. zEo8YH0YhEu-00000-00000000-00000265 Optochin Susceptibility. zEo8YH0YhEu-00001-00000265-00000691 Inoculate the surface of a sheep blood agar plate zEo8YH0YhEu-00002-00000691-00001139 with 2 or 3 colonies of the test organism. zEo8YH0YhEu-00003-00001139-00001619 Ensure that the test organism is alpha-lytic, zEo8YH0YhEu-00004-00001619-00001975 catalase negative, gram positive coccus. zEo8YH0YhEu-00005-00002672-00003136 Streak in at least 3 directions to obtain confluent growth. zEo8YH0YhEu-00006-00003693-00004105 Transfer an optochin disc with the forcepts zEo8YH0YhEu-00007-00004105-00004345 to the surface of an inoculated area. zEo8YH0YhEu-00008-00004345-00004772 Press the disc down firmly. zEo8YH0YhEu-00009-00004853-00005326 Incubate the plate aerobically for 18 to 24 hours, zEo8YH0YhEu-00010-00005326-00005592 at 35¡ celcius. zEAGaz12-Y0-00001-00004893-00005243 I start every project with the intention of giving something to others. zEAGaz12-Y0-00002-00006072-00006562 C'est pour nous un honneur de faire une interview pour un projet si spécial, c'est le genre d'interviews zEAGaz12-Y0-00003-00006950-00007230 ou d'articles que nous aimons lire... zEAGaz12-Y0-00004-00007495-00007915 Et le fait que la revue soit bilingue dans son essence... ça nous correspond. zEAGaz12-Y0-00005-00009259-00009679 The idea of the alchemist is something like that of the primitive, like the indian zEAGaz12-Y0-00006-00009745-00010235 that speaks a language that we don’t understand because we think he comes from a different time zEAGaz12-Y0-00007-00010279-00010769 and that he is not as evolved as us, as our time, with our system of thought, with our form knowledge. zEAGaz12-Y0-00008-00010882-00011302 However, we are the descendants of the alchemists. The alchemist is our ancestor. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00000-00000000-00000401 In this video I want to demonstrate how to build the recipe snippet using zFmwxBRvUMQ-00001-00000401-00000779 Structured Data. If your site is using Structured Data for recipes zFmwxBRvUMQ-00002-00000779-00001311 it's eligible to not only get an image, star ratings, the number of calories and zFmwxBRvUMQ-00003-00001311-00001884 the preparation time into search results but also enable the Google Assistant to zFmwxBRvUMQ-00004-00001884-00002451 guide users through your recipes on Google home and smart displays. Plus: it zFmwxBRvUMQ-00005-00002451-00002870 maybe appear in a carousel of rich search results. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00006-00002870-00003172 Let's make some yummy cookies! ;) zFmwxBRvUMQ-00007-00003172-00003746 *music playing* zFmwxBRvUMQ-00008-00003834-00004170 I am welcome back nice to have you in the second lesson of module 3 of zFmwxBRvUMQ-00009-00004170-00004589 my Structured Data Training- I am Florian the developer of SNIP, the Rich Snippets zFmwxBRvUMQ-00010-00004589-00005034 and Structured Data plugin for WordPress. If you want to use the plugin please zFmwxBRvUMQ-00011-00005034-00005514 feel free to follow the link that you can find in the description area. In this zFmwxBRvUMQ-00012-00005514-00005973 video I want to show you how a Rich Snippet is built. You hopefully took all zFmwxBRvUMQ-00013-00005973-00006393 the lessons from the previous modules. If not, please jump back to the beginning or zFmwxBRvUMQ-00014-00006393-00006848 to a video where you think you need to refresh your knowledge. In this video zFmwxBRvUMQ-00015-00006848-00007247 it's important that you have understood what Structured Data is and what zFmwxBRvUMQ-00016-00007247-00007640 Rich Snippets are. You need to know how and where you can find the right schema zFmwxBRvUMQ-00017-00007640-00008266 classes as well as their properties to create a Rich Snippet. Let's jump right in! zFmwxBRvUMQ-00018-00008266-00008877 As always: we look up the recipe page on Google's reference to see A) how a zFmwxBRvUMQ-00019-00008877-00009440 Rich Snippet in search results may look like. B) What you should do and should zFmwxBRvUMQ-00020-00009440-00010043 not do. And be really serious about that! If you do violate Google's policies your zFmwxBRvUMQ-00021-00010043-00010565 markup might not show up in search results and maybe never come back. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00022-00010565-00011072 And last but not least what properties are totally necessary and which ones are zFmwxBRvUMQ-00023-00011072-00011270 just recommended. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00024-00011270-00011621 This is the page where you find this document. Look it up, zFmwxBRvUMQ-00025-00011622-00012004 read through, and then follow me to the next page. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00026-00012004-00012186 Of course you should also have zFmwxBRvUMQ-00027-00012186-00012698 a look on schema.org. This page is the one that defines all properties in every zFmwxBRvUMQ-00028-00012698-00013230 detail. On schema.org we see that a Recipe is a "HowTo" which is a "CreativeWork", zFmwxBRvUMQ-00029-00013230-00013578 which is a "Thing". If you don't know what I'm talking about zFmwxBRvUMQ-00030-00013578-00013953 right now please go back to module one of my Structured data Training. It will zFmwxBRvUMQ-00031-00013953-00014318 be explained in full detail how schema.org is structured. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00032-00014318-00014493 As you can see the zFmwxBRvUMQ-00033-00014493-00014966 Recipe schema can have dozens of properties. However you don't need every zFmwxBRvUMQ-00034-00014966-00015471 single one to get a Rich Snippet in search results. But as always: you can add zFmwxBRvUMQ-00035-00015471-00015924 more if you can fill the properties properly. I am sure that Google and other zFmwxBRvUMQ-00036-00015924-00016392 search engines will mark more and more properties as mandatory in the future. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00037-00016392-00016764 For now we stick with the recommended ones. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00038-00016764-00017020 Alright! Let's get started! In the zFmwxBRvUMQ-00039-00017020-00017418 video I will use the built-in generator in SNIP - my Rich Snippets in Structured zFmwxBRvUMQ-00040-00017418-00017820 Data Plugin for WordPress. If you don't have the plugin already please feel zFmwxBRvUMQ-00041-00017820-00018189 free to use the Structured Data generator on my website to follow the zFmwxBRvUMQ-00042-00018189-00018792 video instructions. You will find the link in the description area as well. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00043-00018792-00019380 The free generator does not have all the features the built-in generator has. So zFmwxBRvUMQ-00044-00019380-00019818 you may be stuck at some point because I will show you how you can work with zFmwxBRvUMQ-00045-00019818-00020415 overridable properties which is a feature that is not available in the zFmwxBRvUMQ-00046-00020415-00020746 Structured Data generator [on my website]. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00047-00020746-00020968 Let's begin! zFmwxBRvUMQ-00048-00021100-00021554 Let's assume that you have a lot of recipes on your site. It makes total zFmwxBRvUMQ-00049-00021555-00022059 sense to create a Global Snippet so that you only create one snippet that zFmwxBRvUMQ-00050-00022059-00022520 then generates Structured Data automatically on all your recipe pages. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00051-00022520-00023022 If you don't know what Global Snippets are please jump back to module 2 of my zFmwxBRvUMQ-00052-00023022-00023469 Structured Data training. I have a video that you can watch and that explains zFmwxBRvUMQ-00053-00023469-00023925 again what Global Snippets are. At this point in time the plugin comes shipped zFmwxBRvUMQ-00054-00023925-00024430 with an example recipe snippet. So why not use this one? zFmwxBRvUMQ-00055-00024430-00024606 The plugin normally zFmwxBRvUMQ-00056-00024606-00025065 asks if you should install the examples but if you have missed the notice - like zFmwxBRvUMQ-00057-00025065-00025563 you can see here - it's the case in on my page - you can always go to the settings zFmwxBRvUMQ-00058-00025563-00026395 page of the plugin and reinstall them hitting just "Go for it!"-button. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00059-00026395-00027282 Yep! So here you can see the recipe. It's currently in a draft mode and we edit this one. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00060-00027498-00027956 On a second tab I have opened the Google's reference page for a recipe. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00061-00027956-00028436 As described earlier in the video it shows us all the properties that we need zFmwxBRvUMQ-00062-00028436-00028870 to get a Rich Snippet in search results. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00063-00028870-00029356 As you can see only image and name are zFmwxBRvUMQ-00064-00029356-00029924 required. But I would also recommend to use all the recommended zFmwxBRvUMQ-00065-00029924-00030677 properties as well. So switching back. You can see that the demo snippet is already zFmwxBRvUMQ-00066-00030677-00031187 configured perfectly for you. All the properties are already there but I will zFmwxBRvUMQ-00067-00031187-00031750 go through every property anyway so you can see how it works all together. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00068-00031750-00032302 It might be that Google changes the list of recommended and required properties in zFmwxBRvUMQ-00069-00032302-00032918 the future. So please keep an eye on this to make sure you stay up to date. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00070-00032918-00033506 recipeYield is the quantity produced by the recipe. Because it's different within zFmwxBRvUMQ-00071-00033506-00034244 every recipe-post I selected "overridable" here. I also selected "Direct zFmwxBRvUMQ-00072-00034244-00034742 text input" so that we can enter a custom number later. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00073-00034742-00035006 The recipeCategoryis maybe zFmwxBRvUMQ-00074-00035006-00035629 self-explanatory. I have set the property to use the category of the post. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00075-00035629-00036404 This is almost the same for the image. It uses the posts featured image. So its URL, zFmwxBRvUMQ-00076-00036404-00037073 the width, and the height. Because on my blog the recipe name is also the title I zFmwxBRvUMQ-00077-00037073-00037850 have configured the property to use the post title here. Currently I don't have a zFmwxBRvUMQ-00078-00037850-00038471 rating plugin installed so I rate all my recipes myself. That is because I've zFmwxBRvUMQ-00079-00038471-00039071 selected the five-star rating system here. As you can see it produces these zFmwxBRvUMQ-00080-00039071-00039614 stars. The property is also marked overridable. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00081-00039614-00040246 The recipeIngredient property holds all ingredients. Because this property can be listed more than zFmwxBRvUMQ-00082-00040246-00041212 once, it is marked overridable and as a list. You can see later why this is important. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00083-00041322-00041787 The recipeInstructions consists of multiple steps on how to cook a dish. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00084-00041787-00042275 You could use the "post content" field here. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00085-00042356-00042918 But I have decided to go with multiple "HowToSteps" instead. The reason for this zFmwxBRvUMQ-00086-00042918-00043387 is because Google's Assistant is then able to read out one step after the zFmwxBRvUMQ-00087-00043387-00044076 other if someone searches for a recipe using voice search. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00088-00044076-00044830 The nutrition property consists only of one sub-property that is the calories property zFmwxBRvUMQ-00089-00044830-00045462 of the "NutritionInformation" schema. These fields are also marked as zFmwxBRvUMQ-00090-00045462-00045842 overridable as you can see here. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00091-00045842-00046186 The prepTime - as the name suggests - is the zFmwxBRvUMQ-00092-00046186-00046796 preparation time of the dish. Because this normally needs to be a special ISO-duration zFmwxBRvUMQ-00093-00046796-00047298 format I have built a special wrapper function that allows you to only zFmwxBRvUMQ-00094-00047299-00047686 enter a time in minutes. The number you will enter later will then be zFmwxBRvUMQ-00095-00047686-00048386 transformed into that format that is readable by search engines. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00096-00048386-00049156 dateModified as well as datePublished here down below should be clear. I use zFmwxBRvUMQ-00097-00049156-00049665 WordPress' internal values for the dates. So "post modified date" and "post zFmwxBRvUMQ-00098-00049666-00050266 published date". The cookTime as well as the totalTime also needs to be zFmwxBRvUMQ-00099-00050266-00050794 in a duration format. So I have chosen "duration" here as well. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00100-00050794-00051664 For the description I have chosen a "direct text input" And is also marked as over- zFmwxBRvUMQ-00101-00051664-00052365 writable. You could also use the post except here. Especially if you're working zFmwxBRvUMQ-00102-00052365-00053106 with post excerpts on your site. Keywords and recipeCuisine should be zFmwxBRvUMQ-00103-00053106-00053737 self-explanatory. They are both overridable. And last but zFmwxBRvUMQ-00104-00053737-00054154 not least there is the video property and that is the only property that I zFmwxBRvUMQ-00105-00054154-00054604 would delete if you don't make videos for your recipes at all. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00106-00054604-00055054 Currently it's only a recommended property. Googles Structured Data Test Tool would output an zFmwxBRvUMQ-00107-00055054-00055375 orange warning but as you know from a previous video zFmwxBRvUMQ-00108-00055375-00055900 orange warnings are not errors. And so your Rich Snippets will show up even there is zFmwxBRvUMQ-00109-00055900-00056105 no video. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00110-00056238-00056640 Alright! After that all you need to do is to make sure you Global zFmwxBRvUMQ-00111-00056641-00057192 Snippet will appear on the right post. So you can define a set of rules here to zFmwxBRvUMQ-00112-00057192-00057966 determine which pages your Structured Data will used on. I will use here pages zFmwxBRvUMQ-00113-00057966-00058644 for now. Save your settings ,click on publish or save zFmwxBRvUMQ-00114-00058644-00058972 or update and then we zFmwxBRvUMQ-00115-00058972-00059634 head over to "Pages" and I have prepared "Flo's Favorite Donuts" recipe for you! zFmwxBRvUMQ-00116-00059678-00059817 Hooray! zFmwxBRvUMQ-00117-00059941-00060450 This is a short overview of a recipe. It shows all the data in the text. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00118-00060451-00061159 Like yield, the preparation time, the ingredient list, the instructions of zFmwxBRvUMQ-00119-00061159-00061854 course, and some side information like the calories or the cook time. However zFmwxBRvUMQ-00120-00061854-00062371 this data is really difficult to fetch from a search engine side of view. That's zFmwxBRvUMQ-00121-00062371-00063052 the reason why you have to add this data to a markup. You can now click on the zFmwxBRvUMQ-00122-00063052-00063591 "Edit Global Snippets" button on the right sidebar here or you can scroll down to zFmwxBRvUMQ-00123-00063591-00064230 the Rich Snippets metabox. Here you can find the same button again. It opens up a zFmwxBRvUMQ-00124-00064230-00064684 new window that shows all Global Snippets on the left side. A click on the zFmwxBRvUMQ-00125-00064684-00065257 recipe brings up all the properties that have been checked overridable. Now you zFmwxBRvUMQ-00126-00065257-00065794 see why we marked them as overridable at all. Please note the properties that zFmwxBRvUMQ-00127-00065794-00066325 we have marked as "lists". In this example it would be the recipeIngredient zFmwxBRvUMQ-00128-00066325-00066787 property and the recipeInstructions property. Because they have been marked zFmwxBRvUMQ-00129-00066787-00067336 as "list" properties you will find two new buttons on the right side. They allow you zFmwxBRvUMQ-00130-00067336-00067892 to duplicate a property so that they are in the markup multiple times. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00131-00067892-00068403 That is totally fine because the plugin will later merge them together what we zFmwxBRvUMQ-00132-00068403-00068768 as developers call an "array". zFmwxBRvUMQ-00133-00068768-00070986 *music playing* zFmwxBRvUMQ-00134-00071008-00071942 So now we hop over to Googles Structured Data Test Tool to test our snippet. You zFmwxBRvUMQ-00135-00071943-00072600 would enter your URL to a recipe page here. I will instead copy the snippet zFmwxBRvUMQ-00136-00072600-00073209 code the plugin has generated because I'm on a local development site that zFmwxBRvUMQ-00137-00073209-00073782 Google has no access to. So I'm pasting the code here and run the test. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00138-00073782-00074448 And after the validation we get four errors and one warning. There is a video available zFmwxBRvUMQ-00139-00074448-00074871 to describes the difference between warnings and errors but primarily you zFmwxBRvUMQ-00140-00074871-00075369 just have to know that warnings are okay because they do not prevent you Rich zFmwxBRvUMQ-00141-00075369-00075988 Snippet from showing up. However the read errors do! So we should fix them. Then we zFmwxBRvUMQ-00142-00075988-00076992 scroll down we see that the author is missing within the Review schema. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00143-00076992-00077460 On Google's reference page there are no mentions that the author is a required zFmwxBRvUMQ-00144-00077460-00078039 field. Nevertheless we should fix it. Because we don't have a video for this zFmwxBRvUMQ-00145-00078039-00078480 recipe Google shows some warnings. I would recommend to either always work zFmwxBRvUMQ-00146-00078480-00079002 with videos or never. So in this case it would be better to delete the property zFmwxBRvUMQ-00147-00079002-00079638 all together. So we have two things to do now: 1) remove the video property and 2) add zFmwxBRvUMQ-00148-00079638-00080082 the author property within the Review sub-schema. Let's go back to our global zFmwxBRvUMQ-00149-00080082-00080262 snippet again. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00150-00080850-00081934 Alright! We scroll down and delete the video. Then open up the review and we zFmwxBRvUMQ-00151-00081934-00082330 search for the author. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00152-00082500-00082626 Yep! zFmwxBRvUMQ-00153-00082784-00083144 And the author should be a "Person" zFmwxBRvUMQ-00154-00083434-00084004 with the name of - I would say - zFmwxBRvUMQ-00155-00084004-00084314 post author name. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00156-00084394-00084914 And the URL should be the "post author URL". zFmwxBRvUMQ-00157-00085012-00085256 Alright! That's it! zFmwxBRvUMQ-00158-00085256-00085652 Now we update our schema. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00159-00085652-00086160 And then test our page again. Just one zFmwxBRvUMQ-00160-00086161-00086755 quick word: if you still get errors you have the option to go to SNIP -> zFmwxBRvUMQ-00161-00086755-00087292 settings and go down to "Clear the Cache". zFmwxBRvUMQ-00162-00087292-00087595 That would flush the cache on all pages zFmwxBRvUMQ-00163-00087595-00088066 and the snippet will be regenerated. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00164-00088066-00088206 Yeah! zFmwxBRvUMQ-00165-00088284-00088558 So let's do the test again. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00166-00088558-00088788 I will paste the zFmwxBRvUMQ-00167-00088788-00089124 new code into the field. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00168-00089124-00089402 And revalidate. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00169-00089402-00089662 And now we see that everything is ok except zFmwxBRvUMQ-00170-00089662-00090079 there is still one warning. And that is because the video property is a zFmwxBRvUMQ-00171-00090079-00090499 recommended field and Google wants you to add this field. However it does not zFmwxBRvUMQ-00172-00090499-00090976 pretend you Rich Snippet from showing up in search results because it's not a zFmwxBRvUMQ-00173-00090976-00091498 required field. You can then click on the preview button to see how your snippet zFmwxBRvUMQ-00174-00091498-00092008 should look like in search results but be warned: this preview at this point in zFmwxBRvUMQ-00175-00092008-00092566 time is not very accurate. In this case it doesn't help me at all as it only zFmwxBRvUMQ-00176-00092566-00093121 shows the structured data itself in the headline. So I guess this is still a very zFmwxBRvUMQ-00177-00093121-00093576 buggy thing and Google has to work one more. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00178-00093576-00093769 Alright let's sum everything up zFmwxBRvUMQ-00179-00093769-00094137 what we have learnt in this video. At the time of the making of this video zFmwxBRvUMQ-00180-00094137-00094681 the recipe snippet shows up and image, star ratings (if you use a rating system zFmwxBRvUMQ-00181-00094681-00095122 on your site) and the preparation time. Google is playing a bit with what is zFmwxBRvUMQ-00182-00095122-00095544 displayed. I can remember that they displayed the calories of the dish a few zFmwxBRvUMQ-00183-00095544-00096049 weeks ago. Now they show the preparation time instead. I guess this depends on the zFmwxBRvUMQ-00184-00096049-00096754 searched keyword, too. Google says that they display the recipe in a carousel as well. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00185-00096754-00097216 I never saw this in action because I rarely look up recipes on the internet. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00186-00097216-00097774 Anyway every search result is enriched in a certain way even your images in an zFmwxBRvUMQ-00187-00097774-00098000 image search. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00188-00098000-00098443 Recipe snippets enable the Google Assistant to guide users through zFmwxBRvUMQ-00189-00098443-00098870 your recipes on Google home and smart displays. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00190-00098870-00099018 To find the right properties zFmwxBRvUMQ-00191-00099018-00099525 use Google's reference pages to learn more what you should and should not do. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00192-00099525-00099969 Use schema.org to integrate more properties. I totally zFmwxBRvUMQ-00193-00099969-00100352 recommend to use as many properties as possible. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00194-00100352-00100695 Automate as much as you can by zFmwxBRvUMQ-00195-00100695-00101139 setting up a Global Snippet as shown in this video using SNIP - my Rich Snippets zFmwxBRvUMQ-00196-00101139-00101414 and Structured Data Plugin. zFmwxBRvUMQ-00197-00101414-00101733 In the next video I will show you how to create a zFmwxBRvUMQ-00198-00101733-00102136 Review snippet to show stars in search results. That is for everyone who zFmwxBRvUMQ-00199-00102136-00102702 provides reviews for critics products or other things. See you in a bit! zFmwxBRvUMQ-00200-00102758-00103309 *music playing* zFyu503Mjwo-00000-00000384-00000813 Alright, we're getting started. So, this talk is about Nageru, which is my live video mixer. zFyu503Mjwo-00001-00000813-00001424 It's a pretty basic concept: Video stream in, stream out. As in, video stream [in] as zFyu503Mjwo-00002-00001424-00001851 in something from the camera, video stream [out] as in something over HTTP over similar. zFyu503Mjwo-00003-00001851-00002194 Now, from what I've seen, it's very, very hard to see the bottom half of the screen zFyu503Mjwo-00004-00002194-00002605 from back there, so I put up the slides here. If you want to follow along, they are right zFyu503Mjwo-00005-00002605-00003044 there. And if not, then you can pretend to. zFyu503Mjwo-00006-00003044-00003521 So, let's start with the name, and I have to apologize if there are any Japanese speakers zFyu503Mjwo-00007-00003521-00003972 here. Nageru comes from the Japanese word “nageru”—naturally—which means to zFyu503Mjwo-00008-00003972-00004467 throw or to cast. I sort of liked this “broadcast”, “cast”… now, I know this is not the zFyu503Mjwo-00009-00004467-00004864 real meaning, it's more like ot throw, and I also figured out it has a second meaning, zFyu503Mjwo-00010-00004864-00005361 to face defeat or give up, and… this was not my intention. But this happens when you zFyu503Mjwo-00011-00005361-00005539 work in a language you don't really know. zFyu503Mjwo-00012-00005539-00006089 Now, I promise you: This will be the only bullet-point slide I have here. But I want zFyu503Mjwo-00013-00006089-00006480 to get the goals ready, because people, even in the free software community, have very, zFyu503Mjwo-00014-00006480-00006899 very different goals for things. These are my goals; if you don't like them, I have others, zFyu503Mjwo-00015-00006899-00007277 but for the time being… you always retcon goals, right. You make something, and then zFyu503Mjwo-00016-00007277-00007436 decide on the goals afterwards. zFyu503Mjwo-00017-00007436-00007786 But I wanted things to be high-quality, and by high-quality, I mean… let's at least zFyu503Mjwo-00018-00007786-00008431 do HD, right; it's 2016. Let's at least work on a laptop. We'll talk a bit about performance; zFyu503Mjwo-00019-00008431-00008913 this is my X240, and it certainly runs this full-[framerate]. I want to have usable audio zFyu503Mjwo-00020-00008913-00009706 tools, because if you cannot hear the speaker—I'm sure people in the back of the room will relate zFyu503Mjwo-00021-00009706-00010013 to this—if you cannot hear someone, why do you even care? Especially for conference zFyu503Mjwo-00022-00010013-00010113 video. zFyu503Mjwo-00023-00010113-00010434 And there are some things that are nice to have: I am happy to say that this is free zFyu503Mjwo-00024-00010434-00010810 software. This is basically suitable for Debian main, which essentially means not only is zFyu503Mjwo-00025-00010810-00011346 it free software, but it only depends only on free software. I don't have a pony, and zFyu503Mjwo-00026-00011346-00011728 I don't have overlay graphics yet, although it might come. zFyu503Mjwo-00027-00011728-00012338 So, before I went out and want to make a video mixer, I wanted to see, what is the rest of zFyu503Mjwo-00028-00012338-00012827 the world doing? Because I think that in the free software world, we tend to get in this zFyu503Mjwo-00029-00012827-00013365 little filter bubble where we only look at other free software conferences. We think zFyu503Mjwo-00030-00013365-00013820 that “oh, this is great, like, I have 320x240, this is state of the art”. zFyu503Mjwo-00031-00013820-00014298 So I went out, I looked at a lot of conference video specifically from not free software zFyu503Mjwo-00032-00014298-00014734 conferences to see what is the state of the art, what is the minimum thing we need. And zFyu503Mjwo-00033-00014734-00015179 this is from Black Hat 2014, a security-oriented conference, and as you can see, it's pretty zFyu503Mjwo-00034-00015179-00015693 basic: Up here you have the slides of the speaker, you have some camera of the speaker, zFyu503Mjwo-00035-00015693-00016282 and you have some sort of background. It's in 720p; I think it's even 720p60. But yeah. zFyu503Mjwo-00036-00016282-00016468 This is like the basics. zFyu503Mjwo-00037-00016468-00016984 This is another thing. This is from a Bernie Sanders conference coverage—I had no idea zFyu503Mjwo-00038-00016984-00017475 these things existed. But it's basically the same thing: You have a camera—this is probably, zFyu503Mjwo-00039-00017475-00017903 like, a webcam—you have the slides. The slides are bigger, there's picture-in-picture. zFyu503Mjwo-00040-00017903-00018446 Here we have some overlay graphics. Someone called “RM S” has tweeted. I don't think zFyu503Mjwo-00041-00018446-00018937 is the RMS [Richard Stallman], but it's someone else. But it's pretty much the same things. zFyu503Mjwo-00042-00018937-00019385 Now, if you go up one notch, you can just drop the picture-in-picture. This is from zFyu503Mjwo-00043-00019385-00019942 PlayStation Experience 2015. You don't do digital compositing anymore, you just do a zFyu503Mjwo-00044-00019942-00020517 backdrop in form of a huge monitor. And this in 1080p. The gaming world is pretty much zFyu503Mjwo-00045-00020517-00020799 in 1080p these days. zFyu503Mjwo-00046-00020799-00021409 Finally, I looked at broadcast TV. This is a Norwegian chess broadcast—this is the zFyu503Mjwo-00047-00021409-00021945 closest I came to, like, the pacing. And there's a lot of things going on here at the same zFyu503Mjwo-00048-00021945-00022306 time, right, there's all this graphics and whatever, but the interesting part for me zFyu503Mjwo-00049-00022306-00022887 is when things start moving around. And I think they will in about, like, 2.5 seconds. zFyu503Mjwo-00050-00022887-00023173 Oh, it didn't. I will play it again. zFyu503Mjwo-00051-00023173-00023573 Look here: You have all these things, and suddenly, they will all swish and swoosh… zFyu503Mjwo-00052-00023573-00024212 Here. Obviously, no manual operator did this, right. This is scripted. Now, as far as I zFyu503Mjwo-00053-00024212-00024740 know, this is made in something that's called VizRT, which is this big, professional graphics zFyu503Mjwo-00054-00024740-00025193 software where you have a UI editor. It's probably a bit overkill for me, but it says zFyu503Mjwo-00055-00025193-00025801 something about: I want a way to make the conference organizer or whatever have a consistent zFyu503Mjwo-00056-00025801-00026191 look and feel of all transitions. zFyu503Mjwo-00057-00026191-00026744 So, enough about the outside world, let's talk about the actual editor. This is the zFyu503Mjwo-00058-00026744-00027361 UI, without any widgets. It's sort of bleak; let's start adding things. So, first of all, zFyu503Mjwo-00059-00027361-00027687 we need some inputs. Now, down here, I'm sure a lot of you cannot see this, but this is zFyu503Mjwo-00060-00027687-00028272 two small inputs, and they're all marked 720p59.94. And I think… this is sort of my reference zFyu503Mjwo-00061-00028272-00028705 resolution. And there are two reasons for this: First of all, I think 720p is really zFyu503Mjwo-00062-00028705-00029261 the minimum you can do today. If you do SD—sorry, right, the world moved towards this. I do zFyu503Mjwo-00063-00029261-00029994 60 fps specifically because there are all these things that are per-frame costs, and zFyu503Mjwo-00064-00029994-00030543 it's much easier to take something that's already 60 fps and move it up in resolution zFyu503Mjwo-00065-00030543-00030977 than to try to take something that's 30 fps and make it faster. It's just how these things zFyu503Mjwo-00066-00030977-00031570 work, especially when you do GPU, which I do. And if you look at 1080p30, it's almost zFyu503Mjwo-00067-00031570-00032018 the same amount of pixels [as 720p60], like, 10% away or something from the number of pixels. zFyu503Mjwo-00068-00032018-00032639 So, 1080p30, 720p60, it's more or less the same. So I have two inputs. zFyu503Mjwo-00069-00032639-00033249 This is an input. This is the Blackmagic Intensity Shuttle. It's very cheap—it's about 200 zFyu503Mjwo-00070-00033249-00033672 dollars, I think you can even get them cheaper used. And it has almost everything you want: zFyu503Mjwo-00071-00033672-00034159 It has HDMI in, it has eight-channel audio inputs, it has analog inputs. It does not zFyu503Mjwo-00072-00034159-00034540 have VGA, that's the only thing; you will need some sort of converter for that. You zFyu503Mjwo-00073-00034540-00034855 can take Mini DisplayPort, because you can just convert that to HDMI with some sort of zFyu503Mjwo-00074-00034855-00035475 passive thing. And it has USB3. And best of all, it's very, very popular, so it's not zFyu503Mjwo-00075-00035475-00035905 hard to find at all. If it breaks, there's a literally a hundred thousand of them, so zFyu503Mjwo-00076-00035905-00036087 you can probably get one. zFyu503Mjwo-00077-00036087-00036540 Unfortunately, unlike almost everything else Blackmagic has made, there is no Linux driver zFyu503Mjwo-00078-00036540-00037209 for it. So I made one. It runs in userspace. The protocol is actually pretty simple: You zFyu503Mjwo-00079-00037209-00037834 set a few registers, it starts throwing audio and video at you uncompressed over USB3. Now, zFyu503Mjwo-00080-00037834-00038184 there are certain challenges [with] Linux and USB3—I think mostly, they are patched zFyu503Mjwo-00081-00038184-00038581 now, but this is how things are. zFyu503Mjwo-00082-00038581-00039263 Now, after input, we need to process. And here's a dirty little secret: CPUs don't get zFyu503Mjwo-00083-00039263-00039749 faster anymore. I mean, we talk about Moore's law; to a large extent, yes, we do get more zFyu503Mjwo-00084-00039749-00040090 transistors, but we don't get more [computing] power. We talk about “yeah, yeah, sure, zFyu503Mjwo-00085-00040090-00040631 we'll have more cores”, but no! Desktop machines don't really get more cores anymore. zFyu503Mjwo-00086-00040631-00041347 If you look at this graph—this is performance of a typical CPU system from 1995 down here zFyu503Mjwo-00087-00041347-00041805 and up to 2015 here. It's a logarithmic scale, by the way. And as you can see, for the longest zFyu503Mjwo-00088-00041805-00042388 time we had this 45% increase per year of CPU power, which we all knew: You could just zFyu503Mjwo-00089-00042388-00042806 write slow code, it's fine, because by the time your software goes out, machines will zFyu503Mjwo-00090-00042806-00043280 just have become faster. You basically doubled every—well, not every year, we doubled every zFyu503Mjwo-00091-00043280-00043797 18 months or so. But now, around here somewhere, this is where things started slowing down, zFyu503Mjwo-00092-00043797-00044250 this is 2010. And now it only gets incrementally faster. zFyu503Mjwo-00093-00044250-00044759 So what we do about this? The obvious solution is: GPUs are still getting faster. GPUs are zFyu503Mjwo-00094-00044759-00045299 still following something like this year-over-year, thanks to gaming, thanks to the fact that zFyu503Mjwo-00095-00045299-00045905 things like deep learning are now really taking off, and GPUs are doing a lot of that. Now, zFyu503Mjwo-00096-00045905-00046453 it follows that we want to do all of our pixel processing on the GPU. Now, I do have this zFyu503Mjwo-00097-00046453-00047066 ideal here that if you ever see a pixel on your CPU, you're doing something wrong. Now, zFyu503Mjwo-00098-00047066-00047541 I'm not quite at that ideal yet, because it needs to go from here for the USB [capture zFyu503Mjwo-00099-00047541-00048012 card], and you can not go directly into the GPU memory; you need one copy. But you only zFyu503Mjwo-00100-00048012-00048718 need one copy, because even though this is a userspace driver, there is a way now in zFyu503Mjwo-00101-00048718-00048978 usbfs to do true zerocopy. zFyu503Mjwo-00102-00048978-00049344 This is a patch that I picked up from a guy called Markus Rechberger, who works in a company zFyu503Mjwo-00103-00049344-00049783 that does DVB receivers, and it's now on the way into [Linux kernel] mainline—I think zFyu503Mjwo-00104-00049783-00050333 it will go into [version] 4.6. Essentially, it allows you to preallocate a bunch of memory zFyu503Mjwo-00105-00050333-00050844 in userspace that corresponds to the USB host controller. You just tell it “just put it zFyu503Mjwo-00106-00050844-00051347 here, it's fine”, and then the kernel does no copies at all—the host controller just zFyu503Mjwo-00107-00051347-00051829 DMAs directly into your memory. You need to do one touch to get it over to the [GPU]. zFyu503Mjwo-00108-00051829-00052186 The other nice thing about this is that you don't have this problem anymore of “well, zFyu503Mjwo-00109-00052186-00052572 I want to allocate this half a megabyte of kernel memory for every request”—this zFyu503Mjwo-00110-00052572-00053016 is not fine after your machine has been running for 24 hours and everything has been fragmented. zFyu503Mjwo-00111-00053016-00053394 So it's actually pretty neat—it solves both the stability issue that you might have, and zFyu503Mjwo-00112-00053394-00053989 it also solves performance. If you think that one copy is a lot: I've saved so many “one zFyu503Mjwo-00113-00053989-00054629 copy” things in this project. Every copy you do—maybe it costs you 2 fps, and maybe zFyu503Mjwo-00114-00054629-00055164 that's not so bad, until it takes you from 61 to 59 fps. Then you're pretty much hosed, zFyu503Mjwo-00115-00055164-00055560 right, and you start dropping frames. You don't really want that. zFyu503Mjwo-00116-00055560-00056122 Pixel processing. Nageru uses a library that I made and presented here—not in this very zFyu503Mjwo-00117-00056122-00056610 room, but at least in FOSDEM two years ago—that's called Movit. It basically does all sorts zFyu503Mjwo-00118-00056610-00057226 of pixel processing on the GPU by compiling things down into fragment shaders. It contains zFyu503Mjwo-00119-00057226-00057779 all the building blocks you want: It has gamma-correct processing, it has nice scaling filters, there's zFyu503Mjwo-00120-00057779-00058237 white balance that actually turns your white into white and not something like white, it zFyu503Mjwo-00121-00058237-00058683 has some sort of colorspace support, and… Obviously—I think it's hard to see now, zFyu503Mjwo-00122-00058683-00059077 but this is an original picture, and then there are three different copies scaled with zFyu503Mjwo-00123-00059077-00059500 different algorithms. Nearest neighbor—I've seriously seen people in the free software zFyu503Mjwo-00124-00059500-00059948 community say “hey, we should just use nearest neighbor, right?”. For some kinds of content, zFyu503Mjwo-00125-00059948-00060303 it's really bad. You want things to be gamma-correct. This [lower right] is the one you want. This zFyu503Mjwo-00126-00060303-00060738 [upper right] is the one you get if you're doing something naïve. If you want to hear zFyu503Mjwo-00127-00060738-00061270 more about Movit, I will refer you to my talk two years ago, but we will see how it's used zFyu503Mjwo-00128-00061270-00061408 [in Nageru]. zFyu503Mjwo-00129-00061408-00061914 Because, the theme—I did not make a UI editor like VizRT, sorry, this is outside the scope zFyu503Mjwo-00130-00061914-00062333 of the project. But I did make a system for theming. And “theme” in this sense means zFyu503Mjwo-00131-00062333-00062816 everything that governs the look and feel of the presentation. So essentially, the conference zFyu503Mjwo-00132-00062816-00063447 organizer or whoever decides the look writes a bunch of Lua. This is a small, small excerpt zFyu503Mjwo-00133-00063447-00063934 of the default theme that follows Nageru, and it basically sets up Movit chains. It zFyu503Mjwo-00134-00063934-00064475 says something like: “Well, I have this input over here, and I want to do white balance zFyu503Mjwo-00135-00064475-00064955 here, and I want to scale it down here, and I want to mix it with this other input here.” zFyu503Mjwo-00136-00064955-00065394 And Movit essentially takes this, inserts some extra nodes that you need, figures out zFyu503Mjwo-00137-00065394-00065806 which things should be in which shader, compiles it down to a set of fragment shaders, and zFyu503Mjwo-00138-00065806-00066455 makes sure it's fast and nice. And then the theme just basically runtime switches between zFyu503Mjwo-00139-00066455-00066833 Movit chains. In this case—this is a fade, because I have two inputs, and I want to fade zFyu503Mjwo-00140-00066833-00067277 [between them], and it's just—when there's time for a fade, because the user clicked zFyu503Mjwo-00141-00067277-00067798 “Fade” or whatever, it will activate the right chain. The GPU will do everything for zFyu503Mjwo-00142-00067798-00068273 you, and when the fade is done, it will switch back to a simpler one, that basically just zFyu503Mjwo-00143-00068273-00068754 says “take the pixels, apply white balance, put it on the screen”. zFyu503Mjwo-00144-00068754-00069163 So when we have this in the Nageru UI, it looks basically like this. I have now six zFyu503Mjwo-00145-00069163-00069710 different inputs, so I have the two inputs here, which are my cards, there's the side-by-side zFyu503Mjwo-00146-00069710-00070074 view down here, there's a static picture which you can choose, and again, this is of course zFyu503Mjwo-00147-00070074-00070338 all governed by the theme—the theme can say “oh, you have this many inputs, you zFyu503Mjwo-00148-00070338-00070992 have this many outputs”. And most of all, you now have the preview and the live views. zFyu503Mjwo-00149-00070992-00071586 This is a thing that's used basically in broadcast mixers. It's called M/E, or “mixer/effects”. zFyu503Mjwo-00150-00071586-00072081 The basic idea is that the operator gets to see—before you put something on screen, zFyu503Mjwo-00151-00072081-00072751 you get the preview. So you always pull things from here, one of these, up to the preview—and zFyu503Mjwo-00152-00072751-00073106 only then, when you're sure you want to put this on the screen, you click on one of these zFyu503Mjwo-00153-00073106-00073426 transition buttons. Now, in this case you can chose between a cut and a fade—the theme zFyu503Mjwo-00154-00073426-00073943 again determines which transitions you have—and then you put it on screen. And now, each of zFyu503Mjwo-00155-00073943-00074707 these displays is actually a separate Movit chain. Yes. Now, of course, there are some zFyu503Mjwo-00156-00074707-00075112 things here. This is only a preview, this is not intended to be, like, full 60 fps on zFyu503Mjwo-00157-00075112-00075445 the [operator's] display, it's just intended to be a view. Actually, what happens in this zFyu503Mjwo-00158-00075445-00075770 case is that since this here [bottom display, third from left] is the side-by-side view zFyu503Mjwo-00159-00075770-00076275 but only a preview, the theme here will choose, like, lower-quality rescaling. You can do zFyu503Mjwo-00160-00076275-00076654 things like this in order to not burn all your GPU power on the pretty display for the zFyu503Mjwo-00161-00076654-00076726 [operator]. zFyu503Mjwo-00162-00076726-00077913 But now, as we said, everything is about audio. So Nageru aims to give you proper audio tools. zFyu503Mjwo-00163-00077913-00078326 Has anyone here ever had a conference video where [the audio] was too low? I've had a zFyu503Mjwo-00164-00078326-00078842 bunch of those. So what you want is a level meter. There are many wrong ways of making zFyu503Mjwo-00165-00078842-00079343 level meters, but this is the right one. EBU has determined the R128 algorithm that actually zFyu503Mjwo-00166-00079343-00080007 after listening tests corresponds to how loud these things actually sound for you. So I zFyu503Mjwo-00167-00080007-00080489 have proper level meters, you have a correlation meter up there to check your stereo, it's zFyu503Mjwo-00168-00080489-00080849 all good. But you also want some processing, right; you probably don't want to take the zFyu503Mjwo-00169-00080849-00081349 camera audio and [stream] it directly out to the user. So I went ahead—and again, zFyu503Mjwo-00170-00081349-00081683 I think we can learn a lot from the external world here—I went ahead and asked a sound zFyu503Mjwo-00171-00081683-00082218 engineer: “What would you do—if you wanted to do conference audio, which are the basic zFyu503Mjwo-00172-00082218-00082726 tools you need?” And he said: “Well, I want this and this and this…” and I was zFyu503Mjwo-00173-00082726-00083037 like “no, no, no, sorry, calm down, right, the bare minimum”. zFyu503Mjwo-00174-00083037-00083681 And, OK, first of all, you want things to be in sync. Audio/video sync is a much harder zFyu503Mjwo-00175-00083681-00084304 problem than most people think. Nageru takes basically the video from the first card and zFyu503Mjwo-00176-00084304-00084736 syncs everything to it. Now, I think we don't have actually time to go through this algorithm, zFyu503Mjwo-00177-00084736-00085493 but basically, this gives you full sync without any perceptible pitch changes, and it will zFyu503Mjwo-00178-00085493-00086235 also give you full variable frame rate support. So, if you have a 60 fps source, suddenly zFyu503Mjwo-00179-00086235-00086688 you switch to 50 fps, it will actually just work. If you drop a frame, it will just work. zFyu503Mjwo-00180-00086688-00087315 But here's the audio pipeline. It starts—I'm sure this is way too small to see, so I'll zFyu503Mjwo-00181-00087315-00087647 just say this is a knob, and it says “Lo-cut”. And this is the first thing you want in your zFyu503Mjwo-00182-00087647-00088138 chain. You want to chop off everything that's below some sort of frequency. In this case, zFyu503Mjwo-00183-00088138-00088564 it's set to 120 Hz, and that's about right for most people. For instance, it will take zFyu503Mjwo-00184-00088564-00089159 away any hum, right, if you have a 50 or 60 Hz hum—if you have things coming out from zFyu503Mjwo-00185-00089159-00089705 the other room, you will probably get just rid of this, you don't want this. And then, zFyu503Mjwo-00186-00089705-00090037 you want a compressor. This is a very slow compressor—it's called “gain staging” zFyu503Mjwo-00187-00090037-00090517 in this case, and you want this to set the overall level. This will very slowly try to zFyu503Mjwo-00188-00090517-00091070 find, like, what is the general level of the audio, and try to tune it up to a certain zFyu503Mjwo-00189-00091070-00091919 stable state. After that, we have a second compressor, and this is the actual compressor, zFyu503Mjwo-00190-00091919-00092326 it actually reacts, like, on a five-millisecond basis as opposed to like a ten-second basis. zFyu503Mjwo-00191-00092326-00092828 And this makes everything a bit tighter—it makes the s-es sound a little less freaky zFyu503Mjwo-00192-00092828-00093576 in your headphones, it makes generally voice sound some more level and better. zFyu503Mjwo-00193-00093576-00094017 And at the very end, there is a limiter. Has anyone ever turned up the volume and then zFyu503Mjwo-00194-00094017-00094482 the speaker coughs? This is the last thing you want—it starts clipping, and you go zFyu503Mjwo-00195-00094482-00094904 “whoa!”. So, this just sits as an emergency brake in case there is something at the very zFyu503Mjwo-00196-00094904-00095786 end that escaped all the other compressors and just soft-limits it, so it ends up nicely. zFyu503Mjwo-00197-00095786-00096247 And finally, we have a final makeup gain that makes sure—because, all this has been working zFyu503Mjwo-00198-00096247-00096460 in the objective domain, we want [the volume level] to be [constant] in the subjective zFyu503Mjwo-00199-00096460-00096788 domain. Remember those meters up here, they don't really correspond to sound pressure. zFyu503Mjwo-00200-00096788-00097286 But this tries again to turn up or down the volume very, very slightly to get in the right zFyu503Mjwo-00201-00097286-00097720 place. And you can even see here, there's this little range that says something about zFyu503Mjwo-00202-00097720-00098070 what are the dynamics of your signal, are you ever peaking—there's this peak meter zFyu503Mjwo-00203-00098070-00098663 here. So you get all these tools, and of course you also get a cue-out from the headphones. zFyu503Mjwo-00204-00098663-00099282 Now, let's talk about performance. This is the power usage of my laptop over time, where zFyu503Mjwo-00205-00099282-00099606 you can see the X axis here goes from 0 to 60 seconds and [the Y axis] the number of zFyu503Mjwo-00206-00099606-00100025 watts for different things. And it starts off really nicely, I start off with the package zFyu503Mjwo-00207-00100025-00100509 using 20 watts, and after 30 seconds or so, the machine decides: “No, no, no! If you zFyu503Mjwo-00208-00100509-00100987 ever use 25 watts or 20 watts over time, I will overheat.” So it turns down everything zFyu503Mjwo-00209-00100987-00101523 to 15 watts, which means that among others, your CPU, which used to be at 2.1 GHz—or zFyu503Mjwo-00210-00101523-00102022 two cores of them—now is 800 MHz. Which means that you really need to be careful about, zFyu503Mjwo-00211-00102022-00102455 like, optimizations and all this copying, and—I've optimized a bunch of things, like zFyu503Mjwo-00212-00102455-00103025 the compressors, the resamplers, the everything. So if you remember those +17% per year, that zFyu503Mjwo-00213-00103025-00103558 is assuming you have a server chip. That is not assuming you have a laptop that's ultraportable. zFyu503Mjwo-00214-00103558-00104011 And even worse, this laptop is rated for—if you look at the GPU and look at the spec, zFyu503Mjwo-00215-00104011-00104470 it says 25.6 GB/sec [memory bandwidth], but in reality, it only has one memory chip. So zFyu503Mjwo-00216-00104470-00104922 you have 12.8. And that is read and write, so in reality, you have like 5. And you're zFyu503Mjwo-00217-00104922-00105391 never at theory, so, you're at like, 4. And need to share this between the CPU and the zFyu503Mjwo-00218-00105391-00106104 GPU. So in reality, I think we have about enough to sample 22 times, I think, per pixel, zFyu503Mjwo-00219-00106104-00106662 which sounds a lot until you realize that every scaling needs like five or six such zFyu503Mjwo-00220-00106662-00107085 reads. So it is very tight, and I've spent a lot of time actually getting this to work zFyu503Mjwo-00221-00107085-00107414 well. zFyu503Mjwo-00222-00107414-00107853 Among others, I have added some patches upstream to people to, like, do SSE optimizations, zFyu503Mjwo-00223-00107853-00108389 this kind of things, I've found—I've talked to the Mesa guys, you can do these persistent zFyu503Mjwo-00224-00108389-00108933 mappings to get the driver overhead down, newer OpenGL, whatever. Hopefully at some zFyu503Mjwo-00225-00108933-00109400 point, I'll get compute shaders support that works properly in Mesa on Intel, so you can zFyu503Mjwo-00226-00109400-00109830 do a lot of these things I've been doing in CPU also on the GPU. But of course, if you zFyu503Mjwo-00227-00109830-00110430 just get a faster machine—not get an ultraportable, right, it will probably just fly. zFyu503Mjwo-00228-00110430-00110901 There's one final part that we haven't been talking about yet, and that is output. Now, zFyu503Mjwo-00229-00110901-00111567 uncompressed video in 720p60 is about 700 Mbit/sec. That's fair enough to pull over zFyu503Mjwo-00230-00111567-00112037 the network, but it's probably not nice to store—it is 300 GB/hour, and that takes zFyu503Mjwo-00231-00112037-00112547 up a lot of disk. We are out of CPU, though. With all this stuff, with driving the [OpenGL] zFyu503Mjwo-00232-00112547-00112900 driver, we're doing the audio work, we're reading things back and forth from the USB, zFyu503Mjwo-00233-00112900-00113420 there's no CPU left. But thankfully, the Intel CPUs now have something called Quick Sync, zFyu503Mjwo-00234-00113420-00114026 which is basically a hardware video encoder. So we can take this OpenGL—long, long Movit zFyu503Mjwo-00235-00114026-00114587 chain here, in multiple passes, render it for display, but also render it straight into zFyu503Mjwo-00236-00114587-00114966 the Quick Sync buffers, where you can say “hey, please just encode this in some format”. zFyu503Mjwo-00237-00114966-00115386 In this case, I think I've set it to about 25 Mbit/sec, which of course, you don't want zFyu503Mjwo-00238-00115386-00115788 to stream out, but you can at least now take it over to another machine for encoding, or zFyu503Mjwo-00239-00115788-00116255 it's nice for storage or whatever. zFyu503Mjwo-00240-00116255-00116808 Now I will try a live demo. Now, bear with me, because this is very risky. There's a zFyu503Mjwo-00241-00116808-00117342 bunch of things everywhere which could go wrong, and already, one thing has gone wrong, zFyu503Mjwo-00242-00117342-00118139 in the sense that one of my cameras did not arrive, one I hoped to use. So we'll just zFyu503Mjwo-00243-00118139-00119119 do a one-camera demo. zFyu503Mjwo-00244-00119119-00119674 Here we are. This is the UI—now, there are no inputs. I will point this now towards one zFyu503Mjwo-00245-00119674-00120016 of the nice people in the corner, because not everyone in the audience likes to be taken zFyu503Mjwo-00246-00120016-00120799 picture of. Now, I only have one working now, though, so you can think of this as two different zFyu503Mjwo-00247-00120808-00121082 inputs. I can for instance set the white balance on one of them to a different thing, just zFyu503Mjwo-00248-00121082-00121132 to be… (Audience:) [inaudible] (Steinar H. Gunderson:) What? zFyu503Mjwo-00249-00121132-00121667 (Audience:) The picture is frozen or [inaudible] or is a [inaudible] zFyu503Mjwo-00250-00121667-00121908 (Audience:) Mathias, wave! [laughter] zFyu503Mjwo-00251-00121908-00122771 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) Maybe I should point it to something else, right. I'm sorry about zFyu503Mjwo-00252-00122771-00123088 this. They've had a long day. zFyu503Mjwo-00253-00123088-00123599 So, I can obviously now pull up different things in the preview when I click on them. zFyu503Mjwo-00254-00123599-00123949 I can get, like, “oh, this is ready, this is the one I want to switch to”. And I can zFyu503Mjwo-00255-00123949-00124250 say “whoa, okay, [zoom out]”. You can see, of course, it's not entirely smooth, zFyu503Mjwo-00256-00124250-00124610 not the least because I'm using a compositing window manager, which steals like those last zFyu503Mjwo-00257-00124610-00125473 15% of GPU power that I need. But OK, let me say now that I'm—I can also use the keyboard, zFyu503Mjwo-00258-00125473-00126094 and now I want to do, OK—begin new video segment, choose one, fade to that, choose zFyu503Mjwo-00259-00126094-00126570 the other one, fade to the other one—OK, well, it's very subtle, right—choose, fade zFyu503Mjwo-00260-00126570-00127394 in here, fade out there. And just to show you that it actually does 60 fps, you can zFyu503Mjwo-00261-00127394-00127842 look at the output. Now, this is of course also streamed in realtime out, but you also zFyu503Mjwo-00262-00127842-00128503 have recording just to make sure that everything is fine. [laughter from audience] I'm sorry, zFyu503Mjwo-00263-00128503-00128874 I did not mean for this to be so evil. zFyu503Mjwo-00264-00129159-00129442 [inaudible] zFyu503Mjwo-00265-00129442-00130080 All right, so with that, I think we are almost out of time, so I will take questions. zFyu503Mjwo-00266-00130080-00130220 [applause] zFyu503Mjwo-00267-00130222-00130332 (Mathias Coinchon:) Do you need more time? zFyu503Mjwo-00268-00130332-00130864 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) No, OK, I'm fine, the questions—if there are any questions. zFyu503Mjwo-00269-00130864-00131056 Does anyone have questions? Yes? zFyu503Mjwo-00270-00131056-00131272 (Nicolas Weil:) Do you support several acquisition cards on the same [inaudible] zFyu503Mjwo-00271-00131273-00131382 (Mathias Coinchon:) Can you repeat… zFyu503Mjwo-00272-00131382-00131621 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) Yes. So the question is, do you support several acquisition cards? zFyu503Mjwo-00273-00131621-00132084 Yes, I certainly do. Now, I have two here. The only reason I'm not running with two cards zFyu503Mjwo-00274-00132084-00132449 is that I was supposed to borrow a camera, and it didn't get here in time. zFyu503Mjwo-00275-00132449-00132758 (Nicolas Weil:) OK. And which card types do you support apart from the Decklink [inaudible] zFyu503Mjwo-00276-00132758-00133162 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) Which cards I support? I support currently these two, period. zFyu503Mjwo-00277-00133162-00133721 I think they also have a third model, but it's very much, like, this protocol. zFyu503Mjwo-00278-00133721-00134273 (Audience:) Are you planning to support other Blackmagic cards, like, for example zFyu503Mjwo-00279-00134273-00134586 DeckLink Quad for three inputs and one SDI output? zFyu503Mjwo-00280-00134587-00134958 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) The question was, do you plan to support the Blackmagic PCI zFyu503Mjwo-00281-00134958-00135472 cards. I think in a certain aspect, yes, I will do this, at least if the need shows up. zFyu503Mjwo-00282-00135472-00135848 Now, I have been wary of doing this, because I really, really wanted this to work on a zFyu503Mjwo-00283-00135848-00136432 laptop, and on a laptop, you can't really pull in PCI cards, right? But I will say that zFyu503Mjwo-00284-00136432-00136803 the Blackmagic PCI cards are also very good, and they're very easy to deal with, right, zFyu503Mjwo-00285-00136803-00137111 they fit very well into what—but currently, I have no such support. zFyu503Mjwo-00286-00137111-00137327 (Audience:) Also the Blackmagic output. zFyu503Mjwo-00287-00137327-00137712 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) So the question is the Blackmagic output. Currently, I don't zFyu503Mjwo-00288-00137712-00138392 have an HDMI output of any sort. Again, if the need requires, I might very well add this. zFyu503Mjwo-00289-00138392-00138800 I mean, these cards also have output, right—well, actually, they have passthrough, but you could zFyu503Mjwo-00290-00138800-00139192 have a separate card. The problem, of course, is that once you start getting into, like, zFyu503Mjwo-00291-00139192-00139672 “yeah, I want six inputs and one output”, maybe you should just buy an ATEM video mixer instead? zFyu503Mjwo-00292-00139672-00140488 (Audience:) We–you mentioned CasparCG—we use CasparCG for switching three SDI inputs zFyu503Mjwo-00293-00140488-00141292 to one output, but there's a much longer latency than we have here. zFyu503Mjwo-00294-00141292-00141732 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) Yeah. So the question is—I'm just repeating for the recording, zFyu503Mjwo-00295-00141733-00142222 right—you say you use CasparCG to have three SDI inputs and one output, but the latency zFyu503Mjwo-00296-00142222-00142704 is higher. I think the latency here is typically about five or six frames. Now, CasparCG—it zFyu503Mjwo-00297-00142704-00143460 is very nice for graphics—I don't maybe find it a mixer in the same sense, right. zFyu503Mjwo-00298-00143460-00143750 Other questions? Yes, in the back. zFyu503Mjwo-00299-00143750-00144240 (Colin Watson:) Does this work with only free graphics drivers, or does it need anything [inaudible] zFyu503Mjwo-00300-00144240-00144498 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) Does it only work with only free graphics drivers? And I think zFyu503Mjwo-00301-00144498-00144880 your question—it's not what you meant, but it actually works only with free graphics zFyu503Mjwo-00302-00144880-00145176 card drivers, because I need something from the Intel driver that's not in the NVIDIA zFyu503Mjwo-00303-00145176-00145711 driver right now. But I would say, though, that I definitely want it to work on NVIDIA, zFyu503Mjwo-00304-00145711-00146308 because—I talk about 12.8 GB/sec memory bandwidth, my NVIDIA card at work has 250, zFyu503Mjwo-00305-00146308-00146930 right. I mean, if you have enough bandwidth, you can very, very easily do 4K everywhere. zFyu503Mjwo-00306-00146930-00147416 But the thing that I really need that I don't have from the NVIDIA cards yet is this thing of zFyu503Mjwo-00307-00147416-00147926 integrating with Quick Sync, where I can render straight into the Quick Sync buffers without zFyu503Mjwo-00308-00147926-00148652 having to go across X servers or things like this. Yes, another question. zFyu503Mjwo-00309-00148652-00148918 (Audience:) Do you plan to support Video4Linux? zFyu503Mjwo-00310-00148918-00149414 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) Do you plan to support Video4Linux? No, I don't plan to support Video4Linux. zFyu503Mjwo-00311-00149414-00149951 I think this is—I mean, if someone came with a card that says “you really, really zFyu503Mjwo-00312-00149951-00150445 need to support this”, and it actually is cheaper or better or faster than the Blackmagics, zFyu503Mjwo-00313-00150445-00150799 I would probably consider it. However, V4L is a very, very complicated interface. You zFyu503Mjwo-00314-00150799-00151284 need to support a bunch of codecs, right, and everything—it's very hard to do a full zFyu503Mjwo-00315-00151284-00151900 implementation of V4L as a client, because the card could basically be shoving they want at you. zFyu503Mjwo-00316-00152196-00152274 Yes? zFyu503Mjwo-00317-00152274-00152822 (Audience:) Would it be possible to use the dual Quick Sync buffers for pushing out two zFyu503Mjwo-00318-00152822-00153070 different bit streams? zFyu503Mjwo-00319-00153071-00153329 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) So, would it be possible to use what for pushing out two different zFyu503Mjwo-00320-00153329-00153379 bit streams? zFyu503Mjwo-00321-00153379-00153814 (Audience:) In the new Skylake CPUs, you have two buffers for Quick Sync. zFyu503Mjwo-00322-00153814-00154102 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) Oh, sure, yes. So, Skylake has two buffers, so you can—so, zFyu503Mjwo-00323-00154102-00154564 basically encode two at the same time. Now, I think, this sort of—my question is, why zFyu503Mjwo-00324-00154564-00155011 do you want to do this? And I think your answer then becomes, well, OK, maybe you want do zFyu503Mjwo-00325-00155011-00155289 this to actually send one of these streams directly to users. zFyu503Mjwo-00326-00155290-00155392 (Audience:) Yes. zFyu503Mjwo-00327-00155392-00155860 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) Now, I will say that Quick Sync is not the most beautiful H.264 zFyu503Mjwo-00328-00155861-00156349 encoder out there, but if you are strapped—if you cannot have a separate encoder machine, zFyu503Mjwo-00329-00156349-00156767 probably I could turn it into this use, this actual VBR [variable bit rate] mode instead zFyu503Mjwo-00330-00156767-00157099 of this [CQP, constant quantizer parameter] mode I'm using right now, and if so, then zFyu503Mjwo-00331-00157099-00157736 it certainly is interesting. Now, I don't have a Skylake. Of course, this could be fixed, zFyu503Mjwo-00332-00157736-00158237 right. I will say that right now, this is a bit outside what I envision this stream zFyu503Mjwo-00333-00158237-00158919 being used for, but I'm not dogmatic on this. I can also certainly see at some point using zFyu503Mjwo-00334-00158919-00159552 the Quick Sync to decode video if you want to, like, show a loop or something. zFyu503Mjwo-00335-00159552-00159812 I think we still have—do we have time for questions? zFyu503Mjwo-00336-00159812-00159973 (Mathias Coinchon:) Yeah. Sure. zFyu503Mjwo-00337-00159973-00160291 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) Any more? Yes, well, back. zFyu503Mjwo-00338-00160291-00160731 (Audience:) So what is currently the output that you're using—the HDMI output from the laptop? zFyu503Mjwo-00339-00160732-00161015 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) What is currently the output that I'm using. The current output zFyu503Mjwo-00340-00161015-00161240 I'm using is my VGA output from the laptop. zFyu503Mjwo-00341-00161240-00161520 (Audience:) Including the sound, or with external sound [inaudible] zFyu503Mjwo-00342-00161521-00161721 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) I'm not sure if I understand your question. zFyu503Mjwo-00343-00161721-00162087 (Audience:) So, what is the output for the sound? zFyu503Mjwo-00344-00162087-00162409 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) The output for the sound is in the stream. Now, the output for zFyu503Mjwo-00345-00162409-00163088 the actual—the cue out, for the guy operating this, is a normal ALSA output. So the guy zFyu503Mjwo-00346-00163088-00163497 sitting to check that all the levels are right and everything is correct, he will get a normal zFyu503Mjwo-00347-00163497-00163936 headphone cue-out, but the audio itself is just certainly embedded in part of the stream. zFyu503Mjwo-00348-00163936-00164291 I mean, you don't see this in the demo, right, but there is a web server where you can go zFyu503Mjwo-00349-00164291-00164795 and actually get the stream and transcode it or whatever. Yes? zFyu503Mjwo-00350-00164796-00165376 (Berge Schwebs Bjørlo:) So, say you're hosting a conference. Can you provide an example bill zFyu503Mjwo-00351-00165376-00165910 of materials—what would you need to use this? You need a camera, obviously, but what zFyu503Mjwo-00352-00165910-00166188 are the things you need to use this at a conference? zFyu503Mjwo-00353-00166188-00166462 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) So the question is, what would you need of equipment to use this zFyu503Mjwo-00354-00166462-00167011 at a conference? I think basically, you need a camera, you need an input card from that zFyu503Mjwo-00355-00167011-00167589 camera, you need something to—like, another card to take in from the laptop, I would guess. zFyu503Mjwo-00356-00167589-00168067 If you still want to support VGA, you will need some sort of converter. And I guess—well, zFyu503Mjwo-00357-00168067-00168524 depending a bit on the conference, you might want some sort of SDI converter, because pulling zFyu503Mjwo-00358-00168524-00169246 HDMI more than, say, ten meters, is a bit icky, right. And you will probably want a zFyu503Mjwo-00359-00169246-00169742 microphone for the speaker, and probably a handheld, maybe, for the audience, and if zFyu503Mjwo-00360-00169742-00170111 so, you will probably want a mixer to pull this in. And finally, you will need a laptop—you zFyu503Mjwo-00361-00170111-00170532 don't need a very expensive laptop. Even though this is expensive, right, there are much cheaper zFyu503Mjwo-00362-00170532-00171014 and more powerful things, they just weigh a bit more. And I think the final question. zFyu503Mjwo-00363-00171014-00171804 (Audience:) How do you deal with slight differences in the clock frequency between your audio zFyu503Mjwo-00364-00171804-00172070 capture device and the audio output? zFyu503Mjwo-00365-00172070-00172332 (Steinar H. Gunderson:) So the question is, how do you deal with slight variations in zFyu503Mjwo-00366-00172332-00172927 frequency between the capture and the output, right? Of audio, right? Now, for audio out, zFyu503Mjwo-00367-00172927-00173507 this doesn't really matter, because if the cue-out skips like once every hour, it only zFyu503Mjwo-00368-00173507-00174152 affects the guy listening, so you don't really care. Now, we do, as I said—we do squish zFyu503Mjwo-00369-00174152-00174716 the audio slightly, so it fits with the video, so the video and audio will never drift. They zFyu503Mjwo-00370-00174716-00175386 will be completely in sync. And they will go so slowly that—OK, it might go 0.01% zFyu503Mjwo-00371-00175386-00176001 pitch up. That is so small that essentially, moving your ear 1 km/h or whatever towards—it's zFyu503Mjwo-00372-00176001-00176380 the same thing, these really, really small imperceptible pitch shifts—you don't really zFyu503Mjwo-00373-00176380-00176936 care. But I do really care about clocks on, say, the video cards. If they are out of sync, zFyu503Mjwo-00374-00176936-00177394 there are some buffers there, but eventually, of course, you might lose a frame or two every zFyu503Mjwo-00375-00177394-00177582 now and then. zFyu503Mjwo-00376-00177650-00177758 All right, thank you. zFyu503Mjwo-00377-00177758-00177920 (Mathias Coinchon:) Thank you very much. zMt-0gPSsjo-00000-00000000-00000447 Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you all. My name is QueenLet. zMt-0gPSsjo-00001-00000447-00000783 Thank you for watching. Thank you for sharing. This week I've zMt-0gPSsjo-00002-00000783-00001175 added my voice to the issue trending on social media zMt-0gPSsjo-00003-00001175-00001619 concerning our beloved minister Osinachi. I added my voice zMt-0gPSsjo-00004-00001619-00002127 because I had a contact with her. We were supposed to do a zMt-0gPSsjo-00005-00002127-00002383 collaboration together in the song WINDBLOW. The song is on zMt-0gPSsjo-00006-00002383-00002783 YouTube. If you type @queenletmusic or QueenLet zMt-0gPSsjo-00007-00002783-00003107 watch the song, it will bless your life. Subscribe to the channel zMt-0gPSsjo-00008-00003107-00003611 and share to others. Let's listen to her voice. I want to zMt-0gPSsjo-00009-00003611-00004079 make a statement out of this voice. Let's listen to the late zMt-0gPSsjo-00010-00004079-00004587 Osinachi's voice once again. Have you did you have you zMt-0gPSsjo-00011-00004587-00004987 discussed with my husband the song and have you listened to zMt-0gPSsjo-00012-00004987-00005633 the song? Not Listen once again please. zMt-0gPSsjo-00013-00005893-00006411 Have you discussed with my husband the song and have you zMt-0gPSsjo-00014-00006411-00007067 listened to the song? So, this was the time we were making the zMt-0gPSsjo-00015-00007067-00007667 shadow for the collaboration. She was asking if we have we zMt-0gPSsjo-00016-00007667-00008083 have spoken with the husband or the husband has listened to the zMt-0gPSsjo-00017-00008083-00008731 song, this wind blow song. I play this voice for a reason. zMt-0gPSsjo-00018-00008957-00009487 The last time I played, some people said it shows zMt-0gPSsjo-00019-00009487-00010079 submission, others said It sounds that the the person is zMt-0gPSsjo-00020-00010079-00010941 in fear. You can please judge it. If people are hypnotized zMt-0gPSsjo-00021-00010941-00011641 how do they behave because this week the gender minister ehm in zMt-0gPSsjo-00022-00011641-00012017 Nigeria Hon. Pauline Tallen, minister please forgive me if I didn't zMt-0gPSsjo-00023-00012017-00012473 mention your name very well visited the family of Osinachi zMt-0gPSsjo-00024-00012473-00012993 the husband's house the late Osinachi eh the husband's house zMt-0gPSsjo-00025-00012993-00013369 and she said when she went there were three people there zMt-0gPSsjo-00026-00013369-00013809 including the children the friend of eh Pastor Peter zMt-0gPSsjo-00027-00013809-00014329 Nwachukwu and their nanny and the children. And she said when zMt-0gPSsjo-00028-00014329-00014871 she got there the children didn't want to talk. She had zMt-0gPSsjo-00029-00014871-00015287 the feeling that the children are so hypnotized that they zMt-0gPSsjo-00030-00015287-00015607 shouldn't talk about anything that happened in the house. She zMt-0gPSsjo-00031-00015607-00016197 was there with the crew and she told them to excuse them. So zMt-0gPSsjo-00032-00016197-00016605 they all went and it was left with the children. And she had zMt-0gPSsjo-00033-00016605-00017005 to find a strategy to talk to the children so that they will zMt-0gPSsjo-00034-00017005-00017301 be able to open up. So she brought the children, the zMt-0gPSsjo-00035-00017301-00017677 children are four. Three boys and a girl. So she brought the zMt-0gPSsjo-00036-00017677-00017925 children in a room and she brought them one after the zMt-0gPSsjo-00037-00017925-00018213 other. And she was asking this question. Do you know do you zMt-0gPSsjo-00038-00018213-00018629 love your mommy? The first son. He said yes. Has your mommy zMt-0gPSsjo-00039-00018629-00019085 taught you to tell lies? He said no. Is she alive or dead? zMt-0gPSsjo-00040-00019085-00019501 He said dead. You know that she's now an angel. And she's zMt-0gPSsjo-00041-00019501-00020021 watching she will be very sad if you tell lies and he said zMt-0gPSsjo-00042-00020021-00020589 okay and the boy open up and he said and the minister said the zMt-0gPSsjo-00043-00020589-00020957 things that the boy said was so horrible to hear from such a zMt-0gPSsjo-00044-00020957-00021505 little boy the boy is just twelve the boy said sometimes zMt-0gPSsjo-00045-00021505-00022251 his father will beat his mother this woman will cry and cry and zMt-0gPSsjo-00046-00022251-00022667 cry please I'm not the one saying Pauline Tarlin said it zMt-0gPSsjo-00047-00022667-00023357 the gender minister of Nigeria and sometimes he will beat them zMt-0gPSsjo-00048-00023357-00023893 with a very big belt and their mother dare not to say stop zMt-0gPSsjo-00049-00023893-00024461 otherwise the beating will transfer to her Then the second zMt-0gPSsjo-00050-00024461-00024973 child also came. He is a very good singer. According to the zMt-0gPSsjo-00051-00024973-00025469 gender minister, the boy sounds like an angel. He also shared zMt-0gPSsjo-00052-00025469-00025893 his part, it was also horrible as well. They had their zMt-0gPSsjo-00053-00025893-00026197 recordings and they said that is enough. The other children zMt-0gPSsjo-00054-00026197-00026779 were also insisting to tell their stories. Children suffer zMt-0gPSsjo-00055-00026779-00027259 in abusive marriages. Please share. Children suffer in zMt-0gPSsjo-00056-00027259-00027699 abusive marriages. He In Germany, they will take them zMt-0gPSsjo-00057-00027699-00028283 away from you. You are not supposed to care for them. zMt-0gPSsjo-00058-00028357-00028711 You see people crying every now and then, the social media, my zMt-0gPSsjo-00059-00028711-00029015 children have been taking. It doesn't start one day or zMt-0gPSsjo-00060-00029015-00029431 they'll monitor you and if they get confirmation from the from zMt-0gPSsjo-00061-00029431-00030097 the children, that is that is it that that that is it. They zMt-0gPSsjo-00062-00030097-00030609 will take them away. There's one lady. She will go to work zMt-0gPSsjo-00063-00030609-00030977 and work and work and work so many hours. And she comes home zMt-0gPSsjo-00064-00030977-00031225 at night and the children will sleep very late. They monitor zMt-0gPSsjo-00065-00031225-00031633 the children. They've been sleeping in the class. Not one zMt-0gPSsjo-00066-00031633-00032041 day. They ask them and they confirm that their mother comes zMt-0gPSsjo-00067-00032041-00032553 home so late and because eh of that they go too eh too late eh zMt-0gPSsjo-00068-00032553-00033377 to bed and it affected their their their their education in zMt-0gPSsjo-00069-00033377-00033713 the school so when the the teachers realize that they zMt-0gPSsjo-00070-00033713-00034105 called the social welfare and they started that investigation zMt-0gPSsjo-00071-00034105-00034713 they took the children away from her here in Europe the zMt-0gPSsjo-00072-00034713-00035009 slightest mistake that your child will be taken away from zMt-0gPSsjo-00073-00035009-00035337 you because children are very important to them and they zMt-0gPSsjo-00074-00035337-00035585 think that if the children in abusive marriages and they zMt-0gPSsjo-00075-00035585-00035929 start telling the public about what they are facing in the zMt-0gPSsjo-00076-00035929-00036349 marriage they need security anything can happen to the zMt-0gPSsjo-00077-00036349-00036981 children so they secure them Don't die in silence, please zMt-0gPSsjo-00078-00036981-00037715 speak out. Another story this story I'm talking about those zMt-0gPSsjo-00079-00037715-00038083 who are here they know some years back there is this woman zMt-0gPSsjo-00080-00038083-00038651 and her husband in the same church abusive marriage they zMt-0gPSsjo-00081-00038651-00039271 went on separation The woman remain in the church, the man zMt-0gPSsjo-00082-00039271-00039655 left. Later the man came to the church and told the pastors, zMt-0gPSsjo-00083-00039655-00039967 yeah, I want to go together with my with my wife. I want to zMt-0gPSsjo-00084-00039967-00040255 go and visit her once again and see if we could come together zMt-0gPSsjo-00085-00040255-00040647 and and sort things out. The woman said, no, I know how you zMt-0gPSsjo-00086-00040647-00041075 are. I will not allow you to come. The church try, the zMt-0gPSsjo-00087-00041075-00041497 church, they convinced the woman to accept it. And the zMt-0gPSsjo-00088-00041497-00041889 woman said, okay, no problem. The day the man went there, he zMt-0gPSsjo-00089-00041889-00042241 stabbed the woman to death. zMt-0gPSsjo-00090-00042357-00042897 Please If somebody suggest something to you, let your zMt-0gPSsjo-00091-00042897-00043581 brain work. Add prayers. Whatever I'm doing here, I know zMt-0gPSsjo-00092-00043581-00043949 what I have heard from the lord. I'm not just doing what zMt-0gPSsjo-00093-00043949-00044517 I'm doing because the impact this program is making. You zMt-0gPSsjo-00094-00044517-00044989 have no idea. The messages I'm getting, the calls I'm getting, zMt-0gPSsjo-00095-00044989-00045735 people sharing their problems. Go and read. Under the under zMt-0gPSsjo-00096-00045735-00046223 the comments in my previous videos the experiences the zMt-0gPSsjo-00097-00046223-00046615 horrible experiences people are sharing it will beat your zMt-0gPSsjo-00098-00046615-00047071 imagination that is why I'm saying that by the time I'm zMt-0gPSsjo-00099-00047071-00047657 done with this particular program lives will be saved zMt-0gPSsjo-00100-00047657-00048161 People will not die in abusive marriages again. This thing zMt-0gPSsjo-00101-00048161-00048721 will not happen again. Because if you die, you might not get zMt-0gPSsjo-00102-00048721-00049565 justice. Sometimes, justice is not for the dead. Note that you zMt-0gPSsjo-00103-00049565-00050125 have gift. You need to affect your generation. You need to zMt-0gPSsjo-00104-00050125-00050549 touch lives. Don't die and go away with them because people zMt-0gPSsjo-00105-00050549-00051461 need you. Get up and speak. Talk to people. Open up. Let zMt-0gPSsjo-00106-00051461-00051959 people know what you are going through. One woman said to me, zMt-0gPSsjo-00107-00051959-00052543 I nearly jumped from a a three-story building up. zMt-0gPSsjo-00108-00052657-00053107 To die because I had two children with different fathers zMt-0gPSsjo-00109-00053107-00053547 and they and and I was not in any of these marriages again zMt-0gPSsjo-00110-00053547-00054011 because they all abused me and it was so shameful to me. zMt-0gPSsjo-00111-00054011-00054395 People were mocking me here and there. I could not stand a zMt-0gPSsjo-00112-00054395-00054771 shame in society. So, I wanted to end my life and my children zMt-0gPSsjo-00113-00054771-00055099 saw me that I wanted to jump and they said, mama, you are zMt-0gPSsjo-00114-00055099-00055495 watching us and you want to die. You have us. It is enough. zMt-0gPSsjo-00115-00055495-00056129 The woman told me this and it was so emotional. Do you know zMt-0gPSsjo-00116-00056129-00056569 what people are going through? Do you know what people are zMt-0gPSsjo-00117-00056569-00056849 going through? zMt-0gPSsjo-00118-00056907-00057381 Don't just consider me standing here. What I'm doing is not my zMt-0gPSsjo-00119-00057381-00058157 doing. Don't watch me. I am one person. And tell me come and zMt-0gPSsjo-00120-00058157-00058485 say certain things, you know, sometimes out of jealousy and zMt-0gPSsjo-00121-00058485-00058949 envy, people say all kinds of things. Think about the people zMt-0gPSsjo-00122-00058949-00059277 that we are sending the message to the thousands of people that zMt-0gPSsjo-00123-00059277-00059689 will be saved. Not not QueenLet standing here. Not my YouTube zMt-0gPSsjo-00124-00059689-00060189 channel, sorry. Not my Facebook page. zNnTwiu80-M-00001-00000731-00001151 Hello and welcome to TM129, zNnTwiu80-M-00002-00001151-00001604 'Technologies in Practice'. This short video is a quick guide zNnTwiu80-M-00003-00001604-00002072 to finding your way around the module and shows how to locate some useful resources zNnTwiu80-M-00004-00002072-00002196 and information. zNnTwiu80-M-00005-00002196-00002685 Here's is a version of what you should see when you navigate to the module website. zNnTwiu80-M-00006-00002685-00003140 You'll find links to just about all the resources you'll need to get the most zNnTwiu80-M-00007-00003140-00003579 out the module. You're currently looking at a view of the study planner. zNnTwiu80-M-00008-00003579-00004026 This shows you the module blocks of study and how they match up to the year's zNnTwiu80-M-00009-00004026-00004101 calendar. zNnTwiu80-M-00010-00004101-00004428 You don't have to stick rigidly to the proposed dates but it is zNnTwiu80-M-00011-00004428-00004842 easier to keep on top of your study schedule if you can keep to the proposed zNnTwiu80-M-00012-00004842-00004917 timings. zNnTwiu80-M-00013-00004917-00005295 If you do find yourself getting out of step with the module timing zNnTwiu80-M-00014-00005295-00005619 this planner will remind you of what you should have covered, zNnTwiu80-M-00015-00005619-00005948 say before TMA, and what areas of study zNnTwiu80-M-00016-00005948-00006310 lie ahead. Over on this side you'll see various zNnTwiu80-M-00017-00006310-00006670 useful bits of information about your personal assessment results zNnTwiu80-M-00018-00006670-00007063 and links to the support you have available. This shows links for a zNnTwiu80-M-00019-00007063-00007231 fictitious student zNnTwiu80-M-00020-00007231-00007653 but when you view the page all the information you see will be relevant to zNnTwiu80-M-00021-00007653-00007695 you zNnTwiu80-M-00022-00007695-00008013 and your progress. Information you see here will zNnTwiu80-M-00023-00008013-00008417 regularly update throughout the life the module. On the right hand side zNnTwiu80-M-00024-00008417-00008770 of the webpage you'll find links to resources and forums. zNnTwiu80-M-00025-00008770-00009278 All of these links are expandable and if you sometimes can't see what you expect zNnTwiu80-M-00026-00009278-00009584 here it's worth clicking the plus/minus button zNnTwiu80-M-00027-00009584-00010031 to see if any links are currently hidden. Please take note at the news items that zNnTwiu80-M-00028-00010031-00010116 will appear here. zNnTwiu80-M-00029-00010116-00010488 This will give you up-to-date information about any module changes zNnTwiu80-M-00030-00010488-00010892 or software issues for example. Below that is a list of links zNnTwiu80-M-00031-00010892-00011460 to study and assessment resources. This link will give you access to the tutor zNnTwiu80-M-00032-00011460-00011595 marks assignments, TMAs zNnTwiu80-M-00033-00011595-00011981 as they appear and any supporting material. zNnTwiu80-M-00034-00011981-00012516 Please start on TMA01 as soon as it appears, to give yourself plenty of time zNnTwiu80-M-00035-00012516-00012964 to carry out the tasks that will be required. Now, I just want to highlight zNnTwiu80-M-00036-00012964-00013061 some features zNnTwiu80-M-00037-00013061-00013409 the planner that you need to get familiar with. First, zNnTwiu80-M-00038-00013409-00013768 tutorial dates for face-to-face and online sessions. zNnTwiu80-M-00039-00013768-00014082 I need to switch from this fictitious student's view of the site zNnTwiu80-M-00040-00014082-00014384 to my own personal view. Now, please bear in mind zNnTwiu80-M-00041-00014384-00014709 that what I see as a tutor is not exactly what you'll see zNnTwiu80-M-00042-00014709-00015059 as a student but this is the only way I have available to show you zNnTwiu80-M-00043-00015059-00015416 key dates for the region's tutorials. Here's a planner zNnTwiu80-M-00044-00015416-00015818 entry showing that there is a tutorial available. This face-to-face meeting zNnTwiu80-M-00045-00015818-00016145 takes place in Lincoln and will run from 1 to 3 p.m. zNnTwiu80-M-00046-00016145-00016432 Two other tutorials will run in Nottingham and Leicester at the same zNnTwiu80-M-00047-00016432-00016484 time. zNnTwiu80-M-00048-00016484-00016792 Please attend the face to face tutorial if at all possible zNnTwiu80-M-00049-00016792-00017178 as it really is useful to be able to put faces to names and students tell me zNnTwiu80-M-00050-00017178-00017418 that they find these sessions to be very useful. zNnTwiu80-M-00051-00017418-00017870 However, we know that not everyone can get to face-to-face tutorials and so we zNnTwiu80-M-00052-00017870-00017920 provide zNnTwiu80-M-00053-00017920-00018245 online tutorial sessions that will mirror the content of zNnTwiu80-M-00054-00018245-00018698 the face to face tutorial. The sessions will take place on the evenings of the zNnTwiu80-M-00055-00018698-00018951 11th 12th and 13th of February zNnTwiu80-M-00056-00018951-00019543 7:30 to 9:00 in the evening. So, now I want to show you how to access the online zNnTwiu80-M-00057-00019543-00019670 tutorial zNnTwiu80-M-00058-00019670-00020068 and you do this through this web page. Please bear in mind that zNnTwiu80-M-00059-00020068-00020457 anyone in our region can attend the online session or the face to face zNnTwiu80-M-00060-00020457-00020513 session zNnTwiu80-M-00061-00020513-00020979 please attend the one that suits you best. As an added bonus, zNnTwiu80-M-00062-00020979-00021451 if you can't make either session the online tutorial will be recorded zNnTwiu80-M-00063-00021451-00021807 and you'll be able to view that recording whenever it suits you. zNnTwiu80-M-00064-00021807-00022209 To access an online tutorial you need to click here... zNnTwiu80-M-00065-00022209-00022584 I can't show you the actual link that you'll eventually see on the website zNnTwiu80-M-00066-00022584-00022965 as this hasn't been set up yet but it will look a bit like this link zNnTwiu80-M-00067-00022965-00023345 on the TU100 website. The link you need zNnTwiu80-M-00068-00023345-00023706 will say, 'R05 day school room'. zNnTwiu80-M-00069-00023706-00024090 There will be a series of online tutorials that are repeats zNnTwiu80-M-00070-00024090-00024487 up the face to face meetings that take place on the 1st February in Lincoln zNnTwiu80-M-00071-00024487-00024598 Nottingham Leicester. zNnTwiu80-M-00072-00024598-00024977 The online tutorials will take place on the 11th, zNnTwiu80-M-00073-00024977-00025677 12th and 13th February and you can attend the one that is most convenient for you. zNnTwiu80-M-00074-00025725-00026045 The link will take you to a page that looks like this... zNnTwiu80-M-00075-00026045-00026389 Click 'Joins Session' and, incidently zNnTwiu80-M-00076-00026389-00026758 links to any previously recorded sessions will appear on this page too. zNnTwiu80-M-00077-00026758-00027258 When you've clicked to join the meeting a small file download that you should zNnTwiu80-M-00078-00027258-00027602 open. Enable or download Java if you are asked to. zNnTwiu80-M-00079-00027602-00028029 You'll see many references to 'Blackboard Collaborate' but remember that you're zNnTwiu80-M-00080-00028029-00028077 using zNnTwiu80-M-00081-00028077-00028420 OULlive. It's just hosted within 'Blackboard Collaborate'. zNnTwiu80-M-00082-00028420-00028773 You may or may not see certain splash screens zNnTwiu80-M-00083-00028773-00029110 and warnings. It all depends on the operating system zNnTwiu80-M-00084-00029110-00029523 running on your computer and depends on the various security settings that your zNnTwiu80-M-00085-00029523-00029636 computer uses. zNnTwiu80-M-00086-00029636-00030055 You may be asked to choose a connection speed and you should choose the one that zNnTwiu80-M-00087-00030055-00030207 best fits your setup. zNnTwiu80-M-00088-00030207-00030561 Eventually the OULlive interface will appear on your screen. zNnTwiu80-M-00089-00030561-00031052 Well, that's all for now in this video. We'll look at setting up your audio zNnTwiu80-M-00090-00031052-00031389 and navigating the OULIve interface and zNnTwiu80-M-00091-00031389-00031810 ePortfolios in part 2. So, for now, zNnTwiu80-M-00092-00031810-00031912 thanks for watching! zpXHZAGljHy-00000-00000010-00000166 >>> NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH zpXHZAGljHy-00001-00000166-00000173 >>> NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH zpXHZAGljHy-00002-00000173-00000296 >>> NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH JUSTIN PRINCE. zpXHZAGljHy-00003-00000296-00000303 >>> NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH JUSTIN PRINCE. zpXHZAGljHy-00004-00000303-00000467 >>> NOW, YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH JUSTIN PRINCE. >> HEADING INTO THE SECOND zpXHZAGljHy-00005-00000467-00000473 JUSTIN PRINCE. >> HEADING INTO THE SECOND zpXHZAGljHy-00006-00000473-00000677 JUSTIN PRINCE. >> HEADING INTO THE SECOND STRAIGHT TOURNAMENT WARROAD zpXHZAGljHy-00007-00000677-00000684 >> HEADING INTO THE SECOND STRAIGHT TOURNAMENT WARROAD zpXHZAGljHy-00008-00000684-00000837 >> HEADING INTO THE SECOND STRAIGHT TOURNAMENT WARROAD GIRL'S HOCKEY TEAM EXPECTATIONS zpXHZAGljHy-00009-00000837-00000844 STRAIGHT TOURNAMENT WARROAD GIRL'S HOCKEY TEAM EXPECTATIONS zpXHZAGljHy-00010-00000844-00001027 STRAIGHT TOURNAMENT WARROAD GIRL'S HOCKEY TEAM EXPECTATIONS ARE HIGH, AND LIKELY SO. zpXHZAGljHy-00011-00001027-00001034 GIRL'S HOCKEY TEAM EXPECTATIONS ARE HIGH, AND LIKELY SO. zpXHZAGljHy-00012-00001034-00001227 GIRL'S HOCKEY TEAM EXPECTATIONS ARE HIGH, AND LIKELY SO. IN THE PREVIOUS 7 APPEARANCES zpXHZAGljHy-00013-00001227-00001234 ARE HIGH, AND LIKELY SO. IN THE PREVIOUS 7 APPEARANCES zpXHZAGljHy-00014-00001234-00001374 ARE HIGH, AND LIKELY SO. IN THE PREVIOUS 7 APPEARANCES THEY HAVE NEVER FINISHED LOWER zpXHZAGljHy-00015-00001374-00001381 IN THE PREVIOUS 7 APPEARANCES THEY HAVE NEVER FINISHED LOWER zpXHZAGljHy-00016-00001381-00001468 IN THE PREVIOUS 7 APPEARANCES THEY HAVE NEVER FINISHED LOWER THAN THIRD PLACE. zpXHZAGljHy-00017-00001468-00001474 THEY HAVE NEVER FINISHED LOWER THAN THIRD PLACE. zpXHZAGljHy-00018-00001474-00001631 THEY HAVE NEVER FINISHED LOWER THAN THIRD PLACE. THEY LOOK TO ADVANCE AS THEY zpXHZAGljHy-00019-00001631-00001638 THAN THIRD PLACE. THEY LOOK TO ADVANCE AS THEY zpXHZAGljHy-00020-00001638-00001978 THAN THIRD PLACE. THEY LOOK TO ADVANCE AS THEY TOOK ON HIBBING, CHISHOLM IN THE zpXHZAGljHy-00021-00001978-00001985 THEY LOOK TO ADVANCE AS THEY TOOK ON HIBBING, CHISHOLM IN THE zpXHZAGljHy-00022-00001985-00002302 THEY LOOK TO ADVANCE AS THEY TOOK ON HIBBING, CHISHOLM IN THE QUARTER FINALS. zpXHZAGljHy-00023-00002302-00002308 TOOK ON HIBBING, CHISHOLM IN THE QUARTER FINALS. zpXHZAGljHy-00024-00002308-00002462 TOOK ON HIBBING, CHISHOLM IN THE QUARTER FINALS. WARRIORS BROKE OUT. zpXHZAGljHy-00025-00002462-00002469 QUARTER FINALS. WARRIORS BROKE OUT. zpXHZAGljHy-00026-00002469-00002565 QUARTER FINALS. WARRIORS BROKE OUT. 1-0 WARROAD. zpXHZAGljHy-00027-00002565-00002572 WARRIORS BROKE OUT. 1-0 WARROAD. zpXHZAGljHy-00028-00002572-00002976 WARRIORS BROKE OUT. 1-0 WARROAD. LATER IN THE PERIOD, THEY KEEP zpXHZAGljHy-00029-00002976-00002982 1-0 WARROAD. LATER IN THE PERIOD, THEY KEEP zpXHZAGljHy-00030-00002982-00003513 1-0 WARROAD. LATER IN THE PERIOD, THEY KEEP ROLLING, AND DIPS IT HOME, 2-ZIP zpXHZAGljHy-00031-00003513-00003520 LATER IN THE PERIOD, THEY KEEP ROLLING, AND DIPS IT HOME, 2-ZIP zpXHZAGljHy-00032-00003520-00003736 LATER IN THE PERIOD, THEY KEEP ROLLING, AND DIPS IT HOME, 2-ZIP WARRIORS, AND CONNECTION WORKING zpXHZAGljHy-00033-00003736-00003743 ROLLING, AND DIPS IT HOME, 2-ZIP WARRIORS, AND CONNECTION WORKING zpXHZAGljHy-00034-00003743-00003937 ROLLING, AND DIPS IT HOME, 2-ZIP WARRIORS, AND CONNECTION WORKING AGAIN, AND 3-0 WARRIORS, AND zpXHZAGljHy-00035-00003937-00003943 WARRIORS, AND CONNECTION WORKING AGAIN, AND 3-0 WARRIORS, AND zpXHZAGljHy-00036-00003943-00004200 WARRIORS, AND CONNECTION WORKING AGAIN, AND 3-0 WARRIORS, AND LATE IN THE THIRD NOW WARMING UP zpXHZAGljHy-00037-00004200-00004207 AGAIN, AND 3-0 WARRIORS, AND LATE IN THE THIRD NOW WARMING UP zpXHZAGljHy-00038-00004207-00004411 AGAIN, AND 3-0 WARRIORS, AND LATE IN THE THIRD NOW WARMING UP FOR 2, GARDNER ON THE BREAK AWAY zpXHZAGljHy-00039-00004411-00004417 LATE IN THE THIRD NOW WARMING UP FOR 2, GARDNER ON THE BREAK AWAY zpXHZAGljHy-00040-00004417-00004657 LATE IN THE THIRD NOW WARMING UP FOR 2, GARDNER ON THE BREAK AWAY GETS TRIPPED UP. zpXHZAGljHy-00041-00004657-00004664 FOR 2, GARDNER ON THE BREAK AWAY GETS TRIPPED UP. zpXHZAGljHy-00042-00004664-00004858 FOR 2, GARDNER ON THE BREAK AWAY GETS TRIPPED UP. FOURTH OF THE DAY,S AND TARA zpXHZAGljHy-00043-00004858-00004864 GETS TRIPPED UP. FOURTH OF THE DAY,S AND TARA zpXHZAGljHy-00044-00004864-00005095 GETS TRIPPED UP. FOURTH OF THE DAY,S AND TARA JOHNSON CLEANS UP TO MAKE IT zpXHZAGljHy-00045-00005095-00005101 FOURTH OF THE DAY,S AND TARA JOHNSON CLEANS UP TO MAKE IT zpXHZAGljHy-00046-00005101-00005188 FOURTH OF THE DAY,S AND TARA JOHNSON CLEANS UP TO MAKE IT 5-2. zpXHZAGljHy-00047-00005188-00005195 JOHNSON CLEANS UP TO MAKE IT 5-2. zpXHZAGljHy-00048-00005195-00005425 JOHNSON CLEANS UP TO MAKE IT 5-2. WARROAD ADVANCES TO THE CLASS A zpXHZAGljHy-00049-00005425-00005432 5-2. WARROAD ADVANCES TO THE CLASS A zpXHZAGljHy-00050-00005432-00005749 5-2. WARROAD ADVANCES TO THE CLASS A STATE SEMIS. zpXHZAGljHy-00051-00005749-00005755 WARROAD ADVANCES TO THE CLASS A STATE SEMIS. zpXHZAGljHy-00052-00005755-00005932 WARROAD ADVANCES TO THE CLASS A STATE SEMIS. TWO GOALS, TWO ASSISTS AND HERE zpXHZAGljHy-00053-00005932-00005939 STATE SEMIS. TWO GOALS, TWO ASSISTS AND HERE zpXHZAGljHy-00054-00005939-00006192 STATE SEMIS. TWO GOALS, TWO ASSISTS AND HERE IS HEAD COACH DAVID MARVIN AFTER zpXHZAGljHy-00055-00006192-00006199 TWO GOALS, TWO ASSISTS AND HERE IS HEAD COACH DAVID MARVIN AFTER zpXHZAGljHy-00056-00006199-00006279 TWO GOALS, TWO ASSISTS AND HERE IS HEAD COACH DAVID MARVIN AFTER THE GAME. zpXHZAGljHy-00057-00006279-00006286 IS HEAD COACH DAVID MARVIN AFTER THE GAME. zpXHZAGljHy-00058-00006286-00006433 IS HEAD COACH DAVID MARVIN AFTER THE GAME. >> LITTLE BIT OF PRESSURE, AND zpXHZAGljHy-00059-00006433-00006439 THE GAME. >> LITTLE BIT OF PRESSURE, AND zpXHZAGljHy-00060-00006439-00006639 THE GAME. >> LITTLE BIT OF PRESSURE, AND WE WERE IN ALL FIVE, BUT THEY zpXHZAGljHy-00061-00006639-00006646 >> LITTLE BIT OF PRESSURE, AND WE WERE IN ALL FIVE, BUT THEY zpXHZAGljHy-00062-00006646-00006840 >> LITTLE BIT OF PRESSURE, AND WE WERE IN ALL FIVE, BUT THEY HAVE ACCEPTED THAT, AND WE DON'T zpXHZAGljHy-00063-00006840-00006846 WE WERE IN ALL FIVE, BUT THEY HAVE ACCEPTED THAT, AND WE DON'T zpXHZAGljHy-00064-00006846-00007087 WE WERE IN ALL FIVE, BUT THEY HAVE ACCEPTED THAT, AND WE DON'T SCORE A LOT OF GOALS IF THESE zpXHZAGljHy-00065-00007087-00007093 HAVE ACCEPTED THAT, AND WE DON'T SCORE A LOT OF GOALS IF THESE zpXHZAGljHy-00066-00007093-00007754 HAVE ACCEPTED THAT, AND WE DON'T SCORE A LOT OF GOALS IF THESE GUYS DON'T DO IT, AND SO THERE'S zpXHZAGljHy-00067-00007754-00007761 SCORE A LOT OF GOALS IF THESE GUYS DON'T DO IT, AND SO THERE'S zpXHZAGljHy-00068-00007761-00008001 SCORE A LOT OF GOALS IF THESE GUYS DON'T DO IT, AND SO THERE'S A SCOUTING REPORTS ON US, AND zpXHZAGljHy-00069-00008001-00008007 GUYS DON'T DO IT, AND SO THERE'S A SCOUTING REPORTS ON US, AND zpXHZAGljHy-00070-00008007-00008525 GUYS DON'T DO IT, AND SO THERE'S A SCOUTING REPORTS ON US, AND THEY ACCEPTED THAT ROLL AS BEING zpXHZAGljHy-00071-00008525-00008531 A SCOUTING REPORTS ON US, AND THEY ACCEPTED THAT ROLL AS BEING zpXHZAGljHy-00072-00008531-00009099 A SCOUTING REPORTS ON US, AND THEY ACCEPTED THAT ROLL AS BEING LEADERS, AND THEY GET IT, AND zpXHZAGljHy-00073-00009099-00009105 THEY ACCEPTED THAT ROLL AS BEING LEADERS, AND THEY GET IT, AND zpXHZAGljHy-00074-00009105-00009582 THEY ACCEPTED THAT ROLL AS BEING LEADERS, AND THEY GET IT, AND MARIA IS A CRAFTY PLAYER, AND zpXHZAGljHy-00075-00009582-00009589 LEADERS, AND THEY GET IT, AND MARIA IS A CRAFTY PLAYER, AND zpXHZAGljHy-00076-00009589-00009709 LEADERS, AND THEY GET IT, AND MARIA IS A CRAFTY PLAYER, AND SINCE CHRISTMAS THEY HAVE REALLY zODz-mhGWf8-00000-00000697-00002103 Kids, Today lets learn fruit names in Marathi and other interesting facts about them zODz-mhGWf8-00001-00003483-00004394 Apple zODz-mhGWf8-00002-00006902-00007800 Avocado zODz-mhGWf8-00003-00008870-00009801 Banana zODz-mhGWf8-00004-00011307-00012163 Black Grapes zODz-mhGWf8-00005-00014140-00015091 Coconut zODz-mhGWf8-00006-00016885-00017351 Custard Apple zODz-mhGWf8-00007-00019051-00019650 Fig / Anjeer zODz-mhGWf8-00008-00020968-00021523 Gooseberry zODz-mhGWf8-00009-00023435-00024000 Guava zODz-mhGWf8-00010-00026137-00026647 Kiwi zODz-mhGWf8-00011-00028399-00028998 Lemon zODz-mhGWf8-00012-00030955-00031488 Mango zODz-mhGWf8-00013-00033426-00034047 Mangosteen zODz-mhGWf8-00014-00035372-00036148 Muskmelon zODz-mhGWf8-00015-00038174-00038839 Orange zODz-mhGWf8-00016-00040571-00041236 Papaya zODz-mhGWf8-00017-00043197-00043906 Peach zODz-mhGWf8-00018-00045147-00045818 Pineapple zODz-mhGWf8-00019-00048008-00048863 Plum zODz-mhGWf8-00020-00050464-00051319 Pomegranate zODz-mhGWf8-00021-00053026-00053958 Sapodilla zODz-mhGWf8-00022-00055470-00056392 Strawberry zODz-mhGWf8-00023-00057769-00058788 Tamarind zODz-mhGWf8-00024-00060546-00061603 Watermelon zRYa-xMEU0c-00000-00000021-00001107 He’s Pro-Incest, Pedophilia, And Rape And Is Running For Congress From His Parents’ zRYa-xMEU0c-00001-00001107-00001207 House zRYa-xMEU0c-00002-00001207-00001658 A 37-year-old with some very sketchy views appears to be interested in running for Congress zRYa-xMEU0c-00003-00001658-00002073 while living in his parents’ home, but living at home while being nearly 40 isn’t the zRYa-xMEU0c-00004-00002073-00002474 most disturbing part of this man’s interest in Congress, it’s the background that comes zRYa-xMEU0c-00005-00002474-00002851 with his character that has some people itching themselves like they just caught a bad case zRYa-xMEU0c-00006-00002851-00003007 of the fleas. zRYa-xMEU0c-00007-00003007-00003444 His name is Nathan Larson and judging by the Washington Post article on him, he appears zRYa-xMEU0c-00008-00003444-00003871 to be pro-incest, pedophilia, and supportive of marital r**e. zRYa-xMEU0c-00009-00003871-00004317 He might not win, but the fact that someone with so many fringe views and societal “yucks” zRYa-xMEU0c-00010-00004317-00004767 on top of a criminal record has interest in being part of the government is quite scary. zRYa-xMEU0c-00011-00004767-00005149 Even worse is the fact that someone might actually vote for him. zRYa-xMEU0c-00012-00005149-00005569 According to the Washington Post, it was written that he “believes in instituting a patriarchal zRYa-xMEU0c-00013-00005569-00006026 system, with women under the authority of men; he supports abolishing age restrictions zRYa-xMEU0c-00014-00006026-00006494 for marriage and laws against marital r**e; he believes that white supremacy is a “system zRYa-xMEU0c-00015-00006494-00006901 that works,” that Hitler was a “good thing for Germany,” and that incest should be zRYa-xMEU0c-00016-00006901-00007195 legalized, at least in the context of marriage. zRYa-xMEU0c-00017-00007195-00007617 And at one point in a conversation with The Post, he seemed to express admiration for zRYa-xMEU0c-00018-00007617-00008034 the system run by the Taliban in Afghanistan, noting that the country’s birthrate fell zRYa-xMEU0c-00019-00008034-00008432 as a consequence of increased opportunities for women after the United States’ more zRYa-xMEU0c-00020-00008432-00008600 than decade-long intervention. zRYa-xMEU0c-00021-00008600-00009150 But Larson, 37, is hoping to take his views toward the mainstream by mounting a campaign zRYa-xMEU0c-00022-00009150-00009600 for a congressional seat in Virginia, running as an independent libertarian for the state’s zRYa-xMEU0c-00023-00009600-00010004 10th district, a swath of land across three counties in Northern Virginia outside the zRYa-xMEU0c-00024-00010004-00010177 Washington suburbs. zRYa-xMEU0c-00025-00010177-00010715 The seat is currently held by Republican Barbara Comstock, but has attracted strong Democratic zRYa-xMEU0c-00026-00010715-00011208 interest; Hillary Clinton won the district by 10 percentage points in 2016.” zRYa-xMEU0c-00027-00011208-00011640 If there was ever a time to vote for anyone else possible, then it might be now. zRYa-xMEU0c-00028-00011640-00012000 For someone to support any of those views can not possibly mean anything good would zRYa-xMEU0c-00029-00012000-00012228 come out of that Congressional district. zRYa-xMEU0c-00030-00012228-00012632 While he might think these are good views, they might not be well accepted by the majority zRYa-xMEU0c-00031-00012632-00012771 of society. zRYa-xMEU0c-00032-00012771-00013215 Perhaps he has a few supporters, but it won’t be enough to win any election unless the voters zRYa-xMEU0c-00033-00013215-00013384 simply don’t show up. zRYa-xMEU0c-00034-00013384-00013677 Although, it doesn’t look like he has much support. zRYa-xMEU0c-00035-00013677-00014188 “Bill Redpath, a Libertarian party official, told The Post that Larson was expelled from zRYa-xMEU0c-00036-00014188-00014472 the Libertarian Party of Virginia last year. zRYa-xMEU0c-00037-00014472-00014965 Larson’s campaign, which is his latest run after failed campaigns for Virginia’s governorship zRYa-xMEU0c-00038-00014965-00015460 and state legislature, has drawn attention for Larson’s unabashedly extreme views. zRYa-xMEU0c-00039-00015460-00015876 The HuffPost reported this week that Larson had created two websites that catered to the zRYa-xMEU0c-00040-00015876-00016425 furthest fringes of the Internet: suiped.org and incelocalpse.today, information that Larson zRYa-xMEU0c-00041-00016425-00016697 confirmed in an interview with The Post. zRYa-xMEU0c-00042-00016697-00016989 Both websites have since been removed by their domain hosts. zRYa-xMEU0c-00043-00016989-00017499 Suiped or Suicidal Pedophiles, was a site and self-described organization created to zRYa-xMEU0c-00044-00017499-00017919 lobby for pedophiles and other convicted or potential s*x offenders to be able to kill zRYa-xMEU0c-00045-00017919-00018342 themselves at clinics legally, according to cached images. zRYa-xMEU0c-00046-00018342-00018740 According to a cached image, Incelocalypse was created to “serve as both headquarters zRYa-xMEU0c-00047-00018740-00019173 and casual hangout for the hardest core of the hardcore incels,” the small but vocal zRYa-xMEU0c-00048-00019173-00019595 community of “involuntary celibates” online who rage against feminism and a system of zRYa-xMEU0c-00049-00019595-00020058 female empowerment that has deprived them of sexual gratification, an Internet subculture zRYa-xMEU0c-00050-00020058-00020480 that has begun to draw some attention by mainstream media outlets. zRYa-xMEU0c-00051-00020480-00020873 Larson said he considers himself to be part of the “incel movement” and said his views zRYa-xMEU0c-00052-00020873-00021259 took a turn for the more extreme after an acrimonious divorce. zRYa-xMEU0c-00053-00021259-00021767 In 2015, his former wife was granted a restraining order against him after Larson returned to zRYa-xMEU0c-00054-00021767-00022089 Virginia, where he grew up, from Colorado. zRYa-xMEU0c-00055-00022089-00022535 And though his ex-wife later committed suicide, a custody battle unfolded for a child of his zRYa-xMEU0c-00056-00022535-00022991 that she gave birth to after they split up, according to local media accounts. zRYa-xMEU0c-00057-00022991-00023493 The El Paso County Attorney at the time, Robert Kern, argued successfully that Larson would zRYa-xMEU0c-00058-00023493-00023934 not be a fit parent, according to the Colorado Springs Independent. zRYa-xMEU0c-00059-00023934-00024472 Larson said he has only met his daughter once, during a supervised visit with a social worker. zRYa-xMEU0c-00060-00024472-00024688 Larson also has a criminal record. zRYa-xMEU0c-00061-00024688-00025205 In 2009, he pleaded guilty to threatening to kill the U.S. president, for which he served zRYa-xMEU0c-00062-00025205-00025642 16 months in federal prison and three years of supervision upon his release. zRYa-xMEU0c-00063-00025642-00026097 In a previous interview with The Post, he called a letter he sent to the Secret Service zRYa-xMEU0c-00064-00026097-00026537 in 2008 warning of imminent plans to assassinate either President George W. Bush or President zRYa-xMEU0c-00065-00026537-00026959 Barack Obama, an act of civil disobedience meant to call attention to the tyranny of zRYa-xMEU0c-00066-00026959-00027138 the U.S. government. zRYa-xMEU0c-00067-00027138-00027622 He also has a couple of misdemeanor convictions: One for the “use of computer for harassment,” zRYa-xMEU0c-00068-00027622-00028055 which Larson says was related to a lewd email he sent a woman while he was in college, and zRYa-xMEU0c-00069-00028055-00028266 two others that pertain to marijuana possession.” zRYa-xMEU0c-00070-00028266-00028802 Huff Post’s article on him talked about his involvement with pedophilia, stating “Nathan zRYa-xMEU0c-00071-00028802-00029340 Larson, a 37-year-old accountant from Charlottesville, Virginia, is running for Congress as an independent zRYa-xMEU0c-00072-00029340-00029530 candidate in his native state. zRYa-xMEU0c-00073-00029530-00030020 He is also a pedophile, as he admitted to HuffPost on Thursday, who has bragged in website zRYa-xMEU0c-00074-00030020-00030311 posts about raping his late ex-wife. zRYa-xMEU0c-00075-00030311-00030761 On the phone, he was open about his pedophilia and seemingly unfazed about his long odds zRYa-xMEU0c-00076-00030761-00030919 of attaining government office. zRYa-xMEU0c-00077-00030919-00031359 “A lot of people are tired of political correctness and being constrained by it,” zRYa-xMEU0c-00078-00031359-00031459 he said. zRYa-xMEU0c-00079-00031459-00031749 “People prefer when there’s an outsider who doesn’t have anything to lose and is zRYa-xMEU0c-00080-00031749-00032055 willing to say what’s on a lot of people’s minds.” zRYa-xMEU0c-00081-00032055-00032489 When asked whether he’s a pedophile or just writes about pedophilia, he said, “It’s zRYa-xMEU0c-00082-00032489-00032638 a mix of both. zRYa-xMEU0c-00083-00032638-00033012 When people go over the top there’s a grain of truth to what they say.” zRYa-xMEU0c-00084-00033012-00033331 Asked whether there was a “grain of truth” in his essay about father-daughter incest zRYa-xMEU0c-00085-00033331-00033803 and another about raping his ex-wife repeatedly, he said yes, offering that plenty of women zRYa-xMEU0c-00086-00033803-00033981 have rape fantasies.” zRYa-xMEU0c-00087-00033981-00034387 Much of this was also later confirmed by fact checkers at Snopes. zRYa-xMEU0c-00088-00034387-00034781 Sounds like Larson has a lot going on and maybe getting everything else situated before zRYa-xMEU0c-00089-00034781-00035012 joining the government would be a better idea. zRYa-xMEU0c-00090-00035012-00035297 It’s hard to imagine that he would get many votes. zRYa-xMEU0c-00091-00035297-00035578 The views are just too fringe for politics. zRYa-xMEU0c-00092-00035578-00036916 Or maybe he would have success running as a Democrat and fit right in. zTfXiygjLi8-00000-00000000-00000384 Finds from the garbage dump 31 October 2015 zTfXiygjLi8-00001-00000384-00001160 Hello October 31,We start recording,we'll se what we can find interesting today:) zTfXiygjLi8-00002-00002122-00002630 a cover for a tablet zTfXiygjLi8-00003-00005472-00005672 cool container... zTfXiygjLi8-00004-00007770-00008081 see what we have here today... zTfXiygjLi8-00005-00008298-00008652 i see that some glass... zTfXiygjLi8-00006-00012310-00012838 among other things,a lot glasses that in Żywiec zTfXiygjLi8-00007-00019206-00019684 look,this is specific max snowmobile:) zTfXiygjLi8-00008-00019684-00020012 from Kubuś zTfXiygjLi8-00009-00027345-00027738 Look what we have here.Today is waiting zTfXiygjLi8-00010-00027750-00027926 boxes on the camera zTfXiygjLi8-00011-00028212-00028632 we'll se what's inside... zTfXiygjLi8-00012-00030014-00030680 photo albums... zTfXiygjLi8-00013-00031844-00032044 new... zTfXiygjLi8-00014-00036562-00037294 here we have one pretty good phone,next packed... zTfXiygjLi8-00015-00037294-00037754 we'll see what if something is in here... zTfXiygjLi8-00016-00038498-00038926 they do not even have the foil wrapped up yet... zTfXiygjLi8-00017-00039430-00039630 another modem zTfXiygjLi8-00018-00040024-00040224 we'll see what it is zTfXiygjLi8-00019-00042002-00042202 everything is complete zTfXiygjLi8-00020-00042456-00042656 Thompson modem... zU1v2HwN-P0-00000-00000024-00000562 In this video were going to look at finding the equation of perpendicular lines. zU1v2HwN-P0-00001-00000562-00001662 You may recall that perpendicular lines have opposite reciprocal slopes. zU1v2HwN-P0-00002-00001662-00002004 Using this we can quickly find the slope of the line we want, zU1v2HwN-P0-00003-00002004-00002290 and once we know the slope and a point, zU1v2HwN-P0-00004-00002290-00003058 we can use the formula y equals mx plus b to solve for b, or the y intercept. zU1v2HwN-P0-00005-00003058-00003422 So for example we're asked to find the line perpendicular zU1v2HwN-P0-00006-00003422-00003990 to y equals 5 x plus one that goes to the point (-5, 2). zU1v2HwN-P0-00007-00003990-00004520 If you recall that y equals mx plus b, we can quickly see that m zU1v2HwN-P0-00008-00004520-00005602 the slope of this perpendicular line is five or as a fraction five over one. zU1v2HwN-P0-00009-00005602-00005906 Our line though is going to be perpendicular, zU1v2HwN-P0-00010-00005906-00006476 which means our line has to be the opposite reciprocal. zU1v2HwN-P0-00011-00006476-00007286 The opposite of positive five over one is negative and the reciprocal is one-fifth. zU1v2HwN-P0-00012-00007286-00007666 So for our line we're going to use the point (-5, 2) zU1v2HwN-P0-00013-00007666-00008106 and the perpendicular slope of negative one-fifth. zU1v2HwN-P0-00014-00008106-00008614 Notice I really didn't care what the y intercept was on the perpendicular line. zU1v2HwN-P0-00015-00008614-00009346 All we cared about was the slope because ours is the opposite reciprocal slope. zU1v2HwN-P0-00016-00009346-00009698 So if y equals mx plus b, zU1v2HwN-P0-00017-00009698-00010164 and we've got an (x, y) point and the slope negative one-fifths, zU1v2HwN-P0-00018-00010164-00010838 we can plug that information into this equation to find b, or the y intercept. zU1v2HwN-P0-00019-00010838-00011404 So y is two equals m the slope of negative one-fifth times x, zU1v2HwN-P0-00020-00011404-00012084 which is negative five plus b which is what we're looking for. zU1v2HwN-P0-00021-00012084-00012474 The five's divide out, which is really nice. zU1v2HwN-P0-00022-00012474-00012724 Also, a negative times a negative's a positive. zU1v2HwN-P0-00023-00012724-00013119 So, we have two equals one plus b. zU1v2HwN-P0-00024-00013119-00013591 Subtract one from both sides, and we see one is equal to b, zU1v2HwN-P0-00025-00013591-00014758 or one is the y intercept, which means our final equation, y equals mx plus b for any generic point (x, y). zU1v2HwN-P0-00026-00014758-00015218 Make sure we use the correct m, the perpendicular negative one-fifth, zU1v2HwN-P0-00027-00015218-00016212 and the b we found of one to find out that y is equal to negative one-fifths x plus one. zU1v2HwN-P0-00028-00016212-00017138 This is the equation that is perpendicular to y is equal to 5 x minus one and it goes through the point (5, 2). zU1v2HwN-P0-00029-00017138-00017320 Let's try another example. zU1v2HwN-P0-00030-00017320-00017660 An example where we're asked to find the equation of a line perpendicular to zU1v2HwN-P0-00031-00017660-00018512 3 x plus 2 y equals five and also is going to go through the point (-3, 4). zU1v2HwN-P0-00032-00018512-00019094 This one you notice is not in intercept form. zU1v2HwN-P0-00033-00019094-00019784 To find the slope we need to get it in intercept form by isolating the y. zU1v2HwN-P0-00034-00019784-00020510 We've done this before. We start by moving the x's to the other side, subtracting 3 x. zU1v2HwN-P0-00035-00020510-00020898 This gives us 2 y equals -3 x plus five. zU1v2HwN-P0-00036-00020898-00021210 We like to put the x-term first. zU1v2HwN-P0-00037-00021210-00021614 Divide by two, and when we do we have to divide everybody by two. zU1v2HwN-P0-00038-00021614-00022726 Distribute that division through, and we get y equals negative three-halves x plus five-halves. zU1v2HwN-P0-00039-00022726-00023286 Now it's in intercept form where y equals mx plus b, zU1v2HwN-P0-00040-00023286-00024346 which means now we can quickly find the slope of our perpendicular line to be negative three-halves. zU1v2HwN-P0-00041-00024346-00024636 Again, we don't care about the b really. zU1v2HwN-P0-00042-00024636-00025092 All we care about the slope because if this line has a slope zU1v2HwN-P0-00043-00025092-00025601 of negative three-halves we should be able to find the slope of our perpendicular line, zU1v2HwN-P0-00044-00025601-00026012 which should be the opposite reciprocal. zU1v2HwN-P0-00045-00026012-00026916 This one's negative so the opposite is going to be a positive slope and the reciprocal is two-thirds. zU1v2HwN-P0-00046-00026916-00027208 So we want the equation of a line with the slope of two-thirds zU1v2HwN-P0-00047-00027208-00027763 going through negative three as an x, and negative four is y. zU1v2HwN-P0-00048-00027763-00028420 To find the y intercept, we plug that information into y equals mx plus b. zU1v2HwN-P0-00049-00028420-00029700 Y is negative four equals m two-thirds times x, which is negative three plus the b. zU1v2HwN-P0-00050-00029700-00030320 Three divides out with negative three leaving negative one behind. zU1v2HwN-P0-00051-00030320-00031082 This gives us negative four equals two times negative one, which is negative two plus b. zU1v2HwN-P0-00052-00031082-00031945 Add the two to both sides, this gives me negative two equals b. zU1v2HwN-P0-00053-00031945-00032298 We now have our b, and the slope. zU1v2HwN-P0-00054-00032298-00032948 Make sure you use the correct slope. Plug it into y equals mx plus b. zU1v2HwN-P0-00055-00032948-00033842 Y equals two-thirds x minus two, and this then is the equation of a line zU1v2HwN-P0-00056-00033842-00034806 perpendicular to 3 x plus 2 y equals five, and it goes through the point (-3, -4). zWygc87Z_ro-00000-00000450-00001678 Project Mars The Secret Agenda World Domination zZTOqvqNmwM-00000-00000056-00000342 So what do you do when someone says to you zZTOqvqNmwM-00001-00000345-00000615 after you've done your offer of a service, zZTOqvqNmwM-00002-00000621-00000784 "It is too expensive." zZTOqvqNmwM-00003-00001472-00001626 My name is Tineke Rensen zZTOqvqNmwM-00004-00001629-00001804 from Powerful Business Academy, zZTOqvqNmwM-00005-00001812-00002094 and I help businesswomen to scale and grow zZTOqvqNmwM-00006-00002117-00002421 their business from self-employed zZTOqvqNmwM-00007-00002441-00002634 to building a business. zZTOqvqNmwM-00008-00002637-00003106 Now, you must have heard this answer quite a few times already. zZTOqvqNmwM-00009-00003108-00003354 And what do you do? zZTOqvqNmwM-00010-00003357-00003590 Well, I have a tip. zZTOqvqNmwM-00011-00003593-00004472 If they say it's too expensive, ask the question, "Compared to what?" zZTOqvqNmwM-00012-00004556-00004908 Compared to what? zZTOqvqNmwM-00013-00005028-00005398 They might not even be able to answer that question. zZTOqvqNmwM-00014-00005401-00005654 And then you got them. zZTOqvqNmwM-00015-00005657-00006118 If they will answer, they might have done some research. zZTOqvqNmwM-00016-00006121-00006420 And they will come up with some of your competitors. zZTOqvqNmwM-00017-00006423-00006770 And then if you know your competitors, zZTOqvqNmwM-00018-00006773-00007190 then you know why you are the better option. zZTOqvqNmwM-00019-00007193-00007420 You know why they should choose you. zZTOqvqNmwM-00020-00007423-00007718 You know that it's really not a comparison. zZTOqvqNmwM-00021-00007720-00008126 So you can explain why this is the case. zZTOqvqNmwM-00022-00008129-00008382 So if you say, "Compared to what?" zZTOqvqNmwM-00023-00008385-00008546 And there's no answer, zZTOqvqNmwM-00024-00008549-00009385 do know that one of the options might be that they feel that they are not worth it. zZTOqvqNmwM-00025-00009388-00009610 Now, this is not something you can say zZTOqvqNmwM-00026-00009613-00009957 because they're probably not even aware of it. zZTOqvqNmwM-00027-00009960-00010282 So you can ask, "Have you ever spent this much money?" zZTOqvqNmwM-00028-00010285-00010526 Probably not. zZTOqvqNmwM-00029-00010529-00010762 Probably it's the first time. zZTOqvqNmwM-00030-00010765-00011102 And then you would say, "Well, how would you know it's too much?" zZTOqvqNmwM-00031-00011104-00011254 And they might not have an answer again. zZTOqvqNmwM-00032-00011257-00011762 They might say, "Well, it just seems a lot of money." zZTOqvqNmwM-00033-00011765-00011981 "I don't have that kind of money." Or zZTOqvqNmwM-00034-00011982-00012271 "It will be all my savings," or whatever. zZTOqvqNmwM-00035-00012385-00012678 Well, that's their excuses, their reasons. zZTOqvqNmwM-00036-00012845-00013138 Maybe true. Maybe not true. zZTOqvqNmwM-00037-00013141-00013434 That's totally not where you want to go. zZTOqvqNmwM-00038-00013437-00013861 If this is what they say, they are in fear. zZTOqvqNmwM-00039-00013863-00014094 They are in scarcity. zZTOqvqNmwM-00040-00014097-00014469 So it's your job to then get them back to abundance again. zZTOqvqNmwM-00041-00014472-00014658 Get them back to, "But hey, zZTOqvqNmwM-00042-00014661-00015097 look at what it will do to you." If you had a good conversation, zZTOqvqNmwM-00043-00015101-00015402 they know what the benefits are. zZTOqvqNmwM-00044-00015405-00015944 They know where they will be in a year from now. zZTOqvqNmwM-00045-00015984-00016350 And you know that they've connected with that desire. zZTOqvqNmwM-00046-00016353-00016678 So it's your job to bring them back to that desire. zZTOqvqNmwM-00047-00016681-00016894 And then they'll see zZTOqvqNmwM-00048-00016897-00017478 that it's just an answer because there might be something else. zZTOqvqNmwM-00049-00017481-00017914 There might be something else there. Scared to invest, zZTOqvqNmwM-00050-00017917-00018461 not knowing if they have the money, not having all the clarification yet. zZTOqvqNmwM-00051-00018464-00019078 But then you need to ask, "What else do they need to make a decision?" zZTOqvqNmwM-00052-00019081-00019642 Okay? So when they say it's too much money, zZTOqvqNmwM-00053-00019645-00020042 you know how to handle this for the next time. zZTOqvqNmwM-00054-00020045-00020246 I wish you well. zZTOqvqNmwM-00055-00020249-00020546 And if you want to scale and grow your zZTOqvqNmwM-00056-00020549-00021094 business faster, and not having to wait every week for a video, zZTOqvqNmwM-00057-00021097-00021686 and having customized information and customized zZTOqvqNmwM-00058-00021689-00022198 coaching to your unique personality and to how you run your business zZTOqvqNmwM-00059-00022201-00022602 and to your specific business, please contact me. zZTOqvqNmwM-00060-00022605-00022842 It's just a short 15-minute call. zZTOqvqNmwM-00061-00022845-00023098 I'm always looking forward to these calls. zZTOqvqNmwM-00062-00023101-00023370 I will give you a few tips and then we'll zZTOqvqNmwM-00063-00023373-00023794 see if we want to do another conversation, which will be a sales call. zZTOqvqNmwM-00064-00023797-00024006 But you know, the first 15-minute call. zZTOqvqNmwM-00065-00024009-00024210 There's no pressure, nothing. zZTOqvqNmwM-00066-00024212-00024374 Well, there's never pressure anyway. zZTOqvqNmwM-00067-00024377-00024582 You either love working with me or not. zZTOqvqNmwM-00068-00024585-00024961 And I'm not going to push you if you don't see the benefits. zZTOqvqNmwM-00069-00024964-00025126 If I don't feel we're the right match. zZTOqvqNmwM-00070-00025129-00025342 I would never do that. zZTOqvqNmwM-00071-00025345-00025830 Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, Powerful Business Academy where zZTOqvqNmwM-00072-00025833-00026374 you will see videos like this every week on hundreds of topics. zZTOqvqNmwM-00073-00026377-00026866 Yes, hundreds of topics about how to grow zZTOqvqNmwM-00074-00026869-00027514 from a self-employed woman to a businesswoman, to a business owner. zZTOqvqNmwM-00075-00027516-00027760 Ok? Bye bye for now you. zdmFHClmKbA-00000-00000000-00000334 ¡Hola bienvenidos a solrezza.com! Hi, welcome to solrezza.com! zdmFHClmKbA-00001-00000624-00000784 As I told you in a previous video zdmFHClmKbA-00002-00000784-00001052 I'm going to Germany for three months zdmFHClmKbA-00003-00001052-00001352 to a radio art residence zdmFHClmKbA-00004-00001386-00001648 on Radio Corax community radio. zdmFHClmKbA-00005-00001682-00001962 I am a few days away from traveling to Germany zdmFHClmKbA-00006-00001962-00002210 in two weeks I'm flying zdmFHClmKbA-00007-00002282-00002482 and I have something else to tell you zdmFHClmKbA-00008-00002482-00002652 I am studying German! zdmFHClmKbA-00009-00002694-00002978 The Goethe Institut gave me the possibility zdmFHClmKbA-00010-00002978-00003324 to do a super intensive German course zdmFHClmKbA-00011-00003324-00003524 an online course zdmFHClmKbA-00012-00003524-00003724 here in Mexico zdmFHClmKbA-00013-00003724-00003896 I am learning German zdmFHClmKbA-00014-00003896-00004040 a language zdmFHClmKbA-00015-00004061-00004494 I never thought about learning in my life zdmFHClmKbA-00016-00004494-00004676 Truth is zdmFHClmKbA-00017-00004676-00005006 beyond some songs of Die Toten Hosen zdmFHClmKbA-00018-00005046-00005246 I did not know much about German zdmFHClmKbA-00019-00005246-00005892 although it is a language that has many similarities with the English language zdmFHClmKbA-00020-00005928-00006192 in some ways it resembles the English zdmFHClmKbA-00021-00006218-00006606 the truth is that it is constructed in a totally different way zdmFHClmKbA-00022-00006612-00006894 When you learn a language zdmFHClmKbA-00023-00006914-00007290 you are learning a new way of thinking, zdmFHClmKbA-00024-00007314-00007609 of building what you want to say, to communicate zdmFHClmKbA-00025-00007640-00007870 in a totally different way. zdmFHClmKbA-00026-00007870-00008098 That's what it means to learn a language zdmFHClmKbA-00027-00008098-00008298 It's the richness of learning a language zdmFHClmKbA-00028-00008298-00008522 It can be a spoken language zdmFHClmKbA-00029-00008522-00008766 a technological language zdmFHClmKbA-00030-00008766-00009004 in reality what is being learned zdmFHClmKbA-00031-00009018-00009254 with these new languages zdmFHClmKbA-00032-00009254-00009576 is just to think differently. zdmFHClmKbA-00033-00009576-00009998 Our communication systems are very complex zdmFHClmKbA-00034-00009998-00010246 we have developed ways of communication zdmFHClmKbA-00035-00010246-00010650 more and more interesting and richer zdmFHClmKbA-00036-00010682-00011100 among which is the spoken language but also the images, zdmFHClmKbA-00037-00011100-00011276 the sounds zdmFHClmKbA-00038-00011308-00011796 and all this mixture of things allow us to communicate zdmFHClmKbA-00039-00011796-00011996 And thinking about this zdmFHClmKbA-00040-00012034-00012264 I remembered an old text zdmFHClmKbA-00041-00012264-00012434 by Edmund Carpenter zdmFHClmKbA-00042-00012434-00012674 called "The new languages" zdmFHClmKbA-00043-00012674-00012874 that deals with this zdmFHClmKbA-00044-00012874-00013636 how it is transformed, how our communication evolves zdmFHClmKbA-00045-00013636-00013947 and how one way to communicate zdmFHClmKbA-00046-00013947-00014446 to study a new form of communication, to study a new language zdmFHClmKbA-00047-00014446-00015086 This new language is based on our pre-established knowledge zdmFHClmKbA-00048-00015086-00015386 Edmund Carpenter says: (I'm going to read it) zdmFHClmKbA-00049-00015386-00015740 "All languages are mass media zdmFHClmKbA-00050-00015740-00016100 new media, cinema, radio, television ... zdmFHClmKbA-00051-00016100-00016300 (we should add - Internet-) zdmFHClmKbA-00052-00016344-00016780 these are new languages and their grammar is still unknown zdmFHClmKbA-00053-00016858-00017222 each of them encodes reality differently zdmFHClmKbA-00054-00017258-00017672 each of them hides a unique metaphysics zdmFHClmKbA-00055-00017772-00018098 the linguists tell us that it is possible zdmFHClmKbA-00056-00018098-00018502 to say anything in any language zdmFHClmKbA-00057-00018558-00018956 if enough words or images are used zdmFHClmKbA-00058-00018956-00019248 but there is rarely time enough to do it zdmFHClmKbA-00059-00019290-00019884 the natural thing is for a culture to exploit its tendencies in the media zdmFHClmKbA-00060-00019912-00020160 Writing does not record oral language zdmFHClmKbA-00061-00020192-00020690 it was a new language that imitated the spoken word zdmFHClmKbA-00062-00020740-00021102 Writing fosters an analytical form of thought zdmFHClmKbA-00063-00021128-00021364 that insists on linearity zdmFHClmKbA-00064-00021458-00021804 Oral languages tended to be polysynthetic, zdmFHClmKbA-00065-00021804-00022088 dense conglomerate compounds zdmFHClmKbA-00066-00022102-00022330 same as twisted knots zdmFHClmKbA-00067-00022330-00022702 within which the images were juxtaposed. zdmFHClmKbA-00068-00022702-00022902 For the pre-literate human being zdmFHClmKbA-00069-00022902-00023472 the transient forms lived only temporarily on the tip of the tongue zdmFHClmKbA-00070-00023504-00023704 in the real situation zdmFHClmKbA-00071-00023752-00024098 On the other hand the printed word was inflexible, zdmFHClmKbA-00072-00024098-00024298 permanent, zdmFHClmKbA-00073-00024298-00024670 in contact with the eternal zdmFHClmKbA-00074-00024692-00024892 reading these words I think that zdmFHClmKbA-00075-00025012-00025432 I'm in Latin America and I'm going to Europe zdmFHClmKbA-00076-00025494-00025988 and in that clash between these two continents zdmFHClmKbA-00077-00026016-00026464 when they came to these lands (Mural entitled "The Conquest" later called "Fusion of two cultures") zdmFHClmKbA-00078-00026480-00026722 with a completely different language zdmFHClmKbA-00079-00026722-00026936 not only with different oral languages zdmFHClmKbA-00080-00026950-00027166 there was not only an oral language clash zdmFHClmKbA-00081-00027166-00027410 but a clash of thought forms. zdmFHClmKbA-00082-00027410-00027922 We in Latin America kept oral forms zdmFHClmKbA-00083-00027922-00028122 our language was oral zdmFHClmKbA-00084-00028122-00028360 and the Europeans who arrived zdmFHClmKbA-00085-00028360-00028726 they were beginning to develop the printed language (the Gutenberg press) zdmFHClmKbA-00086-00028726-00029208 the printing press that had just born in the old Germany zdmFHClmKbA-00087-00029230-00029612 How the stories come together! zdmFHClmKbA-00088-00029612-00030004 how the stories begin to get tangled with each other zdmFHClmKbA-00089-00030018-00030354 I cannot stop thinking about Pablo Neruda zdmFHClmKbA-00090-00030354-00030554 the Chilean poet zdmFHClmKbA-00091-00030554-00030818 and his little poem zdmFHClmKbA-00092-00030818-00031018 about the words zdmFHClmKbA-00093-00031018-00031233 You can say anything you want, yes sir, zdmFHClmKbA-00094-00031233-00031682 but it’s the words that sing, they soar and descend ... zdmFHClmKbA-00095-00031682-00031882 I bow to them ... zdmFHClmKbA-00096-00031882-00032244 I love them, l cling to them, / run them down, I bite into them, zdmFHClmKbA-00097-00032244-00032444 l melt them down ... zdmFHClmKbA-00098-00032470-00032670 I love words so much ... zdmFHClmKbA-00099-00032702-00032832 The unexpected ones ... zdmFHClmKbA-00100-00032832-00033392 The ones I wait for greedily or stalk until, suddenly, they drop . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00101-00033418-00033610 Vowels I love . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00102-00033632-00033832 They glitter like colored stones, zdmFHClmKbA-00103-00033832-00034090 they leap like silver fish, zdmFHClmKbA-00104-00034090-00034220 they are foam, zdmFHClmKbA-00105-00034220-00034364 thread, zdmFHClmKbA-00106-00034364-00034462 metal, zdmFHClmKbA-00107-00034462-00034662 dew . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00108-00034662-00034862 I run after certain words . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00109-00034862-00035182 They are so beautiful that I want to fit them all into my poem . . zdmFHClmKbA-00110-00035182-00035382 I catch them in midflight, zdmFHClmKbA-00111-00035382-00035816 as they buzz past, / trap them, clean, peel them, zdmFHClmKbA-00112-00035816-00036094 I set myself in front of the dish, zdmFHClmKbA-00113-00036170-00036422 they have a crystalline texture to me, zdmFHClmKbA-00114-00036422-00036622 vibrant, ivory, zdmFHClmKbA-00115-00036622-00036760 vegetable, zdmFHClmKbA-00116-00036760-00036880 oily, zdmFHClmKbA-00117-00036880-00037002 like fruit, zdmFHClmKbA-00118-00037002-00037118 like algae, zdmFHClmKbA-00119-00037118-00037234 like agates, zdmFHClmKbA-00120-00037234-00037532 like olives ... zdmFHClmKbA-00121-00037572-00037772 And then I stir them, zdmFHClmKbA-00122-00037772-00037868 l shake them, zdmFHClmKbA-00123-00037868-00037944 l drink them, zdmFHClmKbA-00124-00037944-00038092 I gulp them down, zdmFHClmKbA-00125-00038092-00038192 l mash them, zdmFHClmKbA-00126-00038192-00038338 l garnish them, zdmFHClmKbA-00127-00038338-00038538 I let them go ... zdmFHClmKbA-00128-00038636-00038950 I leave them in my poem like stalactites, zdmFHClmKbA-00129-00038950-00039192 like slivers of polished wood, zdmFHClmKbA-00130-00039192-00039306 like coals, zdmFHClmKbA-00131-00039306-00039506 pickings from a shipwreck, zdmFHClmKbA-00132-00039506-00039780 gifts from the waves . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00133-00039802-00040112 Everything exists in the word . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00134-00040152-00040590 An idea goes through a complete change because one word shifted its place, zdmFHClmKbA-00135-00040590-00041464 or because another settled down like a spoiled little thing inside a phrase that was not expecting her but obeys her . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00136-00041498-00041642 They have shadow, zdmFHClmKbA-00137-00041642-00041762 transparence, zdmFHClmKbA-00138-00041762-00041870 weight, zdmFHClmKbA-00139-00041870-00041968 feathers, zdmFHClmKbA-00140-00041968-00042104 hair, zdmFHClmKbA-00141-00042104-00042570 and everything they gathered from so much rolling down the river, zdmFHClmKbA-00142-00042570-00042838 from so much wandering from country to country, zdmFHClmKbA-00143-00042838-00043112 from being roots so long . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00144-00043136-00043336 They are very ancient zdmFHClmKbA-00145-00043336-00043536 and very new . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00146-00043560-00044216 They live in the bier, hidden away, and in the budding flower . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00147-00044216-00044436 What a great language l have, zdmFHClmKbA-00148-00044436-00044846 it’s a fine language we inherited from the fierce conquistadors . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00149-00044846-00045230 They strode over the giant cordilleras zdmFHClmKbA-00150-00045230-00045454 over the rugged Americas, zdmFHClmKbA-00151-00045454-00045632 hunting for potatoes, zdmFHClmKbA-00152-00045632-00045752 sausages, zdmFHClmKbA-00153-00045752-00045990 beans, black tobacco, gold, corn, zdmFHClmKbA-00154-00045990-00046126 fried eggs, zdmFHClmKbA-00155-00046126-00046624 with a voracious appetite not found in the world since then . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00156-00046624-00046824 They swallowed up everything, zdmFHClmKbA-00157-00046824-00047508 religions, pyramids, tribes, idolatries just like the ones they brought along in their huge sacks . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00158-00047508-00047858 Wherever they went, they razed the land . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00159-00047858-00048160 But words fell like pebbles out of the boots of the barbarians, zdmFHClmKbA-00160-00048160-00049166 out of their beards, their helmets, their horseshoes, luminous words that were left glittering here . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00161-00049204-00049456 our language. zdmFHClmKbA-00162-00049456-00049708 We came up losers ... zdmFHClmKbA-00163-00049708-00049968 We came up winners . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00164-00049968-00050198 They carried off the gold zdmFHClmKbA-00165-00050198-00050420 and left us the gold . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00166-00050420-00050734 They carried everything off zdmFHClmKbA-00167-00050734-00050934 and left us everything . . . zdmFHClmKbA-00168-00050934-00051134 They left us zdmFHClmKbA-00169-00051134-00051334 the words. zdmFHClmKbA-00170-00051586-00051786 Pablo Neruda zdmFHClmKbA-00171-00051844-00052082 I am studying a new language zdmFHClmKbA-00172-00052082-00052226 new words zdmFHClmKbA-00173-00052322-00052946 I'm getting closer to a completely different way of thinking. zdmFHClmKbA-00174-00052996-00053340 I like to share this kind of things with you zdmFHClmKbA-00175-00053340-00053791 I would like to know if you are studying some language or if you studied a language zdmFHClmKbA-00176-00053791-00054370 what do you think about that, what made you feel these new words zdmFHClmKbA-00177-00054370-00055090 what does it mean to communicate, what do you think about the complexity of communication zdmFHClmKbA-00178-00055090-00055900 I like to share this kind of things with you, so we will follow this new path that opens before me zdmFHClmKbA-00179-00055900-00056100 I will continue sharing zdmFHClmKbA-00180-00056100-00056300 See you in the next video. zfNWuoTViCY-00000-00000016-00000568 Welcome back to my channel easyadaptedpe. Today I'm going to talk about rock paper scissors hula zfNWuoTViCY-00001-00000568-00001256 hoop jump and how I adapt it for my students with unique needs. Before I do that please subscribe, zfNWuoTViCY-00002-00001256-00001760 ring the bell and I will keep making videos. In the video to my left is how a typical zfNWuoTViCY-00003-00001760-00002312 rock paper scissors hula hoop game is set up. There are hula hoops in lines across the gym zfNWuoTViCY-00004-00002312-00002656 and then there are two teams at either end of the hula hoop. In the center, zfNWuoTViCY-00005-00002656-00003152 to the side of the hula hoops is treasure so in this case it's little stuffed animals. zfNWuoTViCY-00006-00003152-00003632 On the word "Go" one student from each team starts jumping towards one another. When they meet in the zfNWuoTViCY-00007-00003632-00004160 middle they play rock, paper scissors, whoever wins gets to keep jumping. Whoever loses steps zfNWuoTViCY-00008-00004160-00004672 out of the hoop and goes back into their line. Immediately the next person from the losing team zfNWuoTViCY-00009-00004672-00005104 starts jumping into their hoops until they meet that winner and they play rock, paper, scissors zfNWuoTViCY-00010-00005104-00005736 again. Once you make it all the way to the other end of the hula hoop line you win a treasure and zfNWuoTViCY-00011-00005736-00006296 you go put it back in your team's basket. This game is super fun and super competitive I try to zfNWuoTViCY-00012-00006296-00006840 make sure that the impact of those modifications doesn't completely alter how the game is played zfNWuoTViCY-00013-00006840-00007359 so I'm keeping in mind the students with and without disabilities. One of the adaptations I use zfNWuoTViCY-00014-00007359-00007768 is instead of having the hula-hoops on the floor I might put painters tape on the floor zfNWuoTViCY-00015-00007768-00008304 or if we are outside I might use some chalk on the ground. So that for our students that have lower zfNWuoTViCY-00016-00008304-00008952 mobility who are still ambulatory but might have some trouble with trunk strength or leg strength zfNWuoTViCY-00017-00008952-00009336 they're still able to participate, they're just using different equipment. This allows students zfNWuoTViCY-00018-00009336-00009960 with low mobility to jump in and out or step in and out of the circles much more easily while zfNWuoTViCY-00019-00009960-00010440 they're still participating in the game. Student is using a wheelchair or a walker and I know one zfNWuoTViCY-00020-00010440-00010984 of their I.E.P. goals is to work on pathways I might set down jump ropes. So a jump rope lane zfNWuoTViCY-00021-00010984-00011464 in which they have to navigate. It's next to the hula hoop so they're still participating, they're zfNWuoTViCY-00022-00011464-00011944 still going to be playing rock, paper, scissors. I would allow all students to participate in the zfNWuoTViCY-00023-00011944-00012384 pathway as well so that the student with who is using the wheelchair or the walker still feels zfNWuoTViCY-00024-00012384-00012832 included and still feels like they're part of the game. What if your student cannot participate zfNWuoTViCY-00025-00012832-00013400 a rock, paper, or scissors? Perhaps they don't have the dexterity or strength in their hands, zfNWuoTViCY-00026-00013400-00013816 perhaps the student needs more processing time or perhaps they need to communicate in a different zfNWuoTViCY-00027-00013816-00014456 way such as a device like an iPad or Dynavox. For these students I use dice and in the past zfNWuoTViCY-00028-00014456-00015040 I've made my own dice out of paper but more recently I found these red plastic cubes with zfNWuoTViCY-00029-00015104-00015544 clear plastic pockets on all the sides. So I'll print out a picture of rock paper and scissors zfNWuoTViCY-00030-00015544-00015919 and I'll place them inside the pockets. Link below as to where I purchased the dice so that you can zfNWuoTViCY-00031-00015919-00016488 pick them up if you want. You can also provide the opposing team with a dice as well so if a student zfNWuoTViCY-00032-00016488-00016936 is going to be playing rock, paper, scissors against a student who's using a dice they can also zfNWuoTViCY-00033-00016936-00017360 use the dice to make it a little bit more fair. The nice thing about this game is that the players zfNWuoTViCY-00034-00017360-00017824 are constantly getting changed so it won't be the same student having to use the dice every time zfNWuoTViCY-00035-00017824-00018272 but everyone will be able to get a chance to use it if they so choose. So if a student typically zfNWuoTViCY-00036-00018272-00018816 communicates through an iPad or Dynavox I would recommend having that come to P.E. Sometimes zfNWuoTViCY-00037-00018816-00019368 parents or staff doesn't want it coming because it can get damaged and totally understandable zfNWuoTViCY-00038-00019368-00019944 so one of the things I will do is laminate a piece of paper and put the choices on that paper. So the zfNWuoTViCY-00039-00019944-00020472 student can point to the choices the rock, the paper, the scissors. The student can use, maybe zfNWuoTViCY-00040-00020472-00020888 if they have a laser on their glasses use their laser. They can verbally say it if they're able zfNWuoTViCY-00041-00020888-00021464 to see the picture and then verbalize it. Just any way that it will help that student to communicate. zfNWuoTViCY-00042-00021464-00021992 If that student does bring the iPad or Dynavox, I would ahead of time ask the special ed. teacher zfNWuoTViCY-00043-00021992-00022608 or the speech teacher whomever it may be to add the rock, paper and scissors on there so it's zfNWuoTViCY-00044-00022608-00023080 already ready and set to go. So that when it comes to P.E. that student is able to communicate right zfNWuoTViCY-00045-00023080-00023528 away and play right away. It's super important to rotate the groups throughout this activity zfNWuoTViCY-00046-00023528-00023984 so that all of the students get to experience these modifications and also zfNWuoTViCY-00047-00024040-00024464 have the chance to be competitive. So they're not always having to use those modifications zfNWuoTViCY-00048-00024464-00024960 they're able to play against students able-bodied students or students without those unique needs zfNWuoTViCY-00049-00024960-00025400 where they're being competitive really hard going, going, going and then the next round we switch zfNWuoTViCY-00050-00025400-00025783 them and they're using those modifications and they're getting to experience playing the game zfNWuoTViCY-00051-00025783-00026183 in a different way which is fantastic for all kids. All I have for you, I'd love to know what zfNWuoTViCY-00052-00026183-00026720 your modifications are for rock, paper, scissors, hula hoop jump. Please leave a comment below, zfNWuoTViCY-00053-00026720-00027272 as I said subscribe, ring the bell and I would love to learn and share more from you. zgqR-QKgwUg-00000-00000328-00000547 Hello, I'm Colin and here are today's headlines from Pinksixty, zgqR-QKgwUg-00001-00000547-00001041 A meeting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government in Australia this week is being asked to consider zgqR-QKgwUg-00002-00001041-00001326 removing all anti-gay statutes in all member states. zgqR-QKgwUg-00003-00001326-00001659 The Commonwealth makes up 30% of the world's population and over zgqR-QKgwUg-00004-00001659-00001797 a quarter of the world's countries. zgqR-QKgwUg-00005-00001797-00002280 Following the brutal murder of Stuart Walker in Scotland at the weekend, a vicious Twitter zgqR-QKgwUg-00006-00002280-00002506 account has mocked his death and incited further murders. zgqR-QKgwUg-00007-00002506-00002865 An angry response from the community resulted in the accounts removal, zgqR-QKgwUg-00008-00002865-00003221 but it is not known whether this was done by Twitter or the account holder. zgqR-QKgwUg-00009-00003221-00003628 The Barcelona International gay & lesbian film festival has refused to show Eva Longoria’s zgqR-QKgwUg-00010-00003628-00003967 latest movie because censors have edited out its lesbian scenes. zgqR-QKgwUg-00011-00003967-00004378 'Without Men', stars Longoria as the mayor of a village which loses all of its men who zgqR-QKgwUg-00012-00004378-00004499 go off to war. zgqR-QKgwUg-00013-00004499-00004910 Gareth Thomas has announced he is retiring from rugby with immediate effect. zgqR-QKgwUg-00014-00004910-00005264 The Wales international said he could no longer give “100 per cent” to the sport. zgqR-QKgwUg-00015-00005264-00005578 Thomas was due to play for Wales against England on Saturday. zgqR-QKgwUg-00016-00005578-00005980 And finally, Coldplay front man Chris Martin has confessed that TakeThat made him question zgqR-QKgwUg-00017-00005980-00006139 his sexuality as a teenager. zgqR-QKgwUg-00018-00006139-00006522 He made the comments at the Q music awards in London, last night. zgqR-QKgwUg-00019-00006522-00006622 Thats all from us today. zgqR-QKgwUg-00020-00006622-00006695 Join us again tomorrow. zhwa7j6BzwE-00000-00000021-00000153 Good news, everyone! zhwa7j6BzwE-00001-00000153-00000423 Pokemon Sword and Shield are getting DLC. zhwa7j6BzwE-00002-00000423-00000992 The upcoming Expansion Pass, which allows access to new Galar areas, The Isle of Armor zhwa7j6BzwE-00003-00000992-00001450 and The Crown Tundra, does something that Game Freak previously claimed they weren’t zhwa7j6BzwE-00004-00001450-00002007 going to do: add previously missing National Dex Pokemon into Sword and Shield. zhwa7j6BzwE-00005-00002007-00002521 Even as recently as two months ago, Sword and Shield director Shigeru Ohmori said: zhwa7j6BzwE-00006-00002521-00003073 “We now have no plans to make the pokémon that are missing in the Galar pokédex in-game zhwa7j6BzwE-00007-00003073-00003173 available.” zhwa7j6BzwE-00008-00003173-00003564 Clearly something has changed behind the scenes for the company to decide to allow player zhwa7j6BzwE-00009-00003564-00004007 to pay extra to be able to catch Pokemon that are unavailable in the standard edition of zhwa7j6BzwE-00010-00004007-00004183 Sword and Shield. zhwa7j6BzwE-00011-00004183-00004660 This stands in contrast to previous claims from series art director Ken Sugimori who zhwa7j6BzwE-00012-00004660-00005198 claimed that Game Freak was fundamentally opposed to locking Pokemon behind paywalls. zhwa7j6BzwE-00013-00005198-00005662 Said Ken, back in 2013: “When it comes to business, the one thing zhwa7j6BzwE-00014-00005662-00006105 I've always said no to is the act of buying Pokemon with money. zhwa7j6BzwE-00015-00006105-00006520 That is something that has been said since the days [Game Freak founder Satoshi] Tajiri zhwa7j6BzwE-00016-00006520-00006770 was completely involved in everything.” zhwa7j6BzwE-00017-00006770-00007220 While a patch will allow players of the vanilla game to trade for newly re-added Pokemon, zhwa7j6BzwE-00018-00007220-00007470 they won’t be able to catch them themselves. zhwa7j6BzwE-00019-00007470-00008089 Unless you’ve got a really generous friend, good luck getting hold of, say, the gorgeous zhwa7j6BzwE-00020-00008089-00008414 new Legendary Bird forms without paying extra. zhwa7j6BzwE-00021-00008414-00009020 Ken once said that this kind of arrangement could, quote, “ruin the worldview of Pokemon”. zhwa7j6BzwE-00022-00009020-00009345 So why has Game Freak changed their mind about this? zhwa7j6BzwE-00023-00009345-00009736 Part of the reason could well be the feedback that the company has received from players zhwa7j6BzwE-00024-00009736-00009909 of Sword and Shield. zhwa7j6BzwE-00025-00009909-00010328 Gamers have been very, very vocal about their disappointment with the limited number of zhwa7j6BzwE-00026-00010328-00010572 Pokemon in the Switch games. zhwa7j6BzwE-00027-00010572-00011214 Said longtime series producer Junichi Masuda: “We always take player feedback into consideration. zhwa7j6BzwE-00028-00011214-00011654 We also consider what is possible with the latest evolutions in hardware as well as how zhwa7j6BzwE-00029-00011654-00011940 people's interests change over time. zhwa7j6BzwE-00030-00011940-00012371 When coming up with new features and systems, we also consider how well they will fit in zhwa7j6BzwE-00031-00012371-00012592 with the existing feature set.” zhwa7j6BzwE-00032-00012592-00012966 So it sounds like the company has been looking at the best way to give the fans what they zhwa7j6BzwE-00033-00012966-00013387 want, within the available options for the hardware at their disposal. zhwa7j6BzwE-00034-00013387-00013822 If there’s one thing the Switch has that previous Nintendo handhelds have lacked, it’s zhwa7j6BzwE-00035-00013822-00014207 a liberal and generous approach to downloadable content. zhwa7j6BzwE-00036-00014207-00014762 While some games on the Wii U and 3DS experimented with paid DLC – the only thing we ever bought zhwa7j6BzwE-00037-00014762-00015251 was extra tracks for Mario Kart 8 – the Switch has been the device upon which Nintendo zhwa7j6BzwE-00038-00015251-00015419 has truly embraced game add-ons. zhwa7j6BzwE-00039-00015419-00015966 Indeed, DLC fixes several of the problems that Game Freak have been struggling with zhwa7j6BzwE-00040-00015966-00016441 over the past few years, such as the aggressive annual release schedule set for the company zhwa7j6BzwE-00041-00016441-00016680 by Nintendo and the Pokemon Company. zhwa7j6BzwE-00042-00016680-00017177 By focusing on DLC to “fix” perceived problems with the base version of Sword and zhwa7j6BzwE-00043-00017177-00017636 Shield, Game Freak can use the bulk of their time this year to work on whatever game is zhwa7j6BzwE-00044-00017636-00018190 coming next instead, thus giving it more time to grow and develop without feeling rushed. zhwa7j6BzwE-00045-00018190-00018685 It also helps provide players with a good deal, because, let’s face it, Pokemon games zhwa7j6BzwE-00046-00018685-00019246 have featured Expansion Pass style extra content for years, but previously, we had to pay for zhwa7j6BzwE-00047-00019246-00019446 a whole new game to enjoy it. zhwa7j6BzwE-00048-00019446-00019983 First, there was Pokemon Red and Pokemon Green, which were, a little rough around the edges. zhwa7j6BzwE-00049-00019983-00020487 So, Game Freak made an enhanced version of the original game, and released it as Pokemon zhwa7j6BzwE-00050-00020487-00020587 Blue. zhwa7j6BzwE-00051-00020587-00021025 Later still, to tide fans over until Gold and Silver were ready, the company rushed zhwa7j6BzwE-00052-00021025-00021202 out Pokemon Yellow. zhwa7j6BzwE-00053-00021202-00021804 Up until now, sequel games or enhanced editions have only been available as big, new, expensive zhwa7j6BzwE-00054-00021804-00021949 complete packages. zhwa7j6BzwE-00055-00021949-00022527 DLC means giving players a fresh experience without forcing them to but a whole new game zhwa7j6BzwE-00056-00022527-00022857 that’s mostly identical to one they already own. zhwa7j6BzwE-00057-00022857-00023383 Plus, players can continue their old save files, which, in and of itself, is a true zhwa7j6BzwE-00058-00023383-00023483 blessing. zhwa7j6BzwE-00059-00023483-00024029 Imagine never having to start a Pokemon game from scratch again – it would be wonderful. zhwa7j6BzwE-00060-00024029-00024618 After all, Nintendo as a whole once shared the attitude of DLC being a bad idea. zhwa7j6BzwE-00061-00024618-00025012 Reggie Fils-Aime once said: “When we sell a game, we want the consumer zhwa7j6BzwE-00062-00025012-00025476 to feel that they've had a complete experience… we're unwilling to sell a piece of a game zhwa7j6BzwE-00063-00025476-00025963 upfront and, if you will, force a consumer to buy more later.” zhwa7j6BzwE-00064-00025963-00026443 Since this point, Nintendo has embraced DLC in large part because players have demanded zhwa7j6BzwE-00065-00026443-00026543 it. zhwa7j6BzwE-00066-00026543-00026939 We often want more from our favourite games, and the company has made sure to make sure zhwa7j6BzwE-00067-00026939-00027411 that all its Expansion Passes have provided a meaningful addition to their games. zhwa7j6BzwE-00068-00027411-00028014 Back when he insisted that Pokemon should never feature paid DLC, Ken Sugimori conceded: zhwa7j6BzwE-00069-00028014-00028509 “Suppose we sell a Pokemon for 100 yen, then we must prepare something that is worthy zhwa7j6BzwE-00070-00028509-00028913 of that 100 yen, along with a reasonable consent for doing so.” zhwa7j6BzwE-00071-00028913-00029302 This seems to be the approach that’s being taken with Sword and Shield’s Expansion zhwa7j6BzwE-00072-00029302-00029753 Pass: giving the players enough new content to make their purchase worthwhile, and making zhwa7j6BzwE-00073-00029753-00030219 sure that, while they have an advantage over players without the DLC, everyone can at least zhwa7j6BzwE-00074-00030219-00030337 still play together. zhwa7j6BzwE-00075-00030337-00030614 So, yes, Game Freak changed their tune. zhwa7j6BzwE-00076-00030614-00031124 Where they once said that paid DLC was against the spirit of their games, they’re now embracing zhwa7j6BzwE-00077-00031124-00031608 the advantages of the Nintendo Switch’s platform to offer benefits to players. zhwa7j6BzwE-00078-00031608-00032109 Perhaps the moral of the story is that it’s okay to re-evaluate things and change your zhwa7j6BzwE-00079-00032109-00032236 mind over time. zhwa7j6BzwE-00080-00032236-00032633 There’s nothing wrong with learning from your mistakes and trying something different zhwa7j6BzwE-00081-00032633-00032739 when you’re not sure what else to do. zkfIgNSNBnk-00000-00002266-00002366 http://adf.ly/ZzJrd Q : Quelle EST la période Deposit ? zkfIgNSNBnk-00001-00002366-00002466 R : Il s\'agit sixty jours d\'un sans 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A: Oui, il ya . Cependant , vous pas besoin zkfIgNSNBnk-00007-00002966-00003066 n\'avez ... mais peut -être vous eux voudrez . ( Ne pas vous inquiétez , nous sommes tous zkfIgNSNBnk-00008-00003066-00003166 des vendeurs devrions être ou ... Je suppose que vous des choses Pourriez vouloir savoir zkfIgNSNBnk-00009-00003166-00003265 qui cerium que vous viendront compléter venez d\' acheter , et puis je vous propose à ces zkfIgNSNBnk-00010-00003265-00003365 prix à articles from régulier prix ar . ) zkfIgNSNBnk-00011-00003365-00003582 Q : Quelle EST l\' OTO ? 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Les grandes entreprises dépensent zkfIgNSNBnk-00021-00005183-00005283 First States millions de greenbacks pour chaque année améliorer leur liste d \' email promoting. zkfIgNSNBnk-00022-00005283-00005383 Une annonce EST une annonce qui EST metropolis ​​la liste d\' placé email autre personne zkfIgNSNBnk-00023-00005383-00005483 ou d\'une entreprise . Il ya deux facteurs clés qui font United Nations travail ad. zkfIgNSNBnk-00024-00005483-00005583 autoimmune disease premier EST l\' efficacité First State l\' annonce elle- même . 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Within this zmw3ivdMClA-00004-00002152-00002680 microcosm of more than 350 different zmw3ivdMClA-00005-00002440-00002941 kinds of bacteria, the origin of dental zmw3ivdMClA-00006-00002680-00003354 caries and periodontal diseases can be zmw3ivdMClA-00007-00002941-00003559 found. A freshly polished tooth will zmw3ivdMClA-00008-00003354-00003904 remain free of any pellicle for only zmw3ivdMClA-00009-00003559-00004222 minutes. Glycoproteins from saliva are zmw3ivdMClA-00010-00003904-00004498 absorbed onto the tooth surface. Acquired zmw3ivdMClA-00011-00004222-00004714 pellicle is amorphous, acellular, and zmw3ivdMClA-00012-00004498-00005062 organic. It can be stained with a zmw3ivdMClA-00013-00004714-00005509 disclosing agent or extrinsic stain, but zmw3ivdMClA-00014-00005062-00005719 generally is not visible. Bacteria adhere zmw3ivdMClA-00015-00005509-00006031 to the pellicle, and pellicle coats the zmw3ivdMClA-00016-00005719-00006253 enamel. The specific type of bacteria or zmw3ivdMClA-00017-00006031-00006472 pellicle adherence is determined by the zmw3ivdMClA-00018-00006253-00006831 innate characteristics of the bacteria and zmw3ivdMClA-00019-00006472-00007153 the pellicle. Gram-positive rods and cocci zmw3ivdMClA-00020-00006831-00007402 are laid down in the first hour. Bacteria zmw3ivdMClA-00021-00007153-00007740 multiply and form mini-colonies in layers zmw3ivdMClA-00022-00007402-00008224 upon the pellicle. The bacteria adhere and zmw3ivdMClA-00023-00007740-00008467 increase in mass and thickness. Between zmw3ivdMClA-00024-00008224-00008697 the bacteria, the intermicrobial zmw3ivdMClA-00025-00008467-00009034 substances are forming a matrix in which zmw3ivdMClA-00026-00008697-00009504 the bacteria will live, Supragingivally zmw3ivdMClA-00027-00009034-00009504 and Subgingivally. zmw3ivdMClA-00028-00009601-00010115 Certain bacteria produce additional zmw3ivdMClA-00029-00009836-00011021 sticky intermicrobial substances of the zmw3ivdMClA-00030-00010115-00011261 matrix from dietary sucrose or sugar. The zmw3ivdMClA-00031-00011021-00011506 more sugar, the faster the bacteria zmw3ivdMClA-00032-00011261-00011849 reproduce and adhere to the plaque mass, zmw3ivdMClA-00033-00011506-00012079 especially streptococcus mutans. This zmw3ivdMClA-00034-00011849-00012458 sticky mass is a continual source of zmw3ivdMClA-00035-00012079-00012629 energy for plaque bacteria. If oral zmw3ivdMClA-00036-00012458-00012908 hygiene procedures disrupted the zmw3ivdMClA-00037-00012629-00013154 microbial colonies, the process of zmw3ivdMClA-00038-00012908-00013588 bacteria multiplying and adhering starts zmw3ivdMClA-00039-00013154-00013822 all over again. Any area where the plaque zmw3ivdMClA-00040-00013588-00014063 has not been removed, either because of zmw3ivdMClA-00041-00013822-00014309 no home care or ineffective techniques, zmw3ivdMClA-00042-00014063-00014563 the bacteria mass continues to grow zmw3ivdMClA-00043-00014309-00015038 with a more and more complicated mixture zmw3ivdMClA-00044-00014563-00015238 of bacteria. As the plaque thickens at 46 00:02:30,380 --> 00:02:35,019 the cervical area, the deeper layers zmw3ivdMClA-00045-00015238-00015838 incorporate more filaments and fusiforms, 48 00:02:35,019 --> 00:02:40,610 eventually turning gram-negative. The zmw3ivdMClA-00046-00015838-00016334 coronal plaque is a more simple early zmw3ivdMClA-00047-00016061-00016579 arrangement of rods and cocci. As the zmw3ivdMClA-00048-00016334-00016873 plaque continues to mature, vibrios, zmw3ivdMClA-00049-00016579-00017098 spirochetes, and white blood cells appear. zmw3ivdMClA-00050-00016873-00017557 The plaque becomes more gram-negative zmw3ivdMClA-00051-00017098-00017557 and anaerobic in the deeper layers. zmw3ivdMClA-00052-00017572-00018107 Vibrios and spirochetes continue to zmw3ivdMClA-00053-00017882-00018307 multiply. The bacteria become highly zmw3ivdMClA-00054-00018107-00018503 organized, filamentous, and are zmw3ivdMClA-00055-00018307-00018910 perpendicular to the tooth surface, and zmw3ivdMClA-00056-00018503-00019154 pulsate in a palisade fashion. You have zmw3ivdMClA-00057-00018910-00019495 completed this learning activity "Stages zmw3ivdMClA-00058-00019154-00019495 of Dental Plaque Formation." zn4ML1oqsEI-00000-00000050-00000200 Hello. zn4ML1oqsEI-00001-00000229-00000520 Welcome to HEALING☆CHANNEL. zn4ML1oqsEI-00002-00000530-00001130 Healing☆Channel mainly introduces Korean and foreign travel, culture, etc. zn4ML1oqsEI-00003-00001130-00001720 I upload mainly videos you can enjoy with ease comfortably. zn4ML1oqsEI-00004-00001830-00002220 Stressful or hard days zn4ML1oqsEI-00005-00002230-00002630 Watch the videos and heal :) zn4ML1oqsEI-00006-00002710-00003070 To keep everyone's mind healthy zn4ML1oqsEI-00007-00003120-00003520 I will upload a fun and good video. zn4ML1oqsEI-00008-00003610-00004000 Thank you. Please subscribe. :) ZoiGcNNH2DI-00000-00000000-00000983 beautylacehair.com ZoeS25hYJWM-00000-00000290-00000735 Love somebody, yes I do; Love somebody, yes I do; ZoeS25hYJWM-00001-00000735-00001248 Love somebody, yes I do; Love somebody, but I won't tell who. ZoeS25hYJWM-00002-00001248-00001643 Love somebody, yes I do; Love somebody, yes I do; ZoeS25hYJWM-00003-00001643-00002182 Love somebody,yes I do; And I hope somebody loves me too. ZoeS25hYJWM-00004-00002182-00002625 Love somebody, yes I do; Love somebody, yes I do; ZoeS25hYJWM-00005-00002625-00003143 Love somebody, yes I do; Love somebody, but I won't tell who. ZoeS25hYJWM-00006-00003143-00003540 Love somebody,yes I do; Love somebody, yes I do; ZoeS25hYJWM-00007-00003540-00003989 Love somebody, yes I do, Tween sixteen and twenty-two. Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00000-00000120-00000591 This lightweight cuticle nipper is powerful and durable with flat slant tips and sharp Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00001-00000591-00000967 edges, the one-quarter jaw cutting edge cuts cuticles with accuracy. Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00002-00000967-00001409 To use, spread the elastoma handles, move the lever up and close. Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00003-00001409-00001748 Squeeze the handle for a spring action and ease of use. Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00004-00001748-00002200 When finished, move the lever down and close. Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00005-00002200-00002633 For best results, be sure to soften cuticles before use with cuticle softener or by soaking Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00006-00002633-00002947 cuticles in warm water for 5-10 minutes. Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00007-00002947-00003227 Use a cuticle pusher to gather unwanted cuticles. Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00008-00003227-00003442 Then use the nipper to remove them. Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00009-00003442-00003868 The sharp flat slant tips make it easier to nip away stray cuticles without pulling or Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00010-00003868-00004369 tugging and yet very safe because the tips are not sharp and they bend away from the Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00011-00004369-00004469 skin. Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00012-00004469-00004898 The elastoma handle makes it disinfectant safe and the ergonomic design helps to minimize Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00013-00004898-00004998 fatigue. Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00014-00004998-00005098 To learn more about this flat slant nipper and other seki edge products, please visit Z0D2Jj2h6Zu-00015-00005098-00005098 sekiedge.com Z1R49fG5sUM-00000-00000000-00000447 six years ago my mother got a phone call Z1R49fG5sUM-00001-00000290-00000675 from the hospital Z1R49fG5sUM-00002-00000447-00000861 because I was in the cardiac critical Z1R49fG5sUM-00003-00000675-00001008 care unit they called her up and said Z1R49fG5sUM-00004-00000861-00001275 you might want to come down to Las Vegas Z1R49fG5sUM-00005-00001008-00001521 because we don't think your son is going Z1R49fG5sUM-00006-00001275-00001673 to live through the night she dropped Z1R49fG5sUM-00007-00001521-00001830 everything that she was doing she came Z1R49fG5sUM-00008-00001673-00002091 down to Las Vegas and when she got there Z1R49fG5sUM-00009-00001830-00002274 she found out that her 26 year old son Z1R49fG5sUM-00010-00002091-00002594 who had been battling addiction for Z1R49fG5sUM-00011-00002274-00002993 years that congestive heart failure they Z1R49fG5sUM-00012-00002594-00003213 gave me a 10% chance of living my mom Z1R49fG5sUM-00013-00002993-00003450 ended up trying to help me get clean by Z1R49fG5sUM-00014-00003213-00003654 moving me out to California with her but Z1R49fG5sUM-00015-00003450-00003807 I wasn't ready to get clean I brought Z1R49fG5sUM-00016-00003654-00003980 drugs with me I brought him into her Z1R49fG5sUM-00017-00003807-00004248 house even though she is a woman in Z1R49fG5sUM-00018-00003980-00004503 long-term recovery she ended up finding Z1R49fG5sUM-00019-00004248-00004716 those drugs and she gave me an ultimatum Z1R49fG5sUM-00020-00004503-00004887 she said you're either getting clean or Z1R49fG5sUM-00021-00004716-00005028 you're gonna be homeless in Las Vegas Z1R49fG5sUM-00022-00004887-00005494 Nevada in the middle of the summer Z1R49fG5sUM-00023-00005028-00005736 now I remember that day so clearly I Z1R49fG5sUM-00024-00005494-00006084 remember seeing the look in my own Z1R49fG5sUM-00025-00005736-00006401 mother's eyes that she was ready to let Z1R49fG5sUM-00026-00006084-00006722 me die if I wasn't willing to get help I Z1R49fG5sUM-00027-00006401-00006984 can't even imagine what she was going Z1R49fG5sUM-00028-00006722-00007220 through I'm a parent myself but she was Z1R49fG5sUM-00029-00006984-00007368 ready to let me go because there was Z1R49fG5sUM-00030-00007220-00007586 nothing else that she could do for me Z1R49fG5sUM-00031-00007368-00007761 and the reason I share that story is Z1R49fG5sUM-00032-00007586-00008034 because right now I'm reading all the Z1R49fG5sUM-00033-00007761-00008343 stuff on Twitter and social media people Z1R49fG5sUM-00034-00008034-00008609 blaming ariana grande for the death the Z1R49fG5sUM-00035-00008343-00009707 drug overdose of Mac Miller and it's Z1R49fG5sUM-00036-00008609-00009915 absolutely disgusting what is up Z1R49fG5sUM-00037-00009707-00010131 everybody this is Chris from the rewired Z1R49fG5sUM-00038-00009915-00010414 soul where we talk about the problem but Z1R49fG5sUM-00039-00010131-00010715 focus on the solution and today today Z1R49fG5sUM-00040-00010414-00010997 during national recovery month the Z1R49fG5sUM-00041-00010715-00011240 problem is is the ignorance about Z1R49fG5sUM-00042-00010997-00011457 addiction one of the main reasons I Z1R49fG5sUM-00043-00011240-00011693 started this channel was to increase Z1R49fG5sUM-00044-00011457-00011892 awareness and decrease the stigma not Z1R49fG5sUM-00045-00011693-00012071 only about addiction but about mental Z1R49fG5sUM-00046-00011892-00012272 health as a whole so if you're new here Z1R49fG5sUM-00047-00012071-00012453 make sure you subscribe and ring that Z1R49fG5sUM-00048-00012272-00012675 notification though because I make a ton Z1R49fG5sUM-00049-00012453-00012900 of videos but one of the things I'm Z1R49fG5sUM-00050-00012675-00012991 trying to do is to educate people like Z1R49fG5sUM-00051-00012900-00013207 when I see some Z1R49fG5sUM-00052-00012991-00013432 like this when I see this well I see Z1R49fG5sUM-00053-00013207-00013702 people blaming ariana grande for the Z1R49fG5sUM-00054-00013432-00013921 death of Mac Miller I am just like man I Z1R49fG5sUM-00055-00013702-00014104 need to keep going I need to keep making Z1R49fG5sUM-00056-00013921-00014305 videos because people don't understand Z1R49fG5sUM-00057-00014104-00014569 how this thing works people don't Z1R49fG5sUM-00058-00014305-00014769 understand how insane the disease of Z1R49fG5sUM-00059-00014569-00015001 addiction is people don't understand how Z1R49fG5sUM-00060-00014769-00015244 toxic relationships can be and when you Z1R49fG5sUM-00061-00015001-00015394 gotta go like it's it's absolutely Z1R49fG5sUM-00062-00015244-00015568 mind-blowing so for those of you who Z1R49fG5sUM-00063-00015394-00015709 don't know the history of it ariana Z1R49fG5sUM-00064-00015568-00016009 grande and Mac Miller were dating for Z1R49fG5sUM-00065-00015709-00016197 about two years all right and ariana Z1R49fG5sUM-00066-00016009-00016462 grande ended up leaving him and now she Z1R49fG5sUM-00067-00016197-00016777 is engaged to a comedian by the name of Z1R49fG5sUM-00068-00016462-00016939 Pete Davidson all right so now the Z1R49fG5sUM-00069-00016777-00017287 social media is blowing up blaming Z1R49fG5sUM-00070-00016939-00017503 ariana grande for Mac Miller's death now Z1R49fG5sUM-00071-00017287-00017629 something I will touch on real quick and Z1R49fG5sUM-00072-00017503-00017947 if you want me to make more videos on Z1R49fG5sUM-00073-00017629-00018166 this later it's very interesting to me Z1R49fG5sUM-00074-00017947-00018436 because Pete Davidson is actually in Z1R49fG5sUM-00075-00018166-00018700 recovery okay he got clean he got sober Z1R49fG5sUM-00076-00018436-00018901 so when I see ariana grande went from Z1R49fG5sUM-00077-00018700-00019096 one at it to another just the only Z1R49fG5sUM-00078-00018901-00019366 differences one was an act of addiction Z1R49fG5sUM-00079-00019096-00019684 one is now clean it makes me wonder like Z1R49fG5sUM-00080-00019366-00019927 is she prone to dating these type of men Z1R49fG5sUM-00081-00019684-00020158 and this is something that's a very big Z1R49fG5sUM-00082-00019927-00020254 issue if this is something that you do Z1R49fG5sUM-00083-00020158-00020419 too so if you want me to make more Z1R49fG5sUM-00084-00020254-00020673 videos on that let me know down in the Z1R49fG5sUM-00085-00020419-00020866 comments alright but anyways my Z1R49fG5sUM-00086-00020673-00021118 girlfriend and her best friend and I Z1R49fG5sUM-00087-00020866-00021322 were in a group text and my girlfriend's Z1R49fG5sUM-00088-00021118-00021493 friend Shelby tells me that people are Z1R49fG5sUM-00089-00021322-00021661 blaming ariana grande for the death of Z1R49fG5sUM-00090-00021493-00021793 Mac Miller and I'm sitting here just Z1R49fG5sUM-00091-00021661-00022020 completely ignorant about it I'm like Z1R49fG5sUM-00092-00021793-00022213 wait why what and then like what she Z1R49fG5sUM-00093-00022020-00022320 said that Mike will it make sense it Z1R49fG5sUM-00094-00022213-00022564 makes sense because people don't Z1R49fG5sUM-00095-00022320-00022789 understand this disease so anyways I'm Z1R49fG5sUM-00096-00022564-00023050 gonna read just a few things that are Z1R49fG5sUM-00097-00022789-00023245 that are being said on the Internet okay Z1R49fG5sUM-00098-00023050-00023445 so Ariana Grande I ended up disabling Z1R49fG5sUM-00099-00023245-00023767 her Instagram account because of Z1R49fG5sUM-00100-00023445-00024055 comments like this all right you locate Z1R49fG5sUM-00101-00023767-00024247 you low-key evil this is your fault it's Z1R49fG5sUM-00102-00024055-00024607 your fault this is your fault Z1R49fG5sUM-00103-00024247-00024844 damn you killed the homie I hope you're Z1R49fG5sUM-00104-00024607-00025114 happy with Pete it's crazy Z1R49fG5sUM-00105-00024844-00025639 because you really did kill him like Z1R49fG5sUM-00106-00025114-00025858 what what like this is insane I'm going Z1R49fG5sUM-00107-00025639-00026103 to make I'm gonna put up in the info Z1R49fG5sUM-00108-00025858-00026320 card up here a video I did a while back Z1R49fG5sUM-00109-00026103-00026617 it was a collab with my friend panko Z1R49fG5sUM-00110-00026320-00026797 go check her channel out she makes a Z1R49fG5sUM-00111-00026617-00026929 bunch of delicious treats he's a Cooking Z1R49fG5sUM-00112-00026797-00027166 Channel go check her out she's an Z1R49fG5sUM-00113-00026929-00027406 awesome woman but I made a video collab Z1R49fG5sUM-00114-00027166-00027489 with her and the video I did was without Z1R49fG5sUM-00115-00027406-00027757 being held Z1R49fG5sUM-00116-00027489-00027874 emotionally hostage like this is Z1R49fG5sUM-00117-00027757-00028192 something that we really need to Z1R49fG5sUM-00118-00027874-00028468 identify and look at like what what like Z1R49fG5sUM-00119-00028192-00028657 the people spewing this stuff out are Z1R49fG5sUM-00120-00028468-00029020 really not looking at the alternative Z1R49fG5sUM-00121-00028657-00029245 okay like addiction is such a serious Z1R49fG5sUM-00122-00029020-00029527 serious disease and it's something that Z1R49fG5sUM-00123-00029245-00029883 breaks my heart about addiction like I Z1R49fG5sUM-00124-00029527-00030136 am so fortunate to be six years clean Z1R49fG5sUM-00125-00029883-00030337 and sober today so many people don't get Z1R49fG5sUM-00126-00030136-00030541 that opportunity and I try so hard to Z1R49fG5sUM-00127-00030337-00030712 help people get clean I try so hard to Z1R49fG5sUM-00128-00030541-00030895 help families understand how to set Z1R49fG5sUM-00129-00030712-00031089 boundaries and things like that but the Z1R49fG5sUM-00130-00030895-00031336 truth of the matter is is addiction Z1R49fG5sUM-00131-00031089-00031543 addiction is our sole responsibility Z1R49fG5sUM-00132-00031336-00031807 when you are the recovering addict like Z1R49fG5sUM-00133-00031543-00032002 I remember like I made a video about how Z1R49fG5sUM-00134-00031807-00032212 my family did interventions on me and I Z1R49fG5sUM-00135-00032002-00032389 blamed my mom I blamed my mom for my Z1R49fG5sUM-00136-00032212-00032658 disease for my addiction she was an Z1R49fG5sUM-00137-00032389-00033001 alcoholic for 20 years I blamed her but Z1R49fG5sUM-00138-00032658-00033130 I was a 26 year old man it was time for Z1R49fG5sUM-00139-00033001-00033346 me to let go that stuff and take Z1R49fG5sUM-00140-00033130-00033556 responsibility for my own actions I had Z1R49fG5sUM-00141-00033346-00033796 to like although that may have played a Z1R49fG5sUM-00142-00033556-00034084 big part into my substance abuse it was Z1R49fG5sUM-00143-00033796-00034198 no longer an excuse to keep living the Z1R49fG5sUM-00144-00034084-00034525 way I was living Z1R49fG5sUM-00145-00034198-00034786 because well people aren't realizing is Z1R49fG5sUM-00146-00034525-00034963 if ariana grande's stayed with Matt Z1R49fG5sUM-00147-00034786-00035272 Miller he could have died of an overdose Z1R49fG5sUM-00148-00034963-00035473 anyways like people are not putting Z1R49fG5sUM-00149-00035272-00035632 those dots together and that's why we Z1R49fG5sUM-00150-00035473-00035788 need to talk about addiction especially Z1R49fG5sUM-00151-00035632-00035980 during national recovery month like Z1R49fG5sUM-00152-00035788-00036298 please do me a favor and share this Z1R49fG5sUM-00153-00035980-00036646 video like people just do not understand Z1R49fG5sUM-00154-00036298-00036835 they do not understand how serious this Z1R49fG5sUM-00155-00036646-00037141 thing is how tricky it is how Z1R49fG5sUM-00156-00036835-00037357 complicated it is there's so many right Z1R49fG5sUM-00157-00037141-00037567 and wrongs about this whole thing and Z1R49fG5sUM-00158-00037357-00037761 and I understand when somebody passes Z1R49fG5sUM-00159-00037567-00038242 away we're looking for somebody to blame Z1R49fG5sUM-00160-00037761-00038413 but man this is rough but anyways like Z1R49fG5sUM-00161-00038242-00038527 I'm getting caught up in my ram let me Z1R49fG5sUM-00162-00038413-00038703 read you some of the stuff going on on Z1R49fG5sUM-00163-00038527-00038989 Twitter all right Z1R49fG5sUM-00164-00038703-00039205 unpopular opinion if you have a partner Z1R49fG5sUM-00165-00038989-00039346 of two-plus years who you know has a Z1R49fG5sUM-00166-00039205-00039571 mental health Z1R49fG5sUM-00167-00039346-00039781 issues just to start dating and getting Z1R49fG5sUM-00168-00039571-00040041 gauged with someone else months later Z1R49fG5sUM-00169-00039781-00040372 you played a part in their relapse and Z1R49fG5sUM-00170-00040041-00040666 overdose like no no no I'm going to make Z1R49fG5sUM-00171-00040372-00040993 videos about this about how you cannot Z1R49fG5sUM-00172-00040666-00041158 make anybody feel a certain way like Z1R49fG5sUM-00173-00040993-00041359 this is very important especially for Z1R49fG5sUM-00174-00041158-00041653 people who are codependent like you Z1R49fG5sUM-00175-00041359-00041872 cannot make somebody feel a certain way Z1R49fG5sUM-00176-00041653-00042052 so saying they played a part in it that Z1R49fG5sUM-00177-00041872-00042253 is bananas that's like saying traffic Z1R49fG5sUM-00178-00042052-00042483 played a part in his overdose you know Z1R49fG5sUM-00179-00042253-00042703 what I mean like what about the dealer Z1R49fG5sUM-00180-00042483-00042891 right what about the people supplying Z1R49fG5sUM-00181-00042703-00043087 him what about his friends right Z1R49fG5sUM-00182-00042891-00043333 everybody plays a role in this thing Z1R49fG5sUM-00183-00043087-00043569 what about the government you know the Z1R49fG5sUM-00184-00043333-00043690 the biggest the biggest epidemic that we Z1R49fG5sUM-00185-00043569-00043990 have that nobody's talking about is the Z1R49fG5sUM-00186-00043690-00044152 prescription drug epidemic thousands Z1R49fG5sUM-00187-00043990-00044365 upon thousands upon thousands of people Z1R49fG5sUM-00188-00044152-00044622 are dying from medications they are Z1R49fG5sUM-00189-00044365-00044959 getting from their doctors what about Z1R49fG5sUM-00190-00044622-00045205 that right there are so many parts to Z1R49fG5sUM-00191-00044959-00045628 the epidemic going on in our country Z1R49fG5sUM-00192-00045205-00045859 today that like you would need a million Z1R49fG5sUM-00193-00045628-00045990 arms to point all of the fingers all Z1R49fG5sUM-00194-00045859-00046225 right let's keep reading some of these Z1R49fG5sUM-00195-00045990-00046531 mean tweets ariana grande killed Mac Z1R49fG5sUM-00196-00046225-00046834 Miller tweets Jake 25 who called Demi Z1R49fG5sUM-00197-00046531-00047053 Lovato a skanky junkie thanks Z1R49fG5sUM-00198-00046834-00047502 things mental illness isn't real and Z1R49fG5sUM-00199-00047053-00047502 treats his GF like a masturbation tool Z1R49fG5sUM-00200-00048513-00048909 other people point out other people's Z1R49fG5sUM-00201-00048736-00049108 hypocrisy especially when it comes to Z1R49fG5sUM-00202-00048909-00049413 mental illness like this is why I like Z1R49fG5sUM-00203-00049108-00049572 man like y'all don't even understand yet Z1R49fG5sUM-00204-00049413-00049828 like I have so much stuff playing like Z1R49fG5sUM-00205-00049572-00050131 mental health it's such a big thing it Z1R49fG5sUM-00206-00049828-00050383 is such a big thing like ignorance anger Z1R49fG5sUM-00207-00050131-00050536 issues like for example the person she's Z1R49fG5sUM-00208-00050383-00050771 pointing out right here they clearly got Z1R49fG5sUM-00209-00050536-00051109 anger issues they're on Twitter just Z1R49fG5sUM-00210-00050771-00051234 just being mad at everything right like Z1R49fG5sUM-00211-00051109-00051345 if you don't think that's affecting your Z1R49fG5sUM-00212-00051234-00051538 mental health you got another thing Z1R49fG5sUM-00213-00051345-00051678 coming that's why I need to sit down and Z1R49fG5sUM-00214-00051538-00051834 make some anger management videos like Z1R49fG5sUM-00215-00051678-00052242 when you're running around like you're Z1R49fG5sUM-00216-00051834-00052464 spewing ignorance you really have no Z1R49fG5sUM-00217-00052242-00052675 of identity yourself because you can't Z1R49fG5sUM-00218-00052464-00052864 stick to one side or the other or have Z1R49fG5sUM-00219-00052675-00052996 your own beliefs you're just angry about Z1R49fG5sUM-00220-00052864-00053191 everything and that's like alone that's Z1R49fG5sUM-00221-00052996-00053347 what she's pointing out like this same Z1R49fG5sUM-00222-00053191-00053575 person who's blaming somebody for it Z1R49fG5sUM-00223-00053347-00053758 overdose death is the same person who Z1R49fG5sUM-00224-00053575-00054049 stigmatized Demi Lovato when she Z1R49fG5sUM-00225-00053758-00054232 overdosed here's another one Z1R49fG5sUM-00226-00054049-00054412 remember when ariana grande broke up Z1R49fG5sUM-00227-00054232-00054708 with Mac Miller and was engaged two Z1R49fG5sUM-00228-00054412-00054933 weeks later again you can't make Z1R49fG5sUM-00229-00054708-00055072 somebody feel another way like so what Z1R49fG5sUM-00230-00054933-00055252 I'm talking about this emotional hostage Z1R49fG5sUM-00231-00055072-00055464 thing and things like that so this is Z1R49fG5sUM-00232-00055252-00055723 something that anybody who date's Z1R49fG5sUM-00233-00055464-00055866 somebody with not anybody but a lot of Z1R49fG5sUM-00234-00055723-00056064 people who date somebody with borderline Z1R49fG5sUM-00235-00055866-00056458 personality disorder they have to deal Z1R49fG5sUM-00236-00056064-00056664 with that because people at BPD or think Z1R49fG5sUM-00237-00056458-00056814 they can get very threatening right they Z1R49fG5sUM-00238-00056664-00057070 they have a lack of emotional regulation Z1R49fG5sUM-00239-00056814-00057241 they can threaten you like if you leave Z1R49fG5sUM-00240-00057070-00057445 me I'm gonna kill myself Z1R49fG5sUM-00241-00057241-00057598 right they say things like that and Z1R49fG5sUM-00242-00057445-00057835 that's called being an emotional hostage Z1R49fG5sUM-00243-00057598-00058135 and you are put in this very tricky Z1R49fG5sUM-00244-00057835-00058404 situation you're put in a in a no-win Z1R49fG5sUM-00245-00058135-00058594 situation like let me play this tape out Z1R49fG5sUM-00246-00058404-00058774 for you okay for those of you who are Z1R49fG5sUM-00247-00058594-00058933 not aware about how serious mental Z1R49fG5sUM-00248-00058774-00059119 illness is how hard it is to date Z1R49fG5sUM-00249-00058933-00059166 somebody who has a mental illness or an Z1R49fG5sUM-00250-00059119-00059304 addiction Z1R49fG5sUM-00251-00059166-00059802 let me play this scenario out for you Z1R49fG5sUM-00252-00059304-00060169 okay the guy says if you leave me right Z1R49fG5sUM-00253-00059802-00060552 I'm gonna kill myself okay but don't you Z1R49fG5sUM-00254-00060169-00060867 tell anybody that I said that okay so Z1R49fG5sUM-00255-00060552-00061108 now the woman is in a in a tricky Z1R49fG5sUM-00256-00060867-00061377 position all right now she's stuck in Z1R49fG5sUM-00257-00061108-00061620 that relationship okay and if she Z1R49fG5sUM-00258-00061377-00061789 doesn't do something about it this guy Z1R49fG5sUM-00259-00061620-00062002 is gonna think that she doesn't love him Z1R49fG5sUM-00260-00061789-00062119 she doesn't care right that's what he's Z1R49fG5sUM-00261-00062002-00062422 gonna think that's what he's gonna blame Z1R49fG5sUM-00262-00062119-00062691 her for but if she goes out and she Z1R49fG5sUM-00263-00062422-00062857 calls the police okay or if she gets him Z1R49fG5sUM-00264-00062691-00063013 a therapist or whatever it is Z1R49fG5sUM-00265-00062857-00063330 now he's gonna say I told you not to Z1R49fG5sUM-00266-00063013-00063627 tell anybody you see what I mean like a Z1R49fG5sUM-00267-00063330-00063804 lot of people in these that get into Z1R49fG5sUM-00268-00063627-00064012 these relationships are stuck in a very Z1R49fG5sUM-00269-00063804-00064230 tricky position where it seems like Z1R49fG5sUM-00270-00064012-00064441 there is no winning solution I'm gonna Z1R49fG5sUM-00271-00064230-00064549 link my book down below and I'm public Z1R49fG5sUM-00272-00064441-00064720 and get some hey like oh you're Z1R49fG5sUM-00273-00064549-00064939 promoting your book when talking about Z1R49fG5sUM-00274-00064720-00065140 this stuff yeah I made a book called Z1R49fG5sUM-00275-00064939-00065272 caught in the crossfire it's like three Z1R49fG5sUM-00276-00065140-00065433 dollars okay Z1R49fG5sUM-00277-00065272-00065620 download the Kindle app if you don't Z1R49fG5sUM-00278-00065433-00065812 have a Kindle and read that book Z1R49fG5sUM-00279-00065620-00065974 caught in the crossfire is a book for Z1R49fG5sUM-00280-00065812-00066169 anybody affected by a loved one's Z1R49fG5sUM-00281-00065974-00066376 addiction part of it is about how to Z1R49fG5sUM-00282-00066169-00066526 help somebody with an addiction and part Z1R49fG5sUM-00283-00066376-00066772 of it is about setting boundaries and Z1R49fG5sUM-00284-00066526-00066970 walking away you know what I mean and we Z1R49fG5sUM-00285-00066772-00067234 got to talk about this with all sorts of Z1R49fG5sUM-00286-00066970-00067453 forms of mental illness like I have an Z1R49fG5sUM-00287-00067234-00067594 entire playlist for any of you who can Z1R49fG5sUM-00288-00067453-00067723 relate to some of this stuff I'm an Z1R49fG5sUM-00289-00067594-00068110 entire play that's called the broken Z1R49fG5sUM-00290-00067723-00068302 picker I am of the belief I am purely of Z1R49fG5sUM-00291-00068110-00068530 the belief this is an opinion might be Z1R49fG5sUM-00292-00068302-00068980 an unpopular opinion like that last Z1R49fG5sUM-00293-00068530-00069228 tweet said but like if you are not Z1R49fG5sUM-00294-00068980-00069472 mentally well or if you're not actively Z1R49fG5sUM-00295-00069228-00069592 improving your mental health so whether Z1R49fG5sUM-00296-00069472-00069745 you're an addict or whether you're Z1R49fG5sUM-00297-00069592-00069937 somebody with BPD or whether you're Z1R49fG5sUM-00298-00069745-00070162 somebody with anxiety or depression like Z1R49fG5sUM-00299-00069937-00070330 until you work on yourself and you're Z1R49fG5sUM-00300-00070162-00070609 just a little bit better just a little Z1R49fG5sUM-00301-00070330-00070870 bit better it you should not be dating Z1R49fG5sUM-00302-00070609-00071080 it is unfair it is selfish to date Z1R49fG5sUM-00303-00070870-00071137 somebody and bring them into that all Z1R49fG5sUM-00304-00071080-00071452 right Z1R49fG5sUM-00305-00071137-00071608 like I I say this as somebody who stayed Z1R49fG5sUM-00306-00071452-00071980 single for over a year and a half Z1R49fG5sUM-00307-00071608-00072220 because I knew I knew to bring somebody Z1R49fG5sUM-00308-00071980-00072427 into my mess was one of the most selfish Z1R49fG5sUM-00309-00072220-00072727 things that I can do but on the flip Z1R49fG5sUM-00310-00072427-00072988 side too if you are somebody who has Z1R49fG5sUM-00311-00072727-00073126 attracted to broken people people who Z1R49fG5sUM-00312-00072988-00073336 struggle with mental illness people who Z1R49fG5sUM-00313-00073126-00073531 struggle with addiction you got to stay Z1R49fG5sUM-00314-00073336-00073708 single for a while too you need to go Z1R49fG5sUM-00315-00073531-00073939 get help you need to figure out why you Z1R49fG5sUM-00316-00073708-00074215 are attracted to these people what is Z1R49fG5sUM-00317-00073939-00074485 going on with you because you might be Z1R49fG5sUM-00318-00074215-00074620 making their situation worse like I'm Z1R49fG5sUM-00319-00074485-00075034 gonna throw this out there and this is Z1R49fG5sUM-00320-00074620-00075376 not to throw any blame at anybody but to Z1R49fG5sUM-00321-00075034-00075886 date somebody who is an active or Z1R49fG5sUM-00322-00075376-00076120 alcoholic that can be very very bad okay Z1R49fG5sUM-00323-00075886-00076273 like for example in addiction when Z1R49fG5sUM-00324-00076120-00076477 people get clean they say do not date Z1R49fG5sUM-00325-00076273-00076618 for a year all right it's because people Z1R49fG5sUM-00326-00076477-00076792 are very fragile Z1R49fG5sUM-00327-00076618-00077095 one of the biggest triggers people have Z1R49fG5sUM-00328-00076792-00077242 is their emotions right and one of the Z1R49fG5sUM-00329-00077095-00077515 most emotional situations you can get Z1R49fG5sUM-00330-00077242-00077785 into is in a relationship okay you have Z1R49fG5sUM-00331-00077515-00078007 extreme Goods and extreme Bad's right Z1R49fG5sUM-00332-00077785-00078268 extreme feelings of love extreme Z1R49fG5sUM-00333-00078007-00078532 feelings of pain so to date somebody Z1R49fG5sUM-00334-00078268-00078721 while they're in early recovery or even Z1R49fG5sUM-00335-00078532-00078827 an act of addiction it's very dangerous Z1R49fG5sUM-00336-00078721-00078941 and Z1R49fG5sUM-00337-00078827-00079109 not saying these people are broken Z1R49fG5sUM-00338-00078941-00079298 forever but like I said like that's why Z1R49fG5sUM-00339-00079109-00079469 I make so many videos on try to on how Z1R49fG5sUM-00340-00079298-00079613 to help you and how to look at different Z1R49fG5sUM-00341-00079469-00079790 aspects of your of your mental health Z1R49fG5sUM-00342-00079613-00080012 and try to improve a little bit by a Z1R49fG5sUM-00343-00079790-00080342 little bit because now I'm in a position Z1R49fG5sUM-00344-00080012-00080486 right I'm in a position where when I Z1R49fG5sUM-00345-00080342-00080663 went through my first breakup and Z1R49fG5sUM-00346-00080486-00080831 recovery after I was over a year in a Z1R49fG5sUM-00347-00080663-00081020 house sober I was actually over two Z1R49fG5sUM-00348-00080831-00081314 years sober I went through that breakup Z1R49fG5sUM-00349-00081020-00081542 I had such a strong foundation that I Z1R49fG5sUM-00350-00081314-00081791 didn't get drunk or high over it you see Z1R49fG5sUM-00351-00081542-00081986 what I mean again please share this Z1R49fG5sUM-00352-00081791-00082238 video because I'm just trying I'm trying Z1R49fG5sUM-00353-00081986-00082421 to educate people and decrease just not Z1R49fG5sUM-00354-00082238-00082673 only the stigma but the ignorance about Z1R49fG5sUM-00355-00082421-00082883 this thing like it is it is madness and Z1R49fG5sUM-00356-00082673-00083102 more people need to understand how this Z1R49fG5sUM-00357-00082883-00083282 disease works how mental illness works Z1R49fG5sUM-00358-00083102-00083528 or they also need to get help they need Z1R49fG5sUM-00359-00083282-00083714 to get hope like man six years ago like Z1R49fG5sUM-00360-00083528-00084008 I said I was about to die and now I live Z1R49fG5sUM-00361-00083714-00084185 an amazing amazing life you know so I Z1R49fG5sUM-00362-00084008-00084350 make these videos to try to offer people Z1R49fG5sUM-00363-00084185-00084530 hope and let you know like what I do to Z1R49fG5sUM-00364-00084350-00084683 improve my mental health and what things Z1R49fG5sUM-00365-00084530-00084911 you could do to improve yours as well Z1R49fG5sUM-00366-00084683-00085109 because you don't have to keep living Z1R49fG5sUM-00367-00084911-00085385 the way that you are living if you don't Z1R49fG5sUM-00368-00085109-00085577 want to all right but anyways anyways Z1R49fG5sUM-00369-00085385-00085838 I've gone on way too long this videos Z1R49fG5sUM-00370-00085577-00085979 way longer than I expected so leave Z1R49fG5sUM-00371-00085838-00086102 comments down below let me know your Z1R49fG5sUM-00372-00085979-00086291 thoughts if you want to have a Z1R49fG5sUM-00373-00086102-00086471 conversation let's do it kindly and Z1R49fG5sUM-00374-00086291-00086522 let's talk about it okay leave comments Z1R49fG5sUM-00375-00086471-00086633 down below Z1R49fG5sUM-00376-00086522-00086816 alright but if you like this video Z1R49fG5sUM-00377-00086633-00086981 please give it a thumbs up and if you Z1R49fG5sUM-00378-00086816-00087149 are new here my channel is all about Z1R49fG5sUM-00379-00086981-00087344 helping you out with your mental health Z1R49fG5sUM-00380-00087149-00087464 I talk about addiction recovery too so Z1R49fG5sUM-00381-00087344-00087635 make sure you subscribe ring that Z1R49fG5sUM-00382-00087464-00087776 notification bell and a huge thank you Z1R49fG5sUM-00383-00087635-00088001 to everybody supporting the channel over Z1R49fG5sUM-00384-00087776-00088172 on patreon if you want to help support Z1R49fG5sUM-00385-00088001-00088331 the channel over on patreon so I can Z1R49fG5sUM-00386-00088172-00088490 make more videos and do this thing and Z1R49fG5sUM-00387-00088331-00088682 spread awareness and give people hope Z1R49fG5sUM-00388-00088490-00088910 make sure you click a tap on the patreon Z1R49fG5sUM-00389-00088682-00089180 icon and you can do it for a dollar Z1R49fG5sUM-00390-00088910-00089342 alright anyways that's all I got for you Z1R49fG5sUM-00391-00089180-00089629 today thanks so much for watching and Z1R49fG5sUM-00392-00089342-00089629 I'll see you next time Z6hO8rieLEA-00000-00000064-00000712 the foods found most protective against oral cancer include raw and green leafy vegetables Z6hO8rieLEA-00001-00000712-00001480 tomatoes citrus and carrots citrus fruits are acidic though fine less oral cancer but what about Z6hO8rieLEA-00002-00001480-00002152 the health of the teeth themselves might eating lots of sour fruit eat away at our enamel well Z6hO8rieLEA-00003-00002152-00002776 early case reports that raised red flags involved things like sucking on lemon wedges not evidently Z6hO8rieLEA-00004-00002776-00003424 a good thing for your teeth or rampant cavities as a result of the bizarre habit of sucking Z6hO8rieLEA-00005-00003424-00003960 bananas turns out you're not supposed to give your preschooler a banana to suck on day and night as Z6hO8rieLEA-00006-00003960-00004800 a pacifier juicing 18 oranges a day for a decade or two may also take quite a toll the conventional Z6hO8rieLEA-00007-00004800-00005360 wisdom that fruit juice may be bad for your teeth but not whole fruit was challenged recently Z6hO8rieLEA-00008-00005424-00005960 the ability of fruits and their juices to erode enamel appears to be comparable whether Z6hO8rieLEA-00009-00005960-00006608 you're eating grapes or grape juice carrots or carrot juice oranges apples tomatoes or raisins Z6hO8rieLEA-00010-00006688-00007400 now fruits and fruit juices weren't as bad as soda diet coke takes the title for softening Z6hO8rieLEA-00011-00007400-00008072 teeth the quickest but it was a surprise that fruits and their juices had comparable effects a Z6hO8rieLEA-00012-00008072-00008640 result no doubt celebrated by the study's funders the sugar bureau as well as the biscuit cake Z6hO8rieLEA-00013-00008640-00009416 chocolate and confectionery association the spin the dental association put on it is interesting Z6hO8rieLEA-00014-00009416-00009896 if eating fruits and vegetables as whole foodstuffs may cause similar demineralization Z6hO8rieLEA-00015-00009896-00010544 and enamel to when they're consumed as a juice then hey maybe fruit juice is not so bad at all Z6hO8rieLEA-00016-00010632-00011280 of course the glass half empty interpretation is that wait a second fruit is as bad as juice Z6hO8rieLEA-00017-00011360-00011744 maybe fruit is worse than we thought for our enamel Z6hO8rieLEA-00018-00011744-00012272 and indeed the latest research studying whether or not the consumption of fruit is cavity causing Z6hO8rieLEA-00019-00012272-00012712 found that the frequency of fruit consumption was associated with higher odds of cavities Z6hO8rieLEA-00020-00012768-00013247 though they acknowledge the role of fruit sugars initiating dental cavities in humans has certainly Z6hO8rieLEA-00021-00013247-00013816 long been a subject of debate but is this going to be a problem for those eating like this Z6hO8rieLEA-00022-00013872-00014696 as opposed to this among vegetarians significantly more frequent consumption of sour products Z6hO8rieLEA-00023-00014696-00015096 predominantly raw vegetables and fruit and tomatoes was observed Z6hO8rieLEA-00024-00015176-00015712 though the level of oral hygiene was similar in both groups those eating vegetarian did Z6hO8rieLEA-00025-00015712-00016376 have more erosive lesions on their teeth but did not find enough to be statistically significant Z6hO8rieLEA-00026-00016376-00017008 unlike the other study no differences in plaque gingivitis cavities or tooth loss but they did Z6hO8rieLEA-00027-00017008-00017632 find a greater incidence of demineralization and white spots in vegan subjects compared to Z6hO8rieLEA-00028-00017632-00018416 omnivorous ones which is a marker of greater acid erosion so what should people do there Z6hO8rieLEA-00029-00018416-00018904 are a number of foods and drinks that have the potential to cause dental erosion both unhealthy Z6hO8rieLEA-00030-00018904-00019488 foods like soda and sour candy as well as healthy foods such as fresh fruit and some herbal teas Z6hO8rieLEA-00031-00019544-00020136 in the biggest study to date consuming citrus fruits more than twice a day was associated with Z6hO8rieLEA-00032-00020136-00020840 37 times greater odds of dental erosion compared to those who consumed citrus fruits less often Z6hO8rieLEA-00033-00020840-00021400 it also appears risky to consume apple cider vinegar or sports drinks once a week or more or Z6hO8rieLEA-00034-00021400-00022008 soft drinks daily these habits resulted in the odds of erosion being ten four and four times Z6hO8rieLEA-00035-00022008-00022672 greater respectively than when the habit did not exist so should we avoid eating citrus no Z6hO8rieLEA-00036-00022752-00023216 even the study that found more cavities in kids eating more fruit concluded that even though the Z6hO8rieLEA-00037-00023216-00023624 consumption of fruit might not be considered completely safe to eat in relation to cavities Z6hO8rieLEA-00038-00023624-00024008 we are not in a position to suggest that fruit consumption should be curtailed Z6hO8rieLEA-00039-00024008-00024584 as a cavity preventive measure at this stage of greater importance is the preventive advice Z6hO8rieLEA-00040-00024584-00025080 that children should brush their teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste in fact that study that Z6hO8rieLEA-00041-00025080-00025768 looked at the erosive potential of fruit was done on folks without using fluoride toothpaste just Z6hO8rieLEA-00042-00025768-00026552 don't brush right after you eat the fruit though you have to wait at least 30 minutes see people Z6hO8rieLEA-00043-00026552-00027024 have this misconception that brushing immediately after consuming acidic food and beverages would Z6hO8rieLEA-00044-00027024-00027608 prevent the damaging effects of dental erosion when in fact the tooth surface when softened by Z6hO8rieLEA-00045-00027608-00028280 acids from food and beverage is more vulnerable to damage by tooth brushing they did this study Z6hO8rieLEA-00046-00028344-00029064 where they had some folks swish some acidic solution in this case a diet sprite and then brush Z6hO8rieLEA-00047-00029064-00029792 immediately after for or 10 minutes after 20 minutes after 30 or a full hour after Z6hO8rieLEA-00048-00029856-00030448 as you can see if you drink soda without brushing at all you may lose some of your teeth but if but Z6hO8rieLEA-00049-00030448-00030920 you can you know double or triple that damage if you then start brushing your teeth when they're Z6hO8rieLEA-00050-00030920-00031648 in that acidified softened state they say we should wait at least 30 minutes probably a whole Z6hO8rieLEA-00051-00031648-00032488 hour to be safe instead of brushing after eating anything sour we should rinse our mouth with water Z6hO8rieLEA-00052-00032552-00033280 to help neutralize the acids is there any evidence to support this no unfortunately Z6hO8rieLEA-00053-00033280-00033696 due to the limited number of clinical studies performed to investigate the association between Z6hO8rieLEA-00054-00033696-00034224 diet and dental erosion prevention and treatment from a dietary perspective based really on common Z6hO8rieLEA-00055-00034224-00034816 sense rather than you know evidence-based approaches in fact there's not a single study Z6hO8rieLEA-00056-00034816-00035488 concerned with the dentist's advice for dietary change and aimed at preventing tooth erosion but Z6hO8rieLEA-00057-00035552-00036584 rinsing with water after eating or drinking anything acidic is the best advice we have so far Z8Gvg5u3Znu-00000-00000000-00001333 You can download in any youtube video downloader! ZrNiA6i6HRy-00000-00000341-00000566 BMW M5 E39 ZrNiA6i6HRy-00001-00000722-00000927 Lexus LC 500 ZrNiA6i6HRy-00002-00000927-00001135 Dodge Charger ZrNiA6i6HRy-00003-00001462-00001680 Ford GT ZrNiA6i6HRy-00004-00002187-00002409 Alfa Romeo 8C ZrVyHbnTLEI-00000-00000722-00001092 I knew that I wanted to give back in some way and I heard about this program ZrVyHbnTLEI-00001-00001092-00001478 and I thought that it was really amazing and special thing. ZrVyHbnTLEI-00002-00001478-00001922 Competing in the Olympics is so amazing but is very selfish, you know, I do it for me. ZrVyHbnTLEI-00003-00001922-00002288 So, anytime I can try and give back and do something for someone else, ZrVyHbnTLEI-00004-00002289-00002562 it’s more important than a gold medal. ZrVyHbnTLEI-00005-00002562-00002952 It was amazing, you know, I think it’s such a unique and creative way ZrVyHbnTLEI-00006-00002952-00003364 to make people feel special and make them feel human again, you know? ZrVyHbnTLEI-00007-00003364-00003605 Because sometimes we’re not all treated equally. ZrVyHbnTLEI-00008-00003605-00003953 One thing I’ve learned is that you have to believe in yourself, you know, ZrVyHbnTLEI-00009-00003954-00004334 there always going to be bad moments, there always going to be roadblocks, ZrVyHbnTLEI-00010-00004334-00004594 there always going to be things that stop you but, ZrVyHbnTLEI-00011-00004594-00005038 if you believe in yourself, then that is the best chance you have of being successful. ZrVyHbnTLEI-00012-00005102-00005678 For me Brazil will always hold a special place in my heart and I consider all of you my friends. ZrVyHbnTLEI-00013-00005678-00006110 Thank you very, very, much and I appreciate all of you, and God bless! ZvjRV4IMYvY-00001-00023587-00023787 With lots of presents ZwXbnoH4CKA-00000-00000000-00000300 Welcome to the Spoken tutorial on LibreOffice Base. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00001-00000400-00001800 In this tutorial , we will learn how to Maintain a Database Modify Database Structure Defragment a database And take Backups ZwXbnoH4CKA-00002-00001900-00002000 Database Maintenance ZwXbnoH4CKA-00003-00002100-00003000 Throughout the life of a Base database, we will need to take steps to keep the data up-to-date, reliable and safe. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00004-00003100-00004000 This includes modifying the data structure, and updating forms as is necessary to keep the data current. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00005-00004100-00004700 Let us consider the Library example database that we built in our previous tutorials. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00006-00004800-00005400 This database initially had tables on books, members and books issued. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00007-00005500-00006200 And we built our example forms, queries and reports based on this database structure. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00008-00006300-00007000 Later, the library expanded to have other media such as DVDs and CDs. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00009-00007100-00007500 So, we modified the Library database to make the structure up-to-date. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00010-00007600-00008000 For this, we added another table called Media ZwXbnoH4CKA-00011-00008100-00008700 and we stored the DVD and CD information in this new Media table. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00012-00008800-00009800 This way, our database became more usable and up-to-date, as we made changes whenever necessary. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00013-00009900-00010600 Along with table changes, we will also need to modify the forms to make them easier to use. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00014-00010700-00011300 Or we can build new forms to accommodate new table structures. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00015-00011400-00012700 For example, if we had a form to enter books data, we can modify it to allow data entry for DVDs and CDs also. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00016-00012800-00013800 Here we could add option buttons to choose the type of media, that is: books, or DVDs or CDs. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00017-00013900-00014700 Or, we can add a brand new form to allow data entry for just the DVD and CD media. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00018-00014800-00015800 Similarly, we will need to modify or add new queries and reports which are based on the data structure that was changed. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00019-00015900-00016400 And sometimes we will need to modify existing table structures. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00020-00016500-00017200 For example, let us consider the Members table that lists all the members in the Library. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00021-00017300-00017700 It currently stores their names and phone numbers only. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00022-00017800-00018800 Now if we have to store their address and city information also, we will need to modify the Members table structure. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00023-00018900-00019400 For this we can use SQL syntax such as: ZwXbnoH4CKA-00024-00019500-00020100 ALTER TABLE Members ADD Address TEXT, ADD City TEXT ZwXbnoH4CKA-00025-00020200-00020900 So the ALTER TABLE statement changes the table structure and adds two new columns: ZwXbnoH4CKA-00026-00021000-00021500 Address and City which will hold TEXT data. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00027-00021600-00022600 Visit hsqldb.org/ website for more information on creating and altering table structures. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00028-00022700-00023100 Use the url address shown on the screen. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00029-00023200-00023800 Next, let us see how we can keep the Base database reliable for use. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00030-00023900-00024700 Sometimes, Base requires a huge memory to hold comparatively small number of records. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00031-00024800-00025600 This is because, Base anticipates a certain amount of memory that the database may need. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00032-00025700-00026500 And, the data that we see in tables are not stored exactly in the same orderly manner. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00033-00026600-00027500 Because, we add data to the tables at different times, their actual storage is not in a particular order. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00034-00027600-00028400 We can use indexes for table data, like we use a catalogue for a Library of books. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00035-00028500-00029200 A catalogue not only lists the books, but also stores their physical location. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00036-00029300-00029900 Similarly, we can build table indexes to locate the data efficiently. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00037-00030000-00030300 But indexes also can take up a lot of memory. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00038-00030400-00031000 And, sometimes, deleting table data does not purge the data completely. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00039-00031100-00032300 They are just disconnected from table indexes but still occupy the space, until new data is added which takes up the space. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00040-00032400-00033400 So this is why the database grows bigger in size, although the actual data stored may not be that big. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00041-00033500-00034100 Base offers a nice way of reorganizing called Defragmenting. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00042-00034200-00034800 For this, we will open the database that needs to be defragmented. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00043-00034900-00036000 Once inside the LibreOffice Base window, we will click on the Tools menu and then click on SQL sub menu ZwXbnoH4CKA-00044-00036100-00036600 And type the following command in the SQL window ZwXbnoH4CKA-00045-00036700-00036900 CHECKPOINT DEFRAG ZwXbnoH4CKA-00046-00037000-00037800 This SQL command removes the unneeded information in the Base database file. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00047-00037900-00038600 This will first close the database, reorganize the data and then re-open the database. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00048-00038700-00039200 Now, we can also use another command in the SQL window ZwXbnoH4CKA-00049-00039300-00039500 SHUTDOWN COMPACT. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00050-00039600-00040200 The only difference here is that this command wonâ&euro;&trade;t re-open the database. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00051-00040300-00041300 For more information on defragmenting, visit hsqldb.org Chapter 11 ZwXbnoH4CKA-00052-00041400-00042100 Finally let us talk about Backups which help to keep a database secure. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00053-00042200-00043300 We could lose our database due to ZwXbnoH4CKA-00054-00043400-00043900 LibreOffice has a good recovery wizard that minimizes the data loss. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00055-00044000-00044500 But a wise thing to do is to keep periodic backups of the database. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00056-00044600-00044900 And taking a backup is very simple. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00057-00045000-00045300 We will just need to make a copy of the database file ZwXbnoH4CKA-00058-00045400-00046600 And store it in secondary media of storage, such as external hard disks, or CDs or DVDs, or flash drives ZwXbnoH4CKA-00059-00046700-00047600 So to take a backup of the Library database, locate where Library.odb file is saved ZwXbnoH4CKA-00060-00047700-00048700 And then, copy and paste the file in a different hard disk drive or into a flash drive. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00061-00048800-00049600 Now this single copy and paste action takes care of backing up the entire database: ZwXbnoH4CKA-00062-00049700-00050300 With all the data structures, data, forms, queries and reports in it. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00063-00050400-00050700 How often do we need to take backups? ZwXbnoH4CKA-00064-00050800-00051600 This depends on how often the database gets changed in terms of data or its structure. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00065-00051700-00052100 Meaning how often we add, update or delete data. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00066-00052200-00052800 And how often we modify the table structures, forms, queries or reports. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00067-00052900-00053700 So we can schedule daily or weekly backups, depending on the frequency of the database usage. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00068-00053800-00053900 Here is an assignment ZwXbnoH4CKA-00069-00054000-00054700 Alter the Members table to add two new columns - Address and City. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00070-00054800-00055200 Let both columns be of data type TEXT. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00071-00055300-00056600 Also open the Members table in Data Entry mode and insert some sample address and city data. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00072-00056700-00057700 Finally, take a backup of the Library database, save it in a flash drive or another hard disk drive, if available. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00073-00057800-00058400 This brings us to the end of this tutorial on Database Maintenance in LibreOffice Base ZwXbnoH4CKA-00074-00058500-00058700 To summarize, we learned how to: ZwXbnoH4CKA-00075-00058800-00058900 Maintain a Database ZwXbnoH4CKA-00076-00059000-00059300 Modify Database Structure ZwXbnoH4CKA-00077-00059400-00059500 Defragment a database ZwXbnoH4CKA-00078-00059600-00059700 And take Backups. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00079-00059800-00060200 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project, ZwXbnoH4CKA-00080-00060300-00060900 supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00081-00061000-00061400 This project is co-ordinated by http://spoken-tutorial.org. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00082-00061500-00061900 More information on the same is available at the following link. ZwXbnoH4CKA-00083-00062000-00062500 This script has been contributed by Priya Suresh, DesiCrew Solutions. And this is Soundharya, DesiCrew Solutions, signing off. Thanks for joining ZzNc8cfd5EQ-00000-00000000-00000104 Simply amazing Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00000-00000805-00001081 So student, what did you do this weekend? Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00001-00001081-00001493 I went to the cinema and saw a film. That was a splendid time Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00002-00001573-00001968 A lot of English students I mean study really hard and are very good at grammar Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00003-00002032-00002232 They might be fluent but they don't sound natural Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00004-00002248-00002838 This is because of their word choice. A lot of the textbooks used in Vietnam were written by old white Western men Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00005-00002842-00003254 Which means that the vocabulary in them, it's very old formal and outdated Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00007-00004068-00004624 Have an old man born in the year 1955 and I wrote your English textbook Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00008-00006794-00007018 Instead of today I'm going to the cinema Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00009-00007038-00007409 It sounds more fluent if you say I am going to the movies Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00010-00007409-00007731 And film is really an old word and nobody really uses it anymore Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00011-00007731-00008422 Many students would say Today I watched a film but instead you should say today I watched a movie Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00012-00009858-00010170 "Suft the web" had really been said in the 1990s Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00013-00010170-00010560 So now you can just say go online Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00014-00012548-00012919 Come again is a very formal way for asking someone to repeat himself Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00015-00012944-00013391 Yeah, it makes sense, but what you said is very very formal. It's better to say Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00016-00013447-00013776 I'm sorry or to be a little more casual you can say Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00017-00013874-00013924 What? Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00018-00014038-00014088 huh? Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00019-00016562-00016794 Keen on and and fancy are really outdated Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00020-00016804-00017518 Or you can say I'm into something like I'm into EDM music or I'm into playing World Warcraft Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00021-00018358-00018802 One thing a lot of students is that doing something makes them feel comfortable Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00022-00018816-00019216 which is grammatically accurate but it doesn't really make a lot of sense Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00023-00019216-00019670 Students say that to express they enjoy doing something or they enjoy certain activities Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00024-00019706-00020150 But it doesn't really sound natural and very strange to native speakers Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00025-00020174-00020524 it is better to say reading books is relaxing or Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00026-00020576-00020842 Reading books relaxes me Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00027-00020842-00021117 that would get the point across in a much more fluid way. Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00028-00021117-00021292 That's it for today. See you soon Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00029-00021384-00021870 Thanks for viewing this. This is this internet video and Z-Rg7L0C1oE-00030-00021950-00022428 We hope you have an enchanting day, young people ZAH3ojMayXu-00000-00000059-00000262 Please Like & Subscribe ZASdZSNRccu-00000-00000157-00000228 Start! ZASdZSNRccu-00001-00000228-00001001 Subbed by : imfact_id ZASdZSNRccu-00002-00001493-00001709 Sea. ZASdZSNRccu-00003-00001709-00001800 Mountain. ZASdZSNRccu-00004-00001800-00001860 Sea. ZASdZSNRccu-00005-00001860-00001934 Cat. ZASdZSNRccu-00006-00001934-00002242 Puppy. ZASdZSNRccu-00007-00002242-00002257 Q : Soju or Beer? ZASdZSNRccu-00008-00002257-00002387 So-Maek (Soju - Maekju/both) Q : Soju or Beer? ZASdZSNRccu-00009-00002387-00002464 Q : Soju or Beer? ZASdZSNRccu-00010-00002464-00002548 Vodka? Q : Soju or Beer? ZASdZSNRccu-00011-00002548-00002643 Q : Soju or Beer? ZASdZSNRccu-00012-00002643-00002738 Both. Q : Soju or Beer? ZASdZSNRccu-00013-00002738-00002754 Q : Soju or Beer? ZASdZSNRccu-00014-00002754-00002854 Jack Daniel's Honey. Q : Soju or Beer? ZASdZSNRccu-00015-00002854-00002901 Q : Soju or Beer? ZASdZSNRccu-00016-00002901-00002996 Soju. Q : Soju or Beer? ZASdZSNRccu-00017-00003014-00003196 Summer! No, Winter! ZASdZSNRccu-00018-00003215-00003300 Summer. ZASdZSNRccu-00019-00003385-00003483 Winter. ZASdZSNRccu-00020-00003486-00003554 Winter. ZASdZSNRccu-00021-00003724-00003786 Summer. ZASdZSNRccu-00022-00003786-00003892 Iced. ZASdZSNRccu-00023-00003897-00004014 Iced Americano. ZASdZSNRccu-00024-00004030-00004123 Iced Americano. ZASdZSNRccu-00025-00004134-00004267 Iced Americano. ZASdZSNRccu-00026-00004276-00004378 Iced Americano. ZASdZSNRccu-00027-00004429-00004538 Friendship. ZASdZSNRccu-00028-00004552-00004633 Friendship. ZASdZSNRccu-00029-00005054-00005139 Friendship? ZASdZSNRccu-00030-00005166-00005576 Lo... Love? ZASdZSNRccu-00031-00005641-00005708 Friendship. ZASdZSNRccu-00032-00005708-00005781 Pizza! ZASdZSNRccu-00033-00005973-00006061 Chicken. ZASdZSNRccu-00034-00006134-00006204 Chicken. ZASdZSNRccu-00035-00006219-00006321 Both. ZASdZSNRccu-00036-00006334-00006402 Chicken. ZASdZSNRccu-00037-00006410-00006506 PC Room. ZASdZSNRccu-00038-00006556-00006660 Karaoke. ZASdZSNRccu-00039-00006662-00006740 Karaoke. ZASdZSNRccu-00040-00006754-00006909 K... PC... Karaoke! ZASdZSNRccu-00041-00006931-00007009 PC Room. ZASdZSNRccu-00042-00007009-00007098 Go outside. ZASdZSNRccu-00043-00007098-00007201 Stay at home. ZASdZSNRccu-00044-00007212-00007312 Go outside. ZASdZSNRccu-00045-00007330-00007422 Flexible. ZASdZSNRccu-00046-00007445-00007529 Stay at home. ZASdZSNRccu-00047-00007915-00008187 I... Yaaah... IFACT! ZASdZSNRccu-00048-00008336-00008404 IF! ZASdZSNRccu-00049-00008502-00008638 Taeho : Wow, really? ZASdZSNRccu-00050-00008848-00008940 I love you. ZBBecwK1M0y-00000-00000118-00000665 Now class, Mister Tiger will show us how Kellogg's sugar frosted flakes cereal starts out! ZBBecwK1M0y-00001-00000665-00000805 This a flake field? ZBBecwK1M0y-00002-00000805-00000986 It's a corn field! ZBBecwK1M0y-00003-00000986-00001462 Kellogg's toasts corn into golden flakes and adds a secret frosting to keep them extra ZBBecwK1M0y-00004-00001462-00001614 crunchy and delicious! ZBBecwK1M0y-00005-00001614-00001835 Its part of your good breakfast and tastes... ZBBecwK1M0y-00006-00001835-00002026 I know, great! ZBBecwK1M0y-00007-00002054-00002516 Sit down to breakfast with Tony and you'll discover why it's great! ZBBecwK1M0y-00008-00002550-00002784 Mr. Tiger you're wonderful. ZBBecwK1M0y-00009-00002822-00002942 Ah shucks. ZHXGgtJf11M-00000-00000000-00000612 instrument tracking is evolving how ZHXGgtJf11M-00001-00000612-00001034 let's start with an entirely new laser ZHXGgtJf11M-00002-00001034-00001365 the complexity of a fiber laser yet the ZHXGgtJf11M-00003-00001365-00001647 simplicity of invisible light to mark ZHXGgtJf11M-00004-00001647-00001896 and identify every single instrument ZHXGgtJf11M-00005-00001896-00002181 within the supply chain providing peace ZHXGgtJf11M-00006-00002181-00002451 of mind that a to 2D code will withstand ZHXGgtJf11M-00007-00002451-00002718 the daily sterilization process and ZHXGgtJf11M-00008-00002718-00002927 always be ready for you to read at any ZHXGgtJf11M-00009-00002927-00003161 time ZHXGgtJf11M-00010-00003161-00003438 next there's a reader not just any ZHXGgtJf11M-00011-00003438-00003726 reader a perfectly designed reader with ZHXGgtJf11M-00012-00003726-00003932 high-performance decoding speed to ZHXGgtJf11M-00013-00003932-00004164 optimize the rebuilding sets and ZHXGgtJf11M-00014-00004164-00004362 built-in tough stainless steel for the ZHXGgtJf11M-00015-00004362-00004598 daily work and comfortable design for ZHXGgtJf11M-00016-00004598-00004836 the surgical areas when needed ZHXGgtJf11M-00017-00004836-00005130 what does that do it delivers a perfect ZHXGgtJf11M-00018-00005130-00005325 reading every time you need it ZHXGgtJf11M-00019-00005325-00005739 irrelevant of material size color shine ZHXGgtJf11M-00020-00005739-00006314 glare contrast or position always along ZHXGgtJf11M-00021-00006314-00006567 with the laser reader and other ZHXGgtJf11M-00022-00006567-00006768 efficiencies we help to increase ZHXGgtJf11M-00023-00006768-00007034 productivity in sterile processing by ZHXGgtJf11M-00024-00007034-00007415 22.3 percent this is more than any other ZHXGgtJf11M-00025-00007415-00007550 tracking system ZHXGgtJf11M-00026-00007550-00008103 Annie what else makes us great a ZHXGgtJf11M-00027-00008103-00008361 building process that minimizes mistakes ZHXGgtJf11M-00028-00008361-00008618 by 99 percent while increasing ZHXGgtJf11M-00029-00008618-00008889 productivity every single instrument ZHXGgtJf11M-00030-00008889-00009153 must live in a pre-assigned set so it ZHXGgtJf11M-00031-00009153-00009386 takes less time to build and more time ZHXGgtJf11M-00032-00009386-00009683 to examine customers needs ZHXGgtJf11M-00033-00009683-00009893 we don't just interface with the ZHXGgtJf11M-00034-00009893-00010124 electronic health records to slave a ZHXGgtJf11M-00035-00010124-00010385 display in other areas it is a true ZHXGgtJf11M-00036-00010385-00010634 interface inside the scheduler to make ZHXGgtJf11M-00037-00010634-00010832 great things inside of it such as ZHXGgtJf11M-00038-00010832-00011033 matching each surgery with the needed ZHXGgtJf11M-00039-00011033-00011273 set and individual surgeons preferred ZHXGgtJf11M-00040-00011273-00011504 instruments matching his or her personal ZHXGgtJf11M-00041-00011504-00011759 techniques focusing on the performance ZHXGgtJf11M-00042-00011759-00011975 of the operation room turnaround time ZHXGgtJf11M-00043-00011975-00012200 has allowed us to provide all the needed ZHXGgtJf11M-00044-00012200-00012431 information to make sure all sets ZHXGgtJf11M-00045-00012431-00012653 arrived at every single operations room ZHXGgtJf11M-00046-00012653-00012967 on time with zero defects literally ZHXGgtJf11M-00047-00012967-00013196 while providing more information to the ZHXGgtJf11M-00048-00013196-00013438 operation room and providing a complete ZHXGgtJf11M-00049-00013438-00013631 state-of-the-art technology with a ZHXGgtJf11M-00050-00013631-00013897 significantly small budget significantly ZHXGgtJf11M-00051-00013897-00014237 who else would provide you with such ZHXGgtJf11M-00052-00014237-00014468 groundbreaking and innovative instrument ZHXGgtJf11M-00053-00014468-00014858 management ZHXGgtJf11M-00054-00014858-00015224 no one this is why invesco is the ZHXGgtJf11M-00055-00015224-00015452 benchmark in sterilization management ZHXGgtJf11M-00056-00015452-00015746 tool the innovation in technology the ZHXGgtJf11M-00057-00015746-00016112 laser the reader the reports the support ZHXGgtJf11M-00058-00016112-00016394 the training the efficiency ZHXGgtJf11M-00059-00016394-00016646 this is the future of instrument ZHXGgtJf11M-00060-00016646-00016883 management available to you by invesco ZHXGgtJf11M-00061-00016883-00017686 unfolding before your very own eyes ZLxV8oMwVok-00000-00000033-00000449 Aloha are you ready to get the most out of your Hawaii experience? ZLxV8oMwVok-00001-00000459-00000893 Then you're going to need the best ground transportation service the islands have to offer ZLxV8oMwVok-00002-00000936-00001673 That's why you'll want to go with pono Express pono comes from the Hawaiian meaning of balance and righteousness which is ZLxV8oMwVok-00003-00001696-00002259 Exactly what they hope to reflect in all their actions with their key mission providing the highest quality ZLxV8oMwVok-00004-00002296-00003035 Service this comes with professional courtesy affordable pricing and that Aloha experience you can't get anywhere else ZLxV8oMwVok-00005-00003090-00003530 Whether you need group transportation a private car tour or medical transportation ZLxV8oMwVok-00006-00003582-00004151 pono Express can provide it on all four islands, Oahu Maui, Hawaii and Hawaii ZLxV8oMwVok-00007-00004225-00004529 larger vehicles are available and your transportation needs are ZLxV8oMwVok-00008-00004582-00005127 Customizable so get in touch today arrange your trip from the airport to your favorite resort now ZLxV8oMwVok-00009-00005155-00005748 Save time and book online at pono Express calm and enjoy that aloha service Zp0fr5XEhaE-00000-00000346-00000448 (trash bin opens gently) Zp0fr5XEhaE-00001-00000526-00000720 (rustling) Zp0fr5XEhaE-00002-00000944-00001018 Hmm. ZTq3E-Bse9A-00006-00002596-00002768 In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. ZTq3E-Bse9A-00007-00002784-00002968 In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. ZTq3E-Bse9A-00008-00003247-00003579 Have they not looked at the heaven above them - how We structured it and adorned it and [how] it has no rifts? ZTq3E-Bse9A-00009-00003596-00003900 Have they not looked at the heaven above them - how We structured it and adorned it and [how] it has no rifts? ZTq3E-Bse9A-00010-00003914-00004104 Have they not looked at the heaven above them - how We structured it and adorned it and [how] it has no rifts? ZTq3E-Bse9A-00011-00004120-00004306 Have they not looked at the heaven above them - how We structured it and adorned it and [how] it has no rifts? ZTq3E-Bse9A-00012-00004324-00005102 Have they not looked at the heaven above them - how We structured it and adorned it and [how] it has no rifts? ZTq3E-Bse9A-00013-00005114-00005328 And the earth - We spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein [something] of every beautiful kind, ZTq3E-Bse9A-00014-00005346-00005554 And the earth - We spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein [something] of every beautiful kind, ZTq3E-Bse9A-00015-00005574-00005898 And the earth - We spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein [something] of every beautiful kind, ZTq3E-Bse9A-00016-00005984-00006274 And the earth - We spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein [something] of every beautiful kind, ZTq3E-Bse9A-00017-00006327-00006579 And the earth - We spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein [something] of every beautiful kind, ZTq3E-Bse9A-00018-00006648-00006803 And the earth - We spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein [something] of every beautiful kind, ZTq3E-Bse9A-00019-00006837-00007095 And the earth - We spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein [something] of every beautiful kind, ZTq3E-Bse9A-00020-00007144-00007244 And the earth - We spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein [something] of every beautiful kind, ZTq3E-Bse9A-00021-00007261-00007510 Giving insight and a reminder for every servant who turns [to Allah ]. ZTq3E-Bse9A-00022-00007605-00007705 Giving insight and a reminder for every servant who turns [to Allah ]. ZTq3E-Bse9A-00023-00007722-00007929 Giving insight and a reminder for every servant who turns [to Allah ]. ZTq3E-Bse9A-00024-00008022-00008318 And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest ZTq3E-Bse9A-00025-00008382-00008482 And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest ZTq3E-Bse9A-00026-00008504-00008654 And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest ZTq3E-Bse9A-00027-00008684-00008950 And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest ZTq3E-Bse9A-00028-00008978-00009184 And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest ZTq3E-Bse9A-00029-00009214-00009497 And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest ZTq3E-Bse9A-00030-00009498-00009674 And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest ZTq3E-Bse9A-00031-00009704-00010019 And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest ZTq3E-Bse9A-00032-00010019-00010140 And lofty palm trees having fruit arranged in layers - ZTq3E-Bse9A-00033-00010202-00010384 And lofty palm trees having fruit arranged in layers - ZTq3E-Bse9A-00034-00010408-00010590 And lofty palm trees having fruit arranged in layers - ZTq3E-Bse9A-00035-00010626-00010773 As provision for the servants, and We have given life thereby to a dead land. Thus is the resurrection. ZTq3E-Bse9A-00036-00010960-00011060 As provision for the servants, and We have given life thereby to a dead land. Thus is the resurrection. ZTq3E-Bse9A-00037-00011088-00011506 As provision for the servants, and We have given life thereby to a dead land. Thus is the resurrection. ZTq3E-Bse9A-00038-00011557-00011657 As provision for the servants, and We have given life thereby to a dead land. Thus is the resurrection. ZTq3E-Bse9A-00039-00011686-00011829 As provision for the servants, and We have given life thereby to a dead land. Thus is the resurrection. ZTq3E-Bse9A-00040-00011829-00012055 As provision for the servants, and We have given life thereby to a dead land. Thus is the resurrection. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00000-00000036-00000588 Ask people for blood donation, and you might find many volunteers. Tell the ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00001-00000588-00001019 same people that they'll get paid for it, and many will now decline to help. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00002-00001086-00001248 Why do you think that might be? ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00003-00001746-00002340 Self determination theory argues that we do what we do, because we are motivated ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00004-00002340-00002826 by three basic needs that drive our behavior more than anything else. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00005-00003066-00003600 First comes autonomy. We desire to have the freedom of making our own ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00006-00003600-00003954 choices and not be forced to do something we don’t want. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00007-00004146-00004722 Second is competence. We want to feel that we have the skills required to do ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00008-00004722-00005178 the work ourselves, and not be confronted with tasks that we don’t understand. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00009-00005178-00005922 Third is connection. We want to experience a sense of belonging, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00010-00005922-00006378 of being needed, and not feel useless or like an outsider. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00011-00006581-00007098 We can think of motivation ranging from “non-self-determined to self-determined.” ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00012-00007098-00007944 On the left we have amotivation, in the center extrinsic motivation, and on the right intrinsic ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00013-00007944-00008652 motivation. In terms of quality they range from lower forms to higher forms. Along this spectrum ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00014-00008652-00009348 are, according to self determination theory, 6 distinct types, represented here by: Anton, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00015-00009348-00010182 Mary, Taichi, Abeni, John, and Lalisa who all have to study for a major exam. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00016-00010404-00011100 Anton does not understand the topic and therefore feels disconnected to the material. His need for ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00017-00011100-00011754 competence remains unsatisfied and undermines his autonomy — leading him to lose control over ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00018-00011754-00012564 the situation. As a result he begins to think that school is pointless. He experiences amotivation. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00019-00012768-00013163 Mary likes to learn, when she knows that if she does well, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00020-00013163-00013596 she will be rewarded. But when no one is around to stimulate her, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00021-00013596-00014136 she feels disconnected. Mary is not autonomous in her studies, because ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00022-00014136-00014741 she needs rewards that regulate her behavior externally — a job her mother usually does. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00023-00014796-00015288 This stage is called extrinsic motivation: externally regulated ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00024-00015528-00016134 Taichi strives to win, or match the performance of others. When he’s not among the top, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00025-00016134-00016716 his desires for competence and autonomy are not satisfied. He feels guilty when ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00026-00016716-00017292 he can’t be as good as others. The root of his behavior is therefore external. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00027-00017292-00017790 This stage is known as extrinsic motivation: introjected regulation ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00028-00017958-00018744 Abeni values learning and sees herself as a good student. To her, getting good grades is important, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00029-00018744-00019188 because it confirms her self-image. Despite the fact that she doesn’t ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00030-00019188-00019674 feel connected to the material, she does well because she regulates her behavior ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00031-00019674-00020310 by identifying with the idea of being a good student. She’s motivated by an ideal. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00032-00020376-00020928 This stage is called extrinsic motivation: regulation through identification ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00033-00021066-00021768 John thinks learning is important, because it makes him a better human being. To develop his ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00034-00021768-00022236 intellect and become the best version of himself, he tries to understand things, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00035-00022236-00022860 even if they are boring. He feels connected and competent. But since his behavior is ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00036-00022860-00023430 regulated by the desire to live up to an idea, he is still not fully autonomous. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00037-00023430-00023988 This stage is known as extrinsic motivation: integrated regulation ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00038-00024204-00024654 Lalisa learns things because she is curious and enjoys it. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00039-00024654-00025158 She can feel completely connected to the material and often loses track of time. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00040-00025230-00025926 Studying gives her a deep sense of satisfaction. She experiences complete autonomy and as a result ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00041-00025926-00026382 of her intrinsic interests, develops the highest forms of competence. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00042-00026454-00026760 Now we speak of intrinsic motivation. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00043-00026994-00027276 Regardless of where we are along the spectrum, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00044-00027276-00027852 we all have complex human minds with changing interests and conflicting desires. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00045-00027960-00028506 Doing one thing, we may feel fully motivated — autonomous, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00046-00028506-00028872 competent and connected. But then, the next day, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00047-00028872-00029568 life gets in the way and robs us of our three basic needs — we feel nothing but amotivation. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00048-00029808-00030198 To regain your self-determination, you might want to take a break, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00049-00030198-00030600 seek a change in environment or connect with other people. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00050-00030839-00031338 Self-determination theory was developed by the two American psychologists, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00051-00031338-00032058 Richard Ryan and Edward Deci, in the 1970s. More recent research points to some cultural ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00052-00032058-00032796 differences. Many American students' seem to learn to outcompete others. When Chinese study hard, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00053-00032796-00033210 it’s often because they feel guilty if they do not meet expectations. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00054-00033384-00034062 On the interplay between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, Deci said: “Sure, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00055-00034062-00034644 money motivates, but that’s not the point. The point is that while money is motivating people, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00056-00034644-00035110 it is also undermining their intrinsic motivation. ” ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00057-00035256-00035814 So what do you think about the model? Do you agree or disagree with the theory? And ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00058-00035814-00036318 what do you think about extrinsic rewards? Share your thoughts in the comments below, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00059-00036318-00036606 and let us know what motivated you to do so. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00060-00038130-00038592 This and all other Sprouts' videos are licensed under the Creative Commons. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00061-00038592-00039240 That means teachers from all around the world can use them in classrooms, online courses or ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00062-00039240-00039624 to start projects - and today, thousands already do! ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00063-00039624-00040140 To learn how it works and download this video without Ads or background music, ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00064-00040140-00040482 checkout our website or read the description below. ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00065-00040542-00040926 If you want to support our mission and help change education ZXXrxyS3ChQ-00066-00040926-00041424 visit our Patreon - that's patreon.com/sprouts. Zd_JnArFA9g-00000-00007502-00007788 Hello everyone, I am Merman Tiun, Zd_JnArFA9g-00001-00007788-00007945 who was born with the mission of Zd_JnArFA9g-00002-00007945-00008118 saving nature and animals. Zd_JnArFA9g-00003-00008118-00008538 I have swum across all the oceans surrounding Vietnam Zd_JnArFA9g-00004-00008538-00008716 to campaign for the protection of Zd_JnArFA9g-00005-00008716-00008962 the ocean and wildlife for years. Zd_JnArFA9g-00006-00009002-00009270 I also opened a mermaid swimming class Zd_JnArFA9g-00007-00009270-00009388 to teach young people Zd_JnArFA9g-00008-00009388-00009632 how to stay healthy while raising awareness Zd_JnArFA9g-00009-00009632-00009788 about environmental protection Zd_JnArFA9g-00010-00009788-00009976 and how to take care of animals. Zd_JnArFA9g-00011-00010026-00010300 As our beautiful world is disappearing Zd_JnArFA9g-00012-00010300-00010604 and as humans push animals to the brink of extinction, Zd_JnArFA9g-00013-00010610-00010726 more and more viruses Zd_JnArFA9g-00014-00010732-00010930 that are harmful to humans appear, Zd_JnArFA9g-00015-00010930-00011202 such as Sars, Ebola, and Corona. Zd_JnArFA9g-00016-00011242-00011328 Did you know that Zd_JnArFA9g-00017-00011328-00011624 there are 500,000 wildlife species Zd_JnArFA9g-00018-00011624-00012062 in the world today that carry over 17,0000 virus species Zd_JnArFA9g-00019-00012062-00012238 that are harmful to humans, Zd_JnArFA9g-00020-00012238-00012534 and are capable of creating a global pandemic? Zd_JnArFA9g-00021-00012562-00012888 Therefore, people must learn to live in harmony with Zd_JnArFA9g-00022-00012888-00013168 nature to make the world peaceful again. Zd_JnArFA9g-00023-00014236-00014563 I have donated all of the money that I have earned Zd_JnArFA9g-00024-00014563-00014654 to save wildlife, Zd_JnArFA9g-00025-00014654-00014854 but there is still a lot to be done. Zd_JnArFA9g-00026-00014919-00015208 There are a lot of animals sold in wildlife markets Zd_JnArFA9g-00027-00015208-00015316 and on the internet Zd_JnArFA9g-00028-00015316-00015578 when they should be kept in the wild. Zd_JnArFA9g-00029-00016812-00017136 Now, I will tell you the story of the Tila the Otter, Zd_JnArFA9g-00030-00017136-00017408 who was rescued recently. Zd_JnArFA9g-00031-00018354-00018630 Tila is an Asian small-clawed otter pup Zd_JnArFA9g-00032-00018630-00018752 captured as a pet Zd_JnArFA9g-00033-00018752-00018952 when she got lost and was given to me Zd_JnArFA9g-00034-00018952-00019150 by a friend who found her. Zd_JnArFA9g-00035-00019150-00019250 My friend asked Zd_JnArFA9g-00036-00019250-00019504 that I help to release her back into nature. Zd_JnArFA9g-00037-00019534-00019780 The story started like this! Zd_JnArFA9g-00038-00019820-00020152 When I received a phone call about a strayed otter Zd_JnArFA9g-00039-00020152-00020360 that stumbled into my friend’s apartment, Zd_JnArFA9g-00040-00020534-00020800 they immediately searched Youtube clips on Zd_JnArFA9g-00041-00020800-00020976 how to rescue the baby otter. Zd_JnArFA9g-00042-00021026-00021322 They came over my home to give this baby otter Zd_JnArFA9g-00043-00021322-00021522 and from there it was up to me. Zd_JnArFA9g-00044-00021674-00021968 Because it was stranded and was a baby otter, Zd_JnArFA9g-00045-00021968-00022146 there was no way to return it Zd_JnArFA9g-00046-00022146-00022346 to the wildlife without it dying. Zd_JnArFA9g-00047-00022384-00022660 Otter pups are being sold on the internet a lot, Zd_JnArFA9g-00048-00022660-00022892 but if you are able to raise them successfully, Zd_JnArFA9g-00049-00022892-00023102 you can return it to the wild Zd_JnArFA9g-00050-00023102-00023302 after being its adopted parents. Zd_JnArFA9g-00051-00023326-00023678 This wild animal needs a lot of care and attention. Zd_JnArFA9g-00052-00023678-00023960 If you do not know how to take care of an otter, Zd_JnArFA9g-00053-00023960-00024124 it will die of a disease Zd_JnArFA9g-00054-00024124-00024362 from a person or another animal. Zd_JnArFA9g-00055-00024378-00024600 The baby otter has to drink breastmilk Zd_JnArFA9g-00056-00024600-00024844 to build up its immune system. Zd_JnArFA9g-00057-00024986-00025424 However, raising the otter pup like a pet has many risks. Zd_JnArFA9g-00058-00025446-00025836 Anyway, I sincerely thank this kind of family Zd_JnArFA9g-00059-00025839-00025974 who sends the little otter to me Zd_JnArFA9g-00060-00025974-00026224 because they knew that I could save it. Zd_JnArFA9g-00061-00026598-00026883 Now Tiun will name you Tila Zd_JnArFA9g-00062-00026883-00027200 Because you like making noise Zd_JnArFA9g-00063-00027270-00027562 Now I will remove your neck chain Zd_JnArFA9g-00064-00027562-00027736 You are not a pet Zd_JnArFA9g-00065-00027824-00028024 I'm done Zd_JnArFA9g-00066-00028066-00028266 When I brought the otter into the house, Zd_JnArFA9g-00067-00028266-00028427 I named her Tila. Zd_JnArFA9g-00068-00028464-00028772 Since her health and mental state were not stable, Zd_JnArFA9g-00069-00028774-00028945 I went to the supermarket Zd_JnArFA9g-00070-00028945-00029206 to buy baby food to feed the otter pup. Zd_JnArFA9g-00071-00029216-00029514 Otter breastmilk contains many vitamins Zd_JnArFA9g-00072-00029514-00029752 that are essential for the otter to grow up Zd_JnArFA9g-00073-00029752-00029886 but being kept as a pet Zd_JnArFA9g-00074-00029886-00030102 could cause many deficient in nutrients Zd_JnArFA9g-00075-00030102-00030372 and result in blindness or even death. Zd_JnArFA9g-00076-00030404-00030620 So, with the experience of Zd_JnArFA9g-00077-00030620-00030842 taking care of more than 100 baby otters Zd_JnArFA9g-00078-00030850-00031150 I have learned that I need to feed Otter Tila Zd_JnArFA9g-00079-00031150-00031316 what she needs the most. Zd_JnArFA9g-00080-00031316-00031560 I would like to introduce to you my maid goose, Zd_JnArFA9g-00081-00031560-00031698 called Vivie, Zd_JnArFA9g-00082-00031698-00031977 with the task of tasting the food. Zd_JnArFA9g-00083-00031977-00032154 If the nutritious delicious food Zd_JnArFA9g-00084-00032154-00032260 doesn't have chemicals, Zd_JnArFA9g-00085-00032260-00032404 she will eat right away, Zd_JnArFA9g-00086-00032404-00032586 but if the food has MSG in it, Zd_JnArFA9g-00087-00032586-00032768 she will refuse to eat. Zd_JnArFA9g-00088-00032768-00032924 The goose will eat first Zd_JnArFA9g-00089-00032924-00033068 to make sure that the food Zd_JnArFA9g-00090-00033068-00033268 is good for Otter Tila's health. Zd_JnArFA9g-00091-00033314-00033614 Please teach Tila this is good food, Goose Zd_JnArFA9g-00092-00033964-00034164 That's your mission Zd_JnArFA9g-00093-00034258-00034410 Tila tries to eat, please Zd_JnArFA9g-00094-00035560-00035702 After a few weeks, Zd_JnArFA9g-00095-00035702-00035984 Otter Tila seems to be eating very well. Zd_JnArFA9g-00096-00036030-00036134 I was able to see that Zd_JnArFA9g-00097-00036134-00036324 Tila’s molars were more developed, Zd_JnArFA9g-00098-00036324-00036590 just as if she was growing up in the wild. Zd_JnArFA9g-00099-00036618-00036822 Her molars were developed naturally, Zd_JnArFA9g-00100-00036822-00037066 and that was because of what was fed to her. Zd_JnArFA9g-00101-00037106-00037448 Usually, her mother would feed her softer foods Zd_JnArFA9g-00102-00037448-00037664 such as clams and snails. Zd_JnArFA9g-00103-00037664-00037880 If her molars are stronger, Zd_JnArFA9g-00104-00037880-00038130 she will begin to learn how to eat crustaceans Zd_JnArFA9g-00105-00038130-00038378 such as shrimp, crabs. Zd_JnArFA9g-00106-00038378-00038644 It is important to note that otter pups Zd_JnArFA9g-00107-00038644-00038866 can only stop drinking breast milk Zd_JnArFA9g-00108-00038866-00039000 after turning 1 year old. Zd_JnArFA9g-00109-00039008-00039374 This small-clawed otter is about 6 weeks old, Zd_JnArFA9g-00110-00039374-00039704 so she needs time to absorb a lot of vitamins Zd_JnArFA9g-00111-00039704-00039890 for her skin and eyes. Zd_JnArFA9g-00112-00039890-00040200 Because she doesn't have her mother to care for her, Zd_JnArFA9g-00113-00040204-00040446 I will feed her baby food powder Zd_JnArFA9g-00114-00040446-00040584 because it also contains Zd_JnArFA9g-00115-00040584-00040806 many ingredients of shrimp and crab. Zd_JnArFA9g-00116-00040820-00041150 She will also drink cat milk and vitamin supplements Zd_JnArFA9g-00117-00041150-00041376 that are good for her eyes every day. Zd_JnArFA9g-00118-00041412-00041742 The otter pups cannot sleep in the light and stay alone Zd_JnArFA9g-00119-00041742-00041928 without their parents. Zd_JnArFA9g-00120-00041952-00042112 The brain of this species Zd_JnArFA9g-00121-00042112-00042352 is as smart as a 7-year-old child. Zd_JnArFA9g-00122-00042370-00042664 If you can't stay with her and let her sleep alone, Zd_JnArFA9g-00123-00042680-00042854 the otter will be angry, Zd_JnArFA9g-00124-00042854-00043030 Stay in here, good girl Zd_JnArFA9g-00125-00043412-00043650 so I never want to make an otter a pet Zd_JnArFA9g-00126-00043650-00043812 because you will have to raise the otter pup Zd_JnArFA9g-00127-00043812-00043982 like your own children. Zd_JnArFA9g-00128-00043982-00044310 We can't fulfill the job of the otter's parents, Zd_JnArFA9g-00129-00044336-00044658 so we should not be selfish and keep otters as pets. Zd_JnArFA9g-00130-00044696-00044916 Last night I didn't sleep with otter Tila, Zd_JnArFA9g-00131-00044916-00045132 so this morning she got mad at me. Zd_JnArFA9g-00132-00045166-00045316 She refused to eat Zd_JnArFA9g-00133-00045316-00045550 because she thought I was a mother and left her. Zd_JnArFA9g-00134-00045580-00045880 Now, I have to beg her to eat again. Zd_JnArFA9g-00135-00045896-00045984 Mosquitoes are here Zd_JnArFA9g-00136-00046004-00046088 I know Zd_JnArFA9g-00137-00046354-00046676 You need more love, don't you? Zd_JnArFA9g-00138-00046708-00046816 I got it Zd_JnArFA9g-00139-00046836-00047024 Come here Zd_JnArFA9g-00140-00047282-00047482 She gets angry with me Zd_JnArFA9g-00141-00047620-00047874 She is good at the ferocity Zd_JnArFA9g-00142-00049728-00049928 What are you doing? Zd_JnArFA9g-00143-00049928-00050086 She is sucking her hand Zd_JnArFA9g-00144-00050166-00050374 My god, she wants to breastfeed Zd_JnArFA9g-00145-00050374-00050582 there's no mom that's why she has to suck the hand Zd_JnArFA9g-00146-00050616-00051032 This is a scene about an otter that is thirsty Zd_JnArFA9g-00147-00051032-00051288 for her mother's milk and sucking her hand. Zd_JnArFA9g-00148-00051308-00051612 Do you see that this otter is just like a baby? Zd_JnArFA9g-00149-00051632-00051910 Tila is deprived of the love from her parents Zd_JnArFA9g-00150-00051910-00052210 and I have to take care of her until she gets better Zd_JnArFA9g-00151-00052210-00052404 and can eat and drink well, Zd_JnArFA9g-00152-00052404-00052634 then I will no more keep her with me Zd_JnArFA9g-00153-00052634-00052834 but take her to an appropriate environment. Zd_JnArFA9g-00154-00052879-00053154 Right now, I am trying to help her wean soon Zd_JnArFA9g-00155-00053154-00053354 and try different kinds of food Zd_JnArFA9g-00156-00053354-00053588 so that she can adapt to the natural environment. Zd_JnArFA9g-00157-00053622-00053816 This otter is too innocent Zd_JnArFA9g-00158-00053816-00054016 and she really needs her parents’ care. Zd_JnArFA9g-00159-00054032-00054317 So please stop keeping otters as your pets. Zd_JnArFA9g-00160-00054344-00054674 If you love this kind of animal, then protect rivers, Zd_JnArFA9g-00161-00054678-00054928 streams and don’t pollute water sources. Zd_JnArFA9g-00162-00054958-00055217 My duty to take care of this otter Zd_JnArFA9g-00163-00055217-00055417 is just an unexpected job, Zd_JnArFA9g-00164-00055448-00055648 and I have to witness the moment Zd_JnArFA9g-00165-00055648-00055852 when the otter closes her eyes Zd_JnArFA9g-00166-00055852-00056016 and sucks her hand to imagine that Zd_JnArFA9g-00167-00056016-00056184 she is drinking her mother's milk, Zd_JnArFA9g-00168-00056184-00056366 just in her dream. Zd_JnArFA9g-00169-00056366-00056646 Tila is here without the care from her parents Zd_JnArFA9g-00170-00056646-00056744 but she has friends Zd_JnArFA9g-00171-00056744-00056964 the family of Doraemon dogs Zd_JnArFA9g-00172-00056964-00057155 and the goose named Vivie. Zd_JnArFA9g-00173-00057155-00057486 Because of not familiar with eating by itself, Zd_JnArFA9g-00174-00057486-00057812 she looks dirty like this after each meal. Zd_JnArFA9g-00175-00058140-00058538 Therefore, I give her a bath after a meal and before bed. Zd_JnArFA9g-00176-00059244-00059541 It is not easy for the otter to sleep, Zd_JnArFA9g-00177-00059544-00059744 especially at lunchtime Zd_JnArFA9g-00178-00059744-00059955 because she wants to play after a meal Zd_JnArFA9g-00179-00059955-00060112 and bath instead of having a nap Zd_JnArFA9g-00180-00060112-00060302 therefore I have to massage Zd_JnArFA9g-00181-00060302-00060502 the otter-like a newborn baby. Zd_JnArFA9g-00182-00060510-00060710 Let’s think about this, Zd_JnArFA9g-00183-00060726-00060858 when you raise an otter, Zd_JnArFA9g-00184-00060858-00061036 you must give her much love and care Zd_JnArFA9g-00185-00061036-00061210 to have her love in turn, Zd_JnArFA9g-00186-00061210-00061490 otherwise, she will get angry or even bite you. Zd_JnArFA9g-00187-00061512-00061800 An otter is not like a dog or a cat. Zd_JnArFA9g-00188-00061828-00061950 Otter is the animal Zd_JnArFA9g-00189-00061950-00062150 that knows to think and judge the situation Zd_JnArFA9g-00190-00062152-00062422 and they are vindictive if they are treated badly. Zd_JnArFA9g-00191-00062450-00062598 When raising an otter, Zd_JnArFA9g-00192-00062598-00062908 I never beat her or leave her alone for a long time Zd_JnArFA9g-00193-00062908-00063066 because when she wakes up, Zd_JnArFA9g-00194-00063066-00063314 the first one she wants to see is her parent. Zd_JnArFA9g-00195-00063350-00063550 So are you ready to be their parent? Zd_JnArFA9g-00196-00063579-00063844 I bet that you don’t have much time like that Zd_JnArFA9g-00197-00063844-00064010 to spend your whole day with an otter. Zd_JnArFA9g-00198-00064041-00064352 And you may not swim and dive as well as Zd_JnArFA9g-00199-00064352-00064476 I can teach the otters Zd_JnArFA9g-00200-00064476-00064724 to regain their instincts underwater. Zd_JnArFA9g-00201-00064726-00064950 The otter will not grow well Zd_JnArFA9g-00202-00064950-00065140 but she will be sick and die. Zd_JnArFA9g-00203-00065170-00065404 Now Tila is sleeping like a baby Zd_JnArFA9g-00204-00065404-00065620 and she needs a dark place to sleep. Zd_JnArFA9g-00205-00065674-00065958 Due to the habit of living in caves since childhood Zd_JnArFA9g-00206-00065958-00066240 and if exposed to sunlight for a long time, Zd_JnArFA9g-00207-00066240-00066450 her eyes will be damaged. Zd_JnArFA9g-00208-00066538-00066746 While the otter is sleeping, Zd_JnArFA9g-00209-00066746-00066938 I go to buy a feeding bottle Zd_JnArFA9g-00210-00066938-00067306 because Tila is too small to wean right now, Zd_JnArFA9g-00211-00067306-00067572 I give her cat milk KMR 2 times a day Zd_JnArFA9g-00212-00067572-00067764 to supplement calcium for strong bones Zd_JnArFA9g-00213-00067764-00067964 and teach her to learn to eat fish. Zd_JnArFA9g-00214-00068000-00068370 I start going to the market to buy pangasius fillet, Zd_JnArFA9g-00215-00068374-00068658 then cook and mix with the nutrition powder Zd_JnArFA9g-00216-00068658-00068924 so that Tila is well-fed for a longer time. Zd_JnArFA9g-00217-00069472-00069852 Because Tila will get angry when she wakes up Zd_JnArFA9g-00218-00069852-00070030 and sees no one besides, Zd_JnArFA9g-00219-00070032-00070306 I let her sleep with the goose Vivie Zd_JnArFA9g-00220-00070306-00070500 so that when Tila wakes up, Zd_JnArFA9g-00221-00070500-00070700 the goose will make noise to inform me Zd_JnArFA9g-00222-00070700-00070952 to prepare the next meal for the otter. Zd_JnArFA9g-00223-00072674-00072776 Good Zd_JnArFA9g-00224-00072836-00072950 how does it taste Zd_JnArFA9g-00225-00072958-00073014 God god god Zd_JnArFA9g-00226-00073028-00073166 (the taste is good good good) Zd_JnArFA9g-00227-00073402-00073658 If Tila can eat it, let her eat it herself. Zd_JnArFA9g-00228-00073798-00073880 (let me help her) Zd_JnArFA9g-00229-00074122-00074344 Look at Tila sucking her milk Zd_JnArFA9g-00230-00075204-00075520 When Tila’s teeth are strong enough Zd_JnArFA9g-00231-00075520-00075716 to bite off the bottle's nipple, Zd_JnArFA9g-00232-00075716-00075976 I will stop feeding her with milk Zd_JnArFA9g-00233-00075976-00076072 but more crustaceans Zd_JnArFA9g-00234-00076072-00076398 before sending her to Cat Tien national park Zd_JnArFA9g-00235-00076398-00076606 to practice regaining the wild instinct Zd_JnArFA9g-00236-00076606-00076838 before joining her herd to the forest. Zd_JnArFA9g-00237-00076862-00077212 This is my standard procedure for rescuing wildlife, Zd_JnArFA9g-00238-00077212-00077502 I will check the disease, take care of the baby animals Zd_JnArFA9g-00239-00077502-00077652 until they get healthy, Zd_JnArFA9g-00240-00077652-00077912 and send them to the wildlife rescue center. Zd_JnArFA9g-00241-00077912-00078046 For adult animals, Zd_JnArFA9g-00242-00078046-00078246 I just feed them fully Zd_JnArFA9g-00243-00078246-00078446 and then release them to the forest. Zd_JnArFA9g-00244-00078460-00078804 That is the reason why I have many wild animals Zd_JnArFA9g-00245-00078804-00079062 but I never keep any animal for a long time. Zd_JnArFA9g-00246-00079090-00079462 Many people don’t understand clearly the situation, Zd_JnArFA9g-00247-00079462-00079686 they think that I am raising wild animals Zd_JnArFA9g-00248-00079686-00079896 or trading wild animals. Zd_JnArFA9g-00249-00079896-00080234 The truth is that I am a merman who saves wild animals Zd_JnArFA9g-00250-00080234-00080450 and I am working for WWF Zd_JnArFA9g-00251-00080450-00080718 and I have been awarded many certificates of merit Zd_JnArFA9g-00252-00080718-00080940 from wildlife rescue centers. Zd_JnArFA9g-00253-00080952-00081162 This is also the reason why Zd_JnArFA9g-00254-00081162-00081472 I am permitted to take care of wild animals Zd_JnArFA9g-00255-00081472-00081800 because I have much experience in this job. Zd_JnArFA9g-00256-00082152-00082614 Tila is in the early stage of eating fish Zd_JnArFA9g-00257-00082614-00082780 with the baby powder food Zd_JnArFA9g-00258-00082780-00083022 but she just wants to drink milk, Zd_JnArFA9g-00259-00083022-00083126 so I have to keep her hungry Zd_JnArFA9g-00260-00083126-00083390 and to make sure she will not eat other things. Zd_JnArFA9g-00261-00088500-00088878 I only have one week to take care of and teach Tila Zd_JnArFA9g-00262-00088878-00089036 to eat and drink, otherwise, Zd_JnArFA9g-00263-00089036-00089284 I could not take her back to the forest on time Zd_JnArFA9g-00264-00089284-00089502 as promised with CRCS center Zd_JnArFA9g-00265-00089502-00089772 in Cat Tien National Park. Zd_JnArFA9g-00266-00089964-00090270 I really want to please this otter and give her milk Zd_JnArFA9g-00267-00090270-00090518 but I am forced to teach her to eat fish Zd_JnArFA9g-00268-00090518-00090822 so she can be more independent when she leaves me. Zd_JnArFA9g-00269-00090830-00091088 When she is no longer fed with milk, Zd_JnArFA9g-00270-00091088-00091488 she must understand that fish is her food since now. Zd_JnArFA9g-00271-00091488-00091768 Finally, after 7 hours of eating nothing Zd_JnArFA9g-00272-00091768-00091876 but asking for milk, Zd_JnArFA9g-00273-00091876-00092078 Tila is angry and agrees to eat fish Zd_JnArFA9g-00274-00092078-00092268 with the baby powder food. Zd_JnArFA9g-00275-00093012-00093180 Come on Zd_JnArFA9g-00276-00093180-00093294 Are you hungry? Zd_JnArFA9g-00277-00093310-00093486 You are starving Zd_JnArFA9g-00278-00093494-00093594 Are you hungry? Zd_JnArFA9g-00279-00094238-00094438 She can eat now Zd_JnArFA9g-00280-00095394-00095594 Oh Tila can eat fish well Zd_JnArFA9g-00281-00095738-00095938 Here is your fish Zd_JnArFA9g-00282-00096472-00096558 Fish Zd_JnArFA9g-00283-00096580-00096730 You have to eat fish Zd_JnArFA9g-00284-00096942-00097142 Okay you are very good Zd_JnArFA9g-00285-00097308-00097522 Let's take your piece of fish Zd_JnArFA9g-00286-00097544-00097886 Tila will have more chances to survive Zd_JnArFA9g-00287-00097886-00098092 when she accepts to eat fish. Zd_JnArFA9g-00288-00098120-00098424 Way of eating shows the otter's personality Zd_JnArFA9g-00289-00098424-00098722 and each otter has her own personality like a human, Zd_JnArFA9g-00290-00098764-00098974 and I feel Tila is the most special otter Zd_JnArFA9g-00291-00098974-00099242 among all otters, I've ever cared for Zd_JnArFA9g-00292-00099242-00099474 and I see that when I see her eating way. Zd_JnArFA9g-00293-00099706-00099882 When raising an otter, Zd_JnArFA9g-00294-00099882-00100150 the hardest moment is feeding her at midnight. Zd_JnArFA9g-00295-00100212-00100412 This animal is active at night. Zd_JnArFA9g-00296-00100416-00100650 It means that you will not get enough sleep Zd_JnArFA9g-00297-00100650-00100886 because you need to feed the otter at night, Zd_JnArFA9g-00298-00100934-00101252 otherwise, the otter will not sleep well. Zd_JnArFA9g-00299-00101366-00101580 Taking care of otters Zd_JnArFA9g-00300-00101580-00101860 is much harder than taking care of cats and dogs Zd_JnArFA9g-00301-00101860-00102178 because they are intelligent and can be wheedling. Zd_JnArFA9g-00302-00102220-00102398 They want you beside them when they are sleeping Zd_JnArFA9g-00303-00102398-00102670 and when they are awake to bother you. Zd_JnArFA9g-00304-00102702-00102854 They are sentient animals Zd_JnArFA9g-00305-00102854-00103054 and they don’t want to be alone. Zd_JnArFA9g-00306-00103061-00103352 That is why when the otter does not see me, Zd_JnArFA9g-00307-00103354-00103635 she follows the dogs as if keeping on asking Zd_JnArFA9g-00308-00103635-00103748 where I am. Zd_JnArFA9g-00309-00103808-00104022 Now Tila can eat fish, Zd_JnArFA9g-00310-00104022-00104276 so I start feeding her more fish than baby powder. Zd_JnArFA9g-00311-00104311-00104668 I will follow the formula of 20% cereal, Zd_JnArFA9g-00312-00104668-00105106 60% seafood and 10 % vegetable for young otters. Zd_JnArFA9g-00313-00105166-00105454 After eating, I let her play with water Zd_JnArFA9g-00314-00105454-00105688 to digest well the food and clean her body, Zd_JnArFA9g-00315-00105688-00105954 then play for a while before going to sleep. Zd_JnArFA9g-00316-00106876-00107209 When the otter is 4 weeks to 12 weeks old, Zd_JnArFA9g-00317-00107211-00107508 she will follow that living routine. Zd_JnArFA9g-00318-00107668-00107822 When she grows bigger, Zd_JnArFA9g-00319-00107822-00108000 she needs more time and space Zd_JnArFA9g-00320-00108004-00108276 and when this requirement is not satisfied, Zd_JnArFA9g-00321-00108276-00108666 she will become aggressive or suffer autism. Zd_JnArFA9g-00322-00110259-00110498 After being able to eat fish well, Zd_JnArFA9g-00323-00110498-00110738 it is time for Tila to learn how to swim Zd_JnArFA9g-00324-00110738-00110838 because now, Zd_JnArFA9g-00325-00110838-00110948 Tila is healthy enough Zd_JnArFA9g-00326-00110952-00111166 thanks to having sufficient nutrients, Zd_JnArFA9g-00327-00111198-00111504 she will not be afraid of colds anymore. Zd_JnArFA9g-00328-00111532-00111880 After lunch, it is the best time for the otter to swim. Zd_JnArFA9g-00329-00111898-00112020 But now, Zd_JnArFA9g-00330-00112020-00112128 Tila just needs to know Zd_JnArFA9g-00331-00112128-00112288 how to hold her breath in the water. Zd_JnArFA9g-00332-00113983-00114311 Today, after eating pangasius fillet, Zd_JnArFA9g-00333-00114311-00114435 the otter vomits Zd_JnArFA9g-00334-00114435-00114508 and I know that Zd_JnArFA9g-00335-00114508-00114782 the supermarket added borax into the fish. Zd_JnArFA9g-00336-00114809-00115152 The human weight is forty times heavier than the otter, Zd_JnArFA9g-00337-00115200-00115476 so such dose of borax is not harmful Zd_JnArFA9g-00338-00115476-00115770 to humans but harmful to my otter, Zd_JnArFA9g-00339-00115868-00116083 so I decided to buy fresh fish Zd_JnArFA9g-00340-00116083-00116188 which is newly dead fish Zd_JnArFA9g-00341-00116188-00116450 rather than fillet fish for the otter to eat Zd_JnArFA9g-00342-00116450-00116698 because the fish seller often uses Zd_JnArFA9g-00343-00116698-00116883 preservative substance or borax Zd_JnArFA9g-00344-00116883-00117248 to mix with fish if they don’t sell out in the day. Zd_JnArFA9g-00345-00117266-00117650 Now Tila can eat foods which are necessary for otters. Zd_JnArFA9g-00346-00118198-00118530 Another problem raised when she is stronger, Zd_JnArFA9g-00347-00118530-00118720 she travels more and she is easy for her Zd_JnArFA9g-00348-00118720-00119011 to get diseases from other animals, Zd_JnArFA9g-00349-00120190-00120648 therefore, I have to keep the otter in a separate cage. Zd_JnArFA9g-00350-00120648-00121070 It is about the time to take Tila to the national park. Zd_JnArFA9g-00351-00124628-00124988 I found that the otter's feces have diarrhea, Zd_JnArFA9g-00352-00124988-00125318 which can be caused by poisoning of borax in fish, Zd_JnArFA9g-00353-00125388-00125582 or from drinking a lot of milk, Zd_JnArFA9g-00354-00125582-00125838 and also from being exposed to the environment Zd_JnArFA9g-00355-00125838-00126033 with many germs from pets. Zd_JnArFA9g-00356-00126061-00126364 Another skill required when raising an otter Zd_JnArFA9g-00357-00126364-00126652 is that you must know how to treat the disease in time. Zd_JnArFA9g-00358-00126688-00127138 For diarrhea, the otter may die without timely treatment. Zd_JnArFA9g-00359-00128102-00128458 It is time to bring Tila to Cat Tien National Park Zd_JnArFA9g-00360-00128458-00128698 to live in a better environment. Zd_JnArFA9g-00361-00133620-00134024 Tonight, my family and I depart early at 12pm, Zd_JnArFA9g-00362-00134174-00134582 because the forest is more than 100km from my home. Zd_JnArFA9g-00363-00134596-00134848 We can drive faster at night Zd_JnArFA9g-00364-00134848-00135048 when the road is not crowded. Zd_JnArFA9g-00365-00135064-00135184 We do the same Zd_JnArFA9g-00366-00135184-00135540 whenever we take a wild animal to the forest. Zd_JnArFA9g-00367-00137260-00137484 Driving for the whole night. Zd_JnArFA9g-00368-00137484-00137710 Finally, we arrive in the forest. Zd_JnArFA9g-00369-00138804-00139116 My family and I find a familiar hostel Zd_JnArFA9g-00370-00139116-00139368 to stay overnight there to recover our energy Zd_JnArFA9g-00371-00139368-00139656 to take the otter to the forest in the morning. Zd_JnArFA9g-00372-00142684-00143094 While my family is taking a rest, Zd_JnArFA9g-00373-00143094-00143464 I let Tila run, play, eat, and have a bath once more. Zd_JnArFA9g-00374-00164458-00164714 I did not have time to teach her swim, Zd_JnArFA9g-00375-00164762-00164882 and today is Zd_JnArFA9g-00376-00164882-00165120 her first and the last swimming lesion I give her. Zd_JnArFA9g-00377-00177864-00178164 Tila is very smart and she knows that Zd_JnArFA9g-00378-00178164-00178346 my family is about to leave her. Zd_JnArFA9g-00379-00178346-00178680 She cries and does not want to go to the forest. Zd_JnArFA9g-00380-00178690-00178866 My mom has to hug her Zd_JnArFA9g-00381-00178866-00179014 and does want to let her go either Zd_JnArFA9g-00382-00179014-00179384 because this otter is still too small and cannot swim yet. Zd_JnArFA9g-00383-00180318-00180766 However, this week, I save another otter named Tima Zd_JnArFA9g-00384-00180766-00181006 and the director of the national park suggested Zd_JnArFA9g-00385-00181006-00181282 bringing Tila to the forest with Tima. Zd_JnArFA9g-00386-00181314-00181510 That is why I decided that Zd_JnArFA9g-00387-00181510-00181814 it is a suitable time for Tila to go to the forest. Zd_JnArFA9g-00388-00181850-00182034 We feel hurt for the love that Zd_JnArFA9g-00389-00182034-00182338 the otter gives us but for the future of this variety Zd_JnArFA9g-00390-00182338-00182518 that is in the danger of extinction, Zd_JnArFA9g-00391-00182518-00182870 I want to do the best for the Tila right now. Zd_JnArFA9g-00392-00188320-00188564 We cross the river on a boat Zd_JnArFA9g-00393-00188564-00189002 to CRCS wildlife rescue center in Cat Tien National Park Zd_JnArFA9g-00394-00189002-00189334 to meet the director whom we will handover Tila Zd_JnArFA9g-00395-00189334-00189520 with the hope that Tila and Tima Zd_JnArFA9g-00396-00189520-00189720 will live happily together. Zd_JnArFA9g-00397-00193956-00194264 On the way to take Tila to CRCS center, Zd_JnArFA9g-00398-00194266-00194528 Tila cries as if she does want to leave us, Zd_JnArFA9g-00399-00194528-00194716 just like a baby. Zd_JnArFA9g-00400-00194716-00194930 The atmosphere is even worse Zd_JnArFA9g-00401-00194930-00195186 when we know that Tima the 9 weeks old otter Zd_JnArFA9g-00402-00195186-00195378 that I sent here one week ago Zd_JnArFA9g-00403-00195378-00195602 was already released to the forest. Zd_JnArFA9g-00404-00195700-00196044 It means that Tila has no friend here Zd_JnArFA9g-00405-00196044-00196222 and she has to live alone in a cage Zd_JnArFA9g-00406-00196222-00196432 to wait for another otter to live with Zd_JnArFA9g-00407-00196432-00196604 and then to be released into the wild. Zd_JnArFA9g-00408-00196638-00196974 If I knew this news earlier from the director, Zd_JnArFA9g-00409-00197004-00197330 I would not cross 100km to take Tila here Zd_JnArFA9g-00410-00197330-00197638 but still kept her home to care for more time. Zd_JnArFA9g-00411-00197664-00197774 It would be better Zd_JnArFA9g-00412-00197774-00198042 because the funded food source for animals here Zd_JnArFA9g-00413-00198042-00198482 is limited and Tila will not be fed with sufficient food. Zd_JnArFA9g-00414-00200218-00200562 I hope that more people will know about this forest Zd_JnArFA9g-00415-00200562-00200810 and there are more visitors here so that the center Zd_JnArFA9g-00416-00200810-00200936 has the funding source Zd_JnArFA9g-00417-00200936-00201128 to better take care of wild animals Zd_JnArFA9g-00418-00201128-00201326 while they are being kept here to Zd_JnArFA9g-00419-00201326-00201696 wait for the time to be released to the forest. Zd_JnArFA9g-00420-00216169-00216369 It was 1 month passed, Zd_JnArFA9g-00421-00216914-00217286 this time I return this place with my mermaid students Zd_JnArFA9g-00422-00217286-00217476 and find that Tila is still living here Zd_JnArFA9g-00423-00217476-00217817 and has no friends to live with. Zd_JnArFA9g-00424-00220244-00220600 She is not bigger than the time she lived with me. Zd_JnArFA9g-00425-00220602-00220921 She looks so pity and wants to go home with me Zd_JnArFA9g-00426-00220921-00221076 and Mermaid Ellie. Zd_JnArFA9g-00427-00221108-00221386 I am very hurt when I see that my students Zd_JnArFA9g-00428-00221386-00221606 also want to take her home. Zd_JnArFA9g-00429-00221606-00221896 But it is good enough when Tila is not sick Zd_JnArFA9g-00430-00221896-00222098 and she just has to wait for the time Zd_JnArFA9g-00431-00222098-00222273 she is released to the forest Zd_JnArFA9g-00432-00222273-00222517 and I completed my responsibilities with her Zd_JnArFA9g-00433-00222517-00222758 and the rest is with my students. Zd_JnArFA9g-00434-00222758-00222916 When they have more experience Zd_JnArFA9g-00435-00222916-00223096 in taking care of wild animals, Zd_JnArFA9g-00436-00223096-00223334 I can be sure that they can give the best things Zd_JnArFA9g-00437-00223334-00223482 to my wild animals. Zd_JnArFA9g-00438-00223482-00223864 Now, I just hope Tila will have a friend soon to live with Zd_JnArFA9g-00439-00223864-00224226 and has the opportunity to return into the wild. Zd_JnArFA9g-00440-00224523-00224684 And how about you, Zd_JnArFA9g-00441-00224684-00224916 do you want to become a member of Merman Tiun club? Zd_JnArFA9g-00442-00224964-00225304 Our responsibility is to take care of baby wild animals Zd_JnArFA9g-00443-00225304-00225590 and bring them to the forest when they are grown up. Zd_JnArFA9g-00444-00225617-00225817 The lesson from Tila Zd_JnArFA9g-00445-00225817-00226064 makes me recognize that we should not Zd_JnArFA9g-00446-00226064-00226264 bring baby animals to the national park. Zd_JnArFA9g-00447-00226298-00226594 I have more than 20 years of experience Zd_JnArFA9g-00448-00226594-00226742 in taking care of more than Zd_JnArFA9g-00449-00226742-00226982 100 different varieties of wild animals Zd_JnArFA9g-00450-00226982-00227284 and I will train a team of most outstanding mermaids Zd_JnArFA9g-00451-00227284-00227619 to help me take care of baby wild animals. Zd_JnArFA9g-00452-00227746-00228108 I hope that you share my opinion and if so, Zd_JnArFA9g-00453-00228108-00228234 please subscribe to support Zd_JnArFA9g-00454-00228234-00228576 the wildlife rescue mission of TIUN. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00000-00000115-00000779 In this video, we’re going to see what managing multiple Google Doc group activities looks ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00001-00000779-00001042 like from the instructor’s perspective. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00002-00001042-00001455 So, this is what my desktop looks like. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00003-00001455-00002194 This is, we have 11 different tabs up here, there’s my Drive folder, there’s a Google ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00004-00002194-00002990 Doc with the main prompt that I’ve copied and pasted into all four group activity docs. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00005-00002990-00003290 You see my slides, a page from my LMS, both ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00006-00003290-00003787 of which at some point I screenshare here in Adobe Connect. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00007-00003787-00004578 I used Screencast-o-Matic on this day to record this part of class, and there’s my calendar, ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00008-00004578-00004832 which is always in my browser. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00009-00004832-00005148 On the Google Doc itself: We are in Group 3. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00010-00005248-00005955 I always use the date and students’ names in the title of the actual document, just ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00011-00005955-00006389 to make sure that students know that they’re in the right place. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00012-00006389-00006811 Over here on the right, we see these six little ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00013-00006811-00007119 squares indicating that six other people are in the document. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00014-00007119-00007498 That’s all five students and my TA, that’s great; everyone is here. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00015-00007498-00007768 And then down here in the lower right, this ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00016-00007768-00008327 is the all-important native Google Docs chat feature. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00017-00008327-00009150 This is the group chat for students to communicate with each other during the activity ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00018-00009150-00009586 When we shift from Adobe Connect to Google ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00019-00009586-00009990 Docs, like, when we make that transition from Adobe Connect over to the group activity, I ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00020-00009990-00010642 mute myself and blank my video so that—because the focus is over here in Google Docs. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00021-00010642-00010851 We’re all still in Adobe Connect. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00022-00010851-00011181 We haven’t closed out of that room; we’re just working over here. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00023-00011181-00011686 So, this video excerpt is primarily visual—just ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00024-00011686-00012099 watching things happen on the screen. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00025-00012099-00012460 Things move really quickly, so I’m actually ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00026-00012460-00013006 going to hang out here with you in this “director’s cut” to explain what’s going on. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00027-00013006-00013283 The first thing you’ll see me do at the ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00028-00013283-00013819 top is ensure that students are talking with each other inside of the Google Docs. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00029-00013819-00014619 I always do this: The second we get into the activities, I open up the chat in all of the ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00030-00014619-00014913 Google Docs and remind everybody to talk with each other. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00031-00014913-00015013 That’s the point. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00032-00015013-00015253 So, let’s begin. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00033-00015443-00015938 All right, you see my little cursor up there... ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00034-00015938-00016586 Here I am, popping into each of the documents ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00035-00016586-00016864 reminding everybody to talk with each other... ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00036-00016864-00017116 this group is already chatting...oh, this ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00037-00017116-00017311 group is definitely chatting, that’s great. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00038-00017311-00017431 Let’s see. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00039-00017431-00017673 Group 2 does not need that reminder. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00040-00017673-00018008 Group 3, okay, they’re all working I can ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00041-00018008-00018439 see their cursors are in the document, but they’re not talking with each other. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00042-00018439-00018712 So, this is not an independent activity... ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00043-00018712-00019129 I’m dropping another hint in the chat for ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00044-00019129-00019509 folks that maybe you could start color coding in the activity itself. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00045-00019509-00020034 All right, Group 2 is still doing well: People ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00046-00020034-00020349 are typing, that is great... ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00047-00020349-00020806 let’s see what they have to say. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00048-00020806-00021216 Negotiating the task: I’m going to do this, ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00049-00021216-00021420 do you wanna to go ahead and do this? ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00050-00021420-00021520 This is beautiful. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00051-00021520-00022092 Ooo I see a “are we supposed to...” so ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00052-00022092-00022490 I happen to see that, and I respond. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00053-00022490-00022590 All right. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00054-00022590-00022690 These people aren’t talking. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00055-00022690-00022969 Stuff is happening, but they’re not communicating with each other. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00056-00022969-00023073 They need to collaborate. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00057-00023073-00023337 We only have a few more minutes for this activity. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00058-00023337-00023448 Let’s check on another group... ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00059-00023748-00024152 Group 3. All right. Nobody’s talking. It’s time for an intervention. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00060-00024152-00025095 I need to say something. So, in order to get these into one paragraph, ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00061-00025095-00025320 you’re going to need to cut a lot. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00062-00025320-00026054 I recommend chatting with each other in the ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00063-00026054-00026766 Google chat area so that you can develop a strategy like, a couple of you maybe move ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00064-00026766-00027388 down to the second paragraph, start color coding see what you can cut to squish this ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00065-00027388-00028168 into one healthy but not too long single paragraph. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00066-00028168-00028542 Couple more minutes, but 10:10 is our drop ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00067-00028542-00028813 dead, so, like 3 more minutes. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00068-00028813-00028913 That’s it. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00069-00028913-00029013 Thanks! ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00070-00029130-00029477 So, one of the advantages of not going into ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00071-00029477-00030308 breakout rooms is that I can do those aural hints, head’s up, reminders, time stamps, ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00072-00030308-00030531 et cetera, and… ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00073-00030531-00030902 we’ve already bounced out of that group, ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00074-00030902-00031636 but we could see, that even before I was done talking with that little head’s up, students ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00075-00031636-00032156 were already like “okay, anybody see anything to cut?” which is awesome. ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00076-00032156-00032444 So, same over here: As I’m going back through ZdHhlFZ-tZu-00077-00032444-00032844 the docs, I see that students are all talking with each other, which is beautiful! Zi57T1HFcxU-00000-00000040-00000170 Well, well! Zi57T1HFcxU-00001-00000212-00000334 What do we have here? Zi57T1HFcxU-00002-00000576-00000644 ham Zi57T1HFcxU-00003-00000716-00000888 Then I'll whack your face balls to the wall Zi57T1HFcxU-00004-00000953-00001054 There we go. Zi57T1HFcxU-00005-00001088-00001354 The only thing you'll hear is your bones breaking Zi57T1HFcxU-00006-00001438-00001538 Splendid, isn't it? Zi57T1HFcxU-00007-00001676-00001850 I should whack you some. Zi57T1HFcxU-00008-00002032-00002104 Good! Zi57T1HFcxU-00009-00002146-00002266 What do I get for that? Zi57T1HFcxU-00010-00002274-00002400 Gold never disappoints. Zi57T1HFcxU-00011-00002608-00002692 ... no? Zi57T1HFcxU-00012-00002732-00002884 Well then have fun with that. Zi57T1HFcxU-00013-00003018-00003218 Give me 6 boxes Xardas Zi57T1HFcxU-00014-00003218-00003358 Or I'll hit your face. Zi57T1HFcxU-00015-00003610-00003665 Here. Zi57T1HFcxU-00016-00003888-00004047 Bring me to the tower of Xardas. Zi57T1HFcxU-00017-00004060-00004202 Then let's beat 'em up Zi57T1HFcxU-00018-00004202-00004380 Gold. More than I can carry Zi57T1HFcxU-00019-00004410-00004438 And Zi57T1HFcxU-00020-00004482-00004582 Your grandfather. Zi57T1HFcxU-00021-00004646-00004722 but... Zi57T1HFcxU-00022-00004762-00004956 I'll only give you one for the time beeing. Zi57T1HFcxU-00023-00005168-00005296 This is gone, yes. Zi57T1HFcxU-00024-00005316-00005400 ho-hum! Zi57T1HFcxU-00025-00005752-00005832 yes, yes.. Zi57T1HFcxU-00026-00006228-00006328 I'll take the sword. Zi57T1HFcxU-00027-00006452-00006559 I want to learn from you Zi57T1HFcxU-00028-00006614-00006723 That's why you're here Zi57T1HFcxU-00029-00006773-00006895 You'll pay for that Zi57T1HFcxU-00030-00006956-00007081 And what's my duty in this? Zi57T1HFcxU-00031-00007122-00007362 Right, that's none of your bloody business. Zi57T1HFcxU-00032-00007506-00007634 That's bad for you! Zi57T1HFcxU-00033-00007692-00007834 Maybe it's because of the smoking? Zi57T1HFcxU-00034-00007873-00008022 Hmm, on the stone it is written: Zi57T1HFcxU-00035-00008058-00008115 No. Zi57T1HFcxU-00036-00008312-00008364 So. Zi57T1HFcxU-00037-00008388-00008634 Only this beasty one left and I'm champion, right? Zi57T1HFcxU-00038-00008668-00008768 INNOS! Zi57T1HFcxU-00039-00008942-00009054 On your way to Gotha. Zi57T1HFcxU-00040-00009244-00009418 Wait, you've forgotten something. Zi57T1HFcxU-00041-00009464-00009642 What happens when I open the temple? Zi57T1HFcxU-00042-00009800-00010038 What a pity, I'd have expected more of you. Zi57T1HFcxU-00043-00010134-00010194 Come with me. Zi57T1HFcxU-00044-00010250-00010442 Come on, move your ass! Zi57T1HFcxU-00045-00010602-00010702 Here, your ham. Zi57T1HFcxU-00046-00010736-00010884 Who's the champion now? Zi57T1HFcxU-00047-00010896-00011074 Ha, it's written here: Me. ZjpOUIJgzVE-00000-00000024-00000618 Mary Tuma: Um, it wasn’t easy. My mom would leave before we went to school and she would ZjpOUIJgzVE-00001-00000618-00001038 make sure we were up, and she would take off, and she would go to work. She would walk two ZjpOUIJgzVE-00002-00001038-00001626 miles. When she worked, primarily one of the shops she worked in was on Greenkill, ZjpOUIJgzVE-00003-00001626-00002226 uh, not Greenkill, Pinegrove Avenue. So she would walk from midtown, by the library, which ZjpOUIJgzVE-00004-00002226-00002826 is a library now. She would walk, two miles, you know, quite a while. In the snow, with the belt, ZjpOUIJgzVE-00005-00002826-00003468 buckle boots, and she would walk back, and come home, and throw the-not even have her shoes off, ZjpOUIJgzVE-00006-00003468-00004140 and she would start cooking. And, it was, it was hard! They worked, they had a very small ZjpOUIJgzVE-00007-00004140-00005016 lunch break, they stayed right there, and they worked very very hard. And um, yeah, it was a ZjpOUIJgzVE-00008-00005016-00005598 long day. I think they got out around four, maybe around four o’clock or so, she would walk home. ZmqK9DpFyKc-00000-00000280-00000640 I've been on that edge for 20 years it keeps kind of .... ZmqK9DpFyKc-00001-00000742-00001046 so he's saying the focus kind of comes in waves ZmqK9DpFyKc-00002-00001046-00001228 sometimes the mind gets focussed ZmqK9DpFyKc-00003-00001260-00001568 and sometimes it just goes wandering off into a thought ZmqK9DpFyKc-00004-00001652-00002148 but you feel like you are on the edge ... of .... something ZmqK9DpFyKc-00005-00002740-00003160 yes the focus will come and go that's going to be natural ZmqK9DpFyKc-00006-00003240-00003668 and even for people who've been doing it 20 or 30 years ZmqK9DpFyKc-00007-00003668-00003836 you get good days and bad days ZmqK9DpFyKc-00008-00003864-00004120 but the important thing is the consistency ZmqK9DpFyKc-00009-00004204-00004296 because ZmqK9DpFyKc-00010-00004520-00005032 if the rain really does fall on the wise and the unwise the just and the unjust ZmqK9DpFyKc-00011-00005076-00005520 this means the mindfulness has to apply to every single state ZmqK9DpFyKc-00012-00005600-00006020 so even in those states where the mind is sludgy, treacly, boggy ZmqK9DpFyKc-00013-00006020-00006324 where you can't get anything together ZmqK9DpFyKc-00014-00006324-00006752 even in those mind states there is the mindfulness there is the awareness ZmqK9DpFyKc-00015-00006812-00007120 so we do have to keep that in mind ZmqK9DpFyKc-00016-00007180-00007728 so that we withdraw from judging the state of mind ZmqK9DpFyKc-00017-00007792-00008360 and hang more on to that mindful awareness that is behind every single state of mind ZmqK9DpFyKc-00018-00008468-00008856 so that's good ... it will come and go like that ZmqK9DpFyKc-00019-00008860-00009068 even for me, I mean it's the same ZmqK9DpFyKc-00020-00009116-00009364 some days it comes some days it's gone ZmqK9DpFyKc-00021-00009480-00009868 I remember it was about 15 years as a monk and I was sitting there ... ZmqK9DpFyKc-00022-00009880-00010320 literally the millisecond I get into the position and close my eyes ZmqK9DpFyKc-00023-00010324-00010476 my mind is just gone! ZmqK9DpFyKc-00024-00010580-00010960 It's like literally a signal that just OOH OK now it's meditation time ZmqK9DpFyKc-00025-00010960-00011092 I'm going to go ZmqK9DpFyKc-00026-00011092-00011264 and my mind would just disappear ZmqK9DpFyKc-00027-00011280-00011544 and I took to slapping myself in the face ZmqK9DpFyKc-00028-00011592-00012000 I'd say "15 years as a monk, and [slap] this is all you can do!!" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00029-00012212-00012556 I'm not recommending that practice ZmqK9DpFyKc-00030-00012788-00013368 but every person has to find the ways and the tricks to make it real for you ZmqK9DpFyKc-00031-00013452-00013791 there's a story in the suttas of the man who ZmqK9DpFyKc-00032-00013900-00014268 could meditate when he's on his own when he's under the trees ZmqK9DpFyKc-00033-00014276-00014800 but he couldn't keep the mindfulness going when he's on his almsround ZmqK9DpFyKc-00034-00014988-00015432 and it's quite tricky, on your almsround when you haven't eaten for 24 hours ZmqK9DpFyKc-00035-00015432-00015576 and people are putting food in your bowl ZmqK9DpFyKc-00036-00015640-00015944 that's quite tricky to keep your mindfulness ZmqK9DpFyKc-00037-00015944-00016204 because you are thinking "what have you got there?" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00038-00016412-00016644 "more of the bananas!" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00039-00016824-00017168 "less of the other one!" "no, don't put that one in!" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00040-00017168-00017468 "OH, RIGHT on top of my curry, NO!" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00041-00017824-00018276 so it's quite difficult to keep your awareness on the almsround ZmqK9DpFyKc-00042-00018564-00019004 I'm trying to remember .. I was in England, and we did the almsround ZmqK9DpFyKc-00043-00019024-00019272 in the houses that knew we were coming ZmqK9DpFyKc-00044-00019272-00019520 so it's kind of a programmed almsround ZmqK9DpFyKc-00045-00019532-00019788 and then we went off to eat in the forest ZmqK9DpFyKc-00046-00019844-00020340 and there's this crazy monk - he knew of a little grove that he wanted to go to ZmqK9DpFyKc-00047-00020340-00020580 all the way through the forest and we got lost ZmqK9DpFyKc-00048-00020620-00021020 and we were in a big fern forest - you know ferns?? ZmqK9DpFyKc-00049-00021028-00021528 and ferns are about 6 foot high about the height of a ... me basically ZmqK9DpFyKc-00050-00021604-00021940 and you can walk around underneath them just about, but ... ZmqK9DpFyKc-00051-00022028-00022356 anybody more than 10 meters from you can't see you ZmqK9DpFyKc-00052-00022360-00022704 and then suddenly we all just 4 of us suddenly popped ZmqK9DpFyKc-00053-00022704-00023152 out of these ferns on to a path and there's a woman there walking her dog ZmqK9DpFyKc-00054-00023216-00023536 and she was rather surprised! ZmqK9DpFyKc-00055-00023796-00024104 to find in the depths of the English countryside ZmqK9DpFyKc-00056-00024104-00024300 these 4 robed figures popping out ZmqK9DpFyKc-00057-00024352-00024688 and she says 'What on earth are you doing in there?' ZmqK9DpFyKc-00058-00025140-00025332 so the head monk of us, he said ZmqK9DpFyKc-00059-00025332-00025504 "oh, we've been on almsround" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00060-00025548-00025804 she said "IN THERE!?" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00061-00026272-00026632 and then she asked us what's almsround, and we told her ZmqK9DpFyKc-00062-00026632-00026983 we go and collect our food at people's houses and she said ZmqK9DpFyKc-00063-00026983-00027200 "Well let me see what you've got" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00064-00027404-00027732 so opened up our lids and she peers inside, and she says ZmqK9DpFyKc-00065-00027732-00027895 "Ughh. I wouldn't eat that" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00066-00028044-00028524 but we're all 24 hours without food and we've been walking for 3 or 4 hours ZmqK9DpFyKc-00067-00028524-00028916 believe me absolutely anything would look tasty at that point ZmqK9DpFyKc-00068-00029026-00029295 and she says "so what's this Buddhism thing all about?" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00069-00029368-00029639 and the monk said ... ZmqK9DpFyKc-00070-00029680-00029783 the monk said ZmqK9DpFyKc-00071-00029783-00030027 "well the Buddha taught that life is suffering" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00072-00030027-00030188 and she said "pffffttt" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00073-00030188-00030332 "I could have told you that!" ZmqK9DpFyKc-00074-00031260-00031844 so this monk in the suttas - he couldn't maintain his mindfulness on the almsround ZmqK9DpFyKc-00075-00031939-00032195 and so what he did was he took a pebble ZmqK9DpFyKc-00076-00032195-00032420 and he held the pebble between his toes ZmqK9DpFyKc-00077-00032476-00032660 and if he dropped the pebble ZmqK9DpFyKc-00078-00032660-00032916 then he would stop and he wouldn't go on the almsround ZmqK9DpFyKc-00079-00032916-00033052 and he wouldn't eat for the day ZmqK9DpFyKc-00080-00033124-00033356 and he only dropped the pebble once ZmqK9DpFyKc-00081-00033404-00033700 and after that, his mindfulness was perfect ZmqK9DpFyKc-00082-00033728-00033804 So ... ZmqK9DpFyKc-00083-00033900-00034364 we have to find ways to make the practice relevant to yourself ZmqK9DpFyKc-00084-00034380-00034548 find those little tricks ZmqK9DpFyKc-00085-00034548-00034908 if that's slapping yourself in the face once in a while ... ZmqK9DpFyKc-00086-00034952-00035608 if that's switching your practice to metta meditation once in a while ... then that's what you have to do. ZnBjXvT_qu8-00000-00000000-00000200 Creating Ledgers & Stock Items ZnUqT-_YUsu-00000-00000023-00000390 - As Christians, we have a lot of things in common. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00001-00000390-00000809 Paul talks to us in Ephesians chapter 40, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00002-00000809-00001037 that passage we're very familiar with. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00003-00001037-00001262 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00004-00001363-00001692 one Spirit, one body, one hope, one Father. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00005-00001793-00002087 Things that we have in common but not ZnUqT-_YUsu-00006-00002087-00002380 necessarily we share all at once. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00007-00002556-00002883 The baptism that I experienced, you experienced also ZnUqT-_YUsu-00008-00002883-00003146 but we weren't all in the water at the same time. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00009-00003146-00003335 We had the same experience but we don't all ZnUqT-_YUsu-00010-00003335-00003608 experience it at the same time. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00011-00003790-00004199 They're all real things that we share as Christians ZnUqT-_YUsu-00012-00004199-00004361 but we do it in a personal way. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00013-00004361-00004656 As I mentioned, my baptism I did by myself, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00014-00004656-00004842 yours you did by yourself. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00015-00004932-00005261 But worship, and that's what I want to talk about tonight. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00016-00005261-00005625 Worship is that Christian event ZnUqT-_YUsu-00017-00005625-00005997 that is designed for people to experience together. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00018-00005997-00006159 It's different than the other things ZnUqT-_YUsu-00019-00006159-00006392 that I've mentioned before. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00020-00006392-00006841 It is, at the time of public worship that we see each other ZnUqT-_YUsu-00021-00006841-00007084 and more importantly it is at this time ZnUqT-_YUsu-00022-00007084-00007575 that we see each other do uniquely Christian things. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00023-00007575-00007881 We see each other and all at the same time. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00024-00007881-00008042 We're taking the communion. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00025-00008042-00008337 We see each other and all at the same time ZnUqT-_YUsu-00026-00008337-00008583 we're offering prayer or songs ZnUqT-_YUsu-00027-00008583-00008791 or teaching and so on and so forth. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00028-00008900-00009353 Now since this is a public group activity, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00029-00009353-00009568 it's no wonder that there tends to be ZnUqT-_YUsu-00030-00009568-00009927 a lot of discussion about how things ought to be done. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00031-00009927-00010081 Everybody's got an opinion. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00032-00010169-00010615 After all, public worship is about doing things. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00033-00010615-00010875 As opposed to thinking about things. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00034-00010875-00011375 So people have opinions about how things should be done ZnUqT-_YUsu-00035-00011401-00011749 and I'd like to review of these ideas tonight. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00036-00011749-00012112 Some of these things about worship with you ZnUqT-_YUsu-00037-00012112-00012530 in a lesson entitled, Progressive Conservatives. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00038-00012530-00012869 And you'll figure out what progressive conservative means ZnUqT-_YUsu-00039-00012869-00013155 little further down in the lesson. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00040-00013155-00013316 First of all, let's look at the things ZnUqT-_YUsu-00041-00013316-00013699 that most of us agree upon when it comes to worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00042-00013813-00014111 In reading the New Testament, we learn that in the context ZnUqT-_YUsu-00043-00014111-00014366 of public worship, and that's the difference ZnUqT-_YUsu-00044-00014366-00014641 between public and private worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00045-00014641-00014909 There is a difference in the New Testament. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00046-00014909-00015396 When the church gathers together, it is public worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00047-00015396-00015635 And during our public worship, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00048-00015635-00016003 there are four activities that constitute what we call ZnUqT-_YUsu-00049-00016003-00016300 worship according to the New Testament. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00050-00016300-00016476 The worship, the idea of worship, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00051-00016476-00016753 the word used for worship in the Greek, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00052-00016753-00017077 one aspect of it means to kiss and to kiss forward. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00053-00017077-00017250 To send forward. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00054-00017250-00017404 Our love. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00055-00017404-00017695 Of course, not all activities that we do ZnUqT-_YUsu-00056-00017695-00018029 when we're together are worshipful in nature. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00057-00018029-00018363 Walking into the building, sitting down, smiling. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00058-00018363-00018639 We do those things but the Bible doesn't see ZnUqT-_YUsu-00059-00018639-00018978 those things or call those things worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00060-00019123-00019364 These are things that can be done reverently. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00061-00019364-00019684 I can walk in, why do we say to the kids stop running? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00062-00019684-00019845 Although it's an impossible task, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00063-00019845-00020041 we do say to them stop running. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00064-00020041-00020514 We try to instill in them a sense of respect ZnUqT-_YUsu-00065-00020514-00020705 when they come to worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00066-00020705-00020926 So even the ordinary things that we do. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00067-00020926-00021224 When we talk and smile and walk and so on and so forth, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00068-00021224-00021452 we try to do them in such a way ZnUqT-_YUsu-00069-00021452-00021666 that recognizes that we are here ZnUqT-_YUsu-00070-00021666-00022100 gathered in a public way for worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00071-00022100-00022291 You can go throughout the New Testament ZnUqT-_YUsu-00072-00022291-00022578 and you will see each one of these four elements ZnUqT-_YUsu-00073-00022578-00022905 elaborated and explained, examples of them ZnUqT-_YUsu-00074-00022905-00023189 being done properly or improperly ZnUqT-_YUsu-00075-00023189-00023489 but it is always a combination of these ZnUqT-_YUsu-00076-00023489-00023773 that constitutes Christian worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00077-00023773-00024015 If we go in Acts chapter 2. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00078-00024015-00024456 I love Acts, the book of Acts and especially Acts chapter 2. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00079-00024456-00024956 I have mind that passage, that chapter for so many things, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00080-00024988-00025316 so many ideas, so many important basic things. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00081-00025316-00025686 So like Genesis, if you wish, so many important basic things ZnUqT-_YUsu-00082-00025686-00025970 are there in Acts chapter 2 and if you ZnUqT-_YUsu-00083-00025970-00026232 look at verse 41 and 42 it says, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00084-00026232-00026608 "So then those who had received His word were baptized ZnUqT-_YUsu-00085-00026608-00026933 "and that day they were added about 3000 souls." ZnUqT-_YUsu-00086-00026933-00027133 So now we know who we're talking about. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00087-00027133-00027460 We're talking about the people who were added to the church. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00088-00027460-00027739 They have been converted and the very next thing they said, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00089-00027739-00028049 "They were continually devoting themselves to, " ZnUqT-_YUsu-00090-00028049-00028276 Watch for it, "the apostles' teaching, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00091-00028276-00028617 "to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, to prayer." ZnUqT-_YUsu-00092-00028617-00029001 There they are, all four of them, one after another. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00093-00029001-00029164 So let's take them one at a time. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00094-00029164-00029379 They continually devoted themselves ZnUqT-_YUsu-00095-00029379-00029552 to the apostles' teaching. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00096-00029552-00029757 This was naturally the first element ZnUqT-_YUsu-00097-00029757-00030152 because it was Jesus' basic command to the apostles ZnUqT-_YUsu-00098-00030152-00030437 regarding their care of the church. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00099-00030437-00030725 Matthew 28:20, that they teach the church. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00100-00030725-00030968 They teach the believers, the converted, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00101-00030968-00031410 to obey all things that Jesus had commanded them. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00102-00031410-00031650 This teaching, of course takes many forms. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00103-00031650-00032139 In 1 Timothy 4:13, Paul talks about exhortation ZnUqT-_YUsu-00104-00032139-00032433 and teaching and preaching and reading of scriptures, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00105-00032433-00032876 all of this is contained in the idea of teaching the saints. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00106-00032876-00033326 The basis is always the same, teaching to the church ZnUqT-_YUsu-00107-00033326-00033635 all of the teachings of our Lord and teaching us ZnUqT-_YUsu-00108-00033723-00034223 not only to obey but how to obey the teachings of the Lord. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00109-00034243-00034500 So if worship were a stew, something you ZnUqT-_YUsu-00110-00034500-00034869 were putting together, one element would be teaching. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00111-00034869-00035052 The second thing mentioned by Luke ZnUqT-_YUsu-00112-00035052-00035276 in Acts chapter 2 is fellowship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00113-00035276-00035644 The Greek word here for fellowship means sharing. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00114-00035644-00035993 The common sharing of common things. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00115-00035993-00036216 In the context of the book of Acts, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00116-00036216-00036544 the New Testament shared the responsibility ZnUqT-_YUsu-00117-00036544-00036758 for caring for the needs of the saints. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00118-00036758-00036880 And we read about that a little ZnUqT-_YUsu-00119-00036880-00037231 further on in verses 44 and 45. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00120-00037231-00037521 They share their time, they share their homes, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00121-00037521-00037784 they share their lives together, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00122-00037784-00038102 this sharing in a public way. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00123-00038197-00038381 When we come together to worship is ZnUqT-_YUsu-00124-00038381-00038827 an important part of the public worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00125-00038827-00039248 An important part of a Christian's life and offering to God. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00126-00039248-00039606 He mentions the communion, the breaking of bread. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00127-00039606-00039985 In Acts, Luke mentions breaking of bread several times. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00128-00039985-00040222 Sometimes it means taking the communion, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00129-00040222-00040488 other times it simply means to eat. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00130-00040488-00040967 In Acts 20:7, they talk about communion first ZnUqT-_YUsu-00131-00040967-00041273 and then in verse 11, use the same word ZnUqT-_YUsu-00132-00041273-00041580 to convey the idea that they were eating. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00133-00041580-00042040 The context is what determines what the word means. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00134-00042040-00042390 And so in Acts chapter 2, since he refers to prayer ZnUqT-_YUsu-00135-00042390-00042610 and teaching, he means communion. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00136-00042610-00042887 Not simply eating a meal. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00137-00042887-00043104 Anyways, he talks a little further down ZnUqT-_YUsu-00138-00043104-00043321 about the Christians, how they were together ZnUqT-_YUsu-00139-00043321-00043540 and they ate together as well. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00140-00043540-00043786 So the taking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00141-00043786-00044092 to commemorate Jesus' death, burial, resurrection ZnUqT-_YUsu-00142-00044092-00044302 is not only an act of worship, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00143-00044302-00044490 it's the central act of worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00144-00044490-00044858 because it symbolizes the core and the foundation ZnUqT-_YUsu-00145-00044858-00045108 upon which our faith is based. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00146-00045108-00045382 The literal resurrection of our Lord from the dead ZnUqT-_YUsu-00147-00045382-00045646 is proof that He is God and guarantee ZnUqT-_YUsu-00148-00045646-00045991 that we also will raise from the dead. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00149-00045991-00046343 This particular act of worship is unique to Christianity. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00150-00046343-00046668 No other religion has anything quite like it ZnUqT-_YUsu-00151-00046668-00046976 and our participation in it is ZnUqT-_YUsu-00152-00046976-00047269 a continuous witness that we believe. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00153-00047269-00047637 It's a silent witness that we believe ZnUqT-_YUsu-00154-00047637-00047868 not only in the power of the cross ZnUqT-_YUsu-00155-00047868-00048087 but we also believe in the resurrection ZnUqT-_YUsu-00156-00048087-00048323 and what ultimately that means for us ZnUqT-_YUsu-00157-00048323-00048549 and that is our resurrection. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00158-00048549-00048703 And then there's prayer. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00159-00048703-00048908 The original Greek word for prayer ZnUqT-_YUsu-00160-00048908-00049076 was made up of several words. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00161-00049076-00049411 One word meant to motion towards, or to move towards ZnUqT-_YUsu-00162-00049411-00049789 and the other meant a will or a wish. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00163-00049789-00050023 Essentially prayer is bringing our will ZnUqT-_YUsu-00164-00050023-00050441 and our wish before God in a variety of ways. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00165-00050441-00050665 If our desire is to praise Him ZnUqT-_YUsu-00166-00050665-00050961 and lift up His name in a glorious fashion, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00167-00050961-00051190 we can do as Paul instructs the church ZnUqT-_YUsu-00168-00051190-00051542 in Ephesians 5:18 and 19, James talks about it ZnUqT-_YUsu-00169-00051542-00051915 in 5:13 and that is songs of praise. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00170-00051915-00052111 Spiritual songs. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00171-00052111-00052432 If we have needs or want to place before God ZnUqT-_YUsu-00172-00052432-00052712 the needs of the church, we can make supplications ZnUqT-_YUsu-00173-00052712-00053159 as Paul teaches in 1 Timitohy 2:1-4 ZnUqT-_YUsu-00174-00053159-00053301 and then again in verse 8. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00175-00053301-00053541 If our need is for healing of the body ZnUqT-_YUsu-00176-00053541-00053829 or for healing of the soul, we bring each other ZnUqT-_YUsu-00177-00053829-00054064 before God through the prayers of the elders, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00178-00054064-00054465 chapter 5 of James verses 14 and 15. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00179-00054465-00054861 So a variety of ways that this word is used. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00180-00054861-00055202 Prayer is the means that we bring our hearts and desires ZnUqT-_YUsu-00181-00055202-00055449 towards God through supplication, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00182-00055449-00055866 through thanks giving, through praise, through song. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00183-00055866-00056211 So these four elements, teaching, fellowship, communion, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00184-00056211-00056711 prayer make up what we refer to as Christian worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00185-00056765-00057041 One clarification needs to be made here however. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00186-00057041-00057239 We need to differentiate between, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00187-00057239-00057528 and here's my point tonight, we need to differentiate ZnUqT-_YUsu-00188-00057528-00057952 between public worship and private worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00189-00057952-00058437 Formal worship and informal worship because the Bible does. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00190-00058437-00058937 In Acts 20:7, Luke says that the church gather together ZnUqT-_YUsu-00191-00058949-00059337 to break bread on the first day of the week. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00192-00059337-00059511 This is formal worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00193-00059511-00059595 Why? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00194-00059595-00059991 Because the entire church is gathered together. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00195-00059991-00060471 In 1 Corinthians 11:17-18, Paul specifies that ZnUqT-_YUsu-00196-00060471-00060886 when the Corinthians came together as a church, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00197-00061013-00061244 they were to do certain things ZnUqT-_YUsu-00198-00061244-00061633 and have an orderly procedure to their worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00199-00061633-00062027 In other words, an orderly procedure to their teaching, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00200-00062027-00062310 to their fellowship, to the communion, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00201-00062310-00062474 and to the prayers and various ZnUqT-_YUsu-00202-00062474-00062796 types of prayers that were offered. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00203-00062796-00062879 Why? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00204-00062879-00063034 Because it's public worship! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00205-00063034-00063290 There can be five people or 50 people, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00206-00063290-00063711 there can be 500 or 50,000 people, there has to be order. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00207-00063711-00064133 There has to be some sort of way to unify a group of people ZnUqT-_YUsu-00208-00064133-00064326 to offer public worship in a way ZnUqT-_YUsu-00209-00064326-00064550 that's acceptable and orderly, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00210-00064550-00064780 that's why there are these instructions ZnUqT-_YUsu-00211-00064780-00065172 in the New Testament, to guide us during our formal worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00212-00065315-00065708 This has some practical applications for us as Christians. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00213-00065708-00065956 For example, in formal worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00214-00065956-00066158 when the church gathers together, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00215-00066158-00066457 the men are the ones who do the teaching. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00216-00066457-00066702 The women are not to lead or to teach. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00217-00066702-00067168 We know that 1 Corinthians 14:34, 35, and 36. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00218-00067366-00067681 In informal times, in our home so on and so forth, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00219-00067681-00067931 there's the give and take and discussion regarding ZnUqT-_YUsu-00220-00067931-00068230 the Bible by both men and women. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00221-00068230-00068730 In Acts 8, Priscilla and Aquila were teaching together. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00222-00068780-00069012 There was give and take there with someone ZnUqT-_YUsu-00223-00069012-00069379 who needed more instruction. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00224-00069379-00069613 In public worship, we put aside a certain ZnUqT-_YUsu-00225-00069613-00069857 amount of money for the work of the church. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00226-00069857-00070018 Someone says, hey how come you didn't mention ZnUqT-_YUsu-00227-00070018-00070261 the collection as that fifth act? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00228-00070261-00070547 Because the Bible doesn't mention it as a fifth act. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00229-00070547-00070741 That's part of fellowship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00230-00070741-00070835 We share. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00231-00070835-00071016 We share all things. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00232-00071016-00071243 They shared their goods together. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00233-00071243-00071326 Part of fellowship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00234-00071326-00071541 If you want to make it a fifth thing, that's fine. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00235-00071541-00071852 I put it in to, it's the way that we share. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00236-00071852-00072114 We share not only our love together, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00237-00072114-00072336 we share our resources in order to ZnUqT-_YUsu-00238-00072336-00072684 take care of the needs of others. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00239-00072684-00072973 And so the church has instructions ZnUqT-_YUsu-00240-00072973-00073150 for that part of their fellowship, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00241-00073150-00073347 the financial fellowship they have ZnUqT-_YUsu-00242-00073347-00073606 on the first day of the week. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00243-00073606-00073881 That it's accountable to everyone. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00244-00073881-00074296 In private, well in private there's no particular way. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00245-00074296-00074553 In private we give money to many needs. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00246-00074553-00074796 We share our lives in goods, we help ZnUqT-_YUsu-00247-00074796-00075047 in a much less structured way. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00248-00075047-00075422 And we're answerable only to God and our conscious. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00249-00075422-00075717 Not as in public worship where there is a way to do things ZnUqT-_YUsu-00250-00075717-00076066 and a time to do things and so on and so forth. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00251-00076066-00076271 In formal worship, we share the bread ZnUqT-_YUsu-00252-00076271-00076485 and the fruit of the vine as a witness ZnUqT-_YUsu-00253-00076485-00076719 of our faith, as a witness of our hope. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00254-00076719-00077219 1 Corinthians 11:26, in informal times ZnUqT-_YUsu-00255-00077220-00077442 we tell of what Jesus has done for us. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00256-00077442-00077624 We share our faith in that way. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00257-00077624-00077816 We do good in the name of Christ. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00258-00077816-00078044 We bring others to faith by sharing ZnUqT-_YUsu-00259-00078044-00078306 the gospel with them as we are able. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00260-00078306-00078505 This is our witness! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00261-00078505-00078814 I don't break out the unleavened bread ZnUqT-_YUsu-00262-00078814-00078993 and the fruit of the vine at my house. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00263-00078993-00079294 If I want to make a silent witness to my neighbor who's come ZnUqT-_YUsu-00264-00079294-00079602 over to have a cup of coffee to make a witness for Christ. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00265-00079748-00080047 God has given us that act, if you wish, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00266-00080047-00080225 that ritual if you want to call it, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00267-00080225-00080567 as something that we do as a unit together as a church ZnUqT-_YUsu-00268-00080567-00080962 to make a public witness together corporately. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00269-00081056-00081288 But if I want to make a witness privately, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00270-00081288-00081643 I don't have the communion in front of someone. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00271-00081643-00081754 I share the gospel. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00272-00081754-00081931 I give them this bread! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00273-00082067-00082390 And talk to them about the blood of Christ ZnUqT-_YUsu-00274-00082390-00082858 not the symbolic thing that I do on a Sunday. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00275-00082858-00083159 We have instructions for these things. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00276-00083159-00083603 In public worship, we use singing to praise God musically. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00277-00083603-00083825 And the men are the ones who lead in prayer ZnUqT-_YUsu-00278-00083825-00084023 and thanks giving on behalf of the church, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00279-00084023-00084523 Ephesians 5:20, 1 Timothy 2:8. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00280-00084562-00084822 In our private lives everyone can pray, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00281-00084822-00085068 everyone can praise God in whatever way they can ZnUqT-_YUsu-00282-00085068-00085338 using their skills to God's glory! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00283-00085338-00085703 Everything we do should be a form of worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00284-00085703-00086203 in our private lives, Romans 12:1-2. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00285-00086215-00086715 You know if you run, you can run to the Lord, to His glory. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00286-00087018-00087300 If you play the guitar at your house ZnUqT-_YUsu-00287-00087300-00087614 or wherever you are you can play to God's glory. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00288-00087614-00087876 If you weld, if you make a birdhouse, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00289-00087876-00088223 if you work with in a hospital, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00290-00088223-00088723 whatever you do, you can do to the glory of God ZnUqT-_YUsu-00291-00088793-00089162 and should do to the glory of God. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00292-00089162-00089510 So most people agree that formal worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00293-00089510-00089887 includes teaching, fellowship, communion, prayer. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00294-00089887-00090201 And that these activities should focus on Jesus Christ ZnUqT-_YUsu-00295-00090201-00090458 who is the object of our worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00296-00090458-00090728 In order to avoid confusion, we need to remember ZnUqT-_YUsu-00297-00090728-00091019 that the rules that guide formal worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00298-00091019-00091207 In other words, what we do when we come ZnUqT-_YUsu-00299-00091207-00091563 together specifically as a church. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00300-00091563-00091902 Those rules are different than when we are alone ZnUqT-_YUsu-00301-00091902-00092398 or with only a few Christians that constitute the church. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00302-00092398-00092633 Formal worship is what happens when the church ZnUqT-_YUsu-00303-00092633-00092976 gathers together for that very purpose. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00304-00092976-00093274 That's what Paul is talking to the Corinthians about. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00305-00093274-00093432 The problems that they're having ZnUqT-_YUsu-00306-00093432-00093732 during their time of formal worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00307-00093732-00094044 But when Marty and Celestia and Judy and myself ZnUqT-_YUsu-00308-00094044-00094270 when we're together in the name of the Lord, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00309-00094270-00094521 we're working, we're studying, we're working in the office, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00310-00094521-00094697 taking calls, visiting people, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00311-00094697-00094957 so on and so forth, the Lord is with us. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00312-00095044-00095394 He's told us whenever two or more are gathered ZnUqT-_YUsu-00313-00095394-00095741 in My name there I am in their midst, Matthew 18:20, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00314-00095741-00096176 but He didn't say that His presence meant that ZnUqT-_YUsu-00315-00096176-00096411 we had to have formal worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00316-00096584-00096803 When Marty and I and Judy and Celestia ZnUqT-_YUsu-00317-00096803-00097059 are working in the office, even when we're working together ZnUqT-_YUsu-00318-00097059-00097375 on a particular thing, that's not formal worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00319-00097375-00097541 We don't have to have communion ZnUqT-_YUsu-00320-00097541-00097874 and break out in acapella song. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00321-00098204-00098499 Most of us agree that there is a difference ZnUqT-_YUsu-00322-00098499-00098827 between the guidelines that direct formal ZnUqT-_YUsu-00323-00098827-00099257 and individual gatherings for worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00324-00099257-00099698 Alright, so what we don't agree on, let's get into that. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00325-00099698-00099955 One of the major things that divides Christians ZnUqT-_YUsu-00326-00099955-00100320 has to do with confusion over what belongs to public ZnUqT-_YUsu-00327-00100320-00100820 or formal worship and what needs to remain private. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00328-00100845-00101120 For example, there may be a woman, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00329-00101120-00101620 a sister in Christ who is gifted as a teacher, as a speaker, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00330-00101627-00102031 and we have several of those in our congregation, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00331-00102031-00102385 but maybe there can be one of these individuals ZnUqT-_YUsu-00332-00102385-00102754 that feel that the level of their skill ZnUqT-_YUsu-00333-00102754-00103050 permits them to violate the Bible's teaching ZnUqT-_YUsu-00334-00103050-00103447 against women leading in public worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00335-00103573-00103718 See what I'm getting at? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00336-00103718-00104027 What is good when done privately ZnUqT-_YUsu-00337-00104027-00104201 can become an offense when done ZnUqT-_YUsu-00338-00104201-00104386 in the context of formal worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00339-00104386-00104683 We have to kind of know the difference here. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00340-00104683-00104831 You know I have a good example of that. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00341-00104831-00105100 Dr. Harold Fletcher. I don't know if any of you have ZnUqT-_YUsu-00342-00105100-00105332 ever heard of Dr. Harold Fletcher? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00343-00105332-00105452 I believe he's still alive. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00344-00105452-00105564 I haven't seen him in a long time ZnUqT-_YUsu-00345-00105564-00106064 but he's a music teacher at Oklahoma Christian ZnUqT-_YUsu-00346-00106079-00106257 and as a matter of fact, I believe he was on ZnUqT-_YUsu-00347-00106257-00106581 the original faculty back in 1950. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00348-00106581-00107081 He's the oldest living faculty member at Oklahoma Christian. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00349-00107122-00107505 Dr. Fletcher is a gifted composer. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00350-00107505-00107679 Written a lot of classical music. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00351-00107679-00107838 Actually is the one that wrote the ZnUqT-_YUsu-00352-00107838-00108049 alma mater for Oklahoma Christian. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00353-00108136-00108403 He is also a musical historian ZnUqT-_YUsu-00354-00108403-00108570 and what not a lot of people know ZnUqT-_YUsu-00355-00108570-00109064 is he is a gifted organist, playing classical music. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00356-00109064-00109471 A lot of the spiritual type of music written by the classics ZnUqT-_YUsu-00357-00109471-00109708 and he plays this and he's given concerts ZnUqT-_YUsu-00358-00109708-00109883 and so on and so forth. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00359-00109883-00110269 But it never occurred to him to ZnUqT-_YUsu-00360-00110269-00110605 play the organ in public worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00361-00110697-00110955 Here is an individual whose main gift, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00362-00110955-00111190 whose the peak of his education ZnUqT-_YUsu-00363-00111190-00111458 and training and work brought him ZnUqT-_YUsu-00364-00111458-00111955 to a level of musicianship that very few people can reach. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00365-00112115-00112271 He could've said to himself, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00366-00112271-00112558 how can God not accept this gift? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00367-00112558-00112891 It's the very best thing I do! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00368-00113013-00113404 Why shouldn't I be able to offer it to God during worship? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00369-00113404-00113615 Well, there's a very good reason for that. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00370-00113615-00114102 Because God said, we don't use instruments in worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00371-00114102-00114260 We're to sing with the voice. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00372-00114260-00114590 And I don't believe, I've had Dr. Fletcher in class. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00373-00114590-00114834 I don't believe he ever struggled with that idea ZnUqT-_YUsu-00374-00114834-00115028 because he knew well the scriptures. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00375-00115028-00115319 He knew that individually in his home, concerts ZnUqT-_YUsu-00376-00115319-00115740 he could play sacred music if you wish, he could play it. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00377-00115740-00116046 But it never occurred to him to try to cross that barrier ZnUqT-_YUsu-00378-00116046-00116270 and bring what he did in his private life, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00379-00116270-00116722 his private talent into the area of public worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00380-00116722-00117108 Because the guidelines would not permit it. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00381-00117108-00117589 And so as I say, what is good and what is perhaps to be ZnUqT-_YUsu-00382-00117589-00118075 honored in private may not always be useful, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00383-00118075-00118339 may not always be permitted in public worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00384-00118339-00118567 Another thing that we seem to be disagreeing on ZnUqT-_YUsu-00385-00118567-00118873 more and more these days is how to do the things ZnUqT-_YUsu-00386-00118873-00119149 that we do during public worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00387-00119423-00119710 Some people have, [coughs] excuse me. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00388-00119710-00120075 Some people have grown use to doing, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00389-00120075-00120431 remember I said we do things during public worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00390-00120431-00120734 Some people have grown used to doing the communion, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00391-00120734-00121152 doing the songs, doing the fellowship a certain way. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00392-00121152-00121370 And their comfortable with it. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00393-00121370-00121605 Other, usually younger Christians, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00394-00121605-00121796 they want to do the same things, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00395-00121796-00122089 but they want to do them differently. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00396-00122089-00122589 Perhaps use more modern composers, more modern church music. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00397-00122815-00123177 Perhaps shorten the teaching, lengthen the communion time. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00398-00123177-00123573 Perhaps have three song leaders instead of one song leader. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00399-00123573-00123763 Three rotating song, I don't know. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00400-00123763-00123984 Different things like that. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00401-00123984-00124278 The problem here is usually generational. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00402-00124278-00124388 Not doctrinal. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00403-00124510-00124718 One generation likes the security ZnUqT-_YUsu-00404-00124718-00124914 and the comfort of the way things are ZnUqT-_YUsu-00405-00124914-00125133 and sometimes they feel that the way ZnUqT-_YUsu-00406-00125133-00125426 that they do things is sacred in itself. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00407-00125535-00125814 They make the two songs and a prayer method, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00408-00125814-00126168 into a divine doctrine and they become self-righteous ZnUqT-_YUsu-00409-00126168-00126362 if anybody wants to change that. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00410-00126502-00126738 Then the other group doesn't necessarily ZnUqT-_YUsu-00411-00126738-00126982 want to change what we do, in other words ZnUqT-_YUsu-00412-00126982-00127216 teach or pray or communion, fellowship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00413-00127216-00127601 They just want to do it in a way that they can relate to ZnUqT-_YUsu-00414-00127601-00127833 in a better way because of their age, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00415-00127833-00128008 because of the background. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00416-00128008-00128332 Remember the largest population group in our nation ZnUqT-_YUsu-00417-00128332-00128760 are the boomers followed by the X generation. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00418-00128760-00129107 This younger group has been nurtured on television religion ZnUqT-_YUsu-00419-00129107-00129459 and internet and social media, charismatic movements, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00420-00129459-00129715 probably been involved in a lot of emotionalism ZnUqT-_YUsu-00421-00129715-00130057 and youth programs and cap and so on and so forth. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00422-00130057-00130365 They want to be able to identify with the worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00423-00130365-00130622 They want to feel something when they worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00424-00130622-00131080 the Almighty and awesome God that the songs talk about. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00425-00131080-00131295 That's why they want to clap their hands, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00426-00131295-00131540 that's why they want more rhythmic melodies, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00427-00131540-00131790 that's why there's greater use of audio visual ZnUqT-_YUsu-00428-00131790-00132124 and group dynamic techniques. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00429-00132124-00132389 Now I believe both groups have a point ZnUqT-_YUsu-00430-00132389-00132703 and each have needs that have to be addressed. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00431-00132703-00133064 If we don't deal with the widening gap in the church, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00432-00133064-00133272 two things are going to happen, one, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00433-00133272-00133558 we will be dividing the church with each generation ZnUqT-_YUsu-00434-00133558-00133726 and each group going their own way ZnUqT-_YUsu-00435-00133726-00133994 and I've seen churches that have done this. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00436-00133994-00134169 Right here in Oklahoma. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00437-00134169-00134415 We won't name names but we know, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00438-00134415-00134527 you know what I'm talking about. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00439-00134527-00134693 Some churches, you know the early service ZnUqT-_YUsu-00440-00134693-00134871 for the young people and they do things one way ZnUqT-_YUsu-00441-00134871-00135049 and then the late service for the older people ZnUqT-_YUsu-00442-00135049-00135265 and they do things a different way. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00443-00135265-00135434 I don't agree with that, I'm just saying ZnUqT-_YUsu-00444-00135434-00135864 that's what happens when that divide becomes so tenuous. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00445-00135864-00136364 That eventually, it breaks in two. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00446-00136403-00136719 Or, we lose the opportunity to reach out to ZnUqT-_YUsu-00447-00136719-00136998 the largest segment of the unchurch population. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00448-00136998-00137277 Those who are 18 to 40, it's a real problem. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00449-00137372-00137642 So when you look at a map of the United States. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00450-00137642-00138054 I love to use Oklahoma as an example. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00451-00138054-00138238 When you look at a map of the United States ZnUqT-_YUsu-00452-00138238-00138443 and you see where Oklahoma is located, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00453-00138443-00138727 you will note that we're pretty much in the middle. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00454-00138727-00138878 I kind of like that idea. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00455-00138878-00139109 It appeals to my sense of order. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00456-00139109-00139544 We're right there in the middle of this country. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00457-00139544-00139766 Well, I believe that our position on this issue, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00458-00139766-00140165 you know how to worship, should also be right in the middle. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00459-00140165-00140420 Neither conservative nor progressive ZnUqT-_YUsu-00460-00140420-00140851 but rather, now you get it progressive conservative. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00461-00140851-00141030 And that's where the title come from. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00462-00141030-00141161 Now someone says, where do you see ZnUqT-_YUsu-00463-00141161-00141336 progressive conservative in the Bible? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00464-00141336-00141419 Show me! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00465-00141419-00141591 Well, you won't see those two words together ZnUqT-_YUsu-00466-00141591-00141803 but you see an example of it. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00467-00141803-00142147 I want you to go to Acts chapter 17 please. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00468-00142147-00142378 [pages flipping] ZnUqT-_YUsu-00469-00142378-00142550 Acts chapter 17. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00470-00142956-00143244 Good example of this progressive conservative attitude ZnUqT-_YUsu-00471-00143244-00143744 was demonstrated by the Bereans in Acts 17:10-12 ZnUqT-_YUsu-00472-00143761-00144012 when Paul came to preach to them. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00473-00144012-00144279 And I'll read a small section here ZnUqT-_YUsu-00474-00144279-00144447 beginning in verse 10 it says, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00475-00144447-00144711 "The brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas ZnUqT-_YUsu-00476-00144711-00144891 "away by night to Berea. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00477-00144891-00145071 "And when they arrived, they went ZnUqT-_YUsu-00478-00145071-00145281 "into the synagogue of the Jews. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00479-00145281-00145647 "Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica ZnUqT-_YUsu-00480-00145647-00145906 "for they received the word with great eagerness ZnUqT-_YUsu-00481-00145906-00146210 "examining the scriptures daily to see whether these ZnUqT-_YUsu-00482-00146210-00146552 "things were so therefore many of them believed the long ZnUqT-_YUsu-00483-00146552-00146896 "with the number of prominent Greek women and men." ZnUqT-_YUsu-00484-00147012-00147304 Do you see the progressive conservative? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00485-00147304-00147675 They were progressive in that they listened to Paul ZnUqT-_YUsu-00486-00147675-00148016 and his seemingly new and radical ideas. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00487-00148121-00148501 Ideas that would mean important changes. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00488-00148501-00148722 They were not afraid. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00489-00148722-00148965 They were not reactionary. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00490-00148965-00149272 They did not reject Paul outright, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00491-00149272-00149546 not even let him speak because oh you got a new thing! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00492-00149546-00149641 We don't even want to hear it! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00493-00149641-00149730 We like what we got! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00494-00149730-00149894 Get away from us! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00495-00149894-00149982 They listened. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00496-00150078-00150345 They listened because they had confidence ZnUqT-_YUsu-00497-00150345-00150637 in their knowledge of the scriptures. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00498-00150730-00151228 Luke says, they received the word with eagerness. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00499-00151357-00151708 But on the other hand they were also conservative. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00500-00151708-00152094 They were conservative in the sense that they were careful. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00501-00152094-00152279 They were prudent. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00502-00152279-00152459 They were wise. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00503-00152459-00152733 Verifying everything that was said ZnUqT-_YUsu-00504-00152733-00152966 against the proper criteria. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00505-00152966-00153230 And that is God's word. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00506-00153230-00153697 Not hearsay, not passion that comes from debate, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00507-00153781-00154281 only God's word was the measuring stick ZnUqT-_YUsu-00508-00154429-00154632 for what Paul said to them. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00509-00154632-00154807 You know we look back and say, it's Paul. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00510-00154807-00155088 It's the apostle, the great, but they didn't see Paul ZnUqT-_YUsu-00511-00155088-00155287 as the great apostle the great, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00512-00155287-00155478 he was in the middle of his ministry. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00513-00155478-00155664 He was the guy with the new idea. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00514-00155664-00155905 He was the guy that was causing trouble. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00515-00155905-00156092 He was the guy, didn't they beat this guy up? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00516-00156092-00156204 Didn't they put him in jail? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00517-00156204-00156416 Didn't they just run him out of town? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00518-00156578-00156775 I would have loved to have been at that elders meeting. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00519-00156775-00156872 I would have loved to have been at ZnUqT-_YUsu-00520-00156872-00157100 that meeting there that they had. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00521-00157100-00157275 Does he come or not? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00522-00157275-00157509 Someone was saying well how much will it cost? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00523-00157509-00157592 Anyways. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00524-00157773-00157912 So they let him come. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00525-00158092-00158251 And they let him speak. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00526-00158251-00158496 And just because they let him speak, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00527-00158496-00158863 didn't mean that they were accepting everything he said. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00528-00158863-00159321 They measured everything according to the word. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00529-00159321-00159489 So what I'm saying is we all need ZnUqT-_YUsu-00530-00159489-00159707 to become like the Berians. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00531-00159707-00160004 Progressive conservatives who are open ZnUqT-_YUsu-00532-00160004-00160357 and ready to learn and grow but only learn and grow ZnUqT-_YUsu-00533-00160357-00160627 according to what is written the book! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00534-00160746-00160994 Also I think that we all would do well to remember ZnUqT-_YUsu-00535-00160994-00161204 two key ideas regardless of what, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00536-00161204-00161433 you know you may have identified with ZnUqT-_YUsu-00537-00161433-00161612 when I said progressive, you may have ZnUqT-_YUsu-00538-00161612-00161886 identified more when I said conservative. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00539-00161886-00162129 No matter what you identify with, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00540-00162129-00162573 a couple of ideas to help us keep the activities of worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00541-00162573-00163073 in perspective because it'll always be some tension here. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00542-00163101-00163259 Number one, try to remember that ZnUqT-_YUsu-00543-00163259-00163502 worship is not a human thing. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00544-00163669-00163906 What we do when we worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00545-00163906-00164144 The activities that we are involved in, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00546-00164144-00164416 our expressions of our spiritual lives, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00547-00164416-00164536 not our physical lives. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00548-00164536-00164801 Yes, we use our physical bodies to sing and to stand ZnUqT-_YUsu-00549-00164801-00165082 and to sit and to speak and so on and so forth, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00550-00165082-00165437 but the exercise that we're doing is a spiritual one. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00551-00165437-00165752 So let's stop comparing our worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00552-00165752-00166038 to human experiences in order to judge ZnUqT-_YUsu-00553-00166038-00166323 its effectiveness and its value. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00554-00166323-00166569 It's not like a business meeting. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00555-00166569-00166762 It's not like a concert. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00556-00166762-00166947 It's not like a rally. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00557-00166947-00167243 That's not what worship is meant to be. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00558-00167243-00167501 Unfortunately, the younger generation ZnUqT-_YUsu-00559-00167501-00167802 is looking for that feeling in worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00560-00167802-00168007 and plenty of groups are willing ZnUqT-_YUsu-00561-00168007-00168292 to give them that full feeling. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00562-00168292-00168521 With all the bells and whistles. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00563-00168521-00168801 But those who do that in other groups ZnUqT-_YUsu-00564-00168801-00169172 and some even in the church forget ZnUqT-_YUsu-00565-00169172-00169618 that worship is not a human thing, it's a spiritual thing. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00566-00169732-00169925 It isn't entertainment. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00567-00170024-00170226 It's worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00568-00170226-00170644 We keep trying to make it feel like something earthly ZnUqT-_YUsu-00569-00170644-00170846 and it doesn't work. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00570-00170846-00171178 Public worship is an effort to communicate our love ZnUqT-_YUsu-00571-00171178-00171400 and our praise, our gratitude, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00572-00171400-00171736 and our needs to a spirit being. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00573-00171736-00172069 It's not an experience like any other that we have ZnUqT-_YUsu-00574-00172069-00172346 and our only guarantee of success ZnUqT-_YUsu-00575-00172346-00172689 is obedience to the guidelines for this activity ZnUqT-_YUsu-00576-00172689-00173024 given to us by God, not how we feel. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00577-00173024-00173470 Remember, God is the one who invented worship, not man. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00578-00173590-00173895 You hear that perhaps some philosophers ZnUqT-_YUsu-00579-00173895-00174172 at some ivy-league schools, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00580-00174172-00174457 who spin out the idea well man invented God ZnUqT-_YUsu-00581-00174457-00174796 and so he invented worship in order to go ZnUqT-_YUsu-00582-00174796-00175074 with his invention of God but we know that that's not true. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00583-00175074-00175330 God is the one that gave us worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00584-00175330-00175560 He's the one that put it within us. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00585-00175682-00175983 To do it right we have to do it His way. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00586-00176191-00176646 We've had a great worship if we've had a Biblical worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00587-00176646-00177146 And then secondly, worship without love is vain. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00588-00177274-00177507 You can do the actions correctly, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00589-00177507-00177805 you can do them creatively, but if you don't love ZnUqT-_YUsu-00590-00177805-00178174 your brother in the process, your worship is useless. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00591-00178280-00178548 Cain's offering was rejected because of his ZnUqT-_YUsu-00592-00178548-00178947 smoldering jealousy against his brother. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00593-00178947-00179241 Genesis chapter 4. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00594-00179241-00179573 In Luke 18:9-14, Jesus tells us that ZnUqT-_YUsu-00595-00179573-00179850 the worship of the pharisee, was rejected ZnUqT-_YUsu-00596-00179850-00180081 because he despised the social status ZnUqT-_YUsu-00597-00180081-00180370 of the publican who prayed behind him. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00598-00180541-00180715 The pharisee was there oh God, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00599-00180715-00180882 am I ever glad I keep the command, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00600-00180882-00181155 I give my tithe, I do this, I go to the temple, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00601-00181155-00181363 so on and so forth and am I ever glad ZnUqT-_YUsu-00602-00181363-00181544 I'm not like that guy back there. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00603-00181544-00181673 Man, what a loser. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00604-00181815-00182010 I don't even know what he's doing here. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00605-00182094-00182360 And the publican back there, he was saying, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00606-00182461-00182726 God, I'm a sinner. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00607-00182821-00182976 I need you to forgive me. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00608-00183123-00183325 End of statement. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00609-00183325-00183646 You see the pharisee knew how to worship, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00610-00183646-00183933 but he didn't know how to love his brother. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00611-00183933-00184433 And because of that, his correct worship was vain. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00612-00184530-00184948 In 1 John 4:20, John says, "If someone says ZnUqT-_YUsu-00613-00184948-00185255 "I love God and hates his brother, he's a liar. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00614-00185255-00185484 "For the one who does not love his brother ZnUqT-_YUsu-00615-00185484-00185984 "whom he has seen, can not love God whom he has not seen." ZnUqT-_YUsu-00616-00186159-00186392 John reminds us of a basic principle ZnUqT-_YUsu-00617-00186392-00186678 which supports all that we do as Christians ZnUqT-_YUsu-00618-00186678-00186847 including worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00619-00186847-00187220 Developing more creative ways to do the things of worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00620-00187220-00187455 or maintaining the status quo, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00621-00187455-00187723 may not violate the rules of corporate worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00622-00187723-00188112 but if the way that we implement our ideas ZnUqT-_YUsu-00623-00188112-00188500 or wishes violates the basic rule of love for others, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00624-00188500-00188677 it will invalidate our worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00625-00188677-00188928 because worship without love is vain. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00626-00189181-00189473 We have to find a way to worship God in a manner ZnUqT-_YUsu-00627-00189473-00189843 that is both Biblical and relevant for all ZnUqT-_YUsu-00628-00189843-00190176 and the beginning for this is that there is love ZnUqT-_YUsu-00629-00190176-00190433 that exists among all the brethren. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00630-00190433-00190614 That's the beginning point. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00631-00190614-00190852 It's love in the church that produces ZnUqT-_YUsu-00632-00190852-00191029 the good feeling that we want. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00633-00191029-00191197 Not styles of worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00634-00191323-00191662 One of the things that Bob Chilton does once a month ZnUqT-_YUsu-00635-00191662-00191950 is he gets everybody to stand up and hug each other ZnUqT-_YUsu-00636-00191950-00192134 whether they like it or not! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00637-00192250-00192449 So the huggers are having a field day, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00638-00192449-00192682 oh boy, I get to hug! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00639-00192682-00192914 And then you get, I won't mention his name, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00640-00192914-00193290 you know, Billy VanCuren, [audience laughs] ZnUqT-_YUsu-00641-00193290-00193482 who stands like this, yeah I like you too, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00642-00193482-00193592 okay get away from me. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00643-00193880-00194145 Everybody gets a hug! ZnUqT-_YUsu-00644-00194145-00194425 And everybody feels good about it. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00645-00194632-00195030 You walk out and it was a wonderful worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00646-00195030-00195173 Did we sing different songs? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00647-00195173-00195409 We had the same worship leader, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00648-00195409-00195624 the same preachers are up here. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00649-00195624-00195842 There was something about that day that was special. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00650-00195842-00195948 What was it? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00651-00195948-00196328 I don't know, I felt loved and I gave love ZnUqT-_YUsu-00652-00196454-00196593 to someone else. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00653-00197212-00197462 When there is love among the brethren, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00654-00197462-00197732 there is joy and enthusiasm. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00655-00197732-00198141 And this ignites our worship and it gives it meaning ZnUqT-_YUsu-00656-00198141-00198417 no matter how well we perform the action. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00657-00198417-00198544 You get what I'm saying? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00658-00198544-00198930 I'm not denigrating at all, the fact that ZnUqT-_YUsu-00659-00198930-00199163 we must and should have orderly worship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00660-00199163-00199486 in order to show proper reverence to God. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00661-00199486-00199809 And we have to follow carefully what He says in His word. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00662-00199930-00200281 The point I'm making is this careful ZnUqT-_YUsu-00663-00200281-00200781 following of these actions without the accompanying love ZnUqT-_YUsu-00664-00200832-00201185 for one another invalidates our effort to make ZnUqT-_YUsu-00665-00201185-00201607 the right kind of actions during our worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00666-00201607-00201813 So as we close the teaching portion ZnUqT-_YUsu-00667-00201813-00202133 of our worship this evening, I want you to remember ZnUqT-_YUsu-00668-00202133-00202370 first of all, worship is a spiritual thing ZnUqT-_YUsu-00669-00202370-00202576 that has different rules that guides ZnUqT-_YUsu-00670-00202576-00202956 public and private worship and secondly, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00671-00202956-00203306 in order to have meaningful, satisfying worship, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00672-00203306-00203601 we have to begin by loving one another more ZnUqT-_YUsu-00673-00203601-00203901 not just changing the order or worship. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00674-00203901-00204148 Finally, as is our custom during ZnUqT-_YUsu-00675-00204148-00204391 our public worship here at Choctaw, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00676-00204391-00204640 we offer an opportunity for anyone ZnUqT-_YUsu-00677-00204640-00205002 to receive the ministry, the love, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00678-00205002-00205357 the fellowship of the church. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00679-00205357-00205637 Whether it's to hear your confession of faith ZnUqT-_YUsu-00680-00205637-00205989 and to be baptized and to witness that. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00681-00205989-00206234 Whether it's to pray for you if you have sinned, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00682-00206234-00206448 if you need restoration. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00683-00206448-00206644 Whether it's to pray for your illness ZnUqT-_YUsu-00684-00206644-00206851 or whatever needs that you have. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00685-00206851-00207208 Or perhaps to receive you into our fellowship ZnUqT-_YUsu-00686-00207303-00207551 as you would place membership among us. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00687-00207551-00207717 It's always a time. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00688-00207717-00207827 Some people say why do you have ZnUqT-_YUsu-00689-00207827-00208009 the invitation over and over again? ZnUqT-_YUsu-00690-00208009-00208367 Because every Sunday morning and night and Wednesday, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00691-00208367-00208565 someone different may have a need ZnUqT-_YUsu-00692-00208565-00208883 and we want to make sure that we see to that need ZnUqT-_YUsu-00693-00208883-00209226 whenever we come together in a public way. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00694-00209226-00209542 So if you do have a need for ministry of some kind, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00695-00209542-00209748 we sing this song of encouragement ZnUqT-_YUsu-00696-00209748-00209969 so that you'll either come forward, ZnUqT-_YUsu-00697-00209969-00210242 bring a card forward, a prayer card, whatever it is. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00698-00210242-00210464 We encourage you to do that now as we stand ZnUqT-_YUsu-00699-00210464-00210676 and as we sing our song of encouragement. ZnUqT-_YUsu-00700-00210676-00210759 Bobby? -2Iw2k5vDAE-00000-00000000-00000141 There's so much information out there -2Iw2k5vDAE-00001-00000141-00000344 about setting goals. Today I'm going to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00002-00000344-00000483 switch it up and give you some things -2Iw2k5vDAE-00003-00000483-00000612 you can do to follow through and achieve -2Iw2k5vDAE-00004-00000612-00001325 your goals. Welcome back and -2Iw2k5vDAE-00005-00001325-00001496 congratulations on taking one more step -2Iw2k5vDAE-00006-00001496-00001673 towards becoming one of the great leaders of -2Iw2k5vDAE-00007-00001673-00001898 tomorrow. If you're watching this you've -2Iw2k5vDAE-00008-00001898-00002073 probably set a goal or two for yourself -2Iw2k5vDAE-00009-00002073-00002280 lately. Today I'm going to give you four tips -2Iw2k5vDAE-00010-00002280-00002448 on how to follow through and smash -2Iw2k5vDAE-00011-00002448-00002622 through those goals so you can achieve -2Iw2k5vDAE-00012-00002622-00002796 them and move on to even bigger and -2Iw2k5vDAE-00013-00002796-00003044 better things. And stay tuned to the end. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00014-00003044-00003194 I'm going to give you a link where you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00015-00003194-00003332 can download the goal tracking -2Iw2k5vDAE-00016-00003332-00003585 spreadsheet I use in this video and as a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00017-00003585-00003789 bonus you can also download our free -2Iw2k5vDAE-00018-00003789-00003984 leadership development plan workbook and -2Iw2k5vDAE-00019-00003984-00004125 that will help you set your goals for -2Iw2k5vDAE-00020-00004125-00004371 the next two, five and ten years and make -2Iw2k5vDAE-00021-00004371-00004542 a plan to achieve all those goals you've -2Iw2k5vDAE-00022-00004542-00004725 got for your career. One of the really -2Iw2k5vDAE-00023-00004725-00004923 cool things that happens as we grow as -2Iw2k5vDAE-00024-00004923-00005055 leaders is that we start to set goals -2Iw2k5vDAE-00025-00005055-00005319 for ourselves and for our team. And this -2Iw2k5vDAE-00026-00005319-00005421 can be a little bit of a learning -2Iw2k5vDAE-00027-00005421-00005601 experience because once we start -2Iw2k5vDAE-00028-00005601-00005807 becoming the one who sets the goals, we -2Iw2k5vDAE-00029-00005807-00005982 don't have anyone checking up on us or -2Iw2k5vDAE-00030-00005982-00006137 chasing us to make sure those goals are -2Iw2k5vDAE-00031-00006137-00006404 followed through on and achieved. I ran into -2Iw2k5vDAE-00032-00006404-00006533 this in the Air Force as I started to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00033-00006533-00006678 grow in more responsibility and have -2Iw2k5vDAE-00034-00006678-00006815 more people working for me in the Air -2Iw2k5vDAE-00035-00006815-00006975 Force they were looking to me for -2Iw2k5vDAE-00036-00006975-00007136 guidance on how to Go achieve what they -2Iw2k5vDAE-00037-00007136-00007275 were working on and I was the one -2Iw2k5vDAE-00038-00007275-00007434 setting the goals and trying to organize -2Iw2k5vDAE-00039-00007434-00007715 everyone to go achieve those goals and no one -2Iw2k5vDAE-00040-00007715-00007875 was really chasing or checking up on me -2Iw2k5vDAE-00041-00007875-00008084 to do that. I also ran into that when I was -2Iw2k5vDAE-00042-00008084-00008325 starting my own business and I had this -2Iw2k5vDAE-00043-00008325-00008508 goal to write this business plan and get -2Iw2k5vDAE-00044-00008508-00008747 it done but if no one else was looking -2Iw2k5vDAE-00045-00008747-00008871 for it was just something I thought was -2Iw2k5vDAE-00046-00008871-00009042 a good idea to do. So I had to figure out -2Iw2k5vDAE-00047-00009042-00009293 a way to get that business plan done -2Iw2k5vDAE-00048-00009293-00009561 without anyone chasing me or checking up -2Iw2k5vDAE-00049-00009561-00009797 on me. So today I'm going to give you four tips, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00050-00009797-00009968 once you got your goal set, once you've -2Iw2k5vDAE-00051-00009968-00010115 got an idea of what you want to go achieve, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00052-00010115-00010299 these four tips are going to help you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00053-00010299-00010464 follow through building tools and -2Iw2k5vDAE-00054-00010464-00010677 systems and get to those goals, achieve -2Iw2k5vDAE-00055-00010677-00010827 them and smash right through them so you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00056-00010827-00010989 can go on to even bigger and better -2Iw2k5vDAE-00057-00010989-00011240 things. So tip 1 is just a little bit of -2Iw2k5vDAE-00058-00011240-00011429 a review and that's to have well-written -2Iw2k5vDAE-00059-00011429-00011675 goals and when I talk with people about -2Iw2k5vDAE-00060-00011675-00011804 setting their goals and writing their -2Iw2k5vDAE-00061-00011804-00011988 goals down I like to make sure they have -2Iw2k5vDAE-00062-00011988-00012197 three things that they're clear they're -2Iw2k5vDAE-00063-00012197-00012414 measurable and achievable. and I won't go -2Iw2k5vDAE-00064-00012414-00012611 into all the details of what that means -2Iw2k5vDAE-00065-00012611-00012786 I've got another video that I did a long -2Iw2k5vDAE-00066-00012786-00013005 long time ago so you can go watch that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00067-00013005-00013161 to get really the details on what clear, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00068-00013161-00013241 measurable and achievable -2Iw2k5vDAE-00069-00013241-00013574 means but don't laugh, don't laugh at my -2Iw2k5vDAE-00070-00013574-00013721 video. It's one of the very first ones I -2Iw2k5vDAE-00071-00013721-00013916 did. So please go watch the video, but -2Iw2k5vDAE-00072-00013916-00014138 please be kind as well. And there's a lot -2Iw2k5vDAE-00073-00014138-00014246 of different things out there people -2Iw2k5vDAE-00074-00014246-00014408 talking about SMART goals and all kinds -2Iw2k5vDAE-00075-00014408-00014594 of other methods to achieve goals, but I -2Iw2k5vDAE-00076-00014594-00014705 like the idea of clear, measurable and -2Iw2k5vDAE-00077-00014705-00014924 achievable. It's simple, it's easy to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00078-00014924-00015086 remember and if you've made your goals -2Iw2k5vDAE-00079-00015086-00015263 clear, measurable and achievable, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00080-00015263-00015425 it'll help as you start to build tools -2Iw2k5vDAE-00081-00015425-00015572 and systems and start to track your -2Iw2k5vDAE-00082-00015572-00015716 goals which are some of the key -2Iw2k5vDAE-00083-00015716-00015916 components of achieving them. Next you've -2Iw2k5vDAE-00084-00015916-00016072 got to build tools and systems -2Iw2k5vDAE-00085-00016072-00016205 that are going to help you achieve that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00086-00016205-00016448 goal. In the case of my business plan a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00087-00016448-00016580 couple of years ago, when I was writing -2Iw2k5vDAE-00088-00016580-00016757 that, if I had just said, "well I'm going -2Iw2k5vDAE-00089-00016757-00016874 to work in the business plan whenever I -2Iw2k5vDAE-00090-00016874-00017066 feel like working on it or when I you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00091-00017066-00017273 know whenever I have time" it probably -2Iw2k5vDAE-00092-00017273-00017456 never would have gotten done. So I built -2Iw2k5vDAE-00093-00017456-00017597 a little system for myself. I made a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00094-00017597-00017798 little contract with myself where I said -2Iw2k5vDAE-00095-00017798-00018026 "Okay, every night after dinner," after -2Iw2k5vDAE-00096-00018026-00018182 dinner I like to have a cup of coffee at -2Iw2k5vDAE-00097-00018182-00018395 night if it's not too late, "Every night -2Iw2k5vDAE-00098-00018395-00018533 after dinner when I have my cup of -2Iw2k5vDAE-00099-00018533-00018692 coffee, when I make my cup of coffee I'm -2Iw2k5vDAE-00100-00018692-00018806 gonna go take it upstairs in the office -2Iw2k5vDAE-00101-00018806-00019028 and I'm going to sit down and I'm going -2Iw2k5vDAE-00102-00019028-00019175 to work on the business plan for an hour. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00103-00019175-00019391 It doesn't matter how much I get done. It -2Iw2k5vDAE-00104-00019391-00019511 doesn't matter if any of that work was -2Iw2k5vDAE-00105-00019511-00019625 productive. It doesn't matter if I -2Iw2k5vDAE-00106-00019625-00019787 decided to throw that all out the next -2Iw2k5vDAE-00107-00019787-00019955 night when I work on it." but that was -2Iw2k5vDAE-00108-00019955-00020126 this contract, that was a system I put in -2Iw2k5vDAE-00109-00020126-00020279 place. I made a contract with myself that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00110-00020279-00020423 four nights a week, Monday through -2Iw2k5vDAE-00111-00020423-00020627 Thursday, after I got home from work -2Iw2k5vDAE-00112-00020627-00020900 did my run, had dinner and was having my -2Iw2k5vDAE-00113-00020900-00021026 cup of coffee for the evening I would -2Iw2k5vDAE-00114-00021026-00021161 work for at least an hour on that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00115-00021161-00021383 business plan. And that finally got that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00116-00021383-00021500 business plan done. And I actually -2Iw2k5vDAE-00117-00021500-00021647 knocked it out in just a couple of weeks -2Iw2k5vDAE-00118-00021647-00021791 just working an hour a night. There -2Iw2k5vDAE-00119-00021791-00021947 were a lot of nights that I would go "Oh -2Iw2k5vDAE-00120-00021947-00022112 I'm really onto something here. I'm going -2Iw2k5vDAE-00121-00022112-00022451 to work for a little longer." So when -2Iw2k5vDAE-00122-00022451-00022573 you're when you're trying to achieve a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00123-00022573-00022703 goal, once you've got your well written -2Iw2k5vDAE-00124-00022703-00022928 goals, you've got to build those tools -2Iw2k5vDAE-00125-00022928-00023066 and systems that are going to keep you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00126-00023066-00023282 focused on what you're going to do. For -2Iw2k5vDAE-00127-00023282-00023417 me that would be I'm going to dedicate -2Iw2k5vDAE-00128-00023417-00023588 an hour a day. For you it might be a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00129-00023588-00023828 whole different set of things, but you've -2Iw2k5vDAE-00130-00023828-00023942 got to figure out what works for you. And -2Iw2k5vDAE-00131-00023942-00024062 if something's not working, if you've -2Iw2k5vDAE-00132-00024062-00024220 tried a tool or a system for a little -2Iw2k5vDAE-00133-00024220-00024344 while, for a couple of weeks it's not -2Iw2k5vDAE-00134-00024344-00024587 working, don't be afraid to reevaluate. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00135-00024587-00024806 Maybe throw that out and try a new tool -2Iw2k5vDAE-00136-00024806-00024998 or system that's going to help you get -2Iw2k5vDAE-00137-00024998-00025217 to your goals. Tip number three is you've -2Iw2k5vDAE-00138-00025217-00025439 got to track your goals. Everyone talks -2Iw2k5vDAE-00139-00025439-00025633 about this, everyone hears about it, we -2Iw2k5vDAE-00140-00025633-00025901 all know we need to do it, but it's one -2Iw2k5vDAE-00141-00025901-00026035 of the things that often doesn't get -2Iw2k5vDAE-00142-00026035-00026213 done. And tracking your goals doesn't need -2Iw2k5vDAE-00143-00026213-00026318 to be elaborate. It just needs to be -2Iw2k5vDAE-00144-00026318-00026469 appropriate for what you're trying to do. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00145-00026469-00026688 So rather than get into a whole, long, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00146-00026688-00026919 talking to you and speculating on what -2Iw2k5vDAE-00147-00026919-00027177 you could do to track your goals, I'm -2Iw2k5vDAE-00148-00027177-00027301 going to show you what I'm doing for -2Iw2k5vDAE-00149-00027301-00027472 tracking my goals this year. One of my -2Iw2k5vDAE-00150-00027472-00027751 goals this year is to expand my social -2Iw2k5vDAE-00151-00027751-00027969 media audience, so I built a little -2Iw2k5vDAE-00152-00027969-00028083 spreadsheet to do that. So I'm going to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00153-00028083-00028252 go to the computer right here and I'm -2Iw2k5vDAE-00154-00028252-00028452 going to show you what I've been doing -2Iw2k5vDAE-00155-00028452-00028566 and what I've been working on over the -2Iw2k5vDAE-00156-00028566-00028816 last few months to track that goal. So -2Iw2k5vDAE-00157-00028816-00028954 like I said, one of my goals this year -2Iw2k5vDAE-00158-00028954-00029247 was to expand my social media audience -2Iw2k5vDAE-00159-00029247-00029466 so that I could reach more of you guys -2Iw2k5vDAE-00160-00029466-00029808 and hopefully help out more people. So -2Iw2k5vDAE-00161-00029808-00030037 what I've done here is I built a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00162-00030037-00030189 spreadsheet that tracks a whole bunch of -2Iw2k5vDAE-00163-00030189-00030400 different things. I'm tracking quite a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00164-00030400-00030538 few things and tracking things -2Iw2k5vDAE-00165-00030538-00030643 that different platforms, and I won't go -2Iw2k5vDAE-00166-00030643-00030811 through all these numbers because that's -2Iw2k5vDAE-00167-00030811-00031036 really not important. But what's -2Iw2k5vDAE-00168-00031036-00031170 important is I'm tracking the number of -2Iw2k5vDAE-00169-00031170-00031297 subscribers on my email list and -2Iw2k5vDAE-00170-00031297-00031456 tracking some of my YouTube statistics. What -2Iw2k5vDAE-00171-00031456-00031597 I'm going to show you here, just because -2Iw2k5vDAE-00172-00031597-00031833 it's fresh in my mind because I I did this -2Iw2k5vDAE-00173-00031833-00032113 one this morning, is what I'm tracking on -2Iw2k5vDAE-00174-00032113-00032338 LinkedIn. And so what I'm tracking on -2Iw2k5vDAE-00175-00032338-00032628 LinkedIn, because I found some data, some -2Iw2k5vDAE-00176-00032628-00032797 analytics I'm LinkedIn, and that's that's -2Iw2k5vDAE-00177-00032797-00032884 one of the things you want to do you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00178-00032884-00033031 want to make it easy to do this. You want -2Iw2k5vDAE-00179-00033031-00033205 to make it easy as tracking so if you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00180-00033205-00033430 can find there's a data out there -2Iw2k5vDAE-00181-00033430-00033603 already, like it's in the case of social -2Iw2k5vDAE-00182-00033603-00033778 media, this is already on with social -2Iw2k5vDAE-00183-00033778-00033901 media platforms. I'm just bringing it -2Iw2k5vDAE-00184-00033901-00034078 together to kind of create a snapshot so -2Iw2k5vDAE-00185-00034078-00034240 I can look at it all at once and see how -2Iw2k5vDAE-00186-00034240-00034422 I'm doing. I'm not going out and really -2Iw2k5vDAE-00187-00034422-00034591 doing research and collecting data and -2Iw2k5vDAE-00188-00034591-00034765 doing all that kind of thing. Your goal -2Iw2k5vDAE-00189-00034765-00034978 may require you to do that, but if you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00190-00034978-00035253 can find the data somewhere, go ahead and -2Iw2k5vDAE-00191-00035253-00035452 get that data and pull it in and then do -2Iw2k5vDAE-00192-00035452-00035668 some some of your own analysis and draw -2Iw2k5vDAE-00193-00035668-00035833 your own conclusions from it. But you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00194-00035833-00035947 don't need to reinvent the wheel if -2Iw2k5vDAE-00195-00035947-00036088 someone's already collecting the data -2Iw2k5vDAE-00196-00036088-00036382 out there. Now the thing I will say is, if -2Iw2k5vDAE-00197-00036382-00036553 you're using other people's data, very -2Iw2k5vDAE-00198-00036553-00036799 rarely is there a one-to-one correlation -2Iw2k5vDAE-00199-00036799-00036952 between the data that's collected out -2Iw2k5vDAE-00200-00036952-00037171 there and the question you're trying to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00201-00037171-00037315 answer or the goal you're trying to achieve. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00202-00037315-00037543 So you may have to pull in different -2Iw2k5vDAE-00203-00037543-00037780 sources of data and you may have to do -2Iw2k5vDAE-00204-00037780-00037987 some analysis and make some assumptions -2Iw2k5vDAE-00205-00037987-00038194 on what it all means. But try to make -2Iw2k5vDAE-00206-00038194-00038362 your data collection easy when you're -2Iw2k5vDAE-00207-00038362-00038622 tracking your goals and if you have to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00208-00038622-00038784 go collect your own data, again, build a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00209-00038784-00038926 tool and system and try to make that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00210-00038926-00039076 easy whether it's writing things down in -2Iw2k5vDAE-00211-00039076-00039219 the journal, building a spreadsheet where -2Iw2k5vDAE-00212-00039219-00039433 you're tracking some you know some if -2Iw2k5vDAE-00213-00039433-00039559 you're how many pushups you're doing -2Iw2k5vDAE-00214-00039559-00039709 every day or something like that, but try -2Iw2k5vDAE-00215-00039709-00039816 to make this as easy -2Iw2k5vDAE-00216-00039816-00040033 possible and see that you don't have to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00217-00040033-00040293 be spending a lot of your time working -2Iw2k5vDAE-00218-00040293-00040499 in the spreadsheet or whatever it is. So -2Iw2k5vDAE-00219-00040499-00040774 looking at what I'm doing with LinkedIn, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00220-00040774-00041206 I found three three analytic pieces of -2Iw2k5vDAE-00221-00041206-00041434 data on my company page that I thought -2Iw2k5vDAE-00222-00041434-00041559 were pretty useful. And I was able to go -2Iw2k5vDAE-00223-00041559-00041712 back and they had this data going back -2Iw2k5vDAE-00224-00041712-00041916 for six months so that was helpful to me -2Iw2k5vDAE-00225-00041916-00042058 because I started some of the rest of -2Iw2k5vDAE-00226-00042058-00042259 these back at the beginning of the year -2Iw2k5vDAE-00227-00042259-00042456 and so having that data going back six -2Iw2k5vDAE-00228-00042456-00042621 months, I'm actually able now to build -2Iw2k5vDAE-00229-00042621-00042759 populate this all the way back to the -2Iw2k5vDAE-00230-00042759-00042963 beginning of the year and see how I did -2Iw2k5vDAE-00231-00042963-00043399 year long even though I wasn't -2Iw2k5vDAE-00232-00043399-00043569 actually tracking this until just really -2Iw2k5vDAE-00233-00043569-00043975 this morning. So I'm looking at a desired -2Iw2k5vDAE-00234-00043975-00044230 monthly impressions growth of 10%, a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00235-00044230-00044412 desired monthly engagement growth of 10%, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00236-00044412-00044608 and a desired monthly follower growth of -2Iw2k5vDAE-00237-00044608-00044844 5%. So those are my goals those are clear, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00238-00044844-00044991 they're measurable, and achievable, right? -2Iw2k5vDAE-00239-00044991-00045222 So what I've done rather than look at a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00240-00045222-00045402 bunch of numbers and you can if you want -2Iw2k5vDAE-00241-00045402-00045586 but that's not really what we're after. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00242-00045586-00045788 So what I've done is I've created a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00243-00045788-00046158 projected line. I've created a graph that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00244-00046158-00046488 follows the projected. So starting where -2Iw2k5vDAE-00245-00046488-00046615 I started at the beginning of the year or -2Iw2k5vDAE-00246-00046615-00046927 December of last year, and growing 10% a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00247-00046927-00047316 month, this gray line shows if I grew at -2Iw2k5vDAE-00248-00047316-00047527 just that 10% a month, where my followers -2Iw2k5vDAE-00249-00047527-00047847 would be. The yellow line, and you see how -2Iw2k5vDAE-00250-00047847-00047994 that tracks that beginning in the first -2Iw2k5vDAE-00251-00047994-00048300 month, takes the actual of what the last -2Iw2k5vDAE-00252-00048300-00048468 month was and then actually multiplies -2Iw2k5vDAE-00253-00048468-00048744 by that by 10%. And you see as far as -2Iw2k5vDAE-00254-00048744-00048912 it came to LinkedIn Reach, I actually was -2Iw2k5vDAE-00255-00048912-00049293 exceeding that fit that 10% goal by a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00256-00049293-00049608 lot for the first few months. Like I said -2Iw2k5vDAE-00257-00049608-00049708 you're welcome to have this spreadsheet. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00258-00049708-00049866 I'll put a link so you can download it. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00259-00049866-00050022 But again this doesn't need to be -2Iw2k5vDAE-00260-00050022-00050208 complicated. It doesn't need to be -2Iw2k5vDAE-00261-00050208-00050394 time-consuming. You want to try to make -2Iw2k5vDAE-00262-00050394-00050637 this as easy as possible for you when -2Iw2k5vDAE-00263-00050637-00050868 you're tracking your goals and what you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00264-00050868-00051009 want and that's why graphs are great -2Iw2k5vDAE-00265-00051009-00051147 because if you just plug in the data -2Iw2k5vDAE-00266-00051147-00051301 maybe once a month that's what I do with -2Iw2k5vDAE-00267-00051301-00051436 this is I go in at the end of every -2Iw2k5vDAE-00268-00051436-00051591 month i plug in my social media data -2Iw2k5vDAE-00269-00051591-00051874 from all my different platform analytics. I go -2Iw2k5vDAE-00270-00051874-00052063 plug it in and I can look really well so -2Iw2k5vDAE-00271-00052063-00052284 how am i doing let me look for an -2Iw2k5vDAE-00272-00052284-00052452 example in -2Iw2k5vDAE-00273-00052452-00052762 here. Yeah! So here is an example on my -2Iw2k5vDAE-00274-00052762-00052983 Facebook reach every month and I use a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00275-00052983-00053142 metric that's easy to pull down there so -2Iw2k5vDAE-00276-00053142-00053352 it's not exactly the whole month. But on -2Iw2k5vDAE-00277-00053352-00053544 my Facebook reach what I what you see is -2Iw2k5vDAE-00278-00053544-00053805 my actual was below the goal for April -2Iw2k5vDAE-00279-00053805-00053931 but it's still well above that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00280-00053931-00054126 projection if it had just grown by I -2Iw2k5vDAE-00281-00054126-00054282 think it's 15 percent I was trying to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00282-00054282-00054468 grow reach on Facebook every month. You -2Iw2k5vDAE-00283-00054468-00054693 can see I'm still well exceeding my what -2Iw2k5vDAE-00284-00054693-00054816 my goal for the year would have been -2Iw2k5vDAE-00285-00054816-00055048 projected but I'm not you know I'm not -2Iw2k5vDAE-00286-00055048-00055206 doing as well as I could and what's -2Iw2k5vDAE-00287-00055206-00055362 what's going to be interesting about all -2Iw2k5vDAE-00288-00055362-00055458 this because I'm going to reevaluate -2Iw2k5vDAE-00289-00055458-00055677 this. Probably after June I'm going to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00290-00055677-00055804 reevaluate this you see I've got some -2Iw2k5vDAE-00291-00055804-00056154 kind of broken formulas here in the -2Iw2k5vDAE-00292-00056154-00056418 spreadsheet that will tell me what my -2Iw2k5vDAE-00293-00056418-00056716 growth rate was over each part of the -2Iw2k5vDAE-00294-00056716-00057012 year but at the end of the year that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00295-00057012-00057124 will really tell me when all this is -2Iw2k5vDAE-00296-00057124-00057264 populated this will tell me what my -2Iw2k5vDAE-00297-00057264-00057499 average monthly growth was and if my -2Iw2k5vDAE-00298-00057499-00057726 goal was realistic or not or maybe I -2Iw2k5vDAE-00299-00057726-00057973 shot too high. So that brings us to tip -2Iw2k5vDAE-00300-00057973-00058188 number four. Assess and adjust. You saw -2Iw2k5vDAE-00301-00058188-00058312 all the things I'm doing, all the things -2Iw2k5vDAE-00302-00058312-00058488 I'm tracking. And like I said it looks -2Iw2k5vDAE-00303-00058488-00058689 complicated, but it's really not. I've -2Iw2k5vDAE-00304-00058689-00058885 tried to make it as easy as possible for -2Iw2k5vDAE-00305-00058885-00059074 myself and for you to follow in this -2Iw2k5vDAE-00306-00059074-00059364 video. So assess and adjust. Like I said, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00307-00059364-00059505 at the end of the year what I'll do is -2Iw2k5vDAE-00308-00059505-00059698 all assess was ten percent monthly -2Iw2k5vDAE-00309-00059698-00059899 growth for LinkedIn, for my LinkedIn -2Iw2k5vDAE-00310-00059899-00060255 reach, my LinkedIn engagement and five -2Iw2k5vDAE-00311-00060255-00060441 percent growth of my followers was that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00312-00060441-00060679 a realistic goal? Did I achieve that goal? -2Iw2k5vDAE-00313-00060679-00060987 Well maybe that based on what I'm doing -2Iw2k5vDAE-00314-00060987-00061157 right now to try to grow my audience, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00315-00061157-00061326 actions I've taken to grow my audience -2Iw2k5vDAE-00316-00061326-00061573 maybe my goal is too high and those are -2Iw2k5vDAE-00317-00061573-00061660 the things I'm doing I'm assessing -2Iw2k5vDAE-00318-00061660-00061812 monthly and I'll assess at the end of the -2Iw2k5vDAE-00319-00061812-00062082 year what changes do I need to make if I -2Iw2k5vDAE-00320-00062082-00062272 want to make that 10 percent growth goal -2Iw2k5vDAE-00321-00062272-00062637 every month. So that's the next, that's the -2Iw2k5vDAE-00322-00062637-00062868 final tip I have for you is assess -2Iw2k5vDAE-00323-00062868-00063057 assess and adjust. And that doesn't mean -2Iw2k5vDAE-00324-00063057-00063298 adjust your goal. It means adjust, you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00325-00063298-00063429 maybe you do need to adjust your goal -2Iw2k5vDAE-00326-00063429-00063627 maybe that goal was way too lofty, right? -2Iw2k5vDAE-00327-00063627-00063780 And that's okay, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00328-00063780-00063985 but what it really means is adjust your -2Iw2k5vDAE-00329-00063985-00064158 actions. And that can be a little bit of -2Iw2k5vDAE-00330-00064158-00064344 an iterative process. Take some new -2Iw2k5vDAE-00331-00064344-00064539 actions. Try that, in my case, try to do a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00332-00064539-00064707 little more posting. Post to a few more -2Iw2k5vDAE-00333-00064707-00064950 groups so I can get more reach and more -2Iw2k5vDAE-00334-00064950-00065212 followers on my LinkedIn. Depending on -2Iw2k5vDAE-00335-00065212-00065404 what your goals are, it might be, you know, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00336-00065404-00065598 take some different actions or -2Iw2k5vDAE-00337-00065598-00065772 up the level of intensity on your -2Iw2k5vDAE-00338-00065772-00066171 actions. So assess and adjust, not just -2Iw2k5vDAE-00339-00066171-00066339 your goal, now don't don't go change your -2Iw2k5vDAE-00340-00066339-00066555 goals adjust your actions and the steps -2Iw2k5vDAE-00341-00066555-00066735 you're taking to get there. So there are -2Iw2k5vDAE-00342-00066735-00066918 your four tips for following through on -2Iw2k5vDAE-00343-00066918-00067083 your goals and being able to smash right -2Iw2k5vDAE-00344-00067083-00067269 through them, so you can get on to even -2Iw2k5vDAE-00345-00067269-00067446 bigger and better goals later on. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00346-00067446-00067605 Remember it's important to make sure -2Iw2k5vDAE-00347-00067605-00067746 that your goals are well written, that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00348-00067746-00068001 clear, measurable and achievable. Have a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00349-00068001-00068217 plan. Build tools and systems that help -2Iw2k5vDAE-00350-00068217-00068367 you follow through on those goals. Try to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00351-00068367-00068526 make your life easy. Try to set yourself -2Iw2k5vDAE-00352-00068526-00068766 up for success. Don't just leave it to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00353-00068766-00068922 chance that you be able to meet your -2Iw2k5vDAE-00354-00068922-00069117 goals or not. And then track them so you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00355-00069117-00069273 can see if the tools and systems you've -2Iw2k5vDAE-00356-00069273-00069465 built are working and once you're -2Iw2k5vDAE-00357-00069465-00069624 tracking them, after you've been doing -2Iw2k5vDAE-00358-00069624-00069825 that for a little bit of time, and I -2Iw2k5vDAE-00359-00069825-00069915 don't think I mentioned this in the -2Iw2k5vDAE-00360-00069915-00070071 tracking part, don't look at this stuff -2Iw2k5vDAE-00361-00070071-00070386 every day. Look at it on a regular -2Iw2k5vDAE-00362-00070386-00070542 interval and that's important but don't -2Iw2k5vDAE-00363-00070542-00070662 look it every day so they'll make it -2Iw2k5vDAE-00364-00070662-00070788 crazy. It's like look at your stock -2Iw2k5vDAE-00365-00070788-00070974 market portfolio every day, right? It's -2Iw2k5vDAE-00366-00070974-00071130 going to drive you nuts watching what's -2Iw2k5vDAE-00367-00071130-00071388 going on. So track it. Don't look at it -2Iw2k5vDAE-00368-00071388-00071544 every day, but track it. And then as you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00369-00071544-00071673 start to see the trends in what's -2Iw2k5vDAE-00370-00071673-00071997 happening, assess and adjust. Was your -2Iw2k5vDAE-00371-00071997-00072309 goal to lofty? Maybe, maybe not. What -2Iw2k5vDAE-00372-00072309-00072471 actions can you take, what adjustments -2Iw2k5vDAE-00373-00072471-00072642 can you make in the things that you do -2Iw2k5vDAE-00374-00072642-00072927 in order to achieve those goals and -2Iw2k5vDAE-00375-00072927-00073092 maybe meet those numbers if you're not. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00376-00073092-00073245 And maybe you're putting too much effort -2Iw2k5vDAE-00377-00073245-00073464 into one area. As you saw there, -2Iw2k5vDAE-00378-00073464-00073674 sometimes you're blowing a goal out of -2Iw2k5vDAE-00379-00073674-00073929 the water and another one is is coming -2Iw2k5vDAE-00380-00073929-00074088 in low, maybe you just need to adjust -2Iw2k5vDAE-00381-00074088-00074214 where you're putting your efforts -2Iw2k5vDAE-00382-00074214-00074460 instead of making radical changes to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00383-00074460-00074721 your goals or your life plan. If you -2Iw2k5vDAE-00384-00074721-00074925 found this helpful, please like, comment -2Iw2k5vDAE-00385-00074925-00075071 and share with a friend or co-worker. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00386-00075071-00075321 Click on that link below, actually, there's two -2Iw2k5vDAE-00387-00075321-00075477 links below this week. You can get that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00388-00075477-00075681 goal tracking spreadsheet and use that -2Iw2k5vDAE-00389-00075681-00075828 as much as you want. Put in your own -2Iw2k5vDAE-00390-00075828-00076020 goals there, you're welcome to have that. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00391-00076020-00076236 And we've also got the link to our free -2Iw2k5vDAE-00392-00076236-00076425 leadership development plan workbook. And -2Iw2k5vDAE-00393-00076425-00076602 again, once that will help you set your -2Iw2k5vDAE-00394-00076602-00076767 goals to the next two, five and ten -2Iw2k5vDAE-00395-00076767-00076929 years for your career and now you've -2Iw2k5vDAE-00396-00076929-00077082 got the workbook and you'll have a -2Iw2k5vDAE-00397-00077082-00077274 you'll have a spreadsheet that will help -2Iw2k5vDAE-00398-00077274-00077433 you track those goals. All you got to do -2Iw2k5vDAE-00399-00077433-00077565 is just kind of change some of the words -2Iw2k5vDAE-00400-00077565-00077679 and plugging some of the numbers for -2Iw2k5vDAE-00401-00077679-00077991 your goal. If you have any business or -2Iw2k5vDAE-00402-00077991-00078180 leadership questions, give us a comment -2Iw2k5vDAE-00403-00078180-00078357 here, we love to hear from you, or email -2Iw2k5vDAE-00404-00078357-00078549 us at info@evilgeniusleadership.com. -2Iw2k5vDAE-00405-00078549-00078858 evilgeniusleadership.com is also -2Iw2k5vDAE-00406-00078858-00078982 where you can find out about our coaching -2Iw2k5vDAE-00407-00078982-00079165 and training programs. So if you want to -2Iw2k5vDAE-00408-00079165-00079294 work with us in a little more one-on-one -2Iw2k5vDAE-00409-00079294-00079465 capacity, get a little help with your -2Iw2k5vDAE-00410-00079465-00079633 leadership style and your leadership -2Iw2k5vDAE-00411-00079633-00079909 skills, contact us there and we'll set -2Iw2k5vDAE-00412-00079909-00080089 you up with a free consultation. Thanks -2Iw2k5vDAE-00413-00080089-00080278 for watching today. I really appreciate -2Iw2k5vDAE-00414-00080278-00080476 it. And remember the future is out there -2Iw2k5vDAE-00415-00080476-00080799 lead the way. -3kTbo1kvKo-00000-00000000-00000200 Yeah... that's why... -3kTbo1kvKo-00001-00000233-00000283 ...that I started. -3kTbo1kvKo-00002-00000289-00000438 We are in Yorkshire -3kTbo1kvKo-00003-00000545-00000618 Yorkshire -3kTbo1kvKo-00004-00000631-00000740 Speaking of "shires"... -3kTbo1kvKo-00005-00000792-00000843 eh -3kTbo1kvKo-00006-00000855-00000989 I don't know if you guys have heard... -3kTbo1kvKo-00007-00001002-00001197 ... about the sauce called "Worchestershire" -3kTbo1kvKo-00008-00001464-00002036 (God save our gracious Queen) -3kTbo1kvKo-00009-00002100-00002655 AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH -4ckMLr9oBQ-00000-00002152-00002232 Hello, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00001-00002232-00002359 I am still Rainer Sauerborn -4ckMLr9oBQ-00002-00002359-00002487 and not Andy Haines, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00003-00002487-00002614 and this is just to introduce -4ckMLr9oBQ-00004-00002614-00002748 my colleague from the -4ckMLr9oBQ-00005-00002748-00002947 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00006-00002947-00003193 who gives his presentation in two parts. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00007-00003193-00003438 Because it's such an important topic: -4ckMLr9oBQ-00008-00003438-00003865 the co-benefits of health from climate change, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00009-00003865-00004009 that we cut it in two. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00010-00004052-00004271 The first one is an introduction, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00011-00004271-00004524 and it goes about the air pollution, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00012-00004524-00004782 and it goes about diets. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00013-00004824-00005129 Then we stop, let you take some rest, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00014-00005129-00005385 the next one is then about building and transport. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00015-00005442-00005855 So, welcome Andy, and thanks for joining. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00016-00005914-00006091 My name in Andy Haines, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00017-00006091-00006159 I am from the -4ckMLr9oBQ-00018-00006159-00006382 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00019-00006382-00006646 my background is in public health & primary care, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00020-00006646-00006877 and I have a long-standing interest -4ckMLr9oBQ-00021-00006877-00007124 in the health effects of climate change -4ckMLr9oBQ-00022-00007124-00007517 and the implications of a sustainable economy -4ckMLr9oBQ-00023-00007517-00007677 for human health. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00024-00007760-00007975 So I am going to briefly outline -4ckMLr9oBQ-00025-00007975-00008256 the issues involved in transitioning -4ckMLr9oBQ-00026-00008256-00008576 from todays high-carbon economy -4ckMLr9oBQ-00027-00008576-00008782 to a much more sustainable economy. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00028-00008782-00009042 I make the case that this would have -4ckMLr9oBQ-00029-00009042-00009371 substantial co-benefits and salary benefits -4ckMLr9oBQ-00030-00009371-00009485 for human health. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00031-00009544-00009724 So what is the scale of the challenge -4ckMLr9oBQ-00032-00009724-00010103 for a high-income country. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00033-00010103-00010359 Essentially we need to decarbonize -4ckMLr9oBQ-00034-00010359-00010687 our economies over the next few decades. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00035-00010721-00011056 This slides really show the scale of the challenge -4ckMLr9oBQ-00036-00011056-00011235 for a country like the UK. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00037-00011279-00011480 In fact it is probably conservative, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00038-00011480-00011671 we probably need to cut even more than -4ckMLr9oBQ-00039-00011671-00011854 this slide suggests. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00040-00011878-00012059 This slide suggests we should be going down -4ckMLr9oBQ-00041-00012059-00012534 to about 90% cut by 2050. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00042-00012534-00012718 On the left side of the slide, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00043-00012718-00012834 you can see all the sectors -4ckMLr9oBQ-00044-00012834-00012978 who need to contribute -4ckMLr9oBQ-00045-00012978-00013171 to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00046-00013171-00013289 So it includes: -4ckMLr9oBQ-00047-00013289-00013575 industry, transport, electricity generation, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00048-00013575-00014121 and residential buildings as well. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00049-00014258-00014568 This of course would be a major step, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00050-00014568-00015011 but I would like to show the implications for health -4ckMLr9oBQ-00051-00015011-00015318 of cutting emissions in these different sectors. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00052-00015398-00015574 The gas that is the most important of course -4ckMLr9oBQ-00053-00015574-00015712 is carbon dioxide, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00054-00015712-00015881 because it is the major greenhouse gas, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00055-00015881-00016142 and it would stay up in the atmosphere -4ckMLr9oBQ-00056-00016142-00016268 for the longest time. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00057-00016357-00016768 So, for example, if we put CO2 into the atmosphere -4ckMLr9oBQ-00058-00016768-00017194 today, perhaps around 20-25% of it would still -4ckMLr9oBQ-00059-00017194-00017440 be in the atmosphere perhaps a 1000 years time. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00060-00017440-00017664 But there is also another category -4ckMLr9oBQ-00061-00017664-00017830 of climate active pollutants, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00062-00017830-00018101 called short-lived climate pollutants, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00063-00018101-00018501 they include methane and black carbon. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00064-00018548-00018706 Methane last into the atmosphere -4ckMLr9oBQ-00065-00018706-00018868 much shorter time, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00066-00018868-00019056 perhaps 12 years or so in average, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00067-00019056-00019259 black carbon is really very short-lived, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00068-00019259-00019560 so it only lasts for few days maybe week or so. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00069-00019583-00019856 But these are both important contributions. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00070-00019856-00020112 In the near-term, we need to reduce both -4ckMLr9oBQ-00071-00020112-00020445 CO2 & the short-lived climate pollutants. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00072-00020478-00020666 So this slide summarizes -4ckMLr9oBQ-00073-00020666-00020920 the seperate and combined effects -4ckMLr9oBQ-00074-00020920-00021095 of reducing CO2, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00075-00021095-00021502 we can see that if we just reduce CO2 alone, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00076-00021502-00021762 we will obviously achieve some reductions -4ckMLr9oBQ-00077-00021762-00021979 in temperature by the end of the century. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00078-00022041-00022175 But if we can reduce both -4ckMLr9oBQ-00079-00022175-00022510 black carbon, methane & CO2, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00080-00022510-00022786 then we have the potential to get below 2°C -4ckMLr9oBQ-00081-00022786-00022941 by the end of the century. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00082-00022941-00023115 Now, when I say below 2°C, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00083-00023115-00023319 I mean 2°C of warming, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00084-00023319-00023485 and of course that's too much! -4ckMLr9oBQ-00085-00023485-00023668 We want to get even deeper than that. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00086-00023668-00023982 But this is what we can perhaps realistically -4ckMLr9oBQ-00087-00023982-00024135 aim for the present time, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00088-00024135-00024291 and maybe with new technologies -4ckMLr9oBQ-00089-00024291-00024459 we can even get below the 2°C of warming. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00090-00024459-00024772 4°C would of course be very serious -4ckMLr9oBQ-00091-00024772-00024844 for human health, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00092-00024844-00025034 and would make it very difficult -4ckMLr9oBQ-00093-00025034-00025403 for parts of the world to be sustained -4ckMLr9oBQ-00094-00025403-00025532 by the end of the century. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00095-00025694-00025909 So what are the benefits that might occur -4ckMLr9oBQ-00096-00025909-00026071 from reducing our emissions? -4ckMLr9oBQ-00097-00026071-00026268 Well the first is of course air pollution. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00098-00026268-00026452 We know a lot more about air pollution -4ckMLr9oBQ-00099-00026452-00026541 we did a few years ago, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00100-00026541-00026705 we know for example that -4ckMLr9oBQ-00101-00026705-00027053 ambiant, environmental air pollution, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00102-00027053-00027341 causes about 3.7 million deaths -4ckMLr9oBQ-00103-00027341-00027577 according to the WHO estimates. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00104-00027577-00027898 We also know that some households solid fuels -4ckMLr9oBQ-00105-00027898-00028224 contribute to about 4.3 million deaths per annum. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00106-00028329-00028492 In total, if we count them altogether, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00107-00028492-00028732 it is around 7 million deaths altogether, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00108-00028732-00028882 some overlap between the two. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00109-00028928-00029168 But household pollution is very important -4ckMLr9oBQ-00110-00029168-00029364 for low income countries, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00111-00029364-00029509 particularly for women & children, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00112-00029509-00029694 and it kills large numbers of people. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00113-00029762-00029951 Ozone is not shown on this slide -4ckMLr9oBQ-00114-00029951-00030144 but is also an important air pollutant, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00115-00030144-00030395 kills about 150.000 people a year -4ckMLr9oBQ-00116-00030395-00030618 but also damages the environment as well, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00117-00030618-00030931 so it reduces the growth of crops. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00118-00031013-00031151 So put together, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00119-00031151-00031379 policies that reduce these air pollutants -4ckMLr9oBQ-00120-00031379-00031582 can also really benefit human health. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00121-00031582-00031835 Of course we know that for ambient air pollution, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00122-00031835-00032173 burning coal to generate electricity, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00123-00032173-00032491 but also cars, transport, vehicules, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00124-00032491-00032643 particularly diesel engines, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00125-00032643-00032950 also contribute to this fine particulate air pollution. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00126-00032950-00033242 So moving towards low carbon sources of energy, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00127-00033242-00033493 & electric vehicles or very low emission vehicules, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00128-00033493-00033765 can also help to reduce air pollution -4ckMLr9oBQ-00129-00033765-00033921 really quiet, substantially. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00130-00033952-00034112 And in the household sector, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00131-00034112-00034361 moving towards either electricity, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00132-00034361-00034517 preferably from renewable sources, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00133-00034517-00034818 or poor deficiency cookstoves -4ckMLr9oBQ-00134-00034818-00035152 or biogas or other options -4ckMLr9oBQ-00135-00035152-00035550 can also help to reduce indoor air pollution. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00136-00035550-00035850 This slide just shows you some work on -4ckMLr9oBQ-00137-00035850-00036182 the potential to avoid premature deaths -4ckMLr9oBQ-00138-00036182-00036497 from air particulate pollution, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00139-00036497-00036618 and it's particularly focusing on -4ckMLr9oBQ-00140-00036618-00036943 strategies to reduce the short-lived air pollutants, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00141-00036943-00037144 and the number of strategies are listed on the slide, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00142-00037144-00037318 I won't read them all out, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00143-00037318-00037488 but they include things like: -4ckMLr9oBQ-00144-00037488-00037801 switching from traditional biomass cook-stoves -4ckMLr9oBQ-00145-00037801-00038185 to biogas or liquified petroleum gas -4ckMLr9oBQ-00146-00038185-00038567 or using modern fan-assisted biomass stoves. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00147-00038665-00039104 Or banning of open burning of agricultural residue, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00148-00039104-00039279 just to get two examples. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00149-00039313-00039591 What the slide shows is how this could prevent -4ckMLr9oBQ-00150-00039591-00039862 perhaps 2.5 million premature deaths -4ckMLr9oBQ-00151-00039862-00039952 around the world, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00152-00039952-00040099 particularly in Asia, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00153-00040099-00040332 but also substantial numbers in Africa, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00154-00040332-00040591 and less but still appreciable numbers -4ckMLr9oBQ-00155-00040591-00040900 in North-America and other regions as well. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00156-00040942-00041122 So, big potential benefits, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00157-00041122-00041384 not just from stopping burning coal, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00158-00041384-00041657 reducing diesel vehicles, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00159-00041657-00041921 but also from some of these other strategies, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00160-00041921-00042084 that would be a kind of win-win: -4ckMLr9oBQ-00161-00042084-00042209 so it benefits health, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00162-00042209-00042462 they would benefit crops, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00163-00042462-00042664 increase crop yields, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00164-00042664-00042933 but also reduce climate change. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00165-00043013-00043481 And then, the low emission healthy diets, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00166-00043481-00043885 this is based on some work that we did recently, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00167-00043885-00044206 which showed that you can reduce emissions -4ckMLr9oBQ-00168-00044206-00044426 from more healthy diets. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00169-00044426-00044559 What we showed, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00170-00044559-00044865 that using a optimization modeling approach, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00171-00044865-00045215 that we can reduce emissions -4ckMLr9oBQ-00172-00045215-00045529 quite susbtantially without departing dramaticly -4ckMLr9oBQ-00173-00045529-00045772 from current dietary paterns. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00174-00045772-00046104 Obviously if you move towards a vegetarian diet, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00175-00046104-00046379 that would reduce emissions quite substantially, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00176-00046379-00046609 but our research shows you can make lesser -4ckMLr9oBQ-00177-00046609-00046762 changes to the diet, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00178-00046762-00047003 by just reducing animal product consumption, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00179-00047003-00047227 eating more fruits and vegetables, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00180-00047227-00047482 and that would benefit human health but also -4ckMLr9oBQ-00181-00047482-00047619 reduce emissions. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00182-00047654-00048023 We believe that you could get down to -4ckMLr9oBQ-00183-00048023-00048297 about 40% reduction in emissions -4ckMLr9oBQ-00184-00048297-00048576 from dietary change without radical changes, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00185-00048576-00048701 to todays diet. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00186-00048791-00048959 Sorry, I need to cut you, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00187-00048959-00049273 as announced we break this in two. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00188-00049273-00049509 This was the first part of the co-benefits, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00189-00049509-00049732 the next one is in the next lecture, -4ckMLr9oBQ-00190-00049732-00050038 it is about transport and about buildings. -4ckMLr9oBQ-00191-00050500-00050800 Subtitles by the Amara.org community -6TsLW0dkc4-00000-00000039-00000444 Generally when we know that we are beneficiaries of an inheritance, -6TsLW0dkc4-00001-00000444-00000915 we accept immediately because it is the logical reaction of every person who is -6TsLW0dkc4-00002-00000915-00001161 called to inherit all or part of an estate. -6TsLW0dkc4-00003-00001161-00001566 But it can also happen that that person flatly does not want an inheritance, -6TsLW0dkc4-00004-00001566-00002025 repudiates it and does not participate, obviously it is a rare event, but it usually happens. -6TsLW0dkc4-00005-00002025-00002487 Both the phenomenon of acceptance and that of repudiation or renunciation of the inheritance -6TsLW0dkc4-00006-00002487-00003021 are contained in the third moment of the Hereditary Succession known as the -6TsLW0dkc4-00007-00003021-00003588 Acquisition of the Inheritance; It will be the subject of analysis in our Succession Tip today that begins now! -6TsLW0dkc4-00008-00004594-00004810 Good morning, my Dear Justices! -6TsLW0dkc4-00009-00004810-00005254 This is Juan Carlos Ron speaking to you and I welcome you to a new micro of the Successor Tip, -6TsLW0dkc4-00010-00005254-00005626 did you happen to come to this video on our channel? Don't go! I invite you -6TsLW0dkc4-00011-00005626-00006076 to see this interesting training micro, to subscribe to SOCIEIJAC, activate the -6TsLW0dkc4-00012-00006076-00006534 notification bell and be part of our community that is formed in this interesting world -6TsLW0dkc4-00013-00006534-00007027 of Successions and Inheritances, by activating the notification bell on the platform of -6TsLW0dkc4-00014-00007027-00007417 You Tube will inform you of new content and that it will always be available to you. -6TsLW0dkc4-00015-00007417-00007912 Today we are going to close another cycle that we opened last year when we talked about -6TsLW0dkc4-00016-00007912-00008380 the Moments of Hereditary Succession, which is a basic topic within Successions and Inheritances; -6TsLW0dkc4-00017-00008380-00008932 These moments are 3, namely: The Opening of the Succession, a topic that has already been dealt with in the Succession -6TsLW0dkc4-00018-00008932-00009376 Tip No. 32 and in a free webinar that I dictated in alliance with the Miranda Bar Association -6TsLW0dkc4-00019-00009376-00009754 and that is published on our channel, both videos were made in the past -6TsLW0dkc4-00020-00009754-00010273 year 2020; and the Declaration that we recently addressed in Successor Tip N ° 63, -6TsLW0dkc4-00021-00010273-00010660 all these videos will be available if you click on our information links -6TsLW0dkc4-00022-00010660-00011038 that will appear during the video, so don't let us see us until the end. -6TsLW0dkc4-00023-00011119-00011416 Today we close this cycle with the topic of the Inheritance Acquisition, -6TsLW0dkc4-00024-00011416-00011617 let's see what it is about ... -6TsLW0dkc4-00025-00011617-00011914 Inheritance Acquisition The Inheritance Acquisition is the third -6TsLW0dkc4-00026-00011914-00012319 and last moment of the Hereditary Succession, it would become a sub-entry of the beneficiary -6TsLW0dkc4-00027-00012319-00012694 both in the estate and in the relationships that the deceased had at the time of death; -6TsLW0dkc4-00028-00012694-00013165 It is the presumption that the people called by denunciation are going to accept in advance the inheritance or -6TsLW0dkc4-00029-00013165-00013651 the legacy that is being offered to them, we repeat it is the most common situation that can occur. -6TsLW0dkc4-00030-00013651-00014182 The acquisition depends on the will of the called person, who, exercising the right of denunciation or the -6TsLW0dkc4-00031-00014182-00014707 also known Latin aphorism “ius delationis”, can expressly or tacitly accept the inheritance. -6TsLW0dkc4-00032-00014707-00015091 The acquisition is equal to the presumption of acceptance of the inheritance; -6TsLW0dkc4-00033-00015091-00015571 Heir is not who he wants, it is who enters into the denouncement or simply the one -6TsLW0dkc4-00034-00015571-00015922 to whom the person who dies by a voluntary act leaves a legacy. -6TsLW0dkc4-00035-00015922-00016444 If the acquisition is the presumption of acceptance, we must understand the acceptance -6TsLW0dkc4-00036-00016444-00016867 as the fact in which the person called to inherit in that act in which he is informed -6TsLW0dkc4-00037-00016867-00017347 that it is in order to happen, accepts the inheritance. With death the succession opens, -6TsLW0dkc4-00038-00017347-00017761 and simultaneously the inheritance is attributed to the call and is acquired by it. -6TsLW0dkc4-00039-00017761-00018106 But to better understand this third moment of Hereditary Succession, -6TsLW0dkc4-00040-00018106-00018553 we must analyze the phenomena that contain it, such as Acceptance and -6TsLW0dkc4-00041-00018553-00018691 Repudiation of Inheritance. The Acceptance of the Inheritance -6TsLW0dkc4-00042-00018799-00019234 The Venezuelan Civil Code speaks of the power of the heir to accept -6TsLW0dkc4-00043-00019234-00019711 or renounce the inheritance, in its articles 996 and 1012. -6TsLW0dkc4-00044-00019711-00020128 For acceptance, Article 996 of the Civil Code says: -6TsLW0dkc4-00045-00020128-00020497 "The inheritance can be accepted purely and simply or benefit of inventory " -6TsLW0dkc4-00046-00020497-00020902 For the repudiation, Article 1012 Civil Code says: -6TsLW0dkc4-00047-00020962-00021346 " The repudiation of the inheritance must be express and consist of a public instrument " -6TsLW0dkc4-00048-00021346-00021751 In the Venezuelan legal system, although the possession of the assets that -6TsLW0dkc4-00049-00021751-00022162 make up the hereditary patrimony is true , It passes by right from the cujus to the heir, -6TsLW0dkc4-00050-00022162-00022501 at the same moment of the opening of the succession and without the need for -6TsLW0dkc4-00051-00022501-00023044 material apprehension, according to what is stated in Article 995 of the Venezuelan Civil Code. -6TsLW0dkc4-00052-00023044-00023635 The aforementioned Code also declares in its article 1011 that the power to accept prescribes after -6TsLW0dkc4-00053-00023635-00024211 ten years "The power to accept an inheritance is not prescribed except after ten years", -6TsLW0dkc4-00054-00024211-00024736 also admitting that an inheritance may remain, during that period, without holder. The prescription -6TsLW0dkc4-00055-00024736-00025117 begins to run from the same day of the opening of the succession and runs the same for all -6TsLW0dkc4-00056-00025117-00025591 the calls for denunciation to happen, the acceptance is the consolidation of the acquisition that takes -6TsLW0dkc4-00057-00025591-00026032 place by will of the law and whose effects are the definitive acceptance and irrevocable. -6TsLW0dkc4-00058-00026032-00026524 As the acceptance is a declaration of will, it requires the full capacity of the declarant, -6TsLW0dkc4-00059-00026524-00026968 so that, if the call is a minor or an interdict, the Civil Code provides in its -6TsLW0dkc4-00060-00026968-00027463 Article 998 the following: "The inheritances deferred to minors or interdicts -6TsLW0dkc4-00061-00027463-00027945 they cannot be accepted validly, except for the benefit of inventory "and continues in the -6TsLW0dkc4-00062-00027945-00028411 following Article" The disabled cannot accept except with the consent of the curator -6TsLW0dkc4-00063-00028411-00028804 and for the benefit of inventory. If the curator opposes the acceptance, the court may, -6TsLW0dkc4-00064-00028804-00029218 at the request of the disabled, authorize you to accept under said benefit ". -6TsLW0dkc4-00065-00029218-00029692 And in Article 1000 of the Code it is established: "The inheritances deferred to public establishments -6TsLW0dkc4-00066-00029692-00030130 or other legal entities, may not be accepted except by their respective addresses, in -6TsLW0dkc4-00067-00030130-00030364 accordance with their regulations, and for the benefit of inventory. -6TsLW0dkc4-00068-00030364-00030910 The will must be free of vices, although those that can give rise to its challenge are -6TsLW0dkc4-00069-00030910-00031402 violence and fraud, never error. This is expressed in Article 1010 of the Civil Code "The -6TsLW0dkc4-00070-00031402-00031827 acceptance of inheritance cannot be attacked unless it has been the result of violence or -6TsLW0dkc4-00071-00031827-00032326 fraud. . Acceptance due to injury cannot be challenged either (…) " -6TsLW0dkc4-00072-00032444-00033074 Let's talk about the Acceptance Classes: There are two types of acceptance: -6TsLW0dkc4-00073-00033074-00033803 · Regarding the form: It may be the acceptance: Express or tacit. Art. -6TsLW0dkc4-00074-00033803-00034541 1002 of the The Civil Code establishes it by expressing "Acceptance can be express or tacit" -6TsLW0dkc4-00075-00034541-00035195 - Express Acceptance of the Inheritance, it is a solemn act, it consists in that the successor -6TsLW0dkc4-00076-00035195-00035942 takes the title or the quality of heir to the cujus in a public or private instrument. -6TsLW0dkc4-00077-00035942-00036362 - Tacit Acceptance of the Inheritance, it will be tacit, -6TsLW0dkc4-00078-00036362-00036941 when the called person executes an act that necessarily implies the will to -6TsLW0dkc4-00079-00036941-00037751 accept the inheritance and that he would not have the right to carry out except as the heir of the deceased. -6TsLW0dkc4-00080-00037868-00038501 On the other hand "acts of merely conservatories of custody and temporary -6TsLW0dkc4-00081-00038501-00039185 administration , do not involve the acceptance of the inheritance if the person has not taken -6TsLW0dkc4-00082-00039185-00039902 the title or quality of heir ", as established in Article 1.003 of the Civil Code. -6TsLW0dkc4-00083-00040034-00040685 The" donation, assignment or alienation made by r the heir to a stranger, -6TsLW0dkc4-00084-00040685-00041171 to his other joint heirs or to one of them, of his hereditary rights, -6TsLW0dkc4-00085-00041171-00042047 involves his acceptance of the inheritance "(Art. 1004 Venezuelan Civil Code) and "the same effect will have -6TsLW0dkc4-00086-00042047-00042590 the resignation made by any of the joint heirs in favor of one or some of the others, -6TsLW0dkc4-00087-00042590-00043247 even if it is free of charge, and the one made in favor of all the joint heirs when the -6TsLW0dkc4-00088-00043247-00044111 price for their resignation has been stipulated " (Art. 1005 Venezuelan Civil Code), this does not happen according to what is -6TsLW0dkc4-00089-00044111-00044762 established in Art. 1006 "The resignation made by a co-heir does not involve acceptance of the inheritance, -6TsLW0dkc4-00090-00044762-00045404 when it is done free of charge for the benefit of all co-heirs ab intestate or -6TsLW0dkc4-00091-00045404-00046001 testamentary to whom the part of the renouncer would be deferred in the event of the latter being absent ". -6TsLW0dkc4-00092-00046001-00046484 · Regarding the effects, the acceptance can be outright -6TsLW0dkc4-00093-00046484-00047258 or for the benefit of inventory. According to what is established in Article 996 of the -6TsLW0dkc4-00094-00047258-00048089 Civil Code "The inheritance can be accepted purely and simply or for the benefit of inventory" -6TsLW0dkc4-00095-00048145-00049082 - Pure and Simple Acceptance: Moment in which the person (heir) accepts the inheritance and also -6TsLW0dkc4-00096-00049082-00049664 all the rights and obligations implicit in she. The heir not only becomes the owner -6TsLW0dkc4-00097-00049664-00050288 or owner of the inheritance (or the share of it that corresponds to him), but the same (or -6TsLW0dkc4-00098-00050288-00051038 the respective share) is confused, in its active and passive elements, with the inheritance of the heir, -6TsLW0dkc4-00099-00051038-00051854 For this reason, he is responsible for the obligations of the inheritance both with the hereditary assets and -6TsLW0dkc4-00100-00051854-00052616 also with that of his own patrimony (Art. 1,036 Venezuelan Civil Code). -6TsLW0dkc4-00101-00052616-00053277 - For the benefit of inventory: Faculty that can be invoked by all the heirs. It is a means -6TsLW0dkc4-00102-00053277-00053820 granted by the Law to avoid the confusion of the patrimonies of the deceased and the heir, -6TsLW0dkc4-00103-00053820-00054467 which will allow the heir to know the amount of the inheritance and gives him the alternative -6TsLW0dkc4-00104-00054467-00055091 of renouncing the inheritance or accepting the consequences of a passive inheritance. -6TsLW0dkc4-00105-00055180-00055862 The Renunciation or Repudiation of the Inheritance It is a right that gives the denunciation (remember the -6TsLW0dkc4-00106-00055862-00056426 ius delationis) and therefore it can be lost. The resignation is nothing more than the act by which -6TsLW0dkc4-00107-00056426-00057089 the person called by betrayal to inherit does not ratify the acceptance, therefore it has -6TsLW0dkc4-00108-00057089-00057671 as a consequence the cessation of the condition of heir and the loss of the unconfirmed -6TsLW0dkc4-00109-00057671-00058388 acquisition . The resignation is a voluntary act that requires full capacity and absence of vices, -6TsLW0dkc4-00110-00058388-00059132 therefore, error, fraud and violence could be invoked to obtain its annulment. -6TsLW0dkc4-00111-00059132-00059842 Likewise, the resignation must be recorded in a public instrument, Article 1012 of -6TsLW0dkc4-00112-00059842-00060730 the Civil Code "The repudiation of the inheritance must be express and consist of a public instrument." If it -6TsLW0dkc4-00113-00060730-00061379 does not have public faith, the resignation will be considered as not made, any heir who has not -6TsLW0dkc4-00114-00061379-00062005 accepted and whose right has not expired, and those who are in possession of the assets that compose -6TsLW0dkc4-00115-00062005-00062624 , lose the right to renounce the inheritance. inheritance, -6TsLW0dkc4-00116-00062624-00063449 as stipulated in Article 1020 of the Code. Likewise, they lose the right to repudiate, -6TsLW0dkc4-00117-00063449-00064121 the heirs who have stolen or hidden assets belonging to the inheritance and -6TsLW0dkc4-00118-00064121-00064859 will be constituted as pure and simple heirs, according to Article 1021 of the Code. -6TsLW0dkc4-00119-00064859-00065495 The effect of the resignation is that whoever repudiates the inheritance is said to have -6TsLW0dkc4-00120-00065495-00066383 never been called to it, as indicated in Article 1013. As a legal consequence of -6TsLW0dkc4-00121-00066383-00067040 the resignation, the acquisition in favor of the other called or what is what is Even the -6TsLW0dkc4-00122-00067040-00067667 increase in the quota of the remaining joint heirs, since the part of the renouncer is -6TsLW0dkc4-00123-00067667-00068513 deferred to his joint heirs or to the intestate heirs according to Article 1016 of the Civil Code. -6TsLW0dkc4-00124-00068645-00069326 Even if an heir maliciously resigns to the detriment of his creditors, to -6TsLW0dkc4-00125-00069326-00070106 avoid paying his debts, Article 1017 of the Civil Code has the solution by establishing -6TsLW0dkc4-00126-00070106-00070895 that "When someone renounces an inheritance to the detriment of the rights of creditors, -6TsLW0dkc4-00127-00070895-00071555 these may be judicially authorized to accept it in the name and place of the debtor, -6TsLW0dkc4-00128-00071555-00072209 in this case the resignation is annulled, not in favor of the heir who has renounced it, -6TsLW0dkc4-00129-00072209-00072740 but for the benefit of his creditors and even concurrence of his credits ". -6TsLW0dkc4-00130-00072969-00073536 In that case, the creditors may request the Court to authorize them to accept it -6TsLW0dkc4-00131-00073536-00074220 on behalf of the one who resigned until the amount of the debts is covered. If there is more inheritance than debts, what -6TsLW0dkc4-00132-00074220-00075030 is left over once the debts are covered will continue to be distributed among the rest of the heirs because -6TsLW0dkc4-00133-00075030-00075742 the one who has resigned no longer has the right to anything. Due to this fact, the creditors do not become -6TsLW0dkc4-00134-00075742-00076390 heirs, they only obtain the payment of their credit that this debtor heir has denied them. -6TsLW0dkc4-00135-00076648-00077137 My defendants, these are knowledge that are known in undergraduate when beginning to -6TsLW0dkc4-00136-00077137-00077578 study the subject of Successions, but that sometimes we do not take it much into account, -6TsLW0dkc4-00137-00077578-00078145 but in practice it is necessary to understand to divide the events into stages or moments -6TsLW0dkc4-00138-00078145-00078610 that They occur from the time a person dies until the estate of that deceased passes -6TsLW0dkc4-00139-00078610-00079039 to the personal estate of the inheritance beneficiaries, whether they are heirs or legatees. -6TsLW0dkc4-00140-00079039-00079594 These are other factors that allow us to conclude that… "THE SUCCESSIONS ARE UNIQUE, -6TsLW0dkc4-00141-00079594-00079804 THEY WILL NEVER BE SIMILAR ONE WITH OTHERS." -6TsLW0dkc4-00142-00079885-00080332 I am very grateful to you my esteemed both my defendants and my legal users -6TsLW0dkc4-00143-00080332-00080731 for following our content, I invite you to continue watching us, if you liked -6TsLW0dkc4-00144-00080731-00081223 this video give us a big “legal like”, do not forget to subscribe to our channel. -6TsLW0dkc4-00145-00081223-00081598 Juan Carlos Ron spoke to my Courts, I wish you all have -6TsLW0dkc4-00146-00081598-00081958 a good day so far the Succession Tip until next time !!! -8HIxJRUelI-00001-00003657-00004109 Trời vút cao Vài lá me rơi. -8HIxJRUelI-00002-00004109-00004586 Mùa hạ về trong lòng nhớ thương Mùa hạ về trong lòng nhớ ai -8HIxJRUelI-00003-00004586-00005211 Đâu đó cơn mưa nhẹ rơi làm tôi nhớ em nhiều thêm. -8HIxJRUelI-00004-00005211-00005528 [ĐK] Làm sao quên hành lang ngày nắng và -8HIxJRUelI-00005-00005528-00005628 gió. -8HIxJRUelI-00006-00005628-00007036 Làm sao quên bóng ai đi ngang đó, giọng nói người vẫn còn đây mà sao em -8HIxJRUelI-00007-00007036-00007198 xa nơi này. -8HIxJRUelI-00008-00007198-00007573 Em giờ đây vui tình nhân mới. -8HIxJRUelI-00009-00007573-00008758 Tôi ngồi đây men say tình tôi với tiếng đàn tôi buông lả lơi trong -8HIxJRUelI-00010-00008758-00008953 đêm trường. -8HIxJRUelI-00011-00008953-00010257 Hạ đã sang và người cũng về Nhưng giờ người về với ai -8HIxJRUelI-00012-00010257-00010931 Tay nắm chặt tay còn tôi lẻ loi nhìn theo. -8HIxJRUelI-00013-00010931-00011693 [ĐK] Làm sao quên hành lang ngày nắng và -8HIxJRUelI-00014-00011693-00011838 gió. -8HIxJRUelI-00015-00011838-00012689 Làm sao quên bóng ai đi ngang đó, giọng nói người vẫn còn đây mà sao em -8HIxJRUelI-00016-00012689-00012850 xa nơi này. -8HIxJRUelI-00017-00012850-00013228 Em giờ đây vui tình nhân mới. -8HIxJRUelI-00018-00013228-00015026 Tôi ngồi đây men say tình tôi với tiếng đàn tôi buông lả lơi trong -8HIxJRUelI-00019-00015026-00015244 đêm trường. -8HIxJRUelI-00020-00015244-00016806 Em giờ đây vui tình nhân mới Tôi ngồi đây ôm đàn tôi hát cho -8HIxJRUelI-00021-00016806-00018925 vơi đi nỗi sầu một mình tôi thấu -8HIxJRUelI-00022-00018925-00021000 Mình bước qua đời nhau rồi Và em bước qua đời tôi rồi -8HIxJRUelI-00023-00021000-00021352 17 tuổi tình yêu đầu đời của tôi… -8HIxJRUelI-00024-00021352-00022217 Làm sao quên hành lang ngày nắng và gió. -8HIxJRUelI-00025-00022217-00022435 Làm sao quên bóng ai đi ngang đó, giọng nói người vẫn còn đây mà sao em -8HIxJRUelI-00026-00022435-00022535 xa nơi này. -8HIxJRUelI-00027-00022535-00022635 Em giờ đây vui tình nhân mới. -8HIxJRUelI-00028-00022635-00022735 Tôi ngồi đây men say tình tôi với tiếng đàn tôi buông lả lơi trong -8HIxJRUelI-00029-00022735-00022735 đêm trường -8L_21YwAg0-00000-00000505-00000708 So what exactly is Gadget Flow? -8L_21YwAg0-00001-00000709-00000876 it's a curated marketplace that helps -8L_21YwAg0-00002-00000876-00001053 you discover, save, and by awesome -8L_21YwAg0-00003-00001053-00001251 products with 12 new additions everyday! -8L_21YwAg0-00004-00001251-00001461 on the Gadget Flow you can create your -8L_21YwAg0-00005-00001461-00001696 own private or public wish list -8L_21YwAg0-00006-00001696-00001939 access our exclusive discounts and deals stay -8L_21YwAg0-00007-00001939-00002136 updated with the latest product releases -8L_21YwAg0-00008-00002136-00002374 and crowdfunding projects and generate -8L_21YwAg0-00009-00002374-00002610 your own personal custom feed from your -8L_21YwAg0-00010-00002610-00002848 favorite categories. Gadget Flow reaches -8L_21YwAg0-00011-00002848-00003064 22 million people per month and has more than -8L_21YwAg0-00012-00003064-00003315 10,000 products listed -8L_21YwAg0-00013-00003315-00003517 within 140 categories -8L_21YwAg0-00014-00003517-00003613 So what are you waiting for? -8L_21YwAg0-00015-00003613-00003817 Start exploring Gadget Flow's curated -8L_21YwAg0-00016-00003817-00004022 product collection today for free! -8bmLk7qKfA-00000-00000204-00000689 I'm here today with drew our towel the founder of arrhythmia Gerry. Thank you so much for sitting down with me -8bmLk7qKfA-00001-00000689-00001091 Thank you for having me Jordan. I love your work. Thank you. I love yours -8bmLk7qKfA-00002-00001092-00001571 I truly do so I wanted to stand with you today and talk about spiritual business -8bmLk7qKfA-00003-00001651-00002054 One of the last times I was here I had this whole transformation of like my own -8bmLk7qKfA-00004-00002085-00002618 Professionality doing the work that I do and like rising up in my own company to be a more professional leader -8bmLk7qKfA-00005-00002632-00003075 And so I've been taking a lot of time to learn about money and spirituality and spiritual business -8bmLk7qKfA-00006-00003109-00003695 And I thought there's really no better person to talk about for spiritual business than you bro -8bmLk7qKfA-00007-00003742-00004004 So right off the bat one of the biggest -8bmLk7qKfA-00008-00004078-00004212 criticism and -8bmLk7qKfA-00009-00004212-00004478 criticisms and complaints that I've received from people is -8bmLk7qKfA-00010-00004578-00005114 Money and spirituality don't go together, you know, and I've got that in spades from spirit science audience -8bmLk7qKfA-00011-00005114-00005495 Uh-huh, and and I'm pretty sure that you've experienced a little bit of that too -8bmLk7qKfA-00012-00005496-00005880 And I wanted to ask you like what do you how do you address that? -8bmLk7qKfA-00013-00005880-00006353 What do you say to people who have that belief? Uh-huh? I I disagree completely -8bmLk7qKfA-00014-00006434-00007128 Of course, but we as a race have not evolved to the point yet where? -8bmLk7qKfA-00015-00007197-00007397 we will just -8bmLk7qKfA-00016-00007509-00007850 Contribute money to a particular thing odd infinitum -8bmLk7qKfA-00017-00007920-00008247 Without anything from it it doesn't happen if you've seen in -8bmLk7qKfA-00018-00008299-00008470 Christianity they're out there -8bmLk7qKfA-00019-00008470-00009063 Pounding the pavement to get money give send us money. You're gettin to have and send us money again -8bmLk7qKfA-00020-00009100-00009447 That's the worst way of running a spiritual business -8bmLk7qKfA-00021-00009447-00010070 And and the truth of it is there is no way to get out of the non soul business -8bmLk7qKfA-00022-00010072-00010394 There's not whether you sell in a car a house -8bmLk7qKfA-00023-00010474-00011036 Baking a cookie making somebody lunch. It's all soul serving souls. That's all it is -8bmLk7qKfA-00024-00011067-00011573 So anytime that someone says well I have to do this different because I'm in a spiritual business -8bmLk7qKfA-00025-00011607-00011930 Now you're fuckin with the nature of the universe. It's not true -8bmLk7qKfA-00026-00011943-00012527 Right because if everything is a spiritual business then what what comes into play -8bmLk7qKfA-00027-00012586-00012944 Spiritual principles and business principles shouldn't be different -8bmLk7qKfA-00028-00013000-00013169 Shouldn't be hmm -8bmLk7qKfA-00029-00013169-00013502 So, so if you if you really see a good businessman -8bmLk7qKfA-00030-00013525-00014049 He's a guy that completely understands spirituality and those are businesses that flourish -8bmLk7qKfA-00031-00014143-00014343 trying to shortchange people -8bmLk7qKfA-00032-00014377-00015155 Being terrible to employees. Like there's that that's not that's not good thing. So as long as you're operating in integrity then -8bmLk7qKfA-00033-00015226-00015426 Then you've been a good spiritual businessman -8bmLk7qKfA-00034-00015478-00015569 Yeah true -8bmLk7qKfA-00035-00015569-00015615 Yeah -8bmLk7qKfA-00036-00015615-00016190 It reminded me of the like the hermetic principle that all is one a part of the same cause of mind -8bmLk7qKfA-00037-00016204-00016667 So there's no separation between anything how could you be different than the yeah -8bmLk7qKfA-00038-00016705-00017258 And it's the problems in the world come from us believing we're separate absolutely and that split of the soil. Yeah -8bmLk7qKfA-00039-00017275-00017805 Yeah, I I love doing polls on Instagram and a month ago. I asked the audience -8bmLk7qKfA-00040-00017830-00018474 I was like money is and one was like energy and the other was root of all evil and it was like pretty -8bmLk7qKfA-00041-00018517-00018715 5055 but -8bmLk7qKfA-00042-00018715-00018998 Just the other day like as sort of a New Year celebration -8bmLk7qKfA-00043-00018999-00019421 I took a picture here and I shared it and it was it was spiritual business is -8bmLk7qKfA-00044-00019468-00020187 Needed or wrong and it was like eighty-eight percent was needed and it was like the whole energy shifted like people were getting it -8bmLk7qKfA-00045-00020187-00020799 So I wanted to get I want to ask you why is spiritual business so needed in this world tonight -8bmLk7qKfA-00046-00020806-00021363 and it would really consciously if we take a look at it and say okay every carnal desire can be -8bmLk7qKfA-00047-00021454-00021740 Achieved in business, right? Mmm, you can go to -8bmLk7qKfA-00048-00021841-00022299 Prostitution you can go to gambling you can go to alcohol you can walk into any city -8bmLk7qKfA-00049-00022299-00022610 You don't have to be in Las Vegas. You can walk into, New York -8bmLk7qKfA-00050-00022611-00023205 You can walk into any city in the world and have all of these things done for you. Uh-huh -8bmLk7qKfA-00051-00023220-00023618 But what is there for your spirit? What is it? Really? -8bmLk7qKfA-00052-00023619-00023919 You've got to go so far out of your way in other words -8bmLk7qKfA-00053-00023919-00024324 A lot of people are coming from Canada to go to Costa Rica, right? -8bmLk7qKfA-00054-00024418-00024630 To have something to address your stream -8bmLk7qKfA-00055-00024631-00024995 There should be it's just what's what's right -8bmLk7qKfA-00056-00024995-00025727 And I'm gonna tell you what the kids are waking up when I say the kids people your age and younger are are out there -8bmLk7qKfA-00057-00025797-00026159 Actively. There's a thirst for the knowledge -8bmLk7qKfA-00058-00026220-00026829 Of spiritual knowledge and and it's not everywhere like you really got a search to find -8bmLk7qKfA-00059-00026866-00027087 These places to feed your soul -8bmLk7qKfA-00060-00027103-00027609 So when I got to Los Angeles and there was a copy I was like, thank God -8bmLk7qKfA-00061-00027628-00028278 Like a place to feed my soul. You can get your carnal desires fixed all over Los Angeles -8bmLk7qKfA-00062-00028297-00028827 You can't get your soul. Like there's there's there's not enough of it and and I'm saying -8bmLk7qKfA-00063-00028949-00029388 Not in the dogmatic organized way. That's everywhere that's in every corner -8bmLk7qKfA-00064-00029388-00030036 I can go to yeah, Roman Catholic Church, or I can find a synagogue or anything like I can get the dogma -8bmLk7qKfA-00065-00030041-00030468 But I can't get the feeling in the soul. Yeah. Yeah look in -8bmLk7qKfA-00066-00030524-00030913 1935 when you were 11 years old in a field -8bmLk7qKfA-00067-00030983-00031428 Raking and your whole family was there and or in a mind chipping away call -8bmLk7qKfA-00068-00031525-00031938 Feeding your spiritual needs was not way high on the list -8bmLk7qKfA-00069-00031978-00032187 so as we evolved and -8bmLk7qKfA-00070-00032225-00032802 Progresses a as a race and we are even though everybody says we're not the progression has been -8bmLk7qKfA-00071-00032944-00033071 monumental -8bmLk7qKfA-00072-00033071-00033309 Tremendous? Yeah, like we're really we're -8bmLk7qKfA-00073-00033374-00033763 flying into progress and that progress creates -8bmLk7qKfA-00074-00033827-00034426 Time and that time creates wonder and that wonder creates the need to know -8bmLk7qKfA-00075-00034453-00034953 You made me think of - it's like you're voting with your money with your investment -8bmLk7qKfA-00076-00034953-00035172 And so it's like if you're spending all of your money on -8bmLk7qKfA-00077-00035180-00035484 Video games and alcohol and that kind of stuff like that's what you're creating -8bmLk7qKfA-00078-00035528-00036232 Absolutely, and if you're investing in spiritual business or spiritual practices services that feed your soul. Yeah, that's what you create. So -8bmLk7qKfA-00079-00036290-00036591 One of the I know kind of continuing on this - with the spiritual business -8bmLk7qKfA-00080-00036591-00036999 It's like in in and amongst the comments. I was actually at first I'm very grateful -8bmLk7qKfA-00081-00037000-00037485 So I say thank you to everybody watching for the comments on our miracles real -8bmLk7qKfA-00082-00037516-00037974 Because most of them were like so good and loving and understanding and positive -8bmLk7qKfA-00083-00037982-00038496 there were a few people who were you know, just had that immediate reaction of like well, this is just a -8bmLk7qKfA-00084-00038552-00039163 businessman who's you know using the shamanic ceremonies to make money in something that and and -8bmLk7qKfA-00085-00039188-00039361 This was amazing because I you know -8bmLk7qKfA-00086-00039361-00039834 I I've both taken this the medicine and I've talked with so other people here and -8bmLk7qKfA-00087-00039872-00040354 And the message I keep getting from from the universe is that this isn't even your business? -8bmLk7qKfA-00088-00040379-00041139 This is the medicines doing Karen cases the planet Edison who is like Jerry. I will use you to build this amazing place -8bmLk7qKfA-00089-00041140-00041300 I always say this -8bmLk7qKfA-00090-00041300-00042055 Yeah, you know the medicine woke up one day and said give me a sucker with money and like no shit. Yeah -8bmLk7qKfA-00091-00042143-00042730 not Kenny, who knows how to run a business like give me that guy cuz I know I'm not a -8bmLk7qKfA-00092-00042836-00043006 Spiritual leader. I'm not a thought leader -8bmLk7qKfA-00093-00043006-00043603 I'm not I'm just a guy that had some wild shit happen to him and and was able to be in a position -8bmLk7qKfA-00094-00043649-00044256 To be able to create a facility that does it for other people. That's it. That's what I am so so beautiful -8bmLk7qKfA-00095-00044284-00044416 I mean crystal clear about him -8bmLk7qKfA-00096-00044416-00044545 You've done it so well -8bmLk7qKfA-00097-00044545-00044986 and I just want to say from my heart to yours and and this whole space like -8bmLk7qKfA-00098-00045035-00045474 You can feel that like all of the resources that you've that that has been -8bmLk7qKfA-00099-00045488-00045927 Created through the place has been used to make the place more and more -8bmLk7qKfA-00100-00045974-00046402 immaculate and and like every person who works here every -8bmLk7qKfA-00101-00046448-00046498 shaman -8bmLk7qKfA-00102-00046498-00047152 every helper every everyone is like at such a high level of love and compassion and care and -8bmLk7qKfA-00103-00047198-00047721 every time I come just week after week you show up everyone shows up in -8bmLk7qKfA-00104-00047783-00048504 Complete service, and it's so so beautiful. So thank you for making this place this place. Ah, thanks for saying. Thank you -8bmLk7qKfA-00105-00048512-00049231 Yeah, I'm wondering if you have any advice for people dealing with like, you know, I've had both in my life -8bmLk7qKfA-00106-00049231-00049608 You know, like when I started making money with spirit science stuff that I got a lot of backlash -8bmLk7qKfA-00107-00049609-00049870 I've heard that from a few other people who were -8bmLk7qKfA-00108-00049886-00050427 Involved with or making money with spirituality and like their friends or other people in the spiritual community -8bmLk7qKfA-00109-00050447-00051196 Would get really angry with them and just for like personal health. Do you have any advice from absolutely with negative people? -8bmLk7qKfA-00110-00051196-00051432 Sure. Yeah, you just say okay, then you do it for free -8bmLk7qKfA-00111-00051697-00051897 Shuts him right away -8bmLk7qKfA-00112-00051996-00052242 I'm doing it the wrong. Do you do it for free then and show me? -8bmLk7qKfA-00113-00052315-00052872 It's true. I mean so simple I can't I can't imagine this place existing without the resources necessary -8bmLk7qKfA-00114-00052916-00053410 Listen to me facilitate it it costs almost 11 million dollars a year to keep this place open -8bmLk7qKfA-00115-00053452-00053892 So that's a man who is going to pony up a billion dollars -8bmLk7qKfA-00116-00053926-00054636 To like to keep this open for 100 years right? Show me. Hope show me the guy who's gonna say well wait, you know? -8bmLk7qKfA-00117-00054775-00055515 Like let's see if Bill Gates will do it. He'd just check this off his list as the biggest no ever -8bmLk7qKfA-00118-00055954-00056520 Yeah, and I'm with you let's hope that's right if you think somebody would even do it for 10 years -8bmLk7qKfA-00119-00056544-00056949 Show me you guys gonna put up 110 million. Hmm throw it away -8bmLk7qKfA-00120-00056950-00057315 So that a place like this can stay open for 10 years? Yeah -8bmLk7qKfA-00121-00057316-00057945 It's very you're talking few and far between yeah at best. I don't think there's a person on the planet -8bmLk7qKfA-00122-00057945-00058302 That would do I can tell you this it costs me -8bmLk7qKfA-00123-00058338-00058869 I went upside-down ten million dollars to do this. There aren't too many of us around -8bmLk7qKfA-00124-00058886-00059178 Yeah, that this level we're gonna do shit like that -8bmLk7qKfA-00125-00059179-00059229 No -8bmLk7qKfA-00126-00059229-00059275 No -8bmLk7qKfA-00127-00059275-00059769 totally and actually I just as a speaking to this to is like there have been people who -8bmLk7qKfA-00128-00059816-00060252 You know in the comments in the movie whatnot who were upset that you know it costs -8bmLk7qKfA-00129-00060254-00060762 You know some money to come here and yeah and at the same time like after being here -8bmLk7qKfA-00130-00060762-00061197 I'm like, I would pay that every time it is so worth it. Yeah for this -8bmLk7qKfA-00131-00061304-00061420 complete -8bmLk7qKfA-00132-00061420-00061800 Transformational experience. Yeah, but it's one of those like you have to take a leap of faith -8bmLk7qKfA-00133-00061816-00061926 Yeah, cuz you know -8bmLk7qKfA-00134-00061926-00062427 you see all the comments everything but you don't really know and understand until you fully experience it and then you're like -8bmLk7qKfA-00135-00062467-00062673 Worth it. Like that was so valuable -8bmLk7qKfA-00136-00062674-00063393 So, you know you creating this sort of this vortex for for people to facilitate its staying open people. Come here -8bmLk7qKfA-00137-00063393-00063876 They invest in themselves. They experience these profound life transforming Scituate or experiences -8bmLk7qKfA-00138-00063876-00064305 And then this place can thrive as a result of it, right? Yeah, and that's beautiful -8bmLk7qKfA-00139-00064308-00064725 so they you can make it better and better and better unless we try to do and I have to tell you if -8bmLk7qKfA-00140-00064760-00065157 If you can if there was some way to do this for less money -8bmLk7qKfA-00141-00065157-00065469 I'd be the first one to do it. But as soon as I -8bmLk7qKfA-00142-00065530-00065723 Try to compromise -8bmLk7qKfA-00143-00065723-00066369 The service end. Yeah, then the rest of it falls with it. And the thing is it's really hard -8bmLk7qKfA-00144-00066370-00066795 How do you you know in these people and I'll be honest we pay? -8bmLk7qKfA-00145-00066860-00067324 Two to three times as much as the normal wage in Costa Rica -8bmLk7qKfA-00146-00067487-00068157 And I love doing it I love doing it yeah because people number one these people are with us for life and -8bmLk7qKfA-00147-00068312-00069033 Honestly because the you know the jobs irreplaceable and not only that though we get to source that the most amazing -8bmLk7qKfA-00148-00069076-00069690 People well in order to do that you you you have to charge money. Somebody has to pay -8bmLk7qKfA-00149-00069806-00070500 135 families that are working here so he has to pay them. They're not gonna do it for free -8bmLk7qKfA-00150-00070500-00070598 Yeah, you know -8bmLk7qKfA-00151-00070598-00070806 They're not nobody's gonna do this for free -8bmLk7qKfA-00152-00070806-00071358 Right, and and and you have people working here from from all over and like lots of people from Costa Rica -8bmLk7qKfA-00153-00071363-00071589 There's people from America. Yep from Brazil -8bmLk7qKfA-00154-00071606-00071889 Absolutely, and and you know people sometimes they you know -8bmLk7qKfA-00155-00071889-00071908 they -8bmLk7qKfA-00156-00071908-00072429 look at you and they're like why he's just a white guy and it's all just Americans doing this since like no there's there's people -8bmLk7qKfA-00157-00072430-00072735 From all over like most of the people work here from Costa Rica -8bmLk7qKfA-00158-00072856-00073371 99% of the before Costa Rica, that's beautiful. Yeah. Yeah, so yeah. Yeah, okay -8bmLk7qKfA-00159-00073372-00073735 so now speaking to money, um, you know a lot of my audience especially -8bmLk7qKfA-00160-00073819-00074364 The spiritual community I think in general has struggled with money and you know, it's always like spiritual people are often broke -8bmLk7qKfA-00161-00074364-00074413 Yes -8bmLk7qKfA-00162-00074413-00074967 And and so what can people do right now to shift their vibration towards money -8bmLk7qKfA-00163-00075007-00075411 The first thing they have to do is understand that that money is not bad -8bmLk7qKfA-00164-00075506-00075706 that's what what I -8bmLk7qKfA-00165-00075727-00075966 believe you know people have a -8bmLk7qKfA-00166-00076022-00076711 Psychological block that they think oh, you know money is the source of all all evil and that's a Bible quote -8bmLk7qKfA-00167-00076711-00076781 right -8bmLk7qKfA-00168-00076781-00077220 but but they think yeah and and it's super hard to think that and -8bmLk7qKfA-00169-00077249-00078025 Acquire it at the same time. The the hardest thing for people to do is to is to realize that that statement is factually incorrect -8bmLk7qKfA-00170-00078113-00078473 Money was the source of all progress if it weren't for -8bmLk7qKfA-00171-00078580-00079230 capitalism which is a bad word right now all of this progress that we've seen in the past few hundred years would not be -8bmLk7qKfA-00172-00079246-00079583 Would not be people wouldn't be living longer than ever before -8bmLk7qKfA-00173-00079672-00080091 Wages wouldn't be higher than they were ever before all of this progress -8bmLk7qKfA-00174-00080152-00080867 Medicine all you take a look at everything technology. That's all based out of out of this and what is money is energy -8bmLk7qKfA-00175-00080895-00081251 That's all money is its energy? It's a -8bmLk7qKfA-00176-00081289-00082070 condensed point of energy while I play medicine money is a convinced point of energy and if you can come to grips with that and -8bmLk7qKfA-00177-00082083-00082628 Then make a deal with the University you're going to do the right things with your money. That's the other thing -8bmLk7qKfA-00178-00082629-00083301 So like if you if you're getting money - pleasures then money is a bad thing -8bmLk7qKfA-00179-00083314-00083514 but if I have if I'm -8bmLk7qKfA-00180-00083542-00084174 Accumulating assets or having assets so that I can number one have a kinder gentler retirement -8bmLk7qKfA-00181-00084193-00084663 That's a beautiful thing. But number two if I'm if I'm doing it -8bmLk7qKfA-00182-00084724-00084924 to help -8bmLk7qKfA-00183-00084931-00085529 People then holy God. What a great source. So what I'm saying is that the gun can be used. Uh-huh -8bmLk7qKfA-00184-00085606-00085806 to save the village -8bmLk7qKfA-00185-00085843-00086607 Huh or the gun can be used for robbery. Yeah, it's not the gun doesn't know yes sort of thing is the intention -8bmLk7qKfA-00186-00086607-00087104 It's the intention behind the money and if the intentions right you're right -8bmLk7qKfA-00187-00087105-00087600 The spiritual community is my community and I've never seen people struggle with money -8bmLk7qKfA-00188-00087673-00088190 More in the spiritual community than any other sub community they struggle with money -8bmLk7qKfA-00189-00088191-00088785 Yeah, because they think it's wrong to have right. It's okay that ingrained belief that came from -8bmLk7qKfA-00190-00088867-00089067 thousands of years ago -8bmLk7qKfA-00191-00089239-00089654 So this is kind of a part two of the similar same question -8bmLk7qKfA-00192-00089656-00089960 but then what would be what is the best way to -8bmLk7qKfA-00193-00090001-00090467 Make money in alignment with a spiritual practice or spirituality -8bmLk7qKfA-00194-00090493-00091103 So my thing with that is that if if if we can visualize what we're gonna do with the money -8bmLk7qKfA-00195-00091141-00091844 You can get completely bypass that it's bad. Yeah, I'm gonna get money so that I can start my church -8bmLk7qKfA-00196-00091844-00092225 I'm gonna get money so that I can help people. I'm gonna get money -8bmLk7qKfA-00197-00092236-00092574 So I ain't giving away and feed the port like there's so many -8bmLk7qKfA-00198-00092601-00093212 Simple ways and you know things that the problem with it is it has to be the truth or you're not gonna buy it -8bmLk7qKfA-00199-00093238-00093707 So what does that mean? That means that when you say hey, I'm gonna tie there -8bmLk7qKfA-00200-00093707-00094181 I'm gonna and I don't mean tithe in the conventional sense of of giving the money to a -8bmLk7qKfA-00201-00094263-00094407 dogmatic -8bmLk7qKfA-00202-00094407-00094931 Religion, that's not it but to make a deal that I'm going to tie this money -8bmLk7qKfA-00203-00094931-00095423 I'm gonna give 20 percent of the money that I make away to these endeavors -8bmLk7qKfA-00204-00095508-00096092 Once you do that then you're in flow. It's all good. Doesn't matter what you're doing. It can be I -8bmLk7qKfA-00205-00096187-00096825 Don't know a taxidermist. I don't care whatever you have to do to make a living as long as you're doing it in -8bmLk7qKfA-00206-00096876-00097382 In love. Yeah that you love doing it that that you have a free -8bmLk7qKfA-00207-00097486-00097608 agreed-upon -8bmLk7qKfA-00208-00097608-00098153 Plan and deal with the universe. So what does that mean? That means you write out a -8bmLk7qKfA-00209-00098254-00098649 Letter and it says that on this day I Jerry Powell -8bmLk7qKfA-00210-00098716-00098887 promise myself -8bmLk7qKfA-00211-00098887-00099687 My God my universe. However, you believe that as I do this new endeavor and as it makes -8bmLk7qKfA-00212-00099763-00100178 $100,000 a year, I'm gonna give twenty thousand of it away as it makes a million -8bmLk7qKfA-00213-00100179-00100583 I'm gonna give two hundred thousand as it makes ten million and you make a deal and you sign it -8bmLk7qKfA-00214-00100583-00101102 That's a contract with the universe. It's a real contract and now you're off the hook now -8bmLk7qKfA-00215-00101175-00101789 That you're in participation, right? It's super simple and easy beautiful. It's real. So just give it -8bmLk7qKfA-00216-00101877-00102116 All it is - yeah, that's all we're doing -8bmLk7qKfA-00217-00102199-00102399 okay, so my last question is -8bmLk7qKfA-00218-00102448-00102699 you know, we just entered 2020 and -8bmLk7qKfA-00219-00102759-00103061 You made a beautiful post on Facebook -8bmLk7qKfA-00220-00103061-00103571 which I loved and you're talking about the shift and transformation that you've been through in this place and everything and -8bmLk7qKfA-00221-00103617-00104207 At the end you wrote that 2020 is the start of what will forever be known as the decade of the shift -8bmLk7qKfA-00222-00104207-00104834 I believe that and can you just elaborate and talk more about that? So I really believe this to be true in the medicine -8bmLk7qKfA-00223-00104902-00105669 Confirmed this with me. We haven't noticed it but we've been in mishit progress has made the shift -8bmLk7qKfA-00224-00105766-00105986 Donald Trump is making the shift -8bmLk7qKfA-00225-00106048-00106271 Because he's shining a light on our differences -8bmLk7qKfA-00226-00106272-00106643 This is all culminating to this this decade -8bmLk7qKfA-00227-00106678-00107322 when when and this is the funniest thing in the stock market there is a saying when your -8bmLk7qKfA-00228-00107356-00107598 hairdresser starts talking to you about stocks -8bmLk7qKfA-00229-00107641-00108204 It's over in other words once once everybody is invested in the stock market -8bmLk7qKfA-00230-00108204-00108930 It's time to get out of the stock market. My thing is this look is that what the 20's are gonna be is the -8bmLk7qKfA-00231-00108984-00109171 realization by the -8bmLk7qKfA-00232-00109171-00109688 Masses that we are in the shift see most people are still so polarized -8bmLk7qKfA-00233-00109717-00110426 But most folks do not believe we're in the shift most folks if you turn on Fox News or CNN or whatever -8bmLk7qKfA-00234-00110488-00110697 They believe that the sky is falling -8bmLk7qKfA-00235-00110749-00111429 People are killing each other more than they ever have. There's more fear lack and limitation. There's scarcity -8bmLk7qKfA-00236-00111429-00111974 There's this they're still in this thing, right? Huh, but this will be the decade of the truth -8bmLk7qKfA-00237-00111988-00112610 And the truth is these are the least violent times in the last 5,000 years people are living longer than ever before -8bmLk7qKfA-00238-00112678-00112878 Economies are expanding -8bmLk7qKfA-00239-00112930-00113130 Wages are increasing -8bmLk7qKfA-00240-00113131-00113849 Poverty is decreasing. Oh, wait, what does that mean? Right. That means that we're shifting. It's it's like -8bmLk7qKfA-00241-00113905-00114693 the perspective itself also creates it because where I started thinking Oh wages are increasing poverty is decreasing and then you start -8bmLk7qKfA-00242-00114745-00115265 Playing in that reality. Then the next thing you know, you start earning resources. You start being happy music -8bmLk7qKfA-00243-00115303-00115353 Yeah -8bmLk7qKfA-00244-00115353-00115913 Because the way that you're looking and so what does the medicine ask us to do Jordan and asks us to be in truth? -8bmLk7qKfA-00245-00115954-00116154 those things that I just said are -8bmLk7qKfA-00246-00116188-00116970 Absolutely the truth, they're not positive and then not negative. I'm not in random it. I'm just telling you this is the truth this realization -8bmLk7qKfA-00247-00117028-00117228 Can't be hidden from one -8bmLk7qKfA-00248-00117283-00117399 Politicians want to say this -8bmLk7qKfA-00249-00117399-00118107 It's I can fix it and they said no then the Democrats say no it's because of you we confess -8bmLk7qKfA-00250-00118123-00118353 And then this whole new there's a smokescreen -8bmLk7qKfA-00251-00118423-00118788 Occurs and then everybody believes it and nobody can fix it -8bmLk7qKfA-00252-00118788-00119381 yeah, and the exact opposite is true that things are working and that that -8bmLk7qKfA-00253-00119433-00119563 message -8bmLk7qKfA-00254-00119563-00120290 Can't be hidden for this is the this. So when I say the shift the 20s will be an -8bmLk7qKfA-00255-00120343-00120588 awareness of everyone that things are -8bmLk7qKfA-00256-00120592-00121182 Okay, once that happens, it makes things better and better and better. So this is like -8bmLk7qKfA-00257-00121233-00121698 There's a beautiful time and Donald Trump was a key instrument in this. Yeah, he -8bmLk7qKfA-00258-00121783-00122564 Couldn't be done without him. He's a real help to the to every side. Yeah, he really is. Yeah. Yeah, I don't get it -8bmLk7qKfA-00259-00122565-00122973 I can see that just from the from the like if you're triggered there's something for you to look at -8bmLk7qKfA-00260-00122973-00123227 How do you like them? There's something for you to look at there's it's -8bmLk7qKfA-00261-00123316-00123430 facilitating -8bmLk7qKfA-00262-00123430-00123580 change of awareness -8bmLk7qKfA-00263-00123580-00124143 Humber's dialogue and conversation and all these groups that are offended that nobody even knew were there. Yeah -8bmLk7qKfA-00264-00124143-00124616 Oh, yeah platform to a bunch of people who were underserved in -8bmLk7qKfA-00265-00124753-00125100 In respect and understanding and all this stuff. They're all -8bmLk7qKfA-00266-00125160-00125894 Surfacing. Yeah, so like we get to hear things that under under other administration's we wouldn't been ever heard -8bmLk7qKfA-00267-00125895-00126096 Yeah, and yeah, so it's interesting stuff -8bmLk7qKfA-00268-00126096-00126518 I've had this is a sort of a final thought here is I've had people ask me like well -8bmLk7qKfA-00269-00126526-00127116 Well, a lot of people saying don't ever get involved in politics because it's cuz it's spirituality and those didn't go again -8bmLk7qKfA-00270-00127116-00127316 That's a whole another half an hour conversation -8bmLk7qKfA-00271-00127341-00127638 Yeah, but but but then I have had people aspect -8bmLk7qKfA-00272-00127638-00127696 well -8bmLk7qKfA-00273-00127696-00128231 What what is your stance on politics and I'm like it's really simple they're left wing and the right wing are part of the same -8bmLk7qKfA-00274-00128232-00128508 Bird and I believe that like, please that's it -8bmLk7qKfA-00275-00128563-00129065 Completely completely that you need both of them to fly and you do and there's somewhere in there -8bmLk7qKfA-00276-00129066-00129551 There's truth to an either them earth in it. Yeah, but in the middle of that there is truth -8bmLk7qKfA-00277-00129552-00130152 There's a like if you if you just see what the truth is and well we've been so lucky on because of -8bmLk7qKfA-00278-00130177-00130419 Capitalism because a lot of things that happen. Yeah -8bmLk7qKfA-00279-00130480-00130848 Technology that came about as a result of capitalism -8bmLk7qKfA-00280-00130975-00131125 has now -8bmLk7qKfA-00281-00131125-00131280 Made us aware -8bmLk7qKfA-00282-00131280-00131449 of -8bmLk7qKfA-00283-00131449-00131858 Our what the consequences are our own actions. It's all of a sudden -8bmLk7qKfA-00284-00131920-00132076 people are being -8bmLk7qKfA-00285-00132076-00132567 Repressed and people are gonna know no no because we know about it before you'd never know about -8bmLk7qKfA-00286-00132567-00132947 Yeah, and so with access to the truth. Nobody wants to hurt anybody else, right? -8bmLk7qKfA-00287-00132948-00133428 So, I mean that those are all the questions that antastic in in closing -8bmLk7qKfA-00288-00133428-00133697 Do you have any final thoughts of just anything that no? -8bmLk7qKfA-00289-00133698-00134265 I just say that that you know life's hard enough without feeling guilty about -8bmLk7qKfA-00290-00134335-00134904 Making a living like there's enough problem. You're in life. Like do you have to address? -8bmLk7qKfA-00291-00134962-00135162 family situations and and -8bmLk7qKfA-00292-00135244-00135759 Health and and all these prep, but then to throw on top of it -8bmLk7qKfA-00293-00135759-00136263 I'm making a living and then therefore I've guilt over that there's enough there's enough -8bmLk7qKfA-00294-00136288-00136874 Doing it's just something that people don't need that's been and I think we're gonna evolve out of it. I did I agree -8bmLk7qKfA-00295-00136875-00137103 I really do cuz it's ridiculous. Yeah, yeah -8bmLk7qKfA-00296-00137125-00137802 Well Jerry, thank you so much for sitting down and going this was love to have you'd remain love mazing -8bmLk7qKfA-00297-00137817-00138026 I'm a man. Yeah, my man -qQzYz-RBhE-00000-00000214-00000387 - Thank you all for coming. -qQzYz-RBhE-00001-00000387-00000667 We're deeply honored and pleased today to host -qQzYz-RBhE-00002-00000667-00000875 Ambassador Doctor Deborah Birx -qQzYz-RBhE-00003-00000875-00001232 at The University of Vermont as part of her national tour -qQzYz-RBhE-00004-00001232-00001463 of information gathering on best practices -qQzYz-RBhE-00005-00001463-00001795 in higher education regarding the coronavirus response. -qQzYz-RBhE-00006-00001795-00002063 We thank her for this visit and for the validation -qQzYz-RBhE-00007-00002063-00002330 of the very careful and comprehensive planning -qQzYz-RBhE-00008-00002330-00002597 that has led to our success at this point. -qQzYz-RBhE-00009-00002597-00002799 As a reminder to you all -qQzYz-RBhE-00010-00002799-00003286 we've received over 70,000 test results as of this morning, -qQzYz-RBhE-00011-00003286-00003609 since August 7th and we've had only 25 positives -qQzYz-RBhE-00012-00003609-00003994 and lately we've had for the weekly testing of about 10,000 -qQzYz-RBhE-00013-00003994-00004382 to 11,000, there's been one, two or zero positives. -qQzYz-RBhE-00014-00004382-00004635 Dr. Birx needs no introduction. -qQzYz-RBhE-00015-00004635-00004900 I will call your attention to the scarf she's wearing -qQzYz-RBhE-00016-00005015-00005291 in her very active role as the nation's Coronavirus -qQzYz-RBhE-00017-00005291-00005427 Response Coordinator. -qQzYz-RBhE-00018-00005427-00005816 She's a world renowned global health expert and physician. -qQzYz-RBhE-00019-00005816-00006078 She is coordinator for the U.S government's activities -qQzYz-RBhE-00020-00006078-00006566 to combat HIV AIDS, as U.S special representative -qQzYz-RBhE-00021-00006566-00006753 for global health diplomacy. -qQzYz-RBhE-00022-00006753-00007105 She's been an untiring public servant for three decades, -qQzYz-RBhE-00023-00007105-00007484 contributing to HIV AIDS immunology, vaccine research, -qQzYz-RBhE-00024-00007484-00007604 and global health. -qQzYz-RBhE-00025-00007604-00007779 Thank you Dr. Birx for your service. -qQzYz-RBhE-00026-00007779-00007889 And please come on up. -qQzYz-RBhE-00027-00008238-00008406 (footsteps clomping) -qQzYz-RBhE-00028-00008406-00008489 - Thank you. -qQzYz-RBhE-00029-00008489-00008821 It's been a real pleasure to be here in the Northeast. -qQzYz-RBhE-00030-00008821-00009177 We've been traveling since late Monday -qQzYz-RBhE-00031-00009177-00009555 up through the Northeast and where this is our 36th state -qQzYz-RBhE-00032-00009555-00009751 but our 26 university. -qQzYz-RBhE-00033-00009853-00010070 And what we have learned from universities -qQzYz-RBhE-00034-00010070-00010408 that have done well through this fall season -qQzYz-RBhE-00035-00010408-00010612 is they spent the spring planning. -qQzYz-RBhE-00036-00010700-00010883 And they brought the people together -qQzYz-RBhE-00037-00010883-00011264 in a multi-sectorial approach as the president did -qQzYz-RBhE-00038-00011264-00011566 working with the governor, working with his health team, -qQzYz-RBhE-00039-00011566-00011828 working with the mayor, working with the community -qQzYz-RBhE-00040-00011828-00012138 and working with the staff, faculty and students. -qQzYz-RBhE-00041-00012138-00012471 And creating an environment of transparency -qQzYz-RBhE-00042-00012471-00012939 and data sharing, and also creating the sense -qQzYz-RBhE-00043-00012939-00013237 that the data would be used for decision making -qQzYz-RBhE-00044-00013237-00013568 and any changes that needed to occur based on that data. -qQzYz-RBhE-00045-00013684-00014022 Core to every university that has done extraordinarily well -qQzYz-RBhE-00046-00014022-00014328 and has taught us greatly has been the universities -qQzYz-RBhE-00047-00014328-00014541 that mandated testing. -qQzYz-RBhE-00048-00014541-00014797 The reason this has been so critically important -qQzYz-RBhE-00049-00014797-00015191 is we have learned that weekly testing changes behavior. -qQzYz-RBhE-00050-00015191-00015526 And it keeps as a constant reinforcement, -qQzYz-RBhE-00051-00015526-00015790 how important our behaviors are -qQzYz-RBhE-00052-00015790-00016152 in ensuring that we remain negative -qQzYz-RBhE-00053-00016152-00016470 and ensuring that we are not spreading the virus to others. -qQzYz-RBhE-00054-00016470-00016941 It also illustrates why testing is so critically important -qQzYz-RBhE-00055-00016941-00017145 when you're working with an age group -qQzYz-RBhE-00056-00017145-00017594 where most of the illnesses are not visible. -qQzYz-RBhE-00057-00017594-00017913 Most of the people in this age group that get infected -qQzYz-RBhE-00058-00017913-00018313 do not have symptoms but are highly infectious to others. -qQzYz-RBhE-00059-00018313-00018701 So this weekly testing is not only providing an assurance -qQzYz-RBhE-00060-00018701-00018970 that there's not spread on this campus, -qQzYz-RBhE-00061-00018970-00019155 there's not spread to the faculty, -qQzYz-RBhE-00062-00019155-00019506 other students and not spread to the community. -qQzYz-RBhE-00063-00019506-00020006 And so planning combined with actions like weekly testing -qQzYz-RBhE-00064-00020094-00020343 is leading to this success. -qQzYz-RBhE-00065-00020343-00020588 We just wanna also acknowledge yesterday, -qQzYz-RBhE-00066-00020588-00020690 we were at the Broad -qQzYz-RBhE-00067-00020690-00020907 many of the samples from this university -qQzYz-RBhE-00068-00020907-00021115 also go to the Broad -qQzYz-RBhE-00069-00021115-00021358 and just really thanking the Broad Institute -qQzYz-RBhE-00070-00021358-00021657 for, I think they're providing supportive testing -qQzYz-RBhE-00071-00021657-00021974 to over a hundred universities and colleges -qQzYz-RBhE-00072-00021974-00022317 across the upper Northwest and across the United States -qQzYz-RBhE-00073-00022317-00022739 to really support institutions of higher education. -qQzYz-RBhE-00074-00022836-00023107 But in addition to the testing, they were prepared -qQzYz-RBhE-00075-00023107-00023358 for isolating students who became infected. -qQzYz-RBhE-00076-00023358-00023625 They were prepared to quarantining students -qQzYz-RBhE-00077-00023625-00023760 who became exposed, -qQzYz-RBhE-00078-00023760-00024236 and they were prepared to do contact tracing and partnership -qQzYz-RBhE-00079-00024236-00024422 with the state public health. -qQzYz-RBhE-00080-00024422-00024649 And I think all of those pieces together -qQzYz-RBhE-00081-00024649-00024904 become critically important. -qQzYz-RBhE-00082-00024904-00025133 I wanna talk just a minute about the facilities -qQzYz-RBhE-00083-00025133-00025251 that we were able to see -qQzYz-RBhE-00084-00025251-00025518 and I wanna thank the provost who's been taking me -qQzYz-RBhE-00085-00025518-00025916 throughout the campus to really see how they used every bit -qQzYz-RBhE-00086-00025916-00026129 of space that they had to provide -qQzYz-RBhE-00087-00026129-00026417 additional learning experiences for students. -qQzYz-RBhE-00088-00026417-00026694 So that 50% of the students could be in person -qQzYz-RBhE-00089-00026694-00027064 or in a hybrid manner model, so that people -qQzYz-RBhE-00090-00027064-00027388 really could have that in person learning experience, -qQzYz-RBhE-00091-00027388-00027604 but creating physical spaces. -qQzYz-RBhE-00092-00027604-00028013 And for the facility staff, thank you. -qQzYz-RBhE-00093-00028013-00028157 It really makes a difference. -qQzYz-RBhE-00094-00028157-00028325 You've created welcoming spaces, -qQzYz-RBhE-00095-00028325-00028817 we always like it when it says, this is where you can sit -qQzYz-RBhE-00096-00028817-00029020 versus this is where you can't sit. -qQzYz-RBhE-00097-00029020-00029325 I know that seems like something so small, -qQzYz-RBhE-00098-00029325-00029581 but it's really important and empowers the people -qQzYz-RBhE-00099-00029581-00029860 to understand and the students to understand -qQzYz-RBhE-00100-00029860-00030114 that I can still do specific things. -qQzYz-RBhE-00101-00030114-00030385 It's not all about a lot of red Xs. -qQzYz-RBhE-00102-00030385-00030613 There's either green dots or a clear thing -qQzYz-RBhE-00103-00030613-00030720 that you can sit here. -qQzYz-RBhE-00104-00030720-00031139 And I think creating physical distance but social engagement -qQzYz-RBhE-00105-00031139-00031454 is really critical as we all work through this together. -qQzYz-RBhE-00106-00031544-00031770 It was really important to meet with the students -qQzYz-RBhE-00107-00031770-00032064 to be able to talk to nursing students and medical students -qQzYz-RBhE-00108-00032064-00032412 and undergraduates, and to really see the leadership -qQzYz-RBhE-00109-00032412-00032655 of the Greek Life group here. -qQzYz-RBhE-00110-00032655-00032965 I think you can see by the test positivity, this units -qQzYz-RBhE-00111-00032965-00033303 for a university has some of the lowest test positivity -qQzYz-RBhE-00112-00033303-00033586 of any university that we have been to. -qQzYz-RBhE-00113-00033586-00033936 Yeah it's providing a significant number of their coursework -qQzYz-RBhE-00114-00033936-00034029 in person. -qQzYz-RBhE-00115-00034124-00034304 Finally, I wanted to really conclude -qQzYz-RBhE-00116-00034304-00034617 is we've been to universities to understand -qQzYz-RBhE-00117-00034617-00034937 how they're keeping their faculty staff, students, -qQzYz-RBhE-00118-00034937-00035136 and community safe. -qQzYz-RBhE-00119-00035136-00035443 But research institutions have a greater role -qQzYz-RBhE-00120-00035443-00035543 than education. -qQzYz-RBhE-00121-00035543-00035884 There's certainly their educational role is critical -qQzYz-RBhE-00122-00035884-00036164 but they have a critical role in research. -qQzYz-RBhE-00123-00036164-00036664 And losing some of our researchers during the spring -qQzYz-RBhE-00124-00036710-00037021 because many of the universities shutting down, -qQzYz-RBhE-00125-00037021-00037421 created a real gap in our science and our understanding. -qQzYz-RBhE-00126-00037421-00037828 Yes COVID research and critical pathway research was ongoing -qQzYz-RBhE-00127-00037828-00038177 but not really understanding how to better work -qQzYz-RBhE-00128-00038177-00038456 with individuals to understand these issues -qQzYz-RBhE-00129-00038456-00038658 around physical distancing, -qQzYz-RBhE-00130-00038658-00038956 understanding how we really get people to take care -qQzYz-RBhE-00131-00038956-00039120 of themselves and their families. -qQzYz-RBhE-00132-00039120-00039301 And these are the fundamentals -qQzYz-RBhE-00133-00039301-00039574 that these university research that they can do. -qQzYz-RBhE-00134-00039574-00040006 Behavioral science research, mental health research -qQzYz-RBhE-00135-00040006-00040340 universities themselves, a reflection of this great land -qQzYz-RBhE-00136-00040340-00040519 and the communities around this land -qQzYz-RBhE-00137-00040519-00040904 and really understanding how we remain socially engaged -qQzYz-RBhE-00138-00040904-00041125 but physically distance will become critical. -qQzYz-RBhE-00139-00041125-00041470 How we understand the stressors and the anxieties -qQzYz-RBhE-00140-00041470-00041740 that people face with this virus -qQzYz-RBhE-00141-00041740-00041894 and then how we mitigate those -qQzYz-RBhE-00142-00041894-00042127 just like we're mitigating viral spread. -qQzYz-RBhE-00143-00042127-00042627 How do we mitigate the impact of this virus and it's anxiety -qQzYz-RBhE-00144-00042630-00042979 and it's stress that it's creating across this country. -qQzYz-RBhE-00145-00043066-00043370 And finally trying to get people to understand -qQzYz-RBhE-00146-00043370-00043672 how you can look and feel well, -qQzYz-RBhE-00147-00043672-00043922 but still be transmitting that virus. -qQzYz-RBhE-00148-00043922-00044195 And I think really being able to get out that message -qQzYz-RBhE-00149-00044195-00044459 what we're seeing across the country, -qQzYz-RBhE-00150-00044459-00044879 is what we experienced in the spring is now way this virus -qQzYz-RBhE-00151-00044879-00045071 is going to spread in the fall. -qQzYz-RBhE-00152-00045071-00045475 We've learned from the South that virus spreads primarily -qQzYz-RBhE-00153-00045475-00045766 in small gatherings of friends and family. -qQzYz-RBhE-00154-00045766-00045993 And being able to get that message out -qQzYz-RBhE-00155-00045993-00046279 and what it really will have to take of us all -qQzYz-RBhE-00156-00046279-00046612 as a community to make sure that we protect one another, -qQzYz-RBhE-00157-00046612-00046858 that we wear our mask, that we physically distance, -qQzYz-RBhE-00158-00046858-00047139 that we bring those same great behaviors -qQzYz-RBhE-00159-00047139-00047557 that we have conducted in public, into our private lives -qQzYz-RBhE-00160-00047557-00047721 and into our households. -qQzYz-RBhE-00161-00047721-00048135 As we move into the fall and to critical family interactions -qQzYz-RBhE-00162-00048135-00048400 that we know will need to occur in Thanksgiving, -qQzYz-RBhE-00163-00048400-00048556 but how to make those safe -qQzYz-RBhE-00164-00048556-00048864 and how to really understand how to keep those safe. -qQzYz-RBhE-00165-00048864-00049108 And I think universities can really help us -qQzYz-RBhE-00166-00049108-00049439 in understanding how to really protect others -qQzYz-RBhE-00167-00049439-00049874 during this fall and into the holiday seasons -qQzYz-RBhE-00168-00049874-00050035 as they approach. -qQzYz-RBhE-00169-00050035-00050163 So I will stop there. -qQzYz-RBhE-00170-00050163-00050395 It's been a terrific trip. -qQzYz-RBhE-00171-00050395-00050586 It's been really terrific here. -qQzYz-RBhE-00172-00050586-00051076 Again, planning, testing data for decision making -qQzYz-RBhE-00173-00051076-00051416 and then creating an environment that promotes -qQzYz-RBhE-00174-00051416-00051582 not only safety and good health, -qQzYz-RBhE-00175-00051582-00051871 but does it in a positive way to show people -qQzYz-RBhE-00176-00051871-00052191 what they can do, and those great tents outside, -qQzYz-RBhE-00177-00052191-00052346 thank you for doing that. -qQzYz-RBhE-00178-00052346-00052691 It shows how you can do and you can be together -qQzYz-RBhE-00179-00052691-00052954 even though it's a difficult time for all of us -qQzYz-RBhE-00180-00052954-00053203 as we try to prevent spread of this virus. -qQzYz-RBhE-00181-00053203-00053420 So I'll take a few questions. -qQzYz-RBhE-00182-00053420-00053654 - [Off camera] Thank you, Dr. Birx. -qQzYz-RBhE-00183-00053654-00053869 We're gonna open up the questions now from the media. -qQzYz-RBhE-00184-00053869-00054233 I'm gonna start with reporters who are in person here -qQzYz-RBhE-00185-00054233-00054334 in the ballroom, -qQzYz-RBhE-00186-00054421-00054750 starting with and asking everybody to please limit yourself -qQzYz-RBhE-00187-00054750-00055083 to one question due to the time constraints that we have. -qQzYz-RBhE-00188-00055180-00055416 Aaron from WCX you can go first. -qQzYz-RBhE-00189-00055576-00055788 - [Aaron] Thank you so much for being here. -qQzYz-RBhE-00190-00055788-00056179 Just wanted to know what steps should students -qQzYz-RBhE-00191-00056179-00056494 and universities be taking as we get closer -qQzYz-RBhE-00192-00056494-00056882 to the winter, the holiday season, you know, next semester -qQzYz-RBhE-00193-00056882-00057335 in January, assuming that the virus is still potent -qQzYz-RBhE-00194-00057335-00057521 and it's still a threat to us, -qQzYz-RBhE-00195-00057521-00058014 what steps should students and universities be taking -qQzYz-RBhE-00196-00058121-00058301 when that time of year rolls around? -qQzYz-RBhE-00197-00058391-00058494 - Great and great question. -qQzYz-RBhE-00198-00058494-00058766 And I think first, I think universities can help us -qQzYz-RBhE-00199-00058766-00058878 somewhat with that research. -qQzYz-RBhE-00200-00058878-00059085 To really understand how to reach people. -qQzYz-RBhE-00201-00059085-00059438 How do you understand what comorbidities you have -qQzYz-RBhE-00202-00059438-00059685 and whether you should be first in line for that vaccine? -qQzYz-RBhE-00203-00059685-00059969 Because we do hope to have vaccine available. -qQzYz-RBhE-00204-00059969-00060080 We know it will be available. -qQzYz-RBhE-00205-00060080-00060401 We hope to have the data showing its efficacy and safety -qQzYz-RBhE-00206-00060401-00060758 so that in that December, January, November, January -qQzYz-RBhE-00207-00060758-00061057 timeframe, many of the most vulnerable in this country -qQzYz-RBhE-00208-00061057-00061212 can be immunized. -qQzYz-RBhE-00209-00061212-00061426 But really they're already planning for the spring -qQzYz-RBhE-00210-00061426-00061535 as I thought they would -qQzYz-RBhE-00211-00061535-00061847 because they are in the middle of the winter and the fall -qQzYz-RBhE-00212-00061847-00062027 and they're learning from the fall semester. -qQzYz-RBhE-00213-00062027-00062417 And I think I was very struck talking to the students -qQzYz-RBhE-00214-00062417-00062744 because the students represent their families -qQzYz-RBhE-00215-00062744-00062855 and where they come from, -qQzYz-RBhE-00216-00062855-00063054 they've come from across this country. -qQzYz-RBhE-00217-00063054-00063395 And they also are conveying those messages -qQzYz-RBhE-00218-00063395-00063605 of physical distancing, mask wearing -qQzYz-RBhE-00219-00063723-00063973 protecting one another, back to their households -qQzYz-RBhE-00220-00063973-00064078 that they come from -qQzYz-RBhE-00221-00064078-00064405 and I think that also is critically important. -qQzYz-RBhE-00222-00064405-00064716 But universities can also help us -qQzYz-RBhE-00223-00064716-00065102 do YouTube videos on how to have a safe Thanksgiving -qQzYz-RBhE-00224-00065102-00065220 What does it mean? -qQzYz-RBhE-00225-00065220-00065492 Are the grandparents in a separate room? -qQzYz-RBhE-00226-00065492-00065864 Do we always mask when we interact with our grandparents? -qQzYz-RBhE-00227-00065864-00066021 Probably yes. -qQzYz-RBhE-00228-00066021-00066217 Do we provide a safe sound -qQzYz-RBhE-00229-00066217-00066488 of significant physical distancing during dinner, -qQzYz-RBhE-00230-00066488-00066727 which may mean that they instead of the... -qQzYz-RBhE-00231-00066727-00067069 There would be the mature table rather than the kids table -qQzYz-RBhE-00232-00067069-00067288 to really provide those opportunities. -qQzYz-RBhE-00233-00067288-00067535 And then really ensuring that we've understood -qQzYz-RBhE-00234-00067535-00067708 what our pods are. -qQzYz-RBhE-00235-00067708-00067923 Because we have a habit, -qQzYz-RBhE-00236-00067923-00068144 if I know you, you couldn't have COVID. -qQzYz-RBhE-00237-00068144-00068481 And what we've learned is we know you and you could -qQzYz-RBhE-00238-00068481-00068719 and you do, and that's how spread is occurring. -qQzYz-RBhE-00239-00068719-00069046 And so all of this kind of communication, -qQzYz-RBhE-00240-00069046-00069331 these are the kinds of research and behavioral scientists -qQzYz-RBhE-00241-00069331-00069614 that are here that will help us do that better. -qQzYz-RBhE-00242-00069614-00069896 To make it real, to make it understandable -qQzYz-RBhE-00243-00069896-00070173 so that all the American public can really understand -qQzYz-RBhE-00244-00070173-00070500 how to have a safe Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday -qQzYz-RBhE-00245-00070500-00070648 and come back together. -qQzYz-RBhE-00246-00070648-00070875 I'm sure they will test on entry again. -qQzYz-RBhE-00247-00070875-00071222 I will tell you, every student knows how to be safe -qQzYz-RBhE-00248-00071222-00071430 because the lowest testing we've ever seen -qQzYz-RBhE-00249-00071430-00071824 among 18 to 22 year olds were entry testing results. -qQzYz-RBhE-00250-00071824-00072134 But here they've learned how to stay safe -qQzYz-RBhE-00251-00072134-00072298 during that fall semester. -qQzYz-RBhE-00252-00072298-00072632 And I think we really need to learn from the universities -qQzYz-RBhE-00253-00072632-00073132 that have kept their rates of spread very low, -qQzYz-RBhE-00254-00073133-00073351 because it shows all of us it can be done. -qQzYz-RBhE-00255-00073435-00073564 - [Aaron] Very nice. Thank you so much. -qQzYz-RBhE-00256-00073564-00073684 - [Enrique] Thank you -qQzYz-RBhE-00257-00073684-00073847 Lauren, from NBC five. -qQzYz-RBhE-00258-00074004-00074100 - [Lauren] Hi Dr.Birx -qQzYz-RBhE-00259-00074100-00074188 - Hi Lauren. -qQzYz-RBhE-00260-00074273-00074426 - [Lauren] What are your thoughts on the president -qQzYz-RBhE-00261-00074426-00074695 resuming in-person campaigning events -qQzYz-RBhE-00262-00074695-00074892 and has he tested negative? -qQzYz-RBhE-00263-00075030-00075237 - Well, I can't answer the second question -qQzYz-RBhE-00264-00075237-00075393 because I've been on the road. -qQzYz-RBhE-00265-00075393-00075754 For the first question, public health advice doesn't change -qQzYz-RBhE-00266-00075754-00075953 to any individual. -qQzYz-RBhE-00267-00075953-00076213 We give the same advice to the president -qQzYz-RBhE-00268-00076213-00076486 to the vice president, to the task force members -qQzYz-RBhE-00269-00076486-00076709 and I think it's important we give the same advice -qQzYz-RBhE-00270-00076709-00076878 to the American people. -qQzYz-RBhE-00271-00076878-00077217 We know how to prevent the spread of this virus. -qQzYz-RBhE-00272-00077217-00077513 It requires us to all change our behaviors -qQzYz-RBhE-00273-00077513-00077680 to protect one another. -qQzYz-RBhE-00274-00077680-00078147 To wear a mask, to physically distance, to wash our hands -qQzYz-RBhE-00275-00078147-00078447 and critically when we're having gatherings -qQzYz-RBhE-00276-00078447-00078836 to making sure that we in public and in private -qQzYz-RBhE-00277-00078836-00079131 go through that same checklist in our mind -qQzYz-RBhE-00278-00079131-00079325 to ensure others are protected. -qQzYz-RBhE-00279-00079478-00079748 - [Enrique] Thank you, Jolee local 2244. -qQzYz-RBhE-00280-00079879-00079973 - [Jolee] Hi Dr. Birx - Hi. -qQzYz-RBhE-00281-00079973-00080142 - [Jolee] Thank you so much for your time. -qQzYz-RBhE-00282-00080142-00080405 Yesterday, governor Phil Scott talked about schools -qQzYz-RBhE-00283-00080405-00080730 across the state returning to four days of in-person -qQzYz-RBhE-00284-00080730-00081029 learning and some schools returning to five days -qQzYz-RBhE-00285-00081029-00081186 of in-person learning. -qQzYz-RBhE-00286-00081186-00081584 I wanted to know what must the state do and schools do -qQzYz-RBhE-00287-00081584-00081983 to ensure in-person instruction lasts? -qQzYz-RBhE-00288-00081983-00082106 - Great question. -qQzYz-RBhE-00289-00082106-00082465 And that's our job as a community, -qQzYz-RBhE-00290-00082465-00082732 to ensure that children are in school. -qQzYz-RBhE-00291-00082732-00083034 And the way you ensure that they can stay in school -qQzYz-RBhE-00292-00083034-00083306 is do what every student has done here. -qQzYz-RBhE-00293-00083306-00083621 That has gone out of their way to prevent any spread -qQzYz-RBhE-00294-00083621-00083781 of the virus on the campus. -qQzYz-RBhE-00295-00083781-00084009 Yes, they've had a few positives, -qQzYz-RBhE-00296-00084009-00084182 but they've not had a cluster. -qQzYz-RBhE-00297-00084182-00084395 They've not had a giant outbreak. -qQzYz-RBhE-00298-00084395-00084638 If they can do it here, it tells us that we can do it -qQzYz-RBhE-00299-00084638-00084789 in our communities. -qQzYz-RBhE-00300-00084789-00084941 And if we do it in our communities, -qQzYz-RBhE-00301-00084941-00085416 I know you know, right now Vermont is 51 out of 51 -qQzYz-RBhE-00302-00085416-00085733 for the only time you wanna be at the very bottom -qQzYz-RBhE-00303-00085733-00086212 for cases and test positivity for the entire country. -qQzYz-RBhE-00304-00086212-00086626 But there were other states that shared that spot -qQzYz-RBhE-00305-00086626-00086760 with Vermont. -qQzYz-RBhE-00306-00086760-00087241 Montana, Wyoming, and you can see how quickly -qQzYz-RBhE-00307-00087241-00087689 the virus can spread when the community doesn't prevent -qQzYz-RBhE-00308-00087689-00087817 the spread of that virus. -qQzYz-RBhE-00309-00087817-00088269 And so it does take all of us making that personal sacrifice -qQzYz-RBhE-00310-00088269-00088520 of wearing mask and physical distancing -qQzYz-RBhE-00311-00088520-00088956 and taking that same philosophy, just like the students do -qQzYz-RBhE-00312-00088956-00089244 into their dorm rooms and into their apartments. -qQzYz-RBhE-00313-00089244-00089467 We need to take them into our households. -qQzYz-RBhE-00314-00089600-00089683 - [Enrique] Thank you. -qQzYz-RBhE-00315-00089683-00089994 We'll move on to our remote participants, -qQzYz-RBhE-00316-00089994-00090234 Tim McQuiston from Vermont Business Magazine. -qQzYz-RBhE-00317-00090355-00090539 - [Tim] Hi, welcome to Vermont. -qQzYz-RBhE-00318-00090539-00090785 - Thank you -qQzYz-RBhE-00319-00090976-00091272 - [Tim] Here we have some hope, but I'm wondering, you know -qQzYz-RBhE-00320-00091272-00091643 we have vaccinations coming and there's good treatments -qQzYz-RBhE-00321-00091643-00091878 but we also have the flu season coming. -qQzYz-RBhE-00322-00091878-00092344 When can we expect not necessarily to be back to normal -qQzYz-RBhE-00323-00092344-00092844 but at least back to out of the woods, something like that? -qQzYz-RBhE-00324-00093397-00093577 - Well, it's a very interesting question -qQzYz-RBhE-00325-00093577-00094077 because one of the reasons Asia adapted so well -qQzYz-RBhE-00326-00094109-00094551 to the COVID-19 prevention is because they had dealt -qQzYz-RBhE-00327-00094551-00094824 with SARS and they had dealt with MERS -qQzYz-RBhE-00328-00094824-00095298 and they developed a mask wearing culture where... -qQzYz-RBhE-00329-00095298-00095724 So I hate to think that we may become mask wearing cultures -qQzYz-RBhE-00330-00095724-00096011 during time of infectious diseases and spread. -qQzYz-RBhE-00331-00096011-00096241 And so I'm never willing to say -qQzYz-RBhE-00332-00096241-00096519 that we're going to abandon all of our public health -qQzYz-RBhE-00333-00096519-00096976 interventions in the future because the fact that Asia -qQzYz-RBhE-00334-00096976-00097432 had SARS and MERS, they were able to immediately move -qQzYz-RBhE-00335-00097432-00097807 to a mask wearing universal mandated... -qQzYz-RBhE-00336-00097807-00097987 If they didn't have to mandate mask, -qQzYz-RBhE-00337-00098075-00098358 they just knew that that's the way you prevent -qQzYz-RBhE-00338-00098358-00098647 the spread of infectious diseases. -qQzYz-RBhE-00339-00098647-00098812 I think what will be very important -qQzYz-RBhE-00340-00098812-00099091 like with the gating criteria that we put out -qQzYz-RBhE-00341-00099091-00099340 in the middle of April, that we're very clear -qQzYz-RBhE-00342-00099340-00099658 about gates that each state needed to go through -qQzYz-RBhE-00343-00099658-00099977 in order to open up again and safely, -qQzYz-RBhE-00344-00099977-00100398 every state should be looking at the percentage -qQzYz-RBhE-00345-00100398-00100894 of individuals vaccinated before they determine relaxation -qQzYz-RBhE-00346-00100894-00101139 of any of their public health measures. -qQzYz-RBhE-00347-00101139-00101326 And that will be in a state by state. -qQzYz-RBhE-00348-00101326-00101574 I know most of the states are in the midst of submitting -qQzYz-RBhE-00349-00101574-00101791 their vaccine delivery plans. -qQzYz-RBhE-00350-00101791-00101929 That will be very critical. -qQzYz-RBhE-00351-00101929-00102122 I haven't seen any of those plans yet, -qQzYz-RBhE-00352-00102122-00102484 but that will determine how fast as a country -qQzYz-RBhE-00353-00102484-00102699 and how fast as each state -qQzYz-RBhE-00354-00102699-00102983 we come back to whatever that new normal is. -qQzYz-RBhE-00355-00102983-00103331 And it will depend very much on developing -qQzYz-RBhE-00356-00103331-00103673 that level of immunity across the population. -qQzYz-RBhE-00357-00103673-00103948 And so each state will need to keep track -qQzYz-RBhE-00358-00103948-00104088 of their immunization rates. -qQzYz-RBhE-00359-00104088-00104390 And remember, many of these immunizations are two doses. -qQzYz-RBhE-00360-00104390-00104692 And so through that time period of immunization, -qQzYz-RBhE-00361-00104692-00104925 before you develop effective immunity -qQzYz-RBhE-00362-00104925-00105296 you need to still continue to take all of those precautions -qQzYz-RBhE-00363-00105296-00105503 and we need to continue taking those precautions -qQzYz-RBhE-00364-00105503-00105830 until the states tell us that a significant number -qQzYz-RBhE-00365-00105830-00106028 of the population has been immunized. -qQzYz-RBhE-00366-00106028-00106370 And so that we've achieved relative herd immunity -qQzYz-RBhE-00367-00106370-00106515 but through immunization -qQzYz-RBhE-00368-00106613-00106734 - [Enrique] Thank you -qQzYz-RBhE-00369-00106734-00106921 Andra, whose also from Seven Days -qQzYz-RBhE-00370-00107233-00107405 - [Andra] Hi there, thanks a lot. -qQzYz-RBhE-00371-00107545-00108045 I'm hoping to find out a little bit about what the role -qQzYz-RBhE-00372-00108176-00108403 of rapid testing might be in monitoring -qQzYz-RBhE-00373-00108403-00108810 close living situations like college campuses -qQzYz-RBhE-00374-00108810-00109104 with that advantage of capturing potential cases -qQzYz-RBhE-00375-00109104-00109245 a little earlier. -qQzYz-RBhE-00376-00109245-00109578 And I'm asking particularly in light of some of the concerns -qQzYz-RBhE-00377-00109578-00109950 around false positives that led Nevada to halt use of two -qQzYz-RBhE-00378-00109950-00110288 of those tests the other day. -qQzYz-RBhE-00379-00110503-00110726 - Yeah, great question related. -qQzYz-RBhE-00380-00110726-00111040 So each of these tests have a different profile. -qQzYz-RBhE-00381-00111040-00111313 There is point of care nucleic acid testing -qQzYz-RBhE-00382-00111313-00111577 that you see in the Abbott ID Now platform. -qQzYz-RBhE-00383-00111577-00111839 And then there's antigen testing. -qQzYz-RBhE-00384-00111839-00112149 One of the best comparators of antigen testing -qQzYz-RBhE-00385-00112149-00112483 has been done by the university of Arizona -qQzYz-RBhE-00386-00112483-00112851 where they've been comparing the quiet L antigen test -qQzYz-RBhE-00387-00112851-00113351 to nucleic acid testing, to antibody development -qQzYz-RBhE-00388-00113356-00113650 and bringing those all together to really understand -qQzYz-RBhE-00389-00113650-00113970 where the best utility of these antigen tests are. -qQzYz-RBhE-00390-00113970-00114246 And the antigen tests may correlate -qQzYz-RBhE-00391-00114246-00114415 with the infectious period -qQzYz-RBhE-00392-00114415-00114723 because it requires active replication -qQzYz-RBhE-00393-00114723-00114936 and protein production by the virus. -qQzYz-RBhE-00394-00114936-00115340 And so each of these tests have a different advantage, -qQzYz-RBhE-00395-00115340-00115586 but I believe that one of the critical use -qQzYz-RBhE-00396-00115586-00115890 of the antigen test which increases what you just described -qQzYz-RBhE-00397-00115890-00116113 what we call the positive predictive value -qQzYz-RBhE-00398-00116113-00116374 and the negative predictive value of a test -qQzYz-RBhE-00399-00116374-00116767 becomes more useful if you're retesting individuals. -qQzYz-RBhE-00400-00116767-00116961 So it becomes particularly useful -qQzYz-RBhE-00401-00116961-00117188 hence what we call surveillance testing. -qQzYz-RBhE-00402-00117188-00117434 So in the nursing homes repetitive tests, -qQzYz-RBhE-00403-00117434-00117654 testing of the same staff member -qQzYz-RBhE-00404-00117769-00117959 sometimes as often as twice a week -qQzYz-RBhE-00405-00117959-00118221 depending on whether there's virus in the community. -qQzYz-RBhE-00406-00118221-00118582 You could use it to test K through 12 teachers -qQzYz-RBhE-00407-00118582-00118915 two and three times a week, more as a reflection -qQzYz-RBhE-00408-00118915-00119084 of what's going on in the community, -qQzYz-RBhE-00409-00119084-00119188 because the more... -qQzYz-RBhE-00410-00119188-00119503 Or police you could ask them to be tested weekly -qQzYz-RBhE-00411-00119503-00119957 the more insight we have into early community spread -qQzYz-RBhE-00412-00119957-00120301 just as you describe, not just at the individual level, -qQzYz-RBhE-00413-00120301-00120634 but understanding that it exists in a particular community -qQzYz-RBhE-00414-00120634-00121057 is very helpful in getting early control of the virus -qQzYz-RBhE-00415-00121057-00121439 before people start to get sick and go to the emergency room -qQzYz-RBhE-00416-00121439-00121848 Stopping this silence spread early is the key -qQzYz-RBhE-00417-00121848-00122320 to preventing hospitalizations and fatalities. -qQzYz-RBhE-00418-00122320-00122556 - [Enrique] Thank you, I think that wraps it up then. -qQzYz-RBhE-00419-00122556-00122710 - Great, I just wanna thank you all -qQzYz-RBhE-00420-00122710-00122867 I know it's a three day weekend, -qQzYz-RBhE-00421-00122867-00123165 I know you have a lot of people coming into Vermont. -qQzYz-RBhE-00422-00123165-00123442 This is now the time to increase your surveillance -qQzYz-RBhE-00423-00123442-00123593 testing into the community, -qQzYz-RBhE-00424-00123593-00123838 as you have many people coming to visit -qQzYz-RBhE-00425-00123838-00124167 your incredible state and your beautiful landscapes -qQzYz-RBhE-00426-00124167-00124360 and your incredible leaf color -qQzYz-RBhE-00427-00124360-00124583 which we don't have in the Mid-Atlantic States. -qQzYz-RBhE-00428-00124583-00124848 So thank you and thank you for the time. -qQzYz-RBhE-00429-00124848-00125026 And thank you, Mr. President. -qQzYz-RBhE-00430-00125026-00125225 Really wanna thank your staff. -qQzYz-RBhE-00431-00125225-00125441 'Cause you can see that there's real, a coalition -qQzYz-RBhE-00432-00125441-00125720 of the willing to really ensure that students, -qQzYz-RBhE-00433-00125720-00126126 staff and faculty and communities remain safe, but engaged. -qQzYz-RBhE-00434-00126126-00126254 Thank you. -qQzYz-RBhE-00435-00126254-00126535 (footsteps clomping) -qQzYz-RBhE-00436-00126535-00126769 - Thank you so much, Dr. Birx. -qQzYz-RBhE-00437-00126769-00126943 It was just wonderful to have you visit. -qQzYz-RBhE-00438-00126943-00127315 And I think it gives us a boost in what we're trying to do. -qQzYz-RBhE-00439-00127315-00127591 I join you in thanking our team. -qQzYz-RBhE-00440-00127591-00127825 One somebody called it a team of teams -qQzYz-RBhE-00441-00127825-00128004 and how well they work together. -qQzYz-RBhE-00442-00128004-00128306 And I again would just like to emphasize -qQzYz-RBhE-00443-00128306-00128556 how much I'm impressed with our students. -qQzYz-RBhE-00444-00128556-00128686 They didn't have to be this way. -qQzYz-RBhE-00445-00128686-00128850 Please continue that way. -qQzYz-RBhE-00446-00128850-00129125 But I'm so glad they chose to be this way -qQzYz-RBhE-00447-00129125-00129451 and I've taken every chance possible to thank them. -qQzYz-RBhE-00448-00129451-00129732 And I hope that our community will keep that up too. -qQzYz-RBhE-00449-00129732-00129861 So thank you for your visit. -qQzYz-RBhE-00450-00129861-00130102 And we hope for that vaccine -qQzYz-RBhE-00451-00130102-00130266 and that out of the woods thing soon. -qQzYz-RBhE-00452-00130266-00130357 Okay thanks. -qQzYz-RBhE-00453-00130357-00130467 Thanks all for coming. -tlQqWGBjdk-00000-00000024-00000512 Kids who aren't readers cant tell the difference between orange soda and orange scented cleaner. -tlQqWGBjdk-00001-00000512-00000662 Can you spot the poison? -tlQqWGBjdk-00002-00000662-00001179 More than 250 kids go the ER each day due unintentional poisoning. -tlQqWGBjdk-00003-00001179-00001426 Get the tips, save a life. -xfEJ97bhPo-00000-00000192-00000632 Hi everyone, my name is Aaron Conway, I'm a Assistant Professor at the faculty of nursing -xfEJ97bhPo-00001-00000632-00001152 at the University of Toronto. I'm really pleased to be able to participate in this conference and -xfEJ97bhPo-00002-00001152-00001648 really looking forward to viewing all of your presentations. Today I wanted to present to you -xfEJ97bhPo-00003-00001784-00002472 just the the way that I've used the flex table package to create kind of some graphical study -xfEJ97bhPo-00004-00002472-00002848 characteristic summary tables for the last couple of systematic reviews that I've done. -xfEJ97bhPo-00005-00002968-00003944 So the code is available to you and use here if you want to, and so I'll just show you what I've -xfEJ97bhPo-00006-00003944-00004640 done. So first of all i suppose the the reason that i use the flex table package in particular -xfEJ97bhPo-00007-00004640-00005240 in comparison to any one of the very many others that there are, is that it pairs really well with -xfEJ97bhPo-00008-00005240-00005872 this office down package, which then you can use so you can include your table just in that -xfEJ97bhPo-00009-00005872-00006536 one down document source document that's going to be your reproducible manuscript, because you can -xfEJ97bhPo-00010-00006536-00007064 use this office down package to kind of um change the landscape because obviously with tables a lot -xfEJ97bhPo-00011-00007064-00007631 of the time you have to you know use a horizontal landscape format, rather than the vertical -xfEJ97bhPo-00012-00007695-00008104 and various other things like that so flexible paired really well with this office down package. -xfEJ97bhPo-00013-00008256-00008672 And you can still kind of include some graphical sorts of images -xfEJ97bhPo-00014-00008736-00009432 within your table to display the data better. So these are the packages that we needed to use -xfEJ97bhPo-00015-00009432-00010136 we'll just draw in some data and then this first chunk was just some data preparation kind of stuff -xfEJ97bhPo-00016-00010136-00010824 to get your table into to start off with in this text format that includes all the -xfEJ97bhPo-00017-00010824-00011288 kind of typical characteristics that you would include in a normal summary study -xfEJ97bhPo-00018-00011288-00011848 characteristics table of systematic reviews. So things like age, author details, the country, -xfEJ97bhPo-00019-00011928-00012456 some details about the characteristics of the participants like age, sex, I do clinical research -xfEJ97bhPo-00020-00012456-00012919 so we typically include some details about where the study was conducted so what clinical setting. -xfEJ97bhPo-00021-00013024-00013536 And this systematic review in particular was about the accuracy and precision of a type of -xfEJ97bhPo-00022-00013744-00014168 blood pressure measurement device, so we included the device type, -xfEJ97bhPo-00023-00014168-00014800 where the measurements were taken, and information about the number of participants and the number of -xfEJ97bhPo-00024-00014800-00015440 measurements that were compared in this study. And so basically this table you know we just use the -xfEJ97bhPo-00025-00015440-00016168 flex table package to kind of replace some of this text with graphical images to make it a little bit -xfEJ97bhPo-00026-00016168-00016808 more interesting. So the first thing that the flex table package allows you to do is kind of replace -xfEJ97bhPo-00027-00016808-00017632 some numbers with these kind of bar columns with this function called minibar, -xfEJ97bhPo-00028-00017752-00018424 and so essentially we I used it to show the comparisons of like six so female visits male -xfEJ97bhPo-00029-00018512-00019352 by putting one of the colors you know as more of a bluey color, and the other one as a pink and so -xfEJ97bhPo-00030-00019352-00019976 we've basically just replaced that the percentage there with a color um for the foreground and the -xfEJ97bhPo-00031-00019976-00020872 background and then another cool thing about the flex table package is you can use the function as -xfEJ97bhPo-00032-00020872-00021632 image to just put in any type of image to into a particular cell to replace a cell. And I used that -xfEJ97bhPo-00033-00021896-00022792 with the flag on flags package to replace the countries with a flag so that's particularly -xfEJ97bhPo-00034-00022792-00023352 useful in this circumstance because I'm just having a little picture of a flag to replace like -xfEJ97bhPo-00035-00023352-00024000 long country names, gives you a bit of extra horizontal space for the table which is handy to -xfEJ97bhPo-00036-00024000-00024592 have when you're needing to you know knit to like a word document rather than html or something. -xfEJ97bhPo-00037-00024704-00025192 So that was a handy feature of the the flex table package that was useful in this context. -xfEJ97bhPo-00038-00025296-00025904 The next part of it was I wanted to replace some of the numbers for the number of participants -xfEJ97bhPo-00039-00025904-00026360 and the number of measurements in each study so that you can, the reader can more easily kind -xfEJ97bhPo-00040-00026360-00026936 of pick out which studies were the largest included the or particularly small studies. -xfEJ97bhPo-00041-00027048-00027720 And so we use from the flex table package this, for the participants we use the minibar -xfEJ97bhPo-00042-00027880-00028480 function to create these bars again and for the measurements it's like this lollipop measure -xfEJ97bhPo-00043-00028576-00029192 and it's actually got so it's got like a bit of white like a white bar, -xfEJ97bhPo-00044-00029248-00029952 and then a purple little dot on the end to make the lollipop bar charts. We'll replace -xfEJ97bhPo-00045-00029952-00030416 the background a little bit later to make the the white kind of stand out a bit more -xfEJ97bhPo-00046-00030544-00031183 and then we there are some functions within the flex table package to kind -xfEJ97bhPo-00047-00031183-00031992 of merge redundant content between columns or rows. So we've done that with the year here -xfEJ97bhPo-00048-00032080-00032720 and then we've merged some redundant content from some of the rows where we've got duplicated -xfEJ97bhPo-00049-00032720-00033608 content from different studies for here, and then we've got some additional styling -xfEJ97bhPo-00050-00033608-00034216 like i was saying you can replace some of the background color of the cells to kind of make -xfEJ97bhPo-00051-00034312-00034752 those lollipop charts stand out a bit more and also replace some of the column headings. -xfEJ97bhPo-00052-00035016-00035952 And then we can move through to another kind of feature, you can just as I was saying before you -xfEJ97bhPo-00053-00035952-00036592 can add in any sorts of images and we just added an image into this column header to explain kind -xfEJ97bhPo-00054-00036592-00037632 of the legend of um the the gender or the the sex column, so that's kind of the the functions within -xfEJ97bhPo-00055-00037632-00038304 the flex table package that I use but it again, it was really the fact that flex table really pairs -xfEJ97bhPo-00056-00038304-00039096 well with this office down package. And you can use these kind of comments block comments from the -xfEJ97bhPo-00057-00039096-00039728 office down package to enable like the landscape view just for the pages where you want to display -xfEJ97bhPo-00058-00039728-00040784 these tables in the landscape format so that when you knit your table it'll produce the document -xfEJ97bhPo-00059-00041216-00042224 in the landscape format. So that's what it ends up looking like so just basically a way to kind of -xfEJ97bhPo-00060-00042224-00042936 replace text that you would usually include in a systematic review summary characteristics table -xfEJ97bhPo-00061-00042936-00043728 with some images to display the information in a more visually appealing way. Thanks again -xfEJ97bhPo-00062-00043728-00044784 for listening, and looking forward to viewing everyone else's presentations. Thanks very much! -yWaQft6WFY-00000-00001528-00001728 Top5KoreancosmeticrecommendedtoIndians <ktsi tv> -yWaQft6WFY-00001-00002296-00002496 Nutritionmaskpack -yWaQft6WFY-00002-00002904-00003104 ThisisthepackthatKoreancelebritiesusethemost. -yWaQft6WFY-00003-00003992-00004192 Thispacknourishestheskin. -yWaQft6WFY-00004-00004952-00005152 Thisisapackwhichisusedmainlybyolderpeople. -yWaQft6WFY-00005-00006392-00006592 It'sthebestpacktopreventaging. -BxKSgdM1VM-00000-00000144-00000901 In this SolidWorks tutorial we'll learn how to model this part -BxKSgdM1VM-00001-00000901-00001354 It should be a tricky part because it had ribs so we'll learn the Rib Tool -BxKSgdM1VM-00002-00001354-00001859 we'll also learn how to use Photoview360 -BxKSgdM1VM-00003-00001859-00002340 File / New Part, I'll use millimeter -BxKSgdM1VM-00004-00002340-00002838 We'll start from the top view -BxKSgdM1VM-00005-00002838-00003265 I ll sketch on the top view, -BxKSgdM1VM-00006-00003265-00003465 Line (L) -BxKSgdM1VM-00007-00003465-00003745 I'll roughly draw the outline -BxKSgdM1VM-00008-00003745-00003967 L to stop the line -BxKSgdM1VM-00009-00003967-00004398 Smart Dimension -BxKSgdM1VM-00010-00004398-00004640 We can start to create the dimensions -BxKSgdM1VM-00011-00004640-00004815 this is 200 mm -BxKSgdM1VM-00012-00004815-00005042 this one I use 40mm -BxKSgdM1VM-00013-00005042-00005317 50mm as this one is a bit larger -BxKSgdM1VM-00014-00005317-00005736 165mm I'll leave this one alone -BxKSgdM1VM-00015-00005736-00006264 as Solidworks can subtract 50 from 200 (150mm) -BxKSgdM1VM-00016-00006264-00006682 Here we ll want a radius -BxKSgdM1VM-00017-00006682-00007189 I'll go Circle and I'll drop it here -BxKSgdM1VM-00018-00007189-00007665 Smart Dimension with diameter of 80 -BxKSgdM1VM-00019-00007665-00008602 if you want to see a radius you right click display option -BxKSgdM1VM-00020-00008602-00009102 We don't need this, Trim Entities -BxKSgdM1VM-00021-00009102-00009843 Click and drag on what you don't want -BxKSgdM1VM-00022-00009843-00010198 Fillet to run the corner I'll use 25 mm -BxKSgdM1VM-00023-00010198-00011206 Now we can go in 3d -BxKSgdM1VM-00024-00011206-00011256 I'm middle click and drag -BxKSgdM1VM-00025-00011256-00011558 If you want to go back flat you go ctrl + 8 -BxKSgdM1VM-00026-00011558-00011728 Extrude boss, I use 65 -BxKSgdM1VM-00027-00011728-00011839 We'll do a Rib -BxKSgdM1VM-00028-00011839-00012055 I want to draw a line on this plane -BxKSgdM1VM-00029-00012055-00012433 so this face I click on the face I go sketch -BxKSgdM1VM-00030-00012433-00013184 so now I'm on the floor and I use the line tool -BxKSgdM1VM-00031-00013184-00013234 I make sure I snap from this edge this corner to this corner -BxKSgdM1VM-00032-00013234-00013372 L again -BxKSgdM1VM-00033-00013372-00013782 I only drew one line -BxKSgdM1VM-00034-00013782-00013936 Feature Rib then he asks you if you want -BxKSgdM1VM-00035-00013936-00014676 to go this way you can switch go up go down you could also have a taper or -BxKSgdM1VM-00036-00014676-00015169 draft and you can say only one thickness and here I only want one this is a bit -BxKSgdM1VM-00037-00015169-00015754 too thick so I'll go 5 and what's great with this is that even if you -BxKSgdM1VM-00038-00015754-00015804 change this point the rib will follow it's a parametric -BxKSgdM1VM-00039-00015804-00016776 it will remember its location then we need to do a cut out here so select this face -BxKSgdM1VM-00040-00016776-00017492 sketch we could go ctrl+8 so it's easier to see line L -BxKSgdM1VM-00041-00017492-00017757 L again to close -BxKSgdM1VM-00042-00017757-00018418 I can use Extrude Cut tool and we want to make sure it's going this way and we -BxKSgdM1VM-00043-00018418-00019087 want to go through all and you're on the selected contour you can click here so -BxKSgdM1VM-00044-00019087-00019430 you will only get rid of this -BxKSgdM1VM-00045-00019430-00019607 same thing here -BxKSgdM1VM-00046-00019607-00021223 sketch line or press L, extrude cut through all and in selected contour you -BxKSgdM1VM-00047-00021223-00021978 can make sure it's this one use this plane from the top we'll go sketch -BxKSgdM1VM-00048-00021978-00022587 ctrl+8 and here we'll draw a rectangle and we'll draw it like this -BxKSgdM1VM-00049-00022587-00023325 and here we'll make sure that we snap same here we could actually start here -BxKSgdM1VM-00050-00023495-00023960 now we can dimension -BxKSgdM1VM-00051-00023960-00024228 so we want 5mm from here to there -BxKSgdM1VM-00052-00024864-00025178 then here -BxKSgdM1VM-00053-00025563-00026183 so it looks like we draw on an angle but we actually draw it flat and that's fine -BxKSgdM1VM-00054-00026183-00026411 now we can cut so Extrude Cut -BxKSgdM1VM-00055-00026411-00027048 we want to cut up to vertex and you can take this point -BxKSgdM1VM-00056-00027048-00028311 voilá and Fillet this and this this will be using 10 then we can do the smaller -BxKSgdM1VM-00057-00028311-00029489 one here and here 5 now here we'll draw the pad for the -BxKSgdM1VM-00058-00029489-00030369 holes so click here sketch Ctrl+8 and we can draw a circle here however to -BxKSgdM1VM-00059-00030369-00031002 find the midpoint they won't be the same circle again you drag first we use the -BxKSgdM1VM-00060-00031002-00032156 tracking and here the distance between here and there is 16 the diameter is 25 -BxKSgdM1VM-00061-00032156-00033762 and here here to here is 19 and the diameter 30 as this one is wider then we -BxKSgdM1VM-00062-00033762-00034833 can extrude and I use 5 now from the top I want to empty out quite a bit here so -BxKSgdM1VM-00063-00034833-00035433 the first thing I'm gonna do extract those line here those arc so to do this -BxKSgdM1VM-00064-00035433-00036126 I'll sketch on this face so you click on sketch and then you select what you -BxKSgdM1VM-00065-00036126-00036915 want to extract so I'll select this shift-click to select multiple and we'll -BxKSgdM1VM-00066-00036915-00037251 use something on the sketch called Convert Entities and you see it -BxKSgdM1VM-00067-00037251-00037887 extracted then we can use an Offset click on those line and we can reverse -BxKSgdM1VM-00068-00037887-00038190 it we don't want this line so we can set -BxKSgdM1VM-00069-00038190-00038839 base construction (center line ) and I think I was only using 5 mm -BxKSgdM1VM-00070-00038839-00039759 perfect and so this one won't show up it's a center line then we use a line -BxKSgdM1VM-00071-00039942-00040903 and we want that line horizontal we want to draw another line this one vertical -BxKSgdM1VM-00072-00040903-00041470 what's outside here doesn't matter because they all get cut out so those -BxKSgdM1VM-00073-00041470-00041896 two doesn't really matter the shape the reason I didn't connect them it's -BxKSgdM1VM-00074-00041896-00042577 because I want them to be 5 mm and if I connect you won't let me move it so -BxKSgdM1VM-00075-00042577-00043738 now I can this and to connect them what we can do it's drag that point pass we -BxKSgdM1VM-00076-00043738-00044176 could actually stop it here it's the same they both walk I'll show you and -BxKSgdM1VM-00077-00044176-00045246 trim this are you trim both and here is a new trick tip we're going to cut this -BxKSgdM1VM-00078-00045246-00046153 using feature extrude cut but we usually use sketch plane with that face we can -BxKSgdM1VM-00079-00046153-00046591 also do enough set and this is quite nice because you can go here and you -BxKSgdM1VM-00080-00046591-00047179 just have to go other direction five this is the - and now it's gonna leave -BxKSgdM1VM-00081-00047179-00047737 this piece and the next you can just say through all so you'll go through the -BxKSgdM1VM-00082-00047737-00048478 whole thing so now we have a step here with quite nice time to fill it those -BxKSgdM1VM-00083-00048478-00050053 line here those edges so fill it we use 5 mm and fill it those two and here -BxKSgdM1VM-00084-00050053-00050644 is something new we want the whole corner here to be rounded we can do this -BxKSgdM1VM-00085-00050644-00051175 with a advance Filat if you don't fill it and click here it's called full run -BxKSgdM1VM-00086-00051175-00051822 flat you see wants to know the fill at the side left and right so you pick here -BxKSgdM1VM-00087-00051822-00052213 and you go here you pick this one and you give him the other wall -BxKSgdM1VM-00088-00052213-00052683 and then you give him the one that gets the filete and now we can get a run and -BxKSgdM1VM-00089-00052683-00053775 it's a tangent here the same feel that so we can get this one this one this one -BxKSgdM1VM-00090-00053775-00054675 and we can get this now we want to chamfer here so we can go chamfer click -BxKSgdM1VM-00091-00054675-00055245 here it was pretty small I think it was 2 mil that I used yeah you can also grab -BxKSgdM1VM-00092-00055245-00057066 this one pick this one and I think we were also doing those those handles Wow -BxKSgdM1VM-00093-00057066-00058024 looks like machined filete Sophie let go to the regular fillit I'll use not to I -BxKSgdM1VM-00094-00058024-00058680 use 1 5 because here it's a bit too close you see it's really close to the -BxKSgdM1VM-00095-00058680-00059502 edge 2 would be too much now we one pinch those hole so we can -BxKSgdM1VM-00096-00059502-00060186 use this plane too doesn't really matter I'll make a new one sketch ctrl + 8 -BxKSgdM1VM-00097-00060186-00060917 circle however to find the center we'll make one here - over there and -BxKSgdM1VM-00098-00060917-00062145 they will all be the same size so we select all of them using Shift + we go -BxKSgdM1VM-00099-00062145-00063162 equal then smart dimension one of them and I used 10 I think then we go feature -BxKSgdM1VM-00100-00063162-00064054 extrude cut through all last but we had a hole here could have almost do it at -BxKSgdM1VM-00101-00064054-00065006 the same time we can go back edit and here there was a larger hole we wait -BxKSgdM1VM-00102-00065211-00066367 in here we could use 20 mala and for rendering here I use plastic soft touch -BxKSgdM1VM-00103-00066367-00067048 I use the black I thought the entire thing if you want a little bit less -BxKSgdM1VM-00104-00067048-00067591 black you can go here edit and you see the black is here so you could go maybe -BxKSgdM1VM-00105-00067591-00068502 31 on all of them so it'll be a little bit great then I use scene basic and I -BxKSgdM1VM-00106-00068502-00068901 use this one double click did something like this and -BxKSgdM1VM-00107-00068901-00069697 then I went metal aluminium brush for all of those face so here the cat -BxKSgdM1VM-00108-00069697-00070704 extrude the other one here I use the face -BxKSgdM1VM-00109-00071220-00072587 face and here the chamfer then you find an angle you like you use a perspective -BxKSgdM1VM-00110-00072587-00073107 you can go cultural middle click to pan if you want to be very precise with the -BxKSgdM1VM-00111-00073107-00073821 zoom you go view modify zoom in and out and then you can really fine-tune your -BxKSgdM1VM-00112-00073821-00074721 zoom or render tools preview window now one more -BxKSgdM1VM-00113-00074721-00075171 we don't really see I want the light to shine through this I think I'm gonna -BxKSgdM1VM-00114-00075171-00075585 escape if you don't want to zoom anymore I think more like this but to get the -BxKSgdM1VM-00115-00075585-00076245 light to shine well they did sin advanced and you can just rotate it and -BxKSgdM1VM-00116-00076245-00077004 I think I use one or five well then it shined through here and go offset to -BxKSgdM1VM-00117-00077004-00077685 geometry then you'll get a clean shadow so the rendering here it's called a -BxKSgdM1VM-00118-00077685-00078324 threat it's how many call you have so I have four call on my laptop so it's -BxKSgdM1VM-00119-00078324-00078870 eight thread that will speed up the rendering and that's what Madhu is -BxKSgdM1VM-00120-00078870-00079253 showing you here photo view 360 -BxKSgdM1VM-00121-00079725-00080456 so the actual render it's here one to one sheet spacebar you can hide and hide -BxKSgdM1VM-00122-00080456-00081250 the thumbnail and I think also the option like this spacebar bloom is to -BxKSgdM1VM-00123-00081250-00081791 make things glow might walk here because this is pretty bright if you go bloom -BxKSgdM1VM-00124-00081791-00082339 you don't really see it cuz you need more and it goes reverse so if you go ad -BxKSgdM1VM-00125-00082339-00082756 you'll get more and you see now it glows actually here it's pretty cool you can -BxKSgdM1VM-00126-00082756-00083537 it does work maybe less 85 and bloom x10 it's how far the bloob goes I think five -BxKSgdM1VM-00127-00083537-00084200 is too much two or three is good yeah it's more realistic look then you save -BxKSgdM1VM-00128-00084200-00084700 your image if you serve as a PNG this will be transparent and you will get the -BxKSgdM1VM-00129-00084700-00085331 shadow on a layer here I'm just gonna use a JPEG it you do get compression the -BxKSgdM1VM-00130-00085331-00086320 best is to use stiff but go save then open Photoshop open your file and here -BxKSgdM1VM-00131-00086320-00086854 is a few trick and this is not just with a CG renderer could be with any photo -BxKSgdM1VM-00132-00086854-00087380 those algorithm are pretty good so you can go Auto tone and then you can go -BxKSgdM1VM-00133-00087380-00087935 control shift fo edit fade and you can fade it and you just want to let a bit -BxKSgdM1VM-00134-00087935-00088604 of it same with this one Auto contrast and fade it same with this -BxKSgdM1VM-00135-00088604-00089376 one color so you see the fading is here but we don't want too much of that -BxKSgdM1VM-00136-00089376-00090106 something else here it's very dark you can go image adjustment shadow -BxKSgdM1VM-00137-00090106-00090800 highlight to bring the hidden detail and something faded just a little bit this -BxKSgdM1VM-00138-00090800-00091523 one like a hair act even 10% is a lot i usually remove saturation so vibrance -BxKSgdM1VM-00139-00091523-00092018 with CGI render but here there's not much and I usually put a bit of vibrance -BxKSgdM1VM-00140-00092018-00092851 and finally you could do what else do I sometimes do a photo filter here we need -BxKSgdM1VM-00141-00092851-00093276 blue because of the middle so we'll go I usually go yellow a blue -BxKSgdM1VM-00142-00093276-00094170 and something we want to fade it a lot you see the metal look more realistic -CpRLgaf9a8-00000-00000016-00000328 Did you see the bubblegum video? I don't think so. -CpRLgaf9a8-00001-00000328-00000688 Okay, well, this is the next one. It's not near as funny as the bubble one, -CpRLgaf9a8-00002-00000688-00000888 but watch it and like it anyway. -CpRLgaf9a8-00003-00001152-00001401 Will do boss! -CpRLgaf9a8-00004-00002240-00002344 Hey Vicki! What's going on? -CpRLgaf9a8-00005-00002344-00002394 Hey Joseph! Not much. -CpRLgaf9a8-00006-00002576-00002973 Today we're gonna talkabout nuts! -CpRLgaf9a8-00007-00002973-00003274 Coca-Cola. -CpRLgaf9a8-00008-00003282-00003532 Peanuts. -CpRLgaf9a8-00009-00003664-00003943 Where did the peanuts and coke thing come from? -CpRLgaf9a8-00010-00003943-00004289 Well the Coca-Cola comes from the cooler right there. -CpRLgaf9a8-00011-00004289-00004574 I mean like where did the process of like putting peanuts in Coca-Cola come from? -CpRLgaf9a8-00012-00004574-00004976 Oh, I have no idea! My dad taught me to do it when I was a little kid. -CpRLgaf9a8-00013-00005416-00005568 Well I'm not very good at this. -CpRLgaf9a8-00014-00005920-00005976 Here we go! -CpRLgaf9a8-00015-00006544-00007336 That tastes pretty good. Okay you guys, I'll tell you what. Let me go and I will let you see my nuts. -CpRLgaf9a8-00016-00007400-00008048 We got honey roasted peanuts. We got regular salted peanuts, flamin hot peanuts. -CpRLgaf9a8-00017-00008048-00009410 Just the other day ii went to the store and I bought almonds in the shell, so that I can feed themto the squirrels outside. -CpRLgaf9a8-00018-00009410-00009825 whole cashews and mixed nuts -CpRLgaf9a8-00019-00009825-00010310 Because you know, if you know me, you know I'm a big squirrel lover. -CpRLgaf9a8-00020-00010314-00011384 And then, if you'll follow me. Over here we have regular almonds, smoked almonds, -CpRLgaf9a8-00021-00011568-00011854 pistachios, shelled. -CpRLgaf9a8-00022-00011854-00012200 I had squirrels inside my house for 25 years. -CpRLgaf9a8-00023-00012312-00012851 First one squirrel that lived to be 11 years old, and then a squirrel that lived to be 13 and ahalf years old -CpRLgaf9a8-00024-00012851-00013544 and then in the shell, sweet chili pistachios, salt and pepper pistachios, -CpRLgaf9a8-00025-00013672-00014056 and roasted and salted pistachios. -CpRLgaf9a8-00026-00014056-00014472 The firstone was a male. His name was Mr. Furburger. -CpRLgaf9a8-00027-00014600-00015216 Up here again the same things. You know, hot and spicy, whole cashews, salted -CpRLgaf9a8-00028-00015296-00015888 and then the female's name was "Shirley The Girly Squirrely" and I always went -CpRLgaf9a8-00029-00015888-00016568 to Kroger's after Christmas, when the shelled nuts would be on sale, and would buy about $200dollars -CpRLgaf9a8-00030-00016568-00016987 worth of them, so that my squirrels would have nuts all year round. -CpRLgaf9a8-00031-00016987-00017493 Now when you did the peanuts in the Coke I hope you went through which peanuts you can and cannot put in Coke. -CpRLgaf9a8-00032-00017493-00017661 No, I did not. -CpRLgaf9a8-00033-00017661-00018011 Oh, golly gee. Well you can't do most of them. They're nasty. Really? -CpRLgaf9a8-00034-00018011-00018493 But yoursalted and honey roasted is horrible. You gotta use the Lance's or whatever it's called. -CpRLgaf9a8-00035-00018493-00018672 Oh, that is what I used. -CpRLgaf9a8-00036-00018672-00018860 Ok, good. That stuff - that's nasty. -CpRLgaf9a8-00037-00018904-00019139 What's nasty, honey roasted in there? -CpRLgaf9a8-00038-00019139-00019336 Well yeah honey roasted, just I wouldn't do it. -CpRLgaf9a8-00039-00019400-00019501 Yeah. -CpRLgaf9a8-00040-00019501-00019726 Salted peanuts. That's all you do. -CpRLgaf9a8-00041-00019726-00019949 That's whatI did. Okay, good. -CpRLgaf9a8-00042-00020003-00020304 So are we all done here? -CpRLgaf9a8-00043-00020344-00020625 because, uh, you know what time it is, right? -CpRLgaf9a8-00044-00020625-00021184 You guysgot it. I'm going to lunch. You all behave yourself. -CpRLgaf9a8-00045-00021320-00021656 I'm going to lunch! Bye! -CpRLgaf9a8-00046-00022000-00022430 Alright Vicki, I'm gonna head out. Okay. Love you, Morgan. -CpRLgaf9a8-00047-00022430-00022784 Love you too, ya nut. -CpRLgaf9a8-00048-00022800-00023248 I'll see you tomorrow. All-righty. -CqFwD6y3-A-00000-00000000-00000311 OK, we're going to take a look at the EDATE function. -CqFwD6y3-A-00001-00000311-00000762 It's actually a handy little function that I didn't even know existed until I ran across -CqFwD6y3-A-00002-00000762-00000884 it just a little bit ago. -CqFwD6y3-A-00003-00000884-00001275 Now I am going to try to remember to use it in my spreadsheets. -CqFwD6y3-A-00004-00001275-00001932 What it does is it takes a starting date and it adds or subtracts a certain number of months -CqFwD6y3-A-00005-00001932-00002032 to it. -CqFwD6y3-A-00006-00002032-00002481 The magic that happens is that it knows how many days are in each month. -CqFwD6y3-A-00007-00002481-00003278 So, you're thinking, well I can just add 30 or 60 or 90, but this will get you to June -CqFwD6y3-A-00008-00003278-00003927 17th or July 17th etc which is a little bit easier to do if you use this function. -CqFwD6y3-A-00009-00003927-00004040 It's very simple. -CqFwD6y3-A-00010-00004040-00004797 Here I just added 13 months and you can see it moved it forward from May 17th to June -CqFwD6y3-A-00011-00004797-00005448 17th and then it obviously moved the year too. -CqFwD6y3-A-00012-00005448-00005896 One thing to keep in mind with this function is that it truncates the number of months -CqFwD6y3-A-00013-00005896-00006153 that you are specifying to move it forward or back. -CqFwD6y3-A-00014-00006153-00006834 If you were to say 13.7 for example, it cuts that off and treats it like 13. -CqFwD6y3-A-00015-00006834-00007220 Why you would ever want to do that instead of just rounding - I don't know but that's -CqFwD6y3-A-00016-00007220-00007523 the way that Google Sheets treats it. -CqFwD6y3-A-00017-00007523-00007753 You can also go backwards with it. -CqFwD6y3-A-00018-00007753-00008188 Here I'm starting on May 17th and I'm going back two months. -CqFwD6y3-A-00019-00008188-00008711 And, as I touched on earlier, one of the things that makes this valuable is that it knows -CqFwD6y3-A-00020-00008711-00008940 the number of days in a month. -CqFwD6y3-A-00021-00008940-00009904 So, if you want to advance May 17th by three months you can do it by basically saying, -CqFwD6y3-A-00022-00009904-00010420 look at this date and go forward three months or you could look at a calendar and try to -CqFwD6y3-A-00023-00010420-00010752 figure out the number of days in a month. -CqFwD6y3-A-00024-00010752-00010931 Pretty sure the first one's easier. -CqFwD6y3-A-00025-00010931-00011322 And, so as a little test, I picked a leap year. -CqFwD6y3-A-00026-00011322-00011733 This again shows how this function is useful. -CqFwD6y3-A-00027-00011733-00012510 What I did was I added one month to February in one year that had a leap year and one that -CqFwD6y3-A-00028-00012510-00012620 didn't. -CqFwD6y3-A-00029-00012620-00013118 It shows that this function is smart enough that it bumped me to the 28th day of the next -CqFwD6y3-A-00030-00013118-00013616 month each time. -CqFwD6y3-A-00031-00013616-00014118 If you just do it adding 28 days, it doesn't know that you want the same day the next month -CqFwD6y3-A-00032-00014118-00014491 so on one of these it doesn't work right. -CqFwD6y3-A-00033-00014491-00014728 That's just a basic illustration of EDATE. -CqFwD6y3-A-00034-00014728-00015211 Typically, when you're going to be using it, it's going to be in a more complex spreadsheet, -CqFwD6y3-A-00035-00015211-00015944 but I think it's easier just to show you how it works at a low level. -CqFwD6y3-A-00036-00015944-00016485 One thing to really pay attention to here is that you have quotes around the dates. -CqFwD6y3-A-00037-00016485-00017074 If I take these quotes out, the function is going to blow up. -CqFwD6y3-A-00038-00017074-00017870 What it tried to do here was take 5 divided by 17 divided by 2017 and obviously that's -CqFwD6y3-A-00039-00017870-00018306 what you wanted to have happen. -CqFwD6y3-A-00040-00018306-00018628 When you're in Google Sheets, there's a couple of ways to deal with dates. -CqFwD6y3-A-00041-00018628-00019109 One of them is to put it in quotes, another one is to put the date in another cell and -CqFwD6y3-A-00042-00019109-00019723 then reference it over. -CqFwD6y3-A-00043-00019723-00019861 This is what I mean by that. -CqFwD6y3-A-00044-00019861-00020198 In that cell, you don't have to have quotes on that. -CqFwD6y3-A-00045-00020198-00021029 If you put in the reference to cell E6, that works as well. -CqFwD6y3-A-00046-00021029-00021350 Then there is a third way to input the date too. -CqFwD6y3-A-00047-00021350-00021499 We talked about the quotes. -CqFwD6y3-A-00048-00021499-00021684 You can do a cell reference. -CqFwD6y3-A-00049-00021684-00022505 Or you can wrap a date function inside of this function. -CqFwD6y3-A-00050-00022505-00023235 It would be something like that and then it would want the year, the month, and the day. -CqFwD6y3-A-00051-00023235-00023597 That should pretty much cover the basic functionality of the EDATE function. -CqFwD6y3-A-00052-00023597-00024137 In and of itself, it is not that complicated but usually you use if in a bigger scenario -CqFwD6y3-A-00053-00024137-00024584 to save yourself time, and really to be more accurate over time. -CCVAzM9y6o-00000-00000515-00000715 Let's find out the answer! -CCVAzM9y6o-00001-00000715-00000915 Cut them into half first. -CCVAzM9y6o-00002-00001039-00001239 Make flowers with rounded stickers. -CCVAzM9y6o-00003-00001239-00001439 You may find it at Daiso. -CCVAzM9y6o-00004-00001952-00002152 Place the square on the triangle. -CCVAzM9y6o-00005-00003185-00003385 Draw two vertical lines. -CCVAzM9y6o-00006-00003790-00003990 Cut the paper along the lines. -CCVAzM9y6o-00007-00004487-00004687 Draw 30° triangle. -CCVAzM9y6o-00008-00004901-00005101 Cut the paper along the line. -CCVAzM9y6o-00009-00005305-00005661 Place the second smallest semicircles underneath the triangle. -CCVAzM9y6o-00010-00005675-00005875 The second largest semicircles as well. -CCVAzM9y6o-00011-00005982-00006182 Place the smallest semicircles as shown. -CCVAzM9y6o-00012-00006320-00006520 Cut the edges. -CCVAzM9y6o-00013-00007568-00007768 Leave one of the largest semicircles for another time. -CCVAzM9y6o-00014-00008001-00008201 Cut the edges off. -CCVAzM9y6o-00015-00008567-00008767 Stick the masking tape on the semicircle. -CCVAzM9y6o-00016-00010765-00010965 Have you got the answer? -CCVAzM9y6o-00017-00011252-00011452 Place the triangles. -CCVAzM9y6o-00018-00011947-00012147 Stick two different size rounded stickers. -CCVAzM9y6o-00019-00013266-00013466 Draw a line like a mouth. -CCVAzM9y6o-00020-00015156-00015356 Glue the triangles. -CCVAzM9y6o-00021-00016083-00016283 Cut off the part which is floating. -CCVAzM9y6o-00022-00016822-00017022 Stick the piece you just cut off. -CCVAzM9y6o-00023-00018616-00018816 Cut off the edges. -CCVAzM9y6o-00024-00018978-00019086 The answer is -CCVAzM9y6o-00025-00019086-00019286 A Boy!!! -CCVAzM9y6o-00026-00019368-00019568 You can change the placement of the eyes. -CCVAzM9y6o-00027-00019623-00019823 Changing hair style is also fun to try. -CCVAzM9y6o-00028-00019884-00020084 Make 6 semicircles. -CCVAzM9y6o-00029-00020383-00020583 Stick them underneath the hut and face. -CCVAzM9y6o-00030-00020823-00021023 It's easy to arrange the piece and make it unique!! -CCVAzM9y6o-00031-00021299-00021499 Nice to put watermelon together. -CCVAzM9y6o-00032-00021522-00021722 How to make watermelon video is in discription. -CCVAzM9y6o-00033-00021785-00021900 With popsicles. -CCVAzM9y6o-00034-00021908-00022108 The video is in description. -CCVAzM9y6o-00035-00022460-00022660 With a girl. -CCVAzM9y6o-00036-00022687-00022887 Check the video, the link is in description. -CCVAzM9y6o-00037-00022939-00023139 The detail recipe can be found in my website. -CCVAzM9y6o-00038-00023340-00023540 If you like this video, -CCVAzM9y6o-00039-00023540-00023740 don't forget to like it. -CCVAzM9y6o-00040-00023821-00024021 Watch these videos too!! -CCVAzM9y6o-00041-00024295-00024671 Access hekimen-school.com for more recipes. -CCVAzM9y6o-00042-00024956-00025156 Subscribe now! -CCVAzM9y6o-00043-00025156-00025356 Thanks for watching, -CCVAzM9y6o-00044-00025356-00025556 see you next time! -CHCxFRTbjE-00000-00000900-00001300 Hi! My name is Elisha Ben-Haim and I'm at the headquarters of Sammic -CHCxFRTbjE-00001-00001300-00001800 to show you the new line stainless steel potato peelers. -CHCxFRTbjE-00002-00001939-00002250 Sammic has been making potato peelers for over 50 years. -CHCxFRTbjE-00003-00002250-00002700 Today they offer stainless steel models with capacity of -CHCxFRTbjE-00004-00002700-00003200 5, 10, 20 and 30 kilos. -CHCxFRTbjE-00005-00003354-00003700 Today, I'm going to demonstrate the PI-30. -CHCxFRTbjE-00006-00003700-00004600 This peeler functions using a silicon carbide abrasive plate that is certified by the NSF. -CHCxFRTbjE-00007-00004600-00005450 The abrasive plate peels a potato skin much like sandpaper would smooth a wooden surface -CHCxFRTbjE-00008-00005450-00005950 it can also be used to peel other root vegetables such as carrots. -CHCxFRTbjE-00009-00005950-00006450 We've added sidewall plates that constantly reincorporate the potatoes -CHCxFRTbjE-00010-00006450-00006950 to promote uniform peeling and less trim loss. -CHCxFRTbjE-00011-00007350-00007750 This system permits water flow only when the machine is peeling. -CHCxFRTbjE-00012-00007750-00008350 Eliminating manual water intake reduces consumption to a sustainable level. -CHCxFRTbjE-00013-00008350-00009000 This transparent cover allows you to visually monitor the peeling process. -CHCxFRTbjE-00014-00009000-00009500 On the waterproof control panel we had the start and stop buttons -CHCxFRTbjE-00015-00009500-00010000 and a dial for a controlled setting or a continuous run setting. -CHCxFRTbjE-00016-00010100-00010350 Normally, two minutes is sufficient -CHCxFRTbjE-00017-00010350-00010850 the peel time varies with potato type and skin thickness. -CHCxFRTbjE-00018-00010850-00011200 The top operates with a safety function -CHCxFRTbjE-00019-00011200-00011700 if the top is open, the machine stops -CHCxFRTbjE-00020-00011700-00012200 if the exit door is open, the machine stops. -CHCxFRTbjE-00021-00012400-00012900 The water and peel waste flow down to the drain. -CHCxFRTbjE-00022-00013069-00013700 The optional stand and filter attachments keep peels from clogging the drain -CHCxFRTbjE-00023-00013700-00014000 and allow you to dispose waste efficiently. -CHCxFRTbjE-00024-00014000-00014850 Think of the time you'll save for french fried, mashed potatoes... with a machine of this capability. -CHCxFRTbjE-00025-00014850-00015150 Whatever your food operation needs are -CHCxFRTbjE-00026-00015150-00015450 there's a Sammic potato peeler to get over them. -CHCxFRTbjE-00027-00015450-00015650 Thank you for watching! -CVsOARUloU-00000-00000011-00000550 Your Natchez History Minute is brought to you by Natchez National Historical Park. -CVsOARUloU-00001-00000600-00001166 On a Sunday morning in September, 1863, members of the Rodney Presbyterian Church gathered -CVsOARUloU-00002-00001166-00001413 for their regular Sabbath service. -CVsOARUloU-00003-00001413-00001970 This particular service, however, would prove to be one the congregation would never forget. -CVsOARUloU-00004-00001970-00002370 The Union gunboat, the U. S. S. Rattler was anchored -CVsOARUloU-00005-00002370-00002846 nearby in the Mississippi River and that morning, some of the Federal sailors decided to attend -CVsOARUloU-00006-00002846-00003486 the Sunday services. The captain of the gunboat was described as a sociable man and had attended -CVsOARUloU-00007-00003486-00004105 church services a number of times. This Sunday, according to one account, the sanctuary was -CVsOARUloU-00008-00004105-00004696 crowded and an extra bench had been brought down from the gallery to accommodate the sailors. -CVsOARUloU-00009-00004696-00005254 Soon after services began, the congregation was startled by the sound of horses running -CVsOARUloU-00010-00005254-00005928 in the streets and the rattling of cavalrymen’s spurs on the brick walk. Suddenly, a Confederate -CVsOARUloU-00011-00005928-00006500 officer, brandishing revolvers in each hand, entered the sanctuary and pointing the weapons -CVsOARUloU-00012-00006500-00007018 on the Union sailors, announced, “Surrender, you are my prisoners.” The Union Captain -CVsOARUloU-00013-00007018-00007492 replied, “We surrender, for God’s sake, don’t fire among the women and children. -CVsOARUloU-00014-00007492-00008103 A Federal officer, however, fired on the Confederate, who in turn, returned fire on him - chaos -CVsOARUloU-00015-00008103-00008735 broke out in the church. Men, women and children started screaming, rushing the doors, jumping -CVsOARUloU-00016-00008735-00009270 out of windows - all in an attempt to escape. The Confederates were successful in capturing -CVsOARUloU-00017-00009270-00009820 the captain and eighteen sailors but a couple of the crew were able to escape and return -CVsOARUloU-00018-00009820-00010492 to the Rattler. The gunboat’s crew raised anchor and began firing broadside after broadside -CVsOARUloU-00019-00010492-00011019 into the town. Several houses were struck by cannon balls and according to at least -CVsOARUloU-00020-00011019-00011291 one eyewitness, one entered the church. -CVsOARUloU-00021-00011291-00011804 Hi, I’m Peyton Cavin, CPA with Silas Simmons, LLC and this has been your -CVsOARUloU-00022-00011804-00011907 Natchez History Minute. -FN5HRADue0-00000-00000000-00000480 hey guys welcome to my Roblox obey I am pretty stupid so please forgive me -FN5HRADue0-00001-00000480-00000680 I Tried on this so hard I started to GET So mad -GxlRr_nVx0-00000-00000562-00000850 We work with various companies over the years. -GxlRr_nVx0-00001-00000850-00001259 Some have been more involved, wanted to see you develop more -GxlRr_nVx0-00002-00001259-00001432 than other companies. -GxlRr_nVx0-00003-00001432-00001782 I've worked with companies where I've never met anyone at the company before. -GxlRr_nVx0-00004-00001880-00002364 Just think about the relationships you have and the relationships you don't have -GxlRr_nVx0-00005-00002364-00002501 with certain things. -GxlRr_nVx0-00006-00002501-00002808 It's much easier to do business with somebody that you know well -GxlRr_nVx0-00007-00002808-00003302 they know, they're trying to help you reach your goals just as much as -GxlRr_nVx0-00008-00003302-00003511 we're trying to help Grinnell Mutual reach their goals. -GxlRr_nVx0-00009-00003511-00003870 Ultimately, we're helping the customer reach their goals. -GxlRr_nVx0-00010-00003870-00004291 That's a much easier relationship to carry out than working with somebody -GxlRr_nVx0-00011-00004291-00004447 behind an email or a phone. -GxlRr_nVx0-00012-00004447-00004815 You'd much rather work with something you have a relationship with. -GxlRr_nVx0-00013-00004815-00005240 I think you build that relationship by communicating, -GxlRr_nVx0-00014-00005240-00005526 getting out, visiting with those people. -GxlRr_nVx0-00015-00005526-00005737 Ben Brooks is our field rep. -GxlRr_nVx0-00016-00005737-00005909 He's come in to our office many times. -GxlRr_nVx0-00017-00005909-00006218 He sat down with me for an hour or so and just walked me through -GxlRr_nVx0-00018-00006218-00006455 quoting an account. -GxlRr_nVx0-00019-00006455-00006658 That's the kind of service you don't see all the time. -GxlRr_nVx0-00020-00006658-00006995 They know that the company has their back. -GxlRr_nVx0-00021-00006995-00007197 That's the level of service that really gets me excited -GxlRr_nVx0-00022-00007197-00007361 about the future with Grinnell Mutual. -GxlRr_nVx0-00023-00007361-00007670 It says that we care. -GxlRr_nVx0-00024-00007670-00007814 You're not just a number to us. -GxlRr_nVx0-00025-00007814-00008081 We're not just looking at premium dollars. -GxlRr_nVx0-00026-00008081-00008199 We care about what you're thinking. -GxlRr_nVx0-00027-00008199-00008440 What your thoughts are, and how we can adjust. -GxlRr_nVx0-00028-00008440-00008727 Grinnell Mutual wants to establish relationships with us just as much as -GxlRr_nVx0-00029-00008727-00009000 we want to establish relationships with our clients. -GxlRr_nVx0-00030-00009000-00009329 It really does go a long way. -K0iE02J-OM-00000-00000084-00000756 Hey humans, Lyric here, and today, I want to talk about what happens during -K0iE02J-OM-00001-00000822-00001269 an autism assessment, and I'm just going to be sharing what happened during my -K0iE02J-OM-00002-00001269-00001637 autism assessment, because obviously I've only been through one of those. -K0iE02J-OM-00004-00005158-00006010 Do you want to be in the video with me? -K0iE02J-OM-00005-00006160-00006207 Maybe? -K0iE02J-OM-00006-00006273-00006364 You cute enough! -K0iE02J-OM-00007-00006421-00006603 Copper Bug - Copper Bug. -K0iE02J-OM-00008-00006667-00006766 Yeah, sit in my lap? -K0iE02J-OM-00009-00006817-00007159 At the beginning of the diagnostic process, I'm going to give you one -K0iE02J-OM-00010-00007165-00007657 recommendation, and that is to find a professional that has experience -K0iE02J-OM-00011-00007657-00008020 with and, does diagnose adults. -K0iE02J-OM-00012-00008101-00008722 If you go to someone who only works with, only has experienced with, and only has -K0iE02J-OM-00013-00008722-00009310 services for children, you are going to be doing yourself a huge disservice, and -K0iE02J-OM-00014-00009310-00009700 potentially wasting time and or money. -K0iE02J-OM-00015-00009763-00010267 So find someone who knows about adults, most importantly, -K0iE02J-OM-00016-00010267-00010450 before you even get going. -K0iE02J-OM-00017-00010504-00010897 Uh, and depending on where you are in the world, there may or may not be -K0iE02J-OM-00018-00010897-00011098 someone in your area who does that. -K0iE02J-OM-00019-00011140-00011266 That can be a problem. -K0iE02J-OM-00020-00011299-00011916 Once I finally found someone that worked with adults, I booked my appointment. -K0iE02J-OM-00021-00011923-00012316 I had to book it at least a month in advance, maybe longer. -K0iE02J-OM-00022-00012371-00013144 That time I spent gathering, and preparing for the appointment gathering -K0iE02J-OM-00023-00013151-00013631 notes about my past, why I thought I - could potentially be Autistic. -K0iE02J-OM-00024-00013679-00014454 Gathering who in my family I could potentially have, as a reference -K0iE02J-OM-00025-00014456-00014984 for them to interview, to find out more about how I was growing up. -K0iE02J-OM-00026-00015029-00015362 I gathered baby videos, and childhood footage. -K0iE02J-OM-00027-00015419-00015521 There is a lot of it. -K0iE02J-OM-00028-00015524-00016007 I was very lucky in this regard to be a well-documented child. -K0iE02J-OM-00029-00016052-00016109 Yay. -K0iE02J-OM-00030-00016181-00016683 Because autism is a lifelong developmental difference, it is -K0iE02J-OM-00031-00016683-00017178 important that the person doing the assessment determine that you have -K0iE02J-OM-00032-00017184-00017619 always been Autistic, and so they. -K0iE02J-OM-00033-00017625-00018387 Typically, are going to want to interview people, or talk to people who knew you -K0iE02J-OM-00034-00018480-00018981 growing up and knew you as a young person. -K0iE02J-OM-00035-00019017-00019401 I had one family member and one childhood friend. -K0iE02J-OM-00036-00019452-00019869 The childhood friend also was someone who was a coworker, who -K0iE02J-OM-00037-00019869-00020100 had seen me across many contexts. -K0iE02J-OM-00038-00020105-00020758 The adult was a caregiver, that had a lot of insight into how I was as a child. -K0iE02J-OM-00039-00020780-00021128 I was very lucky to have that, because some people might not have that, and -K0iE02J-OM-00040-00021128-00021287 that can make things more difficult. -K0iE02J-OM-00041-00021315-00021996 Even though I did have pages of prepared notes, that I brought in -K0iE02J-OM-00042-00021996-00022467 with me to the assessment, they're not necessarily going to just go on -K0iE02J-OM-00043-00022467-00022647 your word, and what you have to say. -K0iE02J-OM-00044-00022647-00023278 They're going to want to hear from other people, because the diagnosis is actually -K0iE02J-OM-00045-00023278-00023713 based on outward observations of Autistic People, so they want to get some of those -K0iE02J-OM-00046-00023713-00024175 outward observations that they need for their- their data and their information. -K0iE02J-OM-00047-00024220-00024463 Another thing that was really helpful for me is, as I said, I had those -K0iE02J-OM-00048-00024463-00024631 baby videos and childhood videos. -K0iE02J-OM-00049-00024631-00025132 I had videos of myself from when I was like six months old, maybe first -K0iE02J-OM-00050-00025132-00025668 brought home from the hospital, to when I was, I think about 11 or so. -K0iE02J-OM-00051-00025668-00025944 Nice coverage of of how I was growing up. -K0iE02J-OM-00052-00025949-00026432 There's a lot of documentation of things that the person doing the -K0iE02J-OM-00053-00026432-00026906 diagnosis would be looking for, which made it even easier to diagnose -K0iE02J-OM-00054-00026906-00027113 me, having all of those records. -K0iE02J-OM-00055-00027162-00027521 Gathering records was definitely step one for me, I feel like this is something -K0iE02J-OM-00056-00027521-00028016 that I was very lucky, and privileged, and fortunate, to have access to these -K0iE02J-OM-00057-00028016-00028193 resources, that I needed to get diagnosed. -K0iE02J-OM-00058-00028370-00028976 By the time it was finally the day to go to my first appointment, with -K0iE02J-OM-00059-00028976-00029670 the person who would be, potentially, diagnosing me as Autistic, I was ready. -K0iE02J-OM-00060-00029677-00030307 I had time to gather all of my notes, and resources, and contact -K0iE02J-OM-00061-00030307-00030733 information for people that could potentially be interviewed by -K0iE02J-OM-00062-00030733-00030931 the person doing the evaluation. -K0iE02J-OM-00063-00030982-00031654 And I had 10 pages probably of typed notes with all of the things -K0iE02J-OM-00064-00031654-00031864 I was afraid, I would forget. -K0iE02J-OM-00065-00031873-00032101 I had a list. -K0iE02J-OM-00066-00032143-00032548 I've always been a fan of lists and I brought a list with me, -K0iE02J-OM-00067-00032551-00032687 naturally, to the appointment -K0iE02J-OM-00068-00032838-00033174 The person doing the assessment had their own lists. -K0iE02J-OM-00069-00033177-00033303 Well, not really lists. -K0iE02J-OM-00070-00033306-00033603 They had assessments that they needed me to complete. -K0iE02J-OM-00071-00033633-00034254 I had been referred for anxiety by my GP and, because I had mentioned autism, -K0iE02J-OM-00072-00034284-00034530 they also made that referral, as well. -K0iE02J-OM-00073-00034564-00035127 There was an assessment for anxiety and there was an assessment for autism. -K0iE02J-OM-00074-00035160-00035628 It's one of those multiple choice questions with five bubbles: -K0iE02J-OM-00075-00035628-00035961 "how much do you agree with the following statement" kind of a thing. -K0iE02J-OM-00076-00035994-00036240 If those things are hard for you, I'm sorry. -K0iE02J-OM-00077-00036240-00036720 You're going to have to stomach a few of those, if you go through this -K0iE02J-OM-00078-00036720-00037065 assessment process with a professional. -K0iE02J-OM-00079-00037098-00037455 If you did this as a kid, your parents would do it for you but sorry, if -K0iE02J-OM-00080-00037455-00037788 you're an adult, you're on your own, you've got to do the assessment. -K0iE02J-OM-00081-00037899-00038073 Take you back to your school years. -K0iE02J-OM-00082-00038193-00038685 I handed over my pages of typed notes to the person who is doing the assessment -K0iE02J-OM-00083-00038715-00039399 and I started filling in my multiple choice bubble questions on these exams. -K0iE02J-OM-00084-00039436-00039784 When I said "a few" earlier, I was seriously downplaying -K0iE02J-OM-00085-00039826-00039968 how many questions there were. -K0iE02J-OM-00086-00039985-00040258 It's a very long, and intense, assessment process. -K0iE02J-OM-00087-00040316-00040885 Then, after I did all of those assessments, there was an interview -K0iE02J-OM-00088-00040887-00041451 with me and the person who was assessing me to see if I might be Autistic, -K0iE02J-OM-00089-00041469-00041901 asked me a lot of questions about myself, and probably making all kinds -K0iE02J-OM-00090-00041901-00042288 of notes about my thought process and how I was responding to things. -K0iE02J-OM-00091-00042342-00042822 That whole appointment took several hours. -K0iE02J-OM-00092-00042825-00043347 It was a long, and intense, exhausting appointment. -K0iE02J-OM-00093-00043347-00043914 From filling out assessments, to handing over contact information of relatives, -K0iE02J-OM-00094-00043917-00044289 and friends, and family growing up, and explaining those relationships. -K0iE02J-OM-00095-00044398-00044812 Interviews with me, about my life and childhood and development, like -K0iE02J-OM-00096-00044812-00045279 I said, reviewing baby footage and then my notes, that I brought with me. -K0iE02J-OM-00097-00045315-00045645 That took a while, and that's exhausting. -K0iE02J-OM-00098-00045645-00046158 It's something you definitely want to save up your energy for, and be ready to do. -K0iE02J-OM-00099-00046209-00046785 I think I went home and slept after that, if I remember correctly. -K0iE02J-OM-00100-00046809-00047142 I remember it being very exhausting, and I remember being very -K0iE02J-OM-00101-00047142-00047293 tired when I left that office. -K0iE02J-OM-00102-00047425-00047560 Then I just had to wait. -K0iE02J-OM-00103-00047641-00048187 It was probably two or three weeks between the first appointment -K0iE02J-OM-00104-00048199-00048343 and my second appointment. -K0iE02J-OM-00105-00048380-00048974 In the in-between, the person doing the diagnosis was going to then call -K0iE02J-OM-00106-00048974-00049670 my- my references, my family members and my friend, and ask them about how -K0iE02J-OM-00107-00049678-00050176 - about how I went about life, in the various areas that they knew me about. -K0iE02J-OM-00108-00050181-00050646 My family member would know a lot about me as a little kid, and my early issues, -K0iE02J-OM-00109-00050646-00051063 that I had in school; and being in special education, and being in gifted -K0iE02J-OM-00110-00051063-00051273 and talented, and all of those things. -K0iE02J-OM-00111-00051304-00051855 Then my friend, who also worked with me, knew about my struggles in high school, -K0iE02J-OM-00112-00051855-00052787 and knew about how I was in the workplace, and what issues I had working on a team. -K0iE02J-OM-00113-00052822-00053416 Digging, and getting into the behind the scenes, and writing a report, based on -K0iE02J-OM-00114-00053419-00053911 all of the things that they found out, in talking to these people, that knew me. -K0iE02J-OM-00115-00054040-00054490 To receive the autism diagnosis, they are trying to evaluate if being -K0iE02J-OM-00116-00054490-00055297 Autistic impacts you in your major life occupational areas, such as: Ability to -K0iE02J-OM-00117-00055297-00055561 learn, where I had struggles in school. -K0iE02J-OM-00118-00055597-00056206 Relationships with other people; and workplace, does this impact your -K0iE02J-OM-00119-00056206-00056452 employment and your ability to work? -K0iE02J-OM-00120-00056497-00056848 These things are looked at through the lens of the medical model. -K0iE02J-OM-00121-00056848-00057370 They are really looking at your problems and your struggles, very specifically, to -K0iE02J-OM-00122-00057370-00057691 give you a medical diagnosis of autism. -K0iE02J-OM-00123-00057877-00058503 At the time of my diagnosis, I was struggling, a lot, especially in work. -K0iE02J-OM-00124-00058551-00059097 These struggles were starting to have physical impacts on my health. -K0iE02J-OM-00125-00059102-00059453 My mental health was also in the toilet, at the time, when -K0iE02J-OM-00126-00059453-00059603 I was diagnosed Autistic. -K0iE02J-OM-00127-00059654-00060101 I was also diagnosed with social anxiety, at the same time as being Autistic. -K0iE02J-OM-00128-00060129-00060769 Some people don't believe that I have social anxiety, uh, but I sepend most -K0iE02J-OM-00129-00060769-00061336 of my time alone, talking to myself in the room, and I am very afraid -K0iE02J-OM-00130-00061336-00061990 of people I don't know, and I don't know if people secretly have ulterior -K0iE02J-OM-00131-00061990-00062287 motives, and it makes me really nervous to be around other people... -K0iE02J-OM-00132-00062287-00062557 so I, definitely, still have social anxiety. -K0iE02J-OM-00133-00062608-00063115 It is a beast, if I'm honest. -K0iE02J-OM-00134-00063235-00063585 That's something else you have to be prepared for, if you're going in for -K0iE02J-OM-00135-00063585-00063816 an autism, or an ADHD assessment, is: -K0iE02J-OM-00136-00063816-00064359 The possibility of getting additional diagnoses or other diagnoses that -K0iE02J-OM-00137-00064359-00064641 you potentially were not expecting. -K0iE02J-OM-00138-00064665-00065151 I was not expecting, or ready for a social anxiety diagnosis, and it took me -K0iE02J-OM-00139-00065151-00065532 a while to really accept, and understand what that, and the autism diagnosis, -K0iE02J-OM-00140-00065532-00065706 meant to me when I did get them. -K0iE02J-OM-00141-00065863-00066067 My second appointment was easier. -K0iE02J-OM-00142-00066103-00066730 Weeks later, after the doctor had had time to talk with everyone, and write a report -K0iE02J-OM-00143-00066730-00067288 based on everything we discussed, and the videos they had seen, and all of that... -K0iE02J-OM-00144-00067366-00068290 I was handed over this extensive document, with a lot of history, and information -K0iE02J-OM-00145-00068290-00068456 I didn't even know about myself. -K0iE02J-OM-00146-00068488-00068987 Here's something that I didn't know when I was going into this process, -K0iE02J-OM-00147-00069017-00069689 is that, I got to see all of the notes, and everything that was said -K0iE02J-OM-00148-00069689-00070107 about me, by my family and my friend. -K0iE02J-OM-00149-00070275-00070626 So you get to see, really, what other people think of you, and -K0iE02J-OM-00150-00070626-00070845 other people's experience of you is. -K0iE02J-OM-00151-00070890-00071426 Uh, there were a lot of deep dark familiy secrets revealed to me in that paper. -K0iE02J-OM-00152-00071456-00072140 I shredded it in the office shredder at work, because there is so much private -K0iE02J-OM-00153-00072152-00072455 and personal information in that thing. -K0iE02J-OM-00154-00072455-00072983 Not only about me, but about, you know, my, my parents and things like that, -K0iE02J-OM-00155-00072983-00073448 that I just was very uncomfortable with having on this like paper, that could -K0iE02J-OM-00156-00073448-00073742 potentially fall into the wrong hands. -K0iE02J-OM-00157-00073748-00074354 The diagnostic report was, very, very detailed and just, like I said, had so -K0iE02J-OM-00158-00074354-00074603 much private, personal information in it. -K0iE02J-OM-00159-00074682-00075011 That's why if people are like, "show me your diagnostic summary" -K0iE02J-OM-00160-00075014-00075128 - "prove that you're Autistic". -K0iE02J-OM-00161-00075131-00075633 I'm like, "I will absolutely not show you my paper work!" -K0iE02J-OM-00162-00075657-00075840 Like, I don't even have that paperwork. -K0iE02J-OM-00163-00075840-00076279 I have a little one-page paper, uh, that has like a summary, but it's -K0iE02J-OM-00164-00076279-00076591 got my dead name on it, so I'm not going to share that either, uh, -K0iE02J-OM-00165-00076597-00076798 because it doesn't have, have my name. -K0iE02J-OM-00166-00076798-00076861 I'm Lyric. -K0iE02J-OM-00167-00076861-00077041 It doesn't have that- it doesn't say Lyric on there. -K0iE02J-OM-00168-00077041-00077215 So I'm not going to share either of those things. -K0iE02J-OM-00169-00077215-00077455 I'm not going to go back and ask for another one. -K0iE02J-OM-00170-00077455-00077545 "Hey, it's been five years. -K0iE02J-OM-00171-00077545-00077659 Can I have another paper?" -K0iE02J-OM-00172-00077784-00077831 No. -K0iE02J-OM-00173-00077837-00077915 I'm not gonna do that. -K0iE02J-OM-00174-00077915-00078230 The last appointment was basically congratulations, you're Autistic. -K0iE02J-OM-00175-00078299-00078425 Here's your report. -K0iE02J-OM-00176-00078549-00078852 I was lucky to have a doctor that recommended some books by -K0iE02J-OM-00177-00078852-00079257 some Autistic authors, and I got to read from Autistic voices. -K0iE02J-OM-00178-00079281-00079647 This doctor was one of those "Oh, there's nothing wrong with you" doctors, -K0iE02J-OM-00179-00079647-00080082 and "you just need to learn about your brain and figure out how to work with it -K0iE02J-OM-00180-00080082-00080253 instead of against it" kind of a doctor. -K0iE02J-OM-00181-00080281-00080896 I'm so grateful for that, because goodness knows, I could have got sent on the -K0iE02J-OM-00182-00080896-00081375 path to the dark side, cause my first thought was, "oh, this is what's wrong -K0iE02J-OM-00183-00081375-00081714 with me" And the doctor's like, "no, no, no, there's nothing wrong with you. -K0iE02J-OM-00184-00081756-00081837 You're Autistic. -K0iE02J-OM-00185-00081837-00081939 Your brain works differently. -K0iE02J-OM-00186-00081939-00082089 There's nothing wrong with you." -K0iE02J-OM-00187-00082203-00082701 like I could have easily spiraled off in that other direction and this blog would -K0iE02J-OM-00188-00082701-00082929 not exist, if that would've been the case. -K0iE02J-OM-00189-00083034-00083145 That's basically it. -K0iE02J-OM-00190-00083178-00083493 My diagnostic process was really clean and simple. -K0iE02J-OM-00191-00083521-00083997 I got diagnosed by the first mental health professional I saw. -K0iE02J-OM-00192-00084033-00084195 It was really quick and easy. -K0iE02J-OM-00193-00084267-00084474 I had all the documentation I needed. -K0iE02J-OM-00194-00084483-00084678 It was very cut and dry. -K0iE02J-OM-00195-00084711-00084863 I'm one of the lucky ones. -K0iE02J-OM-00196-00084868-00085352 This, this, this- is what it was like for me in this, perfectly ideal scenario, -K0iE02J-OM-00197-00085352-00085571 where I found out I was Autistic at 29. -K0iE02J-OM-00198-00085604-00086104 I hope this was helpful to you, and if it was, please let me know, -K0iE02J-OM-00199-00086107-00086260 by giving this video a thumbs up. -K0iE02J-OM-00200-00086299-00086599 If you are going through this process, or you have gone through -K0iE02J-OM-00201-00086599-00086950 this process, I'd love to invite you now, to share your experience with -K0iE02J-OM-00202-00086950-00087148 that, if you feel comfortable sharing. -K0iE02J-OM-00203-00087185-00087620 If you are self identified, you are valid and welcome here too, please -K0iE02J-OM-00204-00087620-00087746 feel free to share your experience. -K0iE02J-OM-00205-00087751-00088187 Being diagnosed, I feel, is a huge privilege, and there are a lot of -K0iE02J-OM-00206-00088187-00088634 reasons why someone may not be able to, or may choose, validly, not -K0iE02J-OM-00207-00088634-00088805 to go with getting a diagnosis. -K0iE02J-OM-00208-00088833-00089297 If that's you, I invite you to share, and I open the floor in the comments below. -K0iE02J-OM-00209-00089353-00089704 Before I go, I just want to say thanks, to the Patreon subscribers, -K0iE02J-OM-00210-00089704-00090154 YouTube supporters, and Facebook members, who do the little bit of that -K0iE02J-OM-00211-00090154-00090577 monetary subscription, that helped me with things like web hosting, -K0iE02J-OM-00212-00090577-00090781 and the transcriptioning software. -K0iE02J-OM-00213-00090809-00091241 I have a program now, that helps check my grammar, all of these -K0iE02J-OM-00214-00091241-00091749 things that help make the blog more accessible, and a higher quality, I -K0iE02J-OM-00215-00091749-00092088 wouldn't be able to afford, without the help of viewers like you. -K0iE02J-OM-00216-00092088-00092358 So you really do help make this blog what it is. -K0iE02J-OM-00217-00092358-00092490 I am eternally grateful. -K0iE02J-OM-00218-00092490-00092883 I'm a big believer in gratitude, and I always want to express that to each -K0iE02J-OM-00219-00092883-00093297 and every one of you, whether you are here as a subscriber in that monetary -K0iE02J-OM-00220-00093297-00093732 capacity, you are commenting and sharing your life experience, showing -K0iE02J-OM-00221-00093732-00094338 the diversity in NeuroDiversity, or leaving your feedback, and comments and -K0iE02J-OM-00222-00094338-00094550 videos suggestions, and your questions. -K0iE02J-OM-00223-00094593-00095015 All of this makes this community what it is, so I need you all, -K0iE02J-OM-00224-00095015-00095135 and I couldn't do it without you. -K0iE02J-OM-00225-00095150-00095285 Thank you so much, for being here. -K0iE02J-OM-00226-00095288-00095420 I will see you next Wednesday. -K0iE02J-OM-00227-00095474-00095507 Later. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00000-00000000-00000093 at the door -KLqIbw4_Wo-00001-00000093-00000259 Crying... Crying...If it doesn't open... -KLqIbw4_Wo-00002-00000259-00000559 There is a child who rings the bell. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00003-00002150-00002450 I was going to go into the snow, but stop! -KLqIbw4_Wo-00004-00002569-00002869 I'm just coming because my feet are cold. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00005-00003216-00003486 The bell that I met in front of my house early in the morning -KLqIbw4_Wo-00006-00003486-00003719 I don't know if you know when I'm coming. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00007-00003719-00004019 When the locked door opens, quickly...Go in. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00008-00004019-00004319 I sit at the door. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00009-00004440-00004700 A bell waiting quietly in front of the lighted door -KLqIbw4_Wo-00010-00005263-00005563 First, I call the butler. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00011-00006963-00007263 Let me mark the territory. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00012-00007409-00007709 Ring the bell. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00013-00007709-00008009 With the earnestness of calling the butler... -KLqIbw4_Wo-00014-00008376-00008676 [Come here, butler] -KLqIbw4_Wo-00015-00009190-00009490 There's no answer inside... -KLqIbw4_Wo-00016-00009490-00009790 I'm slowly getting out of patience... -KLqIbw4_Wo-00017-00010163-00010463 Bells of anger! -KLqIbw4_Wo-00018-00010463-00010763 I couldn't hold back my laughter.Here comes the butler. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00019-00011116-00011416 He went out yesterday. (He came back after 8 hours) -KLqIbw4_Wo-00020-00011693-00011993 The bell that's preparing in front of the door... -KLqIbw4_Wo-00021-00012056-00012356 (If people seem to be sleeping, they don't cry and ring the bell right away) -KLqIbw4_Wo-00022-00012523-00012683 Wait, sometimes the rat-biting bell... -KLqIbw4_Wo-00023-00012683-00012983 I'm suspicious.Request identification! -KLqIbw4_Wo-00024-00013013-00013183 I don't know what I brought...Proof of evidence required! -KLqIbw4_Wo-00025-00013183-00013350 Let me check for a moment. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00026-00013513-00013813 You've proven your innocence. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00027-00014009-00014300 Where is he? In front of the door again? -KLqIbw4_Wo-00028-00014300-00014530 Oh, my God. Are you going out yesterday? (You're coming in now.)) -KLqIbw4_Wo-00029-00014530-00014726 I was walking around... -KLqIbw4_Wo-00030-00014726-00015026 It's... cold! (In this cold winter...) -KLqIbw4_Wo-00031-00015273-00015573 At home, I put on a leash. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00032-00015626-00015926 I don't know where he's going. -KLqIbw4_Wo-00033-00016196-00016496 Where have you been?~~ -Lu8PwA2mmy-00000-00000598-00001065 My name is Mrs. Kausalya Thirupuvanam. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00001-00001065-00002026 I'm a resident of India, Bangalore City in Karnataka. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00002-00002026-00002526 I found out, in India, children were - most children, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00003-00002526-00003454 I would say more than 75% or I would even say 85% of children are deprived -Lu8PwA2mmy-00004-00003454-00004613 of basic amenities like homes, proper homes, proper food, proper nutrition, proper clothing, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00005-00004613-00005241 and more than that, education. They were deprived of education. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00006-00005241-00005501 So, if something could be done about it, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00007-00005501-00005801 I felt the world will be a better place to live in. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00008-00005801-00006545 In 1994, we started helping the building of the school, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00009-00006545-00007048 putting up a wall, demolishing the old shed, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00010-00007048-00007276 and then doing up the different classrooms, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00011-00007276-00007908 and today there are about 25 classrooms in it, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00012-00007908-00008181 classrooms which are fully equipped -Lu8PwA2mmy-00013-00008181-00008505 and have all the amenities, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00014-00008505-00008815 which is necessary for children to study. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00015-00008815-00009429 Well, the second part of it which came as a lesson for me also was -Lu8PwA2mmy-00016-00009429-00009678 that children, invariably - -Lu8PwA2mmy-00017-00009678-00010073 school opens at 9, by 10 o'clock, nearly -Lu8PwA2mmy-00018-00010073-00010329 70% of the children -Lu8PwA2mmy-00019-00010329-00010665 give some excuse that they want to go to the toilet, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00020-00010665-00010825 and they never come back. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00021-00010825-00011181 But the reason was they all went to beg -Lu8PwA2mmy-00022-00011181-00011452 because they came on an empty stomach. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00023-00011452-00011620 The children were hungry. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00024-00011620-00012048 So they couldn't study, they couldn't listen, they couldn't do anything. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00025-00012048-00012600 So I said, "Give them a plate of rice." In about '95, we started the mid-day meals. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00026-00012600-00013025 I felt that these children of these government schools -Lu8PwA2mmy-00027-00013025-00013535 were deprived of many essential -Lu8PwA2mmy-00028-00013535-00013896 necessities like physical training. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00029-00013896-00014278 The government did not provide anything for physical training. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00030-00014278-00014978 So, we managed to get a PT (physical training) master. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00031-00015276-00015425 Providence -Lu8PwA2mmy-00032-00015425-00015657 has showered -Lu8PwA2mmy-00033-00015657-00016282 so many wonderful things for a human being -Lu8PwA2mmy-00034-00016282-00016973 by nature, by the bounty that he has given us -Lu8PwA2mmy-00035-00016973-00017290 in not only physically, mentally, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00036-00017290-00017560 spiritually, so many things. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00037-00017560-00017895 We should return some of that to others. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00038-00017895-00018095 So, I think that -Lu8PwA2mmy-00039-00018095-00018376 if having got this human body, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00040-00018376-00018815 one should try to help their fellow man in some way -Lu8PwA2mmy-00041-00018815-00019119 to make your life more fruitful, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00042-00019119-00019767 and to make the world a better place. -Lu8PwA2mmy-00043-00019767-00020043 What our great sages have said that -Lu8PwA2mmy-00044-00020043-00020312 "The life that is in you, -Lu8PwA2mmy-00045-00020312-00020600 is the same life that is in every living creature." -pWlyqV0lBy-00000-00000118-00000587 Jill Valentine is a fictional character in the Resident Evil video game series. -pWlyqV0lBy-00001-00000587-00001055 Jill Valentine is a former member of the Special Tactics and Rescue Service, a special forces -pWlyqV0lBy-00002-00001055-00001342 unit within the Raccoon City Police Department. -pWlyqV0lBy-00003-00001342-00001743 She is sent along with her fellow special force members to investigate a series of bizarre -pWlyqV0lBy-00004-00001743-00002176 murders in the Arklay Mountains, which leads them to discover a mansion filled with biological -pWlyqV0lBy-00005-00002176-00002711 weapons created by the evil Umbrella Corporation.Throughout the series, Jill is portrayed as a skilled -pWlyqV0lBy-00006-00002711-00003289 fighter and a talented hacker, with expertise in weapons, explosives, and hand-to-hand combat. -pWlyqV0lBy-00007-00003289-00003721 She becomes one of the primary protagonists of the series, and her story arc involves -pWlyqV0lBy-00008-00003721-00004177 her fighting against Umbrella and other bioterrorist organizations to stop the spread of dangerous -pWlyqV0lBy-00009-00004177-00004364 viruses and creatures. -pWlyqV0lBy-00010-00004364-00004857 Jill Valentine is one of the most iconic and beloved characters in the Resident Evil franchise, -pWlyqV0lBy-00011-00004857-00005203 and has appeared in many of the series' games and adaptations. -pWlyqV0lBy-00012-00005203-00005660 She is known for her bravery, intelligence, and determination in the face of danger, and -pWlyqV0lBy-00013-00005660-00005955 is often cited as a strong female role model in gaming. -Tq2UEhJ7L0-00001-00001800-00002400 Paid Solution WhatsApp 0302-4865858 -VcY8Yo7a48-00000-00000000-00000200 Shake the container. -ZEK3gYL-7k-00000-00000010-00000553 Does your computer lag or behave unnaturally like automatically launched programs, exe -ZEK3gYL-7k-00001-00000553-00001075 applications failing to run, and too many ads whenever you open your browser? -ZEK3gYL-7k-00002-00001075-00001516 If your answer is yes then chances are your computer is infected with a virus. -ZEK3gYL-7k-00003-00001516-00002035 After you open and run an infected program or attachment on your computer, you might -ZEK3gYL-7k-00004-00002035-00002562 not realize that you have introduced a virus until you notice something is not quite right. -ZEK3gYL-7k-00005-00002562-00002982 To help you with the solution, I have the best option for you all. -ZEK3gYL-7k-00006-00002982-00003475 You can choose Systweak Antivirus, a security tool that provides real-time protection for -ZEK3gYL-7k-00007-00003475-00003804 Windows PC against malware, virus, spyware and adware etc. -ZEK3gYL-7k-00008-00003804-00004442 Go to the Systweak’s Website and Download and Install the Software on your Windows computer, -ZEK3gYL-7k-00009-00004442-00004755 you can also use the link mentioned in the description below. -ZEK3gYL-7k-00010-00004755-00005556 Once Installed, launch Systweak Antivirus for PC and On the left panel of Systweak antivirus -ZEK3gYL-7k-00011-00005556-00005821 window click on Scan types. -ZEK3gYL-7k-00012-00005821-00006386 And here click on Custom Scan and now from here choose the folders you want to scan and -ZEK3gYL-7k-00013-00006386-00006770 click on Scan Now. -ZEK3gYL-7k-00014-00006770-00007631 This option is extremely helpful to scan all your selected folders at one single click. -ZEK3gYL-7k-00015-00007631-00008164 Isn’t is super easy and helpful. -ZEK3gYL-7k-00016-00008164-00008588 Please try this software and do not forget to share your feedback in the comments. -ZEK3gYL-7k-00017-00008588-00009297 Hope you like the video if yes then don’t forget to like, share and Subscribe. -c9foVq9QkQ-00000-00002266-00002366 Oh -c9foVq9QkQ-00001-00002760-00003585 hey what's up how is it going it's Harrison coming to you if another -c9foVq9QkQ-00002-00003585-00004644 reaction video I've got a request here in a Jaeger robot I hope haven't said it right -c9foVq9QkQ-00003-00004644-00005802 she requests me to be reacted to polina Gagarina singing I'll never forgive you -c9foVq9QkQ-00004-00005865-00006792 strong words right I'll never forgive you the type of the video is and made -c9foVq9QkQ-00005-00006792-00007500 the song 2019 Polina Gagarina without further ado thank you so much in a -c9foVq9QkQ-00006-00007500-00008757 Jaeger Oliver for the request without further let's put my headphones on okay -c9foVq9QkQ-00007-00010159-00010423 so pretty -c9foVq9QkQ-00008-00011471-00011874 Kinki is near Oh -c9foVq9QkQ-00009-00012299-00012437 I knew -c9foVq9QkQ-00010-00013838-00014144 this was the boy -c9foVq9QkQ-00011-00016147-00016208 Wow -c9foVq9QkQ-00012-00018571-00018673 you -c9foVq9QkQ-00013-00020186-00020303 but Busan -c9foVq9QkQ-00014-00024932-00024935 Oh -c9foVq9QkQ-00015-00030827-00030957 yeah -c9foVq9QkQ-00016-00031405-00031480 to your prize -c9foVq9QkQ-00017-00033480-00035496 Wow I don't even know from where to start oh my god she was looking so really she's -c9foVq9QkQ-00018-00035496-00036480 a pretty woman one or four boys with a perfect voice control with that power oh my god she can -c9foVq9QkQ-00019-00036480-00037608 go so high she could be the queen of Russia I think so or queen of Brazil is she wants you -c9foVq9QkQ-00020-00037608-00038589 I will vote for her being our queen he was ooh wow what a doofus son I couldn't understand a -c9foVq9QkQ-00021-00038589-00039393 word I don't know if there was subtitles on it but I don't like reading subtitles I prefer pay -c9foVq9QkQ-00022-00039393-00040173 attention like the singer at the performer and I could take my eyes off her she's so -c9foVq9QkQ-00023-00040173-00041307 pretty her voice oh my god this liquid gold is diamond she's flawless flawless flawless she's -c9foVq9QkQ-00024-00041307-00042258 a diva diva one of the best female singers in the entire planet at the moment for sure I'll put her -c9foVq9QkQ-00025-00042258-00043230 in my top three of best female singers think of the entire world and she's my new crush I -c9foVq9QkQ-00026-00043230-00044136 am so sorry saying that but she's so pretty not on her face oh of her speed she's beautiful in -c9foVq9QkQ-00027-00044136-00044886 and out I believe so and her voice is beyond this world wow thank you so much you that request this -c9foVq9QkQ-00028-00044886-00045417 song at variety will not donate because it is in Russian I believe this in are you girl -c9foVq9QkQ-00029-00045417-00046098 Nova thank you so much I'm so sorry Felicity to the wrong way and I'll see you next time -d24QlnL_yy-00000-00000059-00000159 Hi! -d24QlnL_yy-00001-00000159-00000575 Today I want to improvise for you about "to associate".In dictionary is " to unite for -d24QlnL_yy-00002-00000575-00001563 reaching a purpose".I was inspired by a training I am doing with someone for Acting University -d24QlnL_yy-00003-00001563-00002416 and that someone is very scared of exam and I produced few positive emotions,I associate -d24QlnL_yy-00004-00002416-00003061 the exam at the University with let's say....something where is going to have fun,with a party.And -d24QlnL_yy-00005-00003061-00004040 then she said "Wow,is awesome!".So I said "If you would go to the exam like it would -d24QlnL_yy-00006-00004040-00004503 be the best party you are attending to and you are going to have fun would you like? -d24QlnL_yy-00007-00004503-00004711 Would you still be afraid?" -d24QlnL_yy-00008-00004711-00004811 "No!" -d24QlnL_yy-00009-00004811-00005384 And then I figured out is very important to associate something we are afraid of with -d24QlnL_yy-00010-00005384-00005712 a very beneficial emotion.What do you think about "to associate?" -d24QlnL_yy-00011-00005712-00005744 Bye! -jD_p4xPvfM-00000-00000004-00000392 How does this thing of know people pleasing fit with that part in the text -jD_p4xPvfM-00001-00000392-00000992 where Jesus says, If somebody asks you to do something outrageous, do it. -jD_p4xPvfM-00002-00000992-00001308 And then a hundred pages later he qualifies it. -jD_p4xPvfM-00003-00001308-00001792 He says, as long as it doesn't bring harm to you or to anyone else. -jD_p4xPvfM-00004-00001855-00002220 That's very helpful to add that last part on there. -jD_p4xPvfM-00005-00002256-00002404 And also... -jD_p4xPvfM-00006-00002404-00002604 But how does that fit with people pleasing? -jD_p4xPvfM-00007-00002604-00003016 If I’m supposed to do something that is outrageous, and I'm supposed -jD_p4xPvfM-00008-00003016-00003496 to do it anyway, that seems like pleasing this outrageous person, -jD_p4xPvfM-00009-00003524-00003732 an outrageous request out there. -jD_p4xPvfM-00010-00003732-00003960 That seems like people pleasing. -jD_p4xPvfM-00011-00003960-00004128 And I go back to that example -jD_p4xPvfM-00012-00004128-00004504 when I was asked to speak at that conference out there in the Bay -jD_p4xPvfM-00013-00004504-00004888 Area of California, and they said, we're going to do this thing -jD_p4xPvfM-00014-00004888-00005416 where two ministers out there and we're going to time your responses. -jD_p4xPvfM-00015-00005428-00005740 We're just going to make a request to have a stopwatch on you -jD_p4xPvfM-00016-00005740-00006074 so you can speak for a minute or two. -jD_p4xPvfM-00017-00006084-00006443 That might qualify as an outrageous request. -jD_p4xPvfM-00018-00006456-00006795 Not that it necessarily would bring harm to anybody else, -jD_p4xPvfM-00019-00006795-00007016 but that's one that's a good example. -jD_p4xPvfM-00020-00007016-00007577 And in a loving way, I went in and tuned in with Jesus and, -jD_p4xPvfM-00021-00007584-00008004 and went along with the outrageous request, which eventually turned -jD_p4xPvfM-00022-00008004-00008485 into a lot of laughter, all of us laughing together at time. -jD_p4xPvfM-00023-00008496-00008668 And that was the miracle. -jD_p4xPvfM-00024-00008668-00009000 So what we're talking about is -jD_p4xPvfM-00025-00009008-00009276 if you have all of these -jD_p4xPvfM-00026-00009276-00009600 acting for approval, we'll say if you have projected -jD_p4xPvfM-00027-00009600-00010100 a world of specialness and now you're going to please mom, please dad, please -jD_p4xPvfM-00028-00010100-00010644 your siblings, please your teachers, please your Course in Miracles teachers. -jD_p4xPvfM-00029-00010644-00010968 I mean, please, please, please, please, please. -jD_p4xPvfM-00030-00010968-00011185 All over the place. -jD_p4xPvfM-00031-00011196-00011540 Why aren't you connecting with the Holy Spirit -jD_p4xPvfM-00032-00011540-00012056 and coming from a place of love and letting that be your motivations? -jD_p4xPvfM-00033-00012056-00012256 Thinking miraculous thoughts -jD_p4xPvfM-00034-00012256-00012628 because Jesus tells us what you do comes from what you think. -jD_p4xPvfM-00035-00012628-00012960 So you want to be having miraculous thoughts -jD_p4xPvfM-00036-00012960-00013236 because they're going to inspire your actions. -jD_p4xPvfM-00037-00013236-00013636 Their your behaviors are going to flow from those thoughts. -jD_p4xPvfM-00038-00013636-00013791 It's not the other way around. -jD_p4xPvfM-00039-00013791-00014063 You know, your behaviors don't change your mind. -jD_p4xPvfM-00040-00014063-00014163 You change your mind, -jD_p4xPvfM-00041-00014163-00014732 and then your behaviors can seem to shift and change when you've made that attitude -jD_p4xPvfM-00042-00014732-00015140 adjustment in your mind. Because the mind is causative. -jD_p4xPvfM-00043-00015140-00015512 You have to always remember behaviors are not causative, -jD_p4xPvfM-00044-00015512-00016012 they’re affects. Mind and and thoughts are causative. -jD_p4xPvfM-00045-00016012-00016360 That's so important. This is like giving a full context -jD_p4xPvfM-00046-00016360-00016768 for what the true meaning of this people pleasing is because -jD_p4xPvfM-00047-00016768-00017175 as long as you try to understand it from a superficial level -jD_p4xPvfM-00048-00017192-00017716 at just the level of persons and behaviors, then it's not understandable. -jD_p4xPvfM-00049-00017716-00018116 But once you get into say what you mean, mean -jD_p4xPvfM-00050-00018116-00018472 what you say, have integrity. -jD_p4xPvfM-00051-00018472-00018980 How can you have integrity if you don't have an integrated mind? -jD_p4xPvfM-00052-00018980-00019548 If everything is occurring in your mind and all of the levels of your mind -jD_p4xPvfM-00053-00019548-00019968 aren't integrated into a miracle, into a divine flow, -jD_p4xPvfM-00054-00019968-00020592 then you have no chance of being... having integrity because your actions will -jD_p4xPvfM-00055-00020592-00021112 sometimes seem to be different from what you're thinking or feeling. -jD_p4xPvfM-00056-00021112-00021456 Remember some of the songs we grew up with? -jD_p4xPvfM-00057-00021456-00022236 “Smile though your heart is breaking. Smile even though you're aching.” -jD_p4xPvfM-00058-00022236-00022676 Oh, come on! Now that is people pleasing. -jD_p4xPvfM-00059-00022676-00023192 That song is is draped with people pleasing, you know... -jD_p4xPvfM-00060-00023192-00023552 “Just put on a happy face.” -jD_p4xPvfM-00061-00023552-00023880 Even though your subconscious feels dark and grim. -jD_p4xPvfM-00062-00023880-00024208 “Just put on a happy face.” -jD_p4xPvfM-00063-00024208-00024564 When you're feeling dark and you feeling suicidal. -jD_p4xPvfM-00064-00024564-00024864 Hmmm.. just be nice. -jD_p4xPvfM-00065-00024864-00025104 Just be nice?! -jD_p4xPvfM-00066-00025104-00025308 Wait a minute! I'm feeling suicidal! -jD_p4xPvfM-00067-00025308-00025627 How do I act nice when I'm feeling suicidal? -jD_p4xPvfM-00068-00025627-00026016 “Smile, though your heart is breaking.” -jD_p4xPvfM-00069-00026016-00026380 You know it's the contradictions go on and on -jD_p4xPvfM-00070-00026380-00026792 in this world where we've been so taught that we have to wear -jD_p4xPvfM-00071-00026792-00027200 a mask, otherwise we're going to be rejected. -jD_p4xPvfM-00072-00027200-00027660 Otherwise we're going to be abandoned. If we don't keep that happy mask -jD_p4xPvfM-00073-00027660-00028020 and that peaceful mask on, then people will leave, -jD_p4xPvfM-00074-00028020-00028332 you know, we're pretty sure people will leave our life. -jD_p4xPvfM-00075-00028332-00028504 We're going to be lonely. -jD_p4xPvfM-00076-00028504-00029120 We're gonna be all alone if we start letting up the unconscious. -jD_p4xPvfM-00077-00029120-00029483 And Jesus is saying, no, it's safe. I'm with you. -jD_p4xPvfM-00078-00029483-00029927 You have to give yourself permission to get in touch with this unconscious. -jD_p4xPvfM-00079-00029927-00030256 You're actually going to have to allow some of those -jD_p4xPvfM-00080-00030256-00030648 uncomfortable feelings to come up into awareness. -jD_p4xPvfM-00081-00030648-00031039 And Jesus even addresses that. And he says -jD_p4xPvfM-00082-00031039-00031352 that in the early stages of your mind training the Holy Spirit -jD_p4xPvfM-00083-00031356-00031860 must use contrast and at times must allow -jD_p4xPvfM-00084-00031860-00032344 a certain level of discomfort to come into the mind. -jD_p4xPvfM-00085-00032376-00032676 Why would the Holy Spirit want -jD_p4xPvfM-00086-00032676-00033268 subconscious uncomfort coming into the mind? So that you have an impetus -jD_p4xPvfM-00087-00033268-00033744 and you see a need for change of your mind. -jD_p4xPvfM-00088-00033744-00034032 So you can say, I do not like how I feel. -jD_p4xPvfM-00089-00034032-00034232 This sounds like rules for decision. -jD_p4xPvfM-00090-00034232-00034464 I do not like how I feel. -jD_p4xPvfM-00091-00034464-00034680 I must have decided wrongly. -jD_p4xPvfM-00092-00034680-00034956 You see, this is how the Holy Spirit works. -jD_p4xPvfM-00093-00034956-00035204 Bring it up, let it move up. -jD_p4xPvfM-00094-00035204-00035316 But don't stay there. -jD_p4xPvfM-00095-00035316-00035820 Don't linger with the suffering. Don't linger with the discomfort. -jD_p4xPvfM-00096-00035820-00036444 Change your mind. Come back to your purpose. Come back to your reason, “Setting the goal.” -jD_p4xPvfM-00097-00036444-00037008 Come back to your original decision from “Rules for Decision”. You know... -jD_p4xPvfM-00098-00037048-00037440 Decide the kind of day that you want, and say to yourself, -jD_p4xPvfM-00099-00037440-00037788 If I make no decisions by myself, -jD_p4xPvfM-00100-00037788-00038104 this is the day that will be given to me. -jD_p4xPvfM-00101-00038104-00038476 Those are the first two rules for decision -jD_p4xPvfM-00102-00038476-00038916 that Jesus is giving us, and He's giving us the most practical way. -jD_p4xPvfM-00103-00038916-00039360 Don't censor those feelings, but also when they come into awareness, -jD_p4xPvfM-00104-00039360-00039944 use it as as a need to call on the miracle -jD_p4xPvfM-00105-00039944-00040136 and choose again. -k2EXm56s0g-00000-00000096-00000903 Can you believe this?! I got over 100 views from a video I linked on two videos at the same time. -kiCfaEdOAU-00000-00000262-00000570 When we say Shiva -kiCfaEdOAU-00001-00000570-00000816 – if you look at his life process, -kiCfaEdOAU-00002-00000816-00000937 he went through everything -kiCfaEdOAU-00003-00000938-00001138 that any human being could go through. -kiCfaEdOAU-00004-00001138-00001382 He is many things at the same time. -kiCfaEdOAU-00005-00001382-00001514 He is the most beautiful, -kiCfaEdOAU-00006-00001514-00001900 he is the ugliest, -kiCfaEdOAU-00007-00001900-00002166 he is a great ascetic, -kiCfaEdOAU-00008-00002166-00002704 he is a family person, -kiCfaEdOAU-00009-00002704-00003022 he is the most disciplined, -kiCfaEdOAU-00010-00003022-00003296 he is a drunkard, -kiCfaEdOAU-00011-00003296-00003706 he is a dancer, -kiCfaEdOAU-00012-00003706-00004112 he’s absolutely still. -kiCfaEdOAU-00013-00004112-00004274 Gods worship him, -kiCfaEdOAU-00014-00004274-00004418 demons worship him, -kiCfaEdOAU-00015-00004418-00004794 all kind of creatures in the world worship him. -kiCfaEdOAU-00016-00004794-00005120 Whatever we say about Shiva, -kiCfaEdOAU-00017-00005120-00005340 you must understand -kiCfaEdOAU-00018-00005340-00005624 the very opposite is also the truth. -kiCfaEdOAU-00019-00005624-00005842 He is the Bhairava -kiCfaEdOAU-00020-00005842-00006000 – the most fearsome, -kiCfaEdOAU-00021-00006000-00006678 one who is of quick temper and immense violence. -kiCfaEdOAU-00022-00006679-00006968 He is also the most compassionate. -kiCfaEdOAU-00023-00006968-00007320 He is the Sundaramurti – the seducer, -kiCfaEdOAU-00024-00007320-00007500 a gallant lover, -kiCfaEdOAU-00025-00007500-00007827 and a compassionate, handsome -kiCfaEdOAU-00026-00007827-00007973 and romantic being. -kiCfaEdOAU-00027-00007973-00008254 He is also the Tandavamurti -kiCfaEdOAU-00028-00008254-00008538 – one whose dance would destroy -kiCfaEdOAU-00029-00008538-00008768 the very process of Creation. -kiCfaEdOAU-00030-00008768-00008898 At the same time, -kiCfaEdOAU-00031-00008898-00009052 he is Achaleshwara -kiCfaEdOAU-00032-00009052-00009248 – absolute stillness, -kiCfaEdOAU-00033-00009248-00009510 one who does not know any movement. -kiCfaEdOAU-00034-00009510-00009934 Shiva is a yogi who should not be named. -kiCfaEdOAU-00035-00009934-00010250 To name is to limit and curtail. -kiCfaEdOAU-00036-00010250-00010344 At the same time, -kiCfaEdOAU-00037-00010344-00010600 there're many, many names of his. -kiCfaEdOAU-00038-00010600-00011138 The sum total of all these names is an absolute representation of the whole universe, -kiCfaEdOAU-00039-00011138-00011350 all its complexities -kiCfaEdOAU-00040-00011350-00011986 – a representation of all the unfathomable mysteries of the Existence. -kiCfaEdOAU-00041-00011986-00012542 If you can accept this man who is a complex formation of every quality -kiCfaEdOAU-00042-00012542-00012742 that you can find on this planet, -kiCfaEdOAU-00043-00012742-00012958 if you can accept him, -kiCfaEdOAU-00044-00012958-00013463 you have crossed life itself. -kiCfaEdOAU-00045-00013478-00013791 The whole idea to destroy your logical mind -kiCfaEdOAU-00046-00013791-00013978 so that you open up to a -kiCfaEdOAU-00047-00013978-00014480 different dimension of life altogether. -kiCfaEdOAU-00048-00014480-00014956 TEXT ON SCREEN: - STILLNESS EXUBERANCE INTOXICATION -lkUXl0RgPy-00000-00000112-00000624 So, here are the guidelines for how to apply sig figs to your calculations. And before I even start, -lkUXl0RgPy-00001-00000624-00001192 let me just bring up one more crucial point. Whenyou're doing a multi-step calculation - that is a -lkUXl0RgPy-00002-00001192-00001752 calculation where you'll get several intermediate answers before you get to your final one - do not -lkUXl0RgPy-00003-00001752-00002368 round off or apply significant figures until you get to your final answer. This is really important. -lkUXl0RgPy-00004-00002520-00002928 Okay, so here are the rules. When you're multiplying or dividing, -lkUXl0RgPy-00005-00002928-00003311 look for the number that you've used that has the least number of sig figs. -lkUXl0RgPy-00006-00003368-00003872 You should then round your final answer to that number of sig figs. For instance, if we -lkUXl0RgPy-00007-00003872-00004544 do the calculation 16.35 g divided by 7.09 mL, the calculator gives me the answer -lkUXl0RgPy-00008-00004608-00005288 2.3060648 etc. etc. I'm going to write that down to five or six decimal places; -lkUXl0RgPy-00009-00005288-00005568 I'm going to leave some dots after it to show that it continues on, -lkUXl0RgPy-00010-00005664-00006320 but, I know that my final answer can't possibly be that accurate. I go back to the values that I used -lkUXl0RgPy-00011-00006320-00007223 in the calculation. 16.35 has four sig figs and 7.09 has three sig figs. Of those, the three sig -lkUXl0RgPy-00012-00007223-00007840 figs is the lower, so that is the number of sig figs that I should express my final answer to, -lkUXl0RgPy-00013-00007840-00008600 so I round that number to 2.31 grams per mL. Now when you're adding and subtracting, the rule -lkUXl0RgPy-00014-00008600-00008992 is slightly different. Rather than looking for the number with the fewest sig figs, -lkUXl0RgPy-00015-00008992-00009696 you're looking for the number with the fewest decimal places. For instance, if i add 46.1 metres -lkUXl0RgPy-00016-00009696-00010784 to 0.901 metres, calculator tells me the answer is 47.001 metres. But 46.1 has only one decimal place. -lkUXl0RgPy-00017-00011000-00011728 So my final answer must also be rounded to one decimal place, so the answer is 47.0 metres. -lkUXl0RgPy-00018-00011800-00012176 And let me just remind you again- although i haven't done an example here - -lkUXl0RgPy-00019-00012176-00012696 when you're doing multi-step calculations, waituntil you have your absolutely final answer -lkUXl0RgPy-00020-00012696-00013184 to round off, and then go back through all your calculation steps to find the value -lkUXl0RgPy-00021-00013184-00013640 that limits your accuracy, and then you can round off accordingly. _1K1bQm6XvA-00000-00000059-00000372 Hi i'm David Cantor with the Law Offices of David Michael Cantor, _1K1bQm6XvA-00001-00000372-00000800 and today I'm gonna talk about How to visit an inmate at the Tent City jails, _1K1bQm6XvA-00002-00000800-00001199 both men and women. If you're going to visit a male inmate, _1K1bQm6XvA-00003-00001199-00001639 basically you go down to either 35th Avenue or 27th Avenue and _1K1bQm6XvA-00004-00001642-00002168 when you hit Durango head towards roughly 29th Avenue in between, _1K1bQm6XvA-00005-00002168-00002481 and you're going to hit Durango and Gibson Lane. _1K1bQm6XvA-00006-00002481-00002907 The Estrella jail is going to be on the corner there, the Southwest corner. _1K1bQm6XvA-00007-00002907-00003378 Now that's the women's facility but you're gonna see a sign that says Tent Visitation _1K1bQm6XvA-00008-00003378-00003439 this way, _1K1bQm6XvA-00009-00003439-00003954 and for the men, go south on Gibson Lane and you're gonna keep going and look for _1K1bQm6XvA-00010-00003954-00004004 the _1K1bQm6XvA-00011-00004004-00004487 Tent City visitation signs. Now if you go down and you bend and start _1K1bQm6XvA-00012-00004487-00004544 heading _1K1bQm6XvA-00013-00004544-00004932 west again, you've gone too far. That's where the Durango _1K1bQm6XvA-00014-00004932-00005307 jail, the Towers Jail and actually the Tent City jail itself is over there, _1K1bQm6XvA-00015-00005307-00005635 but look for the signs they'll point you in the right direction. Park in the parking _1K1bQm6XvA-00016-00005635-00005819 lot over by Towers Jail. _1K1bQm6XvA-00017-00005819-00006162 The hours are Sunday and Monday _1K1bQm6XvA-00018-00006162-00006472 only for Tent City. Okay so just Sunday or Monday, _1K1bQm6XvA-00019-00006472-00006840 8 a.m. in the morning to 8 p.m., last sign up is at 7:15 p.m. _1K1bQm6XvA-00020-00006840-00007251 This excludes any inmates were are on work release or work furlough, so they _1K1bQm6XvA-00021-00007251-00007339 have to be there _1K1bQm6XvA-00022-00007339-00007818 full time in order to get visitation in Tent City. When you go to visit them _1K1bQm6XvA-00023-00007818-00008184 there's gonna be video screens only, that when you pick up the phone you talked to them _1K1bQm6XvA-00024-00008184-00008272 through plexiglass. _1K1bQm6XvA-00025-00008272-00008586 Here's the problem, those calls are tape-recorded, so don't _1K1bQm6XvA-00026-00008586-00008900 don't talk about the case itself, just talk about _1K1bQm6XvA-00027-00008900-00009247 generalities or visit them and keep their spirits up but don't talk about _1K1bQm6XvA-00028-00009247-00009436 anything that can be used against them. _1K1bQm6XvA-00029-00009436-00009913 Now with the women, the women visitation you're actually going to check in at the Estrella jail _1K1bQm6XvA-00030-00009913-00010414 which is at Gibson lane and Durango, just go inside and they'll check you in. That's _1K1bQm6XvA-00031-00010414-00010649 2939 West Durango Avenue. _1K1bQm6XvA-00032-00010649-00011052 If you have any questions you can call the Sheriff's Information Management System _1K1bQm6XvA-00033-00011052-00011377 or the Jail line at 602 876 0322 _1K1bQm6XvA-00034-00011377-00011931 602 876 0322 and more specifically the Tent's jail regarding questions on visitation _1K1bQm6XvA-00035-00011931-00012025 restrictions _1K1bQm6XvA-00036-00012025-00012406 or any other questions you have at 602 876 1735 _1K1bQm6XvA-00037-00012406-00012875 602 876 1735. Now general information about visitation, _1K1bQm6XvA-00038-00012875-00013368 the inmate only gets one 30-minute visitation _1K1bQm6XvA-00039-00013368-00013766 per week. Maximum is to visitors at a time. _1K1bQm6XvA-00040-00013766-00014100 This does not include babies that are under a year old but the minute they're _1K1bQm6XvA-00041-00014103-00014278 a year-old or older that, _1K1bQm6XvA-00042-00014278-00014652 is counted as one visitor. You have to have a valid ID, _1K1bQm6XvA-00043-00014652-00015113 no swap meet ID's, no Sam's Club ID's, it's got to be _1K1bQm6XvA-00044-00015113-00015416 something from the DMV, your passport or something like that. _1K1bQm6XvA-00045-00015416-00015731 You can have no felony convictions, they will not let you visit if you're a _1K1bQm6XvA-00046-00015731-00015834 convicted felon. _1K1bQm6XvA-00047-00015834-00016226 You cannot have spent in jail time in Maricopa County Jail _1K1bQm6XvA-00048-00016226-00016684 in the last 12 months, not even overnight they won't let you in, and no illegal aliens. _1K1bQm6XvA-00049-00016684-00017022 If you are under 18 you cannot do any visitation _1K1bQm6XvA-00050-00017022-00017401 at the Fourth Avenue jail but you can at Tent City. You must be accompanied by _1K1bQm6XvA-00051-00017401-00017484 an adult, _1K1bQm6XvA-00052-00017484-00017883 if you're a spouse, meaning you're married and you're seventeen-years-old, _1K1bQm6XvA-00053-00017883-00018220 then you can go by yourself but you have to have a valid marriage certificate. _1K1bQm6XvA-00054-00018220-00018661 Make sure your valid ID is a license, DMV ID Card or school ID card. _1K1bQm6XvA-00055-00018661-00019047 If you're under 14 years of age you don't need any valid ID you just need to _1K1bQm6XvA-00056-00019047-00019131 be with an adult. _1K1bQm6XvA-00057-00019131-00019534 Dress code, dress conservatively call the jail if you have any questions. _1K1bQm6XvA-00058-00019534-00019895 When you get there, fill out the white form, put the inmates full name, date of _1K1bQm6XvA-00059-00019895-00019940 birth _1K1bQm6XvA-00060-00019940-00020262 and their booking number if you have it. Bring it up to the window with your _1K1bQm6XvA-00061-00020262-00020498 valid ID and slide it through in the drawer. _1K1bQm6XvA-00062-00020498-00020959 If you have a loved one who's in jail but they have not yet been convicted of _1K1bQm6XvA-00063-00020959-00021037 anything there, _1K1bQm6XvA-00064-00021037-00021406 still in the pre-trial phase, give us a call. We can help. _1K1bQm6XvA-00065-00021406-00021758 We can set you for a free 30-minute initial consultation, doesn't cost _1K1bQm6XvA-00066-00021758-00021864 anything but it takes _1K1bQm6XvA-00067-00021864-00022183 30 minutes your time. If they're already sentenced _1K1bQm6XvA-00068-00022183-00022562 or if they've already pled but they're not sentensed and you want help with the _1K1bQm6XvA-00069-00022562-00022647 sentencing, _1K1bQm6XvA-00070-00022647-00023119 give us a call. Maybe we can get a lower sentence on the range, if they pled to a _1K1bQm6XvA-00071-00023119-00023181 range. _1K1bQm6XvA-00072-00023181-00023573 If they've already been convicted, maybe we can help with an appeal, _1K1bQm6XvA-00073-00023573-00023908 a post-conviction relief petition, or a sentence modification. _1K1bQm6XvA-00074-00023908-00024356 Give us a call at 602 307-0808, _1K1bQm6XvA-00075-00024356-00024684 or go to our website at dmcantor.com, _1K1bQm6XvA-00076-00024684-00025004 fill out a form to contact us and we'll get right back to you. I look forward to _1K1bQm6XvA-00077-00025004-00025053 hearing from you soon. _9QHvCNLQcI-00000-00000000-00000303 THE BEST TIME OF THE DAY TO DRINK COFFEE _rRgwgpEw2U-00000-00000000-00000216 free sales books-www.Claudediamond.com _thzVvcJu6I-00000-00000070-00000206 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. _thzVvcJu6I-00001-00000206-00000407 HERE'S WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOUR NAVY. _thzVvcJu6I-00002-00000407-00000607 DEFENSE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES, _thzVvcJu6I-00003-00000607-00000874 OR DFAS, URGES SAILORS AND MARINES TO LOG-IN TO THEIR _thzVvcJu6I-00004-00000874-00001104 MYPAY ACCOUNTS AND TURN OFF THE HARD COPY REQUEST _thzVvcJu6I-00005-00001104-00001388 OF THEIR IRS FORM 1095-C. _thzVvcJu6I-00006-00001471-00001671 TURNING OFF HARD COPY REQUESTS HELP PROTECT _thzVvcJu6I-00007-00001671-00001898 PERSONAL INFORMATION, SAVES MONEY AND NATURAL _thzVvcJu6I-00008-00001898-00002001 RESOURCES. _thzVvcJu6I-00009-00002001-00002235 THE SUBMARINE FORCE IS ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR _thzVvcJu6I-00010-00002235-00002435 ENLISTED WOMEN TO INTEGRATE INTO THE _thzVvcJu6I-00011-00002435-00002552 SUBMARINER COMMUNITY. _thzVvcJu6I-00012-00002552-00002736 THE RECRUITMENT IS DUE TO THE SUCCESSFUL INTEGRATION _thzVvcJu6I-00013-00002736-00002952 OF THE FEMALE OFFICERS AND SENIOR ENLISTED WHO BEGAN _thzVvcJu6I-00014-00002952-00003153 SERVING ONBOARD SUBMARINES IN 2010. _thzVvcJu6I-00015-00003153-00003460 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW TO APPLY SEE YOUR _thzVvcJu6I-00016-00003460-00003620 COMMAND CAREER COUNSELOR. _thzVvcJu6I-00017-00003620-00003833 SAILORS FROM AIRCRAFT CARRIER U-S-S GEORGE H. _thzVvcJu6I-00018-00003833-00003933 W. _thzVvcJu6I-00019-00003933-00004134 BUSH ATTENDED HOUSTON NAVY WEEK. _thzVvcJu6I-00020-00004134-00004334 THE TRIP GAVE THE SAILORS AN OPPORTUNITY TO VISIT _thzVvcJu6I-00021-00004334-00004531 LOCAL SCHOOLS, VOLUNTEER AND VISIT THE SHIP'S _thzVvcJu6I-00022-00004531-00004697 NAMESAKE, FORMER PRESIDENT GEORGE H. _thzVvcJu6I-00023-00004698-00004748 W. _thzVvcJu6I-00024-00004748-00004826 BUSH. _thzVvcJu6I-00025-00004826-00005048 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND _thzVvcJu6I-00026-00005048-00005448 YOUR NAVY AT NAVY.MIL. _upJRDyIr8E-00002-00000971-00001071 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _upJRDyIr8E-00004-00001360-00001683 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _upJRDyIr8E-00007-00002401-00002666 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _upJRDyIr8E-00010-00003152-00003460 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _upJRDyIr8E-00013-00004105-00004406 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _upJRDyIr8E-00016-00005002-00005305 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _upJRDyIr8E-00019-00005769-00006053 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _upJRDyIr8E-00022-00006558-00006729 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _upJRDyIr8E-00026-00007702-00007987 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _upJRDyIr8E-00029-00008545-00008874 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _upJRDyIr8E-00032-00009481-00009697 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _upJRDyIr8E-00035-00010280-00010591 DSSSB group B & C Recruitment 2020 _-c1JwGpB7Y-00000-00000936-00001285 This is the second videocast on research _-c1JwGpB7Y-00001-00001285-00001434 ethics. The first was on _-c1JwGpB7Y-00002-00001434-00001652 ethical theories , the third will be on _-c1JwGpB7Y-00003-00001652-00001871 ethical research practice and in this _-c1JwGpB7Y-00004-00001871-00002063 videocast I'm going to look at ethical _-c1JwGpB7Y-00005-00002063-00002306 principles starting with the euro _-c1JwGpB7Y-00006-00002306-00002558 Western paradigm principles which are _-c1JwGpB7Y-00007-00002558-00002886 around the regulation of research ethics. | _-c1JwGpB7Y-00008-00002886-00003104 Research ethics is regulated through a _-c1JwGpB7Y-00009-00003104-00003379 system of ethical governance which is _-c1JwGpB7Y-00010-00003379-00003593 set up by universities health _-c1JwGpB7Y-00011-00003593-00003758 authorities some government research _-c1JwGpB7Y-00012-00003758-00004012 departments and it's about setting and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00013-00004012-00004223 maintaining high standards in the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00014-00004223-00004610 profession of research. There are _-c1JwGpB7Y-00015-00004610-00004790 differing views on what this system is _-c1JwGpB7Y-00016-00004790-00005141 actually for. Ostensibly it's for _-c1JwGpB7Y-00017-00005141-00005332 safeguarding the welfare of research _-c1JwGpB7Y-00018-00005332-00005789 participants primarily at any rate. But _-c1JwGpB7Y-00019-00005789-00005951 another way of looking at this is that _-c1JwGpB7Y-00020-00005951-00006197 it's for safeguarding the welfare of the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00021-00006197-00006433 institutions that set up the systems of _-c1JwGpB7Y-00022-00006433-00006770 ethical governance. This systems of _-c1JwGpB7Y-00023-00006770-00006959 ethical governance are implemented _-c1JwGpB7Y-00024-00006959-00007277 through systems of ethical review and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00025-00007277-00007463 this is carried out by groups of people _-c1JwGpB7Y-00026-00007463-00007723 committees called in the UK research _-c1JwGpB7Y-00027-00007723-00007913 ethics committees or in the U.S. _-c1JwGpB7Y-00028-00007913-00008177 institutional review boards and they _-c1JwGpB7Y-00029-00008177-00008425 receive applications for ethical _-c1JwGpB7Y-00030-00008425-00008669 approval from individual researchers and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00031-00008669-00008984 from teams of researchers. Again _-c1JwGpB7Y-00032-00008984-00009170 ostensibly they're primarily interested _-c1JwGpB7Y-00033-00009170-00009506 in the welfare of participants and their _-c1JwGpB7Y-00034-00009506-00009713 well-being and making sure that that is _-c1JwGpB7Y-00035-00009713-00009914 cared for and of course that is very _-c1JwGpB7Y-00036-00009914-00010085 important and should be very important _-c1JwGpB7Y-00037-00010085-00010205 ethical consideration for all _-c1JwGpB7Y-00038-00010205-00010645 researchers at all times. It can also be _-c1JwGpB7Y-00039-00010645-00010861 argued that systems of ethical review _-c1JwGpB7Y-00040-00010861-00011036 these committees these groups of _-c1JwGpB7Y-00041-00011036-00011428 so-called experts are really interested _-c1JwGpB7Y-00042-00011428-00011741 in protecting the institutions that _-c1JwGpB7Y-00043-00011741-00011906 commission and carry out the research _-c1JwGpB7Y-00044-00011906-00012206 from any risk and particularly from risk _-c1JwGpB7Y-00045-00012206-00012400 of being sued by participants who may _-c1JwGpB7Y-00046-00012400-00012547 not be happy with how they've been _-c1JwGpB7Y-00047-00012547-00012830 treated during the research process or _-c1JwGpB7Y-00048-00012830-00013019 may not be in agreement with the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00049-00013019-00013352 findings of research. So there are _-c1JwGpB7Y-00050-00013352-00013519 disagreements about what ethical _-c1JwGpB7Y-00051-00013519-00013681 governance and what ethical review are _-c1JwGpB7Y-00052-00013681-00013969 for. There's a very interesting book _-c1JwGpB7Y-00053-00013969-00014269 called behind closed doors by a woman _-c1JwGpB7Y-00054-00014269-00014447 called Laura Stark who carried out an _-c1JwGpB7Y-00055-00014447-00014588 ethnographic study of three _-c1JwGpB7Y-00056-00014588-00014753 institutional review boards in the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00057-00014753-00015002 United States and found that they work a _-c1JwGpB7Y-00058-00015002-00015047 lot on _-c1JwGpB7Y-00059-00015047-00015263 the basis of precedent. So if they've _-c1JwGpB7Y-00060-00015263-00015413 approved a similar study they're more _-c1JwGpB7Y-00061-00015413-00015566 likely to approve another study in that _-c1JwGpB7Y-00062-00015566-00015977 style. They also work a lot on who they _-c1JwGpB7Y-00063-00015977-00016181 know they trust people more if they know _-c1JwGpB7Y-00064-00016181-00016457 them better. There are other aspects to _-c1JwGpB7Y-00065-00016457-00016598 this ethnography too and I would _-c1JwGpB7Y-00066-00016598-00016745 encourage you to look it up and read it _-c1JwGpB7Y-00067-00016745-00016889 if you're interested in this topic _-c1JwGpB7Y-00068-00016889-00017066 because it's very well written it's very _-c1JwGpB7Y-00069-00017066-00017369 fascinating. Another resource that might _-c1JwGpB7Y-00070-00017369-00017696 be useful is a online database called _-c1JwGpB7Y-00071-00017696-00017939 TREAD which stands for The Research _-c1JwGpB7Y-00072-00017939-00018275 Ethics Applications Database which is _-c1JwGpB7Y-00073-00018275-00018520 hosted at Oxford University and it's a _-c1JwGpB7Y-00074-00018520-00018812 database of research ethics applications _-c1JwGpB7Y-00075-00018812-00019016 that have been successful from around _-c1JwGpB7Y-00076-00019016-00019268 the world. It's interesting to look at _-c1JwGpB7Y-00077-00019268-00019526 those and looking through all of the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00078-00019526-00019754 ethics applications on the database _-c1JwGpB7Y-00079-00019754-00020003 which I did a year or two ago reveals _-c1JwGpB7Y-00080-00020003-00020273 that most ethics committees are indeed _-c1JwGpB7Y-00081-00020273-00020459 interested primarily in participant _-c1JwGpB7Y-00082-00020459-00020744 well-being and data storage. Of course _-c1JwGpB7Y-00083-00020744-00020924 research ethics committees are not all _-c1JwGpB7Y-00084-00020924-00021200 the same and some are becoming now much _-c1JwGpB7Y-00085-00021200-00021380 more genuinely interested in helping _-c1JwGpB7Y-00086-00021380-00021644 researchers to act ethically at all _-c1JwGpB7Y-00087-00021644-00021836 stages of the research process or at _-c1JwGpB7Y-00088-00021836-00022043 least at more stages than simply when _-c1JwGpB7Y-00089-00022043-00022367 they're collecting data. But even the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00090-00022367-00022580 mechanisms of doing this filling in a _-c1JwGpB7Y-00091-00022580-00022801 form for a decision to be made behind _-c1JwGpB7Y-00092-00022801-00023060 closed doors some ethics committees will _-c1JwGpB7Y-00093-00023060-00023264 welcome researchers to the meeting to _-c1JwGpB7Y-00094-00023264-00023456 discuss their project but they very _-c1JwGpB7Y-00095-00023456-00023654 rarely will take the decision in the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00096-00023654-00023915 presence of that researcher. So there is _-c1JwGpB7Y-00097-00023915-00024137 a question that is raised by some _-c1JwGpB7Y-00098-00024137-00024347 researchers and buy some ethicists about _-c1JwGpB7Y-00099-00024347-00024595 how ethical really is the system of _-c1JwGpB7Y-00100-00024595-00024782 ethical review how ethical are the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00101-00024782-00025220 ethics committees. | There has been some _-c1JwGpB7Y-00102-00025220-00025501 progress on this in recent years so for _-c1JwGpB7Y-00103-00025501-00025729 example there was a conference called _-c1JwGpB7Y-00104-00025729-00025945 the ethics rupture summit held at _-c1JwGpB7Y-00105-00025945-00026329 Fredericton University in Canada and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00106-00026329-00026645 that resulted in the New Brunswick _-c1JwGpB7Y-00107-00026645-00026849 declaration it was by invitation only _-c1JwGpB7Y-00108-00026849-00027143 this conference. 30 or 35 ethics _-c1JwGpB7Y-00109-00027143-00027326 researchers there I wasn't part of that _-c1JwGpB7Y-00110-00027326-00027683 group as I wasn't so involved myself at _-c1JwGpB7Y-00111-00027683-00027920 the time but it's interesting to me to _-c1JwGpB7Y-00112-00027920-00028100 read the New Brunswick declaration it's _-c1JwGpB7Y-00113-00028100-00028408 only a page long and it speaks _-c1JwGpB7Y-00114-00028408-00028694 of some of the principles that we saw in _-c1JwGpB7Y-00115-00028694-00028949 the last videocast and more from the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00116-00028949-00029144 indigenous research paradigm in the euro _-c1JwGpB7Y-00117-00029144-00029419 Western paradigm so it incorporates _-c1JwGpB7Y-00118-00029419-00029660 principles such as respect and the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00119-00029660-00029816 importance of research benefiting _-c1JwGpB7Y-00120-00029816-00030091 participants not just researchers and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00121-00030091-00030383 there were people there representing _-c1JwGpB7Y-00122-00030383-00030583 countries where there is a strong _-c1JwGpB7Y-00123-00030583-00030779 tradition of indigenous research such as _-c1JwGpB7Y-00124-00030779-00031007 New Zealand and Canada other such _-c1JwGpB7Y-00125-00031007-00031205 countries I don't know whether _-c1JwGpB7Y-00126-00031205-00031408 indigenous researchers themselves were _-c1JwGpB7Y-00127-00031408-00031649 present but certainly some of those _-c1JwGpB7Y-00128-00031649-00031844 principles made their way in whether or _-c1JwGpB7Y-00129-00031844-00032051 not the people who do that kind of _-c1JwGpB7Y-00130-00032051-00032389 research were there in person. Then the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00131-00032389-00032630 Academy of Social Sciences worked hard _-c1JwGpB7Y-00132-00032630-00032915 over several years to create some core _-c1JwGpB7Y-00133-00032915-00033086 principles for research that people _-c1JwGpB7Y-00134-00033086-00033230 could use to base ethical guidelines _-c1JwGpB7Y-00135-00033230-00033422 ethical codes on or just to help them _-c1JwGpB7Y-00136-00033422-00033545 think through how they would act _-c1JwGpB7Y-00137-00033545-00033794 ethically. I was involved with this _-c1JwGpB7Y-00138-00033794-00034063 process and there were several symposia _-c1JwGpB7Y-00139-00034063-00034232 with researchers from different _-c1JwGpB7Y-00140-00034232-00034403 disciplines talking about what was _-c1JwGpB7Y-00141-00034403-00034568 important to them and discussing what _-c1JwGpB7Y-00142-00034568-00034744 needed to go into the core principles. _-c1JwGpB7Y-00143-00034744-00034997 And while these principles are perhaps _-c1JwGpB7Y-00144-00034997-00035297 more firmly located in the euro Western _-c1JwGpB7Y-00145-00035297-00035561 paradigm they explicitly privileged _-c1JwGpB7Y-00146-00035561-00035872 democracy for example they also do look _-c1JwGpB7Y-00147-00035872-00036026 at issues of relationship and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00148-00036026-00036344 reciprocity and respect so this is _-c1JwGpB7Y-00149-00036344-00036584 widening out the whole system of euro _-c1JwGpB7Y-00150-00036584-00036793 Western ethics or certainly trying to. | _-c1JwGpB7Y-00151-00036793-00037063 More recently in New Zealand at least _-c1JwGpB7Y-00152-00037063-00037262 one research committee research Ethics _-c1JwGpB7Y-00153-00037262-00037459 Committee has made its work accessible _-c1JwGpB7Y-00154-00037459-00037684 to community-based researchers so it's _-c1JwGpB7Y-00155-00037684-00037937 not only researchers working for or _-c1JwGpB7Y-00156-00037937-00038087 working within institutions like _-c1JwGpB7Y-00157-00038087-00038324 universities who can go to research _-c1JwGpB7Y-00158-00038324-00038540 ethics committees for guidance on how _-c1JwGpB7Y-00159-00038540-00038791 ethical their research might be. And _-c1JwGpB7Y-00160-00038791-00039044 overall this kind of move is moving away _-c1JwGpB7Y-00161-00039044-00039263 from the principle of regulation and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00162-00039263-00039491 moving towards the principle of ethical _-c1JwGpB7Y-00163-00039491-00039722 education for researchers for all of us _-c1JwGpB7Y-00164-00039722-00039986 because nobody has got all the answers the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00165-00039986-00040199 greatest research ethics expert in the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00166-00040199-00040363 world doesn't have all the answers to _-c1JwGpB7Y-00167-00040363-00040601 all the ethical dilemmas that everyone _-c1JwGpB7Y-00168-00040601-00040946 may encounter. And another form of this _-c1JwGpB7Y-00169-00040946-00041125 progress is moving away from the old _-c1JwGpB7Y-00170-00041125-00041444 biomedical principle of do no harm which _-c1JwGpB7Y-00171-00041444-00041716 is really very low baseline now for _-c1JwGpB7Y-00172-00041716-00041947 search ethics and moving towards _-c1JwGpB7Y-00173-00041947-00042187 promoting social justice alongside _-c1JwGpB7Y-00174-00042187-00042382 research and through research and for _-c1JwGpB7Y-00175-00042382-00042564 research to be done in the interest of _-c1JwGpB7Y-00176-00042564-00042958 social justice. So euro western _-c1JwGpB7Y-00177-00042958-00043150 principles are about regulations and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00178-00043150-00043423 also about progress in terms of that _-c1JwGpB7Y-00179-00043423-00043645 regulation it's not static we're moving _-c1JwGpB7Y-00180-00043645-00043915 towards something more even more ethical _-c1JwGpB7Y-00181-00043915-00044280 than our existing ethical systems. | _-c1JwGpB7Y-00182-00044280-00044488 Indigenous ethical principles are _-c1JwGpB7Y-00183-00044488-00044836 different in some ways and interesting _-c1JwGpB7Y-00184-00044836-00045070 and not universal talking about _-c1JwGpB7Y-00185-00045070-00045229 indigenous ethical principles like _-c1JwGpB7Y-00186-00045229-00045412 talking about euro Western ethical _-c1JwGpB7Y-00187-00045412-00045583 principles makes it seem as though they are _-c1JwGpB7Y-00188-00045583-00045778 Universal and they're not in practice _-c1JwGpB7Y-00189-00045778-00046087 there are variation. But there are some _-c1JwGpB7Y-00190-00046087-00046510 common features so for example Wilson _-c1JwGpB7Y-00191-00046510-00046657 and Wilson put forward these four _-c1JwGpB7Y-00192-00046657-00046912 principles that they regarded as pretty _-c1JwGpB7Y-00193-00046912-00047262 much core to indigenous research ethics. _-c1JwGpB7Y-00194-00047262-00047509 One is that knowledge belongs to _-c1JwGpB7Y-00195-00047509-00047860 everyone. They don't use experts in _-c1JwGpB7Y-00196-00047860-00048022 the way Euro Western paradigm does _-c1JwGpB7Y-00197-00048022-00048259 in Euro Western research and in euro _-c1JwGpB7Y-00198-00048259-00048481 Western society more widely we will _-c1JwGpB7Y-00199-00048481-00048738 assign expertise to a particular person _-c1JwGpB7Y-00200-00048738-00049018 someone may be an expert on glaciation _-c1JwGpB7Y-00201-00049018-00049213 someone else may be an expert on _-c1JwGpB7Y-00202-00049213-00049602 nutrition but in the indigenous paradigm _-c1JwGpB7Y-00203-00049602-00049852 knowledge is regarded as belonging to _-c1JwGpB7Y-00204-00049852-00050119 everyone everyone is their own form of _-c1JwGpB7Y-00205-00050119-00050278 expert and it's about bringing all those _-c1JwGpB7Y-00206-00050278-00050527 individual knowledge is together that _-c1JwGpB7Y-00207-00050527-00050994 creates an ethical way of knowing. | Then _-c1JwGpB7Y-00208-00050994-00051234 relationship which is key as we saw in _-c1JwGpB7Y-00209-00051234-00051427 the last videocast key to indigenous _-c1JwGpB7Y-00210-00051427-00051717 research ethics every relationship _-c1JwGpB7Y-00211-00051717-00052090 should be mutually accountable and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00212-00052090-00052254 that's another key principle of _-c1JwGpB7Y-00213-00052254-00052516 indigenous research ethics. And then _-c1JwGpB7Y-00214-00052516-00052741 reciprocity every relationship should be _-c1JwGpB7Y-00215-00052741-00052957 reciprocal as well and that's _-c1JwGpB7Y-00216-00052957-00053105 relationships between people _-c1JwGpB7Y-00217-00053105-00053290 relationships between people and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00218-00053290-00053485 communities relationships between people _-c1JwGpB7Y-00219-00053485-00053707 and organisations and so on and so forth. _-c1JwGpB7Y-00220-00053707-00054073 And also that there should be a holistic _-c1JwGpB7Y-00221-00054073-00054478 approach that knowing isn't purely _-c1JwGpB7Y-00222-00054478-00054720 cerebal it's also emotional it's also _-c1JwGpB7Y-00223-00054720-00055048 spiritual that knowledge may be held by _-c1JwGpB7Y-00224-00055048-00055099 ancestors _-c1JwGpB7Y-00225-00055099-00055324 who may not now be living that _-c1JwGpB7Y-00226-00055324-00055537 knowledge may be held by the land and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00227-00055537-00055689 knowledge can be gained by being in _-c1JwGpB7Y-00228-00055689-00055936 relation with ancestors with the land _-c1JwGpB7Y-00229-00055936-00056214 for example and with other aspects of _-c1JwGpB7Y-00230-00056214-00056779 being and aspects of experience. | There's _-c1JwGpB7Y-00231-00056779-00057061 a nice quote here from Bageley Chilisa a _-c1JwGpB7Y-00232-00057061-00057429 professor in Botswana which kind of sums _-c1JwGpB7Y-00233-00057429-00057814 up most things about indigenous research _-c1JwGpB7Y-00234-00057814-00058057 ethics. I'm just going to read it to you _-c1JwGpB7Y-00235-00058057-00058227 in case you can't see it on the screen _-c1JwGpB7Y-00236-00058227-00058527 she says a post-colonial indigenous _-c1JwGpB7Y-00237-00058527-00058791 ethical Theory recognizes power sharing _-c1JwGpB7Y-00238-00058791-00059074 within diversity as an integral part of _-c1JwGpB7Y-00239-00059074-00059295 fairness and social justice and as a _-c1JwGpB7Y-00240-00059295-00059557 means to challenge power structures in _-c1JwGpB7Y-00241-00059557-00059955 order to transform lives. So there are _-c1JwGpB7Y-00242-00059955-00060120 many elements within that quote it's _-c1JwGpB7Y-00243-00060120-00060400 about power sharing it's about a balance _-c1JwGpB7Y-00244-00060400-00060700 of power not inequalities of power. And _-c1JwGpB7Y-00245-00060700-00060814 it's about power sharing within _-c1JwGpB7Y-00246-00060814-00061075 diversity so however different people _-c1JwGpB7Y-00247-00061075-00061300 may be within that group or within that _-c1JwGpB7Y-00248-00061300-00061591 community they all have a right to share _-c1JwGpB7Y-00249-00061591-00061825 power and that this is integral to _-c1JwGpB7Y-00250-00061825-00062074 social justice it's not only that though _-c1JwGpB7Y-00251-00062074-00062370 it's not only fair and just it's also a _-c1JwGpB7Y-00252-00062370-00062670 way of challenging imbalances of power _-c1JwGpB7Y-00253-00062670-00062950 and ultimately it's about making a _-c1JwGpB7Y-00254-00062950-00063152 positive change to people's lives. _-c1JwGpB7Y-00255-00063152-00063417 That's what research ethics is for _-c1JwGpB7Y-00256-00063417-00063847 that's what it's about. And Bageley Chilisa _-c1JwGpB7Y-00257-00063847-00064063 in her book on indigenous research _-c1JwGpB7Y-00258-00064063-00064312 methods which is a very interesting book _-c1JwGpB7Y-00259-00064312-00064594 and well worth reading she came up with _-c1JwGpB7Y-00260-00064594-00064839 the four R's in terms of indigenous _-c1JwGpB7Y-00261-00064839-00065029 ethical principles which are really _-c1JwGpB7Y-00262-00065029-00065248 quite similar to the principles set out _-c1JwGpB7Y-00263-00065248-00065445 by Wilson and Wilson's but not exactly _-c1JwGpB7Y-00264-00065445-00065757 the same. So again we have a clear _-c1JwGpB7Y-00265-00065757-00065952 similarity in the first one in that _-c1JwGpB7Y-00266-00065952-00066144 relationships are important and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00267-00066144-00066345 everyone's accountable for those _-c1JwGpB7Y-00268-00066345-00066568 relationships particularly in research _-c1JwGpB7Y-00269-00066568-00066970 of course the researcher. | And then the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00270-00066970-00067213 second one, in research researchers need _-c1JwGpB7Y-00271-00067213-00067489 to listen carefully listen deeply really _-c1JwGpB7Y-00272-00067489-00067801 pay attention really listen not just _-c1JwGpB7Y-00273-00067801-00068082 collect data that becomes an artifact _-c1JwGpB7Y-00274-00068082-00068425 for them to use but to listen fully not _-c1JwGpB7Y-00275-00068425-00068488 only _-c1JwGpB7Y-00276-00068488-00068722 in terms of paying attention _-c1JwGpB7Y-00277-00068722-00068923 intellectually and cognitively but _-c1JwGpB7Y-00278-00068923-00069187 paying attention emotionally and making _-c1JwGpB7Y-00279-00069187-00069385 sure that there's space for other _-c1JwGpB7Y-00280-00069385-00069574 knowledge systems than their own and for _-c1JwGpB7Y-00281-00069574-00069760 other voices than their own was in that _-c1JwGpB7Y-00282-00069760-00069958 research whether it be qualitative _-c1JwGpB7Y-00283-00069958-00070420 quantitative or mixed method. Then again _-c1JwGpB7Y-00284-00070420-00070642 we have reciprocity but Chilisa goes a _-c1JwGpB7Y-00285-00070642-00070780 little further than Wilson and Wilson _-c1JwGpB7Y-00286-00070780-00071142 here. She recognizes research as _-c1JwGpB7Y-00287-00071142-00071297 appropriation this is where you're _-c1JwGpB7Y-00288-00071297-00071437 collecting data and taking it away _-c1JwGpB7Y-00289-00071437-00071591 you're appropriating data and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00290-00071591-00071785 appropriating knowledge and it is _-c1JwGpB7Y-00291-00071785-00071935 important to remember I think that _-c1JwGpB7Y-00292-00071935-00072163 research has been a tool of oppression _-c1JwGpB7Y-00293-00072163-00072475 and subjugation by colonial peoples of _-c1JwGpB7Y-00294-00072475-00072769 colonized peoples and this is perhaps a _-c1JwGpB7Y-00295-00072769-00073172 legacy of that. But again here we see the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00296-00073172-00073387 need for research to benefit _-c1JwGpB7Y-00297-00073387-00073567 participants and benefit communities not _-c1JwGpB7Y-00298-00073567-00073960 only benefiting researchers. And then _-c1JwGpB7Y-00299-00073960-00074198 Chilisa acknowledges the regulation _-c1JwGpB7Y-00300-00074198-00074366 principle which is where we started in _-c1JwGpB7Y-00301-00074366-00074608 the euro western paradigm but she is _-c1JwGpB7Y-00302-00074608-00074787 arguing there is scope within indigenous _-c1JwGpB7Y-00303-00074787-00075091 ethical principles for regulatory _-c1JwGpB7Y-00304-00075091-00075461 protocols which will explicitly give _-c1JwGpB7Y-00305-00075461-00075682 ownership of research to colonized and _-c1JwGpB7Y-00306-00075682-00075886 marginalized people and ownership of the _-c1JwGpB7Y-00307-00075886-00076166 knowledge produced by research. And this _-c1JwGpB7Y-00308-00076166-00076379 is enshrined now in research ethic _-c1JwGpB7Y-00309-00076379-00076630 protocols in countries such as _-c1JwGpB7Y-00310-00076630-00076794 Australia and New Zealand and Canada _-c1JwGpB7Y-00311-00076794-00076993 where there are big indigenous _-c1JwGpB7Y-00312-00076993-00077236 populations conducting indigenous _-c1JwGpB7Y-00313-00077236-00077454 research. _AHOgMGZ9OI-00000-00000003-00000825 This is a brief tutorial on how to create a Venn diagram in Google draw. _AHOgMGZ9OI-00001-00000825-00001440 Up here you'll want to be in your Google Drive. First click on new, come down to _AHOgMGZ9OI-00002-00001440-00002135 more, click on Google drawings. The first thing you're going to want to do is _AHOgMGZ9OI-00003-00002135-00003354 title your Venn diagram; and then come down to your palette to create. Click on _AHOgMGZ9OI-00004-00003354-00003962 shapes and I'm going to create a Venn diagram with circles. Here is my one _AHOgMGZ9OI-00005-00003962-00004496 circle and to create one of the exact same size and shape I'm going to command _AHOgMGZ9OI-00006-00004496-00005241 D duplicate on my computer. You can see that you cannot see through them they _AHOgMGZ9OI-00007-00005241-00005862 are not transparent, so I'm going to make sure that my circle is highlighted. I'm _AHOgMGZ9OI-00008-00005862-00006717 going to come over to the color palette, go to custom and this bar on the right. _AHOgMGZ9OI-00009-00006717-00007415 I'm going to bring it down halfway click OK and so now I can see through my _AHOgMGZ9OI-00010-00007415-00008179 Venn diagrams or the two circles. But let's say I want to change one of these _AHOgMGZ9OI-00011-00008179-00008814 to yellow, I'm going to highlight it and you can still see it's still opaque so _AHOgMGZ9OI-00012-00008814-00009821 I'm going to go back, custom, bring down the bar click OK and now I have a more _AHOgMGZ9OI-00013-00009821-00010925 transparent Venn diagram. To add your headings click on the textbox icon and _AHOgMGZ9OI-00014-00010925-00012452 now you have an area that you can create text into; _AHOgMGZ9OI-00015-00012498-00013947 one for the center and if you want to add another text box at the bottom to _AHOgMGZ9OI-00016-00013947-00015447 added descriptions that would be great. Okay, and that is how you create a Venn _AHOgMGZ9OI-00017-00015447-00015855 diagram in Google drawing. _BDhjG1ji0A-00000-00000220-00000600 Sima: Hi Everyone. Thank you so much for joining us today for our webinar, _BDhjG1ji0A-00001-00000600-00000846 Get to Know GrantStation. _BDhjG1ji0A-00002-00000846-00001116 Just a few housekeeping items before we get started, _BDhjG1ji0A-00003-00001116-00001576 if you have questions you should see a chat box on the left-hand side of your screen. _BDhjG1ji0A-00004-00001576-00001933 All callers will be muted throughout the presentation, _BDhjG1ji0A-00005-00001933-00002303 so be sure to use the chat box if you want to interact with the presenters _BDhjG1ji0A-00006-00002303-00002666 throughout the webinar. If you lose your Internet connection, _BDhjG1ji0A-00007-00002666-00003109 try refreshing your browser or reconnect using the link that was emailed _BDhjG1ji0A-00008-00003110-00003556 earlier to you today. If you have to leave the webinar early _BDhjG1ji0A-00009-00003556-00003919 or you want to watch it again, it’s going to be archived on our website _BDhjG1ji0A-00010-00003920-00004396 www.techsoup.org/community/events-webinars. _BDhjG1ji0A-00011-00004396-00004666 It will be up there for a couple of weeks. _BDhjG1ji0A-00012-00004666-00004946 You’ll also receive an email with the presentation, _BDhjG1ji0A-00013-00004946-00005233 the recording, and any relevant links. _BDhjG1ji0A-00014-00005233-00005759 If you’re on social media, feel free to send us a Tweet using #tswebinars, _BDhjG1ji0A-00015-00005760-00005990 but like I said earlier please use the chat box _BDhjG1ji0A-00016-00005990-00006350 that you see on the left-hand side to ask questions. _BDhjG1ji0A-00017-00006350-00006643 So just a little bit about TechSoup before we get started, _BDhjG1ji0A-00018-00006643-00007039 we are located in 236 countries and territories _BDhjG1ji0A-00019-00007040-00007459 and we work with over 1 million nonprofits around the world. _BDhjG1ji0A-00020-00007459-00007816 We partner with several technology companies like, Adobe, _BDhjG1ji0A-00021-00007816-00008176 Amazon Web Services, Intuit, Microsoft, Symantec, GrantStation, _BDhjG1ji0A-00022-00008176-00008653 we have with us today. And they help us make our mission possible _BDhjG1ji0A-00023-00008653-00009033 to provide either donated or discounted hardware and software _BDhjG1ji0A-00024-00009033-00009259 to nonprofits around the world. _BDhjG1ji0A-00025-00009260-00009563 So just to make sure that the chat box works, if you guys want to chat, _BDhjG1ji0A-00026-00009563-00010183 and let me know where you’re calling in from and I can read a few out to everyone. _BDhjG1ji0A-00027-00010183-00011069 All right, so we have Irvine California, Nebraska, Austin Texas, Santa Clara, Indianapolis. _BDhjG1ji0A-00028-00011070-00011546 I don’t see any internationals folks yet. _BDhjG1ji0A-00029-00011546-00011976 Phoenix, New York City. Okay, so the chat box works. _BDhjG1ji0A-00030-00011976-00012483 If you haven’t had a chance yet, we have a tech marketplace _BDhjG1ji0A-00031-00012483-00013009 where you can see if your organization qualifies for donated or discounted technology. _BDhjG1ji0A-00032-00013010-00013319 If you’re interested in seeing what’s available, you can see the link _BDhjG1ji0A-00033-00013319-00013780 that’s listed here below. And also, just so you guys know _BDhjG1ji0A-00034-00013780-00014443 we have a $99 GrantStation promo that’s happening on September 25 and 26. _BDhjG1ji0A-00035-00014443-00014789 It’s two days only. If you want to sign up for the reminder email _BDhjG1ji0A-00036-00014790-00015290 just so you don’t miss this deal it is on the link that you see right there, _BDhjG1ji0A-00037-00015290-00015743 and we can also chat this out in the chat box, so you can register your email _BDhjG1ji0A-00038-00015743-00015976 and get a reminder. _BDhjG1ji0A-00039-00015976-00016276 So before we get started, I wanted to go ahead _BDhjG1ji0A-00040-00016276-00016516 and introduce everyone that is on the call today. _BDhjG1ji0A-00041-00016516-00016946 So my name is Sima Thakkar, and I am the online learning producer here at TechSoup. _BDhjG1ji0A-00042-00016946-00017359 You probably saw some chats from my colleague, LaCheka. _BDhjG1ji0A-00043-00017360-00017700 She’ll be helping out with the back-end questions that you might have. _BDhjG1ji0A-00044-00017700-00018223 And then also today from GrantStation we have Jeremy Smith. _BDhjG1ji0A-00045-00018223-00018726 So he was in the radio industry for 10 years and worked for six years _BDhjG1ji0A-00046-00018726-00019123 as an announcer and program director at a local NPR station. _BDhjG1ji0A-00047-00019123-00019556 He started a business that specialized in bringing tech support to you, _BDhjG1ji0A-00048-00019556-00020066 and then he transitioned over to GrantStation in July 2008 _BDhjG1ji0A-00049-00020066-00020386 and is the Communications Director now. _BDhjG1ji0A-00050-00020386-00020843 And then we also have Sara Kennedy who is the Director of Online Education _BDhjG1ji0A-00051-00020843-00021359 at GrantStation. And she’s been with GrantStation since February 2007 _BDhjG1ji0A-00052-00021360-00021813 and she brings with her the experience of an executive director for local nonprofit. _BDhjG1ji0A-00053-00021813-00022236 She also worked with the Veterans Administration as a research assistant _BDhjG1ji0A-00054-00022236-00022686 for over a decade. So I am going to hand it off to Sara. _BDhjG1ji0A-00055-00022686-00023146 Sara: Thanks, so much Sima, and I want to welcome everyone again. _BDhjG1ji0A-00056-00023146-00023513 We are really happy you could join us for the short tour today. _BDhjG1ji0A-00057-00023513-00023876 And during this time we have together, we want to show you how _BDhjG1ji0A-00058-00023876-00024306 you can do all your research on GrantStation from identifying the right funders, _BDhjG1ji0A-00059-00024306-00024866 to building a grant seeking strategy that you and other members of your organization _BDhjG1ji0A-00060-00024866-00025256 can use in the coming year. And now, these are not PowerPoints. _BDhjG1ji0A-00061-00025256-00025653 This is where we are on the GrantStation website. _BDhjG1ji0A-00062-00025653-00025976 And so Jeremy, I’m going to turn it over to you. _BDhjG1ji0A-00063-00025976-00026246 Jeremy: Oh, that sounds great. Thanks Sara. Welcome again, everyone. _BDhjG1ji0A-00064-00026246-00026706 And just to double check, Sara are you able to see our screen of GrantStation.com? _BDhjG1ji0A-00065-00026706-00026946 Sara: Yes, sir. _BDhjG1ji0A-00066-00026946-00027223 Jeremy: Well excellent. So I want to let everyone know a little bit _BDhjG1ji0A-00067-00027223-00027513 about what GrantStation is in case you’re not familiar. _BDhjG1ji0A-00068-00027513-00028003 GrantStation itself is a set of tools and resources that helps organizations _BDhjG1ji0A-00069-00028003-00028293 identify and secure grant dollars. _BDhjG1ji0A-00070-00028293-00028509 Now GrantStation is a publishing company. _BDhjG1ji0A-00071-00028510-00028826 Research and writing are our skill sets. _BDhjG1ji0A-00072-00028826-00029273 We really pride ourselves on publishing current and forward-looking information _BDhjG1ji0A-00073-00029273-00029699 about grant makers. Now all the grant maker profiles that you’ll see today, _BDhjG1ji0A-00074-00029700-00030100 both government and private, are for a lack of a better description _BDhjG1ji0A-00075-00030100-00030383 what we call “in the game.” _BDhjG1ji0A-00076-00030383-00030626 Now that means t these profiles reflect grant makers _BDhjG1ji0A-00077-00030626-00031289 who are actively accepting requests or letters of inquiry from a variety of nonprofits. _BDhjG1ji0A-00078-00031289-00031739 So these are all live grants. Now you may have used some other services _BDhjG1ji0A-00079-00031739-00032050 where you do your research, and you get hundreds of returns _BDhjG1ji0A-00080-00032050-00032473 leaving you with a really long list of potential funders to screen _BDhjG1ji0A-00081-00032473-00032866 without really knowing how relevant they are to your specific needs. _BDhjG1ji0A-00082-00032866-00033329 Now our job at GrantStation is to prescreen grant makers, _BDhjG1ji0A-00083-00033330-00033726 so the time you spend researching generates a list of grant makers _BDhjG1ji0A-00084-00033726-00034109 that may truly accept the request to fund your organization’s program _BDhjG1ji0A-00085-00034110-00034473 or project. So really think of us as your backroom research team. _BDhjG1ji0A-00086-00034473-00034783 We’re prescreening funders so that we’re feeding you _BDhjG1ji0A-00087-00034783-00035093 the most relevant ones to your program or project. _BDhjG1ji0A-00088-00035093-00035389 Now besides the rich research information on our website _BDhjG1ji0A-00089-00035390-00035690 that I’ll show you, we also published two different newsletters _BDhjG1ji0A-00090-00035690-00035900 that highlight upcoming funding opportunities, _BDhjG1ji0A-00091-00035900-00036186 and you can find them in our Public Resources section. _BDhjG1ji0A-00092-00036186-00036689 The first is the GrantStation Insider. Now this focuses on 10 distinct opportunities _BDhjG1ji0A-00093-00036690-00037020 for US-based nonprofit organizations, _BDhjG1ji0A-00094-00037020-00037260 and we also have another newsletter _BDhjG1ji0A-00095-00037260-00037586 which is called the GrantStation International Insider. _BDhjG1ji0A-00096-00037586-00037916 Now this one features 16 international funding opportunities _BDhjG1ji0A-00097-00037916-00038316 including a number of opportunities for our Canadian neighbors. _BDhjG1ji0A-00098-00038316-00038529 Now these newsletters, as I hope you’ve just seen, _BDhjG1ji0A-00099-00038530-00038993 are located in our Public Resources section. This is where you can also find _BDhjG1ji0A-00100-00038993-00039503 links to TrendTrack, PathFinder, and our Online Education section here as well. _BDhjG1ji0A-00101-00039503-00039739 Now we will come back a little bit later in the tour today _BDhjG1ji0A-00102-00039740-00040006 to explore these resources just a bit more. _BDhjG1ji0A-00103-00040006-00040313 So near the top of the page and you can always click on our logo _BDhjG1ji0A-00104-00040313-00040636 to take you back to the main page of GrantStation. _BDhjG1ji0A-00105-00040636-00040979 We have links to sort of our key features, _BDhjG1ji0A-00106-00040980-00041263 and you can actually see them right here on the top _BDhjG1ji0A-00107-00041263-00041436 we have our Find Grantmakers, _BDhjG1ji0A-00108-00041436-00041589 Build Strategy, _BDhjG1ji0A-00109-00041590-00041826 Write Proposals, _BDhjG1ji0A-00110-00041826-00042106 and then of course as you just heard Public Resources. _BDhjG1ji0A-00111-00042106-00042593 Now when you click on Find Grantmakers, this will open up to our search section _BDhjG1ji0A-00112-00042593-00042869 where all the different databases are located. _BDhjG1ji0A-00113-00042870-00043166 The Build Strategy area, this is where you can access tools _BDhjG1ji0A-00114-00043166-00043463 that’ll help you build a solid granting strategy. _BDhjG1ji0A-00115-00043463-00043653 And then when you click on Write Proposals, _BDhjG1ji0A-00116-00043653-00043909 this is where you’re going to find step-by-step tutorials _BDhjG1ji0A-00117-00043910-00044196 that you can use to write compelling grant proposals. _BDhjG1ji0A-00118-00044196-00044496 So here on the front page if you go ahead and scroll down, _BDhjG1ji0A-00119-00044496-00044913 we have various announcements and a cool little sliding effect here. _BDhjG1ji0A-00120-00044913-00045473 But I’m going to go ahead and take you down to one of our recent grant maker profiles. _BDhjG1ji0A-00121-00045473-00045963 We have a Funding Alert section, and this is a sample of what you would find _BDhjG1ji0A-00122-00045963-00046299 in our database and these alerts all change weekly. _BDhjG1ji0A-00123-00046300-00046676 And as with all of our announcements, this information is really carefully curated _BDhjG1ji0A-00124-00046676-00047153 providing you with the most current information about specific grant opportunities. _BDhjG1ji0A-00125-00047153-00047789 So we’ll go ahead and click on this one right here, the Lexus Eco Challenge. _BDhjG1ji0A-00126-00047790-00048056 So here’s this particular grant maker’ s profile. _BDhjG1ji0A-00127-00048056-00048439 The name of the grant maker here, and then you have links to their website, _BDhjG1ji0A-00128-00048440-00048770 or you can even email the profile the directly to yourself. _BDhjG1ji0A-00129-00048770-00049113 On the left-hand side, you’ll have a breakdown of all the specific information, _BDhjG1ji0A-00130-00049113-00049599 and on the right is where you’ll find where they’re located at _BDhjG1ji0A-00131-00049600-00049953 as in their contact information, their geographic scope for giving, _BDhjG1ji0A-00132-00049953-00050439 any specific financial information, along with any important _BDhjG1ji0A-00133-00050440-00051013 or applicable application information. And at the very bottom the LAST UPDATED. _BDhjG1ji0A-00134-00051013-00051413 You can also sometimes see the links of what grants specifically were awarded. _BDhjG1ji0A-00135-00051413-00051646 This is a new feature that we are integrating into our database. _BDhjG1ji0A-00136-00051646-00052079 And one thing to keep in mind about GrantStation is we’ re always adding new features. _BDhjG1ji0A-00137-00052079-00052460 So whenever someone lets us know, “Hey, it would be great if this was a feature.” _BDhjG1ji0A-00138-00052460-00052766 We always try to find a way to incorporate that into our database. _BDhjG1ji0A-00139-00052766-00053309 And we’ve been doing this for, let me see, quite a while, I think since 1999, _BDhjG1ji0A-00140-00053310-00053716 so we kind of know what we’re doing. And we’re also able to move pretty quickly _BDhjG1ji0A-00141-00053716-00054033 and add features as people want them and request them. _BDhjG1ji0A-00142-00054033-00054433 Now when we are putting together these specific records, and we are again, _BDhjG1ji0A-00143-00054433-00054669 constantly going through and not only modifying our website, _BDhjG1ji0A-00144-00054670-00054976 but modifying, removing, and adding records to our database, _BDhjG1ji0A-00145-00054976-00055383 what we do is we gather up as much information as we can from the web, _BDhjG1ji0A-00146-00055383-00055776 from the organizations’ IRS 990 form, and from other sources. _BDhjG1ji0A-00147-00055776-00056119 And then our researchers will draft a profile _BDhjG1ji0A-00148-00056120-00056433 which we send directly to the grant maker for their review. _BDhjG1ji0A-00149-00056433-00056753 Now the question we ask the grant maker when they review their record _BDhjG1ji0A-00150-00056753-00057086 is not just, is this information correct? But also, _BDhjG1ji0A-00151-00057086-00057366 are we capturing what they will fund now, _BDhjG1ji0A-00152-00057366-00057636 but also what they will plan to fund in the next year? _BDhjG1ji0A-00153-00057636-00057909 And we do this because although it’s really interesting _BDhjG1ji0A-00154-00057910-00058140 to know what they funded in the past, _BDhjG1ji0A-00155-00058140-00058583 it’s even more helpful to know what they’ll fund today, tomorrow, _BDhjG1ji0A-00156-00058583-00058916 and into the future. So in short, the real question is _BDhjG1ji0A-00157-00058916-00059203 will they consider funding your organization right now? _BDhjG1ji0A-00158-00059203-00059506 The grant maker reviews their profile. They often make changes _BDhjG1ji0A-00159-00059506-00059893 and they send it back to us. We do a final edit and then we publish it in our database. _BDhjG1ji0A-00160-00059893-00060283 So this process really results in grant maker profiles _BDhjG1ji0A-00161-00060283-00060679 that are unlike anything else reading the web, not even on their own website. _BDhjG1ji0A-00162-00060679-00061040 Our researchers really focus on publishing quality information _BDhjG1ji0A-00163-00061040-00061396 that’ll make your job easier, hence the idea of thinking of GrantStation _BDhjG1ji0A-00164-00061396-00061636 as your backroom research team. _BDhjG1ji0A-00165-00061636-00061933 Now you can also, under our Public Resources section _BDhjG1ji0A-00166-00061933-00062366 and I mentioned this earlier, visit our Online Education Resources section. _BDhjG1ji0A-00167-00062366-00062729 And this is where you can find links to all kinds of Online Education Resources _BDhjG1ji0A-00168-00062729-00063216 we have, but in particular, I want to go ahead and focus in on our webinars _BDhjG1ji0A-00169-00063216-00063583 and this is an area that Sara happens to know the most about. _BDhjG1ji0A-00170-00063583-00064173 Sara: Thanks Jeremy. So webinars are open to the public as well as members, _BDhjG1ji0A-00171-00064173-00064523 so you don’t need to be a member of GrantStation to take them. _BDhjG1ji0A-00172-00064523-00065039 And you can take them two different ways. You can take them individually or as a group. _BDhjG1ji0A-00173-00065040-00065593 And as a group, it is two to 10 people can take the webinar, _BDhjG1ji0A-00174-00065593-00065959 and they can be on all different devices and all different locations. _BDhjG1ji0A-00175-00065960-00066400 So it’s really an affordable way for a group of people _BDhjG1ji0A-00176-00066400-00066916 to increase their knowledge in all areas of grantsmanship. _BDhjG1ji0A-00177-00066916-00067359 So you’ll want to check this menu out frequently as _BDhjG1ji0A-00178-00067360-00068036 we’re always adding new webinars as well as online workshops. _BDhjG1ji0A-00179-00068036-00068289 Jeremy: Now before we get into our specific searches, _BDhjG1ji0A-00180-00068290-00068606 I really wanted to explain our main sections, I kind of glossed over, _BDhjG1ji0A-00181-00068606-00069083 in greater detail and really show you how they can aid you in your search for funding. _BDhjG1ji0A-00182-00069083-00069439 Now in our Build Strategy section, which I’ll go ahead and click on right here, _BDhjG1ji0A-00183-00069440-00069836 this is where we have an interactive tool called Grants2020. _BDhjG1ji0A-00184-00069836-00070183 This can actually provide you with a visual and clear picture _BDhjG1ji0A-00185-00070183-00070463 of where your organization’s grant program is today, _BDhjG1ji0A-00186-00070463-00070796 and more importantly, how it needs to grow in the next several years. _BDhjG1ji0A-00187-00070796-00071199 You simply put in specific numbers and it gives you this great chart _BDhjG1ji0A-00188-00071200-00071586 that you can email, and it gives you also information and an analysis _BDhjG1ji0A-00189-00071586-00071983 based on numbers that you’ve entered that you can keep in mind moving forward. _BDhjG1ji0A-00190-00071983-00072393 In addition, we also have the GrantSeeking Calendar and Creating Time articles. _BDhjG1ji0A-00191-00072393-00072743 And these really are tutorials that focus on how to design and develop _BDhjG1ji0A-00192-00072743-00072979 grant seeking strategies. And they work hand-in-hand _BDhjG1ji0A-00193-00072980-00073323 when you’re creating a strategy that works for you and your organization. _BDhjG1ji0A-00194-00073323-00073853 Now we’ll definitely come back later to GrantSeeking Calendar in today’s tour. _BDhjG1ji0A-00195-00073853-00074233 Also, under Write Proposals this is where you can find the tools _BDhjG1ji0A-00196-00074233-00074596 to help you write and submit compelling letters of inquiry or even grant proposals. _BDhjG1ji0A-00197-00074596-00075073 We have Getting Started and this really outlines all the documentation _BDhjG1ji0A-00198-00075073-00075446 that you all should have at your fingertips before you begin writing your grant requests. _BDhjG1ji0A-00199-00075446-00075896 And we also have a really nice tutorial on writing a letter of inquiry _BDhjG1ji0A-00200-00075896-00076209 which is really helpful when you’re trying to consider what should _BDhjG1ji0A-00201-00076210-00076480 and should not be included when you’re putting together an LOI _BDhjG1ji0A-00202-00076480-00076870 or even explaining what a letter of inquiry is if you’re not that sure. _BDhjG1ji0A-00203-00076870-00077366 And then we have one of my favorite areas, and this is the Full Grant Proposal. _BDhjG1ji0A-00204-00077366-00077676 This is a step-by-step approach to writing a grant _BDhjG1ji0A-00205-00077676-00078123 which includes downloadable samples of award-winning grant proposals. _BDhjG1ji0A-00206-00078123-00078513 And then we also have a series of articles called Editing & Revision _BDhjG1ji0A-00207-00078513-00078816 which goes through everything to do with when you are editing _BDhjG1ji0A-00208-00078816-00079113 and revising your grant proposal. _BDhjG1ji0A-00209-00079113-00079569 One thing to keep in mind is don’t ever underestimate the value _BDhjG1ji0A-00210-00079570-00079966 of reviewing these award-winning grant proposals that we have here on the website. _BDhjG1ji0A-00211-00079966-00080453 You will get tons of ideas on how to present your own case for support _BDhjG1ji0A-00212-00080453-00080779 by reviewing these truly well-developed examples. _BDhjG1ji0A-00213-00080780-00081176 And just a side note, GrantStation runs a contest for the best written grant proposal, _BDhjG1ji0A-00214-00081176-00081406 and the contestants are judged by a panel _BDhjG1ji0A-00215-00081406-00081779 organized by the Grant Professional Association, and then the award winners _BDhjG1ji0A-00216-00081780-00082093 are used right here on GrantStation.com. _BDhjG1ji0A-00217-00082093-00082349 So at this point I’m going to go back to our home page _BDhjG1ji0A-00218-00082350-00082753 by clicking on our main logo. I think we should do a few thorough searches _BDhjG1ji0A-00219-00082753-00083316 that really show how useful our site is for your grant research needs. _BDhjG1ji0A-00220-00083316-00083829 So the first question, how do you go about identifying the best grant makers to approach, _BDhjG1ji0A-00221-00083830-00084260 or you know even creating a grant seeking strategy for that matter? _BDhjG1ji0A-00222-00084260-00084646 So first, let’s put some scenarios in place for today. _BDhjG1ji0A-00223-00084646-00085246 So we are seeking funding for animal welfare in the state of Minnesota. _BDhjG1ji0A-00224-00085246-00085606 And also, here’s another one, we want to start an afterschool program _BDhjG1ji0A-00225-00085606-00086016 which deals with youth and obesity. _BDhjG1ji0A-00226-00086016-00086506 So we always recommend you begin by doing two specific types of research _BDhjG1ji0A-00227-00086506-00086739 primary and secondary research, _BDhjG1ji0A-00228-00086740-00087006 and we’re going to explain what each of them is and how to do them. _BDhjG1ji0A-00229-00087006-00087303 Once you’ve gone through both of these research steps, _BDhjG1ji0A-00230-00087303-00087679 you’ll really have the foundation for your grant seeking strategy. _BDhjG1ji0A-00231-00087680-00087963 So prior to starting all of your searches, _BDhjG1ji0A-00232-00087963-00088209 I recommend clicking on Find Grantmakers _BDhjG1ji0A-00233-00088210-00088560 and then taking out the Preparation, or actually checking out _BDhjG1ji0A-00234-00088560-00088943 the Preparation area, and clicking on Overview. _BDhjG1ji0A-00235-00088943-00089209 This is where you’re going to find the Project Description Worksheet _BDhjG1ji0A-00236-00089210-00089573 along with our Search Terms. _BDhjG1ji0A-00237-00089573-00089879 Now using the Project Description Worksheet, _BDhjG1ji0A-00238-00089880-00090316 and this is a downloadable Word document, this will help you organize your approach, _BDhjG1ji0A-00239-00090316-00090773 flesh out your budget, and really serve as a solid foundation _BDhjG1ji0A-00240-00090773-00091166 for your grant seeking strategy. It’s something that you can save. _BDhjG1ji0A-00241-00091166-00091449 You can add pertinent information related to your search to it, _BDhjG1ji0A-00242-00091450-00091720 and then you can hand it off to other members of your team _BDhjG1ji0A-00243-00091720-00092090 for further research, or store it and reference it at a later date. _BDhjG1ji0A-00244-00092090-00092483 It’s just a simple breakdown of helping you organize your thoughts, _BDhjG1ji0A-00245-00092483-00092919 and once that’s in place, you can also start doing your research, _BDhjG1ji0A-00246-00092920-00093170 not only on GrantStation, but anywhere you plan to go forward _BDhjG1ji0A-00247-00093170-00093683 because now you have that first step, that primary research step in place. _BDhjG1ji0A-00248-00093683-00094039 I also really encourage our members to familiarize themselves _BDhjG1ji0A-00249-00094040-00094346 with our Search Terms, and that is right over here. _BDhjG1ji0A-00250-00094346-00094673 This is the key terminology that’s used on our website, _BDhjG1ji0A-00251-00094673-00095093 and it serves as a great guide when you’re doing your keyword research. _BDhjG1ji0A-00252-00095093-00095449 Now the reason this is so important, is often you’ll be looking for funding _BDhjG1ji0A-00253-00095450-00095820 using certain words, entering them into Google and other search engines, _BDhjG1ji0A-00254-00095820-00096100 and realizing you’re not finding any results. _BDhjG1ji0A-00255-00096100-00096436 Sometimes the specific keywords you’re looking for _BDhjG1ji0A-00256-00096436-00096709 are not the same keywords that the funder uses. _BDhjG1ji0A-00257-00096710-00097126 It’s not what the funder calls it. So the trick is, this allows you to basically _BDhjG1ji0A-00258-00097126-00097536 translate between what you’re looking for to what the funder specifically calls it. _BDhjG1ji0A-00259-00097536-00097946 So to use this area, you can enter in your specific idea _BDhjG1ji0A-00260-00097946-00098286 or keyword right here, and then it’ll show you where it will be located _BDhjG1ji0A-00261-00098286-00098676 within our database, and our database is based on industry-standard databases. _BDhjG1ji0A-00262-00098676-00099086 So once you have these specific keywords you can use them moving forward _BDhjG1ji0A-00263-00099086-00099449 anywhere you need to, to do your research and find the funding _BDhjG1ji0A-00264-00099450-00099690 that matches your specific project. _BDhjG1ji0A-00265-00099690-00100213 So for example, using our earlier sample of animal welfare, _BDhjG1ji0A-00266-00100213-00100639 we’ll go ahead and type that in right here. _BDhjG1ji0A-00267-00100640-00100946 And then we’ll go ahead and click Apply. _BDhjG1ji0A-00268-00100946-00101416 And then it tells us that animal welfare which also includes humane societies, _BDhjG1ji0A-00269-00101416-00101839 companion animal programs, animal shelter programs, _BDhjG1ji0A-00270-00101840-00102300 animal abuse and cruelty prevention are all located under the animal welfare topic _BDhjG1ji0A-00271-00102300-00102670 which is good which is located under Environment & Animals. _BDhjG1ji0A-00272-00102670-00102990 So we go ahead and make a note of this on our Project Description Worksheet, _BDhjG1ji0A-00273-00102990-00103250 so that we know when we go in and start doing our research _BDhjG1ji0A-00274-00103250-00103706 to look up “animal welfare.” And you can do this for all types of different search terms, _BDhjG1ji0A-00275-00103706-00104166 and this is actually a really powerful area just to see what matches with what. _BDhjG1ji0A-00276-00104166-00104483 Another one that comes up often, I’ll show this really quickly, _BDhjG1ji0A-00277-00104483-00104999 is people are often just looking for diseases or support disease based research, _BDhjG1ji0A-00278-00105000-00105296 but there’s three specific areas that you can look under. _BDhjG1ji0A-00279-00105296-00105659 There’s Health: Diseases General and then we had specific areas _BDhjG1ji0A-00280-00105659-00105933 for Alzheimer’s or Heart Disease, and they’re all located _BDhjG1ji0A-00281-00105933-00106393 under the Health: Diseases category. But there’s also a Health and Wellness category, _BDhjG1ji0A-00282-00106393-00106779 so this is where it can be confusing if you’re looking in one specific area, _BDhjG1ji0A-00283-00106780-00107056 or trying to find something and not finding results, _BDhjG1ji0A-00284-00107056-00107349 it’s probably a matter of finding the right keyword, _BDhjG1ji0A-00285-00107350-00107626 and this is something that you can do here at GrantStation _BDhjG1ji0A-00286-00107626-00107976 is to be able to identify the right keyword to use. _BDhjG1ji0A-00287-00107976-00108183 So let’s go ahead and begin our grant search, _BDhjG1ji0A-00288-00108183-00108793 and also known as primary research, by moving into our US state section, _BDhjG1ji0A-00289-00108793-00109103 and if we go ahead and click on Search. I’ll go ahead and show you all the areas _BDhjG1ji0A-00290-00109103-00109393 you can search through. So we have a US Charitable database, _BDhjG1ji0A-00291-00109393-00109703 US Federal database, US State Government database, _BDhjG1ji0A-00292-00109703-00109973 and then a Canadian Charitable Government database, _BDhjG1ji0A-00293-00109973-00110273 as well as an International Charitable database. _BDhjG1ji0A-00294-00110273-00110523 For now we’re going to go ahead and move, as I said, _BDhjG1ji0A-00295-00110523-00110849 into the US State Government database. _BDhjG1ji0A-00296-00110850-00111203 And our specific state we’re focusing on is Minnesota, _BDhjG1ji0A-00297-00111203-00111483 so I’ll go ahead and click on that one right now. _BDhjG1ji0A-00298-00111483-00111839 So what GrantStation offers is access to listings _BDhjG1ji0A-00299-00111840-00112200 of US Federal/State-funded agencies, State-funded agencies, _BDhjG1ji0A-00300-00112200-00112656 and State Departments for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia _BDhjG1ji0A-00301-00112656-00113003 that offer financial and technical assistance programs. _BDhjG1ji0A-00302-00113003-00113276 Now all these links you’ll see here will take you directly _BDhjG1ji0A-00303-00113276-00113746 to the agency or the department page which deals specifically with the funding. _BDhjG1ji0A-00304-00113746-00114113 So for the next step in our primary research, we can look at what’s offered _BDhjG1ji0A-00305-00114113-00114473 by the US government in our US Federal section. So we can go ahead _BDhjG1ji0A-00306-00114473-00114973 and close this tab, and then click on US Federal right here, _BDhjG1ji0A-00307-00114973-00115239 and now we’re in our US Federal section. _BDhjG1ji0A-00308-00115240-00115576 Now you can search this area by using ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS, _BDhjG1ji0A-00309-00115576-00115859 FUNDING AGENCIES, AREAS OF INTEREST, _BDhjG1ji0A-00310-00115859-00116103 funding opportunities, as well as CFDA number, _BDhjG1ji0A-00311-00116103-00116393 along by using specific keywords as well. _BDhjG1ji0A-00312-00116393-00116626 And you can easily just click the drop-down boxes _BDhjG1ji0A-00313-00116626-00116869 and this is how most of GrantStation functions. _BDhjG1ji0A-00314-00116870-00117303 You choose what you are, let’s say I’m a nonprofit with a 501(c)(3) status. _BDhjG1ji0A-00315-00117303-00117729 And what this actually offers you is a front end to all the listings _BDhjG1ji0A-00316-00117730-00118146 on grants.gov. Now grants.gov is a great site run by the US government _BDhjG1ji0A-00317-00118146-00118409 that allows you to research and find funding. _BDhjG1ji0A-00318-00118409-00118796 It can be a little confusing at times. _BDhjG1ji0A-00319-00118796-00119219 This gives you a way to access all the exact same information _BDhjG1ji0A-00320-00119220-00119623 in an easy to understand and a very fast manner, _BDhjG1ji0A-00321-00119623-00120003 and then you can easily check other areas of interest. _BDhjG1ji0A-00322-00120003-00120416 So let’s say we’re looking for support within the health category. _BDhjG1ji0A-00323-00120416-00120646 So we click that specific checkbox _BDhjG1ji0A-00324-00120646-00120879 and we immediately get results updated. _BDhjG1ji0A-00325-00120880-00121206 They’re organized by Opportunity Title, Agency, Postdate, _BDhjG1ji0A-00326-00121206-00121489 and then Close Date. So you can see when it was first offered _BDhjG1ji0A-00327-00121490-00121746 and when they’ll be closing that specific option. _BDhjG1ji0A-00328-00121746-00122109 And then if we scroll down even further, we can add multiple areas of interest _BDhjG1ji0A-00329-00122109-00122453 by clicking on and off various boxes, and then we can add keywords _BDhjG1ji0A-00330-00122453-00122879 on top of this, or narrow it down to a specific funding agency, as well. _BDhjG1ji0A-00331-00122880-00123159 So it really gives you all of the features and functionality _BDhjG1ji0A-00332-00123159-00123500 of grants.gov right here in a nice front end. _BDhjG1ji0A-00333-00123500-00123786 Now there’s a store here, where I live in Fairbanks Alaska, _BDhjG1ji0A-00334-00123786-00124159 which they call one-stop shopping where you can do all your shopping. _BDhjG1ji0A-00335-00124159-00124493 You can buy your tires but you can also buy your milk at the same place. _BDhjG1ji0A-00336-00124493-00124836 That’s something that GrantStation offers. You can do all of your research, _BDhjG1ji0A-00337-00124836-00125276 state-based and federal, and of course, your organizational research _BDhjG1ji0A-00338-00125276-00125666 all within one place including international. But for right now _BDhjG1ji0A-00339-00125666-00125996 let’s go ahead and take a look at the different funding options _BDhjG1ji0A-00340-00125996-00126233 that we have under US Charitable database. _BDhjG1ji0A-00341-00126233-00126453 But as time moving over there I just want to let everybody know, _BDhjG1ji0A-00342-00126453-00126943 it’s really important to collect this information available _BDhjG1ji0A-00343-00126943-00127309 on the US federal and state level, _BDhjG1ji0A-00344-00127309-00127620 because when you apply to the private funders we’re about to look at, _BDhjG1ji0A-00345-00127620-00127950 you can say that you’ve done your federal and state research. _BDhjG1ji0A-00346-00127950-00128276 And in case you don’t find any options, which is sometimes the case, _BDhjG1ji0A-00347-00128276-00128663 you can say specifically, “At this time, there’s no federal programs _BDhjG1ji0A-00348-00128663-00128839 that can help us with our need.” _BDhjG1ji0A-00349-00128840-00129193 That way the private funder knows that you’ve done your homework, _BDhjG1ji0A-00350-00129193-00129476 which really speaks to your credibility as an organization, _BDhjG1ji0A-00351-00129476-00129839 and that private funding is the only option for you right now. _BDhjG1ji0A-00352-00129840-00130170 So this is US Charitable database. _BDhjG1ji0A-00353-00130170-00130546 This database lists thousands of funder profiles. _BDhjG1ji0A-00354-00130546-00130899 This includes independent, family, community, corporate foundations, _BDhjG1ji0A-00355-00130900-00131303 corporate giving programs, faith-based grant makers, and associations _BDhjG1ji0A-00356-00131303-00131616 with grant making programs. All these profiles are searchable _BDhjG1ji0A-00357-00131616-00132176 by geographic scope, areas of interest, and types of support, name, and by keyword. _BDhjG1ji0A-00358-00132176-00132469 So in the content area, right here on the left-hand side, _BDhjG1ji0A-00359-00132470-00132786 this is where you can find a guide that’ll help you through the search process. _BDhjG1ji0A-00360-00132786-00133079 On the right-hand side is a navigation area, _BDhjG1ji0A-00361-00133080-00133496 and this is where you’re going to enter in all your specific criteria. _BDhjG1ji0A-00362-00133496-00133776 So starting here under GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE, _BDhjG1ji0A-00363-00133776-00134079 we can go ahead and choose a search for GLOBAL grant makers _BDhjG1ji0A-00364-00134080-00134346 giving to US-based organizations if we want to, _BDhjG1ji0A-00365-00134346-00134716 but for now let’s choose NATIONAL grant makers who give across all states. _BDhjG1ji0A-00366-00134716-00135079 And then we can go ahead and click on and off various options _BDhjG1ji0A-00367-00135080-00135383 as I mentioned before. This allows you to be more creative and thoughtful _BDhjG1ji0A-00368-00135383-00135806 as you do your searches. And as each new criteria is added or subtracted _BDhjG1ji0A-00369-00135806-00136236 it’ll broaden or narrow the funding opportunities being displayed. _BDhjG1ji0A-00370-00136236-00136543 So this initial process of choosing our geographic scope _BDhjG1ji0A-00371-00136543-00136839 allows us to cast our net as wide as possible _BDhjG1ji0A-00372-00136840-00137253 combining national opportunities with say, state or region-based ones _BDhjG1ji0A-00373-00137253-00137623 to really see just how broad our grant universe is. _BDhjG1ji0A-00374-00137623-00138086 So again for our particular search here, we are based in Minnesota, _BDhjG1ji0A-00375-00138086-00138669 so we’re going to go ahead and click on the Minnesota box right here. _BDhjG1ji0A-00376-00138670-00139053 And I’m not sure if you noticed it, but before we had 1100 results. _BDhjG1ji0A-00377-00139053-00139576 Once we add Minnesota we now have 1359 results to go through. _BDhjG1ji0A-00378-00139576-00139979 We can also adjust the number of results on an individual page _BDhjG1ji0A-00379-00139980-00140280 if we want as well, but we’ll going to go ahead and stick with 10 for now. _BDhjG1ji0A-00380-00140280-00140653 Now once we start selecting other criteria, as I mentioned, _BDhjG1ji0A-00381-00140653-00140966 our results will begin to narrow the funding opportunities _BDhjG1ji0A-00382-00140966-00141326 that are a perfect fit for our need. And so with that, I’m going to go ahead _BDhjG1ji0A-00383-00141326-00141609 and scroll down here to our specific AREAS OF INTEREST. _BDhjG1ji0A-00384-00141610-00141990 We already did some research earlier and we know _BDhjG1ji0A-00385-00141990-00142556 that within Environment & Animals we can go ahead and click on Animal Welfare. _BDhjG1ji0A-00386-00142556-00142786 But if I wasn’t sure if this was the right one, _BDhjG1ji0A-00387-00142786-00143039 you always have these little hover boxes right here _BDhjG1ji0A-00388-00143040-00143500 which give you a quick summary of what is in each category, what’s included. _BDhjG1ji0A-00389-00143500-00143783 So in case you don’t want to go through and do search terms, _BDhjG1ji0A-00390-00143783-00144029 we have you covered. You can also simply come here _BDhjG1ji0A-00391-00144030-00144220 and click on the various boxes. _BDhjG1ji0A-00392-00144220-00144713 Now here is a pro note, someone who’s been using GrantStation for a long time, _BDhjG1ji0A-00393-00144713-00145013 something you should keep in mind. If you ever want to search a full category _BDhjG1ji0A-00394-00145013-00145479 and just get everything available, simply click on the Environment & Animals General, _BDhjG1ji0A-00395-00145480-00145723 or just the General tab available at the very top _BDhjG1ji0A-00396-00145723-00146079 that lets you search through every subcategory within that. _BDhjG1ji0A-00397-00146080-00146340 So if you know you’re doing something involving education _BDhjG1ji0A-00398-00146340-00146533 then simply click on Education General. _BDhjG1ji0A-00399-00146533-00146859 It’ll give you everything available below that in your listings. _BDhjG1ji0A-00400-00146860-00147193 But we’re focusing on Animal Welfare, so we’ll click on Animal Welfare, _BDhjG1ji0A-00401-00147193-00147536 and we’re going to go ahead and get results now. _BDhjG1ji0A-00402-00147536-00147793 So now we’re looking at 68 specific results. _BDhjG1ji0A-00403-00147793-00148086 So let’s go ahead and add another criteria at this point. _BDhjG1ji0A-00404-00148086-00148409 So we’re going to go ahead and go down our list here, _BDhjG1ji0A-00405-00148410-00148743 and all the way down to a TYPE OF SUPPORT, _BDhjG1ji0A-00406-00148743-00149013 and let’s say we wanted a specific type of support. _BDhjG1ji0A-00407-00149013-00149199 This is another unique feature to GrantStation. _BDhjG1ji0A-00408-00149200-00149550 You can get funding just for Emergency Funds, or for Equipment, _BDhjG1ji0A-00409-00149550-00149923 or for Fellowships, or for Capacity Building, or Challenge Grants. _BDhjG1ji0A-00410-00149923-00150296 But for this, we’re going to go ahead and click on General Operating Support _BDhjG1ji0A-00411-00150296-00150776 for our organization. _BDhjG1ji0A-00412-00150776-00151086 So now we’re looking at 26 specific results. _BDhjG1ji0A-00413-00151086-00151476 And if we wanted to, we could then simply click off General Operating Support _BDhjG1ji0A-00414-00151476-00151719 and add a new type of support. Let’s say we needed equipment _BDhjG1ji0A-00415-00151720-00151900 for our clinic for animal welfare. _BDhjG1ji0A-00416-00151900-00152213 So I’m going to go ahead and drop General Operating Support. _BDhjG1ji0A-00417-00152213-00152456 I’m going to scroll back down, _BDhjG1ji0A-00418-00152456-00152733 and under TYPES OF SUPPORT, I’m going to click on Equipment. _BDhjG1ji0A-00419-00152733-00153016 So now I’m just getting equipment offerings that are available, _BDhjG1ji0A-00420-00153016-00153383 across the USA, and within Minnesota, _BDhjG1ji0A-00421-00153383-00153623 specific area of interest of animal welfare, _BDhjG1ji0A-00422-00153623-00153839 specific type of support is equipment. _BDhjG1ji0A-00423-00153840-00154270 So let’s go ahead and narrow this a little bit more because 18 results is fine, _BDhjG1ji0A-00424-00154270-00154503 but I’d kind of like to hone this down. _BDhjG1ji0A-00425-00154503-00154716 We can go ahead and remove the national feature, _BDhjG1ji0A-00426-00154716-00155226 so we’re just looking at funders within Minnesota. _BDhjG1ji0A-00427-00155226-00155486 And now were looking at six specific results. _BDhjG1ji0A-00428-00155486-00155893 We can organize these results alphabetically by clicking on this top category, _BDhjG1ji0A-00429-00155893-00156179 or by Geographic Scope, or by Geographic Focus. _BDhjG1ji0A-00430-00156180-00156523 And what you also have is a breakdown of specific funders, _BDhjG1ji0A-00431-00156523-00156876 where they give their geographic scope, and their focus _BDhjG1ji0A-00432-00156876-00157293 is where they tend to give. So for instance the Bemis Company Foundation _BDhjG1ji0A-00433-00157293-00157766 will give within Minnesota, and their geographic focus is communities _BDhjG1ji0A-00434-00157766-00158079 with company operations. So if there is no Bemis Company _BDhjG1ji0A-00435-00158080-00158323 in my organization you might want to put that one aside _BDhjG1ji0A-00436-00158323-00158639 and look at something else. We’re really saving you time _BDhjG1ji0A-00437-00158640-00158970 as you do your research, and that’s the whole focus on GrantStation. _BDhjG1ji0A-00438-00158970-00159253 You can do it all in one place, and we save you time _BDhjG1ji0A-00439-00159253-00159626 finding the funding that you need for your specific purpose. _BDhjG1ji0A-00440-00159626-00160079 I’d also like to point out another feature here at the very bottom. _BDhjG1ji0A-00441-00160080-00160426 This is one that often gets overused and abused in some sections _BDhjG1ji0A-00442-00160426-00160776 and that’s the Keyword area. This is a really powerful way _BDhjG1ji0A-00443-00160776-00161139 to narrow your searches, but we really suggest that you exercise caution, _BDhjG1ji0A-00444-00161140-00161393 so you don’t narrow your searches down too much, _BDhjG1ji0A-00445-00161393-00161709 because remember the keywords you enter are not necessarily the words _BDhjG1ji0A-00446-00161710-00162143 the funder uses. So for example, if you add “rescue” to the criteria, _BDhjG1ji0A-00447-00162143-00162449 which we’ll go ahead and add that right now and click Submit. _BDhjG1ji0A-00448-00162450-00162973 Now we have six results, so adding that specific keyword, _BDhjG1ji0A-00449-00162973-00163406 we now only have two results. So we basically narrowed ourselves _BDhjG1ji0A-00450-00163406-00163689 out of getting results by adding a specific keyword. _BDhjG1ji0A-00451-00163690-00164086 So this is why it’s a good idea to have a specific area of interest, _BDhjG1ji0A-00452-00164086-00164426 and actually know what the search term is. _BDhjG1ji0A-00453-00164426-00164613 If you know what the funder calls it, _BDhjG1ji0A-00454-00164613-00165016 you’ll have a much better chance of finding funding for your specific need. _BDhjG1ji0A-00455-00165016-00165283 So we can go ahead and remove that by clicking off the rescue _BDhjG1ji0A-00456-00165283-00165723 and get back to our six total results. _BDhjG1ji0A-00457-00165723-00166039 Now if your organization is working in a few different states, _BDhjG1ji0A-00458-00166040-00166436 you always have the option of selecting another state to broaden your search. _BDhjG1ji0A-00459-00166436-00166813 So let’s say that this animal welfare organization is working _BDhjG1ji0A-00460-00166813-00167226 in a tri-state area Minnesota, but also Wisconsin, and Iowa. _BDhjG1ji0A-00461-00167226-00167566 So we can add those states by selecting here. _BDhjG1ji0A-00462-00167566-00168006 Let’s go ahead start by clicking on Iowa. _BDhjG1ji0A-00463-00168006-00168396 And again we had six results and now we’re up to 14 results. _BDhjG1ji0A-00464-00168396-00169103 So we’re going to add another state, and this one is going to be Wisconsin. _BDhjG1ji0A-00465-00169386-00169596 And now we’ re looking at 17 results. _BDhjG1ji0A-00466-00169596-00169853 So as you can see, as you add to the Geographic Scope, _BDhjG1ji0A-00467-00169853-00170119 you increase the number of funding opportunities. _BDhjG1ji0A-00468-00170120-00170286 As you remove from the Geographic Scope, _BDhjG1ji0A-00469-00170286-00170649 you remove from the number of funding opportunities. _BDhjG1ji0A-00470-00170650-00171016 And of course, as you add more areas of interest, you also remove it. _BDhjG1ji0A-00471-00171016-00171446 So this is what’s called an “AND” based database. So as you add more and more features, _BDhjG1ji0A-00472-00171446-00171783 it narrows it down to your specific focus. _BDhjG1ji0A-00473-00171783-00171983 So at this point let’s go ahead and do another search. _BDhjG1ji0A-00474-00171983-00172303 We’ll clear everything out by clicking clear all. _BDhjG1ji0A-00475-00172303-00172586 And the second search is that of an afterschool program _BDhjG1ji0A-00476-00172586-00172923 that educates students regarding obesity, so we’re going to go ahead _BDhjG1ji0A-00477-00172923-00173456 and start with national. And we can add in a specific state if necessary. _BDhjG1ji0A-00478-00173456-00174139 So I’m just trying to think, let’s go ahead and add in, let’s do New York. _BDhjG1ji0A-00479-00174140-00174656 So I think we’re looking at about, yep, 1600 results, well, 1636 results. _BDhjG1ji0A-00480-00174656-00175079 Now we’re going to go ahead and add in our specific keyword research. _BDhjG1ji0A-00481-00175080-00175353 Now I did this earlier today, so I know that there are two good options _BDhjG1ji0A-00482-00175353-00175653 in the health and wellness category. _BDhjG1ji0A-00483-00175653-00176076 So if I go down to my AREAS OF INTEREST and I click on Health/Wellness. _BDhjG1ji0A-00484-00176076-00176599 I can always use the general category, but I know that I can use _BDhjG1ji0A-00485-00176600-00177060 either Healthy Eating/Nutrition, or Healthy Lifestyles/Obesity Prevention. _BDhjG1ji0A-00486-00177060-00177490 I’m going to start with obesity prevention. _BDhjG1ji0A-00487-00177490-00177730 And another feature that you have your GrantStation _BDhjG1ji0A-00488-00177730-00178176 which is also unique to us is as you scroll down after AREAS OF INTEREST, _BDhjG1ji0A-00489-00178176-00178489 you have TARGET POPULATIONS. So this is where you can focus _BDhjG1ji0A-00490-00178490-00178876 on a specific target population. Say you’re looking just for Children/Youths _BDhjG1ji0A-00491-00178876-00179176 which is our situation, or you want to focus on minorities, _BDhjG1ji0A-00492-00179176-00179449 or people with disabilities, or veterans, or women. _BDhjG1ji0A-00493-00179450-00179713 These are all options of target populations. _BDhjG1ji0A-00494-00179713-00180149 So this will add to our search, our “and based” search honing us down _BDhjG1ji0A-00495-00180150-00180380 to an even more exact result. _BDhjG1ji0A-00496-00180380-00180800 So again, I’m going to add Children/Youths at this point. _BDhjG1ji0A-00497-00180800-00181160 So I’m looking at 43 results. Let’s go ahead and narrow this down _BDhjG1ji0A-00498-00181160-00181740 to just what’s in New York at this point. _BDhjG1ji0A-00499-00181740-00182156 Now I’m looking at 19 results. I can add another area of interest. _BDhjG1ji0A-00500-00182156-00182469 And again, you can add as many as you want. _BDhjG1ji0A-00501-00182470-00182740 So of course, the more you add, the fewer the results you’ll have. _BDhjG1ji0A-00502-00182740-00183013 So if you really want to narrow it down, you can always do that. _BDhjG1ji0A-00503-00183013-00183486 So I’m going to add a second one there, and now we’re looking at 10 results, _BDhjG1ji0A-00504-00183486-00183746 and I like 10 results. I think that’s a pretty good number _BDhjG1ji0A-00505-00183746-00184089 that you can quickly look through and see if the profiles are a match _BDhjG1ji0A-00506-00184090-00184270 to your specific mission or project. _BDhjG1ji0A-00507-00184270-00184480 Now you can start your searches in any order, _BDhjG1ji0A-00508-00184480-00184820 add or subtract the criteria to refine your search results as well. _BDhjG1ji0A-00509-00184820-00185096 Now in addition to these US-based grant maker listings, _BDhjG1ji0A-00510-00185096-00185386 we also have three other unique areas to search through. _BDhjG1ji0A-00511-00185386-00185696 I’ll just be showing these to you really quickly, but we have tours on our website _BDhjG1ji0A-00512-00185696-00186039 that go through them and explain how to use them more effectively. _BDhjG1ji0A-00513-00186040-00186340 Our International database which is right here, _BDhjG1ji0A-00514-00186340-00186680 this has grant listings that are beneficial to organizations _BDhjG1ji0A-00515-00186680-00187086 working outside of the US. You can focus on global grant makers, _BDhjG1ji0A-00516-00187086-00187339 you can narrow it down to specific continents, _BDhjG1ji0A-00517-00187340-00187576 and then down to specific countries from there. _BDhjG1ji0A-00518-00187576-00187866 The same breakdown though, your AREAS OF INTEREST, _BDhjG1ji0A-00519-00187866-00188249 using those specific topics, and then adding in a target population, _BDhjG1ji0A-00520-00188250-00188530 even adding in a keyword as well. _BDhjG1ji0A-00521-00188530-00188820 Also we have our Canadian Charitable search. _BDhjG1ji0A-00522-00188820-00189210 This has profiles of grant makers that provide support within Canada. _BDhjG1ji0A-00523-00189210-00189490 And again, it follows the exact same breakdown. _BDhjG1ji0A-00524-00189490-00189800 You can choose national grant makers who give across the different provinces, _BDhjG1ji0A-00525-00189800-00190286 or select provincial grant makers who give only in a specific region of Canada. _BDhjG1ji0A-00526-00190286-00190596 And again you have your AREAS OF INTEREST, your TARGETED POPULATIONS, _BDhjG1ji0A-00527-00190596-00190779 and then your TYPES OF SUPPORT. _BDhjG1ji0A-00528-00190780-00191146 And then finally, we also have our Canadian Government section. _BDhjG1ji0A-00529-00191146-00191649 This is where we have listings for national provincial funded agencies, _BDhjG1ji0A-00530-00191650-00191980 provincial funded agencies, and provincial departments for each of the provinces _BDhjG1ji0A-00531-00191980-00192340 and territories of Canada that offer financial and technical assistance programs _BDhjG1ji0A-00532-00192340-00192590 in our Canadian government section. _BDhjG1ji0A-00533-00192590-00192903 So once you’ve gone through this primary research _BDhjG1ji0A-00534-00192903-00193159 of collecting potential funders, _BDhjG1ji0A-00535-00193160-00193433 finding things that work for your specific need, _BDhjG1ji0A-00536-00193433-00193886 you’re going to have a pretty extensive list of potential funding sources. _BDhjG1ji0A-00537-00193886-00194219 Now as I mentioned earlier in the Build Strategy section, _BDhjG1ji0A-00538-00194220-00194710 we have a step-by-step tutorial called Creating a GrantSeeking Calendar. _BDhjG1ji0A-00539-00194710-00195200 This will really help you with your next steps which we refer to as “secondary” research. _BDhjG1ji0A-00540-00195200-00195543 And I’m going to go ahead and hand the reins of this webinar _BDhjG1ji0A-00541-00195543-00195866 over to Sara to walk you through this process. _BDhjG1ji0A-00542-00195866-00196456 Sara: Thanks, Jeremy. So by now you would have a list of possible funders. _BDhjG1ji0A-00543-00196456-00196819 So in this section I’m going to show you the decision matrix, _BDhjG1ji0A-00544-00196820-00197230 and this is a tool to build a Grantseeking Calendar. _BDhjG1ji0A-00545-00197230-00197690 The decision-matrix will help you establish an annual Grantseeking Calendar _BDhjG1ji0A-00546-00197690-00198123 that will keep your grant seeking focused on those programs and projects _BDhjG1ji0A-00547-00198123-00198609 that need the funds. Establishing basic criteria for judging _BDhjG1ji0A-00548-00198610-00199006 whether a grant opportunity is worth your organization’s investment of time _BDhjG1ji0A-00549-00199006-00199553 and energy, is a true timesaver and this is what it’s going to look like. _BDhjG1ji0A-00550-00199553-00199899 But before you begin to create a Grantseeking Calendar, _BDhjG1ji0A-00551-00199900-00200363 you’ll need to develop this analytical tool that can help you make decisions _BDhjG1ji0A-00552-00200363-00200689 about which grant makers you should pursue _BDhjG1ji0A-00553-00200690-00200926 and which ones you should put aside. _BDhjG1ji0A-00554-00200926-00201313 The tool doesn’t cost any money, it just takes time. _BDhjG1ji0A-00555-00201313-00201766 This matrix, this decision matrix you’re creating now _BDhjG1ji0A-00556-00201766-00202293 can be applied to requests for proposals or grant application guidelines. _BDhjG1ji0A-00557-00202293-00202796 You can use Excel, Smart Sheet, or any other spreadsheet program that you use. _BDhjG1ji0A-00558-00202796-00203153 The matrix is comprised of rows and columns, _BDhjG1ji0A-00559-00203153-00203753 and relies on simple addition and subtraction to reach your conclusion or a score. _BDhjG1ji0A-00560-00203753-00204229 Now the matrix will establish a set of criteria, those are the rows, _BDhjG1ji0A-00561-00204230-00204576 and each assigned a weight, those are the columns, _BDhjG1ji0A-00562-00204576-00204909 which when applied will influence your decision _BDhjG1ji0A-00563-00204910-00205376 on whether to add this particular grant maker to your grants calendar. _BDhjG1ji0A-00564-00205376-00205773 Now this is somewhat subjective, but less so than you might imagine _BDhjG1ji0A-00565-00205773-00206196 if you give careful thought to each criteria, the weight it carries, _BDhjG1ji0A-00566-00206196-00206603 and the final scores, so it will look like this. _BDhjG1ji0A-00567-00206603-00206866 I have Jeremy showing you on the website. _BDhjG1ji0A-00568-00206866-00207246 So now you run each of the grant makers you identified _BDhjG1ji0A-00569-00207246-00207546 in your research through the decision matrix, _BDhjG1ji0A-00570-00207546-00207936 and you eliminate those that don’t meet your base criteria, _BDhjG1ji0A-00571-00207936-00208273 whose deadlines may be too close, or their requirements _BDhjG1ji0A-00572-00208273-00208696 are too much for your organization at this time. _BDhjG1ji0A-00573-00208696-00209006 So then after you do this, so for whatever reason _BDhjG1ji0A-00574-00209006-00209576 those that do not have a score of 35 or higher, _BDhjG1ji0A-00575-00209576-00209779 you’re just going to set those aside, _BDhjG1ji0A-00576-00209780-00210083 and now you’re going to create the calendar. _BDhjG1ji0A-00577-00210083-00210736 So Jeremy, let’s go to part five where now you’ll have a final list _BDhjG1ji0A-00578-00210736-00211296 of the best possible grant makers for your projects. _BDhjG1ji0A-00579-00211296-00211689 And now it’s time to draft your strategy. _BDhjG1ji0A-00580-00211690-00212033 So this calendar, it’s an organic document _BDhjG1ji0A-00581-00212033-00212496 that can take your organization’s strategy out 12 to 18 months. _BDhjG1ji0A-00582-00212496-00212846 And you can share this strategy with your coworkers, _BDhjG1ji0A-00583-00212846-00213196 your executive director, your board members. _BDhjG1ji0A-00584-00213196-00213733 And what’s really nice about this laying out your strategy _BDhjG1ji0A-00585-00213733-00214066 like this is that if someone comes to you and says, _BDhjG1ji0A-00586-00214066-00214473 “Oh, I found this great grant. We should apply for it.” _BDhjG1ji0A-00587-00214473-00214809 You can say, “Well, let me run it through the matrix.” _BDhjG1ji0A-00588-00214810-00215436 You’ve got a tool now that can help filter all these funding opportunities _BDhjG1ji0A-00589-00215436-00215693 that are going to come your way. _BDhjG1ji0A-00590-00215693-00216056 Now this seems complicated. You can see this tutorial. _BDhjG1ji0A-00591-00216056-00216459 We provide you with all the steps you need. It’s a five-part series, _BDhjG1ji0A-00592-00216460-00216976 and it’s really pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it. _BDhjG1ji0A-00593-00216976-00217529 And now there’s even more secondary research you’re gonna want to use. _BDhjG1ji0A-00594-00217530-00218290 And Jeremy let’s take them to – that’s where I wanted to go. _BDhjG1ji0A-00595-00218290-00218606 Here’s some additional resources and research you can do. _BDhjG1ji0A-00596-00218606-00218876 We have the IRS form 990. _BDhjG1ji0A-00597-00218876-00219526 Now that’s a link to Guidestar. Guidestar posts the 990s for nonprofits, _BDhjG1ji0A-00598-00219526-00219913 and it’s a free service. You just click that on. _BDhjG1ji0A-00599-00219913-00220239 You create a username and password, and you can do all your research _BDhjG1ji0A-00600-00220240-00220623 on who the funders have given to in the past. _BDhjG1ji0A-00601-00220623-00221289 You’ll also have Ask a Funder, and you can just use this as a guide . _BDhjG1ji0A-00602-00221290-00221683 If you’re new to grant writing these are good questions _BDhjG1ji0A-00603-00221683-00222299 that you can contact the funder ahead of time and ask them these types of questions. _BDhjG1ji0A-00604-00222300-00222916 And then of course there’s also In-Kind Gifts. And this is often overlooked, _BDhjG1ji0A-00605-00222916-00223386 and you might want to read this as this will show you how you might want to leverage _BDhjG1ji0A-00606-00223386-00224159 your donations of products and services when applying for funding. _BDhjG1ji0A-00607-00224160-00224656 So Jeremy, let’s take them up to some other additional resources, _BDhjG1ji0A-00608-00224656-00224859 and let’s show them the PathFinder. _BDhjG1ji0A-00609-00224860-00225126 Jeremy: Oh, good idea. So that’s actually in our Public Resources section, _BDhjG1ji0A-00610-00225126-00225313 and we had quite a few things in here. _BDhjG1ji0A-00611-00225313-00225603 One thing Sara and I often lament about is whenever we give tours _BDhjG1ji0A-00612-00225603-00226203 or talk about GrantStation, there’s so much data, so much information, _BDhjG1ji0A-00613-00226203-00226576 so much support, so much education hidden within GrantStation _BDhjG1ji0A-00614-00226576-00226989 that we can never cover it all, but in the area we’ve been working on _BDhjG1ji0A-00615-00226990-00227269 to make it more available is the PathFinder section. _BDhjG1ji0A-00616-00227269-00227753 Now this website is really designed to help you develop your career path _BDhjG1ji0A-00617-00227753-00227989 as a grants professional. _BDhjG1ji0A-00618-00227990-00228373 Our library provides you with profiles on top-quality resources _BDhjG1ji0A-00619-00228373-00228719 in the area of grant research, writing, and management, _BDhjG1ji0A-00620-00228719-00228950 as well as strategic planning. _BDhjG1ji0A-00621-00228950-00229153 So to get started you can browse through our library, _BDhjG1ji0A-00622-00229153-00229456 search through our resources, or even use the FIND YOUR PATH tool _BDhjG1ji0A-00623-00229456-00230063 to get a customized curriculum for your specific learning plan. _BDhjG1ji0A-00624-00230063-00230263 I’m just going to show you that really quickly. _BDhjG1ji0A-00625-00230263-00230533 You have your Find Your Path. What’s your role? _BDhjG1ji0A-00626-00230533-00230863 Well, I’m a grant writer, and I click on Next. _BDhjG1ji0A-00627-00230863-00231133 What’s my experience level? Well, I’m brand-new to this, _BDhjG1ji0A-00628-00231133-00231513 so I’m a Novice. Then I’ll click Next. _BDhjG1ji0A-00629-00231513-00231789 What do I want to learn more about in the grant lifecycle? _BDhjG1ji0A-00630-00231790-00232010 Well, I want to learn more about grant management, _BDhjG1ji0A-00631-00232010-00232360 and then I’ll click on Get Recommendations. _BDhjG1ji0A-00632-00232360-00232690 So this is going to bring us down to a collection of resources _BDhjG1ji0A-00633-00232690-00232910 divided up into three separate areas. _BDhjG1ji0A-00634-00232910-00233100 The first is Timely Events. _BDhjG1ji0A-00635-00233100-00233443 And if there is a dollar charge to it, there is a little dollar sign next to it. _BDhjG1ji0A-00636-00233443-00233769 These are not all offered by GrantStation. These are resources _BDhjG1ji0A-00637-00233769-00234106 we’ve found all across the web, and across the world basically. _BDhjG1ji0A-00638-00234106-00234509 So sometimes there are charges and fees, but often times there aren’t. _BDhjG1ji0A-00639-00234510-00234776 We also have a Quick Study section. _BDhjG1ji0A-00640-00234776-00235229 This is where you can find stuff like Basic Guide to Program Evaluation, _BDhjG1ji0A-00641-00235230-00235443 or a Glossary of Financial Terms. _BDhjG1ji0A-00642-00235443-00235889 And if we scroll down a little bit more, we have another section that’s our Deep Dive. _BDhjG1ji0A-00643-00235890-00236490 This is the more in-depth information such as the Catalog of Evaluation Choices, _BDhjG1ji0A-00644-00236490-00236803 the Data Playbook, or GrantStation Membership course _BDhjG1ji0A-00645-00236803-00237163 is a – we recommend that of course, but we’ re kind of bias about that. _BDhjG1ji0A-00646-00237163-00237539 And then we have Measuring Program Outcomes, or NonprofitReady.org, _BDhjG1ji0A-00647-00237540-00237746 or the Philanthropy Career Network. _BDhjG1ji0A-00648-00237746-00238053 These are all options and resources that are available to you. _BDhjG1ji0A-00649-00238053-00238436 And this is a great tool, PathFinder, for really developing yourself _BDhjG1ji0A-00650-00238436-00238849 and learning more about your chosen field. _BDhjG1ji0A-00651-00238850-00239346 Now GrantStation is also very interested in sort of the trends and happenings _BDhjG1ji0A-00652-00239346-00239596 that are occurring all over the philanthropic world. _BDhjG1ji0A-00653-00239596-00239946 And to that end we have our TrendTrack section also available _BDhjG1ji0A-00654-00239946-00240319 in our Public Resources. And within TrendTrack our goal _BDhjG1ji0A-00655-00240319-00240583 is really for you to make the most of your grant seeking time, _BDhjG1ji0A-00656-00240583-00240889 I mean I hope you get that theme here. We want to save you time, _BDhjG1ji0A-00657-00240890-00241146 and to get the most of your grant requests. _BDhjG1ji0A-00658-00241146-00241523 And through that, we have this section. So as we perform research _BDhjG1ji0A-00659-00241523-00241829 for grant listings and we talk with nonprofit organizations. _BDhjG1ji0A-00660-00241830-00242133 We get exposure to new practices and ideas _BDhjG1ji0A-00661-00242133-00242489 and we like to share all that information with you in this section. _BDhjG1ji0A-00662-00242490-00242769 First, we have TRACKS TO SUCCESS, this is where you can find _BDhjG1ji0A-00663-00242769-00243080 featured articles that focus on particular grant maker _BDhjG1ji0A-00664-00243080-00243490 or philanthropic trends within the world of grant seeking, and management, _BDhjG1ji0A-00665-00243490-00243853 and philanthropy. Also we have our STATE OF GRANTSEEKING reports. _BDhjG1ji0A-00666-00243853-00244323 This is our semiannual report of the survey results from our grant seeking community. _BDhjG1ji0A-00667-00244323-00244693 And then finally we have our GS INSIGHT. This is our blog _BDhjG1ji0A-00668-00244693-00245009 that features the thoughts and observations of our staff, CEO, _BDhjG1ji0A-00669-00245010-00245486 and guest writers. And We have almost I think about almost 2 years of information _BDhjG1ji0A-00670-00245486-00246179 available within our blog alone, and at least – o’ man is it five or six years _BDhjG1ji0A-00671-00246180-00246580 of STATE OF GRANTSEEKING? So there is a bunch of great information available _BDhjG1ji0A-00672-00246580-00247053 here at GrantStation, and the hardest part is just getting in there and finding it. _BDhjG1ji0A-00673-00247053-00247406 And to that end, we have one a resource that I want to mention quickly _BDhjG1ji0A-00674-00247406-00247919 in our Public Resources. It is our Online Education Resources. _BDhjG1ji0A-00675-00247919-00248119 This is an area that Sara and I are very close to. _BDhjG1ji0A-00676-00248119-00248526 This is where we’re slowly going through and we’re adding new features, _BDhjG1ji0A-00677-00248526-00248866 and creating actually another newsletter that highlights _BDhjG1ji0A-00678-00248866-00249206 all the different types of education you can find here on GrantStation _BDhjG1ji0A-00679-00249206-00249493 that can walk you through the process of finding grants, _BDhjG1ji0A-00680-00249493-00249856 and bettering yourself as a grants professional. _BDhjG1ji0A-00681-00249856-00250246 Now the thing to remember is that if you’re doing a search for funding _BDhjG1ji0A-00682-00250246-00250709 for any kind of project, it’s important to have a grants strategy. _BDhjG1ji0A-00683-00250710-00251056 Strategic approach using primary and secondary research _BDhjG1ji0A-00684-00251056-00251359 that we discussed today along with GrantStation’s tools _BDhjG1ji0A-00685-00251360-00251666 really allows you to apply your time where it’s most effective _BDhjG1ji0A-00686-00251666-00251956 and efficient in your search for funding. _BDhjG1ji0A-00687-00251956-00252236 So with that, I’ve given sort of an overview of GrantStation _BDhjG1ji0A-00688-00252236-00252526 and I know I haven’t been able to cover everything _BDhjG1ji0A-00689-00252526-00252913 and there’s probably a couple questions that we may want to go ahead and answer. _BDhjG1ji0A-00690-00252913-00253199 So Sara, if you’ve got any that you think we should go ahead _BDhjG1ji0A-00691-00253200-00253593 and directly address, please go right ahead and fire them my way. _BDhjG1ji0A-00692-00253593-00254036 Sara: Okay, well Michael asks, well he asks, _BDhjG1ji0A-00693-00254036-00254409 “Is there a link on the website that I can get an idea _BDhjG1ji0A-00694-00254410-00254800 of how many religious or faith-based funders there are?” _BDhjG1ji0A-00695-00254800-00255076 Because he is with a church. Jeremy: Sure. _BDhjG1ji0A-00696-00255076-00255563 Sara: Do we still have that feature where if you are not logged in? _BDhjG1ji0A-00697-00255563-00256086 Now Michael, you won’t be able to see who they are just how many there are. _BDhjG1ji0A-00698-00256086-00256273 Is that correct, Jeremy? _BDhjG1ji0A-00699-00256273-00256509 Jeremy: That is correct. So let’s try this really quickly. _BDhjG1ji0A-00700-00256510-00256943 We’re going off script now Michael. I hope you like us being off road with you. _BDhjG1ji0A-00701-00256943-00257249 So we’re going to go into Find Grantmakers. _BDhjG1ji0A-00702-00257250-00257483 We’re going to go into US Charitable section. _BDhjG1ji0A-00703-00257483-00257759 So okay the member feature – you’ve got to log in, _BDhjG1ji0A-00704-00257760-00258146 but you know we’re going to go ahead and do a national grant makers _BDhjG1ji0A-00705-00258146-00258619 who give across all states. And as I am – oh, there’s 1000 results. _BDhjG1ji0A-00706-00258619-00258969 I can’t see them, but I can see there’s 1000 results. _BDhjG1ji0A-00707-00258969-00259216 Well, what if I go down to Areas Of Interest? _BDhjG1ji0A-00708-00259216-00259609 And what if I do Religion, and just click on General, _BDhjG1ji0A-00709-00259610-00260186 and see what’s there? Still not a member, so I have 19 specific results using that category. _BDhjG1ji0A-00710-00260186-00260479 So this is a way that you can quickly go in and see _BDhjG1ji0A-00711-00260480-00260836 how many results are available. You don’t know how specific they are, _BDhjG1ji0A-00712-00260836-00261119 and this is just one specific topic. _BDhjG1ji0A-00713-00261119-00261383 Now the more you offer under GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE _BDhjG1ji0A-00714-00261383-00261656 the more you have to pull from, but this is a quick way to go in _BDhjG1ji0A-00715-00261656-00262073 and see what’s available without even having to deal with having a membership. _BDhjG1ji0A-00716-00262073-00262566 However, $99 is kind of hard to pass up, because that’s about $600 off _BDhjG1ji0A-00717-00262566-00262893 our normal price. But I totally understand if you want to see first, _BDhjG1ji0A-00718-00262893-00263179 but that’s a feature you have, and you can go through this _BDhjG1ji0A-00719-00263180-00263493 without even being a member of GrantStation. _BDhjG1ji0A-00720-00263493-00264243 Sara: I’d like to add Michael, that when I teach folks how to use the website _BDhjG1ji0A-00721-00264243-00264956 with faith-based funders, I tell them to also search not for faith-based funders. _BDhjG1ji0A-00722-00264956-00265543 Because if you’re looking for funds, say they deal with social services _BDhjG1ji0A-00723-00265543-00265806 like housing, food, clothing. _BDhjG1ji0A-00724-00265806-00266499 You can look at just the other funders, because many times _BDhjG1ji0A-00725-00266500-00266920 they will give – here’s an example, Habitat for Humanity _BDhjG1ji0A-00726-00266920-00267440 which is a faith-based funding organization gets lots of funding _BDhjG1ji0A-00727-00267440-00267896 from non-faith-based organizations, because they build homes. _BDhjG1ji0A-00728-00267896-00268479 So you’ll also want to check out, you know religious and faith-based, _BDhjG1ji0A-00729-00268480-00269300 as well as not religious and faith-based. So I hope that helps you with your question. _BDhjG1ji0A-00730-00269300-00269580 Jeremy: That’s really good advice, Sara. That’s really good advice. _BDhjG1ji0A-00731-00269580-00269950 And one thing I want to add to that is it’s important for everyone _BDhjG1ji0A-00732-00269950-00270233 when you’re doing your searches, don’t narrow yourself _BDhjG1ji0A-00733-00270233-00270493 into what specifically you are, _BDhjG1ji0A-00734-00270493-00270746 narrow yourself into what you’re trying to do. _BDhjG1ji0A-00735-00270746-00271006 If you’re trying to build something focus on that, _BDhjG1ji0A-00736-00271006-00271316 not who you are. Who gives funding for building? _BDhjG1ji0A-00737-00271316-00271629 Not what you are as an organization, because more than likely _BDhjG1ji0A-00738-00271630-00271906 you’ll find lots of funders who give across. _BDhjG1ji0A-00739-00271906-00272459 It doesn’t matter what you are as long as you’re working towards the same goal. _BDhjG1ji0A-00740-00272460-00272766 Sara: Okay, and now we have a tricky one here _BDhjG1ji0A-00741-00272766-00273106 because this goes back to what we were talking about _BDhjG1ji0A-00742-00273106-00273503 when you were telling them that the words that we might use _BDhjG1ji0A-00743-00273503-00273766 are not the same as the funders. _BDhjG1ji0A-00744-00273766-00274096 So Susan asks, “I have a horse rescue, _BDhjG1ji0A-00745-00274096-00274526 can you narrow down those organizations that provide grants _BDhjG1ji0A-00746-00274526-00274956 for just horses?” Now here that’s a perfect example Jeremy. _BDhjG1ji0A-00747-00274956-00275179 Jeremy: Oh my gosh, it’s like she’s a plant in the crowd. _BDhjG1ji0A-00748-00275180-00275446 I don’t know how this worked out this well. _BDhjG1ji0A-00749-00275446-00275663 We’re going to go to our Search Terms Glossary _BDhjG1ji0A-00750-00275663-00275916 and we’re going to show you how this works. I used to use this example, _BDhjG1ji0A-00751-00275916-00276266 so I am suspect. I am like a con man on the beach, _BDhjG1ji0A-00752-00276266-00276529 you know trying to sell you some snake oil. _BDhjG1ji0A-00753-00276530-00277166 But when you type in “horse” the trick here, even though it is horse therapy. _BDhjG1ji0A-00754-00277166-00277613 Whoops, I have this set incorrectly. _BDhjG1ji0A-00755-00277613-00278009 Actually, “horse” is under Equine Therapy. _BDhjG1ji0A-00756-00278010-00278523 So if we go into animals in this specific example. _BDhjG1ji0A-00757-00278523-00279089 Okay, we added this category. _BDhjG1ji0A-00758-00279090-00279640 I’m actually going to find the whole thing here while I’m at it. _BDhjG1ji0A-00759-00279640-00280060 Again, a little off script, so I’m not hundred percent prepared for this, _BDhjG1ji0A-00760-00280060-00280390 but when you go into Environment & Animals you can look at everything we have listed. _BDhjG1ji0A-00761-00280390-00281156 There’s over 161 of these things in here. But when we go down here to Animal Welfare, _BDhjG1ji0A-00762-00281156-00281649 environment, and support _BDhjG1ji0A-00763-00282086-00282269 no, I’m not finding it at this moment. _BDhjG1ji0A-00764-00282270-00282613 But the trick is, the way this works is when you type in “horse therapy” _BDhjG1ji0A-00765-00282613-00282789 it would pull up equine therapy. _BDhjG1ji0A-00766-00282790-00283126 So you’re actually looking for equine therapy when you’re doing all of your research. _BDhjG1ji0A-00767-00283126-00283389 So your keyword is going to be “equine therapy” _BDhjG1ji0A-00768-00283390-00283846 which I know falls under Animal Welfare, just so you know. _BDhjG1ji0A-00769-00283846-00284186 That’s a side note there that I’ve done this in the past, so yeah. _BDhjG1ji0A-00770-00284186-00284689 Sara: Okay, all right. I hope that helps. Nathan asks, _BDhjG1ji0A-00771-00284690-00285396 “Does the US Federal tab include a global, global grantmaking opportunities _BDhjG1ji0A-00772-00285396-00285736 say through the State Department for example?” _BDhjG1ji0A-00773-00285736-00285946 Jeremy: It does and that’s a really good question. _BDhjG1ji0A-00774-00285946-00286196 Not a lot of questions always come in from the federal section. _BDhjG1ji0A-00775-00286196-00286556 And basically, all the information as I mentioned is grants.gov, _BDhjG1ji0A-00776-00286556-00287169 but you can then go through and actually choose specific funding agencies _BDhjG1ji0A-00777-00287170-00287536 that you want. So if you know what agency it is _BDhjG1ji0A-00778-00287536-00287796 that’s going to be offering a specific global offerings, _BDhjG1ji0A-00779-00287796-00288313 and I think based on my foggy knowledge when I used to spend all my time _BDhjG1ji0A-00780-00288313-00288826 in the federal section, Department of State often gives across all borders. _BDhjG1ji0A-00781-00288826-00289476 But really it comes down to what your specific organization is as a base, _BDhjG1ji0A-00782-00289476-00289956 and what they’re offering. And what’s kind of nice is if you look at AREAS OF INTEREST, _BDhjG1ji0A-00783-00289956-00290389 these areas of interest are based specifically on what’s currently available _BDhjG1ji0A-00784-00290390-00290836 on grants.gov. So if they suddenly add a bunch of new grants that supported, _BDhjG1ji0A-00785-00290836-00291076 I don’t know video research, _BDhjG1ji0A-00786-00291076-00291313 you would suddenly see video research pop up here _BDhjG1ji0A-00787-00291313-00291696 as an area of interest. So all these areas of interest are directly connected _BDhjG1ji0A-00788-00291696-00291926 to what’s currently being offered by the US government. _BDhjG1ji0A-00789-00291926-00292379 So if your specific topic falls under one of these categories, _BDhjG1ji0A-00790-00292380-00292673 you can then narrow it down and find the offering. _BDhjG1ji0A-00791-00292673-00293006 But that’s a very good question. _BDhjG1ji0A-00792-00293006-00293233 Sara: Okay, great. Now Christina asks, _BDhjG1ji0A-00793-00293233-00293806 “Does the grant management calendar only have three columns, _BDhjG1ji0A-00794-00293806-00294043 grantor, deadline and ask amount?” _BDhjG1ji0A-00795-00294043-00294399 Well Christina, this is the beauty of this. This is your guide. _BDhjG1ji0A-00796-00294400-00294826 You can use this as a guide to start your calendar out. _BDhjG1ji0A-00797-00294826-00295483 You can add those columns that are pertinent to your organization. _BDhjG1ji0A-00798-00295483-00295793 And also, when you’re creating the decision matrix, _BDhjG1ji0A-00799-00295793-00296266 we’ve given you a guideline of how to start. _BDhjG1ji0A-00800-00296266-00296766 We certainly want you to add the criteria that is very important _BDhjG1ji0A-00801-00296766-00297353 and exclusive to your organization. So you’re really creating that decision matrix _BDhjG1ji0A-00802-00297353-00298013 to custom fit your organization, as well as your grant calendar strategy _BDhjG1ji0A-00803-00298013-00298379 will then be custom as well. But I think what we have of the website _BDhjG1ji0A-00804-00298380-00298916 will help you start out on that path and then you can customize it. _BDhjG1ji0A-00805-00298916-00299499 So I hope that’s helpful. Jeremy, we’ve got time for one more question. _BDhjG1ji0A-00806-00299500-00300010 Jeremy: Okay. Sara: Rita asks, “As a 501(c)(3) organization, _BDhjG1ji0A-00807-00300010-00300386 is government or private funding easier to get?" _BDhjG1ji0A-00808-00300386-00300766 Now, can I take a stab at this? _BDhjG1ji0A-00809-00300766-00301213 Jeremy: You can take first stab. I’ll take second stab. Then we’ll beat this dead horse. _BDhjG1ji0A-00810-00301213-00301663 Sara: Okay, so it doesn’t make them easier to get. _BDhjG1ji0A-00811-00301663-00302273 However, it is imperative that you do your federal funding research, _BDhjG1ji0A-00812-00302273-00302983 and your state funding research when applying to the private grant makers, _BDhjG1ji0A-00813-00302983-00303443 because they know all the funding opportunities that are out there. _BDhjG1ji0A-00814-00303443-00303976 And you, at GrantStation, can to your due diligence by researching. _BDhjG1ji0A-00815-00303976-00304446 And if there are no state in federal funding opportunities, _BDhjG1ji0A-00816-00304446-00304869 you can state that to the grant maker when you apply. _BDhjG1ji0A-00817-00304870-00305403 You can say, “I checked it all out. There are no funding opportunities at this time.” _BDhjG1ji0A-00818-00305403-00306019 That really bumps up your credibility and that you have done your research. _BDhjG1ji0A-00819-00306020-00306550 And you can say, “I’ve done the federal and state, and there are none, _BDhjG1ji0A-00820-00306550-00307136 and that is why I am now coming to you.” So that’s my tip. _BDhjG1ji0A-00821-00307136-00307506 Jeremy: That’s an excellent tip. And I didn’t mean to say "a dead horse” _BDhjG1ji0A-00822-00307506-00307849 as in the question, but it’s a thing that we’ve always been fighting with. _BDhjG1ji0A-00823-00307850-00308230 If you’re looking at the specific ease of application, _BDhjG1ji0A-00824-00308230-00308580 states is probably one of the easier ones to apply for. _BDhjG1ji0A-00825-00308580-00309053 Federal is a very, it’s a long process. It’s not super simple, _BDhjG1ji0A-00826-00309053-00309406 often multiple pages, multiple things to fill out. _BDhjG1ji0A-00827-00309406-00309713 But federal government grants can be the most lucrative, _BDhjG1ji0A-00828-00309713-00310189 so it’s something as Sara said, you should definitely pay attention to and be aware of. _BDhjG1ji0A-00829-00310190-00310533 The easiest to apply for though are often private grants. _BDhjG1ji0A-00830-00310533-00310979 So I would say private, state government, and then federal _BDhjG1ji0A-00831-00310980-00311316 would be that sort of order of difficulty for applications, _BDhjG1ji0A-00832-00311316-00311636 but it all depends on the specific grant. I’ve known of grant makers _BDhjG1ji0A-00833-00311636-00312049 who only want like a two-page explanation of what you want, _BDhjG1ji0A-00834-00312050-00312486 and they’ll cut you a check. I’ve known of others who want a 30-page application _BDhjG1ji0A-00835-00312486-00313009 for a $500 you know gift card to Kmart. _BDhjG1ji0A-00836-00313010-00313256 So it just really depends on the specific funding organization, _BDhjG1ji0A-00837-00313256-00313643 but I would say in general, anything that you’ll find in the US Charitable database _BDhjG1ji0A-00838-00313643-00314209 will be one of the easier to apply ones, easier to apply for grants. _BDhjG1ji0A-00839-00314210-00314643 Sara: I’m just going to add on top of that, that federal grants, _BDhjG1ji0A-00840-00314643-00315079 the advantage they have, although they can be quite lengthy _BDhjG1ji0A-00841-00315080-00315510 is that they are often multi-year and quite large. _BDhjG1ji0A-00842-00315510-00315870 Jeremy: That’s very true, very lucrative, very lucrative. _BDhjG1ji0A-00843-00315870-00316143 Sara: Yes, yes, so there’s that little bit. _BDhjG1ji0A-00844-00316143-00316519 Okay Sima, I think we are done with the tour today. _BDhjG1ji0A-00845-00316520-00316986 I’m going to turn this back over to you. _BDhjG1ji0A-00846-00316986-00317669 Sima: Okay, perfect. I am going to go back to the slides. _BDhjG1ji0A-00847-00318460-00318823 Sara: Oh, Jeremy you didn’t tell them where they can – _BDhjG1ji0A-00848-00318823-00319149 you can just let them know because she’s back at the slides, _BDhjG1ji0A-00849-00319150-00319766 but they can always email us about any questions at info@grantstation.com. _BDhjG1ji0A-00850-00319766-00320079 Jeremy: That’s right. And on our website if you go to our About section, _BDhjG1ji0A-00851-00320080-00320413 you’ll be able to find links to all of our employees, so even if you have a question _BDhjG1ji0A-00852-00320413-00320793 directly for me or for Sara, you can always ask us directly through there. _BDhjG1ji0A-00853-00320793-00321239 Sima: Perfect, and you said it was info@grantstation.com, is that correct? _BDhjG1ji0A-00854-00321240-00321400 Sara: Correct. _BDhjG1ji0A-00855-00321400-00321670 Sima: Okay perfect, yeah, we can include that in the follow-up email as well. _BDhjG1ji0A-00856-00321670-00322136 Okay, well, thank you so much Sara and Jeremy for the presentation. _BDhjG1ji0A-00857-00322136-00322433 Thank you everyone for attending. If you guys don’t mind, _BDhjG1ji0A-00858-00322433-00322766 just chat one thing that you learned in today’s webinar. _BDhjG1ji0A-00859-00322766-00323153 It’s always really fun for us to kind of see what you learned. _BDhjG1ji0A-00860-00323153-00323629 Also, we have a post event survey that you’ll get once you close out of ReadyTalk, _BDhjG1ji0A-00861-00323630-00323956 so any feedback that you have for us is always really helpful. _BDhjG1ji0A-00862-00323956-00324349 It helps us dictate future content that we produce. _BDhjG1ji0A-00863-00324350-00324623 If you’re on social media, please give us a follow. _BDhjG1ji0A-00864-00324623-00324849 We’re on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter _BDhjG1ji0A-00865-00324850-00325156 and we’re actually also on LinkedIn as well. _BDhjG1ji0A-00866-00325156-00325633 We have a blog, blog.techsoup.org where we post a bunch of tips and tricks _BDhjG1ji0A-00867-00325633-00325963 and things like that so please you know follow our blog. _BDhjG1ji0A-00868-00325963-00326223 We post there about three times a week. _BDhjG1ji0A-00869-00326223-00326623 Again one more time, we have the $99 GrantStation promo _BDhjG1ji0A-00870-00326623-00326983 which I believe you guys should have seen the link in the Q&A box, _BDhjG1ji0A-00871-00326983-00327366 but again, if you want to sign up for the reminder email. _BDhjG1ji0A-00872-00327366-00327663 It’s two days only September 25 and 26, _BDhjG1ji0A-00873-00327663-00328163 so you can sign up at the link below to get the reminder email. _BDhjG1ji0A-00874-00328163-00328469 And then also this Thursday if you’re interested _BDhjG1ji0A-00875-00328470-00328773 we have another webinar called Look before You Leap: _BDhjG1ji0A-00876-00328773-00329049 What You Need to Know before You Write That Grant _BDhjG1ji0A-00877-00329050-00329336 so that’s happening at 11 AM this Thursday, _BDhjG1ji0A-00878-00329336-00329619 so please feel free to register for that as well. _BDhjG1ji0A-00879-00329620-00329850 We have a couple of other webinars coming up. _BDhjG1ji0A-00880-00329850-00330290 We have security month, so we’re going to be doing a lot of security-related webinars _BDhjG1ji0A-00881-00330290-00330850 in October. Again, you can find our archived webinars and upcoming webinars _BDhjG1ji0A-00882-00330850-00331110 on the URL that you see there below. _BDhjG1ji0A-00883-00331110-00331386 Once again, thank you so much Sara, and Jeremy, _BDhjG1ji0A-00884-00331386-00331579 and LaCheka for helping on the back end. _BDhjG1ji0A-00885-00331580-00331846 And thank you all for attending today’s webinar. _BDhjG1ji0A-00886-00331846-00332074 And thank you to our sponsor ReadyTalk. _ENeVHv6sU8-00000-00000000-00000268 Hello, I'm Tatsumi Ivanovitch. _ENeVHv6sU8-00001-00000268-00000740 Today I'm opening a deluxe Kamen Rider Wizard driver _ENeVHv6sU8-00002-00000766-00001052 from Kamen Rider Wizard. _ENeVHv6sU8-00003-00001855-00002240 This is what the inside of the package looks like. _ENeVHv6sU8-00004-00002374-00002800 There are one, two, three Wizard Rings. _ENeVHv6sU8-00005-00002988-00003360 So this is what it looks like after setting up the driver. _ENeVHv6sU8-00006-00003424-00003679 Here is the first Wizard Ring. _ENeVHv6sU8-00007-00004130-00004396 This is the second one. _ENeVHv6sU8-00008-00004788-00004954 And here's the third one. _ENeVHv6sU8-00009-00005298-00005462 That's it. _ENeVHv6sU8-00010-00005558-00005877 Since these rings are made for kids, _ENeVHv6sU8-00011-00005937-00006164 I can only fit them on my pinky. _ENeVHv6sU8-00012-00006200-00006389 This toy is not made for adults. _ENeVHv6sU8-00013-00006444-00006726 Let's turn it on! _ENeVHv6sU8-00014-00009099-00009407 With this red ring, the driver says "Flame", _ENeVHv6sU8-00015-00009446-00009780 Next let's use the blue ring and _ENeVHv6sU8-00016-00009808-00010108 transform to Blue rider (Water Form). _ENeVHv6sU8-00017-00012432-00012611 Spell! Oh this is for a magic spell! _ENeVHv6sU8-00018-00013658-00014318 (Oops) Today I opened a deluxe Wizard Driver. _ENeVHv6sU8-00019-00014388-00014713 The more Wizard Rings we get, _ENeVHv6sU8-00020-00014734-00015013 the more we can do with this driver. _ENeVHv6sU8-00021-00015041-00015588 These three rings originally came with this box. _ENeVHv6sU8-00022-00015641-00015938 We can buy the Green Ring, Yellow Ring and _ENeVHv6sU8-00023-00015966-00016256 other upgraded rings separately. _ENeVHv6sU8-00024-00016302-00017004 So we can enjoy various sounds. _ENeVHv6sU8-00025-00017104-00017296 OK, that's it. _ENeVHv6sU8-00026-00017308-00017506 Thank you for watching. _Je9XAXPq_k-00000-00000143-00000743 Welcome to this video on how to locate popular sources. This video was created in July _Je9XAXPq_k-00001-00000743-00001343 of 2019, specifically for our graduate students in Education & Counselling, _Je9XAXPq_k-00002-00001343-00001929 so that's who I'll focus on. Anybody can watch this video. _Je9XAXPq_k-00003-00001930-00002730 I'm Paula Cardozo, the Librarian for the Faculty Education & for Sociology & Women & Gender Studies _Je9XAXPq_k-00004-00002730-00003529 at the University Lethbridge Library. Before we start looking for popular sources, if you need _Je9XAXPq_k-00005-00003529-00004213 a refresher on what they are, we're at the Library homepage, let's click on Guides. _Je9XAXPq_k-00006-00004213-00004843 In the 1st column, we're going to pick Evaluate Sources. _Je9XAXPq_k-00007-00004843-00005199 Let's go to Evaluating Articles. _Je9XAXPq_k-00008-00005200-00005606 There's some good info here on how to tell the difference between something _Je9XAXPq_k-00009-00005606-00006013 peer-reviewed & something written for a more popular audience. _Je9XAXPq_k-00010-00006013-00006219 If we just scroll down here _Je9XAXPq_k-00011-00006220-00006873 we have a table that goes through the differences between a scholarly journal, a trade journal (something that we could use _Je9XAXPq_k-00012-00006873-00007526 in Education & Counseling) & something popular that's written for a more general audience. _Je9XAXPq_k-00013-00007526-00007953 If you need a refresher, feel free to visit this page. _Je9XAXPq_k-00014-00007953-00008536 Otherwise let's get right back into the Guides. _Je9XAXPq_k-00015-00008536-00009276 I'm going to the Research in Education LibGuide. For my Counselling folk, this isn't all that different, depending on _Je9XAXPq_k-00016-00009276-00009773 which when one you go into. Hopefully you'll still be able to get lots out of this. _Je9XAXPq_k-00017-00009773-00010076 Click on Research in Education. _Je9XAXPq_k-00018-00010076-00010886 Just remember if you need any help, let me know. Email is the best way to find me. If I'm _Je9XAXPq_k-00019-00010886-00011426 in the system, this chat box goes directly to me. You'll know it's active when it's lit up green. _Je9XAXPq_k-00020-00011426-00011969 If you can't find me, there is the Research Desk _Je9XAXPq_k-00021-00011970-00012783 on the main floor the Library. You can see many different ways to get a hold of someone here. Our hours tend to _Je9XAXPq_k-00022-00012783-00013596 change, so if you're wondering when that desk is staffed, click on Library Hours. _Je9XAXPq_k-00023-00013596-00014286 Let's scroll up & go to Articles. _Je9XAXPq_k-00024-00014286-00014843 In addition to having peer-reviewed articles that I want you looking at, these databases _Je9XAXPq_k-00025-00014843-00015399 can also carry newspapers, magazines, & trade publications. _Je9XAXPq_k-00026-00015400-00015976 We're going into CBCA. It tends to have quite a bit of general _Je9XAXPq_k-00027-00015976-00016556 coverage. If you're wondering what is in these databases, hover _Je9XAXPq_k-00028-00016556-00017276 your cursor over the "i" to give you a snapshot. This one is a really good if you're looking for _Je9XAXPq_k-00029-00017276-00017933 Canadian content. I'll click on this one. _Je9XAXPq_k-00030-00017933-00018513 Depending on where you are, you might have to sign-in (Moodle/Bridge login & password). _Je9XAXPq_k-00031-00018513-00019446 If you've been in classes with me, you know that I tend to go up here to Change Databases, & depending on the _Je9XAXPq_k-00032-00019446-00020073 search that I'm doing, I might add a few more things. Let's click on that. _Je9XAXPq_k-00033-00020073-00020996 We're going to keep CBCA, but we're going to add Education Database, _Je9XAXPq_k-00034-00020996-00021759 ERIC (another Education-related one that also has Counseling content). Depending on the search you're _Je9XAXPq_k-00035-00021760-00022273 doing, you might want to add a few more of these. _Je9XAXPq_k-00036-00022273-00022756 If I was looking for some newspaper coverage in Canada from the Globe & Mail _Je9XAXPq_k-00037-00022756-00023096 in this time range, I could add this one too. _Je9XAXPq_k-00038-00023096-00023836 When you've picked the ones you want, click on use selected databases. _Je9XAXPq_k-00039-00023836-00024269 We just cast a bit of a wider net. _Je9XAXPq_k-00040-00024270-00025296 You have the option of picking your source type, so if I want newspapers & magazines, I'll click on that. _Je9XAXPq_k-00041-00025296-00026086 Scoll down. They're calling it "trade journals" here. Now we can run our search. _Je9XAXPq_k-00042-00026086-00026703 I'm interested in class size in Alberta. I'm not going to type that in. Remember that _Je9XAXPq_k-00043-00026703-00027536 when doing Library searching, we take our separate concepts & we put the word "and" between them. _Je9XAXPq_k-00044-00027536-00028329 Anytime we're dealing with a geographic location, that's what we write - not Albertan or Canadian. In the case _Je9XAXPq_k-00045-00028330-00028860 of the country, the nation not the nationality. You can play with this. _Je9XAXPq_k-00046-00028860-00029636 Let's run our search. _Je9XAXPq_k-00047-00029636-00030503 This brought back 250 results. Don't click on the Full Text limiter here. Just because we don't have full _Je9XAXPq_k-00048-00030503-00031369 text in this database, doesn't mean we don't have it somewhere else. Please don't cut yourself off from valid results. _Je9XAXPq_k-00049-00031370-00031686 Let's scroll down here. _Je9XAXPq_k-00050-00031686-00032306 We have the option of either zeroing in on a particular type of publication _Je9XAXPq_k-00051-00032306-00032946 or we can also go in after the publication date. Let's say that I've decided I really want to _Je9XAXPq_k-00052-00032946-00033586 focus on newspaper coverage of a particular topic, _Je9XAXPq_k-00053-00033586-00033993 I can narrow it down. _Je9XAXPq_k-00054-00033993-00034566 It defaults to a relevancy display. _Je9XAXPq_k-00055-00034566-00035336 Maybe I'm not interested in things from 2001 & I'm noticing that I'm not getting a lot of contemporary coverage. _Je9XAXPq_k-00056-00035336-00035743 I could click on "last 12 months" & hope for the best, _Je9XAXPq_k-00057-00035743-00036603 but that didn't happen. There just isn't anything in this particular search. That's OK. We'll just change gears & go _Je9XAXPq_k-00058-00036603-00037176 somewhere else. Since I liked that keyword search I'm going to steal it. _Je9XAXPq_k-00059-00037176-00037456 We're going to use it somewhere else. _Je9XAXPq_k-00060-00037456-00037826 Let's go back to the Library homepage. _Je9XAXPq_k-00061-00037826-00038626 We'll do a Summon search - the big all you can buffet that's searching lots of different _Je9XAXPq_k-00062-00038626-00039163 resources in the Library. Since I liked that search I'm going to paste it in. _Je9XAXPq_k-00063-00039163-00039673 The thing with Summon is that it's talking to databases covering _Je9XAXPq_k-00064-00039673-00040643 all the disciplines & it's bringing in lots of content. It's up to us to make sure the system knows exactly what we _Je9XAXPq_k-00065-00040643-00041289 want. I'm going to Content Type & click on "More" _Je9XAXPq_k-00066-00041290-00041670 I'm once again going to pick _Je9XAXPq_k-00067-00041670-00041906 newspapers, _Je9XAXPq_k-00068-00041906-00042403 magazines, and trade publication articles. _Je9XAXPq_k-00069-00042403-00042723 Go up here & click Apply. _Je9XAXPq_k-00070-00042723-00043506 We had 132,000 results the first time we searched. _Je9XAXPq_k-00071-00043506-00043919 That's getting a little bit better. _Je9XAXPq_k-00072-00043920-00044763 I can either specify a publication range here by clicking or pick a really _Je9XAXPq_k-00073-00044763-00046146 specific one that can go right down to the day, but I'm going to click on 12 months. _Je9XAXPq_k-00074-00046146-00046583 Then we can start taking a look at some of the _Je9XAXPq_k-00075-00046583-00047163 results that came up. That's one way of searching for newspaper articles. _Je9XAXPq_k-00076-00047163-00047676 I'm going to show you another way, so let's go back Home again. _Je9XAXPq_k-00077-00047676-00048063 We're going back to Guides. _Je9XAXPq_k-00078-00048063-00048943 This time to the 3rd column & to our Newspapers LibGuide. _Je9XAXPq_k-00079-00048943-00049489 Depending on what it is you're searching for, you may wish to zero in on some local _Je9XAXPq_k-00080-00049490-00050036 content, or make a choice between historical newspapers or contemporary. _Je9XAXPq_k-00081-00050036-00050476 Let's pick contemporary for now. _Je9XAXPq_k-00082-00050476-00051266 Searching effectively is more than plugging in the right key words. It's also making a plan, "OK this is what I want & this is _Je9XAXPq_k-00083-00051266-00051796 the best place to go searching for it." Always take a quick look at the descriptions _Je9XAXPq_k-00084-00051796-00051949 & you can _Je9XAXPq_k-00085-00051950-00052560 get a sense of the papers included in these databases. _Je9XAXPq_k-00086-00052560-00053136 The databases can be different, but most of the time the searching strategies that I just _Je9XAXPq_k-00087-00053136-00053716 showed you are going to be somewhat the same. Let's say you are _Je9XAXPq_k-00088-00053716-00054446 focusing on one particular newspaper, so I'm going to grab Globe & Mail. _Je9XAXPq_k-00089-00054446-00055043 You do have yet another option, so let's go back Home. _Je9XAXPq_k-00090-00055043-00055433 This time we're going to click on Find Articles _Je9XAXPq_k-00091-00055433-00055686 & go to the Journal Title Search. _Je9XAXPq_k-00092-00055686-00056366 Say you're trying to hunt down a really particular article that's in a periodical, or what _Je9XAXPq_k-00093-00056366-00057046 we call a serial - so that could be a scholarly journal, a newspaper, or magazine - _Je9XAXPq_k-00094-00057046-00057563 what we do is go into this tool & put in the name of the serial (not the article title!). _Je9XAXPq_k-00095-00057563-00057823 We're going to Globe & Mail _Je9XAXPq_k-00096-00057823-00058166 & do a search. _Je9XAXPq_k-00097-00058166-00058906 This tool tells us all the different ways, whether not we have a subscription to this particular resource, _Je9XAXPq_k-00098-00058906-00059673 & how we have it. That can be in different electronic databases or paper & microfilm. You can see _Je9XAXPq_k-00099-00059673-00060439 we're going back pretty far. Your next job is to think about you're researching & _Je9XAXPq_k-00100-00060440-00060953 try to pick a date range. Then go into the most relevant one. _Je9XAXPq_k-00101-00060953-00061276 So things on Alberta class size in the last 12 months, _Je9XAXPq_k-00102-00061276-00061759 I'm not going into this one, because the coverage is cutting off in 2014. _Je9XAXPq_k-00103-00061760-00062893 But I could go to Canadian Newsstream instead. Once you get in there, you'll do a similar search. _Je9XAXPq_k-00104-00062893-00063423 Now let's say you want to do a search, or there's a particular article that you want & you _Je9XAXPq_k-00105-00063423-00063953 checked with us & we don't have it, that's OK. Please don't ever pay for anything. _Je9XAXPq_k-00106-00063953-00064583 That can sometimes happen when you go out to the newspaper's general website. _Je9XAXPq_k-00107-00064583-00065163 Try for an interlibrary loan instead. When you're in the database, it will often prompt you. _Je9XAXPq_k-00108-00065163-00065743 But if it doesn't, you can go back to the Library homepage, click on Services, _Je9XAXPq_k-00109-00065743-00066586 go to Request Interlibrary Loan. Once you've signed in, put in as much bibliographic data as you can - _Je9XAXPq_k-00110-00066586-00067479 title, author, date, the newspaper - all that good stuff. The Interlibrary Loan Staff will do their best to get it to you. _Je9XAXPq_k-00111-00067480-00068076 That's all for now. Please remember if you have any questions to AskUS. _Je9XAXPq_k-00112-00068076-00068349 Thanks for watching & happy researching! _JN6CMzCl60-00000-00000907-00001154 2022 has not been the easiest year. _JN6CMzCl60-00001-00001154-00001414 In spite of any adversity that may arise, _JN6CMzCl60-00002-00001414-00001591 DataArt is always looking ahead. _JN6CMzCl60-00003-00001685-00001935 And above all, we are always watching over those who _JN6CMzCl60-00004-00001935-00002205 we value the most: our clients and colleagues. _JN6CMzCl60-00005-00002305-00002502 DataArt means people first; _JN6CMzCl60-00006-00002502-00002779 for day to day, we honor our motto by caring and nurturing _JN6CMzCl60-00007-00002779-00003049 relationships with our clients and colleagues alike. _JN6CMzCl60-00008-00003156-00003396 DataArt means growth; for we never cease to reach _JN6CMzCl60-00009-00003396-00003616 new heights and explore new horizons. _JN6CMzCl60-00010-00003727-00004047 DataArt means trust; for we exceed expectations _JN6CMzCl60-00011-00004047-00004411 thanks to the quality of our services, and the agility _JN6CMzCl60-00012-00004411-00004664 and adaptability of our approach. _JN6CMzCl60-00013-00004764-00005018 DataArt means commitment and loyalty; _JN6CMzCl60-00014-00005018-00005442 during these hard times, we undestand how important it is to find comfort, _JN6CMzCl60-00015-00005442-00005745 and that's what the DataArt community is all about. _JN6CMzCl60-00016-00005819-00006076 DataArt stands for team spirit and deversity; _JN6CMzCl60-00017-00006076-00006399 our cosmopolitan teams succeed by adding value _JN6CMzCl60-00018-00006399-00006776 and groundbraking innovations to our customers all over the world. _JN6CMzCl60-00019-00006893-00007223 DataArt means unconditional support. _JN6CMzCl60-00020-00007223-00007527 We proved that together not only can we move mountains, _JN6CMzCl60-00021-00007527-00007814 but we can also help improve people's lives. _JN6CMzCl60-00022-00007894-00008121 DataArt means equal opportunities for everyone, _JN6CMzCl60-00023-00008121-00008505 regardless of nationality, gender, age, race, religion or anything else. _JN6CMzCl60-00024-00008608-00008835 At DataArt we know we never couldn't have made it _JN6CMzCl60-00025-00008835-00008992 through what we faced in this last year _JN6CMzCl60-00026-00008992-00009172 if it wasn't for your amazing partnership! _JN6CMzCl60-00027-00009232-00009342 Thank you for being with us _JN6CMzCl60-00028-00009342-00009552 and making DataArt part of your journey! _JN6CMzCl60-00029-00009636-00009896 So, make way for 2023 cause here we come! _JN6CMzCl60-00030-00010236-00010447 Let’s work together for a stronger partnership! _JN6CMzCl60-00031-00010447-00010877 Let’s work together for an fair and inclusive society! _JN6CMzCl60-00032-00010877-00011184 Let’s work together for a healthy work-life balance, _JN6CMzCl60-00033-00011184-00011421 for a sustainable and green future. _JN6CMzCl60-00034-00011421-00011738 Let's keep working together with respect to everyone _JN6CMzCl60-00035-00011738-00012018 and commitment to overall future success. _JN6CMzCl60-00036-00012018-00012312 Let's work together for elegant solutions _JN6CMzCl60-00037-00012312-00012692 in the face of new and emerging challenges, _JN6CMzCl60-00038-00012692-00013226 Let's work together for the belief that things can always get better! _JN6CMzCl60-00039-00013226-00013670 Let's work together for creativity, innovation, and change! _JN6CMzCl60-00040-00013670-00013953 Let's work together for our younger generations! _JN6CMzCl60-00041-00013953-00014434 Let’s work together for a brighter, safer, and peaceful world! _JN6CMzCl60-00042-00014434-00014674 Let's work together for mutual success! _JN6CMzCl60-00043-00014674-00014914 Let’s work together for a happy 2023! _L4YsqF6l0A-00000-00000048-00000623 Infection of the knee joint following ACL reconstruction is a rare but serious complication. _L4YsqF6l0A-00001-00000623-00000987 Past studies have attempted to uncover the risk factors that make certain individuals _L4YsqF6l0A-00002-00000987-00001271 more susceptible to infection than others. _L4YsqF6l0A-00003-00001271-00001689 But many of these studies have been limited to small and medium-sized cohorts. _L4YsqF6l0A-00004-00001689-00002169 A new study reported in the American Journal of Sports Medicine has examined the largest, _L4YsqF6l0A-00005-00002169-00002426 single-center cohort to date. _L4YsqF6l0A-00006-00002426-00002881 Findings reveal that graft type, age, and revision surgery could be linked to the risk _L4YsqF6l0A-00007-00002881-00003239 of infection following ACL reconstruction. _L4YsqF6l0A-00008-00003239-00003664 The researchers behind the study reviewed more than 11,000 total procedures performed _L4YsqF6l0A-00009-00003664-00004072 at a single institution between 2010 and 2018. _L4YsqF6l0A-00010-00004072-00004428 Among these, 48 infections were identified. _L4YsqF6l0A-00011-00004428-00004857 In addition to infections, the researchers reviewed patient and procedure characteristics _L4YsqF6l0A-00012-00004857-00005451 associated with infection, infection characteristics, incidence of ACL graft retention and factors _L4YsqF6l0A-00013-00005451-00005901 associated with retention versus removal of ACL grafts. _L4YsqF6l0A-00014-00005901-00006387 A regression analysis designed to link these variables to infection revealed three important _L4YsqF6l0A-00015-00006387-00007033 risk factors: graft type, revision ACL reconstruction surgery, and younger age. _L4YsqF6l0A-00016-00007033-00007583 Among graft types, both hamstring autografts and all allografts were independently associated _L4YsqF6l0A-00017-00007583-00008169 with an increased risk of infection when compared with bone–patellar tendon–bone autografts. _L4YsqF6l0A-00018-00008169-00008681 No statistically significant differences were found for retained versus removed grafts besides _L4YsqF6l0A-00019-00008681-00009097 fewer or more than two irrigations and debridement procedures. _L4YsqF6l0A-00020-00009097-00009558 Larger cohorts with a greater number of infections following ACL reconstruction are needed to _L4YsqF6l0A-00021-00009558-00010017 identify factors associated with graft retention versus removal. _L4YsqF6l0A-00022-00010017-00010430 These and other future findings could provide clinicians a clearer picture of the risks _L4YsqF6l0A-00023-00010430-00010738 that predispose patients to infection after ACL surgery. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00000-00000000-00000242 The M-ATV gets upgraded, Marine Corps Air _Ly-TzJsncQ-00001-00000242-00000447 Station Iwakuni adds to their arsenal _Ly-TzJsncQ-00002-00000447-00000666 and see how one Corporal uses 3-D _Ly-TzJsncQ-00003-00000666-00000827 printing to enhance warfighting _Ly-TzJsncQ-00004-00000827-00001200 capabilities. This week on the Corps Report _Ly-TzJsncQ-00005-00002406-00002711 This week, Marines with Third Marine Division _Ly-TzJsncQ-00006-00002711-00002901 completed their war-gaming exercise and _Ly-TzJsncQ-00007-00002901-00003126 snowy slopes of Pyeongchang with their South _Ly-TzJsncQ-00008-00003126-00003314 Korean counterpart on February 3rd. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00009-00003314-00003546 The 1st and 2nd Marine Divisions _Ly-TzJsncQ-00010-00003546-00003848 celebrated their 76th anniversary on February 1st _Ly-TzJsncQ-00011-00003848-00004053 both divisions were founded in _Ly-TzJsncQ-00012-00004053-00004330 1941 during World War II. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00013-00004536-00004695 The Corps is upgrading the Mine Resistant _Ly-TzJsncQ-00014-00004695-00004898 Ambush-Protected All-Terrain Vehicle _Ly-TzJsncQ-00015-00004898-00005282 or the M-ATV. Nicknamed 'the Beast', this _Ly-TzJsncQ-00016-00005282-00005453 truck provides better protection than _Ly-TzJsncQ-00017-00005453-00005655 its lightweight Humvee counterpart. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00018-00005655-00005873 The upgrade adds a heavier and wider steel layer _Ly-TzJsncQ-00019-00005873-00006098 to the original armor plus a dense _Ly-TzJsncQ-00020-00006098-00006330 foam layer. The foam addition will work _Ly-TzJsncQ-00021-00006330-00006504 as a crumpe zone and allows the _Ly-TzJsncQ-00022-00006504-00006684 vehicle to take more damage without _Ly-TzJsncQ-00023-00006684-00006850 endangering the Marines. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00024-00006990-00007131 Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni _Ly-TzJsncQ-00025-00007131-00007329 upgraded their arsenal with the arrival _Ly-TzJsncQ-00026-00007329-00007587 of the Navy's E-2D Advanced Hawkeyes. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00027-00007587-00007900 The Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 125 _Ly-TzJsncQ-00028-00007900-00008331 also known as the Tigertales flew from Norfolk, Virginia _Ly-TzJsncQ-00029-00008331-00008595 and arrived in Japan on February 2nd. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00030-00008595-00008817 "They brought the E-2D here to reinforce _Ly-TzJsncQ-00031-00008817-00009165 their commitment to the security of Japan and to peace _Ly-TzJsncQ-00032-00009165-00009405 and stability in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region." _Ly-TzJsncQ-00033-00009405-00009609 E-2D is equipped with the most advanced _Ly-TzJsncQ-00034-00009609-00009924 airborne radar in the world the APY-9 Radar. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00036-00010005-00010170 This allows them to detect and track _Ly-TzJsncQ-00037-00010170-00010383 targets earlier and with more accuracy. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00038-00010383-00010674 The tigertale's presence will maximize _Ly-TzJsncQ-00039-00010674-00010886 force leathality, survivability and _Ly-TzJsncQ-00040-00010886-00011016 mission effectiveness in the _Ly-TzJsncQ-00041-00011016-00011300 Indo-Asia-Pacific region. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00042-00011508-00011676 The whole concept of the MAGTF being very _Ly-TzJsncQ-00043-00011676-00011847 self-sufficient we are self-enclosed _Ly-TzJsncQ-00044-00011847-00012135 entity. That same philosophy should _Ly-TzJsncQ-00045-00012135-00012382 translate into additive manufacturing. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00046-00012382-00012649 So right now we have two printers. They _Ly-TzJsncQ-00047-00012649-00012805 can print them a couple of types of plastic _Ly-TzJsncQ-00048-00012805-00012994 but we're also going to be moving into _Ly-TzJsncQ-00049-00012994-00013405 fiberglass, kevlar, nylon, high-strength _Ly-TzJsncQ-00050-00013405-00013672 high-temperature fiberglass and carbon _Ly-TzJsncQ-00051-00013672-00013927 fiber. With that, that enables a much _Ly-TzJsncQ-00052-00013927-00014191 wider range of things so anything from a _Ly-TzJsncQ-00053-00014191-00014332 screwdriver that doesn't conduct _Ly-TzJsncQ-00054-00014332-00014731 electricity to a UAV or anything in _Ly-TzJsncQ-00055-00014731-00015001 between will be able to create. Corporal Hunt _Ly-TzJsncQ-00056-00015001-00015238 is the only Marine in the MAGTF right _Ly-TzJsncQ-00057-00015238-00015484 now who have had formal training. He is the _Ly-TzJsncQ-00058-00015484-00015676 one that is conducted informal turning _Ly-TzJsncQ-00059-00015676-00015901 right now, and it's the one that is creating _Ly-TzJsncQ-00060-00015901-00016170 all of the initial design products. _Ly-TzJsncQ-00061-00016170-00016462 The reason that we want to bring this _Ly-TzJsncQ-00062-00016462-00016698 training to such a broad diverse range _Ly-TzJsncQ-00063-00016698-00016867 of Marines, so everyone from _Ly-TzJsncQ-00064-00016867-00017122 lance corporal to captain to include _Ly-TzJsncQ-00065-00017122-00017500 several sailors on the medical side is _Ly-TzJsncQ-00066-00017500-00017755 so that they can be the ones to bring _Ly-TzJsncQ-00067-00017755-00018004 those ideas forward. We are not the only _Ly-TzJsncQ-00068-00018004-00018235 beneficiaries of this work but the _Ly-TzJsncQ-00069-00018235-00018789 Marine Corps _MC20JbYH5I-00000-00000567-00001398 Like any other engaged couple, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had their own plans in place for their perfect wedding day. _MC20JbYH5I-00001-00001515-00002328 But the pair have reportedly been denied their chosen venue for the wedding reception - the 'dreamy' Frogmore House. _MC20JbYH5I-00002-00002445-00003492 Frogmore is a significant venue for the couple, as the pair have reportedly enjoyed romantic picnics at the estate and it was also the backdrop for their glamorous engagement photos. _MC20JbYH5I-00003-00003609-00004800 However, the Express reports that Meghan and Harry were denied the chance to celebrate their wedding at the exclusive venue, which is closed to the public for most of the year, in favour of the more 'practical' alternative _MC20JbYH5I-00004-00004917-00005394 ...NOW GET ONE LIKE IT _MC20JbYH5I-00005-00005511-00006489 The couple were thought to be keen on Frogmore, which Meghan described as 'dreamy', for their wedding reception, but have now been 'gently vetoed' by royal aides. _MC20JbYH5I-00006-00006606-00007495 They have instead been offered St George's Hall at Windsor Castle, which is thought to be more suitable for the size of the wedding party. _MC20JbYH5I-00007-00007613-00008342 It is just a mile away from their venue of St George's Chapel, where they will wed on May 19 _MC20JbYH5I-00008-00008459-00009475 A source said: 'They would have loved Frogmore for the party, particularly Meghan who has called it 'dreamy', but they have been told St George's Hall is far more practical. _MC20JbYH5I-00009-00009592-00010408 'One person who would have readily approved of their choice was the Queen, for whom Frogmore is a very special place. _MC20JbYH5I-00010-00010525-00011618 'The Queen would also have loved the family to see what had been done at Frogmore: the house has just been renovated by a group of friends as a 70th wedding anniversary gift to her and Philip.' _MC20JbYH5I-00011-00011735-00012335 MailOnline has contacted Kensington Palace for a comment _MC20JbYH5I-00012-00012452-00013384 The couple's stunning engagement photos were taken in the 35 acre grounds of Frogmore House, which is only open to the public three days of the year. _MC20JbYH5I-00013-00013501-00014268 The stately home was also a setting for romantic picnics while the couple were still dating last summer _MC20JbYH5I-00014-00014385-00015226 Frogmore House is a stately home with a lot of royal history, and is where both Queen Victoria and Prince Albert are buried. _MC20JbYH5I-00015-00015343-00016321 While Meghan and Harry have been denied their venue choice, other royal couples have held their wedding reception at Frogmore, including Peter and Autumn Phillips _MC20JbYH5I-00016-00016438-00017314 Their 2008 wedding reception caused a stir as they were reported to have been paid £500,000 for the photos to appear in Hello Magazine _MC20JbYH5I-00017-00017431-00018310 The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge held their wedding reception in Buckingham Palace after their fairy tale wedding at Westminster Abbey _MC20JbYH5I-00018-00018427-00019450 Meghan and Harry announced their engagement on November 27, with the American actress showing off her sparkling ring complete with diamonds owned by his mother Princess Diana. _MC20JbYH5I-00019-00019567-00020524 They live in Nottingham Cottage in Kensington Palace next door to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their children Prince George and Princess Charlotte. _NbVgE13BzQ-00000-00000170-00000480 Susan: Hi everyone. This is Susan Hope Bard with TechSoup. _NbVgE13BzQ-00001-00000480-00001246 We are going to get started with our live event, our TechSoup 30 with our Hidden Adobe Gems. _NbVgE13BzQ-00002-00001246-00001906 And our guest today is Wes Holing. A couple of things to note as we get started _NbVgE13BzQ-00003-00001906-00002533 is that in the lower right-hand corner of your screen you can adjust your video settings. _NbVgE13BzQ-00004-00002533-00003183 If at any time the visual becomes distorted or it’s a little fuzzy, _NbVgE13BzQ-00005-00003183-00003853 you can bring your video connectivity up to 720 which is high definition. _NbVgE13BzQ-00006-00003853-00004383 There is a little gear in the lower right-hand corner, and if you just click on that gear _NbVgE13BzQ-00007-00004383-00004843 there are 2 different choices. There is speed and quality. If you go to quality _NbVgE13BzQ-00008-00004843-00005693 it will automatically be on 480p and you can go to 720 HD and it should clear everything up. _NbVgE13BzQ-00009-00005693-00006163 I want to make sure everyone can hear me right now before we get started _NbVgE13BzQ-00010-00006163-00006789 with the formal presentation. So if you want to give me a quick chat _NbVgE13BzQ-00011-00006790-00007626 that you are able to hear me, that would be great. _NbVgE13BzQ-00012-00007626-00008049 So as we get started, a couple of things that you’ve probably noted, _NbVgE13BzQ-00013-00008050-00008553 I see that some of you that are on today also have been with us during other events, _NbVgE13BzQ-00014-00008553-00009229 so you do know that we house all of the recordings on this particular course, _NbVgE13BzQ-00015-00009230-00009616 and they are just by date. So you can go ahead at any point in time _NbVgE13BzQ-00016-00009616-00010186 and review any of the recordings. You can also complete surveys if you haven’t had a chance _NbVgE13BzQ-00017-00010186-00010773 to complete surveys for past events. We do collect this data so that we can _NbVgE13BzQ-00018-00010773-00011229 make these better, and more engaging, or that we address issues _NbVgE13BzQ-00019-00011230-00011666 that you are having in your nonprofit or library. _NbVgE13BzQ-00020-00011666-00012039 Kim, thanks for responding that you can hear. Awesome. _NbVgE13BzQ-00021-00012040-00012700 Before we get started, one other quick thing. We will be hosting several other events _NbVgE13BzQ-00022-00012700-00013393 for the rest of this month. Know that you can RSVP to any of the events _NbVgE13BzQ-00023-00013393-00014093 by just clicking on the date on the side bar, the right side. Just click on the date _NbVgE13BzQ-00024-00014093-00014596 and you can RSVP. You can also see who else is going to be joining us during that event _NbVgE13BzQ-00025-00014596-00015236 in addition to the speaker or the expert. So I’m going to turn this over to Wes Holing _NbVgE13BzQ-00026-00015236-00015943 who has delivered so many amazing short and long webinars for us on Adobe products. _NbVgE13BzQ-00027-00015943-00016576 I’m sure you’re familiar with him, and I also know you probably love all of his presentations. _NbVgE13BzQ-00028-00016576-00016973 And we hope you also have the opportunity to check out some of the courses _NbVgE13BzQ-00029-00016973-00017453 that he has developed in this particular platform, TechSoup courses. _NbVgE13BzQ-00030-00017453-00018059 We have one on Photoshop and Illustrator. Soon we will have one on Infographics as well. _NbVgE13BzQ-00031-00018060-00018886 Wes I’m going to put myself on mute and turn it over to you. Thanks. _NbVgE13BzQ-00032-00018886-00019253 Wes: Great. Thanks Susan. As Susan mentioned, my name is Wes Holing. _NbVgE13BzQ-00033-00019253-00019529 I’m a Senior Web Content Developer here at TechSoup. _NbVgE13BzQ-00034-00019530-00020226 If you have attended any of our previous Adobe videos like our webinars or these TS 30s, _NbVgE13BzQ-00035-00020226-00020579 you’ve probably seen and heard from me before. Usually I’m covering things _NbVgE13BzQ-00036-00020580-00021236 on the Adobe Creative Cloud collection like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, _NbVgE13BzQ-00037-00021236-00021683 some of the big names, in fact a lot of Photoshop. But today am going be talking _NbVgE13BzQ-00038-00021683-00022249 about what we call the “hidden gems.” These are apps that come in Creative Cloud _NbVgE13BzQ-00039-00022250-00022586 that don’t get as much attention as some of the big name products. _NbVgE13BzQ-00040-00022586-00023106 And there are some really great apps within the Creative Cloud collection. _NbVgE13BzQ-00041-00023106-00023726 The first one I’d like to show you you may have heard of before. In fact, it’s not so much an app _NbVgE13BzQ-00042-00023726-00024256 as it is a service. It is called Adobe Stock. I’m going to switch over here. _NbVgE13BzQ-00043-00024256-00024863 This is a fairly new addition to Adobe Creative Cloud. I’ll give you a little tunnel vision _NbVgE13BzQ-00044-00024863-00025723 for a moment there. One moment while I switch. That’s our page. Sorry, one second. _NbVgE13BzQ-00045-00025723-00026323 If you are in for example, Photoshop or Illustrator or any of the Adobe Creative Cloud collection _NbVgE13BzQ-00046-00026323-00026749 of apps, you might have seen it in your menus under the File menu. _NbVgE13BzQ-00047-00026750-00027070 You can see for example, in Photoshop there is “Search Adobe Stock.” _NbVgE13BzQ-00048-00027070-00027470 And this will appear in lots of different places throughout the application. _NbVgE13BzQ-00049-00027470-00028180 But if you just click that, we’ll wait until it loads up here on my screen. _NbVgE13BzQ-00050-00028180-00028406 It will take you to a page in your browser of choice _NbVgE13BzQ-00051-00028406-00028936 that is just like any other stock photo site. If you’ve used ShutterStock, iStock, _NbVgE13BzQ-00052-00028936-00029503 or Getty Images or any of the big name stock photo warehouses, this will look pretty familiar _NbVgE13BzQ-00053-00029503-00030093 in terms of its interface. Adobe includes still images, illustrations, videos. _NbVgE13BzQ-00054-00030093-00030603 They’ve also got a premium section that includes some of the best quality images _NbVgE13BzQ-00055-00030603-00031189 in their collection. So some very good assets here if you are looking for something to use _NbVgE13BzQ-00056-00031189-00031913 in your annual report, in posters, in handouts, in any kind of collateral you might need _NbVgE13BzQ-00057-00031913-00032543 to send to either inform donors, or your constituents, or just the public in general _NbVgE13BzQ-00058-00032543-00033163 about the mission that you are involved in. One thing I’ll note is that the photos _NbVgE13BzQ-00059-00033163-00033869 that come in Stock are not necessarily free for Adobe Creative Cloud subscribers. _NbVgE13BzQ-00060-00033870-00034626 The standard rate starts at $9.99 for a single image. But you’ll notice this blue bar down here, _NbVgE13BzQ-00061-00034626-00035256 when you sign up for Adobe Creative Cloud, you get 10 free Stock images with your account, _NbVgE13BzQ-00062-00035256-00035736 with your subscription, excuse me. That means that from the beginning _NbVgE13BzQ-00063-00035736-00036379 you get those 10 free images. The standard rate is $10 per image. This is a little more _NbVgE13BzQ-00064-00036380-00036800 than you will see from some of the other big name Stock photo warehouses. _NbVgE13BzQ-00065-00036800-00037180 And this is my unbiased opinion. Adobe is not paying me, I promise. _NbVgE13BzQ-00066-00037180-00037700 Only TechSoup is paying me. The quality of Adobe Stock images, I generally believe, _NbVgE13BzQ-00067-00037700-00038423 is higher than the standard stock warehouse photo sites. And I’ve looked through these sites, _NbVgE13BzQ-00068-00038423-00039036 this site a lot through its collections. There are a lot of great photos in here that are more candid, _NbVgE13BzQ-00069-00039036-00039476 that are more in the field that are generally more nonprofit friendly, I would think, _NbVgE13BzQ-00070-00039476-00039856 than from some other stock warehouse sites. Definitely shop around. _NbVgE13BzQ-00071-00039856-00040396 You’re not stuck with just using the images from Adobe Stock if you are using Photoshop _NbVgE13BzQ-00072-00040396-00040826 or Illustrator, or any of those apps, but definitely give it a look. _NbVgE13BzQ-00073-00040826-00041516 One thing to consider though, is the prices aren’t just per image. If you subscribe _NbVgE13BzQ-00074-00041516-00042349 to Adobe Stock and you have a Creative Cloud subscription, your cost monthly _NbVgE13BzQ-00075-00042350-00043070 can go instead of a single image costing $10, it’ll go from $50 which is the monthly rate _NbVgE13BzQ-00076-00043070-00043573 for 10 images per month down to just $30 per month for those 10 images. _NbVgE13BzQ-00077-00043573-00044159 And one nice thing about Adobe Stock that I haven’t seen in other stock sites _NbVgE13BzQ-00078-00044160-00044813 is that Adobe allows you to roll over your Stock image credits. So if you don’t use all 10 _NbVgE13BzQ-00079-00044813-00045303 of those images in a given month, say you only use 5, the next month you will have 15 to use. _NbVgE13BzQ-00080-00045303-00045746 Most stock sites will say, “You get “X” with us, and then if you don’t use them all _NbVgE13BzQ-00081-00045746-00046119 then the next month you will still get that same number.” Not the case with Adobe Stock, _NbVgE13BzQ-00082-00046120-00046626 if you only use a certain amount in one month, the remainder will roll over, month over month, _NbVgE13BzQ-00083-00046626-00047066 over month. So you’re paying for what you’re getting, you’re not just throwing money away. _NbVgE13BzQ-00084-00047066-00047519 So definitely worth considering if you’re looking for some high quality images _NbVgE13BzQ-00085-00047520-00048033 that will plug-in nicely with the Adobe Creative Cloud apps. _NbVgE13BzQ-00086-00048033-00048456 One other thing, and I’ll show you this as well. If you’re looking for images, _NbVgE13BzQ-00087-00048456-00049253 I’ll click on photography, and while this loads up I’ll show you what I’m talking about. _NbVgE13BzQ-00088-00049253-00049699 If you have an image that you’re interested in for example, this one here of an older man _NbVgE13BzQ-00089-00049700-00050266 and a younger boy playing chess, you can save the preview to your library. _NbVgE13BzQ-00090-00050266-00051149 Because you have Adobe Creative Cloud, all of your assets including images, fonts, colors, _NbVgE13BzQ-00091-00051150-00051716 can be saved to your Creative Cloud library and then used in any other place _NbVgE13BzQ-00092-00051716-00052199 that you use your Creative Cloud apps, your phone, your desktop and your laptop _NbVgE13BzQ-00093-00052200-00052736 for example. You can save these to your library just as a preview if you’re not quite ready _NbVgE13BzQ-00094-00052736-00053246 to commit to the price on it. And then try it out, lay your text over it, make your modifications, _NbVgE13BzQ-00095-00053246-00054043 and when you’re ready [break in audio] you’ll have the full image in your file ready to go _NbVgE13BzQ-00096-00054043-00054469 without having to redo all of your work. So that’s Adobe Stock. _NbVgE13BzQ-00097-00054470-00054870 I also want to show you another app. This one is not so much of a hidden gem. _NbVgE13BzQ-00098-00054870-00055173 You may have heard of it before. It’s AfterEffects. _NbVgE13BzQ-00099-00055173-00056279 Now AfterEffects is a video processing application. So if you are using Premier Pro _NbVgE13BzQ-00100-00056279-00056820 to create your videos, you import your clips, you edit them all together, and you adjust the audio, _NbVgE13BzQ-00101-00056820-00057300 and make all your transitions and all that, AfterEffects is what comes in after that _NbVgE13BzQ-00102-00057300-00057823 which is fantastic for creating motion graphics, adding text that moves, _NbVgE13BzQ-00103-00057823-00058589 adding illustration elements that animate within the video. Also, adding end credits for example, _NbVgE13BzQ-00104-00058590-00059196 it’s sort of postproduction work is all done in AfterEffects. _NbVgE13BzQ-00105-00059196-00059803 And I personally am not an AfterEffects expert. The one thing I’ve made in AfterEffects _NbVgE13BzQ-00106-00059803-00060463 you may have seen on our TechSoup videos is this little short. I’ll show you that one more time. _NbVgE13BzQ-00107-00060463-00060959 You can see that the white comes in, the blue comes up, our logo, and the word video, _NbVgE13BzQ-00108-00060960-00061410 and then they disappear. All that is done in AfterEffects. There was no work done _NbVgE13BzQ-00109-00061410-00062016 for example in Premier which is the other mainstay of the Adobe Creative Cloud collection. _NbVgE13BzQ-00110-00062016-00062679 So let me go ahead and open up AfterEffects to show you. Now I’ll let that sync up for you. _NbVgE13BzQ-00111-00062679-00063379 And I’ll say right away “Yes. This looks like a lot to handle.” And it is, but if you’ve used _NbVgE13BzQ-00112-00063379-00063790 any video editing software before, or if you are at all familiar with timeline based editing, _NbVgE13BzQ-00113-00063790-00064229 this will begin to be very familiar. In the center here we have the canvas _NbVgE13BzQ-00114-00064229-00064733 which is where the actual contents of your video are going to go. On the left side _NbVgE13BzQ-00115-00064733-00065303 we have all of the assets that we may need to import. This includes videos, logos, still images, _NbVgE13BzQ-00116-00065303-00065773 and including the solid elements. If you look right here there is a folder called “solids.” _NbVgE13BzQ-00117-00065773-00066296 There is the black solid, the white, the blue. These are the elements that move around _NbVgE13BzQ-00118-00066296-00066946 in the video that are present in my library. And then down here is the timeline. _NbVgE13BzQ-00119-00066946-00067439 You can see that we’ve got a lot of different layers here. And the layers I refer to, _NbVgE13BzQ-00120-00067440-00067983 if you’ve used Photoshop, or Illustrator, or InDesign, it’s the same concept _NbVgE13BzQ-00121-00067983-00068473 as the layers in that. There is one literally on top of the other. Imagine on your table _NbVgE13BzQ-00122-00068473-00068953 you have one sheet on top of another sheet on top of another sheet. It’s the same concept. _NbVgE13BzQ-00123-00068953-00069353 You are layering things in the same way that we’re layering them here. _NbVgE13BzQ-00124-00069353-00069776 You can see that right now the background of my canvas is transparent. _NbVgE13BzQ-00125-00069776-00070319 If I move it long this time indicator, you can see the white begins to come down. _NbVgE13BzQ-00126-00070320-00070790 This is all very slow motion for a few seconds video. The blue comes up. _NbVgE13BzQ-00127-00070790-00071633 My logo comes up, and even kind of bounces a little bit to give it some physics, some motion, _NbVgE13BzQ-00128-00071633-00072126 and so does the video. They hold for a brief moment. I’ll scroll all the way through. _NbVgE13BzQ-00129-00072126-00072909 Then they both disappear. Aftereffects is very user-friendly when it comes to animation. _NbVgE13BzQ-00130-00072910-00073516 If I decide that I want an element to start from one position and and then move to the other, _NbVgE13BzQ-00131-00073516-00074049 I don’t have to physically add it to each frame. I can just say it starts here. It ends there. _NbVgE13BzQ-00132-00074050-00074476 Now you think of the rest and it will automatically produce that for me. _NbVgE13BzQ-00133-00074476-00074906 There are a lot of really great tutorials online from Adobe as well as from other third-party _NbVgE13BzQ-00134-00074906-00075573 vendors for how to use AfterEffects. In fact, that’s how I made this. We decided at TechSoup _NbVgE13BzQ-00135-00075573-00076106 that we needed a nice little intro for videos. And I volunteered, and then realized _NbVgE13BzQ-00136-00076106-00076493 I have no idea how to do it. But thanks to some quick YouTube searches _NbVgE13BzQ-00137-00076493-00076953 and the assets from Adobe.com, I was able to put together this. _NbVgE13BzQ-00138-00076953-00077393 And while it’s not going to win any awards, it is a very clean and quick intro to our videos _NbVgE13BzQ-00139-00077393-00077793 that can just be dropped into anything, and give us a little extra branding _NbVgE13BzQ-00140-00077793-00078369 when it comes to the work we produce. And if you’re producing any kind of videos for YouTube, _NbVgE13BzQ-00141-00078370-00078880 for Facebook, for Twitter, it’s really nice to have something like this that you can just drop in _NbVgE13BzQ-00142-00078880-00079440 and not think about and then you got your name in front of whatever video may go viral, _NbVgE13BzQ-00143-00079440-00079890 god willing. So definitely check out AfterEffects. _NbVgE13BzQ-00144-00079890-00080320 If you have no idea what to do with it, check out some of the tutorials online first, _NbVgE13BzQ-00145-00080320-00080833 but don’t be afraid to dive in and tinker around, because honestly that’s the best way to learn _NbVgE13BzQ-00146-00080833-00081313 any of these applications that I’ve been covering. The other application I want to cover _NbVgE13BzQ-00147-00081313-00082096 is one called Muse. If you’ve done any work online in terms of web design, _NbVgE13BzQ-00148-00082096-00082716 or just updating your own website, you may have heard of a term called responsive design. _NbVgE13BzQ-00149-00082716-00083139 Responsive design is something while you may or may not have heard of the term, _NbVgE13BzQ-00150-00083140-00083600 you’ve definitely experienced it on the web. What it means is you are making your website _NbVgE13BzQ-00151-00083600-00084230 responsive to different devices. So for example, if you’ve ever looked _NbVgE13BzQ-00152-00084230-00084636 on your phone at a webpage that’s designed for a desktop environment, _NbVgE13BzQ-00153-00084636-00085213 you’ll know that the text is super small, or the links are very hard to click _NbVgE13BzQ-00154-00085213-00085613 because it’s meant for someone with a mouse. So websites have been moving _NbVgE13BzQ-00155-00085613-00086146 in a more responsive direction so that one website doesn’t have to have _NbVgE13BzQ-00156-00086146-00086526 a second mobile version like mobile.nonprofit.org. _NbVgE13BzQ-00157-00086526-00086903 You can just have nonprofit.org and it looks different for different devices, _NbVgE13BzQ-00158-00086903-00087276 and you only have to update your content one. Now this sounds like a lot of work _NbVgE13BzQ-00159-00087276-00087779 and it can be if you have a legacy website. The reason I brought up our 20 Days of Adobe _NbVgE13BzQ-00160-00087780-00088333 site here is to show you exactly what responsive looks like. Right now I’ve got the desktop version _NbVgE13BzQ-00161-00088333-00089043 of the site open. Now if I shrink the width of my browser to be more like a mobile phone, _NbVgE13BzQ-00162-00089043-00089439 you will see how this content changes. So right now it’s still wide enough for desktop. _NbVgE13BzQ-00163-00089440-00090310 But if I click and drag, watch the content snap. There we go. Now that the browser window _NbVgE13BzQ-00164-00090310-00090943 is narrow enough, sort of like your phone, you can see how the image below shrunk down. _NbVgE13BzQ-00165-00090943-00091396 The image of the top also shrunk down. I’ll reexpand so you can see it one more time. _NbVgE13BzQ-00166-00091396-00092169 Wide image with left justified header text, now it’s centered and the image expands _NbVgE13BzQ-00167-00092170-00092850 only to the width of the browser. And if I scroll down, you can see that some of our daily events _NbVgE13BzQ-00168-00092850-00093440 will also change. This is the mobile view, and this is the desktop view. _NbVgE13BzQ-00169-00093440-00094023 The image is left aligned, excuse me, the image floats to the left and the text is left aligned. _NbVgE13BzQ-00170-00094023-00094506 If we bring it to the mobile view, you can see that everything become centered. _NbVgE13BzQ-00171-00094506-00095003 Center is course, a little more friendly for mobile view. That is what responsive design is, _NbVgE13BzQ-00172-00095003-00095343 but here is how you can make it work for your organization. _NbVgE13BzQ-00173-00095343-00095859 If we bring up Muse this is the interface from Muse. This is a template that I got _NbVgE13BzQ-00174-00095860-00096426 just off of the web from responsive-Muse.com. There are a lot of great sites out there _NbVgE13BzQ-00175-00096426-00096766 that are third-party sites out there that offer templates in Muse. _NbVgE13BzQ-00176-00096766-00097156 So if you don’t want to do the heavy thinking about where are my breakpoints, _NbVgE13BzQ-00177-00097156-00097456 and how is this going to look, and where should I put all these things, _NbVgE13BzQ-00178-00097456-00097696 you can just grabbed some templates and begin to play with them. _NbVgE13BzQ-00179-00097696-00098096 They may not necessarily plug-in directly to the CMS that you have, _NbVgE13BzQ-00180-00098096-00098733 but they are great way to at least workshop your site design, get some ideas, _NbVgE13BzQ-00181-00098733-00099099 and try out a few things before you have to fully commit to it in the code. _NbVgE13BzQ-00182-00099100-00099693 And the code brings me to another great point about Muse. You don’t have to work in code. _NbVgE13BzQ-00183-00099693-00099969 If you don’t know HTML, you don’t know CSS, you don’t know JavaScript, _NbVgE13BzQ-00184-00099970-00100286 that’s great because you don’t have to touch it in Muse. _NbVgE13BzQ-00185-00100286-00100889 What I’ll show you here is this is a template for the desktop view of this site. _NbVgE13BzQ-00186-00100890-00101270 As you can see there are little text frames around certain elements. _NbVgE13BzQ-00187-00101270-00101993 If you’ve used Illustrator or InDesign, you can see how some of this is sort of familiar. _NbVgE13BzQ-00188-00101993-00102386 There are elements you can click and move around. You can change the text. _NbVgE13BzQ-00189-00102386-00103063 Like for example, if I wanted to change this to “Slogan Here,” I can. These are all just elements _NbVgE13BzQ-00190-00103063-00103653 in a layer and you can see on the right there is also layers just like in Illustrator, in InDesign, _NbVgE13BzQ-00191-00103653-00104203 Photoshop etc., and move things around. It’s all very visual and all very nondestructive. _NbVgE13BzQ-00192-00104203-00105023 So this is my desktop view. I can bring it into another view which is sort of a wide tablet view. _NbVgE13BzQ-00193-00105023-00105606 If I click here, you can see it’s become a little narrower. If I want to look at a horizontal _NbVgE13BzQ-00194-00105606-00106219 or mobile view, I’ve got that here. And if I want to look at a vertical mobile view, _NbVgE13BzQ-00195-00106220-00106896 I’ve got that here. Now this text is a little too wide for a mobile view, but I can fix that _NbVgE13BzQ-00196-00106896-00107333 so it’s only wide enough for the mobile view, and doesn’t shrink down for the other view. _NbVgE13BzQ-00197-00107333-00107836 Over here on the left there is an option “Format text across breakpoints,” _NbVgE13BzQ-00198-00107836-00108223 or “Format text on current breakpoint.” And breakpoint is just a fancy way of saying _NbVgE13BzQ-00199-00108223-00108733 whichever device you’re currently looking at. Right now I’m looking at the vertical mobile view. _NbVgE13BzQ-00200-00108733-00109856 I just click this, choose my element, change the text from 60 points to let’s say 48. _NbVgE13BzQ-00201-00109856-00110636 That’s a little better. And I’ll click away. Now watch the size of “slogan” here. _NbVgE13BzQ-00202-00110636-00111219 If I click away to another breakpoint, it gets a little bigger. If I click back to the vertical mobile, _NbVgE13BzQ-00203-00111220-00111680 it’s a little smaller. It’s really handy to have your elements on your page _NbVgE13BzQ-00204-00111680-00112376 adjust to the width of your browser. If I like what I’ve got – I do, it’s not bad – _NbVgE13BzQ-00205-00112376-00113029 I can go up to File > Export as HTML, and choose a place to export it. _NbVgE13BzQ-00206-00113030-00113703 It’ll just go through a quick export process giving me a little status bar as it goes. _NbVgE13BzQ-00207-00113703-00114669 [Indistinct] so that’s not a problem. Now it’ll automatically pop up in my browser _NbVgE13BzQ-00208-00114670-00115106 and you can see this is the exact site that I had laid out and I never had to _NbVgE13BzQ-00209-00115106-00115633 type a single character of HTML. If I bring my browser window in, _NbVgE13BzQ-00210-00115633-00116316 there is the sort of wider tablet view. There’s the sort of vertical tablet view. _NbVgE13BzQ-00211-00116316-00117229 If I bring it in real close – I have to do a little bit of adjustment. I could’ve brought that text _NbVgE13BzQ-00212-00117230-00117600 in a little smaller. But you still get the idea that this is the vertical mobile view. _NbVgE13BzQ-00213-00117600-00118183 Again, all my elements change based on what I gave it without making any adjustments _NbVgE13BzQ-00214-00118183-00118639 to the HTML. Muse is a great option for anyone who is starting out _NbVgE13BzQ-00215-00118640-00119073 with web design, is familiar with other graphic design programs _NbVgE13BzQ-00216-00119073-00119449 within the Adobe Creative Cloud collection, but doesn’t have a lot of experience _NbVgE13BzQ-00217-00119450-00120043 with web development. Sort of a great app to use if you are going between for example, _NbVgE13BzQ-00218-00120043-00120539 Illustrator and Adobe Dreamweaver. I highly recommend checking out Muse. _NbVgE13BzQ-00219-00120540-00121453 One other app I’d like to recommend is if you’ve used InDesign for creating print brochures, _NbVgE13BzQ-00220-00121453-00122136 posters, postcards, anything like that that involves copy, you know how difficult it can be _NbVgE13BzQ-00221-00122136-00122703 if you’re waiting on someone else to make a copy that then you have to lay into your design. _NbVgE13BzQ-00222-00122703-00122993 Sometimes you have to create the design before you get the copy _NbVgE13BzQ-00223-00122993-00123526 and it is this sort of waiting game. Adobe makes it easy for that collaborative process _NbVgE13BzQ-00224-00123526-00124176 to work with another app called InCopy. InCopy is not quite analogous _NbVgE13BzQ-00225-00124176-00124753 to Microsoft Word, but it is a word processor in that I can create – rather, _NbVgE13BzQ-00226-00124753-00125636 someone else can create the copy in InCopy typing “For your design” – if I can type it – _NbVgE13BzQ-00227-00125636-00126143 “design in here.” Make my changes with fonts and even track changes _NbVgE13BzQ-00228-00126143-00126969 like you can in Microsoft Word, accept changes, reject them, all of your basic font _NbVgE13BzQ-00229-00126970-00127486 and text changes can be done within InCopy, and then in InDesign _NbVgE13BzQ-00230-00127486-00128079 create a space for that copy to live, so that I am as a designer not dependent _NbVgE13BzQ-00231-00128080-00128456 on the person who’s writing the copy to finish their part. I can start creating everything _NbVgE13BzQ-00232-00128456-00128766 around it, see it as it comes in. They can make their changes. _NbVgE13BzQ-00233-00128766-00129216 Someone else can make changes to it, so I don’t have to do share my design file. _NbVgE13BzQ-00234-00129216-00129843 It makes the whole collaboration process a lot easier. And the 2 apps work together _NbVgE13BzQ-00235-00129843-00130453 very seamlessly. So if you have any kind of permissions issues with someone writing it _NbVgE13BzQ-00236-00130453-00130889 in Word and then sending it to you to drop into InDesign, InCopy is a great solution _NbVgE13BzQ-00237-00130890-00131250 to that problem. I have just a couple of minutes left, _NbVgE13BzQ-00238-00131250-00131673 so I’d like to touch on one other hidden gem within the Adobe Creative Cloud collection. _NbVgE13BzQ-00239-00131673-00132136 If you’ve ever run into a situation where you wanted a great font _NbVgE13BzQ-00240-00132136-00132746 but didn’t have it on your computer, or you have something in mind like, I’d like it to be bolder, _NbVgE13BzQ-00241-00132746-00133426 or kind of heavier, or lighter, very thin, something like that, there is the service _NbVgE13BzQ-00242-00133426-00133713 that comes with Adobe Creative Cloud called Typekit. _NbVgE13BzQ-00243-00133713-00134323 If you have let’s say, – let me open up Photoshop here and I’ll show you _NbVgE13BzQ-00244-00134323-00134786 what I’m talking about. I’ll just create some to text here in my document. _NbVgE13BzQ-00245-00134786-00135663 Waiting for it to respond, there we go. “Text Here,” terrible font. _NbVgE13BzQ-00246-00135663-00136166 And if I click on my font list, right over here is “Add fonts from Typekit. _NbVgE13BzQ-00247-00136166-00136706 ”All you do is click the little “Tk” icon. It will pop up in your browser, _NbVgE13BzQ-00248-00136706-00137113 and this takes you to Adobe’s website for Typekit which is it’s storehouse _NbVgE13BzQ-00249-00137113-00137543 for all sorts of fonts. I can browse fonts based on what I’m looking for. _NbVgE13BzQ-00250-00137543-00137913 If I’m looking for something San Serif which doesn’t have the little notches on it, _NbVgE13BzQ-00251-00137913-00138343 Serif which of course is a little bit older like Times New Roman, Georgia. _NbVgE13BzQ-00252-00138343-00138893 Slab Serif Script if I want a handwriting font, I can find one like that which is the one _NbVgE13BzQ-00253-00138893-00139293 that I came from. So if I am looking for different handwriting font I can choose Hand, _NbVgE13BzQ-00254-00139293-00140243 give it a few other options. Let’s say its narrow, and I kind of like a high “h” in the x-height style. _NbVgE13BzQ-00255-00140243-00140569 There we go. That’s something that fits my description. _NbVgE13BzQ-00256-00140570-00141336 I can click that. It’s in my plan as it tells me. And then all I have to do is sync it to my library, _NbVgE13BzQ-00257-00141336-00141916 and then it is added right into Adobe Creative Cloud for me. I can also use it on the web _NbVgE13BzQ-00258-00141916-00142413 if I want by clicking this, and getting the embed information that I can add to my website. _NbVgE13BzQ-00259-00142413-00143209 If someone doesn’t have it, it’s not a problem. It will add it to their computer _NbVgE13BzQ-00260-00143210-00143686 but just within their browsing experience. So Typekit is another great way _NbVgE13BzQ-00261-00143686-00144176 to get the design and style you are looking for with your copy without having to purchase _NbVgE13BzQ-00262-00144176-00144623 a bunch of new fonts, or worry about who has access to them and who doesn’t. _NbVgE13BzQ-00263-00144623-00145143 It looks like I’m just at time here, so I’m going to hand things back over to Susan _NbVgE13BzQ-00264-00145143-00146166 to tell you about a if you other things TechSoup related. Go ahead and take it away Susan. _NbVgE13BzQ-00265-00146166-00147006 Susan: Great, thanks so much. Thanks Wes. It’s always interesting to hear Wes _NbVgE13BzQ-00266-00147006-00147446 talk about these different programs. It seems like Adobe has programs for everything _NbVgE13BzQ-00267-00147446-00147883 and he makes them look so easy. So we may get some feedback _NbVgE13BzQ-00268-00147883-00148356 that we’d like to have some more detail on a few of those. Thank you. _NbVgE13BzQ-00269-00148356-00148993 I do want to share my desktop so I can run through a couple of new articles, _NbVgE13BzQ-00270-00148993-00149393 and also just kind of share with you a couple of other things. _NbVgE13BzQ-00271-00149393-00150453 Jim Lynch, next week he will be talking about Green Tech, so we will have the opportunity _NbVgE13BzQ-00272-00150453-00151159 talk all about Green Technology and our affordable refurbished program. _NbVgE13BzQ-00273-00151160-00151533 So I hope you join us next week. A couple of articles _NbVgE13BzQ-00274-00151533-00152013 that have recently been published, the first is How to Ask for New Technology _NbVgE13BzQ-00275-00152013-00152463 for Your Nonprofit. So Essentially, some of the things you need to think about, _NbVgE13BzQ-00276-00152463-00153109 especially if you are ending your fiscal year is how are you going to make a plan, _NbVgE13BzQ-00277-00153110-00153723 your tech plan for next year, both strategic and tactical. This article helps to address _NbVgE13BzQ-00278-00153723-00154203 some of these things. And we also have a course, we have a free course _NbVgE13BzQ-00279-00154203-00154693 in our TechSoup courses called Tech Planning 101 which helps you assess _NbVgE13BzQ-00280-00154693-00155156 your current technology at your nonprofit. So between the 2 of these, _NbVgE13BzQ-00281-00155156-00155679 How to Ask for New Technology, and the free Tech Planning 101 _NbVgE13BzQ-00282-00155680-00156033 should give you a good start for the next fiscal year. _NbVgE13BzQ-00283-00156033-00156549 Another article on Hidden Gems for Nonprofits in the TechSoup Catalog, _NbVgE13BzQ-00284-00156550-00157053 similar to what Wes just talked about with the hidden gems for Adobe, _NbVgE13BzQ-00285-00157053-00157446 Jim has written a really interesting article about the hidden gems _NbVgE13BzQ-00286-00157446-00157976 in terms of our product donations. So one of them is Airbnb. _NbVgE13BzQ-00287-00157976-00158669 We do encourage you to read these articles. There are also some interesting links. _NbVgE13BzQ-00288-00158670-00159566 Airbnb Social Impact Experiences, very interesting partnership that we have _NbVgE13BzQ-00289-00159566-00160343 with Airbnb and we think you’d be well positioned if you read the article _NbVgE13BzQ-00290-00160343-00160763 and also learned a little bit more about the social impact experience. _NbVgE13BzQ-00291-00160763-00161446 One other thing is the Veritas donation program. That’s kind of a hidden gem. _NbVgE13BzQ-00292-00161446-00162396 It helps you with back up and restoration. So we encourage you to read these articles, _NbVgE13BzQ-00293-00162396-00162963 and to access these particular courses. Like I said, Tech Planning 101. _NbVgE13BzQ-00294-00162963-00163503 And you can also look in our catalog for the Veritas donation program. _NbVgE13BzQ-00295-00163503-00164156 So I am going to stop sharing and see if anybody has any questions. _NbVgE13BzQ-00296-00164156-00165376 I don’t see any questions, but we have one more minute, so before we end I want to thank you _NbVgE13BzQ-00297-00165376-00165893 for your time today. And we hope you join us next week, like I said, for Green Tech _NbVgE13BzQ-00298-00165893-00166556 and refurbished technology. And then after that we will be hosting another series _NbVgE13BzQ-00299-00166556-00167113 of social media and some Adobe product events upcoming. _NbVgE13BzQ-00300-00167113-00167789 So thanks for coming today. I’m glad that all of the technology work much better _NbVgE13BzQ-00301-00167790-00168263 in terms of the audio. So if you have any questions you can chat those to me in the chat _NbVgE13BzQ-00302-00168263-00168729 box right now, or you can send me an email after the program. _NbVgE13BzQ-00303-00168730-00169643 I’m going to put my email in the chat box. Or if you have suggestions for any additional events _NbVgE13BzQ-00304-00169643-00170009 that you would like to see in this platform, go ahead and shoot me an email _NbVgE13BzQ-00305-00170010-00170373 or complete the survey and let us know what you’d like to see. _NbVgE13BzQ-00306-00170373-00171023 Wes, thank you so much again. You are an amazing presenter, and also a great partner. _NbVgE13BzQ-00307-00171023-00171533 So thanks in terms of delivering all of these Adobe Hidden Gems _NbVgE13BzQ-00308-00171533-00171909 and also all of our Adobe trainings that we have in the platform. _NbVgE13BzQ-00309-00171910-00172390 And thanks to all of you for coming today. Have a great rest of your week, _NbVgE13BzQ-00310-00172390-00172706 and also have a great long weekend for Memorial Day. _NbVgE13BzQ-00311-00172706-00172820 Bye-bye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00000-00000036-00000278 [beats] _S2fYfrmgtQ-00001-00000342-00000429 -Hello, how are you? _S2fYfrmgtQ-00002-00000432-00000609 Welcome back. I am Dr. Marco, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00003-00000609-00000778 and today we will talk a little bit _S2fYfrmgtQ-00004-00000780-00001106 about vision problems related to diabetes; _S2fYfrmgtQ-00005-00001112-00001316 specifically, we will talk about cataracts, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00006-00001318-00001590 retinopathy, and all these things _S2fYfrmgtQ-00007-00001590-00001886 that afflict patients with this disease. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00008-00001966-00002048 Let's get started. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00009-00002054-00002260 We will study the vision problems we have _S2fYfrmgtQ-00010-00002260-00002538 in diabetes as part of our series of classes _S2fYfrmgtQ-00011-00002538-00002858 about diabetes. You will remember this blue circle, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00012-00002864-00003144 which is the international symbol for diabetes. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00013-00003156-00003446 We have already discussed many issues of diabetes, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00014-00003446-00003678 neuropathy, diabetic foot, ketoacidosis. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00015-00003697-00003946 I am leaving a link at the top to see _S2fYfrmgtQ-00016-00003946-00004212 the entire list of videos that we have already made. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00017-00004294-00004676 Now, speaking of vision problems, how important _S2fYfrmgtQ-00018-00004678-00004852 are the eyes in the diabetic patient? _S2fYfrmgtQ-00019-00004886-00005254 Obviously, the eyes are one of the primary sources of information _S2fYfrmgtQ-00020-00005254-00005450 about our environment. It is one of the senses _S2fYfrmgtQ-00021-00005454-00005584 that we use the most in life. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00022-00005589-00006100 Therefore, anything that affects the eyes should be a priority. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00023-00006126-00006488 Now, diabetic patients have numerous pathologies that affect _S2fYfrmgtQ-00024-00006494-00006762 precisely this organ or this sense. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00025-00006798-00007230 Not only that, but diabetes is one of the leading causes of eye pathologies _S2fYfrmgtQ-00026-00007230-00007626 and is going to be the leading cause of acquired blindness _S2fYfrmgtQ-00027-00007634-00008064 in adults; that is, people who were not born with blindness, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00028-00008088-00008346 but when they reach adulthood develop diabetes. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00029-00008360-00008706 Diabetic retinopathy will be the leading cause, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00030-00008716-00009096 of which we will talk more, of blindness in the world _S2fYfrmgtQ-00031-00009106-00009504 with 4.2 million a year, more or less is the estimate. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00032-00009580-00009777 Of the 100% of patients _S2fYfrmgtQ-00033-00009780-00010066 with diabetes, 30% will have _S2fYfrmgtQ-00034-00010066-00010350 eye problems. Again, this is relative; _S2fYfrmgtQ-00035-00010368-00010826 everyone has their own frequency; however, they are around 30%. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00036-00010884-00011104 Here, the most important thing to mention is that _S2fYfrmgtQ-00037-00011108-00011391 practically all eye pathologies _S2fYfrmgtQ-00038-00011391-00011828 are preventable and manageable when talking about a diabetic patient. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00039-00011854-00012314 If we have adequate control of diabetes, they will not appear, or it will be _S2fYfrmgtQ-00040-00012317-00012757 very difficult for them to appear. Similarly, if they are detected in time, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00041-00012762-00013063 we will be able to give relatively simple management that will make _S2fYfrmgtQ-00042-00013070-00013412 the patient preserve the vision and see a little bit better. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00043-00013421-00013834 Of course, the eye is an extremely complex organ, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00044-00013834-00014234 and the straightforward way it works is that beams of light, basically photons, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00045-00014234-00014548 are going to pass through the entire eye through the crystalline lens. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00046-00014563-00015037 The lens will control what tilt or what angle they come in _S2fYfrmgtQ-00047-00015045-00015428 so that they hit bottom, which will be precisely the macula. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00048-00015437-00015825 This is the part where the optic nerve, which would be this little yellow thing _S2fYfrmgtQ-00049-00015835-00016213 that we have here, has the most amount of neurons in the eye, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00050-00016225-00016537 and this is where we have the most visual acuity. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00051-00016557-00016880 This is what is right in the middle of our gaze. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00052-00016900-00017254 As you can see, we have nerves around it that are going _S2fYfrmgtQ-00053-00017254-00017596 to give us peripheral vision. Everything together will provide us _S2fYfrmgtQ-00054-00017600-00018136 with the ability to see in general and perceive colors through different cells. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00055-00018165-00018594 Knowing this, we need these light rays _S2fYfrmgtQ-00056-00018602-00019011 to go through the whole eye to the bottom part because that is where _S2fYfrmgtQ-00057-00019011-00019382 this light information is interpreted and transformed _S2fYfrmgtQ-00058-00019382-00019648 into electrical stimuli that are then sent to the brain _S2fYfrmgtQ-00059-00019648-00020005 to be interpreted as images, colors, and everything else. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00060-00020048-00020611 If something in the center is not transparent, it will completely stop _S2fYfrmgtQ-00061-00020620-00021057 the light going through this eye. In the same way, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00062-00021068-00021694 if something squeezes or makes the optic nerve lack blood or something else, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00063-00021705-00022180 that will also lead to the electrical stimuli not being able to pass through _S2fYfrmgtQ-00064-00022194-00022691 and, of course, not be interpreted as light or that we simply stop seeing. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00065-00022754-00023077 Finally, the blood vessels, which are all these lines _S2fYfrmgtQ-00066-00023085-00023462 that are going to nourish this eye, need to be functioning _S2fYfrmgtQ-00067-00023462-00024034 and maintain all the nutrients of the eye, which uses quite a lot. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00068-00024034-00024494 If something attacks the blood vessels, it can cause ischemia, and the eye, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00069-00024494-00024965 the nerve specifically, suffers. It can also cause _S2fYfrmgtQ-00070-00024965-00025228 these blood vessels to be deformed; it can even tear _S2fYfrmgtQ-00071-00025251-00025534 the optic nerve from this part of the back. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00072-00025588-00025920 We have already seen all this about how the eye works in past videos. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00073-00025931-00026291 I also leave you the link above. There it is much more complete _S2fYfrmgtQ-00074-00026291-00026657 and explained, even the molecular part, but you can review it _S2fYfrmgtQ-00075-00026657-00027045 if you are interested in all the science of this incredible organ. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00076-00027111-00027520 Now, having the eye this way, basically, when we have diabetes, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00077-00027520-00027962 our main problems can appear. There are many more, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00078-00027962-00028188 but I am only going to focus on the four main ones. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00079-00028234-00028682 First, this lens may no longer be transparent, and then _S2fYfrmgtQ-00080-00028682-00029074 it no longer lets light through; this is what we know as cataracts. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00081-00029120-00029554 Second, glaucoma; this is because there is too much pressure _S2fYfrmgtQ-00082-00029554-00030082 since there is too much fluid inside the eye, leading to different problems. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00083-00030082-00030545 Among them, the optic nerve is injured. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00084-00030545-00030754 The retina, specifically, can even detach. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00085-00030754-00031000 In the next place, we have diabetic macular edema. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00086-00031000-00031105 This is when the macula, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00087-00031108-00031344 which we already know is the part that gives us _S2fYfrmgtQ-00088-00031350-00031811 the most visual acuity and with what we see best, because of the damage that diabetes generates _S2fYfrmgtQ-00089-00031811-00032234 in the blood vessels is going to cause many of the things that are in the blood, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00090-00032242-00032654 which should not be reaching the macula so that we can see clearly, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00091-00032662-00032780 begin to get it. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00092-00032800-00033251 That causes it to swell, the macula's dimensions to be lost, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00093-00033262-00033745 which causes us to lose a little bit of the ability to see accurately. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00094-00033780-00034188 Finally, we have retinopathy, which would be diabetic retinopathy. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00095-00034202-00034580 One might think that diabetic retinopathy is a bit of a continuation _S2fYfrmgtQ-00096-00034580-00034745 of diabetic macular edema. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00097-00034762-00035214 However, in retinopathy, there is already widespread blood vessel damage. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00098-00035245-00035531 This also implies nerve damage. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00099-00035562-00035841 In addition to all this nerve _S2fYfrmgtQ-00100-00035853-00036100 and blood vessel damage, over time, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00101-00036100-00036505 it generates very significant deformities within the eye, specifically _S2fYfrmgtQ-00102-00036505-00036948 within the eyes' blood vessels, and can cause blindness. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00103-00036974-00037446 While diabetic macular edema is the most common cause of vision problems, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00104-00037452-00037764 it's not going to be that serious; it just makes us see a little bit blurry. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00105-00037771-00038197 On the other hand, retinopathy is not as expected, but it's the one _S2fYfrmgtQ-00106-00038197-00038442 that can lead to total blindness. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00107-00038451-00038931 Besides these, as we mentioned, there are other sources of damage to the eye _S2fYfrmgtQ-00108-00038942-00039320 that are not so frequent, but we have neuropathy, for example. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00109-00039320-00039585 We have also spoken in the past about diabetic neuropathy. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00110-00039605-00039965 We also have ischemia, ischemia of the retina; that is, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00111-00039965-00040157 the absence of blood in the blood vessels. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00112-00040168-00040471 This will be a mechanism and a pathology that can lead _S2fYfrmgtQ-00113-00040471-00040922 to the eye not functioning correctly in our diabetic patients. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00114-00040957-00041097 Now, cataracts. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00115-00041102-00041460 I will not focus so much on the first ones; I am not going to look at them in detail; _S2fYfrmgtQ-00116-00041460-00041604 I am just going to mention them. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00117-00041611-00041857 Starting with cataracts, we already know that _S2fYfrmgtQ-00118-00041860-00042118 this is when the crystalline lens becomes opaque. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00119-00042125-00042494 This lens becomes opaque because it activates a metabolic pathway _S2fYfrmgtQ-00120-00042494-00042880 that will produce sorbitol when glucose is too high. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00121-00042897-00043240 Sorbitol is osmotically active; it pulls water. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00122-00043257-00043725 This sorbitol accumulates in the crystalline lens of our patients. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00123-00043740-00044197 When water is pulled, it swells, and this causes the fibers to disarrange, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00124-00044197-00044657 begin to tear, many small scars appear, and then _S2fYfrmgtQ-00125-00044657-00044917 this crystalline lens becomes completely opaque. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00126-00044922-00045302 Of course, light cannot pass through there, and patients _S2fYfrmgtQ-00127-00045302-00045465 can completely lose their vision. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00128-00045528-00045882 Since excess glucose is the leading cause _S2fYfrmgtQ-00129-00045882-00046314 for the production of sorbitol and for this crystalline lens to become opaque, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00130-00046314-00046652 glucose control will be one of the most important things we can do _S2fYfrmgtQ-00131-00046661-00046835 to prevent these cataracts. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00132-00046845-00047094 Second, the use of dark glasses. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00133-00047105-00047734 When we wear dark glasses, it helps prevent damage _S2fYfrmgtQ-00134-00047734-00048122 to the crystalline lens and can protect _S2fYfrmgtQ-00135-00048122-00048282 our diabetic patients' eyes. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00136-00048320-00048724 Of course, all of these things have to be evaluated and monitored by a doctor. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00137-00048745-00049105 Finally, when cataracts appear, fortunately, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00138-00049105-00049577 there are highly effective treatments that consist of reaching the eye, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00139-00049594-00050024 making an incision, removing the opaque lens that this patient has, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00140-00050030-00050194 and putting in a new lens. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00141-00050217-00050454 These new lenses are usually removed _S2fYfrmgtQ-00142-00050454-00050754 from patients who have died, of course. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00143-00050822-00051291 In this way, they already have a completely new, transparent lens _S2fYfrmgtQ-00144-00051304-00051566 that makes it possible for the patient to see again. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00145-00051591-00052100 This complication is relatively manageable and straightforward. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00146-00052100-00052474 However, we have to keep an eye on it and review it. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00147-00052508-00052800 In second place is glaucoma _S2fYfrmgtQ-00148-00052800-00052937 in diabetic patients. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00149-00052937-00053305 Glaucoma is when there is too much pressure inside the eye, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00150-00053316-00053797 putting pressure on all the eyewalls. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00151-00053860-00054402 This glaucoma will also cause the blood vessels to be compressed _S2fYfrmgtQ-00152-00054402-00054742 without being damaged, and at the same time, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00153-00054742-00054917 the nerve will be damaged directly. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00154-00054948-00055265 Glaucoma can also be detected in a routine eye examination _S2fYfrmgtQ-00155-00055265-00055600 by an experienced ophthalmologist. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00156-00055600-00055905 Even some general practitioners may be trained for this. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00157-00055945-00056204 This glaucoma is called open-angle glaucoma, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00158-00056206-00056365 the most common type of glaucoma. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00159-00056365-00056774 It means that the tube through which all of this fluid is removed is open. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00160-00056785-00057272 However, the tubes begin to close for different reasons, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00161-00057278-00057734 avoiding remove all of this fluid from the eye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00162-00057771-00057954 How can we control glaucoma? _S2fYfrmgtQ-00163-00057954-00058271 Again, glucose control is going to be super important. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00164-00058285-00058576 When we increase glucose concentration, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00165-00058600-00059017 the probability of having this hypertension increases _S2fYfrmgtQ-00166-00059021-00059318 because you can no longer eliminate the liquid inside the eye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00167-00059324-00059537 We're going to need an early diagnosis as well. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00168-00059537-00060020 If I initially detect that the eye has hypertension, I don't give it time _S2fYfrmgtQ-00169-00060020-00060431 to squash all the eye structures and cause permanent damage. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00170-00060454-00060879 It is a relatively simple pathology to treat _S2fYfrmgtQ-00171-00060879-00061222 through drugs, diuretics, and some other substances. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00172-00061248-00061754 Also, through surgery, it can be operated on, decreasing the pressure inside the eye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00173-00061788-00062222 It is also important to mention that certain drugs can increase _S2fYfrmgtQ-00174-00062222-00062657 the risk of glaucoma, for example, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00175-00062679-00063128 steroids, leading patients to develop this pathology. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00176-00063145-00063354 Just to take this into consideration. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00177-00063397-00063884 Thirdly, diabetic macular edema, and here it gets a little more complicated. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00178-00063894-00064148 We already know that we have the macula; _S2fYfrmgtQ-00179-00064148-00064548 this macula will be, once again, the one that gives us the most clarity of vision. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00180-00064571-00064994 As part of the nervous system, this whole optic nerve will have _S2fYfrmgtQ-00181-00064994-00065418 the famous blood-retinal barrier, very similar to the hematoencephalic barrier. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00182-00065424-00065822 We have the blood vessels and do not want _S2fYfrmgtQ-00183-00065822-00066202 the blood to throw anything at our neurons _S2fYfrmgtQ-00184-00066202-00066671 and our eye cells like I said. So we will have not only endothelial cells _S2fYfrmgtQ-00185-00066671-00067134 that are superglued, but we also have pericytes and some other cells _S2fYfrmgtQ-00186-00067134-00067442 characteristic of this blood-something barrier. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00187-00067497-00067962 At all times, in a healthy eye, you must control what things _S2fYfrmgtQ-00188-00067971-00068442 can and cannot pass directly to the nerve _S2fYfrmgtQ-00189-00068442-00068880 because they are toxic, or maybe they can pass, but in low concentrations, et cetera. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00190-00068911-00069357 As diabetes progresses, these cells, which are in charge of protecting _S2fYfrmgtQ-00191-00069377-00069851 the nerve from blood components, begin to become dysfunctional. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00192-00069851-00070305 They no longer work because glucose is toxic for these cells, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00193-00070348-00070797 and it begins to pour out much more content, many more things _S2fYfrmgtQ-00194-00070820-00071365 from the blood vessels to my neurons and in general to my retina. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00195-00071448-00071723 This will cause the fluid I have here _S2fYfrmgtQ-00196-00071728-00071937 to no longer be adequately controlled. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00197-00071937-00072365 I can start to have darker parts in the liquid because _S2fYfrmgtQ-00198-00072365-00072845 it fills up with proteins, fats, et cetera, which should not be there, but also _S2fYfrmgtQ-00199-00072845-00073234 certain substances that are toxic to my nerve can start to accumulate. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00200-00073297-00073660 How do I prevent diabetic macular edema? _S2fYfrmgtQ-00201-00073660-00074077 With adequate glucose control. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00202-00074088-00074480 This diabetic macular edema is the most common cause of visual alterations. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00203-00074497-00074865 If a diabetic patient tells me that he is not seeing well _S2fYfrmgtQ-00204-00074865-00075294 or sees a little blurry, nothing serious, but he can no longer see clearly, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00205-00075317-00075740 he is probably developing diabetic macular edema. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00206-00075774-00076085 Because of this extravasation of liquid, this liquid passes _S2fYfrmgtQ-00207-00076085-00076511 without being monitored and passes along with proteins, sometimes fats, et cetera. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00208-00076537-00076842 The treatment will also be pharmacological and surgical. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00209-00076842-00077099 We are going to mention it in a little more detail. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00210-00077111-00077625 Finally, suppose we continue with this injury that I am generating on the vessels _S2fYfrmgtQ-00211-00077625-00078100 and the blood-retinal barrier structure. In that case, I will advance _S2fYfrmgtQ-00212-00078100-00078674 to the next step, which is diabetic retinopathy, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00213-00078674-00079134 the most severe form of eye damage that I can have as a diabetic patient. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00214-00079237-00079737 It leads to blindness; in fact, it is the reason why diabetes _S2fYfrmgtQ-00215-00079737-00080257 is the leading cause of blindness in non-congenital adults. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00216-00080320-00080791 It will occur because of damage to the large and small blood vessels in the eye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00217-00080808-00081297 This is what my eye would look like at the bottom. Here I would have the macula, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00218-00081297-00081505 where I have the most visual clarity. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00219-00081548-00081994 Of course, this is full of nerves everywhere; this is in the third dimension; _S2fYfrmgtQ-00220-00081994-00082291 it is a sphere and blood vessels, as we can see. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00221-00082317-00082522 Here we see everything flattened. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00222-00082565-00082957 All the blood vessels and nerves lead to a specific point _S2fYfrmgtQ-00223-00082957-00083448 where the nerves exit to the brain, and the blood vessels _S2fYfrmgtQ-00224-00083448-00083611 enter into the arteries. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00225-00083645-00084254 When we start to damage these blood vessels, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00226-00084254-00084491 we will have ischemia, inflammation. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00227-00084540-00085080 Later, when the damage is very intense, and a blood vessel becomes blocked, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00228-00085097-00085274 the eye tries to defend itself. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00229-00085294-00085705 It says, "If I am not getting blood through this artery, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00230-00085705-00086082 I will make this other one bigger and make a new vessel _S2fYfrmgtQ-00231-00086082-00086454 to nourish that part of the eye and the retina that is suffering damage." _S2fYfrmgtQ-00232-00086505-00086974 The problem is that in a diabetic patient, this damage is chronic. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00233-00086974-00087261 Besides, high glucose does not allow these new blood vessels _S2fYfrmgtQ-00234-00087277-00087491 to form properly, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00235-00087491-00087977 creating abnormal blood vessels. First, they increase the blood vessel's risk _S2fYfrmgtQ-00236-00087981-00088488 of rupturing and spilling everything from fat to blood. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00237-00088522-00089082 Second, they can grab the retina and pull it out from where it is, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00238-00089088-00089474 causing permanent blindness for the patient. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00239-00089588-00090028 The significant problem with diabetic retinopathy-- _S2fYfrmgtQ-00240-00090037-00090291 In its onset, glucose control is essential. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00241-00090308-00090700 If we have our glucose well controlled, it is less probable that _S2fYfrmgtQ-00242-00090700-00091134 retinopathy will appear. However, once detected, moderate retinopathy, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00243-00091134-00091808 for example, can advance despite _S2fYfrmgtQ-00244-00091822-00092222 maintaining excellent glucose levels, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00245-00092222-00092574 which is still essential. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00246-00092617-00093202 Even if I have reasonable glucose control, it is essential to visit _S2fYfrmgtQ-00247-00093202-00093571 an ophthalmologist or refer my patient to one _S2fYfrmgtQ-00248-00093571-00094051 to properly assess that eye, whether it is well controlled or not. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00249-00094114-00094494 Diabetic retinopathy will follow four main phases. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00250-00094517-00094801 First, the smallest blood vessels _S2fYfrmgtQ-00251-00094809-00094982 will be primarily affected _S2fYfrmgtQ-00252-00094982-00095362 because they do not have as many defense mechanisms _S2fYfrmgtQ-00253-00095362-00095779 since when faced with a high concentration of glucose, being micro blood vessels, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00254-00095788-00096042 they will be much more sensitive to this. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00255-00096102-00096537 Later, when I've had microangiopathies for a while, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00256-00096537-00096871 I'll still have them; that is, my small blood vessels _S2fYfrmgtQ-00257-00096897-00097308 will keep injured, but I'll also have hemorrhages. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00258-00097342-00097742 Not so many, less than 20, but blood will be coming out _S2fYfrmgtQ-00259-00097777-00098337 from my blood vessel towards the retina and the eye _S2fYfrmgtQ-00260-00098337-00098657 with the bad things that this can generate and the toxicity _S2fYfrmgtQ-00261-00098680-00098877 that blood can have on a nerve. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00262-00098914-00099468 Also, I'm going to have exudates, which is when fat and proteins are released towards the eye, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00263-00099480-00100000 which shouldn't happen, and I'm going to start having deformities _S2fYfrmgtQ-00264-00100000-00100480 inside my blood vessels; that is, like little balls or bumps that appear _S2fYfrmgtQ-00265-00100491-00100902 inside the vessel. This is because the blood vessel _S2fYfrmgtQ-00266-00100902-00101134 is continuously being damaged, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00267-00101139-00101494 and when trying to repair itself, these small balls are formed. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00268-00101494-00101859 Thirdly, I will have microangiopathy, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00269-00101866-00102082 more than 20 hemorrhages; _S2fYfrmgtQ-00270-00102082-00102474 that is, I will be bleeding everywhere. Usually, I will have exudates _S2fYfrmgtQ-00271-00102474-00102937 in all four quadrants of the eye; also, aneurysms in several of the quadrants. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00272-00102951-00103434 This and this are very similar, only this is a much more extreme version. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00273-00103454-00103862 Finally, I will have the formation of new and abnormal blood vessels, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00274-00103902-00104382 and these will sooner or later lead to pre-retinal hemorrhaging; this means that _S2fYfrmgtQ-00275-00104397-00104928 there will be a lot of blood in front of my retina, blocking my vision. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00276-00104928-00105380 I may also have a vitreous hemorrhage, when so much blood comes out into the vitreous, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00277-00105380-00105794 into the eye fluid, and clots are formed. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00278-00105968-00106411 So I could classify these four steps that I mentioned before _S2fYfrmgtQ-00279-00106411-00106900 in these four steps of diabetic retinopathy _S2fYfrmgtQ-00280-00106920-00107222 according to the GDRPG classification. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00281-00107282-00107541 First, I can divide it into non-proliferative, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00282-00107546-00107720 which is the first step _S2fYfrmgtQ-00283-00107720-00107888 and includes three steps. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00284-00107897-00108195 Here, I still don't have any new blood vessels; _S2fYfrmgtQ-00285-00108219-00108589 those I already have are simply ruined. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00286-00108622-00109033 Here it may be slight; it's the first step we've taken before; _S2fYfrmgtQ-00287-00109033-00109226 it's the microaneurysms; that is, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00288-00109232-00109540 the tiny vessels are being damaged. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00289-00109540-00109652 Secondly, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00290-00109654-00110236 I have moderate non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00291-00110237-00110597 There, I have blood vessels that have ruptured, I have few hemorrhages, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00292-00110597-00111248 less than 20, as I said, and I have cottony patches, this exudate where fat _S2fYfrmgtQ-00293-00111251-00111514 and protein come out; you can see it in the ocular fundus, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00294-00111520-00111691 and it can cover the view a little bit. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00295-00111691-00112077 I can have severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00296-00112077-00112294 which is quite serious. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00297-00112328-00112780 Here, I already have more than 20 hemorrhages; these are extensive hemorrhages _S2fYfrmgtQ-00298-00112797-00113182 in the four quadrants. I have microvascular abnormalities _S2fYfrmgtQ-00299-00113197-00113659 and I have all the exudates from the previous ones, but in the whole eye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00300-00113700-00114148 The problem is that this severe retinopathy-- When I get to this one, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00301-00114168-00114602 the probability of it progressing to the next one, the most severe of all, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00302-00114602-00114857 which is proliferative, is 50%; _S2fYfrmgtQ-00303-00114872-00115151 that is, for every two patients I find _S2fYfrmgtQ-00304-00115151-00115442 with severe retinopathy, one of them, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00305-00115448-00115768 in that same year, will progress to the most severe one. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00306-00115768-00116274 A significant percentage will go blind because of this retinopathy. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00307-00116348-00116595 Finally, when I have proliferative retinopathy, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00308-00116601-00116842 it means that yes, I had hemorrhages, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00309-00116842-00117359 not only blood but also fat and protein came out to my eye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00310-00117397-00117982 My eye tried to produce new blood vessels as a defense mechanism, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00311-00118002-00118208 but these are not well made. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00312-00118257-00118702 These new, very fragile blood vessels not only increase _S2fYfrmgtQ-00313-00118702-00119068 the risk of hemorrhages, exudates, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00314-00119068-00119457 and secretion of all that filth but also can grab _S2fYfrmgtQ-00315-00119459-00120025 the retina, pull it out, and tear it away from where it is _S2fYfrmgtQ-00316-00120025-00120448 because when they regenerate and contract, they detach the retina. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00317-00120491-00120633 Of course, when I have _S2fYfrmgtQ-00318-00120637-00120848 a retinal detachment, it is most likely _S2fYfrmgtQ-00319-00120848-00121097 that the patient will not recover his vision. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00320-00121154-00121611 If I detect it in mild or moderate, I can give different treatments. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00321-00121640-00122105 I can go to an ophthalmologist to burn the blood vessels _S2fYfrmgtQ-00322-00122131-00122585 that are forming or those damaged, which are already affecting me even more. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00323-00122651-00122894 This therapy, which is called photocoagulation, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00324-00122911-00123253 can cause me to lose a little bit of vision, especially peripheral vision, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00325-00123258-00123489 and I will no longer see very well on the sides. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00326-00123496-00123908 However, it will preserve the most essential part of the eye, the macula, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00327-00123942-00124265 the central part of the eye that gives me the most definition. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00328-00124314-00124834 The ideal would be not to even get here, but if I already got here, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00329-00124845-00125308 I'm going to sacrifice a little bit of my vision sometimes, so I don't go blind. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00330-00125331-00125834 If I wait, I will surely go blind because it is already much more difficult _S2fYfrmgtQ-00331-00125857-00125965 to give the treatment. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00332-00125974-00126349 Of course, there are still treatments, and now we are going to mention them. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00333-00126354-00126731 However, the more it advances, the more complicated this pathology becomes. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00334-00126765-00127151 Here we can see an image of mild diabetic retinopathy. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00335-00127159-00127474 Here I confess, I am not an ophthalmologist. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00336-00127491-00127977 It is challenging for me to see where the lesions are. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00337-00127994-00128417 However, we can see how small blood vessels are being damaged. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00338-00128454-00128897 This mild diabetic retinopathy should ideally be checked _S2fYfrmgtQ-00339-00128897-00129300 by an ophthalmologist, who has much more experience seeing the ocular fundus. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00340-00129328-00129580 Again, this is the central part of the vision, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00341-00129588-00129820 the most essential element for visual acuity. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00342-00129828-00130388 This is where all the nerves go out, all the arteries go in and nourish _S2fYfrmgtQ-00343-00130388-00130942 the entire retina, helping to transmit visual information. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00344-00131002-00131237 This would be moderate diabetic retinopathy. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00345-00131242-00131539 You will remember that we already have some hemorrhages here. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00346-00131545-00131875 Here we can see the little dots of blood that we have in some places. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00347-00131888-00132365 We will also have hard exudates; these are the proteins _S2fYfrmgtQ-00348-00132388-00132754 and the fat that come out of the blood vessels and are trapped there. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00349-00132780-00133154 This tells me that my blood vessels are being damaged. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00350-00133168-00133485 The cottony exudates, which look like this, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00351-00133511-00133862 looks like a little piece of cotton that's there on the retina. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00352-00133874-00134173 It also tells me that the vessels are already leaking _S2fYfrmgtQ-00353-00134188-00134448 everything they should retain inside. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00354-00134528-00134985 In severe diabetic retinopathy, I will have many more hemorrhages. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00355-00134985-00135291 You can see that here they are in many of the quadrants that we have. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00356-00135297-00135461 We can keep looking for them. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00357-00135465-00135692 We are still going to have the cottony exudates. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00358-00135696-00135865 We will also have hard exudates, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00359-00135894-00136248 which are simply proteins and fats dripping _S2fYfrmgtQ-00360-00136248-00136694 from my blood vessels, intoxicating my eye, specifically my retina. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00361-00136740-00137217 All of this coexists to generate constant damage to my eyes. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00362-00137231-00137514 At this point, what I would have to do is see _S2fYfrmgtQ-00363-00137514-00137771 which vessels are most damaged and burn them. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00364-00137780-00138134 If I burn off bits of the retina, I'm not saying that where I'm pointing _S2fYfrmgtQ-00365-00138134-00138388 is where it should be done, but the ophthalmologist _S2fYfrmgtQ-00366-00138393-00138654 is going to burn off bits of these bad blood vessels. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00367-00138676-00138977 I will no longer have these exudates or these hemorrhages. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00368-00138982-00139274 The nerves in this area will be lost, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00369-00139274-00139428 that little part of the retina. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00370-00139440-00139871 However, we are back to the point where the most important thing is to protect _S2fYfrmgtQ-00371-00139871-00140197 the macula's area that gives me the most definition in my vision. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00372-00140417-00140757 Finally, here we have proliferative diabetic retinopathy. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00373-00140774-00141311 We already had new blood vessels; they burst and began _S2fYfrmgtQ-00374-00141311-00141828 to release all the blood they had, causing a mega clot _S2fYfrmgtQ-00375-00141828-00141922 inside the eye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00376-00141945-00142131 This is already quite advanced. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00377-00142145-00142474 If we had this hemorrhage, we would have to open the eye, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00378-00142485-00142957 take out all the blood, burn many blood vessels and pray that the retina would hold on, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00379-00142957-00143357 especially the macula, so that this patient would not go blind. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00380-00143382-00143797 This is the most severe version of retinopathy that we can find. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00381-00143822-00143997 Now, what are the risk factors? _S2fYfrmgtQ-00382-00143997-00144417 A diabetic patient who, in the case of type 1 diabetes mellitus, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00383-00144417-00144665 has been diagnosed for more than five years. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00384-00144691-00145148 This is because, as we already discussed in the diabetes video, I am also leaving you _S2fYfrmgtQ-00385-00145217-00145662 the link to that video up here so that you can check all the generalities of diabetes. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00386-00145711-00146060 Type 1 diabetes mellitus is detected from the beginning, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00387-00146080-00146310 from the first day or the first weeks, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00388-00146340-00146622 because it is very severe. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00389-00146645-00147022 However, the patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus _S2fYfrmgtQ-00390-00147022-00147414 has had diabetes for years and never noticed it because it is much less severe. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00391-00147442-00147668 As the years go by, it becomes more chronic. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00392-00147731-00148180 Regarding retinopathy, in a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00393-00148200-00148568 it can appear five years after diagnosis. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00394-00148614-00149045 In a patient with diabetes mellitus type 2, there may be some retinopathy level _S2fYfrmgtQ-00395-00149045-00149245 from the very diagnosis. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00396-00149285-00149668 We will have to see _S2fYfrmgtQ-00397-00149668-00149885 how well-controlled diabetes is. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00398-00149911-00150060 We control it _S2fYfrmgtQ-00399-00150067-00150471 with glycosylated hemoglobin. If it is below seven, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00400-00150471-00151002 you have a low risk of having retinopathy and all the other eye complications _S2fYfrmgtQ-00401-00151011-00151431 in these patients, while above seven, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00402-00151434-00151605 your risk is increased. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00403-00151660-00152062 Besides diabetes, we will have all the other _S2fYfrmgtQ-00404-00152062-00152389 cardiovascular risk factors that also damage the blood vessels. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00405-00152397-00152749 They are going to cooperate so that the patient will have damage to his eye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00406-00152753-00153053 A hypertensive patient, or a patient with dyslipidemia; that is, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00407-00153056-00153414 bad cholesterol high, good cholesterol low; an overweight patient _S2fYfrmgtQ-00408-00153431-00153851 or a patient who, because of diabetes or some other cause already has kidney failure _S2fYfrmgtQ-00409-00153871-00154107 is also going to have a higher risk _S2fYfrmgtQ-00410-00154113-00154354 of having retinopathy because it is not only _S2fYfrmgtQ-00411-00154354-00154738 the high glucose that is damaging the blood vessels and the nerve of the eye _S2fYfrmgtQ-00412-00154744-00155242 but even these other toxic things that affect these tissues. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00413-00155362-00155531 How is it diagnosed? _S2fYfrmgtQ-00414-00155545-00155934 We will need these patients to go _S2fYfrmgtQ-00415-00155934-00156297 to an ophthalmologist or some other doctor trained _S2fYfrmgtQ-00416-00156311-00156465 in checking the eye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00417-00156508-00156753 The first ophthalmological examination _S2fYfrmgtQ-00418-00156758-00156971 may be non-presential _S2fYfrmgtQ-00419-00156971-00157354 since there are some countries, others not, that have _S2fYfrmgtQ-00420-00157354-00157825 something called a non-mydriatic camera. You can evaluate a patient's eyes _S2fYfrmgtQ-00421-00157825-00158242 at a distance, in another state, through the Internet. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00422-00158274-00158631 In many countries, this is not yet a reality, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00423-00158651-00158865 but fortunately, many others do. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00424-00158965-00159117 When should this study be done? _S2fYfrmgtQ-00425-00159122-00159485 In the patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus, in the very diagnosis, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00426-00159485-00159705 when I say, "You know what, sir, ma'am? _S2fYfrmgtQ-00427-00159705-00159862 You are a diabetic," _S2fYfrmgtQ-00428-00159877-00160294 at that moment, I have to refer them to an ophthalmologist or a trained physician _S2fYfrmgtQ-00429-00160311-00160517 to evaluate that ocular fundus. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00430-00160580-00160968 On the other hand, in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, I can wait up _S2fYfrmgtQ-00431-00160968-00161391 to five years to do the first study. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00432-00161391-00161960 After that and seeing how the retinopathy is doing, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00433-00162000-00162545 I will evaluate them every two years if patients have no risk factors _S2fYfrmgtQ-00434-00162565-00162960 and have reasonable control; that is, glycosylated hemoglobin below 7%. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00435-00162997-00163454 I will do it every year if patients have risk factors such as hypertension, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00436-00163474-00163962 dyslipidemia, obesity, or some other. The same if control is doubtful; _S2fYfrmgtQ-00437-00163962-00164374 perhaps your hemoglobin is at eight or is at nine, or I cannot take _S2fYfrmgtQ-00438-00164374-00164776 your hemoglobulin because I do not have any, but suddenly your capillary glucose _S2fYfrmgtQ-00439-00164784-00164915 is taken, and it is very high. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00440-00164945-00165294 Once I find the retinopathy for the first time, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00441-00165308-00165568 I have to increase the frequency of checkups. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00442-00165600-00166008 That will depend on how severe the retinopathy is _S2fYfrmgtQ-00443-00166008-00166397 and will be defined by the doctor who checks that eye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00444-00166471-00167020 If there is poor control or numerous lesions near the retina, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00445-00167020-00167477 specifically near the macula and in the central part of the fovea, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00446-00167477-00167931 or there are pregnant patients with diabetes, these are high-risk populations, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00447-00167940-00168351 so I will increase the frequency of checkups. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00448-00168382-00168691 This has to be decided between the physician and the patient _S2fYfrmgtQ-00449-00168691-00168837 we are reviewing. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00450-00168900-00169031 What is the treatment? _S2fYfrmgtQ-00451-00169051-00169411 In the treatment, we agreed that it will be crucial to control _S2fYfrmgtQ-00452-00169411-00169811 the blood sugar and the other risk factors with these parameters _S2fYfrmgtQ-00453-00169811-00170322 that we are putting here, taken from this article. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00454-00170322-00170691 It is handled in a very nice resolution, just for first-contact physicians, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00455-00170698-00171022 about diabetic retinopathy and vision problems. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00456-00171022-00171294 I will leave you the reference at the end. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00457-00171374-00171705 Quitting smoking, I haven't mentioned it yet, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00458-00171705-00171902 but it's super toxic to the retina. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00459-00171968-00172517 If you do not have diabetic retinopathy, it is not detected, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00460-00172517-00172798 so we will do checkups every year or every two years, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00461-00172827-00173193 depending on how things are up here. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00462-00173260-00173562 If you have mild non-proliferative retinopathy, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00463-00173581-00173862 I will be checking you every year. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00464-00173913-00174128 It depends on each case, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00465-00174145-00174540 but this is a general recommendation, and I will not be giving any treatment _S2fYfrmgtQ-00466-00174540-00174637 until this moment. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00467-00174671-00174910 If I have moderate retinopathy, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00468-00174915-00175185 I will have an ophthalmologic control _S2fYfrmgtQ-00469-00175185-00175525 every six months and check how it progresses. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00470-00175565-00175968 If I have a severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00471-00175968-00176417 I will have a checkup every three to four months to see how it progresses. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00472-00176417-00176622 From this stage on, I already have _S2fYfrmgtQ-00473-00176627-00176902 therapeutic strategies because the damage _S2fYfrmgtQ-00474-00176902-00177271 to the retina is already severe. I can risk damaging _S2fYfrmgtQ-00475-00177271-00177448 the eye a little bit to save my vision. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00476-00177462-00177997 Here, we consider pan-retinal photocoagulation, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00477-00177997-00178404 taking a laser to the retina and burning these already over-damaged blood vessels. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00478-00178410-00178742 This is mainly in patients who have poor metabolic control, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00479-00178760-00179128 who do not have regular checkups, or who in the other eye _S2fYfrmgtQ-00480-00179128-00179406 may already have proliferative diabetic retinopathy, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00481-00179450-00179696 who already have a progression of retinopathy, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00482-00179715-00179936 who may be getting cataracts, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00483-00179950-00180200 which go hand in hand with this pathology. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00484-00180217-00180354 This can be complicated _S2fYfrmgtQ-00485-00180356-00180650 because if the patient has cataracts, I cannot perform _S2fYfrmgtQ-00486-00180660-00180988 photocoagulation because the laser beam does not pass through. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00487-00181010-00181488 If I do this thing of opening and removing the lens, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00488-00181517-00181878 it can worsen and later cause the patient to develop glaucoma _S2fYfrmgtQ-00489-00181896-00182174 or other types of damage to the eye. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00490-00182228-00182591 These are patients for whom I should do photocoagulation _S2fYfrmgtQ-00491-00182608-00182973 earlier than expected because they are at high risk. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00492-00182981-00183289 If I don't do it in time, I'm going to lose my window of opportunity, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00493-00183296-00183458 and that patient will go blind. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00494-00183520-00183991 These patients with severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy _S2fYfrmgtQ-00495-00184002-00184414 often require other types of studies, eye MRIs, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00496-00184414-00184651 eye scans, and so on. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00497-00184688-00185082 Finally, in proliferative diabetic retinopathy, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00498-00185082-00185674 I can try pan-retinal photocoagulation. It is good, and it is a very valid strategy. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00499-00185682-00186288 However, I can also add antibodies _S2fYfrmgtQ-00500-00186288-00186765 that block the endothelial vascular growth factor, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00501-00186765-00187185 which is precisely causing these new blood vessels to grow. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00502-00187222-00187737 This is added inside the eye; there, I inject it. It is Bevacizumab _S2fYfrmgtQ-00503-00187737-00188268 or Ranibizumab in some countries. I can wait to stop the growth _S2fYfrmgtQ-00504-00188268-00188640 of the blood vessels and even make _S2fYfrmgtQ-00505-00188640-00189071 the new ones that were starting to appear not to grow and degenerate _S2fYfrmgtQ-00506-00189071-00189314 without me having to burn them directly. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00507-00189334-00189740 They are looking at which of the two therapies is better _S2fYfrmgtQ-00508-00189740-00190072 or how it can be combined so that patients have the best outcomes. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00509-00190085-00190588 The monoclonal antibody, being a somewhat expensive procedure. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00510-00190620-00191000 It is not that pan-retinal photocoagulation is not costly; _S2fYfrmgtQ-00511-00191000-00191205 however, you do it once, and that's it. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00512-00191231-00191771 When I do the photocoagulation, we must consider _S2fYfrmgtQ-00513-00191771-00192082 that it can cause some loss in peripheral vision, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00514-00192094-00192337 color vision, and things like that. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00515-00192351-00192800 We are saving our sight, which is why this is the treatment of choice, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00516-00192822-00193117 but it can have certain adverse events. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00517-00193148-00193360 As we had said, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00518-00193362-00193831 if I already have a vitreoretinal hemorrhage, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00519-00193831-00194371 I need to remove that part and wash it out. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00520-00194451-00194885 Finally, we are looking to avoid traction retinal detachment, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00521-00194900-00195208 which is the worst complication I can have _S2fYfrmgtQ-00522-00195225-00195502 with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00523-00195637-00196042 It is also important to mention that these patients _S2fYfrmgtQ-00524-00196042-00196249 who have advanced retinopathies, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00525-00196254-00196511 significant vision problems in diabetes, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00526-00196511-00196980 many years with their disease will have poor control and, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00527-00197005-00197360 therefore, will have many other organs affected. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00528-00197390-00197618 We have already talked about most of these, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00529-00197620-00197942 but patients frequently _S2fYfrmgtQ-00530-00197942-00198362 present diabetic neuropathy, diabetic foot, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00531-00198382-00198777 cardiovascular problems, and kidney failure. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00532-00198808-00199280 When I detect one, I suspect that the others will also be there, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00533-00199280-00199777 accompanying, because it indicates that this patient _S2fYfrmgtQ-00534-00199791-00200126 does not have such reasonable control of his glucose _S2fYfrmgtQ-00535-00200146-00200388 or is already too advanced in his pathology. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00536-00200417-00200685 If I find one, let's look for all the others. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00537-00200711-00200844 I let you the link above _S2fYfrmgtQ-00538-00200848-00201125 of kidney failure if you want to check out _S2fYfrmgtQ-00539-00201125-00201274 that video in which we talk _S2fYfrmgtQ-00540-00201278-00201502 a little more about the damage to the kidneys _S2fYfrmgtQ-00541-00201502-00201657 and what happens to them. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00542-00201765-00202111 That would be the end of the information. I want to thank _S2fYfrmgtQ-00543-00202111-00202534 all the members who not only shared the knowledge and are subscribed, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00544-00202544-00202940 but who go a step further and support us with an economic stimulus for the videos _S2fYfrmgtQ-00545-00202952-00203368 that we upload on Patreon or on YouTube. I let you the link in the description _S2fYfrmgtQ-00546-00203368-00203508 in case you want to join too. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00547-00203542-00203902 In this video, I want to thank Andrés Castañeda, María Eugenia, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00548-00203920-00204448 Susana Vidal, Ana Karen Tejeda, Hilda Rosario, Venus Harris, and Paul Barrera. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00549-00204462-00204891 Thank you very much, indeed, for all the support you give us. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00550-00204891-00205129 Finally, I would like to let you the bibliography _S2fYfrmgtQ-00551-00205136-00205299 from where I got the information, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00552-00205305-00205469 the images, and everything else. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00553-00205474-00205882 This is the review article. It is excellent; I recommend that you read it, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00554-00205894-00206054 download it and check it out. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00555-00206074-00206405 Also, some information from the American Diabetes Society _S2fYfrmgtQ-00556-00206422-00206711 and the National Eye Institute in the United States. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00557-00206728-00206881 Well, that's it for today's video. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00558-00206886-00207081 I hope you liked it and that it was understood. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00559-00207085-00207329 Don't forget to leave any questions in the comments. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00560-00207333-00207767 You know that if you want to join the team and support us, _S2fYfrmgtQ-00561-00207773-00208222 I let the link directly in the video description, where you can do it. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00562-00208230-00208547 As always, help us change the world, share the information. _S2fYfrmgtQ-00563-00209086-00209438 [beats]